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Official 2016
National Football League

& Fact Book


345 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10154 (212) 450-2000. NFL Internet Address:
Copyright © 2016 by the National Football League. All rights Compiled by the NFL Communications Department and
reserved. The information in this publication has been compiled Seymour Siwoff, Elias Sports Bureau.
for use by the news media to aid in reporting of the games and
teams of the National Football League. No part of this book may Edited by Brenden Lee and Jake Gellerman, NFL
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, Communications Department, and Matt Marini. Layout by
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or William Tham.
by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the National Football League. Design by NFL Creative.

A National Football League Book. Statistics by Elias Sports Bureau.

Cover photo: Super Bowl MVP Von Miler of the Super Bowl 50 Produced by NFL Communications Department.
champion Denver Broncos.
Printed in the United States of America.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 1

Active List..............................................................................36 Indianapolis Colts...................................................................75
All-Pro Teams, 2015 ............................................................248 Instant Replay ........................................................................32
Arizona Cardinals .................................................................137 International Games .............................................................512
Associated Press Award Winners .........................................526 Internet, NFL on .....................................................................14
Associated Press Most Valuable Players ..............................524 J
Atlanta Falcons ....................................................................143 Jacksonville Jaguars ..............................................................81
Attendance, NFL’s 10 Biggest Weekends ..............................540 K
Attendance, 2015 ................................................................246 Kansas City Chiefs.................................................................87
Attendance, Paid ..................................................................541 Kickoff Weekend, NFL Opening ............................................513
Awards, 2015 ......................................................................248 Kickoff Weekend Won-Loss Records....................................301
Baltimore Ravens...................................................................39 Los Angeles Rams...............................................................179
Buffalo Bills ...........................................................................45 M
Bye Weeks, Team Record After ............................................314 Miami Dolphins......................................................................93
C Minnesota Vikings................................................................185
Calendar, 2016-2021 .............................................................12 Monday Night Football Individual Records ............................510
Carolina Panthers.................................................................149 Monday Night Football W-L Records ....................................508
Chicago Bears .....................................................................155 N
Chronology of Professional Football .....................................355 New England Patriots .............................................................99
Cincinnati Bengals .................................................................51 New Orleans Saints..............................................................191
Cleveland Browns ..................................................................57 New York Giants ..................................................................197
Close Games, Team Records In, 2015 .................................314 New York Jets......................................................................105
Coaches, Career Victories ......................................................26 NFL Network ..........................................................................15
Coaches, More than 100 Career Victories ..............................27 NFL Staff Directory ..............................................................688
Coldest Games ....................................................................315 O
Comebacks, Greatest in NFL History ....................................317 Oakland Raiders...................................................................111
Commissioners, NFL............................................................374 Officials, 2016 Roster of ......................................................684
D Oldest/Youngest Players, 2015.............................................305
Dallas Cowboys...................................................................161 Outstanding Performers .......................................................584
Denver Broncos .....................................................................63 Overtime, History of.............................................................515
Detroit Lions ........................................................................167 Overtime Procedures ...........................................................514
Draft, All-Time Number-One Choices ....................................528 P
Draft, 2016 ............................................................................28 Passer Rating System ..........................................................310
F Passer Rating, Highest Postseason ......................................311
First Place Finish After Last Place Finish...............................314 Philadelphia Eagles ..............................................................203
First-Round Selections .........................................................530 Pittsburgh Steelers...............................................................117
Free Agency, Movement History .............................................36 Players of the Week/Month, 2015 ........................................247
G Playoff Appearances by Seasons .........................................313
Games Decided By 7 and 3 Points or Fewer, 1970-2015......313 Playoff Games
Games Decided By 8 Points or Fewer, 1994-2015................314 AFC Championship Games..............................................490
Game-Winning Drives by Quarterback, 1970-2015...............312 AFC Divisional Playoff Games .........................................494
Green Bay Packers...............................................................173 AFC First-Round Playoff Games ......................................498
H NFC Championship Games .............................................492
Hall of Fame, Pro Football ....................................................338 NFC Divisional Playoff Games .........................................496
Hall of Fame Games, Pro Football.........................................505 NFC First-Round Playoff Games ......................................500
Houston Texans .....................................................................69 Points, Most By Each Team..................................................298
Postseason, Individual, All-Time Top 10................................320
Postseason Play, Teams Under .500 ....................................315
Postseason Play, Teams Win 10-Plus, Miss Playoffs ............315
Preseason Results and Standings, 2015 ..............................236
Pro Bowl, All-Time Results ...................................................502

2 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Q Statistics
Quarterbacks, Starting Records for Active Quarterbacks ......312 NFL Active Leaders...........................................................21
Quarters, 2015 Score By .....................................................316 Individual Leaders, 2006-2015........................................304
R Individual Leaders, Past Two, Three, Four Years...............306
Records, All-Time Inside the Numbers, Statistical Highlights........................298
Individual Combined Kick Returns ...................................561 Outstanding Performers ..................................................584
Individual Combined Net Yards ........................................564 Team Leaders, Past Two, Three, Four Years .....................307
Individual Fumbles ..........................................................562 What to Look for in 2016..................................................24
Individual Interceptions By ..............................................555 Yearly Leaders ................................................................623
Individual Kickoff Returns................................................559 Statistics, 2015
Individual Passing ...........................................................549 AFC, NFC, and NFL Summary .........................................256
Individual Punting............................................................557 American Football Conference Team Defense ..................253
Individual Punt Returns ...................................................558 American Football Conference Team Offense...................252
Individual Receiving ........................................................553 Club Leaders ..................................................................257
Individual Rushing...........................................................548 Club Rankings by Yards ..................................................257
Individual Sacks..............................................................564 Individual Field Goals ......................................................263
Individual Scoring ...........................................................544 Individual Fumbles ..........................................................291
Individual Service............................................................544 Individual Interceptions ...................................................278
Individual Yards from Scrimmage ....................................555 Individual Kickoff Returns................................................281
Team Championships......................................................565 Individual Passing ...........................................................270
Team Combined Net Yards Rushing and Passing .............571 Individual Pass Receiving................................................274
Team Defense.................................................................580 Individual Punting............................................................284
Team First Downs ...........................................................570 Individual Punt Returns ...................................................286
Team Fumbles ................................................................577 Individual Rushing...........................................................266
Team Games Won...........................................................565 Individual Sacks..............................................................288
Team Games Lost...........................................................566 Individual Scoring ...........................................................258
Team Kickoff Returns......................................................576 National Football Conference Team Defense ....................255
Team Passing .................................................................573 National Football Conference Team Offense .....................254
Team Penalties................................................................579 Takeaway-Giveaway Table...............................................257
Team Punting..................................................................575 Sunday Night Football W-L Records .....................................506
Team Punt Returns .........................................................575 Super Bowl Champions, Missed Playoffs the Next Season ...315
Team Rushing.................................................................572 Super Bowl Contention, 1978-2015 .....................................313
Team Scoring .................................................................567 Super Bowl, Future Sites ......................................................487
Team Tie Games .............................................................566 Super Bowl, Game Results...................................................488
Team Turnovers ..............................................................579 Super Bowl, Game Summary 50 ..........................................488
Records, Oldest ...................................................................305 Super Bowl, Most Valuable Players ......................................487
Records, Postseason ...........................................................667 Super Bowl, Non-Division Winners That Played In ................315
Retired Uniforms..................................................................309 Super Bowl, Records ...........................................................654
Roster Limits, All-Time...........................................................36 T
S Takeaway/Giveaways, 2006-2015........................................304
San Diego Chargers .............................................................123 Tampa Bay Buccaneers........................................................221
San Francisco 49ers ............................................................209 Team Won-Loss Records, All-Time Regular-Season..............322
Schedule, 2016 .......................................................................4 Team Won-Loss Records Since 1970 AFL-NFL Merger .........300
Scheduling Formula, 2016-17 ................................................16 Team Won-Loss Records, Road Teams, 1970-2015.............313
Scoring, Top 10 Weekends...................................................540 Team Won-Loss Records, 2006-2015..................................302
Scoring, 60 Points in a Game...............................................305 Team vs. Team Results ........................................................403
Season Recap, 2015 Teams Beat Opposing Team 3 Times/Season, 1970-2015 ....315
2015 Preseason Standings and Results ..........................236 Television, 10 Most Watched Programs/Sports Events .........540
2015 Regular-Season Results .........................................238 Television, Top 100 Markets in 2016 ....................................321
2015 Regular-Season Standings .....................................240 Tennessee Titans .................................................................129
2015 Best Passing Performances ...................................250 Thanksgiving Day Football, 1920-2015 ................................518
2015 Best Receiving Performances ................................251 Thanksgiving Day Individual Records ...................................521
2015 Best Rushing Performances...................................250 Tie-Breaking Procedures ........................................................34
2015 Best Sack Performances........................................251 Trades, 2015-16 ..................................................................234
2015 Week by Week Standings.......................................241 Two-Point Conversion Results, 1994-2015...........................314
Seattle Seahawks.................................................................215 W
Standings, 1920-2015 .........................................................375 Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year ......................................523
Standings, 2015 ..................................................................240 Washington Redskins...........................................................227
Standings, Week-by-Week, 2015 ........................................241 Winning Streaks, Longest Since 1970 ..................................312
Yearly Statistical Leaders......................................................623

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 3

All times local. Dates and times subject to change.
Nationally televised games indicated by network in parentheses.

Sunday, August 7 NFL/Hall of Fame Game at Canton, Ohio

Green Bay _____ vs. Indianapolis _____ (ESPN) 8:00

PRESEASON/WEEK 1 Thursday, August 11 Washington _____ at Atlanta _____ 7:00

Tampa Bay _____ at Philadelphia _____ 7:00
Denver _____ at Chicago _____ 7:00
Carolina _____ at Baltimore _____ 7:30
New Orleans _____ at New England _____ 7:30
Jacksonville _____ at New York Jets _____ 7:30
Friday, August 12 Detroit _____ at Pittsburgh _____ 7:00
Miami _____ at New York Giants _____ 7:00
Minnesota _____ at Cincinnati 7:30
Cleveland _____at Green Bay _____ 7:00
Oakland _____ at Arizona _____ 7:00
Saturday, August 13 Seattle _____ at Kansas City _____ 3:30
Indianapolis _____at Buffalo _____ 7:00
San Diego _____ at Tennessee _____ 7:00
Dallas _____ at Los Angeles _____ (ESPN) 5:00
Sunday, August 14 Houston _____ at San Francisco _____ 4:00

PRESEASON/WEEK 2 Thursday, August 18 Chicago _____ at New England _____ 8:00

Philadelphia _____ at Pittsburgh _____ 7:00
Cincinnati _____ at Detroit _____ 7:30
Atlanta _____ at Cleveland _____ 8:00
Oakland _____ at Green Bay _____ 7:00
Minnesota _____ at Seattle _____ 7:00
Friday, August 19 New York Jets _____at Washington _____ 7:30
Miami _____ at Dallas _____ 7:00
Arizona _____ at San Diego _____ 6:00
Saturday, August 20 Carolina _____ at Tennessee _____ 2:00
New York Giants _____ at Buffalo _____ 4:00
Baltimore _____ at Indianapolis _____ 7:00
Tampa Bay _____ at Jacksonville _____ 7:30
New Orleans _____ at Houston _____ 7:00
San Francisco _____ at Denver _____ 7:00
Kansas City _____ at Los Angeles _____ 7:00

PRESEASON/WEEK 3 Thursday, August 25 Atlanta _____ at Miami _____ (NBC) 8:00

Dallas _____ at Seattle _____ 7:00
Friday, August 26 Buffalo _____ at Washington _____ 7:30
Cleveland _____at Tampa Bay _____ (CBS) 8:00
New England _____ at Carolina _____ 7:30
Pittsburgh _____ at New Orleans _____ 7:00
Green Bay _____ at San Francisco _____ 7:00
Saturday, August 27 Kansas City _____ at Chicago _____ 12:00
Detroit _____ at Baltimore _____ 7:00
Philadelphia _____ at Indianapolis _____ 7:00
New York Giants _____ at New York Jets _____ 7:30
Tennessee _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 5:00
Los Angeles _____ at Denver _____ 7:00
Sunday, August 28 San Diego _____ at Minnesota _____ (FOX) 12:00
Arizona _____ at Houston _____ (FOX) 3:00
Cincinnati _____ at Jacksonville _____ (NBC) 8:00

4 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


PRESEASON/WEEK 4 Thursday, September 1 Jacksonville _____ at Atlanta _____ 7:00

Chicago _____ at Cleveland _____ 8:00
Tennessee _____ at Miami _____ TBD
New England _____ at New York Giants _____ 7:00
New York Jets _____at Philadelphia _____ 7:00
Pittsburgh _____ at Carolina _____ 7:30
Indianapolis _____at Cincinnati _____ 7:30
Buffalo _____ at Detroit _____ 7:30
Washington _____ at Tampa Bay _____ 7:30
Houston _____ at Dallas _____ 7:00
Green Bay _____ at Kansas City _____ 7:00
Los Angeles _____ at Minnesota _____ 7:00
Baltimore _____ at New Orleans _____ 7:00
San Francisco _____ at San Diego _____ 7:00
Seattle _____ at Oakland _____ 7:00
Denver _____ at Arizona _____ 6:30

Thursday, September 8 Carolina _____ at Denver _____ (NBC) 6:30

Sunday, September 11 Tampa Bay _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 1:00
Buffalo _____ at Baltimore _____ (CBS) 1:00
Chicago _____ at Houston _____ (FOX) 12:00
Green Bay _____ at Jacksonville _____ (FOX) 1:00
San Diego _____ at Kansas City _____ (CBS) 12:00
Oakland _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Cincinnati _____ at New York Jets _____ (CBS) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Philadelphia _____ (CBS) 1:00
Minnesota _____ at Tennessee _____ (FOX) 12:00
Miami _____ at Seattle _____ (CBS) 1:05
New York Giants _____ at Dallas _____ (FOX) 3:25
Detroit _____ at Indianapolis _____ (FOX) 4:25
New England _____ at Arizona _____ (NBC) 5:30
Monday, September 12 Pittsburgh _____ at Washington _____ (ESPN) 7:10
Los Angeles _____ at San Francisco _____ (ESPN) 7:20

SECOND WEEK Thursday, September 15 New York Jets _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, September 18 San Francisco _____ at Carolina _____ (FOX) 1:00
Baltimore _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Tennessee _____ at Detroit _____ (CBS) 1:00
Kansas City _____ at Houston _____ (CBS) 12:00
Miami _____ at New England _____ (CBS) 1:00
New Orleans _____ at New York Giants _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cincinnati _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (CBS) 1:00
Dallas _____ at Washington _____ (FOX) 1:00
Tampa Bay _____ at Arizona _____ (FOX) 1:05
Seattle _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:05
Indianapolis _____ at Denver _____ (CBS) 2:25
Atlanta _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:25
Jacksonville _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS) 1:25
Green Bay _____ at Minnesota _____ (NBC) 7:30
Monday, September 19 Philadelphia _____ at Chicago _____ (ESPN) 7:30

THIRD WEEK Thursday, September 22 Houston _____ at New England _____ (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, September 25 Arizona _____ at Buffalo _____ (FOX) 1:00
Minnesota _____ at Carolina _____ (FOX) 1:00
Denver _____ at Cincinnati _____ (CBS) 1:00
Detroit _____ at Green Bay _____ (FOX) 12:00
Baltimore _____ at Jacksonville _____ (CBS) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Washington _____ at New York Giants _____ (FOX) 1:00
Oakland _____ at Tennessee _____ (CBS) 12:00
San Francisco _____ at Seattle _____ (FOX) 1:05
Los Angeles _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (FOX) 4:05
San Diego _____ at Indianapolis _____ (CBS) 4:25
Pittsburgh _____ at Philadelphia _____ (CBS) 4:25
New York Jets _____ at Kansas City _____ (CBS) 3:25
Chicago _____ at Dallas _____ (NBC) 7:30
Monday, September 26 Atlanta _____ at New Orleans _____ (ESPN) 7:30

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 5


FOURTH WEEK Thursday, September 29 Miami _____ at Cincinnati _____ (NFLN) 8:25
Open Date: Green Bay, Philadelphia Sunday, October 2 Indianapolis _____ at Jacksonville _____ (London) (CBS) 2:30
Carolina _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 1:00
Oakland _____ at Baltimore _____ (CBS) 1:00
Detroit _____ at Chicago _____ (FOX) 12:00
Tennessee _____ at Houston _____ (CBS) 12:00
Buffalo _____ at New England _____ (CBS) 1:00
Seattle _____ at New York Jets _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Washington _____ (CBS) 1:00
Denver _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (CBS) 4:05
Los Angeles _____ at Arizona _____ (FOX) 1:25
New Orleans _____ at San Diego _____ (FOX) 1:25
Dallas _____ at San Francisco _____ (FOX) 1:25
Kansas City _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (NBC) 8:30
Monday, October 3 New York Giants _____ at Minnesota _____ (ESPN) 7:30

FIFTH WEEK Thursday, October 6 Arizona _____ at San Francisco _____ (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 5:25
Open Date: Jacksonville, Kansas City, Sunday, October 9 Washington _____ at Baltimore _____ (FOX) 1:00
New Orleans, Seattle New England _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Philadelphia _____ at Detroit _____ (FOX) 1:00
Chicago _____ at Indianapolis _____ (FOX) 1:00
Tennessee _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Houston _____ at Minnesota _____ (CBS) 12:00
New York Jets _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (CBS) 1:00
Atlanta _____ at Denver _____ (FOX) 2:05
Cincinnati _____ at Dallas _____ (CBS) 3:25
Buffalo _____ at Los Angeles _____ (CBS) 1:25
San Diego _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:25
New York Giants _____ at Green Bay _____ * (NBC) 7:30
Monday, October 10 Tampa Bay _____ at Carolina _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

SIXTH WEEK Thursday, October 13 Denver _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 5:25
Open Date: Minnesota, Tampa Bay Sunday, October 16 San Francisco _____ at Buffalo _____ (FOX) 1:00
Jacksonville _____ at Chicago _____ (CBS) 12:00
Los Angeles _____ at Detroit _____ (FOX) 1:00
Pittsburgh _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Cincinnati _____ at New England _____ (CBS) 1:00
Carolina _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Baltimore _____ at New York Giants _____ (CBS) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Tennessee _____ (CBS) 12:00
Philadelphia _____ at Washington _____ (FOX) 1:00
Kansas City _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:05
Dallas _____ at Green Bay _____ (FOX) 3:25
Atlanta _____ at Seattle _____ (FOX) 1:25
Indianapolis _____ at Houston _____ * (NBC) 7:30
Monday, October 17 New York Jets _____ at Arizona _____ (ESPN) 5:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

SEVENTH WEEK Thursday, October 20 Chicago _____ at Green Bay _____ (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 7:25
Open Date: Carolina, Dallas Sunday, October 23 New York Giants _____ at Los Angeles _____ (London) (NFLN) 2:30
Cleveland _____ at Cincinnati _____ (CBS) 1:00
Washington _____ at Detroit _____ (FOX) 1:00
Oakland _____ at Jacksonville _____ (CBS) 1:00
New Orleans _____ at Kansas City _____ (FOX) 12:00
Buffalo _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Baltimore _____ at New York Jets _____ (CBS) 1:00
Minnesota _____ at Philadelphia _____ (FOX) 1:00
Indianapolis _____ at Tennessee _____ (CBS) 12:00
San Diego _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 4:05
Tampa Bay _____ at San Francisco _____ (FOX) 1:05
New England _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (CBS) 4:25
Seattle _____ at Arizona _____ * (NBC) 5:30
Monday, October 24 Houston _____ at Denver _____ (ESPN) 6:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

6 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


EIGHTH WEEK Thursday, October 27 Jacksonville _____ at Tennessee _____ (NFLN) 7:25
Open Date: Baltimore, Los Angeles, Sunday, October 30 Washington _____ at Cincinnati _____ (London) (FOX) 1:30
Miami, N.Y. Giants, Green Bay _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 1:00
Pittsburgh, San Francisco New England _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS) 1:00
New York Jets _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Detroit _____ at Houston _____ (FOX) 12:00
Kansas City _____ at Indianapolis _____ (CBS) 1:00
Seattle _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Oakland _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (CBS) 1:00
San Diego _____ at Denver _____ (CBS) 2:05
Arizona _____ at Carolina _____ (FOX) 4:25
Philadelphia _____ at Dallas _____ * (NBC) 7:30
Monday, October 31 Minnesota _____ at Chicago _____ (ESPN) 7:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

NINTH WEEK Thursday, November 3 Atlanta _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (NFLN) 8:25
Open Date: Arizona, Chicago, Sunday, November 6 Pittsburgh _____ at Baltimore _____ (CBS) 1:00
Cincinnati, Houston, Dallas _____ at Cleveland _____ (FOX) 1:00
New England, Washington Jacksonville _____ at Kansas City _____ (CBS) 12:00
New York Jets _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Detroit _____ at Minnesota _____ (FOX) 12:00
Philadelphia _____ at New York Giants _____ (FOX) 1:00
Carolina _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:05
New Orleans _____ at San Francisco _____ (FOX) 1:05
Indianapolis _____ at Green Bay _____ (CBS) 3:25
Tennessee _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS) 1:25
Denver _____ at Oakland _____ * (NBC) 5:30
Monday, November 7 Buffalo _____ at Seattle _____ (ESPN) 5:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

TENTH WEEK Thursday, November 10 Cleveland _____ at Baltimore _____ (NFLN) 8:25
Open Date: Buffalo, Detroit, Sunday, November 13 Kansas City _____ at Carolina _____ (CBS) 1:00
Indianapolis, Oakland Houston _____ at Jacksonville _____ (CBS) 1:00
Denver _____ at New Orleans _____ (CBS) 12:00
Los Angeles _____ at New York Jets _____ (FOX) 1:00
Atlanta _____ at Philadelphia _____ (FOX) 1:00
Chicago _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (FOX) 1:00
Green Bay _____ at Tennessee _____ (FOX) 12:00
Minnesota _____ at Washington _____ (FOX) 1:00
Miami _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS) 1:05
San Francisco _____ at Arizona _____ (FOX) 2:25
Dallas _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (FOX) 4:25
Seattle _____ at New England _____ * (NBC) 8:30
Monday, November 14 Cincinnati _____ at New York Giants _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

ELEVENTH WEEK Thursday, November 17 New Orleans _____ at Carolina _____ (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Open Date: Atlanta, Denver, Sunday, November 20 Buffalo _____ at Cincinnati _____ (FOX) 1:00
N.Y. Jets, San Diego Pittsburgh _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Baltimore _____ at Dallas _____ (CBS) 12:00
Jacksonville _____ at Detroit _____ (CBS) 1:00
Tennessee _____ at Indianapolis _____ (CBS) 1:00
Tampa Bay _____ at Kansas City _____ (FOX) 12:00
Arizona _____ at Minnesota _____ (FOX) 12:00
Chicago _____ at New York Giants _____ (FOX) 1:00
Miami _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:05
New England _____ at San Francisco _____ (CBS) 1:25
Philadelphia _____ at Seattle _____ (CBS) 1:25
Green Bay _____ at Washington _____ * (NBC) 8:30
Monday, November 21 Houston _____ at Oakland _____ (Mexico City) (ESPN) 7:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 7


TWELFTH WEEK Thursday, November 24 Minnesota _____ at Detroit _____ (CBS) 12:30
Washington _____ at Dallas _____ (FOX) 3:30
Pittsburgh _____ at Indianapolis _____ (NBC) 8:30
Sunday, November 27 Arizona _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cincinnati _____ at Baltimore _____ (CBS) 1:00
Jacksonville _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS) 1:00
Tennessee _____ at Chicago _____ (CBS) 12:00
New York Giants _____ at Cleveland _____ (FOX) 1:00
San Diego _____ at Houston _____ (CBS) 12:00
San Francisco _____ at Miami _____ (FOX) 1:00
Los Angeles _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Seattle _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (FOX) 4:05
Kansas City _____ at Denver _____ (CBS) 2:25
Carolina _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:25
New England _____ at New York Jets _____ * (NBC) 8:30
Monday, November 28 Green Bay _____ at Philadelphia _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

THIRTEENTH WEEK Thursday, December 1 Dallas _____ at Minnesota _____ (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 7:25
Open Date: Cleveland, Tennessee Sunday, December 4 Kansas City _____ at Atlanta _____ (CBS) 1:00
Miami _____ at Baltimore _____ (CBS) 1:00
San Francisco _____ at Chicago _____ (FOX) 12:00
Philadelphia _____ at Cincinnati _____ (FOX) 1:00
Houston _____ at Green Bay _____ (CBS) 12:00
Denver _____ at Jacksonville _____ (CBS) 1:00
Los Angeles _____ at New England _____ (FOX) 1:00
Detroit _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Buffalo _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:05
Washington _____ at Arizona _____ (FOX) 2:25
New York Giants _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (FOX) 4:25
Tampa Bay _____ at San Diego _____ (FOX) 1:25
Carolina _____ at Seattle _____ * (NBC) 5:30
Monday, December 5 Indianapolis _____ at New York Jets _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

FOURTEENTH WEEK Thursday, December 8 Oakland _____ at Kansas City _____ (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 7:25
Sunday, December 11 Pittsburgh _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS) 1:00
San Diego _____ at Carolina _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cincinnati _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Chicago _____ at Detroit _____ (FOX) 1:00
Houston _____ at Indianapolis _____ (CBS) 1:00
Minnesota _____ at Jacksonville _____ (FOX) 1:00
Arizona _____ at Miami _____ (FOX) 1:00
Washington _____ at Philadelphia _____ (FOX) 1:00
New Orleans _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (FOX) 1:00
Denver _____ at Tennessee _____ (CBS) 12:00
New York Jets _____ at San Francisco _____ (CBS) 1:05
Seattle _____ at Green Bay _____ (FOX) 3:25
Atlanta _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:25
Dallas _____ at New York Giants _____ * (NBC) 8:30
Monday, December 12 Baltimore _____ at New England _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

8 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


FIFTEENTH WEEK Thursday, December 15 Los Angeles _____ at Seattle _____ (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 5:25
Saturday, December 17 Miami _____ at New York Jets _____ (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, December 18 Philadelphia _____ at Baltimore _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS) 1:00
Green Bay _____ at Chicago _____ (FOX) 12:00
Tampa Bay _____ at Dallas _____ (FOX) 12:00
Jacksonville _____ at Houston _____ (CBS) 12:00
Tennessee _____ at Kansas City _____ (CBS) 12:00
Indianapolis _____ at Minnesota _____ (CBS) 12:00
Detroit _____ at New York Giants _____ (FOX) 1:00
New Orleans _____ at Arizona _____ (FOX) 2:05
San Francisco _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 4:05
New England _____ at Denver _____ (CBS) 2:25
Oakland _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS) 1:25
Pittsburgh _____ at Cincinnati _____ * (NBC) 8:30
Monday, December 19 Carolina _____ at Washington _____ (ESPN) 8:30
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

SIXTEENTH WEEK Thursday, December 22 New York Giants _____ at Philadelphia _____ (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Saturday, December 24 Miami _____ at Buffalo _____ (CBS) 1:00
Atlanta _____ at Carolina _____ (FOX) 1:00
Washington _____ at Chicago _____ (FOX) 12:00
San Diego _____ at Cleveland _____ (CBS) 1:00
Minnesota _____ at Green Bay _____ (FOX) 12:00
Tennessee _____ at Jacksonville _____ (CBS) 1:00
New York Jets _____ at New England _____ (CBS) 1:00
Tampa Bay _____ at New Orleans _____ (FOX) 12:00
Indianapolis _____ at Oakland _____ (CBS) 1:05
San Francisco _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:25
Arizona _____ at Seattle _____ (FOX) 1:25
Cincinnati _____ at Houston _____ (NFLN) 7:25
Sunday, December 25 Baltimore _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (NFLN) 4:30
Denver _____ at Kansas City _____ (NBC) 7:30
Monday, December 26 Detroit _____ at Dallas _____ (ESPN) 7:30

SEVENTEENTH WEEK Sunday, January 1, 2017 New Orleans _____ at Atlanta _____ (FOX) 1:00
Baltimore _____ at Cincinnati _____ (CBS) 1:00
Green Bay _____ at Detroit _____ (FOX) 1:00
Jacksonville _____ at Indianapolis _____ (CBS) 1:00
New England _____ at Miami _____ (CBS) 1:00
Chicago _____ at Minnesota _____ (FOX) 12:00
Buffalo _____ at New York Jets _____ (CBS) 1:00
Dallas _____ at Philadelphia _____ (FOX) 1:00
Cleveland _____ at Pittsburgh _____ (CBS) 1:00
Carolina _____ at Tampa Bay _____ (FOX) 1:00
Houston _____ at Tennessee _____ (CBS) 12:00
New York Giants _____ at Washington _____ (FOX) 1:00
Oakland _____ at Denver _____ (CBS) 2:25
Arizona _____ at Los Angeles _____ (FOX) 1:25
Kansas City _____ at San Diego _____ (CBS) 1:25
Seattle _____ at San Francisco _____ (FOX) 1:25
* - Sunday night games in Weeks 5-15 subject to change; Week 17 game TBD

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 9


Wild Card Playoff Games Saturday, January 7, 2017 American Football Conference
Site Priorities
Two Wild Card teams (division non- _____________________ at _____________________
champions with best two records)
from each conference and the division National Football Conference
champions with the third and fourth-
best record in each conference will _____________________ at _____________________
enter the first round of the playoffs.
The division champion with the third- Sunday, January 8, 2017 American Football Conference
best record will play host to the Wild
Card team with the second-best _____________________ at _____________________
record. The division champion with
the fourth-best record will play host to National Football Conference
the Wild Card team with the best
record. There are no restrictions on _____________________ at _____________________
intra-division games.

Divisional Playoff Games Saturday, January 14, 2017 American Football Conference
Site Priorities
In each conference, the two division _____________________ at _____________________
champions with the highest won-lost-
tied percentage during the regular National Football Conference
season will play host to the Wild Card
winners. The division champion with _____________________ at _____________________
the best record in each conference is
assured of playing the lowest seeded Sunday, January 15, 2017 American Football Conference
Wild Card survivor. There are no
restrictions on intra-division games. _____________________ at _____________________

National Football Conference

_____________________ at _____________________

Championship Games Sunday, January 22, 2017 American Football Conference

Site Priorities for
Championship Games _____________________ at _____________________
The home teams will be the surviving
playoff winners with the highest
seeds. A Wild Card team cannot play
host unless two Wild Card teams are
in the game, in which case the Wild National Football Conference
Card team that was seeded highest in
the first round of the playoffs will be _____________________ at _____________________
the home team.

Pro Bowl Sunday, January 29, 2017 2017 Pro Bowl, Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida

_____________________ vs. _____________________

Super Bowl LI Sunday, February 5, 2017 Super Bowl LI, NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas

_____________________ vs. ______________________

10 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All times ET
Thursday, Sept. 8 Carolina at Denver (NBC) 8:30
Sunday, Sept. 11 New England at Arizona (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Sept. 12 Pittsburgh at Washington (ESPN) 7:10
Los Angeles at San Francisco (ESPN) 10:20
Thursday, Sept. 15 N.Y. Jets at Buffalo (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25 POSTSEASON GAMES
Sunday, Sept. 18 Green Bay at Minnesota (NBC) 8:30 Saturday, January 7 AFC and NFC Wild Card Playoffs
Monday, Sept. 19 Philadelphia at Chicago (ESPN) 8:30 and Sunday, January 8 (CBS, ESPN, FOX and NBC)
Thursday, Sept. 22 Houston at New England (CBS/NFLN/Twitter)8:25
Sunday, Sept. 25 Chicago at Dallas (NBC) 8:30 Saturday, January 14 AFC and NFC Divisional Playoffs
Monday, Sept. 26 Atlanta at New Orleans (ESPN) 8:30 and Sunday, January 15 (CBS, FOX, and NBC)
Thursday, Sept. 29 Miami at Cincinnati (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Oct. 2 Kansas City at Pittsburgh (NBC) 8:30 Sunday, January 22 AFC and NFC Championship
Monday, Oct. 3 N.Y. Giants at Minnesota (ESPN) 8:30 Games (CBS and FOX)
Thursday, Oct. 6 Arizona at San Francisco (CBS/NFLN/Twitter)8:25
Sunday, Oct. 9 N.Y. Giants at Green Bay (NBC) 8:30 Sunday, January 29 Pro Bowl in Orlando, FL (ESPN)
Monday, Oct. 10 Tampa Bay at Carolina (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Oct. 13 Denver at San Diego (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25 Sunday, February 5 Super Bowl LI in Houston (FOX)
Sunday, Oct. 16 Indianapolis at Houston (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Oct. 17 N.Y. Jets at Arizona (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Oct. 20 Chicago at Green Bay (CBS/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, Oct. 23 Seattle at Arizona (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Oct. 24 Houston at Denver (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Oct. 27 Jacksonville at Tennessee (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Oct. 30 Philadelphia at Dallas (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Oct. 31 Minnesota at Chicago (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Nov. 3 Atlanta at Tampa Bay (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Nov. 6 Denver at Oakland (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Nov. 7 Buffalo at Seattle (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Nov. 10 Cleveland at Baltimore (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Nov. 13 Seattle at New England (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Nov. 14 Cincinnati at N.Y. Giants (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Nov. 17 New Orleans at Carolina (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, Nov. 20 Green Bay at Washington (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Nov. 21 Houston at Oakland (Mexico City, ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Nov. 24 Minnesota at Detroit (CBS) 12:30
Washington at Dallas (FOX) 4:30
Pittsburgh at Indianapolis (NBC) 8:30
Sunday, Nov. 27 New England at N.Y. Jets (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Nov. 28 Green Bay at Philadelphia (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Dec. 1 Dallas at Minnesota (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, Dec. 4 Carolina at Seattle (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Dec. 5 Indianapolis at N.Y. Jets (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Dec. 8 Oakland at Kansas City (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Sunday, Dec. 11 Dallas at N.Y. Giants (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Dec. 12 Baltimore at New England (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Dec. 15 Los Angeles at Seattle (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Saturday, Dec. 17 Miami at N.Y. Jets (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Dec. 18 Pittsburgh at Cincinnati (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Dec. 19 Carolina at Washington (ESPN) 8:30
Thursday, Dec. 22 N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia (NBC/NFLN/Twitter) 8:25
Saturday, Dec. 24 Cincinnati at Houston (NFLN) 8:25
Sunday, Dec. 25 Baltimore at Pittsburgh (NFLN) 4:30
Denver at Kansas City (NBC) 8:30
Monday, Dec. 26 Detroit at Dallas (ESPN) 8:30
Sunday, Jan. 1 To be determined (NBC)* 8:30

*The NFL again will utilize “flexible scheduling” in 2016.

Flexible scheduling moves will be announced at least 12 days

before games in Weeks 5-15. In Week 17, the flexible schedul-
ing move will be announced at least six days before the game.
Flexible scheduling will ensure quality matchups on
Sunday night in those weeks and give “surprise” teams a
chance to play their way on to primetime.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 11

2016 September 3 Simultaneously with the cut-down to 53,
Mid-July Preseason training camps open. Clubs may clubs that have players in the categories
require Rookies and First-Year Players to of Active/Physically Unable to Perform or
report seven days prior to the Club’s Active/Non-Football Injury or Illness must
earliest permissible mandatory reporting take one of the following options: Place
date for veteran players. Veteran players player on Reserve/Physically Unable to
cannot be required to report earlier than Perform or Reserve/Non-Football Injury
15 days prior to club’s first preseason or Illness, whichever is applicable; ask
game. waivers; terminate; trade; or continue to
July 15 Deadline at 4 P.M., New York time, for any count him on Active List.
club that designated a Franchise Player September 4 After 12 P.M., New York time, clubs may
to sign such player to a multi-year establish a Practice Squad of 10 players
contract or extension. After this date, the by signing free agents who do not have
player may sign only a one-year contract an accrued season of free-agency credit
with the designating club for the 2016 or who were on the 46-player Active List
season, and such contract cannot be for less than nine regular-season games
extended until after the Club’s last regular during their only Accrued Season(s). A
season game. player cannot participate on the Practice
July 22 Signing period ends at 4 P.M., New York Squad for more than three seasons.
time, for Transition Players with September 4 After 4 P.M., New York time, a club is
outstanding tenders. After this date and permitted to place a player on
through 4 P.M., New York time, on the Reserve/Injured as “Designated for
Tuesday after the 10th regular season Return.”
weekend, Old Club has exclusive September 7 All clubs are required to file a personnel
negotiating rights to these players. (injury) report with their conference
July 22# Signing period ends at 4 P.M., New York information manager by 4:00 P.M., New
time, for Unrestricted Free Agents to York time. Reports are to be filed every
whom a May 10 tender was made by Old Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before
Club. After this date and through 4 P.M., a regular-season game by 4:00 P.M., New
New York time, on the Tuesday after the York time (or as soon as possible after
10th regular season weekend, Old Club the completion of practice). An update
has exclusive negotiating rights to these must also be reported if there is any
players. change in a player's condition after
#or the first scheduled day of the first NFL Friday.
training camp, whichever is later. Sept. 8, 11-12 Regular Season opens.
August 5-7 Hall of Fame Weekend. Sept. 9, 12-13 Beginning on these dates vested veterans
August 7 Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, terminated from the Active List or
Canton, Ohio: Inactive List (and from Reserve/Injured if
Indianapolis vs. Green Bay the player is placed on Reserve/Injured
August 11 Deadline for players under contract to after the beginning of the regular season)
report to earn a season of free-agency are entitled to receive, after the end of
credit. the regular-season schedule, Termination
August 11 If a Drafted Rookie has not signed with his Pay pursuant to the terms of the CBA.
club by this date, he may not be traded September 27 Priority on multiple waiver claims is now
to any other club in 2016. based on the current season’s standing.
August 11-15 First Preseason Weekend. October 18 Beginning the sixth calendar day prior to the
August 13-17 Deadline for club to provide written notice club’s game on the seventh regular
to certain unsigned players and the season week and continuing through the
NFLPA of its intent to place them on the day after the conclusion of the eleventh
Exempt List if they fail to report no later regular-season weekend, clubs are
than one day prior to the club’s second permitted to begin practicing players on
preseason game. Any player who fails to Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform
report prior to the deadline will be and Reserve/Non-Football Injury or
ineligible to play or receive compensation Illness for a period not to exceed 21
for at least three games (preseason or days. Players may be activated during
regular season) from the time that he the 21-day practice period or until 4 P.M.,
reports. New York time, on the day after the
August 30 Roster cut-down to maximum of 75 players conclusion of the 21-day period.
on Active List by 4 P.M., New York time. November 1 All trading ends at 4 P.M., New York time.
August 31 All tryouts on this date and for the November 2 Players with at least four previous pension-
remainder of the season must be credited seasons are subject to the
reported to the League office. waiver system for the remainder of the
September 3 Roster cut-down to maximum of 53 players regular season and postseason.
on Active/Inactive List by 4 P.M., New November 15 Signing period ends at 4 P.M., New York
York time. Clubs may dress minimum of time, for Franchise Players who are
43 and maximum of 46 players for each eligible to receive Offer Sheets.
regular-season and postseason game.

12 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

November 15 Deadline for clubs to sign by 4 P.M., New
York time, their unsigned Franchise and
Transition Players, including Franchise
Players who were eligible to receive Offer
Sheets until this date. If still unsigned
after this date, such players are
prohibited from playing in NFL in 2016.
November 15 Deadline for clubs to sign by 4 P.M., New
York time, their Unrestricted Free Agents
to whom May 10 tender was made. If
still unsigned after this date, such
players are prohibited from playing in
NFL in 2016.
November 15 Deadline for clubs to sign by 4 P.M., New
York time, their Restricted Free Agents to
whom June 1 tender was made. If such
players remain unsigned, they are
prohibited from playing in NFL in 2016.
November 15 Deadline for clubs to sign Drafted players
by 4 P.M., New York time. If such players
remain unsigned, they are prohibited
from playing in NFL in 2016.
December 2 Deadline for reinstatement of players in
Reserve List categories of Retired, Did
Not Report, and Exclusive Rights, and of
players who were placed on Reserve/Left
Squad in a previous season.
December 30 Deadline for waiver requests in 2016,
except for “special waiver requests,”
which have a 10-day claiming period,
with termination or assignment delayed
until after the Super Bowl.
January 2, 2017 Clubs may begin signing free-agent players
for the 2017 season.

January 7-8 Wild Card Playoff Games.
January 14-15 Divisional Playoff Games.
January 22 AFC and NFC Championship Games.
January 29 Pro Bowl, Camping World Stadium,
Orlando, Florida.
February 5 Super Bowl LI, NRG Stadium, Houston.

February 4 Super Bowl LII, U.S. Bank Stadium,

February 3* Super Bowl LIII, Mercedes-Benz Stadium,

February 2* Super Bowl LIV, New Miami Stadium,
South Florida.

February 7* Super Bowl LV, New Los Angeles Stadium,
Los Angeles.

*Tentative date

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 13

The NFL is online to provide fans and media quick and easy NFLRUSH.COM—(
access to all the latest professional football information. is the official kids’ website of the NFL, offering
NFL.COM—( unique customizable content, games, fantasy football, contests,, the league’s year-round home page on the Internet, videos, and information on the NFL’s Youth Football programs.
provides NFL information during the regular season, postseason, also features fun and interactive fitness
and offseason, including: information as part of the NFL PLAY 60 campaign, which
NEWS/STATS: Up-to-the-minute NFL news and analysis, plus encourages kids to be active for 60 minutes a day. The NFLRUSH
game previews, injury reports, and player and team stats. ZONE, a role playing game, is an immersive virtual world where
GAMEDAY COVERAGE: Live game coverage with instant kids are able to create avatars, join their favorite team, play
highlights, play-by-play, scores, and statistics, including games, chat, watch the NFL RUSH ZONE animated series and
graphical drive charts and comprehensive scoreboard that compete with friends in safe and fun environment.
reloads automatically with the latest information. USAFOOTBALL.COM—(
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: The site showcases instant game USA Football is an independent, non-profit organization which is
highlights, NFL Films video highlights of the previous week’s leading the growth and development of youth, high school and
games as well as upcoming matchups. Video also supports international amateur football. USA Football helps youth and
feature stories and team highlight clips from every game last amateur football organizations keep the sport fun, safe, and
season. In addition, exclusive NFL Network programming is accessible by offering resources focused on coaching education,
featured as well as original video content. league enhancement, officiating development and health and
NFL Game Pass consolidates a number of NFL premium video safety awareness. The organization also serves as the designated
and audio content offerings, including full on-demand game United States representatives to the International Federation of
replays and live game audio, into a single-purchase product American Football. Based Indianapolis, USA Football was
available across an array of digital platforms. NFL Game Pass in endowed by the NFL and NFLPA in 2002.
the United States includes replays of all 256 Regular Season NFL.COM/COMMUNITY—(
Games On-Demand, in HD (Formerly NFL Game Rewind), This site is dedicated to the National Football League’s off-the-field
COACHES FILM with exclusive All-22 and EndZone angles, 30- initiatives. It provides history and informative links relating to the
minute editions of NFL games, and full replays of games from NFL’s three primary campaigns: promoting youth health and
2009-present, including the 2015 NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl wellness (NFL PLAY 60), the global fight against breast cancer (A
50 commercial free in HD. Additional features are live audio of Crucial Catch), and honoring the Veterans and men and women of
every NFL Regular Season and Playoff Game including Super the US Armed Forces (Salute to Service). The NFL also takes pride
Bowl 50 (formerly Audio Pass) and shows/video from NFL Films in recognizing the philanthropic efforts of its players, coaches and
and the more than 100 million feet of film in its library. NFL Films staff through the annual presentations of the Walter Payton NFL
programming including America’s Game, Hard Knocks, and the Man of the Year, Salute to Service, and Don Shula High School
two-time Emmy-nominated series A Football Life (formerly NFL Coach of the Year awards.
Now Plus). Fans can access the all new NFL Game Pass on
desktop (, through NFL Mobile from Verizon PROFOOTBALLHOF.COM—(
on smartphones and tablets, and in the NFL channel across is the official site of the Pro Football Hall of
select consoles and streaming devices, including Microsoft’s Fame in Canton, Ohio. In addition to a complete visitor’s guide to
Xbox One and Apple TV. The full season of NFL Game Pass costs the Hall, the site features bios, stories and Q & A’s with Hall of
$99.99. Fame inductees, a detailed archive of football history, and
NFL MOBILE PRODUCTS: A suite of mobile products including information on appearances by members of the Hall.
the premium product NFL Mobile from Verizon OFFICIAL NFL TEAM SITES
( that delivers live Thursday Night In addition to a dedicated area on, all 32 teams have
Football, Sunday Night Football, Monday Night Football and NFL their own Websites, which have separate URLs, and are linked
RedZone to fans on the go. from
( Atlanta Falcons (
The official Spanish-language site of the NFL provides in depth Baltimore Ravens (
information on teams and players, and offers highlights of every Buffalo Bills (
NFL game in Spanish. The site includes Hispanic player diaries, Carolina Panthers (
live radio broadcasts, up-to-date stats, fantasy football, and more. Chicago Bears (
Cincinnati Bengals (
This website features news items, league and team releases, Dallas Cowboys (
team media guides, NFL publications, game books, player and Denver Broncos (
coaches headshots, officiating videos, transcripts, credential Detroit Lions (
applications, Spanish-language releases, and other NFL Green Bay Packers (
information. Houston Texans (
NFLHEALTHPLAYBOOK.COM—( Indianapolis Colts (
The site outlines the ways the NFL is addressing player health and Jacksonville Jaguars (
safety issues. It houses information on the programs and Kansas City Chiefs (
initiatives the NFL supports to protect the health of current and Los Angeles Rams (
former NFL players and to promote safe play and healthy Miami Dolphins (
lifestyles at all levels of football and other sports. The site Minnesota Vikings (
provides information to promote health and safety at all playing New England Patriots (
levels, including partnerships with USA Football and the Centers New Orleans Saints (
for Disease Control and Prevention. New York Giants (
NFLFLAG.COM—( New York Jets ( focuses on the NFL FLAG Program, which is Oakland Raiders (
alsopart of NFL PLAY 60. Boys and girls ages 5-17 nationwide Philadelphia Eagles (
have the opportunity to display their skills in a non-contact Pittsburgh Steelers (
environment by playing in five-on-five flag football games. This San Diego Chargers (
website is a resource for league and youth organizers, coaches San Francisco 49ers (
and parents who want to start or find a local NFL FLAG league in Seattle Seahawks (
their area as well as promote a positive experience for their youth Tampa Bay Buccaneers (
participants. Tennessee Titans (
Washington Redskins (

14 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

NFL Network provides fans with a network to call their own. NFL GAMEDAY LIVE
Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, fans turn NFL GameDay Live is the only show that delivers in-progress
to NFL Network to receive information and insight straight from highlights of all of the 1:00 and 4:00 PM ET games every Sun-
the field, team headquarters, league offices and everywhere the day, as well as live fantasy updates and reports, live press con-
NFL is making news. ferences and 1-on-1 interviews, and live reports from game sites.

NFL Network gives fans unprecedented year-round inside access NFL GAMEDAY HIGHLIGHTS
to all NFL events, including the Super Bowl, Playoffs, regular sea- Following the late afternoon games, NFL GameDay Highlights
son, preseason, Pro Bowl, Pro Football Hall of Fame induction analyzes the events of the day with highlights from all completed
weekend, NFL Draft, Scouting Combine, Senior Bowl, league games, expert commentary, on-field interviews and postgame
meetings, minicamps and training camps. press conferences.

The season expands the Thursday Night Football package in NFL GAMEDAY FINAL
2016, continuing the partnership with CBS while also adding NBC After each Sunday’s final game, NFL GameDay Final delivers
as a partner. Both CBS and NBC will broadcast five Thursday comprehensive coverage of the day’s action at 11:30 PM ET. The
Night Football games, growing the package to 10 broadcast 90-minute show features highlights, post-game press confer-
games in 2016 from eight in 2014 and 2015. All Thursday Night ences, on-field interviews, analysis and more in wrapping up
Football broadcast games will continue to be simulcast on NFL each NFL Sunday.
Network. NFL Network will also exclusively televise an eight-
game schedule of regular season games comprised of Thursday NFL REPLAY
Night Football, late-season games on Saturday, and additional NFL games will be re-aired with the original television announcers and
games to be determined. In addition, NFL Network is the only cameras. This offering features the most exciting games each week
place on television for fans to view NFL games outside their ini- in an abbreviated format (eliminating halftime and other non-critical
tial live airings. From original broadcast versions of past Super elements), and includes enhancements to each broadcast such as
Bowls, in-week replays of current games, original network tele- additional camera angles, sideline sound and postgame interviews.
casts of classic NFL regular season and postseason games, to
every preseason game — NFL Network is truly the year-round PLAYBOOK
destination for football fans. NFL Network is currently in more NFL Network uses the “all 22” game film watched each week by
than 72 million homes and has carriage agreements with each of coaches and players to present football’s ultimate chalkboard show.
the country’s largest television providers. If your provider doesn’t Playbook, produced at NFL Films, offers 60-minute strategy sessions
currently offer NFL Network, please call (866) NFL-NETWORK. with NFL Network analysts, who focus on each week’s key matchups
and discuss technique and game planning with coaches and players.
For fans on the go, all NFL Network programming can also be
streamed live on the NFL Mobile from Verizon app THE TOP 100: PLAYERS OF 2016
(, the NFL app delivered on XBOX from The Top 100 is the annual series which sparks wide debate each
Microsoft, and through Watch NFL Network (, offseason on NFL Network. Current players vote for their peers to
with participating cable and satellite providers. For more informa- compile a list of the top 100 playmakers today, counting down
tion, log on to is the exclusive from 100 to 1 with 10 players featured in each episode.
internet home of NFL Network.
KEY PROGRAMMING The Emmy Award-winning original series continues its profiles of
Super Bowl champions with the 2015 Denver Broncos.
The slate of 18 regular season Thursday Night Football games NFL NOW
kicks off with Rex Ryan and the Buffalo Bills hosting the New York NFL Now, a next-generation video experience, showcases a vir-
Jets on Thursday, September 15 on CBS (simulcast on NFL Net- tual “network” of digital programming that runs 24-7 (live and on-
work and streamed on Twitter) and features 13 Divisional demand) while giving fans the choice to select a “channel” that
matchups and 11 playoff teams from 2015. All 18 regular season delivers only content from their favorite NFL club. Offered free of
Thursday Night Football games will be televised nationally by NFL charge, NFL Now is accessible on personal computers at
Network, either exclusively or as a simulcast of the respective, through NFL Mobile from Verizon on smartphones
CBS or NBC broadcast. and tablets, and in the NFL channel across select consoles and
streaming devices, including Microsoft’s Xbox One and Apple TV.
NFL TOTAL ACCESS NFL Now advertisers include Coors Light, Geico, KFC, Lexus, and
NFL Network’s signature show is the football show of record. NFL National Car Rental.
Total Access is uniquely structured to see the game through the
participants’ eyes, airing at 7:00 PM ET Monday through Satur- ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING
day. Covering all 32 teams, NFL Total Access features interviews NFL Network offers a comprehensive slate of original program-
with players, coaches and other key league personnel. ming throughout the 2016 NFL season, including the return of
popular series A Football Life, Undrafted, The Timeline and Do
NFL HQ Your Job.
Wake up watching the NFL Network’s NFL HQ Monday through
Friday at 8:00 AM ET. The two-hour show discusses and debates NFL’s TOP 10
all of the NFL news, and features guests from around the league. Putting a fresh twist on the countdown genre, NFL’s Top 10 is a
fast-paced series that provides an irreverent look at some of the
NFL GameDay First most intriguing subjects in the NFL, creating and debating a top
NFL GameDay First returns this season, kicking off at 7:00 AM ET ten list for each category. Each 60-minute episode counts down
each Sunday, providing the first look at the day’s NFL action. from No. 10 to the top ranking in each category.


NFL GameDay Morning is the most comprehensive pregame The sounds of the game that only NFL Films can capture – with
show on the air Sundays at 9:00 AM ET during the regular sea- exclusive on-field and sideline microphone access – will be fea-
son and playoffs, providing fans with the news and notes, as well tured on the Emmy award-winning Sound FX.
as live reports from around the league.
NFL Network is the only place on television where fans can view all
65 NFL preseason games in high-definition.

Log on to for more information on

NFL Network.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 15

The NFL expanded to 32 teams in 2002 with the addition of the Houston Texans. In addition, the NFL realigned for the first time since
1970—into eight divisions of four teams each—and the scheduling formula that was introduced guarantees for the first time that all
teams play each other on a regular, rotating basis. Although the number of teams has increased to 32, the number of playoff teams
remains the same at 12.

Under the NFL scheduling formula, every team within a division plays 16 games as follows:

• Home and away against its three division opponents (6 games).

• The four teams from another division within its conference on a rotating three-year cycle (4 games).
• The four teams from a division in the other conference on a rotating four-year cycle (4 games).
• Two intraconference games based on the prior year’s standings (2 games). These games will match a first-place team
against the first-place teams in the two same-conference divisions the team is not scheduled to play that season. The
second-place, third-place, and fourth-place teams in a conference will be matched in the same way each year.

The schedule format takes each team through a cycle of games—home and away—against every other team in the league. From
2002-2009, every team played every other team at least twice—once home and once away. After the 2008 season, a decision was
made to continue with the same rotation in 2010 and beyond.

In determining how to begin the divisional rotation in 2002, the displacement of teams from their old divisions in the new alignment
was taken into account. Preference was given to scheduling games with former division rivals and other regional opponents for clubs
realigned from otherwise intact divisions.


2016 2017

AFC Intraconference AFCN AFCW

EAST Interconference NFCW NFCS

AFC Intraconference AFCE AFCS

NORTH Interconference NFCE NFCN

AFC Intraconference AFCW AFCN

SOUTH Interconference NFCN NFCW

AFC Intraconference AFCS AFCE

WEST Interconference NFCS NFCE

NFC Intraconference NFCN NFCW

EAST Interconference AFCN AFCW

NFC Intraconference NFCE NFCS

NORTH Interconference AFCS AFCN

NFC Intraconference NFCW NFCN

SOUTH Interconference AFCW AFCE

NFC Intraconference NFCS NFCE

WEST Interconference AFCE AFCS

16 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division CLE BALT CLE BALT BALT CLE BALT CLE
Interconference by Division ARIZ LA ARIZ LA LA ARIZ LA ARIZ


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division DEN KC DEN KC KC DEN KC DEN
Interconference by Division NO ATL NO ATL ATL NO ATL NO


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division BUFF NE BUFF NE NE BUFF NE BUFF


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division HOU JAX HOU JAX JAX HOU JAX HOU
Interconference by Division CHI GB CHI GB GB CHI GB CHI

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 17

Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division KC DEN KC DEN DEN KC DEN KC
Interconference by Division CHI GB CHI GB GB CHI GB CHI


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division CLE BALT CLE BALT BALT CLE BALT CLE
Interconference by Division ARIZ LA ARIZ LA LA ARIZ LA ARIZ


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division HOU JAX JAX HOU HOU JAX JAX HOU
Interconference by Division ATL NO NO ATL ATL NO NO ATL


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division NE BUFF BUFF NE NE BUFF BUFF NE

18 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division CHI GB CHI GB GB CHI GB CHI
Interconference by Division BALT CLE BALT CLE CLE BALT CLE BALT


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division LA ARIZ LA ARIZ ARIZ LA ARIZ LA
Interconference by Division KC DEN KC DEN DEN KC DEN KC


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Interconference by Division JAX HOU JAX HOU HOU JAX HOU JAX


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division ATL NO ATL NO NO ATL NO ATL
Interconference by Division CLE BALT CLE BALT BALT CLE BALT CLE

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 19

Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division ARIZ LA ARIZ LA LA ARIZ LA ARIZ
Interconference by Division KC DEN KC DEN DEN KC DEN KC


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division GB CHI GB CHI CHI GB CHI GB
Interconference by Division BUFF NE BUFF NE NE BUFF NE BUFF


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Intraconference by Division NO ATL ATL NO NO ATL ATL NO
Interconference by Division NE BUFF BUFF NE NE BUFF BUFF NE


Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Interconference by Division JAX HOU HOU JAX JAX HOU HOU JAX

20 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1,000 or more attempts
Pct. Pct. Had Pct. Ratings
Yrs. Att. Comp. Comp. Yards TD TD Int. Int. Pts.
1. Aaron Rodgers 11 4,047 2,633 65.1 32,399 257 6.4 65 1.6 104.1
2. Russell Wilson 4 1,735 1,123 64.7 13,974 106 6.1 34 2.0 101.8
3. Tony Romo 12 4,331 2,826 65.3 34,154 247 5.7 117 2.7 97.1
4. Tom Brady 16 7,792 4,953 63.6 58,028 428 5.5 150 1.9 96.4
5. Drew Brees 15 8,085 5,365 66.4 60,903 428 5.3 205 2.5 95.8
6. Philip Rivers 12 5,339 3,462 64.8 41,447 281 5.3 135 2.5 95.5
7. Ben Roethlisberger 12 5,423 3,476 64.1 42,995 272 5.0 147 2.7 94.0
8. Matt Ryan 8 4,530 2,915 64.3 32,757 202 4.5 107 2.4 90.9
9. Robert Griffin III 4 1,063 679 63.9 8,097 40 3.8 23 2.2 90.6
10. Matt Schaub 12 3,271 2,092 64.0 24,851 133 4.1 90 2.8 89.1
11. Colin Kaepernick 5 1,361 815 59.9 10,030 56 4.1 26 1.9 88.4
12. Andy Dalton 5 2,497 1,556 62.3 18,008 124 5.0 73 2.9 88.4
13. Cam Newton 5 2,418 1,440 59.6 18,263 117 4.8 64 2.6 88.3
14. Carson Palmer 12 5,443 3,413 62.7 40,036 259 4.8 166 3.0 88.1
15. Nick Foles 4 1,230 740 60.2 8,805 53 4.3 27 2.2 87.3
16. Jay Cutler 10 4,354 2,701 62.0 31,408 204 4.7 141 3.2 86.0
17. Matthew Stafford 7 3,691 2,246 60.9 25,976 163 4.4 98 2.7 85.8
18. Ryan Tannehill 4 2,248 1,392 61.9 15,460 87 3.9 54 2.4 85.2
19. Shaun Hill 10 1,190 738 62.0 8,053 49 4.1 30 2.5 85.2
20. Andrew Luck 4 2,106 1,224 58.1 14,838 101 4.8 55 2.6 85.0
21. Joe Flacco 8 4,070 2,479 60.9 28,322 162 4.0 102 2.5 84.7
22. Alex Smith 10 3,619 2,208 61.0 24,344 142 3.9 83 2.3 84.5
23. Derek Carr 2 1,172 698 59.6 7,257 53 4.5 25 2.1 83.7
24. Eli Manning 12 6,227 3,695 59.3 44,187 294 4.7 199 3.2 83.5
25. Sam Bradford 5 2,292 1,378 60.1 14,790 78 3.4 52 2.3 81.0


(number in parentheses represents 2-point conversions scored)
Yrs. TD FG PAT TP Yrs. Rush Rec. Ret. Tot.
1. Adam Vinatieri 20 0 503 742(1) 2,253 1. Antonio Gates 13 0 104 0 104
2. Sebastian Janikowski 16 0 385 520 1,675 2. Adrian Peterson 9 97 5 0 102
3. Phil Dawson 17 1 386 447 1,611 3. Larry Fitzgerald 12 0 98 0 98
4. Josh Brown 13 0 308 429 1,353 4. Steve Smith 15 2 76 6 84
5. Stephen Gostkowski 10 0 276 502 1,330 5. Frank Gore 11 70 12 1 83
6. Matt Bryant 14 0 300 429 1,329 6. Brandon Marshall 10 0 79 0 79
7. Shayne Graham 15 0 277 429 1,260 7. Steven Jackson 12 69 9 0 78
8. Robbie Gould 11 0 276 379 1,207 8. Anquan Boldin 13 1 74 0 75
9. Mason Crosby 9 0 236 437 1,145 9. Marques Colston 10 0 72 0 72
10. Josh Scobee 12 0 241 323 1,046 10. Arian Foster 7 54 14 0 68
11. Mike Nugent 11 0 213 321 960 Andre Johnson 13 0 68 0 68
12. Nick Folk 9 0 212 311 947 12. Rob Gronkowski 6 1 65 0 66
13. Shaun Suisham 10 0 211 274 907 13. Matt Forte 8 45 19 0 64
14. Dan Carpenter 8 0 217 251 902 Greg Jennings 10 0 64 0 64
15. Matt Prater 9 0 185 317 872 DeAngelo Williams 10 57 7 0 64
16. Steven Hauschka 8 0 158 242 716 16. Jamaal Charles 8 42 20 1 63
17. Ryan Succop 7 0 152 216 672 Chris Johnson 8 54 9 0 63
18. Graham Gano 7 0 151 211 664 Roddy White 11 0 63 0 63
19. Dan Bailey 5 0 144 204 636 19. Dez Bryant 6 0 59 2 61
20. Nick Novak 8 0 138 217 631 20. Jason Witten 13 0 60 0 60
21. Antonio Gates 13 104 0 0 624 21. LeSean McCoy 7 47 12 0 59
22. Adrian Peterson 9 102 0 0(1) 614 22. Reggie Bush 10 35 18 4 57
23. Connor Barth 7 0 139 174 591 Vincent Jackson 11 0 57 0 57
24. Larry Fitzgerald 12 98 0 0(1) 590 Darren Sproles 10 20 28 9 57
25. Justin Tucker 4 0 130 139 529 25. Vernon Davis 10 0 55 0 55

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 21


Yrs. Att. Yards TD Yrs. No. Yards TD

1. Frank Gore 11 2,702 12,040 70 1. Andre Johnson 13 1,053 14,100 68
2. Adrian Peterson 9 2,381 11,675 97 2. Jason Witten 13 1,020 11,215 60
3. Steven Jackson 12 2,764 11,438 69 3. Larry Fitzgerald 12 1,018 13,366 98
4. Chris Johnson 8 2,093 9,442 54 4. Anquan Boldin 13 1,009 13,195 74
5. Matt Forte 8 2,035 8,602 45 5. Steve Smith 15 961 13,932 76
6. DeAngelo Williams 10 1,632 7,753 57 6. Wes Welker 12 903 9,924 50
7. LeSean McCoy 7 1,664 7,687 47 7. Brandon Marshall 10 882 11,273 79
8. Jamaal Charles 8 1,320 7,220 42 8. Antonio Gates 13 844 10,644 104
9. Arian Foster 7 1,454 6,472 54 9. Roddy White 11 808 10,863 63
10. Mike Vick 13 873 6,109 36 10. Marques Colston 10 711 9,759 72
11. Jonathan Stewart 8 1,283 5,814 36 11. Greg Jennings 10 571 8,291 64
12. Fred Jackson 9 1,305 5,746 30 12. Greg Olsen 9 542 6,292 49
13. Reggie Bush 10 1,274 5,493 35 13. Dwayne Bowe 9 537 7,208 44
14. Darren McFadden 8 1,277 5,336 28 14. Antonio Brown 6 526 7,093 38
15. DeMarco Murray 5 1,127 5,228 34 15. Vincent Jackson 11 525 8,907 57
16. Ahmad Bradshaw 9 1,083 4,928 36 16. Jerricho Cotchery 12 524 6,623 34
17. Alfred Morris 4 1,078 4,713 29 17. Matt Forte 8 487 4,116 19
18. Ryan Mathews 6 1,029 4,600 29 18. Pierre Garcon 8 485 6,027 34
19. Chris Ivory 6 883 4,031 24 19. Owen Daniels 10 479 5,661 36
20. LeGarrette Blount 6 869 3,961 31 20. Darren Sproles 10 473 4,156 28
21. Pierre Thomas 9 833 3,809 28 21. Reggie Bush 10 470 3,508 18
22. Doug Martin 4 868 3,806 20 22. Steven Jackson 12 461 3,683 9
23. Justin Forsett 8 733 3,599 18 Vernon Davis 10 461 5,841 55
24. C.J. Spiller 6 704 3,433 12 24. Nate Washington 11 458 6,954 44
25. Cam Newton 5 599 3,207 43 25. Demaryius Thomas 6 456 6,621 47


Yrs. Rush Rec Total TD Yrs. No. Yards TD
1. Frank Gore 11 12,040 3,150 15,190 82 1. DeAngelo Hall 12 43 838 5
2. Steven Jackson 12 11,438 3,683 15,121 78 2. Terence Newman 13 40 360 3
3. Steve Smith 15 387 13,932 14,319 78 3. Charles Tillman 13 38 675 8
4. Andre Johnson 13 54 14,100 14,154 68 4. Rashean Mathis 13 32 553 4
5. Adrian Peterson 9 11,675 1,937 13,612 102 5. Antonio Cromartie 10 31 545 3
6. Larry Fitzgerald 12 63 13,366 13,429 98 6. Reggie Nelson 9 30 409 1
7. Anquan Boldin 13 229 13,195 13,424 75 Aqib Talib 8 30 533 8
8. Matt Forte 8 8,602 4,116 12,718 64 8. Tramon Williams 9 29 425 1
9. Chris Johnson 8 9,442 2,212 11,654 63 9. Darrelle Revis 9 28 415 3
10. Brandon Marshall 10 118 11,273 11,391 79 10. Brent Grimes 9 26 357 2
11. Jason Witten 13 0 11,215 11,215 60 Leon Hall 9 26 261 3
12. Roddy White 11 19 10,863 10,882 63 Johnathan Joseph 10 26 507 5
13. Antonio Gates 13 0 10,644 10,644 104 Antrel Rolle 11 26 565 4
14. LeSean McCoy 7 7,687 2,574 10,261 59 Richard Sherman 5 26 338 2
15. Wes Welker 12 151 9,924 10,075 50 15. Michael Griffin 9 25 328 1
16. Marques Colston 10 7 9,759 9,766 72 16. Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie 8 24 507 6
17. DeAngelo Williams 10 7,753 1,988 9,741 64 17. Mike Adams 12 23 228 2
18. Jamaal Charles 8 7,220 2,443 9,663 62 Jairus Byrd 7 23 433 2
19. Vincent Jackson 11 161 8,907 9,068 57 19. Vontae Davis 7 21 228 1
20. Reggie Bush 10 5,493 3,508 9,001 53 Earl Thomas 6 21 290 1
21. Arian Foster 7 6,472 2,268 8,740 68 21. Brandon Flowers 8 20 388 3
22. Fred Jackson 9 5,746 2,897 8,643 39 22. Karlos Dansby 12 19 301 6
23. Greg Jennings 10 1 8,291 8,290 64 Glover Quin 7 19 285 1
24. DeSean Jackson 8 380 7,814 8,194 45 Eric Weddle 9 19 290 3
25. Darren McFadden 8 5,336 2,097 7,433 33 25. Antoine Bethea 10 18 254 1
Cortland Finnegan 10 18 426 4
Devin McCourty 6 18 298 0
Sam Shields 6 18 180 0

22 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

40 or more punt returns 50 or more punts
Yrs. No. Yards Avg. TD Yrs. No. Avg. LG
1. Travis Benjamin 4 68 857 12.6 3 1. Matt Darr 1 92 47.6 70
2. Devin Hester 10 290 3,515 12.1 14 2. Shane Lechler 16 1,280 47.5 80
3. Julian Edelman 7 142 1,697 12.0 4 3. Tress Way 2 147 46.8 77
4. Jeremy Ross 4 77 864 11.2 1 4. Bryan Anger 4 360 46.8 73
5. Ted Ginn 9 209 2,295 11.0 4 5. Thomas Morstead 7 410 46.8 70
6. Dwayne Harris 5 121 1,306 10.8 3 6. Johnny Hekker 4 336 46.7 68
7. Eric Weems 9 97 1,036 10.7 1 7. Sam Martin 3 220 46.4 72
8. Dexter McCluster 6 125 1,331 10.6 3 8. Andy Lee 12 1,011 46.2 82
9. Golden Tate 6 88 936 10.6 0 9. Marquette King 3 276 46.1 70
10. Eddie Royal 8 112 1,188 10.6 2 10. Ryan Allen 3 215 46.1 67
11. Danny Amendola 7 129 1,355 10.5 0 11. Pat McAfee 7 520 46.1 66
12. Adam Jones 9 166 1,740 10.5 5 12. Matt Bosher 5 323 45.8 69
13. Micah Hyde 3 65 674 10.4 3 13. Donnie Jones 12 980 45.5 80
14. Leodis McKelvin 8 99 1,021 10.3 3 14. Brett Kern 8 608 45.5 79
15. Marcus Sherels 6 148 1,507 10.2 3 15. Brad Nortman 4 288 45.2 72
16. T.Y. Hilton 4 47 475 10.1 1 16. Britton Colquitt 6 472 45.2 67
17. De'Anthony Thomas 2 63 632 10.0 1 17. Mike Scifres 13 756 45.2 72
18. Patrick Peterson 5 160 1,583 9.9 4 18. Sam Koch 10 782 45.2 74
19. Wes Welker 12 264 2,584 9.8 0 19. Ryan Quigley 3 225 45.1 69
20. Javier Arenas 5 106 1,035 9.8 0 20. Chris Jones 5 225 45.1 64
21. Lardarius Webb 7 55 537 9.8 1 21. Dustin Colquitt 11 890 44.8 81
22. Antonio Brown 6 160 1,558 9.7 4 22. Kevin Huber 7 531 44.8 75
23. DeSean Jackson 8 134 1,289 9.6 4 23. Jon Ryan 10 751 44.8 77
24. Marc Mariani 4 109 1,040 9.5 2 24. Colton Schmidt 2 168 44.6 67
25. Tramon Williams 9 61 580 9.5 1 25. Tim Masthay 6 390 44.2 71


40 or more kickoff returns TOP ACTIVE QUARTERBACK SACKERS
Yrs. No. Yards Avg. TD Yrs. No.
1. Cordarrelle Patterson 3 109 3,283 30.1 4 1. Julius Peppers 14 136.0
2. Knile Davis 3 63 1,753 27.8 2 2. DeMarcus Ware 11 134.5
3. Percy Harvin 7 152 4,127 27.2 5 3. Dwight Freeney 14 119.5
4. Jarvis Landry 2 47 1,275 27.1 0 4. Robert Mathis 12 118.0
5. Benny Cunningham 3 73 1,976 27.1 0 5. Terrell Suggs 13 106.5
6. Dwayne Harris 5 99 2,671 27.0 1 6. Elvis Dumervil 9 96.0
7. Quintin Demps 8 110 2,931 26.6 2 Mario Williams 10 96.0
8. Adam Jones 9 117 3,068 26.2 0 8. Trent Cole 11 88.5
9. Travaris Cadet 4 53 1,387 26.2 0 9. Tamba Hali 10 86.0
10. Leodis McKelvin 8 95 2,471 26.0 1 10. James Harrison 13 76.5
11. Randall Cobb 5 74 1,915 25.9 1 11. J.J. Watt 5 74.5
12. Jordan Todman 4 69 1,784 25.9 0 12. Cameron Wake 7 70.0
13. Bruce Ellington 2 50 1,279 25.6 0 13. Chris Clemons 11 69.0
14. Darren Sproles 10 330 8,331 25.2 2 14. Clay Matthews 7 67.5
15. Keshawn Martin 4 78 1,964 25.2 0 15. Jason Babin 12 64.5
16. Jeremy Ross 4 66 1,654 25.1 1 16. Charles Johnson 9 63.5
17. Marc Mariani 4 128 3,206 25.0 1 17. Kevin Williams 13 63.0
18. Antonio Brown 6 46 1,150 25.0 1 18. Cliff Avril 8 61.5
19. Devin Hester 10 276 6,867 24.9 5 19. Von Miller 5 60.0
20. Josh Wilson 9 100 2,467 24.7 1 Calvin Pace 13 60.0
21. Omar Bolden 4 44 1,085 24.7 0 21. LaMarr Woodley 9 58.0
22. Brandon Tate 7 190 4,680 24.6 2 22. Justin Houston 5 56.0
23. Andre Roberts 6 53 1,300 24.5 1 23. Chris Long 8 54.5
24. Eric Weems 9 148 3,621 24.5 1 24. Robert Quinn 5 50.0
25. Taiwan Jones 5 67 1,639 24.5 0 25. Carlos Dunlap 6 49.0

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 23

The New York Giants need three victories to become the third to surpass Peyton Manning (35) for the most four-touchdown
team in NFL history with 700 total victories. The Giants (697- passing games in NFL history. In 16 seasons, Brady has 24
591-33) would join Chicago (758-573-42) and Green Bay (752- games with four or more touchdown passes (see Brees note).
568-37) as the only teams to accomplish the feat.
Eli Manning, New York Giants, needs six touchdown passes
The New York Jets need one victory to reach 400 total to become the eighth player in NFL history to reach the 300 mark.
victories. The Jets’ all-time record is 399-470-8. In 12 seasons, Manning has 294 touchdown passes (see Palmer,
Rivers, Roethlisberger and Rodgers note).
The Houston Texans need one victory to reach 100 total
victories. Houston’s all-time record is 99-129. Philip Rivers, San Diego, has led the league in average yards
per pass three times in his career and can join Steve Young (5)
Bill Belichick, New England, needs four victories to join Don and Sid Luckman (7) as the only players in NFL history to do so
Shula (347), George Halas (324) and Tom Landry (270) as the in at least four seasons.
only coaches to reach 250 career wins. In 21 seasons, Belichick Rivers needs seven 400-yard passing games to surpass
has 246 career victories. Peyton Manning (14) for the most all-time. In 12 seasons, Rivers
has eight 400-yard passing games (see Brees, Palmer and
Mike Tomlin, Pittsburgh, needs two victories to reach 100 Roethlisberger note).
career victories. In nine seasons, Tomlin has 98 career victories. Rivers needs 19 touchdown passes to become the eighth
player in NFL history to reach 300-career touchdown passes. In
Sean Payton, New Orleans, needs seven victories to reach 12 seasons, Rivers has 281 touchdown passes (see Manning,
100 career victories. In 10 seasons, Payton has 93 career Palmer, Roethlisberger and Rodgers note).
Carson Palmer, Arizona, needs seven 400-yard passing
John Harbaugh, Baltimore, needs 13 victories to reach 100 games to surpass Peyton Manning (14) for the most all-time. In
career victories. In eight seasons, Harbaugh has 87 career 13 seasons, Palmer has eight 400-yard passing games (see
victories. Brees, Rivers and Roethlisberger note).
Palmer needs 41 touchdown passes to become the eighth
Drew Brees, New Orleans, needs 459 passing yards to player in NFL history to reach 300-career touchdown passes. In
surpass Dan Marino (61,361) for the third-most all-time. In 15 13 seasons, Palmer has 259 touchdown passes (see Manning,
seasons, Brees has 60,903 passing yards. Rivers, Roethlisberger and Rodgers note).
Brees can extend his NFL record streak of consecutive
seasons with at least 30 touchdown passes. Brees has passed Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh, needs seven 400-yard
for at least 30 touchdowns in each of the past eight seasons. passing games to surpass Peyton Manning (14) for the most all-
Brees can become the first player to lead the league in passing time. In 12 seasons, Roethlisberger has eight 400-yard passing
yards seven times in his career. Sonny Jurgensen (5) and Dan games (see Brees, Palmer and Rivers note).
Marino (5) are tied for the second-most such seasons in NFL Roethlisberger needs 28 touchdown passes to become the
history. eighth player in NFL history to reach 300-career touchdown
Brees needs two 400-yard passing games to surpass Peyton passes. In 12 seasons, Roethlisberger has 272 touchdown
Manning (14) for the most all-time. In 15 seasons, Brees has 13 passes (see Manning, Palmer, Rivers and Rodgers note).
400-yard passing games.
Brees can extend his NFL record of 300-yard passing games. Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers, needs 43 touchdown
In 15 seasons, Brees has 96 300-yard passing games. passes to become the eighth player in NFL history to reach the
Brees needs to pass for at least four touchdowns in nine 300 mark. In 11 seasons, Rodgers has 257 touchdown passes
games to surpass Peyton Manning (35) for the most four- (see Manning, Palmer, Rivers and Roethlisberger note).
touchdown passing games in NFL history. In 15 seasons, Brees
has 27 games with four or more touchdown passes. Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, needs 10 rushing touchdowns
Brees has led the league in touchdown passes four times in to join LaDainian Tomlinson (9) as the only players in NFL history
his career and can become the only player to lead the league in to rush for 10 touchdowns in at least nine different seasons.
touchdown passes five times (see Brady note). Peterson is currently tied with Emmitt Smith (8).
Brees has led the league in completions four times and can Peterson has six 200-yard rushing games in his career.
join Dan Marino (6) and Sammy Baugh (5) as the only players to Peterson needs one 200-yard game to surpass O.J. Simpson (6)
lead the league in completions at least five times. for the most all-time.
Brees has led the league in pass attempts three times in his Peterson needs three rushing touchdowns to become the
career and can join Dan Marino (5) Sammy Baugh (4), Johnny ninth player in NFL history with 100 rushing touchdowns. In nine
Unitas (4) and George Blanda (4) as the only players to lead the seasons, Peterson has 97 rushing touchdowns.
league in attempts at least four times. Peterson needs 2,010 rushing yards to surpass LaDainian
Tomlinson (13,684) for the fifth-most all-time. In nine seasons,
Tom Brady, New England, needs seven wins to surpass Peterson has 11,675 rushing yards.
Peyton Manning (200) and Brett Favre (199) for the most overall Peterson has led the league in rushing yards three times in his
(regular season and postseason) wins by a quarterback in NFL career and can become the sixth player to lead the league in
history. In 16 seasons, Brady has 194 overall wins. rushing yards four times.
Brady needs 3,334 passing yards to surpass Dan Marino
(61,361) for the third-most all-time. In 16 seasons, Brady has Frank Gore, Indianapolis, needs 1,000 rushing yards to join
58,028 passing yards (see Brees note). Curtis Martin (10), Barry Sanders (10), Walter Payton and
Brady has led the league in touchdown passes four times in Emmitt Smith (11) as the only players in NFL history to rush for
his career and can become the only player to lead the league in 1,000 yards in at least nine different seasons. In 11 seasons,
touchdown passes five times (see Brees note). Gore has rushed for 1,000 yards eight times.
Brady needs to pass for at least four touchdowns in 12 games

24 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona, needs 85 receptions to surpass Stephen Gostkowski, New England, has led the league in
Jason Witten (1,020), Isaac Bruce (1,024), Andre Johnson scoring five times in his career and can surpass Don Hutson (5)
(1,053), Reggie Wayne (1,070), Terrell Owens (1,078), Tim and Gino Cappelletti (5) as the only player to lead the league in
Brown (1,094), Cris Carter (1,101) and Marvin Harrison (1,102) points scored at least six times.
for the third-most all-time. In 12 seasons, Fitzgerald has 1,018 Gostkowski has led the league in scoring for four consecutive
receptions (see Witten note). seasons (2012-15) and can join Don Hutson (five) as the only
Fitzgerald needs two touchdown receptions to become the players to lead the league in scoring for five consecutive seasons.
10th player in NFL history with 100 touchdown catches. In 12 Gostkowski has led the league in field goals three times in his
seasons, Fitzgerald has 98 touchdown receptions. career and can join Lou Groza (5), Ward Cuff (4) and Jack
Manders (4) as the only players to lead the league in field goals
Brandon Marshall, New York Jets, can extend his NFL record at least four times.
of seasons with 100 receptions to seven. Andre Johnson and
Wes Welker are the only other players with at least five 100- Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, needs one 50-yard field goal
reception seasons. to surpass Jason Hanson (52) for the most all-time. In 16
seasons, Janikowski has 52 50-yard field goals.
Antonio Gates, San Diego, needs eight touchdown receptions
to surpass Tony Gonzalez (111) for the most career touchdown
receptions by a tight end. In 13 seasons, Gates has 104
touchdown receptions.

Rob Gronkowski, New England, has three seasons with at

least 1,000 receiving yards and can join Tony Gonzalez (4) and
Jason Witten (4) as the only tight ends with at least four seasons
with 1,000 receiving yards.
Gronkowski can extend his NFL record of five seasons with at
least 10 touchdown receptions by a tight end.

Jason Witten, Dallas, needs 75 receptions to surpass Isaac

Bruce (1,024), Andre Johnson (1,053), Reggie Wayne (1,070),
Terrell Owens (1,078) and Tim Brown (1,094) for the fifth-most
all-time. In 13 seasons, Witten has 1,020 receptions (see
Fitzgerald note).

Julius Peppers, Green Bay, needs 14 sacks to become the

fourth player with 150 sacks since the sack became an official
statistic in 1982. In 14 seasons, Peppers has 136 sacks.

DeMarcus Ware, Denver, has led the league in sacks twice in

his career and can become the first player to lead the league three
times since the sack became an official statistic in 1982 (see
Watt note).
Ware needs 7.5 sacks to surpass Jared Allen (136), Julius
Peppers (136), Richard Dent (137.5), John Randle (137.5),
Jason Taylor (139.5) and Michael Strahan (141.5) for the fifth-
most sacks since the sack became an official statistic in 1982
(see Peppers note). In 11 seasons, Ware has 134.5 sacks.

J.J. Watt, Houston, can increase his NFL record total of 20-
sack seasons. In five seasons, Watt has two seasons with 20
Watt has led the league in sacks twice in his career and can
become the first player to lead the league three times since the
sack became an official statistic in 1982 (see Ware note).

Aqib Talib, Denver, needs two interception-return touchdowns

to become the fourth player with 10 all-time. In eight seasons,
Talib has eight interception-return touchdowns.

Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis, needs 36 field goals to surpass

Gary Anderson (538) for the second-most all-time. In 20
seasons, Vinatieri has 503 field goals.
Vinatieri needs 44 field goal attempts to surpass George
Blanda (641) for the third-most attempted field goals all-time. In
20 seasons, Vinatieri has 598 field goal attempts.
Vinatieri needs 182 points to surpass Gary Anderson (2,434)
for the second-most points scored all-time. In 20 seasons,
Vinatieri has 2,253 points (742-pat, 503-fg, 1 2-pt).

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 25

ACTIVE COACHES’ CAREER RECORDS (Order Based on Career Victories)
Start of 2016 Season
Regular Season Postseason Career
Coach Team(s) Yrs. Won Lost Tied Pct. Won Lost Pct. Won Lost Tied Pct.
Bill Belichick Cleveland Browns, New England Patriots 21 223 113 0 .664 23 10 .697 246 123 0 .667
Jeff Fisher Houston/Tennessee Oilers, Tennessee Titans,
St. Louis/Los Angeles Rams 21 169 156 1 .520 5 6 .455 174 162 1 .518
Andy Reid Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs 17 161 110 1 .594 11 11 .500 172 121 1 .587
John Fox Carolina Panthers, Denver Broncos,
Chicago Bears 14 125 99 0 .558 8 7 .533 133 106 0 .556
Mike McCarthy Green Bay Packers 10 104 55 1 .653 8 7 .533 112 62 1 .643
Marvin Lewis Cincinnati Bengals 13 112 94 2 .543 0 7 .000 112 101 2 .526
Pete Carroll New York Jets, New England Patriots,
Seattle Seahawks 10 93 67 0 .581 9 6 .600 102 73 0 .583
Mike Tomlin Pittsburgh Steelers 9 92 52 0 .639 6 5 .545 98 57 0 .632
Sean Payton New Orleans Saints 10 87 57 0 .604 6 4 .600 93 61 0 .604
John Harbaugh Baltimore Ravens 8 77 51 0 .602 10 5 .667 87 56 0 .608
Gary Kubiak Houston Texans, Denver Broncos 9 73 68 0 .518 5 2 .714 78 70 0 .527
Jack Del Rio Jacksonville Jaguars, Oakland Raiders 10 75 80 0 .484 1 2 .333 76 82 0 .481
Rex Ryan New York Jets, Buffalo Bills 7 54 58 0 .482 4 2 .667 58 60 0 .492
Ron Rivera Carolina Panthers 5 47 32 1 .594 3 3 .500 50 35 1 .587
Jim Caldwell Indianapolis Colts, Detroit Lions 5 44 36 0 .550 2 3 .400 46 39 0 .541
Jason Garrett Dallas Cowboys 6 45 43 0 .511 1 1 .500 46 44 0 .511
Chuck Pagano Indianapolis Colts 4 41 23 0 .641 3 3 .500 44 26 0 .629
Bruce Arians Arizona Cardinals 3 34 14 0 .708 1 2 .333 35 16 0 .686
Chip Kelly Philadelphia Eagles, San Francisco 49ers 3 26 21 0 .553 0 1 .000 26 22 0 .542
Mike McCoy San Diego Chargers 3 22 26 0 .458 1 1 .500 23 27 0 .460
Mike Mularkey Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars,
Tennessee Titans 4 18 39 0 .316 0 0 --- 18 39 0 .316
Bill O’Brien Houston Texans 2 18 14 0 .563 0 1 .000 18 15 0 .545
Mike Zimmer Minnesota Vikings 2 18 14 0 .563 0 1 .000 18 15 0 .545
Jay Gruden Washington Redskins 2 13 19 0 .406 0 1 .000 13 20 0 .394
Todd Bowles Miami Dolphins, New York Jets 2 12 7 0 .632 0 0 --- 12 7 0 .632
Gus Bradley Jacksonville Jaguars 3 12 36 0 .250 0 0 --- 12 36 0 .250
Hue Jackson Oakland Raiders, Cleveland Browns 1 8 8 0 .500 0 0 --- 8 8 0 .500
Dan Quinn Atlanta Falcons 1 8 8 0 .500 0 0 --- 8 8 0 .500
Adam Gase Miami Dolphins 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 --- 0 0 0 ---
Dirk Koetter Tampa Bay Buccaneers 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 --- 0 0 0 ---
Ben McAdoo New York Giants 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 --- 0 0 0 ---
Doug Pederson Philadelphia Eagles 0 0 0 0 --- 0 0 --- 0 0 0 ---

26 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

COACHES WITH 100 CAREER VICTORIES (Order Based on Career Victories)
Start of 2016 Season
Regular Season Postseason Career
Coach Team(s) Yrs. Won Lost Tied Pct. Won Lost Pct. Won Lost Tied Pct.
1. Don Shula Baltimore Colts, Miami Dolphins 33 328 156 6 .677 19 17 .528 347 173 6 .666
2. George Halas Chicago Bears 40 318 148 31 .682 6 3 .667 324 151 31 .682
3. Tom Landry Dallas Cowboys 29 250 162 6 .607 20 16 .556 270 178 6 .603
4. Bill Belichick Cleveland Browns, New England Patriots 21 223 113 0 .664 23 10 .697 246 123 0 .667
5. Earl (Curly) Lambeau Green Bay Packers, Chicago Cardinals,
` Washington Redskins 33 226 132 22 .631 3 2 .600 229 134 22 .631
6. Chuck Noll Pittsburgh Steelers 23 193 148 1 .566 16 8 .667 209 156 1 .572
7. Marty Schottenheimer Cleveland Browns, Kansas City Chiefs,
Washington Redskins, San Diego Chargers 21 200 126 1 .613 5 13 .278 205 139 1 .596
8. Dan Reeves Denver Broncos, New York Giants,
Atlanta Falcons 23 190 165 2 .535 11 9 .550 201 174 2 .536
9. Chuck Knox Los Angeles Rams, Buffalo Bills,
Seattle Seahawks 22 186 147 1 .558 7 11 .389 193 158 1 .550
10. Bill Parcells New York Giants, New England Patriots,
New York Jets, Dallas Cowboys 19 172 130 1 .569 11 8 .579 183 138 1 .570
11. Tom Coughlin Jacksonville Jaguars, New York Giants 20 170 150 0 .531 12 7 .632 182 157 0 .537
12. Mike Shanahan Los Angeles Raiders, Denver Broncos,
Washington Redskins 20 170 138 0 .552 8 6 .571 178 144 0 .553
13. Mike Holmgren Green Bay Packers, Seattle Seahawks 17 161 111 0 .592 13 11 .542 174 122 0 .588
Jeff Fisher Houston/Tennessee Oilers,
Tennessee Titans,
St. Louis/Los Angeles Rams 21 169 156 1 .520 5 6 .455 174 162 1 .518
15. Andy Reid Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs 17 161 110 1 .594 11 11 .500 172 121 1 .587
16. Joe Gibbs Washington Redskins 16 154 94 0 .621 17 7 .708 171 101 0 .629
17. Paul Brown Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals 21 166 100 6 .624 4 8 .333 170 108 6 .612
18. Bud Grant Minnesota Vikings 18 158 96 5 .621 10 12 .455 168 108 5 .608
19. Bill Cowher Pittsburgh Steelers 15 149 90 1 .623 12 9 .571 161 99 1 .619
20. Marv Levy Kansas City Chiefs, Buffalo Bills 17 143 112 0 .561 11 8 .579 154 120 0 .562
21. Steve Owen New York Giants 23 151 100 17 .602 2 8 .200 153 108 17 .586
22. Tony Dungy Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Indianapolis Colts 13 139 69 0 .668 9 10 .474 148 79 0 .652
23. Hank Stram Kansas City Chiefs, New Orleans Saints 17 131 97 10 .574 5 3 .625 136 100 10 .576
24. Weeb Ewbank Baltimore Colts, New York Jets 20 130 129 7 .502 4 1 .800 134 130 7 .508
25. John Fox Carolina Panthers, Denver Broncos,
Chicago Bears 14 125 99 0 .558 8 7 .533 133 106 0 .556
26. Mike Ditka Chicago Bears, New Orleans Saints 14 121 95 0 .560 6 6 .500 127 101 0 .557
27. Dick Vermeil Philadelphia Eagles, St. Louis Rams,
Kansas City Chiefs 15 120 109 0 .524 6 5 .545 126 114 0 .525
28. Jim Mora New Orleans Saints, Indianapolis Colts 15 125 106 0 .541 0 6 .000 125 112 0 .527
29. George Seifert San Francisco 49ers, Carolina Panthers 11 114 62 0 .648 10 5 .667 124 67 0 .649
30. Sid Gillman Los Angeles Rams,
Los Angeles-San Diego Chargers,
Houston Oilers 18 122 99 7 .552 1 5 .167 123 104 7 .542
31. George Allen Los Angeles Rams, Washington Redskins 12 116 47 5 .712 2 7 .222 118 54 5 .686
Norv Turner Washington Redskins, Oakland Raiders,
San Diego Chargers 15 114 122 1 .483 4 4 .500 118 126 1 .484
33. Dennis Green Minnesota Vikings, Arizona Cardinals 13 113 94 0 .546 4 8 .333 117 102 0 .534
34. Don Coryell St. Louis Cardinals, San Diego Chargers 14 111 83 1 .572 3 6 .333 114 89 1 .561
35. John Madden Oakland Raiders 10 103 32 7 .759 9 7 .563 112 39 7 .739
Mike McCarthy Green Bay Packers 10 104 55 1 .653 8 7 .533 112 62 1 .643
Marvin Lewis Cincinnati Bengals 13 112 94 2 .543 0 7 .000 112 101 2 .526
38. Ray (Buddy) Parker Chicago Cardinals, Detroit Lions,
Pittsburgh Steelers 15 104 75 9 .581 3 1 .750 107 76 9 .585
39. Vince Lombardi Green Bay Packers, Washington Redskins 10 96 34 6 .739 9 1 .900 105 35 6 .750
Tom Flores Oakland-Los Angeles Raiders
Seattle Seahawks 12 97 87 0 .527 8 3 .727 105 90 0 .538
41. Bill Walsh San Francisco 49ers 10 92 59 1 .609 10 4 .714 102 63 1 .617
Pete Carroll New York Jets, New England Patriots
Seattle Seahawks 10 93 67 0 .581 9 6 .600 102 73 0 .583
43. Jon Gruden Oakland Raiders, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 11 95 81 0 .540 5 4 .556 100 85 0 .541

Active coaches in bold.

From 1920-71, tie games were not included in winning percentage.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 27

81st Annual NFL Draft, April 28-30, 2016 CINCINNATI BENGALS
+Denotes Compensatory Selection 1. William Jackson—24, DB, Houston
#Denotes Underclassman Selection 2.#Tyler Boyd—55, WR, Pittsburgh
3.#Nick Vigil—87, LB, Utah State
ARIZONA CARDINALS 4.#Andrew Billings—122, DT, Baylor
1.#Robert Nkemdiche—29, DT, Mississippi 5. Christian Westerman—161, G, Arizona State
3. Brandon Williams—92, DB, Texas A&M 6. Cody Core—199, WR, Mississippi
4. Evan Boehm—128, C, Missouri 7. Clayton Fejedelem—245, DB, Illinois
5. Marqui Christian—167, DB, Midwestern State
+ Cole Toner—170, T, Harvard CLEVELAND BROWNS
6. Harlan Miller—205, DB, Southeastern Louisiana 1.#Corey Coleman—15, WR, Baylor,
ATLANTA FALCONS 2.#Emmanuel Ogbah—32, DE, Oklahoma State
1.#Keanu Neal—17, DB, Florida 3. Carl Nassib—65, DE, Penn State
2. Deion Jones—52, LB, Louisiana State, from HOUSTON Shon Coleman—76, T, Auburn,
3.#Austin Hooper—81, TE, Stanford from LOS ANGELES through TENNESSEE
4. De’Vondre Campbell—115, LB, Minnesota Cody Kessler—93, QB, Southern California,
6. Wes Schweitzer—195, G, San Jose State, from CAROLINA
from NEW YORK JETS through HOUSTON 4. Joe Schobert—99, LB, Wisconsin
7. Devin Fuller—238, WR, UCLA Ricardo Louis—114, WR, Auburn, from OAKLAND
Derrick Kindred—129, DB, Texas Christian,
1.#Ronnie Stanley—6, T, Notre Dame + Seth DeValve—138, TE, Princeton
2.#Kamalei Correa—42, LB, Boise State, from MIAMI 5. Jordan Payton—154, WR, UCLA, from OAKLAND
3. Bronson Kaufusi—70, DE, Brigham Young Spencer Drango—168, T, Baylor, from CAROLINA
4. Tavon Young—104, DB, Temple +#Rashard Higgins—172, WR, Colorado State
Chris Moore—107, WR, Cincinnati, from MIAMI + Trey Caldwell—173, DB, Louisiana-Monroe
Alex Lewis—130, T, Nebraska, from DENVER 7.#Scooby Wright—250, LB, Arizona,
+#Willie Henry—132, DT, Michigan from NEW ENGLAND through MIAMI
+ Kenneth Dixon—134, RB, Louisiana Tech
5. Matt Judon—146, LB, Grand Valley State, DALLAS COWBOYS
from JACKSONVILLE 1.#Ezekiel Elliott—4, RB, Ohio State
6. Keenan Reynolds—182, WR, Navy 2.#Jaylon Smith—34, LB, Notre Dame
+ Maurice Canady—209, DB, Virginia 3.#Maliek Collins—67, DT, Nebraska
4. Charles Tapper—101, DE, Oklahoma
BUFFALO BILLS + Dak Prescott—135, QB, Mississippi State
1.#Shaq Lawson—19, DE, Clemson 6. Anthony Brown—189, DB, Purdue, from OAKLAND
2. Reggie Ragland—41, LB, Alabama, from CHICAGO + Kavon Frazier—212, DB, Central Michigan
3. Adolphus Washington—80, DT, Ohio State + Darius Jackson—216, RB, Eastern Michigan
4.#+Cardale Jones—139, QB, Ohio State + Rico Gathers—127, TE, Baylor
5. Jonathan Williams—156, RB, Arkansas
6. Kolby Listenbee—192, WR, Texas Christian DENVER BRONCOS
+ Kevon Seymour—218, DB, Southern California 1.#Paxton Lynch—26, QB, Memphis, from SEATTLE
2. Adam Gotsis—63, DT, Georgia Tech
CAROLINA PANTHERS 3.+Justin Simmons—98, DB, Boston College
1. Vernon Butler—30, DT, Louisiana Tech 4.+Devontae Booker—136, RB, Utah
2. James Bradberry—62, DB, Samford 5. Connor McGovern—144, G, Missouri, from BALTIMORE
3.#Daryl Worley—77, DB, West Virginia, 6. Andy Janovich—176, RB, Nebraska,
CLEVELAND + Will Parks—219, DB, Arizona
5.#Zack Sanchez—141, DB, Oklahoma, from CLEVELAND 7. Riley Dixon—228, P, Syracuse, from SAN FRANCISCO
7. Beau Sandland—252, TE, Montana State
CHICAGO BEARS 1. Taylor Decker—16, T, Ohio State
1.#Leonard Floyd—9, LB, Georgia, from TAMPA BAY 2.#A’Shawn Robinson—46, DT, Alabama
2. Cody Whitehair—56, G, Kansas State, from SEATTLE 3.+Graham Glasgow—95, C, Michigan
3. Jonathan Bullard—72, DE, Florida 4. Miles Killebrew—111, DB, Southern Utah
4. Nick Kwiatkoski—113, LB, West Virginia, 5. Joe Dahl—151, T, Washington State
from PHILADELPHIA through TENNESSEE Antwione Williams—169, LB, Georgia Southern,
Deon Bush—124, DB, Miami, from SEATTLE 6. Jake Rudock—191, QB, Michigan
Deiondre’ Hall—127, DB, Northern Iowa, Anthony Zettel—202, DT, Penn State, from SEATTLE
from NEW ENGLAND + Jimmy Landis—210, LS, Baylor
5.#Jordan Howard—150, RB, Indiana 7.#Dwayne Washington—236, RB, Washington
6. DeAndre Houston-Carson—185, DB, William & Mary
7.#Daniel Braverman—230, WR, Western Michigan

28 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1.#Kenny Clark—27, DT, UCLA 1.#Laremy Tunsil—13, T, Mississippi, from PHILADELPHIA
2. Jason Spriggs—48, T, Indiana, from INDIANAPOLIS 2.#Xavien Howard—38, DB, Baylor,
3. Kyler Fackrell—88, LB, Utah State from JACKSONVILLE through BALTIMORE
4.+Blake Martinez—131, LB, Stanford 3. Kenyan Drake—73, RB, Alabama
+ Dean Lowry—137, DE, Northwestern Leonte Carroo—86, WR, Rutgers, from MINNESOTA
5. Trevor Davis—163, WR, California 6. Jakeem Grant—186, WR, Texas Tech,
6. Kyle Murphy—200, T, Stanford reacquired through MINNESOTA
Jordan Lucas—204, DB, Penn State,
1.#Will Fuller—21, WR, Notre Dame, from WASHINGTON 7. Brandon Doughty—223, QB, Western Kentucky,
2. Nick Martin—50, C, Notre Dame, from ATLANTA from CLEVELAND
3. Braxton Miller—85, WR, Ohio State # Thomas Duarte—231, TE, UCLA
4. Tyler Ervin—119, RB, San Jose State
5. K.J. Dillon—159, DB, West Virginia MINNESOTA VIKINGS
D.J. Reader—166, DT, Clemson, from NEW ENGLAND 1.#Laquon Treadwell—23, WR, Mississippi
2.#Mackensie Alexander—54, DB, Clemson
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS 4. Willie Beavers—121, G, Western Michigan
1. Ryan Kelly—18, C, Alabama 5. Kentrell Brothers—160, LB, Missouri
2.#T.J. Green—57, DB, Clemson 6. Moritz Böhringer—180, WR, no college,
3. Le’Raven Clark—82, T, Texas Tech from SAN FRANCISCO
4.#Hassan Ridgeway—116, DT, Texas David Morgan—188, TE, Texas-San Antonio,
Antonio Morrison—125, LB, Florida, from GREEN BAY from PHILADELPHIA
5. Joe Haeg—155, T, North Dakota State 7.#Stephen Weatherly—227, DE, Vanderbilt,
7. Trevor Bates—239, LB, Maine from BALTIMORE through MIAMI
Austin Blythe—248, C, Iowa, from GREEN BAY # Jayron Kearse—244, DB, Clemson


1.#Jalen Ramsey—5, DB, Florida State 2. Cyrus Jones—60, DB, Alabama
2.#Myles Jack—36, LB, UCLA, from BALTIMORE 3. Joe Thuney—78, T, North Carolina State,
3.#Yannick Ngakoue—69, DE, Maryland from NEW ORLEANS
4. Sheldon Day—103, DT, Notre Dame Jacoby Brissett—91, QB, North Carolina State
6. Tyrone Holmes—181, DE, Montana #+Vincent Valentine—96, DT, Nebraska
Brandon Allen—201, QB, Arkansas, from PITTSBURGH 4. Malcolm Mitchell—112, WR, Georgia,
7. Jonathan Woodard—226, DE, Central Arkansas from NEW ORLEANS
6.+Kamu Grugier-Hill—208, DB, Eastern Illinois
KANSAS CITY CHIEFS + Elandon Roberts—214, LB, Houston
2.#Chris Jones—37, DT, Mississippi State, + Ted Karras—221, G, Illinois
from SAN FRANCISCO 7. Devin Lucien—225, WR, Arizona State,
3. KeiVarae Russell—74, DB, Notre Dame, from TAMPA BAY from DALLAS through SEATTLE
4. Parker Ehinger—105, G, Cincinnati, from SAN FRANCISCO
Eric Murray—106, DB, Minnesota, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS
from CHICAGO through TAMPA BAY 1. Sheldon Rankins—12, DT, Louisville
# Demarcus Robinson—126, WR, Florida 2.#Michael Thomas—47, WR, Ohio State
5. Kevin Hogan—162, QB, Stanford, from SEATTLE # Vonn Bell—61, DB, Ohio State,
Tyreek Hill—165, WR, West Alabama from ARIZONA through NEW ENGLAND
6. D.J. White—178, DB, Georgia Tech, 4. David Onyemata—120, DE, Manitoba (Canada),
6. Dadi Nicolas—203, LB, Virginia Tech 7. Daniel Lasco—237, RB, California


1.#Jared Goff—1, QB, California, from TENNESSEE 1.#Eli Apple—10, DB, Ohio State
4. Tyler Higbee—110, TE, Western Kentucky 2. Sterling Shepard—40, WR, Oklahoma
# Pharoh Cooper—117, WR, South Carolina, 3. Darian Thompson—71, DB, Boise State
from BUFFALO through CHICAGO 4. B.J. Goodson—109, LB, Clemson
6. Temarrick Hemingway—177, TE, South Carolina State, 5.#Paul Perkins—149, RB, UCLA
from TENNESSEE 6. Jerell Adams—184, TE, South Carolina
Josh Forrest—190, LB, Kentucky
Mike Thomas—206, WR, Southern Mississippi,

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 29

1.#Darron Lee—20, LB, Ohio State 1. DeForest Buckner—7, DE, Oregon
2.#Christian Hackenberg—51, QB, Penn State Joshua Garnett—28, G, Stanford, from KANSAS CITY
3. Jordan Jenkins—83, LB, Georgia 3. Will Redmond—68, DB, Mississippi State
4. Juston Burris—118, DB, North Carolina State 4.+#Rashard Robinson—133, DB, Louisiana State
5. Brandon Shell—158, T, South Carolina, from WASHINGTON 5. Ronald Blair—142, DE, Appalachian State,
7. Lachlan Edwards—235, P, Sam Houston State, from SAN DIEGO
from LOS ANGELES through HOUSTON John Theus—145, T, Georgia
and DENVER + Fahn Cooper—174, T, Mississippi
Charone Peake—241, WR, Clemson 6. Jeff Driskel—207, QB, Louisiana Tech, from DENVER
+#Kelvin Taylor—211, RB, Florida
OAKLAND RAIDERS + Aaron Burbridge—213, WR, Michigan State
1. Karl Joseph—14, DB, West Virginia 7. Prince Charles Iworah—249, DB, Western Kentucky,
2. Jihad Ward—44, DE, Illinois from KANSAS CITY
3. Shilique Calhoun—75, LB, Michigan State
4. Connor Cook—100, QB, Michigan State, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS
from TENNESSEE through PHILADELPHIA 1.#Germain Ifedi—31, T, Texas A&M, from DENVER
and CLEVELAND 2. Jarran Reed—49, DT, Alabama,
5. DeAndre Washington—143, RB, Texas Tech, from DALLAS from BUFFALO through CHICAGO
6. Cory James—194, LB, Colorado State, from INDIANAPOLIS 3.#C.J. Prosise—90, RB, Notre Dame
7. Vadal Alexander—234, G, Louisiana State Nick Vannett—94, TE, Ohio State, from DENVER
+ Rees Odhiambo—97, T, Boise State
PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 5. Quinton Jefferson—147, DT, Maryland,
1. Carson Wentz—2, QB, North Dakota State, from MIAMI through NEW ENGLAND
from CLEVELAND +#Alex Collins—171, RB, Arkansas
3. Isaac Seumalo—79, C, Oregon State 6.+Joey Hunt—215, C, Texas Christian
5. Wendell Smallwood—153, RB, West Virginia 7.#Kenny Lawler—243, WR, California,
Halapoulivaati Vaitai—164, T, Texas Christian, from HOUSTON through NEW ENGLAND
from PITTSBURGH # Zac Brooks—247, RB, Clemson
6. Blake Countess—196, DB, Auburn,
MIAMI and MINNESOTA 1.#Vernon Hargreaves—11, DB, Florida, from CHICAGO
7. Jalen Mills—233, DB, Louisiana State 2.#Noah Spence—39, DE, Eastern Kentucky
# Alex McAlister—240, DE, Florida # Roberto Aguayo—59, K, Florida State,
Joe Walker—251, LB, Oregon, from ARIZONA 4. Ryan Smith—108, DB, North Carolina Central
5.#Caleb Benenoch—148, T, UCLA
PITTSBURGH STEELERS 6. Devante Bond—183, LB, Oklahoma
1.#Artie Burns—25, DB, Miami Dan Vitale—197, RB, Northwestern, from WASHINGTON
2. Sean Davis—58, DB, Maryland
3. Javon Hargrave—89, DT, South Carolina State TENNESSEE TITANS
4.#Jerald Hawkins—123, T, Louisiana State 1.#Jack Conklin—8, T, Michigan State,
6.+Travis Feeney—220, LB, Washington from MIAMI through PHILADELPHIA
7.#Demarcus Ayers—229, WR, Houston, and CLEVELAND
from NEW YORK GIANTS 2.#Kevin Dodd—33, LB, Clemson
Tyler Matakevich—246, LB, Temple # Austin Johnson—43, DT, Penn State,
SAN DIEGO CHARGERS # Derrick Henry—45, RB, Alabama, from LOS ANGELES
1.#Joey Bosa—3, DE, Ohio State 3. Kevin Byard—64, DB, Middle Tennessee
2.#Hunter Henry—35, TE, Arkansas 5. Tajae Sharpe—140, WR, Massachusetts
3. Max Tuerk—66, C, Southern California LeShaun Sims—157, DB, Southern Utah,
4. Joshua Perry—102, LB, Ohio State from NEW YORK JETS through DENVER
5.+Jatavis Brown—175, LB, Akron 6. Sebastian Tretola—193, G, Arkansas, from ATLANTA
6. Drew Kaser—179, P, Texas A&M 7. Aaron Wallace—222, LB, UCLA
Derek Watt—198, RB, Wisconsin, from MINNESOTA Kalan Reed—253, DB, Southern Mississippi,
7. Donovan Clark—224, G, Michigan State from DENVER

1. Josh Doctson—22, WR, Texas Christian, from HOUSTON
2.#Su’a Cravens—53, LB, Southern California
3.#Kendall Fuller—84, DB, Virginia Tech
5. Matt Ioannidis—152, DE, Temple, from NEW ORLEANS
6. Nate Sudfeld—187, QB, Indiana, from NEW ORLEANS
7. Steven Daniels—232, LB, Boston College,
# Keith Marshall—242, RB, Georgia

30 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

NUMBER OF PLAYERS DRAFTED— Southern Utah .......................................2 BY CONFERENCE:
2016 Utah State .............................................2 Southeastern.........................................51
BY POSITION: Virginia Tech .........................................2 Big Ten..................................................47
Defensive Backs..................................52 Washington ..........................................2 Pacific 12..............................................32
Linebackers ........................................36 Western Michigan .................................2 Atlantic Coast........................................26
Wide Receivers ...................................32 Wisconsin.............................................2 Big 12...................................................26
Running Backs ....................................22 Akron....................................................1 American Athletic ..................................10
Tackles................................................22 Appalachian State .................................1 Conference USA....................................10
Defensive Tackles................................20 Brigham Young......................................1 Mountain West........................................9
Defensive Ends ...................................19 Central Arkansas ...................................1 Independent ............................................8
Quarterbacks ......................................15 Central Michigan ...................................1 Mid-American .........................................6
Guards................................................11 Eastern Illinois.......................................1 Big Sky ...................................................4
Tight Ends...........................................11 Eastern Kentucky ..................................1 Mid-Eastern Athletic ................................3
Centers .................................................8 Eastern Michigan ..................................1 Missouri Valley Football...........................3
Punter ...................................................3 Georgia Southern ..................................1 Southland................................................3
Long Snapper .......................................1 Grand Valley State .................................1 Sun Belt ..................................................3
Kicker ...................................................1 Harvard.................................................1 Colonial Athletic . ....................................2
Iowa .....................................................1 Ivy ..........................................................2
BY COLLEGE: Kansas State.........................................1 Ohio Valley..............................................2
Ohio State ...........................................12 Kentucky...............................................1 Southern .................................................1
Clemson ...............................................9 Louisiana-Monroe .................................1 Canada West Universities Athletic............1
UCLA ....................................................8 Louisville...............................................1 Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic ..........1
Notre Dame...........................................7 Maine....................................................1 Gulf South...............................................1
Alabama ...............................................7 Manitoba (Canada)................................1 Lone Star ................................................1
Florida...................................................7 Massachusetts......................................1 no college ...............................................1
Baylor ...................................................6 Memphis...............................................1
Arkansas...............................................5 Middle Tennessee State.........................1 UNDERCLASSMEN IN THE DRAFT
Georgia .................................................5 Midwestern State ..................................1 Year Eligible Drafted In Top 10
Louisiana State .....................................5 Montana................................................1 1990 28 18 5
Michigan State ......................................5 Montana State.......................................1 1991 23 19 1
Mississippi............................................5 Navy .....................................................1 1992 30 21 5
Penn State ............................................5 no college .............................................1 1993 34 24 5
Stanford................................................5 North Carolina Central ...........................1 1994 31 25 6
Texas Christian......................................5 Northern Iowa .......................................1 1995 33 22 2
West Virginia.........................................5 Oklahoma State.....................................1 1996 24 16 4
California ..............................................4 Oregon State .........................................1 1997 34 25 6
Nebraska...............................................4 Pittsburgh .............................................1 1998 32 19 3
Oklahoma..............................................4 Princeton ..............................................1 1999 31 22 5
Southern California................................4 Purdue ..................................................1 2000 26 20 4
Auburn..................................................3 Rutgers .................................................1 2001 35 27 5
Boise State............................................3 Sam Houston State ...............................1 2002 38 26 2
Houston ................................................3 Samford................................................1 2003 47 32 5
Illinois ...................................................3 Southeastern Louisiana .........................1 2004 43 35 5
Indiana..................................................3 Syracuse...............................................1 2005 51 37 4
Louisiana Tech ......................................3 Texas ....................................................1 2006 52 33 6
Maryland...............................................3 Texas-San Antonio ................................1 2007 40 29 5
Michigan...............................................3 Utah......................................................1 2008 53 39 4
Mississippi State ...................................3 Vanderbilt..............................................1 2009 46 41 5
Missouri................................................3 Virginia..................................................1 2010 53 46 5
North Carolina State ..............................3 Washington State ..................................1 2011 56 43 8
South Carolina ......................................3 West Alabama.......................................1 2012 65 44 8
Temple ..................................................3 William & Mary .....................................1 2013 73 52 3
Texas A&M............................................3 2014 98 61 6
Texas Tech ............................................3 2015 74 60 7
Western Kentucky .................................3 2016 96 77 8
Arizona .................................................2
Arizona State.........................................2
Boston College......................................2
Colorado State ......................................2
Florida State..........................................2
Georgia Tech.........................................2
Miami ...................................................2
Minnesota .............................................2
North Dakota State................................2
Northwestern ........................................2
San Jose State ......................................2
South Carolina State..............................2
Southern Mississippi.............................2

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 31

The NFL uses a system of Instant Replay Review to aid by the Replay Official. The Replay Official must
officiating. The following procedures will be used: initiate a review before the ball is next legally put
in play.
Coaches’ Challenge: In each game, a team will be permit-
ted two challenges that will initiate Instant Replay The Replay Official and designated members of the Offici-
reviews. The Head Coach will initiate a challenge ating Department at the League office may con-
by throwing a red flag onto the field of play sult with the on-field officials to provide informa-
before the next legal snap or kick. Each challenge tion on the correct application of playing rules,
will require the use of a team timeout. If a chal- including appropriate assessment of penalty
lenge is upheld, the timeout will be restored. A yardage, proper down, and status of the game
challenge will only be restored if a team is suc- clock.
cessful on both of its challenges, in which case it
shall be awarded a third challenge, but a fourth Reviews By Referee: All Replay Reviews will be conduct-
challenge will not be permitted under any circum- ed by the Referee on a field-level monitor after
stances. consultation with the covering official(s). During
the review, the Referee will consult with designat-
A team may challenge any reviewable play identified in the ed members of the Officiating department at the
Reviewable Plays section below, except when the League office. A decision will be reversed only
on-field ruling is: when the Referee has clear and obvious visual
(a) A score for either team, evidence available to him that warrants the
(b) An interception, change.
(c) A fumble or backward pass that is recovered
by an opponent or goes out of bounds through an Each review will be a maximum of 60 seconds in length,
opponent’s end zone, or timed from when the Referee begins his review of
(d) A muffed scrimmage kick recovered by the the replay at the field-level monitor.
kicking team.
All reviewable aspects of the play may be examined and
A team may not challenge a reviewable play: are subject to reversal, even if not identified in a
(a) After the two minute warning of each half, coach’s challenge or if not the specific reason for
(b) Throughout any overtime period, a Replay Official’s request for review.
(c) After committing a foul that delays the next
snap, and Non-Reviewable Plays: The following play situations are
(d) After exhausting all of its challenges or not reviewable:
timeouts. (a) Fouls, except for g (Reviewable Plays) below.
(b) Spot of the ball and runner:
If a team initiates a challenge when it is not permitted to do (1) Runner ruled down by defensive contact or
so, it will be charged a timeout. out of bounds (not involving fumbles or the
line to gain).
Penalty: For initiating a challenge when a team has (2) The position of the ball not relating to first
exhausted its timeouts: Loss of 15 yards. down or goal line.
(3) Whether a runner’s forward progress was
Replay Official’s Request For Review: A Replay Review stopped before he went out of bounds or lost
will be initiated by a Replay Official from a Replay possession of the ball.
Booth comparable to the location of the coaches’ (4) Whether a runner gave himself up.
booth or Press Box when the on-field ruling is: (c) Miscellaneous:
(a) A score for either team, (1) Field Goal or Try attempts that cross above
(b) An interception, either upright without touching anything.
(c) A fumble or backward pass that is recovered (2) Erroneous whistle.
by an opponent or goes out of bounds through an (3) Spot where an airborne ball crosses the
opponent’s end zone, or sideline.
(d) A muffed scrimmage kick recovered by the (4) Whether a player was blocked into a loose
kicking team. ball.
(5) Advance by a player after a valid or invalid
A Replay Review will be initiated by a Replay Official: fair catch signal.
(e) After the two minute warning of each half, and (6) Whether a player created the impetus that
(f) Throughout any overtime period. put the ball into an end zone.

There is no limit to the number of Replay Reviews that Reviewable Plays: The Replay System will cover the
may be initiated by the Replay Official. His ability following play situations:
to initiate a review will be unrelated to the number (a) Plays involving possession.
of timeouts that either team has remaining, and (b) Plays involving touching of either the ball or
no timeout will be charged for any review initiated the ground.

32 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

(c) Plays governed by the goal line. INSTANT REPLAY HISTORY
(d) Plays governed by the boundary lines. From 1986-1991, a limited system of Instant Replay was
(e) Plays governed by the line of scrimmage. used on a year-by-year basis. Replay also was experiment-
(f) Plays governed by the line to gain. ed with during the 1996 and 1998 preseasons. For the 1999
(g) Number of players on the field at the snap, season, the NFL introduced a system of Referee Replay
even when a foul is not called. Review to aid officiating. That system was extended on a
(h) Game administration: one-year basis for the 2000 season and then approved for
(1) Penalty enforcement. the next three years through 2003. The system was extend-
(2) Proper down. ed on a five-year basis in March 2004 and was later
(3) Spot of a foul. installed permanently in March 2007.
(4) Status of the game clock.
Following are the results of the different systems:
In situations in which time is deemed to have expired dur-
ing or after the last play of the first or second REGULAR SEASON, 1986-1991
half, or of an overtime period in the preseason or Plays Closely
regular season, or of an overtime half in the post- Year Games Reviewed Reversals
season, a timing error is defined as having 1986 224 374 38
occurred only when the visual evidence demon- 1987 210 490 57
strates that more than one second should be put 1988 224 537 53
on the clock. 1989 224 492 65
1990 224 504 73
In the first half, time shall be restored only if the additional 1991 224 570 90
play will be a snap from scrimmage. In the sec- TOTAL 1,330 2,967 376
ond half, time shall be restored only if it is a one-
score game (eight points or less), and the addi- PRESEASON, 1996, 1998
tional play will be a snap from scrimmage by the Year Games Challenges Reversals
team that is behind in the score, or by either team 1996 10 13 3
if the score is tied. A correction of a timing error 1998 10 10 3
for a team timeout may be made only if there is TOTAL 20 23 6
visual evidence of an official’s signal.
If an on-field ruling of a dead ball (down by contact, out of Total Replay
bounds, or incomplete forward pass) is changed, Year Games Reviews Challenges Reversals
the ball belongs to the recovering player at the 1999 248 195 133 57
spot of the recovery, and any advance is nullified. 2000 248 247 179 84
The recovery must occur in the continuing action 2001 248 258 191 89
following the loss of possession. If the ball goes 2002 256 294 208 94
out of bounds in an end zone, the result of the 2003 256 255 184 66
play will be either a touchback or a safety. If the 2004 256 283 233 88
Referee does not have clear and obvious visual 2005 256 295 223 92
evidence as to which player recovered the loose 2006 256 311 237 107
ball, or that the ball went out of bounds, the ruling 2007 256 327 250 122
on the field will stand. 2008 256 315 229 117
2009 256 328 228 126
2010 256 361 252 133
2011 256 390 209 172
2012 256 435 157 170
2013 256 423 183 185
2014 256 439 165 151
2015 256 415 201 176
TOTAL 4,328 5,571 3,462 2,029

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 33

The following procedures will be used to break standings ties for 10. Best net points in all games.
postseason playoffs and to determine regular-season schedules.
Note: Tie games count as one-half win and one-half loss for both 11. Best net touchdowns in all games.
12. Coin toss.
If, at the end of the regular season, two or more clubs in the
same division finish with the best won-lost-tied percentage, the TO BREAK A TIE FOR THE WILD-CARD TEAM
following steps will be taken until a champion is determined: If necessary to break ties to determine the two Wild Card clubs
from each conference, the following steps will be taken:
1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games A. If all the tied clubs are from the same division, apply
between the clubs.) division tie-breaker.

2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the B. If the tied clubs are from different divisions, apply the
division. following steps:

3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. TWO CLUBS

1. Head-to-head, if applicable.
4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the
conference. 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in the games played
within the conference.
5. Strength of victory in all games.
3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games,
6. Strength of schedule in all games. minimum of four.

7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in 4. Strength of victory in all games.
points scored and points allowed in all games.
5. Strength of schedule in all games.
8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored
and points allowed in all games. 6. Best combined ranking among conference teams in
points scored and points allowed in all games.
9. Best net points in common games.
7. Best combined ranking among all teams in points
10. Best net points in all games. scored and points allowed in all games.

11. Best net touchdowns in all games. 8. Best net points in conference games.

12. Coin toss. 9. Best net points in all games.

THREE OR MORE CLUBS 10. Best net touchdowns in all games.

(Note: If two clubs remain tied after one or more clubs are
eliminated during any step, tie-breaker re-starts at Step One of 11. Coin toss.
two-club format. If three clubs remain tied after a fourth club is
eliminated during any step, tie-breaker re-starts at Step One of THREE OR MORE CLUBS
three-club format.) (Note: If two clubs remain tied after one or more clubs are
eliminated during any step, tie-breaker re-starts at Step One of
1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games two-club format. If three clubs remain tied after a fourth club is
among the clubs.) eliminated during any step, tie-breaker re-starts at Step Two of
three-club format.)
2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the
division. 1. Apply division tie-breaker to eliminate all but highest
ranked club in each division prior to proceeding to step
3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. two. The original seeding within a division upon
application of the division tie-breaker remains the same
4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the for all subsequent applications of the procedure that are
conference. necessary to identify the two Wild Card participants.

5. Strength of victory in all games. 2. Head-to-head sweep (apply only if one has defeated
each of the others or one club has lost to each of the
6. Strength of schedule in all games. others.)

7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within
points scored and points allowed in all games. the conference.

8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points 4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games,
scored and points allowed in all games. minimum of four.

9. Best net points in common games. 5. Strength of victory in all games.

34 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

6. Strength of schedule in all games. OTHER TIE-BREAKING PROCEDURES
1. Only one club advances to the playoffs in any tie-breaking
7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in step. Remaining tied clubs revert to the first step of the
points scored and points allowed in all games. applicable division or Wild Card tie-breakers. As an example,
if two clubs remain tied in any tie-breaker step after all other
8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points clubs have been eliminated, the procedure reverts to Step 1
scored and points allowed in all games. of the two-club format to determine the winner. When one
club wins the tie-breaker, all other clubs revert to Step 1 of
9. Best net points in conference games. the applicable two-club or three-club format.

10. Best net points in all games. 2. In comparing records against common opponents among
tied teams, the best won-lost-tied percentage is the deciding
11. Best net touchdowns in all games. factor since teams may have played an unequal number of
12. Coin toss.
3. To determine home-field priority among division-titlists,
When the first Wild Card Team has been identified, the apply Wild Card tie-breakers.
procedure is repeated to name the second Wild Card (i.e.,
eliminate all but the highest ranked club in each division 4. To determine home-field priority for Wild Card qualifiers,
prior to proceeding to step two). In situations where three apply division tie-breakers (if teams are from the same
teams from the same division are involved in the procedure, division) or Wild Card tie-breakers (if teams are from
the original seeding of the teams remains the same for different divisions).
subsequent applications of the tie-breaker if the top-ranked
team in that division qualifies for a Wild Card berth. 5. To determine the best combined ranking among conference
teams in points scored and points allowed, add a team's
position in the two categories, and the lowest score wins.
For example, if Team A is first in points scored and second
in points allowed, its combined ranking is “3.” If Team B is
third in points scored and first in points allowed, its
combined ranking is “4.” Team A then wins the tiebreaker. If
two teams are tied for a position, both teams are awarded
the ranking as if they held it solely. For example, if Team A
and Team B are tied for first in points scored, each team is
assigned a ranking of “1” in that category, and if Team C is
third, its ranking will still be “3.”


1. Clubs not participating in the playoffs shall select in the first
through 20th positions in reverse standings order.

2. The Super Bowl winner is last and Super Bowl loser is next-

3. The losers of the Conference Championship games shall

select 29th and 30th based on won-lost-tied percentage.

4. The losers of the Divisional playoff games shall select 25th

through 28th based on won-lost-tied percentage.

5. The losers of the Wild Card games shall select 21st through
24th based on won-lost-tied percentage.

If ties exist in any grouping except (2) above, such ties shall be
broken by strength-of-schedule. If any ties cannot be broken by
strength-of-schedule, the divisional or conference tie-breakers, if
applicable, shall be applied. Any ties that still exist shall be
broken by a coin flip.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 35

The waiver system is a procedure by which player contracts or NFL
NFL rights to players are made available by a club to other clubs Year(s) Limit
in the League. During the procedure, the 31 other clubs either file 2011-16 ................................................................................46
claims to obtain the players or waive the opportunity to do so— 1991-2010 ........................................................................45**
thus the term “waiver.” Claiming clubs are assigned players on a 1985-90 ................................................................................45
priority based on the inverse of won-and-lost standing. The 1983-84 ................................................................................49
claiming period is 24 hours from the first business day after the 1982 ..............................................................................45†-49
Super Bowl through the conclusion of the regular season. If a 1978-81 ................................................................................45
player passes through waivers unclaimed, he becomes a free 1975-77 ................................................................................43
agent. All waivers are no recall and no withdrawal. Under the 1974......................................................................................47
Collective Bargaining Agreement, from the beginning of the 1964-73 ................................................................................40
waiver system each year through the trading deadline, any 1963......................................................................................37
veteran who has acquired four years of pension credit is not 1961-62 ................................................................................36
subject to the waiver system if the club desires to release him. 1960......................................................................................38
After the trading deadline, such players are subject to the waiver 1959......................................................................................36
system. 1957-58 ................................................................................35
1951-56 ................................................................................33
ACTIVE/INACTIVE LIST 1949-50 ................................................................................32
The Active/Inactive List is the principal status for players 1948......................................................................................35
participating for a club. It consists of all players under contract 1947 ..............................................................................35*-34
who are eligible for preseason, regular-season, and postseason 1945-46 ................................................................................33
games. Teams are permitted to open training camp with no more 1943-44 ................................................................................28
than 90 players under contract and thereafter must meet two 1940-42 ................................................................................33
mandatory roster reductions prior to the season opener. Teams 1938-39 ................................................................................30
will be permitted an Active List of 46 players and an Inactive List 1936-37 ................................................................................25
of seven players for each regular-season and postseason game. 1935......................................................................................24
Teams also are permitted to establish Practice Squads of up to 10 1930-34 ................................................................................20
players who are eligible to participate in practice, but these 1926-29 ................................................................................18
players remain free agents and are eligible to sign with any other 1925......................................................................................16
team in the league. ** 45 plus a third quarterback
† 45 for first two games
August 30.....................Roster reduction to 75 players * 35 for first three games
September 3.................Roster reduction to 53 players
September 4.................Teams establish a Practice Squad of AFL
up to 10 players Year(s) Limit
1966-69 ................................................................................40
In addition to the squad limits described above, the overall roster 1965......................................................................................38
limit of 90 players remains in effect throughout the regular 1964......................................................................................34
season and postseason. The overall limit is applicable to players 1962-63 ................................................................................33
on a team’s Active, Inactive, and certain Exempt Lists, players on 1960-61 ................................................................................35
the Practice Squad, and players on the Reserve List as Injured,
Physically Unable to Perform, Non-Football Illness/Injury, and NFL FREE AGENCY MOVEMENT
Suspended by Club. The following chart details veteran free agents who signed with
new teams:
The Reserve List is a status for players who, for reasons of injury, Unrestricted Restricted Transition Franchise TOTALS
retirement, military service, or other circumstances, are not 1993 108 8 4 1 121
immediately available for participation with a club. Except for one 1994 121 7 4 0 132
player who must be Designated for Return, players on 1995 171 6 2 0 179
Reserve/Injured are not eligible to practice or return to the 1996 100 4 2 0 106
Active/Inactive List in the same season that they are placed on 1997 86 2 2 0 90
Reserve. Players in the category of Reserve/Retired, Reserve/Did 1998 112 4 1 2 119
Not Report, Reserve/Exclusive Rights, and players who were 1999 115 2 1 0 118
placed in the category of Reserve/Left Squad in a previous 2000 107 4 0 0 111
season may not be reinstated during the period from 30 days 2001 93 4 0 0 97
before the end of the regular season through the postseason. 2002 130 1 0 0 131
2003 111 5 1 0 117
2004 124 1 1 0 126
2005 104 3 0 0 107
2006 149 4 1 0 154
2007 126 4 0 0 130
2008 132 3 0 0 135
2009 128 0 0 0 128
2010 51 1 0 0 52
2011 163 0 0 0 163
2012 143 0 0 0 143
2013 165 0 0 0 165
2014 159 1 0 0 160
2015 141 0 1 0 142

36 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Baltimore Ravens .....................................................................................................................................39
Buffalo Bills ..............................................................................................................................................45
Cincinnati Bengals....................................................................................................................................51
Cleveland Browns .....................................................................................................................................57
Denver Broncos ........................................................................................................................................63
Houston Texans ........................................................................................................................................69
Indianapolis Colts.....................................................................................................................................75
Jacksonville Jaguars .................................................................................................................................81
Kansas City Chiefs....................................................................................................................................87
Miami Dolphins ........................................................................................................................................93
New England Patriots ..............................................................................................................................99
New York Jets .........................................................................................................................................105
Oakland Raiders .....................................................................................................................................111
Pittsburgh Steelers..................................................................................................................................117
San Diego Chargers ...............................................................................................................................123
Tennessee Titans.....................................................................................................................................129
Owner: Steve Bisciotti (188-154-1)
President: Dick Cass
General Manager & Executive Vice Records include postseason games
President: Ozzie Newsome 1996-98 Ted Marchibroda ........16-31-1
Assistant General Manager: Eric DeCosta 1999-2007 Brian Billick ................85-67-0
Senior Vice President of Public & 2008-2015 John Harbaugh ..........87-56-0
Community Relations: Kevin Byrne
Senior Vice President of Football
Administration: Pat Moriarty PAID ATTENDANCE
Senior Vice President of Digital Media & Home 551,868 Away 500,487
Broadcasting: Michelle Andres
Senior Vice President of Operations: Total 1,052,355
Bob Eller Single-game home record,
Senior Vice President of Finance: 71,547 (1/15/12)
Jeff Goering
Senior Vice President of Ticket Sales & Single-season home record, 557,835
Operations: Baker Koppelman (2012)
Senior Vice President of Corporate Sales
American Football Conference & Business Development:
Kevin Rochlitz 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
North Division Senior Vice President of Stadium Round Name Pos. College
Team Colors: Black, Purple, and Metallic Operations: Roy Sommerhof 1 Ronnie Stanley T Notre Dame
Gold Vice President of Suite Sales & Service:
Theresa Abato 2 Kamalei Correa OLB Boise St.
1 Winning Drive Vice President of Finance: Jim Coller 3 Bronson Kaufusi DE Brigham Young
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 Vice President of Marketing: Brad Downs 4 Tavon Young CB Temple
Telephone: (410) 701-4000 Vice President of Football Video Chris Moore WR Cincinnati
Operations: Jon Dube
Vice President of Networking & Alex Lewis G/T Nebraska
2016 SCHEDULE Hardware: Nick Fusee Willie Henry DT Michigan
PRESEASON Vice President of Human Resources: Kenneth Dixon RB Louisiana Tech
Aug. 11 Carolina.............................7:30 Elizabeth Jackson
Vice President of Information 5 Matthew Judon LB Grand Valley St.
Aug. 20 at Indianapolis ....................7:00 Technology: Bill Jankowski 6 Keenan Reynolds WR Navy
Aug. 27 Detroit ...............................7:00 Vice President & Head Certified Athletic Maurice Canady CB Virginia
Sep. 1 at New Orleans...................8:00 Trainer: Mark Smith
Vice President of Public Relations:
Chad Steele
REGULAR SEASON Director of Pro Personnel: Vincent
Sep. 11 Buffalo ..............................1:00 Newsome
Director of College Scouting: Joe Hortiz
Sep. 18 at Cleveland ......................1:00 Director of Football Administration:
Sep. 25 at Jacksonville ...................1:00 Jessica Markison
Oct. 2 Oakland ............................1:00 Senior Personnel Assistant:
George Kokinis
Oct. 9 Washington ......................1:00 Director of Player Engagement:
Oct. 16 at New York Giants .............1:00 Harry Swayne
Oct. 23 at New York Jets ................1:00 Senior Advisor of Player Development:
BYE O.J. Brigance
Assistant Director of Pro Personnel:
Nov. 6 Pittsburgh .........................1:00 Chad Alexander
Nov. 10 Cleveland (Thu) .................8:25 Scouts: Mark Azevedo, David Blackburn,
Nov. 20 at Dallas ............................1:00 Ian Cunningham, Jack Glowik,
Milt Hendrickson, Dwuane Jones,
Nov. 27 Cincinnati .........................1:00 Andrew Raphael, Lonnie Young
Dec. 4 Miami ...............................1:00 Equipment Manager: William Sheridan
Dec. 12 at New England (Mon)........8:30 Senior Director of Fields & Grounds/Head
Groundskeeper: Don Follett
Dec. 18 Philadelphia .....................1:00 Senior Director of Security:
Dec. 25 at Pittsburgh ......................4:30 Darren Sanders
Jan. 1 at Cincinnati ......................1:00 Director of Football Video Operations:
Mark Bienvenu
* All times ET Director of Ticket Sales & Hospitality:
Mike Burke
Stadium: M&T Bank Stadium Director of Sales: Aaron Cline
(opened in 1998) Director of Event Operations: John Cline
Director of Community Relations:
•Capacity: 71,008 Heather Darney
1101 Russell Street Director of Special Events & Special
Baltimore, Maryland 21230 Assistant to the President: Lisa Dixon
Director of Public Relations:
Playing Surface: Sportexe Momentum Patrick Gleason
Training Camp: 1 Winning Drive Director of Retail: Chris Inouye
Owings Mills, MD 21117 Director of Finance: Reba Koppelman
Director of Digital Media: Dave Lang
Director of Facilities Maintenance:
M&T BANK STADIUM Keith Mathews
Director of Ticket Operations:
Adam Mazalewski
Director of Broadcasting & Gameday
Productions: Jay O’Brien
Director of Strength & Conditioning:
Bob Rogucki
Director of Performance & Recovery:
Steve Saunders
Director of Coaching Analytics:
Eugene Shen
Director of Stadium Operations:
Jobie Waldt
Director of Sales: Keith Weldon

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 39

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Flacco 413 266 2791 64.4 14 12 16/124 83.1
08/13 W 30-27 New Orleans Mallett 97 58 566 59.8 2 2 2/19 74.5
08/22 L 17-40 at Philadelphia Clausen 85 49 555 57.6 2 3 3/8 70.5
08/29 L 13-31 Washington Schaub 80 52 540 65.0 3 4 3/27 76.0
09/03 L 19-20 at Atlanta Koch 1 1 -3 100.0 0 0 0/0 79.2
Ravens 676 426 4449 63.0 21 21 24/178 79.4
REGULAR SEASON (5-11) Opponents 545 350 3957 64.2 30 6 37/220 99.6
Date Result Opponent
09/13 L 13-19 at Denver TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
09/20 L 33-37 at Oakland SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS J. Smith 3 24 8.0 24t 1
09/27 L 24-28 Cincinnati Tucker 0 0 0 29/29 33/40 0 128 Hill 1 25 25.0 25 0
10/01 W 23-20 at Pittsburgh (OT) Aiken 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Webb 1 3 3.0 3 0
10/11 L 30-33 Cleveland (OT) Gillmore 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 D. Smith 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
10/18 L 20-25 at San Francisco Juszczyk 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Ravens 6 51 8.5 25 1
10/26 L 18-26 at Arizona Allen 1 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 21 340 16.2 90t 4
11/01 W 29-26 San Diego Flacco 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
11/15 L 20-22 Jacksonville S. Smith 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 W 16-13 St. Louis Forsett 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Koch 74 3454 46.7 29 67
11/30 W 33-27 at Cleveland Campanaro 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Ravens 74 3454 46.7 29 67
12/06 L 13-15 at Miami Clay 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 81 3715 45.9 24 70
12/13 L 6-35 Seattle Givens 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/20 L 14-34 Kansas City Hill 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/27 W 20-17 Pittsburgh Matthews 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 L 16-24 at Cincinnati Mosley 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Clay 23 3 244 10.6 82t 1
(OT) Overtime J. Smith 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Ross 10 5 109 10.9 42 0
Taliaferro 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Campanaro 3 3 49 16.3 21 0
SCORE BY PERIODS M. Williams 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 S. Smith 2 1 32 16.0 22 0
Ravens 64 88 58 115 3 — 328 Boyle 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2 Webb 2 3 16 8.0 9 0
Opponents 80 124 91 103 3 — 401 Ravens 8 21 4 29/29 33/40 0 328 Ravens 40 15 450 11.3 82t 1
Opponents 10 30 5 37/40 30/36 0 401 Opponents 35 12 176 5.0 29 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS 2-Pt Conv: Boyle. Ravens 1-4, Opponents 4-5
Ravens Opp. KICKOFF
Total First Downs 323 311 RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 89 80 Forsett 151 641 4.2 33 2 Clay 14 343 24.5 39 0
Passing 211 189 Allen 137 514 3.8 44 1 Ross 7 205 29.3 46 0
Penalty 23 42 West 46 180 3.9 17 0 Mostert 5 164 32.8 50 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 85/226 86/216 Taliaferro 13 47 3.6 7t 1 Campanaro 3 79 26.3 29 0
3rd Down Pct. 37.6 39.8 Clausen 6 28 4.7 8 0 Magee 1 28 28.0 28 0
4th Down: Made/Att 12/24 4/9 Flacco 13 23 1.8 16 3 Z. Smith 1 15 15.0 15 0
4th Down Pct. 50.0 44.4 Campanaro 2 17 8.5 9t 1 Boyle 1 10 10.0 10 0
Possession Avg. 29:58 30:02 Schaub 4 10 2.5 7 0 Juszczyk 1 7 7.0 7 0
Total Net Yards 5749 5398 Koch 1 7 7.0 7 0 M. Williams 1 6 6.0 6 0
Avg. Per Game 359.3 337.4 Magee 2 5 2.5 4 0 Ravens 34 857 25.2 50 0
Total Plays 1083 1000 Mallett 1 4 4.0 4 0 Opponents 9 229 25.4 40 0
Avg. Per Play 5.3 5.4 Juszczyk 2 3 1.5 2 0
Net Yards Rushing 1478 1661 Levine 1 3 3.0 3 0 FIELD
Avg. Per Game 92.4 103.8 Ross 1 2 2.0 2 0 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Rushes 383 418 Givens 3 -6 -2.0 2 0 Tucker 0/0 10/10 9/9 10/11 4/10
Net Yards Passing 4271 3737 Ravens 383 1478 3.9 44 8 Ravens 0/0 10/10 9/9 10/11 4/10
Avg. Per Game 266.9 233.6 Opponents 418 1661 4.0 62 10 Opponents 0/0 6/7 8/8 10/12 6/9
Sacked/Yards Lost 24/178 37/220
Gross Yards 4449 3957 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD SACKS No.
Att./Completions 676/426 545/350 Aiken 75 944 12.6 48t 5 Dumervil 6.0
Completion Pct. 63.0 64.2 S. Smith 46 670 14.6 50t 3 Z. Smith 5.5
Had Intercepted 21 6 Allen 45 353 7.8 41t 2 Guy 4.5
Punts/Average 74/46.7 81/45.9 Juszczyk 41 321 7.8 39 4 Jernigan 4.0
Net Punting Avg. 74/42.9 81/39.1 Gillmore 33 412 12.5 46 4 Mosley 4.0
Penalties/Yards 122/1153 103/748 M. Williams 32 268 8.4 28 1 D. Smith 3.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 13/7 18/8 Butler 31 363 11.7 41 0 Upshaw 2.0
Touchdowns 33 45 Forsett 31 153 4.9 32 0 B. Williams 2.0
Rushing 8 10 Givens 19 346 18.2 48 1 Canty 1.0
Passing 21 30 Boyle 18 153 8.5 25 0 Hill 1.0
Returns 4 5 M. Brown 14 112 8.0 22 0 McClellan 1.0
Matthews 9 97 10.8 21 1 Orr 1.0
Ross 9 88 9.8 18 0 J. Smith 1.0
D. Brown 6 64 10.7 31 0 Urban 1.0
Campanaro 5 35 7.0 11 0 Ravens 37.0
Taliaferro 5 29 5.8 11 0 Opponents 24.0
West 4 21 5.3 8 0
Waller 2 18 9.0 17 0
Magee 1 2 2.0 2 0
Ravens 426 4449 10.4 50t 21
Opponents 350 3957 11.3 80t 30

40 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamal Lewis, 2000-06 .......................................................................7,801
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Flacco, 2008-2015 ....................................................................28,322
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Flacco, 2008-2015 .........................................................................162
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Derrick Mason, 2005-2010 ...................................................................471
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Derrick Mason, 2005-2010 ................................................................5,777
Interceptions ...................................................................Ed Reed, 2002-2012...............................................................................61
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Sam Koch, 2006-2015.........................................................................45.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jermaine Lewis, 1996-2001.................................................................11.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Jacoby Jones, 2012-14 .......................................................................30.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Matt Stover, 1996-2008 ........................................................................354
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jamal Lewis, 2000-06 ............................................................................47
Points..............................................................................Matt Stover, 1996-2008 .....................................................................1,464
*Sacks............................................................................Terrell Suggs, 2003-2015...................................................................106.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamal Lewis, 2003.............................................................................2,066
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Vinny Testaverde, 1996 ......................................................................4,177
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Vinny Testaverde, 1996 ...........................................................................33
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Derrick Mason, 2007.............................................................................103
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Michael Jackson, 1996 ......................................................................1,201
Interceptions ...................................................................Ed Reed, 2004, 2008 ................................................................................9
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Sam Koch, 2014 ..................................................................................47.4
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jermaine Lewis, 2000..........................................................................16.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Jacoby Jones, 2012.............................................................................30.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Justin Tucker, 2013 .................................................................................38
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ray Rice, 2011 .......................................................................................15
Points..............................................................................Justin Tucker, 2013 ...............................................................................140
*Sacks............................................................................Elvis Dumervil, 2014 ............................................................................17.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamal Lewis, 9-14-03 ...........................................................................295
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Vinny Testaverde, 10-27-96 ..................................................................429
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Flacco, 10-12-14................................................................................5
Tony Banks, 9-10-00.................................................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Smith, Sr., 9-27-15 ........................................................................13
Priest Holmes, 10-11-98 .........................................................................13
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Qadry Ismail, 12-12-99 .........................................................................258
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................2
Last time by Corey Graham, 11-24-13
Field Goals ......................................................................Justin Tucker, 12-16-13 ............................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marcus Robinson, 11-23-03 .....................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Marcus Robinson, 11-23-03 ...................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Michael McCrary, 11-8-98 .....................................................................4.0
Peter Boulware, 1-7-02 ..........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 41

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
11 Aiken, Kamar WR 6-2 215 5/30/89 4 Central Florida Hollywood, Fla. FA-’13 16/14
37 Allen, Javorius RB 6-0 220 8/27/91 2 Southern California Tallahassee, Fla. D4b-’15 16/6
24 Arrington, Kyle CB 5-10 190 8/12/86 8 Hofstra Brandywine, Md. FA-’15 15/4
86 Boyle, Nick TE 6-4 260 2/17/93 2 Delaware Sussex, N.J. D5a-’15 11/2
31 Brooks, Terrence S 5-11 200 3/1/88 3 Florida State Dunnellon, Fla. D3a-’14 12/0
59 Brown, Arthur ILB 6-0 240 6/16/86 4 Kansas State Wichita, Kan. D2-’13 16/0
83 Brown, Daniel WR 6-5 225 5/25/88 2 James Madison Windsor, Va. FA-’15 6/1
17 Butler, Jeremy WR 6-2 213 4/21/87 3 Tennessee-Martin Sarasota, Fla. FA-’14 8/0
15 Campanaro, Michael WR/RS 5-9 185 1/24/87 3 Wake Forest Clarksville, Md. D7-’14 4/0
56 Carter, Chris OLB 6-1 240 4/5/85 6 Fresno State Fontana, Calif. FA-’15 15/0*
2 #Clausen, Jimmy QB 6-2 210 9/20/83 7 Notre Dame Westlake Village, Calif. W(Chi)-’15 4/3*
81 Clay, Kaelin WR/RS 5-10 195 1/2/88 2 Utah Long Beach, Calif. FA-’15 7/0
46 Cox, Morgan LS 6-4 233 4/26/86 7 Tennessee Collierville, Tenn. FA-’10 16/0
94 Davis, Carl DT 6-5 320 3/2/92 2 Iowa Detroit, Mich. D3-’15 13/3
39 Davis, Will CB 5-11 190 5/8/90 4 Utah State Spokane Valley, Wash. T(Mia)-’15 2/0
62 Ducasse, Vladimir G 6-1 325 10/15/87 7 Massachusetts Port-au-Prince, Haiti FA-'16 16/11*
58 Dumervil, Elvis OLB 5-11 255 1/19/84 11 Louisville Miami, Fla. FA-’13 16/16
26 Elam, Matt S 5-10 200 9/21/91 4 Florida West Palm Beach, Fla. D1-’13 0*
5 Flacco, Joe QB 6-6 245 1/16/85 9 Delaware Audubon, N.J. D1-’08 10/10
29 Forsett, Justin RB 5-8 195 10/14/85 9 California Mulberry, Fla. FA-’14 10/10
80 Gillmore, Crockett TE 6-6 270 11/16/91 3 Colorado State Bushland, Texas D3b-’14 10/10
93 Guy, Lawrence DE 6-4 305 3/17/90 6 Arizona State Las Vegas, Nev. W(SD)-’14 16/6
74 Hurst, James OL 6-5 312 12/17/91 3 North Carolina Plainfield, Ind. FA-’14 16/8
66 Jensen, Ryan G/C 6-4 310 5/27/91 3 Colorado State-Pueblo Fort Morgan, Colo. D6b-’13 11/6
97 Jernigan, Timmy DT 6-2 302 9/24/92 3 Florida State Lake City, Fla. D2 -’14 15/6
2 Johnson, Josh QB 6-5 210 5/15/86 7 San Diego Oakland, Calif. FA-'16 0*
44 Juszczyk, Kyle FB 6-1 248 4/23/91 4 Harvard Medina, Ohio D4b-’13 16/11
4 Koch, Sam P 6-1 219 8/13/82 11 Nebraska Seward, Neb. D6a-’06 16/0
41 Levine Sr., Anthony DB 5-11 200 3/27/87 5 Tennessee State Winston-Salem, N.C. FA-’12 16/0
23 Lewis, Kendrick S 6-0 205 6/16/88 7 Mississippi New Orleans, La. UFA(Hou)-’15 15/15
95 Lewis-Moore, Kapron DE 6-4 315 1/24/90 4 Notre Dame Weatherford, Texas D6a-’13 5/0
7 Mallett, Ryan QB 6-6 245 6/5/88 6 Arkansas Texarkana, Texas FA-’15 8/6*
13 Matthews, Chris WR 6-5 218 10/6/89 3 Kentucky Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’15 13/0*
50 McClellan, Albert ILB 6-2 254 6/4/86 6 Marshall Lakeland, Fla. FA-’10 13/0
60 Monroe, Eugene T 6-5 300 4/18/87 8 Virginia Plainfield, N.J. T(Jax)-’13 6/6
57 Mosley, C.J. ILB 6-2 235 6/19/92 3 Alabama Mobile, Ala. D1-’14 16/16
54 Orr, Zachary ILB 6-0 255 6/9/92 3 North Texas DeSoto, Texas FA-’14 16/0
18 Perriman, Breshad WR 6-2 218 9/9/89 2 Central Florida Lithonia, Ga. D1-’15 0*
88 Pitta, Dennis TE 6-4 245 6/29/85 7 Brigham Young Moorpark, Calif. D4-’10 0*
Powers, Jerraud CB 5-10 187 7/19/87 8 Auburn Decatur, Ala. FA-'16 13/13*
n/a #Reisner, Allen TE 6-3 255 9/29/88 5 Iowa Marion, Iowa FA-’14 0*
85 Reuland, Konrad TE 6-5 254 4/4/87 3 Stanford Mission Viejo, Calif. FA-’14 4/1
33 Richardson, Trent RB 5-9 230 7/10/90 4 Alabama Pensacola, Fla. FA-’16 0*
38 Rolle, Jumal CB 6-0 188 5/28/90 3 Catawba Wilson, N.C. FA-’15 9/0*
22 Smith, Jimmy CB 6-2 206 7/26/88 6 Colorado Colton, Calif. D1-’11 16/16
89 Smith Sr., Steve WR 5-9 195 5/12/79 16 Utah Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’14 7/7
90 Smith, Za’Darius OLB 6-4 275 9/8/92 2 Kentucky Greenville, Ala. D4a-’15 15/0
55 Suggs, Terrell OLB 6-3 265 10/11/82 14 Arizona State Chandler, Ariz. D1a-’03 1/1
34 Taliaferro, Lorenzo RB 6-0 225 12/23/91 3 Coastal Carolina Yorktown, Va. D4b-’14 3/0
9 Tucker, Justin K 6-1 183 11/21/89 5 Texas Austin, Texas FA-’12 16/0
96 Urban, Brent DE 6-7 295 5/5/91 3 Virginia Mississauga, Canada D4a-’14 6/0
64 Urschel, John G/C 6-3 305 6/24/91 3 Penn State Buffalo, N.Y. D5-’14 16/7
71 Wagner, Rick G/T 6-6 310 10/21/89 4 Wisconsin West Allis, Wis. D5-’13 16/16
n/a Wallace, Mike WR 6-0 205 8/1/86 8 Mississippi New Orleans, La. FA-’16 16/12*
n/a Waller, Darren TE/WR 6-6 245 9/13/92 2 Georgia Tech Acworth, Ga. D6-’15 6/1
82 Watson, Benjamin TE 6-3 255 12/18/80 13 Georgia Rock Hill, S.C. UFA(NO)-’16 16/16*
21 Webb, Lardarius DB/RS 5-10 182 10/12/85 8 Nicholls State Opelika, Ala. D3-’09 15/15
32 Weddle, Eric S 5-11 200 1/4/85 10 Utah Alta Loma, Calif. UFA(SD)-’16 13/13*
77 Wesley, De’Ondre G/T 6-6 326 8/28/92 2 Brigham Young Antioch, Calif. FA-’15 7/0
28 West, Terrance RB 5-10 225 1/28/91 3 Towson Baltimore, Md. FA-’15 8/0*
98 Williams, Brandon DT 6-1 335 2/21/89 4 Missouri Southern St. Kirkwood, Mo. D3-’13 16/16
87 Williams, Maxx TE 6-4 250 4/12/94 2 Minnesota Waconia, Minn. D2-’15 14/7
47 Wilson, Julian CB 6-2 215 10/25/91 2 Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Okla. FA-’15 0*
35 Wright, Shareece CB 5-11 182 4/8/87 6 Southern California Colton, Calif. FA-’15 11/7
73 Yanda, Marshal G/T 6-3 305 9/15/84 10 Iowa Anamosa, Iowa D3b-’07 16/16
53 Zuttah, Jeremy G/C 6-4 300 6/1/86 9 Rutgers Edison, N.J. T(TB)-’14 9/9

42 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Carter played 13 games with Cincinnati and 2 games with Baltimore in ’15; Ducasse played 16 games with Chicago; Elam missed '15
season because of injury; J. Johnson last active with Cincinnati in ‘13; Mallett played 6 games with Houston and 2 games Baltimore;
Matthews played 9 games with Seattle and 4 games with Baltimore; Perriman missed ’15 season because of injury; Pitta missed ’15
season because of injury; Powers played 13 games with Arizona; Reisner missed '15 season because of injury; Richardson last active
with Indianapolis in ’14; Rolle played 8 games in Houston and 1 game with Baltimore; Wallace played 16 games with Minnesota; Watson
played 16 games with New Orleans; Weddle played 13 games with San Diego; West played 2 games with Tennessee and 6 games with
Baltimore; Wilson missed ’15 season because of injury.

# Unrestricted free agent; subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (6): WR Chris Givens (Phil; 12 games in ’15), G Kelechi Osemele (Oak; 14), QB Matt Schaub (Atl; 2),
LB Daryl Smith (TB; 16), S Brynden Trawick (Oak; 16), LB Courtney Upshaw (Atl; 16).

Also played with Ravens in ’15—LB Jason Babin (2 games), WR Marlon Brown (10), DE Chris Canty (9), S Will Hill III (16),
CB Asa Jackson (4), RB Terrence Magee (4), CB Rashaan Melvin (1), RB Raheem Mostert (7), WR Jeremy Ross (5),
CB Cassius Vaughn (1), CB Tray Walker (8).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Beyer, Brennen (1) OLB 6-4 256 11/25/92 Michigan Canton, Mich. FA-’15
Broxton, Jarell G 6-3 327 3/27/93 Baylor Gaithersburg, Md. FA
Brown, Sam CB 6-1 180 7/30/92 Missouri Western State St.Louis, Mo. FA
Canady, Maurice CB 6-1 195 5/26/94 Virginia Richmond, Va. D6b
Clausell, Blaine (1) T 6-6 339 1/31/92 Mississippi State Mobile, Ala. FA-’15
Coley, Trevon DT 6-1 304 7/13/94 Florida Atlantic Miramar, Calif. FA
Correa, Kamalei OLB 6-3 245 4/27/94 Boise State Honolulu, Hawaii D2
Dixon, Kenneth RB 5-10 215 1/21/94 Louisiana Tech Strong, Ark. D4e
Fabiano, Anthony C 6-3 303 7/13/93 Harvard Wakefield, Mass. FA
Henry, Willie DT 6-3 305 3/20/94 Michigan Cleveland, Ohio D4d
Judon, Matthew OLB 6-3 275 8/15/92 Grand Valley State West Bloomfield, Mich. D5
Johnson, Jerrod (1) QB 6-5 251 7/27/88 Texas A&M Humble, Texas FA
Kaufusi, Bronson DE 6-6 285 7/6/91 Brigham Young Provo, Utah D3
Lewis, Alex T 6-6 315 4/21/92 Nebraska Tempe, Ariz. D4c
Luckett, Cavellis ILB 5-11 238 12/6/92 Middle Tennessee State McComb, Miss. FA
Lutz, Wil K 5-11 184 7/7/94 Georgia State Newnan, Ga. FA
Moore, Chris WR 6-1 205 6/16/93 Cincinnati Tampa, Fla. D4b
Nembot, Stephane T 6-6 322 12/7/91 Colorado Douala, Cameroon FA
Ochi, Victor OLB 6-1 246 10/2/93 Stony Brook Long Island, N.Y. FA
Ojemudia, Mario OLB 6-2 255 5/30/94 Michigan Farmington Hills, Mich. FA
Onwuasor, Patrick ILB 6-0 213 8/22/92 Portland State Inglewood, Calif. FA
Pierce, Michael DT 6-0 329 11/6/92 Samford Daphne, Ala. FA
Price, Sheldon (1) CB 6-2 198 3/26/91 UCLA La Puente, Calif. FA-’15
Reynolds, Keenan WR/RS 5-10 190 12/13/93 Navy Antioch, Tenn. D6a
Skura, Matt C 6-3 305 2/17/93 Duke Columbus, Ohio FA
Stanley, Ronnie T 6-6 315 3/18/94 Notre Dame Las Vegas, Nev. D1
Young, Tavon CB 5-9 185 3/14/94 Temple Oxon Hill, Md. D4a

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 43

COACHING STAFF Browns 1999, Miami Dolphins 2000-04, joined Kentucky 2001-03. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders
Head Coach, Ravens in 2005. 2004-08, Denver Broncos 2009-2010, joined
John Harbaugh Randy Brown, kicking consultant; born July 30, Ravens in 2012.
Pro Career: Super Bowl-winning head coach 1967, Marlton, N.J. Kicker Catawba 1985-88. No Marty Mornhinweg, quarterbacks; born March
John Harbaugh enters his ninth season at the pro playing experience. College coach: Catawba 29, 1962, Edmond, Okla. Quarterback Montana
helm in Baltimore. He has led the Ravens to a 1989, Tennessee-Chattanooga 2003. Pro coach: 1981-84. Pro quarterback Denver Dynamite
playoff berth in six (2008-2012 and 2014) of Chicago Bears 1998-2000, Philadelphia Eagles (AFL) 1987. College coach: Montana 1985,
his eight seasons, and in 2012, captured the 2004-05, joined Ravens in 2008. Texas-El Paso 1986-87, Northern Arizona
franchise’s second Super Bowl championship. Juan Castillo, offensive line; born October 8, 1988, 1994, Southeast Missouri State 1989-
Under Harbaugh’s guidance, the Ravens have 1959, Port Isabel, Texas. Linebacker Texas A&I 1990, Missouri 1991-93. Pro coach: Green Bay
secured an appearance in three AFC 1978-1980. No pro playing experience. College Packers 1995-96, San Francisco 49ers 1997-
Championship games (2008, 2011 & 2012). coach: Texas A&M-Kingsville 1982-85, 1990- 2000, Detroit Lions 2001-02 (head coach),
Baltimore is one of only five teams with at least 94. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles: 1995- Philadelphia Eagles 2003-2012, New York Jets
six playoff berths in the past eight seasons. 2012, joined Ravens in 2013. 2013-14, joined Ravens in 2015.
Additionally, under Harbaugh, the Ravens’ 10 Joe Cullen, defensive line; born December 15, Dean Pees, defensive coordinator; born
playoff wins since 2008 rank as the NFL’s most. 1967, Quincy, Mass. Defensive lineman September 4, 1949, Dunkirk, Ohio. Attended
In 2014, the Ravens posted a 10-6 record en Massachusetts 1986-89. No pro playing expe- Bowling Green State. No college or pro playing
route to capturing a 30-17 victory at Pittsburgh rience. College coach: Massachusetts 1990- experience. College coach: Findlay 1979-1982,
in the Wild Card round. In 2012 the Ravens 91, Richmond, 1992-98, 2000, Louisiana State Miami (Ohio) 1983-86, Naval Academy 1987-
seized the franchise’s second Super Bowl 1999, Memphis 2001, Indiana 2002-04, Illinois 89, Toledo 1990-93, Notre Dame 1994,
championship. Baltimore topped the Colts, 2005, Idaho State 2009. Pro coach: Detroit Michigan State 1995-97, Kent State 1998-
Broncos and Patriots to advance to Super Bowl Lions 2006-08, Jacksonville Jaguars 2010-12, 2003. Pro coach: New England Patriots 2004-
XLVII in New Orleans, where the Ravens bested Cleveland Browns 2013, Tampa Bay 09, joined Ravens in 2010.
the San Francisco 49ers by a final of 34-31. In Buccaneers 2014-15, joined Ravens in 2016. Jerry Rosburg, special teams coordina-
his initial season with the team (2008), Bobby Engram, wide receivers; born January tor/associate head coach; born November 24,
Harbaugh set an NFL record that season for 7, 1973, Camden, S.C. Wide receiver Penn 1955, Fairmont, Minn. Linebacker North Dakota
most total wins (13) by a team with both a State 1992-95. Pro wide receiver Chicago State 1974-77. No pro playing experience.
rookie head coach and a rookie starting quar- Bears 1996-2000, Seattle Seahawks 2001-08, College coach: Northern Michigan 1981-86,
terback (Joe Flacco). Harbaugh spent his first Kansas City Chiefs 2009. College coach: Western Michigan 1987-1991, Cincinnati
10 NFL seasons (1998-2007) with the Pittsburgh 2012-13. Pro coach: San Francisco 1992-95, Minnesota 1996, Boston College
Philadelphia Eagles. He was the team’s sec- 49ers 2011, joined Ravens in 2014. 1997-98, Notre Dame 1999-2000. Pro coach:
ondary coach in 2007, after nine seasons as its Leslie Frazier, secondary; born April 3, 1959, Cleveland Browns 2001-06, Atlanta Falcons
special teams coordinator. He was voted the Columbus, Miss. Cornerback Alcorn State 2007, joined Ravens in 2008.
2001 NFL’s Special Teams Coach of the Year by 1977-1980. Pro cornerback Chicago Bears Marc Trestman, offensive coordinator; born
his coaching peers. Career record: 87-56. 1981-85. College coach: Trinity International January 15, 1956, Minneapolis, Minn.
Background: Played defensive back at Miami 1988-1996, Illinois 1997-98. Pro coach: Quarterback Minnesota 1975-77, Morehead
(Ohio) from 1980-83, earned degree in political Philadelphia Eagles 1999-2002, Cincinnati State 1978. Pro defensive back Minnesota
science. Coached collegiately at Western Bengals 2003-04, Indianapolis Colts 2005-06, Vikings 1978-79. College coach: Miami 1981-
Michigan (1984-86), Pittsburgh (1987), Minnesota Vikings 2007-2013 (head coach 84, North Carolina State 2005-06. Pro coach:
Morehead State (1988), Cincinnati (1989- 2011-13), Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2014-15, Minnesota Vikings 1985-86, 1990-91, Tampa
1996), and Indiana (1997). joined Ravens in 2016. Bay Buccaneers 1987, Cleveland Browns 1988-
Personal: Born in Perrysburg, Ohio on Thomas Hammock, running backs; born July 89, San Francisco 49ers 1995-96, Detroit Lions
September 23, 1962, Harbaugh and his wife, 7, 1981, Jersey City, N.J. Running back 1997, Arizona Cardinals 1998-2000, Oakland
Ingrid, have a daughter, Alison. Son of longtime Northern Illinois 1999-2002. No pro playing Raiders 2001-03, Miami Dolphins 2004, New
college coach Jack, and his brother, Jim, the experience. College coach: Wisconsin 2003- Orleans Saints 2007, Montreal Alouettes 2008-
current University of Michigan head coach, 04, Northern Illinois 2005-06, Minnesota 2007- 2012 (head coach), Chicago Bears 2013-14
played for the Ravens in 1998. John’s brother- 2010, Wisconsin 2011-13. Pro coach: Joined (head coach), joined Ravens in 2015.
in-law, Tom Crean, Indiana University’s basket- Ravens in 2014. Craig Ver Steeg, senior offensive assistant;
ball coach, is married to his sister, Joani. Chris Hewitt, defensive backs; born July 22, born September 11, 1960, Inglewood, Calif. No
1974, Kingston, Jamaica. Defensive back college or pro playing experience. College
ASSISTANT COACHES Cincinnati 1993-96. Pro defensive back New coach: Southern California 1984-85, Utah
Richard Angulo, tight ends; born August 13, Orleans Saints 1997-99. College coach: Notre 1986-89, Cincinnati 1990-93, Harvard 1994-
1980, Santa Ana, Calif. Tight end Western New Dame 2003, Rutgers 2004-2011. Pro coach: 95, Illinois 1998-2000, Utah 2001-02, Rutgers
Mexico 1999-2002. Pro tight end St. Louis Joined Ravens in 2012. 2003-07. Pro coach: Chicago Bears 1996-97,
Rams 2003, Minnesota Vikings 2004-06, Chris Horton, asst. special teams; born joined Ravens in 2008.
Jacksonville Jaguars 2007-08. College coach: December 29, 1984, Los Angeles, Calif. Safety Todd Washington, asst. offensive line; born July
Trinity International 2012-13. Pro coach: Joined UCLA 2003-2007. Pro safety Washington 19, 1976, Nassawadox, Va. Guard/center
Ravens in 2014. Redskins 2008-11, New York Giants 2012. Pro Virginia Tech 1993-97. Pro guard/center Tampa
Andy Bischoff, offensive quality control; born coach: Seattle Seahawks 2013, joined Ravens Bay 1998-2002, Houston 2003-05. College
December 8, 1970, Fargo, N.D. Offensive line in 2014. coach: San Diego 2007-09. Pro coach: Hartford
South Dakota 1989-1993. No pro playing expe- Mike Macdonald, defensive assistant; born Colonials (UFL) 2010, joined Ravens in 2011.
rience. Pro coach: Montreal Alouettes (CFL) June 26, 1987, Boston, Mass. Attended Matt Weiss, offensive assistant; born March 1,
2008-2012, Chicago Bears 2013-14, joined Georgia. No college or pro playing experience. 1983, New Haven, Conn. Punter Vanderbilt
Ravens in 2015. College coach: Georgia, 2011-13. Pro coach: 2001-02. No pro playing experience. College
Clarence Brooks, senior defensive assistant; Joined Ravens in 2014. coach: Stanford 2008. Pro coach: Joined
born May 20, 1951, New York, N.Y. Guard Don Martindale, linebackers; born May 19, Ravens in 2009.
Massachusetts 1970-73. No pro playing expe- 1963, Dayton, Ohio. Linebacker Defiance Drew Wilkins, defensive coaching assistant;
rience. College coach: Massachusetts 1976- College 1981-84. College coach: Defiance born August 20, 1987, Doylestown, Pa.
1980, Syracuse 1981-89, Arizona 1990-92. 1986-87, Notre Dame 1994-95, Cincinnati Attended Maryland. No college or pro playing
Pro coach: Chicago Bears 1993-98, Cleveland 1996-98, Western Illinois 1999, Western experience. Pro coach: Joined Ravens in 2010.

44 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner/CEO: Terry Pegula (407-466-8)
Owner: Kim Pegula Records include postseason games
Managing Partner and President: 1960-61 Buster Ramsey ............11-16-1
Russ Brandon 1962-65 Lou Saban ...................38-18-3
General Manager: Doug Whaley 1966-68 Joe Collier*..................13-17-1
EVP Creative Services: Frank Cravotta 1968 Harvey Johnson.............1-10-1
EVP of Finance & Business Operations: 1969-1970 John Rauch....................7-20-1
Chuck LaMattina 1971 Harvey Johnson.............1-13-0
EVP of Media & Content: Mark Preisler 1972-76 Lou Saban** ...............32-29-1
EVP of Business Development: 1976-77 Jim Ringo.........................3-20-0
Bruce Popko 1978-1982 Chuck Knox .................38-38-0
EVP of Marketing & Brand Strategy: 1983-85 Kay Stephenson*** .....10-26-0
Brent Rossi 1985-86 Hank Bullough****........4-17-0
Chief Administrative Officer: David Wheat 1986-1997 Marv Levy..................123-78-0
American Football Conference EVP and General Counsel: 1998-2000 Wade Phillips ...............29-21-0
East Division Gregg Brandon 2001-03 Gregg Williams.............17-31-0
Team Colors: Royal, Red, White and Sr. VP of Communications: 2004-05 Mike Mularkey..............14-18-0
Navy Scott Berchtold 2006-09 Dick Jauron# ..............24-33-0
One Bills Drive Sr. VP of Media & Content: Marc Honan 2009 Perry Fewell .....................3-4-0
Orchard Park, New York 14127-2296 Sr. VP of Football Administration: 2010-12 Chan Gailey .................16-32-0
Telephone: (716) 648-1800 Jim Overdorf 2013-14 Doug Marrone..............15-17-0
VP of Information Technology: Dan Evans 2015 Rex Ryan .........................8-8-0
2016 SCHEDULE VP of Community Relations: *Released after two games in 1968
PRESEASON Gretchen Geitter **Resigned after five games in 1976
Aug. 13 Indianapolis.......................7:00 VP Operations and Guest Experience: ***Released after four games in 1985
Aug. 20 New York Giants ................4:00 ****Released after nine games in 1986
Andy Major #Released after nine games in 2009
Aug. 26 at Washington ....................7:30 VP of Corporate Partnerships:
Sep. 1 at Detroit ............................7:30 Erica Muhleman PAID ATTENDANCE
VP of Government Relations and External Home 544,991 Away 544,554
REGULAR SEASON Affairs: Bill Munson Total 1,089,545
Sep. 11 at Baltimore .......................1:00
Single-game home record,
Sep. 15 New York Jets (Thu) ..........8:25
80,368 (10/4/92)
Sep. 25 Arizona .............................1:00
Single-season home record,
Oct. 2 at New England .................1:00
635,889 (1991)
Oct. 9 at Los Angeles ..................4:25
Oct. 16 San Francisco ..................1:00
Oct. 23 at Miami ............................1:00
Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 30 New England ....................1:00
1 Shaq Lawson DE Clemson
Nov. 7 at Seattle (Mon) .................8:30
2 Reggie Ragland LB Alabama
3 Adolphus Washington DT Ohio St.
Nov. 20 at Cincinnati ......................1:00
4 Cardale Jones QB Ohio St.
Nov. 27 Jacksonville .....................1:00
5 Jonathan Williams RB Arkansas
Dec. 4 at Oakland .........................4:05
6 Kolby Listenbee WR Texas Christian
Dec. 11 Pittsburgh .........................1:00
Kevon Seymour DB USC
Dec. 18 Cleveland .........................1:00
Dec. 24 Miami (Sat) .......................1:00
Jan. 1 at New York Jets ................1:00
* All times ET

Stadium: Ralph Wilson Stadium

(opened in 1973)
•Capacity: 71,870
One Bills Drive
Orchard Park, New York
Playing Surface: A-Turf Titan
Training Camp: St. John Fisher College
Rochester, N.Y. 14618

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 45

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Taylor 380 242 3035 63.7 20 6 36/212 99.4
08/14 L 24-25 Carolina Manuel 84 52 561 61.9 3 3 6/45 78.5
08/20 W 11-10 at Cleveland Hogan 1 1 4 100.0 0 0 0/0 83.3
08/29 W 43-19 Pittsburgh Bills 465 295 3600 63.4 23 9 42/257 95.6
09/03 L 10-17 at Detroit Opponents 602 347 4097 57.6 30 17 21/125 83.3
Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Gilmore 3 33 11.0 29 0
09/13 W 27-14 Indianapolis Carpenter 0 0 0 34/40 23/27 0 103 Graham 2 60 30.0 44t 1
09/20 L 32-40 New England S. Watkins 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 Darby 2 48 24.0 27 0
09/27 W 41-14 at Miami Ka. Williams 7 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 P. Brown 2 46 23.0 43t 1
10/04 L 10-24 New York Giants McCoy 3 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 32 Tarpley 2 40 20.0 37 0
10/11 W 14-13 at Tennessee Taylor 4 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 26 McKelvin 2 0 0.0 0 0
10/18 L 21-34 Cincinnati Clay 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 A. Williams 1 26 26.0 26 0
10/25 L 31-34 at Jacksonville Gillislee 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Easley 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/08 W 33-17 Miami Woods 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Lawson 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/12 W 22-17 at New York Jets Hogan 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Rambo 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/23 L 13-20 at New England P. Brown 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Bills 17 253 14.9 44t 2
11/29 L 22-30 at Kansas City Dixon 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 9 75 8.3 26t 1
12/06 W 30-21 Houston Easley 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/13 L 20-23 at Philadelphia Graham 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/20 L 25-35 at Washington Harvin 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Schmidt 82 3797 46.3 22 65
12/27 W 16-6 Dallas Manuel 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Bills 82 3797 46.3 22 65
01/03 W 22-17 New York Jets D. Williams 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 75 3277 43.7 28 68
Bills 19 23 3 34/40 23/27 1 379
SCORE BY PERIODS Opponents 10 30 2 33/37 22/27 0 359 PUNT
Bills 87 103 77 112 0 — 379 2-Pt Conv: McCoy, Taylor RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 59 126 104 70 0 — 359 Bills 2-5, Opponents 4-5 Thigpen 18 9 118 6.6 16 0
McKelvin 7 4 21 3.0 12 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Moore 5 8 77 15.4 27 0
Bills Opp. McCoy 203 895 4.4 48t 3 W. Powell 1 1 16 16.0 16 0
Total First Downs 297 321 Taylor 104 568 5.5 31 4 Bills 31 22 232 7.5 27 0
Rushing 122 87 Ka. Williams 93 517 5.6 41t 7 Opponents 40 20 353 8.8 28 0
Passing 155 197 Gillislee 47 267 5.7 60t 3
Penalty 20 37 Manuel 17 64 3.8 16 1 KICKOFF
3rd Down: Made/Att 86/227 85/210 Dixon 21 44 2.1 6 1 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
3rd Down Pct. 37.9 40.5 Herron 11 37 3.4 8 0 Thigpen 17 328 19.3 31 0
4th Down: Made/Att 7/16 3/13 Harvin 5 31 6.2 9 0 Harvin 5 108 21.6 25 0
4th Down Pct. 43.8 23.1 Hogan 1 4 4.0 4 0 Moore 5 70 14.0 20 0
Possession Avg. 31:18 28:42 C. Wood 2 3 1.5 3 0 Herron 4 92 23.0 28 0
Total Net Yards 5775 5702 Felton 1 2 2.0 2 0 Dixon 4 59 14.8 17 0
Avg. Per Game 360.9 356.4 S. Watkins 1 1 1.0 1 0 W. Powell 3 77 25.7 32 0
Total Plays 1016 1017 Schmidt 1 0 0.0 0 0 Goodwin 2 33 16.5 19 0
Avg. Per Play 5.7 5.6 Woods 1 0 0.0 0 0 Felton 1 5 5.0 5 0
Net Yards Rushing 2432 1730 Thigpen 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 Bills 41 772 18.8 32 0
Avg. Per Game 152.0 108.1 Bills 509 2432 4.8 60t 19 Opponents 40 688 17.2 49 0
Total Rushes 509 394 Opponents 394 1730 4.4 58 10
Net Yards Passing 3343 3972 FIELD
Avg. Per Game 208.9 248.3 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Sacked/Yards Lost 42/257 21/125 S. Watkins 60 1047 17.5 63 9 Carpenter 0/0 5/5 8/9 7/8 3/5
Gross Yards 3600 4097 Clay 51 528 10.4 40t 3 Bills 0/0 5/5 8/9 7/8 3/5
Att./Completions 465/295 602/347 Woods 47 552 11.7 37 3 Opponents 0/0 5/5 7/7 9/10 1/5
Completion Pct. 63.4 57.6 Hogan 36 450 12.5 46 2
Had Intercepted 9 17 McCoy 32 292 9.1 22 2 SACKS No.
Punts/Average 82/46.3 75/43.7 Harvin 19 218 11.5 51t 1 Hughes 5.0
Net Punting Avg. 82/41.3 75/39.8 Gragg 12 150 12.5 29 0 M. Williams 5.0
Penalties/Yards 143/1249 113/906 Ka. Williams 11 96 8.7 26t 2 Dareus 2.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 28/10 16/8 Dixon 6 44 7.3 14 0 Bradham 1.0
Touchdowns 45 42 Gillislee 6 29 4.8 14 0 Charles 1.0
Rushing 19 10 Salas 3 41 13.7 20 0 Graham 1.0
Passing 23 30 Herron 3 20 6.7 9 0 Lawson 1.0
Returns 3 2 Goodwin 2 24 12.0 14 0 Rambo 1.0
Easley 1 58 58.0 58t 1 Robey 1.0
O’Leary 1 37 37.0 37 0 Tarpley 1.0
Felton 1 12 12.0 12 0 Ky. Williams 1.0
Taylor 1 4 4.0 4 0 D. Williams 1.0
Gray 1 2 2.0 2 0 Bills 21.0
Mulligan 1 2 2.0 2 0 Opponents 42.0
C. Wood 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0
Bills 295 3600 12.2 63 23
Opponents 347 4097 11.8 77t 30

46 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Thurman Thomas, 1988-1999 .........................................................11,938
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jim Kelly, 1986-1996 .......................................................................35,467
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jim Kelly, 1986-1996 ............................................................................237
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Andre Reed, 1985-1999........................................................................941
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Andre Reed, 1985-1999...................................................................13,095
Interceptions ...................................................................George (Butch) Byrd, 1964-1970 ............................................................40
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brian Moorman, 2001-2013.................................................................43.7
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................C.J. Spiller, 2010-13 ............................................................................12.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................O.J. Simpson, 1969-1977 ....................................................................30.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Steve Christie, 1992-2000.....................................................................234
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Andre Reed, 1985-1999..........................................................................87
Thurman Thomas, 1988-1999 ................................................................87
Points..............................................................................Steve Christie, 1992-2000..................................................................1,011
*Sacks............................................................................Bruce Smith, 1985-1999................................................................**171.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................O.J. Simpson, 1973 ...........................................................................2,003
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Drew Bledsoe, 2002...........................................................................4,359
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jim Kelly, 1991 .......................................................................................33
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Eric Moulds, 2002.................................................................................100
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Eric Moulds, 1998..............................................................................1,368
Interceptions ...................................................................Billy Atkins, 1961 ....................................................................................10
Tom Janik, 1967 .....................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brian Moorman, 2011 ..........................................................................48.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Leodis McKelvin, 2012.........................................................................18.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Terrence McGee, 2005 .........................................................................30.2
Field Goals ......................................................................Dan Carpenter, 2014 ...............................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................O.J. Simpson, 1975 ................................................................................23
Points..............................................................................Steve Christie, 1998..............................................................................140
*Sacks............................................................................Bruce Smith, 1990 ...............................................................................19.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................O.J. Simpson, 11-25-76........................................................................273
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Drew Bledsoe, 9-15-02 .........................................................................463
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jim Kelly, 9-8-91.......................................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Andre Reed, 11-20-94 ............................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Lee Evans, 11-19-06.............................................................................265
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Nate Clements, 10-20-02
Field Goals ......................................................................Steve Christie, 10-20-96 ...........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Cookie Gilchrist, 12-8-63 ..........................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Cookie Gilchrist, 12-8-63 ........................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Mario Williams, 9-15-13.........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 47

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
57 Alexander, Lorenzo LB 6-1 245 5/31/83 10 California Berkeley, Calif. FA-’16 0*
33 Anderson, Colt S 5-10 195 10/25/85 7 Montana Butte, Mont. FA-’16 0*
86 Annen, Blake TE 6-4 247 5/28/91 2 Cincinnati Upper Arlington, Ohio FA-’15 10/1
21 Arenas, Javier CB 5-9 197 10/28/87 6 Alabama Tampa, Fla. FA-’16 16/1*
90 Barnes, T.J. DT 6-7 364 6/14/90 3 Georgia Tech Montgomery, Ala. FA-’15 0*
26 Blanton, Robert S 6-1 200 9/7/89 5 Notre Dame Clackamas, Ore. FA-’16 16/16
17 Boykin, Jarrett WR 6-2 215 11/4/89 4 Virginia Tech Chattanooga, Tenn. FA-’16 16/5*
52 Brown, Preston LB 6-1 251 10/27/92 3 Louisville Cincinnati, Ohio D3-’14 16/10
53 Brown, Zach LB 6-1 248 10/23/89 5 North Carolina Columbia, Md. FA-’16 13/1
97 Bryant, Corbin DT 6-4 300 1/4/88 4 Northwestern Chicago, Ill. FA-’12 16/0
39 Butler, Mario CB 6-1 187 10/20/88 2 Georgia Tech Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’13 13/13
2 Carpenter, Dan K 6-2 228 11/25/85 9 Montana Helena, Mont. FA-’13 15/15
85 Clay, Charles TE 6-3 255 2/13/89 6 Tulsa Little Rock, Ark. FA-’15 15/15
28 Darby, Ronald CB 5-11 193 1/2/94 2 Florida State Oxon Hill, Md. D2-’15 0*
99 Dareus, Marcell DT 6-3 331 3/13/1990 6 Alabama Huffman, Ala. D1-’11 16/10*
31 Dowling, Jonathan DB 6-3 190 12/8/91 2 Western Kentucky Bradenton, Fla. FA-’15 13/0
82 Dray, Jim TE 6-5 255 12/31/86 7 Stanford Paramus, N.J. FA-’16 1/0*
81 Easley, Marcus WR 6-2 217 11/2/87 5 Connecticut Stratford, Conn. D4-’10 11/0
93 Edwards, Lavar DE 6-4 275 4/29/90 3 Louisiana State Gretna, La. FA-’15 16/8
75 Enemkpali, IK DE 6-1 261 7/3/91 3 Louisiana Tech Pflugerville, Texas W(NYJ)-’15 14/0
42 Felton, Jerome FB 6-0 248 7/3/86 9 Furman Duren, Germany FA-’15 5/1
4 Gay, Jordan K 6-0 200 3/29/90 3 Centre Danville, Ky. FA-’14 12/12
35 Gillislee, Mike RB 5-11 219 11/1/90 3 Florida DeLand, Fla. FA-’15 16/16
24 Gilmore, Stephon CB 6-1 190 9/19/90 5 South Carolina Rock Hill, S.C. D1-’12 2/0
77 Glenn, Cordy T 6-6 345 9/18/89 5 Georgia Riverdale, Ga. D2-’12 13/4
88 Goodwin, Marquise WR 5-9 179 11/19/90 3 Texas Garland, Texas D3-’13 16/16
89 Gragg, Chris TE 6-3 244 6/30/90 4 Arkansas Warren, Ark. D7-’13 4/0
20 Graham, Corey S 6-0 196 7/25/85 10 New Hampshire Buffalo, N.Y. FA-’14 10/0*
72 Groy, Ryan G 6-5 320 9/30/90 3 Wisconsin Middleton, Wis. FA-’15 10/10
80 Hankerson, Leonard WR 6-2 211 1/30/89 6 Miami Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA-’15 16/16
66 Henderson, Seantrel T 6-7 331 1/21/92 3 Miami St. Paul, Minn. D7b-’14 16/16
55 Hughes, Jerry DE 6-2 254 8/13/88 7 Texas Christian Sugar Land, Texas T(Ind)-’13 10/1
64 Incognito, Richie G 6-3 319 7/5/83 10 Nebraska Englewood, N.J. FA-’15 12/2
58 Johnson, Randell LB 6-4 245 3/23/91 3 Florida Atlantic Miami, Fla. D7a-’14 16/14
71 Kouandjio, Cyrus T 6-7 322 7/21/93 2 Alabama Hyattsville, Md. D2-’14 1/0
91 Lawson, Manny LB 6-5 240 7/3/84 10 North Carolina State Goldsboro, N.C. FA-’13 0*
16 Little, Greg WR 6-2 220 5/30/89 5 North Carolina Durham, N.C. FA-’16 7/2
3 Manuel, EJ QB 6-4 237 3/19/90 4 Florida State Virginia Beach, Va. D1-’13 0*
25 McCoy, LeSean RB 5-11 208 7/12/88 8 Pittsburgh Harrisburg, Pa. T(Phil)-’15 12/12
36 Meeks, Jonathan S 6-0 209 11/8/89 3 Clemson Rock Hill, S.C. D5-’13 14/0
76 Miller, John G 6-2 303 8/12/93 2 Louisville Miami, Fla. D3-’15 12/12
79 Mills, Jordan T 6-5 316 12/24/90 4 Louisiana Tech Thibodaux, La. FA-’15 10/5
41 Moore, Sterling CB 5-10 202 2/3/90 6 Southern Methodist Antioch, Calif. FA’-16 16/9*
19 Powell, Walter WR 6-0 189 11/23/91 2 Murray State St. Louis, Mich. FA-’15 0*
51 Reddick, Kevin LB 6-1 240 12/28/89 3 North Carolina New Bern, N.C. W(Car)-’15 4/0
68 Richardson, Cyril G 6-5 343 12/27/90 2 Baylor Fort Worth, Texas D5-’14 2/0
37 Robey, Nickell CB 5-8 165 1/17/92 4 Southern California Frostproof, Fla. UFA-’13 16/0
11 Salas, Greg WR 6-2 210 8/25/88 5 Hawaii Chino, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
65 Sanborn, Garrison LS 6-1 240 7/31/85 8 Florida State Tampa, Fla. FA-’09 1/0
6 Schmidt, Colton P 5-11 224 10/27/90 3 California-Davis Bakersfield, Calif. FA-’14 14/14
44 Seamster, Sammy CB 6-0 205 2/5/91 2 Middle Tennessee St. Ooltewah, Tenn. FA-’15 0*
5 Taylor, Tyrod QB 6-1 215 8/3/89 6 Virginia Tech Hampton, Va. FA-’15 0*
43 Thomas, Phillip S 6-0 223 3/1/89 3 Fresno State Bakersfield, Calif. FA-15 10/1*
61 Velasco, Fernando C 6-4 310 2/22/85 6 Georgia Wrens, Ga. FA-’16 13/13
14 Watkins, Sammy WR 6-1 211 6/14/93 3 Clemson Fort Myers, Fla. D1-’14 10/1*
30 White, Corey CB 6-1 210 5/9/90 5 Samford Dunwoody, Ga. FA-’16 0*
23 Williams, Aaron S 6-0 199 4/23/90 6 Texas Round Rock, Texas D2-’11 3/3
27 Williams, Duke S 5-11 201 10/15/90 4 Nevada Reno, Nev. D4-’13 16/4
29 Williams, Karlos RB 6-1 230 5/4/93 2 Florida State Davenport, Fla. D5-’15 11/3
95 Williams, Kyle DT 6-1 303 6/10/83 11 Louisiana State Ruston, La. D5a-’06 6/6
70 Wood, Eric C 6-4 310 3/18/86 8 Louisville Cincinnati, Ohio D1b-’09 16/16
10 Woods, Robert WR 6-0 190 4/10/92 4 Southern California Carson, Calif. D2a-’13 14/9
69 Worthy, Jerel DE 6-2 308 4/26/90 3 Michigan State Huber Heights, Ohio FA-’15 2/0

48 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Alexander played 16 games with Oakland in ‘15; Anderson played 14 games with Indianapolis; Annen was last active with Chicago in
‘14; Arenas was last active with Atlanta in ‘14; Blanton played 16 games with Minnesota; Boykin was last active with Green Bay in ‘14;
Z. Brown played 16 games with Tennessee; Dowling was last active with Oakland in ‘14; Dray played 16 games with Cleveland; Edwards
played 1 game with Chicago; Hankerson played 10 games with Atlanta, New England and Buffalo; Little was last active with Cincinnati in
‘14; Moore played 16 games with Tampa Bay; Reed spent time on the Bills practice squad in ‘15; Richardson was last active with
Buffalo in ‘14; Thomas last active with Washington in ‘14; Valles spent time on the Oakland practice squad in ‘15; Velasco played 10
games with Carolina; White played 10 games with Dallas and Arizona; Wilder Jr. spent time on the Cincinnati practice squad in ‘15.

Players lost through free agency (4): LB Nigel Bradham (Phil; 11 games in ‘15), CB Ron Brooks (Phil; 13), WR Chris Hogan (NE; 16),
QB Josh Johnson (Balt; 0).

Also played with Bills in ’15—DT Alex Carrington (7 games), DT Stefan Charles (13), RB Boobie Dixon (16), Te MarQueis Gray (4),
WR Percy Harvin (5), CB Leodis McKelvin (9), S Bacarri Rambo (15), LB Tony Steward (7), G Kraig Urbik (16), DE Mario Williams (15).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Albright, Bryson LB 6-5 225 3/15/94 Miami (OH) Cincinnati, Ohio FA
Allen, Davonte WR 6-2 201 3/6/93 Marshall Belle Glade, Fla. FA
Chambers, Gary WR 6-4 215 3/15/93 Arizona State Glendale, Ariz. FA
Ferguson, Reid LS 6-2 244 3/24/94 Louisiana State Buford, Ga. FA
Gronkowski, Glenn FB 6-3 234 3/25/93 Kansas State Amherst, N.Y. FA
Jones, Cardale QB 6-5 250 9/29/92 Ohio State Cleveland, Ohio D4
Kugler, Robert C 6-3 300 12/11/92 Purdue Pittsburgh, Pa. FA
Lalk, Jamison G 6-6 304 12/7/92 Iowa State Council Bluffs, Iowa FA
Lawson, Shaq DE 6-3 270 6/17/94 Clemson Central, S.C. D1
Lewis, Dezmin WR 6-4 214 12/5/92 Central Arkansas Mesquite, Texas D7-’15
Listenbee, Kolby WR 6-1 183 1/25/94 Texas Christian Arlington, Texas D6a
Louis, Claudell DE 6-5 294 10/27/90 Fresno State Boynton Beach, Fla. FA
Lucas, Marquis T 6-4 318 3/25/93 West Virginia Miami, Fla. FA
Lumpkin, Keith T 6-8 325 1/15/92 Rutgers Montclair, N.J. FA
Morgan, Marshall K 6-3 194 11/28/93 Georgia Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. FA
O'Leary, Nick TE 6-3 252 8/31/92 Florida State Palm Beach, Fla. D6b-’15
Ragland, Reggie LB 6-2 252 9/23/93 Alabama Madison, Ala. D2
Reed, Cedric DE 6-5 269 10/9/92 Texas Cleveland, Texas FA-’15
Seymour, Kevon CB 6-0 185 11/30/93 Southern California Pasadena, Calif. D6b
Striker, Eric LB 6-0 221 10/1/93 Oklahoma Tampa, Fla. FA
Valles, Max DE 6-4 250 8/5/94 Virginia Sicklerville, N.J. FA-’15
Washington, Adolphus DT 6-4 295 11/24/92 Ohio State Cincinnati, Ohio D3
Whigham, Julian CB 6-1 187 8/10/94 Syracuse West Palm Beach, Fla. FA
Wilder Jr, James RB 6-3 232 4/14/92 Florida State Tampa, Fla. FA
Williams, Jonathan RB 6-0 223 2/2/94 Arkansas Allen, Texas D5
Zimmer, Justin DT 6-3 292 10/23/92 Ferris State Greenville, Mich. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 49

COACHING STAFF 1998, Scottish Claymores (NFLE) 1999. College 2002-05, Dallas Cowboys 2006, New York Giants
Head Coach, coach: Los Medanos (Calif.) College 2003, St. 2007-09, Hartford Colonials (UFL, head coach)
Rex Ryan Mary’s College 2004, California 2005-06. Pro 2010, Tennessee Titans 2011-12, San Francisco
Pro Career: Ryan was named Buffalo’s 18th head coach: Oakland Raiders 2007-2011, New York Jets 49ers 2013-14, joined Bills in 2015.
coach on January 12, 2015. He enters his second 2012-14, joined Bills in 2015. Jason Rebrovich, asst. defensive line; born March
season as Buffalo’s head coach and his 20th season David Lee, quarterbacks; born July 2, 1953, Cape 15, 1978, Clarence, N.Y. Defensive line Alfred State
in the NFL coaching ranks. Ryan spent the previous Girardeau, Mo. Quarterback Vanderbilt 1971-74. No 1996-97, Cortland 1998-99. No pro playing experi-
six years prior coming to Buffalo as the head coach pro playing experience. College coach: Tennessee- ence. College coach: Cortland 2001-04, 2008-2010,
of the New York Jets from 2009-2014, where he led Martin 1975-76, Vanderbilt 1977, Mississippi 1978- Ferris State 2005-07, Syracuse 2011-12. Pro coach:
the Jets to the AFC Championship game in 2009 and 1982, 2011, New Mexico 1983, Arkansas 1984-88, Joined Bills in 2013.
2010. Prior to his Jets tenure, Ryan spent ten sea- 2001-02, 2007, Texas-El Paso 1989-1993 (head Ed Reed, asst. defensive backs; born September 11,
sons with the Baltimore Ravens (1999-2008). In coach), Rice 1994-2000. Pro coach: Dallas 1978, St. Rose, Louisiana. Defensive back Miami
2000, Ryan served as the defensive line coach and Cowboys 2003-06, Miami Dolphins 2008-2010, 1997-2001. Defensive back Baltimore Ravens 2002-
helped Baltimore win Super Bowl XXXV. Also Buffalo Bills 2012, New York Jets 2013-14, joined 2012, Houston Texans 2013, New York Jets 2013.
coached in the NFL with his father, Buddy Ryan, for Bills in 2015. Pro coach: Joined Bills in 2016.
two years with the Arizona Cardinals (1994-95). Dan Liburd, strength and conditioning assistant; Greg Roman, offensive coordinator; born August 19,
Coached collegiately at Oklahoma (1998), Cincinnati born August 19, 1984, Rockville Centre, NY. 1972, Atlantic City, N.J. Defensive line/linebacker
(1996-97), Morehead State (1990-93), New Mexico Attended Springfield College. No college or pro play- John Carroll 1990-94. No pro playing experience.
Highlands (1989), and Eastern Kentucky (1987-88). ing experience. Pro coach: Joined Bills in 2009. College coach: Stanford 2009-2010. Pro coach:
Career record: 54-58. Hal Luther, asst. strength and conditioning; born Carolina Panthers 1995-2001, Houston Texans
Background: Ryan played football at SW Oklahoma March 24, 1974, Dolgeville, N.Y. Quarterback 2002-05, Baltimore Ravens 2006-07, San Francisco
State (1983-86), where he earned his bachelor’s Springfield (Mass.) College 1992-95. No pro playing 49ers 2011-14, joined Bills in 2015.
degree in physical education. He earned his master’s experience. College coach: Western Michigan 1996, Rob Ryan, asst. head coach/defense; born
in physical education at Eastern Kentucky in 1988. Wisconsin-LaCrosse 1996-97, North Carolina State December 13, 1962, Ardmore, Okla. Defensive end
Personal: Born December 13, 1962, Ardmore, Okla. 1998-2000, Syracuse 2000-2012. Pro coach: Southwestern Oklahoma State University. No pro
He and his wife, Michelle, have two sons, Payton and Joined Bills in 2013. playing experience. College coach: Western
Seth. Anthony Lynn, asst. head coach/running backs; Kentucky 1987, Ohio State 1988, Tennessee State
born December 21, 1968, McKinney, Texas. Running 1989-93, Hutchinson (Kan.) C.C. 1996, Oklahoma
ASSISTANT COACHES back Texas Tech 1987-1991. Pro running back State 1997-99. Pro coach: Arizona Cardinals 1994-
Bobby April III, linebackers; born August 15, 1981, Denver Broncos 1993, 1997-99, San Francisco 95, New England Patriots 2000-03, Oakland Raiders
Tucson, Ariz. Attended Loisiana-Lafayette. No col- 49ers 1995-96. Pro coach: Denver Broncos 2000- 2004-08, Cleveland Browns 2009-2010, Dallas
lege or pro playing experience. College coach: Tulane 02, Jacksonville Jaguars 2003-04, Dallas Cowboys Cowboys 2011-12, New Orleans Saints 2013-2015,
2005-06, Portland State 2007-09, Nicholls State 2005-06, Cleveland Browns 2007-08, New York Jets joined Bills in 2016.
2010. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2011-12, New 2009-2014, joined Bills in 2015. Eric Smith, special teams assistant; born March 17,
York Jets 2013-14, joined Bills in 2015. D’Anton Lynn, defensive assistant; born October 24, 1983, Columbus, Ohio. Defensive back Michigan
John Blake, defensive line; born March 6, 1961, 1989, Plano, Texas. Defensive back Penn State State 2002-05. Pro defensive back N.Y. Jets 2006-
Rockford Ill. Nose guard Oklahoma 1979-1982. No 2008-2011. Pro defensive back New York Jets 2012, 2012. Pro coach: N.Y. Jets 2014, joined Bills in 2015.
pro playing experience. College coach: Oklahoma Hamilton Tiger-Cats (CFL) 2013. Pro coach: Joined Kathryn Smith, quality control-special teams; born
1985-86, Tulsa 1987-88, Oklahoma 1989-92, Bills in 2015. February 8, 1985, DeWitt, N.Y. Attended St. John’s.
1996-98 (head coach 1996-98), Mississippi State Tim McDonald, defensive backs; born January 6, No college or pro playing experience. Pro experience:
2003, Nebraska 2004-06, North Carolina 2007- 1965, Fresno, Calif. Defensive back Southern New York Jets 2003-2014, joined Bills in 2015, Pro
2010. Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys 1993-95, joined California 1983-86. Pro defensive back St. coach: Buffalo Bills 2016.
Bills in 2016. Louis/Phoenix Cardinals 1987-1992, San Francisco Tony Sparano, offensive assistant; born October 22
Eric Ciano, head strength and conditioning; born 49ers 1993-99. College coach: Fresno State 2012. 1986, Colleyville, Texas. Defensive end Albany 2006-
August 8, 1973, Waltham, Mass. Offensive line Pro coach: New York Jets 2013-14, joined Bills in 08. No pro playing experience. Pro coach: Hartford
Springfield (Mass.) College 1993-97. No pro playing 2015. Colonials (UFL) 2010, Miami Dolphins 2011, New
experience. College coach: Tennessee 1997-99, Pat Meyer, offensive assistant; born April 5, 1972, York Jets 2012-14, joined Bills in 2015.
2002-04, Louisiana Tech 2000-02, Georgia Tech Youngstown, Ohio. Offensive line Colorado State 1991- Dennis Thurman, defensive coordinator; born April
2005-09. Pro coach: Joined Bills in 2010. 94. Pro offensive lineman Arizona Cardinals 1995, St. 13, 1956, Los Angeles, Calif. Defensive back
Danny Crossman, special teams coordinator; born Louis Stampede (Arena Football League) 1996. Southern California 1974-77. Pro defensive back
January 17, 1967, El Paso, Texas. Defensive back College coach: Memphis 1997-99, North Carolina Dallas Cowboys 1978-1985, St. Louis Cardinals
Kansas 1985, Pittsburgh 1987-89. Pro defensive State 2000-06, Florida State 2007, Colorado State 1986. College coach: Southern California 1993-
back Washington Redskins 1990, Detroit Lions 2008-2011. Pro coach: Montreal Alouttes (CFL) 2000. Pro coach: Phoenix Cardinals 1988-89, Ohio
1991-92. College coach: U.S. Coast Guard Academy 2012., Chicago Bears 2013-14, joined Buffalo in 2015. Glory (WLAF) 1992, Baltimore Ravens 2002-07,
1993, Western Kentucky 1994-96, Central Florida Jason Oszvart, strength and conditioning assistant; New York Jets 2009-2014, joined Bills in 2015.
1997-98, Georgia Tech 1999-2001, Michigan State born December 24, 1988, Robinsville, N.J. Attended Jason Vrable, asst. quarterbacks; born January 23,
2002. Pro coach: Carolina Panthers 2003-09, Detroit East Stroudsburg. No college or pro playing experi- 1985, South Park, Pa. Quarterback Marietta 2004-06.
Lions 2010-12, joined Bills in 2013. ence. Pro coach: New York Jets 2013-14, joined Bills No pro playing experience. College coach: Marietta
Aaron Kromer, offensive line; born April 30, 1967, in 2015. 2007, Robert Morris 2008, Syracuse 2009-2010,
Sandusky, Ohio. Tackle Miami (OH) 1986-89. No pro Chris Palmer, senior offensive assistant; born Charleston 2011-12. Pro coach: Joined Bills in 2013.
playing experience. College coach: Miami (Ohio) September 23, 1949, Brewster, NY. Quarterback Jeff Weeks, outside linebackers; born May 30,
1990-98, Northwestern 1998-2000. Pro coach: Southern Connecticut State 1969-1971. No pro play- 1962, Denver, Colo. Wide receiver Southwest
Oakland Raiders 2001-04, Tampa Bay Buccaneers ing experience. College coach: Connecticut 1972- Oklahoma State 1982-84, Northwest Oklahoma
2005-07, New Orleans Saints 2008-2012 (interim 74, Lehigh 1975, Colgate 1976-1982, New Haven State 1985. No pro playing experience. College
head coach first six games 2012), Chicago Bears 1986-87 (head coach), Boston University 1988-89 coach: Western Kentucky 1987-88, Morehead State
2013-14, joined Bills in 2015. (head coach). Pro coach: Montreal Concordes (CFL) 1990-91, Phoenix (Ariz.) C.C. 1996, Oklahoma
Sanjay Lal, wide receivers; born July 23, 1969, 1983, New Jersey Generals (USFL) 1984-85, 1999, Fort Scott (Kan.) C.C. 2001-04, Southeast
London, England. Wide receiver UCLA 1989, Houston Oilers 1990-92, New England Patriots Oklahoma State 2005, Texas A&M-Kingsville 2006.
Washington 1990-93. Pro receiver St. Louis Rams 1993-96, Jacksonville Jaguars 1997-98, Cleveland Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2008, New York Jets
Browns 1999-2000 (head coach), Houston Texans 2009-2014, joined Bills in 2015.

50 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

President: Mike Brown (343-413-3)
Senior Vice President: Pete Brown Records include postseason games
Executive Vice President: Katie Blackburn 1968-1975 Paul Brown..................55-59-1
Vice President: Paul Brown 1976-78 Bill Johnson* ..............18-15-0
Vice President: Troy Blackburn 1978-79 Homer Rice ...................8-19-0
Business Manager: Bill Connelly 1980-83 Forrest Gregg ..............34-27-0
Director of Team Operations: 1984-1991 Sam Wyche.................64-68-0
Jeff Brickner 1992-96 Dave Shula**..............19-52-0
Chief Financial Officer: Bill Scanlon 1996-2000 Bruce Coslet*** .........21-39-0
Director of Business Development: 2000-02 Dick LeBeau ................12-33-0
Bob Bedinghaus 2003-2015 Marvin Lewis...........112-101-2
Managing Director of Paul Brown * Resigned after five games in 1978
Stadium: Eric Brown ** Released after seven games in 1996
*** Resigned after three games in 2000
Directors of Technology: Michael Kayes,
American Football Conference Jo Ann Ralstin
North Division Editor: Geoff Hobson PAID ATTENDANCE
Team Colors: Black, Orange, and White Director of Security: Rusty Guy Home 473,088 Away 523,068
One Paul Brown Stadium Director of Corporate Sales, Marketing Total 996,156
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-3492 and Broadcasting: Brian Sells Single-game home record,
Telephone: (513) 621-3550 Director of Ticket Sales & Service: 66,188 (10/28/07)
Ticket Office (513) 621-TDTD (8383) Duane Haring Single-season home record, 516,154
Ticket Manager: Tim Kelly (2006)
2016 SCHEDULE Director of Player Relations: Eric Ball
PRESEASON Director of Player Personnel: Duke Tobin 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Aug. 12 Minnesota .........................7:30 Public Relations Director: Jack Brennan Round Name Pos. College
Aug. 18 at Detroit ............................7:30 Director of Communications: 1 William Jackson DB Houston
Aug. 28 at Jacksonville....................8:00 Emily Parker 2 Tyler Boyd WR Pittsburgh
Sep. 1 Indianapolis.......................7:30 Athletic Trainer: Paul Sparling 3 Nick Vigil LB Utah St.
Equipment Manager: Adam Knollman 4 Andrew Billings DT Baylor
REGULAR SEASON Video Director: Travis Brammer 5 Christian Westerman G Arizona St.
Sep. 11 at New York Jets ................1:00 6 Cody Core WR Mississippi
Sep. 18 at Pittsburgh ......................1:00 7 Clayton Fejedelem DB Illinois
Sep. 25 Denver ..............................1:00
Sep. 29 Miami (Thu).......................8:25
Oct. 9 at Dallas ............................4:25
Oct. 16 at New England .................1:00
Oct. 23 Cleveland .........................1:00
Oct. 30 Washington (London) .....9:30 a
Nov. 14 at New York Giants (Mon)...8:30
Nov. 20 Buffalo ..............................1:00
Nov. 27 at Baltimore .......................1:00
Dec. 4 Philadelphia .....................1:00
Dec. 11 at Cleveland ......................1:00
Dec. 18 Pittsburgh .......................*8:30
Dec. 24 at Houston (Sat).................8:25
Jan. 1 Baltimore ..........................1:00
* All times ET; Sunday night games in
Weeks 5-15 subject to change
Stadium: Paul Brown Stadium
(opened in 2000)
•Capacity: 65,515
One Paul Brown Stadium
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-3492
Playing Surface: UBU Speed Series S5M
Training Camp: Paul Brown Stadium
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 51

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Dalton 386 255 3250 66.1 25 7 20/118 106.3
08/14 W 23-10 New York Giants McCarron 119 79 854 66.4 6 2 12/63 97.1
08/24 L 11-25 at Tampa Bay Bengals 505 334 4104 66.1 31 9 32/181 104.1
08/29 W 21-10 Chicago Opponents 646 415 4264 64.2 18 21 42/288 78.9
09/03 W 9-6 at Indianapolis
REGULAR SEASON (12-4) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Nelson 8 115 14.4 37 0
Date Result Opponent Nugent 0 0 0 48/49 23/28 0 117 A. Jones 3 14 4.7 14 0
09/13 W 33-13 at Oakland Eifert 0 13 0 0/0 0/0 0 78 Hall 2 19 9.5 19t 1
09/20 W 24-19 San Diego J. Hill 11 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 74 Burfict 2 16 8.0 16 0
09/27 W 28-24 at Baltimore Green 0 10 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 S. Williams 2 14 7.0 14 0
10/04 W 36-21 Kansas City M. Jones 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Maualuga 1 15 15.0 15 0
10/11 W 27-24 Seattle (OT) Dalton 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Dennard 1 10 10.0 10 0
10/18 W 34-21 at Buffalo Bernard 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Iloka 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 W 16-10 at Pittsburgh Sanu 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Rey 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/05 W 31-10 Cleveland Burkhead 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Lewis-Harris 0 -1 — -1 0
11/16 L 6-10 Houston Hall 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Bengals 21 202 9.6 37 1
11/22 L 31-34 at Arizona Kroft 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 9 136 15.1 42 1
11/29 W 31-7 St. Louis Tate 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/06 W 37-3 at Cleveland Bengals 18 31 1 48/49 23/28 0 419 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/13 L 20-33 Pittsburgh Opponents 8 18 3 27/27 26/31 0 279 Huber 68 3116 45.8 22 67
12/20 W 24-14 at San Francisco 2-Pt Conv: J. Hill. Bengals 69 3116 45.2 22 67
12/28 L 17-20 at Denver (OT) Bengals 1-1, Opponents 0-2 Opponents 77 3449 44.8 25 64
01/03 W 24-16 Baltimore RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD PUNT
J. Hill 223 794 3.6 38t 11 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
POSTSEASON (0-1) Bernard 154 730 4.7 28 2
Date Result Opponent Tate 27 11 171 6.3 18 0
Dalton 57 142 2.5 12 3 A. Jones 16 1 179 11.2 35 0
01/09 L 16-18 Pittsburgh Sanu 10 71 7.1 25t 2
(OT) Overtime Bengals 43 12 350 8.1 35 0
M. Jones 5 33 6.6 30 0 Opponents 32 15 203 6.3 21 0
McCarron 14 31 2.2 16 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Burkhead 4 4 1.0 2 0
Bengals 90 126 92 108 3 — 419 KICKOFF
Bengals 467 1805 3.9 38t 18 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 37 70 76 93 3 — 279 Opponents 344 1477 4.3 69t 8 Tate 18 413 22.9 58 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS A. Jones 10 235 23.5 49 0
RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Peerman 4 44 11.0 20 0
Bengals Opp. Green 86 1297 15.1 80t 10
Total First Downs 324 307 Bernard 1 6 6.0 6 0
M. Jones 65 816 12.6 47 4 Sanu 1 2 2.0 2 0
Rushing 99 74 Eifert 52 615 11.8 31 13
Passing 191 202 Bengals 34 700 20.6 58 0
Bernard 49 472 9.6 45 0 Opponents 46 1041 22.6 35 0
Penalty 34 31 Sanu 33 394 11.9 52 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 81/201 86/218 J. Hill 15 79 5.3 14 1
3rd Down Pct. 40.3 39.4 FIELD
Kroft 11 129 11.7 22 1 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
4th Down: Made/Att 7/12 9/20 Burkhead 10 94 9.4 27 1
4th Down Pct. 58.3 45.0 Nugent 0/0 6/6 5/6 10/13 2/3
Hewitt 8 99 12.4 22 0 Bengals 0/0 6/6 5/6 10/13 2/3
Possession Avg. 30:41 29:19 Tate 2 59 29.5 55t 1
Total Net Yards 5728 5453 Opponents 0/0 9/9 6/6 8/12 3/4
Fisher 1 31 31.0 31 0
Avg. Per Game 358.0 340.8 Alford 1 15 15.0 15 0
Total Plays 1004 1032
Uzomah 1 4 4.0 4 0 Dunlap 13.5
Avg. Per Play 5.7 5.3 Bengals 334 4104 12.3 80t 31
Net Yards Rushing 1805 1477
Atkins 11.0
Opponents 415 4264 10.3 64t 18 M. Johnson 5.0
Avg. Per Game 112.8 92.3
Total Rushes 467 344
Peko 5.0
Net Yards Passing 3923 3976
Gilberry 2.0
Avg. Per Game 245.2 248.5
Burfict 1.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 32/181 42/288
Hawk 1.0
Gross Yards 4104 4264
A. Jones 1.0
Att./Completions 505/334 646/415
Rey 1.0
Completion Pct. 66.1 64.2
Clarke 0.5
Had Intercepted 9 21
Lamur 0.5
Punts/Average 69/45.2 77/44.8
Thompson 0.5
Net Punting Avg. 69/40.5 77/38.9
Bengals 42.0
Penalties/Yards 111/917 116/1063
Opponents 32.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 18/8 11/7
Touchdowns 50 29
Rushing 18 8
Passing 31 18
Returns 1 3

52 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Corey Dillon, 1997-2003 ....................................................................8,061
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Ken Anderson, 1971-1986 ...............................................................32,838
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ken Anderson, 1971-1986 ....................................................................197
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Chad Johnson, 2001-2010....................................................................751
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Chad Johnson, 2001-2010...............................................................10,783
Interceptions ...................................................................Ken Riley, 1969-1983 .............................................................................65
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Kevin Huber, 2009-2015 ......................................................................44.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Adam Jones, 2010-15 .........................................................................11.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Lemar Parrish, 1970-77 .......................................................................24.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Jim Breech, 1980-1992 ........................................................................225
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Pete Johnson, 1977-1983 .......................................................................70
Points..............................................................................Jim Breech, 1980-1992 .....................................................................1,151
*Sacks............................................................................Eddie Edwards, 1977-1988..................................................................47.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Rudi Johnson, 2005...........................................................................1,458
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Andy Dalton, 2013 .............................................................................4,293
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Andy Dalton, 2013 ..................................................................................33
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................T.J. Houshmandzadeh, 2007 .................................................................112
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Chad Johnson, 2007..........................................................................1,440
Interceptions ...................................................................Deltha O’Neal, 2005 ................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Kevin Huber, 2014................................................................................46.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Lemar Parrish, 1974 ............................................................................18.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Adam Jones, 2014...............................................................................31.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Mike Nugent, 2011..................................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Carl Pickens, 1995..................................................................................17
Points..............................................................................Mike Nugent, 2011................................................................................132
*Sacks............................................................................Carlos Dunlap, 2015 ............................................................................13.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Corey Dillon, 10-22-00..........................................................................278
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Boomer Esiason, 10-7-90 .....................................................................490
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Carson Palmer, 9-16-07 ............................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Carl Pickens, 10-11-98 ...........................................................................13
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Chad Johnson, 11-12-06 ......................................................................260
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Leon Hall, 12-21-08
Field Goals ......................................................................Shayne Graham, 11-11-07........................................................................7
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Larry Kinnebrew, 10-28-84 .......................................................................4
Corey Dillon, 12-4-97................................................................................4
Marvin Jones, 10-27-13............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Larry Kinnebrew, 10-28-84 .....................................................................24
Corey Dillon, 12-4-97..............................................................................24
Marvin Jones, 10-27-13..........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Antwan Odom, 9-20-09 .........................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 53

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
15 Alford, Mario WR 5-9 180 2/25/92 2 West Virginia Greenville, Ga. D7-’15 1/0/
97 Atkins, Geno DT 6-1 300 3/28/88 7 Georgia Pembroke Pines, Fla. D4a-’10 16/16
25 Bernard, Giovani HB 5-9 205 11/22/91 4 North Carolina Boca Raton, Fla. D2a-’13 16/1
61 Bodine, Russell C 6-3 308 6/30/92 3 North Carolina Scottsville, Va. D4-’14 16/16
65 Boling, Clint G 6-5 305 5/9/89 6 Georgia Alpharetta, Ga. D4-’11 16/16
23 Brown, Chykie CB 5-11 191 12/26/86 5 Texas Houston, Texas FA-’16 0*
55 Burfict, Vontaze LB 6-1 250 9/24/90 5 Arizona State Corona, Calif. FA-’12 10/10
33 Burkhead, Rex HB 5-10 210 7/2/90 4 Nebraska Plano, Texas D6a-’13 16/0
93 Clarke, Will DE 6-6 291 5/4/91 3 West Virginia Pittsburgh, Pa. D3-’14 12/0
14 Dalton, Andy QB 6-2 216 10/29/87 6 Texas Christian Katy, Texas D2-’11 13/13
56 Dansby, Karlos LB 6-3 251 11/3/81 13 Auburn Birmingham, Ala. FA-’16 16/16*
47 Dawson, P.J. LB 6-0 240 1/13/93 2 Texas Christian Dallas, Texas D3b-’15 11/0
21 Dennard, Darqueze CB 5-11 197 10/10/91 3 Michigan State Dry Branch, Ga. D1-’14 10/1
51 DiManche, Jayson LB 6-1 244 9/22/90 3 Southern Illinois Hamilton, N.J. FA-’15 1/0*
96 Dunlap, Carlos DE 6-6 280 2/28/89 7 Florida North Charleston, S.C. D2-’10 16/16
85 Eifert, Tyler TE 6-6 250 9/8/90 4 Notre Dame Fort Wayne, Ind. D1-’13 13/12
74 Fisher, Jake T 6-6 306 4/23/93 2 Oregon Traverse City, Mich. D2-’15 14/1
53 Flowers, Marquis LB 6-3 250 2/16/92 3 Arizona Phoenix, Ariz. D6-’14 0*
18 Green, A.J. WR 6-4 207 7/31/88 6 Georgia Summerville, S.C. D1-’11 16/16
29 #Hall, Leon CB 5-11 195 12/9/84 10 Michigan Vista, Calif. D1-’07 14/4
91 Hardison, Marcus DT 6-3 315 2/14/92 2 Arizona State Punta Gorda, Fla. D4b-’15 0*
46 Harris, Clark LS 6-5 250 7/10/84 8 Rutgers Manahawkin, N.J. FA-’09 16/0
50 Hawk, A.J. LB 6-1 240 1/6/84 11 Ohio State Centerville, Ohio FA-’15 16/11
89 Hewitt, Ryan H-B 6-4 254 1/24/91 3 Stanford Denver, Colo. FA-’14 15/12
32 Hill, Jeremy HB 6-1 235 10/20/92 3 Louisiana State Baton Rouge, La. D2-’14 16/15
— Hocker, Zach K 6-0 191 8/23/91 2 Arkansas Russellville, Ark. FA-’16 8/0*
66 Hopkins, Trey G 6-3 300 7/6/92 2 Texas Houston, Texas FA-’14 0*
10 Huber, Kevin P 6-1 214 7/16/85 8 Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio D5-’09 16/0
99 Hunt, Margus DE 6-8 290 7/14/87 4 Southern Methodist Karksi-Nuia, Estonia D2b-’13 7/0
43 Iloka, George S 6-4 225 3/31/90 5 Boise State Houston, Texas D5c-’12 12/12
90 Johnson, Michael DE 6-7 280 2/7/87 8 Georgia Tech Selma, Ala. FA-’15 16/15
60 Johnson, T.J. C 6-4 300 7/17/90 3 South Carolina Aynor, S.C. D7b-’13 12/0
24 Jones, Adam CB 5-10 180 9/30/83 10 West Virginia Atlanta, Ga. FA-’10 14/14
27 Kirkpatrick, Dre CB 6-2 190 10/26/89 5 Alabama Gadsden, Ala. D1a-’12 16/15
81 Kroft, Tyler TE 6-6 246 10/15/92 2 Rutgers Downingtown, Pa. D3a-’15 16/6
11 LaFell, Brandon WR 6-3 210 11/4/86 7 Louisiana State Houston, Texas FA-’16 11/5*
37 Lewis-Harris, Chris CB 5-10 186 2/11/89 4 Tennessee-Chattanooga Smyrna, Ga. FA-’12 7/0
58 Maualuga, Rey LB 6-2 255 1/20/87 8 Southern California Eureka, Calif. D2-’09 15/14
-- Mays, Taylor S 6-3 236 2/7/88 7 Southern California Seattle, Wash. UFA(Oak)-’16 14/5*
5 McCarron, AJ QB 6-3 210 9/13/90 2 Alabama Mobile, Ala. D5-’14 7/3
2 Nugent, Mike K 5-10 190 3/2/82 12 Ohio State Centerville, Ohio FA-’10 16/0
70 Ogbuehi, Cedric T 6-5 310 4/25/92 2 Texas A&M Allen, Texas D1-’15 5/0
30 Peerman, Cedric HB 5-10 212 10/10/86 7 Virginia Gladys, Va. W(Det)-’10 16/0
94 Peko, Domata DT 6-3 325 11/27/84 11 Michigan State Pago Pago, American Samoa D4-’06 16/16
57 Rey, Vincent LB 6-0 255 9/6/87 6 Duke Far Rockaway, N.Y. FA’10 16/8
26 Shaw, Josh CB 6-1 201 3/27/92 2 Southern California Palmdale, Calif. D4a-’15 15/1
92 Sims, Pat DT 6-2 340 11/29/85 9 Auburn Fort Lauderdale, Fla. UFA(Oak)-’15 8/0
40 Smith, Derron S 5-10 200 2/4/92 2 Fresno State Banning, Calif. D6-’15 16/0
19 Tate, Brandon WR 6-1 195 10/5/87 8 North Carolina Burlington, N.C. W(NE)-’11 16/0
98 Thompson, Brandon DT 6-2 305 10/19/89 5 Clemson Thomasville, Ga. D3b-’12 9/0
87 Uzomah, C.J. TE 6-6 271 1/14/93 2 Auburn Suwanee, Ga. D5-’15 5/0
77 Whitworth, Andrew T 6-7 330 12/12/81 11 Louisiana State West Monroe, La. D2-’06 16/16
36 Williams, Shawn S 6-0 210 5/13/91 4 Georgia Damascus, Ga. D3-’13 16/4
73 Winston, Eric G 6-7 302 11/17/83 10 Miami Midland, Texas FA-’14 13/2
86 Wright, James WR 6-1 201 12/31/91 3 Louisiana State Buras, La. D7a-’14 0*
68 Zeitler, Kevin G 6-4 315 3/8/90 5 Wisconsin Waukesha, Wis. D1b-’12 16/16

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments

* Brown last active with N.Y. Giants in ’14; Dansby played 16 games with Cleveland in ’15; DiManche played 1 game with Cleveland;
Flowers missed ’15 season because of injury; Hardison inactive for 16 games; Hocker played 6 games with New Orleans and 2 games
with St. Louis; Hopkins spent season on practice squad; LaFell played 11 games with New England; Mays played 14 games with
Oakland; Wright missed ’15 season because of injury.

Players lost through free agency (6): DE Wallace Gilberry (Det; 16 games in ’15), WR Marvin Jones (Det; 16), LB Emmanuel Lamur
(Minn; 16), S Reggie Nelson (Oak; 16), WR Mohamed Sanu (Atl; 16), T Andre Smith (Minn; 14).

Also played with Bengals in ’15—LB Chris Carter (13 games), CB Troy Hill (3).

54 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Bennett, Michael (1) WR 6-2 200 12/19/91 Georgia Alpharetta, Ga. FA
Billings, Andrew DT 6-1 311 3/6/95 Baylor Waco, Texas D4
Boyd, Tyler WR 6-2 197 11/15/94 Pittsburgh Clairton, Pa. D2
Brown, Jonathan K 5-10 197 12/7/92 Louisville Clinton, Miss. FA
Brown, Ryan DE 6-6 267 6/10/94 Mississippi State New Orleans, La. FA
Carson, Tra HB 5-11 227 10/24/92 Texas A&M Texarkana, Texas FA
Cooper, Alex G/C 6-4 300 12/18/91 Houston Bellaire, Texas FA
Core, Cody WR 6-3 205 4/17/94 Mississippi Auburn, Ala. D6
Dean, David DT 6-1 295 2/16/93 Virginia Virginia Beach, Va. FA
Epps, Aaron T 6-6 305 11/16/92 Louisville Tucker, Ga. FA
Erickson, Alex WR 6-0 195 11/6/92 Wisconsin Darlington, Wis. FA
Fejedelem, Clayton S 6-0 203 6/2/93 Illinois Lemont, Ill. D7
Grant, Antwane WR 6-0 202 8/14/92 Western Kentucky Wilmington, Del. FA
Harris, Darien LB 6-0 224 3/31/93 Michigan State Silver Spring, Md. FA
Hill, Bronson (1) HB 5-10 215 1/2/93 Eastern Michigan Grand Rapids, Mich. FA
Hillary, Darius CB 5-11 183 4/5/93 Wisconsin Cincinnati, Ohio FA
Jackson, William CB 6-0 189 10/27/92 Houston Houston, Texas D1
Johnson, Dezmond (1) DE 6-3 250 3/11/92 Duke Nashville, Tenn. FA
Johnson, Matt QB 6-0 212 9/9/92 Bowling Green Harrisburg, Pa. FA
Kumerow, Jake (1) WR 6-4 206 2/17/92 Wisconsin-Whitewater Bartlett, Ill. FA-’15
Lengel, Matt (1) TE 6-7 266 12/27/90 Eastern Kentucky Mechanicsburg, Pa. FA-’15
Luc, Jeff (1) LB 6-1 256 2/14/92 Cincinnati Port St. Lucie, Fla. FA
Mobley, Dy’Shawn HB 5-11 220 11/8/93 Eastern Kentucky Powell, Tenn. FA
Paul, Gionni LB 5-10 231 3/6/93 Utah Winter Haven, Fla. FA
Peters, John (1) TE 6-8 261 4/29/92 Mount St. Joseph West Chester, Ohio FA
Raven, Floyd Sr. (1) S 6-0 202 12/31/92 Texas A&M Kenner, La. FA
Redmond, Alex G/C 6-5 294 1/18/95 UCLA Cerritos, Calif. FA
Roach, Trevor (1) LB 6-2 237 3/6/92 Nebraska Elkhorn, Neb. FA-’15
Russell, Alonzo WR 6-4 206 9/29/92 Toledo Washington, D.C. FA
Thurman, Trip G/C 6-5 307 10/20/92 Florida Dover, Del. FA
Tindal, Corey CB 5-9 187 3/12/91 Marshall Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA
Vigil, Nick LB 6-2 239 8/20/93 Utah State Plain City, Utah D3
Weidenaar, John T 6-7 295 9/15/92 Montana State Manhattan, Mont. FA
Westerman, Christian G 6-3 298 2/23/93 Arizona State Chandler, Ariz. D5
Wenning, Keith (1) QB 6-3 225 2/14/91 Ball State Coldwater, Ohio FA-’15
Williams, DeShawn (1) DT 6-1 295 12/29/92 Clemson Central, S.C. FA-’15

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 55

COACHING STAFF Jacob Burney, defensive line; born January Jonathan Hayes, tight ends; born Aug. 11,
Head Coach, 24, 1959, Chattanooga, Tenn. Defensive 1962, South Fayette, Pa. Linebacker/tight
Marvin Lewis tackle Tennessee-Chattanogga 1977-1980. end Iowa 1981-84. Pro tight end Kansas
Pro Career: Marvin Lewis in 2016 extends No pro playing experience. College coach: City Chiefs 1985-1993, Pittsburgh Steelers
his Bengals-record head coaching tenure New Mexico 1983-86, Tulsa 1987, 1994-96. College coach: Oklahoma 1999-
to 14 seasons. He has led the team to the Mississippi State 1988, Wisconsin 1989, 2002. Pro coach: Joined Bengals in 2003.
postseason in six of the last seven years, UCLA 1990-92, Tennessee 1993. Pro coach: Bill Lazor, quarterbacks; born June 14,
including five straight. The Bengals are one Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens 1994- 1972, Scranton, Pa. Quarterback Cornell
of only four NFL teams to have made the 98, Carolina Panthers 1999-2001, Denver 1990-93. No pro playing experience.
playoffs the last five years (2011-15). In Broncos 2002-08, Washington Redskins College coach: Cornell 1994-2000, Buffalo
total, Lewis has coached seven Bengals 2010-14, joined Bengals in 2016. 2001-02, Virginia 2010-12. Pro coach:
playoff teams, a franchise record. Lewis Kyle Caskey, running backs; born Dec. 7, Atlanta Falcons 2003, Washingtoin
opens 2016 with 112 career victories, 48 1978, Daingerfield, Texas. Tight end Texas Redskins 2004-07, Seattle Seahawks
more than any other Bengals’ coach (Sam A&M 1997-98. No pro playing experience. 2008-09, Philadelphia Eagles 2013, Miami
Wyche 64). In 2015 the Bengals won the College coach: Louisiana-Monroe 2004- Dolphins 2014-15, joined Bengals in 2016.
AFC North title for the second time in three 05, Indiana State 2006-08, Mississippi Marcus Lewis, defensive quality con-
years, equaling the franchise record with 2009. Pro coach: Joined Bengals in 2010. trol/defensive line; born March 28, 1990,
12 victories. In 2013, Cincinnati won the Brayden Coombs, asst. special Albuquerque, N.M. Linebacker Indiana
AFC North Division championship by three teams/defensive quality control; born Oct. State 2008-2011. No pro playing experi-
games over Baltimore and Pittsburgh. 24, 1986, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wide receiver- ence. Pro coach: Joined Bengals in 2014.
Lewis’ 2012 Bengals achieved a rare NFL defensive back Miami (Ohio) 2005-09. No David Lippincott, asst. linebackers/quality
feat, becoming only the ninth of 131 teams pro playing experience. Pro coach: Joined control; born July 6, 1977, Cincinnati, Ohio.
from 1990-2012 to rise from a 3-5 start to Bengals in 2012. Attended Dayton. No college or pro playing
the playoffs. Lewis was the consensus Robert Couch: offensive quality con- experience. College coach: Bluffton 2000-
choice as NFL Coach of the Year in 2009, trol/offensive line; born Sept. 4, 1983, 02, Minnesota 2003-04, Richmond 2005-
when the Bengals won the AFC North title Plainview, Texas. Offensive lineman 07. Pro coach: Joined Bengals in 2011.
while sweeping all six division games. The Vanderbilt 1992-95. Pro offensive lineman, Robert Livingston, secondary; born Nov.
Bengals were AFC North champions under Barcelona Dragons (NFLE) 1997, London 29, 1985, Hendersonville, N.C. Safety,
Lewis also in 2005. Lewis was named the Monarchs (NFLE) 1998. Pro coach: Joined William & Mary 2007-09. No pro playing
ninth head coach in Bengals history on Bengals in 2016. experience. College coach: Furman 2010,
January 14, 2003. In 2002, Lewis was Kevin Coyle, secondary; born January 14, Vanderbilt 2011. Pro coach: Joined
Washington Redskins defensive coordina- 1958, Staten Island,N.Y. Defensive back Bengals (in player personnel) in 2012.
tor and assistant head coach. He spent six Massachusetts 1975-77. No pro playing Chip Morton, strength and conditioning;
seasons (1996-2001) as defensive coordi- experience. College coach: Cincinnati 1978- born November 27, 1962, Hamden, Conn.
nator with the Baltimore Ravens, a tenure 79, Arkansas 1980, U.S. Merchant Marine Attended North Carolina. No college or pro
that included a Super Bowl victory in the Academy 1981, Holy Cross 1982-1990, playing experience. College coach: Ohio
2000 season. In 2000, Lewis’ Baltimore Syracuse 1991-93, Maryland 1994-96, State 1985-86, Penn State 1987-1991. Pro
defense set the NFL record for fewest Fresno State 1997-2000. Pro coach: coach: San Diego Chargers 1992-94,
points allowed in a 16-game campaign Cincinnati Bengals 2001-2010, Miami Carolina Panthers 1995-98, Baltimore
(165), and the unit has been widely con- Dolphins 2012-15, re-joined Bengals in 2016. Ravens 1999-2001, Washington Redskins
sidered as one of the best NFL defenses of Jeff Friday, asst. strength and conditioning; 2002, joined Bengals in 2003.
all time. Lewis spent four seasons (1992- born Oct. 11, 1966, Milwaukee, Wisc. Dan Pitcher: offensive assistant/wide
95) as Pittsburgh Steelers linebackers Attended Wisconsin-Milwaukee. No college receivers; born Jan. 13, 1987, Cortland,
coach. Career record: 112-101-2. or pro playing experience. College coach: N.Y. Quarterback Cortland State 2008-
Background: Earned All-Big Sky Illinois State 1990-91, Northwestern 1992- 2011. No pro playing experience. College
Conference honors as a linebacker at Idaho 95. Pro coach: Minnesota Vikings 1996- coach: Cortland State 2012. Pro coach:
State (1978-1980), and saw action at 98, Baltimore Ravens 1999-2007, joined Joined Bengals in 2016.
quarterback and free safety. Received his Bengals in 2010. Darrin Simmons, special teams coordina-
bachelor’s degree in physical education Paul Guenther, defensive coordinator; tor; born April 9, 1973, Elkhart, Kan.
and Master’s degree in athletic administra- born Nov. 22, 1971, Richboro, Pa. Punter Kansas 1993-95. No pro playing
tion. Inducted into Idaho State’s Hall of Linebacker Ursinus College 1990-93. No experience. College coach: Kansas 1996,
Fame in 2001. Began his coaching career pro playing experience. College coach: Minnesota 1997. Pro coach: Baltimore
at Idaho State (1981-84), winning an Western Maryland 1994-95, Ursinus Ravens 1998, Carolina Panthers 1999-
NCAA Division I-AA championship in 1981. College 1996, 1997-2001 (head coach 2002, joined Bengals in 2003.
Was also the linebackers coach at Long 1997-2001), Jacksonville 1997. Pro James Urban, wide receivers; born Dec. 1,
Beach State (1985-86), New Mexico coach: Washington Redskins 2002-03, 1973, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Wide receiver
(1987-89), and Pittsburgh (1990-91). joined Bengals in 2005. Washington and Lee 1993-96. No pro
Personal: Born September 23, 1958, Jim Haslett, linebackers, born December playing experience. College coach: Clarion
McDonald, Pa. Lewis and his wife, Peggy, 9, 1955, Pittsburgh, Pa. Defensive end 1997-98, Pennsylvania 1999-2003: Pro
have two children—Whitney and Marcus. Indiana (Pa.) 1975-78. Pro linebacker coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2004-10,
Buffalo Bills 1979-1986, N.Y. Jets 1987. joined Bengals in 2011.
ASSISTANT COACHES College coach: Buffalo 1988-1990. Pro Ken Zampese, offensive coordinator; born
Paul Alexander, asst. head coach/ coach: Sacramento Surge (NFLE) 1991- July 19, 1967, Santa Maria, Calif. Wide
offensive line; born February 12, 1960, 92, Los Angeles Raiders 1993-94, New receiver San Diego 1985-88. No pro play-
Rochester, N.Y. Tackle Cortland State Orleans Saints, 1995-96, 2000-05 (head ing experience. College coach: San Diego
1979-1981. No pro playing experience. coach 2000-05), Pittsburgh Steelers 1989, Southern California 1990-91,
College coach: Penn State 1982-84, 1997-99, St. Lous Rams 2006-08 (head Northern Arizona 1992-95, Miami (Ohio)
Michigan 1985-86, Central Michigan coach), Florida Tuskers 2009 (UFL, head 1996-97. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles
1987-1991. Pro coach: New York Jets coach), Washington Redskins 2010-14. 1998, Green Bay Packers 1999, St. Louis
1992-93, joined Bengals in 1994. joined Bengals in 2016.. Rams 2000-02, joined Bengals in 2003.

56 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Jimmy Haslam (472-471-10)
Owner: Dee Haslam Records include postseason games
Executive Vice President, Football 1950-1962 Paul Brown ................115-49-5
Operations: Sashi Brown 1963-1970 Blanton Collier ..............79-38-2
Chief Strategy Officer: Paul DePodesta 1971-74 Nick Skorich ................30-26-2
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial 1975-77 Forrest Gregg* ............18-23-0
Officer: David A. Jenkins 1977 Dick Modzelewski ............0-1-0
Chief Human Resource Officer: 1978-1984 Sam Rutigliano** ........47-52-0
Mike Nikolaus 1984-88 Marty Schottenheimer ..46-31-0
Executive Vice President, Chief Revenue 1989-1990 Bud Carson*** ............12-14-1
Officer: Brent Stehlik 1990 Jim Shofner......................1-6-0
Executive Vice President: 1991-95 Bill Belichick ................37-45-0
Bryan Wiedmeier 1999-2000 Chris Palmer ..................5-27-0
Special Advisor: Jim Brown 2001-04 Butch Davis****..........24-36-0
American Football Conference Vice President, Player Personnel: 2004 Terry Robiskie ..................1-4-0
North Division Andrew Berry 2005-08 Romeo Crennel ............24-40-0
Team Colors: Brown, Orange, and White Vice President, Stadium Operations: 2009-2010 Eric Mangini ................10-22-0
76 Lou Groza Blvd. Troy Brown 2011-12 Pat Shurmur ..................9-23-0
Berea, Ohio 44017 Vice President, Football Operations: 2013 Rob Chudzinski ..............4-12-0
Telephone: (440) 891-5000 Phil Dangerfield 2014-15 Mike Pettine..................10-22-0
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships: *Resigned after 13 games in 1977
2016 SCHEDULE Randy Domain **Released after eight games in 1984
PRESEASON ***Released after nine games in 1990
Vice President, Cleveland Browns
Aug. 12 at Green Bay ......................8:00 ****Resigned after 11 games in 2004
Foundation: Renee Harvey
Aug. 18 Buffalo...............................8:00 Vice President, Communications:
Aug. 26 at Tampa Bay .....................8:00 PAID ATTENDANCE
Peter John-Baptiste
Sep. 1 Chicago .............................8:00 Home 503,408 Away 509,034
Vice President, Football Research/Player
Total 1,012,442
Personnel: Ken Kovash
REGULAR SEASON Single-game home record,
Senior Director, Premium and Suite Sales
Sep. 11 at Philadelphia ...................1:00 85,073 (9/21/70)
& Service: Nick Frasco
Sep. 18 Baltimore ..........................1:00 Single-season home record, 620,496
Senior Director, Finance: Gregory Rush
Sep. 25 at Miami ............................1:00 (1980)
Senior Director, Season & Group Ticket
Oct. 2 at Washington ...................1:00 Sales: Bob Sivik
Oct. 9 New England ....................1:00 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Senior Director, Corporate Partnership
Oct. 16 at Tennessee .....................1:00 Round Name Pos. College
Sales & Strategy: Matt Webb
Oct. 23 at Cincinnati ......................1:00 1 Corey Coleman WR Baylor
Senior Director, Digital Media:
Oct. 30 New York Jets ...................1:00 2 Emmanuel Ogbah DE Oklahoma St.
Jeremy Zimmer
Nov. 6 Dallas ...............................1:00 3 Carl Nassib DE Penn St.
Director, Football Administration:
Nov. 10 at Baltimore (Thu) ..............8:25 Shon Coleman T Auburn
Chris Cooper
Nov. 20 Pittsburgh .........................1:00 Cody Kessler QB USC
Director, Information Technology:
Nov. 27 New York Giants ................1:00 4 Joe Schobert LB Wisconsin
Brandon Covert
BYE Ricardo Louis WR Auburn
Director, Strategic Development and Risk
Dec. 11 Cincinnati .........................1:00 Derrick Kindred DB Texas Christian
Management: John Frain
Dec. 18 at Buffalo ..........................1:00 Seth DeValve TE Princeton
Director, Stadium Facilities: Don Husted
Dec. 24 San Diego (Sat) .................1:00 5 Jordan Payton WR UCLA
Director, Partnership Service and
Jan. 1 at Pittsburgh ......................1:00 Spencer Drango T Baylor
Activation: Bridget Huzicka
* All times ET Rashard Higgins WR Colorado St.
Director, Content & Production:
Stadium: FirstEnergy Stadium (opened in Trey Caldwell DB Louisiana-Monroe
Sara Kornokovich
1999) 7 Scooby Wright LB Arizona
Director, Membership Services:
•Capacity: 67,431 Taylor Laurer
100 Alfred Lerner Way Director, Football Research: Kevin Meers
Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Director, Creative Services: Chris
Playing Surface: Grass Modarelli
Headquarters/Training Camp: Director, Stadium Operations: Brad Mohr
76 Lou Groza Boulevard Director, Fan Experience and Special
Berea, Ohio 44017 Events: Carlos Oseguera
Director, Video: Rob Pavlas
Director, Corporate Partnerships:
Ryan Shirk
Director, Community Relations:
Jenner Tekancic
Director, Legal Affairs: Ted Tywang
Director, Inside Sales: Josh Young
Head Athletic Trainer: Joe Sheehan
Head Equipment Manager: Brad Melland
Head Groundskeeper: Chris Powell
Manager, Player Engagement: Ron Brewer

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 57

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent McCown 292 186 2109 63.7 12 4 23/137 93.3
08/13 L 17-20 Washington Manziel 223 129 1500 57.8 7 5 19/141 79.4
08/20 L 10-11 Buffalo Davis 94 56 547 59.6 1 3 11/96 66.2
08/29 W 31-7 at Tampa Bay Browns 609 371 4156 60.9 20 12 53/374 84.0
09/03 L 0-24 at Chicago Opponents 511 322 4169 63.0 34 11 29/157 101.8
Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Dansby 3 93 31.0 52t 2
09/13 L 10-31 at New York Jets Coons 0 0 0 22/24 28/32 0 106 Poyer 2 24 12.0 12 0
09/20 W 28-14 Tennessee Barnidge 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 Gipson 2 0 0.0 0 0
09/27 L 20-27 Oakland Benjamin 0 5 1 0/0 0/0 0 36 Orchard 1 46 46.0 46 0
10/04 L 27-30 at San Diego Crowell 4 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Robertson 1 38 38.0 38 0
10/11 W 33-30 at Baltimore (OT) Dansby 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Mingo 1 7 7.0 7 0
10/18 L 23-26 Denver (OT) Hartline 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 T. Williams 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/25 L 6-24 at St. Louis D. Johnson 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Browns 11 210 19.1 52t 2
11/01 L 20-34 Arizona McCown 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 12 204 17.0 63t 1
11/05 L 10-31 at Cincinnati Moore 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/15 L 9-30 at Pittsburgh Gabriel 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/30 L 27-33 Baltimore Hawkins 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2 Lee 70 3270 46.7 25 67
12/06 L 3-37 Cincinnati Browns 5 20 3 22/24 28/32 0 278 Browns 70 3270 46.7 25 67
12/13 W 24-10 San Francisco Opponents 11 34 4 44/45 30/35 0 432 Opponents 63 2741 43.5 17 64
12/20 L 13-30 at Seattle 2-Pt Conv: Gabriel, Hawkins
12/27 L 13-17 at Kansas City Browns 2-4, Opponents 2-4 PUNT
01/03 L 12-28 Pittsburgh
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Benjamin 28 10 324 11.6 78t 1
(OT) Overtime
Crowell 185 706 3.8 54 4 T. Williams 1 0 1 1.0 1 0
SCORE BY PERIODS D. Johnson 104 379 3.6 39 0 Browns 29 10 325 11.2 78t 1
Browns 50 90 48 87 3 — 278 Manziel 37 230 6.2 34 0 Opponents 37 15 381 10.3 82t 1
Opponents 98 116 88 127 3 — 432 McCown 20 98 4.9 13 1
Turbin 18 60 3.3 22 0
Davis 7 33 4.7 17 0
Browns Opp. Gilbert 12 339 28.3 40 0
Benjamin 4 12 3.0 10 0
Total First Downs 307 321 Mostert 12 309 25.8 53 0
Draughn 2 10 5.0 6 0
Rushing 81 104 Jennings 7 158 22.6 28 0
Poyer 1 10 10.0 10 0
Passing 192 186 Draughn 5 106 21.2 31 0
Pryor 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Penalty 34 31 Moore 3 77 25.7 29 0
Winston 1 -8 -8.0 -8 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 95/227 81/203 D. Johnson 2 52 26.0 30 0
Browns 380 1529 4.0 54 5
3rd Down Pct. 41.9 39.9 Browns 41 1041 25.4 53 0
Opponents 458 2055 4.5 54 11
4th Down: Made/Att 10/24 10/15 Opponents 42 894 21.3 46 0
4th Down Pct. 41.7 66.7 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Possession Avg. 30:26 29:34 Barnidge 79 1043 13.2 40 9
GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Net Yards 5311 6067 Benjamin 68 966 14.2 61 5
Coons 0/0 11/11 10/10 7/9 0/2
Avg. Per Game 331.9 379.2 D. Johnson 61 534 8.8 52 2
Browns 0/0 11/11 10/10 7/9 0/2
Total Plays 1042 998 Hartline 46 523 11.4 41 2
Opponents 0/0 10/10 12/13 8/9 0/3
Avg. Per Play 5.1 6.1 Gabriel 28 241 8.6 56 0
Net Yards Rushing 1529 2055 Hawkins 27 276 10.2 25 0 SACKS No.
Avg. Per Game 95.6 128.4 Crowell 19 182 9.6 53 1 D. Bryant 6.0
Total Rushes 380 458 Jennings 14 117 8.4 16 0 A. Bryant 5.5
Net Yards Passing 3782 4012 Moore 7 81 11.6 20 1 Kirksey 3.5
Avg. Per Game 236.4 250.8 Dray 6 61 10.2 18 0 Orchard 3.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 53/374 29/157 Bowe 5 53 10.6 16 0 Kruger 2.5
Gross Yards 4156 4169 M. Johnson 4 15 3.8 8 0 Cooper 1.5
Att./Completions 609/371 511/322 Turbin 2 8 4.0 7 0 Hughes 1.5
Completion Pct. 60.9 63.0 Draughn 2 1 0.5 2 0 Whitner 1.5
Had Intercepted 12 11 Pryor 1 42 42.0 42 0 Meder 1.0
Punts/Average 70/46.7 63/43.5 Bibbs 1 7 7.0 7 0 Poyer 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 70/40.1 63/36.4 Housler 1 6 6.0 6 0 Starks 1.0
Penalties/Yards 120/1083 108/833 Browns 371 4156 11.2 61 20 K. Williams 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 28/18 18/10 Opponents 322 4169 12.9 75t 34 Browns 29.0
Touchdowns 28 49 Opponents 53.0
Rushing 5 11
Passing 20 34
Returns 3 4

58 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jim Brown, 1957-1965 ....................................................................12,312
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Brian Sipe, 1974-1983 .....................................................................23,713
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Brian Sipe, 1974-1983 ..........................................................................154
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Ozzie Newsome, 1978-1990 .................................................................662
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Ozzie Newsome, 1978-1990 ..............................................................7,980
Interceptions ...................................................................Thom Darden, 1972-74, 1976-1981 .......................................................45
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Dave Zastudil, 2006-2010 ....................................................................44.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Greg Pruitt, 1973-1981 ........................................................................11.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Greg Pruitt, 1973-1981 ........................................................................26.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Phil Dawson, 1999-2012 ......................................................................305
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jim Brown, 1957-1965 .........................................................................126
Points..............................................................................Lou Groza, 1950-59, 1961-67 ...........................................................1,349
*Sacks............................................................................Clay Matthews, 1978-1993 ..................................................................62.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jim Brown, 1963 ...............................................................................1,863
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Brian Sipe, 1980 ................................................................................4,132
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Brian Sipe, 1980 .....................................................................................30
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Ozzie Newsome, 1983 ............................................................................89
Ozzie Newsome, 1984 ............................................................................89
Kellen Winslow, 2006..............................................................................89
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Josh Gordon, 2013 ............................................................................1,646
Interceptions ...................................................................Thom Darden, 1978 ................................................................................10
Anthony Henry, 2001 ..............................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Gary Collins, 1965 ...............................................................................46.7
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Leroy Kelly, 1965 .................................................................................15.6
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Billy Lefear, 1975 .................................................................................31.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Phil Dawson, 2008..................................................................................30
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jim Brown, 1965 ....................................................................................21
Points..............................................................................Jim Brown, 1965 ..................................................................................126
*Sacks............................................................................Reggie Camp, 1984 .............................................................................14.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jerome Harrison, 12-20-09...................................................................286
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Josh McCown, 10-11-15 ......................................................................457
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Frank Ryan, 12-12-64 ...............................................................................5
Bill Nelsen, 11-2-69 ..................................................................................5
Brian Sipe, 10-7-79...................................................................................5
Kelly Holcomb, 11-28-04 ..........................................................................5
Derek Anderson, 9-16-07..........................................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Ozzie Newsome, 10-14-84......................................................................14
Josh Gordon, 11-24-13...........................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Josh Gordon, 12-1-13 .........................................................................261
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Anthony Henry, 11-18-01
Field Goals ......................................................................Phil Dawson, 11-5-06 ...............................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Dub Jones, 11-25-51............................................................................**6
Points..............................................................................Dub Jones, 11-25-51..............................................................................36
*Sacks............................................................................Andra Davis, 11-9-03.............................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 59

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
78 Bailey, Alvin OL 6-3 320 8/26/91 4 Arkansas Broken Arrow, Okla. FA-’16 14/3*
82 Barnidge, Gary TE 6-6 250 9/22/85 9 Louisville Middleburg, Fla. UFA(Car)-13 16/13
88 Bibbs, E.J. TE 6-2 258 8/28/91 2 Iowa State Chicago, Ill. FA-’15 7/0
75 Bitonio, Joel OL 6-4 305 10/11/91 3 Nevada Long Beach, Calif. D2-’14 10/10
61 Bowie, Michael OL 6-5 320 9/25/91 4 Northeastern State Tulsa, Okla. W(Sea)-’14 0
95 Bryant, Armonty LB 6-4 265 5/20/90 4 East Central Wichita Falls, Texas D7a-’13 14/2
92 Bryant, Desmond DL 6-6 310 12/15/85 8 Harvard Elizabethtown, N.C. UFA(Oak)-’13 14/14
24 Campbell, Ibraheim DB 5-11 208 5/13/92 2 Northwestern Philadelphia, Pa. D4a-’15 15/1
59 Carder, Tank LB 6-2 235 1/18/89 5 Texas Christian Sweeny, Texas W(Buff)-’12 16/0
6 Coons, Travis K 6-1 200 2/6/92 2 Washington Alta Loma, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
96 Cooper, Xavier DL 6-4 300 11/30/91 2 Washington State Tacoma, Wash. D3b-’15 14/0
34 Crowell, Isaiah RB 5-11 225 1/8/93 3 Alabama State Columbus, Ga. FA-’14 16/9
7 Davis, Austin QB 6-2 221 6/2/89 5 Southern Mississippi Collinsville, Miss. FA-’15 3/2
56 #Davis, Demario LB 6-2 240 1/11/89 5 Arkansas State Brandon, Miss. UFA(NYJ)-’16 16/16*
26 Desir, Pierre DB 6-2 206 9/8/90 3 Lindenwood St. Peter’s, Mo. D4-’14 14/6
74 Erving, Cameron OL 6-5 313 8/23/92 2 Florida State Moultrie, Ga. D1b-’15 16/4
18 Gabriel, Taylor WR 5-8 167 2/17/91 3 Abilene Christian Mesquite, Texas FA-’14 13/4
43 Gaines, Charles DB 5-10 180 10/3/92 2 Louisville Miami, Fla. D6a-’15 6/4
62 Gerhart, Garth OL 6-1 310 10/21/88 2 Arizona State Corona, Calif. FA-’16 0
21 Gilbert, Justin DB 6-0 202 11/7/91 3 Oklahoma State Huntsville, Texas D1a-’14 9/1
77 Greco, John OL 6-4 318 3/24/85 9 Toledo Youngstown, Ohio T(StL)-’11 14/14
10 Griffin III, Robert QB 6-2 218 2/12/90 5 Baylor Copperas Cove, Texas FA-’16 0*
23 Haden, Joe DB 5-11 195 4/14/89 7 Florida Fort Washington, Md. D1-’10 5/5
16 Hawkins, Andrew WR 5-7 180 3/10/86 6 Toledo Johnstown, Pa. RFA(Cin)-14 8/8
93 Hughes III, John DL 6-2 320 4/27/89 5 Cincinnati Gahanna, Ohio D3-’12 16/3
47 Hughlett, Charley LS 6-4 248 5/16/90 2 Central Florida Tampa, Fla. FA-’14 16/0
91 Jeffcoat, Jackson LB 6-3 250 12/26/90 3 Texas Plano, Texas W(Wash)-’16 6/0*
57 Johnson, Cam LB 6-4 268 5/24/90 3 Virginia Washington, D.C. FA-’15 1/0
29 Johnson Jr., Duke RB 5-9 210 9/23/93 2 Miami Miami, Fla. D3a-’15 16/7
42 Johnson, Malcolm FB 6-1 231 8/11/92 2 Mississippi State Tuscaloosa, Ala. D6b-’15 12/5
35 Jones, Don DB 5-11 195 5/14/90 4 Arkansas State Town Creek, Ala. W(NO)-’15 14/0
58 Kirksey, Christian LB 6-2 235 8/31/92 3 Iowa St. Louis, Mo. D3a-’14 16/5
99 Kruger, Paul LB 6-4 270 2/15/86 8 Utah Orem, Utah UFA(Balt)-’13 16/15
8 Lee, Andy P 6-1 185 8/11/82 13 Pittsburgh Westminister, S.C. T(SF)-’15 16/0
13 McCown, Josh QB 6-4 218 7/4/79 14 Sam Houston State Jacksonville, Texas FA-’15 8/8
98 Meder, Jamie DL 6-3 308 4/12/91 2 Ashland Parma Heights, Ohio FA-’14 16/0
51 Mingo, Barkevious LB 6-4 240 10/4/90 4 Louisiana State West Monroe, La. D1-’13 16/2
15 Moore, Marlon WR 6-0 190 9/3/87 7 Fresno State Sacramento, Calif. FA-’14 14/2
20 Moore, Rahim DB 6-0 198 2/11/90 6 UCLA Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’16 7/6*
25 Mostert, Raheem RB 5-10 197 4/9/92 2 Purdue Smyrna Beach, Fla. W(Balt)-’15 11/0
44 Orchard, Nate LB 6-4 255 1/5/93 2 Utah Salt Lake City, Utah D2-’15 15/11
67 Pasztor, Austin OL 6-7 308 11/26/90 4 Virginia Tillonsburg, Ontario W(Jax)-’15 16/4
48 Patterson, Eric DB 5-9 200 12/5/93 2 Ball State Tampa, Fla. FA-’16 3/0*
33 Poyer, Jordan DB 6-0 191 4/25/91 4 Oregon State Astoria, Ore. W(Phil)-’13 14/4
11 Pryor, Terrelle WR 6-4 223 6/20/89 4 Ohio State Jeannette, Pa. FA-’15 3/2
9 Shaw, Connor QB 6-1 210 9/19/91 2 South Carolina Flowery Branch, Ga. FA-’14 0
55 Shelton, Danny DL 6-2 339 8/20/93 2 Washington Auburn, Wash. D1a-’15 16/15
27 t-Taylor, Jamar DB 5-11 192 9/29/90 4 Boise State San Diego, Calif. T(Mia)-’16 12/6*
73 Thomas, Joe OL 6-6 312 12/4/84 10 Wisconsin Brookfield, Wis. D1a-’07 16/16
52 Tuggle, Justin LB 6-3 245 1/4/90 4 Kansas State Alpharetta, Ga. FA-’16 11/2*
36 Williams, K’Waun DB 5-9 183 7/12/91 3 Pittsburgh Paterson, N.J. FA-’14 13/6
22 Williams, Tramon DB 6-0 192 3/16/83 10 Louisiana Tech Houma, La. UFA(GB)-’15 15/15
28 Winston, Glenn RB 6-2 220 4/29/89 3 Northwood Detroit, Mich. W(SF)-’14 3/0

60 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Bailey played 14 games with Seattle in ’15; D. Davis played 16 games with N.Y. Jets; Griffin inactive 15 games with Washington; Jeffcoat
played 6 games with Washington; K. Johnson inactive 1 game with Baltimore; Jones played 5 games with New Orleans; Moore played 7
games with Houston; Mostert played 7 games with Baltimore and 1 with Miami; Patterson played 1 game with St. Louis and 2 with
Indianapolis; Taylor played 12 games with Miami.

t- Browns traded for Taylor (Mia).

# Unrestricted Free Agent, subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (6): DB Johnson Bademosi (Det; 16 games in ‘15), WR Travis Benjamin (SD; 16),
DB Tashaun Gipson (Jax; 13), OL Alex Mack (Atl; 16), LB Craig Robertson (NO; 12), OL Mitchell Schwartz (KC; 16).

Also played with Browns in ’15—WR Dwayne Bowe (7 games), LB Karlos Dansby (16), RB Shaun Draughn (5), TE Jim Dray (16),
WR Brian Hartline (12), TE Rob Housler (6), OL Darrian Miller (6), DB De’Ante Saunders (1), LB Scott Solomon (2),
DL Randy Starks (15), RB Robert Turbin (3), DB Donte Whitner (14).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Baker, Sean (1) DB 5-11 205 11/6/88 Ball State Youngstown, Ohio FA
Boffeli, Conor (1) OL 6-4 295 8/29/91 Iowa West Des Moines, Iowa FA
Caldwell, Trey DB 5-9 185 12/4/93 Louisiana-Monroe Dallas, Texas D5d
Coleman, Corey WR 5-11 185 7/6/94 Baylor Dallas, Texas D1
Coleman, Shon OL 6-7 310 11/25/91 Auburn Memphis. Tenn. D3b
Craddock, Brad K 6-0 186 6/24/92 Maryland Adelaide, Australia FA
DeValve, Seth TE 6-3 245 1/29/93 Princeton Manchester, Conn. D4d
Drango, Spencer OL 6-6 315 10/15/92 Baylor Indianapolis, Ind. D5b
Everette, Mikell DB 5-10 185 10/22/92 Sam Houston State Covington, Wash. FA
France, Dan (1) OL 6-6 312 4/1/91 Michigan State North Royalton, Ohio FA
Hall, Rannell (1) WR 6-0 200 1/30/93 Central Florida Miami Gardens, Fla. FA-'15
Hamlett, Connor (1) TE 6-7 259 4/12/92 Oregon State Lynnwood, Wash. FA
Higgins, Rashard WR 6-1 198 10/7/94 Colorado State Dallas, Texas D5c
Holtz, J.P. TE 6-3 240 8/28/93 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pa. FA
Howard, Tracy DB 5-10 185 4/29/94 Miami Miramar, Fla. FA
Jennings, Darius (1) WR 5-10 169 6/28/92 Virginia Baltimore, Md. FA-'15
Johnson, Kaleb (1) OL 6-4 300 2/22/93 Rutgers Jacksonville, Fla. W(Balt)-'15
Kessler, Cody QB 6-1 215 5/11/93 Southern California Bakersfield, Calif. D3c
Kindred, Derrick DB 5-10 210 12/15/93 Texas Christian San Antonio, Texas D4c
Ladson, Erle (1) OL 6-6 350 11/27/91 Delaware New York City, N.Y. FA
Lawrence-Stample, Nile DL 6-1 320 7/14/92 Florida State Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA
Louis, Ricardo WR 6-2 215 3/23/94 Auburn Miami, Fla. D4b
Matthews, Mike OL 6-2 300 1/27/94 Texas A&M Missouri City, Texas FA
Nassib, Carl DL 6-7 275 4/12/93 Penn State West Chester Pa. D3a
Ogbah, Emmanuel LB 6-4 275 11/6/93 Oklahoma State Lagos, Nigeria D2
Parks, Dennis WR 6-2 201 7/27/94 Rice Converse, Texas FA
Payton, Jordan WR 6-1 209 9/1/93 UCLA Torrance, Calif. D5a
Richards, David WR 6-3 205 5/4/93 Arizona Palmdale, Calif. FA
Rose, Kyle DL 6-4 295 10/2/92 West Virginia Centerville, Ohio FA
Schobert, Joe LB 6-1 245 11/6/93 Wisconsin Waukesha, Wis. D4a
Scott, Tim (1) DB 5-11 195 1/25/93 North Carolina Fredericksburg Va. FA
Skov, Patrick FB 6-0 235 7/21/92 Georgia Tech Guadalajara, Mexico FA
Stamps, A.J. DB 5-11 195 3/2/94 Kentucky Vicksburg, Ky. FA
Telfer, Randall (1) TE 6-4 250 5/16/92 Southern California Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. D6c-'15
Watson, Terrell (1) RB 6-1 240 8/22/93 Azusa Pacific Oxwood, Calif. FA
Wright III, Scooby LB 6-0 240 8/28/94 Arizona Windsor, Calif. D7
Wynn, Dylan (1) DL 6-2 283 6/1/93 Oregon State Concord, Calif. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 61

COACHING STAFF Titans 2014-15, re-joined Browns in 2016. 2010-14, joined Browns in 2016.
Head Coach, Hal Hunter, offensive line; born July 8, 1959, Al Saunders, senior offensive assistant; born February 1,
Hue Jackson Canonsburg, Pa. Linebacker Northwestern 1978. No pro 1947, London, England. Defensive back San Jose State
Pro Career: Hue Jackson was named the 16th full-time playing experience. College coach: William & Mary 1982, 1966-68. No pro playing experience. College coach:
head coach in Cleveland Browns history by Owners Dee Pittsburgh 1983-84, Columbia 1985, Indiana (Pa.) 1986, Southern California 1970-71, Missouri 1972, Utah State
and Jimmy Haslam on January 13, 2016. He brings 29 Akron 1987-1990, Vanderbilt 1991-94, Louisiana State 1973-75, California 1976-1981, Tennessee 1982. Pro
years of coaching experience, including the last 15 in the 1995-99, Indiana 2000-01, North Carolina 2002-05. Pro coach: San Diego Chargers 1983-88 (head coach 1986-
NFL. He spent nine seasons coaching in the AFC North, coach: San Diego Chargers 2006-2012, Indianapolis 88), Kansas City Chiefs 1989-1998, 2001-05, St. Louis
which resulted in seven postseason trips. Jackson spent Colts 2013-15, joined Browns in 2016. Rams 1999-2000, 2008, Washington Redskins 2006-
the past two seasons (2014-15) as the Cincinnati offen- Mark Hutson, asst. offensive line; born August 29, 1966, 07, Baltimore Ravens 2009-2010, Oakland Raiders
sive coordinator. During that time, he helped the Bengals Fort Smith, Ark. Offensive line Oklahoma 1984-87. No 2011-14, Miami Dolphins 2015, joined Browns in 2016.
to two division titles and a trip to the postseason all four pro playing experience. College coach: Oklahoma 1990- Bob Saunders, offensive quality control/asst. wide
years. Jackson was head coach of the Oakland Raiders 92, Murray State 1993-97, Boise State 1997, Arkansas receivers; born November 28, 1976, Walnut Creek, Calif.
in 2011 and posted an 8-8 record. He has also served as 1998-99, Tulsa 2000-02, Eastern Illinois 2003-06, 2015 Wide receiver Southern Methodist 1995. No pro playing
offensive coordinator in Washington (2003), Atlanta (interim head coach 2006), Tulane 2007-2011 (interim experience. College coach: Washington (Mo.) 2010,
(2007), and Oakland (2010). Career record: 8-8. head coach 2011). Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2012- Kansas Wesleyan 2013, Oberlin 2014. Pro coach:
Background: Jackson was a quarterback at Pacific from 14, joined Browns in 2016. Kansas City Chiefs 2002-05, St. Louis Rams 2008,
1985-86 and threw for 2,544 yards and 19 touchdowns. Derik Keyes, strength and conditioning assistant; born Virginia Destroyers (UFL) 2011-12, joined Browns in
The Los Angeles native also lettered in basketball and September 29, 1985, Laurel, Miss. Safety Louisiana- 2016.
earned his degree in physical education. Lafayette 2005-08. College coach Louisiana-Lafayette Greg Seamon, tight ends; born July 24, 1955, Cincinnati,
Personal: Born Oct. 22, 1965, Los Angeles, Calif. 2009, 2011, South Alabama 2010. Pro coach: Houston Ohio. Franklin College Quarterback 1973. No pro playing
Jackson and his wife, Michelle, have three daughters, Texans 2012, joined Browns in 2013. experience. College coach: Purdue 1981-82, Army
Jordyn, Baylee and Haydyn. Joe Kim, strength and conditioning assistant/skills devel- 1983-84, Pacific 1985-86, Navy 1987-88, Akron 1991-
opment; born June 18, 1969, Lakewood, Ohio. No col- 94, Cincinnati 1995-98, Miami (OH) 1999-2000. Pro
ASSISTANT COACHES lege or pro playing experience. College coach: Penn State coach: Dallas Cowboys 2002, joined Browns in 2016.
Adam Beard, director of high performance; born August 2009. Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 1992-95, 1999- Ryan Slowik, outside linebackers; born December 27,
26, 1974, Sydney, Australia. No college or pro playing 2000, Dallas Cowboys 1998, Miami Dolphins 2001-06, 1980, Chicago, Ill. Safety Wisconsin Oshkosh 2002-03.
career. Pro coach: Joined Browns in 2015. Green Bay Packers 2005, Denver Broncos 2007, Buffalo College coach: Wisconsin-Oshkosh 2004. Pro coach:
Rock Cartwright, offensive quality control/asst. running Bills 2009, New York Giants 2010, Kansas City Chiefs Denver Broncos 2005-08, Arizona Cardinals 2009-
backs; born December 3, 1979, Conroe, Texas. Fullback 2010-12, Chicago Bears 2014, Washington Redskins 2014, New York Jets 2015, joined Browns in 2016.
Kansas State 1998-2001. Pro running back Washington 2015, re-joined Browns in 2016. Chris Tabor, special teams coordinator; born March 4,
Redskins 2002-09, Oakland Raiders 2010-11. Pro Evan Marcus, strength and conditioning coordinator; 1971, St. Joseph, Mo. Quarterback Benedictine College
coach: Joined Browns in 2016. born January 2, 1968, Union, N.J. Offensive line Ithaca 1989-1992. No pro playing experience. College coach:
Louie Cioffi, defensive backs; born September 21, 1973, 1986-89. No pro playing experience. College coach: Hutchinson (Kan.) C.C. 1994, Central Methodist 1995-
Queens, N.Y. Attended State University of New York at Arizona State 1991-92, Rutgers 1993, Maryland 1994, 96, Missouri 1997-2000, Culver-Stockton 2001 (head
Stony Brook. No college or pro playing experience. Texas 1995-97, Louisville 1998-99, Virginia 2003-06, coach), Utah State 2002-05, Western Michigan 2006-
College coach: C.W. Post 1995-96. Pro coach: New York 2011-13. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 2007, Miami 07. Pro coach: Chicago Bears 2008-2010, joined
Jets 1993-94, Cincinnati Bengals 1997-2010, Arizona Dolphins 2008-2010, Minnesota Vikings 2014-15, Browns in 2011.
Cardinals 2011-12, Cleveland Browns 2013, Tennessee joined Browns in 2016. Art Tolhurst, strength and conditioning assistant; born
Titans 2014-15, re-joined Browns in 2016. Cannon Matthews, asst. defensive backs; born June 21, January 8, 1976, Vancouver, B.C. Halfback British
Ken Delgado, asst. defensive line; born August 18, 1985, Cleveland, Ohio. Attended Ohio University. No col- Columbia 1995-99. Pro halfback Hamburg Pioneers
1961, San Jose, Calif. Defensive lineman Chabot College lege or pro playing experience. College coach: Kentucky (Germany) 2000, British Columbia Lions (CFL) 2003.
1981-82, San Jose State 1983-84. No pro playing expe- Christian 2012. Pro coach: Buffalo Bills 2008-2011, College coach: Oregon 2009-2010, California 2011,
rience. College coach: San Jose State 1986-92, Utah Tennessee Titans 2014-15, joined Browns in 2016. Oregon 2012-15. Pro coach: Vienna Vikings (Austria)
1993, San Diego State 1994-2001, California 2002-07, Shawn Mennenga, special teams assistant; born 2006-08, joined Browns in 2016.
Louisville 2008-09, Eastern Michigan 2010-13, Western January 8, 1971, Melbourne, Iowa. Defensive back Jason Veltkamp, strength and conditioning coordinator;
Kentucky 2014-15. Pro coach: Joined Browns in 2016. Missouri 1992. No pro playing experience. College born June 1, 1973, Bozeman, Mont. Offensive lineman
Pep Hamilton, associate head coach – offense; born coach: Southwest Baptist 1994-96, Western Kentucky Carroll College 1991-94. No pro playing experience.
September 19, 1974, Charlotte, N.C. Quarterback 1997, Hutchinson (Kan.) C.C. 1998-2000, Culver- College coach: Carroll College 1995-96, Utah State
Howard 1993-96. No pro playing experience. College Stockton 2001-04 (head coach 2002-04), Fort Hays 1997-98, Utah 1999-2003, Louisville 2004-07,
coach: Howard 1997-2001, Stanford 2010-12. Pro State 2005-08, South Dakota State 2009-2010. Pro Arkansas 2008-2012, North Carolina State 2013-15. Pro
coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2000, Washington Redskins coach: Joined Browns in 2011. coaching career: Joined Browns in 2016.
2001, Baltimore Ravens 2002, New York Jets 2003-05, Jamey Mroz, sports scientist; born June 30, 1989, Stan Watson, special teams quality control; born March
San Francisco 49ers 2006, Chicago Bears 2007-09, Salem, Mass. Linebacker Merrimack 2007-08, 2, 1980, Youngstown, Ohio. Outside linebacker Mount
Indianapolis Colts 2013-15, joined Browns in 2016. Springfield (Mass.) 2009-2010. No pro playing experi- Union 1999-2002. No pro playing career. College coach:
Johnny Holland, inside linebackers; born March 11, ence. College coach: Southeastern Louisiana 2011-12, Mount Union 2003-04, Emory & Henry 2005-07,
1965, Bellville, Texas. Linebacker Texas A&M 1983-86. Vanderbilt 2014. Pro coach: New York Giants 2013, Bowling Green State 2008-2011, Toledo 2012-13. Pro
Pro linebacker Green Bay Packers 1987-1993. Pro Cincinnati Bengals 2015, joined Browns in 2016. coach: Joined Browns in 2016.
coach: Green Bay Packers 1995-99, Seattle Seahawks Robert Nunn, defensive line; born June 10, 1965, Kirby Wilson, running backs/run game coordinator; born
2000-02, Detroit Lions 2003-05, Houston Texans 2006- Apache, Okla. Linebacker Oklahoma State 1984-87. No August 24, 1961, Los Angeles, Calif. Running back/wide
2010, Virginia Destroyers (UFL) 2011, Oakland Raiders pro playing experience. College coach: Northeastern receiver Pasadena (Calif.) C.C. 1979-1980, Illinois 1981-
2012, Saskatchewan Roughriders (CFL) 2013, British Oklahoma 1988, Tennessee 1989-1990, Georgia Military 82. Pro cornerback Winnipeg Blue Bombers (CFL) 1983,
Columbia Lions (CFL) 2014-15, joined Browns in 2016. 1991-99. Pro coach: Miami Dolphins 2000-02, 2004, Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 1984. College coach: Pasadena
Ray Horton, defensive coordinator; born April 12, 1960, Washington Redskins 2003, Green Bay Packers 2005- (Calif.) C.C. 1985, Southwest (Calif.) C.C. 1986-1990,
Tacoma, Wash. Cornerback Washington 1979-1982. 08, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2009, New York Giants Southern Illinois 1991-92, Wyoming 1993-94, Iowa
Pro cornerback Cincinnati Bengals 1983-88, Dallas 2010-15, joined Browns in 2016. State 1995-96, Southern California 2001. Pro coach:
Cowboys 1989-1992. Pro coach: Washington Redskins Eric Sanders, defensive quality control; born August 2, New England Patriots 1997-99, Washington Redskins
1994-96, Cincinnati Bengals 1997-2001, Detroit Lions 1983, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. No college or pro playing expe- 2000, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2002-03, Arizona
2002-03, Pittsburgh Steelers 2004-2010, Arizona rience. College coach: UC Davis 2006, 2008-09, Utah Cardinals 2004-06, Pittsburgh Steelers 2007-2013,
Cardinals 2011-12, Cleveland Browns 2013, Tennessee State 2007, Stanford 2015. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders Minnesota Vikings 2014-15, joined Browns in 2016.

62 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Pat Bowlen (479-405-10)
President and CEO: Joe Ellis Records include postseason games
Executive VP of Football Operations/GM: 1960-61 Frank Filchock ...............7-20-1
John Elway 1962-64 Jack Faulkner* ..............9-22-1
Head Coach: Gary Kubiak 1964-66 Mac Speedie** .............6-19-1
FOOTBALL STAFF 1966 Ray Malavasi ..................4-8-0
Director of Player Personnel: Matt Russell 1967-1971 Lou Saban*** ............20-42-3
Director of Pro Personnel: Tom Heckert 1971 Jerry Smith .....................2-3-0
Director of Football Administration: 1972-76 John Ralston...............34-33-3
Mike Sullivan 1977-1980 Robert (Red) Miller......42-25-0
Head Athletic Trainer: Steve Antonopulos 1981-1992 Dan Reeves...............117-79-1
BUSINESS STAFF 1993-94 Wade Phillips ..............16-17-0
General Counsel/Executive Vice 1995-2008 Mike Shanahan .........146-91-0
President: Rich Slivka 2009-2010 Josh McDaniels**** ..11-17-0
American Football Conference Senior Vice President of Business 2010 Eric Studesville................1-3-0
West Division Development: Mac Freeman 2011-14 John Fox .....................49-22-0
Team Colors: Orange, Broncos Navy CFO: Justin Webster 2015 Gary Kubiak ..................15-4-0
Blue, and White Vice President of Operations: *Released after four games in 1964
13655 Broncos Parkway Chip Conway **Resigned after two games in 1966
Englewood, Colorado 80112 ***Resigned after nine games in 1971
Vice President of Community
Telephone: (303) 649-9000 ****Released after 12 games in 2010
Development: Cindy Kellogg
Vice President of Media Relations:
Patrick Smyth
PRESEASON Home 600,796 Away 515,800
Executive Director of Ticket Operations Total 1,116,596
Aug. 11 at Chicago .......................6:00 and Administration: Kirk Dyer
Aug. 20 San Francisco .................7:00 Single-game home record,
Stadium General Manager: Jay Roberts 77,160 (11/9/09)
Aug. 27 Los Angeles ....................7:00
Sep. 1 at Arizona.........................7:30 Single-season home record, 601,635
Sep. 8 Carolina (Thu) ...............6:30 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Sep. 18 Indianapolis ..................2:25 Round Name Pos. College
Sep. 25 at Cincinnati ..............11:00 a 1 Paxton Lynch QB Memphis
Oct. 2 at Tampa Bay .................2:05 2 Adam Gotsis DT Georgia Tech
Oct. 9 Atlanta ..........................2:05 3 Justin Simmons DB Boston College
Oct. 13 at San Diego (Thu)..........6:25 4 Devontae Booker RB Utah
Oct. 24 Houston (Mon) ...............6:30 5 Connor McGovern G Missouri
Oct. 30 San Diego .....................2:05 6 Andy Janovich RB Nebraska
Nov. 6 at Oakland ...................*6:30 Will Parks DB Arizona
Nov. 13 at New Orleans ......11:00 AM 7 Riley DIxon P Syracuse
Nov. 27 Kansas City ...................2:25
Dec. 4 at Jacksonville ..........11:00 a
Dec. 11 at Tennessee .............11:00 a
Dec. 18 New England .................2:25
Dec. 25 at Kansas City ................6:30
Jan. 1 Oakland .........................2:25
* All times MT; Sunday night games in
Weeks 5-15 subject to change
Stadium: Sports Authority Field at Mile
High (opened in 2001)
•Capacity: 76,125
1701 Bryant Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
Playing Surface: Kentucky Blue Grass
Training Camp: UC Health Training Center
13655 Broncos Parkway
Englewood, CO 80112

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 63

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Manning 331 198 2249 59.8 9 17 16/95 67.9
08/14 W 22-20 at Seattle Osweiler 275 170 1967 61.8 10 6 23/151 86.4
08/22 W 14-10 at Houston Broncos 606 368 4216 60.7 19 23 39/246 76.3
08/29 W 19-12 San Francisco Opponents 573 344 3544 60.0 19 14 52/351 78.8
09/03 L 20-22 Arizona TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Talib 3 123 41.0 63t 2
REGULAR SEASON (12-4) McManus 0 0 0 35/36 30/35 0 125 C. Harris 2 94 47.0 74t 1
Date Result Opponent Hillman 7 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Trevathan 2 39 19.5 25t 1
09/13 W 19-13 Baltimore Sanders 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Bruton 2 11 5.5 12 0
09/17 W 31-24 at Kansas City Thomas 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Keo 1 22 22.0 22 0
09/27 W 24-12 at Detroit C. Anderson 5 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Roby 1 19 19.0 19 0
10/04 W 23-20 Minnesota Daniels 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Bush 1 13 13.0 13 0
10/11 W 16-10 at Oakland Caldwell 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Marshall 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/18 W 26-23 at Cleveland (OT) Talib 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Stewart 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 W 29-10 Green Bay Bolden 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Broncos 14 321 22.9 74t 4
11/08 L 24-27 at Indianapolis Green 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 23 279 12.1 55t 3
11/15 L 13-29 Kansas City C. Harris 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/22 W 17-15 at Chicago Latimer 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/29 W 30-24 New England (OT) Osweiler 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Colquitt 84 3663 43.6 22 62
12/06 W 17-3 at San Diego Roby 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 McManus 1 41 41.0 0 41
12/13 L 12-15 Oakland Trevathan 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Broncos 85 3704 43.6 22 62
12/20 L 27-34 at Pittsburgh Jackson 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Opponents 92 4278 46.5 38 66
12/28 W 20-17 Cincinnati (OT) Broncos 13 19 6 35/36 30/35 1 355
01/03 W 27-20 San Diego Opponents 10 19 3 27/28 25/32 1 296 PUNT
2-Pt Conv: Broncos 0-1, Opponents 0-4 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
POSTSEASON (3-0) Sanders 17 20 103 6.1 14 0
Date Result Opponent RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Norwood 6 2 51 8.5 14 0
01/17 W 23-16 Pittsburgh Hillman 207 863 4.2 72t 7 Bolden 5 3 123 24.6 83t 1
01/24 W 20-18 New England C. Anderson 152 720 4.7 48t 5 Keo 1 1 6 6.0 6 0
02/07 W 24-10 Carolina, Super Bowl 50 Osweiler 21 61 2.9 8 1 Broncos 29 26 283 9.8 83t 1
(OT) Overtime Thompson 18 48 2.7 12 0 Opponents 36 16 247 6.9 28 0
Sanders 3 29 9.7 24 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Caldwell 1 3 3.0 3 0 KICKOFF
Broncos 67 103 57 116 12 — 355 Latimer 2 1 0.5 5 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 41 98 58 99 0 — 296 Siemian 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 Bolden 15 342 22.8 41 0
Manning 6 -6 -1.0 -1 0 Caldwell 7 162 23.1 29 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Broncos 411 1718 4.2 72t 13 Norwood 2 29 14.5 15 0
Broncos Opp. Opponents 408 1337 3.3 48t 10 Bibbs 1 15 15.0 15 0
Total First Downs 314 289 Sanders 1 13 13.0 13 0
Rushing 85 81 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Thompson 1 0 0.0 0 0
Passing 201 162 Thomas 105 1304 12.4 72t 6 Latimer 0 27 — 27 0
Penalty 28 46 Sanders 76 1135 14.9 75t 6 Broncos 27 588 21.8 41 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 79/224 80/227 Daniels 46 517 11.2 37 3 Opponents 25 508 20.3 32 0
3rd Down Pct. 35.3 35.2 V. Davis 20 201 10.1 23 0
4th Down: Made/Att 7/14 5/14 C. Anderson 25 183 7.3 27 0 FIELD
4th Down Pct. 50.0 35.7 Hillman 24 111 4.6 14 0 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Possession Avg. 29:57 30:03 Norwood 22 207 9.4 34 0 McManus 0/0 12/12 8/8 5/8 5/7
Total Net Yards 5688 4530 Fowler 16 203 12.7 41 0 Broncos 0/0 12/12 8/8 5/8 5/7
Avg. Per Game 355.5 283.1 Green 12 173 14.4 32 1 Opponents 0/0 2/2 7/9 8/13 8/8
Total Plays 1056 1033 Caldwell 10 72 7.2 24 2
Avg. Per Play 5.4 4.4 Latimer 6 59 9.8 15 1 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 1718 1337 Thompson 6 51 8.5 16 0 Miller 11.0
Avg. Per Game 107.4 83.6 Broncos 368 4216 11.5 75t 19 Ware 7.5
Total Rushes 411 408 Opponents 344 3544 10.3 80t 19 Barrett 5.5
Net Yards Passing 3970 3193 Wolfe 5.5
Avg. Per Game 248.1 199.6 Jackson 5.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 39/246 52/351 Ray 4.0
Gross Yards 4216 3544 S. Williams 3.0
Att./Completions 606/368 573/344 A. Smith 2.5
Completion Pct. 60.7 60.0 Walker 2.0
Had Intercepted 23 14 Ward 2.0
Punts/Average 85/43.6 92/46.5 Marshall 1.5
Net Punting Avg. 85/39.5 92/42.1 Bruton 1.0
Penalties/Yards 115/1063 104/773 Nelson 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 16/8 27/13 McCray 0.5
Touchdowns 38 32 Broncos 52.0
Rushing 13 10 Opponents 39.0
Passing 19 19
Returns 6 3

64 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Terrell Davis, 1995-2002 ....................................................................7,607
Passing (Yds.).................................................................John Elway, 1983-1998 ...................................................................51,475
Passing (TDs) .................................................................John Elway, 1983-1998 ........................................................................300
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Rod Smith, 1995-2007 .........................................................................849
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Rod Smith, 1995-2007 ....................................................................11,389
Interceptions ...................................................................Steve Foley, 1976-1986 ..........................................................................44
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Britton Colquitt, 2009-2015 ..................................................................45.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Darrien Gordon, 1997-98 .....................................................................12.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Trindon Holliday, 2012-13 ....................................................................29.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Jason Elam, 1993-2007........................................................................395
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Rod Smith, 1995-2007 ...........................................................................71
Points..............................................................................Jason Elam, 1993-2007.....................................................................1,786
*Sacks............................................................................Simon Fletcher, 1985-1995 ..................................................................97.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Terrell Davis, 1998 .............................................................................2,008
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Peyton Manning, 2013 .......................................................................5,477
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Peyton Manning, 2013 ............................................................................55
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Rod Smith, 2001...................................................................................113
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Demaryius Thomas, 2014 ..................................................................1,619
Interceptions ...................................................................Goose Gonsoulin, 1960...........................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Britton Colquitt, 2011 ...........................................................................47.4
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Floyd Little, 1967 .................................................................................16.9
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Omar Bolden, 2014 ..............................................................................33.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Jason Elam, 1995, 2001 .........................................................................31
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Terrell Davis, 1998 ..................................................................................23
Points..............................................................................Matt Prater, 2013 ..................................................................................150
*Sacks............................................................................Von Miller, 2012 ...................................................................................18.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Mike Anderson, 12-3-00 .......................................................................251
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jake Plummer, 10-31-04 .......................................................................499
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Peyton Manning, 9-5-13........................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Brandon Marshall, 12-13-09 ...............................................................**21
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Shannon Sharpe, 10-20-02 ...................................................................214
Interceptions ...................................................................Goose Gonsoulin, 9-18-60 ....................................................................**4
Willie Brown, 11-15-64 .........................................................................**4
Deltha O’Neal, 10-7-01..........................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Gene Mingo, 10-6-63................................................................................5
Rich Karlis, 11-20-83................................................................................5
Jason Elam, 9-3-95, 10-13-02..................................................................5
Connor Barth, 11-30-14, 12-14-14 ...........................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Clinton Portis, 12-7-03..............................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Clinton Portis, 12-7-03............................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Karl Mecklenburg, 9-15-85, 12-1-85......................................................4.0
Simon Fletcher, 11-4-90.........................................................................4.0
Elvis Dumervil, 9-20-09 .........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 65

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
22 Anderson, C.J. RB 5-8 224 2/10/91 4 California Vallejo, Calif. FA-’13 15/6
91 Anunike, Kenny DE 6-5 275 5/22/90 3 Duke Galena, Ohio FA-’14 3/0
48 Barrett, Shaquil OLB 6-2 250 11/17/92 3 Colorado State Baltimore, Md. FA-’14 16/6
35 Bibbs, Kapri RB 5-11 203 1/10/93 2 Colorado State Plainfield, Ill. FA-’14 1/0
67 Brenner, Sam C/G 6-2 310 4/27/90 4 Utah Oceanside, Calif. W-’15 3/0*
4 Colquitt, Britton P 6-3 205 3/20/85 8 Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn. FA-’09 16/0
93 Crick, Jared DE 6-4 285 8/21/89 5 Nebraska Cozad, Neb. FA-’16 16/16*
51 Davis, Todd ILB 6-1 230 5/17/92 3 Sacramento State Lancaster, Calif. W(NO)-’14 16/2
37 Doss, Lorenzo CB 5-11 187 4/20/94 2 Tulane New Orleans D5-’15 6/0
53 Ferentz, James C 6-2 285 6/5/89 2 Iowa Iowa City, Iowa W(Hou)-’15 14/0
16 Fowler, Bennie WR 6-1 212 6/10/91 2 Michigan State Bloomfield, Mich. FA-’14 16/1
76 Garcia, Max G 6-4 309 11/9/91 2 Florida Norcross, Ga. D4-’15 16/5
80 Graham, Garrett TE 6-3 243 8/4/86 7 Wisconsin Brick, N.J. FA-’16 8/2*
28 Gray, Cyrus RB 5-10 206 11/18/89 3 Texas A&M DeSoto, Texas FA-’16 0*
85 Green, Virgil TE 6-5 255 8/3/88 6 Nevada Tulare, Calif. D7a-’11 16/5
25 Harris Jr., Chris CB 5-10 199 6/18/89 5 Kansas Bixby, Okla. FA-’11 16/16
82 Heuerman, Jeff TE 6-5 255 11/24/92 2 Ohio State Naples, Fla. D3-’15 0*
23 Hillman, Ronnie RB 5-10 195 9/14/91 5 San Diego State La Habra, Calif. D3-’12 16/10
33 Keo, Shiloh S 5-11 205 12/17/87 5 Idaho Everett, Wash. FA-’15 4/0
98 Kilgo, Darius NT 6-3 319 12/14/91 2 Maryland Charlotte, N.C. D6-’15 9/0
14 Latimer, Cody WR 6-2 215 10/10/92 3 Indiana Dayton, Ohio D2-’14 14/1
54 Marshall, Brandon ILB 6-1 250 9/10/89 5 Nevada Las Vegas FA-’13 16/16
8 McManus, Brandon K 6-3 201 7/25/91 3 Temple Lansdale, Pa. T-’14 16/0
58 Miller, Von OLB 6-3 250 3/26/89 6 Texas A&M DeSoto, Texas D1-’11 16/16
70 Myers Jr., Robert G 6-5 335 12/26/91 2 Tennessee State Chicago, Ill. FA-’15 0*
52 Nelson, Corey ILB 6-1 226 4/22/92 3 Oklahoma Dallas, Texas D7-’14 16/0
39 Nixon, Taurean CB 5-10 187 2/7/91 2 Tulane Baton Rouge, La. D7b-’15 0*
11 Norwood, Jordan WR 5-11 180 9/29/86 7 Penn State State College, Pa. FA-’14 11/5
73 Okung, Russell T 6-5 310 10/7/88 7 Oklahoma State Richmond, Texas FA-’16 13/13*
61 Paradis, Matt C 6-3 300 10/12/89 2 Boise State Council, Idaho D6-’14 16/16
15 Posey, DeVier WR 6-1 210 3/15/90 3 Ohio State Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’16 0*
56 Ray, Shane OLB 6-3 245 5/18/93 2 Missouri Shawnee Mission, Kan. D1-’15 14/0
29 Roby, Bradley CB 5-11 194 5/1/92 3 Ohio State Suwanee, Ga. D1-’14 16/4
27 Ross, Brandian S 6-0 190 9/28/89 5 Youngstown State Richmond, Va. FA-’16 1/0*
74 Sambrailo, Ty T 6-5 315 3/10/92 2 Colorado State Watsonville, Calif. D2-’15 3/3
6 Sanchez, Mark QB 6-2 225 11/11/86 8 Southern California Mission Viejo, Calif. T-’16 4/2*
10 Sanders, Emmanuel WR 5-11 180 3/17/87 7 Southern Methodist Bellville, Texas UFA(Pitt)-’14 15/15
79 Schofield, Michael T 6-6 301 11/15/90 3 Michigan Orland Park, Ill. D3-’14 13/13
13 Siemian, Trevor QB 6-3 220 12/26/91 2 Northwestern Windermere, Fla. D7a-’15 1/0
71 Stephenson, Donald T 6-6 312 3/9/88 5 Oklahoma Kansas City, Mo. UFA(KC)-’16 16/7*
26 Stewart, Darian S 5-11 214 8/4/88 7 South Carolina Huntsville, Ala. UFA(Balt)-’15 15/13
21 Talib, Aqib CB 6-1 205 2/13/86 9 Kansas Richardson, Texas UFA(NE)-’14 15/15
97 Taylor, Phil NT 6-3 335 4/7/88 5 Baylor Clinton, Md. FA-’16 0*
88 Thomas, Demaryius WR 6-3 229 12/25/87 7 Georgia Tech Montrose, Ga. D1a-’10 16/16
40 Thompson, Juwan RB 5-11 225 5/13/92 3 Duke Fairburn, Ga. FA-’14 15/1
96 Walker, Vance DE 6-2 305 4/26/87 8 Georgia Tech Fort Mill, S.C. FA-’15 15/4
43 Ward, T.J. S 5-10 200 12/12/86 7 Oregon Concord, Calif. UFA(Cle)-’14 12/12
94 Ware, DeMarcus OLB 6-4 258 7/31/82 12 Troy Auburn, Ala. FA-’14 11/10
57 Watson, Dekoda LB 6-2 240 3/3/88 7 Florida State Aiken, S.C. FA-’16 3/0*
36 Webster, Kayvon CB 5-11 198 2/1/91 4 South Florida Opa-locka, Fla. D3-’13 15/0
77 Weems, Darrion T 6-5 310 9/4/88 3 Oregon Winnetka, Calif. FA-’16 0*
92 Williams, Sylvester NT 6-2 313 11/21/88 4 North Carolina Jefferson City, Mo. D1-’13 15/15
95 Wolfe, Derek DE 6-5 285 2/24/90 5 Cincinnati Lisbon, Ohio D2a-’12 12/1

66 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Brenner played 3 games with Miami in ’15; Crick played 16 games with Houston; Graham played 8 games with Houston; Gray last
active with Kansas City in ’14; Heuerman missed ’15 season because of injury; Myers Jr. was inactive for 1 game; Nixon was signed to
the active roster in the postseason; Okung played 13 games for Seattle; Posey last active with Houston in ’14; Ross played 1 game for
San Diego; Sanchez played 4 games for Philadelphia; Stephenson played 16 games for Kansas City; Taylor last active with Cleveland in
’14; Watson played 3 games with New England; Weems last active with Dallas in ’14.

t- Eagles traded for QB Mark Sanchez, 4 games in ’15, from Philadelphia.

Traded: Ryan Clady (0 games in ’15) to New York Jets.

Players lost through free agency (11): S Omar Bolden (Chi; 9 games in ’15), LS Aaron Brewer (Chi; 16), S David Bruton Jr. (Wash; 13),
WR Andre Caldwell (Det; 14), TE Vernon Davis (Wash; 9), T Ryan Harris (Pitt; 16), DE Malik Jackson (Jax; 16),
G Evan Mathis (Ariz; 16), OLB Lerentee McCray (GB; 11), QB Brock Osweiler (Hou; 8), ILB Danny Trevathan (Chi; 15).

Also played with Broncos in ’15—S Josh Bush (8 games), TE/FB James Casey (3), TE Owen Daniels (16), TE Richard Gordon (1),
QB Peyton Manning (10), T Tyler Polumbus (11), DE Antonio Smith (16), G Louis Vasquez (16).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Addison, Bralon WR 5-9 197 10/12/93 Oregon Missouri City, Texas FA
Anderson, Zaire (1) ILB 5-11 220 8/18/92 Nebraska Philadelphia, Pa. FA-’15
Booker, Devontae RB 5-11 219 5/27/92 Utah Sacramento, Calif. D4
Day, Dillon (1) C 6-4 299 10/17/91 Mississippi State West Monroe, La. FA-’15
Dixon, Riley P 6-4 22 8/24/93 Syracuse Blossvale, N.Y. D7
Dora, Vontarrius OLB 6-4 256 9/7/92 Louisiana Tech West Point, Miss. FA
Frazier, Mose WR 5-11 190 8/30/93 Memphis Memphis, Tenn. FA
Garner, Manasseh TE/FB 6-2 239 3/11/92 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pa. FA
Glover, Antonio S 6-1 190 3/31/93 Georgia Southern Atlanta, Ga. FA
Gotsis, Adam DE 6-4 287 9/23/92 Georgia Tech Melbourne, Australia D2
Hanson, Lars T 6-8 308 9/30/92 Sacramento State Bemuda Dunes, Calif. FA
Heurtelou, Calvin NT 6-2 306 4/10/93 Miami Spring Valley, N.Y. FA
Janovich, Andy FB 6-1 238 5/23/93 Nebraska Gretna, Neb. D6a
Jefferson, Cameron (1) T 6-5 317 5/2/92 Arkansas Cleveland, Ohio FA-’15
Jenkins, Shaneil DE 6-3 281 2/7/94 Shepherd District Heights, M.D. FA
Kragen, Kyle OLB 6-2 245 2/1/93 California Danville, Calif. FA
Kreiter, Casey (1) LS 6-1 250 8/13/90 Iowa DeWitt, Iowa FA
Krieger Coble, Henry TE 6-4 248 6/12/92 Iowa Mount Pleasant, Iowa FA
Lowery, B.J. CB 5-11 193 8/3/91 Iowa Cincinnati, Ohio FA
Lynch, Paxton QB 6-7 244 2/12/94 Memphis San Antonio, Texas D1
McGovern, Connor G 6-4 306 4/27/93 Missouri Fargo, N.D. D5
Moala, David NT 6-1 311 12/30/92 Utah State Gardena, Calif. FA
Murray, Justin T 6-5 304 4/19/93 Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio FA
Neal, Durron WR 5-11 201 11/3/92 Oklahoma St. Louis, Mo. FA
Neary, Aaron G 6-4 301 11/15/92 Eastern Washington Richland, Wash. FA
Nixon, Taurean CB 5-10 187 2/7/91 Tulane Baton Rouge, La. D7b-’15
Norman, Dwayne ILB 6-0 230 9/23/93 Duke Jacksonville, Fla. FA
Parks, Will S 6-1 194 7/29/94 Arizona Philadelphia, Pa. D6b
Peko, Kyle DT 6-1 305 7/25/93 Oregon State La Habra, Calif. FA
Raymond, Kalif WR 5-9 160 8/8/94 Holy Cross Lawrencville, Ga. FA
Roberts, Kyle (1) T 6-6 305 2/9/92 Nevada Sparks, Nev. FA-’15
Shannon, Frank ILB 6-1 229 10/31/92 Oklahoma Dallas, Texas FA
Simmons, Justin S 6-2 202 11/19/93 Boston College Manassas, Va. D3
Sulleyman, Sadat OLB 6-0 254 10/25/92 Portland State Accra, Ghana FA
Taylor, Jordan (1) WR 6-5 210 2/18/92 Rice Sherman, Texas FA-’15
Theus, Nathan LS 6-3 238 7/2/92 Georgia Jacksonville, Fla. FA
Tidwell, John CB 6-0 191 3/25/93 Sioux Falls Aurora, Colo. FA
Yarbrough, Eddie OLB 6-3 259 4/24/93 Wyoming Aurora, Colo. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 67

COACHING STAFF Tennessee 2009, Southern California 2010- Marc Lubick, asst. wide receivers; born Nov.
Head Coach, 13. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2007-08, 13, 1997, Bozeman, Mont. Safety Montana
Gary Kubiak joined Broncos in 2014. State 1996-99. No pro playing experience;
Pro Career: Gary Kubiak was named the 15th Joe DeCamillis, special teams coordinator; College coach: Colorado State 2000-02, 2005-
head coach in Denver Broncos history on born June 29, 1965, Arvada, Colo. Attended 08, Vanderbilt 2014. Pro coach: Houston
January 19, 2015. In his first season as the Wyoming. No college or pro playing experi- Texans 2010-13, joined Broncos in 2015.
Broncos head coach he guided Denver to its ence. Pro coach: Denver Broncos 1988-1992, Fred Pagac, outside linebackers; born April
third Super Bowl title. He is a 24-year coach- New York Giants 1993-96, Atlanta Falcons 26, 1952, Richeyville, Pa. Tight end Ohio
ing veteran who spent the 2014 season as 1997-2006, Jacksonville Jaguars 2007-08, State 1971-73. Pro tight end Chicago Bears
offensive coordinator for the Baltimore Dallas Cowboys 2009-2012, Chicago Bears 1974, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1976. College
Ravens after eight years as head coach of the 2013-14, re-joined Broncos in 2015. coach: Ohio State 1978-2000. Pro coach:
Houston Texans (2006-2013). He has 21 Rick Dennison, offensive coordinator; born Oakland Raiders 2001-03, Kansas City Chiefs
years of experience with the Broncos, as a June 22, 1958, Kalispell, Mont. Tight end 2004-05, Minnesota Vikings 2006-2013,
quarterback (1983-1991) followed by 11 Colorado State 1976-79. Pro linebacker Buffalo Bills 2014, joined Broncos in 2015.
years as offensive coordinator (1995-2005). Denver Broncos 1982-1990. Pro coach: Brian Pariani, tight ends; born July 2, 1965,
In 32 seasons as a player or coach, Kubiak Denver Broncos 1995-2009, Houston Texans San Francisco, Calif. Attended UCLA. No college
has been part of 18 playoff teams, 13 division 2010-13, Baltimore Ravens 2014, re-joined or pro playing experience. College coach: UCLA
titles, nine conference championship games Broncos in 2015. 1989, Syracuse 2005. Pro coach San Francisco
and seven Super Bowls. He was a member of Mike Eubanks, asst. strength and conditioning; 49ers 1991-94, Denver Broncos 1995-2004,
four World Championship staffs, winning his born December 31, 1980, Kansas City, Kan. Houston Texans 2006-2013, Baltimore Ravens
first Super Bowl as quarterbacks coach for Defensive back Wisconsin-Eau Claire. No pro 2014, re-joined Broncos in 2015.
San Francisco (1994) and serving as offen- playing experience. Pro coach: Jacksonville Wade Phillips, defensive coordinator; born
sive coordinator for the Broncos’ back-to- 2009-2011, joined Broncos in 2012. June 21, 1947, Orange, Texas. Linebacker
back Super Bowl victories (1997-98) prior to Reggie Herring, linebackers; born July 3, Houston 1966-68. No pro playing experience.
winning Super Bowl 50. Kubiak began his 1959, Mrytle Beach, S.C. Linebacker Florida College coach: Houston 1969, Oklahoma
coaching career as Texas A&M’s running State 1978-79. No pro playing experience. State 1973-74, Kansas 1975. Pro coach:
backs coach (1992-93). He was the 49ers College coach: Oklahoma State 1981-85, Houston Oilers 1976-1980, New Orleans
quarterbacks coach in 1994, winning Super Auburn 1986-1991, Texas Christian 1992-93, Saints 1981-85 (interim head coach for four
Bowl XXIX. Career record: 78-70. Clemson 1994-2001, North Carolina State games in 1985), Philadelphia Eagles 1986-
Background: Kubiak starred at quarterback 2004, Arkansas 2005-07 (interim head coach 88, Denver Broncos 1989-1994 (head coach
for Texas A&M (1979-1982), earning All- 2007). Pro coach: Houston Texans 2002-03, 1993-94), Buffalo Bills 1990-2000 (head
Southwest Conference honors as a senior. He 2011-13, Dallas Cowboys 2008-2010, coach 1998-2000), Atlanta Falcons 2002-03
played for the Broncos (1983-1991) as John Chicago Bears 2014, joined Broncos in 2015. (interim head coach for three games in 2003),
Elway’s backup. Kubiak played in 119 career Greg Knapp, quarterbacks; born March 3, San Diego 2004-06, Dallas Cowboys 2007-
games, threw 14 touchdowns and was part of 1963, Seal Beach, Calif. Quarterback 2010 (head coach), Houston Texans 2011-13
three teams that reached the Super Bowl. Sacramento State 1982-85. No pro playing (interim head coach for three games in 2013),
Personal: Born August 15, 1961 in Houston, experience. College coach: Sacramento State re-joined the Broncos in 2015.
Texas. He and his wife, Rhonda, have three 1986-1994. Pro coach: San Francisco 49ers Luke Richesson, strength and conditioning;
sons-Klint, Klay and Klein. 1995-2003, Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, born April 29, 1974, Kansas City, Mo. Defensive
Oakland Raiders 2007-08, Seattle Seahawks back Kansas 1992-96. No pro playing experi-
ASSISTANT COACHES 2009, Houston Texans 2010-11, Oakland ence. College coach: Wyoming 1998, Arizona
Clancy Barone, offensive line; born July 26, Raiders 2012, joined Broncos in 2013. State 1999-2000. Pro coach: Jacksonville
1963, San Andreas, Calif. Offensive lineman Bill Kollar, defensive line; born November 27, 2009-2011, joined Broncos in 2012.
Cal State-Sacramento 1981-82, Nevada 1985- 1952, Warren, Ohio. Defensive end Montana Eric Studesville, running backs; born May 29,
86. No pro playing experience. College coach: State 1971-73. Pro defensive end Cincinnati 1967, Madison, Wisc. Defensive back
American River (Calif.) J.C. 1987-89, Cal Bengals 1974-76, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Wisconsin-Whitewater 1985-88. No pro play-
State-Sacramento 1990-92, Texas A&M 1993, 1977-1981. College coach: Illinois 1985-87, ing experience. College coach: Wingate 1994,
Eastern Illinois 1994-96, Wyoming 1997-99, Purdue 1988-89. Pro coach: Tampa Bay Kent State 1995-96. Pro coach: Chicago Bears
Houston 2000-02, Texas State 2003. Pro Buccaneers 1984, Atlanta Falcons 1990- 1997-2000, New York Giants 2001-03, Buffalo
coach: Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, San Diego 2000, St. Louis Rams 2001-05, Buffalo Bills Bills 2004-2009, joined Broncos in 2010
Chargers 2007-08, joined Broncos in 2009. 2006-08, Houston Texans 2009-2014, joined (interim head coach, four games in 2010).
Chris Beake, defensive assistant; born Broncos in 2015. Tyke Tolbert, wide receivers; born September
September 10, 1972, Kansas City, Mo. Klint Kubiak, offensive assistant; born on 15, 1967, Conroe, Texas. Wide receiver
Quarterback Air Force 1991-92. No pro play- February 17, 1987, Houston, Texas. Louisiana State 1988-1990. No pro playing
ing experience. College coach Air Force 1994. Defensive back Colorado State 2005-09. No experience. College coach: Louisiana State
Pro coach: San Francisco 49ers 1999-2003, pro playing experience. College coach: Texas 1994, Ohio 1995, Northeast Louisiana 1995-
2010, Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, Seattle A&M 2011-12, Kansas 2015; Pro coach: 97, Auburn 1998, Louisiana-Lafayette 1999-
Seahawks 2008-09, Cleveland Browns 2011- Minnesota 2013-14, joined Broncos in 2016. 2001, Florida 2002. Pro coach: Arizona
12, joined Broncos in 2013. Anthony Lomando, asst. strength and condi- Cardinals 2003, Buffalo Bills 2004-09, Carolina
Tony Coaxum, asst. special teams; born tioning; born October 4, 1982, Katy, Tex. Panthers 2010, joined Broncos in 2011.
December 2, 1976, Charleston, S.C. Attended Cal Poly State University-San Louis Joe Woods, defensive backs; born June 25,
Defensive back Army 1997-2000. No pro Obispo. No college or pro playing experience. 1970, North Vandergrift, Pa. Defensive back
playing experience. College coach: U.S. Army Pro coach: Jacksonville 2009-2011, joined Illinois State 1988-1991. No pro playing experi-
2007-2013. Pro coach: Baltimore Ravens Broncos in 2012. ence. College coach: Muskingum 1992,
2014, joined Broncos in 2015. Dennis Love, asst. strength and conditioning; Eastern Michigan 1993, Northwestern State
James Cregg, asst. offensive line; born born September 21, 1975, Cheraw, S.C., 1994, Grand Valley State 1994-96, Kent State
August 18, 1973, Syracuse, N.Y. Offensive Catawba College 1997-2000. No pro playing 1997, Hofstra 1998-2000, Western Michigan
line Colorado State 1992-95. No pro playing experience. College coach: Catawba College 2001. Pro coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
experience. College coach: Colorado State: 2003-04, Clemson 2004-14. Pro coach: 2004-05, Minnesota Vikings 2006-2013,
1996-99, Colgate 2000-03, Idaho 2004-06, Joined Broncos in 2015. Oakland Raiders 2014, joined Broncos in 2015.

68 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman and CEO: Robert C. McNair (99-130-0)
Vice Chairman and COO: D. Cal McNair 2002-05 Dom Capers.................18-46-0
General Manager/Executive Vice 2006-2013 Gary Kubiak* ...............63-66-0
President of Football Operations: 2013 Wade Phillips ...................0-3-0
Rick Smith 2014-15 Bill O’Brien ...................18-15-0
President: Jamey Rootes * Released after 13 games in 2013
Senior Vice President, Treasurer and
CFO: Scott Schwinger
Executive Vice President, General PAID ATTENDANCE
Counsel and CAO: Suzie Thomas Home 560,068 Away 500,381
Senior Vice President, Ticketing and Total 1,060,449
Event Management: John Schriever Single-game home record,
Vice President, Marketing and 71,778 (11/3/13)
Community Development: Single-season home record,
Jennifer Davenport 560,395 (2012)
American Football Conference Vice President, Corporate Development:
South Division Greg Grissom 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Team Colors: Deep Steel Blue, Battle Vice President and Chief Accounting Round Name Pos. College
Red, and Liberty White Officer: Marilan Logan 1 Will Fuller WR Notre Dame
Vice President, Football Administration:
Two NRG Park Chris Olsen 2 Nick Martin C Notre Dame
Houston, Texas 77054 Vice President, Information Technology: 3 Braxton Miller WR Ohio St.
Telephone: (832) 667-2000 Jeff Schmitz 4 Tyler Ervin RB San Jose St.
Vice President, Football Operations: 5 K.J. Dillon DB West Virginia
2016 SCHEDULE Doug West D.J. Reader DT Clemson
PRESEASON Director of Football Operations:
Aug. 14 at San Francisco.................6:00 Jason Lowrey
Aug. 20 New Orleans......................7:00 Director of Security: Emmett Baylor
Aug. 28 Arizona ..............................3:00 Director of Football Information Systems:
Sep. 1 at Dallas.............................7:00 Russell Joyner
Director of Player Engagement:
Sean Washington
REGULAR SEASON Director of Player Personnel: Brian Gaine
Sep. 11 Chicago ..........................12:00 Asst. Director of Pro Personnel:
Sep. 18 Kansas City ....................12:00 Larry Wright
Sep. 22 at New England (Thu).........7:25 Director of College Scouting: Jon Carr
Oct. 2 Tennessee ......................12:00 Coordinator of College Scouting:
Oct. 9 at Minnesota ...................12:00 Matt Jansen
Oct. 16 Indianapolis ....................*7:30 College Scouts: Ryan Cavanaugh,
Oct. 24 at Denver (Mon) .................7:30 Rob Kisiel, Mike Martin,
Oct. 30 Detroit .............................12:00 Mozique McCurtis, Nathan Trott,
BYE Seth Turner
Nov. 13 at Jacksonville .................12:00 Pro Scout: Tolu Lasaki
Player Personnel Scout: Chris Blanco
Nov. 21 at Oakland (Mexico City (Mon)).7:30
Director of Sports Medicine/Head Athletic
Nov. 27 San Diego .......................12:00 Trainer: Geoff Kaplan
Dec. 4 at Green Bay ...................12:00 Coordinator of Rehabilitation/Assistant
Dec. 11 at Indianapolis .................12:00 Athletic Trainer: Roland Ramirez
Dec. 18 Jacksonville ...................12:00 Director of Sports Science: Erik Korem
Dec. 24 Cincinnati (Sat)..................7:25 Director of Equipment Services:
Jan. 1 at Tennessee ...................12:00 Mike Parson
* All times CT; Sunday night games in Equipment Services Assistant:
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Kyle Kamau
Director of Video Operations: Tim Brog
Stadium: NRG Stadium Video Operations Asst.: Tyrrell Lynch
(opened in 2002) Sr. Director of Communications:
•Capacity: 71,795 Amy Palcic
Houston, Texas 77054 Sr. Director of Digital Media:
Eric SanInocencio
Playing Surface: Artificial Turf Associate General Counsel and Sr.
Training Camp: Houston Methodist Director: Greg Kondritz
Training Center Sr. Director of Human Resources:
NRG STADIUM Glenda Morrison
Sr. Director of Premium Seating:
Brian Varnadoe
Sr. Director of Ticketing and Event Sales:
Derek Beeman
Vice President of Broadcasting:
Marc Vandermeer
Director of Fan Relations & Event
Services: Holly Schweitzer
Director of Luxury Suite Service:
Shari Rainey
Director of Ticket Services: Trey Young
Controller: Tamala Croasmun

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 69

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Hoyer 369 224 2606 60.7 19 7 25/185 91.4
08/15 W 23-10 San Francisco Mallett 147 78 770 53.1 3 4 4/13 63.6
08/22 L 10-14 Denver Weeden 42 26 305 61.9 3 0 2/15 107.7
08/30 W 27-13 at New Orleans Yates 57 28 370 49.1 3 1 5/33 80.3
09/03 L 14-21 at Dallas Daniels 2 1 7 50.0 0 0 0/0 58.3
Grimes 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
REGULAR SEASON (9-7) Shorts 1 1 21 100.0 1 0 0/0 158.3
Date Result Opponent Texans 619 358 4079 57.8 29 12 36/246 85.3
09/13 L 20-27 Kansas City Opponents 553 326 3677 59.0 24 14 45/311 82.8
09/20 L 17-24 at Carolina
09/27 W 19-9 Tampa Bay TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
10/04 L 21-48 at Atlanta SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Hal 4 54 13.5 31t 1
10/08 L 20-27 Indianapolis Novak 0 0 0 29/31 18/21 0 83 Jackson 2 77 38.5 50 1
10/18 W 31-20 at Jacksonville Hopkins 0 11 0 0/0 0/0 0 68 Bouye 2 9 4.5 9 0
10/25 L 26-44 at Miami N. Washington 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Pleasant 2 -1 -0.5 0 0
11/01 W 20-6 Tennessee Blue 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Johnson 1 22 22.0 22 0
11/16 W 10-6 at Cincinnati Bullock 0 0 0 3/5 5/6 0 18 R. Moore 1 17 17.0 17 0
11/22 W 24-17 New York Jets Foster 1 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Joseph 1 2 2.0 2 0
11/29 W 24-6 New Orleans Strong 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Demps 1 0 0.0 0 0
12/06 L 21-30 at Buffalo Grimes 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 14 Texans 14 180 12.9 50 2
12/13 L 6-27 New England Griffin 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 12 123 10.3 38 1
12/20 W 16-10 at Indianapolis Polk 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
12/27 W 34-6 at Tennessee Shorts 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
01/03 W 30-6 Jacksonville Demps 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Lechler 95 4497 47.3 24 64
Fiedorowicz 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Novak 1 36 36.0 0 36
POSTSEASON (0-1) Graham 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Texans 96 4533 47.2 24 64
Date Result Opponent
Hal 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 101 4693 46.5 43 65
Jackson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
01/09 L 0-30 Kansas City
Mallett 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
Weeden 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Texans 7 29 3 32/36 23/27 0 339 Mumphery 36 14 280 7.8 20 0
Texans 59 76 81 123 0 — 339
Opponents 10 24 3 31/35 20/26 0 313 Shorts 9 8 70 7.8 17 0
Opponents 72 132 51 58 0 — 313 2-Pt Conv: Grimes, Hopkins Daniels 4 1 18 4.5 11 0
Texans 2-3, Opponents 0-2 Worthy 3 0 9 3.0 7 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Texans 52 23 377 7.3 20 0
Texans Opp. RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 60 15 612 10.2 37 0
Total First Downs 335 281 Blue 183 698 3.8 41 2
Rushing 90 79 Polk 99 334 3.4 20 1 KICKOFF
Passing 210 173 Grimes 56 282 5.0 37 1 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Penalty 35 29 Foster 63 163 2.6 16 1 Mumphery 14 338 24.1 41 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 96/249 61/214 Hunt 17 96 5.6 25 0 Demps 2 46 23.0 23 0
3rd Down Pct. 38.6 28.5 Shorts 10 47 4.7 12 0 Worthy 1 27 27.0 27 0
4th Down: Made/Att 6/19 7/12 Weeden 7 17 2.4 7t 1 Hunt 1 19 19.0 19 0
4th Down Pct. 31.6 58.3 Hoyer 15 44 2.9 15 0 Texans 18 430 23.9 41 0
Possession Avg. 30:48 29:12 Prosch 6 33 5.5 16 0 Opponents 40 977 24.4 50 0
Total Net Yards 5564 4963 Mallett 4 11 2.8 6t 1
Avg. Per Game 347.8 310.2 Daniels 6 6 1.0 6 0 FIELD
Total Plays 1127 986 Yates 6 0 0.0 7 0 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Play 4.9 5.0 Texans 472 1731 3.7 41 7 Novak 0/0 6/6 6/6 4/4 2/5
Net Yards Rushing 1731 1597 Opponents 388 1597 4.1 85t 10 Bullock 1/1 0/0 2/2 2/3 0/0
Avg. Per Game 108.2 99.8 Texans 1/1 6/6 8/8 6/7 2/5
Total Rushes 472 388 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 0/0 3/3 5/6 9/10 3/7
Net Yards Passing 3833 3366 Hopkins 111 1521 13.7 61t 11
Avg. Per Game 239.6 210.4 N. Washington 47 658 14.0 49 4 SACKS No.
Sacked/Yards Lost 36/246 45/311 Shorts 42 484 11.5 42 2 Watt 17.5
Gross Yards 4079 3677 Grimes 26 173 6.7 19 1 Mercilus 12.0
Att./Completions 619/358 553/326 Foster 22 227 10.3 32 2 Simon 5.0
Completion Pct. 57.8 59.0 Griffin 20 251 12.6 37 2 Clowney 4.5
Had Intercepted 12 14 Fiedorowicz 17 167 9.8 25 1 Covington 2.0
Punts/Average 96/47.2 101/46.5 Polk 16 109 6.8 12 1 Crick 2.0
Net Punting Avg. 96/38.6 101/41.5 Blue 15 109 7.3 21t 1 McKinney 1.0
Penalties/Yards 107/910 116/991 Strong 14 161 11.5 42t 3 Demps 0.5
Fumbles/Ball Lost 22/8 20/11 Mumphery 14 129 9.2 26 0 Pleasant 0.5
Touchdowns 39 37 Hunt 6 39 6.5 27 0 Texans 45.0
Rushing 7 10 Graham 4 30 7.5 9 1 Opponents 36.0
Passing 29 24 Worthy 3 14 4.7 12 0
Returns 3 3
Lamm 1 7 7.0 7 0
Texans 358 4079 11.4 61t 29
Opponents 326 3677 11.3 55 24

70 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Arian Foster, 2009-2015.....................................................................6,472
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Schaub, 2007-2013 .................................................................23,221
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matt Schaub, 2007-2013 ......................................................................124
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Andre Johnson, 2003-2014................................................................1,012
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Andre Johnson, 2003-2014..............................................................13,597
Interceptions ...................................................................Dunta Robinson, 2004-09 .......................................................................13
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Shane Lechler, 2013-15 .......................................................................47.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jacoby Jones, 2007-2011 ...................................................................10.2
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................André Davis, 2007-09 ..........................................................................25.4
Field Goals ......................................................................Kris Brown, 2002-09.............................................................................172
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Arian Foster, 2009-2015..........................................................................68
Points..............................................................................Kris Brown, 2002-09.............................................................................767
*Sacks............................................................................J.J. Watt, 2011-15 ...............................................................................74.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Arian Foster, 2010 ..............................................................................1,616
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Schaub, 2009.............................................................................4,770
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matt Schaub, 2009 .................................................................................29
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Andre Johnson, 2008............................................................................115
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Andre Johnson, 2012.........................................................................1,598
Interceptions ...................................................................Marcus Coleman, 2003.............................................................................7
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Shane Lechler, 2013 ............................................................................47.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Keshawn Martin, 2012 .........................................................................12.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................André Davis, 2007 ...............................................................................30.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Neil Rackers, 2011..................................................................................32
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Arian Foster, 2010 ...................................................................................18
Points..............................................................................Shayne Graham, 2012 ..........................................................................138
*Sacks............................................................................J.J. Watt, 2012, 2014 ..........................................................................20.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Arian Foster, 9-12-10 ............................................................................231
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Schaub, 11-18-12.........................................................................527
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ryan Fitzpatrick, 11-30-14 ........................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Andre Johnson, 11-18-12 .......................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Andre Johnson, 11-18-12 .....................................................................273
Interceptions ...................................................................Glover Quin, 10-28-10 ..............................................................................3
Field Goals ......................................................................Kris Brown, 9-7-03, 12-4-05, 10-7-07 ......................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ryan Moats, 11-1-09................................................................................3
Arian Foster, 9-12-10, 10-23-11................................................................3
Andre Johnson, 11-3-13 ...........................................................................3
Ben Tate, 12-1-13 .....................................................................................3
Points..............................................................................Ryan Moats, 11-1-09..............................................................................18
Arian Foster, 9-12-10, 10-23-11..............................................................18
Andre Johnson, 11-3-13 .........................................................................18
Ben Tate, 12-1-13 ...................................................................................18
*Sacks............................................................................Connor Barwin, 11-27-11 ......................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 71

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
78 Aboushi, Oday G 6-5 308 6/5/91 4 Virginia Brooklyn, N.Y. W(NYJ)-’15 7/5
70 Adams, Jeff T 6-7 305 9/6/89 3 Columbia Berwyn, Ill. W(Tenn)-’14 2/2
20 Allen, Antonio S 6-1 210 9/23/88 5 South Carolina Ocala, Fla. UFA(NYJ)-’16 0/0*
79 Allen, Jeff G 6-4 306 1/8/90 5 Illinois Chicago, Ill. UFA(KC)-’16 12/8*
39 Ballentine, Lonnie S 6-3 215 4/23/93 3 Memphis Memphis, Tenn. D7b-’14 2/0
68 Bergstrom, Tony C 6-5 315 8/6/86 5 Utah Salt Lake City, Utah UFA(Oak)-’16 16/3*
28 Blue, Alfred RB 6-2 223 4/27/91 3 Louisiana State Boutte, La. D6b-’14 16/9
21 Bouye, A.J. CB 6-0 191 8/16/91 4 Central Florida Tucker, Ga. FA-’13 15/2
76 Brown, Duane T 6-4 303 8/30/85 9 Virginia Tech Richmond, Va. D1-’08 14/14
53 Bullough, Max ILB 6-3 249 2/11/92 2 Michigan State Traverse City, Mich. FA-’14 13/1
74 Clark, Chris T 6-5 305 10/1/85 8 Southern Mississippi New Orleans, La. T(Den)-’15 11/4
58 Cliett, Reshard ILB 6-2 222 4/29/92 2 South Florida Thomasville, Ga. D6a-’15 0*
90 Clowney, Jadeveon OLB 6-5 266 2/14/93 3 South Carolina Rock Hill, S.C. D1-’14 13/9
95 Covington, Christian NT 6-2 289 10/16/93 2 Rice Vancouver, BC, Canada D6b-’15 15/0
56 Cushing, Brian ILB 6-3 249 1/24/87 8 Southern California Park Ridge, N.J. D1-’09 16/16
27 Demps, Quintin S 5-11 208 6/29/85 9 Texas-El Paso San Antonio, Texas FA-’15 14/13
81 Denham, Anthony TE 6-4 235 7/21/91 2 Utah Monterey Park, Calif. FA-’14 0*
50 Dent, Akeem ILB 6-1 239 9/27/87 6 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. T(Atl)-’14 12/2
23 Drummond, Kurtis S 6-1 208 1/29/92 2 Michigan State Masury, Ohio FA-’15 9/0
92 Dunn, Brandon DT 6-2 300 9/5/92 2 Louisville Louisville, Ky. FA-’15 12/0
87 Fiedorowicz, C.J. TE 6-5 265 10/22/91 3 Iowa Johnsburg, Ill. D3a-’14 16/14
64 Freeman, Dalton C 6-5 291 6/18/90 2 Clemson Pelion, S.C. FA-’15 0*
84 Griffin, Ryan TE 6-6 254 1/11/90 4 Connecticut Londonderry, N.H. D6d-’13 9/4
41 Grimes, Jonathan RB 5-10 209 12/21/89 4 William & Mary Palmyra, N.J. FA-’13 14/0
29 Hal, Andre S 5-10 188 5/30/92 3 Vanderbilt Port Allen, La. D7a-’14 16/11
10 Hopkins, DeAndre WR 6-1 218 6/6/92 4 Clemson Central, S.C. D1-’13 16/16
33 Hunt, Akeem RB 5-10 190 2/22/93 2 Purdue Covington, Ga. FA-’15 7/1
25 Jackson, Kareem CB 5-10 188 4/10/88 7 Alabama Macon, Ga. D1-’10 12/10
31 James, Charles CB 5-9 179 5/14/90 3 Charleston Southern Jacksonville, Fla. W(Balt)-’15 9/1
30 Johnson, Kevin CB 6-0 188 8/5/92 2 Wake Forest Clarksville, Md. D1-’15 16/10
24 Joseph, Johnathan CB 5-11 188 4/16/84 11 South Carolina Rock Hill, S.C. UFA(Cin)-’11 16/16
63 Lamm, Kendall T 6-6 305 6/5/92 2 Appalachian State Charlotte, N.C. FA-’15 15/4
9 Lechler, Shane P 6-2 237 8/7/76 17 Texas A&M East Bernard, Texas UFA(Oak)-’13 16/0
65 Mancz, Greg C 6-4 301 4/23/92 2 Toledo Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’15 3/0
69 McDonald, Andrew T 6-6 310 9/8/88 2 Indiana Indianapolis, Ind. FA-’15 0*
55 McKinney, Benardrick ILB 6-4 246 11/19/92 2 Mississippi State Tunica, Miss. D2-’15 14/11
59 Mercilus, Whitney OLB 6-4 258 7/21/90 5 Illinois Akron, Ohio D1-’12 16/10
26 Miller, Lamar RB 5-10 225 4/25/91 5 Miami Miami, Fla. UFA(Mia)-’16 16/16*
12 Mumphery, Keith WR 6-0 215 6/5/92 2 Michigan State Vienna, Ga. D5-’15 16/3
32 Nelson, Robert CB 5-10 180 2/16/90 2 Arizona State Suwanee, Ga. FA-’15 0*
72 Newton, Derek T 6-6 313 11/16/87 6 Arkansas State Utica, Miss. D7a-’11 16/16
8 Novak, Nick K 6-0 198 8/21/81 9 Maryland Charlottesville, Va. FA-’15 13/0
17 Osweiler, Brock QB 6-8 240 11/22/90 5 Arizona State Coeur d’Alene, Idaho UFA(Den)-’16 8/7*
97 Pagan, Jeoffrey DE 6-3 310 6/10/93 3 Alabama Asheville, N.C. D6a-’14 6/0
52 Peters, Brian ILB 6-4 235 10/31/88 2 Northwestern Pickerington, Ohio FA-’15 12/0
35 Pleasant, Eddie SS 5-10 210 12/17/88 4 Oregon Compton, Calif. FA-’12 16/0
45 Prosch, Jay FB 6-1 256 8/21/92 3 Auburn Mobile, Ala. D6c-’14 16/2
77 Quessenberry, David G 6-5 306 8/24/90 3 San Jose State Encinitas, Calif. D6a-’13 0*
48 Rivers, Gerald OLB 6-2 250 6/22/90 2 Clemson Ellenwood, Ga. FA-’15 0*
3 Savage, Tom QB 6-4 228 4/26/90 3 Pittsburgh Springfield, Pa. D4-’14 0*
18 Shorts III, Cecil WR 6-0 202 12/22/87 6 Mount Union Cleveland, Ohio UFA(Jax)-’15 11/4
51 Simon, John OLB 6-1 252 10/14/90 4 Ohio State Youngstown, Ohio FA-’14 16/8
62 Slade, Chad G 6-5 315 5/4/92 2 Auburn Moody, Ala. FA-’15 0*
91 Still, Devon DE 6-5 305 7/11/89 4 Penn State Camden, N.J. FA-’15 0/0*
11 Strong, Jaelen WR 6-2 217 1/25/94 2 Arizona State Philadelphia, Pa. D3-’15 10/1
71 Su’a-Filo, Xavier G 6-4 307 1/1/91 3 UCLA American Fork, Utah D2-’14 11/9
54 Thompson, Carlos OLB 6-5 243 2/16/92 2 Mississippi Hollandale, Miss. FA-’15 2/0
99 Watt, J.J. DE 6-5 289 3/22/89 6 Wisconsin Pewaukee, Wisc. D1-’11 16/16
5 Weeden, Brandon QB 6-4 228 10/14/83 5 Oklahoma State Oklahoma City, Okla. W(Dall)-’15 6/4
46 Weeks, Jon LS 5-10 246 2/17/86 7 Baylor Bethpage, N.Y. FA-’10 16/0
75 Wilfork, Vince NT 6-2 325 11/4/81 13 Miami Boynton Beach, Fla. UFA(NE)-’15 16/16

72 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* A.Allen was on the N.Y. Jets in ’15 but missed the season due to injury; J.Allen played 12 games for Kansas City in ’15; Bergstrom
played 16 games with Oakland; L.Miller played 16 games with Miami; Osweiler played 8 games with Denver; Still last played with
Cincinnati in ’14.

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Anderson, Stephen TE 6-2 230 1/30/93 California San Jose, Calif. FA
Barton, Karim (1) G 6-3 313 12/13/91 Morgan State Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’15
Dillon, K.J. S 6-0 210 5/11/94 West Virginia Miami, Fla. D5a
Ervin, Tyler RB 5-10 192 10/7/93 San Jose State San Bernardino, Calif. D4
Fairbairn, Ka’imi K 6-0 185 1/29/94 UCLA Kailua, Hawaii FA
Fuller V, Will WR 6-0 186 4/16/94 Notre Dame Philadelphia, Pa. D1
Heath, Joel DE 6-6 293 6/18/93 Michigan State Cincinnati, Ohio FA
Hilliard, Kenny (1) RB 5-11 226 10/31/91 Louisiana State Patterson, La. D7-’15
Jones, Tevin WR 6-2 225 12/26/92 Memphis League City, Texas FA
Kamalu, Ufomba DE 6-6 297 11/2/92 Miami Fayetteville, Ga. FA
Langford, Ryan ILB 6-4 235 6/10/93 New Mexico Davenport, Iowa FA
Lee, Eric OLB 6-3 260 8/6/94 South Florida Daphne, Ala. FA
Lenz, Josh (1) WR 6-0 195 9/22/90 Iowa State Dubuque, Iowa FA-’15
Leonard, Richard CB 5-9 189 9/2/91 Florida International Miami, Fla. FA
Martin, Nick C 6-4 299 4/29/93 Notre Dame Indianapolis, Ind. D2
Miller, Braxton WR 6-1 201 11/30/92 Ohio State Springfield, Ohio D3
Moore, Corey (1) S 6-2 206 1/28/93 Georgia Griffin, Ga. FA-’15
Mullaney, Richard WR 6-3 208 2/23/93 Alabama Thousand Oaks, Calif. FA
Pettinato, Dan (1) DE 6-4 277 4/24/92 Arizona Grass Valley, Calif. FA-’15
Rashad, Shakeel ILB 6-2 235 3/17/94 North Carolina Jacksonville, Fla. FA
Reader, D.J. NT 6-3 327 7/1/94 Clemson Greensboro, N.C. D5b
Scarlett, Brennan OLB 6-4 264 7/31/93 Stanford Portland, Ore. FA
Thomas, Duke CB 5-11 178 5/21/94 Texas Killeen, Texas FA
Tomlinson, Eric (1) TE 6-6 263 4/22/92 Texas-El Paso Klein, Texas FA-’15
Uzdavinis, Arturo T 6-7 305 11/2/92 Tulane Thonotosassa, Fla. FA
Vainuku, Soma FB 6-0 255 5/28/92 Southern California Eureka, Calif. FA
Wallace III, Cleveland CB 5-11 177 1/24/94 San Jose State San Jose, Calif. FA
Washington Jr., Tony (1) OLB 6-4 247 6/1/92 Oregon West Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’15
Williams, Wendall WR 5-10 185 9/18/90 Cumberlands Syracuse, N.Y. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

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2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 73

COACHING STAFF 2012, Kennesaw State 2013-15. Pro coach: Moorehead 2010, Ball State 2011, Penn
Head Coach, Joined Texans in 2016. State 2012-13. Pro coach: Joined Texans in
Bill O’Brien John Butler, secondary; born April 3, 1973, 2014.
Pro Career: Bill O’Brien was named the third Abbington, Pa. Defensive back Catholic Will Lawing, defensive quality control; born
head coach in Houston Texans franchise University 1991-94. No pro playing experi- November 27, 1985, Boone, N.C. Wide
history on January 3, 2014. O’Brien, who ence. College coach: Catholic University receiver North Carolina 2004-07. No pro
owns 23 years of collegiate and NFL coach- 1995-96, Texas 1997-98, Midwestern State playing experience. College coach: Juniata
ing experience, led the Texans to a second 1999-2000, Texas State 2001-02, Harvard 2009-2012, Penn State 2013. Pro coach:
straight winning season in 2015 and their 2003-06, Minnesota 2007-10, South Joined Texans in 2014.
first AFC South Division championship since Carolina 2011, Penn State 2012-13. Pro Charles London, running backs; born
2012. Houston became the first NFL team coach: Joined Texans in 2014. August 12, 1975, Dunwoody, Ga. Running
since 1950 to earn a trip to the postseason Doug Colman, asst. special teams; born back Duke 1994-96. No pro playing experi-
with four different starting quarterbacks June 4, 1973, Ventnor, N.J. Linebacker ence. College coach: Duke 2004-06, Penn
winning at least one regular season game Nebraska 1991-95. Pro linebacker New York State 2012-13. Pro coach: Chicago Bears
and set the franchise single-season record Giants 1996-98, Tennessee Titans 1999, 2007-09, Tennessee Titans 2011, joined
for sacks (45.0) in 2015. Under O’Brien in Cleveland Browns 2000. College coach: Texans in 2014.
2014, Houston’s seven-win improvement Nebraska 2008-09, Tulane 2010-11, Anthony Midget, asst. secondary; born
led the NFL and made the Texans the sixth Coastal Carolina 2012-13. Pro coach: February 22, 1978, Clewiston, Fla.
team since 1978 to post a winning season Amsterdam (NFLE) 2007, joined Texans in Cornerback Virginia Tech 1996-99. No pro
following a season in which it won two or 2014. playing experience. College coach: Virginia
less games. Prior to Houston, O’Brien was Romeo Crennel, defensive coordinator; Tech 2007, Georgia State 2008-2012, Penn
head coach at Penn State from 2012-13 and born June 18, 1947, Lynchburg, Va. State 2013. Pro coach: Joined Texans in
led the storied program through one of the Defensive lineman/offensive tackle Western 2014.
greatest periods of strife any major college Kentucky 1966-69. No pro playing experi- Pat O’Hara, offensive assistant; born
program has endured. He was named the ence. College coach: Western Kentucky September 27, 1968, Santa Monica, Calif.
Bear Bryant, Maxwell Football Club and 1970-74, Texas Tech 1975-77, Mississippi Quarterback Southern California 1987-
ESPN National Coach of the Year as well as 1978-79, Georgia Tech 1980. Pro coach: 1990. Pro quarterback Ohio Glory (WLAF)
the Big Ten Coach of the Year by media and New York Giants 1981-1992, New England 1992, Orlando Predators (AFL) 1995-2000,
coaches. From 2007-2011, O’Brien helped Patriots 1993-96, 2001-04, New York Jets Toronto Phantoms (AFL) 2001-02, Tampa
lead the New England Patriots to a pair of 1997-99, Cleveland Browns 2000, 2005-08 Bay Storm (AFL) 2003-06. Pro coach:
Super Bowl berths, rising from offensive (head coach 2005-08), Kansas City Chiefs Tampa Bay Storm (AFL) 2005-08, Los
assistant his first season to wide receivers 2010-12 (interim head coach, final three Angeles Avengers (AFL) 2009 (head coach),
coach in 2008 and then quarterbacks coach games 2011, head coach 2012), joined Tri-Cities Fever (IFL) 2009 (head coach),
from 2009-2010 prior to his promotion to Texans in 2014. Orlando Predators (AFL) 2010-11 (head
offensive coordinator/quarterbacks coach in Mike Devlin, offensive line; born November coach), New Orleans VooDoo (AFL) 2012-
2011. That season, the Patriots ranked third 16, 1969, Blacksburg, Va. Offensive lineman 14 (head coach), joined Texans in 2015.
in the NFL in scoring, second in total offense Iowa 1989-1992. Pro offensive lineman John Perry, tight ends; born June 4, 1969,
and advanced to Super Bowl XLVI. Career Buffalo Bills 1993-95, Arizona Cardinals Lawrence, Mass. Wide receiver New
record: 18-15. 1996-99. College coach: Toledo 2004-05. Hampshire 1988-1992. No pro playing
Background: O’Brien grew up in Andover, Pro coach: Arizona Cardinals 2000-03, New experience. College coach: Northeastern
Mass. and graduated from St. John’s York Jets 2006-2014, joined Texans in 1993, Brown 1994-96, New Hampshire
Preparatory School in Danvers. He played 2015. 1997-98, 2007, Dartmouth 1999-2004,
linebacker and defensive end at Brown from Craig Fitzgerald, head strength and condi- Georgetown 2005, Hofstra 2006,
1990-92 and graduated with a double con- tioning; born September 15, 1972, Merrimack 2008-2012 (head coach),
centration in political science and organiza- Philadelphia, Pa. Tight end Maryland 1992- Delaware 2013. Pro coach: Joined Texans in
tional behavioral management. O’Brien pre- 96. No pro playing experience. College 2014.
viously coached collegiately at Brown coach: Catholic University 1997-98, Arizona Sean Ryan, wide receivers; born May 1,
(1993-94), Georgia Tech (1995-2002), State 1999, Maryland 2000-05, Harvard 1972, Hudson Falls, NY. Defensive back
Maryland (2003-04), and Duke (2005-06). 2005-09, South Carolina 2009-2011, Penn Hamilton College 1991-94. College coach:
Personal: Born on October 23, 1969 in State 2012-13. Pro coach: Joined Texans in Siena College 1997, Albany 1998-99,
Dorchester, Mass. He and his wife, Colleen, 2014. Colgate 2000, Boston College 2001-02,
have two sons: Jack, 14, and Michael, 11. George Godsey, offensive coordinator; born Columbia University 2003-05, Harvard
January 1, 1979, Tampa, Fla. Quarterback 2006. Pro coach: New York Giants 2007-
ASSISTANT COACHES Georgia Tech 1998-2001. Pro quarterback 2015, joined Texans in 2016.
Brian Bell, strength and conditioning assis- Tampa Bay Storm (AFL) 2003. College Mike Vrabel, linebackers; born August 14,
tant; born April 4, 1984, Kettering, Md. Tight coach: Central Florida 2004-2010. Pro 1975, Akron, Ohio. Defensive end Ohio State
end Kent State 2002-06. No pro playing coach: New England Patriots 2011-13, 1993-96. Pro linebacker Pittsburgh Steelers
experience. College coach: Penn State joined Texans in 2014. 1997-2001, New England Patriots 2001-08,
2012-13. Pro coach: Joined Texans in 2015. Larry Izzo, special teams coordinator; born Kansas City Chiefs 2009-2010. College
Jim Bernhardt, director of football research; September 26, 1974, Fort Belvoir, Va. coach: Ohio State 2011-13. Pro coach:
born March 26, 1956, New York, N.Y. Linebacker Rice 1992-96. Pro linebacker Joined Texans in 2014.
Linebacker Hofstra 1974-76. No pro playing Miami Dolphins 1996-2000; New England Anthony Weaver, defensive line; born July
experience. College coach: Georgia 1980- Patriots 2001-08, New York Jets 2009. Pro 28, 1980, Killeen, Texas. Defensive lineman
81, Hofstra 1988-89, Brown 1990-93, coach: New York Giants 2011-15, joined Notre Dame 1998-2001. Pro defensive line-
Central Florida 2004-07, Penn State 2012- Texans in 2016. man Baltimore Ravens 2002-05, Houston
13. Pro coach: Joined Texans in 2014. Tim Kelly, offensive quality control; born Texans 2006-08. College coach: Florida
Shane Bowen, defensive assistant; born August 17, 1986, Chicago Heights, Ill. 2010, North Texas 2011. Pro coach: New
December 9, 1986, Pickerington, OH. Defensive tackle Eastern Illinois 2004-07. York Jets 2012, Buffalo Bills 2013,
Linebacker Georgia Tech 2006-08. College No pro playing experience. College coach: Cleveland Browns 2014-15, joined Texans in
coach: Georgia Tech 2009-2011, Ohio State Illinois Wesleyan 2008-09, Minnesota State- 2016.

74 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner and CEO: James Irsay Baltimore 1953-1983
Vice Chair/Owner: Carlie Irsay-Gordon (516-456-7)
Vice Chair/Owner: Casey Foyt Records include postseason games
Vice Chair/Owner: Kalen Irsay 1953 Keith Molesworth ..............3-9-0
General Manager: Ryan Grigson 1954-1962 Weeb Ewbank ...............61-52-1
Head Coach: Chuck Pagano 1963-69 Don Shula .....................73-26-4
Chief Operating Officer: Pete Ward 1970-72 Don McCafferty*...........26-11-1
Chief Financial Officer: Kurt Humphrey 1972 John Sandusky .................4-5-0
Chief Legal Officer: Dan Emerson 1973-74 Howard Schnellenberger**..4-13-0
Senior Vice President of Business 1974 Joe Thomas......................2-9-0
Development: Matt Godbout 1975-79 Ted Marchibroda ............41-36-0
Vice President of Ticket Operations/Guest 1980-81 Mike McCormack............9-23-0
Services: Larry Hall 1982-84 Frank Kush***..............11-28-1
Senior Director of Communications: 1984 Hal Hunter.........................0-1-0
American Football Conference Avis Roper 1985-86 Rod Dowhower**** .......5-24-0
South Division Vice President of Premium Seating and 1986-1991 Ron Meyer# .................36-36-0
Team Colors: Royal Blue and White Ticket Sales: Greg Hylton 1991 Rick Venturi.....................1-10-0
P.O. Box 535000 Vice President of Football Operations: 1992-95 Ted Marchibroda ...........32-35-0
Indianapolis, Indiana 46253 Jimmy Raye III 1996-97 Lindy Infante .................12-21-0
Telephone: (317) 297-2658 Director of Football Administration: 1998-2001 Jim Mora ......................32-34-0
2016 SCHEDULE Mike Bluem 2002-08 Tony Dungy...................92-33-0
PRESEASON Director of Pro Personnel: Kevin Rogers 2009-2011 Jim Caldwell .................28-24-0
Aug. 7 vs. Green Bay (Canton) ......8:00 Vice President of Equipment Operations: 2012-15 Chuck Pagano...............44-26-0
Aug. 13 at Buffalo ...........................7:00 Jon Scott *Released after five games in 1972
Video Director: Erik Kunttu **Released after three games in 1974
Aug. 20 Baltimore...........................7:00 ***Resigned after 15 games in 1984
Aug. 27 Philadelphia ......................7:00 Head Athletic Trainer: Dave Hammer
****Released after 13 games in 1986
Sep. 1 at Cincinnati .......................7:35 Director of Rehabilitation: Erin Barill #Released after five games in 1991
Assistant Equipment Managers:
Sean Sullivan, Mike Mays, PAID ATTENDANCE
Sep. 11 Detroit ..............................4:25
Brian Seabrooks Home 511,439 Away 523,596
Sep. 18 at Denver ..........................4:25
Assistant Trainers: Dave Walston, Total 1,035,035
Sep. 25 San Diego .........................4:25
Kyle Davis, Kellen Norris Single-game home record,
Oct. 2 at Jacksonville (London) ....9:30 a
Assistant Video Director: John Starliper 67,650 (1/24/10)
Oct. 9 Chicago ............................1:00
Oct. 16 at Houston ......................*8:30 Single-season home record,
Oct. 23 at Tennessee .....................1:00 520,687 (2010)
Oct. 30 Kansas City ......................1:00
Nov. 6 at Green Bay .....................4:25 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
BYE Round Name Pos. College
Nov. 20 Tennessee ........................1:00 1 Ryan Kelly C Alabama
Nov. 24 Pittsburgh (Thu) ................8:30 2 T.J. Green DB Clemson
Dec. 5 at New York Jets (Mon) ......8:30 3 Le’Raven Clark T Texas Tech
Dec. 11 Houston ............................1:00 4 Hassan Ridgeway DT Texas
Dec. 18 at Minnesota .....................1:00 Antonio Morrison LB Florida
Dec. 24 at Oakland (Sat) .................4:05 5 Joe Haeg T North Dakota St.
Jan. 1 Jacksonville .....................1:00 7 Trevor Bates LB Maine
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Austin Blythe C Iowa
Weeks 5-15 subject to change

Stadium: Lucas Oil Stadium (opened in

2008) •Capacity: 63,000
500 South Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
Playing Surface: FieldTurf
Training Camp: Anderson University
1100 East Fifth Street
Anderson, IN 46012

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 75

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Luck 293 162 1881 55.3 15 12 15/88 74.9
08/16 L 10-36 at Philadelphia Hasselbeck 256 156 1690 60.9 9 5 16/101 84.0
08/22 L 11-23 Chicago Whitehurst 32 16 150 50.0 0 1 5/28 50.3
08/29 W 24-14 at St. Louis Jo. Freeman 28 15 149 53.6 1 1 1/7 65.9
09/03 L 6-9 Cincinnati Lindley 10 6 58 60.0 1 0 0/0 109.6
Colts 619 355 3928 57.4 26 19 37/224 77.5
REGULAR SEASON (8-8) Opponents 585 354 4365 60.5 29 17 35/251 88.0
Date Result Opponent
09/13 L 14-27 at Buffalo TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Adams 5 63 12.6 38 1
09/21 L 7-20 New York Jets
Vinatieri 0 0 0 32/35 25/27 0 107 Lowery 4 96 24.0 69t 1
09/27 W 35-33 at Tennessee
Gore 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 V. Davis 4 6 1.5 6 0
10/04 W 16-13 Jacksonville (OT)
Moncrief 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Je. Freeman 1 23 23.0 23t 1
10/08 W 27-20 at Houston
Hilton 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 D. Jackson 1 6 6.0 6t 1
10/18 L 27-34 New England
A. Johnson 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Fleener 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/25 L 21-27 New Orleans
Fleener 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 20 Butler 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/02 L 26-29 at Carolina (OT)
Bradshaw 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Colts 17 196 11.5 69t 4
11/08 W 27-24 Denver
Adams 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 19 285 15.0 48 0
11/22 W 24-21 at Atlanta
Allen 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/29 W 25-12 Tampa Bay
Dorsett 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/06 L 10-45 at Pittsburgh
Doyle 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 McAfee 85 4052 47.7 28 63
12/13 L 16-51 at Jacksonville
Je. Freeman 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Colts 85 4052 47.7 28 63
12/20 L 10-16 Houston
D. Jackson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 80 3616 45.2 30 63
12/27 W 18-12 at Miami
Lowery 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
01/03 W 30-24 Tennessee PUNT
(OT) Overtime Mathis 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
Whalen 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
McGill 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Bray 21 7 166 7.9 33 0
Colts 6 26 5 32/35 25/27 1 333 Whalen 12 18 85 7.1 22 0
Colts 61 101 59 106 6 — 333
Opponents 14 29 4 40/44 28/35 0 408 Hilton 4 2 16 4.0 10 0
Opponents 67 129 106 100 6 — 408
2-Pt Conv: Fleener, Colts 1-2, Opponents 1-3 Dorsett 2 1 1 0.5 1 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Colts 39 28 268 6.9 33 0
Colts Opp. RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 36 23 386 10.7 83t 3
Total First Downs 311 331 Gore 260 967 3.7 37t 6
Luck 33 196 5.9 25 0 KICKOFF
Rushing 77 89
Bradshaw 31 85 2.7 23 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Passing 195 210
Herron 14 42 3.0 6 0 Bray 21 570 27.1 60 0
Penalty 39 32
Robinson 17 39 2.3 8 0 Whalen 9 244 27.1 50 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 94/235 89/227
Jo. Freeman 8 24 3.0 9 0 Varga 6 151 25.2 30 0
3rd Down Pct. 40.0 39.2
Tipton 5 20 4.0 7 0 Doyle 2 22 11.0 12 0
4th Down: Made/Att 7/13 10/14
McAfee 1 18 18.0 18 0 Tipton 1 23 23.0 23 0
4th Down Pct. 53.8 71.4
Dorsett 3 17 5.7 11 0 McGill 1 15 15.0 15 0
Possession Avg. 29:32 30:28
Hasselbeck 16 15 0.9 10 0 Dorsett 1 12 12.0 12 0
Total Net Yards 5142 6066
Williams 2 12 6.0 12 0 C. Anderson 1 5 5.0 5 0
Avg. Per Game 321.4 379.1
Varga 1 2 2.0 2 0 Moncrief 1 5 5.0 5 0
Total Plays 1052 1072
Allen 1 1 1.0 1 0 Colts 43 1047 24.3 60 0
Avg. Per Play 4.9 5.7
Whitehurst 2 1 0.5 2 0 Opponents 8 156 19.5 41 0
Net Yards Rushing 1438 1952
Avg. Per Game 89.9 122.0 Reitz 1 0 0.0 0 0
Total Rushes 396 452 C. Anderson 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Net Yards Passing 3704 4114 Colts 396 1438 3.6 37t 6 Vinatieri 0/0 7/8 6/6 8/8 4/5
Avg. Per Game 231.5 257.1 Opponents 452 1952 4.3 56 14 Colts 0/0 7/8 6/6 8/8 4/5
Sacked/Yards Lost 37/224 35/251 Opponents 0/0 6/6 10/10 10/14 2/5
Gross Yards 3928 4365 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Att./Completions 619/355 585/354 Hilton 69 1124 16.3 87t 5 SACKS No.
Completion Pct. 57.4 60.5 Moncrief 64 733 11.5 33 6 Langford 7.0
Had Intercepted 19 17 Fleener 54 491 9.1 57t 3 Mathis 7.0
Punts/Average 85/47.7 80/45.2 A. Johnson 41 503 12.3 35 4 Cole 3.0
Net Punting Avg. 85/41.7 80/41.4 Gore 34 267 7.9 34 1 Je. Freeman 3.0
Penalties/Yards 108/931 133/1168 Whalen 19 205 10.8 38 1 D. Jackson 3.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 19/11 20/8 Dorsett 18 225 12.5 35t 1 McGill 3.0
Touchdowns 37 47 Allen 16 109 6.8 21 1 Walden 3.0
Rushing 6 14 Doyle 12 72 6.0 19 1 Adams 1.0
Passing 26 29 Bradshaw 10 64 6.4 10 3 H. Anderson 1.0
Returns 5 4 Herron 6 27 4.5 7 0 Irving 1.0
Robinson 6 33 5.5 9 0 Lowery 1.0
Tipton 5 57 11.4 27 0 Newsome 1.0
Varga 1 18 18.0 18 0 Parry 1.0
Colts 355 3928 11.1 87t 26 Colts 35.0
Opponents 354 4365 12.3 80t 29 Opponents 37.0

76 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Edgerrin James, 1999-2005...............................................................9,226
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Peyton Manning, 1998-2010 ............................................................54,828
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Peyton Manning, 1998-2010 .................................................................399
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Marvin Harrison, 1996-2008 ..............................................................1,102
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Marvin Harrison, 1996-2008 ............................................................14,580
Interceptions ...................................................................Bob Boyd, 1960-68.................................................................................57
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Pat McAfee, 2009-2015 .......................................................................46.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Ron Gardin, 1970-71 ...........................................................................13.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Jim Duncan, 1969-1971 ......................................................................32.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Adam Vinatieri, 2006-2015 ...................................................................240
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marvin Harrison, 1996-2008 .................................................................128
Points..............................................................................Adam Vinatieri, 2006-2015 ................................................................1,095
*Sacks............................................................................Robert Mathis, 2003-2015.................................................................118.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Edgerrin James, 2000 ........................................................................1,709
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Andrew Luck, 2014............................................................................4,761
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Peyton Manning, 2004 ............................................................................49
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Marvin Harrison, 2002 ......................................................................**143
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Marvin Harrison, 2002 .......................................................................1,722
Interceptions ...................................................................Tom Keane, 1953....................................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Pat McAfee, 2012 ................................................................................48.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................T.J. Rushing, 2007 ...............................................................................13.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Jim Duncan, 1970................................................................................35.4
Field Goals ......................................................................Mike Vanderjagt, 2003.............................................................................37
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Lenny Moore, 1964.................................................................................20
Points..............................................................................Mike Vanderjagt, 2003...........................................................................157
*Sacks............................................................................Robert Mathis, 2013 ............................................................................19.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Edgerrin James, 10-15-00 ....................................................................219
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Peyton Manning, 10-31-04....................................................................472
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Peyton Manning, 9-28-03, 11-25-04 .........................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Reggie Wayne, 10-3-10 ..........................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Raymond Berry, 11-10-57.....................................................................224
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Mike Prior, 12-20-92
Field Goals ......................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................5
Last time by Adam Vinatieri, 12-1-13
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Many times ...............................................................................................4
Last time by Joseph Addai, 11-26-06
Points..............................................................................Many times .............................................................................................24
Last time by Joseph Addai, 11-26-06
*Sacks............................................................................Johnie Cooks, 11-25-84 ........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 77

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
29 Adams, Mike S 5-11 205 3/24/81 13 Delaware Paterson, N.J. FA-’14 13/13
83 Allen, Dwayne TE 6-3 265 2/24/90 5 Clemson Fayetteville, N.C. D3-’12 13/12
96 Anderson, Henry DT 6-6 300 8/3/91 2 Stanford Atlanta, Ga. D3-’15 9/9
17 Boyce, Josh WR 5-11 205 5/6/91 2 Texas Christian Copperas Cove, Texas FA-’16 0*
11 Bray, Quan WR 5-10 182 4/28/93 2 Auburn LaGrange, Ga. FA-’15 9/0
31 Brown, Jalil CB 6-1 210 10/14/87 6 Colorado Phoenix, Ariz. FA-’14 8/4
20 Butler, Darius CB 5-10 188 3/18/86 8 Connecticut Tamarac, Fla. FA-’12 14/2
74 Castonzo, Anthony T 6-7 311 8/9/88 6 Boston College Hawthorn Woods, Ill. D1-’11 13/13
58 Cole, Trent OLB 6-3 270 10/5/82 12 Cincinnati Xenia, Ohio FA-’15 14/5
21 Davis, Vontae CB 5-11 207 5/27/88 8 Illinois Washington, D.C. T(Mia)-’12 16/16
15 Dorsett, Phillip WR 5-10 185 1/5/93 2 Miami Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. D1-’15 11/0
84 Doyle, Jack TE 6-6 267 5/5/90 4 Western Kentucky Indianapolis, Ind. W(Tenn)-’13 16/2
26 Geathers, Clayton S 6-2 215 6/1/92 2 Central Florida Georgetown, S.C. D4-’15 15/2
71 Good, Denzelle T 6-5 340 3/8/91 2 Mars Hill Gaffney, S.C. D7-’15 6/4
23 Gore, Frank RB 5-9 217 5/14/83 12 Miami Coral Gables, Fla. UFA(SF)-’15 16/16
27 Guy, Winston S 6-1 220 4/23/90 4 Kentucky Lexington, Ky. FA-’14 12/0
72 Harrison, Jonotthan C 6-4 308 8/25/91 3 Florida Groveland, Fla. FA-’14 16/9
13 Hilton, T.Y. WR 5-9 180 11/14/89 5 Florida International Miami, Fla. D3-’12 16/15
56 Irving, Nate ILB 6-1 253 7/12/88 6 North Carolina State Teachey, N.C. UFA(Den)-’15 8/2
52 Jackson, D’Qwell ILB 6-0 242 9/26/83 11 Maryland Largo, Fla. FA-’14 16/16
97 Jones, Arthur DT 6-3 320 6/3/86 7 Syracuse Rochester, N.Y. UFA(Balt)-’14 0*
94 Kerr, Zach NT 6-2 334 8/29/90 3 Delaware Gaithersburg, Md. FA-’14 11/4
90 Langford, Kendall DE 6-6 305 1/27/86 9 Hampton Petersburg, Va. FA-’15 16/16
12 Luck, Andrew QB 6-4 240 9/12/89 5 Stanford Houston, Texas D1-’12 7/7
98 Mathis, Robert OLB 6-2 245 2/26/81 14 Alabama A&M Atlanta, Ga. D5-’03 15/10
1 McAfee, Pat P 6-1 233 5/2/87 8 West Virginia Plum, Pa. D7-’09 16/0
99 McGill, T.Y. DT 6-0 299 11/23/92 2 North Carolina State Jesup, Ga. W(Sea)-’15 12/0
57 McNary, Josh ILB 6-0 251 4/10/88 3 Army Houston, Texas FA-’13 13/1
75 Mewhort, Jack T/G 6-6 312 8/30/91 3 Ohio State Toledo, Ohio D2-’14 16/16
43 Mitchel, Tevin CB 6-0 190 8/3/92 2 Arkansas Mansfield, Texas W(Wash)-’15 0*
10 Moncrief, Donte WR 6-2 222 8/6/93 3 Mississippi Raleigh, Miss. D3-’14 16/10
51 Moore, Sio ILB 6-1 245 5/2/90 4 Connecticut Cary, N.C. T(Oak)-’15 12/0
45 Overton, Matt LS 6-1 243 7/6/85 5 Western Washington Tracy, Calif. FA-’12 16/0
54 Parry, David DT 6-2 310 3/7/92 2 Stanford Marion, Iowa D5-’15 16/16
64 Quarles, Kelcy DT 6-4 310 1/23/92 2 South Carolina Hodges, S.C. FA-’15 0*
76 Reitz, Joe T/G 6-7 323 8/24/85 6 Western Michigan Fishers, Ind. FA-’10 16/14
25 Robinson, Patrick CB 5-11 191 9/7/87 7 Florida State Miami, Fla. UFA(SD)-’16 16/10*
30 Smith, D’Joun CB 5-11 193 9/23/92 2 Florida Atlantic Miami, Fla. D3-’15 4/0
41 Southward, Dezmen S 6-2 210 10/1/91 2 Wisconsin Sunrise, Fla. FA-’15 3/0*
48 Sylvestre, Junior ILB 6-0 242 12/27/91 2 Toledo Hollywood, Fla. FA-’15 0*
69 Thornton, Hugh G 6-3 324 6/28/91 4 Illinois Oberlin, Ohio D3-’13 13/12
28 Todman, Jordan RB 5-10 200 2/24/90 4 Connecticut North Dartmouth, Mass. UFA(Pitt)-’16 11/0*
16 Tolzien, Scott QB 6-2 213 9/4/87 6 Wisconsin Rolling Meadows, Ill. UFA(GB)-’16 3/0*
33 Turbin, Robert RB 5-10 222 12/2/89 5 Utah State Fremont, Calif. UFA(Dall)-’16 10/0*
81 Tyms, Brian WR 6-3 205 2/21/89 4 Florida A&M Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA-’16 0*
38 Varga, Tyler RB 5-11 225 9/24/93 2 Yale Kitchener, Ontario FA-’15 3/0
4 Vinatieri, Adam K 6-0 206 12/28/72 21 South Dakota State Rapid City, S.D. UFA(NE)-’06 16/0
93 Walden, Erik OLB 6-2 250 8/21/85 9 Middle Tennessee St. Dublin, Ga. UFA(GB)-’13 15/15
40 Williams, Trey RB 5-7 195 12/11/92 2 Texas A&M Spring, Texas FA-’15 2/0

* Boyce missed ’15 season because of injury with New England; Jones missed ’15 season because of injury; Mitchel missed ’15 season
because of injury; Quarles spent portion of ’15 season on Indianapolis active roster/practice squad and practice squads of Cleveland and
New England; Robinson played 16 games with San Diego in ’15; Southward played 3 games with Atlanta; Sylvestre missed ’15 season
because of injury; Todman played 11 games with Pittsburgh; Tolzien played 3 games with Green Bay; Turbin played 3 games with
Cleveland and 7 games with Dallas; Tyms missed ’15 season because of injury with New England.

Players lost through free agency (5): S Colt Anderson (Buff; 14 games in ’15), TE Coby Fleener (NO; 16), LB Jerrell Freeman (Chi; 13),
S Dwight Lowery (SD; 16), CB Greg Toler (Wash; 10).

Also played with Colts in ’15—OLB Daniel Adongo (3 games), RB Ahmad Bradshaw (6), CB Tony Carter (3), S Akeem Davis (3),
QB Josh Freeman (1), QB Matt Hasselbeck (8), G Todd Herremans (8), RB Daniel Herron (10), C/G Khaled Holmes (9),
WR Andre Johnson (16), QB Ryan Lindley (1), G Lance Louis (11), S Dewey McDonald (1), OLB Jonathan Newsome (14),
CB Eric Patterson (2), CB Shaun Prater (1), CB Sheldon Price (2), RB Josh Robinson (5), OLB Andy Studebaker (3),
CB Josh Thomas (8), RB Zurlon Tipton (10), OLB Bjoern Werner (10), WR Griff Whalen (14), QB Charlie Whitehurst (4),
DT Billy Winn (12).

78 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Anthrop, Daniel WR 6-0 193 5/29/93 Purdue West Lafayette, Ind. FA
Bailey, Sterling DE 6-3 282 9/13/92 Georgia Gainesville, Ga. FA
Bates, Trevor LB 6-2 245 8/28/93 Maine Westbrook, Maine D7
Blythe, Austin C 6-3 290 6/16/92 Iowa Williamsburg, Iowa D7
Cage, Isiah G 6-5 312 8/26/93 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Chicago, Ill. FA
Clark, Le'Raven T 6-5 316 4/22/93 Texas Tech Rockdale, Texas D3
Davie, Daniel CB 6-1 190 8/4/93 Nebraska Beatrice, Neb. FA
Ferguson, Josh RB 5-10 200 5/23/93 Illinois Naperville, Ill. FA
Glover-Wright, Tay (1) CB 6-0 180 6/28/92 Utah State Mableton, Ga. FA-’15
Graf, Kevin (1) T 6-6 309 6/17/91 Southern California Agoura Hills, Calif. FA
Green, T.J. S 6-3 205 3/15/95 Clemson Sylacauga, Ala. D2
Griswold, Darion TE 6-5 264 12/23/92 Arkansas State Dumas, Ark. FA
Haeg, Joe T 6-6 304 3/11/93 North Dakota State Lake Shore, Minn. D5
Herrera, Amarlo (1) ILB 6-1 249 9/20/91 Georgia College Park, Ga. D6-’15
Jackson, Edwin (1) ILB 6-0 230 12/19/91 Georgia Southern Atlanta, Ga. FA-’15
Kelly, Ryan C 6-4 313 5/30/93 Alabama West Chester, Ohio D1
Leak, Marcus WR 6-0 210 11/19/92 Maryland Charlotte, N.C. FA
Lumpkin, Ricky (1) DT 6-3 300 9/7/88 Kentucky Mount Holly, N.J. FA
Maggitt, Curt LB 6-3 246 2/4/93 Tennessee Palm Beach, Fla. FA
McClure, Stefan S 5-11 205 1/31/93 California Vista, Calif. FA
McKay, MeKale WR 6-5 210 8/4/93 Cincinnati Louisville, Ky. FA
Miller, Mike TE 6-6 250 9/23/91 Taylor Parker, Colo. FA
Milton, Christopher CB 5-11 190 9/15/92 Georgia Tech Folkston, Ga. FA
Morris, Stephen (1) QB 6-2 218 8/27/92 Miami Miami, Fla. FA-’15
Morrison, Antonio ILB 6-1 232 12/6/94 Florida Bellwood, Ill. D4
O'Brien, Kitt (1) G 6-5 325 4/29/90 Ball State Denver, Colo. FA-’15
Okine, Earl (1) OLB 6-6 290 1/4/90 Florida Gainesville, Fla. FA-’15
Redmond, Adam G 6-6 290 5/19/93 Harvard Strongsville, Ohio FA
Ridgeway, Hassan DT 6-3 314 11/2/94 Texas Mansfield, Texas D4
Rogers, Chester WR 6-1 180 1/12/94 Grambling State Huntsville, Ala. FA
Rose, Winston CB 6-0 180 11/29/93 New Mexico State Inglewood, Calif. FA
Simmons, Delvon DE 6-5 295 11/30/92 Southern Cailfornia McKeesport, Pa. FA
Smith, Tevaun WR 6-2 205 1/30/93 Iowa Toronto, Ontario FA
Stangby, Josh (1) WR 5-10 185 9/24/90 Ottawa (KS) North Hollywood, Calif. FA-’15
Swoope, Erik (1) TE 6-5 243 5/8/92 Miami Lake Elsinore, Calif. FA-’14
Thompson, Ron LB 6-4 268 8/2/93 Syracuse Southfield, Mich. FA
Vujnovich, Jeremy (1) T 6-5 300 10/12/90 Louisiana College Belle Chasse, La. FA
White, Darius CB 6-0 180 12/12/93 California Grenada, Miss. FA
Williams, Frankie CB 5-9 190 3/28/93 Purdue Tampa, Fla. FA
Williamson, Andrew S 6-1 212 11/18/92 Vanderbilt San Antonio, Texas FA
Woodrum, Josh QB 6-3 225 11/7/92 Liberty Roanoke, Va. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 79

COACHING STAFF back The Citadel 1994-98. No pro playing Seattle Seahawks 1997-98, 2001-09, Miami
Head Coach, experience. College coach: The Citadel 1999- Dolphins 2011-15, joined Colts in 2016.
Chuck Pagano 2005, South Carolina State 2008-09, Coastal Tom McMahon, special teams coordinator;
Pro Career: Named head coach of the Carolina 2010-11, Southern Mississippi 2012, born July 12, 1969, Helena, Mont. Carroll
Indianapolis Colts on January 25, 2012. In The Citadel 2014-15. Pro coach: Charleston College 1988-1991. No pro playing experi-
four years as head coach, Chuck Pagano has Swamp Foxes (Arena 2 Football League) ence. College coach: Carroll College 1992,
led the team to a 41-23 regular season record, 2000-02, Seinajoki Crocodiles (European 1994, Utah State 1995-2005, Louisville 2006.
including three consecutive 11-5 seasons and Football League) 2006, Montreal Alouettes Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 2007-08, St. Louis
playoff appearances from 2012-14. Currently, (CFL) 2013, joined Colts in 2016. Rams 2009-2011, Kansas City Chiefs 2012,
Pagano’s .641 winning percentage ranks Gary Emanuel, defensive line; born October 30, joined Colts in 2013.
fourth among active head coaches in the NFL. 1958, New London, Conn. Offensive lineman Ted Monachino, defensive coordinator; born
In the process, he became only the second Westchester (N.Y.) C.C. 1976-78, Plymouth October 15, 1966, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
head coach in NFL history to earn 11 wins in State 1979-1980. No pro playing experience. Defensive lineman Missouri 1988-1990. No
each of his first three seasons with a team and College coach: Plymouth State 1981-84, West pro playing experience. College coach: Texas
became the third head coach in Colts history Chester 1985-86, Massachusetts 1986-88, Christian 1996-97, James Madison 1998,
to reach the playoffs in each of his first three Dartmouth 1988-1991, Syracuse 1991-93, Southwest Missouri State 1999, Boise State
years (Ted Marchibroda, 1975-77 and Tony Washington State 1994-96, Purdue 1997-2004, 2000, Arizona State 2001-05. Pro coach:
Dungy, 2002-04). In 2014, Pagano led the San Jose State 2007, Rutgers 2008-09, Purdue Jacksonville Jaguars 2006-09, Baltimore
Colts to their second straight AFC South 2010-11. Pro coach: San Francisco 49ers Ravens 2010-15, joined Colts in 2016.
Division title and first AFC Championship 2005-06, joined Colts in 2012. Joe Philbin, asst. head coach/offensive line;
Game since 2009. The team recorded a per- Joe Gilbert, asst. offensive line; born January born July 2, 1961, Springfield, Mass. Tight
fect 6-0 division record in back-to-back sea- 22, 1965, Horseheads, N.Y. Offensive lineman end Washington & Jefferson 1980. No pro
sons for the first time in franchise history. In Hamilton University 1984-87. No pro playing playing experience. College coach: Tulane
2013, Indianapolis earned the division title and experience. College coach: Albany 1987-88, 1984-85, Worcester Tech 1986-87, U.S.
won an AFC Wild Card Playoff game against Pennsylvania 1989-1990, Northeastern 1991- Merchant Marine Academy 1988-89,
the Kansas City Chiefs that marked the sec- 93, Maine 1994-99, Mansfield 2000 (head Allegheny 1990-93, Ohio 1994, Northeastern
ond-largest comeback in NFL postseason his- coach), Toledo 2001-03, Central Florida 2004- 1995-96, Harvard 1997-98, Iowa 1999-2002.
tory. In 2012, the Colts overcame the loss of 06, Toledo 2007, Houston 2008, Illinois 2009- Pro coach: Green Bay Packers 2003-2011,
Pagano to acute promyelocytic leukemia for 2011. Pro coach: Joined Colts in 2012. Miami Dolphins 2012-15 (head coach), joined
12 games and responded with seven fourth Frank Giufre, offensive quality control; born Colts in 2016.
quarter or overtime game-winning drives en April 5, 1977, Canastota, N.Y. Offensive line- Brian Schottenheimer, quarterbacks; born
route to an 11-5 campaign. Previously spent man Syracuse 1995-99. No pro playing expe- October 16, 1973, Denver, Colo. Quarterback
four seasons with the Baltimore Ravens, the rience. College coach: Miami 2001-03, Kansas 1992, Florida 1993-96. No pro playing
last (2011) as the team’s defensive coordina- Sacred Heart 2004-06, Maine 2007-2011. experience. College coach: Syracuse 1999,
tor. Pagano also served as the defensive backs Pro coach: Joined Colts in 2012. Southern California 2000, Georgia 2015. Pro
coach of the Oakland Raiders (2005-06) and Jim Herrmann, linebackers; born December 8, coach: St. Louis Rams 1997, Kansas City
the secondary coach of the Cleveland Browns 1960, Cincinnati, Ohio. Linebacker Michigan Chiefs 1998, Washington Redskins 2001, San
(2001-04). Career record: 44-26. 1979-1982. No pro playing experience. Diego Chargers 2002-05, New York Jets
Background: Pagano was a safety at College coach: Michigan 1983, 1986-2005. 2006-2011, St. Louis Rams 2012-2014,
Wyoming from 1980-83. Coached collegiately Pro coach: New York Jets 2006-08, New York joined Colts in 2016.
at Southern California (1984-85), Miami Giants 2009-2015, joined Colts in 2016. Jemal Singleton, running backs; born Dec. 7,
(1986), Boise State (1987-88), East Carolina Jim Hostler, tight ends; born November 11, 1975, Incirlik, Turkey. Halfback Air Force
(1989), Nevada-Las Vegas (1990-91), East 1966, Pittsburgh, Pa. Defensive back Indiana 1996-99. No pro playing experience. College
Carolina (1992-94), Miami (1995-2000) and (Pa.) 1986-89. No pro playing experience. coach: Air Force 2000, 2003-2010, Oklahoma
North Carolina (2007). College coach: Indiana (Pa.) 1990-92, 1994- State 2011-14, Arkansas 2015. Pro coach:
Personal: Born in Boulder, Colo. on October 99, Juniata (Pa.) 1993. Pro coach: Kansas Joined Colts in 2016.
2, 1960. He and wife, Tina, have three daugh- City Chiefs 2000, New Orleans Saints 2001- Shawn Terlecky, defensive quality control;
ters, Tara, Taylor, Tori, and three granddaugh- 02, New York Jets 2003-04, San Francisco born May 25, 1975, Niles, Ohio. Safety
ters, Avery, Addison and Zoey. His brother, 49ers 2005-07, Baltimore Ravens 2008- Mercyhurst 1993-95. No pro playing experi-
John, is the San Diego Chargers’ defensive 2013, Buffalo Bills 2014, joined Colts in 2015. ence. College coach: Mercyhurst 2004, 2008-
coordinator. Richard Howell, asst. strength & conditioning; 2010, North Carolina 2005-08, Louisiana
born February 19, 1972, Bladenboro, N.C. State 2010-12. Pro coach: Joined Colts in
ASSISTANT COACHES Quarterback Davidson 1990-93. No pro play- 2013.
Tim Berbenich, offensive assistant/asst. quar- ing experience. College coach: Davidson Brad White, outside linebackers; born August
terbacks; born December 19, 1979, 1994-98, North Carolina 1998-99. Pro coach: 13, 1982, Concord, Mass. Linebacker Georgia
Huntington, N.Y. Wide receiver Hamilton Barcelona Dragons (NFLE) 1999, joined Colts 2000, Wake Forest 2002-04. No pro playing
College 1999-2002. No pro playing experi- in 2000. experience. College coach: Wake Forest 2007-
ence. Pro coach: New York Jets 2002-2005, Lee Hull, wide receivers; born December 31, 08, Murray State 2009, Air Force 2010-11.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2006-2011, joined 1965, Vineland, N.J. Wide receiver 1984-87. Pro coach: Joined Colts in 2012.
Colts in 2013. Pro wide receiver Winnipeg Blue Bombers Greg Williams, defensive backs; born March
Rob Chudzinski, offensive coordinator; born (CFL) 1990-92, Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 12, 1976, Chicago, Ill. Wide receiv-
May 12, 1968, Toledo, Ohio. Tight end Miami 1992. College coach: Holy Cross 1998-2002, er/defensive back North Carolina 1994-97.
1986-1990. No pro playing experience. Oregon State 2003-2007, Maryland 2008- Pro defensive back Amsterdam Admirals
College coach: Miami 1994-2003. Pro coach: 2013, Morgan State 2014-15 (head coach). (NFLE) 1999-2000, San Francisco Demons
Cleveland Browns 2004, 2007-08, 2013 Pro coach: Joined Colts in 2016. (XFL) 2001, Indiana Firebirds (AFL) 2001-03,
(head coach 2013), San Diego Chargers Darren Krein, head strength & conditioning; Chicago Rush (AFL) 2004. College coach:
2005-06, 2009-2010, Carolina Panthers born July 7, 1971, Aurora, Colo. Arizona State 2003, College of DuPage 2004-
2011-12, joined Colts in 2014. Linebacker/defensive end Miami 1989-1993. 05, Arkansas Tech 2006-07, Pittsburgh 2008.
Maurice Drayton, asst. special teams; born Pro linebacker San Diego Chargers 1994, Pro coach: San Diego Chargers 2009-2015,
Oct. 5, 1976, Moncks Corner, S.C. Defensive Barcelona Dragons (NFLE) 1996. Pro coach: joined Colts in 2016.

80 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Shahid Khan (157-190-0)
President: Mark Lamping Records include postseason games
General Manager: David Caldwell 1995-2002 Tom Coughlin.............72-64-0
Senior Vice President, Communications: 2003-2011 Jack Del Rio* ............69-73-0
Dan Edwards
2011 Mel Tucker .....................2-3-0
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer: Kelly Flanagan 2012 Mike Mularkey .............2-14-0
Senior Vice President, Sales & Service: 2013-15 Gus Bradley ...............12-36-0
Chad Johnson *Released after 11 games in 2011
Senior Vice President, Corporate
Partnerships: Scott Massey PAID ATTENDANCE
Senior Vice President, International Home 458,892 Away 516,998
Development: Hussain Naqi Total 975,890
Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Single-game home record,
Officer: Megha Parekh 74,143 (12/28/98), EverBank Field
American Football Conference Vice President, Marketing & Digital 83,559 (10/27/13), Wembley Stadium
South Division Media: Steve Ziff
President, Jaguars Foundation: Peter Single-season home record,
Team Colors: Teal, Black, and Gold Racine 561,472 (1998)
EverBank Field Director, Strategic Initiatives: Nik Sobic
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Director, Player Personnel: Chris Polian Round Name Pos. College
Telephone: (904) 633-6000 Director, Pro Personnel: Chris Driggers 1 Jalen Ramsey DB Florida St.
Director, College Scouting: Mark Ellenz 2 Myles Jack LB UCLA
2016 SCHEDULE Assistant Director, Player Personnel: 3 Yannick Ngakoue DE Maryland
PRESEASON Andy Dengler 4 Sheldon Day DT Notre Dame
Aug. 11 at New York Jets ................7:30 Assistant Director, Pro Personnel: 6 Tyrone Holmes DE Montana
DeJuan Polk
Aug. 20 Tampa Bay.........................7:30 Brandon Allen QB Arkansas
Assistant Director, College Personnel:
Aug. 28 Cincinnati ..........................8:00 Tim Mingey 7 Jonathan Woodard DE Central Arkansas
Sep. 1 at Atlanta............................7:00 Assistant Director, College Scouting:
Paul Roell
REGULAR SEASON College Scouts: Jason DesJarlais,
Sep. 11 Green Bay ........................1:00 Jarrod Highberger, Jared Kirksey,
Sep. 18 at San Diego .....................4:25 Marty Miller
Sep. 25 Baltimore ..........................1:00 Scouting Assistants: Casey Belongia,
Oct. 2 Indianapolis (London).....9:30 a Antonio Robinson
BYE Assistant to the General Manager and
Administrator of Football Operations:
Oct. 16 at Chicago .........................1:00 Dana DesJarlais
Oct. 23 Oakland ............................1:00 FOOTBALL OPERATIONS
Oct. 27 at Tennessee (Thu).............8:25 Senior Vice President, Football
Nov. 6 at Kansas City ...................1:00 Administration & Technology: Tony Khan
Nov. 13 Houston ............................1:00 Director, Football Technology & Facilities:
Nov. 20 at Detroit ...........................1:00 Mike Perkins
Nov. 27 at Buffalo ..........................1:00 Head Athletic Trainer: Scott Trulock
Dec. 4 Denver ..............................1:00 Director, Team Security: Skip Richardson
Dec. 11 Minnesota ........................1:00 Director, Football Administration: Tim
Dec. 18 at Houston ........................1:00 Walsh
Director, Player Development & Youth
Dec. 24 Tennessee (Sat).................1:00 Football: Marcus Pollard
Jan. 1 at Indianapolis ...................1:00 Director, Football Logistics & Facilities:
* All times ET Hamzah Ahmad
Stadium: EverBank Field Head Equipment Manager: Jimmy Luck
(opened in 1995) FRONT OFFICE
•Capacity: 66,851 Vice President, Corporate Partnerships:
One EverBank Field Drive Mike DeMartino
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Vice President, Finance: Marke Serota
Playing Surface: Grass General Counsel: Cassie Sadowitz
Senior Manager, Public Relations:
Training Camp: EverBank Field
Tad Dickman
One EverBank Field Drive Manager, Business PR & Strategy:
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Amanda Holt
Public Relations Coordinator:
Alex Brooks
Public Relations Assistants:
Andy Esworthy, Gaby Moran

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 81

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Bortles 606 355 4428 58.6 35 18 51/320 88.2
08/14 W 23-21 Pittsburgh Walters 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
08/22 L 12-22 at New York Giants Jaguars 607 355 4428 58.5 35 18 51/320 88.1
08/28 L 17-22 Detroit Opponents 602 390 4528 64.8 29 9 36/237 97.2
09/03 W 17-16 at Washington
REGULAR SEASON (5-11) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS House 4 21 5.3 15 0
Date Result Opponent Myers 0 0 0 32/39 26/30 0 110 Posluszny 3 25 8.3 19 0
09/13 L 9-20 Carolina A. Robinson 0 14 0 0/0 0/0 0 84 Cyprien 1 48 48.0 48 0
09/20 W 23-20 Miami Hurns 0 10 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 T. Smith 1 26 26.0 26t 1
09/27 L 17-51 at New England J. Thomas 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Jaguars 9 120 13.3 48 1
10/04 L 13-16 at Indianapolis (OT) Greene 0 2 1 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 18 283 15.7 84 4
10/11 L 31-38 at Tampa Bay Yeldon 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
10/18 L 20-31 Houston Bortles 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
10/25 W 34-31 Buffalo Harbor 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Anger 80 3700 46.3 26 63
11/08 L 23-28 at New York Jets Branch 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Jaguars 80 3700 46.3 26 63
11/15 W 22-20 at Baltimore Clemons 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 72 3158 43.9 23 63
11/19 W 19-13 Tennessee Lee 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/29 L 25-31 San Diego D. Robinson 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/06 L 39-42 at Tennessee T. Smith 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
12/13 W 51-16 Indianapolis Walters 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Greene 18 8 301 16.7 73t 1
12/20 L 17-23 Atlanta Jaguars 5 35 4 32/39 26/30 0 376 Walters 8 7 30 3.8 14 0
12/27 L 27-38 at New Orleans Opponents 15 29 7 48/48 30/38 0 448 Marshall 5 1 30 6.0 20 0
01/03 L 6-30 at Houston 2-Pt Conv: Harbor Jaguars 31 16 361 11.6 73t 1
(OT) Overtime Jaguars 1-5, Opponents 2-3 Opponents 45 22 462 10.3 58 0
Jaguars 35 126 94 121 0 — 376 Yeldon 182 740 4.1 45 2 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 83 163 69 130 3 — 448 Bortles 52 310 6.0 28 2 Marshall 13 346 26.6 36 0
D. Robinson 67 266 4.0 31 1 Grant 8 220 27.5 42 0
Gray 14 54 3.9 23 0 Walters 4 80 20.0 28 0
Jaguars Opp.
Gerhart 20 44 2.2 6 0 Banyard 2 21 10.5 13 0
Total First Downs 313 362
Lee 5 38 7.6 12 0 Jones 2 0 0.0 0 0
Rushing 69 102
Pierce 6 11 1.8 4 0 D. Robinson 2 54 27.0 31 0
Passing 215 222
Washington 1 8 8.0 8 0 Jaguars 31 721 23.3 42 0
Penalty 29 38
Grant 6 2 0.3 11 0 Opponents 23 553 24.0 54 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 72/205 105/227
Alualu 1 0 0.0 0 0
3rd Down Pct. 35.1 46.3 FIELD
Jaguars 354 1473 4.2 45 5
4th Down: Made/Att 8/15 6/12 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Opponents 464 1709 3.7 87t 15
4th Down Pct. 53.3 50.0 Myers 0/0 9/10 8/8 6/8 3/4
Possession Avg. 27:34 32:26 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Jaguars 0/0 9/10 8/8 6/8 3/4
Total Net Yards 5581 6000 A. Robinson 80 1400 17.5 90t 14 Opponents 0/0 7/8 8/8 12/14 3/8
Avg. Per Game 348.8 375.0 Hurns 64 1031 16.1 80t 10
Total Plays 1012 1102 J. Thomas 46 455 9.9 34 5 SACKS No.
Avg. Per Play 5.5 5.4 Yeldon 36 279 7.8 67 1 Odrick 5.5
Net Yards Rushing 1473 1709 Walters 32 368 11.5 31 1 Branch 4.0
Avg. Per Game 92.1 106.8 D. Robinson 21 164 7.8 16 0 Colvin 4.0
Total Rushes 354 464 Greene 19 93 4.9 18 2 R. Miller 4.0
Net Yards Passing 4108 4291 Lewis 16 226 14.1 45 0 Davis 3.5
Avg. Per Game 256.8 268.2 Lee 15 191 12.7 30 1 Clemons 3.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 51/320 36/237 Harbor 14 149 10.6 26 1 T. Smith 2.5
Gross Yards 4428 4528 Gerhart 3 23 7.7 8 0 Alualu 2.0
Att./Completions 607/355 602/390 Pierce 3 7 2.3 6 0 Jones 2.0
Completion Pct. 58.5 64.8 Alualu 2 19 9.5 16 0 Brown 1.5
Had Intercepted 18 9 Grant 2 13 6.5 8 0 Skuta 1.5
Punts/Average 80/46.3 72/43.9 Jacobs 1 6 6.0 6 0 Posluszny 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 80/39.5 72/36.9 Gray 1 4 4.0 4 0 M. Bennett 0.5
Penalties/Yards 105/880 114/989 Jaguars 355 4428 12.5 90t 35 C. Smith 0.5
Fumbles/Ball Lost 25/10 16/9 Opponents 390 4528 11.6 71t 29 P. Thompson 0.5
Touchdowns 44 51 Jaguars 36.0
Rushing 5 15 Opponents 51.0
Passing 35 29
Returns 4 7

82 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Fred Taylor, 1998-2008 ....................................................................11,271
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Mark Brunell, 1995-2003 .................................................................25,698
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Mark Brunell, 1995-2003 ......................................................................144
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jimmy Smith, 1995-2005 .....................................................................862
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jimmy Smith, 1995-2005 ................................................................12,287
Interceptions ...................................................................Rashean Mathis, 2003-2012 ...................................................................30
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Bryan Anger, 2012-15 ..........................................................................46.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Bobby Shaw, 2002...............................................................................12.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Maurice Jones-Drew, 2006-2013 .........................................................26.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Josh Scobee, 2004-2014......................................................................235
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Maurice Jones-Drew, 2006-2013 ............................................................81
Points..............................................................................Josh Scobee, 2004-2014...................................................................1,022
*Sacks............................................................................Tony Brackens, 1996-2003 ..................................................................55.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Maurice Jones-Drew, 2011 ................................................................1,606
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Blake Bortles, 2015............................................................................4,428
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Blake Bortles, 2015.................................................................................35
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jimmy Smith, 1999...............................................................................116
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jimmy Smith, 1999............................................................................1,636
Interceptions ...................................................................Rashean Mathis, 2006 ..............................................................................8
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Bryan Anger, 2012 ...............................................................................47.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Rashad Greene, 2015...........................................................................16.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Maurice Jones-Drew, 2006 ..................................................................27.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Mike Hollis, 1997, 1999 ..........................................................................31
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Fred Taylor, 1998.....................................................................................17
Points..............................................................................Mike Hollis, 1997 ..................................................................................134
*Sacks............................................................................Tony Brackens, 1999 ...........................................................................12.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Fred Taylor, 11-19-00 ............................................................................234
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Mark Brunell, 9-22-96...........................................................................432
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Blake Bortles, 12-6-15 ..............................................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Keenan McCardell, 10-20-96...................................................................16
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jimmy Smith, 9-10-00 ..........................................................................291
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................2
Last time by Davon House, 11-15-15
Field Goals ......................................................................Mike Hollis, 12-1-96, 11-30-97, 9-10-00 ..................................................5
Josh Scobee, 11-25-07, 10-10-10............................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................James Stewart, 10-12-97 .........................................................................5
Points..............................................................................James Stewart, 10-12-97 .......................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Kelvin Pritchett, 10-5-97.........................................................................3.0
John Henderson, 10-6-02 ......................................................................3.0
Paul Spicer, 9-25-05 ..............................................................................3.0
Chris Clemons, 11-23-14.......................................................................3.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 83

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
93 Alualu, Tyson DE 6-3 310 5/12/87 7 California Honolulu, Hawaii D1-'10 16/4
21 Amukamara, Prince CB 6-0 207 6/6/89 6 Nebraska Leominster, Mass. UFA(NYG)-'16 11/10*
57 Armbrister, Thurston LB 6-3 235 12/25/92 2 Miami Hollywood, Fla. FA-'15 16/3
29 Banyard, Joe RB 5-10 221 11/12/88 4 Texas-El Paso Sweetwater, Texas FA-'15 5/0
54 Bartu, Joplo LB 6-2 230 10/3/89 4 Texas State Waller, Texas FA-'15 3/0
68 Beachum, Kelvin T 6-3 303 6/8/89 5 Southern Methodist Mexia, Texas UFA(Pitt)-'16 6/6*
17 Benn, Arrelious WR 6-2 220 9/8/88 6 Illinois Washington, D.C. FA-'15 0*
96 Bennett, Michael DT 6-2 305 2/24/93 2 Ohio State Centerville, Ohio D6-'15 13/0
74 Bernadeau, Mackenzy OL 6-4 322 1/3/86 9 Bentley Waltham, Mass. UFA(Dall)-'16 16/1*
5 Bortles, Blake QB 6-5 245 4/28/92 3 Central Florida Oviedo, Fla. D1-'14 16/16
70 Bowanko, Luke C 6-6 310 6/13/91 3 Virginia Clifton, Va. D6-'14 6/0
60 Cann, A.J. G 6-3 315 10/3/91 2 South Carolina Bamberg, S.C. D3-'15 14/13
22 Colvin, Aaron CB 6-0 194 10/2/91 3 Oklahoma Tulsa, Okla. D4-'14 16/15
37 Cyprien, Johnathan S 6-0 223 7/29/90 4 Florida International N. Miami Beach, Fla. D2-'13 14/14
59 Davis, Ryan DE 6-2 270 2/24/89 4 Bethune-Cookman Tampa, Fla. FA-'12 14/0
73 Edwards, Kadeem OL 6-4 313 1/24/91 3 Tennessee State Sanford, Fla. PS-'15 0*
26 Evans, Josh S 6-0 210 6/5/91 4 Florida Irvington, N.J. D6-'13 16/12
84 Evans, Shaq WR 6-1 203 3/7/91 3 UCLA Inglewood, Calif. PS-'15 0*
56 Fowler Jr., Dante DE 6-3 261 8/3/94 2 Florida St. Petersburg, Fla. D1-'15 0*
39 Gipson, Tashaun DB 5-11 205 8/7/90 5 Wyoming Dallas, Texas UFA(Cle)-'16 13/13*
30 Grant, Corey RB 5-11 205 12/19/91 2 Auburn Opelika, Ala. FA-'15 6/0
27 Gratz, Dwayne CB 5-11 206 3/8/90 4 Connecticut Piscataway, N.J. D3-'13 12/4
34 Gray, Jonas RB 5-10 225 6/27/90 3 Notre Dame Pontiac, Mich. PS(Mia)-'15 2/0
13 Greene, Rashad WR 5-11 185 9/23/92 2 Florida State Albany, Ga. D5-'15 9/0
7 Henne, Chad QB 6-3 220 7/2/85 9 Michigan Wyomissing, Pa. UFA(Mia)-'12 0*
31 House, Davon CB 6-0 196 7/10/89 6 New Mexico State Palmdale, Calif. UFA(GB)-'15 16/15
88 Hurns, Allen WR 6-3 205 11/12/91 3 Miami Miami, Fla. FA-'14 15/15
33 Ivory, Chris RB 6-0 222 3/22/88 7 Tiffin Longview, Texas UFA(NYJ)-'16 15/14*
90 Jackson, Malik DL 6-5 293 1/11/90 5 Tennessee Van Nuys, Calif. UFA(Den)-'16 16/16*
85 Jacobs, Nic TE 6-5 295 10/13/91 3 McNeese State Many, La. PS (NO)-'14 11/2
76 Joeckel, Luke T 6-6 315 11/6/91 4 Texas A&M Arlington, Texas D1-'13 14/14
95 Jones, Abry DT 6-4 320 9/8/91 4 Georgia Warner Robins, Ga. FA-'13 15/0
18 Lawrence, Rashad WR 6-2 190 6/10/92 2 Northwestern Orlando, Fla. PS-'15 0*
11 Lee, Marqise WR 6-0 200 11/25/91 3 Southern California Inglewood, Calif. D2-'14 10/1
89 Lewis, Marcedes TE 6-6 275 5/19/84 11 UCLA Long Beach, Calif. D1-'06 16/16
65 Linder, Brandon G 6-6 320 1/25/92 3 Miami Southwest Ranches, Fla. D3-'14 3/3
62 Linkenbach, Jeff OL 6-6 317 6/9/87 7 Cincinnati Sandusky, Ohio FA-'16 10/0*
20 Loston, Craig S 6-2 209 12/21/89 3 Louisiana State Houston, Texas FA-'15 6/0
99 Marks, Sen'Derrick DT 6-2 316 2/23/87 8 Auburn Mobile, Ala. UFA(Tenn)-'13 4/2
41 Marshall, Nick CB 6-1 206 6/30/92 2 Auburn Pineview, Ga. FA-'15 13/1
35 McCray, Demetrius CB 6-2 194 5/11/91 4 Appalachian State Covington, Ga. D7b-'13 14/3
97 Miller III, Roy DT 6-2 320 7/9/87 8 Texas Killeen, Texas UFA(TB)-'13 15/15
2 Myers, Jason K 5-10 195 5/12/91 2 Marist Chula Vista, Calif. FA-'15 16/0
3 Nortman, Brad P 6-2 215 9/12/89 5 Wisconsin Brookfield, Wis. UFA(Car)-'16 16/0*
75 Odrick, Jared DL 6-5 305 12/31/87 6 Penn State Lebanon County, Pa. UFA(Mia)-'15 16/16
78 Parnell, Jermey T 6-6 315 7/20/86 6 Mississippi Blytheville, Ark. UFA(Dall)-'15 15/15
53 Porter, Sean LB 6-1 242 1/12/91 4 Texas A&M Schertz, Texas FA-'15 0*
51 Posluszny, Paul LB 6-2 240 10/10/84 10 Penn State Aliquippa, Pa. UFA(Buff)-'11 14/14
52 Pullard III, Hayes LB 6-0 236 4/18/92 2 Southern California Los Angeles, Calif. PS(Cle) -'15 8/2
40 Reynolds, Rashaad CB 5-11 187 2/2/91 2 Oregon State Pacoma, Calif. FA-'15 0*
15 Robinson, Allen WR 6-3 215 8/24/93 3 Penn State Southfield, Mich. D2a-'14 16/16
16 Robinson, Denard RB 6-0 215 9/22/90 4 Michigan Deerfield Beach, Fla. D5-'13 13/3
23 Sample, James S 6-2 215 6/23/92 2 Louisville Sacramento, Calif. D4-'15 4/2
69 Shatley, Tyler G 6-3 305 5/5/91 2 Clemson Icard, N.C. FA-'14 13/0
55 Skuta, Dan LB 6-2 265 4/21/86 8 Grand Valley State Flint, Mich. UFA(SF)-'15 13/8
98 Smith, Chris DE 6-1 270 2/11/92 3 Arkansas Mount Ulla, N.C. D5b-'14 6/0
92 Smith, Quanterus DE 6-5 255 11/26/89 4 Western Kentucky Loganville, Ga. PS-'15 0*
50 Smith, Telvin LB 6-3 223 4/11/91 3 Florida State Valdosta, Ga. D5a-'14 14/14
87 Sterling, Neal WR 6-4 235 1/14/92 2 Monmouth Belmar, N.J. D7a-'15 9/0
80 Thomas, Julius TE 6-5 260 6/27/88 6 Portland State Stockton, Calif. UFA(Den)-'15 12/0
25 Thompson, Peyton CB 5-10 180 9/26/90 2 San Jose State Sacramento, Calif. FA-'14 15/0
46 Tinker, Carson LS 6-0 250 11/15/89 4 Alabama Murfreesboro, Tenn. FA-'13 16/0
58 Tripp, Jordan LB 6-4 236 4/3/91 3 Montana Missoula, Mt. FA-'15 12/1
81 Walters, Bryan WR 6-0 190 11/4/87 5 Cornell Bothell, Wash. UFA(Sea)-'15 11/1
12 Washington, Tony WR 5-11 198 10/18/90 2 Appalachian State High Point, N.C. FA-'14 4/0
72 Wells, Josh T 6-6 310 2/14/91 3 James Madison Mechanicsville, Va. FA-'14 0*
45 Werner, Bjoern DE 6-3 255 8/30/90 4 Florida State Berlin, Germany FA-'16 10/0*

84 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
42 Wolff, Earl S 5-11 210 12/15/89 3 North Carolina State Fayetteville, N.C. PS-'15 0*
24 Yeldon, T.J. RB 6-1 225 10/2/93 2 Alabama Daphne, Ala. D2-'15 12/12

* Amukamara played 11 games with New York Giants in '15; Beachum plaed 6 games with Pittsburgh; Benn last active with Tampa Bay in
'12; Bernadeau played 16 games with Dallas; Edwards spent '15 season on Jacksonville practice squad after being released by Tampa
Bay early in the season; Evans spent entire '15 season on Jacksonville practice squad; Gipson played 13 games with Cleveland; Henne
did not play in 16 games; Ivory played 15 games with New York Jets; Jackson played 16 games with Denver; Lawrence spent '15 sea-
son on Jacksonville practice squad; Linkenbach played 9 games with Miami and 1 game with San Diego; Nortman played 16 games with
Carolina; Porter last active with Cincinnati in '14; Q. Smith last active with Denver in '14; Wells last active with Jacksonville in '14; Werner
played 10 games with Indianapolis in '15; Wolff last active with Philadelphia in '14.

Also played with Jaguars in ’15—P Bryan Anger (16 games), G Zane Beadles (16), DE Andre Branch (13), S Sergio Brown (15),
DE Chris Clemons (16), RB Toby Gerhart (7), TE Clay Harbor (15), James-Michael Johnson (2), RB Bernard Pierce (7),
LB LaRoy Reynolds (2), C Stefen Wisniewski (16), T Sam Young (16).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Allen, Brandon QB 6-1 217 9/5/92 Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark. D6b
Ash, Richard (1) DT 6-3 314 8/4/92 Western Michigan Pahokee, Fla. PS-'15
Bailey, Rasheed (1) WR 6-1 205 7/29/93 Delaware Valley Philadelphia, Pa. PS-'15
Boddy-Calhoun, Briean CB 5-11 190 1/21/93 Minnesota Wilmington, Del. FA
Bowman, Braedon TE 6-4 240 1/30/94 South Alabama Mesa, Ariz. FA
Casey, Chance (1) DB 5-11 190 3/11/91 Baylor Southlake, Texas FA
Day, Sheldon DT 6-1 293 7/1/94 Notre Dame Indianapolis, Ind. D5
Hill, Rashod T 6-6 309 1/12/92 Southern Mississippi Jacksonville, Fla. FA
Hilton, Mike CB 5-9 184 3/9/94 Mississippi Fayetteville, Ga. FA
Holmes, Tyrone DE 6-4 250 9/10/93 Montana Eagle Point, Ore. D6a
Jack, Myles LB 6-1 245 9/3/95 UCLA Scottsdale, Ariz. D2
Johnson, Josh (1) CB 5-10 200 9/10/90 Purdue Dade City, Fla. FA
Koyack, Ben (1) TE 6-5 255 4/9/93 Notre Dame Oil City, Pa. PS-'15
Miller, Patrick (1) T 6-7 289 3/30/93 Auburn Palm Beach, Fla. FA-'15
Ngakoue, Yannick DE 6-2 252 3/31/95 Maryland Bowie, Md. D3
Ramsey, Jalen CB 6-1 209 10/24/94 Florida State Smyrna, Tenn. D1
Reed, Chris (1) G 6-5 300 7/22/92 Minnesota State Omaha, Neb. PS-'15
Robinson, Jamal WR 6-4 205 1/13/93 Louisiana-Lafayette Slidell, La. FA
Slater, Pearce T 6-7 335 10/1/93 San Diego State Los Angeles, Calif. FA
Thomas, Todd (1) LB 6-2 230 4/27/91 Pittsburgh Beaver Falls, Pa. PS-'15
Wilson, Jarrod S 6-2 210 2/9/94 Michigan Arkon, Ohio FA
Wittek, Max QB 6-4 236 7/31/93 Hawaii Nowalk, Conn. FA
Woodard, Jonathan DE 6-6 271 9/19/93 Central Arkansas Brentwood, Tenn. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 85

COACHING STAFF North Carolina State 1980-82 (head coach), Michigan 2004, Georgia 2005. Pro coach:
Head Coach, Tennessee 2009, Southern California 2010-12. Pro Houston Texans 2005-2010, Seattle Seahawks
Gus Bradley coach: Green Bay Packers 1983, Buffalo Bills 2011-13, joined Jaguars in 2014.
Pro Career: Gus Bradley was named the fifth 1984-85, Minnesota Vikings 1986-89, 1991-94, Cedric Scott, asst. strength and conditioning;
head coach in Jaguars history on January 17, New York Jets 1990, New Orleans Saints 1995, born October 19, 1977, Gulfport, Miss.
2013. Bradley spent the previous four seasons Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1996-2008, Dallas Defensive end Southern Mississippi 1997-2000.
(2009-2012) with the Seattle Seahawks as defen- Cowboys 2013-14, joined Jaguars in 2016. Pro defensive end New York Giants 2001,
sive coordinator. Under Bradley’s direction in Jess Langvardt, strength associate; born Cleveland Browns 2002. College coach: Southern
2012, the Seahawks led the NFL by allowing a September 28, 1982, North Platte, Neb. No pro Mississippi 2009-2011. Pro coach: Joined
franchise-record low 15.3 points per game playing experience. College coach: Sterling Jaguars in 2012.
despite playing the league’s third-youngest defen- College 2005-09, 2012, Memphis 2009-2011, Dan Shamash, defensive quality control; born
sive starting unit. He previously served as the Tulane 2012. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2013. December 20, 1985, New York, N.Y. Linebacker
Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebackers and defen- Mike Mallory, special teams coordinator; born Carnegie-Mellon 2004-07. No pro playing experi-
sive quality control coach (2006-08) and was an Nov. 16, 1962, Bowling Green, Ohio. Linebacker ence. College coach: Columbia 2008. Pro coach:
assistant at North Dakota State (1996-2005). He Michigan 1982-85. No pro playing experience. New York Jets 2008, Cleveland Browns 2009-
was head coach at Fort Lewis College for four College coach: Indiana 1986-87, Kent State 2010, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, joined
months (December 1995-March 1996), was 1988-1990, Eastern Illinois 1991-92, Rhode Jaguars in 2014.
defensive coordinator/linebackers coach at Fort Island 1993-95, Northern Illinois 1996-99, Kelly Skipper, running backs; born July 25, 1967,
Lewis (1992-95), and graduate assistant at Maryland 2000, Illinois 2001-05, Kansas 2006, Brawley, Calif. Running back Fresno State 1985-
NDSU (1990-91). Career record: 12-36. Louisville 2007. Pro coach: New Orleans Saints 1988. No pro playing experience. College coach:
Background: Four-year free safety and punter at 2008-2012, joined Jaguars in 2013. Fresno State 1989-97, UCLA 1998-2002,
North Dakota State (1984-88), where he was a Doug Marrone, asst. head coach- Washington State 2003-06. Pro coach: Oakland
four-time academic All-North Central Conference offense/offensive line; born July 25, 1964, Bronx, Raiders 2007-2014, joined Jaguars in 2015.
selection and on the 1988 national championship N.Y. Offensive line Syracuse 1983-1985. Pro Matthew Smiley, asst. special teams; born
team. Earned his bachelor’s degrees in business offensive lineman Miami Dolphins 1987, New October 2, 1978, Danville, Ill. Wide receiver Illinois
administration (1989) and physical education Orleans Saints 1989, London Monarchs (NFL 1997-98. No pro playing experience. College
(1990) as well as a master’s degree in athletic Europe) 1991-92. College coach: Cortland 1992, coach: Dartmouth 2005-06, Eureka College
administration from North Dakota State (1992). U.S. Coast Guard Academy 1993, Northeastern 2007-08 (interim head coach 2008), Eastern
Personal: Born July 5, 1966 in Zumbrota, 1994, Georgia Tech 1995-95, Georgia 2000, Illinois 2009-2011, Charleston Southern 2012.
Minnesota. He and his wife, Michaela, have four Tennessee 2001, Syracuse (head coach) 2009- Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2013.
children, Carter, Anna, Eli and Ella. 12. Pro coach: New York Jets 2002-05, New Tony Sorrentino, asst. wide receivers; born June
Orleans Saints 2006-08, Buffalo Bills (head 28, 1983, Belleville, N.J. Wide receiver The
ASSISTANT COACHES coach) 2013-14, joined Jaguars in 2015. College of New Jersey 2001-04. No pro playing
John Benton, asst. offensive line; born Durango, Ron Middleton, tight ends/asst. special teams; experience. College coach: The College of New
Co. Offensive lineman Colorado State 1983-86. born July 17, 1965, Atmore, Ala. Tight end Jersey 2006-07, 2012, Minnesota 2009-2010,
No pro playing experience. College coach: Auburn 1982-85. Pro tight end Atlanta Falcons Miami 2011. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2013.
Colorado State 1987-1990, California (Pa.) 1990- 1986-87, Washington Redskins 1988, 1990-93, Jerry Sullivan, wide receivers; born July 13,
94, Colorado State 1995-2003. Pro coach: St. Cleveland Browns 1989, Los Angeles Rams 1944, Miami, Fla. Quarterback Florida State
Louis Rams 2004-05, Houston Texans 2006-13, 1994, San Diego Chargers 1995. College coach: 1963-64. No pro playing experience. College
Miami Dolphins 2014-15, joined Jaguars in 2016. Troy 1997-98, Mississippi 1999-2003, Alabama coach: Kansas State 1971-72, Texas Tech 1973-
Daniel Bullocks, asst. defensive backs; born 2007, Duke 2008-2012. Pro coach: Tampa Bay 75, South Carolina 1976-1982, Indiana 1983,
February 28, 1983, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pro safe- Buccaneers 2004-06, joined Jaguars in 2013. Louisiana State 1984-1990, Ohio State 1991. Pro
ty Detroit Lions 2006-09. College coach: Tom Myslinski, strength and conditioning; born coach: San Diego Chargers 1992-96, Detroit
Northern Iowa 2012-14, Eastern Michigan 2015- December 7, 1968, Rome, N.Y. Guard Tennessee Lions 1997-2000, Arizona Cardinals 2001-03,
16. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2016. 1989-1991. Pro guard Washington Redskins Miami Dolphins 2004, San Francisco 49ers
John Donovan, offensive quality control; born 1992, Buffalo Bills 1993, Chicago Bears 1993- 2005-2010, joined Jaguars in 2012.
River Edge, N.J. Defensive back Johns Hopkins. 94, Jacksonville Jaguars 1995, Pittsburgh DeWayne Walker, defensive backs; born December
No pro playing experience. College coach: Steelers 1996-97, 2000, Indianapolis Colts 1998, 3, 1960, Los Angeles, Calif. Defensive back
Villanova 1997, Georgia Tech 1998-2000, Dallas Cowboys 1999. College coach: Robert Pasadena City (Calif.) C.C. 1978-79, Minnesota
Maryland 2001-07, Vanderbilt 2011-13, Penn Morris 2005-06, Memphis 2010, North Carolina 1980-81. Pro defensive back Edmonton Eskimos
State 2014-15. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2011. Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 2003-04, (CFL) 1982, Arizona Outlaws (USFL) 1983, Oakland
2016. 2007-09, joined Jaguars in 2012. Invaders (USFL) 1984. College coach: Mt. San
Nathaniel Hackett, quarterbacks; born December Chris O’Hara, offensive coaching associate; Antonio (Calif.) J.C. 1988-1992, Utah State 1993,
19, 1979, Fullerton, Calif. Linebacker/long snap- Swoyersville, Pa. No pro playing experience. Brigham Young 1994, Oklahoma State 1995,
per U.C. Davis 1999-2002. No pro playing expe- College coach: Miami 2011-13. Pro coach: California 1996-97, Southern California 2001, UCLA
rience. College coach: Cal-Davis 2003, Stanford Joined Jaguars in 2014. 2006-08, New Mexico State 2009-2012 (head
2003-05, Syracuse 2010-12. Pro coach: Tampa Greg Olson, offensive coordinator; born March 1, coach). Pro coach: New England Patriots 1998-
Bay Buccaneers 2006-07, Buffalo Bills 2008-09, 1963, Richland, Wash. Quarterback Spokane 2000, New York Giants 2002-03, Washington
2013-14, joined Jaguars in 2015. Falls Junior College 1981-82. No pro playing Redskins 2004-05, joined Jaguars in 2013.
Alex Hampton, strength assistant; born March experience. College coach: Washington State Todd Wash, defensive coordinator; born July 19,
23, 1989, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Attended 1987-89, Central Washington 1990-93, Idaho 1968, Miles City, Mont. Linebacker North Dakota
Deakin University. No college or pro playing expe- 1994-96, Purdue 1997-2000, 2002. Pro coach: State 1988-1991. No pro playing experience.
rience. College coach: Florida State 2012. Pro San Francisco 49ers 2001, Chicago Bears 2003, College coach: Fort Lewis College 1996-99 (head
coach: Joined Jaguars in 2013. Detroit Lions 2004-05, St. Louis Rams 2006-07, coach 1997-99), Nebraska-Kearney 2000-01,
Scottie Hazelton, asst. linebackers; born Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2008-2011, Jacksonville North Dakota State 2002-03, 2005-06, Missouri
December 19, 1973, Hackettstown, N.J. Jaguars 2012, Oakland Raiders 2013-14, re- Southern State 2004. Pro coach: Tampa Bay
Linebacker Fort Lewis 1992-94. No pro playing joined Jaguars in 2015. Buccaneers 2006-2010, Seattle Seahawks 2011-
experience. College coach: Fort Lewis 1996-99, Mike Rutenberg, defensive assistant; born 12, joined Jaguars in 2013.
North Dakota State 2000-01, 2007-2011, St. Olaf October 29, 1981, Washington, D.C. Attended Aaron Whitecotton, asst. defensive line; Charlotte,
2002-03, Missouri Southern State 2004-05, Cornell. No college or pro playing experience. N.C. No pro playing experience. College coach:
Michigan Tech 2006, Southern California 2012, College coach: UCLA 2006-08, New Mexico New Mexico State 2012. Pro coach: Joined
Nevada 2013. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2014. State 2009-2012. Pro coach: Washington Jaguars in 2013.
Monte Kiffin, defensive assistant; born February Redskins 2003-05, joined Jaguars in 2013. Tyler Wolf, asst. to the head coach; Cookeville,
29, 1940, Lexington, Neb. Offensive and defensive Robert Saleh, linebackers; born January 31, Tenn. Defensive back Tennessee 2008-2011. No
tackle Nebraska-Lincoln 1959-63. Pro defensive 1979, Dearborn, Mich. Tight end Northern pro playing experience. College coach: Tennessee
end Winnipeg Blue Bombers (CFL) 1965. College Michigan 1997-2000. No pro playing experience. Tech 2011-12. Pro coach: Joined Jaguars in 2013.
coach: Nebraska 1966-76, Arkansas 1977-79, College coach: Michigan State 2002-03, Central

86 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman & CEO: Clark Hunt Dallas Texans 1960-62
Head Coach: Andy Reid (444-421-12)
General Manager: John Dorsey Records include postseason games
President: Mark Donovan 1960-1974 Hank Stram ..............129-79-10
Director of Player Personnel: 1975-77 Paul Wiggin* ................11-24-0
Chris Ballard 1977 Tom Bettis ........................1-6-0
Director of Pro Scouting: Will Lewis 1978-1982 Marv Levy ....................31-42-0
Director of College Scouting: 1983-86 John Mackovic .............30-35-0
Marvin Allen 1987-88 Frank Gansz....................8-22-1
Director of Football Administration: 1989-1998 Marty Schottenheimer...104-65-1
Trip MacCracken 1999-2000 Gunther Cunningham ....16-16-0
Chief Financial Officer: Dan Crumb 2001-05 Dick Vermeil...................44-37-0
Senior Vice President of Business 2006-08 Herm Edwards..............15-34-0
Operations: Bill Chapin 2009-2011 Todd Haley** ...............19-26-0
American Football Conference Vice President of Communications: 2011-12 Romeo Crennel...............4-15-0
West Division Ted Crews 2013-15 Andy Reid.....................32-19-0
Team Colors: Red, Gold, and White Vice President of Business Development: *Released after seven games in 1977
The University of Kansas Hospital Tyler Epp **Released after 13 games in 2011
Training Complex Vice President of Administration:
One Arrowhead Drive Kirsten Krug PAID ATTENDANCE
Kansas City, Missouri 64129 Director of Community Outreach: Home 584,975 Away 516,165
Telephone: (816) 920-9300 Chuck Castellano Total 1,101,140
Director of Business Development: Single-game home record,
2016 SCHEDULE *82,893 (10/2/00)
PRESEASON Justin Ricklefs
Director of Facilities: Brandon Hamilton Single-season home record,
Aug. 13 Seattle...............................3:30 629,569 (1999)
Aug. 20 at Los Angeles ...................9:00 Director of Chiefs Cheerleaders:
Stephanie Judah *Arrowhead Stadium attendance: 78,502
Aug. 27 at Chicago........................12:00 Kauffman Stadium attendance: 4,391
Sep. 1 Green Bay ........................7:00 Director of Ticket Sales and Operations:
Tyler Kirby
REGULAR SEASON Director of Fan Experience: Jayne Martin 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Sep. 11 San Diego .......................12:00 Director of Football Communications: Round Name Pos. College
Sep. 18 at Houston ......................12:00 Brad Gee 2 Chris Jones DT Mississippi St.
Sep. 25 New York Jets ...................3:25 Director of Ticket Operations: 3 KeiVarae Russell DB Notre Dame
Oct. 2 at Pittsburgh ......................7:30 Justin Sauser 4 Parker Ehinger G Cincinnati
Oct. 9 BYE Sr. Producer Media & Production: Eric Murray DB Minnesota
Oct. 16 at Oakland .........................3:05 Adam Pellegrino Demarcus Robinson WR Florida
Oct. 23 New Orleans ...................12:00 Sr. Producer of Game & Event 5 Kevin Hogan QB Stanford
Oct. 30 at Indianapolis .................12:00 Entertainment: Brad Young Tyreek Hill WR West Alabama
Nov. 6 Jacksonville ...................12:00 Director of Foundation and Development: 6 D.J. White DB Georgia Tech
Nov. 13 at Carolina .......................12:00 Anne Scharf Dadi Nicolas LB Virginia Tech
Nov. 20 Tampa Bay .....................12:00
Director of Marketing and Event
Nov. 27 at Denver ..........................3:25
Acquisition: Jeremy Slavens
Dec. 4 at Atlanta .........................12:00
Dec. 8 Oakland (Thu)....................7:25 Director of Special Events: Gary Spani
Dec. 18 Tennessee ......................12:00 Director of Information Technology:
Dec. 25 Denver ..............................7:30 Bob Stirton
Jan. 1 at San Diego .....................3:25 Director of Digital Media and Strategy:
* All times CT James Royer
Equipment Manager: Allen Wright
Stadium: Arrowhead Stadium Assistant Equipment Managers:
(opened in 1972, Chris Shropshire, Kyle Crumbaugh,
fully renovated in 2010) Jay White, Cale Kirby
•Capacity: 76,416 Head Athletic Trainer: Rick Burkholder
One Arrowhead Drive Assistant Athletic Trainers:
Kansas City, Missouri 64129 Aaron Borgmann, Evan Craft,
Playing Surface: Grass David Glover, Tiffany Morton
Training Camp: Missouri Western St. Univ. Director of Video Operations: Pat Brazil
St. Joseph, Missouri 64507 Assistant Director of Video Operations:
Ken Radino
Video Assistants: Colin Clark,
Josh Schmidt
Football Operations Coordinator:
Mitch Reynolds
Team Security Manager: Brian Shafar

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 87

PRESEASON (4-0) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent A. Smith 470 307 3486 65.3 20 7 45/235 95.4
08/15 W 34-19 at Arizona Daniel 2 2 4 100.0 0 0 0/0 79.2
08/21 W 14-13 Seattle Santos 1 1 3 100.0 0 0 0/0 79.2
08/28 W 34-10 Tennessee Maclin 0 0 0 — 0 0 1/3 —
09/03 W 24-17 at St. Louis Chiefs 473 310 3493 65.5 20 7 46/238 95.4
Opponents 607 349 3988 57.5 25 22 47/290 76.0
Date Result Opponent
09/13 W 27-20 at Houston
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Peters 8 280 35.0 90t 2
09/17 L 24-31 Denver
Santos 0 0 0 39/41 30/37 0 129 R. Parker 3 5 1.7 5 0
09/28 L 28-38 at Green Bay
Maclin 0 8 0 0/0 0/0 0 48 Mauga 2 70 35.0 66 0
10/04 L 21-36 at Cincinnati
Ware 6 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Berry 2 40 20.0 25 0
10/11 L 17-18 Chicago
Kelce 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 34 Johnson 2 23 11.5 18 0
10/18 L 10-16 at Minnesota
Charles 4 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Houston 2 16 8.0 17t 1
10/25 W 23-13 Pittsburgh
West 4 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 S. Smith 2 5 2.5 5 0
11/01 W 45-10 Detroit
Branch 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Branch 1 38 38.0 38t 1
11/15 W 29-13 at Denver
Peters 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Chiefs 22 477 21.7 90t 4
11/22 W 33-3 at San Diego
A. Smith 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 7 116 16.6 46 1
11/29 W 30-22 Buffalo
Thomas 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
12/06 W 34-20 at Oakland
A. Wilson 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/13 W 10-3 San Diego
Conley 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Colquitt 75 3333 44.4 37 62
12/20 W 34-14 at Baltimore
Davis 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Chiefs 75 3333 44.4 37 62
12/27 W 17-13 Cleveland
D. Harris 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 78 3483 44.7 18 67
01/03 W 23-17 Oakland
Houston 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
Poe 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
POSTSEASON (1-1) R. Wilson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Date Result Opponent
Alexander 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Thomas 29 2 227 7.8 37 0
01/9 W 30-0 at Houston
Chiefs 19 20 6 39/41 30/37 1 405 Hammond 14 3 115 8.2 29 0
01/16 L 20-27 at New England
Opponents 7 25 2 25/28 18/22 0 287 Maclin 2 4 13 6.5 11 0
2-Pt Conv: Kelce 2, Chiefs Chiefs 45 9 355 7.9 37 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Opponents 26 21 170 6.5 17 0
Chiefs 95 132 63 115 0 — 405 West 160 634 4.0 38t 4
Opponents 70 70 60 87 0 — 287 KICKOFF
A. Smith 84 498 5.9 49 2 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Ware 72 403 5.6 52 6 Davis 24 603 25.1 54 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Charles 71 364 5.1 34t 4
Chiefs Opp. Thomas 6 138 23.0 30 0
Davis 28 72 2.6 10 1 Sherman 2 20 10.0 11 0
Total First Downs 303 313 Thomas 9 34 3.8 13 1
Rushing 116 86
Conley 1 14 14.0 14 0
A. Wilson 5 26 5.2 8 0 Ware 1 14 14.0 14 0
Passing 155 193 Maclin 3 14 4.7 18 0
Penalty 32 34
Branch 1 2 2.0 2 0
Poe 1 1 1.0 1t 1 Chiefs 35 791 22.6 54 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 76/199 72/217 Sherman 1 0 0.0 0 0
3rd Down Pct. 38.2 33.2
Opponents 46 1137 24.7 70 0
Daniel 2 -2 -1.0 -1 0
4th Down: Made/Att 6/9 13/27 Chiefs 436 2044 4.7 52 19
4th Down Pct. 66.7 48.1
Opponents 383 1571 4.1 42 7 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Possession Avg. 30:55 29:05
Total Net Yards 5299 5269
Santos 0/0 7/8 10/10 9/11 4/8
RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Chiefs 0/0 7/8 10/10 9/11 4/8
Avg. Per Game 331.2 329.3 Maclin 87 1088 12.5 61 8
Total Plays 955 1037
Opponents 0/0 4/4 6/6 6/9 2/3
Kelce 72 875 12.2 42t 5
Avg. Per Play 5.5 5.1 A. Wilson 35 451 12.9 44t 2 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 2044 1571 Charles 21 177 8.4 26 1 Houston 7.5
Avg. Per Game 127.8 98.2 West 20 214 10.7 80t 1 Hali 6.5
Total Rushes 436 383 Conley 17 199 11.7 44 1 Howard 5.5
Net Yards Passing 3255 3698 Thomas 17 140 8.2 36 1 R. Parker 5.0
Avg. Per Game 203.4 231.1 Avant 15 119 7.9 20 0 Bailey 4.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 46/238 47/290 D. Harris 7 74 10.6 25 1 Ford 4.0
Gross Yards 3493 3988 O’Shaughnessy 6 87 14.5 30 0 Johnson 4.0
Att./Completions 473/310 607/349 Ware 6 5 0.8 5 0 DeVito 3.0
Completion Pct. 65.5 57.5 Sherman 4 34 8.5 18 0 Zombo 3.0
Had Intercepted 7 22 Davis 2 24 12.0 12 0 Branch 1.0
Punts/Average 75/44.4 78/44.7 B. Parker 1 6 6.0 6 0 Mauga 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 75/40.8 78/39.3 Chiefs 310 3493 11.3 80t 20 Poe 1.0
Penalties/Yards 104/878 110/941 Opponents 349 3988 11.4 55t 25 Sorensen 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 16/8 19/7
Chiefs 47.0
Touchdowns 45 34
Opponents 46.0
Rushing 19 7
Passing 20 25
Returns 6 2

88 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamaal Charles, 2008-2015 ...............................................................7,220
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Len Dawson, 1962-1975 .................................................................28,507
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Len Dawson, 1962-1975 ......................................................................237
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tony Gonzalez, 1997-2008....................................................................916
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Tony Gonzalez, 1997-2008...............................................................10,940
Interceptions ...................................................................Emmitt Thomas, 1966-1978 ...................................................................58
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Dustin Colquitt, 2005-2015 ..................................................................44.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Dexter McCluster, 2010-13...................................................................12.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Noland Smith, 1967-69 ........................................................................26.8
Field Goals ......................................................................Nick Lowery, 1980-1993.......................................................................329
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Priest Holmes, 2001-07 ..........................................................................83
Points..............................................................................Nick Lowery, 1980-1993....................................................................1,466
*Sacks............................................................................Derrick Thomas, 1989-1999 ..............................................................126.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Larry Johnson, 2006..........................................................................1,789
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Trent Green, 2004 ..............................................................................4,591
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Len Dawson, 1964..................................................................................30
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tony Gonzalez, 2004.............................................................................102
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Derrick Alexander, 2000 .....................................................................1,391
Interceptions ...................................................................Emmitt Thomas, 1974.............................................................................12
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Dustin Colquitt, 2012 ...........................................................................46.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Dante Hall, 2003 ..................................................................................16.3
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Quintin Demps, 2013 ...........................................................................30.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Nick Lowery, 1990 ..................................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Priest Holmes, 2003................................................................................27
Points..............................................................................Priest Holmes, 2003..............................................................................162
*Sacks............................................................................Justin Houston, 2014 ...........................................................................22.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamaal Charles, 1-3-10.........................................................................259
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Elvis Grbac, 11-5-00 .............................................................................504
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Len Dawson, 11-1-64 ...............................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tony Gonzalez, 1-2-05 ............................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Stephone Paige, 12-22-85.....................................................................309
Interceptions ...................................................................Bobby Ply, 12-16-62 .............................................................................**4
Bobby Hunt, 10-4-64 ............................................................................**4
Deron Cherry, 9-29-85 ..........................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Cairo Santos, 10-4-15...............................................................................7
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Abner Haynes, 11-26-61...........................................................................5
Jamaal Charles, 12-15-13.........................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Abner Haynes, 11-26-61.........................................................................30
Jamaal Charles, 12-15-13.......................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Derrick Thomas, 11-11-90 .................................................................**7.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 89

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
57 Alexander, D.J. LB 6-2 233 9/30/91 2 Oregon State Palm Desert, Calif. D5a-’15 16/0
97 Bailey, Allen DL 6-3 288 3/25/89 6 Miami Sapelo Island, Ga. D3b-’11 12/12
29 Berry, Eric S 6-0 212 12/29/88 7 Tennessee Fairburn, Ga. D1-’10 16/15
9 Bray, Tyler QB 6-6 215 12/27/91 4 Tennessee Kingsburg, Calif. FA-’13 0/0
27 Brown, Stevie S 5-11 215 7/17/87 5 Michigan Dallas, Texas FA-’16 0*
1 Carr, Deveron DB 5-11 194 8/10/90 2 Arizona State Scottsdale, Ariz. FA-’16 0*
25 Charles, Jamaal RB 5-11 199 12/27/86 9 Texas Port Arthur, Texas D3a-’08 5/5
2 Colquitt, Dustin P 6-3 210 5/6/82 12 Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn. D3-’05 16/0
17 Conley, Chris WR 6-3 205 10/25/92 2 Georgia Dallas, Ga. D3a-’15 16/5
31 Cooper, Marcus CB 6-2 192 2/1/90 4 Rutgers Hartford, Conn. W(SF)-’13 10/1
34 Davis, Knile RB 5-10 227 10/5/91 4 Arkansas Missouri City, Texas D3b-’13 14/0
77 Devey, Jordan G 6-6 320 1/11/88 3 Memphis American Fork, Utah W(SF)-’16 15/9*
76 Duvernay-Tardif, Laurent G 6-5 321 2/11/91 3 McGill Montreal, Quebec D6b-’14 16/13
62 Feigt, Curtis OL 6-6 310 11/23/89 2 West Virginia Mercersburg, Pa. FA-’15 0/0
72 Fisher, Eric T 6-7 315 1/5/91 4 Central Michigan Rochester, Mich. D1-’13 16/14
30 Fleming, Jamell DB 5-11 206 5/5/89 5 Oklahoma Arlington, Texas FA-’16 16/0
55 Ford, Dee LB 6-2 252 3/19/91 3 Auburn Odenville, Ala. D1-’14 14/5
73 Fulton, Zach OL 6-5 316 9/23/91 3 Tennessee Homewood, Ill. D6a-’14 16/6
23 Gaines, Phillip CB 6-0 193 4/4/91 3 Rice Converse, Texas D3-’14 3/3
91 Hali, Tamba LB 6-3 275 12/3/83 11 Penn State Teaneck, N.J. D1-’06 15/14
85 Hammond Jr., Frankie WR 6-1 184 2/17/90 3 Florida Hallandale Beach, Fla. FA-’15 9/0
84 Harris, Demetrius TE 6-7 230 7/29/91 3 Wisconsin-Milwaukee Little Rock, Ark. FA-’14 16/9
50 Houston, Justin LB 6-3 258 1/21/89 6 Georgia Statesboro, Ga. FA-’15 11/11
96 Howard, Jaye DL 6-3 301 12/20/88 5 Florida Apopka, Fla. W(Sea)-’13 16/13
56 Johnson, Derrick LB 6-3 242 11/22/82 12 Texas Waco, Texas D1-’05 16/16
87 Kelce, Travis TE 6-5 260 10/5/89 4 Cincinnati Cleveland Heights, Ohio D3a-’13 16/16
93 King, David DL 6-4 281 12/27/89 2 Oklahoma Houston, Texas FA-’16 1/0
19 Maclin, Jeremy WR 6-0 198 5/11/88 8 Missouri Kirkwood, Mo. UFA(Phil)-’15 15/15
59 March, Justin LB 6-0 222 7/5/93 2 Akron Danville, Ill. FA-’15 0/0
46 Massaquoi, Jonathan LB 6-2 264 5/11/88 4 Troy Lawrenceville, Ga. FA-’16 0*
90 Mauga, Josh LB 6-1 245 6/20/87 7 Nevada Fallon, Nev. FA-’14 14/14
40 Millard, Trey FB 6-2 247 7/25/91 2 Oklahoma Columbia, Mo. FA-’16 0*
61 Morse, Mitch C 6-6 305 4/21/92 2 Missouri Austin, Texas D2-’15 15/15
62 Mulumba, Andy LB 6-3 260 1/31/90 3 Eastern Michigan Montreal, Quebec FA-’16 6/0
7 Murray, Aaron QB 6-1 207 11/10/90 3 Georgia Tampa, Fla. D5-’14 0/0
20 Nelson, Steven CB 5-11 194 11/22/93 2 Oregon State Warner Robins, Ga. D3b-’15 12/0
68 Nowak, Drew OL 6-3 292 3/7/90 3 Western Michigan Green Bay, Wisc. FA-’16 9/8*
99 Nunez-Roches, Rakeem DL 6-2 307 7/3/93 2 Southern Miss Dangriga, Belize D6-’15 7/0
80 O’Shaughnessy, James TE 6-4 245 1/14/92 2 Illinois State Naperville, Ill. D5b-’15 7/3
82 Parker, Brian TE 6-4 265 5/30/92 2 Albany Henrietta, N.Y. W(SD)-’15 9/0
38 Parker, Ron DB 6-0 206 8/17/87 6 Newberry St. Helena Island, S.C. FA-’15 16/16
22 Peters, Marcus CB 6-0 197 1/9/93 2 Washington Oakland, Calif. D1-’15 16/16
92 Poe, Dontari DT 6-3 346 8/18/90 5 Memphis Memphis, Tenn. D1-’12 15/13
24 Reaves, Darrin RB 5-10 215 4/17/93 2 Alabama-Birmingham Birmingham, Ala. FA-’15 0/0
75 Reid, Jah T 6-7 325 7/21/88 6 Central Florida Haines City, Fla. FA-’15 10/10
5 Santos, Cairo K 5-8 160 11/12/91 3 Tulane St. Augustine, Fla. FA-’14 16/0
71 Schwartz, Mitchell T 6-5 320 6/8/89 5 California Pacific Palisades, Calif. UFA(Cle)-’16 16/16*
42 Sherman, Anthony FB 5-10 242 12/11/88 6 Connecticut North Attleborough, Mass. T(Ariz)-’13 16/2
11 Smith, Alex QB 6-4 217 5/7/84 12 Utah La Mesa, Calif. T(SF)-’13 16/16
49 Sorensen, Daniel S 6-2 208 3/5/90 3 Brigham Young Colton, Calif. FA-’14 16/0
10 Streater, Rod WR 6-2 195 2/9/88 3 Temple Burlington, N.J. FA-’16 1/0*
79 Ta’amu, Alameda DT 6-3 348 8/23/90 3 Washington Kent, Wash. FA-’16 0*
13 Thomas, De’Anthony WR 5-8 176 1/5/93 3 Oregon Los Angeles, Calif. D4-’14 10/1
32 Ware, Spencer RB 5-10 229 11/23/91 3 Louisiana State Eunice, La. FA-’15 11/2
35 West, Charcandrick RB 5-10 205 6/2/91 3 Abilene Christian Springhill, La. FA-’14 15/9
15 Williams, Mike WR 6-2 212 5/18/87 6 Syracuse Buffalo, N.Y. FA-’16 0*
98 Williams, Nick DL 6-4 309 2/21/90 3 Samford Birmingham, Ala. FA-’14 14/0
12 Wilson, Albert WR 5-9 200 7/12/92 3 Georgia State Port St. Lucie, Fla. FA-’14 14/12
53 Wilson, Ramik LB 6-2 237 8/19/92 2 Georgia Tampa, Fla. D4-’15 10/2
41 Winchester, James LS 6-3 240 8/6/89 2 Oklahoma Washington, Okla. FA-’15 16/0
51 Zombo, Frank LB 6-3 254 3/5/87 7 Central Michigan Sterling Heights, Mich. FA-’14 16/2

90 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* S.Brown last active with New York Giants in ’14; Carr last active in Tampa Bay in ’13; Cameron spent ’15 training camp with New
England; Devey played 15 games with San Francisco; Massaquoi last active with Atlanta in ’14; Millard last active with San Francisco in
’14; Mulumba played 6 games with Green Bay; Nowak played 9 games with Seattle; Schwartz played 16 games with Cleveland; Streater
played 1 game with Oakland; Ta’amu last active with Arizona in ’14; M. Williams last active with Buffalo in ’14.

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Adams, Tyrell (1) LB 6-2 228 4/11/92 West Georgia Atlanta, Ga. FA-’15
Brown, Da’Ron (1) WR 6-0 199 9/21/91 Northern Illinois Chicago, Ill. FA-’15
Cook, Kenny (1) WR 6-4 218 5/20/92 Gardner-Webb Cross Hill, S.C. FA
Davis, Nico (1) DE 6-5 285 6/18/90 Liberty Buffalo, N.Y. FA
Edwards, Shannon CB 5-10 194 6/12/94 Fresno State Bakersfield, Calif. FA
Ehinger, Parker OL 6-6 310 12/30/92 Cincinnati Rockford, Mich. D4a
Fragel, Reid (1) OL 6-8 308 2/22/91 Ohio State Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. FA-’15
Gibson, Laurence (1) T 6-6 315 3/19/91 Virginia Tech Fort Bragg, N.C. FA-’15
Harris, Vernon CB 6-1 197 6/25/94 Dartmouth Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA
Hill, Tyreek WR 5-10 185 3/1/94 West Alabama Pearson, Ga. D5b
Hogan, Kevin QB 6-3 218 10/20/92 Stanford McLean, Va. D5a
Jones, Chris DL 6-6 310 7/3/94 Mississippi State Houston, Miss. D2
Jones, Tre CB 5-10 194 9/27/94 Mount Union Twinsburg, Ohio FA
Kieras, Tautvydas (1) LB 6-3 271 10/17/91 Mississippi State Vilnius, Lithuania FA
Lewis, Keith (1) DB 6-1 190 3/28/89 Lynchurg Chicago, Ill. FA
Mathews, Mitch WR 6-5 222 4/15/91 Brigham Young Beaverton, Ore. FA
Mayweather, Garrick G 6-2 319 10/30/94 Fordham Baton Rouge, La. FA
Moore, Kashif (1) WR 5-9 180 11/21/88 Connecticut Burlington, N.J. FA
Munyer, Daniel (1) OL 6-1 305 3/4/92 Colorado Los Angeles, Calif. FA
Murray, Eric DB 5-11 199 1/7/94 Minnesota Milwaukee, Wisc. D4b
Nicolas, Dadi LB 6-3 235 9/29/92 Virginia Tech Port-au-Prince, Haiti D6b
Obada, Efe (1) LB 6-6 265 4/13/92 No College London, England FA
Pughsley, Jarrod (1) OL 6-4 310 12/18/90 Akron Lima, Ohio FA-’15
Randolph, Shak CB 6-3 213 2/14/94 Southern Methodist Waco, Texas FA
Robinson, Demarcus WR 6-1 203 9/21/94 Florida Fort Valley, Ga. D4c
Russell, KeiVarae CB 5-11 192 10/19/93 Notre Dame Everett, Wash. D3
Smith, Terrance ILB 6-2 235 5/3/93 Florida State Decatur, Ga. FA
Staten, Jimmy (1) DL 6-3 311 5/4/91 Middle Tennessee State Waycross, Ga. FA-’15
Sterup, Zach T 6-9 318 5/14/92 Nebraska Hastings, Neb. FA
Travis, Ross (1) TE 6-7 235 1/9/93 Penn State Chaska, Minn. FA-’15
White, D.J. DB 5-11 193 9/9/93 Georgia Tech Atlanta, Ga. D6a

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 91

COACHING STAFF receiver Eastern Illinois 1975. No pro playing Georgia Force (AFL) 2005-06, Columbus
Head Coach, experience. College coach: Illinois 1978-1984, Destroyers (AFL) 2007-08. Pro coach:
Andy Reid Northern Arizona 1986-89, Utah 1990, Philadelphia Eagles 2011-12, joined Chiefs in
Pro Career: Andy Reid was named the 13th head Wisconsin 1991-98. Pro coach: Indianapolis 2013.
coach in Kansas City Chiefs history on January Colts 1985, Philadelphia Eagles 1999-2005, Brock Olivo, asst. special teams; born June 24,
7, 2013. He is entering his 25th season in the Minnesota Vikings 2006-2010 (head coach), 1976, St. Louis, Mo. Running back Missouri
National Football League and his 18th season as Cleveland Browns 2012, joined Chiefs in 2013. 1994-97. Pro running back Detroit Lions 1998-
an NFL head coach in 2016. In his third season Travis Crittenden, asst. strength and condition- 2001, S.S. Lazio Marines (IFL) 2002. College
with the Chiefs, Reid and company tallied 11 ing; born April 6, 1981, Wichita Falls, Texas. coach: Coastal Carolina 2012-13. Pro coach:
wins, bringing his total to 31 victories in his first Tackle Fork Union Military Academy 1999, Joined Chiefs in 2014.
three seasons with Kansas City. Additionally, Virginia Military Institute 2000-03. No pro playing Britt Reid, defensive line; born April 28, 1985,
Reid led the Chiefs to their first playoff win since experience. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2012, San Francisco, Calif. Attended Temple. No col-
1993, with a win at Houston in the Wild Card joined Chiefs in 2013. lege or pro playing experience. College coach:
round of the 2015 playoffs. In his first season in David Culley, asst. head coach/wide receivers; Temple 2012. Pro coach: Joined Chiefs in 2013.
Kansas City in 2013, Reid helped orchestrate the born September 17, 1955, Sparta, Tenn. Ryan Reynolds, asst. strength and conditioning;
franchise’s best single-season turnaround as the Quarterback Vanderbilt 1973-77. No pro playing born January 15, 1981, Fulton, Ill. Attended
Chiefs won 11 games and made the playoffs experience. College coach: Austin Peay 1978, Iowa. No college or pro playing experience.
after going 2-14 the previous season. Prior to Vanderbilt 1979-1981, Middle Tennessee State College coach: Louisville 2008, Arizona State
joining the Chiefs, Reid served as the head coach 1982, Tennessee-Chattanooga 1983, Western 2008-2012, UCLA 2012-15. Pro coach: Joined
of the Philadelphia Eagles for 14 years (1999- Kentucky 1984, Southwestern Louisiana 1985- Chiefs in 2016.
2012), earning NFL Coach of the Year honors 88, Texas-El Paso 1989-1990, Texas A&M 1991- Barry Rubin, strength and conditioning; born
three times. Reid compiled the best win total 93. Pro coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1994-95, June 25, 1957, Monroe, La. Running
(140) and playoff victory total (10) in Pittsburgh Steelers 1996-98, Philadelphia Eagles back/punter Louisiana State 1976-77, tight
Philadelphia Eagles history. He captured six divi- 1999-2012, joined Chiefs in 2013. end/punter Northwestern (La.) State 1978-1980.
sion titles and five trips to the NFC Championship Mark DeLeone, asst. linebackers; born June 30, No pro playing experience. College coach:
Game. In his 24-year NFL coaching career, 1987, Syracuse, N.Y. Attended Iowa. No college Northeast Louisiana 1981-83, 1987-1990,
Reid’s teams have made the playoffs 17 times or pro playing experience. College coach: Florida 1994, Louisiana State 1984-85. Pro coach:
(19-16 record). He has coached in the Super 2010, Temple 2011. Pro coach: New York Jets Green Bay Packers 1995-2005, Philadelphia
Bowl three times and the NFC Championship 2012, joined Chiefs in 2013. Eagles 2008-2012, joined Chiefs in 2013.
Game nine times. Reid was an assistant coach Gary Gibbs, linebackers; born August 13, 1952, Mike Smith, asst. defensive line; born
with Green Bay (1992-98) under Mike Holmgren. Beaumont, Texas. Linebacker Oklahoma 1972- September 2, 1981, Lubbock, Texas. Attended
With Green Bay, Reid helped the Packers earn a 74. No pro playing experience. College coach: Texas Tech. Linebacker Texas Tech 2000-03. Pro
Super Bowl XXXI victory over New England. Oklahoma 1975-1994 (head coach 1989-1994), linebacker Baltimore Ravens 2005-08. College
Career record: 172-121-1. Georgia 2000, Louisiana State 2001. Pro coach: coach: Hawaii 2009, Texas Tech 2013-15. Pro
Background: Coached at Brigham Young (1982), Dallas Cowboys 2002-04, New Orleans Saints coach: New York Jets 2010-12, joined Chiefs in
San Francisco State (1983-85) Northern Arizona 2006-08, joined Chiefs in 2009. 2016.
(1986), Texas-El Paso (1987-88) and Missouri Al Harris, cornerbacks/secondary; born Bob Sutton, defensive coordinator; born January
(1989-1991). Reid was an offensive tackle and December 7, 1974, Pompano Beach, Fla. 28, 1951, Ypsilanti, Mich. Attended Eastern
guard on three BYU Cougar Holiday Bowl teams. Cornerback Trinity Valley (Texas) C.C. 1993-94, Michigan. No college or pro playing experience.
Reid graduated with a bachelor’s degree in phys- Texas A&M-Kingsville 1995-96. Pro cornerback College coach: Michigan 1972-73, Syracuse
ical education. He also received a master’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1997, Philadelphia 1974, Western Michigan 1975-76, 1980-81,
degree in professional leadership in physical Eagles 1998-2002, Green Bay Packers 2003-09, Illinois 1977-79, North Carolina State 1982,
education and athletics. Miami Dolphins 2010, St. Louis Rams 2011. Pro Army 1983-1999 (head coach 1991-99). Pro
Personal: Born March 19, 1958 in Los Angeles, coach: Miami Dolphins 2012, joined Chiefs in coach: N.Y. Jets 2000-2012, joined Chiefs in
Calif. Reid and his wife Tammy have five chil- 2013. 2013.
dren—Britt, Crosby, Drew Ann, Spencer, the late Andy Heck, offensive line; born January 1, 1967, Emmitt Thomas, defensive backs; born June 3,
Garrett, and grandson, Maverick. Fargo, N.D. Tackle Notre Dame 1985-88. Pro 1943, Angleton, Texas. Quarterback/wide receiv-
tackle Seattle Seahawks 1989-1993, Chicago er Bishop (Texas) College 1963-65. Pro defen-
ASSISTANT COACHES Bears 1994-98, Washington Redskins 1999- sive back Kansas City Chiefs 1966-1978.
Eric Bieniemy, running backs; born August 15, 2000. College coach: Virginia 2001-03. Pro Inducted into Pro Football Hall of Fame 2008.
1969, New Orleans, La. Running back Colorado coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 2004-2012, joined College coach: Central Missouri State 1979-
1987-1990. Pro running back San Diego 1991- Chiefs in 2013. 1980. Pro coach: St. Louis Cardinals 1981-85,
94, Cincinnati Bengals 1995-98, Philadelphia Corey Matthaei, asst. quarterbacks; born Washington Redskins 1986-1994, Philadelphia
Eagles 1999. College coach: Colorado 2001-02, February 1, 1985, Fircrest, Wash. Offensive line- Eagles 1995-98, Green Bay Packers 1999,
2009-2012, UCLA 2003-05. Pro coach: man Willamette 2003-06. No pro playing experi- Minnesota Vikings 2000-01, Atlanta Falcons
Minnesota Vikings 2006-2010, joined Chiefs in ence. College coach: Willamette 2007. Pro 2002-09 (interim head coach 2007), re-joined
2013. coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2008-2012, joined Chiefs in 2010.
Tommy Brasher, special projects; born Dec. 30, Chiefs in 2013. Dave Toub, special teams coordinator; born June
1940, El Dorado, Ark. Linebacker Arkansas Tom Melvin, tight ends; born October 1, 1961, 1, 1962, Ossining, N.Y. Offensive lineman
1962-63. No pro playing experience. College Redwood City, Calif. Offensive lineman San Springfield College 1980-81, Texas-El Paso
coach: Arkansas 1970, Virginia Tech 1971, Francisco State 1982-83. No pro playing experi- 1983-84. No pro playing experience. College
Northeast Louisiana 1974, 1976, Southern ence. College coach: San Francisco State 1984- coach: Texas El-Paso 1987-89, Missouri 1989-
Methodist 1977-1981. Pro coach: Shreveport 85, Northern Arizona 1986-87, California-Santa 2000. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2001-03,
Steamer (WFL) 1975, New England Patriots Barbara 1988-1990, Occidental College 1991- Chicago Bears 2004-2012, joined Chiefs in
1982-84, Philadelphia Eagles 1985, Atlanta 98. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1999-2012, 2013.
Falcons 1986-89, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1990, joined Chiefs in 2013. Devin Woodhouse, asst. strength and condition-
Seattle Seahawks 1992-98, Philadelphia Eagles Matt Nagy, co-offensive coordinator; born April ing; born October 8, 1990, Pomona, Calif.
1999-2005, 2012, joined Chiefs in 2013. 24, 1978, Plainfield, N.J. Quarterback Delaware Attended Utah Valley University. No college or pro
Brad Childress, co-offensive coordinator; born 1996-2000. Pro quarterback New York Dragons playing experience. Pro coach: Chiefs 2014-15
June 27, 1956, Aurora, Ill. Quarterback/wide (AFL) 2002, Carolina Cobras (AFL) 2004, as intern, joined Chiefs staff in 2016.

92 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman of the Board/Managing General (443-345-4)
Partner: Stephen M. Ross Records include postseason games
Vice-Chairman/Partner: Jorge Perez 1966-69 George Wilson.............15-39-2
Vice-Chairman: Donald F. Shula 1970-1995 Don Shula ...............274-147-2
Vice-Chairman: Matt Higgins 1996-99 Jimmy Johnson...........38-31-0
President and Chief Executive Officer: 2000-04 Dave Wannstedt* ........43-33-0
Tom Garfinkel 2004 Jim Bates..........................3-4-0
Executive Vice President of Football 2005-06 Nick Saban..................15-17-0
Operations: Mike Tannenbaum 2007 Cam Cameron ...............1-15-0
General Manager: Chris Grier 2008-2011 Tony Sparano** ..........29-33-0
Executive Vice President of Football 2011 Todd Bowles ...................2-1-0
Administration: Dawn Aponte 2012-15 Joe Philbin*** ............24-28-0
Senior Vice President of Operations: 2015 Dan Campbell..................5-7-0
Todd Boyan *Resigned after nine games in 2004
American Football Conference Senior Vice President-Chief Financial **Released after 13 games in 2011
East Division ***Released after four games in 2015
Officer: Chris Clements
Team Colors: Aqua, Orange, White, and Senior Vice President-Chief Technology
Blue Officer: Tery Howard PAID ATTENDANCE
7500 S.W. 30th Street Senior Vice President of Communications Home 516,008 Away 524,434
Davie, Florida 33314 and Community Affairs: Jason Jenkins Total 1,040,442
Telephone: (954) 452-7000 Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Single-game home record,
Officer: Todd Kline 75,283 (10/27/96)
2016 SCHEDULE Senior Vice President, Special Projects Single-season home record, 592,161
PRESEASON and Alumni Relations: Nat Moore (1999)
Aug. 12 at New York Giants .............7:00 Senior Vice President, General Counsel:
Aug. 19 at Dallas.............................8:00 Myles Pistorius 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Aug. 25 Atlanta...............................8:00 Senior Vice President of Stadium Round Name Pos. College
Sep. 1/2 Tennessee ..........................TBD Renovation: Bill Senn 1 Laremy Tunsil T Mississippi
Senior Vice President-Chief Marketing 2 Xavien Howard DB Baylor
REGULAR SEASON Officer: Jeremy Walls 3 Kenyan Drake RB Alabama
Sep. 11 at Seattle ...........................4:05 Vice President of Partnership Activation Leonte Carroo WR Rutgers
Sep. 18 at New England .................1:00 and Retention: Nicole Bienert 6 Jakeem Grant WR Texas Tech
Sep. 25 Cleveland .........................1:00 Vice President of Ticket Sales and Jordan Lucas DB Penn St.
Sep. 29 at Cincinnati (Thu)..............8:25 Service: Nick Forro 7 Brandon Doughty QB Western Kentucky
Oct. 9 Tennessee ........................1:00 Vice President of Guest and VIP Thomas Duarte TE UCLA
Oct. 16 Pittsburgh .........................1:00 Services: Bill Galante
Oct. 23 Buffalo ..............................1:00 Vice President of Historical Affairs:
Harvey Greene
Nov. 6 New York Jets ...................1:00
Special Advisor to the President and
Nov. 13 at San Diego .....................4:05
Nov. 20 at Los Angeles ..................4:05 CEO: Dan Marino
Nov. 27 San Francisco ..................1:00 Director of Player Personnel: Joe Schoen
Dec. 4 at Baltimore .......................1:00 Director of Pro Personnel: Anthony Hunt
Dec. 11 Arizona .............................1:00 Director of Football Administration:
Dec. 17 at New York Jets (Sat) ........8:25 Ryan Herman
Dec. 24 at Buffalo (Sat) ...................1:00 Director of Sports Performance:
Jan. 1 New England ....................1:00 Wayne Diesel
* All times ET Head Athletic Trainer: Ryan Grove
Team Nutritionist: Mary Ellen Bingham
Stadium: Miami Gardens, Fla. Equipment Manager: Joe Cimino
(opened in 1987) Video Director: Mike Nobler
•Capacity: 64,500 Director of Player Engagement:
2269 Dan Marino Blvd. Kaleb Thornhill
Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Director of Team Security: Drew Brooks
Playing Surface: Grass (PAT) Director of Football Communications:
Training Camp: Baptist Health Training Facility at Matt Taylor
Nova Southeastern University Senior Director of Team Operations:
7500 S.W. 30th Street Scott Bullis
Davie, Florida 33314 Senior Director of Community Affairs:
Twan Russell
Senior Director of Security: Joe Cicini
Senior Director of Digital and Print Media:
Scott Stone
Senior Director of Brand Impact and
Entertainment: Dorie Grogan
Senior Director of Human Resources:
Brandon Shore
Senior Director of Programming and
Production: Jeff Griffith

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 93

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Tannehill 586 363 4208 61.9 24 12 45/420 88.7
08/13 L 10-27 at Chicago Landry 1 1 9 100.0 0 0 0/0 104.2
08/22 L 30-31 at Carolina M. Moore 1 1 14 100.0 0 0 0/0 118.8
08/29 W 13-9 Atlanta Dolphins 588 365 4231 62.1 24 12 45/420 88.9
09/03 L 17-22 Tampa Bay Opponents 542 350 4225 64.6 31 13 31/225 97.4


Date Result Opponent
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Jones 5 104 20.8 42 2
09/13 W 17-10 at Washington
Franks 0 0 0 33/36 13/16 0 72 Grimes 4 20 5.0 17 0
09/20 L 20-23 at Jacksonville
Miller 8 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 Bowman 1 38 38.0 38 0
09/27 L 14-41 Buffalo
Landry 1 4 1 0/0 0/0 0 38 Shelby 1 22 22.0 22t 1
10/04 L 14-27 New York Jets
Matthews 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Hewitt 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/18 W 38-10 at Tennessee
Cameron 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Br. McCain 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 44-26 Houston
Parker 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Dolphins 13 184 14.2 42 3
10/29 L 7-36 at New England
Stills 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 12 176 14.7 43t 2
11/08 L 17-33 at Buffalo
Jones 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12
11/15 W 20-19 at Philadelphia
Stoneburner 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 L 14-24 Dallas
Ajayi 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Darr 92 4380 47.6 30 70
11/29 L 20-38 at New York Jets
Jennings 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Dolphins 92 4380 47.6 30 70
12/06 W 15-13 Baltimore
Shelby 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 77 3520 45.7 22 67
12/14 L 24-31 New York Giants
Sims 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/20 L 14-30 at San Diego
Tannehill 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/27 L 12-18 Indianapolis
D. Williams 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 W 20-10 New England
Dolphins 11 24 4 33/36 13/16 0 310 Landry 36 16 356 9.9 69t 1
Opponents 13 31 2 42/45 21/29 4 389 Grimes 4 0 59 14.8 28 0
SCORE BY PERIODS 2-Pt Conv: Ajayi, Landry Matthews 1 0 9 9.0 9 0
Dolphins 47 113 67 83 0 — 310 Dolphins 2-3, Opponents-0-1 Dolphins 41 16 424 10.3 69t 1
Opponents 96 127 65 101 0 — 389 Opponents 50 15 526 10.5 58 0
Miller 194 872 4.5 85t 8 KICKOFF
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Ajayi 49 187 3.8 24 1
Dolphins Opp. RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Tannehill 32 141 4.4 28 1 D. Williams 21 457 21.8 37 0
Total First Downs 291 351 Gray 31 122 3.9 16 0
Rushing 72 112
Landry 13 321 24.7 50 0
Landry 18 113 6.3 22t 1 L. James 2 54 27.0 29 0
Passing 194 203 D. Williams 16 59 3.7 19 0
Penalty 25 36
Jones 2 43 21.5 25 0
Matthews 1 4 4.0 4 0 Mostert 2 57 28.5 32 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 63/205 96/221 M. Moore 3 -2 -0.7 0 0
3rd Down Pct. 30.7 43.4
Ajayi 1 20 20.0 20 0
Dolphins 344 1496 4.3 85t 11 Vigil 1 6 6.0 6 0
4th Down: Made/Att 8/22 4/12 Opponents 502 2019 4.0 53 13
4th Down Pct. 36.4 33.3
Sheppard 1 0 0.0 0 0
Possession Avg. 27:22 32:38
Dolphins 43 958 22.3 50 0
RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 23 508 22.1 41 0
Total Net Yards 5307 6019 Landry 110 1157 10.5 50t 4
Avg. Per Game 331.7 376.2 Miller 47 397 8.4 54t 2
Total Plays 977 1075
Matthews 43 662 15.4 53t 4 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Play 5.4 5.6 Cameron 35 386 11.0 29 3
Net Yards Rushing 1496 2019
Franks 1/1 3/3 4/4 4/6 1/2
Stills 27 440 16.3 47t 3 Dolphins 1/1 3/3 4/4 4/6 1/2
Avg. Per Game 93.5 126.2 Parker 26 494 19.0 49 3
Total Rushes 344 502
Opponents 0/0 5/5 9/10 4/9 3/5
D. Williams 21 142 6.8 23 1
Net Yards Passing 3811 4000 Jennings 19 208 10.9 31 1 SACKS No.
Avg. Per Game 238.2 250.0 Sims 18 127 7.1 22 1 Vernon 7.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 45/420 31/225 Ajayi 7 90 12.9 20 0 Wake 7.0
Gross Yards 4231 4225 Gray 6 72 12.0 25 0 Suh 6.0
Att./Completions 588/365 542/350 Stoneburner 5 47 9.4 13 2 D. Moore 1.0
Completion Pct. 62.1 64.6 Tannehill 1 9 9.0 9 0 Shelby 3.5
Had Intercepted 12 13 Dolphins 365 4231 11.6 54t 24 Jones 2.0
Punts/Average 92/47.6 77/45.7 Opponents 350 4225 12.1 84t 31 Phillips 2.0
Net Punting Avg. 92/39.7 77/38.6
Kovacs 1.0
Penalties/Yards 134/1090 121/1005
C. McCain 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 23/7 12/3
Dolphins 31.0
Touchdowns 39 46
Opponents 45.0
Rushing 11 13
Passing 24 31
Returns 4 2

94 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Larry Csonka, 1968-1974, 1979 ........................................................6,737
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Dan Marino, 1983-1999...................................................................61,361
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Dan Marino, 1983-1999........................................................................420
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Mark Clayton, 1983-1992 .....................................................................550
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Mark Duper, 1982-1992 .....................................................................8,869
Interceptions ...................................................................Jake Scott, 1970-75................................................................................35
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brandon Fields, 2007-2014 ..................................................................46.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jeff Ogden, 2000-01 ............................................................................13.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Mercury Morris, 1969-1975.................................................................26.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Olindo Mare, 1997-2006 .......................................................................245
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Mark Clayton, 1983-1992 .......................................................................82
Points..............................................................................Olindo Mare, 1997-2006 ....................................................................1,048
*Sacks............................................................................Jason Taylor, 1997-2007, 2009, 2011................................................131.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ricky Williams, 2002 .........................................................................1,853
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Dan Marino, 1984 ..............................................................................5,084
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Dan Marino, 1984 ...................................................................................48
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jarvis Landry, 2015 ..............................................................................110
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Mark Clayton, 1984............................................................................1,389
Interceptions ...................................................................Dick Westmoreland, 1967 .......................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brandon Fields, 2012 ...........................................................................50.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jeff Ogden, 2000 .................................................................................17.0
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Duriel Harris, 1976...............................................................................32.9
Field Goals ......................................................................Olindo Mare, 1999 ..................................................................................39
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Mark Clayton, 1984.................................................................................18
Points..............................................................................Olindo Mare, 1999 ................................................................................144
*Sacks............................................................................Jason Taylor, 2002 ...............................................................................18.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ricky Williams, 12-1-02........................................................................228
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Dan Marino, 10-23-88...........................................................................521
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Bob Griese, 11-24-77 ...............................................................................6
Dan Marino, 9-21-86.................................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Chris Chambers, 12-4-05........................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Brian Hartline, 9-30-12 .........................................................................253
Interceptions ...................................................................Dick Anderson, 12-3-73........................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Olindo Mare, 10-17-99..............................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Paul Warfield, 12-15-73 ............................................................................4
Mark Ingram, 11-27-94.............................................................................4
Ronnie Brown, 9-21-08.............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Paul Warfield, 12-15-73 ..........................................................................24
Mark Ingram, 11-27-94...........................................................................24
Ronnie Brown, 9-21-08...........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Cameron Wake, 9-30-12 ........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 95

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
24 Abdul-Quddus, Isa S 6-1 201 8/3/89 6 Fordham Union, N.J. UFA(Det)-’16 16/8*
35 Aikens, Walt S 6-1 208 6/19/91 3 Liberty Charlotte, N.C. D4-’14 16/4
23 Ajayi, Jay RB 6-0 228 6/15/93 2 Boise State Plano, Texas D5b-’15 9/0
76 Albert, Branden T 6-5 320 11/4/84 9 Virginia Glen Burnie, Md. UFA(KC)-’14 14/14
47 t- Alonso, Kiko LB 6-3 238 8/14/90 4 Oregon Los Gatos, Calif. T(Phil)-’16 11/1*
50 Branch, Andre DE 6-5 265 7/14/89 5 Clemson Richmond, Va. UFA(Jax)-’16 13/9*
74 Bushrod, Jermon G/T 6-5 320 8/19/84 10 Towson Fredericksburg, Va. FA-’16 12/4*
84 Cameron, Jordan TE 6-5 260 8/7/88 6 Southern California Newbury Park, Calif. UFA(Cle)-’15 16/16
38 Chekwa, Chimdi CB 6-0 190 1/7/88 4 Ohio State Clermont, Fla. FA-’16 0*
4 Darr, Matt P 6-1 220 7/2/92 2 Tennessee Bakersfield, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
#Delmas, Louis S 5-11 208 4/12/87 8 Western Michigan North Miami Beach, Fla. FA-’14 0*
92 Denney, John LS 6-5 252 12/13/78 12 Brigham Young Thornton, Colo. FA-’05 16/0
75 Douglas, Jamil G 6-4 310 2/28/92 2 Arizona State Cypress, Calif. D4-’15 16/6
2 Dysert, Zac QB 6-3 221 2/8/90 2 Miami (OH) Ada, Ohio FA-’16 0*
78 Fede, Terrence DE 6-4 278 11/19/91 3 Marist Nyack, N.Y. D7-’14 15/0
3 Franks, Andrew K 6-1 205 1/11/93 2 RPI Carmel, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
27 Gary, Shamiel S 6-0 217 5/31/90 2 Oklahoma State Tulsa, Okla. FA-’15 6/1
48 Gray, MarQueis TE 6-4 242 11/7/89 4 Minnesota Indianapolis, Ind. FA-’16 4/0*
15 Hazel, Matt WR 6-1 205 1/23/92 2 Coastal Carolina North Agusta, S.C. D6-’14 5/1
46 Hewitt, Neville LB 6-2 235 4/6/93 2 Marshall Conyers, Ga. FA-’15 16/2
70 James, Ja’Wuan T 6-6 315 6/3/92 3 Tennessee Suwannee, Ga. D1-’14 7/7
53 Jenkins, Jelani LB 6-0 243 3/13/92 4 Florida Olney, Md. D4a-’13 13/13
68 John, Ulrick T 6-5 311 5/20/92 3 Georgia State Hinesville, Ga. FA-’15 2/0*
56 Johnson, James-Michael LB 6-1 240 8/20/89 5 Nevada Vallego, Calif. FA-’15 6/0*
52 Jones, Chris DT 6-1 295 7/12/90 4 Bowling Green Brownsburg, Ind. W(NE)-’16 0*
85 Jones, Dominique TE 6-3 270 8/15/87 3 Shepherd San Diego, Calif. FA-’16 0*
98 Jones, Jason DE 6-5 275 5/23/86 9 Eastern Michigan Southfield, Mich. FA-’16 15/15*
20 Jones, Reshad S 6-1 218 2/25/88 7 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. D5b-’10 16/16
14 Landry, Jarvis WR 5-11 202 11/28/92 3 Louisiana State Lutcher, La. D2-’14 16/14
36 Lippett, Tony CB 6-3 200 7/2/92 2 Michigan State Detroit, Mich. D5d-’15 9/0
41 t- Maxwell, Byron CB 6-1 207 2/23/88 6 Clemson North Charleston, S.C. T(Phil)-’16 14/14*
28 McCain, Bobby CB 5-11 196 8/18/93 2 Memphis Oxford, Ala. D5a-’15 16/4
58 McCain, Chris DE 6-5 245 11/21/91 3 California Greensboro, N.C. FA-’14 8/0
66 McClendon, Jacques C/G 6-3 320 12/10/87 4 Tennessee Cleveland, Tenn. FA-’15 3/0
55 Misi, Koa LB 6-3 255 1/17/87 7 Utah Santa Rosa, Calif. D2-’10 13/13
90 Mitchell, Earl DT 6-3 310 9/25/87 7 Arizona Houston, Texas UFA(Hou)-’14 12/12
8 Moore, Matt QB 6-3 220 8/9/84 9 Oregon State Newhall, Calif. UFA(Car)-’11 1/0
71 Painter, Vinston G 6-4 310 10/11/89 2 Virginia Tech Norfolk, Va. FA-’16 0*
11 Parker, DeVante WR 6-3 218 1/20/93 2 Louisville Louisville, Ky. D1-’15 14/4
29 Patmon, Tyler CB 5-10 188 1/26/91 3 Oklahoma State Round Rock, Texas FA-’15 13/2*
42 Paysinger, Spencer LB 6-2 250 6/28/88 6 Oregon Los Angeles, Calif. UFA(NYG)-’15 14/0
22 Pead, Isaiah RB 5-10 204 12/14/89 4 Cincinnati Columbus, Ohio FA-’16 2/0*
97 Phillips, Jordan DT 6-6 330 10/15/92 2 Oklahoma Towanda, Kan. D2-’15 15/4
51 Pouncey, Mike C 6-5 305 7/24/89 6 Florida Lakeland, Fla. D1-’11 14/14
80 Sims, Dion TE 6-4 268 2/18/91 4 Michigan State Detroit, Mich. D4b-’13 13/4
#Smith, Shelley G 6-4 310 5/21/87 7 Colorado State Phoenix, Ariz. FA-’15 0*
10 Stills, Kenny WR 6-0 198 4/22/92 4 Oklahoma Carlsbad, Calif. T(NO)-’15 16/8
86 Stoneburner, Jake TE 6-3 250 8/25/89 3 Ohio State Dublin, Ohio FA-’14 11/1
93 Suh, Ndamukong DT 6-4 320 1/6/87 7 Nebraska Portland, Oregon UFA(Det)-’15 16/16
17 Tannehill, Ryan QB 6-4 220 7/27/88 5 Texas A&M Big Spring, Texas D1-’12 16/16
21 Taylor, Jamar CB 5-10 195 9/29/90 4 Boise State San Diego, Calif. D2-’13 12/6
63 Thomas, Dallas G 6-5 315 10/30/89 4 Tennessee Baton Rouge, La. D3a-’13 16/16
30 Thomas, Daniel RB 6-1 235 10/29/87 5 Kansas State Hilliard, Fla. FA-’16 0*
5 Thomas, Logan QB 6-6 250 7/1/91 2 Virginia Tech Lynchburg, Va. W(Ariz)-’15 0*
31 Thomas, Michael S 5-11 201 3/17/90 4 Stanford Houston, Texas FA-’13 16/13
77 Turner, Billy G 6-5 302 10/17/91 2 North Dakota State Shoreview, Minn. D3-’14 13/12
60 Urbik, Kraig C/G 6-5 324 9/23/85 8 Wisconsin Hudson, Wis. FA-’16 16/4*
49 Vigil, Zach LB 6-2 240 3/28/91 2 Utah State Clearfield, Utah FA-’15 16/2
91 Wake, Cameron DE 6-3 270 1/30/82 8 Penn State Hyattsville, Md. FA-’09 7/7
18 Whalen, Griff WR 5-11 190 3/1/90 5 Stanford Sylvania, Ohio FA-’16 14/0*
26 Williams, Damien RB 5-11 225 4/3/92 3 Oklahoma San Diego, Calif. FA-’14 16/0
94 Williams, Mario DE 6-6 292 1/31/85 11 North Carolina State Richlands, N.C. FA-’16 15/15*
79 Young, Sam T 6-8 320 6/24/87 7 Notre Dame Coral Springs, Fla. UFA(Jax)-’16 16/3*

96 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Abdul-Quddus played 16 games with Detroit in ’15; Alonso played 11 games with Philadelphia; Branch played 13 games with
Jacksonville; Bushrod played 12 games with Chicago; Chekwa last active with Oakland in ’14; Delmas missed ’15 season because of
injury; Dysert last active with Denver in ’14; Gray played 4 games with Buffalo; Johnson played in 1 game with Tampa Bay, 2 games
with Jacksonville and 3 games with Miami; C. Jones missed ’15 season because of injury with New England; D. Jones last active with
Denver in ’14; J. Jones played 15 games with Detroit; Manning last active with N.Y. Giants in ’14; Maxwell played 14 games with
Philadelphia; Painter last active with Cleveland in ’14; Patmon played 11 games with Dallas and 2 games with Miami; Pead played 2
games with St. Louis; Smith last active with Miami in ’14; D. Thomas last active with Miami in ’14; L. Thomas last active with Arizona in
’14; Urbik played 16 games with Buffalo; Whalen played 14 games with Indianapolis; Williams played 15 games with Buffalo; Young
played 16 games with Jacksonville.

# Unrestricted free agent; subject to developments.

t- Dolphins traded for Alonso and Maxwell (Phil).

Players lost to free agency (4): WR Rishard Matthews (Tenn; 11 games in ’15), RB Lamar Miller (Hou; 16), DE Derrick Shelby (Atl; 16),
DE Olivier Vernon (NYG; 16).

Also played with Dolphins in ’15—CB Zack Bowman (10 games), C Sam Brenner (4), DE Quinton Coples (6), T Jason Fox (15),
DT A.J. Francis (1), RB Jonas Gray (6), CB Brent Grimes (15), RB LaMichael James (1), WR Greg Jennings (16), S Jordan Kovacs (11),
G/T Jeff Linkenbach (9), DE Damontre Moore (3), CB Brice McCain (14), DT C.J. Mosley (11), LB Kelvin Sheppard (16),
TE Brandon Williams (4), DE Jordan Williams (2)

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Blount, Akil LB 6-2 243 7/2/94 Florida A&M Pittsburgh, Pa. FA
Burgess, James LB 6-0 231 3/9/94 Louisville Homestead, Fla. FA
Carroo, Leonte WR 6-1 215 1/24/94 Rutgers Edison, N.J. D3b
Carter, Ruben C/G 6-4 306 12/1/92 Toledo Miami, Fla. FA
Coleman, Deandre (1) DT 6-3 324 1/27/91 California Seattle, Wash. FA-'15
Cruz, A.J. (1) WR 5-9 195 2/20/91 Brown Lake Forest, Calif. FA
DiSalvo, Ryan LS 6-4 253 1/20/94 San Jose State Hollister, Calif. FA
Doughty, Brandon QB 6-3 210 10/6/91 Western Kentucky Davie, Fla. D7a
Drake, Kenyan RB 6-1 210 1/26/94 Alabama Powder Springs, Ga. D3a
Duarte, Thomas TE 6-2 225 3/30/95 UCLA Fullerton, Calif. D7b
Ekpre-Olomu, Ifo (1) CB 5-9 194 7/10/93 Oregon Chino Hills, Calif. W(Cle)
Grant, Jakeem WR 5-7 168 10/30/92 Texas Tech Mesquite, Texas D6a
Gray, Tyler LB 6-4 232 2/17/93 Boise State Templeton, Calif. FA
Hendy, A.J. S 6-0 208 4/8/93 Maryland Bowie, Md. FA
Howard, Xavien CB 6-2 200 7/4/93 Baylor Houston, Texas D2
Hughes, Gabe TE 6-4 240 10/15/93 Florida Tech Lighthouse Point, Fla. FA
Huguenin, Farrington DE 6-4 282 5/8/92 Kentucky Columbia, S.C. FA
Hull, Mike (1) LB 6-0 237 5/25/91 Penn State Cononsburg, Pa. FA-'15
Koehn, Marshall K 6-0 200 8/29/92 Iowa Solon, Iowa FA
Laing, Cleyon (1) DE 6-4 290 11/21/90 Iowa State Edmonton, Alberta FA
Lucas, Jordan CB 6-0 199 8/2/93 Penn State New Rochelle, N.Y. D6b
Murphy, Tyler (1) WR 6-2 213 1/12/92 Boston College Wethersfield, Conn. FA
Pitts, Lafayette CB 5-11 195 9/24/92 Pittsburgh Duquesne, Pa. FA
Scott, Rashawn WR 6-2 203 1/29/92 Miami Melbourne, Fla. FA
Shippen, Brandon WR 5-11 189 5/17/94 Temple Norristown, Pa. FA
Steen, Anthony (1) G 6-3 309 5/9/90 Alabama Clarksdale, Miss. FA
Tuaau, Charles (1) DT 6-5 310 1/4/92 TAMU-Commerce Wahiawa, Hawaii FA
Tunsil, Laremy G/T 6-5 305 9/2/94 Mississippi Lake City, Fla. D1
Warmsley, Julius (1) DE 6-2 276 5/15/90 Tulane Baton Rouge, La. FA
Williams, Jordan (1) DE 6-4 287 3/23/93 Tennessee Gainesville, Fla. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 97

COACHING STAFF Bengals 2014-15, joined Dolphins in 2016. 15, joined Dolphins in 2016.
Head Coach, Clyde Christensen, offensive coordinator; Chris Kuper, offensive quality control; born
Adam Gase born January 28, 1956, Covina, Calif. December 19, 1982, Anchorage, Alaska.
Pro Career: Became the 12th head coach in Quarterback Fresno City College 1975, North Guard North Dakota State 2001-05. Pro
Dolphins history on Jan. 9, 2016. Gase Carolina 1976-78. No pro playing experi- guard Denver Broncos 2006-2013. Pro
joined Miami after serving as the offensive ence. College coach: Mississippi 1979, East coach: Joined Dolphins in 2016.
coordinator for the Chicago Bears in 2015. In Tennessee State 1980-82, Temple 1983-85, Marwan Maalouf, asst. special teams; born
his lone season with the Bears, Gase helped East Carolina 1986-88, Holy Cross 1989- November 26, 1976, Strongsville, Ohio.
improve the team’s rushing attack from 27th 1990, South Carolina 1991, Maryland 1992- Guard Baldwin-Wallace 1997-99. No pro
in the NFL to 11th. He also helped Jay Cutler 93, Clemson, 1994-95. Pro coach: Tampa playing experience. College coach: Baldwin-
post the highest quarterback rating of his Bay Buccaneers 1996-2001, Indianapolis Wallace 2000, Fordham 2001, Rutgers
career. Prior to Chicago, Gase spent six sea- Colts 2002-2015, joined Dolphins in 2016. 2002-03. Pro coach: Cleveland Browns
sons (2009-2014) with the Denver Broncos. Shane Day, tight ends; born September 27, 2004-06, Baltimore Ravens 2008-2011,
In Gase’s first season as offensive coordina- 1974, Manhattan, Kan. Wide receiver Indianapolis Colts 2012, joined Dolphins in
tor (2013), the Broncos set NFL records in Rhodes College 1995-96. No pro playing 2013.
both points (606) and touchdowns (76). He experience. College coach: Michigan 2005- Rusty McKinney, defensive quality control;
began his NFL career as a scouting assistant 06, Connecticut 2012-13. Pro coach: San born October 17, 1980, Fairfax County, Va.
for the Detroit Lions (2003-04) and coached Francisco 49ers 2007-09, Chicago Bears Linebacker Towson 1998-2001. No pro play-
the Lions (2005-07) and San Francisco 2010-11, Washington Redskins 2014-15, ing experience. College coach: Saint Anselm
49ers (2008). Career record: 0-0. joined Dolphins in 2016. 2008, Bentley University 2009-2013. Pro
Background: Gase earned his bachelor’s Chris Foerster, offensive line; born October coach: Cleveland Browns 2014-15, joined
degree from Michigan State, where he was a 12, 1961, Milwaukee, Wisc. Center Colorado Dolphins in 2016.
student assistant. He was a gradu- State 1979-1982. No pro playing experience. Dave Puloka, head strength and condition-
ate/recruiting assistant at LSU (2000-03). College coach: Colorado State 1983-87, ing; born January 12, 1979, Arlington, Mass.
Personal: Born March 29, 1978 in Ypsilanti, Stanford 1988-1991, Minnesota 1992. Pro Linebacker Holy Cross 1997-2000. No pro
Mich. He and his wife, Jennifer, have a coach: Minnesota Vikings 1993-95, Tampa playing experience. College coach: Stevens
daughter, McKenzie, and two sons, A.J. and Bay Buccaneers 1996-2001, Indianapolis Institute of Technology 2005, Virginia 2006.
Wyatt. Colts 2002-03, Miami Dolphins 2004, Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 2007, joined
Baltimore Ravens 2005-07, San Francisco Dolphins in 2008.
ASSISTANT COACHES 49ers 2008-09, 2015, Washington Redskins Ted Rath, asst. strength and conditioning;
Lou Anarumo, defensive backs; born August 2010-14, re-joined Dolphins in 2016. born November 22, 1983, Monroe, Mich.
18, 1966, Staten Island, N.Y. Attended Bo Hardegree, quarterbacks; born July 5, Linebacker Toledo 2003-06. No pro playing
Wagner. No college or pro playing experi- 1984, Jackson, Tenn. Quarterback experience. College coach: Toledo 2007-09.
ence. College coach: U.S. Merchant Marine Tennessee 2003-06. No pro playing experi- Pro coach: Detroit Lions 2009-2015, joined
Academy 1989-1990, 1992-94, Wagner ence. College coach: Duke 2008-2010, Dolphins in 2016.
1990, Syracuse 1990-91, Harvard 1995- Louisiana State 2011-13. Pro coach: Denver Darren Rizzi, asst. head coach/special teams
2000, Marshall 2001-03, Purdue 2004- Broncos 2014, Chicago Bears, 2015, joined coordinator; born July 21, 1970, Hillsdale,
2011. Pro coach: Joined Dolphins in 2012. Dolphins in 2016. N.J. Tight end Rhode Island 1988-1991.
Jim Arthur, asst. strength and conditioning; Shawn Jefferson, wide receivers; born College coach: Rhode Island 1992, Colgate
born July 12, 1978, Cheshire, Conn. February 22, 1969, Jacksonville, Fla. Wide 1993, New Haven 1993-97, Northeastern
Attended Springfield (Mass.) College. No receiver Central Florida 1988-1990. Pro wide 1998, New Haven 1999-2001 (head coach),
college or pro playing experience. College receiver San Diego Chargers 1991-95, New Rutgers 2002-07, Rhode Island 2008 (head
coach: Springfield College 2000, Louisiana England Patriots 1996-99, Atlanta Falcons coach). Pro coach: Joined Dolphins in 2009.
Tech 2001, Boston College 2002. Pro coach: 2000-02, Detroit Lions 2003. Pro coach: Jeremiah Washburn, asst. offensive line;
Buffalo Bills 2002-04, Chicago Bears 2005- Detroit Lions 2005-2012, Tennessee Titans born June 17, 1977, Boone, N.C. Guard
2015, joined Dolphins in 2016. 2013-15, joined Dolphins in 2016. Arkansas 1998-2000. No pro playing experi-
Danny Barrett, running backs; born Ben Johnson, asst. quarterbacks; born May ence. College coach: Arkansas 2000-01. Pro
December 18, 1961, Boynton Beach, Fla. 11, 1986, Charleston, S.C. Quarterback coach: Carolina Panthers 2002, Baltimore
Quarterback Cincinnati 1979-1982. Pro North Carolina 2004-08. No pro playing Ravens 2003-08, Detroit Lions 2009-2015,
quarterback Calgary Stampeders (CFL) experience. College coach: Boston College joined Dolphins in 2016.
1983-85, 1990-91, 1996, Toronto 2010-11. Pro coach: Joined Dolphins in Jim Washburn, senior defensive asst./pass
Argonauts (CFL) 1985-88, British Columbia 2012. rush specialist; born December 2, 1949,
Lions (CFL) 1992-93, 1998, Ottawa Rough Daronte Jones, asst. defensive backs; born Shelby, N.C. Defensive line Gardner Webb
Riders (CFL) 1994-95. College coach: November 11, 1978, Annapolis, Md. 1970-73. No pro playing experience. College
Buffalo 2007-09, Central Florida 2011-15. Defensive back Temple 1996, Morgan State coach: Southern Methodist 1976, Lees-
Pro coach: Calgary Stampeders (CFL) 1997, 1997-2000. No pro playing experience. McRae 1977-78, Livingston 1979, New
British Columbia Lions (CFL) 1998-99, College coach: Lenoir-Rhyme 2001, Nicholls Mexico 1980-82, South Carolina 1983-88,
Saskatchewan Roughriders (CFL) 2000-06, State 2002, Bowie State 2005-09, UCLA Arkansas 1994-97, Houston 1998. Pro
joined Dolphins in 2016. 2010, Hawaii 2012-14, Wisconsin. Pro coach: Tennessee Titans 1999-2010,
Charlie Bullen, asst. linebackers; born coaching experience: Montreal Allouettes Philadelphia Eagles 2011-12, Detroit Lions
September 28, 1984, Palatine, Ill. Attended (CFL) 2011, joined Dolphins in 2016. 2013-15, joined Dolphins in 2016.
Iowa. No college or pro playing experience. Vance Joseph, defensive coordinator; born Terrell Williams, defensive line; born June
College coach: Iowa 2007-2011. Pro coach: September 20, 1972, Marrero, La. 19, 1974, Los Angeles, Calif. Nose guard
Joined Dolphins in 2012. Quarterback/running back Colorado 1990- East Carolina 1995-98. No pro playing expe-
Matt Burke, linebackers; born March 25, 94. Pro defensive back New York Jets 1995, rience. College coach: Fort Scott (Kan.) C.C.
1976, Hudson, Mass. Safety Dartmouth Indianapolis Colts 1996. College coach: 1998, North Carolina A&T 1999-2001,
1994-97. No pro playing experience. College Colorado 1999-2001, 2002-03, Wyoming Youngstown State 2002-03, Akron 2004-05,
coach: Boston College 2000-02, Harvard 2002, Bowling Green State 2004. Pro coach: Purdue 2006-09, Texas A&M 2010-11,
2003. Pro coach: Tennessee Titans 2006- San Francisco 49ers 2005-2010, Houston Florida 2015. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders
08, Detroit Lions 2009-2013, Cincinnati Texans 2011-13, Cincinnati Bengals 2014- 2012-14, joined Dolphins in 2015.

98 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman & CEO: Robert K. Kraft Boston 1960-1970
President: Jonathan A. Kraft (491-400-9)
President of New England Patriots Records include postseason games
Charitable Foundation: Josh Kraft 1960-61 Lou Saban*.....................7-12-0
Vice President of Human Resources: 1961-68 Mike Holovak ................53-47-9
Robin Boudreau 1969-1970 Clive Rush**...................5-16-0
Chief Operating Officer of TeamOps 1970-72 John Mazur*** ...............9-21-0
Security: Mark Briggs 1972 Phil Bengtson ....................1-4-0
Equipment Manager: Dave Schoenfeld 1973-78 Chuck Fairbanks**** ....46-41-0
Director of Player Personnel: 1978 Hank Bullough-Ron Erhardt#...0-1-0
Nick Caserio 1979-1981 Ron Erhardt ....................21-27-0
Vice President of Information 1982-84 Ron Meyer## ..............18-16-0
Technology: Pat Curley 1984-89 Raymond Berry .............51-41-0
Video Director: Jimmy Dee 1990 Rod Rust.........................1-15-0
American Football Conference Senior Vice President of Marketing and 1991-92 Dick MacPherson ............8-24-0
East Division Brand Development: Jennifer Ferron 1993-96 Bill Parcells ...................34-34-0
Team Colors: Blue, Red, Silver, and White Vice President of Customer Marketing 1997-99 Pete Carroll ...................28-23-0
Gillette Stadium and Strategy: Jessica Gelman 2000-2015 Bill Belichick................209-78-0
One Patriot Place Vice President, The Kraft Group and Club *Released after five games in 1961
Foxborough, Massachusetts 02035 Counsel, the New England Patriots: **Released after seven games in 1970
Telephone: (508) 543-8200 ***Resigned after nine games in 1972
Robyn Glaser
****Suspended for final regular-season game in 1978
Vice President of Media and Community #Co-coaches
2016 SCHEDULE Relations: Stacey James ##Released after eight games in 1984
PRESEASON Publisher and Vice President of Content:
Aug. 11 New Orleans......................7:30 Fred Kirsch PAID ATTENDANCE
Aug. 18 Chicago .............................8:00 Vice President of Corporate Sponsorship Home 512,392 Away 589,137
Aug. 26 at Carolina..........................7:30 Sales: Murray Kohl Total 1,101,529
Sep. 1 at New York Giants .............7:00 Assistant to the Coaching Staff: Single-game home record,
Michael Lombardi 71,768 (11/30/08)
REGULAR SEASON Associate Director of Football Operations: Single-season home record,
Sep. 11 at Arizona ..........................8:30 Michelle Martini 579,182 (2007)
Sep. 18 Miami ...............................1:00 Director of Research: Richard Miller
Sep. 22 Houston (Thu)....................8:25 Vice President of Stadium Business
Oct. 2 Buffalo ..............................1:00 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Development and External Affairs: Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 9 at Cleveland ......................1:00 Dan Murphy
Oct. 16 Cincinnati .........................1:00 2 Cyrus Jones B Alabama
Director of Football / Head Coach 3 Joe Thuney T North Carolina St.
Oct. 23 at Pittsburgh ......................4:25 Administration: Berj Najarian
Oct. 30 at Buffalo ..........................1:00 Jacoby Brissett QB North Carolina St.
Senior Vice President of Finance, Vincent Valentine DT Nebraska
Administration and Operation: 4 Malcolm Mitchell WR Georgia
Nov. 13 Seattle ............................*8:30
Nov. 20 at San Francisco ...............4:25 James Nolan 6 Kamu Grugier-Hill DB Eastern Illinois
Nov. 27 at New York Jets .............*8:30 Vice President of Corporate Elandon Roberts LB Houston
Dec. 4 Los Angeles ......................1:00 Relationships: David Pearlstein Ted Karras G Illinois
Dec. 12 Baltimore (Mon) ................8:30 Senior Executive Producer of Broadcast 7 Devin Lucien WR Arizona St.
Dec. 18 at Denver ..........................4:25 Production: Matt Smith
Dec. 24 New York Jets (Sat) ...........1:00 Director of Cheerleaders: Tracy Sormanti
Jan. 1 at Miami ............................1:00 Executive Director of Community Affairs:
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Andre Tippett
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Senior Director of Marketing Services
and Operations: Gail Titus
Stadium: Gillette Stadium Head Athletic Trainer: Jim Whalen
(opened in 2002) Vice President of Food and Beverage:
•Capacity: 66,829 David Wheeler
One Patriot Place Vice President of Finance: Jim Wilson
Foxborough, Massachusetts 02035 Executive Director of The Hall at Patriot
Playing Surface: FieldTurf Place presented by Raytheon:
Training Camp: Gillette Stadium Bryan Morry
Foxborough, MA 02035 Executive Director of Sales: Brian Oates

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 99

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Brady 624 402 4770 64.4 36 7 38/225 102.2
08/13 L 11-22 Green Bay Garoppolo 4 1 6 25.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
08/22 W 26-24 at New Orleans Amendola 1 1 36 100.0 0 0 0/0 118.8
08/28 W 17-16 at Carolina Patriots 629 404 4812 64.2 36 7 38/225 101.9
09/03 L 9-12 New York Giants Opponents 596 361 4209 60.6 24 12 49/358 87.0


Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Ryan 4 39 9.8 25 0
09/10 W 28-21 Pittsburgh Gostkowski 0 0 0 52/52 33/36 0 151 Harmon 3 50 16.7 30 0
09/20 W 40-32 at Buffalo Gronkowski 0 11 0 0/0 0/0 0 66 Butler 2 9 4.5 9 0
09/27 W 51-17 Jacksonville Blount 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Collins 1 51 51.0 51 0
10/11 W 30-6 at Dallas Edelman 0 7 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 McCourty 1 27 27.0 27 0
10/18 W 34-27 at Indianapolis White 2 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Cha. Jones 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 30-23 New York Jets Chandler 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Patriots 12 176 14.7 51 0
10/29 W 36-7 Miami Lewis 2 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Opponents 7 181 25.9 99t 2
11/08 W 27-10 Washington Amendola 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
11/15 W 27-26 at New York Giants Brady 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/23 W 20-13 Buffalo Bolden 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Allen 73 3358 46.0 31 67
11/29 L 24-30 at Denver (OT) K. Martin 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Patriots 74 3358 45.4 31 67
12/06 L 28-35 Philadelphia Collins 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 86 4043 47.0 20 70
12/13 W 27-6 at Houston Hicks 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/20 W 33-16 Tennessee S. Jackson 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/27 L 20-26 at New York Jets (OT) Patriots 14 36 2 52/52 33/36 1 465 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 L 10-20 at Miami Opponents 8 24 4 28/31 23/29 0 315 Amendola 23 12 276 12.0 82 0
2-Pt Conv: Patriots 0-0, Opponents 1-3 Edelman 10 1 81 8.1 19 0
POSTSEASON (1-1) K. Martin 8 3 92 11.5 21 0
Date Result Opponent RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Harper 3 2 17 5.7 10 0
01/16 W 27-20 Kansas City Blount 165 703 4.3 38t 6 D. Johnson 2 0 3 1.5 3 0
01/24 L 18-20 at Denver Lewis 49 234 4.8 13 2 Chung 1 0 4 4.0 4 0
(OT) Overtime Bolden 63 207 3.3 14 0 Patriots 47 18 473 10.1 82 0
White 22 56 2.5 8 2 Opponents 39 14 347 8.9 83t 1
SCORE BY PERIODS Brady 34 53 1.6 13 3
Patriots 89 146 100 130 0 — 465 Iosefa 15 51 3.4 15 0 KICKOFF
Opponents 36 90 73 104 12 — 315 S. Jackson 21 50 2.4 7 1 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Edelman 3 23 7.7 12 0 K. Martin 10 257 25.7 75 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Amendola 2 11 5.5 8 0 Amendola 8 172 21.5 29 0
Patriots Opp. LaFell 2 9 4.5 9 0 M. Williams 3 18 6.0 10 0
Total First Downs 347 303 D. Johnson 1 6 6.0 6 0 McCourty 2 0 0.0 0 0
Rushing 87 77 K. Martin 1 6 6.0 6 0 Chung 1 17 17.0 17 0
Passing 229 204 Garoppolo 5 -5 -1.0 -1 0 Gronkowski 1 5 5.0 5 0
Penalty 31 22 Patriots 383 1404 3.7 38t 14 Patriots 25 469 18.8 75 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 88/215 84/225 Opponents 397 1580 4.0 48t 8 Opponents 29 526 18.1 50 0
3rd Down Pct. 40.9 37.3
4th Down: Made/Att 9/15 8/18 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD FIELD
4th Down Pct. 60.0 44.4 Gronkowski 72 1176 16.3 76t 11 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Possession Avg. 30:08 29:52 Amendola 65 648 10.0 41 3 Gostkowski 0/0 6/6 11/11 12/14 4/5
Total Net Yards 5991 5431 Edelman 61 692 11.3 59t 7 Patriots 0/0 6/6 11/11 12/14 4/5
Avg. Per Game 374.4 339.4 White 40 410 10.3 68 4 Opponents 1/1 6/6 7/7 5/10 4/5
Total Plays 1050 1042 LaFell 37 515 13.9 54 0
Avg. Per Play 5.7 5.2 Lewis 36 388 10.8 40 2 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 1404 1580 K. Martin 24 269 11.2 39 2 Cha. Jones 12.5
Avg. Per Game 87.8 98.8 Chandler 23 259 11.3 30 4 Sheard 8.0
Total Rushes 383 397 Bolden 19 180 9.5 63t 2 Ninkovich 6.5
Net Yards Passing 4587 3851 Dobson 13 141 10.8 24 0 Collins 5.5
Avg. Per Game 286.7 240.7 Blount 6 43 7.2 14 1 Hightower 3.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 38/225 49/358 M. Williams 3 26 8.7 15 0 M. Brown 3.0
Gross Yards 4812 4209 Brady 1 36 36.0 36 0 Hicks 3.0
Att./Completions 629/404 596/361 S. Jackson 1 20 20.0 20 0 Easley 2.0
Completion Pct. 64.2 60.6 Harper 1 6 6.0 6 0 Branch 1.0
Had Intercepted 7 12 Cadet 1 2 2.0 2 0 Freeny 1.0
Punts/Average 74/45.4 86/47.0 Cleveland 1 1 1.0 1 0 Grissom 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 74/39.9 86/39.9 Patriots 404 4812 11.9 76t 36 Mayo 1.0
Penalties/Yards 96/859 112/1013 Opponents 361 4209 11.7 87t 24 McCourty 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 14/7 28/9 Patriots 49.0
Touchdowns 52 36 Opponents 38.0
Rushing 14 8
Passing 36 24
Returns 2 4

100 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Sam Cunningham, 1973-79, 1981-82 ................................................5,453
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tom Brady, 2000-2015 ....................................................................58,028
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tom Brady, 2000-2015 .........................................................................428
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Wes Welker, 2007-2012........................................................................672
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Stanley Morgan, 1977-1989.............................................................10,352
Interceptions ...................................................................Raymond Clayborn, 1977-1989 ..............................................................36
Ty Law, 1995-2004 .................................................................................36
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Ryan Allen, 2013-15 ............................................................................46.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Julian Edelman, 2009-2015..................................................................12.0
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ellis Hobbs, 2005-08 ...........................................................................27.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Stephen Gostkowski, 2006-2015 ..........................................................276
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Stanley Morgan, 1977-1989....................................................................68
Points..............................................................................Stephen Gostkowski, 2006-2015 .......................................................1,330
*Sacks............................................................................Andre Tippett, 1982-1993 ..................................................................100.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Corey Dillon, 2004 .............................................................................1,635
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tom Brady, 2011................................................................................5,235
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tom Brady, 2007.....................................................................................50
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Wes Welker, 2009 .................................................................................123
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Wes Welker, 2011 ..............................................................................1,569
Interceptions ...................................................................Ron Hall, 1964........................................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Zoltan Mesko, 2011 .............................................................................46.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Julian Edelman, 2012...........................................................................15.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Raymond Clayborn, 1977.....................................................................31.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Stephen Gostkowski, 2013......................................................................38
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Randy Moss, 2007..................................................................................23
Points..............................................................................Stephen Gostkowski, 2013....................................................................158
*Sacks............................................................................Andre Tippett, 1984 .............................................................................18.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Tony Collins, 9-18-83............................................................................212
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tom Brady, 9-12-11 ..............................................................................517
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tom Brady, 10-21-07, 10-18-09 ...............................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Troy Brown, 9-22-02...............................................................................16
Wes Welker, 9-25-11...............................................................................16
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Wes Welker, 9-25-11.............................................................................217
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Leigh Bodden 11-22-09
Field Goals ......................................................................Gino Cappelletti, 10-4-64 ..........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Randy Moss, 11-18-07 .............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Gino Cappelletti, 12-18-65 ......................................................................28
*Sacks............................................................................Andre Carter, 11-13-11 ..........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 101

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
6 Allen, Ryan P 6-2 220 2/28/90 4 Louisiana Tech Salem, Ore. FA-’13 16/0
80 Amendola, Danny WR 5-11 190 11/2/85 8 Texas Tech The Woodlands, Texas UFA(StL)-’13 14/7
60 Andrews, David C 6-3 295 7/10/92 2 Georgia Johns Creek, Ga. FA-’15 14/11
64 Barker, Chris OL 6-2 300 8/3/90 2 Nevada Etiwanda, Calif. W(Mia)-’13 1/0
83 Bennett, Martellus TE 6-6 273 3/10/87 9 Texas A&M Taylor, Texas T(Chi)-’16 11/11*
39 Biggers, E.J. CB 6-0 185 6/13/87 8 Western Michigan North Miami Beach, Fla. UFA(Phil)-’16 16/3*
29 Blount, LeGarrette RB 6-0 250 12/5/86 7 Oregon Perry, Fla. FA-’14 12/6
38 Bolden, Brandon RB 5-11 220 1/26/90 5 Mississippi Baton Rouge, La. FA-’12 15/2
12 Brady, Tom QB 6-4 225 8/3/77 17 Michigan San Mateo, Calif. D6b-’00 16/16
97 Branch, Alan DL 6-6 350 12/29/84 10 Michigan Rio Ranch. N.M. FA-’14 16/15
34 Brown, Donald RB 5-10 207 4/11/87 8 Connecticut Red Bank, N.J. FA-’16 10/2*
90 Brown, Malcom DL 6-2 320 2/2/94 2 Texas Brenham, Texas D1-’15 16/12
25 #Brown, Tarell CB 5-11 190 1/6/85 10 Texas Mesquite, Texas FA-’15 3/2
21 Butler, Malcolm CB 5-11 190 3/2/90 3 West Alabama Vicksburg, Miss. FA-’14 16/16
61 Cannon, Marcus OL 6-5 335 5/6/88 6 Texas Christian Odessa, Texas D5a-’11 12/8
49 Cardona, Joe LS 6-3 245 4/16/92 2 Navy El Cajon, Calif. D5-’15 16/0
23 Chung, Patrick S 5-11 215 8/19/87 8 Oregon Racho Cucamonga, Calif. FA-’14 15/14
22 Coleman, Justin DB 5-11 188 3/27/93 2 Tennessee Brunswick, Ga. FA-’15 10/2
91 Collins, Jamie LB 6-3 250 10/20/89 4 Southern Mississippi McCall Creek, Miss. D2a-’13 12/12
65 Cooper, Jonathan G 6-3 312 1/19/90 4 North Carolina Wilmington, N.C. T(Ariz)-’16 11/3*
86 Derby, AJ TE 6-5 255 9/20/91 2 Arkansas Iowa City, Iowa D6b-’15 0*
46 Develin, James FB 6-3 255 7/23/88 4 Brown Gilbertsville, Pa. FA-’12 0*
17 Dobson, Aaron WR 6-3 205 7/23/91 4 Marshall Dunbar, W.V. D2b-’13 8/3
43 Ebner, Nate DB 6-0 220 12/14/88 5 Ohio State Dublin, Ohio D6-’12 15/0
11 Edelman, Julian WR 5-10 200 5/22/86 8 Kent State Redwood City, Calif. D7a-’09 9/9
71 Fleming, Cameron OL 6-6 320 9/3/92 3 Stanford Houston, Texas D4c-’14 12/7
98 Flowers, Trey DL 6-2 265 8/16/93 2 Arkansas Huntsville, Ala. D4a-’15 1/0
55 Freeny, Jonathan LB 6-2 255 6/15/89 5 Rutgers Coconut Creek, Fla. FA-’15 13/7
36 Gaffney, Tyler RB 6-0 220 4/20/91 3 Stanford San Diego, Calif. W(Car)-’14 0*
10 Garoppolo, Jimmy QB 6-2 225 11/2/91 3 Eastern Illinois Arlington, Ill. D2-’14 5/0
13 #Gibson, Brandon WR 6-0 210 8/13/87 8 Washington State Puyallup, Wash. FA-’15 0*
3 Gostkowski, Stephen K 6-1 215 1/28/84 11 Memphis Madison, Miss. D4b-’06 16/0
92 Grissom, Geneo DL 6-4 265 6/4/92 2 Oklahoma Hutchinson, Kan. D3-’15 14/0
87 Gronkowski, Rob TE 6-6 265 5/14/89 7 Arizona Pittsburgh, Pa. D2-’10 15/15
88 Harbor, Clay TE 6-3 250 7/2/87 7 Missouri State Dwight, Ill. UFA(Jax)-’16 15/3*
30 Harmon, Duron DB 6-1 205 1/24/91 4 Rutgers Magnolia, Del. D3b-’13 16/5
54 Hightower, Dont’a LB 6-3 265 3/12/90 5 Alabama Lewisburg, Tenn. D1b-’12 12/12
15 Hogan, Chris WR 6-1 220 10/24/88 4 Monmouth Ramapo, N.J. RFA(Buff)-’16 16/4*
53 Humber, Ramon LB 5-11 232 8/10/87 8 North Dakota State Champlin, Minn. FA-’16 14/4*
39 #Jackson, Steven RB 6-2 240 7/22/83 13 Oregon State Las Vegas, Nev. FA-’15 2/1
63 Jackson, Tre’ G 6-4 320 12/14/92 2 Florida State Jesup, Ga. D4b-’15 13/9
65 Johnson, Anthony DL 6-2 317 1/24/93 2 Louisiana State New Orleans, La. FA-’16 0*
59 Johnson, Rufus LB 6-5 280 8/28/90 2 Tarleton State Dallas, Texas FA-’15 1/0
72 Kearse, Frank DL 6-5 310 10/28/88 6 Alabama A&M Savannah, Ga UFA(Wash)-’16 4/0*
36 King, Brandon DB 6-2 220 6/8/93 2 Auburn Alabaster, Ala. FA-’15 13/0
67 Kline, Josh OL 6-3 300 12/29/89 4 Kent State Mason, Ohio FA-’13 14/13
96 Knighton, Terrance DT 6-3 354 7/4/86 8 Temple Windsor, Conn. UFA(Wash)-’16 15/15*
94 Kuhn, Markus DL 6-4 303 5/6/86 5 North Carolina State Weinheim, Germany UFA(NYG)-’16 10/8*
33 Lewis, Dion RB 5-8 195 9/27/90 5 Pittsburgh Blairstown, N.J. FA-’15 7/6
95 Long, Chris DE 6-3 268 3/28/85 9 Virginia Charlottesville, Va. FA-’16 12/5*
82 Martin, Keshawn WR 5-11 194 3/15/90 5 Michigan State Westland, Mich. T(Hou)-’15 9/8
69 Mason, Shaq OL 6-1 310 8/28/93 2 Georgia Tech Columbia, Tenn. D4c-’15 14/10
58 McClellin, Shea LB 6-3 245 8/1/89 5 Boise State Marsing, Idaho UFA(Chi)-’16 12/11*
32 McCourty, Devin DB 5-10 195 8/13/87 7 Rutgers Montvale, N.J. D1-’10 14/14
74 Milton, Keavon OL 6-4 324 6/23/90 3 Louisiana-Monroe Canton, Texas FA-’15 0*
50 Ninkovich, Rob DE 6-2 260 2/1/84 11 Purdue Blue Island, Ill. FA-’09 16/16
37 Richards, Jordan DB 5-11 210 1/21/93 2 Stanford Folsom, Calif. D2-’15 14/2
27 Roberts, Darryl DB 6-0 190 11/26/90 2 Marshall Lakeland, Fla. D7a-’15 0*
26 Ryan, Logan CB 5-11 195 2/9/91 4 Rutgers Voorhees, N.J. D3a-’13 16/14
93 Sheard, Jabaal DL 6-3 260 5/10/89 6 Pittsburgh Hollywood, Fla. UFA(Cle)-’15 13/1
18 Slater, Matthew WR 6-0 205 9/9/85 9 UCLA Anaheim, Calif. D5-’08 16/0
77 Solder, Nate T 6-8 325 4/12/88 6 Colorado Buena Vista, Colo. D1-’11 4/4
66 Stork, Bryan OL 6-4 310 11/15/90 3 Florida State Vero Beach, Fla. D4a-’14 8/6
70 Vellano, Joe DL 6-2 300 10/30/88 2 Maryland Rexford, N.Y. FA-’13 0*
25 Vereen, Brock DB 5-11 202 8/17/92 2 Minnesota Valencia, Calif. FA-’15 3/0*
76 Vollmer, Sebastian T 6-8 325 7/10/84 8 Houston Kaarst, Germany D2d-’09 14/13
68 Waddle, LaAdrian OL 6-6 328 7/21/91 4 Texas Tech Columbus, Texas W(Det)-’15 1/0*

102 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
84 Washington, Nate WR 6-1 183 8/28/83 12 Tiffin Toledo, Ohio UFA(Hou)-’16 14/14*
52 #Watson, Dekoda LB 6-2 245 3/3/88 7 Florida State Aiken, S.C. FA-’15 3/0
62 #Wendell, Ryan OL 6-2 300 3/4/86 8 Fresno State Pomona, Calif. FA-’08 2/0
28 White, James RB 5-10 205 2/3/92 3 Wisconsin Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. D4b-’14 14/1
85 Williams, Michael TE 6-6 304 9/8/90 3 Alabama Reform, Ala. T(Det)-’15 15/9
42 Yount, Christian LS 6-1 250 7/8/88 6 UCLA Santa Margarita, Calif. FA-’16 0*

* Biggers played 16 games with Philadelphia in ’15; Bennett played 11 games with Chicago; Brown played 10 games with San Diego;
Cooper played 11 games with Arizona; Derby missed ’15 season because of injury; Develin missed ’15 season because of injury;
Fletcher missed ’15 season because of injury; Gaffney missed ’15 season because of injury; Gibson missed ’15 season because of
injury; Harbor played 15 games with Jacksonville; Hogan played 16 games with Buffalo; Humber played 14 games with New Orleans;
A. Johnson last active with Miami in ’14; Jones missed ’15 season because of injury; Kearse played 4 games with Washington; Knighton
played 15 games with Washington; Kuhn played 10 games with the N.Y. Giants; Long played 12 games with St. Louis; McClellin played
12 games with Chicago; Milton last active with Seattle in ’14; Roberts missed ’15 season because of injury; Vellano last active with New
England in ’14; Vereen played 3 games with Chicago; Waddle played 8 games with Detroit; Washington played 14 games with Houston;
Yount last active with Cleveland in ’14.

# Unrestricted free agent; subject to developments.

Players lost to free agency (2): S Tavon Wilson (Det; 9 games in ’15), DL Sealver Siloga (Sea; 13).

Also played with Patriots in ’15—LB Jonathan Bostic (11 games), TE Scott Chandler (15), TE Asante Cleveland (4),
DL Dominique Easley (11), CB Bradley Fletcher (2), LB Darius Fleming (6), WR Leonard Hankerson (1), DL Akiem Hicks (13),
CB Troy Hill (1), TE Michael Hoomanawanui (2), WR Damaris Johnson (1), DL Ishmaa’ily Kitchen (1), CB Leonard Johnson (4),
DL Chandler Jones (15), WR Brandon LaFell (11), LB Eric Martin (4), S Dewey McDonald (1), DB Rashaan Melvin (8),
DL Sealver Siliga (13), DL Khyri Thornton (3), RB Trey Williams (1), S Tavon Wilson (9).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Bentley, V'Angelo DB 5-10 181 11/4/93 Illinois Cleveland, Ohio FA
Brissett, Jacoby QB 6-4 235 12/11/93 North Carolina State West Palm Beach, Fla. D3b
Carter, DeAndre (1) WR 5-8 188 4/10/93 Sacramento State San Jose, Calif. FA-’15
Foster, D.J., RB 6-0 195 11/22/93 Arizona State Scottsdale, Ariz. FA
Grugier-Hill, Kamu LB 6-2 215 5/16/94 Eastern Illinois Honolulu, Hawaii D6a
Hamilton, Woodrow DL 6-3 319 12/20/92 Mississippi Raleigh, Miss. FA
Harper, Chris (1) WR 5-11 185 12/7/93 California Northridge, Calif. FA-’15
Iosefa, Joey (1) RB 6-0 245 6/19/91 Hawai’i Pago Pago, American Samoa FA
Johnson, C.J. LB 6-2 225 5/23/92 Mississippi Philadelphia, Miss. FA
Jones, Cyrus CB 5-10 197 11/29/93 Alabama Baltimore, Md. D2
Jones, Jonathan DB 5-10 181 9/20/93 Auburn Carrollton, Ga. FA
Karras, Ted G 6-4 307 3/15/93 Illinois Indianapolis, Ind. D6c
LeBlanc, Cre'Von CB 5-11 195 7/25/94 Florida Atlantic Belle Glade, Fla. FA
Lucien, Devin WR 6-2 195 6/26/93 Arizona State Encino, Calif. D7
Mitchell, Malcolm WR 6-1 195 7/20/93 Georgia Valdosta, Ga. D4
Roberts, Elandon LB 6-0 235 4/22/94 Houston Port Arthur, Texas D6b
Scheu, Steven TE 6-5 245 7/7/92 Vanderbilt Evansville, Ind. FA
Snyder, Kevin (1) LB 6-2 238 7/25/92 Rutgers Mechanicsburg, Pa. FA-’15
Thompson, Cedric (1) S 6-0 212 2/10/93 Minnesota Calipatria, Calif. FA-’15
Thuney, Joe OL 6-5 295 11/18/92 North Carolina State Centerville, Ohio D3a
Valentine, Vincent DT 6-3 320 2/23/94 Nebraska Edwardsville, Ill. D3c
Williams, Bryce TE 6-6 258 2/24/93 East Carolina Winstom-Salem, N.C. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 103

COACHING STAFF by a head coach. Overall, Belichick has Ivan Fears, running backs; born November
Head Coach, helped produce six Super Bowl titles, nine 15, 1954, Portsmouth, Va. Running back
Bill Belichick conference championships and 20 division William & Mary 1973-75. No pro playing
Pro Career: Bill Belichick is in his 42st sea- titles since entering the NFL in 1975. He won experience. College coach: William & Mary
son as an NFL coach and his 17th season as his first two Super Bowls as defensive coor- 1977-79, Syracuse 1980-1990. Pro coach:
head coach of the New England Patriots. dinator for the New York Giants in 1986 and New England Patriots 1991-92, Chicago
Hired by Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft on 1990 before claiming four Super Bowl cham- Bears 1993-98, re-joined Patriots in 1999.
Jan. 27, 2000, Belichick has led the Patriots pionships with the Patriots. George Seifert is Brian Flores, linebackers; born February 24,
to 15 consecutive winning seasons (2001- the only other man to have won multiple 1981, Brooklyn, N.Y. Linebacker Boston
15). The only other NFL coach to have at Super Bowls both as a head coach and as an College 1999-2003. No pro playing experi-
least 10 consecutive winning seasons with assistant coach. Belichick launched his ence. Pro coach: Joined Patriots in 2008.
one team since the 1970 merger was Tom coaching career in 1975 with the Baltimore James Hardy, asst. strength and condition-
Landry, who led the Dallas Cowboys to 16 Colts and continued as an assistant coach ing; born December 5, 1981, Danville Va.
consecutive winning seasons (1970-1985). with Detroit (1976-77), Denver (1978) and Attended Christopher Newport. No college or
Through 16 seasons with New England, the New York Giants (1979-1990). Belichick pro playing experience. College coach:
Belichick has delivered four Super Bowl was named head coach of the Cleveland Christopher Newport 2004, Auburn 2005-
championships, six conference titles, 13 Browns in 1991, becoming the youngest 06. Colorado 2007-2015. Pro coach: Joined
division crowns and 22 playoff victories, head coach in the NFL at age 38. By 1994, Patriots in 2016.
while posting an overall record of 209-78. Belichick guided the Browns to an 11-5 Joe Judge, special teams; born December
Belichick won his fourth Super Bowl title in record and advanced to the second round of 31, 1981, Philadelphia, Pa. Running back
2014 with the Patriots 28-24 victory over the playoffs, while allowing a league-low 204 Mississippi State 2000-04. No pro playing
Seattle to match Pittsburgh’s Chuck Noll for total points. In 1996, Belichick joined New experience. College coach: 2005-07
the most Super Bowl wins by a head coach. England and was a key contributor to the Mississippi State, Birmingham-Southern
He is one of five NFL head coaches to win Patriots first division title in 10 years en route 2008, Alabama 2009-11. Pro coach: Joined
four or more championships since the league to the Patriots appearance in Super Bowl Patriots in 2011.
began postseason play in 1933. Belichick is XXXI. Belichick then spent three seasons with Josh McDaniels, offensive coordina-
the only of those five to win three titles in a the New York Jets (1997-99). Career record: tor/quarterbacks; born April 22, 1976,
four-year span with a Super Bowl victory in 246-123. Canton, Ohio. No pro playing experience.
2001 and back-to-back Super Bowl wins in Background: Belichick was a center/tight College coach: Michigan State 1999-2000.
2003 and 2004. With the victory over end at Wesleyan 1971-74. Pro coach: New England Patriots 2001-
Indianapolis in the 2014 AFC Championship Personal: Born April 16, 1952, Nashville, 2008, Denver Broncos, 2009-2010 (head
Game, Belichick collected his 21st career Tenn. coach), St. Louis Rams 2011, re-joined
postseason win, the most postseason wins Patriots in 2012.
by a head coach. He expanded on that record ASSISTANT COACHES Chad O’Shea, receivers; born December 18,
with his 22nd postseason win in Super Bowl Steve Belichick, safeties; born March 25, 1972, Houston, Texas. Quarterback Marshall
XLIX and in the 2015 AFC Divisional playoff 1987, Summit, N.J. Long snapper Rutgers 1991-93, Houston 1994-95. No pro playing
round to reach 23 career postseason wins. 2011. No pro playing experience. Pro coach: experience. College coach: Houston 1996-
The 2014 AFC Championship was Joined Patriots in 2012. 99, Southern Mississippi 2000-02. Pro
Belichick’s sixth conference championship Josh Boyer, cornerbacks; born January 21, coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2003-05,
as a head coach, tying him with Don Shula 1977, Heath, Ohio. Wide receiver/defensive Minnesota Vikings 2006-08, joined Patriots
for the most in NFL history. New England’s back Muskingum College 1996-99. No pro in 2009.
berth in Super Bowl XLIX was Belichick’s playing experience. College coach: King’s Matt Patricia, defensive coordinator; born
ninth Super Bowl during his coaching career, College (Pa.) 2000, Dayton 2001, Kent State September 13, 1974, Sherrill, N.Y. Center-
the most among any head coach or assistant 2002-03, Bryant University 2004, South guard Rensselaer 1992-96. No pro playing
coach in NFL history. Belichick has recorded Dakota School of Mines and Technology experience. College coach: Rensselaer 1996,
246 career wins, which is fourth all-time in 2005. Pro coach: Joined Patriots in 2006. Amherst 1999-2000, Syracuse 2001-03.
NFL history. He owns a career winning per- Moses Cabrera, head strength and condi- Pro coach: Joined Patriots in 2004.
centage of .667, which is second all-time, tioning; born August 20, 1978, Deming, N.M. Dante Scarnecchia, offensive line; born
behind George Halas (.682). Belichick direct- Oral Roberts 1996-2000. No pro playing February 15, 1948, Los Angeles, Calif.
ed the Patriots to victories in Super Bowls experience. College coach: Fresno State Center/guard California Western 1968-1970.
XXXVI (2001), XXXVIII (2003), XXXIX (2004) 2004-09, Colorado 2010. Pro coach: Joined No pro playing experience. College coach:
and XLIX (2014), and in 2007 he became the Patriots in 2010. California Western 1970-72, Iowa State
first NFL head coach to guide his team to a Brian Daboll, tight ends; born April 4, 1975, 1973-74, Southern Methodist 1975-76,
16-0 regular season. His 13 division titles are Welland, Ont., Canada. Safety Rochester Pacific 1977-78, Northern Arizona 1979,
the most among any coach since the 1970 1995-97. No pro playing experience. College Southern Methodist 1980-81. Pro coach:
merger and are tied with Shula and Landry coach: William & Mary 1997, Michigan State New England Patriots, 1982-88, Indianapolis
for the most division crowns overall. 1998-99. Pro coach: New England Patriots Colts 1989-1990, New England Patriots
Belichick helped the Patriots become the first 2000-06, New York Jets 2007-08, Cleveland 1991-2013, re-joined Patriots in 2016.
franchise in NFL history to score 500 or Browns 2009-2010, Miami Dolphins 2011, Jerry Schuplinski, asst. quarterbacks; born
more points in four seasons (2007-589, Kansas City Chiefs 2012, re-joined Patriots April 4, 1977, Garfield Heights, Ohio.
2010-518, 2011-513 and 2012-557). in 2013. Fullback John Carroll 1996-99. No pro play-
Belichick is the only head coach in NFL his- Brendan Daly, defensive line; born ing experience. College coach: John Carroll
tory to win at least 13 regular-season games September 10, 1975, Springfield, Ill. Tight 2000-01, Case Western Reserve 2007-
in five separate seasons. Belichick’s Patriots end Drake 1993-96. No pro playing experi- 2012. Pro coach: Joined Patriots in 2013.
teams own the all-time NFL records for con- ence. College coach: Drake 1998, Villanova Ray Ventrone, asst. special teams; born Oct.
secutive victories, including the postseason 1999, 2005, Maryland 2000, Oklahoma 21, 1982, Pittsburgh, Pa. Defensive back
(21 from 2003-04) and consecutive playoff State 2001-03, Illinois State 2004. Pro Villanova 2001-04. Pro defensive back New
victories (10 from 2001-05). Over a 100- coach: Minnesota Vikings 2006-08, 2012- England Patriots 2005-08, Cleveland Browns
game span from 2003-09, he directed the 13, St. Louis Rams 2009-2011, joined 2009-2012, San Francisco 49ers 2013-14.
Patriots to 81 wins – the most in NFL history Patriots in 2014. Pro coach: Joined Patriots in 2015.

104 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman and CEO: Woody Johnson New York Titans 1960-62
President: Neil Glat (399-470-8)
General Manager: Mike Maccagnan Records include postseason games
Chief Financial Officer: Brian Friedman 1960-61 Sammy Baugh.............14-14-0
S.V.P., Communications: Eric Gelfand 1962 Clyde (Bulldog) Turner .....5-9-0
S.V.P., Business Affairs & General 1963-1973 Weeb Ewbank..............73-78-6
Counsel: Hymie Elhai 1974-75 Charley Winner* ............9-14-0
S.V.P., Corporate Sponsorship: Ian Lasher 1975 Ken Shipp........................1-4-0
S.V.P., Marketing and Fan Engagement: 1976 Lou Holtz**...................3-10-0
Seth Rabinowitz 1976 Mike Holovak...................0-1-0
S.V.P., Consumer & Premium Sales and 1977-1982 Walt Michaels ...............41-49-1
Services: Rob Sullivan 1983-89 Joe Walton ..................54-59-1
V.P., Executive Producer, Multimedia: 1990-93 Bruce Coslet................26-39-0
Chris Gargano 1994 Pete Carroll....................6-10-0
American Football Conference V.P., Security and Facility Operations: 1995-96 Rich Kotite.....................4-28-0
East Division Robert Mastroddi 1997-99 Bill Parcells..................30-20-0
Team Colors: Green and White V.P., IT: Tom Murphy 2000 Al Groh............................9-7-0
1 Jets Drive Senior Director, College Scouting: 2001-05 Herman Edwards .........41-44-0
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Rex Hogan 2006-08 Eric Mangini ................23-26-0
Telephone (973) 549-4800 Coordinator, College Scouting: 2009-2014 Rex Ryan.....................50-52-0
Dan Zbojovsky 2015 Todd Bowles..................10-6-0
2016 SCHEDULE Area Scout: Jay Mandolesi, *Released after nine games in 1975
PRESEASON Johnathon Stigall, Xavier Adibi, **Resigned after 13 games in 1976
Aug. 11 Jacksonville.......................7:30 Dom Green, Bill Dekraker,
Aug. 19 at Washington ....................7:30 Brian Shields PAID ATTENDANCE
Aug. 27 New York Giants ................7:30 National Scouts: Zach Truty, Jim Jauch, Home 602,247 Away 562,800
Sep. 1 at Philadelphia ....................7:00 Lee Gissendaner Total 1,165,047
Scouting Assistant: Andy Davis Single-game home record,
Director, Player Personnel: 79,572 (11/19/06)
Sep. 11 Cincinnati .........................1:00
Brian Heimerdinger Single-season home record,
Sep. 15 at Buffalo (Thu) .................8:25
Director, Pro Personnel: Matt Bazirgan 628,773 (2002)
Sep. 25 at Kansas City ...................4:25
Oct. 2 Seattle ..............................1:00 Pro Scout: Greg Nejmeh, Tim Gibbons
Director, Football Administration: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 9 at Pittsburgh ......................1:00
Jacqueline Davidson Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 17 at Arizona (Mon) ................8:30
Manager, Football Administrative 1 Darron Lee LB Ohio St.
Oct. 23 Baltimore ..........................1:00
Services/Asst. to G.M.: Mari Jo Kohler 2 Christian Hackenberg QB Penn St.
Oct. 30 at Cleveland ......................1:00
Senior Director, Athletic Training: 3 Jordan Jenkins LB Georgia
Nov. 6 at Miami ............................1:00
John Mellody 4 Juston Burris DB North Carolina St.
Nov. 13 Los Angeles ......................1:00
Assistant Athletic Trainers: 5 Brandon Shell T South Carolina
Dave Zuffelato, Robert Daplyn 7 Lachlan Edwards P Sam Houston St.
Nov. 27 New England ..................*8:30
Senior Director, Football Operations: Charone Peake WR Clemson
Dec. 5 Indianapolis (Mon) ............8:30
Dec. 11 at San Francisco ...............4:05 Clay Hampton
Dec. 17 Miami (Sat) .......................8:25 Director, Equipment: Gus Granneman
Dec. 24 at New England (Sat)..........1:00 Manager, Equipment: Vito Contento
Jan. 1 Buffalo ..............................1:00 Assistant Manager, Equipment:
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Jim Gallione
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Director, Field and Grounds: Blake Hoerr
Stadium: MetLife Stadium Director, Player Development: David Szott
(opened in 2010) Director, Video: Tim Tubito
•Capacity: 82,500
East Rutherford, New Jersey
Playing Surface: UBU Speed S5-M
Training Camp:
Atlantic Health Training Center
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 105

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Fitzpatrick 562 335 3905 59.6 31 15 19/94 88.0
08/13 L 3-23 at Detroit G. Smith 42 27 265 64.3 2 1 3/19 87.9
08/21 W 30-22 Atlanta Jets 604 362 4170 59.9 33 16 22/113 88.0
08/29 W 28-18 at New York Giants Opponents 601 343 4041 57.1 25 18 39/278 79.0
09/03 W 24-18 Philadelphia
REGULAR SEASON (10-6) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS M. Williams 6 45 7.5 21 0
Date Result Opponent Marshall 0 14 0 0/0 0/0 0 84 Revis 5 48 9.6 24 0
09/13 W 31-10 Cleveland Bullock 0 0 0 19/20 14/17 0 61 Gilchrist 3 31 10.3 31 0
09/21 W 20-7 at Indianapolis Decker 0 12 0 0/0 0/0 0 72 Pryor 2 47 23.5 29 0
09/27 L 17-24 Philadelphia Folk 0 0 0 19/19 13/16 0 58 Miles 1 11 11.0 11 0
10/04 W 27-14 at Miami Ivory 7 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 48 Skrine 1 9 9.0 9 0
10/18 W 34-20 Washington B. Powell 1 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Jets 18 191 10.6 31 0
10/25 L 23-30 at New England Fitzpatrick 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 16 102 6.4 38 0
11/01 L 20-34 at Oakland Kerley 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
11/08 W 28-23 Jacksonville K. Davis 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/12 L 17-22 Buffalo D. Smith 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Quigley 75 3287 43.8 27 68
11/22 L 17-24 at Houston Stacy 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Weatherford 4 161 40.3 0 50
11/29 W 38-20 Miami Quigley 0 0 0 4/4 0/0 0 4 Jets 80 3448 43.1 27 68
12/06 W 23-20 at New York Giants (OT) Jets 11 33 0 42/43 27/33 0 387 Opponents 86 4041 47.0 28 63
12/13 W 30-8 Tennessee Opponents 4 25 5 30/33 26/29 0 314
12/19 W 19-16 at Dallas 2-Pt Conv: Jets 0-0, Opponents 1-1 PUNT
12/27 W 26-20 New England (OT) RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 L 17-22 at Buffalo RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Kerley 48 19 411 8.6 58 0
(OT) Overtime Ivory 247 1070 4.3 58 7 Decker 1 3 11 11.0 11 0
B. Powell 70 313 4.5 24 1 Jets 49 22 422 8.6 58 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Fitzpatrick 60 270 4.5 19 2 Opponents 37 14 470 12.7 89t 2
Jets 76 98 93 111 9 — 387 Ridley 36 90 2.5 13 0
Opponents 33 136 71 74 0 — 314 Stacy 31 89 2.9 18 1 KICKOFF
G. Smith 2 34 17.0 29 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Bohanon 2 2 1.0 2 0 Cromartie 15 377 25.1 54 0
Jets Opp. Jets 448 1868 4.2 58 11 Stacy 10 204 20.4 31 0
Total First Downs 329 271 Cumberland 4 50 12.5 17 0
Opponents 373 1335 3.6 45 4
Rushing 99 62 K. Davis 2 24 12.0 13 0
Passing 210 185 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Owusu 2 58 29.0 30 0
Penalty 20 24 Marshall 109 1502 13.8 69t 14 D. Smith 1 21 21.0 21 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 93/229 77/232 Decker 80 1027 12.8 35 12 B. Powell 1 20 20.0 20 0
3rd Down Pct. 40.6 33.2 B. Powell 47 388 8.3 25t 2 Thompkins 1 17 17.0 17 0
4th Down: Made/Att 6/14 13/23 Ivory 30 217 7.2 36 1 Reilly 1 0 0.0 0 0
4th Down Pct. 42.9 56.5 Enunwa 22 315 14.3 48 0 Jets 37 771 20.8 54 0
Possession Avg. 30:59 29:01 Thompkins 17 165 9.7 43 0 Opponents 49 1168 23.8 43 0
Total Net Yards 5925 5098 Kerley 16 152 9.5 25 2
Avg. Per Game 370.3 318.6 D. Smith 9 115 12.8 22 1 FIELD
Total Plays 1074 1013 Stacy 9 65 7.2 16 0 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Play 5.5 5.0 Owusu 6 80 13.3 43 0 Bullock 0/0 4/4 4/4 6/8 0/1
Net Yards Rushing 1868 1335 Cumberland 5 77 15.4 44 0 Folk 0/0 2/2 6/6 3/6 2/2
Avg. Per Game 116.8 83.4 Bohanon 4 56 14.0 23 0 Jets 0/0 6/6 10/10 9/14 2/3
Total Rushes 448 373 Ridley 4 -2 -0.5 3 0 Opponents 0/0 7/8 9/9 7/8 3/4
Net Yards Passing 4057 3763 K. Davis 3 18 6.0 9 1
Avg. Per Game 253.6 235.2 Johnson 1 -5 -5.0 -5 0 SACKS No.
Sacked/Yards Lost 22/113 39/278 Jets 362 4170 11.5 69t 33 Wilkerson 12.0
Gross Yards 4170 4041 Opponents 343 4041 11.8 72t 25 Richardson 5.0
Att./Completions 604/362 601/343 D. Harris 4.5
Completion Pct. 59.9 57.1 Mauldin 4.0
Had Intercepted 16 18 Pace 3.0
Punts/Average 80/43.1 86/47.0 L. Williams 3.0
Net Punting Avg. 80/36.2 86/41.6 D. Davis 2.0
Penalties/Yards 96/787 90/767 M. Williams 1.5
Fumbles/Ball Lost 17/8 22/12 Catapano 1.0
Touchdowns 44 34 Reilly 1.0
Rushing 11 4 (group) 1.0
Passing 33 25 Bailey 0.5
Returns 0 5 D. Harrison 0.5
Jets 39.0
Opponents 22.0

106 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Curtis Martin, 1998-2005 ................................................................10,302
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Namath, 1965-1976 ..................................................................27,057
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Namath, 1965-1976 .......................................................................170
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Don Maynard, 1960-1972 .....................................................................627
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Don Maynard, 1960-1972 ................................................................11,732
Interceptions ...................................................................Bill Baird, 1963-69 ..................................................................................34
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Curley Johnson, 1961-68.....................................................................42.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Dick Christy, 1961-63 ..........................................................................16.2
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Joe McKnight, 2010-12........................................................................29.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Pat Leahy, 1974-1991...........................................................................304
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Don Maynard, 1960-1972 .......................................................................88
Points..............................................................................Pat Leahy, 1974-1991........................................................................1,470
*Sacks............................................................................Mark Gastineau, 1979-1988.................................................................74.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Curtis Martin, 2004............................................................................1,697
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Namath, 1967..............................................................................4,007
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ryan Fitzpatrick, 2015.............................................................................31
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Brandon Marshall, 2015 ........................................................................109
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Brandon Marshall, 2015 .....................................................................1,502
Interceptions ...................................................................Dainard Paulson, 1964 ............................................................................12
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Ryan Quigley, 2014 ..............................................................................45.9
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Dick Christy, 1961................................................................................21.3
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Joe McKnight, 2011.............................................................................31.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Jim Turner, 1968 .....................................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Thomas Jones, 2008 ..............................................................................15
Points..............................................................................Jim Turner, 1968 ...................................................................................145
*Sacks............................................................................Mark Gastineau, 1984 ..........................................................................22.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Thomas Jones, 10-18-09......................................................................210
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Namath, 9-24-72 ............................................................................496
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Namath, 9-24-72................................................................................6
Brett Favre, 9-28-08 ..................................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Clark Gaines, 9-21-80 .............................................................................17
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Don Maynard, 11-17-68........................................................................228
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Ty Law, 1-1-06
Field Goals ......................................................................Jim Turner, 11-3-68 ..................................................................................6
Bobby Howfield, 12-3-72 ..........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Wesley Walker, 9-21-86 ............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Wesley Walker, 9-21-86 ..........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Mark Gastineau, 11-6-83, 9-2-84...........................................................4.0
John Abraham, 11-4-01 .........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 107

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
88 Amaro, Jace TE 6-5 265 6/26/92 2 Texas Tech San Antonio, Texas D2-’14 0*
34 Bailey, Dion S 6-0 211 3/2/92 3 Southern California Lakewood, Calif. W(Sea)-’15 7/2*
40 Bohanon, Tommy FB 6-1 247 9/10/90 4 Wake Forest North Fort Myers, Fla. D7-’13 16/4
82 Bostick, Brandon TE 6-3 250 5/3/89 3 Newberry Florence, S.C. FA-’15 0*
# Bowen, Stephen DE 6-5 300 3/28/84 11 Hofstra Dix Hills, N.Y. FA-’15 15/1
# Bullock, Randy K 5-9 206 12/16/89 5 Texas A&M Lafayette, La. FA-’15 11/0*
77 Carpenter, James G 6-5 321 3/22/89 6 Alabama Augusta, Ga. UFA(Sea)-’15 16/16
54 Carter, Bruce LB 6-2 240 2/19/88 6 North Carolina Havelock, N.C. FA-’16 14/3*
53 Catapano, Mike DE 6-4 270 8/17/90 4 Princeton Chaminade, N.Y. FA-’15 3/0
78 t- Clady, Ryan T 6-6 315 9/6/86 9 Boise State Long Beach, Calif. T(Den)-’16 0*
# Colon, Willie G 6-3 315 4/9/83 11 Hofstra Bronx, N.Y. FA-’13 6/6
47 Davis, Kellen TE 6-7 265 10/11/85 9 Michigan State Adrian, Mich. UFA(Det)-’15 16/9
87 Decker, Eric WR 6-3 214 3/15/87 7 Minnesota Cold Spring, Minn. UFA(Den)-’14 15/13
# Douzable, Leger DE 6-4 284 5/31/86 9 Central Florida Tampa, Fla. FA-’13 16/2
70 Dozier, Dakota G 6-4 313 4/30/91 3 Furman West Columbia, S.C. D4c-’14 4/0
81 Enunwa, Quincy WR 6-2 225 5/31/92 2 Nebraska Moreno Valley, Calif. D6b-’14 12/6
# Fitzpatrick, Ryan QB 6-2 223 11/24/82 12 Harvard Gilbert, Ariz. T(Hou)-’15 16/16
2 Folk, Nick K 6-1 222 11/5/84 10 Arizona Hollywood, Calif. FA-’10 8/0
22 Forté, Matt RB 6-2 218 12/10/85 9 Tulane Lake Charles, La. UFA(Chi)-’16 13/13*
68 Giacomini, Breno T 6-7 318 9/27/85 9 Louisville Cambridge, Mass. UFA(Sea)-’14 16/16
21 Gilchrist, Marcus S 5-10 198 12/8/88 6 Clemson High Point, N.C. UFA(SD)-’15 16/16
52 Harris, David LB 6-2 250 1/21/84 10 Michigan Grand Rapids, Mich. D2-’07 16/16
64 Harrison, Jarvis G 6-4 330 12/25/91 2 Texas A&M Navasota, Texas D5-’15 0*
58 Henderson, Erin LB 6-3 244 7/1/86 8 Maryland Aberdeen, Md. FA-’15 16/0
71 Ijalana, Ben T 6-4 322 8/6/89 6 Villanova North Brunswick, N.J. W(Ind)-’13 0*
# Jarrett, Jaiquawn S 6-0 196 9/21/89 5 Temple Brooklyn, N.Y. FA-’12 4/0
98 Jenkins, Jarvis DL 6-4 300 4/24/88 6 Clemson Clemson, S.C. UFA(Chi)-’16 15/15*
76 Johnson, Wesley G 6-5 297 1/9/91 3 Vanderbilt Nashville, Tenn. FA-’15 10/1
# Lattimore, Jamari LB 6-2 229 10/6/88 6 Middle Tennessee St. Miami, Fla. UFA(GB)-’15 15/0
74 Mangold, Nick C 6-4 307 1/13/84 11 Ohio State Centerville, Ohio D1b-’06 15/15
15 Marshall, Brandon WR 6-4 230 3/23/84 11 Central Florida Winter Park, Fla. T(Chi)-’15 16/16
95 Martin, Josh LB 6-3 245 11/7/91 4 Columbia Aurora, Colo. FA-’15 2/0*
42 Martin, Ronald S 6-2 220 2/26/93 2 Louisiana State Plaquemine, La. W(Sea)-’15 8/0
55 Mauldin, Lorenzo LB 6-4 259 10/1/92 2 Louisville Atlanta, Ga. D3-’15 16/0
23 McDougle, Dexter CB 5-10 195 4/8/91 3 Maryland Falmouth, Va. D3-’14 14/0
99 McLendon, Steve DT 6-3 310 1/3/86 7 Troy Ozark, Ala. UFA(Pitt)-’16 16/10*
45 Miles, Rontez S 6-0 203 11/25/88 2 California (PA) Braddock, Pa. FA-’13 9/1
27 Milliner, Dee CB 6-0 201 9/14/91 4 Alabama Millbrook, Ala. D1a-’13 5/0
26 Morris, Darryl CB 5-10 188 9/4/90 4 Texas State San Antonio, Texas FA-’16 12/0*
75 Okoye, Lawrence OL 6-6 304 10/6/91 2 None Croydon, United Kingdom FA-’15 0*
# Owusu, Chris WR 6-2 200 1/6/90 5 Stanford Westlake Village, Calif. FA-’14 3/2
# Pace, Calvin LB 6-4 265 10/28/80 14 Wake Forest Douglasville, Ga. UFA(Ariz)-’08 16/12
9 Petty, Bryce QB 6-3 230 5/31/91 2 Baylor Midlothian, Texas D4-’15 0*
29 Powell, Bilal RB 5-10 204 10/27/88 6 Louisville Lakeland, Fla. D4-’11 11/2
25 Pryor, Calvin S 5-11 207 7/2/92 3 Louisville Port St. Joe, Fla. D1-’14 13/12
46 Purdum, Tanner LS 6-3 270 8/15/84 7 Baker Waco, Texas FA-’10 16/0
79 Qvale, Brent OL 6-7 315 3/11/91 2 Nebraska Williston, N.D. FA-’14 16/1
57 Reilly, Trevor LB 6-5 245 1/17/88 3 Utah Valley Center, Calif. D7-’14 15/0
24 Revis, Darrelle CB 5-11 198 7/14/85 10 Pittsburgh Aliquippa, Pa. UFA(NE)-’15 14/14
91 Richardson, Sheldon DE 6-3 294 11/29/90 4 Missouri St. Louis, Mo. D1b-’13 11/11
31 Robinson, Khiry RB 6-0 220 12/28/89 4 West Texas A&M Midland, Texas FA-’16 8/0*
11 Ross, Jeremy WR 6-0 215 3/16/88 4 California San Diego, Calif. FA-’16 11/0*
41 Skrine, Buster CB 5-9 185 4/26/89 6 Tennessee-Chattanooga Woodstock, Ga. UFA(Cle)-’15 16/8
19 Smith, Devin WR 6-1 199 3/3/92 2 Ohio State Massillon, Ohio D2-’15 10/3
7 Smith, Geno QB 6-3 221 10/10/90 4 West Virginia Miami, Fla. D2-’13 1/0
30 Stacy, Zac RB 5-9 224 4/9/91 4 Vanderbilt Centreville, Ala. T(StL)-’15 8/0
51 Stanford, Julian LB 6-1 230 9/2/90 3 Wagner College Bloomfield, Conn. FA-’15 0*
44 Sudfeld, Zach TE 6-7 260 4/17/89 4 Nevada Santa Cruz, Calif. W(NE)-’13 0*
10 Thompkins, Kenbrell WR 6-0 195 7/29/88 4 Cincinnati Miami, Fla. FA-’15 7/2
96 Wilkerson, Muhammad DE 6-4 315 10/22/89 6 Temple Linden, N.J. D1-’11 16/15
92 Williams, Leonard DE 6-5 302 6/20/94 2 Southern California Daytona Beach, Fla. D1-’15 16/15
20 Williams, Marcus CB 5-11 196 3/24/91 3 North Dakota State Minneapolis, Minn. FA-’14 13/3
67 Winters, Brian G 6-4 320 7/16/91 4 Kent State Hudson, Ohio D3-’13 16/10

108 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Amaro missed ’15 season because of injury; Bailey played 2 games with Seattle and 5 games with the Jets; Bostick spent ’15 season
on the practice squad; Bullock played 3 games with Houston and 8 games with N.Y. Jets; Carter played 14 games with Tampa Bay;
Clady missed ’15 season with Denver because of injury; Forté played 13 games with Chicago; J. Harrison inactive for 7 games; Ijalana
inactive for 15 games; Jenkins played 15 games with Chicago; Martin played 2 games with Tampa Bay and inactive for 6 games with
the Jets; McLendon played 16 games with Pittsburgh; Morris played 12 games with Houston; Okoye spent ’15 season on the practice
squad; Petty inactive for 12 games; Robinson played 8 games with New Orleans; Ross played 6 games with Oakland and 5 games with
Baltimore; Stanford spent ’15 season on the practice squad; Sudfeld missed ’15 season because of injury;

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

t- Jets traded for Clady (Den).

Players lost through free agency (6): S Antonio Allen (Hou; 0 games in ’14), LB Demario Davis (Cle; 16), DT Damon Harrison (NYG; 16),
RB Chris Ivory (Jax; 15), RB Stevan Ridley (Det; 8), CB Darrin Walls (Det; 13).

Also played with Jets in ’15—OL Oday Aboushi (0 games), DT T.J. Barnes (6), LB Quinton Coples (10), CB Antonio Cromartie (15),
TE Jeff Cumberland (15), T D’Brickashaw Ferguson (16), WR Jeremy Kerley (16), P Ryan Quigley (15), P Steve Weatherford (1).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Anderson, Robby WR 6-3 190 5/9/93 Temple Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. FA
Barnes, Deion LB 6-4 255 1/20/93 Penn State Philadelphia, Pa. FA-'15
Barney, Tarow DT 6-1 306 6/8/94 Penn State Bainbridge, Ga. FA
Bishop, Freddie LB 6-3 255 2/25/90 Western Michigan Inkster, Mich. FA-'15
Bundrage, Quenton WR 6-2 198 9/13/91 Iowa State Palmetto, Fla. FA
Burris, Juston CB 6-0 212 8/4/93 North Carolina State Raleigh, N.C. D4
Cunningham, Jerome TE 6-3 250 5/25/91 Southern Connecticut State Waterbury, Conn. FA
Davis, Jesse T 6-6 309 9/15/91 Idaho Asotin, Wash. FA-'15
Davis, Titus WR 6-1 200 1/3/93 Central Michigan Wheaton, Ill. FA-'15
Edwards, Lachlan P 6-4 209 4/27/92 Sam Houston State Hastings, Victoria, Australia D7a
Friend, Kyle C 6-2 305 4/3/94 Temple Carlisle, Pa. FA
Hackenberg, Christian QB 6-4 223 2/14/95 Penn State Palmyra, Va. D2
Hackett, Tom P 5-10 198 5/10/92 Utah Melbourne, Australia FA
Howsare, Julian FB 6-3 255 9/11/92 Clarion Altoona, Pa. FA-'15
James, Kendall DB 6-0 180 6/29/91 Maine Roselle, N.J. FA-'15
Jenkins, Jordan LB 6-3 259 7/1/94 Georgia Hamilton, Ga. D3
Jones, Taiwan LB 6-3 252 12/1/93 Michigan State New Baltimore, Mich. FA-'15
Keeton, Bryson CB 6-2 190 2/24/93 Montana State Bakersfield, Calif. FA
Lee, Darron LB 6-1 232 10/18/94 Ohio State New Albany, Ohio D1
Marquardt, Luke T 6-8 315 3/23/90 Azusa Pacific Sammamish, Wash. FA
Marshall, Jalin WR 5-10 200 7/21/95 Ohio State Middletown, Ohio FA
Martin, Ross K 5-9 183 7/3/93 Duke Solon, Ohio FA
Matungulu, Helva DE 6-5 290 4/10/92 Western Carolina Nairobi, Kenya FA
Obioha, Julien DE 6-4 280 7/7/94 Texas A&M New Orleans, La. FA
Peake, Charone WR 6-2 209 10/16/92 Clemson Moore, S.C. D7b
Pelon, Claude DE 6-4 300 11/27/92 Southern California Orlando, Fla. FA
Saxton, Wes TE 6-4 235 8/13/93 South Alabama Hueytown, Ala. FA-'15
Shell, Brandon T 6-5 324 2/6/92 South Carolina Goose Creek, S.C. D5
Short, Kevin CB 6-2 185 3/23/92 Fort Scott C.C. (KS) Florissant, Mo. FA-'15
Simon, Deon NT 6-4 332 7/6/90 Northwestern State (LA) Baton Rouge, La. D7-'15
Thomas, Lawrence DE 6-3 286 4/16/93 Michigan State Detroit, Mich. FA
Vander Laan, Jason TE 6-4 244 9/22/92 Ferris State Frankfort, Ill. FA
Watts, Craig G 6-3 335 6/20/91 West Texas A&M Colorado Springs, Colo. FA-'15
Williams, Dominique RB 5-9 205 9/15/93 Wagner College Bridgeton, N.J. FA-'15
Worthy, Chandler WR 5-9 173 9/15/93 Troy Griffin, Ga. FA-'15

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 109

COACHING STAFF 30, 1975, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Outside line- Texas Southern 2004-05. Pro coach: Minnesota
Head Coach, backer East Tennessee State 1995-98. No pro Vikings 2006-2013, joined Jets in 2015.
Todd Bowles playing experience. College coach: East Pepper Johnson, defensive line; born July 29,
Pro Career: Named the head coach of the New Tennessee State 1999-2002, Michigan 2003- 1964, Detroit, Mich. Linebacker Ohio State
York Jets on January 14, 2015. Begins his sec- 04, Elon 2005, Georgia Southern 2006, Georgia 1982-85. Pro linebacker New York Giants
ond season as head coach of the Jets after lead- 2007, Louisiana-Monroe 2009. Pro coach: 1986-1992, Cleveland Browns 1993-95,
ing the team to a 10-6 record – a six-win Atlanta Falcons 2010-14, joined Jets in 2015. Detroit Lions 1996, New York Jets 1997-98.
increase – in his first season. Oversaw an Joe Danna, defensive backs; born April 3, Pro coach: New England Patriots 2001-2013,
improvement on both sides of the ball as the 1977, Midland, Mich. Attended Central Buffalo Bills 2014, joined Jets in 2015.
team’s defensive rankings progressed across Michigan. No college or pro playing experience. Kavan Latham, asst. strength and conditioning;
the board, including in key categories of run College coach: Michigan 1999-2000, Georgia born December 5, 1988, Delran, N.J. Defensive
defense, third down defense, red zone defense 2001, Central Michigan 2002-05, Georgia tackle The College of New Jersey 2007-2010.
and takeaways. Offensively, the Jets ranked in Southern 2006, James Madison 2007. Pro No pro playing experience. College coach: The
the top 10 in total offense for the first time since coach: Atlanta Falcons 2008-09, 2012-14, College of New Jersey 2010-11. Pro coach:
1998 as they saw franchise records broken for Miami Dolphins 2010-11, joined Jets in 2015. Joined Jets in 2014.
most passing touchdowns, receptions and David Diaz-Infante, asst. offensive line; born Steve Marshall, offensive line; born June 20,
receiving yards. Served as defensive coordinator March 31, 1964, San Jose, Calif. Offensive line 1956, Hartford, Conn. Guard/tight end Louisville
for the Arizona Cardinals from 2013-14. Earned San Jose State 1983-86. Pro offensive line San 1976-78. No pro playing experience. College
NFL Assistant Coach of the Year honors in 2014. Diego Chargers 1987, Frankfurt Galaxy (WLAF) coach: Plymouth State 1979, Tennessee 1980-
Coached with the Philadelphia Eagles (2012), 1991-92, Sacramento Gold Miners (CFL) 81, Marshall 1982-83, Louisville 1984, Murray
Miami Dolphins (2008-2011, including three 1993-94, Denver Broncos 1995-98, 2001, State 1985-86, Virginia Tech 1987-1992,
games as interim head coach in 2011), Dallas Philadelphia Eagles 1999, Las Vegas Outlaws Tennessee 1993- 95, UCLA 1996, Texas A&M
Cowboys (2005-07) and Cleveland Browns (XFL) 2001. College coach: San Jose State 1997, North Carolina 1998-99, Colorado 2000-
(2001-04) and Jets (2000). Coached collegiate- 1990-91. Pro coach: Arizona Cardinals 2013- 01, California 2009-2010, Colorado 2011-12,
ly at Morehouse College (1997) and Grambling 14, joined Jets in 2016. New Mexico State 2014. Pro coach: Houston
State (1998-99). Career record: 12-7. Karl Dorrell, wide receivers; born December Texans 2002-05, Cleveland Browns 2007-08,
Background: Team captain at Temple (1982- 18, 1963, Alameda, Calif. Wide receiver UCLA Green Bay Packers 2014, joined Jets in 2015.
85). Despite being undrafted, played in 117 1982-86. No pro playing experience. College Daylon McCutcheon, asst. cornerbacks; born
regular-season NFL games at cornerback and coach: UCLA 1988, Central Florida 1989, December 9, 1976, Los Angeles, Calif.
safety and registered 15 interceptions and Northern Arizona 1990-91, Colorado 1992-93, Cornerback Southern California 1995-98. Pro
seven fumble recoveries for the Redskins Arizona State 1994, Colorado 1995-98, cornerback Cleveland Browns 1999-2006. Pro
(1986-1990, 1992-93) and the San Francisco Washington 1999, UCLA 2003-07 (head coach: Joined Jets in 2015.
49ers (1991). Starter on the 1987 Redskins coach), Vanderbilt 2014. Pro coach: Denver Aaron McLaurin, asst. strength and condition-
championship team that defeated the Denver Broncos 2000-02, Miami Dolphins 2008-2011, ing; born February 27, 1984, Buffalo, N.Y.
Broncos, 42-10, in Super Bowl XXII. Houston Texans 2012, joined Jets in 2015. Attended Hampton. No college or pro playing
Personal: Born November 18, 1963, Elizabeth, Chan Gailey, offensive coordinator; born experience. College coach: Michigan State
N.J. He and his wife, Taneka, have three sons, January 5, 1952, Americus, Ga. Quarterback 2008-2010, Colgate 2011. Pro coach:
Todd Jr., Troy, and Tyson. Florida 1971-73. No pro playing experience. Minnesota Vikings 2012, joined Jets in 2014.
College coach: Florida 1974-75, Troy 1976-78, Kevin Patullo, quarterbacks; born July 14,
ASSISTANT COACHES Air Force 1979-1982, Troy 1983-84 (head 1981, Hillsborough, N.J. Quarterback/ wide
Tim Atkins, defensive quality control; born July coach), Samford 1993 (head coach), Georgia receiver South Florida 1999-2001. College
19, 1979, Omaha, Neb. No college or pro play- Tech 2002-07 (head coach). Pro coach: coach: South Florida 2003, Arizona 2004-06.
ing experience. College coach: Whittier College Denver Broncos 1985-1990, Birmingham Fire Pro coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2007-2008,
2004-05, Florida Atlantic 2008-09. Pro coach: (WLAF) 1991-92 (head coach), Pittsburgh Buffalo Bills 2010-12, Tennessee Titans 2014,
Miami Dolphins 2006-07, Buffalo Bills 2011- Steelers 1994-97, Dallas Cowboys 1998-99 joined Jets in 2015.
12, joined Jets in 2016. (head coach), Miami Dolphins 2000-01, Kacy Rodgers, defensive coordinator; born
Brant Boyer, special teams coordinator; born Kansas City Chiefs 2008, Buffalo Bills 2010-12 June 24, 1969, Humboldt, Tenn. Linebacker/
June 27, 1971, Henefer, Utah. Linebacker (head coach), joined Jets in 2015. defensive end Tennessee 1988-1991. Pro line-
Arizona 1992-93. Pro linebacker Miami Justus Galac, strength and conditioning; born backer Shreveport Pirates (CFL) 1994. College
Dolphins 1994, Jacksonville Jaguars 1995- August 15, 1980, Cattaraugus, N.Y. Nose tack- coach: Tennessee-Martin 1994-97, Louisiana-
2000, Cleveland Browns 2001-03. Pro coach: le SUNY Brockport 1998-2001. No pro playing Monroe 1998, Middle Tennessee State 1999-
Indianapolis Colts 2012-15, joined Jets in 2016. experience. College coach: SUNY Brockport 2001, Arkansas 2002. Pro coach: Dallas
Robby Brown, offensive quality control; born 2002, Dickenson College 2003-04, Villanova Cowboys 2003-07, Miami Dolphins 2008-
July 15, 1980, Blairsville, Ga. Quarterback 2005-2011. Pro coach: Joined Jets in 2012. 2014, joined Jets in 2015.
Georgia Military College 2002, Georgia Tech Jeff Hammerschmidt, asst. special teams; John Scott, Jr., asst. defensive line; born
2003-04. No pro playing experience. College born December 9, 1967, San Diego, Calif. December 15, 1975, Omaha, Neb. Defensive
coach: Troy 2005-06, Southwest Baptist 2007, Defensive back Arizona 1987-1990. Pro defen- end Western Carolina 1996-99. Pro defensive
Henderson State 2008, Valdosta State 2009- sive back Los Angeles Rams 1991, Frankfurt end Greensboro Prowlers (AFL2) 2000-01.
2012, Northwestern State 2013, South Galaxy (WLAF) 1992. College coach: Arizona College coach: Louisiana-Lafayette 2003-04,
Alabama 2014. Pro coach: Joined Jets in 2015. 1992-95, 2008-2011, Southern Utah 1996-97, Norfolk State 2005, Western Carolina 2006-08,
Mike Caldwell, asst. head coach/inside line- Indiana 1998-99, Saint Mary’s 2000-02, Missouri State 2009, Georgia Southern 2010-
backers; born August 31, 1971, Oak Ridge, Montana 2003-04, Cal Poly 2005, Stanford 12, Texas Tech 2013-14, Buffalo 2015. Pro
Tenn. Linebacker Middle Tennessee State 1989- 2006, San Jose State 2007, Colorado State coach: Joined Jets in 2015.
1992. Pro linebacker Cleveland Browns 1993- 2012-15. Pro coach: Joined Jets in 2016. Marcel Shipp, running backs; born August 8,
95, Baltimore Ravens 1996, Arizona Cardinals Jimmie Johnson, tight ends; born October 6, 1978, Paterson, N.J. Running back
1997, Philadelphia Eagles 1998-2001, Chicago 1966, Augusta, Ga. Tight end Howard 1985-88. Massachusetts 1997-2000. Pro running back
Bears 2002, Carolina Panthers 2003. Pro Pro tight end Washington Redskins 1989-1991, Arizona Cardinals 2001-07, Las Vegas
coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2008-2012, Arizona Detroit Lions 1992-93, Kansas City Chiefs 1994, Locomotives (UFL) 2009-2011. College coach:
Cardinals 2013-14, joined Jets in 2015. Philadelphia Eagles 1995-98. College coach: Massachusetts 2014. Pro coach: Las Vegas
Mark Collins, outside linebackers; born August South Carolina State 2001, Shaw 2002-03, Locomotives (UFL) 2012, joined Jets in 2015.

110 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Mark Davis Oakland 1960-1981, 1995-2015
General Manager: Reggie McKenzie Los Angeles 1982-1994
President: Marc Badain (469-415-11)
Director – Football Administration: Records include postseason games
Tom Delaney 1960-61 Eddie Erdelatz* .............6-10-0
Director – Player Personnel: 1961-62 Marty Feldman**..........2-15-0
Joey Clinkscales 1962 Red Conkright .................1-8-0
Director – College Scouting: 1963-65 Al Davis ......................23-16-3
Shaun Herock 1966-68 John Rauch ................35-10-1
Director – Pro Personnel: Dane Vandernat 1969-1978 John Madden ............112-39-7
Pro Scouts: Ben Chester, Von Hutchins, 1979-1987 Tom Flores..................91-56-0
Kyle Newhall-Caballero 1988-89 Mike Shanahan***........8-12-0
College Scouts: Calvin Branch, Zack 1989-1994 Art Shell......................56-41-0
Crockett, Brad Kaplan, Mickey Marvin, 1995-96 Mike White..................15-17-0
American Football Conference David McCloughan, Raleigh McKenzie, 1997 Joe Bugel......................4-12-0
West Division Trey Scott 1998-2001 Jon Gruden .................40-28-0
Team Colors: Silver and Black Scouting Coordinator: Teddy Atlas 2002-03 Bill Callahan ................17-18-0
1220 Harbor Bay Parkway Team Travel and Logistics Coordinator: 2004-05 Norv Turner...................9-23-0
Alameda, California 94502 Pete Caracciolo 2006 Art Shell........................2-14-0
Telephone: (510) 864-5000 Football Operations Coordinator: 2007-08 Lane Kiffin**** ............5-15-0
Tom Jones 2008-2010 Tom Cable...................17-27-0
2016 SCHEDULE Senior Director – Media Relations: 2011 Hue Jackson ...................8-8-0
PRESEASON Will Kiss 2012-14 Dennis Allen#...............8-28-0
Aug. 12 at Arizona ..........................7:00 Team Orthopedist: Dr. Warren King 2014 Tony Sparano..................3-9-0
Aug. 18 at Green Bay ......................5:00 Head Athletic Trainer: H. Rod Martin 2015 Jack Del Rio ...................7-9-0
Aug. 27 Tennessee .........................5:00 Administrative Assistant to the Head * Released after two games in 1961
Sep. 1 Seattle...............................7:00 Coach: Rachel Johnson ** Released after five games in 1962
*** Released after four games in 1989
Director - Video Operations: Dave Nash
REGULAR SEASON **** Released after four games in 2008
Equipment Manager: Bob Romanski # Released after four games in 2014
Sep. 11 at New Orleans ..............10:00a Director – Player Engagement:
Sep. 18 Atlanta ..............................1:25 Lamonte Winston
Sep. 25 at Tennessee .................10:00a PAID ATTENDANCE
Executive Vice President and General Home 421,864 Away 523,799
Oct. 2 at Baltimore ...................10:00a
Counsel: Dan Ventrelle Total 945,663
Oct. 9 San Diego .........................1:25
Senior Vice President – Stadium and Single-game home record,
Oct. 16 Kansas City ......................1:05
Operations: Tom Blanda 62,660 (11/3/02)
Oct. 23 at Jacksonville ...............10:00a
Oct. 30 at Tampa Bay ................10:00a Senior Vice President – Community Single-season home record,
Nov. 6 Denver ............................*5:30 Relations and Public Affairs: 471,151 (2002)
BYE Rosie Bone
Nov. 21 Houston (Mexico City (Mon))...5:30 Senior Vice President – Administration, 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Nov. 27 Carolina ............................1:25 Facilities and Ownership: Round Name Pos. College
Dec. 4 Buffalo ..............................1:05 Cheryl Nichols 1 Karl Joseph S West Virginia
Dec. 8 at Kansas City (Thu)...........5:25 Senior Vice President – Business 2 Jihad Ward DE Illinois
Dec. 18 at San Diego .....................1:25 Development/Chief Revenue Officer: 3 Shilique Calhoun LB Michgian St.
Dec. 24 Indianapolis (Sat) ..............1:05 Mark Shearer 4 Connor Cook QB Michigan St.
Jan. 1 at Denver ..........................1:25 Senior Vice President – Chief Financial 5 DeAndre Washington RB Texas Tech
* All times PT; Sunday night games in Officer: Ed Villanueva 6 Cory James LB Colorado St.
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing 7 Vadal Alexander G Louisiana St.
Stadium: Oakland-Alameda County ........ Officer: Courtnee Westendorf
Coliseum Vice President – Broadcasting:
(opened in 1966) Vittorio DeBartolo
•Capacity: 53,286 Vice President – Technology: Matt Pasco
7000 Coliseum Way Vice President – Media and
Oakland, CA 94621-1917 Entertainment: Brad Phinney
Playing Surface: Grass Vice President – Premium Seating and
Training Camp: Napa Valley Marriott Service: Qiava Harper
Napa, California 94558 Vice President – Ticket Sales and
Vice President – Human Resources:
Karla Tai

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 111

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Carr 573 350 3987 61.1 32 13 31/230 91.1
08/14 W 18-3 St. Louis McGloin 32 23 142 71.9 2 1 2/20 88.3
08/22 L 12-20 at Minnesota Raiders 605 373 4129 61.7 34 14 33/250 91.0
08/30 L 23-30 Arizona Opponents 641 404 4351 63.0 25 14 38/211 86.8
09/03 L 21-31 at Seattle
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Woodson 5 22 4.4 11 0
Date Result Opponent
Janikowski 0 0 0 38/39 21/26 0 101 Amerson 4 28 7.0 24t 1
09/13 L 13-33 Cincinnati
Crabtree 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 M. Smith 1 27 27.0 27 0
09/20 W 37-33 Baltimore
Cooper 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Allen 1 5 5.0 5 0
09/27 W 27-20 at Cleveland
Murray 6 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Carrie 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/04 L 20-22 at Chicago
Roberts 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 32 Hayden 1 1 1.0 1 0
10/11 L 10-16 Denver
A. Holmes 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Thorpe 1 -12 -12.0 -12 0
10/25 W 37-29 at San Diego
Reece 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Raiders 14 73 5.2 27 1
11/01 W 34-20 New York Jets
Walford 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 14 381 27.2 74t 3
11/08 L 35-38 at Pittsburgh
Amerson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/15 L 14-30 Minnesota
Helu 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 L 13-18 at Detroit
Jones 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 King 83 3697 44.5 40 70
11/29 W 24-21 at Tennessee
Olawale 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Raiders 84 3697 44.0 40 70
12/06 L 20-34 Kansas City
Rivera 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 71 3210 45.2 19 67
12/13 W 15-12 at Denver
L. Smith 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/20 L 20-30 Green Bay
Autry 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 PUNT
12/24 W 23-20 San Diego (OT) RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Mayowa 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2
01/03 L 17-23 at Kansas City Carrie 19 2 118 6.2 22 0
Raiders 7 34 1 38/39 21/26 2 359
(OT) Overtime J. Ross 14 9 105 7.5 22 0
Opponents 12 25 4 31/35 36/42 2 399
2-Pt Conv: Roberts Cooper 8 0 41 5.1 18 0
Raiders 1-3, Opponents 5-6 Thigpen 1 2 1 1.0 1 0
Raiders 58 136 84 78 3 — 359
Alexander 0 0 7 — 7 0
Opponents 102 96 63 138 0 — 399
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Raiders 42 13 272 6.5 25 0
Murray 266 1066 4.0 54 6 Opponents 30 19 201 6.7 29 0
Raiders Opp. Carr 33 138 4.2 24 0
Olawale 24 110 4.6 19t 1 KICKOFF
Total First Downs 300 344
Jones 16 74 4.6 19 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 74 94
Helu 17 39 2.3 12 0 Jones 31 829 26.7 70 0
Passing 193 206
Reece 10 36 3.6 12 0 J. Ross 12 265 22.1 32 0
Penalty 33 44
Cooper 3 -3 -1.0 2 0 Helu 4 85 21.3 37 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 86/220 84/224
Woodson 1 -3 -3.0 -3 0 Roberts 2 47 23.5 24 0
3rd Down Pct. 39.1 37.5
Raiders 370 1457 3.9 54 7 Reece 2 32 16.0 18 0
4th Down: Made/Att 5/13 9/17
Opponents 406 1678 4.1 80t 12 L. Smith 1 8 8.0 8 0
4th Down Pct. 38.5 52.9
Thigpen 1 2 2.0 2 0
Possession Avg. 29:19 30:41
RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Raiders 53 1268 23.9 70 0
Total Net Yards 5336 5818
Crabtree 85 922 10.8 38t 9 Opponents 35 795 22.7 93t 1
Avg. Per Game 333.5 363.6
Cooper 72 1070 14.9 68t 6
Total Plays 1008 1085 FIELD
Murray 41 232 5.7 23 0
Avg. Per Play 5.3 5.4 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Roberts 32 480 15.0 43 5
Net Yards Rushing 1457 1678 Janikowski 0/0 7/7 5/6 5/8 4/5
Rivera 32 280 8.8 29 1
Avg. Per Game 91.1 104.9 Raiders 0/0 7/7 5/6 5/8 4/5
Reece 30 269 9.0 55 3
Total Rushes 370 406 Opponents 2/2 11/11 11/12 9/13 3/4
Walford 28 329 11.8 33 3
Net Yards Passing 3879 4140
A. Holmes 14 201 14.4 49t 4
Avg. Per Game 242.4 258.8 SACKS No.
L. Smith 12 70 5.8 17 1
Sacked/Yards Lost 33/250 38/211 Mack 15.0
Olawale 9 84 9.3 15 0
Gross Yards 4129 4351 M. Smith 4.0
Helu 9 75 8.3 15 1
Att./Completions 605/373 641/404 A. Smith 3.5
Jones 7 106 15.1 59t 1
Completion Pct. 61.7 63.0 Autry 3.0
Streater 1 8 8.0 8 0
Had Intercepted 14 14 Heeney 2.5
Penn 1 3 3.0 3 0
Punts/Average 84/44.0 71/45.2 M. Edwards 2.0
Raiders 373 4129 11.1 68t 34
Net Punting Avg. 84/40.7 71/40.3 Armstrong 1.0
Opponents 404 4351 10.8 59 25
Penalties/Yards 139/1102 104/943 Ball 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 27/10 18/11 Harris 1.0
Touchdowns 42 41 Hayden 1.0
Rushing 7 12 Lofton 1.0
Passing 34 25 Mayowa 1.0
Returns 1 4 Tuck 1.0
Williams 1.0
Raiders 38.0
Opponents 33.0

112 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Marcus Allen, 1982-1992...................................................................8,545
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Ken Stabler, 1970-79 .......................................................................19,078
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ken Stabler, 1970-79 ............................................................................150
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tim Brown, 1988-2003......................................................................1,070
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Tim Brown, 1988-2003....................................................................14,734
Interceptions ...................................................................Willie Brown, 1967-1978.........................................................................39
Lester Hayes, 1977-1986........................................................................39
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Shane Lechler, 2000-2012 ...............................................................**47.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Claude Gibson, 1963-65 ......................................................................12.6
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Jack Larscheid, 1960-61......................................................................28.4
Field Goals ......................................................................Sebastian Janikowski, 2000-2015.........................................................385
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Tim Brown, 1988-2003.........................................................................104
Points..............................................................................Sebastian Janikowski, 2000-2015......................................................1,675
*Sacks............................................................................Greg Townsend, 1983-1993, 1997.....................................................107.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Marcus Allen, 1985............................................................................1,759
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Rich Gannon, 2002 ............................................................................4,689
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Daryle Lamonica, 1969 ...........................................................................34
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tim Brown 1997 ...................................................................................104
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Tim Brown, 1997 ...............................................................................1,408
Interceptions ...................................................................Lester Hayes, 1980.................................................................................13
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Shane Lechler, 2009 ............................................................................51.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Claude Gibson, 1964............................................................................14.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Harold Hart, 1975 ................................................................................30.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Jeff Jaeger, 1993 ....................................................................................35
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marcus Allen, 1984.................................................................................18
Points..............................................................................Sebastian Janikowski, 2010 ..................................................................142
*Sacks............................................................................Derrick Burgess, 2005 .........................................................................16.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Napoleon Kaufman, 10-19-97 ...............................................................227
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Cotton Davidson, 10-25-64 ...................................................................427
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tom Flores, 12-22-63 ...............................................................................6
Daryle Lamonica, 10-19-69 ......................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tim Brown, 12-21-97..............................................................................14
Brandon Myers, 12-2-12.........................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Art Powell, 12-22-63 ............................................................................247
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Rod Woodson, 9-29-02
Field Goals ......................................................................Sebastian Janikowski, 11-27-11................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Art Powell, 12-22-63.................................................................................4
Marcus Allen, 9-24-84 ..............................................................................4
Harvey Williams, 11-16-97 .......................................................................4
Darren McFadden, 10-24-10 .....................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Art Powell, 12-22-63...............................................................................24
Marcus Allen, 9-24-84 ............................................................................24
Harvey Williams, 11-16-97 .....................................................................24
Darren McFadden, 10-24-10 ...................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Howie Long, 10-2-83 .............................................................................5.0
Khalil Mack, 12-13-15............................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 113

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
20 Allen, Nate S 6-0 210 11/30/87 7 South Florida Cape Coral, Fla. UFA(Phil)-’15 5/3
29 Amerson, David CB 6-1 205 12/8/91 4 North Carolina State Greensboro, N.C. W(Wash)-’15 16/12*
#Asante, Larry S 6-0 210 3/7/88 5 Nebraska Alexandria, Va. FA-’14 16/2
96 Autry, Denico DL 6-5 270 7/15/90 3 Mississippi State Albemarle, N.C. FA-’14 14/8
58 Ball, Neiron LB 6-3 235 8/20/92 2 Florida Jackson, Ga. D5b-’15 6/2
#Barnes, Khalif T/G 6-6 320 4/21/82 12 Washington Spring Valley, Calif. UFA(Jax)-’09 14/1
56 Bates, Daren LB 5-11 225 11/27/90 4 Auburn Olive Branch, Miss. FA-’16 15/0*
4 Carr, Derek QB 6-3 215 3/28/91 3 Fresno State Bakersfield, Calif. D2-’14 16/16
38 Carrie, TJ CB 6-0 205 7/28/90 3 Ohio Antioch, Calif. D7a-’14 15/14
59 Condo, Jon LS 6-3 240 8/26/81 10 Maryland Philipsburg, Pa. FA-’06 13/0
89 Cooper, Amari WR 6-1 210 6/17/94 2 Alabama Miami, Fla. D1-’15 16/15
15 Crabtree, Michael WR 6-1 215 9/14/87 8 Texas Tech Dallas, Texas UFA(SF)-’15 16/15
84 Debose, Andre WR 6-0 190 9/12/90 2 Florida Sanford, Fla. D7b-’15 0*
97 Edwards Jr., Mario DE 6-3 280 1/25/94 2 Florida State Gautier, Miss. D2-’15 14/10
78 Ellis, Justin DT 6-2 335 12/27/90 3 Louisiana Tech Monroe, La. D4a-’14 12/9
68 Feliciano, Jon G/C 6-4 325 2/10/92 2 Miami Davie, Fla. D4-’15 6/3
#Gafford, Thomas LS 6-2 245 1/29/83 9 Houston Houston, Texas FA-’15 14/0*
43 Hall, Jimmy S 6-1 230 11/18/91 2 Northwestern Toledo, Ohio FA-’15 0*
75 Harris, Shelby DE 6-2 290 8/11/91 2 Illinois State Milwaukee, Wis. D7b-’14 7/0
25 Hayden, DJ CB 5-11 190 6/27/90 4 Houston Houston, Texas D1-’13 16/13
50 Heeney, Ben LB 6-0 230 5/13/92 2 Kansas Hutchinson, Kan. D5a-’15 15/3
26 Helu, Jr., Roy RB 5-11 220 12/7/88 6 Nebraska Danville, Calif. UFA(Wash)-’15 9/0
18 Holmes, Andre WR 6-4 210 6/16/88 5 Hillsdale Elk Grove, Ill. W(NE)-’13 16/1
82 Holmes, Gabe TE 6-5 255 3/29/91 2 Purdue Miramar, Fla. FA-’15 0*
77 Howard, Austin T 6-7 330 3/22/87 7 Northern Iowa Davenport, Iowa UFA(NYJ)-’14 13/13
61 Hudson, Rodney C 6-2 300 7/12/89 6 Florida State Mobile, Ala. UFA(KC)-’15 13/13
51 Irvin, Bruce LB 6-3 250 11/1/87 5 West Virginia Atlanta, Ga. UFA(Sea)-’16 15/12*
66 Jackson, Gabe G 6-3 335 7/12/91 3 Mississippi State Liberty, Miss. D3-’14 16/16
11 Janikowski, Sebastian K 6-1 265 3/2/78 17 Florida State Daytona Beach, Fla. D1-’00 16/0
22 Jones, Taiwan RB 6-0 195 7/26/88 6 Eastern Washington Antioch, Calif. D4b-’11 12/0
7 King, Marquette P 6-0 195 10/26/88 5 Fort Valley State Macon, Ga. FA-’12 16/0
55 Lotulelei, John LB 5-11 235 12/4/91 4 Nevada-Las Vegas Kihei, Hawaii FA-’15 4/0*
52 Mack, Khalil DE 6-3 250 2/22/91 3 Buffalo Fort Pierce, Fla. D1-’14 16/16
73 McCants, Matt T/G 6-6 310 8/18/89 4 Alabama Birmingham Mobile, Ala. FA-’13 2/0
35 McDonald, Dewey DB 6-0 220 6/10/90 2 California (PA) Ranson, W.Va. FA-’15 1/0*
23 McDonald, Dexter CB 6-1 200 11/30/91 2 Kansas Kansas City, Mo. D7c-’15 6/0
37 McDonald, Tevin S 5-11 195 7/17/92 2 Eastern Washington Fresno, Calif. FA-’15 4/0
92 McGee, Stacy DT 6-3 310 1/17/90 4 Oklahoma Muskogee, Okla. D6d-’13 16/4
39 McGill, Keith CB 6-3 210 3/9/89 3 Utah La Mirada, Calif. D4b-’14 13/0
14 McGloin, Matt QB 6-1 210 12/2/89 4 Penn State Scranton, Pa. FA-’13 2/0
28 Murray, Latavius RB 6-3 230 1/18/90 4 Central Florida Nedrow, N.Y. D6b-’13 16/16
27 Nelson, Reggie S 5-11 210 9/21/83 10 Florida Melbourne, Fla. UFA(Cin)-’16 16/16*
49 Olawale, Jamize FB/RB 6-1 240 4/17/89 4 North Texas Long Beach, Calif. FA-’12 14/3
70 Osemele, Kelechi G/T 6-5 330 6/24/89 5 Iowa State Houston, Texas UFA(Balt)-’16 14/14*
72 Penn, Donald T 6-4 315 4/27/83 11 Utah State Inglewood, Calif. FA-’14 16/16
45 Reece, Marcel FB 6-1 250 6/23/85 7 Washington Inglewood, Calif. FA-’08 15/7
81 Rivera, Mychal TE 6-3 245 9/8/90 4 Tennessee Valencia, Calif. D6c-’13 16/0
10 Roberts, Seth WR 6-2 195 2/22/91 2 West Alabama Moultrie, Ga. FA-’14 16/5
99 Smith, Aldon LB 6-4 265 9/25/89 6 Missouri Raytown, Mo. FA-’15 9/7
86 Smith, Lee TE 6-6 265 11/21/87 6 Marshall Powell, Tenn. UFA(Buff)-’15 15/15
53 Smith, Malcolm LB 6-0 225 7/5/89 6 Southern California Northridge, Calif. UFA(Sea)-’15 16/16
21 Smith, Sean CB 6-3 220 7/14/87 8 Utah Pasadena, Calif. UFA(KC)-’16 13/13*
31 Thorpe, Neiko CB 6-1 200 2/1/90 4 Auburn Tucker, Ga. FA-’14 14/2
54 Toomer, Korey LB 6-2 235 12/09/88 3 Idaho Las Vegas, Nev. FA-’15 10/0
41 Trawick, Brynden S 6-2 225 10/23/89 4 Troy Marietta, Ga. FA-’16 16/1*
88 Walford, Clive TE 6-4 250 10/1/91 2 Miami Belle Glade, Fla. D3-’15 16/2
71 Watson, Menelik T 6-5 315 12/22/88 4 Florida State Manchester, England D2-’13 0*
90 Williams, Dan DT 6-2 330 6/1/87 7 Tennessee Memphis, Tenn. UFA(Ariz)-’15 16/15

114 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Amerson played 2 games with Washington and 14 with Oakland in ’15; Bates played 15 games with St. Louis; Debose missed ’15 sea-
son because of injury; Gafford played 11 games with Chicago and 3 with Oakland; Hall missed ’15 season because of injury; Holmes
inactive for 9 games; Irvin played 15 games with Seattle; Lotulelei played 4 games with Jacksonville; McDonald played 1 game with
Indianapolis, 1 game with New England and 1 game with Oakland; Nelson played 16 games with Cincinnati; Osemele played 14 games
with Baltimore; Smith played 13 games with Kansas City; Trawick played 16 games with Baltimore; Watson missed ’15 season because
of injury.

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (7): LB Lorenzo Alexander (Buff; 16 games), C/G Tony Bergstrom (Hou; 16 games),
DE Benson Mayowa (Dall; 12 games), S Taylor Mays (Cin; 14), WR Jeremy Ross (NYJ; 6), WR Rod Streater (KC; 1),
G/T J’Marcus Webb (Sea; 16).

Also played with Raiders in ’15—LB Ray-Ray Armstrong (10 games), S Keenan Lambert (5), LB Curtis Lofton (16), DT Leon Orr (3).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Alexander, Vadal G 6-5 326 3/23/94 Louisiana State Buford, Ga. D7
Atkinson III, George RB 6-1 220 11/29/92 Notre Dame Stockton, Calif. FA-'15
Bell, Mitch G 6-3 345 9/12/92 Louisiana Tech Houston, Texas FA-'15
Brent, K.J. WR 6-3 202 8/06/93 Wake Forest Waxhaw, N.C. FA
Burbank, Ross C 6-4 294 1/27/93 Virginia Virginia Beach, Va. FA
Calhoun, Shilique LB 6-4 251 3/20/92 Michigan State Middletown, N.J. D3
Cook, Connor QB 6-4 217 1/29/93 Michigan State Hinckley, Ohio D4
Cowser, James LB/DE 6-3 247 9/13/90 Southern Utah Fruit Heights, Utah FA
Durden, Kenneth CB 6-1 182 5/16/92 Youngstown State Valdosta, Ga. FA
East, Andrew LS 6-2 220 9/17/91 Vanderbilt Indianapolis, Ind. FA
Edwards, SaQwan CB 6-0 200 5/13/92 New Mexico Houston, Texas FA-'15
Gilbert, Garrett QB 6-4 230 7/01/91 Southern Methodist Austin, Texas FA-'15
Hackett, Chris DB 6-0 195 8/03/93 Texas Christian Tyler, Texas FA-'15
Hamilton, Antonio CB 6-0 188 1/24/93 South Carolina State Johnston, S.C. FA
Holton, Johnny WR 6-1 188 8/22/91 Cincinnati Miami, Fla. FA
Iddings, Drew DL 6-5 290 3/16/93 South Dakota Rapid City, S.D. FA
James, Cory LB 6-1 229 5/22/93 Colorado State Del Rio, Texas D6
Joseph, Karl S 5-10 207 9/08/93 West Virginia Orlando, Fla. D1
Kirkland, Denver (O) G 6-4 335 3/06/94 Arkansas Miami, Fla. FA
Latham, Darius (D) DT 6-4 306 11/09/94 Indiana Indianapolis, Ind. FA
McCaffrey, Max WR 6-2 196 5/17/94 Duke Castle Rock, Colo. FA
McRae, Tony CB 5-9 178 5/03/93 North Carolina A&T Laurinburg, N.C. FA
Mickens, Jaydon WR 5-10 174 4/21/94 Washington Los Angeles, Calif. FA
O'Malley, Ryan TE 6-6 258 7/24/93 Pennsylvania Summit, N.J. FA
Omoile, Oni G 6-2 310 6/24/93 Iowa State Coppell, Texas FA
Orr, Leon DT 6-5 320 2/11/92 Florida New Port Richey, Fla. FA-'15
Tavecchio, Giorgio K 5-10 180 7/16/90 California Milan, Italy FA-'15
Townsend Jr., Greg DE 6-2 258 12/11/92 Southern California Beverly Hills, Calif. FA
Underwood, Colton TE 6-3 255 1/26/92 Illinois State Washington, Ill. FA-'15
Vaughn, Terran G/C 6-3 306 3/30/94 Stephen F. Austin Beaumont, Texas FA
Ward, Jihad DL 6-5 297 5/11/94 Illinois Philadelphia, Pa. D2
Washington, DeAndré RB 5-8 204 2/22/93 Texas Tech Missouri City, Texas D5
Wilson, Kyrie LB 6-2 228 11/05/92 Fresno State Bakersfield, Calif. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 115

COACHING STAFF Joe Gomes, head strength and conditioning; Nebraska 2003-05. No pro playing experience.
Head Coach, born November 28, 1978, Bristol, England. College coach: Santa Barbara (Calif.) C.C. 2006,
Jack Del Rio Attended St. Mary’s (England). No college or UCLA 2007. Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars
Pro Career: Jack Del Rio was named the 19th pro playing experience. Pro coach: Joined 2012, Washington Redskins 2014, joined
head coach in Oakland Raiders history on Raiders in 2015. Raiders in 2015.
January 15, 2015. Now in his 31st year in the Tim Holt, asst. offensive line; born November 29, Marcus Robertson, defensive backs; born
NFL and his 20th season coaching. Last year, 1973, Dighton, Mass. Offensive lineman Southern October 2, 1969, Pasadena, Calif. Safety Iowa
oversaw significant improvements as the Connecticut State 1991-94. No pro playing expe- State 1989-1991. Pro safety Houston/
Raiders made considerable advances in all rience. College coach: Southern Connecticut Tennessee Oilers/Tennessee Titans 1991-2000,
phases of the game. Joined Raiders after State 1995-96, 2004-07, Lehigh 1997-98, Seattle Seahawks 2001-02. Pro coach:
spending previous three seasons (2012-14) as Cornell 1999-2000, American International 2001- Tennessee Titans 2007-2011, Detroit Lions
Denver Broncos’ defensive coordinator. While 03, Stonehill 2008, Stetson 2014. Pro coach: 2013-13, joined Raiders in 2014.
with the Broncos, was part of three-straight AFC Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2009-2011, Chicago Brad Seely, special teams coordinator; born
West titles and helped lead Denver to an appear- Bears 2012, joined Raiders in 2015. September 6, 1956, Vinton, Iowa. Offensive line-
ance in Super Bowl XLVIII following the 2013 Nick Holz, quality control–offense; born March man South Dakota State 1974-77. No pro playing
campaign. Was interim head coach (weeks 10- 26, 1984, Danville, Calif. Wide receiver experience. College coach: South Dakota State
13) in 2013 while John Fox underwent a heart Colorado 2003-06. No pro playing experience. 1978, Colorado State 1980, Southern Methodist
procedure, posting a 3-1 record. He was previ- College coach: Nebraska 2007, Stanford 2008- 1981, North Carolina State 1982, Pacific 1983,
ously head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars 2011. Pro coach: Joined Raiders in 2012. Oklahoma State 1984-88. Pro coach: Indianapolis
(2003-2011). His defenses have ranked in the Bobby Johnson, tight ends; born February 28, Colts 1989-1993, New York Jets 1994, Carolina
top six in the NFL in yards per game allowed in 1973, Akron, Ohio. Offensive tackle Miami (Ohio) Panthers 1995-98, New England Patriots 1999-
10 of his 18 seasons as a position coach, coor- 1992-94. No pro playing experience. College 2008, Cleveland Browns 2009-2010, San
dinator or head coach. During that time, has coach: Akron 1995-98, Miami (Ohio) 1999- Francisco 49ers 2011-14, joined Raiders in 2015.
coached 20 defensive players to a total of 29 2004, Indiana 2005-09. Pro coach: Buffalo Bills Tracy Smith, asst. special teams; born February
Pro Bowl selections. Career record: 76-82. 2010-11, Jacksonville Jaguars 2012, Detroit 23, 1982, Beaumont, Texas. Attended Louisiana
Background: Linebacker at Southern California. Lions 2013-14, joined Raiders in 2015. State. No college or pro playing experience. College
As a senior earned All-American honors. Kevin Kijowski, strength and conditioning coach: Utah State 2006-08. Pro coach: Cleveland
Drafted in the third round in 1985 by New assistant; born July 13, 1985, Charlotte, N.C. Browns 2009-2010, Seattle Seahawks 2011, San
Orleans Saints, and went on to play 11 NFL sea- Attended UNC-Wilmington. No college or pro Francisco 49ers 2012-14, joined Raiders in 2015.
sons with Saints (1985-86), Kansas City Chiefs playing experience. College coach: Appalachian Travis Smith, quality control–defense; born
(1987-88), Dallas Cowboys (1989-1991) and State 2011-13, UNC-Wilmington 2014. Pro December 10, 1985, Walnut Creek, Calif.
Minnesota Vikings (1992-95). Played in 160 coach: Joined Raiders in 2015. Linebacker Cal Poly 2006-09. No pro playing
career games, totaling over 1,100 tackles and Wesley Miller, strength and conditioning asst.; experience. College coach: Santa Monica
earning a Pro Bowl selection in 1994. born January 18, 1988, St. Joseph, Mo. Tight (Calif.) J.C. 2010, Colorado 2011. Pro coach:
Personal: Born April 4, 1963 in Castro Valley, end Missouri State 2007-2010. No pro playing Joined Raiders in 2012.
Calif. Del Rio and his wife, Linda, have four chil- experience. Pro coach: Joined Raiders in 2015. Sal Sunseri, linebackers; born August 1, 1959,
dren including three daughters and a son. Rob Moore, wide receivers; born September Pittsburgh, Pa. Linebacker Pittsburgh 1978-
27, 1968, Hempstead, N.Y. Wide receiver 1981. Pro linebacker Pittsburgh Steelers 1982.
ASSISTANT COACHES Syracuse 1986-1990. Pro wide receiver New College coach: Pittsburgh 1985, 1992, Iowa
Sam Anno, defensive assistant; born January York Jets 1990-94, Arizona Cardinals 1995- Wesleyan 1993, Illinois State 1994, Louisville
26, 1965, Santa Monica, Calif. Linebacker 2001. College coach: Phoenix (Ariz.) J.C. 2009, 1995-97, Alabama A&M 1998-99, Louisiana
Southern California 1984-87. Pro linebacker Syracuse 2010-13. Pro coach: Buffalo Bills State 2000, Michigan State 2001, Alabama
Los Angeles Rams 1987, Minnesota Vikings 2014, joined Raiders in 2015. 2009-2011, Tennessee 2012, Florida State
1987-88, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1989-1991, Bill Musgrave, offensive coordinator; born 2013-14. Pro coach: Carolina Panthers 2002-
San Diego Chargers 1992-93. College coach: November 11, 1967, Grand Junction, Colo. 08, joined Raiders in 2015.
Southern California 2005-07, Central Quarterback Oregon 1987-1990. Pro quarter- Mike Tice, offensive line; born February 2,
Connecticut State 2008, San Diego 2009-2014. back San Francisco 49ers 1991-94, Denver 1959, Bay Shore, N.Y. Quarterback Maryland
Pro coach: Joined Raiders in 2015. Broncos 1995-96. College coach: Virginia 1977-1980. Pro tight end Seattle Seahawks
Todd Downing, quarterbacks; born July 22, 2001-02. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 1997, 1981-88, 1990-91, Washington Redskins
1980, Eden Prairie, Minn. Attended Minnesota. Philadelphia Eagles 1998, 2014, Carolina 1989, Minnesota Vikings 1992-93, 1995. Pro
No college or pro playing experience. Pro coach: Panthers 1999-2000, Jacksonville Jaguars coach: Minnesota Vikings 1996-2005 (head
Minnesota Vikings 2003-05, St. Louis Rams 2003-04, Washington Redskins 2005, Atlanta coach 2001-05), Jacksonville Jaguars 2006-
2006-08, Detroit Lions 2009-2013, Buffalo Bills Falcons 2006-2010, Minnesota Vikings 2011- 09, Chicago Bears 2010-12, Atlanta Falcons
2014, joined Raiders in 2015. 13, re-joined Raiders in 2015. 2014, joined Raiders in 2015.
Darryl Eto, asst. strength and conditioning; born Ken Norton, Jr., defensive coordinator; born Brent Vieselmeyer, asst. linebackers; born
June 25, 1961, San Jose, Calif. Attended September 29, 1966, Jacksonville, Ill. September 29, 1975, Wauwatosa, Wisc.
California State-Hayward. No college or pro Linebacker UCLA 1984-87. Pro linebacker Linebacker Redlands 1995, Concordia (Wisc.)
playing experience. College coach: Arizona Dallas Cowboys 1988-1993, San Francisco 1997-98. No pro playing experience. College
1991-97. Pro coach: Houston Rockets (NBA) 49ers 1994-2000. College coach: Southern coach: Houston Baptist 2013-14. Pro coach:
2009-2014, joined Raiders in 2015. California 2004-09. Pro coach: Seattle Joined Raiders in 2015.
Jethro Franklin, defensive line; born October Seahawks 2010-14, joined Raiders in 2015. Rod Woodson, asst. defensive backs; born
25, 1965, St. Nazaire, France. Defensive line- Bernie Parmalee, running backs; born September March 10, 1965, Fort Wayne, Ind. Running
man San Jose (Calif.) C.C. 1984-85, Fresno 16, 1967, Jersey City, N.J. Running back Ball State back/wide receiver/cornerback/safety Purdue
State 1986-87. Pro defensive lineman Seattle 1989-1991. Pro running back Miami Dolphins 1985-86. Pro defensive back Pittsburgh
Seahawks 1989. College coach: Fresno State 1992-98, New York Jets 1999-2000. College Steelers 1987-96, San Francisco 49ers 1997,
1991-98, UCLA 1999, Southern California 2005 coach: Notre Dame 2005-09, Kansas 2014. Pro Baltimore Ravens 1998-2001, Oakland Raiders
and 2009, Temple 2010, Miami (Fla.) 2011-14. coach: Miami Dolphins 2002-04, Kansas City 2002-03. Inducted into Pro Football Hall of Fame
Pro coach: Green Bay Packers 2000-04, Tampa Chiefs 2010-12, joined Raiders in 2015. 2009. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2011, re-
Bay Buccaneers 2006-07, Houston Texans Jake Peetz, senior offensive assistant; born joined Raiders in 2015.
2007-08, joined Raiders in 2015. April 5, 1983, O’Neill, Neb. Defensive back

116 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman: Daniel M. Rooney Pittsburgh Pirates 1933-39
President: Arthur J. Rooney II (629-567-21)
Vice President: Arthur J. Rooney Jr. Records include postseason games
Director of Planning & Development: 1933 Forrest (Jap) Douds ..........3-6-2
Mark Hart 1934 Luby DiMelio ...................2-10-0
Director of Finance: Bob Tyler 1935-36 Joe Bach.......................10-14-0
Director of Football & Business 1937-39 Johnny (Blood) McNally* ..6-19-0
Administration: Omar Khan 1939-1940 Walt Kiesling ...................3-13-3
General Manager: Kevin Colbert 1941 Bert Bell** ........................0-2-0
College Scouting Coordinator: Aldo (Buff) Donelli*** .......0-5-0
Phil Kreidler 1941-44 Walt Kiesling**** .........13-20-2
Pro Personnel Coordinator: Brandon Hunt 1945 Jim Leonard ......................2-8-0
Head Athletic Trainer: John Norwig 1946-47 Jock Sutherland.............13-10-1
Communications Coordinator: 1948-1951 Johnny Michelosen .......20-26-2
American Football Conference Burt Lauten 1952-53 Joe Bach.......................11-13-0
North Division Director of Stadium Management: 1954-56 Walt Kiesling .................14-22-0
Team Colors: Black and Gold Jim Sacco 1957-1964 Raymond (Buddy) Parker .51-47-6
3400 South Water Street Video/Facilities Coordinator: 1965 Mike Nixon ......................2-12-0
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203 Bob McCartney 1966-68 Bill Austin......................11-28-3
Telephone: (412) 432-7800 Ticket Manager: Ben Lentz 1969-1991 Chuck Noll ................209-156-1
1992-2006 Bill Cowher..................161-99-1
2016 SCHEDULE 2007-2015 Mike Tomlin...................98-57-0
PRESEASON *Released after three games in 1939
Aug. 12 Detroit ...............................7:00 **Resigned after two games in 1941
Aug. 18 Philadelphia ......................7:00 ***Released after five games in 1941
Aug. 26 at New Orleans...................8:00 ****Co-coach with Earle (Greasy) Neale in
Philadelphia-Pittsburgh merger in 1943 and
Sep. 1 at Carolina..........................7:30 with Phil Handler in Chicago Cardinals-
Pittsburgh merger in 1944
Sep. 12 at Washington (Mon)..........7:10 PAID ATTENDANCE
Sep. 18 Cincinnati .........................1:00 Home 532,092 Away 518,803
Sep. 25 at Philadelphia ...................4:25 Total 1,050,895
Oct. 2 Kansas City ......................8:30
Single-game home record,
Oct. 9 New York Jets ...................1:00
66,662 (1/23/11)
Oct. 16 at Miami ............................1:00
Single-season home record,
Oct. 23 New England ....................4:25
BYE 517,599 (2009)
Nov. 6 at Baltimore .......................1:00
Nov. 13 Dallas ...............................4:25 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Nov. 20 at Cleveland ......................1:00 Round Name Pos. College
Nov. 24 at Indianapolis (Thu)...........8:30 1 Artie Burns CB Miami
Dec. 4 New York Giants ................4:25 2 Sean Davis S Maryland
Dec. 11 at Buffalo ..........................1:00 3 Javon Hargrave DT South Carolina St.
Dec. 18 at Cincinnati ....................*8:30 4 Jerald Hawkins T Louisiana St.
Dec. 25 Baltimore ..........................4:30 6 Travis Feeney LB Washington
Jan. 1 Cleveland .........................1:00 7 Demarcus Ayers WR Houston
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Tyler Matakevich LB Temple
Weeks 5-15 subject to change

Stadium: Heinz Field (opened in 2001)

•Capacity: 68,400
100 Art Rooney Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
Playing Surface: Natural Grass
Training Camp: St. Vincent College
Latrobe, PA 15650

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 117

PRESEASON (1-4) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Roethlisberger 469 319 3938 68.0 21 16 20/141 94.5
08/09 L 3-14 vs. Minnesota, Canton, OH Vick 66 40 371 60.6 2 1 10/53 79.8
08/14 L 21-23 at Jacksonville L. Jones 55 32 513 58.2 3 4 2/17 77.3
08/23 W 24-19 Green Bay Brown 0 0 0 — 0 0 1/8 —
08/29 L 19-43 at Buffalo Steelers 590 391 4822 66.3 26 21 33/219 91.2
09/03 L 6-23 Carolina Opponents 625 402 4661 64.3 29 17 48/311 90.9
REGULAR SEASON (10-6) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Mitchell 3 16 5.3 9 0
Date Result Opponent Boswell 0 0 0 26/27 29/32 0 113 Blake 2 112 56.0 70t 1
09/10 L 21-28 at New England Brown 0 10 1 0/0 0/0 0 70 Cockrell 2 62 31.0 37 0
09/20 W 43-18 San Francisco D. Williams 11 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 68 Gay 2 30 15.0 23t 1
09/27 W 12-6 at St. Louis Bryant 1 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Golden 1 27 27.0 27 0
10/01 L 20-23 Baltimore (OT) Wheaton 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 32 W. Allen 1 20 20.0 20 0
10/12 W 24-20 at San Diego Scobee 0 0 0 6/7 6/10 0 24 Harrison 1 6 6.0 6 0
10/18 W 25-13 Arizona Bell 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Jar. Jones 1 5 5.0 5 0
10/25 L 13-23 at Kansas City Miller 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 14 Tuitt 1 3 3.0 3 0
11/01 L 10-16 Cincinnati Heyward-Bey 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Boykin 1 1 1.0 1 0
11/08 W 38-35 Oakland James 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Shazier 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/15 W 30-9 Cleveland Johnson 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Timmons 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/29 L 30-39 at Seattle Blake 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Steelers 17 282 16.6 70t 2
12/06 W 45-10 Indianapolis Gay 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 21 241 11.5 54 0
12/13 W 33-20 at Cincinnati Toussaint 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2
12/20 W 34-27 Denver Steelers 16 26 3 32/34 35/42 0 423 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/27 L 17-20 at Baltimore Opponents 6 29 0 29/32 26/31 0 319 Berry 59 2511 42.6 28 79
01/03 W 28-12 at Cleveland 2-Pt Conv: Brown 2, James, Johnson, Miller, Steelers 59 2511 42.6 28 79
Toussiant, Wheaton, D. Williams Opponents 70 3066 43.8 23 67
POSTSEASON (1-1) Steelers 8-11, Opponents 1-3
Date Result Opponent PUNT
01/09 W 18-16 at Cincinnati RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/17 L 16-23 at Denver D. Williams 200 907 4.5 55 11 Brown 22 13 212 9.6 71t 1
(OT) Overtime Bell 113 556 4.9 42 3 Jac. Jones 6 4 19 3.2 14 0
Vick 20 99 5.0 24 0 Steelers 28 17 231 8.3 71t 1
SCORE BY PERIODS Toussaint 18 42 2.3 7 0 Opponents 19 21 165 8.7 25 0
Steelers 63 134 81 145 0 — 423 Bryant 5 37 7.4 13 1
Opponents 64 92 37 123 3 — 319 Roethlisberger 15 29 1.9 13 0 KICKOFF
Brown 3 28 9.3 16 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Todman 4 22 5.5 11 0 Archer 14 354 25.3 38 0
Steelers Opp. Johnson 4 7 1.8 6 1 Jac. Jones 9 220 24.4 36 0
Total First Downs 331 327 Miller 1 2 2.0 2 0 Wheaton 5 105 21.0 28 0
Rushing 91 71 L. Jones 5 -5 -1.0 0 0 Todman 1 22 22.0 22 0
Passing 207 231 Steelers 388 1724 4.4 55 16 Steelers 29 701 24.2 38 0
Penalty 33 25 Opponents 382 1459 3.8 44 6 Opponents 54 1200 22.2 60 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 75/193 90/225
3rd Down Pct. 38.9 40.0 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD FIELD
4th Down: Made/Att 4/12 7/24 Brown 136 1834 13.5 59 10 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
4th Down Pct. 33.3 29.2 Miller 60 535 8.9 27 2 Boswell 1/1 9/9 8/8 9/12 2/2
Possession Avg. 29:24 30:36 Bryant 50 765 15.3 88t 6 Scobee 0/0 2/2 1/1 3/7 0/0
Total Net Yards 6327 5809 Wheaton 44 749 17.0 72t 5 Steelers 1/1 11/11 9/9 12/19 2/2
Avg. Per Game 395.4 363.1 D. Williams 40 367 9.2 34 0 Opponents 0/0 7/7 7/7 9/11 3/6
Total Plays 1011 1055 Bell 24 136 5.7 20 0
Avg. Per Play 6.3 5.5 Heyward-Bey 21 314 15.0 66 2 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 1724 1459 James 8 56 7.0 20 1 Heyward 7.0
Avg. Per Game 107.8 91.2 Johnson 2 16 8.0 11 0 Tuitt 6.5
Total Rushes 388 382 Nix 2 16 8.0 10 0 Harrison 5.0
Net Yards Passing 4603 4350 Spaeth 2 10 5.0 6 0 Timmons 5.0
Avg. Per Game 287.7 271.9 Murphy 1 16 16.0 16 0 W. Allen 4.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 33/219 48/311 Coates 1 11 11.0 11 0 Dupree 4.0
Gross Yards 4822 4661 Roethlisberger 0 -3 — -3 0 Moats 4.0
Att./Completions 590/391 625/402 Steelers 391 4822 12.3 88t 26 Shazier 3.5
Completion Pct. 66.3 64.3 Opponents 402 4661 11.6 80t 29 Jar. Jones 2.0
Had Intercepted 21 17 Blake 1.0
Punts/Average 59/42.6 70/43.8 Boykin 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 59/39.1 70/38.8 Gay 1.0
Penalties/Yards 94/868 121/1149 McLendon 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 16/7 27/13 Spence 1.0
Touchdowns 45 35 (group) 1.0
Rushing 16 6 McCullers 0.5
Passing 26 29 V. Williams 0.5
Returns 3 0 Steelers 48.0
Opponents 33.0

118 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Franco Harris, 1972-1983 ................................................................11,950
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 2004-2015 ........................................................42,995
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 2004-2015 .............................................................272
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Hines Ward, 1998-2011 .....................................................................1,000
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Hines Ward, 1998-2011...................................................................12,083
Interceptions ...................................................................Mel Blount, 1970-1983 ...........................................................................57
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Bobby Joe Green, 1960-61 ..................................................................45.7
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Bobby Gage, 1949-1950......................................................................14.9
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Lynn Chandnois, 1950-56....................................................................29.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Gary Anderson, 1982-1994...................................................................309
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Franco Harris, 1972-1983 .....................................................................100
Points..............................................................................Gary Anderson, 1982-1994................................................................1,343
*Sacks............................................................................Jason Gildon, 1994-2003.....................................................................77.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Barry Foster, 1992..............................................................................1,690
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 2014 ...................................................................4,952
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 2007, 2014 ..............................................................32
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Antonio Brown, 2015 ............................................................................136
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Antonio Brown, 2015 .........................................................................1,834
Interceptions ...................................................................Mel Blount, 1975.....................................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Bobby Joe Green, 1961........................................................................47.0
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Bobby Gage, 1949 ...............................................................................16.0
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Lynn Chandnois, 1952 .........................................................................35.2
Field Goals ......................................................................Norm Johnson, 1995 ..............................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Willie Parker, 2006 ..................................................................................16
Points..............................................................................Norm Johnson, 1995 ............................................................................141
*Sacks............................................................................James Harrison, 2008..........................................................................16.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Willie Parker, 12-7-06............................................................................223
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 10-26-14................................................................522
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Ben Roethlisberger, 10-26-14, 11-2-14 .....................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Antonio Brown, 11-8-15..........................................................................17
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Antonio Brown, 11-8-15........................................................................284
Interceptions ...................................................................Jack Butler, 12-13-53............................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Gary Anderson, 10-23-88 .........................................................................6
Jeff Reed, 12-1-02....................................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ray Mathews, 10-17-54 ...........................................................................4
Roy Jefferson, 11-3-68 .............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Ray Mathews, 10-17-54 .........................................................................24
Roy Jefferson, 11-3-68 ...........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Chad Brown, 10-13-96 ..........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 119

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
#Allen, Will S 6-1 202 6/17/82 12 Ohio State Dayton, Ohio FA-’13 13/13
26 Bell, Le’Veon RB 6-1 225 2/18/92 4 Michigan State Reynoldsburg, Ohio D2-’13 6/6
4 Berry, Jordan P 6-5 195 3/18/91 2 Eastern Kentucky Essendon, Victoria, Australia FA-’15 16/0
9 Boswell, Chris K 6-2 185 3/16/91 2 Rice Fort Worth, Texas FA-’15 12/0
84 Brown, Antonio WR 5-10 181 7/10/88 7 Central Michigan Miami, Fla. D6b-’10 16/16
10 Bryant, Martavis WR 6-4 211 12/20/91 3 Clemson Calhoun Falls, S.C. D4 ’14 11/5
56 Chickillo, Anthony LB 6-3 255 12/10/92 2 Miami Tampa, Fla. D6b-’15 7/0
14 Coates, Sammie WR 6-1 212 3/31/93 2 Auburn Leroy, Ala. D3-’15 6/0
31 Cockrell, Ross CB 6-0 191 8/6/91 3 Duke Waxhaw, N.C. FA-’15 15/7
66 DeCastro, David G 6-5 316 1/11/90 5 Stanford Bellevue, Wash. D1-’12 16/16
48 Dupree, Bud LB 6-4 269 2/12/93 2 Kentucky Macon, Ga. D1-’15 16/5
54 Fort, L.J. LB 6-0 232 1/3/90 2 Northern Iowa Granite City, Ill. FA-’15 0*
73 Foster, Ramon G 6-5 328 1/7/86 8 Tennessee Henning, Tenn. FA-’09 16/16
22 Gay, William CB 5-10 187 1/1/85 10 Louisville Tallahassee, Fla. FA-’13 16/16
#Geathers, Clifton DE 6-8 299 12/11/87 6 South Carolina Georgetown, S.C. FA-’14 12/11/87
77 Gilbert, Marcus T 6-6 330 2/15/88 6 Florida Fort Lauderdale, Fla. D2-’11 16/16
21 Golden, Robert S 5-11 202 9/13/90 5 Arizona Fresno, Calif. FA-’12 16/3
27 Golson, Senquez CB 5-9 176 7/7/93 2 Mississippi Pascagoula, Miss. D2-’15 0*
5 Gradkowski, Bruce QB 6-1 217 1/27/83 10 Toledo Pittsburgh, Pa. UFA(Cin)-’13 0*
24 Grant, Doran CB 5-10 200 11/30/92 2 Ohio State Akron, Ohio D4-’15 3/0
80 Green, Ladarius TE 6-6 240 5/29/90 5 Louisiana-Lafayette Pensacola, Fla. UFA(SD)-’16 13/11*
68 Harris, Ryan T 6-5 302 3/11/85 9 Notre Dame Minneapolis, Minn. UFA(Den)-’16 16/16*
92 Harrison, James LB 6-0 242 5/4/78 14 Kent State Akron, Ohio FA-’14 15/1
97 Heyward, Cameron DE 6-5 295 5/6/89 6 Ohio State Pittsburgh, Pa. D1-’11 16/16
88 Heyward-Bey, Darrius WR 6-2 210 2/26/87 8 Maryland Silver Spring, Md. UFA(Ind)-’14 16/4
74 Hubbard, Chris C/G 6-4 295 4/23/91 3 Alabama-Birmingham Columbus, Ga. FA-’13 9/0
81 James, Jesse TE 6-7 261 6/4/94 2 Penn State Glassport, Pa. D5-’15 8/2
46 Johnson, David TE 6-2 260 8/26/87 8 Arkansas State Pine Bluff, Ark. FA-’16 16/4*
51 Johnson, Steven LB 6-1 237 3/28/88 5 Kansas Media, Pa. UFA(Tenn)-’16 16/0*
95 Jones, Jarvis LB 6-3 248 10/13/89 4 Georgia Lumpkin, Ga. D1-’13 15/15
3 Jones, Landry QB 6-4 225 4/4/89 4 Oklahoma Artesia, N.M. D4b-’13 7/2
#Legursky, Doug C/G 6-1 323 6/9/86 7 Marshall Beckley, W.Va. FA-’15 11/0
90 Mathews, Ricardo DE 6-3 300 7/30/87 7 Cincinnati Jacksonville, Fla. UFA(SD)-’16 16/7*
93 McCullers, Daniel DT 6-7 352 8/11/92 3 Tennessee Raleigh, N.C. D6b-’14 12/0
23 Mitchell, Mike S 6-1 221 6/10/87 8 Ohio Fort Thomas, Ky. UFA(Car)-’14 16/16
55 Moats, Arthur LB 6-0 246 3/14/88 7 James Madison Portsmouth, Va. UFA(Buff)-’14 16/11
45 Nix, Roosevelt FB 5-11 248 3/30/92 2 Kent State Reynoldsburg, Ohio FA-’15 15/3
53 Pouncey, Maurkice C 6-4 304 7/24/89 7 Florida Lakeland, Fla. D1-’10 0*
38 Richardson, Daryl RB 5-11 196 4/12/90 3 Abilene Christian Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’16 0*
7 Roethlisberger, Ben QB 6-5 240 3/2/82 13 Miami (OH) Cory Rawson, Ohio D1-’04 12/11
17 Rogers, Eli WR 5-10 187 12/23/92 2 Louisville Miami, Fla. FA-’15 0*
50 Shazier, Ryan LB 6-1 230 9/6/92 3 Ohio State Fort Lauderdale, Fla. D1-’14 12/12
89 Spaeth, Matt TE 6-7 262 11/24/83 10 Minnesota St. Michael, Minn. FA-’13 13/7
6 Suisham, Shaun K 6-0 199 12/29/81 12 Bowling Green Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada FA-’10 0*
#Thomas, Cam DE 6-4 335 12/12/86 6 North Carolina Cheraw, S.C. UFA(SD)-’14 16/1
29 Thomas, Shamarko S 5-9 205 2/23/91 4 Syracuse Virginia Beach, Va. D4a-’13 15/0
94 Timmons, Lawrence LB 6-1 234 5/14/86 10 Florida State Florence, S.C. D1-’07 16/16
33 Toussaint, Fitzgerald RB 5-9 204 5/4/90 3 Michigan Youngstown, Ohio FA-’15 5/0
91 Tuitt, Stephon DE 6-6 303 5/23/93 3 Notre Dame Miami, Fla. D2-’14 14/14
13 Vaughan, Dustin QB 6-5 220 1/27/91 2 West Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Texas FA-’16 0*
35 Ventrone, Ross S 5-8 198 9/27/86 4 Villanova Bridgeville, Pa. FA-’15 6/0
#Vick, Mike QB 6-0 210 6/26/80 15 Virginia Tech Newport News, Va. FA-’15 5/3
78 Villanueva, Alejandro T 6-9 320 9/22/88 2 Army Meridian, Miss. FA-’14 16/10
72 Wallace, Cody C/G 6-4 296 11/26/84 7 Texas A&M Cuero, Texas FA-’13 16/16
96 Walton, L.T. DE 6-5 305 3/31/92 2 Central Michigan Clinton Township, Mich. D6a-’15 6/0
60 Warren, Greg LS 6-3 252 10/18/81 12 North Carolina Goldsboro, N.C. FA-’05 16/0
30 Washington, Donald CB 6-1 197 7/28/86 4 Ohio State Indianapolis, Ind. FA-’16 0*
11 Wheaton, Markus WR 5-11 189 2/7/91 4 Oregon State Chandler, Ariz. D3-’13 16/8
34 Williams, DeAngelo RB 5-9 207 4/25/83 11 Memphis Wynne, Ariz. FA-’15 16/10
98 Williams, Vince LB 6-1 233 12/27/89 4 Florida State Davenport, Fla. D6b-’13 16/0
49 Zumwalt, Jordan LB 6-4 235 10/13/91 3 UCLA La Habra, Calif. D6a-’14 0*

120 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Adams missed ’15 season because of injury; Fort was on the practice squad for 15 games and was inactive for one game; Frey was on
Tampa Bay’s practice squad for 4 games and on Pittsburgh’s practice squad for 9 games; Geathers missed ’15 season because of
injury; Golson missed ’15 season because of injury; Gradkowski missed ’15 season because of injury; Green played 13 games for San
Diego in ’15; Harris played 16 games with Denver; D. Johnson played 16 games with San Diego; S. Johnson played 16 games with
Tennessee; Mathews played 16 games with San Diego; Pouncey missed ’15 season because of injury; Richardson last active with St.
Louis in ’13; Rogers missed ’15 season because of injury; Suisham missed ’15 season because of injury; Vaughan was on Buffalo’s
practice squad for 4 games; Ventrone played 6 games with Pittsburgh and was on New England’s practice squad for 3 games;
Washington last active with Kansas City in ’11; Zumwalt missed ’15 season because of injury.

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Ayers, Demarcus WR 5-11 190 7/7/94 Houston Lancaster, Texas D7a
Blakeney, Issac (1) WR 6-6 225 11/18/92 Duke Monroe, N.C. FA
Brown-Dukes, Brandon RB 5-8 200 4/29/92 Mercyhurst Orlando, Fla. FA
Burns, Artie CB 6-0 197 5/1/95 Miami Miami, Fla. D1
Dangerfield, Jordan (1) S 5-11 199 12/25/90 Towson Elmont, N.Y. FA-'15
Davis, Sean S 6-1 202 10/23/93 Maryland Washington, D.C. D2
Dooley, Matt (1) LS 6-4 242 2/24/93 Indiana Phoenix, Ariz. FA
Feeney, Travis LB 6-4 226 11/18/92 Washington Richmond, Calif. D6
Feiler, Matt (1) T 6-6 330 7/7/92 Bloomsburg Strasburg, Pa. FA-'15
Finney, B.J. (1) C/G 6-4 318 10/26/91 Kansas State Wichita, Kan. FA-'15
Garner, Montell (1) CB 5-11 188 2/12/92 South Alabama Dallas, Texas FA
Grimble, Xavier (1) TE 6-4 261 9/22/92 Southern California Las Vegas, Nev. FA-'15
Hagen, Jacob (1) S 6-3 205 3/16/92 Liberty Orange Park, Fla. FA
Hargrave, Javon DT 6-2 305 2/7/93 South Carolina State Salisbury, N.C. D3
Hawkins, Jerald T 6-6 305 10/16/93 Louisiana State Baldwin, La. D4
Hooks, Lavon (1) DT 6-3 312 1/23/92 Mississippi Atlanta, Ga. FA
Lyons, Caushaud (1) DE 6-5 284 1/3/93 Tusculum Atlanta, Ga. FA-'15
Manhart, Cole (1) G 6-4 298 9/25/92 Nebraska-Kearney Highlands Ranch, Ga. FA
Matakevich, Tyler LB 6-1 235 12/22/92 Temple Stratford, Conn. D7b
Maxey, Johnny DL 6-5 283 10/19/93 Mars Hill Columbia, S.C. FA
McCord, Tyriq LB 6-3 241 11/6/93 Miami Tampa, Fla. FA
Mihalik, Brian (1) T 6-9 302 9/21/92 Boston College Avon Lake, Ohio FA
Monday, Will P 6-4 210 7/25/92 Duke Flowery Branch, Ga. FA
Newberry, Giorgio DL 6-6 295 11/26/91 Florida State Fort Pierce, Fla. FA
Norwood, Levi (1) WR 6-0 197 6/16/92 Baylor Richmond, Va. FA
Phillips, Shakim (1) WR 6-2 204 3/19/92 Boston College Paterson, N.J. FA-'15
Philon, Roy (1) DT 6-3 291 3/26/91 Louisville Lexington, Ky. FA
Rome, Jay TE 6-6 250 12/12/92 Georgia Valdosta, Ga. FA
Schooley, Quinton OL 6-4 298 12/4/93 North Carolina State Chanute, Kan. FA
Severin, Canaan WR 6-2 205 3/16/93 Virginia Marlborough, Mass. FA
Shabazz, Al-Hajj (1) CB 6-2 200 8/2/92 West Chester (PA) Philadelphia, Pa. FA
Sigler, Devaunte DL 6-3 290 5/2/92 Jacksonville State Mobile, Ala. FA
Stingily, Cameron (1) RB 6-1 235 10/5/91 Northern Illinois Romeoville, Ill. FA
Tucker, Marcus WR 5-10 190 6/24/92 Northern Michigan Flint, Mich. FA
Vinopal, Ray (1) S 5-10 197 11/5/91 Pittsburgh Youngstown, Ohio FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 121

COACHING STAFF Memphis 1990-97, Arkansas State 1998. Baltimore Ravens 1998. College coach:
Head Coach, Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 1999-2002, Duquesne 2001, North Carolina 2002,
Mike Tomlin joined Steelers in 2003. Youngstown State 2003-09. Pro coach:
Pro Career: Named the sixteenth head James Daniel, tight ends; born January Joined Steelers in 2010.
coach in Steelers history when he 17, 1953, Wetumpka, Ala. Guard Alabama Joey Porter, outside linebackers; born
replaced Bill Cowher on January 22, State 1970-73. No pro playing experi- March 22, 1977, Bakersfield, Calif.
2007. Became the youngest coach (36 ence. College coach: Auburn 1981-1992. Linebacker Colorado State 1995-1998.
years, 323 days) in NFL history to win a Pro coach: New York Giants 1993-96, Pro linebacker Pittsburgh Steelers 1999-
Super Bowl when the Steelers defeated Atlanta Falcons 1997-2003, joined 2006, Miami Dolphins 2007-2009,
the Arizona Cardinals, 27-23, in Super Steelers in 2004. Arizona Cardinals 2010-2011. College
Bowl XLIII on February 1, 2009. Tomlin Randy Fichtner, quarterbacks; born coach: Colorado State 2013. Pro coach:
reached the playoffs four times in his first November 7, 1963, Cleveland, Ohio. Joined Steelers in 2014.
five seasons and he is the only coach in Defensive back Purdue 1982-85. No pro James Saxon, running backs; born March
Steelers’ history to win division titles each playing experience. College coach: 23, 1966, Beaufort, S.C. Running back
of his first two seasons. In 2010 Tomlin’s Michigan 1986-87, Southern California American River (Calif.) C.C. 1984-85, San
club won its third division title in in a four- 1988, Nevada-Las Vegas 1989, Memphis Jose State 1986-87. Pro running back
year span. In 2008, Tomlin directed the 1990-93, Purdue 1994-96, Arkansas Kansas City Chiefs 1988-1991, Miami
Steelers to a 12-4 record, winning his State 1997-2000, Memphis 2001-06. Pro Dolphins 1992-94, Philadelphia Eagles
second-consecutive AFC North title. That coach: Joined Steelers in 2007. 1995. College coach: Rutgers 1997-98,
season culminated with a Super Bowl tri- Todd Haley, offensive coordinator; Menlo 1999. Pro coach: Buffalo Bills
umph, making Tomlin one of only seven February 28, 1967, Atlanta, Ga. No col- 2000, Kansas City Chiefs 2001-07, Miami
coaches in league history to win a Super lege or pro playing experience. Pro coach: Dolphins 2008-2010, Minnesota Vikings
Bowl within his first two seasons as an New York Jets 1997-2000, Chicago Bears 2011-13, joined Steelers in 2014.
NFL head coach. In his first season, 2001-03, Dallas Cowboys 2004-06, Danny Smith, special teams; born
Tomlin guided the Steelers to a 10-6 Arizona Cardinals 2007-08, Kansas City September 7, 1953, Pittsburgh, Pa.
record and their first AFC North title since Chiefs 2009-2011, joined Steelers in Defensive back Edinboro State 1971-75.
2004. Tomlin was the Minnesota Vikings 2012. No pro playing experience. College coach:
defensive coordinator in 2006 after Carnell Lake, defensive backs; born July Edinboro State 1976, Clemson 1979,
spending the previous five seasons 15, 1967, Salt Lake City, Utah. Outside William & Mary 1980-83, The Citadel
(2001-05) as defensive backs coach for linebacker UCLA 1985-1988. Pro defen- 1984-86, Georgia Tech 1987-1994. Pro
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tomlin sive back Pittsburgh Steelers 1989-1998, coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1995-98,
coached one of the top defensive back- Jacksonville Jaguars 1999-2000, Detroit Lions 1999-2000, Buffalo Bills
fields in the NFL for the Buccaneers, cul- Baltimore Ravens 2001. College coach: 2001-03, Washington Redskins 2004-
minating with its performance in Super UCLA 2009. Pro coach: Joined Steelers in 2012, joined Steelers in 2013.
Bowl XXXVII. The secondary recorded 2011.
four interceptions, returning two for Richard Mann, wide receivers; born April
touchdowns to help Tampa Bay capture 20, 1947, Aliquippa, Pa. Tight end Arizona
the franchise's first Super Bowl title. State 1966-68. No pro playing experi-
Tomlin served two seasons as the defen- ence. College coach: Arizona State 1974-
sive backs coach at the University of 79, Louisville 1980-81. Pro coach:
Cincinnati (1999-2000) before going to Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts 1982-84,
Tampa Bay. Prior to joining the Cincinnati Cleveland Browns 1985-1993, New York
staff, Tomlin had a short stint on the Jets 1994-1996, Baltimore Ravens 1997-
coaching staff at Tennessee-Martin and 98, Kansas City Chiefs 1999-2000,
then spent two seasons at Arkansas Washington Redskins 2001, Tampa Bay
State. He spent the 1996 season as a Buccaneers 2002-09, joined Steelers in
graduate assistant at Memphis. Tomlin 2013.
began his coaching career in 1995 as John Mitchell, asst. head coach/
wide receivers coach at Virginia Military defensive line; born October 14, 1951,
Institute. Career record: 98-57 Mobile, Ala. Defensive end Eastern
Background: Was a three-year starter at Arizona J.C. 1969-1970, Alabama 1971-
wide receiver at William & Mary (1990- 72. No pro playing experience. College
94) and finished his career with 101 coach: Alabama 1973-76, Arkansas
receptions for 2,046 yards and a school- 1977-1982, Temple 1986, Louisiana
record 20 touchdown receptions. A first- State 1987-1990. Pro coach:
team All-Yankee Conference selection in Birmingham Stallions (USFL) 1983-85,
1994, he established a school record with Cleveland Browns 1991-93, joined
a 20.2 yards per catch average. Steelers in 1994.
Graduated in 1994 with a degree in soci- Mike Munchak, offensive line; born
ology. March 5, 1960, Scranton, Pa. Guard Penn
Personal: Born in Hampton, Va., on State 1979-1981. Pro guard Houston
March 15, 1972. He and his wife, Kiya, Oilers 1982-1993. Inducted into Pro
have two sons, Dino and Mason, and a Football Hall of Fame 2001. Pro coach:
daughter Harlyn Quinn. Houston Oilers/Tennessee Oilers/
Tennessee Titans 1994-2013 (head
ASSISTANT COACHES coach 2011-13), joined Steelers in 2014.
Keith Butler, defensive coordinator; born Jerry Olsavsky, inside linebackers; born
May 16, 1956, Anniston, Ala. Linebacker March 29, 1967, Youngstown, Ohio.
Memphis 1974-77. Pro linebacker Seattle Linebacker Pittsburgh 1985-88. Pro line-
Seahawks 1978-1987. College coach: backer Pittsburgh Steelers 1989-1997,

122 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Alex G. Spanos Los Angeles 1960
Chairman of the Board: Dean A. Spanos (432-437-11)
Vice Chairman: Michael A. Spanos Records include postseason games
President-Business Operations: 1960-69 Sid Gillman* ...............83-51-6
A.G. Spanos 1969-1970 Charlie Waller .................9-7-3
President-Football Operations: 1971 Sid Gillman** .................4-6-0
John Spanos 1971-73 Harland Svare*** .........7-17-2
General Manager: Tom Telesco 1973 Ron Waller......................1-5-0
Executive Vice President of Football 1974-78 Tommy Prothro**** ...21-39-0
Administration-Player Finance: 1978-1986 Don Coryell# .............72-60-0
Ed McGuire 1986-88 Al Saunders .................17-22-0
Executive Vice President-Chief Financial 1989-1991 Dan Henning...............16-32-0
Officer: Jeanne M. Bonk 1992-96 Bobby Ross................50-36-0
Senior Vice President-Chief Marketing 1997-98 Kevin Gilbride## .........6-16-0
American Football Conference Officer: Ken Derrett 1998 June Jones .....................3-7-0
West Division Director of Player Personnel: 1999-2001 Mike Riley...................14-34-0
Team Colors: Navy Blue, Powder Blue, JoJo Wooden 2002-06 Marty Schottenheimer.47-35-0
White, and Gold Director of Pro Scouting: 2007-2012 Norv Turner ................59-43-0
P.O. Box 609609 Dennis Abraham 2013-15 Mike McCoy ...............23-27-0
San Diego, California 92160-9609 Director of College Scouting: Kevin Kelly *Retired after nine games in 1969
Telephone: (858) 874-4500 Senior Executive: Randy Mueller **Resigned after 10 games in 1971
***Resigned after eight games in 1973
Head Athletic Trainer: James Collins
2016 SCHEDULE ****Resigned after four games in 1978
Director of Video Operations: #Resigned after eight games in 1986
PRESEASON Brian Duddy ##Released after six games in 1998
Aug. 13 at Tennessee ......................5:00 Equipment Manager: Bob Wick
Aug. 19 Arizona ..............................6:00 Senior Director of Player Engagement: PAID ATTENDANCE
Aug. 28 at Minnesota...................10:00a Arthur Hightower Home 534,415 Away 501,645
Sep. 1 San Francisco ...................7:00 Vice President of Marketing Partnerships: Total 1,036,060
Dennis O’Leary Single-game home record,
REGULAR SEASON Vice President-Ticket Sales & Service: 69,288 (11/7/99)
Sep. 11 at Kansas City ...............10:00a Todd Poulsen Single-season home record,
Sep. 18 Jacksonville .....................1:25 Director of Business Operations: 547,937 (2005)
Sep. 25 at Indianapolis ...................1:25 John Hinek
Oct. 2 New Orleans .....................1:25 Director of Public Relations: Bill Johnston 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 9 at Oakland .........................1:25 Director of Public Affairs & Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 13 Denver (Thu) .....................5:25 Corporate/Community Relations: 1 Joey Bosa DE Ohio St.
Oct. 23 at Atlanta ...........................1:05 Kimberley Layton 2 Hunter Henry TE Arkansas
Oct. 30 at Denver ..........................1:05 Director of Digital Media: Nicoletta Ruhl 3 Max Tuerk C USC
Nov. 6 Tennessee ........................1:25 Director of Security: Bill Stetson 4 Joshua Perry LB Ohio St.
Nov. 13 Miami ...............................1:05 Director of Stadium/Game Operations & 5 Jatavis Brown LB Akron
BYE Events: Sean O’Connor 6 Drew Kaser P Texas A&M
Nov. 27 at Houston ....................10:00a Controller: Marsha Wells Derek Watt RB Wisconsin
Dec. 4 Tampa Bay .......................1:25 Director of Ticket Operations: 7 Donavon Clark G Michigan St.
Dec. 11 at Carolina .....................10:00a Michael L. Dougherty
Dec. 18 Oakland ............................1:25
Dec. 24 at Cleveland (Sat) ...........10:00a
Jan. 1 Kansas City ......................1:25
* All times PT

Stadium: Qualcomm Stadium

(opened in 1967)
•Capacity: 70,000 (app.)
9449 Friars Road
San Diego, California 92108
Playing Surface: Grass
Training Camp: Chargers Park
4020 Murphy Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA 92123


2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 123

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Rivers 661 437 4792 66.1 29 13 40/264 93.8
08/13 W 17-7 Dallas Clemens 6 5 63 83.3 1 0 0/0 150.0
08/22 W 22-19 at Arizona Chargers 667 442 4855 66.3 30 13 40/264 94.5
08/29 L 15-16 Seattle Opponents 510 328 4008 64.3 22 11 32/222 93.8
09/03 L 12-14 at San Francisco
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Verrett 3 68 22.7 68t 1
Lambo 0 0 0 28/32 26/32 0 106 S. Williams 2 6 3.0 6 0
Date Result Opponent
Woodhead 3 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 A. Phillips 1 39 39.0 39 0
09/13 W 33-28 Detroit
Gates 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 P. Robinson 1 27 27.0 27 0
09/20 L 19-24 at Cincinnati
Green 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 28 Te’o 1 11 11.0 11 0
09/27 L 14-31 at Minnesota
K. Allen 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Reyes 1 1 1.0 1 0
10/04 W 30-27 Cleveland
Floyd 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Emanuel 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/12 L 20-24 Pittsburgh
Inman 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Wilson 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/18 L 20-27 at Green Bay
S. Johnson 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Chargers 11 152 13.8 68t 1
10/25 L 29-37 Oakland
D. Brown 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 13 332 25.5 91t 5
11/01 L 26-29 at Baltimore
J. Phillips 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/09 L 19-22 Chicago PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
Verrett 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/22 L 3-33 Kansas City Scifres 72 3261 45.3 15 68
Ty. Williams 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/29 W 31-25 at Jacksonville Chargers 73 3261 44.7 15 68
Chargers 4 30 1 28/32 26/32 0 320
12/06 L 3-17 Denver Opponents 72 3101 43.1 39 65
Opponents 17 22 5 39/41 29/34 1 398
12/13 L 3-10 at Kansas City
2-Pt Conv: Green 2
12/20 W 30-14 Miami PUNT
Chargers 2-3, Opponents 3-3
12/24 L 20-23 at Oakland (OT) RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 L 20-27 at Denver RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Herndon 11 13 81 7.4 18 0
(OT) Overtime Gordon 184 641 3.5 27 0 Jones 5 8 -4 -.8 5 0
Woodhead 98 336 3.4 27 3 K. Allen 3 4 5 1.7 5 0
SCORE BY PERIODS D. Brown 59 229 3.9 53 1 Mager 1 1 2 2.0 2 0
Chargers 52 112 51 105 0 — 320 Oliver 31 108 3.5 15 0 Chargers 20 26 84 4.2 18 0
Opponents 90 103 73 129 3 — 398 Rivers 17 28 1.6 8 0 Opponents 44 14 432 9.8 31 0
Herndon 1 13 13.0 13 0
D. Johnson 2 4 2.0 2 0
Chargers Opp. RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Clemens 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Total First Downs 344 299 Jones 9 193 21.4 30 0
Chargers 393 1358 3.5 53 4
Rushing 79 101 Oliver 8 197 24.6 30 0
Opponents 417 2005 4.8 65t 17
Passing 230 170 Herndon 7 157 22.4 34 0
Penalty 35 28 J. Phillips 2 18 9.0 13 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 97/231 74/195 Emanuel 1 1 1.0 1 0
3rd Down Pct. 42.0 37.9 Vaughn 1 17 17.0 17 0
Woodhead 80 755 9.4 61 6
4th Down: Made/Att 5/15 7/8 Chargers 28 583 20.8 34 0
K. Allen 67 725 10.8 38 4
4th Down Pct. 33.3 87.5 Opponents 32 880 27.5 48 0
Gates 56 630 11.3 40 5
Possession Avg. 31:34 28:26
S. Johnson 45 497 11.0 34 3
Total Net Yards 5949 5791 FIELD
Green 37 429 11.6 31t 4
Avg. Per Game 371.8 361.9
Inman 35 486 13.9 68 3 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Plays 1100 959
Gordon 33 192 5.8 18 0 Lambo 0/0 4/4 7/7 11/16 4/5
Avg. Per Play 5.4 6.0
Floyd 30 561 18.7 70t 3 Chargers 0/0 4/4 7/7 11/16 4/5
Net Yards Rushing 1358 2005
Herndon 24 195 8.1 21 0 Opponents 0/0 13/13 7/9 7/9 2/3
Avg. Per Game 84.9 125.3
Oliver 13 112 8.6 17 0
Total Rushes 393 417 SACKS No.
J. Phillips 10 69 6.9 15 1
Net Yards Passing 4591 3786 Ingram 10.5
D. Brown 8 88 11.0 31 0
Avg. Per Game 286.9 236.6 Attaochu 6.0
Ty. Williams 2 90 45.0 80t 1
Sacked/Yards Lost 40/264 32/222 Liuget 3.0
V. Brown 1 22 22.0 22 0
Gross Yards 4855 4008 Perryman 2.0
D. Johnson 1 4 4.0 4 0
Att./Completions 667/442 510/328 Reyes 2.0
Chargers 442 4855 11.0 80t 30
Completion Pct. 66.3 64.3 Addae 1.0
Opponents 328 4008 12.2 72t 22
Had Intercepted 13 11 Emanuel 1.0
Punts/Average 73/44.7 72/43.1 Flowers 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 73/38.2 72/40.5 Mathews 1.0
Penalties/Yards 117/942 120/976 Stuckey 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 20/11 14/9 S. Williams 1.0
Touchdowns 35 44 Wilson 1.0
Rushing 4 17 Butler 0.5
Passing 30 22 Te’o 0.5
Returns 1 5 Weddle 0.5
Chargers 32.0
Opponents 40.0

124 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2001-09.........................................................12,490
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Dan Fouts, 1973-1987 .....................................................................43,040
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Philip Rivers, 2004-2015.......................................................................281
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Antonio Gates, 2003-2015 ....................................................................844
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Antonio Gates, 2003-2015 ...............................................................10,644
Interceptions ...................................................................Gill Byrd, 1983-1992...............................................................................42
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Mike Scifres, 2003-2014......................................................................45.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Darrien Gordon, 1993-96 .....................................................................13.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Leslie (Speedy) Duncan, 1964-1970 ....................................................25.3
Field Goals ......................................................................John Carney, 1990-2000.......................................................................261
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2001-09..............................................................153
Points..............................................................................John Carney, 1990-2000....................................................................1,076
*Sacks............................................................................Leslie O’Neal, 1986-1995...................................................................105.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2006 ................................................................1,815
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Dan Fouts, 1981 ................................................................................4,802
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Philip Rivers, 2008..................................................................................34
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2003 ...................................................................100
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Lance Alworth, 1965..........................................................................1,602
Interceptions ...................................................................Antonio Cromartie, 2007 .........................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Mike Scifres, 2012 ...............................................................................48.3
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Leslie (Speedy) Duncan, 1965 .............................................................15.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Keith Lincoln, 1962 ..............................................................................28.4
Field Goals ......................................................................John Carney, 1994..................................................................................34
Nick Novak, 2013....................................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2006 .................................................................**31
Points..............................................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 2006 ...............................................................**186
*Sacks............................................................................Leslie O’Neal, 1992 ..............................................................................17.0
Shawne Merriman, 2006 ......................................................................17.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LaDainian Tomlinson, 12-28-03.............................................................243
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Philip Rivers, 10-18-15 .........................................................................503
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Dan Fouts, 11-22-81.................................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Kellen Winslow, 10-7-84 .........................................................................15
Keenan Allen, 9-13-15 ............................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Wes Chandler, 12-20-82 .......................................................................260
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Antonio Cromartie, 11-11-07
Field Goals ......................................................................John Carney, 9-5-93, 9-18-93...................................................................6
Greg Davis, 10-5-97 .................................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Kellen Winslow, 11-22-81 .........................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Kellen Winslow, 11-22-81 .......................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Leslie O’Neal, 11-16-86 .........................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 125

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
37 Addae, Jahleel S 5-10 195 1/24/90 4 Central Michigan Valrico, Fla. FA-’13 13/12
13 Allen, Keenan WR 6-2 211 4/27/92 4 California Greensboro, N.C. D3-’13 8/8
3 Allen, Torrence WR 6-0 183 3/31/91 2 West Texas A&M Meridian, Tex. FA-’14 0*
97 Attaochu, Jerry OLB 6-3 252 1/17/93 3 Georgia Tech Washington, D.C. D2-’14 15/12
72 Barksdale, Joe T 6-5 326 1/4/89 6 Louisiana State Detroit, Mich. FA-’15 16/16
12 Benjamin, Travis WR-KR 5-10 175 12/29/89 5 Miami Belle Glade, Fla. UFA(Cle)-’16 16/15*
7 Burse, Isaiah WR 5-10 187 12/8/91 2 Fresno State Modesto, Calif. FA-’15 0*
78 Burwell, Tyreek T 6-5 305 3/11/92 2 Cincinnati Huntington Station, N.Y. FA-’15 11/0
90 Carrethers, Ryan NT 6-1 333 2/26/91 3 Arkansas State Nashville, Tenn. D5-’14 14/2
10 Clemens, Kellen QB 6-2 220 6/6/83 11 Oregon Burns, Ore. UFA(StL)-’14 2/0
45 Cleveland, Asante TE 6-5 260 3/21/92 2 Miami Sacramento, Calif. W(NE)-’15 4/1*
35 Crawford, Richard CB 5-11 192 8/1/90 3 Southern Methodist Oceanside, Calif. FA-’15 0*
87 Cumberland, Jeff TE 6-4 260 5/2/87 7 Illinois Columbus, Ohio FA-’16 15/6*
30 Daniels, Matt S 6-0 212 9/27/89 3 Duke Fayetteville, Ga. FA-’15 1/0
33 Ducre, Greg CB 5-10 183 1/22/92 3 Washington Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’14 4/1
77 Dunlap, King T 6-9 330 9/14/85 9 Auburn Nashville, Tenn. UFA(Phil)-’13 7/7
48 Dzubnar, Nick ILB 6-1 240 8/15/91 2 Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo Mission Viejo, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
51 Emanuel, Kyle OLB 6-3 250 8/16/91 2 North Dakota State Schuyler, Neb. D5-’15 15/3
24 Flowers, Brandon CB 5-9 187 2/18/86 9 Virginia Tech Delray Beach, Fla. UFA(KC)-’14 11/10
76 Fluker, D.J. G-T 6-5 339 3/13/91 4 Alabama Foley, Ala. D1-’13 12/12
74 Franklin, Orlando G 6-7 320 12/16/87 6 Miami Delray Beach, Fla. UFA(Den)-’15 10/10
49 Gardner, Ben OLB 6-4 270 4/29/91 2 Stanford Mequon, Wis. FA-’15 0*
85 Gates, Antonio TE 6-4 255 6/18/80 14 Kent State Detroit, Mich. FA-’03 11/4
28 Gordon, Melvin RB 6-1 215 4/13/93 2 Wisconsin Kenosha, Wis. D1-’15 14/12
75 Hairston, Chris G-T 6-6 330 4/26/89 5 Clemson Winston-Salem, N.C. FA-’15 16/11
26 Hayward, Casey CB 5-11 192 9/9/89 5 Vanderbilt Perry, Ga. UFA(GB)-’16 16/11*
59 Hekking, Brock OLB 6-3 250 10/6/91 2 Nevada Vacaville, Calif. FA-’15 0*
81 Herndon, Javontee WR-KR 6-0 194 6/29/92 2 Arkansas Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’14 8/2
54 Ingram, Melvin OLB 6-2 247 4/26/89 5 South Carolina Rockingham, N.C. D1-’12 16/16
15 Inman, Dontrelle WR 6-3 205 1/31/89 3 Virginia Batesburg, S.C. FA-’14 14/7
11 Johnson, Stevie WR 6-2 207 7/22/86 9 Kentucky Fairfield, Calif. FA-’15 10/8
2 Lambo, Josh K 6-0 215 11/19/90 2 Texas A&M Middleton, Wis. FA-’15 16/0
98 Lissemore, Sean NT 6-3 303 9/11/87 7 William & Mary Dumont, N.J. T(Dall)-’13 11/5
94 Liuget, Corey DT 6-2 300 3/18/90 6 Illinois Miami, Fla. D1-’11 11/11
20 Lowery, Dwight FS 5-11 212 1/23/86 9 San Jose State Soquel, Calif. UFA(Ind)-’16 16/16*
29 Mager, Craig CB 5-11 200 6/11/92 2 Texas State Luling, Tex. D3-’15 10/2
84 McGrath, Sean TE 6-5 259 12/3/87 2 Henderson State Mundelein, Ill. FA-’15 0*
4 Mettenberger, Zach QB 6-5 224 7/16/91 3 Louisiana State Oconee, Ga. W(Tenn)-’16 7/4*
92 Mebane, Brandon NT 6-1 311 1/15/85 10 California Los Angeles, Calif. UFA(Sea)-’16 15/15*
43 Oliver, Branden RB 5-8 208 5/7/91 3 Buffalo Miami, Fla. FA-’14 8/1
95 Palepoi, Tenny DT 6-1 298 12/19/90 3 Utah Salt Lake City, Utah FA-’14 0*
52 Perryman, Denzel ILB 5-11 240 12/5/92 2 Miami Coral Gables, Fla. D2-’15 14/9
31 Phillips, Adrian S 5-11 210 3/28/92 2 Texas Garland, Texas FA-’14 9/2
93 Philon, Darius DE 6-1 300 1/22/94 2 Arkansas Mobile, Ala. D6-’15 8/0
17 Rivers, Philip QB 6-5 228 12/8/81 13 North Carolina State Decatur, Ala. T(NYG)-’04 16/16
60 Robinson, Trevor C 6-5 300 5/16/90 5 Notre Dame Elkhorn, Neb. FA-’14 16/13
5 Scifres, Mike P 6-2 215 10/5/80 14 Western Illinois Destrehan, La. D5-’03 16/0
68 Slauson, Matt C-G 6-5 315 2/18/86 8 Nebraska Colorado Springs, Colo. FA-’16 16/16*
71 Square, Damion DT 6-2 293 2/6/89 4 Alabama Houston, Texas W(KC)-’14 6/1
25 Stuckey, Darrell S 5-11 212 6/16/87 7 Kansas Kansas City, Kan. D4-’10 15/0
50 Te’o, Manti ILB 6-1 241 1/26/91 4 Notre Dame Laie, Hawaii D2-’13 12/12
22 Verrett, Jason CB 5-10 188 6/18/91 3 Texas Christian Fairfield, Calif. D1-’14 14/13
65 Watt, Chris C-G 6-3 310 8/17/90 3 Notre Dame Glen Ellyn, Ill. D3-’14 5/3
79 Wiggins, Kenny G-T 6-6 314 8/8/88 3 Fresno State Elk Grove, Calif. FA-’15 15/8
23 Williams, Steve CB 5-10 185 3/7/91 4 California Dallas, Texas D5-’13 13/2
58 Williams, Tourek OLB 6-4 262 5/9/91 4 Florida International Miami, Fla. D6-’13 0*
16 Williams, Tyrell WR 6-4 205 2/12/92 2 Western Oregon Salem, Ore. FA-’15 7/0
47 Windt, Mike LS 6-1 237 5/29/86 7 Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’10 16/0
39 Woodhead, Danny RB 5-8 200 1/25/85 9 Chadron State, Neb. North Platte, Neb. UFA(NE)-’13 16/2

126 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Benjamin played 16 games with Cleveland in ’15; Cleveland played 4 games with New England; Cumberland played 15 games with N.Y.
Jets; Hayward played 16 games with Green Bay; Lowery played 16 games with Indianapolis; Mebane played 15 games with Seattle;
Mettenberger played 7 games with Tennessee; Slauson played 16 games with Chicago.

Players lost through free agency (6): RB Donald Brown (NE; 10 games in ’15), TE Ladarius Green (Pitt; 13),
DE Ricardo Mathews (Pitt; 16), DE Kendall Reyes (Wash; 16), Patrick Robinson (Ind; 16), S Eric Weddle (Balt; 13).

Also played with Chargers in ’15—WR Vincent Brown (1 game), LB Donald Butler (16), LB Kavell Conner (10), WR Malcom Floyd (15),
TE David Johnson (16), WR Jacoby Jones (5), LB Cordarro Law (14), T Jeff Linkenbach (1), LB Joe Mays (9), TE Kyle Miller (2),
G Michael Ola (1), TE John Phillips (16), DT Mitch Unrein (2), C J.D. Walton (4), S Jimmy Wilson (13)

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Bercovici, Mike QB 6-0 204 2/9/93 Arizona State Woodland Hills, Calif. FA
Bosa, Joey DE 6-5 280 7/11/95 Ohio State Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. D1
Brown, Jatavis OLB 5-11 221 2/18/94 Akron Belle Glade, Fla. D5
Chestnut, Terrell CB 5-10 196 12/10/91 West Virginia Pottstown, Pa. FA
Clark, Donavon G 6-4 315 11/12/92 Michigan State Cincinnati, Ohio D7
Farrow, Kenneth RB 5-9 219 3/7/93 Houston Hurst, Tex. FA
Henry, Hunter TE 6-5 250 12/7/94 Arkansas Little Rock, Ark. D2
Huey, Michael (1) G 6-4 317 9/28/88 Texas Kilgore, Tex. FA-’15
Johnstone, Tyler T 6-5 301 9/29/92 Oregon Chandler, Ariz. FA
Jones, Jamaal WR 6-1 189 1/31/93 Montana Graham, Wash. FA
Kaser, Drew P 6-2 206 2/11/93 Texas A&M Stow, Ohio D6
Landrum, Christopher OLB 6-2 245 9/14/92 Jacksonville State Sweet Water, Ala. FA
Marcordes, Tyler OLB 6-3 245 10/9/92 Georgia Tech Normal, Ill FA
McCoil, Dexter (1) ILB 6-4 220 9/5/91 Tulsa Lutcher, La. FA-’15
McDonald, Adrian S 5-9 190 3/18/94 Houston Lawton, Okla. FA
McQueen, Michael T 6-6 297 8/31/93 Ohio Garfield Heights, Ohio FA
Ndulue, Chuka (1) DT 6-3 300 8/17/91 Oklahoma DeSoto, Texas FA-’15
Perry, Joshua ILB 6-4 253 4/26/94 Ohio State Lewis Center, Ohio D4
Petteway, Shaq OLB 5-11 239 2/2/93 West Virginia Steubenville, Ohio FA
Pulley, Spencer C 6-4 308 4/3/93 Vanderbilt Cordova, Tenn. FA
Ramsay, Zeth T 6-6 307 3/22/93 Mesa State, Colo. Gypsum, Colo. FA
Reaves, Deandre WR-KR 5-9 177 4/30/92 Marshall, W.Va. Sterling, Va. FA
Redfern, Kasey (1) P 6-2 215 9/26/91 Wofford, S.C. Jamestown, N.C. FA-’15
Scott, Larry CB 5-11 194 3/5/93 Oregon State Corona, Calif. FA
Semisch, Tim (1) TE 6-8 275 9/18/91 Northern Illinois Omaha, Neb. FA-’15
Smith, Dreamius (1) RB 5-11 225 9/8/92 West Virginia Wichita, Kan. FA-’15
Swain, Chris FB 6-0 249 11/17/92 Navy Macon, Ga. FA
Teofilo, Vi G 6-3 315 Arizona State Phoenix, Ariz. FA
Tuerk, Max C 6-5 298 1/27/94 Southern California Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. D3
Watt, Derek FB 6-2 234 11/7/92 Wisconsin Pewaukee, Wisc. D6
Weiser, Matt TE 6-5 241 10/7/92 Buffalo Robesonia, Pa. FA
Williams, Dom WR 6-2 200 12/11/92 Washington State Pomona, Calif. FA
Williams, Trevor CB 5-11 191 9/15/93 Penn State Baltimore, Md. FA
Wray, Carlos DT 6-1 287 10/3/93 Duke Shelby, N.C. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 127

COACHING STAFF Browns 2005-06, Carolina Panthers 2007- Louisiana Tech 1994, Mississippi 1995. Pro
Head Coach, 2010, Minnesota Vikings 2011-15, joined coach: New Orleans Saints 1996-97,
Mike McCoy Chargers in 2016. Indianapolis Colts 1998-2001, joined
Pro Career: Hired January 15, 2013, as the Dave DeGuglielmo, asst. offensive line; born Chargers in 2002.
15th head coach in team history, Mike McCoy July 15, 1968, Cambridge, Mass. Offensive Tommy Rees, offensive assistant; born May
led the Chargers to 9-7 finishes in each of his line Boston University 1987-1990. No pro 22, 1992, Los Angeles, Calif. Quarterback
first two seasons as head coach. McCoy led playing experience. College coach; Boston Notre Dame 2010-13. No pro playing experi-
the Chargers to the playoffs in his first sea- College 1991-92, Boston University 1993-96, ence. College coach: Northwestern 2014-15.
son. He then led the Chargers to a Wild Card Connecticut 1997-98, South Carolina 1999- Pro coach: Joined Chargers in 2016.
Playoff win in Cincinnati for the franchise’s 2003. Pro coach: New York Giants 2004-08, Mark Ridgley, quality control-offense; born
first playoff victory since the 2008 season. Miami Dolphins 2009-2011, New York Jets December 4, 1985, New Brighton, Pa. No col-
The Chargers’ playoff appearance in 2013 2012, New England Patriots 2014-15, joined lege playing experience. No pro playing expe-
marked the organization’s first since 2009 Chargers in 2016. rience. College coach: Pittsburgh 2008-09,
and McCoy joined Sid Gillman (1960), Don Chris Harris, asst. defensive backs; born Central Michigan 2010-11. Pro coach: Joined
Coryell (1979), Bobby Ross (1992), and Norv August 6, 1982, Little Rock, Ark. Safety Chargers in 2012.
Turner (2007) as the only rookie coaches in Louisiana Monroe 2001-04. Pro safety Chris Shula, quality control-defense; born
team history to lead the Bolts to the playoffs Chicago Bears 2005-06, 2010-11, Carolina February 5, 1986, Miami, Florida. Linebacker
in their first season. Then with the team’s win Panthers 2007-09, Detroit Lions 2011, Miami (Ohio) 2004-08. No pro playing experi-
over the Bengals, McCoy became only the Jacksonville Jaguars 2012. Pro coach: ence. College coach: Ball State 2010, Indiana
third head coach (Ross and Turner) to win his Chicago Bears 2013-14, joined Chargers in 2011-13, John Carroll 2014. Pro coach:
first playoff game. McCoy spent the 2009- 2015. Joined Chargers in 2015.
2012 seasons in Denver. He began his coach- Kent Johnston, strength and conditioning; Nick Sirianni, wide receivers; born June 15,
ing career as an offensive assistant with born February 21, 1966, Mexia, Texas. 1981, Jamestown, N.Y. Wide receiver Mount
Carolina in 2000, serving additionally as wide Defensive back Stephen F. Austin 1974- 77. Union 2000-03. No pro playing experience.
receivers coach (2001), quarterbacks coach No pro playing experience. College coach: College coach: Mount Union 2004-05,
(2002-08) and passing game coordinator Northwestern Louisiana 1981, Alabama Indiana (Pa.) 2006-08. Pro coach: Kansas
(2007-08). The Panthers reached the playoffs 1985-86, 2004-05. Pro coach: Tampa Bay City 2009-2012, joined Chargers in 2013.
three times, including a berth in Super Bowl Buccaneers 1987-1991, Green Bay Packers Giff Smith, defensive line; born October 23,
XXXVIII (2003), during McCoy’s tenure. 1992-98, Seattle Seahawks 1999-2003, 1968, Atlanta, Ga. Defensive end Georgia
Career record: 23-27. Cleveland Browns 2010-12, joined Chargers Southern 1986-1990. No pro playing experi-
Background: McCoy played quarterback at in 2013. ence. College coach: Arkansas 1991-93,
Long Beach State and Utah before signing Bobby King, asst. linebackers; born June 29, Georgia 1994-95, Georgia Southern 1996-98,
with the Denver Broncos. He spent his rookie 1978, Louisville, Ky. Defensive lineman Tulane 1999-2003, Georgia Tech 2004-09.
season on the practice squad in Green Bay Texas-El Paso 1998-2000. No pro playing Pro coach: Buffalo Bills 2010-12, Tennessee
and then had stops with NFL Europe’s experience. College coach: Texas-El Paso Titans 2014-15, joined Chargers in 2016.
Amsterdam Admirals, San Francisco 49ers 2002-03, West Texas A&M 2005, 2008-09, Shane Steichen, quarterbacks; born May 11,
and the Philadelphia Eagles before concluding Baylor 2006-07. Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys 1985, Sacramento, Calif. Quarterback
his playing career with the Canadian Football 2010, Houston Texans 2011-13, joined Nevada-Las Vegas 2003-06. No pro playing
League’s Calgary Stampeders in 1999. Chargers in 2014. experience. College coach: Nevada-Las
Personal: Born in San Francisco, April 1, Rick Lyle, asst. strength and conditioning; Vegas 2007-0, Louisville 2010. Pro coach:
1972. McCoy and his wife, Kellie, have a born February 26, 1971, Monroe, La. San Diego Chargers 2011-12, Cleveland
daughter, Liv, and a son, Luke. Defensive lineman Missouri 1989-1993. Pro Browns 2013, re-joined Chargers in 2014.
defensive lineman Cleveland Browns 1994- Ken Whisenhunt, offensive coordinator; born
ASSISTANT COACHES 95, Baltimore Ravens 1996, New York Jets February 28, 1962 in Atlanta, Ga. Tight end/H-
Craig Aukerman, special teams coordinator; 1997-2001, New England Patriots 2002-03. back Georgia Tech 1980-84. Pro tight end
born November 22, 1976, McComb, Ohio. Pro coach: New York Jets 2006-08, Cleveland Atlanta Falcons 1985-88, Washington
Defensive back/wide receiver Findlay 1995- Browns 2009-2012, joined Chargers in 2013. Redskins 1989-90, N.Y, Jets 1991-93.
98. No pro playing experience. College coach: John McNulty, tight ends; born May 29, College coach: Vanderbilt 1995-96. Pro
Findlay 2000, Miami (Ohio) 2001-02, 2005- 1968, Scranton, Pa. Safety Penn State 1988- coach: Baltimore Ravens 1997-98, Cleveland
08, Western Kentucky 2003-04, Kent State 1990. No pro playing experience. College Browns 1999, N.Y. Jets 2000, Pittsburgh
2009. Pro coach: Denver Broncos 2010, coach: Michigan 1991-94, Connecticut 1995- Steelers 2001-06, Arizona Cardinals 2007-
Jacksonville Jaguars 2011-12, joined 97, Rutgers 2004-08. Pro coach: Jacksonville 2012 (head coach), San Diego Chargers
Chargers in 2013. Jaguars 1998-2002, Dallas Cowboys 2003, 2013, Tennessee Titans 2014-15 (head
Bob Babich, linebackers; born February 20, Arizona Cardinals 2009-2012, Tampa Bay coach), re-joined Chargers in 2016.
1961, Aliquippa, Pa. Linebacker Mesa (Colo.) Buccaneers 2013, Tennessee Titans 2014- Marquice Williams, asst. special teams; born
C.C. 1979-1980, Tulsa 1981-82. No pro play- 15, joined Chargers in 2016. November 8, 1985, Palo Alto, Calif. Defensive
ing experience. College coach: Tulsa 1984- Ron Milus, defensive backs; born November, back Fresno City College 2003-05, University
87, 1990, Wisconsin 1988-89, Bowling 25, 1963, Tacoma, Wash. Cornerback of Mary 2006-08. No pro playing experience.
Green 1991, East Carolina 1992-93, Washington 1982-85. College coach: College coach: Winona State 2010, Central
Pittsburgh 1994-96, North Dakota State Washington 1991-98, Texas A&M 1999. Pro Oklahoma 2011, South Dakota 2012-15. Pro
1997-2002 (head coach). Pro coach: St. coach: Denver Broncos 2000-02, 2011-12, coach: Joined Chargers in 2016.
Louis Rams 2003, Chicago Bears 2004- Arizona Cardinals 2003, New York Giants Ollie Wilson, running backs; born March 3,
2012, Jacksonville Jaguars 2013-15, joined 2004-05, St. Louis Rams 2006-08, Carolina 1951, Worcester, Mass. Wide receiver
Chargers in 2016. Panthers 2009-2010, joined Chargers in Springfield 1971-73. No pro playing experi-
Jeff Davidson, offensive line; born October 3, 2013. ence. College coach: Springfield 1975,
1967, Akron, Ohio. Offensive line Ohio State John Pagano, defensive coordinator; born Northeastern 1976-1982, California 1983-
1986-89. Pro offensive lineman Denver March 30, 1967, Boulder, Colo. Linebacker 1990. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 1991-96,
Broncos 1990-92, New Orleans Saints 1994. Mesa State College 1985-88. No pro playing 2002-07, San Diego Chargers 1997-2001,
Pro coach: New Orleans Saints 1995-96, New experience. College coach: Mesa State re-joined Chargers in 2008.
England Patriots 1997-2004, Cleveland College 1989, Nevada-Las Vegas 1990-91,

128 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Controlling Owner and Co-Chairman, Houston 1960-1996
Board of Directors: (418-461-6)
Amy Adams Strunk Records include postseason games
Co-Chairman, Board of Directors: 1960-61 Lou Rymkus* .......... .....12-7-1
Susie Adams Smith 1961 Wally Lemm ............ .....10-0-0
Board of Directors: Kenneth S. Adams, IV 1962-63 Frank (Pop) Ivy ....... ....17-12-0
1964 Sammy Baugh...............4-10-0
Barclay Adams 1965 Hugh Taylor ............ ......4-10-0
Susan Lewis 1966-1970 Wally Lemm ... ............28-40-4
1971 Ed Hughes.......................4-9-1
President/CEO: Steve Underwood 1972-73 Bill Peterson** ....... ......1-18-0
Senior V.P./General Counsel: Elza Bullock 1973-74 Sid Gillman....................8-15-0
Senior V.P./CFO: Jenneen Kaufman 1975-1980 O.A. (Bum) Phillips .... .59-38-0
Senior V.P./Chief Revenue Officer: 1981-83 Ed Biles***........... ........8-23-0
American Football Conference Stuart Spears 1983 Chuck Studley ............ ....2-8-0
South Division V.P./Facilities and Game Day Operations: 1984-85 Hugh Campbell****.. ....8-22-0
Team Colors: Navy, Titans Blue, Red, Bob Flynn 1985-89 Jerry Glanville..............35-35-0
Silver V.P./Communications: Jimmy Stanton 1990-94 Jack Pardee#..............44-35-0
460 Great Circle Road 1994-2010 Jeff Fisher................147-126-0
Nashville, Tennessee 37228 General Manager: Jon Robinson 2011-13 Mike Munchak ......... ...22-26-0
Telephone: (615) 565-4000 V.P./Football Administration: Vin Marino 2014-15 Ken Whisenhunt## ......3-20-0
Director of Player Personnel: 2015 Mike Mularkey .................2-7-0
2016 SCHEDULE Ryan Cowden *Released after five games in 1961
PRESEASON Director of College Scouting: **Released after five games in 1973
Aug. 13 San Diego..........................8:00 ***Resigned after six games in 1983
Blake Beddingfield
****Released after 14 games in 1985
Aug. 20 Carolina............................ 3:00 Director of Pro Scouting: Brian Gardner #Released after 10 games in 1994
Aug. 27 at Oakland.................. ........8:00 Pro Scouts: Dennis Polian, Kevin Turks ##Released after seven games in 2015
Sep. 1 at Miami.............................7:00 College Scouts: Phil Neri, Tim Ruskell,
Jon Salge, Richard Shelton, Wes Slay, PAID ATTENDANCE
REGULAR SEASON Brandon Taylor, Dale Thompson Home 480,776 Away 509,325
Sep. 11 Minnesota ......................12:00 Equipment Manager: Paul Noska Total 990,101
Sep. 18 at Detroit .........................12:00 Video Director: Anthony Pastrana Single-game home record,
Sep. 25 Oakland ..........................12:00 Director of Sports Medicine: 69,149, many times (last: 12/18/05)
Oct. 2 at Houston ......................12:00 Todd Toriscelli
Oct. 9 at Miami ..........................12:00 Single-season home record,
Director of Team Operations: Brent Akers 553,192 (2005)
Oct. 16 Cleveland .......................12:00 Director of Player Engagement:
Oct. 23 Indianapolis ....................12:00 Chic Ejiasi
Oct. 27 Jacksonville (Thu) .............7:25 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Nov. 6 at San Diego .....................3:25 Round Name Pos. College
Director of Security: Jim Arts 1 Jack Conklin T Michigan St.
Nov. 13 Green Bay ......................12:00
Nov. 20 at Indianapolis .................12:00 Director of Finance: Shereme Siewnarine 2 Kevin Dodd LB Clemson
Nov. 27 at Chicago .......................12:00 V.P./Marketing and Broadcast & Digital Austin Johnson DT Penn St.
BYE Rights: Ralph Ockenfels Derrick Henry RB Alabama
Dec. 11 Denver ............................12:00 Director of Marketing: Brad McClanahan 3 Kevin Byard DB Middle Tennessee
Dec. 18 at Kansas City .................12:00 Senior Director of Media Relations: 5 Tajae Sharpe WR Massachusetts
Dec. 24 at Jacksonville (Sat) .........12:00 Robbie Bohren LeShaun Sims DB Southern Utah
Jan. 1 Houston ..........................12:00 Senior Director of Digital Media: 6 Sebastian Tretola G Arkansas
* All times CT Gary Glenn 7 Aaron Wallace LB UCLA
Director of Broadcasting: Mike Keith Kalan Reed DB Southern Miss.
Stadium: Nissan Stadium (opened in 1999) Director of Community Relations:
•Capacity: 69,143 Tina Tuggle
One Titans Way Director of Information Systems:
Nashville, Tennessee 37213 Russ Hudson
Playing Surface: Natural Grass V.P./Ticketing: Brooke Ellenberger
Training Camp: Saint Thomas Sports Park Director of Suite Sales and Services:
460 Great Circle Road Bill Wainwright
Nashville, TN 37228 Director of Cheerleaders: Stacie Kinder
General Manager of Nissan Stadium:
Sports Field Manager: Terry Porch

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 129

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Mariota 370 230 2818 62.2 19 10 38/258 91.5
08/14 L 24-31 at Atlanta Mettenberger 166 101 935 60.8 4 7 13/98 66.7
08/23 W 27-14 St. Louis Tanney 14 10 99 71.4 1 0 3/34 114.9
08/28 L 10-34 at Kansas City Andrews 1 1 41 100.0 1 0 0/0 158.3
09/03 W 24-17 Minnesota Titans 551 342 3893 62.1 25 17 54/390 85.5
Opponents 502 319 3949 63.5 34 11 39/271 101.3
Date Result Opponent
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Brown 2 45 22.5 45 0
09/13 W 42-14 at Tampa Bay
Succop 0 0 0 29/31 14/16 0 71 Sensabaugh 2 42 21.0 26t 1
09/20 L 14-28 at Cleveland
Walker 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 38 Griffin 1 29 29.0 29 0
09/27 L 33-35 Indianapolis
Green-Beckham 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 26 Cox 1 27 27.0 27 0
10/11 L 13-14 Buffalo
Andrews 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Bass 1 8 8.0 8 0
10/18 L 10-38 Miami
Mariota 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Mount 1 8 8.0 8 0
10/25 L 7-10 Atlanta
Wright 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Searcy 1 5 5.0 5 0
11/01 L 6-20 at Houston
McCluster 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 14 Webb 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/08 W 34-28 at New Orleans (OT)
Douglas 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Williamson 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/15 L 10-27 Carolina
Fasano 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Titans 11 164 14.9 45 1
11/19 L 13-19 at Jacksonville
Fowler 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 17 263 15.5 69t 3
11/29 L 21-24 Oakland
Sankey 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
12/06 W 42-39 Jacksonville
Stevens 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/13 L 8-30 at New York Jets
Cobb 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Kern 88 4175 47.4 34 61
12/20 L 16-33 at New England
Hunter 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Titans 88 4175 47.4 34 61
12/27 L 6-34 Houston
McBride 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 74 3568 48.2 24 65
01/03 L 24-30 at Indianapolis
Mettenberger 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
(OT) Overtime
Sensabaugh 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
Woodyard 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Titans 10 25 2 29/31 14/16 0 299 McCluster 24 15 217 9.0 37 0
Titans 67 71 84 71 6 — 299
Opponents 11 34 6 48/50 23/27 0 423 Douglas 11 2 73 6.6 18 0
Opponents 96 127 75 125 0 — 423
2-Pt Conv: Green-Beckham, McCluster, Walker Cox 3 0 17 5.7 9 0
Titans 3-5, Opponents 0-1 Titans 38 17 307 8.1 37 0
Opponents 47 23 605 12.9 78t 1
Titans Opp. RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Total First Downs 298 317 Andrews 143 520 3.6 38 3
Rushing 66 101 Mariota 34 252 7.4 87t 2
Passing 195 192 McCluster 55 247 4.5 44 1
McCluster 13 285 21.9 32 0
Penalty 37 24 Sankey 47 193 4.1 16 1
McBride 10 190 19.0 31 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 64/201 92/216 Cobb 52 146 2.8 12 1
Sankey 9 192 21.3 34 0
3rd Down Pct. 31.8 42.6 West 16 51 3.2 12 0
Andrews 1 13 13.0 13 0
4th Down: Made/Att 7/15 4/12 Walker 1 36 36.0 36 0
Titans 33 680 20.6 34 0
4th Down Pct. 46.7 33.3 Wright 5 17 3.4 13 0
Opponents 22 599 27.2 75 0
Possession Avg. 29:25 30:35 Fowler 7 13 1.9 3 1
Total Net Yards 4988 5475 McBride 1 8 8.0 8 0
Avg. Per Game 311.8 342.2 Mettenberger 9 8 0.9 5t 1
GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Plays 976 1003 Douglas 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0
Succop 0/0 3/3 3/3 7/7 1/3
Avg. Per Play 5.1 5.5 Titans 371 1485 4.0 87t 10
Titans 0/0 3/3 3/3 7/7 1/3
Net Yards Rushing 1485 1797 Opponents 462 1797 3.9 32 11
Opponents 1/1 6/6 9/9 6/9 1/2
Avg. Per Game 92.8 112.3
Total Rushes 371 462 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Walker 94 1088 11.6 61t 6 SACKS No.
Net Yards Passing 3503 3678
Douglas 36 411 11.4 51 2 Casey 7.0
Avg. Per Game 218.9 229.9
Wright 36 408 11.3 52t 3 Orakpo 7.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 54/390 39/271
Green-Beckham 32 549 17.2 47t 4 Woodyard 5.0
Gross Yards 3893 3949
McCluster 31 260 8.4 35 1 Morgan 4.5
Att./Completions 551/342 502/319
Fasano 26 289 11.1 33 2 Klug 4.0
Completion Pct. 62.1 63.5
Hunter 22 264 12.0 29 1 Williamson 3.5
Had Intercepted 17 11
Andrews 21 174 8.3 23 0 Blackson 2.5
Punts/Average 88/47.4 74/48.2
Sankey 14 139 9.9 30 1 Bass 1.5
Net Punting Avg. 88/40.3 74/43.0
Stevens 12 121 10.1 27 2 Griffin 1.0
Penalties/Yards 93/779 112/982
Fowler 5 44 8.8 19 1 Stafford 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 25/16 16/8
Coffman 4 42 10.5 16 0 Tavai 1.0
Touchdowns 37 51
Supernaw 3 32 10.7 16 0 Brown 0.5
Rushing 10 11
Turzilli 2 25 12.5 18 0 Searcy 0.5
Passing 25 34
McBride 2 8 4.0 7 1 Titants 39.0
Returns 2 6
Mariota 1 41 41.0 41t 1 Opponents 54.0
Cobb 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0
Titans 342 3893 11.4 61t 25
Opponents 319 3949 12.4 69t 34

130 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Eddie George, 1996-2003 ................................................................10,009
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Warren Moon, 1984-1993................................................................33,685
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Warren Moon, 1984-1993.....................................................................196
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Ernest Givins, 1986-1994 .....................................................................542
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Ernest Givins, 1986-1994 ..................................................................7,935
Interceptions ...................................................................Jim Norton, 1960-68 ..............................................................................45
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brett Kern, 2009-2015 .........................................................................45.3
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Billy Johnson, 1974-1980 ....................................................................13.2
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Bobby Jancik, 1962-67 ........................................................................26.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Al Del Greco, 1991-2000 ......................................................................246
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Eddie George, 1996-2003 .......................................................................74
Points..............................................................................Al Del Greco, 1991-2000 ...................................................................1,060
*Sacks............................................................................Ray Childress, 1985-1995 ...................................................................75.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Chris Johnson, 2009..........................................................................2,006
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Warren Moon, 1991 ...........................................................................4,690
Passing (TDs) .................................................................George Blanda, 1961 ..............................................................................36
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Charley Hennigan, 1964 ........................................................................101
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Charley Hennigan, 1961 .....................................................................1,746
Interceptions ...................................................................Fred Glick, 1963......................................................................................12
Mike Reinfeldt, 1979 ...............................................................................12
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brett Kern, 2012...................................................................................47.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Billy Johnson, 1977 .............................................................................15.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ken Hall, 1960 .....................................................................................31.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Al Del Greco, 1998..................................................................................36
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Earl Campbell, 1979................................................................................19
Points..............................................................................Al Del Greco, 1998................................................................................136
*Sacks............................................................................William Fuller, 1991 ..............................................................................15.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Chris Johnson, 11-1-09 ........................................................................228
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Warren Moon, 12-16-90 .......................................................................527
Passing (TDs) .................................................................George Blanda, 11-19-61......................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Charley Hennigan, 10-13-61 ...................................................................13
Haywood Jeffires, 10-13-91....................................................................13
Drew Bennett, 12-19-04..........................................................................13
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Charley Hennigan, 10-13-61 .................................................................272
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Keith Bulluck, 9-24-07
Field Goals ......................................................................Rob Bironas, 10-21-07 ........................................................................**8
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Billy Cannon, 12-10-61 ............................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Billy Cannon, 12-10-61 ..........................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................William Fuller, 11-28-93 ........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 131

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
26 Andrews, Antonio RB 5-10 225 8/17/92 3 Western Kentucky Fort Campbell, Ky. FA-’14 14/10
31 Aubrey, Josh S 5-10 207 4/9/91 3 Stephen F. Austin Tyler, Texas FA-’15 1/0
51 Bass, David OLB 6-4 256 9/11/90 4 Missouri Western State St. Louis, Mo. W(Chi)-’15 16/7
76 Bell, Byron T/G 6-5 340 1/17/89 6 New Mexico Greenville, Texas UFA(Car)-’15 16/16
95 Blackson, Angelo DE 6-4 318 11/14/92 2 Auburn Wilmington, Del. D4-’15 16/0
47 Blake, Antwon CB 5-9 198 8/9/90 5 Texas El-Paso Jacksonville, Fla. UFA(Pitt)-’16 16/16*
48 Brinkley, Beau LS 6-4 248 1/25/90 5 Missouri Kearney, Mo. FA-’12 16/0
99 Casey, Jurrell DT 6-1 305 12/5/89 6 Southern California Long Beach, Calif. D3-’11 16/16
16 Cassel, Matt QB 6-4 228 5/17/82 12 Southern California Northridge, Calif. UFA(Dall)-’16 9/8*
23 Cobb, David RB 5-11 229 6/3/93 2 Minnesota Killeen, Texas D5-’15 7/1
24 Cox, Perrish CB 6-0 190 1/7/87 6 Oklahoma State Waco, Texas UFA(SF)-’15 13/13
40 Cudjoe-Virgil, Yannik OLB 6-2 248 11/28/92 2 Maryland Baltimore, Md. FA-’15 2/0
83 Douglas, Harry WR 6-0 183 9/16/84 9 Louisville Jonesboro, Ga. FA-’15 14/12
80 Fasano, Anthony TE 6-4 255 4/20/84 11 Notre Dame Verona, N.J. FA-’15 16/11
45 Fowler, Jalston FB 5-11 254 7/26/90 2 Alabama Mobile, Ala. D4-’15 16/0
69 Gallik, Andy C/G 6-2 306 9/24/91 2 Boston College Evergreen Park, Ill. D6-’15 12/8
17 Green-Beckham, Dorial WR 6-5 237 4/12/93 2 Oklahoma Springfield, Mo. D2-’15 16/5
94 #Hill, Sammie NT 6-4 328 11/8/86 8 Stillman West Blocton, Ala. UFA(Det)-’13 10/5
28 Huff, Marqueston DB 5-11 196 4/6/92 3 Wyoming Texarkana, Texas D4-’14 16/0
15 Hunter, Justin WR 6-4 203 5/20/91 4 Tennessee Virginia Beach Va. D2-’13 9/5
49 Johnson, Rashad S 5-11 204 1/2/86 8 Alabama Sulligent, Ala. UFA(Ariz)-’16 14/14*
60 Jones, Ben C 6-3 308 7/2/89 5 Georgia Centreville, Ala. UFA(Hou)-’16 16/16*
90 Jones, DaQuan DL 6-4 322 12/27/91 3 Penn State Johnson City, N.Y. D4-’14 16/16
6 Kern, Brett P 6-2 214 2/17/86 9 Toledo Grand Island, N.Y. W(Den)-’09 16/0
97 Klug, Karl DL 6-3 278 3/31/88 6 Iowa Caledonia, Minn. D5-’11 16/0
77 Lewan, Taylor T 6-7 309 7/22/91 3 Michigan Cave Creek, Ariz. D1-’14 15/15
8 Mariota, Marcus QB 6-4 222 10/30/93 2 Oregon Honolulu, Hawai’i D1-’15 12/12
93 #Martin, Mike DL 6-1 298 9/1/90 5 Michigan Detroit, Mich. D3-’12 5/0
18 Matthews, Rishard WR 6-0 217 10/12/89 5 Nevada Santa Ana, Calif. UFA(Mia)-’16 11/11*
10 McBride, Tre WR 6-0 210 12/1/92 2 William & Mary McDonough, Ga. D7-’15 7/0
33 McCain, Brice CB 5-9 190 12/10/86 8 Utah Terrell, Texas FA-’16 14/11*
22 McCluster, Dexter RB 5-8 170 8/25/88 7 Mississippi Largo, Fla. UFA(KC)-’14 11/2
30 McCourty, Jason CB 6-0 193 8/13/87 8 Rutgers Nyack, N.Y. D6-’09 4/4
79 #Meredith, Jamon T 6-5 312 5/11/86 8 South Carolina Simpsonville, S.C. FA-’14 13/3
91 Morgan, Derrick OLB 6-3 261 1/6/89 7 Georgia Tech Coatesville, Pa. D1-’10 10/9
53 Mount, Deiontrez OLB 6-5 249 2/26/93 2 Louisville Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. D6-’15 4/0
29 t-Murray, DeMarco RB 6-0 217 2/12/88 6 Oklahoma Las Vegas, Nev. T(Phil)-’16 15/8*
98 Orakpo, Brian OLB 6-4 257 7/31/86 8 Texas Houston, Texas UFA(Wash)-’15 16/16
50 Palmer, Nate LB 6-2 248 9/23/89 4 Illinois State Chicago, Ill. W(GB)-’16 16/10*
92 Pitoitua, Ropati DE 6-8 298 4/6/85 7 Washington State Lakewood, Wash. UFA(KC)-’13 5/0
73 Poutasi, Jeremiah G/T 6-5 335 8/7/94 2 Utah Las Vegas, Nev. D3-’15 11/7
37 Riggs, Cody CB 5-9 187 12/30/91 2 Notre Dame Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA-’15 11/0
35 Riley, Curtis CB 6-0 190 7/18/92 2 Fresno State Orlando, Fla. FA-’15 0*
20 Sankey, Bishop RB 5-10 209 9/15/92 3 Washington Wadsworth, Ohio D2-’14 13/3
62 Schwenke, Brian C 6-3 318 3/22/91 4 California Oceanside, Calif. D4-’13 5/5
21 Searcy, Da’Norris S 5-11 207 11/16/88 6 North Carolina Decatur, Ga. UFA(Buff)-’15 15/13
67 Spain, Quinton G 6-4 330 8/7/91 2 West Virginia Petersburg, Va. FA-’15 7/6
55 Spence, Sean LB 5-11 231 6/7/90 5 Miami Miami, Fla. UFA(Pitt)-’16 15/4*
39 Stafford, Daimion S 6-1 218 2/18/91 4 Nebraska Riverside, Calif. D7-’13 16/2
57 Staples, Justin LB 6-4 245 12/10/89 3 Illinois Cleveland, Ohio FA-’14 12/0
88 Stevens, Craig TE 6-3 263 9/1/84 9 California San Pedro, Calif. D3-’08 16/11
4 Succop, Ryan K 6-2 218 9/19/86 8 South Carolina Hickory, N.C. FA-’14 16/0
89 Supernaw, Phillip TE 6-5 248 1/30/90 3 Ouachita Baptist Katy, Texas FA-’15 16/1
11 Tanney, Alex QB 6-4 220 11/11/87 2 Monmouth Lexington, Ill. FA-’15 1/0
86 Turzilli, Andrew WR 6-4 195 10/13/91 2 Rutgers Butler, N.J. FA-’15 3/0
82 Walker, Delanie TE 6-0 248 8/12/84 11 Central Missouri Pomona, Calif. UFA(SF)-’13 15/10
70 Warmack, Chance G 6-2 323 9/14/91 4 Alabama Atlanta, Ga. D1-’13 14/14
38 Webb, B.W. CB 5-11 190 5/3/90 4 William & Mary Newport News, Va. FA-’15 9/2
54 Williamson, Avery LB 6-1 246 3/9/92 3 Kentucky Milan, Tenn. D5-’14 15/15
96 Woods, Al DL 6-4 307 3/25/87 7 Louisiana State Elton, La. UFA(Pitt)-’14 14/9
59 Woodyard, Wesley LB 6-0 233 7/21/86 9 Kentucky LaGrange, Ga. UFA(Den)-’14 16/12
25 Wreh-Wilson, Blidi CB 6-1 198 12/5/89 4 Connecticut Edinboro, Pa. D3-’13 10/3
13 Wright, Kendall WR 5-10 191 11/12/89 5 Baylor Pittsburg, Texas D1-’12 10/9

132 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Blake played 16 games with Pittsburgh in ’15; Cassel played 1 game with Buffalo and 8 games with Dallas; R. Johnson played 14 games
with Arizona; Ben Jones played 16 games with Houston; Matthews played 11 games with Miami; McCain played 14 games with Miami;
Murray played 15 games with Philadelphia; Palmer played 16 games wtih Green Bay; Riley missed ’15 season due to injury; Spence
played 15 games with Pittsburgh.

# Unrestricted free agent; subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (4): LB Zach Brown (Buff; 16 games in ’15), LB Steven Johnson (Pitt; 16); OL Joe Looney (Dall; 8),
CB Coty Sensabaugh (LA; 16).

Also played with Titans in ’15—TE Chase Coffman (1 game), S Michael Griffin (15), QB Zach Mettenberger (7),
WR Rico Richardson (5), RB Terrance West (2).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Abdesmad, Medhi DE 6-6 284 9/28/91 Boston College Montreal, Quebec FA
Bergen, Sam FB 6-0 250 3/6/92 Rutgers East Stroudsburg, Pa. FA
Brutus, LaMarcus S 6-0 206 2/10/93 Florida State Port St. Lucie, Fla. FA
Byard, Kevin S 5-11 212 8/17/93 Middle Tennessee State Lithonia, Ga. D3
Carlson, Sam T 6-4 301 4/30/93 Colorado State Wellington, Colo. FA
Conklin, Jack T 6-6 308 8/17/94 Michigan State Plainwell, Mich. D1
Dodd, Kevin OLB 6-5 277 7/14/92 Clemson Greenville, S.C. D2a
Ellis, Alex TE 6-4 253 2/10/93 Tennessee Delmar, Del. FA
Fluellen, David (1) RB 5-11 224 1/29/92 Toledo Lockport, N.Y. FA-'15
Grant, Curtis (1) LB 6-2 240 12/28/92 Ohio State Richmond, Va. FA
Harwell, Nick (1) WR 5-11 195 1/21/91 Kansas Missouri City, Texas FA-'15
Henry, Derrick RB 6-3 247 1/4/94 Alabama Yulee, Fla. D2c
Johnson, Austin DL 6-4 314 5/8/94 Penn State Galloway, N.J. D2b
Lathan, Terrell DE 6-4 292 8/2/93 Texas Christian Chatham, La. FA
Marz, Tyler T 6-7 316 9/9/92 Wisconsin Springfield, Minn. FA
Matias, Josue (1) G 6-5 309 1/6/93 Florida State Union City, N.J. FA-'15
Okotcha, Bennett CB 6-0 195 2/7/93 Texas-San Antonio Coppell, Texas FA
Poehls, Will (1) T 6-8 334 11/27/91 Montana Chandler, Ariz. FA-'14
Reed, Kalan CB 5-11 192 12/29/93 Southern Mississippi Birmingham, Ala. D7b
Ritcher, Nick T 6-5 300 12/1/92 Richmond Raleigh, N.C. FA
Roberts, Ben WR 6-4 215 9/7/92 Montana Missoula, Mont. FA
Rosas, Aldrick K 6-2 195 12/30/94 Southern Oregon Orland, Calif. FA
Sharpe, Tajae WR 6-2 194 12/23/94 Massachusetts Piscataway, N.J. D5a
Sims, LeShaun CB 6-0 203 9/18/93 Southern Utah Las Vegas, Nev. D5b
Smith, Mike DE 6-4 285 12/18/92 Southern Mississippi Birmingham, Ala. FA
Tavai, J.R. (1) OLB 6-2 249 9/23/93 Southern California Redondo Beach, Calif. FA-'15
Tretola, Sebastian G 6-4 314 5/1/92 Arkansas San Bernardino, Calif. D6
Wallace, Aaron OLB 6-2 242 7/8/93 UCLA San Diego, Calif. D7a
Woods, Antwaun NT 6-1 318 1/3/93 Southern California Los Angeles, Calif. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 133

COACHING STAFF Bob Bratkowski, wide receivers; born N.Y. Jets 2006-07, San Francisco 49ers 2009-
Head Coach, December 2, 1955, San Angelo, Texas. Wide 2010, San Diego Chargers 2011-13, joined
Mike Mularkey receiver Washington State 1975-77. No pro Titans in 2014.
Pro Career: Mularkey became the 18th head playing experience. College coach: Missouri Terry Robiskie, offensive coordinator; born
coach in franchise history on Jan. 16, 2016 1978-1980, Weber State 1981-85, Wyoming November 12, 1954, New Orleans, La. Running
after serving as interim head coach for the 1986, Washington State 1987-88, Miami back Louisiana State 1973-76. Pro running
final nine games of 2015. He enters his 22nd 1989-1991. Pro coach: Seattle Seahawks back Oakland Raiders 1977-79, Miami
season coaching in the NFL following nine 1992-98, Pittsburgh Steelers 1999-2000, Dolphins 1980-81. Pro coach: Los Angeles
years in the NFL as a player. His coaching Cincinnati Bengals 2001-2010, Atlanta Falcons Raiders 1982-1993, Washington Redskins
tenure includes two years (2004-05) as head 2011, Jacksonville Jaguars 2012, joined 1994-2000 (interim head coach 2000),
coach of the Buffalo Bills and one year (2012) Titans in 2016. Cleveland Browns 2001-06 (interim head
as head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars. In Sylvester Croom, running backs; born coach 2004), Miami Dolphins 2007, Atlanta
five of his eight seasons as an offensive coor- September 25, 1954, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Falcons 2008-2015, joined Titans in 2016.
dinator, Mularkey’s teams went to the playoffs. Linebacker/tight end/center Alabama 1971-74. Arthur Smith, tight ends; born May 27, 1982,
He joined the Titans as tight ends coach in Pro center New Orleans Saints 1975. College Memphis, Tenn. Offensive lineman North
2014 and was promoted to assistant head coach: Alabama 1976-1986, Mississippi State Carolina 2001-05. No pro playing experience.
coach/tight ends in 2015. In each of 2004-08 (head coach). Pro coach: Tampa Bay College coach: North Carolina 2006. Pro
Mularkey’s two seasons working with Titans’ Buccaneers 1987-1990, Indianapolis Colts coach: Washington Redskins 2007-08, joined
tight ends, Delanie Walker set the franchise 1991, San Diego Chargers 1992-96, Detroit Titans in 2011.
record for single-season receiving yards by a Lions 1997-2000, Green Bay Packers 2001- Lou Spanos, linebackers; born March 27,
tight end with 890 in 2014 and 1,088 in 2015, 03, St. Louis Rams 2009-2011, Jacksonville 1971, Pittsburgh, Pa. Center Tulsa 1989-
and Walker’s 157 receptions over the two sea- Jaguars 2012, joined Titans in 2013. 1992. No pro playing experience. College
sons ranked second among NFL tight ends. Nick Eason, defensive line; born May 29, coach: UCLA 2012-13. Pro coach: Pittsburgh
Mularkey spent four seasons (2008-2011) 1980, Lyons, Ga. Defensive lineman Clemson Steelers 1994-2009, Washington Redskins
with the Atlanta Falcons as offensive coordina- 1998-2002. Pro defensive tackle Denver 2010-11, joined Titans in 2014.
tor, and the Falcons advanced to the postsea- Broncos 2003, Cleveland Browns 2004-06, Luke Steckel, offensive assistant; born April
son three times, and two seasons with the Pittsburgh Steelers 2007-2010, Arizona 28, 1985, Boston, Mass. Linebacker Princeton
Miami Dolphins (2006-07). Mularkey’s head Cardinals 2011-12. Pro coach Cleveland 2003-06. No pro playing experience. Pro
coaching tenure with the Bills was preceded Browns 2013, joined Titans in 2014. coach: Cleveland Browns 2009-2012, joined
by eight seasons (1996-2003) with the Russ Grimm, offensive line; born May 2, Titans in 2013.
Pittsburgh Steelers. He served as the tight 1959, Scottdale, Pa. Center Pittsburgh 1977- Mike Sullivan, asst. offensive line; born
ends coach in his first five seasons in 1980. Pro guard Washington Redskins 1981- December 22, 1967, Chicago, Ill. Offensive
Pittsburgh, and his final three seasons were 1991. Inducted into Pro Football Hall of Fame lineman Miami 1986-1990. Pro offensive line-
spent as offensive coordinator. He was named in 2010. Pro coach: Washington Redskins man Dallas Cowboys 1991, Tampa Bay
Assistant Coach of the Year in 2001 from the 1992-2000, Pittsburgh Steelers 2001-06, Buccaneers 1992-95. College coach: Miami
Pro Football Writers of America. Mularkey first Arizona Cardinals in 2007-2012, joined Titans 2000, Western Michigan 2005-06. Pro coach:
coached in the NFL with Tampa Bay (1994- in 2016. Cleveland Browns 2001-04, 2007-08, 2013,
95). Career record: 18-39. Steve Hoffman, asst. special teams; born San Diego Chargers 2009-2012, joined Titans
Background: Quarterback at Northeast High September 8, 1958, Camden, N.J. in 2014.
School in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., played tight end Quarterback/ wide receiver/ running back/ Deshea Townsend, secondary; born
for Florida from 1979-1982. Mularkey played kicker/ punter Dickinson College 1976-79. Pro September 8, 1975, Batesville, Miss.
in the NFL for the Vikings (1983-88) and punter Washington Federals (USFL) 1983. Cornerback Alabama 1994-97. Pro corner-
Steelers (1989-1991). He totaled 102 recep- College coach: Miami 1985-88. Pro coach: back Pittsburgh Steelers 1998-2009,
tions and 1,222 career yards in 114 games. Dallas Cowboys 1989-2004, Atlanta Falcons Indianapolis Colts 2010. College coach:
Launched his coaching career as offensive 2006, Miami Dolphins 2007-08, Kansas City Mississippi State 2013-15. Pro coach: Arizona
line coach at Concordia College in 1993. Chiefs 2009-2011, Oakland Raiders 2012, Cardinals 2011-12, joined Titans in 2016.
Personal: Born November 19, 1961 in Ft. joined Titans in 2013. Jason Tucker, asst. wide receivers; born June
Lauderdale, Fla. He and his wife, Betsy, have Steve Jackson, asst. secondary; born April 8, 24, 1976, Waco, Texas. Wide receiver Texas
two sons—Patrick and Shane. 1969, Houston, Texas. Defensive back Purdue Christian 1994-97. Pro wide receiver Cincinnati
1987-1990. Pro defensive back Houston Bengals 1998, Green Bay Packers 1998, Rhein
ASSISTANT COACHES Oilers/Tennessee Titans 1991-99. Pro coach: Fire (NFL Europe) 1999, Dallas Cowboys 1999-
Bobby April, special teams coordinator; born Buffalo Bills 2001-03, Washington Redskins 2000, Edmonton Eskimos (CFL) 2002-08. Pro
April 15, 1953, New Orleans, La. Linebacker 2004-2011, Detroit Lions 2013, joined Titans coach: Edmonton Eskimos (CFL) 2009-2010,
Nicholls State 1972-76. College coach: in 2016. Saskatchewan Roughriders (CFL) 2012-14,
Southern Mississippi 1978, Tulane 1979, Dick LeBeau, asst. head coach/defensive joined Titans in 2015.
Arizona 1980-86, Southern California 1987- coordinator; born September 9, 1937, Steve Watterson, strength & conditioning;
1990, Ohio State 1990. Pro coach: Atlanta London, Ohio. Defensive back Ohio State born November 27, 1956, Newport, R.I.
Falcons 1991-93, Pittsburgh Steelers 1994-95, 1955-58. Pro cornerback Detroit Lions 1959- Attended Rhode Island. No college or pro play-
New Orleans Saints 1996-99, St. Louis Rams 1972. Inducted into the Pro Football Hall of ing experience. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles
2001-03, Buffalo Bills 2004-09, Philadelphia Fame in 2010. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1984-85, joined Titans/Oilers in 1986.
Eagles 2010-12, Oakland Raiders 2013-14, 1973-75, Green Bay Packers 1976-79, Keith Willis, asst. defensive line; born July 29,
New York Jets 2015, joined Titans in 2016. Cincinnati Bengals 1980-1991, 1997-2002 1959, Newark, N.J. Defensive lineman
Brandon Blaney, defensive assistant; born (head coach 2000-02), Pittsburgh Steelers Northeastern 1978-1981. Pro defensive end
November 3, 1975, Joplin, Mo. Attended 1992-96, 2004-2014, Buffalo Bills 2003, Pittsburgh Steelers 1982-1991, Buffalo Bills
Youngstown State. No college or pro playing joined Titans in 2015. 1992, Washington Redskins 1993. College
experience. College coach: Youngstown State Jason Michael, quarterbacks; born October coach Slippery Rock 1995-98, Cincinnati
1995-98, Oklahoma 1999-2000, Ohio State 15, 1978, Portsmouth, Ohio. Quarterback 1999-2000, Boston College 2001-06, North
2001, Kansas 2002-09, Iowa State 2014-15. Western Kentucky 1999-2002. No pro playing Carolina State 2007-2012. Pro coach:
Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 2011-13, experience. College coach: Tennessee 2003- Montreal Alouettes (CFL) 2013-15, joined
joined Titans in 2016. 04, 2008. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2005, Titans in 2016.

134 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Arizona Cardinals...................................................................................................................................137
Atlanta Falcons .......................................................................................................................................143
Carolina Panthers ...................................................................................................................................149
Chicago Bears .........................................................................................................................................155
Dallas Cowboys.......................................................................................................................................161
Detroit Lions...........................................................................................................................................167
Green Bay Packers .................................................................................................................................173
Los Angeles Rams..................................................................................................................................179
Minnesota Vikings..................................................................................................................................185
New Orleans Saints ................................................................................................................................191
New York Giants ....................................................................................................................................197
Philadelphia Eagles ................................................................................................................................203
San Francisco 49ers ................................................................................................................................209
Seattle Seahawks ....................................................................................................................................215
Tampa Bay Buccaneers ..........................................................................................................................221
Washington Redskins .............................................................................................................................227
Owner: William V. Bidwill Chicago 1920-1959, St. Louis 1960-1987
President: Michael Bidwill (542-733-39)
General Manager: Steve Keim Records include postseason games
1920-22 John (Paddy) Driscoll ...........17-8-4
Executive Vice President/Chief Operating
1923-24 Arnold Horween....................13-8-1
Officer: Ron Minegar 1925-26 Norman Barry.......................16-8-2
Chief Financial Officer: Greg Lee 1927 Guy Chamberlin ......................3-7-1
General Counsel: David Koeninger 1928 Fred Gillies..............................1-5-0
Vice President, Player Personnel: 1929 Dewey Scanlon.......................6-6-1
Terry McDonough 1930 Ernie Nevers ...........................5-6-2
Vice President, Media Relations: 1931 LeRoy Andrews* ....................0-1-0
Mark Dalton 1931 Ernie Nevers ...........................5-3-0
Vice President, Marketing: Lisa Manning 1932 Jack Chevigny ........................2-6-2
Vice President, Business Development: 1933-34 Paul Schissler.......................6-15-1
Steve Ryan 1935-38 Milan Creighton ..................16-26-4
National Football Conference 1939 Ernie Nevers .........................1-10-0
Vice President, Technology: Mark Feller
West Division 1940-42 Jimmy Conzelman ................8-22-3
Vice President, Security: Rick Knight 1943-45 Phil Handler** ......................1-29-0
Team Colors: Cardinal Red, Black, and Vice President, Stadium Operations:
White 1946-48 Jimmy Conzelman ..............27-10-0
John Drum 1949 Phil Handler-Buddy Parker*** 2-4-0
8701 S. Hardy Drive Vice President, Broadcasting/Digital 1949 Raymond (Buddy) Parker........4-1-1
Tempe, Arizona 85284 Content: Tim DeLaney 1950-51 Earl (Curly) Lambeau**** ....7-15-0
Telephone: (602) 379-0101
Senior Director, Player Development: 1951 Phil Handler-Cecil Isbell# .......1-1-0
Anthony Edwards 1952 Joe Kuharich ..........................4-8-0
2016 SCHEDULE 1953-54 Joe Stydahar ........................3-20-1
PRESEASON Senior Director, Community Relations:
Luis Zendejas 1955-57 Ray Richards......................14-21-1
Aug. 12 Oakland .............................7:00 1958-1961 Frank (Pop) Ivy## .............15-31-2
Aug. 19 at San Diego.......................6:00 Senior Director, Ticketing: Steve Bomar
1961 Chuck Drulis-Ray Prochaska-
Aug. 28 at Houston .........................1:00 Senior Director, Ticket Sales: Ray Willsey### ...................2-0-0
Sep. 1 Denver...............................6:30 Ron Campbell 1962-65 Wally Lemm .......................27-26-3
Director, Pro Scouting: Quentin Harris 1966-1970 Charley Winner ...................35-30-5
REGULAR SEASON Director, College Scouting: Dru Grigson 1971-72 Bob Hollway .........................8-18-2
Sep. 11 New England ....................5:30 Assistant Director, Pro Scouting: 1973-77 Don Coryell ........................42-29-1
Sep. 18 Tampa Bay .......................1:05 Malik Boyd 1978-79 Bud Wilkinson#### ..........9-20-0
Sep. 25 at Buffalo .......................10:00a Western Regional Scout: Chris Culmer 1979 Larry Wilson...........................2-1-0
Oct. 2 Los Angeles ......................1:25 Eastern Regional Scout: Luke Palko 1980-85 Jim Hanifan ........................39-50-1
Oct. 6 at San Francisco (Thu) .......5:25 Director, Football Administration: 1986-89 Gene [email protected]
Oct. 17 New York Jets (Mon) .........5:30 1989 Hank Kuhlmann ......................0-5-0
Mike Disner
1990-93 Joe Bugel ...........................20-44-0
Oct. 23 Seattle ............................*5:30 Director, Media Relations: Chris Melvin
1994-95 Buddy Ryan........................12-20-0
Oct. 30 at Carolina .........................1:25 Director, Premium Services and Guest 1996-2000 Vince Tobin@@.................29-44-0
BYE Relations: Cari Belanger-Maas 2000-03 Dave McGinnis ...................17-40-0
Nov. 13 San Francisco ..................2:25 Director, Business Development: 2004-06 Dennis Green......................16-32-0
Nov. 20 at Minnesota .................11:00a Mike Iaquinta 2007-2012 Ken Whisenhunt..................49-53-0
Nov. 27 at Atlanta .......................11:00a Director, Corporate Partner Service & 2013-15 Bruce Arians.......................35-16-0
Dec. 4 Washington ......................2:25 Activation: Scott Coleman * Resigned after one game in 1931
Dec. 11 at Miami ........................11:00a Football Operations Coordinator: ** Co-coach with Walt Kiesling in Chicago
Dec. 18 New Orleans .....................2:05 Matt Caracciolo Cardinals-Pittsburgh merger in 1944
Dec. 24 at Seattle (Sat) ...................2:25 College Scouting Coordinator: *** Co-coaches for first six games in 1949
Jan. 1 at Los Angeles ...................2:25 **** Resigned after 10 games in 1951
Debbie Pollom
* All times MST; Sunday night games in # Co-coaches
Scouts: Mike Boni, Zac Canty, Glen Fox,
Weeks 5-15 subject to change ## Resigned after 12 games in 1961
John Mancini, John Ritcher,
Stadium: University of Phoenix Stadium ### Co-coaches
(opened in 2006) Josh Scobey, Darius Vinnett, #### Released after 13 games in 1979
•Capacity: 65,000 Adrian Wilson @ Released after 11 games in 1989
1 Cardinals Drive Senior Manager, Website: Darren Urban @@ Released after seven games in 2000
Glendale, Arizona 85305 Video Director: Rob Brakel
Playing Surface: Grass Video Assistant Director: Jeff Wallo PAID ATTENDANCE
Video Assistant: Craig Norgren Home 501,381 Away 486,327
Training Camp: University of Phoenix Stadium
Head Athletic Trainer: Tom Reed Total 987,708
Glendale, Arizona 85305 Single-game home record, 73,025*
Assistant Athletic Trainers:
Michael Blankenship, Jeff Herndon, Single-season home record, 516,646 (2007)
Chad Cook *Team also had attendance of 103,467 for regular-
Equipment Manager: Mark Ahlemeier season home game at Azteca Stadium, Mexico City,
Assistant Equipment Managers: Mexico
Steve Christensen, Jeff Schwimmer,
Parker Brown 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Round Name Pos. College
1 Robert Nkemdiche DT Mississippi
3 Brandon Williams DB Texas A&M
4 Evan Boehm C Missouri
5 Marqui Christian DB Midwestern St.
Cole Toner T Harvard
6 Harlan Miller DB SE Louisiana

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 137

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Palmer 537 342 4671 63.7 35 11 25/151 104.6
08/15 L 19-34 Kansas City Stanton 25 11 104 44.0 0 2 2/8 22.8
08/22 L 19-22 San Diego Cardinals 562 353 4775 62.8 35 13 27/159 100.9
08/30 W 30-23 at Oakland Opponents 573 343 3957 59.9 24 19 36/270 80.9
09/03 W 22-20 at Denver
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Mathieu 5 92 18.4 33t 1
Date Result Opponent
Catanzaro 0 0 0 53/58 28/31 0 137 R. Johnson 5 14 2.8 11 0
09/13 W 31-19 New Orleans
D. Johnson 8 4 1 0/0 0/0 0 78 Peterson 2 41 20.5 40 0
09/20 W 48-23 at Chicago
Fitzgerald 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 Jefferson 2 26 13.0 26t 1
09/27 W 47-7 San Francisco
Jo. Brown 0 7 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Bethel 2 21 10.5 21t 1
10/04 L 22-24 St. Louis
Floyd 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Bucannon 1 39 39.0 39t 1
10/11 W 42-17 at Detroit
Ellington 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Redding 1 30 30.0 30 0
10/18 L 13-25 at Pittsburgh
Fells 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Powers 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/26 W 26-18 Baltimore
C. Johnson 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Cardinals 19 263 13.8 40 4
11/01 W 34-20 at Cleveland
J. Nelson 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 13 87 6.7 40 0
11/15 W 39-32 at Seattle
Niklas 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
11/22 W 34-31 Cincinnati
Bethel 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/29 W 19-13 at San Francisco
Ja. Brown 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Butler 60 2575 42.9 22 58
12/06 W 27-3 at St. Louis
Bucannon 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Cardinals 61 2575 42.2 22 58
12/10 W 23-20 Minnesota
Gresham 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 78 3658 46.9 31 79
12/20 W 40-17 at Philadelphia
Jefferson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/27 W 38-8 Green Bay
Mathieu 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
01/03 L 6-36 Seattle
Palmer 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Powers 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Peterson 32 17 260 8.1 38 0
Redding 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 J. Nelson 4 4 13 3.3 11 0
Date Result Opponent
K. Williams 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 B. Golden 3 1 16 5.3 10 0
01/16 W 26-20 Green Bay (OT)
Minter 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Cardinals 39 22 289 7.4 38 0
01/24 L 15-49 at Carolina
Rucker 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Opponents 25 19 295 11.8 66 0
(OT) Overtime
Cardinals 16 35 7 53/58 28/31 2 489
SCORE BY PERIODS Opponents 9 24 1 27/29 26/27 0 313 KICKOFF
Cardinals 86 153 142 108 0 — 489 2-Pt Conv: Cardinals 0-0, Opponents 2-5 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 61 100 62 90 0 — 313 D. Johnson 22 598 27.2 108t 1
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD K. Williams 8 126 15.8 24 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS C. Johnson 196 814 4.2 62 3 Peterson 2 46 23.0 24 0
Cardinals Opp. D. Johnson 125 581 4.6 47t 8 Cardinals 32 770 24.1 108t 1
Total First Downs 373 284 Ellington 45 289 6.4 63t 3 Opponents 49 1191 24.3 58 0
Rushing 92 79 K. Williams 27 142 5.3 35t 1
Passing 237 177 Taylor 17 58 3.4 16 0 FIELD
Penalty 44 28 Palmer 25 24 1.0 12 1 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
3rd Down: Made/Att 93/198 75/210 Jo. Brown 3 22 7.3 13 0 Catanzaro 1/1 12/12 9/9 6/7 0/2
3rd Down Pct. 47.0 35.7 J. Nelson 1 0 0.0 0 0 Cardinals 1/1 12/12 9/9 6/7 0/2
4th Down: Made/Att 4/9 8/17 Stanton 13 -13 -1.0 -1 0 Opponents 0/0 3/3 8/8 9/10 6/6
4th Down Pct. 44.4 47.1 Cardinals 452 1917 4.2 63t 16
Possession Avg. 32:04 27:56 Opponents 373 1460 3.9 52 9 SACKS No.
Total Net Yards 6533 5147 Freeney 8.0
Avg. Per Game 408.3 321.7 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Campbell 5.0
Total Plays 1041 982 Fitzgerald 109 1215 11.1 44 9 M. Golden 4.0
Avg. Per Play 6.3 5.2 Jo. Brown 65 1003 15.4 68 7 Bucannon 3.0
Net Yards Rushing 1917 1460 Floyd 52 849 16.3 60t 6 Rucker 3.0
Avg. Per Game 119.8 91.3 D. Johnson 36 457 12.7 55t 4 Jefferson 2.0
Total Rushes 452 373 Fells 21 311 14.8 48 3 Okafor 2.0
Net Yards Passing 4616 3687 Gresham 18 223 12.4 22 1 K. Martin 1.5
Avg. Per Game 288.5 230.4 Ellington 15 148 9.9 32 0 Gunter 1.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 27/159 36/270 J. Nelson 11 299 27.2 64t 2 Mathieu 1.0
Gross Yards 4775 3957 Ja. Brown 11 144 13.1 39 1 Mauro 1.0
Att./Completions 562/353 573/343 C. Johnson 6 58 9.7 40 0 Powers 1.0
Completion Pct. 62.8 59.9 Niklas 4 33 8.3 13 2 Stinson 1.0
Had Intercepted 13 19 K. Williams 2 16 8.0 12 0 Woodley 1.0
Punts/Average 61/42.2 78/46.9 Iupati 1 10 10.0 10 0 (group) 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 61/35.4 78/42.4 B. Golden 1 5 5.0 5 0 Minter 0.5
Penalties/Yards 94/758 130/1202 Taylor 1 4 4.0 4 0 Cardinals 36.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 23/11 31/14 Cardinals 353 4775 13.5 68 35 Opponents 27.0
Touchdowns 58 34 Opponents 343 3957 11.5 88t 24
Rushing 16 9
Passing 35 24
Returns 7 1

138 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ottis Anderson, 1979-1986 ................................................................7,999
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jim Hart, 1966-1983 .......................................................................34,639
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jim Hart, 1966-1983 ............................................................................209
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Larry Fitzgerald, 2004-2015 ...............................................................1,018
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Larry Fitzgerald, 2004-2015 .............................................................13,366
Interceptions ...................................................................Larry Wilson, 1960-1972 ........................................................................52
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Dave Zastudil, 2011-14 ........................................................................45.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Charley Trippi, 1947-1955....................................................................13.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ollie Matson, 1952, 1954-58................................................................28.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Jim Bakken, 1962-1978 ........................................................................282
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Larry Fitzgerald, 2004-2015 ....................................................................98
Points..............................................................................Jim Bakken, 1962-1978 .....................................................................1,380
*Sacks............................................................................Freddie Joe Nunn, 1985-1993 ..............................................................66.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ottis Anderson, 1979 .........................................................................1,605
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Carson Palmer, 2015..........................................................................4,671
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Carson Palmer, 2015...............................................................................35
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Larry Fitzgerald, 2015 ...........................................................................109
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................David Boston, 2001 ...........................................................................1,598
Interceptions ...................................................................Bob Nussbaumer, 1949...........................................................................12
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Ben Graham, 2009...............................................................................47.0
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................John (Red) Cochran, 1949 ...................................................................20.9
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ollie Matson, 1958...............................................................................35.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Neil Rackers, 2005..................................................................................40
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................John David Crow, 1962 ...........................................................................17
Points..............................................................................Neil Rackers, 2005................................................................................140
*Sacks............................................................................Simeon Rice, 1999 ..............................................................................16.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Beanie Wells, 11-27-11.........................................................................228
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Boomer Esiason, 11-10-96 (OT) ...........................................................522
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jim Hardy, 10-2-50 ...................................................................................6
Charley Johnson, 9-26-65, 11-2-69 ..........................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Sonny Randle, 11-4-62 ...........................................................................16
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Sonny Randle, 11-4-62 .........................................................................256
Interceptions ...................................................................Bob Nussbaumer, 11-13-49 ..................................................................**4
Jerry Norton, 11-20-60, 11-26-61 ........................................................**4
Kwamie Lassiter, 12-27-98 ...................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Jim Bakken, 9-24-67.................................................................................7
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ernie Nevers, 11-28-29.........................................................................**6
Points..............................................................................Ernie Nevers, 11-28-29 .......................................................................**40
*Sacks............................................................................Curtis Greer, 12-18-83 ...........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 139

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
9 Barkley, Matt QB 6-2 227 9/8/90 4 Southern California Santa Ana, Calif. T(Phil)-’15 0*
28 Bethel, Justin CB 6-0 200 6/17/90 5 Presbyterian Blythewood, S.C. D6a-’12 16/5
65 Boggs, Taylor C 6-3 302 2/20/87 5 Humboldt State Pasadena, Calif. FA-’16 2/0*
27 Branch, Tyvon S 6-0 210 12/11/86 9 Connecticut Syracuse, N.Y. UFA(KC)-’16 16/1*
35 Brooks, Cariel CB 5-10 200 4/24/91 2 Adams State Miami, Fla. FA-’15 3/0
13 Brown, Jaron WR 6-2 205 1/8/90 4 Clemson Cheraw, S.C. FA-’13 16/0
12 Brown, John WR 5-11 179 4/3/90 3 Pittsburg State Homestead, Fla D3b-’14 15/11
71 Bryant, Red DT 6-4 323 4/18/84 9 Texas A&M Jasper, Texas FA-’15 6/0
20 Bucannon, Deone S 6-1 211 8/30/92 3 Washington State Fairfield, Calif. D1-’14 16/16
2 Butler, Drew P 6-1 217 5/10/89 4 Georgia Duluth, Ga. FA-’14 16/0
43 Byndom, Carrington CB 6-0 180 7/7/92 2 Texas Lufkin, Texas FA-’15 0*
93 Campbell, Calais DT 6-8 300 9/1/86 9 Miami Aurora, Colo. D2-’08 16/16
7 Catanzaro, Chandler K 6-3 200 2/26/91 3 Clemson Greenville, S.C. FA-’14 16/0
83 Christian, Gerald TE 6-3 250 8/26/91 2 Louisville Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. D7-’15 0*
29 Clemons, Chris S 6-1 215 9/15/85 8 Clemson Arcadia, Fla. FA-’14 7/0
38 Ellington, Andre RB 5-9 199 2/3/89 4 Clemson Moncks Corner, S.C. D6b-’13 10/2
85 Fells, Darren TE 6-7 281 4/22/86 3 UC Irvine Fullerton, Calif. FA-’13 14/12
11 Fitzgerald, Larry WR 6-3 218 8/31/83 13 Pittsburgh Minneapolis, Minn. D1-’04 16/16
15 Floyd, Michael WR 6-2 220 11/27/89 5 Notre Dame St. Paul, Minn. D1-’12 15/6
59 Fua, Alani LB 6-5 234 1/1/92 2 Brigham Young San Fernando Valley, Calif. FA-’15 16/0
10 Golden, Brittan WR 5-11 186 7/20/88 3 West Texas A&M Denver City, Texas FA-’13 14/0
44 Golden, Markus LB 6-3 260 3/13/91 2 Missouri St. Louis, Mo. D2-’15 15/6
84 Gresham, Jermaine TE 6-5 260 6/16/88 7 Oklahoma Ardmore, Okla. FA-’15 15/12
95 Gunter, Rodney DT 6-5 305 1/19/92 2 Delaware State Lake Hamilton, Fla. D4-’15 16/11
74 Humphries, D.J. T 6-5 307 12/28/93 2 Florida Charlotte, N.C. D1-’15 0*
76 Iupati, Mike G 6-5 331 5/12/87 7 Idaho Vaitogi, American Samoa UFA(SF)-’15 13/13
46 Jackson, Asa CB 5-10 183 12/2/89 5 Cal-Poly Sacramento, Calif. FA-’16 4/0*
22 Jefferson, Tony S 5-11 212 1/27/92 4 Oklahoma Chula Vista, Calif. FA-’13 16/7
23 Johnson, Chris RB 5-11 203 9/23/85 9 East Carolina Orlando, Fla. FA-’15 11/9
31 Johnson, David RB 6-1 224 12/16/91 2 Northern Iowa Clinton, Iowa D3-’15 16/5
55 t-Jones, Chandler LB 6-5 265 2/27/90 5 Syracuse Endicott, N.Y. T(NE)-’16 15/15*
96 Martin, Kareem LB 6-6 272 2/19/92 3 North Carolina Roanoke Rapids, N.C. D3a-’14 16/2
32 Mathieu, Tyrann S 5-9 186 5/13/92 4 Louisiana State New Orleans, La. D3-’13 14/14
69 Mathis, Evan G 6-5 301 11/1/81 12 Alabama Homewood, Ala. UFA(Den)-’16 16/12*
97 Mauro, Josh DT 6-6 282 2/17/91 3 Stanford Hurst, Texas FA-’14 14/4
60 McClain, Antoine G 6-5 336 12/6/89 2 Clemson Anniston, Ala. FA-’15 0*
51 Minter, Kevin LB 6-0 246 12/3/90 4 Louisiana State Suwanee, Ga. D2-’13 16/16
80 Momah, Ifeanyi TE 6-7 255 10/23/89 2 Boston College Greenlawn, N.Y. FA-’15 0*
14 Nelson, J.J. WR 5-10 160 4/24/92 2 Alabama-Birmingham Midfield, Ala. D5b-’15 12/2
87 Niklas, Troy TE 6-6 270 9/18/92 3 Notre Dame Fullerton, Calif. D2-’14 16/3
57 Okafor, Alex LB 6-4 261 2/8/91 4 Texas Pflugerville, Texas D4a-’13 13/13
3 Palmer, Carson QB 6-5 235 12/27/79 14 Southern California Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. T(Oak)-’13 16/16
98 Peters, Corey DT 6-3 305 6/8/88 7 Kentucky Louisville, Ky. UFA(Atl)-’15 0*
21 Peterson, Patrick CB 6-1 203 7/11/90 6 Louisiana State Pompano Beach, Fla. D1-’11 16/16
39 Prater, Shaun CB 5-10 190 10/27/89 5 Iowa Omaha, Neb. FA-’16 2/0*
47 Riddick, Shaq LB 6-6 260 3/12/93 2 West Virginia Akron, Ohio D5a-’15 0*
92 Rucker, Frostee DT 6-3 280 9/14/83 11 Southern California Tustin, Calif. FA-’13 13/13
53 Shipley, A.Q. C/G 6-1 307 5/22/86 5 Penn State Moon Township, Pa. FA-’15 12/3
5 Stanton, Drew QB 6-3 243 5/7/84 10 Michigan State Farmington Hills, Mich. UFA(Ind)-’13 7/0
91 Stinson, Ed DT 6-4 287 2/15/90 3 Alabama Homestead, Fla. D5-’14 15/2
36 Swearinger, D.J. S 5-10 205 2/12/89 4 South Carolina Greenwood, S.C. FA-’15 4/1
30 Taylor, Stepfan RB 5-9 216 6/9/91 4 Stanford Mansfield, Texas D5-’13 16/0
68 Veldheer, Jared T 6-8 321 6/14/87 7 Hillsdale Grand Rapids, Mich. UFA(Oak)-’14 16/16
49 Wagenmann, Zack LB 6-3 250 8/8/92 2 Montana Missoula, Mont. FA-’15 0*
78 Watford, Earl T/G 6-3 300 6/24/90 4 James Madison Philadelphia, Pa. D4b-’13 8/2
33 Williams, Kerwynn RB 5-8 198 6/9/91 3 Utah State Las Vegas, Nev. FA-’14 6/0
94 Williams, Xavier NT 6-2 309 1/18/92 2 Northern Iowa Kansas City, Mo. FA-’15 4/0

140 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Barkley inactive for 16 games in ’15; Boggs played two games with Detroit in ’15; Branch played 16 games with Kansas City; Byndom
last active with Carolina in ’14; Christian missed ’15 season because of injury; Humphries inactive for 16 games; Jackson played 4
games with Baltimore; Jones played 15 games with New England; Mathis played 16 games with Denver; McClain inactive for 11 games
with Buffalo in ’13; Momah missed ’15 season because of injury; Peters missed ’15 season because of injury; Prater played 1 game
with Indianapolis and 1 game with Minnesota; Riddick inactive for 15 games; Wagenmann missed ’15 season because of injury.

t- Cardinals traded for Jones (NE).

Also played with Cardinals in ’15—G Jonathan Cooper (14 games), LB Kenny Demens (5), LB Dwight Freeney (11),
S Rashad Johnson (14), G Ted Larsen (10), LS Mike Leach (16), T Bobby Massie (14), CB Jerraud Powers (13), DT Cory Redding (12),
C Lyle Sendlein (15), T Bradley Sowell (16), LB Sean Weatherspoon (14), CB Corey White (3), LB LaMarr Woodley (10).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Beathard, Jeff WR 5-10 190 9/11/92 Appalachian State Haymarket, Va. FA
Boehm, Evan C 6-3 310 8/19/93 Missouri Lee's Summit, Mo. D4
Bouka, Elie CB 6-1 205 8/15/92 Calgary Laval, Quebec FA
Canaday, Kameron LS 6-4 245 8/20/92 Portland State Eugene, Ore. FA
Carlisle, Amir WR 5-10 195 9/24/92 Notre Dame Santa Clara, Calif. FA
Christian, Marqui S 5-11 196 10/27/94 Midwestern State Spring, Texas D5a
Coker, Jake QB 6-5 232 8/4/92 Alabama Mobile, Ala. FA
Coughman, Edawn (1) T 6-4 313 7/21/88 Shaw Atlanta, Ga. FA
Crisp, Rob (1) T 6-7 300 1/3/91 North Carolina State Burlington, N.C. FA-'15
DeBord, Clay T 6-6 305 5/13/92 Eastern Washington Asotin, Wash. FA
Dillon, Daniel LS 6-3 235 5/3/93 Campbell Sanford, N.C. FA
Eskridge, Durell (1) S 6-3 207 12/17/91 Syracuse Miami, Fla. FA-'15
Farley, Matthias S 5-11 210 7/15/92 Notre Dame Charlotte, N.C. FA
Hartfield, Trevon CB 6-0 195 11/17/91 SW Oklahoma State Watonga, Okla. FA
Hubert, Chris WR 5-9 170 5/8/93 Fayetteville State Apex, N.C. FA
King, Chris WR 6-1 200 12/13/93 Duquesne Crofton, Md. FA
Louis, Lamar LB 5-11 232 10/2/93 Louisiana State Breaux Bridge, La. FA
Martin, Gabe (1) LB 6-2 236 6/5/92 Bowling Green Grand Blanc, Mich. FA-'15
Miller, Harlan CB 6-0 182 6/20/94 Southeastern Louisiana Kentwood, La. D6
Nealy, Quayshawn (1) LB 6-0 237 8/5/91 Georgia Tech Winter Haven, Fla. FA-'15
Nkemdiche, Robert DT 6-4 296 9/19/94 Mississippi Loganville, Ga. D1
Okpalaugo, Tristan (1) LB 6-5 258 10/10/89 Fresno State Livermore, Calif. FA
Penny, Elijhaa RB 6-2 234 8/17/93 Idaho Lakewood, Calif. FA
Pierre, Olsen (1) DT 6-5 293 8/27/91 Miami Rahway, N.J. FA-'15
Price, Givens T 6-4 310 10/3/94 Nebraska Houston, Texas FA
Shipley, Jaxon (1) WR 6-0 190 7/17/92 Texas Brownwood, Texas FA-'15
Swanson, Garrett P 6-0 230 6/24/94 Fresno State Riverside, Calif. FA
Toner, Cole G 6-5 300 3/13/94 Harvard Greenwood, Ind. D5b
Valles, Hakeem TE 6-5 260 11/23/92 Monmouth Sicklerville, N.J. FA
Wetzel, John (1) T 6-7 328 7/18/91 Boston College Pittsburgh, Pa. FA-'15
Williams, Brandon CB 6-0 200 9/9/92 Texas A&M Brookshire, Texas D3
Zamort, Ronald CB 5-10 174 11/10/91 Western Michigan Delray Beach, Fla. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 141

COACHING STAFF 49ers 1998-2000, Carolina Panthers 2001-05. Pro Glenville State College 1999, Louisiana State 2000,
Head Coach, coach: Joined Cardinals in 2013. North Texas 2001-03, Mississippi State 2004-05.
Bruce Arians Mike Chiurco, defensive assistant/asst. defensive Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys 2006, joined Cardinals
Pro Career: Became an NFL head coach for the first backs; born May 25, 1968, Carrollton, Ohio. No col- in 2007.
time when hired by Arizona on January 17, 2013. lege or pro playing experience. College coach: Ohio Stump Mitchell, running backs; born March 15,
The Cardinals have more wins in the resulting three State 1989-1991. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals in 1959, St. Mary’s Ga. Running back The Citadel
seasons (34) than they had in any three-year span 2013. 1977-1980. Pro running back St. Louis/Phoenix
in team history. That total includes a franchise Rick Christophel, tight ends; born October 27, Cardinals 1981-89. College coach: Morgan State
record 13 wins in 2015 as the team won the NFC 1952, Reading, Ohio. Quarterback Austin Peay 1995-98 (head coach 1996-98), Southern 2010-
West. Including his 9-3 record as an interim head 1971-74. No pro playing experience. College coach: 12. Pro coach: San Antonio Rough Riders (WLAF)
coach with Indy in 2012, Arians is 26 games over Austin Peay 1975, 1979-1981, 2007-2012 (head 1991, Seattle Seahawks 1999-2007, Washington
.500 as an NFL head coach (43-17). Among active coach 2007-2012), Southern Arkansas State 1982, Redskins 2008-09, joined Cardinals in 2013.
coaches, only Bill Belichick (46) and Pete Carroll Cincinnati 1983, Rice 1984-85, Vanderbilt 1986- Tom Moore, asst. head coach/offense; born
(44) have more wins than Arians (43) in his last 60 1990, Mississippi State 1991-94, Alabama- November 7, 1938, Owatonna, Minn. Quarterback
games. Arians led Arizona to 10-6 record in 2013 Birmingham 1995-2001, 2004-06. Pro coach: Iowa 1957-1960. No pro playing experience.
and the following year was selected as AP NFL Joined Cardinals in 2013. College coach: Iowa 1961-62, Dayton 1965-68,
Coach of the Year after leading Arizona to an 11-5 Darryl Drake, wide receivers; born December 11, Wake Forest 1969, Georgia Tech 1970-71,
mark in ’14. The Cardinals put up a team record 13 1956, Louisville, Ky. Wide receiver Western Minnesota 1972-73, 1975-76. Pro coach: New York
wins in 2015 and won their first division title since Kentucky 1975-78. Pro wide receiver Ottawa Rough Stars (WFL) 1974, Pittsburgh Steelers 1977-1989,
2009 while advancing to their second-ever appear- Riders (CFL) 1981. College coach: Western Minnesota Vikings 1990-93, Detroit Lions 1994-96,
ance in the NFC Championship Game. Arians is one Kentucky 1983-91, Georgia 1992-96, Baylor 1997, New Orleans Saints 1997, Indianapolis Colts 1998-
of just 10 head coaches in NFL history to win 10+ Texas 1998-2003. Pro coach: Chicago Bears 2004- 2010, joined Cardinals in 2013.
games in each of his first three seasons as a head 2012, joined Cardinals in 2013. Buddy Morris, strength and conditioning; born
coach in the NFL. Having been named AP NFL Larry Foote, inside linebackers; born June 12, September 29, 1957, South Park, Pa. No college or
Coach of the Year with Indy in 2012 and with 1980, Detroit, Mich. Linebacker Michigan 1998- pro playing experience. College coach: Pittsburgh
Arizona in 2014, Arians became the first coach in 2001. Pro linebacker Pittsburgh Steelers 2002-08; 1980-89, 1997-2001, 2007-2010, Buffalo 2006.
NFL history to be named Coach of the Year multiple 2010-13, Detroit Lions 2009, Arizona Cardinals Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 2002-04, joined
times in a three-year span with multiple teams. 2014. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals in 2015. Cardinals in 2014.
Came to Arizona after working as offensive coordi- Kevin Garver, offensive assistant; born July 28, Tom Pratt, pass rush specialist; born June 21,
nator for the Indianapolis Colts in 2012, while also 1987, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Attended Alabama. No col- 1935, Edgerton, Wisc. Linebacker Miami 1953-56.
serving 12 games as interim head coach during lege or pro playing experience. College coach: No pro playing experience. College coach: Miami
Chuck Pagano’s absence while being treated for Alabama 2007-2012. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals 1957-1960, Southern Mississippi 1961-62, U.S.
leukemia. Arians guided Indianapolis to a 9-3 record in 2013. Coast Guard Academy 1997. Pro coach: Kansas
and helped the Colts clinch a playoff berth while Harold Goodwin, offensive coordinator; born City Chiefs 1963-1977, 1989-1994, 2000, New
tying the NFL record for most wins ever by an inter- November 14, 1973, Columbia S.C. Offensive line- Orleans Saints 1978-1980, Cleveland Browns
im coach. Arians previously coached at the pro level man Michigan 1992-94. No pro playing experience. 1981-88, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1995, joined
with the Pittsburgh Steelers (2004-2011), Cleveland College coach: Michigan 1995-97, Eastern Cardinals in 2013.
Browns (2001-03), the Colts (1998-2000), the New Michigan 1998-99, Central Michigan 2000-03. Pro Nick Rapone, defensive backs; born April 25, 1956,
Orleans Saints (1996) and the Kansas City Chiefs coach: Chicago Bears 2004-06, Pittsburgh Steelers New Castle, Pa. Wide receiver Virginia Tech 1974-
(1989-1992). Career record: 35-16. 2007-2011, Indianapolis Colts 2012, joined 77. No pro playing experience. College coach:
Background: Arians played quarterback (1972-74) Cardinals in 2013. Pittsburgh 1979-1980, 1989-1992, East Tennessee
collegiately at Virginia Tech and was voted the Steve Heiden, asst. special teams/asst. tight ends; State 1981-82, Temple 1983-88, 1999-2005,
team’s MVP as a senior. Collegiately, he was head born September 21, 1976, Rushford, Minn. Tight Connecticut 1995-98, Delaware 2006-2012. Pro
coach at Temple (1983-88). He also coached at end South Dakota State 1995-98. Pro tight end San coach: Joined Cardinals in 2013.
Virginia Tech (1977), Mississippi State (1978-1980, Diego Chargers 1999-2001, Cleveland Browns Kevin Ross, cornerbacks; born January 16, 1962,
1993-95) and Alabama (1981-82, 1997). 2002-09. College coach: Concordia University Camden, N.J. Defensive back Temple 1980-83. Pro
Personal: Born October 3, 1952 in Paterson, N.J., 2012. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals in 2013. defensive back Kansas City Chiefs 1984-93, 1997,
Arians and his wife, Christine, have two children— Amos Jones, special teams coordinator; born Atlanta Falcons 1994-95, San Diego Chargers
son, Jake and daughter, Kristi Anne. December 31, 1959, Tallahassee, Fla. Safety/ run- 1996. Pro coach: Minnesota Vikings 2003-05, San
ning back Alabama 1978-1980. No pro playing Diego Chargers 2007-08, Oakland Raiders 2010-
ASSISTANT COACHES experience. College coach: Alabama 1981-82, 11, joined Cardinals in 2013.
James Bettcher, defensive coordinator; born May 1990-91, Temple 1983-88, Pittsburgh 1992, Tulane Bob Sanders, linebackers; born December 5, 1953,
27, 1978, Lakeville, Ind. Offensive lineman St. 1995-96, Cincinnati 1999-2002, James Madison Jacksonville, N.C. Defensive player Davidson
Francis 1999-2002. No pro playing experience. 2003, Mississippi State 2004-06. Pro coach: British College 1972-75. College coach: Georgia Tech
College coach: St. Francis 2003-05, Bowling Green Columbia (CFL) 1997, Pittsburgh Steelers 2007- 1978, East Carolina 1980-82, Richmond 1983-84,
2006, North Carolina 2007-09, Ball State 2010, 2012, joined Cardinals in 2013. Duke 1985-89, Florida 1990-2000. Pro coach:
New Hampshire 2011. Pro coach: Indianapolis Colts Roger Kingdom, asst. strength and conditioning; Miami Dolphins 2001-04, Green Bay Packers 2005-
2012, joined Cardinals in 2013. born August 26, 1962, Vienna, Ga. Wide receiver 08, Buffalo Bills 2009-2012, Oakland Raiders 2013-
Anthony Blevins, coaching assistant/special teams; Pittsburgh 1981-82. No pro playing experience. 14, joined Cardinals in 2015.
born July 23, 1976, Birmingham, Ala. Cornerback College coach: California University (Pa.) 2004- Larry Zierlein, asst. offensive line; born July 12,
Alabama-Birmingham 1995-98. Pro cornerback 2013. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals in 2014. 1945, Norton, Kan. Linebacker/tight end Pratt (Kan.)
Birmingham Steeldogs (AFL2) 2000, Birmingham Levon Kirkland, Bidwill Fellowship/outside lineback- J.C. 1967-68, linebacker Fort Hays State 1969-
Thunderbolts (XFL) 2000-01. College coach: ers; born February 17, 1969, Lamar, S.C. Defensive 1970. No pro playing experience. College coach:
Tennessee-Martin 2008, Tennessee State 2009- tackle Clemson 1988-1991. Pro linebacker Pittsburgh Fort Hays State 1970-71, Houston 1978-1986,
2011, Alabama-Birmingham 2012. Pro coach: Steelers 1992-2000, Seattle Seahawks 2001, Tulane 1988-1990, 1995-96, Louisiana State 1993-
Joined Cardinals in 2013. Philadelphia Eagles 2002. College coach: Florida A&M 94, Cincinnati 1997-2000. Pro coach: Washington
Brentson Buckner, defensive line; born September 2013-14. Pro coach: Joined Cardinals in 2015. (AFL) 1987, New York/New Jersey Knights (WLAF)
30, 1971, Charlotte, N.C. Defensive tackle Clemson Freddie Kitchens, quarterbacks; born November 1991-92, Cleveland Browns 2001-04, Buffalo Bills
1990-93. Pro defensive tackle Pittsburgh Steelers 29, 1974, Gadsden, Ala. Quarterback Alabama 2006, Pittsburgh Steelers 2007-09, Hartford
1994-96, Cincinnati Bengals 1997, San Francisco 1994-97. No pro playing experience. College coach: Colonials (UFL) 2011, joined Cardinals in 2013.

142 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner and Chairman: Arthur Blank (337-444-6)
Chief Executive Officer, AMB Group, LLC: Records include postseason games
Steve Cannon 1966-68 Norb Hecker* ...............4-26-1
President & CEO: Rich McKay 1968-1974 Norm Van Brocklin**..37-49-3
General Manager: Thomas Dimitroff 1974-76 Marion Campbell***.....6-19-0
EVP, Chief Financial & Investment Officer, 1976 Pat Peppler .....................3-6-0
AMB Group, LLC: David Homrich 1977-1982 Leeman Bennett..........47-44-0
Executive Vice President, Chief 1983-86 Dan Henning...............22-41-1
Administrative & Financial Officer: 1987-89 Marion Campbell****.11-32-0
Greg Beadles 1989 Jim Hanifan ....................0-4-0
Chief Information Officer: Danny Branch 1990-93 Jerry Glanville.............28-38-0
Senior Vice President Human Resources, 1994-96 June Jones .................19-30-0
AMB Group LLC: Lisa Chang 1997-2003 Dan Reeves# .............52-61-1
Senior Vice President and Chief 2003 Wade Phillips ..................2-1-0
National Football Conference Communications Officer: Brett Jewkes 2004-06 Jim Mora ....................27-23-0
South Division Vice President, Sponsorship Sales and 2007 Bobby Petrino## .........3-10-0
Team Colors: Black, Red, Silver, and White Service: Tim Zulawski 2007 Emmitt Thomas ..............1-2-0
4400 Falcon Parkway Vice President, Sales and Service: 2008-2014 Mike Smith .................67-50-0
Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542 Don Rovak 2015 Dan Quinn ......................8-8-0
Telephone: (770) 965-3115 Stadium General Manager | AMB Sports *Released after three games in 1968
& Entertainment Group: Scott Jenkins **Released after eight games in 1974
2016 SCHEDULE Senior Vice President, Fan Experience | ***Released after five games in 1976
PRESEASON AMB Sports & Entertainment Group: ****Retired after 12 games in 1989
Aug. 11 Washington .......................7:00 #Released after 13 games in 2003
Mike Gomes ##Resigned after 13 games in 2007
Aug. 18 at Cleveland .......................8:00 Vice President, Finance | AMB Sports &
Aug. 25 at Miami.............................8:00 Entertainment Group: Rob Geoffroy
Sep. 1 Jacksonville.......................7:00 Chief Technology Officer (CTO) | AMB PAID ATTENDANCE
Sports & Entertainment Group: Home 546,048 Away 539,609
REGULAR SEASON Jared Miller Total 1,085,657
Sep. 11 Tampa Bay .......................1:00 Assistant General Manager: Scott Pioli Single-game home record,
Sep. 18 at Oakland .........................4:25 Director, Football Operations: Nick Polk 71,151 (10/22/06)
Sep. 26 at New Orleans (Mon) ........8:30 Senior Director of Player Affairs: Single-season home record,
Oct. 2 Carolina ............................1:00 Kevin Winston 553,979 (1992)
Oct. 9 at Denver ..........................4:05 Assistant to the Head Coach:
Oct. 16 at Seattle ...........................4:25 Steven Scarnecchia 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 23 San Diego .........................4:05 Director of Sports Medicine and Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 30 Green Bay ........................1:00 Performance: Marty Lauzon 1 Keanu Neal DB Florida
Nov. 3 at Tampa Bay (Thu)............8:25 Head Strength and Conditioning Coach: 2 Deion Jones LB Louisiana St.
Nov. 13 at Philadelphia ...................1:00 AJ Neibel 3 Austin Hooper TE Stanford
BYE Strength & Conditioning Assistant: 4 De’Vondre Campbell LB Minnesota
Nov. 27 Arizona .............................1:00 Jacob Peden 6 Wes Schweitzer G San Jose St.
Dec. 4 Kansas City ......................1:00 Head Team Physician: Spero Karas 7 Devin Fuller WR UCLA
Dec. 11 at Los Angeles ..................4:25 Head Strength and Conditioning Coach:
Dec. 18 San Francisco ..................4:05 AJ Neibel
Dec. 24 at Carolina (Sat) .................1:00 Assistant Strength and Conditioning
Jan. 1 New Orleans .....................1:00 Coach: Jonas Beauchemin
* All times ET Assistant Athletic Trainer: Danny Long
Assistant Athletic Trainer: Eric Avila
Stadium: Georgia Dome Director of Pro Personnel: Joel Collierl
(opened in 1992) Pro Scout: Bob Kronenberg
•Capacity: 71,228 Director of College Scouting: Steve Sabo
One Georgia Dome Drive National Scout: Phil Emery
Atlanta, Georgia 30313 National Scout: Ruston Webster
Playing Surface: FieldTurf Regional Scout: Shepley Heard
Training Camp: Atlanta Falcons Director of Football Communications:
4400 Falcon Parkway Brian Cearns
Flowery Branch, GA 30542 Football Communications Manager
Matt Haley
Football Communications Coordinator:
Curtis Jackson
Football Communications Assistant:
Caleigh Lentz

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 143

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Ryan 614 407 4591 66.3 21 16 30/206 89.0
08/14 W 31-24 Tennessee Renfree 7 3 11 42.9 0 1 2/17 10.7
08/21 L 22-30 at New York Jets Falcons 621 410 4602 66.0 21 17 32/223 87.8
08/29 L 9-13 at Miami Opponents 561 370 3999 66.0 19 15 19/117 86.9
09/03 W 20-19 Baltimore
REGULAR SEASON (8-8) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Allen 3 13 4.3 13 0
Date Result Opponent Freeman 11 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 84 Alford 2 76 38.0 59t 1
09/14 W 26-24 Philadelphia Bryant 0 0 0 26/26 14/18 0 68 Worrilow 2 22 11.0 11 0
09/20 W 24-20 at New York Giants Jones 0 8 1 0/0 0/0 0 54 Moore 2 14 7.0 11 0
09/27 W 39-28 at Dallas Graham 0 0 0 8/8 11/13 0 41 Ishmael 1 84 84.0 84 0
10/04 W 48-21 Houston Hankerson 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Therezie 1 10 10.0 10 0
10/11 W 25-19 Washington (OT) DiMarco 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Adams 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/15 L 21-31 at New Orleans Williams 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Beasley 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 10-7 at Tennessee Alford 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Trufant 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 L 20-23 Tampa Bay (OT) Coleman 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Babineaux 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
11/08 L 16-17 at San Francisco Moeaki 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Falcons 15 220 14.7 84 1
11/22 L 21-24 Indianapolis Stupar 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 17 99 5.8 28 1
11/29 L 10-20 Minnesota Tamme 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/06 L 19-23 at Tampa Bay Trufant 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/13 L 0-38 at Carolina Ward 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Bosher 58 2735 47.2 24 69
12/20 W 23-17 at Jacksonville White 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Falcons 59 2735 46.4 24 69
12/27 W 20-13 Carolina Toilolo 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2 Opponents 65 2944 45.3 26 65
01/03 L 17-20 New Orleans Falcons 13 21 4 34/34 25/31 0 339
(OT) Overtime Opponents 20 19 2 39/39 20/26 0 345 PUNT
2-Pt Conv: Toilolo RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
SCORE BY PERIODS Falcons 1-3, Opponents 0-2 Weems 19 16 221 11.6 41 0
Falcons 47 124 56 106 6 — 339 Hester 8 4 34 4.3 11 0
Opponents 80 95 87 80 3 — 345 RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Falcons 27 20 255 9.4 41 0
Freeman 265 1056 4.0 39 11 Opponents 28 19 272 9.7 29 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Coleman 87 392 4.5 46 1
Falcons Opp. Ward 29 95 3.3 13 1 KICKOFF
Total First Downs 359 335 Ryan 36 63 1.8 18 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 95 107 Weems 1 4 4.0 4 0 Weems 15 403 26.9 50 0
Passing 230 197 DiMarco 1 0 0.0 0 0 Hester 9 235 26.1 35 0
Penalty 34 31 Renfree 1 -4 -4.0 -4 0 DiMarco 1 19 19.0 19 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 107/227 82/191 Falcons 420 1606 3.8 46 13 Ward 1 10 10.0 10 0
3rd Down Pct. 47.1 42.9 Opponents 416 1680 4.0 44 20 Falcons 26 667 25.7 50 0
4th Down: Made/Att 10/19 5/15 Opponents 22 599 27.2 41 0
4th Down Pct. 52.6 33.3 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Possession Avg. 31:56 28:04 Jones 136 1871 13.8 70t 8 FIELD
Total Net Yards 5985 5562 Freeman 73 578 7.9 44 3 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Game 374.1 347.6 Tamme 59 657 11.1 41 1 Bryant 1/1 4/4 3/4 6/9 0/0
Total Plays 1073 996 White 43 506 11.8 25 1 Graham 0/0 2/2 4/4 2/4 3/3
Avg. Per Play 5.6 5.6 Hankerson 26 327 12.6 55 3 Falcons 1/1 6/6 7/8 8/13 3/3
Net Yards Rushing 1606 1680 Hardy 21 194 9.2 23 0 Opponents 0/0 5/5 8/8 6/8 1/5
Avg. Per Game 100.4 105.0 Williams 17 159 9.4 29 2
Total Rushes 420 416 DiMarco 13 110 8.5 19 2 SACKS No.
Net Yards Passing 4379 3882 Ward 9 73 8.1 18 0 Beasley 4.0
Avg. Per Game 273.7 242.6 Toilolo 7 44 6.3 11 0 Clayborn 3.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 32/223 19/117 Moeaki 3 58 19.3 42t 1 Biermann 2.5
Gross Yards 4602 3999 Coleman 2 14 7.0 10 0 Schofield 2.0
Att./Completions 621/410 561/370 Weems 1 11 11.0 11 0 Babineaux 1.5
Completion Pct. 66.0 66.0 Falcons 410 4602 11.2 70t 21 Allen 1.0
Had Intercepted 17 15 Opponents 370 3999 10.8 74t 19 Hageman 1.0
Punts/Average 59/46.4 65/45.3 Jarrett 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 59/40.4 65/39.8 Stupar 1.0
Penalties/Yards 100/969 95/728 Trufant 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 26/13 15/8 Wheeler 1.0
Touchdowns 38 41 Falcons 19.0
Rushing 13 20 Opponents 32.0
Passing 21 19
Returns 4 2

144 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Gerald Riggs, 1982-88.......................................................................6,631
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Ryan, 2008-2015 .....................................................................32,757
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matt Ryan, 2008-2015 ..........................................................................202
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Roddy White, 2005-2015 ......................................................................808
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Roddy White, 2005-2015 .................................................................10,863
Interceptions ...................................................................Rolland Lawrence, 1973-1980 ................................................................39
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Matt Bosher, 2011-15 ..........................................................................45.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Darrien Gordon, 2001...........................................................................14.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Darrick Vaughn, 2000-01 .....................................................................25.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Morten Andersen, 1995-2000, 2006-07................................................184
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Roddy White, 2005-2015 ........................................................................63
Points..............................................................................Morten Andersen, 1995-2000, 2006-07................................................806
Sacks*............................................................................John Abraham, 2006-2012 ..................................................................68.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Jamal Anderson, 1998 .......................................................................1,846
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Ryan, 2012 ................................................................................4,719
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matt Ryan, 2012 .....................................................................................32
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Julio Jones, 2015..................................................................................136
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Julio Jones, 2015...............................................................................1,871
Interceptions ...................................................................Scott Case, 1988 ....................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Matt Ryan, 2012 ..................................................................................47.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Darrien Gordon, 2001...........................................................................14.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Darrick Vaughn, 2000...........................................................................27.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Matt Bryant, 2012 ...................................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Michael Turner, 2008...............................................................................17
Points..............................................................................Matt Bryant, 2012 .................................................................................143
Sacks*............................................................................John Abraham, 2008............................................................................16.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Michael Turner, 9-7-08 ..........................................................................220
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Ryan, 9-7-14.................................................................................448
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Wade Wilson, 12-13-92 ............................................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................William Andrews, 11-15-81.....................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Julio Jones, 12-8-14 .............................................................................259
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................2
Last time by Robert Alford, 10-11-15
Field Goals ......................................................................Norm Johnson, 11-13-94..........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................T.J. Duckett, 12-12-04 ..............................................................................4
Michael Turner, 11-23-08 ..........................................................................4
Points..............................................................................T.J. Duckett, 12-12-04.............................................................................24
Michael Turner, 11-23-08 ........................................................................24
Sacks*............................................................................Chuck Smith, 10-12-97..........................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 145

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
23 Alford, Robert CB 5-10 186 11/1/88 4 Southeastern Louisiana Hammond, La. D2-’13 15/15
37 Allen, Ricardo S 5-9 186 12/18/91 2 Purdue Daytona Beach, Fla. D5a-’14 15/14
95 Babineaux, Jonathan DT 6-2 300 10/12/81 12 Iowa Port Arthur, Texas D2-’05 16/4
44 Beasley Jr., Vic OLB 6-3 246 7/8/92 2 Clemson Adairsville, Ga. D1-’15 16/16
5 Bosher, Matt P 6-0 208 10/18/87 6 Miami Jupiter, Fla. D6-’11 16/0
3 Bryant, Matt K 5-9 203 5/29/75 15 Baylor Orange, Texas FA-’09 10/0
65 Chester, Chris G 6-3 303 1/12/83 11 Oklahoma Tustin, Calif. FA-’16 16/16
99 Clayborn, Adrian DE 6-3 280 7/6/88 6 Iowa St. Louis, Mo. FA-’15 16/4
26 Coleman, Tevin RB 6-1 210 4/16/93 2 Indiana Tinley Park, Ill. D3-’15 12/3
32 Collins, Jalen CB 6-1 203 3/20/93 2 Louisiana State Olive Branch, Miss. D2-’15 16/2
76 Compton, Tom T 6-5 308 5/10/89 4 South Dakota Rosemount, Minn. FA-’16 13/2*
42 DiMarco, Patrick FB 6-1 234 4/30/89 5 South Carolina Altamonte Springs, Fla. FA-’13 16/8
24 Freeman, Devonta RB 5-8 206 3/15/92 3 Florida State Miami, Fla. D4a-’14 15/13
63 Garland, Ben G 6-5 308 4/6/88 3 Air Force Grand Junction, Colo. FA-’15 0*
30 Godfrey, Charles S 5-11 210 11/15/85 9 Iowa Baytown, Texas FA-’15 8/0
93 Goodman, Malliciah DE 6-4 276 1/4/90 4 Clemson Florence, S.C. D4a-’13 4/0
77 Hageman, Ra'Shede DT 6-6 318 8/8/90 3 Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. D2-’14 16/12
16 Hardy, Justin WR 5-10 192 12/18/91 2 East Carolina Vanceboro, N.C. D4-’15 9/1
72 Harris, Bryce T 6-6 300 1/16/89 5 Fresno State Tulare, Calif. W(NO)-’15 1/0
47 Harris, Josh LS 6-1 224 4/27/89 5 Auburn Carrollton, Ga. FA-’12 16/0
17 Hester, Devin WR 5-11 190 11/4/82 11 Miami Riviera Beach, Fla. FA-’14 5/0
36 Ishmael, Kemal S 6-0 206 5/6/91 4 Central Florida Miami, Fla. D7a-’13 16/5
94 Jackson, Tyson DE 6-4 296 6/6/86 8 Louisiana State Edgard, La. FA-’14 16/12
97 Jarrett, Grady DT 6-0 305 4/28/93 2 Clemson Conyers, Ga. D5-’15 15/2
11 Jones, Julio WR 6-3 220 2/8/89 6 Alabama Foley, Ala. D1-’11 16/16
25 King, Akeem CB 6-1 212 10/29/92 2 San Jose State Nipomo, Calif. D7b-’15 5/0
67 Levitre, Andy G 6-2 303 5/15/86 8 Oregon State Santa Cruz, Calif. T(Tenn)-’15 16/16
51 Mack, Alex C 6-4 311 11/19/85 8 California Santa Barbara, Calif. FA-’16 16/16*
70 Matthews, Jake T 6-5 309 2/11/92 3 Texas A&M Missouri City, Texas D1-’14 16/16
92 Mbu, Joey NT 6-3 310 3/28/93 2 Houston Richmond, Texas FA-’15 2/0
68 Person, Mike G 6-4 300 6/17/88 6 Montana State Glendive, Mont. FA-’15 14/14
50 Reed, Brooks OLB 6-3 254 2/28/87 6 Arizona Tucson, Ariz. FA-’15 13/5
13 Renfree, Sean QB 6-5 225 4/28/90 4 Duke Scottsdale, Ariz. D7c-’13 2/0
53 Reynolds, LaRoy LB 6-1 240 11/3/90 4 Virginia Norfolk, Va. FA-’16 15/1*
19 Robinson, Aldrick WR 5-10 187 9/24/88 4 Southern Methodist Waxahachie, Texas FA-’16 0*
2 Ryan, Matt QB 6-4 217 5/17/85 9 Boston College Exton, Pa. D1a-’08 16/16
12 Sanu, Mohamed WR 6-2 210 10/22/89 5 Rutgers South Brunswick, N.J.FA-’16 16/4*
8 Schaub, Matt QB 6-6 245 6/25/81 13 Virginia Pittsburgh, Pa. FA-’16 2/2*
73 Schraeder, Ryan T 6-7 300 5/4/88 4 Valdosta State Wichita, Kan. FA-’13 16/16
90 Shelby, Derrick DE 6-2 280 3/4/89 5 Utah Houston, Texas FA-’16 16/8*
4 Simms, Matt QB 6-3 210 9/27/88 4 Tennessee Franklin Lakes, N.J. FA-’15 0*
52 Starr, Tyler OLB 6-5 250 1/25/91 3 South Dakota Little Rock, Iowa D7b-’14 1/0
62 Stone, James C 6-3 291 4/26/92 3 Tennessee Nashville, Tenn. FA-’14 7/1
83 Tamme, Jacob TE 6-3 230 3/15/85 9 Kentucky Lexington, Ky. FA-’15 15/8
27 Therezie, Robenson S 5-9 212 8/5/91 2 Auburn Miami, Fla. FA-’15 13/2
86 Tialavea, D.J. TE 6-4 260 7/27/91 3 Utah State West Jordan, Utah FA-’15 0*
80 Toilolo, Levine TE 6-8 265 7/30/91 4 Stanford La Mesa, Calif. D4b-’13 16/15
21 Trufant, Desmond CB 6-0 190 9/10/90 4 Washington Tacoma, Wash. D1-’13 16/16
91 Upshaw, Courtney OLB 6-2 272 12/13/89 5 Alabama Eufaula, Ala. FA-’16 0*
43 Van Dyke, DeMarcus CB 6-1 185 1/17/89 4 Miami Miami, Fla. FA-’16 0*
28 Ward, Terron RB 5-7 201 2/15/92 2 Oregon State Antioch, Calif. FA-’15 13/0
56 Weatherspoon, Sean LB 6-2 244 12/29/87 6 Missouri Jasper, Texas FA-’16 14/0*
14 Weems, Eric WR 5-9 195 7/4/85 10 Bethune-Cookman Ormond Beach, Fla. FA-’14 16/0
41 Wheeler, Philip LB 6-2 245 12/12/84 9 Georgia Tech Columbus, Ga. FA-’16 9/2
15 Williams, Nick WR 5-10 184 11/23/90 3 Connecticut East Windsor, N.J. FA-’15 14/0
55 Worrilow, Paul LB 6-0 230 5/1/90 4 Delaware Wilmington, Del. FA-’13 15/15

146 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Compton played 13 games with Washington in ’15; Garland last active with Denver in ’14 Mack played 16 games with Cleveland;
Reynolds played 2 games with Jacksonville and 13 games with Chicago; Robinson last active with Baltimore in ’14; Sanu played 12
games with Cincinnati; Schaub played 2 games with Baltimore; Shelby played 16 games with Miami; Simms spent ’15 season on Atlanta
practice squad; Tialavea spent ; ’15 season on Atlanta practice squad; Upshaw last active with Baltimore in ’14; Van Dyke last active
with Pittsburgh in ’13; Weatherspoon played 14 games with Arizona.

Also played with Falcons in ’15—CB Phillip Adams (13), LB Joplo Bartu (7), OLB Kroy Biermann (16), LB Allen Bradford (6),
LB Justin Durant (13), G Gino Gradkowski (3), K Shayne Graham (5), WR Leonard Hankerson (8), T Jake Long (4),
TE Tony Moeaki (11), S William Moore (11), T Tyler Polumbus (3), OLB O’Brien Schofield (16), TE Mickey Shuler (1),
NT Paul Soliai (14), CB Dezmen Southward (3), LB Nate Stupar (16), WR Roddy White (16).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Ahmed, Shahbaz G 6-2 303 6/14/94 Temple Lindenwold, N.J. FA
Campbell, De'Vondre LB 6-3 234 7/1/93 Minnesota Fort Myers, Fla. D4
Dawson, Josh LB 6-3 263 1/10/94 Georgia Tucker, Ga. FA
Elenz, Cody T 6-3 304 7/18/93 Lamar Copperas Cove, Texas FA
Fuller, Devin WR 6-0 194 1/29/94 UCLA Norwood, N.J. D7
Glidden, David WR 5-7 173 7/10/92 Oklahoma State Mustang, Okla. FA
Goodwin, C.J. (1) CB 6-4 220 2/4/90 California (PA) Wheeling, W.Va. FA-’15
Green, Torrey LB 6-1 238 10/29/93 Utah State Rubidoux, Calif. FA
Hooper, Austin TE 6-3 254 10/29/94 Stanford San Ramon, Calif. D3
Johnson, Cory DT 6-2 298 4/10/92 Kentucky Columbia, S.C. FA
Johnson, Daje WR 5-8 184 4/20/94 Texas Pflugerville, Texas FA
Johnson, Devonte CB 5-10 180 1/3/93 Weber State Denver, Colo. FA
Johnson, Gus (1) RB 5-10 215 8/10/93 Stephen F. Austin Gilmer, Texas FA-’15
Jones, Deion LB 6-1 222 11/4/94 Louisiana State New Orleans, La. D2
Leslie, Jordan (1) WR 6-3 209 10/31/91 Brigham Young Houston, Texas FA-’15
Mayes, Chris NT 6-3 349 9/27/91 Georgia Griffin, Ga. FA
McKissic, J.D. WR 5-10 187 10/15/93 Arkansas State Phenix City, Ala. FA
McLennan, Ivan LB 6-2 238 6/29/93 Washington State Hawthorne, Calif. FA
Mims II, David CB 5-10 184 8/6/93 Texas State Daingerfield, Texas FA
Neal, Keanu SS 6-0 211 7/26/95 Florida Bushnell, Fla. D1
Neasman, Sharrod FS 5-11 213 10/14/91 Florida Atlantic Palmetto, Fla. FA
Parms, Damian S 6-2 210 10/28/92 Florida Atlantic Miami, Fla. FA
Perkins, Joshua TE 6-3 223 8/5/93 Washington Cerritos, Calif. FA
Poole, Brian FS 5-9 213 10/20/92 Florida Bradenton, Fla. FA
Rahrig, Collin OL 6-2 285 10/31/91 Indiana South Bend, Ind. FA-’15
Ratelle, Will FB 5-9 256 3/1/93 North Dakota Edina, Minn. FA
Reed, Jake C 6-3 298 8/26/92 Indiana Columbus, Ind. FA
Rose, Nick K 6-0 190 5/5/94 Texas Dallas, Texas FA
Schweitzer, Wes G 6-4 300 9/11/93 San Jose State Scottsdale, Ark. D6
Sefon, Jordan CB 5-11 192 7/25/93 St. Cloud State Richfield, Minn. FA
Wilds, Brandon RB 6-0 220 7/22/93 South Carolina Blythewood, S.C. FA
Williams, Brandon DL 6-5 256 4/4/94 Southern Illinois DuQuoin, Ill. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 147

COACHING STAFF York Jets 2006-08, Cleveland Browns Offensive lineman Colorado 1996-99. No
Head Coach, 2009-2010, Miami Dolphins 2011, Tampa pro playing experience. College coach:
Dan Quinn Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, joined Falcons Idaho 2003. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders
Pro Career: Named the sixteenth head in 2014. 2009-2010, Washington Redskins 2011-
coach in Atlanta Falcons history and took Wade Harman, tight ends; born October 12, Seattle Seahawks 2014, joined
over the club after serving as the Seattle 1, 1963, Corydon, Iowa. Linebacker Falcons in 2015.
Seahawks defensive coordinator for the Drake 1985, Utah State 1986. No pro Raheem Morris, asst. head coach/
last two seasons (2013-14). During that playing experience. College coach: Utah wide receivers; born September 3, 1976,
span, Quinn oversaw the NFL’s top defen- State 1987-1991, Pacific 1992-95, Irvington, N.J. Safety Hofstra 1994-97.
sive unit as Seattle led the League allow- Morningside 1996. Pro coach: Minnesota No pro playing experience. College coach:
ing 270.4 yards per game, 15.2 points per Vikings 1997-98, Baltimore Ravens 1999- Hofstra 1998, 2000-01, Cornell 1999,
game, and 178.8 passing yards per game 2013, joined Falcons in 2014. Kansas State 2006. Pro coach: Tampa
while holding opponents to 91.6 rushing Jerome Henderson, passing game coor- Bay Buccaneers 2002-05, 2007-2011
yards per game. Quinn originally joined dinator; born August 8, 1969, (head coach 2009-2011), Redskins
the Seahawks in 2009, after spending the Portsmouth, Va. Defensive back Clemson 2012-13, joined Falcons in 2015.
previous six years coaching the defensive 1987-1990. Pro cornerback New England Kyle Shanahan, offensive coordinator;
lines for the San Francisco 49ers (2003- Patriots 1991-92, 1996, Buffalo Bills born December 14, 1979, Minneapolis,
04), Miami Dolphins (2005-06) and the 1993-94, Philadelphia Eagles 1995, New Minn. Wide receiver Duke 1998-99, Texas
New York Jets (2007-08). He previously York Jets 2007-08, Cleveland Browns 2001-02. No pro playing experience.
served as the Seahawks assistant head 2009-2011, Dallas Cowboys 2012-15, College coach: UCLA 2003. Pro coach:
coach/defensive line coach in 2009. He joined Falcons in 2016. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2004-05,
began his NFL coaching career in San Matt LaFleur, quarterbacks; born Houston Texans 2006-09, Washington
Francisco as its defensive assistant in November 3, 1979, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Redskins 2010-13, Cleveland Browns
2001 before moving on to coach the Quarterback/wide receiver Western 2014, joined Falcons in 2015.
49ers defensive line from 2003-2004. Michigan 1998-1999, quarterback Richard Smith, defensive coordinator;
Quinn got his start coaching the defensive Saginaw Valley State 2000-02. Pro quar- born October 17, 1955, Los Angeles,
line at William and Mary in 1994, followed terback Omaha Beef (NIFL) 2002, Billings Calif. Offensive lineman Rio Hondo (Calif.)
by a season at Virginia Military Institute. Outlaws (NIFL) 2002. College coach: J.C. 1975-76, Fresno State 1977-78.
He held the same position with Hofstra for Saginaw Valley State 2003, Central College coach: Rio Hondo (Calif.) J.C.
four seasons before being promoted to Michigan 2004-05, Northern Michigan 1979-1980, Cal State-Fullerton 1981-83,
defensive coordinator in 2000. Career 2006, Ashland 2007, Notre Dame 2014. California 1984-86, Arizona 1987. Pro
record: 8-8. Pro coach: Houston Texans 2008-09, coach: Houston Oilers 1988-1992,
Background: Quinn was a four-year letter Washington Redskins 2010-13, joined Denver Broncos 1993-96, San Francisco
winner and two-time co-captain at Falcons in 2015. 49ers 1997-2002, Detroit Lions 2003-04,
Division III Salisbury (Md.) State as a Mike LaFleur, offensive assistant; born Miami Dolphins 2005, Houston Texans
defensive lineman, where he recorded Mount Pleasant, Mich. Safety Elmhurst 2006-08, Carolina Panthers 2009-2010,
139 tackles and eight tackles for loss. He College 2005-08. No pro playing experi- joined Falcons in 2015.
also lettered in track and held the school ence. College coach: Elmhurst 2009, Eric Sutulovich, special teams assistant;
record in the hammer throw. He was Davidson 2010-13. Pro coach: Cleveland born February 28, 1974, Kansas City,
inducted into the Salisbury State Athletic Browns 2014, joined Falcons in 2015. Kan. Tight end: Louisiana Tech 1993-95.
Hall of Fame in 2005. Doug Mallory, defensive assis- No pro playing experience. College coach:
Personal: Born September 11, 1970 in tant/linebackers; born November 2, 1964, Louisiana Tech 1997-99, Pittsburgh
Morristown, New Jersey. Bowling Green, Ohio. Defensive back 2000, Kansas 2006. Pro coach: Houston
Michigan 1984-87. No pro playing experi- Texans 2002-05, Detroit Lions 2008,
ASSISTANT COACHES ence. College coach: Indiana 1988, 1994- joined Falcons in 2009.
Keith Armstrong, special teams coordina- 96, 2011-13, Army 1989, Western Bobby Turner, running backs; born May
tor; born December 15, 1963, Levittown, Kentucky 1990-93, Maryland 1997-2000, 6, 1949, East Chicago, Ind. Defensive
Pa. Running back Temple 1983-86. No Oklahoma State 2001-04, Louisiana State back Indiana State 1968-1971. No pro
pro playing experience. College coach: 2005-08, New Mexico 2009-2010. Pro playing experience. College coach:
Temple 1987, Miami 1988, Akron 1989, coach: Joined Falcons in 2015. Indiana State 1975-1982, Fresno State
Oklahoma State 1990-92, Notre Dame Marquand Manuel, secondary/senior 1983-88, Ohio State 1989-1990, Purdue
1993. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 1994- defensive assistant; born July 11, 1979, 1991-1994. Pro coach: Denver Broncos
96, Chicago Bears 1997-2000, Miami Miami, Fla. Safety Florida 1998-2001. Pro 1995-2009, Washington Redskins 2010-
Dolphins 2001-07, re-joined Falcons in safety Cincinnati Bengals 2002-03, 14, joined Falcons in 2015.
2008. Seattle Seahawks 2001-05, Green Bay Jeff Ulbrich, linebackers; born February
Keith Carter, asst. offensive line; born Packers 2006, Carolina Panthers 2007, 17, 1977, San Jose, California.
July 2, 1982, Downingtown, Pa. Tight end Denver Broncos 2008, Detroit Lions Linebacker Hawaii 1998-2000. Pro line-
UCLA 2001-04. No pro playing experi- 2009. Pro coach: Seattle Seahawks backer San Francisco 49ers 2000-09. Pro
ence. College coach: Wagner College 2012-2014, joined Falcons in 2015. coach: Seattle Seahawks 2010-11, joined
2006, Redlands 2007-08, University of Mike McDaniel, offensive assistant; born Falcons in 2015.
San Diego 2009-2011, San Jose State March 6, 1983, Greeley, Colo. Wide Chad Walker, defensive backs; born New
2014. Pro coach: Seattle Seahawks Receiver Yale 2001-04. No pro playing Orleans, La. Attended Louisiana-Monroe.
2012-13, joined Falcons in 2015. experience. Pro coach: Denver Broncos No college or pro playing experience.
Bryan Cox, defensive line; born February 2005, Houston Texans 2006-08, College coach: Louisiana-Monroe 2001,
17, 1968, East St. Louis, Ill. Linebacker California Redwoods (UFL) 2009, West Virginia, 2002, Louisiana State
Western Illinois 1987-1990. Pro line- Sacramento Mountain Lions (UFL) 2010, 2000, 2003-04, Bryant 2008-2010,
backer Miami Dolphins 1991-95, Chicago Washington Redskins 2011-13, Cleveland Mississippi College 2011-12, Oklahoma
Bears 1996-97, New York Jets 1998- Browns 2014, joined Falcons in 2015. 2013-14. Pro coach: Miami Dolphins
2000, New England Patriots 2001, New Chris Morgan, offensive line; born 2005-07, joined Falcons in 2015.
Orleans Saints 2002. Pro coach: New September 24, 1976, Killeen, Texas.

148 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner/Founder: Jerry Richardson (175-176-1)
President, Panthers Football LLC: Records include postseason games
Danny Morrison 1995-98 Dom Capers ...............31-35-0
General Manager: Dave Gettleman 1999-2001 George Seifert ............16-32-0
General Counsel: Richard Thigpen 2002-2010 John Fox.....................78-74-0
Associate General Counsel: Steve Argeris 2011-15 Ron Rivera..................50-35-1
Chief Financial Officer: Mike Dudan
Executive Director-Ticketing & PAID ATTENDANCE
Sponsorship: Phil Youtsey Home 578,147 Away 535,790
Executive Office Director: Tina Becker Total 1,113,937
Director of Finance: Kristi Coleman Single-game home record,
Director of Human Resources: 76,136 (12/10/95)
Larry Griffin Single-season home record, 579,192
Assistant General Manager: (2006)
National Football Conference Brandon Beane
South Division Director of Pro Scouting: Mark Koncz 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Team Colors: Black, Panther Blue, and Director of Player Personnel: Round Name Pos. College
Silver Don Gregory 1 Vernon Butler DT Louisiana Tech
800 South Mint Street Assistant Director of College Scouting: 2 James Bradberry DB Samford
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-1502 Jeff Morrow 3 Daryl Worley DB West Virginia
Telephone: (704) 358-7000 Pro Scouts: Matt Allen, Clyde Powers, 5 Zack Sanchez DB Oklahoma
Don Warren 7 Beau Sandland TE Montana St.
2016 SCHEDULE College Scouts: Jeff Beathard,
PRESEASON Khary Darlington, Robert Haines,
Aug. 11 at Baltimore........................7:30 Joel Patten, Eric Stokes, Mike Szabo
Aug. 20 at Tennessee ......................3:00 Director of Historical & Alumni Affairs:
Aug. 26 New England .....................7:30 Charlie Dayton
Sep. 1 Pittsburgh..........................7:30 Director of Communications:
Steven Drummond
REGULAR SEASON Director of Ticketing: Chrystal Rowe
Sep. 8 at Denver (Thu) ..................8:30 Director of Community Relations:
Sep. 18 San Francisco ..................1:00 Riley Fields
Sep. 25 Minnesota ........................1:00 Director of Sponsor Sales and Services:
Oct. 2 at Atlanta ...........................1:00
John Berger
Oct. 10 Tampa Bay (Mon) ..............8:30
Director of Broadcasting/Digital Media:
Oct. 16 at New Orleans ..................1:00
Henry Thomas
Oct. 30 Arizona .............................4:25 Director of Entertainment: Miguel Vargas
Nov. 6 at Los Angeles ..................4:05 Director of Information Technology:
Nov. 13 Kansas City ......................1:00 James Hammond
Nov. 17 New Orleans (Thu) ............8:25 Executive Producer-Television:
Nov. 27 at Oakland .........................4:25 Greg Brannon
Dec. 4 at Seattle .........................*8:30 Executive Producer-Radio: David Langton
Dec. 11 San Diego .........................1:00 Director of Team Administration:
Dec. 19 at Washington (Mon)..........8:30 Rob Rogers
Dec. 24 Atlanta (Sat) ......................1:00 Video Director: Mark Hobbs
Jan. 1 at Tampa Bay ....................1:00 Assistant Video Director: Jeff Mueller
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Head Athletic Trainer: Ryan Vermillion
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Assistant Athletic Trainer:
Stadium: Bank of America Stadium Mark Shermansky
(opened in 1996) Equipment Manager: Jackie Miles
•Capacity: 73,778 Assistant Equipment Manager: Don Toner
Charlotte, North Carolina Director of Security: Lance Emory
28202-1502 Director of Stadium Operations:
Playing Surface: Grass Scott Paul
Training Camp: Wofford College Director of PantherVision: Kyle Ritchie
Spartanburg, Facility Manager: Matthew Getz
South Carolina 29303 Head Groundskeeper: Tom Vaughan

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 149

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Newton 495 296 3837 59.8 35 10 33/284 99.4
08/14 W 25-24 at Buffalo Anderson 6 4 36 66.7 0 0 0/0 82.6
08/22 W 31-30 Miami Panthers 501 300 3873 59.9 35 10 33/284 99.2
08/28 L 16-17 New England Opponents 650 390 4054 60.0 21 24 44/302 73.5
09/03 W 23-6 at Pittsburgh
REGULAR SEASON (15-1) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Coleman 7 89 12.7 36t 1
Date Result Opponent Gano 0 0 0 56/59 30/36 0 146 Norman 4 110 27.5 46t 2
09/13 W 20-9 at Jacksonville Ginn 0 10 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 Kuechly 4 48 12.0 32t 1
09/20 W 24-17 Houston Newton 10 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 Davis 4 22 5.5 22 0
09/27 W 27-22 New Orleans Olsen 0 7 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Tillman 2 0 0.0 0 0
10/04 W 37-23 at Tampa Bay Stewart 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 McClain 1 24 24.0 24 0
10/18 W 27-23 at Seattle Funchess 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Klein 1 8 8.0 8 0
10/25 W 27-16 Philadelphia Brown 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Jones 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/02 W 29-26 Indianapolis (OT) Tolbert 1 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Panthers 24 301 12.5 46t 4
11/08 W 37-29 Green Bay Cotchery 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 10 91 9.1 22 0
11/15 W 27-10 at Tennessee Dickson 0 2 1 0/0 0/0 0 18
11/22 W 44-16 Washington Norman 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/26 W 33-14 at Dallas Artis-Payne 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Nortman 70 3175 45.4 20 65
12/06 W 41-38 at New Orleans Coleman 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Panthers 70 3175 45.4 20 65
12/13 W 38-0 Atlanta Kuechly 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 78 3611 46.3 28 68
12/20 W 38-35 at New York Giants Whittaker 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/27 L 13-20 at Atlanta Panthers 19 35 5 56/59 30/36 0 500 PUNT
01/03 W 38-10 Tampa Bay Opponents 11 21 3 28/30 20/26 1 308 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
2-Pt Conv: Panthers 0-0, Opponents 3-5 Ginn 27 22 277 10.3 37 0
POSTSEASON (2-1) McClain 2 2 5 2.5 3 0
Date Result Opponent RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Marlowe 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
01/17 W 31-24 Seattle Stewart 242 989 4.1 44 6 Bersin 0 1 0 — — 0
01/24 W 49-15 Arizona Newton 132 636 4.8 47 10 Panthers 30 25 282 9.4 37 0
02/07 L 10-24 vs. Denver, Super Bowl 50 Tolbert 62 256 4.1 29 1 Opponents 37 19 288 7.8 74t 1
(OT) Overtime Artis-Payne 45 183 4.1 31 1
Whittaker 25 108 4.3 16t 1 KICKOFF
SCORE BY PERIODS Ginn 4 60 15.0 43 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Panthers 99 167 130 98 6 — 500 Brown 6 38 6.3 14 0 Whittaker 9 209 23.2 33 0
Opponents 70 51 79 105 3 — 308 Cotchery 1 16 16.0 16 0 Webb 8 178 22.3 27 0
Nortman 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 Dickson 2 1 0.5 1 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Webb 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 Ginn 1 8 8.0 8 0
Panthers Opp. Anderson 7 -2 -0.3 2 0 Tolbert 1 8 8.0 8 0
Total First Downs 357 298 Panthers 526 2282 4.3 47 19 Davis 1 3 3.0 3 0
Rushing 136 74 Opponents 364 1415 3.9 63t 11 Panthers 22 407 18.5 33 0
Passing 197 198 Opponents 34 905 26.6 99t 1
Penalty 24 26 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
3rd Down: Made/Att 86/203 86/227 Olsen 77 1104 14.3 52 7 FIELD
3rd Down Pct. 42.4 37.9 Ginn 44 739 16.8 74t 10 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
4th Down: Made/Att 6/10 15/26 Cotchery 39 485 12.4 59 3 Gano 1/1 10/10 4/5 13/16 2/4
4th Down Pct. 60.0 57.7 Funchess 31 473 15.3 52 5 Panthers 1/1 10/10 4/5 13/16 2/4
Possession Avg. 31:44 28:16 Brown 31 447 14.4 39t 4 Opponents 0/0 5/6 5/6 6/9 4/5
Total Net Yards 5871 5167 Tolbert 18 154 8.6 40 3
Avg. Per Game 366.9 322.9 Dickson 17 121 7.1 17 2 SACKS No.
Total Plays 1060 1058 Stewart 16 99 6.2 15 1 Short 11.0
Avg. Per Play 5.5 4.9 Whittaker 12 64 5.3 15 0 Addison 6.0
Net Yards Rushing 2282 1415 Bersin 9 119 13.2 30 0 Davis 5.5
Avg. Per Game 142.6 88.4 Artis-Payne 5 58 11.6 20 0 Ealy 5.0
Total Rushes 526 364 Simonson 1 10 10.0 10 0 Love 3.0
Net Yards Passing 3589 3752 Panthers 300 3873 12.9 74t 35 Delaire 2.5
Avg. Per Game 224.3 234.5 Opponents 390 4054 10.4 70t 21 Allen 2.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 33/284 44/302 Benwikere 1.0
Gross Yards 3873 4054 Coleman 1.0
Att./Completions 501/300 650/390 Edwards 1.0
Completion Pct. 59.9 60.0 Thompson 1.0
Had Intercepted 10 24 Horton 1.0
Punts/Average 70/45.4 78/46.3 Johnson 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 70/39.8 78/41.1 Klein 1.0
Penalties/Yards 103/887 99/822 Kuechly 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 12/9 28/15 Lotulelei 1.0
Touchdowns 59 35 Panthers 44.0
Rushing 19 11 Opponents 33.0
Passing 35 21
Returns 5 3

150 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................DeAngelo Williams, 2006-2014 ..........................................................6,846
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jake Delhomme, 2003-09 ................................................................19,258
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jake Delhomme, 2003-09 .....................................................................120
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Smith, 2001-2013 .......................................................................836
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Smith, 2001-2013 ..................................................................12,197
Interceptions ...................................................................Chris Gamble, 2004-2012.......................................................................27
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Todd Sauerbrun, 2001-04 ....................................................................45.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Winslow Oliver, 1996-98 ......................................................................10.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Michael Bates, 1996-2000 ...................................................................25.7
Field Goals ......................................................................John Kasay, 1995-2010 ........................................................................351
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Steve Smith, 2001-2013 .........................................................................75
Points..............................................................................John Kasay, 1995-2010 .....................................................................1,482
*Sacks............................................................................Julius Peppers, 2002-09 ......................................................................81.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................DeAngelo Williams, 2008 ...................................................................1,515
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Steve Beuerlein, 1999 ........................................................................4,436
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Steve Beuerlein, 1999 .............................................................................36
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Smith, 2005.................................................................................103
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Smith, 2005..............................................................................1,563
Interceptions ...................................................................Doug Evans, 2001 ....................................................................................8
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Brad Nortman, 2013 ............................................................................47.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Ted Ginn, Jr., 2013 ...............................................................................12.2
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Michael Bates, 1996 ............................................................................30.2
Field Goals ......................................................................John Kasay, 1996 ..................................................................................37
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................DeAngelo Williams, 2008 ........................................................................20
Points..............................................................................Graham Gano, 2015..............................................................................146
*Sacks............................................................................Kevin Greene, 1998..............................................................................15.0
Greg Hardy, 2013.................................................................................15.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................DeAngelo Williams, 12-30-12................................................................210
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Cam Newton, 9-18-11 ..........................................................................432
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Steve Beuerlein, 1-2-00.............................................................................5
Cam Newton, 11-22-15, 12-6-15, 12-20-15 .............................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Smith, 11-20-05............................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Smith, 10-30-05..........................................................................201
Interceptions ...................................................................Deon Grant, 9-22-02 .................................................................................3
Field Goals ......................................................................John Kasay, 12-5-04.................................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................DeAngelo Williams, 11-30-08, 12-21-08 ...................................................4
Points..............................................................................DeAngelo Williams, 11-30-08, 12-21-08 .................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Greg Hardy, 12-29-13 ............................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 151

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
97 Addison, Mario DE 6-3 260 9/6/87 6 Troy Tarrant, Ala. FA-’12 14/0
3 Anderson, Derek QB 6-6 230 6/15/83 12 Oregon State Scappoose, Ore FA-’11 3/0
34 Artis-Payne, Cameron RB 5-10 220 6/23/90 2 Auburn Harrisburg, Pa. D5b-’15 7/0
36 Ball, Marcus S 6-1 220 7/21/87 2 Memphis Stone Mountain, Ga. FA-’15 0*
13 Benjamin, Kelvin WR 6-5 245 2/5/91 3 Florida State Belle Glade, Fla. D1-’14 0*
25 Benwikere, Bené CB 6-0 195 9/3/91 3 San Jose State Gardena, Calif. D5-’14 13/4
11 Bersin, Brenton WR 6-3 210 5/9/90 3 Wofford College Charlotte, N.C. FA-’13 9/2
33 Boston, Tre S 6-1 210 6/25/92 3 North Carolina Fort Myers, Fla. D4 -14 16/1
10 Brown, Corey WR 5-11 185 12/16/91 3 Ohio State Upper Darby, Pa. FA-’14 14/11
86 Byrd, LaRon WR 6-4 225 8/18/89 3 Miami Hahnville, La. FA-’16 0*
20 Coleman, Kurt S 5-11 200 4/1/88 7 Ohio State Clayton, Ohio UFA(KC)-’15 15/15
82 #Cotchery, Jerricho WR 6-1 205 6/16/82 13 North Carolina State Birmingham, Ala. UFA(Pitt)-’14 14/3
58 Davis, Thomas LB 6-1 235 3/22/83 12 Georgia Shellman, Ga. D1-’05 16/16
91 Delaire, Ryan DE 6-4 265 1/17/92 2 Towson Windsor, Conn. FA-’15 9/0
84 Dickson, Ed TE 6-4 255 7/25/87 7 Oregon Bellflower, Calif. UFA(Balt)-’14 16/11
94 Ealy, Kony DE 6-4 275 12/21/91 3 Missouri New Madrid, Mo. D2-’14 16/9
26 # Finnegan, Cortland CB 5-10 190 2/2/84 10 Samford Milton, Fla. FA-’15 5/0
63 Foucault, David T 6-8 320 1/7/89 2 Montreal LaSalle, Quebec, Canada FA-’14 0/0
17 Funchess, Devin WR 6-4 225 5/21/94 2 Michigan Farmington, Mich. D2-’15 16/5
9 Gano, Graham K 6-2 205 4/9/87 7 Florida State Cantonment, Fla. FA-’12 16/0
19 Ginn, Jr., Ted WR 5-11 185 4/12/85 10 Ohio State Cleveland, Ohio FA-’15 15/13
66 Gradkowski, Gino C 6-3 300 11/5/88 5 Delaware Pittsburgh, Pa. UFA(Atl)-’16 3/1*
69 #Green, Tyrone G 6-2 320 4/6/86 6 Auburn Pensacola, Fla. FA-’15 0*
41 #Harper, Roman S 6-1 205 12/11/82 11 Alabama Prattville, Ala. FA-’14 16/16
78 Hawkins, Donald T 6-4 305 4/22/92 2 Texas Tunica, Miss. FA-’16 0*
87 Hill, Stephen WR 6-4 215 4/25/91 4 Georgia Tech Lithonia, Ga. FA-’14 0*
96 Horton, Wes DE 6-5 270 12/17/89 4 Southern California Sherman Oaks, Calif. FA-’15 8/2
53 Jacobs, Ben LB 6-4 240 4/17/88 4 Fresno State Las Vegas, Nev. FA-’13 16/0
44 Jansen, J.J. LS 6-2 240 1/20/86 9 Notre Dame Phoenix, Ariz. T(GB)-’09 16/0
95 Johnson, Charles DE 6-2 282 7/10/86 10 Georgia Hawkinsville, Ga. D3-’07 9/9
42 Jones, Colin S 6-0 205 10/27/87 6 Texas Christian Bridgeport, Texas T(SF)-’12 15/3
67 Kalil, Ryan C 6-2 300 3/29/85 10 Southern California Corona, Calif. D2b-’07 15/15
56 Klein, A.J. LB 6-1 240 7/30/91 4 Iowa State Kimberly, Wis. D5-’13 15/6
59 Kuechly, Luke LB 6-3 238 4/20/91 5 Boston College Cincinnati, Ohio D1-’12 13/13
98 Lotulelei, Star DT 6-2 320 12/20/89 4 Utah South Jordan, Utah D1-’13 14/14
93 Love, Kyle DT 6-1 315 11/18/86 5 Mississippi State College Park, Ga. FA-’14 15/2
29 Marlowe, Dean S 6-1 205 7/25/92 2 James Madison Queens, N.Y. FA-’15 4/0
64 Masifilo, Matt C 6-3 280 10/1/89 2 Stanford Ewa Beach, Hawaii FA-’16 2/0*
55 Mayo, David LB 6-2 240 8/8/93 2 Texas State Scappoose, Ore D5a-’15 12/0
27 McClain, Robert CB 5-9 195 7/22/88 5 Connecticut Lusby, Md. FA-’ 15 3/0
71 Miley, Arthur DE 6-6 265 3/3/93 2 Southern Mangham, La. FA-’15 0*
1 Newton, Cam QB 6-5 245 5/11/89 6 Auburn College Park, Ga. D1-’11 16/16
68 Norwell, Andrew G 6-6 325 10/25/91 3 Ohio State Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’14 13/13
81 Norwood, Kevin WR 6-2 200 9/23/89 3 Alabama D’Iberville, Miss. T(Sea)-’15 1/0
73 Oher, Michael T 6-4 315 4/28/86 8 Mississippi Memphis, Tenn. FA-’15 16/16
88 Olsen, Greg TE 6-5 253 3/11/85 10 Miami Wayne, N.J. T(Chi)-’11 16/16
74 Remmers, Mike T 6-5 305 4/11/89 4 Oregon State Portland, Ore. FA-’14 16/16
39 Robinson, Trenton S 5-9 195 2/16/90 4 Michigan State Bay City, Mich. FA-’16 9/7*
79 Scott, Chris G 6-4 340 8/4/87 5 Tennessee Hampton, Ga. FA-’14 13/0
99 Short, Kawann DT 6-3 315 2/2/89 4 Purdue East Chicago, Ind. D2-’13 16/16
66 #Silatolu, Amini G 6-4 320 9/16/88 5 Midwestern State Tracy, Calif. D2-’12 9/3
80 Simonson, Scott TE 6-5 250 4/13/92 2 Assumption College Middletown, N.J. FA-’15 9/0
90 Soliai, Paul DT 6-4 345 12/30/83 10 Utah Pago Pago, American Samoa FA-’16 14/10*
28 Stewart, Jonathan RB 5-10 235 3/21/87 9 Oregon Lacey, Wash. D1a-’08 13/13
54 Thompson, Shaq LB 6-0 230 4/21/94 2 Washington Sacramento, Calif. D1-’15 14/10
31 #Tillman, Charles CB 6-2 210 2/23/81 14 Louisiana-Lafayette Copperas Cove, Texas UFA(Chi)-’15 12/12
35 Tolbert, Mike FB 5-9 250 11/23/85 9 Coastal Carolina Douglasville, Ga. UFA(SD)-’12 16/3
70 Turner, Trai G 6-3 320 6/14/93 3 Louisiana State New Orleans, La. D3-’14 16/16
14 Webb, Joe QB 6-4 235 11/14/86 6 Alabama-Birmingham Birmingham, Ala. UFA(Minn)-’14 16/0
75 Webster, Larry DE 6-6 270 2/14/90 2 Bloomsburg Elkton, Md. FA-’16 0*
32 Wegher, Brandon RB 5-10 215 12/9/90 2 Morningside College Sioux City, Iowa FA-’15 1/0
43 Whittaker, Fozzy RB 5-10 205 2/2/89 4 Texas Pearland, Texas FA-’14 15/1
60 Williams, Daryl T 6-6 335 8/31/92 2 Oklahoma Lake Dallas, Texas D4-’15 10/2
21 Williams, Teddy CB 6-1 210 7/3/88 5 Texas-San Antonio Tyler, Texas FA-’15 16/0
61 Yankey, David G 6-6 320 1/18/92 2 Stanford Roswell, Ga. FA-’16 0*

152 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Ball spent 16 regular season games and 3 postseason games on the practice squad; Benjamin missed ’15 season because of injury;
Byrd last active with Miami in ’14; Gradkowski played 3 games with Atlanta in ’15; Green missed ’15 season because of injury; Hawkins
spent 8 games on the practice with Miami and 7 games on the practice squad with San Francisco; Hill missed ’15 season because of
injury; Masifilo played 2 games with Tampa Bay; Miley missed ’15 season because of injury; Robinson played 9 games with
Washington; Soliai played 14 games with Atlanta; Webster spent 16 games on the practice squad with Detroit; Yankey spent 16 regular
seasons games and 1 postseason game on the practice squad with Minnesota.

Players lost through free agency (3): Josh Norman (Wash; 16 games in ’15); Brad Nortman (Jax; 16), C Fernando Velasco (Buff; 10).

Also played with Panthers in ’15—LS Aiken (0 games), DE Jared Allen (12), TE/FB Richie Brockel (2), T Nate Chandler (0),
DT Colin Cole (2), DT Dwan Edwards (12) TE Brandon Williams (2).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Alecxih, Chas (1) DT 6-4 295 2/10/89 Pittsburgh Lancaster, Pa. FA-’15
Barber, Jared LB 6-0 230 10/20/92 West Virginia Mocksville, N.C. FA
Blechen, Brian (1) LB 6-2 225 9/30/91 Utah Moorpark, Calif. FA-’15
Bradberry, James CB 6-1 210 8/4/93 Samford Pleasant Grove, Ala. D2
Butler, Vernon DT 6-4 325 6/14/94 Louisiana Tech Summit, Miss. D1
Byrd, Damiere (1) WR 5-9 175 1/27/93 South Carolina Erial, N.J. FA-’15
Capers, Avilas WR 5-9 200 5/30/92 Johnson C. Smith Charlotte, N.C. FA
Cash, Jeremy LB 6-0 205 12/9/92 Duke Plantation, Fla. FA
Cox, Rakim (1) DE 6-4 260 2/12/91 Villanova San Diego, Calif. FA-’15
Crume. Eric (1) DT 6-0 297 10/18/93 Syracuse Detroit, Mich. FA
Deaver, Braxton TE 6-5 245 5/8/92 Duke Charlotte, N.C. FA
Dismukes, Reese (1) C 6-3 295 10/20/92 Auburn Spanish Fort, Ala. FA-’15
Dixon, Travell (1) S 6-1 205 2/17/91 Washington Miami, Fla. FA
Garrett, Keyarris WR 6-3 220 9/26/92 Tulsa Daingerfield, Texas FA
Hamilton, Cobi (1) WR 6-2 200 11/13/90 Arkansas Texarkana, Texas FA
Johnson, Devon FB 6-0 235 7/28/93 Marshall Richlands, Va. FA
Larsen, Tyler (1) G 6-4 315 7/8/91 Utah State Sandy, Utah FA
Lucas, Marcus (1) TE 6-4 235 3/1/92 Missouri Liberty, Mo. W(Chi)
Norris, Jared LB 6-1 240 7/19/93 Utah Bakersfield, Calif. FA
Palardy, Michael (1) P 5-11 190 7/6/92 Tennessee Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FA
Palmer, Tobias (1) WR 5-10 195 2/20/90 North Carolina State Pittsboro, N.C. FA
Richardson, Shaq (1) CB 6-0 190 3/21/92 Arizona Los Alamitos, Calif. FA
Rigsbee, Jordan T 6-4 300 3/5/93 California Chino, Calif. FA
Sanchez, Zack CB 5-11 185 11/11/93 Oklahoma Fort Worth, Texas D5
Sandland, Beau TE 6-4 255 2/23/93 Montana State Simi Valley, Calif. D7
Shuler, Miles WR 5-10 180 9/26/93 Northwestern Long Branch, N.J. FA
Simmons, Jalen RB 5-8 205 4/1/92 South Carolina State Charlotte, N.C. FA
Waters, Swayze (1) P 6-0 185 5/18/87 Alabama-Birmingham Jackson, Miss. FA
Worley, Daryl CB 6-1 205 2/22/95 West Virginia Philadelphia, Pa. D3
Young, Lou (1) CB 6-1 205 10/9/91 Georgia Tech Washington, D.C. FA-’14

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 153

COACHING STAFF Kansas 1979-1981, New Mexico State 1982. Giants 2007-2010, New York Jets 2014, San
Head Coach, Pro coach: New Jersey Generals (USFL) 1983, Francisco 49ers 2015, joined Panthers in 2016.
Ron Rivera Pittsburgh Maulers (USFL) 1984, Orlando Sam Mills III, asst. defensive line; born May 20,
Pro Career: Became the fourth coach in Renegades (USFL) 1985, Buffalo Bills 1987- 1978, Long Branch, N.J. Defensive back
Carolina Panthers history on January 11, 2011. 1999, 2010-12, San Francisco 49ers 2000-02, Montclair State 1997-1999. No pro playing
In five seasons, Rivera has guided the team to a Dallas Cowboys 2003-06, Seattle Seahawks experience. Pro coach: Joined Panthers in
Super Bowl appearance, an NFC Championship 2007-09, joined Panthers in 2013. 2005.
and three NFC South titles. He is a two-time Ken Dorsey, quarterbacks; born April 22, 1981, Ricky Proehl, wide receivers; born March 7,
(2013 and 2015) Associated Press NFL Coach Orinda, Calif. Quarterback Miami 1999-2002. 1968, Bronx, N.Y. Wide receiver Wake Forest
of the Year award winner. In 2015, Rivera led the Pro quarterback San Francisco 49ers 2003-05, 1986-89. Pro wide receiver Phoenix/Arizona
Panthers to the second Super Bowl appearance Cleveland Browns 2006-08, Toronto Argonauts Cardinals 1990-94, Seattle Seahawks 1995-96,
in team history following a franchise-best 15-1 (CFL) 2010. Pro scout: Carolina Panthers 2011- Chicago Bears 1997, St. Louis Rams 1998-
record and their third consecutive NFC South 12. Pro coach: Joined Panthers in 2013. 2002, Carolina Panthers 2003-05, Indianapolis
championship. In the process, Carolina became Curtis Fuller, asst. defensive backs/nickels; Colts 2006. Pro coach: Joined Panthers in
the fourth team in the Super Bowl era to start a born July 25, 1978, Fort Worth, Texas. 2011.
season 14-0, joining the 1972 Miami Dolphins, Defensive back Tyler (Texas) J.C. 1997, Texas Richard Rogers, asst. defensive backs/
2007 New England Patriots and 2009 Christian 1998-2000. Pro defensive back safeties; born October 28, 1961, St. Louis, Mo.
Indianapolis Colts. Carolina’s 18-game regular Seattle Seahawks 2001-02, Green Bay Packers Defensive back California 1980-83. Pro line-
season winning streak was the longest in NFC 2003-04, Carolina Panthers 2004. Pro coach: backer/wide receiver Chicago Bruisers (AFL)
history. In 2014, Rivera led the Panthers to their Oakland Raiders 2007, Green Bay Packers 1987, Denver Dynamite (AFL) 1987, Los
second consecutive NFC South championship 2009-2010, Tennessee Titans 2012, joined Angeles Cobras (AFL) 1988, Sacramento Attack
and the team’s first playoff win since 2005. The Panthers in 2013. (AFL) 1992. College coach: Diablo Valley (Calif.)
Panthers became the first team since 1970 to Pete Hoener, tight ends; born June 14, 1954, C.C. 1989-1994, San Jose State, 1995-96,
overcome a six-game losing streak and win their Peoria, Ill. Tight end/defensive end Bradley Portland State 1997-2000, New Mexico State
division. In 2013, Rivera directed Carolina to 12 1969-1970. No pro playing experience. College 2001-04, Holy Cross 2005-2011. Pro coach:
wins, the NFC South title and its first playoff coach: Missouri 1975-76, Illinois State 1977, Joined Panthers in 2012.
appearance since 2008. Before joining the Indiana State 1978-1984, Illinois 1987-88, Mike Shula, offensive coordinator; born June 3,
Panthers, Rivera coached the San Diego Purdue 1989-1991, Texas Christian 1992-97, 1965, Baltimore, Md. Quarterback Alabama
Chargers (2007-2010), Chicago Bears (2004- Iowa State 1998-99, Texas A&M 2000. Pro 1984-86. Pro quarterback Tampa Bay
06, 1997-98) and Philadelphia Eagles (1999- coach: St. Louis/Arizona Cardinals 1985-86, Buccaneers 1987. College coach: Alabama
2003). In 2006, the Bears defense led the NFL 2001-03, Chicago Bears 2004, San Francisco 2003-06 (head coach). Pro coach: Tampa Bay
with 44 takeaways, helping propel Chicago to 49ers 2005-2010, joined Panthers in 2011. Buccaneers 1988-1990, 1996-99, Miami
an appearance in Super Bowl XLI. He is just the Al Holcomb, linebackers; born October 22, Dolphins 1991-92, 2000-02, Chicago Bears
third Latino head coach in NFL history, joining 1970, Queens, N.Y. Attended West Virginia. No 1993-95, Jacksonville Jaguars 2007-2010,
Tom Flores with the Oakland Raiders (1979- college or pro playing experience. College joined Panthers in 2011.
1987) and Seattle Seahawks (1992-94) and coach: Temple 1995-96, Colby College 1997, Jim Skipper, running backs; born January 23,
Tom Fears with the New Orleans Saints (1967- Bloomsburg 1998-2003, Kutztown 2004-05, 1949, Breaux Bridge, La. Defensive back
1970). A second-round draft choice in 1984 by Lafayette 2006-08. Pro coach: New York Giants Whittier College 1971-72. No pro playing expe-
Chicago, Rivera played nine seasons with the 2009-2012, joined Panthers in 2013. rience. College coach: Cal Poly-Pomona 1974-
Bears. Primarily an outside linebacker, he was a Joe Kenn, strength and conditioning; born 76, San Jose State 1977-78, Pacific 1979,
member of the 1985 Super Bowl XX winning October 13, 1966, Far Rockaway, N.Y. Guard Oregon 1980-82. Pro coach: Philadelphia/
team. Career record: 50-35-1. Wake Forest 1987-88. No pro playing experi- Baltimore Stars (USFL) 1983-85, New Orleans
Background: Linebacker, California, 1980-83, ence. College coach: Wake Forest 1991 (win- Saints 1986-1995, Arizona Cardinals 1996,
where he finished as the school’s all-time leader ter/spring), Boise State 1991-98, Utah 1999- New York Giants 1997-2000, San Francisco
in sacks (22) and tackles (336). 2000, Arizona State 2001-07, Louisville 2008- Demons (XFL) 2001 (head coach), Carolina
Personal: Born January 7, 1962 in Fort Ord, 09. Pro coach: Joined Panthers in 2011. Panthers 2002-2010, Tennessee Titans 2011-
Calif. He and his wife, Stephanie, have two chil- John Matsko, running game coordinator; born 12, re-joined Panthers in 2013.
dren—Christopher and Courtney. February 2, 1951, Cleveland, Ohio. Fullback Cameron Turner, asst. wide receivers; born July
Kent State 1970-72. No pro playing experience. 29, 1987. Quarterback/wide receiver The
ASSISTANT COACHES College coach: Miami (Ohio) 1974-75, 1977, Citadel 2006-09. No pro playing experience.
Jason Benguche, asst. strength and condition- North Carolina 1978-1984, Navy 1985, Arizona College coach: The Citadel 2010, Florida
ing; born April 11, 1984, Pittsfield, Mass. 1986, Southern California 1987-1991. Pro International 2013-14. Pro coach: Minnesota
Offensive lineman Springfield (Mass.) College coach: Phoenix Cardinals 1992-93, New Vikings 2011-12, joined Panthers in 2015.
2002-05. No pro playing experience. College Orleans Saints 1994-96, New York Giants 1997- Eric Washington, defensive line; born October
coach: Massachusetts 2005 (spring), Florida 98, St. Louis Rams 1999-2005, Kansas City 29, 1969, Shreveport, La. Tight end Grambling
State 2006-07, Georgia Tech 2008-2012. Pro Chiefs 2006-07, Baltimore Ravens 2008-2010, State 1989-1990. No pro playing experience.
coach: Joined Panthers in 2013. joined Panthers in 2011. College coach: Texas A&M 1997, Ohio 2001-
Ray Brown, offensive line; born December 12, Sean McDermott, defensive coordinator; born 03, Northwestern 2004-07. Pro coach: Chicago
1962, Marion, Ark. Offensive lineman/tight end March 21, 1974, Omaha, Neb. Safety William & Bears 2008-2010, joined Panthers in 2011.
Arkansas State 1983-85. Pro offensive lineman Mary 1994-97. No pro playing experience. Steve Wilks, asst. head coach/secondary; born
St. Louis/Phoenix Cardinals 1986-88, College coach: William & Mary 1998. Pro August 8, 1969, Charlotte, N.C. Defensive back
Washington Redskins 1989-1995, 2004-05, coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2001-2010, joined Appalachian State 1987-1991. Pro defensive
San Francisco 49ers 1996-2001, Detroit Lions Panthers in 2011. back/wide receiver Charlotte Rage (AFL) 1993.
2002-03. Pro coach: Washington Redskins Thomas McGaughey, asst. special teams; born College coach: Johnson C. Smith 1995-96,
2006, Buffalo Bills 2008-09, San Francisco May 8, 1973, Chicago, Ill. Safety Houston Savannah State 1997-1999, Illinois State 2000,
49ers 2010, joined Panthers in 2011. 1991-95. Pro safety Philadelphia Eagles 1996, Appalachian State 2001, East Tennessee State
Bruce DeHaven, special teams coordinator; Barcelona Dragons (NFLE) 1997. College 2002, Bowling Green State 2003, Notre Dame
born September 6, 1948, Trousdale, Kan. coach: Houston 1997, 2003-04, Louisiana 2004, Washington 2005. Pro coach: Chicago
Attended Southwestern (Kan.) College. No col- State 2011-13. Pro coach: Kansas City Chiefs Bears 2006-08, San Diego Chargers 2009-
lege or pro playing experience. College coach: 2002, Denver Broncos 2005-06, New York 2011, joined Panthers in 2012.

154 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman: George H. McCaskey Decatur Staleys 1920,
Secretary: Virginia H. McCaskey Chicago Staleys 1921
President and CEO: Ted Phillips (758-573-42)
General Manager: Ryan Pace Records include postseason games
Senior Director of Special Projects: 1920-29 George Halas .............84-31-19
Pat McCaskey 1930-32 Ralph Jones .................24-10-7
Senior Director of Business 1933-1942 George Halas* .............88-24-4
Development: Brian McCaskey 1942-45 Hunk Anderson-
SVP and General Counsel: Cliff Stein Luke Johnsos**...........24-12-2
SVP, Business Strategy and CFO: 1946-1955 George Halas ...............76-43-2
Karen Murphy 1956-57 John (Paddy) Driscoll......14-10-1
SVP, Sales and Customer Relations: 1958-1967 George Halas ...............76-53-6
Lee Twarling 1968-1971 Jim Dooley...................20-36-0
SVP, Marketing and Communications: 1972-74 Abe Gibron...................11-30-1
National Football Conference Scott Hagel 1975-77 Jack Pardee .................20-23-0
North Division Vice President of Business 1978-1981 Neill Armstrong ............30-35-0
Team Colors: Navy Blue, Orange, and Administration: John Bostrom 1982-1992 Mike Ditka..................112-68-0
White Director of Video Services: 1993-98 Dave Wannstedt ...........41-57-0
Halas Hall at Conway Park Dave Hendrickson 1999-2003 Dick Jauron..................35-46-0
1920 Football Drive Assistant Video Director: Dean Pope 2004-2012 Lovie Smith..................84-66-0
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 College Video Coordinator: Dan Tuohy 2013-14 Marc Trestman .............13-19-0
Telephone: (847) 295-6600 Video Assistant: Jack Dowling 2015 John Fox ........................6-10-0
Head Athletic Trainer: Nate Breske *Retired after five games to enter U.S. Navy
2016 SCHEDULE Physical Therapist/Assistant Athletic **Co-coaches
PRESEASON Trainer: Jeremy Smith
Aug. 11 Denver...............................7:00 Assistant Athletic Trainers: Will Rogers, PAID ATTENDANCE
Aug. 18 at New England ..................7:30 Sid Dreyer Home 479,299 Away 516,035
Aug. 27 Kansas City .......................7:00 Head Equipment Manager: Tony Medlin Total 995,334
Sep. 1 at Cleveland .......................7:30 Assistant Equipment Managers: Single-game home record,
Carl Piekarski, Travis Knoch, 66,900 (9/5/93)
REGULAR SEASON Thomas Woody Single-season home record, 527,769
Sep. 11 at Houston ......................12:00 Director of Player Personnel: Josh Lucas (1999)
Sep. 19 Philadelphia (Mon) ............7:30 Director of College Scouting:
Sep. 25 at Dallas ............................7:30 Mark Sadowski 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 2 Detroit ............................12:00 Director of Pro Scouting: Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 9 at Indianapolis .................12:00 Anthony “Champ” Kelly 1 Leonard Floyd LB Georgia
Oct. 16 Jacksonville ...................12:00 National Scout: Francis Saint-Paul 2 Cody Whitehair G Kansas St.
Oct. 20 at Green Bay (Thu) .............7:25 Area Scouts: Breck Ackley, 3 Jonathan Bullard DE Florida
Oct. 31 Minnesota (Mon) ...............7:30 Christopher Prescott, 4 Nick Kwiatkoski LB West Virginia
BYE Jeff Shiver, Sam Summerville, Deon Bush DB Miami
Nov. 13 at Tampa Bay ..................12:00 David Williams Deiondre’ Hall DB Northern Iowa
Nov. 20 at New York Giants ...........12:00 Scout/Player Personnel: Ryan Kessenich, 5 Jordan Howard RB Indiana
Nov. 27 Tennessee ......................12:00 Jeff King 6 DeAndre Houston-Carson DB William & Mary
Dec. 4 San Francisco ................12:00 Combine Scout: Bobby Macedo 7 Daniel Braverman WR Western Michigan
Dec. 11 at Detroit .........................12:00 Scouting Assistants: Chris White,
Dec. 18 Green Bay ......................12:00
Brendan Rehor
Dec. 24 Washington (Sat).............12:00
Director of Stadium Operations:
Jan. 1 at Minnesota ...................12:00
Bryan Pett
* All times CT
Director of Broadcasting & Scoreboard
Stadium: Soldier Field Operations: Greg Miller
(opened in 1924) Director of Player Development:
Jerry Butler
•Capacity: 61,500
Media Relations Manager: Jim Christman
1410 S. Museum Campus Dr.
Media Relations Coordinator:
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Jared Ellerson
Playing Surface: Natural Grass
Training Camp: Olivet-Nazarene Univ.
Bourbonnais, Illinois


2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 155

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Cutler 483 311 3659 64.4 21 11 29/150 92.3
08/13 W 27-10 Miami Clausen 40 23 184 57.5 0 1 4/30 58.8
08/22 W 23-11 at Indianapolis Mariani 0 0 0 — 0 0 1/3 —
08/29 L 10-21 at Cincinnati Bears 523 334 3843 63.9 21 12 34/183 89.7
09/03 W 24-0 Cleveland Opponents 512 322 3830 62.9 31 8 35/237 99.3


Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Fuller 2 24 12.0 15 0
09/13 L 23-31 Green Bay Gould 0 0 0 28/29 33/39 0 127 Young 1 39 39.0 39 0
09/20 L 23-48 Arizona Forté 4 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 44 Jones-Quartey 1 23 23.0 23 0
09/27 L 0-26 at Seattle Langford 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 44 McPhee 1 13 13.0 13 0
10/04 W 22-20 Oakland Miller 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Allen 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/11 W 18-17 at Kansas City Jeffery 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Porter 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/18 L 34-37 at Detroit (OT) Bennett 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Anderson 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 L 20-23 Minnesota Carey 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Bears 8 103 12.9 39 0
11/09 W 22-19 at San Diego Bellamy 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 12 241 20.1 68t 3
11/15 W 37-13 at St. Louis Cutler 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/22 L 15-17 Denver Royal 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/26 W 17-13 at Green Bay Wilson 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 O’Donnell 70 3097 44.2 28 72
12/06 L 20-26 San Francisco (OT) Bears 13 21 0 28/29 33/39 0 335 Lanning 3 136 45.3 1 51
12/13 L 21-24 Washington Opponents 9 31 7 43/46 24/28 0 397 Bears 74 3233 43.7 29 72
12/20 L 17-38 at Minnesota 2-Pt Conv: Forté, Langford Opponents 74 3272 44.2 26 64
12/27 W 26-21 at Tampa Bay Bears 2-5, Opponents 0-0
01/03 L 20-24 Detroit PUNT
(OT) Overtime RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG
Forté 218 898 4.1 27 4 TDMariani 29 22 192 6.6 20 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Langford 148 537 3.6 23 6 Callahan 1 0 34 34.0 34 0
Bears 41 125 45 124 0 — 335 Cutler 38 201 5.3 26 1 Royal 1 0 16 16.0 16 0
Opponents 110 106 72 100 9 — 397 Carey 43 159 3.7 11 2 Bears 31 22 242 7.8 34 0
Rodgers 14 41 2.9 5 0 Opponents 30 22 226 7.5 65t 1
2015 TEAM STATISTICS A. Smith 1 11 11.0 11 0
Bears Opp. Clausen 5 8 1.6 11 0 KICKOFF
Total First Downs 312 307 Royal 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 108 103 Bears 468 1854 4.0 27 13 Mariani 16 418 26.1 47 0
Passing 177 182 Opponents 433 1934 4.5 44t 9 Thompson 14 409 29.2 74 0
Penalty 27 22 Carey 2 38 19.0 22 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 93/219 89/201 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Rodgers 1 15 15.0 15 0
3rd Down Pct. 42.5 44.3 Jeffery 54 807 14.9 50 4 Bellamy 0 12 — 12 0
4th Down: Made/Att 6/10 5/12 Bennett 53 439 8.3 24t 3 Bears 33 892 27.0 74 0
4th Down Pct. 60.0 41.7 Forté 44 389 8.8 38 3 Opponents 39 983 25.2 108t 2
Possession Avg. 31:01 28:59 Royal 37 238 6.4 30 1
Total Net Yards 5514 5527 Miller 34 439 12.9 87t 5 FIELD
Avg. Per Game 344.6 345.4 Wilson 28 464 16.6 50 1 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Plays 1025 980 Mariani 22 300 13.6 26 0 Gould 1/1 8/8 10/12 7/9 7/9
Avg. Per Play 5.4 5.6 Langford 22 279 12.7 83t 1 Bears 1/1 8/8 10/12 7/9 7/9
Net Yards Rushing 1854 1934 Bellamy 19 224 11.8 48t 2 Opponents 0/0 7/8 8/8 6/6 3/6
Avg. Per Game 115.9 120.9 Meredith 11 120 10.9 22 0
Total Rushes 468 433 Housler 3 27 9.0 12 0 SACKS No.
Net Yards Passing 3660 3593 Carey 3 19 6.3 11 1 Houston 8.0
Avg. Per Game 228.8 224.6 Thompson 2 81 40.5 45 0 Young 6.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 34/183 35/237 Rodgers 1 10 10.0 10 0 McPhee 6.0
Gross Yards 3843 3830 Lee 1 7 7.0 7 0 Goldman 4.5
Att./Completions 523/334 512/322 Bears 334 3843 11.5 87t 21 Jenkins 4.0
Completion Pct. 63.9 62.9 Opponents 322 3830 11.9 71t 31 Amos 1.0
Had Intercepted 12 8 Callahan 1.0
Punts/Average 74/43.7 74/44.2 Gaston 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 74/39.6 74/39.3 Prosinski 1.0
Penalties/Yards 99/909 98/895 Scruggs 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 20/9 18/9 Unrein 1.0
Touchdowns 34 47 Bears 35.0
Rushing 13 9 Opponents 34.0
Passing 21 31
Returns 0 7

156 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Walter Payton, 1975-1987 ...............................................................16,726
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jay Cutler, 2009-2015......................................................................22,384
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Jay Cutler, 2009-2015...........................................................................150
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Walter Payton, 1975-1987 ....................................................................492
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Johnny Morris, 1958-1967 ................................................................5,059
Interceptions ...................................................................Gary Fencik, 1976-1987..........................................................................38
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................George Gulyanics, 1947-1952..............................................................44.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................George McAfee, 1940-1950 .............................................................**12.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Gale Sayers, 1965-1971 ..................................................................**30.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Robbie Gould, 2005-2015 .....................................................................276
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Walter Payton, 1975-1987 ....................................................................125
Points..............................................................................Robbie Gould, 2005-2015 ..................................................................1,207
*Sacks............................................................................Richard Dent, 1983-1993, 1995.........................................................124.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Walter Payton, 1977...........................................................................1,852
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Erik Kramer, 1995 ..............................................................................3,838
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Erik Kramer, 1995 ...................................................................................29
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Brandon Marshall, 2012 ........................................................................118
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Brandon Marshall, 2012 .....................................................................1,508
Interceptions ...................................................................Mark Carrier, 1990 ..................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Bobby Joe Green, 1963........................................................................46.5
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Devin Hester, 2010...............................................................................17.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Gale Sayers, 1967................................................................................37.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Robbie Gould, 2015 ................................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Gale Sayers, 1965...................................................................................22
Points..............................................................................Kevin Butler, 1985 .................................................................................144
*Sacks............................................................................Richard Dent, 1984 ..............................................................................17.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Walter Payton, 11-20-77 .......................................................................275
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Johnny Lujack, 12-11-49 ......................................................................468
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Sid Luckman, 11-14-43 ........................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jim Keane, 10-23-49 ..............................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Alshon Jeffery, 12-1-13.........................................................................249
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Mark Carrier, 12-9-90
Field Goals ......................................................................Roger LeClerc, 12-3-61.............................................................................5
Mac Percival, 10-20-68.............................................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Gale Sayers, 12-12-65 ..........................................................................**6
Points..............................................................................Gale Sayers, 12-12-65 ............................................................................36
*Sacks............................................................................Richard Dent, 11-4-84, 12-27-87...........................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 157

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
49 Acho, Sam LB 6-3 257 9/6/88 6 Texas Dallas, Texas UFA(Ariz)-’15 15/7
38 Amos, Adrian S 6-0 218 4/29/93 2 Penn State Baltimore, Md. D5-’15 16/16
58 Anderson, Jonathan LB 6-1 231 10/27/91 2 Texas Christian Corpus Christi, Texas FA-’15 11/3
57 Barrow, Lamin LB 6-1 237 11/29/90 3 Louisiana State Marrero, La. FA(Den)-’15 16/0
71 Becton, Nick G/T 6-6 323 2/11/90 3 Virginia Tech Wilmington, N.C. FA(NO)-’15 5/0
11 Bellamy, Joshua WR 6-0 208 5/18/89 2 Louisville St. Petersburg, Fla. W(Wash)-’14 16/3
2 Blanchard, Matt QB 6-3 223 3/21/89 2 Wisconsin-Whitewater Lake Zurich, Ill. FA(Ind)-’15 0*
22 Bolden, Omar S 5-10 195 12/20/88 5 Arizona State Ontario, Calif. UFA(Den)-’16 9/0*
46 Brewer, Aaron LS 6-5 230 7/5/90 5 San Diego State Fullerton, Calif. FA(Den)-’16 16/0*
37 Callahan, Bryce CB 5-9 183 10/23/91 2 Rice Cypress, Texas FA-’15 9/3
25 Carey, Ka’Deem RB 5-10 210 10/30/92 3 Arizona Tuscon, Ariz. D4a-’14 11/1
6 Cutler, Jay QB 6-3 220 4/29/83 11 Vanderbilt Santa Claus, Ind. T(Den)-’09 15/15
73 Fabuluje, Tayo T 6-6 342 7/17/91 2 Texas Christian Lagos, Nigeria D6-’15 4/0
12 Fales, David QB 6-1 219 10/4/90 2 San Jose State Salinas, Calif. D6a-’14 0*
95 Ferguson, Ego DL 6-2 300 9/22/91 3 Louisiana State Miami, Fla. D2-’14 4/1
50 Freeman, Jerrell LB 6-0 240 5/1/86 5 Mary Hardin-Baylor Waco, Texas UFA(Ind)-’16 13/13*
23 Fuller, Kyle CB 5-11 190 2/16/92 3 Virginia Tech Baltimore, Md. D1-’14 16/16
76 Gaston, Bruce DL 6-2 310 11/29/91 2 Purdue Chicago, Ill. PS(GB)-’15 9/0*
39 Glenn, Jacoby CB 6-0 180 8/4/93 2 Central Florida Prichard, Ala. FA-’15 1/0
91 Goldman, Eddie DL 6-4 332 1/6/94 2 Florida State Washington, D.C. D2-’15 15/12
9 Gould, Robbie K 6-0 185 12/6/81 12 Penn State Lock Haven, Pa. FA(Balt)-’05 16/0
55 Grasu, Hroniss C 6-3 300 8/12/91 2 Oregon Northridge, Calif. D3-’15 8/8
96 Hicks, Akiem DL 6-5 324 11/16/89 5 Regina Elk Grove, Calif. UFA(NE)-’16 16/3*
88 Housler, Rob TE 6-5 250 3/17/88 6 Florida Atlantic El Paso, Texas FA(Cle)-’15 10/0*
99 Houston, Lamarr LB 6-3 270 6/24/87 7 Texas San Francisco, Calif. UFA(Oak)-’14 16/2
8 Hoyer, Brian QB 6-2 215 10/13/85 8 Michigan State North Olmsted, Ohio FA-’16 11/9*
30 Hurst, Demontre S 5-10 183 3/24/91 3 Oklahoma Lancaster, Texas FA-’13 7/1
17 Jeffery, Alshon WR 6-3 216 2/14/90 5 South Carolina St. Matthews, S.C. D2-’12 9/8
52 Jones, Christian LB 6-3 248 2/18/91 3 Florida State Winter Park. Fla. FA-’14 15/13
29 Jones-Quartey, Harold S 5-11 215 8/6/93 2 Findlay Columbus, Ohio W(Ariz)-’15 13/4
33 Langford, Jeremy RB 6-0 208 12/6/91 2 Michigan State Wayne, Mich. D4-’15 16/2
62 Larsen, Ted G/C 6-2 305 6/13/87 7 North Carolina State Wichita, Kan. UFA(Ariz)-’16 10/10*
82 Lee, Khari TE 6-4 235 1/16/92 2 Bowie State Baltimore, Md. T(Hou)-’15 16/7
72 Leno, Jr., Charles T 6-3 302 10/9/91 3 Boise State Oakland, Calif. D7-’14 16/13
75 Long, Kyle T/G 6-6 328 12/5/88 4 Oregon Ivy, Va. D1-’13 16/16
80 Mariani, Marc WR/KR 6-1 187 5/2/87 7 Montana Havre, Mont. FA(Tenn)-’14 16/5
70 Massie, Bobby T 6-6 316 8/1/89 5 Mississippi Lynchburg, Va. UFA(Ariz)-’16 14/14*
27 McManis, Sherrick CB 6-1 197 12/19/87 7 Northwestern Peoria, Ill. T(Hou)-’12 16/4
92 McPhee, Pernell LB 6-3 275 12/17/88 6 Mississippi State Pahokee, Fla. UFA(Balt)-’15 14/12
81 Meredith, Cameron WR 6-3 207 9/21/92 2 Illinois State Westchester, Ill. FA-’15 11/0
86 Miller, Zach TE 6-5 240 10/4/84 7 Nebraska-Omaha Wahoo, Neb. FA(TB)-’13 15/14
16 O’Donnell, Pat P 6-4 220 2/22/91 3 Miami Lake Worth, Fla. D6b-’14 15/0
32 Perry, Senorise RB 6-0 207 9/19/91 3 Louisville Summerville, Ga. FA-’14 0*
21 Porter, Tracy CB 5-11 190 8/11/86 9 Indiana Port Allen, La. FA(Wash)-’15 14/13
31 Prosinski, Chris S 6-1 208 4/28/87 6 Wyoming Buffalo, Wyo. FA(Phil)-’15 13/5
63 Ramirez, Manny G/C 6-3 325 2/13/83 9 Texas Tech Houston, Texas UFA(Det)-’16 16/7*
35 Rodgers, Jacquizz RB 5-6 199 2/6/90 6 Oregon State Richmond, Texas UFA(Atl)-’15 5/0
19 Royal, Eddie WR 5-10 185 5/21/86 9 Virginia Tech Alexandria, Va. UFA(SD)-’15 9/9
48 Scales, Patrick LS 6-4 244 2/11/88 2 Utah State Louisville, Ky. FA(Balt)-’15 5/0
87 Scruggs, Greg TE 6-3 310 8/17/90 4 Louisville Cincinnati, Ohio FA(Sea)-’15 1/0
93 Sutton, Will DL 6-0 303 10/3/91 3 Arizona State Corona, Calif. D3-’14 13/7
14 Thompson, Deonte WR 6-0 203 2/14/89 4 Florida Belle Glade, Fla. FA(Buf)-’15 7/0
53 Timu, John LB 6-0 247 8/27/92 2 Washington Long Beach, Calif. FA-’15 7/3
59 Trevathan, Danny LB 6-1 240 3/24/90 5 Kentucky Youngstown, Ohio UFA(Den)-’16 15/15*
98 Unrein, Mitch DL 6-4 306 3/25/87 6 Wyoming Eaton, Colo. FA(SD)-’15 16/4*
64 Wallace, Martin T 6-6 330 4/22/90 2 Temple New York, N.Y. FA(TB)-’15 0*
94 Washington, Cornelius DL 6-4 285 9/10/89 4 Georgia Hephzibah, Ga. D6-’13 1/0
78 Weaver, Jason T 6-5 305 4/12/89 2 Southern Miss New Orleans, La. FA(NO)-’14 0*
13 White, Kevin WR 6-3 217 6/25/92 2 West Virginia Plainfield, N.J. D1-’15 0*
10 Wilson, Marquess WR 6-4 199 9/14/92 4 Washington State Tulare, Calif. D7-’13 11/6
97 Young, Willie LB 6-4 251 9/19/85 7 NC State Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. UFA(Det)-’14 15/8

158 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Blanchard last active with Carolina in ’14; Bolden played 12 games with Denver in ’15; Brewer played 16 games with Denver; Fales did
not play in 7 games and inactive in 3 games; Freeman played 13 games with Indianapolis; Gaston played 7 games with Chicago and 2
games with Green Bay; Hicks played 13 games with New England and 3 games with New Orleans; Housler played 6 games with
Cleveland and 4 games with Chicago; Hoyer played 11 games with Houston; Larsen played 10 games with Arizona; Massie played 14
games with Arizona; Perry missed ’15 season because of injury; Ramirez played 16 games with Detroit; Trevathan played 15 games with
Denver; Unrein played 14 games with Chicago and 2 games with San Diego; Wallace last played with Cleveland in ’13; Weaver missed
’15 season due to injury; White missed ’15 season due to injury.

Traded—Martellus Bennett (11 games in ’15) to New England.

Players lost through free agency (4): RB Matt Forté (NYJ; 13 games in ’15); DL Jarvis Jenkins (NYJ; 15); LB Shea McClellin (NE; 12);
LaRoy Reynolds (Atl; 13).

Also played with Bears in ’15—LB Jared Allen (3 games), CB Alan Ball (15), T Jermond Bushrod (12), QB Jimmy Clausen (2),
G Vladimir Ducasse (16), DL Brandon Dunn (1), DL Lavar Edwards (1), LS Thomas Gafford (11), DL Ziggy Hood (2),
P Spencer Lanning (1), S Sherrod Martin (12), CB Terrance Mitchell (5), C Will Montgomery (4), G/T Patrick Omamah (14),
DL Jeremiah Ratliff (2), S Antrel Rolle (7), G Matt Slauson (16), RB Antone Smith (5), DL D’Anthony Smith (2), S Brock Vereen (3).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Adeyemi, Kenton DL 6-4 291 1/13/92 Connecticut Weathersfield, Conn. FA
Bausby, De'Vante (1) DB 6-2 179 1/15/93 Pittsburg State Kansas City, Mo. FA
Bellard, Adrian OL 6-5 314 8/7/94 Texas State Brenham, Texas FA
Braunecker, Ben TE 6-4 240 2/7/94 Harvard Ferdinand, Ind. FA
Braverman, Daniel WR 5-10 177 9/28/93 Western Michigan Miami, Fla. D7
Browner, Keith (1) DL 6-4 288 4/7/88 California Los Angeles, Calif. FA
Bullard, Jonathan DL 6-3 285 10/22/93 Florida Shelby, N.C. D3
Bush, Deon DB 6-0 199 8/14/93 Miami Miami, Fla. D4b
Calhoun, Taveze DB 6-1 180 12/26/92 Mississippi State Morton, Miss. FA
Cherry, Don LB 6-1 240 9/27/94 Villanova Trumbull, Conn. FA
Duncan, Kieren WR 5-11 170 10/12/93 Colorado State-Pueblo Goodyear, Ariz. FA
Edison, Cornelius (1) OL 6-3 295 7/10/93 Portland State University Place, Wash. FA-'15
Floyd, Leonard LB 6-4 244 9/8/92 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. D1
Hall, Deiondre DB 6-2 199 5/31/94 Northern Iowa Blue Springs, Mo. D4c
Houston-Carson, DeAndre DB 6-1 201 4/13/93 William & Mary Woodford, Va. D6
Howard, Jordan RB 6-0 230 11/2/94 Indiana Birmingham, Ala. D5
Keaton, Derek WR 5-10 180 4/10/94 Georgia Southern Camden, Ark. FA
Kling, John OL 6-8 320 7/9/93 Buffalo Cheektowaga, N.Y. FA
Kwiatkoski, Nick LB 6-2 243 5/26/93 West Virginia Bethel Park, Pa. D4a
Lasike, Paul (1) FB 5-11 232 6/18/90 Brigham Young Auckland, Auckland FA-'15
Mason, Danny (1) LB 6-3 235 10/14/90 Texas A&M-Commerce Louisville, Ky. FA-'15
Peterson, Darrin WR 6-2 190 7/14/94 Liberty Attala, Ala. FA
Peterson, Kevin CB 5-11 190 4/22/94 Oklahoma State Wagoner, Okla. FA
Robertson-Harris, Roy LB 6-7 255 7/23/93 Texas-El Paso Oakland, Calif. FA
Sinclair, Gannon (1) TE 6-7 270 2/5/93 Missouri State Eden Prairie, Minn. FA-'15
Sommers, Joseph TE 6-3 240 3/3/93 Wisconsin-Oshkosh Hortonville, Wis. FA
Whitehair, Cody OL 6-4 301 7/11/92 Kansas State Kearney, Neb. D2
Williams, Donovan OL 6-3 315 9/21/93 Louisiana Lafayette San Antonio, Texas FA
Williams, Terry (1) DL 6-0 329 4/15/92 East Carolina Atlanta, Ga. FA-'15

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 159

COACHING STAFF Vic Fangio, defensive coordinator; born June 6, 1980, Barberton, Ohio. Quarterback
Head Coach, August 22, 1958, Dunmore, Pa. Attended Kent State 1999-2001. No pro playing expe-
John Fox East Stroudsburg State. No pro playing exp rience. College coach: Minnesota 2004-05,
Pro Career: Named the fifteenth head coach rience. College coach: North Carolina 1983, Rutgers 2014-15. Pro coach: Denver
in Chicago Bears history on January 16, Stanford 2010. Pro coach: Philadelphia/ Broncos 2009-2010, Tampa Bay
2015. He joined the Bears with 13 years of Baltimore Stars (USFL) 1984-85, New Buccaneers 2012-13, joined Bears in 2016.
NFL head coaching experience with the Orleans Saints 1986-1994, Carolina Pierre Ngo, asst. strength and conditioning;
Denver Broncos (2011-14) and Carolina Panthers 1995-98, Indianapolis Colts 1999- born August 19, 1984, Muskogee, Okla.
Panthers (2002-2010). He has compiled a 2001, Houston Texans 2002-05, Baltimore Linebacker Langston (Okla.) 2004-05,
125-99 (.558) regular season record, six Ravens 2006-09, San Francisco 49ers Oklahoma 2006. No pro playing experience.
division titles, six double-digit win seasons 2011-14, joined Bears in 2015. College coach: Arizona State 2008, 2011-
and seven playoff appearances. In the post- Sam Garnes, asst. secondary; born July 12, 12, Nevada-Las Vegas 2008-09, UCLA
season, Fox has amassed an 8-7 (.533) 1974, Bronx, N.Y. Safety Cincinnati 1992-96. 2015. Pro coach: New York Jets 2013,
record as a head coach with three confer- Pro safety N.Y. Giants 1997-2001, N.Y. Jets joined Bears in 2016.
ence championship game appearances lead- 2002-03. Pro coach: Cologne Centurions Rick Perry, asst. strength and conditioning;
ing to two trips to the Super Bowl (XXXVIII (NFL Europe) 2006, Las Vegas Locomotives Defensive lineman Garden (Kan.) C.C. 1988-
with Carolina in 2003 and XLVIII with Denver (UFL) 2009, Carolina Panthers 2010, Denver 89, Missouri State 1990-92. Pro defensive
in 2013). Prior to coaching the Panthers, Fox Broncos 2011-14, joined Bears in 2015. lineman Detroit Lions 1993. College coach:
was the defensive coordinator for the New Jason George, strength and conditioning; Buena Vista (Iowa) 1994, Idaho State 1995,
York Giants (1997-2001). In 2000, Fox born October 3, 1968, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kansas 1996-97, Missouri State 1998-
helped the Giants reach Super Bowl XXXV, Canada. Safety Manitoba 1991-92. No pro 2005, Notre Dame 2006-09, Central
including posting the first shutout in a con- playing experience. College coach: Kansas Michigan 2010-14. Pro coach: Joined Bears
ference title game since 1986. Before joining 1997-98, Fordham 1998-2008. Pro coach: in 2015.
the Giants, was a Rams’ consultant (1996), Jacksonville 2009-2011, Denver Broncos Glenn Pires, linebackers; born September
defensive coordinator for the Raiders (1994- 2012-14, joined Bears in 2015. 13, 1958, New Bedford, Mass. Offensive
95), defensive backs coach for the Chargers Richard Hightower, asst. special teams; lineman Springfield College 1976-79. No pro
(1992-93) and Steelers (1989-1991), and born September 15, 1980, Houston, Texas. playing experience. College coach:
secondary coach for the USFL’s Los Angeles Wide receiver Texas 1999-2002. No pro Dartmouth 1985-88, Syracuse 1989- 1994,
Express (1985). Career record: 133-106. playing experience. College coach: Michigan State 1995. Pro coach: Arizona
Background: Defensive back at San Diego Minnesota 2009. Pro coach: Houston Texans Cardinals 1996-2000, Detroit Lions 2001-
State (1976-77). Coached collegiately at San 2006-08, Washington Redskins 2010-13, 02, Miami Dolphins 2003-07, Atlanta
Diego State (1978), U.S. International (1979) Cleveland Browns 2014, San Francisco Falcons 2008-2014, joined Bears in 2015.
Boise State (1980), Long Beach State 49ers 2015, joined Bears in 2016. Dave Ragone, quarterbacks; born October
(1981), Utah (1982), Kansas (1983), Iowa Clint Hurtt, outside linebackers; born 3, 1979, Middleburg Heights, Ohio.
State (1984), and Pittsburgh (1986-88). November 7, 1978, Rochester, N.Y. Quarterback Louisville 1999-2002. Pro quar-
Received bachelor’s degree in physical edu- Defensive lineman Miami 1997-2000. No terback Houston Texans 2003-05. Pro
cation and earned a teaching credential from pro playing experience. College coach: coach: Hartford Colonials (UFL) 2010,
San Diego State. Miami 2001-04, 2006-09, Florida Tennessee Titans 2011-13, Washington
Personal: Born February 8, 1955, in Virginia International 2005, Louisville 2010-13. Pro Redskins 2015, joined Bears in 2016.
Beach, Va. He and his wife, Robin, have four coach: Joined Bears in 2014. Jay Rodgers, defensive line; born August
children - Mathew, Mark, Cody, and Halle. Curtis Johnson, wide receivers; born: 1961, 29, 1976, St. Paul, Minn. Quarterback
New Orleans, La. Wide Receiver, Idaho Indiana 1996-98, Missouri State 1999. No
ASSISTANT COACHES 1979-1983. No pro playing experience. pro playing experience. College coach:
Sean Desai, defensive quality control; born College coach: Idaho 1987-88, San Diego Missouri State 2004, Stephen F. Austin
April 21, 1983, Shelton, Conn. Attended State 1989-1993, Southern Methodist 1994, 2005-06, Iowa State 2007-08. Pro coach:
Boston University. No college or pro playing California 1995, Miami 1996-2005, Tulane Denver Broncos 2009 2014, joined Bears in
experience. College coach: Temple 2007- (head coach) 2012-15. Pro coach: New 2015.
2010, Miami, 2011, Boston College 2012. Orleans Saints 2006-2011, joined Bears in Jeff Rodgers, special teams coordinator;
Pro coach: Joined Bears in 2013. 2016. born January 12, 1978, St. Paul, Minn.
Ed Donatell, secondary; born February 4, Dowell Loggains, offensive coordinator; Linebacker North Texas 1996-99. No pro
1957, Akron, Ohio. Defensive back Glenville born October 1, 1980, Newport, Ark. playing experience. College coach: Arizona
(W. Va.) State 1975-78. No pro playing exp Quarterback Arkansas 2000-04. No pro 2001-02, Kansas State 2008. Pro coach:
rience. College coach: Kent State 1979- playing experience. Pro coach: Dallas San Francisco 49ers 2003-07, Carolina
1980, Washington 1981-82, 2008, Pacific Cowboys 2005, Tennessee Titans 2006- Panthers 2009-2010, Denver Broncos 2011-
1983-85, Idaho 1986-88, Cal State Fullerton 2013, Cleveland Browns 2014, joined Bears 14, joined Bears in 2015.
1989. Pro coach: N.Y. Jets 1990-94, Denver in 2015. Frank Smith, tight ends; born February 21,
Broncos 1995-99, Green Bay Packers 2000- Dave Magazu, offensive line; born June 10, 1981, Milwaukee, Wisc. Offensive lineman
03, Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, N.Y. Jets 2007, 1957, Taunton, Mass. Defensive tackle Miami (Ohio) 1999-2003. No pro playing
Denver Broncos 2009-2010, San Francisco Springfield College 1976-79. No pro playing experience. College coach: Miami (Ohio)
49ers 2011-14, joined Bears in 2015. experience. College coach: Ithaca 1980, 2004-05, Butler 2006-09. Pro coach: New
Stan Drayton, running backs, born March Western Michigan 1981, Eastern Michigan Orleans Saints 2010-14, joined Bears in
11, 1971, Cleveland, Ohio. Running back 1982, Michigan 1983, Northern Illinois 2015.
Allegheny (Pa.) College 1989-1992. No pro 1984, Ball State 1985-86, Navy 1987-89, Ben Wilkerson, asst. offensive line; born
playing experience. College coach: Allegheny Indiana State 1990-91, Colorado State November 22, 1982, Port Arthur, Texas.
(Pa.) College 1993, Pennsylvania 1995, 1992-94, Kentucky 1995-96, Memphis Offensive lineman Louisiana State 2001-04.
Villanova 1996-99, Bowling Green 2000, 1997-98, Boston College 1999-2002. Pro Pro offensive lineman Cincinnati Bengals
Mississippi State 2004, Florida 2005-07, coach: Carolina Panthers 2003-2010, 2006, Atlanta Falcons 2007-08. College
2010, Tennessee 2008, Syracuse 2009, Denver Broncos 2011-14, joined Bears in coach: Louisiana State 2011, Grambling
Ohio State 2011-14. Pro coach: Green Bay 2015. State 2012-13. Pro coach: Joined Bears in
2001- 03, joined Bears in 2015. Ben McDaniels, offensive assistant; born 2015.

160 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner/President/General Manager: (514-390-6)
Jerry Jones Records include postseason games
Chief Operating Officer/Executive Vice 1960-1988 Tom Landry .............270-178-6
President/Director of Player Personnel: 1989-1993 Jimmy Johnson ...........51-37-0
Stephen Jones 1994-97 Barry Switzer ...............45-26-0
Executive Vice President/Chief Brand 1998-99 Chan Gailey .................18-16-0
Officer: Charlotte Jones Anderson 2000-02 Dave Campo ................15-33-0
Executive Vice President/Chief Sales and 2003-06 Bill Parcells ..................34-32-0
Marketing Officer: Jerry Jones Jr. 2007-2010 Wade Phillips* .............35-24-0
Chief Financial Officer: David Frey 2010-15 Jason Garrett ...............46-44-0
Executive Vice President Business *Released after eight games in 2010
Operations: Chad Estis
Senior Vice President Public PAID ATTENDANCE
Relations/Communications: Home 668,909 Away 552,342
National Football Conference Rich Dalrymple Total 1,221,251
East Division Senior Director of Community Relations Single-game home record,
Team Colors: Royal Blue, Metallic Silver and Alumni Affairs: Emily Robbins 105,121 (9/20/09)
Blue, and White Senior Director of Football Operations/ Single-season home record,
Cowboys Center, One Cowboys Parkway Administration: Todd Williams 665,923 (2014)
Irving, Texas 75063 Senior Director of College/Pro Personnel:
Telephone: (972) 556-9900 Will McClay 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Senior Personnel Executive: Round Name Pos. College
2016 SCHEDULE Tom Ciskowski 1 Ezekiel Elliott RB Ohio St
PRESEASON Senior Personnel Executive: Lionel Vital 2 Jaylon Smith LB Notre Dame
Aug. 13 at Los Angeles ...................7:00 Director of Player Development: 3 Maliek Collins DT Nebraska
Aug. 19 Miami ................................7:00 Bryan Wansley 4 Charles Tapper DE Oklahoma
Aug. 25 at Seattle............................9:00 Chief Information Officer: John Winborn Dak Prescott QB Mississippi St.
Sep. 1 Houston .............................7:00 Vice President of Brand and Media: 6 Anthony Brown DB Purdue
Matt O’Neil Kavon Frazier DB Central Michigan
REGULAR SEASON Senior Director of Media and Darius Jackson RB Eastern Michigan
Sep. 11 New York Giants ................3:25 Programming: Derek Eagleton Rico Gathers TE Baylor
Sep. 18 at Washington .................12:00 Director of Broadcasting: Scott Purcel
Sep. 25 Chicago ............................7:30 Senior Director of Ticket Operations:
Oct. 2 at San Francisco ...............3:25 Ann Bihari
Oct. 9 Cincinnati .........................3:25 Head Athletic Trainer: Jim Maurer
Oct. 16 at Green Bay .....................3:25 Equipment Director: Mike McCord
BYE Director of Video: Robert Blackwell
Oct. 30 Philadelphia ...................*7:30 Director of Cheerleadering: Kelli Finglass
Nov. 6 at Cleveland ....................12:00
Nov. 13 at Pittsburgh ......................3:25
Nov. 20 Baltimore ........................12:00
Nov. 24 Washington (Thu) ..............3:30
Dec. 1 at Minnesota (Thu) .............7:25
Dec. 11 at New York Giants ..........*7:30
Dec. 18 Tampa Bay .....................12:00
Dec. 26 Detroit (Mon).....................7:30
Jan. 1 at Philadelphia .................12:00
* All times CT; Sunday night games in
Weeks 5-15 subject to change
Stadium: AT&T Stadium (opened in 2009)
•Capacity: 80,000 (expandable to
100,000 for special events)
One AT&T Way
Arlington, Texas 76011
Playing Surface: SoftTop Matrix Turf
Training Camp: Marriott Residence Inn
Oxnard, California 93030

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 161

PRESEASON (1-3) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Cassel 204 119 1276 58.3 5 7 14/86 70.6
08/13 L 7-17 at San Diego Romo 121 83 884 68.6 5 7 6/35 79.4
08/23 L 6-23 at San Francisco Moore 104 61 779 58.7 4 6 5/23 71.0
08/29 L 14-28 Minnesota Weeden 98 71 738 72.4 2 2 8/62 92.1
09/03 W 21-14 Houston McFadden 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
Cowboys 528 334 3677 63.3 16 22 33/206 76.6
REGULAR SEASON (4-12) Opponents 506 330 3861 65.2 19 8 31/229 94.2
Date Result Opponent
09/13 W 27-26 New York Giants TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
09/20 W 20-10 at Philadelphia SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Heath 2 19 9.5 19 0
09/27 L 28-39 Atlanta Bailey 0 0 0 25/25 30/32 0 115 Wilcox 1 24 24.0 24 0
10/04 L 20-26 at New Orleans (OT) Beasley 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 R. McClain 1 12 12.0 12t 1
10/11 L 6-30 New England Randle 4 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Hardy 1 9 9.0 9 0
10/25 L 20-27 at New York Giants McFadden 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 20 Lee 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 L 12-13 Seattle Bryant 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Olatoye 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/08 L 27-33 Philadelphia (OT) Te. Williams 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Mitchell 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0
11/15 L 6-10 at Tampa Bay Witten 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Cowboys 8 62 7.8 24 1
11/22 W 24-14 at Miami Escobar 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 22 428 19.5 67t 4
11/26 L 14-33 Carolina R. McClain 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/07 W 19-16 at Washington Street 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/13 L 7-28 at Green Bay Turbin 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 C. Jones 69 3117 45.2 27 61
12/19 L 16-19 New York Jets Wilber 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Cowboys 69 3117 45.2 27 61
12/27 L 6-16 at Buffalo Wilcox 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 Opponents 74 3329 45.0 30 63
01/03 L 23-34 Washington Cowboys 8 16 2 25/25 30/32 1 275
(OT) Overtime Opponents 16 19 6 36/38 30/36 0 374 PUNT
2-Pt Conv: McFadden RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
SCORE BY PERIODS Cowboys 1-1, Opponents 1-1 Whitehead 19 4 110 5.8 28 0
Cowboys 51 84 46 94 0 — 275 Beasley 12 17 69 5.8 22 0
Opponents 66 100 64 132 12 — 374 RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Dunbar 1 0 4 4.0 4 0
McFadden 239 1089 4.6 50 3 White 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Randle 76 315 4.1 37t 4 Cowboys 33 21 183 5.5 28 0
Cowboys Opp. Turbin 32 139 4.3 22 1 Opponents 24 22 162 6.8 25 0
Total First Downs 307 317 Whitehead 10 107 10.7 33 0
Rushing 94 113 Cassel 15 78 5.2 24 0 KICKOFF
Passing 175 172 Dunbar 5 67 13.4 45 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Penalty 38 32 Michael 15 51 3.4 13 0 Whitehead 16 452 28.3 79 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 66/191 81/208 Weeden 9 30 3.3 11 0 Dunbar 6 146 24.3 32 0
3rd Down Pct. 34.6 38.9 Romo 4 13 3.3 12 0 Patmon 2 26 13.0 20 0
4th Down: Made/Att 8/16 5/10 Heath 1 2 2.0 2 0 Rod Smith 1 26 26.0 26 0
4th Down Pct. 50.0 50.0 Moore 2 -1 -0.5 0 0 McFadden 1 23 23.0 23 0
Possession Avg. 30:59 29:01 Cowboys 408 1890 4.6 50 8 Street 1 22 22.0 22 0
Total Net Yards 5361 5566 Opponents 461 1934 4.2 50t 16 Te. Williams 1 9 9.0 9 0
Avg. Per Game 335.1 347.9 Cowboys 28 704 25.1 79 0
Total Plays 969 998 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 23 549 23.9 100t 1
Avg. Per Play 5.5 5.6 Witten 77 713 9.3 35 3
Net Yards Rushing 1890 1934 Te. Williams 52 840 16.2 42t 3 FIELD
Avg. Per Game 118.1 120.9 Beasley 52 536 10.3 30 5 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Rushes 408 461 McFadden 40 328 8.2 21 0 Bailey 0/0 9/9 10/10 6/7 5/6
Net Yards Passing 3471 3632 Bryant 31 401 12.9 51 3 Cowboys 0/0 9/9 10/10 6/7 5/6
Avg. Per Game 216.9 227.0 Dunbar 21 215 10.2 39 0 Opponents 1/1 5/5 9/10 9/14 6/6
Sacked/Yards Lost 33/206 31/229 Butler 12 258 21.5 67 0
Gross Yards 3677 3861 Randle 10 86 8.6 25 0 SACKS No.
Att./Completions 528/334 506/330 Hanna 9 79 8.8 17 0 D. Lawrence 8.0
Completion Pct. 63.3 65.2 Escobar 8 64 8.0 22 1 Hardy 6.0
Had Intercepted 22 8 Street 7 114 16.3 25t 1 T. Crawford 5.0
Punts/Average 69/45.2 74/45.0 Turbin 5 15 3.0 15 0 J. Crawford 4.0
Net Punting Avg. 69/42.5 74/41.2 Whitehead 6 16 2.7 8 0 Lee 2.5
Penalties/Yards 112/879 113/898 Rod Smith 1 6 6.0 6 0 Hitchens 2.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 18/11 12/3 Clutts 1 4 4.0 4 0 R. McClain 2.0
Touchdowns 26 41 Michael 1 2 2.0 2 0 Mitchell 1.0
Rushing 8 16 Swaim 1 0 0.0 0 0 Irving 0.5
Passing 16 19 Cowboys 334 3677 11.0 67 16 Cowboys 31.0
Returns 2 6 Opponents 330 3861 11.7 80t 19 Opponents 33.0

162 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Emmitt Smith, 1990-2002 ............................................................**17,162
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tony Romo, 2003-2015 ...................................................................34,154
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tony Romo, 2003-2015 ........................................................................247
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jason Witten, 2003-2015...................................................................1,020
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Michael Irvin, 1988-1999 .................................................................11,904
Interceptions ...................................................................Mel Renfro, 1964-1977...........................................................................52
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Mat McBriar, 2004-2011 ......................................................................45.3
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Deion Sanders, 1995-99 ......................................................................13.3
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Dwayne Harris, 2011-14 ......................................................................26.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Rafael Septien, 1978-1986....................................................................162
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Emmitt Smith, 1990-2002.....................................................................164
Points..............................................................................Emmitt Smith, 1990-2002.....................................................................986
*Sacks............................................................................DeMarcus Ware, 2005-2013 ..............................................................117.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................DeMarco Murray, 2014 ......................................................................1,845
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tony Romo, 2012 ..............................................................................4,903
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Tony Romo, 2007 ...................................................................................36
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Michael Irvin, 1995 ...............................................................................111
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Michael Irvin, 1995 ............................................................................1,603
Interceptions ...................................................................Everson Walls, 1981 ...............................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Mat McBriar, 2006 ...............................................................................48.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Bob Hayes, 1968 .................................................................................20.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Dwayne Harris, 2013 ...........................................................................30.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Richie Cunningham, 1997 .......................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Emmitt Smith, 1995 ................................................................................25
Points..............................................................................Emmitt Smith, 1995 ..............................................................................150
*Sacks............................................................................DeMarcus Ware, 2008 .........................................................................20.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................DeMarco Murray, 10-23-11...................................................................253
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tony Romo, 10-6-13.............................................................................506
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................5
Last time by Tony Romo, 10-6-13
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jason Witten, 10-28-12 ..........................................................................18
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Miles Austin, 10-11-09 .........................................................................250
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Terence Newman, 12-14-03
Field Goals ......................................................................Chris Boniol, 11-18-96..............................................................................7
Billy Cundiff, 9-15-03 ................................................................................7
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Many times ...............................................................................................4
Last time by Terrell Owens, 11-18-07
Points..............................................................................Many times .............................................................................................24
Last time by Terrell Owens, 11-18-07
*Sacks............................................................................Jim Jeffcoat, 11-10-85...........................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 163

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
5 Bailey, Dan K 6-0 195 1/26/88 6 Oklahoma State Mustang, Okla. FA-'11 16/0
11 Beasley, Cole WR 5-8 180 4/26/89 5 Southern Methodist Little Elm, Texas FA-'12 16/3
78 Brown, Charles T 6-5 300 4/10/87 7 Southern California Chino Hills, Calif. FA-'15 15/1
88 Bryant, Dez WR 6-2 220 11/4/88 7 Oklahoma State Lufkin, Texas D1-'10 9/9
19 Butler, Brice WR 6-3 215 1/29/90 4 San Diego State Norcross, Ga. T(Oak)-'15 7/2
39 Carr, Brandon CB 6-0 210 5/19/86 9 Grand Valley State Flint, Mich. UFA(KC)-'12 16/16
42 Church, Barry S 6-2 218 2/11/88 7 Toledo Pittsburgh, Pa. FA-'10 15/15
24 Claiborne, Morris CB 5-11 192 2/7/90 5 Louisiana State Shreveport, La. D1-'12 11/11
71 Collins, La’el G 6-4 315 7/26/93 2 Louisiana State Baton Rouge, La. FA-'15 12/11
58 Crawford, Jack DT 6-5 288 9/7/88 5 Penn State Longport, N.J. FA-'14 16/1
98 Crawford, Tyrone DT 6-4 290 11/22/89 5 Boise State Windsor, Ontario D3-'12 16/16
25 Dunbar, Lance RB 5-8 195 1/25/90 5 North Texas Haltom City, Texas FA-'12 4/0
89 Escobar, Gavin TE 6-6 260 2/3/91 4 San Diego State Orange County, Calif. D2-'13 14/4
72 Frederick, Travis C 6-4 315 3/18/91 4 Wisconsin Sharon, Wisc. D1-'13 16/16
68 Free, Doug T 6-6 325 1/6/84 10 Northern Illinois Manitowoc, Wisc. D4b-'07 16/16
52 Gachkar, Andrew LB 6-2 240 11/4/88 6 Missouri Overland Park, Kan. UFA(SD)-'15 16/1
79 Green, Chaz T 6-5 315 4/8/92 2 Florida Tampa, Fla. D3-'15 0*
94 Gregory, Randy DE 6-5 255 11/23/92 2 Nebraska Fishers, Ind. D2-'15 12/0
84 Hanna, James TE 6-4 260 7/14/89 5 Oklahoma Flower Mound, Texas D6-'12 14/7
38 Heath, Jeff S 6-1 212 5/14/91 4 Saginaw Valley State Lake Orion, Mich. FA-'13 16/1
59 Hitchens, Anthony LB 6-0 235 6/10/92 3 Iowa Lorain, Ohio D4-'14 16/9
95 Irving, David DE 6-7 272 8/18/93 2 Iowa State San Jacinto, Calif. PS(KC)-'15 12/0
31 Jones, Byron CB 6-0 205 9/26/92 2 Connecticut New Britain, Conn. D1-'15 16/11
6 Jones, Chris P 6-0 205 7/21/89 5 Carson Newman Rome, Ga. FA-'11 16/0
91 Ladouceur, Louis-Philippe LS 6-5 256 3/13/81 12 California Pointe-Claire, Quebec FA-'05 16/0
90 Lawrence, DeMarcus DE 6-3 265 4/28/92 3 Boise State Aiken, S.C. D2-'14 16/13
65 Leary, Ronald G 6-3 320 4/29/89 4 Memphis Baton Rouge, La. FA-'12 4/4
50 Lee, Sean LB 6-2 238 7/22/86 7 Penn State Pittsburgh, Pa. D2-'10 14/14
75 Looney, Joe C 6-3 315 8/31/90 4 Wake Forest Lake Worth, Fla. UFA(Tenn)-'16 8/6*
70 Martin, Zack G 6-4 315 11/20/90 3 Notre Dame Indianapolis, Ind. D1-'14 16/16
93 Mayowa, Benson DE 6-3 240 8/3/91 4 Idaho Inglewood, Calif. RFA(Oak)-'16 12/2*
55 McClain, Rolando LB 6-4 255 7/14/89 6 Alabama Decatur, Ala. T(Balt)-'14 11/11
97 McClain, Terrell DT 6-2 302 7/20/88 6 South Florida Pensacola, Fla. FA-'14 2/0
20 McFadden, Darren RB 6-1 220 8/27/87 9 Arkansas North Little Rock, Ark. UFA(Oak)-'15 16/10
28 McGee, Brandon CB 5-11 193 12/11/90 3 Miami Plantation, Fla. FA-'15 1/0
23 Mitchell, Terrance CB 5-11 190 5/17/92 2 Oregon Sacramento, Calif. FA-'15 8/0
17 Moore, Kellen QB 6-0 200 7/12/89 5 Boise State Prosser, Wash. FA-'15 3/2
46 Morris, Alfred RB 5-10 224 12/12/88 5 Florida Atlantic Pensacola, Fla. UFA(Wash)-'16 16/16*
53 Nzeocha, Mark LB 6-3 235 1/1/90 2 Wyoming Neusitz, Germany D7a-'15 2/0
29 Olatoye, Deji CB 6-1 194 7/20/91 2 North Carolina A&T Cleveland Heights, Ohio FA-'15 5/2
9 Romo, Tony QB 6-2 230 4/21/80 14 Eastern Illinois Burlington, Wisc. FA-'03 4/4
99 Russell, Ryan DE 6-5 275 1/17/92 2 Purdue Carrollton, Texas D5-'15 1/0
32 Scandrick, Orlando CB 5-10 196 2/10/87 9 Boise State Los Alamitos, Calif. D5-'08 0*
41 Smith, Keith LB 6-0 232 4/8/92 2 San Jose State Covina, Calif. FA-'15 5/0
45 Smith, Rod FB 6-3 226 1/10/92 2 Ohio State Joplin, Mo. W(Sea)-'15 11/0
14 Smith, Rodney WR 6-5 220 3/11/90 3 Florida State Miami, Fla. FA-'15 0*
77 Smith, Tyron T 6-5 320 12/12/90 6 Southern California Moreno Valley, Calif. D1-'11 16/16
15 Street, Devin WR 6-3 200 3/30/91 3 Pittsburgh Bethlehem, Pa. D5-'14 15/2
87 Swaim, Geoff TE 6-4 260 9/16/93 2 Texas Chico, Calif. D7c-'15 4/1
26 Thomas, Josh CB 5-11 185 5/3/89 6 Buffalo Cedar Hill, Texas FA-'15 9/0
92 Thornton, Cedric DT 6-4 309 6/21/88 5 Southern Arkansas Star City, Ark. UFA(Phil)-'16 13/13*
75 Walker, Casey DT 6-1 340 12/6/89 2 Oklahoma Garland, Texas FA-'15 2/0
13 Whitehead, Lucky WR 5-9 180 6/2/92 2 Florida Atlantic Manassas, Va. FA-'15 15/1
51 Wilber, Kyle LB 6-4 245 4/26/89 5 Wake Forest Apopka, Fla. D4a-'12 16/6
27 Wilcox, J.J. S 6-0 212 2/14/91 4 Georgia Southern Cairo, Ga. D3b-'13 16/13
83 Williams, Terrance WR 6-2 208 9/8/89 4 Baylor Dallas, Texas D3a-'13 16/13
57 Wilson, Damien LB 6-1 242 5/28/93 2 Minnesota Gloster, Miss. D4-'15 16/0
82 Witten, Jason TE 6-6 263 5/6/82 14 Tennessee Elizabethton, Tenn. D3-'03 16/16

164 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Green inactive 5 games; Looney played 8 games with Tennessee in '15; Mayowa played 12 games with Oakland; Morris played 16
games with Washington; Scandrick missed '15 season because of injury; R. Smith inactive 1 game; Thornton played 13 games with

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Akunne, Derek LB 6-0 242 8/17/93 North Texas Garland, Texas FA-’15
Azubike, Caleb DE 6-4 250 3/31/94 Vanderbilt Nashville, Tenn. FA
Brendel, Jake C 6-4 303 9/10/92 UCLA Plano, Texas FA
Brown, Anthony CB 5-11 192 12/15/93 Purdue Tampa, Fla. D6a
Brown, Chris WR 6-2 193 12/8/93 Notre Dame Hanahan, S.C. FA
Coe, Rodney DT 6-3 310 5/18/93 Akron Fulton, Mo. FA
Collins, Maliek DT 6-2 311 4/8/95 Nebraska Kansas City, Mo. D3
Colquhoun, Arjen CB 6-0 188 10/13/92 Michigan State Windsor, Ontario FA
Eagan, Ed WR 5-10 192 6/19/93 Northwestern State New Orleans, La. FA
Elliott, Ezekiel RB 6-0 225 7/22/95 Ohio State St. Louis, Mo. D1
Frazier, Kavon S 6-0 217 8/11/94 Central Michigan Grand Rapids, Mich. D6b
Gathers, Rico TE 6-8 275 1/7/94 Baylor Reserve, La. D6d
Harris, Jerrell LB 6-3 242 7/8/89 Alabama Gadsden, Ala. FA
Hedelin, David T 6-5 297 3/16/91 Purdue Stockholm, Sweden FA
Jackson, Darius RB 6-0 221 12/1/93 Eastern Michigan Sparta, Ill. D6c
Jones, Andy WR 6-1 217 6/28/94 Jacksonville Clermont, Fla. FA
King, Deon LB 6-1 220 7/2/93 Norfolk State Reston, Va. FA
Mack, Ryan T 6-4 300 5/31/93 Memphis Memphis, Tenn. FA
Mayle, Vince WR 6-2 225 6/12/91 Washington State Sacramento, Calif. FA-’15
McAdoo, Mike DE 6-7 245 7/9/90 North Carolina Antioch, Tenn. FA-’15
McKinnon, Jeremiah CB 5-11 190 6/29/93 Florida International Miami, Fla. FA
Milligan, Rolan S 5-10 195 8/16/94 Toledo Lake Wales, Fla. FA
Prescott, Dak QB 6-2 226 7/29/93 Mississippi State Haughton, La. D4b
Renfrow, Justin T 6-4 310 11/23/89 Miami Morrisville, Pa. FA
Showers, Jameill QB 6-1 230 9/6/91 Texas-El Paso Killeen, Texas FA-’15
Smith, Jared G 6-4 302 3/20/90 New Hampshire Greencastle, Pa. FA
Smith, Jaylon LB 6-2 235 6/14/95 Notre Dame Fort Wayne, Ind. D2
Stiverson, Boston G 6-3 311 10/8/92 Kansas State Andover, Kan. FA
Tapper, Charles DE 6-3 271 5/7/93 Oklahoma Baltimore, Md. D4a
Traylor, Austin TE 6-3 250 9/3/93 Wisconsin Columbus, Ohio FA
Wile, Matt K 6-2 223 6/20/92 Michigan San Diego, Calif. FA
Wood, Zach DE 6-3 282 1/10/93 Southern Methodist Rowlett, Texas FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 165

COACHING STAFF Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 2010, joined Citadel 1984-86, Colorado State 1989-1992,
Head Coach, Cowboys in 2011. Connecticut 1994, Minnesota 1998-99, Drake
Jason Garrett Gary Brown, running backs; born July 1, 2007, Arkansas 2014. Pro coach: Phoenix
Pro Career: Named the eighth head coach in 1969, Williamsport, Pa. Running back Penn Cardinals 1993, Minnesota Vikings 2002-05,
Dallas Cowboys history on January 5, 2011 State 1987-1990. Pro running back Houston Arizona Cardinals 2006, St. Louis Rams
and became the first former Cowboys player Oilers 1991-95, San Diego Chargers 1997, 2008-2011, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2012-13,
to become the team’s head coach. Named the New York Giants 1998-99. College coach: joined Cowboys in 2015.
club’s interim head coach at the midpoint of Lycoming 2003-05, Susquehanna 2006-07, Rod Marinelli, defensive coordina-
the 2010 season and went on to guide a Dallas Rutgers 2008. Pro coach: Cleveland Browns tor/defensive line; born July 13, 1949,
team that had started the season with a 1-7 2009-2012, joined Cowboys in 2013. Rosemead, Calif. Offensive/defensive tackle
record to a 5-3 mark down the stretch. Since Steve Brown, offensive assistant; born May 3, Utah 1968, offensive tackle California
the 2007 season Garrett had been the 1987, Charlotte, N.C. Attended Tennessee. No Lutheran 1970-72. No pro playing experience.
Cowboys offensive coordinator, and in 2008, college or pro playing experience. College College coach: Utah State 1976, California
he was assigned the additional duties of being coach: Tennessee 2006-08, Syracuse 2009- 1983-1991, Arizona State 1992-94, Southern
the club’s assistant head coach. Under 2012. Pro coach: Buffalo Bills 2013-14, joined California 1995. Pro coach: Tampa Bay
Garrett, the Dallas offense finished among the Cowboys in 2016. Buccaneers 1996-2005, Detroit Lions 2006-
NFL’s top-10 six times: 2014 (7th), 2013 Marc Colombo, asst. offensive line; born 08 (head coach), Chicago Bears 2009-2012,
(10th), 2012 (6th), 2010 (10th), 2009 (2nd) October 8, 1978, Bridgewater, Mass. joined Cowboys in 2013.
and 2007 (2nd). In 2014 he oversaw a team Offensive Tackle Boston College 1997-2001. Keith O’Quinn, asst. special teams; born July
that finished 12-4 and won the NFC East, his Pro offensive tackle Chicago Bears 2002-05, 28, 1973, Pensacola, Fla. Safety North Texas
first division championship as head coach, Dallas Cowboys 2005-10, Miami Dolphins 1991-96. No pro playing experience. College
and won a Wild Card playoff game. En route to 2011. Pro coach: Joined Cowboys in 2015. coach: Hardin-Simmons 2000-02, Abilene
winning the 2009 NFC Eastern Division title, Derek Dooley, wide receivers; born June 10, Christian 2003-04. Pro coach: Joined
Dallas established club records for total offen- 1968, Athens, Ga. Wide receiver Virginia 1987- Cowboys in 2010.
sive yards (6,390), net passing yards (4,287) 1990. No pro playing experience. College Frank Pollack, offensive line; born November
and pass completions (347). Dallas won the coach: Georgia 1996, Southern Methodist 5, 1967, Camp Springs, Md. Offensive tack-
NFC East in 2007 with a team-record tying 13 1997-99, Louisiana State 2000-04, Louisiana le/offensive guard Northern Arizona 1985-89.
victories and finished second in the NFL in Tech 2007-09 (head coach), Tennessee 2010- Pro tackle, guard San Francisco 49ers 1990-
scoring. Garrett was named Pro Football 12 (head coach). Pro coach: Miami Dolphins 97. College coach: Northern Arizona 2005-06.
Weekly’s NFL’s Assistant Coach of the Year in 2005-06, joined Cowboys in 2013. Pro coach: Houston Texans 2007-2011,
March of 2008. Career record: 46-44. Matt Eberflus, passing game coordina- Oakland Raiders 2012, joined Cowboys in
Background: Played quarterback at Princeton tor/linebackers; born May 17, 1970, Toledo, 2013.
(1987-88) and was named the Ivy League’s Ohio. Linebacker Toledo 1988-1991. No pro Michael Pope, tight ends; born March 15,
Player of the Year and honorable mention All playing experience. College coach: Toledo 1942, Monroe, N.C. Quarterback Lenoir-
American as a senior. Played professionally in 1992-2000, Missouri 2001-08. Pro coach: Rhyne College 1962-64. No pro playing expe-
World League and Canadian Football League Cleveland Browns 2009-2010, joined rience. College coach: Florida State 1970-74,
(both 1991) before joining Dallas (1992-99), Cowboys in 2011. Texas Tech 1975-77, Mississippi 1978-1982.
Giants (2000-03), Buccaneers (2004) and Greg Jackson, safeties; born August 20, Pro coach: New York Giants 1983-1991,
Dolphins (also 2004). Key reserve on three 1966, Miami, Fla. Safety Louisiana State 2000-2013, Cincinnati Bengals 1992-93, New
Super Bowl teams with Dallas and one with 1985-88. Pro safety New York Giants 1989- England Patriots 1994-96, Washington
the Giants. Began his coaching career as quar- 1993, Philadelphia Eagles 1994-95, New Redskins 1997-99, joined Cowboys in 2014.
terbacks coach with Nick Saban’s Dolphins. Orleans Saints 1996, San Diego Chargers Kyle Valero, asst. wide receivers; born April
Personal: Born March 28, 1966, in Abington, 1997-2000. College coach: Idaho 2003, 24, 1986, Fountain Valley, Calif. Attended
Pa. He and his wife Brill reside in Dallas. Louisiana-Monroe 2004-06, Tulane 2007-09, Florida State. No college or pro playing experi-
Wisconsin 2010, Michigan 2015. Pro coach: ence. College coach: Florida State 2008-09.
ASSISTANT COACHES San Francisco 49ers 2011-14, joined Pro coach: Detroit Lions 2010-12, joined
Joe Baker, secondary; born June 29, 1969, Cowboys in 2016. Cowboys in 2014.
Glen Ridge, N.J. Wide receiver Princeton 1987- Leon Lett, defensive line; born October 12, Turner West, defensive assistant; born
1990. No pro playing experience. College 1968, Mobile, Ala. Defensive tackle Hinds December 19, 1987, Germantown, Tenn.
coach: East Stroudsburg 1991, Samford 1993, (Miss.) C.C. 1987-88, Emporia State 1989- Wide receiver Memphis 2006-2010. No pro
Wisconsin 1999. Pro coach: Birmingham Fire 1990. Pro defensive tackle Dallas Cowboys playing experience. College coach: Alabama-
(WFL) 1992, Jacksonville Jaguars 1995-98, 1991-2000, Denver Broncos 2001. College Birmingham 2011, Samford 2012, Middle
New Orleans Saints 2000-04, Green Bay coach: Louisiana-Monroe 2009-2010. Pro Tennessee State 2012-13. Pro coach: Joined
Packers 2005, St. Louis Rams 2006, Denver coach: Joined Cowboys in 2011. Cowboys in 2014.
Broncos 2007-08, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Scott Linehan, offensive coordinator; born Wade Wilson, quarterbacks; born February 1,
2009-2011, joined Cowboys in 2012. September 17, 1963, Sunnyside, Wash. 1959, Commerce, Texas. Quarterback East
Rich Bisaccia, asst. head coach/special Quarterback Idaho 1982-86. No pro playing Texas State 1977-1980. Pro quarterback
teams coordinator; born June 3, 1960, experience. College coach: Idaho 1989-1990, Minnesota Vikings 1981-1991, Atlanta Falcons
Yonkers, N.Y. Defensive back Yankton College 1992-93, Nevada-Las Vegas 1991, 1992, New Orleans Saints 1993-94, Dallas
1979-1982. Pro defensive back Philadelphia Washington 1994-98, Louisville 1999-2001. Cowboys 1995-97, Oakland Raiders 1998-99.
Stars (USFL) 1983. College coach: Wayne Pro coach: Minnesota Vikings 2002-04, Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys 2000-02, Chicago
State 1983-87, South Carolina 1988-1993, Miami Dolphins 2005, St. Louis Rams 2006- Bears 2004-06, re-joined Cowboys in 2007.
Clemson 1994-98, Mississippi 1999-2001. 08 (head coach), Detroit Lions 2009-2013, Mike Woicik, strength and conditioning coor-
Pro coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2002- joined Cowboys in 2014. dinator; born September 26, 1956, Baltimore.
2010, San Diego Chargers 2011-12, joined Steve Loney, senior offensive assistant; born Attended Boston College. No college or pro
Cowboys in 2013. April 26, 1952, Marshalltown, Iowa. Offensive playing experience. College coach: Springfield
Ben Bloom, asst. coach/special projects; born lineman Iowa State 1970-73. No pro playing College 1978-1980, Syracuse 1980-89. Pro
October 17, 1982, Wellesley, Mass. Offensive experience. College coach: Iowa State 1974, coach: Dallas Cowboys 1990-96, New
line Tufts 2001-04. No pro playing experience. 1995-97, 2000-01, Missouri Western State Orleans Saints 1997-99, New England Patriots
College coach: Tufts 2005-07, Harvard 2008. 1975-76, Morehead State 1979-1983, The 2000-10, re-joined Cowboys in 2011.

166 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner and Chairman of the Board: Portsmouth Spartans 1930-33
Martha Firestone Ford (542-646-32)
Vice Chairmen: Martha Ford Morse, Records include postseason games
Sheila Ford Hamp, William Clay Ford 1930 Hal (Tubby) Griffen ..........5-6-3
Jr., Elizabeth Ford Kontulis 1931-36 George (Potsy) Clark ...49-20-6
President: Rod Wood 1937-38 Earl (Dutch) Clark ..........14-8-0
Executive Vice President and General 1939 Elmer (Gus) Henderson ...6-5-0
Manager: Bob Quinn 1940 George (Potsy) Clark .......5-5-1
Corporate Secretary: Dave Hempstead 1941-42 Bill Edwards* ..................4-9-1
Senior Vice President of Administration, 1942 John Karcis .....................0-8-0
CFO: Allison Maki 1943-47 Charles (Gus) Dorais ...20-31-2
Senior Vice President of Legal Affairs and 1948-1950 Alvin (Bo) McMillin ......12-24-0
General Counsel: Jay Colvin 1951-56 Raymond (Buddy) Parker..50-24-2
Senior Vice President of Business 1957-1964 George Wilson .............55-45-6
National Football Conference Development: Kelly Kozole 1965-66 Harry Gilmer................10-16-2
North Division Senior Vice President of 1967-1972 Joe Schmidt ................43-35-7
Team Colors: Honolulu Blue and Silver Communications: Bill Keenist 1973 Don McCafferty ...............6-7-1
222 Republic Drive Vice President of Football Administration: 1974-76 Rick Forzano** ...........15-17-0
Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Matt Harriss 1976-77 Tommy Hudspeth ........11-13-0
Telephone: (313) 216-4000 Vice President of Marketing: Emily Griffin 1978-1984 Monte Clark .................43-63-1
Vice President of Operations: 1985-88 Darryl Rogers*** ........18-40-0
2016 SCHEDULE Todd Argust 1988-1996 Wayne Fontes ..............67-71-0
PRESEASON Vice President of Ticketing and Suite 1997-2000 Bobby Ross****.........27-32-0
Aug. 12 at Pittsburgh.......................7:00 Sales: Todd Lambert 2000 Gary Moeller....................4-3-0
Aug. 18 Cincinnati ..........................7:30 Vice President of Corporate Partnerships: 2001-02 Marty Mornhinweg ........5-27-0
Aug. 27 at Baltimore........................7:00 Bill Hawker 2003-05 Steve Mariucci#..........15-28-0
Sep. 1 Buffalo...............................7:30 Director of Player Personnel: Kyle O’Brien 2005 Dick Jauron .....................1-4-0
Senior Personnel Executive: 2006-08 Rod Marinelli ...............10-38-0
REGULAR SEASON Brian Xanders 2009-2013 Jim Schwartz ..............29-52-0
Sep. 11 at Indianapolis ...................4:25 Director of Pro Scouting: 2014-15 Jim Caldwell ................18-15-0
Sep. 18 Tennessee ........................1:00 Brendan Prophett *Released after three games in 1942
Sep. 25 at Green Bay .....................1:00 Director of College Scouting: **Resigned after four games in 1976
Oct. 2 at Chicago .........................1:00 Lance Newmark ***Released after 11 games in 1988
Oct. 9 Philadelphia .....................1:00 Player Personnel: Alan Anderson, ****Resigned after nine games in 2000
Oct. 16 Los Angeles ......................1:00 Charles Brensinger, Cary Conklin, # Released after 11 games in 2005
Oct. 23 Washington ......................1:00 Joe Kelleher, Rob Lohman, Ron Miles,
Oct. 30 at Houston ........................1:00 Patrick Mularkey, Jay Miraco, PAID ATTENDANCE
Nov. 6 at Minnesota .....................1:00 Steven Neal, Lance Newmark, Home 487,391 Away 515,933
BYE Mark Olson, Dave Sears, Total 1,003,324
Nov. 20 Jacksonville .....................1:00 Scott Sika, Dave Uyrus Single-game home record,
Nov. 24 Minnesota (Thu) ..............12:30 Director of Media Relations: 80,444 (12/20/81)
Dec. 4 at New Orleans ..................1:00 Matt Barnhart Single-season home record, 644,904
Dec. 11 Chicago ............................1:00 Director of Corporate Communications: (1980)
Dec. 18 at New York Giants .............1:00 Ben Manges
Dec. 26 at Dallas (Mon) ..................8:30 Director of Broadcasting and Production: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Jan. 1 Green Bay ........................1:00 Bryan Bender Round Name Pos. College
* All times ET Director of Ticket Operations: 1 Taylor Decker T Ohio St.
Mark Graham 2 A’Shawn Robinson DT Alabama
Stadium: Ford Field (opened in 2002) Head Athletic Trainer: Kevin Bastin 3 Graham Glasgow C Michigan
•Capacity: 64,500 Equipment Manager: Tim O’Neill 4 Miles Killebrew DB Southern Utah
2000 Brush Street Video Director: Robert Yanagi 5 Joe Dahl T Washington St.
Detroit, Michigan 48226 Antwione Williams LB Georgia Southern
Playing Surface: FieldTurf 6 Jake Rudock QB Michgan
Training Camp: 222 Republic Drive Anthony Zettel DT Penn St.
Allen Park, Michigan Jimmy Landes LS Baylor
48101 7 Dwayne Washington RB Washington


2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 167

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Stafford 592 398 4262 67.2 32 13 44/251 97.0
08/13 W 23-3 New York Jets Orlovsky 40 22 201 55.0 1 1 0/0 66.8
08/20 L 17-21 at Washington Lions 632 420 4463 66.5 33 14 44/251 95.1
08/28 W 22-17 at Jacksonville Opponents 528 360 4065 68.2 27 9 43/279 100.9
09/03 W 17-10 Buffalo
REGULAR SEASON (7-9) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Quin 4 77 19.3 31t 1
Date Result Opponent Prater 0 0 0 36/39 22/24 0 102 Slay 2 0 0.0 0 0
09/13 L 28-33 at San Diego C. Johnson 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 Whitehead 1 26 26.0 26 0
09/20 L 16-26 at Minnesota Tate 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Ihedigbo 1 0 0.0 0 0
09/27 L 12-24 Denver Ebron 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Mathis 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/05 L 10-13 at Seattle Bell 4 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Lions 9 103 11.4 31t 1
10/11 L 17-42 Arizona Moore 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Opponents 14 209 14.9 58t 1
10/18 W 37-34 Chicago (OT) Abdullah 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
10/25 L 19-28 Minnesota Riddick 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/01 L 10-45 at Kansas City T. Wright 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Punting No. Yds Avg In Lg
11/15 W 18-16 at Green Bay Burton 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Martin 80 3679 46.0 25 66
11/22 W 18-13 Oakland T. Jones 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Lions 80 3679 46.0 25 66
11/26 W 45-14 Philadelphia Pettigrew 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 72 3192 44.3 32 70
12/03 L 23-27 Green Bay Quin 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/13 L 14-21 at St. Louis Reid 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/21 W 35-27 at New Orleans Stafford 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
12/27 W 32-17 San Francisco Lions 7 33 2 36/39 22/24 2 358 Tate 20 14 149 7.5 23 0
01/03 W 24-20 at Chicago Opponents 18 27 2 41/44 25/29 0 400 T. Jones 7 6 59 8.4 28 0
(OT) Overtime 2-Pt Conv: Lions 0-3, Opponents 1-3 Moore 2 2 1 0.5 1 0
Fuller 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
SCORE BY PERIODS RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Lions 30 22 209 7.0 28 0
Lions 85 107 56 107 3 — 358 Abdullah 143 597 4.2 36 2 Opponents 43 20 263 6.1 37 0
Opponents 36 132 97 135 0 — 400 Bell 90 311 3.5 36 4
Stafford 44 159 3.6 18 1 KICKOFF
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Riddick 43 133 3.1 16 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Lions Opp. Zenner 17 60 3.5 12 0 Abdullah 37 1077 29.1 104 0
Total First Downs 337 319 Tate 6 41 6.8 15 0 T. Jones 5 106 21.2 34 0
Rushing 71 96 Abdul-Quddus 2 34 17.0 30 0 Tate 1 26 26.0 26 0
Passing 236 191 Burton 4 2 0.5 2 0 Bell 1 11 11.0 11 0
Penalty 30 32 Winn 4 1 0.3 2 0 Lions 44 1220 27.7 104 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 75/203 82/200 T. Jones 1 -3 -3.0 -3 0 Opponents 32 814 25.4 50 0
3rd Down Pct. 36.9 41.0 Lions 354 1335 3.8 36 7
4th Down: Made/Att 7/14 5/8 Opponents 428 1808 4.2 75 18 FIELD
4th Down Pct. 50.0 62.5 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Possession Avg. 31:05 28:55 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Prater 0/0 3/3 8/9 6/6 5/6
Total Net Yards 5547 5594 Tate 90 813 9.0 43 6 Lions 0/0 3/3 8/9 6/6 5/6
Avg. Per Game 346.7 349.6 C. Johnson 88 1214 13.8 57 9 Opponents 0/0 8/8 6/6 6/8 5/7
Total Plays 1030 999 Riddick 80 697 8.7 34 3
Avg. Per Play 5.4 5.6 Ebron 47 537 11.4 55 5 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 1335 1808 Moore 29 337 11.6 42 4 Ansah 14.5
Avg. Per Game 83.4 113.0 Abdullah 25 183 7.3 36 1 Taylor 7.0
Total Rushes 354 428 Bell 22 286 13.0 39 0 J. Jones 4.5
Net Yards Passing 4212 3786 T. Jones 10 132 13.2 29t 1 Ngata 2.5
Avg. Per Game 263.3 236.6 T. Wright 9 77 8.6 26 2 Reid 2.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 44/251 43/279 Pettigrew 7 67 9.6 21 1 Tapp 2.0
Gross Yards 4463 4065 Burton 6 39 6.5 12 1 Whitehead 2.0
Att./Completions 632/420 528/360 Fuller 4 76 19.0 48 0 Abdul-Quddus 1.0
Completion Pct. 66.5 68.2 Zenner 2 11 5.5 7 0 Hunt 1.0
Had Intercepted 14 9 Stafford 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0 Ihedigbo 1.0
Punts/Average 80/46.0 72/44.3 Lions 420 4463 10.6 57 33 Lewis 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 80/42.0 72/41.2 Opponents 360 4065 11.3 61t 27 Tulloch 1.0
Penalties/Yards 104/930 96/785 Van Noy 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 17/10 24/9 C. Wilson 1.0
Touchdowns 42 47 Bynes 0.5
Rushing 7 18 Copeland 0.5
Passing 33 27 J. Wilson 0.5
Returns 2 2 Lions 43.0
Opponents 44.0

168 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Barry Sanders, 1989-1998...............................................................15,269
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matthew Stafford, 2009-2015 ..........................................................25,976
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matthew Stafford, 2009-2015 ...............................................................163
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Calvin Johnson, 2007-2015 ..................................................................731
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Calvin Johnson, 2007-2015 .............................................................11,619
Interceptions ...................................................................Dick LeBeau, 1959-1972 ........................................................................62
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Sam Martin, 2013-15...........................................................................46.4
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jack Christiansen, 1951-58..................................................................12.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Pat Studstill, 1961-67...........................................................................25.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Jason Hanson, 1992-2012....................................................................495
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Barry Sanders, 1989-1998....................................................................109
Points..............................................................................Jason Hanson, 1992-2012.................................................................2,150
*Sacks............................................................................Robert Porcher, 1992-2003..................................................................95.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Barry Sanders, 1997 ..........................................................................2,053
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matthew Stafford, 2011......................................................................5,038
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matthew Stafford, 2011...........................................................................41
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Herman Moore, 1995 ............................................................................123
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Calvin Johnson, 2012 ....................................................................**1,964
Interceptions ...................................................................Don Doll, 1950........................................................................................12
Jack Christiansen, 1953 ..........................................................................12
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Yale Lary, 1963 ....................................................................................48.9
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Pat Studstill, 1962................................................................................15.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ameer Abdullah, 2015..........................................................................29.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Jason Hanson, 1993 ...............................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Barry Sanders, 1991 ...............................................................................17
Points..............................................................................Jason Hanson, 2012 .............................................................................134
*Sacks............................................................................Robert Porcher, 1999 ...........................................................................15.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Barry Sanders, 11-13-94 ......................................................................237
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matthew Stafford, 1-1-12 ......................................................................520
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Gary Danielson, 12-9-78...........................................................................5
Matthew Stafford, 11-9-09, 11-20-11, 1-1-12, 11-26-15 ..........................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Herman Moore, 12-4-95 .........................................................................14
Calvin Johnson, 10-27-13.......................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Calvin Johnson, 10-27-13.....................................................................329
Interceptions ...................................................................Don Doll, 10-23-49 ...............................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Garo Yepremian, 11-13-66 ........................................................................6
Jason Hanson, 10-17-99 ..........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Dutch Clark, 10-22-34 ..............................................................................4
Cloyce Box, 12-3-50 .................................................................................4
Barry Sanders, 11-24-91 ..........................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Dutch Clark, 10-22-34 ............................................................................24
Cloyce Box, 12-3-50 ...............................................................................24
Barry Sanders, 11-24-91 ........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Bill Gay, 9-4-83......................................................................................5.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 169

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
21 Abdullah, Ameer RB 5-9 203 6/13/93 2 Nebraska Homewood, Ala. D2-’15 16/9
94 Ansah, Ezekiel DE 6-5 279 5/29/89 4 Brigham Young Accra, Ghana D1-’13 16/0
41 Bademosi, Johnson CB 6-0 200 7/23/90 5 Stanford Silver Spring, Md. UFA(Cle)-’16 16/0*
47 Bostic, Jon LB 6-1 245 5/5/91 4 Florida Wellington, Fla. T(NE)-’16 11/1*
46 Burton, Michael FB 6-0 247 2/1/92 2 Rutgers Long Valley, N.J. D-5-’15 16/7
31 Bush, Rafael S 5-11 205 5/12/87 6 South Carolina State Williston, S.C. UFA(NO)-’16 1/1*
29 Butler, Crezdon CB 6-1 191 5/25/87 7 Clemson Asheville, N.C. FA-’15 8/0
57 Bynes, Josh LB 6-1 235 8/24/89 5 Auburn Lauderdale Lakes, Fla. FA-’14 11/0
17 Caldwell, Andre WR 6-0 200 4/15/85 9 Florida Tampa, Fla. UFA(Den)-’16 14/0*
26 Carey, Don S 5-11 202 2/14/87 8 Norfolk State Norfolk, Va. FA-’11 16/0
96 Charles, Stefan DT 6-5 323 6/9/88 4 Regina Toronto, Ontario FA-’16 13/1*
51 Copeland, Brandon LB 6-3 248 7/2/91 2 Pennsylvania Sykesville, Md. FA-’15 16/0
28 Diggs, Quandre CB 5-9 197 1/22/93 2 Texas Angleton, Texas D6-’15 16/4
85 Ebron, Eric TE 6-4 255 4/10/93 3 North Carolina Greensboro, N.C. D1-’14 14/8
58 Franklin, Jerry LB 6-1 245 1/10/88 4 Arkansas Marion, Ark. FA-’16 0*
10 Fuller, Corey WR 6-2 200 6/23/90 3 Virginia Tech Baltimore, Md. D6a-’13 12/0
95 Gilberry, Wallace DE 6-2 270 12/5/84 9 Alabama Bay Minette, Ala. UFA(Cin)-’16 16/1*
50 Gooden, Zaviar LB 6-1 231 8/31/90 3 Missouri Pflugerville, Texas FA-’16 0*
49 Greene, Khaseem LB 6-1 241 2/4/89 3 Rutgers Elizabeth, N.J. FA-’15 0*
65 Ikard, Gabe C 6-4 304 9/26/90 3 Oklahoma Nichols Hills, Okla. W(Cle)-’15 1/0
43 Johnson, Isaiah S 6-1 206 5/16/92 2 Georgia Tech Tyrone, Ga. FA-’15 6/0
11 Jones, Marvin WR 6-2 198 3/12/90 5 California Fontana, Calif. UFA(Cin)-’16 16/0*
13 Jones, TJ WR 6-0 190 7/19/92 2 Notre Dame Roswell, Ga. D6-’14 10/0
12 Kerley, Jeremy WR 5-9 188 11/8/88 6 Texas Christian Hutto, Texas FA-’16 16/1*
24 Lawson, Nevin CB 5-9 191 4/23/91 3 Utah State Lauderhill, Fla. D4b-’14 15/9
54 Levy, DeAndre LB 6-2 234 3/26/87 8 Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisc. D3a-’09 1/1
77 Lucas, Cornelius T 6-9 328 7/18/91 3 Kansas State New Orleans, La. FA-’14 15/3
6 Martin, Sam P 6-1 211 2/27/90 4 Appalachian State Fayetteville, Ga. D5b-’13 16/0
48 Muhlbach, Don LS 6-4 258 8/17/81 13 Texas A&M Lufkin, Texas FA-’04 16/0
82 Mulligan, Matthew TE 6-4 267 1/18/85 8 Maine Bangor, Maine FA-’16 12/5*
92 Ngata, Haloti DT 6-4 345 1/21/84 11 Oregon Salt Lake City, Utah T(Balt)-’15 14/14
78 Ola, Michael T 6-5 312 4/19/88 3 Hampton Riverdale, Ga. W(SD)-’15 9/7
8 Orlovsky, Dan QB 6-5 215 8/18/83 11 Connecticut Shelton, Conn. UFA(TB)-’14 3/0
87 Pettigrew, Brandon TE 6-5 278 2/23/85 8 Oklahoma State Tyler, Texas D1b-’09 8/8
5 Prater, Matt K 5-10 211 8/10/84 10 Central Florida Mayfield Heights, Ohio FA-’14 16/0
27 Quin, Glover S 6-0 207 1/15/86 8 New Mexico Summit, Miss. UFA(Hou)-’13 16/16
97 Reid, Caraun DT 6-2 298 11/23/91 3 Princeton Bronx, N.Y. D5b-’14 14/12
71 Reiff, Riley T 6-6 308 12/1/88 5 Iowa Parkston, S.D. D1-’12 16/16
25 Riddick, Theo RB 5-9 201 5/4/91 4 Notre Dame Manville, N.J. D6b-’13 16/1
39 Ridley, Stevan RB 5-11 220 1/27/89 6 Louisiana State Natchez, Miss. UFA(NYJ)-’16 8/1*
70 Robinson, Corey T 6-7 316 5/21/92 2 South Carolina Havelock, N.C. D7-’15 1/0
74 Schwartz, Geoff G 6-6 340 7/11/86 8 Oregon Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’16 11/11*
23 Slay, Darius CB 6-0 190 1/1/91 4 Mississippi State Brunswick, Ga. D2-’13 16/16
18 Spadola, Ryan WR 6-1 205 2/15/91 2 Lehigh Herndon, Va. FA-’15 0*
9 Stafford, Matthew QB 6-3 226 2/7/88 8 Georgia Highland Park, Texas D1a-’09 16/16
64 Swanson, Travis C 6-5 307 1/30/91 3 Arkansas Kingwood, Texas D3-’14 14/14
15 Tate, Golden WR 5-10 198 8/2/88 7 Notre Dame Hendersonville, Tenn. UFA(Sea)-’14 16/16
98 Taylor, Devin DE 6-7 275 11/15/89 4 South Carolina Beaufort, S.C. D-4b-’13 15/0
99 Thornton, Khyri DT 6-3 315 11/21/89 3 Southern Mississippi Panama City, Fla. W(NE)-’15 6/0
72 Tomlinson, Laken G 6-3 322 2/9/92 2 Duke Chicago, Ill. D1-’15 16/14
55 Tulloch, Stephen LB 5-11 246 1/1/85 11 North Carolina State Miami, Fla. UFA(Tenn)-’11 16/16
53 Van Noy, Kyle LB 6-3 248 6/19/90 3 Brigham Young Reno, Nev. D2a-’14 15/0
93 Walker, Tyrunn DT 6-3 305 3/18/90 5 Tulsa New Iberia, La. FA-’15 4/4
30 Walls, Darrin CB 6-0 190 6/20/88 6 Notre Dame Pittsburgh, Pa. UFA(NYJ)-’16 13/0*
75 Warford, Larry G 6-3 332 6/18/91 4 Kentucky Richmond, Ky. D3 -’13 13/13
19 Washington, Corey WR 6-4 214 12/29/91 2 Newberry North Charleston, S.C. FA-’15 0*
59 Whitehead, Tahir LB 6-2 241 4/2/90 5 Temple Newark, N.J. D5a-’12 16/8
32 Wilson, Tavon S 6-0 215 3/19/90 5 Illinois Washington, D.C. UFA(NE)-’16 9/0*
38 Winn, George RB 5-11 215 11/10/90 3 Cincinnati Southfield, Mich. FA-’14 7/0
90 Wright, Gabe DT 6-3 305 4/3/92 2 Auburn Columbus, Ga. D4-’15 7/1
83 Wright, Tim TE 6-4 242 4/7/90 4 Rutgers Wall Township, N.J. T(TB)-’15 9/1
34 Zenner, Zach RB 5-11 222 9/13/91 2 South Dakota State Eagan, Minn. FA-’15 6/1

170 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Bademosi played 16 games with Cleveland in ’15; Bostic played 11 games with New England; Bush played 1 game with New Orleans;
Caldwell played 14 games with Denver: Charles played 13 games with Buffalo; Franklin last active with Kansas City in ’14; Gilberry
played 16 games with Cincinnati; M. Jones played 16 games with Cincinnati; Kerley played 16 games with N.Y. Jets; Ridley played 8
games with N.Y. Jets; Mulligan played 12 games with Buffalo; Schwartz played 11 games with N.Y. Giants; Walls played 13 games with
N.Y. Jets; Wilson played 9 games with New England.

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Barnes, Adairius CB 5-11 181 4/30/94 Louisiana Tech Port Gibson, Miss. FA
Billingsley, Jace WR 5-8 189 5/17/93 Eastern Oregon Winnemucca, Nev. FA
Carter, Alex (1) CB 6-0 198 10/19/94 Stanford Ashburn, Va. D3-'15
Christy, Kyle (1) P 6-2 202 9/27/92 Florida Brownsburg, Ind. FA
Dahl, Joe OL 6-4 306 4/9/93 Washington State Spokane, Wash. D5a
Davis, Quinshad WR 6-3 218 5/24/94 North Carolina Gaffney, S.C. FA
Decker, Taylor T 6-7 310 8/3/94 Ohio State Vandalia, Ohio D1
DeLoach, James DT 6-3 284 2/13/94 Georgia Millen, Ga. FA
Farris, Chase OL 6-4 295 4/8/93 Ohio State Elyria, Ohio FA
Fuehne, Adam TE 6-7 255 3/23/93 Southern Illinois Damiansville, Ill. FA
Gibson, Deonte DE 6-1 266 2/22/93 Northwestern Lakewood, Ohio FA
Glasgow, Graham C 6-6 308 7/19/92 Michigan Aurora, Ill. D3
Hyder, Kerry (1) DT 6-2 301 5/2/91 Texas Tech Austin, Texas FA-'15
Johnson, Darius OL 6-3 300 12/3/92 Middle Tennessee State Orlando, Fla. FA
Killebrew, Miles S 6-2 222 5/10/93 Southern Utah Henderson, Nev. D4
Landes, Jimmy LS 6-1 252 8/13/92 Baylor Tyler, Texas D6c
Lee, Jay WR 6-2 211 6/29/93 Baylor Allen, Texas FA
Palmer, Louis DT 6-2 290 12/8/94 Central Michigan Detroit, Mich. FA
Robinson, A'Shawn DT 6-4 312 3/21/95 Alabama Fort Worth, Texas D2
Rudock, Jake QB 6-3 207 1/21/93 Michigan Weston, Fla. D6a
Washington, Charles DB 5-10 192 3/10/93 Fresno State Inglewood, Calif. FA
Washington, Dwayne RB 6-1 223 4/24/94 Washington Lakewood, Calif. D7
Wells, Ian CB 5-11 199 7/14/93 Ohio Dayton, Ohio FA
Wick, Cole TE 6-6 255 11/30/93 Incarnate Word Hallettsville, Texas FA
Willis, Austin (1) WR 5-9 175 4/13/92 Emporia State Topeka, Kan. FA
Williams, Antwione LB 6-3 239 5/26/93 Georgia Southern Lovejoy, Ga. D5b
Zeller, Andrew G 6-5 316 10/29/93 Maryland Red Lion, Pa. FA
Zettel, Anthony DL 6-4 271 8/9/92 Penn State West Branch, Mich. D6b

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 171

COACHING STAFF Colts 1982-84, San Diego Chargers 1985-1990, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2013, joined Lions in
Head Coach, Los Angeles Raiders 1991-94, Kansas City 2013.
Jim Caldwell Chiefs 1995-2000, 2004-08 (head coach 1999- Robert Prince, wide receivers; born May 8,
Pro Career: Named Lions’ 26th head coach on 2000), Tennessee Titans 2001-03, joined Lions 1965, Okinawa, Japan. Wide receiver Humboldt
January 14, 2014. Caldwell enters his third sea- in 2009. State 1987-1990. No pro playing experience.
son in Detroit after spending the previous two Randy Edsall, director of football research; born College coach: Humboldt State 1989-1990,
seasons as offensive coordinator for the August 27, 1958, Glen Rock, Pa. Quarterback Montana State 1991, Sacramento State 1992-
Baltimore Ravens (2012-13). By finishing the Syracuse 1976-1980. No pro playing experience. 93, Fort Lewis College 1994-95, Portland State
2014 season with an 11-5 record, Caldwell tied College coach: Syracuse 1980-1990, Boston 1998-2000, Boise State, 2001-03, 2011-13,
Potsy Clark (1931, Portsmouth Spartans) for the College 1991-93, Georgia Tech 1998, Colorado 2010. Pro coach: Japanese X League
most wins in franchise history by a Lions coach Connecticut 1999-2010 (head coach), Maryland 1996-97, Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, Jacksonville
in his first year with the club. Caldwell is the third 2011-15 (head coach). Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 2007-08, Seattle Seahawks 2009,
coach in team history to lead the Lions to the Jaguars 1994-97, joined Lions in 2016. joined Lions in 2014.
playoffs in his first year with Detroit, and is one of Devin Fitzsimmons, special teams assistant; Ron Prince, asst. head coach/offensive line;
only four coaches to lead the Lions to 11+ wins born October 18, 1982, Folsom, La. born September 18, 1969, Junction City, Kan.
in a season. In five years as an NFL head coach, Quarterback/wide receiver Bucknell 2001-05. No Offensive line Appalachian State 1990-91. No pro
Caldwell has led teams to 11+ wins twice (14 pro playing experience. College coach: Shaw playing experience. College coach: Dodge City
with Indianapolis in 2009). Originally was 2005, Bucknell 2006, Kansas State 2007-08, (Kan.) C.C. 1992, Alabama A&M 1993, South
Ravens’ quarterbacks coach. Was promoted to Virginia 2009, Richmond 2010, Rutgers 2012, Carolina State 1994, James Madison 1995-97,
offensive coordinator with just three weeks to Delaware 2013. Pro coach: Indianapolis Colts Cornell 1998-2000, Virginia 2001-05, Kansas
play in the 2012 season, and went on to help lead 2011, joined Lions in 2014. State 2006-08, Virginia 2009, Rutgers 2013. Pro
Baltimore to the AFC North crown and a win over Al Golden, tight ends; born July 4, 1969, Colts coach: Indianapolis Colts 2010-11, Jacksonville
San Francisco in Super Bowl XLVII. Caldwell Neck, N.J. Tight end Penn State 1987-1991. Pro Jaguars 2012, joined Lions in 2014.
coached the previous 10 seasons (2002-2011) tight end New England Patriots 1992. College Matt Raich, defensive assistant/defensive ends;
with the Indianapolis Colts, including three as coach: Virginia 1994-96, Boston College 1997- born August 16, 1970, Monaca, Pa. Linebacker
head coach (2009-2011). Colts had a nine-con- 99, Penn State 2000, Virginia 2001-05, Temple Westminster College 1989-1992. No pro playing
secutive playoff appearances that included two 2006-2010, Miami 2011-15 (head coach). Pro experience. College coach: Westminster College
Super Bowl berths (XLI and XLIV) and one Super coach: Joined Lions in 2016. 1993-94, Robert Morris 1996-98, 2000-02,
Bowl title (XLI). Caldwell began his NFL coaching Kris Kocurek, defensive line; born November 15, Glenville State 1999, Duquesne 2013. Pro coach:
career as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ quarter- 1978, Rockdale, Texas. Defensive tackle Texas Pittsburgh Steelers 2003-06, Arizona Cardinals
backs coach in 2001. Career record: 46-39. Tech 1997-2000. Pro defensive tackle Seattle 2007-2012, joined Lions in 2014.
Background: Caldwell was head coach at Wake Seahawks 2001, Tennessee Titans 2002. College Evan Rothstein, offensive assistant/research &
Forest (1993-2000) and an assistant at Penn coach: Texas Tech 2003, Texas A&M-Kingsville analysis; born April 20, 1988, Merrick, N.Y.
State (1986-1992), Louisville (1985), Colorado 2004-05, Texas A&M-Commerce 2006, West Attended SUNY Cortland. No college or pro play-
(1982-84), Northwestern (1981) and Southern Texas A&M 2007, Stephen F. Austin State 2008. ing experience. College coach: SUNY Cortland
Illinois (1978-1980). Was a four-year starter at Pro coach: Joined Lions in 2009. 2010, Syracuse 2010-11. Pro coach: Joined
defensive back and earned bachelor’s degree in Joe Marciano, special teams coordinator; born Lions in 2012.
liberal arts from Iowa (1973-76). February 10, 1954 Dunmore, Pa. Quarterback Josh Schuler, asst. strength and conditioning;
Personal: Born January 16, 1955 in Beloit, Wisc. Temple 1972-75. No pro playing experience. born October 5, 1983, Muscatine, Iowa.
He and his wife, Cheryl, have four children College coach: East Stroudsburg State 1977, Attended Iowa State. No college or pro playing
(Jimmy, Jermaine, Jared, and daughter Natalie). Rhode Island 1978-79, Villanova 1980, Penn experience. College coach: Colorado 2007,
State 1981, Temple 1982. Pro coach: Philadelphia 2010-12, Auburn 2008-2010, Navy 2012-15.
ASSISTANT COACHES /Baltimore Stars (USFL) 1983-85, New Orleans Pro coach: Joined Lions in 2016.
Teryl Austin, defensive coordinator; born March Saints 1986-1995, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bill Sheridan, linebackers; born January 27,
3, 1965, Sharon, Pa. Safety Pittsburgh 1984-87. 1996-2001, Houston Texans 2002-2013, 1959, Detroit, Mich. Linebacker Grand Valley
Pro defensive back Montreal Machine (WLAF) Minnesota Vikings 2014, joined Lions in 2015. State 1979-1982. No pro playing experience.
1991. College coach: Penn State 1991-92, Wake Michael McCarthy, quality control/offensive line; College coach: Michigan 1985-86, 2002-04,
Forest 1993-95, Syracuse 1996-98, Michigan born June 25, 1985, East Brunswick, N.J. Maine 1987-88, Cincinnati 1989-1991, Army
1999-2002, Florida 2010. Pro coach: Seattle Linebacker/long snapper Widener 2004-07. No 1992-97, Michigan State 1998-2000, Notre
Seahawks 2003-06, Arizona Cardinals 2007-09, pro playing experience. College coach: College of Dame 2001. Pro coach: New York Giants 2005-
Baltimore Ravens 2011-13, joined Lions in 2014. New Jersey 2009, Western Michigan 2010-11, 09, Miami Dolphins 2010-11, Tampa Bay
Brian Callahan, quarterbacks: born June 10, Tulane 2012-13, North Carolina Central 2014. Buccaneers 2012-13, joined Lions in 2014.
1984, Champaign, Ill. Quarterback UCLA 2002- Pro coach: New York Jets 2008, Cleveland David Walker, running backs; born December 4,
05. No pro playing experience. College coach: Browns 2015, joined Lions in 2016. 1969, Rochester, N.Y. Running back Syracuse
UCLA 2006-07. Pro coach: Denver Broncos Harold Nash Jr., head strength and conditioning; 1990-93. No pro playing experience. College
2010-15, joined Lions in 2016. born May 5, 1970, New Orleans, La. Defensive coach: Syracuse 1995-2004, Pittsburgh 2005-
Jim Bob Cooter, offensive coordinator; born July back Southwestern Louisiana 1990-93. Pro 2010. Pro coach: Indianapolis Colts 2011-14,
3, 1984, Huntsville, Ala. Quarterback Tennessee defensive back Shreveport Pirates (CFL) 1994- joined Lions in 2016.
2002-05. No pro playing experience. College 95, Montreal Alouettes (CFL) 1996-99, Winnipeg Alan Williams, defensive backs/safeties; born
coach: Tennessee 2007-08. Pro coach: Blue Bombers (CFL) 1999-2003, Edmonton November 4, 1969, Norfolk, Va. Running back
Indianapolis Colts 2009-2011, Kansas City Eskimos (CFL) 2004. Pro coach: New England William & Mary 1988-1991. No pro playing expe-
Chiefs 2012, Denver Broncos 2013, joined Lions Patriots 2005-2015, joined Lions in 2016. rience. College coach: William & Mary 1996-
in 2014. Tony Oden, defensive backs/cornerbacks; born 2000. Pro coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2001,
Gunther Cunningham, senior coaching advisor; June 30, 1973, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Indianapolis Colts 2002-2011, Minnesota
born June 19, 1946, Munich, Germany. Linebacker Baldwin-Wallace 1992-95. No pro Vikings 2012-13, joined Lions in 2014.
Linebacker/placekicker Oregon 1966-68. No pro playing experience. College coach: Millersville Steven Williams, defensive/quality control: born
playing experience. College coach: Oregon 1969- 1996, Boston College 1997, Army 1998-99, East November 28, 1986, San Antonio, Texas.
1971, Arkansas 1972, Stanford 1973-76, Carolina 2000-02, Eastern Michigan 2003. Pro Cornerback Harvard 2004-07. No pro playing expe-
California 1977-1980. Pro coach: Hamilton coach: Houston Texans 2004-05, New Orleans rience. College coach: South Carolina 2011, Penn
Tiger-Cats (CFL) 1981, Baltimore/Indianapolis Saints 2006-2011, Jacksonville Jaguars 2012, State 2012-14. Pro coach: Joined Lions in 2015.

172 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

President and Chief Executive Officer: (752-568-37)
Mark Murphy Records include postseason games
Executive Vice President/General 1921-1949 Earl (Curly) Lambeau .212-106-21
Manager/Director of Football
Operations: Ted Thompson 1950-53 Gene Ronzani* .............14-31-1
Vice President of Football Administration/ 1953 Hugh Devore-
Player Finance: Russ Ball Ray (Scooter) McLean**..0-2-0
Vice President of Finance and 1954-57 Lisle Blackbourn...........17-31-0
Administration: Paul Baniel 1958 Ray (Scooter) McLean....1-10-1
Vice President of Sales and Business 1959-1967 Vince Lombardi ............98-30-4
Development: Craig Benzel
Vice President of Marketing and Fan 1968-1970 Phil Bengtson ...............20-21-1
Engagement: Gabrielle Valdez Dow 1971-74 Dan Devine...................25-28-4
Vice President of Human Resources: 1975-1983 Bart Starr .....................53-77-3
Nicole Ledvina 1984-87 Forrest Gregg ...............25-37-1
Vice President and General Counsel: 1988-1991 Lindy Infante.................24-40-0
National Football Conference Ed Policy 1992-98 Mike Holmgren .............84-42-0
North Division Director-Football Operations: Eliot Wolf 1999 Ray Rhodes......................8-8-0
Director of Player Personnel:
Team Colors: Dark Green, Gold, and White Brian Gutekunst 2000-05 Mike Sherman ..............59-43-0
Lambeau Field Atrium Director of Player Engagement: 2006-2015 Mike McCarthy...........112-62-1
1265 Lombardi Avenue Rob Davis *Resigned after 10 games in 1953
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54304 Director of Football Technology: **Co-coaches
Telephone: (920) 569-7500 Mike Halbach
Director of Public Relations: PAID ATTENDANCE
2016 SCHEDULE Jason Wahlers Home 627,304 Away 507,237
PRESEASON Director of Public Affairs: Total 1,134,541
Aaron Popkey
Aug. 7 vs. Indianapolis (Canton) ....7:00 Assistant Director of Public Relations: Single-game home record,
Aug. 12 Cleveland ..........................7:00 Sarah Quick 71,213 (11/1/09)
Aug. 28 Oakland .............................7:00 Communications Manager: Tom Fanning Single-season home record,
Aug. 26 at San Francisco.................9:00 Public Relations Coordinator: 625,118 (2014)
Sep. 1 at Kansas CIty ....................7:00 Nathan LoCascio
Director of Ticket Operations: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Mark Wagner
REGULAR SEASON Director of Stadium Services: Round Name Pos. College
Sep. 11 at Jacksonville .................12:00 Jennifer Ark 1 Kenny Clark DT UCLA
Sep. 18 at Minnesota .....................7:30 Director of Retail Operations: 2 Jason Spriggs T Indiana
Sep. 25 Detroit ............................12:00 Peggy Prebelski 3 Kyler Fackrell LB Utah St.
BYE Director of Information Technology: 4 Blake Martinez LB Stanford
Oct. 9 New York Giants .............*7:30 Wayne Wichlacz Dean Lowry DE Northwestern
Oct. 16 Dallas ...............................3:25 Director of Facility Operations:
Ted Eisenreich 5 Trevor Davis WR California
Oct. 20 Chicago (Thu)....................7:25 6 Kyle Murphy T Stanford
Director of Security/Risk Management:
Oct. 30 at Atlanta .........................12:00 Doug Collins
Nov. 6 Indianapolis ......................3:25 Director of Brand and Marketing:
Nov. 13 at Tennessee ...................12:00 Joan Malcheski
Nov. 20 at Washington .................*7:30 Director of Digital, Production & Game
Nov. 28 at Philadelphia (Mon)..........7:30 Presentation: Kregg Shilbauer
Dec. 4 Houston ..........................12:00 Director of Community Outreach &
Dec. 11 Seattle ..............................3:25 Player/Alumni Relations:
Dec. 18 at Chicago .......................12:00 Cathy Dworak
Director of Sales & Business
Dec. 24 Minnesota (Sat) ...............12:00 Development: Chad Watson
Jan. 1 at Detroit .........................12:00 Senior Personnel Executive:
* All times CT; Sunday night games in Alonzo Highsmith
Weeks 5-15 subject to change West Regional Scout: Sam Seale
Stadium: Lambeau Field (opened in 1957) Assistant Director of Pro Personnel:
•Capacity: 81,435 Tim Terry
1265 Lombardi Avenue College Scouts: Jon-Eric Sullivan,
John Wojciechowski,
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54304 Richmond Williams, Alonzo Dotson,
Playing Surface: DD GrassMaster Mike Owen, Charles Walls
Training Camp: St. Norbert College Pro Scouts: Chad Brinker, Glenn Cook
De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 College Scouting Coordinator:
Danny Mock
Pro Personnel Coordinator:
Autumn Thomas-Beenenga
Strength and Conditioning Assistants:
Thadeus Jackson, Chris Gizzi,
Grant Thorne
Football Administration Coordinator:
Matt Klein
DIrector of Performance Nutrition:
Adam Korzun
Video Director: Chris Kirby
Head Athletic Trainer: Bryan Engel
Director of Sports Medicine
Administration: Pepper Burruss
Equipment Manager: Gordon (Red) Batty

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 173

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent A. Rodgers 572 347 3821 60.7 31 8 46/314 92.7
08/13 W 22-11 at New England Tolzien 1 1 4 100.0 0 0 1/8 83.3
08/23 L 19-24 at Pittsburgh Packers 573 348 3825 60.7 31 8 47/322 92.7
08/29 L 26-39 Philadelphia Opponents 551 321 3898 58.3 20 16 43/256 80.1
09/03 W 38-10 New Orleans
REGULAR SEASON (10-6) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Randall 3 47 15.7 43t 1
Date Result Opponent Crosby 0 0 0 36/36 24/28 0 108 Hyde 3 36 12.0 34 0
09/13 W 31-23 at Chicago J. Jones 0 8 0 0/0 0/0 0 52 Shields 3 15 5.0 15 0
09/20 W 27-17 Seattle R. Rodgers 0 8 0 0/0 0/0 0 50 Rollins 2 48 24.0 45t 1
09/28 W 38-28 Kansas City Cobb 0 6 1 0/0 0/0 0 42 Clinton-Dix 2 2 1.0 2 0
10/04 W 17-3 at San Francisco Lacy 3 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Matthews 1 42 42.0 42 0
10/11 W 24-10 St. Louis Starks 2 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Daniels 1 6 6.0 6 0
10/18 W 27-20 San Diego Kuhn 2 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Elliott 1 2 2.0 2 0
11/01 L 10-29 at Denver Montgomery 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Packers 16 198 12.4 45t 2
11/08 L 29-37 at Carolina Adams 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Opponents 8 55 6.9 29 0
11/15 L 16-18 Detroit Perillo 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/22 W 30-13 at Minnesota Randall 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/26 L 13-17 Chicago A. Rodgers 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Masthay 81 3554 43.9 18 62
12/03 W 27-23 at Detroit Rollins 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Packers 81 3554 43.9 18 62
12/13 W 28-7 Dallas Packers 8 31 3 36/36 24/28 0 368 Opponents 82 3560 43.4 30 61
12/20 W 30-20 at Oakland Opponents 13 20 3 31/34 24/28 1 323
12/27 L 8-38 at Arizona 2-Pt Conv: J. Jones 2, Adams, R. Rodgers PUNT
01/03 L 13-20 Minnesota Packers 4-6, Opponents 1-2 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Hyde 27 18 157 5.8 16 0
POSTSEASON (1-1) RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Cobb 4 4 10 2.5 10 0
Date Result Opponent Lacy 187 758 4.1 29 3 Abbrederis 0 1 0 — — 0
01/10 W 35-18 at Washington Starks 148 601 4.1 65t 2 Packers 31 23 167 5.4 16 0
01/16 L 20-26 at Arizona (OT) A. Rodgers 58 344 5.9 18 1 Opponents 41 14 174 4.2 23 0
(OT) Overtime Cobb 13 50 3.8 12 0
Kuhn 9 28 3.1 5t 2 KICKOFF
SCORE BY PERIODS Crockett 9 21 2.3 12 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Packers 106 56 86 120 0 — 368 Harris 4 19 4.8 16 0 Janis 14 406 29.0 70 0
Opponents 45 121 106 51 0 — 323 Montgomery 3 14 4.7 9 0 Hyde 8 187 23.4 30 0
R. Rodgers 1 11 11.0 11 0 Montgomery 7 218 31.1 46 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Masthay 1 7 7.0 7 0 Abbrederis 2 52 26.0 30 0
Packers Opp. Tolzien 3 -3 -1.0 0 0 Kuhn 2 9 4.5 9 0
Total First Downs 317 300 Packers 436 1850 4.2 65t 8 D. Jones 1 9 9.0 9 0
Rushing 100 96 Opponents 420 1905 4.5 55 13 Ripkowski 1 0 0.0 0 0
Passing 173 183 Tretter 1 0 0.0 0 0
Penalty 44 21 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Packers 36 881 24.5 70 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 70/208 79/220 Cobb 79 829 10.5 53t 6 Opponents 37 988 26.7 104 0
3rd Down Pct. 33.7 35.9 R. Rodgers 58 510 8.8 61t 8
4th Down: Made/Att 11/21 10/21 J. Jones 50 890 17.8 65t 8 FIELD
4th Down Pct. 52.4 47.6 Adams 50 483 9.7 40 1 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Possession Avg. 30:08 29:52 Starks 43 392 9.1 30 3 Crosby 1/1 7/7 4/4 8/11 4/5
Total Net Yards 5353 5547 Lacy 20 188 9.4 28t 2 Packers 1/1 7/7 4/4 8/11 4/5
Avg. Per Game 334.6 346.7 Montgomery 15 136 9.1 31t 2 Opponents 1/1 6/6 7/7 5/6 5/8
Total Plays 1056 1014 Perillo 11 102 9.3 24 1
Avg. Per Play 5.1 5.5 Abbrederis 9 111 12.3 32 0 SACKS No.
Net Yards Rushing 1850 1905 Kuhn 6 56 9.3 19 0 Peppers 10.5
Avg. Per Game 115.6 119.1 Quarless 4 31 7.8 13 0 Matthews 6.5
Total Rushes 436 420 Janis 2 79 39.5 46 0 Daniels 4.0
Net Yards Passing 3503 3642 Ripkowski 1 18 18.0 18 0 Neal 4.0
Avg. Per Game 218.9 227.6 Packers 348 3825 11.0 65t 31 Perry 3.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 47/322 43/256 Opponents 321 3898 12.1 68 20 Clinton-Dix 3.0
Gross Yards 3825 3898 Elliott 3.0
Att./Completions 573/348 551/321 D. Jones 3.0
Completion Pct. 60.7 58.3 Hyde 1.0
Had Intercepted 8 16 Palmer 1.0
Punts/Average 81/43.9 82/43.4 Pennel 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 81/40.2 82/40.2 Rollins 1.0
Penalties/Yards 105/906 120/1107 Thomas 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 24/9 19/6 Raji 0.5
Touchdowns 42 36 Packers 43.0
Rushing 8 13 Opponents 47.0
Passing 31 20
Returns 3 3

174 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ahman Green, 2000-06, 2009............................................................8,322
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Brett Favre, 1992-2007 ................................................................**61,655
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Brett Favre, 1992-2007 .....................................................................**442
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Donald Driver, 1999-2012 .....................................................................743
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Donald Driver, 1999-2012 ................................................................10,137
Interceptions ...................................................................Bobby Dillon, 1952-59 ............................................................................52
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Tim Masthay, 2010-15 .........................................................................44.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Desmond Howard, 1996, 1999 ............................................................13.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Travis Williams, 1967-1970..................................................................26.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Mason Crosby, 2007-2015....................................................................236
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Don Hutson, 1935-1945 .......................................................................105
Points..............................................................................Mason Crosby, 2007-2015.................................................................1,145
*Sacks............................................................................Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila, 2000-08............................................................74.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ahman Green, 2003 ...........................................................................1,883
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Aaron Rodgers, 2011 .........................................................................4,643
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Aaron Rodgers, 2011 ..............................................................................45
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Sterling Sharpe, 1993............................................................................112
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jordy Nelson, 2014............................................................................1,519
Interceptions ...................................................................Irv Comp, 1943.......................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Tim Masthay, 2011 ..............................................................................45.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Billy Grimes, 1950 ...............................................................................19.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Travis Williams, 1967 .......................................................................**41.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Chester Marcol, 1972..............................................................................33
Ryan Longwell, 2000 ..............................................................................33
Mason Crosby, 2013...............................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ahman Green, 2003 ................................................................................20
Points..............................................................................Paul Hornung, 1960 ..............................................................................176
*Sacks............................................................................Tim Harris, 1989..................................................................................19.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Ahman Green, 12-28-03 .......................................................................218
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Flynn, 1-1-12 ................................................................................480
Aaron Rodgers, 9-15-13 .......................................................................480
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Matt Flynn, 1-1-12 ....................................................................................6
Aaron Rodgers, 10-14-12, 11-9-14...........................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Don Hutson, 11-22-42 ............................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Billy Howton, 10-21-56 .........................................................................257
Interceptions ...................................................................Bobby Dillon, 11-26-53.........................................................................**4
Willie Buchanon, 9-24-78......................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Chris Jacke, 11-11-90, 10-14-96..............................................................5
Ryan Longwell, 9-24-00............................................................................5
Mason Crosby, 10-6-13, 11-22-15 ...........................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Paul Hornung, 12-12-65............................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Paul Hornung, 10-8-61............................................................................33
*Sacks............................................................................Vonnie Holliday, 12-22-02 ......................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 175

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
84 Abbrederis, Jared WR 6-1 195 12/17/90 3 Wisconsin Wautoma, Wis. D5b-’14 10/0
17 Adams, Davante WR 6-1 215 12/24/92 3 Fresno State Palo Alto, Calif. D2-’14 13/12
86 Backman, Kennard TE 6-3 245 2/26/93 2 Alabama-Birmingham Mableton, Ga. D6c-’15 7/0
69 Bakhtiari, David T 6-4 310 9/30/91 4 Colorado San Mateo, Calif. D4a-’13 14/14
32 Banjo, Chris S 5-10 207 2/26/90 3 Southern Methodist Sugar Land, Texas FA-’13 16/1
67 Barclay, Don T/G 6-4 305 4/18/89 5 West Virginia Harmony, Pa. FA-’12 16/5
58 Barrington, Sam LB 6-1 240 10/5/90 4 South Florida Jacksonville, Fla. D7b-’13 1/1
54 Bradford, Carl LB 6-1 245 8/15/92 2 Arizona State Norco, Calif. D4-’14 0*
75 Bulaga, Bryan T 6-5 314 3/21/89 7 Iowa Woodstock, Ill. D1-’10 12/12
42 Burnett, Morgan S 6-1 209 1/13/89 7 Georgia Tech College Park, Ga. D3-’10 11/11
21 Clinton-Dix, Ha Ha S 6-1 208 12/21/92 3 Alabama Orlando, Fla. D1-’14 16/16
18 Cobb, Randall WR 5-10 192 8/22/90 6 Kentucky Alcoa, Tenn. D2-’11 16/15
89 Cook, Jared TE 6-5 254 4/7/87 8 South Carolina Suwanee, Ga. FA-’15 16/12*
2 Crosby, Mason K 6-1 207 9/3/84 10 Colorado Georgetown, Texas D6c-’07 16/0
76 Daniels, Mike DT 6-0 310 5/5/89 5 Iowa Blackwood, N.J. D4a-’12 16/16
91 Elliott, Jayrone LB 6-3 255 11/11/91 3 Toledo Cleveland, Ohio FA-’14 14/0
61 #Goode, Brett LS 6-1 255 11/2/84 9 Arkansas Fort Smith, Ark. FA-’08 14/0
39 Goodson, Demetri CB 5-11 197 6/11/89 3 Baylor Spring, Texas D6-’14 14/0
98 Guion, Letroy DT 6-4 322 6/21/87 9 Florida State Starke, Fla. FA-’14 13/4
36 Gunter, LaDarius CB 6-2 201 5/13/92 2 Miami Montgomery, Ala. FA-’15 8/0
7 Hundley, Brett QB 6-3 226 6/15/93 2 UCLA Chandler, Ariz. D5-’15 0*
33 Hyde, Micah DB 6-0 197 12/31/90 4 Iowa Fostoria, Ohio D5a-’13 15/7
83 Janis, Jeff WR 6-3 219 6/24/91 3 Saginaw Valley State Tawas City, Mich. D7-’14 16/0
95 Jones, Datone DE 6-4 285 7/24/90 4 UCLA Compton, Calif. D1-’13 15/0
89 #Jones, James WR 6-1 208 3/31/84 10 San Jose State San Jose, Calif. FA-’15 16/15
30 #Kuhn, John FB 6-0 250 9/9/82 11 Shippensburg York, Pa. W(Pitt)-’07 16/6
27 Lacy, Eddie RB 5-11 234 6/2/90 4 Alabama Geismar, La. D2-’13 15/12
70 Lang, T.J. G 6-4 318 9/20/87 8 Eastern Michigan Birmingham, Mich. D4-’09 15/15
63 Linsley, Corey C 6-3 301 7/27/91 3 Ohio State Boardman, Ohio D5a-’14 13/13
8 Masthay, Tim P 6-1 200 3/16/87 7 Kentucky Murray, Ky. FA-’10 16/0
52 Matthews, Clay LB 6-3 255 5/14/86 8 Southern California Agoura Hills, Calif. D1b-’09 16/16
55 McCray, Lerentee LB 6-2 246 8/26/90 4 Florida Ocala, Fla. FA-’16 11/0*
88 Montgomery, Ty WR 6-0 216 1/22/93 2 Stanford Dallas, Texas D3-’15 6/3
96 #Neal, Mike LB 6-3 262 6/26/87 7 Purdue Merrillville, Ind. D2-’10 16/15
87 Nelson, Jordy WR 6-3 217 5/31/85 9 Kansas State Riley, Kan. D2a-’08 0*
64 Pennel, Mike DT 6-4 332 5/9/91 3 Colorado State-Pueblo Aurora, Colo. FA-’14 16/5
56 Peppers, Julius LB 6-7 287 1/18/80 15 North Carolina Bailey, N.C. FA-’14 16/16
80 Perillo, Justin TE 6-3 250 1/5/91 3 Maine Wilmington, Del. FA-’14 9/0
53 Perry, Nick LB 6-3 265 4/12/90 5 Southern California Detroit, Mich. D1-’12 14/1
81 #Quarless, Andrew TE 6-4 252 10/6/88 7 Penn State Uniondale, N.Y. D5a-’10 5/1
23 Randall, Damarious CB 5-11 196 8/29/92 2 Arizona State Pensacola, Fla. D1-’15 15/9
28 #Richardson, Sean S 6-2 216 1/21/90 5 Vanderbilt Linden, Ala. FA-’12 3/1
22 Ripkowski, Aaron FB 6-1 246 12/20/92 2 Oklahoma Dayton, Texas D6a-’15 15/0
12 Rodgers, Aaron QB 6-2 225 12/2/83 12 California Chico, Calif. D1-’05 16/16
89 Rodgers, Richard TE 6-4 257 1/22/92 3 California Shrewsbury, Mass. D3b-’14 16/12
24 Rollins, Quinten CB 5-11 195 7/15/92 2 Miami (OH) Wilmington, Ohio D2-’15 14/4
47 Ryan, Jake LB 6-2 240 2/27/92 2 Michigan Cleveland, Ohio D4-’15 14/5
37 Shields, Sam CB 5-11 184 12/8/87 7 Miami Sarasota, Fla. FA-’10 12/12
71 Sitton, Josh G 6-3 318 6/6/86 9 Central Florida Pensacola, Fla. D4b-’08 16/16
44 Starks, James RB 6-2 218 2/25/86 7 Buffalo Niagara Falls, N.Y. D6-’10 16/4
65 Taylor, Lane G 6-3 324 11/22/89 4 Oklahoma State Arlington, Texas FA-’13 4/2
48 Thomas, Joe LB 6-1 227 5/6/91 2 South Carolina State Blackville, S.C. PS(Dall)-’15 14/0
73 Tretter, JC C/T 6-4 307 2/12/91 4 Cornell Akron, N.Y. D4b-’13 16/3
79 Walker, Josh G 6-5 328 6/2/91 2 Middle Tennessee State Evensville, Tenn. FA-’14 13/0

* Bradford spent full season on Green Bay’s practice squad; Cook played 16 games with St. Louis in ’15; Hundley inactive for 16 games;
McCray played 11 games with Denver; Nelson missed ’15 season because of injury.

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (2): CB Casey Hayward (SD; 16 games), QB Scott Tolzien (Ind; 3).

Also played with Packers in ’15—DT Josh Boyd (2 games), DT Bruce Gaston (2), RB Alonzo Harris (6), LB Andy Mulumba (6),
LB Nate Palmer (16), DT B.J. Raji (15).

176 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Allison, Geronimo WR 6-3 202 1/18/94 Illinois Riverview, Fla. FA
Anderson, Demetris DT 6-1 312 4/12/92 Central Florida Fort Pierce, Fla. FA
Brice, Kentrell S 6-0 200 8/11/94 Louisiana Tech Ruston, La. FA
Brown, Beniquez LB 6-1 236 4/29/93 Mississippi State Florence, Ala. FA
Burks, Brandon RB 5-9 208 11/1/93 Troy Daleville, Ala. FA
Callahan, Joe QB 6-1 216 6/4/93 Wesley Absecon, N.J. FA
Clark, Kenny DT 6-3 314 10/4/95 UCLA Rialto, Calif. D1
Crockett, John (1) RB 6-0 217 2/16/92 North Dakota State Minneapolis, Minn. FA-’15
Daniel, Robertson (1) CB 6-1 205 10/1/91 Brigham Young San Jose, Calif. FA-’15
Davis, Trevor WR 6-1 188 7/4/93 California Martinez, Calif. D5
Dorleant, Makinton CB 5-11 182 10/6/92 Northern Iowa Naples, Fla. FA
Evans, Marwin S 5-11 211 4/10/93 Utah State Oak Creek, Wis. FA
Fackrell, Kyler LB 6-5 245 11/25/91 Utah State Mesa, Ariz. D3
Flores, Jacob C 6-3 300 11/25/93 Dartmouth Arlington, Texas FA
Gilbert, Reggie LB 6-3 261 4/1/93 Arizona Laveen, Ariz. FA
Hawkins, Josh CB 5-10 189 1/23/93 East Carolina Kernersville, N.C. FA
Henry, Mitchell (1) TE 6-4 252 12/11/92 Western Kentucky Elizabethtown, Ky. FA-’15
Jackson, Don RB 5-10 208 9/7/93 Nevada Elk Grove, Calif. FA
James, Josh T 6-5 314 5/9/93 Carroll Coeur d'Alene, Idaho FA
Jette, Randall CB 5-11 193 3/27/93 Massachusetts Oak Bluffs, Mass. FA
Johnson, Jamel (1) WR 6-2 217 7/9/91 Alabama State Montgomery, Ala. FA-’15
Kuder, Tyler DT 6-3 307 6/3/92 Idaho State Payette, Idaho FA
Lovato, Rick (1) LS 6-2 259 9/9/92 Old Dominion Middletown, N.J. FA-’15
Lowry, Dean DE 6-6 296 6/9/94 Northwestern Rockford, Ill. D4b
Martinez, Blake LB 6-2 237 1/9/94 Stanford Oro Valley, Ariz. D4a
McBryde, B.J. (1) DE 6-5 303 10/21/91 Connecticut Beaver Falls, Pa. FA-’15
Mortell, Peter P 5-11 203 12/29/92 Minnesota Green Bay, Wis. FA
Murphy, Kyle T 6-6 305 12/11/93 Stanford San Clemente, Calif. D6
Pierce, Casey (1) TE 6-3 248 8/12/91 Kent State Parma, Ohio FA
Pikula, Manoa LB 6-1 234 2/23/93 Brigham Young South Jordan, Utah FA
Price, Brian DT 6-3 318 6/24/94 Texas San Antonio Lafayette, Ind. FA
Ringo, Christian (1) DT 6-1 298 3/10/92 Louisiana-Lafayette Jackson, Miss. D6b-’15
Robinson, Devonte WR 6-1 188 10/29/93 Utah State Delray Beach, Fla. FA
Rotheram, Matt (1) G 6-5 325 7/5/92 Pittsburgh North Olmsted, Ohio FA-’15
Spriggs, Jason T 6-6 301 5/17/94 Indiana Elkhart, Ind. D2
Squirewell, Alstevis FB 6-0 265 9/17/92 Newberry Great Falls, S.C. FA
Tucker, Cory G 6-4 315 11/20/92 Slippery Rock South Park, Pa. FA
Waters, Herb WR 6-0 188 11/10/92 Miami Homestead, Fla. FA
Whitehead, Jermaine (1) S 5-11 195 3/12/93 Auburn Greenwood, Miss. FA
Williams, Ed (1) WR 6-0 196 3/14/91 Fort Hays State Tampa, Fla. FA-’15
Williams, Ryan QB 6-4 215 11/22/91 Miami Miramar, Fla. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 177

COACHING STAFF February 15, 1969, Jacksonville, Fla. Running Winston Moss, associate head coach/
Head Coach, back Florida State 1987, 1989-1991. Pro run- linebackers; born December 24, 1965, Miami,
Mike McCarthy ning back Green Bay Packers 1992-96, Fla. Linebacker Miami 1983-86. Pro line-
Pro Career: Named the fourteenth head Chicago Bears 1998-99. Pro coach: Joined backer Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1987-1990,
coach in team history January 12, 2006. With Packers in 2001. Los Angeles Raiders 1991-94, Seattle
a win over Pittsburgh in Super Bowl XLV, James Campen, offensive line; born June 11, Seahawks 1995-97. Pro coach: Seattle
joined Vince Lombardi and Mike Holmgren as 1964, Sacramento, Calif. Center Sacramento Seahawks 1998, New Orleans Saints 2000-
the only coaches to guide the Packers to a City (Calif.) J.C. 1982-83, Tulane 1984-85. 05, joined Packers in 2006.
Super Bowl title. One of only two coaches Pro center New Orleans Saints 1987-88, Darren Perry, secondary-safeties; born
(Pittsburgh’s Bill Cowher, 2005) to lead their Green Bay Packers 1989-1993. Pro coach: December 29, 1968, Norfolk, Va. Safety Penn
respective teams to three road wins as the No. Joined Packers in 2004. State 1989-1991. Pro safety Pittsburgh
6 seed in the postseason en route to a world Dom Capers, defensive coordinator; born Steelers 1992-98, San Diego Chargers 1999,
title. Has guided the Packers to eight playoff August 7, 1950, Cambridge, Ohio. Defensive New Orleans Saints 2000. Pro coach:
appearances, tied with Lombardi for the team back Mount Union 1968-1971. No pro playing Cincinnati Bengals 2002, Pittsburgh Steelers
record, including a franchise-best seven experience. College coach: Kent State 1972- 2003-06, Oakland Raiders 2007-08, joined
straight berths from 2009-2015. Has helped 74, Hawaii 1975-76, San Jose State 1977, Packers in 2009.
Green Bay advance to the divisional round of California 1978-79, Tennessee 1980-81, Ohio David Raih, asst. offensive line; born
the postseason in five of the last six seasons State 1982-83. Pro coach: Philadelphia/ September 9, 1980, Minneapolis, Minn.
(2010-12, 2014-15). Led the club to a fran- Baltimore Stars (USFL) 1984-85, New Quarterback Iowa 1999-2003. No pro playing
chise-record four consecutive division titles in Orleans Saints 1986-1991, Pittsburgh experience. College coach: Iowa 2010-12,
2011-14. Earned his 100th career regular- Steelers 1992-94, Carolina Panthers 1995-98 Texas Tech 2013. Pro coach: Joined Packers
season victory in just his 150th game, making (head coach), Jacksonville Jaguars 1999- in 2014.
him the seventh-fastest coach to reach that 2000, Houston Texans 2001-05 (head Jason Simmons, asst. special teams; born
mark in NFL history and the fastest current coach), Miami Dolphins 2006-07, New March 30, 1976, Inglewood, Calif.
NFL coach to reach the 100-win plateau. England Patriots 2008, joined Packers in Cornerback Arizona State 1994-97. Pro
Ranks No. 2 in franchise history with 112 2009. defensive back Pittsburgh Steelers 1998-
wins (including playoffs) and reached 100 Tom Clements, associate head coach/ 2001, Houston Texans 2002-07. Pro coach:
overall victories faster than any other active offense; born June 18, 1953, McKees Rocks, Joined Packers in 2011.
NFL head coach when he did so in his 155th Pa. Quarterback Notre Dame 1972-74. Pro Ben Sirmans, running backs; born October
career game. His .643 career winning per- quarterback Ottawa Rough Riders (CFL) 17, 1970, East Orange, N.J. Running back
centage (including playoffs) ranks No. 2 1975-78, Hamilton Tiger-Cats (CFL) 1979, Maine 1990-93. No pro playing experience.
among active NFL coaches (min. 75 games) 1981-82, Kansas City Chiefs 1980, Winnipeg College coach: Maine 1996-99, Kent State
entering 2016. Has led the Packers to seven Blue Bombers (CFL) 1983-87. College coach: 2000-04, Michigan State 2005-06, Boston
10-win seasons, five seasons with 11-plus Notre Dame 1992-95. Pro coach: New College 2007-2011. Pro coach: St. Louis
wins and three with 12-plus victories, all fran- Orleans Saints 1997-99, Kansas City Chiefs Rams 2012-15, joined Packers in 2016.
chise records. In 2011, guided Green Bay to a 2000, Pittsburgh Steelers 2001-03, Buffalo Mike Trgovac, defensive line; born February
team-record 15 wins, the NFC North title and Bills 2004-05, joined Packers in 2006. 27, 1959, Youngstown, Ohio. Defensive line-
the top seed in the conference for the first Ejiro Evero, defensive quality control; born man Michigan 1977-1980. No pro playing
time since 1996. Named Motorola Coach of January 6, 1981, Colchester, England. Safety experience. College coach: Michigan 1984-
the Year, matched a then-franchise record California-Davis 2000-03. No pro playing 85, Ball State 1986-88, Navy 1989, Colorado
with 13 victories, and won NFC North Division experience. College coach: California-Davis State 1990-91, Notre Dame 1992-94. Pro
title in 2007. Returned to Green Bay after 2005-06, Redlands 2010. Pro coach: Tampa coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1995-98, Green
serving as the team’s quarterbacks coach in Bay Buccaneers 2007-09, San Francisco Bay Packers 1999, Washington Redskins
1999. Went on to be a highly successful 49ers 2011-15, joined Packers in 2016. 2000-01, Carolina Panthers 2002-08,
offensive coordinator for the New Orleans Luke Getsy, wide receivers; born February rejoined Packers in 2009.
Saints (2000-04) and the San Francisco 16, 1984, Munhall, Pa. Quarterback Alex Van Pelt, quarterbacks; born May 1,
49ers (2005). Career record: 112-62-1. Pittsburgh 2002-03, Akron 2005-06. No pro 1970, Pittsburgh, Pa. Quarterback Pittsburgh
Background: Graduated with business playing experience. College coach: Akron 1989-1992. Pro quarterback Buffalo Bills
administration degree from Baker University. 2007-08, West Virginia Wesleyan 2009, 1995-2003. College coach: Buffalo 2005. Pro
Was an all-conference tight end (1985-86), Pittsburgh 2010, Indiana University (Pa.) coach: Frankfurt Galaxy (NFLE) 2005, Buffalo
helping the school to a NAIA Division II run- 2011-12, Western Michigan 2013. Pro Bills 2006-09, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2010-
ner-up finish as a senior captain. Coached coach: Joined Packers in 2014. 11, joined Packers in 2012.
collegiately at Fort Hays State (1987-88) and Mark Lovat, strength & conditioning coordi- Joe Whitt Jr., secondary-cornerbacks; born
Pittsburgh (1989-1992), before moving to the nator; born Oct. 9, 1969, Pocatello, Idaho. July 19, 1978, Auburn, Ala. Wide receiver
NFL with the Chiefs (1993-98), Packers Attended Butler. No college or pro playing Auburn 1997-99. No pro playing experience.
(1999), Saints (2000-04) and 49ers (2005). experience. Pro coach: Joined Packers in College coach: Auburn 2000-01, The Citadel
Personal: Born November 10, 1963, in 1999. 2002, Louisville 2003-06. Pro coach: Atlanta
Pittsburgh. Family includes wife Jessica and Scott McCurley, asst. linebackers; born Falcons 2007, joined Packers in 2008.
their five children. August 1, 1980, New Castle, Pa. Linebacker Ron Zook, special teams coordinator; born
Pittsburgh 1998-2002. No pro playing experi- April 28, 1954, Loudonville, Ohio. Defensive
ASSISTANT COACHES ence. College coach: Pittsburgh 2003-05. Pro back Miami (Ohio) 1972-75. No pro playing
Brian Angelichio, tight ends; born December coach: Joined Packers in 2006. experience. College coach: Murray State
27, 1972, Ilion, N.Y. Linebacker St. Lawrence Jerry Montgomery, defensive front assistant; 1978-1980, Cincinnati 1981-82, Kansas
1991-95. No pro playing experience. College born September 19, 1979, Los Angeles, Calif. 1983, Tennessee 1984-86, Virginia Tech
coach: SUNY-Brockport 1995, Ithaca 1996- Defensive tackle Iowa 1998-2001. No pro 1987, Ohio State 1988-1990, Florida 1991-
2005, Pittsburgh 2006-2010, Rutgers 2011. playing experience. College coach: North 95, 2002-04 (head coach 2002-04), Illinois
Pro coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, Iowa Area C.C. 2006, Northern Iowa 2007- 2005-2011 (head coach). Pro coach:
Cleveland Browns 2014-15, joined Packers in 08, Wyoming 2009-2010, Michigan 2011- Pittsburgh Steelers 1996-98, Kansas City
2016. 12, Oklahoma 2013-14. Pro coach: Joined Chiefs 1999, New Orleans Saints 2000-01,
Edgar Bennett, offensive coordinator; born Packers in 2015. joined Packers in 2014.

178 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner/Chairman: Stan Kroenke Cleveland 1937-1945,
Executive Vice President of Football Los Angeles 1946-1994,
Operations/Chief Operating Officer: St. Louis 1995-2015
Kevin Demoff (559-566-21)
General Manager: Les Snead Records include postseason games
1937-38 Hugo Bezdek*.............1-13-0
Administration: Jeff Brewer, Todd Davis, 1938 Art Lewis ......................4-4-0
Mitchell Bornstein, Lauren Wiedmeier 1939-1942 Earl (Dutch) Clark......16-26-2
Communications: Artis Twyman, 1944 Aldo (Buff) Donelli.........4-6-0
Julia Faron, Tiffany White 1945-46 Adam Walsh ...............16-5-1
Corporate Communications: Molly 1947 Bob Snyder...................6-6-0
Higgins, Zach Kinkeade, Erica 1948-49 Clark Shaughnessy .....14-8-3
Sherman 1950-52 Joe Stydahar**...........19-9-0
Creative & Broadcast Production: 1952-54 Hamp Pool................23-11-2
National Football Conference Chris Slepokura, Glenn Connelly, 1955-59 Sid Gillman ...............28-32-1
West Division Cory Befort, Zach Dudka, Sandarvius 1960-62 Bob Waterfield*** ......9-24-1
Team Colors: New Century Gold, Duffie, Nate Bain, Shawn Dangerfield, 1962-65 Harland Svare ...........14-31-3
Millennium Blue, and White Dani Klupenger, Myles Simmons 1966-1970 George Allen .............49-19-4
29899 Agoura Road Data Management: Ford Galvin, 1971-72 Tommy Prothro .........14-12-2
Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Preston Black 1973-77 Chuck Knox ..............57-20-1
Employee Experience: 1978-1982 Ray Malavasi ............43-36-0
2016 SCHEDULE Jodie Cunningham, Kristin Schnur, 1983-1991 John Robinson..........79-74-0
PRESEASON Alaine Brewer 1992-94 Chuck Knox ..............15-33-0
Aug. 14 Dallas ................................9:00 Marketing: Keely Bledsoe, Clint McComb
1995-96 Rich Brooks ..............13-19-0
Aug. 23 Kansas City .......................7:00 Sales: Mike O’Keefe, Jane Normansell
1997-99 Dick Vermeil..............25-26-0
Aug. 29 at Denver............................7:00 Sponsorship: Chelsea Lipocky,
2000-05 Mike Martz****........56-36-0
Sep. 3 at Minnesota ......................7:00 Courtney Mall
2005 Joe Vitt .........................4-7-0
Ticketing: Jake Bye, Kanyon West,
2006-08 Scott Linehan#.........11-25-0
REGULAR SEASON Steven Moore, Meagan Roberts
2008 Jim Haslett..................2-10-0
Sep. 12 at San Francisco (Mon) ......7:20 2009-2011 Steve Spagnuolo .......10-38-0
Sep. 18 Seattle ..............................1:05 Senior Assistant: Tony Pastoors
Director; Player Personnel: Taylor Morton 2012-15 Jeff Fisher.................27-36-1
Sep. 25 at Tampa Bay ....................1:05 * Released after three games in 1938
Director; College Scouting: Brad Holmes
Oct. 2 at Arizona ..........................1:25 ** Resigned after one game in 1952
Director; Pro Personnel: Ran Carthon *** Resigned after eight games in 1962
Oct. 9 Buffalo ..............................1:25
Director of Player Evaluation, Research **** Took medical leave after five games in 2005
Oct. 16 at Detroit .......................10:00a
and Analysis: JW Jordan # Released after four games in 2008
Oct. 23 New York Giants (London).6:30a
Director; Player Engagement:
La’Roi Glover
Nov. 6 Carolina ............................1:05 Home 341,967 Away 509,571
Director; Video Operations: Larry Clerico
Nov. 13 at New York Jets.............10:00a Director; Sports Medicine and Total 851,538
Nov. 20 Miami ...............................1:05 Performance: Reggie Scott Single-game home record,
Nov. 27 at New Orleans ..............10:00a Assistant Athletic Trainer/Physical 66,273 (12/10/00)
Dec. 4 at New England .............10:00a Therapist: Byron Cunningham Single-season home record,
Dec. 11 Atlanta ..............................1:25 Assistant Athletic Trainer/Sports Science 520,926 (1999)
Dec. 15 at Seattle (Thu)...................5:25 Coordinator: Tyler Williams
Dec. 24 San Francisco (Sat)...........1:25 Assistant Athletic Trainer: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Jan. 1 Arizona .............................1:25 Hilary Stepansky Round Name Pos. College
* All times PT Equipment Manager: James Lake 1 Jared Goff QB California
Assistant Equipment Manager: 4 Tyler Higbee TE Western Kentucky
Stadium: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Jae’Drick Avery, Ben Bloomer, 6 Pharoh Cooper WR South Carolina
(opened in 1923) Matt Taylor Temarrick HemingwayTE South Carolina St.
•Capacity: 93,607 External Football Affairs: Kyle Eversgerd Josh Forrest LlB Kentucky
391 1 S. Figueroa St. Football Information: Ryan Garlisch, Mike Thomas WR Souther Miss.
Los Angeles, California 90037 Rebecca Lally, Jake Temme
Playing Surface: Natural Grass Operations: Bruce Warwick, Kate Walker,
Training Camp: Facility TBD Andy Sugarman, Lee Martin
Security: Steve Miller, Harold Gooding
Assistant Director of Pro Personnel:
Ray Agnew
LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL COLISEUM National Scouts: Lawrence McCutcheon,
Ted Monago
Scouts: Evan Ardoin, Danton Barto,
Sean Gustus, Steve Kazor,
Will Rodriguez, John Zernhelt, Brian Hill
Senior Scouting Assistants:
Billy Johnson, Jordan Johnson
Scouting Assistants: Vito Gonella,
Michael Pierce
Executive Assistant to the Head Coach:
Donna Ellis

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 179

PRESEASON (0-4) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Foles 337 190 2052 56.4 7 10 14/98 69.0
08/14 L 3-18 at Oakland Keenum 125 76 828 60.8 4 1 4/28 87.7
08/23 L 14-27 at Tennessee Mannion 7 6 31 85.7 0 0 0/0 85.1
08/29 L 14-24 Indianapolis Hekker 4 1 20 25.0 0 0 0/0 47.9
09/03 L 17-24 Kansas City Rams 473 273 2931 57.7 11 11 18/126 74.1
Opponents 597 399 4301 66.8 21 13 41/236 90.4
Date Result Opponent TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
09/13 W 34-31 Seattle (OT) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Johnson 7 136 19.4 58t 1
09/20 L 10-24 at Washington Zuerlein 0 0 0 26/28 20/30 0 86 Jenkins 3 0 0.0 0 0
09/27 L 6-12 Pittsburgh Austin 4 5 1 0/0 0/0 0 60 Sims 1 42 42.0 42 0
10/04 W 24-22 at Arizona Gurley 10 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 60 McLeod 1 4 4.0 4 0
10/11 L 10-24 at Green Bay Hocker 0 0 0 1/1 1/1 0 4 Laurinaitis 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 24-6 Cleveland Britt 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Rams 13 182 14.0 58t 1
11/01 W 27-6 San Francisco Kendricks 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 11 131 11.9 45t 2
11/08 L 18-21 at Minnesota (OT) Ayers 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/15 L 13-37 Chicago Bailey 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 L 13-16 at Baltimore Foles 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Hekker 96 4601 47.9 41 68
11/29 L 7-31 at Cincinnati Johnson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Rams 96 4601 47.9 41 68
12/06 L 3-27 Arizona Mason 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 83 3721 44.8 26 73
12/13 W 21-14 Detroit McLeod 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/17 W 31-23 Tampa Bay Cook 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 2 PUNT
12/27 W 23-17 at Seattle Laurinaitis 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 L 16-19 at San Francisco (OT) Rams 16 11 4 27/29 21/31 1 280 Austin 34 15 268 7.9 75t 1
(OT) Overtime Opponents 7 21 4 29/29 35/37 0 330 Welker 2 0 23 11.5 13 0
2-Pt Conv: Cook Jenkins 1 0 5 5.0 5 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Rams 1-2, Opponents 2-3 Davis 1 0 4 4.0 4 0
Rams 69 93 64 51 3 — 280 Bates 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
Opponents 77 71 72 104 6 — 330 RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Rams 39 15 300 7.7 75t 1
Gurley 229 1106 4.8 71t 10 Opponents 40 25 289 7.2 57t 1
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Austin 52 434 8.3 60 4
Rams Opp. Mason 75 207 2.8 15 1 KICKOFF
Total First Downs 241 320 B. Cunningham 37 140 3.8 40 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 92 98 Givens 1 24 24.0 24 0 B. Cunningham 25 714 28.6 102 0
Passing 126 192 Foles 17 20 1.2 10 1 Pead 3 63 21.0 22 0
Penalty 23 30 M. Brown 4 17 4.3 13 0 Austin 3 16 5.3 7 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 52/201 78/225 Keenum 12 5 0.4 4 0 C. Reynolds 2 9 4.5 9 0
3rd Down Pct. 25.9 34.7 Pead 2 3 1.5 4 0 Bailey 1 28 28.0 28 0
4th Down: Made/Att 4/13 4/15 Rams 429 1956 4.6 71t 16 Rams 34 830 24.4 102 0
4th Down Pct. 30.8 26.7 Opponents 453 1820 4.0 47 7 Opponents 27 605 22.4 42 0
Possession Avg. 27:35 32:25
Total Net Yards 4761 5885 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD FIELD
Avg. Per Game 297.6 367.8 Austin 52 473 9.1 66t 5 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Plays 920 1091 Cook 39 481 12.3 49 0 Zuerlein 1/1 2/2 9/10 5/8 3/9
Avg. Per Play 5.2 5.4 Britt 36 681 18.9 60t 3 Hocker 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0
Net Yards Rushing 1956 1820 B. Cunningham 26 250 9.6 42 0 Rams 1/1 2/2 10/11 5/8 3/9
Avg. Per Game 122.3 113.8 Kendricks 25 245 9.8 37t 2 Opponents 0/0 17/17 10/10 6/6 2/4
Total Rushes 429 453 Gurley 21 188 9.0 31 0
Net Yards Passing 2805 4065 Mason 18 88 4.9 16 0 SACKS No.
Avg. Per Game 175.3 254.1 Welker 13 102 7.8 14 0 Donald 11.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 18/126 41/236 Marquez 13 88 6.8 14 0 Hayes 5.5
Gross Yards 2931 4301 Bailey 12 182 15.2 68 1 Quinn 5.0
Att./Completions 473/273 597/399 Quick 10 102 10.2 37 0 Brockers 3.0
Completion Pct. 57.7 66.8 Harkey 5 26 5.2 12 0 C. Long 3.0
Had Intercepted 11 13 Davis 1 20 20.0 20 0 Alexander 2.0
Punts/Average 96/47.9 83/44.8 Givens 1 7 7.0 7 0 Joyner 2.0
Net Punting Avg. 96/43.7 83/38.8 M. Brown 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0 Ogletree 2.0
Penalties/Yards 122/1007 109/992 Rams 273 2931 10.7 68 11 Westbrooks 2.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 22/10 28/13 Opponents 399 4301 10.8 87t 21 Sims 1.5
Touchdowns 31 32 Barron 1.0
Rushing 16 7 Laurinaitis 1.0
Passing 11 21 McDonald 1.0
Returns 4 4 Ayers 0.5
Fairley 0.5
Rams 41.0
Opponents 18.0

180 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Steven Jackson, 2004-2012.............................................................10,135
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jim Everett, 1986-1993....................................................................23,758
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Roman Gabriel, 1962-1972 ...................................................................154
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Isaac Bruce, 1994-2007 .......................................................................942
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Isaac Bruce, 1994-2007 ..................................................................14,109
Interceptions ...................................................................Ed Meador, 1959-1970 ...........................................................................46
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Donnie Jones, 2007-2011....................................................................46.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Az-Zahir Hakim, 1998-2001 .................................................................11.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Ron Brown, 1984-89, 1991 .................................................................26.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Jeff Wilkins, 1997-2007 ........................................................................265
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marshall Faulk, 1999-2005......................................................................85
Points..............................................................................Jeff Wilkins, 1997-2007 .....................................................................1,223
*Sacks............................................................................Leonard Little, 1998-2008....................................................................81.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Eric Dickerson, 1984......................................................................**2,105
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Kurt Warner, 2001..............................................................................4,830
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Kurt Warner, 1999...................................................................................41
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Isaac Bruce, 1995.................................................................................119
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Isaac Bruce, 1995..............................................................................1,781
Interceptions ...................................................................Dick (Night Train) Lane, 1952..............................................................**14
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Donnie Jones, 2008 .............................................................................50.0
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Woodley Lewis, 1952...........................................................................18.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Verda (Vitamin T) Smith, 1950 .............................................................33.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Jeff Wilkins, 2003 ...................................................................................39
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marshall Faulk, 2000 ...............................................................................26
Points..............................................................................Jeff Wilkins, 2003 .................................................................................163
*Sacks............................................................................Robert Quinn, 2013..............................................................................19.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Willie Ellison, 12-5-71 ...........................................................................247
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Norm Van Brocklin, 9-28-51..............................................................**554
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................5
Last time by Kurt Warner, 10-10-99
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tom Fears, 12-3-50 ................................................................................18
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Willie Anderson, 11-26-89 ................................................................**336
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Keith Lyle, 12-15-96
Field Goals ......................................................................Jeff Wilkins, 9-10-06.................................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Many times ...............................................................................................4
Last time by Marshall Faulk, 10-20-02
Points..............................................................................Many times .............................................................................................24
Last time by Marshall Faulk, 10-20-02
*Sacks............................................................................Gary Jeter, 9-18-88................................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 181

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
31 Alexander, Maurice S 6-1 220 2/16/91 3 Utah State St. Louis, Mo. D4-’14 14/5
66 Arkin, David G 6-5 307 10/7/87 3 Missouri State Wichita, Kan. FA-’15 0*
11 Austin, Tavon WR 5-8 176 3/15/91 4 West Virginia Baltimore, Md. D1a-’13 16/15
56 Ayers, Akeem LB 6-3 255 7/10/89 6 UCLA Los Angeles, Calif. UFA(NE)-’15 16/11
12 Bailey, Stedman WR 5-10 194 11/11/90 4 West Virginia Miami, Fla. D3b-’13 8/3
61 Barnes, Tim C 6-4 306 5/14/88 5 Missouri Longwood, Mo. FA-’11 16/16
26 Barron, Mark LB/S 6-2 213 10/27/89 5 Alabama Mobile, Ala. T(TB)-’14 16/12
18 Britt, Kenny WR 6-3 223 9/18/88 8 Rutgers Bayonne, N.J. UFA(Tenn)-’14 16/13
90 Brockers, Michael DT 6-5 326 12/21/90 5 Louisiana State Houston, Texas D1-’12 16/16
68 Brown, Jamon G 6-4 323 3/15/93 2 Louisville Fern Creek, Ky. D3a-’15 9/9
37 Bryant, Christian S 5-9 198 3/21/92 2 Ohio State Cleveland, Ohio D7b-’14 9/0
98 Coples, Quinton DE 6-6 290 6/22/90 5 North Carolina Kinston, N.C. FA-’16 16/2*
36 Cunningham, Benny RB 5-10 217 7/7/90 4 Middle Tennessee Nashville, Tenn. FA-’13 16/1
38 Davis, Cody S 6-1 206 6/6/89 4 Texas Tech Stephenville, Texas FA-’13 16/0
99 Donald, Aaron DT 6-1 285 5/23/91 3 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pa. D1b-’14 16/16
64 Donnal, Andrew T 6-6 316 3/3/92 2 Iowa Monclova, Ohio D4-’15 5/2
91 Easley, Dominique DT 6-2 285 4/28/92 3 Florida Staten Island, N.Y. FA-'16 11/1*
5 Foles, Nick QB 6-6 243 1/20/89 5 Arizona Austin, Texas T(Phil)-’15 11/11
67 Folkerts, Brian OL 6-4 310 1/30/90 3 Washburn Florissant, Mo. FA-’15 2/0
33 Gaines, E.J. CB 5-10 190 2/23/92 3 Missouri Independence, Mo. D6a-’14 0*
30 Gurley, Todd RB 6-1 227 8/3/94 2 Georgia Tarboro, N.C. D1-’15 13/12
54 Hager, Bryce LB 6-1 235 5/4/92 2 Baylor Austin, Texas D7a-’15 16/0
46 Harkey, Cory TE 6-4 259 6/17/90 5 UCLA Chino Hills, Calif. FA-’12 16/6
79 Havenstein, Rob T 6-8 321 5/13/92 2 Wisconsin Mount Airy, Md. D2-’15 13/13
95 Hayes, William DE 6-3 278 5/2/85 9 Winston-Salem State High Point, N.C. UFA(Tenn)-’12 16/11
6 Hekker, Johnny P 6-5 236 2/8/90 5 Oregon State Bothell, Wash. FA-’12 16/0
22 Johnson, Trumaine CB 6-2 208 1/1/90 5 Montana Stockton, Calif. D3-’12 14/13
20 Joyner, Lamarcus DB 5-8 184 11/27/90 3 Florida State Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. D2-’14 16/5
17 Keenum, Case QB 6-1 205 2/17/88 5 Houston Abilene, Texas T(Hou)-’15 6/5
88 Kendricks, Lance TE 6-3 250 1/30/88 6 Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisc. D2-’11 15/12
60 Kush, Eric C 6-4 313 9/9/89 4 California (PA) Canonsburg, Penn. W(Hou)-’15 7/0
96 Longacre, Matt DE 6-3 260 9/21/91 2 Northwest Missouri St. Omaha, Nebr. FA-’15 5/0
50 Lynch, Cameron LB 6-0 229 8/4/93 2 Syracuse Lawrenceville, Ga. FA-’15 16/0
14 Mannion, Sean QB 6-6 233 4/25/92 2 Oregon State Pleasanton, Calif. D3b-’15 1/0
15 Marquez, Bradley WR 5-10 196 12/14/92 2 Texas Tech Odessa, Texas FA-’15 16/1
27 Mason, Tre RB 5-8 207 8/6/93 3 Auburn Palm Beach, Fla. D3-’14 13/3
25 McDonald, T.J. S 6-2 217 1/26/91 4 Southern California Fresno, Calif. D3a-’13 11/11
44 McQuaide, Jake LS 6-2 244 12/7/87 6 Ohio State Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’11 16/0
52 Ogletree, Alec LB 6-2 245 9/25/91 4 Georgia Newnan, Ga. D1b-’13 4/4
83 Quick, Brian WR 6-3 218 6/5/89 5 Appalachian State Columbia, S.C. D2a-’12 13/3
94 Quinn, Robert DE 6-4 264 5/18/90 6 North Carolina Ladson, S.C. D1-’11 8/7
34 Reynolds, Chase RB 6-0 205 10/22/87 4 Montana Drummond, Mont. FA-’11 12/0
71 Reynolds, Garrett G/T 6-7 305 7/1/87 8 North Carolina Knoxville, Tenn. UFA(Det)-’15 16/11
65 Rhaney, Demetrius C/G 6-2 301 6/22/92 3 Tennessee State Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. D7d-’14 16/1
47 Roberson, Marcus CB 6-0 191 10/4/92 3 Florida Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. FA-’14 16/4
73 Robinson, Greg T 6-5 332 10/21/92 3 Auburn Thibodaux, La. D1a-’14 16/16
76 Saffold, Rodger G 6-5 332 6/6/88 7 Indiana Bedford, Ohio D2-’10 5/5
21 Sensabaugh, Coty DB 5-11 187 11/15/88 5 Clemson Kingsport, Tenn. FA-’16 16/15*
97 Sims, Eugene DE 6-6 269 3/18/86 7 West Texas A&M Mt. Olive, Miss. D6b-’10 13/9
93 Westbrooks, Ethan DL 6-4 267 11/15/90 3 West Texas A&M Oakland, Calif. FA-’14 13/0
69 Wichmann, Cody G 6-5 319 3/2/92 2 Fresno State Mariposa, Calif. D6b-’15 12/7
63 Williams, Darrell T 6-5 301 8/3/93 2 South Florida Orlando, Fla. FA-’15 5/0
92 Worthington, Doug DT 6-5 318 8/10/87 2 Ohio State Buffalo, N.Y. FA-’14 2/0
4 Zuerlein, Greg K 6-0 196 12/27/87 5 Missouri Western Lincoln, Neb. D6-’12 14/0

182 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Arkin spent time on the Indianapolis practice squad in 2015; Coples played 10 games with the New York Jets and 6 games with Miami in
'15; Easley played 11 games with the New England Patriots; Gaines missed '15 season because of injury; Sensabaugh played 16 games
with Tennessee.

Traded—WR Chris Givens to Baltimore (3 games in '15).

Players lost through free agency: DT Nick Fairley (Det; 15 games in '15), CB Janoris Jenkins (NYG; 15), LB James Laurinaitis (NO;16),
DE Chris Long (NE; 12), S Rodney McLeod (Phil; 16).

Also played with Rams in ’15—K Zach Hocker (2 games), RB Isaiah Pead (2), WR Nick Toon (1), RB Trey Watts (1),
WR Wes Welker (8).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Battle, Isaiah (1) T 6-7 290 2/10/93 Clemson Brooklyn, N.Y. D5(Sup)-'15
Bertolet, Taylor K 5-9 188 10/24/92 Texas A&M Reading, Pa. FA
Brown, Malcolm (1) RB 5-11 224 5/15/93 Texas Cibolo, Texas FA-'15
Chubb, Brandon LB 6-1 245 10/21/93 Wake Forest Marietta, Ga. FA
Colter, Kain (1) WR 6-0 195 5/24/92 Northwestern Denver, Co. FA
Cooper, Pharoh WR 5-11 207 3/7/95 South Carolina Havelock, N.C. D4b
Cunningham, Justice (1) TE 6-3 258 1/14/91 South Carolina Pageland, S.C. FA-'14
Forrest, Josh LB 6-3 255 2/24/92 Kentucky Paducah, Ky. D6b
Fox, Morgan DL 6-3 263 9/12/94 Colorado State Pueblo Colorado Springs, Co. FA
Gaines, Rohan DB 5-11 194 4/1/93 Arkansas Bainbridge, Ga. FA
Goff, Jared QB 6-4 215 10/14/94 California Novato, Calif. D1
Green, Aaron RB 5-11 205 10/15/92 Texas Christian San Antonio, Texas FA
Grigsby, Nicholas LB 6-2 230 7/2/92 Pittsburgh Trotwood, Ohio FA
Hemmingway, Temarrick TE 6-5 210 7/30/93 South Carolina State Loris, S.C. D6a
Herring, Darreon LB 6-1 228 11/23/93 Vanderbilt Stone Mountain, Ga. FA
Higbee, Tyler TE 6-6 250 1/1/93 Western Kentucky Clearwater, Fla. D4a
Hill, Troy (1) CB 5-11 182 8/29/91 Oregon Ventura, Calif. W(NE)-'15
Hodges, Zack (1) LB/DE 6-3 246 2/18/92 Harvard Atlanta, Ga. FA-'15
Jordan, Michael DB 6-1 200 10/21/92 Missouri Western St. Louis, Mo. FA
Laskey, Zach (1) FB 6-2 225 7/08/92 Georgia Tech Peachtree City, Ga. FA-'15
Littleton, Cory LB 6-3 227 11/18/93 Washington Spring Valley, Calif. FA
Lomax, Jordan DB 5-10 202 10/13/93 Iowa Upper Marlboro, Md. FA
Long, Deon (1) WR 6-0 192 6/14/91 Maryland Washington, D.C. FA-'15
McRoberts, Paul WR 6-2 200 11/15/92 Southeast Missouri St. St. Louis, Mo. FA
Murphy, Pace OL 6-6 308 3/2/94 NW Louisiana Houston, Texas FA
North, Marquez WR 6-3 229 4/21/95 Tennessee Charlotte, N.C. FA
Overbaugh, Jeffrey LS 6-2 240 11/24/93 San Diego State Anchorage, Ala. FA
Randolph, Brian DB 6-0 202 10/20/92 Tennessee Kennesaw, Ga. FA
Seau, Ian DL 6-2 250 12/4/92 Nevada Oceanside, Calif. FA
Spruce, Nelson WR 6-1 205 12/5/92 Colorado Westlake Village, Calif. FA
Swindle, Jordan OL 6-7 313 3/16/94 Kentucky St. Johns, Fla. FA
Thomas, Michael WR 6-1 200 8/16/94 Southern Mississippi Chicago, Ill. D6c
Trinca-Pasat, Louis (1) DT 6-1 292 9/07/91 Iowa Chicago, Ill. FA-'15
Washington, Jabriel DB 5-11 182 3/17/93 Alabama Jackson, Tenn. FA
Wells, Matthew (1) LB 6-2 222 11/26/90 Mississippi State Monticello, Miss. FA-'15
Williams, Duke WR 6-2 216 5/13/93 Auburn LaPlace, La. FA
Worton, J.J. WR 6-2 212 1/7/92 Central Florida Homestead, Fla. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 183

COACHING STAFF 1995. Pro coach: Tennessee Titans 2001- 30, 1963, Phoenix, Ariz. Wide receiver
Head Coach, 2010, joined Rams in 2012. Arizona 1981-82, Kansas 1984-85. Pro
Jeff Fisher Andy Dickerson, asst. offensive line; born wide receiver New York Jets 1987.
Pro Career: Named the twenty-sixth head January 29, 1982, Wilmington, Del. College coach: Pittsburgh 1988-1992,
coach in franchise history on January 17, Offensive lineman Tufts 1999-2002. No Michigan State 1993-94, Rutgers 1995,
2012. Fisher ranks 17th on the NFL’s pro playing experience. College coach: UCLA 1996-97. Pro coach: Oakland
career wins list (167, including postsea- Tufts 2003. Pro coach: New York Jets Raiders 1998-2006, Dallas Cowboys
son), and third among active coaches. 2006-08, 2011, Cleveland Browns 2009- 2007-2012, Chicago Bears 2013-14,
Spent 16 full seasons as head coach of 2010, joined Rams in 2012. joined Rams in 2016.
the Tennessee Titans, 11 as executive John Fassel, special teams coordinator; Clyde Simmons, asst. defensive line;
vice president. Guided the Titans to six born January 10, 1974, Anaheim, Calif. born August 4, 1964, Lanes, S.C.
playoff appearances, three division titles, Wide receiver/quarterback Pacific 1994- Defensive end Western Carolina 1982-85.
two AFC Championship games (1999, 95, Weber State 1996-98. No pro playing Pro defensive end Philadelphia Eagles
2002) and one Super Bowl appearance experience. College coach: Bucknell 1986-1993, Arizona Cardinals 1994-95,
(XXXIV). Previously coached Philadelphia 1999, 2001, Idaho State 2000, New Jacksonville Jaguars 1996-97, Cincinnati
Eagles (1986-88), Los Angeles Rams Mexico Highlands 2002-03. Pro coach: Bengals 1998, Chicago Bears 1999-
(NFL’s youngest defensive coordinator, Amsterdam Admirals (NFLE) 2000, 2000. Pro coach: New York Jets 2010,
1989-1991), and San Francisco 49ers Baltimore Ravens 2005-07, Oakland joined Rams in 2012.
(1992-93). Defensive back and return Raiders 2008-2011, joined Rams in Kenan Smith, asst. wide receivers; born
specialist with Chicago Bears (1981-85). 2012. September 18, 1981, San Jose, Calif.
Earned a Super Bowl ring following Brandon Fisher, defensive backs; born Wide receiver Sacramento State 1999-
Chicago’s Super Bowl XX victory (1985). June 16, 1987, Franklin, Tenn. 2003. No pro playing experience. College
Career record: 174-162-1. Safety/linebacker Montana 2007-09. No coach: Ball State 2010, Anderson 2010,
Background: Played defensive back at pro playing experience. Pro coach: Detroit Butler 2011-2013. Pro coach: Joined
Southern California. Lions 2011, joined Rams in 2012. Rams in 2014.
Personal: Born February 25, 1958 in Mike Groh, wide receivers/passing game Barrett Trotter, offensive quaity control;
Woodland Hills, California. Has three chil- coordinator; born December 19, 1971, born February 10, 1989, Birmingham,
dren: sons Brandon (age 26) and Trent Charlottesville, Va. Quarterback Virginia, Ala. Quarterback Auburn 2008-2011. No
(age 21), and daughter Tara (age 24). 1991-95. Pro quarterback Rhein Fire pro playing experience. Coallege coach:
(WLAF) 1997. College coach: Virginia Arkansas State 2013. Pro coach: Joined
ASSISTANT COACHES 2001-08, Alabama 2009, 2011-12, Rams in 2015.
J. Aggabao, asst. strength and condition- Louisville 2010. Pro coach: New York Jets Mike Waufle, defensive line; born June
ing; born April 4, 1980, Talofofo, Guam. 2000, Chicago Bears 2013-15, joined 27, 1954, Hornell, N.Y. U.S. Marines
No college or pro playing experience. Rams in 2016. 1972-75. Defensive lineman Bakersfield
College coach: Washington State 2010- Rock Gullickson, strength; born April 11, (Calif.) J.C. 1975-76, Utah State 1977-78.
11, Illinois State 2011-13. Pro coach: 1955, Moorhead, Minn. Guard Moorhead No pro playing experience. College coach:
Joined Rams in 2014. State 1973-76. No pro playing experi- Alfred 1979, Utah State 1980-84, Fresno
Rob Boras, offensive coordinator; born ence. College coach: Moorhead State State 1985-88, UCLA 1989, Oregon State
Sept. 30, 1970, Glen Ellyn, Ill. Center De 1978, Maryville State (N.D.) 1979-1980, 1990-91, California 1992-97. Pro coach:
Pauw 1988-1991. No pro playing experi- South Dakota State 1981, Montana State Oakland Raiders 1998-2003, 2010-11,
ence. College coach: DePauw 1992-93, 1982-89, Rutgers 1990-92, Texas 1993- New York Giants 2004-09, joined Rams in
Texas 1994-97, Benedictine 1998 (head 97, Louisville 1998-99. Pro coach: New 2012.
coach), Nevada-Las Vegas 1999-2003. Orleans Saints 2000-05, Green Bay Chris Weinke, quarterbacks; born July
Pro coach: Chicago Bears 2004-09, Packers 2006-08, joined Rams in 2009. 31, 1972, St. Paul, Minn. Quarterback
Jacksonville Jaguars 2010-11, joined Jeff Imamura, defensive quality control; Florida State 1997-2000. Pro quarterback
Rams in 2012. born May 22, 1974, Lubbock, Texas. No Carolina Panthers 2001-06, San
Paul Boudreau, offensive line; born Dec. college or pro playing experience. College Francisco 49ers 2007. Pro coach: Joined
30, 1949, Arlington, Mass. Guard Boston coach: Texas Christian 1997-99, Northern Rams in 2015.
College 1970-73. No pro playing experi- Arizona 2000-02, Saginaw Valley State Gregg Williams, defensive coordinator;
ence. Pro coach: New Orleans Saints 2003, Minot State 2014. Pro coach: born July 15, 1958, Excelsior Springs,
1987-1993, Detroit Lions 1994-96, New Minnesota Vikings 2006-2013, joined Mo. Quarterback Northeastern Missouri
England Patriots 1997-98, Miami Rams in 2015. State 1976-79. No pro playing experi-
Dolphins 1999-2000, Carolina Panthers John Lilly, tight ends; born June 21, ence. College coach: Houston 1988-89.
2001-02, Jacksonville Jaguars 2003-05, 1968, Beckley, W.Va. Quarterback/wide Pro coach: Houston Oilers/Tennessee
St. Louis Rams 2006-07, Atlanta Falcons receiver Guilford College 1986-1989. No Titans 1990-2000, Buffalo Bills 2001-03
2008-2011, re-joined Rams in 2012. pro playing experience. College coach: (head coach), Washington Redskins
Frank Bush, linebackers; born January Florida State 1998-2007, Georgia 2008- 2004-07, Jacksonville Jaguars 2008,
10, 1963, Athens, Ga. Linebacker North 2015. Pro coach: Joined Rams in 2016. New Orleans Saints 2009-2011,
Carolina State 1981-1984. Pro linebacker Dave McGinnis, asst. head coach; born Tennessee Titans 2013, joined Rams in
Houston Oilers 1985-86. Pro coach: August 7, 1951, Independence, Kan. 2014.
Houston Oilers 1987-1991 (scout), 1992- Defensive back Texas Christian 1970-73. Dennard Wilson, defensive backs; born
94, Denver Broncos 1995-2003, Arizona No pro playing experience. College coach: March 31, 1982, Upper Marlboro, Md.
Cardinals 2004-06, Houston Texans Texas Christian 1973-74, 1982, Missouri Safety Maryland 2000-03. Pro safety
2007-2010, Tennessee Titans 2011-12, 1975-77, Indiana State 1978, 1980-81, Washington Redskins 2004. College
joined Rams in 2013. Kansas State 1983-85. Pro coach: coach: Maryland 2007-08. Pro coach:
Chuck Cecil, senior defensive assistant; Chicago Bears 1986-1995, Arizona Joined Rams in 2012.
born Nov. 8, 1964, Red Bluff, Calif. Cardinals 1996-2003 (head coach 2000-
Defensive back Arizona 1983-87. Pro 03), Tennessee Titans 2004-2011, joined
safety Green Bay Packers 1988-1992, Rams in 2012.
Phoenix Cardinals 1993, Houston Oilers Skip Peete, running backs; born January

184 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner/Chairman: Zygi Wilf (468-407-10)
Owner/President: Mark Wilf Records include postseason games
Owner/Vice Chairman: Leonard Wilf 1961-66 Norm Van Brocklin .....29-51-4
Ownership Partners: Alan Landis, 1967-1983 Bud Grant ................161-99-5
David Mandelbaum 1984 Les Steckel ..................3-13-0
General Manager: Rick Spielman 1985 Bud Grant ......................7-9-0
Chief Operating Officer: Kevin Warren 1986-1991 Jerry Burns................55-46-0
Assistant General Manager: 1992-2001 Dennis Green* .........101-70-0
George Paton 2001-05 Mike Tice ...................33-34-0
Executive Vice President of Public 2006-2010 Brad Childress** .......40-37-0
Affairs/Stadium Development: 2010-13 Leslie Frazier..............21-33-1
Lester Bagley 2014-15 Mike Zimmer..............18-15-0
Executive Vice President of Football *Resigned after 15 games in 2001
Operations: Rob Brzezinski **Released after 10 games in 2010
National Football Conference Executive Vice President of Sales and
North Division Marketing: Steve LaCroix PAID ATTENDANCE
Team Colors: Purple, Gold, and White Executive Vice President of Finance: Home 407,484 Away 525,247
9520 Viking Drive Steve Poppen Total 932,731
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Executive Vice President of Strategic Single-game home record,
Telephone: (952) 828-6500 Planning & Business Initiatives: 64,482 (11/2/03)
Jonathan Wilf Single-season home record,
2016 SCHEDULE 522,147 (2013)
PRESEASON Director of Pro Scouting: Ryan Monnens
Aug. 12 at Cincinnati .......................6:30 Director of College Scouting:
Jamaal Stephenson 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Aug. 18 at Seattle............................9:00 Round Name Pos. College
Aug. 28 San Diego........................12:00 Executive Director of Communications:
Jeff Anderson 1 Laquon Treadwell WR Mississippi
Sep. 1 Los Angeles.......................7:00 2 Mackensie Alexander DB Clemson
Executive Director of Public Relations:
REGULAR SEASON Bob Hagan 4 Willie Beavers G Western Michigan
Sep. 11 at Tennessee ...................12:00 Executive Director of Community 5 Kentrell Brothers LB Missouri
Sep. 18 Green Bay ........................7:30 Relations: Brad Madson 6 Moritz Böhringer WR none
Sep. 25 at Carolina .......................12:00 Director of Information Technology: David Morgan TE Texas-San Antonio
Oct. 3 New York Giants (Mon)......7:30 Cheryl Nygaard 7 Stephen Weatherly DE Vanderbilt
Oct. 9 Houston ..........................12:00 Director of Operations/Team Travel: Jayron Kearse DB Clemson
Luther Hippe
Oct. 23 at Philadelphia .................12:00
Vice President of Partnerships Activation
Oct. 31 at Chicago (Mon) ...............7:30
Nov. 6 Detroit ............................12:00 & Special Projects: Tanya Dreesen
Nov. 13 at Washington .................12:00 Vice President of Content and
Nov. 20 Arizona ...........................12:00 Production: Bryan Harper
Nov. 24 at Detroit (Thu) ...............11:30a Vice President of Marketing & Fan
Dec. 1 Dallas (Thu).......................7:25 Engagement: Dannon Hulskotter
Dec. 11 at Jacksonville .................12:00 Vice President of Operations and
Dec. 18 Indianapolis ....................12:00 Facilities: Chad Lundeen
Dec. 24 at Green Bay (Sat)............12:00 Vice President of Corporate Development
Jan. 1 Chicago ..........................12:00 & Guest Relations: J.P. Paul
* All times CT Vice President of Legal and Human
Resources: Karin Nelsen
Stadium: U.S. Bank Stadium Vice President of Corporate &
(opened in 2016) Technology Partnerships:
•Capacity: 66,675 John Penhollow
900 S. 5th Street Vice President of Finance & Controller:
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 Kate Shibilski
Playing Surface: UBU Speed Series S5-M Vice President of Ticket Sales and
Training Camp: Minnesota State University Operations: Phil Huebner
Mankato, Minnesota Director of Video: Bob Marcus
56001 Executive Director of Player
Development/Legal: Les Pico
Director of Security: Kim Klawiter
Director of Sports Medicine/Head Athletic
Trainer: Eric Sugarman
Equipment Manager: Dennis Ryan
Director of Human Resources:
Lisa Larson
Director of Food Service Operations:
Geji McKinney

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 185

PRESEASON (4-1) Passing Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Bridgewater 447 292 3231 65.3 14 9 44/307 88.7
08/09 W 14-3 vs. Pittsburgh, Canton, OH Hill 7 2 15 28.6 0 0 1/11 39.6
08/15 W 26-16 Tampa Bay Vikings 454 294 3246 64.8 14 9 45/318 87.9
08/22 W 20-12 Oakland Opponents 561 359 4042 64.0 24 13 43/283 90.0
08/29 W 28-14 at Dallas
09/03 L 17-24 at Tennessee TD TD TD INTERCEPTIONS No. Yds Avg LG TD
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Newman 3 4 1.3 4 0
REGULAR SEASON (11-5) Walsh 0 0 0 33/37 34/39 0 135 Smith 2 35 17.5 35t 1
Date Result Opponent Peterson 11 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 66 Munnerlyn 2 30 15.0 32 0
09/14 L 3-20 at San Francisco Rudolph 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Trattou 2 14 7.0 11 0
09/20 W 26-16 Detroit Diggs 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Greenway 1 91 91.0 91t 1
09/27 W 31-14 San Diego Bridgewater 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 20 Barr 1 32 32.0 32 0
10/04 L 20-23 at Denver Line 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Sendejo 1 9 9.0 9 0
10/18 W 16-10 Kansas City McKinnon 2 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Rhodes 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 28-19 at Detroit Patterson 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Vikings 13 215 16.5 91t 2
11/01 W 23-20 at Chicago Wallace 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 9 71 7.9 26 0
11/08 W 21-18 St. Louis (OT) Ellison 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/15 W 30-14 at Oakland Greenway 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 L 13-30 Green Bay Munnerlyn 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Locke 66 2746 41.6 23 61
11/29 W 20-10 at Atlanta Sherels 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Vikings 66 2746 41.6 23 61
12/06 L 7-38 Seattle Smith 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 72 3158 43.9 24 68
12/10 L 20-23 at Arizona Vikings 18 14 6 33/37 34/39 0 365
12/20 W 38-17 Chicago Opponents 7 24 0 28/28 28/31 1 302 PUNT
12/27 W 49-17 New York Giants 2-Pt Conv: Bridgewater. RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 W 20-13 at Green Bay Vikings 1-1, Opponents 1-3 Sherels 34 15 311 9.1 65t 1
Vikings 34 15 311 9.1 65t 1
POSTSEASON (0-1) RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 29 21 152 5.2 19 0
Date Result Opponent Peterson 327 1485 4.5 80t 11
01/10 L 9-10 Seattle McKinnon 52 271 5.2 68t 2 KICKOFF
(OT) Overtime Bridgewater 44 192 4.4 19 3 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Asiata 29 112 3.9 19 0 Patterson 32 1019 31.8 101t 2
SCORE BY PERIODS Thielen 4 89 22.3 41 0 Line 3 43 14.3 23 0
Vikings 76 91 92 103 3 — 365 Wright 1 29 29.0 29 0 Sherels 2 33 16.5 21 0
Opponents 52 104 47 99 0 — 302 Patterson 2 15 7.5 9 0 Blanton 1 27 27.0 27 0
Diggs 3 13 4.3 10 0 McKinnon 1 24 24.0 24 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Line 6 10 1.7 3 2 Diggs 1 22 22.0 22 0
Vikings Opp. Wallace 1 6 6.0 6 0 Pruitt 1 12 12.0 12 0
Total First Downs 297 318 Hill 4 -5 -1.3 -1 0 Hunter 1 10 10.0 10 0
Rushing 113 94 Locke 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0 Vikings 42 1190 28.3 101t 2
Passing 153 189 Vikings 474 2211 4.7 80t 18 Opponents 40 1043 26.1 70 0
Penalty 31 35 Opponents 411 1748 4.3 72t 7
3rd Down: Made/Att 76/199 71/206 FIELD
3rd Down Pct. 38.2 34.5 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
4th Down: Made/Att 5/11 11/22 Diggs 52 720 13.8 40t 4 Walsh 0/0 9/9 13/15 6/7 6/8
4th Down Pct. 45.5 50.0 Rudolph 49 495 10.1 47t 5 Vikings 0/0 9/9 13/15 6/7 6/8
Possession Avg. 30:23 29:37 Wallace 39 473 12.1 34 2 Opponents 0/0 7/8 6/6 9/10 6/7
Total Net Yards 5139 5507 Wright 34 442 13.0 52 0
Avg. Per Game 321.2 344.2 Peterson 30 222 7.4 49 0 SACKS No.
Total Plays 973 1015 McKinnon 21 173 8.2 30 1 Griffen 10.5
Avg. Per Play 5.3 5.4 Asiata 19 132 6.9 22 0 Hunter 6.0
Net Yards Rushing 2211 1748 Thielen 12 144 12.0 30 0 Tom Johnson 5.5
Avg. Per Game 138.2 109.3 Ellison 11 124 11.3 41 1 Robison 5.0
Total Rushes 474 411 Pruitt 10 89 8.9 32 0 Kendricks 4.0
Net Yards Passing 2928 3759 C. Johnson 9 127 14.1 35 0 Barr 3.5
Avg. Per Game 183.0 234.9 Line 6 95 15.8 49 1 Floyd 2.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 45/318 43/283 Patterson 2 10 5.0 9 0 Greenway 2.5
Gross Yards 3246 4042 Vikings 294 3246 11.0 52 14 Smith 1.5
Att./Completions 454/294 561/359 Opponents 359 4042 11.3 72t 24 Munnerlyn 1.0
Completion Pct. 64.8 64.0 Joseph 0.5
Had Intercepted 9 13 Sendejo 0.5
Punts/Average 66/41.6 72/43.9 Vikings 43.0
Net Punting Avg. 66/37.8 72/39.3 Opponents 45.0
Penalties/Yards 88/797 109/875
Fumbles/Ball Lost 21/8 18/9
Touchdowns 38 31
Rushing 18 7
Passing 14 24
Returns 6 0

186 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Adrian Peterson, 2007-2015 ............................................................11,675
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Fran Tarkenton, 1961-66, 1972-78...................................................33,098
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Fran Tarkenton, 1961-66, 1972-78........................................................239
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Cris Carter, 1990-2001 ......................................................................1,004
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Cris Carter, 1990-2001 ....................................................................12,383
Interceptions ...................................................................Paul Krause, 1968-1979 .........................................................................53
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Chris Kluwe, 2005-2012 ......................................................................44.4
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Mewelde Moore, 2004-07 ....................................................................10.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Cordarrelle Patterson, 2013-15.............................................................30.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Fred Cox, 1963-1977 ............................................................................282
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Cris Carter, 1990-2001 .........................................................................110
Points..............................................................................Fred Cox, 1963-1977 .........................................................................1,365
*Sacks............................................................................John Randle, 1990-2000....................................................................114.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Adrian Peterson, 2012........................................................................2,097
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Daunte Culpepper, 2004 .....................................................................4,717
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Daunte Culpepper, 2004 ..........................................................................39
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Cris Carter, 1994, 1995.........................................................................122
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Randy Moss, 2003.............................................................................1,632
Interceptions ...................................................................Paul Krause, 1975...................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Chris Kluwe, 2008................................................................................47.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Marcus Sherels, 2013 ..........................................................................15.2
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Percy Harvin, 2012 ..............................................................................35.9
Field Goals ......................................................................Gary Anderson, 1998 ..............................................................................35
Blair Walsh, 2012....................................................................................35
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Chuck Foreman, 1975 .............................................................................22
Points..............................................................................Gary Anderson, 1998 ............................................................................164
*Sacks............................................................................Jared Allen, 2011 .................................................................................22.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Adrian Peterson, 11-4-07 ..................................................................**296
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Tommy Kramer, 11-2-86 .......................................................................490
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Kapp, 9-28-69................................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Rickey Young, 12-16-79..........................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Sammy White, 11-7-76.........................................................................210
Interceptions ...................................................................Many Times ..............................................................................................3
Last time by Darren Sharper, 11-13-05
Field Goals ......................................................................Rich Karlis, 11-5-89..................................................................................7
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Chuck Foreman, 12-20-75 ........................................................................4
Ahmad Rashad, 9-2-79.............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Chuck Foreman, 12-20-75 ......................................................................24
Ahmad Rashad, 9-2-79...........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Randy Holloway, 9-16-84.......................................................................5.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 187

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
44 Asiata, Matt RB 6-0 219 7/24/87 5 Utah Santa Ana, Calif. FA-’12 16/0
55 Barr, Anthony LB 6-5 255 3/18/92 3 UCLA San Pedro, Calif. D1a-’14 14/14
61 Berger, Joe C 6-5 305 5/25/82 12 Michigan Tech Newaygo, Mich. FA-’11 16/16
76 Boone, Alex G 6-8 310 5/4/87 7 Ohio State Lakewood, Ohio UFA-’16 13/13*
5 Bridgewater, Teddy QB 6-2 215 11/10/92 3 Louisville Miami, Fla. D1b-’14 16/16
60 Bykowski, Carter T 6-7 313 7/25/90 3 Iowa State Eden Prairie, Minn. PS(SF)-’14 0*
68 Clemmings, T.J. T 6-5 309 11/18/91 2 Pittsburgh Teaneck, N.J. D4-’15 16/16
57 Cole, Audie LB 6-5 248 6/1/89 5 NC State Monroe, Mich. D7a-’12 7/1
95 Crichton, Scott DE 6-3 273 10/30/91 3 Oregon State Tacoma, Wash. D3a-’14 13/0
14 Diggs, Stefon WR 6-0 191 11/29/93 2 Maryland Gaithersburg, Md. D5b-’15 13/9
62 t-Easton, Nick C 6-3 303 6/16/92 2 Harvard Lenoir, N.C. T(SF)-’15 0*
72 Ellis, Kenrick DT 6-5 335 12/10/87 6 Hampton Lake Worth, Fla. FA-’15 9/0
85 Ellison, Rhett TE 6-5 250 10/3/88 5 Southern California Portola Valley, Calif. D4b-’12 15/9
32 Exum Jr., Antone S 6-0 219 2/27/91 3 Virginia Tech Glen Allen, Va. D6a-’14 12/2
69 Faciane, Isame G 6-4 302 5/11/91 2 Florida International Slidell, La. FA-’14 0*
73 Floyd, Sharrif DT 6-3 311 5/28/91 4 Florida Philadelphia, Pa. D1a-’13 13/12
63 Fusco, Brandon G 6-4 306 7/26/88 6 Slippery Rock Cranberry Township, Pa. D6c-’11 16/16
52 Greenway, Chad LB 6-3 237 1/12/83 11 Iowa Mt. Vernon, S.D. D1-’06 16/12
97 Griffen, Everson DE 6-3 273 12/22/87 7 Southern California Avondale, Ariz. D4-’10 15/15
33 Griffin, Michael S 6-0 215 1/4/85 10 Texas Austin, Texas FA-’16 15/14*
41 Harris, Anthony S 6-1 192 10/9/91 2 Virginia Chesterfield, Va. FA-’15 4/2
79 Harris, Mike G 6-5 338 12/5/88 5 UCLA Duarte, Calif. W(SD)-’14 16/16
6 Heinicke, Taylor QB 6-1 210 3/15/93 2 Old Dominion Suwanee, Ga. FA-’15 0*
13 Hill, Shaun QB 6-3 230 1/9/80 15 Maryland Parsons, Kan. FA-’15 3/0
99 Hunter, Danielle DE 6-5 252 10/29/94 2 Louisiana State Katy, Texas D3-’15 14/1
12 Johnson, Charles WR 6-2 217 2/27/89 4 Grand Valley State Erlanger, Ky. PS(Cle)-’14 11/4
92 Johnson, Tom DT 6-3 288 8/30/84 6 Southern Mississippi Moss Point, Miss. FA-’14 16/8
98 Joseph, Linval DT 6-4 329 10/10/88 7 East Carolina Gainesville, Fla. FA-’14 12/12
75 Kalil, Matt T 6-7 317 7/6/89 5 Southern California Corona, Calif. D1a-’12 16/16
54 Kendricks, Eric LB 6-0 232 2/29/92 2 UCLA Fresno, Calif. D2-’15 14/11
67 Kerin, Zac G 6-5 305 8/13/91 2 Toledo Lewis Center, Ohio FA-’14 4/0
59 Lamur, Emmanuel LB 6-4 245 6/8/89 5 Kansas State West Palm Beach, Fla. UFA-’16 16/2*
87 Leonhardt, Brian TE 6-5 255 4/2/90 3 Bemidji State Spring Lake Park, Minn. FA-’16 4/0*
50 Lewis, Travis LB 6-2 235 1/15/88 5 Oklahoma San Antonio, Texas UFA(Det)-’16 15/4*
48 Line, Zach* FB 6-1 233 4/26/90 4 Southern Methodist Oxford, Mich. FA-’13 16/5
71 Loadholt, Phil T 6-8 345 1/21/86 8 Oklahoma Fountain, Colo. D2-’09 0*
18 Locke, Jeff P 6-0 195 9/27/89 4 UCLA Glendale, Ariz. D5-’13 16/0
47 McDermott, Kevin LS 6-5 240 1/12/90 4 UCLA Nashville, Tenn. FA-’15 16/0
21 McKinnon, Jerick RB 5-9 205 5/3/92 3 Georgia Southern Marietta, Ga. D3b-’14 16/0
91 Moore, Zach DE 6-6 290 9/5/90 3 Concordia-St.Paul Chicago, Ill. PS-’15 1/0
24 Munnerlyn, Captain CB 5-9 195 4/10/88 8 South Carolina Mobile, Ala. FA-’14 16/5
23 Newman, Terence CB 5-10 197 9/4/78 14 Kansas State Salina, Kan. FA-’15 16/16
84 Patterson, Cordarrelle WR 6-2 220 3/17/91 4 Tennessee Rockhill, S.C. D1c-’13 16/1
28 Peterson, Adrian RB 6-1 220 3/21/85 10 Oklahoma Palestine, Texas D1-’07 16/16
25 Price, Jabari CB 5-11 200 8/31/92 3 North Carolina Pompano Beach, Fla. D7c-’14 0*
83 Pruitt, MyCole TE 6-2 258 3/24/92 2 Southern Illinois St. Louis, Mo. D5a-’15 16/3
29 Rhodes, Xavier CB 6-1 218 6/19/90 4 Florida State Miami, Fla. D1b-’13 16/16
51 Robinson, Edmond LB 6-3 245 2/23/92 2 Newberry Wadmalaw Island, S.C. D7b-’15 9/2
96 Robison, Brian DE 6-3 259 4/27/83 10 Texas Splendora, Texas D4-’07 16/16
82 Rudolph, Kyle TE 6-6 265 11/9/89 6 Notre Dame Cincinnati, Ohio D2-’11 16/16
34 Sendejo, Andrew S 6-1 210 9/9/87 6 Rice San Antonio, Texas FA-’11 13/13
74 Shepherd, Austin T 6-4 327 5/28/92 2 Alabama Buford, Ga. D7a-’15 14/0
35 Sherels, Marcus CB 5-10 175 9/30/87 6 Minnesota Rochester, Minn. FA-’10 16/0
78 Sirles, Jeremiah T 6-6 315 8/8/91 3 Nebraska Lakewood, Colo. T(SD)-’15 0/0
72 Smith, Andre T 6-4 325 1/25/87 8 Alabama Birmingham, Ala. UFA(Cin)-’16 14/14*
22 Smith, Harrison S 6-2 214 2/2/89 5 Notre Dame Knoxville, Tenn. D1b-’12 13/13
93 Stephen, Shamar DT 6-5 310 2/25/91 3 Connecticut Westbury, N.Y. D7a-’14 5/0
65 Sullivan, John C 6-4 310 8/8/85 9 Notre Dame Old Greenwich, Conn. D6b-’08 0*
19 Thielen, Adam WR 6-2 200 8/22/90 3 Minnesota State Detroit Lakes, Minn. FA-’13 16/2
94 Trattou, Justin DE 6-4 258 8/28/88 5 Florida Ramsey, N.J. FA-’13 5/0
3 Walsh, Blair K 5-10 170 1/8/90 5 Georgia Boca Raton, Fla. D6-’12 16/0
58 Watts, Brandon LB 6-2 231 1/21/91 3 Georgia Tech Tennille, Ga. D7b-’14 7/0
26 Waynes, Trae CB 6-0 190 7/25/92 2 Michigan State Kenosha, Wisc. D1-’15 15/1
31 White, Melvin CB 6-2 215 6/26/90 3 Louisiana-Lafayette Freeport, Texas FA-’16 15/7*
17 Wright, Jarius WR 5-10 191 11/25/89 5 Arkansas Warren, Ark. D4a-’12 16/3

188 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Boone played 13 games with San Francisco; Bykowski missed ’15 season because of injury; Easton inactive for 12 games; Faciane
spent ’15 season on Minnesota practice squad; Griffin played 15 games with Tennessee; Heinicke inactive for 16 games; Lamur played
16 games with Cincinnati; Leonhardt played 4 games with San Francisco; Lewis played 15 games with Detroit; Loadholt missed ’15 sea-
son because of injury; Price missed ’15 season because of injury; A. Smith played 14 games with Cincinnati; Sullivan missed ’15 sea-
son because of injury; White last active with Carolina in ’14.

t– Vikings traded for Easton (SF).

Traded—LB Gerald Hodges Jr. (4 games in ’15) to San Francisco.

Players lost through free agency (4): S Robert Blanton (Buff; 16 games in ’15); CB Shaun Prater (Ariz; 1); CB Josh Robinson (TB; 5),
WR Mike Wallace (Balt; 16).

Also played with Vikings in ’15—Jason Trusnik (8 games).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Alexander, Mackensie CB 5-10 192 11/12/93 Clemson Immokalee, Fla. D2
Baxter, Keith CB 6-0 193 6/4/92 Marshall Homestead, Fla. FA
Beavers, Willie G 6-5 322 10/2/93 Western Michigan Southfield, Mich. D4
Böhringer, Moritz WR 6-4 225 10/16/93 No College Aalen, Germany D6a
Brothers, Kentrell LB 6-1 242 2/8/93 Missouri Edmond, Okla. D5
Carter, Kyle TE 6-3 245 12/17/92 Penn State New Castle, Del. FA
Cockran, Theiren DE 6-5 260 9/10/92 Minnesota Homestead, Fla. FA
DuBose, B.J. DE 6-4 284 1/19/92 Louisville Oakland Park, Fla. D6b-’15
Faciane, Isame G 6-4 302 5/11/91 Florida International Slidell, La. FA-’14
Fruechte, Isaac WR 6-3 210 3/7/91 Minnesota Caledonia, Minn. FA-’15
Ganus, Jake LB 6-2 233 3/22/94 Georgia Chelsea, Ariz. FA
Ham, C.J. RB 6-1 238 7/22/93 Augustana Duluth, Minn. FA
Johnson, Toby DT 6-4 325 9/1/91 Georgia College Park, Ga. PS-’15
Kearse, Jayron S 6-4 215 2/11/94 Clemson Ft. Myers, Fla. D7b
Michel, Marken WR 5-11 191 7/6/93 Massachusetts Plantation, Fla. FA
Morgan, David TE 6-4 265 5/19/93 Texas-San Antonio Marble Falls, Texas D6b
Perine, Denzell DE 6-2 250 3/28/93 Florida International Mobile, Ala. FA
Pressley, Jhurell RB 5-10 206 5/20/92 New Mexico Bear, Del. FA
Renaud, Blake FB 6-1 252 10/6/92 Boise State Concord, Calif. FA-’15
Roberson, Tre CB 6-0 205 10/22/92 Illinois State Indianapolis, Ind. FA
Ross, Brandon RB 5-11 208 11/9/92 Maryland Wilmington, Del. FA
Sinkfield, Terrell WR 6-1 200 12/10/90 Northern Iowa Minnetonka, Minn. FA
Stoudermire, Troy WR 5-10 195 1/1/90 Minnesota Dallas, Texas FA
Stave, Joel QB 6-5 230 5/16/92 Wisconsin Greenfield, Wisc. FA
Treadwell, Laquon WR 6-2 215 6/14/95 Mississippi Crete, Ill. D1
Weatherly, Stephen DE 6-5 265 3/19/94 Vanderbilt Shellville, Ga. D7a

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 189

COACHING STAFF quality control; born Jan. 4, 1983, Cleveland, Robert Rodriguez, asst. defensive line; born
Head Coach, Ohio. Safety Louisville 2002. No pro playing December 25, 1981, El Paso, Texas. Linebacker
Mike Zimmer experience. College coach: Louisville 2006. Pro Texas-El Paso 2001-04. Pro linebacker Carolina
Pro Career: Named the ninth head coach in coach: Atlanta Falcons 2007, St. Louis Rams Panthers 2006 (practice squad), Cologne (NFL
Vikings history on January 15, 2014, Zimmer led 2009-2011, Tennessee Titans 2012-13, joined Europa) 2006, Calgary Stampeders (CFL) 2006-
the 2015 Vikings to their first NFC North title Vikings in 2014. 07. College coach: Texas-El Paso 2008-2014.
since 2009 in only his second season. His 18 Jerry Gray, defensive backs; born December Pro coach: Joined Vikings in 2015.
wins since taking over is tied for 2nd most in 16, 1962, Lubbock, Texas. Safety Texas 1981- Brent Salazar, strength and conditioning; born
team history. The Vikings defense allowed the 84. Pro defensive back Los Angeles Rams May 22, 1980, Denver, Colo. No college or pro
5th fewest points (19.3) in the NFL while Adrian 1985-1991, Houston Oilers 1992, Tampa Bay playing experience. College coach: New Mexico
Peterson secured his third rushing title. Five Buccaneers 1993. College coach: Southern 2002-03, UNLV 2005, Pacific 2006. Pro coach:
members of the 2015 team were selected to the Methodist 1995-96. Pro coach: Tennessee Denver Broncos 2005, Kansas City Chiefs 2007-
Pro Bowl, the most since 2012. Zimmer has Oilers/Titans 1997-2000, Buffalo Bills 2001-05, 2015, joined Vikings in 2016.
been a part of 12 playoff teams in his NFL tenure Washington Redskins 2006-09, Seattle Pat Shurmur, tight ends; born April 14, 1965,
and teams that have won eight division titles. He Seahawks 2010, Tennessee Titans 2011-13, Ann Arbor, Mich. Center Michigan State 1984-
coached the Cowboys defensive backs when the joined Vikings in 2014. 87. No pro playing experience. College coach:
team won Super Bowl XXX over Pittsburgh after Jeff Howard, defensive assistant; born January Michigan State 1988-97, Stanford 1998. Pro
the 1995 season. Zimmer’s arrival in Cincinnati 13, 1983, Grand Island, Neb. Linebacker Eastern coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1999-2008, St.
for the 2008 season signaled a franchise turn- New Mexico 2001-04. No pro playing experi- Louis Rams 2009-2010, Cleveland Browns
around on the defensive side of the ball. The ence. College coach: Texas Tech 2011-12. Pro 2011-12 (head coach), Philadelphia Eagles
Bengals notched four top-10 defensive rakings coach: Joined Vikings in 2013. 2013-15, joined Vikings in 2016.
since 2008 after only cracking the NFL’s top 10 Jeff Hurd, asst. strength and conditioning; born Tony Sparano, offensive line; born October 7,
once in the previous 18 seasons before Zimmer April 24, 1958, Pomona, Calif. Attended Fort 1961, West Haven, Conn. Center New Haven
joined the team. Zimmer led top-10 defenses for Hays State. No college or pro playing experience. 1978-1981. No pro playing experience. College
Dallas in both a 4-3 and 3-4 scheme, led the College coach: Fort Hays State 1984, Delta State coach: New Haven 1984-87, 1994-98 (head
league in 2003 in total defense, and the team 1985-86, Clemson 1986-87, Western Michigan coach 1994-98), Boston University 1988-1993.
ranked in the top five of NFL scoring defense a 1987-1992, Tulsa 1994. Pro coach: Kansas City Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 1999-2000,
total of six times. Under Zimmer’s direction, 11 Chiefs 1992-93, Jacksonville Jaguars 1995-97, Washington Redskins 2001, Jacksonville
defensive players have been selected to the Pro Kansas City Chiefs 1998-2006, San Diego Jaguars 2002, Dallas Cowboys 2003-07, Miami
Bowl a total of 26 times. Five different players Chargers 2007-2012, joined Vikings in 2014. Dolphins 2008-2011 (head coach), N.Y. Jets
have posted 10-plus sacks while working under Andrew Janocko, quality control; born April 6, 2012, Oakland Raiders 2013-14, San Francisco
Zimmer. In addition to 13 years in Dallas (1994- 1988, Clearfield, Pa. Quarterback Pittsburgh 49ers 2015, joined Vikings in 2016.
2006), he also coached with Atlanta (2007), and 2007-2010. No pro playing experience. College Kevin Stefanski, running backs; born May 8,
Cincinnati (2008-2013). Career record: 18-15. coach: Rutgers 2011, Mercyhurst 2014. Pro 1982, Philadelphia, Pa. Safety Pennsylvania
Background: Played quarterback and later line- coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, joined 2000-04. No pro playing experience. College
backer at Illinois State (1974-77). Coached col- Vikings in 2015. coach: Pennsylvania 2005. Pro coach: Joined
legiately at Missouri (1979-1980), Weber State Chaz Mahle, asst. strength and conditioning; Vikings in 2006.
(1981-88) and Washington State (1989-1993). born November 28, 1981, Ham Lake, Minn. George Stewart, wide receivers; born
Personal: Born June 5, 1956 in Peoria, Ill. Has Cornerback St. Cloud State 2001-04. No pro December 29, 1958, Little Rock, Ark. Guard
three children, son Adam and daughters Corri playing experience. College coach: Bowling Arkansas 1977-1980. No pro playing experi-
and Marki. Vikki Zimmer, Mike’s wife of 27 years, Green 2008-2010, Stanford 2012. Pro coach: ence. College coach: Minnesota 1984-85, Notre
passed away in Cincinnati on October 8, 2009. Jacksonville Jaguars 2006-07, Minnesota Dame 1986-88. Pro coach: Pittsburgh Steelers
The family started the Mike Zimmer Foundation Vikings 2010-11, re-joined Vikings in 2013. 1989-1991, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1992-95,
in 2016 to honor his late wife, Vikki. Zimmer Andre Patterson, defensive line; born June 12, San Francisco 49ers 1996-2002, Atlanta
earned a degree in physical education from 1960, Camden, Ark. Offensive line Contra Costa Falcons 2003-06, joined Vikings in 2007.
Illinois State. (Calif.) C.C. 1980, Montana 1981. No pro play- Norv Turner, offensive coordinator; born May
ing experience. College coach: Montana 1982, 17, 1952, LeJeune, N.C. Quarterback Oregon
ASSISTANT COACHES Weber State 1988, Western Washington 1989, 1971-74. No pro playing experience. College
George Edwards, defensive coordinator; born Cornell 1990-91, Washington State 1992-93, coach: Oregon 1975, Southern California 1976-
January 16, 1967, Siler City, N.C. Linebacker Cal Poly 1994-96, Nevada-Las Vegas 2008-09, 1984. Pro coach: Los Angeles Rams 1985-
Duke 1986-89. No pro playing experience. Texas-El Paso 2010-12, Florida International 1990, Dallas Cowboys 1991-93, Washington
College coach: Florida 1991, Appalachian State 2013. Pro coach: New England Patriots 1997, Redskins 1994-2000 (head coach), San Diego
1992-95, Duke 1996, Georgia 1997. Pro coach: Minnesota Vikings 1998-99, Dallas Cowboys Chargers 2001, 2007-2012 (head coach 2007-
Dallas Cowboys 1998-2001, Washington 2000-02, Cleveland Browns 2003-04, Denver 2012), Miami Dolphins 2002-03, Oakland
Redskins 2002-03, Cleveland Browns 2004, Broncos 2005-06, re-joined Vikings in 2014. Raiders 2004-05 (head coach), San Francisco
Miami Dolphins 2005-09, Buffalo Bills 2010-11, Drew Petzing, coaching assistant; born March 12, 49ers 2006, Cleveland Browns 2013, joined
Miami Dolphins 2012-13, joined Vikings in 2014. 1987, Rochester, N.Y. Defensive back Middlebury Vikings in 2014.
Ryan Ficken, special teams assistant; born 2005-06. No pro playing experience. College Scott Turner, quarterbacks; born August 7,
February 20, 1980, Aurora, Colo. Wide receiver coach: Middlebury 2007-08, Harvard 2009, 1982, Englewood, Calif. Quarterback Nevada-
Arizona State 1998-99. No pro playing experi- Boston College 2010-11, Yale 2012. Pro coach: Las Vegas 2002-04. No pro playing experience.
ence. College coach: UCLA 2004-06. Pro Cleveland Browns 2013, joined Vikings in 2014. College coach: Oregon State 2005, Pittsburgh
coach: Joined Vikings in 2007. Mike Priefer, special teams coordinator; born 2008-2010. Pro coach: Carolina Panthers 2011-
Hank Fraley, asst. offensive line; born August 21, 1966, Cleveland, Ohio. Quarter- 12, Cleveland Browns 2013, joined Vikings in
September 21, 1977, Gaithersburg, Md. back/wide receiver Navy 1985-88. No pro play- 2014.
Offensive line Robert Morris 1996-99. Pro offen- ing experience. College coach: Navy 1994-96, Adam Zimmer, linebackers; born January 13,
sive lineman Philadelphia Eagles 2000-06, Youngstown State 1997-98, Virginia Military 1984, Ogden, Utah. Safety Trinity 2002-05. No
Cleveland Browns 2006-09, St. Louis Rams Institute 1999, Northern Illinois 2000-01. Pro pro playing experience. Pro coach: New Orleans
2010. College coach: San Diego 2012, San Jose coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 2002, N.Y. Giants Saints 2006-09, Kansas City Chiefs 2010-12,
State 2013. Pro coach: Joined Vikings in 2014. 2003-05, Kansas City Chiefs 2006-08, Denver Cincinnati Bengals 2013, joined Vikings in 2014.
Jonathan Gannon, asst. defensive backs/ Broncos 2009-10, joined Vikings in 2011.

190 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Tom Benson (338-427-5)
Executive Officer: Gayle Benson Records include postseason games
President: Dennis Lauscha 1967-70 Tom Fears* ..................13-34-2
Executive Vice President/General 1970-72 J.D. Roberts...................7-25-3
Manager: Mickey Loomis
1973-75 John North** ...............11-23-0
Senior Vice President of
Communications: Greg Bensel 1975 Ernie Hefferle....................1-7-0
Senior Vice President of Marketing and 1976-77 Hank Stram ....................7-21-0
Business Development: Ben Hales 1978-80 Dick Nolan***..............15-29-0
Senior Vice President/Chief Financial 1980 Dick Stanfel ......................1-3-0
Officer: Ed Lang 1981-85 O.A. (Bum) Phillips****27-42-0
Senior Vice President/General Counsel: 1985 Wade Phillips....................1-3-0
Vicky Neumeyer 1986-96 Jim Mora#...................93-78-0
Senior Vice President of Sales: 1996 Rick Venturi......................1-7-0
Mike Stanfield 1997-99 Mike Ditka ....................15-33-0
National Football Conference Vice President of Football Administration:
2000-05 Jim Haslett ...................46-52-0
South Division Khai Harley
Director of Operations: James Nagaoka 2006-2011 Sean Payton .................67-37-0
Team Colors: Old Gold, Black, and White Director of Pro Scouting: Terry Fontenot 2012 Aaron Kromer##.............2-4-0
5800 Airline Drive Assistant General Manager/College 2012 Joe Vitt### ...................5-5-0
Metairie, Louisiana 70003 Scouting Director: Jeff Ireland 2013-15 Sean Payton .................26-24-0
Telephone: (504) 733-0255 Player Personnel/Analyst: * Released after seven games in 1970
Justin Matthews ** Released after six games in 1975
2016 SCHEDULE Executive Assistant to the EVP/GM: *** Released after 12 games in 1980
PRESEASON Debbie Gallagher **** Resigned after 12 games in 1985
Pro Scouts: Michael Parenton, # Resigned after eight games in 1996
Aug. 11 at New England ..................6:30 ## Interim head coach first six games in 2012
Aug. 20 at Houston .........................7:00 Ryan Powell
Area Scouts: Mike Baugh, C.J. Leak, ### Interim head coach final 10 games in 2012
Aug. 26 Pittsburgh..........................7:00
Steve Malin, Cody Rager,
Sep. 1 Baltimore...........................7:00 Jon Sandusky, Casey Talley, PAID ATTENDANCE
Joey Vitt, Jr., Terry Wooden Home 559,996 Away 517,561
REGULAR SEASON College Scouting Coordinator: Paul Zimmer Total 1,077,557
Sep. 11 Oakland ..........................12:00 Scouting Assistants: Bailee Brown, Single-game home record,
Sep. 18 at New York Giants ...........12:00 Ben Martinez 73,085 (12/26/11)
Sep. 26 Atlanta (Mon) ....................7:30 Head Equipment Manager: Single-season home record,
Oct. 2 at San Diego .....................3:25 John Baumgartner
573,876 (2008)
BYE Assistant Equipment Manager:
Oct. 16 Carolina ..........................12:00 Corey Gaudet
Equipment Assistant: Joel Gastright 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 23 at Kansas City .................12:00
Head Athletic Trainer: Scottie B. Patton Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 30 Seattle ............................12:00
Director of Rehabilitation: Beau Lowery 1 Sheldon Rankins DT Louisville
Nov. 6 at San Francisco ...............3:05
Assistant Athletic Trainers: 2 Michael Thomas WR Ohio St.
Nov. 13 Denver ............................12:00 Kevin Mangum, Ben Stollberg Vonn Bell S Ohio St.
Nov. 17 at Carolina (Thu) ................7:25 Director of Sports Nutrition: Jamie Meeks 4 David Onyemata DLManitoba (Canada)
Nov. 27 Los Angeles ....................12:00 Video Director: Dave Desposito 7 Daniel Lasco RB California
Dec. 4 Detroit ............................12:00 Assistant Video Director: Joe Alley
Dec. 11 at Tampa Bay ..................12:00 Video Assistants: Kevin Petry,
Dec. 18 at Arizona ..........................3:05 Tim Youngblood
Dec. 24 Tampa Bay (Sat) ..............12:00 Director of Player Development:
Jan. 1 at Atlanta .........................12:00 Fred McAfee
* All times CT Director of Security: Danny Lawless
Senior Director of Football
Stadium: Mercedes-Benz Superdome Communications: Fitz Ollison
(opened in 1975) Football Communications Manager:
Justin Macione
•Capacity: 73,000 Executive Director of Digital Media:
1500 Poydras Street Doug Tatum
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 Digital/Social Media Manager:
Playing Surface: UBU Speed Series-S5-M Alex Restrepo
Training Camp: The Greenbrier Communications/Broadcasting Manager:
White Sulpher Springs, W.Va. 24986 Doug Miller
MERCEDES-BENZ SUPERDOME Digital Media Communications
Coordinator: Annie Hills
Digital Media Coordinator:
Lauren Levenson
Coordinator: Evan Meyers
Alumni/Legends Development
Coordinator: Dan Simmons
Director of Photography:
Michael C. Hebert
IT Director: Jeff Huffman
Senior Network and Support Manager:
Jody Barbier
Facilities Manager: Terry Ashburn
Administrative Director: Jay Romig

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 191

PRESEASON (0-4) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Brees 627 428 4870 68.3 32 11 31/235 101.0
08/13 L 27-30 at Baltimore McCown 39 32 335 82.1 0 1 1/0 91.8
08/22 L 24-26 New England Cadet 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
08/30 L 13-27 Houston Saints 667 460 5205 69.0 32 12 32/235 100.6
09/03 L 10-38 at Green Bay Opponents 544 372 4755 68.4 45 9 31/211 116.2


Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Breaux 3 22 7.3 22 0
09/13 L 19-31 at Arizona Forbath 0 0 0 33/34 9/13 0 60 Byrd 1 24 24.0 24 0
09/20 L 19-26 Tampa Bay Cooks 0 9 0 0/0 0/0 0 54 Wilson 1 20 20.0 20 0
09/27 L 22-27 at Carolina Hocker 0 0 0 11/12 9/13 0 38 Richardson 1 13 13.0 13 0
10/04 W 26-20 Dallas (OT) Ingram 6 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 38 Anthony 1 5 5.0 5 0
10/11 L 17-39 at Philadelphia Watson 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Sanford 1 3 3.0 3 0
10/15 W 31-21 Atlanta Colston 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Browner 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 27-21 at Indianapolis Hightower 4 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Saints 9 87 9.7 24 0
11/01 W 52-49 New York Giants Robinson 4 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Opponents 12 230 19.2 63t 2
11/08 L 28-34 Tennessee (OT) Hoomanawanui 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
11/15 L 14-47 at Washington Snead 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/29 L 6-24 at Houston Coleman 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Morstead 56 2551 45.6 20 58
12/06 L 38-41 Carolina J. Hill 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Fields 10 412 41.2 4 57
12/13 W 24-17 at Tampa Bay Spiller 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Hocker 1 43 43.0 1 43
12/21 L 27-35 Detroit Anthony 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 8 Saints 67 3006 44.9 25 58
12/27 W 38-27 Jacksonville Brees 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 62 2765 44.6 19 62
01/03 W 20-17 at Atlanta Cadet 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
(OT) Overtime Johnson 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
Mauti 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
SCORE BY PERIODS Murphy 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Murphy 28 7 261 9.3 74t 1
Saints 121 97 81 103 6 — 408 Saints 16 32 3 44/46 18/26 0 408 Cooks 2 0 12 6.0 6 0
Opponents 68 139 123 140 6 — 476 Opponents 12 45 2 52/54 22/27 0 476 Byrd 1 5 1 1.0 1 0
2-Pt Conv: Ingram Cadet 1 1 1 1.0 1 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Saints 1-4, Opponents 2-4 Saints 32 13 275 8.6 74t 1
Saints Opp. 2-Pt Return: Anthony Opponents 26 16 215 8.3 22 0
Total First Downs 381 380
Rushing 98 103 RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD KICKOFF
Passing 247 223 Ingram 166 769 4.6 70 6 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Penalty 36 54 Hightower 96 375 3.9 26 4 Murphy 12 300 25.0 35 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 104/218 71/176 Robinson 56 180 3.2 14 4 Spiller 7 149 21.3 26 0
3rd Down Pct. 47.7 40.3 Spiller 36 112 3.1 11 0 Cadet 3 94 31.3 38 0
4th Down: Made/Att 10/16 10/13 Cadet 4 12 3.0 6 0 Robinson 2 33 16.5 19 0
4th Down Pct. 62.5 76.9 Cooks 8 18 2.3 11 0 Hoomanawanui 2 19 9.5 16 0
Possession Avg. 31:11 28:49 Brees 24 14 0.6 12 1 Davison 1 10 10.0 10 0
Total Net Yards 6461 6615 Johnson 4 9 2.3 4 1 J. Hill 1 0 0.0 0 0
Avg. Per Game 403.8 413.4 Hunter 1 2 2.0 2 0 Saints 28 605 21.6 38 0
Total Plays 1096 996 Hoomanawanui 1 0 0.0 0 0 Opponents 37 981 26.5 46 0
Avg. Per Play 5.9 6.6 Murphy 1 0 0.0 0 0
Net Yards Rushing 1491 2071 Saints 397 1491 3.8 70 16 FIELD
Avg. Per Game 93.2 129.4 Opponents 421 2071 4.9 45 12 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Total Rushes 397 421 Forbath 0/0 2/3 3/4 2/3 2/3
Net Yards Passing 4970 4544 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Hocker 0/0 3/3 4/5 1/3 1/2
Avg. Per Game 310.6 284.0 Cooks 84 1138 13.5 71t 9 Saints 0/0 5/6 7/9 3/6 3/5
Sacked/Yards Lost 32/235 31/211 Watson 74 825 11.1 46 6 Opponents 0/0 7/7 8/9 4/6 3/5
Gross Yards 5205 4755 Snead 69 984 14.3 63 3
Att./Completions 667/460 544/372 Ingram 50 405 8.1 59 0 SACKS No.
Completion Pct. 69.0 68.4 Colston 45 520 11.6 53t 4 Jordan 10.0
Had Intercepted 12 9 Spiller 34 239 7.0 80t 2 Edebali 5.0
Punts/Average 67/44.9 62/44.6 Coleman 30 454 15.1 31 2 Kikaha 4.0
Net Punting Avg. 67/39.9 62/38.5 Cadet 9 146 16.2 44t 1 Vaccaro 3.0
Penalties/Yards 130/1112 114/887 Robinson 17 115 6.8 22 0 Gwacham 2.5
Fumbles/Ball Lost 17/8 29/13 J. Hill 16 120 7.5 19 2 Davison 1.5
Touchdowns 51 59 Hightower 12 129 10.8 27 0 Anthony 1.0
Rushing 16 12 Hoomanawanui 11 76 6.9 19 3 Byrd 1.0
Passing 32 45 Johnson 5 30 6.0 12 0 Humber 1.0
Returns 3 2 Graham 4 24 6.0 18 0 (group) 1.0
Saints 460 5205 11.3 80t 32 Jenkins 0.5
Opponents 372 4755 12.8 90t 45 Richardson 0.5
Saints 31.0
Opponents 32.0

192 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Deuce McAllister, 2001-09 .................................................................6,096
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Drew Brees, 2006-2015...................................................................48,555
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Drew Brees, 2006-2015........................................................................348
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Marques Colston, 2006-2015................................................................711
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Marques Colston, 2006-2015.............................................................9,759
Interceptions ...................................................................Dave Waymer, 1980-89...........................................................................37
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Thomas Morstead, 2009-2015.............................................................46.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Mel Gray, 1986-88 ...............................................................................13.4
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Walt Roberts, 1967 ..............................................................................26.3
Field Goals ......................................................................Morten Andersen, 1982-1994 ...............................................................302
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Marques Colston, 2006-2015..................................................................72
Points..............................................................................Morten Andersen, 1982-1994 ............................................................1,318
*Sacks............................................................................Rickey Jackson, 1981-1993...............................................................115.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................George Rogers, 1981 .........................................................................1,674
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Drew Brees, 2011 ..............................................................................5,476
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Drew Brees, 2011 ...................................................................................46
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jimmy Graham, 2011 .............................................................................99
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Joe Horn, 2004..................................................................................1,399
Interceptions ...................................................................Dave Whitsell, 1967 ................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Thomas Morstead, 2012 ......................................................................50.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Mel Gray, 1987 ....................................................................................14.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................John Gilliam, 1967 ...............................................................................30.1
Field Goals ......................................................................Morten Andersen, 1985 ..........................................................................31
John Carney, 2002..................................................................................31
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Dalton Hilliard, 1989................................................................................18
Points..............................................................................John Kasay, 2011 .................................................................................147
*Sacks............................................................................Pat Swilling, 1991 ................................................................................17.0
La’Roi Glover, 2000..............................................................................17.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................George Rogers, 9-4-83 .........................................................................206
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Drew Brees, 11-19-06 ..........................................................................510
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Drew Brees, 11-1-15 ............................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tony Galbreath, 9-10-78 .........................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Wes Chandler, 9-2-79 ...........................................................................205
Interceptions ...................................................................Tommy Myers, 9-3-78 ..............................................................................3
Dave Waymer, 10-6-85 .............................................................................3
Reggie Sutton, 10-18-87...........................................................................3
Gene Atkins, 12-22-91 ..............................................................................3
Sammy Knight, 9-9-01..............................................................................3
Field Goals ......................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................5
Last time by John Carney, 9-26-04
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Joe Horn, 12-14-03 ..................................................................................4
Reggie Bush, 12-3-06 ...............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Joe Horn, 12-14-03 ................................................................................24
Reggie Bush, 12-3-06 .............................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Many times ............................................................................................4.0
Last time by Wayne Martin, 9-21-97

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 193

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
88 Allen, RaShaun TE 6-4 250 2/25/90 2 Southern Cleveland, Ohio FA-’15 0*
50 Anthony, Stephone LB 6-3 245 7/28/92 2 Clemson Anson, N.C. D1b-’15 16/16
72 Armstead, Terron T 6-5 304 7/23/91 4 Arkansas-Pine Bluff Cahokia, Ill. D3a-’13 13/13
3 Barth, Connor K 5-11 200 4/11/86 9 North Carolina Wilmington, N.C. FA-’16 12/0*
40 Breaux, Delvin CB 6-1 196 10/25/89 2 None New Orleans, La. FA-’15 16/16
9 Brees, Drew QB 6-0 209 1/15/79 16 Purdue Austin, Texas UFA(SD)-’06 15/15
15 Brown, Vincent WR 5-11 95 1/25/89 5 San Diego State Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. FA-’16 1/0*
31 Byrd, Jairus S 5-10 203 10/7/86 8 Oregon Clayton, Mo. UFA(Buff)-’14 13/12
38 Cadet, Travaris RB 6-1 210 2/1/89 5 Appalachian State Miami, Fla. W(SF)-’15 7/1*
29 Carter, Tony CB 5-9 175 5/24/86 6 Florida State Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’15 3/0*
16 Coleman, Brandon WR 6-6 225 6/22/92 2 Rutgers Forestville, Md. FA-’14 16/4
10 Cooks, Brandin WR 5-10 189 9/25/93 3 Oregon State Stockton, Calif. D1-’14 16/12
95 Davison, Tyeler DT 6-2 309 9/3/92 2 Fresno State Scottsdale, Ariz. D5b-’15 16/5
37 Dixon, Brandon CB 5-11 203 4/26/90 2 Northwest Missouri State Coconut Creek, Fla. FA-’15 0*
20 Dixon, Brian CB 6-0 195 4/26/90 3 Northwest Missouri State Coconut Creek, Fla. FA-’14 16/0
47 Drescher, Justin LS 6-1 235 1/1/88 7 Colorado Southlake, Texas FA-’10 16/0
91 Edebali, Kasim LB 6-2 253 8/17/89 3 Boston College Meriden, N.H. FA-’14 16/1
59 Ellerbe, Dannell LB 6-1 245 11/29/85 8 Georgia Rockingham, N.C. T(Mia)-’15 6/4
71 Eulls, Kaleb DT 6-4 285 6/28/91 2 Mississippi State Yazoo City, Miss. FA-’15 4/0
90 Fairley, Nick DT 6-4 308 1/23/88 6 Auburn Mobile, Ala. UFA(StL)-’16 15/0
82 Fleener, Coby TE 6-6 251 9/20/88 5 Stanford Joliet, Ill. UFA(Ind)-’16 16/11*
5 Forbath, Kai K 5-11 197 9/2/87 5 UCLA Sherman Oaks, Calif. FA-’15 11/0*
18 Grayson, Garrett QB 6-2 220 5/29/91 2 Colorado State Vancouver, Wash. D3a-’15 0*
58 Gwacham, Obum DE 6-5 246 3/20/91 2 Oregon State Chino Hills, Calif. W(Sea)-’15 9/0
41 Harper, Roman S 6-1 205 12/11/82 11 Alabama Prattville, Ala. FA-’16 16/16*
34 Hightower, Tim RB 6-0 220 5/23/86 6 Richmond Alexandria, Va. FA-’15 8/3
89 Hill, Josh TE 6-5 250 5/21/90 4 Idaho State Blackfoot, Idaho FA-’13 16/7
84 Hoomanawanui, Michael TE 6-4 265 7/4/88 7 Illinois Bloomington, Ill. T(NE)-’15 12/8
22 Ingram, Mark RB 5-9 215 12/21/89 6 Alabama Flint, Mich. D1b-’11 12/10
92 Jenkins, John DT 6-3 359 7/11/89 4 Georgia Meriden, Conn. D3b-’13 14/12
35 Johnson, Austin FB 6-2 240 6/16/89 3 Tennessee Hickory, N.C. FA-’13 10/1
94 Jordan, Cameron DE 6-4 287 7/10/89 6 California Chandler, Ariz. D1a-’11 16/16
65 Kelemete, Senio C/G 6-3 300 5/10/90 4 Washington Seattle, Wash. FA-’13 16/5
44 Kikaha, Hau'oli LB 6-3 246 7/24/92 2 Washington Hau'ula, Hawaii D2-’15 15/10
53 Laurinaitis, James LB 6-2 248 12/3/86 8 Ohio State Plymouth, Minn. FA-’16 16/16*
68 Lelito, Tim G 6-4 315 7/21/89 4 Grand Valley State St. Clair, Mich. FA-’13 15/13
21 Lewis, Keenan CB 6-1 208 5/17/86 8 Oregon State New Orleans, La. UFA(Pitt)-’13 6/0
56 Mauti, Michael LB 6-2 243 1/19/90 4 Penn State Mandeville, La. W(Minn)-’15 16/2
7 McCown, Luke QB 6-4 217 7/12/81 13 Louisiana Tech Jacksonville, Texas UFA(Atl)-’13 8/1
6 Morstead, Thomas P 6-4 235 3/8/86 8 Southern Methodist Pearland, Texas D5-’09 14/0
23 Murphy, Marcus RB/RS 5-9 195 10/3/91 2 Missouri DeSoto, Texas D7-’15 13/0
75 Peat, Andrus T 6-7 316 11/4/93 2 Stanford Tempe, Ariz D1a-’15 12/8
78 Richardson, Bobby DE 6-3 286 11/20/92 2 Indiana Tampa, Fla. FA-’15 15/11
52 Robertson, Craig LB 6-1 234 2/11/88 5 North Texas Stafford, Texas UFA(Cle)-’16 12/9
33 Sanford, Jamarca S 5-10 200 8/27/85 8 Mississippi Batesville, Miss. FA-’14 16/0
83 Snead, Willie WR 5-11 195 10/17/92 2 Ball State Muskegon Heights, Mich. FA-’14 15/8
28 Spiller, C.J. RB 5-11 200 8/5/87 7 Clemson Lake Butler, Fla. UFA(Buff)-’15 13/2
97 Steward, Tony LB 6-0 241 9/19/92 2 Clemson St. Augustine, Fla. FA-’16 7/0*
64 Strief, Zach T 6-7 320 9/22/83 11 Northwestern Milford, Ohio D7a-’06 15/15
54 Stupar, Nathan LB 6-2 240 3/14/88 4 Penn State State College, Pa. FA-’16 16/3
27 Swann, Damian CB 6-0 189 12/4/92 2 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. D5c-’15 7/2
80 Tabb, Jack TE 6-3 250 7/29/92 2 North Carolina Red Bank, N.J. FA-’15 0*
55 Tull, Davis LB 6-3 240 11/12/91 2 Chattanooga Knoxville, Tenn. D5a-15 0*
60 Unger, Max C 6-5 305 4/14/86 8 Oregon Kamuela, Hawaii T(Sea)-’15 16/16
32 Vaccaro, Kenny S 6-0 214 2/15/91 4 Texas Early, Texas D1-’13 16/16
25 Williams, P.J. CB 6-0 196 6/1/93 2 Florida State Ocala, Fla. D3b-’15 0*
24 Wilson, Kyle CB 5-10 190 9/8/87 7 Boise State Piscataway, N.J. UFA(NYJ)-’15 15/4

194 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Allen inactive 1 game and spent portions of season on Seattle and New Orleans practice squads; Barth played 12 games with Tampa
Bay in ’15; Brown played 1 game with San Diego; Cadet played 1 game with New England, 4 games with San Francisco and 2 games
with New Orleans; Carter played 3 games for Indianapolis and inactive 1 game with New Orleans; Cadet played 4 games with San
Francisco; Brandon Dixon spent portions of season on Seattle, Indianapolis, New England and New Orleans practice squads; Fairley
played 15 games with St. Louis; Fleener played 16 games with Indianapolis; Forbath played 1 game with Washington and 10 games with
New Orleans; Grayson did not play 4 games and inactive 12 games; Harper played 16 games with Carolina; Hoomanawanui played 2
games with New England; Laurinaitis played 16 games with St. Louis; Robertson played 12 games with Cleveland; Scobee played 4
games with Pittsburgh; Steward played 7 games gams with Buffalo; Stupar played 16 games with Atlanta; Tabb missed ’15 season
because of injury; Tull missed ’15 season because of injury; P.J. Williams missed ’15 season because of injury.

Players lost through free agency (2): S Rafael Bush (Det; 1 game in ’15); TE Benjamin Watson (Balt; 15);

Traded—DL Akiem Hicks (3 games in ’15) to New England.

Also played with Saints in ’15—LB James Anderson (6 games), DL Tavaris Barnes (13), CB Brandon Browner (16),
WR Marques Colston (13), DB Akeem Davis (2), LB Jo-Lonn Dunbar (3), G Jahri Evans (11), P Brandon Fields (2), WR T.J. Graham (4),
LB David Hawthorne (11), OL Tony Hills (8), K Zach Hocker (6), LB Ramon Humber (14), RB Kendall Hunter (2), S Don Jones (5),
WR Seantavius Jones (3), OL Mike McGlynn (12), LB Mike Mohamed (1), WR Joe Morgan (2), FB Toben Opurum (2), DB Chris Owens
(4), S Kenny Phillips (3), RB Khiry Robinson (8), DB Sammy Seamster (1), TE Benjamin Watson (16), DT Kevin Williams (16).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Allen, Jack OL 6-2 296 9/24/92 Michigan State Hinsdale, Ill. FA
Bell, Reggie (1) WR 5-11 201 5/6/92 San Diego Manteca, Calif. FA-’15
Bell, Vonn S 5-11 205 12/12/94 Ohio State Rossville, Ga. D2b
Cheek, Joe OL 6-7 311 12/2/92 Texas A&M Seguin, Texas FA
Crawley, Ken CB 6-1 180 2/8/93 Colorado Washington, D.C. FA
Dangerfield, Jared WR 6-3 215 8/9/92 Western Kentucky West Palm Beach, Fla. FA
Darby, Alden (1) S 5-10 192 6/22/92 Arizona State Long Beach, Calif. FA-’15
Elston, Trae DB 5-11 176 2/16/94 Mississippi Oxford, Ala. FA
Griffin, Garrett TE 6-4 240 3/4/94 Air Force Louisburg, Kan. FA
Harris, De'Vante CB 5-11 190 6/30/93 Texas A&M Mesquite, Texas FA
Harris, Erik (1) DB 6-3 225 4/2/90 California (PA) New Oxford, Pa. FA
Harris, R.J. (1) WR 6-0 194 6/3/92 New Hampshire Gambrills, Md. FA-’15
Henry, Marcus OL 6-3 295 2/11/93 Boise State Bellevue, Wash. FA
Houma, Sione RB 6-0 243 6/21/94 Michigan Salt Lake City, Utah FA
Lampman, Jake WR 6-0 205 6/11/93 Ferris State Haslettt, Mich. FA
Lasco, Daniel RB 6-1 205 10/9/94 California The Woodlands, Texas D7
Lee, Dillon OLB 6-4 242 1/15/93 Alabama Buford, Ga. FA
Lemon, Cyril (1) G 6-3 315 1/8/93 North Texas Marble Falls, Texas FA-’15
Lewis, Tommylee WR 5-7 168 10/24/92 Northern Illinois Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. FA
Mabry, Ashaad (1) DT 6-3 315 11/4/92 Texas-San Antonio San Antonio, Texas FA-’15
Manhertz, Chris (1) TE 6-6 255 4/10/92 Canisius New York City, N.Y. FA-’15
Mathews, Ryker OL 6-6 320 11/28/92 Brigham Young American Fork, Utah FA
Onyemata, David DL 6-4 300 6/17/95 Manitoba (Canada) Lagos, Nigeria D4
Pettway, D.J. DL 6-2 270 9/19/92 Alabama Pensacola, Fla. FA
Prater, Kyle (1) WR 6-5 231 6/21/92 Northwestern Hillside, Ill. FA-’15
Pruitt, Jimmy DB 6-0 203 11/28/92 San Jose State San Diego, Calif. FA
Rankins, Sheldon DT 6-2 305 4/2/94 Louisville Covington, Ga. D1
Schoettmer, Jeff LB 6-2 235 7/8/93 North Carolina Dallas, Texas FA
Thomas, Michael WR 6-3 212 3/3/94 Ohio State Woodland Hills, Calif. D2a
Thompson, Tyrus (1) T 6-5 330 11/17/91 Oklahoma Pflugerville, Texas FA
Turner, Landon OL 6-4 325 5/15/93 North Carolina Harrisonburg, Va. FA
Williams-Lambert, Jordan WR 6-3 228 5/9/94 Ball State Indianapolis, Ind. FA
Young, Avery T 6-6 305 11/12/92 Auburn Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 195

COACHING STAFF Francisco 49ers 2013-15, joined Saints in er Western Michigan 1991-92. Pro wide
Head Coach, 2016. receiver Toronto Argonauts (CFL) 1995-96,
Sean Payton Dan Dalrymple, head strength and condition- Frankfurt Galaxy (World League) 1997.
Pro Career: Named the fourteenth head coach ing; born Aug. 26, 1965, Cleveland, Ohio. College coach: San Diego 2005, Southern
in Saints history on Jan. 18, 2006 and has led Offensive lineman Miami (Ohio) 1983-86. No California 2007-2010. Pro coach: Oakland
the team to five playoff appearances, three pro playing experience. College coach: Miami Raiders 2002-04, New Orleans Saints 2006,
NFC South titles, two NFC Championship (Ohio) 1987-2005. Pro coach: Joined Saints San Francisco 49ers 2011-14, re-joined
berths and the Super Bowl XLIV title. Earned in 2006. Saints in 2015.
unanimous NFL Coach of the Year honors in Peter Giunta, senior defensive assistant; born Brendan Nugent, offensive assistant; born
his first season in 2006 and received the same August 11, 1956, Salem, Mass. Running February 14, 1983, Port Chester, N.Y.
honors from several outlets in 2009. back/defensive back Northeastern 1974-77. Linebacker Catholic University 2001-04. No
Considered one of the NFL's brightest offen- No pro playing experience. College coach: pro playing experience. College coach: Iowa
sive minds, the Saints have ranked among the Penn State 1981-83, Brown 1984-87, Lehigh 2005-06, William & Mary 2007-2011. Pro
league’s top 10 offenses each season since 1988-1990. Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles coach: Montreal Alouettes (CFL) 2012,
his arrival, including finishing first in the NFL in 1991-94, New York Jets 1995-96, St. Louis Chicago Bears 2013-14, joined Saints in
2014, 2011, 2009, 2008 and 2006, including Rams 1997-2000, Kansas City Chiefs 2001- 2015.
putting up an NFL-record 7,474 net yards in 2005, N.Y. Giants 2006-2014, joined Saints in Dan Roushar, offensive line; born September
2011. Defensively, Saints ranked fourth in the 2016. 27, 1960, Clinton, Iowa. Quarterback Northern
league in 2010 and 2013. Previously coached Aaron Glenn, secondary; born July 16, 1972, Illinois 1982-83. No pro playing experience.
with the Dallas Cowboys (2003-05), New York Humble, Texas. Defensive back Navarro College coach: Northern Illinois 1984, Butler
Giants (1999-2002), and Philadelphia Eagles (Texas) College 1990-91, Texas A&M 1992- 1986-1992, Rhode Island 1993, Ball State
(1997-98). Career record: 93-61. 93. Pro defensive back New York Jets 1994- 1994, Illinois 1995-96, Northern Illinois 1997-
Background: Earned a degree in communica- 2001, Houston Texans 2002-04, Dallas 2002, Cincinnati 2003-06, Michigan State
tions at Eastern Illinois, where he departed Cowboys 2005-06, Jacksonville Jaguars 2007-2012. Pro coach: Joined Saints in 2013.
with a school-record 10,665 passing yards, 2007, New Orleans Saints 2008. Pro coach: Joel Thomas, running backs; born November
then the third-highest total in NCAA Division I- Cleveland Browns 2014-15, joined Saints in 7, 1974, Port Angeles, Wash. Running back
AA history. A three-time All-American, Payton 2016. Idaho 1995-98. No pro playing experience.
had brief playing stops with Chicago of the Bill Johnson, defensive line; born June 23, College coach: Purdue 2000-01, Louisville
Arena League, the CFL’s Ottawa Rough Riders 1955, Monroe, La. Defensive lineman 2002-03, Idaho 2004-05, Purdue 2006-08,
and the Chicago Bears in 1987. Payton Northwestern (La.) State 1976-79. No pro Washington 2009-12, Arkansas 2013-14. Pro
coached collegiately at San Diego State playing experience. College coach: coach: Joined Saints in 2015.
(1988-89, 1992-93), Indiana State (1990-91), Northwestern (La.) State 1980-84, McNeese Marcus Ungaro, defensive assistant; born
Miami (Ohio) (1994-95) and Illinois (1996). State 1985-86, Miami 1987, Louisiana Tech October 9, 1984, Seattle. Defensive back
Personal: Born Dec. 29, 1963 in San Mateo, 1988-89, Arkansas 1990-91, 2000, Texas Southwestern College 2004-05. No pro play-
Calif. and raised in Naperville, Ill. He has a A&M 1992-99. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons ing experience. Pro coach: Joined Saints in
daughter, Meghan, and a son, Connor. 2001-06, Denver Broncos 2007-08, joined 2010.
Saints in 2009. Joe Vitt, asst. head coach/linebackers, born
ASSISTANT COACHES Stan Kwan, asst. special teams; born August 23, 1954, Syracuse, N.Y. Linebacker
Dennis Allen, defensive coordinator; born November 2, 1967, Phoenix. Attended South Towson State 1974-78. No pro playing experi-
Sept. 22, 1972, Atlanta, Ga. Safety Texas A&M Mountain (Ariz.) C.C., San Diego State. No col- ence. Pro coach: Baltimore Colts 1979-1981,
1992-95. College coach: Texas A&M 1996- lege or pro playing experience. Pro coach: San Seattle Seahawks 1982-1991, Los Angeles
99, Tulsa 2000-01. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons Diego Chargers 1991-96, Detroit Lions 1997- Rams 1992-94, Philadelphia Eagles 1995-98,
2002-05, New Orleans Saints 2006-2010, 2000, Arizona Cardinals 2001-03, Detroit Green Bay Packers 1999, Kansas City Chiefs
Denver Broncos 2011, Oakland Raiders (head Lions 2004-09, Buffalo Bills 2010-12, joined 2000-03, St. Louis Rams 2004-05 (head
coach) 2012-14, re-joined Saints in 2015. Saints in 2013. coach, final 11 games of 2005), joined Saints
Charles Byrd, asst. strength and conditioning; Joe Lombardi, quarterbacks; June 6, 1971, in 2006 (interim head coach, final 10 games of
born June 24, 1981, Oxford, Ohio. Defensive Seattle, Wash. Tight end Air Force 1992-94. 2012).
back Morehead State 2001-04. Pro defensive No pro playing experience. College coach: Rob Wenning, asst. strength and conditioning
back Las Vegas Gladiators (AFL) 2006. Dayton 1996-98, Virginia Military Institute assistant, born December 10, 1984,
College coach: Miami (Ohio) 2006-07. Pro 1999, Bucknell 2000, Mercyhurst 2002-05. Coldwater, Ohio. Offensive line/tight end
coach: Joined Saints in 2008. Pro coach: New York/New Jersey Hitmen Findlay (Ohio) 2003-06. No pro playing expe-
Dan Campbell, asst. head coach/tight ends; (XFL) 2001, Atlanta Falcons 2006, New rience. College coach: Ohio State 2007,
born April 13, 1976, Clifton, Texas. Tight end Orleans Saints 2007-2013, Detroit Lions Louisiana State 2008-2009. Pro coach: Joined
Texas A&M 1994-98. Pro tight end New York 2014-15, re-joined Saints in 2016. Saints in 2010.
Giants 1999-2002, Dallas Cowboys 2003-05, Greg McMahon, special teams coordinator; James Willis, defensive assistant/
Detroit Lions 2006-08, New Orleans Saints born Jan. 2, 1960, Rantoul, Ill. Defensive back linebackers; born September 2, 1972,
2009. Pro coach: Miami Dolphins 2010-15 Eastern Illinois 1978-1981. No pro playing Huntsville, Ala. Linebacker Auburn 1990-92.
(head coach 2015), joined Saints in 2016. experience. College coach: Eastern Illinois Pro linebacker Green Bay Packers 1993-95,
Pete Carmichael, offensive coordinator; born 1982, Minnesota 1983-84, North Alabama Philadelphia Eagles 1995-98, Seattle Seahawks
October 6, 1971, Framingham, Mass. 1985-87, Southern Illinois 1988, Valdosta 1999, Birmingham Thunderbolts (XFL) 2001.
Attended Boston College. No college or pro State 1989, Nevada Las-Vegas 1990-91, College coach: Auburn 2002-03, Rhode Island
playing experience. College coach: New Illinois 1992-2004, East Carolina 2005. Pro 2004-05, Temple 2005, Auburn 2006-08,
Hampshire 1994, Louisiana Tech 1995-99. coach: Joined Saints in 2006. Alabama 2009, Texas Tech 2010, Louisiana-
Pro coach: Cleveland Browns 2000, Jason Mitchell, director of coaching adminis- Lafayette 2012-14. Pro coach: Virginia
Washington Redskins 2001, San Diego tration; born March. 14, 1980, Englewood, Destroyers (UFL) 2011, joined Saints in 2015.
Chargers 2002-05, joined Saints in 2006. N.J. Attended Rutgers. No college or pro play- Brian Young, pass rush specialist; born July
Ronald Curry, offensive assistant; born May ing experience. Pro coach: Joined Saints in 8, 1977, Lawton, Okla. Defensive tackle Texas
28, 1979, Hampton, Va. Quarterback North 2014. El-Paso 1996-99. Pro defensive tackle St.
Carolina 1998-2001. Pro wide receiver John Morton, wide receivers; born September Louis Rams 2000-03, New Orleans Saints
Oakland Raiders 2002-08. Pro coach: San 24, 1969, Rochester Hills, Mich. Wide receiv- 2004-08. Pro coach: Joined Saints in 2009.

196 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

President/CEO: John K. Mara (697-591-33)
Chairman/EVP: Steve Tisch Records include postseason games
Treasurer: Jonathan Tisch 1925 Bob Folwell ......................8-4-0
Senior Vice President-General Manager:
1926 Joe Alexander ..................8-4-1
Jerry Reese
Senior Vice President and Chief 1927-28 Earl Potteiger..................15-8-3
Marketing Officer: Michael Stevens 1929-1930 LeRoy Andrews*............24-5-1
Senior Vice President and General 1930 Benny Friedman-
Counsel: William J. Heller, Esq. Steve Owen......................2-0-0
Senior Vice President, Player Personnel: 1931-1953 Steve Owen............153-108-17
Chris Mara 1954-1960 Jim Lee Howell ............55-29-4
Senior Vice President, Medical Services: 1961-68 Allie Sherman...............57-54-4
Ronnie Barnes
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial 1969-1973 Alex Webster................29-40-1
Officer: Christine Procops 1974-76 Bill Arnsparger** ...........7-28-0
Senior Vice President, Communications: 1976-78 John McVay .................14-23-0
National Football Conference Pat Hanlon 1979-1982 Ray Perkins..................24-35-0
East Division Vice President of Community Relations: 1983-1990 Bill Parcells ..................85-52-1
Team Colors: Blue, Red, and White Frank Mara 1991-92 Ray Handley.................14-18-0
Quest Diagnostics Training Center Vice President Community & Corporate 1993-96 Dan Reeves..................32-34-0
1925 Giants Drive Relations: Allison Stangeby
Vice President of Marketing: 1997-2003 Jim Fassel....................60-56-1
East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 2004-2015 Tom Coughlin.............110-93-0
Rusty Hawley
Telephone: (201) 935-8111 Vice President of Media and *Released after 15 games in 1930
2016 SCHEDULE Partnerships: Dan Lynch **Released after seven games in 1976
PRESEASON Vice President, Giants Entertainment:
Aug. 12 Miami ................................7:00 Don Sperling PAID ATTENDANCE
Aug. 20 at Buffalo ...........................4:00 Vice President of Finance: Home 632,486 Away 526,004
Steven Hamrahi Total 1,158,490
Aug. 27 at New York Jets ................7:30 Vice President, Team Operations:
Sep. 1 New England .....................7:00 Single-game home record,
Jim Phelan 82,287 (1/1/12)
Vice President, Player Evaluation:
REGULAR SEASON Marc Ross Single-season home record,
Sep. 11 at Dallas ............................4:25 Assistant General Manager: 639,513 (2012)
Sep. 18 New Orleans .....................1:00 Kevin Abrams
Sep. 25 Washington ......................1:00 Director of Pro Player Personnel: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Ken Sternfield Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 3 at Minnesota (Mon) ............8:30 Assistant Director of Pro Player
Oct. 9 at Green Bay ...................*8:30 1 Eli Apple DB Ohio St.
Personnel: Matt Shauger 2 Sterling Shepard WR Oklahoma
Oct. 16 Baltimore ..........................1:00 Director of Football Operations/Special
Oct. 23 at Los Angeles (London) ..9:30a 3 Darian Thompson DB Boise St.
Projects: Martin Mayhew
BYE Director of Player Development: 4 B.J. Goodson LB Clemson
Nov. 6 Philadelphia .....................1:00 David Tyree 5 Paul Perkins RB UCLA
Nov. 14 Cincinnati (Mon)................8:30 Pro Scouts: Patrick Hanscomb, 6 Jerell Adams TE South Carolina
Nov. 20 Chicago ............................1:00 Tim McDonnell
College Scouts: Joe Collins,
Nov. 27 at Cleveland ......................1:00 Jeremiah Davis, Steve Verderosa,
Dec. 4 at Pittsburgh ......................4:25 Jeremy Breit, Steve Devine,
Dec. 11 Dallas .............................*8:30 Donnie Etheridge, Ryan Jones,
Dec. 18 Detroit ..............................1:00 Steve Malin, Chris Pettit, Chris Watts
Dec. 22 at Philadelphia (Thu)...........8:25 Director, Team Operations: Jeff Conroy
Jan. 1 at Washington ...................1:00 Director of Ticketing: John Gorman
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Director of Creative Services:
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Doug Murphy
Director of Communications:
Stadium: MetLife Stadium DeAndré Phillips
(opened in 2010) Director of Public Relations: Corry Rush
•Capacity: 82,500 Assistant Head Athletic Trainer:
East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 Steve Kennelly
Playing Surface: UBU Speed Series S5M Director, Rehabilitation: Leigh Weiss
Training Camp: Quest Diagnostics Training Center Equipment/Locker Room Manager:
1925 Giants Drive Ed Wagner, Jr.
Equipment Director: Joseph Skiba
East Rutherford, N.J. 07073 Assistant Equipment Managers:
METLIFE STADIUM Ed Skiba, Tim Slaman
Video Director: Dave Maltese
Assistant Video Directors:
Carmen Pizzano, Steve Venditti
Football Operations Project Coordinator:
Ed Triggs
Director of Community & Fan
Relations: Jennifer Conley
Vice President, Information Technology:
Justin Warren
Director of Information Technology:
Julie Glisky
Director of Client Services:
Ethan Medley

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 197

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Manning 618 387 4432 62.6 35 14 27/157 93.6
08/14 L 10-23 at Cincinnati Nassib 5 5 68 100.0 1 0 0/0 158.3
08/22 W 22-12 Jacksonville Giants 623 392 4500 62.9 36 14 27/157 94.5
08/29 L 18-28 New York Jets Opponents 638 423 4920 66.3 31 15 23/137 95.9
09/03 W 12-9 at New England
REGULAR SEASON (6-10) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS McBride 3 84 28.0 63t 1
Date Result Opponent Brown 0 0 0 44/45 30/32 0 134 Rodgers-Cromartie 3 72 24.0 58t 1
09/13 L 26-27 at Dallas Beckham 0 13 0 0/0 0/0 0 78 Meriweather 2 26 13.0 26 0
09/20 L 20-24 Atlanta Randle 0 8 0 0/0 0/0 0 48 Unga 2 1 0.5 1 0
09/24 W 32-21 Washington D. Harris 0 4 2 0/0 0/0 0 36 Hosley 1 17 17.0 17 0
10/04 W 24-10 at Buffalo Jennings 3 1 0 0/0 0/0 1 26 Amukamara 1 6 6.0 6 0
10/11 W 30-27 San Francisco Vereen 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Casillas 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/19 L 7-27 at Philadelphia Tye 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Collins 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 W 27-20 Dallas Donnell 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Kennard 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/01 L 49-52 at New Orleans Rodgers-Cromartie 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 Giants 15 206 13.7 63t 2
11/08 W 32-18 at Tampa Bay Williams 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 8 Opponents 14 180 12.9 35t 2
11/15 L 26-27 New England Darkwa 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/29 L 14-20 at Washington McBride 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/06 L 20-23 New York Jets (OT) Wade 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Wing 76 3380 44.5 33 64
12/14 W 31-24 at Miami White 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Giants 76 3380 44.5 33 64
12/20 L 35-38 Carolina Giants 5 36 6 44/45 30/32 1 420 Opponents 64 2956 46.2 17 69
12/27 L 17-49 at Minnesota Opponents 15 31 4 47/48 31/35 0 442
01/03 L 30-35 Philadelphia 2-Pt Conv: Williams PUNT
(OT) Overtime Giants 1-2, Opponents 1-2 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
D. Harris 34 7 341 10.0 80t 1
SCORE BY PERIODS RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Beckham 2 2 26 13.0 21 0
Giants 71 138 74 137 0 — 420 Jennings 195 863 4.4 38t 3 Giants 36 9 367 10.2 80t 1
Opponents 87 126 86 140 3 — 442 Vereen 61 260 4.3 39 0 Opponents 30 21 300 10.0 82 0
Williams 88 257 2.9 35 1
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Darkwa 36 153 4.3 17 1 KICKOFF
Giants Opp. Manning 20 61 3.1 18 0 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Total First Downs 331 367 D. Harris 2 12 6.0 11 0 D. Harris 22 631 28.7 100t 1
Rushing 77 104 Beckham 1 3 3.0 3 0 Vereen 14 321 22.9 46 0
Passing 208 236 Giants 403 1609 4.0 39 5 Edwards 1 20 20.0 20 0
Penalty 46 27 Opponents 444 1942 4.4 68t 15 Herzlich 1 6 6.0 6 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 82/217 108/230 Jennings 1 -7 -7.0 -7 0
3rd Down Pct. 37.8 47.0 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Giants 39 971 24.9 100t 1
4th Down: Made/Att 9/16 8/14 Beckham 96 1450 15.1 87t 13 Opponents 54 1095 20.3 101t 1
4th Down Pct. 56.3 57.1 Vereen 59 494 8.4 37 4
Possession Avg. 28:14 31:46 Randle 57 797 14.0 72t 8 FIELD
Total Net Yards 5952 6725 Tye 42 464 11.0 45 3 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Game 372.0 420.3 D. Harris 36 396 11.0 38 4 Brown 1/1 6/6 12/12 8/10 3/3
Total Plays 1053 1105 Jennings 29 296 10.2 51t 1 Giants 1/1 6/6 12/12 8/10 3/3
Avg. Per Play 5.7 6.1 Donnell 29 223 7.7 22 2 Opponents 0/0 9/9 10/12 6/7 6/7
Net Yards Rushing 1609 1942 Cunningham 8 59 7.4 16 0
Avg. Per Game 100.6 121.4 White 7 88 12.6 28 1 SACKS No.
Total Rushes 403 444 Nicks 7 54 7.7 19 0 Ayers 9.5
Net Yards Passing 4343 4783 Fells 6 60 10.0 23 0 Jenkins 3.0
Avg. Per Game 271.4 298.9 Parker 5 40 8.0 15 0 Moore 3.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 27/157 23/137 Darkwa 3 31 10.3 15 0 Casillas 2.0
Gross Yards 4500 4920 LaCosse 3 22 7.3 10 0 Brinkley 1.0
Att./Completions 623/392 638/423 Davis 2 21 10.5 16 0 Dahl 1.0
Completion Pct. 62.9 66.3 Edwards 1 9 9.0 9 0 Pierre-Paul 1.0
Had Intercepted 14 15 Williams 1 7 7.0 7 0 Selvie 1.0
Punts/Average 76/44.5 64/46.2 Flowers 1 -11 -11.0 -11 0 Whitlock 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 76/38.9 64/38.9 Giants 392 4500 11.5 87t 36 Kuhn 0.5
Penalties/Yards 102/779 120/1077 Opponents 423 4920 11.6 76t 31 Giants 23.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 23/7 28/13 Opponents 27.0
Touchdowns 47 50
Rushing 5 15
Passing 36 31
Returns 6 4

198 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Tiki Barber, 1997-2006.....................................................................10,449
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Eli Manning, 2004-2015...................................................................44,187
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Eli Manning, 2004-2015........................................................................294
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Amani Toomer, 1996-2008....................................................................668
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Amani Toomer, 1996-2008.................................................................9,497
Interceptions ...................................................................Emlen Tunnell, 1948-1958 ......................................................................74
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Don Chandler, 1956-1964 ....................................................................43.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Ward Cuff, 1941-45 .............................................................................12.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Rocky Thompson, 1971-73..................................................................27.2
Field Goals ......................................................................Pete Gogolak, 1966-1974 .....................................................................126
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Frank Gifford, 1952-1964 ........................................................................78
Points..............................................................................Pete Gogolak, 1966-1974 .....................................................................646
*Sacks............................................................................Michael Strahan, 1993-2007 ..............................................................141.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Tiki Barber, 2005 ................................................................................1,860
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Eli Manning, 2011 ..............................................................................4,933
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Y.A. Tittle, 1963.......................................................................................36
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Smith, 2009.................................................................................107
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Victor Cruz, 2011...............................................................................1,536
Interceptions ...................................................................Otto Schnellbacher, 1951 ........................................................................11
Jim Patton, 1958.....................................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Don Chandler, 1959 .............................................................................46.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Merle Hapes, 1942...............................................................................15.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................John Salscheider, 1949 ........................................................................31.6
Field Goals ......................................................................Ali Haji-Sheikh, 1983...............................................................................35
Jay Feely, 2005 .......................................................................................35
John Carney, 2008..................................................................................35
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Joe Morris, 1985 ....................................................................................21
Points..............................................................................Jay Feely, 2005 .....................................................................................148
*Sacks............................................................................Michael Strahan, 2001 .....................................................................**22.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Tiki Barber, 12-30-06 ............................................................................234
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Phil Simms, 10-13-85...........................................................................513
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Y.A. Tittle, 10-28-62 ..............................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Tiki Barber, 1-2-00 ..................................................................................13
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Del Shofner, 10-28-62...........................................................................269
Interceptions ...................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................3
Last time by Terry Kinard, 9-20-87
Field Goals ......................................................................Joe Danelo, 10-18-81 ...............................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Ron Johnson, 10-2-72 ..............................................................................4
Earnest Gray, 9-7-80.................................................................................4
Rodney Hampton, 9-24-95........................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Ron Johnson, 10-2-72 ............................................................................24
Earnest Gray, 9-7-80...............................................................................24
Rodney Hampton, 9-24-95......................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Osi Umenyiora, 9-30-07.........................................................................6.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 199

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
13 Beckham Jr., Odell WR 5-11 198 11/5/92 3 Louisiana State New Orleans, La. D1-’15 15/15
29 Berhe, Nat S 6-0 194 7/6/91 3 San Diego State Colton, Calif. D5-’14 0*
53 Brinkley, Jasper LB 6-1 255 7/12/85 8 South Carolina Thomson, Ga. FA-’15 15/9
96 Bromley, Jay DT 6-3 310 5/28/92 3 Syracuse Flushing, N.Y. D3-’14 16/4
3 Brown, Josh K 6-0 202 4/29/79 14 Nebraska Foyil, Okla. FA-’13 16/0
52 Casillas, Jonathan LB 6-1 227 6/3/87 8 Wisconsin New Brunswick, N.J. FA-’15 15/7
21 Collins, Landon S 6-0 225 1/10/94 2 Alabama Geismar, La. D2-’15 16/16
80 Cruz, Victor WR 6-0 204 11/11/86 7 Massachusetts Paterson, N.J. FA-’10 0*
15 Daniels, B.J. QB 5-11 202 10/24/89 3 South Florida Tallahassee, Fla. FA-’16 8/0*
26 Darkwa, Orleans RB 6-0 215 2/28/92 3 Tulane Nashville, Tenn. FA-’14 16/0
18 Davis, Geremy WR 6-2 217 1/10/92 2 Connecticut Lawrenceville, Ga. D6-’15 10/0
51 DeOssie, Zak LS 6-4 249 5/24/84 10 Brown No. Andover, Mass. D4-’07 12/0
84 Donnell, Larry TE 6-6 265 11/1/88 4 Grambling State Ozark, Ala. FA-’13 8/8
74 Flowers, Ereck T 6-6 329 4/25/94 2 Miami Miami Gardens, Fla. D1-’15 15/15
60 Gettis, Adam G 6-2 305 12/9/88 3 Iowa Calumet Park, Ill. FA-’15 1/0
95 Hankins, Johnathan DT 6-2 320 3/30/92 4 Ohio State Detroit, Mich. D2-’13 9/9
17 Harris, Dwyane WR 5-10 202 9/16/87 6 East Carolina Tucker, Ga. FA-’15 15/5
98 Harrison, Damon DT 6-4 350 11/29/88 5 William Penn Westlake, La. UFA(NYJ)-’16 16/16*
68 Hart, Bobby T 6-4 334 3/20/91 2 Florida State Lauderhill, Fla. D7-’15 9/1
35 Heath, T.J. CB 6-0 190 9/11/87 2 Jacksonville State Alexandria, Ala. FA-’15 0/0
94 Herzlich, Mark LB 6-4 246 9/1/87 6 Boston College Conestoga, Pa. FA-’11 16/3
79 Hughes, Montori DT 6-4 350 8/25/90 4 Tennessee-Martin Murfreesboro, Tenn. FA-’15 7/0
24 Jackson, Bennett S 6-0 192 9/16/91 2 Notre Dame Hazlet, N.J. FA-’15 0/0
25 Jacobs, Tramain CB 5-11 191 5/20/92 3 Texas A&M Covington, La. FA-’15 5/0
20 Jenkins, Janoris CB 5-10 198 10/29/88 5 North Alabama Pohokee, Fla. UFA(StL)-’16 15/15*
23 Jennings, Rashad RB 6-1 231 3/26/85 8 Liberty Lynchburg, Va. FA-’14 16/16
77 Jerry, John G 6-5 340 6/14/86 7 Ole Miss Batesville, Tenn. UFA-’14 16/8
46 Johnson, Will FB 6-2 240 11/14/88 5 West Virginia Dayton, Ohio UFA(Pitt)-’16 16/3*
69 Jones, Brett C 6-2 318 7/29/91 2 Regina Weyburn, Saskachewan FA-’15 0/0
59 Kennard, Devon LB 6-3 251 6/24/91 3 Southern California Phoenix, Ariz. D5b-’14 9/9
10 Manning, Eli QB 6-4 218 1/3/81 13 Ole Miss New Orleans, La. T(SD)- ’04 16/16
71 Maponga, Stansly DE 6-2 265 3/5/91 4 Texas Christian Carrollton, Texas FA-’15 2/0
37 McFadden, Leon CB 5-10 190 10/26/90 4 San Diego State Bellflower, Calif. FA-’15 2/0
12 Nassib, Ryan QB 6-2 223 3/10/90 4 Syracuse Malvern, Pa. D4-’13 1/0
73 Newhouse, Marshall T 6-4 328 9/29/88 7 Texas Christian Dallas, Texas UFA(Cin)-’15 14/14
97 Nix, Louis DT 6-2 331 7/31/91 3 Notre Dame Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’15 4/0
58 Odighizuwa, Owa DE 6-3 270 4/1/92 2 UCLA Portland, Ore. D3-’15 4/0
90 Pierre-Paul, Jason DE 6-5 278 1/1/89 7 South Florida Deerfield Beach, Fla. D1-’10 8/8
67 Pugh, Justin G 6-4 301 8/15/90 4 Syracuse Holland, Pa. D1-’13 14/14
33 Rainey, Bobby RB 5-8 212 10/16/87 5 Western Kentucky Griffin, Ga. UFA(TB)-’16 16/0*
70 Richburg, Weston C 6-3 298 7/9/91 3 Colorado State Bushland, Texas D2-’14 15/15
57 Robinson, Keenan LB 6-3 238 7/7/89 5 Texas Plano, Texas FA-’16 12/8*
41 Rodgers-Cromartie, Dominique CB 6-2 193 4/7/86 9 Tennessee State Bradenton, Fla. FA-’14 15/15
62 Seymour, Ryan G 6-4 305 2/7/90 2 Vanderbilt St. Marys, Ga. FA-’16 0/0
91 Sheppard, Kelvin LB 6-2 249 1/2/88 6 Louisiana State Stone Mountain, Ga. UFA(Mia)-’16 16/13*
75 Stingily, Bryon T 6-5 318 9/9/88 6 Louisville Romeoville, Ill. FA-’16 0*
30 Taylor, Cooper S 6-4 228 4/14/90 4 Richmond Atlanta, Ga. FA-’15 6/0
55 Thomas III, J.T. LB 6-1 236 8/15/88 6 West Virginia Fort Lauderdale, Fla. UFA(Jax)-’15 11/11
22 Thompson, Mykkele S 6-0 193 4/22/93 2 Texas San Antonio, Texas D5-’15 0/0
45 Tye, Will TE 6-2 262 11/4/91 2 Stony Brook Salisbury, Conn. FA-’15 13/7
34 Vereen, Shane RB 5-10 205 3/2/89 6 California Valencia, Calif. UFA(NE)-’15 16/0
54 Vernon, Olivier DE 6-2 275 10/7/90 5 Miami Miami, Fla. UFA(Mia)-’16 16/16*
31 Wade, Trevin CB 5-10 190 8/1/89 5 Arizona Round Rock, Texas FA-’15 16/3
19 White, Myles WR 6-0 190 3/30/90 3 Louisiana Tech Livonia, Mich. FA-’15 12/0
49 Whitlock, Nikita FB 5-10 250 5/15/91 2 Wake Forest Wylie, Texas FA-’15 14/6
44 Williams, Andre RB 5-11 230 8/28/92 3 Boston College Allentown, Pa. D4-’14 16/16
9 Wing, Brad P 6-3 205 1/27/91 3 Louisiana State Baton Rouge, La. T(Pitt)-’15 16/0
72 Wynn, Kerry DE 6-5 264 2/12/91 3 Richmond Louisa, Va. FA-’14 15/7

200 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Berhe last active with Giants in ’14; Cruz missed ’15 season because of injury; Daniels played 2 games with Houston and 6 games with
Seattle; Harrison played 16 games with N.Y. Jets; Jenkins played 15 games with St. Louis; Johnson played 16 games with Pittsburgh;
Rainey played 16 games with Tampa Bay; Robinson played 12 games with Washington; Sheppard played 16 games with Miami; Stingily
last active with Tennessee in ’14; Vernon played 16 games with Miami.

Also played with Giants in ’15—TE Jerome Cunningham (9 games), LB Uani’ Unga (13).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Adams, Andrew S 5-11 202 10/28/92 Connecticut Fayetteville, Ga. FA
Adams, Jerell TE 6-5 247 7/29/91 South Carolina Summerton, S.C. D6
Apple, Eli CB 6-1 199 8/9/95 Ohio State Voorhees, N.J. D1
Bars, Brad (1) DE 6-3 251 4/24/92 Penn State Nashville, Tenn. FA-’15
Boone, Kadron (1) WR 6-0 193 9/13/91 Louisiana State Ocala, Fla. FA
Cleary, Emmett (1) T 6-7 324 4/27/90 Boston College Arlington Heights, Ill. FA-’15
Coprich, Marshaun RB 5-8 207 8/10/94 Illinois State Victorville, Calif, FA
Currie, Justin (1) S 6-2 214 9/19/93 Western Michigan Big Rapids, Mich. FA-'15
Dablé, Anthony (1) WR 6-4 220 8/28/88 No College Grenoble, France FA
Deayon, Donte CB 5-9 158 1/28/94 Boise State Rialto, Calif. FA
Farrell, Dillion (1) G 6-5 303 9/7/90 New Mexico Baton Rouge, La. FA
Foster, Donte (1) WR 6-1 193 11/10/90 Ohio Guthrie, Okla. FA
Goodson, B.J. LB 6-1 242 5/29/93 Clemson Lamar, S.C. D4
Hunter, Michael CB 6-0 186 4/19/96 Okahoma State Monroe, La. FA
King, Tavarress (1) WR 6-1 200 7/14/90 Georgia Mount Airy, Ga. FA-'15
LaCosse, Matt (1) TE 6-5 261 9/21/92 Illinois Naperville, Ill. FA-'15
Lewis, Melvin DT 6-2 343 3/11/93 Kentucky Compton, Calif. FA
Lewis, Roger WR 6-0 196 11/27/93 Bowling Green Pickerington, Ohio FA
Malleck, Ryan TE 6-4 249 7/22/93 Virginia Tech Point Pleasant, N.J. FA
Maye, K.J. WR 5-8 191 2/25/94 Minnesota Mobile, Ala. FA
McDermott, Shane (1) C 6-3 305 2/18/92 Miami Lake Worth, Fla. FA-'15
Milhouse, Greg DT 6-1 295 9/21/89 Campbell Garner, N.C. FA
Obarski, Tom (1) K 5-10 177 3/12/93 Concordia-St. Paul Burnsville, Minn. FA
Okwara, Romeo DE 6-5 265 6/17/95 Notre Dame Charlotte, N.C. FA
Ott, Tyler (1) LS 6-3 252 2/28/92 Harvard Tulsa, Okla. FA-'15
Perkins, Paul RB 5-10 208 11/16/94 UCLA Chandler, Ariz. D5
Powe, Darius WR 6-3 220 3/15/94 California Lakewood, Calif. FA
Rodgers, Jake (1) T 6-6 320 9/10/91 Eastern Washington Spokane, Wash. FA-'15
Rose, Mike DE 6-2 261 2/23/92 North Carolina State Fountain Inn, S.C. FA
Shepard, Sterling WR 5-10 194 7/29/91 Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Okla. D2
Thompson, Darian S 6-1 213 9/22/93 Boise State Lancaster, Calif. D3
Williams, Ishaq DE 6-4 253 2/22/93 Notre Dame Brooklyn, N.Y. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 201

COACHING STAFF Adam Henry, wide receivers, born April 27, Phoenix Cardinals 1989, San Francisco
Head Coach, 1972 Beaumont, Texas. Wide receiver 49ers 1992-96, 2010-14, Kansas City
Ben McAdoo McNeese State 1990-93. Pro wide receiver Chiefs 1997-2007, Seattle Seahawks 2008-
Pro Career: Ben McAdoo was hired as the New Orleans Saints 1995, College coach: 09, Green Bay Packers 2015, joined Giants
17th head coach in Giants history on Jan. McNeese State 1997-2006, Louisiana State in 2016.
14, 2016. McAdoo was the team’s offensive 2012-14. Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2007- Steve Spagnuolo, defensive coordinator;
coordinator in 2014-15. He succeeded Tom 2011; San Francisco 49ers 2015, joined born December 21, 1959, Whitinsville,
Coughlin, who coached the team for 12 sea- Giants in 2016. Mass. Wide receiver Springfield College
sons, including two that ended with Super Craig Johnson, running backs; born March 1978-1981. No pro playing experience.
Bowl victories. When he joined the franchise 3, 1960, Rome, N.Y. No college or pro play- College coach: Massachusetts 1982-83,
prior to the 2014 season, McAdoo took com- ing experience. College coach: Wyoming Lafayette (Pa.) 1984-86, Connecticut 1987-
mand of an offense that had finished 28th in 1983, Arkansas 1984, Army 1985, Rutgers 1991, Maine 1993-94, Rutgers 1994-95,
the NFL the previous season. In two seasons 1986-88, Virginia Military Institute 1989- Bowling Green 1996-97. Pro coach:
with McAdoo formulating game plans and 1991, Northwestern 1992-96, Maryland Barcelona Dragons (WLAF) 1992, Frankfurt
calling the plays, the Giants’ offense ranked 1997-99. Pro coach: Tennessee Titans Galaxy (NFL Europe) 1998, Philadelphia
10th and eighth, respectively, in the NFL. The 2000-2010, Minnesota Vikings 2011-13, Eagles 1999-2006, New York Giants 2007-
2015 Giants completion percentage of 62.9 joined Giants in 2014. 08, St. Louis Rams 2009-2011 (head
was tied for the second-highest in team his- Robbie Leonard, defensive assistant; born coach), New Orleans Saints 2012, Baltimore
tory; the record of 63.1 was set in 2014, July 14, 1985, Moon Township, Pa., Ravens 2013-14, re-joined Giants in 2015.
McAdoo’s first season with the team. In Linebacker Washington & Jefferson College Dwayne Stukes, asst. special teams,
2015, the Giants totaled 4,347 net passing 2004, North Carolina State 2005-08. No pro January 24, 1977, Portsmouth, Va.
yards, and 36 touchdown passes, both the playing experience College coach: North Defensive back Virginia 1996-98, Pro defen-
second-highest totals in franchise history. Carolina State 2010-12. Pro coach: Joined sive back Atlanta Falcons 2000, Berlin
Before joining the Giants, McAdoo spent Giants in 2013. Thunder (NFL Europe) 2001, 2002,
eight years (2006-2013) as an assistant with Bill McGovern, linebackers, Oradell, N.J. Pittsburgh Steelers 2001, Tampa Bay
the Green Bay Packers, the final two as the Safety Holy Cross 1981-84. No pro playing Buccaneers 2002-03, Colorado Crush
quarterbacks coach. During his tenure, the experience. College coach: Pennsylvania (Arena League) 2004. Pro coach: Berlin
Packers earned six playoff berths, won four 1985, Holy Cross 1986-87, 1991-92, Thunder (NFL Europe) 2006, Tampa Bay
NFC North titles and defeated Pittsburgh in Massachusetts 1987-1990, Boston College Buccaneers 2006-2011, Dallas Cowboys
Super Bowl XLV. Also was an NFL assistant 1994-96, 2008-2012, Pittsburgh 1997-99. 2012, Chicago Bears 2013-14, joined Giants
with the New Orleans Saints (2004) and San Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 2013-15, in 2016.
Francisco 49ers (2005). Career record: 0-0. joined Giants in 2016. Mike Sullivan, offensive coordinator; born
Background: Coached collegiately at David Merritt Sr., secondary/safeties; born January 28, 1967, Santa Maria, Calif.
Stanford (2005), Akron (2004), Pittsburgh September 8, 1971, Raleigh, N.C. Defensive back Army 1986-89. No pro play-
(2003), Fairfield (2002), and Michigan State Linebacker North Carolina State 1989-1992. ing experience. College coach: Humboldt
(2001). Pro linebacker Miami Dolphins 1993, Arizona State 1993-94, Army 1995-96, 1999-2000,
Personal: Born July 9, 1977 in Homer City, Cardinals 1993-96, Rhein Fire (NFLE) 1997. Youngstown State 1997-98, Ohio 2001. Pro
Penn. McAdoo is married to Toni, a fellow College coach: Chattanooga 1997, Virginia coach: Jacksonville Jaguars 2002-03, New
native of Western Pennsylvania. They have a Military Institute 1998-2000. Pro coach: New York Giants 2004-2011, Tampa Bay
daughter, Larkin, and a son, BJ. York Jets 2001-2003, joined Giants in 2004. Buccaneers 2012-13; re-joined Giants in
Markus Paul, asst. strength and condition- 2015.
ASSISTANT COACHES ing; born April 1, 1966, Orlando, Fla. Safety Tim Walton, secondary/cornerbacks; born
Frank Cignetti, quarterbacks; born October Syracuse 1984-88. Pro safety Chicago March 11, 1971, Columbus, Ga. Defensive
6, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pa. Safety Indiana (Pa.) Bears 1989-1993, Tampa Bay Buccaneers back Ohio State 1990-94. No pro playing
1986. No pro playing experience. College 1993. Pro coach: New Orleans Saints 1998- experience. College coach: Bowling Green
coach: Pittsburgh 1989, 2009-2010, Indiana 99, New England Patriots 2000-04, New 1995-99, Memphis 2000-01, 2008, Syracuse
(Pa.) 1990-98, North Carolina 2006, York Jets 2005-2006, joined Giants in 2007. 2002, Louisiana State 2003, Miami 2004-07.
California 2008, Rutgers 2011. Pro coach: Tom Quinn, special teams coordinator; born Pro coach: Detroit Lions 2009-2012, St. Louis
New Orleans Saints 2000-01, St. Louis January 27, 1968, Pasadena, Calif. Rams 2013, joined Giants in 2015.
Rams 2012-15, joined Giants in 2016. Linebacker Arizona 1986-1990. No pro play- Aaron Wellman, strength and conditioning;
Joe Danos, performance manager/strength ing experience. College coach; Davidson April 18, 1974, Ligonier, Ind. Safety
and conditioning assistant; born January 2, College 1991, James Madison 1992-94, Manchester (Ind.) 1993-96. No pro playing
1981, New Orleans, La. No college or pro Boston 1995, Holy Cross 1996-98, San Jose experience. College coach: Indiana 1996-
playing experience. College coach: Louisiana State 1999-2001, Stanford 2002-05. Pro 2011, Michigan State 2001-03, Ball State
State 2005-06, Southern Methodist 2007- coach: Joined Giants in 2006. 2004-09, San Diego State 2009-11,
09, Florida State 2010-12. Pro coach: Joined Ryan Roeder, offensive assistant; born Michigan 2011-14, Notre Dame 2015. Pro
Giants in 2013. February 14, 1980, Bethlehem, Pa., coach: Joined Giants in 2016.
Kevin M. Gilbride, tight ends; born Quarterback Albany 1999-2002. No pro Lunda Wells, asst. offensive line; born
December 14, 1979, Jacksonville, Fla. playing experience. College coach: Holy February 10, 1983, Baker, Ala. Offensive line
Quarterback Hawaii 2000. No pro playing Cross 2004, Temple 2006-08, Rhode Island Southern 2003-07. No pro playing experi-
experience. College coach: Syracuse 2004- 2009, Princeton 2010-12. Pro coach: Joined ence. College coach: Louisiana State 2008-
05, Georgetown 2006, Temple 2007-09. Pro Giants in 2013. 2011. Pro coach: Joined Giants in 2012
coach: Joined Giants in 2010. Mike Solari, offensive line; January 16, Jeff Zgonina, asst. defensive line; May 24,
Patrick Graham, defensive line; born 1955, Daly City Calif. Offensive lineman San 1970, Chicago, Ill. Defensive tackle Purdue
January 24, 1979, Waterbury, Conn. Mateo 1974-75, San Diego State 1976-77. 1989-1992. Pro defensive tackle Pittsburgh
Defensive line Yale 1997-2001, No pro play- No pro playing experience. College coach: Steelers 1993-94, Carolina Panthers 1995,
ing experience. College coach: Wagner Mira Costa 1978, U.S. International 1979, Atlanta Falcons 1996, St. Louis Rams 1997,
2002-03, Richmond 2004-06, Notre Dame Boise State 1980, Cincinnati 1981-82, Indianapolis Colts 1998, Miami Dolphins
2007-08. Pro coach: New England Patriots Kansas 1983-85, Pittsburgh 1986, Alabama 2003-06, Houston Texans 2007-09. Pro
2009-15, joined Giants in 2016. 1990-91. Pro coach: Cowboys 1987-88, coach: Houston Texans 2013, joined Giants

202 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: (567-603-26)
Jeffrey Lurie Records include postseason games
President: Don Smolenski 1933-35 Lud Wray .......................9-21-1
Head Coach: Doug Pederson 1936-1940 Bert Bell .......................10-44-2
Executive Vice President of Football 1941-1950 Earle (Greasy) Neale* ...66-44-5
Operations: Howie Roseman 1951 Alvin (Bo) McMillin** .......2-0-0
President Eagles Charitable Foundation, 1951 Wayne Millner...................2-8-0
Eagles Social Responsibility: 1952-55 Jim Trimble...................25-20-3
Christina Weiss Lurie 1956-57 Hugh Devore ..................7-16-1
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial 1958-1960 Lawrence (Buck) Shaw..20-16-1
Officer: Frank Gumienny 1961-63 Nick Skorich .................15-24-3
Senior Vice President of Business: 1964-68 Joe Kuharich ................28-41-1
Ari Roitman 1969-1971 Jerry Williams*** ..........7-22-2
Senior Vice President of Marketing, 1971-72 Ed Khayat.......................8-15-2
National Football Conference Media and Communications: 1973-75 Mike McCormack .........16-25-1
East Division Anne Gordon 1976-1982 Dick Vermeil .................57-51-0
Team Colors: Midnight Green, Silver, Black, Senior Vice President, General Counsel: 1983-85 Marion Campbell**** ..17-29-1
and White Aileen Dagrosa 1985 Fred Bruney......................1-0-0
NovaCare Complex Senior Vice President of Operations: 1986-1990 Buddy Ryan..................43-38-1
One NovaCare Way Jason Miller 1991-94 Rich Kotite....................37-29-0
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19145 Vice President of Marketing: 1995-98 Ray Rhodes..................30-36-1
Telephone: (215) 463-2500 Brian Papson 1999-2012 Andy Reid.................140-102-1
Vice President, Executive Producer: 2013-15 Chip Kelly# ..................26-22-0
2016 SCHEDULE Chris Johnson 2015 Pat Shurmur .....................1-0-0
PRESEASON Vice President of Human Resources: * Co-coach with Walt Kiesling in Philadelphia-
Aug. 11 Tampa Bay.........................7:00 Kristie Pappal Pittsburgh merger in 1943
Aug. 18 at Pittsburgh.......................7:00 Vice President of Ticket and Fan ** Retired after two games in 1951
Aug. 27 at Indianapolis ....................7:00 Services: Laini DeLawter *** Released after three games in 1971
Sep. 1 New York Jets ...................7:00 **** Released after 15 games in 1985
Vice President of Information
# Released after 15 games in 2015
Technology: John Pawling
Vice President of Team Security: PAID ATTENDANCE
Sep. 11 Cleveland .........................1:00
Dom DiSandro Home 545,595 Away 571,651
Sep. 19 at Chicago (Mon) ...............8:30
Director of Football Technology: Total 1,117,246
Sep. 25 Pittsburgh .........................4:25
Patrick Dolan Single-game home record,
Director of Public Relations: Derek Boyko 72,111 (11/1/81)
Oct. 9 at Detroit ...........................1:00
Director, Emerging Media: Single-season home record,
Oct. 16 at Washington ...................1:00
Maggie Arganbright 557,325 (1980)
Oct. 23 Minnesota ........................1:00
Director, Client Services: Tracy Foster
Oct. 30 at Dallas ..........................*8:30
Director, Premium Sales and Service: 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Nov. 6 at New York Giants .............1:00
Mat Warner Round Name Pos. College
Nov. 13 Atlanta ..............................1:00
Director, Eagles Charitable Foundation: 1 Carson Wentz QB North Dakota St.
Nov. 20 at Seattle ...........................4:25
Rachel Weiner 3 Isaac Seumalo C Oregon St.
Nov. 28 Green Bay (Mon) ...............8:30
Director of Finance Operations: 5 Wendell Smallwood RB West Virginia
Dec. 4 at Cincinnati ......................1:00
Greg McDonald Halapoulivaati Vaitai T Texas Christian
Dec. 11 Washington ......................1:00
Director of Financial Reporting: 6 Blake Countess DB Auburn
Dec. 18 at Baltimore .......................1:00
Tony Orazi 7 Jalen Mills DB Louisiana St.
Dec. 22 New York Giants (Thu).......8:25
Director of Grounds: Tony Leonard Alex McCalister DE Florida
Jan. 1 Dallas ...............................1:00
Director of Community Relations: Joe Walker LB Oregon
* All times ET; Sunday night games in
Julie Hirshey
Weeks 5-15 subject to change
Stadium: Lincoln Financial Field Director of Sports Medicine/Head Athletic
(opened in 2003) Trainer: Chris Peduzzi
•Capacity: 69,596 Director of Equipment Operations:
One Lincoln Financial Field Way Greg Delimitros
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148 Director of Player Engagement:
Playing Surface: Natural Grass Quintin Mikell
Training Camp: NovaCare Complex
One NovaCare Way
Philadelphia, PA 19145

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 203

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Bradford 532 346 3725 65.0 19 14 28/200 86.4
08/16 W 36-10 Indianapolis Sanchez 91 59 616 64.8 4 4 9/54 80.7
08/22 W 40-17 Baltimore Eagles 623 405 4341 65.0 23 18 37/254 85.6
08/29 W 39-26 at Green Bay Opponents 633 394 4516 62.2 36 15 37/243 92.8
09/03 L 18-24 at New York Jets
REGULAR SEASON (7-9) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Thurmond 3 67 22.3 44 0
Date Result Opponent Sturgis 0 0 0 35/37 18/22 0 89 Jenkins 2 99 49.5 99t 1
09/14 L 24-26 at Atlanta Matthews 0 8 0 0/0 0/0 0 48 Hicks 2 67 33.5 67t 1
09/20 L 10-20 Dallas Mathews 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Maxwell 2 22 11.0 22 0
09/27 W 24-17 at New York Jets Murray 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 Carroll 2 18 9.0 17t 1
10/04 L 20-23 at Washington Sproles 3 1 2 0/0 0/0 0 36 Reynolds 1 7 7.0 7 0
10/11 W 39-17 New Orleans Celek 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Alonso 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/19 W 27-7 New York Giants Huff 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Rowe 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/25 L 16-27 at Carolina Parkey 0 0 0 7/7 3/4 0 16 Ryans 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/08 W 33-27 at Dallas (OT) Cooper 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Eagles 15 280 18.7 99t 3
11/15 L 19-20 Miami Ertz 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 18 141 7.8 39t 2
11/22 L 17-45 Tampa Bay Thurmond 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 1 8
11/26 L 14-45 at Detroit Agholor 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/06 W 35-28 at New England Austin 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 D. Jones 86 4038 47.0 29 64
12/13 W 23-20 Buffalo Carroll 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Eagles 88 4038 45.9 29 64
12/20 L 17-40 Arizona Goode 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 89 4030 45.3 30 64
12/26 L 24-38 Washington \ Hicks 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
01/03 W 35-30 at New York Giants Jenkins 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
Eagles 15 23 7 42/44 21/26 1 377 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
SCORE BY PERIODS Opponents 10 36 4 47/49 27/27 0 430 Sproles 38 18 446 11.7 89t 2
Eagles 64 112 98 97 6 — 377 2-Pt Conv: Eagles 0-0, Opponents 1-1 Barner 1 0 -3 -3.0 -3 0
Opponents 87 136 92 115 0 — 430 Eagles 39 18 443 11.4 89t 2
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 42 23 215 5.1 19 0
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Murray 193 702 3.6 54t 6
Eagles Opp. Mathews 106 539 5.1 63t 6 KICKOFF
Total First Downs 339 365 Sproles 83 317 3.8 27 3 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Rushing 110 100 Barner 28 124 4.4 19 0 Huff 21 498 23.7 49 0
Passing 193 239 Bradford 26 39 1.5 14 0 Cooper 2 28 14.0 16 0
Penalty 36 26 Sanchez 6 22 3.7 11 0 Sproles 1 20 20.0 20 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 91/230 99/231 Eagles 442 1743 3.9 63t 15 Barner 1 10 10.0 10 0
3rd Down Pct. 39.6 42.9 Opponents 478 2153 4.5 84 10 Ertz 1 9 9.0 9 0
4th Down: Made/Att 8/16 6/9 Ajirotutu 1 0 0.0 0 0
4th Down Pct. 50.0 66.7 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Eagles 27 565 20.9 49 0
Possession Avg. 25:59 34:01 Matthews 85 997 11.7 78t 8 Opponents 34 705 20.7 79 0
Total Net Yards 5830 6426 Ertz 75 853 11.4 60 2
Avg. Per Game 364.4 401.6 Sproles 55 388 7.1 35t 1 FIELD
Total Plays 1102 1148 Murray 44 322 7.3 44 1 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Play 5.3 5.6 Celek 27 398 14.7 60 3 Sturgis 0/0 4/4 8/10 4/4 2/4
Net Yards Rushing 1743 2153 Huff 27 312 11.6 41t 3 Parkey 0/0 1/1 1/1 1/2 0/0
Avg. Per Game 108.9 134.6 Agholor 23 283 12.3 53t 1 Eagles 0/0 5/5 9/11 5/6 2/4
Total Rushes 442 478 Cooper 21 327 15.6 62t 2 Opponents 0/0 10/10 7/7 9/9 1/1
Net Yards Passing 4087 4273 Mathews 20 146 7.3 23t 1
Avg. Per Game 255.4 267.1 Austin 13 224 17.2 39t 1 SACKS No.
Sacked/Yards Lost 37/254 37/243 Barner 9 22 2.4 12 0 Cox 9.5
Gross Yards 4341 4516 Burton 3 54 18.0 43 0 Barwin 7.0
Att./Completions 623/405 633/394 Krause 2 11 5.5 7 0 Graham 6.5
Completion Pct. 65.0 62.2 Ajirotutu 1 4 4.0 4 0 Curry 3.5
Had Intercepted 18 15 Eagles 405 4341 10.7 78t 23 Kendricks 3.0
Punts/Average 88/45.9 89/45.3 Opponents 394 4516 11.5 59 36 Thurmond 2.0
Net Punting Avg. 88/41.6 89/39.0 Smith 1.5
Penalties/Yards 104/819 123/1051 Braman 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 26/13 23/11 Hicks 1.0
Touchdowns 45 50 Logan 1.0
Rushing 15 10 Thornton 1.0
Passing 23 36 Eagles 37.0
Returns 7 4 Opponents 37.0

204 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LeSean McCoy, 2009-2014................................................................6,792
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Donovan McNabb, 1999-2009 .........................................................32,873
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Donovan McNabb, 1999-2009 ..............................................................216
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Harold Carmichael, 1971-1983 .............................................................589
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Harold Carmichael, 1971-1983 ..........................................................8,978
Interceptions ...................................................................Bill Bradley, 1969-1976...........................................................................34
Eric Allen, 1988-1994 .............................................................................34
Brian Dawkins, 1996-2008......................................................................34
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Donnie Jones, 2013-15........................................................................45.3
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Ernie Steele, 1942-48...........................................................................16.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Steve Van Buren, 1944-1951 ...............................................................26.7
Field Goals ......................................................................David Akers, 1999-2010 .......................................................................294
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Harold Carmichael, 1971-1983 ...............................................................79
Points..............................................................................David Akers, 1999-2010 ....................................................................1,323
*Sacks............................................................................Reggie White, 1985-1992 ..................................................................124.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LeSean McCoy, 2013 .........................................................................1,607
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Donovan McNabb, 2008 ....................................................................3,916
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Sonny Jurgensen, 1961 ..........................................................................32
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Brian Westbrook, 2007............................................................................90
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Mike Quick, 1983...............................................................................1,409
Interceptions ...................................................................Bill Bradley, 1971 ....................................................................................11
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Joe Muha, 1948...................................................................................47.3
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Steve Van Buren, 1944.........................................................................15.3
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Al Nelson, 1972 ...................................................................................29.1
Field Goals ......................................................................David Akers, 2008...................................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................LeSean McCoy, 2011 ..............................................................................20
Points..............................................................................Cody Parkey, 2014 ................................................................................150
*Sacks............................................................................Reggie White, 1987..............................................................................21.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................LeSean McCoy, 12-8-13 .......................................................................217
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Donovan McNabb, 12-5-04...................................................................464
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Adrian Burk, 10-17-54 ..........................................................................**7
Nick Foles, 11-3-13...............................................................................**7
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Zach Ertz, 12-20-14................................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Tommy McDonald, 12-10-61 ................................................................237
Interceptions ...................................................................Russ Craft, 9-24-50 ..............................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Tom Dempsey, 11-12-72...........................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Many times ...............................................................................................4
Last time by Brian Westbrook, 11-27-08
Points..............................................................................Bobby Walston, 10-17-54 .......................................................................25
*Sacks............................................................................Clyde Simmons, 9-15-91 .......................................................................4.5
Hugh Douglas, 10-18-98........................................................................4.5

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 205

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
17 Agholor, Nelson WR 6-0 198 5/24/93 2 Southern California Tampa, Fla. D1-’15 13/12
#Ajirotutu, Seyi WR 6-3 215 6/12/87 7 Fresno State El Dorado Hills, Calif. UFA(SD)-’15 13/0
94 Allen, Beau DT 6-3 327 11/14/91 3 Wisconsin Minnetonka, Minn. D7-’14 16/2
68 Andrews, Josh C/G 6-2 311 6/21/91 2 Oregon State Ontario, Calif. FA-’14 13/0
76 Barbre, Allen G/T 6-4 310 6/22/84 9 Missouri Southern State Granby, Mo. FA-’13 16/16
34 Barner, Kenjon RB 5-9 195 4/28/90 3 Oregon Riverside, Calif. T(Car)-’14 10/0
98 Barwin, Connor DE 6-4 264 10/15/86 8 Cincinnati Detroit, Mich. UFA(Hou)-’13 16/16
7 Bradford, Sam QB 6-4 224 11/8/87 7 Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Okla. T(StL)-’15 14/14
53 Bradham, Nigel LB 6-2 241 9/4/89 5 Florida State Crawfordville, Fla. UFA(Buff)-’16 11/11*
56 Braman, Bryan DE 6-5 241 5/4/87 6 West Texas A&M Spokane, Wash. UFA(Hou)-’14 16/0
79 Brooks, Brandon G 6-5 335 8/19/89 5 Miami (OH) Milwaukee, Wis. UFA(Hou)-’16 14/14*
33 Brooks, Ron CB 5-10 190 10/16/88 5 Louisiana State Irving, Texas UFA(Buff)-’16 13/0*
47 Burton, Trey TE 6-3 235 10/29/91 3 Florida Venice, Fla. FA-’14 16/0
22 Carroll, Nolan CB 6-1 205 1/18/87 7 Maryland Green Cove Springs, Fla. UFA(Mia)-’14 11/11
87 Celek, Brent TE 6-4 255 1/25/85 10 Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio D5b-’07 16/13
91 Cox, Fletcher DT 6-4 300 12/13/90 5 Mississippi State Yazoo City, Miss. D1-’12 16/16
75 Curry, Vinny DE 6-3 279 6/30/88 5 Marshall Neptune, N.J. D2b-’12 16/0
10 Daniel, Chase QB 6-0 225 10/7/86 8 Missouri Southlake, Texas UFA(KC)-’16 2/0*
46 Dorenbos, Jon LS 6-0 250 7/21/80 14 Texas-El Paso Garden Grove, Calif. FA-’06 16/0
86 Ertz, Zach TE 6-5 250 11/10/90 4 Stanford Danville, Calif. D2-’13 15/7
66 Gardner, Andrew T/G 6-6 308 4/4/86 7 Georgia Tech Tyrone, Ga. UFA(Hou)-’14 3/3
11 Givens, Chris WR 6-0 203 12/6/89 5 Wake Forest Wylie, Texas UFA(Balt)-’16 15/6*
52 Goode, Najee LB 6-0 244 6/4/89 5 West Virginia Cleveland, Ohio W(TB)-’13 14/0
55 Graham, Brandon DE 6-2 265 4/3/88 7 Michigan Detroit, Mich. D1-’10 16/10
19 Graham, T.J. WR 5-11 188 7/27/89 5 North Carolina State Raleigh, N.C. FA-’16 4/1*
97 Hart, Taylor DT 6-6 281 2/22/91 3 Oregon Tualatin, Ore. D5a-’14 14/1
58 Hicks, Jordan LB 6-1 236 6/27/92 2 Texas Cincinnati, Ohio D3-’15 8/5
13 Huff, Josh WR 5-11 206 10/14/91 3 Oregon Houston, Texas D3-’14 15/4
27 Jenkins, Malcolm S 6-0 204 12/20/87 8 Ohio State Piscataway, N.J. UFA(NO)-’14 16/16
65 Johnson, Lane T 6-6 317 5/8/90 4 Oklahoma Groveton, Texas D1-’13 16/16
77 Jones, Barrett C/G 6-4 308 5/25/90 3 Alabama Cordova, Tenn. PS(Chi)-’15 0*
8 Jones, Donnie P 6-2 221 7/5/80 13 Louisiana State Baton Rouge, La. UFA(Hou)-’13 16/0
62 Kelce, Jason C 6-3 295 11/5/87 6 Cincinnati Cleveland, Ohio D6a-’11 16/16
67 Kelly, Dennis G/T 6-8 321 1/16/90 5 Purdue Chicago Heights, Ill. D5-’12 14/2
95 Kendricks, Mychal LB 6-0 240 9/28/90 5 California Fresno, Calif. D2a-’12 13/13
18 Krause, Jonathan WR 5-11 190 1/18/92 2 Vanderbilt Snellville, Ga. FA-’15 2/0
96 Logan, Bennie DT 6-2 315 12/28/89 4 Louisiana State Coushatta, La. D3-’13 14/14
57 Long, Travis LB 6-4 255 7/24/91 3 Washington State Spokane, Wash. FA-’13 0*
42 Maragos, Chris S 5-10 200 1/6/87 7 Wisconsin Racine, Wis. UFA(Sea)-’14 15/2
93 Martin, Mike DT 6-1 298 9/1/90 5 Michigan Novi, Mich. UFA(Tenn)-’16 5/0*
24 Mathews, Ryan RB 6-0 220 10/10/87 7 Fresno State Bakersfield, Calif. UFA(SD)-’15 13/6
81 Matthews, Jordan WR 6-3 212 7/16/92 3 Vanderbilt Madison, Ala. D2-’14 16/12
21 McKelvin, Leodis CB 5-10 185 9/1/85 9 Troy Waycross, Ga. FA-’16 9/5*
23 McLeod, Rodney S 5-10 195 6/23/90 5 Virginia Hyattsville, Md. UFA(LA)-’16 16/16*
51 Means, Steven DE 6-3 263 9/16/90 2 Buffalo Buffalo, N.Y. PS(Hou)-’15 0*
1 Parkey, Cody K 6-0 193 2/19/92 3 Auburn Jupiter, Fla. T(Ind)-’14 3/0
71 Peters, Jason T 6-4 328 1/22/82 13 Arkansas Queen City, Texas T(Buff)-’09 14/14
48 Powell, Ty LB 6-2 249 4/27/88 4 Harding Seaside, Calif. FA-’16 0*
82 Randle, Rueben WR 6-2 208 5/7/91 5 Louisiana State Bastrop, La. UFA(NYG)-’16 16/16*
30 Reynolds, Ed S 6-1 207 10/18/91 2 Stanford Woodberry Forest, Va.D5b-’14 6/3
35 Rice, Denzel CB 6-0 196 3/31/93 2 Coastal Carolina Winston-Salem, N.C. FA-’15 4/0
32 Rowe, Eric CB 6-1 205 10/3/92 2 Utah Klein, Texas D2-’15 16/5
36 Shepherd, JaCorey CB 5-11 199 3/29/93 2 Kansas Mesquite, Texas D6a-’15 0*
54 Skinner, Deontae LB 6-2 250 12/18/90 2 Mississippi State Macon, Miss. FA-’15 0*
90 Smith, Marcus DE 6-3 251 3/31/92 3 Louisville Columbus, Ga. D1-’14 13/0
43 Sproles, Darren RB 5-6 190 6/20/83 12 Kansas State Olathe, Kan. T(NO)-’14 16/4
6 Sturgis, Caleb K 5-9 192 8/9/89 4 Florida St. Augustine, Fla. FA-’15 13/0
#Thurmond, Walter DB 5-11 190 8/12/87 7 Oregon West Covina, Calif. UFA(NYG)-’15 16/16
64 Tobin, Matt G/T 6-6 290 6/5/90 4 Iowa Dyersville, Iowa FA-’13 16/13
37 Watkins, Jaylen CB 5-11 194 11/27/91 2 Florida Cape Coral, Fla. D4-’14 4/0
61 Wisniewski, Stefen C/G 6-3 305 3/22/89 6 Penn State Pittsburgh, Pa. UFA(Jax)-’16 16/16*

206 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Bradham played 11 games with Buffalo in ’15; B. Brooks played 14 games with Houston; R. Brooks played 13 games with Buffalo;
Daniel played 2 games with Kansas City; Givens played 3 games with St. Louis and 12 games with Baltimore; T. Graham played 4
games with New Orleans; B. Jones was active for 1 game with Philadelphia but did not play; Long missed ’15 season because of injury;
Martin played 5 games with Tennessee; McKelvin played 9 games with Buffalo; McLeod played 16 games with St. Louis; Means last
active with Tampa Bay in ’14; Powell missed ’15 season because of injury; Randle played 16 games with N.Y. Giants; Shepherd missed
’15 season because of injury; Skinner last active with New England in ’14; Wisniewski played 16 games with Jacksonville.

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Bunche, Malcolm (1) G 6-6 320 10/16/91 UCLA Newark, Del. FA-‘15
Countess, Blake S 5-10 184 8/8/93 Auburn Owings Mills, Md. D6
DePalma, John LS 6-5 251 9/16/93 West Virginia Cumming, Ga. FA
Evans, Randall (1) DB 6-0 195 12/26/91 Kansas State Miami, Fla. D6b-‘15
Gause, Quentin LB 6-0 243 10/30/92 Rutgers Rochester, N.Y. FA
Gordon, Dillon G 6-4 322 9/2/93 Louisiana State River Ridge, La. FA
Greene, Darrell G 6-3 321 10/29/92 San Diego State Oakley, Calif. FA
Grymes, Aaron (1) CB 5-11 185 3/1/91 Idaho Seattle, Was. FA
Johnson, Bruce C 6-2 302 12/4/92 Maine Rochester, N.Y. FA
Johnson, Marcus WR 6-1 204 8/5/94 Texas League City, Texas FA
Jones, Cayleb WR 6-2 209 3/21/93 Arizona Austin, Texas FA
Lott, Derrick (1) DT 6-4 305 6/18/90 Tennessee-Chattanooga Kennesaw, Ga. FA
Marshall, Byron RB 5-9 201 2/13/94 Oregon San Jose, Calif. FA
McCalister, Alex DE 6-6 239 10/17/93 Florida Winston-Salem, N.C. D7b
McFarland, M.J. TE 6-5 255 7/25/92 Texas-El Paso El Paso, Texas FA
Mills, Jalen CB 6-0 191 4/6/94 Louisiana State DeSoto, Texas D7a
O’Neal, Cedric RB 5-10 215 1/29/94 Valdosta State Dublin, Ga. FA
Pantale, Chris (1) TE 6-5 254 3/22/90 Boston College Wayne, N.J. FA-‘15
Rush, Xavier WR 6-3 202 12/30/92 Tulane Terry, Miss. FA
Seumalo, Isaac G 6-4 303 10/29/93 Oregon State Corvallis, Ore. D3
Sharp, Hunter WR 5-11 198 4/25/94 Utah State Palmdale, Calif. FA
Shittu, Aziz DT 6-2 288 7/27/94 Stanford Atwater, Calif. FA
Smallwood, Wendell RB 5-10 208 1/20/94 West Virginia Elkton, Md. D5a
Smith, C.J. CB 5-11 189 5/10/93 North Dakota State Savage, Minn. FA
Tavarres, Myke LB 6-1 230 11/18/92 Incarnate Word Lake Oswego, Ore. FA
Turner, Paul WR 5-10 193 5/10/93 Louisiana Tech West Monroe, La. FA
Vaeao, Destiny DT 6-4 299 1/15/94 Washington State Pago Pago, American Samoa FA
Vaitai, Halapoulivaati T 6-6 320 6/16/93 Texas Christian Haltom, Texas D5b
Walker, Joe LB 6-2 236 12/11/92 Oregon Palos Verdes, Calif. D7c
Wentz, Carson QB 6-5 237 12/30/92 North Dakota State Bismarck, N.D. D1
Wujciak, Connor DT 6-2 291 9/24/92 Boston College West Orange, N.J. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 207

COACHING STAFF Cleveland Browns 2014-15, joined Eagles Eagles in 2013.
Head Coach, in 2016. Frank Reich, offensive coordinator; born
Doug Pederson Joe D’Orazio, offensive quality con- December 4, 1961, Freeport, N.Y.
Pro Career: Doug Pederson was named trol/asst. wide receivers; born October 27, Quarterback Maryland 1981-84. Pro quar-
head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles on 1988, Philadelphia, Pa. Offensive lineman terback Buffalo Bills 1985-1994, Carolina
January 18, 2016, following a three-year Pennsylvania 2007-10. No pro playing Panthers 1995, New York Jets 1996,
run as the offensive coordinator of the experience. College coach: Chicago 2011, Detroit Lions 1997-98. Pro coach:
Kansas City Chiefs from 2013-15. While Utah 2012, Columbia 2015. Pro coach: Indianapolis Colts 2008-2011, Arizona
with the Chiefs, Pederson helped guide the Joined Eagles in 2016. Cardinals 2012, San Diego Chargers 2013-
team to a 31-17 regular-season record, Dave Fipp, special teams coordinator; born 15, joined Eagles in 2016.
which included a 10-0 stretch to close out August 8, 1974, Albuquerque, N.M. Safety Jim Schwartz, defensive coordinator; born
the 2015 season. In 2013, Pederson and Arizona 1994-97. No pro playing experi- June 2, 1966, Baltimore, Md. Linebacker
the coaching staff helped turn a 2-14 Chiefs ence. College coach: Holy Cross 1998-99, Georgetown 1985-88. No pro playing expe-
team into an 11-5 playoff contender, mark- Arizona 2000, Cal Poly 2001-03, Nevada rience. College coach: Maryland 1989,
ing the largest one-year turnaround in team 2004, San Jose State 2005-07. Pro coach: Minnesota 1990, North Carolina Central
history. Pederson, who enjoyed a 12-year San Francisco 49ers 2008-2010, Miami 1991, Colgate 1992. Pro coach: Baltimore
playing career in the NFL, began his pro Dolphins 2011-12, joined Eagles in 2013. Ravens 1996-98, Tennessee Titans 1999-
coaching career in Philadelphia where he Ken Flajole, linebackers; born October 5, 2008, Detroit Lions 2009-2013 (head
served under Andy Reid as an offensive 1954, Seattle, Wash. Linebacker coach), Buffalo Bills 2014, joined Eagles in
quality control coach (2009-2010) and Wenatchee Valley (Wash.) C.C. 1973, 2016.
quarterbacks coach (2011-12). Career Pacific Lutheran 1974-76. No pro playing Duce Staley, running backs; born February
record: 0-0. experience. College coach: Pacific Lutheran 27, 1975, Tampa, Fla. Running back South
Background: Pederson attended Northeast 1977-79, Washington 1979, Montana Carolina 1995-96. Pro running back
Louisiana, where he was a three-year 1980-85, Texas El-Paso 1986-88, Missouri Philadelphia Eagles 1997-2003, Pittsburgh
starter at quarterback and graduated with a 1989-1993, Richmond 1994, Hawai’i Steelers 2004-06. Pro coach: Joined
B.B.A. in business management. A 12-year 1995, Nevada 1996-97. Pro coach: Green Eagles in 2011.
NFL veteran, he played quarterback for the Bay Packers 1998, Seattle Seahawks Jeff Stoutland, offensive line; born
Green Bay Packers, Miami Dolphins, 1999-2002, Carolina Panthers 2003-08, February 10, 1962, New York City, N.Y.
Philadelphia Eagles and Cleveland Browns. St. Louis Rams 2009-2011, New Orleans Linebacker Southern Connecticut State. No
Pederson served as a backup quarterback Saints 2012, Cleveland Browns 2013, pro playing experience. College coach:
for the Packers when the team won Super joined Eagles in 2016. Southern Connecticut State 1984-85,
Bowl XXXI. After serving as the head coach Matthew Harper, asst. special teams; born 1988-1992, Syracuse 1986-87, 1997-99,
at Calvary Baptist Academy in Shreveport, November 26, 1984, Secaucus, N.J. Safety Cornell 1993-96, Michigan State 2000-06,
LA, Pederson entered the NFL coaching City College of San Francisco 2004-05, Miami 2007-2010, Alabama 2011-12. Pro
ranks in 2009 as an offensive quality con- Oregon 2006-07. No pro playing experi- coach: Joined Eagles in 2013.
trol coach with the Philadelphia Eagles. ence. College coach: City College of San Press Taylor, offensive quality control/asst.
Pederson was promoted to quarterbacks Francisco 2008, Oregon 2009-2012. Pro quarterbacks; born January 13, 1988,
coach in 2011 and earned the offensive coach: Joined Eagles in 2013. Norman, Okla. Quarterback Butler (Kan.)
coordinator job with the Kansas City Chiefs Tim Hauck, safeties; born December 20, C.C. 2007-08, Marshall 2009-2010. No pro
in 2013. 1966, Butte, Mont. Safety Montana 1986- playing experience. College coach: Tulsa
Personal: Born January 31, 1968 in 89. Pro safety New England Patriots 1990, 2011-12. Pro coach: Joined Eagles in
Bellingham, Wash. He and his wife, Green Bay Packers 1991-94, Denver 2013.
Jeannie, have three sons: Drew, Josh and Broncos 1995-96, Seattle Seahawks 1997, Cory Undlin, defensive backs; born June
Joel. Indianapolis Colts 1998, Philadelphia 29, 1971, St. Cloud, Minn. Defensive back
Eagles 1999-2002, San Francisco 49ers California Lutheran 1990-94. No pro play-
ASSISTANT COACHES 2002. College coach: Montana 2004-07, ing experience. College coach: California
Eugene Chung, asst. offensive line/tight UCLA 2008, Nevada-Las Vegas 2013-14. Lutheran 1998-2002, Fresno State 2002-
ends/run game; born June 14, 1969, Pro coach: Tennessee Titans 2009-2010, 03. Pro coach: New England Patriots 2004,
Prince George’s County, Md. Offensive line- Cleveland Browns 2012, joined Eagles in Cleveland Browns 2005-08, Jacksonville
man Virginia Tech 1988-1991. Pro offen- 2016. Jaguars 2009-2011, Denver Broncos
sive lineman New England Patriots 1992- Josh Hingst, strength and conditioning; 2012-14, joined Eagles in 2015.
94, Jacksonville Jaguars 1995, born December 29, 1978, Fremont, Neb. Dino Vasso, defensive quality control/asst.
Indianapolis Colts 1997. Pro coach: Attended Nebraska. No college or pro play- secondary; born November 8, 1987,
Philadelphia Eagles 2010-12, Kansas City ing experience. College coach: Florida State Philadelphia, Pa. Defensive back New
Chiefs 2013-15, re-joined Eagles in 2016. 2003-07. Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars Hampshire 2006-2010. No pro playing
Phillip Daniels, defensive quality con- 2012, joined Eagles in 2013. experience. College coach: Missouri 2012.
trol/asst. defensive line; born March 4, Greg Lewis, wide receivers; born February Pro coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2013-15,
1973, Donalsonville, Ga. Defensive line 12, 1980, Chicago. Wide receiver Illinois joined Eagles in 2016.
Georgia 1992-95. Pro defensive lineman 1999-2002. Pro wide receiver Philadelphia Chris Wilson, defensive line; born January
Seattle Seahawks 1996-99, Chicago Bears Eagles 2003-08, Minnesota Vikings 2009- 8, 1969, Dallas, Texas. Linebacker
2000-03, Washington Redskins 2004- 2010. College coach: San Diego 2012, San Oklahoma 1988-1991. No pro playing
2010. Pro coach: Joined Eagles in 2016. Jose State 2013, Pittsburgh 2014. Pro experience. College coach: Indiana State
John DeFilippo, quarterbacks; born April coach: New Orleans Saints 2015, joined 1993-94, 1997, Northern Illinois 1995,
12, 1978, Youngstown, Ohio. Quarterback Eagles in 2016. Northeastern Oklahoma A&M 1996, Illinois
James Madison 1996-99. No pro playing Justin Peelle, tight ends; born March 15, State 1998-99, Colorado 2000-04,
experience. College coach: Fordham 2000, 1979, Fresno, Calif. Tight end Oregon Oklahoma 2005-09, Mississippi State
Notre Dame 2001-02, Columbia 2003-04, 1997-2001. Pro tight end San Diego 2010-12, Georgia 2013, Southern
San Jose State 2010-11. Pro coach: New Chargers 2002-05, Miami Dolphins 2006- California 2014-15, Missouri 2016. Pro
York Giants 2005-06, Oakland Raiders 07, Atlanta Falcons 2008-2010, San coach: Joined Eagles in 2016.
2007-08, 2012-13, New York Jets 2009, Francisco 49ers 2011. Pro coach: Joined

208 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

OWNERSHIP (550-456-14)
Co-Chairman: Denise DeBartolo York Records include postseason games
Co-Chairman: John York 1950-54 Lawrence (Buck) Shaw..33-25-2
Chief Executive Officer: Jed York
Ownership: Gideon Yu 1955 Norman (Red) Strader ......4-8-0
Ownership: Mark Wan 1956-58 Frankie Albert ...............19-17-1
Ownership: John M. Sobrato 1959-1963 Howard (Red) Hickey* .27-27-1
MANAGEMENT 1963-67 Jack Christiansen .........26-38-3
General Manager: Trent Baalke 1968-1975 Dick Nolan....................56-56-5
Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice 1976 Monte Clark......................8-6-0
President of Football Operations:
1977 Ken Meyer........................5-9-0
Paraag Marathe
President: Al Guido 1978 Pete McCulley** ..............1-8-0
Chief Operating Officer: Ethan Casson 1978 Fred O’Connor ..................1-6-0
Chief Investment Officer: Brano Perkovich 1979-1988 Bill Walsh ...................102-63-1
Chief Financial Officer: Scott Sabatino 1989-1996 George Seifert ............108-35-0
National Football Conference Executive Vice President: Patty Inglis 1997-2002 Steve Mariucci..............60-43-0
West Division Vice President/Executive Producer: 2003-04 Dennis Erickson .............9-23-0
Team Colors: 49ers Gold and 49ers Red Robert Alberino Jr.
Vice President of Ticketing & Member 2005-08 Mike Nolan*** .............18-37-0
4949 Marie P. DeBartolo Way Services: Jamie Brandt 2008-2010 Mike Singletary****.....18-22-0
Santa Clara, California 95054 Vice President of Security: Dan Cory 2010 Jim Tomsula.....................1-0-0
Telephone: (408) 562-4949 Vice President of Football Operations: 2011-14 Jim Harbaugh...............49-22-1
Jeff Ferguson 2015 Jim Tomsula...................5-11-0
2016 SCHEDULE General Counsel: Hannah Gordon * Resigned after three games in 1963
PRESEASON Vice President, New Ventures: ** Released after nine games in 1978
Aug. 14 Houston .............................4:00 Sean Kundu *** Released after seven games in 2008
Vice President of Communications: **** Released after 15 games in 2010
Aug. 20 at Denver ..........................6:00 Bob Lange
Aug. 26 Green Bay..........................7:00 Vice President of Stadium PAID ATTENDANCE
Sep. 1 at San Diego ......................7:00 Operations/General Manager:
Jim Mercurio Home 537,755 Away 497,929
Vice President & Executive Director of Total 1,035,684
Community Relations and 49ers Single-game home record,
Sep. 12 Los Angeles (Mon) ............7:20
Foundation: Joanne Pasternack 69,732 (1/12/13)
Sep. 18 at Carolina .....................10:00a
Vice President of Corporate Partnerships: Single-season home record,
Sep. 25 at Seattle ...........................1:05 Brent Schoeb 544,228 (1999)
Oct. 2 Dallas ...............................1:25 Vice President of Football Affairs:
Oct. 6 Arizona (Thu).....................5:25 Keena Turner
SecurityDirector: Mike Anderson 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Oct. 16 at Buffalo .......................10:00a
Video Operations Manager: Mike Bracken Round Name Pos. College
Oct. 23 Tampa Bay .......................1:05
Director, Information Technology: 1 DeForest Buckner DL Oregon
James Bartholomew Joshua Garnett G Stanford
Nov. 6 New Orleans .....................1:05 Director of Football Communications: 3 Will Redmond DB Mississippi St.
Nov. 13 at Arizona ..........................1:25 Dan Beckler 4 Rashard Robinson DB Louisiana St.
Nov. 20 New England ....................1:25 Director of Accounting: Ester Chi 5 Ronald Blair DL Appalachian St.
Nov. 27 at Miami ........................10:00a Director of Sales & Business
Development: Paul Epstein John Theus OL Georgia
Dec. 4 at Chicago .....................10:00a
Senior Personnel Executive: Tom Gamble Fahn Cooper OL Mississippi
Dec. 11 New York Jets ...................1:05
Director of Stadium & Event Operations: 6 Jeff Driskel QB Louisiana Tech
Dec. 18 at Atlanta ...........................1:05
Craig Graber Kelvin Taylor RB Florida
Dec. 24 at Los Angeles (Sat)...........1:25 Sports Turf Manager/Head Aaron Burbridge WR Michigan St.
Jan. 1 Seattle ..............................1:25 Groundskeeper: Matthew Greiner 7 Prince Charles Iworah DB Western Kentucky
* All times PT Director of Corporate Communications:
Roger Hacker
Stadium: Levi’s® Stadium Director, Player Engagement: James Hall
(opened in 2014) Director of Football Administration &
Analytics: Brian Hampton
•Capacity: 68,500 Director of Facilities: Bill Howell
Santa Clara, California 95054 Director of Gameday Production and
Playing Surface: Natural Grass Broadcast Operations: Aron Kennedy
Training Camp: SAP Performance Facility Museum Director: Jesse Lovejoy
4949 Marie P. DeBartolo Way Director of College Scouting:
Santa Clara, CA 95054 Matt Malaspina
Director of Alumni Relations:
Guy McIntrye
LEVI’S® STADIUM Director of Guest Services: Kieran Nulty
Director of Engineering Operations:
Pat Rogan
Director of Stadium Operations Logistics:
Julian Sakti
Director of Broadcast Partnerships:
Bob Sargent
Director, Human Resources:
Lisa Thompson
Equipment Manager: Steve Urbaniak
Director of Human Performance: Mark
Director of Pro Personnel: Mike Williams

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 209

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Gabbert 282 178 2031 63.1 10 7 25/164 86.2
08/15 L 10-23 at Houston Kaepernick 244 144 1615 59.0 6 5 28/166 78.5
08/23 W 23-6 Dallas 49ers 526 322 3646 61.2 16 12 53/330 82.6
08/29 L 12-19 at Denver Opponents 549 375 4375 68.3 21 9 28/196 98.1
09/03 W 14-12 San Diego
REGULAR SEASON (5-11) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Acker 3 45 15.0 45 0
Date Result Opponent Dawson 0 0 0 20/21 24/27 0 92 Brock 3 26 8.7 26 0
09/14 W 20-3 Minnesota T. Smith 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 26 Ward 1 29 29.0 29t 1
09/20 L 18-43 at Pittsburgh Boldin 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Tartt 1 25 25.0 25 0
09/27 L 7-47 at Arizona Celek 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Wilhoite 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/04 L 3-17 Green Bay Hyde 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 49ers 9 125 13.9 45 1
10/11 L 27-30 at New York Giants McDonald 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 Opponents 12 174 14.5 42 21
10/18 W 25-20 Baltimore Draughn 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6
10/22 L 3-20 Seattle Gabbert 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/01 L 6-27 at St. Louis Kaepernick 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Pinion 91 3969 43.6 31 62
11/08 W 17-16 Atlanta Miller 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Dawson 1 48 48.0 0 48
11/22 L 13-29 at Seattle Patton 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 49ers 92 4017 43.7 31 62
11/29 L 13-19 Arizona Simpson 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 74 3363 45.4 31 68
12/06 W 26-20 at Chicago (OT) Ward 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/13 L 10-24 at Cleveland 49ers 7 16 1 20/21 24/27 0 238 PUNT
12/20 L 14-24 Cincinnati Opponents 20 21 2 35/39 28/37 2 387 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
12/27 L 17-32 at Detroit 2-Pt Conv: T. Smith Ellington 19 17 137 7.2 36 0
01/03 W 19-16 St. Louis (OT) 49ers 1-2, Opponents 3-4 Hayne 8 5 76 9.5 37 0
(OT) Overtime Bush 2 1 9 4.5 9 0
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD White 1 0 4 4.0 4 0
SCORE BY PERIODS Hyde 115 470 4.1 22 3 49ers 30 23 226 7.5 37 0
49ers 25 93 42 69 9 — 238 Draughn 76 263 3.5 30 1 Opponents 44 22 283 6.4 41 0
Opponents 79 163 56 89 0 — 387 Kaepernick 45 256 5.7 15 1
Harris 27 140 5.2 47 0 KICKOFF
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Gabbert 32 185 5.8 44t 1 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
49ers Opp. M. Davis 35 58 1.7 13 0 Ellington 26 665 25.6 40 0
Total First Downs 261 356 Hayne 17 52 3.1 11 0 Patton 7 157 22.4 35 0
Rushing 83 128 Gaskins 16 38 2.4 14 0 White 6 142 23.7 30 0
Passing 154 199 Bush 8 28 3.5 9 0 P. Thomas 1 15 15.0 15 0
Penalty 24 29 Cadet 7 16 2.3 4 0 Jerod-Eddie 1 11 11.0 11 0
3rd Down: Made/Att 65/213 82/210 Miller 6 14 2.3 4 1 Miller 1 3 3.0 3 0
3rd Down Pct. 30.5 39.0 P. Thomas 4 12 3.0 4 0 49ers 42 993 23.6 40 0
4th Down: Made/Att 9/19 6/11 Ellington 1 7 7.0 7 0 Opponents 23 591 25.7 74 0
4th Down Pct. 47.4 54.5 Patton 1 5 5.0 5 0
Possession Avg. 26:20 33:40 49ers 390 1544 4.0 47 7 FIELD
Total Net Yards 4860 6199 Opponents 504 2020 4.0 71t 20 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Avg. Per Game 303.8 387.4 Dawson 0/0 9/10 6/6 6/8 3/3
Total Plays 969 1081 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD 49ers 0/0 9/10 6/6 6/8 3/3
Avg. Per Play 5.0 5.7 Boldin 69 789 11.4 51 4 Opponents 1/1 7/7 12/13 7/14 1/2
Net Yards Rushing 1544 2020 T. Smith 33 663 20.1 76t 4
Avg. Per Game 96.5 126.3 Patton 30 394 13.1 41 1 SACKS No.
Total Rushes 390 504 McDonald 30 326 10.9 36 3 Brooks 6.5
Net Yards Passing 3316 4179 Draughn 25 175 7.0 26 0 Lynch 6.5
Avg. Per Game 207.3 261.2 Celek 19 186 9.8 33 3 Bowman 2.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 53/330 28/196 V. Davis 18 194 10.8 43 0 Dial 2.5
Gross Yards 3646 4375 Bell 15 186 12.4 48 0 Armstead 2.0
Att./Completions 526/322 549/375 Ellington 13 153 11.8 44 0 Tartt 2.0
Completion Pct. 61.2 68.3 Hyde 11 53 4.8 11 0 Bethea 1.0
Had Intercepted 12 9 Miller 10 135 13.5 52 0 Carradine 1.0
Punts/Average 92/43.7 74/45.4 Harris 9 97 10.8 31 0 Purcell 1.0
Net Punting Avg. 92/39.5 74/40.5 Gaskins 8 69 8.6 16 0 Reid 1.0
Penalties/Yards 113/823 112/920 Cadet 7 66 9.4 16 0 Ward 1.0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 21/5 10/3 M. Davis 7 38 5.4 11 0 Williams 1.0
Touchdowns 24 43 Hayne 6 27 4.5 7 0 49ers 28.0
Rushing 7 20 Simpson 5 54 10.8 16 1 Opponents 53.0
Passing 16 21 Bush 4 19 4.8 8 0
Returns 1 2 White 2 18 9.0 10 0
Leonhardt 1 4 4.0 4 0
49ers 322 3646 11.3 76t 16
Opponents 375 4375 11.7 66t 21

210 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Frank Gore, 2005-2014 ....................................................................11,073
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Montana, 1979-1992.................................................................35,124
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Montana, 1979-1992......................................................................244
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jerry Rice, 1985-2000.......................................................................1,281
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jerry Rice, 1985-2000.....................................................................19,247
Interceptions ...................................................................Ronnie Lott, 1981-1990 ..........................................................................51
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Andy Lee, 2004-2014 ..........................................................................46.2
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Ted Ginn Jr., 2010-12...........................................................................11.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Abe Woodson, 1958-1964 ...................................................................29.4
Field Goals ......................................................................Ray Wersching, 1977-1987 ..................................................................190
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jerry Rice, 1985-2000..........................................................................187
Points..............................................................................Jerry Rice, 1985-2000.......................................................................1,130
*Sacks............................................................................Bryant Young, 1994-2007 ....................................................................89.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Frank Gore, 2006 ...............................................................................1,695
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Jeff Garcia, 2000 ...............................................................................4,278
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Steve Young, 1998 ..................................................................................36
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Jerry Rice, 1995 ...................................................................................122
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jerry Rice, 1995 ................................................................................1,848
Interceptions ...................................................................Dave Baker, 1960 ....................................................................................10
Ronnie Lott, 1986 ...................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Andy Lee, 2011 ...................................................................................50.9
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Jimmy Williams, 2002..........................................................................16.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Joe Arenas, 1953.................................................................................34.4
Field Goals ......................................................................David Akers, 2011...............................................................................**44
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jerry Rice, 1987 .....................................................................................23
Points..............................................................................David Akers, 2011.................................................................................166
*Sacks............................................................................Aldon Smith, 2012 ...............................................................................19.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Frank Gore, 11-19-06............................................................................212
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Montana, 10-14-90 ........................................................................476
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Joe Montana, 10-14-90 ............................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Terrell Owens, 12-17-00..........................................................................20
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Jerry Rice, 12-18-95.............................................................................289
Interceptions ...................................................................Dave Baker, 12-4-60 .............................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Ray Wersching, 10-16-83 .........................................................................6
Jeff Wilkins, 9-29-96.................................................................................6
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jerry Rice, 10-14-90.................................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Jerry Rice, 10-14-90...............................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Fred Dean, 11-13-83..............................................................................6.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**Tied for NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 211

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
20 Acker, Kenneth CB 6-0 195 2/6/92 3 Southern Methodist Portland, Ore. D6-’14 15/13
48 Anderson, Busta TE 6-4 246 10/2/92 2 South Carolina Powder Springs, Ga. D7b-’15 0*
17 Anderson, Dres WR 6-2 190 7/20/92 2 Utah Riverside, Calif. FA-’15 0*
91 Armstead, Arik DL 6-7 292 11/15/94 2 Oregon Elk Grove, Calif. D1-’15 16/1
54 Armstrong, Ray-Ray LB 6-3 220 3/5/91 4 Miami Sanford, Fla. W(Oak)-’15 15/2*
68 Beadles, Zane G 6-4 305 11/19/86 7 Utah Casper, Wyo. FA-’16 16/16*
84 Bell, Blake TE 6-6 252 8/7/91 2 Oklahoma Wichita, Kan. D4a-’15 14/5
50 Bellore, Nick LB 6-1 250 5/12/89 6 Central Michigan Whitefish Bay, Wisc. FA-’15 16/0
41 Bethea, Antoine S 5-11 206 7/27/84 11 Howard Newport News, Va. FA-’14 7/7
53 Bowman, NaVorro LB 6-0 242 5/28/88 7 Penn State Forestville, Md. D3-’10 16/16
26 Brock, Tramaine CB 5-10 197 8/20/88 7 Belhaven Long Beach, Miss. FA-’10 15/15
55 Brooks, Ahmad LB 6-3 259 3/14/84 11 Virginia Woodbridge, Va. W(Cin)-’08 14/14
77 Brown, Trent OL 6-8 355 4/13/93 2 Florida Albany, Ga. D7a-’15 5/2
95 Carradine, Tank DT 6-4 295 2/18/90 4 Florida State Cincinnati, Ohio D2a-’13 14/1
88 Celek, Garrett TE 6-5 252 5/29/88 5 Michigan State Cincinnati, Ohio FA-’12 11/8
47 Cromartie, Marcus CB 6-0 195 12/3/90 3 Wisconsin Mansfield, Texas FA-’14 8/1
43 Davis, Chris CB 5-10 201 11/4/90 3 Auburn Birmingham, Ala. FA-’15 3/0
22 Davis, Mike RB 5-9 217 2/19/93 2 South Carolina Stone Mountain, Ga. D4b-’15 6/0
9 Dawson, Phil K 5-11 200 1/23/75 17 Texas Dallas, Texas UFA(Cle)-’13 16/0
65 Devey, Jordan OL 6-6 320 1/11/88 3 Memphis American Fork, Utah T(NE)-’15 15/9
92 Dial, Quinton DT 6-5 318 7/21/90 4 Alabama Clay, Ala. D5-’13 15/15
90 Dorsey, Glenn DL 6-1 297 8/1/85 9 Louisiana State Gonzalez, La. UFA(KC)-’13 10/7
24 Draughn, Shaun RB 5-11 205 12/7/87 4 North Carolina Tarboro, N.C. FA-’15 11/6*
10 Ellington, Bruce WR 5-9 197 8/22/91 3 South Carolina Moncks Corner, S.C. D4a-’14 13/0
2 Gabbert, Blaine QB 6-4 235 10/15/89 6 Missouri Ballwin, Mo. T(Jax)-’14 8/8
30 Gaskins, Kendall RB 6-1 238 11/4/90 2 Richmond Woodberry Forest, Va.FA-’14 9/0
83 Hamm, Je’Ron TE 6-3 236 6/15/92 2 Louisiana-Monroe Leesville, La. W(Wash)-’15 1/0*
58 Harold, Eli LB 6-3 247 1/20/94 2 Virginia Virginia Beach, Va. D3-’15 16/1
32 Harris, DuJuan RB 5-7 206 9/3/88 3 Troy Brooksville, Fla. FA-’15 4/1*
51 Hodges, Gerald LB 6-2 236 1/17/91 4 Penn State Paulsboro, N.J. T(Minn)-’15 14/7*
28 Hyde, Carlos RB 6-0 235 9/20/90 3 Ohio State Naples, Fla. D2-’14 7/7
63 Jerod-Eddie, Tony DT 6-5 301 3/29/90 3 Texas A&M DeSoto, Texas FA-’12 16/0
36 Johnson, Dontae CB 6-2 200 12/1/91 3 North Carolina State Pennington, N.J. D4b-’14 16/3
7 Kaepernick, Colin QB 6-4 230 11/3/87 6 Nevada Turlock, Calif D2-’11 9/8
75 Kelly, Colin OL 6-5 315 12/29/89 2 Oregon State Longview, Wash. FA-’16 0*
67 Kilgore, Daniel G/C 6-3 308 12/18/87 6 Appalachian State Kingsport, Tenn. D5-’11 5/3
96 Lemonier, Corey LB 6-3 255 11/19/91 4 Auburn Hialeah, Fla. D3-’13 10/1
6 Lewis, Thad QB 6-2 219 11/19/87 4 Duke Hialeah, Fla. FA-’16 0*
59 Lynch, Aaron LB 6-6 270 3/8/93 3 South Florida Cape Coral, Fla. D5a-’14 14/13
66 Martin, Marcus C 6-3 321 11/29/93 3 Southern California Crenshaw, Calif. D3a-’14 14/14
31 McCray, L.J. S 6-0 210 6/18/91 3 Catawba Charlotte, N.C. FA-’14 8/0
89 McDonald, Vance TE 6-4 267 6/13/90 4 Rice Winnie, Texas D2b-’13 14/11
49 Miller, Bruce FB 6-2 248 8/6/87 6 Central Florida Woodstock, Ga. D7a-’11 16/5
86 Nelson, Kyle TE/LS 6-2 240 10/3/86 5 New Mexico State China Springs, Texas FA-’14 16/0
11 Patton, Quinton WR 6-0 204 8/9/90 4 Louisiana Tech Lavergne, Tenn D4a-’13 16/4
71 Pears, Erik G/T 6-8 316 6/25/82 10 Colorado State Denver, Colo. FA-’15 16/16
5 Pinion, Bradley P 6-5 229 6/1/94 2 Clemson Concord, N.C. D5-’15 16/0
64 Purcell, Mike NT 6-3 303 4/20/91 3 Wyoming Highlands Ranch, Colo. FA-’13 8/3
68 Ramsey, Kaleb DT 6-3 285 6/20/89 2 Boston College Uniontown, Pa. D7a-’14 0*
27 Reaser, Keith CB 6-0 190 7/31/91 2 Florida Atlantic Miami, Fla. D5b-’14 13/0
35 Reid, Eric S 6-1 213 12/10/91 4 Louisiana State Geismar, La. D1-’13 16/16
3 Rogers, Eric WR 6-3 210 2/12/91 4 California Lutheran Covina, Calif. FA-’16 0*
62 Silberman, Ian OL 6-5 306 10/10/92 2 Boston College Orange Park, Fla. D6-’15 1/0
14 Simpson, Jerome WR 6-2 190 2/4/86 7 Coastal Carolina Reidsville, N.C. FA-’15 6/1
56 Skov, Shayne LB 6-3 247 7/9/90 2 Stanford Pawling, N.Y. FA-’14 15/0
82 Smith, Torrey WR 6-0 205 1/26/89 6 Maryland Falmouth, Va. FA-’15 16/12
74 Staley, Joe T 6-5 315 8/30/84 10 Central Michigan Rockford, Mich. D1b-’07 16/16
29 Tartt, Jaquiski S 6-1 221 2/12/92 2 Samford Mobile, Ala. D2-’15 15/8
60 Thomas, Brandon G 6-3 317 2/8/91 2 Clemson Spartanburg, S.C. D3c-’14 0*
13 Thompson, Dylan QB 6-3 218 10/25/91 2 South Carolina Boiling Springs, S.C. FA-’15 0*
61 Tiller, Andrew G 6-4 324 3/13/89 4 Syracuse Central Islip, N.Y. FA-’14 12/7
25 Ward, Jimmie DB 5-11 193 7/18/91 3 Northern Illinois Mobile, Ala. D1-’14 16/8
18 White, DeAndrew WR 6-0 192 10/16/91 2 Alabama Houston, Texas FA-’15 4/0
57 +Wilhoite, Michael LB 6-0 240 12/7/86 5 Washburn Topeka, Kan. FA-’11 12/12
93 Williams, Ian NT 6-1 305 8/31/89 6 Notre Dame Longwood, Fla. FA-’11 16/16

212 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* B. Anderson missed the ’15 season because of injury; D. Anderson missed the ’15 season because of injury; Armstrong played 10
games with Oakland and 5 games with San Francisco in ’15; Beadles played 16 games with Jacksonville; Draughn played 5 games with
Cleveland and 6 games with San Francisco; Hamm played 1 game with Washington; Harris played 2 games with Seattle and 2 games
with San Francisco; Hodges played 4 games with Minnesota and 10 games with San Francisco; Kelly last active with Kansas City in ’14;
Lewis did not play 2 games and inactive 12 games with Philadelphia; Ramsey spent majority of ’15 season on the team’s practice
squad; Rogers last active with Dallas in ’13; Thomas inactive 16 games for San Francisco; Thompson did not play 7 games for San

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

Players lost through free agency (1): G/T Alex Boone (Minn; 13 games in ’15).

Also played with 49ers in ’15—RB Travaris Cadet (4 games), TE Vernon Davis (6), RB Jarryd Hayne (8), TE Brian Leonhardt (4), RB
Pierre Thomas (1).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Balducci, Alex OL 6-4 310 3/1/94 Oregon Portland, Ore. FA
Bell, Jered DB 6-1 205 1/19/92 Colorado Pasadena, Calif. FA
Blair, Ronald DL 6-4 270 1/21/93 Appalachian State Greensboro, Ga. D5a
Buckner, DeForest DT 6-7 300 3/17/94 Oregon Honolulu, Hawaii D1a
Burbridge, Aaron WR 6-1 208 12/23/93 Michigan State Farmington Hills, Mich. D6c
Cajuste, Devon WR 6-4 227 1/31/92 Stanford Syosset, N.Y. FA
Campbell, DiAndre (1) WR 6-2 206 12/19/91 Washington Oakland, Calif. FA-'15
Cherry, Demetrius DL 6-6 300 6/21/92 Arizona State Frostproof, Fla. FA
Cooper, Fahn OL 6-5 306 4/30/93 Mississippi Crystal Lake, Ill. D5c
Driskel, Jeff QB 6-4 231 4/23/93 Louisiana Tech Oviedo, Fla. D6a
Fanaika, Jason LB 6-3 270 6/17/92 Utah Pleasant Grove, Utah FA
Garnett, Joshua G 6-5 321 2/21/94 Stanford Puyallup, Wash. D1b
Iworah, Prince Charles CB 5-11 193 3/11/93 Western Kentucky Nashville, Tenn. D7
Jones, Lenny LB 6-3 270 8/8/91 Nevada San Leandro, Calif. FA
Lake, Darren DL 6-3 315 12/28/92 Alabama York, Ala. FA
Lunsford, John K 6-1 180 11/14/93 Liberty Fort Myers, Fla. FA
McManis, Wynton LB 6-1 225 9/20/94 Memphis Olive Branch, Miss. FA
Muir, Blake OL 6-6 315 5/10/94 Baylor Sydney, New South Wales, Australia FA
Price, Norman OL 6-4 311 8/25/94 Southern Mississippi Vicksburg, Miss. FA
Redmond, Will CB 6-0 186 12/28/93 Mississippi State Memphis, Tenn. D3
Robinson, Rashard CB 6-1 177 7/23/95 Louisiana State Pompano Beach, Fla. D4
Rush, Marcus (1) LB 6-3 251 6/19/91 Michigan State Cincinnati, Ohio FA-'15
Smelter, DeAndre (1) WR 6-2 227 12/3/91 Georgia Tech Macon, Ga. D4c-'15
Smith, Garrison (1) NT 6-1 300 10/9/91 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. FA-'14
Taylor, Kelvin RB 5-10 205 9/28/93 Florida Belle Glade, Fla. D6b
Theus, John OL 6-6 303 1/19/94 Georgia Jacksonville, Fla. D5b
Treggs, Bryce WR 6-0 185 4/30/94 California Inglewood, Calif. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 213

COACHING STAFF (NFL Europe) 2004-05, Kansas City Chiefs State 1997, Princeton 1998, Shippensburg
Head Coach, 2007-09, Buffalo Bills 2010-12, 1999-2002, Tennessee-Chattanooga
Chip Kelly Philadelphia Eagles 2013-15, joined 49ers 2003-05, Temple 2006. Pro coach:
Pro Career: Chip Kelly became the nine- in 2016. Philadelphia Eagles 2007-2010, Miami
teenth head coach in franchise history on Joe Bowden, inside linebackers; born Dolphins 2011-15, joined 49ers in 2016.
January 14, 2016 after spending the previ- February 25, 1970, Dallas, Texas. Kevin O’Connell, special projects; born
ous three seasons as head coach of the Linebacker Oklahoma 1988-1991. Pro line- May 25, 1985, Knoxville, Tenn.
Philadelphia Eagles. Won 10 games in each backer Houston Oilers/Tennessee Titans Quarterback San Diego State 2004-07. Pro
of his first two seasons with the 1992-99, Dallas Cowboys 2000. Pro quarterback New England Patriots 2008-
Philadelphia Eagles, including a NFC East coach: St. Louis Rams 2012-15, joined 09, Detroit Lions 2009, New York Jets
Division championship in his first season in 49ers in 2016. 2009-2011, 2012, Miami Dolphins 2011,
2013, becoming the second head coach in Michael Clay, asst. special teams; born San Diego Chargers 2012. Pro coach:
league history to win a division title in his August 30, 1991, Santa Clara, Calif. Cleveland Browns 2015, joined 49ers in
first season in the NFL. Prior to joining the Linebacker Oregon 2009-2012. No pro 2016.
Eagles organization, Kelly spent 22 sea- playing experience. Pro coach: Philadelphia Jim O’Neil, defensive coordinator; born
sons at the collegiate level. As head coach Eagles 2014-15, joined 49ers in 2016. August 26, 1978, Philadelphia, Pa.
of the University of Oregon, he produced a Ryan Day, quarterbacks; born March 12, Defensive end Towson 1997-2000. No pro
46-7 (.868) overall record and victories in 1979, Manchester, N.H. Quarterback New playing experience. College coach: Albany
the Rose Bowl and Fiesta Bowl while trans- Hampshire 1998-2001. No pro playing 2001, Pennsylvania 2002, Northwestern
forming the school into one of the nation’s experience. College coach: New Hampshire 2003-04, Towson 2005, Eastern Michigan
premier college football destinations. NFL 2002, Boston College 2003-04, 2007- 2006-08. Pro coach: N.Y. Jets 2009-2012,
career record: 26-22. 2011, 2013-14, Florida 2005, Temple Buffalo Bills 2013, Cleveland Browns
Background: Attended the University of 2006, 2012. Pro coach: Philadelphia 2014-15, joined 49ers in 2016.
New Hampshire and earned a bachelor’s Eagles 2015, joined 49ers in 2016. Vince Oghobaase, asst. defensive line;
degree in physical education in 1990. Pat Flaherty, offensive line; born April 27, born January 24, 1987, Houston, Texas.
Coached at Columbia (1990-91), New 1956, Hanover, Pa. Center East Defensive lineman Duke 2006-09. Pro
Hampshire (1992, 1994-2006), Johns Stroudsburg 1974-77. No pro playing defensive lineman Hartford Colonials 2010
Hopkins (1993), Oregon (2007-12), experience. College coach: East (United Football League). College coach:
Philadelphia Eagles (2013-15). Stroudsburg 1980-81, Penn State 1982- Duke 2011, Ohio State 2013-15. Pro
Personal: Born November 25, 1963, Dover, 83, Rutgers 1984-1991, East Carolina coach: Joined 49ers in 2016.
N.H. 1992, Wake Forest 1993-98, Iowa 1999. Kurt Schmidt, strength, conditioning and
Pro coach: Washington Redskins 2000, nutrition assistant; born August 19, 1979,
ASSISTANT COACHES Chicago Bears 2001-03, New York Giants Elma, Iowa. No college or pro playing expe-
Roy Anderson, asst. defensive backs; born 2004-2015, joined 49ers in 2016. rience. College coach: Utah 2003-04,
October 5, 1979, Tallahassee, Fla. Jeff Hafley, defensive backs; born April 4, Louisville 2004-06, Utah State 2006-08,
Quarterback Howard 1997-2001. No pro 1979, Montvale, NJ. Wide receiver Siena Arkansas 2008-2012, Memphis 2012. Pro
playing experience. Pro coach: Baltimore 1997-2000. No pro playing experience. coach: Joined 49ers in 2013.
Ravens 2009-2011, Indianapolis Colts College coach: Worcester Polytechnic Derius Swinton II, special teams coordina-
2012-15, joined 49ers in 2016. 2001, Albany 2002-05, Pittsburgh 2006- tor; born April 26, 1985, Newport News,
Jerry Azzinaro, defensive line; born July 2010, Rutgers 2011. Pro coach: Tampa Va. Safety Hampton 2003-06. No pro play-
11, 1958, Brooklyn, N.Y. Linebacker Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, Cleveland ing experience. College coach: Tennessee
American International 1978-1981. No pro Browns 2014-15, joined 49ers in 2016. 2007-08. Pro coach: St. Louis Rams 2009-
playing experience. College coach: Mick Lombardi, offensive quality control; 2011, Kansas City Chiefs 2012, Denver
American International 1982-84, 1987- born October 1, 1988, Ocean City, NJ. No Broncos 2013-14, Chicago Bears 2015,
1991, Westfield 1985, Western New college or pro playing experience. College joined 49ers in 2016.
England 1986, Massachusetts 1992-94, coach: Fordham 2009-2010. Pro coach: Jason Tarver, outside linebackers; born
1997, Boston College 1995-96, Maine New England Patriots 2011-12, joined August 28, 1974, Palo Alto, Calif. No col-
1998, Syracuse 1999-2003, Duke 2004- 49ers in 2013. lege or pro playing experience. College
06, New Hampshire 2007, Marshall 2008, Tem Lukabu, defensive quality control; coach: UCLA 1998-2000, Stanford 2011.
Oregon 2009-2012. Pro coach: born August 6, 1981, Avenel, N.J. Pro coach: San Francisco 49ers 2001-
Philadelphia Eagles 2013-15, joined 49ers Linebacker Colgate 2002-04. No pro play- 2010, Oakland Raiders 2012-14, rejoined
in 2016. ing experience. College coach: Rhode 49ers in 2015.
Dana Bible, senior analyst; born October Island 2008-09, Rutgers 2010-11, Colgate Mark Uyeyama, director of human perfor-
30, 1953, Erie, Pa. Defensive back 2014, Florida International 2015. Pro mance; born December 2, 1975,
Cincinnati 1972-76. No pro playing experi- coach: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2012-13, Vancouver, B.C. Nose guard Butte (Mont.)
ence. College coach: Cincinnati 1976- joined 49ers in 2016. C.C. 1994-95, Northern State 1996-97. No
1980, Miami (Ohio) 1981-82, North Curtis Modkins, offensive coordinator; pro playing experience. College coach:
Carolina State 1983-85, 2007-12, San born November 15, 1970, Marlin, Texas. Arizona State 2001-03, Utah State 2004-
Diego State 1986-88, Miami (Ohio) 1989, Running back Texas Christian 1990-92. No 07. Pro coach: Joined 49ers in 2008.
Cincinnati 1994, Stanford 1995-97, Boston pro playing experience. College coach: Eric Wolford, asst. offensive line; born April
College 1999-2006. Pro coach: Cincinnati Texas Christian 1995-97, New Mexico 5, 1971, Youngstown, Ohio. Guard Kansas
Bengals 1990-92, Philadelphia Eagles 1998-2001, Georgia Tech 2002-07. Pro State 1990-93. No pro playing experience.
1998, joined 49ers in 2016. coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2008, Arizona College coach: Kansas State 1995,
Bob Bicknell, wide receivers; born Cardinals 2009, Buffalo Bills 2010-12, Emporia State 1996, South Florida 1997-
November 13, 1969, Holliston, Mass. Tight Detroit Lions 2013-15, joined 49ers in 99, Houston 2000-02, North Texas 2003,
end Boston College 1989-1991. No pro 2016. Arizona 2004-06, Illinois 2007-08, South
playing experience. College coach: Boston Jeff Nixon, tight ends; born October 16, Carolina 2009, Youngstown State (head
University 1993-97, Temple 2006. Pro 1974, Rochester, Pa. Running back West coach) 2010-14. Pro coach: Joined 49ers
coach: Frankfurt Galaxy 1998-99, Berlin Virginia 1993-94, Penn State 1996. No pro in 2015.
Thunder 2000-03, Cologne Centurions playing experience. College coach: Penn

214 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chairman: Paul Allen (330-327-0)
President: Peter McLoughlin Records include postseason games
Executive Vice President of Football 1976-1982 Jack Patera*................35-59-0
Operations & Head Coach: Pete Carroll 1982 Mike McCormack ............4-3-0
Executive Vice President/ 1983-1991 Chuck Knox .................83-67-0
General Manager: John Schneider 1992-94 Tom Flores...................14-34-0
Chief Operating Officer: Chuck Arnold 1995-98 Dennis Erickson...........31-33-0
CFO & VP/Finance: Karen Spencer 1999-2008 Mike Holmgren ............90-80-0
Sr. VP/Human Resources & 2009 Jim Mora.......................5-11-0
Administration: Cindy Kelley 2010-15 Pete Carroll..................68-40-0
Sr. VP/Communications, Broadcasting: *Released after two games in 1982
Dave Pearson
General Counsel & VP/Government PAID ATTENDANCE
Affairs: Ed Goines Home 536,595 Away 517,446
National Football Conference VP/Business Strategy & Analytics: Total 1,054,041
West Division Jeff Dunn Single-game home record,
Team Colors: College Navy, Wolf Grey, VP/Community Relations: Mike Flood 68,681 (12/16/00)
Action Green, VP/Player Engagement: Maurice Kelly Single-season home record,
Virginia Mason Athletic Center VP/Marketing: Jeff Richards 533,657 (2007)
12 Seahawks Way VP/Corporate Partnerships & Suites:
Renton, Washington 98056 Amy Sprangers 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Telephone: (425) 203-8000 VP/Technology: Chip Suttles Round Name Pos. College
VP/Football Administration: Matt Thomas 1 Germain Ifedi T Texas A&M
2016 SCHEDULE VP/Operations/GM of CenturyLink FIeld: 2 Jarran Reed DT Alabama
PRESEASON David Young 3 C.J. Prosise RB Notre Dame
Aug. 13 at Kansas City ....................1:30 Co-Director of Pro Personnel: Nick Vannett TE Ohio St.
Aug. 18 Minnesota .........................7:00 Scott Fitterer, Trent Kirchner Rees Odhiambo G Boise St.
Aug. 25 Dallas ................................7:00 Asst. Director of Pro Personnel: 5 Quinton Jefferson DT Maryland
Sep. 1 at Oakland ..........................7:00 Dan Morgan Alex Collins RB Arkansas
Director of College Scouting: Matt Berry 6 Joey Hunt C Texas Christian
REGULAR SEASON 7 Kenny Lawler WR California
Sr. Personnel Executive: Ed Dodds
Sep. 11 Miami ...............................1:05 Zac Brooks RB Clemson
Sr. Director of Video Operations:
Sep. 18 at Los Angeles ..................1:05
Sep. 25 San Francisco ..................1:05 Rob Porteus
Oct. 2 at New York Jets.............10:00a Director of Health & Player Performance:
BYE Sam Ramsden
Oct. 16 Atlanta ..............................1:25 Director of Football Video: Brad Campbell
Oct. 23 at Arizona ........................*5:30 Director of Equipment: Erik Kennedy
Oct. 30 at New Orleans ..............10:00a Football Operations Coordinator:
Nov. 7 Buffalo (Mon) ....................5:30 Matt Capurro
Nov. 13 at New England ...............*5:30 Team Travel: Jeremy Young
Nov. 20 Philadelphia .....................1:25 Director of Human Resources:
Nov. 27 at Tampa Bay ....................1:05 Sarita Carter
Dec. 4 Carolina ..........................*5:30 Director of Finance: Peter Fonfara
Dec. 11 at Green Bay .....................1:25 Director of Football Communications:
Dec. 15 Los Angeles (Thu) ............5:25 Lane Gammel
Dec. 24 Arizona (Sat)......................1:25 Director of Business Communications:
Jan. 1 at San Francisco ...............1:25 Jeff Garza
* All times PT; Sunday night games in Director of Community Outreach:
Weeks 5-15 subject to change Sandy Gregory
Stadium: CenturyLink Field Director of Public Affairs
(opened in 2002) Communications: Suzanne Lavender
•Capacity: 68,000 Director of Ticket Sales & Service:
Playing Surface: FieldTurf Chris Lawrence
Training Camp: VMAC Director of I.T.: Sterling Monroe
Renton, WA 98056 Director of Digital & Emerging Media:
Kenton Olson
Director of Retail Operations:
Doug Orwiler
Director of Hospitality & Events:
Becca Rollins
Director of Event Presentation & Fan
Engagement: Mark Tamar
Director of Fields & Facilities:
John Wright
Asst. Director of Broadcasting:
Brian O’Connell

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 215

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Wilson 483 329 4024 68.1 34 8 45/265 110.1
08/14 L 20-22 Denver T. Jackson 6 4 37 66.7 0 0 1/6 83.3
08/21 L 13-14 at Kansas City Seahawks 489 333 4061 68.1 34 8 46/271 109.8
08/29 W 16-15 at San Diego Opponents 548 333 3619 60.8 14 14 37/255 78.1
09/03 W 31-21 Oakland
REGULAR SEASON (10-6) SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS E. Thomas 5 67 13.4 32 0
Date Result Opponent Hauschka 0 0 0 40/44 29/31 0 127 Lane 2 60 30.0 54 0
09/13 L 31-34 at St. Louis (OT) Baldwin 0 14 0 0/0 0/0 0 84 Sherman 2 30 15.0 26 0
09/20 L 17-27 at Green Bay Lockett 0 6 2 0/0 0/0 0 48 Chancellor 2 6 3.0 6 0
09/27 W 26-0 Chicago Kearse 0 5 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Shead 1 40 40.0 40 0
10/05 W 13-10 Detroit Rawls 4 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Rubin 1 2 2.0 2 0
10/11 L 24-27 at Cincinnati (OT) Lynch 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 20 Burley 1 0 0.0 0 0
10/18 L 23-27 Carolina Graham 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Seahawks 14 205 14.6 54 0
10/22 W 20-3 at San Francisco F. Jackson 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 8 50 6.3 24 0
11/01 W 13-12 at Dallas Tukuafu 1 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
11/15 L 32-39 Arizona Wagner 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/22 W 29-13 San Francisco Brown 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Ryan 68 3105 45.7 24 73
11/29 W 39-30 Pittsburgh Coffman 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Seahawks 68 3105 45.7 24 73
12/06 W 38-7 at Minnesota Lockette 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 87 3918 45.0 25 72
12/13 W 35-6 at Baltimore C. Williams 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
12/20 W 30-13 Cleveland Willson 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/27 L 17-23 St. Louis Wilson 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
01/03 W 36-6 at Arizona Seahawks 10 34 5 40/44 29/31 0 423 Lockett 40 21 379 9.5 66 1
Opponents 10 14 4 22/25 27/28 1 277 Sherman 1 0 64 64.0 64 0
POSTSEASON (1-1) 2-Pt Conv: Lynch Daniels 1 0 7 7.0 7 0
Date Result Opponent Seahawks 1-5, Opponents 2-3 K. Smith 0 1 0 — — 0
01/10 W 10-9 at Minnesota Seahawks 42 22 450 10.7 66 1
01/18 L 24-31 at Carolina RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Opponents 29 20 386 13.3 75t 1
(OT) Overtime Rawls 147 830 5.6 69t 4
Wilson 103 553 5.4 24 1 KICKOFF
SCORE BY PERIODS Lynch 111 417 3.8 24 3 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Seahawks 77 128 111 107 0 — 423 Michael 39 192 4.9 45 0 Lockett 33 852 25.8 105t 1
Opponents 40 91 49 91 6 — 277 F. Jackson 26 100 3.8 16 0 Tukuafu 1 16 16.0 16 0
Brown 25 72 2.9 18 1 Seahawks 34 868 25.5 105t 1
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Harris 21 49 2.3 6 0 Opponents 42 1073 25.5 101t 1
Seahawks Opp. Coleman 8 32 4.0 19 0
Total First Downs 335 273 FIELD
Lockett 5 20 4.0 8 0
Rushing 128 71 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Rod Smith 2 5 2.5 3 0
Passing 190 175 Hauschka 0/0 9/9 7/7 7/9 6/6
K. Williams 1 5 5.0 5 0
Penalty 17 27 Seahawks 0/0 9/9 7/7 7/9 6/6
Tukuafu 4 1 0.3 4 1
3rd Down: Made/Att 99/213 67/195 Opponents 1/1 7/7 10/10 7/7 2/3
3rd Down Pct. 46.5 34.4
T. Jackson 8 -8 -1.0 -1 0
4th Down: Made/Att 8/9 1/7 Seahawks 500 2268 4.5 69t 10
4th Down Pct. 88.9 14.3 Opponents 362 1304 3.6 48t 10
Bennett 10.0
Possession Avg. 31:40 28:20 Avril 9.0
Total Net Yards 6058 4668 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD
Baldwin 78 1069 13.7 80t 14 Irvin 5.5
Avg. Per Game 378.6 291.8 Clark 3.0
Total Plays 1035 947 Lockett 51 664 13.0 49t 6
Kearse 49 685 14.0 50 5 Rubin 2.0
Avg. Per Play 5.9 4.9 Mebane 1.5
Net Yards Rushing 2268 1304 Graham 48 605 12.6 45 2
F. Jackson 32 257 8.0 26 2 Burley 1.0
Avg. Per Game 141.8 81.5 Morgan 1.0
Total Rushes 500 362 Willson 17 213 12.5 24 1
Helfet 13 130 10.0 20 0 Shead 1.0
Net Yards Passing 3790 3364 C. Williams 1.0
Avg. Per Game 236.9 210.3 Lynch 13 80 6.2 19 0
Rawls 9 76 8.4 31t 1 Wright 1.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 46/271 37/255
Coffman 4 29 7.3 8t 1 King 0.5
Gross Yards 4061 3619
Lockette 4 69 17.3 40t 1 Wagner 0.5
Att./Completions 489/333 548/333
Matthews 4 54 13.5 21 0 Seahawks 37.0
Completion Pct. 68.1 60.8
K. Smith 3 43 14.3 21 0 Opponents 46.0
Had Intercepted 8 14
Punts/Average 68/45.7 87/45.0 Michael 2 14 7.0 11 0
Net Punting Avg. 68/37.9 87/38.9 Daniels 2 18 9.0 12 0
Penalties/Yards 117/1007 94/795 Richardson 1 40 40.0 40 0
Fumbles/Ball Lost 18/8 22/9 K. Williams 1 8 8.0 8 0
Touchdowns 49 28 Tukuafu 1 7 7.0 7t 1
Rushing 10 10 Coleman 1 0 0.0 0 0
Passing 34 14 Seahawks 333 4061 12.2 80t 34
Returns 5 4 Opponents 333 3619 10.9 69t 14

216 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Shaun Alexander, 2000-07 .................................................................9,429
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Hasselbeck, 2001-2010 ...........................................................29,434
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Dave Krieg, 1980-1991 .........................................................................195
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Largent, 1976-1989.....................................................................819
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Largent, 1976-1989................................................................13,089
Interceptions ...................................................................Dave Brown, 1976-1986 .........................................................................50
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Jon Ryan, 2008-2015 ..........................................................................44.9
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Charlie Rogers, 1999-2001 ..................................................................12.7
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Leon Washington, 2010-12 ..................................................................26.2
Field Goals ......................................................................Norm Johnson, 1982-1990 ...................................................................159
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Shaun Alexander, 2000-07 ....................................................................112
Points..............................................................................Norm Johnson, 1982-1990 ...................................................................810
*Sacks............................................................................Jacob Green, 1980-1991 .....................................................................97.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Shaun Alexander, 2005.......................................................................1,880
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Russell Wilson, 2015 .........................................................................4,024
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Russell Wilson, 2015 ..............................................................................34
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Bobby Engram, 2007 ..............................................................................94
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Largent, 1985 ...........................................................................1,287
Interceptions ...................................................................John Harris, 1981 ...................................................................................10
Kenny Easley, 1984.................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Jon Ryan, 2011 ...................................................................................46.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Charlie Rogers, 1999 ...........................................................................14.5
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Leon Washington, 2012 .......................................................................29.0
Field Goals ......................................................................Todd Peterson, 1999 ...............................................................................34
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Shaun Alexander, 2005............................................................................28
Points..............................................................................Shaun Alexander, 2005..........................................................................168
*Sacks............................................................................Michael Sinclair, 1998 ..........................................................................16.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Shaun Alexander, 11-11-01 ...................................................................266
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Matt Hasselbeck, 12-29-02...................................................................449
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Dave Krieg, 12-2-84, 9-15-85, 11-28-88 ..................................................5
Warren Moon, 10-26-97 ...........................................................................5
Matt Hasselbeck, 11-23-03, 9-24-06 ........................................................5
Russell Wilson, 11-29-15, 12-13-15 .........................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Steve Largent, 10-18-87 .........................................................................15
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Steve Largent, 10-18-87 .......................................................................261
Interceptions ...................................................................Kenny Easley, 9-3-84 ................................................................................3
Eugene Robinson, 12-6-92 .......................................................................3
Darryl Williams, 9-21-97 ...........................................................................3
Lofa Tatupu, 12-2-07 ................................................................................3
Marcus Trufant, 12-9-07 ...........................................................................3
Field Goals ......................................................................Norm Johnson, 9-20-87, 12-18-88 ...........................................................5
Olindo Mare, 10-24-10, 11-14-10 .............................................................5
Todd Peterson, 9-26-99 ............................................................................5
Steven Hauschka, 11-13-11......................................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Shaun Alexander, 9-29-02 .........................................................................5
Points..............................................................................Shaun Alexander, 9-29-02 .......................................................................30
*Sacks............................................................................Many times ............................................................................................4.0
Last time by Chris Clemons, 9-24-12

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 217

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
56 Avril, Cliff DE 6-3 260 4/8/86 9 Purdue Green Cove Springs, Fla. UFA(Det)-’13 16/16
89 Baldwin, Doug WR 5-10 192 9/21/88 6 Stanford Gulf Breeze, Fla. FA-’11 16/16
95 Barnes, Tavaris DE 6-4 284 11/2/91 2 Clemson Jacksonville, Fla. FA-’16 12/0*
72 Bennett, Michael DE 6-4 274 11/13/85 8 Texas A&M Alief, Texas UFA(TB)-’13 16/16
68 Britt, Justin G 6-6 315 5/29/91 3 Missouri Lebanon, Mo. D2b-’14 16/16
39 Browner, Brandon CB 6-4 220 8/2/84 6 Oregon State Sylmar, Calif. FA-’16 16/16*
28 Burley, Marcus CB 5-11 185 7/16/90 4 Delaware Richmond, Va. T(Ind)-’14 13/1
31 Chancellor, Kam SS 6-3 225 4/3/88 7 Virginia Tech Norfolk, Va. D5-’10 11/11
55 Clark, Frank DE 6-3 260 6/14/93 2 Michigan Cleveland, Ohio D2-’15 15/0
90 Clemons, Chris DE 6-3 254 10/30/81 13 Georgia Griffin, Ga. FA-’16 16/8*
42 Cottom, Brandon TE 6-2 262 12/21/92 2 Purdue Newtown, Pa. FA-’15 0
52 Coyle, Brock LB 6-1 245 10/12/90 3 Montana Bozeman, Mont. FA-’14 8/0
1 Foxx, Deshon WR 5-10 177 7/27/92 2 Connecticut Lynchburg, Va. FA-’15 0
79 Gilliam, Garry T 6-5 315 11/26/90 3 Penn State Carlisle, Pa. FA-’14 16/16
63 Glowinski, Mark G 6-4 310 5/3/92 2 West Virginia Wilkes-Barre, Pa. D4b-’15 9/1
14 Goodley, Antwan WR 5-10 212 9/6/91 2 Baylor Midland, Texas FA-’15 0
88 Graham, Jimmy TE 6-7 265 11/24/86 7 Miami Goldsboro, N.C. T(NO)-’15 11/11
74 Hamilton, Justin DT 6-2 315 7/27/93 2 Louisiana-Lafayette Natchez, Miss. FA-’15 0
4 Hauschka, Steven K 6-4 210 6/29/85 9 North Carolina State Needham, Mass. W(Den)-’11 16/0
84 Helfet, Cooper TE 6-3 239 6/2/89 5 Duke Kentfield, Calif. FA-’12 14/2
97 Hill, Jordan DT 6-1 290 2/8/91 4 Penn State Steelton, Pa. D3-’13 10/1
30 Jean-Baptiste, Stanley CB 6-3 215 4/12/90 3 Nebraska Miami, Fla. FA-’15 0
15 Kearse, Jermaine WR 6-1 209 2/6/90 5 Washington Lakewood, Wash. FA-’12 16/16
20 Lane, Jeremy CB 6-0 190 7/14/90 5 Northwestern St. (LA) Tyler, Texas D6a-’12 6/2
65 Lewis, Patrick C 6-1 305 1/30/91 4 Texas A&M Reserve, La. PS(Cle)’-14 11/9
16 Lockett, Tyler WR 5-10 182 9/28/92 2 Kansas State Tulsa, Okla. D3-’15 16/8
33 t - McCray, Kelcie SS 6-2 202 9/21/88 5 Arkansas State Columbus, Ga. T(KC)-’15 16/3
19 McNeil III, Douglas WR 6-3 210 7/22/88 3 Bowie State Baltimore, Md. FA-’14 0
91 Marsh, Cassius DE 6-4 245 7/7/92 3 UCLA Simi Valley, Calif. D4a-’14 16/0
32 Michael, Christine RB 5-10 221 11/9/90 4 Texas A&M Beaumont, Texas D2-’13 8/2
57 Morgan, Mike LB 6-3 235 1/16/88 6 Southern California Dallas, Texas FA-’11 14/2
75 Pericak, Will C 6-3 300 12/30/89 2 Colorado Boulder, Colo. FA-’15 0
58 Pierre-Louis, Kevin LB 6-0 230 10/7/91 3 Boston College Norwalk, Conn. D4c-’14 14/1
47 Pinkins, Eric LB 6-3 230 8/7/91 3 San Diego State Sacramento, Calif. D6b-’14 6/0
69 Poole, Terry T 6-5 300 2/27/92 2 San Diego State Monterey, Calif. D4a-’15 0
34 Rawls, Thomas RB 5-9 215 8/8/93 2 Central Michigan Flint, Mich. FA-’15 13/7
37 Reed, Trovon CB 6-0 191 12/30/90 2 Auburn Thibodaux, La. FA-’15 0
10 Richardson, Paul WR 6-0 183 4/13/92 3 Colorado Los Angeles, Calif. D2a-’14 1/0
44 Robinson, Ryan DE 6-3 255 12/9/90 4 Oklahoma State Charleston, S.C. FA-’14 0
77 Rubin, Ahtyba DT 6-2 310 7/25/86 9 Iowa State Pensacola, Fla. UFA(Cle)-’15 16/16
9 Ryan, Jon P 6-0 217 11/26/81 11 Regina Regina, Saskatchewan FA-’08 16/0
66 Schwenke, Kona G 6-4 315 5/11/92 3 Notre Dame Hauula, Hawaii FA-’15 0
35 Shead, DeShawn DB 6-2 212 6/28/88 5 Portland State Palmdale, Calif. FA-’12 16/6
25 Sherman, Richard CB 6-3 195 3/30/88 6 Stanford Compton, Calif. D5a-’11 16/16
98 Siliga, Sealver DT 6-2 345 4/25/90 6 Utah West Jordan, Utah UFA-’16 13/4*
27 Simon, Tharold CB 6-3 202 3/6/91 4 Louisiana State Eunice, La. D5b-’13 1/0
17 Smith, Kevin WR 6-0 218 12/21/91 2 Washington Compton, Calif. FA-’15 7/1
21 Smith, Tye CB 6-0 195 5/3/93 2 Towson Raleigh, N.C. D5-’15 3/0
67 Sokoli, Kristjan C/G 6-5 300 9/24/91 2 Buffalo Bloomfield, N.J. D6b-’15 2/0
78 Sowell, Bradley T 6-7 309 6/6/89 5 Mississippi Hernando, Miss. UFA-’16 16/0*
23 Terrell, Steven FS 5-10 197 9/21/90 4 Texas A&M Allen, Texas FA-’14 12/0
29 Thomas, Earl FS 5-10 202 5/7/89 7 Texas Orange, Texas D1b-’10 16/16
94 Tyson, DeAngelo DT 6-2 315 4/12/89 4 Georgia Statesboro, Ga. FA-’16 0*
54 Wagner, Bobby LB 6-0 245 6/27/90 5 Utah State Ontario, Calif. D2-’12 15/15
73 Webb, J’Marcus T 6-7 331 8/8/88 7 West Texas A&M Ft. Worth, Texas UFA-’16 16/16*
86 Williams, Brandon TE 6-3 247 10/12/87 4 Oregon Merrionette, Ill. FA-’16 6/0*
18 Williams, Kasen WR 6-1 219 5/20/92 2 Washington Sammamish, Wash. FA-’15 2/0
82 Willson, Luke TE 6-5 252 1/15/90 4 Rice Lasalle, Ontario D5c-’13 14/7
3 Wilson, Russell QB 5-11 215 11/29/88 5 Wisconsin Richmond, Va. D3-’12 16/16
50 Wright, K.J. LB 6-4 246 7/23/89 6 Mississippi State Olive Branch, Miss. D4a-’11 16/16

218 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Barnes played 12 games with New Orleans in ’15; Browner played 16 games with New Orleans; Clemons played 16 games with
Jacksonville; Cottom spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Foxx spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Goodley spent
’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Hamilton spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Jean-Baptiste spent ’15 season on
Seattle’s practice squad; McNeil III spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Pericak spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad;
Poole spent ’15 season on practice squad/injured reserve; Reed spent ’15 season on Seattle’s practice squad; Robinson missed ’15
season because of injury; Schwenke missed ’15 season because of injury; Siliga played 13 games with New England; Sowell played 16
games with Arizona; Tyson last active with Baltimore in ’14; Webb played 16 games with Oakland in ’15; B. Williams played 6 games
with Carolina and Miami.

t– Seahawks traded for McCray (KC).

Players lost through free agency (5): G/T Alvin Bailey (Cle; 14 games in ’15), LB Bruce Irvin (Oak; 15), DT Brandon Mebane (SD; 15),
T Russell Okung (Den; 13), G J.R. Sweezy (TB; 15).

Also played with Seahawks in ’15—S Dion Bailey (2 games), RB Bryce Brown (3), CB Crezdon Butler (1), TE Chase Coffman (1),
FB Derrick Coleman (14), WR B.J. Daniels (6), DE Demarcus Dobbs (11), DT A.J. Francis (2), LS Clint Gresham (16),
RB DuJuan Harris (2), RB Fred Jackson (16), QB Tarvaris Jackson (4), DE David King (4), WR Ricardo Lockette (8),
RB Marshawn Lynch (7), WR Chris Matthews (9), C Drew Nowak (8), RB Rod Smith (1), FB Will Tukuafu (14), CB Cary Williams (10).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Boykin, Trevone QB 6-0 213 8/22/93 Texas Christian Dallas, Texas FA
Brooks, Zac RB 6-0 200 2/1/94 Clemson Jonesboro, Ark. D7b
Bryant, Brandin FB/DT 6-2 289 9/16/93 Florida International Omaha, Neb. FA
Collins, Alex RB 5-10 217 8/26/94 Arkansas Fort Lauderdale, Fla. D5b
Elliott, DeAndre CB 6-1 189 11/21/92 Colorado State Dallas, Texas FA
Fant, George TE 6-5 296 7/19/92 Western Kentucky Bowling Green, Ky. FA
Farmer, George (1) CB 6-1 220 7/4/93 Southern California Los Angeles, Calif. FA-’15
Ferris, Drew LS 6-0 230 3/7/92 Florida Carlsbad, Calif. FA
French, Christian DE 6-5 249 8/18/92 Oregon Cedar Rapids, Iowa FA
Heaps, Jake QB 6-1 217 6/19/91 Miami Sammamish, Wash. FA
Hunt, Joey C 6-2 299 2/22/94 Texas Christian El Campo, Texas D6
Ifedi, Germain G/T 6-5 325 6/2/94 Texas A&M Houston, Texas D1
Jefferson, Quinton DT 6-4 291 3/31/93 Maryland Pittsburgh, Pa. D5a
Lawler, Kenny WR 6-2 203 6/25/94 California Pomona, Calif. D7a
Longa, Steve LB 6-0 241 9/29/94 Rutgers Saddle Brook, N.J. FA
McEvoy, Tanner WR 6-6 230 1/26/93 Wisconsin Hillsdale, N.J. FA
Madden, Tre RB 6-0 223 8/16/93 Southern California Aliso Viejo, Calif. FA
Maiava, Lene T 6-4 314 3/18/93 Arizona Fagatogo,American Samoa FA
Marshall, Jamal CB 6-2 210 7/3/93 North Texas Missouri City, Texas FA
Odhiambo, Rees G 6-4 315 9/23/92 Boise State Mansfield, Ohio D3c
Overton, Montese DE 6-1 226 12/5/91 East Carolina Greenville, N.C. FA
Perkins, David DE 6-2 233 1/13/93 Illinois State South Bend, Ind. FA
Powell, Tyvis SS 6-3 211 2/16/94 Ohio State Bedford, Ohio FA
Prosise, C.J. RB 6-1 220 5/20/94 Notre Dame Petersburg, Va. D3a
Reed, Jarran DT 6-3 311 12/16/92 Alabama Goldsboro, N.C. D2
Robertson, Pete LB 6-2 233 12/12/92 Texas Tech Longview, Texas FA
Shields, Ronnie TE 6-4 245 12/15/91 Kentucky Stone Mountain, Ga. FA
Slavin, Tyler WR 6-1 210 1/29/92 New Mexico Highlands Corona, Calif. FA
Tupou, Taniela FB 6-1 284 12/13/92 Washington Marysville, Wash. FA
Vannett, Nick TE 6-6 257 3/6/93 Ohio State Westerville, Ohio D3b

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 219

COACHING STAFF coach: El Camino (Calif.) J.C. 2006-08, Giants 2005-06. Pro coach: Green Bay Packers
Executive VP of Football Operations/Head Coach, Southern California 2009. Pro coach: Joined 2009-2013, joined Seahawks in 2014.
Pete Carroll Seahawks in 2010. Kris Richard, defensive coordinator; born
Pro Career: Named as Seattle’s eighth head Chris Carlisle, head strength & conditioning; October 28, 1978, Carson, Calif. Defensive back
coach on January 11, 2010. Led Seattle to its born August 7, 1962, Mason City, Iowa. Southern California 1998-2001. Pro defensive
first Super Bowl title in franchise history in 2013 Offensive lineman North Iowa Area Community back Seattle Seahawks 2002-04, San Francisco
after posting a 13-3 record and a 43-8 victory College 1980-81, Chadron (Neb.) State College 49ers 2005. College coach: Southern California
over Denver in Super Bowl XLVIII, followed by a 1982-83. No pro playing experience. College 2008-09. Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in 2010.
consecutive appearance in Super Bowl XLIX vs. coach: Arkansas 1992-93, Trinity Valley (Texas) Pat Ruel, asst. offensive line; born December 5,
New England. Head coaching background: C.C. 1997, Tennessee 1998-2000, Southern 1950, Coral Gables, Fla. Offensive lineman
Buffalo Bills (defensive backs, 1984), Minnesota California 2001-09. Pro coach: Joined Miami 1971-72. No pro playing experience.
Vikings (defensive backs, 1985-89), N.Y. Jets Seahawks in 2010. College coach: Miami 1974-76, Arkansas 1977,
(defensive coordinator 1990-93, head coach Brennan Carroll, asst. offensive line; born Washington State 1978-1981, Texas A&M
1994), San Francisco 49ers (defensive coordi- March 20, 1979, Saratoga, Calif. Tight end 1982-84, Northern Illinois 1985-87, Kansas
nator 1995-96). From 1997-99 was New Delaware 1997, Pittsburgh 1999-2001. No pro 1988-1996, Michigan State 1998-99, USC
England Patriots head coach, posting a 27-21 playing experience. College coach: Southern 2005-09. Pro coach: Detroit Lions 2000, Green
record and two playoff appearances. Career California 2002-2010, Miami 2011-14. Pro Bay Packers 2001-02, Buffalo Bills 2003, N.Y.
record: 102-73. coach: Joined Seahawks in 2015. Giants 2004, joined Seahawks in 2010.
Background: Two-time All-Pacific Coast Nate Carroll, asst. wide receivers; born March Brian Schneider, special teams coordinator;
Conference safety at Pacific (1971-72), where 24, 1987, Edina, Minn. Attended Southern born May 16, 1971, San Diego, Calif. Linebacker
he earned degree in business administration California. No college or pro playing experience. Colorado State 1989-1993. No pro playing expe-
(1973) and secondary teaching credential and Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in 2010. rience. College coach: Colorado State 1994-
master’s degree in physical education (1976). Andre Curtis, defensive backs; born December 2002, UCLA 2003-05, Iowa State 2006, Air
College coach: Pacific 1974-76, 1983, Arkansas 8, 1976, Beaverdam, Va. Linebacker Virginia Force 2007, Southern California 2009. Pro
1977, Iowa State 1978, Ohio State 1979, North Military Institute 1996-99. No pro playing experi- coach: Oakland Raiders 2007-08, joined
Carolina State 1980-82, USC 2001-09, where ence. College coach: Virginia Military Institute Seahawks in 2010.
he posted a 97-19 record, won seven consecu- 2000-03, Georgia Southern 2004-05. Pro Rocky Seto, asst. head coach/defense; born
tive Pac-10 titles (2002-08), two national cham- coach: N.Y. Giants 2006-08, St. Louis Rams March 12, 1976, Arcadia, Calif. Linebacker
pionships. 2009-2011, New Orleans Saints 2012-14, Southern California 1997-98. No pro playing
Personal: Born September 15, 1951 in San joined Seahawks in 2015. experience. College coach: Southern California
Francisco, Calif. He and his wife, Glena, have Mondray Gee, asst. strength & conditioning; 1999-2009. Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in
three children and four grandchildren. born June 15, 1976, Detroit, Mich. Attended 2010.
Michigan State. No college or pro playing expe- Carl Smith, quarterbacks; born April 26, 1948,
ASSISTANT COACHES rience. College coach: Michigan State 2000-01. Wasco, Calif. Quarterback Bakersfield 1966-67,
Michael Barrow, linebackers; born April 19, Pro coach: Detroit Lions 2001-07, Green Bay defensive back Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo 1969-
1970, Homestead, Fla. Linebacker Miami 1989- Packers 2008-09, joined Seahawks in 2010. 1970. No pro playing experience. College coach:
1992. Pro linebacker Houston Oilers 1993-96, John Glenn, defensive assistant; born July 20, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo 1971, Colorado 1972-
Carolina Panthers 1997-99, N.Y. Giants 2000- 1981, Scranton, Pa. Linebacker East 73, Southwestern Louisiana 1974-78, Lamar
03, Washington Redskins 2004, Dallas Stroudsburg 2002-05. No pro playing experi- 1979-1981, North Carolina State 1982,
Cowboys 2005. College coach: Miami 2007- ence. College coach: Washington 2010-11. Pro Southern California 2004. Pro coach:
2014. Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in 2015. coach: Joined Seahawks in 2012. Philadelphia/Baltimore Stars 1983-85, New
Darrell Bevell, offensive coordinator; born Will Harriger, asst. quarterbacks; June 20, Orleans Saints 1986-1996, New England
January 6, 1970, Yuma, Ariz. Quarterback 1982, Austin, Texas. Attended Auburn. No col- Patriots 1997-99, Cleveland Browns 2001-03,
Northern Arizona 1989, Wisconsin 1992-95. No lege or pro playing experience. Pro coach: 2009-2010, Jacksonville Jaguars 2005-06,
pro playing experience. College coach: Westmar Joined Seahawks in 2014. joined Seahawks in 2011.
1996, Iowa State 1997, Connecticut 1998-99. Travis Jones, defensive line; born June 6, 1972, Sherman Smith, running backs; born November
Pro coach: Green Bay Packers 2000-05, Milledgeville, Ga. Linebacker Georgia 1991-94. 1, 1954, Youngstown, Ohio. Quarterback Miami
Minnesota Vikings 2006-2010, joined Seahawks Pro linebacker Baltimore Stallions (CFL) 1995. (Ohio) 1972-75. Pro running back Seattle
in 2011. College coach: Georgia: 1997, Appalachian Seahawks 1976-1982, San Diego Chargers
Dwaine Board, asst. defensive line; born State 1998-2000, Kansas 2001-02, Louisiana 1983-84. College coach: Miami (Ohio) 1990-91,
November 29, 1956, Rocky Mount, Va. Defensive State 2003-04. Pro coach: Miami Dolphins Illinois 1992-94. Pro coach: Houston Oilers/
lineman North Carolina A&T 1974-77. Pro defen- 2005-07, New Orleans Saints 2008-2012, Tennessee Titans 1995-2007, Washington
sive lineman San Francisco 49ers 1979-1987, joined Seahawks in 2012. Redskins 2008-09, joined Seahawks in 2010.
New Orleans Saints 1988. Pro coach: San Ricky Manning Jr., asst. defensive backs; born Nick Sorensen, asst. defensive backs; asst.
Francisco 49ers 1990-2002, Seattle Seahawks November 18, 1980, Fresno, Calif. Cornerback special teams; born July 31, 1978, Winter
2003-08, Oakland Raiders 2009, Cleveland UCLA 1999-2002. Pro cornerback Carolina Haven, Fla. Safety Virginia Tech 1997-2000. Pro
Browns 2011-12, re-joined Seahawks in 2015. Panthers 2003-05, Chicago Bears 2006-07, St. safety St. Louis Rams 2001-02, Jacksonville
Tom Cable, asst. head coach/offensive line; Louis Rams 2008. College coach: Fresno State Jaguars 2003-06, Cleveland Browns 2007-
born November 26, 1964, Merced, Calif. 2012, Fresno City C.C. 2013-14. Pro coach: 2010. Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in 2012.
Offensive lineman Idaho 1982-86. Pro lineman Joined Seahawks in 2016. Lofa Tatupu, asst. linebackers; November 15,
Indianapolis Colts 1987. College coach: Idaho Pat McPherson, tight ends; born April 15, 1969, 1982, Plainville, Mass. Linebacker Maine 2001,
1987-88, San Diego State 1989, Cal State- Santa Clara, Calif. Linebacker Santa Clara 1991- Southern California 2003-04. Pro linebacker
Fullerton 1990, Nevada Las-Vegas 1991, 92. No pro playing experience. Pro coach: San Seattle 2005-2010, Atlanta 2011. Pro coach:
California 1992-97, Idaho 2000-03, UCLA Francisco 49ers 1996, Denver Broncos 1998- Joined Seahawks in 2015.
2004-05. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 2006, 2008, joined Seahawks in 2010. Jamie Yanchar, asst. strength & conditioning,
Oakland Raiders 2007-10 (head coach 2008- Chad Morton, asst. running backs; asst. special born December 29, 1963, Cleveland, Ohio.
2010), joined Seahawks in 2011. teams; born April 4, 1977, Torrance, Calif. Attended Louisville. No college or pro playing
Dave Canales, wide receivers; born May 7, Running back Southern California 1995-99. Pro experience. College coach: Southern California
1981, Carson, Calif. Wide receiver Azusa Pacific running back New Orleans Saints 2000, N.Y. Jets 1990-2009. Pro coach: Joined Seahawks in
2000-03. No pro playing experience. College 2001-02, Washington Redskins 2003-04, N.Y. 2010.

220 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Co-Chairman: Bryan Glazer (247-395-1)
Co-Chairman: Joel Glazer
Co-Chairman: Edward Glazer Records include postseason games
Co-President, Glazer Family Foundation: 1976-1984 John McKay.................45-91-1
Darcie Glazer Kassewitz 1985-86 Leeman Bennett .............4-28-0
General Manager: Jason Licht
Chief Operating Officer: Brian Ford 1987-1990 Ray Perkins*................19-41-0
Director of Player Personnel: John Spytek 1990-91 Richard Williamson ........4-15-0
Director of College Scouting: Mike Biehl 1992-95 Sam Wyche .................23-41-0
Director of Football Administration: Mike
Greenberg 1996-2001 Tony Dungy..................56-46-0
Director of Football Operations: Shelton 2002-08 Jon Gruden ..................60-57-0
Quarles 2009-2011 Raheem Morris ............17-31-0
Director of Football Technology: Spencer
Dille 2012-13 Greg Schiano ...............11-21-0
Director of Player Development: Duke 2014-15 Lovie Smith....................8-24-0
Preston *Released after 13 games in 1990
Director of Team Security: Andres
National Football Conference Pro Scouting Coordinator: Rob PAID ATTENDANCE
South Division McCartney Home 454,745 Away 510,036
National Scouts: Byron Kiefer, Andy
Team Colors: Red, Pewter and Orange Speyer Total 964,781
One Buccaneer Place Pro Scouts: Shane Scannell, Steve West Single-game home record,
Tampa, Florida 33607 College Scouts: Donovan Cotton, Andre 73,523 (12/7/97)
Forde, Tony Hardie, Brian Hudspeth,
Telephone: (813) 870-2700 Tony Kinkela, Pat Perles Single-season home record,
Scouting Assistant: Josh Hinch, Brian 545,980 (1979)
2016 SCHEDULE McLaughlin, Antwon Murray
Manager of Analytics: Tyler Oberly
PRESEASON Football Analytics Assistant: Daniel 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Aug. 11 at Philadelphia ....................7:00 Breyer Round Name Pos. College
Aug. 20 at Jacksonville....................7:30 Head Athletic Trainer: Bobby Slater
Assistant Athletic Trainers: John Ames, 1 Vernon HargreavesDB Florida
Aug. 26 Cleveland ..........................8:00 Scott DeGraff, Stan Delva 2 Noah Spence DE Eastern Kentucky
Sep. 1 Washington .......................7:30 Team Sports Dietitian: Kevin Luhrs Roberto Aguayo K Florida St.
Head Equipment Manager: Brad Berlin
Asst. Equipment Managers: Ed 4 Ryan Smith DB North Carolina Central
REGULAR SEASON Hasselman, Tyler Martin, Mike Myrick, 5 Caleb Benenoch T UCLA
Sep. 11 at Atlanta ...........................1:00 Alec Wargo 6 Devante Bond LB Oklahoma
Sep. 18 at Arizona ..........................4:05 Video Director: Dave Levy
Asst. Video Director: Chris Bryan Dan Vitale RB Northwestern
Sep. 25 Los Angeles ......................4:05 Video Assistants: Justin Camp, Levi
Oct. 2 Denver ..............................4:05 Lewis
Oct. 10 at Carolina (Mon) ...............8:30 Chief Financial Officer: Joe Fada
Chief Marketing Officer: Brian
BYE Killingsworth
Oct. 23 at San Francisco ...............4:05 Chief Partnerships Officer: Jim Frevola
Oct. 30 Oakland ............................1:00 Chief Ticketing Officer: Ben Milsom
General Counsel: David Cohen
Nov. 3 Atlanta (Thu) .....................8:25 Senior Director of Communications:
Nov. 13 Chicago ............................1:00 Nelson Luis
Nov. 20 at Kansas City ...................1:00 Senior Director of Human Resources:
Kristin Hamwey
Nov. 27 Seattle ..............................4:05 Director of Broadcast Operations: Jeff
Dec. 4 at San Diego .....................4:25 Ryan
Dec. 11 New Orleans .....................1:00 Director of Business Administration:
Caleb Quaid
Dec. 18 at Dallas ............................1:00 Director of Community Relations: Eileen
Dec. 24 at New Orleans (Sat) ..........1:00 Sweeney
Director of Corporate Partnership
Jan. 1 Carolina ............................1:00 Activation and Marketing: Marc Budine
* All times ET Director of Facility Security: Thomas
Director of Digital: Kevin Corbett
Stadium: Raymond James Stadium Director of Events and Entertainment:
(opened in 1998) Jim Mackes
•Capacity: 65,618 Director of Group Sales: Amy Saxon
Director of Guest & Member Relations:
Tampa, Florida 33607 Chris Cook
Playing Surface: Grass Director of Information Technology: Ed
Training Camp: One Buccaneer Place Johnston
Director of Marketing and Brand Strategy:
Tampa, Florida 33607 Carey Cox
Director of New Business Development:
Matt Kaiser
Director of Sales: Deno Anagnost
RAYMOND JAMES STADIUM Player Benefits and Alumni Program
Manager: Jill Hobbs
Senior Facilities Manager: Bill Burch
Senior Facilities Manager: Jim LeRoy
Senior Luxury Suites Manager: Lauren
Senior Public Relations Manager: Michael
Senior Team Operations Manager: Tim
Senior Ticket Operations Manager: Amy
Senior Writer: Scott Smith
Cheerleading Manager: Tara Battiato
Groundskeeping Manager: Rob Julian
Purchasing Manager: Vince Cesario

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 221

PRESEASON (2-2) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Winston 535 312 4042 58.3 22 15 27/190 84.2
08/15 L 16-26 at Minnesota Buccaneers 535 312 4042 58.3 22 15 27/190 84.2
08/24 W 25-11 Cincinnati Opponents 540 378 4072 70.0 31 11 38/232 102.5
08/29 L 7-31 Cleveland
09/03 W 22-17 at Miami
SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS David 3 19 6.3 20t 1
Barth 0 0 0 25/26 23/28 0 94 Alexander 2 15 7.5 15 0
D. Martin 6 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 42 McDougald 2 1 0.5 1 0
Date Result Opponent
Winston 6 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 Conte 2 -4 -2.0 -2 0
09/13 L 14-42 Tennessee
Brindza 0 0 0 6/8 6/12 0 24 Verner 1 44 44.0 28 0
09/20 W 26-19 at New Orleans
Seferian-Jenkin 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Moore 1 18 18.0 18 0
09/27 L 9-19 at Houston
Sims 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 Buccaneers 11 93 8.5 26 1
10/04 L 23-37 Carolina
Jackson 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 20 Opponents 15 212 14.1 46t 2
10/11 W 38-31 Jacksonville
Brate 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18
10/25 L 30-31 at Washington
Evans 0 3 0 0/0 0/0 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
11/01 W 23-20 at Atlanta (OT)
David 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Schum 56 2348 41.9 15 60
11/08 L 18-32 New York Giants
Dye 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Buccaneers 56 2348 41.9 15 60
11/15 W 10-6 Dallas
Humphries 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 62 2789 45.0 27 64
11/22 W 45-17 at Philadelphia
Jones 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
11/29 L 12-25 at Indianapolis
Shepard 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNT
12/06 W 23-19 Atlanta
J. Smith 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
12/13 L 17-24 New Orleans
Stocker 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Rainey 29 14 288 9.9 58 0
12/17 L 23-31 at St. Louis
Buccaneers 12 22 3 31/34 29/40 0 342 Buccaneers 29 14 288 9.9 58 0
12/27 L 21-26 Chicago \
Opponents 12 31 4 42/45 31/34 0 417 Opponents 27 15 140 5.2 24 0
01/03 L 10-38 at Carolina
2-Pt Conv: Jackson
(OT) Overtime
Buccaneers 1-3, Opponents 0-2 KICKOFF
RUSHING No. Yds Avg LG TD Rainey 19 469 24.7 38 0
Buccaneers 58 117 74 90 3 — 342
D. Martin 288 1402 4.9 84 6 Dye 2 37 18.5 19 0
Opponents 85 132 95 105 0 — 417
Sims 107 529 4.9 59 0 Buccaneers 21 506 24.1 38 0
Winston 54 213 3.9 21 6 Opponents 35 882 25.2 102 0
Rainey 5 18 3.6 7 0
Buccaneers Opp.
Lane 1 0 0.0 0 0 FIELD
Total First Downs 336 351
Buccaneers 455 2162 4.8 84 12 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Rushing 99 104
Opponents 466 1606 3.4 21t 12 Barth 0/0 9/9 8/8 3/6 3/5
Passing 201 208
Brindza 0/0 1/2 2/3 1/3 2/4
Penalty 36 39
RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Buccaneers 0/0 10/11 10/11 4/9 5/9
3rd Down: Made/Att 84/202 97/211
Evans 74 1206 16.3 68 3 Opponents 2/2 12/12 6/6 7/10 4/4
3rd Down Pct. 41.6 46.0
Sims 51 561 11.0 56 4
4th Down: Made/Att 7/13 4/6
Jackson 33 543 16.5 36 3 SACKS No.
4th Down Pct. 53.8 66.7
D. Martin 33 271 8.2 25 1 McCoy 8.5
Possession Avg. 28:43 31:17
Humphries 27 260 9.6 27 1 J. Smith 7.0
Total Net Yards 6014 5446
Brate 23 288 12.5 46 3 Jones 5.0
Avg. Per Game 375.9 340.4
Seferian-Jenkins 21 338 16.1 43t 4 Alexander 3.0
Total Plays 1017 1044
Myers 12 127 10.6 17 0 David 3.0
Avg. Per Play 5.9 5.2
Dye 11 132 12.0 44 1 Gholston 3.0
Net Yards Rushing 2162 1606
Murphy 10 198 19.8 54 0 Carter 2.0
Avg. Per Game 135.1 100.4
Stocker 9 61 6.8 14 1 Melton 2.0
Total Rushes 455 466
Shepard 3 28 9.3 18 1 Lansanah 1.0
Net Yards Passing 3852 3840
Rainey 3 16 5.3 8 0 McDaniel 1.0
Avg. Per Game 240.8 240.0
Lane 2 13 6.5 8 0 Spence 1.0
Sacked/Yards Lost 27/190 38/232
Buccaneers 312 4042 13.0 68 22 Tandy 1.0
Gross Yards 4042 4072
Opponents 378 4072 10.8 60t 31 Verner 0.5
Att./Completions 535/312 540/378
Buccaneers 38.0
Completion Pct. 58.3 70.0
Opponents 27.0
Had Intercepted 15 11
Punts/Average 56/41.9 62/45.0
Net Punting Avg. 56/38.0 62/38.4
Penalties/Yards 143/1195 104/859
Fumbles/Ball Lost 26/13 24/12
Touchdowns 37 47
Rushing 12 12
Passing 22 31
Returns 3 4

222 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................James Wilder, 1981-89 ......................................................................5,957
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Vinny Testaverde, 1987-1992...........................................................14,820
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Josh Freeman, 2009-2013 ......................................................................80
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................James Wilder, 1981-89 .........................................................................430
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Mark Carrier, 1987-1992 ....................................................................5,018
Interceptions ...................................................................Ronde Barber, 1997-2012 .......................................................................47
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Michael Koenen, 2011-13 ....................................................................44.8
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Clifton Smith, 2008 ..............................................................................14.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Aaron Stecker, 2000-03 .......................................................................23.8
Field Goals ......................................................................Martín Gramatica, 1999-2004 ...............................................................137
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Mike Alstott, 1996-2006..........................................................................71
Points..............................................................................Martín Gramatica, 1999-2004 ...............................................................592
*Sacks............................................................................Warren Sapp, 1995-2003.....................................................................77.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................James Wilder, 1984 ...........................................................................1,544
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Josh Freeman, 2012 ..........................................................................4,065
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Josh Freeman, 2012 ...............................................................................27
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Keyshawn Johnson, 2001 .....................................................................106
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Mark Carrier, 1989 .............................................................................1,422
Interceptions ...................................................................Ronde Barber, 2001 ................................................................................10
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Josh Bidwell, 2005...............................................................................45.6
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Karl Williams, 1996..............................................................................21.1
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Sammie Stroughter, 2009.....................................................................29.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Martín Gramatica, 2002 ..........................................................................32
Matt Bryant, 2008 ...................................................................................32
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................James Wilder, 1984 ................................................................................13
Points..............................................................................Matt Bryant, 2008 .................................................................................131
*Sacks............................................................................Warren Sapp, 2000 ..............................................................................16.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Doug Martin, 11-4-12 ...........................................................................251
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Doug Williams, 11-16-80 ......................................................................486
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Steve DeBerg, 9-13-87..............................................................................5
Brad Johnson, 11-3-02 .............................................................................5
Josh Freeman, 12-26-10...........................................................................5
Jameis Winston, 11-22-15........................................................................5
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................James Wilder, 9-15-85............................................................................13
Earnest Graham, 10-21-07......................................................................13
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Vincent Jackson, 10-21-12 ...................................................................216
Interceptions ...................................................................Ronde Barber, 12-23-01, 12-4-05 .............................................................3
Aqib Talib, 9-21-08 ...................................................................................3
Field Goals ......................................................................Martín Gramatica, 12-29-02......................................................................5
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Jimmie Giles, 10-20-85.............................................................................4
Doug Martin, 11-4-12 ...............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Jimmie Giles, 10-20-85...........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Marcus Jones, 10-19-00........................................................................4.0
Simeon Rice, 10-12-03..........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 223

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
38 Adjei-Barimah, Jude CB 5-11 200 7/21/92 2 Bowling Green Columbus, Ohio FA-’15 13/7
58 Alexander, Kwon LB 6-1 227 8/3/94 2 Louisiana State Oxford, Ala. D4-’15 12/12
9 Anger, Bryan P 6-3 205 10/6/88 5 California Camarillo, Calif. UFA(Jax)-’16 16/0*
91 Ayers Jr., Robert DE 6-3 275 9/6/85 8 Tennessee Jersey City, N.J. UFA(NYG)-’16 12/11*
27 Banks, Johnthan CB 6-2 185 10/3/89 4 Mississippi State Maben, Mich. D2-’13 14/7
10 Barth, Connor K 5-11 193 4/11/86 9 North Carolina Wilmington, N.C. FA-’15 12/0
80 Bell, Kenny WR 6-1 197 2/25/92 2 Nebraska Boulder, Colo. D5-’15 0/0
#Bowers, Da’Quan DL 6-4 288 2/23/90 5 Clemson Bamberg, S.C. FA-’15 3/0
84 Brate, Cameron TE 6-5 235 7/3/91 2 Harvard Naperville, Ill. FA-’15 14/5
90 Brown, Kourtnei DE 6-4 253 4/17/89 2 Clemson Charlotte, N.C. W(Hou)-’15 5/0*
78 Cherilus, Gosder T 6-7 316 6/28/84 9 Boston College Somerville, Mass. FA-’15 13/13
23 Conte, Chris S 6-2 203 2/23/89 6 California Los Angeles, Calif. UFA(Chi)-’15 14/13
54 David, Lavonte LB 6-1 233 1/23/90 5 Nebraska Miami, Fla. D2-’12 16/16
48 DePaola, Andrew LS 6-2 230 7/28/87 3 Rutgers Parkton, Md. FA-’14 16/0
69 Dotson, Demar T 6-9 315 10/11/85 8 Southern Miss Alexandria, La. FA-’09 6/3
17 Dye, Donteea WR 6-0 195 8/20/93 2 Heidelberg Fairfield, Ohio FA-’15 10/5
#English, Larry DE 6-2 255 1/22/86 8 Northern Illinois Aurora, Ill. FA-’14 0/0
49 Eubanks, Darius LB 6-2 222 7/12/91 3 Georgia Southern Harlem, Ga. FA-’15 0/0
13 Evans, Mike WR 6-5 231 8/21/93 3 Texas A&M Galveston, Texas D1-’14 15/14
70 Francis, A.J. DT 6-5 330 5/7/90 3 Maryland Washington, D.C. FA-'16 3/0*
52 George, Jeremiah LB 5-11 234 1/24/92 3 Iowa State Clearwater, Fla. W(Jax)-’15 15/0
92 Gholston, William DL 6-6 281 7/31/91 4 Michigan State Detroit, Mich. D4b-’13 16/11
53 Glanton, Adarius LB 6-1 230 9/21/90 3 Florida Atlantic Lakeland, Fla. FA-’15 5/0
8 Glennon, Mike QB 6-6 225 12/12/89 4 North Carolina State Centreville, Va. D3-’13 0/0
4 Griffin, Ryan QB 6-5 210 11/17/89 3 Tulane Westlake Village, Calif. W(NO)-’15 0/0
24 Grimes, Brent CB 5-10 185 7/19/83 10 Shippensburg Philadelphia, Pa. FA-’16 15/15*
68 Hawley, Joe C 6-3 302 10/22/88 7 Nevada-Las Vegas Bakersfield, Calif. FA-’15 15/14
11 Humphries, Adam WR 5-11 195 6/24/93 2 Clemson Spartanburg, S.C. FA-’15 12/0
83 Jackson, Vincent WR 6-5 230 1/14/83 12 Northern Colorado Colorado Springs, Colo. UFA(SD)-’12 10/9
25 James, Mike RB 5-10 223 4/13/91 4 Miami Haines City, Fla. D6-’13 0/0
# Jenkins, Mike CB 5-10 197 3/22/85 9 South Florida Bradenton, Fla. UFA(Oak)-’14 14/5
94 Johnson, George DE 6-4 265 12/11/87 5 Rutgers Glassboro, N.J. T(Det)-’15 11/5
36 Johnson, Storm RB 6-0 216 7/10/92 2 Central Florida Loganville, GA FA-'16 0/0
95 Jones, Howard DE 6-4 238 2/10/90 2 Shepherd Woodbridge, Va. FA-’15 12/5
50 Keyes, Josh LB 6-2 223 1/23/93 2 Boston College Ghent, N.Y. FA-’15 7/0
+Lane, Jorvorskie FB 5-11 258 2/4/87 4 Texas A&M Lufkin, Texas FA-’14 16/6
+Lansanah, Danny LB 6-1 255 8/28/85 5 Connecticut Harrisburg, Pa.. FA-’13 16/11
6 LeFevour, Dan QB 6-3 230 3/19/87 2 Central Michigan Downers Grove, Ill. FA-’16 0/0
74 Marpet, Ali G 6-4 307 4/17/93 2 Hobart Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. D2b-’15 13/13
22 Martin, Doug RB 5-9 223 1/13/89 5 Boise State Oakland, Calif. D1b-’12 16/16
96 Matthews, Cliff DT 6-4 268 8/5/89 5 South Carolina Cheraw, S.C. FA-’16 0*
93 McCoy, Gerald DT 6-4 300 2/25/88 7 Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Okla. D1-’10 15/15
#McDaniel, Tony DT 6-7 305 1/20/85 11 Tennessee Columbia, S.C. FA-’15 14/3
98 McDonald, Clinton DT 6-2 297 1/6/87 8 Memphis Jacksonville, Ark. UFA(Sea)-’14 6/6
30 McDougald, Bradley S 6-1 209 11/15/90 4 Kansas Dublin, Ohio W(KC)-’13 16/15
#Melton, Henry DT 6-3 290 10/11/86 8 Texas Grapevine, Texas UFA(Dall)-’15 16/1
18 Murphy, Louis WR 6-2 200 5/11/87 8 Florida St. Petersburg, Fla. UFA(NYG)-’14 6/1
82 Myers, Brandon TE 6-3 256 9/4/85 8 Iowa Prairie City, Iowa UFA(NYG)-’14 11/5
64 Pamphile, Kevin T 6-5 310 11/27/90 3 Purdue Miami, Fla. D5b-’14 16/2
26 Robinson, Josh CB 5-10 200 1/8/91 5 Central Florida Sunrise, Fla. UFA(Minn)-’16 5/0*
5 Schum, Jacob P 5-11 211 1/21/89 2 Buffalo Hamburg, N.Y. FA-’15 16/0
87 Seferian-Jenkins, Austin TE 6-5 262 9/29/92 3 Washington Fox Island, Wash. D2-’14 7/3
89 Shepard, Russell WR 6-1 195 9/17/90 4 Louisiana State Houston, Texas W(Phil)-’13 13/2
34 Sims, Charles RB 6-0 211 9/19/90 3 West Virginia Houston, Texas D3-’14 16/0
51 Smith, Daryl LB 6-2 250 3/14/82 13 Georgia Tech Albany, Ga. FA-’16 16/16*
76 Smith, Donovan T 6-6 338 6/23/93 2 Penn State Owings Mills, Md. D2a-’15 16/16
62 Smith, Evan OL 6-2 308 7/19/86 7 Idaho State Salinas, Calif. UFA(GB)-’14 9/5
56 Smith, Jacquies DE 6-2 260 3/18/90 3 Missouri Dallas, Texas W(Buff)-’14 12/11
97 Spence, Akeem DT 6-1 307 11/29/91 4 Illinois Fort Walton Beach, Fla. D4a-’13 8/7
88 Stocker, Luke TE 6-5 253 7/17/88 6 Tennessee Berea, Ky. D4-’11 14/14
73 Sweezy, J.R. G 6-5 298 4/8/89 5 North Carolina State Mooresville, N.C. UFA(Sea)-’16 15/15*
37 Tandy, Keith S 5-10 205 2/12/89 5 West Virginia Hopkinsville, Ky. D6-’12 14/2
21 Verner, Alterraun CB 5-10 187 12/13/88 7 UCLA Lakewood, Calif. UFA(Tenn)-’14 16/6
3 Winston, Jameis QB 6-4 231 1/6/94 2 Florida State Bessemer, Ala. D1-’15 16/16
31 Wright, Major S 5-11 204 7/1/88 7 Florida Miramar, Fla. UFA(Chi)-’14 9/2

224 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Anger played 16 games with Jacksonville in ’15; Ayers Jr. played 12 games with N.Y. Giants; Brown played 1 game with Houston;
Grimes played 15 games with Miami last season; Storm Johnson last active with Jacksonville in '14; Matthews last active with Atlanta in
'14; Robinson played 5 games with Minnesota; D. Smith played 16 games with Baltimore; Sweezy played 15 games with Seattle.

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

+ Restricted Free Agent; subject to developments,

Traded—TE Tim Wright (0 games in ’15) to Detroit.

Players lost through free agency (2): CB Sterling Moore (Buff; 16 games in ’15); RB Bobby Rainey (NYG; 16).

Also played with Buccaneers in ’15—K Kyle Brindza (4 games), LB Bruce Carter (14), DE Olatunji Fatinikun (2), T Reid Fragel (1),
LB James-Michael Johnson (1), LB Orie Lemon (8), DE Josh Martin (2), OL Matthew Masifilo (2), S Kimario McFadden (3),
DE Josh Shirley (5), DE Lawrence Sidbury (1), WR Evan Spencer (1), OL Jeremiah Warren (3).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Aguayo, Roberto K 6-0 207 5/17/94 Florida State Mascotte, Fla. D2b
Allen, Josh (1) OL 6-3 315 12/30/91 Louisiana-Monroe Dallas, Texas FA-'14
Awe, Micah LB 6-0 221 1/4/94 Texas Tech Arlington, Texas FA
Barber, Peyton RB 5-11 225 2/27/94 Auburn Alpharetta, Ga. FA
Benenoch, Caleb OL 6-5 305 8/8/94 UCLA Katy, Texas D5
Bond, Devonte LB 6-1 236 7/3/93 Oklahoma Sacramento, Calif. D6a
Britz, Travis DT 6-4 293 1/26/94 Kansas State Harrisonville, Mo. FA
Cartwright, Kivon TE 6-4 245 3/3/92 Colorado State Pueblo, Colo. FA
Cross, Alan TE 6-1 235 5/2/93 Memphis Millington, Tenn. FA
Davis, Andre (1) WR 6-1 211 9/1/93 South Florida Tampa, Fla. FA-'15
Fallin, Tyalor T 6-6 330 11/2/92 Memphis Bowie, Md. FA
Gottschalk, Ben (1) C 6-5 293 2/15/92 Southern Methodist Sherman Oaks, Calif. FA-'15
Hansbrough, Russell RB 5-9 195 11/19/93 Missouri Arlington, Texas FA
Hargreaves III, Vernon CB 5-10 204 6/3/95 Florida Tampa, Fla. D1
Johnson, Isaiah S 6-0 209 10/14/92 South Carolina Cary, N.C. FA
Johnson, Kelby T 6-7 301 3/14/93 Louisville Bowie, Md. FA
Lambert, DaVonte DT 6-2 282 6/23/94 Auburn Keysville, Ga. FA
Lowdermilk, John (1) S 6-1 210 4/17/92 Iowa Edina, Min. W(Minn)
Martino, Freddie WR 6-0 195 9/7/91 North Greenville North, SC FA
McKinzy, Cassanova LB 6-3 253 11/17/92 Auburn Birmingham, Ala. FA
Morris, Jontavius DT 6-2 282 6/23/94 Western Kentucky Albany, Ga. FA
Reedy, Bernard (1) WR 5-9 175 12/31/91 Toledo St. Petersburg, Fla. FA
Rhodes, Luke LB 6-2 242 12/2/92 William & Mary Hollidaysburg, Pa. FA
Robertson, Dominique G 6-5 324 7/16/94 West Georgia Redlands, Calif. FA
Ross, Joel (1) CB 5-11 190 6/12/92 Appalachian State Damascus, Md. FA-'15
Shumate, Elijah S 6-0 224 1/12/94 Notre Dame East Orange, N.J. FA-'15
Smith, Ryan DB 5-11 189 9/7/93 North Carolina Central Upper Marlboro, Md. D4
Spence, Noah DE 6-2 251 1/8/94 Eastern Kentucky Harrisburg, Pa. D2a
Spencer, Evan (1) WR 6-2 208 5/26/93 Ohio State Vernon Hills, Ill. FA-'15
Vitale, Danny TE 6-2 239 10/26/93 Northwestern Wheaton, Ill. D6b
Ward, Channing DE 6-4 279 9/17/92 Mississippi Aberdeen, Miss. FA
Westbrook, Tevin (1) TE 6-5 257 2/17/93 Florida Coconut Creek, Fla. FA-'15
Wester, Leonard T 6-6 305 1/3/93 Missouri Western Mt. Union, Iowa FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 225

COACHING STAFF coach 1986-1991), Maryland 1992-96 (head 15 (head coach). Pro coach: Jacksonville
Head Coach, coach). Pro coach: Cincinnati Bengals 1997- Jaguars 2007-10, joined Buccaneers in 2016.
DIrk Koetter 2002, Green Bay Packers 2003-05, Mike Smith, defensive coordinator; born June
Pro Career: Named the 11th head coach in Jacksonville Jaguars 2006-2013, Miami 13, 1959, Daytona Beach, Fla. Linebacker East
franchise history on January 15, 2016, Dirk Dolphins 2014-15, joined Buccaneers in 2016. Tennessee 1977-1981. Pro linebacker Winnipeg
Koetter enters his second season with the Jon Embree, tight ends; born October 15, 1965, Blue Bombers (CFL) 1982. College coach: San
Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2016, after serving Los Angeles, Calif. Tight end Colorado 1983-86. Diego State 1982-85, Morehead State 1986,
as the team’s offensive coordinator in 2015. Pro tight end Los Angeles Rams 1987-89. Tennessee Tech 1987-98. Pro coach: Baltimore
With Koetter’s at the helm, the 2015 offense College coach: Colorado 1991, 1993-2002, Ravens 1999-2002, Jacksonville Jaguars
was not only one of the best in the NFL, but in 2011-12 (head coach), UCLA 2003-05. Pro 2003-07, Atlanta Falcons 2008-2014 (head
team history, setting a franchise record for total coach: Kansas City Chiefs 2006-08, coach), joined Buccaneers in 2016.
yards, while ranking in the top five in total Washington Redskins 2010, Cleveland Browns, Tim Spencer, running backs; born December
offense in the league, the highest ever finish for 2013, joined Buccaneers in 2014. 10, 1960, Martins Ferry, Ohio. Running back
a Tampa Bay offense. Under Koetter’s guidance, Zack Grossi, asst. to the head coach; born Ohio State 1979-1982. Pro running back
quarterback Jameis Winston set franchise rook- September 25, 1989, Tampa, Fla. Quarterback Chicago Blitz (USFL) 1983, Arizona Wranglers
ie records in almost every passing category, Concord 2009-2012. No pro playing experi- (USFL) 1984, Memphis Showboats (USFL)
while throwing for the third-most yards ever by ence. College coach: Concord 2013. Pro expe- 1985, San Diego Chargers 1985-1990. College
a rookie quarterback. Koetter was previously rience: Joined Buccaneers in 2014. coach: Ohio State 1994-2003. Pro coach:
the offensive coordinator with the Atlanta Jay Hayes, defensive line; born March, 3, 1960, Chicago Bears 2004-12, joined Buccaneers in
Falcons (2012-14), when he helped guide quar- South Fayette, Pa. Defensive end Idaho 1978- 2014.
terback Matt Ryan to the three of the top four 1981. Pro defensive end Michigan Panthers Paul Spicer, asst. defensive line; born August
highest passing yardage seasons in team histo- (USFL) 1984, San Antonio Gunslingers (USFL) 18, 1975, Indianapolis, Ind. Defensive end
ry. Koetter got his start in the NFL with the 1985, Memphis Showboats (USFL) 1985. Saginaw Valley State 1996-98. Pro defensive
Jacksonville Jaguars, spending five seasons as College coach: Notre Dame 1988-1991, end Saskatchewan Roughriders 1998 (CFL),
the team’s offensive coordinator (2007-2011). California 1992-94, Wisconsin 1995-98. Pro Detroit Lions 1999, Jacksonville Jaguars 2000-
Career record: 0-0. coach: Pittsburgh Steelers 1999-2001, 08, Frankfurt Galaxy 2001 (WLAF), New
Background: Played quarterback at Idaho State Minnesota Vikings 2002, Cincinnati Bengals Orleans Saints 2009. Pro coach: Jacksonville
(1978-1981), helping the team to a Division I- 2003-2015, joined Buccaneers in 2016. Jaguars 2011-12, joined Buccaneers in 2015.
AA national championship as a senior. Coached Jon Hoke, secondary; born January 24, 1957, Ben Steele, offensive quality control; born May
at Highland High School in his hometown of Kettering, Ohio. Defensive back Ball State 1976- 27, 1978, Denver, Colo. Tight end Fort Lewis
Pocatello, Idaho, winning a 1984 state champi- 79. Pro defensive back Chicago Bears 1980. College 1997-98, Mesa State 1999-2000. Pro
onship. Coached collegiately at San Francisco College coach: Bowling Green 1983-86, San tight end San Francisco 49ers 2001-02,
State (1985), Texas-El Paso (1986-88), Diego State 1987-88, Kent State 1989-1993, Oakland Raiders 2002, Seattle Seahawks 2003,
Missouri (1989-1993), Boston College (1994- Missouri 1994-98, Florida 1999-2001, South Minnesota Vikings 2003-04, Green Bay Packers
95), and Oregon (1996-97), before being Carolina 2015. Pro coach: Houston Texans 2004-05, Houston Texans 2006-07. College
named head coach at Boise State (1998-2000) 2002-08, Chicago Bears 2009-2014, joined coach: Mesa State 2008, Colorado 2009-2010,
and Arizona State (2001-06). Buccaneers in 2016. California, 2011-12 UC Davis 2013. Pro coach:
Personal: Born on February 5, 1959 in Nate Kaczor, special teams coordinator; born Joined Buccaneers in 2014.
Pocatello, Idaho. He and his wife, Kim, have two April 8, 1967, Scott City, Kan. Center Utah State Joe Vaughn, asst. strength and conditioning;
daughters, Kaylee and Kendra, and two sons, 1987-89. No pro playing experience. College born November 14, 1982, Del City, Okla. Center
Derek and Davis. coach: Utah State 1991-99, Nebraska-Kearney Northeastern Oklahoma 2001-02, Kansas
2000-03, Idaho 2004-05, Louisiana-Monroe 2003-04. No pro playing experience. College
ASSISTANT COACHES 2006-07. Pro coach: Jacksonville Jaguars coach: Kansas 2006, 2007-2011, Oklahoma
Mike Bajakian, quarterbacks; born August 4, 2008-2011, Tennessee Titans 2012-15, joined 2007. Pro coach: Joined Buccaneers in 2012.
1974, River Vale, N.J. Quarterback Williams Buccaneers in 2016. Chad Wade, asst. strength and conditioning;
College 1992-1996. No pro playing experience. Dave Kennedy, head strength & conditioning born December 5, 1973, Weeping Water, Neb.
College coach: Rutgers 1998-99, Sacred Heart coach; born November 15, 1960, Omaha, Neb. Offensive line Nebraska-Wesleyan 1992-94. No
2000, Michigan 2000-01, Central Michigan Attended Nebraska. No collegiate or pro playing pro playing experience. College coach:
2002-03, 2007-09, Cincinnati 2010-12, experience. College coach: Nebraska, 1982-88, Nebraska 1996-2013. Pro coach: Joined
Tennessee 2013-14. Pro coach: Chicago Bears 2004-07, Ohio State 1989-2001, Pittsburgh Buccaneers in 2014.
2004-06, joined Buccaneers in 2015. 2002-03, Texas A&M 2008-2013. Pro coach: George Warhop, run game coordina-
Butch Barry, asst. offensive line; born March, Joined Buccaneers in 2014. tor/offensive line; born September 19, 1961,
20, 1978, Sturgeon Bay, Wisc. Offensive line Brett Maxie, defensive backs; born January 13, Riverside, Calif. Offensive line Mount San
Central Michigan 1996-2000. No pro playing 1962, Dallas, Texas. Safety Texas Southern Jacinto (Calif.) J.C. 1979-1980, Cincinnati
experience. College coach: Central Michigan 1980-84. Pro safety New Orleans Saints 1985- 1981-82. No pro playing experience. College
2002-03, 2010-14, Southwest Minnesota State 1993, Atlanta Falcons 1994, Carolina Panthers coach: Cincinnati 1983, Kansas 1984-86,
2004-05, Michigan Tech 2006-08, North 1995-96, San Francisco 49ers 1997. College Vanderbilt 1987-89, New Mexico 1990,
Greenville 2009. Pro coach: Joined Buccaneers coach: Vanderbilt 2014-15. Pro coach: Carolina Southern Methodist 1993, Boston College
in 2015. Panthers 1998, San Francisco 49ers 1999- 1994-95. Pro coach: London Monarchs (NFL
Dave Borgonzi, defensive quality control; born 2003, Atlanta Falcons 2004-06, Miami Dolphins Europe) 1991-92, St. Louis Rams 1996-97,
November 19, 1982, Everett, Mass. Linebacker 2007, Dallas Cowboys 2008-2011, Tennessee Arizona Cardinals 1998-2002, Dallas Cowboys
Amherst College 2001-05. No pro playing expe- Titans 2012-13, joined Buccaneers in 2016. 2003-04, San Francisco 49ers 2005-08,
rience. College coach: Syracuse 2006-07, Todd Monken, offensive coordinator/wide Cleveland Browns 2009-2013, joined
Harvard 2008-2010. Pro coach: Dallas receivers; born February 2, 1966, Wheaton, Ill. Buccaneers in 2014.
Cowboys 2011-13, joined Buccaneers in 2014. Quarterback Knox College 1987-89. No pro Andrew Weidinger, asst. wide receivers/game
Mark Duffner, linebackers; born July 19, 1953, playing experience. College coach: Grand Valley management; born July 10, 1982, Phoenix,
Annandale, Va. Defensive lineman William & State 1989-1990, Notre Dame 1991-92, Ariz. Attended Arizona. No college or pro playing
Mary 1972-74. No pro playing experience. Eastern Michigan 1993-99, Louisiana Tech experience. Pro coach: Atlanta Falcons 2008-
College coach: Ohio State 1975-76, Cincinnati 2000-01, Oklahoma State 2002-04, 2011-12, 14, joined Buccaneers in 2015.
1977-1980, Holy Cross 1981-1991 (head Louisiana State 2005-06, Southern Miss 2013-

226 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Owner: Daniel M. Snyder Boston 1932-36
President: Bruce Allen (601-584-27)
General Manager: Scot McCloughan Records include postseason games
Head Coach: Jay Gruden 1932 Lud Wray...........................4-4-2
Executive Vice Presidents: Terry 1933-34 William (Lone Star) Dietz11-11-2
Bateman, Mitch Gershman 1935 Eddie Casey.......................2-8-1
President, Business Operations: 1936-1942 Ray Flaherty ..................56-23-3
Dennis Greene 1943 Arthur (Dutch) Bergman.....7-4-1
Senior Vice President, Stadium 1944-45 Dudley DeGroot ...............14-6-1
Operations and Guest Experience: 1946-48 Glen (Turk) Edwards ......16-18-1
Chris Bloyer 1949 John Whelchel* .................3-3-1
Senior Vice President & Executive 1949-1951 Herman Ball**.................4-16-0
Producer of Media: Larry Michael 1951 Dick Todd ..........................5-4-0
Senior Vice President, Communications: 1952-53 Earl (Curly) Lambeau .....10-13-1
National Football Conference Tony Wyllie
1954-58 Joe Kuharich..................26-32-2
East Division Chief Accounting Officer: Stephen Choi
1959-1960 Mike Nixon.......................4-18-2
Team Colors: Burgundy and Gold Vice President, Football
1961-65 Bill McPeak....................21-46-3
Redskins Park Administration/General Counsel:
1966-68 Otto Graham ..................17-22-3
21300 Redskin Park Drive Eric Schaffer
Vice President, Premium Sales: 1969 Vince Lombardi..................7-5-2
Ashburn, Virginia 20147 1970 Bill Austin ..........................6-8-0
Jason Friedman
Telephone: (703) 726-7000 1971-77 George Allen ..................69-35-1
Vice President, Sales and Marketing:
Nancy Hubacher 1978-1980 Jack Pardee ...................24-24-0
2016 SCHEDULE Vice President, Information Technology: 1981-1992 Joe Gibbs ....................140-65-0
PRESEASON Asheesh Kinra 1993 Richie Petitbon.................4-12-0
Aug. 11 at Atlanta............................7:00 Vice President, Sales and Marketing: 1994-2000 Norv Turner***..............50-60-1
Aug. 19 N.Y. Jets ............................7:30 Rod Nenner 2000 Terry Robiskie....................1-2-0
Aug. 26 Buffalo...............................7:30 Vice President, Sales: John Schlieman 2001 Marty Schottenheimer........8-8-0
Sep. 1 at Tampa Bay .....................7:30 Asst. General Counsel: Robert Forbes 2002-03 Steve Spurrier ................12-20-0
Director of Football Operations: Paul Kelly 2004-07 Joe Gibbs ......................31-36-0
REGULAR SEASON Director of Ticket Operations: 2008-09 Jim Zorn ........................12-20-0
Sep. 12 Pittsburgh (Mon) ...............7:10 Tamara Randolph 2010-13 Mike Shanahan ..............24-41-0
Sep. 18 Dallas ...............................1:00 Director of Player Personnel: 2014-15 Jay Gruden ....................13-20-0
Sep. 25 at New York Giants .............1:00 Scott Campbell *Released after seven games in 1949
Oct. 2 Cleveland .........................1:00 Director of Pro Personnel: Alex Santos **Released after three games in 1951
Oct. 9 at Baltimore .......................1:00 Personnel Executive: Doug Williams ***Released after 13 games in 2000
Oct. 16 Philadelphia .....................1:00 Pro Scouts: Richard Mann II, Jeff Scott,
Oct. 23 at Detroit ...........................1:00 Josh Washburn PAID ATTENDANCE
Oct. 30 at Cincinnati (London) ......9:30a College Scouts: Tim Gribble, Kyle Smith, Home 479,739 Away 565,416
BYE Cole Spencer, David Whittington, Total 1,045,155
Nov. 13 Minnesota ........................1:00 Jim Zeches, Matt Evans
Nov. 20 Green Bay ......................*8:30 Single-game home record,
BLESTO Scout: Darryl Franklin 90,910 (12/30/07)
Nov. 24 at Dallas (Thu)....................4:30 Scouting Intern: Roger Terry
Dec. 4 at Arizona ..........................4:25 Single-season home record,
Director of Player Development: * 711,471 (2007)
Dec. 11 at Philadelphia ...................1:00 Malcolm Blacken
Dec. 19 Carolina (Mon) ..................8:30 *NFL Record
Executive Director, Washington Redskins
Dec. 24 at Chicago (Sat) .................1:00 Charitable Foundation: Jane Rodgers
Jan. 1 New York Giants ................1:00 2016 DRAFT CHOICES
Director of Community and Charitable
* All times ET; Sunday night games in Round Name Pos. College
Programs: Allie Pisching
Weeks 5-15 subject to change 1 Josh Doctson WR Texas Christian
Director of Special Events, Washington
Stadium: FedExField (opened in 1997) Redskins Charitable Foundation: 2 Su’a Cravens LB USC
•Capacity: 82,000 Carlyle Abbott 3 Kendall Fuller DB Virginia Tech
1600 FedEx Way Coordinator of Community and Charitable 5 Matt Ioannidis DE Temple
Landover, Maryland 20785 Programs: Emily King 6 Nate Sudfeld QB Indiana
Playing Surface: Natural Grass Donor Services Coordinator, Washington 7 Steven Daniels LB Boston College
Training Camp: Bon Secours Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation: Keith Marshall RB Georgia
Redskins Training Center Shannon McCarthy
Richmond, Virginia 23220 Head Athletic Trainer: Larry Hess
Assistant Athletic Trainers: Elliott Jermyn,
FEDEXFIELD Kyle Blackman, Doug Quon
Video Director: Mike Bracken
Video Department: Mike Adams,
Zachary Kennedy, Julian Hines
Equipment Manager: Anders Beutel
Asst. Equipment Manager: Scott Rotier
Equipment Assistant: Pat Coleman
Director of Communications: Ross Taylor
Media Services Coordinator: Zena Lewis
Corporate Communications: Alexia
Alumni Liaison: Jerry Olsen

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 227

PRESEASON (3-1) PASSING Att. Comp. Yds. Pct. TD Int. Tkld. Rate
Date Result Opponent Cousins 543 379 4166 69.8 29 11 26/186 101.6
08/13 W 20-17 at Cleveland C. McCoy 11 7 128 63.6 1 0 1/13 133.9
08/20 W 21-17 Detroit Crowder 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0/0 39.6
08/29 W 31-13 at Baltimore Redskins 555 386 4294 69.5 30 11 27/199 102.0
09/03 L 16-17 Jacksonville Opponents 566 354 4392 62.5 30 11 38/264 96.1


Date Result Opponent SCORING R P Rt PAT FG Saf PTS Breeland 2 56 28.0 28 0
09/13 L 10-17 Miami Hopkins 0 0 0 39/40 25/28 0 114 Blackmon 2 7 3.5 6 0
09/20 W 24-10 St. Louis Reed 0 11 0 0/0 0/0 0 66 Riley 2 7 3.5 7 0
09/24 L 21-32 at New York Giants Garcon 0 6 0 0/0 0/0 0 36 K. Robinson 1 44 44.0 44 0
10/04 W 23-20 Philadelphia Cousins 5 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 30 Goldson 1 35 35.0 35t 1
10/11 L 19-25 at Atlanta (OT) D. Jackson 0 4 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 W. Compton 1 24 24.0 24 0
10/18 L 20-34 at New York Jets Jones 3 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 24 T. Robinson 1 8 8.0 8 0
10/25 W 31-30 Tampa Bay Ross 0 1 2 0/0 0/0 0 18 Dunbar 1 0 0.0 0 0
11/08 L 10-27 at New England Crowder 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 16 Redskins 11 181 16.5 44 1
11/15 W 47-14 New Orleans Grant 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12 Opponents 11 140 12.7 59t 1
11/22 L 16-44 at Carolina Thompson 0 2 0 0/0 0/0 0 12
11/29 W 20-14 New York Giants Carrier 0 1 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. In 20 LG
12/07 L 16-19 Dallas Goldson 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Way 70 3224 46.1 21 64
12/13 W 24-21 at Chicago Hall 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6 Redskins 71 3224 45.4 21 64
12/20 W 35-25 Buffalo Morris 1 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 6 Opponents 69 3097 44.9 24 63
12/26 W 38-24 at Philadelphia Roberts 0 0 1 0/0 0/0 0 6
01/03 W 34-23 at Dallas Forbath 0 0 0 1/1 1/2 0 4 PUNT
(OT) Overtime Bates 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 1 2 RETURNS Ret FC Yds Avg LG TD
Redskins 9 30 5 40/41 26/30 1 388 Crowder 30 16 158 5.3 16 0
POSTSEASON (0-1) Opponents 10 30 4 40/41 23/28 2 379 D. Jackson 2 1 -5 -2.5 2 0
Date Result Opponent 2-Pt Conv: Crowder 2 Redskins 32 17 153 4.8 16 0
01/10 L 18-35 Green Bay Redskins 2-3, Opponents 2-2 Opponents 30 14 258 8.6 69t 1


Redskins 102 110 61 115 0 — 388 Morris 202 751 3.7 48 1 RETURNS No. Yds Avg LG TD
Opponents 71 84 100 118 6 — 379 Jones 144 490 3.4 39t 3 Ross 28 684 24.4 101t 1
Thompson 35 216 6.2 42 0 Roberts 7 231 33.0 99t 1
2015 TEAM STATISTICS Thomas 11 52 4.7 11 0 Thompson 3 63 21.0 36 0
Redskins Opp. Cousins 26 48 1.8 13t 5 Crowder 1 13 13.0 13 0
Total First Downs 317 329 Young 6 10 1.7 5 0 D. Jackson 1 8 8.0 8 0
Rushing 81 103 Crowder 2 2 1.0 2 0 Redskins 40 999 25.0 101t 2
Passing 208 202 C. McCoy 3 -3 -1.0 -1 0 Opponents 29 582 20.1 49 0
Penalty 28 24 Redskins 429 1566 3.7 48 9
3rd Down: Made/Att 94/216 78/207 Opponents 406 1962 4.8 70 10 FIELD
3rd Down Pct. 43.5 37.7 GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
4th Down: Made/Att 7/12 11/20 RECEIVING No. Yds Avg LG TD Hopkins 0/0 7/7 9/9 7/8 2/4
4th Down Pct. 58.3 55.0 Reed 87 952 10.9 32 11 Forbath 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/2 0/0
Possession Avg. 31:39 28:21 Garcon 72 777 10.8 39t 6 Redskins 0/0 7/7 9/9 8/10 2/4
Total Net Yards 5661 6090 Crowder 59 604 10.2 44 2 Opponents 0/0 8/8 8/10 5/7 2/3
Avg. Per Game 353.8 380.6 Thompson 35 240 6.9 23 2
D. Jackson 30 528 17.6 77t 4 SACKS No.
Total Plays 1011 1010
Grant 23 268 11.7 35 2 Kerrigan 9.5
Avg. Per Play 5.6 6.0
Jones 19 304 16.0 78t 1 P. Smith 8.0
Net Yards Rushing 1566 1962
Carrier 17 141 8.3 20 1 Baker 6.0
Avg. Per Game 97.9 122.6
Roberts 11 135 12.3 38 0 Murphy 3.5
Total Rushes 429 406
Morris 10 55 5.5 12 0 Hatcher 2.0
Net Yards Passing 4095 4128
Thomas 9 84 9.3 15 0 Jean Francois 2.0
Avg. Per Game 255.9 258.0
Ross 8 184 23.0 71t 1 Knighton 1.5
Sacked/Yards Lost 27/199 38/264
Young 6 22 3.7 8 0 Paea 1.5
Gross Yards 4294 4392
Redskins 386 4294 11.1 78t 30 Blackmon 1.0
Att./Completions 555/386 566/354
Opponents 354 4392 12.4 62t 30 W. Compton 1.0
Completion Pct. 69.5 62.5
Kearse 1.0
Had Intercepted 11 11
(group) 1.0
Punts/Average 71/45.4 69/44.9
Redskins 38.0
Net Punting Avg. 71/39.8 69/40.9
Opponents 27.0
Penalties/Yards 105/827 112/955
Fumbles/Ball Lost 26/11 36/16
Touchdowns 44 44
Rushing 9 10
Passing 30 30
Returns 5 4

228 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................John Riggins, 1976-79, 1981-85 .......................................................7,472
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Joe Theismann, 1974-1985 .............................................................25,206
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Sammy Baugh, 1937-1952 ...................................................................187
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Art Monk, 1980-1993 ...........................................................................888
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Art Monk, 1980-1993 ......................................................................12,026
Interceptions ...................................................................Darrell Green, 1983-2001........................................................................54
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Sammy Baugh, 1937-1952 ..................................................................45.1
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Johnny Williams, 1952-53 ...................................................................12.8
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Bobby Mitchell, 1962-68......................................................................28.5
Field Goals ......................................................................Mark Moseley, 1974-1986 ....................................................................263
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Charley Taylor, 1964-1977 ......................................................................90
Points..............................................................................Mark Moseley, 1974-1986 .................................................................1,206
*Sacks............................................................................Dexter Manley, 1981-89 .......................................................................91.0


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Alfred Morris, 2012 ............................................................................1,613
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Kirk Cousins, 2015.............................................................................4,166
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Sonny Jurgensen, 1967 ..........................................................................31
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Pierre Garçon, 2013..............................................................................113
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Santana Moss, 2005 ..........................................................................1,483
Interceptions ...................................................................Dan Sandifer, 1948..................................................................................13
Punting (Avg.) .................................................................Sammy Baugh, 1940 .......................................................................**51.4
Punt Return (Avg.)...........................................................Johnny Williams, 1952.........................................................................15.3
Kickoff Return (Avg.) .......................................................Mike Nelms, 1981................................................................................29.7
Field Goals ......................................................................Mark Moseley, 1983................................................................................33
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................John Riggins, 1983.................................................................................24
Points..............................................................................Mark Moseley, 1983..............................................................................161
*Sacks............................................................................Dexter Manley, 1986 ............................................................................18.5


Category Name Performance
Rushing (Yds.) ................................................................Gerald Riggs, 9-17-89...........................................................................221
Passing (Yds.).................................................................Brad Johnson, 12-26-99 .......................................................................471
Passing (TDs) .................................................................Sammy Baugh, 10-31-43, 11-23-47 .........................................................6
Mark Rypien, 11-10-91 .............................................................................6
Receiving (No.) ...............................................................Roy Helu, 11-6-11 ..................................................................................14
Receiving (Yds.)..............................................................Anthony Allen, 10-4-87 .........................................................................255
Interceptions ...................................................................Sammy Baugh, 11-14-43......................................................................**4
Dan Sandifer, 10-31-48 .........................................................................**4
DeAngelo Hall, 10-24-10.......................................................................**4
Field Goals ......................................................................Many times ...............................................................................................5
Last time by Shaun Suisham, 11-4-07
Touchdowns (Tot.)...........................................................Dick James, 12-17-61 ..............................................................................4
Larry Brown, 12-16-73 .............................................................................4
Points..............................................................................Dick James, 12-17-61 ............................................................................24
Larry Brown, 12-16-73 ...........................................................................24
*Sacks............................................................................Dexter Manley, 10-2-88..........................................................................4.0
Ken Harvey, 11-23-97 ............................................................................4.0
Phillip Daniels, 12-18-05........................................................................4.0
Brian Orakpo, 12-13-09 .........................................................................4.0
Ryan Kerrigan, 9-14-14..........................................................................4.0

*Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

**NFL Record

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 229

NFL ’15 Games/
No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate Exp. College Hometown How Acq. Starts
92 Baker, Chris DE 6-2 325 10/8/87 5 Hampton Windsor, Conn. FA-’11 16/11
96 Bates, Houston LB 6-3 250 12/20/91 2 Louisiana Tech Covington, La. FA-’15 10/0
41 Blackmon, Will S 6-0 204 10/27/84 10 Boston College Warwick, R.I. FA-’15 15/10
26 Breeland, Bashaud CB 5-11 197 1/30/92 3 Clemson Allendale, S.C. D4-’14 15/14
30 Bruton Jr., David S 6-2 217 7/23/87 8 Notre Dame Miamisburg, Ohio UFA(Den)-’16 13/3*
89 Carrier, Derek TE 6-4 241 7/25/90 4 Beloit Edgerton, Wisc. T(SF)-’15 12/12
51 Compton, Will LB 6-1 230 9/19/89 3 Nebraska Bonne Terre, Mo. FA-’13 16/10
8 Cousins, Kirk QB 6-3 202 8/19/88 5 Michigan State Holland, Mich. D4a-’12 16/16
80 Crowder, Jamison WR 5-8 185 6/17/93 2 Duke Monroe, N.C. D4a-’15 16/6
85 Davis, Vernon TE 6-3 250 1/31/84 11 Maryland Washington, D.C. UFA(Den)-’16 15/9*
47 Dunbar, Quinton CB 6-2 201 7/22/92 2 Florida Miami, Fla. FA-’15 11/1
22 Everett, Deshazor S 6-0 193 2/22/92 2 Texas A&M DeRidder, La. FA-’15 11/0
59 Fields, Carlos LB 6-1 242 10/3/90 2 Winston-Salem State Henderson, N.C. FA-’15 5/0
54 Foster, Mason LB 6-1 241 3/1/89 6 Washington Seaside, Calif. FA-’15 13/5
58 Galette, Junior LB 6-2 258 3/27/88 7 Stillman Montvale, N.J. FA-’15 0*
88 Garçon, Pierre WR 6-0 216 8/8/86 9 Mount Union Greenacres, Fla. UFA(Ind)-’12 16/16
52 Garvin, Terence LB 6-3 221 1/1/91 4 West Virginia Baltimore, Md. FA-’16 12/0*
Gayle, James LB 6-4 259 2/15/91 2 Virginia Tech Hampton, Va. FA-’15 0*
64 Golston, Kedric NT 6-4 318 5/30/83 11 Georgia Tyrone, Ga. D6-’06 15/0
14 Grant, Ryan WR 6-0 193 12/19/90 3 Tulane Beaumont, Texas D5-’14 16/5
23 Hall, DeAngelo S 5-10 198 11/19/83 13 Virginia Tech Chesapeake, Va. FA-’08 11/8
37 Harris, Jeremy CB 6-2 185 4/26/91 3 New Mexico State Dorsey, Calif. FA-’15 1/0
55 Hayward, Adam LB 6-1 240 6/23/84 10 Portland State Westminster, Calif. UFA(TB)-’14 0*
73 Hood, Ziggy DE 6-3 300 2/16/87 8 Missouri Amarillo, Texas FA-’16 2/0*
3 Hopkins, Dustin K 6-2 193 10/1/90 3 Florida State Houston, Texas FA-’15 15/0
29 Ihenacho, Duke S 6-1 207 6/16/89 4 San Jose State Gardena, Calif. W(Den)-’14 1/1
11 Jackson, DeSean WR 5-10 178 12/1/86 9 California Long Beach, Calif. FA-’14 9/9
34 Jarrett, Kyshoen S 5-10 200 5/4/93 2 Virginia Tech East Stroudsburg, Pa. D6a-’15 16/5
99 Jean Francois, Ricky DE 6-3 297 11/23/86 8 Louisiana State Carol City, Fla. FA-’15 16/1
46 Jefferson, Willie LB 6-5 241 1/31/91 2 Stephen F. Austin Beaumont, Texas FA-’16 0*
83 Jensen, Marcel TE 6-6 270 2/12/90 2 Fresno State Fairfield, Calif. PS(Buff)-’15 1/0
31 Jones, Matt RB 6-2 231 3/7/93 2 Florida Seffner, Fla. D3-’15 13/0
91 Kerrigan, Ryan LB 6-4 260 8/16/88 6 Purdue Muncie, Ind. D1-’11 16/16
74 Kouandjio, Arie G 6-5 310 4/23/92 2 Alabama Hyattsville, Md. D4b-’15 3/0
77 Lauvao, Shawn G 6-3 315 10/26/87 7 Arizona State Honolulu, Hawaii UFA(Cle)-’14 3/3
67 LeRibeus, Josh OL 6-2 315 7/2/89 5 Southern Methodist Richardson, Texas D3-’12 16/11
78 Lichtensteiger, Kory C 6-2 296 3/22/85 8 Bowling Green Convoy, Ohio FA-’10 90/72
61 Long, Spencer G 6-5 311 11/8/90 3 Nebraska Elkhorn, Neb. D3b-’14 13/13
16 McCoy, Colt QB 6-1 215 9/5/86 7 Texas Tuscola, Texas UFA(SF)-’14 2/0
76 Moses, Morgan T 6-6 318 3/3/91 3 Virginia North Chesterfield, Va. D3a-’14 16/16
93 Murphy, Trent DE 6-5 258 12/22/90 3 Stanford Phoenix, Ariz. D2-’14 16/15
24 Norman, Josh CB 6-0 195 12/15/87 5 Coastal Carolina Greenwood, S.C. UFA(Car)-’15 16/16*
79 Nsekhe, Ty T 6-8 325 10/27/85 2 Texas State Arlington, Texas FA-’15 13/2
90 Paea, Stephen DE 6-1 300 5/11/88 6 Oregon State Provo, Utah UFA(Chi)-’15 11/1
84 Paul, Niles TE 6-1 241 8/9/89 6 Nebraska Omaha, Neb. D5b-’11 0*
82 Paulsen, Logan TE 6-5 261 2/26/87 7 UCLA West Hills, Calif. FA-’10 0*
35 Phillips, Dashaun CB 5-11 182 1/3/91 2 Tarleton State Duncanville, Texas FA-’15 6/0
63 Powe, Jerrell NT 6-2 331 3/15/87 4 Mississippi Waynesboro, Miss. FA-’16 0*
86 Reed, Jordan TE 6-2 237 7/3/90 4 Florida New London, Conn. D3-’13 14/8
97 Reyes, Kendall DE 6-4 300 9/26/89 5 Connecticut Nashua, N.H. UFA(SD)-’16 16/15*
56 Riley Jr., Perry LB 6-0 238 5/3/88 7 Louisiana State Stone Mountain, Ga. D4-’10 9/9
19 Ross, Rashad WR 6-0 181 2/2/90 2 Arizona State Vallejo, Calif. FA-’14 13/0
75 Scherff, Brandon G 6-5 319 12/26/91 2 Iowa Denison, Iowa D1-’15 16/16
94 Smith, Preston LB 6-5 271 11/17/92 2 Mississippi State Stone Mountain, Ga. D2-’15 16/1
50 Spaight, Martrell LB 6-0 236 8/5/93 2 Arkansas Little Rock, Ark. D5-’15 1/0
57 Sundberg, Nick LS 6-0 264 7/29/87 7 California Phoenix, Ariz. FA-’10 16/0
39 #Thomas, Pierre RB 5-11 215 12/18/84 9 Illinois Lansing, Ill. FA-’15 5/0*
25 Thompson, Chris RB 5-8 193 10/20/90 3 Florida State Madison, Fla. D5a-’13 13/0
20 Toler, Greg CB 6-0 190 1/2/85 8 St. Paul’s Hyattsville, Md. UFA(Ind)-’16 10/10
5 Way, Tress P 6-1 215 4/18/90 3 Oklahoma Tulsa, Okla. W(Chi)-’14 16/0
71 Williams, Trent T 6-5 337 7/19/88 7 Oklahoma Longview, Texas D1-’10 14/14

230 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

* Bruton Jr. played 13 games with Denver in '15; Byrd last active with Cleveland in '14; Davis played 6 games with San Francisco and 9
games with Denver; Galette missed '15 season because of injury; Garvin played 12 games with Pittsburgh; Gayle missed '15 season
because of injury; Hayward missed '15 season because of injury; Hood played 2 games with Chicago; Jefferson last active with Houston
in '13; Norman played 16 games with Carolina; Paul missed '15 season because of injury; Paulsen missed '15 season because of injury;
Powe last active with Houston in '14; Reyes played 16 games with San Diego; Toler played 10 games with Indianapolis.

# Unrestricted Free Agent; subject to developments.

Retired—DE Jason Hatcher, 10-year defensive end, 15 games in ’15.

Players lost through free agency (5): T Tom Compton (Atl; 13 games in ’15), DE Frank Kearse (NE; 4), NT Terrance Knighton (NE; 15),
RB Alfred Morris (Dall; 16), LB Keenan Robinson (NYG; 12).

Also played with Redskins in ’15—CB David Amerson (2 games), CB Chris Culliver (6), C Brian de la Puente (4), K Kai Forbath (1),
S Dashon Goldson (15), TE Je'Ron Hamm (1), LB Jackson Jeffcoat (6), S Jeron Johnson (14), TE Anthony McCoy (7),
LB Terrance Plummer (3), WR Andre Roberts (9), S Trenton Robinson (9), CB Justin Rogers (1), TE Alex Smith (3),
RB Pierre Thomas (4), CB Cary Williams (1 postseason game), FB Darrel Young (16).

Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Birthdate College Hometown How Acq.
Bond, Al OL 6-4 305 3/5/92 Memphis Memphis, Tenn. FA
Booth, Cody (1) OL 6-4 292 4/22/91 Temple Lancaster, Pa. FA
Bowen, Kevin T 6-9 330 7/3/93 East Central La Mesa, Calif. FA
Brown, Mack (1) RB 5-11 214 9/24/91 Florida Lithonia, Ga. FA-’15
Carrington, Lloyd CB 5-10 190 4/8/93 Arizona State Dallas, Texas FA
Cofield, Takoby (1) T 6-4 310 1/22/92 Duke Tarboro, N.C. FA-’15
Cooper, Mariel CB 5-11 192 1/10/93 The Citadel Sumter, S.C. FA
Cooper, Michael TE 6-5 257 10/21/92 Indiana The Woodlands, Texas FA
Cravens, Su’a S 6-1 226 7/7/95 Southern California Murrieta, Calif. D2
Crawford, Corey (1) DE 6-5 299 12/1/91 Clemson Columbus, Ga. FA-’15
Daniels, Steven LB 5-11 243 12/12/92 Boston College Cincinnati, Ohio D7a
Davis, Shiro LB 6-3 256 10/10/92 Texas Shreveport, La. FA
Diggs, Reggie WR 6-4 200 5/8/93 Richmond Dendron, Va, FA
Doctson, Josh WR 6-2 202 12/3/92 Texas Christian Mansfield, Texas D1
Ederaine, Ejiro LB 6-3 234 11/18/93 Fresno State Corona, Calif. FA
Fuller, Kendall CB 5-11 187 2/13/95 Virginia Tech Olney, Md. D3
Harris, Maurice WR 6-3 195 11/11/92 California Greensboro, N.C. FA
Ioannidis, Matt DE 6-3 299 1/11/94 Temple Flemington, N.J. D5
Kasitati, Nila G 6-4 315 4/25/93 Oklahoma Euless, Texas FA
Kelley, Robert RB 6-0 220 10/3/92 Tulane New Orleans, La. FA
Kerridge, Joe FB 6-0 249 9/17/92 Michigan Traverse City, Mich. FA
Lanier, Anthony DE 6-6 265 5/8/93 Alabama A&M Savannah, Ga. FA
Marshall, Keith RB 5-11 219 2/16/94 Georgia Raleigh, N.C. D7b
Matias-Smith, Geno S 6-0 196 5/9/94 Alabama Atlanta, Ga. FA
Reiter, Austin (1) C 6-3 296 11/27/91 South Florida Bradenton, Fla. D7-’15
Showers, Valdez WR 6-0 193 6/28/93 Florida Detroit, Mich. FA
Sudfeld, Nate QB 6-6 234 10/7/93 Indiana Modesto, Calif. D6
Trail, Lynden (1) LB 6-7 269 3/19/91 Norfolk State Miami, Fla. FA-’15
Wakefield, Mike LB 6-3 268 1/12/94 Florida International Valdosta, Ga. FA
Young, Kelsey RB 5-10 198 3/4/93 Boise State Norco, Calif. FA

The term NFL Rookie is defined as a player who is in his first season of professional football and has not been on the roster of another professional football team for any
regular-season or postseason games. A Rookie is designated by an “R” on NFL rosters. Players who have been active in another professional football league or players
who have NFL experience, including either preseason training camp or being on an Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or Reserve/Physically Unable to
Perform for fewer than six regular-season games, are termed NFL First-Year Players. An NFL First-Year Player is designated by a “1” on NFL rosters. Thereafter, a player
is credited with an additional year of experience for each season in which he accumulates six games on the Active List or Inactive List, or on Reserve/Injured or
Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform.

Log on to for an up-to-date roster.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 231

COACHING STAFF Bay Buccaneers 2001-06, 2009, Detroit Redskins 2012, Buffalo Bills 2013, re-joined
Head Coach, Lions 2007-08, San Diego Chargers 2012- Redskins in 2014.
Jay Gruden 14, joined Redskins in 2015. Randy Jordan, running backs; born June 6,
Pro Career: Named the 29th head coach in Bill Callahan, offensive line; born July 31, 1970, Henderson, N.C. Running back North
franchise history on January 9, 2014. Guided 1956, Chicago, Ill. Quarterback Benedictine Carolina 1989-1992. Pro running back Los
the Redskins to a 9-7 record and an NFC East 1975-77. No pro playing experience. College Angeles Raiders 1993, Jacksonville Jaguars
title in 2015, becoming only the sixth coach in coach: Illinois 1980-86, Northern Arizona 1995-97, Oakland Raiders 1998-2002.
team history to lead the franchise to a playoff 1987-88, Southern Illinois 1989, Wisconsin College coach: Nebraska 2004-07, Texas
berth within the first two years of a coaching 1990-94, Nebraska 2004-07 (head coach). A&M 2008-2011, North Carolina 2012-13.
tenure. Joined the Redskins after spending Pro coach: Philadelphia Eagles 1995-97, Pro coach: Oakland Raiders 2003, joined
three seasons as offensive coordinator for the Oakland Raiders 1998-2003 (head coach Redskins in 2014.
Cincinnati Bengals, during which time the 2002-03), New York Jets 2008-2011, Dallas Ben Kotwica, special teams coordinator; born
Bengals averaged 10 wins a season, making Cowboys 2012-14, joined Redskins in 2015. December 8, 1974, Tinley Park, Ill. Linebacker
three consecutive playoff appearances and Kevin Carberry, asst. offensive line; born May Army 1993-96. No pro playing experience.
earning an AFC North championship in 2013. 19, 1983, Chicago, Ill. Defensive end Ohio Pro coach: New York Jets 2007-2013, joined
In three seasons together, Gruden helped 2001-04. Pro defensive line Berlin Thunder Redskins in 2014.
quarterback and 2011 second-round pick (NFL Europe) 2006, New York Dragons (AFL) Greg Manusky, defensive coordinator; born
Andy Dalton post a 30-18 regular season 2007, Philadelphia Soul (AFL) 2008. College August 12, 1966, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Linebacker
record (.625). He also spent seven seasons coach: Kansas 2009-2011, Stephen F. Austin Colgate 1983-87. Pro linebacker Washington
with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an offen- 2012-13. Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys 2014- Redskins 1988-1990, Minnesota Vikings
sive assistant (2002-08), helping the team to 15, joined Redskins in 2016. 1991-93, Kansas City Chiefs 1994-99. Pro
its first league championship in Super Bowl Matt Cavanaugh, quarterbacks; born October coach: Washington Redskins 2001, San Diego
XXXVII. He is one of the most celebrated indi- 27, 1956, Youngstown, Ohio. Quarterback Chargers 2002-06, San Francisco 49ers 2007-
viduals in Arena Football League history, hav- Pittsburgh 1974-77. Pro quarterback New 2010, San Diego Chargers 2011, Indianapolis
ing won six combined league champi- England Patriots 1978-1982, San Francisco Colts 2012-15, re-joined Redskins in 2016.
onships–four as a quarterback and two as a 49ers 1983-85, Philadelphia Eagles 1986-89, Sean McVay, offensive coordinator; born
head coach. He was named the 1992 AFL New York Giants 1990-91. College coach: January 24, 1986, Marietta, Ga. Wide receiv-
Most Valuable Player and was honored with Pittsburgh 1991-93, 2005-08. Pro coach: er Miami (Ohio) 2004-07. No pro playing
induction into the AFL Hall of Fame in 1999. Arizona Cardinals 1994-95, San Francisco experience. Pro coach: Tampa Bay
Career record: 13-20. 49ers 1996, Chicago Bears 1997-98, Buccaneers 2008, Florida Tuskers (UFL)
Background: Quarterback at Louisville (1985- Baltimore Ravens 1999-2004, New York Jets 2009, joined Redskins in 2010.
88), twice being named team MVP. Played 2009-2012, Chicago Bears 2013-14; joined Bret Munsey, special projects; born August
quarterback for Barcelona Dragons and Redskins in 2015. 19, 1968, Winter Park, Fla. Wide receiver
Sacramento Surge (WLAF, 1990), Tampa Bay Mike Clark, strength and conditioning; born Concord (W.Va.) 1987-1990. Pro wide receiv-
Storm (AFL, 1991-96) and Orlando Predators August 22, 1954, Wichita, Kan. Center Ottawa er/defensive back Orlando Predators (AFL)
(AFL, 2002-03). Coached in various capaci- 1973-76. No pro playing experience. College 1991-95. Pro coach: Augusta Stallions (af2)
ties for Louisville (1989-1991), Nashville Kats coach: Kansas 1977-78, 1982, Wyoming 2000, Tennessee Valley Vipers (af2, head
(AFL, 1997), Orlando Predators (AFL, 1998- 1981, Oregon 1983-87, Southern California coach) 2001, Carolina Cobras (AFL) 2002,
2001, 2004-08), Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1988-89, Texas A&M 1990-2003. Pro coach: Orlando Predators (AFL) 2003-05,
(2002-08), Florida Tuskers (2009-2010) and Seattle Seahawks 2004-09, Kansas City Philadelphia Soul (AFL, head coach) 2006-
Cincinnati Bengals (2011-13). Chiefs 2010-12, Chicago Bears 2013-14, 08, Orlando Predators (AFL, head coach)
Personal: Born on March 4, 1967 in Tiffin, joined Redskins in 2015. 2012, joined Redskins in 2014.
Ohio. He and his wife, Sherry, have three sons Chad Englehart, asst. strength and condition- Kirk Olivadotti, inside linebackers; born
— J.J., Joey and Jack—and one grandson, ing; born June 5, 1981, New Orleans, La. January 1, 1974, Wilmington, Del. Wide
Trey. Attended Southeastern Louisiana. No college receiver Purdue 1992-96. No pro playing
or pro playing experience. College coach: experience. College coach: Marine Maritime
ASSISTANT COACHES New Orleans 2006. Pro coach: Florida Academy 1997, Indiana State 1998-99,
Robb Akey, defensive line; born July 24, Tuskers (UFL) 2009, joined Redskins in 2010. Georgia 2011-13. Pro coach: Washington
1966, Colorado Springs, Colo. Tight Perry Fewell, defensive backs; born Redskins 2000-2010, re-joined Redskins in
end/defensive end Weber State 1984-87. No September 7, 1962, Gastonia, N.C. Defensive 2014.
pro playing experience. College coach: Weber back Lenoir-Rhyne 1981-84. No pro playing Wes Phillips, tight ends; born February 17,
State 1988-1994, Northern Arizona 1995-98, experience. College coach: North Carolina 1979, Houston, Texas. Quarterback Texas-El
Washington State 1999-2006, Idaho 2007- 1985-86, Army 1987, 1992-94, Kent State Paso 1997-2001. Pro quarterback San Diego
2012 (head coach). Pro coach: Minnesota 1988-1991, Vanderbilt 1995-97. Pro coach: Riptide (AFL2) 2002-03. College coach:
Vikings 2014, joined Redskins in 2015. Jacksonville Jaguars 1998-2002, St. Louis Texas-El Paso 2003, West Texas A&M 2004-
Bradford Banta, asst. special teams; born Rams 2003-04, Chicago Bears 2005, Buffalo 05, Baylor 2006. Pro coach: Dallas Cowboys
December 14, 1979, Baton Rouge, La. Tight Bills 2006-09, New York Giants 2010-14, 2007-2013, joined Redskins in 2014.
end Southern California 1990-93. Pro tight joined Redskins in 2015. Aubrey Pleasant, asst. defensive backs; born
end/long snapper Indianapolis Colts 1993-99, Chad Grimm, defensive quality control; born August 20, 1986, Tulsa, Okla.; Safety
New York Jets 2000, Detroit Lions 2001-03, May 18, 1985, Fairfax, Va. Linebacker Virginia Wisconsin 2005-08. No pro playing experi-
Buffalo Bills 2004. College coach: Tennessee- Tech 2003-06. No pro playing experience. Pro ence. College coach: Michigan 2011-12. Pro
Chattanooga 2007. Pro coach: Detroit Lions coach: Arizona Cardinals 2009-2012, San coach: Joined Redskins in 2013.
2008-2013, joined Redskins in 2014. Diego Chargers 2013-14, joined Redskins in Shane Waldron, offensive quality control;
Joe Barry, defensive coordinator; born July 5, 2015. born Aug. 17, 1979, Portland, Ore.; Tight end
1970, Murphysboro, Ill. Linebacker Michigan Ike Hilliard, wide receivers; born April 5, Tufts 1999-2002. No pro playing experience.
1989-1990, Southern California 1991-93. No 1976, Patterson, La. Wide receiver Florida College coach: Notre Dame 2005-07,
pro playing experience. College coach: 1994-96. Pro wide receiver New York Giants Massachusetts 2012-15; Pro coach: New
Southern California 1995, 2010-11, Northern 1997-2004, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2005- England Patriots 2002-04, 2008-09, Hartford
Arizona 1996-98, Nevada-Las Vegas 1999. 08. Pro coach: Florida Tuskers (UFL) 2009- Colonials (UFL) 2010, joined Redskins in
Pro coach: San Francisco 49ers 2000, Tampa 2010, Miami Dolphins 2011, Washington 2016.

232 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2015 Season
in Review
Trades ......................................................................................................................................................234
Preseason Standings and Results ..........................................................................................................236
Regular-Season Standings and Results ................................................................................................238
Week-by-Week Standings.......................................................................................................................241
2015 Attendance .....................................................................................................................................246
Players of the Week, Month ..................................................................................................................247
Pro Football Awards...............................................................................................................................248
All-Pro Teams .........................................................................................................................................248
Top Rushing, Passing, Receiving, and Sack Performances, 2015 .......................................................250
Team and Individual Statistics...............................................................................................................252
2015 TRADES (since June 1) Diego to Minnesota for the Vikings’ 2016 Miami’s 2016 first-round selection
Punter Andy Lee from San Francisco sixth-round selection (RB Derek Watt). (#8) from Miami to Philadelphia for
to Cleveland for the Browns’ 2017 sev- (9/5) Defensive Back Byron Maxwell, Line-
enth-round selection. (6/8) Defensive Back Kelcie McCray from backer Kiko Alonso, and Philadelphia’s
Defensive Back Brandon Boykin from Kansas City to Seattle for the Seahawks’ 2016 first-round selection (T Laremy
Philadelphia to Pittsburgh for the Steeler- 2016 fifth-round selection (QB Kevin Tunsil). (3/9)
s’ 2016 fifth-round selection (T Hogan). (9/5) Running Back DeMarco Murray and
Halapoulivaati Vaitai). (8/2) Running Back Christine Michael from Philadelphia’s 2016 fourth-round selec-
Defensive Back Mohammed Seisay Seattle to Dallas for the Cowboys’ 2016 tion (#113) from Philadelphia to Ten-
from Detroit to Seattle for the Seahawks’ seventh-round selection (#225). (9/6) nessee for Tennessee’s 2016 fourth-
2016 sixth-round selection (DT Anthony Running Back Terrance West from round selection (#100). (3/9)
Zettel). (8/2) Cleveland to Tennessee for the Titans’ Denver’s 2017 seventh-round selec-
Guard Ryan Groy from Chicago to 2016 seventh-round selection choice. tion from Denver to Philadelphia for
New England for Linebacker Matthew (9/6) Quarterback Mark Sanchez. (3/12)
Wells. (8/10) Defensive End Billy Winn from Cleve- Guard Jonathan Cooper and Ari-
Tackle Jordan Devy from New Eng- land to Indianapolis for the Colts’ 2017 zona’s 2016 second-round selection
land to San Francisco for Tight End seventh-round selection choice. (9/11) (#61) from Arizona to New England for
Asante Cleveland. (8/18) Wide Receiver Brice Butler and Oak- Defensive End Chandler Jones. (3/15)
Tight End Derek Carrier from San land’s 2016 sixth-round selection (DB Tight End Martellus Bennett and New
Francisco to Washington for the Red- Anthony Brown) from Oakland to Dallas England’s 2016 sixth-round selection
skins’ 2017 fifth-round selection. (8/22) for the Cowboys’ 2016 fifth-round selec- (#204) from Chicago to New England
Tackle Michael Williams from Detroit tion choice (RB DeAndre Washington). for New England’s 2016 fourth-round
to New England for the Patriots’ 2017 (9/16) selection (DB Deiondre’ Hall). (3/17)
seventh-round selection. (8/26) Wide Receiver Keshawn Martin and Tackle Ryan Clady and Los Angeles’
Tackle Chris Clark from Denver to Houston’s 2016 sixth-round selection 2016 seventh-round selection (#235)
Houston for the Rams’ 2016 seventh- from Houston to New England for the from Denver to the New York Jets for the
round selection (#235). (8/31) Patriots’ 2016 fifth-round selection (DT New York Jets’ 2016 fifth-round selec-
Wide Receiver Kevin Norwood from D.J. Reader). (9/17) tion (#157). (4/11)
Seattle to Carolina for the Panthers’ 2017 Defensive Back Will Davis from Los Angeles’ 2016 first-round selec-
seventh-round selection. (9/1) Miami to Baltimore for the Ravens' 2016 tion (#15), Eagles’ 2016 second-round
Kicker Josh Scobee from Jack- seventh-round selection (#227). (9/22) selection (DT Austin Johnson), Los
sonville to Pittsburgh for the Steelers’ Quarterback Matt Cassel and Buffa- Angeles’ second-round selection (RB
2016 sixth-round selection (QB Brandon lo’s 2017 seventh-round selection Derrick Henry) and third-round selection
Allen). (9/1) (#240) from Buffalo to Dallas for the (#76), and the Rams’ 2017 first-round
Kicker Kyle Brindza from the Detroit Cowboys’ 2017 fifth-round selection selection and 2017 third-round selection
Lions to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for choice (#225). (9/23) to Tennessee for the Titans’ 2016 first-
Tight End Timothy Wright. (9/1) Defensive End Jared Allen from round selection (QB Jared Goff), Eagles’
Wide Receiver Jalen Saunders from Chicago to Carolina for the Panthers' 2016 fourth-round selection (#113) and
New Orleans to New England for the 2016 sixth-round selection (#206). Titans’ 2016 sixth-round selection (TE
Patriots’ 2018 seventh-round selection. (9/29) Temarrick Hemingway). (4/14)
(9/1) Linebacker Jon Bostic from Chicago Philadelphia trades 2016 Dolphins’
Tight End Khari Lee from Houston to to New England for the Patriots’ 2016 first-round selection (#8), 2016 Lions’
Chicago for the Bears’ 2017 sixth-round sixth-round selection (#204). (9/29) third-round selection (#77), 2016 Titan-
selection. (9/2) Tight End Michael Hoomanawanui s’ fourth-round selection (#100) and
Punter Brad Wing from Pittsburgh to from New England to New Orleans for Eagles’ 2017 first-round selection and
the New York Giants for the Giants’ 2016 Defensive Tackle Akeem Hicks. (10/1) Eagles’ 2018 second-round selection to
seventh-round selection (WR Demarcus Wide Receiver Chris Givens from St. Cleveland for Browns’ 2016 first-round
Ayers). (9/4) Louis to Baltimore for the Ravens' 2018 selection (QB Carson Wentz) and 2017
Guard Andy Levitre from Tennessee seventh-round selection. (10/2) fifth-round selection (conditional).
to Atlanta for the Falcons’ 2016 sixth- Linebacker Gerald Hodges from Min- (4/21)
round selection (G Sebastian Tretola). nesota to San Francisco for Center Nick Tennessee trades Rams’ 2016 first-
(9/4) Easton and the 49ers' 2016 sixth-round round selection (WR Corey Coleman),
QB Matt Barkley from Philadelphia to selection (WR Moritz Böhringer). (10/6) Rams’ 2016 third-round selection (T
Arizona for the Cardinals’ 2016 seventh- Tight End Vernon Davis and San Shon Coleman) and Titans’ 2017 sec-
round selection (LB Joe Walker). (9/5) Francisco’s 2016 seventh-round selec- ond-round selection to Cleveland for Dol-
Linebacker Sio Moore from Oakland tion (P Riley Dixon) from San Francisco phins’ 2016 first-round selection (T Jack
to Indianapolis for the Colts’ 2016 sixth- to Denver for the Broncos' 2016 sixth- Conklin) and Browns’ sixth-round selec-
round selection (LB Cory James). (9/5) round selection (QB Jeff Driskel) and tion (#176). (4/28)
Center Nick Easton from Baltimore to Denver’s 2017 sixth-round selection Tampa Bay’s 2016 first-round selec-
San Francisco for the 49ers’ 2016 sev- choice. (11/3) tion (LB Leonard Floyd) from Tampa
enth-round selection. (9/5) Bay to Chicago for Bears’ 2016 first-
Tackle Jeremiah Sirles from San 2016 TRADES round selection (DB Vernon

234 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Hargreaves) and 2016 fourth-round Kansas City to Tampa Bay for Bucca- LeShaun Sims) and Broncos’ 2016 sev-
selection (#106). (4/28) neers’ 2016 third-round selection (DB enth-round selection (DB Kalan Reed).
Washington’s 2016 first-round selec- KeiVarae Russell) and Bears’ 2016 (4/30)
tion (WR Will Fuller) from Washington fourth-round selection (DB Eric Mur- Washington’s 2016 sixth-round
to Houston for Texans’ 2016 first-round ray). (4/29) selection (T Brandon Shell) from Wash-
selection (WR Josh Doctson) and 2017 New England trades Cardinals’ 2016 ington to New York Jets for Jets’ 2017
sixth-round selection. (4/28) second-round selection (DB Vonn Bell) fourth-round selection. (4/30)
Seattle’s 2016 first-round selection from New England to New Orleans for Minnesota’s 2016 sixth-round selec-
(QB Paxton Lynch) from Seattle to Den- Saints’ 2016 third-round selection (T tion (WR Jakeem Grant) from Minneso-
ver for Broncos’ 2016 first-round selec- Joe Thuney) and fourth-round selection ta to Miami for Texans’ 2016 sixth-round
tion (T Germain Ifedi) and 2016 third- (WR Malcolm Mitchell). (4/29) selection (#196) and Ravens’ 2016 sev-
round selection (TE Nick Vannett). Cleveland trades Lions’ 2016 third- enth-round selection (DE Stephen
(4/28) round selection (DB Daryl Worley) and Weatherly). (4/30)
Kansas City’s 2016 first-round selec- Browns’ 2016 fifth-round selection (DB Philadelphia trades Eagles’ sixth-
tion (G Joshua Garnett) and 2016 sev- Zack Sanchez) from Cleveland to Caroli- round selection (TE David Morgan) from
enth-round selection (DB Prince Charles na for Panthers’ 2016 third-round selec- Philadelphia to Minnesota for Texans’
Iworah) from Kansas City to San Fran- tion (QB Cody Kessler), 2016 fourth- sixth-round selection (DB Blake Count-
cisco for 49ers’ 2016 second-round round selection (DB Derrick Kindred), ess) and Bills’ seventh-round selection
selection (DT Chris Jones), 2016 fourth- and 2016 fifth-round selection (G (#240). (4/30)
round selection (G Parker Ehinger) and Spencer Drango). (4/29) Miami trades Cornerback Jamar Tay-
Cowboys’ 2016 sixth-round selection Minnesota’s 2016 third-round selec- lor and Patriots’ 2017 seventh-round
(DB D.J. White). (4/28) tion (WR Leonte Carroo) to Miami for selection (LB Scooby Wright) from
Baltimore’s 2016 second-round Dolphins’ 2016 sixth-round selection Miami to Cleveland for Browns’ seventh-
selection (LB Myles Jack) from Balti- (#186), 2017 third-round selection and round selection (QB Brandon Doughty).
more to Jacksonville for Jaguars’ 2016 2017 fourth-round selection. (4/29) (4/30)
second-round selection (#38) and 2016 Cleveland trades Titans’ 2016 fourth- New England trades Linebacker Jon
fifth-round selection (LB Matt Judon). round selection (QB Connor Cook) from Bostic to Detroit for Patriots’ 2017 sev-
(4/29) Cleveland to Oakland for Raiders’ 2016 enth-round selection (conditional). (5/9)
Baltimore trades Jaguars’ 2016 sec- fourth-round selection (WR Ricardo
ond-round selection (DB Xavien Louis) and 2016 fifth-round selection * Draft choice number is listed if club
Howard) from Baltimore to Miami for (WR Jordan Payton). (4/30) later traded the pick.
Dolphins’ 2016 second-round selection Los Angeles trades Eagles’ 2016
(LB Kamalei Correa) and 2016 fourth- fourth-round selection (LB Nick
round selection (WR Chris Moore). Kwiatkoski) from Los Angeles to Chica-
(4/29) go for Bills’ 2016 fourth-round selection
Chicago’s 2016 second-round selec- (WR Pharoh Cooper) and Panthers’
tion (LB Reggie Ragland) from Chicago 2016 sixth-round selection (WR Mike
to Buffalo for Bills’ 2016 second-round Thomas). (4/30)
selection (#49), 2016 fourth-round Washington’s 2016 fourth-round
selection (#117) and 2017 fourth-round selection (DE David Onyemata) to New
selection. (4/29) Orleans for Saints’ 2016 fifth-round
Indianapolis’ 2016 second-round selection (DE Matt Ioannidis) and 2017
selection (T Jason Spriggs) from Indi- fifth-round selection. (4/30)
anapolis to Green Bay for Packers’ 2016 Miami’s 2016 fifth-round selection
second-round selection (DB T.J. Green), (#147) to New England for Texans’
2016 fourth-round selection (LB Antonio 2016 sixth-round selection (#196),
Morrison) and 2016 seventh-round Patriots’ 2016 sixth-round selection
selection (C Austin Blythe). (4/29) (#204) and Patriots’ 2017 seventh-
Chicago trades Bills’ 2016 second- round selection (#250). (4/30)
round selection (DT Jarran Reed) from Seattle trades Dallas’ 2016 seventh-
Chicago to Seattle for Seahawks’ 2016 round selection (WR Devin Lucien) and
second-round selection (G Cody White- Seahawks’ 2017 fourth-round selection
hair) and 2016 fourth-round selection from Seattle to New England for Dolphin-
(DB Deon Bush). (4/29) s’ 2016 fifth-round selection (DT Quin-
Atlanta’s 2016 second-round selec- ton Jefferson) and Texans’ 2016 sev-
tion (C Nick Martin) from Atlanta to enth-round selection (WR Kenny
Houston for Texans’ 2016 second-round Lawler). (4/30)
selection (LB Deion Jones) and Jets’ Tennessee trades Browns’ 2016
2016 sixth-round selection (G Wes sixth-round selection (RB Andy
Schweitzer). (4/29) Janovich) and Titans’ 2017 sixth-round
Kansas City’s 2016 second-round selection from Tennessee to Denver for
selection (K Roberto Aguayo) from Jets’ 2016 fifth-round selection (DB

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 235

East Division East Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP BUFFALO (2-2) HOUSTON (2-2)
New York Jets 3 1 0 .750 85 81 24 Carolina 25 23 San Francisco 10
Buffalo 2 2 0 .500 88 71 11 at Cleveland 10 10 Denver 14
New England 2 2 0 .500 63 74 43 Pittsburgh 19 27 at New Orleans 13
Miami 1 3 0 .250 70 89 10 at Detroit 17 14 at Dallas 21
88 71 74 58
North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP MIAMI (1-3) INDIANAPOLIS (1-3)
Cincinnati 3 1 0 .750 64 51 10 at Chicago 27 10 at Philadelphia 36
Baltimore 1 3 0 .250 79 118 30 at Carolina 31 11 Chicago 23
Cleveland 1 3 0 .250 58 62 13 Atlanta 9 24 at St. Louis 14
Pittsburgh 1 4 0 .200 73 122 17 Tampa Bay 22 6 Cincinnati 9
70 89 51 82
South Division
Houston 2 2 0 .500 74 58 11 Green Bay 22 23 Pittsburgh 21
Jacksonville 2 2 0 .500 69 81 26 at New Orleans 24 12 at New York Giants 22
Tennessee 2 2 0 .500 85 96 17 at Carolina 16 17 Detroit 22
Indianapolis 1 3 0 .250 51 82 9 New York Giants 12 17 at Washington 16
63 74 69 81
West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP NEW YORK JETS (3-1) TENNESSEE (2-2)
Kansas City 4 0 0 1.000 106 59 3 at Detroit 23 24 at Atlanta 31
Denver 3 1 0 .750 75 64 30 Atlanta 22 27 St. Louis 14
San Diego 2 2 0 .500 66 56 28 at New York Giants 18 10 at Kansas City 34
Oakland 1 3 0 .250 74 84 24 Philadelphia 18 24 Minnesota 17
85 81 85 96

North Division West Division

30 New Orleans 27 22 at Seattle 20
17 at Philadelphia 40 14 at Houston 10
13 Washington 31 19 San Francisco 12
19 at Atlanta 20 20 Arizona 22
79 118 75 64


23 New York Giants 10 34 at Arizona 19
11 at Tampa Bay 25 14 Seattle 13
21 Chicago 10 34 Tennessee 10
9 at Indianapolis 6 24 at St. Louis 17
64 51 106 59


17 Washington 20 18 St. Louis 3
10 Buffalo 11 12 at Minnesota 20
31 at Tampa Bay 7 23 Arizona 30
0 at Chicago 24 21 at Seattle 31
58 62 74 84


3 at Minnesota (a) 14 17 Dallas 7
21 at Jacksonville 23 22 at Arizona 19
24 Green Bay 19 15 Seattle 16
19 at Buffalo 43 12 at San Francisco 14
6 Carolina 23 66 56
73 122

(a) Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, Canton, OH

236 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

East Division South Division East Division
DALLAS (1-3) ATLANTA (2-2) W L T Pct. Pts. OP
7 at San Diego 17 31 Tennessee 24 Philadelphia 3 1 0 .750 133 77
6 at San Francisco 23 22 at New York Jets 30 Washington 3 1 0 .750 88 64
14 Minnesota 28 9 at Miami 13 New York Giants 2 2 0 .500 62 72
21 Houston 14 20 Baltimore 19 Dallas 1 3 0 .250 48 82
48 82 82 86
North Division
10 at Cincinnati 23 25 at Buffalo 24 Minnesota 4 1 0 .800 105 69
22 Jacksonville 12 31 Miami 30 Chicago 3 1 0 .750 84 42
18 New York Jets 28 16 New England 17 Detroit 3 1 0 .750 79 51
12 at New England 9 23 at Pittsburgh 6 Green Bay 2 2 0 .500 105 84
62 72 95 77
South Division
36 Indianapolis 10 27 at Baltimore 30 Carolina 3 1 0 .750 95 77
40 Baltimore 17 24 New England 26 Atlanta 2 2 0 .500 82 86
39 at Green Bay 26 13 Houston 27 Tampa Bay 2 2 0 .500 70 85
18 at New York Jets 24 10 at Green Bay 38 New Orleans 0 4 0 .000 74 121
133 77 74 121
West Division
WASHINGTON (3-1) TAMPA BAY (2-2) W L T Pct. Pts. OP
20 at Cleveland 17 16 at Minnesota 26 Arizona 2 2 0 .500 90 99
21 Detroit 17 25 Cincinnati 11 San Francisco 2 2 0 .500 59 60
31 at Baltimore 13 7 Cleveland 31 Seattle 2 2 0 .500 80 72
16 Jacksonville 17 22 at Miami 17 St. Louis 0 4 0 .000 48 93
88 64 70 85

North Division West Division

27 Miami 10 19 Kansas City 34
23 at Indianapolis 11 19 San Diego 22
10 at Cincinnati 21 30 at Oakland 23
24 Cleveland 0 22 at Denver 20
84 42 90 99

DETROIT (3-1) ST. LOUIS (0-4)

23 New York Jets 3 3 at Oakland 18
17 at Washington 21 14 at Tennessee 27
22 at Jacksonville 17 14 Indianapolis 24
17 Buffalo 10 17 Kansas City 24
79 51 48 93


22 at New England 11 10 at Houston 23
19 at Pittsburgh 24 23 Dallas 6
26 Philadelphia 39 12 at Denver 19
38 New Orleans 10 14 San Diego 12
105 84 59 60


14 Pittsburgh (a) 3 20 Denver 22
26 Tampa Bay 16 13 at Kansas City 14
20 Oakland 12 16 at San Diego 15
28 at Dallas 14 31 Oakland 21
17 at Tennessee 24 80 72
105 69

(a) Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, Canton, OH

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 237

L 13-19 at Denver W 19-13 BALTIMORE W 27-20 at Houston L 13-33 CINCINNATI
L 33-37 at Oakland W 31-24 at Kansas City L 24-31 DENVER W 37-33 BALTIMORE
L 24-28 CINCINNATI W 24-12 at Detroit L 28-38 at Green Bay W 27-20 at Cleveland
W 23-20 OT at Pittsburgh W 23-20 MINNESOTA L 21-36 at Cincinnati L 20-22 at Chicago
L 30-33 OT CLEVELAND W 16-10 at Oakland L 17-18 CHICAGO L 10-16 DENVER
L 20-25 at San Francisco W 26-23 OT at Cleveland L 10-16 at Minnesota W 37-29 at San Diego
L 18-26 at Arizona W 29-10 GREEN BAY W 23-13 PITTSBURGH W 34-20 N.Y. JETS
W 29-26 SAN DIEGO L 24-27 at Indianapolis W 45-10 DETROIT L 35-38 at Pittsburgh
L 20-22 JACKSONVILLE L 13-29 KANSAS CITY W 29-13 at Denver L 14-30 MINNESOTA
W 16-13 ST. LOUIS W 17-15 at Chicago W 33-3 at San Diego L 13-18 at Detroit
W 33-27 at Cleveland W 30-24 OT NEW ENGLAND W 30-22 BUFFALO W 24-21 at Tennessee
L 13-15 at Miami W 17-3 at San Diego W 34-20 at Oakland L 20-34 KANSAS CITY
L 6-35 SEATTLE L 12-15 OAKLAND W 10-3 SAN DIEGO W 15-12 at Denver
L 14-34 KANSAS CITY L 27-34 at Pittsburgh W 34-14 at Baltimore L 20-30 GREEN BAY
L 16-24 at Cincinnati W 27-20 SAN DIEGO W 23-17 OAKLAND L 17-23 at Kansas City

W 27-14 INDIANAPOLIS L 20-27 KANSAS CITY W 17-10 at Washington L 21-28 at New England
L 32-40 NEW ENGLAND L 17-24 at Carolina L 20-23 at Jacksonville W 43-18 SAN FRANCISCO
W 41-14 at Miami W 19-9 TAMPA BAY L 14-41 BUFFALO W 12-6 at St. Louis
L 10-24 N.Y. GIANTS L 21-48 at Atlanta L 14-27 N.Y. JETS L 20-23 OT BALTIMORE
W 14-13 at Tennessee L 20-27 INDIANAPOLIS W 38-10 at Tennessee W 24-20 at San Diego
L 21-34 CINCINNATI W 31-20 at Jacksonville W 44-26 HOUSTON W 25-13 ARIZONA
L 31-34 at Jacksonville L 26-44 at Miami L 7-36 at New England L 13-23 at Kansas City
W 33-17 MIAMI W 20-6 TENNESSEE L 17-33 at Buffalo L 10-16 CINCINNATI
W 22-17 at N.Y. Jets W 10-6 at Cincinnati W 20-19 at Philadelphia W 38-35 OAKLAND
L 13-20 at New England W 24-17 N.Y. JETS L 14-24 DALLAS W 30-9 CLEVELAND
L 22-30 at Kansas City W 24-6 NEW ORLEANS L 20-38 at N.Y. Jets L 30-39 at Seattle
W 30-21 HOUSTON L 21-30 at Buffalo W 15-13 BALTIMORE W 45-10 INDIANAPOLIS
L 20-23 at Philadelphia L 6-27 NEW ENGLAND L 24-31 N.Y. GIANTS W 33-20 at Cincinnati
L 25-35 at Washington W 16-10 at Indianapolis L 14-30 at San Diego W 34-27 DENVER
W 16-6 DALLAS W 34-6 at Tennessee L 12-18 INDIANAPOLIS L 17-20 at Baltimore
W 22-17 N.Y. JETS W 30-6 JACKSONVILLE W 20-10 NEW ENGLAND W 28-12 at Cleveland

W 33-13 at Oakland L 14-27 at Buffalo W 28-21 PITTSBURGH W 33-28 DETROIT
W 24-19 SAN DIEGO L 7-20 N.Y. JETS W 40-32 at Buffalo L 19-24 at Cincinnati
W 28-24 at Baltimore W 35-33 at Tennessee W 51-17 JACKSONVILLE L 14-31 at Minnesota
W 36-21 KANSAS CITY W 16-13 OT JACKSONVILLE W 30-6 at Dallas W 30-27 CLEVELAND
W 27-24 OT SEATTLE W 27-20 at Houston W 34-27 at Indianapolis L 20-24 PITTSBURGH
W 34-21 at Buffalo L 27-34 NEW ENGLAND W 30-23 N.Y. JETS L 20-27 at Green Bay
W 16-10 at Pittsburgh L 21-27 NEW ORLEANS W 36-7 MIAMI L 29-37 OAKLAND
W 31-10 CLEVELAND L 26-29 OT at Carolina W 27-10 WASHINGTON L 26-29 at Baltimore
L 6-10 HOUSTON W 27-24 DENVER W 27-26 at N.Y. Giants L 19-22 CHICAGO
L 31-34 at Arizona W 24-21 at Atlanta W 20-13 BUFFALO L 3-33 KANSAS CITY
W 31-7 ST. LOUIS W 25-12 TAMPA BAY L 24-30 OT at Denver W 31-25 at Jacksonville
W 37-3 at Cleveland L 10-45 at Pittsburgh L 28-35 PHILADELPHIA L 3-17 DENVER
L 20-33 PITTSBURGH L 16-51 at Jacksonville W 27-6 at Houston L 3-10 at Kansas City
W 24-14 at San Francisco L 10-16 HOUSTON W 33-16 TENNESSEE W 30-14 MIAMI
L 17-20 OT at Denver W 18-12 at Miami L 20-26 OT at N.Y. Jets L 20-23 OT at Oakland
W 24-16 BALTIMORE W 30-24 TENNESSEE L 10-20 at Miami L 20-27 at Denver

L 10-31 at N.Y. Jets L 9-20 CAROLINA W 31-10 CLEVELAND W 42-14 at Tampa Bay
W 28-14 TENNESSEE W 23-20 MIAMI W 20-7 at Indianapolis L 14-28 at Cleveland
L 20-27 OAKLAND L 17-51 at New England L 17-24 PHILADELPHIA L 33-35 INDIANAPOLIS
L 27-30 at San Diego L 13-16 OT at Indianapolis W 27-14 at Miami L 13-14 BUFFALO
W 33-30 OT at Baltimore L 31-38 at Tampa Bay W 34-20 WASHINGTON L 10-38 MIAMI
L 23-26 OT DENVER L 20-31 HOUSTON L 23-30 at New England L 7-10 ATLANTA
L 6-24 at St. Louis W 34-31 BUFFALO L 20-34 at Oakland L 6-20 at Houston
L 20-34 ARIZONA L 23-28 at N.Y. Jets W 28-23 JACKSONVILLE W 34-28 OT at New Orleans
L 10-31 at Cincinnati W 22-20 at Baltimore L 17-22 BUFFALO L 10-27 CAROLINA
L 9-30 at Pittsburgh W 19-13 TENNESSEE L 17-24 at Houston L 13-19 at Jacksonville
L 3-37 CINCINNATI L 39-42 at Tennessee W 23-20 OT at N.Y. Giants W 42-39 JACKSONVILLE
L 13-30 at Seattle L 17-23 ATLANTA W 19-16 at Dallas L 16-33 at New England
L 13-17 at Kansas City L 27-38 at New Orleans W 26-20 OT NEW ENGLAND L 6-34 HOUSTON
L 12-28 PITTSBURGH L 6-30 at Houston L 17-22 at Buffalo L 24-30 at Indianapolis

238 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


W 31-19 NEW ORLEANS W 27-26 N.Y. GIANTS L 19-31 at Arizona W 20-3 MINNESOTA
W 48-23 at Chicago W 20-10 at Philadelphia L 19-26 TAMPA BAY L 18-43 at Pittsburgh
W 47-7 SAN FRANCISCO L 28-39 ATLANTA L 22-27 at Carolina L 7-47 at Arizona
L 22-24 ST. LOUIS L 20-26 OT at New Orleans W 26-20 OT DALLAS L 3-17 GREEN BAY
W 42-17 at Detroit L 6-30 NEW ENGLAND L 17-39 at Philadelphia L 27-30 at N.Y. Giants
L 13-25 at Pittsburgh L 20-27 at N.Y. Giants W 31-21 ATLANTA W 25-20 BALTIMORE
W 26-18 BALTIMORE L 12-13 SEATTLE W 27-21 at Indianapolis L 3-20 SEATTLE
W 34-20 at Cleveland L 27-33 OT PHILADELPHIA W 52-49 N.Y. GIANTS L 6-27 at St. Louis
W 39-32 at Seattle L 6-10 at Tampa Bay L 28-34 OT TENNESSEE W 17-16 ATLANTA
W 34-31 CINCINNATI W 24-14 at Miami L 14-47 at Washington L 13-29 at Seattle
W 19-13 at San Francisco L 14-33 CAROLINA L 6-24 at Houston L 13-19 ARIZONA
W 27-3 at St. Louis W 19-16 at Washington L 38-41 CAROLINA W 26-20 OT at Chicago
W 23-20 MINNESOTA L 7-28 at Green Bay W 24-17 at Tampa Bay L 10-24 at Cleveland
W 40-17 at Philadelphia L 16-19 N.Y. JETS L 27-35 DETROIT L 14-24 CINCINNATI
W 38-8 GREEN BAY L 6-16 at Buffalo W 38-27 JACKSONVILLE L 17-32 at Detroit
L 6-36 SEATTLE L 23-34 WASHINGTON W 20-17 at Atlanta W 19-16 OT ST. LOUIS

W 26-24 PHILADELPHIA L 28-33 at San Diego L 26-27 at Dallas L 31-34 OT at St. Louis
W 24-20 at N.Y. Giants L 16-26 at Minnesota L 20-24 ATLANTA L 17-27 at Green Bay
W 39-28 at Dallas L 12-24 DENVER W 32-21 WASHINGTON W 26-0 CHICAGO
W 48-21 HOUSTON L 10-13 at Seattle W 24-10 at Buffalo W 13-10 DETROIT
W 25-19 OT WASHINGTON L 17-42 ARIZONA W 30-27 SAN FRANCISCO L 24-27 OT at Cincinnati
L 21-31 at New Orleans W 37-34 OT CHICAGO L 7-27 at Philadelphia L 23-27 CAROLINA
W 10-7 at Tennessee L 19-28 MINNESOTA W 27-20 DALLAS W 20-3 at San Francisco
L 20-23 OT TAMPA BAY L 10-45 at Kansas City L 49-52 at New Orleans W 13-12 at Dallas
L 16-17 at San Francisco W 18-16 at Green Bay W 32-18 at Tampa Bay L 32-39 ARIZONA
L 10-20 MINNESOTA W 45-14 PHILADELPHIA L 14-20 at Washington W 39-30 PITTSBURGH
L 19-23 at Tampa Bay L 23-27 GREEN BAY L 20-23 OT N.Y. JETS W 38-7 at Minnesota
L 0-38 at Carolina L 14-21 at St. Louis W 31-24 at Miami W 35-6 at Baltimore
W 23-17 at Jacksonville W 35-27 at New Orleans L 35-38 CAROLINA W 30-13 CLEVELAND
W 20-13 CAROLINA W 32-17 SAN FRANCISCO L 17-49 at Minnesota L 17-23 ST. LOUIS
L 17-20 NEW ORLEANS W 24-20 at Chicago L 30-35 PHILADELPHIA W 36-6 at Arizona

W 20-9 at Jacksonville W 31-23 at Chicago L 24-26 at Atlanta L 14-42 TENNESSEE
W 24-17 HOUSTON W 27-17 SEATTLE L 10-20 DALLAS W 26-19 at New Orleans
W 27-22 NEW ORLEANS W 38-28 KANSAS CITY W 24-17 at N.Y. Jets L 9-19 at Houston
W 37-23 at Tampa Bay W 17-3 at San Francisco L 20-23 at Washington L 23-37 CAROLINA
W 27-23 at Seattle W 24-10 ST. LOUIS W 39-17 NEW ORLEANS W 38-31 JACKSONVILLE
W 27-16 PHILADELPHIA W 27-20 SAN DIEGO W 27-7 N.Y. GIANTS L 30-31 at Washington
W 29-26 OT INDIANAPOLIS L 10-29 at Denver L 16-27 at Carolina W 23-20 OT at Atlanta
W 37-29 GREEN BAY L 29-37 at Carolina W 33-27 OT at Dallas L 18-32 N.Y. GIANTS
W 27-10 at Tennessee L 16-18 DETROIT L 19-20 MIAMI W 10-6 DALLAS
W 44-16 WASHINGTON W 30-13 at Minnesota L 17-45 TAMPA BAY W 45-17 at Philadelphia
W 33-14 at Dallas L 13-17 CHICAGO L 14-45 at Detroit L 12-25 at Indianapolis
W 41-38 at New Orleans W 27-23 at Detroit W 35-28 at New England W 23-19 ATLANTA
W 38-35 at N.Y. Giants W 30-20 at Oakland L 17-40 ARIZONA L 23-31 at St. Louis
L 13-20 at Atlanta L 8-38 at Arizona L 24-38 WASHINGTON L 21-26 CHICAGO
W 38-10 TAMPA BAY L 13-20 MINNESOTA W 35-30 at N.Y. Giants L 10-38 at Carolina

L 23-31 GREEN BAY L 3-20 at San Francisco W 34-31 OT SEATTLE L 10-17 MIAMI
L 23-48 ARIZONA W 26-16 DETROIT L 10-24 at Washington W 24-10 ST. LOUIS
L 0-26 at Seattle W 31-14 SAN DIEGO L 6-12 PITTSBURGH L 21-32 at N.Y. Giants
W 22-20 OAKLAND L 20-23 at Denver W 24-22 at Arizona W 23-20 PHILADELPHIA
W 18-17 at Kansas City W 16-10 KANSAS CITY L 10-24 at Green Bay L 19-25 OT at Atlanta
L 34-37 OT at Detroit W 28-19 at Detroit W 24-6 CLEVELAND L 20-34 at N.Y. Jets
L 20-23 MINNESOTA W 23-20 at Chicago W 27-6 SAN FRANCISCO W 31-30 TAMPA BAY
W 22-19 at San Diego W 21-18 OT ST. LOUIS L 18-21 OT at Minnesota L 10-27 at New England
W 37-13 at St. Louis W 30-14 at Oakland L 13-37 CHICAGO W 47-14 NEW ORLEANS
L 15-17 DENVER L 13-30 GREEN BAY L 13-16 at Baltimore L 16-44 at Carolina
W 17-13 at Green Bay W 20-10 at Atlanta L 7-31 at Cincinnati W 20-14 N.Y. GIANTS
L 21-24 WASHINGTON L 20-23 at Arizona W 21-14 DETROIT W 24-21 at Chicago
L 17-38 at Minnesota W 38-17 CHICAGO W 31-23 TAMPA BAY W 35-25 BUFFALO
W 26-21 at Tampa Bay W 49-17 N.Y. GIANTS W 23-17 at Seattle W 38-24 at Philadelphia
L 20-24 DETROIT W 20-13 at Green Bay L 16-19 OT at San Francisco W 34-23 at Dallas

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 239

East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Kansas City 30, HOUSTON 0
* New England 12 4 0 .750 465 315 Pittsburgh 18, CINCINNATI 16
New York Jets 10 6 0 .625 387 314 NFC
Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 379 359 Seattle 10, MINNESOTA 9
Miami 6 10 0 .375 310 389 Green Bay 35, WASHINGTON 18
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
* Cincinnati 12 4 0 .750 419 279 DIVISIONAL PLAYOFFS
# Pittsburgh 10 6 0 .625 423 319 AFC
Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 328 401 NEW ENGLAND 27, Kansas City 20
Cleveland 3 13 0 .188 278 432 DENVER 23, Pittsburgh 16
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP NFC
* Houston 9 7 0 .563 339 313 ARIZONA 26, Green Bay 20 (OT)
Indianapolis 8 8 0 .500 333 408 CAROLINA 31, Seattle 24
Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 376 448
Tennessee 3 13 0 .188 299 423 CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP AFC
* Denver 12 4 0 .750 355 296 DENVER 20, New England 18
# Kansas City 11 5 0 .688 405 287 NFC
Oakland 7 9 0 .438 359 399 CAROLINA 49, Arizona 15
San Diego 4 12 0 .250 320 398
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Team Irvin 49, Team Rice 27
* Washington 9 7 0 .563 388 379 Aloha Stadium, Honolulu, Hawaii
Philadelphia 7 9 0 .438 377 430
New York Giants 6 10 0 .375 420 442 SUPER BOWL 50
Dallas 4 12 0 .250 275 374 Denver 24, Carolina 10
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP at Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara, California
* Minnesota 11 5 0 .688 365 302
# Green Bay 10 6 0 .625 368 323
Detroit 7 9 0 .438 358 400 Home teams in playoff games are indicated in CAPS.
Chicago 6 10 0 .375 335 397
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
* Carolina 15 1 0 .938 500 308
Atlanta 8 8 0 .500 339 345
New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 408 476
Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 342 417
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
* Arizona 13 3 0 .813 489 313
# Seattle 10 6 0 .625 423 277
St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 280 330
San Francisco 5 11 0 .313 238 387

* Division champion
# Wild Card team

Denver finished ahead of New England and Cincinnati based

on head-to-head victory against each team. New England fin-
ished ahead of Cincinnati based on better record vs. common
opponents (4-1 to Bengals’ 2-3). Pittsburgh finished ahead of
New York Jets based on better record vs. common opponents
(4-1 to Jets’ 3-2). Green Bay finished ahead of Seattle based
on head-to-head victory.

240 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

American Football Conference American Football Conference American Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New York Jets 1 0 0 1.000 31 10 New England 2 0 0 1.000 68 53 New England 3 0 0 1.000 119 70
Buffalo 1 0 0 1.000 27 14 New York Jets 2 0 0 1.000 51 17 New York Jets 2 1 0 .667 68 41
New England 1 0 0 1.000 28 21 Miami 1 1 0 .500 37 33 Buffalo 2 1 0 .667 100 68
Miami 1 0 0 1.000 17 10 Buffalo 1 1 0 .500 59 54 Miami 1 2 0 .333 51 74
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 1 0 0 1.000 33 13 Cincinnati 2 0 0 1.000 57 32 Cincinnati 3 0 0 1.000 85 56
Baltimore 0 1 0 .000 13 19 Cleveland 1 1 0 .500 38 45 Pittsburgh 2 1 0 .667 76 52
Pittsburgh 0 1 0 .000 21 28 Pittsburgh 1 1 0 .500 64 46 Cleveland 1 2 0 .333 58 72
Cleveland 0 1 0 .000 10 31 Baltimore 0 2 0 .000 46 56 Baltimore 0 3 0 .000 70 84
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Tennessee 1 0 0 1.000 42 14 Jacksonville 1 1 0 .500 32 40 Indianapolis 1 2 0 .333 56 80
Jacksonville 0 1 0 .000 9 20 Tennessee 1 1 0 .500 56 42 Jacksonville 1 2 0 .333 49 91
Houston 0 1 0 .000 20 27 Houston 0 2 0 .000 37 51 Houston 1 2 0 .333 56 60
Indianapolis 0 1 0 .000 14 27 Indianapolis 0 2 0 .000 21 47 Tennessee 1 2 0 .333 89 77
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 1 0 0 1.000 19 13 Denver 2 0 0 1.000 50 37 Denver 3 0 0 1.000 74 49
Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 27 20 Oakland 1 1 0 .500 50 66 Oakland 2 1 0 .667 77 86
San Diego 1 0 0 1.000 33 28 San Diego 1 1 0 .500 52 52 San Diego 1 2 0 .333 66 83
Oakland 0 1 0 .000 13 33 Kansas City 1 1 0 .500 51 51 Kansas City 1 2 0 .333 79 89
National Football Conference National Football Conference National Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Dallas 1 0 0 1.000 27 26 Dallas 2 0 0 1.000 47 36 Dallas 2 1 0 .667 75 75
Washington 0 1 0 .000 10 17 Washington 1 1 0 .500 34 27 New York Giants 1 2 0 .333 78 72
Philadelphia 0 1 0 .000 24 26 New York Giants 0 2 0 .000 46 51 Washington 1 2 0 .333 55 59
New York Giants 0 1 0 .000 26 27 Philadelphia 0 2 0 .000 34 46 Philadelphia 1 2 0 .333 58 63
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 31 23 Green Bay 2 0 0 1.000 58 40 Green Bay 3 0 0 1.000 96 68
Detroit 0 1 0 .000 28 33 Minnesota 1 1 0 .500 29 36 Minnesota 2 1 0 .667 60 50
Minnesota 0 1 0 .000 3 20 Detroit 0 2 0 .000 44 59 Detroit 0 3 0 .000 56 83
Chicago 0 1 0 .000 23 31 Chicago 0 2 0 .000 46 79 Chicago 0 3 0 .000 46 105
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Atlanta 1 0 0`1.000 26 24 Atlanta 2 0 0`1.000 50 44 Carolina 3 0 0 1.000 71 48
Carolina 1 0 0 1.000 20 9 Carolina 2 0 0 1.000 44 26 Atlanta 3 0 0`1.000 89 72
Tampa Bay 0 1 0 .000 14 42 Tampa Bay 1 1 0 .500 40 61 Tampa Bay 1 2 0 .333 49 80
New Orleans 0 1 0 .000 19 31 New Orleans 0 2 0 .000 38 57 New Orleans 0 3 0 .000 60 84
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
St. Louis 1 0 0 1.000 34 31 Arizona 2 0 0 1.000 79 42 Arizona 3 0 0 1.000 126 49
Arizona 1 0 0 1.000 31 19 St. Louis 1 1 0 .500 44 55 St. Louis 1 2 0 .333 50 67
San Francisco 1 0 0 1.000 20 3 San Francisco 1 1 0 .500 38 46 San Francisco 1 2 0 .333 45 93
Seattle 0 1 0 .000 31 34 Seattle 0 2 0 .000 48 61 Seattle 1 2 0 .333 74 61


Thursday, September 10 Thursday, September 17 Thursday, September 24
NEW ENGLAND 28, Pittsburgh 21 Denver 31, KANSAS CITY 24 NEW YORK GIANTS 32, Washington 21

Sunday, September 13 Sunday, September 20 Sunday, September 27

BUFFALO 27, Indianapolis 14 New England 40, BUFFALO 32 Cincinnati 28, BALTIMORE 24
Green Bay 31, CHICAGO 23 CAROLINA 24, Houston 17 CAROLINA 27, New Orleans 22
Kansas City 27, HOUSTON 20 Arizona 48, CHICAGO 23 Oakland 27, CLEVELAND 20
Carolina 20, JACKSONVILLE 9 CINCINNATI 24, San Diego 19 Atlanta 39, DALLAS 28
NEW YORK JETS 31, Cleveland 10 CLEVELAND 28, Tennessee 14 HOUSTON 19, Tampa Bay 9
ST. LOUIS 34, Seattle 31 (OT) MINNESOTA 26, Detroit 16 MINNESOTA 31, San Diego 14
Miami 17, WASHINGTON 10 Tampa Bay 26, NEW ORLEANS 19 NEW ENGLAND 51, Jacksonville 17
ARIZONA 31, New Orleans 19 Atlanta 24, NEW YORK GIANTS 20 Philadelphia 24, NEW YORK JETS 17
SAN DIEGO 33, Detroit 28 PITTSBURGH 43, San Francisco 18 Pittsburgh 12, ST. LOUIS 6
DENVER 19, Baltimore 13 WASHINGTON 24, St. Louis 10 Indianapolis 35, TENNESSEE 33
Cincinnati 33, OAKLAND 13 JACKSONVILLE 23, Miami 20 ARIZONA 47, San Francisco 7
Tennessee 42, TAMPA BAY 14 OAKLAND 37, Baltimore 33 Buffalo 41, MIAMI 14
DALLAS 27, New York Giants 26 Dallas 20, PHILADELPHIA 10 SEATTLE 26, Chicago 0
GREEN BAY 27, Seattle 17 Denver 24, DETROIT 12
Monday, September 14
ATLANTA 26, Philadelphia 24 Monday, September 21 Monday, September 28
SAN FRANCISCO 20, Minnesota 3 New York Jets 20, INDIANAPOLIS 7 GREEN BAY 38, Kansas City 28

In the 2015 Week By Week section,

home teams are indicated by

*For game recaps, box scores, and

video highlights, please visit

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 241

American Football Conference American Football Conference American Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 3 0 0 1.000 119 70 New England 4 0 0 1.000 149 76 New England 5 0 0 1.000 183 103
New York Jets 3 1 0 .750 95 55 New York Jets 3 1 0 .750 95 55 New York Jets 4 1 0 .800 129 75
Buffalo 2 2 0 .500 110 92 Buffalo 3 2 0 .600 124 105 Buffalo 3 3 0 .500 145 139
Miami 1 3 0 .250 65 101 Miami 1 3 0 .250 65 101 Miami 2 3 0 .400 103 111
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 4 0 0 1.000 121 77 Cincinnati 5 0 0 1.000 148 101 Cincinnati 6 0 0 1.000 182 122
Pittsburgh 2 2 0 .500 96 75 Pittsburgh 3 2 0 .600 120 95 Pittsburgh 4 2 0 .667 145 108
Baltimore 1 3 0 .250 93 104 Cleveland 2 3 0 .400 118 132 Cleveland 2 4 0 .333 141 158
Cleveland 1 3 0 .250 85 102 Baltimore 1 4 0 .200 123 137 Baltimore 1 5 0 .167 143 162
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 2 2 0 .500 72 93 Indianapolis 3 2 0 .600 99 113 Indianapolis 3 3 0 .500 126 147
Tennessee 1 2 0 .333 89 77 Tennessee 1 3 0 .250 102 91 Houston 2 4 0 .333 128 155
Houston 1 3 0 .250 77 108 Houston 1 4 0 .200 97 135 Tennessee 1 4 0 .200 112 129
Jacksonville 1 3 0 .250 62 107 Jacksonville 1 4 0 .200 93 145 Jacksonville 1 5 0 .167 113 176
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 4 0 0 1.000 97 69 Denver 5 0 0 1.000 113 79 Denver 6 0 0 1.000 139 102
Oakland 2 2 0 .500 97 108 San Diego 2 3 0 .400 116 134 Oakland 2 3 0 .400 107 124
San Diego 2 2 0 .500 96 110 Oakland 2 3 0 .400 107 124 San Diego 2 4 0 .333 136 161
Kansas City 1 3 0 .250 100 125 Kansas City 1 4 0 .200 117 143 Kansas City 1 5 0 .167 127 159
National Football Conference National Football Conference National Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Dallas 2 2 0 .500 95 101 New York Giants 3 2 0 .600 132 109 Philadelphia 3 3 0 .500 144 110
New York Giants 2 2 0 .500 102 82 Dallas 2 3 0 .400 101 131 New York Giants 3 3 0 .500 139 136
Washington 2 2 0 .500 78 79 Washington 2 3 0 .400 97 104 Dallas 2 3 0 .400 101 131
Philadelphia 1 3 0 .250 78 86 Philadelphia 2 3 0 .400 117 103 Washington 2 4 0 .333 117 138
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Green Bay 4 0 0 1.000 113 71 Green Bay 5 0 0 1.000 137 81 Green Bay 6 0 0 1.000 164 101
Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 80 73 Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 80 73 Minnesota 3 2 0 .600 96 83
Chicago 1 3 0 .250 68 125 Chicago 2 3 0 .400 86 142 Chicago 2 4 0 .333 120 179
Detroit 0 4 0 .000 66 96 Detroit 0 5 0 .000 83 138 Detroit 1 5 0 .167 120 172
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Carolina 4 0 0 1.000 108 71 Atlanta 5 0 0`1.000 162 112 Carolina 5 0 0 1.000 135 94
Atlanta 4 0 0`1.000 137 93 Carolina 4 0 0 1.000 108 71 Atlanta 5 1 0``.833 183 143
Tampa Bay 1 3 0 .250 72 117 Tampa Bay 2 3 0 .400 110 148 Tampa Bay 2 3 0 .400 110 148
New Orleans 1 3 0 .250 86 104 New Orleans 1 4 0 .200 103 143 New Orleans 2 4 0 .333 134 164
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Arizona 3 1 0 .750 148 73 Arizona 4 1 0 .800 190 90 Arizona 4 2 0 .667 203 115
St. Louis 2 2 0 .500 74 89 St. Louis 2 3 0 .400 84 113 St. Louis 2 3 0 .400 84 113
Seattle 2 2 0 .500 87 71 Seattle 2 3 0 .400 111 98 Seattle 2 4 0 .333 134 125
San Francisco 1 3 0 .250 48 110 San Francisco 1 4 0 .200 75 140 San Francisco 2 4 0 .333 100 160


Thursday, October 1 Thursday, October 8 Thursday, October 15
Baltimore 23, PITTSBURGH 20 (OT) Indianapolis 27, HOUSTON 20 NEW ORLEANS 31, Atlanta 21

Sunday, October 4 Sunday, October 11 Sunday, October 18

New York Jets 27, MIAMI 14 (London) ATLANTA 25, Washington 19 (OT) Cincinnati 34, BUFFALO 21
ATLANTA 48, Houston 21 Cleveland 33, BALTIMORE 30 (OT) Denver 26, CLEVELAND 23 (OT)
New York Giants 24, BUFFALO 10 CINCINNATI 27, Seattle 24 (OT) DETROIT 37, Chicago 34 (OT)
CHICAGO 22, Oakland 20 GREEN BAY 24, ST. Louis 10 Houston 31, JACKSONVILLE 20
CINCINNATI 36, Kansas City 21 Chicago 18, KANSAS CITY 17 MINNESOTA 16, Kansas City 10
INDIANAPOLIS 16, Jacksonville 13 (OT) PHILADELPHIA 39, New Orleans 17 NEW YORK JETS 34, Washington 20
Carolina 37, TAMPA BAY 23 TAMPA BAY 38, Jacksonville 31 PITTSBURGH 25, Arizona 13
WASHINGTON 23, Philadelphia 20 Buffalo 14, TENNESSEE 13 Miami 38, TENNESSEE 10
SAN DIEGO 30, Cleveland 27 Arizona 42, DETROIT 17 Carolina 27, SEATTLE 23
St. Louis 24, ARIZONA 22 New England 30, DALLAS 6 GREEN BAY 27, San Diego 20
DENVER 23, Minnesota 20 Denver 16, OAKLAND 10 SAN FRANCISCO 25, Baltimore 20
Green Bay 17, SAN FRANCISCO 3 NEW YORK GIANTS 30, San Francisco 27 New England 34, INDIANAPOLIS 27
NEW ORLEANS 26, Dallas 20 (OT)
Monday, October 12 Monday, October 19
Monday, October 5 Pittsburgh 24, SAN DIEGO 20 PHILADELPHIA 27, New York Giants 7
SEATTLE 13, Detroit 10
Byes: Carolina, Miami, Byes: Dallas, Oakland,
Byes: New England, Tennessee Minnesota, New York Jets St. Louis, Tampa Bay

242 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

American Football Conference American Football Conference American Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 6 0 0 1.000 213 126 New England 7 0 0 1.000 249 133 New England 8 0 0 1.000 276 143
New York Jets 4 2 0 .667 152 105 New York Jets 4 3 0 .571 172 139 New York Jets 5 3 0 .625 200 162
Miami 3 3 0 .500 147 137 Buffalo 3 4 0 .429 176 173 Buffalo 4 4 0 .500 209 190
Buffalo 3 4 0 .429 176 173 Miami 3 4 0 .429 154 173 Miami 3 5 0 .375 171 206
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 6 0 0 1.000 182 122 Cincinnati 7 0 0 1.000 198 132 Cincinnati 8 0 0 1.000 229 142
Pittsburgh 4 3 0 .571 158 131 Pittsburgh 4 4 0 .500 168 147 Pittsburgh 5 4 0 .556 206 182
Cleveland 2 5 0 .286 147 182 Cleveland 2 6 0 .250 167 216 Baltimore 2 6 0 .250 190 214
Baltimore 1 6 0 .143 161 188 Baltimore 2 6 0 .250 190 214 Cleveland 2 7 0 .222 177 247
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 3 4 0 .429 147 174 Indianapolis 3 5 0 .375 173 203 Indianapolis 4 5 0 .444 200 227
Houston 2 5 0 .286 154 199 Houston 3 5 0 .375 174 205 Houston 3 5 0 .375 174 205
Jacksonville 2 5 0 .286 147 207 Jacksonville 2 5 0 .286 147 207 Jacksonville 2 6 0 .250 170 235
Tennessee 1 5 0 .167 119 139 Tennessee 1 6 0 .143 125 159 Tennessee 2 6 0 .250 159 187
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 6 0 0 1.000 139 102 Denver 7 0 0 1.000 168 112 Denver 7 1 0 .875 192 139
Oakland 3 3 0 .500 144 153 Oakland 4 3 0 .571 178 173 Oakland 4 4 0 .500 213 211
Kansas City 2 5 0 .286 150 172 Kansas City 3 5 0 .375 195 182 Kansas City 3 5 0 .375 195 182
San Diego 2 5 0 .286 165 198 San Diego 2 6 0 .250 191 227 San Diego 2 7 0 .222 210 249
National Football Conference National Football Conference National Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New York Giants 4 3 0 .571 166 156 New York Giants 4 4 0 .500 215 208 New York Giants 5 4 0 .556 247 226
Philadelphia 3 4 0 .429 160 137 Washington 3 4 0 .429 148 168 Philadelphia 4 4 0 .500 193 164
Washington 3 4 0 .429 148 168 Philadelphia 3 4 0 .429 160 137 Washington 3 5 0 .375 158 195
Dallas 2 4 0 .333 121 158 Dallas 2 5 0 .286 133 171 Dallas 2 6 0 .250 160 204
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Green Bay 6 0 0 1.000 164 101 Green Bay 6 1 0 .857 174 130 Green Bay 6 2 0 .750 203 167
Minnesota 4 2 0 .667 124 102 Minnesota 5 2 0 .714 147 122 Minnesota 6 2 0 .750 168 140
Chicago 2 4 0 .333 120 179 Chicago 2 5 0 .286 140 202 Chicago 3 5 0 .375 162 221
Detroit 1 6 0 .143 139 200 Detroit 1 7 0 .125 149 245 Detroit 1 7 0 .125 149 245
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Carolina 6 0 0 1.000 162 110 Carolina 7 0 0 1.000 191 136 Carolina 8 0 0 1.000 228 165
Atlanta 6 1 0``.857 193 150 Atlanta 6 2 0``.750 213 173 Atlanta 6 3 0``.667 229 190
New Orleans 3 4 0 .429 161 185 New Orleans 4 4 0 .500 213 234 New Orleans 4 5 0 .444 241 268
Tampa Bay 2 4 0 .333 140 179 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 163 199 Tampa Bay 3 5 0 .375 181 231
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Arizona 5 2 0 .714 229 133 Arizona 6 2 0 .750 263 153 Arizona 6 2 0 .750 263 153
St. Louis 3 3 0 .500 108 119 St. Louis 4 3 0 .571 135 125 St. Louis 4 4 0 .500 153 146
Seattle 3 4 0 .429 154 128 Seattle 4 4 0 .500 167 140 Seattle 4 4 0 .500 167 140
San Francisco 2 5 0 .286 103 180 San Francisco 2 6 0 .250 109 207 San Francisco 3 6 0 .333 126 223


Thursday, October 22 Thursday, October 29 Thursday, November 5
Seattle 20, SAN FRANCISCO 3 NEW ENGLAND 36, Miami 7 CINCINNATI 31, Cleveland 10

Sunday, October 25 Sunday, November 1 Sunday, November 8

JACKSONVILLE 34, Buffalo 31 (London) KANSAS CITY 45, Detroit 10 (London) BUFFALO 33, Miami 17
MIAMI 44, Houston 26 Minnesota 23, CHICAGO 20 NEW ENGLAND 27, Washington 10
KANSAS CITY 23, Pittsburgh 13 HOUSTON 20, Tennessee 6 NEW YORK JETS 28, Jacksonville 23
Minnesota 28, DETROIT 19 BALTIMORE 29, San Diego 26 CAROLINA 37, Green Bay 29
Atlanta 10, TENNESSEE 7 Arizona 34, CLEVELAND 20 MINNESOTA 21, St. Louis 18 (OT)
ST. LOUIS 24, Cleveland 6 ST. LOUIS 27, San Francisco 6 Tennessee 34, NEW ORLEANS 28 (OT)
NEW ENGLAND 30, New York Jets 23 Cincinnati 16, PITTSBURGH 10 PITTSBURGH 38, Oakland 35
WASHINGTON 31, Tampa Bay 30 Tampa Bay 23, ATLANTA 20 (OT) SAN FRANCISCO 17, Atlanta 16
New Orleans 27, INDIANAPOLIS 21 NEW ORLEANS 52, New York Giants 49 New York Giants 32, TAMPA BAY 18
Oakland 37, SAN DIEGO 29 OAKLAND 34, New York Jets 20 INDIANAPOLIS 27, Denver 24
NEW YORK GIANTS 27, Dallas 20 Seattle 13, DALLAS 12 Philadelphia 33, DALLAS 27 (OT)
CAROLINA 27, Philadelphia 16 DENVER 29, Green Bay 10
Monday, November 9
Monday, October 26 Monday, November 2 Chicago 22, SAN DIEGO 19
ARIZONA 26, Baltimore 18 CAROLINA 29, Indianapolis 26 (OT)
Byes: Arizona, Baltimore, Detroit,
Byes: Chicago, Cincinnati, Byes: Buffalo, Jacksonville, Houston, Kansas City, Seattle
Denver, Green Bay Philadelphia, Washington

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 243

American Football Conference American Football Conference American Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 9 0 0 1.000 303 169 New England 10 0 0 1.000 323 182 New England 10 1 0 .909 347 212
Buffalo 5 4 0 .556 231 207 Buffalo 5 5 0 .500 244 227 New York Jets 6 5 0 .545 272 228
New York Jets 5 4 0 .556 217 184 New York Jets 5 5 0 .500 234 208 Buffalo 5 6 0 .455 266 257
Miami 4 5 0 .444 191 225 Miami 4 6 0 .400 205 249 Miami 4 7 0 .364 225 287
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 8 1 0 .889 235 152 Cincinnati 8 2 0 .800 266 186 Cincinnati 9 2 0 .818 297 193
Pittsburgh 6 4 0 .600 236 191 Pittsburgh 6 4 0 .600 236 191 Pittsburgh 6 5 0 .545 266 230
Baltimore 2 7 0 .222 210 236 Baltimore 3 7 0 .300 226 249 Baltimore 4 7 0 .364 259 276
Cleveland 2 8 0 .200 186 277 Cleveland 2 8 0 .200 186 277 Cleveland 2 9 0 .182 213 310
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 4 5 0 .444 200 227 Indianapolis 5 5 0 .500 224 248 Indianapolis 6 5 0 .545 249 260
Houston 4 5 0 .444 184 211 Houston 5 5 0 .500 208 228 Houston 6 5 0 .545 232 234
Jacksonville 3 6 0 .333 192 255 Jacksonville 4 6 0 .400 211 268 Jacksonville 4 7 0 .364 236 299
Tennessee 2 7 0 .222 169 214 Tennessee 2 8 0 .200 182 233 Tennessee 2 9 0 .182 203 257
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 7 2 0 .778 205 168 Denver 8 2 0 .800 222 183 Denver 9 2 0 .818 252 207
Kansas City 4 5 0 .444 224 195 Kansas City 5 5 0 .500 257 198 Kansas City 6 5 0 .545 287 220
Oakland 4 5 0 .444 227 241 Oakland 4 6 0 .400 240 259 Oakland 5 6 0 .455 264 280
San Diego 2 7 0 .222 210 249 San Diego 2 8 0 .200 213 282 San Diego 3 8 0 .273 244 307
National Football Conference National Football Conference National Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New York Giants 5 5 0 .500 273 253 New York Giants 5 5 0 .500 273 253 Washington 5 6 0 .455 241 267
Washington 4 5 0 .444 205 209 Washington 4 6 0 .400 221 253 New York Giants 5 6 0 .455 287 273
Philadelphia 4 5 0 .444 212 184 Philadelphia 4 6 0 .400 229 229 Philadelphia 4 7 0 .364 243 274
Dallas 2 7 0 .222 166 214 Dallas 3 7 0 .300 190 228 Dallas 3 8 0 .273 204 261
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Minnesota 7 2 0 .778 198 154 Green Bay 7 3 0 .700 249 198 Minnesota 8 3 0 .727 231 194
Green Bay 6 3 0 .667 219 185 Minnesota 7 3 0 .700 211 184 Green Bay 7 4 0 .636 262 215
Chicago 4 5 0 .444 199 234 Chicago 4 6 0 .400 214 251 Chicago 5 6 0 .455 231 264
Detroit 2 7 0 .222 167 261 Detroit 3 7 0 .300 185 274 Detroit 4 7 0 .364 230 288
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Carolina 9 0 0 1.000 255 175 Carolina 10 0 0 1.000 299 191 Carolina 11 0 0 1.000 332 205
Atlanta 6 3 0``.667 229 190 Atlanta 6 4 0``.600`250 214 Atlanta 6 5 0``.545`260 234
Tampa Bay 4 5 0 .444 191 237 Tampa Bay 5 5 0 .500 236 254 Tampa Bay 5 6 0 .455 248 279
New Orleans 4 6 0 .400 255 315 New Orleans 4 6 0 .400 255 315 New Orleans 4 7 0 .364 261 339
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Arizona 7 2 0 .778 302 185 Arizona 8 2 0 .800 336 216 Arizona 9 2 0 .818 355 229
St. Louis 4 5 0 .444 166 183 Seattle 5 5 0 .500 228 192 Seattle 6 5 0 .545`267 222
Seattle 4 5 0 .444 199 179 St. Louis 4 6 0 .400 179 199 St. Louis 4 7 0 .364 186 230
San Francisco 3 6 0 .333 126 223 San Francisco 3 7 0 .300 139 252 San Francisco 3 8 0 .273 152 271


Thursday, November 12 Thursday, November 19 Thursday, November 26
Buffalo 22, NEW YORK JETS 17 JACKSONVILLE 19, Tennessee 13 DETROIT 45, Philadelphia 14
Carolina 33, DALLAS 14
Sunday, November 15 Sunday, November 22 Chicago 17, GREEN BAY 13
Carolina 27, TENNESSEE 10 DETROIT 18, Oakland 13
Chicago 37, ST. LOUIS 13 CAROLINA 44, Washington 16 Sunday, November 29
PITTSBURGH 30, Cleveland 9 Dallas 24, MIAMI 14 Minnesota 20, ATLANTA 10
WASHINGTON 47, New Orleans 14 BALTIMORE 16, St. Louis 13 CINCINNATI 31, St. Louis 7
TAMPA BAY 10, Dallas 6 Denver 17, CHICAGO 15 HOUSTON 24, New Orleans 6
Miami 20, PHILADELPHIA 19 Indianapolis 24, ATLANTA 21 INDIANAPOLIS 25, Tampa Bay 12
Jacksonville 22, BALTIMORE 20 HOUSTON 24, New York Jets 17 San Diego 31, JACKSONVILLE 25
Detroit 18, GREEN BAY 16 Tampa Bay 45, PHILADELPHIA 17 KANSAS CITY 30, Buffalo 22
Minnesota 30, OAKLAND 14 Kansas City 33, SAN DIEGO 3 NEW YORK JETS 38, Miami 20
Kansas City 29, DENVER 13 SEATTLE 29, San Francisco 13 Oakland 24, TENNESSEE 21
New England 27, NEW YORK GIANTS 26 Green Bay 30, MINNESOTA 13 WASHINGTON 20, New York Giants 14
Arizona 39, SEATTLE 32 ARIZONA 34, Cincinnati 31 Arizona 19, SAN FRANCISCO 13
SEATTLE 39, Pittsburgh 30
Monday, November 16 Monday, November 23 DENVER 30, New England 24 (OT)
Houston 10, CINCINNATI 6 NEW ENGLAND 20, Buffalo 13
Monday, November 30
Byes: Atlanta, Indianapolis, Byes: Cleveland, New Orleans, Baltimore 33, CLEVELAND 27
San Diego, San Francisco New York Giants, Pittsburgh

244 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

American Football Conference American Football Conference American Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 10 2 0 .833 375 247 New England* 11 2 0 .846 402 253 New England* 12 2 0 .857 435 269
New York Jets 7 5 0 .583 295 248 New York Jets 8 5 0 .615 325 256 New York Jets 9 5 0 .643 344 272
Buffalo 6 6 0 .500 296 278 Buffalo 6 7 0 .462 316 301 Buffalo 6 8 0 .429 341 336
Miami 5 7 0 .417 240 300 Miami 5 8 0 .385 264 331 Miami 5 9 0 .357 278 361
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 10 2 0 .833 334 196 Cincinnati 10 3 0 .769 354 229 Cincinnati 11 3 0 .786 378 243
Pittsburgh 7 5 0 .583 311 240 Pittsburgh 8 5 0 .615 344 260 Pittsburgh 9 5 0 .643 378 287
Baltimore 4 8 0 .333 272 291 Baltimore 4 9 0 .308 278 326 Baltimore 4 10 0 .286 292 360
Cleveland 2 10 0 .167 216 347 Cleveland 3 10 0 .231 240 357 Cleveland 3 11 0 .214 253 387
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 6 6 0 .500 259 305 Indianapolis 6 7 0 .462 275 356 Houston 7 7 0 .500 275 301
Houston 6 6 0 .500 253 264 Houston 6 7 0 .462 259 291 Indianapolis 6 8 0 .429 285 372
Jacksonville 4 8 0 .333 275 341 Jacksonville 5 8 0 .385 326 357 Jacksonville 5 9 0 .357 343 380
Tennessee 3 9 0 .250 245 296 Tennessee 3 10 0 .231 253 326 Tennessee 3 11 0 .214 269 359
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 10 2 0 .833 269 210 Denver 10 3 0 .769 281 225 Denver 10 4 0 .714 308 259
Kansas City 7 5 0 .583 321 240 Kansas City 8 5 0 .615 331 243 Kansas City 9 5 0 .643 365 257
Oakland 5 7 0 .417 284 314 Oakland 6 7 0 .462 299 326 Oakland 6 8 0 .429 319 356
San Diego 3 9 0 .250 247 324 San Diego 3 10 0 .231 250 334 San Diego 4 10 0 .286 280 348
National Football Conference National Football Conference National Football Conference
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Washington 5 7 0 .417 257 286 Washington 6 7 0 .462 281 307 Washington 7 7 0 .500 316 332
Philadelphia 5 7 0 .417 278 302 Philadelphia 6 7 0 .462 301 322 Philadelphia 6 8 0 .429 318 362
New York Giants 5 7 0 .417 307 296 New York Giants 6 7 0 .462 338 320 New York Giants 6 8 0 .429 373 358
Dallas 4 8 0 .333 223 277 Dallas 4 9 0 .308 230 305 Dallas 4 10 0 .286 246 324
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Green Bay 8 4 0 .667 289 238 Green Bay 9 4 0 .692 317 245 Green Bay 10 4 0 .714 347 265
Minnesota 8 4 0 .667 238 232 Minnesota 8 5 0 .615 258 255 Minnesota 9 5 0 .643 296 272
Chicago 5 7 0 .417 251 290 Chicago 5 8 0 .385 272 314 Detroit 5 9 0 .357 302 363
Detroit 4 8 0 .333 253 315 Detroit 4 9 0 .308 267 336 Chicago 5 9 0 .357 289 352
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Carolina* 12 0 0 1.000 373 243 Carolina* 13 0 0 1.000 411 243 Carolina* 14 0 0 1.000 449 278
Tampa Bay 6 6 0 .500 271 298 Tampa Bay 6 7 0 .462 288 322 Atlanta 7 7 0``.500 302 312
Atlanta 6 6 0``.500`279 257 Atlanta 6 7 0``.462 279 295 Tampa Bay 6 8 0 .429 311 353
New Orleans 4 8 0 .333 299 380 New Orleans 5 8 0 .385 323 397 New Orleans 5 9 0 .357 350 432
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Arizona 10 2 0 .833 382 232 Arizona# 11 2 0 .846 405 252 Arizona# 12 2 0 .857 445 269
Seattle 7 5 0 .583 305 229 Seattle 8 5 0 .615 340 235 Seattle 9 5 0 .643 370 248
St. Louis 4 8 0 .333 189 257 St. Louis 5 8 0 .385 210 271 St. Louis 6 8 0 .329 241 294
San Francisco 4 8 0 .333 178 291 San Francisco 4 9 0 .308 188 315 San Francisco 4 10 0 .286 202 339
*Clinched division title *Clinched division title *Clinched division title
#Clinched playoff berth #Clinched playoff berth


Thursday, December 3 Thursday, December 10 Thursday, December 17
Green Bay 27, DETROIT 23 ARIZONA 23, Minnesota 20 ST. LOUIS 31, Tampa Bay 23

Sunday, December 6 Sunday, December 13 Saturday, December 19

BUFFALO 30, Houston 21 Seattle 35, BALTIMORE 6 New York Jets 19, DALLAS 16
San Francisco 26, CHICAGO 20 (OT) CAROLINA 38, Atlanta 0
Cincinnati 37, CLEVELAND 3 Washington 24, CHICAGO 21 Sunday, December 20
MIAMI 15, Baltimore 13 Pittsburgh 33, CINCINNATI 20 MINNESOTA 38, Chicago 17
Seattle 38, MINNESOTA 7 CLEVELAND 24, San Francisco 10 Kansas City 34, BALTIMORE 14
New York Jets 23, NEW YORK GIANTS 20 (OT) JACKSONVILLE 51, Indianapolis 16 Carolina 38, NEW YORK GIANTS 35
Arizona 27, ST. LOUIS 3 KANSAS CITY 10, San Diego 3 WASHINGTON 35, Buffalo 25
TAMPA BAY 23, Atlanta 19 NEW YORK JETS 30, Tennessee 8 Atlanta 23, JACKSONVILLE 17
TENNESSEE 42, Jacksonville 39 PHILADELPHIA 23, Buffalo 20 Houston 16, INDIANAPOLIS 10
Kansa City 34, OAKLAND 20 ST. LOUIS 21, Detroit 14 NEW ENGLAND 33, Tennessee 16
Denver 17, SAN DIEGO 3 New Orleans 24, TAMPA BAY 17 SEATTLE 30, Cleveland 13
Philadelphia 35, NEW ENGLAND 28 Oakland 15, DENVER 12 Green Bay 30, OAKLAND 20
Carolina 41, NEW ORLEANS 38 GREEN BAY 28, Dallas 7 Cincinnati 24, SAN FRANCISCO 14
PITTSBURGH 45, Indianapolis 10 New England 27, HOUSTON 6 SAN DIEGO 30, Miami 14
PITTSBURGH 34, Denver 27
Monday, December 7 Monday, December 14 Arizona 40, PHILADELPHIA 17
Dallas 19, WASHINGTON 16 New York Giants 31, MIAMI 24
Monday, December 21
Detroit 35, NEW ORLEANS 27

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 245

American Football Conference American Football Conference BREAKDOWN
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England* 12 3 0 .800 455 295 New England* 12 4 0 .750 468 315 Games Attendance Average
New York Jets 10 5 0 .667 370 292 New York Jets 10 6 0 .625 387 314
Buffalo 7 8 0 .467 357 342 Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 379 359 NFL Preseason Total
Miami 5 10 0 .333 290 379 Miami 6 10 0 .375 310 389 65 3,753,311 57,743
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
NFL Regular-Season Total
Cincinnati 11 4 0 .733 395 263 Cincinnati* 12 4 0 .750 419 279
Pittsburgh 9 6 0 .600 395 307 Pittsburgh# 10 6 0 .625 423 319 256 16,774,160 65,524
Baltimore 5 10 0 .333 312 377 Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 328 401 NFL Postseason Total
Cleveland 3 12 0 .200 266 404 Cleveland 3 13 0 .188 278 432 12 795,438 66,287
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Houston 8 7 0 .533 309 307 Houston 9 7 0 .563 393 313 NFL All Games
Indianapolis 7 8 0 .467 303 384 Indianapolis* 8 8 0 .500 333 408 333 21,322,909 64,033
Jacksonville 5 10 0 .333 370 418 Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 376 448
Tennessee 3 12 0 .200 275 393 Tennessee 3 13 0 .188 299 423
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP 1.1-MILLION CLUB
Denver 11 4 0 .733 328 276 Denver* 12 4 0 .750 355 296 During the 2015 season, nine teams drew
Kansas City 10 5 0 .667 382 270 Kansas City# 11 5 0 .688 405 287 more than 1.1 million paid attendance home
Oakland 7 8 0 .467 342 376 Oakland 7 9 0 .438 359 399 and away during the regular season. The
San Diego 4 11 0 .267 300 371 San Diego 4 12 0 .250 320 398 Dallas Cowboys led the NFL in regular-sea-
National Football Conference National Football Conference son paid attendance (1,221,251). The
East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP East Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cowboys also led the league in home paid
Washington 8 7 0 .533 354 356 Washington* 9 7 0 .563 388 379 attendance (668,909).
New York Giants 6 9 0 .400 390 407 Philadelphia 7 9 0 .438 377 430
Philadelphia 6 9 0 .400 342 400 New York Giants 6 10 0 .375 420 442
Dallas 4 11 0 .267 252 340 Dallas 4 12 0 .250 275 374 Total Paid Total Paid Total Paid
North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP North Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Home Visiting Cumulative
Green Bay 10 5 0 .667 355 303 Minnesota* 11 5 0 .688 365 302 Team Attendance Attendance Attendance
Minnesota 10 5 0 .667 345 289 Green Bay# 10 6 0 .625 368 323 Dallas 668,909 552,342 1,221,251
Detroit 6 9 0 .400 334 380 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 358 400 N.Y. Jets 602,247 562,800 1,165,047
Chicago 6 9 0 .400 315 373 Chicago 6 10 0 .375 335 397 N.Y. Giants 632,486 526,004 1,158,490
South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP South Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Green Bay 627,304 507,237 1,134,541
Carolina* 14 1 0 .933 462 298 Carolina* 15 1 0 .938 500 308 Philadelphia 545,595 571,651 1,117,246
Atlanta 8 7 0``.533 322 325 Atlanta 8 8 0``.500 339 345 Denver 600,796 515,800 1,116,596
Tampa Bay 6 9 0 .400 332 379 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 408 476 Carolina 578,147 535,790 1,113,937
New Orleans 6 9 0 .400 388 459 Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 342 417 New England 512,392 589,137 1,101,529
West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP West Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Kansas City 584,975 516,165 1,101,140
Arizona# 13 2 0 .867 483 277 Arizona* 13 3 0 .813 489 313
Seattle 9 6 0 .600 387 271 Seattle# 10 6 0 .625 423 277 For complete year-by-year attendance records, see
St. Louis 7 8 0 .467 264 311 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 280 330 pages 541-542.
San Francisco 4 11 0 .267 219 371 San Francisco 5 11 0 .313 238 387
*Clinched division title *Clinched division title
#Clinched playoff berth #Clinched wild-card berth


Thursday, December 24 Sunday, January 3, 2016
OAKLAND 23, San Diego 20 (OT) New Orleans 20, ATLANTA 17
BUFFALO 22, New York Jets 17
Saturday, December 26 CAROLINA 38, Tampa Bay 10
Washington 38, PHILADELPHIA 24 Detroit 24, CHICAGO 20
CINCINNATI 24, Baltimore 16
Sunday, December 27 Pittsburgh 28, CLEVELAND 12
ATLANTA 20, Carolina 13 Washington 34, DALLAS 23
BALTIMORE 20, Pittsburgh 17 HOUSTON 30, Jacksonville 6
BUFFALO 16, Dallas 6 INDIANPOLIS 30, Tennessee 24
DETROIT 32, San Francisco 17 KANSAS CITY 23, Oakland 17
KANSAS CITY 17, Cleveland 13 MIAMI 20, New England 10
Indianapolis 18, MIAMI 12 Philadelphia 35, NEW YORK GIANTS 30
NEW ORLEANS 38, Jacksonville 27 Seattle 36, ARIZONA 6
NEW YORK JETS 26, New England 20 (OT) DENVER 27, San Diego 20
Chicago 26, TAMPA BAY 21 SAN FRANCISCO 19, St. Louis 16 (OT)
Houston 34, TENNESSEE 6 Minnesota 20, GREEN BAY 13
ARIZONA 38, Green Bay 8
St. Louis 23, SEATTLE 17
MINNESOTA 49, New York Giants 17

Monday, December 28
DENVER 20, Cincinnati 17 (OT)

246 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Offense Defense Special Teams
Week 1 QB Marcus Mariota, Tennessee CB Aqib Talib, Denver WR-PR Jarvis Landry, Miami
Week 2 QB Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh CB Darrelle Revis, New York Jets PR-WR Travis Benjamin, Cleveland
Week 3 WR A.J. Green, Cincinnati LB Preston Brown, Buffalo P Pat McAfee, Indianapolis
Week 4 QB Philip Rivers, San Diego S T.J. Ward, Denver K Justin Tucker, Baltimore
Week 5 QB Josh McCown, Cleveland S Mike Adams, Indianapolis K Mike Nugent, Cincinnati
Week 6 WR DeAndre Hopkins, Houston DE Cameron Wake, Miami K Chris Boswell, Pittsburgh
Week 7 QB Ryan Tannehill, Miami LB Telvin Smith, Jacksonville K Stephen Gostkowski, New England
Week 8 QB Tom Brady, New England DE Derek Wolfe, Denver K Justin Tucker, Baltimore
Week 9 QB Marcus Mariota, Tennessee CB Darius Butler, Indianapolis P Ryan Quigley, New York Jets
Week 10 QB Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh S Baccari Rambo, Buffalo K Stephen Gostkowski, New England
Week 11 QB Brock Osweiler, Denver DE J.J. Watt, Houston P Dustin Colquitt, Kansas City
Week 12 RB C.J. Anderson, Denver CB Leon Hall, Cincinnati S Will Hill, Baltimore
Week 13 WR Brandon Marshall, New York Jets S Tyvon Branch, Kansas City PR-WR Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh
Week 14 QB Ryan Fitzpatrick, New York Jets DE Khalil Mack, Oakland PR-WR Rashad Greene, Jacksonville
Week 15 WR Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh CB Marcus Peters, Kansas City DE Carlos Dunlap, Cincinnati
Week 16 QB Ryan Fitzpatrick, New York Jets LB Robert Mathis, Indianapolis P Marquette King, Oakland
Week 17 RB Ronnie Hillman, Denver DE J.J. Watt, Houston LB D.J. Alexander, Kansas City


Offense Defense Special Teams
September QB Tom Brady, New England LB DeMarcus Ware, Denver K Stephen Gostkowski, New England
October QB Andy Dalton, Cincinnati S Charles Woodson, Oakland K Brandon McManus, Denver
November WR Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh DE J.J. Watt, Houston K Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis
December WR Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh LB Whitney Mercilus, Houston K Chris Bowell, Pittsburgh


Offense Defense Special Teams
Week 1 WR Julio Jones, Atlanta DT Aaron Donald, St. Louis PR-WR Tavon Austin, St. Louis
Week 2 WR Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona LB Sean Lee, Dallas KR-RB David Johnson, Arizona
Week 3 QB Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay S Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona PR-RB Darren Sproles, Philadelphia
Week 4 QB Drew Brees, New Orleans CB Josh Norman, Carolina K Robbie Gould, Chicago
Week 5 QB Eli Manning, New York Giants DE Fletcher Cox, Philadelphia PR Bobby Rainey, Tampa Bay
Week 6 WR Calvin Johnson, Detroit DT Kawann Short, Carolina LB Michael Mauti, New Orleans
Week 7 QB Kirk Cousins, Washington DE Michael Bennett, Seattle KR Dwayne Harris, New York Giants
Week 8 QB Drew Brees, New Orleans LB Kwon Alexander, Tampa Bay PR Marcus Sherels, Minnesota
Week 9 QB Cam Newton, Carolina DT Linval Joseph, Minnesota K Josh Brown, New York Giants
Week 10 QB Kirk Cousins, Washington CB Terence Newman, Minnesota KR Ameer Abdullah, Detroit
Week 11 QB Cam Newton, Carolina LB Lavonte David, Tampa Bay K Mason Crosby, Green Bay
Week 12 QB Russell Wilson, Seattle LB Luke Kuechly, Carolina P Sam Martin, Detroit
Week 13 QB Cam Newton, Carolina S Malcolm Jenkins, Philadelphia K Dan Bailey, Dallas
Week 14 QB Eli Manning, New York Giants DT Aaron Donald, St. Louis K Chandler Catanzaro, Arizona
Week 15 QB Cam Newton, Carolina LB Deone Bucannon, Arizona KR Benny Cunningham, St. Louis
Week 16 WR Julio Jones, Atlanta LB Dwight Freeney, Arizona K Blair Walsh, Minnesota
Week 17 QB Cam Newton, Carolina DE Everson Griffen, Minnesota PR-KR-WR Tyler Lockett, Seattle


Offense Defense Special Teams
September WR Julio Jones, Atlanta CB Josh Norman, Carolina KR-PR Tyler Lockett, Seattle
October RB Devonta Freeman, Atlanta DT Kawann Short, Carolina P Johnny Hekker, St. Louis
November RB Adrian Peterson, Minnesota S Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona K Graham Gano, Carolina
December QB Kirk Cousins, Washington DT Kawann Short, Carolina KR-PR Tyler Lockett, Seattle


Offense (College) Defense (College)
September QB Marcus Mariota, Tennessee (Oregon) CB Marcus Peters, Kansas City (Washington)
October RB Todd Gurley, St. Louis (Georgia) LB Eric Kendricks, Minnesota (UCLA)
November QB Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay (Florida State) CB Damarious Randall, Green Bay (Arizona State)
December RB David Johnson, Arizona (Northern Iowa) CB Marcus Peters, Kansas City (Washington)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 247

Most Valuable Player Cam Newton Selected by Professional Football Writers of America
Offensive Player of the Year Cam Newton Offense:
Defensive Player of the Year J.J. Watt Cam Newton, Carolina Quarterback
Offensive Rookie of the Year Todd Gurley Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Running Back
Defensive Rookie of the Year Marcus Peters Doug Martin, Tampa Bay Running Back
Comeback Player of the Year Eric Berry Rob Gronkowski, New England Tight End
Coach of the Year Ron Rivera Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Wide Receiver
Julio Jones, Atlanta Wide Receiver
THE SPORTING NEWS Joe Thomas, Cleveland Tackle
Offensive Player of the Year Cam Newton Tyron Smith, Dallas Tackle
Defensive Player of the Year J.J. Watt Marshal Yanda, Baltimore Guard
Rookie of the Year Todd Gurley Zack Martin, Dallas Guard
Comeback Player of the Year Carson Palmer Ryan Kalil, Carolina Center
Coach of the Year Ron Rivera Defense:
J.J. Watt, Houston End
Khalil Mack, Oakland End
Most Valuable Player Cam Newton
Aaron Donald, St. Louis Tackle
Offensive Player of the Year Cam Newton
Geno Atkins, Cincinnati Tackle
Defensive Player of the Year J.J. Watt
Von Miller, Denver Outside Linebacker
Rookie of the Year Todd Gurley
Khalil Mack, Oakland Outside Linebacker
Offensive Rookie of the Year Todd Gurley
Luke Kuechly, Carolina Inside Linebacker
Defensive Rookie of the Year Marcus Peters
Josh Norman, Carolina Cornerback
Comeback Player of the Year Eric Berry
Patrick Peterson, Arizona Cornerback
Most Improved Players of the Year Kirk Cousins/
Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona Safety
Josh Norman
Eric Berry, Kansas City Safety
Coach of the Year Ron Rivera
Special Teams:
Assistant Coaches of the Year Hue Jackson/
Stephen Gostkowski, New England Kicker
Wade Phillips
Johnny Hekker, St. Louis Punter
Executive of the Year Mike Maccagnan
Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota Kick Returner
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED (PETER KING/MMQB) Darren Sproles, Philadelphia Punt Returner
Most Valuable Player Cam Newton Justin Bethel, Arizona Special Teams Player
Offense Rookie of the Year Todd Gurley
Defensive Rookie of the Year Marcus Peters
Selected by the Associated Press
Coach of the Year Ron Rivera
Assistant Coach of the Year Wade Phillips
Cam Newton, Carolina Quarterback
Executive of the Year David Gettleman
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Running Back
MAXWELL CLUB AWARDS Doug Martin, Tampa Bay Running Back
Player of the Year (Bert Bell Trophy) Cam Newton Mike Tolbert, Carolina Fullback
Coach of the Year Ron Rivera Rob Gronkowski, New England Tight End
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Wide Receiver
WALTER PAYTON NFL MAN OF THE YEAR Julio Jones, Atlanta Wide Receiver
Man of the Year Anquan Boldin Joe Thomas, Cleveland Tackle
Andrew Whitworth, Cincinnati Tackle
SUPER BOWL 50 MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Marshal Yanda, Baltimore Guard
Pete Rozelle Trophy Von Miller David DeCastro, Pittsburgh Guard
2016 PRO BOWL MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS Ryan Kalil, Carolina Center
Pro Bowl Offensive MVP Russell Wilson Defense:
Pro Bowl Defensive MVP Michael Bennett J.J. Watt, Houston End
Khalil Mack, Oakland End
Rooney Sportsmanship Award Charles Woodson Geno Atkins, Cincinnati Tackle
Von Miller, Denver Outside Linebacker
FEDEX AIR & GROUND NFL PLAYERS OF THE YEAR Khalil Mack, Oakland Outside Linebacker
FedEx Air NFL Player of the Year Carson Palmer Thomas Davis, Carolina Outside Linebacker
FedEx Ground NFL Player of the Year Adrian Peterson Luke Kuechly, Carolina Inside Linebacker
NaVorro Bowman, San Francisco Inside Linebacker
Josh Norman, Carolina Cornerback
Rookie of the Year Jameis Winston
Patrick Peterson, Arizona Cornerback
Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona Safety
Eric Berry, Kansas City Safety
Special Teams:
Stephen Gostkowski, New England Kicker
Johnny Hekker, St. Louis Punter
Tyler Lockett, Seattle Kick Returner

248 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Selected by the Associated Press and the Professional Football Selected by Professional Football Writers of America
Writers of America
Offense: Offense:
Cam Newton, Carolina (PFWA,AP) Quarterback Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay Quarterback
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota (PFWA,AP) Running Back Todd Gurley, St. Louis Running Back
Doug Martin, Tampa Bay (PFWA,AP) Running Back Thomas Rawls, Seattle Running Back
Mike Tolbert, Carolina (AP) Fullback Will Tye, New York Giants Tight End
Rob Gronkowski, New England (PFWA,AP) Tight End Amari Cooper, Oakland Wide Receiver
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh (PFWA,AP) Wide Receiver Stefon Diggs, Minnesota Wide Receiver
Julio Jones, Atlanta (PFWA,AP) Wide Receiver Rob Havenstein, St. Louis Tackle
Joe Thomas, Cleveland (PFWA,AP) Tackle Donovan Smith, Tampa Bay Tackle
Tyron Smith, Dallas (PFWA) Tackle Ali Marpet, Tampa Bay Guard
Andrew Whitworth, Cincinnati (AP) Tackle Brandon Scherff, Washington Guard
Marshal Yanda, Baltimore (PFWA,AP) Guard Mitch Morse, Kansas City Center
Zack Martin, Dallas (PFWA) Guard Defense:
David DeCastro, Pittsburgh (AP) Guard Malcom Brown, New England Defensive Lineman
Ryan Kalil, Carolina (PFWA,AP) Center Eddie Goldman, Chicago Defensive Lineman
Defense: Danielle Hunter, Minnesota Defensive Lineman
J.J. Watt, Houston (PFWA,AP) End Leonard Williams, New York Jets Defensive Lineman
Khalil Mack, Oakland (PFWA,AP) End Kwon Alexander, Tampa Bay Linebacker
Aaron Donald, St. Louis (PFWA,AP) Tackle Stephone Anthony, New Orleans Linebacker
Geno Atkins, Cincinnati (PFWA,AP) Tackle Eric Kendricks, Minnesota Linebacker
Von Miller, Denver (PFWA,AP) Outside Linebacker Ronald Darby, Buffalo Cornerback
Khalil Mack, Oakland (PFWA,AP) Outside Linebacker Marcus Peters, Kansas City Cornerback
Thomas Davis, Carolina (AP) Outside Linebacker Adrian Amos, Chicago Safety
Luke Kuechly, Carolina (PFWA,AP) Inside Linebacker Landon Collins, New York Giants Safety
NaVorro Bowman, San Francisco (AP) Inside Linebacker Special Teams:
Josh Norman, Carolina (PFWA,AP) Cornerback Josh Lambo, San Diego Kicker
Patrick Peterson, Arizona (PFWA,AP) Cornerback Matt Darr, Miami Punter
Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona (PFWA,AP) Safety Tyler Lockett, Seattle Kick Returner
Eric Berry, Kansas City (PFWA,AP) Safety Tyler Lockett, Seattle Punt Returner
Special Teams: Tyler Lockett, Seattle Special Teams Player
Stephen Gostkowski, New England (PFWA,AP) Kicker
Johnny Hekker, St. Louis (PFWA,AP) Punter
Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota (PFWA) Kick Returner
Tyler Lockett, Seattle (AP) Kick Returner
Darren Sproles, Philadelphia (PFWA) Punt Returner
Justin Bethel, Arizona (PFWA) Special Teams Player

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 249

Att. Yards TD Att.Comp.Yds. TD
1. Doug Martin 27 235 0 1. Drew Brees 50 39 505 7
Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 22 New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 1
2. Thomas Rawls 30 209 1 2. Philip Rivers 65 43 503 2
Seattle vs. San Francisco, Nov. 22 San Diego vs. Green Bay, Oct. 18
3. Adrian Peterson 26 203 1 3. Tom Brady 59 38 466 3
Minnesota vs. Oakland, Nov. 15 New England vs. Buffalo, Sept. 20
4. David Johnson 29 187 3 4. Josh McCown 51 36 457 2
Arizona vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 20 Cleveland vs. Baltimore, Oct. 11 (OT)
5. Lamar Miller 14 175 1 5. Ben Roethlisberger 55 36 456 1
Miami vs. Houston, Oct. 25 Pittsburgh vs. Seattle, Nov. 29
6. DeAngelo Williams 27 170 2 6. Eli Manning 54 41 441 3
Pittsburgh vs. Oakland, Nov. 8 New York Giants vs. San Francisco, Oct. 11
Rashad Jennings 27 170 1 7. Kellen Moore 48 33 435 3
New York Giants vs. Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 2016 Dallas vs. Washington, Jan. 3, 2016
8. Thomas Rawls 23 169 1 8. Carson Palmer 45 29 421 1
Seattle vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 11 (OT) Arizona vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 18
9. Carlos Hyde 26 168 2 9. Drew Brees 36 25 412 3
San Francisco vs. Minnesota, Sept. 14 New Orleans vs. Jacksonville, Dec. 27
10. Chris Ivory 29 166 1 10. Matthew Stafford 42 27 405 4
N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Oct. 4 Detroit vs. Chicago, Oct. 18 (OT)

There were 96 100-yard rushing performances in 2015. There were 132 300-yard passing performances in 2015.

Player, Team 100-Yd. Games Player, Team 300-Yd. Games
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota 7 Drew Brees, New Orleans 10
Todd Gurley, St. Louis 5 Carson Palmer, Arizona 9
Darren McFadden, Dallas 5 Philip Rivers, San Diego 8
Devonta Freeman, Atlanta 4 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh 8
Ronnie Hillman, Denver 4 Tom Brady, New England 7
Chris Johnson, Arizona 4 Kirk Cousins, Washington 7
Doug Martin, Tampa Bay 4 Blake Bortles, Jacksonville 6
Thomas Rawls, Seattle 4 Derek Carr, Oakland 6
DeAngelo Williams, Pittsburgh 4 Eli Manning, New York Giants 6
Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh 3 Ryan Tannehill, Miami 6
Alfred Blue, Houston 3 Sam Bradford, Philadelphia 5
Chris Ivory, New York Jets 3 Joe Flacco, Baltimore 5
Eddie Lacy, Green Bay 3 Matt Ryan, Atlanta 5
LeSean McCoy, Buffalo 3 Andy Dalton, Cincinnati 4
Lamar Miller, Miami 3 Jay Cutler, Chicago 3
C.J. Anderson, Denver 2 Josh McCown, Cleveland 3
Justin Forsett, Baltimore 2 Cam Newton, Carolina 3
Rashad Jennings, New York Giants 2 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay 3
Alfred Morris, Washington 2 Matthew Stafford, Detroit 3
Latavius Murray, Oakland 2 Teddy Bridgewater, Minnesota 2
Jonathan Stewart, Carolina 2 Blaine Gabbert, San Francisco 2
Karlos Williams, Buffalo 2 Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 2
T.J. Yeldon, Jacksonville 2 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis 2
21 players tied with 1 Peyton Manning, Denver 2
Marcus Mariota, Tennessee 2
Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay 2
11 players tied with 1

250 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No. Yards TD No.
1. Antonio Brown 17 284 0 1. Khalil Mack 5.0
Pittsburgh vs. Oakland, Nov. 8 Oakland vs. Denver, Dec. 13
2. A.J. Green 10 227 2 2. Cameron Wake 4.0
Cincinnati vs. Baltimore, Sept. 27 Miami vs. Tennessee, Oct. 18
3. Markus Wheaton 9 201 1 3. Whitney Mercilus 3.5
Pittsburgh vs. Seattle, Nov. 29 Houston vs. Tennessee, Nov. 1
4. John Brown 10 196 0 Ezekiel Ansah 3.5
Arizona vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 18
Detroit vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 26
5. Antonio Brown 9 195 1
Michael Bennett 3.5
Pittsburgh vs. San Francisco, Sept. 20
6. Antonio Brown 16 189 2 Seattle vs. San Francisco, Oct. 22
Pittsburgh vs. Denver, Dec. 20 Whitney Mercilus 3.5
7. Antonio Brown 13 187 1 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Jan. 3, 2016
Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland, Jan. 3, 2016 7. Chandler Jones 3.0
8. Steve Smith, Sr. 13 186 2 New England vs. Buffalo, Sept. 20
Baltimore vs. Cincinnati, Sept. 27 Jacquies Smith 3.0
9. Emmanuel Sanders 10 181 1 Tampa Bay vs. New Orleans, Sept. 20
Denver vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 20 Fletcher Cox 3.0
10. Martavis Bryant 6 178 1 Philadelphia vs. New Orleans, Oct. 11
Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland, Nov. 15 Cameron Jordan 3.0
Julio Jones 9 178 1 New Orleans vs. Atlanta, Oct. 15
Atlanta vs. Carolina, Dec. 27 Kawann Short 3.0
Carolina vs. Philadelphia, Oct. 25
There were 216 100-yard receiving performances in 2015. James Harrison 3.0
Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis, Dec. 6
MOST 100-YARD RECEIVING PERFORMANCES, 2015 Muhammad Wilkerson 3.0
Player, Team 100-Yd. Games
Brandon Marshall, New York Jets 10 N.Y. Jets vs. Tennessee, Dec. 13
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh 9 Dee Ford 3.0
Julio Jones, Atlanta 9 Kansas City vs. San Diego, Dec. 13
Odell Beckham, Jr., New York Giants 8 Aaron Donald 3.0
DeAndre Hopkins, Houston 6 St. Louis vs. Detroit, Dec. 13
Allen Robinson, Jacksonville 6 Preston Smith 3.0
Amari Cooper, Oakland 5 Washington vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 26
Mike Evans, Tampa Bay 5 Dwight Freeney 3.0
Michael Floyd, Arizona 5
Rob Gronkowski, New England 5 Arizona vs. Green Bay, Dec. 27
Allen Hurns, Jacksonville 5 William Hayes 3.0
Sammy Watkins, Buffalo 5 St. Louis vs. Seattle, Dec. 27
Brandin Cooks, New Orleans 4 Carlos Dunlap 3.0
A.J. Green, Cincinnati 4 Cincinnati vs. Denver, Dec. 28 (OT)
Alshon Jeffery, Chicago 4 J.J. Watt 3.0
Jordan Mathews, Philadelphia 4 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Jan. 3, 2016
Emmanuel Sanders, Denver 4
Demaryius Thomas, Denver 4
Keenan Allen, San Diego 3 There were 20 3.0-plus sack performances in 2015.
Doug Baldwin, Seattle 3
Gary Barnidge, Cleveland 3 MOST 3.0-PLUS SACK PERFORMANCES, 2015
Travis Benjamin, Cleveland 3 Player, Team 3.0-Sack Games
Martavis Bryant, Pittsburgh 3 Whitney Mercilus, Houston 2
Michael Crabtree, Oakland 3 18 players tied with 1
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona 3
James Jones, Green Bay 3 For week-by-week listings of top performances from 1970 to
Jarvis Landry, Miami 3
Jeremy Maclin, Kansas City 3 the present, please visit
Greg Olsen, Carolina 3
Steve Smith, Sr., Baltimore 3
Danny Amendola, New England 2
Anquan Boldin, San Francisco 2
John Brown, Arizona 2
Stefon Diggs, Minnesota 2
Zach Ertz, Philadelphia 2
Dorial Green-Beckham, Tennessee 2
T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis 2
Calvin Johnson, Detroit 2
Rishard Matthews, Miami 2
Donte Moncrief, Indianapolis 2
Jordan Reed, Washington 2
Willie Snead, New Orleans 2
Nate Washington, Houston 2
Benjamin Watson, New Orleans 2
50 players tied with 1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 251

Balt. Buff. Cin. Cle. Den. Hou. Ind. Jax. KC Mia. NE NYJ Oak. Pitt. SD Tenn.
First Downs 323 297 324 307 314 335 311 313 303 291 347 329 300 331 344 298
Rushing 89 122 99 81 85 90 77 69 116 72 87 99 74 91 79 66
Passing 211 155 191 192 201 210 195 215 155 194 229 210 193 207 230 195
Penalty 23 20 34 34 28 35 39 29 32 25 31 20 33 33 35 37
Rushes 383 509 467 380 411 472 396 354 436 344 383 448 370 388 393 371
Net Yds. Gained 1478 2432 1805 1529 1718 1731 1438 1473 2044 1496 1404 1868 1457 1724 1358 1485
Avg. Gain 3.9 4.8 3.9 4.0 4.2 3.7 3.6 4.2 4.7 4.3 3.7 4.2 3.9 4.4 3.5 4.0
Avg. Yds. per Game 92.4 152.0 112.8 95.6 107.4 108.2 89.9 92.1 127.8 93.5 87.8 116.8 91.1 107.8 84.9 92.8
Passes Attempted 676 465 505 609 606 619 619 607 473 588 629 604 605 590 667 551
Completed 426 295 334 371 368 358 355 355 310 365 404 362 373 391 442 342
% Completed 63.0 63.4 66.1 60.9 60.7 57.8 57.4 58.5 65.5 62.1 64.2 59.9 61.7 66.3 66.3 62.1
Total Yds. Gained 4449 3600 4104 4156 4216 4079 3928 4428 3493 4231 4812 4170 4129 4822 4855 3893
Times Sacked 24 42 32 53 39 36 37 51 46 45 38 22 33 33 40 54
Yds. Lost 178 257 181 374 246 246 224 320 238 420 225 113 250 219 264 390
Net Yds. Gained 4271 3343 3923 3782 3970 3833 3704 4108 3255 3811 4587 4057 3879 4603 4591 3503
Avg. Yds. per Game 266.9 208.9 245.2 236.4 248.1 239.6 231.5 256.8 203.4 238.2 286.7 253.6 242.4 287.7 286.9 218.9
Net Yds. per Pass Play 6.10 6.59 7.31 5.71 6.16 5.85 5.65 6.24 6.27 6.02 6.88 6.48 6.08 7.39 6.49 5.79
Yds. Gained per Comp.10.44 12.20 12.29 11.20 11.46 11.39 11.06 12.47 11.27 11.59 11.91 11.52 11.07 12.33 10.98 11.38
Combined Net
Yds. Gained 5749 5775 5728 5311 5688 5564 5142 5581 5299 5307 5991 5925 5336 6327 5949 4988
% Total Yds. Rushing 25.7 42.1 31.5 28.8 30.2 31.1 28.0 26.4 38.6 28.2 23.4 31.5 27.3 27.2 22.8 29.8
% Total Yds. Passing 74.3 57.9 68.5 71.2 69.8 68.9 72.0 73.6 61.4 71.8 76.6 68.5 72.7 72.8 77.2 70.2
Avg. Yds. per Game 359.3 360.9 358.0 331.9 355.5 347.8 321.4 348.8 331.2 331.7 374.4 370.3 333.5 395.4 371.8 311.8
Ball Control Plays 1083 1016 1004 1042 1056 1127 1052 1012 955 977 1050 1074 1008 1011 1100 976
Avg. Yds. per Play 5.3 5.7 5.7 5.1 5.4 4.9 4.9 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.7 5.5 5.3 6.3 5.4 5.1
Avg. Time of Poss. 29:58 31:18 30:41 30:26 29:57 30:48 29:32 27:34 30:55 27:22 30:08 30:59 29:19 29:24 31:34 29:25
Third Down Efficiency 37.6 37.9 40.3 41.9 35.3 38.6 40.0 35.1 38.2 30.7 40.9 40.6 39.1 38.9 42.0 31.8
Had Intercepted 21 9 9 12 23 12 19 18 7 12 7 16 14 21 13 17
Yds. Opp Returned 340 75 136 204 279 123 285 283 116 176 181 102 381 241 332 263
Ret. by Opp. for TD 4 1 1 1 3 1 0 4 1 2 2 0 3 0 5 3

Punts 74 82 69 70 85 96 85 80 75 92 74 80 84 59 73 88
Yds. Punted 3454 3797 3116 3270 3704 4533 4052 3700 3333 4380 3358 3448 3697 2511 3261 4175
Avg. Yds. per Punt 46.7 46.3 45.2 46.7 43.6 47.2 47.7 46.3 44.4 47.6 45.4 43.1 44.0 42.6 44.7 47.4
Punt Returns 40 31 43 29 29 52 39 31 45 41 47 49 42 28 20 38
Yds. Returned 450 232 350 325 283 377 268 361 355 424 473 422 272 231 84 307
Avg. Yds. per Return 11.3 7.5 8.1 11.2 9.8 7.3 6.9 11.6 7.9 10.3 10.1 8.6 6.5 8.3 4.2 8.1
Returned for TD 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Kickoff Returns 34 41 34 41 27 18 43 31 35 43 25 37 53 29 28 33
Yds. Returned 857 772 700 1041 588 430 1047 721 791 958 469 771 1268 701 583 680
Avg. Yds. per Return 25.2 18.8 20.6 25.4 21.8 23.9 24.3 23.3 22.6 22.3 18.8 20.8 23.9 24.2 20.8 20.6
Returned for TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fumbles 13 28 18 28 16 22 19 25 16 23 14 17 27 16 20 25
Lost 7 10 8 18 8 8 11 10 8 7 7 8 10 7 11 16
Out of Bounds 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 4 1 3 5 0 3 0
Own Rec. for TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Opp. Rec. by 8 8 7 10 13 11 8 9 7 3 9 12 11 13 9 8
Opp. Rec. for TD 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1
Penalties 122 143 111 120 115 107 108 105 104 134 96 96 139 94 117 93
Yds. Penalized 1153 1249 917 1083 1063 910 931 880 878 1090 859 787 1102 868 942 779
Total Points Scored 328 379 419 278 355 339 333 376 405 310 465 387 359 423 320 299
Total TDs 33 45 50 28 38 39 37 44 45 39 52 44 42 45 35 37
TDs Rushing 8 19 18 5 13 7 6 5 19 11 14 11 7 16 4 10
TDs Passing 21 23 31 20 19 29 26 35 20 24 36 33 34 26 30 25
TDs on Ret. and Rec. 4 3 1 3 6 3 5 4 6 4 2 0 1 3 1 2
Extra Point Kicks 29 34 48 22 35 32 32 32 39 33 52 42 38 32 28 29
Extra Point Kicks Att. 29 40 49 24 36 36 35 39 41 36 52 43 39 34 32 31
2Pt Conversions 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 8 2 3
2Pt Conversions Att. 4 5 1 4 1 3 2 5 4 3 0 0 3 11 3 5
Safeties 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0
Field Goals Made 33 23 23 28 30 23 25 26 30 13 33 27 21 35 26 14
Field Goals Attempted 40 27 28 32 35 27 27 30 37 16 36 33 26 42 32 16
% Successful 82.5 85.2 82.1 87.5 85.7 85.2 92.6 86.7 81.1 81.3 91.7 81.8 80.8 83.3 81.3 87.5

252 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Balt. Buff. Cin. Cle. Den. Hou. Ind. Jax. KC Mia. NE NYJ Oak. Pitt. SD Tenn.
First Downs 311 321 307 321 289 281 331 362 313 351 303 271 344 327 299 317
Rushing 80 87 74 104 81 79 89 102 86 112 77 62 94 71 101 101
Passing 189 197 202 186 162 173 210 222 193 203 204 185 206 231 170 192
Penalty 42 37 31 31 46 29 32 38 34 36 22 24 44 25 28 24
Rushes 418 394 344 458 408 388 452 464 383 502 397 373 406 382 417 462
Net Yds. Gained 1661 1730 1477 2055 1337 1597 1952 1709 1571 2019 1580 1335 1678 1459 2005 1797
Avg. Gain 4.0 4.4 4.3 4.5 3.3 4.1 4.3 3.7 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.6 4.1 3.8 4.8 3.9
Avg. Yds. per Game 103.8 108.1 92.3 128.4 83.6 99.8 122.0 106.8 98.2 126.2 98.8 83.4 104.9 91.2 125.3 112.3
Passes Attempted 545 602 646 511 573 553 585 602 607 542 596 601 641 625 510 502
Completed 350 347 415 322 344 326 354 390 349 350 361 343 404 402 328 319
% Completed 64.2 57.6 64.2 63.0 60.0 59.0 60.5 64.8 57.5 64.6 60.6 57.1 63.0 64.3 64.3 63.5
Total Yds. Gained 3957 4097 4264 4169 3544 3677 4365 4528 3988 4225 4209 4041 4351 4661 4008 3949
Times Sacked 37 21 42 29 52 45 35 36 47 31 49 39 38 48 32 39
Yds. Lost 220 125 288 157 351 311 251 237 290 225 358 278 211 311 222 271
Net Yds. Gained 3737 3972 3976 4012 3193 3366 4114 4291 3698 4000 3851 3763 4140 4350 3786 3678
Avg. Yds. per Game 233.6 248.3 248.5 250.8 199.6 210.4 257.1 268.2 231.1 250.0 240.7 235.2 258.8 271.9 236.6 229.9
Net Yds. per Pass Play 6.42 6.38 5.78 7.43 5.11 5.63 6.64 6.73 5.65 6.98 5.97 5.88 6.10 6.46 6.99 6.80
Yds. Gained per Comp.11.31 11.81 10.27 12.95 10.30 11.28 12.33 11.61 11.43 12.07 11.66 11.78 10.77 11.59 12.22 12.38
Combined Net
Yds. Gained 5398 5702 5453 6067 4530 4963 6066 6000 5269 6019 5431 5098 5818 5809 5791 5475
% Total Yds. Rushing 30.8 30.3 27.1 33.9 29.5 32.2 32.2 28.5 29.8 33.5 29.1 26.2 28.8 25.1 34.6 32.8
% Total Yds. Passing 69.2 69.7 72.9 66.1 70.5 67.8 67.8 71.5 70.2 66.5 70.9 73.8 71.2 74.9 65.4 67.2
Avg. Yds. per Game 337.4 356.4 340.8 379.2 283.1 310.2 379.1 375.0 329.3 376.2 339.4 318.6 363.6 363.1 361.9 342.2
Ball Control Plays 1000 1017 1032 998 1033 986 1072 1102 1037 1075 1042 1013 1085 1055 959 1003
Avg. Yds. per Play 5.4 5.6 5.3 6.1 4.4 5.0 5.7 5.4 5.1 5.6 5.2 5.0 5.4 5.5 6.0 5.5
Avg. Time of Poss. 30:02 28:42 29:19 29:34 30:03 29:12 30:28 32:26 29:05 32:38 29:52 29:01 30:41 30:36 28:26 30:35
Third Down Efficiency 39.8 40.5 39.4 39.9 35.2 28.5 39.2 46.3 33.2 43.4 37.3 33.2 37.5 40.0 37.9 42.6
Intercepted By 6 17 21 11 14 14 17 9 22 13 12 18 14 17 11 11
Yds. Returned By 51 253 202 210 321 180 196 120 477 184 176 191 73 282 152 164
Returned for TD 1 2 1 2 4 2 4 1 4 3 0 0 1 2 1 1

Punts 81 75 77 63 92 101 80 72 78 77 86 86 71 70 72 74
Yds. Punted 3715 3277 3449 2741 4278 4693 3616 3158 3483 3520 4043 4041 3210 3066 3101 3568
Avg. Yds. per Punt 45.9 43.7 44.8 43.5 46.5 46.5 45.2 43.9 44.7 45.7 47.0 47.0 45.2 43.8 43.1 48.2
Punt Returns 35 40 32 37 36 60 36 45 26 50 39 37 30 19 44 47
Yds. Returned 176 353 203 381 247 612 386 462 170 526 347 470 201 165 432 605
Avg. Yds. per Return 5.0 8.8 6.3 10.3 6.9 10.2 10.7 10.3 6.5 10.5 8.9 12.7 6.7 8.7 9.8 12.9
Returned for TD 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1
Kickoff Returns 9 40 46 42 25 40 8 23 46 23 29 49 35 54 32 22
Yds. Returned 229 688 1041 894 508 977 156 553 1137 508 526 1168 795 1200 880 599
Avg. Yds. per Return 25.4 17.2 22.6 21.3 20.3 24.4 19.5 24.0 24.7 22.1 18.1 23.8 22.7 22.2 27.5 27.2
Returned for TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Fumbles 18 16 11 18 27 20 20 16 19 12 28 22 18 27 14 16
Lost 8 8 7 10 13 11 8 9 7 3 9 12 11 13 9 8
Out of Bounds 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 3 1 7 0 1 3 0 0
Own Rec. for TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Opp. Rec. by 7 10 8 18 8 8 11 10 8 7 7 8 10 7 11 16
Opp. Rec. for TD 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Penalties 103 113 116 108 104 116 133 114 110 121 112 90 104 121 120 112
Yds. Penalized 748 906 1063 833 773 991 1168 989 941 1005 1013 767 943 1149 976 982
Total Points Scored 401 359 279 432 296 313 408 448 287 389 315 314 399 319 398 423
Total TDs 45 42 29 49 32 37 47 51 34 46 36 34 41 35 44 51
TDs Rushing 10 10 8 11 10 10 14 15 7 13 8 4 12 6 17 11
TDs Passing 30 30 18 34 19 24 29 29 25 31 24 25 25 29 22 34
TDs on Ret. and Rec. 5 2 3 4 3 3 4 7 2 2 4 5 4 0 5 6
Extra Point Kicks 37 33 27 44 27 31 40 48 25 42 28 30 31 29 39 48
Extra Point Kicks Att. 40 37 27 45 28 35 44 48 28 45 31 33 35 32 41 50
2Pt Conversions 2 4 0 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 5 1 3 0
2Pt Conversions Att. 5 5 2 4 4 2 3 3 6 1 3 1 6 3 3 1
Safeties 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 1 0
Field Goals Made 30 22 26 30 25 20 28 30 18 21 23 26 36 26 29 23
Field Goals Attempted 36 27 31 35 32 26 35 38 22 29 29 29 42 31 34 27
% Successful 83.3 81.5 83.9 85.7 78.1 76.9 80.0 78.9 81.8 72.4 79.3 89.7 85.7 83.9 85.3 85.2

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 253

Ariz. Atl. Car. Chi. Dall. Det. GB Minn. NO NYG Phil. StL SF Sea. TB Wash.
First Downs 373 359 357 312 307 337 317 297 381 331 339 241 261 335 336 317
Rushing 92 95 136 108 94 71 100 113 98 77 110 92 83 128 99 81
Passing 237 230 197 177 175 236 173 153 247 208 193 126 154 190 201 208
Penalty 44 34 24 27 38 30 44 31 36 46 36 23 24 17 36 28
Rushes 452 420 526 468 408 354 436 474 397 403 442 429 390 500 455 429
Net Yds. Gained 1917 1606 2282 1854 1890 1335 1850 2211 1491 1609 1743 1956 1544 2268 2162 1566
Avg. Gain 4.2 3.8 4.3 4.0 4.6 3.8 4.2 4.7 3.8 4.0 3.9 4.6 4.0 4.5 4.8 3.7
Avg. Yds. per Game 119.8 100.4 142.6 115.9 118.1 83.4 115.6 138.2 93.2 100.6 108.9 122.3 96.5 141.8 135.1 97.9
Passes Attempted 562 621 501 523 528 632 573 454 667 623 623 473 526 489 535 555
Completed 353 410 300 334 334 420 348 294 460 392 405 273 322 333 312 386
% Completed 62.8 66.0 59.9 63.9 63.3 66.5 60.7 64.8 69.0 62.9 65.0 57.7 61.2 68.1 58.3 69.5
Total Yds. Gained 4775 4602 3873 3843 3677 4463 3825 3246 5205 4500 4341 2931 3646 4061 4042 4294
Times Sacked 27 32 33 34 33 44 47 45 32 27 37 18 53 46 27 27
Yds. Lost 159 223 284 183 206 251 322 318 235 157 254 126 330 271 190 199
Net Yds. Gained 4616 4379 3589 3660 3471 4212 3503 2928 4970 4343 4087 2805 3316 3790 3852 4095
Avg. Yds. per Game 288.5 273.7 224.3 228.8 216.9 263.3 218.9 183.0 310.6 271.4 255.4 175.3 207.3 236.9 240.8 255.9
Net Yds. per Pass Play 7.84 6.71 6.72 6.57 6.19 6.23 5.65 5.87 7.11 6.68 6.19 5.71 5.73 7.08 6.85 7.04
Yds. Gained per Comp.13.53 11.22 12.91 11.51 11.01 10.63 10.99 11.04 11.32 11.48 10.72 10.74 11.32 12.20 12.96 11.12
Combined Net
Yds. Gained 6533 5985 5871 5514 5361 5547 5353 5139 6461 5952 5830 4761 4860 6058 6014 5661
% Total Yds. Rushing 29.3 26.8 38.9 33.6 35.3 24.1 34.6 43.0 23.1 27.0 29.9 41.1 31.8 37.4 35.9 27.7
% Total Yds. Passing 70.7 73.2 61.1 66.4 64.7 75.9 65.4 57.0 76.9 73.0 70.1 58.9 68.2 62.6 64.1 72.3
Avg. Yds. per Game 408.3 374.1 366.9 344.6 335.1 346.7 334.6 321.2 403.8 372.0 364.4 297.6 303.8 378.6 375.9 353.8
Ball Control Plays 1041 1073 1060 1025 969 1030 1056 973 1096 1053 1102 920 969 1035 1017 1011
Avg. Yds. per Play 6.3 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.1 5.3 5.9 5.7 5.3 5.2 5.0 5.9 5.9 5.6
Avg. Time of Poss. 32:04 31:56 31:44 31:01 30:59 31:05 30:08 30:23 31:11 28:14 25:59 27:35 26:20 31:40 28:43 31:39
Third Down Efficiency 47.0 47.1 42.4 42.5 34.6 36.9 33.7 38.2 47.7 37.8 39.6 25.9 30.5 46.5 41.6 43.5
Had Intercepted 13 17 10 12 22 14 8 9 12 14 18 11 12 8 15 11
Yds. Opp Returned 87 99 91 241 428 209 55 71 230 180 141 131 174 50 212 140
Ret. by Opp. for TD 0 1 0 3 4 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 1

Punts 61 59 70 74 69 80 81 66 67 76 88 96 92 68 56 71
Yds. Punted 2575 2735 3175 3233 3117 3679 3554 2746 3006 3380 4038 4601 4017 3105 2348 3224
Avg. Yds. per Punt 42.2 46.4 45.4 43.7 45.2 46.0 43.9 41.6 44.9 44.5 45.9 47.9 43.7 45.7 41.9 45.4
Punt Returns 39 27 30 31 33 30 31 34 32 36 39 39 30 42 29 32
Yds. Returned 289 255 282 242 183 209 167 311 275 367 443 300 226 450 288 153
Avg. Yds. per Return 7.4 9.4 9.4 7.8 5.5 7.0 5.4 9.1 8.6 10.2 11.4 7.7 7.5 10.7 9.9 4.8
Returned for TD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 0
Kickoff Returns 32 26 22 33 28 44 36 42 28 39 27 34 42 34 21 40
Yds. Returned 770 667 407 892 704 1220 881 1190 605 971 565 830 993 868 506 999
Avg. Yds. per Return 24.1 25.7 18.5 27.0 25.1 27.7 24.5 28.3 21.6 24.9 20.9 24.4 23.6 25.5 24.1 25.0
Returned for TD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2
Fumbles 23 26 12 20 18 17 24 21 17 23 26 22 21 18 26 26
Lost 11 13 9 9 11 10 9 8 8 7 13 10 5 8 13 11
Out of Bounds 4 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 0 3 2 1 4 4 0 6
Own Rec. for TD 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Opp. Rec. by 14 8 15 9 3 9 6 9 13 12 11 13 3 8 12 15
Opp. Rec. for TD 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 3 2 1
Penalties 94 100 103 99 112 104 105 88 130 102 104 122 113 117 143 105
Yds. Penalized 758 969 887 909 879 930 906 797 1112 779 819 1007 823 1007 1195 827
Total Points Scored 489 339 500 335 275 358 368 365 408 420 377 280 238 423 342 388
Total TDs 58 38 59 34 26 42 42 38 51 47 45 31 24 49 37 44
TDs Rushing 16 13 19 13 8 7 8 18 16 5 15 16 7 10 12 9
TDs Passing 35 21 35 21 16 33 31 14 32 36 23 11 16 34 22 30
TDs on Ret. and Rec. 7 4 5 0 2 2 3 6 3 6 7 4 1 5 3 5
Extra Point Kicks 53 34 56 28 25 36 36 33 44 44 42 27 20 40 31 40
Extra Point Kicks Att. 58 34 59 29 25 39 36 37 46 45 44 29 21 44 34 41
2Pt Conversions 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2
2Pt Conversions Att. 0 3 0 5 1 3 6 1 4 2 0 2 2 5 3 3
Safeties 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Field Goals Made 28 25 30 33 30 22 24 34 18 30 21 21 24 29 29 26
Field Goals Attempted 31 31 36 39 32 24 28 39 26 32 26 31 27 31 40 30
% Successful 90.3 80.6 83.3 84.6 93.8 91.7 85.7 87.2 69.2 93.8 80.8 67.7 88.9 93.5 72.5 86.7

254 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Ariz. Atl. Car. Chi. Dall. Det. GB Minn. NO NYG Phil. StL SF Sea. TB Wash.
First Downs 284 335 298 307 317 319 300 318 380 367 365 320 356 273 351 329
Rushing 79 107 74 103 113 96 96 94 103 104 100 98 128 71 104 103
Passing 177 197 198 182 172 191 183 189 223 236 239 192 199 175 208 202
Penalty 28 31 26 22 32 32 21 35 54 27 26 30 29 27 39 24
Rushes 373 416 364 433 461 428 420 411 421 444 478 453 504 362 466 406
Net Yds. Gained 1460 1680 1415 1934 1934 1808 1905 1748 2071 1942 2153 1820 2020 1304 1606 1962
Avg. Gain 3.9 4.0 3.9 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.3 4.9 4.4 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.4 4.8
Avg. Yds. per Game 91.3 105.0 88.4 120.9 120.9 113.0 119.1 109.3 129.4 121.4 134.6 113.8 126.3 81.5 100.4 122.6
Passes Attempted 573 561 650 512 506 528 551 561 544 638 633 597 549 548 540 566
Completed 343 370 390 322 330 360 321 359 372 423 394 399 375 333 378 354
% Completed 59.9 66.0 60.0 62.9 65.2 68.2 58.3 64.0 68.4 66.3 62.2 66.8 68.3 60.8 70.0 62.5
Total Yds. Gained 3957 3999 4054 3830 3861 4065 3898 4042 4755 4920 4516 4301 4375 3619 4072 4392
Times Sacked 36 19 44 35 31 43 43 43 31 23 37 41 28 37 38 38
Yds. Lost 270 117 302 237 229 279 256 283 211 137 243 236 196 255 232 264
Net Yds. Gained 3687 3882 3752 3593 3632 3786 3642 3759 4544 4783 4273 4065 4179 3364 3840 4128
Avg. Yds. per Game 230.4 242.6 234.5 224.6 227.0 236.6 227.6 234.9 284.0 298.9 267.1 254.1 261.2 210.3 240.0 258.0
Net Yds. per Pass Play 6.05 6.69 5.41 6.57 6.76 6.63 6.13 6.22 7.90 7.24 6.38 6.37 7.24 5.75 6.64 6.83
Yds. Gained per Comp.11.54 10.81 10.39 11.89 11.70 11.29 12.14 11.26 12.78 11.63 11.46 10.78 11.67 10.87 10.77 12.41
Combined Net
Yds. Gained 5147 5562 5167 5527 5566 5594 5547 5507 6615 6725 6426 5885 6199 4668 5446 6090
% Total Yds. Rushing 28.4 30.2 27.4 35.0 34.7 32.3 34.3 31.7 31.3 28.9 33.5 30.9 32.6 27.9 29.5 32.2
% Total Yds. Passing 71.6 69.8 72.6 65.0 65.3 67.7 65.7 68.3 68.7 71.1 66.5 69.1 67.4 72.1 70.5 67.8
Avg. Yds. per Game 321.7 347.6 322.9 345.4 347.9 349.6 346.7 344.2 413.4 420.3 401.6 367.8 387.4 291.8 340.4 380.6
Ball Control Plays 982 996 1058 980 998 999 1014 1015 996 1105 1148 1091 1081 947 1044 1010
Avg. Yds. per Play 5.2 5.6 4.9 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4 6.6 6.1 5.6 5.4 5.7 4.9 5.2 6.0
Avg. Time of Poss. 27:56 28:04 28:16 28:59 29:01 28:55 29:52 29:37 28:49 31:46 34:01 32:25 33:40 28:20 31:17 28:21
Third Down Efficiency 35.7 42.9 37.9 44.3 38.9 41.0 35.9 34.5 40.3 47.0 42.9 34.7 39.0 34.4 46.0 37.7
Intercepted By 19 15 24 8 8 9 16 13 9 15 15 13 9 14 11 11
Yds. Returned By 263 220 301 103 62 103 198 215 87 206 280 182 125 205 93 181
Returned for TD 4 1 4 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 3 1 1 0 1 1

Punts 78 65 78 74 74 72 82 72 62 64 89 83 74 87 62 69
Yds. Punted 3658 2944 3611 3272 3329 3192 3560 3158 2765 2956 4030 3721 3363 3918 2789 3097
Avg. Yds. per Punt 46.9 45.3 46.3 44.2 45.0 44.3 43.4 43.9 44.6 46.2 45.3 44.8 45.4 45.0 45.0 44.9
Punt Returns 25 28 37 30 24 43 41 29 26 30 42 40 44 29 27 30
Yds. Returned 295 272 288 226 162 263 174 152 215 300 215 289 283 386 140 258
Avg. Yds. per Return 11.8 9.7 7.8 7.5 6.8 6.1 4.2 5.2 8.3 10.0 5.1 7.2 6.4 13.3 5.2 8.6
Returned for TD 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Kickoff Returns 49 22 34 39 23 32 37 40 37 54 34 27 23 42 35 29
Yds. Returned 1191 599 905 983 549 814 988 1043 981 1095 705 605 591 1073 882 582
Avg. Yds. per Return 24.3 27.2 26.6 25.2 23.9 25.4 26.7 26.1 26.5 20.3 20.7 22.4 25.7 25.5 25.2 20.1
Returned for TD 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Fumbles 31 15 28 18 12 24 19 18 29 28 23 28 10 22 24 36
Lost 14 8 15 9 3 9 6 9 13 13 11 13 3 9 12 16
Out of Bounds 4 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 0 4 3 3 1 3 2 2
Own Rec. for TD 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Opp. Rec. by 11 13 9 9 10 9 9 8 8 7 13 10 5 8 13 10
Opp. Rec. for TD 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1
Penalties 130 95 99 98 113 96 120 109 114 120 123 109 112 94 104 112
Yds. Penalized 1202 728 822 895 898 785 1107 875 887 1077 1051 992 920 795 859 955
Total Points Scored 313 345 308 397 374 400 323 302 476 442 430 330 387 277 417 379
Total TDs 34 41 35 47 41 47 36 31 59 50 50 32 43 28 47 44
TDs Rushing 9 20 11 9 16 18 13 7 12 15 10 7 20 10 12 10
TDs Passing 24 19 21 31 19 27 20 24 45 31 36 21 21 14 31 30
TDs on Ret. and Rec. 1 2 3 7 6 2 3 0 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4
Extra Point Kicks 27 39 28 43 36 41 31 28 52 47 47 29 35 22 42 40
Extra Point Kicks Att. 29 39 30 46 38 44 34 28 54 48 49 29 39 25 45 41
2Pt Conversions 2 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 1
2Pt Conversions Att. 5 2 5 0 1 3 2 3 4 2 1 3 4 3 2 2
Safeties 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2
Field Goals Made 26 20 20 24 30 25 24 28 22 31 27 35 28 27 31 23
Field Goals Attempted 27 26 26 28 36 29 28 31 27 35 27 37 37 28 34 28
% Successful 96.3 76.9 76.9 85.7 83.3 86.2 85.7 90.3 81.5 88.6 100.0 94.6 75.7 96.4 91.2 82.1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 255

Offense Offense Defense Defense Offense Offense Defense Defense NFL NFL
Total Average Total Average Total Average Total Average Total Average
First Downs 5067 316.7 5048 315.5 5200 325.0 5219 326.2 10267 320.8
Rushing 1396 87.3 1400 87.5 1577 98.6 1573 98.3 2973 92.9
Passing 3183 198.9 3125 195.3 3105 194.1 3163 197.7 6288 196.5
Penalty 488 30.5 523 32.7 518 32.4 483 30.2 1006 31.4
Rushes 6505 406.6 6648 415.5 6983 436.4 6840 427.5 13488 421.5
Net Yds. Gained 26440 1652.5 26962 1685.1 29284 1830.3 28762 1797.6 55724 1741.4
Avg. Gain — 4.1 — 4.1 — 4.2 — 4.2 — 4.1
Avg. Yds. per Game — 103.3 — 105.3 — 114.4 — 112.4 — 108.8
Passes Attempted 9413 588.3 9241 577.6 8885 555.3 9057 566.1 18298 571.8
Completed 5851 365.7 5704 356.5 5676 354.8 5823 363.9 11527 360.2
% Completed — 62.2 — 61.7 — 63.9 — 64.3 — 63.0
Total Yds. Gained 67365 4210.3 66033 4127.1 65324 4082.8 66656 4166.0 132689 4146.5
Times Sacked 625 39.1 620 38.8 562 35.1 567 35.4 1187 37.1
Yds. Lost 4145 259.1 4106 256.6 3708 231.8 3747 234.2 7853 245.4
Net Yds. Gained 63220 3951.3 61927 3870.4 61616 3851.0 62909 3931.8 124836 3901.1
Avg. Yds. per Game — 247.0 — 241.9 — 240.7 — 245.7 — 243.8
Net Yds. per Pass Play — 6.30 — 6.28 — 6.52 — 6.54 — 6.41
Yds. Gained per Comp. — 11.51 — 11.58 — 11.51 — 11.45 — 11.51
Combined Net
Yds. Gained 89660 5603.8 88889 5555.6 90900 5681.3 91671 5729.4 180560 5642.5
% Total Yds. Rushing — 29.5 — 30.3 — 32.2 — 31.4 — 30.9
% Total Yds. Passing — 70.5 — 69.7 — 67.8 — 68.6 — 69.1
Avg. Yds. per Game — 350.2 — 347.2 — 355.1 — 358.1 — 352.7
Ball Control Plays 16543 1033.9 16509 1031.8 16430 1026.9 16464 1029.0 32973 1030.4
Avg. Yds. per Play — 5.4 — 5.4 — 5.5 — 5.6 — 5.5
Third Down Efficiency — 38.1 — 38.4 — 39.8 — 39.6 — 39.0

Interceptions 230 14.4 227 14.2 206 12.9 209 13.1 436 13.6
Yds. Returned 3517 219.8 3232 202.0 2539 158.7 2824 176.5 6056 189.3
Returned for TD 31 1.9 29 1.8 22 1.4 24 1.5 53 1.7
Punts 1266 79.1 1255 78.4 1174 73.4 1185 74.1 2440 76.3
Yds. Punted 57789 3611.8 56959 3559.9 52533 3283.3 53363 3335.2 110322 3447.6
Avg. Yds. per Punt — 45.6 — 45.4 — 44.7 — 45.0 — 45.2
Punt Returns 604 37.8 613 38.3 534 33.4 525 32.8 1138 35.6
Yds. Returned 5214 325.9 5736 358.5 4440 277.5 3918 244.9 9654 301.7
Avg. Yds. per Return — 8.6 — 9.4 — 8.3 — 7.5 — 8.5
Returned for TD 6 0.4 8 0.5 7 0.4 5 0.3 13 0.4
Kickoff Returns 552 34.5 523 32.7 528 33.0 557 34.8 1080 33.8
Yds. Returned 12377 773.6 11859 741.2 13068 816.8 13586 849.1 25445 795.2
Avg. Yds. per Return — 22.4 — 22.7 — 24.8 — 24.4 — 23.6
Returned for TD 0 0.0 1 0.1 7 0.4 6 0.4 7 0.2
Fumbles 327 20.4 302 18.9 340 21.3 365 22.8 667 20.8
Lost 154 9.6 146 9.1 155 9.7 163 10.2 309 9.7
Out of Bounds 26 1.6 28 1.8 35 2.2 33 2.1 61 1.9
Own Rec. for TD 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.2 3 0.2 3 0.1
Opp. Rec. 146 9.1 154 9.6 160 10.0 152 9.5 306 9.6
Opp. Rec. for TD 12 0.8 16 1.0 18 1.1 14 0.9 30 0.9
Penalties 1804 112.8 1797 112.3 1741 108.8 1748 109.3 3545 110.8
Yds. Penalized 15491 968.2 15247 952.9 14604 912.8 14848 928.0 30095 940.5
Total Points Scored 5775 360.9 5780 361.3 5905 369.1 5900 368.8 11680 365.0
Total TDs 653 40.8 653 40.8 665 41.6 665 41.6 1318 41.2
TDs Rushing 173 10.8 166 10.4 192 12.0 199 12.4 365 11.4
TDs Passing 432 27.0 428 26.8 410 25.6 414 25.9 842 26.3
TDs on Ret. and Rec. 48 3.0 59 3.7 63 3.9 52 3.3 111 3.5
Extra Point Kicks 557 34.8 559 34.9 589 36.8 587 36.7 1146 35.8
Extra Point Kicks Att. 596 37.3 599 37.4 621 38.8 618 38.6 1217 38.0
2Pt Conversions 28 1.8 24 1.5 17 1.1 21 1.3 45 1.4
2Pt Conversions Att. 54 3.4 52 3.3 40 2.5 42 2.6 94 2.9
Safeties 7 0.4 8 0.5 9 0.6 8 0.5 16 0.5
Field Goals Made 410 25.6 413 25.8 424 26.5 421 26.3 834 26.1
Field Goals Attempted 484 30.3 503 31.4 503 31.4 484 30.3 987 30.8
% Successful — 84.7 — 82.1 — 84.3 — 87.0 — 84.5

256 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Offense Defense Offense Defense
Total Rush Pass Total Rush Pass
First Downs New Orleans 381 N.Y. Jets 271 Arizona *1 8 2 5 6 8
Rushing Carolina 136 N.Y. Jets 62 Atlanta 7 19 6 16 14 18
Passing New Orleans 247 Denver 162 Baltimore 14 26 8 8 12 10
Penalty N.Y. Giants 46 Green Bay 21 Buffalo 13 *1 28 19 16 19
Carolina 11 2 24 6 4 11
Rushes Carolina 526 Cincinnati 344 Chicago 21 11 23 14 22T 4
Net Yds. Gained Buffalo 2432 Seattle 1304 Cincinnati 15 13 15 11 7 20
Avg. Gain Buffalo 4.8 Denver 3.3 Cleveland 25 22 21 27 30 22
Dallas 22 9 27 17 22T 5
Passes Attempted Baltimore 676 Tennessee 502 Denver 16 17 14 *1 3 *1
Completed New Orleans 460 Tennessee 319 Detroit 20 32 9 18 19 14T
% Completed Washington 69.5 N.Y. Jets 57.1 Green Bay 23 12 25T 15 21 6
Total Yds. Gained New Orleans 5205 Denver 3544 Houston 19 15 18 3 10 3
Times Sacked St. Louis 18 Denver 52 Indianapolis 28 29 22 26 25 24
Jacksonville 18 27 10 24 15 29
Yds. Lost N.Y. Jets 113 New England 358 Kansas City 27 6 30 7 8 9
Net Yds. Gained New Orleans 4970 Denver 3193 Miami 26 23 19 25 28 21
Net Yds. per Pass Play Arizona 7.8 Denver 5.1 Minnesota 29 4 31 13 17 12
Yds. Gained per Comp. Arizona 13.5 Cincinnati 10.3 New England 6 30 5 9 9 17
New Orleans 2 24 *1 31 31 31
Combined Net Yds. Gained Arizona 6533 Denver 4530 New York Giants 8 18 7 32 24 32
% Total Yds. Rushing Minnesota 43.0 Pittsburgh 25.1 New York Jets 10 10 13 4 2 13
% Total Yds. Passing San Diego 77.2 Chicago 65.0 Oakland 24 28 16 22 13 26
Philadelphia 12 14 12 30 32 28
Ball Control Plays Houston 1127 Seattle 947 Pittsburgh 3 16 3 21 5 30
Avg. Yds. per Play Arizona 6.3 Denver 4.4 St. Louis 32 7 32 23 20 23
Avg. Time of Poss. Arizona 32:04 — San Diego 9 31 4 20 27 14T
San Francisco 31 21 29 29 29 27
Third Down Efficiency New Orleans 47.7 Houston 28.5 Seattle 4 3 20 2 *1 2
Tampa Bay 5 5 17 10 11 16
Interceptions — Carolina 24 Tennessee 30 25 25T 12 18 7
Yds. Returned — Kansas City 477 Washington 17 20 11 28 26 25
Returned for TD — Arizona & T = Tied for position * = League Leader
Carolina &
Indianapolis & Takeaways Giveaways Net
Kansas City 4 Int Fum Total Int Fum Total Diff.
Kansas City 22 7 29 7 8 15 +14
Punts Houston & — Cincinnati 21 7 28 9 8 17 +11
St. Louis 96 New England 12 9 21 7 7 14 +7
Yds. Punted St. Louis 4601 — Buffalo 17 8 25 9 10 19 +6
Avg. Yds. per Punt St. Louis 47.9 — N.Y. Jets 18 12 30 16 8 24 +6
Houston 14 11 25 12 8 20 +5
Punt Returns Houston 52 Pittsburgh 19 Pittsburgh 17 13 30 21 7 28 +2
Yds. Returned New England 473 Tampa Bay 140 Oakland 14 11 25 14 10 24 +1
Avg. Yds. per Return Jacksonville 11.6 Green Bay 4.2 Miami 13 3 16 12 7 19 -3
Returned for TD Philadelphia 2 — Denver 14 13 27 23 8 31 -4
San Diego 11 9 20 13 11 24 -4
Kickoff Returns Oakland 53 Indianapolis 8 Indianapolis 17 8 25 19 11 30 -5
Yds. Returned Oakland 1268 Indianapolis 156 Cleveland 11 10 21 12 18 30 -9
Avg. Yds. per Return Minnesota 28.3 Buffalo 17.2 Jacksonville 9 9 18 18 10 28 -10
Returned for TD Minnesota & — Baltimore 6 8 14 21 7 28 -14
Washington 2 Tennessee 11 8 19 17 16 33 -14

Total Points Scored Carolina 500 Seattle 277 Totals 227 146 373 230 154 384 -11
Total TDs Carolina 59 Seattle 28
TDs Rushing Buffalo & N.Y. Jets 4 NFC TAKEAWAYS/GIVEAWAYS
Carolina & Takeaways Giveaways Net
Kansas City 19 Int Fum Total Int Fum Total Diff.
TDs Passing New England & Seattle 14 Carolina 24 15 39 10 9 19 +20
Arizona 19 14 33 13 11 24 +9
N.Y. Giants 36 N.Y. Giants 15 13 28 14 7 21 +7
TDs on Ret. and Rec. Arizona & Minnesota & Seattle 14 9 23 8 8 16 +7
Philadelphia 7 Pittsburgh 0 Green Bay 16 6 22 8 9 17 +5
Extra Point Kicks Carolina 56 Seattle 22 Minnesota 13 9 22 9 8 17 +5
2-Point Conversions Pittsburgh 8 — St. Louis 13 13 26 11 10 21 +5
Safeties Arizona & Washington 11 16 27 11 11 22 +5
Detroit & — New Orleans 9 13 22 12 8 20 +2
Oakland 2 Chicago 8 9 17 12 9 21 -4
Field Goals Made Pittsburgh 35 Kansas City 18 Philadelphia 15 11 26 18 13 31 -5
Field Goals Attempted Pittsburgh 42 Kansas City 22 San Francisco 9 3 12 12 5 17 -5
Tampa Bay 11 12 23 15 13 28 -5
% Successful Dallas & Miami 72.4 Detroit 9 9 18 14 10 24 -6
N.Y. Giants 93.8 Atlanta 15 8 23 17 13 30 -7
Dallas 8 3 11 22 11 33 -22
Totals 209 163 372 206 155 361 +11

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 257

POINTS NFC: 500 Carolina
AFC: 151 Stephen Gostkowski, New England AFC: 465 New England
NFC: 146 Graham Gano, Carolina
AFC: 14 Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets Gostkowski, Stephen, N.E. 52 52 33 36 151
14 Allen Robinson, Jacksonville Gano, Graham, Car. 56 59 30 36 146
NFC: 14 Doug Baldwin, Seattle Catanzaro, Chandler, Ariz 53 58 28 31 137
14 Devonta Freeman, Atlanta Walsh, Blair, Min. 33 37 34 39 135
Brown, Josh, NY-G 44 45 30 32 134
EXTRA POINT KICKS Santos, Cairo, K.C. 39 41 30 37 129
NFC: 56 Graham Gano, Carolina Tucker, Justin, Bal. 29 29 33 40 128
AFC: 52 Stephen Gostkowski, New England Gould, Robbie, Chi. 28 29 33 39 127
Hauschka, Steven, Sea. 40 44 29 31 127
TWO-POINT EXTRA POINT PLAYS McManus, Brandon, Den. 35 36 30 35 125
AFC: 2 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh
2 Travis Kelce, Kansas City TD TDR TDP TDM 2-PT. PTS
NFC: 2 * Jamison Crowder, Washington Baldwin, Doug, Sea. 14 0 14 0 0 84
2 James Jones, Green Bay Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 14 11 3 0 0 84
Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 14 0 14 0 0 84
FIELD GOALS Robinson, Allen, Jac. 14 0 14 0 0 84
NFC: 34 Blair Walsh, Minnesota Beckham, Odell, NY-G 13 0 13 0 0 78
AFC: 33 Stephen Gostkowski, New England Eifert, Tyler, Cin. 13 0 13 0 0 78
33 Justin Tucker, Baltimore * Johnson, David, Ariz 13 8 4 1 0 78
Hill, Jeremy, Cin. 12 11 1 0 1 74
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Decker, Eric, NYJ 12 0 12 0 0 72
AFC: 40 Justin Tucker, Baltimore Brown, Antonio, Pit. 11 0 10 1 2 70
NFC: 39 Robbie Gould, Chicago
39 Blair Walsh, Minnesota AFC—INDIVIDUAL SCORERS
NFC: 61 Greg Zuerlein, St. Louis at Minnesota, Gostkowski, Stephen, N.E. 52 52 33 36 151
November 8 - (OT) Santos, Cairo, K.C. 39 41 30 37 129
AFC: 58 Jason Myers, Jacksonville vs. Miami, Tucker, Justin, Bal. 29 29 33 40 128
September 20 McManus, Brandon, Den. 35 36 30 35 125
Nugent, Mike, Cin. 48 49 23 28 117
MOST POINTS, GAME Boswell, Chris, Pit. 26 27 29 32 113
AFC: 24 Danny Woodhead, San Diego vs. Miami, Myers, Jason, Jac. 32 39 26 30 110
December 20 (4 TD) Vinatieri, Adam, Ind. 32 35 25 27 107
NFC: 19 Blair Walsh, Minnesota vs. N.Y. Giants, Coons, Travis, Cle. 22 24 28 32 106
December 27 (5-5 FG, 4-5 PAT) * Lambo, Josh, S.D. 28 32 26 32 106
Carpenter, Dan, Buf. 34 40 23 27 103
TEAM LEADERS, POINTS Janikowski, Sebastian, Oak. 38 39 21 26 101
AFC: BALTIMORE, 128, Justin Tucker; BUFFALO, 103, Novak, Nick, Hou. 29 31 18 21 83
Dan Carpenter; CINCINNATI, 117, Mike Nugent; Bullock, Randy, Hou.-NYJ 22 25 19 23 79
CLEVELAND, 106, Travis Coons; DENVER, 125, * Franks, Andrew, Mia. 33 36 13 16 72
Brandon McManus; HOUSTON, 83, Nick Novak; Succop, Ryan, Ten. 29 31 14 16 71
INDIANAPOLIS, 107, Adam Vinatieri; Folk, Nick, NYJ 19 19 13 16 58
JACKSONVILLE, 110, Jason Myers; KANSAS CITY, Scobee, Josh, Pit. 6 7 6 10 24
129, Cairo Santos; MIAMI, 72, *Andrew Franks; Quigley, Ryan, NYJ 4 4 0 0 4
NEW ENGLAND, 151, Stephen Gostkowski; N.Y.
JETS, 84, Brandon Marshall; OAKLAND, 101, * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Sebastian Janikowski; PITTSBURGH, 113, Chris
Boswell; SAN DIEGO, 106, *Josh Lambo; NONKICKERS
Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 14 0 14 0 0 84
NFC: ARIZONA, 137, Chandler Catanzaro; ATLANTA, 84, Robinson, Allen, Jac. 14 0 14 0 0 84
Devonta Freeman; CAROLINA, 146, Graham Gano; Eifert, Tyler, Cin. 13 0 13 0 0 78
CHICAGO, 127, Robbie Gould; DALLAS, 115, Dan Hill, Jeremy, Cin. 12 11 1 0 1 74
Bailey; DETROIT, 102, Matt Prater; GREEN BAY, 108, Decker, Eric, NYJ 12 0 12 0 0 72
Mason Crosby; MINNESOTA, 135, Blair Walsh; NEW Brown, Antonio, Pit. 11 0 10 1 2 70
ORLEANS, 60, Kai Forbath; N.Y. GIANTS, 134, Josh Hopkins, DeAndre, Hou. 11 0 11 0 1 68
Brown; PHILADELPHIA, 89, Caleb Sturgis; ST. Williams, DeAngelo, Pit. 11 11 0 0 1 68
LOUIS, 86, Greg Zuerlein; SAN FRANCISCO, 92, Phil Gronkowski, Rob, N.E. 11 0 11 0 0 66
Dawson; SEATTLE, 127, Steven Hauschka; TAMPA Green, A.J., Cin. 10 0 10 0 0 60
BAY, 94, Connor Barth; WASHINGTON, 114, Dustin Hurns, Allen, Jac. 10 0 10 0 0 60
Hopkins Miller, Lamar, Mia. 10 8 2 0 0 60
Barnidge, Gary, Cle. 9 0 9 0 0 54
Crabtree, Michael, Oak. 9 0 9 0 0 54
Watkins, Sammy, Buf. 9 0 9 0 0 54
* Williams, Karlos, Buf. 9 7 2 0 0 54
Woodhead, Danny, S.D. 9 3 6 0 0 54
Ivory, Chris, NYJ 8 7 1 0 0 48
Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 8 0 8 0 0 48

258 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Blount, LeGarrette, N.E. 7 6 1 0 0 42 Bolden, Brandon, N.E. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Bryant, Martavis, Pit. 7 1 6 0 0 42 Bortles, Blake, Jac. 2 2 0 0 0 12
Edelman, Julian, N.E. 7 0 7 0 0 42 Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 2 0 0 2 0 12
Gore, Frank, Ind. 7 6 1 0 0 42 Caldwell, Andre, Den. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Hillman, Ronnie, Den. 7 7 0 0 0 42 Dansby, Karlos, Cle. 2 0 0 2 0 12
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 6 1 4 1 1 38 Douglas, Harry, Ten. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Walker, Delanie, Ten. 6 0 6 0 1 38 Fasano, Anthony, Ten. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 6 0 5 1 0 36 Fitzpatrick, Ryan, NYJ 2 2 0 0 0 12
* Cooper, Amari, Oak. 6 0 6 0 0 36 Forsett, Justin, Bal. 2 2 0 0 0 12
Moncrief, Donte, Ind. 6 0 6 0 0 36 * Fowler, Jalston, Ten. 2 1 1 0 0 12
Murray, Latavius, Oak. 6 6 0 0 0 36 Griffin, Ryan, Hou. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 6 0 6 0 0 36 Hartline, Brian, Cle. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Thomas, Demaryius, Den. 6 0 6 0 0 36 Heyward-Bey, Darrius, Pit. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Ware, Spencer, K.C. 6 6 0 0 0 36 Hogan, Chris, Buf. 2 0 2 0 0 12
White, James, N.E. 6 2 4 0 0 36 * Johnson, Duke, Cle. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Kelce, Travis, K.C. 5 0 5 0 2 34 Jones, Reshad, Mia. 2 0 0 2 0 12
McCoy, LeSean, Buf. 5 3 2 0 1 32 Kerley, Jeremy, NYJ 2 0 2 0 0 12
Roberts, Seth, Oak. 5 0 5 0 1 32 Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Wheaton, Markus, Pit. 5 0 5 0 1 32 * Peters, Marcus, K.C. 2 0 0 2 0 12
Aiken, Kamar, Bal. 5 0 5 0 0 30 Polk, Chris, Hou. 2 1 1 0 0 12
Anderson, C.J., Den. 5 5 0 0 0 30 Sankey, Bishop, Ten. 2 1 1 0 0 12
Charles, Jamaal, K.C. 5 4 1 0 0 30 Sanu, Mohamed, Cin. 2 2 0 0 0 12
Crowell, Isaiah, Cle. 5 4 1 0 0 30 Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Gates, Antonio, S.D. 5 0 5 0 0 30 Smith, Alex, K.C. 2 2 0 0 0 12
Hilton, T.Y., Ind. 5 0 5 0 0 30 Stevens, Craig, Ten. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Thomas, Julius, Jac. 5 0 5 0 0 30 Stoneburner, Jake, Mia. 2 0 2 0 0 12
West, Charcandrick, K.C. 5 4 1 0 0 30 Talib, Aqib, Den. 2 0 0 2 0 12
Green, Ladarius, S.D. 4 0 4 0 2 28 Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 2 1 1 0 0 12
* Green-Beckham, Dorial, Ten. 4 0 4 0 1 26 Wilson, Albert, K.C. 2 0 2 0 0 12
Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 4 4 0 0 1 26 * Ajayi, Jay, Mia. 1 1 0 0 1 8
Allen, Keenan, S.D. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Harbor, Clay, Jac. 1 0 1 0 1 8
Chandler, Scott, N.E. 4 0 4 0 0 24 * James, Jesse, Pit. 1 0 1 0 1 8
Gillmore, Crockett, Bal. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Johnson, Will, Pit. 1 1 0 0 1 8
Holmes, Andre, Oak. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Adams, Mike, Ind. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Johnson, Andre, Ind. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Allen, Dwayne, Ind. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Jones, Marvin, Cin. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Amerson, David, Oak. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Juszczyk, Kyle, Bal. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Blake, Antwon, Pit. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Lewis, Dion, N.E. 4 2 2 0 0 24 Bolden, Omar, Den. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Matthews, Rishard, Mia. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Branch, Andre, Jac. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Washington, Nate, Hou. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Brown, Donald, S.D. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Fleener, Coby, Ind. 3 0 3 0 1 20 Brown, Preston, Buf. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Allen, Javorius, Bal. 3 1 2 0 0 18 Burkhead, Rex, Cin. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Amendola, Danny, N.E. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Campanaro, Michael, Bal. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 3 3 0 0 0 18 * Clay, Kaelin, Bal. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Bell, Le'Veon, Pit. 3 3 0 0 0 18 Clemons, Chris, Jac. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Blue, Alfred, Hou. 3 2 1 0 0 18 * Cobb, David, Ten. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Bradshaw, Ahmad, Ind. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Collins, Jamie, N.E. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Brady, Tom, N.E. 3 3 0 0 0 18 * Conley, Chris, K.C. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Cameron, Jordan, Mia. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Davis, Kellen, NYJ 1 0 1 0 0 6
Clay, Charles, Buf. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Davis, Knile, K.C. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Dalton, Andy, Cin. 3 3 0 0 0 18 Demps, Quintin, Hou. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Daniels, Owen, Den. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Dixon, Anthony, Buf. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Flacco, Joe, Bal. 3 3 0 0 0 18 * Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Floyd, Malcom, S.D. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Doyle, Jack, Ind. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Foster, Arian, Hou. 3 1 2 0 0 18 Easley, Marcus, Buf. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Gillislee, Mike, Buf. 3 3 0 0 0 18 Fiedorowicz, C.J., Hou. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Greene, Rashad, Jac. 3 0 2 1 0 18 Freeman, Jerrell, Ind. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Inman, Dontrelle, S.D. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Gay, William, Pit. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Johnson, Steve, S.D. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Givens, Chris, Bal. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Mariota, Marcus, Ten. 3 2 1 0 0 18 Graham, Corey, Buf. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Parker, DeVante, Mia. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Graham, Garrett, Hou. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Powell, Bilal, NYJ 3 1 2 0 0 18 Green, Virgil, Den. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Reece, Marcel, Oak. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Hal, Andre, Hou. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Smith, Steve, Bal. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Hall, Leon, Cin. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Stills, Kenny, Mia. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Harris, Chris, Den. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Strong, Jaelen, Hou. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Harris, Demetrius, K.C. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Walford, Clive, Oak. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Harvin, Percy, Buf. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Woods, Robert, Buf. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Helu, Roy, Oak. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Wright, Kendall, Ten. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Hicks, Akiem, N.E. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Yeldon, T.J., Jac. 3 2 1 0 0 18 Hill, Will, Bal. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Grimes, Jonathan, Hou. 2 1 1 0 1 14 Houston, Justin, K.C. 1 0 0 1 0 6
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 2 1 1 0 1 14 Hunter, Justin, Ten. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Miller, Heath, Pit. 2 0 2 0 1 14 Jackson, D'Qwell, Ind. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Bernard, Giovani, Cin. 2 2 0 0 0 12 Jackson, Kareem, Hou. 1 0 0 1 0 6

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 259

Jackson, Steven, N.E. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Barth, Connor, T.B. 25 26 23 28 94
Jennings, Greg, Mia. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Dawson, Phil, S.F. 20 21 24 27 92
Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Sturgis, Caleb, Phi. 35 37 18 22 89
* Kroft, Tyler, Cin. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Zuerlein, Greg, St.L 26 28 20 30 86
Latimer, Cody, Den. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Bryant, Matt, Atl. 26 26 14 18 68
Lee, Marqise, Jac. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Forbath, Kai, Was.-N.O. 34 35 10 15 64
Lowery, Dwight, Ind. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Hocker, Zach, N.O.-St.L 12 13 10 14 42
Mallett, Ryan, Hou. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Graham, Shayne, Atl. 8 8 11 13 41
Manuel, EJ, Buf. 1 1 0 0 0 6 * Brindza, Kyle, T.B. 6 8 6 12 24
Mathis, Robert, Ind. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Parkey, Cody, Phi. 7 7 3 4 16
Matthews, Chris, Bal. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* McBride, Tre, Ten. 1 0 1 0 0 6 NONKICKERS
McCown, Josh, Cle. 1 1 0 0 0 6 TD TDR TDP TDM X2G PTS
Mettenberger, Zach, Ten. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Baldwin, Doug, Sea. 14 0 14 0 0 84
Moore, Marlon, Cle. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 14 11 3 0 0 84
Mosley, C.J., Bal. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Beckham, Odell, NY-G 13 0 13 0 0 78
Olawale, Jamize, Oak. 1 1 0 0 0 6 * Johnson, David, Ariz 13 8 4 1 0 78
Osweiler, Brock, Den. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Peterson, Adrian, Min. 11 11 0 0 0 66
Phillips, John, S.D. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Reed, Jordan, Was. 11 0 11 0 0 66
Poe, Dontari, K.C. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Austin, Tavon, St.L 10 4 5 1 0 60
Rivera, Mychal, Oak. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Ginn, Ted, Car. 10 0 10 0 0 60
Robinson, Denard, Jac. 1 1 0 0 0 6 * Gurley, Todd, St.L 10 10 0 0 0 60
Roby, Bradley, Den. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Newton, Cam, Car. 10 10 0 0 0 60
Sensabaugh, Coty, Ten. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Cooks, Brandin, N.O. 9 0 9 0 0 54
Shelby, Derrick, Mia. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Fitzgerald, Larry, Ariz 9 0 9 0 0 54
Sims, Dion, Mia. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Johnson, Calvin, Det. 9 0 9 0 0 54
* Smith, Devin, NYJ 1 0 1 0 0 6 Jones, Julio, Atl. 9 0 8 1 0 54
Smith, Jimmy, Bal. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Jones, James, G.B. 8 0 8 0 2 52
Smith, Lee, Oak. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Rodgers, Richard, G.B. 8 0 8 0 1 50
Smith, Telvin, Jac. 1 0 0 1 0 6 * Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 8 0 6 2 0 48
Stacy, Zac, NYJ 1 1 0 0 0 6 Matthews, Jordan, Phi. 8 0 8 0 0 48
Taliaferro, Lorenzo, Bal. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Randle, Rueben, NY-G 8 0 8 0 0 48
Tannehill, Ryan, Mia. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Forté, Matt, Chi. 7 4 3 0 1 44
Tate, Brandon, Cin. 1 0 1 0 0 6 * Langford, Jeremy, Chi. 7 6 1 0 1 44
Trevathan, Danny, Den. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Brown, John, Ariz 7 0 7 0 0 42
Verrett, Jason, S.D. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Cobb, Randall, G.B. 7 0 6 1 0 42
Walters, Bryan, Jac. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Martin, Doug, T.B. 7 6 1 0 0 42
Weeden, Brandon, Hou. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Mathews, Ryan, Phi. 7 6 1 0 0 42
Whalen, Griff, Ind. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Murray, DeMarco, Phi. 7 6 1 0 0 42
Williams, Damien, Mia. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Olsen, Greg, Car. 7 0 7 0 0 42
* Williams, Maxx, Bal. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Stewart, Jonathan, Car. 7 6 1 0 0 42
Williams, Duke, Buf. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Ingram, Mark, N.O. 6 6 0 0 1 38
* Williams, Tyrell, S.D. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Floyd, Michael, Ariz 6 0 6 0 0 36
* Wilson, Ramik, K.C. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Garcon, Pierre, Was. 6 0 6 0 0 36
Woodyard, Wesley, Ten. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 6 0 4 2 0 36
Quigley, Ryan, NYJ 0 0 0 0 0 #4 Sproles, Darren, Phi. 6 3 1 2 0 36
* Alexander, D.J., K.C. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 Tate, Golden, Det. 6 0 6 0 0 36
Autry, Denico, Oak. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 Watson, Benjamin, N.O. 6 0 6 0 0 36
* Boyle, Nick, Bal. 0 0 0 0 1 2 * Winston, Jameis, T.B. 6 6 0 0 0 36
Gabriel, Taylor, Cle. 0 0 0 0 1 2 Beasley, Cole, Dal. 5 0 5 0 0 30
Hawkins, Andrew, Cle. 0 0 0 0 1 2 Cousins, Kirk, Was. 5 5 0 0 0 30
Jackson, Malik, Den. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 Ebron, Eric, Det. 5 0 5 0 0 30
Mayowa, Benson, Oak. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 * Funchess, Devin, Car. 5 0 5 0 0 30
* McGill, T.Y., Ind. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 Kearse, Jermaine, Sea. 5 0 5 0 0 30
Toussaint, Fitzgerald, Pit. 0 0 0 0 1 2 Lacy, Eddie, G.B. 5 3 2 0 0 30
Miller, Zach, Chi. 5 0 5 0 0 30
^Safety * Rawls, Thomas, Sea. 5 4 1 0 0 30
Team safety credited to Buffalo, New England Rudolph, Kyle, Min. 5 0 5 0 0 30
# Scored kicking extra point Starks, James, G.B. 5 2 3 0 0 30
* Player that was a rookie in 2015 Jennings, Rashad, NY-G 4 3 1 0 0 ^26
Smith, Torrey, S.F. 4 0 4 0 1 26
NFC—INDIVIDUAL SCORERS Bell, Joique, Det. 4 4 0 0 0 24
KICKERS Boldin, Anquan, S.F. 4 0 4 0 0 24
XP XPA FG FGA PTS Brown, Corey, Car. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Gano, Graham, Car. 56 59 30 36 146 Colston, Marques, N.O. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Catanzaro, Chandler, Ariz 53 58 28 31 137 * Diggs, Stefon, Min. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Walsh, Blair, Min. 33 37 34 39 135 Hightower, Tim, N.O. 4 4 0 0 0 24
Brown, Josh, NY-G 44 45 30 32 134 Jackson, DeSean, Was. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Gould, Robbie, Chi. 28 29 33 39 127 Jeffery, Alshon, Chi. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Hauschka, Steven, Sea. 40 44 29 31 127 * Jones, Matt, Was. 4 3 1 0 0 24
Bailey, Dan, Dal. 25 25 30 32 115 Moore, Lance, Det. 4 0 4 0 0 24
Hopkins, Dustin, Was. 39 40 25 28 114 Randle, Joseph, Dal. 4 4 0 0 0 24
Crosby, Mason, G.B. 36 36 24 28 108 Robinson, Khiry, N.O. 4 4 0 0 0 24
Prater, Matt, Det. 36 39 22 24 102 Seferian-Jenkins, Austin, T.B.4 0 4 0 0 24

260 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Sims, Charles, T.B. 4 0 4 0 0 24 Bucannon, Deone, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6
Tolbert, Mike, Car. 4 1 3 0 0 24 * Burton, Michael, Det. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Vereen, Shane, NY-G 4 0 4 0 0 24 Cadet, Travaris, N.O. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Bridgewater, Teddy, Min. 3 3 0 0 1 20 Carrier, Derek, Was. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Jackson, Vincent, T.B. 3 0 3 0 1 20 Carroll, Nolan, Phi. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Lynch, Marshawn, Sea. 3 3 0 0 1 20 Coffman, Chase, Sea. 1 0 1 0 0 6
McFadden, Darren, Dal. 3 3 0 0 1 20 Coleman, Kurt, Car. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 3 2 1 0 0 18 * Coleman, Tevin, Atl. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Bennett, Martellus, Chi. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Cutler, Jay, Chi. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Brate, Cameron, T.B. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Darkwa, Orleans, NY-G 1 1 0 0 0 6
Britt, Kenny, St.L 3 0 3 0 0 18 David, Lavonte, T.B. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Bryant, Dez, Dal. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Draughn, Shaun, S.F. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Carey, Ka'Deem, Chi. 3 2 1 0 0 18 * Dye, Donteea, T.B. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Celek, Brent, Phi. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Ellison, Rhett, Min. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Celek, Garrett, S.F. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Escobar, Gavin, Dal. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Cotchery, Jerricho, Car. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Foles, Nick, St.L 1 1 0 0 0 6
Dickson, Ed, Car. 3 0 2 1 0 18 Gabbert, Blaine, S.F. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Ellington, Andre, Ariz 3 3 0 0 0 18 Goldson, Dashon, Was. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Evans, Mike, T.B. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Goode, Najee, Phi. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Fells, Darren, Ariz 3 0 3 0 0 18 Greenway, Chad, Min. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Hankerson, Leonard, Atl. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Gresham, Jermaine, Ariz 1 0 1 0 0 6
Hoomanawanui, Michael, N.O. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Hall, DeAngelo, Was. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Huff, Josh, Phi. 3 0 3 0 0 18 * Hicks, Jordan, Phi. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Hyde, Carlos, S.F. 3 3 0 0 0 18 * Humphries, Adam, T.B. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Johnson, Chris, Ariz 3 3 0 0 0 18 Jefferson, Tony, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6
Line, Zach, Min. 3 2 1 0 0 18 Jenkins, Malcolm, Phi. 1 0 0 1 0 6
McDonald, Vance, S.F. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Johnson, Austin, N.O. 1 1 0 0 0 6
McKinnon, Jerick, Min. 3 2 1 0 0 18 Johnson, Trumaine, St.L 1 0 0 1 0 6
Riddick, Theo, Det. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Jones, Howard, T.B. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Ross, Rashad, Was. 3 0 1 2 0 18 Jones, T.J., Det. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Snead, Willie, N.O. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Kaepernick, Colin, S.F. 1 1 0 0 0 6
* Tye, Will, NY-G 3 0 3 0 0 18 Kuechly, Luke, Car. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Williams, Terrance, Dal. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Lockette, Ricardo, Sea. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Witten, Jason, Dal. 3 0 3 0 0 18 Mason, Tre, St.L 1 1 0 0 0 6
* Crowder, Jamison, Was. 2 0 2 0 2 16 Mathieu, Tyrann, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6
Bellamy, Josh, Chi. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Mauti, Michael, N.O. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Coleman, Brandon, N.O. 2 0 2 0 0 12 McBride, Trumaine, NY-G 1 0 0 1 0 6
Cooper, Riley, Phi. 2 0 2 0 0 12 McClain, Rolando, Dal. 1 0 0 1 0 6
DiMarco, Patrick, Atl. 2 0 2 0 0 12 McLeod, Rodney, St.L 1 0 0 1 0 6
Donnell, Larry, NY-G 2 0 2 0 0 12 Miller, Bruce, S.F. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Ertz, Zach, Phi. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Moeaki, Tony, Atl. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Graham, Jimmy, Sea. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Morris, Alfred, Was. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Grant, Ryan, Was. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Munnerlyn, Captain, Min. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Hill, Josh, N.O. 2 0 2 0 0 12 * Murphy, Marcus, N.O. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Jackson, Fred, Sea. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Palmer, Carson, Ariz 1 1 0 0 0 6
Kendricks, Lance, St.L 2 0 2 0 0 12 Patton, Quinton, S.F. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Kuhn, John, G.B. 2 2 0 0 0 12 Perillo, Justin, G.B. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Montgomery, Ty, G.B. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Pettigrew, Brandon, Det. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Nelson, J.J., Ariz 2 0 2 0 0 12 Powers, Jerraud, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6
Niklas, Troy, Ariz 2 0 2 0 0 12 Quin, Glover, Det. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Norman, Josh, Car. 2 0 0 2 0 12 * Randall, Damarious, G.B. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 2 0 0 2 0 12 Redding, Cory, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6
Rodgers-Cromartie, Dominique, NY-G 2 0 0 2 0 12 Reid, Caraun, Det. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Spiller, C.J., N.O. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Roberts, Andre, Was. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Thompson, Chris, Was. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Rodgers, Aaron, G.B. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Tukuafu, Will, Sea. 2 1 1 0 0 12 * Rollins, Quinten, G.B. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Wagner, Bobby, Sea. 2 0 0 2 0 12 Royal, Eddie, Chi. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Wallace, Mike, Min. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Shepard, Russell, T.B. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Williams, Nick, Atl. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Sherels, Marcus, Min. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Wright, Timothy, Det. 2 0 2 0 0 12 Simpson, Jerome, S.F. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Adams, Davante, G.B. 1 0 1 0 1 8 Smith, Harrison, Min. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Anthony, Stephone, N.O. 1 0 0 1 0 &8 Smith, Jacquies, T.B. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Thurmond, Walter, Phi. 1 0 0 1 0 ^8 Stafford, Matthew, Det. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Williams, Andre, NY-G 1 1 0 0 1 8 Stocker, Luke, T.B. 1 0 1 0 0 6
* Agholor, Nelson, Phi. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Street, Devin, Dal. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Alford, Robert, Atl. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Stupar, Nate, Atl. 1 0 0 1 0 6
* Artis-Payne, Cameron, Car. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Tamme, Jacob, Atl. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Austin, Miles, Phi. 1 0 1 0 0 6 Trufant, Desmond, Atl. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Ayers, Akeem, St.L 1 0 0 1 0 6 Turbin, Robert, Dal. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Bailey, Stedman, St.L 1 0 1 0 0 6 Wade, Trevin, NY-G 1 0 0 1 0 6
Bethel, Justin, Ariz 1 0 0 1 0 6 Ward, Jimmie, S.F. 1 0 0 1 0 6
Brees, Drew, N.O. 1 1 0 0 0 6 * Ward, Terron, Atl. 1 1 0 0 0 6
Brown, Bryce, Sea. 1 1 0 0 0 6 White, Myles, NY-G 1 0 1 0 0 6
Brown, Jaron, Ariz 1 0 1 0 0 6 White, Roddy, Atl. 1 0 1 0 0 6

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 261

Whittaker, Fozzy, Car. 1 1 0 0 0 6 Minter, Kevin, Ariz 0 0 0 0 0 ^2
Wilber, Kyle, Dal. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Rucker, Frostee, Ariz 0 0 0 0 0 ^2
Williams, Cary, Sea. 1 0 0 1 0 6 Toilolo, Levine, Atl. 0 0 0 0 1 2
Williams, Kerwynn, Ariz 1 1 0 0 0 6 Wilcox, J.J., Dal. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2
Willson, Luke, Sea. 1 0 1 0 0 6
Wilson, Marquess, Chi. 1 0 1 0 0 6 ^Safety
Wilson, Russell, Sea. 1 1 0 0 0 6 & Returned blocked extra point
* Bates, Houston, Was. 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 Team safety credited to Detroit
Cook, Jared, St.L 0 0 0 0 1 2 # Scored kicking extra point
Laurinaitis, James, St.L 0 0 0 0 0 ^2 * Player that was a rookie in 2015


New England 52 14 36 2 52 52 0 0 33 36 1 465
Pittsburgh 45 16 26 3 32 34 8 11 35 42 0 423
Cincinnati 50 18 31 1 48 49 1 1 23 28 0 419
Kansas City 45 19 20 6 39 41 2 4 30 37 1 405
N.Y. Jets 44 11 33 0 42 43 0 0 27 33 0 387
Buffalo 45 19 23 3 34 40 2 5 23 27 1 379
Jacksonville 44 5 35 4 32 39 1 5 26 30 0 376
Oakland 42 7 34 1 38 39 1 3 21 26 2 359
Denver 38 13 19 6 35 36 0 1 30 35 1 355
Houston 39 7 29 3 32 36 2 3 23 27 0 339
Indianapolis 37 6 26 5 32 35 1 2 25 27 1 333
Baltimore 33 8 21 4 29 29 1 4 33 40 0 328
San Diego 35 4 30 1 28 32 2 3 26 32 0 320
Miami 39 11 24 4 33 36 2 3 13 16 0 310
Tennessee 37 10 25 2 29 31 3 5 14 16 0 299
Cleveland 28 5 20 3 22 24 2 4 28 32 0 278

AFC Total 653 173 432 48 557 596 28 54 410 484 7 5775

AFC Average 40.8 10.8 27.0 3.0 34.8 37.3 1.8 3.4 25.6 30.3 0.4 360.9


Carolina 59 19 35 5 56 59 0 0 30 36 0 500
Arizona 58 16 35 7 53 58 0 0 28 31 2 489
Seattle 49 10 34 5 40 44 1 5 29 31 0 423
N.Y. Giants 47 5 36 6 44 45 1 2 30 32 1 420
New Orleans 51 16 32 3 44 46 1 4 18 26 0 408
Washington 44 9 30 5 40 41 2 3 26 30 1 388
Philadelphia 45 15 23 7 42 44 0 0 21 26 1 377
Green Bay 42 8 31 3 36 36 4 6 24 28 0 368
Minnesota 38 18 14 6 33 37 1 1 34 39 0 365
Detroit 42 7 33 2 36 39 0 3 22 24 2 358
Tampa Bay 37 12 22 3 31 34 1 3 29 40 0 342
Atlanta 38 13 21 4 34 34 1 3 25 31 0 339
Chicago 34 13 21 0 28 29 2 5 33 39 0 335
St. Louis 31 16 11 4 27 29 1 2 21 31 1 280
Dallas 26 8 16 2 25 25 1 1 30 32 1 275
San Francisco 24 7 16 1 20 21 1 2 24 27 0 238

NFC Total 665 192 410 63 589 621 17 40 424 503 9 5905

NFC Average 41.6 12.0 25.6 3.9 36.8 38.8 1.1 2.5 26.5 31.4 0.6 369.1

NFL Total 1318 365 842 111 1146 1217 45 94 834 987 16 11680

NFL Average 41.2 11.4 26.3 3.5 35.8 38.0 1.4 2.9 26.1 30.8 0.5 365.0

262 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

NFC: .938 Dan Bailey, Dallas FG FGA Pct Long
.938 Josh Brown, N.Y. Giants Indianapolis 25 27 .926 55
AFC: .926 Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis New England 33 36 .917 57
Cleveland 28 32 .875 47
FIELD GOALS Tennessee 14 16 .875 51
NFC: 34 Blair Walsh, Minnesota Jacksonville 26 30 .867 58
AFC: 33 Stephen Gostkowski, New England Denver 30 35 .857 57
33 Justin Tucker, Baltimore Buffalo 23 27 .852 52
Houston 23 27 .852 51
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Pittsburgh 35 42 .833 51
AFC: 40 Justin Tucker, Baltimore Baltimore 33 40 .825 52
NFC: 39 Robbie Gould, Chicago Cincinnati 23 28 .821 52
39 Blair Walsh, Minnesota N.Y. Jets 27 33 .818 55
Miami 13 16 .813 53
FIELD GOALS, GAME San Diego 26 32 .813 54
AFC: 7 Cairo Santos, Kansas City at Cincinnati, Kansas City 30 37 .811 53
October 4 (7 attempts) Oakland 21 26 .808 56
NFC: 5 Chandler Catanzaro, Arizona vs. St. Louis,
October 4 (5 attempts) AFC Total 410 484 — 58
5 Blair Walsh, Minnesota at Detroit, October
25 (5 attempts) AFC Average 25.6 30.3 .847 —
5 Mason Crosby, Green Bay at Minnesota,
November 22 (5 attempts)
December 27 (5 attempts)
FG FGA Pct Long
LONGEST FIELD GOAL Dallas 30 32 .938 54
NFC: 61 Greg Zuerlein, St. Louis at Minnesota, N.Y. Giants 30 32 .938 53
November 8 - (OT) Seattle 29 31 .935 54
AFC: 58 Jason Myers, Jacksonville vs. Miami, Detroit 22 24 .917 59
September 20 Arizona 28 31 .903 47
San Francisco 24 27 .889 54
AVERAGE YARDS MADE Minnesota 34 39 .872 54
NFC: 40.5 Matt Prater, Detroit Washington 26 30 .867 54
AFC: 39.7 Ryan Succop, Tennessee Green Bay 24 28 .857 56
Chicago 33 39 .846 55
Carolina 30 36 .833 52
Philadelphia 21 26 .808 53
Atlanta 25 31 .806 54
Tampa Bay 29 40 .725 58
New Orleans 18 26 .692 57
St. Louis 21 31 .677 61

NFC Total 424 503 — 61

NFC Average 26.5 31.4 .843 —

League Total 834 987 — 61

League Average 26.1 30.8 .845 —

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 263


Avg Avg Avg

1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50 or Yds Yds Yds
Yards Yards Yards Yards Longer Totals Att Made Miss Long

Vinatieri, Adam, Ind. 0-0 7-8 6-6 8-8 4-5 25-27 38.6 38.4 40.5 55
— .875 1.000 1.000 .800 .926
Gostkowski, Stephen, N.E. 0-0 6-6 11-11 12-14 4-5 33-36 39.4 38.5 49.3 57
— 1.000 1.000 .857 .800 .917
Boswell, Chris, Pit. 1-1 9-9 8-8 9-12 2-2 29-32 36.2 35.3 45.3 51
1.000 1.000 1.000 .750 1.000 .906
Coons, Travis, Cle. 0-0 11-11 10-10 7-9 0-2 28-32 35.2 33.4 47.8 47
— 1.000 1.000 .778 .000 .875
Succop, Ryan, Ten. 0-0 3-3 3-3 7-7 1-3 14-16 41.5 39.7 54.0 51
— 1.000 1.000 1.000 .333 .875
Myers, Jason, Jac. 0-0 9-10 8-8 6-8 3-4 26-30 36.0 34.9 42.8 58
— .900 1.000 .750 .750 .867
McManus, Brandon, Den. 0-0 12-12 8-8 5-8 5-7 30-35 37.6 35.8 48.8 57
— 1.000 1.000 .625 .714 .857
Novak, Nick, Hou. 0-0 6-6 6-6 4-4 2-5 18-21 37.8 35.3 53.0 51
— 1.000 1.000 1.000 .400 .857
Carpenter, Dan, Buf. 0-0 5-5 8-9 7-8 3-5 23-27 38.5 37.3 45.5 52
— 1.000 .889 .875 .600 .852
Bullock, Randy, Hou.-NYJ 1-1 4-4 6-6 8-11 0-1 19-23 37.5 35.8 45.3 49
1.000 1.000 1.000 .727 .000 .826
Tucker, Justin, Bal. 0-0 10-10 9-9 10-11 4-10 33-40 39.4 36.8 51.6 52
— 1.000 1.000 .909 .400 .825
Nugent, Mike, Cin. 0-0 6-6 5-6 10-13 2-3 23-28 38.5 37.2 44.2 52
— 1.000 .833 .769 .667 .821
Folk, Nick, NYJ 0-0 2-2 6-6 3-6 2-2 13-16 39.5 38.1 45.7 55
— 1.000 1.000 .500 1.000 .813
* Franks, Andrew, Mia. 1-1 3-3 4-4 4-6 1-2 13-16 37.7 34.8 50.3 53
1.000 1.000 1.000 .667 .500 .813
* Lambo, Josh, S.D. 0-0 4-4 7-7 11-16 4-5 26-32 40.9 39.1 48.8 54
— 1.000 1.000 .688 .800 .813
Santos, Cairo, K.C. 0-0 7-8 10-10 9-11 4-8 30-37 39.8 37.6 49.4 53
— .875 1.000 .818 .500 .811
Janikowski, Sebastian, Oak. 0-0 7-7 5-6 5-8 4-5 21-26 38.4 37.0 44.4 56
— 1.000 .833 .625 .800 .808
Scobee, Josh, Pit. 0-0 2-2 1-1 3-7 0-0 6-10 39.1 35.2 45.0 45
— 1.000 1.000 .429 — .600

AFC Totals 3-3 113-116 121-124 128-167 45-74 410-484 38.3 36.7 47.5 58
1.000 .974 .976 .766 .608 .847

NFL Totals 10-10 230-236 256-272 234-309 104-160 834-987 38.2 36.6 46.4 61
1.000 .975 .941 .757 .650 .845

Leader based on overall percentage, minimum 16 field goals

264 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Avg Avg Avg

1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50 or Yds Yds Yds
Yards Yards Yards Yards Longer Totals Att Made Miss Long

Bailey, Dan, Dal. 0-0 9-9 10-10 6-7 5-6 30-32 36.7 35.9 49.0 54
— 1.000 1.000 .857 .833 .938
Brown, Josh, NY-G 1-1 6-6 12-12 8-10 3-3 30-32 37.3 36.5 48.0 53
1.000 1.000 1.000 .800 1.000 .938
Hauschka, Steven, Sea. 0-0 9-9 7-7 7-9 6-6 29-31 37.7 37.3 43.5 54
— 1.000 1.000 .778 1.000 .935
Prater, Matt, Det. 0-0 3-3 8-9 6-6 5-6 22-24 41.0 40.5 46.0 59
— 1.000 .889 1.000 .833 .917
Catanzaro, Chandler, Ariz 1-1 12-12 9-9 6-7 0-2 28-31 33.7 31.9 51.0 47
1.000 1.000 1.000 .857 .000 .903
Hopkins, Dustin, Was. 0-0 7-7 9-9 7-8 2-4 25-28 37.3 35.8 49.0 54
— 1.000 1.000 .875 .500 .893
Dawson, Phil, S.F. 0-0 9-10 6-6 6-8 3-3 24-27 35.6 35.3 38.0 54
— .900 1.000 .750 1.000 .889
Walsh, Blair, Min. 0-0 9-9 13-15 6-7 6-8 34-39 38.2 37.2 45.0 54
— 1.000 .867 .857 .750 .872
Crosby, Mason, G.B. 1-1 7-7 4-4 8-11 4-5 24-28 38.0 36.6 46.5 56
1.000 1.000 1.000 .727 .800 .857
Gould, Robbie, Chi. 1-1 8-8 10-12 7-9 7-9 33-39 38.7 38.0 43.0 55
1.000 1.000 .833 .778 .778 .846
Gano, Graham, Car. 1-1 10-10 4-5 13-16 2-4 30-36 38.3 37.0 44.8 52
1.000 1.000 .800 .813 .500 .833
Barth, Connor, T.B. 0-0 9-9 8-8 3-6 3-5 23-28 36.9 34.4 48.4 53
— 1.000 1.000 .500 .600 .821
Sturgis, Caleb, Phi. 0-0 4-4 8-10 4-4 2-4 18-22 37.8 37.0 41.3 53
— 1.000 .800 1.000 .500 .818
Bryant, Matt, Atl. 1-1 4-4 3-4 6-9 0-0 14-18 36.9 34.7 44.8 47
1.000 1.000 .750 .667 — .778
Zuerlein, Greg, St.L 1-1 2-2 9-10 5-8 3-9 20-30 42.6 38.8 50.4 61
1.000 1.000 .900 .625 .333 .667
Forbath, Kai, Was.-N.O. 0-0 2-3 3-4 3-5 2-3 10-15 39.3 38.0 42.0 57
— .667 .750 .600 .667 .667
Hocker, Zach, N.O.-St.L 0-0 3-3 5-6 1-3 1-2 10-14 36.2 33.6 42.8 51
— 1.000 .833 .333 .500 .714
Graham, Shayne, Atl. 0-0 2-2 4-4 2-4 3-3 11-13 40.8 40.2 44.0 54
— 1.000 1.000 .500 1.000 .846
* Brindza, Kyle, T.B. 0-0 1-2 2-3 1-3 2-4 6-12 41.4 40.3 42.5 58
— .500 .667 .333 .500 .500
Parkey, Cody, Phi. 0-0 1-1 1-1 1-2 0-0 3-4 37.3 35.0 44.0 46
— 1.000 1.000 .500 — .750

NFC Totals 7-7 117-120 135-148 106-142 59-86 424-503 38.0 36.6 45.4 61
1.000 .975 .912 .746 .686 .843

NFL Totals 10-10 230-236 256-272 234-309 104-160 834-987 38.2 36.6 46.4 61
1.000 .975 .941 .757 .650 .845

Leader based on overall percentage, minimum 16 field goals

* Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 265

YARDS AFC: 2432 Buffalo
NFC: 1485 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota NFC: 2282 Carolina
AFC: 1070 Chris Ivory, N.Y. Jets
* Player that was a rookie in 2015
NFC: 235 Doug Martin, Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, NFL TOP TEN RUSHERS
November 22 (27 attempts, 0 TD) Att Yards Avg Long TD
AFC: 175 Lamar Miller, Miami vs. Houston, October 25 Peterson, Adrian, Min. 327 1485 4.5 80t 11
(14 attempts, 1 TD) Martin, Doug, T.B. 288 1402 4.9 84 6
* Gurley, Todd, St.L 229 1106 4.8 71t 10
LONGEST McFadden, Darren, Dal. 239 1089 4.6 50 3
AFC: 87 * Marcus Mariota, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Ivory, Chris, NYJ 247 1070 4.3 58 7
December 6 - TD Murray, Latavius, Oak. 266 1066 4.0 54 6
NFC: 84 Doug Martin, Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 265 1056 4.0 39 11
November 22 Stewart, Jonathan, Car. 242 989 4.1 44 6
Gore, Frank, Ind. 260 967 3.7 37t 6
ATTEMPTS Williams, DeAngelo, Pit. 200 907 4.5 55 11
NFC: 327 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota
AFC: 266 Latavius Murray, Oakland AFC—INDIVIDUAL RUSHERS
Att Yards Avg Long TD
ATTEMPTS, GAME Ivory, Chris, NYJ 247 1070 4.3 58 7
AFC: 31 Alfred Blue, Houston vs. Tampa Bay, Murray, Latavius, Oak. 266 1066 4.0 54 6
September 27 (139 yards, 1 TD) Gore, Frank, Ind. 260 967 3.7 37t 6
NFC: 30 Devonta Freeman, Atlanta at Dallas, Williams, DeAngelo, Pit. 200 907 4.5 55 11
September 27 (141 yards, 3 TD) McCoy, LeSean, Buf. 203 895 4.4 48t 3
30 * Todd Gurley, St. Louis at Green Bay, October Miller, Lamar, Mia. 194 872 4.5 85t 8
11 (159 yards, 0 TD) Hillman, Ronnie, Den. 207 863 4.2 72t 7
30 Chris Johnson, Arizona at Cleveland, Hill, Jeremy, Cin. 223 794 3.6 38t 11
November 1 (109 yards, 0 TD) * Yeldon, T.J., Jac. 182 740 4.1 45 2
30 * Thomas Rawls, Seattle vs. San Francisco, Bernard, Giovani, Cin. 154 730 4.7 28 2
November 22 (209 yards, 1 TD) Anderson, C.J., Den. 152 720 4.7 48t 5
Crowell, Isaiah, Cle. 185 706 3.8 54 4
YARDS PER ATTEMPT Blount, LeGarrette, N.E. 165 703 4.3 38t 6
NFC: 5.6 * Thomas Rawls, Seattle Blue, Alfred, Hou. 183 698 3.8 41 2
AFC: 5.5 Tyrod Taylor, Buffalo Forsett, Justin, Bal. 151 641 4.2 33 2
* Gordon, Melvin, S.D. 184 641 3.5 27 0
TOUCHDOWNS West, Charcandrick, K.C. 160 634 4.0 38t 4
AFC: 11 Jeremy Hill, Cincinnati Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 104 568 5.5 31 4
11 DeAngelo Williams, Pittsburgh Bell, Le'Veon, Pit. 113 556 4.9 42 3
NFC: 11 Devonta Freeman, Atlanta Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 143 520 3.6 38 3
11 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota * Williams, Karlos, Buf. 93 517 5.6 41t 7
* Allen, Javorius, Bal. 137 514 3.8 44 1
TEAM LEADERS, YARDS Smith, Alex, K.C. 84 498 5.9 49 2
AFC: BALTIMORE, 641, Justin Forsett; BUFFALO, 895, Ware, Spencer, K.C. 72 403 5.6 52 6
LeSean McCoy; CINCINNATI, 794, Jeremy Hill; * Johnson, Duke, Cle. 104 379 3.6 39 0
CLEVELAND, 706, Isaiah Crowell; DENVER, 863, Charles, Jamaal, K.C. 71 364 5.1 34t 4
Ronnie Hillman; HOUSTON, 698, Alfred Blue; Woodhead, Danny, S.D. 98 336 3.4 27 3
INDIANAPOLIS, 967, Frank Gore; JACKSONVILLE, Polk, Chris, Hou. 99 334 3.4 20 1
740, *T.J. Yeldon; KANSAS CITY, 634, Charcandrick Powell, Bilal, NYJ 70 313 4.5 24 1
West; MIAMI, 872, Lamar Miller; NEW ENGLAND, Bortles, Blake, Jac. 52 310 6.0 28 2
703, LeGarrette Blount; N.Y. JETS, 1070, Chris Grimes, Jonathan, Hou. 56 282 5.0 37 1
Ivory; OAKLAND, 1066, Latavius Murray; Fitzpatrick, Ryan, NYJ 60 270 4.5 19 2
PITTSBURGH, 907, DeAngelo Williams; SAN DIEGO, Gillislee, Mike, Buf. 47 267 5.7 60t 3
641, *Melvin Gordon; TENNESSEE, 520, Antonio Robinson, Denard, Jac. 67 266 4.0 31 1
Andrews * Mariota, Marcus, Ten. 34 252 7.4 87t 2
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 55 247 4.5 44 1
NFC: ARIZONA, 814, Chris Johnson; ATLANTA, 1056, Lewis, Dion, N.E. 49 234 4.8 13 2
Devonta Freeman; CAROLINA, 989, Jonathan West, Terrance, Ten.-Bal. 62 231 3.7 17 0
Stewart; CHICAGO, 898, Matt Forté; DALLAS, 1089, Manziel, Johnny, Cle. 37 230 6.2 34 0
Darren McFadden; DETROIT, 597, *Ameer Abdullah; Brown, Donald, S.D. 59 229 3.9 53 1
GREEN BAY, 758, Eddie Lacy; MINNESOTA, 1485, Bolden, Brandon, N.E. 63 207 3.3 14 0
Adrian Peterson; NEW ORLEANS, 769, Mark Ingram; Luck, Andrew, Ind. 33 196 5.9 25 0
N.Y. GIANTS, 863, Rashad Jennings; Sankey, Bishop, Ten. 47 193 4.1 16 1
PHILADELPHIA, 702, DeMarco Murray; ST. LOUIS, * Ajayi, Jay, Mia. 49 187 3.8 24 1
1106, *Todd Gurley; SAN FRANCISCO, 470, Carlos Gray, Jonas, Mia.-Jac. 45 176 3.9 23 0
Hyde; SEATTLE, 830, *Thomas Rawls; TAMPA BAY, Foster, Arian, Hou. 63 163 2.6 16 1
1402, Doug Martin; WASHINGTON, 751, Alfred * Cobb, David, Ten. 52 146 2.8 12 1
Morris Dalton, Andy, Cin. 57 142 2.5 12 3
Tannehill, Ryan, Mia. 32 141 4.4 28 1

266 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Att Yards Avg Long TD Att Yards Avg Long TD
Carr, Derek, Oak. 33 138 4.2 24 0 LaFell, Brandon, N.E. 2 9 4.5 9 0
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 18 113 6.3 22t 1 * McBride, Tre, Ten. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Olawale, Jamize, Oak. 24 110 4.6 19t 1 Mettenberger, Zach, Ten. 9 8 0.9 5t 1
Oliver, Branden, S.D. 31 108 3.5 15 0 Washington, Tony, Jac. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Vick, Mike, Pit. 20 99 5.0 24 0 Johnson, Will, Pit. 4 7 1.8 6 1
McCown, Josh, Cle. 20 98 4.9 13 1 Koch, Sam, Bal. 1 7 7.0 7 0
* Hunt, Akeem, Hou. 17 96 5.6 25 0 Daniels, B.J., Hou. 6 6 1.0 6 0
Ridley, Stevan, NYJ 36 90 2.5 13 0 Johnson, Damaris, N.E. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Stacy, Zac, NYJ 31 89 2.9 18 1 Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Bradshaw, Ahmad, Ind. 31 85 2.7 23 0 * Magee, Terrence, Bal. 2 5 2.5 4 0
Herron, Dan, Buf.-Ind. 25 79 3.2 8 0 Burkhead, Rex, Cin. 4 4 1.0 2 0
Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 16 74 4.6 19 0 Hogan, Chris, Buf. 1 4 4.0 4 0
Davis, Knile, K.C. 28 72 2.6 10 1 Johnson, David, S.D. 2 4 2.0 2 0
Sanu, Mohamed, Cin. 10 71 7.1 25t 2 Matthews, Rishard, Mia. 1 4 4.0 4 0
Manuel, EJ, Buf. 17 64 3.8 16 1 Caldwell, Andre, Den. 1 3 3.0 3 0
Osweiler, Brock, Den. 21 61 2.9 8 1 Juszczyk, Kyle, Bal. 2 3 1.5 2 0
Williams, Damien, Mia. 16 59 3.7 19 0 Levine, Anthony, Bal. 1 3 3.0 3 0
White, James, N.E. 22 56 2.5 8 2 Wood, Cierre, Buf. 2 3 1.5 3 0
Brady, Tom, N.E. 34 53 1.6 13 3 Bohanon, Tommy, NYJ 2 2 1.0 2 0
* Iosefa, Joey, N.E. 15 51 3.4 15 0 Felton, Jerome, Buf. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Jackson, Steven, N.E. 21 50 2.4 7 1 * Grant, Corey, Jac. 6 2 0.3 11 0
Thompson, Juwan, Den. 18 48 2.7 12 0 Miller, Heath, Pit. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 10 47 4.7 12 0 Ross, Jeremy, Bal. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Taliaferro, Lorenzo, Bal. 13 47 3.6 7t 1 * Varga, Tyler, Ind. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Weeden, Brandon, Dal.-Hou. 16 47 2.9 11 1 Allen, Dwayne, Ind. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Dixon, Anthony, Buf. 21 44 2.1 6 1 Latimer, Cody, Den. 2 1 0.5 5 0
Gerhart, Toby, Jac. 20 44 2.2 6 0 Poe, Dontari, K.C. 1 1 1.0 1t 1
Hoyer, Brian, Hou. 15 44 2.9 15 0 Watkins, Sammy, Buf. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Toussaint, Fitzgerald, Pit. 18 42 2.3 7 0 Whitehurst, Charlie, Ind. 2 1 0.5 2 0
Helu, Roy, Oak. 17 39 2.3 12 0 Alualu, Tyson, Jac. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Robinson, Josh, Ind. 17 39 2.3 8 0 Reitz, Joe, Ind. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Lee, Marqise, Jac. 5 38 7.6 12 0 Schmidt, Colton, Buf. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Bryant, Martavis, Pit. 5 37 7.4 13 1 Sherman, Anthony, K.C. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Clausen, Jimmy, Chi.-Bal. 11 36 3.3 11 0 Woods, Robert, Buf. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Reece, Marcel, Oak. 10 36 3.6 12 0 Yates, T.J., Hou. 6 0 0.0 7 0
Walker, Delanie, Ten. 1 36 36.0 36 0 Anderson, Colt, Ind. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Smith, Geno, NYJ 2 34 17.0 29 0 Clemens, Kellen, S.D. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 9 34 3.8 13 1 Pryor, Terrelle, Cle. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Davis, Austin, Cle. 7 33 4.7 17 0 * Siemian, Trevor, Den. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Jones, Marvin, Cin. 5 33 6.6 30 0 Thigpen, Marcus, Buf. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Prosch, Jay, Hou. 6 33 5.5 16 0 Daniel, Chase, K.C. 2 -2 -1.0 -1 0
Harvin, Percy, Buf. 5 31 6.2 9 0 Moore, Matt, Mia. 3 -2 -0.7 0 0
McCarron, AJ, Cin. 14 31 2.2 16 0 * Cooper, Amari, Oak. 3 -3 -1.0 2 0
Roethlisberger, Ben, Pit. 15 29 1.9 13 0 Woodson, Charles, Oak. 1 -3 -3.0 -3 0
Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 3 29 9.7 24 0 Garoppolo, Jimmy, N.E. 5 -5 -1.0 -1 0
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 3 28 9.3 16 0 Jones, Landry, Pit. 5 -5 -1.0 0 0
Rivers, Philip, S.D. 17 28 1.6 8 0 Douglas, Harry, Ten. 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0
Wilson, Albert, K.C. 5 26 5.2 8 0 Manning, Peyton, Den. 6 -6 -1.0 -1 0
Freeman, Josh, Ind. 8 24 3.0 9 0 Winston, Glenn, Cle. 1 -8 -8.0 -8 0
Edelman, Julian, N.E. 3 23 7.7 12 0
Flacco, Joe, Bal. 13 23 1.8 16 3 t = Touchdown
Todman, Jordan, Pit. 4 22 5.5 11 0 Leader based on most yards gained
Tipton, Zurlon, Ind. 5 20 4.0 7 0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Givens, Chris, St.L-Bal. 4 18 4.5 24 0
McAfee, Pat, Ind. 1 18 18.0 18 0 NFC—INDIVIDUAL RUSHERS
Campanaro, Michael, Bal. 2 17 8.5 9t 1 Att Yards Avg Long TD
* Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 3 17 5.7 11 0 Peterson, Adrian, Min. 327 1485 4.5 80t 11
Wright, Kendall, Ten. 5 17 3.4 13 0 Martin, Doug, T.B. 288 1402 4.9 84 6
Hasselbeck, Matt, Ind. 16 15 0.9 10 0 * Gurley, Todd, St.L 229 1106 4.8 71t 10
Mallett, Ryan, Hou.-Bal. 5 15 3.0 6t 1 McFadden, Darren, Dal. 239 1089 4.6 50 3
Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 3 14 4.7 18 0 Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 265 1056 4.0 39 11
* Fowler, Jalston, Ten. 7 13 1.9 3 1 Stewart, Jonathan, Car. 242 989 4.1 44 6
Herndon, Javontee, S.D. 1 13 13.0 13 0 Forté, Matt, Chi. 218 898 4.1 27 4
Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 4 12 3.0 10 0 Jennings, Rashad, NY-G 195 863 4.4 38t 3
* Williams, Trey, Ind. 2 12 6.0 12 0 * Rawls, Thomas, Sea. 147 830 5.6 69t 4
Amendola, Danny, N.E. 2 11 5.5 8 0 Ingram, Mark, N.O. 166 769 4.6 70 6
Pierce, Bernard, Jac. 6 11 1.8 4 0 Lacy, Eddie, G.B. 187 758 4.1 29 3
Poyer, Jordan, Cle. 1 10 10.0 10 0 Morris, Alfred, Was. 202 751 3.7 48 1
Schaub, Matt, Bal. 4 10 2.5 7 0 Murray, DeMarco, Phi. 193 702 3.6 54t 6

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 267

Att Yards Avg Long TD Att Yards Avg Long TD
Newton, Cam, Car. 132 636 4.8 47 10 Abdul-Quddus, Isa, Det. 2 34 17.0 30 0
Starks, James, G.B. 148 601 4.1 65t 2 Coleman, Derrick, Sea. 8 32 4.0 19 0
* Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 143 597 4.2 36 2 Wright, Jarius, Min. 1 29 29.0 29 0
* Johnson, David, Ariz 125 581 4.6 47t 8 Bush, Reggie, S.F. 8 28 3.5 9 0
Wilson, Russell, Sea. 103 553 5.4 24 1 Cadet, Travaris, S.F.-N.O. 11 28 2.5 6 0
Mathews, Ryan, Phi. 106 539 5.1 63t 6 Kuhn, John, G.B. 9 28 3.1 5t 2
* Langford, Jeremy, Chi. 148 537 3.6 23 6 Palmer, Carson, Ariz 25 24 1.0 12 1
Sims, Charles, T.B. 107 529 4.9 59 0 Brown, John, Ariz 3 22 7.3 13 0
* Jones, Matt, Was. 144 490 3.4 39t 3 Sanchez, Mark, Phi. 6 22 3.7 11 0
Hyde, Carlos, S.F. 115 470 4.1 22 3 * Crockett, John, G.B. 9 21 2.3 12 0
Austin, Tavon, St.L 52 434 8.3 60 4 Foles, Nick, St.L 17 20 1.2 10 1
Lynch, Marshawn, Sea. 111 417 3.8 24 3 * Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 5 20 4.0 8 0
* Coleman, Tevin, Atl. 87 392 4.5 46 1 * Harris, Alonzo, G.B. 4 19 4.8 16 0
Hightower, Tim, N.O. 96 375 3.9 26 4 Cooks, Brandin, N.O. 8 18 2.3 11 0
Rodgers, Aaron, G.B. 58 344 5.9 18 1 Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 5 18 3.6 7 0
Sproles, Darren, Phi. 83 317 3.8 27 3 * Brown, Malcolm, St.L 4 17 4.3 13 0
Randle, Joseph, Dal. 76 315 4.1 37t 4 Cotchery, Jerricho, Car. 1 16 16.0 16 0
Bell, Joique, Det. 90 311 3.5 36 4 Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 2 15 7.5 9 0
Ellington, Andre, Ariz 45 289 6.4 63t 3 Brees, Drew, N.O. 24 14 0.6 12 1
Draughn, Shaun, Cle.-S.F. 78 273 3.5 30 1 Miller, Bruce, S.F. 6 14 2.3 4 1
McKinnon, Jerick, Min. 52 271 5.2 68t 2 * Montgomery, Ty, G.B. 3 14 4.7 9 0
Vereen, Shane, NY-G 61 260 4.3 39 0 * Diggs, Stefon, Min. 3 13 4.3 10 0
Williams, Andre, NY-G 88 257 2.9 35 1 Romo, Tony, Dal. 4 13 3.3 12 0
Kaepernick, Colin, S.F. 45 256 5.7 15 1 Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 2 12 6.0 11 0
Tolbert, Mike, Car. 62 256 4.1 29 1 Rodgers, Richard, G.B. 1 11 11.0 11 0
Michael, Christine, Dal.-Sea. 54 243 4.5 45 0 Smith, Antone, Chi. 1 11 11.0 11 0
Thompson, Chris, Was. 35 216 6.2 42 0 Line, Zach, Min. 6 10 1.7 3 2
* Winston, Jameis, T.B. 54 213 3.9 21 6 Young, Darrel, Was. 6 10 1.7 5 0
Mason, Tre, St.L 75 207 2.8 15 1 Johnson, Austin, N.O. 4 9 2.3 4 1
Cutler, Jay, Chi. 38 201 5.3 26 1 Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 1 7 7.0 7 0
Turbin, Robert, Cle.-Dal. 50 199 4.0 22 1 Masthay, Tim, G.B. 1 7 7.0 7 0
Bridgewater, Teddy, Min. 44 192 4.4 19 3 Wallace, Mike, Min. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Harris, DuJuan, Sea.-S.F. 48 189 3.9 47 0 Keenum, Case, St.L 12 5 0.4 4 0
Gabbert, Blaine, S.F. 32 185 5.8 44t 1 Patton, Quinton, S.F. 1 5 5.0 5 0
* Artis-Payne, Cameron, Car. 45 183 4.1 31 1 * Smith, Rod, Sea.-Dal. 2 5 2.5 3 0
Robinson, Khiry, N.O. 56 180 3.2 14 4 * Williams, Kasen, Sea. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Carey, Ka'Deem, Chi. 43 159 3.7 11 2 Weems, Eric, Atl. 1 4 4.0 4 0
Stafford, Matthew, Det. 44 159 3.6 18 1 Beckham, Odell, NY-G 1 3 3.0 3 0
Darkwa, Orleans, NY-G 36 153 4.3 17 1 Pead, Isaiah, St.L 2 3 1.5 4 0
Williams, Kerwynn, Ariz 27 142 5.3 35t 1 * Burton, Michael, Det. 4 2 0.5 2 0
Cunningham, Benny, St.L 37 140 3.8 40 0 * Crowder, Jamison, Was. 2 2 1.0 2 0
Riddick, Theo, Det. 43 133 3.1 16 0 Heath, Jeff, Dal. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Barner, Kenjon, Phi. 28 124 4.4 19 0 Hunter, Kendall, N.O. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Asiata, Matt, Min. 29 112 3.9 19 0 Tukuafu, Will, Sea. 4 1 0.3 4 1
Spiller, C.J., N.O. 36 112 3.1 11 0 Winn, George, Det. 4 1 0.3 2 0
Whittaker, Fozzy, Car. 25 108 4.3 16t 1 DiMarco, Patrick, Atl. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Whitehead, Lucky, Dal. 10 107 10.7 33 0 Hoomanawanui, Michael, N.O. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Jackson, Fred, Sea. 26 100 3.8 16 0 Lane, Jorvorskie, T.B. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Ward, Terron, Atl. 29 95 3.3 13 1 * Murphy, Marcus, N.O. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Thielen, Adam, Min. 4 89 22.3 41 0 * Nelson, J.J., Ariz 1 0 0.0 0 0
Cassel, Matt, Dal. 15 78 5.2 24 0 Moore, Kellen, Dal. 2 -1 -0.5 0 0
Brown, Bryce, Sea. 25 72 2.9 18 1 Nortman, Brad, Car. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Dunbar, Lance, Dal. 5 67 13.4 45 0 Royal, Eddie, Chi. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Thomas, Pierre, S.F.-Was. 15 64 4.3 11 0 Webb, Joe, Car. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Ryan, Matt, Atl. 36 63 1.8 18 0 Anderson, Derek, Car. 7 -2 -0.3 2 0
Manning, Eli, NY-G 20 61 3.1 18 0 Jones, T.J., Det. 1 -3 -3.0 -3 0
Ginn, Ted, Car. 4 60 15.0 43 0 McCoy, Colt, Was. 3 -3 -1.0 -1 0
* Zenner, Zach, Det. 17 60 3.5 12 0 Tolzien, Scott, G.B. 3 -3 -1.0 0 0
* Davis, Mike, S.F. 35 58 1.7 13 0 Renfree, Sean, Atl. 1 -4 -4.0 -4 0
Taylor, Stepfan, Ariz 17 58 3.4 16 0 Hill, Shaun, Min. 4 -5 -1.3 -1 0
* Hayne, Jarryd, S.F. 17 52 3.1 11 0 Locke, Jeff, Min. 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0
Cobb, Randall, G.B. 13 50 3.8 12 0 Jackson, Tarvaris, Sea. 8 -8 -1.0 -1 0
Cousins, Kirk, Was. 26 48 1.8 13t 5 Stanton, Drew, Ariz 13 -13 -1.0 -1 0
Rodgers, Jacquizz, Chi. 14 41 2.9 5 0
Tate, Golden, Det. 6 41 6.8 15 0 t = Touchdown
Bradford, Sam, Phi. 26 39 1.5 14 0 Leader based on most yards gained
Brown, Corey, Car. 6 38 6.3 14 0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Gaskins, Kendall, S.F. 16 38 2.4 14 0

268 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Att Yards Avg Long TD Att Yards Avg Long TD

Buffalo 509 2432 4.8 60t 19 Carolina 526 2282 4.3 47 19
Kansas City 436 2044 4.7 52 19 Seattle 500 2268 4.5 69t 10
N.Y. Jets 448 1868 4.2 58 11 Minnesota 474 2211 4.7 80t 18
Cincinnati 467 1805 3.9 38t 18 Tampa Bay 455 2162 4.8 84 12
Houston 472 1731 3.7 41 7 St. Louis 429 1956 4.6 71t 16
Pittsburgh 388 1724 4.4 55 16 Arizona 452 1917 4.2 63t 16
Denver 411 1718 4.2 72t 13 Dallas 408 1890 4.6 50 8
Cleveland 380 1529 4.0 54 5 Chicago 468 1854 4.0 27 13
Miami 344 1496 4.3 85t 11 Green Bay 436 1850 4.2 65t 8
Tennessee 371 1485 4.0 87t 10 Philadelphia 442 1743 3.9 63t 15
Baltimore 383 1478 3.9 44 8 N.Y. Giants 403 1609 4.0 39 5
Jacksonville 354 1473 4.2 45 5 Atlanta 420 1606 3.8 46 13
Oakland 370 1457 3.9 54 7 Washington 429 1566 3.7 48 9
Indianapolis 396 1438 3.6 37t 6 San Francisco 390 1544 4.0 47 7
New England 383 1404 3.7 38t 14 New Orleans 397 1491 3.8 70 16
San Diego 393 1358 3.5 53 4 Detroit 354 1335 3.8 36 7

AFC Total 6505 26440 4.1 87t 173 NFC Total 6983 29284 4.2 84 192

AFC Average 406.6 1652.5 4.1 — 10.8 NFC Average 436.4 1830.3 4.2 — 12.0

League Total 13488 55724 — 87t 365

League Average 421.5 1741.4 4.1 — 11.4

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 269

NFC: 110.1 Russell Wilson, Seattle NFC: 8.70 Carson Palmer, Arizona
AFC: 106.3 Andy Dalton, Cincinnati AFC: 8.42 Andy Dalton, Cincinnati


NFC: 69.8 Kirk Cousins, Washington AFC: 36 Tom Brady, New England
AFC: 68.0 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh NFC: 35 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants
35 Cam Newton, Carolina
ATTEMPTS 35 Carson Palmer, Arizona
AFC: 661 Philip Rivers, San Diego
NFC: 627 Drew Brees, New Orleans TOUCHDOWN PASSES, GAME
NFC: 7 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants,
COMPLETIONS November 1 (39-50, 505 yards)
AFC: 437 Philip Rivers, San Diego AFC: 5 Blake Bortles, Jacksonville at Tennessee,
NFC: 428 Drew Brees, New Orleans December 6 (24-36, 322 yards)


NFC: 4870 Drew Brees, New Orleans NFC: 1.4 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay
AFC: 4792 Philip Rivers, San Diego AFC: 1.1 Tom Brady, New England


NFC: 505 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants, NFC: 4970 New Orleans
November 1 (39-50, 7 TD) AFC: 4603 Pittsburgh
AFC: 503 Philip Rivers, San Diego at Green Bay,
October 18 (43-65, 2 TD)

AFC: 90 Blake Bortles (to Allen Robinson),
Jacksonville at New Orleans, December
27 - TD
NFC: 87 Jay Cutler (to Zach Miller), Chicago at St.
Louis, November 15 - TD
87 Eli Manning (to Odell Beckham), N.Y. Giants
vs. New England, November 15 - TD


Pct Avg Pct Pct Yds Rating
Att Comp Comp Yds Gain TD TD Long Int Int Sack Lost Points
Wilson, Russell, Sea. 483 329 68.1 4024 8.33 34 7.0 80t 8 1.7 45 265 110.1
Dalton, Andy, Cin. 386 255 66.1 3250 8.42 25 6.5 80t 7 1.8 20 118 106.3
Palmer, Carson, Ariz 537 342 63.7 4671 8.70 35 6.5 68 11 2.0 25 151 104.6
Brady, Tom, N.E. 624 402 64.4 4770 7.64 36 5.8 76t 7 1.1 38 225 102.2
Cousins, Kirk, Was. 543 379 69.8 4166 7.67 29 5.3 78t 11 2.0 26 186 101.6
Brees, Drew, N.O. 627 428 68.3 4870 7.77 32 5.1 80t 11 1.8 31 235 101.0
Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 380 242 63.7 3035 7.99 20 5.3 63 6 1.6 36 212 99.4
Newton, Cam, Car. 495 296 59.8 3837 7.75 35 7.1 74t 10 2.0 33 284 99.4
Stafford, Matthew, Det. 592 398 67.2 4262 7.20 32 5.4 57 13 2.2 44 251 97.0
Smith, Alex, K.C. 470 307 65.3 3486 7.42 20 4.3 80t 7 1.5 45 235 95.4

270 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Pct Gross Yds Net Yds/ Yards/ Pct Pct

Att Comp Comp Yards Sacked Lost Yards Att Comp TD TD Long Int Int
San Diego 667 442 66.3 4855 40 264 4591 7.28 10.98 30 4.50 80t 13 1.9
Pittsburgh 590 391 66.3 4822 33 219 4603 8.17 12.33 26 4.41 88t 21 3.6
New England 629 404 64.2 4812 38 225 4587 7.65 11.91 36 5.72 76t 7 1.1
Baltimore 676 426 63.0 4449 24 178 4271 6.58 10.44 21 3.11 50t 21 3.1
Jacksonville 607 355 58.5 4428 51 320 4108 7.29 12.47 35 5.77 90t 18 3.0
Miami 588 365 62.1 4231 45 420 3811 7.20 11.59 24 4.08 54t 12 2.0
Denver 606 368 60.7 4216 39 246 3970 6.96 11.46 19 3.14 75t 23 3.8
N.Y. Jets 604 362 59.9 4170 22 113 4057 6.90 11.52 33 5.46 69t 16 2.6
Cleveland 609 371 60.9 4156 53 374 3782 6.82 11.20 20 3.28 61 12 2.0
Oakland 605 373 61.7 4129 33 250 3879 6.82 11.07 34 5.62 68t 14 2.3
Cincinnati 505 334 66.1 4104 32 181 3923 8.13 12.29 31 6.14 80t 9 1.8
Houston 619 358 57.8 4079 36 246 3833 6.59 11.39 29 4.68 61t 12 1.9
Indianapolis 619 355 57.4 3928 37 224 3704 6.35 11.06 26 4.20 87t 19 3.1
Tennessee 551 342 62.1 3893 54 390 3503 7.07 11.38 25 4.54 61t 17 3.1
Buffalo 465 295 63.4 3600 42 257 3343 7.74 12.20 23 4.95 63 9 1.9
Kansas City 473 310 65.5 3493 46 238 3255 7.38 11.27 20 4.23 80t 7 1.5

AFC Total 9413 5851 — 67365 625 4145 63220 — — 432 — 90t 230 —

AFC Average 588.3 365.7 62.2 4210.3 39.1 259.1 3951.3 7.16 11.51 27.0 4.6 — 14.4 2.4


Pct Gross Yds Net Yds/ Yards/ Pct Pct

Att Comp Comp Yards Sacked Lost Yards Att Comp TD TD Long Int Int
New Orleans 667 460 69.0 5205 32 235 4970 7.80 11.32 32 4.80 80t 12 1.8
Arizona 562 353 62.8 4775 27 159 4616 8.50 13.53 35 6.23 68 13 2.3
Atlanta 621 410 66.0 4602 32 223 4379 7.41 11.22 21 3.38 70t 17 2.7
N.Y. Giants 623 392 62.9 4500 27 157 4343 7.22 11.48 36 5.78 87t 14 2.2
Detroit 632 420 66.5 4463 44 251 4212 7.06 10.63 33 5.22 57 14 2.2
Philadelphia 623 405 65.0 4341 37 254 4087 6.97 10.72 23 3.69 78t 18 2.9
Washington 555 386 69.5 4294 27 199 4095 7.74 11.12 30 5.41 78t 11 2.0
Seattle 489 333 68.1 4061 46 271 3790 8.30 12.20 34 6.95 80t 8 1.6
Tampa Bay 535 312 58.3 4042 27 190 3852 7.56 12.96 22 4.11 68 15 2.8
Carolina 501 300 59.9 3873 33 284 3589 7.73 12.91 35 6.99 74t 10 2.0
Chicago 523 334 63.9 3843 34 183 3660 7.35 11.51 21 4.02 87t 12 2.3
Green Bay 573 348 60.7 3825 47 322 3503 6.68 10.99 31 5.41 65t 8 1.4
Dallas 528 334 63.3 3677 33 206 3471 6.96 11.01 16 3.03 67 22 4.2
San Francisco 526 322 61.2 3646 53 330 3316 6.93 11.32 16 3.04 76t 12 2.3
Minnesota 454 294 64.8 3246 45 318 2928 7.15 11.04 14 3.08 52 9 2.0
St. Louis 473 273 57.7 2931 18 126 2805 6.20 10.74 11 2.33 68 11 2.3

NFC Total 8885 5676 — 65324 562 3708 61616 — — 410 — 87t 206 —

NFC Average 555.3 354.8 63.9 4082.8 35.1 231.8 3851.0 7.35 11.51 25.6 4.6 — 12.9 2.3

League Total 18298 11527 — 132689 1187 7853 124836 — — 842 — 90t 436 —

League Average 571.8 360.2 63.0 4146.5 37.1 245.4 3901.1 7.25 11.51 26.3 4.6 — 13.6 2.4

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 271

Pct Avg Pct Pct Yds Rating
Att Comp Comp Yds Gain TD TD Long Int Int Sack Lost Points
Dalton, Andy, Cin. 386 255 66.1 3250 8.42 25 6.5 80t 7 1.8 20 118 106.3
Brady, Tom, N.E. 624 402 64.4 4770 7.64 36 5.8 76t 7 1.1 38 225 102.2
Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 380 242 63.7 3035 7.99 20 5.3 63 6 1.6 36 212 99.4
Smith, Alex, K.C. 470 307 65.3 3486 7.42 20 4.3 80t 7 1.5 45 235 95.4
Roethlisberger, Ben, Pit. 469 319 68.0 3938 8.40 21 4.5 69t 16 3.4 20 141 94.5
Rivers, Philip, S.D. 661 437 66.1 4792 7.25 29 4.4 80t 13 2.0 40 264 93.8
McCown, Josh, Cle. 292 186 63.7 2109 7.22 12 4.1 56 4 1.4 23 137 93.3
* Mariota, Marcus, Ten. 370 230 62.2 2818 7.62 19 5.1 61t 10 2.7 38 258 91.5
Hoyer, Brian, Hou. 369 224 60.7 2606 7.06 19 5.1 49 7 1.9 25 185 91.4
Carr, Derek, Oak. 573 350 61.1 3987 6.96 32 5.6 68t 13 2.3 31 230 91.1
Tannehill, Ryan, Mia. 586 363 61.9 4208 7.18 24 4.1 54t 12 2.0 45 420 88.7
Bortles, Blake, Jac. 606 355 58.6 4428 7.31 35 5.8 90t 18 3.0 51 320 88.2
Fitzpatrick, Ryan, NYJ 562 335 59.6 3905 6.95 31 5.5 69t 15 2.7 19 94 88.0
Osweiler, Brock, Den. 275 170 61.8 1967 7.15 10 3.6 72t 6 2.2 23 151 86.4
Hasselbeck, Matt, Ind. 256 156 60.9 1690 6.60 9 3.5 57 5 2.0 16 101 84.0
Flacco, Joe, Bal. 413 266 64.4 2791 6.76 14 3.4 50t 12 2.9 16 124 83.1
Luck, Andrew, Ind. 293 162 55.3 1881 6.42 15 5.1 87t 12 4.1 15 88 74.9
Mallett, Ryan, Hou.-Bal. 244 136 55.7 1336 5.48 5 2.0 48 6 2.5 6 32 67.9
Manning, Peyton, Den. 331 198 59.8 2249 6.79 9 2.7 75t 17 5.1 16 95 67.9
Tanney, Alex, Ten. 14 10 71.4 99 7.07 1 7.1 29 0 0.0 3 34 114.9
Lindley, Ryan, Ind. 10 6 60.0 58 5.80 1 10.0 18t 0 0.0 0 0 109.6
McCarron, AJ, Cin. 119 79 66.4 854 7.18 6 5.0 66t 2 1.7 12 63 97.1
Weeden, Brandon, Dal.-Hou. 140 97 69.3 1043 7.45 5 3.6 67 2 1.4 10 77 96.8
McGloin, Matt, Oak. 32 23 71.9 142 4.44 2 6.3 14 1 3.1 2 20 88.3
Smith, Geno, NYJ 42 27 64.3 265 6.31 2 4.8 28 1 2.4 3 19 87.9
Yates, T.J., Hou. 57 28 49.1 370 6.49 3 5.3 61t 1 1.8 5 33 80.3
Vick, Mike, Pit. 66 40 60.6 371 5.62 2 3.0 72t 1 1.5 10 53 79.8
Manziel, Johnny, Cle. 223 129 57.8 1500 6.73 7 3.1 61 5 2.2 19 141 79.4
Manuel, EJ, Buf. 84 52 61.9 561 6.68 3 3.6 58t 3 3.6 6 45 78.5
Jones, Landry, Pit. 55 32 58.2 513 9.33 3 5.5 88t 4 7.3 2 17 77.3
Schaub, Matt, Bal. 80 52 65.0 540 6.75 3 3.8 48 4 5.0 3 27 76.0
Mettenberger, Zach, Ten. 166 101 60.8 935 5.63 4 2.4 57t 7 4.2 13 98 66.7
Clausen, Jimmy, Chi.-Bal. 125 72 57.6 739 5.91 2 1.6 48t 4 3.2 7 38 66.7
Davis, Austin, Cle. 94 56 59.6 547 5.82 1 1.1 42t 3 3.2 11 96 66.2
Freeman, Josh, Ind. 28 15 53.6 149 5.32 1 3.6 57t 1 3.6 1 7 65.9
Whitehurst, Charlie, Ind. 32 16 50.0 150 4.69 0 0.0 33 1 3.1 5 28 50.3
(Fewer than 10 attempts)
Amendola, Danny, N.E. 1 1 100.0 36 36.00 0 0.0 36 0 0.0 0 0 118.8
Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 1 1 100.0 41 41.00 1 100.0 41t 0 0.0 0 0 158.3
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 0 0 — 0 — 0 — — 0 — 1 8 -1.0
Clemens, Kellen, S.D. 6 5 83.3 63 10.50 1 16.7 19t 0 0.0 0 0 150.0
Daniel, Chase, K.C. 2 2 100.0 4 2.00 0 0.0 6 0 0.0 0 0 79.2
Daniels, B.J., Hou. 2 1 50.0 7 3.50 0 0.0 7 0 0.0 0 0 58.3
Garoppolo, Jimmy, N.E. 4 1 25.0 6 1.50 0 0.0 6 0 0.0 0 0 39.6
Grimes, Jonathan, Hou. 1 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 — 0 0.0 0 0 39.6
Hogan, Chris, Buf. 1 1 100.0 4 4.00 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 0 0 83.3
Koch, Sam, Bal. 1 1 100.0 -3 -3.00 0 0.0 -3 0 0.0 0 0 79.2
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 1 1 100.0 9 9.00 0 0.0 9 0 0.0 0 0 104.2
Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 0 0 — 0 — 0 — — 0 — 1 3 -1.0
Moore, Matt, Mia. 1 1 100.0 14 14.00 0 0.0 14 0 0.0 0 0 118.8
Santos, Cairo, K.C. 1 1 100.0 3 3.00 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 0 0 79.2
Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 1 1 100.0 21 21.00 1 100.0 21t 0 0.0 0 0 158.3
Walters, Bryan, Jac. 1 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 — 0 0.0 0 0 39.6

t = Touchdown
Leader based on rating points, minimum 224 attempts
* Player that was a rookie in 2015

272 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Pct Avg Pct Pct Yds Rating
Att Comp Comp Yds Gain TD TD Long Int Int Sack Lost Points
Wilson, Russell, Sea. 483 329 68.1 4024 8.33 34 7.0 80t 8 1.7 45 265 110.1
Palmer, Carson, Ariz 537 342 63.7 4671 8.70 35 6.5 68 11 2.0 25 151 104.6
Cousins, Kirk, Was. 543 379 69.8 4166 7.67 29 5.3 78t 11 2.0 26 186 101.6
Brees, Drew, N.O. 627 428 68.3 4870 7.77 32 5.1 80t 11 1.8 31 235 101.0
Newton, Cam, Car. 495 296 59.8 3837 7.75 35 7.1 74t 10 2.0 33 284 99.4
Stafford, Matthew, Det. 592 398 67.2 4262 7.20 32 5.4 57 13 2.2 44 251 97.0
Manning, Eli, NY-G 618 387 62.6 4432 7.17 35 5.7 87t 14 2.3 27 157 93.6
Rodgers, Aaron, G.B. 572 347 60.7 3821 6.68 31 5.4 65t 8 1.4 46 314 92.7
Cutler, Jay, Chi. 483 311 64.4 3659 7.58 21 4.3 87t 11 2.3 29 150 92.3
Ryan, Matt, Atl. 614 407 66.3 4591 7.48 21 3.4 70t 16 2.6 30 206 89.0
Bridgewater, Teddy, Min. 447 292 65.3 3231 7.23 14 3.1 52 9 2.0 44 307 88.7
Bradford, Sam, Phi. 532 346 65.0 3725 7.00 19 3.6 78t 14 2.6 28 200 86.4
Gabbert, Blaine, S.F. 282 178 63.1 2031 7.20 10 3.5 71t 7 2.5 25 164 86.2
* Winston, Jameis, T.B. 535 312 58.3 4042 7.56 22 4.1 68 15 2.8 27 190 84.2
Kaepernick, Colin, S.F. 244 144 59.0 1615 6.62 6 2.5 76t 5 2.0 28 166 78.5
Foles, Nick, St.L 337 190 56.4 2052 6.09 7 2.1 68 10 3.0 14 98 69.0
McCoy, Colt, Was. 11 7 63.6 128 11.64 1 9.1 71t 0 0.0 1 13 133.9
McCown, Luke, N.O. 39 32 82.1 335 8.59 0 0.0 25 1 2.6 1 0 91.8
Keenum, Case, St.L 125 76 60.8 828 6.62 4 3.2 60t 1 0.8 4 28 87.7
Sanchez, Mark, Phi. 91 59 64.8 616 6.77 4 4.4 43 4 4.4 9 54 80.7
Romo, Tony, Dal. 121 83 68.6 884 7.31 5 4.1 39 7 5.8 6 35 79.4
Moore, Kellen, Dal. 104 61 58.7 779 7.49 4 3.8 36 6 5.8 5 23 71.0
Cassel, Matt, Dal. 204 119 58.3 1276 6.25 5 2.5 51 7 3.4 14 86 70.6
Orlovsky, Dan, Det. 40 22 55.0 201 5.03 1 2.5 23 1 2.5 0 0 66.8
Stanton, Drew, Ariz 25 11 44.0 104 4.16 0 0.0 21 2 8.0 2 8 22.8
(Fewer than 10 attempts)
Anderson, Derek, Car. 6 4 66.7 36 6.00 0 0.0 24 0 0.0 0 0 82.6
Cadet, Travaris, N.O. 1 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 — 0 0.0 0 0 39.6
* Crowder, Jamison, Was. 1 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 — 0 0.0 0 0 39.6
Hekker, Johnny, St.L 4 1 25.0 20 5.00 0 0.0 20 0 0.0 0 0 47.9
Hill, Shaun, Min. 7 2 28.6 15 2.14 0 0.0 9 0 0.0 1 11 39.6
Jackson, Tarvaris, Sea. 6 4 66.7 37 6.17 0 0.0 17 0 0.0 1 6 83.3
* Mannion, Sean, St.L 7 6 85.7 31 4.43 0 0.0 11 0 0.0 0 0 85.1
Mariani, Marc, Chi. 0 0 — 0 — 0 — — 0 — 1 3 -1.0
McFadden, Darren, Dal. 1 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 — 0 0.0 0 0 39.6
Nassib, Ryan, NY-G 5 5 100.0 68 13.60 1 20.0 25t 0 0.0 0 0 158.3
Renfree, Sean, Atl. 7 3 42.9 11 1.57 0 0.0 11 1 14.3 2 17 10.7
Tolzien, Scott, G.B. 1 1 100.0 4 4.00 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 1 8 83.3

t = Touchdown
Leader based on rating points, minimum 224 attempts
* Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 273

RECEPTIONS Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 110 1157 10.5 50t 4
AFC: 136 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Fitzgerald, Larry, Ariz 109 1215 11.1 44 9
NFC: 136 Julio Jones, Atlanta Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 109 1502 13.8 69t 14
Thomas, Demaryius, Den. 105 1304 12.4 72t 6
RECEPTIONS, GAME Beckham, Odell, NY-G 96 1450 15.1 87t 13
AFC: 17 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh vs. Oakland, Walker, Delanie, Ten. 94 1088 11.6 61t 6
November 8 (284 yards, 0 TD) Tate, Golden, Det. 90 813 9.0 43 6
NFC: 13 Julio Jones, Atlanta at N.Y. Giants, September
13 Zach Ertz, Philadelphia vs. Washington, Yards No Avg Long TD
December 26 (122 yards, 0 TD) Jones, Julio, Atl. 1871 136 13.8 70t 8
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 1834 136 13.5 59 10
YARDS Hopkins, DeAndre, Hou. 1521 111 13.7 61t 11
NFC: 1871 Julio Jones, Atlanta Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 1502 109 13.8 69t 14
AFC: 1834 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Beckham, Odell, NY-G 1450 96 15.1 87t 13
Robinson, Allen, Jac. 1400 80 17.5 90t 14
YARDS, GAME Thomas, Demaryius, Den. 1304 105 12.4 72t 6
AFC: 284 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh vs. Oakland, Green, A.J., Cin. 1297 86 15.1 80t 10
November 8 (17 receptions, 0 TD) Fitzgerald, Larry, Ariz 1215 109 11.1 44 9
NFC: 196 John Brown, Arizona at Pittsburgh, October Johnson, Calvin, Det. 1214 88 13.8 57 9
18 (10 receptions, 0 TD)
LONGEST No Yards Avg Long TD
AFC: 90 Allen Robinson (from Blake Bortles), Brown, Antonio, Pit. 136 1834 13.5 59 10
Jacksonville at New Orleans, December Hopkins, DeAndre, Hou. 111 1521 13.7 61t 11
27 - TD Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 110 1157 10.5 50t 4
NFC: 87 Zach Miller (from Jay Cutler), Chicago at St. Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 109 1502 13.8 69t 14
Louis, November 15 - TD Thomas, Demaryius, Den. 105 1304 12.4 72t 6
87 Odell Beckham (from Eli Manning), N.Y. Walker, Delanie, Ten. 94 1088 11.6 61t 6
Giants vs. New England, November 15 - Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 87 1088 12.5 61 8
TD Green, A.J., Cin. 86 1297 15.1 80t 10
Crabtree, Michael, Oak. 85 922 10.8 38t 9
YARDS PER RECEPTION Robinson, Allen, Jac. 80 1400 17.5 90t 14
NFC: 20.1 Torrey Smith, San Francisco Decker, Eric, NYJ 80 1027 12.8 35 12
AFC: 17.5 Allen Robinson, Jacksonville Woodhead, Danny, S.D. 80 755 9.4 61 6
Barnidge, Gary, Cle. 79 1043 13.2 40 9
TOUCHDOWNS Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 76 1135 14.9 75t 6
AFC: 14 Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets Aiken, Kamar, Bal. 75 944 12.6 48t 5
14 Allen Robinson, Jacksonville Gronkowski, Rob, N.E. 72 1176 16.3 76t 11
NFC: 14 Doug Baldwin, Seattle * Cooper, Amari, Oak. 72 1070 14.9 68t 6
Kelce, Travis, K.C. 72 875 12.2 42t 5
TEAM LEADERS, RECEPTIONS Hilton, T.Y., Ind. 69 1124 16.3 87t 5
AFC: BALTIMORE, 75, Kamar Aiken; BUFFALO, 60, Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 68 966 14.2 61 5
Sammy Watkins; CINCINNATI, 86, A.J. Green; Allen, Keenan, S.D. 67 725 10.8 38 4
CLEVELAND, 79, Gary Barnidge; DENVER, 105, Jones, Marvin, Cin. 65 816 12.6 47 4
Demaryius Thomas; HOUSTON, 111, DeAndre Amendola, Danny, N.E. 65 648 10.0 41 3
Hopkins; INDIANAPOLIS, 69, T.Y. Hilton; Hurns, Allen, Jac. 64 1031 16.1 80t 10
JACKSONVILLE, 80, Allen Robinson; KANSAS CITY, Moncrief, Donte, Ind. 64 733 11.5 33 6
87, Jeremy Maclin; MIAMI, 110, Jarvis Landry; Edelman, Julian, N.E. 61 692 11.3 59t 7
NEW ENGLAND, 72, Rob Gronkowski; N.Y. JETS, * Johnson, Duke, Cle. 61 534 8.8 52 2
109, Brandon Marshall; OAKLAND, 85, Michael Watkins, Sammy, Buf. 60 1047 17.5 63 9
Crabtree; PITTSBURGH, 136, Antonio Brown; SAN Miller, Heath, Pit. 60 535 8.9 27 2
DIEGO, 80, Danny Woodhead; TENNESSEE, 94, Gates, Antonio, S.D. 56 630 11.3 40 5
Delanie Walker Fleener, Coby, Ind. 54 491 9.1 57t 3
Eifert, Tyler, Cin. 52 615 11.8 31 13
NFC: ARIZONA, 109, Larry Fitzgerald; ATLANTA, 136, Clay, Charles, Buf. 51 528 10.4 40t 3
Julio Jones; CAROLINA, 77, Greg Olsen; CHICAGO, Bryant, Martavis, Pit. 50 765 15.3 88t 6
54, Alshon Jeffery; DALLAS, 77, Jason Witten; Bernard, Giovani, Cin. 49 472 9.6 45 0
DETROIT, 90, Golden Tate; GREEN BAY, 79, Randall Washington, Nate, Hou. 47 658 14.0 49 4
Cobb; MINNESOTA, 52, *Stefon Diggs; NEW Woods, Robert, Buf. 47 552 11.7 37 3
ORLEANS, 84, Brandin Cooks; N.Y. GIANTS, 96, Miller, Lamar, Mia. 47 397 8.4 54t 2
Odell Beckham; PHILADELPHIA, 85, Jordan Powell, Bilal, NYJ 47 388 8.3 25t 2
Matthews; ST. LOUIS, 52, Tavon Austin; SAN Smith, Steve, Bal. 46 670 14.6 50t 3
FRANCISCO, 69, Anquan Boldin; SEATTLE, 78, Hartline, Brian, Cle. 46 523 11.4 41 2
Doug Baldwin; TAMPA BAY, 74, Mike Evans; Daniels, Owen, Den. 46 517 11.2 37 3
WASHINGTON, 87, Jordan Reed Thomas, Julius, Jac. 46 455 9.9 34 5
Johnson, Steve, S.D. 45 497 11.0 34 3
NFL TOP TEN PASS RECEIVERS * Allen, Javorius, Bal. 45 353 7.8 41t 2
No Yards Avg Long TD Wheaton, Markus, Pit. 44 749 17.0 72t 5
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 136 1834 13.5 59 10 Matthews, Rishard, Mia. 43 662 15.4 53t 4
Jones, Julio, Atl. 136 1871 13.8 70t 8 Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 42 484 11.5 42 2
Hopkins, DeAndre, Hou. 111 1521 13.7 61t 11 Johnson, Andre, Ind. 41 503 12.3 35 4

274 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No Yards Avg Long TD No Yards Avg Long TD
Juszczyk, Kyle, Bal. 41 321 7.8 39 4 Allen, Dwayne, Ind. 16 109 6.8 21 1
Murray, Latavius, Oak. 41 232 5.7 23 0 Polk, Chris, Hou. 16 109 6.8 12 1
White, James, N.E. 40 410 10.3 68 4 Lee, Marqise, Jac. 15 191 12.7 30 1
Williams, DeAngelo, Pit. 40 367 9.2 34 0 Avant, Jason, K.C. 15 119 7.9 20 0
Davis, Vernon, S.F.-Den. 38 395 10.4 43 0 Blue, Alfred, Hou. 15 109 7.3 21t 1
LaFell, Brandon, N.E. 37 515 13.9 54 0 Hill, Jeremy, Cin. 15 79 5.3 14 1
Green, Ladarius, S.D. 37 429 11.6 31t 4 Holmes, Andre, Oak. 14 201 14.4 49t 4
Hogan, Chris, Buf. 36 450 12.5 46 2 * Strong, Jaelen, Hou. 14 161 11.5 42t 3
Douglas, Harry, Ten. 36 411 11.4 51 2 Harbor, Clay, Jac. 14 149 10.6 26 1
Wright, Kendall, Ten. 36 408 11.3 52t 3 Sankey, Bishop, Ten. 14 139 9.9 30 1
Lewis, Dion, N.E. 36 388 10.8 40 2 * Mumphery, Keith, Hou. 14 129 9.2 26 0
* Yeldon, T.J., Jac. 36 279 7.8 67 1 * Jennings, Darius, Cle. 14 117 8.4 16 0
Inman, Dontrelle, S.D. 35 486 13.9 68 3 Brown, Marlon, Bal. 14 112 8.0 22 0
Wilson, Albert, K.C. 35 451 12.9 44t 2 Matthews, Chris, Sea.-Bal. 13 151 11.6 21 1
Cameron, Jordan, Mia. 35 386 11.0 29 3 Dobson, Aaron, N.E. 13 141 10.8 24 0
Gore, Frank, Ind. 34 267 7.9 34 1 Oliver, Branden, S.D. 13 112 8.6 17 0
Gillmore, Crockett, Bal. 33 412 12.5 46 4 Green, Virgil, Den. 12 173 14.4 32 1
Sanu, Mohamed, Cin. 33 394 11.9 52 0 Gragg, Chris, Buf. 12 150 12.5 29 0
* Gordon, Melvin, S.D. 33 192 5.8 18 0 Stevens, Craig, Ten. 12 121 10.1 27 2
* Green-Beckham, Dorial, Ten.32 549 17.2 47t 4 Doyle, Jack, Ind. 12 72 6.0 19 1
Roberts, Seth, Oak. 32 480 15.0 43 5 Smith, Lee, Oak. 12 70 5.8 17 1
Walters, Bryan, Jac. 32 368 11.5 31 1 * Kroft, Tyler, Cin. 11 129 11.7 22 1
McCoy, LeSean, Buf. 32 292 9.1 22 2 * Williams, Karlos, Buf. 11 96 8.7 26t 2
Rivera, Mychal, Oak. 32 280 8.8 29 1 Burkhead, Rex, Cin. 10 94 9.4 27 1
* Williams, Maxx, Bal. 32 268 8.4 28 1 Caldwell, Andre, Den. 10 72 7.2 24 2
Butler, Jeremy, Bal. 31 363 11.7 41 0 Phillips, John, S.D. 10 69 6.9 15 1
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 31 260 8.4 35 1 Bradshaw, Ahmad, Ind. 10 64 6.4 10 3
Forsett, Justin, Bal. 31 153 4.9 32 0 * Smith, Devin, NYJ 9 115 12.8 22 1
Floyd, Malcom, S.D. 30 561 18.7 70t 3 Ross, Jeremy, Bal. 9 88 9.8 18 0
Reece, Marcel, Oak. 30 269 9.0 55 3 Olawale, Jamize, Oak. 9 84 9.3 15 0
Ivory, Chris, NYJ 30 217 7.2 36 1 Helu, Roy, Oak. 9 75 8.3 15 1
* Walford, Clive, Oak. 28 329 11.8 33 3 Stacy, Zac, NYJ 9 65 7.2 16 0
Gabriel, Taylor, Cle. 28 241 8.6 56 0 Herron, Dan, Buf.-Ind. 9 47 5.2 9 0
Stills, Kenny, Mia. 27 440 16.3 47t 3 Hewitt, Ryan, Cin. 8 99 12.4 22 0
Hawkins, Andrew, Cle. 27 276 10.2 25 0 Brown, Donald, S.D. 8 88 11.0 31 0
* Parker, DeVante, Mia. 26 494 19.0 49 3 * James, Jesse, Pit. 8 56 7.0 20 1
Fasano, Anthony, Ten. 26 289 11.1 33 2 Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 7 106 15.1 59t 1
Grimes, Jonathan, Hou. 26 173 6.7 19 1 * Ajayi, Jay, Mia. 7 90 12.9 20 0
Anderson, C.J., Den. 25 183 7.3 27 0 Moore, Marlon, Cle. 7 81 11.6 20 1
Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 24 269 11.2 39 2 Gray, Jonas, Mia.-Jac. 7 76 10.9 25 0
Herndon, Javontee, S.D. 24 195 8.1 21 0 Harris, Demetrius, K.C. 7 74 10.6 25 1
Bell, Le'Veon, Pit. 24 136 5.7 20 0 * O'Shaughnessy, James, K.C. 6 87 14.5 30 0
Hillman, Ronnie, Den. 24 111 4.6 14 0 Owusu, Chris, NYJ 6 80 13.3 43 0
Chandler, Scott, N.E. 23 259 11.3 30 4 * Brown, Daniel, Bal. 6 64 10.7 31 0
Enunwa, Quincy, NYJ 22 315 14.3 48 0 Dray, Jim, Cle. 6 61 10.2 18 0
Hunter, Justin, Ten. 22 264 12.0 29 1 Latimer, Cody, Den. 6 59 9.8 15 1
Foster, Arian, Hou. 22 227 10.3 32 2 Thompson, Juwan, Den. 6 51 8.5 16 0
Norwood, Jordan, Den. 22 207 9.4 34 0 Dixon, Anthony, Buf. 6 44 7.3 14 0
Heyward-Bey, Darrius, Pit. 21 314 15.0 66 2 Blount, LeGarrette, N.E. 6 43 7.2 14 1
Charles, Jamaal, K.C. 21 177 8.4 26 1 * Hunt, Akeem, Hou. 6 39 6.5 27 0
Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 21 174 8.3 23 0 * Robinson, Josh, Ind. 6 33 5.5 9 0
Robinson, Denard, Jac. 21 164 7.8 16 0 Gillislee, Mike, Buf. 6 29 4.8 14 0
Williams, Damien, Mia. 21 142 6.8 23 1 Ware, Spencer, K.C. 6 5 0.8 5 0
Givens, Chris, St.L-Bal. 20 353 17.7 48 1 Cumberland, Jeff, NYJ 5 77 15.4 44 0
Griffin, Ryan, Hou. 20 251 12.6 37 2 Tipton, Zurlon, Ind. 5 57 11.4 27 0
West, Charcandrick, K.C. 20 214 10.7 80t 1 Bowe, Dwayne, Cle. 5 53 10.6 16 0
Harvin, Percy, Buf. 19 218 11.5 51t 1 Stoneburner, Jake, Mia. 5 47 9.4 13 2
Jennings, Greg, Mia. 19 208 10.9 31 1 * Fowler, Jalston, Ten. 5 44 8.8 19 1
Whalen, Griff, Ind. 19 205 10.8 38 1 Campanaro, Michael, Bal. 5 35 7.0 11 0
Crowell, Isaiah, Cle. 19 182 9.6 53 1 Taliaferro, Lorenzo, Bal. 5 29 5.8 11 0
Bolden, Brandon, N.E. 19 180 9.5 63t 2 Bohanon, Tommy, NYJ 4 56 14.0 23 0
* Greene, Rashad, Jac. 19 93 4.9 18 2 Sherman, Anthony, K.C. 4 34 8.5 18 0
* Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 18 225 12.5 35t 1 Graham, Garrett, Hou. 4 30 7.5 9 1
* Boyle, Nick, Bal. 18 153 8.5 25 0 West, Terrance, Bal. 4 21 5.3 8 0
Sims, Dion, Mia. 18 127 7.1 22 1 * Johnson, Malcolm, Cle. 4 15 3.8 8 0
* Conley, Chris, K.C. 17 199 11.7 44 1 Ridley, Stevan, NYJ 4 -2 -.5 3 0
Fiedorowicz, C.J., Hou. 17 167 9.8 25 1 Salas, Greg, Buf. 3 41 13.7 20 0
Thompkins, Kenbrell, NYJ 17 165 9.7 43 0 Supernaw, Phillip, Ten. 3 32 10.7 16 0
Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 17 140 8.2 36 1 Williams, Michael, N.E. 3 26 8.7 15 0
Lewis, Marcedes, Jac. 16 226 14.1 45 0 Gerhart, Toby, Jac. 3 23 7.7 8 0
Fowler, Bennie, Den. 16 203 12.7 41 0 Davis, Kellen, NYJ 3 18 6.0 9 1
Kerley, Jeremy, NYJ 16 152 9.5 25 2 * Worthy, Chandler, Hou. 3 14 4.7 12 0

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 275

No Yards Avg Long TD No Yards Avg Long TD
Pierce, Bernard, Jac. 3 7 2.3 6 0 Tamme, Jacob, Atl. 59 657 11.1 41 1
* Williams, Tyrell, S.D. 2 90 45.0 80t 1 * Crowder, Jamison, Was. 59 604 10.2 44 2
Tate, Brandon, Cin. 2 59 29.5 55t 1 Vereen, Shane, NY-G 59 494 8.4 37 4
* Turzilli, Andrew, Ten. 2 25 12.5 18 0 Rodgers, Richard, G.B. 58 510 8.8 61t 8
Davis, Knile, K.C. 2 24 12.0 12 0 Randle, Rueben, NY-G 57 797 14.0 72t 8
Goodwin, Marquise, Buf. 2 24 12.0 14 0 Sproles, Darren, Phi. 55 388 7.1 35t 1
Alualu, Tyson, Jac. 2 19 9.5 16 0 Jeffery, Alshon, Chi. 54 807 14.9 50 4
* Waller, Darren, Bal. 2 18 9.0 17 0 Bennett, Martellus, Chi. 53 439 8.3 24t 3
Johnson, Will, Pit. 2 16 8.0 11 0 Floyd, Michael, Ariz 52 849 16.3 60t 6
Nix, Roosevelt, Pit. 2 16 8.0 10 0 Williams, Terrance, Dal. 52 840 16.2 42t 3
* Grant, Corey, Jac. 2 13 6.5 8 0 * Diggs, Stefon, Min. 52 720 13.8 40t 4
Spaeth, Matt, Pit. 2 10 5.0 6 0 Beasley, Cole, Dal. 52 536 10.3 30 5
* McBride, Tre, Ten. 2 8 4.0 7 1 Austin, Tavon, St.L 52 473 9.1 66t 5
Easley, Marcus, Buf. 1 58 58.0 58t 1 * Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 51 664 13.0 49t 6
Pryor, Terrelle, Cle. 1 42 42.0 42 0 Sims, Charles, T.B. 51 561 11.0 56 4
* Mariota, Marcus, Ten. 1 41 41.0 41t 1 Jones, James, G.B. 50 890 17.8 65t 8
* O'Leary, Nick, Buf. 1 37 37.0 37 0 Adams, Davante, G.B. 50 483 9.7 40 1
Brady, Tom, N.E. 1 36 36.0 36 0 Ingram, Mark, N.O. 50 405 8.1 59 0
* Fisher, Jake, Cin. 1 31 31.0 31 0 Kearse, Jermaine, Sea. 49 685 14.0 50 5
Brown, Vincent, S.D. 1 22 22.0 22 0 Rudolph, Kyle, Min. 49 495 10.1 47t 5
Jackson, Steven, N.E. 1 20 20.0 20 0 Graham, Jimmy, Sea. 48 605 12.6 45 2
* Varga, Tyler, Ind. 1 18 18.0 18 0 Ebron, Eric, Det. 47 537 11.4 55 5
* Murphy, Tyler, Pit. 1 16 16.0 16 0 Colston, Marques, N.O. 45 520 11.6 53t 4
* Alford, Mario, Cin. 1 15 15.0 15 0 Ginn, Ted, Car. 44 739 16.8 74t 10
Felton, Jerome, Buf. 1 12 12.0 12 0 Forté, Matt, Chi. 44 389 8.8 38 3
* Coates, Sammie, Pit. 1 11 11.0 11 0 Murray, DeMarco, Phi. 44 322 7.3 44 1
Tannehill, Ryan, Mia. 1 9 9.0 9 0 White, Roddy, Atl. 43 506 11.8 25 1
Streater, Rod, Oak. 1 8 8.0 8 0 Starks, James, G.B. 43 392 9.1 30 3
* Bibbs, E.J., Cle. 1 7 7.0 7 0 * Tye, Will, NY-G 42 464 11.0 45 3
* Lamm, Kendall, Hou. 1 7 7.0 7 0 McFadden, Darren, Dal. 40 328 8.2 21 0
* Harper, Chris, N.E. 1 6 6.0 6 0 Cotchery, Jerricho, Car. 39 485 12.4 59 3
Jacobs, Nic, Jac. 1 6 6.0 6 0 Cook, Jared, St.L 39 481 12.3 49 0
* Parker, Brian, K.C. 1 6 6.0 6 0 Wallace, Mike, Min. 39 473 12.1 34 2
Johnson, David, S.D. 1 4 4.0 4 0 Royal, Eddie, Chi. 37 238 6.4 30 1
Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 1 4 4.0 4 0 Britt, Kenny, St.L 36 681 18.9 60t 3
* Uzomah, C.J., Cin. 1 4 4.0 4 0 * Johnson, David, Ariz 36 457 12.7 55t 4
Penn, Donald, Oak. 1 3 3.0 3 0 Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 36 396 11.0 38 4
Gray, MarQueis, Buf. 1 2 2.0 2 0 Thompson, Chris, Was. 35 240 6.9 23 2
* Magee, Terrence, Bal. 1 2 2.0 2 0 Wright, Jarius, Min. 34 442 13.0 52 0
Mulligan, Matthew, Buf. 1 2 2.0 2 0 Miller, Zach, Chi. 34 439 12.9 87t 5
Cleveland, Asante, N.E. 1 1 1.0 1 0 Spiller, C.J., N.O. 34 239 7.0 80t 2
* Cobb, David, Ten. 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0 Smith, Torrey, S.F. 33 663 20.1 76t 4
Johnson, Wesley, NYJ 1 -5 -5.0 -5 0 Jackson, Vincent, T.B. 33 543 16.5 36 3
Wood, Cierre, Buf. 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0 Martin, Doug, T.B. 33 271 8.2 25 1
Roethlisberger, Ben, Pit. 0 -3 — -3 0 Jackson, Fred, Sea. 32 257 8.0 26 2
* Funchess, Devin, Car. 31 473 15.3 52 5
t = Touchdown; * Player that was a rookie in 2015 Brown, Corey, Car. 31 447 14.4 39t 4
Leader based on receptions Bryant, Dez, Dal. 31 401 12.9 51 3
Jackson, DeSean, Was. 30 528 17.6 77t 4
NFC—INDIVIDUAL RECEIVERS Coleman, Brandon, N.O. 30 454 15.1 31 2
No Yards Avg Long TD Patton, Quinton, S.F. 30 394 13.1 41 1
Jones, Julio, Atl. 136 1871 13.8 70t 8 McDonald, Vance, S.F. 30 326 10.9 36 3
Fitzgerald, Larry, Ariz 109 1215 11.1 44 9 Peterson, Adrian, Min. 30 222 7.4 49 0
Beckham, Odell, NY-G 96 1450 15.1 87t 13 Moore, Lance, Det. 29 337 11.6 42 4
Tate, Golden, Det. 90 813 9.0 43 6 Jennings, Rashad, NY-G 29 296 10.2 51t 1
Johnson, Calvin, Det. 88 1214 13.8 57 9 Donnell, Larry, NY-G 29 223 7.7 22 2
Reed, Jordan, Was. 87 952 10.9 32 11 Wilson, Marquess, Chi. 28 464 16.6 50 1
Matthews, Jordan, Phi. 85 997 11.7 78t 8 Celek, Brent, Phi. 27 398 14.7 60 3
Cooks, Brandin, N.O. 84 1138 13.5 71t 9 Huff, Josh, Phi. 27 312 11.6 41t 3
Riddick, Theo, Det. 80 697 8.7 34 3 * Humphries, Adam, T.B. 27 260 9.6 27 1
Cobb, Randall, G.B. 79 829 10.5 53t 6 Draughn, Shaun, Cle.-S.F. 27 176 6.5 26 0
Baldwin, Doug, Sea. 78 1069 13.7 80t 14 Hankerson, Leonard, Atl. 26 327 12.6 55 3
Olsen, Greg, Car. 77 1104 14.3 52 7 Cunningham, Benny, St.L 26 250 9.6 42 0
Witten, Jason, Dal. 77 713 9.3 35 3 Kendricks, Lance, St.L 25 245 9.8 37t 2
Ertz, Zach, Phi. 75 853 11.4 60 2 * Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 25 183 7.3 36 1
Evans, Mike, T.B. 74 1206 16.3 68 3 Brate, Cameron, T.B. 23 288 12.5 46 3
Watson, Benjamin, N.O. 74 825 11.1 46 6 * Agholor, Nelson, Phi. 23 283 12.3 53t 1
Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 73 578 7.9 44 3 Grant, Ryan, Was. 23 268 11.7 35 2
Garcon, Pierre, Was. 72 777 10.8 39t 6 Mariani, Marc, Chi. 22 300 13.6 26 0
Snead, Willie, N.O. 69 984 14.3 63 3 Bell, Joique, Det. 22 286 13.0 39 0
Boldin, Anquan, S.F. 69 789 11.4 51 4 * Langford, Jeremy, Chi. 22 279 12.7 83t 1
Brown, John, Ariz 65 1003 15.4 68 7 Seferian-Jenkins, Austin, T.B. 21 338 16.1 43t 4

276 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No Yards Avg Long TD No Yards Avg Long TD
Cooper, Riley, Phi. 21 327 15.6 62t 2 White, Myles, NY-G 7 88 12.6 28 1
Fells, Darren, Ariz 21 311 14.8 48 3 Pettigrew, Brandon, Det. 7 67 9.6 21 1
Dunbar, Lance, Dal. 21 215 10.2 39 0 Nicks, Hakeem, NY-G 7 54 7.7 19 0
* Hardy, Justin, Atl. 21 194 9.2 23 0 Toilolo, Levine, Atl. 7 44 6.3 11 0
* Gurley, Todd, St.L 21 188 9.0 31 0 * Davis, Mike, S.F. 7 38 5.4 11 0
McKinnon, Jerick, Min. 21 173 8.2 30 1 Turbin, Robert, Cle.-Dal. 7 23 3.3 15 0
Lacy, Eddie, G.B. 20 188 9.4 28t 2 Line, Zach, Min. 6 95 15.8 49 1
Mathews, Ryan, Phi. 20 146 7.3 23t 1 Fells, Daniel, NY-G 6 60 10.0 23 0
* Jones, Matt, Was. 19 304 16.0 78t 1 Kuhn, John, G.B. 6 56 9.3 19 0
Bellamy, Josh, Chi. 19 224 11.8 48t 2 * Burton, Michael, Det. 6 39 6.5 12 1
Celek, Garrett, S.F. 19 186 9.8 33 3 * Hayne, Jarryd, S.F. 6 27 4.5 7 0
Asiata, Matt, Min. 19 132 6.9 22 0 Young, Darrel, Was. 6 22 3.7 8 0
Gresham, Jermaine, Ariz 18 223 12.4 22 1 * Whitehead, Lucky, Dal. 6 16 2.7 8 0
Tolbert, Mike, Car. 18 154 8.6 40 3 * Artis-Payne, Cameron, Car. 5 58 11.6 20 0
Mason, Tre, St.L 18 88 4.9 16 0 Simpson, Jerome, S.F. 5 54 10.8 16 1
Cadet, Travaris, N.E.-S.F.-N.O. 17 214 12.6 44t 1 Parker, Preston, NY-G 5 40 8.0 15 0
Willson, Luke, Sea. 17 213 12.5 24 1 Johnson, Austin, N.O. 5 30 6.0 12 0
Williams, Nick, Atl. 17 159 9.4 29 2 Harkey, Cory, St.L 5 26 5.2 12 0
Carrier, Derek, Was. 17 141 8.3 20 1 Fuller, Corey, Det. 4 76 19.0 48 0
Dickson, Ed, Car. 17 121 7.1 17 2 Lockette, Ricardo, Sea. 4 69 17.3 40t 1
Robinson, Khiry, N.O. 17 115 6.8 22 0 Housler, Rob, Cle.-Chi. 4 33 8.3 12 0
Hill, Josh, N.O. 16 120 7.5 19 2 Niklas, Troy, Ariz 4 33 8.3 13 2
Stewart, Jonathan, Car. 16 99 6.2 15 1 Quarless, Andrew, G.B. 4 31 7.8 13 0
* Bell, Blake, S.F. 15 186 12.4 48 0 Graham, T.J., N.O. 4 24 6.0 18 0
Ellington, Andre, Ariz 15 148 9.9 32 0 Bush, Reggie, S.F. 4 19 4.8 8 0
* Montgomery, Ty, G.B. 15 136 9.1 31t 2 Moeaki, Tony, Atl. 3 58 19.3 42t 1
Austin, Miles, Phi. 13 224 17.2 39t 1 Burton, Trey, Phi. 3 54 18.0 43 0
Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 13 153 11.8 44 0 Smith, Kevin, Sea. 3 43 14.3 21 0
Helfet, Cooper, Sea. 13 130 10.0 20 0 Darkwa, Orleans, NY-G 3 31 10.3 15 0
DiMarco, Patrick, Atl. 13 110 8.5 19 2 Shepard, Russell, T.B. 3 28 9.3 18 1
Welker, Wes, St.L 13 102 7.8 14 0 * LaCosse, Matt, NY-G 3 22 7.3 10 0
* Marquez, Bradley, St.L 13 88 6.8 14 0 Carey, Ka'Deem, Chi. 3 19 6.3 11 1
Lynch, Marshawn, Sea. 13 80 6.2 19 0 Michael, Christine, Dal.-Sea. 3 16 5.3 11 0
Butler, Brice, Dal. 12 258 21.5 67 0 Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 3 16 5.3 8 0
Bailey, Stedman, St.L 12 182 15.2 68 1 Thompson, Deonte, Chi. 2 81 40.5 45 0
Thielen, Adam, Min. 12 144 12.0 30 0 Janis, Jeff, G.B. 2 79 39.5 46 0
Hightower, Tim, N.O. 12 129 10.8 27 0 * Davis, Geremy, NY-G 2 21 10.5 16 0
Myers, Brandon, T.B. 12 127 10.6 17 0 Daniels, B.J., Sea. 2 18 9.0 12 0
Whittaker, Fozzy, Car. 12 64 5.3 15 0 * White, DeAndrew, S.F. 2 18 9.0 10 0
* Nelson, J.J., Ariz 11 299 27.2 64t 2 Williams, Kerwynn, Ariz 2 16 8.0 12 0
Brown, Jaron, Ariz 11 144 13.1 39 1 * Coleman, Tevin, Atl. 2 14 7.0 10 0
Roberts, Andre, Was. 11 135 12.3 38 0 Lane, Jorvorskie, T.B. 2 13 6.5 8 0
* Dye, Donteea, T.B. 11 132 12.0 44 1 Krause, Jonathan, Phi. 2 11 5.5 7 0
Ellison, Rhett, Min. 11 124 11.3 41 1 * Zenner, Zach, Det. 2 11 5.5 7 0
* Meredith, Cameron, Chi. 11 120 10.9 22 0 Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 2 10 5.0 9 0
Perillo, Justin, G.B. 11 102 9.3 24 1 Richardson, Paul, Sea. 1 40 40.0 40 0
Hoomanawanui, Michael, N.O. 11 76 6.9 19 3 Davis, Cody, St.L 1 20 20.0 20 0
Hyde, Carlos, S.F. 11 53 4.8 11 0 * Ripkowski, Aaron, G.B. 1 18 18.0 18 0
Murphy, Louis, T.B. 10 198 19.8 54 0 Weems, Eric, Atl. 1 11 11.0 11 0
Miller, Bruce, S.F. 10 135 13.5 52 0 Iupati, Mike, Ariz 1 10 10.0 10 0
Jones, T.J., Det. 10 132 13.2 29t 1 Rodgers, Jacquizz, Chi. 1 10 10.0 10 0
Quick, Brian, St.L 10 102 10.2 37 0 Simonson, Scott, Car. 1 10 10.0 10 0
* Pruitt, MyCole, Min. 10 89 8.9 32 0 * Edwards, Ben, NY-G 1 9 9.0 9 0
Randle, Joseph, Dal. 10 86 8.6 25 0 * Williams, Kasen, Sea. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Morris, Alfred, Was. 10 55 5.5 12 0 * Lee, Khari, Chi. 1 7 7.0 7 0
Johnson, Charles, Min. 9 127 14.1 35 0 Tukuafu, Will, Sea. 1 7 7.0 7t 1
Bersin, Brenton, Car. 9 119 13.2 30 0 Williams, Andre, NY-G 1 7 7.0 7 0
Abbrederis, Jared, G.B. 9 111 12.3 32 0 * Smith, Rod, Dal. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Harris, DuJuan, S.F. 9 97 10.8 31 0 Golden, Brittan, Ariz 1 5 5.0 5 0
Thomas, Pierre, Was. 9 84 9.3 15 0 Ajirotutu, Seyi, Phi. 1 4 4.0 4 0
Hanna, James, Dal. 9 79 8.8 17 0 Clutts, Tyler, Dal. 1 4 4.0 4 0
Wright, Timothy, Det. 9 77 8.6 26 2 Leonhardt, Brian, S.F. 1 4 4.0 4 0
* Rawls, Thomas, Sea. 9 76 8.4 31t 1 Taylor, Stepfan, Ariz 1 4 4.0 4 0
* Ward, Terron, Atl. 9 73 8.1 18 0 Coleman, Derrick, Sea. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Stocker, Luke, T.B. 9 61 6.8 14 1 * Swaim, Geoff, Dal. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Barner, Kenjon, Phi. 9 22 2.4 12 0 * Brown, Malcolm, St.L 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0
Ross, Rashad, Was. 8 184 23.0 71t 1 Stafford, Matthew, Det. 1 -6 -6.0 -6 0
Coffman, Chase, Ten.-Sea. 8 71 8.9 16 1 * Flowers, Ereck, NY-G 1 -11 -11.0 -11 0
Gaskins, Kendall, S.F. 8 69 8.6 16 0
Escobar, Gavin, Dal. 8 64 8.0 22 1 t = Touchdown; * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Cunningham, Jerome, NY-G 8 59 7.4 16 0 Leader based on receptions
Street, Devin, Dal. 7 114 16.3 25t 1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 277

AFC: 8 Reggie Nelson, Cincinnati Stephon Gilmore; CINCINNATI, 8, Reggie Nelson;
8 * Marcus Peters, Kansas City CLEVELAND, 3, Karlos Dansby; DENVER, 3, Aqib
NFC: 7 Kurt Coleman, Carolina Talib; HOUSTON, 4, Andre Hal; INDIANAPOLIS, 5,
7 Trumaine Johnson, St. Louis Mike Adams; JACKSONVILLE, 4, Davon House;
KANSAS CITY, 8, *Marcus Peters; MIAMI, 5,
AFC: 2 Dwight Lowery, Indianapolis at Tennessee, N.Y. JETS, 6, Marcus Williams; OAKLAND, 5,
September 27 (95 yards, 1 TD) Charles Woodson; PITTSBURGH, 3, Mike Mitchell;
2 Preston Brown, Buffalo at Miami, SAN DIEGO, 3, Jason Verrett; TENNESSEE, 2, Zach
September 27 (46 yards, 1 TD) Brown, Coty Sensabaugh
2 Mike Adams, Indianapolis at Houston,
October 8 (48 yards, 0 TD) NFC: ARIZONA, 5, Rashad Johnson, Tyrann Mathieu;
2 Charles Woodson, Oakland vs. Denver, ATLANTA, 3, Ricardo Allen; CAROLINA, 7, Kurt
October 11 (11 yards, 0 TD) Coleman; CHICAGO, 2, Kyle Fuller; DALLAS, 2, Jeff
2 Karlos Dansby, Cleveland vs. Denver, Heath; DETROIT, 4, Glover Quin; GREEN BAY, 3,
October 18 (41 yards, 1 TD) - (OT) *Damarious Randall, Micah Hyde, Sam Shields;
2 Andre Hal, Houston at Jacksonville, MINNESOTA, 3, Terence Newman; NEW ORLEANS,
October 18 (34 yards, 1 TD) 3, Delvin Breaux; N.Y. GIANTS, 3, Trumaine
2 Reggie Nelson, Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, McBride, Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie;
November 1 (51 yards, 0 TD) PHILADELPHIA, 3, Walter Thurmond; ST. LOUIS, 7,
2 Marcus Williams, N.Y. Jets vs. Jacksonville, Trumaine Johnson; SAN FRANCISCO, 3, Kenneth
November 8 (8 yards, 0 TD) Acker, Tramaine Brock; SEATTLE, 5, Earl Thomas;
2 Davon House, Jacksonville at Baltimore, TAMPA BAY, 3, Lavonte David; WASHINGTON, 2,
November 15 (1 yard, 0 TD) Will Blackmon, Bashaud Breeland, Perry Riley
2 * Marcus Peters, Kansas City at Baltimore,
December 20 (93 yards, 1 TD) TEAM CHAMPION
NFC: 2 Tyrann Mathieu, Arizona vs. San Francisco, NFC: 24 Carolina
September 27 (50 yards, 1 TD) AFC: 22 Kansas City
2 Josh Norman, Carolina at Tampa Bay,
October 4 (80 yards, 1 TD) NFL TOP TEN INTERCEPTORS
2 Robert Alford, Atlanta vs. Washington, No Yards Avg Long TD
October 11 (76 yards, 1 TD) - (OT) Nelson, Reggie, Cin. 8 115 14.4 37 0
2 * Quinten Rollins, Green Bay vs. St. Louis, * Peters, Marcus, K.C. 8 280 35.0 90t 2
October 11 (48 yards, 1 TD) Coleman, Kurt, Car. 7 89 12.7 36t 1
2 Rashad Johnson, Arizona at Detroit, Johnson, Trumaine, St.L 7 136 19.4 58t 1
October 11 (11 yards, 0 TD) Williams, Marcus, NYJ 6 45 7.5 21 0
2 Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, N.Y. Giants Adams, Mike, Ind. 5 63 12.6 38 1
vs. Dallas, October 25 (70 yards, 1 TD) Johnson, Rashad, Ariz 5 14 2.8 11 0
2 Jeff Heath, Dallas at Tampa Bay, Jones, Reshad, Mia. 5 104 20.8 42 2
November 15 (19 yards, 0 TD) Mathieu, Tyrann, Ariz 5 92 18.4 33t 1
2 Terence Newman, Minnesota at Oakland, Revis, Darrelle, NYJ 5 48 9.6 24 0
November 15 (4 yards, 0 TD) Thomas, Earl, Sea. 5 67 13.4 32 0
2 Lavonte David, Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, Woodson, Charles, Oak. 5 22 4.4 11 0
November 22 (24 yards, 1 TD)
2 Luke Kuechly, Carolina at Dallas, * Player that was a rookie in 2015
November 26 (49 yards, 1 TD)

AFC: 280 * Marcus Peters, Kansas City
NFC: 136 Trumaine Johnson, St. Louis

NFC: 99 Malcolm Jenkins, Philadelphia at New
England, December 6 - TD
AFC: 90 * Marcus Peters, Kansas City at Baltimore,
December 20 - TD

AFC: 2 Karlos Dansby, Cleveland
2 Reshad Jones, Miami
2 * Marcus Peters, Kansas City
2 Aqib Talib, Denver
NFC: 2 Josh Norman, Carolina

278 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No Yards Avg Long TD Hill, Will, Bal. 1 25 25.0 25 0
* Peters, Marcus, K.C. 8 280 35.0 90t 2 Freeman, Jerrell, Ind. 1 23 23.0 23t 1
Nelson, Reggie, Cin. 8 115 14.4 37 0 * Johnson, Kevin, Hou. 1 22 22.0 22 0
Williams, Marcus, NYJ 6 45 7.5 21 0 Keo, Shiloh, Den. 1 22 22.0 22 0
Jones, Reshad, Mia. 5 104 20.8 42 2 Shelby, Derrick, Mia. 1 22 22.0 22t 1
Adams, Mike, Ind. 5 63 12.6 38 1 Allen, Will, Pit. 1 20 20.0 20 0
Revis, Darrelle, NYJ 5 48 9.6 24 0 Roby, Bradley, Den. 1 19 19.0 19 0
Woodson, Charles, Oak. 5 22 4.4 11 0 Moore, Rahim, Hou. 1 17 17.0 17 0
Lowery, Dwight, Ind. 4 96 24.0 69t 1 Maualuga, Rey, Cin. 1 15 15.0 15 0
Hal, Andre, Hou. 4 54 13.5 31t 1 Bush, Josh, Den. 1 13 13.0 13 0
Ryan, Logan, N.E. 4 39 9.8 25 0 Miles, Rontez, NYJ 1 11 11.0 11 0
Amerson, David, Oak. 4 28 7.0 24t 1 Te'o, Manti, S.D. 1 11 11.0 11 0
House, Davon, Jac. 4 21 5.3 15 0 Dennard, Darqueze, Cin. 1 10 10.0 10 0
Grimes, Brent, Mia. 4 20 5.0 17 0 Skrine, Buster, NYJ 1 9 9.0 9 0
Davis, Vontae, Ind. 4 6 1.5 6 0 Bass, David, Ten. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Talib, Aqib, Den. 3 123 41.0 63t 2 * Mount, Deiontrez, Ten. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Dansby, Karlos, Cle. 3 93 31.0 52t 2 Mingo, Barkevious, Cle. 1 7 7.0 7 0
Verrett, Jason, S.D. 3 68 22.7 68t 1 Harrison, James, Pit. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Harmon, Duron, N.E. 3 50 16.7 30 0 Jackson, D'Qwell, Ind. 1 6 6.0 6t 1
Gilmore, Stephon, Buf. 3 33 11.0 29 0 Allen, Nate, Oak. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Gilchrist, Marcus, NYJ 3 31 10.3 31 0 Jones, Jarvis, Pit. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Posluszny, Paul, Jac. 3 25 8.3 19 0 Searcy, Da'Norris, Ten. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Smith, Jimmy, Bal. 3 24 8.0 24t 1 Tuitt, Stephon, Pit. 1 3 3.0 3 0
Mitchell, Mike, Pit. 3 16 5.3 9 0 Webb, Lardarius, Bal. 1 3 3.0 3 0
Jones, Adam, Cin. 3 14 4.7 14 0 Carrie, T.J., Oak. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Parker, Ron, K.C. 3 5 1.7 5 0 Fleener, Coby, Ind. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Blake, Antwon, Pit. 2 112 56.0 70t 1 Joseph, Johnathan, Hou. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Harris, Chris, Den. 2 94 47.0 74t 1 Williams, Tramon, Cle. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Jackson, Kareem, Hou. 2 77 38.5 50 1 Boykin, Brandon, Pit. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Mauga, Josh, K.C. 2 70 35.0 66 0 Hayden, D.J., Oak. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Cockrell, Ross, Pit. 2 62 31.0 37 0 Reyes, Kendall, S.D. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Graham, Corey, Buf. 2 60 30.0 44t 1 Butler, Darius, Ind. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Darby, Ronald, Buf. 2 48 24.0 27 0 Demps, Quintin, Hou. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Pryor, Calvin, NYJ 2 47 23.5 29 0 Easley, Marcus, Buf. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Brown, Preston, Buf. 2 46 23.0 43t 1 * Emanuel, Kyle, S.D. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Brown, Zach, Ten. 2 45 22.5 45 0 * Hewitt, Neville, Mia. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Sensabaugh, Coty, Ten. 2 42 21.0 26t 1 Iloka, George, Cin. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Berry, Eric, K.C. 2 40 20.0 25 0 Jones, Chandler, N.E. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Tarpley, A.J., Buf. 2 40 20.0 37 0 Lawson, Manny, Buf. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Trevathan, Danny, Den. 2 39 19.5 25t 1 Marshall, Brandon, Den. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Gay, William, Pit. 2 30 15.0 23t 1 McCain, Brice, Mia. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Poyer, Jordan, Cle. 2 24 12.0 12 0 Rambo, Bacarri, Buf. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Johnson, Derrick, K.C. 2 23 11.5 18 0 Rey, Vincent, Cin. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Hall, Leon, Cin. 2 19 9.5 19t 1 Shazier, Ryan, Pit. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Burfict, Vontaze, Cin. 2 16 8.0 16 0 Stewart, Darian, Den. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Houston, Justin, K.C. 2 16 8.0 17t 1 Timmons, Lawrence, Pit. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Williams, Shawn, Cin. 2 14 7.0 14 0 Webb, B.W., Ten. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Bruton, David, Den. 2 11 5.5 12 0 Williamson, Avery, Ten. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Bouye, A.J., Hou. 2 9 4.5 9 0 Wilson, Jimmy, S.D. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Butler, Malcolm, N.E. 2 9 4.5 9 0 Smith, Daryl, Bal. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
Williams, Steve, S.D. 2 6 3.0 6 0 Thorpe, Neiko, Oak. 1 -12 -12.0 -12 0
Smith, Sean, K.C. 2 5 2.5 5 0 Lewis-Harris, Chris, Cin. 0 -1 — -1 0
Gipson, Tashaun, Cle. 2 0 0.0 0 0
McKelvin, Leodis, Buf. 2 0 0.0 0 0 t = Touchdown; *Player that was a rookie in 2015
Pleasant, Eddie, Hou. 2 -1 -.5 0 0 Leader based on interceptions
Collins, Jamie, N.E. 1 51 51.0 51 0
Cyprien, Johnathan, Jac. 1 48 48.0 48 0 NFC—INDIVIDUAL INTERCEPTORS
* Orchard, Nate, Cle. 1 46 46.0 46 0 No Yards Avg Long TD
Phillips, Adrian, S.D. 1 39 39.0 39 0 Johnson, Trumaine, St.L 7 136 19.4 58t 1
Bowman, Zack, Mia. 1 38 38.0 38 0 Coleman, Kurt, Car. 7 89 12.7 36t 1
Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 1 38 38.0 38t 1 Mathieu, Tyrann, Ariz 5 92 18.4 33t 1
Robertson, Craig, Cle. 1 38 38.0 38 0 Thomas, Earl, Sea. 5 67 13.4 32 0
Griffin, Michael, Ten. 1 29 29.0 29 0 Johnson, Rashad, Ariz 5 14 2.8 11 0
Cox, Perrish, Ten. 1 27 27.0 27 0 Norman, Josh, Car. 4 110 27.5 46t 2
Golden, Robert, Pit. 1 27 27.0 27 0 Quin, Glover, Det. 4 77 19.3 31t 1
McCourty, Devin, N.E. 1 27 27.0 27 0 Kuechly, Luke, Car. 4 48 12.0 32t 1
Robinson, Patrick, S.D. 1 27 27.0 27 0 Davis, Thomas, Car. 4 22 5.5 22 0
Smith, Malcolm, Oak. 1 27 27.0 27 0 McBride, Trumaine, NY-G 3 84 28.0 63t 1
Smith, Telvin, Jac. 1 26 26.0 26t 1 Rodgers-Cromartie, Dominique, NY-G 3 72 24.0 58t 1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 279

No Yards Avg Long TD No Yards Avg Long TD
Thurmond, Walter, Phi. 3 67 22.3 44 0 Sendejo, Andrew, Min. 1 9 9.0 9 0
* Randall, Damarious, G.B. 3 47 15.7 43t 1 Klein, A.J., Car. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Acker, Kenneth, S.F. 3 45 15.0 45 0 Robinson, Trenton, Was. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Hyde, Micah, G.B. 3 36 12.0 34 0 Reynolds, Ed, Phi. 1 7 7.0 7 0
Brock, Tramaine, S.F. 3 26 8.7 26 0 Amukamara, Prince, NY-G 1 6 6.0 6 0
Breaux, Delvin, N.O. 3 22 7.3 22 0 Daniels, Mike, G.B. 1 6 6.0 6 0
David, Lavonte, T.B. 3 19 6.3 20t 1 * Anthony, Stephone, N.O. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Shields, Sam, G.B. 3 15 5.0 15 0 McLeod, Rodney, St.L 1 4 4.0 4 0
Allen, Ricardo, Atl. 3 13 4.3 13 0 Sanford, Jamarca, N.O. 1 3 3.0 3 0
Newman, Terence, Min. 3 4 1.3 4 0 Adams, Phillip, Atl. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Jenkins, Janoris, St.L 3 0 0.0 0 0 Allen, Jared, Chi. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Jenkins, Malcolm, Phi. 2 99 49.5 99t 1 Elliott, Jay, G.B. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Alford, Robert, Atl. 2 76 38.0 59t 1 Porter, Tracy, Chi. 1 2 2.0 2 0
* Hicks, Jordan, Phi. 2 67 33.5 67t 1 Rubin, Ahtyba, Sea. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Lane, Jeremy, Sea. 2 60 30.0 54 0 Alonso, Kiko, Phi. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Breeland, Bashaud, Was. 2 56 28.0 28 0 * Anderson, Jonathan, Chi. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Rollins, Quinten, G.B. 2 48 24.0 45t 1 * Beasley, Vic, Atl. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Peterson, Patrick, Ariz 2 41 20.5 40 0 Browner, Brandon, N.O. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Smith, Harrison, Min. 2 35 17.5 35t 1 Burley, Marcus, Sea. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Munnerlyn, Captain, Min. 2 30 15.0 32 0 Casillas, Jonathan, NY-G 1 0 0.0 0 0
Sherman, Richard, Sea. 2 30 15.0 26 0 * Collins, Landon, NY-G 1 0 0.0 0 0
Jefferson, Tony, Ariz 2 26 13.0 26t 1 * Dunbar, Quinton, Was. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Meriweather, Brandon, NY-G 2 26 13.0 26 0 Ihedigbo, James, Det. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Fuller, Kyle, Chi. 2 24 12.0 15 0 Jones, Colin, Car. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Maxwell, Byron, Phi. 2 22 11.0 22 0 Kennard, Devon, NY-G 1 0 0.0 0 0
Worrilow, Paul, Atl. 2 22 11.0 11 0 Laurinaitis, James, St.L 1 0 0.0 0 0
Bethel, Justin, Ariz 2 21 10.5 21t 1 Lee, Sean, Dal. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Heath, Jeff, Dal. 2 19 9.5 19 0 Mathis, Rashean, Det. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Carroll, Nolan, Phi. 2 18 9.0 17t 1 Olatoye, Deji, Dal. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Alexander, Kwon, T.B. 2 15 7.5 15 0 Powers, Jerraud, Ariz 1 0 0.0 0 0
Moore, William, Atl. 2 14 7.0 11 0 Rhodes, Xavier, Min. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Trattou, Justin, Min. 2 14 7.0 11 0 * Rowe, Eric, Phi. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Blackmon, Will, Was. 2 7 3.5 6 0 Ryans, DeMeco, Phi. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Riley, Perry, Was. 2 7 3.5 7 0 Trufant, Desmond, Atl. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Chancellor, Kam, Sea. 2 6 3.0 6 0 Wilhoite, Michael, S.F. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Clinton-Dix, Ha Ha, G.B. 2 2 1.0 2 0 Babineaux, Jonathan, Atl. 1 -1 -1.0 -1 0
McDougald, Bradley, T.B. 2 1 0.5 1 0 Mitchell, Terrance, Dal. 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0
Unga, Uani', NY-G 2 1 0.5 1 0
Slay, Darius, Det. 2 0 0.0 0 0 t = Touchdown; Leader based on interceptions
Tillman, Charles, Car. 2 0 0.0 0 0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Conte, Chris, T.B. 2 -4 -2.0 -2 0
Greenway, Chad, Min. 1 91 91.0 91t 1
Ishmael, Kemal, Atl. 1 84 84.0 84 0
Robinson, Keenan, Was. 1 44 44.0 44 0
Verner, Alterraun, T.B. 1 44 44.0 28 0
Matthews, Clay, G.B. 1 42 42.0 42 0
Sims, Eugene, St.L 1 42 42.0 42 0
Shead, DeShawn, Sea. 1 40 40.0 40 0
Bucannon, Deone, Ariz 1 39 39.0 39t 1
Young, Willie, Chi. 1 39 39.0 39 0
Goldson, Dashon, Was. 1 35 35.0 35t 1
Barr, Anthony, Min. 1 32 32.0 32 0
Redding, Cory, Ariz 1 30 30.0 30 0
Ward, Jimmie, S.F. 1 29 29.0 29t 1
Whitehead, Tahir, Det. 1 26 26.0 26 0
* Tartt, Jaquiski, S.F. 1 25 25.0 25 0
Byrd, Jairus, N.O. 1 24 24.0 24 0
Compton, Will, Was. 1 24 24.0 24 0
McClain, Robert, Car. 1 24 24.0 24 0
Wilcox, J.J., Dal. 1 24 24.0 24 0
* Jones-Quartey, Harold, Chi. 1 23 23.0 23 0
Wilson, Kyle, N.O. 1 20 20.0 20 0
Moore, Sterling, T.B. 1 18 18.0 18 0
Hosley, Jayron, NY-G 1 17 17.0 17 0
McPhee, Pernell, Chi. 1 13 13.0 13 0
* Richardson, Bobby, N.O. 1 13 13.0 13 0
McClain, Rolando, Dal. 1 12 12.0 12t 1
* Therezie, Robenson, Atl. 1 10 10.0 10 0
Hardy, Greg, Dal. 1 9 9.0 9 0

280 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No Yards Avg Long TD NFC: 31.8 Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota
Kansas City 22 477 21.7 90t 4 AFC: 27.1* Quan Bray, Indianapolis
Cincinnati 21 202 9.6 37 1
N.Y. Jets 18 191 10.6 31 0 YARDS
Buffalo 17 253 14.9 44t 2 NFC: 1077 * Ameer Abdullah, Detroit
Indianapolis 17 196 11.5 69t 4 AFC: 829 Taiwan Jones, Oakland
Pittsburgh 17 282 16.6 70t 2
Denver 14 321 22.9 74t 4 YARDS, GAME
Houston 14 180 12.9 50 2 NFC: 198 Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota vs. Seattle,
Oakland 14 73 5.2 27 1 December 6 (5 returns, 1 TD)
Miami 13 184 14.2 42 3 AFC: 164 Marcus Thigpen, Buffalo at Kansas City,
New England 12 176 14.7 51 0 November 29 (7 returns, 0 TD)
Cleveland 11 210 19.1 52t 2
San Diego 11 152 13.8 68t 1 LONGEST
Tennessee 11 164 14.9 45 1 NFC: 108 * David Johnson, Arizona at Chicago,
Jacksonville 9 120 13.3 48 1 September 20 - TD
Baltimore 6 51 8.5 25 1 AFC: 75 Keshawn Martin, New England vs.
Tennessee, December 20
AFC Total 227 3232 14.2 90t 29
AFC Average 14.2 202.0 14.2 — 1.8 NFC: 37 * Ameer Abdullah, Detroit
AFC: 31 Taiwan Jones, Oakland
No Yards Avg Long TD AFC: 7 Marcus Thigpen, Buffalo at Kansas City,
Carolina 24 301 12.5 46t 4 November 29 (164 yards, 0 TD)
Arizona 19 263 13.8 40 4 NFC: 7 Shane Vereen, N.Y. Giants at Minnesota,
Green Bay 16 198 12.4 45t 2 December 27 (142 yards, 0 TD)
Atlanta 15 220 14.7 84 1
N.Y. Giants 15 206 13.7 63t 2 TOUCHDOWNS
Philadelphia 15 280 18.7 99t 3 NFC: 2 Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota
Seattle 14 205 14.6 54 0 AFC: 0 By many players
Minnesota 13 215 16.5 91t 2
St. Louis 13 182 14.0 58t 1 TEAM CHAMPION
Tampa Bay 11 93 8.5 26 1 NFC: 28.3 Minnesota
Washington 11 181 16.5 44 1 AFC: 25.4 Cleveland
Detroit 9 103 11.4 31t 1
New Orleans 9 87 9.7 24 0 NFL TOP TEN KICKOFF RETURNERS
San Francisco 9 125 13.9 45 1 No Yards Avg Long TD
Chicago 8 103 12.9 39 0 Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 32 1019 31.8 101t 2
Dallas 8 62 7.8 24 1 * Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 37 1077 29.1 104 0
Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 22 631 28.7 100t 1
NFC Total 209 2824 13.5 99t 24 Cunningham, Benny, St.L 25 714 28.6 102 0
* Johnson, David, Ariz 22 598 27.2 108t 1
NFC Average 13.1 176.5 13.5 — 1.5 * Bray, Quan, Ind. 21 570 27.1 60 0
Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 31 829 26.7 70 0
League Total 436 6056 — 99t 53 * Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 33 852 25.8 105t 1
Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 26 665 25.6 40 0
League Average 13.6 189.3 13.9 — 1.7 Davis, Knile, K.C. 24 603 25.1 54 0

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 281

No Yards Avg Long TD * Smith, Devin, NYJ 1 21 21.0 21 0
* Bray, Quan, Ind. 21 570 27.1 60 0 * Ajayi, Jay, Mia. 1 20 20.0 20 0
Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 31 829 26.7 70 0 Powell, Bilal, NYJ 1 20 20.0 20 0
Davis, Knile, K.C. 24 603 25.1 54 0 * Hunt, Akeem, Hou. 1 19 19.0 19 0
Williams, Damien, Mia. 21 457 21.8 37 0 Chung, Patrick, N.E. 1 17 17.0 17 0
(Nonqualifiers) Thompkins, Kenbrell, NYJ 1 17 17.0 17 0
* Mostert, Raheem, Mia.-Bal.-Cle. 19 530 27.9 53 0 Vaughn, Cassius, S.D. 1 17 17.0 17 0
Ross, Jeremy, Bal.-Oak. 19 470 24.7 46 0 Bibbs, Kapri, Den. 1 15 15.0 15 0
Jones, Jacoby, S.D.-Pit. 18 413 22.9 36 0 * McGill, T.Y., Ind. 1 15 15.0 15 0
Tate, Brandon, Cin. 18 413 22.9 58 0 * Smith, Za'Darius, Bal. 1 15 15.0 15 0
Thigpen, Marcus, Buf.-Oak.-Buf. 18 330 18.3 31 0 * Conley, Chris, K.C. 1 14 14.0 14 0
Cromartie, Antonio, NYJ 15 377 25.1 54 0 Ware, Spencer, K.C. 1 14 14.0 14 0
Bolden, Omar, Den. 15 342 22.8 41 0 Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 1 13 13.0 13 0
Archer, Dri, Pit. 14 354 25.3 38 0 Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 1 13 13.0 13 0
* Clay, Kaelin, Bal. 14 343 24.5 39 0 * Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 1 12 12.0 12 0
* Mumphery, Keith, Hou. 14 338 24.1 41 0 * Boyle, Nick, Bal. 1 10 10.0 10 0
* Marshall, Nick, Jac. 13 346 26.6 36 0 Smith, Lee, Oak. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 13 321 24.7 50 0 Juszczyk, Kyle, Bal. 1 7 7.0 7 0
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 13 285 21.9 32 0 Bernard, Giovani, Cin. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Gilbert, Justin, Cle. 12 339 28.3 40 0 * Vigil, Zach, Mia. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 10 257 25.7 75 0 * Williams, Maxx, Bal. 1 6 6.0 6 0
Jones, Adam, Cin. 10 235 23.5 49 0 Anderson, Colt, Ind. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Stacy, Zac, NYJ 10 204 20.4 31 0 Felton, Jerome, Buf. 1 5 5.0 5 0
* McBride, Tre, Ten. 10 190 19.0 31 0 Gronkowski, Rob, N.E. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Whalen, Griff, Ind. 9 244 27.1 50 0 Moncrief, Donte, Ind. 1 5 5.0 5 0
Sankey, Bishop, Ten. 9 192 21.3 34 0 Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 1 2 2.0 2 0
* Grant, Corey, Jac. 8 220 27.5 42 0 Sanu, Mohamed, Cin. 1 2 2.0 2 0
Oliver, Branden, S.D. 8 197 24.6 30 0 * Emanuel, Kyle, S.D. 1 1 1.0 1 0
Amendola, Danny, N.E. 8 172 21.5 29 0 Reilly, Trevor, NYJ 1 0 0.0 0 0
Caldwell, Andre, Den. 7 162 23.1 29 0 Sheppard, Kelvin, Mia. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Jennings, Darius, Cle. 7 158 22.6 28 0 Thompson, Juwan, Den. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Herndon, Javontee, S.D. 7 157 22.4 34 0 Latimer, Cody, Den. 0 27 — 27 0
* Varga, Tyler, Ind. 6 151 25.2 30 0
Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 6 138 23.0 30 0 t = Touchdown; f = Fair Catch
Harvin, Percy, Buf. 5 108 21.6 25 0 Leader based on average return, minimum 20 returns
Draughn, Shaun, Cle. 5 106 21.2 31 0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Wheaton, Markus, Pit. 5 105 21.0 28 0
Moore, Denarius, Buf. 5 70 14.0 20 0 NFC—INDIVIDUAL KICKOFF RETURNERS
Herron, Dan, Buf. 4 92 23.0 28 0 No Yards Avg Long TD
Helu, Roy, Oak. 4 85 21.3 37 0 Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 32 1019 31.8 101t 2
Walters, Bryan, Jac. 4 80 20.0 28 0 * Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 37 1077 29.1 104 0
Dixon, Anthony, Buf. 4 59 14.8 17 0 Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 22 631 28.7 100t 1
Cumberland, Jeff, NYJ 4 50 12.5 17 0 Cunningham, Benny, St.L 25 714 28.6 102 0
Peerman, Cedric, Cin. 4 44 11.0 20 0 * Johnson, David, Ariz 22 598 27.2 108t 1
Campanaro, Michael, Bal. 3 79 26.3 29 0 * Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 33 852 25.8 105t 1
Moore, Marlon, Cle. 3 77 25.7 29 0 Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 26 665 25.6 40 0
Powell, Walt, Buf. 3 77 25.7 32 0 Ross, Rashad, Was. 28 684 24.4 101t 1
Williams, Michael, N.E. 3 18 6.0 10 0 Huff, Josh, Phi. 21 498 23.7 49 0
Owusu, Chris, NYJ 2 58 29.0 30 0 (Nonqualifiers)
James, LaMichael, Mia. 2 54 27.0 29 0 Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 19 469 24.7 38 0
Robinson, Denard, Jac. 2 54 27.0 31 0 * Whitehead, Lucky, Dal. 16 452 28.3 79 0
* Johnson, Duke, Cle. 2 52 26.0 30 0 Mariani, Marc, Chi. 16 418 26.1 47 0
Roberts, Seth, Oak. 2 47 23.5 24 0 Weems, Eric, Atl. 15 403 26.9 50 0
Demps, Quintin, Hou. 2 46 23.0 23 0 Thompson, Deonte, Chi. 14 409 29.2 74 0
Jones, Reshad, Mia. 2 43 21.5 25 0 Janis, Jeff, G.B. 14 406 29.0 70 0
Goodwin, Marquise, Buf. 2 33 16.5 19 0 Vereen, Shane, NY-G 14 321 22.9 46 0
Reece, Marcel, Oak. 2 32 16.0 18 0 * Murphy, Marcus, N.O. 12 300 25.0 35 0
Norwood, Jordan, Den. 2 29 14.5 15 0 Hester, Devin, Atl. 9 235 26.1 35 0
Davis, Kellen, NYJ 2 24 12.0 13 0 Whittaker, Fozzy, Car. 9 209 23.2 33 0
Doyle, Jack, Ind. 2 22 11.0 12 0 Hyde, Micah, G.B. 8 187 23.4 30 0
Banyard, Joe, Jac. 2 21 10.5 13 0 Webb, Joe, Car. 8 178 22.3 27 0
Sherman, Anthony, K.C. 2 20 10.0 11 0 Williams, Kerwynn, Ariz 8 126 15.8 24 0
Phillips, John, S.D. 2 18 9.0 13 0 Roberts, Andre, Was. 7 231 33.0 99t 1
Jones, Abry, Jac. 2 0 0.0 0 0 * Montgomery, Ty, G.B. 7 218 31.1 46 0
McCourty, Devin, N.E. 2 0 0.0 0 0 Patton, Quinton, S.F. 7 157 22.4 35 0
* Magee, Terrence, Bal. 1 28 28.0 28 0 Spiller, C.J., N.O. 7 149 21.3 26 0
* Worthy, Chandler, Hou. 1 27 27.0 27 0 Dunbar, Lance, Dal. 6 146 24.3 32 0
Tipton, Zurlon, Ind. 1 23 23.0 23 0 * White, DeAndrew, S.F. 6 142 23.7 30 0
Todman, Jordan, Pit. 1 22 22.0 22 0 Jones, T.J., Det. 5 106 21.2 34 0

282 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Cadet, Travaris, N.O. 3 94 31.3 38 0
Pead, Isaiah, St.L 3 63 21.0 22 0 No Yards Avg Long TD
Thompson, Chris, Was. 3 63 21.0 36 0 Cleveland 41 1041 25.4 53 0
Line, Zach, Min. 3 43 14.3 23 0 Baltimore 34 857 25.2 50 0
Austin, Tavon, St.L 3 16 5.3 7 0 Indianapolis 43 1047 24.3 60 0
Abbrederis, Jared, G.B. 2 52 26.0 30 0 Pittsburgh 29 701 24.2 38 0
Peterson, Patrick, Ariz f2 46 23.0 24 0 Oakland 53 1268 23.9 70 0
Carey, Ka'Deem, Chi. 2 38 19.0 22 0 Houston 18 430 23.9 41 0
* Dye, Donteea, T.B. 2 37 18.5 19 0 Jacksonville 31 721 23.3 42 0
Robinson, Khiry, N.O. 2 33 16.5 19 0 Kansas City 35 791 22.6 54 0
Sherels, Marcus, Min. 2 33 16.5 21 0 Miami 43 958 22.3 50 0
Cooper, Riley, Phi. 2 28 14.0 16 0 Denver 27 588 21.8 41 0
Patmon, Tyler, Dal. 2 26 13.0 20 0 N.Y. Jets 37 771 20.8 54 0
Hoomanawanui, Michael, N.O. 2 19 9.5 16 0 San Diego 28 583 20.8 34 0
Kuhn, John, G.B. 2 9 4.5 9 0 Tennessee 33 680 20.6 34 0
Reynolds, Chase, St.L 2 9 4.5 9 0 Cincinnati 34 700 20.6 58 0
Dickson, Ed, Car. 2 1 0.5 1 0 Buffalo 41 772 18.8 32 0
Bailey, Stedman, St.L 1 28 28.0 28 0 New England 25 469 18.8 75 0
Blanton, Robert, Min. 1 27 27.0 27 0
* Smith, Rod, Dal. 1 26 26.0 26 0 AFC Total 552 12377 22.4 75 0
Tate, Golden, Det. 1 26 26.0 26 0
McKinnon, Jerick, Min. 1 24 24.0 24 0 AFC Average 34.5 773.6 22.4 — 0.0
McFadden, Darren, Dal. 1 23 23.0 23 0
* Diggs, Stefon, Min. 1 22 22.0 22 0
* Edwards, Ben, NY-G 1 20 20.0 20 0
Sproles, Darren, Phi. 1 20 20.0 20 0 No Yards Avg Long TD
DiMarco, Patrick, Atl. 1 19 19.0 19 0 Minnesota 42 1190 28.3 101t 2
Tukuafu, Will, Sea. 1 16 16.0 16 0 Detroit 44 1220 27.7 104 0
Rodgers, Jacquizz, Chi. 1 15 15.0 15 0 Chicago 33 892 27.0 74 0
Thomas, Pierre, S.F. 1 15 15.0 15 0 Atlanta 26 667 25.7 50 0
* Crowder, Jamison, Was. 1 13 13.0 13 0 Seattle 34 868 25.5 105t 1
* Pruitt, MyCole, Min. 1 12 12.0 12 0 Dallas 28 704 25.1 79 0
Bell, Joique, Det. 1 11 11.0 11 0 Washington 40 999 25.0 101t 2
Jerod-Eddie, Tony, S.F. 1 11 11.0 11 0 N.Y. Giants 39 971 24.9 100t 1
Barner, Kenjon, Phi. 1 10 10.0 10 0 Green Bay 36 881 24.5 70 0
* Davison, Tyeler, N.O. 1 10 10.0 10 0 St. Louis 34 830 24.4 102 0
* Hunter, Danielle, Min. 1 10 10.0 10 0 Tampa Bay 21 506 24.1 38 0
* Ward, Terron, Atl. 1 10 10.0 10 0 Arizona 32 770 24.1 108t 1
Ertz, Zach, Phi. 1 9 9.0 9 0 San Francisco 42 993 23.6 40 0
Jones, Datone, G.B. 1 9 9.0 9 0 New Orleans 28 605 21.6 38 0
Williams, Terrance, Dal. 1 9 9.0 9 0 Philadelphia 27 565 20.9 49 0
Ginn, Ted, Car. 1 8 8.0 8 0 Carolina 22 407 18.5 33 0
Jackson, DeSean, Was. 1 8 8.0 8 0
Tolbert, Mike, Car. 1 8 8.0 8 0 NFC Total 528 13068 24.8 108t 7
Herzlich, Mark, NY-G 1 6 6.0 6 0
Davis, Thomas, Car. 1 3 3.0 3 0 NFC Average 33.0 816.8 24.8 — 0.4
Miller, Bruce, S.F. 1 3 3.0 3 0
Ajirotutu, Seyi, Phi. 1 0 0.0 0 0 League Total 1080 25445 — 108t 7
Hill, Josh, N.O. 1 0 0.0 0 0
* Ripkowski, Aaron, G.B. 1 0 0.0 0 0 League Average 33.8 795.2 23.6 — 0.2
Tretter, JC, G.B. 1 0 0.0 0 0
Jennings, Rashad, NY-G 1 -7 -7.0 -7 0
Bellamy, Josh, Chi. 0 12 — 12 0
White, Roddy, Atl. f0 0 — — 0

t = Touchdown; f = Fair Catch

Leader based on average return, minimum 20 returns
* Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 283

AVERAGE YARDS PER PUNT AFC: 10 Pat McAfee, Indianapolis vs. New Orleans,
NFC: 47.9 Johnny Hekker, St. Louis October 25 (517 yards)
AFC: 47.7 Pat McAfee, Indianapolis 10 Ryan Allen, New England at Denver,
November 29 (450 yards) - (OT)
NET AVERAGE YARDS PER PUNT 10 Marquette King, Oakland at Denver,
NFC: 43.7 Johnny Hekker, St. Louis December 13 (460 yards)
AFC: 42.9 Sam Koch, Baltimore NFC: 10 Pat O'Donnell, Chicago at Seattle,
September 27 (477 yards)
LONGEST 10 Thomas Morstead, New Orleans at
AFC: 79 Jordan Berry, Pittsburgh vs. Arizona, Indianapolis, October 25 (487 yards)
October 18
NFC: 73 Jon Ryan, Seattle at St. Louis, TEAM CHAMPION
September 13 - (OT) NFC: 47.9 St. Louis
AFC: 47.7 Indianapolis
NFC: 96 Johnny Hekker, St. Louis
AFC: 95 Shane Lechler, Houston


Total Opp Return In Net

Punts Yards Long Avg TB Blk Ret Yards 20 Avg
Indianapolis 85 4052 63 47.7 6 0 36 386 28 41.7
Miami 92 4380 70 47.6 10 0 50 526 30 39.7
Tennessee 88 4175 61 47.4 1 0 47 605 34 40.3
Houston 96 4533 64 47.2 11 0 60 612 24 38.6
Cleveland 70 3270 67 46.7 4 0 37 381 25 40.1
Baltimore 74 3454 67 46.7 5 0 35 176 29 42.9
Buffalo 82 3797 65 46.3 3 0 40 353 22 41.3
Jacksonville 80 3700 63 46.3 4 0 45 462 26 39.5
New England 74 3358 67 45.4 3 1 39 347 31 39.9
Cincinnati 69 3116 67 45.2 6 1 32 203 22 40.5
San Diego 73 3261 68 44.7 2 1 44 432 15 38.2
Kansas City 75 3333 62 44.4 5 0 26 170 37 40.8
Oakland 84 3697 70 44.0 4 1 30 201 40 40.7
Denver 85 3704 62 43.6 5 0 36 247 22 39.5
N.Y. Jets 80 3448 68 43.1 4 1 37 470 27 36.2
Pittsburgh 59 2511 79 42.6 2 0 19 165 28 39.1

AFC Total 1266 57789 79 — 75 5 613 5736 440 —

AFC Average 79.1 3611.8 — 45.6 4.7 0.3 38.3 358.5 27.5 39.9


Total Opp Return In Net

Punts Yards Long Avg TB Blk Ret Yards 20 Avg
St. Louis 96 4601 68 47.9 6 0 40 289 41 43.7
Atlanta 59 2735 69 46.4 4 1 28 272 24 40.4
Detroit 80 3679 66 46.0 3 0 43 263 25 42.0
Philadelphia 88 4038 64 45.9 8 2 42 215 29 41.6
Seattle 68 3105 73 45.7 7 0 29 386 24 37.9
Washington 71 3224 64 45.4 7 1 30 258 21 39.8
Carolina 70 3175 65 45.4 5 0 37 288 20 39.8
Dallas 69 3117 61 45.2 1 0 24 162 27 42.5
New Orleans 67 3006 58 44.9 6 0 26 215 25 39.9
N.Y. Giants 76 3380 64 44.5 6 0 30 300 33 38.9
Green Bay 81 3554 62 43.9 6 0 41 174 18 40.2
Chicago 74 3233 72 43.7 4 1 30 226 29 39.6
San Francisco 92 4017 62 43.7 5 0 44 283 31 39.5
Arizona 61 2575 58 42.2 6 1 25 295 22 35.4
Tampa Bay 56 2348 60 41.9 4 0 27 140 15 38.0
Minnesota 66 2746 61 41.6 5 0 29 152 23 37.8

NFC Total 1174 52533 73 — 83 6 525 3918 407 —

NFC Average 73.4 3283.3 — 44.7 5.2 0.4 32.8 244.9 25.4 40.0

NFL Total 2440 110322 79 — 158 11 1138 9654 847 —

NFL Average 76.3 3447.6 — 45.2 4.9 0.3 35.6 301.7 26.5 40.0

284 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Total Opp Return In Net
No Yards Long Avg Punts TB Blk Ret Yards 20 Avg
Hekker, Johnny, St.L 96 4601 68 47.9 96 6 0 40 289 41 43.7
McAfee, Pat, Ind. 85 4052 63 47.7 85 6 0 36 386 28 41.7
* Darr, Matt, Mia. 92 4380 70 47.6 92 10 0 50 526 30 39.7
Kern, Brett, Ten. 88 4175 61 47.4 88 1 0 47 605 34 40.3
Lechler, Shane, Hou. 95 4497 64 47.3 95 10 0 60 612 24 38.8
Bosher, Matt, Atl. 58 2735 69 47.2 59 4 1 28 272 24 40.4
Jones, Donnie, Phi. 86 4038 64 47.0 88 8 2 42 215 29 41.6
Lee, Andy, Cle. 70 3270 67 46.7 70 4 0 37 381 25 40.1
Koch, Sam, Bal. 74 3454 67 46.7 74 5 0 35 176 29 42.9
Schmidt, Colton, Buf. 82 3797 65 46.3 82 3 0 40 353 22 41.3

Total Opp Return In Net
No Yards Long Avg Punts TB Blk Ret Yards 20 Avg
McAfee, Pat, Ind. 85 4052 63 47.7 85 6 0 36 386 28 41.7
* Darr, Matt, Mia. 92 4380 70 47.6 92 10 0 50 526 30 39.7
Kern, Brett, Ten. 88 4175 61 47.4 88 1 0 47 605 34 40.3
Lechler, Shane, Hou. 95 4497 64 47.3 95 10 0 60 612 24 38.8
Lee, Andy, Cle. 70 3270 67 46.7 70 4 0 37 381 25 40.1
Koch, Sam, Bal. 74 3454 67 46.7 74 5 0 35 176 29 42.9
Schmidt, Colton, Buf. 82 3797 65 46.3 82 3 0 40 353 22 41.3
Anger, Bryan, Jac. 80 3700 63 46.3 80 4 0 45 462 26 39.5
Allen, Ryan, N.E. 73 3358 67 46.0 74 3 1 39 347 31 39.9
Huber, Kevin, Cin. 68 3116 67 45.8 69 6 1 32 203 22 40.5
Scifres, Mike, S.D. 72 3261 68 45.3 73 2 1 44 432 15 38.2
King, Marquette, Oak. 83 3697 70 44.5 84 4 1 30 201 40 40.7
Colquitt, Dustin, K.C. 75 3333 62 44.4 75 5 0 26 170 37 40.8
Quigley, Ryan, NYJ 75 3287 68 43.8 76 4 1 34 432 27 36.5
Colquitt, Britton, Den. 84 3663 62 43.6 84 4 0 36 247 22 39.7
Berry, Jordan, Pit. 59 2511 79 42.6 59 2 0 19 165 28 39.1
Weatherford, Steve, NYJ 4 161 50 40.3 4 0 0 3 38 0 30.8
McManus, Brandon, Den. 1 41 41 41.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 21.0
Novak, Nick, Hou. 1 36 36 36.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 16.0

Leader based on average, minimum 40 punts

Total Opp Return In Net
No Yards Long Avg Punts TB Blk Ret Yards 20 Avg
Hekker, Johnny, St.L 96 4601 68 47.9 96 6 0 40 289 41 43.7
Bosher, Matt, Atl. 58 2735 69 47.2 59 4 1 28 272 24 40.4
Jones, Donnie, Phi. 86 4038 64 47.0 88 8 2 42 215 29 41.6
Way, Tress, Was. 70 3224 64 46.1 71 7 1 30 258 21 39.8
Martin, Sam, Det. 80 3679 66 46.0 80 3 0 43 263 25 42.0
Ryan, Jon, Sea. 68 3105 73 45.7 68 7 0 29 386 24 37.9
Morstead, Thomas, N.O. 56 2551 58 45.6 56 4 0 24 194 20 40.7
Nortman, Brad, Car. 70 3175 65 45.4 70 5 0 37 288 20 39.8
Jones, Chris, Dal. 69 3117 61 45.2 69 1 0 24 162 27 42.5
Wing, Brad, NY-G 76 3380 64 44.5 76 6 0 30 300 33 38.9
O'Donnell, Pat, Chi. 70 3097 72 44.2 71 4 1 27 197 28 39.7
Masthay, Tim, G.B. 81 3554 62 43.9 81 6 0 41 174 18 40.2
* Pinion, Bradley, S.F. 91 3969 62 43.6 91 5 0 43 282 31 39.4
Butler, Drew, Ariz 60 2575 58 42.9 61 6 1 25 295 22 35.4
Schum, Jacob, T.B. 56 2348 60 41.9 56 4 0 27 140 15 38.0
Locke, Jeff, Min. 66 2746 61 41.6 66 5 0 29 152 23 37.8
Fields, Brandon, N.O. 10 412 57 41.2 10 2 0 2 21 4 35.1
Lanning, Spencer, Chi. 3 136 51 45.3 3 0 0 3 29 1 35.7
Dawson, Phil, S.F. 1 48 48 48.0 1 0 0 1 1 0 47.0
Hocker, Zach, N.O. 1 43 43 43.0 1 0 0 0 0 1 43.0

Leader based on average, minimum 40 punts

* Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 285

AFC: 16.7* Rashad Greene, Jacksonville * Greene, Rashad, Jac. 18 8 301 16.7 73t 1
NFC: 11.7 Darren Sproles, Philadelphia Amendola, Danny, N.E. 23 12 276 12.0 82 0
Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 28 10 324 11.6 78t 1
YARDS * Clay, Kaelin, Bal. 23 3 244 10.6 82t 1
NFC: 446 Darren Sproles, Philadelphia Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 36 16 356 9.9 69t 1
AFC: 411 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets Brown, Antonio, Pit. 22 13 212 9.6 71t 1
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 24 15 217 9.0 37 0
YARDS, GAME Ross, Jeremy, Bal.-Oak. 24 14 214 8.9 42 0
AFC: 154 Travis Benjamin, Cleveland vs. Tennessee, Kerley, Jeremy, NYJ 48 19 411 8.6 58 0
September 20 (6 returns, 1 TD) * Bray, Quan, Ind. 21 7 166 7.9 33 0
NFC: 139 * Tyler Lockett, Seattle at Arizona, January 3 Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 29 2 227 7.8 37 0
(4 returns, 0 TD) * Mumphery, Keith, Hou. 36 14 280 7.8 20 0
Tate, Brandon, Cin. 27 11 171 6.3 18 0
LONGEST (Nonqualifiers)
NFC: 89 Darren Sproles, Philadelphia at N.Y. Jets, Thigpen, Marcus, Buf.-Oak.-Buf. 19 11 119 6.3 16 0
September 27 - TD Carrie, T.J., Oak. 19 2 118 6.2 22 0
AFC: 83 Omar Bolden, Denver at Indianapolis, Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 17 20 103 6.1 14 0
November 8 - TD Jones, Adam, Cin. 16 1 179 11.2 35 0
Hammond, Frankie, K.C. 14 3 115 8.2 29 0
RETURNS Whalen, Griff, Ind. 12 18 85 7.1 22 0
AFC: 48 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets Herndon, Javontee, S.D. 11 13 81 7.4 18 0
NFC: 40 * Tyler Lockett, Seattle Douglas, Harry, Ten. 11 2 73 6.6 18 0
Jones, Jacoby, S.D.-Pit. 11 12 15 1.4 14 0
RETURNS, GAME Edelman, Julian, N.E. 10 1 81 8.1 19 0
NFC: 8 * Marcus Murphy, New Orleans at Indianapolis, Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 9 8 70 7.8 17 0
October 25 (44 yards, 0 TD) Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 8 3 92 11.5 21 0
AFC: 7 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets vs. Philadelphia, * Cooper, Amari, Oak. 8 0 41 5.1 18 0
September 27 (69 yards, 0 TD) Walters, Bryan, Jac. 8 7 30 3.8 14 0
McKelvin, Leodis, Buf. 7 4 21 3.0 12 0
FAIR CATCHES Norwood, Jordan, Den. 6 2 51 8.5 14 0
NFC: 22 Ted Ginn, Carolina Bolden, Omar, Den. 5 3 123 24.6 83t 1
22 Marc Mariani, Chicago Moore, Denarius, Buf. 5 8 77 15.4 27 0
AFC: 20 Emmanuel Sanders, Denver * Marshall, Nick, Jac. 5 1 30 6.0 20 0
Daniels, B.J., Sea.-Hou. 5 1 25 5.0 11 0
TOUCHDOWNS Grimes, Brent, Mia. 4 0 59 14.8 28 0
NFC: 2 Darren Sproles, Philadelphia Hilton, T.Y., Ind. 4 2 16 4.0 10 0
AFC: 1 Travis Benjamin, Cleveland Campanaro, Michael, Bal. 3 3 49 16.3 21 0
1 Omar Bolden, Denver Cox, Perrish, Ten. 3 0 17 5.7 9 0
1 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh * Harper, Chris, N.E. 3 2 17 5.7 10 0
1 * Kaelin Clay, Baltimore * Worthy, Chandler, Hou. 3 0 9 3.0 7 0
1 * Rashad Greene, Jacksonville Allen, Keenan, S.D. 3 4 5 1.7 5 0
1 Jarvis Landry, Miami Smith, Steve, Bal. 2 1 32 16.0 22 0
Webb, Lardarius, Bal. 2 3 16 8.0 9 0
TEAM CHAMPION Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 2 4 13 6.5 11 0
AFC: 11.6 Jacksonville Johnson, Damaris, N.E. 2 0 3 1.5 3 0
NFC: 11.4 Philadelphia * Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 2 1 1 0.5 1 0
Powell, Walt, Buf. 1 1 16 16.0 16 0
NFL TOP TEN PUNT RETURNERS Decker, Eric, NYJ 1 3 11 11.0 11 0
No FC Yards Avg Long TD Matthews, Rishard, Mia. 1 0 9 9.0 9 0
* Greene, Rashad, Jac. 18 8 301 16.7 73t 1 Keo, Shiloh, Den. 1 1 6 6.0 6 0
Amendola, Danny, N.E. 23 12 276 12.0 82 0 Chung, Patrick, N.E. 1 0 4 4.0 4 0
Sproles, Darren, Phi. 38 18 446 11.7 89t 2 * Mager, Craig, S.D. 1 1 2 2.0 2 0
Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 28 10 324 11.6 78t 1 Williams, Tramon, Cle. 1 0 1 1.0 1 0
* Clay, Kaelin, Bal. 23 3 244 10.6 82t 1 Alexander, Lorenzo, Oak. 0 0 7 — 7 0
Ginn, Ted, Car. 27 22 277 10.3 37 0
Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 34 7 341 10.0 80t 1 t = Touchdown
Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 29 14 288 9.9 58 0 Leader based on average return, minimum 20 returns
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 36 16 356 9.9 69t 1 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 22 13 212 9.6 71t 1

286 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

No FC Yards Avg Long TD
Sproles, Darren, Phi. 38 18 446 11.7 89t 2 No FC Yards Avg Long TD
Ginn, Ted, Car. 27 22 277 10.3 37 0 Jacksonville 31 16 361 11.6 73t 1
Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 34 7 341 10.0 80t 1 Baltimore 40 15 450 11.3 82t 1
Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 29 14 288 9.9 58 0 Cleveland 29 10 325 11.2 78t 1
* Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 40 21 379 9.5 66 1 Miami 41 16 424 10.3 69t 1
* Murphy, Marcus, N.O. 28 7 261 9.3 74t 1 New England 47 18 473 10.1 82 0
Sherels, Marcus, Min. 34 15 311 9.1 65t 1 Denver 29 26 283 9.8 83t 1
Peterson, Patrick, Ariz 32 17 260 8.1 38 0 N.Y. Jets 49 22 422 8.6 58 0
Austin, Tavon, St.L 34 15 268 7.9 75t 1 Pittsburgh 28 17 231 8.3 71t 1
Tate, Golden, Det. 20 14 149 7.5 23 0 Cincinnati 43 12 350 8.1 35 0
Mariani, Marc, Chi. 29 22 192 6.6 20 0 Tennessee 38 17 307 8.1 37 0
Hyde, Micah, G.B. 27 18 157 5.8 16 0 Kansas City 45 9 355 7.9 37 0
* Crowder, Jamison, Was. 30 16 158 5.3 16 0 Buffalo 31 22 232 7.5 27 0
(Nonqualifiers) Houston 52 23 377 7.3 20 0
Weems, Eric, Atl. 19 16 221 11.6 41 0 Indianapolis 39 28 268 6.9 33 0
Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 19 17 137 7.2 36 0 Oakland 42 13 272 6.5 25 0
* Whitehead, Lucky, Dal. 19 4 110 5.8 28 0 San Diego 20 26 84 4.2 18 0
Beasley, Cole, Dal. 12 17 69 5.8 22 0
* Hayne, Jarryd, S.F. 8 5 76 9.5 37 0 AFC Total 604 290 5214 8.6 83t 6
Hester, Devin, Atl. 8 4 34 4.3 11 0
Jones, T.J., Det. 7 6 59 8.4 28 0 AFC Average 37.8 18.1 325.9 8.6 — 0.4
* Nelson, J.J., Ariz 4 4 13 3.3 11 0
Cobb, Randall, G.B. 4 4 10 2.5 10 0
Beckham, Odell, NY-G 2 2 26 13.0 21 0
Welker, Wes, St.L 2 0 23 11.5 13 0 No FC Yards Avg Long TD
Cooks, Brandin, N.O. 2 0 12 6.0 6 0 Philadelphia 39 18 443 11.4 89t 2
Bush, Reggie, S.F. 2 1 9 4.5 9 0 Seattle 42 22 450 10.7 66 1
McClain, Robert, Car. 2 2 5 2.5 3 0 N.Y. Giants 36 9 367 10.2 80t 1
Moore, Lance, Det. 2 2 1 0.5 1 0 Tampa Bay 29 14 288 9.9 58 0
Jackson, DeSean, Was. 2 1 -5 -2.5 2 0 Atlanta 27 20 255 9.4 41 0
Sherman, Richard, Sea. 1 0 64 64.0 64 0 Carolina 30 25 282 9.4 37 0
* Callahan, Bryce, Chi. 1 0 34 34.0 34 0 Minnesota 34 15 311 9.1 65t 1
Royal, Eddie, Chi. 1 0 16 16.0 16 0 New Orleans 32 13 275 8.6 74t 1
Jenkins, Janoris, St.L 1 0 5 5.0 5 0 Chicago 31 22 242 7.8 34 0
Davis, Cody, St.L 1 0 4 4.0 4 0 St. Louis 39 15 300 7.7 75t 1
Dunbar, Lance, Dal. 1 0 4 4.0 4 0 San Francisco 30 23 226 7.5 37 0
* White, DeAndrew, S.F. 1 0 4 4.0 4 0 Arizona 39 22 289 7.4 38 0
Byrd, Jairus, N.O. 1 5 1 1.0 1 0 Detroit 30 22 209 7.0 28 0
Cadet, Travaris, N.O. 1 1 1 1.0 1 0 Dallas 33 21 183 5.5 28 0
Bates, Daren, St.L 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 Green Bay 31 23 167 5.4 16 0
Fuller, Corey, Det. 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 Washington 32 17 153 4.8 16 0
* Marlowe, Dean, Car. 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
White, Corey, Dal. 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 NFC Total 534 301 4440 8.3 89t 7
Barner, Kenjon, Phi. 1 0 -3 -3.0 -3 0
Abbrederis, Jared, G.B. 0 1 0 — — 0 NFC Average 33.4 18.8 277.5 8.3 — 0.4
Bersin, Brenton, Car. 0 1 0 — — 0
Smith, Kevin, Sea. 0 1 0 — — 0 League Total 1138 591 9654 — 89t 13

t = Touchdown League Average 35.6 18.5 301.7 8.5 — 0.4

Leader based on average return, minimum 20 returns
* Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 287

AFC: 17.5 J.J. Watt, Houston NFC: 44 Carolina Sacks Yards
NFC: 14.5 Ezekiel Ansah, Detroit Denver 52 351
MOST SACKS, GAME Sacks Pittsburgh 48 311
AFC: 5.0 Khalil Mack, Oakland Watt, J.J., Hou. 17.5 Kansas City 47 290
at Denver, December Mack, Khalil, Oak. 15.0 Houston 45 311
13 Ansah, Ezekiel, Det. 14.5 Cincinnati 42 288
NFC: 3.5 Michael Bennett, Dunlap, Carlos, Cin. 13.5 N.Y. Jets 39 278
Seattle at San Jones, Chandler, N.E. 12.5 Tennessee 39 271
Francisco, October 22 Mercilus, Whitney, Hou. 12.0 Oakland 38 211
3.5 Ezekiel Ansah, Detroit Wilkerson, Muhammad, NYJ 12.0 Baltimore 37 220
vs. Philadelphia, Atkins, Geno, Cin. 11.0 Jacksonville 36 237
November 26 Donald, Aaron, St.L 11.0 Indianapolis 35 251
Miller, Von, Den. 11.0 San Diego 32 222
TEAM LEADERS, SACKS Short, Kawann, Car. 11.0 Miami 31 225
AFC: BALTIMORE, 6.0, Elvis Cleveland 29 157
Dumervil; BUFFALO, 5.0, Buffalo 21 125
Jerry Hughes, Mario
Williams; CINCINNATI, 13.5, AFC Total 620 4106
Carlos Dunlap; CLEVELAND,
6.0, Desmond Bryant; AFC Average 38.8 256.6
DENVER, 11.0, Von Miller;
HOUSTON, 17.5, J.J. Watt;
Langford, Robert Mathis; SACKS
JACKSONVILLE, 5.5, Jared Sacks Yards
Odrick; KANSAS CITY, 7.5, Carolina 44 302
Justin Houston; MIAMI, 7.5, Detroit 43 279
Olivier Vernon; NEW Green Bay 43 256
ENGLAND, 12.5, Chandler Minnesota 43 283
Jones; N.Y. JETS, 12.0, St. Louis 41 236
Muhammad Wilkerson; Tampa Bay 38 232
OAKLAND, 15.0, Khalil Mack; Washington 38 264
PITTSBURGH, 7.0, Cameron Philadelphia 37 243
Heyward; SAN DIEGO, 10.5, Seattle 37 255
Melvin Ingram; TENNESSEE, Arizona 36 270
7.0, Jurrell Casey, Brian Chicago 35 237
Orakpo Dallas 31 229
New Orleans 31 211
NFC: ARIZONA, 8.0, Dwight San Francisco 28 196
Freeney; ATLANTA, 4.0, *Vic N.Y. Giants 23 137
Beasley; CAROLINA, 11.0, Atlanta 19 117
Kawann Short; CHICAGO,
8.0, Lamarr Houston; NFC Total 567 3747
DALLAS, 8.0, Demarcus
Lawrence; DETROIT, 14.5, NFC Average 35.4 234.2
Ezekiel Ansah; GREEN BAY,
10.5, Julius Peppers; League Total 1187 7853
MINNESOTA, 10.5, Everson
Griffen; NEW ORLEANS, League Average 37.1 245.4
10.0, Cameron Jordan; N.Y.
GIANTS, 9.5, Robert Ayers;
PHILADELPHIA, 9.5, Fletcher
Cox; ST. LOUIS, 11.0, Aaron
6.5, Ahmad Brooks, Aaron
Lynch; SEATTLE, 10.0,
Michael Bennett; TAMPA BAY,
8.5, Gerald McCoy;

288 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Sacks Smith, Aldon, Oak. 3.5 Griffin, Michael, Ten. 1.0
Watt, J.J., Hou. 17.5 Williamson, Avery, Ten. 3.5 * Grissom, Geneo, N.E. 1.0
Mack, Khalil, Oak. 15.0 Autry, Denico, Oak. 3.0 Harris, Shelby, Oak. 1.0
Dunlap, Carlos, Cin. 13.5 * Brown, Malcom, N.E. 3.0 Hawk, A.J., Cin. 1.0
Jones, Chandler, N.E. 12.5 Clemons, Chris, Jac. 3.0 Hayden, D.J., Oak. 1.0
Mercilus, Whitney, Hou. 12.0 Cole, Trent, Ind. 3.0 Hill, Will, Bal. 1.0
Wilkerson, Muhammad, NYJ 12.0 DeVito, Mike, K.C. 3.0 Irving, Nate, Ind. 1.0
Atkins, Geno, Cin. 11.0 Freeman, Jerrell, Ind. 3.0 Jones, Adam, Cin. 1.0
Miller, Von, Den. 11.0 Hicks, Akiem, N.E. 3.0 Kovacs, Jordan, Mia. 1.0
Ingram, Melvin, S.D. 10.5 Jackson, D'Qwell, Ind. 3.0 Lawson, Manny, Buf. 1.0
Sheard, Jabaal, N.E. 8.0 Liuget, Corey, S.D. 3.0 Lofton, Curtis, Oak. 1.0
Houston, Justin, K.C. 7.5 * McGill, T.Y., Ind. 3.0 Lowery, Dwight, Ind. 1.0
Vernon, Olivier, Mia. 7.5 * Orchard, Nate, Cle. 3.0 Mathews, Ricardo, S.D. 1.0
Ware, DeMarcus, Den. 7.5 Pace, Calvin, NYJ 3.0 Mauga, Josh, K.C. 1.0
Casey, Jurrell, Ten. 7.0 Smith, Daryl, Bal. 3.0 Mayo, Jerod, N.E. 1.0
Heyward, Cameron, Pit. 7.0 Walden, Erik, Ind. 3.0 Mayowa, Benson, Oak. 1.0
Langford, Kendall, Ind. 7.0 * Williams, Leonard, NYJ 3.0 McCain, Chris, Mia. 1.0
Mathis, Robert, Ind. 7.0 Williams, Sylvester, Den. 3.0 McClellan, Albert, Bal. 1.0
Orakpo, Brian, Ten. 7.0 Zombo, Frank, K.C. 3.0 McCourty, Devin, N.E. 1.0
Wake, Cameron, Mia. 7.0 * Blackson, Angelo, Ten. 2.5 * McKinney, Benardrick, Hou. 1.0
Hali, Tamba, K.C. 6.5 * Heeney, Ben, Oak. 2.5 McLendon, Steve, Pit. 1.0
Ninkovich, Rob, N.E. 6.5 Kruger, Paul, Cle. 2.5 Meder, Jamie, Cle. 1.0
Tuitt, Stephon, Pit. 6.5 Smith, Antonio, Den. 2.5 Nelson, Corey, Den. 1.0
Attaochu, Jeremiah, S.D. 6.0 Smith, Telvin, Jac. 2.5 Newsome, Jonathan, Ind. 1.0
Bryant, Desmond, Cle. 6.0 Alualu, Tyson, Jac. 2.0 Orr, Zach, Bal. 1.0
Dumervil, Elvis, Bal. 6.0 * Covington, Christian, Hou. 2.0 * Parry, David, Ind. 1.0
Suh, Ndamukong, Mia. 6.0 Crick, Jared, Hou. 2.0 Poe, Dontari, K.C. 1.0
Barrett, Shaquil, Den. 5.5 Dareus, Marcell, Buf. 2.0 Posluszny, Paul, Jac. 1.0
Bryant, Armonty, Cle. 5.5 Davis, Demario, NYJ 2.0 Poyer, Jordan, Cle. 1.0
Collins, Jamie, N.E. 5.5 Easley, Dominique, N.E. 2.0 Rambo, Bacarri, Buf. 1.0
Howard, Jaye, K.C. 5.5 * Edwards, Mario, Oak. 2.0 Reilly, Trevor, NYJ 1.0
Odrick, Jared, Jac. 5.5 Gilberry, Wallace, Cin. 2.0 Rey, Vincent, Cin. 1.0
* Smith, Za'Darius, Bal. 5.5 Jones, Abry, Jac. 2.0 Robey, Nickell, Buf. 1.0
Wolfe, Derek, Den. 5.5 Jones, Jarvis, Pit. 2.0 Smith, Jimmy, Bal. 1.0
Harrison, James, Pit. 5.0 Jones, Reshad, Mia. 2.0 Sorensen, Daniel, K.C. 1.0
Hughes, Jerry, Buf. 5.0 * Perryman, Denzel, S.D. 2.0 Spence, Sean, Pit. 1.0
Jackson, Malik, Den. 5.0 * Phillips, Jordan, Mia. 2.0 Stafford, Daimion, Ten. 1.0
Johnson, Michael, Cin. 5.0 Reyes, Kendall, S.D. 2.0 Starks, Randy, Cle. 1.0
Parker, Ron, K.C. 5.0 Upshaw, Courtney, Bal. 2.0 Stuckey, Darrell, S.D. 1.0
Peko, Domata, Cin. 5.0 Walker, Vance, Den. 2.0 * Tarpley, A.J., Buf. 1.0
Richardson, Sheldon, NYJ 5.0 Ward, T.J., Den. 2.0 * Tavai, J.R., Ten. 1.0
Simon, John, Hou. 5.0 Williams, Brandon, Bal. 2.0 Tuck, Justin, Oak. 1.0
Timmons, Lawrence, Pit. 5.0 Bass, David, Ten. 1.5 Urban, Brent, Bal. 1.0
Williams, Mario, Buf. 5.0 Brown, Sergio, Jac. 1.5 Williams, Dan, Oak. 1.0
Woodyard, Wesley, Ten. 5.0 * Cooper, Xavier, Cle. 1.5 Williams, K'Waun, Cle. 1.0
Bailey, Allen, K.C. 4.5 Hughes, John, Cle. 1.5 Williams, Kyle, Buf. 1.0
Clowney, Jadeveon, Hou. 4.5 Marshall, Brandon, Den. 1.5 Williams, Duke, Buf. 1.0
Guy, Lawrence, Bal. 4.5 Skuta, Dan, Jac. 1.5 Williams, Steve, S.D. 1.0
Harris, David, NYJ 4.5 Whitner, Donte, Cle. 1.5 Wilson, Jimmy, S.D. 1.0
Morgan, Derrick, Ten. 4.5 Williams, Marcus, NYJ 1.5 Bailey, Dion, NYJ 0.5
Allen, Will, Pit. 4.0 Adams, Mike, Ind. 1.0 * Bennett, Michael, Jac. 0.5
Branch, Andre, Jac. 4.0 Addae, Jahleel, S.D. 1.0 Brown, Zach, Ten. 0.5
Colvin, Aaron, Jac. 4.0 * Anderson, Henry, Ind. 1.0 Butler, Donald, S.D. 0.5
* Dupree, Bud, Pit. 4.0 Armstrong, Ray-Ray, Oak. 1.0 Clarke, Will, Cin. 0.5
Ford, Dee, K.C. 4.0 * Ball, Neiron, Oak. 1.0 Demps, Quintin, Hou. 0.5
Jernigan, Timmy, Bal. 4.0 Blake, Antwon, Pit. 1.0 Harrison, Damon, NYJ 0.5
Johnson, Derrick, K.C. 4.0 Boykin, Brandon, Pit. 1.0 King, David, Sea. 0.5
Klug, Karl, Ten. 4.0 Bradham, Nigel, Buf. 1.0 Lamur, Emmanuel, Cin. 0.5
* Mauldin, Lorenzo, NYJ 4.0 Branch, Alan, N.E. 1.0 McCray, Lerentee, Den. 0.5
Miller, Roy, Jac. 4.0 Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 1.0 McCullers, Dan, Pit. 0.5
Moats, Arthur, Pit. 4.0 Bruton, David, Den. 1.0 Pleasant, Eddie, Hou. 0.5
Moore, Damontre, NY-G-Mia. 4.0 Burfict, Vontaze, Cin. 1.0 Searcy, Da'Norris, Ten. 0.5
Mosley, C.J., Bal. 4.0 Canty, Chris, Bal. 1.0 Smith, Chris, Jac. 0.5
* Ray, Shane, Den. 4.0 Catapano, Mike, NYJ 1.0 Te'o, Manti, S.D. 0.5
Smith, Malcolm, Oak. 4.0 Charles, Stefan, Buf. 1.0 Thompson, Brandon, Cin. 0.5
Davis, Ryan, Jac. 3.5 * Emanuel, Kyle, S.D. 1.0 Thompson, Peyton, Jac. 0.5
Hightower, Dont'a, N.E. 3.5 Flowers, Brandon, S.D. 1.0 Weddle, Eric, S.D. 0.5
Kirksey, Chris, Cle. 3.5 Freeny, Jonathan, N.E. 1.0 Williams, Vince, Pit. 0.5
Shazier, Ryan, Pit. 3.5 Gay, William, Pit. 1.0
Shelby, Derrick, Mia. 3.5 Graham, Corey, Buf. 1.0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 289

Sacks Vaccaro, Kenny, N.O. 3.0 Kearse, Frank, Was. 1.0
Ansah, Ezekiel, Det. 14.5 Biermann, Kroy, Atl. 2.5 Klein, A.J., Car. 1.0
Donald, Aaron, St.L 11.0 Bowman, NaVorro, S.F. 2.5 Kuechly, Luke, Car. 1.0
Short, Kawann, Car. 11.0 * Delaire, Ryan, Car. 2.5 Lansanah, Danny, T.B. 1.0
Griffen, Everson, Min. 10.5 Dial, Quinton, S.F. 2.5 Laurinaitis, James, St.L 1.0
Peppers, Julius, G.B. 10.5 Floyd, Sharrif, Min. 2.5 Lewis, Travis, Det. 1.0
Bennett, Michael, Sea. 10.0 Greenway, Chad, Min. 2.5 Logan, Bennie, Phi. 1.0
Jordan, Cameron, N.O. 10.0 * Gwacham, Obum, N.O. 2.5 Lotulelei, Star, Car. 1.0
Ayers, Robert, NY-G 9.5 Lee, Sean, Dal. 2.5 Mathieu, Tyrann, Ariz 1.0
Cox, Fletcher, Phi. 9.5 Ngata, Haloti, Det. 2.5 Mauro, Josh, Ariz 1.0
Kerrigan, Ryan, Was. 9.5 Alexander, Maurice, St.L 2.0 McDaniel, Tony, T.B. 1.0
Avril, Cliff, Sea. 9.0 Allen, Jared, Car. 2.0 McDonald, T.J., St.L 1.0
McCoy, Gerald, T.B. 8.5 * Armstead, Arik, S.F. 2.0 Mitchell, Terrance, Dal. 1.0
Freeney, Dwight, Ariz 8.0 Carter, Bruce, T.B. 2.0 Morgan, Mike, Sea. 1.0
Houston, Lamarr, Chi. 8.0 Casillas, Jonathan, NY-G 2.0 Munnerlyn, Captain, Min. 1.0
Lawrence, Demarcus, Dal. 8.0 Hatcher, Jason, Was. 2.0 Palmer, Nate, G.B. 1.0
* Smith, Preston, Was. 8.0 Hitchens, Anthony, Dal. 2.0 Pennel, Mike, G.B. 1.0
Barwin, Connor, Phi. 7.0 Jean Francois, Ricky, Was. 2.0 Pierre-Paul, Jason, NY-G 1.0
Smith, Jacquies, T.B. 7.0 Jefferson, Tony, Ariz 2.0 Powers, Jerraud, Ariz 1.0
Taylor, Devin, Det. 7.0 Joyner, Lamarcus, St.L 2.0 Prosinski, Chris, Chi. 1.0
Brooks, Ahmad, S.F. 6.5 McClain, Rolando, Dal. 2.0 Purcell, Mike, S.F. 1.0
Graham, Brandon, Phi. 6.5 Melton, Henry, T.B. 2.0 Reid, Eric, S.F. 1.0
Lynch, Aaron, S.F. 6.5 Okafor, Alex, Ariz 2.0 * Rollins, Quinten, G.B. 1.0
Matthews, Clay, G.B. 6.5 Reid, Caraun, Det. 2.0 Scruggs, Greg, Chi. 1.0
Young, Willie, Chi. 6.5 Rubin, Ahtyba, Sea. 2.0 Selvie, George, NY-G 1.0
Addison, Mario, Car. 6.0 Schofield, O'Brien, Atl. 2.0 Shead, DeShawn, Sea. 1.0
Baker, Chris, Was. 6.0 Tapp, Darryl, Det. 2.0 Spence, Akeem, T.B. 1.0
Hardy, Greg, Dal. 6.0 * Tartt, Jaquiski, S.F. 2.0 Stinson, Ed, Ariz 1.0
* Hunter, Danielle, Min. 6.0 Thurmond, Walter, Phi. 2.0 Stupar, Nate, Atl. 1.0
McPhee, Pernell, Chi. 6.0 Westbrooks, Ethan, St.L 2.0 Tandy, Keith, T.B. 1.0
Davis, Thomas, Car. 5.5 Whitehead, Tahir, Det. 2.0 Thomas, Joe, G.B. 1.0
Hayes, William, St.L 5.5 Babineaux, Jonathan, Atl. 1.5 Thornton, Cedric, Phi. 1.0
Irvin, Bruce, Sea. 5.5 * Davison, Tyeler, N.O. 1.5 Trufant, Desmond, Atl. 1.0
Johnson, Tom, Min. 5.5 Knighton, Terrance, Was. 1.5 Tulloch, Stephen, Det. 1.0
Campbell, Calais, Ariz 5.0 Martin, Kareem, Ariz 1.5 Unrein, Mitch, Chi. 1.0
Crawford, Tyrone, Dal. 5.0 Mebane, Brandon, Sea. 1.5 Van Noy, Kyle, Det. 1.0
Ealy, Kony, Car. 5.0 Paea, Stephen, Was. 1.5 Ward, Jimmie, S.F. 1.0
Edebali, Kasim, N.O. 5.0 Sims, Eugene, St.L 1.5 Wheeler, Philip, Atl. 1.0
Jones, Howard, T.B. 5.0 Smith, Harrison, Min. 1.5 Whitlock, Nikita, NY-G 1.0
Quinn, Robert, St.L 5.0 Smith, Marcus, Phi. 1.5 Williams, Cary, Sea. 1.0
Robison, Brian, Min. 5.0 Abdul-Quddus, Isa, Det. 1.0 Williams, Ian, S.F. 1.0
* Goldman, Eddie, Chi. 4.5 Allen, Ricardo, Atl. 1.0 Wilson, C.J., Det. 1.0
Jones, Jason, Det. 4.5 * Amos, Adrian, Chi. 1.0 Woodley, LaMarr, Ariz 1.0
* Beasley, Vic, Atl. 4.0 * Anthony, Stephone, N.O. 1.0 Wright, K.J., Sea. 1.0
Crawford, Jack, Dal. 4.0 Barron, Mark, St.L 1.0 Ayers, Akeem, St.L 0.5
Daniels, Mike, G.B. 4.0 Benwikere, Bene', Car. 1.0 Bynes, Josh, Det. 0.5
* Golden, Markus, Ariz 4.0 Bethea, Antoine, S.F. 1.0 Copeland, Brandon, Det. 0.5
Jenkins, Jarvis, Chi. 4.0 Blackmon, Will, Was. 1.0 Fairley, Nick, St.L 0.5
* Kendricks, Eric, Min. 4.0 Braman, Bryan, Phi. 1.0 * Irving, David, Dal. 0.5
* Kikaha, Hau'oli, N.O. 4.0 Brinkley, Jasper, NY-G 1.0 Jenkins, John, N.O. 0.5
Neal, Mike, G.B. 4.0 Burley, Marcus, Sea. 1.0 Joseph, Linval, Min. 0.5
Barr, Anthony, Min. 3.5 Byrd, Jairus, N.O. 1.0 Kuhn, Markus, NY-G 0.5
Curry, Vinny, Phi. 3.5 * Callahan, Bryce, Chi. 1.0 Minter, Kevin, Ariz 0.5
Murphy, Trent, Was. 3.5 Carradine, Tank, S.F. 1.0 Raji, B.J., G.B. 0.5
Perry, Nick, G.B. 3.5 Coleman, Kurt, Car. 1.0 * Richardson, Bobby, N.O. 0.5
* Alexander, Kwon, T.B. 3.0 Compton, Will, Was. 1.0 Sendejo, Andrew, Min. 0.5
Brockers, Michael, St.L 3.0 Dahl, Craig, NY-G 1.0 Verner, Alterraun, T.B. 0.5
Bucannon, Deone, Ariz 3.0 Edwards, Dwan, Car. 1.0 Wagner, Bobby, Sea. 0.5
* Clark, Frank, Sea. 3.0 Gaston, Bruce, Chi. 1.0 Wilson, Josh, Det. 0.5
Clayborn, Adrian, Atl. 3.0 * Thompson, Shaq, Car. 1.0
Clinton-Dix, Ha Ha, G.B. 3.0 * Gunter, Rodney, Ariz 1.0 * Player that was a rookie in 2015
David, Lavonte, T.B. 3.0 Hageman, Ra'Shede, Atl. 1.0
Elliott, Jay, G.B. 3.0 * Hicks, Jordan, Phi. 1.0
Gholston, William, T.B. 3.0 Horton, Wes, Car. 1.0
Jenkins, Cullen, NY-G 3.0 Humber, Ramon, N.O. 1.0
Jones, Datone, G.B. 3.0 Hunt, Phillip, Det. 1.0
Kendricks, Mychal, Phi. 3.0 Hyde, Micah, G.B. 1.0
Long, Chris, St.L 3.0 Ihedigbo, James, Det. 1.0
Love, Kyle, Car. 3.0 * Jarrett, Grady, Atl. 1.0
Rucker, Frostee, Ariz 3.0 Johnson, Charles, Car. 1.0

290 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

FUMBLES 2 Bashaud Breeland, Washington at N.Y. Jets,
MOST FUMBLES October 18 (-1 yards, 0 TD)
AFC: 14 Blake Bortles, Jacksonville 2 Trevin Wade, N.Y. Giants at Tampa Bay,
NFC: 12 Matt Ryan, Atlanta November 8 (5 yards, 1 TD)
2 * John Timu, Chicago at Tampa Bay, December
MOST FUMBLES, GAME 27 (0 yards, 0 TD)
AFC: 3 * Marcus Mariota, Tennessee at Cleveland, 2 Jerraud Powers, Arizona vs. Green Bay,
September 20 December 27 (12 yards, 1 TD)
3 Joe Flacco, Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 2 Akeem Ayers, St. Louis at Seattle, December
October 1 - (OT) 27 (45 yards, 1 TD)
3 Griff Whalen, Indianapolis vs. New Orleans, 2 Lavonte David, Tampa Bay at Carolina,
October 25 January 3 (0 yards, 0 TD)
3 Josh McCown, Cleveland vs. Arizona,
November 1 YARDS
3 * Jamil Douglas, Miami at N.Y. Jets, NFC: 84 Nate Stupar, Atlanta
November 29 AFC: 73 Tyvon Branch, Kansas City
3 Tyrod Taylor, Buffalo at Kansas City,
November 29 LONGEST
3 Blake Bortles, Jacksonville vs. Indianapolis, NFC: 84 Nate Stupar, Atlanta vs. Houston,
December 13 October 4 - TD
NFC: 3 Russell Wilson, Seattle vs. Detroit, AFC: 73 Tyvon Branch, Kansas City at Baltimore,
October 5 December 20 - TD
3 Matt Ryan, Atlanta at New Orleans,
3 Case Keenum, St. Louis at Baltimore, Branch, Andre, Jac. 1
November 22 Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 1
3 Sam Bradford, Philadelphia vs. Washington, Clemons, Chris, Jac. 1
December 26 Collins, Jamie, N.E. 1
3 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay at Arizona, Demps, Quintin, Hou. 1
December 27 Hicks, Akiem, N.O.-N.E. 1
Mathis, Robert, Ind. 1
NFC: 6 Bobby Rainey, Tampa Bay Roby, Bradley, Den. 1
AFC: 5 Blake Bortles, Jacksonville Williams, Duke, Buf. 1
5 Ryan Tannehill, Miami * Wilson, Ramik, K.C. 1
Woodyard, Wesley, Ten. 1
November 29 (0 yards, 0 TD) Wagner, Bobby, Sea. 2
NFC: 2 * Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay vs. Tennessee, * Anthony, Stephone, N.O. 1
September 13 (0 yards, 0 TD) Ayers, Akeem, St.L 1
2 Bobby Rainey, Tampa Bay at Houston, Cobb, Randall, G.B. 1
September 27 (0 yards, 0 TD) Dickson, Ed, Car. 1
2 * Stefon Diggs, Minnesota at Denver, Hall, DeAngelo, Was. 1
October 4 (0 yards, 0 TD) Jones, Howard, T.B. 1
2 Julio Jones, Atlanta vs. Washington, Jones, Julio, Atl. 1
October 11 (0 yards, 1 TD) - (OT) McLeod, Rodney, St.L 1
2 Dennis Kelly, Philadelphia vs. Miami, Munnerlyn, Captain, Min. 1
November 15 (0 yards, 0 TD) Powers, Jerraud, Ariz 1
2 Sam Bradford, Philadelphia vs. Washington, Redding, Cory, Ariz 1
December 26 (0 yards, 0 TD) Reid, Caraun, Det. 1
2 Bobby Rainey, Tampa Bay vs. Chicago, Rodgers-Cromartie, Dominique, NY-G 1
December 27 (0 yards, 0 TD) Smith, Jacquies, T.B. 1
2 Tim Barnes, St. Louis at Seattle, Stupar, Nate, Atl. 1
December 27 (0 yards, 0 TD) Thurmond, Walter, Phi. 1
Trufant, Desmond, Atl. 1
AFC: 4 Darrelle Revis, N.Y. Jets Williams, Cary, Sea. 1
NFC: 3 Akeem Ayers, St. Louis
3 * Jordan Hicks, Philadelphia AFC FUMBLES—INDIVIDUAL
3 Jacquies Smith, Tampa Bay Own Opp Tot
3 Bobby Wagner, Seattle Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec
Adams, Mike, Ind. 0 0 1 0 1
AFC: 2 Darrelle Revis, N.Y. Jets at Indianapolis, Aiken, Kamar, Bal. 1 0 0 0 0
September 21 (1 yard, 0 TD) Alexander, Lorenzo, Oak. 1 0 0 0 0
2 Charles Woodson, Oakland vs. Kansas City, * Allen, Javorius, Bal. 2 0 0 0 0
December 6 (39 yards, 0 TD) Allen, Keenan, S.D. 1 0 0 0 0
NFC: 2 Desmond Trufant, Atlanta vs. Houston, Alualu, Tyson, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1
October 4 (21 yards, 1 TD) Amendola, Danny, N.E. 1 0 0 0 0

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 291

Own Opp Tot Own Opp Tot
Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec
Anderson, C.J., Den. 2 0 0 0 0 * Erving, Cameron, Cle. 0 1 0 0 1
Andrews, Antonio, Ten. 1 0 0 0 0 Evans, Josh, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1
Armstrong, Ray-Ray, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1 * Feliciano, Jon, Oak. 0 1 0 0 1
Bademosi, Johnson, Cle. 0 0 1 0 1 Fiedorowicz, C.J., Hou. 1 0 0 0 0
Bailey, Allen, K.C. 0 0 1 0 1 Fisher, Eric, K.C. 0 1 0 0 1
* Ball, Neiron, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1 Fitzpatrick, Ryan, NYJ 5 2 0 -32 2
Barrett, Shaquil, Den. 0 0 2 0 2 Flacco, Joe, Bal. 5 3 0 -22 3
Bass, David, Ten. 0 0 2 0 2 Fleming, Jamell, K.C. 0 0 1 0 1
Beadles, Zane, Jac. 0 1 0 0 1 Floyd, Malcom, S.D. 1 0 0 0 0
Bell, Le'Veon, Pit. 0 1 0 0 1 Fluker, D.J., S.D. 0 1 0 0 1
Benjamin, Travis, Cle. 3 1 0 0 1 Foster, Arian, Hou. 2 0 0 0 0
Bernard, Giovani, Cin. 2 3 0 6 3 * Fowler, Jalston, Ten. 0 1 0 0 1
Blount, LeGarrette, N.E. 1 1 0 0 1 Fox, Jason, Mia. 0 1 0 0 1
Blue, Alfred, Hou. 2 0 0 0 0 Freeman, Jerrell, Ind. 0 0 1 0 1
Bodine, Russell, Cin. 2 0 0 -9 0 Freeny, Jonathan, N.E. 1 0 2 12 2
Bolden, Omar, Den. 1 1 0 0 1 Gabriel, Taylor, Cle. 1 0 0 0 0
Bortles, Blake, Jac. 14 5 0 -30 5 * Gallik, Andy, Ten. 1 0 0 0 0
Boykin, Brandon, Pit. 0 0 1 0 1 * Garcia, Max, Den. 0 2 0 0 2
Brady, Tom, N.E. 6 2 0 0 2 * Geathers, Clayton, Ind. 0 0 1 29 1
Branch, Andre, Jac. 0 0 1 49 1 Gerhart, Toby, Jac. 0 1 0 1 1
Branch, Tyvon, K.C. 0 0 1 73 1 Gillislee, Mike, Buf. 1 0 0 0 0
Brown, Antonio, Pit. 3 1 0 0 1 Gipson, Tashaun, Cle. 1 0 0 0 0
Brown, Donald, S.D. 1 0 0 0 0 Glenn, Cordy, Buf. 0 2 0 0 2
* Brown, Malcom, N.E. 0 0 2 0 2 * Gordon, Melvin, S.D. 6 0 0 0 0
Brown, Preston, Buf. 0 0 1 0 1 Gore, Frank, Ind. 4 0 0 0 0
Bruton, David, Den. 0 0 1 0 1 Graham, Corey, Buf. 0 0 2 29 2
Bryant, Armonty, Cle. 0 0 1 34 1 Graham, Garrett, Hou. 0 1 0 0 1
Bryant, Martavis, Pit. 1 0 0 0 0 * Grant, Corey, Jac. 1 0 0 0 0
Burkhead, Rex, Cin. 1 0 0 0 0 Green, A.J., Cin. 1 0 0 0 0
Butler, Donald, S.D. 0 0 1 1 1 * Greene, Rashad, Jac. 1 1 0 0 1
Butler, Jeremy, Bal. 1 0 0 0 0 Grimes, Jonathan, Hou. 0 1 0 0 1
Cameron, Jordan, Mia. 1 1 0 0 1 Gronkowski, Rob, N.E. 0 1 0 0 1
Carr, Derek, Oak. 10 2 0 -13 2 Haden, Joe, Cle. 0 0 1 0 1
Carter, Chris, Cin. 0 1 1 0 2 Hammond, Frankie, K.C. 2 1 0 0 1
Carter, Tony, Ind. 0 1 0 0 1 * Harper, Chris, N.E. 1 0 0 0 0
Charles, Jamaal, K.C. 3 0 0 0 0 Harrison, Jonotthan, Ind. 1 0 0 -1 0
* Chickillo, Anthony, Pit. 0 0 1 0 1 Hartline, Brian, Cle. 1 1 0 0 1
Clark, Chris, Hou. 0 2 0 0 2 Harvin, Percy, Buf. 1 0 0 0 0
Clay, Charles, Buf. 1 1 0 0 1 Hasselbeck, Matt, Ind. 3 0 0 0 0
Clemons, Chris, Jac. 0 0 1 6 1 Hawkins, Andrew, Cle. 1 0 0 0 0
* Cobb, David, Ten. 0 1 0 0 1 Helu, Roy, Oak. 0 1 0 0 1
Cockrell, Ross, Pit. 0 0 1 0 1 Herndon, Javontee, S.D. 2 0 0 0 0
* Coleman, Justin, N.E. 0 0 1 0 1 Herron, Dan, Buf. 1 0 0 0 0
Collins, Jamie, N.E. 0 0 1 14 1 Heyward-Bey, Darrius, Pit. 0 1 0 0 1
Condo, Jon, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1 Hicks, Akiem, N.E. 0 0 1 0 1
* Cooper, Amari, Oak. 1 0 0 0 0 Hightower, Dont'a, N.E. 0 0 1 0 1
Coples, Quinton, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Hill, Jeremy, Cin. 3 0 0 -7 0
Crabtree, Michael, Oak. 1 1 0 0 1 Hillman, Ronnie, Den. 3 2 0 0 2
Crick, Jared, Hou. 0 0 2 0 2 Hilton, T.Y., Ind. 1 0 0 0 0
Cromartie, Antonio, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Hopkins, DeAndre, Hou. 1 0 0 0 0
Cyprien, Johnathan, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1 House, Davon, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1
Dalton, Andy, Cin. 5 3 0 -34 3 Howard, Austin, Oak. 0 1 0 0 1
Daniels, Matt, S.D. 0 1 0 0 1 Howard, Jaye, K.C. 0 0 2 -1 2
Davis, Austin, Cle. 2 0 0 0 0 Hoyer, Brian, Hou. 6 1 0 0 1
Davis, Demario, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Hughes, Jerry, Buf. 0 0 1 2 1
Davis, Kellen, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Hughes, John, Cle. 0 0 1 0 1
Davis, Ryan, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1 Hurns, Allen, Jac. 2 1 0 0 1
Davis, Todd, Den. 0 0 1 0 1 Ingram, Melvin, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1
Decker, Eric, NYJ 1 0 0 0 0 Inman, Dontrelle, S.D. 2 0 0 0 0
Demps, Quintin, Hou. 0 0 2 33 2 Ivory, Chris, NYJ 4 0 0 0 0
Dixon, Anthony, Buf. 0 0 1 0 1 Jackson, Kareem, Hou. 0 0 1 34 1
* Dorsett, Phillip, Ind. 2 1 0 0 1 Jackson, Malik, Den. 0 0 2 -2 2
Douglas, Harry, Ten. 2 1 0 0 1 James, Ja'Wuan, Mia. 0 1 0 0 1
* Douglas, Jamil, Mia. 4 0 0 0 0 James, LaMichael, Mia. 1 1 0 0 1
Dumervil, Elvis, Bal. 0 0 2 0 2 Jenkins, Jelani, Mia. 0 0 1 0 1
Dunlap, Carlos, Cin. 0 0 1 21 1 * Jennings, Darius, Cle. 1 1 0 0 1
Edelman, Julian, N.E. 1 1 0 0 1 Johnson, David, S.D. 1 0 0 0 0
Eifert, Tyler, Cin. 0 1 0 0 1 Johnson, Michael, Cin. 0 0 1 0 1

292 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Own Opp Tot Own Opp Tot
Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec
Johnson, Randell, Buf. 0 0 1 0 1 Powell, Bilal, NYJ 2 2 0 0 2
* Johnson, Duke, Cle. 1 1 0 0 1 Poyer, Jordan, Cle. 0 0 1 4 1
Johnson, Steven, Ten. 0 0 2 0 2 Rambo, Bacarri, Buf. 0 0 1 0 1
Johnson, Steve, S.D. 1 1 0 0 1 Revis, Darrelle, NYJ 0 0 4 18 4
Jones, Abry, Jac. 0 0 1 0 1 * Riggs, Cody, Ten. 0 0 1 0 1
Jones, DaQuan, Ten. 0 0 1 0 1 Rivera, Mychal, Oak. 2 1 0 0 1
Jones, Jacoby, Pit. 3 1 0 0 1 Rivers, Philip, S.D. 4 2 1 -5 3
Jones, Jarvis, Pit. 0 0 2 0 2 Robertson, Craig, Cle. 0 0 1 9 1
Jones, Landry, Pit. 1 0 0 0 0 Robinson, Denard, Jac. 3 1 0 0 1
Jones, Reshad, Mia. 1 0 1 9 1 * Robinson, Josh, Ind. 1 0 0 0 0
Jones, Taiwan, Oak. 2 1 0 0 1 Roby, Bradley, Den. 0 0 1 21 1
Joseph, Johnathan, Hou. 0 0 1 0 1 Roethlisberger, Ben, Pit. 2 1 0 0 1
Kelce, Travis, K.C. 2 0 0 0 0 Ross, Jeremy, Bal.-Oak. 4 1 0 0 1
Kerley, Jeremy, NYJ 1 1 0 0 1 Salas, Greg, Buf. 0 1 0 0 1
King, Marquette, Oak. 1 1 0 0 1 Sanders, Emmanuel, Den. 2 0 0 0 0
Kirksey, Chris, Cle. 0 0 1 0 1 Sankey, Bishop, Ten. 2 0 0 0 0
* Lamm, Kendall, Hou. 0 1 0 0 1 Sanu, Mohamed, Cin. 2 0 0 0 0
Lamur, Emmanuel, Cin. 0 0 1 0 1 Schmidt, Colton, Buf. 1 1 0 -15 1
Landry, Jarvis, Mia. 1 0 0 0 0 Schwartz, Mitchell, Cle. 0 2 0 0 2
Levine, Anthony, Bal. 1 1 0 0 1 Shazier, Ryan, Pit. 0 0 1 0 1
Lewis, Dion, N.E. 2 0 0 0 0 Shorts, Cecil, Hou. 2 0 0 0 0
Lofton, Curtis, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1 Simon, John, Hou. 0 0 1 0 1
Luck, Andrew, Ind. 3 2 0 0 2 Sims, Dion, Mia. 1 0 0 0 0
Maclin, Jeremy, K.C. 2 0 0 0 0 Smith, Alex, K.C. 4 2 0 -1 2
Manning, Peyton, Den. 1 0 0 0 0 * Smith, Devin, NYJ 1 0 0 0 0
Manuel, EJ, Buf. 2 0 0 0 0 * Smith, D'Joun, Ind. 0 0 1 0 1
Manziel, Johnny, Cle. 6 0 0 0 0 Square, Damion, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1
* Mariota, Marcus, Ten. 10 3 0 -10 3 Stafford, Daimion, Ten. 0 0 1 0 1
Marshall, Brandon, NYJ 3 1 1 8 2 Starks, Randy, Cle. 0 0 1 0 1
* Marshall, Nick, Jac. 2 0 1 0 1 Stephenson, Donald, K.C. 0 1 0 0 1
Martin, Keshawn, N.E. 1 0 0 0 0 Stewart, Darian, Den. 0 0 2 0 2
Mathis, Robert, Ind. 0 0 1 0 1 Stork, Bryan, N.E. 0 1 0 0 1
Maualuga, Rey, Cin. 0 0 1 0 1 Su'a-Filo, Xavier, Hou. 0 1 0 0 1
* Mauldin, Lorenzo, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Supernaw, Phillip, Ten. 1 0 0 0 0
Mayowa, Benson, Oak. 0 0 2 40 2 Tannehill, Ryan, Mia. 10 5 0 -15 5
McCarron, AJ, Cin. 1 0 0 -10 0 Tate, Brandon, Cin. 1 1 0 0 1
McClellan, Albert, Bal. 0 0 1 0 1 Taylor, Jamar, Mia. 0 0 1 31 1
McCluster, Dexter, Ten. 2 2 0 0 2 Taylor, Tyrod, Buf. 9 3 0 0 3
McCown, Josh, Cle. 9 0 0 -4 0 Thigpen, Marcus, Buf.-Oak.-Buf. 3 1 0 0 1
McCoy, LeSean, Buf. 2 2 0 6 2 Thomas, De'Anthony, K.C. 2 1 0 0 1
McCray, Demetrius, Jac. 0 1 0 0 1 Thomas, Demaryius, Den. 2 0 0 0 0
McGee, Stacy, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1 Thomas, Joe, Cle. 0 1 0 0 1
McGloin, Matt, Oak. 1 0 0 0 0 Thomas, Shamarko, Pit. 0 0 1 0 1
McKelvin, Leodis, Buf. 2 1 0 0 1 Thornton, Hugh, Ind. 0 2 0 0 2
Mercilus, Whitney, Hou. 0 1 1 5 2 Tuggle, Justin, Hou. 0 1 0 0 1
Mettenberger, Zach, Ten. 4 1 0 -6 1 Turbin, Robert, Cle. 0 1 0 0 1
Miller, Heath, Pit. 0 1 0 0 1 Upshaw, Courtney, Bal. 0 0 3 0 3
Miller, Lamar, Mia. 1 1 0 0 1 Vick, Mike, Pit. 2 1 0 0 1
Miller, Von, Den. 0 0 3 0 3 Ware, DeMarcus, Den. 0 0 1 0 1
Mitchell, Mike, Pit. 0 0 2 0 2 Watt, Chris, S.D. 1 0 0 0 0
Moats, Arthur, Pit. 0 0 2 3 2 Watt, J.J., Hou. 0 0 1 0 1
Moore, Denarius, Buf. 1 0 0 0 0 Weddle, Eric, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1
Moore, Rahim, Hou. 1 0 0 0 0 Weeden, Brandon, Hou. 2 0 0 0 0
Mosley, C.J., Bal. 0 0 2 41 2 Weeks, Jon, Hou. 0 0 1 0 1
* Mostert, Raheem, Cle. 1 0 0 0 0 Werner, Bjoern, Ind. 0 0 1 0 1
* Mumphery, Keith, Hou. 3 3 0 0 3 West, Charcandrick, K.C. 1 0 0 0 0
Murray, Latavius, Oak. 4 1 0 0 1 West, Terrance, Ten. 2 0 0 0 0
Nelson, Reggie, Cin. 0 0 2 25 2 Whalen, Griff, Ind. 4 1 0 0 1
Newton, Derek, Hou. 0 2 0 0 2 Williams, Damien, Mia. 2 1 0 0 1
Ninkovich, Rob, N.E. 0 0 1 0 1 Williams, Dan, Oak. 0 0 1 0 1
Norwood, Jordan, Den. 1 1 0 0 1 Williams, DeAngelo, Pit. 4 2 0 0 2
Osweiler, Brock, Den. 4 2 0 -3 2 * Williams, Karlos, Buf. 2 1 0 0 1
Pace, Calvin, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1 Williams, K'Waun, Cle. 0 0 2 0 2
Parnell, Jermey, Jac. 0 1 0 0 1 Williams, Marcus, NYJ 0 0 1 0 1
Pleasant, Eddie, Hou. 0 0 1 0 1 * Williams, Maxx, Bal. 1 1 0 0 1
Poe, Dontari, K.C. 0 0 1 0 1 Williams, Duke, Buf. 0 0 1 19 1
Posluszny, Paul, Jac. 1 0 0 0 0 Williams, Steve, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1
Pouncey, Mike, Mia. 1 1 0 0 1 Williams, Vince, Pit. 0 0 2 0 2

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 293

Own Opp Tot Own Opp Tot
Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec
Wilson, Albert, K.C. 0 1 0 0 1 Byrd, Jairus, N.O. 0 0 1 1 1
Wilson, Jimmy, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1 Cadet, Travaris, N.O. 1 0 0 0 0
* Wilson, Ramik, K.C. 0 0 1 0 1 Campbell, Calais, Ariz 0 0 1 0 1
Windt, Mike, S.D. 0 0 1 0 1 Carey, Don, Det. 0 0 1 0 1
Winn, Billy, Ind. 0 0 2 2 2 Carey, Ka'Deem, Chi. 1 0 0 0 0
Winston, Glenn, Cle. 1 0 0 0 0 Carr, Brandon, Dal. 0 0 1 5 1
Wisniewski, Stefen, Jac. 1 1 0 -22 1 Cassel, Matt, Dal. 4 3 0 0 3
Wood, Eric, Buf. 1 2 0 -2 2 Celek, Brent, Phi. 1 1 1 0 2
Woodhead, Danny, S.D. 0 1 0 0 1 Celek, Garrett, S.F. 0 1 0 0 1
Woods, Robert, Buf. 2 0 0 0 0 Clausen, Jimmy, Chi. 1 1 0 0 1
Woodson, Charles, Oak. 1 1 3 36 4 Clayborn, Adrian, Atl. 0 0 1 0 1
Woodyard, Wesley, Ten. 0 0 1 3 1 * Clemmings, T.J., Min. 0 1 0 0 1
* Worthy, Chandler, Hou. 1 0 0 0 0 Clemons, Chris, Ariz 0 1 0 0 1
Yates, T.J., Hou. 1 0 0 0 0 Cobb, Randall, G.B. 1 2 0 0 2
Cole, Audie, Min. 0 0 1 0 1
Yards includes aborted plays, own recoveries and opponents’ * Coleman, Tevin, Atl. 3 1 0 0 1
recoveries. Compton, Will, Was. 0 0 1 0 1
* Player that was a rookie in 2015 Cook, Jared, St.L 2 1 0 0 1
Cooks, Brandin, N.O. 1 0 0 0 0
NFC FUMBLES—INDIVIDUAL Cousins, Kirk, Was. 9 5 0 -8 5
Own Opp Tot Cox, Fletcher, Phi. 0 0 2 0 2
Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec * Crockett, John, G.B. 0 1 0 0 1
Abbrederis, Jared, G.B. 1 0 0 0 0 * Crowder, Jamison, Was. 4 1 0 0 1
* Abdullah, Ameer, Det. 5 2 0 0 2 Cunningham, Benny, St.L 1 0 0 0 0
Acho, Sam, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1 Cutler, Jay, Chi. 8 2 0 -8 2
* Agholor, Nelson, Phi. 1 0 0 0 0 Darkwa, Orleans, NY-G 0 1 0 0 1
Aiken, Danny, NY-G 1 0 0 0 0 David, Lavonte, T.B. 0 0 2 0 2
Alexander, Maurice, St.L 0 0 1 3 1 Davis, Cody, St.L 1 1 0 0 1
* Alexander, Kwon, T.B. 0 0 1 20 1 * Davis, Geremy, NY-G 0 1 0 0 1
Alford, Robert, Atl. 0 0 1 0 1 Davis, Thomas, Car. 0 0 1 0 1
Allen, Ricardo, Atl. 0 0 1 0 1 Dickson, Ed, Car. 0 1 0 57 1
Amukamara, Prince, NY-G 0 0 1 0 1 * Diggs, Quandre, Det. 0 0 1 0 1
Anderson, Derek, Car. 1 1 0 0 1 * Diggs, Stefon, Min. 2 2 0 0 2
Ansah, Ezekiel, Det. 0 0 2 1 2 Donald, Aaron, St.L 0 0 1 40 1
* Anthony, Stephone, N.O. 0 0 1 31 1 Donnell, Larry, NY-G 0 1 0 0 1
Asiata, Matt, Min. 0 1 0 0 1 Draughn, Shaun, S.F. 1 1 0 0 1
Austin, Tavon, St.L 3 1 0 0 1 * Dye, Donteea, T.B. 1 0 0 0 0
Ayers, Akeem, St.L 0 0 3 45 3 Ealy, Kony, Car. 0 0 2 0 2
Bailey, Stedman, St.L 0 1 0 0 1 Edebali, Kasim, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1
Baker, Chris, Was. 0 0 2 0 2 Ellerbe, Dannell, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1
Baldwin, Doug, Sea. 1 0 0 0 0 Ellington, Andre, Ariz 1 0 0 0 0
Barner, Kenjon, Phi. 1 0 0 0 0 Ellington, Bruce, S.F. 3 0 0 0 0
Barnes, Tim, St.L 0 2 0 0 2 Elliott, Jay, G.B. 1 1 0 0 1
Bates, Daren, St.L 0 0 1 0 1 Ertz, Zach, Phi. 1 0 0 0 0
Beasley, Cole, Dal. 2 0 0 0 0 Escobar, Gavin, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0
Beckham, Odell, NY-G 2 0 0 0 0 Evans, Mike, T.B. 1 0 0 0 0
Bell, Joique, Det. 1 0 0 0 0 Exum, Antone, Min. 0 0 2 0 2
Bellamy, Josh, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1 Fairley, Nick, St.L 0 0 1 -5 1
Bellore, Nick, S.F. 0 1 0 0 1 Fitzgerald, Larry, Ariz 2 0 0 0 0
Bennett, Martellus, Chi. 2 0 0 0 0 * Flowers, Ereck, NY-G 0 1 0 0 1
Benwikere, Bene', Car. 0 0 1 0 1 Foles, Nick, St.L 5 2 0 -4 2
Berger, Joe, Min. 0 1 0 0 1 Forté, Matt, Chi. 2 1 0 0 1
Bersin, Brenton, Car. 1 0 0 0 0 Foster, Mason, Was. 0 0 1 0 1
Bethel, Justin, Ariz 0 1 1 0 2 Frederick, Travis, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0
Blackmon, Will, Was. 0 0 2 0 2 Freeman, Devonta, Atl. 3 2 0 0 2
Boldin, Anquan, S.F. 1 0 0 0 0 * Fua, Alani, Ariz 0 0 1 0 1
Bradford, Sam, Phi. 10 4 0 -35 4 Fuller, Corey, Det. 1 0 0 0 0
Braman, Bryan, Phi. 0 0 1 0 1 * Funchess, Devin, Car. 1 0 0 0 0
Breaux, Delvin, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1 Gabbert, Blaine, S.F. 4 1 0 -15 1
Breeland, Bashaud, Was. 0 0 2 -1 2 Golden, Brittan, Ariz 1 0 0 0 0
Brees, Drew, N.O. 5 2 0 0 2 Goldson, Dashon, Was. 0 0 2 14 2
Bridgewater, Teddy, Min. 8 1 0 -2 1 * Gurley, Todd, St.L 3 0 0 0 0
Brinkley, Jasper, NY-G 0 0 1 0 1 * Gwacham, Obum, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1
Brooks, Ahmad, S.F. 0 0 1 8 1 Hall, DeAngelo, Was. 0 0 1 17 1
Brown, John, Ariz 1 0 0 0 0 * Harold, Eli, S.F. 0 0 1 8 1
Browner, Brandon, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1 Harper, Roman, Car. 0 0 2 1 2
Bucannon, Deone, Ariz 0 0 2 0 2 Harris, DuJuan, Sea.-S.F. 1 1 0 0 1
Burnett, Morgan, G.B. 0 0 1 21 1 Harris, Dwayne, NY-G 3 2 0 0 2

294 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Own Opp Tot Own Opp Tot
Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec
* Havenstein, Rob, St.L 0 2 0 0 2 Mauro, Josh, Ariz 0 0 1 0 1
Hawley, Joe, T.B. 2 1 0 -12 1 Maxwell, Byron, Phi. 0 0 1 2 1
Hayden, Nick, Dal. 0 0 1 0 1 McClellin, Shea, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1
* Hayne, Jarryd, S.F. 3 0 0 0 0 McCoy, Colt, Was. 1 0 0 0 0
* Hicks, Jordan, Phi. 0 0 3 11 3 McDonald, T.J., St.L 0 0 1 0 1
Hill, Jordan, Sea. 0 0 1 0 1 McDonald, Vance, S.F. 2 1 0 0 1
Hill, Josh, N.O. 0 1 0 0 1 McFadden, Darren, Dal. 3 0 0 0 0
Hoomanawanui, Michael, N.O. 1 0 0 0 0 McLeod, Rodney, St.L 0 0 1 20 1
Houston, Lamarr, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1 Melton, Henry, T.B. 0 0 2 0 2
Hyde, Carlos, S.F. 1 0 0 0 0 Michael, Christine, Sea. 0 1 0 0 1
Hyde, Micah, G.B. 1 0 2 0 2 Montgomery, Will, Chi. 1 0 0 -2 0
Ingram, Mark, N.O. 2 0 0 0 0 Moore, Damontre, NY-G 0 0 1 7 1
Irvin, Bruce, Sea. 0 0 1 1 1 Moore, Kellen, Dal. 1 0 0 -4 0
Jackson, DeSean, Was. 1 0 0 0 0 Moore, Lance, Det. 1 0 0 0 0
Jackson, Fred, Sea. 1 1 0 0 1 Moses, Morgan, Was. 0 1 0 0 1
Jeffery, Alshon, Chi. 1 1 0 0 1 Munnerlyn, Captain, Min. 0 0 2 55 2
Jenkins, John, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1 * Murphy, Marcus, N.O. 3 1 0 0 1
Jenkins, Malcolm, Phi. 0 0 1 34 1 Murphy, Trent, Was. 0 0 2 0 2
Jennings, Rashad, NY-G 3 0 0 0 0 Murray, DeMarco, Phi. 2 0 0 0 0
Jennings, Tim, T.B. 0 0 1 0 1 * Nelson, J.J., Ariz 1 0 0 0 0
Johnson, Austin, N.O. 0 1 0 0 1 Newton, Cam, Car. 5 1 0 -10 1
Johnson, Calvin, Det. 1 0 0 0 0 Niklas, Troy, Ariz 0 1 0 0 1
Johnson, Chris, Ariz 2 0 0 0 0 Norman, Josh, Car. 0 0 2 12 2
* Johnson, David, Ariz 4 0 0 0 0 Nowak, Drew, Sea. 1 0 0 -12 0
Johnson, Lane, Phi. 0 1 0 0 1 Okafor, Alex, Ariz 0 0 1 0 1
Johnson, Dontae, S.F. 0 2 0 0 2 Ola, Michael, Det. 0 1 0 0 1
Johnson, George, T.B. 0 0 1 0 1 Olsen, Greg, Car. 1 0 0 0 0
Johnson, Rashad, Ariz 0 0 1 4 1 * Ott, Tyler, NY-G 1 0 0 0 0
Johnson, Trumaine, St.L 0 0 1 0 1 Palmer, Carson, Ariz 6 1 0 -7 1
Jones, Christian, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1 Parker, Preston, NY-G 0 1 0 2 1
Jones, Chris, Dal. 0 0 1 0 1 Patterson, Cordarrelle, Min. 1 0 0 0 0
Jones, Howard, T.B. 0 0 1 43 1 Pead, Isaiah, St.L 1 0 0 0 0
Jones, James, G.B. 1 1 0 0 1 Pears, Erik, S.F. 0 1 0 0 1
* Jones, Matt, Was. 5 1 0 0 1 * Peat, Andrus, N.O. 0 1 0 0 1
Jones, Julio, Atl. 3 3 0 0 3 Person, Mike, Atl. 4 0 0 -14 0
Jones, T.J., Det. 2 1 0 0 1 Peterson, Adrian, Min. 7 3 0 0 3
Jordan, Cameron, N.O. 0 0 2 0 2 Peterson, Patrick, Ariz 4 0 0 0 0
Joyner, Lamarcus, St.L 0 0 1 0 1 Pierre-Paul, Jason, NY-G 0 0 2 0 2
Kaepernick, Colin, S.F. 5 2 0 -3 2 Powers, Jerraud, Ariz 0 0 2 12 2
Kearse, Jermaine, Sea. 1 1 0 0 1 Prosinski, Chris, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1
Keenum, Case, St.L 3 0 0 -12 0 Rainey, Bobby, T.B. 8 6 0 0 6
Kelce, Jason, Phi. 2 2 0 -17 2 Randle, Joseph, Dal. 1 1 0 0 1
Kelly, Dennis, Phi. 0 2 0 0 2 * Rawls, Thomas, Sea. 1 1 0 0 1
* Kikaha, Hau'oli, N.O. 0 0 1 0 1 Redding, Cory, Ariz 0 0 2 36 2
Kuechly, Luke, Car. 0 0 1 0 1 Reed, Jordan, Was. 3 0 0 0 0
Kuhn, Markus, NY-G 0 0 1 8 1 Reid, Caraun, Det. 0 0 1 27 1
Lacy, Eddie, G.B. 4 1 0 0 1 Riddick, Theo, Det. 1 0 0 0 0
Lane, Jorvorskie, T.B. 0 1 0 0 1 Robinson, Keenan, Was. 0 0 1 0 1
Lang, T.J., G.B. 0 1 0 0 1 Robison, Brian, Min. 0 0 2 0 2
* Lee, Khari, Chi. 0 1 0 0 1 Rodgers, Aaron, G.B. 8 3 0 0 3
LeRibeus, Josh, Was. 0 1 0 0 1 Rodgers, Jacquizz, Chi. 0 0 1 0 1
Lewis, Patrick, Sea. 2 0 0 -21 0 Rodgers, Richard, G.B. 0 1 0 0 1
Linsley, Corey, G.B. 0 1 0 0 1 Rodgers-Cromartie, Dominique, NY-G 0 0 1 57 1
* Lockett, Tyler, Sea. 2 0 0 0 0 Romo, Tony, Dal. 1 1 0 0 1
Long, Kyle, Chi. 0 1 0 0 1 Rucker, Frostee, Ariz 0 0 1 0 1
Long, Spencer, Was. 0 1 0 4 1 * Ryan, Jake, G.B. 0 0 1 0 1
Lotulelei, Star, Car. 0 0 1 0 1 Ryan, Matt, Atl. 12 4 0 -24 4
Love, Kyle, Car. 0 0 1 0 1 Ryans, DeMeco, Phi. 0 0 1 0 1
Manning, Eli, NY-G 11 4 0 -19 4 Sanchez, Mark, Phi. 1 0 0 0 0
Mariani, Marc, Chi. 3 2 0 0 2 Schraeder, Ryan, Atl. 0 1 0 0 1
Martin, Doug, T.B. 5 0 0 0 0 Selvie, George, NY-G 0 0 1 0 1
Martin, Zack, Dal. 0 1 0 0 1 Sendejo, Andrew, Min. 0 0 1 28 1
Mason, Tre, St.L 3 1 0 0 1 Sendlein, Lyle, Ariz 0 2 0 0 2
Massie, Bobby, Ariz 0 2 0 0 2 Sherels, Marcus, Min. 2 1 0 0 1
Mathews, Ryan, Phi. 3 0 0 -3 0 Shields, Sam, G.B. 0 0 1 0 1
Matthews, Jake, Atl. 0 1 0 0 1 Short, Kawann, Car. 0 0 2 0 2
Matthews, Jordan, Phi. 2 0 0 0 0 Sims, Charles, T.B. 2 0 0 0 0
Matthews, Clay, G.B. 0 0 1 0 1 Sims, Eugene, St.L 0 0 1 0 1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 295

Fum Rec Rec Yards Rec Own Fum Opp Fum Tot
Slauson, Matt, Chi. 1 0 0 -2 0 Fum Rec OB TD Rec TD Yards Rec
Smith, Jacquies, T.B. 1 0 3 22 3 Baltimore 13 5 1 0 8 1 19 13
* Smith, Preston, Was. 0 0 1 0 1 New England 14 6 1 0 9 2 26 15
Snead, Willie, N.O. 2 2 0 0 2 Denver 16 8 0 0 13 1 16 21
Soliai, Paul, Atl. 0 0 1 0 1 Kansas City 16 7 1 0 7 2 71 14
Spiller, C.J., N.O. 1 1 0 0 1 Pittsburgh 16 9 0 0 13 0 3 22
Sproles, Darren, Phi. 2 1 0 0 1 N.Y. Jets 17 6 3 0 12 0 -6 18
Stafford, Matthew, Det. 4 2 0 -5 2 Cincinnati 18 9 1 0 7 0 -8 16
Staley, Joe, S.F. 0 1 0 0 1 Indianapolis 19 7 1 0 8 1 30 15
Starks, James, G.B. 5 1 0 0 1 San Diego 20 6 3 0 9 0 -4 15
Stephen, Shamar, Min. 0 0 1 0 1 Houston 22 14 0 0 11 1 72 25
Stewart, Jonathan, Car. 3 0 0 0 0 Miami 23 12 4 0 3 0 25 15
Stocker, Luke, T.B. 0 1 0 1 1 Jacksonville 25 13 2 0 9 2 4 22
Stone, James, Atl. 1 0 0 -3 0 Tennessee 25 9 0 0 8 1 -13 17
Street, Devin, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0 Oakland 27 12 5 0 11 0 63 23
Stupar, Nate, Atl. 0 0 1 84 1 Buffalo 28 15 3 0 8 1 39 23
Swearinger, D.J., T.B.-Ariz 0 0 2 12 2 Cleveland 28 9 1 0 10 0 43 19
Tate, Golden, Det. 1 0 0 0 0
Thompson, Chris, Was. 2 0 0 0 0 AFC Total 327 147 26 0 146 12 380 293
Thurmond, Walter, Phi. 0 0 1 83 1
Tillman, Charles, Car. 0 0 1 0 1 AFC Average 20.4 9.2 1.6 0.0 9.1 0.8 23.8 18.3
* Timu, John, Chi. 0 0 2 0 2
Tolzien, Scott, G.B. 1 0 0 -2 0
Tretter, JC, G.B. 1 0 0 -14 0
Tukuafu, Will, Sea. 1 0 0 0 0 Own Fum Opp Fum Tot
Tulloch, Stephen, Det. 0 0 2 0 2 Fum Rec OB TD Rec TD Yards Rec
* Tye, Will, NY-G 1 0 0 0 0 Carolina 12 3 0 1 15 0 74 18
Vaccaro, Kenny, N.O. 0 0 1 8 1 Detroit 17 6 2 0 9 1 23 15
Vereen, Shane, NY-G 1 0 0 0 0 New Orleans 17 9 0 0 13 1 44 22
Wade, Trevin, NY-G 0 0 2 5 2 Dallas 18 7 1 0 3 0 1 10
Wagner, Bobby, Sea. 0 0 3 45 3 Seattle 18 6 4 0 8 3 22 14
Watson, Benjamin, N.O. 1 0 0 0 0 Chicago 20 9 2 0 9 0 -12 18
Webb, Joe, Car. 0 0 1 14 1 Minnesota 21 10 3 0 9 1 81 19
White, Corey, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0 San Francisco 21 12 4 0 3 0 -2 15
* White, DeAndrew, S.F. 1 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 22 11 1 0 13 2 87 24
White, Myles, NY-G 0 0 1 0 1 Arizona 23 8 4 0 14 2 45 22
* Whitehead, Lucky, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0 N.Y. Giants 23 13 3 0 12 2 60 25
Whitehead, Tahir, Det. 0 0 1 0 1 Green Bay 24 13 2 1 6 0 5 19
Wilcox, J.J., Dal. 0 1 0 0 1 Atlanta 26 12 1 1 8 2 64 20
Williams, Cary, Sea. 0 0 1 8 1 Philadelphia 26 11 2 0 11 1 75 22
Williams, Ian, S.F. 0 0 1 0 1 Tampa Bay 26 13 0 0 12 2 78 25
Williams, Kerwynn, Ariz 1 0 0 0 0 Washington 26 10 6 0 15 1 26 25
Wilson, Josh, Det. 0 0 1 0 1
Wilson, Kyle, N.O. 0 0 1 4 1 NFC Total 340 153 35 3 160 18 671 313
Wilson, Russell, Sea. 7 2 0 -3 2
Wing, Brad, NY-G 0 2 0 0 2 NFC Average 21.3 9.6 2.2 0.2 10.0 1.1 41.9 19.6
* Winston, Jameis, T.B. 6 4 0 -8 4
Witten, Jason, Dal. 1 0 0 0 0 NFL Total 667 300 61 3 306 30 1051 606
Worrilow, Paul, Atl. 0 0 1 0 1
Worthington, Doug, St.L 0 0 1 0 1 NFL Average 20.8 9.4 1.9 0.1 9.6 0.9 32.8 18.9
Wright, Jarius, Min. 1 0 0 0 0
Wright, K.J., Sea. 0 0 2 4 2
Wynn, Kerry, NY-G 0 0 1 0 1
Young, Darrel, Was. 1 0 0 0 0

Yards includes aborted plays, own recoveries and opponents’

* Player that was a rookie in 2015

296 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Inside the
Most Points in a Game by Each NFL Team ...........................................................................................298
Records Since 1970 AFL-NFL Merger ...................................................................................................300
Kickoff Weekend Records ........................................................................................................................301
Records of NFL Teams, 2006-2015 ..........................................................................................................302
Takeaways/Giveaways, 2006-2015.............................................................................................................304
NFL Individual Leaders, 2006-2015 ........................................................................................................304
Teams That Have Scored 60 Points in a Game ......................................................................................305
NFL’s Oldest/Youngest Starters in 2015 ..................................................................................................305
Oldest NFL Records .................................................................................................................................305
Individual Leaders Over Last Two, Three, Four Seasons .....................................................................306
Team Leaders Over Last Two, Three, Four Seasons .............................................................................307
Retired Uniform Numbers .......................................................................................................................309
Passer Rating .............................................................................................................................................310
Highest NFL Postseason Passer Ratings .................................................................................................311
Starting Records of Active NFL Quarterbacks ......................................................................................312
Most Game-Winning Drives in Fourth Quarter or Overtime, 1970-2015 ............................................312
Teams That Finished in First Place After Last Place Finish .................................................................312
Longest Winning Streaks Since 1970.......................................................................................................312
NFL Playoff Appearances By Seasons ....................................................................................................313
Teams in Super Bowl Contention, 1978-2015 .........................................................................................313
Record of Teams on the Road, 1970-2015 ..............................................................................................313
Games Decided By 7 Points and 3 Points or Fewer, 1970-2015............................................................313
Games Decided By 8 Points or Fewer, 1994-2015..................................................................................314
Two-Point Conversion Results, 1994-2015 ..............................................................................................314
Bye Weeks, Team Record After, 1990-2015 ............................................................................................314
Close Games, Team Record, 2015 ...........................................................................................................314
Super Bowl Champions, Not in Playoffs Following Season ..................................................................315
Super Bowl Team, Non-Division Winner ................................................................................................315
Postseason Play, Teams At or Under .500...............................................................................................315
Postseason Play, Teams to Win 10-Plus Games and Miss Playoffs .......................................................315
Teams To Beat Opposing Team Three Times in a Season, 1970-2015 .................................................315
Coldest NFL Games..................................................................................................................................315
2015 Score By Quarters ............................................................................................................................316
Greatest Comebacks in NFL History ......................................................................................................317
Postseason, Individual, All-Time Top 10 .................................................................................................320
Top 100 Television Markets, 2016 ............................................................................................................321
All-Time Won-Loss Records of Current NFL Teams.............................................................................322
RECORDS FOR NFL TEAMS FOR MOST POINTS IN A GAME Julius Thomas. TD Passes: Jax—Blake Bortles 3. FG: Ind--Adam
(REGULAR SEASON ONLY) Vinatieri 3; Jax--Jason Myers.
Note: When the record has been achieved more than once, only
the most recent game is shown; summaries are listed in alpha- KANSAS CITY CHIEFS
betical order by conference. Bold face indicates team holding September 7, 1963, at Denver
record. Kansas City...................... 14 14 21 10 — 59
BALTIMORE RAVENS Denver.............................. 0 7 0 0 — 7
November 11, 2012, at Baltimore TD: KC—Chris Burford 2, Frank Jackson 2, Dave Grayson, Abner
Oakland ............................ 0 10 7 3 — 20 Haynes, Sherrill Headrick, Curtis McClinton; Den—Lionel Taylor.
Baltimore ......................... 10 17 21 7 — 55 TD Passes: KC—Len Dawson 4, Curtis McClinton; Den—Mickey
TD: Balt—Torrey Smith 2, Joe Flacco, Jacoby Jones, Sam Koch, Slaughter. FG: KC—Tommy Brooker.
Dennis Pitta, Ray Rice; Oak—Darrius Heyward-Bey, Denarius Moore. MIAMI DOLPHINS
TD Passes: Balt—Joe Flacco 3; Oak—Carson Palmer 2. FG: Balt— November 24, 1977, at St. Louis
Justin Tucker 2; Det—Sebastian Janikowski 2. Miami .............................. 14 14 20 7 — 55
BUFFALO BILLS St. Louis Cardinals ........... 7 0 0 7 — 14
September 18, 1966, at Buffalo TD: Mia—Nat Moore 3, Gary Davis, Duriel Harris, Leroy Harris, Benny
Miami ............................... 3 7 0 14 — 24 Malone, Andre Tillman; StL—Ike Harris, Terry Metcalf. TD Passes:
Buffalo ............................. 21 27 3 7 — 58 Mia—Bob Griese 6; StL—Jim Hart.
TD: Buff—Bobby Burnett 2, Butch Byrd 2, Jack Spikes 2, Bobby Crock- NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS
ett, Jack Kemp; Mia—Dave Kocourek, Bo Roberson, John Roderick. TD November 18, 2012, at New England
Passes: Buff—Jack Kemp, Daryle Lamonica; Mia—George Wilson 3. Indianapolis ...................... 14 3 0 7 — 24
FG: Buff—Booth Lusteg; Mia—Gene Mingo. New England.................... 7 17 14 21 — 59
CINCINNATI BENGALS TD: NE—Julian Edelman 2, Rob Gronkowski 2, Alfonzo Dennard,
December 17, 1989, at Cincinnati Stevan Ridley, Aqib Talib, Shane Vereen; Ind—T.Y. Hilton 2, Delone
Houston............................ 0 0 0 7 — 7 Carter. TD Passes: NE—Tom Brady 3; Ind—Andrew Luck 2. FG:
Cincinnati......................... 21 10 21 9 — 61 NE—Stephen Gostkowski; Ind—Adam Vinatieri.
TD: Cin—Eddie Brown 2, Eric Ball, James Brooks, Ira Hillary, Rod- NEW YORK JETS
ney Holman, Tim McGee, Craig Taylor; Hou—Lorenzo White. TD November 17, 1985, at New York
Passes: Cin—Boomer Esiason 4, Erik Wilhelm. FG: Cin—Jim Tampa Bay ....................... 14 7 7 0 — 28
Breech 2. New York Jets.................. 17 24 14 7 — 62
CLEVELAND BROWNS TD: NYJ—Mickey Shuler 3, Johnny Hector 2, Tony Paige, Al Toon, Wes-
November 7, 1954, at Cleveland ley Walker; TB—James Wilder 2, Kevin House, Calvin Magee. TD Pass-
Washington ...................... 0 3 0 0 — 3 es: NYJ—Ken O’Brien 5; TB—Steve DeBerg 2. FG: NYJ—Pat Leahy 2.
Cleveland......................... 13 14 21 14 — 62 OAKLAND RAIDERS
TD: Cle—Darrell Brewster 2, Mo Bassett, Ken Gorgal, Otto Gra- October 24, 2010, at Denver
ham, Dub Jones, Dante Lavelli, Curley Morrison. TD Passes: Cle— Oakland............................ 24 14 21 0 — 59
George Ratterman 3, Otto Graham. FG: Cle—Lou Groza 2; Wash— Denver.............................. 0 7 7 0 — 14
Vic Janowicz. TD: Oak—Darren McFadden 4, Michael Bush, Chris Johnson, Zach
DENVER BRONCOS Miller, Marcel Reese; Den—Knowshon Moreno 2. TD Passes:
September 29, 2013, at Denver Oak—Jason Campbell 2; Den—Kyle Orton 2. FG: Oak—Sebastian
Philadelphia ...................... 3 10 0 7 — 20 Janikowski.
Denver ............................. 14 7 21 10 — 52 PITTSBURGH STEELERS
TD: Den—Demaryius Thomas 2, Wes Welker 2, Trindon Holliday, November 30, 1952, at Pittsburgh
Steven Johnson, Knowshon Moreno; Phil—Jeff Maehl, Chris Polk. New York Giants ............... 0 0 7 0 — 7
TD Passes: Den—Peyton Manning 4; Phil—Nick Foles. FG: Den— Pittsburgh ........................ 14 14 7 28 — 63
Matt Prater; Phil—Alex Henery 2. TD: Pitt—Lynn Chandnois 2, Dick Hensley 2, Jack Butler, George
HOUSTON TEXANS Hays, Ray Mathews, Ed Modzelewski, Elbie Nickel; NYG—Bill Stri-
November 30, 2014 at Houston bling. TD Passes: Pitt—Jim Finks 4, Gary Kerkorian; NYG—Tom
Tennessee ........................ 0 0 14 7 — 21 Landry.
Houston ........................... 14 10 7 14 — 45 SAN DIEGO CHARGERS
TD: Hou—DeAndre Hopkins 2, Arian Foster, Ryan Griffin, Andre December 22, 1963, at San Diego
Johnson, J.J. Watt; Ten—Jason McCourty, Nate Washington, Denver.............................. 7 10 3 0 — 20
Kendall Wright. TD Passes: Hou—Ryan Fitzpatrick 6; Ten—Zach San Diego ........................ 10 16 10 22 — 58
Mettenberger, Jake Locker. FG: Hou—Randy Bullock. TD: SD—Paul Lowe 2, Chuck Allen, Bobby Jackson, Dave
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS Kocourek, Keith Lincoln, Jacque MacKinnon; Den—Billy Joe, Don-
December 12, 1976, at Baltimore nie Stone. TD Passes: SD—John Hadl, Tobin Rote; Den—Don
Buffalo.............................. 3 3 7 7 — 20 Breaux. FG: SD—George Blair 3; Den—Gene Mingo 2.
Baltimore Colts................ 7 13 28 10 — 58 TENNESSEE TITANS
TD: Balt—Roger Carr, Raymond Chester, Glenn Doughty, Roosevelt December 9, 1990, at Houston
Leaks, Derrel Luce, Lydell Mitchell, Howard Stevens; Buff—Bob Cleveland.......................... 0 7 7 0 — 14
Chandler, O.J. Simpson. TD Passes: Balt—Bert Jones 3; Buff— Houston Oilers................. 14 31 7 6 — 58
Gary Marangi. FG: Balt—Toni Linhart 3; Buff—George Jakowenko TD: Hou—Lorenzo White 4, Ernest Givins, Leonard Harris, Tony
2. Jones, Terry Kinard; Cle—Eric Metcalf 2. TD Passes: Hou—Warren
JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Moon 2, Cody Carlson; Cle—Bernie Kosar. FG: Hou—Teddy Garcia.
December 13, 2015, at Jacksonville
Indianapolis ....................3 10 3 0 16
Jacksonville...................3 6 21 21 51
TD: Ind—Robert Mathis; Jax--Blake Bortles, Andre Branch,
Rashad Greene, Allen Hurns, Allen Robinson, Denard Robinson,

298 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

November 13, 1949, at New York November 26, 1972, at New York
Chicago Cardinals ........... 7 31 14 13 — 65 Philadelphia ...................... 3 7 0 0 — 10
New York Bulldogs............ 7 0 6 7 — 20 New York Giants .............. 14 24 10 14 — 62
TD: Chi—Red Cochran 2, Pat Harder 2, Bill Dewell, Mel Kutner, Bob TD: NYG—Don Herrmann 2, Ron Johnson 2, Bob Tucker 2, Randy
Ravensburg, Vic Schwall, Charlie Trippi; NY—Joe Golding, Frank Johnson; Phil—Harold Jackson. TD Passes: NYG—Norm Snead
Muehlheuser, Johnny Rauch. TD Passes: Chi—Paul Christman 3, 3, Randy Johnson 2; Phil—John Reaves. FG: NYG—Pete Gogolak
Jim Hardy 3; NY—Bobby Layne. FG: Chi—Pat Harder. 2; Phil—Tom Dempsey.
September 16, 1973, at New Orleans November 6, 1934, at Philadelphia
Atlanta ............................. 0 24 21 17 — 62 Cincinnati Reds................. 0 0 0 0 — 0
New Orleans..................... 0 0 7 0 — 7 Philadelphia..................... 26 6 12 20 — 64
TD: Atl—Ken Burrow 2, Eddie Ray 2, Wes Chesson, Tom Hayes, TD: Phil—Joe Carter 3, Swede Hanson 3, Marvin Ellstrom, Roger
Art Malone, Joe Profit; NO—Bill Butler. TD Passes: Atl—Dick Shin- Kirkman, Ed Matesic, Ed Storm. TD Passes: Phil—Ed Matesic 2,
er 3, Bob Lee; NO—Archie Manning. FG: Atl—Nick Mike-Mayer 2. Albert Weiner 2, Marvin Ellstrom.
December 8, 2002, at Carolina October 22, 1950, at Los Angeles
Cincinnati ......................... 7 10 14 0 — 31 Baltimore .......................... 13 0 7 7 — 27
Carolina ........................... 9 7 21 15 — 52 Los Angeles Rams........... 21 14 14 21 — 70
TD: Car—Steve Smith 3, Dee Brown, Muhsin Muhammad, Al Wal- TD: LA—Bob Boyd 2, Vitamin T. Smith 2, Tom Fears, Elroy
lace, Wesley Walls; Cin—Peter Warrick 2, Jon Kitna, Takeo Spikes. (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Dick Hoerner, Ralph Pasquariello, Dan Towler,
TD Passes: Car—Rodney Peete 3; Cin—Jon Kitna 2. FG: Cin—Neil Bob Waterfield; Balt—Chet Mutryn 2, Adrian Burk, Billy Stone. TD
Rackers. Passes: LA—Norm Van Brocklin 2, Bob Waterfield 2, Glenn Davis;
CHICAGO BEARS Balt—Adrian Burk 3.
December 7, 1980, at Chicago SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS
Green Bay......................... 0 7 0 0 — 7 October 18, 1992, at San Francisco
Chicago............................ 0 28 13 20 — 61 Atlanta .............................. 7 3 0 7 — 17
TD: Chi—Walter Payton 3, Brian Baschnagel, Robin Earl, Roland San Francisco.................. 21 21 14 0 — 56
Harper, Willie McClendon, Len Walterscheid, Rickey Watts; GB— TD: SF—Jerry Rice 3, Ricky Watters 3, Brent Jones, Tom Rath-
James Lofton. TD Passes: Chi—Vince Evans 3; GB—Lynn Dickey. man; Atl—Michael Haynes, Jason Phillips. TD Passes: SF—Steve
DALLAS COWBOYS Young 3; Atl—Chris Miller, Wade Wilson. FG: Atl—Norm Johnson.
October 12, 1980, at Dallas SEATTLE SEAHAWKS
San Francisco................... 0 7 0 7 — 14 December 9, 2012, at Seattle
Dallas .............................. 14 24 14 7 — 59 Arizona ............................. 0 0 0 0 — 0
TD: Dall—Drew Pearson 3, Ron Springs 2, Tony Dorsett, Billy Joe Seattle ............................. 10 28 13 7 — 58
DuPree, Robert Newhouse; SF—Dwight Clark 2. TD Passes: TD: Sea—Marshawn Lynch 3, Zach Miller, Richard Sherman, Mal-
Dall—Danny White 4; SF—Steve DeBerg 2. FG: Dall—Rafael Sep- colm Smith, Leon Washington. TD Passes: Sea—Russell Wilson.
tien. FG: Sea—Steven Hauschka 3.
November 27, 1997, at Detroit December 23, 2001, at Tampa Bay
Chicago............................ 14 6 0 0 — 20 New Orleans..................... 0 0 7 14 — 21
Detroit.............................. 3 14 17 21 — 55 Tampa Bay....................... 17 13 3 15 — 48
TD: Det—Herman Moore, Johnnie Morton, Ron Rivers, Barry TD: TB—Mike Alstott, Ronde Barber, Warrick Dunn, Dave Moore,
Sanders 3, Tracy Scroggins; Chi—Raymont Harris, Ricky Proehl. Karl Williams; NO—Joe Horn 2, Eddie Williams. TD Passes: TB—
TD Passes: Det—Scott Mitchell 2; Chi—Erik Kramer. FG: Det— Brad Johnson 3; NO—Aaron Brooks 3. FG: TB—Martin Gramatica
Jason Hanson 2; Chi—Jeff Jaeger 2. 4.
October 7, 1945, at Milwaukee November 27, 1966, at Washington
Detroit .............................. 0 7 7 7 — 21 New York Giants ............... 0 14 14 13 — 41
Green Bay........................ 0 41 9 7 — 57 Washington...................... 13 21 14 24 — 72
TD: GB—Don Hutson 4, Charley Brock, Irv Comp, Ted Fritsch, TD: Wash—A.D. Whitfield 3, Brig Owens 2, Charley Taylor 2, Rick-
Clyde Goodnight; Det—Chuck Fenenbock, John Greene, Bob ie Harris, Joe Don Looney, Bobby Mitchell; NYG—Allen Jacobs,
Westfall. TD Passes: GB—Tex McKay 4, Lou Brock, Irv Comp; Homer Jones, Dan Lewis, Joe Morrison, Aaron Thomas, Gary
Det—Dave Ryan. Wood. TD Passes: Wash—Sonny Jurgensen 3; NYG—Gary Wood
MINNESOTA VIKINGS 2, Tom Kennedy. FG: Wash—Charlie Gogolak.
October 18, 1970, at Minnesota
Dallas ............................... 3 3 0 7 — 13
Minnesota........................ 14 20 17 3 — 54
TD: Minn—Clint Jones 2, Ed Sharockman 2, John Beasley, Dave
Osborn; Dall—Calvin Hill. TD Pass: Minn—Gary Cuozzo. FG:
Minn—Fred Cox 4; Dall—Mike Clark 2.
October 23, 2011, at New Orleans
Indianapolis ...................... 0 7 0 0 — 7
New Orleans .................... 21 13 14 14 — 62
TD: NO—Marques Colston 2, Jimmy Graham 2, Darren Sproles 2,
Jed Collins, Leigh Torrence; IND—Delone Carter. TD Passes: NO—
Drew Brees 5. FG: NO—John Kasay 2.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 299

Division Playoff Postseason Super Bowl SINCE 1970 AFL-NFL MERGER
AFC W L T Pct. Titles Berths Record Record AFC W L T Pct.
Pittsburgh 433 277 2 .610 21 28 34-22 6-2 Pittsburgh 239
256 92
99 1 .721
Denver 417 289 6 .590 15 22 23-19 3-5 Baltimore***
Denver 249
94 104
41 41 .695
Miami 414 296 2 .583 13 22 20-20 2-3 Denver
Baltimore*** 228
109 101
50 14 .692
New England 399 313 0 .560 17 22 28-18 4-4 Miami 223
234 107
120 1 .675
Baltimore*** 173 146 1 .542 4 10 15-8 2-0 New England
England 207
229 125
127 0 .623
Oakland 367 339 6 .520 12 18 22-15 3-1 OaklandCity
Kansas 195
208 135
144 32 .591
Indianapolis 361 349 2 .508 15 22 18-20 2-1 Jacksonville** 204
Oakland 84 150
60 20 .583
Kansas City 348 357 7 .494 6 14 4-14 0-0 Kansas City
Cincinnati 191
199 137
155 23 .582
San Diego 335 372 5 .474 10 13 10-13 0-1 Tennessee
Indianapolis 184
194 147
160 21 .556
Tennessee 334 376 2 .470 5 16 12-16 0-1 San Diego
Jacksonville** 179
92 150
76 02 .544
Cincinnati 331 379 2 .466 9 14 5-14 0-2 Cincinnati
Buffalo 180
194 151
162 1 .544
Buffalo 328 382 2 .462 7 13 12-13 0-4 Buffalo
San Diego 180
192 152
161 21 .542
Jacksonville** 152 184 0 .452 2 6 5-6 0-0 Indianapolis
Tennessee 178
189 152
166 12 .539
N.Y. Jets 318 392 2 .448 2 12 10-12 0-0 Houston**** 45
56 43
56 0 .511
Houston**** 97 127 0 .433 3 3 2-3 0-0 Cleveland+
N.Y. Jets 150
173 155
181 12 .492
Cleveland+ 281 380 3 .425 6 11 4-11 0-0 New York Jets
Cleveland+ 159 171
170 21 .482

Division Playoff Postseason Super Bowl NFC W L T Pct.

NFC W L T Pct. Titles Berths Record Record Minnesota 222
238 110
118 1 .668
Dallas 413 299 0 .580 18 27 33-22 5-3 Dallas 221
231 111
125 0 .666
San Francisco 400 308 4 .565 19 24 30-19 5-1 Green Bay 207
224 120
126 65 .631
Minnesota 397 312 3 .560 17 26 17-26 0-3 San Francisco
Francisco 206
220 123
133 3 .625
Green Bay 376 327 9 .535 12 20 20-18 2-1 Washington 201
212 128
141 2 .611
Washington 374 336 2 .527 8 18 20-15 3-2 Chicago
Seattle* 197
189 134
126 01 .595
Philadelphia 364 340 8 .517 9 20 15-20 0-2 Seattle*
Chicago 170
205 121
150 10 .584
Seattle* 315 313 0 .502 9 15 15-14 1-2 Philadelphia
Philadelphia 185
198 145
156 3 .560
Chicago 354 357 1 .498 10 14 10-13 1-1 St. Louis
Los Angeles 182
195 148
159 2 .552
Carolina** 166 169 1 .496 6 7 9-7 0-2 New York Giants
Carolina** 180
91 152
77 01 .542
Los Angeles 349 358 5 .494 11 19 16-18 1-2 Atlanta
N.Y. Giants 179
190 153
166 1 .539
N.Y. Giants 349 360 3 .492 8 15 20-11 4-1 Detroit
Atlanta 173
189 158
167 1 .523
New Orleans 319 389 4 .451 5 10 7-9 1-0 Carolina**
Detroit 188
72 167
72 10 .500
Atlanta 318 389 5 .450 5 12 7-12 0-1 Arizona 163
182 165
170 3 .497
Arizona 303 403 6 .430 5 8 6-8 0-1 Tampa
New Orleans
Bay* 139
172 150
183 1 .481
Detroit 293 415 4 .414 3 11 1-11 0-0 New Orleans
Tampa Bay* 157
145 174
168 1 .474
Tampa Bay* 241 386 1 .385 6 10 6-9 1-0
*Entered NFL in 1976.
*Entered NFL in 1976. **Entered NFL in 1995.
**Entered NFL in 1995. ***Entered NFL in 1996.
***Entered NFL in 1996. ****Entered NFL in 2002.
****Entered NFL in 2002. +Did not play, 1996-98.
+Did not play, 1996-98. Oakland totals include L.A. Raiders,
Oakland totals include L.A. Raiders, 1982-1994. 1982-1994.
Tennessee totals include Houston, 1970-1996. Tennessee totals include Houston,
Indianapolis totals include Baltimore, 1970-1983. 1970-1996.
Los Angeles totals include St. Louis, 1995-2015 Indianapolis totals include Baltimore,
Arizona totals include St. Louis, 1970-1987, and Phoenix, 1988-1993. 1970-1983.
Tie games before 1972 are not calculated in won-lost percentage. St. Louis
Los Angeles
Arizona totals include St. Louis,
1970-1987, and Phoenix, 1988-1993.
Tie games before 1972 are not
calculated in won-lost percentage.

300 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1970 AFL-NFL MERGER Longest Longest Current
AFC W L T Pct. AFC W L T Pct. W Strk. L Strk. Streak
Miami 180 176 1 .506 Denver 36 19 1 .655 4 4 W-4
Pittsburgh 177 178 1 .499 Houston 8 6 0 .571 5 3 L-1
New England 170 186 0 .478 San Diego 32 24 0 .571 6 6 W-1
Denver 168 185 2 .476 New England 31 25 0 .554 10 3 W-1
Indianapolis 167 189 0 .469 Miami 27 22 1 .551 11 5 W-3
Oakland 163 189 4 .463 Tennessee 30 26 0 .536 4 3 W-3
Tennessee 145 210 1 .408 Pittsburgh 41 36 4 .532 8 3 L-1
New York Jets 145 211 1 .408 Indianapolis 33 30 0 .524 8 8 L-2
San Diego 143 211 3 .404 Jacksonville 11 10 0 .524 6 4 L-4
Baltimore*** 64 96 0 .400 Kansas City 29 27 0 .518 7 4 W-1
Kansas City 140 213 4 .397 N.Y. Jets 27 29 0 .482 5 5 W-5
Buffalo 134 220 1 .379 Cincinnati 22 26 0 .458 4 4 W-2
Cincinnati 132 224 0 .371 Baltimore 9 11 0 .450 5 4 L-3
Cleveland+ 122 210 1 .368 Oakland 25 31 0 .446 5 8 L-4
Houston**** 41 71 0 .366 Cleveland 27 36 0 .429 5 11 L-11
Jacksonville** 60 108 0 .357 Buffalo 23 33 0 .411 6 5 W-2

NFC W L T Pct. Longest Longest Current

Dallas 182 174 0 .511 NFC W L T Pct. W Strk. L Strk. Streak
San Francisco 180 175 1 .507 Dallas 37 18 1 .673 17 5 W-1
Philadelphia 166 184 5 .475 Chicago 54 37 5 .593 9 6 L-2
Washington 162 195 0 .454 Green Bay 53 39 3 .576 5 6 W-1
Minnesota 159 194 2 .451 N.Y. Giants 49 37 5 .570 4 5 L-5
N.Y. Giants 159 194 2 .451 Minnesota 30 24 1 .556 5 3 L-1
Carolina** 75 92 1 .449 San Francisco 36 29 1 .554 5 3 W-5
Los Angeles 154 199 3 .437 Detroit 46 38 2 .548 10 4 L-1
Green Bay 152 201 3 .431 Atlanta 27 23 0 .540 5 3 W-2
Chicago 149 207 0 .419 Los Angeles 40 38 0 .513 5 6 W-1
New Orleans 147 206 3 .417 Washington 40 40 4 .500 6 5 L-3
Seattle* 126 187 0 .403 Philadelphia 35 46 1 .432 5 9 L-1
Atlanta 129 222 4 .368 Arizona 40 53 2 .430 6 7 W-2
Arizona 121 233 3 .343 Carolina 8 13 0 .381 3 5 W-2
Tampa Bay* 96 218 0 .306 Seattle 15 25 0 .375 3 8 L-1
Detroit 105 248 3 .299 Tampa Bay 15 25 0 .375 3 5 L-3
New Orleans 17 32 0 .347 3 6 L-2
*Entered NFL in 1976.
**Entered NFL in 1995. Kansas City totals include Dallas Texans, 1960-62.
***Entered NFL in 1996. Oakland totals include L.A. Raiders, 1982-1994.
****Entered NFL in 2002. San Diego totals include L.A. Chargers, 1960.
+Did not play, 1996-98. Indianapolis totals include Baltimore, 1953-1983.
Oakland totals include L.A. Raiders, Tennessee total include Houston, 1960-1996.
1982-1994. New England totals include Boston, 1960-1970.
Tennessee totals include Houston, Los Angeles totals include Cleveland, 1937-1942 and 1944-45, and St. Louis, 1995-
1970-1996. 2015.
Indianapolis totals include Baltimore, Detroit totals include Portsmouth, 1930-33.
1970-1983. Arizona totals include Chi. Cardinals, 1920-1959, St. Louis, 1960-1987, and Phoenix,
Los Angeles totals include St. Louis, 1988-1993.
1995-2015 Chicago totals include Decatur, 1920.
Arizona totals include St. Louis, Washington totals include Boston Braves, 1932 and Boston Redskins, 1933-36.
1970-1987, and Phoenix, 1988-1993. NOTE: All tied games occurred prior to 1972, when calculation of ties in percentage as
Tie games before 1972 are not half-win.
calculated in won-lost percentage.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 301

Division Playoff Postseason Super Bowl AFC W - L-T Pct.
AFC W L T Pct. Titles Berths Record Record New England 69-11-0 .863
New England 124 36 0 .775 9 9 12-8 1-2 Baltimore 59-21-0 .738
Indianapolis 104 56 0 .650 6 8 9-7 1-1 Indianapolis 58-22-0 .725
Pittsburgh 100 60 0 .625 4 6 6-5 1-1 Pittsburgh 58-22-0 .725
Baltimore 95 65 0 .594 3 7 10-6 1-0 San Diego 53-27-0 .663
Denver 94 66 0 .588 5 5 6-4 1-1 Denver 51-29-0 .638
San Diego 92 68 0 .575 4 5 4-5 0-0 Cincinnati 48-30-2 .613
Cincinnati 85 73 2 .538 3 6 0-6 0-0 Houston 46-34-0 .575
Houston 79 81 0 .494 3 3 2-3 0-0 N.Y. Jets 44-36-0 .550
N.Y. Jets 79 81 0 .494 0 3 4-3 0-0 Buffalo 39-41-0 .488
Tennessee 72 88 0 .450 1 2 0-2 0-0 Kansas City 38-42-0 .475
Kansas City 69 91 0 .431 1 4 1-4 0-0 Tennessee 38-42-0 .475
Miami 67 93 0 .419 1 1 0-1 0-0 Jacksonville 37-43-0 .463
Buffalo 66 94 0 .413 0 0 0-0 0-0 Miami 35-45-0 .438
Jacksonville 58 102 0 .363 0 1 1-1 0-0 Cleveland 32-48-0 .400
Cleveland 51 109 0 .319 0 0 0-0 0-0 Oakland 28-52-0 .350
Oakland 50 110 0 .313 0 0 0-0 0-0
NFC W - L-T Pct.
Division Playoff Postseason Super Bowl Green Bay 59-20-1 .744
NFC W L T Pct. Titles Berths Record Record Seattle 54-26-0 .675
Green Bay 104 55 1 .653 5 8 8-7 1-0 Arizona 52-28-0 .650
New Orleans 94 66 0 .588 3 5 6-4 1-0 New Orleans 51-29-0 .638
Dallas 88 72 0 .550 3 4 2-4 0-0 Minnesota 50-30-0 .625
Seattle 88 72 0 .550 5 7 10-6 1-1 San Francisco 49-30-1 .619
Philadelphia 87 72 1 .547 3 5 3-5 0-0 Atlanta 49-31-0 .613
Atlanta 85 75 0 .531 2 4 1-4 0-0 Carolina 46-34-0 .575
N.Y. Giants 85 75 0 .531 2 4 8-2 2-0 Chicago 44-36-0 .550
Carolina 84 75 1 .528 4 4 3-4 0-1 Dallas 43-37-0 .538
Arizona 84 76 0 .525 3 4 5-4 0-1 N.Y. Giants 42-38-0 .525
Chicago 84 76 0 .525 2 2 3-2 0-1 Philadelphia 42-38-0 .525
San Francisco 82 77 1 .516 2 3 5-3 0-1 Detroit 35-45-0 .438
Minnesota 78 81 1 .491 3 4 1-4 0-0 Washington 35-45-0 .438
Washington 63 97 0 .394 2 3 0-3 0-0 Tampa Bay 32-48-0 .400
Tampa Bay 58 102 0 .363 1 1 0-1 0-0 Los Angeles* 29-51-0 .363
Detroit 57 103 0 .356 0 2 0-2 0-0
Los Angeles* 50 109 1 .316 0 0 0-0 0-0 *Totals include St. Louis, 2006-2015.

*Totals include St. Louis, 2006-2015.

302 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

ROAD RECORDS, 2006-2015 RECORDS BY MONTHS, 2006-2015
AFC W-L-T Pct. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
New England 55-25-0 .688 AFC W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T Pct.
Indianapolis 46-34-0 .575 New England 24- 9-0 35- 6-0 26-12-0 39- 9-0 124- 36-0 .775
Denver 43-37-0 .538 Indianapolis 20-13-0 24-13-0 28-14-0 32-16-0 104- 56-0 .650
Pittsburgh 42-38-0 .525 Pittsburgh 18-16-0 25-13-0 24-17-0 33-14-0 100- 60-0 .625
San Diego 39-41-0 .488 Baltimore 22-12-0 18-18-0 29-15-0 26-20-0 95- 65-0 .594
Cincinnati 37-43-0 .463 Denver 23-11-0 22-14-0 25-17-0 24-24-0 94- 66-0 .588
Baltimore 36-44-0 .450 San Diego 19-15-0 17-21-0 21-19-0 35-13-0 92- 68-0 .575
N.Y. Jets 35-45-0 .438 Cincinnati 20-13-0 17-21-1 22-18-1 26-21-0 85- 73-2 .538
Tennessee 34-46-0 .425 Houston 17-17-0 18-20-0 19-20-0 25-24-0 79- 81-0 .494
Houston 33-47-0 .413 N.Y. Jets 19-16-0 15-24-0 19-18-0 26-23-0 79- 81-0 .494
Miami 32-48-0 .400 Tennessee 16-18-0 16-21-0 18-23-0 22-26-0 72- 88-0 .450
Kansas City 31-49-0 .388 Kansas City 14-20-0 20-17-0 16-25-0 19-29-0 69- 91-0 .431
Buffalo 27-53-0 .338 Miami 11-23-0 14-23-0 21-19-0 21-28-0 67- 93-0 .419
Oakland 22-58-0 .275 Buffalo 18-17-0 14-23-0 15-25-0 19-29-0 66- 94-0 .413
Jacksonville 21-59-0 .263 Jacksonville 11-23-0 14-25-0 18-20-0 15-34-0 58-102-0 .363
Cleveland 19-61-0 .238 Cleveland 9-25-0 17-21-0 13-27-0 12-36-0 51-109-0 .319
Oakland 11-23-0 14-22-0 11-32-0 14-33-0 50-110-0 .313
NFC W-L-T Pct.
Philadelphia 45-34-1 .569 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
Dallas 45-35-0 .563 NFC W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T W - L-T Pct.
Green Bay 45-35-0 .563 Green Bay 22-12-0 28- 9-0 22-20-1 32-14-0 104- 55-1 .653
New Orleans 43-37-0 .538 New Orleans 17-17-0 26-13-0 25-15-0 26-21-0 94- 66-0 .588
N.Y. Giants 43-37-0 .538 Dallas 22-11-0 16-22-0 29-14-0 21-25-0 88- 72-0 .550
Chicago 40-40-0 .500 Seattle 20-13-0 16-22-0 23-18-0 29-19-0 88- 72-0 .550
Carolina 38-41-1 .481 Philadelphia 18-17-0 18-18-0 20-20-1 31-17-0 87- 72-1 .547
Atlanta 36-44-0 .450 Atlanta 20-15-0 20-15-0 22-21-0 23-24-0 85- 75-0 .531
Seattle 34-46-0 .425 N.Y. Giants 17-17-0 30- 9-0 15-24-0 23-25-0 85- 75-0 .531
San Francisco 33-47-0 .413 Carolina 14-20-0 19-19-1 19-20-0 32-16-0 84- 75-1 .528
Arizona 32-48-0 .400 Arizona 21-13-0 14-24-0 22-18-0 27-21-0 84- 76-0 .525
Minnesota 28-51-1 .356 Chicago 19-15-0 21-15-0 23-19-0 21-27-0 84- 76-0 .525
Washington 28-52-0 .350 San Francisco 17-18-0 18-20-0 20-18-1 27-21-0 82- 77-1 .516
Tampa Bay 26-54-0 .325 Minnesota 16-19-0 16-21-0 22-17-1 24-24-0 78- 81-1 .491
Detroit 22-58-0 .275 Washington 15-19-0 17-23-0 12-26-0 19-29-0 63- 97-0 .394
Los Angeles* 21-58-1 .269 Tampa Bay 13-22-0 13-23-0 21-20-0 11-37-0 58-102-0 .363
Detroit 14-20-0 16-22-0 12-29-0 15-32-0 57-103-0 .356
*Totals include St. Louis, 2006-2015. Los Angeles* 8-26-0 14-25-0 13-25-1 15-33-0 50-109-1 .316

December total include January

*Totals include St. Louis, 2006-2015.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 303

TAKEAWAYS/GIVEAWAYS, 2006-2015 1 Indianapolis at Dallas, Dec. 21, 2014
Takeaways Giveaways 2 Miami at Tampa Bay, Nov. 11, 2013
AFC Int. Fum. Total Int. Fum. Total Net.Diff. Most Yards Passing, Game
New England 186 118 304 98 77 175 +129 522 Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis, Oct. 26, 2014
San Diego 151 101 252 136 91 227 + 25 516 New England at Miami, Sept. 12, 2011
Baltimore 173 94 267 142 101 243 + 24 510 New York Giants vs. Tampa Bay, Sept. 16, 2012
Cincinnati 170 108 278 157 103 260 + 18 505 New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 1, 2015
Kansas City 147 103 250 132 107 239 + 11 504 New Orleans vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 19, 2006
Indianapolis 142 104 246 148 87 235 + 11 504 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
Houston 134 106 240 152 99 251 - 11 Fewest Yards Passing, Game
Pittsburgh 143 103 246 149 109 258 - 12 -7 Tennessee at New England, Oct. 18, 2009
Buffalo 171 97 268 162 120 282 - 14 -5 Houston at Oakland, Dec. 3, 2006
Tennessee 162 90 252 154 117 271 - 19 0 Cincinnati at New York Jets, Jan. 3, 2010
Miami 137 82 219 151 95 246 - 27 10 Oakland vs. Atlanta, Nov. 2, 2008
Denver 138 103 241 148 123 271 - 30 11 Carolina at Atlanta, Dec. 24, 2006
Jacksonville 136 88 224 155 99 254 - 30
N.Y. Jets 141 108 249 183 97 280 - 31 NFL INDIVIDUAL LEADERS, 2006-2015
Cleveland 159 93 252 180 104 284 - 32 Points Passing Yards
Oakland 133 90 223 178 127 305 - 82 Stephen Gostkowski 1,330 Drew Brees 48,555
Mason Crosby 1,145 Philip Rivers 41,299
Takeaways Giveaways Robbie Gould 1,125 Tom Brady 39,993
NFC Int. Fum. Total Int. Fum. Total Net.Diff. Adam Vinatieri 1,095 Eli Manning 39,382
Green Bay 212 81 293 113 88 201 + 92 Matt Bryant 1,056 Peyton Manning 38,751
Carolina 162 123 285 151 98 249 + 36
Seattle 161 112 273 137 100 237 + 36 Touchdowns TD Passes
Atlanta 155 108 263 143 84 227 + 36 Adrian Peterson 102 Drew Brees 348
Chicago 181 135 316 185 103 288 + 28 Calvin Johnson 84 Tom Brady 305
San Francisco 158 98 256 124 107 231 + 25 Marshawn Lynch 83 Peyton Manning 295
LaDainian Tomlinson 82 Philip Rivers 280
N.Y. Giants 168 119 287 175 111 286 +1
Maurice Jones-Drew 81 Eli Manning 264
Los Angeles* 138 112 250 153 101 254 -4
Tampa Bay 165 106 271 162 114 276 -5 Field Goals Receptions
Arizona 174 117 291 184 121 305 - 14 Stephen Gostkowski 276 Brandon Marshall 882
Philadelphia 162 109 271 154 132 286 - 15 Robbie Gould 255 Wes Welker 874
Minnesota 130 118 248 159 107 266 - 18 Phil Dawson 251 Larry Fitzgerald 857
Dallas 139 105 244 164 100 264 - 20 Sebastian Janikowski 247 Andre Johnson 845
New Orleans 131 97 228 157 93 250 - 22 Josh Brown 245 Jason Witten 832
Washington 126 96 222 142 117 259 - 37
Detroit 132 123 255 189 115 304 - 49 Rushes Reception Yards
*Totals include St. Louis, 2006-2015. Frank Gore 2,575 Calvin Johnson 11,619
Adrian Peterson 2,381 Andre Johnson 11,294
BEST TAKEAWAY/GIVEAWAY DIFFERENTIAL, SEASON Steven Jackson 2,376 Brandon Marshall 11,273
+43 Washington, 1983 Marshawn Lynch 2,144 Larry Fitzgerald 11,177
+28 New England, 2010 Chris Johnson 2,093 Roddy White 10,417
San Francisco, 2011
+26 Kansas City, 1990 Rushing Yards Receiving TDs
Adrian Peterson 11,675 Calvin Johnson 83
HIGH AND LOW SINGLE-GAME YARDAGE TOTALS, 2006-2015 Frank Gore 11,432 Larry Fitzgerald 80
Most Total Yards, Game Steven Jackson 9,719 Antonio Gates 79
653 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 18, 2012 (ot) Chris Johnson 9,442 Brandon Marshall 79
639 Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis, Oct. 26, 2014 Marshawn Lynch 9,112 Marques Colston 72
625 New Orleans vs. Dallas, Nov. 10, 2013
623 Detroit vs. Dallas, Oct. 27, 2013 Rushing TDs Interceptions
622 New England at Miami, Sept. 12, 2011 Adrian Peterson 97 Charles Woodson 48
Fewest Total Yards, Game Marshawn Lynch 74 Asante Samuel 45
LaDainian Tomlinson 73 Ed Reed 42
67 Kansas City at San Diego, Dec. 12, 2010
Maurice Jones-Drew 68 DeAngelo Hall 35
72 Cincinnati at New York Jets, Jan. 3, 2010
Frank Gore 67 Antonio Cromartie 31
77 Oakland vs. Atlanta, Nov. 2, 2008
86 Tampa Bay vs. New York Giants, Sept. 27, 2009 Pass Attempts Sacks
98 Oakland vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 29, 2006 Drew Brees 6,276 DeMarcus Ware 126.5
98 Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Dec. 17, 2006 Eli Manning 5,473 Jared Allen 116
Most Yards Rushing, Game Philip Rivers 5,309 Elvis Dumervil 96
378 Minnesota vs. San Diego, Nov. 4, 2007 Tom Brady 5,244 Mario Williams 96
375 Jacksonville vs. Indianapolis, Dec. 10, 2006 Peyton Manning 5,047 Julius Peppers 95.5
355 San Francisco vs. San Diego, Dec. 20, 2014 (ot)
352 Kansas City vs. Indianapolis, Dec. 23, 2012 Completions
351 Cleveland at Kansas City, Dec. 20, 2009 Drew Brees 4,240
Fewest Yards Rushing, Game Philip Rivers 3,445
-18 Detroit at Arizona, Nov. 11, 2007 Tom Brady 3,376
-3 Detroit vs. Minnesota, Dec. 10, 2006 Peyton Manning 3,356
1 Dallas at Washington, Dec. 30, 2007 Eli Manning 3,306

304 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

(Home team in capitals) RECORD & FACT BOOK
Regular Season Most Points, Game—40, Ernie Nevers,
WASHINGTON 72, New York Giants 41 ..........................................November 27, 1966 Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 28,
LOS ANGELES RAMS 70, Baltimore 27 ..........................................October 22, 1950 1929 (6-td, 4-pat)
Chicago Cardinals 65, NEW YORK BULLDOGS 20..........................November 13, 1949 Most Touchdowns Rushing, Game—6,
LOS ANGELES RAMS 65, Detroit 24 ..............................................October 29, 1950 Ernie Nevers, Chi. Cardinals vs.
PHILADELPHIA 64, Cincinnati 0 .....................................................November 6, 1934 Chi. Bears, Nov. 28, 1929
CHICAGO CARDINALS 63, New York Giants 35..............................October 17, 1948 Highest Rushing Average Gain, Season
PITTSBURGH 63, New York Giants 7 .............................................November 30, 1952 (Qualifiers)—8.44, Beattie Feathers,
AKRON 62, Oorang 0.....................................................................October 29, 1922 Chi. Bears, 1934 (119-1,004)
CLEVELAND 62, New York Giants 14 .............................................December 6, 1953 Highest Punting Average, Season (Quali-
CLEVELAND 62, Washington 3 ......................................................November 7, 1954 fiers)—51.40, Sammy Baugh, Wash-
ington, 1940 (35-1,799)
NEW YORK GIANTS 62, Philadelphia 10.........................................November 26, 1972
Highest Punting Average, Rookie, Season
Atlanta 62, NEW ORLEANS 7 .........................................................September 16, 1973
(Qualifiers)—45.92, Frank Sinkwich,
NEW YORK JETS 62, Tampa Bay 28 ..............................................November 17, 1985
Detroit, 1943 (12-551)
NEW ORLEANS 62, Indianapolis 7..................................................October 23, 2011 Highest Punting Average, Game (mini-
CHICAGO 61, San Francisco 20 .....................................................December 12, 1965 mum: 4 punts)—61.75, Bob Cifers,
Cincinnati 61, HOUSTON 17...........................................................December 17, 1972 Detroit vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 24, 1946
CHICAGO 61, Green Bay 7.............................................................December 7, 1980 (4-247)
CINCINNATI 61, Houston 7 ............................................................December 17, 1989 Highest Average Gain, Pass Receptions,
ROCK ISLAND 60, Evansville 0 ......................................................October 15, 1922 Season (minimum: 24 receptions)—
CHICAGO CARDINALS 60, Rochester 0 .........................................October 7, 1923 32.58, Don Currivan, Boston, 1947
Postseason (24-782)
Chicago Bears 73, WASHINGTON 0 ...............................................December 8, 1940 Highest Average Gain, Passing, Game
JACKSONVILLE 62, Miami 7 ..........................................................January 15, 2000 (minimum: 20 passes)—18.58,
Sammy Baugh, Washington vs.
YOUNGEST AND OLDEST PLAYERS IN NFL IN 2015 Boston, Oct. 31, 1948 (24-446)
10 Youngest Players Birthdate Games Starts Position Most Touchdowns, Fumble Recoveries,
Danielle Hunter, Minnesota 10/29/1994 14 1 DE Game—2, Fred (Dippy) Evans, Chi.
Bobby Hart, N.Y. Giants 8/21/1994 9 1 T Bears vs. Washington, Nov. 28, 1948
Jeremiah Poutasi, Tennessee 8/7/1994 11 7 T Most Yards Gained, Intercepted Passes,
Kwon Alexander, Tampa Bay 8/3/1994 12 12 LB Rookie, Season—301, Don Doll,
Todd Gurley, St. Louis 8/3/1994 13 12 RB Detroit, 1949
Leonard Williams, N.Y. Jets 6/20/1994 16 15 DT Most Passes Had Intercepted, Game—8,
Amari Cooper, Oakland 6/17/1994 16 15 WR Jim Hardy, Chi. Cardinals vs.
Jesse James, Pittsburgh 6/4/1994 8 2 TE Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1950
Bradley Pinion, San Francisco 6/1/1994 16 0 P Highest Kickoff Return Average, Game
Devin Funchess, Carolina 5/21/1994 16 5 WR (minimum: 3 returns)—73.50,
Wally Triplett, Detroit vs. Los Angeles,
Oct. 29, 1950 (4-294)
10 Oldest Players Birthdate Games Starts Position
Highest Punt Return Average, Season
Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis 12/28/1972 16 0 K (Qualifiers)—23.00, Herb Rich,
Phil Dawson, San Francisco 1/23/1975 16 0 K Baltimore, 1950 (12-276)
Matt Bryant, Atlanta 5/29/1975 10 0 K Highest Punt Return Average, Rookie,
Matt Hasselbeck, Indianapolis 9/25/1975 8 8 QB Season (Qualifiers)—23.00, Herb
Peyton Manning, Denver 3/24/1976 10 9 QB Rich, Baltimore, 1950 (12-276)
Shane Lechler, Houston 8/7/1976 16 0 P Most Yards Passing, Game—554, Norm
Charles Woodson, Oakland 10/7/1976 16 16 FS Van Brocklin, Los Angeles vs. New
Mike Leach, Arizona 10/18/1976 16 0 LS York Yanks, Sept. 28, 1951
Tom Brady, New England 8/3/1977 16 16 QB Most Touchdowns, Punt Returns, Rookie,
Shayne Graham, Atlanta 12/9/1977 5 0 K Season—4, Jack Christiansen, Detroit,
Minimum: 8 Games Started (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952
Youngest Oldest Most Interceptions By, Rookie, Season—
QB 1/6/1994 Jameis Winston, T.B. 9/25/1975 Matt Hasselbeck, Ind. 14, Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los
RB 8/3/1994 Todd Gurley, StL. 4/25/1983 DeAngelo Williams, Pit. Angeles, 1952
WR 6/17/1994 Amari Cooper, Oak. 10/3/1980 Anquan Boldin, S.F. Highest Average Gain, Passing, Season
TE 4/10/1993 Eric Ebron, Det. 12/18/1980 Benjamin Watson, N.O. (Qualifiers)—11.17, Tommy O’Con-
T 4/25/1994 Ereck Flowers, NYG 12/12/1981 Andrew Whitworth, Cin. nell, Cleveland, 1957 (110-1,229)
G 11/4/1993 Andrus Peat, N.O. 11/1/1981 Evan Mathis, Den. Most Yards Gained, Pass Receptions,
Rookie, Season—1,473, Bill Groman,
C 11/29/1993 Marcus Martin, S.F. 5/25/1982 Joe Berger, Min.
Houston, 1960
DE 1/25/1994 Mario Edwards, Oak. 10/30/1981 Chris Clemons, Jac.
DT 6/20/1994 Leonard Williams, NYJ 8/16/1980 Kevin Williams, N.O.
LB 8/3/1994 Kwon Alexander, T.B. 1/18/1980 Julius Peppers, G.B.
CB 1/2/1994 Ronald Darby, Buff. 9/4/1978 Terence Newman, Min.
S 1/10/1994 Landon Collins, NYG 10/7/1976 Charles Woodson, Oak.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 305

Last 2 Seasons Last 3 Seasons Last 4 Seasons
307 Stephen Gostkowski 465 Stephen Gostkowski 618 Stephen Gostkowski
267 Graham Gano 404 Steven Hauschka 529 Justin Tucker
261 Steven Hauschka 397 Justin Tucker 522 Steven Hauschka
257 Justin Tucker 386 Adam Vinatieri 504 Blair Walsh
251 Chandler Catanzaro 383 Mason Crosby 501 Two tied

25 Odell Beckham, Jr. 38 Jamaal Charles 46 Marshawn Lynch
25 Antonio Brown 34 Antonio Brown 45 Brandon Marshall
23 Rob Gronkowski 34 Marshawn Lynch 44 Dez Bryant
22 Brandon Marshall 34 Brandon Marshall 44 Jamaal Charles
21 Jeremy Hill 32 Dez Bryant 41 Two tied

Field Goals
68 Stephen Gostkowski 106 Stephen Gostkowski 135 Stephen Gostkowski
62 Justin Tucker 100 Justin Tucker 130 Justin Tucker
60 Steven Hauschka 93 Steven Hauschka 121 Blair Walsh
60 Blair Walsh 90 Dan Carpenter 117 Steven Hauschka
59 Graham Gano 90 Adam Vinatieri 116 Adam Vinatieri

585 DeMarco Murray 829 LeSean McCoy 1,078 Alfred Morris
515 Frank Gore 802 DeMarco Murray 1,049 Frank Gore
515 LeSean McCoy 791 Frank Gore 1,029 LeSean McCoy
484 Matt Forte 773 Matt Forte 1,021 Matt Forte
467 Alfred Morris 743 Alfred Morris 1,007 Marshawn Lynch

Rushing Yards
2,547 DeMarco Murray 3,821 LeSean McCoy 4,923 Adrian Peterson
2,214 LeSean McCoy 3,668 DeMarco Murray 4,713 Alfred Morris
2,073 Frank Gore 3,275 Matt Forte 4,661 LeSean McCoy
1,971 Lamar Miller 3,201 Frank Gore 4,570 Marshawn Lynch
1,936 Matt Forte 3,100 Alfred Morris 4,415 Frank Gore

Rushing Touchdowns
20 Jeremy Hill 28 Marshawn Lynch 39 Marshawn Lynch
19 DeMarco Murray 28 DeMarco Murray 33 Adrian Peterson
16 Marshawn Lynch 25 Jamaal Charles 32 DeMarco Murray
16 Lamar Miller 23 Eddie Lacy 30 Jamaal Charles
15 Two tied 21 Two tied 29 Two tied

1,286 Drew Brees 1,936 Drew Brees 2,606 Drew Brees
1,242 Matt Ryan 1,893 Matt Ryan 2,555 Matthew Stafford
1,231 Philip Rivers 1,834 Tom Brady 2,508 Matt Ryan
1,219 Eli Manning 1,828 Matthew Stafford 2,471 Tom Brady
1,206 Tom Brady 1,775 Philip Rivers 2,306 Eli Manning

884 Drew Brees 1,330 Drew Brees 1,752 Drew Brees
822 Matt Ryan 1,261 Matt Ryan 1,683 Matt Ryan
816 Philip Rivers 1,194 Philip Rivers 1,567 Matthew Stafford
775 Tom Brady 1,155 Tom Brady 1,556 Tom Brady
766 Eli Manning 1,132 Matthew Stafford 1,532 Philip Rivers

Passing Yards
9,822 Drew Brees 14,984 Drew Brees 20,161 Drew Brees
9,285 Matt Ryan 13,800 Matt Ryan 18,519 Matt Ryan
9,078 Philip Rivers 13,556 Philip Rivers 18,136 Matthew Stafford
8,890 Ben Roethlisberger 13,222 Tom Brady 18,049 Tom Brady
8,879 Tom Brady 13,169 Matthew Stafford 17,162 Philip Rivers

306 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Last 2 Seasons Last 3 Seasons Last 4 Seasons
Touchdown Passes
69 Tom Brady 104 Drew Brees 147 Drew Brees
69 Aaron Rodgers 103 Peyton Manning 140 Peyton Manning
65 Drew Brees 94 Tom Brady 128 Tom Brady
65 Eli Manning 92 Philip Rivers 125 Aaron Rodgers
60 Philip Rivers 86 Aaron Rodgers 118 Philip Rivers

265 Antonio Brown 375 Antonio Brown 441 Antonio Brown
240 Julio Jones 308 Demaryius Thomas 402 Demaryius Thomas
216 Demaryius Thomas 281 Julio Jones 388 Brandon Marshall
194 Jarvis Landry 270 Brandon Marshall 365 Calvin Johnson
189 Golden Tate 258 Julian Edelman 360 Julio Jones

Receiving Yards
3,532 Antonio Brown 5,031 Antonio Brown 5,818 Antonio Brown
3,464 Julio Jones 4,353 Demaryius Thomas 5,787 Demaryius Thomas
2,923 Demaryius Thomas 4,044 Julio Jones 5,747 Calvin Johnson
2,755 Odell Beckham, Jr. 3,783 Calvin Johnson 5,242 Julio Jones
2,731 DeAndre Hopkins 3,764 A.J. Green 5,114 A.J. Green

Receiving Touchdowns
25 Odell Beckham, Jr. 34 Brandon Marshall 45 Brandon Marshall
23 Antonio Brown 32 Dez Bryant 44 Dez Bryant
23 Rob Gronkowski 31 Antonio Brown 41 Eric Decker
22 Brandon Marshall 31 Demaryius Thomas 41 Demaryius Thomas
19 Dez Bryant 29 Two tied 38 Two tied

12 Reggie Nelson 14 Reggie Nelson 22 Richard Sherman
11 Glover Quin 14 Glover Quin 17 Reggie Nelson
10 Mike Adams 14 Richard Sherman 16 Glover Quin
10 Kurt Coleman 13 Three tied 15 Trumaine Johnson
10 Trumaine Johnson 15 Patrick Peterson

38.0 J.J. Watt 48.5 J.J. Watt 69.0 J.J. Watt
29.5 Justin Houston 40.5 Justin Houston 50.5 Justin Houston
25.0 Von Miller 34.5 Robert Quinn 48.5 Von Miller
23.0 Elvis Dumervil 32.5 Elvis Dumervil 45.0 Robert Quinn
23.0 Ryan Kerrigan 32.5 Mario Williams 43.5 Elvis Dumervil


Highest Won-Lost Percentage
.750 Arizona .771 Denver .781 Denver
.750 Denver .750 New England .750 New England
.750 New England .729 Seattle .719 Seattle
.703 Carolina .719 Carolina .680 Cincinnati
.703 Cincinnati .708 Arizona .648 Two tied

Most Points
933 New England 1,443 Denver 1,934 New England
859 Pittsburgh 1,377 New England 1,924 Denver
854 Green Bay 1,293 Philadelphia 1,704 Green Bay
851 Philadelphia 1,271 Green Bay 1,684 New Orleans
839 Carolina 1,238 Pittsburgh 1,646 Seattle

Most Total Yards

13,043 New Orleans 19,451 Denver 26,008 New Orleans
12,904 Pittsburgh 19,434 New Orleans 25,817 Denver
12,178 Philadelphia 18,854 Philadelphia 24,837 New England
12,134 Denver 18,304 Pittsburgh 24,519 Philadelphia
12,070 Seattle 17,991 New England 23,813 Detroit

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 307

Last 2 Seasons Last 3 Seasons Last 4 Seasons
Most Rushing Yards
5,030 Seattle 7,218 Seattle 9,797 Seattle
4,318 Carolina 6,344 Carolina 8,730 Minnesota
4,244 Dallas 6,306 N.Y. Jets 8,438 Buffalo
4,148 N.Y. Jets 6,301 Philadelphia 8,432 Carolina
4,015 Minnesota 6,221 Buffalo 8,413 Kansas City

Most Passing Yards

9,734 New Orleans 14,652 New Orleans 19,649 New Orleans
9,428 Pittsburgh 14,075 Denver 18,609 Denver
8,932 Atlanta 13,445 Pittsburgh 17,684 Atlanta
8,708 New England 13,175 Atlanta 17,651 Detroit
8,689 San Diego 13,017 San Diego 17,457 New England

Fewest Turnovers
27 New England 47 New England 63 New England
30 Green Bay 49 Seattle 67 Seattle
30 Seattle 50 Kansas City 71 Green Bay
32 Kansas City 55 Green Bay 73 San Francisco
37 Minnesota 57 San Francisco 83 Carolina

Fewest Points Allowed

531 Seattle 762 Seattle 1,007 Seattle
568 Kansas City 873 Kansas City 1,248 Cincinnati
612 Arizona 923 Carolina 1,272 San Francisco
620 Houston 928 Cincinnati 1,286 Carolina
623 Cincinnati 936 Arizona 1,293 Arizona

Fewest Total Yards Allowed

8,942 Seattle 13,320 Seattle 18,219 Seattle
9,413 Denver 15,109 Denver 19,761 Denver
10,333 N.Y. Jets 15,424 Carolina 20,753 Carolina
10,409 Detroit 15,615 Houston 20,787 Houston
10,534 Houston 15,692 N.Y. Jets 20,866 N.Y. Jets

Fewest Rushing Yards Allowed

2,608 Seattle 4,234 Seattle 5,697 Denver
2,613 Denver 4,236 N.Y. Jets 5,883 Seattle
2,824 N.Y. Jets 4,239 Denver 6,359 Carolina
2,917 Detroit 4,513 Detroit 6,363 Pittburgh
3,064 Pittsburgh 4,550 Arizona 6,374 N.Y. Jets

Fewest Passing Yards Allowed

6,334 Seattle 9,086 Seattle 12,336 Seattle
6,800 Denver 10,379 Houston 13,991 Houston
6,950 Kansas City 10,535 Buffalo 14,008 Buffalo
7,213 San Diego 10,826 Carolina 14,064 Denver
7,256 Houston 10,870 Denver 14,394 Carolina

Most Opponents’ Turnovers

65 Carolina 95 Carolina 121 Arizona
59 Houston 88 Arizona 118 Carolina
58 Arizona 86 Seattle 118 N.Y. Giants
55 Buffalo 85 Three tied 117 Seattle
54 Three tied 116 New England

308 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

RETIRED UNIFORM NUMBERS IN NFL Gale Sayers ...........................................40
AFC Brian Piccolo .........................................41
Baltimore.................None Sid Luckman .........................................42
Buffalo ....................Jim Kelly................................................12 Dick Butkus ...........................................51
Cincinnati ................Bob Johnson .........................................54 Bill Hewitt ..............................................56
Cleveland ................Otto Graham ..........................................14 Bill George.............................................61
Jim Brown .............................................32 Bulldog Turner .......................................66
Ernie Davis ............................................45 Red Grange ...........................................77
Don Fleming ..........................................46 Mike Ditka .............................................89
Lou Groza..............................................76 Dallas......................None
Denver ....................John Elway..............................................7 Detroit .....................Dutch Clark..............................................7
Frank Tripucka .......................................18 Bobby Layne .........................................22
Floyd Little.............................................44 Doak Walker ..........................................37
Houston ..................None Joe Schmidt ..........................................56
Indianapolis .............Peyton Manning.....................................18 Chuck Hughes .......................................85
Johnny Unitas........................................19 Green Bay ...............Tony Canadeo..........................................3
Buddy Young .........................................22 Don Hutson ...........................................14
Lenny Moore .........................................24 Bart Starr ..............................................15
Art Donovan ..........................................70 Ray Nitschke .........................................66
Jim Parker .............................................77 Reggie White .........................................92
Raymond Berry .....................................82 Minnesota ...............Fran Tarkenton .......................................10
Gino Marchetti .......................................89 Mick Tingelhoff ......................................53
Jacksonville.............None Jim Marshall..........................................70
Kansas City .............Jan Stenerud ...........................................3 Korey Stringer........................................77
Len Dawson ..........................................16 Cris Carter.............................................80
Emmitt Thomas .....................................18 Alan Page ..............................................88
Abner Haynes ........................................28 New Orleans............Jim Taylor..............................................31
Stone Johnson.......................................33 Doug Atkins...........................................81
Mack Lee Hill.........................................36 New York Giants ......Ray Flaherty ............................................1
Derrick Thomas .....................................58 Tuffy Leemans.........................................4
Willie Lanier...........................................63 Mel Hein..................................................7
Bobby Bell .............................................78 Phil Simms ............................................11
Buck Buchanan .....................................86 Y.A. Tittle ...............................................14
Miami......................Bob Griese.............................................12 Frank Gifford..........................................16
Dan Marino............................................13 Al Blozis ................................................32
Larry Csonka.........................................39 Joe Morrison .........................................40
New England ...........Gino Cappelletti .....................................20 Charlie Conerly ......................................42
Mike Haynes..........................................40 Ken Strong ............................................50
Steve Nelson .........................................57 Lawrence Taylor ....................................56
John Hannah .........................................73 Philadelphia.............Donovan McNabb ....................................5
Bruce Armstrong ...................................78 Steve Van Buren ....................................15
Jim Lee Hunt .........................................79 Brian Dawkins .......................................20
Bob Dee ................................................89 Tom Brookshier .....................................40
New York Jets .........Joe Namath ...........................................12 Pete Retzlaff ..........................................44
Don Maynard.........................................13 Chuck Bednarik .....................................60
Curtis Martin .........................................28 Al Wistert ..............................................70
Joe Klecko.............................................73 Reggie White .........................................92
Dennis Byrd...........................................90 Jerome Brown .......................................99
Oakland...................None St. Louis..................Bob Waterfield.........................................7
Pittsburgh................Ernie Stautner ........................................70 Marshall Faulk........................................28
San Diego ...............Dan Fouts ..............................................14 Eric Dickerson .......................................29
Lance Alworth .......................................19 Merlin Olsen ..........................................74
Junior Seau ...........................................55 Deacon Jones........................................75
Tennessee ...............Warren Moon...........................................1 Jackie Slater ..........................................78
Earl Campbell ........................................34 Isaac Bruce ...........................................80
Jim Norton ............................................43 Jack Youngblood ...................................85
Mike Munchak .......................................63 San Francisco .........Steve Young.............................................8
Elvin Bethea...........................................65 John Brodie ...........................................12
Bruce Matthews ....................................74 Joe Montana..........................................16
NFC Joe Perry...............................................34
Arizona....................Larry Wilson............................................8 Jimmy Johnson .....................................37
Pat Tillman ............................................40 Hugh McElhenny ...................................39
Stan Mauldin .........................................77 Ronnie Lott............................................42
J.V. Cain ................................................88 Charlie Krueger......................................70
Marshall Goldberg..................................99 Leo Nomellini.........................................73
Atlanta.....................Steve Bartkowski...................................10 Bob St. Clair ..........................................79
William Andrews....................................31 Jerry Rice..............................................80
Jeff Van Note .........................................57 Dwight Clark ..........................................87
Tommy Nobis ........................................60 Seattle.....................“Fans/the twelfth man” ..........................12
Carolina...................Sam Mills ..............................................51 Walter Jones..........................................71
Chicago...................Bronko Nagurski ......................................3 Steve Largent ........................................80
George McAfee........................................5 Cortez Kennedy .....................................96
George Halas...........................................7 Tampa Bay ..............Lee Roy Selmon ....................................63
Willie Galimore.......................................28 Warren Sapp..........................................99
Walter Payton ........................................34 Washington .............Sammy Baugh.......................................33

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 309

The NFL rates its passers for statistical purposes against a fixed pass a 100 rating. For example, take Aaron Rodgers’ record-set-
performance standard based on statistical achievements of all ting season in 2011 when he completed 343 of 502 passes for
qualified pro passers since 1960. The current system replaced 4,643 yards, 45 touchdowns, and 6 interceptions. The four cal-
one that rated passers in relation to their position in a total group culations would be:
based on various criteria. The current system, which was adopt- —Percentage of Completions—343 of 502 is 68.33 percent.
ed in 1973, removes inequities that existed in the former method Subtract 30 from the completion percentage (38.33) and multiply
and, at the same time, provides a means of comparing passing the result by 0.05. The result is a point rating of 1.916.
performances from one season to the next. Note: If the result is less than zero (Comp. Pct. less than 30.0),
It is important to remember that the system is used to rate award zero points. If the results are greater than 2.375 (Comp.
passers, not quarterbacks. Statistics do not reflect leadership, Pct. greater than 77.5), award 2.375.
play-calling, and other intangible factors that go into making a —Average Yards Gained Per Attempt—4,643 yards divided by
successful professional quarterback. Four categories are used as 502 attempts is 9.25. Subtract three yards from yards-per-
a basis for compiling a rating: attempt (6.25) and multiply the result by 0.25. The result is 1.562.
—Percentage of completions per attempt Note: If the result is less than zero (yards per attempt less than
—Average yards gained per attempt 3.0), award zero points. If the result is greater than 2.375 (yards
—Percentage of touchdown passes per attempt per attempt greater than 12.5), award 2.375 points.
—Percentage of interceptions per attempt —Percentage of Touchdown Passes—45 touchdowns in 502
The average standard is 1.000. The bottom is .000. To earn a attempts is 8.96 percent. Multiply the touchdown percentage by
2.000 rating, a passer must perform at exceptional levels, i.e., 70 0.2. The result is 1.793.
percent in completions, 10 percent in touchdowns, 1.5 percent in Note: If the result is greater than 2.375 (touchdown percentage
interceptions, and 11 yards average gain per pass attempt. The greater than 11.875), award 2.375.
maximum a passer can receive in any category is 2.375. —Percentage of Interceptions—Six interceptions in 502
For example, to gain a 2.375 in completion percentage, a attempts is 1.20 percent. Multiply the interception percentage by
passer would have to complete 77.5 percent of his passes. The 0.25 (0.299) and subtract the number from 2.375. The result is
NFL record is 71.23 by Drew Brees (New Orleans, 2011). To earn 2.076.
a 2.375 in percentage of touchdowns, a passer would have to Note: If the result is less than zero (interception percentage
achieve a percentage of 11.9. The record is 13.9 by Sid Luckman greater than 9.5), award zero points.
(Chicago, 1943). To gain 2.375 in percentage of interceptions, a The sum of the four steps is (1.916 + 1.562 + 1.793 +
passer would have to go the entire season without an intercep- 2.076) 7.348. The sum is then divided by six (1.225) and multi-
tion. The 2.375 figure in average yards is 12.50, compared with plied by 100. In this case, the result is 122.5. This same formu-
the NFL record of 11.17 by Tommy O’Connell (Cleveland, 1957). la can be used to determine a passer rating for any player who
In order to make the rating more understandable, the point rat- attempts at least one pass.
ing is then converted into a scale of 100, with 158.3 being the The following is a list of the Top 25 single-season passer rat-
highest rating a passer can achieve. In cases where statistical ings among qualifying players:
performance has been superior, it is possible for a passer to sur-


Yds. TD Int.
Player, Team Season Rating Att. Comp. Pct. Yds. Avg. TD Pct. Int. Pct.
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay 2011 *122.5 502 343 68.3 4,643 9.25 45 9.0 6 1.2
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis 2004 121.1 497 336 67.6 4,557 9.17 49 9.9 10 2.0
Nick Foles, Philadelphia 2013 119.2 317 203 64.0 2,891 9.12 27 8.5 2 0.6
Tom Brady, New England 2007 117.2 578 398 68.9 4,806 8.31 50 8.7 8 1.4
Peyton Manning, Denver 2013 115.1 659 450 68.3 *5,477 8.31 *55 8.3 10 1.5
Tony Romo, Dallas 2014 113.2 435 304 69.9 3,705 8.52 34 7.8 9 2.1
Steve Young, San Francisco 1994 112.8 461 324 70.2 3,969 8.61 35 7.6 10 2.2
Joe Montana, San Francisco 1989 112.4 386 271 70.2 3,521 9.12 26 6.7 8 2.1
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay 2014 112.2 520 341 65.6 4,381 8.43 38 7.3 5 1.0
Tom Brady, New England 2010 111.0 492 324 65.9 3,900 7.93 36 7.3 4 0.8
Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota 2004 110.9 548 379 69.2 4,717 8.61 39 7.1 11 2.0
Drew Brees, New Orleans 2011 110.6 657 468 *71.2 5,476 8.33 46 7.0 14 2.1
Milt Plum, Cleveland 1960 110.4 250 151 60.4 2,297 9.19 21 8.4 5 2.0
Russell Wilson, Seattle 2015 110.1 483 329 68.1 4,024 8.33 34 7.0 8 1.7
Sammy Baugh, Washington 1945 109.9 182 128 70.3 1,669 9.17 11 6.0 4 2.2
Drew Brees, New Orleans 2009 109.6 514 363 70.6 4,388 8.54 34 6.6 11 2.1
Kurt Warner, St. Louis 1999 109.2 499 325 65.1 4,353 8.72 41 8.2 13 2.6
Josh McCown, Chicago 2013 109.0 224 149 66.5 1,829 8.17 13 5.8 1 0.4
Dan Marino, Miami 1984 108.9 564 362 64.2 5,084 9.01 48 8.5 17 3.0
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay 2012 108.0 552 371 67.2 4,295 7.78 39 7.1 8 1.4
Sid Luckman, Chicago Bears 1943 107.5 202 110 54.5 2,194 10.86 28 13.9 12 5.9
Brett Favre, Minnesota 2009 107.2 531 363 68.4 4,202 7.91 30 5.6 7 1.3
Steve Young, San Francisco 1992 107.0 402 268 66.7 3,465 8.62 25 6.2 7 1.7
Andy Dalton, Cincinnati 2015 106.3 386 255 66.1 3,250 8.42 25 6.5 7 1.8
Randall Cunningham, Minnesota 1998 106.0 425 259 60.9 3,704 8.72 34 8.0 10 2.4
*NFL Record

310 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Player Games Att. Comp. Pct. Yards Gain TD Int. Rating
Bart Starr 10 213 130 61.0 1,753 8.23 15 3 104.8
Kurt Warner 13 462 307 66.5 3,952 8.55 31 14 102.8
Drew Brees 11 464 306 65.9 3,539 7.63 24 6 100.7
Alex Smith 5 186 112 60.2 1,309 7.0 11 1 99.1
Aaron Rodgers 14 467 298 63.8 3,454 7.4 27 8 98.2
Joe Montana 23 734 460 62.7 5,772 7.86 45 21 95.6
Mark Sanchez 6 157 95 60.5 1,155 7.36 9 3 94.3
Ken Anderson 6 166 110 66.3 1,321 7.96 9 6 93.5
Russell Wilson 10 276 167 60.5 2,328 8.4 16 9 93.4
Tony Romo 6 185 114 61.6 1,316 7.11 8 2 93.0

Player Games Att. Comp. Pct. Yards Gain TD Int. Rating
Drew Brees 11 464 306 65.9 3,539 7.63 24 6 100.7
Alex Smith 5 186 112 60.2 1,309 7.0 11 1 99.1
Aaron Rodgers 13 467 298 63.8 3,454 7.4 27 8 98.2
Mark Sanchez 6 157 95 60.5 1,155 7.36 9 3 94.3
Russell Wilson 10 276 167 60.5 2,328 8.4 16 9 93.4
Tony Romo 6 185 114 61.6 1,316 7.11 8 2 93.0
Eli Manning 11 356 219 61.5 2,516 7.07 17 8 89.3
Joe Flacco 15 447 253 56.6 3,223 7.21 25 10 88.6
Tom Brady 31 1,183 738 62.4 7,957 6.7 56 28 88.0


Minimum: 1,500 Attempts
Drew Brees 66.36 8,085 5,365 Sid Luckman 7.86 1,744 137
Chad Pennington 66.05 2,471 1,632 Frank Ryan 6.99 2,133 149
Kurt Warner 65.50 4,070 2,666 Len Dawson 6.39 3,741 239
Peyton Manning 65.30 9,380 6,125 Aaron Rodgers 6.35 4,047 257
Tony Romo 65.25 4,331 2,826 Daryle Lamonica 6.31 2,601 164
Aaron Rodgers 65.06 4,047 2,633 Sammy Baugh 6.24 2,995 187
Philip Rivers 64.84 5,339 3,462 Russell Wilson 6.11 1,735 106
Russell Wilson 64.73 1,735 1,123 Charlie Conerly 6.11 2,833 173
Matt Ryan 64.35 4,530 2,915 Bob Waterfield 6.00 1,617 97
Steve Young 64.28 4,149 2,667 Earl Morrall 5.99 2,689 161

Otto Graham 8.63 1,565 13,499 Aaron Rodgers 1.61 4,047 65
Sid Luckman 8.42 1,744 14,686 Tom Brady 1.93 7,792 150
Norm Van Brocklin 8.16 2,895 23,611 Russell Wilson 1.96 1,735 34
Russell Wilson 8.05 1,735 13,974 Neil O’Donnell 2.11 3,229 68
Aaron Rodgers 8.01 4,047 32,399 Donovan McNabb 2.18 5,374 117
Steve Young 7.98 4,149 33,124 Jeff Garcia 2.26 3,676 83
Kurt Warner 7.95 4,070 32,344 Sam Bradford 2.27 2,292 52
Ben Roethlisberger 7.93 5,423 42,995 Alex Smith 2.29 3,619 83
Tony Romo 7.89 4,331 34,154 Mark Brunell 2.33 4,640 108
Ed Brown 7.85 1,987 15,600 Matt Ryan 2.36 4,530 107

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 311

Tom Brady 172-51-0 .771 Season Team Record Prior Season
Russell Wilson 46-18-0 .719 1967 Houston 9-4-1 *3-11-0
Aaron Rodgers 80-39-0 .672 1968 Minnesota 8-6-0 3-8-3
Ben Roethlisberger 113-56-0 .669 1970 Cincinnati 8-6-0 4-9-1
Andy Dalton 50-26-1 .656 1970 San Francisco 10-3-1 4-8-2
Andrew Luck 35-20-0 .636 1972 Green Bay 10-4-0 4-8-2
Joe Flacco 75-47-0 .615 1975 Baltimore 10-4-0 2-12-0
Tony Romo 78-49-0 .614 1979 Tampa Bay 10-6-0 5-11-0
Teddy Bridgewater 17-11-0 .607 1981 Cincinnati 12-4-0 6-10-0
Matt Ryan 74-52-0 .587 1981 Tampa Bay 9-7-0 *5-10-1
Cam Newton 45-32-1 .583 1987 Indianapolis 9-6-0 3-13-0
Drew Stanton 7- 5-0 .583 1988 Cincinnati 12-4-0 4-11-0
Brian Hoyer 15-11-0 .577 1990 Cincinnati 9-7-0 8-8-0
Philip Rivers 92-68-0 .575 1991 Denver 12-4-0 5-11-0
Colin Kaepernick 27-20-0 .574 1992 San Diego 11-5-0 4-12-0
Drew Brees 124-92-0 .574 1993 Detroit 10-6-0 *5-11-0
Alex Smith 68-52-1 .566 1996 Carolina 12-4-0 *7-9-0
Michael Vick 61-51-1 .544 1996 Denver 13-3-0 *8-8-0
Nick Foles 19-16-0 .543 1997 New York Giants 10-5-1 6-10-0
Tyrod Taylor 7- 6-0 .538 1999 Indianapolis 13-3-0 3-13-0
Eli Manning 97-86-0 .530 1999 St. Louis 13-3-0 *4-12-0
Carson Palmer 83-76-0 .522 2000 New Orleans 10-6-0 3-13-0
Matt Moore 13-12-0 .520 2001 Chicago 13-3-0 5-11-0
Mark Sanchez 37-35-0 .514 2001 New England 11-5-0 5-11-0
Matt Schaub 47-45-0 .511 2003 Carolina 11-5-0 7-9-0
Jay Cutler 67-67-0 .500 2003 Kansas City 13-3-0 *8-8-0
Tarvaris Jackson 17-17-0 .500 2004 Atlanta 11-5-0 5-11-0
Shaun Hill 16-18-0 .471 2004 San Diego 12-4-0 *4-12-0
Ryan Tannehill 29-35-0 .453 2005 Chicago 11-5-0 5-11-0
Matthew Stafford 42-51-0 .452 2005 New York Giants 11-5-0 *6-10-0
Derek Anderson 20-25-0 .444 2005 Tampa Bay 11-5-0 5-11-0
Matt Cassel 35-44-0 .443 2006 Baltimore 13-3-0 *6-10-0
Kirk Cousins 11-14-0 .440 2006 New Orleans 10-6-0 3-13-0
Ryan Fitzpatrick 43-61-1 .414 2006 Philadelphia 10-6-0 6-10-0
Josh Freeman 25-36-0 .410 2007 Tampa Bay 9-7-0 4-12-0
Sam Bradford 25-37-1 .405 2008 Miami 11-5-0 1-15-0
Robert Griffin III 14-21-0 .400 2009 New Orleans 13-3-0 8-8-0
Kellen Clemens 8-13-0 .381 2010 Kansas City 10-6-0 4-12-0
Geno Smith 11-18-0 .379 2011 Denver 8-8-0 4-12-0
EJ Manuel 6-10-0 .375 2011 Houston 10-6-0 *6-10-0
Jameis Winston 6-10-0 .375 2012 Washington 10-6-0 5-11-0
Chad Henne 18-35-0 .340 2013 Philadelphia 10-6-0 4-12-0
Case Keenum 5-10-0 .333 2013 Carolina 12-4-0 *7-9-0
Josh McCown 18-39-0 .316 2015 Washington 9-7-0 4-12-0
Derek Carr 10-22-0 .313 *tied for last place
Austin Davis 3- 7-0 .300
Bruce Gradkowski 6-14-0 .300 LONGEST WINNING STREAKS SINCE 1970
Terrelle Pryor 3- 7-0 .300 23 Indianapolis, 2008-09 (9 in 2008; 14 in 2009)
Colt McCoy 7-18-0 .280 21 New England, 2006-08 (3 in 2006, 16 in 2007, 2 in 2008)
Mike Glennon 5-13-0 .278 18 New England, 2003-04 (12 in 2003, 6 in 2004)
Blake Bortles 8-21-0 .276 18 Carolina, 2014-15 (4 in 2014; 14 in 2015)
Marcus Mariota 3- 9-0 .250 17 Denver, 2012-13 (11 in 2012; 6 in 2013)
Brandon Weeden 6-19-0 .240 16 Miami, 1971-73 (1 in 1971, 14 in 1972, 1 in 1973)
Blaine Gabbert 8-27-0 .229 16 Miami, 1983-84 (5 in 1983, 11 in 1984)
Luke McCown 2- 8-0 .200 16 Pittsburgh, 2004-05 (14 in 2004, 2 in 2005)
Dan Orlovsky 2-10-0 .167 15 San Francisco, 1989-90 (5 in 1989, 10 in 1990)
Jimmy Clausen 1-13-0 .071 15 Green Bay, 2010-11 (2 in 2010, 13 in 2011)
Zach Mettenberger 0-10-0 .000 14 Oakland, 1976-77 (10 in 1976, 4 in 1977)
14 Denver, 1997-98 (1 in 1997, 13 in 1998)
MOST GAME-WINNING DRIVES IN FOURTH QUARTER OR 13 Minnesota, 1974-75 (3 in 1974, 10 in 1975)
OVERTIME SINCE 1970 13 Chicago, 1984-85 (1 in 1984, 12 in 1985)
54 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, 13 New York Giants, 1989-90 (3 in 1989, 10 in 1990)
2012-15 13 Indianapolis, 2005
47 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999 13 Tennessee, 2007-08 (3 in 2007, 10 in 2008)
43 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; 13 New Orleans, 2009
New York Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010 12 Washington, 1990-91 (1 in 1990, 11 in 1991)
40 John Elway, Denver, 1983-1998 11 Pittsburgh, 1975
39 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015 11 Baltimore, 1975-76 (9 in 1975, 2 in 1976)

312 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

11 Chicago, 1986-87 (7 in 1986, 4 in 1987) 2001 23 16 13
11 Houston, 1993 2002 21 21 19
11 San Francisco, 1997 2003 22 17 14
11 Jacksonville, 1999 2004 *27 *26 17
11 Indianapolis, 1999 2005 18 17 14
11 Seattle, 2005 2006 25 24 20
11 San Diego, 2006-07 (10 in 2006, 1 in 2007) 2007 23 16 15
11 San Diego, 2009 2008 22 19 18
2009 24 19 17
Team Number of Seasons in Playoffs 2011 22 22 16
Dallas 31 2012 24 19 15
Green Bay 31 2013 25 19 18
New York Giants 31 2014 24 21 16
Pittsburgh 29 2015 25 18 14
Minnesota 28
Indianapolis 27 RECORD OF TEAMS ON THE ROAD (1970-2015)
Los Angeles 27 Year W L T Pct.
Chicago 25 1970 72 101 9 .420
San Francisco 25 1971 74 100 8 .429
Cleveland 24 1972 87 90 5 .492
Philadelphia 24 1973 66 109 7 .382
Washington 24 1974 82 99 1 .453
New England 23 1975 81 101 0 .445
Denver 22 1976 83 112 1 .426
Miami 22 1977 83 113 0 .423
Oakland 21 1978 93 130 1 .417
Tennessee 21 1979 92 132 0 .411
Kansas City 18 1980 101 122 1 .453
San Diego 18 1981 84 139 1 .377
Buffalo 17 1982 57 68 1 .456
Detroit 16 1983 104 119 1 .467
Seattle 15 1984 94 129 1 .422
Cincinnati 14 1985 80 144 0 .357
New York Jets 14 1986 104 118 2 .469
Atlanta 12 1987 95 114 1 .455
Arizona 10 1988 92 131 1 .413
Baltimore 10 1989 95 128 1 .426
New Orleans 10 1990 93 131 0 .415
Tampa Bay 10 1991 92 132 0 .411
Carolina 7 1992 88 136 0 .393
Jacksonville 6 1993 101 123 0 .451
Houston 3 1994 96 128 0 .429
1995 96 144 0 .400
TEAMS IN SUPER BOWL CONTENTION (1978-2015) 1996 91 149 0 .379
With 3 Weeks With 2 Weeks With 1 Week 1997 93 145 2 .392
to Play to Play to Play 1998 89 151 0 .371
1978 20 17 12 1999 100 148 0 .403
1979 19 15 13 2000 110 138 0 .444
1980 20 14 12 2001 112 136 0 .452
1981 21 20 16 2002 107 148 1 .420
1982 *27 25 *22 2003 99 157 0 .387
1983 24 19 15 2004 111 145 0 .434
1984 18 14 13 2005 105 151 0 .410
1985 21 18 13 2006 120 136 0 .469
1986 19 17 14 2007 109 147 0 .426
1987 19 19 15 2008 109 146 1 .428
1988 21 18 15 2009 110 146 0 .430
1989 21 18 17 2010 113 143 0 .441
1990 23 20 15 2011 111 145 0 .434
1991 20 18 13 2012 109 146 1 .428
1992 20 16 14 2013 102 153 1 .400
1993 20 18 16 2014 110 145 1 .432
1994 25 22 15 2015 118 138 0 .461
1995 *27 21 18
1997 22 18 14 (1970-2015)
1998 22 19 14 Games Decided by Games Decided by
1999 23 20 16 7 Points or Fewer 3 Points or Fewer
2000 19 17 16 1970 59 of 182 (32.4%) 34 of 182 (18.7%)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 313

Games Decided by Games Decided by TWO-POINT CONVERSION RESULTS (1994-2015)
7 Points or Fewer 3 Points or Fewer 1994 59 of 116 (50.9%) 2005 27 of 53 (50.9%)
1971 76 of 182 (41.8%) 35 of 182 (19.2%) 1995 40 of 104 (38.5%) 2006 21 of 41 (51.2%)
1972 71 of 182 (39.0%) 38 of 182 (20.9%) 1996 44 of 92 (47.8%) 2007 30 of 61 (49.2%)
1973 60 of 182 (32.9%) 28 of 182 (15.4%) 1997 47 of 109 (43.1%) 2008 28 of 68 (41.2%)
1974 91 of 182 (50.0%) 37 of 182 (20.3%) 1998 41 of 105 (39.1%) 2009 24 of 60 (40.0%)
1975 62 of 182 (34.1%) 35 of 182 (19.2%) 1999 31 of 84 (36.9%) 2010 26 of 53 (49.1%)
1976 73 of 196 (37.2%) 38 of 196 (19.4%) 2000 35 of 85 (41.2%) 2011 23 of 50 (46.0%)
2001 40 of 90 (44.4%) 2012 29 of 58 (50.0%)
1977 85 of 196 (43.4%) 36 of 196 (18.4%)
2002 47 of 98 (48.0%) 2013 33 of 69 (47.8%)
1978 108 of 224 (48.2%) 49 of 224 (21.9%)
2003 29 of 66 (43.9%) 2014 28 of 59 (47.5%)
1979 104 of 224 (46.4%) 51 of 224 (22.8%) 2004 37 of 76 (48.7%) 2015 45 of 94 (47.9%)
1980 108 of 224 (48.2%) 58 of 224 (25.9%)
1981 91 of 224 (40.6%) 60 of 224 (26.8%) RECORDS AFTER BYE WEEKS (1990-2015)
1982 61 of 126 (48.4%) 33 of 126 (26.2%) AFC NFC
1983 106 of 224 (47.3%) 54 of 224 (24.1%) Baltimore........................13-7 Arizona.........................12-15
1984 95 of 224 (42.4%) 58 of 224 (25.9%) Buffalo..........................16-11 Atlanta..........................16-11
1985 87 of 224 (38.8%) 38 of 224 (17.0%) Cincinnati ....................8-18-1 Carolina..........................9-12
1986 106 of 224 (47.3%) 48 of 224 (21.4%) Cleveland........................8-14 Chicago........................17-10
1987 99 of 210 (47.1%) 40 of 210 (19.0%) Denver............................21-6 Dallas .............................18-9
1988 113 of 224 (50.4%) 62 of 224 (27.7%) Houston............................6-8 Detroit ..........................14-13
1989 107 of 224 (47.8%) 55 of 224 (24.6%) Indianapolis ..................16-11 Green Bay ....................17-10
1990 97 of 224 (43.3%) 54 of 224 (24.1%) Jacksonville..................10-11 Los Angeles ..............13-13-1
1991 112 of 224 (50.0%) 57 of 224 (25.4%) Kansas City ..................15-12 Minnesota .....................18- 9
1992 88 of 224 (39.3%) 48 of 224 (21.4%) Miami...........................15-12 New Orleans.................13-14
1993 *105 of 224 (46.9%) 53 of 224 (23.7%) New England ................16-11 N.Y. Giants....................10-17
1994 115 of 224 (51.3%) 60 of 224 (26.8%) N.Y. Jets .......................13-14 Philadelphia ....................21-6
1995 115 of 240 (47.9%) 61 of 240 (25.4%) Oakland ........................11-16 San Francisco ...........10-16-1
1996 109 of 240 (45.4%) 47 of 240 (19.6%) Pittsburgh.....................16-11 Seattle ............................8-19
1997 111 of 240 (46.3%) 67 of 240 (27.9%) San Diego.....................12-14 Tampa Bay ...................11-16
1998 113 of 240 (47.1%) 50 of 240 (20.8%) Tennessee ....................14-13 Washington ..................12-15
1999 115 of 248 (46.4%) **64 of 248 (25.8%)
2000 109 of 248 (44.0%) 61 of 248 (24.6%) 2015 RECORDS OF TEAMS IN CLOSE GAMES
2001 121 of 248 (48.8%) 62 of 248 (25.0%) Overall Decided by Decided By
2002 126 of 256 (49.2%) 63 of 256 (24.6%) AFC Record 8 Pts. or Fewer 3 Pts. or Fewer
2003 124 of 256 (48.4%) 60 of 256 (23.4%) Baltimore 5-11 5-9 4-3
2004 116 of 256 (45.3%) 61 of 256 (23.8%) Buffalo 8-8 3-5 1-2
2005 114 of 256 (44.5%) 60 of 256 (23.4%) Cincinnati 12-4 5-3 1-2
2006 117 of 256 (45.7%) 61 of 256 (23.8%) Cleveland 3-13 1-5 1-2
2007 110 of 256 (43.0%) 55 of 256 (21.5%) Denver 12-4 9-3 4-2
2008 115 of 256 (44.9%) 50 of 256 (19.5%) Houston 9-7 3-3 0-0
2009 110 of 256 (43.0%) 54 of 256 (21.1%) Indianapolis 8-8 7-4 4-1
2010 121 of 256 (47.3%) 65 of 256 (25.4%) Jacksonville 5-11 4-6 3-2
2011 125 of 256 (48.8%) 50 of 256 (19.5%) Kansas City 11-5 5-3 0-1
2012 120 of 256 (46.9%) 57 of 256 (22.3%) Miami 6-10 3-3 2-1
2013 123 of 256 (48.0%) 65 of 256 (25.4%) New England 12-4 6-3 1-0
2014 98 of 256 (38.3%) 53 of 256 (20.7%) N.Y. Jets 10-6 4-5 2-0
2015 131 of 256 (51.2%) 59 of 256 (23.0%) Oakland 7-9 6-5 3-2
*Week record: Dec. 11-13, 1993 (Week 15), 12 of 14 games Pittsburgh 10-6 4-4 1-2
(86%) decided by 7 points or fewer. San Diego 4-12 3-9 1-3
**Week record: Oct. 10-11, 1999 (Week 5), 10 of 14 games Tennessee 3-13 2-6 1-4
(71%) decided by 3 points or fewer. Overall Decided by Decided By
NFC Record 8 Pts. or Fewer 3 Pts. or Fewer
GAMES DECIDED BY 8 PTS. OR FEWER (1994-2015) Arizona 13-3 5-1 2-1
1994 121 of 224 (54.0%) 2007 120 of 256 (46.9%) Atlanta 8-8 6-5 2-4
1995 123 of 240 (51.3%) 2008 118 of 256 (46.1%) Carolina 15-1 7-1 3-0
1996 115 of 240 (47.9%) 2009 120 of 256 (46.9%) Chicago 6-10 5-7 3-4
1997 120 of 240 (50.0%) 2010 131 of 256 (51.2%) Dallas 4-12 2-6 2-2
1998 120 of 240 (50.0%) 2011 132 of 256 (51.6%) Detroit 7-9 5-4 2-1
1999 124 of 248 (50.0%) 2012 131 of 256 (51.2%) Green Bay 10-6 3-4 0-1
2000 119 of 248 (48.0%) 2013 131 of 256 (51.2%) Minnesota 11-5 4-2 2-2
2001 *128 of 248 (51.6%) 2014 110 of 256 (43.0%) New Orleans 7-9 5-5 2-1
2002 137 of 256 (53.5%) 2015 140 of 256 (54.7%) N.Y. Giants 6-10 3-8 1-5
2003 132 of 256 (51.6%) *Week record: Oct. 14-15, Philadelphia 7-9 5-3 1-3
2004 121 of 256 (47.3%) 2001 (Week 5), 12 of 14 St. Louis 7-9 5-4 2-3
2005 123 of 256 (48.0%) games (86%) decided by 8 San Francisco 5-11 4-2 2-1
2006 126 of 256 (49.2%) points or fewer Seattle 10-6 2-5 2-2
Tampa Bay 6-10 5-4 1-1
Washington 9-7 4-3 3-1

314 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

THE FOLLOWING YEAR 1997 Denver Broncos...................................Super Bowl XXXII
Baltimore Ravens—Super Bowl XLVII champions did not make (Defeated Green Bay, 31-24)
playoffs in 2013 season. 1992 Buffalo Bills .........................................Super Bowl XXVII
New York Giants—Super Bowl XLVI champions did not make (Lost to Dallas, 52-17)
playoffs in 2012 season. 1985 New England Patriots...............................Super Bowl XX
Pittsburgh—Super Bowl XLIII champions did not make playoffs (Lost to Chicago, 46-10)
in 2009 season. 1980 Oakland Raiders ......................................Super Bowl XV
Pittsburgh—Super Bowl XL champions did not make playoffs (Defeated Philadelphia, 27-10)
in 2006 season. 1975 Dallas Cowboys ........................................Super Bowl X
Tampa Bay—Super Bowl XXXVII champions did not make (Lost to Pittsburgh, 21-17)
playoffs in 2003 season. 1969 Kansas City Chiefs ...................................Super Bowl IV
New England—Super Bowl XXXVI champions did not make (Defeated Minnesota, 23-7)
playoffs in the 2002 season.
Denver—Super Bowl XXXIII champions did not make playoffs in TEAMS AT OR UNDER .500 IN POSTSEASON PLAY
the 1999 season. 2014 Carolina Panthers ..................................................7-8-1
New York Giants—Super Bowl XXV champions did not make 2011 Denver Broncos........................................................8-8
playoffs in the 1991 season. 2010 Seattle Seahawks .....................................................7-9
Washington—Super Bowl XXII champions did not make play- 2008 San Diego Chargers..................................................8-8
offs in the 1988 season. 2006 New York Giants .......................................................8-8
New York Giants—Super Bowl XXI champions did not make 2004 Minnesota Vikings ....................................................8-8
playoffs in the 1987 season. 2004 St. Louis Rams.........................................................8-8
San Francisco—Super Bowl XVI champions did not make 1999 Dallas Cowboys........................................................8-8
playoffs in the 1982 season. 1999 Detroit Lions.............................................................8-8
Oakland—Super Bowl XV champions did not make playoffs in 1991 New York Jets ..........................................................8-8
the 1981 season. 1990 New Orleans Saints ..................................................8-8
Pittsburgh—Super Bowl XIV champions did not make playoffs 1985 Cleveland Browns.....................................................8-8
in the 1980 season. 1982 Cleveland Browns.....................................................4-5
Kansas City—Super Bowl IV champions did not make playoffs 1982 Detroit Lions.............................................................4-5
in the 1970 season. 1969 Houston Oilers ......................................................6-6-2
Green Bay—Super Bowl II champions did not make playoffs in
SINCE 1978 2009 Dallas Cowboys Philadelphia Eagles
Year Team Wins 2008 Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens
2015 New York Jets............................................................10 2004 St. Louis Rams Seattle Seahawks
2014 Philadelphia Eagles ....................................................10 2002 Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns
2013 Arizona Cardinals.......................................................10 2000 New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles
2012 Chicago Bears ...........................................................10 1999 Tennessee Titans Jacksonville Jaguars
2010 New York Giants ........................................................10 1997 Green Bay Packers Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2010 Tampa Bay Buccaneers..............................................10 1997 New England Patriots Miami Dolphins
2008 New England Patriots .................................................11 1994 Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns
2007 Cleveland Browns ......................................................10 1993 Los Angeles Raiders Denver Broncos
2005 Kansas City Chiefs.....................................................10 1991 Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Raiders
2003 Miami Dolphins..........................................................10 1986 New York Giants Washington Redskins
1991 Philadelphia Eagles ....................................................10 1982 Miami Dolphins New York Jets
1991 San Francisco 49ers ..................................................10
1989 Green Bay Packers.....................................................10 COLDEST NFL GAMES ON RECORD
1989 Washington Redskins.................................................10 -13 degrees (-48 degree wind chill)—December 31, 1967,
1988 New Orleans Saints....................................................10 Lambeau Field, Green Bay, Wisconsin, NFL Championship
1988 New York Giants ........................................................10 (Green Bay 21, Dallas 17)
1986 Cincinnati Bengals .....................................................10 -9 degrees (-59 degree wind chill)—January 10, 1982,
1986 Seattle Seahawks.......................................................10 Riverfront Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio, AFC Championship
1985 Denver Broncos .........................................................11 (Cincinnati 27, San Diego 7)
1985 Washington Redskins.................................................10 -1 degrees (-23 degree wind chill)—January 20, 2008,
1981 Denver Broncos .........................................................10 Lambeau Field, Green Bay, Wisconsin, NFC Championship
1980 New England Patriots .................................................10 (New York Giants 23, Green Bay 20 in OT)
1979 Washington Redskins.................................................10 -6 degrees (-25 degree wind chill)--January 10, 2016, TCF
Bank Stadium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, NFC First-Round
2010 Green Bay Packers ................................Super Bowl XLV
(Defeated Pittsburgh, 31-25)
2007 New York Giants ....................................Super Bowl XLII
(Defeated New England, 17-14)
2005 Pittsburgh Steelers ..................................Super Bowl XL
(Defeated Seattle, 21-10)
2000 Baltimore Ravens ................................Super Bowl XXXV
(Defeated New York Giants, 34-7)
1999 Tennessee Titans................................Super Bowl XXXIV

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 315

Offense Most Scored Fewest Scored Seattle 40 91 49 91 6 277
1st Quarter 121 New Orleans 25 San Francisco Minnesota 52 104 47 99 0 302
2nd Quarter 167 Carolina 56 Green Bay Carolina 70 51 79 105 3 308
3rd Quarter 142 Arizona 42 San Francisco Arizona 61 100 62 90 0 313
4th Quarter 145 Pittsburgh 51 St. Louis Green Bay 45 121 106 51 0 323
Defense Fewest Allowed Most Allowed St. Louis 77 71 72 104 6 330
1st Quarter 33 N.Y. Jets 110 Chicago Atlanta 80 95 87 80 3 345
Dallas 66 100 64 132 12 374
2nd Quarter 51 Carolina 163 Jax & SF
Washington 71 84 100 118 6 379
3rd Quarter 37 Pittsburgh 123 New Orleans San Francisco 79 163 56 89 0 387
4th Quarter 51 Green Bay 140 NO & NYG Chicago 110 106 72 100 9 397
Detroit 36 132 97 135 0 400
2015 NFL SCORE BY QUARTERS Tampa Bay 85 132 95 105 0 417
AFC Offense 1 2 3 4 OT PTS Philadelphia 87 136 92 115 0 430
New England 89 146 100 130 0 465 N.Y. Giants 87 126 86 140 3 442
Pittsburgh 63 134 81 145 0 423 New Orleans 68 139 123 140 6 476
Cincinnati 90 126 92 108 3 419 NFL TOTALS 2,238 3,550 2,447 3,355 90 11,680
Kansas City 95 132 63 115 0 405
N.Y. Jets 76 98 93 111 9 387
Buffalo 87 103 77 112 0 379
Jacksonville 35 126 94 121 0 376
Oakland 58 136 84 78 3 359
Denver 67 103 57 116 12 355
Houston 59 76 81 123 0 339
Indianapolis 61 101 59 106 6 333
Baltimore 64 88 58 115 3 328
San Diego 52 112 51 105 0 320
Miami 47 113 67 83 0 310
Tennessee 67 71 84 71 6 299
Cleveland 50 90 48 87 3 278

NFC Offense 1 2 3 4 OT PTS

Carolina 99 167 130 98 6 500
Arizona 86 153 142 108 0 489
Seattle 77 128 111 107 0 423
N.Y. Giants 71 138 74 137 0 420
New Orleans 121 97 81 103 6 408
Washington 102 110 61 115 0 388
Philadelphia 64 112 98 97 6 377
Green Bay 106 56 86 120 0 368
Minnesota 76 91 92 103 3 365
Detroit 85 107 56 107 3 358
Tampa Bay 58 117 74 90 3 342
Atlanta 47 124 56 106 6 339
Chicago 41 125 45 124 0 335
St. Louis 69 93 64 51 3 280
Dallas 51 84 46 94 0 275
San Francisco 25 93 42 69 9 238

AFC Defense 1 2 3 4 OT PTS

Cincinnati 37 70 76 93 3 279
Kansas City 70 70 60 87 0 287
Denver 41 98 58 99 0 296
Houston 72 132 51 58 0 313
N.Y. Jets 33 136 71 74 0 314
New England 36 90 73 104 12 315
Pittsburgh 64 92 37 123 3 319
Buffalo 59 126 104 70 0 359
Miami 96 127 65 101 0 389
San Diego 90 103 73 129 3 398
Oakland 102 96 63 138 0 399
Baltimore 80 124 91 103 3 401
Indianapolis 67 129 106 100 6 408
Tennessee 96 127 75 125 0 423
Cleveland 98 116 88 127 3 432
Jacksonville 83 163 69 130 3 448

316 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

IN NFL HISTORY (Gallery kick) October 25, 1959, at Minneapolis
(Most Points Overcome To Win Game) StL — Noga 23 fumble recovery Philadelphia 0 0 21 7 — 28
(Gallery kick) Chicago Cardinals 7 10 7 0 — 24
REGULAR SEASON GAMES StL — J. Smith 11 pass from Cardinals— Crow 10 pass from Roach
FROM 28 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Lomax (Gallery kick) (Conrad kick)
December 7, 1980, at San Francisco StL — J. Smith 17 pass from Cardinals— J. Hill 77 blocked field goal
New Orleans 14 21 0 0 0 — 35 Lomax (Gallery kick) return (Conrad kick)
San Francisco 0 7 14 14 3 — 38 Cardinals— FG Conrad 15
NO — Harris 33 pass from Man- FROM 25 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Cardinals— Lane 37 interception return
ning (Ricardo kick) October 5, 2014, at Tennessee (Conrad kick)
NO — Childs 21 pass from Man- Cleveland 0 10 3 16 — 29 Phil — Barnes 1 run (Walston kick)
ning (Ricardo kick) Tennessee 7 21 0 0 — 28 Phil — McDonald 29 pass from
NO — Holmes 1 run (Ricardo kick) Ten — Wright 11 pass from Locker Van Brocklin (Walston kick)
SF — Solomon 57 punt return (Succop kick) Phil — Barnes 2 run (Walston kick)
(Wersching kick) Ten — Locker 11 run (Succop kick) Phil — McDonald 22 pass from
NO — Holmes 1 run (Ricardo kick) Cle — FG Cundiff 38 Van Brocklin (Walston kick)
NO — Harris 41 pass from Ten — Wright 11 pass from
Manning (Ricardo kick) Whitehurst (Succop kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
SF — Montana 1 run Ten — Hunter 75 pass from October 23, 1960, at Denver
(Wersching kick) Whitehurst (Succop kick) Boston 10 7 7 0 — 24
SF — Clark 71 pass from Montana Cle — Dray 1 pass from Hoyer Denver 0 0 14 17 — 31
(Wersching kick) (Cundiff kick) Bos — FG Cappelletti 12
SF — Solomon 14 pass from Cle — FG Cundiff 42 Bos — Colclough 10 pass from
Montana (Wersching kick) Cle — Safety, Carder blocked punt Songin (Cappelletti kick)
SF — Elliott 7 run of end zone Bos — Wells 6 pass from Songin
(Wersching kick) Cle — Benjamin 17 pass from (Cappelletti kick)
SF — FG Wersching 36 Hoyer Bos — Miller 47 pass from Songin
(Cundiff kick) (Cappelletti kick)
FROM 26 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Cle — Benjamin 6 pass from Hoyer Den — Carmichael 21 pass from
September 21, 1997, at Buffalo (Cundiff kick) Tripucka (Mingo kick)
Indianapolis 14 12 0 9 — 35 Den — Jessup 19 pass from
Buffalo 0 10 6 21 — 37 FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Tripucka (Mingo kick)
Ind — Bailey 10 pass from Har- October 27, 1946, at Washington Den — Carmichael 35 lateral from
baugh (Blanchard kick) Philadelphia 0 0 14 14 — 28 Taylor, pass from Tripucka
Ind — Faulk 10 run Washington 10 14 0 0 — 24 (Mingo kick)
(Blanchard kick) Wash — Rosato 2 run (Poillon kick) Den — Taylor 8 pass from Tripucka
Ind — FG Blanchard 39 Wash — FG Poillon 28 (Mingo kick)
Ind — FG Blanchard 36 Wash — Rosato 4 run (Poillon kick) Den — FG Mingo 9
Ind — FG Blanchard 49 Wash — Lapka recovered fumble in
Ind — FG Blanchard 22 end zone (Poillon kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
Buff — Johnson 16 pass from Phil — Steele 1 run (Lio kick) December 15, 1974, at Miami
Collins (Christie kick) Phil — Pritchard 45 pass from New England 21 3 0 3 — 27
Buff — FG Christie 27 Thompson (Lio kick) Miami 0 17 7 10 — 34
Buff — A. Smith 15 run Phil — Steinke 7 pass from NE — Hannah recovered fumble in
(2-pt attempt failed) Thompson (Lio kick) end zone (J. Smith kick)
Ind — FG Blanchard 25 Phil — Ferrante 30 pass from NE — Sanders 23 interception
Buff — Early 4 pass from Collins Thompson (Lio kick) return (J. Smith kick)
(Christie kick) NE — Herron 4 pass from Plunkett
Buff — A. Smith 1 run FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: (J. Smith kick)
(Christie kick) October 20, 1957, at Detroit NE — FG J. Smith 46
Buff — A. Smith 54 run Baltimore 7 14 6 0 — 27 Mia — Nottingham 1 run
(Christie kick) Detroit 0 3 7 21 — 31 (Yepremian kick)
Ind — Harrison 2 pass from Justin Balt — Mutscheller 15 pass from Mia — Baker 37 pass from Morrall
(2-pt attempt failed) Unitas (Rechichar kick) (Yepremian kick)
Det — FG Martin 47 Mia — FG Yepremian 28
FROM 25 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Balt — Moore 72 pass from Unitas Mia — Baker 46 pass from Morrall
November 8, 1987, at St. Louis (Rechichar kick) (Yepremian kick)
Tampa Bay 7 7 14 0 — 28 Balt — Mutscheller 52 pass from NE — FG J. Smith 34
St. Louis 0 3 0 28 — 31 Unitas (Rechichar kick) Mia — Nottingham 2 run
TB — Carrier 5 pass from DeBerg Balt — Moore 4 pass from Unitas (Yepremian kick)
(Igwebuike kick) (kick failed) Mia — FG Yepremian 40
TB — Carter 3 pass from DeBerg Det — Junker 14 pass from Rote
(Igwebuike kick) (Layne kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
StL — FG Gallery 31 Det — Cassady 26 pass from December 4, 1977, at Minnesota
TB — Smith 34 pass from DeBerg Layne (Layne kick) San Francisco 0 10 14 3 — 27
(Igwebuike kick) Det — Johnson 1 run (Layne kick) Minnesota 0 0 7 21 — 28
TB — Smith 3 run Det — Cassady 29 pass from SF — Delvin Williams 2 run
(Igwebuike kick) Layne (Layne kick) (Wersching kick)
SF — FG Wersching 31

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 317

SF — Dave Williams 80 kickoff Raiders — Allen 3 run (Bahr kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
return (Wersching kick) Raiders — Allen 6 run (Bahr kick) October 15, 2012, at San Diego
SF — Delvin Williams 5 run Raiders — Hawkins 1 run (Bahr kick) Denver 0 0 14 21 — 35
(Wersching kick) San Diego 10 14 0 0 — 24
Minn — McClanahan 15 pass from FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: SD — FG Novak
Lee (Cox kick) September 26, 1988, at Denver SD — Gates 15 pass from Rivers
Minn — Rashad 8 pass from Kramer L.A. Raiders 0 0 14 13 3 — 30 (Novak kick)
(Cox kick) Denver 7 17 0 3 0 — 27 SD — Jammer 80 interception
Minn — Tucker 9 pass from Kramer Den — Dorsett 1 run (Karlis kick) return (Novak kick)
(Cox kick) Den — Dorsett 1 run (Karlis kick) SD — Gates 11 pass from Rivers
SF — FG Wersching 31 Den — Sewell 7 pass from Elway (Novak kick)
Minn — S. White 69 pass from (Karlis kick) Den — D. Thomas 29 pass from
Kramer (Cox kick) Den — FG Karlis 39 Manning (Prater kick)
Raiders — Smith 40 pass from Den — Carter 65 fumble recovery
FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Schroeder (Bahr kick) (Prater kick)
September 23, 1979, at Denver Raiders — Smith 42 pass from Den — Decker 7 pass from Man-
Seattle 10 10 14 0 — 34 Schroeder (Bahr kick) ning (Prater kick)
Denver 0 10 21 6 — 37 Raiders — FG Bahr 28 Den — Stokley 21 pass from
Sea — FG Herrera 28 Raiders — Allen 4 run (Bahr kick) Manning (Prater kick)
Sea — Doornink 5 run Den — FG Karlis 25 Den — Harris 46 interception return
(Herrera kick) Raiders — FG Bahr 44 (Prater kick)
Den — FG Turner 27 Raiders — FG Bahr 35
Sea — Doornink 5 run FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
(Herrera kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: November 24, 2013, at New England
Den — Armstrong 2 run December 6, 1992, at Tampa Denver 17 7 0 7 0 — 31
(Turner kick) L.A. Rams 0 3 21 7 — 31 New England 0 0 21 10 3 — 34
Sea — FG Herrera 22 Tampa Bay 6 21 0 0 — 27 Den — Miller 60 fumble recovery
Sea — McCullum 13 pass from TB — FG Murray 34 (Prater kick)
Zorn (Herrera kick) TB — FG Murray 47 Den — Moreno 2 run (Prater kick)
Sea — Smith 1 run (Herrera kick) TB — Armstrong 81 pass from Den — FG Prater 27
Den — Studdard 2 pass from Testaverde (Murray kick) Den — Tamme 10 pass from
Morton (Turner kick) TB — Jones 26 fumble recovery Manning (Prater kick)
Den — Moses 11 pass from (Murray kick) NE — Edelman 5 pass from Brady
Morton (Turner kick) Rams— FG Zendejas 18 (Gostkowski kick)
Den — Upchurch 35 pass from TB — Carrier 10 pass from NE — Bolden 1 run (Gostkowski
Morton (Turner kick) Testaverde (Murray kick) kick)
Den — Lytle 1 run (kick failed) Rams— Anderson 40 pass from NE — Gronkowski 6 pass from
Everett (Zendejas kick) Brady (Gostkowski kick)
FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Rams— Chadwick 27 pass from NE — Edelman 14 pass from
September 23, 1979, at Cincinnati Everett (Zendejas kick) Brady (Gostkowski kick)
Houston 0 10 17 0 3 — 30 Rams— Lang 1 run (Zendejas kick) NE — FG Gostkowski 31
Cincinnati 14 10 0 3 0 — 27 Rams— Carter 8 pass from Everett Den — D. Thomas 11 pass from
Cin — Johnson 1 run (Bahr kick) (Zendejas kick) Manning (Prater kick)
Cin — Alexander 2 run (Bahr kick) NE — FG Gostkowski 31
Cin — Johnson 1 run (Bahr kick) FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
Cin — FG Bahr 52 October 2, 2011, at Dallas FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
Hou — Burrough 35 pass from Detroit 0 3 14 17 — 34 October 25, 2015, at Washington
Pastorini (Fritsch kick) Dallas 7 13 10 0 — 30 Tampa Bay 10 14 0 6 — 30
Hou — FG Fritsch 33 Dall — Bryant 25 pass from Romo Washington 0 7 14 10 — 31
Hou — Campbell 8 run (Bailey kick) TB — Evans 40 pass from Win-
(Fritsch kick) Dall — Bryant 6 pass from Romo ston (Barth kick)
Hou — Caster 22 pass from (Bailey kick) TB — FG Barth 22
Pastorini (Fritsch kick) Dall — FG Bailey 41 TB — Dye 7 pass from Winston
Hou — FG Fritsch 47 Det — FG Hanson 33 (Barth kick)
Cin — FG Bahr 55 Dall — FG Bailey 35 TB — Jones 43 fumble recovery
Hou — FG Fritsch 29 Dall — Witten 1 pass from Romo (Barth kick)
(Bailey kick) Was — Cousins 8 run (Hopkins
FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Det — Carpenter 34 interception kick)
November 22, 1982, at Los Angeles return (Hanson kick) Was — Grant 3 pass from Cousins
San Diego 10 14 0 0 — 24 Det — Houston 56 interception (Hopkins kick)
L.A. Raiders 0 7 14 7 — 28 return (Hanson kick) Was — Reed 3 pass from Cousins
SD — FG Benirschke 19 Dall — FG Bailey 23 (Hopkins kick)
SD — Scales 29 pass from Fouts Det — Johnson 23 pass from TB — FG Barth 45
(Benirschke kick) Stafford (Hanson kick) Was — FG Hopkins 35
SD — Muncie 2 run Det — FG Hanson 51 TB — FG Barth 21
(Benirschke kick) Det — Johnson 2 pass from Was — Reed 6 pass from Cousins
SD — Muncie 1 run Stafford (Hanson kick) (Hopkins kick)
(Benirschke kick)
Raiders — Christensen 1 pass from
Plunkett (Bahr kick)

318 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

POSTSEASON GAMES SF — Barlow 1 run (Chandler Cle — Byner 66 run (Bahr kick)
FROM 32 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: kick) Mia — Moore 6 pass from Marino
AFC First-Round Playoff Game NYG — Toomer 8 pass from Collins (Reveiz kick)
January 3, 1993, at Buffalo (Bryant kick) Mia — Davenport 31 run
Houston 7 21 7 3 0 — 38 NYG — Toomer 24 pass from (Reveiz kick)
Buffalo 3 0 28 7 3 — 41 Collins (Bryant kick) Mia — Davenport 1 run
Hou — Jeffires 3 pass from Moon NYG — Barber 6 run (Bryant kick) (Reveiz kick)
(Del Greco kick) NYG — FG Bryant 21
Buff — FG Christie 36 SF — Owens 26 pass from Garcia FROM 18 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
Hou — Slaughter 7 pass from Moon (Owens from Garcia) AFC Championship Playoff Game
(Del Greco kick) SF — Garcia 14 run January 21, 2007, at Indianapolis
Hou — Duncan 26 pass from Moon (Owens from Garcia) New England 7 14 7 6 — 34
(Del Greco kick) SF — Garcia 14 run Indianapolis 3 3 15 17 — 38
Hou — Jeffires 27 pass from Moon (Owens from Garcia) NE — Mankins 0 fumble recovery
(Del Greco kick) SF — FG Chandler 25 (Gostkowski kick)
Hou — McDowell 58 interception SF — Streets 13 pass from Garcia Ind — FG Vinatieri 42
return (Del Greco kick) (2-pt attempt failed) NE — Dillon 7 run
Buff — Davis 1 run (Christie kick) (Gostkowski kick)
Buff — Beebe 38 pass from Reich FROM 20 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: NE — Samuel 39 interception
(Christie kick) Western Conference Playoff Game return (Gostkowski kick)
Buff — Reed 26 pass from Reich December 22, 1957, at San Francisco Ind — FG Vinatieri 26
(Christie kick) Detroit 0 7 14 10 — 31 Ind — Manning 1 run (Vinatieri
Buff — Reed 18 pass from Reich San Francisco 14 10 3 0 — 27 kick)
(Christie kick) SF — Owens 34 pass from Tittle Ind — Klecko 1 pass from Man-
Buff — Reed 17 pass from Reich (Soltau kick) ning (Harrison from Man-
(Christie kick) SF — McElhenny 47 pass from ning)
Hou — FG Del Greco 26 Tittle (Soltau kick) NE — Gaffney 6 pass from Brady
Buff — FG Christie 32 Det — Junker 4 pass from Rote (Gostkowski kick)
(Martin kick) Ind — Saturday 0 fumble recovery
FROM 28 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: SF — Wilson 12 pass from Tittle (Vinatieri kick)
AFC First-Round Playoff Game (Soltau kick) NE — FG Gostkowski 28
January 4, 2014, at Indianapolis SF — FG Soltau 25 Ind — FG Vinatieri 36
Kansas City 10 21 10 3 — 44 SF — FG Soltau 10 NE — FG Gostkowski 43
Indianapolis 7 3 21 14 — 45 Det — Tracy 2 run (Martin kick) Ind — Addai 3 run (Vinatieri kick)
KC — Bowe 6 pass from A. Smith Det — Tracy 58 run (Martin kick)
(Succop kick) Det — Gedman 3 run (Martin kick)
Ind — Hilton 10 pass from Luck Det — FG Martin 14
(Vinatieri kick)
KC — Avery 79 pass from A. NFC Divisional Playoff Game
Smith December 23, 1972, at San Francisco
(Succop kick) Dallas 3 10 0 17 — 30
KC — Sherman 5 pass from San Francisco 7 14 7 0 — 28
A. Smith (Succop kick) SF — Washington 97 kickoff
Ind — FG Vinatieri 37 return (Gossett kick)
KC — Davis 4 run (Succop kick) Dall — FG Fritsch 37
KC — Davis 10 pass from A. SF — Schreiber 1 run
Smith (Gossett kick)
(Succop kick) SF — Schreiber 1 run
Ind — Brown 10 run (Vinatieri kick) (Gossett kick)
Ind — Brown 3 pass from Luck Dall — FG Fritsch 45
(Vinatieri kick) Dall — Alworth 28 pass from
KC — FG Succop 42 Morton (Fritsch kick)
Ind — Fleener 12 pass from Luck SF — Schreiber 1 run
(Vinatieri kick) (Gossett kick)
KC — FG Succop 43 Dall — FG Fritsch 27
Ind — Hilton 64 pass from Luck Dall — Parks 20 pass from
(Vinatieri kick) Staubach (Fritsch kick)
Dall — Sellers 10 pass from
FROM 24 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN: Staubach (Fritsch kick)
NFC First-Round Playoff Game
January 5, 2003, at San Francisco FROM 18 POINTS BEHIND TO WIN:
N.Y. Giants 7 21 10 0 — 38 AFC Divisional Playoff Game
San Francisco 7 7 8 17 — 39 January 4, 1986, at Miami
SF — Owens 76 pass from Garcia Cleveland 7 7 7 0 — 21
(Chandler kick) Miami 3 0 14 7 — 24
NYG — Toomer 12 pass from Mia — FG Reveiz 51
Collins (Bryant kick) Cle — Newsome 16 pass from
NYG — Shockey 2 pass from Kosar (Bahr kick)
Collins (Bryant kick) Cle — Byner 21 run (Bahr kick)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 319

Player Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Emmitt Smith ......................................................................................349 1,586 4.5 65 19
2. Franco Harris ......................................................................................400 1,556 3.9 50 16
3. Thurman Thomas................................................................................339 1,442 4.3 40 16
4. Tony Dorsett ......................................................................................302 1,383 4.6 53 9
5. Marcus Allen ......................................................................................267 1,347 5.0 74 11
6. Terrell Davis ........................................................................................204 1,140 5.6 62 12
7. John Riggins ......................................................................................251 996 4.0 43 12
8. Marshawn Lynch ................................................................................193 937 4.9 67 9
9. Larry Csonka ......................................................................................225 891 4.0 49 9
10. Chuck Foreman ..................................................................................229 860 3.8 62 7
Player Att. Comp. Comp. Yards Gain TD TD Int. Int. Rating
1. Bart Starr............................213 130 61.0 1,753 8.23 15 7.0 3 1.4 104.8
2. Kurt Warner ........................462 307 66.5 3,952 8.55 31 6.7 14 3.0 102.8
3. Drew Brees ........................464 306 65.9 3,539 7.63 24 5.2 6 1.3 100.7
4. Alex Smith ..........................186 112 60.2 1,309 7.00 11 5.9 1 0.5 99.1
5. Aaron Rodgers ....................467 298 63.8 3,464 7.40 27 5.8 8 1.7 98.2
6. Joe Montana ......................734 460 62.7 5,772 7.86 45 6.1 21 2.9 95.6
7. Mark Sanchez ....................157 95 60.5 1,155 7.36 9 5.7 3 1.9 94.3
8. Ken Anderson ....................166 110 66.3 1,321 7.96 9 5.4 6 3.6 93.5
9. Russell Wilson ....................276 167 60.5 2,328 8.40 16 5.8 9 3.3 93.4
10. Tony Romo ........................185 114 61.6 1,316 7.11 8 4.3 2 1.1 93.0
Player No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Jerry Rice ..........................................................................................151 2,245 14.9 72 22
2. Reggie Wayne ......................................................................................93 1,254 13.5 72 9
3. Hines Ward ..........................................................................................88 1,181 13.4 45 10
Wes Welker ..........................................................................................88 866 9.8 47 5
5. Michael Irvin ........................................................................................87 1,315 15.1 53 8
6. Andre Reed ..........................................................................................85 1,229 14.5 72 9
7. Thurman Thomas..................................................................................76 672 8.8 27 5
8. Cliff Branch ..........................................................................................73 1,289 17.7 72 5
9. Fred Biletnikoff ......................................................................................70 1,167 16.7 57 10
10. Art Monk ..............................................................................................69 1,062 15.4 48 7


Player Interceptions Player Sacks
1. Ronnie Lott ..................................................................9 1. Willie McGinest ............................................................16.0
Ed Reed........................................................................9 2. Bruce Smith ................................................................14.5
Bill Simpson ................................................................9 3. Terrell Suggs ................................................................12.5
Charlie Waters ..............................................................9 4. Reggie White................................................................12.0
5. Lester Hayes ................................................................8 5. Charles Haley ..............................................................11.0
6. Willie Brown ................................................................7 LaMarr Woodley ..........................................................11.0
Rodney Harrison ..........................................................7 7. Richard Dent ................................................................10.5
Asante Samuel..............................................................7 8. Trace Armstrong ..........................................................10.0
Dennis Thurman ..........................................................7 Dwight Freeney ............................................................10.0
10. Bobby Bryant................................................................6 Charles Mann ..............................................................10.0
Eric Davis ....................................................................6 Clay Matthews ............................................................10.0
Glen Edwards ..............................................................6 Tony Tolbert ................................................................10.0
Darrell Green ................................................................6 *Sacks became an official statistic in 1982.
Cliff Harris ....................................................................6
Ty Law..........................................................................6
Vernon Perry ................................................................6
Aeneas Williams ..........................................................6

320 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


TV % of TV % of

1 New York 7,368,320 6.503 51 New Orleans 633,140 0.559

2 Los Angeles 5,489,810 4.845 52 Providence-New Bedford 603,420 0.533
3 Chicago 3,475,220 3.067 53 Buffalo 585,350 0.517
4 Philadelphia 2,917,920 2.575 54 Fresno-Visalia 564,840 0.498
5 Dallas-Ft. Worth 2,646,370 2.335 55 Wilkes Barre-Scranton-Hztn 552,230 0.487
6 San Francisco-Oak-San Jose 2,484,690 2.193 56 Richmond-Petersburg 549,730 0.485
7 Washington, DC (Hagrstwn) 2,443,640 2.156 57 Little Rock-Pine Bluff 547,650 0.483
8 Boston (Manchester) 2,411,250 2.128 58 Mobile-Pensacola (Ft Walt) 528,440 0.466
9 Atlanta 2,385,730 2.105 59 Albany-Schenectady-Troy 522,590 0.461
10 Houston 2,373,700 2.095 60 Tulsa 519,190 0.458
11 Tampa-St. Pete (Sarasota) 1,859,820 1.641 61 Ft. Myers-Naples 505,430 0.446
12 Phoenix (Prescott) 1,848,850 1.632 62 Knoxville 503,410 0.444
13 Detroit 1,828,230 1.613 63 Lexington 472,550 0.417
14 Seattle-Tacoma 1,766,070 1.559 64 Dayton 462,200 0.408
15 Minneapolis-St. Paul 1,723,210 1.521 65 Wichita-Hutchinson Plus 439,330 0.388
16 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 1,660,020 1.465 66 Honolulu 437,120 0.386
17 Denver 1,576,090 1.391 67 Charleston-Huntington 434,540 0.383
18 Cleveland-Akron (Canton) 1,493,160 1.318 68 Green Bay-Appleton 433,970 0.383
19 Orlando-Daytona Bch-Melbrn 1,489,710 1.315 69 Roanoke-Lynchburg 433,860 0.383
20 Sacramnto-Stkton-Modesto 1,349,990 1.191 70 Tucson (Sierra Vista) 428,090 0.378
21 St. Louis 1,217,370 1.074 71 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City 427,840 0.378
22 Charlotte 1,168,610 1.031 72 Des Moines-Ames 426,240 0.376
23 Pittsburgh 1,154,550 1.019 73 Spokane 414,520 0.366
24 Portland, OR 1,136,320 1.003 74 Omaha 409,160 0.361
25 Raleigh-Durham (Fayetvlle) 1,131,460 0.999 75 Springfield, MO 404,370 0.357
26 Baltimore 1,099,890 0.971 76 Rochester, NY 402,220 0.355
27 Indianapolis 1,073,090 0.947 77 Toledo 397,620 0.351
28 San Diego 1,055,030 0.931 78 Columbia, SC 396,170 0.350
29 Nashville 990,150 0.874 79 Huntsville-Decatur (Flor) 383,940 0.339
30 Hartford & New Haven 945,250 0.834 80 Portland-Auburn 380,590 0.336
31 Columbus, OH 907,530 0.801 81 Madison 374,980 0.331
32 San Antonio 907,320 0.801 82 Paducah-Cape Girard-Harsbg 370,560 0.327
33 Kansas City 899,020 0.793 83 Shreveport 368,410 0.325
34 Salt Lake City 884,900 0.781 84 Syracuse 367,340 0.324
35 Milwaukee 882,210 0.779 85 Champaign&Sprngfld-Decatur 365,550 0.323
36 Cincinnati 868,900 0.767 86 Harlingen-Wslco-Brnsvl-McA 363,410 0.321
37 Greenvll-Spart-Ashevll-And 833,910 0.736 87 Waco-Temple-Bryan 351,120 0.310
38 West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce 791,090 0.698 88 Chattanooga 346,400 0.306
39 Austin 745,640 0.658 89 Colorado Springs-Pueblo 346,120 0.305
40 Las Vegas 736,700 0.650 90 Cedar Rapids-Wtrlo-IWC&Dub 336,040 0.297
41 Grand Rapids-Kalmzoo-B.Crk 717,990 0.634 91 Savannah 335,550 0.296
42 Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws 706,270 0.623 92 El Paso (Las Cruces) 332,920 0.294
43 Oklahoma City 701,070 0.619 93 Baton Rouge 326,820 0.288
44 Harrisburg-Lncstr-Leb-York 693,370 0.612 94 Charleston, SC 324,480 0.286
45 Birmingham (Ann and Tusc) 686,080 0.605 95 Jackson, MS 319,570 0.282
46 Greensboro-H.Point-W.Salem 679,970 0.600 96 South Bend-Elkhart 310,170 0.274
47 Jacksonville 665,330 0.587 97 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 305,520 0.270
48 Albuquerque-Santa Fe 662,570 0.585 98 Burlington-Plattsburgh 304,200 0.268
49 Louisville 653,710 0.577 99 Greenville-N.Bern-Washngtn 300,800 0.265
50 Memphis 636,140 0.561 100 Ft. Smith-Fay-Sprngdl-Rgrs 296,160 0.261

TOTAL NFL MARKETS 58,379,130 51.520

TOTAL TOP 100 MARKETS 97,796,110 86.281
TOTAL MARKETS 113,314,340 100.00

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 321

Season W L T W L T W L T
AFC 2001 3 13 1 7 2 6
BALTIMORE RAVENS 2002 8 8 5 3 3 5
All Games Home Games Road Games 2003 6 10 4 4 2 6
Season W L T W L T W L T 2004 9 7 5 3 4 4
1996 4 12 4 4 0 8 2005 5 11 4 4 1 7
1997 6 9 1 3 4 1 3 5 2006 7 9 4 4 3 5
1998 6 10 4 4 2 6 2007 7 9 4 4 3 5
1999 8 8 4 4 4 4 2008 7 9 3 5 4 4
2000 12 4 6 2 6 2 2009 6 10 3 5 3 5
2001 10 6 6 2 4 4 2010 4 12 2 6 2 6
2002 7 9 4 4 3 5 2011 6 10 5 3 1 7
2003 10 6 7 1 3 5 2012 6 10 4 4 2 6
2004 9 7 6 2 3 5 2013 6 10 4 4 2 6
2005 6 10 6 2 0 8 2014 9 7 5 3 4 4
2006 13 3 7 1 6 2 2015 8 8 5 3 3 5
2007 5 11 4 4 1 7 393 451 8 228 195 4 165 256 4
2008 11 5 6 2 5 3
2009 9 7 6 2 3 5 CINCINNATI BENGALS
2010 12 4 7 1 5 3 All Games Home Games Road Games
2011 12 4 8 0 4 4 Season W L T W L T W L T
2012 10 6 6 2 4 4 1968 3 11 2 5 1 6
2013 8 8 6 2 2 6 1969 4 9 1 4 3 0 6 1
2014 10 6 6 2 4 4 1970 8 6 5 2 3 4
2015 5 11 3 5 2 6 1971 4 10 3 4 1 6
173 146 1 109 50 1 64 96 1972 8 6 4 3 4 3
1973 10 4 7 0 3 4
BUFFALO BILLS 1974 7 7 4 3 3 4
All Games Home Games Road Games 1975 11 3 6 1 5 2
Season W L T W L T W L T 1976 10 4 6 1 4 3
1960 5 8 1 3 4 2 4 1 1977 8 6 5 2 3 4
1961 6 8 2 5 4 3 1978 4 12 3 5 1 7
1962 7 6 1 3 3 1 4 3 1979 4 12 4 4 0 8
1963 7 6 1 4 2 1 3 4 1980 6 10 3 5 3 5
1964 12 2 6 1 6 1 1981 12 4 6 2 6 2
1965 10 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 1982 7 2 4 0 3 2
1966 9 4 1 4 2 1 5 2 1983 7 9 4 4 3 5
1967 4 10 2 5 2 5 1984 8 8 5 3 3 5
1968 1 12 1 1 6 0 6 1 1985 7 9 5 3 2 6
1969 4 10 4 3 0 7 1986 10 6 6 2 4 4
1970 3 10 1 1 6 2 4 1 1987 4 11 1 7 3 4
1971 1 13 1 6 0 7 1988 12 4 8 0 4 4
1972 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5 1989 8 8 5 3 3 5
1973 9 5 5 2 4 3 1990 9 7 5 3 4 4
1974 9 5 5 2 4 3 1991 3 13 3 5 0 8
1975 8 6 3 4 5 2 1992 5 11 3 5 2 6
1976 2 12 1 6 1 6 1993 3 13 3 5 0 8
1977 3 11 1 6 2 5 1994 3 13 2 6 1 7
1978 5 11 4 4 1 7 1995 7 9 3 5 4 4
1979 7 9 3 5 4 4 1996 8 8 6 2 2 6
1980 11 5 6 2 5 3 1997 7 9 6 2 1 7
1981 10 6 7 1 3 5 1998 3 13 1 7 2 6
1982 4 5 4 1 0 4 1999 4 12 2 6 2 6
1983 8 8 3 5 5 3 2000 4 12 3 5 1 7
1984 2 14 2 6 0 8 2001 6 10 4 4 2 6
1985 2 14 2 6 0 8 2002 2 14 1 7 1 7
1986 4 12 3 5 1 7 2003 8 8 5 3 3 5
1987 7 8 4 4 3 4 2004 8 8 5 3 3 5
1988 12 4 8 0 4 4 2005 11 5 5 3 6 2
1989 9 7 6 2 3 5 2006 8 8 4 4 4 4
1990 13 3 8 0 5 3 2007 7 9 5 3 2 6
1991 13 3 7 1 6 2 2008 4 11 1 3 4 1 1 7
1992 11 5 6 2 5 3 2009 10 6 6 2 4 4
1993 12 4 6 2 6 2 2010 4 12 3 5 1 7
1994 7 9 4 4 3 5 2011 9 7 4 4 5 3
1995 10 6 6 2 4 4 2012 10 6 4 4 6 2
1996 10 6 7 1 3 5 2013 11 5 8 0 3 5
1997 6 10 4 4 2 6 2014 10 5 1 5 2 1 5 3
1998 10 6 6 2 4 4 2015 12 4 6 2 6 2
1999 11 5 6 2 5 3 338 399 3 205 163 2 133 236 1
2000 8 8 5 3 3 5

322 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1950 10 2 5 1 5 1 1960 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5
1951 11 1 6 0 5 1 1961 3 11 2 5 1 6
1952 8 4 4 2 4 2 1962 7 7 3 4 4 3
1953 11 1 6 0 5 1 1963 2 11 1 2 5 0 6 1
1954 9 3 5 1 4 2 1964 2 11 1 2 4 1 0 7
1955 9 2 1 5 1 4 1 1 1965 4 10 2 5 2 5
1956 5 7 1 5 4 2 1966 4 10 3 4 1 6
1957 9 2 1 6 0 3 2 1 1967 3 11 1 6 2 5
1958 9 3 4 2 5 1 1968 5 9 3 4 2 5
1959 7 5 3 3 4 2 1969 5 8 1 4 2 1 1 6
1960 8 3 1 4 2 4 1 1 1970 5 8 1 3 3 1 2 5
1961 8 5 1 4 3 4 2 1 1971 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5
1962 7 6 1 4 2 1 3 4 1972 5 9 3 4 2 5
1963 10 4 5 2 5 2 1973 7 5 2 3 3 1 4 2 1
1964 10 3 1 5 1 1 5 2 1974 7 6 1 3 3 1 4 3
1965 11 3 5 2 6 1 1975 6 8 5 2 1 6
1966 9 5 5 2 4 3 1976 9 5 6 1 3 4
1967 9 5 6 1 3 4 1977 12 2 6 1 6 1
1968 10 4 5 2 5 2 1978 10 6 6 2 4 4
1969 10 3 1 5 1 1 5 2 1979 10 6 6 2 4 4
1970 7 7 4 3 3 4 1980 8 8 4 4 4 4
1971 9 5 4 3 5 2 1981 10 6 8 0 2 6
1972 10 4 4 3 6 1 1982 2 7 1 4 1 3
1973 7 5 2 5 1 1 2 4 1 1983 9 7 6 2 3 5
1974 4 10 3 4 1 6 1984 13 3 7 1 6 2
1975 3 11 3 4 0 7 1985 11 5 6 2 5 3
1976 9 5 6 1 3 4 1986 11 5 7 1 4 4
1977 6 8 2 5 4 3 1987 10 4 1 7 1 3 3 1
1978 8 8 5 3 3 5 1988 8 8 6 2 2 6
1979 9 7 5 3 4 4 1989 11 5 6 2 5 3
1980 11 5 6 2 5 3 1990 5 11 4 4 1 7
1981 5 11 3 5 2 6 1991 12 4 7 1 5 3
1982 4 5 2 2 2 3 1992 8 8 7 1 1 7
1983 9 7 6 2 3 5 1993 9 7 5 3 4 4
1984 5 11 2 6 3 5 1994 7 9 4 4 3 5
1985 8 8 5 3 3 5 1995 8 8 6 2 2 6
1986 12 4 6 2 6 2 1996 13 3 8 0 5 3
1987 10 5 5 2 5 3 1997 12 4 8 0 4 4
1988 10 6 6 2 4 4 1998 14 2 8 0 6 2
1989 9 6 1 5 2 1 4 4 1999 6 10 3 5 3 5
1990 3 13 2 6 1 7 2000 11 5 6 2 5 3
1991 6 10 3 5 3 5 2001 8 8 6 2 2 6
1992 7 9 4 4 3 5 2002 9 7 5 3 4 4
1993 7 9 4 4 3 5 2003 10 6 6 2 4 4
1994 11 5 6 2 5 3 2004 10 6 6 2 4 4
1995 5 11 3 5 2 6 2005 13 3 8 0 5 3
1999 2 14 0 8 2 6 2006 9 7 4 4 5 3
2000 3 13 2 6 1 7 2007 7 9 5 3 2 6
2001 7 9 4 4 3 5 2008 8 8 4 4 4 4
2002 9 7 3 5 6 2 2009 8 8 4 4 4 4
2003 5 11 2 6 3 5 2010 4 12 3 5 1 7
2004 4 12 3 5 1 7 2011 8 8 3 5 5 3
2005 6 10 4 4 2 6 2012 13 3 7 1 6 2
2006 4 12 2 6 2 6 2013 13 3 7 1 6 2
2007 10 6 7 1 3 5 2014 12 4 8 0 4 4
2008 4 12 1 7 3 5 2015 12 4 6 2 6 2
2009 5 11 3 5 2 6 456 386 10 273 147 7 183 239 3
2010 5 11 3 5 2 6
2011 4 12 3 5 1 7 HOUSTON TEXANS
2012 5 11 4 4 1 7 All Games Home Games Road Games
2013 4 12 3 5 1 7 Season W L T W L T W L T
2014 7 9 4 4 3 5 2002 4 12 2 6 2 6
2015 3 13 2 6 1 7 2003 5 11 3 5 2 6
461 451 10 252 203 5 209 248 5 2004 7 9 3 5 4 4
*Did not play from 1996-98. 2005 2 14 2 6 0 8
2006 6 10 4 4 2 6
2007 8 8 6 2 2 6
2008 8 8 6 2 2 6
2009 9 7 4 4 5 3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 323

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
2010 6 10 4 4 2 6 2013 11 5 6 2 5 3
2011 10 6 5 3 5 3 2014 11 5 6 2 5 3
2012 12 4 6 2 6 2 2015 8 8 4 4 4 4
2013 2 14 1 7 1 7 494 433 7 269 194 5 225 239 2
2014 9 7 5 3 4 4 *includes Baltimore Colts (1953-1983).
2015 9 7 5 3 4 4
97 127 56 56 41 71 JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS
All Games Home Games Road Games
All Games Home Games Road Games 1995 4 12 2 6 2 6
Season W L T W L T W L T 1996 9 7 7 1 2 6
1953 3 9 2 4 1 5 1997 11 5 7 1 4 4
1954 3 9 2 4 1 5 1998 11 5 7 1 4 4
1955 5 6 1 4 1 1 1 5 1999 14 2 7 1 7 1
1956 5 7 4 2 1 5 2000 7 9 4 4 3 5
1957 7 5 4 2 3 3 2001 6 10 3 5 3 5
1958 9 3 6 0 3 3 2002 6 10 3 5 3 5
1959 9 3 4 2 5 1 2003 5 11 5 3 0 8
1960 6 6 4 2 2 4 2004 9 7 4 4 5 3
1961 8 6 5 2 3 4 2005 12 4 6 2 6 2
1962 7 7 3 4 4 3 2006 8 8 6 2 2 6
1963 8 6 4 3 4 3 2007 11 5 6 2 5 3
1964 12 2 7 1 5 1 2008 5 11 2 6 3 5
1965 10 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 2009 7 9 5 3 2 6
1966 9 5 5 2 4 3 2010 8 8 5 3 3 5
1967 11 1 2 6 0 1 5 1 1 2011 5 11 4 4 1 7
1968 13 1 6 1 7 0 2012 2 14 1 7 1 7
1969 8 5 1 4 2 1 4 3 2013 4 12 1 7 3 5
1970 11 2 1 5 1 1 6 1 2014 3 13 3 5 0 8
1971 10 4 5 2 5 2 2015 5 11 4 4 1 7
1972 5 9 2 5 3 4 152 184 92 76 60 108
1973 4 10 3 4 1 6
1974 2 12 0 7 2 5 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS*
1975 10 4 5 2 5 2 All Games Home Games Road Games
1976 11 3 6 1 5 2 Season W L T W L T W L T
1977 10 4 6 1 4 3 1960 8 6 5 2 3 4
1978 5 11 2 6 3 5 1961 6 8 4 3 2 5
1979 5 11 3 5 2 6 1962 11 3 6 1 5 2
1980 7 9 2 6 5 3 1963 5 7 2 4 3 1 4 2
1981 2 14 1 7 1 7 1964 7 7 4 3 3 4
1982 0 8 1 0 3 1 0 5 1965 7 5 2 5 2 2 3 2
1983 7 9 3 5 4 4 1966 11 2 1 4 2 1 7 0
1984 4 12 2 6 2 6 1967 9 5 4 3 5 2
1985 5 11 4 4 1 7 1968 12 2 6 1 6 1
1986 3 13 1 7 2 6 1969 11 3 6 1 5 2
1987 9 6 4 4 5 2 1970 7 5 2 4 1 2 3 4
1988 9 7 6 2 3 5 1971 10 3 1 7 0 3 3 1
1989 8 8 6 2 2 6 1972 8 6 3 4 5 2
1990 7 9 3 5 4 4 1973 7 5 2 5 1 1 2 4 1
1991 1 15 0 8 1 7 1974 5 9 1 6 4 3
1992 9 7 4 4 5 3 1975 5 9 3 4 2 5
1993 4 12 2 6 2 6 1976 5 9 1 6 4 3
1994 8 8 5 3 3 5 1977 2 12 1 6 1 6
1995 9 7 5 3 4 4 1978 4 12 3 5 1 7
1996 9 7 6 2 3 5 1979 7 9 3 5 4 4
1997 3 13 2 6 1 7 1980 8 8 3 5 5 3
1998 3 13 3 5 0 8 1981 9 7 5 3 4 4
1999 13 3 7 1 6 2 1982 3 6 2 2 1 4
2000 10 6 6 2 4 4 1983 6 10 5 3 1 7
2001 6 10 3 5 3 5 1984 8 8 5 3 3 5
2002 10 6 5 3 5 3 1985 6 10 5 3 1 7
2003 12 4 5 3 7 1 1986 10 6 6 2 4 4
2004 12 4 7 1 5 3 1987 4 11 3 4 1 7
2005 14 2 7 1 7 1 1988 4 11 1 4 4 0 7 1
2006 12 4 8 0 4 4 1989 8 7 1 5 3 3 4 1
2007 13 3 6 2 7 1 1990 11 5 6 2 5 3
2008 12 4 6 2 6 2 1991 10 6 6 2 4 4
2009 14 2 7 1 7 1 1992 10 6 7 1 3 5
2010 10 6 6 2 4 4 1993 11 5 7 1 4 4
2011 2 14 2 6 0 8 1994 9 7 5 3 4 4
2012 11 5 7 1 4 4 1995 13 3 8 0 5 3

324 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1996 9 7 5 3 4 4 2010 7 9 1 7 6 2
1997 13 3 8 0 5 3 2011 6 10 4 4 2 6
1998 7 9 5 3 2 6 2012 7 9 5 3 2 6
1999 9 7 6 2 3 5 2013 8 8 4 4 4 4
2000 7 9 5 3 2 6 2014 8 8 4 4 4 4
2001 6 10 3 5 3 5 2015 6 10 3 5 3 5
2002 8 8 6 2 2 6 429 335 4 243 137 3 186 198 1
2003 13 3 8 0 5 3
2004 7 9 4 4 3 5 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS*
2005 10 6 7 1 3 5 All Games Home Games Road Games
2006 9 7 6 2 3 5 Season W L T W L T W L T
2007 4 12 2 6 2 6 1960 5 9 3 4 2 5
2008 2 14 1 7 1 7 1961 9 4 1 4 2 1 5 2
2009 4 12 1 7 3 5 1962 9 4 1 6 1 3 3 1
2010 10 6 7 1 3 5 1963 7 6 1 5 1 1 2 5
2011 7 9 3 5 4 4 1964 10 3 1 4 2 1 6 1
2012 2 14 1 7 1 7 1965 4 8 2 1 4 2 3 4
2013 11 5 5 3 6 2 1966 8 4 2 4 2 1 4 2 1
2014 9 7 6 2 3 5 1967 3 10 1 2 4 1 6 1
2015 11 5 6 2 5 3 1968 4 10 2 5 2 5
435 405 12 256 165 4 179 240 8 1969 4 10 2 5 2 5
*includes Dallas Texans (1960-62). 1970 2 12 1 6 1 6
1971 6 8 5 2 1 6
MIAMI DOLPHINS 1972 3 11 2 5 1 6
All Games Home Games Road Games 1973 5 9 3 4 2 5
Season W L T W L T W L T 1974 7 7 3 4 4 3
1966 3 11 2 5 1 6 1975 3 11 2 5 1 6
1967 4 10 4 3 0 7 1976 11 3 6 1 5 2
1968 5 8 1 1 5 1 4 3 1977 9 5 6 1 3 4
1969 3 10 1 2 4 1 1 6 1978 11 5 5 3 6 2
1970 10 4 6 1 4 3 1979 9 7 6 2 3 5
1971 10 3 1 6 1 4 2 1 1980 10 6 6 2 4 4
1972 14 0 7 0 7 0 1981 2 14 2 6 0 8
1973 12 2 7 0 5 2 1982 5 4 3 1 2 3
1974 11 3 7 0 4 3 1983 8 8 5 3 3 5
1975 10 4 5 2 5 2 1984 9 7 5 3 4 4
1976 6 8 3 4 3 4 1985 11 5 7 1 4 4
1977 10 4 6 1 4 3 1986 11 5 4 4 7 1
1978 11 5 7 1 4 4 1987 8 7 5 3 3 4
1979 10 6 6 2 4 4 1988 9 7 7 1 2 6
1980 8 8 5 3 3 5 1989 5 11 3 5 2 6
1981 11 4 1 6 1 1 5 3 1990 1 15 0 8 1 7
1982 7 2 4 0 3 2 1991 6 10 4 4 2 6
1983 12 4 7 1 5 3 1992 2 14 1 7 1 7
1984 14 2 7 1 7 1 1993 5 11 3 5 2 6
1985 12 4 8 0 4 4 1994 10 6 5 3 5 3
1986 8 8 4 4 4 4 1995 6 10 3 5 3 5
1987 8 7 4 3 4 4 1996 11 5 6 2 5 3
1988 6 10 4 4 2 6 1997 10 6 6 2 4 4
1989 8 8 4 4 4 4 1998 9 7 6 2 3 5
1990 12 4 7 1 5 3 1999 8 8 5 3 3 5
1991 8 8 5 3 3 5 2000 5 11 3 5 2 6
1992 11 5 6 2 5 3 2001 11 5 6 2 5 3
1993 9 7 4 4 5 3 2002 9 7 5 3 4 4
1994 10 6 6 2 4 4 2003 14 2 8 0 6 2
1995 9 7 5 3 4 4 2004 14 2 8 0 6 2
1996 8 8 4 4 4 4 2005 10 6 5 3 5 3
1997 9 7 6 2 3 5 2006 12 4 5 3 7 1
1998 10 6 7 1 3 5 2007 16 0 8 0 8 0
1999 9 7 5 3 4 4 2008 11 5 5 3 6 2
2000 11 5 5 3 6 2 2009 10 6 8 0 2 6
2001 11 5 7 1 4 4 2010 14 2 8 0 6 2
2002 9 7 7 1 2 6 2011 13 3 7 1 6 2
2003 10 6 4 4 6 2 2012 12 4 6 2 6 2
2004 4 12 3 5 1 7 2013 12 4 8 0 4 4
2005 9 7 5 3 4 4 2014 12 4 7 1 5 3
2006 6 10 4 4 2 6 2015 12 4 7 1 5 3
2007 1 15 1 7 0 8 462 381 9 262 157 6 200 224 3
2008 11 5 5 3 6 2 *includes Boston Patriots (1960-1970).
2009 7 9 4 4 3 5

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 325

NEW YORK JETS* All Games Home Games Road Games
All Games Home Games Road Games Season W L T W L T W L T
Season W L T W L T W L T 1967 13 1 7 0 6 1
1960 7 7 3 4 4 3 1968 12 2 6 1 6 1
1961 7 7 5 2 2 5 1969 12 1 1 7 0 5 1 1
1962 5 9 2 5 3 4 1970 8 4 2 6 1 2 3 2
1963 5 8 1 4 2 1 1 6 1971 8 4 2 5 1 1 3 3 1
1964 5 8 1 5 1 1 0 7 1972 10 3 1 5 1 1 5 2
1965 5 8 1 3 3 1 2 5 1973 9 4 1 5 2 4 2 1
1966 6 6 2 4 3 2 3 2 1974 12 2 6 1 6 1
1967 8 5 1 4 2 1 4 3 1975 11 3 6 1 5 2
1968 11 3 6 1 5 2 1976 13 1 7 0 6 1
1969 10 4 5 2 5 2 1977 11 3 6 1 5 2
1970 4 10 2 5 2 5 1978 9 7 4 4 5 3
1971 6 8 4 3 2 5 1979 9 7 6 2 3 5
1972 7 7 4 3 3 4 1980 11 5 6 2 5 3
1973 4 10 2 4 2 6 1981 7 9 4 4 3 5
1974 7 7 3 4 4 3 1982 8 1 4 0 4 1
1975 3 11 1 6 2 5 1983 12 4 6 2 6 2
1976 3 11 2 5 1 6 1984 11 5 6 2 5 3
1977 3 11 1 6 2 5 1985 12 4 7 1 5 3
1978 8 8 4 4 4 4 1986 8 8 3 5 5 3
1979 8 8 6 2 2 6 1987 5 10 3 5 2 5
1980 4 12 2 6 2 6 1988 7 9 3 5 4 4
1981 10 5 1 6 2 4 3 1 1989 8 8 7 1 1 7
1982 6 3 3 1 3 2 1990 12 4 6 2 6 2
1983 7 9 2 6 5 3 1991 9 7 5 3 4 4
1984 7 9 3 5 4 4 1992 7 9 5 3 2 6
1985 11 5 7 1 4 4 1993 10 6 5 3 5 3
1986 10 6 5 3 5 3 1994 9 7 4 4 5 3
1987 6 9 4 4 2 5 1995 8 8 4 4 4 4
1988 8 7 1 5 2 1 3 5 1996 7 9 4 4 3 5
1989 4 12 1 7 3 5 1997 4 12 2 6 2 6
1990 6 10 3 5 3 5 1998 8 8 4 4 4 4
1991 8 8 4 4 4 4 1999 8 8 5 3 3 5
1992 4 12 3 5 1 7 2000 12 4 7 1 5 3
1993 8 8 3 5 5 3 2001 10 6 5 3 5 3
1994 6 10 4 4 2 6 2002 11 5 6 2 5 3
1995 3 13 2 6 1 7 2003 4 12 4 4 0 8
1996 1 15 0 8 1 7 2004 5 11 3 5 2 6
1997 9 7 5 3 4 4 2005 4 12 2 6 2 6
1998 12 4 7 1 5 3 2006 2 14 2 6 0 8
1999 8 8 4 4 4 4 2007 4 12 2 6 2 6
2000 9 7 5 3 4 4 2008 5 11 2 6 3 5
2001 10 6 3 5 7 1 2009 5 11 2 6 3 5
2002 9 7 5 3 4 4 2010 8 8 5 3 3 5
2003 6 10 4 4 2 6 2011 8 8 3 5 5 3
2004 10 6 6 2 4 4 2012 4 12 3 5 1 7
2005 4 12 4 4 0 8 2013 4 12 3 5 1 7
2006 10 6 4 4 6 2 2014 3 13 3 5 0 8
2007 4 12 3 5 1 7 2015 7 9 3 5 4 4
2008 9 7 5 3 4 4 444 497 11 248 175 3 196 222 8
2009 9 7 4 4 5 3 *includes Los Angeles Raiders (1982-1994).
2010 11 5 5 3 6 2
2011 8 8 6 2 2 6 PITTSBURGH STEELERS*
2012 6 10 3 5 3 5 All Games Home Games Road Games
2013 8 8 6 2 2 6 Season W L T W L T W L T
2014 4 12 2 6 2 6 1933 3 6 2 2 3 1 3 2
2015 10 6 6 2 4 4 1934 2 10 1 5 1 5
387 457 8 214 206 5 173 251 3 1935 4 8 2 5 2 3
*includes New York Titans (1960-62). 1936 6 6 4 1 2 5
1937 4 7 2 4 2 3
OAKLAND RAIDERS* 1938 2 9 0 5 2 4
All Games Home Games Road Games 1939 1 9 1 1 4 0 5 1
Season W L T W L T W L T 1940 2 7 2 1 2 2 1 5
1960 6 8 3 4 3 4 1941 1 9 1 1 4 0 5 1
1961 2 12 1 6 1 6 1942 7 4 3 2 4 2
1962 1 13 1 6 0 7 1945 2 8 1 4 1 4
1963 10 4 6 1 4 3 1946 5 5 1 4 1 1 4 1
1964 5 7 2 5 2 0 5 2 1947 8 4 5 1 3 3
1965 8 5 1 5 2 3 3 1 1948 4 8 4 2 0 6
1966 8 5 1 3 3 1 5 2 1949 6 5 1 3 2 1 3 3

326 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games SAN DIEGO CHARGERS*
Season W L T W L T W L T All Games Home Games Road Games
1950 6 6 2 4 4 2 Season W L T W L T W L T
1951 4 7 1 1 4 1 3 3 1960 10 4 5 2 5 2
1952 5 7 2 4 3 3 1961 12 2 6 1 6 1
1953 6 6 3 3 3 3 1962 4 10 3 4 1 6
1954 5 7 4 2 1 5 1963 11 3 6 1 5 2
1955 4 8 3 2 1 6 1964 8 5 1 4 3 4 2 1
1956 5 7 3 3 2 4 1965 9 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 1
1957 6 6 4 2 2 4 1966 7 6 1 5 2 2 4 1
1958 7 4 1 5 1 2 3 1 1967 8 5 1 5 2 1 3 3
1959 6 5 1 3 2 1 3 3 1968 9 5 4 3 5 2
1960 5 6 1 4 2 1 4 1 1969 8 6 5 2 3 4
1961 6 8 4 3 2 5 1970 5 6 3 2 3 2 3 3 1
1962 9 5 4 3 5 2 1971 6 8 6 1 0 7
1963 7 4 3 5 0 2 2 4 1 1972 4 9 1 2 5 2 4 1
1964 5 9 2 5 3 4 1973 2 11 1 2 5 0 6 1
1965 2 12 1 6 1 6 1974 5 9 3 4 2 5
1966 5 8 1 3 3 1 2 5 1975 2 12 1 6 1 6
1967 4 9 1 1 6 3 3 1 1976 6 8 3 4 3 4
1968 2 11 1 1 6 1 5 1 1977 7 7 3 4 4 3
1969 1 13 1 6 0 7 1978 9 7 5 3 4 4
1970 5 9 4 3 1 6 1979 12 4 7 1 5 3
1971 6 8 5 2 1 6 1980 11 5 6 2 5 3
1972 11 3 7 0 4 3 1981 10 6 5 3 5 3
1973 10 4 7 1 3 3 1982 6 3 3 1 3 2
1974 10 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 1983 6 10 4 4 2 6
1975 12 2 6 1 6 1 1984 7 9 4 4 3 5
1976 10 4 6 1 4 3 1985 8 8 6 2 2 6
1977 9 5 6 1 3 4 1986 4 12 2 6 2 6
1978 14 2 7 1 7 1 1987 8 7 4 3 4 4
1979 12 4 8 0 4 4 1988 6 10 3 5 3 5
1980 9 7 6 2 3 5 1989 6 10 4 4 2 6
1981 8 8 5 3 3 5 1990 6 10 3 5 3 5
1982 6 3 4 0 2 3 1991 4 12 3 5 1 7
1983 10 6 4 4 6 2 1992 11 5 6 2 5 3
1984 9 7 6 2 3 5 1993 8 8 4 4 4 4
1985 7 9 5 3 2 6 1994 11 5 5 3 6 2
1986 6 10 4 4 2 6 1995 9 7 5 3 4 4
1987 8 7 4 3 4 4 1996 8 8 5 3 3 5
1988 5 11 4 4 1 7 1997 4 12 2 6 2 6
1989 9 7 4 4 5 3 1998 5 11 4 4 1 7
1990 9 7 6 2 3 5 1999 8 8 4 4 4 4
1991 7 9 5 3 2 6 2000 1 15 1 7 0 8
1992 11 5 7 1 4 4 2001 5 11 4 4 1 7
1993 9 7 6 2 3 5 2002 8 8 5 3 3 5
1994 12 4 7 1 5 3 2003 4 12 2 6 2 6
1995 11 5 6 2 5 3 2004 12 4 7 1 5 3
1996 10 6 7 1 3 5 2005 9 7 4 4 5 3
1997 11 5 7 1 4 4 2006 14 2 8 0 6 2
1998 7 9 5 3 2 6 2007 11 5 7 1 4 4
1999 6 10 2 6 4 4 2008 8 8 5 3 3 5
2000 9 7 4 4 5 3 2009 13 3 6 2 7 1
2001 13 3 7 1 6 2 2010 9 7 6 2 3 5
2002 10 5 1 5 2 1 5 3 2011 8 8 5 3 3 5
2003 6 10 4 4 2 6 2012 7 9 3 5 4 4
2004 15 1 8 0 7 1 2013 9 7 5 3 4 4
2005 11 5 5 3 6 2 2014 9 7 5 3 4 4
2006 8 8 5 3 3 5 2015 4 12 3 5 1 7
2007 10 6 7 1 3 5 421 420 11 239 182 5 182 238 6
2008 12 4 6 2 6 2 *includes Los Angeles Chargers (1960).
2009 9 7 6 2 3 5
2010 12 4 5 3 7 1 TENNESSEE TITANS*
2011 12 4 7 1 5 3 All Games Home Games Road Games
2012 8 8 5 3 3 5 Season W L T W L T W L T
2013 8 8 5 3 3 5 1960 10 4 6 1 4 3
2014 11 5 6 2 5 3 1961 10 3 1 6 1 4 2 1
2015 10 6 6 2 4 4 1962 11 3 6 1 5 2
590 530 20 346 212 9 244 318 11 1963 6 8 4 3 2 5
*includes Pittsburgh Pirates (1933-39). 1964 4 10 3 4 1 6
1965 4 10 3 4 1 6
1966 3 11 3 4 0 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 327

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1967 9 4 1 5 2 4 2 1 1934 5 6 2 2 3 4
1968 7 7 3 4 4 3 1935 6 4 2 2 2 4 2 2
1969 6 6 2 4 2 1 2 4 1 1936 3 8 1 3 1 1 0 7
1970 3 10 1 1 6 2 4 1 1937 5 5 1 1 3 4 2 1
1971 4 9 1 3 3 1 1 6 1938 2 9 1 4 1 5
1972 1 13 1 6 0 7 1939 1 10 0 4 1 6
1973 1 13 0 7 1 6 1940 2 7 2 2 1 1 0 6 1
1974 7 7 3 4 4 3 1941 3 7 1 0 3 1 3 4
1975 10 4 5 2 5 2 1942 3 8 2 2 1 6
1976 5 9 3 4 2 5 1943 0 10 0 3 0 7
1977 8 6 5 2 3 4 1945 1 9 0 3 1 6
1978 10 6 5 3 5 3 1946 6 5 2 2 4 3
1979 11 5 6 2 5 3 1947 9 3 5 0 4 3
1980 11 5 6 2 5 3 1948 11 1 5 1 6 0
1981 7 9 5 3 2 6 1949 6 5 1 2 3 1 4 2
1982 1 8 1 4 0 4 1950 5 7 3 3 2 4
1983 2 14 2 6 0 8 1951 3 9 1 5 2 4
1984 3 13 2 6 1 7 1952 4 8 2 4 2 4
1985 5 11 4 4 1 7 1953 1 10 1 0 5 1 1 5
1986 5 11 4 4 1 7 1954 2 10 2 4 0 6
1987 9 6 5 2 4 4 1955 4 7 1 3 2 1 1 5
1988 10 6 7 1 3 5 1956 7 5 4 2 3 3
1989 9 7 6 2 3 5 1957 3 9 0 6 3 3
1990 9 7 6 2 3 5 1958 2 9 1 1 4 1 1 5
1991 11 5 7 1 4 4 1959 2 10 2 4 0 6
1992 10 6 5 3 5 3 1960 6 5 1 3 2 1 3 3
1993 12 4 7 1 5 3 1961 7 7 3 4 4 3
1994 2 14 2 6 0 8 1962 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5
1995 7 9 3 5 4 4 1963 9 5 3 4 6 1
1996 8 8 2 6 6 2 1964 9 3 2 4 1 1 5 2 1
1997 8 8 6 2 2 6 1965 5 9 2 5 3 4
1998 8 8 3 5 5 3 1966 8 5 1 5 1 1 3 4
1999 13 3 8 0 5 3 1967 6 7 1 3 3 1 3 4
2000 13 3 7 1 6 2 1968 9 4 1 4 2 1 5 2
2001 7 9 3 5 4 4 1969 4 9 1 3 4 1 5 1
2002 11 5 6 2 5 3 1970 8 5 1 6 1 2 4 1
2003 12 4 7 1 5 3 1971 4 9 1 1 5 1 3 4
2004 5 11 2 6 3 5 1972 4 9 1 2 5 2 4 1
2005 4 12 3 5 1 7 1973 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5
2006 8 8 4 4 4 4 1974 10 4 5 2 5 2
2007 10 6 5 3 5 3 1975 11 3 6 1 5 2
2008 13 3 7 1 6 2 1976 10 4 6 1 4 3
2009 8 8 5 3 3 5 1977 7 7 4 3 3 4
2010 6 10 3 5 3 5 1978 6 10 3 5 3 5
2011 9 7 5 3 4 4 1979 5 11 3 5 2 6
2012 6 10 4 4 2 6 1980 5 11 2 6 3 5
2013 7 9 3 5 4 4 1981 7 9 5 3 2 6
2014 2 14 1 7 1 7 1982 5 4 1 3 4 1
2015 3 13 1 7 2 6 1983 8 7 1 4 3 1 4 4
404 442 6 232 192 2 172 250 4 1984 9 7 5 3 4 4
*includes Houston (1960-1996) and Tennessee Oilers (1997-98) 1985 5 11 4 4 1 7
. 1986 4 11 1 3 5 1 6 1
NFC 1987 7 8 4 3 3 5
ARIZONA CARDINALS* 1988 7 9 4 4 3 5
All Games Home Games Road Games 1989 5 11 2 6 3 5
Season W L T W L T W L T 1990 5 11 3 5 2 6
1920 6 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1991 4 12 2 6 2 6
1921 3 3 2 3 3 1 0 0 1 1992 4 12 3 5 1 7
1922 8 3 8 3 0 0 1993 7 9 4 4 3 5
1923 8 4 8 3 0 1 1994 8 8 5 3 3 5
1924 5 4 1 5 3 1 0 1 1995 4 12 3 5 1 7
1925 11 2 1 11 2 0 0 1 1996 7 9 5 3 2 6
1926 5 6 1 3 3 2 3 1 1997 4 12 3 5 1 7
1927 3 7 1 2 3 1 1 4 1998 9 7 5 3 4 4
1928 1 5 1 1 0 4 1999 6 10 4 4 2 6
1929 6 6 1 3 2 3 4 1 2000 3 13 3 5 0 8
1930 5 6 2 3 2 2 4 2 2001 7 9 3 5 4 4
1931 5 4 3 0 2 4 2002 5 11 3 5 2 6
1932 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 2003 4 12 4 4 0 8
1933 1 9 1 0 4 1 1 5 2004 6 10 5 3 1 7

328 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games CAROLINA PANTHERS
Season W L T W L T W L T All Games Home Games Road Games
2005 5 11 3 5 2 6 Season W L T W L T W L T
2006 5 11 3 5 2 6 1995 7 9 5 3 2 6
2007 8 8 6 2 2 6 1996 12 4 8 0 4 4
2008 9 7 6 2 3 5 1997 7 9 2 6 5 3
2009 10 6 4 4 6 2 1998 4 12 2 6 2 6
2010 5 11 4 4 1 7 1999 8 8 5 3 3 5
2011 8 8 6 2 2 6 2000 7 9 5 3 2 6
2012 5 11 4 4 1 7 2001 1 15 0 8 1 7
2013 10 6 6 2 4 4 2002 7 9 4 4 3 5
2014 11 5 7 1 4 4 2003 11 5 6 2 5 3
2015 13 3 6 2 7 1 2004 7 9 3 5 4 4
535 714 39 315 305 22 220 409 17 2005 11 5 5 3 6 2
*includes Chicago Cardinals (1920-1959), St. Louis Cardinals 2006 8 8 4 4 4 4
(1960-1987), and Phoenix Cardinals (1988-1993). 2007 7 9 2 6 5 3
2008 12 4 8 0 4 4
ATLANTA FALCONS 2009 8 8 5 3 3 5
All Games Home Games Road Games 2010 2 14 2 6 0 8
Season W L T W L T W L T 2011 6 10 3 5 3 5
1966 3 11 1 6 2 5 2012 7 9 3 5 4 4
1967 1 12 1 1 5 1 0 7 2013 12 4 7 1 5 3
1968 2 12 1 6 1 6 2014 7 8 1 4 4 3 4 1
1969 6 8 4 3 2 5 2015 15 1 8 0 7 1
1970 4 8 2 3 4 1 4 2 166 169 1 91 77 75 92 1
1971 7 6 1 4 3 3 3 1
1972 7 7 4 3 3 4 CHICAGO BEARS*
1973 9 5 4 3 5 2 All Games Home Games Road Games
1974 3 11 2 5 1 6 Season W L T W L T W L T
1975 4 10 3 4 1 6 1920 10 1 2 6 0 1 4 1 1
1976 4 10 3 4 1 6 1921 9 1 1 9 1 1 0 0
1977 7 7 4 3 3 4 1922 9 3 7 1 2 2
1978 9 7 7 1 2 6 1923 9 2 1 7 1 1 2 1
1979 6 10 3 5 3 5 1924 6 1 4 5 0 3 1 1 1
1980 12 4 6 2 6 2 1925 9 5 3 7 1 1 2 4 2
1981 7 9 4 4 3 5 1926 12 1 3 10 0 2 2 1 1
1982 5 4 2 3 3 1 1927 9 3 2 7 1 1 2 2 1
1983 7 9 4 4 3 5 1928 7 5 1 6 3 1 2 1
1984 4 12 2 6 2 6 1929 4 9 2 1 5 2 3 4
1985 4 12 3 5 1 7 1930 9 4 1 5 2 1 4 2
1986 7 8 1 2 5 1 5 3 1931 8 5 6 3 2 2
1987 3 12 2 6 1 6 1932 7 1 6 6 1 1 1 0 5
1988 5 11 2 6 3 5 1933 10 2 1 6 0 4 2 1
1989 3 13 3 5 0 8 1934 13 0 5 0 8 0
1990 5 11 5 3 0 8 1935 6 4 2 1 2 2 5 2
1991 10 6 6 2 4 4 1936 9 3 3 1 6 2
1992 6 10 5 3 1 7 1937 9 1 1 4 1 5 0 1
1993 6 10 4 4 2 6 1938 6 5 2 3 4 2
1994 7 9 5 3 2 6 1939 8 3 4 1 4 2
1995 9 7 7 1 2 6 1940 8 3 5 0 3 3
1996 3 13 2 6 1 7 1941 10 1 5 1 5 0
1997 7 9 3 5 4 4 1942 11 0 6 0 5 0
1998 14 2 8 0 6 2 1943 8 1 1 5 0 3 1 1
1999 5 11 4 4 1 7 1944 6 3 1 4 0 1 2 3
2000 4 12 3 5 1 7 1945 3 7 2 3 1 4
2001 7 9 3 5 4 4 1946 8 2 1 4 1 1 4 1
2002 9 6 1 5 3 4 3 1 1947 8 4 4 2 4 2
2003 5 11 2 6 3 5 1948 10 2 5 1 5 1
2004 11 5 7 1 4 4 1949 9 3 5 1 4 2
2005 8 8 4 4 4 4 1950 9 3 6 0 3 3
2006 7 9 3 5 4 4 1951 7 5 3 3 4 2
2007 4 12 3 5 1 7 1952 5 7 3 3 2 4
2008 11 5 7 1 4 4 1953 3 8 1 1 4 1 2 4
2009 9 7 6 2 3 5 1954 8 4 4 2 4 2
2010 13 3 7 1 6 2 1955 8 4 5 1 3 3
2011 10 6 6 2 4 4 1956 9 2 1 6 0 3 2 1
2012 13 3 7 1 6 2 1957 5 7 2 4 3 3
2013 4 12 3 5 1 7 1958 8 4 5 1 3 3
2014 6 10 3 5 3 5 1959 8 4 4 2 4 2
2015 8 8 4 4 4 4 1960 5 6 1 4 2 1 4 1
330 432 6 196 187 2 134 245 4 1961 8 6 5 2 3 4
1962 9 5 4 3 5 2

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 329

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1963 11 1 2 6 0 1 5 1 1 1971 11 3 6 1 5 2
1964 5 9 2 5 3 4 1972 10 4 5 2 5 2
1965 9 5 5 2 4 3 1973 10 4 6 1 4 3
1966 5 7 2 4 1 2 1 6 1974 8 6 5 2 3 4
1967 7 6 1 3 3 1 4 3 1975 10 4 5 2 5 2
1968 7 7 2 5 5 2 1976 11 3 6 1 5 2
1969 1 13 1 6 0 7 1977 12 2 6 1 6 1
1970 6 8 3 4 3 4 1978 12 4 7 1 5 3
1971 6 8 4 3 2 5 1979 11 5 6 2 5 3
1972 4 9 1 1 5 1 3 4 1980 12 4 8 0 4 4
1973 3 11 1 6 2 5 1981 12 4 8 0 4 4
1974 4 10 4 3 0 7 1982 6 3 3 2 3 1
1975 4 10 3 4 1 6 1983 12 4 6 2 6 2
1976 7 7 4 3 3 4 1984 9 7 5 3 4 4
1977 9 5 5 2 4 3 1985 10 6 7 1 3 5
1978 7 9 4 4 3 5 1986 7 9 3 5 4 4
1979 10 6 6 2 4 4 1987 7 8 3 4 4 4
1980 7 9 5 3 2 6 1988 3 13 1 7 2 6
1981 6 10 4 4 2 6 1989 1 15 0 8 1 7
1982 3 6 2 2 1 4 1990 7 9 5 3 2 6
1983 8 8 5 3 3 5 1991 11 5 6 2 5 3
1984 10 6 6 2 4 4 1992 13 3 7 1 6 2
1985 15 1 8 0 7 1 1993 12 4 6 2 6 2
1986 14 2 7 1 7 1 1994 12 4 6 2 6 2
1987 11 4 6 2 5 2 1995 12 4 6 2 6 2
1988 12 4 7 1 5 3 1996 10 6 6 2 4 4
1989 6 10 4 4 2 6 1997 6 10 5 3 1 7
1990 11 5 7 1 4 4 1998 10 6 6 2 4 4
1991 11 5 6 2 5 3 1999 8 8 7 1 1 7
1992 5 11 4 4 1 7 2000 5 11 3 5 2 6
1993 7 9 3 5 4 4 2001 5 11 4 4 1 7
1994 9 7 5 3 4 4 2002 5 11 4 4 1 7
1995 9 7 5 3 4 4 2003 10 6 6 2 4 4
1996 7 9 6 2 1 7 2004 6 10 4 4 2 6
1997 4 12 2 6 2 6 2005 9 7 5 3 4 4
1998 4 12 3 5 1 7 2006 9 7 4 4 5 3
1999 6 10 3 5 3 5 2007 13 3 6 2 7 1
2000 5 11 3 5 2 6 2008 9 7 6 2 3 5
2001 13 3 7 1 6 2 2009 11 5 6 2 5 3
2002 4 12 3 5 1 7 2010 6 10 2 6 4 4
2003 7 9 6 2 1 7 2011 8 8 5 3 3 5
2004 5 11 2 6 3 5 2012 8 8 4 4 4 4
2005 11 5 7 1 4 4 2013 8 8 5 3 3 5
2006 13 3 6 2 7 1 2014 12 4 4 4 8 0
2007 7 9 4 4 3 5 2015 4 12 1 7 3 5
2008 9 7 6 2 3 5 480 364 6 267 154 4 213 210 2
2009 7 9 5 3 2 6
2010 11 5 5 3 6 2 DETROIT LIONS*
2011 8 8 5 3 3 5 All Games Home Games Road Games
2012 10 6 5 3 5 3 Season W L T W L T W L T
2013 8 8 5 3 3 5 1930 5 6 3 5 1 2 0 5 1
2014 5 11 2 6 3 5 1931 11 3 8 0 3 3
2015 6 10 1 7 5 3 1932 6 2 4 3 0 2 3 2 2
741 555 42 432 235 24 309 320 18 1933 6 5 4 1 2 4
*includes Decatur Staleys (1920) and Chicago Staleys (1921). 1934 10 3 6 2 4 1
1935 7 3 2 5 0 1 2 3 1
DALLAS COWBOYS 1936 8 4 5 1 3 3
All Games Home Games Road Games 1937 7 4 4 2 3 2
Season W L T W L T W L T 1938 7 4 4 3 3 1
1960 0 11 1 0 6 0 5 1 1939 6 5 4 2 2 3
1961 4 9 1 2 4 1 2 5 1940 5 5 1 3 3 2 2 1
1962 5 8 1 2 4 1 3 4 1941 4 6 1 3 2 1 4 1
1963 4 10 3 4 1 6 1942 0 11 0 7 0 4
1964 5 8 1 2 4 1 3 4 1943 3 6 1 2 2 1 1 4
1965 7 7 5 2 2 5 1944 6 3 1 4 2 2 1 1
1966 10 3 1 6 1 4 2 1 1945 7 3 4 1 3 2
1967 9 5 5 2 4 3 1946 1 10 1 5 0 5
1968 12 2 5 2 7 0 1947 3 9 2 4 1 5
1969 11 2 1 6 0 1 5 2 1948 2 10 2 4 0 6
1970 10 4 6 1 4 3 1949 4 8 2 4 2 4

330 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games GREEN BAY PACKERS
Season W L T W L T W L T All Games Home Games Road Games
1950 6 6 4 2 2 4 Season W L T W L T W L T
1951 7 4 1 3 3 1 4 1 1921 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
1952 9 3 6 1 3 2 1922 4 3 3 4 1 1 0 2 2
1953 10 2 5 1 5 1 1923 7 2 1 4 2 1 3 0
1954 9 2 1 5 0 1 4 2 1924 7 4 5 0 2 4
1955 3 9 3 4 0 5 1925 8 5 6 0 2 5
1956 9 3 5 1 4 2 1926 7 3 3 4 1 2 3 2 1
1957 8 4 5 1 3 3 1927 7 2 1 6 1 1 1 1
1958 4 7 1 2 4 2 3 1 1928 6 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 1
1959 3 8 1 2 4 1 4 1 1929 12 0 1 5 0 7 0 1
1960 7 5 5 1 2 4 1930 10 3 1 6 0 4 3 1
1961 8 5 1 2 5 6 0 1 1931 12 2 8 0 4 2
1962 11 3 7 0 4 3 1932 10 3 1 5 0 1 5 3
1963 5 8 1 3 3 1 2 5 1933 5 7 1 3 2 1 2 5
1964 7 5 2 3 3 1 4 2 1 1934 7 6 4 2 3 4
1965 6 7 1 2 4 1 4 3 1935 8 4 5 2 3 2
1966 4 9 1 3 4 1 5 1 1936 10 1 1 5 1 5 0 1
1967 5 7 2 3 4 2 3 2 1937 7 4 3 2 4 2
1968 4 8 2 1 4 2 3 4 1938 8 3 4 2 4 1
1969 9 4 1 5 2 4 2 1 1939 9 2 4 1 5 1
1970 10 4 6 1 4 3 1940 6 4 1 4 2 2 2 1
1971 7 6 1 3 4 4 2 1 1941 10 1 4 1 6 0
1972 8 5 1 5 2 3 3 1 1942 8 2 1 4 1 4 1 1
1973 6 7 1 4 3 2 4 1 1943 7 2 1 2 1 1 5 1
1974 7 7 5 2 2 5 1944 8 2 5 0 3 2
1975 7 7 4 3 3 4 1945 6 4 4 1 2 3
1976 6 8 5 2 1 6 1946 6 5 2 3 4 2
1977 6 8 5 2 1 6 1947 6 5 1 4 2 2 3 1
1978 7 9 5 3 2 6 1948 3 9 2 4 1 5
1979 2 14 2 6 0 8 1949 2 10 1 5 1 5
1980 9 7 6 2 3 5 1950 3 9 3 3 0 6
1981 8 8 7 1 1 7 1951 3 9 2 4 1 5
1982 4 5 2 3 2 2 1952 6 6 3 3 3 3
1983 9 7 6 2 3 5 1953 2 9 1 1 5 1 4 1
1984 4 11 1 2 5 1 2 6 1954 4 8 2 4 2 4
1985 7 9 6 2 1 7 1955 6 6 5 1 1 5
1986 5 11 1 7 4 4 1956 4 8 2 4 2 4
1987 4 11 1 6 3 5 1957 3 9 1 5 2 4
1988 4 12 2 6 2 6 1958 1 10 1 1 4 1 0 6
1989 7 9 4 4 3 5 1959 7 5 4 2 3 3
1990 6 10 3 5 3 5 1960 8 4 4 2 4 2
1991 12 4 8 0 4 4 1961 11 3 6 1 5 2
1992 5 11 3 5 2 6 1962 13 1 7 0 6 1
1993 10 6 5 3 5 3 1963 11 2 1 6 1 5 1 1
1994 9 7 6 2 3 5 1964 8 5 1 4 3 4 2 1
1995 10 6 7 1 3 5 1965 10 3 1 6 1 4 2 1
1996 5 11 4 4 1 7 1966 12 2 6 1 6 1
1997 9 7 6 2 3 5 1967 9 4 1 4 2 1 5 2
1998 5 11 4 4 1 7 1968 6 7 1 2 5 4 2 1
1999 8 8 6 2 2 6 1969 8 6 5 2 3 4
2000 9 7 4 4 5 3 1970 6 8 4 3 2 5
2001 2 14 2 6 0 8 1971 4 8 2 3 3 1 1 5 1
2002 3 13 3 5 0 8 1972 10 4 4 3 6 1
2003 5 11 5 3 0 8 1973 5 7 2 3 2 2 2 5
2004 6 10 3 5 3 5 1974 6 8 4 3 2 5
2005 5 11 3 5 2 6 1975 4 10 3 4 1 6
2006 3 13 2 6 1 7 1976 5 9 4 3 1 6
2007 7 9 5 3 2 6 1977 4 10 2 5 2 5
2008 0 16 0 8 0 8 1978 8 7 1 5 2 1 3 5
2009 2 14 2 6 0 8 1979 5 11 4 4 1 7
2010 6 10 4 4 2 6 1980 5 10 1 4 4 1 6 1
2011 10 6 5 3 5 3 1981 8 8 4 4 4 4
2012 4 12 2 6 2 6 1982 5 3 1 3 1 2 2 1
2013 7 9 4 4 3 5 1983 8 8 5 3 3 5
2014 11 5 7 1 4 4 1984 8 8 5 3 3 5
2015 7 9 4 4 3 5 1985 8 8 5 3 3 5
535 634 32 333 264 14 202 370 18 1986 4 12 1 7 3 5
*includes Portsmouth Spartans (1930-33). 1987 5 9 1 2 5 1 3 4
1988 4 12 2 6 2 6
1989 10 6 6 2 4 4

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 331

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1990 6 10 3 5 3 5 1977 10 4 7 0 3 4
1991 4 12 2 6 2 6 1978 12 4 6 2 6 2
1992 9 7 6 2 3 5 1979 9 7 4 4 5 3
1993 9 7 6 2 3 5 1980 11 5 6 2 5 3
1994 9 7 7 1 2 6 1981 6 10 4 4 2 6
1995 11 5 7 1 4 4 1982 2 7 1 4 1 3
1996 13 3 8 0 5 3 1983 9 7 5 3 4 4
1997 13 3 8 0 5 3 1984 10 6 5 3 5 3
1998 11 5 7 1 4 4 1985 11 5 6 2 5 3
1999 8 8 5 3 3 5 1986 10 6 6 2 4 4
2000 9 7 6 2 3 5 1987 6 9 3 4 3 5
2001 12 4 7 1 5 3 1988 10 6 4 4 6 2
2002 12 4 8 0 4 4 1989 11 5 6 2 5 3
2003 10 6 5 3 5 3 1990 5 11 2 6 3 5
2004 10 6 4 4 6 2 1991 3 13 2 6 1 7
2005 4 12 3 5 1 7 1992 6 10 4 4 2 6
2006 8 8 3 5 5 3 1993 5 11 3 5 2 6
2007 13 3 7 1 6 2 1994 4 12 3 5 1 7
2008 6 10 4 4 2 6 1995 7 9 4 4 3 5
2009 11 5 6 2 5 3 1996 6 10 4 4 2 6
2010 10 6 7 1 3 5 1997 5 11 2 6 3 5
2011 15 1 8 0 7 1 1998 4 12 2 6 2 6
2012 11 5 7 1 4 4 1999 13 3 8 0 5 3
2013 8 7 1 4 3 1 4 4 2000 10 6 5 3 5 3
2014 12 4 8 0 4 4 2001 14 2 6 2 8 0
2015 10 6 5 3 5 3 2002 7 9 6 2 1 7
720 547 37 415 219 17 305 328 20 2003 12 4 8 0 4 4
2004 8 8 6 2 2 6
LOS ANGELES RAMS* 2005 6 10 3 5 3 5
All Games Home Games Road Games 2006 8 8 4 4 4 4
Season W L T W L T W L T 2007 3 13 1 7 2 6
1937 1 10 0 5 1 5 2008 2 14 1 7 1 7
1938 4 7 2 2 2 5 2009 1 15 0 8 1 7
1939 5 5 1 3 2 1 2 3 2010 7 9 5 3 2 6
1940 4 6 1 3 1 1 1 5 2011 2 14 1 7 1 7
1941 2 9 1 4 1 5 2012 7 8 1 4 4 3 4 1
1942 5 6 3 2 2 4 2013 7 9 5 3 2 6
1944 4 6 1 2 3 4 2014 6 10 3 5 3 5
1945 9 1 4 0 5 1 2015 7 9 5 3 2 6
1946 6 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 540 542 21 302 234 10 238 308 11
1947 6 6 3 3 3 3 *includes Cleveland Rams (1937-1942, 1944-45), Los Angeles
1948 6 5 1 3 2 1 3 3 Rams (1946-1994), and St. Louis Rams (1995-2015)
1949 8 2 2 5 1 3 1 2 .
1950 9 3 5 1 4 2 MINNESOTA VIKINGS
1951 8 4 5 2 3 2 All Games Home Games Road Games
1952 9 3 5 1 4 2 Season W L T W L T W L T
1953 8 3 1 5 1 3 2 1 1961 3 11 3 4 0 7
1954 6 5 1 3 2 1 3 3 1962 2 11 1 1 5 1 1 6
1955 8 3 1 5 1 3 2 1 1963 5 8 1 3 4 2 4 1
1956 4 8 4 2 0 6 1964 8 5 1 4 3 4 2 1
1957 6 6 5 1 1 5 1965 7 7 2 5 5 2
1958 8 4 4 2 4 2 1966 4 9 1 2 5 2 4 1
1959 2 10 0 6 2 4 1967 3 8 3 1 4 2 2 4 1
1960 4 7 1 2 3 1 2 4 1968 8 6 4 3 4 3
1961 4 10 4 3 0 7 1969 12 2 7 0 5 2
1962 1 12 1 0 7 1 5 1 1970 12 2 7 0 5 2
1963 5 9 3 4 2 5 1971 11 3 5 2 6 1
1964 5 7 2 3 2 2 2 5 1972 7 7 3 4 4 3
1965 4 10 3 4 1 6 1973 12 2 7 0 5 2
1966 8 6 5 2 3 4 1974 10 4 4 3 6 1
1967 11 1 2 5 1 1 6 0 1 1975 12 2 7 0 5 2
1968 10 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 1976 11 2 1 6 0 1 5 2
1969 11 3 5 2 6 1 1977 9 5 5 2 4 3
1970 9 4 1 3 3 1 6 1 1978 8 7 1 5 3 3 4 1
1971 8 5 1 4 2 1 4 3 1979 7 9 5 3 2 6
1972 6 7 1 4 3 2 4 1 1980 9 7 5 3 4 4
1973 12 2 7 0 5 2 1981 7 9 5 3 2 6
1974 10 4 6 1 4 3 1982 5 4 4 1 1 3
1975 12 2 6 1 6 1 1983 8 8 3 5 5 3
1976 10 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 1984 3 13 2 6 1 7

332 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1985 7 9 4 4 3 5 2001 7 9 3 5 4 4
1986 9 7 5 3 4 4 2002 9 7 4 4 5 3
1987 8 7 5 3 3 4 2003 8 8 5 3 3 5
1988 11 5 7 1 4 4 2004 8 8 3 5 5 3
1989 10 6 8 0 2 6 2005 3 13 1 7 2 6
1990 6 10 4 4 2 6 2006 10 6 4 4 6 2
1991 8 8 4 4 4 4 2007 7 9 3 5 4 4
1992 11 5 5 3 6 2 2008 8 8 6 2 2 6
1993 9 7 4 4 5 3 2009 13 3 6 2 7 1
1994 10 6 6 2 4 4 2010 11 5 5 3 6 2
1995 8 8 6 2 2 6 2011 13 3 8 0 5 3
1996 9 7 5 3 4 4 2012 7 9 4 4 3 5
1997 9 7 5 3 4 4 2013 11 5 8 0 3 5
1998 15 1 8 0 7 1 2014 7 9 3 5 4 4
1999 10 6 6 2 4 4 2015 7 9 4 4 3 5
2000 11 5 7 1 4 4 331 418 5 180 196 1 151 222 4
2001 5 11 5 3 0 8
2002 6 10 4 4 2 6 NEW YORK GIANTS
2003 9 7 6 2 3 5 All Games Home Games Road Games
2004 8 8 5 3 3 5 Season W L T W L T W L T
2005 9 7 6 2 3 5 1925 8 4 7 2 1 2
2006 6 10 3 5 3 5 1926 8 4 1 5 2 1 3 2
2007 8 8 5 3 3 5 1927 11 1 1 7 1 4 0 1
2008 10 6 6 2 4 4 1928 4 7 2 1 2 2 3 5
2009 12 4 8 0 4 4 1929 13 1 1 7 1 6 0 1
2010 6 10 4 4 2 6 1930 13 4 6 2 7 2
2011 3 13 1 7 2 6 1931 7 6 1 4 2 1 3 4
2012 10 6 7 1 3 5 1932 4 6 2 3 2 1 1 4 1
2013 5 10 1 5 3 0 7 1 1933 11 3 7 0 4 3
2014 7 9 5 3 2 6 1934 8 5 5 1 3 4
2015 11 5 6 2 5 3 1935 9 3 4 2 5 1
449 379 10 265 151 4 184 228 6 1936 5 6 1 3 3 1 2 3
1937 6 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 1
NEW ORLEANS SAINTS 1938 8 2 1 6 1 2 1 1
All Games Home Games Road Games 1939 9 1 1 6 0 3 1 1
Season W L T W L T W L T 1940 6 4 1 4 3 2 1 1
1967 3 11 2 5 1 6 1941 8 3 5 2 3 1
1968 4 9 1 3 4 1 5 1 1942 5 5 1 3 2 1 2 3
1969 5 9 3 4 2 5 1943 6 3 1 4 2 2 1 1
1970 2 11 1 2 5 0 6 1 1944 8 1 1 5 1 3 0 1
1971 4 8 2 2 4 1 2 4 1 1945 3 6 1 2 4 1 2 1
1972 2 11 1 2 5 0 6 1 1946 7 3 1 5 1 1 2 2
1973 5 9 5 2 0 7 1947 2 8 2 2 3 1 0 5 1
1974 5 9 4 3 1 6 1948 4 8 2 4 2 4
1975 2 12 2 5 0 7 1949 6 6 2 4 4 2
1976 4 10 2 5 2 5 1950 10 2 5 1 5 1
1977 3 11 2 5 1 6 1951 9 2 1 5 1 4 1 1
1978 7 9 3 5 4 4 1952 7 5 2 4 5 1
1979 8 8 3 5 5 3 1953 3 9 2 4 1 5
1980 1 15 0 8 1 7 1954 7 5 4 2 3 3
1981 4 12 2 6 2 6 1955 6 5 1 4 1 1 2 4
1982 4 5 2 3 2 2 1956 8 3 1 4 1 1 4 2
1983 8 8 5 3 3 5 1957 7 5 3 3 4 2
1984 7 9 3 5 4 4 1958 9 3 5 1 4 2
1985 5 11 3 5 2 6 1959 10 2 5 1 5 1
1986 7 9 4 4 3 5 1960 6 4 2 1 3 2 5 1
1987 12 3 6 1 6 2 1961 10 3 1 4 2 1 6 1
1988 10 6 5 3 5 3 1962 12 2 6 1 6 1
1989 9 7 5 3 4 4 1963 11 3 5 2 6 1
1990 8 8 5 3 3 5 1964 2 10 2 2 5 0 5 2
1991 11 5 6 2 5 3 1965 7 7 3 4 4 3
1992 12 4 6 2 6 2 1966 1 12 1 1 6 0 6 1
1993 8 8 4 4 4 4 1967 7 7 5 2 2 5
1994 7 9 3 5 4 4 1968 7 7 3 4 4 3
1995 7 9 4 4 3 5 1969 6 8 5 2 1 6
1996 3 13 2 6 1 7 1970 9 5 5 2 4 3
1997 6 10 3 5 3 5 1971 4 10 1 6 3 4
1998 6 10 4 4 2 6 1972 8 6 4 3 4 3
1999 3 13 3 5 0 8 1973 2 11 1 2 4 1 0 7
2000 10 6 3 5 7 1 1974 2 12 0 7 2 5

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 333

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1975 5 9 2 5 3 4 1958 2 9 1 2 4 0 5 1
1976 3 11 3 4 0 7 1959 7 5 5 1 2 4
1977 5 9 3 4 2 5 1960 10 2 5 1 5 1
1978 6 10 5 3 1 7 1961 10 4 5 2 5 2
1979 6 10 4 4 2 6 1962 3 10 1 2 5 1 5 1
1980 4 12 2 6 2 6 1963 2 10 2 1 5 1 1 5 1
1981 9 7 4 4 5 3 1964 6 8 3 4 3 4
1982 4 5 2 3 2 2 1965 5 9 2 5 3 4
1983 3 12 1 1 7 2 5 1 1966 9 5 5 2 4 3
1984 9 7 6 2 3 5 1967 6 7 1 5 2 1 5 1
1985 10 6 6 2 4 4 1968 2 12 1 6 1 6
1986 14 2 8 0 6 2 1969 4 9 1 2 5 2 4 1
1987 6 9 5 3 1 6 1970 3 10 1 3 3 1 0 7
1988 10 6 5 3 5 3 1971 6 7 1 3 4 3 3 1
1989 12 4 7 1 5 3 1972 2 11 1 0 6 1 2 5
1990 13 3 7 1 6 2 1973 5 8 1 4 3 1 5 1
1991 8 8 5 3 3 5 1974 7 7 5 2 2 5
1992 6 10 4 4 2 6 1975 4 10 2 5 2 5
1993 11 5 6 2 5 3 1976 4 10 2 5 2 5
1994 9 7 4 4 5 3 1977 5 9 4 3 1 6
1995 5 11 3 5 2 6 1978 9 7 5 3 4 4
1996 6 10 3 5 3 5 1979 11 5 5 3 6 2
1997 10 5 1 6 2 4 3 1 1980 12 4 7 1 5 3
1998 8 8 5 3 3 5 1981 10 6 6 2 4 4
1999 7 9 4 4 3 5 1982 3 6 1 4 2 2
2000 12 4 5 3 7 1 1983 5 11 1 7 4 4
2001 7 9 5 3 2 6 1984 6 9 1 5 3 1 6 1
2002 10 6 5 3 5 3 1985 7 9 4 4 3 5
2003 4 12 1 7 3 5 1986 5 10 1 2 5 1 3 5
2004 6 10 3 5 3 5 1987 7 8 4 4 3 4
2005 11 5 7 1 4 4 1988 10 6 5 3 5 3
2006 8 8 3 5 5 3 1989 11 5 6 2 5 3
2007 10 6 3 5 7 1 1990 10 6 6 2 4 4
2008 12 4 7 1 5 3 1991 10 6 4 4 6 2
2009 8 8 4 4 4 4 1992 11 5 8 0 3 5
2010 10 6 5 3 5 3 1993 8 8 3 5 5 3
2011 9 7 4 4 5 3 1994 7 9 5 3 2 6
2012 9 7 6 2 3 5 1995 10 6 6 2 4 4
2013 7 9 4 4 3 5 1996 10 6 5 3 5 3
2014 6 10 3 5 3 5 1997 6 9 1 6 2 0 7 1
2015 6 10 3 5 3 5 1998 3 13 3 5 0 8
673 567 33 373 265 16 300 302 17 1999 5 11 4 4 1 7
2000 11 5 5 3 6 2
PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 2001 11 5 4 4 7 1
All Games Home Games Road Games 2002 12 4 7 1 5 3
Season W L T W L T W L T 2003 12 4 5 3 7 1
1933 3 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 2004 13 3 7 1 6 2
1934 4 7 2 4 2 3 2005 6 10 4 4 2 6
1935 2 9 0 5 2 4 2006 10 6 5 3 5 3
1936 1 11 1 6 0 5 2007 8 8 3 5 5 3
1937 2 8 1 0 5 1 2 3 2008 9 6 1 6 2 3 4 1
1938 5 6 2 3 3 3 2009 11 5 6 2 5 3
1939 1 9 1 1 3 1 0 6 2010 10 6 4 4 6 2
1940 1 10 1 4 0 6 2011 8 8 3 5 5 3
1941 2 8 1 1 4 1 1 4 2012 4 12 2 6 2 6
1942 2 9 0 5 2 4 2013 10 6 4 4 6 2
1944 7 1 2 3 1 2 4 0 2014 10 6 6 2 4 4
1945 7 3 6 0 1 3 2015 7 9 3 5 4 4
1946 6 5 3 2 3 3 543 578 25 302 264 12 241 314 13
1947 8 4 6 1 2 3
1948 9 2 1 6 0 3 2 1 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS
1949 11 1 6 0 5 1 All Games Home Games Road Games
1950 6 6 2 4 4 2 Season W L T W L T W L T
1951 4 8 1 5 3 3 1950 3 9 3 3 0 6
1952 7 5 4 2 3 3 1951 7 4 1 5 1 2 3 1
1953 7 4 1 5 0 1 2 4 1952 7 5 3 3 4 2
1954 7 4 1 5 1 2 3 1 1953 9 3 5 1 4 2
1955 4 7 1 4 2 0 5 1 1954 7 4 1 4 2 3 2 1
1956 3 8 1 2 3 1 1 5 1955 4 8 2 4 2 4
1957 4 8 3 3 1 5 1956 5 6 1 3 3 2 3 1

334 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
1957 8 4 5 1 3 3 1982 4 5 3 2 1 3
1958 6 6 4 2 2 4 1983 9 7 5 3 4 4
1959 7 5 4 2 3 3 1984 12 4 7 1 5 3
1960 7 5 3 3 4 2 1985 8 8 5 3 3 5
1961 7 6 1 5 1 1 2 5 1986 10 6 7 1 3 5
1962 6 8 1 6 5 2 1987 9 6 6 2 3 4
1963 2 12 2 5 0 7 1988 9 7 5 3 4 4
1964 4 10 3 4 1 6 1989 7 9 3 5 4 4
1965 7 6 1 4 2 1 3 4 1990 9 7 5 3 4 4
1966 6 6 2 4 2 1 2 4 1 1991 7 9 5 3 2 6
1967 7 7 3 4 4 3 1992 2 14 1 7 1 7
1968 7 6 1 3 3 1 4 3 1993 6 10 4 4 2 6
1969 4 8 2 3 3 1 1 5 1 1994 6 10 3 5 3 5
1970 10 3 1 5 1 1 5 2 1995 8 8 5 3 3 5
1971 9 5 4 3 5 2 1996 7 9 4 4 3 5
1972 8 5 1 4 2 1 4 3 1997 8 8 4 4 4 4
1973 5 9 3 4 2 5 1998 8 8 6 2 2 6
1974 6 8 3 4 3 4 1999 9 7 5 3 4 4
1975 5 9 2 5 3 4 2000 6 10 3 5 3 5
1976 8 6 4 3 4 3 2001 9 7 6 2 3 5
1977 5 9 3 4 2 5 2002 7 9 3 5 4 4
1978 2 14 2 6 0 8 2003 10 6 8 0 2 6
1979 2 14 2 6 0 8 2004 9 7 5 3 4 4
1980 6 10 4 4 2 6 2005 13 3 8 0 5 3
1981 13 3 7 1 6 2 2006 9 7 5 3 4 4
1982 3 6 0 5 3 1 2007 10 6 7 1 3 5
1983 10 6 4 4 6 2 2008 4 12 2 6 2 6
1984 15 1 7 1 8 0 2009 5 11 4 4 1 7
1985 10 6 5 3 5 3 2010 7 9 5 3 2 6
1986 10 5 1 6 2 4 3 1 2011 7 9 4 4 3 5
1987 13 2 6 1 7 1 2012 11 5 8 0 3 5
1988 10 6 4 4 6 2 2013 13 3 7 1 6 2
1989 14 2 6 2 8 0 2014 12 4 7 1 5 3
1990 14 2 6 2 8 0 2015 10 6 5 3 5 3
1991 10 6 7 1 3 5 315 313 189 126 126 187
1992 14 2 7 1 7 1
1993 10 6 6 2 4 4 TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS
1994 13 3 7 1 6 2 All Games Home Games Road Games
1995 11 5 6 2 5 3 Season W L T W L T W L T
1996 12 4 6 2 6 2 1976 0 14 0 7 0 7
1997 13 3 8 0 5 3 1977 2 12 1 6 1 6
1998 12 4 8 0 4 4 1978 5 11 3 5 2 6
1999 4 12 3 5 1 7 1979 10 6 5 3 5 3
2000 6 10 4 4 2 6 1980 5 10 1 2 5 1 3 5
2001 12 4 7 1 5 3 1981 9 7 6 2 3 5
2002 10 6 5 3 5 3 1982 5 4 4 1 1 3
2003 7 9 6 2 1 7 1983 2 14 1 7 1 7
2004 2 14 1 7 1 7 1984 6 10 6 2 0 8
2005 4 12 3 5 1 7 1985 2 14 2 6 0 8
2006 7 9 4 4 3 5 1986 2 14 1 7 1 7
2007 5 11 3 5 2 6 1987 4 11 2 5 2 6
2008 7 9 4 4 3 5 1988 5 11 3 5 2 6
2009 8 8 6 2 2 6 1989 5 11 2 6 3 5
2010 6 10 5 3 1 7 1990 6 10 4 4 2 6
2011 13 3 7 1 6 2 1991 3 13 3 5 0 8
2012 11 4 1 6 1 1 5 3 1992 5 11 3 5 2 6
2013 12 4 6 2 6 2 1993 5 11 3 5 2 6
2014 8 8 4 4 4 4 1994 6 10 4 4 2 6
2015 5 11 4 4 1 7 1995 7 9 5 3 2 6
520 436 14 289 188 8 231 248 6 1996 6 10 5 3 1 7
1997 10 6 5 3 5 3
SEATTLE SEAHAWKS 1998 8 8 6 2 2 6
All Games Home Games Road Games 1999 11 5 7 1 4 4
Season W L T W L T W L T 2000 10 6 6 2 4 4
1976 2 12 1 6 1 6 2001 9 7 5 3 4 4
1977 5 9 3 4 2 5 2002 12 4 6 2 6 2
1978 9 7 5 3 4 4 2003 7 9 3 5 4 4
1979 9 7 5 3 4 4 2004 5 11 4 4 1 7
1980 4 12 0 8 4 4 2005 11 5 6 2 5 3
1981 6 10 5 3 1 7 2006 4 12 3 5 1 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 335

All Games Home Games Road Games All Games Home Games Road Games
Season W L T W L T W L T Season W L T W L T W L T
2007 9 7 6 2 3 5 1988 7 9 4 4 3 5
2008 9 7 6 2 3 5 1989 10 6 4 4 6 2
2009 3 13 1 7 2 6 1990 10 6 7 1 3 5
2010 10 6 4 4 6 2 1991 14 2 7 1 7 1
2011 4 12 3 5 1 7 1992 9 7 6 2 3 5
2012 7 9 3 5 4 4 1993 4 12 3 5 1 7
2013 4 12 3 5 1 7 1994 3 13 0 8 3 5
2014 2 14 0 8 2 6 1995 6 10 4 4 2 6
2015 6 10 3 5 3 5 1996 9 7 5 3 4 4
241 386 1 145 168 1 96 218 1997 8 7 1 5 2 1 3 5
1998 6 10 4 4 2 6
WASHINGTON REDSKINS* 1999 10 6 6 2 4 4
All Games Home Games Road Games 2000 8 8 4 4 4 4
Season W L T W L T W L T 2001 8 8 4 4 4 4
1932 4 4 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2002 7 9 5 3 2 6
1933 5 5 2 4 2 1 3 2 2003 5 11 3 5 2 6
1934 6 6 4 3 2 3 2004 6 10 3 5 3 5
1935 2 8 1 2 5 0 3 1 2005 10 6 6 2 4 4
1936 7 5 4 3 3 2 2006 5 11 3 5 2 6
1937 8 3 4 2 4 1 2007 9 7 5 3 4 4
1938 6 3 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 2008 8 8 4 4 4 4
1939 8 2 1 5 0 1 3 2 2009 4 12 3 5 1 7
1940 9 2 6 0 3 2 2010 6 10 2 6 4 4
1941 6 5 4 2 2 3 2011 5 11 2 6 3 5
1942 10 1 5 1 5 0 2012 10 6 5 3 5 3
1943 6 3 1 4 2 2 1 1 2013 3 13 2 6 1 7
1944 6 3 1 4 2 2 1 1 2014 4 12 3 5 1 7
1945 8 2 6 0 2 2 2015 9 7 6 2 3 5
1946 5 5 1 3 2 1 2 3 578 565 27 333 250 11 245 315 16
1947 4 8 4 2 0 6 *includes Boston Braves (1932) and Boston Redskins (1933-36).
1948 7 5 4 2 3 3
1950 3 9 1 5 2 4
1951 5 7 2 4 3 3 AFC W L T Pct.
1952 4 8 1 5 3 3 Miami 429 335 4 .561
1953 6 5 1 3 3 3 2 1 New England 462 381 9 .548
1954 3 9 3 3 0 6 Baltimore 173 146 1 .542
1955 8 4 3 3 5 1 Denver 456 386 10 .541
1956 6 6 4 2 2 4 Indianapolis 494 433 7 .533
1957 5 6 1 2 3 1 3 3 Oakland 444 397 11 .528
1958 4 7 1 3 2 1 1 5 Pittsburgh 590 530 20 .527
1959 3 9 2 4 1 5 Kansas City 435 405 12 .518
1960 1 9 2 1 4 1 0 5 1 Cleveland 461 451 10 .505
1961 1 12 1 1 6 0 6 1 San Diego 421 420 11 .501
1962 5 7 2 3 4 2 3 2 Tennessee 404 442 6 .478
1963 3 11 1 6 2 5 Buffalo 393 451 8 .466
1964 6 8 4 3 2 5 Cincinnati 338 399 3 .459
1965 6 8 3 4 3 4 N.Y. Jets 387 457 8 .459
1966 7 7 4 3 3 4 Jacksonville 152 184 0 .452
1967 5 6 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 Houston 97 127 0 .433
1968 5 9 3 4 2 5
1969 7 5 2 4 2 1 3 3 1 NFC W L T Pct.
1970 6 8 4 3 2 5 Chicago 741 555 42 .572
1971 9 4 1 4 2 1 5 2 Dallas 480 364 6 .569
1972 11 3 6 1 5 2 Green Bay 720 547 37 .568
1973 10 4 7 0 3 4 San Francisco 520 436 14 .544
1974 10 4 6 1 4 3 N.Y. Giants 673 567 33 .543
1975 8 6 5 2 3 4 Minnesota 449 379 10 .542
1976 10 4 5 2 5 2 Washington 578 565 27 .506
1977 9 5 5 2 4 3 Seattle 315 313 0 .502
1978 8 8 5 3 3 5 Los Angeles 540 542 21 .499
1979 10 6 6 2 4 4 Carolina 166 169 1 .496
1980 6 10 4 4 2 6 Philadelphia 543 578 25 .484
1981 8 8 5 3 3 5 Detroit 535 634 32 .458
1982 8 1 3 1 5 0 New Orleans 331 418 5 .442
1983 14 2 7 1 7 1 Atlanta 330 432 6 .433
1984 11 5 7 1 4 4 Arizona 535 714 38 .429
1985 10 6 5 3 5 3 Tampa Bay 241 386 1 .385
1986 12 4 7 1 5 3
1987 11 4 6 1 5 3 From 1920-1971, ties were not included in win percentage.

336 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Pro Football Hall of Fame ........................................................................................................................338
Past NFL Standings ...................................................................................................................................375
All-Time Team vs. Team Results ..............................................................................................................403
Super Bowl Standings/Most Valuable Players ........................................................................................487
Super Bowl Game Results/Game Summary 50 ......................................................................................488
Playoff Game Summaries .........................................................................................................................490
Pro Bowl All-Time Results........................................................................................................................502
Hall of Fame Games .................................................................................................................................505
Sunday Night Won-Loss Records ............................................................................................................506
Monday Night Won-Loss Records ...........................................................................................................508
Monday Night Football Individual Records ...........................................................................................510
International Games .................................................................................................................................512
Kickoff Weekend, NFL Opening .............................................................................................................513
Overtime Procedures ................................................................................................................................514
Overtime Games........................................................................................................................................515
Thanksgiving Day Football Results .........................................................................................................518
Thanksgiving Day Individual Records.....................................................................................................521
Interconference Games ............................................................................................................................522
Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year ......................................................................................................523
Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Players ........................................................................................524
Associated Press Awards ..........................................................................................................................526
Number-One Draft Choices .....................................................................................................................528
First-Round Selections..............................................................................................................................530
Scoring, Top 10 Weekends........................................................................................................................540
Attendance/TV Ratings ............................................................................................................................540
Paid Attendance ........................................................................................................................................541
The Mission of the Pro Hall of Fame. The year-round LARRY ALLEN LEM BARNEY
Football Hall of Fame, a world- selection process culminates Guard-tackle. 6-3, 325. Born Cornerback. 6-0, 190. Born in
renown institution, is: “To with the election of no fewer in Los Angeles, California, Gulfport, Mississippi, Septem-
Honor the Heroes of the than four or no more than eight November 27, 1971. Inducted ber 8, 1945. Jackson State.
Game, Preserve its History, new members each year. An in 2013. 1994-2005 Dallas Inducted in 1992. 1967-1977
Promote its Values & Cele- affirmative vote of 80 percent Cowboys, 2006-07 San Fran- Detroit Lions. Highlights: 56
brate Excellence EVERY- is needed for election. cisco 49ers. Highlights: interceptions for 1,077 yards,
WHERE.” Its core values are: The charter class of 17 Named first-team All-Pro 11 touchdowns (7 defensive,
Commitment, Integrity, enshrinees was elected in seven straight seasons. Elect- 4 special teams). Seven Pro
Courage, Respect, and Excel- 1963 and the honor roll now ed to 11 Pro Bowls. Member Bowls, All-NFL/NFC four times.
lence. The vision of the Pro stands at 303 (171 living as of of NFL’s All-Decade Teams of
Football Hall of Fame is: “It’s March 11, 2016) with the elec- 1990s and 2000s. CLIFF BATTLES
not just the past, it’s the tion of an eight man class in Halfback. 6-1, 195. Born in
future; it’s not just about Can- 2016. That class consists of MARCUS ALLEN Akron, Ohio, May 1, 1910.
ton, it’s the world; and it’s not Edward DeBartolo, Jr., Tony Running back. 6-2, 210. Born Died April 28, 1981. West Vir-
just a great museum for foot- Dungy, Brett Favre, Kevin in San Diego, California, ginia Wesleyan. Inducted in
ball, it’s a message of excel- Greene, Marvin Harrison, March 26, 1960. Southern 1968. 1932 Boston Braves,
lence EVERYWHERE.” Orlando Pace, Ken Stabler, and California. Inducted in 2003. 1933-36 Boston Redskins,
The Pro Football reaches Dick Stanfel. 1982-1992 Los Angeles 1937 Washington Redskins.
more than 1.6 million fans Raiders, 1993-1997 Kansas Highlights: NFL rushing
annually through museum ROSTER OF MEMBERS City Chiefs. Highlights: First champion 1932, 1937. First to
attendance, traveling exhibits, HERB ADDERLEY player in NFL history to tally gain more than 200 yards in a
and a multitude of events Cornerback. 6-0, 205. Born in 10,000 rushing yards and game, 1933.
across the country. In 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 5,000 receiving yards. MVP,
the Hall’s programs will be June 8, 1939. Michigan State. Quarterback. 6-2, 180. Born
showcased in more than 100 Inducted in 1980. 1961-69 LANCE ALWORTH in Temple, Texas, March 17,
cities around the nation. In Green Bay Packers, 1970-72 Wide receiver. 6-0, 184. Born 1914. Died December 17,
addition, tens of millions more Dallas Cowboys. Highlights: in Houston, Texas, August 3, 2008. Texas Christian. Induct-
connect with the Hall through 48 interceptions, 7 touch- 1940. Arkansas. Inducted in ed in 1963. 1937-1952 Wash-
numerous national television downs. Played in four Super 1978. 1962-1970 San Diego ington Redskins. Highlights:
broadcasts, an engaging web- Bowls, five Pro Bowls. Chargers, 1971-72 Dallas Charter enshrinee. Six-time
site, social media, and various Cowboys. Highlights: 542 NFL passing leader. NFL pass-
programs. TROY AIKMAN
Quarterback. 6-4, 219. Born receptions for 10,266 yards, ing, punting, interception
Center to the Hall’s opera- 85 touchdowns. All-AFL seven champ, 1943.
tions, is a world-class muse- in West Covina, California,
November 21, 1966. Okla- times, seven All-Star games.
um in Canton, Ohio, the city CHUCK BEDNARIK
where the National Football homa, UCLA. Inducted in DOUG ATKINS Center-linebacker. 6-3, 230.
League was born in 1920. The 2006. 1989-2000 Dallas Defensive end. 6-8, 275. Born Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylva-
Hall first opened its doors more Cowboys. Highlights: His 90 in Humboldt, Tennessee, May nia, May 1, 1925. Died March
than a half century ago. From wins in 1990s make him win- 8, 1930. Tennessee. Died 21, 2015. Pennsylvania. Induct-
its humble beginnings to today, ningest quarterback in that December 30, 2015. Inducted ed in 1967. 1949-1962 Phila-
the Pro Football Hall of Fame decade. Led Cowboys to three in 1982. 1953-54 Cleveland delphia Eagles. Highlights:
has grown in both size and Super Bowl wins. Passed for Browns, 1955-1966 Chicago Eight Pro Bowls. Missed three
stature. The National Football 32,942 yards, 165 touch- Bears, 1967-69 New Orleans games in 14 years. Named NFL
League awarded the site for the downs. Named to six Pro Saints. Highlights: Eight Pro all-time center, 1969.
Hall of Fame to Canton in Bowls. Bowls, All-NFL four times.
Played for 17 years, 205 BERT BELL
1961. Groundbreaking for the GEORGE ALLEN
games. Team owner. Commissioner.
original construction took Coach. Born in Detroit, Michi- Born in Philadelphia, Penn-
place on August 11, 1962 and gan, April 29, 1918. Died MORRIS (RED) BADGRO sylvania, February 25, 1895.
the Hall opened its doors for December 31, 1990. Alma End. 6-0, 190. Born in Orillia, Died October 11, 1959. Penn-
the first time on September 7, College, Eastern Michigan, Washington, December 1, sylvania. Inducted in 1963.
1963. Four expansions were Marquette, Michigan. Inducted 1902. Died July 13, 1998. 1933-1940 Philadelphia
completed over the years in 2002. 1966-1970 Los Southern California. Inducted in Eagles, 1941-42 Pittsburgh
(1971, 1978, 1995, and 2012- Angeles Rams, 1971-77 1981. 1927-28 New York Yan- Steelers, 1943 Phil-Pitt, 1944
13) that have resulted in the Washington Redskins. High- kees, 1930-35 New York Card-Pitt, 1945-46 Pittsburgh
museum growing from its orig- lights: 118-54-5 overall Giants, 1936 Brooklyn Steelers. Commissioner,
inal 19,000 square feet to record. Never suffered a losing Dodgers. Highlights: First- or 1946-1959. Highlights: Char-
today’s 118,000-square-foot season, and ranked tenth in second-team All-NFL four ter enshrinee. Built NFL image
football facility. coaching victories at time of times. Scored first touchdown as commissioner, 1946-1959.
Recognized worldwide as retirement. in NFL Championship Game Set up long-term television
America’s premier sports Hall
series. policies.
of Fame, the Hall is a truly
exhilarating museum and exhi-
bition center that pays tributes
to the talents and triumphs of
the game’s greatest heroes.
A 46-member Selection
Committee, made up of media
representatives, elects new
members to the Pro Football

338 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Linebacker. 6-4, 225. Born in Quarterback-kicker. 6-2, 215. Coach. Born in Norwalk, Ohio, Linebacker. 5-11, 220. Born in
Shelby, North Carolina, June Born in Youngwood, Penn- September 7, 1908. Died Springfield, Massachusetts,
17, 1940. Minnesota. Induct- sylvania, September 17, August 5, 1991. Miami (Ohio). December 15, 1940. Notre
ed in 1983. 1963-1974 1927. Died September 27, Inducted in 1967. 1946-49 Dame. Inducted in 2001.
Kansas City Chiefs. High- 2010. Kentucky. Inducted in Cleveland Browns (AAFC), 1962-68 Boston Patriots,
lights: 26 interceptions. All- 1981. 1949-1958 Chicago 1950-1962 Cleveland Browns. 1969-1974, 1976 Miami Dol-
AFL/AFC eight times. Nine Bears, 1950 Baltimore Colts, Highlights: Built Cleveland phins. Highlights: All-
career touchdowns, 1 on 1960-66 Houston Oilers, dynasty with 167-53-8 record, AFL/AFC eight times. Named
onside kick return. 1967-1975 Oakland Raiders. four AAFC titles, three NFL to AFL’s All-Time Team.
Highlights: 2,002 career crowns. Returned to coaching
RAYMOND BERRY points. 26-season, 340-game with Cincinnati Bengals after DICK BUTKUS
End. 6-2, 187. Born in Corpus career longest in NFL history induction, 1968-1975. Linebacker. 6-3, 245. Born in
Christi, Texas, February 27, at retirement. Chicago, Illinois, December 9,
1933. Southern Methodist. ROOSEVELT BROWN 1942. Illinois. Inducted in
Inducted in 1973. 1955-1967 MEL BLOUNT Tackle. 6-3, 255. Born in 1979. 1965-1973 Chicago
Baltimore Colts. Highlights: Cornerback. 6-3, 205. Born in Charlottesville, Virginia, Octo- Bears. Highlights: All-NFL six
631 receptions for 9,275 Vidalia, Georgia, April 10, ber 20, 1932. Died June 9, years, eight consecutive Pro
yards, 68 touchdowns. Set 1948. Southern University. 2004. Morgan State. Inducted Bowls. 27 fumble recoveries.
NFL title game mark with 12 Inducted in 1989. 1970-1983 in 1975. 1953-1965 New York
catches for 178 yards, 1958. Pittsburgh Steelers. High- Giants. Highlights: All-NFL JACK BUTLER
lights: 57 interceptions for 736 eight consecutive years, nine Cornerback. 6-1, 200. Born in
ELVIN BETHEA yards. NFL defensive MVP, Pro Bowls. NFL’s lineman of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Defensive end. 6-2, 260. Born 1975. Started in four Super year, 1956. November 12, 1927. Died
in Trenton, New Jersey, March Bowl victories. May 11, 2013. St. Bonaven-
1, 1946. North Carolina A&T. TIM BROWN ture. Inducted in 2012. 1951-
Inducted in 2003. 1968-1983 TERRY BRADSHAW Wide receiver-kick returner- 59 Pittsburgh Steelers. High-
Houston Oilers. Highlights: Quarterback. 6-3, 210. Born punt returner. 6-0, 195. Born lights: Retired as NFL’s sec-
Led team in sacks six times. in Shreveport, Louisiana, Sep- in Dallas, Texas, July 22, ond all-time leading intercep-
Elected to eight Pro Bowls. tember 2, 1948. Louisiana 1966. Notre Dame. Inducted tor with 52 career picks
Played for 16 years, 210 Tech. Inducted in 1989. 1970- in 2015. 1988-2003 Los returned for 827 yards, 4 TDs.
games. 1983 Pittsburgh Steelers. Angeles/Oakland Raiders, Named to four Pro Bowls and
Highlights: 27,989 yards 2004 Tampa Bay Buccaneers. selected to the NFL’s All-
JEROME BETTIS passing, 212 touchdowns. Highlights: At retirement, Decade Team of 1950s.
Running back. 5-11, 243. MVP in Super Bowls XIII, XIV. 14,934 career receiving yards
Born in Detroit, Michigan, Feb- were second all-time; 1,094 EARL CAMPBELL
ruary 16, 1972. Notre Dame. DERRICK BROOKS receptions were third; and 100 Running back. 5-11, 233.
Inducted in 2015. 1993-95 Linebacker. 6-0, 232. Born in touchdown catches were tied Born in Tyler, Texas, March 29,
Los Angeles/St. Louis Rams, Pensacola, Florida, April 18, for third. 1955. Texas. Inducted in
1996-2005 Pittsburgh Steel- 1973. Florida State. Inducted 1991. 1978-1984 Houston
ers. Highlights: 13,662 in 2014. 1995-2008 Tampa WILLIE BROWN Oilers, 1984-85 New Orleans
ranked fifth all-time in career Bay Bucanneers. Highlights: Cornerback. 6-1, 210. Born in Saints. Highlights: 9,407
rushing yards at retirement. Never missed a game. NFL Yazoo City, Mississippi, yards rushing, 74 touch-
Voted to six Pro Bowls. Defensive Player of the Year in December 2, 1940. Gram- downs. 1,934 yards rushing in
2002. Named to NFL's All- bling. Inducted in 1984. 1963- 1980, including four games
CHARLES W. BIDWILL SR. Decade Team of 2000s. 66 Denver Broncos, 1967- with at least 200 yards.
Team owner. Born in Chicago, 1978 Oakland Raiders. High-
Illinois, September 16, 1895. BOB (BOOMER) BROWN lights: 54 interceptions for TONY CANADEO
Died April 19, 1947. Loyola of Tackle. 6-4, 280. Born in 472 yards. Scored on 75-yard Halfback. 5-11, 195. Born in
Chicago. Inducted in 1967. Cleveland, Ohio, December 8, interception in Super Bowl XI. Chicago, Illinois, May 5, 1919.
1933-1943 Chicago Cardi- 1941. Nebraska. Inducted in Died November 29, 2003.
nals, 1944 Card-Pitt, 1945-47 2004. 1964-68 Philadelphia BUCK BUCHANAN Gonzaga. Inducted in 1974.
Chicago Cardinals. High- Eagles, 1969-1970 Los Ange- Defensive tackle. 6-7, 274. 1941-44, 1946-1952 Green
lights: Guiding light for NFL les Rams, 1971-73 Oakland Born in Gainesville, Alabama, Bay Packers. Highlights: Two-
during depression years. Built Raiders. Highlights: All-NFL September 10, 1940. Died way player. Third player to
famous “Dream Backfield.” seven of 10 seasons, six Pro July 16, 1992. Grambling. rush for 1,000 yards in single
Bowls. Named to 1960s All- Inducted in 1990. 1963-1975 season, 1949.
FRED BILETNIKOFF Decade Team. Kansas City Chiefs. High-
Wide receiver. 6-1, 190. Born lights: Led Chiefs defensive JOE CARR
in Erie, Pennsylvania, Febru- JIM BROWN efforts in Super Bowl I, IV. Did NFL president. Born in Colum-
ary 23, 1943. Florida State. Fullback. 6-2, 228. Born in St. not miss a game in 13 years. bus, Ohio, October 23, 1879.
Inducted in 1988. 1965-1978 Simons, Georgia, February Died May 20, 1939. Did not
Oakland Raiders. Highlights: 17, 1936. Syracuse. Inducted attend college. Inducted in
589 receptions for 8,974 in 1971. 1957-1965 Cleve- 1963. President, 1921-1939
yards, 76 touchdowns. 40 land Browns. Highlights: National Football League.
catches 10 straight years. 12,312 yards rushing, 756 Highlights: Charter enshrinee.
MVP, Super Bowl XI. points. Led NFL rushers eight NFL co-organizer, 1920. Intro-
years. Nine consecutive Pro duced standard player con-
Bowls. tract.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 339

Linebacker. 6-2, 237. Born in Quarterback. 6-0, 185. Born Defensive tackle. 6-2, 265. Defensive end. 6-3, 230. Born
Florence, South Carolina, in Fowler, Colorado, October Born in Yuma, Arizona, March in Arcadia, Louisiana, Febru-
November 26, 1953. South 11, 1906. Died August 5, 10, 1946. Inducted in 2013. ary 24, 1952. Louisiana Tech.
Carolina State. Inducted in 1978. Colorado College. 1968-1974 Kansas City Inducted in 2008. 1975-1981
2006. 1976-1988 New York Inducted in 1963. 1931-32 Chiefs, 1974-1980 Houston San Diego Chargers, 1981-85
Giants. Highlights: 11 career Portsmouth Spartans, 1934- Oilers, 1980-81 Detroit Lions. San Francisco 49ers. High-
interceptions. Named to nine 38 Detroit Lions. Highlights: Highlights: Started in three lights: Had career-high 17.5
Pro Bowls. Named first- or Charter enshrinee. NFL scor- AFL/AFC championship games sacks in 1983. Played on two
second-team All-NFL six ing champion three years. Led and Super Bowl IV. Named to Super Bowl championship
times. Lions to 1935 NFL title. six Pro Bowls. Earned Defen- teams with 49ers (Super
sive Player of the Year honors Bowls XVI, XIX).
Wide receiver. 6-3, 202. Born Tackle-linebacker. 6-3, 240. EDWARD DEBARTOLO, JR.
in Troy, Ohio, November 25, Born in Chicago, Illinois, Janu- AL DAVIS Owner. Born in Youngstown,
1965. Inducted in 2013. 1987- ary 21, 1925. Died March 31, Coach-Commissioner-Owner. Ohio, November 6, 1946.
89 Philadelphia Eagles, 1990- 2003. Holy Cross, Notre Born in Brockton, Massa- Notre Dame. Inducted 2016.
2001 Minnesota Vikings, 2002 Dame. Inducted in 1975. chusetts, July 4, 1929. Died 1977-2000 San Francisco
Miami Dolphins. Highlights: 1948-1955 Chicago Bears. October 8, 2011. Wittenberg, 49ers. Highlights: 49ers aver-
Recorded eight straight 1,000- Highlights: All-NFL at three Syracuse. Inducted in 1992. aged 13 wins per season,
yards seasons. Career statis- positions—T, DT, LB. All-NFL 1963-1981, 1995-2011 Oak- including playoffs, from 1981-
tics include 1,101 receptions five years. Played in first four land Raiders, 1982-1994 Los 1998 (not including strike-
for 13,899 yards and 130 TD Pro Bowls. Angeles Raiders, 1966 Ameri- shortened '82 season). 49ers
catches. Elected to eight Pro can Football League. High- were first team to win five
Bowls. Named to NFL’s All- JIMMY CONZELMAN lights: Only person to serve in Super Bowls.
Decade Team of 1990s. Quarterback. Coach. Team pros as personnel assistant,
owner. 6-0, 180. Born in St. scout, assistant coach, head JOE DELAMIELLEURE
DAVE CASPER Louis, Missouri, March 6, coach, general manager, com- Guard. 6-3, 254. Born in
Tight end. 6-4, 240. Born in 1898. Died July 31, 1970. missioner, team owner/CEO. Detroit, Michigan, March 16,
Bemidji, Minnesota, February Washington of St. Louis. 1951. Michigan State. Induct-
2, 1952. Notre Dame. Induct- Inducted in 1964. 1920 WILLIE DAVIS ed in 2003. 1973-1979, 1985
ed in 2002. 1974-1980 Oak- Decatur Staleys, 1921-22 Defensive end. 6-3, 245. Born Buffalo Bills, 1980-1984
land Raiders, 1980-83 Hous- Rock Island Independents, in Lisbon, Louisiana, July 24, Cleveland Browns. Highlights:
ton Oilers, 1983 Minnesota 1922-24 Milwaukee Badgers; 1934. Grambling. Inducted in Selected All-Pro and All-AFC
Vikings, 1984 Los Angeles owner-coach 1925-26 Detroit 1981. 1958-59 Cleveland six consecutive times, 1975-
Raiders. Highlights: 378 Panthers; player-coach 1927- Browns, 1960-69 Green Bay 1980. Named to six Pro
receptions for 5,216 yards, 52 29, coach 1930 Providence Packers. Highlights: All-NFL Bowls. Played 13 years, 185
touchdowns. Five consecutive Steam Roller; coach 1940-42, five seasons, five Pro Bowls. games.
Pro Bowls. 1946-48 Chicago Cardinals. Did not miss game in 12-year
Highlights: Player-coach of career. RICHARD DENT
GUY CHAMBERLIN four NFL teams in 1920s. Defensive end. 6-5, 265. Born
End. Coach. 6-2, 196. Born in Coached Cardinals to 1947 DERMONTTI DAWSON in Atlanta, Georgia, December
Blue Springs, Nebraska, Janu- NFL crown. Center. 6-2, 288. Born in Lex- 13, 1960. Tennessee State.
ary 16, 1894. Died April 4, ington, Kentucky, June 17, Inducted in 2011. 1983-1993,
1967. Nebraska. Inducted in LOU CREEKMUR 1965. Kentucky. Inducted in 1995 Chicago Bears, 1994
1965. 1919 Canton Bulldogs, Tackle-guard. 6-4, 255. Born 2012. 1988-2000 Pittsburgh San Francisco 49ers, 1996
1920-21 Decatur Staleys/ in Hopelawn, New Jersey. Steelers. Highlights: Played in Indianapolis Colts, 1997
Chicago Staleys, player-coach January 22, 1927. Died July 170 straight games. Named Philadelphia Eagles. High-
1922-23 Canton Bulldogs, 5, 2009. William & Mary. first-team All-Pro six consecu- lights: Named MVP of Super
1924 Cleveland Bulldogs, Inducted in 1996. 1950-59 tive seasons and voted to Bowl XX. Had double-digit
1925-26 Frankford Yellow- Detroit Lions. Highlights: All- seven straight Pro Bowls. Is sack totals 10 times. Record-
jackets, 1927-28 Chicago NFL six times, twice at guard member of the NFL’s All- ed 137.5 career sacks, third
Cardinals. Highlights: Player- and four times at tackle. Decade Team of the 1990s. most at time of retirement.
coach of four NFL champi- Selected to eight Pro Bowls Named first- or second-team
onship teams. Six-year coach- and played on three NFL LEN DAWSON All-NFL four times, voted to
ing record of 58-16-7. championship teams. Quarterback. 6-0, 190. Born four Pro Bowls.
in Alliance, Ohio, June 20,
Safety. 6-1, 185. Born in Sub- Running back. 6-3, 235. Born 1987. 1957-59 Pittsburgh Running back. 6-3, 220. Born
lette, Kansas, December 20, in Stow, Ohio, December 25, Steelers, 1960-61 Cleveland in Sealy, Texas, September 2,
1928. Died June 29, 1986. 1946. Syracuse. Inducted in Browns, 1962 Dallas Texans, 1960. Southern Methodist.
Colorado State. Inducted in 1987. 1968-1974, 1979 1963-1975 Kansas City Inducted in 1999. 1983-87
1970. 1951-58 Detroit Lions. Miami Dolphins, 1976-78 New Chiefs. Highlights: 28,711 Los Angeles Rams, 1987-
Highlights: 46 interceptions. York Giants. Highlights: 8,081 yards passing, 239 touch- 1991 Indianapolis Colts, 1992
NFL interception leader, 1953, yards rushing, 68 touch- downs. Four AFL passing Los Angeles Raiders, 1993
1957. Eight punt returns for downs. MVP Super Bowl VIII. crowns. MVP, Super Bowl IV. Atlanta Falcons. Highlights:
touchdowns. Only 21 fumbles in 1,891 car- Rushed for 13,259 career
ries and 106 receptions. yards, including an NFL record
2,105 yards in 1984. All-Pro
five times, six Pro Bowls.

340 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Tackle. 6-3, 290. Born in Can- Quarterback. 5-11, 160. Born Quarterback. 6-3, 215. Born Administrator. Born in St.
ton, Ohio, June 29, 1949. in Evanston, Illinois, January in Port Angeles, Washington, Louis, Missouri, August 31,
Michigan. Inducted in 1996. 11, 1895. Died June 29, June 28, 1960. Stanford. 1927. Died May 8, 1994.
1971-1983 St. Louis Cardi- 1968. Northwestern. Inducted Inducted in 2004. 1983-1998 Tulsa. Inducted 1995. 1964-
nals. Highlights: All-Pro five in 1965. 1919 Hammond Denver Broncos. Highlights: 1973 Minnesota Vikings,
times, played in six Pro Bowls, Pros, 1920 Decatur Staleys, Passed for 51,475 yards, 300 1974-1982 Chicago Bears,
named NFL’s best blocker 1920-25 Chicago Cardinals, touchdowns. Named to nine 1986-1993 New Orleans
three times. 1926-29 Chicago Bears. Pro Bowls. NFL MVP, 1987; Saints. Highlights: Developed
Highlights: All-NFL seven MVP, Super Bowl XXXIII. Vikings, Bears, Saints—all
MIKE DITKA times. Dropkicked record 4 teams with losing records—
Tight end. 6-3, 225. Born in field goals in one game, 1925. WEEB EWBANK into winners.
Carnegie, Pennsylvania, Octo- Coach. Born in Richmond,
ber 18, 1939. Pittsburgh. BILL DUDLEY Indiana, May 6, 1907. Died RAY FLAHERTY
Inducted in 1988. 1961-66 Halfback. 5-10, 182. Born in November 17, 1998. Miami Coach. Born in Spokane,
Chicago Bears, 1967-68 Bluefield, Virginia, December (Ohio). Inducted in 1978. Washington, September 1,
Philadelphia Eagles, 1969- 24, 1921. Died February 4, 1954-1962 Baltimore Colts, 1903. Died July 19, 1994.
1972 Dallas Cowboys. High- 2010. Virginia. Inducted in 1963-1973 New York Jets. Gonzaga. Inducted in 1976.
lights: 427 receptions for 1966. 1942, 1945-46 Pitts- Highlights: Only coach to win 1936-1942 Boston/Washing-
5,812 yards, 43 touchdowns. burgh Steelers, 1947-49 championships in both NFL, ton Redskins, 1946-48 New
First tight end selected to Hall Detroit Lions, 1950-51, 1953 AFL. Led both Colts (1958 and York Yankees (AAFC), 1949
of Fame. Five consecutive Pro Washington Redskins. High- 1959) and Jets (1968) to Chicago Hornets (AAFC).
Bowls. lights: Won NFL rushing, championships. Highlights: 82-41-5 coaching
interception, punt return titles, record. Introduced screen
CHRIS DOLEMAN 1946. All-NFL 1942, 1946, MARSHALL FAULK pass in 1937 title game and
Defensive end-linebacker. 6-5, and 1947. Running back. 5-10, 208. platoon system.
270. Born in Indianapolis, Born in New Orleans,
Indiana, October 16, 1961. TONY DUNGY Louisiana, February 26, 1973. LEN FORD
Pittsburgh. Inducted in 2012. Coach. Born in Jackson, San Diego State. Inducted in Defensive end. 6-4, 260. Born
1985-1993, 1999 Minnesota Michigan, October 6, 1955. 2011. 1994-98 Indianapolis in Washington, D.C., February
Vikings, 1994-95 Atlanta Fal- Minnesota. Inducted in 2016. Colts, 1999-2005 St. Louis 18, 1926. Died March 14,
cons, 1996-98 San Francisco 1996-2001 Tampa Bay Buc- Rams. Highlights: Became 1972. Morgan State, Michi-
49ers. Highlights: Career caneers, 2002-08 Indianapolis second player to eclipse gan. Inducted in 1976. 1948-
sack total of 150.5 was fourth Colts. Highlights: First African 1,000 yards in rushing and 49 Los Angeles Dons (AAFC),
best all-time at retirement. American head coach to win receiving same season when 1950-57 Cleveland Browns,
Recorded 10 or more sacks in Super Bowl. Overall record as he set then-record for yards 1958 Green Bay Packers.
a season eight times. Led NFL head coach, 148-79-0. from scrimmage, 1999. NFL’s Highlights: All-NFL five times,
with 21 sacks, 1989, one MVP in 2000. Rushed for four Pro Bowls. Recovered 20
short of season record at ALBERT GLEN (TURK) 1,000 yards in seven of first opponents’ fumbles.
time. Voted to eight Pro Bowls. EDWARDS eight seasons.
Tackle. 6-2, 260. Born in DAN FORTMANN
ART DONOVAN Mold, Washington, September BRETT FAVRE Guard. 6-0, 210. Born in Pearl
Defensive tackle. 6-3, 265. 28, 1907. Died January 12, Quarterback. 6-2, 225. Born River, New York, April 11,
Born in Bronx, New York, June 1973. Washington State. in Gulfport, Mississippi, Octo- 1916. Died May 23, 1995.
5, 1925. Died August 4, 2013. Inducted in 1969. 1932 ber 10, 1969. Southern Mis- Colgate. Inducted in 1965.
Boston College. Inducted in Boston Braves, 1933-36 sissippi. Inducted in 2016. 1936-1943 Chicago Bears.
1968. 1950 Baltimore Colts, Boston Redskins, 1937-1940 1991 Atlanta Falcons, 1992- Highlights: At 20, became
1951 New York Yanks, 1952 Washington Redskins. High- 2007 Green Bay Packers, youngest starter in NFL. First-
Dallas Texans, 1953-1961 lights: All-NFL 1932-34, 2008 New York Jets, 2009- or second-team All-NFL every
Baltimore Colts. Highlights: 1936, 1937. Steamrolling 2010 Minnesota Vikings. season of career.
Five Pro Bowls. Vital part of blocker, smothering tackler. Highlights: Retired as the
Baltimore’s climb to power- NFL’s all-time leading passer DAN FOUTS
house status in 1950s. CARL ELLER (6,300 completions; 10,169 Quarterback. 6-3, 210. Born
Defensive end. 6-6, 247. Born attempts; 71,838 yards; 508 in San Francisco, California,
TONY DORSETT in Winston-Salem, North Car- TDs). Three league MVP June 10, 1951. Oregon.
Running back. 5-11, 184. olina, January 25, 1942. Min- awards. Inducted in 1993. 1973-1987
Born in Rochester, Pennsylva- nesota. Inducted in 2004. San Diego Chargers. High-
nia, April 7, 1954. Pittsburgh. 1964-1978 Minnesota TOM FEARS lights: 43,040 passing yards,
Inducted in 1994. 1977-1987 Vikings, 1979 Seattle Sea- End. 6-2, 215. Born in 254 touchdowns. Six Pro
Dallas Cowboys, 1988 Denver hawks. Highlights: Fixture on Guadalajara, Mexico, Decem- Bowls, NFL MVP, 1982.
Broncos. Highlights: 12,739 Vikings’ “Purple People ber 3, 1922. Died January 4,
yards rushing, 398 receptions, Eaters” defensive line, All-Pro 2000. Santa Clara, UCLA.
91 touchdowns. Ran record 99 five time, elected to six Pro Inducted in 1970. 1948-1956
yards for touchdown vs. Min- Bowls. Los Angeles Rams. High-
nesota, January, 1983. lights: 400 receptions for
5,397 yards, 38 touchdowns.
Led NFL receivers first three
seasons. Had then-record 18
receptions in single game.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 341

Quarterback. 5-10, 183. Born Coach. Born in Minneapolis, Linebacker. 6-3, 247. Born in Halfback. 6-1, 180. Born on
in Cleveland, Ohio, March 18, Minnesota, October 26, 1911. New York, New, York, July 31, White Earth Indian Reserva-
1905. Died November 23, Died January 3, 2003. Ohio 1962. Auburn. Inducted in tion, Minnesota, November
1982. Michigan. Inducted in State. Inducted in 1983. 1955- 2016. 1985-1992 Los Ange- 26, 1892. Died November 27,
2005. 1927 Cleveland Bull- 59 Los Angeles Rams, 1960- les Rams, 1993-95 Pittsburgh 1971. Carlisle, Georgia Tech.
dogs, 1928 Detroit Wolver- 69, 1971 Los Angeles/San Steelers, 1996, 1998-99 Car- Inducted in 1966. 1919-1920
ines, 1929-1931 New York Diego Chargers, 1973-74 olina Panthers, 1997 San Canton Bulldogs, 1921 Cleve-
Giants, 1932-34 Brooklyn Houston Oilers. Highlights: Francisco 49ers. Highlights: land Indians, 1922-23 Oorang
Dodgers. Highlights: NFL’s 123-104-7 coaching record. 160 career sacks is third all- Indians, 1924 Rock Island
first great passer. Set league First to win division titles in time. Had double-digit sacks Independents, 1924-25
mark for touchdowns with 20 both NFL, AFL. totals in 10 seasons. Kansas City Cowboys, 1927
in 1929. Led NFL in touch- New York Giants. Highlights:
down passes each of his first OTTO GRAHAM FORREST GREGG Touchdown pass gave Giants
four seasons. Quarterback. 6-1, 195. Born Tackle. 6-4, 250. Born in victory over Bears to win 1927
in Waukegan, Illinois, Decem- Birthright, Texas, October 18, championship.
FRANK GATSKI ber 6, 1921. Died December 1933. Southern Methodist.
Center. 6-3, 240. Born in 17, 2003. Northwestern. Inducted in 1977. 1956, GEORGE HALAS
Farmington, West Virginia, Inducted in 1965. 1946-49 1958-1970 Green Bay Pack- End. Coach. Team owner. Born
March 18, 1919. Marshall, Cleveland Browns (AAFC), ers, 1971 Dallas Cowboys. in Chicago, Illinois, February 2,
Auburn. Died November 22, 1950-55 Cleveland Browns. Highlights: Played 188 con- 1895. Died October 31, 1983.
2005. Inducted in 1985. Highlights: 23,584 passing secutive games. Nine Pro Illinois. Inducted in 1963. Play-
1946-49 Cleveland Browns yards, 174 touchdowns. Guid- Bowls. Played on six NFL er-coach 1920 Decatur Sta-
(AAFC), 1950-56 Cleveland ed Browns to 10 division or championship teams, three leys, 1921 Chicago Staleys,
Browns, 1957 Detroit Lions. league crowns in 10 years. Super Bowl winners. 1922-29 Chicago Bears;
Highlights: Never missed coach 1933-1942, 1946-
game in high school, college, HAROLD (RED) GRANGE BOB GRIESE 1955, 1958-1967 Chicago
or pro football. Played 11 Halfback. 6-0, 185. Born in Quarterback. 6-1, 190. Born in Bears. Highlights: Charter
championship games, winning Forksville, Pennsylvania, June Evansville, Indiana, February 3, enshrinee. 324 coaching wins.
eight. 13, 1903. Died January 28, 1945. Purdue. Inducted in Only person associated with
1991. Illinois. Inducted in 1990. 1967-1980 Miami Dol- NFL throughout first 50 years.
BILL GEORGE 1963. 1925, 1929-1934 phins. Highlights: 25,092 Coached Bears 40 seasons,
Linebacker. 6-2, 230. Born in Chicago Bears, 1926 New passing yards, 192 touch- won six NFL titles.
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, York Yankees (AFL), 1927 New downs. Led Miami to three AFC
October 27, 1929. Died Sep- York Yankees. Highlights: titles, Super Bowl VII, VIII wins. CHARLES HALEY
tember 30, 1982. Wake For- Charter enshrinee. Nicknamed Defensive end-linebacker. 6-5,
est. Inducted in 1974. 1952- “Galloping Ghost.” Name pro- RUSS GRIMM 242. Born in Gladys, Virginia,
1965 Chicago Bears, 1966 duced first huge pro football Guard. 6-3, 273. Born in January 6, 1964. James
Los Angeles Rams. High- crowds. Scottdale, Pennsylvania, May Madison. Inducted in 2015.
lights: All-NFL eight years, 2, 1959. Pittsburgh. Inducted 1986-1991, 1998-99 San
eight consecutive Pro Bowls. BUD GRANT in 2010. 1981-1991 Washing- Francisco 49ers, 1992-96
14 years of service, longest of Coach. Born in Superior, Wis- ton Redskins. Highlights: Dallas Cowboys. Highlights:
any Bears player. consin, May 20, 1927. Min- Member of famed “Hogs” Twice named NFC Defensive
nesota. Inducted in 1994. offensive line, All-NFL four Player of the Year (1990,
JOE GIBBS 1967-1983, 1985 Minnesota times, four Pro Bowls. Member 1994). Only player in NFL his-
Coach. Born in Mocksville, Vikings. Highlights: 168-108- of All-Decade Team 1980s. tory to play on five winning
North Carolina, November 25, 5 coaching record. Led Super Bowl teams (XXIII, XXIV,
1940. Cerritos (Calif.) J.C., Vikings to 11 division champi- LOU GROZA
Tackle-kicker. 6-3, 250. Born XXVII, XXVIII, XXX).
San Diego State. Inducted in onships, four Super Bowls.
1996. 1981-1992 Washington in Martins Ferry, Ohio, Janu- JACK HAM
Redskins. Highlights: 124- DARRELL GREEN ary 25, 1924. Died November Linebacker. 6-1, 225. Born in
60-0 record in regular season, Cornerback. . 5-8, 176. Born 29, 2000. Ohio State. Inducted Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
16-5 in postseason, including in Houston, Texas, February in 1974. 1946-49 Cleveland December 23, 1948. Penn
four Super Bowl appear- 15, 1960. Texas A&I. Inducted Browns (AAFC), 1950-59, State. Inducted in 1988. 1971-
ances—winning three. Won in 2008. 1983-2002 Washing- 1961-67 Cleveland Browns. 1982 Pittsburgh Steelers.
10 or more games eight times. ton Redskins. Highlights: 54 Highlights: 1,608 points in 21 Highlights: Won four Super
interceptions, 621 yards, 6 years. Nine Pro Bowls, All-NFL Bowls, 21 opponents’ fumbles
FRANK GIFFORD TDs. Played 20 seasons. six years. NFL player of the recovered, 32 interceptions.
Halfback. 6-1, 195. Born in Recorded interception in NFL year, 1954. Eight consecutive Pro Bowls.
Santa Monica, California, record 19 straight seasons.
August 16, 1930. Died August Selected to seven Pro Bowls. RAY GUY DAN HAMPTON
9, 2015. Southern California. JOE GREENE Punter. 6-3, 195. Born in Defensive tackle-defensive
Inducted in 1977. 1952-1960, Defensive tackle. 6-4, 260. Swainsboro, Georgia, Decem- end. 6-5, 264. Born in Okla-
1962-64 New York Giants. Born in Temple, Texas, Sep- ber 22, 1949. Southern Mis- homa City, Oklahoma, Sep-
Highlights: Starred on both tember 24, 1946. North Texas sissippi. Inducted in 2014. tember 19, 1957. Arkansas.
offense and defense. Named State. Inducted in 1987. 1969- 1973-1986 Oakland/Los Inducted in 2002. 1979-1990
to eight Pro Bowls, 1956 NFL 1981 Pittsburgh Steelers. Angeles Raiders. Highlights: Chicago Bears. Highlights: A
player of the year. Highlights: NFL defensive Averaged under 40 yards only versatile player, he earned all-
player of the year, 1972, 1974. once. All-Pro six straight pro honors at both defensive
Four-time Super Bowl champi- years. Played in seven Pro tackle and defensive end.
on, 10 Pro Bowls. Bowls. Named to four Pro Bowls.

342 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Linebacker. 6-2, 218. Born in Cornerback. 6-2, 195. Born in Quarterback. 6-0, 200. Born Halfback. 6-2, 220. Born in
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Denison, Texas, July 1, 1953. in Green Bay, Wisconsin, April Louisville, Kentucky, Decem-
August 13, 1941. North Car- Arizona State. Inducted in 2, 1910. Died October 14, ber 23, 1935. Notre Dame.
olina. Inducted in 2011. 1965- 1997. 1976-1982 New Eng- 1969. Wisconsin, Regis Col- Inducted in 1986. 1957-1962,
1978 Washington Redskins. land Patriots, 1983-89 Los lege. Inducted in 1966. 1930- 1964-66 Green Bay Packers.
Highlights: Leader of domi- Angeles Raiders. Highlights: 1940 Green Bay Packers, Highlights: 760 points. Led
nant Redskins defenses. Defensive rookie of the year. 1944-45 New York Giants. NFL scorers three years,
Named first-team All-NFL four Selected to nine Pro Bowls Highlights: NFL passing including record 176 points,
times in five-season span. and intercepted 46 passes, leader 1932, 1934, 1936. 1960. Record 19 points
Voted to nine Pro Bowls. Three plus one pick in Super Bowl Came out of retirement to lead scored in 1961 NFL title game.
fumble recoveries for TDs tied XVIII. 1944 Giants to NFL Eastern
for NFL record at time of his crown. KEN HOUSTON
retirement. ED HEALEY Safety. 6-3, 198. Born in
Tackle. 6-3, 220. Born in Indi- BILL HEWITT Lufkin, Texas, November 12,
JOHN HANNAH an Orchard, Massachusetts, End. 5-11, 191. Born in Bay 1944. Prairie View A&M.
Guard. 6-3, 265. Born in Can- December 28, 1894. Died City, Michigan, October 8, Inducted in 1986. 1967-1972
ton, Georgia, April 4, 1951. December 9, 1978. Dart- 1909. Died January 14, 1947. Houston Oilers, 1973-1980
Alabama. Inducted in 1991. mouth. Inducted in 1964. Michigan. Inducted in 1971. Washington Redskins. High-
1973-1985 New England Patri- 1920-22 Rock Island Indepen- 1932-36 Chicago Bears, lights: 49 interceptions, 898
ots. Highlights: Renowned as dents, 1922-27 Chicago 1937-39 Philadelphia Eagles, yards, 9 touchdowns. NFL’s
premier guard of era. All-Pro Bears. Highlights: Two-way 1943 Phil-Pitt. Highlights: premier strong safety of
10 years, nine Pro Bowls. star. Perennial all-pro with First to be named all-NFL with 1970s. 12 Pro Bowls.
Bears. two teams—1933, 1934,
Running back. 6-2, 225. Born MEL HEIN Tackle. 6-5, 250. Born in
in Fort Dix, New Jersey, March Center. 6-2, 225. Born in Red- GENE HICKERSON Keytesville, Missouri, October
7, 1950. Penn State. Inducted ding, California, August 22, Guard. 6-3, 248. Born in Tren- 31, 1900. Died October 17,
in 1990. 1972-1983 Pittsburgh 1909. Died January 31, 1992. ton, Tennessee, February 15, 1977. Centenary, Geneva.
Steelers, 1984 Seattle Sea- Washington State. Inducted in 1935. Died October 20, 2008. Inducted in 1963. 1927-28,
hawks. Highlights: 12,120 1963. 1931-1945 New York Mississippi. Inducted in 2007. 1936 New York Giants, 1929-
rushing yards, 100 total touch- Giants. Highlights: Charter 1958-1973 Cleveland Browns. 1933, 1935 Green Bay Pack-
downs. 1,556 rushing yards in enshrinee. 60-minute regular Highlights: Blocked for three ers, 1936 Pittsburgh Pirates.
19 postseason games. MVP in for 15 years. All-NFL eight Hall of Fame running backs. Highlights: Charter enshrinee.
Super Bowl IX. consecutive years. Voted to six straight Pro Most feared lineman of his
Bowls. Named to NFL’s All- time. All-NFL six years, 1927-
MARVIN HARRISON TED HENDRICKS Decade Team of the 1960s. 29, 1931-33.
Wide receiver. 6-0, 181. Born Linebacker. 6-7, 235. Born in
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Guatemala City, Guatemala, CLARKE HINKLE SAM HUFF
August 25, 1972. Syracuse. November 1, 1947. Miami. Fullback. 5-11, 201. Born in Linebacker. 6-1, 230. Born in
Inducted in 2016. 1996-2008 Inducted in 1990. 1969-1973 Toronto, Ohio, April 10, 1909. Morgantown, West Virginia,
Indianapolis Colts. Highlights: Baltimore Colts, 1974 Green Died November 9, 1988. October 4, 1934. West Vir-
Eight straight years with Bay Packers, 1975-1981 Oak- Bucknell. Inducted in 1964. ginia. Inducted in 1982. 1956-
1,000-plus yards receiving, 10 land Raiders, 1982-83 Los 1932-1941 Green Bay Pack- 1963 New York Giants, 1964-
or more TDs. Career numbers Angeles Raiders. Highlights: ers. Highlights: 3,860 yards 67, 1969 Washington Red-
included 1,102 career recep- 25 blocked field goals, extra rushing, 379 points. Fullback skins. Highlights: 30 intercep-
tions, 14,580 yards and 128 points, and punts, 26 intercep- on offense, linebacker on tions. Played in six NFL title
touchdowns. tions. Played in 215 consecu- defense. games, five Pro Bowls. Red-
tive games. skins player-coach, 1969.
Born in Jacksonville, Florida, Tackle. 6-0, 250. Born in Halfback-end. 6-2, 190. Born Defensive end. 6-4, 252. Born
December 20, 1942. Died Mansfield, Ohio, October 31, in Wausau, Wisconsin, June in Memphis, Tennessee, June
September 18, 2002. Florida 1897. Died February 7, 1952. 17, 1923. Died January 28, 29, 1944. Tennessee State.
A&M. Inducted in 2009. 1965- Washington & Jefferson. 2004. Wisconsin, Michigan. Inducted in 2014. 1968-1978
1974 Dallas Cowboys, 1975 Inducted in 1963. 1920-23, Inducted in 1968. 1946-48 Atlanta Falcons, 1979-1981
San Francisco 49ers. High- 1925-26 Canton Bulldogs, Chicago Rockets (AAFC), Philadelphia Eagles. High-
lights: Olympic gold medalist 1927 New York Giants, 1927- 1949-1957 Los Angeles lights: First team All-Pro five
with world class speed led 28 Pottsville Maroons. High- Rams. Highlights: 387 recep- times. Had 122 career sacks,
Cowboys in receiving three lights: Charter enshrinee. tions for 7,029 yards, 60 two interceptions, a fumble
times. 371 receptions for Largest player of his time at touchdowns. Key part of recovery for a TD, and two
7,414 yards, 71 TDs. Three 250 pounds. Bulwark of Can- Rams’ revolutionary “three safeties.
Pro Bowls. ton’s championship lines. end” offense, 1949.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 343

Team owner. Born in El Dora- Fullback. 6-2, 225. Born in Defensive tackle, 6-3, 240. Guard. Coach. 6-2, 245. Born
do, Arkansas, August 2, 1932. Waterproof, Louisiana, Novem- Born in Emporia, Virginia, Jan- in St. Paul, Minnesota, May
Died December 13, 2006. ber 24, 1929. Died June 3, uary 26, 1935. Died February 27, 1903. Died March 2,
Southern Methodist. Inducted 2011. St. Mary’s, Arizona 21, 1977. Virginia. Inducted in 1962. St. Thomas (Minneso-
in 1972. 1960-2006 Dallas State. Inducted in 1987. 1954- 1995. 1957-58 Cleveland ta). Inducted in 1966. 1926-
Texans/Kansas City Chiefs. 56 San Francisco 49ers, 1957- Browns, 1959-1969 Green 27 Duluth Eskimos, 1928
Highlights: Driving force 59 Detroit Lions, 1960-65 Bay Packers. Highlights: Fix- Pottsville Maroons, 1929-
behind organization of AFL. Pittsburgh Steelers, 1966 ture at DT during Packers’ 1933 Chicago Cardinals, 1934
Spearheaded merger negotia- Houston Oilers. Highlights: dynasty. Played in four Pro Chicago Bears, 1935-36
tions with NFL, 1966. 6,803 yards rushing, 55 total Bowls, seven NFL title games, Green Bay Packers, 1937-38
touchdowns. Member of San Super Bowls I, II. Pittsburgh Pirates; coach,
DON HUTSON Francisco’s “Million-Dollar” 1939 Pittsburgh Pirates,
End. 6-1, 180. Born in Pine backfield. SONNY JURGENSEN 1940-42 Pittsburgh Steelers;
Bluff, Arkansas, January 31, Quarterback. 6-0, 203. Born co-coach, 1943 Phil-Pitt,
1913. Died June 26, 1997. CHARLIE JOINER in Wilmington, North Carolina, 1944 Card-Pitt; coach, 1954-
Alabama. Inducted in 1963. Wide receiver. 5-11, 180. August 23, 1934. Duke. 56 Pittsburgh Steelers. High-
1935-1945 Green Bay Pack- Born in Many, Louisiana, Inducted in 1983. 1957-1963 lights: 34-year career as pro
ers. Highlights: Charter October 14, 1947. Grambling. Philadelphia Eagles, 1964- player, assistant coach, head
enshrinee. 488 receptions for Inducted in 1996. 1969-1972 1974 Washington Redskins. coach. Led Steelers to first
7,991 yards, 99 touchdowns. Houston Oilers, 1972-75 Highlights: 32,224 yards winning season, 1942.
NFL receiving champion eight Cincinnati Bengals, 1976- passing, 255 touchdowns,
years. NFL MVP, 1941, 1942. 1986 San Diego Chargers. 82.63 passer rating. Sur- FRANK (BRUISER) KINARD
Highlights: 750 receptions for passed 3,000 yards passing Tackle. 6-1, 210. Born in Pela-
MICHAEL IRVIN 12,146 yards and 65 touch- in five seasons. hatchie, Mississippi, October
Wide receiver. 6-2, 207. Born downs. Played 18 seasons, 23, 1914. Died September 7,
in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 239 games, most ever for JIM KELLY 1985. Mississippi. Inducted in
March 5, 1966. Miami. wide receiver at time of retire- Quarterback. 6-3, 225. Born 1971. 1938-1943 Brooklyn
Inducted in 2007. 1988-1999 ment. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dodgers, 1944 Brooklyn
Dallas Cowboys. Highlights: February 14, 1960. Miami. Tigers, 1946-47 New York
750 career receptions for DAVID (DEACON) JONES Inducted in 2002. 1986-1996 Yankees (AAFC). Highlights:
11,904 yards, 65 touch- Defensive end. 6-5, 260. Born Buffalo Bills. Highlights: First man to earn both All-NFL,
downs. Had NFL record eleven in Eatonville, Florida, Decem- Passed for more than 3,000 All-AAFC honors. Out because
100-yard receiving games, ber 9, 1938. Died June 3, yards eight times. Mastered of injury only once.
1995. 2013. South Carolina State, the no-huddle offense that
Mississippi Vocational. propelled Bills to four consec- PAUL KRAUSE
RICKEY JACKSON Inducted in 1980. 1961-1971 utive Super Bowls. Safety. 6-3, 200. Born in Flint,
Linebacker. 6-2, 243. Born in Los Angeles Rams, 1972-73 Michigan, February 19, 1942.
Pahokee, Florida, March 20, San Diego Chargers, 1974 LEROY KELLY Iowa. Inducted in 1998. 1964-
1958. Pittsburgh. Inducted in Washington Redskins. High- Running back. 6-0, 205. Born 67 Washington Redskins,
2010. 1981-1993 New lights: Specialized in quarter- in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1968-1979 Minnesota
Orleans Saints, 1994-95 San back “sacks,” a term he May 20, 1942. Morgan State. Vikings. Highlights: NFL all-
Francisco 49ers. Highlights: invented. Unanimous all- Inducted in 1994. 1964-1973 time leader with 81 intercep-
Recorded double-digit sacks league five consecutive years. Cleveland Browns. Highlights: tions. Played in eight Pro
in six seasons. Six Pro Bowls, 7,274 yards rushing, 90 total Bowls. Starting safety in four
named All-Pro four times. Fin- STAN JONES touchdowns, 1,000-yard Super Bowls.
ished career as defensive end Guard-defensive tackle. 6-1, rusher first three years as
with 49ers. 250. Born in Altoona, Pennsyl- starter. Punt return champion, EARL (CURLY) LAMBEAU
vania, November 24, 1931. 1965. Coach. Born in Green Bay,
JIMMY JOHNSON Died May 21, 2010. Maryland. Wisconsin, April 9, 1898. Died
Cornerback. 6-2, 187. Born in Inducted in 1991. 1954-1965 CORTEZ KENNEDY June 1, 1965. Notre Dame.
Dallas, Texas, March 31, Chicago Bears, 1966 Wash- Defensive tackle. 6-3, 298. Inducted in 1963. 1919-1949
1938. UCLA. Inducted in ington Redskins. Highlights: Born in Osceola, Arkansas, Green Bay Packers, 1950-51
1994. 1961-1976 San Fran- Seven consecutive Pro Bowls. August 23, 1968. Northwest Chicago Cardinals, 1952-53
cisco 49ers. Highlights: 47 First to rely on weightlifting for Mississippi Community Col- Washington Redskins. High-
interceptions for 615 yards. football preparation. lege, Miami. Inducted in 2012. lights: Charter enshrinee.
Five Pro Bowls. Opposing 1990-2000 Seattle Seahawks. 229-134-22 coaching record
passers avoided throwing in WALTER JONES Highlights: NFL Defensive with six NFL championships.
his area. Tackle. 6-5, 300. Born in Player of the Year, 1992. Voted Founded pre-NFL Packers,
Aliceville, Alabama, January to eight Pro Bowls and select- 1919.
19, 1974. Holmes Community ed first-team All-Pro three
College, Florida State. Induct- times. Named to the NFL’s All- JACK LAMBERT
ed in 2014. 1997-2008 Seat- Decade Team of the 1990s. Linebacker. 6-4, 220. Born in
tle Seahawks. Highlights: First Mantua, Ohio, July 8, 1952.
Seahawks lineman to earn a Kent State. Inducted in 1990.
Pro Bowl. Retired with a team- 1974-1984 Pittsburgh Steel-
record nine. All-Pro six times ers. Highlights: Leader of
and member of NFL's All ‘Steel Curtain.’ NFL defensive
Decade Team of 2000s. player of year in 1976, nine
Pro Bowls.

344 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Coach. Born in Mission, End. 6-0, 199. Born in Hud- Defensive tackle. 6-5, 260. Defensive end. 6-5, 268. Born
Texas, September 11, 1924. son, Ohio, February 23, 1923. Born in Olney, Texas, July 26, in Somerville, Massachusetts,
Died February 12, 2000. Died January 20, 2009. Ohio 1939. Texas Christian. Induct- January 6, 1960. Villanova.
Texas. Inducted in 1990. State. Inducted in 1975. 1946- ed in 1980. 1961-1974 Dallas Inducted in 2000. 1981-1993
1960-1988 Dallas Cowboys. 49 Cleveland Browns (AAFC), Cowboys. Highlights: Eleven Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders.
Highlights: 270-178-6 coach- 1950-56 Cleveland Browns. Pro Bowls. Played 196 con- Highlights: All-Pro 1983,
ing record. 20 consecutive Highlights: 386 receptions for secutive games. Foundation of 1984, 1985. Named All-AFC
winning seasons. Innovator on 6,488 yards, 62 touchdowns. great Dallas defensive units. four times, 1983-1986. Eight
offense and defense. 24 catches in six NFL title Pro Bowls.
DICK (NIGHT TRAIN) LANE Running back. 5-10, 196. RONNIE LOTT
Cornerback. 6-2, 210. Born in BOBBY LAYNE Born in New Haven, Connecti- Cornerback-safety. 6-0, 203.
Austin, Texas, April 16, 1928. Quarterback. 6-2, 190. Born cut, July 4, 1942. Syracuse. Born in Albuquerque, New
Died January 29, 2002. in Santa Anna, Texas, Decem- Inducted in 2010. 1967-1975 Mexico, May 8, 1959. South-
Scottsbluff Junior College. ber 19, 1926. Died December Denver Broncos. Highlights: ern California. Inducted in
Inducted in 1974. 1952-53 1, 1986. Texas. Inducted in Broncos’ first 1,000-yard 2000. 1981-1990 San Fran-
Los Angeles Rams, 1954-59 1967. 1948 Chicago Bears, rusher, won NFL rushing title cisco 49ers, 1991-92 Los
Chicago Cardinals, 1960-65 1949 New York Bulldogs, in 1971. Amassed more than Angeles Raiders, 1993-94
Detroit Lions. Highlights: 68 1950-58 Detroit Lions, 1958- 12,000 career all-purpose New York Jets. Highlights: Ten
interceptions for 1,207 yards, 1962 Pittsburgh Steelers. yards, 54 TDs, five AFL All- Pro Bowls, 63 career intercep-
5 touchdowns. Record 14 Highlights: 26,768 yards Star Games/Pro Bowls. tions, and was named to the
interceptions as rookie. Seven passing, 196 touchdowns, NFL’s 75th Anniversary Team.
Pro Bowls. 2,451 yards rushing. Late LARRY LITTLE
touchdown pass won 1953 Guard. 6-1, 265. Born in Grov- SID LUCKMAN
JIM LANGER NFL title game. eland, Georgia, November 2, Quarterback. 6-0, 195. Born
Center. 6-2, 255. Born in Little 1945. Bethune-Cookman. in Brooklyn, New York,
Falls, Minnesota, May 16, DICK LEBEAU Inducted in 1993. 1967-68 November 21, 1916. Died July
1948. South Dakota State. Cornerback. 6-1, 185. Born in San Diego Chargers, 1969- 5, 1998. Columbia. Inducted
Inducted in 1987. 1970-79 London, Ohio, September 9, 1980 Miami Dolphins. High- in 1965. 1939-1950 Chicago
Miami Dolphins, 1980-81 1937. Ohio State. Inducted in lights: Five Pro Bowls, started Bears. Highlights: 137 touch-
Minnesota Vikings. High- 2010. 1959-1972 Detroit in three Super Bowls. Epitome down passes. All-NFL five
lights: Played every offensive Lions. Highlights: Recorded of powerful Dolphins rushing times. League MVP in 1943.
down in Dolphins’ perfect 62 career interceptions for game of 1970s.
1972 season. Six Pro Bowls. 762 yards, 3 TDs, ranked third WILLIAM ROY (LINK)
all-time in interceptions at JAMES LOFTON LYMAN
WILLIE LANIER retirement. Voted to three Pro Wide receiver. 6-3, 192. Born Tackle. 6-2, 252. Born in Table
Linebacker. 6-1, 245. Born in Bowls. in Fort Ord, California, July 5, Rock, Nebraska, November
Clover, Virginia, August 21, 1956. Stanford. Inducted in 30, 1898. Died December 28,
1945. Morgan State. Inducted ALPHONSE (TUFFY) 2003. 1978-1986 Green Bay 1972. Nebraska. Inducted in
in 1986. 1967-1977 Kansas LEEMANS Packers, 1987-88 Los Ange- 1964. 1922-23, 1925 Canton
City Chiefs. Highlights: 27 Fullback. 6-0, 200. Born in les Raiders, 1989-1992 Buffa- Bulldogs, 1924 Cleveland Bull-
interceptions. Defensive star Superior, Wisconsin, Novem- lo Bills, 1993 Los Angeles dogs, 1925 Frankford Yellow-
in Super Bowl IV upset. Nick- ber 12, 1912. Died January Rams, 1993 Philadelphia jackets, 1926-28, 1930-31,
named ‘Contact’ for ferocious 19, 1979. Oregon, George Eagles. Highlights: Played 16 1933-34 Chicago Bears. High-
tackling. Washington. Inducted in 1978. seasons, 233 games. Caught lights: Played for four NFL
1936-1943 New York Giants. 764 passes for 75 touch- champions. In 16 seasons of
STEVE LARGENT Highlights: 3,132 yards rush- downs and a then-record college and pro football,
Wide receiver. 5-11, 191. ing, 2,318 yards passing, 422 14,004 yards. All-Pro four played on one losing team.
Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Sep- yards receiving. Led NFL rush- times, eight Pro Bowls.
tember 28, 1954, Tulsa. ers as rookie, 1936. TOM MACK
Inducted in 1995. 1976-1989 VINCE LOMBARDI Guard. 6-3, 250. Born in
Seattle Seahawks. Highlights: MARV LEVY Coach. Born in Brooklyn, New Cleveland, Ohio, November 1,
819 receptions for 13,089 Coach. Born in Chicago, Illi- York, June 11, 1913. Died 1943. Michigan. Inducted in
yards, 100 touchdowns. nois, August 3, 1925. September 3, 1970. Fordham. 1999. 1966-1978 Los Ange-
Receptions in 177 consecu- Wyoming, Coe College, Har- Inducted in 1971. 1959-1967 les Rams. Highlights: Never
tive games. vard. Inducted in 2001. 1978- Green Bay Packers, 1969 missed a game in entire 184-
1982 Kansas City Chiefs, Washington Redskins. High- game career. Elected to 11 Pro
YALE LARY 1986-1997 Buffalo Bills. lights: 105-35-6 coaching Bowls.
Safety. 5-11, 189. Born in Fort Highlights: Led Bills to record in 10 years, including
Worth, Texas, November 24, unprecedented four consecu- five NFL titles and victories in JOHN MACKEY
1930. Texas A&M. Inducted in tive Super Bowls. Had Super Bowls I and II. Tight end. 6-2, 224. Born in
1979. 1952-53, 1956-1964 154-120 record. Coaching New York, New York, Septem-
Detroit Lions. Highlights: 50 victories ranked 10th when ber 24, 1941. Died July 6,
interceptions. Three NFL punt- retired. 2011. Syracuse. Inducted in
ing crowns, three touchdowns 1992. 1963-1971 Baltimore
on punt returns. Nine Pro Colts, 1972 San Diego Charg-
Bowls. ers. Highlights: 331 recep-
tions for 5,236 yards, 38
touchdowns. Second tight end
to enter Hall of Fame.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 345

Coach. Born in Austin, Min- MARSHALL Wide receiver. 6-1, 185. Born Halfback. 6-1, 198. Born in
nesota, April 10, 1936. San Team owner. Born in Grafton, in Crosbyton, Texas, January Los Angeles, California,
Mateo Junior College, Califor- West Virginia, October 11, 25, 1935. Texas Western. December 31, 1928. Wash-
nia Polytechnic College at San 1896. Died August 9, 1969. Inducted in 1987. 1958 New ington. Inducted in 1970.
Luis Obispo. Inducted in Randolph-Macon. Inducted in York Giants, 1960-62 New 1952-1960 San Francisco
2006. 1969-1978 Oakland 1963. 1932 Boston Braves, York Titans, 1963-1972 New 49ers, 1961-62 Minnesota
Raiders. Highlights: Became 1933-36 Boston Redskins, York Jets, 1973 St. Louis Car- Vikings, 1963 New York
one of youngest coaches in 1937-1969 Washington Red- dinals. Highlights: 633 recep- Giants, 1964 Detroit Lions.
history when hired at age 32. skins. Highlights: Charter tions for 11,834 yards, 88 Highlights: 5,281 rushing
112-39-7 overall record. enshrinee. Sponsored pro- touchdowns. At least 50 yards, 360 points. Totaled
Owns best regular season gressive rules changes. Orga- catches and 1,000 yards in 11,369 yards rushing, receiv-
winning percentage among nized first team band, pio- five different seasons. ing, and returning kicks.
coaches with 100 wins. neered halftime shows.
TIM MARA CURTIS MARTIN Halfback. 6-0, 177. Born in Halfback. 6-0, 185. Born in
Founder-Team Owner. Born in Running back. 5-11, 207. Corbin, Kentucky, March 13, New Richmond, Wisconsin,
New York, New York, July 29, Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- 1918. Died March 4, 2009. November 27, 1903. Died
1887. Died February 16, nia, May 1, 1973. Pittsburgh. Duke. Inducted in 1966. 1940- November 28, 1985. Notre
1959. Did not attend college. Inducted in 2012. 1995-97 41, 1945-1950 Chicago Dame, St. John’s (Minnesota).
Inducted in 1963. 1925-1959 New England Patriots, 1998- Bears. Highlights: Two-way Inducted in 1963. 1925-26
New York Giants. Highlights: 2005 New York Jets. High- star. 25 interceptions, 234 Milwaukee Badgers, 1926-27
Charter enshrinee. Founder of lights: Second player in NFL points. Career punt-return Duluth Eskimos, 1928
New York Giants. Built team history to start career with 10 average of 12.78 yards per Pottsville Maroons, 1929-
into powerhouse winning four straight 1,000-yard rushing return. 1933, 1935-36 Green Bay
NFL titles, 10 division titles. seasons. Retired as fourth- Packers, 1934 Pittsburgh
leading rusher of all-time with MIKE MCCORMACK Pirates; player-coach, 1937-38
WELLINGTON MARA 14,101 yards. Racked up Tackle. 6-4, 250. Born in Pittsburgh Pirates. Highlights:
Team owner. Born in New 17,421 combined net yards Chicago, Illinois, June 21, Charter enshrinee. 49 touch-
York, New York, August 14, and 100 career TDs (90 rush- 1930. Died November 15, downs, 297 points in 14 sea-
1916. Died October 25, 2005. ing, 10 receiving). NFL rush- 2013. Kansas. Inducted in sons with five teams.
Fordham. Inducted in 1997. ing title, 2004. 1984. 1951 New York Yanks,
1937-2005 New York Giants. 1954-1962 Cleveland Browns. MIKE MICHALSKE
Highlights: Lifetime contribu- OLLIE MATSON Highlights: Excelled as offen- Guard. 6-0, 209. Born in
tor to NFL and New York Halfback. 6-2, 220. Born in sive right tackle for eight Cleveland, Ohio, April 24,
Giants. Worked as Giants’ Trinity, Texas, May 1, 1930. years. Six Pro Bowls. 1903. Died October 26, 1983.
ballboy, secretary, vice-presi- Died February 19, 2011. San Penn State. Inducted in 1964.
dent, president and co-CEO. Francisco. Inducted in 1972. RANDALL MCDANIEL 1926 New York Yankees
NFC president 1984-present. 1952, 1954-58 Chicago Car- Guard. 6-3, 276. Born in (AFL), 1927-28 New York Yan-
dinals, 1959-1962 Los Ange- Phoenix, Arizona, December kees, 1929-1935, 1937 Green
GINO MARCHETTI les Rams, 1963 Detroit Lions, 19, 1964. Arizona State. Bay Packers. Highlights:
Defensive end. 6-4, 245. Born 1964-66 Philadelphia Eagles. Inducted in 2009. 1988-1999 Anchored Packers’ champi-
in Smithers, West Virginia, Highlights: Nine touchdowns Minnesota Vikings, 2000-01 onship lines, 1929-1931. First
January 2, 1927. San Francis- on kickoff, punt returns. Trad- Tampa Bay Buccaneers. High- guard enshrined in Canton.
co. Inducted in 1972. 1952 ed for nine players in 1959. lights: 12 Pro Bowls, All-Pro
Dallas Texans, 1953-1964, nine straight times. Blocked for WAYNE MILLNER
1966 Baltimore Colts. High- BRUCE MATTHEWS six different 1,000-yard rush- End. 6-0, 191. Born in Rox-
lights: Named top defensive Guard-tackle-center. 6-5, 289. ers, five 3,000-yard passers. bury, Massachusetts, January
end of NFL’s first 50 years. 10 Born in Raleigh, North Caroli- 31, 1913. Died November 19,
consecutive Pro Bowls. All- na, August 8, 1961. Southern TOMMY MCDONALD 1976. Notre Dame. Inducted in
NFL seven times. California. Inducted in 2007. Wide receiver. 5-9, 175. Born 1968. 1936 Boston Redskins,
1983-2001 Houston Oilers/ in Roy, New Mexico, July 26, 1937-1941, 1945 Washington
DAN MARINO Tennessee Oilers/Tennessee 1934. Oklahoma. Inducted in Redskins. Highlights: Red-
Quarterback. 6-4, 218. Born in Titans. Highlights: Played in 1998. 1957-1963 Philadelphia skins’ all-time leader with 124
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sep- 296 games, most ever by Eagles, 1964 Dallas Cowboys, catches when retired. 55- and
tember 15, 1961. Pittsburgh. positional player at time of his 1965-66 Los Angeles Rams, 78-yard touchdown receptions
Inducted in 2005. 1983-1999 retirement. Named to a 1967 Atlanta Falcons, 1968 in 1937 NFL Championship
Miami Dolphins. Highlights: record-tying 14 straight Pro Cleveland Browns. Highlights: Game.
Held NFL records for career Bowls. All-Pro nine times, All- Recorded 495 receptions for
passing yardage (61,361), AFC 12 times. 8,410 yards, 84 touchdowns. BOBBY MITCHELL
completions (4,967), attempts Running back-wide receiver.
(8,358), and touchdowns 6-0, 195. Born in Hot Springs,
(420). Voted to nine Pro Arkansas, June 6, 1935. Illi-
Bowls. nois. Inducted in 1983. 1958-
1961 Cleveland Browns,
1962-68 Washington Red-
skins. Highlights: 91 touch-
downs, including 8 on kickoff
and punt returns. 14,078
combined yards.

346 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Tackle. 6-4, 255. Born in Los Fullback. 6-1, 238. Born in Coach. Born in Parkersburg, Tackle. 6-9, 345. Born in
Angeles, California, March 10, Leesburg, Georgia, June 5, West Virginia, November 5, Washington, D.C., July 31,
1938. Southern California. 1920. Died June 27, 1999. 1891. Died November 2, 1974. Inducted in 2013.
Inducted in 1979. 1960 Los South Carolina State, Nevada. 1973. West Virginia Wesleyan. 1996-2007 Baltimore Ravens.
Angeles Chargers, 1961-69 Inducted in 1968. 1946-49 Inducted in 1969. 1941-42, Highlights: First-ever draft
San Diego Chargers, 1971 Cleveland Browns (AAFC), 1944-1950 Philadelphia pick of the Ravens. Named
Oakland Raiders. Highlights: 1950-53 Cleveland Browns, Eagles; co-coach, 1943 Phil- first-team All-Pro six times.
All-AFL nine times. Only two 1955 Pittsburgh Steelers. Pitt. Highlights: Turned Eagles Elected to 11 Pro Bowls.
holding penalties in 10 years Highlights: AAFC’s all-time into winners with three con- Member of NFL’s All-Decade
with the Chargers. rushing champion. Led league secutive division crowns, NFL Team of 2000s.
in rushing in first NFL season. championships in 1948 and
Wide receiver. 6-3, 210. Born MIKE MUNCHAK Defensive tackle. 6-5, 270.
in White Plains, New York, Guard. 6-3, 281. Born in ERNIE NEVERS Born in Logan, Utah, Septem-
December 5, 1957. Syracuse. Scranton, Pennsylvania, March Fullback. 6-1, 205. Born in ber 15, 1940. Died March 11,
Inducted in 2008. 1980-1993 5, 1960. Penn State. Inducted Willow River, Minnesota, June 2010. Utah State. Inducted in
Washington Redskins, 1994 in 2001. 1982-1993 Houston 11, 1903. Died May 3, 1976. 1982. 1962-1976 Los Ange-
New York Jets, 1995 Philadel- Oilers. Highlights: Devastating Stanford. Inducted in 1963. les Rams. Highlights: Mem-
phia Eagles. Highlights: 940 blocker, All-AFC seven times, 1926-27 Duluth Eskimos, ber of the Fearsome “Four-
receptions, 12,721 yards, 68 elected to nine Pro Bowls. 1929-1931 Chicago Cardi- some. Named” to 14 consec-
TDs. Set then-single season nals. Highlights: Charter utive Pro Bowls, Rams’ all-
record, 106 catches, 1984. ANTHONY MUÑOZ enshrinee. Holds NFL’s time team.
Had 50 or more catches in a Tackle. 6-6, 278. Born in longest-standing record, 40
season nine times. Ontario, California, August 19, points in one game in 1929. JIM OTTO
1958. Southern California. Center. 6-2, 255. Born in
JOE MONTANA Inducted in 1998. 1980-1992 OZZIE NEWSOME Wausau, Wisconsin, January
Quarterback. 6-2, 200. Born Cincinnati Bengals. High- Tight end. 6-2, 232. Born in 5, 1938. Miami. Inducted in
in New Eagle, Pennsylvania, lights: All-Pro choice 11 con- Muscle Shoals, Alabama, 1980. 1960-1974 Oakland
June, 11, 1956. Notre Dame. secutive years, 1981-1991. March 16, 1956. Alabama. Raiders. Highlights: Named
Inducted in 2000. 1979-1990, Selected to 11 straight Pro Inducted in 1999. 1978-1990 AFL’s all-time center. Played in
1992 San Francisco 49ers, Bowls. Cleveland Browns. Highlights: 210 games, 12 AFL All-Star
1993-94 Kansas City Chiefs. Finished career as all-time Games or Pro Bowls, six
Highlights: MVP in Super GEORGE MUSSO leader among tight ends with AFL/AFC title games.
Bowl’s XVI, XIX, and XXIV. Guard-tackle. 6-2, 270. Born 662 receptions for 7,980
Eight Pro Bowls and All-NFL in Collinsville, Illinois. April 8, yards. STEVE OWEN
three times. 1910. Died September 5, Tackle. Coach. 6-2, 235. Born
2000. Millikin. Inducted in RAY NITSCHKE in Cleo Springs, Oklahoma,
WARREN MOON 1982. 1933-1944 Chicago Linebacker. 6-3, 235. Born in April 21, 1898. Died May 17,
Quarterback. 6-3, 212. Born Bears. Highlights: First player Elmwood Park, Illinois, 1964. Phillips. Inducted in
in Los Angeles, California, to achieve All-NFL status at December 29, 1936. Died 1966. 1924-25 Kansas City
November 18, 1956. West two positions—tackle in 1935 March 8, 1998. Illinois. Cowboys, 1925 Cleveland
Los Angeles Junior College, and guard in 1937. Inducted in 1978. 1958-1972 Bulldogs, 1926-1931, 1933
Washington. Inducted in Green Bay Packers. High- New York Giants; coach,
2006. 1984-1993 Houston BRONKO NAGURSKI lights: MVP of 1962 title 1930-1953 New York Giants.
Oilers, 1994-1996 Minnesota Fullback. 6-2, 225. Born in game. Named NFL’s all-time Highlights: Both player and
Vikings, 1997-1998 Seattle Rainy River, Ontario, Canada, linebacker in 1969. coach. Coached Giants to
Seahawks, 1999-2000 Kan- November 3, 1908. Died Jan- record of 155-108-17, eight
sas City Chiefs. Highlights: uary 7, 1990. Minnesota. CHUCK NOLL divisional titles, two NFL
Passed for 49,325 yards and Inducted in 1963. 1930-37, Coach. Born in Cleveland, championships.
291 touchdowns in 17 NFL 1943 Chicago Bears. High- Ohio, January 5, 1932. Died
seasons. Elected to nine Pro lights: Charter enshrinee. June 13, 2014. Dayton. ORLANDO PACE
Bowls including eight straight. 2,778 rushing yards in nine Inducted in 1993. 1969-1991 Tackle. 6-7, 320. Born in San-
Threw for 3,000 yards in nine seasons. All-NFL five times. Pittsburgh Steelers. High- dusky, Ohio, November 4,
seasons. lights: Coached for 23 years. 1975. Ohio State. Inducted in
JOE NAMATH Only coach to win four Super 2016. 1997-2008 St. Louis
LENNY MOORE Quarterback. 6-2, 200. Born Bowl titles (IX, X, XIII, XIV). Rams, 2009 Chicago Bears.
Flanker-running back. 6-1, in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, Highlights: First overall pick,
198. Born in Reading, Penn- May 31, 1943. Alabama. LEO NOMELLINI 1997 NFL Draft. Blocked for
sylvania, November 25, 1933. Inducted in 1985. 1965-1976 Defensive tackle. 6-3, 264. three straight NFL MVPs. All-
Penn State. Inducted in 1975. New York Jets, 1977 Los Born in Lucca, Italy, June 19, Pro five times.
1956-1967 Baltimore Colts. Angeles Rams. Highlights: 1924. Died October 17, 2000.
Highlights: From 1963-65, First quarterback to pass for Minnesota. Inducted in 1969.
scored touchdowns in record more than 4,000 yards in sea- 1950-1963 San Francisco
18 consecutive games. 113 son, 1967. Guaranteed, deliv- 49ers. Highlights: Played
career touchdowns, 12,451 ered victory over Colts in every 49ers game for 14 sea-
combined net yards. Super Bowl III. sons. 10 Pro Bowls.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 347

Defensive tackle. 6-4, 225. Fullback. 6-0, 200. Born in Defensive tackle. 6-1, 278. Wide receiver. 6-2, 200. Born
Born in Canton, Ohio, August Stevens, Arkansas, January Born in Hearne, Texas, in Starksville, Mississippi,
7, 1945. Notre Dame. Induct- 22, 1927. Died April 25, 2011. December 12, 1967. Trinity October 13, 1962. Mississippi
ed in 1988. 1967-1978 Compton Junior College. Valley Community College; Valley State. Inducted in 2010.
Minnesota Vikings, 1978- Inducted in 1969. 1948-49 Texas A&I. Inducted in 2010. 1985-2000 San Francisco
1981 Chicago Bears. High- San Francisco 49ers (AAFC), 1990-2000 Minnesota Vikings, 49ers, 2001-04 Oakland
lights: Dominating defensive 1950-1960, 1963 San Fran- 2001-03 Seattle Seahawks. Raiders, 2004 Seattle Sea-
tackle played in 238 consecu- cisco 49ers, 1961-62 Balti- Highlights: Undrafted free hawks. Highlights: NFL’s all-
tive games, four Super Bowls. more Colts. Highlights: First agent rookie, record eight time reception leader with
Won league MVP honors in player in NFL history to gain straight seasons with 10 or 1,549 catches for 22,895
1971. 1,000 yards two consecutive more sacks, had 137.5 career yards, 208 total touchdowns.
seasons. 12,532 combined sacks. Voted to seven Pro Had 14 seasons with 1,000
BILL PARCELLS yards. Bowls, named All-Pro/NFC six yards receiving; 23,546 com-
Coach. Born in Englewood, consecutive years, All-AFC bined net yards. All-Pro 11
New Jersey, August 22, 1941. PETE PIHOS once. times, Super Bowl XXIII MVP.
Inducted in 2013. 1983-1990 End. 6-1, 210. Born in Orlando,
New York Giants, 1993-96 Florida, October 22, 1923. Died HUGH (SHORTY) RAY LES RICHTER
New England Patriots, 1997- August 16, 2011. Indiana. Supervisor of officials 1938- Linebacker. 6-3, 238. Born in
99 New York Jets, 2003-06 Inducted in 1970. 1947-1955 1952. Born in Highland Park, Fresno, California, October 6,
Dallas Cowboys. Highlights: Philadelphia Eagles. High- Illinois, September 21, 1884. 1930. Died June 12, 2010.
Only coach to lead four differ- lights: Three-time NFL receiv- Died September 16, 1956. Illi- California. Inducted in 2011.
ent teams to the playoffs. ing champion. Caught winning nois. Inducted in 1966. High- 1954-1962 Los Angeles
Named NFL Coach of the Year touchdown in 1949 NFL lights: Supervisor of Officials, Rams. Highlights: Second
twice (1986 and 1994). Led Championship Game. 1938-1952. Streamlined rules overall pick in 1952 by New
Giants to two Super Bowl to improve game tempo, play- York Yanks. Rights traded to
titles. Overall record: 183- er safety. Rams in exchange for 11 play-
138-1. BILL POLIAN ers. Rugged, fierce competi-
Contributor. Born in Bronx, ANDRE REED tor. Voted to eight straight Pro
CLARENCE (ACE) PARKER New York, December 8, 1942. Wide receiver. 6-2, 190. Born Bowls. Recorded 16 career
Quarterback. 5-11, 168. Born New York University. Inducted in Allentown, Pennsylvania, interceptions, also handled
in Portsmouth, Virginia, May in 2015. 1978-1982 Kansas January 29, 1964. Kutztown. Rams’ placekicking duties
17, 1912. Died November 6, City Chiefs, 1984-1992 Buffa- Inducted in 2014. 1985-1999 early in career.
2013. Duke. Inducted in 1972. lo Bills, 1993-94 National Buffalo Bills, 2000 Washing-
1937-1941 Brooklyn Dodgers, Football League, 1995-97 ton Redskins. Highlights: JOHN RIGGINS
1945 Boston Yanks, 1946 Carolina Panthers, 1998-2011 Most prolific receiver in Bill Running back. 6-2, 240. Born
New York Yankees (AAFC). Indianapolis Colts. Highlights: history. His 951 career recep- in Seneca, Kansas, August 4,
Highlights: Two-way threat. Spent 32 seasons in NFL. tions was third all-time when 1949. Kansas. Inducted in
Two-time All-NFL performer, Turned the fortunes of three he retired. 1992. 1971-75 New York
league MVP in 1940. different NFL teams. Named Jets, 1976-79, 1981-85
NFL’s Executive of the Year by DAN REEVES Washington Redskins. High-
JIM PARKER The Sporting News six times. Team owner. Born in New lights: 11,352 rushing yards,
Guard-tackle. 6-3, 273. Born York, New York, June 30, 116 total touchdowns. MVP of
in Macon, Georgia, April 3, FRITZ POLLARD 1912. Died April 15, 1971. Super Bowl XVII with 166
1934. Died July 18, 2005. Halfback-Coach. 5-9, 165. Georgetown. Inducted in rushing yards including game-
Ohio State. Inducted in 1973. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Janu- 1967. 1941-45 Cleveland winning 43-yard touchdown.
1957-1967 Baltimore Colts. ary 27, 1894. Died May 11, Rams, 1946-1971 Los Ange-
Highlights: First full-time 1986. Brown. Inducted in les Rams. Highlights: Moved JIM RINGO
offensive lineman elected to 2005. 1919-1921, 1925-26 Rams to Los Angeles in 1946 Center. 6-2, 230. Born in
Hall of Fame. All-NFL eight Akron Pros/Indians, 1922 Mil- and opened up West Coast to Orange, New Jersey, Novem-
consecutive years, eight Pro waukee Badgers, 1923, 1925 pro football. First postwar ber 21, 1931. Died November
Bowls. Hammond Pros, 1925 Provi- owner to sign African-Ameri- 19, 2007. Syracuse. Inducted
dence Steam Roller. High- can player. in 1981. 1953-1963 Green
WALTER PAYTON lights: True pioneer as one of Bay Packers, 1964-67
Running back. 5-10, 202. two African American players MEL RENFRO Philadelphia Eagles. High-
Born in Columbia, Mississippi, in the NFL in 1920 and helped Cornerback-safety. 6-0, 192. lights: Ten-time Pro Bowl
July 25, 1954. Died November lead Akron to league title that Born in Houston, Texas, selection, seven-time All-NFL
1, 1999. Jackson State. season. In 1921, became the December 30, 1941. Oregon. selection. Started in then-
Inducted in 1993. 1975-1987 league’s first black head Inducted in 1996. 1964-1977 record 182 consecutive
Chicago Bears. Highlights: coach. Dallas Cowboys. Highlights: games.
NFL’s all-time leading rusher 52 interceptions for 626 yards
with 16,726 yards and com- and 3 touchdowns. Also
bined net yardage with 21,803 added 842 yards on punt
at time of retirement. returns, 2,246 yards on kick-
off returns. Elected to Pro
Bowl first 10 seasons.

348 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Tackle. 6-5, 300. Born in Pine Commissioner. Born in South Cornerback-Kick returner-Punt Linebacker. 6-3, 250. Born in
Bluff, Arkansas, April 18, Gate, California, March 1, returner. 6-1, 195. Born in Fort San Diego, California, January
1970. Louisiana Tech. Induct- 1926. Died December 6, Myers, Florida, August 9, 19, 1969. Died May 2, 2012.
ed in 2012. 1993-2001 New 1996. Compton Junior Col- 1967. Florida State. Inducted Southern California. Inducted
Orleans Saints, 2002-05 lege, San Francisco. Inducted in 2011. 1989-1993 Atlanta in 2015. 1990-2002 San
Kansas City Chiefs. High- in 1985. Commissioner, 1960- Falcons, 1994 San Francisco Diego Chargers, 2003-05
lights: Voted to 11 Pro Bowls, 1989. Highlights: Negotiated 49ers, 1995-99 Dallas Cow- Miami Dolphins, 2006-09
named first-team All-Pro first league-wide television boys, 2000 Washington Red- New England Patriots. High-
seven times. Member of both contract in 1962. Generally skins, 2004-05 Baltimore lights: NFL Defensive Player
the NFL’s All-Decade Team of recognized as premiere com- Ravens. Highlights: First- of the Year in 1992. First-team
the 1990s and 2000s. missioner in all of sports. team All-NFL nine times. All-Pro selection eight times.
Credited with making NFL the Voted to the NFL’s All-Decade Selected to play in 12 Pro
DAVE ROBINSON nation’s most popular sport. Team of the 1990s at both Bowls. Recorded 10 or more
Linebacker. 6-3, 245. Born in cornerback and punt returner. tackles in a game 64 times.
Mt. Holly, New Jersey, May 3, BOB ST. CLAIR 53 career interceptions.
1941. Inducted in 2013. 1963- Tackle. 6-9, 265. Born in San Career touchdowns include LEE ROY SELMON
1972 Green Bay Packers, Francisco, California, February six on punt returns, three on Defensive end. 6-3, 250. Born
1973-74 Washington Red- 18, 1931. Died April 20, 2015. kickoff returns, nine on inter- in Eufaula, Oklahoma, October
skins. Highlights: Starting out- San Francisco, Tulsa. Inducted ceptions, one fumble recov- 20, 1954. Died September 4,
side linebacker in three NFL in 1990. 1953-1963 San Fran- ery, and three receiving. 2011. Oklahoma. Inducted in
championship game and two cisco 49ers. Highlights: 1995. 1976-1984 Tampa Bay
Super Bowl wins. Recorded 27 Exceptional offensive lineman. WARREN SAPP Buccaneers. Highlights: 781⁄2
career interceptions. Voted to Also played goal-line defense Defensive tackle. 6-2, 300. sacks, 380 quarterback pres-
three Pro Bowl Bowls. Named and had 10 blocked field Born in Orlando, Florida, sures, forced 28 fumbles. Six
to NFL’s All-Decade Team of goals, 1956. December 19, 1972. Inducted consecutive Pro Bowl selec-
1960s. in 2013. 1995-2003 Tampa tions.
ED SABOL Bay Buccaneers, 2004-07
ANDY ROBUSTELLI Founder-President-Chairman. Oakland Raiders. Highlights: SHANNON SHARPE
Defensive end. 6-0, 230. Born Born in Atlantic City, New Jer- Amassed 96.5 career sacks. Tight end. 6-2, 230. Born in
in Stamford, Connecticut, sey, September 11, 1916. Named 1999 NFL Defensive Chicago, Illinois, June 26,
December 6, 1925. Died May Died February 9, 2015. Ohio Player of the Year. First-team 1968. Savannah State. Induct-
31, 2011. Arnold College. State. Inducted in 2011. 1964- All-Pro four straight seasons. ed in 2011. 1990-99, 2002-
Inducted in 1971. 1951-55 Los 1995 NFL Films. Highlights: Member of NFL’s All-Decade 03 Denver Broncos, 2000-01
Angeles Rams, 1956-1964 Bid and received rights to film Teams of 1990s and 2000s. Baltimore Ravens. Highlights:
New York Giants. Highlights: 1962 NFL Championship Retired as the NFL’s all-time
Anchored defense in eight Game. Two years later, found- GALE SAYERS leader among tight ends for
championship games. Named ed NFL Films. During his Running back. 6-0, 200. Born catches (815), receiving yards
NFL’s top player in 1962. tenure, NFL Films won 52 in Wichita, Kansas, May 30, (10,060) and TD receptions
Emmys. Vision and innova- 1943. Kansas. Inducted in (62). Selected as first- or sec-
ART ROONEY tions changed the way in 1977. 1965-1971 Chicago ond-team All-Pro five times,
Founder-Team Owner. Born in which sports were presented. Bears. Highlights: Broke into named to eight Pro Bowls.
Coulterville, Pennsylvania, league by scoring rookie- Played on three Super Bowl
January 27, 1901. Died BARRY SANDERS record 22 touchdowns. Led championship teams in four
August 25, 1988. Georgetown, Running back. 5-8, 203. Born league in rushing in 1966, seasons.
Duquesne. Inducted in 1964. in Wichita, Kansas, July 16, 1969. MVP of three Pro
1933-39 Pittsburgh Pirates, 1968. Oklahoma State. Induct- Bowls. BILLY SHAW
1940-42, 1945-1988 Pitts- ed in 2004. 1989-1998 Detroit Guard. 6-2, 258. Born in
burgh Steelers, 1943 Phil-Pitt, Lions. Highlights: 15,269 JOE SCHMIDT Natchez, Mississippi, Decem-
1944 Card-Pitt. Highlights: rushing yards, 99 touch- Linebacker. 6-0, 222. Born in ber 15, 1938. Georgia Tech.
Founded Pittsburgh Pirates in downs. Rushed for 1,000 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jan- Inducted in 1999. 1961-69
1933 and renamed them Steel- yards in each of 10 seasons. uary 18, 1932. Pittsburgh. Buffalo Bills. Highlights: First
ers in 1940. Team won four NFL co-MVP, 1997. Selected Inducted in 1973. 1953-1965 player who played entire
Super Bowls in 1970s. to 10 Pro Bowls. Detroit Lions. Highlights: 24 career in AFL to be elected to
interceptions. Lions’ team Hall of Fame. Named to AFL’s
DAN ROONEY CHARLIE SANDERS captain for nine years. Mas- all-time team.
Administrator-Team Owner. Tight end. 6-4, 230. Born in tered middle linebacker posi-
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- Richlands, North Carolina, tion that evolved in 1950s. ART SHELL
nia, July, 20, 1932. Duquesne. August 25, 1946. Died July 2, Tackle. 6-5, 285. Born in
Inducted in 2000. 1955-pre- 2015. Minnesota. Inducted in TEX SCHRAMM Charleston, South Carolina,
sent Pittsburgh Steelers. High- 2007. 1968-1977 Detroit Team president-general man- November 26, 1946. Mary-
lights: Has been on the board Lions. Highlights: 336 career ager. Born in San Gabriel, Cal- land State-Eastern Shore.
of directors for the NFL Trust receptions for 4,817 yards ifornia, June 2, 1920. Died Inducted in 1989. 1968-82
Fund, NFL Films, and Schedul- and 31 touchdowns. Selected July 15, 2003. Texas. Inducted Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders.
ing Committee. Played a key to seven Pro Bowls. Named to in 1991. 1947-1956 Los Highlights: Cornerstone of
role in the labor agreement the NFL’s All-Decade Team of Angeles Rams. 1960-1989 Raiders’ offensive line in
reached in 1993 between the 1970s. Dallas Cowboys. Highlights: 1970s. 207 regular-season
NFL owners and players. Played prominent role in AFL- games, 23 postseason
NFL merger. Chairman of games, eight Pro Bowls.
Competition Committee from

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 349

Guard 6-3, 320. Born in Fort Defensive end. 6-4, 280. Born Guard. 6-3, 236. Born in San Center. 6-2, 255. Born in
Riley, Kansas, September 15, in Norfolk, Virginia, June 18, Francisco, California, July 20, Murfreesboro, North Carolina,
1971. Nebraska, Inducted in 1963. Virginia Tech. Inducted 1927. Died June 22, 2015. November 20, 1957. Alaba-
2015. 1993-2006 Kansas City in 2009. 1985-1999 Buffalo San Francisco. Inducted in ma. Inducted in 1998. 1980-
Chiefs. Highlights: Earned 12 Bills, 2000-03 Washington 2016. 1952-55 Detroit Lions, 87 Miami Dolphins. High-
straight Pro Bowl berths. Redskins. Highlights: NFL’s 1956-58 Washington Red- lights: Recognized as premier
Never missed a game during all-time leader in sacks with skins. Highlights: Named center of his time. All-Pro, All-
14-season career; 224 games 200. Named All-Pro nine team MVP in 1953 champi- AFC five straight years. Select-
played with 223 starts. A times, 11 Pro Bowls. Selected onship season, rare honor for ed to five Pro Bowls.
member of the NFL’s All- to NFL’s All-Decade Team of offensive lineman. Named All-
Decade Team of the 2000s. 1980s and 1990s. NFL five times in seven sea- MICHAEL STRAHAN
sons. Retired in prime to pur- Defensive end. 6-5, 255. Born
DON SHULA EMMITT SMITH sue coaching career. in Houston, Texas, November
Coach. Born in Grand River, Running back. 5-9, 207. Born 21, 1971. Texas Southern.
Ohio, January 4, 1930. John in Pensacola, Florida, May 15, BART STARR Inducted in 2014. 1993-2007
Carroll. Inducted in 1997. 1969. Florida. Inducted in Quarterback. 6-1, 200. Born New York Giants. Highlights:
1963-69 Baltimore Colts, 2010. 1990-2002 Dallas in Montgomery, Alabama, Recorded 141.5 career sacks.
1970-1995 Miami Dolphins. Cowboys, 2003-04 Arizona January 9, 1934. Alabama. His 22.5 sacks in 2001 is an
Highlights: Won more games Cardinals. Highlights: Won Inducted in 1977. 1956-1971 NFL record. Named to NFL's
(347) than any coach in NFL four rushing titles in five years, Green Bay Packers. High- All-Decade Team of 2000s.
history. Won two Super Bowl recorded record 11 straight lights: Quarterbacked Packers
titles, including Super Bowl VII 1,000-yard seasons. NFL’s all- to six division titles, five NFL HANK STRAM
when Dolphins recorded NFL’s time leading rusher with titles, and first two Super Coach. Born in Chicago, Illi-
only perfect season (17-0). 18,355 yards, 164 rushing Bowls in which he was MVP. nois, January 3, 1923. Died
TDs. Won NFL MVP and Super July 4, 2005. Purdue. Induct-
O.J. SIMPSON Bowl XXVIII MVP in 1993. ROGER STAUBACH ed in 2003. 1960-1974 Dallas
Running back. 6-1, 212. Born Quarterback. 6-3, 202. Born Texans/Kansas City Chiefs,
in San Francisco, California, JACKIE SMITH in Cincinnati, Ohio, February 1976-1977 New Orleans
July 9, 1947. City College Tight end. 6-4, 232. Born in 5, 1942. New Mexico Military Saints. Highlights: Overall
(San Francisco), Southern Columbia, Mississippi, Febru- Institute, Navy. Inducted in record of 136-100-10.
California. Inducted in 1985. ary 23, 1940. Northwestern 1985. 1969-1979 Dallas Recorded most wins in AFL
1969-1977 Buffalo Bills, State (Louisiana). Inducted in Cowboys. Highlights: Led history. Guided teams to titles
1978-79 San Francisco 49ers. 1994. 1963-1977 St. Louis Cowboys to four NFC titles in 1962, 1966, and 1969. Led
Highlights: In 1973, became Cardinals, 1978 Dallas Cow- and victories in Super Bowls Chiefs to AFL win in Super
first player to rush for 2,000 boys. Highlights: 480 recep- VI, XII. When retired, 83.4 Bowl IV.
yards in season. Finished tions for 7,918 yards, 40 career passer rating was best
career with four rushing titles, touchdowns. Third tight end to of all time. KEN STRONG
11,236 yards. be elected to Hall of Fame. Halfback. 5-11, 210. Born in
ERNIE STAUTNER West Haven, Connecticut,
MIKE SINGLETARY KEN STABLER Defensive tackle. 6-2, 235. April 21, 1906. Died October
Linebacker. 6-0, 230. Born in Quarterback. 6-3, 215. Born Born in Prinzing-by-Cham, 5, 1979. New York University.
Houston, Texas, October 9, in Foley, Alabama, December Bavaria, April 20, 1925. Died Inducted in 1967. 1929-1932
1958. Baylor. Inducted in 25, 1945. Died July 8, 2015. February 16, 2006. Boston Staten Island Stapletons,
1998. 1981-1992 Chicago Alabama. Inducted in 2016. College. Inducted in 1969. 1933-35, 1939, 1944-47 New
Bears. Highlights: All-Pro 1970-79 Oakland Raiders, 1950-1963 Pittsburgh Steel- York Giants, 1936-37 New
choice eight times and All-NFC 1980-81 Houston Oilers, ers. Highlights: Played in nine York Yanks (AFL). Highlights:
nine consecutive seasons. 1982-84 New Orleans Saints. Pro Bowls and won the best Scored 17 points to lead
Selected to 10 Pro Bowls. Highlights: Compiled impres- lineman award in 1957. Giants to victory in 1934
sive .661 winning percentage. Recorded 3 safeties. ‘Sneakers’ game, led NFL with
JACKIE SLATER Career total: 27,938 yards, 64 points, 1933.
Tackle. 6-4, 277. Born in 194 TDs. First QB since AFL- JAN STENERUD
Jackson, Mississippi, May 27, NFL merger to lead team to Kicker. 6-2, 190. Born in Fet- JOE STYDAHAR
1954. Jackson State. Inducted five consecutive conference sund, Norway, November 26, Tackle. 6-4, 230. Born in Kay-
in 2001. 1976-1995 Los championships. 1942. Montana State. Induct- lor, Pennsylvania, March 17,
Angeles/St. Louis Rams. ed in 1991. 1967-1979 1912. Died March 23, 1977.
Highlights: Played 20 sea- JOHN STALLWORTH Kansas City Chiefs, 1980-83 West Virginia. Inducted in
sons, 259 games. Blocked for Wide receiver. 6-2, 191. Born Green Bay Packers, 1984-85 1967. 1936-1942, 1945-46
seven different 1,000-yard in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, July Minnesota Vikings. High- Chicago Bears. Highlights:
rushers. Seven Pro Bowls. 15, 1952. Alabama A&M. lights: 1,699 points on 580 One of stalwarts of Bears’
Inducted in 2002. 1974-1987 extra points, 373 field goals. ‘Monsters of the Midway.’
Pittsburgh Steelers. High- First pure placekicker to enter Played on five divisional, three
lights: 537 receptions for Hall of Fame. NFL championship teams.
8,723 yards, 63 touchdowns.
Scored go-ahead touchdown
in Super Bowl XIV on 73-yard

350 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Wide receiver. 5-11, 180. Linebacker. 6-3, 243. Born in Linebacker. 6-3, 240. Born in Center. 6-2, 235. Born in
Born in Alcoa, Tennessee, Miami, Florida, January 1, Birmingham, Alabama, Plains, Texas, March 10,
March 7, 1952. Southern Cal- 1967. Died February 8, 2000. December 27, 1959. Iowa; 1919. Died October 30, 1998.
ifornia. Inducted in 2001. Alabama. Inducted in 2009. Ellsworth (IA) Jr. College. Hardin-Simmons. Inducted in
1974-1982 Pittsburgh Steel- 1989-1999 Kansas City Inducted in 2008. 1982-1988, 1966. 1940-1952 Chicago
ers. Highlights: All-AFC three Chiefs. Highlights: Set NFL 1990-93 New England Patri- Bears. Highlights: Anchored
times. Selected to three Pro record with 7 sacks in one ots. Highlights: Recorded 100 defense for four NFL champi-
Bowls. MVP, Super Bowl X. game. Recorded most sacks career sacks including per- onship teams, including 4
in NFL during 1990s. Nine Pro sonal best 18.5 sacks, 1984. interceptions in five title
FRAN TARKENTON Bowls. Named to NFL’s All- Named to five straight Pro games.
Quarterback. 6-0, 185. Born Decade Team of 1990s. Bowls, 1985-89.
in Richmond, Virginia, Febru- JOHNNY UNITAS
ary 3, 1940. Georgia. Inducted EMMITT THOMAS Y.A. TITTLE Quarterback. 6-1, 195. Born
in 1986. 1961-66, 1972-78 Cornerback. 6-2, 192. Born in Quarterback. 6-0, 200. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Minnesota Vikings, 1967- Angleton, Texas, June 3, in Marshall, Texas, October May 7, 1933. Died September
1971 New York Giants. High- 1943. Bishop. Inducted in 24, 1926. Louisiana State. 11, 2002. Louisville. Inducted
lights: At retirement, held NFL 2008. 1966-1978 Kansas City Inducted in 1971. 1948-49 in 1979. 1956-1972 Baltimore
records for attempts (6,467), Chiefs. Highlights: Undrafted Baltimore Colts (AAFC), 1950 Colts, 1973 San Diego Charg-
completions (3,686), yards free agent. 58 interceptions, Baltimore Colts, 1951-1960 ers. Highlights: 40,239 pass-
(47,003), and touchdowns 937 yards, 5 TDs. Ranked fifth San Francisco 49ers, 1961-64 ing yards, 290 touchdowns.
(342). Four touchdowns pass- all-time in interceptions at New York Giants. Highlights: Led Colts to two NFL champi-
es in first NFL game. retirement. Interception leader 33,070 yards, 242 touch- onships. Passed for at least
—AFL, 1969 and NFL, 1974. downs. 33 touchdown passes one touchdown in 47 consec-
CHARLEY TAYLOR in 1962 and 36 in 1963. utive games.
Running back-wide receiver. THURMAN THOMAS Three-time league Player of
6-3, 210. Born in Grand Running back. 5-10, 198. the Year. GENE UPSHAW
Prairie, Texas, September 28, Born in Houston, Texas, May Guard. 6-5, 255. Born in Rob-
1941. Arizona State. Inducted 16, 1966. Oklahoma State. GEORGE TRAFTON stown, Texas, August 15,
in 1984. 1964-1975, 1977 Inducted in 2007. 1988-1999 Center. 6-2, 235. Born in 1945. Died August 20, 2008.
Washington Redskins. High- Buffalo Bills, 2000 Miami Dol- Chicago, Illinois, December 6, Texas A & I. Inducted in 1987.
lights: Won rookie of year phins. Highlights: Amassed 1896. Died September 5, 1967-1981 Oakland Raiders.
honors as running back. 16,532 total yards including 1971. Notre Dame. Inducted Highlights: Premier guard of
Switched to wide receiver and 12,074 yards rushing. Scored in 1964. 1920-1932 Decatur his era played in 10 AFL/AFC
won receiving titles in 1966, 88 touchdowns. Only player in Staleys/Chicago Staleys/ Championship Games, three
1967. history to lead league in yards Chicago Bears. Highlights: Super Bowls, seven Pro
from scrimmage four straight First center to snap with one Bowls.
JIM TAYLOR seasons. hand. Named top NFL center
Fullback. 6-0, 216. Born in of 1920s. NORM VAN BROCKLIN
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Sep- JIM THORPE Quarterback. 6-1, 190. Born
tember 20, 1935. Hinds Junior Halfback. 6-1, 190. Born in CHARLEY TRIPPI in Eagle Butte, South Dakota,
College; Louisiana State. Prague, Oklahoma, May 28, Halfback-quarterback. 6-0, March 15, 1926. Died May 2,
Inducted in 1976. 1958-1966 1888. Died March 28, 1953. 185. Born in Pittston, Pennsyl- 1983. Oregon. Inducted in
Green Bay Packers, 1967 New Carlisle. Inducted in 1963. vania, December 14, 1922. 1971. 1949-1957 Los Ange-
Orleans Saints. Highlights: 1915-17, 1919-1920, 1926 Georgia. Inducted in 1968. les Rams, 1958-1960 Phila-
8,597 rushing yards, 558 Canton Bulldogs, 1921 Cleve- 1947-1955 Chicago Cardi- delphia Eagles. Highlights:
points. In 1962, led league in land Indians, 1922-23 Oorang nals. Highlights: One of foot- NFL-record 554 yards passing
rushing and scoring with 19 Indians, 1924 Rock Island ball’s most versatile perform- in 1951 season opener. Guid-
touchdowns. Independents, 1925 New York ers. Played halfback five ed Eagles to NFL crown as
Giants, 1928 Chicago Cardi- years, quarterback for two, league’s Most Outstanding
LAWRENCE TAYLOR nals. Highlights: Charter defense for two. Player in 1960.
Linebacker. 6-3, 237. Born in enshrinee. First president of
Williamsburg, Virginia, Febru- American Professional Foot- EMLEN TUNNELL STEVE VAN BUREN
ary 4, 1959. North Carolina. ball Association, 1920. Played Safety. 6-1, 200. Born in Bryn Halfback. 6-1, 200. Born in La
Inducted in 1999. 1981-1993 for 12 seasons. Mawr, Pennsylvania, March Ceiba, Honduras, December
New York Giants. Highlights: 29, 1925. Died July 22, 1975. 28, 1920. Died August 23,
Redefined the position of out- MICK TINGELHOFF Toledo, Iowa. Inducted in 2012. Louisiana State. Induct-
side linebacker. All-Pro nine Center. 6-2, 237. Born in Lex- 1967. 1948-1958 New York ed in 1965. 1944-1951
times, 10 Pro Bowls. NFL ington, Nebraska, May 22, Giants, 1959-1961 Green Bay Philadelphia Eagles. High-
MVP in 1986. 1940. Nebraska. Inducted in Packers. Highlights: 79 inter- lights: Four-time rushing
2015. 1962-1978 Minnesota ceptions. Gained more yards champion. Won 1944 punt-
Vikings. Highlights: Signed as on kickoff, punt, and intercep- return title and was 1945 kick-
a rookie free agent. Earned tion returns (924) in 1952 off-return champion.
starting nod as rookie and than that season’s NFL rush-
never relinquished role during ing leader.
career. All-NFL/All-Pro-choice
seven times (1964–1970).

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 351

Halfback. 5-11, 173. Born in Defensive tackle. 6-4, 235. Guard. 6-2, 215. Born in Contributor. Born in New Free-
Dallas, Texas, January 1, Born in Rhein, Saskatchewan, Columbus, Ohio, October 5, dom, Pennsylvania, December
1927. Died September 27, Canada, March 23, 1923. 1921. Died November 27, 30, 1938. Oklahoma. Inducted
1998. Southern Methodist. Died June 29, 2000. Washing- 2007. Ohio State. Inducted in in 2015. 1963-1974, 1979-
Inducted in 1986. 1950-55 ton. Inducted in 1984. 1948- 1977. 1946-1953 Cleveland 1989 Oakland/Los Angeles
Detroit Lions. Highlights: 534 49 New York Yankees (AAFC), Browns (AAFC/NFL). High- Raiders, 1966 American Foot-
points. Won two NFL scoring 1950-53 New York Giants. lights: Two-way player who ball League, 1976-78 Tampa
titles. Had winning 67-yard Highlights: Dominant defen- excelled on defense. Four-time Bay Buccaneers, 1990-91
scoring run in 1952 title game. sive tackle of his time. Four- All-NFL player, played in three New York Jets, 1991-2001
time All-NFL selection, four Pro Bowls. Green Bay Packers High-
BILL WALSH Pro Bowls. lights: Recognized as one of
Coach. Born in Los Angeles, LARRY WILSON finest personnel men in pro
California, November 30, RANDY WHITE Safety. 6-0, 190. Born in football. Began career as a
1931. Died July 30, 2007. San Defensive tackle. 6-4, 265. Rigby, Idaho, March 24, 1938. scout for Raiders in 1963.
Jose State. Inducted in 1993. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- Utah. Inducted in 1978. 1960- Wolf spent 23 seasons help-
1979-1988 San Francisco nia, January 15, 1953. Mary- 1972 St. Louis Cardinals. ing build Raiders franchise.
49ers. Highlights: 102-63-1 land. Inducted in 1994. 1975- Highlights: 52 interceptions. Turned Packers into dominant
coaching record. Guided 1988 Dallas Cowboys. High- Had interception in seven con- NFL franchise.
49ers to three Super Bowl lights: Missed only one game secutive games in 1966.
titles (XVI, XIX, XXIII) in 10 in 14 seasons. Co-MVP of Made “safety blitz” famous. WILLIE WOOD
years. Super Bowl XII. Nine-time Pro Safety. 5-10, 190. Born in
Bowl selection. RALPH WILSON, JR. Washington, D.C., December
PAUL WARFIELD Owner-founder. Born in 23, 1936. Southern California.
Wide receiver. 6-0, 188. Born REGGIE WHITE Columbus, Ohio, October 17, Inducted in 1989. 1960-1971
in Warren, Ohio, November Defensive end. 6-5, 291. Born 1918. Died March 25, 2013. Green Bay Packers. High-
28, 1942. Ohio State. Inducted in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Virginia, Michigan. Inducted in lights: 48 interceptions. Com-
in 1983. 1964-69, 1976-77 December 19, 1961. Died 2009. 1960-present Buffalo peted in six NFL Champi-
Cleveland Browns, 1970-74 December 26, 2004. Ten- Bills. Highlights: Founded onship Games and Super
Miami Dolphins. Highlights: nessee. Inducted in 2006. team. Bills teams captured Bowls I and II.
8,565 yards receiving, 85 1985-1992 Philadelphia back-to-back AFL titles in mid-
touchdowns. Eight-time Pro Eagles, 1993-1998 Green Bay 1960s. Unprecedented four ROD WOODSON
Bowl player. Key to both Packers, 2000 Carolina Pan- straight Super Bowl appear- Cornerback-safety. 6-0, 200.
Cleveland and Miami offenses. thers. Highlights: Retired as ances. Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana,
all-time sack leader with 198. March 10, 1965. Purdue.
BOB WATERFIELD Named All-Pro 13 of 15 sea- KELLEN WINSLOW Inducted in 2009. 1987-1996
Quarterback. 6-2, 200. Born sons including 10 as first- Tight end. 6-5, 250. Born in Pittsburgh Steelers, 1997 San
in Elmira, New York, July 26, team selection. Named to 13 St. Louis, Missouri, November Francisco 49ers, 1998-2001
1920. Died March 25, 1983. straight Pro Bowls. 5, 1957. Missouri. Inducted in Baltimore Ravens, 2002-03
UCLA. Inducted in 1965. 1945 1995. 1979-1987 San Diego Oakland Raiders. Highlights:
Cleveland Rams, 1946-1952 DAVE WILCOX Chargers Highlights: 541 71 interceptions returned for
Los Angeles Rams. High- Linebacker. 6-3, 241. Born in receptions for 6,741 yards, 45 1,483 yards and NFL record
lights: NFL MVP as rookie in Ontario, Oregon, September, touchdowns. 13 catches, 12 TDs. Named NFL Defensive
1945 and led Rams to 29, 1942. Boise State, Ore- blocked field goal in 1981 Player of Year, 1993. Member
NFL title. Grabbed 20 intercep- gon. Inducted in 2000. 1964- playoff win over Miami. of NFL’s 75th Anniversary
tions in limited defensive 1974 San Francisco 49ers. Team. 11 Pro Bowls.
duties. Highlights: Seven Pro Bowls, ALEX WOJCIECHOWICZ
All-NFL five times. Missed Center. 6-0, 235. Born in RAYFIELD WRIGHT
MIKE WEBSTER only one game because of South River, New Jersey, Tackle. 6-6, 255. Born in Grif-
Center. 6-2, 260. Born in Tom- injury. August 12, 1915. Died fin, Georgia, August 23, 1945.
ahawk, Wisconsin, March 18, July 13, 1992. Fordham. Fort Valley State. Inducted in
1952. Died September 24, AENEAS WILLIAMS Inducted in 1968. 1938-1946 2006. 1967-1979 Dallas
2002. Wisconsin. Inducted in Cornerback-safety. 5-11, 194. Detroit Lions, 1946-1950 Cowboys. Highlights: Named
1997. 1974-1988 Pittsburgh Born in New Orleans, Philadelphia Eagles. High- first- or second-team All-Pro
Steelers, 1989-1990 Kansas Louisiana, January 29, 1968. lights: One of league’s first and voted to Pro Bowl six
City Chiefs. Highlights: Played Southern University. Inducted iron men. Played both ways straight seasons, 1971-76.
in 245 games, nine Pro Bowls, in 2014. 1991-2000 Phoenix/ for eight years with Lions. Played in six NFC champi-
and won four Super Bowls Arizona Cardinals, 2001-04 onship games and five Super
during 17-year career. St. Louis Rams. Highlights: Bowls. Named to NFL’s All-
Named Pro Bowl seven times Decade Team of 1970s.
ROGER WEHRLI as a cornerback, once as
Cornerback. 6-0, 190. Born in safety. Recorded 55 intercep-
New Point, Missouri, Novem- tions for 807 yards, 9 TDs.
ber 26, 1947. Missouri. Named to NFL's All-Decade
Inducted in 2007. 1969-1982 Team of 2000s.
St. Louis Cardinals. High-
lights: 40 career intercep-
tions. Named to the NFL’s All-
Decade Team of 1970s. All-
Pro five times, selected to
seven Pro Bowls.

352 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Tackle. 6-5, 255. Born in OF INDUCTION (August 3, 1968) (July 30, 1977)
Chicago, Illinois, July 16, *Deceased Cliff Battles* Frank Gifford*
1946. Cerritos (Calif.) J.C., (Date of enshrinement in Art Donovan* Forrest Gregg
Southern California. Inducted parentheses) Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch* Gale Sayers
in 2001. 1968-1981 Minneso- Wayne Millner* Bart Starr
ta Vikings, 1982 Los Angeles 1963 CHARTER CLASS Marion Motley* Bill Willis*
Rams. Highlights: All-Pro six (September 7, 1963) Charley Trippi
consecutive seasons, All-NFC Sammy Baugh* Alex Wojciechowicz* CLASS OF 1978
eight consecutive years. Bert Bell* (July 29, 1978)
Named to seven Pro Bowls. Joe Carr* CLASS OF 1969 Lance Alworth
Started in four Super Bowls Earl (Dutch) Clark* (September 13, 1969) Weeb Ewbank*
and five NFL/NFC Champi- Harold (Red) Grange* Albert Glen (Turk) Edwards* Alphonse (Tuffy) Leemans*
onship Games. George Halas* Earle (Greasy) Neale* Ray Nitschke*
Mel Hein* Leo Nomellini* Larry Wilson
STEVE YOUNG Wilbur (Pete) Henry* Joe Perry*
Quarterback. 6-2, 205. Born Ernie Stautner* CLASS OF 1979
Robert (Cal) Hubbard*
in Salt Lake City, Utah, Octo- (July 28, 1979)
Don Hutson*
ber 11, 1961. Brigham Young. CLASS OF 1970 Dick Butkus
Earl (Curly) Lambeau*
Inducted in 2005. 1985-86 (August 8, 1970) Yale Lary
Tim Mara*
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Jack Christiansen* Ron Mix
George Preston Marshall*
1987-1999 San Francisco Tom Fears* Johnny Unitas*
John (Blood) McNally*
49ers. Highlights: Led the Hugh McElhenny
Bronko Nagurski* CLASS OF 1980
NFL in passing a record-tying Pete Pihos*
Ernie Nevers* (August 2, 1980)
six times. Passed for more Jim Thorpe* CLASS OF 1971 Herb Adderley
than 33,000 yards and 232 (July 31, 1971) David (Deacon) Jones*
touchdowns in career. MVP of CLASS OF 1964
Jim Brown Bob Lilly
Super Bowl XXIX. Elected to (September 6, 1964)
Bill Hewitt* Jim Otto
seven Pro Bowls. Jimmy Conzelman*
Frank (Bruiser) Kinard*
Ed Healey* CLASS OF 1981
Clarke Hinkle* (August 1, 1981)
Defensive end. 6-4, 247. Born Andy Robustelli*
William Roy (Link) Lyman* Morris (Red) Badgro*
in Jacksonville, Florida, Janu- Y. A. Tittle
Mike Michalske* George Blanda*
ary 26, 1950. Florida. Induct- Norm Van Brocklin*
Art Rooney* Willie Davis
ed in 2001. 1971-1984 Los George Trafton* CLASS OF 1972 Jim Ringo*
Angeles Rams. Highlights: (July 29, 1972)
Played in club-record 201 CLASS OF 1965 CLASS OF 1982
Lamar Hunt*
consecutive games. Played in (September 12, 1965) (August 7, 1982)
Gino Marchetti
five NFC Championship Guy Chamberlin* Doug Atkins*
Ollie Matson*
Games, one Super Bowl. John (Paddy) Driscoll* Sam Huff
Clarence (Ace) Parker*
Named All-Pro five times, All- Dan Fortmann* George Musso*
NFC seven times. Elected to Otto Graham* CLASS OF 1973 Merlin Olsen*
seven consecutive Pro Bowls. Sid Luckman* (July 28, 1973)
Steve Van Buren* Raymond Berry CLASS OF 1983
Bob Waterfield* Jim Parker* (July 30, 1983)
GARY ZIMMERMAN Joe Schmidt Bobby Bell
Tackle. 6-6, 294. Born in CLASS OF 1966 Sid Gillman*
Fullerton, California, Decem- (September 17, 1966) CLASS OF 1974 Sonny Jurgensen
ber 13, 1961. Oregon. Induct- Bill Dudley* (July 27, 1974) Bobby Mitchell
ed in 2008. 1986-1992 Min- Joe Guyon* Tony Canadeo* Paul Warfield
nesota Vikings, 1993-97 Den- Arnie Herber* Bill George*
Walt Kiesling* Lou Groza* CLASS OF 1984
ver Broncos. Highlights:
George McAfee* Dick (Night Train) Lane* (July 28, 1984)
Named to seven Pro Bowls.
Steve Owen* Willie Brown
One of handful of players to be
Hugh (Shorty) Ray* CLASS OF 1975 Mike McCormack*
named to two NFL All-Decade
Clyde (Bulldog) Turner* (August 2, 1975) Charley Taylor
Teams, 1980s and 1990s.
Roosevelt Brown* Arnie Weinmeister*
CLASS OF 1967 George Connor*
(August 5, 1967) Dante Lavelli* CLASS OF 1985
Chuck Bednarik* Lenny Moore (August 3, 1985)
Charles W. Bidwill Sr.* Frank Gatski*
Paul Brown* CLASS OF 1976 Joe Namath
Bobby Layne* (July 24, 1976) Pete Rozelle*
Dan Reeves* Ray Flaherty* O. J. Simpson
Ken Strong* Len Ford* Roger Staubach
Joe Stydahar* Jim Taylor
Emlen Tunnell*

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 353

(August 2, 1986) (July 29, 1995) (August 8, 2004) (August 4, 2012)
Paul Hornung Jim Finks* Bob (Boomer) Brown Jack Butler*
Ken Houston Henry Jordan* Carl Eller Dermontti Dawson
Willie Lanier Steve Largent John Elway Chris Doleman
Fran Tarkenton Lee Roy Selmon* Barry Sanders Cortez Kennedy
Doak Walker* Kellen Winslow Curtis Martin
CLASS OF 2005 Willie Roaf
CLASS OF 1987 CLASS OF 1996 (August 7, 2005)
(August 8, 1987) (July 27, 1996) Benny Friedman* CLASS OF 2013
Larry Csonka Lou Creekmur* Dan Marino (August 3, 2013)
Len Dawson Dan Dierdorf Fritz Pollard* Larry Allen
Joe Greene Joe Gibbs Steve Young Cris Carter
John Henry Johnson* Charlie Joiner Curley Culp
Jim Langer Mel Renfro CLASS OF 2006 Jonathan Ogden
Don Maynard (August 6, 2006) Bill Parcells
Gene Upshaw* CLASS OF 1997 Troy Aikman Dave Robinson
(July 26, 1997) Harry Carson Warren Sapp
CLASS OF 1988 Mike Haynes John Madden
(July 30, 1988) Wellington Mara* Warren Moon CLASS OF 2014
Fred Biletnikoff Don Shula Reggie White* (August 2, 2014)
Mike Ditka Mike Webster* Rayfield Wright Derrick Brooks
Jack Ham Ray Guy
Alan Page CLASS OF 1998 CLASS OF 2007 Claude Humphrey
(August 1, 1998) (August 4, 2007) Walter Jones
CLASS OF 1989 Paul Krause Gene Hickerson* Andre Reed
(August 5, 1989) Tommy McDonald Michael Irvin Michael Strahan
Mel Blount Anthony Muñoz Bruce Matthews Aeneas Williams
Terry Bradshaw Mike Singletary Charlie Sanders*
Art Shell Dwight Stephenson Thurman Thomas CLASS OF 2015
Willie Wood Roger Wehrli (August 8, 2015)
CLASS OF 1999 Jerome Bettis
CLASS OF 1990 (August 7, 1999) CLASS OF 2008 Tim Brown
(August 4, 1990) Eric Dickerson (August 2, 2008) Charles Haley
Buck Buchanan* Tom Mack Fred Dean Bill Polian
Bob Griese Ozzie Newsome Darrell Green Junior Seau*
Franco Harris Billy Shaw Art Monk Will Shields
Ted Hendricks Lawrence Taylor Emmitt Thomas Mick Tingelhoff
Jack Lambert Andre Tippett Ron Wolf
Tom Landry* CLASS OF 2000 Gary Zimmerman
Bob St. Clair* (July 29, 2000) CLASS OF 2016
Howie Long CLASS OF 2009 (August 6, 2016)
CLASS OF 1991 Ronnie Lott (August 8, 2009) Edward DeBartolo, Jr.
(July 27, 1991) Joe Montana Bob Hayes* Tony Dungy
Earl Campbell Dan Rooney Randall McDaniel Brett Favre
John Hannah Dave Wilcox Bruce Smith Kevin Greene
Stan Jones* Derrick Thomas* Marvin Harrison
Tex Schramm* CLASS OF 2001 Ralph Wilson, Jr.*
(August 4, 2001) Orlando Pace
Jan Stenerud Rod Woodson Ken Stabler*
Nick Buoniconti
CLASS OF 1992 Marv Levy CLASS OF 2010 Dick Stanfel*
(August 1, 1992) Mike Munchak (August 7, 2010)
Lem Barney Jackie Slater Russ Grimm
Al Davis* Lynn Swann Rickey Jackson
John Mackey* Ron Yary Dick LeBeau
John Riggins Jack Youngblood Floyd Little
John Randle
CLASS OF 1993 CLASS OF 2002 Jerry Rice
(July 31, 1993) (August 3, 2002) Emmitt Smith
Dan Fouts George Allen*
Larry Little Dave Casper CLASS OF 2011
Chuck Noll* Dan Hampton (August 6, 2011)
Walter Payton* Jim Kelly Richard Dent
Bill Walsh* John Stallworth Marshall Faulk
Chris Hanburger
CLASS OF 1994 CLASS OF 2003 Les Richter*
(July 30, 1994) (August 3, 2003) Ed Sabol*
Tony Dorsett Marcus Allen Deion Sanders
Bud Grant Elvin Bethea Shannon Sharpe
Jimmy Johnson Joe DeLamielleure
Leroy Kelly James Lofton
Jackie Smith Hank Stram*
Randy White

354 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1869 with only professionals. World Series of pro football 1912
Rutgers and Princeton played over the Oreos AC of Asbury A touchdown was increased
a college soccer football 1898 Park, New Jersey; the Water- from five points to six.
game, the first ever, November A touchdown was changed town Red and Blacks; and the Jack Cusack revived a
6. The game used modified from four points to five. Orange AC. strong pro team in Canton.
London Football Association Chris O’Brien formed a Pro football was popular-
rules. During the next seven neighborhood team, which ized in Ohio when the Massil- 1913
years, rugby gained favor with played under the name the lon Tigers, a strong amateur Jim Thorpe, a former football
the major eastern schools Morgan Athletic Club, on the team, hired four Pittsburgh and track star at the Carlisle
over soccer, and modern foot- south side of Chicago. The pros to play in the season- Indian School (Pa.) and a dou-
ball began to develop from team later became known as ending game against Akron. At ble gold medal winner at the
rugby. the Normals, then the Racine the same time, pro football 1912 Olympics in Stockholm,
(for a street in Chicago) Cardi- declined in the Pittsburgh played for the Pine Village
1876 nals, the Chicago Cardinals, area, and the emphasis on the Pros in Indiana.
At the Massasoit convention, the St. Louis Cardinals, the pro game moved west from
the first rules for American Phoenix Cardinals, and, in Pennsylvania to Ohio. 1915
football were written. Walter 1994, the Arizona Cardinals. Massillon again fielded a
Camp, who would become The team remains the oldest 1904 major team, reviving the old
known as the father of Ameri- continuing operation in pro A field goal was changed from rivalry with Canton. Cusack
can football, first became football. five points to four. signed Thorpe to play for
involved with the game. Ohio had at least seven pro Canton for $250 a game.
1900 teams, with Massillon winning
1892 William C. Temple took over the Ohio Independent Champi- 1916
In an era in which football was the team payments for the onship, that is, the pro title. With Thorpe and former
a major attraction of local ath- Duquesne Country and Athlet- Talk surfaced about forming a Carlisle teammate Pete Calac
letic clubs, an intense compe- ic Club, becoming the first state-wide league to end spi- starring, Canton went 9-0-1,
tition between two Pittsburgh- known individual club owner. raling salaries brought about won the Ohio League champi-
area clubs, the Allegheny Ath- by constant bidding for play- onship, and was acclaimed
letic Association (AAA) and 1902 ers and to write universal rules the pro football champion.
the Pittsburgh Athletic Club Baseball’s Philadelphia Athlet- for the game. The feeble
(PAC), led to the making of the ics, managed by Connie attempt to start the league 1917
first professional football play- Mack, and the Philadelphia failed. Despite an upset by Massillon,
er. Former Yale All-America Phillies formed professional Halfback Charles Follis Canton again won the Ohio
guard William (Pudge) Hef- football teams, joining the signed a contract with the League championship.
felfinger was paid $500 by the Pittsburgh Stars in the first Shelby (Ohio) AC, making him
AAA to play in a game against attempt at a pro football the first known black pro foot- 1919
the PAC, becoming the first league, named the National ball player. Canton again won the Ohio
person to be paid to play foot- Football League. The Athletics League championship, despite
ball, November 12. The AAA won the first night football 1905 the team having been turned
won the game 4-0 when Hef- game ever played, 39-0 over The Canton AC, later to over from Cusack to Ralph
felfinger picked up a Kanaweola AC at Elmira, New become known as the Bull- Hay. Thorpe and Calac were
PAC fumble and ran 35 yards York, November 21. dogs, became a professional joined in the backfield by Joe
for a touchdown. All three teams claimed the team. Massillon again won the Guyon.
pro championship for the year, Ohio League championship. Earl (Curly) Lambeau and
1893 but the league president, Dave George Calhoun organized the
The Pittsburgh Athletic Club Berry, named the Stars the 1906 Green Bay Packers. Lam-
signed one of its players, champions. Pitcher Rube The forward pass was legal- beau’s employer at the Indian
probably halfback Grant Dib- Waddell was with the Athlet- ized. The first authenticated Packing Company provided
ert, to the first known pro foot- ics, and pitcher Christy Math- pass completion in a pro $500 for equipment and
ball contract, which covered ewson a fullback for Pitts- game came on October 25, allowed the team to use the
all of the PAC’s games for the burgh. when George (Peggy) Parratt company field for practices.
year. The first World Series of pro of Massillon threw a comple- The Packers went 10-1.
football, actually a five-team tion to Dan (Bullet) Riley in a
1895 tournament, was played victory over a combined Ben- 1920
John Brallier became the first among a team made up of wood-Moundsville team. Pro football was in a state of
football player to openly turn players from both the Athletics Arch-rivals Canton and confusion due to three major
pro, accepting $10 and and the Phillies, but simply Massillon, the two best pro problems: dramatically rising
expenses to play for the named New York; the New teams in America, played salaries; players continually
Latrobe YMCA against the York Knickerbockers; the Syra- twice, with Canton winning the jumping from one team to
Jeannette Athletic Club. cuse AC; the Warlow AC; and first game but Massillon win- another following the highest
the Orange (New Jersey) AC at ning the second and the Ohio offer; and the use of college
1896 New York’s original Madison League championship. A bet- players still enrolled in school.
The Allegheny Athletic Associ- Square Garden. New York and ting scandal and the financial A league in which all the mem-
ation team fielded the first Syracuse played the first disaster wrought upon the two bers would follow the same
completely professional team indoor football game before clubs by paying huge salaries rules seemed the answer. An
for its abbreviated two-game 3,000, December 28. Syra- caused a temporary decline in organizational meeting, at
season. cuse, with Glen (Pop) Warner interest in pro football in the which the Akron Pros, Canton
at guard, won 6-0 and went on two cities and, somewhat, Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians,
1897 to win the tournament. throughout Ohio. and Dayton Triangles were
The Latrobe Athletic Associa- represented, was held at the
tion football team went entire- 1903 1909 Jordan and Hupmobile auto
ly professional, becoming the The Franklin (Pa.) Athletic Club A field goal dropped from four showroom in Canton, Ohio,
first team to play a full season won the second and last points to three. August 20. This meeting

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 355

resulted in the formation of the Nash to Buffalo for $300 and beau as head coach and man- gaining national recognition.
American Professional Foot- five percent of the gate ager. Shortly after the University of
ball Conference. receipts—the first APFA play- The American Professional Illinois season ended in
A second organizational er deal. Football Association changed November, All-America half-
meeting was held in Canton, its name to the National Foot- back Harold (Red) Grange
September 17. The teams 1921 ball League, June 24. The signed a contract to play with
were from four states—Akron, At the league meeting in Chicago Staleys became the the Chicago Bears. On
Canton, Cleveland, and Day- Akron, April 30, the champi- Chicago Bears. Thanksgiving Day, a crowd of
ton from Ohio; the Hammond onship of the 1920 season The NFL fielded 18 teams, 36,000—the largest in pro
Pros and Muncie Flyers from was awarded to the Akron including the new Oorang Indi- football history—watched
Indiana; the Rochester Jeffer- Pros. The APFA was reorga- ans of Marion, Ohio, an all- Grange and the Bears play the
sons from New York; and the nized, with Joe Carr of the Indian team featuring Thorpe, Chicago Cardinals to a score-
Rock Island Independents, Columbus Panhandles named Joe Guyon, and Pete Calac, less tie at Wrigley Field. At the
Decatur Staleys, and Racine president and Carl Storck of and sponsored by the Oorang beginning of December, the
Cardinals from Illinois. The Dayton secretary-treasurer. dog kennels. Bears left on a barnstorming
name of the league was Carr moved the Association’s Canton, led by player-coach tour that saw them play eight
changed to the American Pro- headquarters to Columbus, Guy Chamberlin and tackles games in 12 days, in St.
fessional Football Association. drafted a league constitution Link Lyman and Wilbur (Pete) Louis, Philadelphia, New York
Hoping to capitalize on his and by-laws, gave teams terri- Henry, emerged as the City, Washington, Boston,
fame, the members elected torial rights, restricted player league’s first true power- Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Chica-
Thorpe president; Stanley movements, developed mem- house, going 10-0-2. go. A crowd of 73,000
Cofall of Cleveland was elect- bership criteria for the fran- watched the game against the
ed vice president. A member- chises, and issued standings 1923 Giants at the Polo Grounds,
ship fee of $100 per team was for the first time, so that the For the first time, all of the helping assure the future of
charged to give an appearance APFA would have a clear franchises considered to be the troubled NFL franchise in
of respectability, but no team champion. part of the NFL fielded teams. New York. The Bears then
ever paid it. Scheduling was The Association’s member- Thorpe played his second and played nine more games in the
left up to the teams, and there ship increased to 22 teams, final season for the Oorang South and West, including a
were wide variations, both in including the Green Bay Pack- Indians. Against the Bears, game in Los Angeles, in which
the overall number of games ers, who were awarded to Thorpe fumbled, and Halas 75,000 fans watched them
played and in the number John Clair of the Acme Pack- picked up the ball and returned defeat the Los Angeles Tigers
played against APFA member ing Company. it 98 yards for a touchdown, a in the Los Angeles Memorial
teams. Thorpe moved from Canton record that would last until Coliseum.
Four other teams—the Buf- to the Cleveland Indians, but 1972. Pottsville and the Chicago
falo All-Americans, Chicago he was hurt early in the sea- Canton had its second con- Cardinals were the top con-
Tigers, Columbus Panhandles, son and played very little. secutive undefeated season, tenders for the league title,
and Detroit Heralds—joined A.E. Staley turned the going 11-0-1 for the NFL title. with Pottsville winning a late-
the league sometime during Decatur Staleys over to player- season meeting 21-7.
the year. On September 26, coach George Halas, who 1924 Pottsville scheduled a game
the first game featuring an moved the team to Cubs Park The league had 18 franchises, against a team of former Notre
APFA team was played at in Chicago. Staley paid Halas including new ones in Kansas Dame players for Shibe Park in
Rock Island’s Douglas Park. A $5,000 to keep the name Sta- City, Kenosha, and Frankford, Philadelphia. Frankford lodged
crowd of 800 watched the leys for one more year. Halas a section of Philadelphia. a protest not only because the
Independents defeat the St. made halfback Ed (Dutch) League champion Canton, game was in Frankford’s pro-
Paul Ideals 48-0. A week later, Sternaman his partner. successful on the field but not tected territory, but because it
October 3, the first game Player-coach Fritz Pollard of at the box office, was pur- was being played the same
matching two APFA teams the Akron Pros became the chased by the owner of the day as a Yellow Jackets home
was held. At Triangle Park, first black head coach. Cleveland franchise, who kept game. Carr gave three differ-
Dayton defeated Columbus The Staleys claimed the the Canton franchise inactive, ent notices forbidding
14-0, with Lou Partlow of APFA championship with a while using the best players Pottsville to play the game, but
Dayton scoring the first touch- 9-1-1 record, as did Buffalo at for his Cleveland team, which Pottsville played anyway,
down in a game between 9-1-2. Carr ruled in favor of he renamed the Bulldogs. December 12. That day, Carr
Association teams. The same the Staleys, giving Halas his Cleveland won the title with a fined the club, suspended it
day, Rock Island defeated first championship. 7-1-1 record. from all rights and privileges
Muncie 45-0. (including the right to play for
By the beginning of Decem- 1922 1925 the NFL championship), and
ber, most of the teams in the After admitting the use of Five new franchises were re-turned its franchise to the
APFA had abandoned their players who had college eligi- admitted to the NFL—the New league. The Cardinals, who
hopes for a championship, bility remaining during the York Giants, who were award- ended the season with the
and some of them, including 1921 season, Clair and the ed to Tim Mara and Billy Gib- best record in the league, were
the Chicago Tigers and the Green Bay management with- son for $500; the Detroit Pan- named the 1925 champions.
Detroit Heralds, had finished drew from the APFA, January thers, featuring Jimmy Conzel-
their seasons, disbanded, and 28. Curly Lambeau promised man as owner, coach, and tail- 1926
had their franchises canceled to obey league rules and then back; the Providence Steam Grange’s manager, C.C. Pyle,
by the Association. Four used $50 of his own money to Roller; a new Canton Bulldogs told the Bears that Grange
teams—Akron, Buffalo, Can- buy back the franchise. Bad team; and the Pottsville wouldn’t play for them unless
ton, and Decatur—still had weather and low attendance Maroons, who had been per- he was paid a five-figure
championship aspirations, but plagued the Packers, and haps the most successful salary and given one-third
a series of late-season games Lambeau went broke, but local independent pro team. The ownership of the team. The
among them left Akron as the merchants arranged a $2,500 NFL established its first player Bears refused. Pyle leased
only undefeated team in the loan for the club. A public non- limit, at 16 players. Yankee Stadium in New York
Association. At one of these profit corporation was set up Late in the season, the NFL City, then petitioned for an NFL
games, Akron sold tackle Bob to operate the team, with Lam- made its greatest coup in franchise. After he was

356 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

refused, he started the first oval that had been built for classes had not graduated. through a proposal that divid-
American Football League. It bicycle races. The Packers won an ed the NFL into two divisions,
lasted one season and includ- unprecedented third consecu- with the winners to meet in an
ed Grange’s New York Yan- 1929 tive title, beating out the Spar- annual championship game,
kees and eight other teams. Chris O’Brien sold the Chicago tans, who were led by rookie July 8.
The AFL champion Philadel- Cardinals to David Jones, July backs Earl (Dutch) Clark and Three new franchises joined
phia Quakers played a 27. Glenn Presnell. the league—the Pittsburgh
December game against the The NFL added a fourth Pirates of Art Rooney, the
New York Giants, seventh in official, the field judge, July 1932 Philadelphia Eagles of Bert Bell
the NFL, and the Giants won 28. George Preston Marshall, Vin- and Lud Wray, and the Cincin-
31-0. At the end of the Grange and Nevers returned cent Bendix, Jay O’Brien, and nati Reds. The Staten Island
season, the AFL folded. to the NFL. Nevers scored six M. Dorland Doyle were award- Stapletons suspended opera-
Halas pushed through a rushing touchdowns and four ed a franchise for Boston, July tions for a year, but never
rule that prohibited any team extra points as the Cardinals 9. Despite the presence of two returned to the league.
from signing a player whose beat Grange’s Bears 40-6, rookies—halfback Cliff Battles Halas bought out Sterna-
college class had not graduat- November 28. The 40 points and tackle Glen (Turk) man, became sole owner of
ed. set a record that remains the Edwards—the new team, the Bears, and reinstated him-
The NFL grew to 22 teams, NFL’s oldest. named the Braves, lost money self as head coach. Marshall
including the Duluth Eskimos, Providence became the first and Marshall was left as the changed the name of the
who signed All-America full- NFL team to host a game at sole owner at the end of the Boston Braves to the Red-
back Ernie Nevers of Stanford, night under floodlights, year. skins. David Jones sold the
giving the league a gate attrac- against the Cardinals, Novem- NFL membership dropped to Chicago Cardinals to Charles
tion to rival Grange. The 15- ber 6. eight teams, the lowest in his- W. Bidwill.
member Eskimos, dubbed the The Packers added back tory. Official statistics were In the first NFL Champi-
Iron Men of the North, played Johnny Blood (McNally), tack- kept for the first time. The onship Game scheduled
29 exhibition and league le Cal Hubbard, and guard Bears and the Spartans fin- before the season, the West-
games, 28 on the road, and Mike Michalske, and won their ished the season in the first- ern Division champion Bears
Nevers played in all but 29 first NFL championship, edg- ever tie for first place. After the defeated the Eastern Division
minutes of them. ing the Giants, who featured season finale, the league office champion Giants 23-21 at
Frankford edged the Bears quarterback Benny Friedman. arranged for an additional reg- Wrigley Field, December 17.
for the championship, despite ular-season game to determine
Halas having obtained John 1930 the league champion. The 1934
(Paddy) Driscoll from the Car- Dayton, the last of the NFL’s game was moved indoors to G.A. (Dick) Richards pur-
dinals. On December 4, the original franchises, was pur- Chicago Stadium because of chased the Portsmouth Spar-
Yellow Jackets scored in the chased by William B. Dwyer bitter cold and heavy snow. tans, moved them to Detroit,
final two minutes to defeat the and John C. Depler, moved to The arena allowed only an 80- and renamed them the Lions.
Bears 7-6 and move ahead of Brooklyn, and renamed the yard field that came right to the Professional football gained
them in the standings. Dodgers. The Portsmouth, walls. The goal posts were new prestige when the Bears
Ohio, Spartans entered the moved from the end lines to were matched against the best
1927 league. the goal lines and, for safety, college football players in the
At a special meeting in Cleve- The Packers edged the inbounds lines or hashmarks first Chicago College All-Star
land, April 23, Carr decided to Giants for the title, but the where the ball would be put in Game, August 31. The game
secure the NFL’s future by most improved team was the play were drawn 10 yards from ended in a scoreless tie before
eliminating the financially Bears. Halas retired as a play- the walls that butted against 79,432 at Soldier Field.
weaker teams and consolidat- er and replaced himself as the sidelines. The Bears won The Cincinnati Reds lost
ing the quality players onto a coach of the Bears with Ralph 9-0, December 18, scoring the their first eight games, then
limited number of more suc- Jones, who refined the T-for- winning touchdown on a two- were suspended from the
cessful teams. The new-look mation by introducing wide yard pass from Nagurski to league for defaulting on pay-
NFL dropped to 12 teams, and ends and a halfback in motion. Grange. The Spartans claimed ments. The St. Louis Gunners,
the center of gravity of the Jones also introduced rookie Nagurski’s pass was thrown an independent team, joined
league left the Midwest, where All-America fullback-tackle from less than five yards the NFL by buying the Cincin-
the NFL had started, and Bronko Nagurski. behind the line of scrimmage, nati franchise and went 1-2
began to emerge in the large The Giants defeated a team violating the existing passing the last three weeks.
cities of the East. One of the of former Notre Dame players rule, but the play stood. Rookie Beattie Feathers of
new teams was Grange’s New coached by Knute Rockne the Bears became the NFL’s
York Yankees, but Grange suf- 22-0 before 55,000 at the Polo 1933 first 1,000-yard rusher, gain-
fered a knee injury and the Grounds, December 14. The The NFL, which long had fol- ing 1,004 on 101 carries. The
Yankees finished in the middle proceeds went to the New York lowed the rules of college Thanksgiving Day game
of the pack. The NFL champi- Unemployment Fund to help football, made a number of between the Bears and the
onship was won by the cross- those suffering because of the significant changes from the Lions became the first NFL
town rival New York Giants, Great Depression, and the easy college game for the first time game broadcast nationally,
who posted 10 shutouts in 13 victory helped give the NFL and began to develop rules with Graham McNamee the
games. credibility with the press and serving its needs and the style announcer for NBC radio.
1928 the public. of play it preferred. The inno- In the championship game,
Grange and Nevers both vations from the 1932 cham- on an extremely cold and icy
retired from pro football, and 1931 pionship game—inbounds day at the Polo Grounds, the
Duluth disbanded, as the NFL The NFL decreased to 10 line or hashmarks and goal Giants trailed the Bears 13-3
was reduced to only 10 teams, and halfway through posts on the goal lines—were in the third quarter before
teams. The Providence Steam the season the Frankford fran- adopted. Also the forward changing to basketball shoes
Roller of Jimmy Conzelman chise folded. Carr fined the pass was legalized from any- for better footing. The Giants
and Pearce Johnson won the Bears, Packers, and where behind the line of won 30-13 in what has come
championship, playing in the Portsmouth $1,000 each for scrimmage, February 25. to be known as the Sneakers
Cycledrome, a 10,000-seat using players whose college Marshall and Halas pushed Game, December 9.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 357

The player waiver rule was Hugh (Shorty) Ray became a Pirates, then re-named their of Pittsburgh served as co-
adopted, December 10. technical advisor on rules and new team the Steelers. coaches. The merger auto-
officiating to the NFL. A new matically dissolved the last
1935 rule called for a 15-yard 1941 day of the season, December
The NFL adopted Bert Bell’s penalty for roughing the pass- Elmer Layden was named the 5.
proposal to hold an annual er. first Commissioner of the NFL, Ted Collins was granted a
draft of college players, to Rookie Byron (Whizzer) March 1; Storck, the acting franchise for Boston, to
begin in 1936, with teams White of the Pittsburgh Pirates president, resigned, April 5. become active in 1944.
selecting in an inverse order of led the NFL in rushing. The NFL headquarters were Sammy Baugh led the
finish, May 19. The inbounds Giants defeated the Packers moved to Chicago. league in passing, punting,
line or hashmarks were moved 23-17 for the NFL title, Homer Marshman sold the and interceptions. He led the
nearer the center of the field, December 11. Rams to Daniel F. Reeves and Redskins to a tie with the
15 yards from the sidelines. Marshall, Los Angeles Fred Levy, Jr. Giants for the Eastern Division
All-America end Don Hut- Times sports editor Bill Henry, The league by-laws were title, and then to a 28-0 victo-
son of Alabama joined Green and promoter Tom Gallery revised to provide for playoffs ry in a divisional playoff game.
Bay. The Lions defeated the established the Pro Bowl in case there were ties in divi- The Bears beat the Redskins
Giants 26-7 in the NFL Cham- game between the NFL cham- sion races, and sudden-death 41-21 in the NFL Champi-
pionship Game, December 15. pion and a team of pro all- overtimes in case a playoff onship Game, December 26.
stars. game was tied after four quar-
1936 ters. An official NFL Record 1944
There were no franchise trans- 1939 Manual was published for the Collins, who had wanted a
actions for the first year since The New York Giants defeated first time. franchise in Yankee Stadium in
the formation of the NFL. It the Pro All-Stars 13-10 in the Columbus again won the New York, named his new
also was the first year in first Pro Bowl, at Wrigley Field, championship of the AFL, but team in Boston the Yanks.
which all member teams Los Angeles, January 15. the two-year-old league then Cleveland resumed opera-
played the same number of Carr, NFL president since folded. tions. The Brooklyn Dodgers
games. 1921, died in Columbus, May The Bears and the Packers changed their name to the
The Eagles made University 20. Carl Storck was named finished in a tie for the West- Tigers.
of Chicago halfback and Heis- acting president, May 25. ern Division championship, Coaching from the bench
man Trophy winner Jay An NFL game was televised setting up the first divisional was legalized, April 20.
Berwanger the first player ever for the first time when NBC playoff game in league history. The Cardinals and the Steel-
selected in the NFL draft, Feb- broadcast the Brooklyn The Bears won 33-14, then ers were granted permission
ruary 8. The Eagles traded his Dodgers-Philadelphia Eagles defeated the Giants 37-9 for to merge for one year under
rights to the Bears, but game from Ebbets Field to the the NFL championship, the name Card-Pitt, April 21.
Berwanger never played pro approximately 1,000 sets then December 21. Phil Handler of the Cardinals
football. The first player in New York, October 22. and Walt Kiesling of the Steel-
selected to actually sign was Green Bay defeated New 1942 ers served as co-coaches.
the number-two pick, Riley York 27-0 in the NFL Champi- Players departing for service The merger automatically dis-
Smith of Alabama, who was onship Game, December 10 at in World War II depleted the solved the last day of the sea-
selected by Boston. Milwaukee. NFL attendance rosters of NFL teams. Halas son, December 3.
A rival league was formed, exceeded 1 million in a season left the Bears in midseason to In the NFL Championship
and it became the second to for the first time, reaching join the Navy, and Luke John- Game, Green Bay defeated the
call itself the American Football 1,071,200. sos and Heartley (Hunk) New York Giants 14-7,
League. The Boston Sham- Anderson served as co- December 17.
rocks were its champions. 1940 coaches as the Bears went
Because of poor atten- A six-team rival league, the 11-0 in the regular season. 1945
dance, Marshall, the owner of third to call itself the American The Redskins defeated the The inbounds lines or hash-
the host team, moved the Football League, was formed, Bears 14-6 in the NFL Cham- marks were moved from 15
Championship Game from and the Columbus Bullies won pionship Game, December 13. yards away from the sidelines
Boston to the Polo Grounds in its championship. to nearer the center of the
New York. Green Bay defeated Halas’ Bears, with addition- 1943 field—20 yards from the side-
the Redskins 21-6, December al coaching by Clark Shaugh- The Cleveland Rams, with co- lines.
13. nessy of Stanford, defeated owners Reeves and Levy in Brooklyn and Boston
the Redskins 73-0 in the NFL the service, were granted per- merged into a team that
1937 Championship Game, Decem- mission to suspend opera- played home games in both
Homer Marshman was grant- ber 8. The game, which was tions for one season, April 6. cities and was known simply
ed a Cleveland franchise, the most decisive victory in Levy transferred his stock in as The Yanks. The team was
named the Rams, February NFL history, popularized the the team to Reeves, April 16. coached by former Boston
12. Marshall moved the Red- Bears’ T-formation with a The NFL adopted free sub- head coach Herb Kopf. In
skins to Washington, D.C., man-in-motion. It was the first stitution, April 7. The league December, the Brooklyn fran-
February 13. The Redskins championship carried on net- also made the wearing of hel- chise withdrew from the NFL
signed TCU All-America tail- work radio, broadcast by Red mets mandatory and approved to join the new All-America
back Sammy Baugh, who led Barber to 120 stations of the a 10-game schedule for all Football Conference; all the
them to a 28-21 victory over Mutual Broadcasting System, teams. players on its active and
the Bears in the NFL Champi- which paid $2,500 for the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh reserve lists were assigned to
onship Game, December 12. rights. were granted permission to The Yanks, who once again
The Los Angeles Bulldogs Art Rooney sold the Pitts- merge for one season, June became the Boston Yanks.
had an 8-0 record to win the burgh franchise to Alexis 19. The team, known as Phil- Halas rejoined the Bears
AFL title, but then the 2-year- Thompson, December 9, then Pitt (and called the Steagles by late in the season after service
old league folded. bought part interest in the fans), divided home games with the U.S. Navy. Although
Philadelphia Eagles. between the two cities, and Halas took over much of the
1938 Bell and Rooney traded the Earle (Greasy) Neale of coaching duties, Anderson
At the suggestion of Halas, Eagles to Thompson for the Philadelphia and Walt Kiesling and Johnsos remained the

358 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

coaches of record throughout 1947 AAFC franchises—Cleveland, ference defeated the National
the season. The NFL added a fifth official, San Francisco, and Balti- Conference 28-27, January
Steve Van Buren of the back judge. more—would join the NFL in 14.
Philadelphia led the NFL in A bonus choice was made 1950. The Browns won their Abraham Watner returned
rushing, kickoff returns, and for the first time in the NFL fourth consecutive AAFC title, the Baltimore franchise and its
scoring. draft. One team each year defeating the 49ers 21-7, player contracts back to the
After the Japanese surren- would select the special December 11. NFL for $50,000. Baltimore’s
dered ending World War II, a choice before the first round In a heavy rain, the Eagles former players were made
count showed that the NFL began. The Chicago Bears defeated the Rams 14-0 in the available for drafting at the
service roster, limited to men won a lottery and the rights to NFL Championship Game, same time as college players,
who had played in league the first choice and drafted December 18. January 18.
games, totaled 638, 21 of back Bob Fenimore of Okla- A rule was passed that no
whom had died in action. homa A&M. 1950 tackle, guard, or center would
Rookie quarterback Bob The Cleveland Browns Unlimited free substitution be eligible to catch a forward
Waterfield led Cleveland to a again won the AAFC title, was restored, opening the way pass, January 18.
15-14 victory over Washing- defeating the New York Yan- for the era of two platoons and The Rams reversed their
ton in the NFL Championship kees 14-3. specialization in pro football, television policy and televised
Game, December 16. Charles Bidwill, Sr., owner January 20. only road games.
of the Cardinals, died April 19, Curly Lambeau, founder of The NFL Championship
1946 but his wife and sons retained the franchise and Green Bay’s Game was televised coast-to-
The contract of Commissioner ownership of the team. On head coach since 1921, coast for the first time,
Layden was not renewed, and December 28, the Cardinals resigned under fire, February 1. December 23. The DuMont
Bert Bell, the co-owner of the won the NFL Championship The name National Football Network paid $75,000 for the
Steelers, replaced him, Janu- Game 28-21 over the Philadel- League was restored after rights to the game, in which
ary 11. Bell moved the league phia Eagles, who had beaten about three months as the the Rams defeated the Browns
headquarters from Chicago to Pittsburgh 21-0 in a playoff. National-American Football 24-17.
the Philadelphia suburb of League. The American and
Bala-Cynwyd. 1948 National conferences were 1952
Free substitution was with- Plastic helmets were prohibit- created to replace the Eastern Ted Collins sold the New York
drawn and substitutions were ed. A flexible artificial tee was and Western divisions, March Yanks’ franchise back to the
limited to no more than three permitted at the kickoff. Offi- 3. NFL, January 19. A new fran-
men at a time. Forward pass- cials other than the referee The New York Bulldogs chise was awarded to a group
es were made automatically were equipped with whistles, became the Yanks and divided in Dallas after it purchased the
incomplete upon striking the not horns, January 14. the players of the former AAFC assets of the Yanks, January
goal posts, January 11. Fred Mandel sold the Detroit Yankees with the Giants. A 24. The new Texans went
The NFL took on a truly Lions to a syndicate headed special allocation draft was 1-11, with the owners turning
national appearance for the by D. Lyle Fife, January 15. held in which the 13 teams the franchise back to the
first time when Reeves was Halfback Fred Gehrke of the drafted the remaining AAFC league in midseason. For the
granted permission by the Los Angeles Rams painted players, with special consider- last five games of the season,
league to move his NFL cham- horns on the Rams’ helmets, ation for Baltimore, which the commissioner’s office
pion Rams to Los Angeles. the first modern helmet received 15 choices com- operated the Texans as a road
Halfback Kenny Washing- emblems in pro football. pared to 10 for other teams. team, using Hershey, Pennsyl-
ton (March 21) and end The Cleveland Browns won The Los Angeles Rams vania, as a home base. At the
Woody Strode (May 7) signed their third straight champi- became the first NFL team to end of the season the fran-
with the Los Angeles Rams to onship in the AAFC, going have all of its games—both chise was canceled, the last
become the first African- 14-0 and then defeating the home and away—televised. time an NFL team failed.
Americans to play in the NFL Buffalo Bills 49-7. The Washington Redskins fol- The Pittsburgh Steelers
in the modern era. Guard Bill In a blizzard, the Eagles lowed the Rams in arranging abandoned the Single-Wing
Willis (August 6) and running defeated the Cardinals 7-0 in to televise their games; other for the T-formation, the last
back Marion Motley (August the NFL Championship Game, teams made deals to put pro team to do so.
9) joined the AAFC with the December 19. selected games on television. The Detroit Lions won their
Cleveland Browns. In the first game of the sea- first NFL championship in 17
The rival All-America Foot- 1949 son, former AAFC champion years, defeating the Browns
ball Conference began play Alexis Thompson sold the Cleveland defeated NFL cham- 17-7 in the title game,
with eight teams. The Cleve- champion Eagles to a syndi- pion Philadelphia 35-10. For December 28.
land Browns, coached by Paul cate headed by James P. the first time, deadlocks
Brown, won the AAFC’s first Clark, January 15. The Boston occurred in both conferences 1953
championship, defeating the Yanks became the New York and playoffs were necessary. A Baltimore group headed by
New York Yankees 14-9. Bulldogs, sharing the Polo The Browns defeated the Carroll Rosenbloom was
Bill Dudley of the Steelers Grounds with the Giants. Giants in the American and the granted a franchise and was
led the NFL in rushing, inter- Free substitution was Rams defeated the Bears in awarded the holdings of the
ceptions, and punt returns, adopted for one year, January the National. Cleveland defeat- defunct Dallas organization,
and won the league’s most 20. ed Los Angeles 30-28 in the January 23. The team, named
valuable player award. The NFL had two 1,000- NFL Championship Game, the Colts, put together the
Backs Frank Filchock and yard rushers in the same sea- December 24. largest trade in league history,
Merle Hapes of the Giants were son for the first time—Steve acquiring 10 players from
questioned about an attempt by Van Buren of Philadelphia and 1951 Cleveland in exchange for five.
a New York man to fix the Tony Canadeo of Green Bay. The Pro Bowl game, dormant The names of the American
championship game with the The AAFC played its season since 1942, was revived under and National conferences
Bears. Bell suspended Hapes with a one-division, seven- a new format matching the all- were changed to the Eastern
but allowed Filchock to play; he team format. On December 9, stars of each conference at and Western conferences,
played well, but Chicago won Bell announced a merger the Los Angeles Memorial January 24.
24-14, December 15. agreement in which three Coliseum. The American Con- Jim Thorpe died, March 28.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 359

Mickey McBride, founder of leather ball with white end form a second pro football June 9.
the Cleveland Browns, sold stripes replaced the white ball league. The first meeting was The Boston Patriots defeat-
the franchise to a syndicate with black stripes for night held in Chicago, August 14, ed the Buffalo Bills 28-7
headed by Dave R. Jones, games. and consisted of Hunt repre- before 16,000 at Buffalo in the
June 10. The Giants moved from the senting Dallas; Bob Howsam, first AFL preseason game,
The NFL policy of blacking Polo Grounds to Yankee Stadi- Denver; K.S. (Bud) Adams, July 30. The Denver Broncos
out home games was upheld um. Houston; Barron Hilton, Los defeated the Patriots 13-10
by Judge Allan K. Grim of the Halas retired as coach of Angeles; Max Winter and Bill before 21,597 at Boston in the
U.S. District Court in Philadel- the Bears, and was replaced Boyer, Minneapolis; and Harry first AFL regular-season
phia, November 12. by Paddy Driscoll. Wismer, New York City. They game, September 9.
The Lions again defeated CBS became the first net- made plans to begin play in Philadelphia defeated Green
the Browns in the NFL Cham- work to broadcast some NFL 1960. Bay 17-13 in the NFL Champi-
pionship Game, winning 17- regular-season games to The new league was named onship Game, December 26.
16, December 27. selected television markets the American Football League,
across the nation. August 22. Buffalo, owned by 1961
1954 The Giants routed the Bears Ralph Wilson, became the The Houston Oilers defeated
The Canadian Football League 47-7 in the NFL Championship seventh franchise, October the Los Angeles Chargers
began a series of raids on NFL Game, December 30. 28. Boston, owned by William 24-16 before 32,183 in the
teams, signing quarterback H. Sullivan, became the eighth first AFL Championship Game,
Eddie LeBaron and defensive 1957 team, November 22. The first January 1.
end Gene Brito of Washington Pete Rozelle was named gen- AFL draft, lasting 33 rounds, Detroit defeated Cleveland
and defensive tackle Arnie eral manager of the Rams. was held, November 22. Joe 17-16 in the first Playoff Bowl,
Weinmeister of the Giants, Anthony J. Morabito, founder Foss was named AFL Com- or Bert Bell Benefit Bowl,
among others. and co-owner of the 49ers, missioner, November 30. An between second-place teams
Fullback Joe Perry of the died of a heart attack during a additional draft of 20 rounds in each conference in Miami,
49ers became the first player game against the Bears at was held by the AFL, Decem- January 7.
in league history to gain 1,000 Kezar Stadium, October 28. ber 2. End Willard Dewveall of the
yards rushing in consecutive An NFL-record crowd of NFL Commissioner Bert Bears played out his option
seasons. 102,368 saw the 49ers-Rams Bell died of a heart attack suf- and joined the Oilers, becom-
Cleveland defeated Detroit game at the Los Angeles fered at Franklin Field, ing the first player to play out
56-10 in the NFL Champion- Memorial Coliseum, Novem- Philadelphia, during the last his contract and jump from the
ship Game, December 26. ber 10. two minutes of a game NFL to the AFL, January 14.
The Lions came from 20 between the Eagles and the Ed McGah, Wayne Valley,
1955 points down to post a 31-27 Steelers, October 11. Treasur- and Robert Osborne bought
The sudden-death overtime playoff victory over the 49ers, er Austin Gunsel was named out their partners in the own-
rule was used for the first time December 22. Detroit defeated president in the office of the ership of the Raiders, January
in a preseason game between Cleveland 59-14 in the NFL commissioner, October 14. 17. The Chargers were trans-
the Rams and Giants at Port- Championship Game, Decem- The Colts again defeated ferred to San Diego, February
land, Oregon, August 28. The ber 29. the Giants in the NFL Champi- 10. Dave R. Jones sold the
Rams won 23-17 three min- onship Game, 31-16, Decem- Browns to a group headed by
utes into overtime. 1958 ber 27. Arthur B. Modell, March 22.
A rule change declared the The bonus selection in the The Howsam brothers sold the
ball dead immediately if the draft was eliminated, January 1960 Broncos to a group headed by
ball carrier touched the ground 29. The last selection was Pete Rozelle was elected NFL Calvin Kunz and Gerry Phipps,
with any part of his body quarterback King Hill of Rice Commissioner as a compro- May 26.
except his hands or feet while by the Chicago Cardinals. mise choice on the twenty- NBC was awarded a two-
in the grasp of an opponent. Halas reinstated himself as third ballot, January 26. year contract for radio and
The Baltimore Colts made coach of the Bears. Rozelle moved the league television rights to the NFL
an 80-cent phone call to John- Jim Brown of Cleveland offices to New York City. Championship Game for
ny Unitas and signed him as a gained an NFL-record 1,527 Hunt was elected AFL pres- $615,000 annually, $300,000
free agent. Another quarter- yards rushing. In a divisional ident for 1960, January 26. of which was to go directly
back, Otto Graham, played his playoff game, the Giants held Minneapolis withdrew from into the NFL Player Benefit
last game as the Browns Brown to eight yards and the AFL, January 27, and the Plan, April 5.
defeated the Rams 38-14 in defeated Cleveland 10-0. same ownership was given an Canton, Ohio, where the
the NFL Championship Game, Baltimore, coached by NFL franchise for Minnesota league that became the NFL
December 26. Graham had Weeb Ewbank, defeated the (to start in 1961), January 28. was formed in 1920, was
quarterbacked the Browns to Giants 23-17 in the first sud- Dallas received an NFL fran- chosen as the site of the Pro
10 championship-game den-death overtime in an NFL chise for 1960, January 28. Football Hall of Fame, April 27.
appearances in 10 years. Championship Game, Decem- Oakland received an AFL fran- A bill legalizing single-net-
NBC replaced DuMont as ber 28. The game ended when chise, January 30. work television contracts by
the network for the title game, Colts fullback Alan Ameche The AFL adopted the two- professional sports leagues
paying a rights fee of scored on a one-yard touch- point option on points after was introduced in Congress
$100,000. down run after 8:15 of over- touchdown, January 28. A no- by Representative Emanuel
time. tampering verbal pact, relative Celler. It passed the House and
1956 to players’ contracts, was Senate and was signed into
The NFL Players Association 1959 agreed to between the NFL law by President John F.
was founded. Vince Lombardi was named and AFL, February 9. Kennedy, September 30.
Grabbing an opponent’s head coach of the Green Bay The NFL owners voted to Houston defeated San
facemask (other than the ball Packers, January 28. Tim allow the transfer of the Chica- Diego 10-3 for the AFL cham-
carrier) was made illegal. Mara, the co-founder of the go Cardinals to St. Louis, pionship, December 24. Green
Using radio receivers to com- Giants, died, February 17. March 13. Bay won its first NFL champi-
municate with players on the Lamar Hunt of Dallas The AFL signed a five-year onship since 1944, defeating
field was prohibited. A natural announced his intentions to television contract with ABC, the New York Giants 37-0,

360 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

December 31. tion, was fired on January 9 William Clay Ford, the their favorite sport, overtaking
and replaced the following day Lions’ president since 1961, baseball (38 percent) for the
1962 by Blanton Collier. purchased the team, January first time, October.
The Western Division defeated The Dallas Texans trans- 10. A group representing the Green Bay defeated Balti-
the Eastern Division 47-27 in ferred to Kansas City, becom- late James P. Clark sold the more 13-10 in sudden-death
the first AFL All-Star Game, ing the Chiefs, February 8. The Eagles to a group headed by overtime in a Western Confer-
played before 20,973 in San New York Titans were sold to a Jerry Wolman, January 21. ence playoff game. Don Chan-
Diego, January 7. five-man syndicate headed by Carroll Rosenbloom, the dler kicked a 25-yard field goal
Both leagues prohibited David (Sonny) Werblin, March majority owner of the Colts for the Packers after 13 min-
grabbing any player’s face- 28. Weeb Ewbank became the since 1953, acquired com- utes, 39 seconds of overtime,
mask. The AFL voted to make Titans’ new head coach and plete ownership of the team, December 26. The Packers
the scoreboard clock the the team’s name was changed January 23. then defeated the Browns
official timer of the game. to the Jets, April 15. They The AFL signed a five-year, 23-12 in the NFL Champi-
The NFL entered into a sin- began play in the Polo $36-million television contract onship Game, January 2.
gle-network agreement with Grounds. with NBC to begin with the In the AFL Championship
CBS for telecasting all regular- NFL Properties, Inc., was 1965 season, January 29. Game, the Bills defeated the
season games for $4.65 mil- founded to serve as the Hornung and Karras were Chargers, 23-0, December 26.
lion annually, January 10. licensing arm of the NFL. reinstated by Rozelle, March CBS acquired the rights to
Judge Roszel Thompson of Rozelle indefinitely sus- 16. the NFL regular-season games
the U.S. District Court in Balti- pended Green Bay halfback CBS submitted the winning in 1966 and 1967, with an
more ruled against the AFL in Paul Hornung and Detroit bid of $14.1 million per year option for 1968, for $18.8 mil-
its antitrust suit against the defensive tackle Alex Karras for the NFL regular-season lion per year, December 29.
NFL, May 21. The AFL had for placing bets on their own television rights for 1964 and
charged the NFL with monop- teams and on other NFL 1965, January 24. CBS 1966
oly and conspiracy in areas of games; he also fined five other acquired the rights to the The AFL-NFL war reached its
expansion, television, and Detroit players $2,000 each championship games for peak, as the leagues spent a
player signings. The case last- for betting on one game in 1964 and 1965 for $1.8 mil- combined $7 million to sign
ed two and a half years, the which they did not participate, lion per game, April 17. their 1966 draft choices. The
trial two months. and the Detroit Lions Football Pete Gogolak of Cornell NFL signed 75 percent of its
McGah and Valley acquired Company $2,000 on each of signed a contract with Buffalo, 232 draftees, the AFL 46 per-
controlling interest in the two counts for failure to report becoming the first soccer- cent of its 181. Of the 111
Raiders, May 24. The AFL information promptly and for style kicker in pro football. common draft choices, 79
assumed financial responsibil- lack of sideline supervision, Buffalo defeated San Diego signed with the NFL, 28 with
ity for the New York Titans, April 17. 20-7 in the AFL Championship the AFL, and 4 went unsigned.
November 8. With Commis- The AFL allowed the Jets Game, December 26. Cleve- Buddy Young became the
sioner Rozelle as referee, and Raiders to select players land defeated Baltimore 27-0 first African-American to work
Daniel F. Reeves regained the from other franchises in hopes in the NFL Championship in the league office when
ownership of the Rams, out- of giving the league more Game, December 27. Commissioner Rozelle named
bidding his partners in sealed- competitive balance, May 11. him director of player rela-
envelope bidding for the team, NBC was awarded exclu- 1965 tions, February 1.
November 27. sive network broadcasting The NFL teams pledged not to The rights to the 1966 and
The Dallas Texans defeated rights for the 1963 NFL Cham- sign college seniors until com- 1967 NFL Championship
the Oilers 20-17 for the AFL pionship Game for $926,000, pletion of all their games, Games were sold to CBS for
championship at Houston May 23. including bowl games, and $2 million per game, February
after 17 minutes, 54 seconds The Pro Football Hall of empowered the Commission- 14.
of overtime on a 25-yard field Fame was dedicated at Can- er to discipline the clubs up to Foss resigned as AFL Com-
goal by Tommy Brooker. The ton, Ohio, September 7. as much as the loss of an missioner, April 7. Al Davis,
game lasted a then record 77 The U.S. Fourth Circuit entire draft list for a violation the head coach and general
minutes, 54 seconds, Decem- Court of Appeals reaffirmed of the pledge, February 15. manager of the Raiders, was
ber 23. the lower court’s finding for The NFL added a sixth offi- named to replace him, April 8.
Judge Edward Weinfeld of the NFL in the $10-million suit cial, the line judge, February 19. Goal posts offset from the
the U.S. District Court in New brought by the AFL, ending The color of the officials’ penal- goal line, painted bright yel-
York City upheld the legality of three and a half years of litiga- ty flags was changed from low, and with uprights 20 feet
the NFL’s television blackout tion, November 21. white to bright gold, April 5. above the cross-bar were
within a 75-mile radius of Jim Brown of Cleveland Commissioner Rozelle made standard in the NFL,
home games and denied an rushed for an NFL single-sea- negotiated an agreement on May 16.
injunction that would have son record 1,863 yards. behalf of the NFL clubs to pur- A series of secret meetings
forced the championship Boston defeated Buffalo chase Ed Sabol’s Blair Motion regarding a possible AFL-NFL
game between the Giants and 26-8 in the first divisional Pictures, which was renamed merger were held in the spring
the Packers to be televised in playoff game in AFL history, NFL Films, April. between Hunt of Kansas City
the New York City area, December 28. Atlanta was awarded an NFL and Tex Schramm of Dallas.
December 28. The Packers The Bears defeated the franchise for 1966, with Rankin Rozelle announced the merg-
beat the Giants 16-7 for the Giants 14-10 in the NFL Smith, Sr., as owner, June 30. er, June 8. Under the agree-
NFL title, December 30. Championship Game, a record Miami was awarded an AFL ment, the two leagues would
sixth and last title for Halas in franchise for 1966, with Joe combine to form an expanded
1963 his thirty-sixth season as the Robbie and Danny Thomas as league with 24 teams, to be
Don Shula, who went on to Bears’ coach, December 29. owners, August 16. increased to 26 in 1968 and to
become the winningest head Field Judge Burl Toler 28 by 1970 or soon thereafter.
coach in NFL history, replaced 1964 became the first black official All existing franchises would
Weeb Ewbank as head coach The Chargers defeated the in NFL history, September 19. be retained, and no franchises
of the Colts, January 8. Patriots 51-10 in the AFL According to a Harris sur- would be transferred outside
Paul Brown, head coach of Championship Game, January vey, sports fans chose profes- their metropolitan areas. While
the Browns since their incep- 5. sional football (41 percent) as maintaining separate sched-

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 361

ules through 1969, the each. The game was televised 50 seconds of the Jets- National Football Conference.
leagues agreed to play an by both CBS and NBC. Raiders game in order to per- With no consensus, Rozelle
annual AFL-NFL World Cham- The “sling-shot” goal post mit the children’s special to ordered the five most viable
pionship Game beginning in and a six-foot-wide border begin on time. The Raiders plans be written down on
January, 1967, and to hold a around the field were made scored two touchdowns in the sheets of paper. Rozelle’s
combined draft, also begin- standard in the NFL, February last 42 seconds to win 43-32, assistant, Thelma Elkjer,
ning in 1967. Preseason 22. November 17. picked the winning one out of
games would be held between Baltimore made Bubba Ewbank became the first a vase at random, January 17.
teams of each league starting Smith, a Michigan State coach to win titles in both the Four-year television con-
in 1967. Official regular-sea- defensive lineman, the first NFL and AFL when his Jets tracts, under which CBS
son play would start in 1970 choice in the first combined defeated the Raiders 27-23 for would televise all NFC games
when the two leagues would AFL-NFL draft, March 14. the AFL championship, and NBC all AFC games
officially merge to form one The AFL awarded a fran- December 29. The same day, (except Monday night games)
league with two conferences. chise to begin play in 1968 to Baltimore defeated Cleveland and the two would divide tele-
Rozelle was named Commis- Cincinnati, May 23. A group 34-0. vising the Super Bowl and
sioner of the expanded league with Paul Brown as part AFC-NFC Pro Bowl games,
setup. owner, general manager, and 1969 were announced, January 26.
Davis rejoined the Raiders, head coach, was awarded the The AFL established a playoff Art Modell resigned as
and Milt Woodard was named Cincinnati franchise, Septem- format for the 1969 season, president of the NFL, March
president of the AFL, July 25. ber 27. with the winner in one division 12. Milt Woodard resigned as
The St. Louis Cardinals Arthur B. Modell, the presi- playing the runner-up in the president of the AFL, March
moved into newly constructed dent of the Cleveland Browns, other, January 11. 13. Lamar Hunt was elected
Busch Memorial Stadium. was elected president of the An AFL team won the Super president of the AFC and
Barron Hilton sold the NFL, May 28. Bowl for the first time, as the George Halas was elected
Chargers to a group headed Defensive back Emlen Tun- Jets defeated the Colts 16-7 at president of the NFC, March
by Eugene Klein and Sam nell of the New York Giants Miami, January 12 in Super 19.
Schulman, August 25. became the first black player Bowl III. The title Super Bowl The merged 26-team
Congress approved the to enter the Pro Football Hall of was recognized by the NFL for league adopted rules changes
AFL-NFL merger, passing leg- Fame, August 5. the first time. putting names on the backs of
islation exempting the agree- An AFL team defeated an Vince Lombardi became players’ jerseys, making a
ment itself from antitrust NFL team for the first time, part owner, executive vice- point after touchdown worth
action, October 21. when Denver beat Detroit 13-7 president, and head coach of only one point, and making the
New Orleans was awarded in a preseason game, August the Washington Redskins, scoreboard clock the official
an NFL franchise to begin play 5. February 7. timing device of the game,
in 1967, November 1. John Green Bay defeated Dallas Wolman sold the Eagles to March 18.
Mecom, Jr., of Houston was 21-17 for the NFL champi- Leonard Tose, May 1. The Players Negotiating
designated majority stock- onship on a last-minute 1-yard Baltimore, Cleveland, and Committee and the NFL Play-
holder and president of the quarterback sneak by Bart Pittsburgh agreed to join the ers Association announced a
franchise, December 15. Starr in 13-below-zero tem- AFL teams to form the 13- four-year agreement guaran-
The NFL was realigned for perature at Green Bay, Decem- team American Football Con- teeing approximately
the 1967-69 seasons into the ber 31. The same day, Oak- ference of the NFL in 1970, $4,535,000 annually to player
Capitol and Century Divisions land defeated Houston 40-7 May 10. The NFL also agreed pension and insurance bene-
in the Eastern Conference and for the AFL championship. on a playoff format that would fits, August 3. The owners
the Central and Coastal Divi- include one “wild-card” team also agreed to contribute
sions in the Western Confer- 1968 per conference—the second- $250,000 annually to improve
ence, December 2. New Green Bay defeated Oakland place team with the best or implement items such as
Orleans and the New York 33-14 in Super Bowl II at record. disability payments, widows’
Giants agreed to switch divi- Miami, January 14. The game The NFL announced a three- benefits, maternity benefits,
sions in 1968 and return to the had the first $3-million gate in year agreement with ABC to and dental benefits. The
1967 alignment in 1969. pro football history. televise Monday Night Football. agreement also provided for
The rights to the Super Vince Lombardi resigned as The new series makes the NFL increased preseason game
Bowl for four years were sold head coach of the Packers, the first league with a regular and per diem payments, aver-
to CBS and NBC for $9.5 mil- but remained as general man- series of national telecasts in aging approximately $2.6 mil-
lion, December 13. ager, January 28. prime time, May 26. lion annually.
Werblin sold his shares in George Preston Marshall, The Pittsburgh Steelers
1967 the Jets to his partners Don president emeritus of the Red- moved into Three Rivers Sta-
Green Bay earned the right to Lillis, Leon Hess, Townsend skins, died at 72, August 9. dium. The Cincinnati Bengals
represent the NFL in the first Martin, and Phil Iselin, May The NFL marked its fiftieth moved to Riverfront Stadium.
AFL-NFL World Championship 21. Lillis assumed the presi- year by the wearing of a spe- Vince Lombardi died of
Game by defeating Dallas dency of the club, but then cial patch by each of the 16 cancer at 57, September 3.
34-27, January 1. The same died July 23. Iselin was teams. The Super Bowl trophy was
day, Kansas City defeated Buf- appointed president, August 6. renamed the Vince Lombardi
falo 31-7 to represent the AFL. Halas retired for the fourth 1970 trophy, September 10.
The Packers defeated the and last time as head coach of Kansas City defeated Min- Tom Dempsey of New
Chiefs 35-10 before 61,946 the Bears, May 27. nesota 23-7 in Super Bowl IV Orleans kicked a game-win-
fans at the Los Angeles The Oilers left Rice Stadium at New Orleans, January 11. ning NFL-record 63-yard field
Memorial Coliseum in the first for the Astrodome and The gross receipts of approxi- goal against Detroit,
game between AFL and NFL became the first NFL team to mately $3.8 million were the November 8.
teams, January 15. The win- play its home games in a largest ever for a one-day
ning players’ share for the domed stadium. sports event. 1971
Packers was $15,000 each, The movie Heidi became a A special league meeting Baltimore defeated Dallas
and the losing players’ share footnote in sports history was held to determine the divi- 16-13 on Jim O’Brien’s
for the Chiefs was $7,500 when NBC didn’t show the last sional realignment of the 32-yard field goal with five

362 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

seconds to go in Super Bowl V professional team sports, their home games at the Yale 1975
at Miami, January 17. September 28. Bowl in New Haven, Connecti- Pittsburgh defeated Minnesota
The NFC defeated the AFC Franco Harris’ “Immaculate cut. 16-6 in Super Bowl IX at New
27-6 in the first AFC-NFC Pro Reception” gave the Steelers A rival league, the World Orleans, the Steelers’ first
Bowl at Los Angeles, January their first postseason win ever, Football League, was formed championship since entering
24. 13-7 over the Raiders, and was reported in operation, the NFL in 1933, January 12.
The Boston Patriots December 23. October 2. It had plans to start The Memphis Southmen of
changed their name to the play in 1974. the WFL signed Larry Csonka,
New England Patriots, March 1973 O.J. Simpson of Buffalo Jim Kiick, and Paul Warfield of
22. Their new stadium, Schae- Rozelle announced that all became the first player to rush Miami, March 31.
fer Stadium, was dedicated in Super Bowl VII tickets were for more than 2,000 yards in a The divisional winners with
a 20-14 preseason victory sold and that the game would season, gaining 2,003. the highest won-loss percent-
over the Giants. be telecast in Los Angeles, the age were made the home
The Philadelphia Eagles left site of the game, on an exper- 1974 team for the divisional play-
Franklin Field and played their imental basis, January 3. Miami defeated Minnesota offs, and the surviving winners
games at the new Veterans Miami defeated Washington 24-7 in Super Bowl VIII at with the highest percentage
Stadium. 14-7 in Super Bowl VII at Los Houston, the second consec- made home teams for the
The San Francisco 49ers Angeles, completing a 17-0 utive Super Bowl champi- championship games. Previ-
left Kezar Stadium and moved season, the first perfect- onship for the Dolphins, ously, the home sites were
their games to Candlestick record regular-season and January 13. pre-determined by division on
Park. postseason mark in NFL histo- Rozelle was given a 10-year a rotating basis, June 26.
Daniel F. Reeves, the presi- ry, January 14. contract effective January 1, Referees were equipped
dent and general manager of The AFC defeated the NFC 1973, February 27. with wireless microphones for
the Rams, died at 58, April 15. 33-28 in the Pro Bowl in Dal- Tampa Bay was awarded all preseason, regular-season,
The Dallas Cowboys moved las, the first time since 1942 the twenty-seventh franchise and playoff games.
from the Cotton Bowl into their that the game was played out- to begin operation in 1976, The Lions moved to the
new home, Texas Stadium, side Los Angeles, January 21. April 24. new Pontiac Silverdome. The
October 24. A jersey numbering system Sweeping rules changes Giants played their home
Miami defeated Kansas City was adopted, April 5: 1-19 for were adopted to add action games in Shea Stadium. The
27-24 in sudden-death over- quarterbacks and specialists, and tempo to games: one sud- Saints moved into the
time in an AFC Divisional Play- 20-49 for running backs and den-death overtime period Louisiana Superdome.
off Game, December 25. Garo defensive backs, 50-59 for was added for preseason and The World Football League
Yepremian kicked a 37-yard centers and linebackers, 60- regular-season games; the folded, October 22.
field goal for the Dolphins after 79 for defensive linemen and goal posts were moved from
22 minutes, 40 seconds of interior offensive linemen the goal line to the end lines; 1976
overtime, as the game lasted other than centers, and 80-89 kickoffs were moved from the Pittsburgh defeated Dallas
82 minutes, 40 seconds over- for wide receivers and tight 40- to the 35-yard line; after 21-17 in Super Bowl X in
all, making it the longest game ends. Players who had been in missed field goals from Miami. The Steelers joined
in history. the NFL in 1972 could contin- beyond the 20, the ball was to Green Bay and Miami as the
ue to use old numbers. be returned to the line of only teams to win two Super
1972 NFL Charities, a nonprofit scrimmage; restrictions were Bowls; the Cowboys became
Dallas defeated Miami 24-3 in organization, was created to placed on members of the the first wild-card team to play
Super Bowl VI at New Orleans, derive an income from monies punting team to open up return in the Super Bowl, January 18.
January 16. generated from NFL Proper- possibilities; roll-blocking and Lloyd Nordstrom, the presi-
The inbounds lines or hash- ties’ licensing of NFL trade- cutting of wide receivers was dent of the Seahawks, died at
marks were moved nearer the marks and team names, June eliminated; the extent of 66, January 20. His brother
center of the field, 23 yards, 1 26. NFL Charities was set up downfield contact a defender Elmer succeeded him as
foot, 9 inches from the side- to support education and could have with an eligible majority representative of the
lines, March 23. The method charitable activities and to receiver was restricted; the team.
of determining won-lost per- supply economic support to penalties for offensive holding, The owners adopted the
centage in standings changed. persons formerly associated illegal use of the hands, and use of two 30-second clocks
Tie games, previously not with professional football who tripping were reduced from 15 for all games, visible to both
counted in the standings, were were no longer able to support to 10 yards; wide receivers players and fans to note the
made equal to a half-game themselves. blocking back toward the ball official time between the
won and a half-game lost, Congress adopted experi- within three yards of the line of ready-for-play signal and snap
May 24. mental legislation (for three scrimmage were prevented of the ball, March 16.
Robert Irsay purchased the years) requiring any NFL game from blocking below the waist, A veteran player allocation
Los Angeles Rams and trans- that had been declared a sell- April 25. was held to stock the Seattle
ferred ownership of the club to out 72 hours prior to kickoff to Seattle was awarded the and Tampa Bay franchises
Carroll Rosenbloom in be made available for local twenty-eighth NFL franchise to with 39 players each, March
exchange for the Baltimore televising, September 14. The begin play in 1976, June 4. 30-31. In the college draft,
Colts, July 13. legislation provided for an Lloyd W. Nordstrom, president Seattle and Tampa Bay each
William V. Bidwill pur- annual review to be made by of the Seattle Seahawks, and received eight extra choices,
chased the stock of his broth- the Federal Communications Hugh Culverhouse, president April 8-9.
er Charles (Stormy) Bidwill to Commission. of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, The Giants moved into new
become the sole owner of the The Buffalo Bills moved signed franchise agreements, Giants Stadium in East Ruther-
St. Louis Cardinals, Septem- their home games from War December 5. ford, New Jersey.
ber 2. Memorial Stadium to Rich Sta- The Birmingham Americans The Steelers defeated the
The National District Attor- dium in nearby Orchard Park. defeated the Florida Blazers College All-Stars in a storm-
neys Association endorsed The Giants tied the Eagles 22-21 in the WFL World Bowl, shortened Chicago College
the position of professional 23-23 in the final game in Yan- winning the league champi- All-Star Game, the last of the
leagues in opposing proposed kee Stadium, September 23. onship, December 5. series, July 23. St. Louis
legalization of gambling on The Giants played the rest of defeated San Diego 20-10 in a

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 363

preseason game before face, or head; and wide August 5. The Los Angeles Rams
38,000 in Korakuen Stadium, receivers were prohibited from Bolstered by the expansion moved their home games to
Tokyo, in the first NFL game clipping, even in the legal clip- of the regular-season sched- Anaheim Stadium in nearby
outside of North America, ping zone. ule from 14 to 16 weeks, NFL Orange County, California.
August 16. Rozelle negotiated con- paid attendance exceeded 12 The Oakland Raiders joined
tracts with the three television million (12,771,800) for the the Los Angeles Coliseum
1977 networks to televise all NFL first time. The per-game aver- Commission’s antitrust suit
Oakland defeated Minnesota regular-season and postsea- age of 57,017 was the third- against the NFL. The suit con-
32-14 in Super Bowl XI at son games, plus selected pre- highest in league history and tended the league violated
Pasadena, January 9. The season games, for four years the most since 1973. antitrust laws in declining to
paid attendance was a pro beginning with the 1978 sea- approve a proposed move by
record 103,438. son. ABC was awarded yearly 1979 the Raiders from Oakland to
The NFL Players Associa- rights to 16 Monday night Pittsburgh defeated Dallas Los Angeles.
tion and the NFL Management games, four primetime 35-31 in Super Bowl XIII at The NFL Draft is televised
Council ratified a collective games, the AFC-NFC Pro Miami to become the first for the first time by ESPN,
bargaining agreement extend- Bowl, and the Hall of Fame team ever to win three Super April 29.
ing until 1982, covering five games. CBS received the Bowls, January 21. Television ratings in 1980
football seasons while contin- rights to all NFC regular-sea- NFL rules changes empha- were the second-best in NFL
uing the pension plan— son and postseason games sized additional player safety. history, trailing only the com-
including years 1974, 1975, (except those in the ABC The changes prohibited play- bined ratings of the 1976 sea-
and 1976—with contributions package) and to Super Bowls ers on the receiving team from son. All three networks posted
totaling more than $55 million. XIV and XVI. NBC received the blocking below the waist dur- gains, and NBC’s 15.0 rating
The total cost of the agree- rights to all AFC regular-sea- ing kickoffs, punts, and field- was its best ever. CBS and
ment was estimated at $107 son and postseason games goal attempts; prohibited the ABC had their best ratings
million. The agreement called (except those in the ABC wearing of torn or altered since 1977, with 15.3 and
for a college draft at least package) and to Super Bowls equipment and exposed pads 20.8 ratings, respectively.
through 1986; contained a no- XIII and XV. Industry sources that could be hazardous; CBS Radio reported a record
strike, no-suit clause; estab- considered it the largest single extended the zone in which audience of 7 million for Mon-
lished a 43-man active player television package ever nego- there could be no crackback day night and special games.
limit; reduced pension vesting tiated, October 12. blocks; and instructed officials 1981
to four years; provided for to quickly whistle a play dead Oakland defeated Philadelphia
increases in minimum salaries 1978 when a quarterback was 27-10 in Super Bowl XV at the
and preseason and postsea- Dallas defeated Denver 27-10 clearly in the grasp of a tack- Louisiana Superdome in New
son pay; improved insurance, in Super Bowl XII, held indoors ler, March 16. Orleans, to become the first
medical, and dental benefits; for the first time, at the Carroll Rosenbloom, the wild-card team to win a Super
modified previous practices in Louisiana Superdome in New president of the Rams, Bowl, January 25.
player movement and control; Orleans, January 15. Dallas’ drowned at 72, April 2. His Edgar F. Kaiser, Jr., pur-
and reaffirmed the NFL Com- victory was the first for the widow, Georgia, assumed chased the Denver Broncos
missioner’s disciplinary NFC in six years. control of the club. from Gerald and Allan Phipps,
authority. Additionally, the According to a Louis Harris February 26.
agreement called for the NFL Sports Survey, 70 percent of 1980 The owners adopted a dis-
member clubs to make pay- the nation’s sports fans said Pittsburgh defeated the Los aster plan for re-stocking a
ments totaling $16 million the they followed football, com- Angeles Rams 31-19 in Super team should the club be
next 10 years to settle various pared to 54 percent who fol- Bowl XIV at Pasadena to involved in a fatal accident,
legal disputes, February 25. lowed baseball. Football become the first team to win March 20.
The San Francisco 49ers increased its lead as the coun- four Super Bowls, January 20. A CBS-New York Times poll
were sold to Edward J. DeBar- try’s favorite, 26 percent to 16 The AFC-NFC Pro Bowl, showed that 48 percent of
tolo, Jr., March 28. percent for baseball, January won 37-27 by the NFC, was sports fans preferred football
A 16-game regular season, 19. played before 48,060 fans at to 31 percent for baseball.
4-game preseason was A seventh official, the side Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, The NFL teams hosted 167
adopted to begin in 1978. A judge, was added to the offici- Hawaii. It was the first time in representatives from 44 pre-
second wild-card team was ating crew, March 14. the 30-year history of the Pro dominantly black colleges dur-
adopted for the playoffs The NFL continued a trend Bowl that the game was ing training camps for a total
beginning in 1978, with the toward opening up the game. played in a non-NFL city. of 289 days. The program
wild-card teams to play each Rules changes permitted a Rules changes placed was adopted for renewal dur-
other and the winners advanc- defender to maintain contact greater restrictions on contact ing each training camp period.
ing to a round of eight post- with a receiver within five in the area of the head, neck, ABC and CBS set all-time
season series, March 29. yards of the line of scrim- and face. Under the heading of rating highs. ABC finished with
The Seahawks were perma- mage, but restricted contact “personal foul,” players were a 21.7 rating and CBS with a
nently aligned in the AFC beyond that point. The pass- prohibited from directly strik- 17.5 rating. NBC was down
Western Division and the Buc- blocking rule was interpreted ing, swinging, or clubbing on slightly to 13.9.
caneers in the NFC Central to permit the extending of the head, neck, or face. Start-
Division, March 31. arms and open hands, March ing in 1980, a penalty could be 1982
Rules changes were adopt- 17. called for such contact whether San Francisco defeated Cin-
ed to open up the passing A study on the use of or not the initial contact was cinnati 26-21 in Super Bowl
game and to cut down on instant replay as an officiating made below the neck area. XVI at the Pontiac Silverdome,
injuries. Defenders were per- aid was made during seven CBS, with a record bid of in the first Super Bowl held in
mitted to make contact with nationally televised preseason $12 million, won the national the North, January 24. The
eligible receivers only once; games. radio rights to 26 NFL regular- CBS telecast achieved the
the head slap was outlawed; The NFL played for the first season games, including highest rating of any televised
offensive linemen were pro- time in Mexico City, with the Monday Night Football, and all sports event ever, 49.1 with a
hibited from thrusting their Saints defeating the Eagles 10 postseason games for the 73.0 share.
hands to an opponent’s neck, 14-7 in a preseason game, 1980-83 seasons. The NFL signed a five-year

364 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

contract with the three televi- The NFL played for the first dent Ronald Reagan, who took consecutive games on the
sion networks (ABC, CBS, and time in London, England, with his second oath of office road. The NBC telecast
NBC) to televise all NFL regu- the Vikings defeating the Car- before tossing the coin for the replaced the final episode of
lar-season and postseason dinals 28-10 in a preseason game, was one of M*A*S*H as the most-viewed
games starting with the 1982 game, August 6. 115,936,000 viewers. Super television program in history,
season. George Halas, the owner of Bowl XIX had a direct econom- with an audience of 127 mil-
A jury ruled against the NFL the Bears and the last surviv- ic impact of $113.5 million on lion viewers, according to A.C.
in the antitrust trial brought by ing member of the NFL’s sec- the San Francisco Bay area. Nielsen figures. In addition to
the Los Angeles Coliseum ond organizational meeting, NBC Radio and the NFL drawing a 48.3 rating and a 70
Commission and the Oakland died at 88, October 31. entered into a two-year agree- percent share in the United
Raiders, May 7. The verdict ment granting NBC the radio States, Super Bowl XX was
cleared the way for the 1984 rights to a 37-game package televised to 59 foreign coun-
Raiders to move to Los Ange- The Los Angeles Raiders in each of the 1985-86 sea- tries and beamed via satellite
les, where they defeated defeated Washington 38-9 in sons, March 6. The package to the QE II.
Green Bay 24-3 in their first Super Bowl XVIII at Tampa included 27 regular-season The owners adopted limited
preseason game, August 29. Stadium, January 22. games and 10 postseason use of instant replay as an
The Vikings moved into the An 11-man group headed games. officiating aid, prohibited play-
new Metrodome, August 21. by H.R. (Bum) Bright pur- Norman Braman, in part- ers from wearing or otherwise
The 1982 season was chased the Dallas Cowboys nership with Edward Lei- displaying equipment, apparel,
reduced from a 16-game from Clint Murchison, Jr., bowitz, bought the Philadel- or other items that carry com-
schedule to nine as the result March 20. Club president Tex phia Eagles from Leonard mercial names, names of
of a 57-day players’ strike. Schramm was designated as Tose, April 29. organizations, or personal
The strike was called by the managing general partner. A group headed by Tom messages of any type, March
NFLPA at midnight on Monday, Wellington Mara was Benson, Jr., was approved to 11.
September 20, following the named president of the NFC, purchase the New Orleans After an 11-week trial, a
Green Bay at New York Giants March 20. Saints from John W. Mecom, jury in U.S. District Court in
game. Play resumed Novem- Patrick Bowlen purchased a Jr., June 3. New York awarded the United
ber 21-22 following ratifica- majority interest in the Denver The NFL owners adopted a States Football League one
tion of the Collective Bargain- Broncos from Edgar Kaiser, resolution calling for a series dollar in its $1.7 billion
ing Agreement by NFL own- Jr., March 21. of overseas preseason antitrust suit against the NFL.
ers, November 17 in New The Colts relocated to Indi- games, beginning in 1986, The jury rejected all of the
York. anapolis, March 28. Their new with one game to be played in USFL’s television-related
Under the Collective Bar- home became the Hoosier England/Europe and/or one claims, which were the self-
gaining Agreement, which Dome. game in Japan each year. The proclaimed heart of the USFL’s
was to run through the 1986 The New York Jets moved game would be a fifth presea- case. The jury deliberated five
season, the NFL draft was their home games to Giants son game for the clubs days, July 29.
extended through 1992 and Stadium in East Rutherford, involved and all arrangements Chicago defeated Dallas
the veteran free-agent system New Jersey. and selection of the clubs 17-6 at Wembley Stadium in
was left basically unchanged. Alex G. Spanos purchased would be under the control of London in the first American
A minimum salary schedule a majority interest in the San the Commissioner, May 23. Bowl. The game drew a sellout
for years of experience was Diego Chargers from Eugene The league-wide conver- crowd of 82,699 and the NBC
established; training camp and V. Klein, August 28. sion to videotape from movie national telecast in this coun-
postseason pay were Houston defeated Pitts- film for coaching study was try produced a 12.4 rating and
increased; players’ medical, burgh 23-20 to mark the one- approved. 36 percent share, making it
insurance, and retirement ben- hundredth overtime game in A Louis Harris poll in the highest daytime preseason
efits were increased; and a regular-season play since December revealed that pro television audience ever with
severance-pay system was overtime was adopted in football remained the sport 10.65-million viewers, August
introduced to aid in career 1974, December 2. most followed by Americans. 3.
transition, a first in profession- On the field, many all-time Fifty-nine percent of those ABC’s NFL Monday Night
al sports. records were set: Dan Marino surveyed followed pro foot- Football, in its seventeenth
Despite the players’ strike, of Miami passed for 5,084 ball, compared with 54 per- season, became the longest-
the average paid attendance in yards and 48 touchdowns; cent who followed baseball. running primetime series in
1982 was 58,472, the fifth- Eric Dickerson of the Los The Chicago-Miami Mon- the history of the network.
highest in league history. Angeles Rams rushed for day game had the highest rat-
2,105 yards; Art Monk of ing, 29.6, and share, 46.0, of 1987
1983 Washington caught 106 pass- any primetime game in NFL The New York Giants defeated
Because of the shortened sea- es; and Walter Payton of history, December 2. The Denver 39-20 in Super Bowl
son, the NFL adopted a format Chicago broke Jim Brown’s game was viewed in more XXI and captured their first
of 16 teams competing in a career rushing mark, finishing than 25 million homes. NFL title since 1956. The
Super Bowl Tournament for the season with 13,309 yards. The NFL showed a ratings game, played in Pasadena’s
the 1982 playoffs. The NFC’s According to a CBS increase on all three networks Rose Bowl, drew a sellout
number-one seed, Washing- Sports/New York Times sur- for the season, gaining 4 per- crowd of 101,063, January
ton, defeated the AFC’s num- vey, 53 percent of the nation’s cent on NBC, 10 on CBS, and 25.
ber-two seed, Miami, 27-17 in sports fans said they most 16 on ABC. New three-year TV con-
Super Bowl XVII at the Rose enjoyed watching football, tracts with ABC, CBS, and
Bowl in Pasadena, January compared to 18 percent for 1986 NBC were announced for
30. baseball, December 2-4. Chicago defeated New Eng- 1987-89 at the NFL annual
Super Bowl XVII was the land 46-10 in Super Bowl XX meeting in Maui, Hawaii,
second-highest rated live tele- 1985 at the Louisiana Superdome, March 15. Commissioner
vision program of all time, giv- San Francisco defeated Miami January 26. The Patriots had Rozelle and Broadcast Com-
ing the NFL a sweep of the top 38-16 in Super Bowl XIX at earned the right to play the mittee Chairman Art Modell
10 live programs in television Stanford Stadium in Stanford, Bears by becoming the first also announced a three-year
history. California, January 20. Presi- wild-card team to win three contract with ESPN to televise

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 365

13 primetime games each the Rams. The Colts added two-day format and for the of Dan Rooney, chairman; Nor-
season. The ESPN contract Owen Gill and three draft first time originated on a Sun- man Braman, Lamar Hunt, Vic-
was the first with a cable net- choices of their own to com- day. ESPN drew a 3.6 rating tor Kiam, Mike Lynn, and Bill
work. However, NFL games on plete the deal with the Rams, during their seven-hour cover- Walsh, April 18.
ESPN also were scheduled for October 31. age of the draft, which was NFL and CBS Radio jointly
regular television in the city of The Chicago at Minnesota viewed in 1.6 million homes, announced agreement extend-
the visiting team and in the game became the highest- April 24-25. ing CBS’s radio rights to an
home city if the game was rated and most-watched Art Rooney, founder and annual 40-game package
sold out 72 hours in advance. sports program in basic cable owner of the Steelers, died at through the 1994 season, April
A special payment program history when it drew a 14.4 87, August 25. 18.
was adopted to benefit nearly cable rating in 6.5 million Johnny Grier became the As of opening day, Septem-
1,000 former NFL players who homes, December 6. first African-American referee ber 10, of the 229 Plan B free
participated in the League in NFL history, September 4. agents, 111 were active and
before the current Bert Bell 1988 Commissioner Rozelle 23 others were on teams’
NFL Pension Plan was created Washington defeated Denver announced that two teams reserve lists. Ninety-two oth-
and made retroactive to the 42-10 in Super Bowl XXII to would play a preseason game ers were waived and three
1959 season. Players covered earn its second victory this as part of the American Bowl retired.
by the new program spent at decade in the NFL Champi- series on August 6, 1989, in Art Shell was named head
least five years in the League onship Game. The game, the Korakuen Tokyo Dome in coach of the Los Angeles
and played all or part of their played for the first time in San Japan, December 16. Raiders making him the NFL’s
career prior to 1959. Each Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, first black head coach since
vested player would receive drew a sellout crowd of 1989 Fritz Pollard coached the
$60 per month for each year 73,302. Doug Williams, the San Francisco defeated Cin- Akron Pros in 1921, October
of service in the League for game’s MVP, became the first cinnati 20-16 in Super Bowl 3.
life. African-American quarterback XXIII. The game, played for the The site of the New England
NFL and CBS Radio jointly to play in a Super Bowl, Janu- first time at Joe Robbie Stadi- Patriots at San Francisco
announced agreement granti- ary 31. um in Miami, was attended by 49ers game scheduled for
ng CBS the radio rights to a In a unanimous 3-0 deci- a sellout crowd of 75,129, Candlestick Park on October
40-game package in each of sion, the 2nd Circuit Court of January 22. 22 was switched to Stanford
the next three NFL seasons, Appeals in New York upheld Commissioner Rozelle Stadium in the aftermath of
1987-89, April 7. the verdict of the jury that in announced his retirement, the Bay Area Earthquake of
Over 400 former NFL play- July, 1986, had awarded the pending the naming of a suc- October 17. The change was
ers from the pre-1959 era United States Football League cessor, March 22 at the NFL announced on October 19.
received first payments from one dollar in its $1.7 billion annual meeting in Palm Paul Tagliabue became the
NFL owners, July 1. antitrust suit against the NFL. Desert, California. seventh chief executive of the
The NFL’s debut on ESPN In a 91-page opinion, Judge Following the announce- NFL on October 26 when he
produced the two highest- Ralph K. Winter said the USFL ment, AFC president Lamar was chosen to succeed Com-
rated and most-watched sought through court decree Hunt and NFC president missioner Pete Rozelle on the
sports programs in basic the success it failed to gain Wellington Mara announced sixth ballot of a three-day
cable history. The Chicago at among football fans, March the formation of a six-man meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. In
Miami game on August 16 10. search committee composed all, 12 ballots were required to
drew an 8.9 rating in 3.81 mil- By a 23-5 margin, owners of Art Modell, Robert Parins, select Tagliabue. Two were
lion homes. Those records fell voted to continue the instant Dan Rooney, and Ralph conducted at a meeting in
two weeks later when the Los replay system for the third Wilson. Hunt and Mara served Chicago on July 6, and four at
Angeles Raiders at Dallas consecutive season with the as co-chairmen. a meeting in Dallas on October
game achieved a 10.2 cable Instant Replay Official to be By a 24-4 margin, owners 10-11. On the twelfth ballot,
rating in 4.36 million homes. assigned to a regular seven- voted to continue the instant with Seattle absent, Tagliabue
The 1987 season was man, on-the-field crew. At the replay system for the fourth received more than the 19
reduced from a 16-game sea- NFL annual meeting in straight season. A strength- affirmative votes required for
son to 15 as the result of a 24- Phoenix, Arizona, a 45-sec- ened policy regarding anabolic election from among the 27
day players’ strike. The strike ond clock was also approved steroids and masking agents clubs present.
was called by the NFLPA on to replace the 30-second was announced by Commis- The transfer from Commis-
Tuesday, September 22, fol- clock. For a normal sequence sioner Rozelle. NFL clubs sioner Rozelle to Commission-
lowing the New England at of plays, the interval between called for strong disciplinary er Tagliabue took place at
New York Jets game. Games plays was changed to 45 measures in cases of feigned 12:01 A .M. on Sunday,
scheduled for the third week- seconds from the time the injuries and adopted a joint November 5.
end were canceled but the ball is signaled dead until it is proposal by the Long-Range NFL Charities donated $1
games of weeks four, five, and snapped on the succeeding Planning and Finance commit- million through United Way to
six were played with replace- play. tees regarding player person- benefit Bay Area earthquake
ment teams. Striking players NFL owners approved the nel rules, March 19-23. victims, November 6.
returned for the seventh week transfer of the Cardinals’ fran- Two hundred twenty-nine
of the season, October 25. chise from St. Louis to unconditional free agents 1990
In a three-team deal involv- Phoenix; approved two sup- signed with new teams under San Francisco defeated Den-
ing 10 players and/or draft plemental drafts each year— management’s Plan B system, ver 55-10 in Super Bowl XXIV
choices, the Los Angeles one prior to training camp and April 1. at the Louisiana Superdome,
Rams traded running back one prior to the regular sea- Jerry Jones purchased a January 28. San Francisco
Eric Dickerson to the Indi- son; and voted to initiate an majority interest in the Dallas joined Pittsburgh as the NFL’s
anapolis Colts for six draft annual series of games in Cowboys from H.R. (Bum) only teams to win four Super
choices and two players. Buf- Japan/Asia as early as the Bright, April 18. Bowls.
falo obtained the rights to line- 1989 preseason, March 14- Tex Schramm was named The NFL announced revi-
backer Cornelius Bennett from 18. president of the new World sions in its 1990 draft eligibil-
Indianapolis, sending Greg The NFL Annual Selection League of American Football to ity rules. College juniors
Bell and three draft choices to Meeting returned to a separate work with a six-man committee became eligible but must

366 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

renounce their collegiate foot- announced the NFL Teacher of Paul Brown, founder of the teur Sports Protection Act
ball eligibility before applying the Month program in which Cleveland Browns and Cincin- made it unlawful for a govern-
for the NFL Draft, February 16. the League furnishes grants nati Bengals, died at age 82, ment entity to operate a lottery
Commissioner Tagliabue and scholarships in recogni- August 5. or other betting scheme based
announced NFL teams will tion of teachers who provided NFL clubs approved a reso- on pro or collegiate games.
play their 16-game schedule a positive influence upon NFL lution establishing an interna- Four states that already had
over 17 weeks in 1990-92 and players in elementary and sec- tional division. A three-year such betting were grandfa-
16 games over 18 weeks in ondary schools, September financial plan for the World thered, October 6.
1993, February 27. 20. League was approved by NFL NFL teams played their 16-
The NFL revised its playoff For the first time since clubs at a meeting in Dallas, game regular-season sched-
format to include two addition- 1957, every NFL club won at October 23. ule over 18 weeks for the only
al wild-card teams (one per least one of its first four time in league history.
conference), which raised the games, October 1. 1992
total to six wild-card teams. The Super Bowl Most Valu- The NFL agreed to provide a 1993
Commissioner Tagliabue able Player trophy was minimum of $2.5 million in The NFL and lawyers for the
and Broadcast Committee renamed the Pete Rozelle tro- financial support to the NFL players announced a settle-
Chairman Art Modell phy, October 8. Alumni Association and assis- ment of various lawsuits and
announced a four-year con- tance to NFL Alumni-related an agreement on the terms of
tract with Turner Broadcasting 1991 programs. The agreement a seven-year deal that includ-
to televise nine Sunday-night The New York Giants defeated included contributions from ed a new player system to be
games. Buffalo 20-19 in Super Bowl NFL Charities to the Pre-59ers in place through the 1999 sea-
New four-year TV agree- XXV to capture their second and Dire Need Programs for son, January 6.
ments were ratified for 1990- title in five years. The game former players, January 25. Commissioner Tagliabue
93 for ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN, was played before a sellout The Washington Redskins announced the establishment
and TNT at the NFL annual crowd of 73,813 at Tampa defeated the Buffalo Bills of the “NFL World Partnership
meeting in Orlando, Florida, Stadium and became the first 37-24 in Super Bowl XXVI to Program” to develop amateur
March 12. The contracts Super Bowl decided by one capture their third world football internationally through
totaled $3.6 billion, the largest point, January 26. championship in 10 years, a series of clinics conducted
in TV history. New York businessman January 26. The game was by former NFL players and
The NFL announced plans Robert Tisch purchased a 50 played before a sellout crowd coaches, January 14.
to expand its American Bowl percent interest in the New of 63,130 at the Hubert H. As part of Super Bowl
series of preseason games. In York Giants from Mrs. Helen Humphrey Metrodome in Min- XXVII, the NFL announced the
addition to games in London Mara Nugent and her children, neapolis. creation of the first NFL Youth
and Tokyo, American Bowl Tim Mara and Maura Mara The use in officiating of a Education Town, a facility
games were scheduled for Concannon, February 2. limited system of Instant located in south central Los
Berlin, Germany, and Montre- NFL clubs voted to continue Replay was not approved. The Angeles for inner city youth.
al, Canada, in 1990. a limited system of Instant vote was 17-11 in favor of January 25.
For the fifth straight year, Replay for the sixth consecu- approval (21 votes were The Dallas Cowboys
NFL owners voted to continue tive year. The vote was 21-7, required). Instant Replay had defeated the Buffalo Bills
a limited system of Instant March 19. been used for six consecutive 52-17 in Super Bowl XXVII to
Replay. Beginning in 1990, the The NFL launched the years (1986-1991), March capture their first NFL title
replay official will have a two- World League of American 18. since 1978. The game was
minute time limit to make a Football, the first sports St. Louis businessman played before a crowd of
decision. The vote was 21-7, league to operate on a weekly James Orthwein purchased 98,374 at the Rose Bowl in
March 12. basis on two separate conti- controlling interest in the New Pasadena, California, January
Commissioner Tagliabue nents, March 23. England Patriots from Victor 31.
announced the formation of a NFL Charities presented a Kiam, May 11. The NFL and the NFL Play-
Committee on Expansion and $250,000 donation to the In a Harris Poll taken during ers Association officially
Realignment, March 13. He United Service Organization. the NFL offseason, profes- signed a 7-year Collective Bar-
also named a Player Advisory The donation was the second sional football again was gaining Agreement in Wash-
Council, comprised of 12 for- largest single grant ever by declared the nation’s most ington, D.C., which guaran-
mer NFL players, March 14. NFL Charities, April 5. popular sport. Professional tees more than $1 billion in
One-hundred eighty-four Commissioner Tagliabue football finished atop similar pension, health, and post-
Plan B unconditional free named Harold Henderson as surveys conducted by Harris career benefits for current and
agents signed with new Executive Vice President for in 1985 and 1989, May 23. retired players—the most
teams, April 2. Labor Relations and Chairman NFL clubs accepted the extensive benefits plan in pro
Commissioner Tagliabue of the NFL Management Coun- report of the Expansion Com- sports. It was the NFL’s first
appointed Dr. John Lombardo cil Executive Committee, April mittee at a league meeting in CBA since the 1982 agree-
as the League’s Drug Advisor 8. Pasadena. The report names ment expired in 1987, June
for Anabolic Steroids, April 25 NFL clubs approved a rec- five cities as finalists for the 29.
and named Dr. Lawrence ommendation by the Expan- two expansion teams—Balti- NFL Enterprises, a newly
Brown as the League’s Advi- sion and Realignment Com- more, Charlotte, Jacksonville, formed division of the NFL
sor for Drugs of Abuse, May mittee to add two teams for Memphis, and St. Louis, May responsible for NFL Films,
17. the 1994 season, resulting in 19. home video, and special
NFL International Week was six divisions of five teams At a league meeting in Dal- domestic and international
celebrated with four presea- each, May 22. las, NFL clubs approved a pro- television programming was
son games in seven days in “NFL International Week” posal by the World League announced, August 19.
Tokyo, London, Berlin, and featured six 1990 playoff Board of Directors to restruc- The NFL celebrated its 75th
Montreal. More than 200,000 teams playing nationally tele- ture the World League and season by announcing its 75th
fans on three continents vised games in London, place future emphasis on its Anniversary All-Time Team.
attended the four games, Berlin, and Tokyo on July 28 international success, Sep- The team, which was chosen
August 4-11. and August 3-4. The games tember 17. by a selection committee of
Commissioner Tagliabue drew more than 150,000 fans. The Professional and Ama- media and league personnel,

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 367

was headlined by four Pro in the Miami Dolphins from the became the first team to win sold-out crowd of 65,598 as
Football Hall of Fame quarter- Robbie family to H. Wayne five Super Bowls when they the Rams defeated the Caroli-
backs – Sammy Baugh, Otto Huizenga, March 23. defeated the San Diego Charg- na Panthers 28-17, November
Graham, Joe Montana and The NFL and FOX announ- ers 49-26 in Super Bowl XXIX 12.
Johnny Unitas, August 24. ced the formation of a joint at Joe Robbie Stadium in On the field, many signifi-
NFL announced plans to venture to create a six-team Miami, January 29. cant records and milestones
allow fans, for the first time World League to begin play in Carolina and Jacksonville were achieved: Miami’s Dan
ever, to join players and Europe in April, 1995, March stocked their expansion rosters Marino surpassed Pro Football
coaches in selecting the annu- 23. with a total of 66 players from Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton in
al AFC and NFC Pro Bowl The Carolina Panthers other NFL teams in a four major passing cate-
teams, October 12. earned the right to select first veteran player allocation draft gories—attempts, comple-
NFL clubs unanimously in the 1995 NFL draft by win- in New York, February 16. tions, yards, and touch-
awarded the league’s twenty- ning a coin toss with the Jack- CBS Radio and the NFL downs—to become the NFL’s
ninth franchise to the Caroli- sonville Jaguars. The Jaguars agreed to a new four-year con- all-time career leader. San
na Panthers and owner Jerry received the second selection tract for an annual 53-game Francisco’s Jerry Rice
Richardson at a meeting in in the 1995 draft, April 24. package of games, continuing a became the all-time reception
Chicago, October 26. NFL clubs approved the relationship that spanned 15 of and receiving-yardage leader.
At the same meeting in transfer of the Philadelphia the past 17 years, February 22.
Chicago, NFL clubs approved Eagles from Norman Braman NFL clubs approved the 1996
a plan to form a European to Jeffrey Lurie, May 6. transfer of the Tampa Bay Buc- The Dallas Cowboys won their
league with joint venture part- The NFL launched “NFL caneers from the estate of the third Super Bowl title in four
ners, October 27. Sunday Ticket,” a new season late Hugh Culverhouse to years when they defeated the
Don Shula became the win- subscription service for satel- South Florida businessman Pittsburgh Steelers 27-17 in
ningest coach in NFL history lite television dish owners, Malcolm Glazer, March 13. Super Bowl XXX at Sun Devil
when Miami beat Philadelphia June 1. After a two-year hiatus, the Stadium in Tempe, Arizona,
to give Shula his 325th victo- An all-time NFL record World League of American Foot- January 28.
ry, one more than George crowd of 112,376 attended the ball returned to action with six An agreement between the
Halas, November 14. American Bowl game between teams in Europe, April 8. NFL and the city of Cleveland
NFL clubs awarded the Dallas and Houston in Mexico The NFL became the first regarding the Cleveland
league’s thirtieth franchise to City. It concluded the biggest major sports league to estab- Browns’ relocation was
the Jacksonville Jaguars and American Bowl series in NFL lish a site on the Internet sys- approved by a vote of the NFL
owner Wayne Weaver at a history with four games attract- tem of on-line computer com- clubs, February 9. According
meeting in Chicago, Novem- ing a record 256,666 fans, munication, April 10. to the agreement, the city of
ber 30. August 15. The transfer of the Rams Cleveland retained the Brown-
The NFL announced new 4- As part of a celebration of from Los Angeles to St. Louis s’ heritage and records,
year television agreements its 75th season, the NFL was approved by a vote of the including the name, logo, col-
with NBC, ABC, ESPN, TNT, announced its 75th Anniver- NFL clubs at a meeting in Dal- ors, history, playing records,
and NFL newcomer FOX, sary All-Time Team, August las, April 12. trophies, and memorabilia,
which took over the NFC pack- 24. Chosen by a selection ABC’s NFL Monday Night and committed to building a
age from CBS, December 18. committee of media and Football finished the 1994-95 new 72,000-seat stadium for
The NFL completed its new league personnel, the team television season as the fifth a reactivated Browns’ fran-
TV agreements by announcing was headlined by four Pro highest-rated show out of 146 chise to begin play there no
that NBC would retain the Football Hall of Fame quarter- with a 17.8 average rating, the later than 1999. Art
rights to the AFC package, backs—Sammy Baugh, Otto highest finish in the 25-year Modell received approval to
December 20. Graham, Joe Montana, and history of the series, April 18. move his franchise to Balti-
Johnny Unitas. The Frankfurt Galaxy defeat- more and rename it.
1994 The NFL reached agreement ed the Amsterdam Admirals The transfer of the Oilers
The Dallas Cowboys defeated on a new seven-year contract 26-22 to win the 1995 World from Houston to Nashville for
the Buffalo Bills 30-13 in with its game officials, Sep- Bowl before a crowd of 23,847 the 1997 season was
Super Bowl XXVIII to become tember 22. in Amsterdam’s Olympic Stadi- approved by a vote of the NFL
the fifth team to win back-to- The NFL Management um, June 23. clubs at a meeting in Atlanta,
back Super Bowl titles, Janu- Council and the NFL Players The transfer of the Raiders April 30.
ary 30. Association announced an from Los Angeles to Oakland The Scottish Claymores
NFL clubs unanimously agreement on the formulation was approved by a vote of the defeated the Frankfurt Galaxy
approved the transfer of the and implementation of the NFL clubs at a meeting in 32-27 to win the 1996 World
New England Patriots from most comprehensive drug and Chicago, July 22. Bowl in front of 38,982 at Mur-
James Orthwein to Robert Kraft alcohol policy in sports, Octo- Jacksonville Municipal Sta- rayfield Stadium in Edinburgh,
at a meeting in Orlando, Febru- ber 28. dium opened in Jacksonville, Scotland, June 23.
ary 22. At an NFL meeting in Chica- Florida before a sold-out The NFL returned to Balti-
In a move to increase offen- go, Commissioner Tagliabue crowd of more than 70,000 as more when the new Baltimore
sive production, NFL clubs at slotted the two new expansion the St. Louis Rams defeated Ravens defeated the Philadel-
the league’s annual meeting in teams into the AFC Central the Jacksonville Jaguars phia Eagles 17-9 in a presea-
Orlando adopted a package of (Jacksonville Jaguars) and 27-10 in their first preseason son game before a crowd of
changes, including modifica- NFC West (Carolina Panthers) game, August 18. 63,804 at Memorial Stadium,
tions in line play, chucking for the 1995 season only. He NFL Charities and 50 NFL August 3.
rules, and the roughing-the- also appointed a special com- players donated $1 million to Ericsson Stadium opened in
passer rule, plus the adoption mittee on realignment to make the United Negro College Fund Charlotte, North Carolina with
of the two-point conversion recommendations on the 1996 in honor of the fiftieth anniver- a crowd of 65,350 as the Car-
and moving the spot of the season and beyond, November sary of the UNCF and the inte- olina Panthers defeated the
kickoff back to the 30-yard 2. gration of the modern NFL, Chicago Bears 30-12 in a pre-
line, March 22. September 15. season game, August 3.
NFL clubs approved the 1995 The Trans World Dome Former NFL Commissioner
transfer of the majority interest The San Francisco 49ers opened in St. Louis with a Pete Rozelle died at his home

368 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

in Rancho Santa Fe, California. 1998 Pro Player Stadium in Miami, November 1. The NFL Man of
Rozelle, regarded as the pre- The NFL reached agreement on January 31. the Year Award, the only NFL
mier commissioner in sports record eight-year television Jim Pyne, a center allocat- award that recognizes a player
history, led the NFL for 29 contracts with four networks. ed by the Detroit Lions, was for his community service
years, from 1960-1989, ABC (NFL Monday Night Foot- the first selection of the Cleve- activities as well as his excel-
December 6. ball) and FOX (NFC) retained land Browns in the 1999 NFL lence on the field, was
their previous rights, CBS took Expansion Draft. The Browns renamed in his honor shortly
1997 over the AFC package from eventually selected 37 play- after his passing.
Indianapolis Colts owner NBC, and ESPN won the right ers, February 9. Former NFL Commissioner
Robert Irsay died from compli- to broadcast the entire Sunday CBS Radio/Westwood One Pete Rozelle, who guided a
cations related to a stroke he night cable package, January agreed to a 3-year extension still-developing league to its
suffered in 1995. Irsay 13. of their exclusive national position today as America’s
acquired the club in 1972 when The World League was radio rights to NFL games, most popular sport, was
he traded his Los Angeles renamed the NFL Europe March 11. named by The Sporting News
Rams to Carrol Rosenbloom League, January 22. By a vote of 28-3, the own- as the most powerful person
for the Colts. He later moved The Denver Broncos won ers adopted an instant replay in sports in the 20th Century,
the Colts from Baltimore to their first Super Bowl by defeat- system as an officiating aid for December 15.
Indianapolis in 1984, January ing the defending champion the 1999 season, March 17.
14. Green Bay Packers 31-24 in New York Jets owner Leon 2000
The Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl XXXII at Qualcomm Hess died from complications New York businessman
their first NFL title in 29 years Stadium in San Diego, January of a blood disease. Hess had Robert Wood Johnson IV was
by defeating the New England 25. been involved in the owner- approved by NFL clubs as the
Patriots 35-21 in Super Bowl The NFL clubs approved an ship of the Jets since 1963 new owner of the New York
XXXI at the Louisiana Super- extension of the Collective Bar- and was sole owner of the Jets at a league meeting, Jan-
dome in New Orleans, January gaining Agreement through club since 1984, May 9. uary 18.
26. 2003. The extended CBA also A group led by Washington The St. Louis Rams won
The rules governing cross- created a $100 million fund for area businessman Daniel Sny- their first Super Bowl by
ownership were modified, per- youth football, March 22. der is approved by NFL clubs defeating the AFC champion
mitting NFL club owners to The NFL clubs unanimously as the new owner of the Tennessee Titans 23-16 in
also own teams in other sports approved an expansion team Washington Redskins at a Super Bowl XXXIV at the Geor-
in their home market or mar- for Cleveland to fulfill the com- league meeting in Atlanta, May gia Dome in Atlanta, January
kets without NFL teams. The mitment to return the Browns 25. 30.
vote was 24-5 (one abstention) to the field in 1999, March 23. The Frankfurt Galaxy For the first time in league
in favor of approval, March 11. The Rhein Fire defeated the became the first team in NFL history, paid attendance
Washington Redskins owner Frankfurt Galaxy 34-10 to win Europe League history to win topped 16 million for the regu-
Jack Kent Cooke died at his the 1998 World Bowl in front a second World Bowl by lar season and more than
home in Washington, D.C. of 47,846 fans in Frankfurt's defeating the Barcelona Drag- 65,000 per game, an increase
Cooke became majority owner Waldstadion—the biggest ons 38-24 at Rheinstadion, in of 1,300 per game over 1998.
in 1974 and the Redskins won crowd to witness a World Düsseldorf, Germany, June Paid attendance for all NFL
three Super Bowls under his Bowl since 1991, June 14. 27. games increased in 1999 for
leadership, April 6. NFL clubs approved the The Cleveland Browns the third year in a row and was
The Barcelona Dragons transfer of the Minnesota returned to the field for the first the highest ever in the 80-year
defeated the Rhein Fire 38-24 Vikings from a 10-man owner- time since 1995 and defeated history of the league. It
to win the 1997 World Bowl in ship group to Red McCombs, the Dallas Cowboys 20-17 in marked the first time in league
front of 31,100 fans at Estadi July 28. overtime in the annual Hall of history that the 20-million paid
Olimpic de Montjuic in The NFL Stadium at Cam- Fame Game at Canton, Ohio, attendance mark was reached
Barcelona, Spain, June 22. den Yards opened in Balti- August 9. for all games in a season,
NFL clubs approved the more, Maryland before a Cleveland Browns Stadium March 27.
transfer of the Seattle Sea- crowd of 65,938 as the Balti- opened in Cleveland, Ohio The Rhein Fire won their
hawks from Ken Behring to more Ravens defeated the before a crowd of 71,398 as second World Bowl in three
Paul Allen, August 19. Chicago Bears 19-14 in a pre- the Minnesota Vikings defeat- years, defeating the Scottish
Jack Kent Cooke Stadium season game, August 8. ed the Browns in a preseason Claymores 13-10 to win World
opened in Raljon, Maryland Raymond James Stadium game, 24-17, August 21. Bowl 2000 in front of 35,680
with a crowd of 78,270 as the opened in Tampa, Florida Adelphia Coliseum opened at Frankfurt’s Waldstadion,
Washington Redskins defeated before a crowd of 62,410 as in Nashville, Tennessee before June 25.
the Arizona Cardinals 19-13 in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers a crowd of 65,729 with the More than 100 of the 136
overtime, September 14. defeated the Chicago Bears Tennessee Titans defeating the living members of the Pro
The 10,000th regular-sea- 27-15, September 20. Atlanta Falcons 17-3 in a pre- Football Hall of Fame gathered
son game in NFL history was Tennessee Oilers owner season game, August 26. to celebrate Pro Football’s
played when the Seattle Sea- Bud Adams announced the Houston, Texas and owner Greatest Reunion in Canton,
hawks defeated the Tennessee team will change its name to Robert McNair were awarded Ohio, July 28-31.
Oilers 16-13 at the Kingdome the Tennessee Titans following the NFL’s thirty-second fran- Paul Brown Stadium
in Seattle, October 5. the 1998 season. The NFL chise in a vote of the NFL opened in Cincinnati, Ohio
Atlanta Falcons owner announced that the name Oil- clubs at a league meeting in with a crowd of 56,180 as the
Rankin Smith died of heart fail- ers will be retired—a first in Atlanta. The team will begin Cincinnati Bengals defeated
ure three days prior to his sev- league history, November 14. play in 2002. The NFL clubs the Chicago Bears 24-20 in a
enty-third birthday. Smith was also voted to realign into eight preseason game, August 19.
the founder of the Falcons and 1999 divisions of four teams each Minnesota’s Gary Anderson
was instrumental in bringing The Denver Broncos won their for the 2002 season, October converted a 21-yard field goal
Super Bowls XXVIII and XXXIV second consecutive Super 6. against Buffalo to pass George
to Atlanta, October 26. Bowl title by defeating the NFC Walter Payton, the NFL's all- Blanda as the NFL’s all-time
champion Atlanta Falcons time leading rusher, died of scoring leader with 2,004
34-19 in Super Bowl XXXIII at liver cancer at the age of 45, points, October 22.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 369

tember 13. Texans in the 2002 NFL receiver Jerry Rice became
2001 The league’s 16-game reg- Expansion Draft. The Texans the all-time leader in yards
NFL clubs approved additional ular season was retained selected 19 players, February from scrimmage, surpassing
league-wide revenue sharing when the postponed Week 2 18. Pro Football Hall of Fame run-
at a special league meeting in games were rescheduled for The NFL and Westwood ning back Walter Payton
Dallas. The teams agreed to the weekend of January 6-7, One/CBS Radio Sports (21,281 yards), September 29.
pool the visiting team share of September 18. announced the renewal of a Cleveland Browns owner Al
gate receipts for all preseason The NFL and its game offi- multiyear agreement for West- Lerner, the NFL Finance Com-
and regular-season games cials agreed to a new six-year wood One/CBS Radio Sports mittee Chairman and Chair-
and divide the pool equally Collective Bargaining Agree- to continue as the exclusive man and CEO of MBNA Cor-
starting in 2002, January 17. ment, ending a two-week network radio home of the poration, died at the age of 69,
The Baltimore Ravens won lockout of the regular officials, NFL, April 9. October 23.
their first Super Bowl by who returned to work on Sep- NFL Europe kicked off its Dallas Cowboys running
defeating the NFC champion tember 23, September 19. tenth season with a record back Emmitt Smith became
New York Giants 34-7 in Super The NFL announced that the 254 players allocated by NFL the NFL’s all-time rushing
Bowl XXXV at Raymond league’s prohibition of anabol- clubs, April 13-14. leader, surpassing Pro Football
James Stadium in Tampa Bay, ic steroids and related sub- The Berlin Thunder became Hall of Fame running back
January 28. stances had been strength- the first team to win consecu- Walter Payton (16,726 yards),
The Sports Business Daily ened to include supplements tive World Bowls, defeating October 27.
named NFL Commissioner containing ephedrine and the Rhein Fire 26-20 to win The NFL and NFLPA
Paul Tagliabue the 2000 other high-risk supplements, World Bowl X in front of announced the creation of
Sports Industrialist of the Year, September 27. 53,109 fans at Rheinstadion, USA Football, the first national
February 28. The NFL announced that the June 22. advocacy organization repre-
NFL owners unanimously Super Bowl would be re- Seahawks Stadium opened senting all levels of amateur
approved a realignment plan scheduled from January 27 to in Seattle, Washington with an football, December 5.
for the league starting in February 3 in order to retain attendance of 52,902 fans as NFL clubs implemented an
2002. With the addition of the the full playoff format for the the Indianapolis Colts defeated expanded program to promote
Houston Texans, the league’s 2001 season. It will be the first the Seattle Seahawks 28-10 in diversity in their coaching and
32 teams will be divided into Super Bowl played in Febru- a preseason game, August 10. front office ranks based upon
eight four-team divisions. ary, October 3. Gillette Stadium opened in recommendations of the NFL
Seven clubs change divisions, President Bush designated Foxboro, Massachusetts with Committee on Workplace
and the Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl XXXVI as a a crowd of 68,436 fans as the Diversity, December 19. The
change conferences, moving “National Special Security New England Patriots defeated committee, appointed by
from the AFC to the NFC. A Event,” allowing all security the Philadelphia Eagles 16-15 Commissioner Tagliabue on
new scheduling format for the game to be coordinated in a preseason game, August October 31, comprised 10
ensures that every team by the Secret Service, Novem- 17. owners and team executives
meets every other team in the ber 26. Reliant Stadium opened in with Pittsburgh Steelers owner
league at least once every four Houston, Texas with 69,432 Dan Rooney serving as chair-
years, May 22. 2002 fans in attendance, the largest man.
The Berlin Thunder won The NFL and the NFL Players non-Super Bowl crowd to ever The 2002 season conclud-
their first World Bowl, defeat- Association agreed to a fourth watch an NFL game in Hous- ed with 25 overtime games,
ing the Barcelona Dragons extension of the 1993 Collec- ton as the Miami Dolphins the most in NFL history,
24-17 to win World Bowl IX in tive Bargaining Agreement defeated the Houston Texans December 30.
front of 32,116 at Amsterdam through 2007, January 7. 24-3 in a preseason game,
ArenA, June 30. In an AFC Wild Card August 24. 2003
Heinz Field opened in Pitts- matchup, the Oakland Raiders For the first time, the NFL The Tampa Bay Buccaneers
burgh, Pennsylvania before a defeated the New York Jets season kicked off on a Thurs- won their first Super Bowl by
crowd of 57,829 with the 38-24 in the NFL’s first-ever day night in prime time as the defeating the AFC champion
Pittsburgh Steelers defeating primetime playoff game, Janu- San Francisco 49ers defeated Oakland Raiders 48-21 in
the Detroit Lions 20-7 in a pre- ary 12. the New York Giants 16-13 at Super Bowl XXXVII at Qual-
season game; and INVESCO In a special meeting in New Giants Stadium. The game comm Stadium in San Diego,
Field at Mile High opened in Orleans, NFL owners voted was preceded by “NFL Kickoff January 26.
Denver, Colorado before a unanimously to approve the Live From Times Square,” pre- Chicago Bears chairman
crowd of 74,063 with the Den- purchase of the Atlanta Fal- sented by New York City and emeritus Edward W.
ver Broncos defeating the New cons to Home Depot co- the NFL, a football and music McCaskey died at the age of
Orleans Saints 31-24 in a pre- founder Arthur Blank, Febru- festival honoring the resilient 83, April 8.
season game, August 25. ary 2. spirit of New York and Ameri- The Frankfurt Galaxy
President George W. Bush The New England Patriots ca, September 5. became the first team to win
became the first United States won their first Super Bowl by Week 1 of the 2002 season three World Bowls, defeating
President to be involved in an defeating the NFC champion produced the highest-scoring the Rhein Fire 35-16 to win
NFL regular-season pregame St. Louis Rams 20-17 in and most competitive Kickoff World Bowl XI in front of
coin toss as he helped kick off Super Bowl XXXVI at the Weekend in NFL history. The 28,138 fans at Hampden Park,
the 2001 season from the Louisiana Superdome in New 16 games averaged 49.3 June 14.
White House. Via satellite, Orleans. The game marked the points per game. A total of Tex Schramm, the leg-
President Bush tossed the first time in Super Bowl histo- 788 points and 89 touch- endary team president and
coin for the 10 regular-season ry that the winning points downs were scored, the most general manager of the Dallas
games that started at 1:00 P.M. came on the final play, a 48- in league history for an open- Cowboys and a member of the
ET, September 9. yard field goal by Patriots kick- ing weekend. Eleven of the 16 Pro Football Hall of Fame, died
In the wake of the Septem- er Adam Vinatieri, February 3. games were decided by one at the age of 83, July 15.
ber 11 terrorist attacks, Com- Tony Boselli, a five-time Pro score (eight points or less), a Lincoln Financial Field
missioner Paul Tagliabue post- Bowl tackle allocated by the Kickoff Weekend record, Sep- opened in Philadelphia, Penn-
poned the games scheduled Jacksonville Jaguars, was the tember 5-9. sylvania with an attendance of
for September 16-17, Sep- first selection of the Houston Oakland Raiders wide 66,279 fans as the New Eng-

370 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

land Patriots defeated the the 2011 season, November cluded with a telethon in con- unanimous vote of the clubs at
Philadelphia Eagles 24-12 in a 8. junction with a Monday Night a three-day meeting in Chica-
preseason game, August 22. The NFL and DirecTV Football doubleheader on ABC go, Illinois. The transfer from
A renovated Lambeau Field announced a five-year exten- and ESPN. The New York Commissioner Tagliabue to
opened in Green Bay, Wiscon- sion on the NFL Sunday Ticket Giants-New Orleans Saints Commissioner Goodell took
sin with a crowd of 69,831 subscription television pack- game, originally scheduled for place at 6:00 A.M. on Friday,
fans as the Carolina Panthers age to run through the 2010 the Louisiana Superdome, September 1.
defeated the Green Bay Pack- season, November 8. was moved to Giants Stadium Cardinals Stadium opened
ers 20-7 in a preseason game, NFL Europe named the following Hurricane Katrina. In in Glendale, Arizona with a
August 23. Hamburg Sea Devils as the total, the NFL, its owners, crowd of 63,400 fans on
A renovated Soldier Field league’s newest team, teams, players, and fans con- August 12 as the Arizona Car-
opened in Chicago, Illinois November 24. tributed $21 million to aid the dinals defeated the Pittsburgh
with an attendance of 61,500 Hurricane Katrina rebuilding Steelers 21-13 in a preseason
fans as the Green Bay Packers 2005 effort, September 19. game. The facility was later
defeated the Chicago Bears Indianapolis Colts quarterback An NFL record 103,467 renamed University of Phoenix
38-23 in a regular season Peyton Manning set the NFL fans attended the Arizona Car- Stadium on September 26.
game on ABC’s NFL Monday single-season record with 49 dinals’ 31-14 victory over the President George W. Bush
Night Football, September 29. touchdown passes, January San Francisco 49ers at Mexi- signed into law HR 4954,
NFL Network, the first 24- 2. co City’s Azteca Stadium, the which included the Internet
hour, year-round television The New England Patriots first-ever regular-season NFL Gambling Prohibition and
channel dedicated to the NFL became the second team in game played outside the Unit- Enforcement Act. The bill pro-
and the sport of football, NFL history to win three Super ed States, October 2. hibits online gamblers from
launched on DirecTV, Novem- Bowls in four seasons by Wellington Mara, the New using credit cards, checks and
ber 4. defeating the Philadelphia York Giants’ president and co- electronic fund transfers to
Eagles 24-21 in Super Bowl chief executive officer, died at place and settle bets,
2004 XXXIX at ALLTEL Stadium in the age of 89, October 25. strengthening enforcement of
The New England Patriots won Jacksonville, February 6. Preston Robert Tisch, the federal and state gambling
their second Super Bowl in The Pat Tillman USO Center Giants’ chairman and co-chief laws that had been evaded by
three years by defeating the opened in Afghanistan. The executive officer, died at the overseas gambling operations
NFC champion Carolina Pan- NFL donated $250,000 to the age of 79, November 15. using the Internet, October 13.
thers 32-29 in Super Bowl USO to honor the memory of NFL owners approved a
XXXVIII at Reliant Stadium in the former Arizona Cardinals 2006 resolution to stage a limited
Houston, February 1. player who died in Afghanistan The NFL announced that NFL number of international regu-
By a vote of 29-3, NFL while serving in the U.S. Army, Network would begin airing a lar-season games—up to two
owners extended the instant April 1. “Road To The Playoffs” pack- per season—beginning in
replay system for another five The NFL reached long-term age of eight primetime regular 2007 and continuing through
seasons through 2008, March agreements for its Sunday and season NFL games starting in 2011, October 24.
30. Monday primetime TV pack- 2006, January 28. The NFL Network broadcast
Steve Bisciotti took over as ages. NBC returned to the NFL The Pittsburgh Steelers its first-ever regular-season
the controlling owner of the by acquiring the Sunday night won their fifth Super Bowl, game as the Kansas City
Baltimore Ravens, succeeding package for six years (2006- defeating the Seattle Sea- Chiefs defeated the Denver
Art Modell, who operated the 2011). ESPN agreed on an hawks 21-10 in Super Bowl Broncos 19-10 at Arrowhead
franchise for 43 years, April 8. eight-year deal to televise XL at Ford Field in Detroit, Stadium on Thanksgiving
Former Arizona Cardinals Monday Night Football from Michigan, February 5. night, November 23.
safety Pat Tillman was killed in 2006-2013, April 18. The NFL clubs approved an San Diego Chargers run-
a firefight while on combat The NFL strengthened its extension of the Collective ning back LaDainian Tomlin-
patrol with the U.S. Army steroids program by adopting Bargaining Agreement through son set the NFL single-season
Rangers in Afghanistan, April the Olympic testosterone test- 2012, March 8. record for touchdowns with
22. ing standard, tripling the num- Commissioner Tagliabue 29 on December 10. He fin-
A federal appeals court for- ber of times a player can be announced his decision to ished the season with 31
mally ruled in favor of the randomly tested during the retire by the end of July. The touchdowns and also set a
NFL’s draft eligibility rule in offseason from two to six, NFL enjoyed an era of unri- single-season record for
Maurice Clarett’s lawsuit, cit- adding substances to the list valed prosperity in the Tagli- points with 186.
ing federal labor policy in per- of banned substances, and abue Era, including labor Lamar Hunt, founder of the
mitting the NFL and the Play- putting new language in the peace throughout his 17-year Kansas City Chiefs and the
ers Association to set rules for policy to allow for testing of tenure, March 20. American Football League,
when players can enter the designer drugs and other sub- NFL clubs unanimously died at the age of 74, Decem-
league, May 24. stances that may have evaded decided to return the name of ber 13.
The Berlin Thunder defeated detection, April 27. the official game ball to “The
the Frankfurt Galaxy 30-24 to NFL owners voted unani- Duke” in honor of the late New 2007
win World Bowl XII in front of mously to approve the sale of York Giants owner Wellington The Indianapolis Colts won
35,413 fans at Arena Auf- the Minnesota Vikings to real- Mara, March 27. their second Super Bowl,
Schalke, June 12. estate developer Zygi Wilf, The Amsterdam Admirals defeating the Chicago Bears
The New England Patriots May 25. defeated the Berlin Thunder 29-17 in Super Bowl XLI at
defeated the New York Jets The Amsterdam Admirals 22-7 to win World Bowl XIV in Dolphin Stadium in South
13-7 for their NFL-record 18th defeated the Berlin Thunder front of 36,286 fans at LTU Florida, February 4. Both
consecutive regular-season 27-21 to win World Bowl XIII Arena in Düsseldorf, Germany, teams were coached by
victory, October 24. in front of 35,134 fans at LTU May 27. African-Americans: Tony
The NFL reached an agree- Arena in Düsseldorf, Germany, Roger Goodell became the Dungy of the Colts and Lovie
ment on six-year contract June 11. eighth chief executive of the Smith of the Bears.
extensions with two of its net- The NFL designated Sep- NFL on August 8 when he was NFL clubs approved addi-
work television partners— tember 18-19 as “Hurricane chosen to succeed Paul Tagli- tional league-wide revenue
CBS and FOX—to run through Relief Weekend,” which con- abue as commissioner by a sharing at a league meeting in

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 371

Phoenix, Arizona. The teams first team ever to finish 16-0 in as the Giants beat the Redskins CBS and FOX – to run through
agreed to redistribute up to the regular season, scored a 16-7 in the 2009 NFL Kickoff the 2013 season, May 19.
$430 million over a four-year record 589 points. game, September 4. The NFL extended by two
span, retroactive to 2006, Owners approved a restruc- years its broadcast partner-
March 26. 2008 tured ownership plan for the ship with NBC to televise the
The NFL announced The NFL, United States Pittsburgh Steelers that will Sunday night package through
changes to its long-standing Olympic Committee, United keep the team under the con- the 2013 season, August 19.
personal conduct policy and States Anti-Doping Agency trol of chairman Dan Rooney Cowboys Stadium opened
programs for players, coach- and MLB announced a part- and team president Art in Arlington, Texas with a
es, and other team and league nership to form a clean com- Rooney II, December 17. crowd of 75,720 as the Dallas
employees. The modifications petition anti-doping research The NFL announced that the Cowboys defeated the Ten-
focus on expanded education- collaborative, January 10. 2010 Pro Bowl will be played nessee Titans by a score of
al and support programs in Georgia Frontiere, majority a week prior to Super Bowl 30-10 in a preseason game,
addition to increased levels of owner of the St. Louis Rams, XLIV on Sunday, January 31, August 21.
discipline for violations of the died at the age of 80, January 2010. Both games will be The NFL announced games
policy, April 10. 18. played in South Florida, that were blacked out in home
The NFL, NFL Players Asso- The NFL announced it will December 30. team markets during the 2009
ciation, NFL Retired Players stage a regular-season game In the 256 regular-season season would be shown on
Association, NFL Alumni in the United Kingdom during games of 2008, 44.1 points in their entirety on a
Association, NFL Charities and each of the next three sea- per game were scored—the delayed basis, September 10.
Pro Football Hall of Fame sons, beginning with the New highest average since 1970. The NFL launched a new
formed the first-ever Alliance Orleans Saints hosting the San “Red Zone Channel,” offering
to coordinate medical support Diego Chargers on October 2009 fans crucial live action cut-ins
services for former players, 26, 2008 at London’s Wemb- Stephen M. Ross purchased of all Sunday afternoon
May 22. ley Stadium, February 1. an additional 45 percent of the games, September 13.
The Hamburg Sea Devils The New York Giants Miami Dolphins from Wayne Pro Football Hall of Fame
defeated the Frankfurt Galaxy scored with 35 seconds Huizenga and became the head coach and broadcaster
37-28 to win World Bowl XV in remaining to win their third team’s managing partner. John Madden was appointed
front of 48,125 fans at Com- Super Bowl, defeating the New Coupled with his April 1, 2008 special advisor to Commis-
merzbank-Arena in Frankfurt, England Patriots 17-14 in purchase of 50 percent of the sioner Goodell, September 10.
Germany, June 23. Super Bowl XLII at University franchise, the stadium, and NFL appointed former head
The NFL announced it will of Phoenix Stadium in Glen- the excess developable land, coach Tony Dungy to lead a
focus its international busi- dale, Arizona, February 3. Ross now owns 95 percent of new NFL Player Advisory
ness strategy on reaching the The NFL set an all-time paid the Dolphins and the stadium Forum and serve as a special
widest possible global audi- attendance record in 2007 for while Huizenga retains a five advisor to Commissioner
ence, including the staging of the sixth consecutive season. percent share of both and Goodell, November 19.
international regular-season Attendance for all 2007 games remains a 50 percent partner Commissioner Goodell
games, and discontinued NFL was 22,256,502, an increase in that land, January 20. notified NFL teams of new and
Europa after 15 seasons of of 56,790 over the previous The NFL re-named its expanded guidelines on
operation, June 29. mark. The Washington Red- minority coaching internship return-to-play for any player
NFL owners unanimously skins set an all-time NFL regu- program the Bill Walsh NFL who sustains a concussion,
approved $10 million in addi- lar-season home paid atten- Minority Coaching Fellowship, December 2.
tional Alliance funding for dance record of 711,471 for honoring the Pro Football Hall
retired players to help pay for eight games, breaking their of Fame coach who conceived 2010
joint replacement surgeries own record of 708,852 in of the program, January 29. For the first time, the Pro Bowl
and other medical assistance, 2006. The Pittsburgh Steelers was played in the Super Bowl
supplementing the initial $7 NFL clubs voted unani- scored a touchdown with 42 city the week before the Super
million committed in July by mously to exercise their option seconds remaining to claim Bowl, as the AFC All-Stars
Alliance members, October to shorten by two years the their NFL-record sixth Super beat the NFC All-Stars 41-34
24. current Collective Bargaining Bowl title, defeating the in the 2010 Pro Bowl at Sun
The New York Giants Agreement, which now will Arizona Cardinals 27-23 in Life Stadium in South Florida.
defeated the Miami Dolphins run through the 2010 season Super Bowl XLIII at Raymond The game drew 70,697 fans –
13-10 at London’s in front of and 2011 NFL Draft, May 20. James Stadium in Tampa Bay, the highest attendance for a
81,176 fans at Wembley Sta- Lucas Oil Stadium opened February 1. Pro Bowl since 1959, January
dium in the first regular-sea- in Indianapolis, Indiana with a The NFL and Westwood 31.
son game played outside of crowd of 65,333 as the Buffa- One announced a new two- The New Orleans Saints
North America, October 28. lo Bills defeated the Indianapo- year agreement for Westwood won their first Super Bowl title,
On the field in the 2007 lis Colts by a score of 20-7 in One to continue as the exclu- defeating the Indianapolis
season, many significant a preseason game, August 24. sive network radio partner of Colts 31-17 in Super Bowl
records and milestones were The NFL established a new the NFL, March 12. XLIV at Sun Life Stadium in
achieved: Green Bay quarter- fan code of conduct to help The NFLPA selected Wash- South Florida, February 7.
back Brett Favre surpassed support a positive fan environ- ington-based attorney DeMau- Dr. Hunt Batjer of North-
Pro Football Hall of Famer Dan ment at all NFL stadiums, rice Smith as its new execu- western University Feinberg
Marino in both passing cate- August 5. tive director, March 16. School of Medicine and Dr.
gories—touchdowns and NFLPA Executive Director The NFL and DIRECTV Richard G. Ellenbogen of the
yards—to become the NFL’s and Pro Football Hall of Famer announced an agreement to University of Washington
all-time career leader. Patriots Gene Upshaw died at the age extend DIRECTV’s rights to carry School of Medicine were
quarterback Tom Brady set the of 63, August 20. NFL Sunday Ticket through the named the new co-chairs of
single-season record with 50 For the first time, an NFL 2014 season, March 23. the NFL Head, Neck and Spine
touchdown passes, including game was broadcast on NBC The NFL reached an agree- Medical Committee, March 16.
23 to wide receiver Randy and also streamed live in its ment on two-year contract NFL owners voted to amend
Moss—also a record. New entirety to fans on the Internet via extensions with two of its net- postseason overtime rules to
England, which became the and work television partners – a modified sudden death for-

372 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

mat, guaranteeing at least one the expanded benefits and ser- fans remembered the courage son, September 20.
possession for each club if the vices created in recent years and resilience that followed NFL Films President Steve
receiving team fails to score a by the NFL, October 12. the events of September 11, Sabol died at the age of 69,
touchdown on its first over- Commissioner Roger 2001 with special tributes in September 18.
time possession, March 23. Goodell notified NFL teams each stadium and on televi- The NFL and its game offi-
The NFL and NFL Alumni that more significant disci- sion during all games on Sun- cials agreed to a new eight-
Association announced a new pline, including suspensions, day, September 11. year Collective Bargaining
neurological care program for would be imposed on players Al Davis, the Oakland Agreement, ending a four-
retired players, one of a series that strike an opponent in the Raiders’ owner and Pro Foot- month dispute. The union offi-
of NFL initiatives addressing head or neck area in violation ball Hall of Famer, died at the cials returned to work for
the quality of life of retired of the rules, October 20. age of 82, October 8. Week 4, September 27.
players, March 24. The NFL and Westwood NFL owners approved a NFL clubs unanimously
NFL rules changes empha- One Radio announced the resolution to continue playing approved the majority owner-
sized additional player safety. renewal of a multi-year agree- regular-season games in the ship transfer of the Cleveland
Protection for defenseless ment for Westwood One to United Kingdom through the Browns from Randy Lerner to
players was standardized and continue as the exclusive net- 2016 season, October 11. Jimmy Haslam at a meeting in
expanded, protecting a player work radio home of the NFL, The NFL reached an agree- Chicago, October 16.
who has just completed a December 22. ment on nine-year contract The NFL announced the for-
catch from blows to the head extensions of its Sunday mation of the National Football
or neck by an opponent who 2011 broadcast television packages League Foundation to focus
launches. Additional protec- The NFL appointed Pro Foot- with CBS, FOX and NBC to run on youth football, health and
tion was also given to ball Hall of Famers Ronnie Lott through the 2022 season, safety, and community,
longsnappers. Play will now and John Madden as co- December 14. The agree- December 12. The newly cre-
stop if a ball carrier’s helmet is chairs of a new Player Safety ments also enabled the NFL to ated Foundation resulted from
removed, March 24. Advisory Panel. The panel pro- expand its Thursday night the restructuring of the NFL’s
The NFL Draft debuted a vides recommendations on a package of games on NFL previous charitable arms –
new three-day format, with the variety of safety-related foot- Network, which increased NFL Charities and the NFL
first two days broadcast in ball matters, while taking a from eight to 13 games for the Youth Football Fund.
primetime. A record combined long-term view towards mak- 2012 season.
total of 45.4 million viewers ing the game safer at every NFL clubs unanimously 2013
tuned in to watch the 75th NFL level of the sport, January 4. approved the majority owner- The Baltimore Ravens won
Draft on NFL Network, ESPN The Green Bay Packers ship transfer of the Jack- their second Super Bowl,
and ESPN2, April 22-24. won their fourth Super Bowl sonville Jaguars from Wayne defeating the San Francisco
New Meadowlands Stadium title, defeating the Pittsburgh Weaver to businessman 49ers 34-31 in Super Bowl
opened in East Rutherford, Steelers 31-25 in Super Bowl Shahid Khan at a meeting in XLVII at the Mercedes-Benz
New Jersey as the New York XLV at Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, December 14. Superdome in New Orleans,
Giants defeat the New York North Texas, February 6. February 3.
Jets by a score of 31-16 in a The NFL Head, Neck and 2012 GE and the NFL announced
preseason game, August 16. Spine Committee announced a NFL clubs extended Commis- the Head Health Initiative, a
Stan Kroenke purchased an new standardized sideline sioner Goodell’s contract four-year, $60 million collabo-
additional 60 percent of the St. concussion assessment pro- through March 31, 2019, Jan- ration to advance diagnostic
Louis Rams from the Rosen- tocol for team medical per- uary 25. tools for treating concussions
bloom family and became the sonnel. The new protocol The New York Giants won and the development of new
team’s sole owner and chair- includes a symptom checklist, their fourth Super Bowl title, materials for head protection,
man, August 25. limited neurologic examination defeating the New England March 11.
A renovated Arrowhead and balance assessment, Feb- Patriots 21-17 in Super Bowl Tennessee Titans owner
Stadium opened in Kansas ruary 25. XLVI at Lucas Oil Stadium in K.S. “Bud” Adams, Jr. a
City, Missouri as the Philadel- On the steps of the Pro Indianapolis, February 5. founding member of the AFL,
phia Eagles defeated the Football Hall of Fame in Can- The NFL announced a new died at the age of 90, October
Kansas City Chiefs 20-17 in a ton, Ohio, Commissioner comprehensive health pro- 21.
preseason game, August 27. Goodell & NFLPA Executive gram, NFL Total Wellness, for On the field, many all-time
A poster created by the NFL Director DeMaurice Smith for- former and current players to records were set: 11,985
and the Centers for Disease mally announced a compre- provide additional resources points were scored, the most
Control and Prevention (CDC) hensive settlement of litigation for physical and mental health of any season in NFL history;
to help educate young athletes and signed a new 10-year Col- issues, July 26. games averaged an all-time
on concussions was released lective Bargaining Agreement, Art Modell, former owner of high 697.0 total net yards per
to the public. The poster, sim- August 4. The agreement the Cleveland Browns-Balti- game; and Denver's Peyton
ilar to one on display in NFL included additional funding for more Ravens franchise and Manning passed for 5,477
locker rooms, stresses the player alumni of $1 billion, longtime chairman of the yards and 55 touchdowns.
importance of recognizing a including a $620 million NFL’s Broadcast Committee,
concussion, taking time to “Legacy Fund” to increase died at the age of 87, Septem- 2014
recover, and not returning to benefits for pre-1993 retirees. ber 6. The 2014 Pro Bowl introduced
play too soon, October 11. A record 107.4 million fans NFL Network’s Thursday a new format for the NFL’s All-
The NFL, NFL Alumni and tuned into Kickoff Weekend Night Football schedule was Star Game, including a draft to
Gay Culverhouse Players’ Out- games on CBS, ESPN, FOX expanded from eight to 13 determine rosters and major
reach Program announced a and NBC, September 8, 11-12. regular-season games, debut- playing rules adjustments. Pro
partnership to expand ser- The NFL announced an ing with the Green Bay Packer- Football Hall of Famers Jerry
vices for retired NFL players. eight-year extension of its s’ 23-10 victory against the Rice and Deion Sanders
The outreach program identi- contract with ESPN for the Chicago Bears, September 13. served as team captains.
fies retired players in need, broadcast rights to Monday The NFL announced an Team Rice defeated Team
ensuring they receive compre- Night Football through the extension of its exclusive radio Sanders 22-21 at Aloha Stadi-
hensive medical evaluations 2021 season, September 8. broadcast agreement with Dial um in Honolulu, Hawaii, Janu-
and assistance in applying for NFL teams, players and Global through the 2017 sea- ary 26.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 373

The Seattle Seahawks won Commissioner Goodell advance research, education announced a partnership to
their first Super Bowl, defeat- appointed a new league Con- and advocacy for the preven- deliver a live digital stream of
ing the Denver Broncos 43-8 duct Committee comprised of tion and treatment of sports- Thursday Night Football to a
in Super Bowl XLVIII at MetLife representatives of NFL owner- related concussions, August global audience for free during
Stadium in the first New York- ship that will review the Per- 14. the course of the 2016 sea-
New Jersey Super Bowl, Feb- sonal Conduct Policy annually NFL clubs approved a com- son, April 5. Twitter will stream
ruary 2. and recommend appropriate mitment to play international the 10 games broadcast by
Buffalo Bills owner Ralph changes. regular-season games through NBC and CBS, which will also
Wilson, Jr., a founding mem- 2025 and broadens the be simulcast on NFL Network,
ber of the AFL, died at the age 2015 league’s opportunity to play securing the league’s “Tri-
of 95, March 25. The NFL and CBS agreed to games in countries other than Cast” distribution model of
In addition to its Sunday continue a partnership to pro- the United Kingdom at a broadcast (NBC/CBS), cable
afternoon package, CBS duce and televise Thursday league meeting in New York, (NFL Network), and digital
acquired the rights to broad- Night Football for the 2015 October 7. (Twitter).
cast early-season primetime season, January 18. CBS will The NFL and SiriusXM
Thursday Night Football broadcast the first eight TNF announced a six-year exten-
games, simulcast by NFL Net- games, also simulcast on NFL sion of their satellite broad-
work, for the 2014 season, Network. NFL Network will casting and marketing agree-
February 5. NFL Network exclusively televise eight ment, October 7. SiriusXM will
retained exclusive rights to games in the run-up to the continue to feature every NFL
late-season TNF games. playoffs. game live nationwide from the NFL COMMISSIONERS AND
Malcolm Glazer, the owner The New England Patriots preseason through Super PRESIDENTS*
and president of the Tampa won their fourth Super Bowl, Bowl LVI in 2022. 1920....Jim Thorpe, President
Bay Buccaneers, died at the defeating the Seattle Sea- The NFL hosted the 2nd 1921-39 ...Joe Carr, President
age of 85, May 28. hawks 28-24 in Super Bowl Annual International Profes- 1939-41.Carl Storck, President
Prior to the official kickoff of XLIX at University of Phoenix sional Sports Concussion 1941-46 ..........Elmer Layden,
the 2014 regular season, the Stadium in Arizona. The game Research Think Tank in Lon- Commissioner
NFL launched its next genera- was viewed by an average don, which served as a plat- 1946-1959 ..............Bert Bell,
tion video service, NFL Now, audience of 114.4 million form for leading scientific and Commissioner
providing fans personalized viewers, making it the most- medical experts from preemi- 1960-1989 ........Pete Rozelle,
access to the largest digital watched program in U.S. tele- nent international sports orga- Commissioner
library of NFL video anywhere, vision history, February 1. nizations to propose ideas for 1989-2006 .....Paul Tagliabue,
accessible through apps and Sarah Thomas became the future research collaborations Commissioner
browsers across an array of first female to be assigned and to share best practices 2006-present ..Roger Goodell,
Internet-connected devices, full-time to an NFL officiating and progress made in the Commissioner
September 4. crew, April 8. areas of concussion diagno- *NFL treasurer Austin Gunsel
NFL personnel began using NFL clubs at the league’s sis, protocols, management served as president in the
Microsoft Surface tablets on spring meeting in San Francis- and treatment, October 24. office of the commissioner
sidelines during games to co adopted a change to the During the Think Tank, the NFL following the death of Bert
enhance on-field communica- Try for Point After Touchdown and International Concussion Bell (Oct. 11, 1959) until the
tions, photo viewing and play (PAT) rule in an attempt to add and Head Injury Research election of Pete Rozelle (Jan.
calling, giving coaches, play- skill and excitement to the Foundation (ICHIRF) 26, 1960).
ers and other personnel the extra play following touch- announced a partnership to
technology they need to downs. The new rule: 1. fund research investigating the
improve decision-making and Moves the kicking spot to the potential long-term effects and
on-field performance, Sep- defensive team’s 15-yard line; risk factors associated with
tember 5. 2. Places the two-point con- concussion in sports.
The NFL and DIRECTV version spot at the defensive
announced a new multi-year team’s two-yard line; and 3. 2016
agreement to extend and Gives the defensive team the The transfer of the Rams from
expand DIRECTV's exclusive opportunity to return a St. Louis to Los Angeles for
rights to carry NFL SUNDAY blocked kick, fumble or inter- the 2016 season was
TICKET and its package of ception for a score of two approved by a vote of NFL
every Sunday afternoon out- points, May 19. clubs at a meeting in Houston,
of-market games. The NFL and Yahoo! January 12.
NFL teams unanimously announced an exclusive part- The NFL announces expan-
endorsed a revised and nership to deliver the first-ever sion of Thursday Night Foot-
strengthened Personal Con- live stream of an NFL game to ball for the 2016 and 2017
duct Policy for all NFL employ- a global audience across seasons, continuing its part-
ees. The policy was developed devices and for free, June 3. nership with CBS while also
after discussions with experts The partnership brought the adding NBC as a partner, Feb-
inside and outside of the NFL, NFL’s scheduled 2015 Interna- ruary 1. Both CBS and NBC
including current and former tional Series game in London, will broadcast five Thursday
players, the NFL Players between the Buffalo Bills and Night Football games, growing
Association, domestic vio- Jacksonville Jaguars on Octo- the package to 10 broadcast
lence/sexual assault experts ber 25, to Yahoo! properties games.
and advocates, law enforce- globally, which attract more The Denver Broncos won
ment officials, academic than one billion monthly users. their third Super Bowl, defeat-
experts, and business leaders. The NFL announced a $2.5 ing the Carolina Panthers 24-
The new policy lays out a clear million foundational donation 10 in Super Bowl 50 at
series of steps to be taken to UW Medicine to establish Levi’s® Stadium in Santa
when there is an incident that the first-of-its-kind Sports Clara, CA, February 7.
requires review, December 10. Health and Safety Institute to The NFL and Twitter

374 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2015 2014
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 12 4 0 .750 465 315 Washington 9 7 0 .563 388 379 New England# 12 4 0 .750 468 313 Dallas 12 4 0 .750 467 352
New York Jets 10 6 0 .625 387 314 Philadelphia 7 9 0 .438 377 430 Buffalo 9 7 0 .563 343 289 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 474 400
Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 379 359 New York Giants 6 10 0 .375 420 442 Miami 8 8 0 .500 388 373 New York Giants 6 10 0 .375 380 400
Miami 6 10 0 .375 310 389 Dallas 4 12 0 .250 275 374 New York Jets 4 12 0 .250 283 401 Washington 4 12 0 .250 301 438
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 12 4 0 .750 419 279 Minnesota 11 5 0 .688 365 302 Pittsburgh 11 5 0 .688 436 368 Green Bay 12 4 0 .750 486 348
Pittsburgh* 10 6 0 .625 423 319 Green Bay* 10 6 0 .625 368 323 Cincinnati* 10 5 1 .656 365 344 Detroit* 11 5 0 .688 321 282
Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 328 401 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 358 400 Baltimore* 10 6 0 .625 409 302 Minnesota 7 9 0 .438 325 343
Cleveland 3 13 0 .188 278 432 Chicago 6 10 0 .375 335 397 Cleveland 7 9 0 .438 299 337 Chicago 5 11 0 .313 319 442
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Houston 9 7 0 .563 339 313 Carolina# 15 1 0 .938 500 308 Indianapolis 11 5 0 .688 458 369 Carolina 7 8 1 .469 339 374
Indianapolis 8 8 0 .500 333 408 Atlanta 8 8 0 .500 339 345 Houston 9 7 0 .563 372 307 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 401 424
Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 376 448 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 408 476 Jacksonville 3 13 0 .188 249 412 Atlanta 6 10 0 .375 381 417
Tennessee 3 13 0 .188 299 423 Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 342 417 Tennessee 2 14 0 .125 254 438 Tampa Bay 2 14 0 .125 277 410
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver# 12 4 0 .750 355 296 Arizona 13 3 0 .813 489 313 Denver 12 4 0 .750 482 354 Seattle# 12 4 0 .750 394 254
Kansas City* 11 5 0 .688 405 287 Seattle* 10 6 0 .625 423 277 Kansas City 9 7 0 .563 353 281 Arizona* 11 5 0 .688 310 299
Oakland 7 9 0 .438 359 399 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 280 330 San Diego 9 7 0 .563 348 348 San Francisco 8 8 0 .500 306 340
San Diego 4 12 0 .250 320 398 San Francisco 5 11 0 .313 238 387 Oakland 3 13 0 .188 253 452 St. Louis 6 10 0 .375 324 354

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference. *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference.
Denver finished ahead of New England and Cincinnati based on New England finished ahead of Denver based on head-to-head
head-to-head victory against each team. New England finished victory. Pittsburgh finished ahead of Indianapolis based on head-
ahead of Cincinnati based on better record vs. common oppo- to-head victory. Kansas City finished ahead of San Diego based
nents (4-1 to Bengals’ 2-3). Pittsburgh finished ahead of on head-to-head sweep. Seattle finished ahead of Green Bay and
New York Jets based on better record vs. common opponents Dallas based on better conference record (10-2 to Packers’ 9-3
(4-1 to Jets’ 3-2). Green Bay finished ahead of Seattle based to Cowboys’ 8-4). Green Bay finished ahead of Dallas based on
on head-to-head victory. better conference record (9-3 to Cowboys’ 8-4). Arizona finished
Wild Card Playoff Games: Kansas City 30, HOUSTON 0; ahead of Detroit based on head-to-head victory.
Pittsburgh 18, CINCINNATI 16 Wild Card Playoff Games: Baltimore 30, PITTSBURGH 17;
Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ENGLAND 27, Kansas City 20; INDIANAPOLIS 26, Cincinnati 10
DENVER 23, Pittsburgh 16 Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ENGLAND 35, Baltimore 31;
AFC Championship Game: DENVER 20, New England 18 Indianapolis 24, DENVER 13
Wild Card Playoff Games: Seattle 10, MINNESOTA 9; AFC Championship Game: NEW ENGLAND 45, Indianapolis 7
Green Bay 35, WASHINGTON 18 Wild Card Playoff Games: CAROLINA 27, Arizona 16;
Divisional Playoff Games: ARIZONA 26, Green Bay 20 (OT); DALLAS 24, Detroit 20
CAROLINA 31, Seattle 24 Divisional Playoff Games: SEATTLE 31, Carolina 17;
NFC Championship Game: CAROLINA 49, Arizona 15 GREEN BAY 26, Dallas 21
Super Bowl 50: Denver (AFC) 24, Carolina (NFC) 10 NFC Championship Game: SEATTLE 28, Green Bay 22 (OT)
at Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara, California Super Bowl XLIX: New England (AFC) 28, Seattle (NFC) 24
at University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona

In Past Standings section, home teams in playoff games are

indicated by capital letters. Playoff Seeds
Playoff Seeds 1. New England 1. Seattle
AFC NFC 2. Denver 2. Green Bay
1. Denver 1. Carolina 3. Pittsburgh 3. Dallas
2. New England 2. Arizona 4. Indianapolis 4. Carolina
3. Cincinnati 3. Minnesota 5. Cincinnati 5. Arizona
4. Houston 4. Washington 6. Baltimore 6. Detroit
5. Kansas City 5. Green Bay
6. Pittsburgh 6. Seattle

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 375

2013 2012
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 12 4 0 .750 444 338 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 442 382 New England 12 4 0 .750 557 331 Washington 10 6 0 .625 436 388
New York Jets 8 8 0 .500 290 387 Dallas 8 8 0 .500 439 432 Miami 7 9 0 .438 288 317 New York Giants 9 7 0 .563 429 344
Miami 8 8 0 .500 317 335 New York Giants 7 9 0 .438 294 383 New York Jets 6 10 0 .375 281 375 Dallas 8 8 0 .500 376 400
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 339 388 Washington 3 13 0 .188 334 478 Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 344 435 Philadelphia 4 12 0 .250 280 444
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 11 5 0 .688 430 305 Green Bay 8 7 1 .531 417 428 Baltimore 10 6 0 .625 398 344 Green Bay 11 5 0 .688 433 336
Pittsburgh 8 8 0 .500 379 370 Chicago 8 8 0 .500 445 478 Cincinnati* 10 6 0 .625 391 320 Minnesota* 10 6 0 .625 379 348
Baltimore 8 8 0 .500 320 352 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 395 376 Pittsburgh 8 8 0 .500 336 314 Chicago 10 6 0 .625 375 277
Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 308 406 Minnesota 5 10 1 .344 391 480 Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 302 368 Detroit 4 12 0 .250 372 437
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 11 5 0 .688 391 336 Carolina 12 4 0 .438 366 241 Houston 12 4 0 .750 416 331 Atlanta# 13 3 0 .813 419 299
Tennessee 7 9 0 .438 362 381 New Orleans* 11 5 0 .438 414 304 Indianapolis* 11 5 0 .688 357 387 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 357 363
Jacksonville 4 12 0 .250 247 449 Atlanta 4 12 0 .813 353 443 Tennessee 6 10 0 .375 330 471 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 461 454
Houston 2 14 0 .125 276 428 Tampa Bay 4 12 0 .438 288 389 Jacksonville 2 14 0 .125 255 444 Tampa Bay 7 9 0 .438 389 394
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver# 13 3 0 .813 606 399 Seattle# 13 3 0 .813 417 231 Denver# 13 3 0 .813 481 289 San Francisco 11 4 1 .719 397 273
Kansas City* 11 5 0 .688 430 305 San Francisco* 12 4 0 .750 406 272 San Diego 7 9 0 .438 350 350 Seattle* 11 5 0 .688 412 245
San Diego* 9 7 0 .563 396 348 Arizona 10 6 0 .625 379 324 Oakland 4 12 0 .250 290 443 St, Louis 7 8 1 .469 299 348
Oakland 4 12 0 .250 322 453 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 348 364 Kansas City 2 14 0 .125 211 425 Arizona 5 11 0 .313 250 357

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Cincinnati finished ahead of Indianapolis based on head-to-head New York Jets finished ahead of Buffalo based on better record in
victory. New York Jets finished ahead of Miami based on better common games (5-7 to Bills’ 3-9). Baltimore finished ahead of
division record (3-3 to Dolphins’ 2-4). Pittsburgh finished ahead Cincinnati based on better division record (4-2 to Bengals’ 3-3).
of Baltimore based on better division record (4-2 to Ravens’ 3-3). New England finished ahead of Houston based on head-to-head
Atlanta finished ahead of Tampa Bay based on better conference victory. Minnesota finished ahead of Chicago based on better
record (3-9 to Buccaneers’ 2-10). division record (4-2 to Bears’ 3-3). Carolina finished ahead of
Wild Card Playoff Games: INDIANAPOLIS 45, Kansas City 44; New Orleans and Tampa Bay based on better record against
San Diego 27, CINCINNATI 10 common opponents than Tampa Bay (6-4 to Buccaneers’ 5-5)
Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ENGLAND 43, Indianapolis 22; and head-to-head sweep over the Saints. New Orleans finished
DENVER 24, San Diego 17 ahead of Tampa Bay based on head-to-head sweep.
AFC Championship Game: DENVER 26, New England 16 Wild Card Playoff Games: HOUSTON 19, Cincinnati 13;
Wild Card Playoff Games: New Orleans 26, PHILADELPHIA 24; BALTIMORE 24, Indianapolis 9
San Francisco 23, GREEN BAY 20 Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ENGLAND 41, Houston 28;
Divisional Playoff Games: SEATTLE 23, New Orleans 15; Baltimore 38, DENVER 35 (2 OT)
San Francisco 23, CAROLINA 10 AFC Championship Game: Baltimore 28, NEW ENGLAND 13
NFC Championship Game: SEATTLE 23, San Francisco 17 Wild Card Playoff Games: GREEN BAY 24, Minnesota 10;
Super Bowl XLVIII: Seattle (NFC) 43, Denver (AFC) 8 Seattle 24, WASHINGTON 14
at MetLife Stadium, New York-New Jersey Divisional Playoff Games: ATLANTA 30, Seattle 28;
SAN FRANCISCO 45, Green Bay 31
Playoff Seeds NFC Championship Game: San Francisco 28, ATLANTA 24
AFC NFC Super Bowl XLVII: Baltimore (AFC) 34, San Francisco (NFC) 31
1. Denver 1. Seattle at Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana
2. New England 2. Carolina
3. Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia Playoff Seeds
4. Indianapolis 4. Green Bay AFC NFC
5. Kansas City 5. San Francisco 1. Denver 1. Atlanta
6. San Diego 6. New Orleans 2. New England 2. San Francisco
3. Houston 3. Green Bay
4. Baltimore 4. Washington
5. Indianapolis 5. Seattle
6. Cincinnati 6. Minnesota

376 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2011 2010
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England# 13 3 0 .813 513 342 New York Giants 9 7 0 .563 394 400 New England# 14 2 0 .875 518 313 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 439 377
New York Jets 8 8 0 .500 377 363 Philadelphia 8 8 0 .500 396 328 New York Jets* 11 5 0 .688 367 304 New York Giants 10 6 0 .625 394 347
Miami 6 10 0 .375 329 313 Dallas 8 8 0 .500 369 347 Miami 7 9 0 .438 273 333 Dallas 6 10 0 .375 394 436
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 372 434 Washington 5 11 0 .313 288 367 Buffalo 4 12 0 .250 283 425 Washington 6 10 0 .375 302 377
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Baltimore 12 4 0 .750 378 266 Green Bay# 15 1 0 .938 560 359 Pittsburgh 12 4 0 .750 375 232 Chicago 11 5 0 .688 334 286
Pittsburgh* 12 4 0 .750 325 227 Detroit* 10 6 0 .625 474 387 Baltimore* 12 4 0 .750 357 270 Green Bay* 10 6 0 .625 388 240
Cincinnati* 9 7 0 .563 344 323 Chicago 8 8 0 .500 353 341 Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 271 332 Detroit 6 10 0 .375 362 369
Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 218 307 Minnesota 3 13 0 .188 340 449 Cincinnati 4 12 0 .250 322 395 Minnesota 6 10 0 .375 281 348
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Houston 10 6 0 .625 381 278 New Orleans 13 3 0 .813 547 339 Indianapolis 10 6 0 .625 435 388 Atlanta# 13 3 0 .813 414 288
Tennessee 9 7 0 .563 325 317 Atlanta* 10 6 0 .625 402 350 Jacksonville 8 8 0 .500 353 419 New Orleans* 11 5 0 .688 384 307
Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 243 329 Carolina 6 10 0 .375 406 429 Houston 6 10 0 .375 390 427 Tampa Bay 10 6 0 .625 341 318
Indianapolis 2 14 0 .125 243 430 Tampa Bay 4 12 0 .250 287 494 Tennessee 6 10 0 .375 356 339 Carolina 2 14 0 .125 196 408
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 8 8 0 .500 309 390 San Francisco 13 3 0 .813 380 229 Kansas City 10 6 0 .625 366 326 Seattle 7 9 0 .438 310 407
San Diego 8 8 0 .500 406 377 Arizona 8 8 0 .500 312 348 San Diego 9 7 0 .563 441 322 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 289 328
Oakland 8 8 0 .500 359 433 Seattle 7 9 0 .438 321 315 Oakland 8 8 0 .500 410 371 San Francisco 6 10 0 .375 305 346
Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 212 338 St. Louis 2 14 0 .125 193 407 Denver 4 12 0 .250 344 471 Arizona 5 11 0 .313 289 434

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Miami finished ahead of Buffalo based on head-to-head sweep. Pittsburgh finished ahead of Baltimore based on better division
Baltimore finished ahead of Pittsburgh based on head-to-head record (5-1 to 4-2). Indianapolis finished ahead of Kansas City
sweep. Denver finished ahead of San Diego and Oakland based based on head-to-head victory. Houston finished ahead of
on best record in common games (Denver 5-5; Oakland 4-6; San Tennessee based on better division record (3-3 to 2-4).
Diego 4-6). San Diego finished ahead of Oakland based on better Philadelphia finished ahead of the Giants based on head-to-head
conference record (7-5 to Raiders’ 6-6). Cincinnati finished sweep. Dallas finished ahead of Washington based on better
ahead of Tennessee based on head-to-head victory. Philadelphia division record (3-3 to 2-4). Green Bay finished ahead of the
finished ahead of Dallas based on head-to-head sweep. Atlanta Giants and Tampa Bay based on best strength of victory
finished ahead of Detroit based on head-to-head victory. San (Green Bay .475; Giants .400; Tampa Bay .344). Detroit finished
Francisco finished ahead of New Orleans based on better confer- ahead of Minnesota based on better division record (2-4 to 1-5).
ence record (10-2 to Saints’ 9-3). Seattle finished ahead of St. Louis based on better division record
Wild Card Playoff Games: HOUSTON 31, Cincinnati 10; (4-2 to 3-3).
DENVER 29, Pittsburgh 23 (OT) Wild Card Playoff Games: N.Y. Jets 17, INDIANAPOLIS 16;
Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ENGLAND 45, Denver 10; Baltimore 30, KANSAS CITY 7
BALTIMORE 20, Houston 13 Divisional Playoff Games: PITTSBURGH 31, Baltimore 24;
AFC Championship Game: NEW ENGLAND 23, Baltimore 20 N.Y. Jets 28, NEW ENGLAND 21
Wild Card Playoff Games: NEW ORLEANS 45, Detroit 28; AFC Championship Game: PITTSBURGH 24, N.Y. Jets 19
NEW YORK GIANTS 24, Atlanta 2 Wild Card Playoff Games: SEATTLE 41, New Orleans 36;
Divisional Playoff Games: SAN FRANCISCO 36, New Orleans 32; Green Bay 21, PHILADELPHIA 16
New York Giants 37, GREEN BAY 20 Divisional Playoff Games: Green Bay 48, ATLANTA 21;
NFC Championship Game: New York Giants 20, SAN FRANCISCO 17 (OT) CHICAGO 35, Seattle 24
Super Bowl XLVI: New York Giants (NFC) 21, New England (AFC) 17 NFC Championship Game: Green Bay 21, CHICAGO 14
at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis Super Bowl XLV: Green Bay (NFC) 31, Pittsburgh (AFC) 25
at Cowboys Stadium, North Texas

Playoff Seeds Playoff Seeds

1. New England 1. Green Bay 1. New England 1. Atlanta
2. Baltimore 2. San Francisco 2. Pittsburgh 2. Chicago
3. Houston 3. New Orleans 3. Indianapolis 3. Philadelphia
4. Denver 4. New York Giants 4. Kansas City 4. Seattle
5. Pittsburgh 5. Atlanta 5. Baltimore 5. New Orleans
6. Cincinnati 6. Detroit 6. N.Y. Jets 6. Green Bay

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 377

2009 2008
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 10 6 0 .625 427 285 Dallas 11 5 0 .688 361 250 Miami 11 5 0 .688 345 317 New York Giants# 12 4 0 .750 427 294
New York Jets* 9 7 0 .563 348 236 Philadelphia* 11 5 0 .688 429 337 New England 11 5 0 .688 410 309 Philadelphia* 9 6 1 .594 416 289
Miami 7 9 0 .438 360 390 New York Giants 8 8 0 .500 402 427 New York Jets 9 7 0 .563 405 356 Dallas 9 7 0 .563 362 365
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 258 326 Washington 4 12 0 .250 266 336 Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 336 342 Washington 8 8 0 .500 265 296
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 10 6 0 .625 305 291 Minnesota 12 4 0 .750 470 312 Pittsburgh 12 4 0 .750 347 223 Minnesota 10 6 0 .625 379 333
Baltimore* 9 7 0 .563 391 261 Green Bay* 11 5 0 .688 461 297 Baltimore* 11 5 0 .688 385 244 Chicago 9 7 0 .563 375 350
Pittsburgh 9 7 0 .563 368 324 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 327 375 Cincinnati 4 11 1 .281 204 364 Green Bay 6 10 0 .375 419 380
Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 245 375 Detroit 2 14 0 .125 262 494 Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 232 350 Detroit 0 16 0 .000 268 517
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis# 14 2 0 .875 416 307 New Orleans# 13 3 0 .813 510 341 Tennessee# 13 3 0 .813 375 234 Carolina 12 4 0 .750 414 329
Houston 9 7 0 .563 388 333 Atlanta 9 7 0 .563 363 325 Indianapolis* 12 4 0 .750 377 298 Atlanta* 11 5 0 .688 391 325
Tennessee 8 8 0 .500 354 402 Carolina 8 8 0 .500 315 308 Houston 8 8 0 .500 366 394 Tampa Bay 9 7 0 .563 361 323
Jacksonville 7 9 0 .438 290 380 Tampa Bay 3 13 0 .188 244 400 Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 302 367 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 463 393
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
San Diego 13 3 0 .813 454 320 Arizona 10 6 0 .625 375 325 San Diego 8 8 0 .500 439 347 Arizona 9 7 0 .563 427 426
Denver 8 8 0 .500 326 324 San Francisco 8 8 0 .500 330 281 Denver 8 8 0 .500 370 448 San Francisco 7 9 0 .438 339 381
Oakland 5 11 0 .313 197 379 Seattle 5 11 0 .313 280 390 Oakland 5 11 0 .313 263 388 Seattle 4 12 0 .250 294 392
Kansas City 4 12 0 .250 294 424 St. Louis 1 15 0 .063 175 436 Kansas City 2 14 0 .125 291 440 St. Louis 2 14 0 .125 232 465

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
New England finished ahead of Cincinnati based on better strength Miami finished ahead of New England based on better conference
of victory (.450 to Bengals’ .438). Baltimore finished ahead of record (8-4 to Patriots’ 7-5). Baltimore was second Wild Card
Pittsburgh based on better division record (3-3 to Steelers’ 2-4). ahead of New England based on better conference record (8-4 to
New York Jets finished ahead of Baltimore for first Wild Card Patriots’ 7-5). San Diego finished ahead of Denver based on
based on better record vs. common opponents (4-1 to Ravens’ better division record (5-1 to Broncos’ 3-3). N.Y. Giants finished
1-4) and ahead of Houston based on better conference record ahead of Carolina based on head-to-head victory.
(7-5 to Texans’ 6-6). Baltimore was second Wild Card based on Wild Card Playoff: SAN DIEGO 23, Indianapolis 17;
better conference record than Houston (7-5 to Texans’ 6-6). Baltimore 27, MIAMI 9
Dallas finished ahead of Philadelphia based on head-to-head Divisional Playoff: Baltimore 13, TENNESSEE 10;
sweep (2-0). Green Bay was first Wild Card ahead of Philadelphia PITTSBURGH 35, San Diego 24
based on better record vs. common opponents (4-1 to AFC Championship: PITTSBURGH 23, Baltimore 14
Eagles’ 3-2). Wild Card Playoff: ARIZONA 30, Atlanta 24;
Wild Card Playoff: New York Jets 24, CINCINNATI 14; Philadelphia 26, MINNESOTA 14
Baltimore 33, NEW ENGLAND 14 Divisional Playoff: Arizona 33, CAROLINA 13;
Divisional Playoff: INDIANAPOLIS 20, Baltimore 3; Philadelphia 23, N.Y. GIANTS 11
New York Jets 17, SAN DIEGO 14 NFC Championship: ARIZONA 32, Philadelphia 25
AFC Championship: INDIANAPOLIS 30, New York Jets 17 Super Bowl XLIII: Pittsburgh (AFC) 27, Arizona (NFC) 23
Wild Card Playoff: DALLAS 34, Philadelphia 14; at Raymond James Stadium, Tampa, Florida
ARIZONA 51, Green Bay 45 (OT)
Divisional Playoff Games: NEW ORLEANS 45, Arizona 14; Playoff Seeds
NFC Championship Game: NEW ORLEANS 31, Minnesota 28 (OT) 1. Tennessee 1. N.Y. Giants
Super Bowl XLIV: New Orleans (NFC) 31, Indianapolis (AFC) 17 2. Pittsburgh 2. Carolina
at Sun Life Stadium, South Florida 3. Miami 3. Minnesota
4. San Diego 4. Arizona
Playoff Seeds 5. Indianapolis 5. Atlanta
AFC NFC 6. Baltimore 6. Philadelphia
1. Indianapolis 1. New Orleans
2. San Diego 2. Minnesota
3. New England 3. Dallas
4. Cincinnati 4. Arizona
5. New York Jets 5. Green Bay
6. Baltimore 6. Philadelphia

378 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2007 2006
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England# 16 0 0 1.000 589 274 Dallas# 13 3 0 .813 455 325 New England 12 4 0 .750 385 237 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 398 328
Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 252 354 New York Giants* 10 6 0 .625 373 351 New York Jets* 10 6 0 .625 316 295 Dallas* 9 7 0 .563 425 350
New York Jets 4 12 0 .250 268 355 Washington* 9 7 0 .563 334 310 Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 300 311 New York Giants* 8 8 0 .500 355 362
Miami 1 15 0 .063 267 437 Philadelphia 8 8 0 .500 336 300 Miami 6 10 0 .375 260 283 Washington 5 11 0 .313 307 376
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh 10 6 0 .625 393 269 Green Bay 13 3 0 .813 435 291 Baltimore 13 3 0 .813 353 201 Chicago# 13 3 0 .813 427 255
Cleveland 10 6 0 .625 402 382 Minnesota 8 8 0 .500 365 311 Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 373 331 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 301 366
Cincinnati 7 9 0 .438 380 385 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 346 444 Pittsburgh 8 8 0 .500 353 315 Minnesota 6 10 0 .375 282 327
Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 275 384 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 334 348 Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 238 356 Detroit 3 13 0 .188 305 398
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 13 3 0 .813 450 262 Tampa Bay 9 7 0 .563 334 270 Indianapolis 12 4 0 .750 427 360 New Orleans 10 6 0 .625 413 322
Jacksonville* 11 5 0 .688 411 304 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 267 347 Tennessee 8 8 0 .500 324 400 Carolina 8 8 0 .500 270 305
Tennessee* 10 6 0 .625 301 297 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 379 388 Jacksonville 8 8 0 .500 371 274 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 292 328
Houston 8 8 0 .500 379 384 Atlanta 4 12 0 .250 259 414 Houston 6 10 0 .375 267 366 Tampa Bay 4 12 0 .250 211 353
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
San Diego 11 5 0 .688 412 284 Seattle 10 6 0 .625 393 291 San Diego# 14 2 0 .875 492 303 Seattle 9 7 0 .563 335 341
Denver 7 9 0 .438 320 409 Arizona 8 8 0 .500 404 399 Kansas City* 9 7 0 .563 331 315 St. Louis 8 8 0 .500 367 381
Kansas City 4 12 0 .250 226 335 San Francisco 5 11 0 .313 219 364 Denver 9 7 0 .563 319 305 San Francisco 7 9 0 .438 298 412
Oakland 4 12 0 .250 283 398 St. Louis 3 13 0 .188 263 438 Oakland 2 14 0 .125 168 332 Arizona 5 11 0 .313 314 389

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Pittsburgh finished ahead of Cleveland based on head-to-head Indianapolis finished ahead of New England based on head-to-head
sweep (2-0). Tennessee finished ahead of Cleveland based on victory. Cincinnati finished ahead of Pittsburgh based on better
better record vs. common opponents (4-1 to Browns’ 3-2). division record (4-2 to Steelers’ 3-3). Tennessee finished ahead
Kansas City finished ahead of Oakland based on better record vs. of Jacksonville based on better division record (4-2 to Jaguars’
common opponents (2-10 to Raiders’ 1-11). Dallas finished 2-4). Kansas City finished ahead of Denver based on better
ahead of Green Bay based on head-to-head victory. Detroit division record (4-2 to Broncos’ 3-3). New Orleans finished
finished ahead of Chicago based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). ahead of Philadelphia based on head-to-head victory. N.Y. Giants
Carolina finished ahead of New Orleans based on better finished ahead of Carolina and St. Louis based on better
conference record (7-5 to Saints’ 6-6). conference record (Giants' 7-5 to Panthers' 6-6 and Rams' 6-6)
Wild Card Playoff: Jacksonville 31, PITTSBURGH 29; and ahead of Green Bay based on strength of victory (.422 to
SAN DIEGO 17, Tennessee 6 Packers' .383).
Divisional Playoff: NEW ENGLAND 31, Jacksonville 20; Wild Card Playoff: INDIANAPOLIS 23, Kansas City 8;
San Diego 28, INDIANAPOLIS 24 NEW ENGLAND 37, N.Y. Jets 16
AFC Championship: NEW ENGLAND 21, San Diego 12 Divisional Playoff: Indianapolis 15, BALTIMORE 6;
Wild Card Playoff: SEATTLE 35, Washington 14; New England 24, SAN DIEGO 21
N.Y. Giants 24, TAMPA BAY 14 AFC Championship: INDIANAPOLIS 38, New England 34
Divisional Playoff: GREEN BAY 42, Seattle 20; Wild Card Playoff: SEATTLE 21, Dallas 20;
N.Y. Giants 21, DALLAS 17 PHILADELPHIA 23, N.Y. Giants 20
NFC Championship: N.Y. Giants 23, GREEN BAY 20 (OT) Divisional Playoff: NEW ORLEANS 27, Philadelphia 24;
Super Bowl XLII: N.Y. Giants (NFC) 17, New England (AFC) 14 CHICAGO 27, Seattle 24 (OT)
at University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona NFC Championship: CHICAGO 39, New Orleans 14
Super Bowl XLI: Indianapolis (AFC) 29, Chicago (NFC) 17
Playoff Seeds at Dolphin Stadium, Miami, Florida
1. New England 1. Dallas Playoff Seeds
2. Indianapolis 2. Green Bay AFC NFC
3. San Diego 3. Seattle 1. San Diego 1. Chicago
4. Pittsburgh 4. Tampa Bay 2. Baltimore 2. New Orleans
5. Jacksonville 5. N.Y. Giants 3. Indianapolis 3. Philadelphia
6. Tennessee 6. Washington 4. New England 4. Seattle
5. N.Y. Jets 5. Dallas
6. Kansas City 6. N.Y. Giants

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 379

2005 2004
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 10 6 0 .625 379 338 N.Y. Giants 11 5 0 .688 422 314 New England 14 2 0 .875 437 260 Philadelphia# 13 3 0 .813 386 260
Miami 9 7 0 .563 318 317 Washington* 10 6 0 .625 359 293 N.Y. Jets* 10 6 0 .625 333 261 N.Y. Giants 6 10 0 .375 303 347
Buffalo 5 11 0 .313 271 367 Dallas 9 7 0 .563 325 308 Buffalo 9 7 0 .563 395 284 Dallas 6 10 0 .375 293 405
N.Y. Jets 4 12 0 .250 240 355 Philadelphia 6 10 0 .375 310 388 Miami 4 12 0 .250 275 354 Washington 6 10 0 .375 240 265
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 11 5 0 .688 421 350 Chicago 11 5 0 .688 260 202 Pittsburgh# 15 1 0 .938 372 251 Green Bay 10 6 0 .625 424 380
Pittsburgh* 11 5 0 .688 389 258 Minnesota 9 7 0 .563 306 344 Baltimore 9 7 0 .563 317 268 Minnesota* 8 8 0 .500 405 395
Baltimore 6 10 0 .375 265 299 Detroit 5 11 0 .313 254 345 Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 374 372 Detroit 6 10 0 .375 296 350
Cleveland 6 10 0 .375 232 301 Green Bay 4 12 0 .250 298 344 Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 276 390 Chicago 5 11 0 .313 231 331
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis# 14 2 0 .875 439 247 Tampa Bay 11 5 0 .688 300 274 Indianapolis 12 4 0 .750 522 351 Atlanta 11 5 0 .688 340 337
Jacksonville* 12 4 0 .750 361 269 Carolina* 11 5 0 .688 391 259 Jacksonville 9 7 0 .563 261 280 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 348 405
Tennessee 4 12 0 .250 299 421 Atlanta 8 8 0 .500 351 341 Houston 7 9 0 .438 309 339 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 355 339
Houston 2 14 0 .125 260 431 New Orleans 3 13 0 .188 235 398 Tennessee 5 11 0 .313 344 439 Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 301 304
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 13 3 0 .813 395 258 Seattle# 13 3 0 .813 452 271 San Diego 12 4 0 .750 446 313 Seattle 9 7 0 .563 371 373
Kansas City 10 6 0 .625 403 325 St. Louis 6 10 0 .375 363 429 Denver* 10 6 0 .625 381 304 St. Louis* 8 8 0 .500 319 392
San Diego 9 7 0 .563 418 312 Arizona 5 11 0 .313 311 387 Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 483 435 Arizona 6 10 0 .375 284 322
Oakland 4 12 0 .250 290 383 San Francisco 4 12 0 .250 239 428 Oakland 5 11 0 .313 320 442 San Francisco 2 14 0 .125 259 452

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Cincinnati finished ahead of Pittsburgh based on better division Indianapolis finished ahead of San Diego based on head-to-head
record (5-1 to Steelers’ 4-2). Baltimore finished ahead of victory. N.Y. Jets finished ahead of Denver based on better record
Cleveland based on better division record (2-4 to Browns’ 1-5). vs. common opponents (5-0 to Broncos’ 3-2). St. Louis finished
Tampa Bay finished ahead of Carolina based on better division ahead of New Orleans and Minnesota based on best conference
record (5-1 to Panthers’ 4-2). Chicago finished ahead of Tampa record (7-5 to Saints’ 6-6 to Vikings’ 5-7), and Minnesota
Bay, and Tampa Bay finished ahead of the N.Y. Giants, based on finished ahead of New Orleans based on head-to-head victory.
better conference record (Bears’ 10-2 to Buccaneers’ 9-3 to N.Y. Giants finished ahead of Dallas and Washington based on
Giants’ 8-4). better head-to-head record (3-1 to Cowboys’ 2-2 to Redskins’
Wild Card playoff: NEW ENGLAND 28, Jacksonville 3; 1-3), and Dallas finished ahead of Washington based on
Pittsburgh 31, CINCINNATI 17 head-to-head sweep (2-0).
Divisional playoff: DENVER 27, New England 13; Wild Card playoffs: N.Y. Jets 20, SAN DIEGO 17 (OT);
Pittsburgh 21, INDIANAPOLIS 18 INDIANAPOLIS 49, Denver 24
AFC Championship: Pittsburgh 34, DENVER 17 Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 20, N.Y. Jets 17 (OT);
Wild Card playoffs: Washington 17, TAMPA BAY 10; NEW ENGLAND 20, Indianapolis 3
Carolina 23, NEW YORK GIANTS 0 AFC Championship: New England 41, PITTSBURGH 27
Divisional playoff: SEATTLE 20, Washington 10; Wild Card playoffs: St. Louis 27, SEATTLE 20;
Carolina 29, CHICAGO 21 Minnesota 31, GREEN BAY 17
NFC Championship: SEATTLE 34, Carolina 14 Divisional playoffs: ATLANTA 47, St. Louis 17;
Super Bowl XL: Pittsburgh (AFC) 21, Seattle (NFC) 10 PHILADELPHIA 27, Minnesota 14
at Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan NFC Championship: PHILADELPHIA 27, Atlanta 10
Super Bowl XXXIX: New England (AFC) 24, Philadelphia (NFC) 21
Playoff Seeds at Alltel Stadium, Jacksonville, Florida
1. Indianapolis 1. Seattle Playoff Seeds
2. Denver 2. Chicago AFC NFC
3. Cincinnati 3. Tampa Bay 1. Pittsburgh 1. Philadelphia
4. New England 4. New York Giants 2. New England 2. Atlanta
5. Jacksonville 5. Carolina 3. Indianapolis 3. Green Bay
6. Pittsburgh 6. Washington 4. San Diego 4. Seattle
5. N.Y. Jets 5. St. Louis
6. Denver 6. Minnesota

380 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2003 2002
East Division East Division East Division East Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England# 14 2 0 .875 348 238 Philadelphia# 12 4 0 .750 374 287 N.Y. Jets 9 7 0 .563 359 336 Philadelphia# 12 4 0 .750 415 241
Miami 10 6 0 .625 311 261 Dallas* 10 6 0 .625 289 260 New England 9 7 0 .563 381 346 N.Y. Giants* 10 6 0 .625 320 279
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 243 279 Washington 5 11 0 .313 287 372 Miami 9 7 0 .563 378 301 Washington 7 9 0 .438 307 365
N.Y. Jets 6 10 0 .375 283 299 N.Y. Giants 4 12 0 .250 243 387 Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 379 397 Dallas 5 11 0 .313 217 329
North Division North Division North Division North Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Baltimore 10 6 0 .625 391 281 Green Bay 10 6 0 .625 442 307 Pittsburgh 10 5 1 .656 390 345 Green Bay 12 4 0 .750 398 328
Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 346 384 Minnesota 9 7 0 .563 416 353 Cleveland* 9 7 0 .563 344 320 Minnesota 6 10 0 .375 390 442
Pittsburgh 6 10 0 .375 300 327 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 283 346 Baltimore 7 9 0 .438 316 354 Chicago 4 12 0 .250 281 379
Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 254 322 Detroit 5 11 0 .313 270 379 Cincinnati 2 14 0 .125 279 456 Detroit 3 13 0 .188 306 451
South Division South Division South Division South Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 12 4 0 .750 447 336 Carolina 11 5 0 .688 325 304 Tennessee 11 5 0 .688 367 324 Tampa Bay 12 4 0 .750 346 196
Tennessee* 12 4 0 .750 435 324 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 340 326 Indianapolis* 10 6 0 .625 349 313 Atlanta* 9 6 1 .594 402 314
Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 276 331 Tampa Bay 7 9 0 .438 301 264 Jacksonville 6 10 0 .375 328 315 New Orleans 9 7 0 .563 432 388
Houston 5 11 0 .313 255 380 Atlanta 5 11 0 .313 299 422 Houston 4 12 0 .250 213 356 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 258 302
West Division West Division West Division West Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Kansas City 13 3 0 .813 484 332 St. Louis 12 4 0 .750 447 328 Oakland# 11 5 0 .688 450 304 San Francisco 10 6 0 .625 367 351
Denver* 10 6 0 .625 381 301 Seattle* 10 6 0 .625 404 327 Denver 9 7 0 .563 392 344 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 316 369
Oakland 4 12 0 .250 270 379 San Francisco 7 9 0 .438 384 337 San Diego 8 8 0 .500 333 367 Seattle 7 9 0 .438 355 369
San Diego 4 12 0 .250 313 441 Arizona 4 12 0 .250 225 452 Kansas City 8 8 0 .500 467 399 Arizona 5 11 0 .313 262 417

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Buffalo finished ahead of N.Y. Jets based on better division record New York Jets finished ahead of New England based on better
(2-4 to Jets’ 1-5). Indianapolis finished ahead of Tennessee based record in common games (8-4 to Patriots’ 7-5) and Miami based
on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Jacksonville finished ahead of on better division record (4-2 to Dolphins’ 2-4). New England
Houston based on better division record (2-4 to Texans’ 1-5). finished ahead of Miami based on better division record (4-2 to
Denver finished ahead of Miami based on better conference Dolphins’ 2-4). Cleveland finished ahead of Denver and New
record (9-3 to Dolphins’ 7-5). Oakland finished ahead of San England based on better conference record (7-5 to Broncos’ 5-7
Diego based on better conference record (3-9 to Chargers’ 2-10). and Patriots’ 6-6). Oakland finished ahead of Tennessee based on
Philadelphia finished ahead of St. Louis based on better better head-to-head record (1-0). San Diego finished ahead of
conference record (9-3 to Rams’ 8-4). Seattle finished ahead of Kansas City based on better division record (3-3 to Chiefs’ 2-4).
Dallas based on better strength of victory (65-95 to Cowboys’ Philadelphia finished ahead of Green Bay and Tampa Bay based
62-98). on better conference record (11-1 to Packers’ 9-3 and
Wild Card playoffs: Tennessee 20, BALTIMORE 17; Buccaneers’ 9-3). Tampa Bay finished ahead of Green Bay based
INDIANAPOLIS 41, Denver 10 on better head-to-head record (1-0). St. Louis finished ahead of
Divisional playoffs: NEW ENGLAND 17, Tennessee 14; Seattle based on better division record (4-2 to Seahawks’ 2-4).
Indianapolis 38, KANSAS CITY 31 Wild Card playoffs: N.Y. JETS 41, Indianapolis 0;
AFC Championship: NEW ENGLAND 24, Indianapolis 14 PITTSBURGH 36, Cleveland 33
Wild Card playoffs: CAROLINA 29, Dallas 10; Divisional playoffs: TENNESSEE 34, Pittsburgh 31 (OT);
GREEN BAY 33, Seattle 27 (OT) OAKLAND 30, N.Y. Jets 10
Divisional playoffs: Carolina 29, ST. LOUIS 23 (2OT); AFC Championship: OAKLAND 41, Tennessee 24
PHILADELPHIA 20, Green Bay 17 (OT) Wild Card playoffs: Atlanta 27, GREEN BAY 7;
NFC Championship: Carolina 14, PHILADELPHIA 3 SAN FRANCISCO 39, N.Y. Giants 38
Super Bowl XXXVIII: New England (AFC) 32, Carolina (NFC) 29 Divisional playoffs: PHILADELPHIA 20, Atlanta 6;
at Reliant Stadium, Houston, Texas TAMPA BAY 31, San Francisco 6
NFC Championship: Tampa Bay 27, PHILADELPHIA 10
Playoff Seeds Super Bowl XXXVII: Tampa Bay (NFC) 48, Oakland (AFC) 21
AFC NFC at Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California
1. New England 1. Philadelphia
2. Kansas City 2. St. Louis Playoff Seeds
3. Indianapolis 3. Carolina AFC NFC
4. Baltimore 4. Green Bay 1. Oakland 1. Philadelphia
5. Tennessee 5. Seattle 2. Tennessee 2. Tampa Bay
6. Denver 6. Dallas 3. Pittsburgh 3. Green Bay
4. N.Y. Jets 4. San Francisco
5. Indianapolis 5. N.Y. Giants
6. Cleveland 6. Atlanta

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 381

2001 2000
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 11 5 0 .688 371 272 Philadelphia 11 5 0 .688 343 208 Miami 11 5 0 .688 323 226 N.Y. Giants# 12 4 0 .750 328 246
Miami* 11 5 0 .688 344 290 Washington 8 8 0 .500 256 303 Indianapolis* 10 6 0 .625 429 326 Philadelphia* 11 5 0 .688 351 245
N.Y. Jets* 10 6 0 .625 308 295 N.Y. Giants 7 9 0 .438 294 321 N.Y. Jets 9 7 0 .563 321 321 Washington 8 8 0 .500 281 269
Indianapolis 6 10 0 .375 413 486 Arizona 7 9 0 .438 295 343 Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 315 350 Dallas 5 11 0 .313 294 361
Buffalo 3 13 0 .188 265 420 Dallas 5 11 0 .313 246 338 New England 5 11 0 .313 276 338 Arizona 3 13 0 .188 210 443
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh# 13 3 0 .813 352 212 Chicago 13 3 0 .813 338 203 Tennessee# 13 3 0 .813 346 191 Minnesota 11 5 0 .688 397 371
Baltimore* 10 6 0 .625 303 265 Green Bay* 12 4 0 .750 390 266 Baltimore* 12 4 0 .750 333 165 Tampa Bay* 10 6 0 .625 388 269
Cleveland 7 9 0 .438 285 319 Tampa Bay* 9 7 0 .563 324 280 Pittsburgh 9 7 0 .563 321 255 Green Bay 9 7 0 .563 353 323
Tennessee 7 9 0 .438 336 388 Minnesota 5 11 0 .313 290 390 Jacksonville 7 9 0 .438 367 327 Detroit 9 7 0 .563 307 307
Jacksonville 6 10 0 .375 294 286 Detroit 2 14 0 .125 270 424 Cincinnati 4 12 0 .250 185 359 Chicago 5 11 0 .313 216 355
Cincinnati 6 10 0 .375 226 309 Western Division Cleveland 3 13 0 .188 161 419 Western Division
Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP
W L T Pct. Pts. OP St. Louis# 14 2 0 .875 503 273 W L T Pct. Pts. OP New Orleans 10 6 0 .625 354 305
Oakland 10 6 0 .625 399 327 San Francisco* 12 4 0 .750 409 282 Oakland 12 4 0 .750 479 299 St. Louis* 10 6 0 .625 540 471
Seattle 9 7 0 .563 301 324 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 333 409 Denver* 11 5 0 .688 485 369 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 310 310
Denver 8 8 0 .500 340 339 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 291 377 Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 355 354 San Francisco 6 10 0 .375 388 422
Kansas City 6 10 0 .375 320 344 Carolina 1 15 0 .063 253 410 Seattle 6 10 0 .375 320 405 Atlanta 4 12 0 .250 252 413
San Diego 5 11 0 .313 332 321 San Diego 1 15 0 .063 269 440

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
New England finished ahead of Miami based on better division Green Bay finished ahead of Detroit based on better division record
record (6-2 to Dolphins’ 5-3). Baltimore was second Wild Card (5-3 to Lions’ 3-5). New Orleans finished ahead of St. Louis
ahead of N.Y. Jets based on better record against common based on better division record (7-1 to Rams’ 5-3). Tampa Bay
opponents (3-2 to Jets’ 2-2). Cleveland finished ahead of was second Wild Card based on head-to-head victory over
Tennessee based on better division record (5-5 to Titans’ 3-7). St. Louis (1-0).
Jacksonville finished ahead of Cincinnati based on head-to-head Wild Card playoffs: MIAMI 23, Indianapolis 17 (OT);
record (2-0). N.Y. Giants finished ahead of Arizona based on BALTIMORE 21, Denver 3
head-to-head record (2-0). Green Bay was first Wild Card ahead Divisional playoffs: OAKLAND 27, Miami 0;
of San Francisco based on better conference record (9-3 to Baltimore 24, TENNESSEE 10
49ers’ 8-4). New Orleans finished ahead of Atlanta based on AFC Championship: Baltimore 16, OAKLAND 3
better division record (4-4 to Falcons’ 3-5). Wild Card playoffs: NEW ORLEANS 31, St. Louis 28;
Wild Card playoffs: OAKLAND 38, N.Y. Jets 24; PHILADELPHIA 21, Tampa Bay 3
Baltimore 20, MIAMI 3 Divisional playoffs: MINNESOTA 34, New Orleans 16;
Divisional playoffs: NEW ENGLAND 16, Oakland 13 (OT); N.Y. GIANTS 20, Philadelphia 10
PITTSBURGH 27, Baltimore 10 NFC Championship: N.Y. GIANTS 41, Minnesota 0
AFC Championship: New England 24, PITTSBURGH 17 Super Bowl XXXV: Baltimore (AFC) 34, N.Y. Giants (NFC) 7
Wild Card playoffs: PHILADELPHIA 31, Tampa Bay 9; at Raymond James Stadium, Tampa, Florida
GREEN BAY 25, San Francisco 15
Divisional playoffs: Philadelphia 33, CHICAGO 19; Playoff Seeds
ST. LOUIS 45, Green Bay 17 AFC NFC
NFC Championship: ST. LOUIS 29, Philadelphia 24 1. Tennessee 1. N.Y. Giants
Super Bowl XXXVI: New England (AFC) 20, St. Louis (NFC) 17 2. Oakland 2. Minnesota
at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana 3. Miami 3. New Orleans
4. Baltimore 4. Philadelphia
Playoff Seeds 5. Denver 5. Tampa Bay
AFC NFC 6. Indianapolis 6. St. Louis
1. Pittsburgh 1. St. Louis
2. New England 2. Chicago
3. Oakland 3. Philadelphia
4. Miami 4. Green Bay
5. Baltimore 5. San Francisco
6. N.Y. Jets 6. Tampa Bay

382 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1999 1998
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 13 3 0 .813 423 333 Washington 10 6 0 .625 443 377 N.Y. Jets 12 4 0 .750 416 266 Dallas 10 6 0 .625 381 275
Buffalo* 11 5 0 .688 320 229 Dallas* 8 8 0 .500 352 276 Miami* 10 6 0 .625 321 265 Arizona* 9 7 0 .563 325 378
Miami* 9 7 0 .563 326 336 N.Y. Giants 7 9 0 .438 299 358 Buffalo* 10 6 0 .625 400 333 N.Y. Giants 8 8 0 .500 287 309
N.Y. Jets 8 8 0 .500 308 309 Arizona 6 10 0 .375 245 382 New England* 9 7 0 .563 337 329 Washington 6 10 0 .375 319 421
New England 8 8 0 .500 299 284 Philadelphia 5 11 0 .313 272 357 Indianapolis 3 13 0 .188 310 444 Philadelphia 3 13 0 .188 161 344
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Jacksonville# 14 2 0 .875 396 217 Tampa Bay 11 5 0 .688 270 235 Jacksonville 11 5 0 .688 392 338 Minnesota# 15 1 0 .938 556 296
Tennessee* 13 3 0 .813 392 324 Minnesota* 10 6 0 .625 399 335 Tennessee 8 8 0 .500 330 320 Green Bay* 11 5 0 .688 408 319
Baltimore 8 8 0 .500 324 277 Detroit* 8 8 0 .500 322 323 Pittsburgh 7 9 0 .438 263 303 Tampa Bay 8 8 0 .500 314 295
Pittsburgh 6 10 0 .375 317 320 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 357 341 Baltimore 6 10 0 .375 269 335 Detroit 5 11 0 .313 306 378
Cincinnati 4 12 0 .250 283 460 Chicago 6 10 0 .375 272 341 Cincinnati 3 13 0 .188 268 452 Chicago 4 12 0 .250 276 368
Cleveland 2 14 0 .125 217 437 Western Division Western Division Western Division
Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
W L T Pct. Pts. OP St. Louis# 13 3 0 .813 526 242 Denver# 14 2 0 .875 501 309 Atlanta 14 2 0 .875 442 289
Seattle 9 7 0 .563 338 298 Carolina 8 8 0 .500 421 381 Oakland 8 8 0 .500 288 356 San Francisco* 12 4 0 .750 479 328
Kansas City 9 7 0 .563 390 322 Atlanta 5 11 0 .313 285 380 Seattle 8 8 0 .500 372 310 New Orleans 6 10 0 .375 305 359
San Diego 8 8 0 .500 269 316 San Francisco 4 12 0 .250 295 453 Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 327 363 Carolina 4 12 0 .250 336 413
Oakland 8 8 0 .500 390 329 New Orleans 3 13 0 .188 260 434 San Diego 5 11 0 .313 241 342 St. Louis 4 12 0 .250 285 378
Denver 6 10 0 .375 314 318
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference Miami finished ahead of Buffalo based on better net division points
Miami was third Wild Card ahead of Kansas City based on better (6 to Bills’ 0). Oakland finished ahead of Seattle based on head-
record against common opponents (6-1 to Chiefs’ 5-3). N.Y. Jets to-head sweep (2-0). Carolina finished ahead of St. Louis based
finished ahead of New England based on better division record on head-to-head sweep (2-0).
(4-4 to Patriots’ 2-6). Seattle finished ahead of Kansas City based Wild Card playoffs: MIAMI 24, Buffalo 17;
on head-to-head sweep (2-0). San Diego finished ahead of JACKSONVILLE 25, New England 10
Oakland based on better division record (5-3 to Raiders’ 3-5). Divisional playoffs: DENVER 38, Miami 3;
Dallas was second Wild Card based on better record against N.Y. JETS 34, Jacksonville 24
common opponents (4-2 to Lions’ 3-3) and better conference AFC Championship: DENVER 23, N.Y. Jets 10
record than Carolina (7-5 to Panthers’ 6-6). Detroit was third Wild Wild Card playoffs: Arizona 20, DALLAS 7;
Card based on better conference record than Green Bay SAN FRANCISCO 30, Green Bay 27
(7-5 to Packers’ 6-6) and head-to-head victory over Carolina. Divisional playoffs: ATLANTA 20, San Francisco 18;
Wild Card playoffs: TENNESSEE 22, Buffalo 16; MINNESOTA 41, Arizona 21
Miami 20, SEATTLE 17 NFC Championship: Atlanta 30, MINNESOTA 27 (OT)
Divisional playoffs: JACKSONVILLE 62, Miami 7; Super Bowl XXXIII: Denver (AFC) 34, Atlanta (NFC) 19
Tennessee 19, INDIANAPOLIS 16 at Pro Player Stadium, Miami, Florida
AFC Championship: Tennessee 33, JACKSONVILLE 14
Wild Card playoffs: WASHINGTON 27, Detroit 13; Playoff Seeds
Divisional playoffs: TAMPA BAY 14, Washington 13; 1. Denver 1. Minnesota
ST. LOUIS 49, Minnesota 37 2. N.Y. Jets 2. Atlanta
NFC Championship: ST. LOUIS 11, Tampa Bay 6 3. Jacksonville 3. Dallas
Super Bowl XXXIV: St. Louis (NFC) 23, Tennessee (AFC) 16 4. Miami 4. San Francisco
at Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia 5. Buffalo 5. Green Bay
6. New England 6. Arizona
Playoff Seeds
1. Jacksonville 1. St. Louis
2. Indianapolis 2. Tampa Bay
3. Seattle 3. Washington
4. Tennessee 4. Minnesota
5. Buffalo 5. Dallas
6. Miami 6. Detroit

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 383

1997 1996
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
New England 10 6 0 .625 369 289 N.Y. Giants 10 5 1 .656 307 265 New England 11 5 0 .688 418 313 Dallas 10 6 0 .625 286 250
Miami* 9 7 0 .563 339 327 Washington 8 7 1 .531 327 289 Buffalo* 10 6 0 .625 319 266 Philadelphia* 10 6 0 .625 363 341
N.Y. Jets 9 7 0 .563 348 287 Philadelphia 6 9 1 .406 317 372 Indianapolis* 9 7 0 .563 317 334 Washington 9 7 0 .563 364 312
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 255 367 Dallas 6 10 0 .375 304 314 Miami 8 8 0 .500 339 325 Arizona 7 9 0 .438 300 397
Indianapolis 3 13 0 .188 313 401 Arizona 4 12 0 .250 283 379 N.Y. Jets 1 15 0 .063 279 454 N.Y. Giants 6 10 0 .375 242 297
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh 11 5 0 .688 372 307 Green Bay 13 3 0 .813 422 282 Pittsburgh 10 6 0 .625 344 257 Green Bay# 13 3 0 .813 456 210
Jacksonville* 11 5 0 .688 394 318 Tampa Bay* 10 6 0 .625 299 263 Jacksonville* 9 7 0 .563 325 335 Minnesota* 9 7 0 .563 298 315
Tennessee 8 8 0 .500 333 310 Detroit* 9 7 0 .563 379 306 Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 372 369 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 283 305
Cincinnati 7 9 0 .438 355 405 Minnesota* 9 7 0 .563 354 359 Houston 8 8 0 .500 345 319 Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 221 293
Baltimore 6 9 1 .406 326 345 Chicago 4 12 0 .250 263 421 Baltimore 4 12 0 .250 371 441 Detroit 5 11 0 .313 302 368
Western Division Western Division Western Division Western Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Kansas City# 13 3 0 .813 375 232 San Francisco# 13 3 0 .813 375 265 Denver# 13 3 0 .813 391 275 Carolina 12 4 0 .750 367 218
Denver* 12 4 0 .750 472 287 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 265 314 Kansas City 9 7 0 .563 297 300 San Francisco* 12 4 0 .750 398 257
Seattle 8 8 0 .500 365 362 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 320 361 San Diego 8 8 0 .500 310 376 St. Louis 6 10 0 .375 303 409
Oakland 4 12 0 .250 324 419 New Orleans 6 10 0 .375 237 327 Oakland 7 9 0 .438 340 293 Atlanta 3 13 0 .188 309 461
San Diego 4 12 0 .250 266 425 St. Louis 5 11 0 .313 299 359 Seattle 7 9 0 .438 317 376 New Orleans 3 13 0 .188 229 339

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Miami finished ahead of N.Y. Jets based on head-to-head sweep Jacksonville was second Wild Card ahead of Indianapolis and
(2-0). Pittsburgh finished ahead of Jacksonville based on better Kansas City based on better conference record (7-5 to Colts’ 6-6
net division points (78 to Jaguars’ 23). Oakland finished ahead of and Chiefs’ 5-7). Indianapolis was third Wild Card based on
San Diego based on better division record (2-6 to Chargers’ 1-7). head-to-head victory over Kansas City (1-0). Cincinnati finished
San Francisco was top playoff seed based on better conference ahead of Houston based on better net division points (19 to
record than Green Bay (11-1 to Packers’ 10-2). Detroit finished Oilers’ 11). Oakland finished ahead of Seattle based on better
ahead of Minnesota based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). division record (3-5 to Seahawks’ 2-6). Dallas finished ahead of
Carolina finished ahead of Atlanta based on head-to-head sweep Philadelphia based on better record against common opponents
(2-0). (7-4 to Eagles’ 6-5). Minnesota was third Wild Card based on
Wild Card playoffs: DENVER 42, Jacksonville 17; better conference record than Washington (8-4 to Redskins’
NEW ENGLAND 17, Miami 3 6-6). Carolina finished ahead of San Francisco based on head-to-
Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 7, New England 6; head sweep (2-0). Atlanta finished ahead of New Orleans based
Denver 14, KANSAS CITY 10 on head-to-head sweep (2-0).
AFC Championship: Denver 24, PITTSBURGH 21 Wild Card playoffs: Jacksonville 30, BUFFALO 27;
Wild Card playoffs: Minnesota 23, N.Y. GIANTS 22; PITTSBURGH 42, Indianapolis 14
TAMPA BAY 20, Detroit 10 Divisional playoffs: Jacksonville 30, DENVER 27;
Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 38, Minnesota 22; NEW ENGLAND 28, Pittsburgh 3
GREEN BAY 21, Tampa Bay 7 AFC Championship: NEW ENGLAND 20, Jacksonville 6
NFC Championship: Green Bay 23, SAN FRANCISCO 10 Wild Card playoffs: DALLAS 40, Minnesota 15;
Super Bowl XXXII: Denver (AFC) 31, Green Bay (NFC) 24 SAN FRANCISCO 14, Philadelphia 0
at Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego, California Divisional playoffs: GREEN BAY 35, San Francisco 14;
CAROLINA 26, Dallas 17
Playoff Seeds NFC Championship: GREEN BAY 30, Carolina 13
AFC NFC Super Bowl XXXI: Green Bay (NFC) 35, New England (AFC) 21
1. Kansas City 1. San Francisco at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana
2. Pittsburgh 2. Green Bay
3. New England 3. N.Y. Giants Playoff Seeds
4. Denver 4. Tampa Bay AFC NFC
5. Jacksonville 5. Detroit 1. Denver 1. Green Bay
6. Miami 6. Minnesota 2. New England 2. Carolina
3. Pittsburgh 3. Dallas
4. Buffalo 4. San Francisco
5. Jacksonville 5. Philadelphia
6. Indianapolis 6. Minnesota

384 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1995 1994
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Buffalo 10 6 0 .625 350 335 Dallas# 12 4 0 .750 435 291 Miami 10 6 0 .625 389 327 Dallas 12 4 0 .750 414 248
Indianapolis* 9 7 0 .563 331 316 Philadelphia* 10 6 0 .625 318 338 New England* 10 6 0 .625 351 312 N.Y. Giants 9 7 0 .563 279 305
Miami* 9 7 0 .563 398 332 Washington 6 10 0 .375 326 359 Indianapolis 8 8 0 .500 307 320 Arizona 8 8 0 .500 235 267
New England 6 10 0 .375 294 377 N.Y. Giants 5 11 0 .313 290 340 Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 340 356 Philadelphia 7 9 0 .438 308 308
N.Y. Jets 3 13 0 .188 233 384 Arizona 4 12 0 .250 275 422 N.Y. Jets 6 10 0 .375 264 320 Washington 3 13 0 .188 320 412
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh 11 5 0 .688 407 327 Green Bay 11 5 0 .688 404 314 Pittsburgh# 12 4 0 .750 316 234 Minnesota 10 6 0 .625 356 314
Cincinnati 7 9 0 .438 349 374 Detroit* 10 6 0 .625 436 336 Cleveland* 11 5 0 .688 340 204 Green Bay* 9 7 0 .563 382 287
Houston 7 9 0 .438 348 324 Chicago 9 7 0 .563 392 360 Cincinnati 3 13 0 .188 276 406 Detroit* 9 7 0 .563 357 342
Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 289 356 Minnesota 8 8 0 .500 412 385 Houston 2 14 0 .125 226 352 Chicago* 9 7 0 .563 271 307
Jacksonville 4 12 0 .250 275 404 Tampa Bay 7 9 0 .438 238 335 Western Division Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 251 351
Western Division Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP San Diego 11 5 0 .688 381 306 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Kansas City# 13 3 0 .813 358 241 San Francisco 11 5 0 .688 457 258 Kansas City* 9 7 0 .563 319 298 San Francisco# 13 3 0 .813 505 296
San Diego* 9 7 0 .563 321 323 Atlanta* 9 7 0 .563 362 349 L.A. Raiders 9 7 0 .563 303 327 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 348 407
Seattle 8 8 0 .500 363 366 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 309 418 Denver 7 9 0 .438 347 396 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 317 385
Denver 8 8 0 .500 388 345 Carolina 7 9 0 .438 289 325 Seattle 6 10 0 .375 287 323 L.A. Rams 4 12 0 .250 286 365
Oakland 8 8 0 .500 348 332 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 319 348
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference Miami finished ahead of New England based on head-to-head sweep
Indianapolis finished ahead of Miami based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Kansas City finished ahead of L.A. Raiders based on head-
(2-0). San Diego was first Wild Card based on head-to-head to-head sweep (2-0). Green Bay was first Wild Card based on
victory over Indianapolis (1-0). Cincinnati finished ahead of best head-to-head record (3-1) vs. Detroit (2-2) and
Houston based on better division record (4-4 to Oilers’ 3-5). Chicago (1-3) and better conference record (8-4) than
Seattle finished ahead of Denver and Oakland based on best N.Y. Giants (6-6). Detroit was second Wild Card based on better
head-to-head record (3-1 to Broncos’ 2-2 and Raiders’ 1-3). division record (4-4) than Chicago (3-5) and head-to-head victory
Denver finished ahead of Oakland based on head-to-head sweep over N.Y. Giants (1-0). Chicago was third Wild Card based on
(2-0). Philadelphia was first Wild Card ahead of Detroit based on better record against common opponents (4-4) than N.Y. Giants
better conference record (9-3 to Lions’ 7-5). San Francisco was (3-5). New Orleans finished ahead of Atlanta based on head-to-
second playoff seed ahead of Green Bay based on better head sweep (2-0).
conference record (8-4 to Packers’ 7-5). Atlanta was third Wild Wild Card playoffs: MIAMI 27, Kansas City 17;
Card ahead of Chicago based on better record against common CLEVELAND 20, New England 13
opponents (4-2 to Bears’ 3-3). St. Louis finished ahead of Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 29, Cleveland 9;
Carolina and New Orleans based on best head-to-head record SAN DIEGO 22, Miami 21
(3-1 to Panthers’ 1-3 and Saints’ 2-2). Carolina finished ahead of AFC Championship: San Diego 17, PITTSBURGH 13
New Orleans based on better conference record (4-8 to 3-9). Wild Card playoffs: GREEN BAY 16, Detroit 12;
Wild Card playoffs: BUFFALO 37, Miami 22; Chicago 35, MINNESOTA 18
Indianapolis 35, SAN DIEGO 20 Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 44, Chicago 15;
Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 40, Buffalo 21; DALLAS 35, Green Bay 9
Indianapolis 10, KANSAS CITY 7 NFC Championship: SAN FRANCISCO 38, Dallas 28
AFC Championship: PITTSBURGH 20, Indianapolis 16 Super Bowl XXIX: San Francisco (NFC) 49, San Diego (AFC) 26
Wild Card playoffs: PHILADELPHIA 58, Detroit 37; at Joe Robbie Stadium, Miami, Florida
GREEN BAY 37, Atlanta 20
Divisional playoffs: Green Bay 27, SAN FRANCISCO 17; Playoff Seeds
DALLAS 30, Philadelphia 11 AFC NFC
NFC Championship: DALLAS 38, Green Bay 27 1. Pittsburgh 1. San Francisco
Super Bowl XXX: Dallas (NFC) 27, Pittsburgh (AFC) 17 2. San Diego 2. Dallas
at Sun Devil Stadium, Tempe, Arizona 3. Miami 3. Minnesota
4. Cleveland 4. Green Bay
Playoff Seeds 5. New England 5. Detroit
AFC NFC 6. Kansas City 6. Chicago
1. Kansas City 1. Dallas
2. Pittsburgh 2. San Francisco
3. Buffalo 3. Green Bay
4. San Diego 4. Philadelphia
5. Indianapolis 5. Detroit
6. Miami 6. Atlanta

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 385

1993 1992
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Buffalo# 12 4 0 .750 329 242 Dallas# 12 4 0 .750 376 229 Miami 11 5 0 .688 340 281 Dallas 13 3 0 .813 409 243
Miami 9 7 0 .563 349 351 N.Y. Giants* 11 5 0 .688 288 205 Buffalo* 11 5 0 .688 381 283 Philadelphia* 11 5 0 .688 354 245
N.Y. Jets 8 8 0 .500 270 247 Philadelphia 8 8 0 .500 293 315 Indianapolis 9 7 0 .563 216 302 Washington* 9 7 0 .563 300 255
New England 5 11 0 .313 238 286 Phoenix 7 9 0 .438 326 269 N.Y. Jets 4 12 0 .250 220 315 N.Y. Giants 6 10 0 .375 306 367
Indianapolis 4 12 0 .250 189 378 Washington 4 12 0 .250 230 345 New England 2 14 0 .125 205 363 Phoenix 4 12 0 .250 243 332
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Houston 12 4 0 .750 368 238 Detroit 10 6 0 .625 298 292 Pittsburgh# 11 5 0 .688 299 225 Minnesota 11 5 0 .688 374 249
Pittsburgh* 9 7 0 .563 308 281 Minnesota* 9 7 0 .563 277 290 Houston* 10 6 0 .625 352 258 Green Bay 9 7 0 .563 276 296
Cleveland 7 9 0 .438 304 307 Green Bay* 9 7 0 .563 340 282 Cleveland 7 9 0 .438 272 275 Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 267 365
Cincinnati 3 13 0 .188 187 319 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 234 230 Cincinnati 5 11 0 .313 274 364 Chicago 5 11 0 .313 295 361
Western Division Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 237 376 Western Division Detroit 5 11 0 .313 273 332
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
Kansas City 11 5 0 .688 328 291 W L T Pct. Pts. OP San Diego 11 5 0 .688 335 241 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
L.A. Raiders* 10 6 0 .625 306 326 San Francisco 10 6 0 .625 473 295 Kansas City* 10 6 0 .625 348 282 San Francisco# 14 2 0 .875 431 236
Denver* 9 7 0 .563 373 284 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 317 343 Denver 8 8 0 .500 262 329 New Orleans* 12 4 0 .750 330 202
San Diego 8 8 0 .500 322 290 Atlanta 6 10 0 .375 316 385 L.A. Raiders 7 9 0 .438 249 281 Atlanta 6 10 0 .375 327 414
Seattle 6 10 0 .375 280 314 L.A. Rams 5 11 0 .313 221 367 Seattle 2 14 0 .125 140 312 L.A. Rams 6 10 0 .375 313 383

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Buffalo was top playoff seed based on head-to-head victory over Pittsburgh was top playoff seed, and Miami was second playoff seed
Houston (1-0). Denver was second Wild Card ahead of Pittsburgh ahead of San Diego, based on conference record (10-2 to Dol-
and Miami based on better conference record (8-4 to Steelers’ phins’ 9-3 to Chargers’ 9-5). Miami finished ahead of Buffalo
7-5 to Dolphins’ 6-6). Pittsburgh was third Wild Card ahead of based on better conference record (9-3 to Bills’ 7-5). Houston
Miami based on head-to-head victory. San Francisco was second was second Wild Card based on head-to-head victory over
playoff seed based on head-to-head victory over Detroit (1-0). Kansas City (1-0). Washington was third Wild Card based on
Minnesota finished ahead of Green Bay based on head-to-head better conference record than Green Bay (7-5 to Packers’ 6-6).
sweep (2-0). Tampa Bay finished ahead of Chicago and Chicago finished ahead
Wild Card playoffs: KANSAS CITY 27, Pittsburgh 24 (OT); of Detroit based on better conference record (5-9 to Bears’ 4-8
L.A. RAIDERS 42, Denver 24 and Lions’ 3-9). Atlanta finished ahead of L.A. Rams based on
Divisional playoffs: BUFFALO 29, L.A. Raiders 23; better record against common opponents (5-7 to Rams’ 4-8).
Kansas City 28, HOUSTON 20 Wild Card playoffs: SAN DIEGO 17, Kansas City 0;
AFC Championship: BUFFALO 30, Kansas City 13 BUFFALO 41, Houston 38 (OT)
Wild Card playoffs: Green Bay 28, DETROIT 24; Divisional playoffs: Buffalo 24, PITTSBURGH 3;
N.Y. GIANTS 17, Minnesota 10 MIAMI 31, San Diego 0
Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 44, N.Y. Giants 3; AFC Championship: Buffalo 29, MIAMI 10
DALLAS 27, Green Bay 17 Wild Card playoffs: Washington 24, MINNESOTA 7;
NFC Championship: DALLAS 38, San Francisco 21 Philadelphia 36, NEW ORLEANS 20
Super Bowl XXVIII: Dallas (NFC) 30, Buffalo (AFC) 13 Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 20, Washington 13;
at Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia DALLAS 34, Philadelphia 10
NFC Championship: Dallas 30, SAN FRANCISCO 20
Playoff Seeds Super Bowl XXVII: Dallas (NFC) 52, Buffalo (AFC) 17
AFC NFC at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California
1. Buffalo 1. Dallas
2. Houston 2. San Francisco Playoff Seeds
3. Kansas City 3. Detroit AFC NFC
4. L.A. Raiders 4. N.Y. Giants 1. Pittsburgh 1. San Francisco
5. Denver 5. Minnesota 2. Miami 2. Dallas
6. Pittsburgh 6. Green Bay 3. San Diego 3. Minnesota
4. Buffalo 4. New Orleans
5. Houston 5. Philadelphia
6. Kansas City 6. Washington

386 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1991 1990
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Buffalo# 13 3 0 .813 458 318 Washington# 14 2 0 .875 485 224 Buffalo# 13 3 0 .813 428 263 N.Y. Giants 13 3 0 .813 335 211
N.Y. Jets* 8 8 0 .500 314 293 Dallas* 11 5 0 .688 342 310 Miami* 12 4 0 .750 336 242 Philadelphia* 10 6 0 .625 396 299
Miami 8 8 0 .500 343 349 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 285 244 Indianapolis 7 9 0 .438 281 353 Washington* 10 6 0 .625 381 301
New England 6 10 0 .375 211 305 N.Y. Giants 8 8 0 .500 281 297 N.Y. Jets 6 10 0 .375 295 345 Dallas 7 9 0 .438 244 308
Indianapolis 1 15 0 .063 143 381 Phoenix 4 12 0 .250 196 344 New England 1 15 0 .063 181 446 Phoenix 5 11 0 .313 268 396
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Houston 11 5 0 .688 386 251 Detroit 12 4 0 .750 339 295 Cincinnati 9 7 0 .563 360 352 Chicago 11 5 0 .688 348 280
Pittsburgh 7 9 0 .438 292 344 Chicago* 11 5 0 .688 299 269 Houston* 9 7 0 .563 405 307 Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 264 367
Cleveland 6 10 0 .375 293 298 Minnesota 8 8 0 .500 301 306 Pittsburgh 9 7 0 .563 292 240 Detroit 6 10 0 .375 373 413
Cincinnati 3 13 0 .188 263 435 Green Bay 4 12 0 .250 273 313 Cleveland 3 13 0 .188 228 462 Green Bay 6 10 0 .375 271 347
Western Division Tampa Bay 3 13 0 .188 199 365 Western Division Minnesota 6 10 0 .375 351 326
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
Denver 12 4 0 .750 304 235 W L T Pct. Pts. OP L.A. Raiders 12 4 0 .750 337 268 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Kansas City* 10 6 0 .625 322 252 New Orleans 11 5 0 .688 341 211 Kansas City* 11 5 0 .688 369 257 San Francisco# 14 2 0 .875 353 239
L.A. Raiders* 9 7 0 .563 298 297 Atlanta* 10 6 0 .625 361 338 Seattle 9 7 0 .563 306 286 New Orleans* 8 8 0 .500 274 275
Seattle 7 9 0 .438 276 261 San Francisco 10 6 0 .625 393 239 San Diego 6 10 0 .375 315 281 L.A. Rams 5 11 0 .313 345 412
San Diego 4 12 0 .250 274 342 L.A. Rams 3 13 0 .188 234 390 Denver 5 11 0 .313 331 374 Atlanta 5 11 0 .313 348 365

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
N.Y. Jets finished ahead of Miami based on head-to-head sweep Cincinnati finished ahead of Houston and Pittsburgh based on best
(2-0). Chicago was first Wild Card based on better conference head-to-head record (3-1 to Oilers’ 2-2 to Steelers’ 1-3). Hous-
record than Dallas (9-3 to Cowboys’ 8-4). Atlanta finished ahead ton was Wild Card based on better conference record (8-4) than
of San Francisco based on head-to-head sweep (2-0), and was Seattle (7-5) and Pittsburgh (6-6). Philadelphia finished ahead of
third Wild Card ahead of Philadelphia based on better conference Washington based on better division record (5-3 to Redskins’
record (7-5 to Eagles’ 6-6). 4-4). Tampa Bay was second in NFC Central based on best head-
Wild Card playoffs: KANSAS CITY 10, L.A. Raiders 6; to-head record (5-1) against Detroit (2-4), Green Bay (3-3), and
HOUSTON 17, N.Y. Jets 10 Minnesota (2-4). Detroit finished third based on best net division
Divisional playoffs: DENVER 26, Houston 24; points (minus 8) against Green Bay (minus 40). Green Bay fin-
BUFFALO 37, Kansas City 14 ished ahead of Minnesota based on better conference record
AFC Championship: BUFFALO 10, Denver 7 (5-7 to Vikings’ 4-8). The L.A. Rams finished ahead of Atlanta
Wild Card playoffs: Atlanta 27, NEW ORLEANS 20; based on net points in division (plus 1 to Falcons’ minus 31).
Dallas 17, CHICAGO 13 Wild Card playoffs: MIAMI 17, Kansas City 16;
Divisional playoffs: WASHINGTON 24, Atlanta 7; CINCINNATI 41, Houston 14
DETROIT 38, Dallas 6 Divisional playoffs: BUFFALO 44, Miami 34;
NFC Championship: WASHINGTON 41, Detroit 10 L.A. RAIDERS 20, Cincinnati 10
Super Bowl XXVI: Washington (NFC) 37, Buffalo (AFC) 24 AFC Championship: BUFFALO 51, L.A. Raiders 3
at Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, Minneapolis, Minnesota Wild Card playoffs: Washington 20, PHILADELPHIA 6;
CHICAGO 16, New Orleans 6
Playoff Seeds Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 28, Washington 10;
AFC NFC N.Y. GIANTS 31, Chicago 3
1. Buffalo 1. Washington NFC Championship: N.Y. Giants 15, SAN FRANCISCO 13
2. Denver 2. Detroit Super Bowl XXV: N.Y. Giants (NFC) 20, Buffalo (AFC) 19
3. Houston 3. New Orleans at Tampa Stadium, Tampa, Florida
4. Kansas City 4. Chicago
5. L.A. Raiders 5. Dallas Playoff Seeds
6. N.Y. Jets 6. Atlanta AFC NFC
1. Buffalo 1. San Francisco
2. L.A. Raiders 2. N.Y. Giants
3. Cincinnati 3. Chicago
4. Miami 4. Philadelphia
5. Kansas City 5. Washington
6. Houston 6. New Orleans

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 387

1989 1988
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Buffalo 9 7 0 .563 409 317 N.Y. Giants 12 4 0 .750 348 252 Buffalo 12 4 0 .750 329 237 Philadelphia 10 6 0 .625 379 319
Indianapolis 8 8 0 .500 298 301 Philadelphia* 11 5 0 .688 342 274 Indianapolis 9 7 0 .563 354 315 N.Y. Giants 10 6 0 .625 359 304
Miami 8 8 0 .500 331 379 Washington 10 6 0 .625 386 308 New England 9 7 0 .563 250 284 Washington 7 9 0 .438 345 387
New England 5 11 0 .313 297 391 Phoenix 5 11 0 .313 258 377 N.Y. Jets 8 7 1 .531 372 354 Phoenix 7 9 0 .438 344 398
N.Y. Jets 4 12 0 .250 253 411 Dallas 1 15 0 .063 204 393 Miami 6 10 0 .375 319 380 Dallas 3 13 0 .188 265 381
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cleveland 9 6 1 .594 334 254 Minnesota 10 6 0 .625 351 275 Cincinnati# 12 4 0 .750 448 329 Chicago# 12 4 0 .750 312 215
Houston* 9 7 0 .563 365 412 Green Bay 10 6 0 .625 362 356 Cleveland* 10 6 0 .625 304 288 Minnesota* 11 5 0 .688 406 233
Pittsburgh* 9 7 0 .563 265 326 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 312 364 Houston* 10 6 0 .625 424 365 Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 261 350
Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 404 285 Chicago 6 10 0 .375 358 377 Pittsburgh 5 11 0 .313 336 421 Detroit 4 12 0 .250 220 313
Western Division Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 320 419 Western Division Green Bay 4 12 0 .250 240 315
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
Denver# 11 5 0 .688 362 226 W L T Pct. Pts. OP Seattle 9 7 0 .563 339 329 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Kansas City 8 7 1 .531 318 286 San Francisco# 14 2 0 .875 442 253 Denver 8 8 0 .500 327 352 San Francisco 10 6 0 .625 369 294
L.A. Raiders 8 8 0 .500 315 297 L.A. Rams* 11 5 0 .688 426 344 L.A. Raiders 7 9 0 .438 325 369 L.A. Rams* 10 6 0 .625 407 293
Seattle 7 9 0 .438 241 327 New Orleans 9 7 0 .563 386 301 San Diego 6 10 0 .375 231 332 New Orleans 10 6 0 .625 312 283
San Diego 6 10 0 .375 266 290 Atlanta 3 13 0 .188 279 437 Kansas City 4 11 1 .281 254 320 Atlanta 5 11 0 .313 244 315

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Indianapolis finished ahead of Miami based on better conference Cincinnati was top playoff seed ahead of Buffalo based on head-to-
record (7-5 vs. Dolphins’ 6-8). Houston finished ahead of head victory (1-0). Indianapolis finished ahead of New England
Pittsburgh based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). The L.A. Rams based on better record against common opponents (7-5 to
did not play San Francisco in the divisional playoffs because, Patriots’ 6-6). Cleveland finished ahead of Houston based on
from 1970-1989, two teams from the same division could not better division record (4-2 to Oilers’ 3-3). Houston did not play
meet prior to the conference championship game. Philadelphia Cincinnati, and Minnesota did not play Chicago in the divisional
was first Wild Card ahead of L.A. Rams based on better record playoffs because, from 1970-1989, two teams from the same
against common opponents (7-3 to Rams’ 5-4). Minnesota division could not meet prior to the conference championship
finished ahead of Green Bay based on better division record game. Philadelphia finished first in NFC East based on head-to-
(6-2 vs. Packers’ 5-3). head sweep of N.Y. Giants (2-0). Washington finished third in NFC
Wild Card playoff: Pittsburgh 26, HOUSTON 23 (OT) East based on better division record (4-4) than Phoenix
Divisional playoffs: CLEVELAND 34, Buffalo 30; (3-5). Detroit finished fourth in NFC Central based on head-to-
DENVER 24, Pittsburgh 23 head sweep of Green Bay (2-0). San Francisco finished first in
AFC Championship: DENVER 37, Cleveland 21 NFC West based on better head-to-head record (3-1) against L.A.
Wild Card playoff: L.A. Rams 21, PHILADELPHIA 7 Rams (2-2) and New Orleans (1-3). San Francisco finished with
Divisional playoffs: L.A. Rams 19, N.Y. GIANTS 13 (OT); second playoff seed ahead of Philadelphia based on better record
SAN FRANCISCO 41, Minnesota 13 against common opponents (5-3 to Eagles’ 5-4). L.A. Rams
NFC Championship: SAN FRANCISCO 30, L.A. Rams 3 finished second in NFC West based on better division record
Super Bowl XXIV: San Francisco (NFC) 55, Denver (AFC) 10 (4-2) than New Orleans (3-3) and earned Wild-Card position
at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana based on better conference record (8-4) than N.Y. Giants (9-5)
and New Orleans (6-6).
Wild Card playoff: Houston 24, CLEVELAND 23
Divisional playoffs: CINCINNATI 21, Seattle 13;
BUFFALO 17, Houston 10
AFC Championship: CINCINNATI 21, Buffalo 10
Wild Card playoff: MINNESOTA 28, L.A. Rams 17
Divisional playoffs: CHICAGO 20, Philadelphia 12;
SAN FRANCISCO 34, Minnesota 9
NFC Championship: San Francisco 28, CHICAGO 3
Super Bowl XXIII: San Francisco (NFC) 20, Cincinnati (AFC) 16
at Joe Robbie Stadium, Miami, Florida

388 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1987 1986
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Indianapolis 9 6 0 .600 300 238 Washington 11 4 0 .733 379 285 New England 11 5 0 .688 412 307 N.Y. Giants# 14 2 0 .875 371 236
New England 8 7 0 .533 320 293 Dallas 7 8 0 .467 340 348 N.Y. Jets* 10 6 0 .625 364 386 Washington* 12 4 0 .750 368 296
Miami 8 7 0 .533 362 335 St. Louis 7 8 0 .467 362 368 Miami 8 8 0 .500 430 405 Dallas 7 9 0 .438 346 337
Buffalo 7 8 0 .467 270 305 Philadelphia 7 8 0 .467 337 380 Buffalo 4 12 0 .250 287 348 Philadelphia 5 10 1 .344 256 312
N.Y. Jets 6 9 0 .400 334 360 N.Y. Giants 6 9 0 .400 280 312 Indianapolis 3 13 0 .188 229 400 St. Louis 4 11 1 .281 218 351
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cleveland 10 5 0 .667 390 239 Chicago 11 4 0 .733 356 282 Cleveland# 12 4 0 .750 391 310 Chicago 14 2 0 .875 352 187
Houston* 9 6 0 .600 345 349 Minnesota* 8 7 0 .533 336 335 Cincinnati 10 6 0 .625 409 394 Minnesota 9 7 0 .563 398 273
Pittsburgh 8 7 0 .533 285 299 Green Bay 5 9 1 .367 255 300 Pittsburgh 6 10 0 .375 307 336 Detroit 5 11 0 .313 277 326
Cincinnati 4 11 0 .267 285 370 Tampa Bay 4 11 0 .267 286 360 Houston 5 11 0 .313 274 329 Green Bay 4 12 0 .250 254 418
Western Division Detroit 4 11 0 .267 269 384 Western Division Tampa Bay 2 14 0 .125 239 473
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
Denver# 10 4 1 .700 379 288 W L T Pct. Pts. OP Denver 11 5 0 .688 378 327 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Seattle* 9 6 0 .600 371 314 San Francisco# 13 2 0 .867 459 253 Kansas City* 10 6 0 .625 358 326 San Francisco 10 5 1 .656 374 247
San Diego 8 7 0 .533 253 317 New Orleans* 12 3 0 .800 422 283 Seattle 10 6 0 .625 366 293 L.A. Rams* 10 6 0 .625 309 267
L.A. Raiders 5 10 0 .333 301 289 L.A. Rams 6 9 0 .400 317 361 L.A. Raiders 8 8 0 .500 323 346 Atlanta 7 8 1 .469 280 280
Kansas City 4 11 0 .267 273 388 Atlanta 3 12 0 .200 205 436 San Diego 4 12 0 .250 335 396 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 288 287

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
New England finished ahead of Miami based on head-to-head sweep Denver was second playoff seed ahead of New England based on
(2-0). Houston was first Wild Card ahead of Seattle based on bet- head-to-head victory (1-0). N.Y. Jets were first Wild Card based
ter conference record (7-4 to Seahawks’ 5-6). Chicago was sec- on better conference record (8-4) than Kansas City (9-5), Seattle
ond playoff seed ahead of Washington based on better (7-5), and Cincinnati (7-5). Kansas City was second Wild Card
conference record (9-2 to Redskins’ 9-3). Dallas finished ahead based on better conference record (9-5) than Seattle (7-5) and
of St. Louis and Philadelphia based on better division record (4-4 Cincinnati (7-5). N.Y. Giants were top playoff seed based on
to Cardinals’ 3-5 and Eagles’ 3-5). St. Louis finished ahead of better conference record than Chicago (11-1 to Bears’ 10-2).
Philadelphia based on better conference record (7-7 to Eagles’ Washington did not play the N.Y. Giants in the divisional playoffs
4-7). Tampa Bay finished ahead of Detroit based on better because, from 1970-1989, two teams from the same division
division record (3-4 to Lions’ 2-5). could not meet prior to the conference championship game.
Wild Card playoff: HOUSTON 23, Seattle 20 (OT) Wild Card playoff: N.Y. JETS 35, Kansas City 15
Divisional playoffs: CLEVELAND 38, Indianapolis 21; Divisional playoffs: CLEVELAND 23, N.Y. Jets 20 (OT);
DENVER 34, Houston 10 DENVER 22, New England 17
AFC Championship: DENVER 38, Cleveland 33 AFC Championship: Denver 23, CLEVELAND 20 (OT)
Wild Card playoff: Minnesota 44, NEW ORLEANS 10 Wild Card playoff: WASHINGTON 19, L.A. Rams 7
Divisional playoffs: Minnesota 36, SAN FRANCISCO 24; Divisional playoffs: Washington 27, CHICAGO 13
Washington 21, CHICAGO 17 N.Y. GIANTS 49, San Francisco 3
NFC Championship: WASHINGTON 17, Minnesota 10 NFC Championship: N.Y. GIANTS 17, Washington 0
Super Bowl XXII: Washington (NFC) 42, Denver (AFC) 10 Super Bowl XXI: N.Y. Giants (NFC) 39, Denver (AFC) 20
at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, San Diego, California at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California
Note: 1987 regular season was reduced from 16 to 15 games for
each team due to players’ strike.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 389

1985 1984
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Miami 12 4 0 .750 428 320 Dallas 10 6 0 .625 357 333 Miami# 14 2 0 .875 513 298 Washington 11 5 0 .688 426 310
N.Y. Jets* 11 5 0 .688 393 264 N.Y. Giants* 10 6 0 .625 399 283 New England 9 7 0 .563 362 352 N.Y. Giants* 9 7 0 .563 299 301
New England* 11 5 0 .688 362 290 Washington 10 6 0 .625 297 312 N.Y. Jets 7 9 0 .438 332 364 St. Louis 9 7 0 .563 423 345
Indianapolis 5 11 0 .313 320 386 Philadelphia 7 9 0 .438 286 310 Indianapolis 4 12 0 .250 239 414 Dallas 9 7 0 .563 308 308
Buffalo 2 14 0 .125 200 381 St. Louis 5 11 0 .313 278 414 Buffalo 2 14 0 .125 250 454 Philadelphia 6 9 1 .406 278 320
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cleveland 8 8 0 .500 287 294 Chicago# 15 1 0 .938 456 198 Pittsburgh 9 7 0 .563 387 310 Chicago 10 6 0 .625 325 248
Cincinnati 7 9 0 .438 441 437 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 337 355 Cincinnati 8 8 0 .500 339 339 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 390 309
Pittsburgh 7 9 0 .438 379 355 Minnesota 7 9 0 .438 346 359 Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 250 297 Tampa Bay 6 10 0 .375 335 380
Houston 5 11 0 .313 284 412 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 307 366 Houston 3 13 0 .188 240 437 Detroit 4 11 1 .281 283 408
Western Division Tampa Bay 2 14 0 .125 294 448 Western Division Minnesota 3 13 0 .188 276 484
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
L.A. Raiders# 12 4 0 .750 354 308 W L T Pct. Pts. OP Denver 13 3 0 .813 353 241 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 11 5 0 .688 380 329 L.A. Rams 11 5 0 .688 340 277 Seattle* 12 4 0 .750 418 282 San Francisco# 15 1 0 .938 475 227
Seattle 8 8 0 .500 349 303 San Francisco* 10 6 0 .625 411 263 L.A. Raiders* 11 5 0 .688 368 278 L.A. Rams* 10 6 0 .625 346 316
San Diego 8 8 0 .500 467 435 New Orleans 5 11 0 .313 294 401 Kansas City 8 8 0 .500 314 324 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 298 361
Kansas City 6 10 0 .375 317 360 Atlanta 4 12 0 .250 282 452 San Diego 7 9 0 .438 394 413 Atlanta 4 12 0 .250 281 382

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
L.A. Raiders were top playoff seed ahead of Miami based on better N.Y. Giants finished ahead of St. Louis and Dallas based on best
record against common opponents (5-1 to 4-2). N.Y. Jets were head-to-head record (3-1 to Cardinals’ 2-2 and Cowboys’ 1-3).
first Wild Card based on better conference record (9-3) than New St. Louis finished ahead of Dallas based on better division record
England (8-4) and Denver (8-4). New England was second Wild (5-3 to Cowboys’ 3-5).
Card ahead of Denver based on better record against common Wild Card playoff: SEATTLE 13, L.A. Raiders 7
opponents (4-2 to Broncos’ 3-3). Cincinnati finished ahead of Divisional playoffs: MIAMI 31, Seattle 10;
Pittsburgh based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Seattle finished Pittsburgh 24, DENVER 17
ahead of San Diego based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Dallas AFC Championship: MIAMI 45, Pittsburgh 28
finished ahead of N.Y. Giants and Washington based on better Wild Card playoff: N.Y. Giants 16, L.A. RAMS 13
head-to-head record (4-0 to Giants’ 1-3 and Redskins’ 1-3). N.Y. Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 21, N.Y. Giants 10;
Giants were first Wild Card based on better conference record Chicago 23, WASHINGTON 19
(8-4) than San Francisco (7-5) and Washington (6-6). San Fran- NFC Championship: SAN FRANCISCO 23, Chicago 0
cisco was second Wild Card based on head-to-head victory over Super Bowl XIX: San Francisco (NFC) 38, Miami (AFC) 16
Washington (1-0). Minnesota finished ahead of Detroit based on at Stanford Stadium, Stanford, California
better division record (3-5 to Lions’ 2-6).
Wild Card playoff: New England 26, N.Y. JETS 14
Divisional playoffs: MIAMI 24, Cleveland 21;
New England 27, L.A. RAIDERS 20
AFC Championship: New England 31, MIAMI 14
Wild Card playoff: N.Y. GIANTS 17, San Francisco 3
Divisional playoffs: L.A. RAMS 20, Dallas 0;
CHICAGO 21, N.Y. Giants 0
NFC Championship: CHICAGO 24, L.A. Rams 0
Super Bowl XX: Chicago (NFC) 46, New England (AFC) 10
at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana

390 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1983 1982
Eastern Division Eastern Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP L.A. Raiders# 8 1 0 .889 260 200 Washington# 8 1 0 .889 190 128
Miami 12 4 0 .750 389 250 Washington# 14 2 0 .875 541 332 Miami 7 2 0 .778 198 131 Dallas 6 3 0 .667 226 145
New England 8 8 0 .500 274 289 Dallas* 12 4 0 .750 479 360 Cincinnati 7 2 0 .778 232 177 Green Bay 5 3 1 .611 226 169
Buffalo 8 8 0 .500 283 351 St. Louis 8 7 1 .531 374 428 Pittsburgh 6 3 0 .667 204 146 Minnesota 5 4 0 .556 187 198
Baltimore 7 9 0 .438 264 354 Philadelphia 5 11 0 .313 233 322 San Diego 6 3 0 .667 288 221 Atlanta 5 4 0 .556 183 199
N.Y. Jets 7 9 0 .438 313 331 N.Y. Giants 3 12 1 .219 267 347 N.Y. Jets 6 3 0 .667 245 166 St. Louis 5 4 0 .556 135 170
Central Division Central Division New England 5 4 0 .556 143 157 Tampa Bay 5 4 0 .556 158 178
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cleveland 4 5 0 .444 140 182 Detroit 4 5 0 .444 181 176
Pittsburgh 10 6 0 .625 355 303 Detroit 9 7 0 .563 347 286 Buffalo 4 5 0 .444 150 154 New Orleans 4 5 0 .444 129 160
Cleveland 9 7 0 .563 356 342 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 429 439 Seattle 4 5 0 .444 127 147 N.Y. Giants 4 5 0 .444 164 160
Cincinnati 7 9 0 .438 346 302 Chicago 8 8 0 .500 311 301 Kansas City 3 6 0 .333 176 184 San Francisco 3 6 0 .333 209 206
Houston 2 14 0 .125 288 460 Minnesota 8 8 0 .500 316 348 Denver 2 7 0 .222 148 226 Chicago 3 6 0 .333 141 174
Western Division Tampa Bay 2 14 0 .125 241 380 Houston 1 8 0 .111 136 245 Philadelphia 3 6 0 .333 191 195
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division Baltimore 0 8 1 .056 113 236 L.A. Rams 2 7 0 .222 200 250
L.A. Raiders# 12 4 0 .750 442 338 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Seattle* 9 7 0 .563 403 397 San Francisco 10 6 0 .625 432 293 As the result of a 57-day players’ strike, the 1982 NFL regular sea-
Denver* 9 7 0 .563 302 327 L.A. Rams* 9 7 0 .563 361 344 son schedule was reduced from 16 weeks to 9. At the conclusion
San Diego 6 10 0 .375 358 462 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 319 337 of the regular season, the NFL conducted a 16-team postseason
Kansas City 6 10 0 .375 386 367 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 370 389 Super Bowl Tournament. Eight teams from each conference were
seeded 1-8 based on their records during the season.
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference #Top playoff seed in conference
L.A. Raiders were top playoff seed ahead of Miami based on head- Miami finished ahead of Cincinnati based on better conference
to-head victory (1-0). Seattle was first Wild Card ahead of Denver record (6-1 to Bengals’ 6-2). Pittsburgh finished ahead of San
based on better division record (5-3 to Broncos’ 3-5) after Cleve- Diego based on better record against common opponents (3-1 to
land was eliminated from three-way tie based on losing head-to- Chargers’ 2-1) after N.Y. Jets were eliminated from three-way tie
head to both Seattle and Denver. Seattle did not play the L.A. based on conference record (Pittsburgh and San Diego 5-3 to
Raiders in the divisional playoffs because, from 1970-1989, two Jets’ 2-3). Cleveland finished ahead of Buffalo and Seattle based
teams from the same division could not meet prior to the confer- on better conference record (4-3 to Bills’ 3-3 to Seahawks’ 3-5).
ence championship game. New England finished ahead of Buffalo Buffalo finished ahead of Seattle based on better conference
based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Baltimore finished ahead of record (3-3 to Seahawks’ 3-5). Minnesota (4-1), Atlanta (4-3),
N.Y. Jets based on better conference record (5-9 to Jets’ 4-8). St. Louis (5-4), Tampa Bay (3-3) seeds were determined by best
San Diego finished ahead of Kansas City based on head-to-head won-lost record in conference games. Detroit finished ahead of
sweep (2-0). Green Bay finished ahead of Chicago based on bet- New Orleans and the N.Y. Giants based on best conference
ter record against common opponents (4-4 to Bears’ 3-5) after record (4-4 to Saints’ 3-5 to Giants’ 3-5). New Orleans finished
Minnesota was eliminated from three-way tie based on confer- ahead of N.Y. Giants based on better record against common
ence record (Chicago 7-7 and Green Bay 6-6 to Vikings’ 4-8). opponents (1-3 to Giants’ 0-4). San Francisco finished ahead of
Wild Card playoff: SEATTLE 31, Denver 7 Chicago, and Chicago finished ahead of Philadelphia, based on
Divisional playoffs: Seattle 27, MIAMI 20; conference record (49ers’ 2-3 to Bears’ 2-5 to Eagles’ 1-5).
L.A. RAIDERS 38, Pittsburgh 10 First round playoff: MIAMI 28, New England 13;
AFC Championship: L.A. RAIDERS 30, Seattle 14 L.A. RAIDERS 27, Cleveland 10;
Wild Card playoff: L.A. Rams 24, DALLAS 17 N.Y. Jets 44, CINCINNATI 17;
Divisional playoffs: SAN FRANCISCO 24, Detroit 23; San Diego 31, PITTSBURGH 28
WASHINGTON 51, L.A. Rams 7 Second round playoff: N.Y. Jets 17, L.A. RAIDERS 14;
NFC Championship: WASHINGTON 24, San Francisco 21 MIAMI 34, San Diego 13
Super Bowl XVIII: L.A. Raiders (AFC) 38, Washington (NFC) 9 AFC Championship: MIAMI 14, N.Y. Jets 0
at Tampa Stadium, Tampa, Florida First round playoff: WASHINGTON 31, Detroit 7;
GREEN BAY 41, St. Louis 16;
MINNESOTA 30, Atlanta 24;
DALLAS 30, Tampa Bay 17
Second round playoff: WASHINGTON 21, Minnesota 7;
DALLAS 37, Green Bay 26
NFC Championship: WASHINGTON 31, Dallas 17
Super Bowl XVII: Washington (NFC) 27, Miami (AFC) 17
at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 391

1981 1980
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Miami 11 4 1 .719 345 275 Dallas 12 4 0 .750 367 277 Buffalo 11 5 0 .688 320 260 Philadelphia 12 4 0 .750 384 222
N.Y. Jets* 10 5 1 .656 355 287 Philadelphia* 10 6 0 .625 368 221 New England 10 6 0 .625 441 325 Dallas* 12 4 0 .750 454 311
Buffalo* 10 6 0 .625 311 276 N.Y. Giants* 9 7 0 .563 295 257 Miami 8 8 0 .500 266 305 Washington 6 10 0 .375 261 293
Baltimore 2 14 0 .125 259 533 Washington 8 8 0 .500 347 349 Baltimore 7 9 0 .438 355 387 St. Louis 5 11 0 .313 299 350
New England 2 14 0 .125 322 370 St. Louis 7 9 0 .438 315 408 N.Y. Jets 4 12 0 .250 302 395 N.Y. Giants 4 12 0 .250 249 425
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati# 12 4 0 .750 421 304 Tampa Bay 9 7 0 .563 315 268 Cleveland 11 5 0 .688 357 310 Minnesota 9 7 0 .563 317 308
Pittsburgh 8 8 0 .500 356 297 Detroit 8 8 0 .500 397 322 Houston* 11 5 0 .688 295 251 Detroit 9 7 0 .563 334 272
Houston 7 9 0 .438 281 355 Green Bay 8 8 0 .500 324 361 Pittsburgh 9 7 0 .563 352 313 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 304 264
Cleveland 5 11 0 .313 276 375 Minnesota 7 9 0 .438 325 369 Cincinnati 6 10 0 .375 244 312 Tampa Bay 5 10 1 .344 271 341
Western Division Chicago 6 10 0 .375 253 324 Western Division Green Bay 5 10 1 .344 231 371
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
San Diego 10 6 0 .625 478 390 W L T Pct. Pts. OP San Diego# 11 5 0 .688 418 327 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver 10 6 0 .625 321 289 San Francisco# 13 3 0 .813 357 250 Oakland* 11 5 0 .688 364 306 Atlanta# 12 4 0 .750 405 272
Kansas City 9 7 0 .563 343 290 Atlanta 7 9 0 .438 426 355 Kansas City 8 8 0 .500 319 336 Los Angeles* 11 5 0 .688 424 289
Oakland 7 9 0 .438 273 343 Los Angeles 6 10 0 .375 303 351 Denver 8 8 0 .500 310 323 San Francisco 6 10 0 .375 320 415
Seattle 6 10 0 .375 322 388 New Orleans 4 12 0 .250 207 378 Seattle 4 12 0 .250 291 408 New Orleans 1 15 0 .063 291 487

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Baltimore finished ahead of New England based on head-to-head San Diego was top playoff seed based on better conference record
sweep (2-0). San Diego finished ahead of Denver based on better than Cleveland and Buffalo (9-3 to Browns’ 8-4 and Bills’ 8-4).
division record (6-2 to Broncos’ 5-3). Buffalo was second Wild Cleveland was second playoff seed based on better record
Card based on head-to-head victory over Denver (1-0). Detroit against common opponents (5-2 to Bills’ 5-3). Cleveland finished
finished ahead of Green Bay based on better record against ahead of Houston based on better conference record (8-4 to
common opponents (4-4 to Packers’ 3-5). Oilers’ 7-5). Oakland was first Wild Card based on better
Wild Card playoff: Buffalo 31, N.Y. JETS 27 conference record than Houston (9-3 to Oilers’ 7-5). San Diego
Divisional playoffs: San Diego 41, MIAMI 38 (OT); finished ahead of Oakland based on better net points in division
CINCINNATI 28, Buffalo 21 games (plus 60 net points to Raiders’ plus 37). Oakland did not
AFC Championship: CINCINNATI 27, San Diego 7 play San Diego in the divisional playoffs because, from
Wild Card playoff: N.Y. Giants 27, PHILADELPHIA 21 1970-1989, two teams from the same division could not meet
Divisional playoffs: DALLAS 38, Tampa Bay 0; prior to the conference championship game. Kansas City finished
SAN FRANCISCO 38, N.Y. Giants 24 ahead of Denver based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Atlanta
NFC Championship: SAN FRANCISCO 28, Dallas 27 was top playoff seed based on head-to-head victory over
Super Bowl XVI: San Francisco (NFC) 26, Cincinnati (AFC) 21 Philadelphia (1-0). Philadelphia finished ahead of Dallas based on
at Silverdome, Pontiac, Michigan better net points in division games (plus 84 net points to
Cowboys’ plus 50). Minnesota finished ahead of Detroit based on
better conference record (8-4 to Lions’ 9-5). Tampa Bay finished
ahead of Green Bay based on better head-to-head record (1-0-1
to Packers’ 0-1-1).
Wild Card playoff: OAKLAND 27, Houston 7
Divisional playoffs: SAN DIEGO 20, Buffalo 14;
Oakland 14, CLEVELAND 12
AFC Championship: Oakland 34, SAN DIEGO 27
Wild Card playoff: DALLAS 34, Los Angeles 13
Divisional playoffs: PHILADELPHIA 31, Minnesota 16;
Dallas 30, ATLANTA 27
NFC Championship: PHILADELPHIA 20, Dallas 7
Super Bowl XV: Oakland (AFC) 27, Philadelphia (NFC) 10
at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana

392 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1979 1978
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Miami 10 6 0 .625 341 257 Dallas# 11 5 0 .688 371 313 New England 11 5 0 .688 358 286 Dallas 12 4 0 .750 384 208
New England 9 7 0 .563 411 326 Philadelphia* 11 5 0 .688 339 282 Miami* 11 5 0 .688 372 254 Philadelphia* 9 7 0 .563 270 250
N.Y. Jets 8 8 0 .500 337 383 Washington 10 6 0 .625 348 295 N.Y. Jets 8 8 0 .500 359 364 Washington 8 8 0 .500 273 283
Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 268 279 N.Y. Giants 6 10 0 .375 237 323 Buffalo 5 11 0 .313 302 354 St. Louis 6 10 0 .375 248 296
Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 271 351 St. Louis 5 11 0 .313 307 358 Baltimore 5 11 0 .313 239 421 N.Y. Giants 6 10 0 .375 264 298
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh 12 4 0 .750 416 262 Tampa Bay 10 6 0 .625 273 237 Pittsburgh# 14 2 0 .875 356 195 Minnesota 8 7 1 .531 294 306
Houston* 11 5 0 .688 362 331 Chicago* 10 6 0 .625 306 249 Houston* 10 6 0 .625 283 298 Green Bay 8 7 1 .531 249 269
Cleveland 9 7 0 .563 359 352 Minnesota 7 9 0 .438 259 337 Cleveland 8 8 0 .500 334 356 Detroit 7 9 0 .438 290 300
Cincinnati 4 12 0 .250 337 421 Green Bay 5 11 0 .313 246 316 Cincinnati 4 12 0 .250 252 284 Chicago 7 9 0 .438 253 274
Western Division Detroit 2 14 0 .125 219 365 Western Division Tampa Bay 5 11 0 .313 241 259
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division
San Diego# 12 4 0 .750 411 246 W L T Pct. Pts. OP Denver 10 6 0 .625 282 198 W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver* 10 6 0 .625 289 262 Los Angeles 9 7 0 .563 323 309 Oakland 9 7 0 .563 311 283 Los Angeles# 12 4 0 .750 316 245
Seattle 9 7 0 .563 378 372 New Orleans 8 8 0 .500 370 360 Seattle 9 7 0 .563 345 358 Atlanta* 9 7 0 .563 240 290
Oakland 9 7 0 .563 365 337 Atlanta 6 10 0 .375 300 388 San Diego 9 7 0 .563 355 309 New Orleans 7 9 0 .438 281 298
Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 238 262 San Francisco 2 14 0 .125 308 416 Kansas City 4 12 0 .250 243 327 San Francisco 2 14 0 .125 219 350

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
San Diego was top playoff seed based on head-to-head victory over New England finished ahead of Miami based on better division
Pittsburgh (1-0). Seattle finished ahead of Oakland based on record (6-2 to Dolphins’ 5-3). Buffalo finished ahead of Baltimore
head-to-head sweep (2-0). Dallas finished ahead of Philadelphia based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Oakland finished ahead of
based on better conference record (10-2 to Eagles’ 9-3). Seattle and San Diego based on better record against common
Philadelphia did not play Dallas in the divisional playoffs because, opponents (6-2 to Seahawks’ 5-3 and Chargers’ 4-4). Atlanta
from 1970-1989, two teams from the same division could not was first Wild Card ahead of Philadelphia based on better record
meet prior to the conference championship game. Tampa Bay against common opponents (5-2 to Eagles’ 5-3). Houston did not
finished ahead of Chicago based on a better division record play Pittsburgh, and Atlanta did not play Los Angeles in the
(6-2 to Bears’ 5-3). Chicago was second Wild Card ahead of divisional playoffs because, from 1970-1989, two teams from the
Washington based on better net points in all games (57 to same division could not meet prior to the conference
Redskins’ 53). championship game. Los Angeles was top playoff seed based on
Wild Card playoff: HOUSTON 13, Denver 7 head-to-head victory over Dallas (1-0). St. Louis finished ahead
Divisional playoffs: Houston 17, SAN DIEGO 14; of N.Y. Giants based on better division record (3-5 to Giants’
PITTSBURGH 34, Miami 14 2-6). Minnesota finished ahead of Green Bay based on better
AFC Championship: PITTSBURGH 27, Houston 13 head-to-head record (1-0-1). Detroit finished ahead of Chicago
Wild Card playoff: PHILADELPHIA 27, Chicago 17 based on better division record (4-4 to Bears’ 3-5).
Divisional playoffs: TAMPA BAY 24, Philadelphia 17; Wild Card playoff: Houston 17, MIAMI 9
Los Angeles 21, DALLAS 19 Divisional playoffs: Houston 31, NEW ENGLAND 14;
NFC Championship: Los Angeles 9, TAMPA BAY 0 PITTSBURGH 33, Denver 10
Super Bowl XIV: Pittsburgh (AFC) 31, Los Angeles (NFC) 19 AFC Championship: PITTSBURGH 34, Houston 5
at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California Wild Card playoff: ATLANTA 14, Philadelphia 13
Divisional playoffs: DALLAS 27, Atlanta 20;
LOS ANGELES 34, Minnesota 10
NFC Championship: Dallas 28, LOS ANGELES 0
Super Bowl XIII: Pittsburgh (AFC) 35, Dallas (NFC) 31
at Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 393

1977 1976
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Baltimore 10 4 0 .714 295 221 Dallas# 12 2 0 .857 345 212 Baltimore 11 3 0 .786 417 246 Dallas 11 3 0 .786 296 194
Miami 10 4 0 .714 313 197 Washington 9 5 0 .643 196 189 New England* 11 3 0 .786 376 236 Washington* 10 4 0 .714 291 217
New England 9 5 0 .643 278 217 St. Louis 7 7 0 .500 272 287 Miami 6 8 0 .429 263 264 St. Louis 10 4 0 .714 309 267
N.Y. Jets 3 11 0 .214 191 300 Philadelphia 5 9 0 .357 220 207 N.Y. Jets 3 11 0 .214 169 383 Philadelphia 4 10 0 .286 165 286
Buffalo 3 11 0 .214 160 313 N.Y. Giants 5 9 0 .357 181 265 Buffalo 2 12 0 .143 245 363 N.Y. Giants 3 11 0 .214 170 250
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh 9 5 0 .643 283 243 Minnesota 9 5 0 .643 231 227 Pittsburgh 10 4 0 .714 342 138 Minnesota# 11 2 1 .821 305 176
Houston 8 6 0 .571 299 230 Chicago* 9 5 0 .643 255 253 Cincinnati 10 4 0 .714 335 210 Chicago 7 7 0 .500 253 216
Cincinnati 8 6 0 .571 238 235 Detroit 6 8 0 .429 183 252 Cleveland 9 5 0 .643 267 287 Detroit 6 8 0 .429 262 220
Cleveland 6 8 0 .429 269 267 Green Bay 4 10 0 .286 134 219 Houston 5 9 0 .357 222 273 Green Bay 5 9 0 .357 218 299
Western Division Tampa Bay 2 12 0 .143 103 223 Western Division Western Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP Western Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Denver# 12 2 0 .857 274 148 W L T Pct. Pts. OP Oakland# 13 1 0 .929 350 237 Los Angeles 10 3 1 .750 351 190
Oakland* 11 3 0 .786 351 230 Los Angeles 10 4 0 .714 302 146 Denver 9 5 0 .643 315 206 San Francisco 8 6 0 .571 270 190
San Diego 7 7 0 .500 222 205 Atlanta 7 7 0 .500 179 129 San Diego 6 8 0 .429 248 285 New Orleans 4 10 0 .286 253 346
Seattle 5 9 0 .357 282 373 San Francisco 5 9 0 .357 220 260 Kansas City 5 9 0 .357 290 376 Atlanta 4 10 0 .286 172 312
Kansas City 2 12 0 .143 225 349 New Orleans 3 11 0 .214 232 336 Tampa Bay 0 14 0 .000 125 412 Seattle 2 12 0 .143 229 429

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference
Baltimore finished ahead of Miami based on better conference Baltimore finished ahead of New England based on better division
record (9-3 to Dolphins’ 8-4). N.Y. Jets finished ahead of Buffalo record (7-1 to Patriots’ 6-2). Pittsburgh finished ahead of
based on better point-differential in head-to-head competition Cincinnati based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Washington
(1 point). Houston finished ahead of Cincinnati based on better finished ahead of St. Louis based on head-to-head sweep (2-0).
point-differential in head-to-head competition (2 points). Oakland New Orleans finished ahead of Atlanta based on better
did not play Denver in the divisional playoffs because, from point-differential in head-to-head competition (27 points).
1970-1989, two teams from the same division could not meet Divisional playoffs: OAKLAND 24, New England 21;
prior to the conference championship game. Minnesota finished Pittsburgh 40, BALTIMORE 14
ahead of Chicago based on better point-differential in head-to- AFC Championship: OAKLAND 24, Pittsburgh 7
head competition (3 points). Chicago won Wild Card ahead of Divisional playoffs: MINNESOTA 35, Washington 20;
Washington based on better net points in conference games Los Angeles 14, DALLAS 12
(48 to Redskins’ 4). Philadelphia finished ahead of N.Y. Giants NFC Championship: MINNESOTA 24, Los Angeles 13
based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Super Bowl XI: Oakland (AFC) 32, Minnesota (NFC) 14
Divisional playoffs: DENVER 34, Pittsburgh 21; at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California
Oakland 37, BALTIMORE 31 (OT)
AFC Championship: DENVER 20, Oakland 17
Divisional playoffs: DALLAS 37, Chicago 7;
Minnesota 14, LOS ANGELES 7
NFC Championship: DALLAS 23, Minnesota 6
Super Bowl XII: Dallas (NFC) 27, Denver (AFC) 10
at Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana

394 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1975 1974
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Baltimore 10 4 0 .714 395 269 St. Louis 11 3 0 .786 356 276 Miami 11 3 0 .786 327 216 St. Louis 10 4 0 .714 285 218
Miami 10 4 0 .714 357 222 Dallas* 10 4 0 .714 350 268 Buffalo* 9 5 0 .643 264 244 Washington* 10 4 0 .714 320 196
Buffalo 8 6 0 .571 420 355 Washington 8 6 0 .571 325 276 N.Y. Jets 7 7 0 .500 279 300 Dallas 8 6 0 .571 297 235
N.Y. Jets 3 11 0 .214 258 433 N.Y. Giants 5 9 0 .357 216 306 New England 7 7 0 .500 348 289 Philadelphia 7 7 0 .500 242 217
New England 3 11 0 .214 258 358 Philadelphia 4 10 0 .286 225 302 Baltimore 2 12 0 .143 190 329 N.Y. Giants 2 12 0 .143 195 299
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Pittsburgh# 12 2 0 .857 373 162 Minnesota# 12 2 0 .857 377 180 Pittsburgh 10 3 1 .750 305 189 Minnesota 10 4 0 .714 310 195
Cincinnati* 11 3 0 .786 340 246 Detroit 7 7 0 .500 245 262 Houston 7 7 0 .500 236 282 Detroit 7 7 0 .500 256 270
Houston 10 4 0 .714 293 226 Chicago 4 10 0 .286 191 379 Cincinnati 7 7 0 .500 283 259 Green Bay 6 8 0 .429 210 206
Cleveland 3 11 0 .214 218 372 Green Bay 4 10 0 .286 226 285 Cleveland 4 10 0 .286 251 344 Chicago 4 10 0 .286 152 279
Western Division Western Division Western Division Western Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Oakland 11 3 0 .786 375 255 Los Angeles 12 2 0 .857 312 135 Oakland 12 2 0 .857 355 228 Los Angeles 10 4 0 .714 263 181
Denver 6 8 0 .429 254 307 San Francisco 5 9 0 .357 255 286 Denver 7 6 1 .536 302 294 San Francisco 6 8 0 .429 226 236
Kansas City 5 9 0 .357 282 341 Atlanta 4 10 0 .286 240 289 Kansas City 5 9 0 .357 233 293 New Orleans 5 9 0 .357 166 263
San Diego 2 12 0 .143 189 345 New Orleans 2 12 0 .143 165 360 San Diego 5 9 0 .357 212 285 Atlanta 3 11 0 .214 111 271

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs; #Top playoff seed in conference *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs
Baltimore finished ahead of Miami based on head-to-head sweep N.Y. Jets finished ahead of New England based on better conference
(2-0). Cincinnati did not play Pittsburgh in the divisional playoffs record (5-6 to Patriots’ 4-7). Houston finished ahead of
because, from 1970-1989, two teams from the same division Cincinnati based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Kansas City
could not meet prior to the conference championship game. finished ahead of San Diego based on better point-differential in
N.Y. Jets finished ahead of New England based on head-to-head head-to-head competition (3 points). St. Louis finished ahead of
sweep (2-0). Minnesota was top playoff seed based on better Washington based on head-to-head sweep (2-0).
Point Rating system than Los Angeles (3 to 6). Chicago finished Divisional playoffs: OAKLAND 28, Miami 26;
ahead of Green Bay based on better division record (2-4 to PITTSBURGH 32, Buffalo 14
Bears’ 1-5). AFC Championship: Pittsburgh 24, OAKLAND 13
Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 28, Baltimore 10; Divisional playoffs: MINNESOTA 30, St. Louis 14;
OAKLAND 31, Cincinnati 28 LOS ANGELES 19, Washington 10
AFC Championship: PITTSBURGH 16, Oakland 10 NFC Championship: MINNESOTA 14, Los Angeles 10
Divisional playoffs: LOS ANGELES 35, St. Louis 23; Super Bowl IX: Pittsburgh (AFC) 16, Minnesota (NFC) 6
Dallas 17, MINNESOTA 14 at Tulane Stadium, New Orleans, Louisiana
NFC Championship: Dallas 37, LOS ANGELES 7
Super Bowl X: Pittsburgh (AFC) 21, Dallas (NFC) 17 From 1933-1974, sites for league/conference championship games
at Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida alternated by division.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 395

1973 1971
Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division Eastern Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Miami 12 2 0 .857 343 150 Dallas 10 4 0 .714 382 203 Miami 10 3 1 .769 315 174 Dallas 11 3 0 .786 406 222
Buffalo 9 5 0 .643 259 230 Washington* 10 4 0 .714 325 198 Baltimore* 10 4 0 .714 313 140 Washington* 9 4 1 .692 276 190
New England 5 9 0 .357 258 300 Philadelphia 5 8 1 .393 310 393 New England 6 8 0 .429 238 325 Philadelphia 6 7 1 .462 221 302
N.Y. Jets 4 10 0 .286 240 306 St. Louis 4 9 1 .321 286 365 N.Y. Jets 6 8 0 .429 212 299 St. Louis 4 9 1 .308 231 279
Baltimore 4 10 0 .286 226 341 N.Y. Giants 2 11 1 .179 226 362 Buffalo 1 13 0 .071 184 394 N.Y. Giants 4 10 0 .286 228 362
Central Division Central Division Central Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cincinnati 10 4 0 .714 286 231 Minnesota 12 2 0 .857 296 168 Cleveland 9 5 0 .643 285 273 Minnesota 11 3 0 .786 245 139
Pittsburgh* 10 4 0 .714 347 210 Detroit 6 7 1 .464 271 247 Pittsburgh 6 8 0 .429 246 292 Detroit 7 6 1 .538 341 286
Cleveland 7 5 2 .571 234 255 Green Bay 5 7 2 .429 202 259 Houston 4 9 1 .308 251 330 Chicago 6 8 0 .429 185 276
Houston 1 13 0 .071 199 447 Chicago 3 11 0 .214 195 334 Cincinnati 4 10 0 .286 284 265 Green Bay 4 8 2 .333 274 298
Western Division Western Division Western Division Western Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Oakland 9 4 1 .679 292 175 Los Angeles 12 2 0 .857 388 178 Kansas City 10 3 1 .769 302 208 San Francisco 9 5 0 .643 300 216
Kansas City 7 5 2 .571 231 192 Atlanta 9 5 0 .643 318 224 Oakland 8 4 2 .667 344 278 Los Angeles 8 5 1 .615 313 260
Denver 7 5 2 .571 354 296 San Francisco 5 9 0 .357 262 319 San Diego 6 8 0 .429 311 341 Atlanta 7 6 1 .538 274 277
San Diego 2 11 1 .179 188 386 New Orleans 5 9 0 .357 163 312 Denver 4 9 1 .308 203 275 New Orleans 4 8 2 .333 266 347

*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs *Wild Card qualifier for playoffs
Cincinnati finished ahead of Pittsburgh based on better conference New England finished ahead of N.Y. Jets based on better point-differ-
record (8-3 to Steelers’ 7-4). N.Y. Jets finished ahead of ential in head-to-head competition (13 points).
Baltimore based on head-to-head sweep (2-0). Kansas City Divisional playoffs: Miami 27, KANSAS CITY 24 (OT);
finished ahead of Denver based on better division record (4-2 to Baltimore 20, CLEVELAND 3
Broncos’ 3-2-1). Dallas finished ahead of Washington based on AFC Championship: MIAMI 21, Baltimore 0
better point differential in head-to-head games (13 points). San Divisional playoffs: Dallas 20, MINNESOTA 12;
Francisco finished ahead of New Orleans based on better division SAN FRANCISCO 24, Washington 20
record (2-4 to Saints’ 1-5). NFC Championship: DALLAS 14, San Francisco 3
Divisional playoffs: OAKLAND 33, Pittsburgh 14; Super Bowl VI: Dallas (NFC) 24, Miami (AFC) 3
MIAMI 34, Cincinnati 16 at Tulane Stadium, New Orleans, Louisiana
AFC Championship: MIAMI 27, Oakland 10
Divisional playoffs: MINNESOTA 27, Washington 20;
DALLAS 27, Los Angeles 16 From 1920-1971, tie games were not included in winning
NFC Championship: Minnesota 27, DALLAS 10 percentage.
Super Bowl VIII: Miami (AFC) 24, Minnesota (NFC) 7
at Rice Stadium, Houston, Texas 1970
1972 Eastern Division Eastern Division
Eastern Division Eastern Division Baltimore 11 2 1 .846 321 234 Dallas 10 4 0 .714 299 221
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Miami* 10 4 0 .714 297 228 N.Y. Giants 9 5 0 .643 301 270
Miami 14 0 01.000 385 171 Washington 11 3 0 .786 336 218 N.Y. Jets 4 10 0 .286 255 286 St. Louis 8 5 1 .615 325 228
N.Y. Jets 7 7 0 .500 367 324 Dallas* 10 4 0 .714 319 240 Buffalo 3 10 1 .231 204 337 Washington 6 8 0 .429 297 314
Baltimore 5 9 0 .357 235 252 N.Y. Giants 8 6 0 .571 331 247 Boston Patriots 2 12 0 .143 149 361 Philadelphia 3 10 1 .231 241 332
Buffalo 4 9 1 .321 257 377 St. Louis 4 9 1 .321 193 303 Central Division Central Division
New England 3 11 0 .214 192 446 Philadelphia 2 11 1 .179 145 352 W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Central Division Central Division Cincinnati 8 6 0 .571 312 255 Minnesota 12 2 0 .857 335 143
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cleveland 7 7 0 .500 286 265 Detroit* 10 4 0 .714 347 202
Pittsburgh 11 3 0 .786 343 175 Green Bay 10 4 0 .714 304 226 Pittsburgh 5 9 0 .357 210 272 Green Bay 6 8 0 .429 196 293
Cleveland* 10 4 0 .714 268 249 Detroit 8 5 1 .607 339 290 Houston 3 10 1 .231 217 352 Chicago 6 8 0 .429 256 261
Cincinnati 8 6 0 .571 299 229 Minnesota 7 7 0 .500 301 252 Western Division Western Division
Houston 1 13 0 .071 164 380 Chicago 4 9 1 .321 225 275 W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Western Division Western Division Oakland 8 4 2 .667 300 293 San Francisco 10 3 1 .769 352 267
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Kansas City 7 5 2 .583 272 244 Los Angeles 9 4 1 .692 325 202
Oakland 10 3 1 .750 365 248 San Francisco 8 5 1 .607 353 249 San Diego 5 6 3 .455 282 278 Atlanta 4 8 2 .333 206 261
Kansas City 8 6 0 .571 287 254 Atlanta 7 7 0 .500 269 274 Denver 5 8 1 .385 253 264 New Orleans 2 11 1 .154 172 347
Denver 5 9 0 .357 325 350 Los Angeles 6 7 1 .464 291 286
San Diego 4 9 1 .321 264 344 New Orleans 2 11 1 .179 215 361
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs
Miami did not play Baltimore, and Detroit did not play Minnesota, in
*Wild Card qualifier for playoffs the divisional playoffs because, from 1970-1989, two teams from
Dallas did not play Washington in the divisional playoffs because, the same division could not meet prior to the conference
from 1970-1989, two teams from the same division could not championship game. Green Bay finished ahead of Chicago based
meet prior to the conference championship game. on better division record (2-4 to Bears’ 1-5).
Divisional playoffs: PITTSBURGH 13, Oakland 7; Divisional playoffs: BALTIMORE 17, Cincinnati 0;
MIAMI 20, Cleveland 14 OAKLAND 21, Miami 14
AFC Championship: Miami 21, PITTSBURGH 17 AFC Championship: BALTIMORE 27, Oakland 17
Divisional playoffs: Dallas 30, SAN FRANCISCO 28; Divisional playoffs: DALLAS 5, Detroit 0;
WASHINGTON 16, Green Bay 3 San Francisco 17, MINNESOTA 14
NFC Championship: WASHINGTON 26, Dallas 3 NFC Championship: Dallas 17, SAN FRANCISCO 10
Super Bowl VII: Miami (AFC) 14, Washington (NFC) 7 Super Bowl V: Baltimore (AFC) 16, Dallas (NFC) 13
at Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California at Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida

396 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1969 NFL 1967 NFL
Capitol Division Coastal Division Capitol Division Coastal Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Dallas 11 2 1 .846 369 223 Los Angeles 11 3 0 .786 320 243 Dallas 9 5 0 .643 342 268 Los Angeles 11 1 2 .917 398 196
Washington 7 5 2 .583 307 319 Baltimore 8 5 1 .615 279 268 Philadelphia 6 7 1 .462 351 409 Baltimore 11 1 2 .917 394 198
New Orleans 5 9 0 .357 311 393 Atlanta 6 8 0 .429 276 268 Washington 5 6 3 .455 347 353 San Francisco 7 7 0 .500 273 337
Philadelphia 4 9 1 .308 279 377 San Francisco 4 8 2 .333 277 319 New Orleans 3 11 0 .214 233 379 Atlanta 1 12 1 .077 175 422
Century Division Central Division Century Division Central Division
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cleveland 10 3 1 .769 351 300 Minnesota 12 2 0 .857 379 133 Cleveland 9 5 0 .643 334 297 Green Bay 9 4 1 .692 332 209
N.Y. Giants 6 8 0 .429 264 298 Detroit 9 4 1 .692 259 188 N.Y. Giants 7 7 0 .500 369 379 Chicago 7 6 1 .538 239 218
St. Louis 4 9 1 .308 314 389 Green Bay 8 6 0 .571 269 221 St. Louis 6 7 1 .462 333 356 Detroit 5 7 2 .417 260 259
Pittsburgh 1 13 0 .071 218 404 Chicago 1 13 0 .071 210 339 Pittsburgh 4 9 1 .308 281 320 Minnesota 3 8 3 .273 233 294

Conference championships: Cleveland 38, DALLAS 14; Los Angeles finished ahead of Baltimore based on better point differ-
MINNESOTA 23, Los Angeles 20 ential in head-to-head games (net 24 points).
NFL championship: MINNESOTA 27, Cleveland 7 Conference championships: DALLAS 52, Cleveland 14;
Super Bowl IV: Kansas City (AFL) 23, Minnesota (NFL) 7, GREEN BAY 28, Los Angeles 7
at Tulane Stadium, New Orleans, Louisiana NFL championship: GREEN BAY 21, Dallas 17
Super Bowl II: Green Bay (NFL) 33, Oakland (AFL) 14,
1969 AFL at Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP 1967 AFL
N.Y. Jets 10 4 0 .714 353 269 Oakland 12 1 1 .923 377 242 EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION
Houston 6 6 2 .500 278 279 Kansas City 11 3 0 .786 359 177 W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Boston Patriots 4 10 0 .286 266 316 San Diego 8 6 0 .571 288 276 Houston 9 4 1 .692 258 199 Oakland 13 1 0 .929 468 233
Buffalo 4 10 0 .286 230 359 Denver 5 8 1 .385 297 344 N.Y. Jets 8 5 1 .615 371 329 Kansas City 9 5 0 .643 408 254
Miami 3 10 1 .231 233 332 Cincinnati 4 9 1 .308 280 367 Buffalo 4 10 0 .286 237 285 San Diego 8 5 1 .615 360 352
Miami 4 10 0 .286 219 407 Denver 3 11 0 .214 256 409
Divisional playoffs: Kansas City 13, N.Y. JETS 6; Boston Patriots 3 10 1 .231 280 389
OAKLAND 56, Houston 7
AFL championship: Kansas City 17, OAKLAND 7 AFL championship: OAKLAND 40, Houston 7

1968 NFL 1966 NFL

Capitol Division Coastal Division W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Dallas 10 3 1 .769 445 239 Green Bay 12 2 0 .857 335 163
Dallas 12 2 0 .857 431 186 Baltimore 13 1 0 .929 402 144 Cleveland 9 5 0 .643 403 259 Baltimore 9 5 0 .643 314 226
N.Y. Giants 7 7 0 .500 294 325 Los Angeles 10 3 1 .769 312 200 Philadelphia 9 5 0 .643 326 340 Los Angeles 8 6 0 .571 289 212
Washington 5 9 0 .357 249 358 San Francisco 7 6 1 .538 303 310 St. Louis 8 5 1 .615 264 265 San Francisco 6 6 2 .500 320 325
Philadelphia 2 12 0 .143 202 351 Atlanta 2 12 0 .143 170 389 Washington 7 7 0 .500 351 355 Chicago 5 7 2 .417 234 272
Century Division Central Division Pittsburgh 5 8 1 .385 316 347 Detroit 4 9 1 .308 206 317
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Atlanta 3 11 0 .214 204 437 Minnesota 4 9 1 .308 292 304
Cleveland 10 4 0 .714 394 273 Minnesota 8 6 0 .571 282 242 N.Y. Giants 1 12 1 .077 263 501
St. Louis 9 4 1 .692 325 289 Chicago 7 7 0 .500 250 333
New Orleans 4 9 1 .308 246 327 Green Bay 6 7 1 .462 281 227 NFL championship: Green Bay 34, DALLAS 27
Pittsburgh 2 11 1 .154 244 397 Detroit 4 8 2 .333 207 241 Super Bowl I: Green Bay (NFL) 35, Kansas City (AFL) 10,
at Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California
Conference championships: CLEVELAND 31, Dallas 20;
BALTIMORE 24, Minnesota 14 1966 AFL
Super Bowl III: N.Y. Jets (AFL) 16, Baltimore (NFL) 7, W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
at Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida Buffalo 9 4 1 .692 358 255 Kansas City 11 2 1 .846 448 276
Boston Patriots 8 4 2 .677 315 283 Oakland 8 5 1 .615 315 288
1968 AFL N.Y. Jets 6 6 2 .500 322 312 San Diego 7 6 1 .538 335 284
EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION Houston 3 11 0 .214 335 396 Denver 4 10 0 .286 196 381
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Miami 3 11 0 .214 213 362
N.Y. Jets 11 3 0 .786 419 280 Oakland 12 2 0 .857 453 233
Houston 7 7 0 .500 303 248 Kansas City 12 2 0 .857 371 170 AFL championship: Kansas City 31, BUFFALO 7
Miami 5 8 1 .385 276 355 San Diego 9 5 0 .643 382 310
Boston Patriots 4 10 0 .286 229 406 Denver 5 9 0 .357 255 404
Buffalo 1 12 1 .077 199 367 Cincinnati 3 11 0 .214 215 329

Western Division playoff: OAKLAND 41, Kansas City 6

AFL championship: N.Y. JETS 27, Oakland 23

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 397

1965 NFL 1962 NFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Cleveland 11 3 0 .786 363 325 Green Bay 10 3 1 .769 316 224 N.Y. Giants 12 2 0 .857 398 283 Green Bay 13 1 0 .929 415 148
Dallas 7 7 0 .500 325 280 Baltimore 10 3 1 .769 389 284 Pittsburgh 9 5 0 .643 312 363 Detroit 11 3 0 .786 315 177
N.Y. Giants 7 7 0 .500 270 338 Chicago 9 5 0 .643 409 275 Cleveland 7 6 1 .538 291 257 Chicago 9 5 0 .643 321 287
Washington 6 8 0 .429 257 301 San Francisco 7 6 1 .538 421 402 Washington 5 7 2 .417 305 376 Baltimore 7 7 0 .500 293 288
Philadelphia 5 9 0 .357 363 359 Minnesota 7 7 0 .500 383 403 Dallas Cowboys 5 8 1 .385 398 402 San Francisco 6 8 0 .429 282 331
St. Louis 5 9 0 .357 296 309 Detroit 6 7 1 .462 257 295 St. Louis 4 9 1 .308 287 361 Minnesota 2 11 1 .154 254 410
Pittsburgh 2 12 0 .143 202 397 Los Angeles 4 10 0 .286 269 328 Philadelphia 3 10 1 .231 282 356 Los Angeles 1 12 1 .077 220 334

Western Conference playoff: GREEN BAY 13, Baltimore 10 (OT) NFL championship: Green Bay 16, N.Y. GIANTS 7
NFL championship: GREEN BAY 23, Cleveland 12
1962 AFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Houston 11 3 0 .786 387 270 Dallas Texans 11 3 0 .786 389 233
Buffalo 10 3 1 .769 313 226 San Diego 9 2 3 .818 340 227 Boston Patriots 9 4 1 .692 346 295 Denver 7 7 0 .500 353 334
N.Y. Jets 5 8 1 .385 285 303 Oakland 8 5 1 .615 298 239 Buffalo 7 6 1 .538 309 272 San Diego 4 10 0 .286 314 392
Boston Patriots 4 8 2 .333 244 302 Kansas City 7 5 2 .583 322 285 N.Y. Titans 5 9 0 .357 278 423 Oakland 1 13 0 .071 213 370
Houston 4 10 0 .286 298 429 Denver 4 10 0 .286 303 392
AFL championship: Dallas Texans 20, HOUSTON 17 (OT)
AFL championship: Buffalo 23, SAN DIEGO 0
1961 NFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP N.Y. Giants 10 3 1 .769 368 220 Green Bay 11 3 0 .786 391 223
Cleveland 10 3 1 .769 415 293 Baltimore 12 2 0 .857 428 225 Philadelphia 10 4 0 .714 361 297 Detroit 8 5 1 .615 270 258
St. Louis 9 3 2 .750 357 331 Green Bay 8 5 1 .615 342 245 Cleveland 8 5 1 .615 319 270 Baltimore 8 6 0 .571 302 307
Philadelphia 6 8 0 .429 312 313 Minnesota 8 5 1 .615 355 296 St. Louis 7 7 0 .500 279 267 Chicago 8 6 0 .571 326 302
Washington 6 8 0 .429 307 305 Detroit 7 5 2 .583 280 260 Pittsburgh 6 8 0 .429 295 287 San Francisco 7 6 1 .538 346 272
Dallas 5 8 1 .385 250 289 Los Angeles 5 7 2 .417 283 339 Dallas Cowboys 4 9 1 .308 236 380 Los Angeles 4 10 0 .286 263 333
Pittsburgh 5 9 0 .357 253 315 Chicago 5 9 0 .357 260 379 Washington 1 12 1 .077 174 392 Minnesota 3 11 0 .214 285 407
N.Y. Giants 2 10 2 .167 241 399 San Francisco 4 10 0 .286 236 330
NFL championship: GREEN BAY 37, N.Y. Giants 0
NFL championship: CLEVELAND 27, Baltimore 0
1961 AFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Houston 10 3 1 .769 513 242 San Diego 12 2 0 .857 396 219
Buffalo 12 2 0 .857 400 242 San Diego 8 5 1 .615 341 300 Boston Patriots 9 4 1 .692 413 313 Dallas Texans 6 8 0 .429 334 343
Boston Patriots 10 3 1 .769 365 297 Kansas City 7 7 0 .500 366 306 N.Y. Titans 7 7 0 .500 301 390 Denver 3 11 0 .214 251 432
N.Y. Jets 5 8 1 .385 278 315 Oakland 5 7 2 .417 303 350 Buffalo 6 8 0 .429 294 342 Oakland 2 12 0 .143 237 458
Houston 4 10 0 .286 310 355 Denver 2 11 1 .154 240 438
AFL championship: Houston 10, SAN DIEGO 3
AFL championship: BUFFALO 20, San Diego 7
1960 NFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Philadelphia 10 2 0 .833 321 246 Green Bay 8 4 0 .667 332 209
N.Y. Giants 11 3 0 .786 448 280 Chicago 11 1 2 .917 301 144 Cleveland 8 3 1 .727 362 217 Detroit 7 5 0 .583 239 212
Cleveland 10 4 0 .714 343 262 Green Bay 11 2 1 .846 369 206 N.Y. Giants 6 4 2 .600 271 261 San Francisco 7 5 0 .583 208 205
St. Louis 9 5 0 .643 341 283 Baltimore 8 6 0 .571 316 285 St. Louis 6 5 1 .545 288 230 Baltimore 6 6 0 .500 288 234
Pittsburgh 7 4 3 .636 321 295 Detroit 5 8 1 .385 326 265 Pittsburgh 5 6 1 .455 240 275 Chicago 5 6 1 .455 194 299
Dallas 4 10 0 .286 305 378 Minnesota 5 8 1 .385 309 390 Washington 1 9 2 .100 178 309 L.A. Rams 4 7 1 .364 265 297
Washington 3 11 0 .214 279 398 Los Angeles 5 9 0 .357 210 350 Dallas Cowboys 0 11 1 .000 177 369
Philadelphia 2 10 2 .167 242 381 San Francisco 2 12 0 .143 198 391
NFL championship: PHILADELPHIA 17, Green Bay 13
NFL championship: CHICAGO 14, N.Y. Giants 10
1960 AFL
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Houston 10 4 0 .714 379 285 L.A. Chargers 10 4 0 .714 373 336
Boston Patriots 7 6 1 .538 327 257 San Diego 11 3 0 .786 399 255 N.Y. Titans 7 7 0 .500 382 399 Dallas Texans 8 6 0 .571 362 253
Buffalo 7 6 1 .538 304 291 Oakland 10 4 0 .714 363 282 Buffalo 5 8 1 .385 296 303 Oakland 6 8 0 .429 319 388
Houston 6 8 0 .429 302 372 Kansas City 5 7 2 .417 347 263 Boston Patriots 5 9 0 .357 286 349 Denver 4 9 1 .308 309 393
N.Y. Jets 5 8 1 .385 249 399 Denver 2 11 1 .154 301 473
AFL championship: HOUSTON 24, L.A. Chargers 16
Eastern Division playoff: Boston 26, BUFFALO 8
AFL championship: SAN DIEGO 51, Boston 10

398 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1959 1954
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
N.Y. Giants 10 2 0 .833 284 170 Baltimore 9 3 0 .750 374 251 Cleveland 9 3 0 .750 336 162 Detroit 9 2 1 .818 337 189
Cleveland 7 5 0 .583 270 214 Chi. Bears 8 4 0 .667 252 196 Philadelphia 7 4 1 .636 284 230 Chi. Bears 8 4 0 .667 301 279
Philadelphia 7 5 0 .583 268 278 Green Bay 7 5 0 .583 248 246 N.Y. Giants 7 5 0 .583 293 184 San Francisco 7 4 1 .636 313 251
Pittsburgh 6 5 1 .545 257 216 San Francisco 7 5 0 .583 255 237 Pittsburgh 5 7 0 .417 219 263 Los Angeles 6 5 1 .545 314 285
Washington 3 9 0 .250 185 350 Detroit 3 8 1 .273 203 275 Washington 3 9 0 .250 207 432 Green Bay 4 8 0 .333 234 251
Chi. Cardinals 2 10 0 .167 234 324 Los Angeles 2 10 0 .167 242 315 Chi. Cardinals 2 10 0 .167 183 347 Baltimore 3 9 0 .250 131 279

NFL championship: BALTIMORE 31, N.Y. Giants 16 NFL championship: CLEVELAND 56, Detroit 10

1958 1953
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
N.Y. Giants 9 3 0 .750 246 183 Baltimore 9 3 0 .750 381 203 Cleveland 11 1 0 .917 348 162 Detroit 10 2 0 .833 271 205
Cleveland 9 3 0 .750 302 217 Chi. Bears 8 4 0 .667 298 230 Philadelphia 7 4 1 .636 352 215 San Francisco 9 3 0 .750 372 237
Pittsburgh 7 4 1 .636 261 230 Los Angeles 8 4 0 .667 344 278 Washington 6 5 1 .545 208 215 Los Angeles 8 3 1 .727 366 236
Washington 4 7 1 .364 214 268 San Francisco 6 6 0 .500 257 324 Pittsburgh 6 6 0 .500 211 263 Chi. Bears 3 8 1 .273 218 262
Chi. Cardinals 2 9 1 .182 261 356 Detroit 4 7 1 .364 261 276 N.Y. Giants 3 9 0 .250 179 277 Baltimore 3 9 0 .250 182 350
Philadelphia 2 9 1 .182 235 306 Green Bay 1 10 1 .091 193 382 Chi. Cardinals 1 10 1 .091 190 337 Green Bay 2 9 1 .182 200 338

Eastern Conference playoff: N.Y. GIANTS 10, Cleveland 0 NFL championship: DETROIT 17, Cleveland 16
NFL championship: Baltimore 23, N.Y. GIANTS 17 (OT)
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cleveland 8 4 0 .667 310 213 Detroit 9 3 0 .750 344 192
Cleveland 9 2 1 .818 269 172 Detroit 8 4 0 .667 251 231 N.Y. Giants 7 5 0 .583 234 231 Los Angeles 9 3 0 .750 349 234
N.Y. Giants 7 5 0 .583 254 211 San Francisco 8 4 0 .667 260 264 Philadelphia 7 5 0 .583 252 271 San Francisco 7 5 0 .583 285 221
Pittsburgh 6 6 0 .500 161 178 Baltimore 7 5 0 .583 303 235 Pittsburgh 5 7 0 .417 300 273 Green Bay 6 6 0 .500 295 312
Washington 5 6 1 .455 251 230 Los Angeles 6 6 0 .500 307 278 Chi. Cardinals 4 8 0 .333 172 221 Chi. Bears 5 7 0 .417 245 326
Philadelphia 4 8 0 .333 173 230 Chi. Bears 5 7 0 .417 203 211 Washington 4 8 0 .333 240 287 Dallas Texans 1 11 0 .083 182 427
Chi. Cardinals 3 9 0 .250 200 299 Green Bay 3 9 0 .250 218 311
National Conference playoff: DETROIT 31, Los Angeles 21
Western Conference playoff: Detroit 31, SAN FRANCISCO 27 NFL championship: Detroit 17, CLEVELAND 7
NFL championship: DETROIT 59, Cleveland 14
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cleveland 11 1 0 .917 331 152 Los Angeles 8 4 0 .667 392 261
N.Y. Giants 8 3 1 .727 264 197 Chi. Bears 9 2 1 .818 363 246 N.Y. Giants 9 2 1 .818 254 161 Detroit 7 4 1 .636 336 259
Chi. Cardinals 7 5 0 .583 240 182 Detroit 9 3 0 .750 300 188 Washington 5 7 0 .417 183 296 San Francisco 7 4 1 .636 255 205
Washington 6 6 0 .500 183 225 San Francisco 5 6 1 .455 233 284 Pittsburgh 4 7 1 .364 183 235 Chi. Bears 7 5 0 .583 286 282
Cleveland 5 7 0 .417 167 177 Baltimore 5 7 0 .417 270 322 Philadelphia 4 8 0 .333 234 264 Green Bay 3 9 0 .250 254 375
Pittsburgh 5 7 0 .417 217 250 Green Bay 4 8 0 .333 264 342 Chi. Cardinals 3 9 0 .250 210 287 N.Y. Yanks 1 9 2 .100 241 382
Philadelphia 3 8 1 .273 143 215 Los Angeles 4 8 0 .333 291 307
NFL championship: LOS ANGELES 24, Cleveland 17
NFL championship: N.Y. GIANTS 47, Chi. Bears 7
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Cleveland 10 2 0 .833 310 144 Los Angeles 9 3 0 .750 466 309
Cleveland 9 2 1 .818 349 218 Los Angeles 8 3 1 .727 260 231 N.Y. Giants 10 2 0 .833 268 150 Chi. Bears 9 3 0 .750 279 207
Washington 8 4 0 .667 246 222 Chi. Bears 8 4 0 .667 294 251 Philadelphia 6 6 0 .500 254 141 N.Y. Yanks 7 5 0 .583 366 367
N.Y. Giants 6 5 1 .545 267 223 Green Bay 6 6 0 .500 258 276 Pittsburgh 6 6 0 .500 180 195 Detroit 6 6 0 .500 321 285
Chi. Cardinals 4 7 1 .364 224 252 Baltimore 5 6 1 .455 214 239 Chi. Cardinals 5 7 0 .417 233 287 Green Bay 3 9 0 .250 244 406
Philadelphia 4 7 1 .364 248 231 San Francisco 4 8 0 .333 216 298 Washington 3 9 0 .250 232 326 San Francisco 3 9 0 .250 213 300
Pittsburgh 4 8 0 .333 195 285 Detroit 3 9 0 .250 230 275 Baltimore 1 11 0 .083 213 462

NFL championship: Cleveland 38, LOS ANGELES 14 American Conference playoff: CLEVELAND 8, N.Y. Giants 3
National Conference playoff: LOS ANGELES 24, Chi. Bears 14
NFL championship: CLEVELAND 30, Los Angeles 28

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 399

1949 1943
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Philadelphia 11 1 0 .917 364 134 Los Angeles 8 2 2 .800 360 239 Washington 6 3 1 .667 229 137 Chi. Bears 8 1 1 .889 303 157
Pittsburgh 6 5 1 .545 224 214 Chi. Bears 9 3 0 .750 332 218 N.Y. Giants 6 3 1 .667 197 170 Green Bay 7 2 1 .778 264 172
N.Y. Giants 6 6 0 .500 287 298 Chi. Cardinals 6 5 1 .545 360 301 Phil-Pitt 5 4 1 .556 225 230 Detroit 3 6 1 .333 178 218
Washington 4 7 1 .364 268 339 Detroit 4 8 0 .333 237 259 Brooklyn 2 8 0 .200 65 234 Chi. Cardinals 0 10 0 .000 95 238
N.Y. Bulldogs 1 10 1 .091 153 368 Green Bay 2 10 0 .167 114 329
Eastern Division playoff: Washington 28, N.Y. GIANTS 0
NFL championship: Philadelphia 14, LOS ANGELES 0 NFL championship: CHI. BEARS 41, Washington 21

1948 1942
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Philadelphia 9 2 1 .818 376 156 Chi. Cardinals 11 1 0 .917 395 226 Washington 10 1 0 .909 227 102 Chi. Bears 11 0 01.000 376 84
Washington 7 5 0 .583 291 287 Chi. Bears 10 2 0 .833 375 151 Pittsburgh 7 4 0 .636 167 119 Green Bay 8 2 1 .800 300 215
N.Y. Giants 4 8 0 .333 297 388 Los Angeles 6 5 1 .545 327 269 N.Y. Giants 5 5 1 .500 155 139 Cleveland 5 6 0 .455 150 207
Pittsburgh 4 8 0 .333 200 243 Green Bay 3 9 0 .250 154 290 Brooklyn 3 8 0 .273 100 168 Chi. Cardinals 3 8 0 .273 98 209
Boston 3 9 0 .250 174 372 Detroit 2 10 0 .167 200 407 Philadelphia 2 9 0 .182 134 239 Detroit 0 11 0 .000 38 263

NFL championship: PHILADELPHIA 7, Chi. Cardinals 0 NFL championship: WASHINGTON 14, Chi. Bears 6

1947 1941
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Philadelphia 8 4 0 .667 308 242 Chi. Cardinals 9 3 0 .750 306 231 N.Y. Giants 8 3 0 .727 238 114 Chi. Bears 10 1 0 .909 396 147
Pittsburgh 8 4 0 .667 240 259 Chi. Bears 8 4 0 .667 363 241 Brooklyn 7 4 0 .636 158 127 Green Bay 10 1 0 .909 258 120
Boston 4 7 1 .364 168 256 Green Bay 6 5 1 .545 274 210 Washington 6 5 0 .545 176 174 Detroit 4 6 1 .400 121 195
Washington 4 8 0 .333 295 367 Los Angeles 6 6 0 .500 259 214 Philadelphia 2 8 1 .200 119 218 Chi. Cardinals 3 7 1 .300 127 197
N.Y. Giants 2 8 2 .200 190 309 Detroit 3 9 0 .250 231 305 Pittsburgh 1 9 1 .100 103 276 Cleveland 2 9 0 .182 116 244

Eastern Division playoff: Philadelphia 21, PITTSBURGH 0 Western Division playoff: CHI. BEARS 33, Green Bay 14
NFL championship: CHI. CARDINALS 28, Philadelphia 21 NFL championship: CHI. BEARS 37, N.Y. Giants 9

1946 1940
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
N.Y. Giants 7 3 1 .700 236 162 Chi. Bears 8 2 1 .800 289 193 Washington 9 2 0 .818 245 142 Chi. Bears 8 3 0 .727 238 152
Philadelphia 6 5 0 .545 231 220 Los Angeles 6 4 1 .600 277 257 Brooklyn 8 3 0 .727 186 120 Green Bay 6 4 1 .600 238 155
Washington 5 5 1 .500 171 191 Green Bay 6 5 0 .545 148 158 N.Y. Giants 6 4 1 .600 131 133 Detroit 5 5 1 .500 138 153
Pittsburgh 5 5 1 .500 136 117 Chi. Cardinals 6 5 0 .545 260 198 Pittsburgh 2 7 2 .222 60 178 Cleveland 4 6 1 .400 171 191
Boston 2 8 1 .200 189 273 Detroit 1 10 0 .091 142 310 Philadelphia 1 10 0 .091 111 211 Chi. Cardinals 2 7 2 .222 139 222

NFL championship: Chi. Bears 24, N.Y. GIANTS 14 NFL championship: Chi. Bears 73, WASHINGTON 0

1945 1939
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Washington 8 2 0 .800 209 121 Cleveland 9 1 0 .900 244 136 N.Y. Giants 9 1 1 .900 168 85 Green Bay 9 2 0 .818 233 153
Philadelphia 7 3 0 .700 272 133 Detroit 7 3 0 .700 195 194 Washington 8 2 1 .800 242 94 Chi. Bears 8 3 0 .727 298 157
N.Y. Giants 3 6 1 .333 179 198 Green Bay 6 4 0 .600 258 173 Brooklyn 4 6 1 .400 108 219 Detroit 6 5 0 .545 145 150
Boston 3 6 1 .333 123 211 Chi. Bears 3 7 0 .300 192 235 Philadelphia 1 9 1 .100 105 200 Cleveland 5 5 1 .500 195 164
Pittsburgh 2 8 0 .200 79 220 Chi. Cardinals 1 9 0 .100 98 228 Pittsburgh 1 9 1 .100 114 216 Chi. Cardinals 1 10 0 .091 84 254

NFL championship: CLEVELAND 15, Washington 14 NFL championship: GREEN BAY 27, N.Y. Giants 0

1944 1938
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
N.Y. Giants 8 1 1 .889 206 75 Green Bay 8 2 0 .800 238 141 N.Y. Giants 8 2 1 .800 194 79 Green Bay 8 3 0 .727 223 118
Philadelphia 7 1 2 .875 267 131 Chi. Bears 6 3 1 .667 258 172 Washington 6 3 2 .667 148 154 Detroit 7 4 0 .636 119 108
Washington 6 3 1 .667 169 180 Detroit 6 3 1 .667 216 151 Brooklyn 4 4 3 .500 131 161 Chi. Bears 6 5 0 .545 194 148
Boston 2 8 0 .200 82 233 Cleveland 4 6 0 .400 188 224 Philadelphia 5 6 0 .455 154 164 Cleveland 4 7 0 .364 131 215
Brooklyn 0 10 0 .000 69 166 Card-Pitt 0 10 0 .000 108 328 Pittsburgh 2 9 0 .182 79 169 Chi. Cardinals 2 9 0 .182 111 168

NFL championship: Green Bay 14, N.Y. GIANTS 7 NFL championship: N.Y. GIANTS 23, Green Bay 17

400 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1937 1932 1927
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Chicago Bears 7 1 6 .875 New York Giants 11 1 1 .917
Washington 8 3 0 .727 195 120 Chi. Bears 9 1 1 .900 201 100 Green Bay Packers 10 3 1 .769 Green Bay Packers 7 2 1 .778
N.Y. Giants 6 3 2 .667 128 109 Green Bay 7 4 0 .636 220 122 Portsmouth Spartans 6 2 4 .750 Chicago Bears 9 3 2 .750
Boston Braves 4 4 2 .500 Cleveland Bulldogs 8 4 1 .667
Pittsburgh 4 7 0 .364 122 145 Detroit 7 4 0 .636 180 105
New York Giants 4 6 2 .400 Providence Steam Roller 8 5 1 .615
Brooklyn 3 7 1 .300 82 174 Chi. Cardinals 5 5 1 .500 135 165
Brooklyn Dodgers 3 9 0 .250 New York Yankees 7 8 1 .467
Philadelphia 2 8 1 .200 86 177 Cleveland 1 10 0 .091 75 207 Chicago Cardinals 2 6 2 .250 Frankford Yellow Jackets 6 9 3 .400
Staten Island Stapletons 2 7 3 .222 Pottsville Maroons 5 8 0 .385
NFL championship: Washington 28, CHI. BEARS 21 Chicago Bears and Portsmouth finished Chicago Cardinals 3 7 1 .300
regularly scheduled games tied for first Dayton Triangles 1 6 1 .143
1936 place. Bears won playoff game, which Duluth Eskimos 1 8 0 .111
EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION counted in standings, 9-0. Buffalo Bisons 0 5 0 .000
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Boston 7 5 0 .583 149 110 Green Bay 10 1 1 .909 248 118 1931 1926
Pittsburgh 6 6 0 .500 98 187 Chi. Bears 9 3 0 .750 222 94 W L T Pct. W L T Pct.
N.Y. Giants 5 6 1 .455 115 163 Detroit 8 4 0 .667 235 102 Green Bay Packers 12 2 0 .857 Frankford Yellow Jackets 14 1 2 .933
Brooklyn 3 8 1 .273 92 161 Chi. Cardinals 3 8 1 .273 74 143 Portsmouth Spartans 11 3 0 .786 Chicago Bears 12 1 3 .923
Chicago Bears 8 5 0 .615 Pottsville Maroons 10 2 2 .833
Philadelphia 1 11 0 .083 51 206
Chicago Cardinals 5 4 0 .556 Kansas City Cowboys 8 3 0 .727
New York Giants 7 6 1 .538 Green Bay Packers 7 3 3 .700
NFL championship: Green Bay 21, Boston 6, at Polo Grounds, N.Y. Los Angeles Buccaneers 6 3 1 .667
Providence Steam Roller 4 4 3 .500
Staten Island Stapletons 4 6 1 .400 New York Giants 8 4 1 .667
1935 Duluth Eskimos 6 5 3 .545
Cleveland Indians 2 8 0 .200
EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION Brooklyn Dodgers 2 12 0 .143 Buffalo Rangers 4 4 2 .500
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Frankford Yellow Jackets 1 6 1 .143 Chicago Cardinals 5 6 1 .455
N.Y. Giants 9 3 0 .750 180 96 Detroit 7 3 2 .700 191 111 Providence Steam Roller 5 7 1 .417
Brooklyn 5 6 1 .455 90 141 Green Bay 8 4 0 .667 181 96 1930 Detroit Panthers 4 6 2 .400
Pittsburgh 4 8 0 .333 100 209 Chi. Bears 6 4 2 .600 192 106 W L T Pct. Hartford Blues 3 7 0 .300
Brooklyn Lions 3 8 0 .273
Boston 2 8 1 .200 65 123 Chi. Cardinals 6 4 2 .600 99 97 Green Bay Packers 10 3 1 .769
Milwaukee Badgers 2 7 0 .222
Philadelphia 2 9 0 .182 60 179 New York Giants 13 4 0 .765
Akron Indians 1 4 3 .200
Chicago Bears 9 4 1 .692
Dayton Triangles 1 4 1 .200
NFL championship: DETROIT 26, N.Y. Giants 7 Brooklyn Dodgers 7 4 1 .636
Racine Tornadoes 1 4 0 .200
One game between Boston and Philadelphia was canceled. Providence Steam Roller 6 4 1 .600 Columbus Tigers 1 6 0 .143
Staten Island Stapletons 5 5 2 .500 Canton Bulldogs 1 9 3 .100
1934 Chicago Cardinals 5 6 2 .455 Hammond Pros 0 4 0 .000
Portsmouth Spartans 5 6 3 .455 Louisville Colonels 0 4 0 .000
Frankford Yellow Jackets 4 13 1 .222
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Minneapolis Red Jackets 1 7 1 .125 1925
N.Y. Giants 8 5 0 .615 147 107 Chi. Bears 13 0 01.000 286 86 Newark Tornadoes 1 10 1 .091
Boston 6 6 0 .500 107 94 Detroit 10 3 0 .769 238 59 W L T Pct.
Chicago Cardinals 11 2 1 .846
Brooklyn 4 7 0 .364 61 153 Green Bay 7 6 0 .538 156 112 1929 Pottsville Maroons 10 2 0 .833
Philadelphia 4 7 0 .364 127 85 Chi. Cardinals 5 6 0 .455 80 84 W L T Pct. Detroit Panthers 8 2 2 .800
Pittsburgh 2 10 0 .167 51 206 St. Louis 1 2 0 .333 27 61 Green Bay Packers 12 0 1 1.000 New York Giants 8 4 0 .667
Cincinnati 0 8 0 .000 10 243 New York Giants 13 1 1 .929 Akron Indians 4 2 2 .667
Frankford Yellow Jackets 10 4 5 .714 Frankford Yellow Jackets 13 7 0 .650
NFL championship: N.Y. GIANTS 30, Chi. Bears 13 Chicago Cardinals 6 6 1 .500 Chicago Bears 9 5 3 .643
Boston Bulldogs 4 4 0 .500 Rock Island Independents 5 3 3 .625
1933 Staten Island Stapletons 3 4 3 .429 Green Bay Packers 8 5 0 .615
EASTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION Providence Steam Roller 4 6 2 .400 Providence Steam Roller 6 5 1 .545
W L T Pct. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP Orange Tornadoes 3 5 4 .375 Canton Bulldogs 4 4 0 .500
Chicago Bears 4 9 2 .308 Cleveland Bulldogs 5 8 1 .385
N.Y. Giants 11 3 0 .786 244 101 Chi. Bears 10 2 1 .833 133 82
Buffalo Bisons 1 7 1 .125 Kansas City Cowboys 2 5 1 .286
Brooklyn 5 4 1 .556 93 54 Portsmouth 6 5 0 .545 128 87 Hammond Pros 1 4 0 .200
Minneapolis Red Jackets 1 9 0 .100
Boston 5 5 2 .500 103 97 Green Bay 5 7 1 .417 170 107 Buffalo Bisons 1 6 2 .143
Dayton Triangles 0 6 0 .000
Philadelphia 3 5 1 .375 77 158 Cincinnati 3 6 1 .333 38 110 Duluth Kelleys 0 3 0 .000
Pittsburgh 3 6 2 .333 67 208 Chi. Cardinals 1 9 1 .100 52 101 1928 Rochester Jeffersons 0 6 1 .000
W L T Pct. Milwaukee Badgers 0 6 0 .000
NFL championship: CHI. BEARS 23, N.Y. Giants 21 Providence Steam Roller 8 1 2 .889 Dayton Triangles 0 7 1 .000
Frankford Yellow Jackets 11 3 2 .786 Columbus Tigers 0 9 0 .000
Detroit Wolverines 7 2 1 .778
Green Bay Packers 6 4 3 .600
Chicago Bears 7 5 1 .583
New York Giants 4 7 2 .364
New York Yankees 4 8 1 .333
Pottsville Maroons 2 8 0 .200
Chicago Cardinals 1 5 0 .167
Dayton Triangles 0 7 0 .000

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 401

1924 1921
W L T Pct. W L T Pct.
Cleveland Bulldogs 7 1 1 .875Chicago Staleys 9 1 1 .900
Chicago Bears 6 1 4 .857Buffalo All-Americans 9 1 2 .900
Frankford Yellow Jackets 11 2 1 .846Akron Pros 8 3 1 .727
Duluth Kelleys 5 1 0 .833Canton Bulldogs 5 2 3 .714
Rock Island Independents 5 2 2 .714Rock Island Independents 4 2 1 .667
Green Bay Packers 7 4 0 .636Evansville Crimson Giants 3 2 0 .600
Racine Legion 4 3 3 .571Green Bay Packers 3 2 1 .600
Chicago Cardinals 5 4 1 .556Dayton Triangles 4 4 1 .500
Buffalo Bisons 6 5 0 .545Chicago Cardinals 3 3 2 .500
Columbus Tigers 4 4 0 .500Rochester Jeffersons 2 3 0 .400
Hammond Pros 2 2 1 .500Cleveland Indians 3 5 0 .375
Milwaukee Badgers 5 8 0 .385Washington Senators 1 2 0 .333
Akron Indians 2 6 0 .250Cincinnati Celts 1 3 0 .250
Dayton Triangles 2 6 0 .250Hammond Pros 1 3 1 .250
Kansas City Blues 2 7 0 .222Minneapolis Marines 1 3 0 .250
Kenosha Maroons 0 4 1 .000Detroit Tigers 1 5 1 .167
Minneapolis Marines 0 6 0 .000Columbus Panhandles 1 8 0 .111
Rochester Jeffersons 0 7 0 .000Tonawanda Kardex 0 1 0 .000
Muncie Flyers 0 2 0 .000
1923 Louisville Brecks 0 2 0 .000
W L T Pct. New York Giants 0 2 0 .000
Canton Bulldogs 11 0 1 1.000
Chicago Bears 9 2 1 .818 1920*
Green Bay Packers 7 2 1 .778 W L T Pct.
Milwaukee Badgers 7 2 3 .778 Akron Pros 8 0 3 1.000
Cleveland Indians 3 1 3 .750 Decatur Staleys 10 1 2 .909
Chicago Cardinals 8 4 0 .667 Buffalo All-Americans 9 1 1 .900
Duluth Kelleys 4 3 0 .571 Chicago Cardinals 6 2 2 .750
Buffalo All-Americans 5 4 3 .556 Rock Island Independents 6 2 2 .750
Columbus Tigers 5 4 1 .556 Dayton Triangles 5 2 2 .714
Racine Legion 4 4 2 .500 Rochester Jeffersons 6 3 2 .667
Toledo Maroons 3 3 2 .500 Canton Bulldogs 7 4 2 .636
Rock Island Independents 2 3 3 .400 Detroit Heralds 2 3 3 .400
Minneapolis Marines 2 5 2 .286 Cleveland Tigers 2 4 2 .333
St. Louis All-Stars 1 4 2 .200 Chicago Tigers 2 5 1 .286
Hammond Pros 1 5 1 .167 Hammond Pros 2 5 0 .286
Dayton Triangles 1 6 1 .143 Columbus Panhandles 2 6 2 .250
Akron Indians 1 6 0 .143 Muncie Flyers 0 1 0 .000
Oorang Indians 1 10 0 .091
Louisville Brecks 0 3 0 .000 *No official standings were maintained for
Rochester Jeffersons 0 4 0 .000 the 1920 season, and the championship
was awarded to the Akron Pros in a League
1922 meeting on April 30, 1921. Clubs played
W L T Pct. schedules that included games against
Canton Bulldogs 10 0 2 1.000 nonleague opponents.
Chicago Bears 9 3 0 .750
Chicago Cardinals 8 3 0 .727
Toledo Maroons 5 2 2 .714
Rock Island Independents 4 2 1 .667
Racine Legion 6 4 1 .600
Dayton Triangles 4 3 1 .571
Green Bay Packers 4 3 3 .571
Buffalo All-Americans 5 4 1 .556
Akron Pros 3 5 2 .375
Milwaukee Badgers 2 4 3 .333
Oorang Indians 3 6 0 .333
Minneapolis Marines 1 3 0 .250
Louisville Brecks 1 3 0 .250
Evansville Crimson Giants 0 3 0 .000
Rochester Jeffersons 0 4 1 .000
Hammond Pros 0 5 1 .000
Columbus Panhandles 0 8 0 .000

402 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

RS=REGULAR SEASON *Cardinals, 33-13 (C) 1949—Bears, 17-7 (Co)
PS=POSTSEASON 2009—Panthers, 34-21 (A) Bears, 52-21 (Wr)
*ARIZONA vs. ATLANTA 2010—Panthers, 19-12 (C) 1950—Bears, 27-6 (Wr)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 15-13 2011—Cardinals, 28-21 (A) Cardinals, 20-10 (Co)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 1-0 2013—Cardinals, 22-6 (A) 1951—Cardinals, 28-14 (Co)
1966—Falcons, 16-10 (Atl) 2014—**Panthers, 27-16 (C) Cardinals, 24-14 (Wr)
1968—Cardinals, 17-12 (StL) 2015—***Panthers, 49-15 (C) 1952—Cardinals, 21-10 (Co)
1971—Cardinals, 26-9 (Atl) (RS Pts.—Panthers 258, Cardinals 216) Bears, 10-7 (Wr)
1973—Cardinals, 32-10 (Atl) (PS Pts.—Panthers 89, Cardinals 64) 1953—Cardinals, 24-17 (Wr)
1975—Cardinals, 23-20 (StL) *NFC Divisional Playoff 1954—Bears, 29-7 (Co)
1978—Cardinals, 42-21 (StL) **NFC First-Round Playoff 1955—Cardinals, 53-14 (Co)
1980—Falcons, 33-27 (StL) OT ***NFC Championship 1956—Bears, 10-3 (Wr)
1981—Falcons, 41-20 (Atl) *ARIZONA vs. **CHICAGO 1957—Bears, 14-6 (Co)
1982—Cardinals, 23-20 (Atl) RS: Bears lead series, 56-28-6 1958—Bears, 30-14 (Wr)
1986—Falcons, 33-13 (Atl) (NP denotes Normal Park; 1959—Bears, 31-7 (So)
1987—Cardinals, 34-21 (Atl) Wr denotes Wrigley Field; 1965—Bears, 34-13 (Wr)
1989—Cardinals, 34-20 (P) Co denotes Comiskey Park; 1966—Cardinals, 24-17 (StL)
1990—Cardinals, 24-13 (Atl) So denotes Soldier Field; 1967—Bears, 30-3 (Wr)
1991—Cardinals, 16-10 (P) all Chicago) 1969—Cardinals, 20-17 (StL)
1992—Falcons, 20-17 (Atl) 1920—Cardinals, 7-6 (NP) 1972—Bears, 27-10 (StL)
1993—Cardinals, 27-10 (Atl) Staleys, 10-0 (Wr) 1975—Cardinals, 34-20 (So)
1994—Falcons, 10-6 (Atl) 1921—Tie, 0-0 (Wr) 1977—Cardinals, 16-13 (StL)
1995—Cardinals, 40-37 (Ariz) OT 1922—Cardinals, 6-0 (Co) 1978—Bears, 17-10 (So)
1997—Cardinals, 29-26 (Ariz) Cardinals, 9-0 (Co) 1979—Bears, 42-6 (So)
1999—Falcons, 37-14 (Atl) 1923—Bears, 3-0 (Wr) 1982—Cardinals, 10-7 (So)
2001—Falcons, 34-14 (Ariz) 1924—Bears, 6-0 (Wr) 1984—Cardinals, 38-21 (StL)
2004—Falcons, 6-3 (Atl) Bears, 21-0 (Co) 1990—Bears, 31-21 (P)
2006—Falcons, 32-10 (Atl) 1925—Cardinals, 9-0 (Co) 1994—Bears, 19-16 (A) OT
2007—Cardinals, 30-27 (Ariz) OT Tie, 0-0 (Wr) 1998—Cardinals, 20-7 (A)
2008—**Cardinals, 30-24 (Ariz) 1926—Bears, 16-0 (Wr) 2001—Bears, 20-13 (C)
2010—Falcons, 41-7 (Atl) Bears, 10-0 (So) 2003—Bears, 28-3 (C)
2012—Falcons, 23-19 (Atl) Tie, 0-0 (Wr) 2006—Bears, 24-23 (A)
2013—Cardinals, 27-13 (Ariz) 1927—Bears, 9-0 (NP) 2009—Cardinals, 41-21 (C)
2014—Falcons, 29-18 (Atl) Cardinals, 3-0 (Wr) 2012—Bears, 28-13 (A)
(RS Pts.—Falcons 624, Cardinals 602) 1928—Bears, 15-0 (NP) 2015—Cardinals, 48-23 (C)
(PS Pts.—Cardinals 30, Falcons 24) Bears, 34-0 (Wr) (RS Pts.—Bears 1,718, Cardinals 1,175)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1929—Tie, 0-0 (Wr) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Cardinals, 40-6 (Co) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, and in
**NFC First-Round Playoff 1930—Bears, 32-6 (Co) Chicago prior to 1960
*ARIZONA vs. BALTIMORE Bears, 6-0 (Wr) **Franchise in Decatur prior to 1921 and
RS: Ravens lead series, 4-2 1931—Bears, 26-13 (Wr) known as Staleys prior to 1922
1997—Cardinals, 16-13 (B) Bears, 18-7 (Wr) *ARIZONA vs. CINCINNATI
2000—Ravens, 13-7 (A) 1932—Tie, 0-0 (Wr) RS: Bengals lead series, 6-5
2003—Ravens, 26-18 (A) Bears, 34-0 (Wr) 1973—Bengals, 42-24 (C)
2007—Ravens, 26-23 (B) 1933—Bears, 12-9 (Wr) 1979—Bengals, 34-28 (C)
2011—Ravens, 30-27 (B) Bears, 22-6 (Wr) 1985—Cardinals, 41-27 (StL)
2015—Cardinals, 26-18 (A) 1934—Bears, 20-0 (Wr) 1988—Bengals, 21-14 (C)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 126, Cardinals 117) Bears, 17-6 (Wr) 1994—Cardinals, 28-7 (A)
*ARIZONA vs. BUFFALO 1935—Tie, 7-7 (Wr) 1997—Bengals, 24-21 (C)
RS: Bills lead series, 6-4 Bears, 13-0 (Wr) 2000—Bengals, 24-13 (C)
1971—Cardinals, 28-23 (B) 1936—Bears, 7-3 (Wr) 2003—Cardinals, 17-14 (A)
1975—Bills, 32-14 (StL) Cardinals, 14-7 (Wr) 2007—Cardinals, 35-27 (C)
1981—Cardinals, 24-0 (StL) 1937—Bears, 16-7 (Wr) 2011—Bengals, 23-16 (C)
1984—Cardinals, 37-7 (StL) Bears, 42-28 (Wr) 2015—Cardinals, 34-31 (A)
1986—Bills, 17-10 (B) 1938—Bears, 16-13 (So) (RS Pts.—Bengals 274, Cardinals 271)
1990—Bills, 45-14 (B) Bears, 34-28 (Wr) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1999—Bills, 31-21 (A) 1939—Bears, 44-7 (Wr) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988
2004—Bills, 38-14 (B) Bears, 48-7 (Co) *ARIZONA vs. CLEVELAND
2008—Cardinals, 41-17 (A) 1940—Cardinals, 21-7 (Co) RS: Browns lead series, 33-14-3
2012—Bills, 19-16 (A) OT Bears, 31-23 (Wr) 1950—Browns, 34-24 (Cle)
(RS Pts.—Bills 229, Cardinals 219) 1941—Bears, 53-7 (Wr) Browns, 10-7 (Chi)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to Bears, 34-24 (Co) 1951—Browns, 34-17 (Chi)
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 1942—Bears, 41-14 (Wr) Browns, 49-28 (Cle)
ARIZONA vs. CAROLINA Bears, 21-7 (Co) 1952—Browns, 28-13 (Cle)
RS: Panthers lead series, 8-4 1943—Bears, 20-0 (Wr) Browns, 10-0 (Chi)
PS: Panthers lead series, 2-1 Bears, 35-24 (Co) 1953—Browns, 27-7 (Chi)
1995—Panthers, 27-7 (C) 1945—Cardinals, 16-7 (Wr) Browns, 27-16 (Cle)
2001—Cardinals, 30-7 (C) Bears, 28-20 (Co) 1954—Browns, 31-7 (Cle)
2002—Cardinals, 16-13 (C) 1946—Bears, 34-17 (Co) Browns, 35-3 (Chi)
2003—Panthers, 20-17 (A) Cardinals, 35-28 (Wr) 1955—Browns, 26-20 (Chi)
2004—Panthers, 35-10 (C) 1947—Cardinals, 31-7 (Co) Browns, 35-24 (Cle)
2005—Panthers, 24-20 (A) Cardinals, 30-21 (Wr) 1956—Cardinals, 9-7 (Chi)
2007—Panthers, 25-10 (A) 1948—Bears, 28-17 (Co) Cardinals, 24-7 (Cle)
2008—Panthers, 27-23 (C) Cardinals, 24-21 (Wr) 1957—Browns, 17-7 (Chi)

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Browns, 31-0 (Cle) 1978—Cowboys, 21-12 (D) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1958—Browns, 35-28 (Cle) Cowboys, 24-21 (StL) OT 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988
Browns, 38-24 (Chi) 1979—Cowboys, 22-21 (StL) *ARIZONA vs. **DETROIT
1959—Browns, 34-7 (Chi) Cowboys, 22-13 (D) RS: Lions lead series, 31-28-5
Browns, 17-7 (Cle) 1980—Cowboys, 27-24 (StL) 1930—Tie, 0-0 (Port)
1960—Browns, 28-27 (Cle) Cowboys, 31-21 (D) Cardinals, 23-0 (C)
Tie, 17-17 (StL) 1981—Cowboys, 30-17 (D) 1931—Spartans, 13-3 (Port)
1961—Browns, 20-17 (Cle) Cardinals, 20-17 (StL) Cardinals, 20-19 (C)
Browns, 21-10 (StL) 1982—Cowboys, 24-7 (StL) 1932—Tie, 7-7 (Port)
1962—Browns, 34-7 (StL) 1983—Cowboys, 34-17 (StL) 1933—Spartans, 7-6 (Port)
Browns, 38-14 (Cle) Cowboys, 35-17 (D) 1934—Lions, 6-0 (D)
1963—Cardinals, 20-14 (Cle) 1984—Cardinals, 31-20 (D) Lions, 17-13 (C)
Browns, 24-10 (StL) Cowboys, 24-17 (StL) 1935—Tie, 10-10 (D)
1964—Tie, 33-33 (Cle) 1985—Cardinals, 21-10 (StL) Lions, 7-6 (C)
Cardinals, 28-19 (StL) Cowboys, 35-17 (D) 1936—Lions, 39-0 (D)
1965—Cardinals, 49-13 (Cle) 1986—Cowboys, 31-7 (StL) Lions, 14-7 (C)
Browns, 27-24 (StL) Cowboys, 37-6 (D) 1937—Lions, 16-7 (C)
1966—Cardinals, 34-28 (Cle) 1987—Cardinals, 24-13 (StL) Lions, 16-7 (D)
Browns, 38-10 (StL) Cowboys, 21-16 (D) 1938—Lions, 10-0 (D)
1967—Browns, 20-16 (Cle) 1988—Cowboys, 17-14 (P) Lions, 7-3 (C)
Browns, 20-16 (StL) Cardinals, 16-10 (D) 1939—Lions, 21-3 (D)
1968—Cardinals, 27-21 (Cle) 1989—Cardinals, 19-10 (D) Lions, 17-3 (C)
Cardinals, 27-16 (StL) Cardinals, 24-20 (P) 1940—Tie, 0-0 (Buffalo)
1969—Tie, 21-21 (Cle) 1990—Cardinals, 20-3 (P) Lions, 43-14 (C)
Browns, 27-21 (StL) Cowboys, 41-10 (D) 1941—Tie, 14-14 (C)
1974—Cardinals, 29-7 (StL) 1991—Cowboys, 17-9 (P) Lions, 21-3 (D)
1979—Browns, 38-20 (StL) Cowboys, 27-7 (D) 1942—Cardinals, 13-0 (C)
1985—Cardinals, 27-24 (Cle) OT 1992—Cowboys, 31-20 (D) Cardinals, 7-0 (D)
1988—Browns, 29-21 (P) Cowboys, 16-10 (P) 1943—Lions, 35-17 (D)
1994—Browns, 32-0 (Cle) 1993—Cowboys, 17-10 (P) Lions, 7-0 (Buffalo)
2000—Cardinals, 29-21 (A) Cowboys, 20-15 (D) 1945—Lions, 10-0 (Milwaukee)
2003—Browns, 44-6 (Cle) 1994—Cowboys, 38-3 (D) Lions, 26-0 (D)
2007—Cardinals, 27-21 (A) Cowboys, 28-21 (A) 1946—Cardinals, 34-14 (C)
2011—Cardinals, 20-17 (A) OT 1995—Cowboys, 34-20 (D) Cardinals, 36-14 (D)
2015—Cardinals, 34-20 (Cle) Cowboys, 37-13 (A) 1947—Cardinals, 45-21 (C)
(RS Pts.—Browns 1,264, Cardinals 913) 1996—Cowboys, 17-3 (D) Cardinals, 17-7 (D)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to Cowboys, 10-6 (A) 1948—Cardinals, 56-20 (C)
1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, 1997—Cardinals, 25-22 (A) OT Cardinals, 28-14 (D)
and in Chicago prior to 1960 Cowboys, 24-6 (D) 1949—Lions, 24-7 (C)
*ARIZONA vs. DALLAS 1998—Cowboys, 38-10 (D) Cardinals, 42-19 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 55-31-1 Cowboys, 35-28 (A) 1959—Lions, 45-21 (D)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 1-0 **Cardinals, 20-7 (D) 1961—Lions, 45-14 (StL)
1960—Cardinals, 12-10 (StL) 1999—Cowboys, 35-7 (D) 1967—Cardinals, 38-28 (StL)
1961—Cardinals, 31-17 (D) Cardinals, 13-9 (A) 1969—Lions, 20-0 (D)
Cardinals, 31-13 (StL) 2000—Cardinals, 32-31 (A) 1970—Lions, 16-3 (D)
1962—Cardinals, 28-24 (D) Cowboys, 48-7 (D) 1973—Lions, 20-16 (StL)
Cardinals, 52-20 (StL) 2001—Cowboys, 17-3 (D) 1975—Cardinals, 24-13 (D)
1963—Cardinals, 34-7 (D) Cardinals, 17-10 (A) 1978—Cardinals, 21-14 (StL)
Cowboys, 28-24 (StL) 2002—Cardinals, 9-6 (A) OT 1980—Lions, 20-7 (D)
1964—Cardinals, 16-6 (D) 2003—Cowboys, 24-7 (D) Cardinals, 24-23 (StL)
Cowboys, 31-13 (StL) 2005—Cowboys, 34-13 (D) 1989—Cardinals, 16-13 (D)
1965—Cardinals, 20-13 (StL) 2006—Cowboys, 27-10 (A) 1993—Lions, 26-20 (D)
Cowboys, 27-13 (D) 2008—Cardinals, 30-24 (A) OT Lions, 21-14 (Phx)
1966—Tie, 10-10 (StL) 2010—Cardinals, 27-26 (A) 1995—Cardinals, 20-17 (D)
Cowboys, 31-17 (D) 2011—Cardinals, 19-13 (A) OT 1998—Cardinals, 17-15 (D)
1967—Cowboys, 46-21 (D) 2014—Cardinals, 28-17 (D) 1999—Cardinals, 23-19 (A)
1968—Cowboys, 27-10 (StL) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 2,016, Cardinals 1,511) 2001—Cardinals, 45-38 (A)
1969—Cowboys, 24-3 (D) (PS Pts.—Cardinals 20, Cowboys 7) 2002—Cardinals, 23-20 (A) OT
1970—Cardinals, 20-7 (StL) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 2003—Lions, 42-24 (D)
Cardinals, 38-0 (D) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 2004—Lions, 26-12 (D)
1971—Cowboys, 16-13 (StL) **NFC First-Round Playoff 2005—Lions, 29-21 (D)
Cowboys, 31-12 (D) *ARIZONA vs. DENVER 2006—Cardinals, 17-10 (A)
1972—Cowboys, 33-24 (D) RS: Broncos lead series, 8-1-1 2007—Cardinals, 31-21 (A)
Cowboys, 27-6 (StL) 1973—Tie, 17-17 (StL) 2009—Cardinals, 31-24 (D)
1973—Cowboys, 45-10 (D) 1977—Broncos, 7-0 (D) 2012—Cardinals, 38-10 (A)
Cowboys, 30-3 (StL) 1989—Broncos, 37-0 (P) 2013—Cardinals, 25-21 (A)
1974—Cardinals, 31-28 (StL) 1991—Broncos, 24-19 (D) 2014—Cardinals, 14-6 (A)
Cowboys, 17-14 (D) 1995—Broncos, 38-6 (D) 2015—Cardinals, 42-17 (D)
1975—Cowboys, 37-31 (D) OT 2001—Broncos, 38-17 (A) (RS Pts.—Lions 1,147, Cardinals 1,062)
Cardinals, 31-17 (StL) 2002—Broncos, 37-7 (D) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1976—Cardinals, 21-17 (StL) 2006—Broncos, 37-20 (A) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988,
Cowboys, 19-14 (D) 2010—Cardinals, 43-13 (A) and in Chicago prior to 1960
1977—Cowboys, 30-24 (StL) 2014—Broncos, 41-20 (D) **Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934
Cardinals, 24-17 (D) (RS Pts.—Broncos 289, Cardinals 149) and known as the Spartans

404 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

*ARIZONA vs. GREEN BAY 2012—Packers, 31-17 (GB) 1942—Cardinals, 7-0 (Buffalo)
RS: Packers lead series, 44-23-4 2015—Cardinals, 38-8 (A) Rams, 7-3 (Cle)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1 ***Cardinals, 26-20 (A) OT 1945—Rams, 21-0 (Cle)
1921—Tie, 3-3 (C) (RS Pts.—Packers 1,272, Cardinals 946) Rams, 35-21 (Chi)
1922—Cardinals, 16-3 (C) (PS Pts.—Packers 106, Cardinals 93) 1946—Cardinals, 34-10 (Chi)
1924—Cardinals, 3-0 (C) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to Rams, 17-14 (LA)
1925—Cardinals, 9-6 (C) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, 1947—Rams, 27-7 (LA)
1926—Cardinals, 13-7 (GB) and in Chicago prior to 1960 Cardinals, 17-10 (Chi)
Packers, 3-0 (C) **NFC First-Round Playoff 1948—Cardinals, 27-22 (LA)
1927—Packers, 13-0 (GB) ***NFC Divisional Playoff Cardinals, 27-24 (Chi)
Tie, 6-6 (C) ARIZONA vs. HOUSTON 1949—Tie, 28-28 (Chi)
1928—Packers, 20-0 (GB) RS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1 Cardinals, 31-27 (LA)
1929—Packers, 9-2 (GB) 2005—Texans, 30-19 (H) 1951—Rams, 45-21 (LA)
Packers, 7-6 (C) 2009—Cardinals, 28-21 (A) 1953—Tie, 24-24 (Chi)
Packers, 12-0 (C) 2013—Cardinals, 27-24 (A) 1954—Rams, 28-17 (LA)
1930—Packers, 14-0 (GB) (RS Pts.—Texans 75, Cardinals 74) 1958—Rams, 20-14 (Chi)
Cardinals, 13-6 (C) *ARIZONA vs. **INDIANAPOLIS 1960—Cardinals, 43-21 (LA)
1931—Packers, 26-7 (GB) RS: Colts lead series, 8-7 1965—Rams, 27-3 (StL)
Cardinals, 21-13 (C) 1961—Colts, 16-0 (B) 1968—Rams, 24-13 (StL)
1932—Packers, 15-7 (GB) 1964—Colts, 47-27 (B) 1970—Rams, 34-13 (LA)
Packers, 19-9 (C) 1968—Colts, 27-0 (B) 1972—Cardinals, 24-14 (StL)
1933—Packers, 14-6 (C) 1972—Cardinals, 10-3 (B) 1975—***Rams, 35-23 (LA)
1934—Packers, 15-0 (GB) 1976—Cardinals, 24-17 (StL) 1976—Cardinals, 30-28 (LA)
Cardinals, 9-0 (Mil) 1978—Colts, 30-17 (StL) 1979—Rams, 21-0 (LA)
Cardinals, 6-0 (C) 1980—Cardinals, 17-10 (B) 1980—Rams, 21-13 (StL)
1935—Cardinals, 7-6 (GB) 1981—Cardinals, 35-24 (B) 1984—Rams, 16-13 (StL)
Cardinals, 3-0 (Mil) 1984—Cardinals, 34-33 (I) 1985—Rams, 46-14 (LA)
Cardinals, 9-7 (C) 1990—Cardinals, 20-17 (P) 1986—Rams, 16-10 (StL)
1936—Packers, 10-7 (GB) 1992—Colts, 16-13 (I) 1987—Rams, 27-24 (StL)
Packers, 24-0 (Mil) 1996—Colts, 20-13 (I) 1988—Cardinals, 41-27 (LA)
Tie, 0-0 (C) 2005—Colts, 17-13 (I) 1989—Rams, 37-14 (LA)
1937—Cardinals, 14-7 (GB) 2009—Colts, 31-10 (A) 1991—Cardinals, 24-14 (LA)
Packers, 34-13 (Mil) 2013—Cardinals, 40-11 (A) 1992—Cardinals, 20-14 (LA)
1938—Packers, 28-7 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Colts 319, Cardinals 273) 1993—Cardinals, 38-10 (P)
Packers, 24-22 (Buffalo) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1994—Rams, 14-12 (LA)
1939—Packers, 14-10 (GB) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 1996—Cardinals, 31-28 (A) OT
Packers, 27-20 (Mil) **Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1998—Cardinals, 20-17 (StL)
1940—Packers, 31-6 (Mil) ARIZONA vs. JACKSONVILLE 2002—Rams, 27-14 (A)
Packers, 28-7 (C) RS: Series tied, 2-2 Rams, 30-28 (StL)
1941—Packers, 14-13 (Mil) 2000—Jaguars, 44-10 (J) 2003—Rams, 37-13 (StL)
Packers, 17-9 (GB) 2005—Jaguars, 24-17 (A) Rams, 30-27 (A) OT
1942—Packers, 17-13 (C) 2009—Cardinals, 31-17 (J) 2004—Rams, 17-10 (StL)
Packers, 55-24 (GB) 2013—Cardinals, 27-14 (A) Cardinals, 31-7 (A)
1943—Packers, 28-7 (C) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 99, Cardinals 85) 2005—Rams, 17-12 (A)
Packers, 35-14 (Mil) *ARIZONA vs. KANSAS CITY Cardinals, 38-28 (StL)
1945—Packers, 33-14 (GB) RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-3-1 2006—Rams, 16-14 (A)
1946—Packers, 19-7 (C) 1970—Tie, 6-6 (KC) Cardinals, 34-20 (StL)
Cardinals, 24-6 (GB) 1974—Chiefs, 17-13 (StL) 2007—Cardinals, 34-31 (StL)
1947—Cardinals, 14-10 (GB) 1980—Chiefs, 21-13 (StL) Cardinals, 48-19 (A)
Cardinals, 21-20 (C) 1983—Chiefs, 38-14 (KC) 2008—Cardinals, 34-13 (StL)
1948—Cardinals, 17-7 (Mil) 1986—Cardinals, 23-14 (StL) Cardinals, 34-10 (A)
Cardinals, 42-7 (C) 1995—Chiefs, 24-3 (A) 2009—Cardinals, 21-13 (StL)
1949—Cardinals, 39-17 (Mil) 1998—Chiefs, 34-24 (KC) Cardinals, 31-10 (A)
Cardinals, 41-21 (C) 2001—Cardinals, 24-16 (A) 2010—Cardinals, 17-13 (StL)
1955—Packers, 31-14 (GB) 2002—Chiefs, 49-0 (KC) Rams, 19-6 (A)
1956—Packers, 24-21 (C) 2006—Chiefs, 23-20 (A) 2011—Cardinals, 19-13 (A) OT
1962—Packers, 17-0 (Mil) 2010—Chiefs, 31-13 (KC) Cardinals, 23-20 (StL)
1963—Packers, 30-7 (StL) 2014—Cardinals, 17-14 (A) 2012—Rams, 17-3 (StL)
1967—Packers, 31-23 (StL) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 287, Cardinals 170) Rams, 31-17 (A)
1969—Packers, 45-28 (GB) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 2013—Rams, 27-24 (StL)
1971—Tie, 16-16 (StL) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Cardinals, 30-10 (A)
1973—Packers, 25-21 (GB) *ARIZONA vs. **LOS ANGELES 2014—Cardinals, 31-14 (A)
1976—Cardinals, 29-0 (StL) RS: Cardinals lead series, 37-35-2 Cardinals, 12-6 (StL)
1982—**Packers, 41-16 (GB) PS: Rams lead series, 1-0 2015—Rams, 24-22 (A)
1984—Packers, 24-23 (GB) 1937—Cardinals, 6-0 (Cle) Cardinals, 27-3 (StL)
1985—Cardinals, 43-28 (StL) Cardinals, 13-7 (Chi) (RS Pts.—Rams 1,447, Cardinals 1,434)
1988—Packers, 26-17 (P) 1938—Cardinals, 7-6 (Cle) (PS Pts.—Rams 35, Cardinals 23)
1990—Packers, 24-21 (P) Cardinals, 31-17 (Chi) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1999—Packers, 49-24 (GB) 1939—Rams, 24-0 (Chi) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, and in
2000—Packers, 29-3 (A) Rams, 14-0 (Cle) Chicago prior to 1960
2003—Cardinals, 20-13 (A) 1940—Rams, 26-14 (Cle) **Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to
2006—Packers, 31-14 (GB) Cardinals, 17-7 (Chi) 2015 and in Cleveland prior to 1946
2009—Packers, 33-7 (A) 1941—Rams, 10-6 (Cle) ***NFC Divisional Playoff
**Cardinals, 51-45 (A) OT Cardinals, 7-0 (Chi) *ARIZONA vs. MIAMI

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RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-3 1969—Saints, 51-42 (StL) Giants, 31-28 (NY)
1972—Dolphins, 31-10 (M) 1970—Cardinals, 24-17 (StL) 1963—Giants, 38-21 (StL)
1977—Dolphins, 55-14 (StL) 1974—Saints, 14-0 (NO) Cardinals, 24-17 (NY)
1978—Dolphins, 24-10 (M) 1977—Cardinals, 49-31 (StL) 1964—Giants, 34-17 (NY)
1981—Dolphins, 20-7 (StL) 1980—Cardinals, 40-7 (NO) Tie, 10-10 (StL)
1984—Dolphins, 36-28 (StL) 1981—Cardinals, 30-3 (StL) 1965—Giants, 14-10 (NY)
1990—Dolphins, 23-3 (M) 1982—Cardinals, 21-7 (NO) Giants, 28-15 (StL)
1996—Dolphins, 38-10 (A) 1983—Saints, 28-17 (NO) 1966—Cardinals, 24-19 (StL)
1999—Dolphins, 19-16 (M) 1984—Saints, 34-24 (NO) Cardinals, 20-17 (NY)
2004—Cardinals, 24-23 (M) 1985—Cardinals, 28-16 (StL) 1967—Giants, 37-20 (StL)
2008—Cardinals, 31-10 (A) 1986—Saints, 16-7 (StL) Giants, 37-14 (NY)
2012—Cardinals, 24-21 (A) OT 1987—Cardinals, 24-19 (StL) 1968—Cardinals, 28-21 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 300, Cardinals 177) 1990—Saints, 28-7 (NO) 1969—Cardinals, 42-17 (StL)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1991—Saints, 27-3 (P) Giants, 49-6 (NY)
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 1992—Saints, 30-21 (P) 1970—Giants, 35-17 (NY)
*ARIZONA vs. MINNESOTA 1993—Saints, 20-17 (P) Giants, 34-17 (StL)
RS: Vikings lead series, 13-11 1996—Cardinals, 28-14 (NO) 1971—Giants, 21-20 (StL)
PS: Vikings lead series, 2-0 1997—Saints, 27-10 (NO) Cardinals, 24-7 (NY)
1963—Cardinals, 56-14 (M) 1998—Cardinals, 19-17 (A) 1972—Giants, 27-21 (NY)
1967—Cardinals, 34-24 (M) 2000—Saints, 21-10 (A) Giants, 13-7 (StL)
1969—Vikings, 27-10 (StL) 2004—Cardinals, 34-10 (A) 1973—Cardinals, 35-27 (StL)
1972—Cardinals, 19-17 (M) 2007—Saints, 31-24 (NO) Giants, 24-13 (New Haven)
1974—Vikings, 28-24 (StL) 2009—**Saints, 45-14 (NO) 1974—Cardinals, 23-21 (New Haven)
**Vikings, 30-14 (M) 2010—Cardinals, 30-20 (A) Cardinals, 26-14 (StL)
1977—Cardinals, 27-7 (M) 2013—Saints, 31-7 (NO) 1975—Cardinals, 26-14 (StL)
1979—Cardinals, 37-7 (StL) 2015—Cardinals, 31-19 (A) Cardinals, 20-13 (NY)
1981—Cardinals, 30-17 (StL) (RS Pts.—Cardinals 630, Saints 595) 1976—Cardinals, 27-21 (StL)
1983—Cardinals, 41-31 (StL) (PS Pts.—Saints 45, Cardinals 14) Cardinals, 17-14 (NY)
1991—Vikings, 34-7 (M) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1977—Cardinals, 28-0 (StL)
Vikings, 28-0 (P) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Giants, 27-7 (NY)
1994—Cardinals, 17-7 (A) **NFC Divisional Playoff 1978—Cardinals, 20-10 (StL)
1995—Vikings, 30-24 (A) OT *ARIZONA vs. N.Y. GIANTS Giants, 17-0 (NY)
1996—Vikings, 41-17 (M) RS: Giants lead series, 80-43-2 1979—Cardinals, 27-14 (NY)
1997—Vikings, 20-19 (A) 1926—Giants, 20-0 (NY) Cardinals, 29-20 (StL)
1998—**Vikings, 41-21 (M) 1927—Giants, 28-7 (NY) 1980—Giants, 41-35 (StL)
2000—Vikings, 31-14 (M) 1929—Giants, 24-21 (NY) Cardinals, 23-7 (NY)
2003—Cardinals, 18-17 (A) 1930—Giants, 25-12 (NY) 1981—Giants, 34-14 (NY)
2006—Vikings, 31-26 (M) Giants, 13-7 (C) Giants, 20-10 (StL)
2008—Vikings, 35-14 (A) 1935—Cardinals, 14-13 (NY) 1982—Cardinals, 24-21 (StL)
2009—Cardinals, 30-17 (A) 1936—Giants, 14-6 (NY) 1983—Tie, 20-20 (StL) OT
2010—Vikings, 27-24 (M) OT 1938—Giants, 6-0 (NY) Cardinals, 10-6 (NY)
2011—Vikings, 34-10 (M) 1939—Giants, 17-7 (NY) 1984—Giants, 16-10 (NY)
2012—Vikings, 21-14 (M) 1941—Cardinals, 10-7 (NY) Cardinals, 31-21 (StL)
2015—Cardinals, 23-20 (A) 1942—Giants, 21-7 (NY) 1985—Giants, 27-17 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 565, Cardinals 535) 1943—Giants, 24-13 (NY) Giants, 34-3 (StL)
(PS Pts.—Vikings 71, Cardinals 35) 1946—Giants, 28-24 (NY) 1986—Giants, 13-6 (StL)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1947—Giants, 35-31 (NY) Giants, 27-7 (NY)
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 1948—Cardinals, 63-35 (NY) 1987—Giants, 30-7 (NY)
**NFC Divisional Playoff 1949—Giants, 41-38 (C) Cardinals, 27-24 (StL)
*ARIZONA vs. **NEW ENGLAND 1950—Cardinals, 17-3 (C) 1988—Cardinals, 24-17 (P)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 7-6 Giants, 51-21 (NY) Giants, 44-7 (NY)
1970—Cardinals, 31-0 (StL) 1951—Giants, 28-17 (NY) 1989—Giants, 35-7 (NY)
1975—Cardinals, 24-17 (StL) Giants, 10-0 (C) Giants, 20-13 (P)
1978—Patriots, 16-6 (StL) 1952—Cardinals, 24-23 (NY) 1990—Giants, 20-19 (NY)
1981—Cardinals, 27-20 (NE) Giants, 28-6 (C) Giants, 24-21 (P)
1984—Cardinals, 33-10 (NE) 1953—Giants, 21-7 (NY) 1991—Giants, 20-9 (NY)
1990—Cardinals, 34-14 (P) Giants, 23-20 (C) Giants, 21-14 (P)
1991—Cardinals, 24-10 (P) 1954—Giants, 41-10 (C) 1992—Giants, 31-21 (NY)
1993—Patriots, 23-21 (P) Giants, 31-17 (NY) Cardinals, 19-0 (P)
1996—Patriots, 31-0 (NE) 1955—Cardinals, 28-17 (C) 1993—Giants, 19-17 (NY)
1999—Patriots, 27-3 (A) Giants, 10-0 (NY) Cardinals, 17-6 (P)
2004—Patriots, 23-12 (A) 1956—Cardinals, 35-27 (C) 1994—Giants, 20-17 (A)
2008—Patriots, 47-7 (NE) Giants, 23-10 (NY) Cardinals, 10-9 (NY)
2012—Cardinals, 20-18 (NE) 1957—Giants, 27-14 (NY) 1995—Giants, 27-21 (NY) OT
(RS Pts.—Patriots 256, Cardinals 242) Giants, 28-21 (C) Giants, 10-6 (A)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1958—Giants, 37-7 (Buffalo) 1996—Giants, 16-8 (NY)
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Cardinals, 23-6 (NY) Cardinals, 31-23 (A)
**Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 1959—Giants, 9-3 (NY) 1997—Giants, 27-13 (A)
*ARIZONA vs. NEW ORLEANS Giants, 30-20 (Minn) Giants, 19-10 (NY)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 15-13 1960—Giants, 35-14 (StL) 1998—Giants, 34-7 (NY)
PS: Saints lead series, 1-0 Cardinals, 20-13 (NY) Giants, 23-19 (A)
1967—Cardinals, 31-20 (StL) 1961—Cardinals, 21-10 (NY) 1999—Cardinals, 14-3 (A)
1968—Cardinals, 21-20 (NO) Giants, 24-9 (StL) Cardinals, 34-24 (NY)
Cardinals, 31-17 (StL) 1962—Giants, 31-14 (StL) 2000—Giants, 21-16 (NY)

406 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Giants, 31-7 (A) 1959—Eagles, 28-24 (Minn) 1998—Cardinals, 17-3 (A)
2001—Giants, 17-10 (A) Eagles, 27-17 (P) Cardinals, 20-17 (P) OT
Giants, 17-13 (NY) 1960—Eagles, 31-27 (P) 1999—Cardinals, 25-24 (P)
2002—Cardinals, 21-7 (A) Eagles, 20-6 (StL) Cardinals, 21-17 (A)
2004—Cardinals, 17-14 (A) 1961—Cardinals, 30-27 (P) 2000—Eagles, 33-14 (A)
2005—Giants, 42-19 (NY) Eagles, 20-7 (StL) Eagles, 34-9 (P)
2008—Giants, 37-29 (A) 1962—Cardinals, 27-21 (P) 2001—Cardinals, 21-20 (P)
2009—Cardinals, 24-17 (NY) Cardinals, 45-35 (StL) Eagles, 21-7 (A)
2011—Giants, 31-27 (A) 1963—Cardinals, 28-24 (P) 2002—Eagles, 38-14 (P)
2014—Cardinals, 25-14 (NY) Cardinals, 38-14 (StL) 2005—Cardinals, 27-21 (A)
(RS Pts.—Giants 2,760, Cardinals 2,151) 1964—Cardinals, 38-13 (P) 2008—Eagles, 48-20 (P)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to Cardinals, 36-34 (StL) ***Cardinals, 32-25 (A)
1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, 1965—Eagles, 34-27 (P) 2011—Cardinals, 21-17 (P)
and in Chicago prior to 1960 Eagles, 28-24 (StL) 2012—Cardinals, 27-6 (A)
*ARIZONA vs. N.Y. JETS 1966—Cardinals, 16-13 (StL) 2013—Eagles, 24-21 (P)
RS: Jets lead series, 6-2 Cardinals, 41-10 (P) 2014—Cardinals, 24-20 (A)
1971—Cardinals, 17-10 (StL) 1967—Cardinals, 48-14 (StL) 2015—Cardinals, 40-17 (P)
1975—Cardinals, 37-6 (NY) 1968—Cardinals, 45-17 (P) (RS Pts.—Eagles 2,472, Cardinals 2,286)
1978—Jets, 23-10 (NY) 1969—Eagles, 34-30 (StL) (PS Pts.—Cardinals 60, Eagles 53)
1996—Jets, 31-21 (A) 1970—Cardinals, 35-20 (P) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1999—Jets, 12-7 (NY) Cardinals, 23-14 (StL) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988,
2004—Jets, 13-3 (A) 1971—Eagles, 37-20 (StL) and in Chicago prior to 1960
2008—Jets, 56-35 (NY) Eagles, 19-7 (P) **NFL Championship
2012—Jets, 7-6 (NY) 1972—Tie, 6-6 (P) ***NFC Championship
(RS Pts.—Jets 158, Cardinals 136) Cardinals, 24-23 (StL) *ARIZONA vs. **PITTSBURGH
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1973—Cardinals, 34-23 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 33-23-3
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Eagles, 27-24 (StL) PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0
*ARIZONA vs. **OAKLAND 1974—Cardinals, 7-3 (StL) 1933—Pirates, 14-13 (P)
RS: Raiders lead series, 5-4 Cardinals, 13-3 (P) 1935—Pirates, 17-13 (P)
1973—Raiders, 17-10 (StL) 1975—Cardinals, 31-20 (StL) 1936—Cardinals, 14-6 (C)
1983—Cardinals, 34-24 (LA) Cardinals, 24-23 (P) 1937—Cardinals, 13-7 (P)
1989—Raiders, 16-14 (LA) 1976—Cardinals, 33-14 (StL) 1939—Cardinals, 10-0 (P)
1998—Raiders, 23-20 (A) Cardinals, 17-14 (P) 1940—Tie, 7-7 (P)
2001—Cardinals, 34-31 (O) OT 1977—Cardinals, 21-17 (P) 1942—Steelers, 19-3 (P)
2002—Raiders, 41-20 (A) Cardinals, 21-16 (StL) 1945—Steelers, 23-0 (P)
2006—Raiders, 22-9 (O) 1978—Cardinals, 16-10 (P) 1946—Steelers, 14-7 (P)
2010—Cardinals, 24-23 (A) Eagles, 14-10 (StL) 1948—Cardinals, 24-7 (P)
2014—Cardinals, 24-13 (O) 1979—Eagles, 24-20 (StL) 1950—Steelers, 28-17 (C)
(RS Pts.— Raiders 210, Cardinals 189) Eagles, 16-13 (P) Steelers, 28-7 (P)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1980—Cardinals, 24-14 (StL) 1951—Steelers, 28-14 (C)
1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Eagles, 17-3 (P) 1952—Steelers, 34-28 (C)
**Franchise in Los Angeles from 1981—Eagles, 52-10 (StL) Steelers, 17-14 (P)
1982-1994 Eagles, 38-0 (P) 1953—Steelers, 31-28 (P)
*ARIZONA vs. PHILADELPHIA 1982—Cardinals, 23-20 (P) Steelers, 21-17 (C)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 57-54-5 1983—Cardinals, 14-11 (P) 1954—Cardinals, 17-14 (C)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1 Cardinals, 31-7 (StL) Steelers, 20-17 (P)
1935—Cardinals, 12-3 (C) 1984—Cardinals, 34-14 (P) 1955—Steelers, 14-7 (P)
1936—Cardinals, 13-0 (C) Cardinals, 17-16 (StL) Cardinals, 27-13 (C)
1937—Tie, 6-6 (P) 1985—Eagles, 30-7 (P) 1956—Steelers, 14-7 (P)
1938—Eagles, 7-0 (Erie, Pa.) Eagles, 24-14 (StL) Cardinals, 38-27 (C)
1941—Eagles, 21-14 (P) 1986—Cardinals, 13-10 (StL) 1957—Steelers, 29-20 (P)
1945—Eagles, 21-6 (P) Tie, 10-10 (P) OT Steelers, 27-2 (C)
1947—Cardinals, 45-21 (P) 1987—Eagles, 28-23 (StL) 1958—Steelers, 27-20 (C)
**Cardinals, 28-21 (C) Cardinals, 31-19 (P) Steelers, 38-21 (P)
1948—Cardinals, 21-14 (C) 1988—Eagles, 31-21 (P) 1959—Cardinals, 45-24 (C)
**Eagles, 7-0 (P) Eagles, 23-17 (Phx) Steelers, 35-20 (P)
1949—Eagles, 28-3 (P) 1989—Eagles, 17-5 (Phx) 1960—Steelers, 27-14 (P)
1950—Eagles, 45-7 (C) Eagles, 31-14 (P) Cardinals, 38-7 (StL)
Cardinals, 14-10 (P) 1990—Cardinals, 23-21 (P) 1961—Steelers, 30-27 (P)
1951—Eagles, 17-14 (C) Eagles, 23-21 (Phx) Cardinals, 20-0 (StL)
1952—Eagles, 10-7 (P) 1991—Cardinals, 26-10 (P) 1962—Steelers, 26-17 (StL)
Cardinals, 28-22 (C) Eagles, 34-14 (Phx) Steelers, 19-7 (P)
1953—Eagles, 56-17 (C) 1992—Eagles, 31-14 (Phx) 1963—Steelers, 23-10 (P)
Eagles, 38-0 (P) Eagles, 7-3 (P) Cardinals, 24-23 (StL)
1954—Eagles, 35-16 (C) 1993—Eagles, 23-17 (P) 1964—Cardinals, 34-30 (StL)
Eagles, 30-14 (P) Cardinals, 16-3 (Phx) Cardinals, 21-20 (P)
1955—Tie, 24-24 (C) 1994—Eagles, 17-7 (P) 1965—Cardinals, 20-7 (P)
Eagles, 27-3 (P) Cardinals, 12-6 (A) Cardinals, 21-17 (StL)
1956—Cardinals, 20-6 (P) 1995—Eagles, 31-19 (A) 1966—Steelers, 30-9 (P)
Cardinals, 28-17 (C) Eagles, 21-20 (P) Cardinals, 6-3 (StL)
1957—Eagles, 38-21 (C) 1996—Cardinals, 36-30 (A) 1967—Cardinals, 28-14 (P)
Cardinals, 31-27 (P) Eagles, 29-19 (P) Tie, 14-14 (StL)
1958—Tie, 21-21 (C) 1997—Eagles, 13-10 (P) OT 1968—Tie, 28-28 (StL)
Eagles, 49-21 (P) Cardinals, 31-21 (A) Cardinals, 20-10 (P)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 407

1969—Cardinals, 27-14 (P) Cardinals, 29-24 (A) 2004—Cardinals, 12-7 (A)
Cardinals, 47-10 (StL) 2009—49ers, 20-16 (A) 2007—Buccaneers, 17-10 (TB)
1972—Steelers, 25-19 (StL) 49ers, 24-9 (SF) 2010—Buccaneers, 38-35 (A)
1979—Steelers, 24-21 (StL) 2010—49ers, 27-6 (A) 2013—Cardinals, 13-10 (TB)
1985—Steelers, 23-10 (P) 49ers, 38-7 (SF) (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 326, Cardinals 318)
1988—Cardinals, 31-14 (Phx) 2011—49ers, 23-7 (SF) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
1994—Cardinals, 20-17 (A) OT Cardinals, 21-19 (A) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988
1997—Steelers, 26-20 (A) OT 2012—49ers, 24-3 (A) *ARIZONA vs. **TENNESSEE
2003—Steelers, 28-15 (P) 49ers, 27-13 (SF) RS: Cardinals lead series, 6-4
2007—Cardinals, 21-14 (A) 2013—49ers, 32-20 (SF) 1970—Cardinals, 44-0 (StL)
2008—***Steelers, 27-23 (Tampa Bay) 49ers, 23-20 (A) 1974—Cardinals, 31-27 (H)
2011—Steelers, 32-20 (A) 2014—Cardinals, 23-14 (A) 1979—Cardinals, 24-17 (H)
2015—Steelers, 25-13 (P) 49ers, 20-17 (SF) 1985—Oilers, 20-10 (StL)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 1,163, Cardinals 1,092) 2015—Cardinals, 47-7 (A) 1988—Oilers, 38-20 (H)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 27, Cardinals 23) Cardinals, 19-13 (SF) 1994—Cardinals, 30-12 (H)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to (RS Pts.—49ers 1,138, Cardinals 983) 1997—Oilers, 41-14 (A)
1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 2005—Cardinals, 20-10 (A)
and in Chicago prior to 1960 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, 2009—Titans, 20-17 (T)
**Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940 and in Chicago prior to 1960 2013—Cardinals, 37-34 (T) OT
***Super Bowl XLIII *ARIZONA vs. SEATTLE (RS Pts.—Cardinals 247, Titans 219)
*ARIZONA vs. SAN DIEGO RS: Series tied, 17-17 *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to
RS: Chargers lead series, 9-4 1976—Cardinals, 30-24 (S) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988
1971—Chargers, 20-17 (SD) 1983—Cardinals, 33-28 (StL) **Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1976—Chargers, 43-24 (SD) 1989—Cardinals, 34-24 (S) known as Oilers prior to 1999
1983—Cardinals, 44-14 (StL) 1993—Cardinals, 30-27 (S) OT *ARIZONA vs. **WASHINGTON
1987—Chargers, 28-24 (SD) 1995—Cardinals, 20-14 (A) OT RS: Redskins lead series, 74-45-2
1989—Chargers, 24-13 (P) 1998—Seahawks, 33-14 (S) 1932—Cardinals, 9-0 (B)
1992—Chargers, 27-21 (P) 2002—Cardinals, 24-13 (S) Braves, 8-6 (C)
1995—Chargers, 28-25 (SD) Seahawks, 27-6 (A) 1933—Redskins, 10-0 (C)
1998—Cardinals, 16-13 (A) 2003—Seahawks, 38-0 (A) Tie, 0-0 (B)
2001—Cardinals, 20-17 (SD) Seahawks, 28-10 (S) 1934—Redskins, 9-0 (B)
2002—Chargers, 23-15 (A) 2004—Cardinals, 25-17 (A) 1935—Cardinals, 6-0 (B)
2006—Chargers, 27-20 (SD) Seahawks, 24-21 (S) 1936—Redskins, 13-10 (B)
2010—Chargers, 41-10 (SD) 2005—Seahawks, 37-12 (S) 1937—Cardinals, 21-14 (W)
2014—Cardinals, 18-17 (A) Seahawks, 33-19 (A) 1939—Redskins, 28-7 (W)
(RS Pts.—Chargers 322, Cardinals 267) 2006—Seahawks, 21-10 (S) 1940—Redskins, 28-21 (W)
*Franchise known as Phoenix prior to Cardinals, 27-21 (A) 1942—Redskins, 28-0 (W)
1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, 2007—Cardinals, 23-20 (A) 1943—Redskins, 13-7 (W)
*ARIZONA vs. SAN FRANCISCO Seahawks, 42-21 (S) 1945—Redskins, 24-21 (W)
RS: 49ers lead series, 29-20 2008—Cardinals, 26-20 (S) 1947—Redskins, 45-21 (W)
1951—Cardinals, 27-21 (SF) Cardinals, 34-21 (A) 1949—Cardinals, 38-7 (C)
1957—Cardinals, 20-10 (SF) 2009—Cardinals, 27-3 (S) 1950—Cardinals, 38-28 (W)
1962—49ers, 24-17 (StL) Cardinals, 31-20 (A) 1951—Redskins, 7-3 (C)
1964—Cardinals, 23-13 (SF) 2010—Seahawks, 22-10 (S) Redskins, 20-17 (W)
1968—49ers, 35-17 (SF) Seahawks, 36-18 (A) 1952—Redskins, 23-7 (C)
1971—49ers, 26-14 (StL) 2011—Seahawks, 13-10 (S) Cardinals, 17-6 (W)
1974—Cardinals, 34-9 (SF) Cardinals, 23-20 (A) OT 1953—Redskins, 24-13 (C)
1976—Cardinals, 23-20 (StL) OT 2012—Cardinals, 20-16 (A) Redskins, 28-17 (W)
1978—Cardinals, 16-10 (SF) Seahawks, 58-0 (S) 1954—Cardinals, 38-16 (C)
1979—Cardinals, 13-10 (StL) 2013—Seahawks, 34-22 (A) Redskins, 37-20 (W)
1980—49ers, 24-21 (SF) OT Cardinals, 17-10 (S) 1955—Cardinals, 24-10 (W)
1982—49ers, 31-20 (StL) 2014—Seahawks, 19-3 (S) Redskins, 31-0 (C)
1983—49ers, 42-27 (StL) Seahawks, 35-6 (A) 1956—Cardinals, 31-3 (W)
1986—49ers, 43-17 (SF) 2015—Cardinals, 39-32 (S) Redskins, 17-14 (C)
1987—49ers, 34-28 (SF) Seahawks, 36-6 (A) 1957—Redskins, 37-14 (C)
1988—Cardinals, 24-23 (P) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 866, Cardinals 651) Cardinals, 44-14 (W)
1991—49ers, 14-10 (SF) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 1958—Cardinals, 37-10 (C)
1992—Cardinals, 24-14 (P) 1994 and in St. Louis prior to 1988 Redskins, 45-31 (W)
1993—49ers, 28-14 (SF) *ARIZONA vs. TAMPA BAY 1959—Cardinals, 49-21 (C)
1999—49ers, 24-10 (A) RS: Series tied, 9-9 Redskins, 23-14 (W)
2000—49ers, 27-20 (SF) 1977—Buccaneers, 17-7 (TB) 1960—Cardinals, 44-7 (StL)
2002—49ers, 38-28 (SF) 1981—Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB) Cardinals, 26-14 (W)
49ers, 17-14 (A) 1983—Cardinals, 34-27 (TB) 1961—Cardinals, 24-0 (W)
2003—Cardinals, 16-13 (A) OT 1985—Buccaneers, 16-0 (TB) Cardinals, 38-24 (StL)
49ers, 50-14 (SF) 1986—Cardinals, 30-19 (TB) 1962—Redskins, 24-14 (W)
2004—49ers, 31-28 (SF) OT Cardinals, 21-17 (StL) Tie, 17-17 (StL)
49ers, 31-28 (A) OT 1987—Cardinals, 31-28 (StL) 1963—Cardinals, 21-7 (W)
2005—Cardinals, 31-14 (Mex. City) Cardinals, 31-14 (TB) Cardinals, 24-20 (StL)
Cardinals, 17-10 (SF) 1988—Cardinals, 30-24 (TB) 1964—Cardinals, 23-17 (W)
2006—Cardinals, 34-27 (A) 1989—Buccaneers, 14-13 (P) Cardinals, 38-24 (StL)
Cardinals, 26-20 (SF) 1992—Buccaneers, 23-7 (TB) 1965—Cardinals, 37-16 (W)
2007—49ers, 20-17 (SF) Buccaneers, 7-3 (P) Redskins, 24-20 (StL)
49ers, 37-31 (A) OT 1996—Cardinals, 13-9 (A) 1966—Cardinals, 23-7 (StL)
2008—Cardinals, 23-13 (SF) 1997—Buccaneers, 19-18 (TB) Redskins, 26-20 (W)

408 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1967—Cardinals, 27-21 (W) *Franchise known as Phoenix prior to 2015—Panthers, 38-0 (C)
1968—Cardinals, 41-14 (StL) 1994, in St. Louis prior to 1988, Falcons, 20-13 (A)
1969—Redskins, 33-17 (W) and in Chicago prior to 1960 (RS Pts.—Falcons 853, Panthers 830)
1970—Cardinals, 27-17 (StL) **Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 and ATLANTA vs. CHICAGO
Redskins, 28-27 (W) known as Braves prior to 1933 RS: Bears lead series, 14-12
1971—Redskins, 24-17 (StL) 1966—Bears, 23-6 (C)
Redskins, 20-0 (W) ATLANTA vs. ARIZONA 1967—Bears, 23-14 (A)
1972—Redskins, 24-10 (W) RS: Cardinals lead series, 15-13 1968—Falcons, 16-13 (C)
Redskins, 33-3 (StL) PS: Cardinals lead series, 1-0; 1969—Falcons, 48-31 (A)
1973—Cardinals, 34-27 (StL) See Arizona vs. Atlanta 1970—Bears, 23-14 (A)
Redskins, 31-13 (W) ATLANTA vs. BALTIMORE 1972—Falcons, 37-21 (C)
1974—Cardinals, 17-10 (W) RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 1973—Falcons, 46-6 (A)
Cardinals, 23-20 (StL) 1999—Ravens, 19-13 (A) OT 1974—Falcons, 13-10 (A)
1975—Redskins, 27-17 (W) 2002—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1976—Falcons, 10-0 (C)
Cardinals, 20-17 (StL) OT 2006—Ravens, 24-10 (B) 1977—Falcons, 16-10 (C)
1976—Redskins, 20-10 (W) 2010—Falcons, 26-21 (A) 1978—Bears, 13-7 (C)
Redskins, 16-10 (StL) 2014—Ravens, 29-7 (B) 1980—Falcons, 28-17 (A)
1977—Redskins, 24-14 (W) (RS Pts.—Ravens 110, Falcons 76) 1983—Falcons, 20-17 (C)
Redskins, 26-20 (StL) ATLANTA vs. BUFFALO 1985—Bears, 36-0 (C)
1978—Redskins, 28-10 (StL) RS: Falcons lead series, 7-4 1986—Bears, 13-10 (A)
Cardinals, 27-17 (W) 1973—Bills, 17-6 (A) 1990—Bears, 30-24 (C)
1979—Redskins, 17-7 (StL) 1977—Bills, 3-0 (B) 1992—Bears, 41-31 (C)
Redskins, 30-28 (W) 1980—Falcons, 30-14 (B) 1993—Bears, 6-0 (C)
1980—Redskins, 23-0 (W) 1983—Falcons, 31-14 (A) 1998—Falcons, 20-13 (A)
Redskins, 31-7 (StL) 1989—Falcons, 30-28 (A) 2001—Bears, 31-3 (A)
1981—Cardinals, 40-30 (StL) 1992—Bills, 41-14 (B) 2002—Bears, 14-13 (A)
Redskins, 42-21 (W) 1995—Bills, 23-17 (B) 2005—Bears, 16-3 (C)
1982—Redskins, 12-7 (StL) 2001—Falcons, 33-30 (A) 2008—Falcons, 22-20 (A)
Redskins, 28-0 (W) 2005—Falcons, 24-16 (B) 2009—Falcons, 21-14 (A)
1983—Redskins, 38-14 (StL) 2009—Falcons, 31-3 (A) 2011—Bears, 30-12 (C)
Redskins, 45-7 (W) 2013—Falcons, 34-31 (Toronto) OT 2014—Bears, 27-13 (A)
1984—Cardinals, 26-24 (StL) (RS Pts.—Falcons 250, Bills 220) (RS Pts.—Bears 498, Falcons 447)
1985—Redskins, 27-10 (W) RS: Falcons lead series, 25-17 RS: Bengals lead series, 8-5
Redskins, 27-16 (StL) 1995—Falcons, 23-20 (A) OT 1971—Falcons, 9-6 (C)
1986—Redskins, 28-21 (W) Panthers, 21-17 (C) 1975—Bengals, 21-14 (A)
Redskins, 20-17 (StL) 1996—Panthers, 29-6 (C) 1978—Bengals, 37-7 (C)
1987—Redskins, 28-21 (W) Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1981—Bengals, 30-28 (A)
Redskins, 34-17 (StL) 1997—Panthers, 9-6 (A) 1984—Bengals, 35-14 (C)
1988—Cardinals, 30-21 (P) Panthers, 21-12 (C) 1987—Bengals, 16-10 (A)
Redskins, 33-17 (W) 1998—Falcons, 19-14 (C) 1990—Falcons, 38-17 (A)
1989—Redskins, 30-28 (W) Falcons, 51-23 (A) 1993—Bengals, 21-17 (C)
Redskins, 29-10 (P) 1999—Falcons, 27-20 (A) 1996—Bengals, 41-31 (C)
1990—Redskins, 31-0 (W) Panthers, 34-28 (C) 2002—Falcons, 30-3 (A)
Redskins, 38-10 (P) 2000—Falcons, 15-10 (C) 2006—Falcons, 29-27 (C)
1991—Redskins, 34-0 (W) Falcons, 13-12 (A) 2010—Falcons, 39-32 (A)
Redskins, 20-14 (P) 2001—Falcons, 24-16 (A) 2014—Bengals, 24-10 (C)
1992—Cardinals, 27-24 (P) Falcons, 10-7 (C) (RS Pts.—Bengals 310, Falcons 276)
Redskins, 41-3 (W) 2002—Falcons, 30-0 (A) ATLANTA vs. CLEVELAND
1993—Cardinals, 17-10 (W) Falcons, 41-0 (C) RS: Browns lead series, 11-3
Cardinals, 36-6 (P) 2003—Panthers, 23-3 (C) 1966—Browns, 49-17 (A)
1994—Cardinals, 19-16 (W) OT Falcons, 20-14 (A) OT 1968—Browns, 30-7 (C)
Cardinals, 17-15 (A) 2004—Falcons, 27-10 (C) 1971—Falcons, 31-14 (C)
1995—Redskins, 27-7 (W) Falcons, 34-31 (A) OT 1976—Browns, 20-17 (A)
Cardinals, 24-20 (A) 2005—Panthers, 24-6 (C) 1978—Browns, 24-16 (A)
1996—Cardinals, 37-34 (W) OT Panthers, 44-11 (A) 1981—Browns, 28-17 (C)
Cardinals, 27-26 (A) 2006—Falcons, 20-6 (C) 1984—Browns, 23-7 (A)
1997—Redskins, 19-13 (W) OT Panthers, 10-3 (A) 1987—Browns, 38-3 (C)
Redskins, 38-28 (A) 2007—Panthers, 27-20 (A) 1990—Browns, 13-10 (C)
1998—Cardinals, 29-27 (A) Falcons, 20-13 (C) 1993—Falcons, 17-14 (A)
Cardinals, 45-42 (W) 2008—Panthers, 24-9 (C) 2002—Browns, 24-16 (C)
1999—Redskins, 24-10 (A) Falcons, 45-28 (A) 2006—Browns, 17-13 (A)
Redskins, 28-3 (W) 2009—Falcons, 28-20 (A) 2010—Falcons, 20-10 (C)
2000—Cardinals, 16-15 (A) Panthers, 28-19 (C) 2014—Browns, 26-24 (A)
Redskins, 20-3 (W) 2010—Falcons, 31-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Browns 330, Falcons 215)
2001—Redskins, 20-10 (A) Falcons, 31-10 (A) ATLANTA vs. DALLAS
Redskins, 20-17 (W) 2011—Falcons, 31-17 (A) RS: Cowboys lead series, 14-10
2002—Redskins, 31-23 (W) Falcons, 31-23 (C) PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0
2005—Redskins, 17-13 (A) 2012—Falcons, 30-28 (A) 1966—Cowboys, 47-14 (A)
2007—Redskins, 21-19 (W) Panthers, 30-20 (C) 1967—Cowboys, 37-7 (D)
2008—Redskins, 24-17 (W) 2013—Panthers, 34-10 (C) 1969—Cowboys, 24-17 (A)
2011—Redskins, 22-21 (W) Panthers, 21-20 (A) 1970—Cowboys, 13-0 (D)
2014—Cardinals, 30-20 (A) 2014—Falcons, 19-17 (C) 1974—Cowboys, 24-0 (A)
(RS Pts.—Redskins 2,687, Cardinals 2,254) Panthers, 34-3 (A) 1976—Falcons, 17-10 (A)

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1978—*Cowboys, 27-20 (D) 2004—Lions, 17-10 (A) 1996—Jaguars, 19-17 (J)
1980—*Cowboys, 30-27 (A) 2005—Falcons, 27-7 (D) 1999—Jaguars, 30-7 (A)
1985—Cowboys, 24-10 (D) 2006—Lions, 30-14 (D) 2003—Falcons, 21-14 (A)
1986—Falcons, 37-35 (D) 2008—Falcons, 34-21 (A) 2007—Jaguars, 13-7 (J)
1987—Falcons, 21-10 (D) 2011—Falcons, 23-16 (D) 2011—Falcons, 41-14 (A)
1988—Cowboys, 26-20 (D) 2012—Falcons, 31-18 (D) 2015—Falcons, 23-17 (J)
1989—Falcons 27-21 (A) 2014—Lions, 22-21 (London) (RS Pts.—Falcons 116, Jaguars 107)
1990—Falcons, 26-7 (A) (RS Pts.—Lions 803, Falcons 744) ATLANTA vs. KANSAS CITY
1991—Cowboys, 31-27 (D) ATLANTA vs. GREEN BAY RS: Chiefs lead series, 5-3
1992—Cowboys, 41-17 (A) RS: Packers lead series, 15-12 1972—Chiefs, 17-14 (A)
1993—Falcons, 27-14 (A) PS: Packers lead series, 2-1 1985—Chiefs, 38-10 (KC)
1995—Cowboys, 28-13 (A) 1966—Packers, 56-3 (Mil) 1991—Chiefs, 14-3 (KC)
1996—Cowboys, 32-28 (D) 1967—Packers, 23-0 (Mil) 1994—Chiefs, 30-10 (A)
1999—Cowboys, 24-7 (D) 1968—Packers, 38-7 (A) 2000—Falcons, 29-13 (A)
2001—Falcons, 20-13 (A) 1969—Packers, 28-10 (GB) 2004—Chiefs, 56-10 (KC)
2003—Falcons, 27-13 (D) 1970—Packers, 27-24 (GB) 2008—Falcons, 38-14 (A)
2006—Cowboys, 38-28 (A) 1971—Falcons, 28-21 (A) 2012—Falcons, 40-24 (KC)
2009—Cowboys, 37-21 (D) 1972—Falcons, 10-9 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 206, Falcons 154)
2012—Falcons, 19-13 (A) 1974—Falcons, 10-3 (A) ATLANTA vs. *LOS ANGELES
2015—Falcons, 39-28 (D) 1975—Packers, 22-13 (GB) RS: Rams lead series, 47-27-2
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 590, Falcons 469) 1976—Packers, 24-20 (A) PS: Falcons lead series, 1-0
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 57, Falcons 47) 1979—Falcons, 25-7 (A) 1966—Rams, 19-14 (A)
*NFC Divisional Playoff 1981—Falcons, 31-17 (GB) 1967—Rams, 31-3 (A)
ATLANTA vs. DENVER 1982—Packers, 38-7 (A) Rams, 20-3 (LA)
RS: Broncos lead series, 8-5 1983—Falcons, 47-41 (A) OT 1968—Rams, 27-14 (LA)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0 1988—Falcons, 20-0 (A) Rams, 17-10 (A)
1970—Broncos, 24-10 (D) 1989—Packers, 23-21 (Mil) 1969—Rams, 17-7 (LA)
1972—Falcons, 23-20 (A) 1991—Falcons, 35-31 (A) Rams, 38-6 (A)
1975—Falcons, 35-21 (A) 1992—Falcons, 24-10 (A) 1970—Tie, 10-10 (LA)
1979—Broncos, 20-17 (A) OT 1994—Packers, 21-17 (Mil) Rams, 17-7 (A)
1982—Falcons, 34-27 (D) 1995—*Packers, 37-20 (GB) 1971—Tie, 20-20 (LA)
1985—Broncos, 44-28 (A) 2001—Falcons, 23-20 (GB) Rams, 24-16 (A)
1988—Broncos, 30-14 (D) 2002—Packers, 37-34 (GB) OT 1972—Falcons, 31-3 (A)
1994—Broncos, 32-28 (D) *Falcons, 27-7 (GB) Rams, 20-7 (LA)
1997—Broncos, 29-21 (A) 2005—Packers, 33-25 (A) 1973—Rams, 31-0 (LA)
1998—*Broncos, 34-19 (South Florida) 2008—Falcons, 27-24 (GB) Falcons, 15-13 (A)
2000—Broncos, 42-14 (D) 2010—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1974—Rams, 21-0 (LA)
2004—Falcons, 41-28 (D) **Packers, 48-21 (A) Rams, 30-7 (A)
2008—Broncos, 24-20 (A) 2011—Packers, 25-14 (A) 1975—Rams, 22-7 (LA)
2012—Falcons, 27-21 (A) 2013—Packers, 22-21 (GB) Rams, 16-7 (A)
(RS Pts.—Broncos 362, Falcons 312) 2014—Packers, 43-37 (GB) 1976—Rams, 30-14 (A)
(PS Pts.—Broncos 34, Falcons 19) (RS Pts.—Packers 660, Falcons 553) Rams, 59-0 (LA)
*Super Bowl XXXIII (PS Pts.—Packers 92, Falcons 68) 1977—Falcons, 17-6 (A)
ATLANTA vs. DETROIT *NFC First-Round Playoff Rams, 23-7 (LA)
RS: Lions lead series, 24-12 **NFC Divisional Playoff 1978—Rams, 10-0 (LA)
1966—Lions, 28-10 (D) ATLANTA vs. HOUSTON Falcons, 15-7 (A)
1967—Lions, 24-3 (D) RS: Series tied, 2-2 1979—Rams, 20-14 (LA)
1968—Lions, 24-7 (A) 2003—Texans, 17-13 (H) Rams, 34-13 (A)
1969—Lions, 27-21 (D) 2007—Falcons, 26-16 (A) 1980—Falcons, 13-10 (A)
1971—Lions, 41-38 (D) 2011—Texans, 17-10 (H) Rams, 20-17 (LA) OT
1972—Lions, 26-23 (A) 2015—Falcons, 48-21 (A) 1981—Rams, 37-35 (A)
1973—Lions, 31-6 (D) (RS Pts.—Falcons 97, Texans 71) Rams, 21-16 (LA)
1975—Lions, 17-14 (A) ATLANTA vs. *INDIANAPOLIS 1982—Falcons, 34-17 (A)
1976—Lions, 24-10 (D) RS: Colts lead series, 14-2 1983—Rams, 27-21 (LA)
1977—Falcons, 17-6 (A) 1966—Colts, 19-7 (A) Rams, 36-13 (A)
1978—Falcons, 14-0 (A) 1967—Colts, 38-31 (B) 1984—Falcons, 30-28 (LA)
1979—Lions, 24-23 (D) Colts, 49-7 (A) Rams, 24-10 (A)
1980—Falcons, 43-28 (A) 1968—Colts, 28-20 (A) 1985—Rams, 17-6 (LA)
1983—Falcons, 30-14 (D) Colts, 44-0 (B) Falcons, 30-14 (A)
1984—Lions, 27-24 (A) OT 1969—Colts, 21-14 (A) 1986—Falcons, 26-14 (A)
1985—Lions, 28-27 (A) Colts, 13-6 (B) Rams, 14-7 (LA)
1986—Falcons, 20-6 (D) 1974—Colts, 17-7 (A) 1987—Falcons, 24-20 (A)
1987—Lions, 30-13 (A) 1986—Colts, 28-23 (A) Rams, 33-0 (LA)
1988—Lions, 31-17 (D) 1989—Colts, 13-9 (I) 1988—Rams, 33-0 (A)
1989—Lions, 31-24 (A) 1998—Falcons, 28-21 (A) Rams, 22-7 (LA)
1990—Lions, 21-14 (D) 2001—Colts, 41-27 (I) 1989—Rams, 31-21 (A)
1993—Lions, 30-13 (D) 2003—Colts, 38-7 (I) Rams, 26-14 (LA)
1994—Lions, 31-28 (D) OT 2007—Colts, 31-13 (A) 1990—Rams, 44-24 (LA)
1995—Falcons, 34-22 (A) 2011—Falcons, 31-7 (I) Falcons, 20-13 (A)
1996—Lions, 28-24 (D) 2015—Colts, 24-21 (A) 1991—Falcons, 31-14 (A)
1997—Lions, 28-17 (D) (RS Pts.—Colts 432, Falcons 251) Falcons, 31-14 (LA)
1998—Falcons, 24-17 (D) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1992—Falcons, 30-28 (A)
2000—Lions, 13-10 (D) ATLANTA vs. JACKSONVILLE Rams, 38-27 (LA)
2002—Falcons, 36-15 (A) RS: Series tied, 3-3 1993—Falcons, 30-24 (A)

410 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Falcons, 13-0 (LA) 2015—Vikings, 20-10 (A) 1994—Saints, 33-32 (NO)
1994—Falcons, 31-13 (A) (RS Pts.—Vikings 643, Falcons 452) Saints, 29-20 (A)
Falcons, 8-5 (LA) (PS Pts.—Vikings 57, Falcons 54) 1995—Falcons, 27-24 (NO) OT
1995—Rams, 21-19 (StL) *NFC First-Round Playoff Falcons, 19-14 (A)
Falcons, 31-6 (A) **NFC Championship 1996—Falcons, 17-15 (A)
1996—Rams, 59-16 (StL) ATLANTA vs. NEW ENGLAND Falcons, 31-15 (NO)
Rams, 34-27 (A) RS: Patriots lead series, 7-6 1997—Falcons, 23-17 (NO)
1997—Falcons, 34-31 (A) 1972—Patriots, 21-20 (NE) Falcons, 20-3 (A)
Falcons, 27-21 (StL) 1977—Patriots, 16-10 (A) 1998—Falcons, 31-23 (A)
1998—Falcons, 37-15 (A) 1980—Falcons, 37-21 (NE) Falcons, 27-17 (NO)
Falcons, 21-10 (StL) 1983—Falcons, 24-13 (A) 1999—Falcons, 20-17 (NO)
1999—Rams, 35-7 (StL) 1986—Patriots, 25-17 (NE) Falcons, 35-12 (A)
Rams, 41-13 (A) 1989—Falcons, 16-15 (A) 2000—Saints, 21-19 (A)
2000—Rams, 41-20 (A) 1992—Falcons, 34-0 (A) Saints, 23-7 (NO)
Rams, 45-29 (StL) 1995—Falcons, 30-17 (A) 2001—Falcons, 20-13 (NO)
2001—Rams, 35-6 (A) 1998—Falcons, 41-10 (NE) Saints, 28-10 (A)
Rams, 31-13 (StL) 2001—Patriots, 24-10 (A) 2002—Falcons, 37-35 (NO)
2003—Rams, 36-0 (StL) 2005—Patriots, 31-28 (A) Falcons, 24-17 (A)
2004—Falcons, 34-17 (A) 2009—Patriots, 26-10 (NE) 2003—Saints, 45-17 (A)
**Falcons, 47-17 (A) 2013—Patriots, 30-23 (A) Saints, 23-20 (NO) OT
2007—Rams, 28-16 (StL) (RS Pts.—Falcons 300, Patriots 249) 2004—Falcons, 24-21 (A)
2008—Falcons, 31-27 (A) ATLANTA vs. NEW ORLEANS Saints, 26-13 (NO)
2010—Falcons, 34-17 (StL) RS: Falcons lead series, 48-45 2005—Falcons, 34-31 (San Antonio)
2013—Falcons, 31-24 (A) PS: Falcons lead series, 1-0 Falcons, 36-17 (A)
(RS Pts.—Rams 1,796, Falcons 1,279) 1967—Saints, 27-24 (NO) 2006—Saints, 23-3 (NO)
(PS Pts.—Falcons 47, Rams 17) 1969—Falcons, 45-17 (A) Saints, 31-13 (A)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1970—Falcons, 14-3 (NO) 2007—Saints, 22-16 (NO)
**NFC Divisional Playoff Falcons, 32-14 (A) Saints, 34-14 (A)
ATLANTA vs. MIAMI 1971—Falcons, 28-6 (A) 2008—Falcons, 34-20 (A)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4 Falcons, 24-20 (NO) Saints, 29-25 (NO)
1970—Dolphins, 20-7 (A) 1972—Falcons, 21-14 (NO) 2009—Saints, 35-27 (NO)
1974—Dolphins, 42-7 (M) Falcons, 36-20 (A) Saints, 26-23 (A)
1980—Dolphins, 20-17 (A) 1973—Falcons, 62-7 (NO) 2010—Falcons, 27-24 (NO) OT
1983—Dolphins, 31-24 (M) Falcons, 14-10 (A) Saints, 17-14 (A)
1986—Falcons, 20-14 (M) 1974—Saints, 14-13 (NO) 2011—Saints, 26-23 (A) OT
1992—Dolphins, 21-17 (M) Saints, 13-3 (A) Saints, 45-16 (NO)
1995—Dolphins, 21-20 (M) 1975—Falcons, 14-7 (A) 2012—Saints, 31-27 (NO)
1998—Falcons, 38-16 (A) Saints, 23-7 (NO) Falcons, 23-13 (A)
2001—Dolphins, 21-14 (M) 1976—Saints, 30-0 (NO) 2013—Saints, 23-17 (NO)
2005—Falcons, 17-10 (M) Falcons, 23-20 (A) Saints, 17-13 (A)
2009—Falcons, 19-7 (A) 1977—Saints, 21-20 (NO) 2014—Falcons, 37-34 (A) OT
2013—Dolphins, 27-23 (M) Falcons, 35-7 (A) Falcons, 30-14 (NO)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 250, Falcons 223) 1978—Falcons, 20-17 (NO) 2015—Saints, 31-21 (NO)
ATLANTA vs. MINNESOTA Falcons, 20-17 (A) Saints, 20-17 (A)
RS: Vikings lead series, 17-10 1979—Falcons, 40-34 (NO) OT (RS Pts.—Falcons 2,030, Saints 1,921)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 Saints, 37-6 (A) (PS Pts.—Falcons 27, Saints 20)
1966—Falcons, 20-13 (M) 1980—Falcons, 41-14 (NO) *NFC First-Round Playoff
1967—Falcons, 21-20 (A) Falcons, 31-13 (A) ATLANTA vs. N.Y. GIANTS
1968—Vikings, 47-7 (M) 1981—Falcons, 27-0 (A) RS: Falcons lead series, 12-11
1969—Falcons, 10-3 (A) Falcons, 41-10 (NO) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0
1970—Vikings, 37-7 (A) 1982—Falcons, 35-0 (A) 1966—Falcons, 27-16 (NY)
1971—Vikings, 24-7 (M) Saints, 35-6 (NO) 1968—Falcons, 24-21 (A)
1973—Falcons, 20-14 (A) 1983—Saints, 19-17 (A) 1971—Giants, 21-17 (A)
1974—Vikings, 23-10 (M) Saints, 27-10 (NO) 1974—Falcons, 14-7 (New Haven)
1975—Vikings, 38-0 (M) 1984—Falcons, 36-28 (NO) 1977—Falcons, 17-3 (A)
1977—Vikings, 14-7 (A) Saints, 17-13 (A) 1978—Falcons, 23-20 (A)
1980—Vikings, 24-23 (M) 1985—Falcons, 31-24 (A) 1979—Giants, 24-3 (NY)
1981—Falcons, 31-30 (A) Falcons, 16-10 (NO) 1981—Giants, 27-24 (A) OT
1982—*Vikings, 30-24 (M) 1986—Falcons, 31-10 (NO) 1982—Falcons, 16-14 (NY)
1984—Vikings, 27-20 (M) Saints, 14-9 (A) 1983—Giants, 16-13 (A) OT
1985—Falcons, 14-13 (A) 1987—Saints, 38-0 (A) 1984—Giants, 19-7 (A)
1987—Vikings, 24-13 (M) 1988—Saints, 29-21 (A) 1988—Giants, 23-16 (A)
1989—Vikings, 43-17 (M) Saints, 10-9 (NO) 1998—Falcons, 34-20 (NY)
1991—Vikings, 20-19 (A) 1989—Saints, 20-13 (NO) 2000—Giants, 13-6 (A)
1996—Vikings, 23-17 (A) Saints, 26-17 (A) 2002—Falcons, 17-10 (NY)
1998—**Falcons, 30-27 (M) OT 1990—Falcons, 28-27 (A) 2003—Falcons, 27-7 (NY)
1999—Vikings, 17-14 (A) Saints, 10-7 (NO) 2004—Falcons, 14-10 (NY)
2002—Falcons, 30-24 (M) OT 1991—Saints, 27-6 (A) 2006—Giants, 27-14 (A)
2003—Vikings, 39-26 (A) Falcons, 23-20 (NO) OT 2007—Giants, 31-10 (A)
2005—Falcons, 30-10 (A) *Falcons, 27-20 (NO) 2009—Giants, 34-31 (NY) OT
2007—Vikings, 24-3 (M) 1992—Saints, 10-7 (A) 2011—*Giants, 24-2 (NY)
2008—Falcons, 24-17 (M) Saints, 22-14 (NO) 2012—Falcons, 34-0 (A)
2011—Falcons, 24-14 (A) 1993—Saints, 34-31 (A) 2014—Giants, 30-20 (NY)
2014—Vikings, 41-28 (M) Falcons, 26-15 (NO) 2015—Falcons, 24-20 (NY)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 411

(RS Pts.—Falcons 432, Giants 413) ATLANTA vs. PITTSBURGH 1987—49ers, 25-17 (A)
(PS Pts.—Giants 24, Falcons 2) RS: Steelers lead series, 13-2-1 49ers, 35-7 (SF)
*NFC First-Round Playoff 1966—Steelers, 57-33 (A) 1988—Falcons, 34-17 (SF)
ATLANTA vs. N.Y. JETS 1968—Steelers, 41-21 (A) 49ers, 13-3 (A)
RS: Falcons lead series, 6-5 1970—Falcons, 27-16 (A) 1989—49ers, 45-3 (SF)
1973—Falcons, 28-20 (NY) 1974—Steelers, 24-17 (P) 49ers, 23-10 (A)
1980—Jets, 14-7 (A) 1978—Steelers, 31-7 (P) 1990—49ers, 19-13 (SF)
1983—Falcons, 27-21 (NY) 1981—Steelers, 34-20 (A) 49ers, 45-35 (A)
1986—Jets, 28-14 (A) 1984—Steelers, 35-10 (P) 1991—Falcons, 39-34 (SF)
1989—Jets, 27-7 (NY) 1987—Steelers, 28-12 (A) Falcons, 17-14 (A)
1992—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1990—Steelers, 21-9 (P) 1992—49ers, 56-17 (SF)
1995—Falcons, 13-3 (A) 1993—Steelers, 45-17 (A) 49ers, 41-3 (A)
1998—Jets, 28-3 (NY) 1996—Steelers, 20-17 (A) 1993—49ers, 37-30 (SF)
2005—Falcons, 27-14 (A) 1999—Steelers, 13-9 (P) Falcons, 27-24 (A)
2009—Falcons, 10-7 (NY) 2002—Tie, 34-34 (P) OT 1994—49ers, 42-3 (A)
2013—Jets, 30-28 (A) 2006—Falcons, 41-38 (A) OT 49ers, 50-14 (SF)
(RS Pts.—Jets 209, Falcons 184) 2010—Steelers, 15-9 (P) OT 1995—49ers, 41-10 (SF)
ATLANTA vs. *OAKLAND 2014—Steelers, 27-20 (A) Falcons, 28-27 (A)
RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6 (RS Pts.—Steelers 479, Falcons 303) 1996—49ers, 39-17 (SF)
1971—Falcons, 24-13 (A) ATLANTA vs. SAN DIEGO 49ers, 34-10 (A)
1975—Raiders, 37-34 (O) OT RS: Falcons lead series, 8-1 1997—49ers, 34-7 (SF)
1979—Raiders, 50-19 (O) 1973—Falcons, 41-0 (SD) 49ers, 35-28 (A)
1982—Raiders, 38-14 (A) 1979—Falcons, 28-26 (SD) 1998—49ers, 31-20 (SF)
1985—Raiders, 34-24 (A) 1988—Chargers, 10-7 (A) Falcons, 31-19 (A)
1988—Falcons, 12-6 (LA) 1991—Falcons, 13-10 (SD) *Falcons, 20-18 (A)
1991—Falcons, 21-17 (A) 1994—Falcons, 10-9 (A) 1999—49ers, 26-7 (SF)
1994—Raiders, 30-17 (LA) 1997—Falcons, 14-3 (SD) Falcons, 34-29 (A)
1997—Raiders, 36-31 (A) 2004—Falcons, 21-20 (A) 2000—Falcons, 36-28 (A)
2000—Raiders, 41-14 (O) 2008—Falcons, 22-16 (SD) 49ers, 16-6 (SF)
2004—Falcons, 35-10 (A) 2012—Falcons, 27-3 (SD) 2001—49ers, 16-13 (SF) OT
2008—Falcons, 24-0 (O) (RS Pts.—Falcons 183, Chargers 97) 49ers, 37-31 (A) OT
2012—Falcons, 23-20 (A) ATLANTA vs. SAN FRANCISCO 2004—Falcons, 21-19 (SF)
(RS Pts.—Raiders 332, Falcons 292) RS: 49ers lead series, 46-29-1 2007—Falcons, 20-16 (A)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 PS: Series tied, 1-1 2009—Falcons, 45-10 (SF)
ATLANTA vs. PHILADELPHIA 1966—49ers, 44-7 (A) 2010—Falcons, 16-14 (A)
RS: Eagles lead series, 15-13-1 1967—49ers, 38-7 (SF) 2012—**49ers, 28-24 (A)
PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1 49ers, 34-28 (A) 2013—49ers, 34-24 (SF)
1966—Eagles, 23-10 (P) 1968—49ers, 28-13 (SF) 2015—49ers, 17-16 (SF)
1967—Eagles, 38-7 (A) 49ers, 14-12 (A) (RS Pts.—49ers 1,821, Falcons 1,317)
1969—Falcons, 27-3 (P) 1969—Falcons, 24-12 (A) (PS Pts.—49ers 46, Falcons 44)
1970—Tie, 13-13 (P) Falcons, 21-7 (SF) *NFC Divisional Playoff
1973—Falcons, 44-27 (P) 1970—Falcons, 21-20 (A) **NFC Championship
1976—Eagles, 14-13 (A) 49ers, 24-20 (SF) ATLANTA vs. SEATTLE
1978—*Falcons, 14-13 (A) 1971—Falcons, 20-17 (A) RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-5
1979—Falcons, 14-10 (P) 49ers, 24-3 (SF) PS: Falcons lead series, 1-0
1980—Falcons, 20-17 (P) 1972—49ers, 49-14 (A) 1976—Seahawks, 30-13 (S)
1981—Eagles, 16-13 (P) 49ers, 20-0 (SF) 1979—Seahawks, 31-28 (A)
1983—Eagles, 28-24 (A) 1973—49ers, 13-9 (A) 1985—Seahawks, 30-26 (S)
1984—Falcons, 26-10 (A) Falcons, 17-3 (SF) 1988—Seahawks, 31-20 (A)
1985—Eagles, 23-17 (P) OT 1974—49ers, 16-10 (A) 1991—Falcons, 26-13 (A)
1986—Eagles, 16-0 (A) 49ers, 27-0 (SF) 1997—Falcons, 24-17 (S)
1988—Falcons, 27-24 (P) 1975—Falcons, 17-3 (SF) 2000—Seahawks, 30-10 (A)
1990—Eagles, 24-23 (A) Falcons, 31-9 (A) 2002—Seahawks, 30-24 (A) OT
1994—Falcons, 28-21 (A) 1976—49ers, 15-0 (SF) 2004—Seahawks, 28-26 (S)
1996—Eagles, 33-18 (A) Falcons, 21-16 (A) 2005—Seahawks, 21-18 (S)
1997—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1977—Falcons, 7-0 (SF) 2007—Falcons, 44-41 (A)
1998—Falcons, 17-12 (A) 49ers, 10-3 (A) 2010—Falcons, 34-18 (S)
2000—Eagles, 38-10 (P) 1978—Falcons, 20-17 (SF) 2011—Falcons, 30-28 (S)
2002—**Eagles, 20-6 (P) Falcons, 21-10 (A) 2012—*Falcons, 30-28 (A)
2003—Eagles, 23-16 (A) 1979—49ers, 20-15 (SF) 2013—Seahawks, 33-10 (A)
2004—***Eagles, 27-10 (P) Falcons, 31-21 (A) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 381, Falcons 333)
2005—Falcons, 14-10 (A) 1980—Falcons, 20-17 (SF) (PS Pts.—Falcons 30, Seahawks 28)
2006—Eagles, 24-17 (P) Falcons, 35-10 (A) *NFC Divisional Playoff
2008—Eagles, 27-14 (P) 1981—Falcons, 34-17 (A) ATLANTA vs. TAMPA BAY
2009—Eagles, 34-7 (A) 49ers, 17-14 (SF) RS: Buccaneers lead series, 23-22
2010—Eagles, 31-17 (P) 1982—Falcons, 17-7 (SF) 1977—Falcons, 17-0 (TB)
2011—Falcons, 35-31 (A) 1983—49ers, 24-20 (SF) 1978—Buccaneers, 14-9 (TB)
2012—Falcons, 30-17 (P) Falcons, 28-24 (A) 1979—Falcons, 17-14 (A)
2015—Falcons, 26-24 (A) 1984—49ers, 14-5 (SF) 1981—Buccaneers, 24-23 (TB)
(RS Pts.—Eagles 628, Falcons 547) 49ers, 35-17 (A) 1984—Buccaneers, 23-6 (TB)
(PS Pts.—Eagles 60, Falcons 30) 1985—49ers, 35-16 (SF) 1986—Falcons, 23-20 (TB) OT
*NFC First-Round Playoff 49ers, 38-17 (A) 1987—Buccaneers, 48-10 (TB)
**NFC Divisional Playoff 1986—Tie, 10-10 (A) OT 1988—Falcons, 17-10 (A)
***NFC Championship 49ers, 20-0 (SF) 1990—Buccaneers, 23-17 (TB)

412 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1991—Falcons, 43-7 (A) *Redskins, 24-7 (W) Bengals, 17-7 (C)
1992—Falcons, 35-7 (TB) 1992—Redskins, 24-17 (W) 2010—Bengals, 15-10 (C)
1993—Buccaneers, 31-24 (A) 1993—Redskins, 30-17 (W) Ravens, 13-7 (B)
1994—Falcons, 34-13 (A) 1994—Falcons, 27-20 (W) 2011—Ravens, 31-24 (B)
1995—Falcons, 24-21 (TB) 2003—Redskins, 33-31 (A) Ravens, 24-16 (C)
1997—Buccaneers, 31-10 (A) 2006—Falcons, 24-14 (W) 2012—Ravens, 44-13 (B)
1999—Buccaneers, 19-10 (TB) 2009—Falcons, 31-17 (A) Bengals, 23-17 (C)
2000—Buccaneers, 27-14 (A) 2012—Falcons, 24-17 (W) 2013—Ravens, 20-17 (B) OT
2002—Buccaneers, 20-6 (A) 2013—Falcons, 27-26 (A) Bengals, 34-17 (C)
Buccaneers, 34-10 (TB) 2015—Falcons, 25-19 (A) OT 2014—Bengals, 23-16 (B)
2003—Buccaneers, 31-10 (A) (RS Pts.—Redskins 598, Falcons 479) Bengals, 27-24 (C)
Falcons, 30-28 (TB) (PS Pts.—Redskins 24, Falcons 7) 2015—Bengals, 28-24 (B)
2004—Falcons, 24-14 (A) *NFC Divisional Playoff Bengals, 24-16 (C)
Buccaneers, 27-0 (TB) (RS Pts.—Ravens 866, Bengals 742)
2005—Buccaneers, 30-27 (A) BALTIMORE vs. ARIZONA BALTIMORE vs. CLEVELAND
Buccaneers, 27-24 (TB) OT RS: Ravens lead series, 4-2; RS: Ravens lead series, 25-9
2006—Falcons, 14-3 (A) See Arizona vs. Baltimore 1999—Ravens, 17-10 (B)
Falcons, 17-6 (TB) BALTIMORE vs. ATLANTA Ravens, 41-9 (C)
2007—Buccaneers, 31-7 (A) RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2; 2000—Ravens, 12-0 (C)
Buccaneers, 37-3 (TB) See Atlanta vs. Baltimore Ravens, 44-7 (B)
2008—Buccaneers, 24-9 (TB) BALTIMORE vs. BUFFALO 2001—Browns, 24-14 (C)
Falcons, 13-10 (A) OT RS: Series tied, 3-3 Browns, 27-17 (B)
2009—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 1999—Bills, 13-10 (Balt) 2002—Ravens, 26-21 (C)
Falcons, 20-10 (TB) 2004—Ravens, 20-6 (Balt) Browns, 14-13 (B)
2010—Falcons, 27-21 (A) 2006—Ravens, 19-7 (Balt) 2003—Ravens, 33-13 (B)
Falcons, 28-24 (TB) 2007—Bills, 19-14 (Buf) Ravens, 35-0 (C)
2011—Buccaneers, 16-13 (TB) 2010—Ravens, 37-34 (Balt) OT 2004—Browns, 20-3 (C)
Falcons, 45-24 (A) 2013—Bills, 23-20 (Buf) Ravens, 27-13 (B)
2012—Falcons, 24-23 (TB) (RS Pts.—Ravens 120, Bills 102) 2005—Ravens, 16-3 (B)
Buccaneers, 22-17 (A) BALTIMORE vs. CAROLINA Browns, 20-16 (C)
2013—Falcons, 31-23 (A) RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2 2006—Ravens, 15-14 (C)
Buccaneers, 41-28 (TB) 1996—Panthers, 27-16 (C) Ravens, 27-17 (B)
2014—Falcons, 56-14 (A) 2002—Panthers, 10-7 (C) 2007—Browns, 27-13 (C)
Falcons, 27-17 (TB) 2006—Panthers, 23-21 (B) Browns, 33-30 (B) OT
2015—Buccaneers, 23-20 (A) OT 2010—Ravens, 37-13 (C) 2008—Ravens, 28-10 (B)
Buccaneers, 23-19 (TB) 2014—Ravens, 38-10 (B) Ravens, 37-27 (C)
(RS Pts.—Buccaneers 952, Falcons 902) (RS Pts.—Ravens 119, Panthers 83) 2009—Ravens, 34-3 (B)
RS: Series tied, 7-7 RS: Bears lead series, 3-2 2010—Ravens, 24-17 (B)
1972—Falcons, 20-10 (A) 1998—Bears, 24-3 (C) Ravens, 20-10 (C)
1976—Oilers, 20-14 (H) 2001—Ravens, 17-6 (B) 2011—Ravens, 24-10 (C)
1978—Falcons, 20-14 (A) 2005—Bears, 10-6 (C) Ravens, 20-14 (B)
1981—Falcons, 31-27 (H) 2009—Ravens, 31-7 (C) 2012—Ravens, 23-16 (B)
1984—Falcons, 42-10 (A) 2013—Bears, 23-20 (C) OT Ravens, 25-15 (C)
1987—Oilers, 37-33 (H) (RS Pts.—Ravens 77, Bears 70) 2013—Ravens, 14-6 (B)
1990—Falcons, 47-27 (A) BALTIMORE vs. CINCINNATI Browns, 24-18 (C)
1993—Oilers, 33-17 (H) RS: Series tied, 20-20 2014—Ravens, 23-21 (C)
1996—Oilers, 23-13 (A) 1996—Bengals, 24-21 (B) Ravens, 20-10 (B)
1999—Titans, 30-17 (T) Bengals, 21-14 (C) 2015—Browns, 33-30 (B) OT
2003—Titans, 38-31 (A) 1997—Ravens, 23-10 (B) Ravens, 33-27 (C)
2007—Titans, 20-13 (T) Bengals, 16-14 (C) (RS Pts.—Ravens 788, Browns 515)
2011—Falcons, 23-17 (A) 1998—Ravens, 31-24 (B) BALTIMORE vs. DALLAS
2015—Falcons, 10-7 (T) Ravens, 20-13 (C) RS: Ravens lead series, 4-0
(RS Pts.—Falcons 331, Titans 313) 1999—Ravens, 34-31 (C) 2000—Ravens, 27-0 (B)
*Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; Ravens, 22-0 (B) 2004—Ravens, 30-10 (B)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 2000—Ravens, 37-0 (B) 2008—Ravens, 33-24 (D)
ATLANTA vs. WASHINGTON Ravens, 27-7 (C) 2012—Ravens, 31-29 (B)
RS: Redskins lead series, 14-9-1 2001—Bengals, 21-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Ravens 121, Cowboys 63)
PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0 Ravens, 16-0 (B) BALTIMORE vs. DENVER
1966—Redskins, 33-20 (W) 2002—Ravens, 38-27 (B) RS: Broncos lead series, 6-5
1967—Tie, 20-20 (A) Ravens, 27-23 (C) PS: Ravens lead series, 2-0
1969—Redskins, 27-20 (W) 2003—Bengals, 34-26 (C) 1996—Broncos, 45-34 (D)
1972—Redskins, 24-13 (W) Ravens, 31-13 (B) 2000—*Ravens, 21-3 (B)
1975—Redskins, 30-27 (A) 2004—Ravens, 23-9 (C) 2001—Ravens, 20-13 (D)
1977—Redskins, 10-6 (W) Bengals, 27-26 (B) 2002—Ravens, 34-23 (B)
1978—Falcons, 20-17 (A) 2005—Bengals, 21-9 (B) 2003—Ravens, 26-6 (B)
1979—Redskins, 16-7 (A) Bengals, 42-29 (C) 2005—Broncos, 12-10 (D)
1980—Falcons, 10-6 (A) 2006—Ravens, 26-20 (B) 2006—Broncos, 13-3 (D)
1983—Redskins, 37-21 (W) Bengals, 13-7 (C) 2009—Ravens, 30-7 (B)
1984—Redskins, 27-14 (W) 2007—Bengals, 27-20 (C) 2010—Ravens, 31-17 (B)
1985—Redskins, 44-10 (A) Bengals, 21-7 (B) 2012—Broncos, 34-17 (B)
1987—Falcons, 21-20 (A) 2008—Ravens, 17-10 (B) **Ravens, 38-35 (D) 2 OT
1989—Redskins, 31-30 (A) Ravens, 34-3 (C) 2013—Broncos, 49-27 (D)
1991—Redskins, 56-17 (W) 2009—Bengals, 17-14 (B) 2015—Broncos, 19-13 (D)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 413

(RS Pts.—Ravens 245, Broncos 238) 2014—Ravens, 20-12 (B) BALTIMORE vs. NEW ORLEANS
(PS Pts.—Ravens 59, Broncos 38) 2015—Jaguars, 22-20 (B) RS: Ravens lead series, 5-1
*AFC First-Round Playoff (RS Pts.—Jaguars 414, Ravens 375) 1996—Ravens, 17-10 (B)
**AFC Divisional Playoff BALTIMORE vs. KANSAS CITY 1999—Ravens, 31-8 (B)
BALTIMORE vs. DETROIT RS: Chiefs lead series, 4-3 2002—Saints, 37-25 (B)
RS: Ravens lead series, 3-1 PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0 2006—Ravens, 35-22 (NO)
1998—Ravens, 19-10 (B) 1999—Chiefs, 35-8 (B) 2010—Ravens, 30-24 (B)
2005—Lions, 35-17 (D) 2003—Chiefs, 17-10 (B) 2014—Ravens, 34-27 (NO)
2009—Ravens, 48-3 (B) 2004—Chiefs, 27-24 (B) (RS Pts.—Ravens 172, Saints 128)
2013—Ravens, 18-16 (D) 2006—Ravens, 20-10 (KC) BALTIMORE vs. N.Y. GIANTS
(RS Pts.—Ravens 102, Lions 64) 2009—Ravens, 38-24 (B) RS: Ravens lead series, 3-1
BALTIMORE vs. GREEN BAY 2010—*Ravens, 30-7 (KC) PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0
RS: Packers lead series, 4-1 2012—Ravens, 9-6 (KC) 1997—Ravens, 24-23 (NY)
1998—Packers, 28-10 (GB) 2015—Chiefs, 34-14 (B) 2000—*Ravens, 34-7 (Tampa)
2001—Packers, 31-23 (GB) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 153, Ravens 123) 2004—Ravens, 37-14 (B)
2005—Ravens, 48-3 (B) (PS Pts.—Ravens 30, Chiefs 7) 2008—Giants, 30-10 (NY)
2009—Packers, 27-14 (GB) *AFC First-Round Playoff 2012—Ravens, 33-14 (B)
2013—Packers, 19-17 (B) BALTIMORE vs. *LOS ANGELES (RS Pts.—Ravens 104, Giants 81)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 112, Packers 108) RS: Ravens lead series, 4-2 (PS Pts.—Ravens 34, Giants 7)
BALTIMORE vs. HOUSTON 1996—Ravens, 37-31 (B) OT *Super Bowl XXXV
RS: Ravens lead series, 6-2 1999—Rams, 27-10 (StL) BALTIMORE vs. N.Y. JETS
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0 2003—Rams, 33-22 (StL) RS: Ravens lead series, 8-1
2002—Ravens, 23-19 (H) 2007—Ravens, 22-3 (B) 1997—Jets, 19-16 (NY) OT
2005—Ravens, 16-15 (B) 2011—Ravens, 37-7 (StL) 1998—Ravens, 24-10 (NY)
2008—Ravens, 41-13 (H) 2015—Ravens, 16-13 (B) 2000—Ravens, 34-20 (B)
2010—Ravens, 34-28 (H) OT (RS Pts.—Ravens 144, Rams 114) 2004—Ravens, 20-17 (NY) OT
2011—Ravens, 29-14 (B) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 2005—Ravens, 13-3 (B)
*Ravens, 20-13 (B) BALTIMORE vs. MIAMI 2007—Ravens, 20-13 (B)
2012—Texans, 43-13 (H) RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5 2010—Ravens, 10-9 (NY)
2013—Ravens, 30-9 (B) PS: Ravens lead series, 2-0 2011—Ravens, 34-17 (B)
2014—Texans, 25-13 (H) 1997—Dolphins, 24-13 (B) 2013—Ravens, 19-3 (B)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 199, Texans 166) 2000—Dolphins, 19-6 (M) (RS Pts.—Ravens 190, Jets 111)
(PS Pts.—Ravens 20, Texans 13) 2001—*Ravens, 20-3 (M) BALTIMORE vs. OAKLAND
*AFC Divisional Playoff 2002—Dolphins, 26-7 (M) RS: Ravens lead series, 6-2
BALTIMORE vs. INDIANAPOLIS 2003—Dolphins, 9-6 (M) OT PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0
RS: Colts lead series, 8-3 2004—Ravens, 30-23 (B) 1996—Ravens, 19-14 (B)
PS: Colts lead series, 2-1 2007—Dolphins, 22-16 (M) OT 1998—Ravens, 13-10 (B)
1996—Colts, 26-21 (I) 2008—Ravens, 27-13 (M) 2000—*Ravens, 16-3 (O)
1998—Ravens, 38-31 (B) *Ravens, 27-9 (M) 2003—Raiders, 20-12 (O)
2001—Ravens, 39-27 (B) 2010—Ravens, 26-10 (B) 2006—Ravens, 28-6 (B)
2002—Colts, 22-20 (I) 2013—Ravens, 26-23 (M) 2008—Ravens, 29-10 (B)
2004—Colts, 20-10 (I) 2014—Ravens, 28-13 (M) 2009—Ravens, 21-13 (O)
2005—Colts, 24-7 (B) 2015—Dolphins, 15-13 (M) 2012—Ravens, 55-20 (B)
2006—*Colts, 15-6 (B) (RS Pts.—Ravens 198, Dolphins 197) 2015—Raiders, 37-33 (O)
2007—Colts, 44-20 (B) (PS Pts.—Ravens 47, Dolphins 12) (RS Pts.—Ravens 210, Raiders 130)
2008—Colts, 31-3 (I) *AFC First-Round Playoff (PS Pts.—Ravens 16, Raiders 3)
2009—Colts, 17-15 (B) BALTIMORE vs. MINNESOTA *AFC Championship
*Colts, 20-3 (I) RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 BALTIMORE vs. PHILADELPHIA
2011—Ravens, 24-10 (B) 1998—Vikings, 38-28 (B) RS: Eagles lead series, 2-1-1
2012—**Ravens, 24-9 (B) 2001—Ravens, 19-3 (B) 1997—Tie, 10-10 (B) OT
2014—Colts, 20-13 (I) 2005—Ravens, 30-23 (B) 2004—Eagles, 15-10 (P)
(RS Pts.—Colts 272, Ravens 210) 2009—Vikings, 33-31 (M) 2008—Ravens, 36-7 (B)
(PS Pts.—Colts 44, Ravens 33) 2013—Ravens, 29-26 (B) 2012—Eagles, 24-23 (P)
*AFC Divisional Playoff (RS Pts.—Ravens 137, Vikings 123) (RS Pts.—Ravens 79, Eagles 56)
BALTIMORE vs. JACKSONVILLE RS: Patriots lead series, 7-1 RS: Steelers lead series, 21-19
RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-8 PS: Series tied, 2-2 PS: Steelers lead series, 3-1
1996—Jaguars, 30-27 (J) 1996—Patriots, 46-38 (B) 1996—Steelers, 31-17 (P)
Jaguars, 28-25 (B) OT 1999—Patriots, 20-3 (NE) Ravens, 31-17 (B)
1997—Jaguars, 28-27 (B) 2004—Patriots, 24-3 (NE) 1997—Steelers, 42-34 (B)
Jaguars, 29-27 (J) 2007—Patriots, 27-24 (B) Steelers, 37-0 (P)
1998—Jaguars, 24-10 (J) 2009—Patriots, 27-21 (NE) 1998—Steelers, 20-13 (B)
Jaguars, 45-19 (B) *Ravens, 33-14 (NE) Steelers, 16-6 (P)
1999—Jaguars, 6-3 (J) 2010—Patriots, 23-20 (NE) OT 1999—Steelers, 23-20 (B)
Jaguars, 30-23 (B) 2011—**Patriots, 23-20 (NE) Ravens, 31-24 (P)
2000—Ravens, 39-36 (B) 2012—Ravens, 31-30 (B) 2000—Ravens, 16-0 (P)
Ravens, 15-10 (J) **Ravens, 28-13 (NE) Steelers, 9-6 (B)
2001—Ravens, 18-17 (B) 2013—Patriots, 41-7 (B) 2001—Ravens, 13-10 (P)
Ravens, 24-21 (J) 2014—***Patriots, 35-31 (NE) Steelers, 26-21 (B)
2002—Ravens, 17-10 (B) (RS Pts.—Patriots 238, Ravens 147) *Steelers, 27-10 (P)
2003—Ravens, 24-17 (B) (PS Pts.—Ravens 112, Patriots 85) 2002—Steelers, 31-18 (B)
2005—Jaguars, 30-3 (J) *AFC First-Round Playoff Steelers, 34-31 (P)
2008—Ravens, 27-7 (B) **AFC Championship 2003—Steelers, 34-15 (P)
2011—Jaguars, 12-7 (J) ***AFC Divisional Playoff Ravens, 13-10 (B) OT

414 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2004—Ravens, 30-13 (B) BALTIMORE vs. *TENNESSEE PS: Bengals lead series, 2-0
Steelers, 20-7 (P) RS: Series tied, 9-9 1968—Bengals, 34-23 (C)
2005—Steelers, 20-19 (P) PS: Ravens lead series, 2-1 1969—Bills, 16-13 (B)
Ravens, 16-13 (B) OT 1996—Oilers, 29-13 (H) 1970—Bengals, 43-14 (B)
2006—Ravens, 27-0 (B) Oilers, 24-21 (B) 1973—Bengals, 16-13 (B)
Ravens, 31-7 (P) 1997—Ravens, 36-10 (T) 1975—Bengals, 33-24 (C)
2007—Steelers, 38-7 (P) Ravens, 21-19 (B) 1978—Bills, 5-0 (B)
Ravens, 27-21 (B) 1998—Oilers, 12-8 (B) 1979—Bills, 51-24 (B)
2008—Steelers, 23-20 (P) OT Oilers, 16-14 (T) 1980—Bills, 14-0 (C)
Steelers, 13-9 (B) 1999—Titans, 14-11 (T) 1981—Bengals, 27-24 (C) OT
**Steelers, 23-14 (P) Ravens, 41-14 (B) *Bengals, 28-21 (C)
2009—Ravens, 20-17 (B) OT 2000—Titans, 14-6 (B) 1983—Bills, 10-6 (C)
Steelers, 23-20 (P) Ravens, 24-23 (T) 1984—Bengals, 52-21 (C)
2010—Ravens, 17-14 (P) **Ravens, 24-10 (T) 1985—Bengals, 23-17 (B)
Steelers, 13-10 (B) 2001—Ravens, 26-7 (B) 1986—Bengals, 36-33 (C) OT
*Steelers, 31-24 (P) Ravens, 16-10 (T) 1988—Bengals, 35-21 (C)
2011—Ravens, 35-7 (B) 2002—Ravens, 13-12 (B) **Bengals, 21-10 (C)
Ravens, 23-20 (P) 2003—***Titans, 20-17 (B) 1989—Bills, 24-7 (B)
2012—Ravens, 13-10 (P) 2005—Titans, 25-10 (T) 1991—Bills, 35-16 (B)
Steelers, 23-20 (B) 2006—Ravens, 27-26 (T) 1996—Bills, 31-17 (B)
2013—Steelers, 19-16 (P) 2008—Titans, 13-10 (B) 1998—Bills, 33-20 (C)
Ravens, 22-20 (B) **Ravens, 13-10 (T) 2002—Bills, 27-9 (B)
2014—Ravens, 26-6 (B) 2011—Titans, 26-13 (T) 2003—Bills, 22-16 (B) OT
Steelers, 43-23 (P) 2014—Ravens, 21-7 (B) 2004—Bills, 33-17 (C)
***Ravens, 30-17 (P) (RS Pts.—Ravens 331, Titans 301) 2005—Bills, 37-27 (C)
2015—Ravens, 23-20 (P) OT (PS Pts.—Ravens 54, Titans 40) 2007—Bills, 33-21 (B)
Ravens, 20-17 (B) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; 2010—Bills, 49-31 (C)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 784, Ravens 766) known as Oilers prior to 1999 2011—Bengals, 23-20 (C)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 98, Ravens 78) **AFC Divisional Playoff 2013—Bengals, 27-24 (B) OT
*AFC Divisional Playoff ***AFC First-Round Playoff 2015—Bengals, 34-21 (B)
**AFC Championship BALTIMORE vs. WASHINGTON (RS Pts.—Bills 675, Bengals 607)
***AFC First-Round Playoff RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 (PS Pts.—Bengals 49, Bills 31)
BALTIMORE vs. SAN DIEGO 1997—Ravens, 20-17 (W) *AFC Divisional Playoff
RS: Ravens lead series, 6-5 2000—Redskins, 10-3 (W) **AFC Championship
1997—Chargers, 21-17 (SD) 2004—Ravens, 17-10 (W) BUFFALO vs. CLEVELAND
1998—Chargers, 14-13 (SD) 2008—Ravens, 24-10 (B) RS: Browns lead series, 11-8
2000—Ravens, 24-3 (B) 2012—Redskins, 31-28 (W) OT PS: Browns lead series, 1-0
2003—Ravens, 24-10 (SD) (RS Pts.—Ravens 92, Redskins 78) 1972—Browns, 27-10 (C)
2006—Ravens, 16-13 (B) 1974—Bills, 15-10 (C)
2007—Chargers, 32-14 (SD) BUFFALO vs. ARIZONA 1977—Browns, 27-16 (B)
2009—Ravens, 31-26 (SD) RS: Bills lead series, 6-4; 1978—Browns, 41-20 (C)
2011—Chargers, 34-14 (SD) See Arizona vs. Buffalo 1981—Bills, 22-13 (B)
2012—Ravens, 16-13 (SD) OT BUFFALO vs. ATLANTA 1984—Browns, 13-10 (B)
2014—Chargers, 34-33 (B) RS: Falcons lead series, 7-4; 1985—Browns, 17-7 (C)
2015—Ravens, 29-26 (B) See Atlanta vs. Buffalo 1986—Browns, 21-17 (B)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 231, Chargers 226) BUFFALO vs. BALTIMORE 1987—Browns, 27-21 (C)
BALTIMORE vs. SAN FRANCISCO RS: Series tied, 3-3; 1989—*Browns, 34-30 (C)
RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 See Baltimore vs. Buffalo 1990—Bills, 42-0 (C)
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0 BUFFALO vs. CAROLINA 1995—Bills, 22-19 (C)
1996—49ers, 38-20 (SF) RS: Bills lead series, 5-1 2004—Bills, 37-7 (B)
2003—Ravens, 44-6 (B) 1995—Bills, 31-9 (B) 2007—Browns, 8-0 (C)
2007—Ravens, 9-7 (SF) 1998—Bills, 30-14 (C) 2008—Browns, 29-27 (B)
2011—Ravens, 16-6 (B) 2001—Bills, 25-24 (B) 2009—Browns, 6-3 (B)
2012—*Ravens, 34-31 (New Orleans) 2005—Panthers, 13-9 (B) 2010—Bills, 13-6 (B)
2015—49ers, 25-20 (SF) 2009—Bills, 20-9 (C) 2012—Bills, 24-14 (C)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 109, 49ers 82) 2013—Bills, 24-23 (B) 2013—Browns, 37-24 (C)
(PS Pts.—Ravens 34, 49ers 31) (RS Pts.—Bills 139, Panthers 92) 2014—Bills, 26-10 (B)
*Super Bowl XLVII BUFFALO vs. CHICAGO (RS Pts.—Bills 356, Browns 332)
BALTIMORE vs. SEATTLE RS: Bears lead series, 7-5 (PS Pts.—Browns 34, Bills 30)
RS: Seahawks lead series, 3-2 1970—Bears, 31-13 (C) *AFC Divisional Playoff
1997—Ravens, 31-24 (B) 1974—Bills, 16-6 (B) BUFFALO vs. DALLAS
2003—Ravens, 44-41 (B) OT 1979—Bears, 7-0 (B) RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4
2007—Seahawks, 27-6 (S) 1988—Bears, 24-3 (C) PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0
2011—Seahawks, 22-17 (S) 1991—Bills, 35-20 (B) 1971—Cowboys, 49-37 (B)
2015—Seahawks, 35-6 (B) 1994—Bears, 20-13 (C) 1976—Cowboys, 17-10 (D)
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 149, Ravens 104) 1997—Bears, 20-3 (C) 1981—Cowboys, 27-14 (D)
BALTIMORE vs. TAMPA BAY 2000—Bills, 20-3 (B) 1984—Bills, 14-3 (B)
RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 2002—Bills, 33-27 (B) OT 1992—*Cowboys, 52-17 (Pasadena)
2001—Buccaneers, 22-10 (TB) 2006—Bears, 40-7 (C) 1993—Bills, 13-10 (D)
2002—Buccaneers, 25-0 (B) 2010—Bears, 22-19 (Toronto) **Cowboys, 30-13 (Atlanta)
2006—Ravens, 27-0 (TB) 2014—Bills, 23-20 (C) OT 1996—Bills, 10-7 (B)
2010—Ravens, 17-10 (B) (RS Pts.—Bears 240, Bills 185) 2003—Cowboys, 10-6 (D)
2014—Ravens, 48-17 (TB) BUFFALO vs. CINCINNATI 2007—Cowboys, 25-24 (B)
(RS Pts.—Ravens 102, Buccaneers 74) RS: Bills lead series, 15-12 2011—Cowboys, 44-7 (D)

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2015—Bills, 16-6 (B) 2014—Bills, 21-13 (B) 2000—Colts, 18-16 (B)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 198, Bills 151) (RS Pts.—Bills 258, Packers 212) Colts, 44-20 (I)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 82, Bills 30) BUFFALO vs. HOUSTON 2001—Colts, 42-26 (I)
*Super Bowl XXVII RS: Series tied, 4-4 Colts, 30-14 (B)
**Super Bowl XXVIII 2002—Bills, 31-24 (H) 2003—Colts, 17-14 (B)
BUFFALO vs. DENVER 2003—Texans, 12-10 (B) 2006—Colts, 17-16 (I)
RS: Bills lead series, 19-16-1 2005—Bills, 22-7 (B) 2009—Bills, 30-7 (B)
PS: Bills lead series, 1-0 2006—Bills, 24-21 (H) 2012—Colts, 20-13 (I)
1960—Broncos, 27-21 (B) 2009—Texans, 31-10 (B) 2015—Bills, 27-14 (B)
Tie, 38-38 (D) 2012—Texans, 21-9 (H) (RS Pts.—Bills 1,417, Colts 1,312)
1961—Broncos, 22-10 (B) 2014—Texans, 23-17 (H) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
Bills, 23-10 (D) 2015—Bills, 30-21 (B) BUFFALO vs. JACKSONVILLE
1962—Broncos, 23-20 (B) (RS Pts.—Texans 160, Bills 153) RS: Bills lead series, 7-6
Bills, 45-38 (D) BUFFALO vs. *INDIANAPOLIS PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0
1963—Bills, 30-28 (D) RS: Bills lead series, 36-31-1 1996—*Jaguars, 30-27 (B)
Bills, 27-17 (B) 1970—Tie, 17-17 (Balt) 1997—Jaguars, 20-14 (B)
1964—Bills, 30-13 (B) Colts, 20-14 (Buff) 1998—Bills, 17-16 (B)
Bills, 30-19 (D) 1971—Colts, 43-0 (Buff) 2001—Bills, 13-10 (J)
1965—Bills, 30-15 (D) Colts, 24-0 (Balt) 2003—Bills, 38-17 (J)
Bills, 31-13 (B) 1972—Colts, 17-0 (Buff) 2004—Jaguars, 13-10 (B)
1966—Bills, 38-21 (B) Colts, 35-7 (Balt) 2006—Bills, 27-24 (B)
1967—Bills, 17-16 (D) 1973—Bills, 31-13 (Buff) 2007—Jaguars, 36-14 (J)
Broncos, 21-20 (B) Bills, 24-17 (Balt) 2008—Bills, 20-16 (J)
1968—Broncos, 34-32 (D) 1974—Bills, 27-14 (Balt) 2009—Jaguars, 18-15 (J)
1969—Bills, 41-28 (B) Bills, 6-0 (Buff) 2010—Jaguars, 36-26 (B)
1970—Broncos, 25-10 (B) 1975—Bills, 38-31 (Balt) 2012—Bills, 34-18 (B)
1975—Bills, 38-14 (B) Colts, 42-35 (Buff) 2013—Bills, 27-20 (J)
1977—Broncos, 26-6 (D) 1976—Colts, 31-13 (Buff) 2015—Jaguars, 34-31 (London)
1979—Broncos, 19-16 (B) Colts, 58-20 (Balt) (RS Pts.—Bills 286, Jaguars 278)
1981—Bills, 9-7 (B) 1977—Colts, 17-14 (Balt) (PS Pts.—Jaguars 30, Bills 27)
1984—Broncos, 37-7 (B) Colts, 31-13 (Buff) *AFC First-Round Playoff
1987—Bills, 21-14 (B) 1978—Bills, 24-17 (Buff) BUFFALO vs. *KANSAS CITY
1989—Broncos, 28-14 (B) Bills, 21-14 (Balt) RS: Bills lead series, 23-20-1
1990—Bills, 29-28 (B) 1979—Bills, 31-13 (Balt) PS: Bills lead series, 2-1
1991—*Bills, 10-7 (B) Colts, 14-13 (Buff) 1960—Texans, 45-28 (B)
1992—Bills, 27-17 (B) 1980—Colts, 17-12 (Buff) Texans, 24-7 (D)
1994—Bills, 27-20 (B) Colts, 28-24 (Balt) 1961—Bills, 27-24 (B)
1995—Broncos, 22-7 (D) 1981—Bills, 35-3 (Balt) Bills, 30-20 (D)
1997—Broncos, 23-20 (B) OT Bills, 23-17 (Buff) 1962—Texans, 41-21 (D)
2002—Broncos, 28-23 (D) 1982—Bills, 20-0 (Buff) Bills, 23-14 (B)
2005—Broncos, 28-17 (B) 1983—Bills, 28-23 (Buff) 1963—Tie, 27-27 (B)
2007—Broncos, 15-14 (B) Bills, 30-7 (Balt) Bills, 35-26 (KC)
2008—Bills, 30-23 (D) 1984—Colts, 31-17 (I) 1964—Bills, 34-17 (B)
2011—Bills, 40-14 (B) Bills, 21-15 (Buff) Bills, 35-22 (KC)
2014—Broncos, 24-17 (D) 1985—Colts, 49-17 (I) 1965—Bills, 23-7 (KC)
(RS Pts.—Bills 855, Broncos 795) Bills, 21-9 (Buff) Bills, 34-25 (B)
(PS Pts.—Bills 10, Broncos 7) 1986—Bills, 24-13 (Buff) 1966—Chiefs, 42-20 (B)
*AFC Championship Colts, 24-14 (I) Bills, 29-14 (KC)
BUFFALO vs. DETROIT 1987—Colts, 47-6 (Buff) **Chiefs, 31-7 (B)
RS: Bills lead series, 5-4-1 Bills, 27-3 (I) 1967—Chiefs, 23-13 (KC)
1972—Tie, 21-21 (B) 1988—Bills, 34-23 (Buff) 1968—Chiefs, 18-7 (B)
1976—Lions, 27-14 (D) Colts, 17-14 (I) 1969—Chiefs, 29-7 (B)
1979—Bills, 20-17 (D) 1989—Colts, 37-14 (I) Chiefs, 22-19 (KC)
1991—Lions, 17-14 (B) OT Bills, 30-7 (Buff) 1971—Chiefs, 22-9 (KC)
1994—Lions, 35-21 (D) 1990—Bills, 26-10 (Buff) 1973—Bills, 23-14 (B)
1997—Bills, 22-13 (B) Bills, 31-7 (I) 1976—Bills, 50-17 (B)
2002—Bills, 24-17 (B) 1991—Bills, 42-6 (Buff) 1978—Bills, 28-13 (B)
2006—Lions, 20-17 (D) Bills, 35-7 (I) Chiefs, 14-10 (KC)
2010—Bills, 14-12 (B) 1992—Bills, 38-0 (Buff) 1982—Bills, 14-9 (B)
2014—Bills, 17-14 (D) Colts, 16-13 (I) OT 1983—Bills, 14-9 (KC)
(RS Pts.—Lions 193, Bills 184) 1993—Bills, 23-9 (Buff) 1986—Chiefs, 20-17 (B)
BUFFALO vs. GREEN BAY Bills, 30-10 (I) Bills, 17-14 (KC)
RS: Bills lead series, 8-4 1994—Colts, 27-17 (Buff) 1991—Chiefs, 33-6 (KC)
1974—Bills, 27-7 (GB) Colts, 10-9 (I) ***Bills, 37-14 (B)
1979—Bills, 19-12 (B) 1995—Bills, 20-14 (Buff) 1993—Chiefs, 23-7 (KC)
1982—Packers, 33-21 (Mil) Bills, 16-10 (I) ****Bills, 30-13 (B)
1988—Bills, 28-0 (B) 1996—Bills, 16-13 (Buff) OT 1994—Bills, 44-10 (B)
1991—Bills, 34-24 (Mil) Colts, 13-10 (I) OT 1996—Bills, 20-9 (B)
1994—Bills 29-20 (B) 1997—Bills, 37-35 (B) 1997—Chiefs, 22-16 (KC)
1997—Packers, 31-21 (GB) Bills, 9-6 (I) 2000—Bills, 21-17 (KC)
2000—Bills 27-18 (B) 1998—Bills, 31-24 (I) 2002—Chiefs, 17-16 (KC)
2002—Packers, 10-0 (GB) Bills, 34-11 (B) 2003—Chiefs, 38-5 (KC)
2006—Bills, 24-10 (B) 1999—Colts, 31-14 (I) 2005—Bills, 14-3 (B)
2010—Packers, 34-7 (GB) Bills, 31-6 (B) 2008—Bills, 54-31 (KC)

416 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2009—Bills, 16-10 (KC) 1987—Bills, 34-31 (M) OT 1988—Bills, 13-10 (B)
2010—Chiefs, 13-10 (KC) OT Bills, 27-0 (B) 1994—Vikings, 21-17 (B)
2011—Bills, 41-7 (KC) 1988—Bills, 9-6 (B) 1997—Vikings, 34-13 (B)
2012—Bills, 35-17 (B) Bills, 31-6 (M) 2000—Vikings, 31-27 (M)
2013—Chiefs, 23-13 (B) 1989—Bills, 27-24 (M) 2002—Bills, 45-39 (M) OT
2014—Chiefs, 17-13 (B) Bills, 31-17 (B) 2006—Bills, 17-12 (B)
2015—Chiefs, 30-22 (KC) 1990—Dolphins, 30-7 (M) 2010—Vikings, 38-14 (M)
(RS Pts.—Bills 954, Chiefs 892) Bills, 24-14 (B) 2014—Bills, 17-16 (B)
(PS Pts.—Bills 74, Chiefs 58) *Bills, 44-34 (B) (RS Pts.—Vikings 314, Bills 222)
*Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and 1991—Bills, 35-31 (B) BUFFALO vs. *NEW ENGLAND
known as Texans Bills, 41-27 (M) RS: Patriots lead series, 68-42-1
**AFL Championship 1992—Dolphins, 37-10 (B) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0
***AFC Divisional Playoff Bills, 26-20 (M) 1960—Bills, 13-0 (Bos)
****AFC Championship **Bills, 29-10 (M) Bills, 38-14 (Buff)
BUFFALO vs. *LOS ANGELES 1993—Dolphins, 22-13 (B) 1961—Patriots, 23-21 (Buff)
RS: Bills lead series, 6-5 Bills, 47-34 (M) Patriots, 52-21 (Bos)
1970—Rams, 19-0 (B) 1994—Bills, 21-11 (B) 1962—Tie, 28-28 (Buff)
1974—Rams, 19-14 (LA) Bills, 42-31 (M) Patriots, 21-10 (Bos)
1980—Bills, 10-7 (B) OT 1995—Dolphins, 23-6 (M) 1963—Bills, 28-21 (Buff)
1983—Rams, 41-17 (LA) Bills, 23-20 (B) Patriots, 17-7 (Bos)
1989—Bills, 23-20 (B) ***Bills, 37-22 (B) **Patriots, 26-8 (Buff)
1992—Bills, 40-7 (B) 1996—Dolphins, 21-7 (B) 1964—Patriots, 36-28 (Buff)
1995—Bills, 45-27 (StL) Dolphins, 16-14 (M) Bills, 24-14 (Bos)
1998—Rams, 34-33 (B) 1997—Bills, 9-6 (B) 1965—Bills, 24-7 (Buff)
2004—Bills, 37-17 (B) Dolphins, 30-13 (M) Bills, 23-7 (Bos)
2008—Bills, 31-14 (StL) 1998—Dolphins, 13-7 (M) 1966—Patriots, 20-10 (Buff)
2012—Rams, 15-12 (B) Bills, 30-24 (B) Patriots, 14-3 (Bos)
(RS Pts.—Bills 262, Rams 220) ***Dolphins, 24-17 (M) 1967—Patriots, 23-0 (Buff)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1999—Bills, 23-18 (M) Bills, 44-16 (Bos)
BUFFALO vs. MIAMI Bills, 23-3 (B) 1968—Patriots, 16-7 (Buff)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 57-42-1 2000—Dolphins, 22-13 (M) Patriots, 23-6 (Bos)
PS: Bills lead series, 3-1 Dolphins, 33-6 (B) 1969—Bills, 23-16 (Buff)
1966—Bills, 58-24 (B) 2001—Dolphins, 34-27 (B) Patriots, 35-21 (Bos)
Bills, 29-0 (M) Dolphins, 34-7 (M) 1970—Bills, 45-10 (Bos)
1967—Bills, 35-13 (B) 2002—Bills, 23-10 (M) Patriots, 14-10 (Buff)
Dolphins, 17-14 (M) Bills, 38-21 (B) 1971—Patriots, 38-33 (NE)
1968—Tie, 14-14 (M) 2003—Dolphins, 17-7 (M) Bills, 27-20 (Buff)
Dolphins, 21-17 (B) Dolphins, 20-3 (B) 1972—Bills, 38-14 (Buff)
1969—Dolphins, 24-6 (M) 2004—Bills, 20-13 (B) Bills, 27-24 (NE)
Bills, 28-3 (B) Bills, 42-32 (M) 1973—Bills, 31-13 (NE)
1970—Dolphins, 33-14 (B) 2005—Bills, 20-14 (B) Bills, 37-13 (Buff)
Dolphins, 45-7 (M) Dolphins, 24-23 (M) 1974—Bills, 30-28 (Buff)
1971—Dolphins, 29-14 (B) 2006—Bills, 16-6 (M) Bills, 29-28 (NE)
Dolphins, 34-0 (M) Bills, 21-0 (B) 1975—Bills, 45-31 (Buff)
1972—Dolphins, 24-23 (M) 2007—Bills, 13-10 (M) Bills, 34-14 (NE)
Dolphins, 30-16 (B) Bills, 38-17 (B) 1976—Patriots, 26-22 (Buff)
1973—Dolphins, 27-6 (M) 2008—Dolphins, 25-16 (M) Patriots, 20-10 (NE)
Dolphins, 17-0 (B) Dolphins, 16-3 (Toronto) 1977—Bills, 24-14 (NE)
1974—Dolphins, 24-16 (B) 2009—Dolphins, 38-10 (M) Patriots, 20-7 (Buff)
Dolphins, 35-28 (M) Bills, 31-14 (B) 1978—Patriots, 14-10 (Buff)
1975—Dolphins, 35-30 (B) 2010—Dolphins, 15-10 (B) Patriots, 26-24 (NE)
Dolphins, 31-21 (M) Bills, 17-14 (M) 1979—Patriots, 26-6 (Buff)
1976—Dolphins, 30-21 (B) 2011—Dolphins, 35-8 (M) Bills, 16-13 (NE) OT
Dolphins, 45-27 (M) Dolphins, 30-23 (B) 1980—Bills, 31-13 (Buff)
1977—Dolphins, 13-0 (B) 2012—Bills, 19-14 (B) Patriots, 24-2 (NE)
Dolphins, 31-14 (M) Dolphins, 24-10 (M) 1981—Bills, 20-17 (Buff)
1978—Dolphins, 31-24 (M) 2013—Bills, 23-21 (M) Bills, 19-10 (NE)
Dolphins, 25-24 (B) Bills, 19-0 (B) 1982—Patriots, 30-19 (NE)
1979—Dolphins, 9-7 (B) 2014—Bills, 29-10 (B) 1983—Patriots, 31-0 (Buff)
Dolphins, 17-7 (M) Dolphins, 22-9 (M) Patriots, 21-7 (NE)
1980—Bills, 17-7 (B) 2015—Bills, 41-14 (M) 1984—Patriots, 21-17 (Buff)
Dolphins, 17-14 (M) Bills, 33-17 (B) Patriots, 38-10 (NE)
1981—Bills, 31-21 (B) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 2,127, Bills 1,897) 1985—Patriots, 17-14 (Buff)
Dolphins, 16-6 (M) (PS Pts.—Bills 127, Dolphins 90) Patriots, 14-3 (NE)
1982—Dolphins, 9-7 (B) *AFC Divisional Playoff 1986—Patriots, 23-3 (Buff)
Dolphins, 27-10 (M) **AFC Championship Patriots, 22-19 (NE)
1983—Dolphins, 12-0 (B) ***AFC First-Round Playoff 1987—Patriots, 14-7 (NE)
Bills, 38-35 (M) OT BUFFALO vs. MINNESOTA Patriots, 13-7 (Buff)
1984—Dolphins, 21-17 (B) RS: Vikings lead series, 8-5 1988—Bills, 16-14 (NE)
Dolphins, 38-7 (M) 1971—Vikings, 19-0 (M) Bills, 23-20 (Buff)
1985—Dolphins, 23-14 (B) 1975—Vikings, 35-13 (B) 1989—Bills, 31-10 (Buff)
Dolphins, 28-0 (M) 1979—Vikings, 10-3 (M) Patriots, 33-24 (NE)
1986—Dolphins, 27-14 (M) 1982—Bills, 23-22 (B) 1990—Bills, 27-10 (NE)
Dolphins, 34-24 (B) 1985—Vikings, 27-20 (B) Bills, 14-0 (Buff)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 417

1991—Bills, 22-17 (Buff) 1990—Bills, 17-13 (NY) 1990—Bills, 30-7 (NY)
Patriots, 16-13 (NE) *Giants, 20-19 (Tampa) Bills, 30-27 (B)
1992—Bills, 41-7 (NE) 1993—Bills, 17-14 (B) 1991—Bills, 23-20 (NY)
Bills, 16-7 (Buff) 1996—Bills, 23-20 (NY) OT Bills, 24-13 (B)
1993—Bills, 38-14 (Buff) 1999—Giants, 19-17 (B) 1992—Bills, 24-20 (NY)
Bills, 13-10 (NE) OT 2003—Bills, 24-7 (NY) Jets, 24-17 (B)
1994—Bills, 38-35 (NE) 2007—Giants, 38-21 (B) 1993—Bills, 19-10 (NY)
Patriots, 41-17 (Buff) 2011—Giants, 27-24 (NY) Bills, 16-14 (B)
1995—Patriots, 27-14 (NE) 2015—Giants, 24-10 (B) 1994—Jets, 23-3 (B)
Patriots, 35-25 (Buff) (RS Pts.—Bills 220, Giants 219) Jets, 22-17 (NY)
1996—Bills, 17-10 (Buff) (PS Pts.—Giants 20, Bills 19) 1995—Bills, 29-10 (B)
Patriots, 28-25 (NE) *Super Bowl XXV Bills, 28-26 (NY)
1997—Patriots, 33-6 (NE) BUFFALO vs. *N.Y. JETS 1996—Bills, 25-22 (NY)
Patriots, 31-10 (Buff) RS: Bills lead series, 59-51 Bills, 35-10 (B)
1998—Bills, 13-10 (Buff) PS: Bills lead series, 1-0 1997—Bills, 28-22 (NY)
Patriots, 25-21 (NE) 1960—Titans, 27-3 (NY) Bills, 20-10 (B)
1999—Bills, 17-7 (Buff) Titans, 17-13 (B) 1998—Jets, 34-12 (NY)
Bills, 13-10 (NE) OT 1961—Bills, 41-31 (B) Jets, 17-10 (B)
2000—Bills, 16-13 (NE) OT Titans, 21-14 (NY) 1999—Bills, 17-3 (B)
Patriots, 13-10 (Buff) OT 1962—Titans, 17-6 (B) Jets, 17-7 (NY)
2001—Patriots, 21-11 (NE) Bills, 20-3 (NY) 2000—Jets, 27-14 (NY)
Patriots, 12-9 (Buff) OT 1963—Bills, 45-14 (B) Bills, 23-20 (B)
2002—Patriots, 38-7 (Buff) Bills, 19-10 (NY) 2001—Jets, 42-36 (B)
Patriots, 27-17 (NE) 1964—Bills, 34-24 (B) Bills, 14-9 (NY)
2003—Bills, 31-0 (Buff) Bills, 20-7 (NY) 2002—Jets, 37-31 (B) OT
Patriots, 31-0 (NE) 1965—Bills, 33-21 (B) Jets, 31-13 (NY)
2004—Patriots, 31-17 (Buff) Jets, 14-12 (NY) 2003—Jets, 30-3 (NY)
Patriots, 29-6 (NE) 1966—Bills, 33-23 (NY) Bills, 17-6 (B)
2005—Patriots, 21-16 (NE) Bills, 14-3 (B) 2004—Jets, 16-14 (NY)
Patriots, 35-7 (Buff) 1967—Bills, 20-17 (B) Bills, 22-17 (B)
2006—Patriots, 19-17 (NE) Jets, 20-10 (NY) 2005—Bills, 27-17 (B)
Patriots, 28-6 (Buff) 1968—Bills, 37-35 (B) Jets, 30-26 (NY)
2007—Patriots, 38-7 (NE) Jets, 25-21 (NY) 2006—Jets, 28-20 (B)
Patriots, 56-10 (Buff) 1969—Jets, 33-19 (B) Bills, 31-13 (NY)
2008—Patriots, 20-10 (NE) Jets, 16-6 (NY) 2007—Bills, 17-14 (B)
Patriots, 13-0 (Buff) 1970—Bills, 34-31 (B) Bills, 13-3 (NY)
2009—Patriots, 25-24 (NE) Bills, 10-6 (NY) 2008—Jets, 26-17 (B)
Patriots, 17-10 (Buff) 1971—Jets, 28-17 (NY) Jets, 31-27 (NY)
2010—Patriots, 38-30 (NE) Jets, 20-7 (B) 2009—Bills, 16-13 (NY) OT
Patriots, 34-3 (Buff) 1972—Jets, 41-24 (B) Jets, 19-13 (Toronto)
2011—Bills, 34-31 (Buff) Jets, 41-3 (NY) 2010—Jets, 38-14 (B)
Patriots, 49-21 (NE) 1973—Bills, 9-7 (B) Jets, 38-7 (NY)
2012—Patriots, 52-28 (B) Bills, 34-14 (NY) 2011—Jets, 27-11 (B)
Patriots, 37-31 (NE) 1974—Bills, 16-12 (B) Jets, 28-24 (NY)
2013—Patriots, 23-21 (B) Jets, 20-10 (NY) 2012—Jets, 48-28 (NY)
Patriots, 34-20 (NE) 1975—Bills, 42-14 (B) Bills, 28-9 (B)
2014—Patriots, 37-22 (B) Bills, 24-23 (NY) 2013—Jets, 27-20 (NY)
Bills, 17-9 (NE) 1976—Jets, 17-14 (NY) Bills, 37-14 (B)
2015—Patriots, 40-32 (B) Jets, 19-14 (B) 2014—Bills, 43-23 (NY)
Patriots, 20-13 (NE) 1977—Jets, 24-19 (B) Bills, 38-3 (Detroit)
(RS Pts.—Patriots 2,458, Bills 2,059) Bills, 14-10 (NY) 2015—Bills, 22-17 (NY)
(PS Pts.—Patriots 26, Bills 8) 1978—Jets, 21-20 (B) Bills, 22-17 (B)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 Jets, 45-14 (NY) (RS Pts.—Bills 2,289, Jets 2,229)
**Division Playoff 1979—Bills, 46-31 (B) (PS Pts.—Bills 31, Jets 27)
BUFFALO vs. NEW ORLEANS Bills, 14-12 (NY) *Jets known as Titans prior to 1963
RS: Saints lead series, 6-4 1980—Bills, 20-10 (B) **AFC First-Round Playoff
1973—Saints, 13-0 (NO) Bills, 31-24 (NY) BUFFALO vs. *OAKLAND
1980—Bills, 35-26 (NO) 1981—Bills, 31-0 (B) RS: Raiders lead series, 20-17
1983—Bills, 27-21 (B) Jets, 33-14 (NY) PS: Bills lead series, 2-0
1989—Saints, 22-19 (B) **Bills, 31-27 (NY) 1960—Bills, 38-9 (B)
1992—Bills, 20-16 (NO) 1983—Jets, 34-10 (B) Raiders, 20-7 (O)
1998—Bills, 45-33 (NO) Bills, 24-17 (NY) 1961—Raiders, 31-22 (B)
2001—Saints, 24-6 (B) 1984—Jets, 28-26 (B) Bills, 26-21 (O)
2005—Saints, 19-7 (San Antonio) Jets, 21-17 (NY) 1962—Bills, 14-6 (B)
2009—Saints, 27-7 (B) 1985—Jets, 42-3 (NY) Bills, 10-6 (O)
2013—Saints, 35-17 (NO) Jets, 27-7 (B) 1963—Raiders, 35-17 (O)
(RS Pts.—Saints 236, Bills 183) 1986—Jets, 28-24 (B) Bills, 12-0 (B)
BUFFALO vs. N.Y. GIANTS Jets, 14-13 (NY) 1964—Bills, 23-20 (B)
RS: Series tied, 6-6 1987—Jets, 31-28 (B) Raiders, 16-13 (O)
PS: Giants lead series, 1-0 Bills, 17-14 (NY) 1965—Bills, 17-12 (B)
1970—Giants, 20-6 (NY) 1988—Bills, 37-14 (NY) Bills, 17-14 (O)
1975—Giants, 17-14 (B) Bills, 9-6 (B) OT 1966—Bills, 31-10 (O)
1978—Bills, 41-17 (B) 1989—Bills, 34-3 (B) 1967—Raiders, 24-20 (B)
1987—Bills, 6-3 (B) OT Bills, 37-0 (NY) Raiders, 28-21 (O)

418 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1968—Raiders, 48-6 (B) *AFC Divisional Playoff (RS Pts.—Seahawks 295, Bills 286)
1969—Raiders, 50-21 (O) RS: Chargers lead series, 22-10-2 RS: Buccaneers lead series, 7-3
1972—Raiders, 28-16 (O) PS: Bills lead series, 2-1 1976—Bills, 14-9 (TB)
1974—Bills, 21-20 (B) 1960—Chargers, 24-10 (B) 1978—Buccaneers, 31-10 (TB)
1977—Raiders, 34-13 (O) Bills, 32-3 (LA) 1982—Buccaneers, 24-23 (TB)
1980—Bills, 24-7 (B) 1961—Chargers, 19-11 (B) 1986—Buccaneers, 34-28 (TB)
1983—Raiders, 27-24 (B) Chargers, 28-10 (SD) 1988—Buccaneers, 10-5 (TB)
1987—Raiders, 34-21 (LA) 1962—Bills, 35-10 (B) 1991—Bills, 17-10 (TB)
1988—Bills, 37-21 (B) Bills, 40-20 (SD) 2000—Buccaneers, 31-17 (TB)
1990—Bills, 38-24 (B) 1963—Chargers, 14-10 (SD) 2005—Buccaneers, 19-3 (TB)
**Bills, 51-3 (B) Chargers, 23-13 (B) 2009—Bills, 33-20 (B)
1991—Bills, 30-27 (LA) OT 1964—Bills, 30-3 (B) 2013—Buccaneers, 27-6 (TB)
1992—Raiders, 20-3 (LA) Bills, 27-24 (SD) (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 215, Bills 156)
1993—Raiders, 25-24 (B) **Bills, 20-7 (B) BUFFALO vs. *TENNESSEE
***Bills, 29-23 (B) 1965—Chargers, 34-3 (B) RS: Titans lead series, 27-15
1998—Bills, 44-21 (B) Tie, 20-20 (SD) PS: Bills lead series, 2-1
1999—Raiders, 20-14 (B) **Bills, 23-0 (SD) 1960—Bills, 25-24 (B)
2002—Raiders, 49-31 (B) 1966—Chargers, 27-7 (SD) Oilers, 31-23 (H)
2004—Raiders, 13-10 (O) Tie, 17-17 (B) 1961—Bills, 22-12 (H)
2005—Raiders, 38-17 (O) 1967—Chargers, 37-17 (B) Oilers, 28-16 (B)
2008—Bills, 24-23 (B) 1968—Chargers, 21-6 (B) 1962—Oilers, 28-23 (B)
2011—Bills, 38-35 (B) 1969—Chargers, 45-6 (SD) Oilers, 17-14 (H)
2014—Raiders, 26-24 (O) 1971—Chargers, 20-3 (SD) 1963—Oilers, 31-20 (B)
(RS Pts.—Raiders 855, Bills 778) 1973—Chargers, 34-7 (SD) Oilers, 28-14 (H)
(PS Pts.—Bills 80, Raiders 26) 1976—Chargers, 34-13 (B) 1964—Bills, 48-17 (H)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1979—Chargers, 27-19 (SD) Bills, 24-10 (B)
**AFC Championship 1980—Bills, 26-24 (SD) 1965—Oilers, 19-17 (B)
***AFC Divisional Playoff ***Chargers, 20-14 (SD) Bills, 29-18 (H)
BUFFALO vs. PHILADELPHIA 1981—Bills, 28-27 (SD) 1966—Bills, 27-20 (B)
RS: Eagles lead series, 7-6 1985—Chargers, 14-9 (B) Bills, 42-20 (H)
1973—Bills, 27-26 (B) Chargers, 40-7 (SD) 1967—Oilers, 20-3 (B)
1981—Eagles, 20-14 (B) 1998—Chargers, 16-14 (SD) Oilers, 10-3 (H)
1984—Eagles, 27-17 (B) 2000—Bills, 27-24 (B) OT 1968—Oilers, 30-7 (B)
1985—Eagles, 21-17 (P) 2001—Chargers, 27-24 (SD) Oilers, 35-6 (H)
1987—Eagles, 17-7 (P) 2002—Bills, 20-13 (B) 1969—Oilers, 17-3 (B)
1990—Bills, 30-23 (B) 2005—Chargers, 48-10 (SD) Oilers, 28-14 (H)
1993—Bills, 10-7 (P) 2006—Chargers, 24-21 (B) 1971—Oilers, 20-14 (B)
1996—Bills, 24-17 (P) 2008—Bills, 23-14 (B) 1974—Oilers, 21-9 (B)
1999—Bills, 26-0 (B) 2011—Chargers, 37-10 (SD) 1976—Oilers, 13-3 (B)
2003—Eagles, 23-13 (B) 2014—Chargers, 22-10 (B) 1978—Oilers, 17-10 (H)
2007—Eagles, 17-9 (P) (RS Pts.—Chargers 814, Bills 565) 1983—Bills, 30-13 (B)
2011—Bills, 31-24 (B) (PS Pts.—Bills 57, Chargers 27) 1985—Bills, 20-0 (B)
2015—Eagles, 23-20 (P) *Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961 1986—Oilers, 16-7 (H)
(RS Pts.—Bills 245, Eagles 245) **AFL Championship 1987—Bills, 34-30 (B)
BUFFALO vs. PITTSBURGH ***AFC Divisional Playoff 1988—**Bills, 17-10 (B)
RS: Steelers lead series, 13-8 BUFFALO vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1989—Bills, 47-41 (H) OT
PS: Steelers lead series, 2-1 RS: 49ers lead series, 6-5 1990—Oilers, 27-24 (H)
1970—Steelers, 23-10 (P) 1972—Bills, 27-20 (B) 1992—Oilers, 27-3 (H)
1972—Steelers, 38-21 (B) 1980—Bills, 18-13 (SF) ***Bills, 41-38 (B) OT
1974—*Steelers, 32-14 (P) 1983—49ers, 23-10 (B) 1993—Bills, 35-7 (B)
1975—Bills, 30-21 (P) 1989—49ers, 21-10 (SF) 1994—Bills, 15-7 (H)
1978—Steelers, 28-17 (B) 1992—Bills, 34-31 (SF) 1995—Oilers, 28-17 (B)
1979—Steelers, 28-0 (P) 1995—49ers, 27-17 (SF) 1997—Oilers, 31-14 (T)
1980—Bills, 28-13 (B) 1998—Bills, 26-21 (B) 1999—***Titans, 22-16 (T)
1982—Bills, 13-0 (B) 2001—49ers, 35-0 (SF) 2000—Bills, 16-13 (B)
1985—Steelers, 30-24 (P) 2004—Bills, 41-7 (SF) 2003—Titans, 28-26 (T)
1986—Bills, 16-12 (B) 2008—49ers, 10-3 (B) 2006—Titans, 30-29 (B)
1988—Bills, 36-28 (B) 2012—49ers, 45-3 (SF) 2009—Titans, 41-17 (T)
1991—Bills, 52-34 (B) (RS Pts.—49ers 253, Bills 189) 2011—Titans, 23-17 (B)
1992—Bills, 28-20 (B) BUFFALO vs. SEATTLE 2012—Titans, 35-34 (B)
*Bills, 24-3 (P) RS: Seahawks lead series, 7-5 2015—Bills, 14-13 (T)
1993—Steelers, 23-0 (P) 1977—Seahawks, 56-17 (S) (RS Pts.—Titans 924, Bills 815)
1994—Steelers, 23-10 (P) 1984—Seahawks, 31-28 (S) (PS Pts.—Bills 74, Titans 70)
1995—*Steelers, 40-21 (P) 1988—Bills, 13-3 (S) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1996—Steelers, 24-6 (P) 1989—Seahawks, 17-16 (S) known as Oilers prior to 1999
1999—Bills, 24-21 (B) 1995—Bills, 27-21 (B) **AFC Divisional Playoff
2001—Steelers, 20-3 (B) 1996—Seahawks, 26-18 (S) ***AFC First-Round Playoff
2004—Steelers, 29-24 (B) 1999—Seahawks, 26-16 (S) BUFFALO vs. WASHINGTON
2007—Steelers, 26-3 (P) 2000—Bills, 42-23 (S) RS: Bills lead series, 8-5
2010—Steelers, 19-16 (B) OT 2001—Seahawks, 23-20 (B) PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0
2013—Steelers, 23-10 (P) 2004—Bills, 38-9 (S) 1972—Bills, 24-17 (W)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 483, Bills 371) 2008—Bills, 34-10 (B) 1977—Redskins, 10-0 (B)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 75, Bills 59) 2012—Seahawks, 50-17 (Toronto) 1981—Bills, 21-14 (B)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 419

1984—Redskins, 41-14 (W) 2015—Panthers, 33-14 (D) 2000—Chiefs, 15-14 (KC)
1987—Redskins, 27-7 (B) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 227, Panthers 190) 2004—Panthers, 28-17 (KC)
1990—Redskins, 29-14 (W) (PS Pts.—Panthers 55, Cowboys 27) 2008—Panthers, 34-0 (C)
1991—*Redskins, 37-24 (Minneapolis) *NFC Divisional Playoff 2012—Chiefs, 27-21 (KC)
1993—Bills, 24-10 (B) *NFC First-Round Playoff (RS Pts.—Panthers 111, Chiefs 94)
1996—Bills, 38-13 (B) CAROLINA vs. DENVER CAROLINA vs. **LOS ANGELES
1999—Bills, 34-17 (W) RS: Broncos lead series, 3-1 RS: Panthers lead series, 11-8
2003—Bills, 24-7 (B) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0 PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0
2007—Bills, 17-16 (W) 1997—Broncos, 34-0 (D) 1995—Rams, 31-10 (C)
2011—Bills, 23-0 (Toronto) 2004—Broncos, 20-17 (D) Rams, 28-17 (StL)
2015—Redskins, 35-25 (W) 2008—Panthers, 30-10 (C) 1996—Panthers, 45-13 (C)
(RS Pts.—Bills 265, Redskins 236) 2012—Broncos, 36-14 (C) Panthers, 20-10 (StL)
(PS Pts.—Redskins 37, Bills 24) 2015—*Broncos, 24-10 (San Francisco) 1997—Panthers, 16-10 (StL)
*Super Bowl XXVI (RS Pts.—Broncos 100, Panthers 61) Rams, 30-18 (C)
(PS Pts.—Broncos 24, Panthers 10) 1998—Panthers, 24-20 (StL)
CAROLINA vs. ARIZONA *Super Bowl 50 Panthers, 20-13 (C)
RS: Panthers lead series, 8-4 CAROLINA vs. DETROIT 1999—Rams, 35-10 (StL)
PS: Panthers lead series, 2-1; RS: Panthers lead series, 5-2 Rams, 34-21 (C)
See Arizona vs. Carolina 1999—Lions, 24-9 (C) 2000—Panthers, 27-24 (StL)
CAROLINA vs. ATLANTA 2002—Panthers, 31-7 (C) Panthers, 16-3 (C)
RS: Falcons lead series, 25-17; 2003—Panthers, 20-14 (C) 2001—Rams, 48-14 (StL)
See Atlanta vs. Carolina 2005—Panthers, 21-20 (D) Rams, 38-32 (C)
CAROLINA vs. BALTIMORE 2008—Panthers, 31-22 (C) 2003—*Panthers, 29-23 (StL) 2OT
RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2; 2011—Lions, 49-35 (D) 2004—Panthers, 20-7 (C)
See Baltimore vs. Carolina 2014—Panthers, 24-7 (C) 2006—Panthers, 15-0 (C)
CAROLINA vs. BUFFALO (RS Pts.—Panthers 171, Lions 143) 2007—Panthers, 27-13 (StL)
RS: Bills lead series, 5-1; CAROLINA vs. GREEN BAY 2010—Rams, 20-10 (StL)
See Buffalo vs. Carolina RS: Packers lead series, 8-5 2013—Panthers, 30-15 (C)
CAROLINA vs. CHICAGO PS: Packers lead series, 1-0 (RS Pts.—Panthers 392, Rams 392)
RS: Bears lead series, 5-3 1996—*Packers, 30-13 (GB) (PS Pts.—Panthers 29, Rams 23)
PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0 1997—Packers, 31-10 (C) *NFC Divisional Playoff
1995—Bears, 31-27 (Chi) 1998—Packers, 37-30 (C) **Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to
2002—Panthers, 24-14 (Car) 1999—Panthers, 33-31 (GB) 2015
2005—Bears, 13-3 (Chi) 2000—Panthers, 31-14 (C) CAROLINA vs. MIAMI
*Panthers, 29-21 (Chi) 2001—Packers, 28-7 (C) RS: Dolphins lead series, 4-1
2008—Panthers, 20-17 (Car) 2002—Packers, 17-14 (GB) 1998—Dolphins, 13-9 (C)
2010—Bears, 23-6 (Car) 2004—Packers, 24-14 (C) 2001—Dolphins, 23-6 (M)
2011—Bears, 34-29 (Chi) 2005—Panthers, 32-29 (C) 2005—Dolphins, 27-24 (M)
2012—Bears, 23-22 (Chi) 2007—Packers, 31-17 (GB) 2009—Dolphins, 24-17 (C)
2014—Panthers, 31-24 (Car) 2008—Panthers, 35-31 (GB) 2013—Panthers, 20-16 (M)
(RS Pts.—Bears 179, Panthers 162) 2011—Packers, 30-23 (C) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 103, Panthers 76)
(PS Pts.—Panthers 29, Bears 21) 2014—Packers, 38-17 (GB) CAROLINA vs. MINNESOTA
*NFC Divisional Playoff 2015—Panthers, 37-29 (C) RS: Vikings lead series, 7-5
CAROLINA vs. CINCINNATI (RS Pts.—Packers 370, Panthers 300) 1996—Vikings, 14-12 (M)
RS: Series tied, 2-2-1 (PS Pts.—Packers 30, Panthers 13) 1997—Vikings, 21-14 (M)
1999—Panthers, 27-3 (Car) *NFC Championship 2000—Vikings, 31-17 (M)
2002—Panthers, 52-31 (Car) CAROLINA vs. HOUSTON 2001—Panthers, 24-13 (M)
2006—Bengals, 17-14 (Cin) RS: Series tied, 2-2 2002—Panthers, 21-14 (M)
2010—Bengals, 20-7 (Car) 2003—Texans, 14-10 (H) 2005—Panthers, 38-13 (C)
2014—Tied, 37-37 (Cin) OT 2007—Texans, 34-21 (C) 2006—Vikings, 16-13 (M) OT
(RS Pts.—Panthers 137, Bengals 108) 2011—Panthers, 28-13 (H) 2008—Vikings, 20-10 (M)
CAROLINA vs. CLEVELAND 2015—Panthers, 24-17 (C) 2009—Panthers, 26-7 (C)
RS: Panthers lead series, 4-1 (RS Pts.—Panthers 83, Texans 78) 2011—Vikings, 24-21 (C)
1999—Panthers, 31-17 (Cle) CAROLINA vs. INDIANAPOLIS 2013—Panthers, 35-10 (M)
2002—Panthers, 13-6 (Cle) RS: Panthers lead series, 5-1 2014—Vikings, 31-13 (M)
2006—Panthers, 20-12 (Car) 1995—Panthers, 13-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Panthers 244, Vikings 214)
2010—Browns, 24-23 (Cle) 1998—Panthers, 27-19 (I) CAROLINA vs. NEW ENGLAND
2014—Panthers, 17-13 (Car) 2003—Panthers, 23-20 (I) OT RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2
(RS Pts.—Panthers 104, Browns 72) 2007—Colts, 31-7 (C) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0
CAROLINA vs. DALLAS 2011—Panthers, 27-19 (I) 1995—Panthers, 20-17 (NE) OT
RS: Cowboys lead series, 9-2 2015—Panthers, 29-26 (C) OT 2001—Patriots, 38-6 (C)
PS: Panthers lead series, 2-0 (RS Pts.—Panthers 126, Colts 125) 2003—*Patriots, 32-29 (Houston)
1996—*Panthers, 26-17 (C) CAROLINA vs. JACKSONVILLE 2005—Panthers, 27-17 (C)
1997—Panthers, 23-13 (D) RS: Series tied, 3-3 2009—Patriots, 20-10 (NE)
1998—Cowboys, 27-20 (D) 1996—Jaguars, 24-14 (J) 2013—Panthers, 24-20 (C)
2000—Cowboys, 16-13 (C) OT 1999—Jaguars, 22-20 (C) (RS Pts.—Patriots 112, Panthers 87)
2002—Cowboys, 14-13 (D) 2003—Panthers, 24-23 (C) (PS Pts.—Patriots 32, Panthers 29)
2003—Cowboys, 24-20 (D) 2007—Jaguars, 37-6 (J) *Super Bowl XXXVIII
**Panthers, 29-10 (C) 2011—Panthers, 16-10 (C) CAROLINA vs. NEW ORLEANS
2005—Cowboys, 24-20 (C) 2015—Panthers, 20-9 (J) RS: Panthers lead series, 23-19
2006—Cowboys, 35-14 (C) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 125, Panthers 100) 1995—Panthers, 20-3 (C)
2007—Cowboys, 20-13 (C) CAROLINA vs. KANSAS CITY Saints, 34-26 (NO)
2009—Cowboys, 21-7 (D) RS: Chiefs lead series, 3-2 1996—Panthers, 22-20 (NO)
2012—Cowboys, 19-14 (C) 1997—Chiefs, 35-14 (C) Panthers, 19-7 (C)

420 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1997—Panthers, 13-0 (NO) PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0 CAROLINA vs. TAMPA BAY
Saints, 16-13 (C) 1996—Eagles, 20-9 (P) RS: Panthers lead series, 20-11
1998—Saints, 19-14 (NO) 1999—Panthers, 33-7 (C) 1995—Buccaneers, 20-13 (C)
Panthers, 31-17 (C) 2003—Eagles, 25-16 (C) 1996—Panthers, 24-0 (C)
1999—Saints, 19-10 (NO) *Panthers, 14-3 (P) 1998—Buccaneers, 16-13 (TB)
Panthers, 45-13 (C) 2004—Eagles, 30-8 (P) 2002—Buccaneers, 12-9 (C)
2000—Saints, 24-6 (NO) 2006—Eagles, 27-24 (P) Buccaneers, 23-10 (TB)
Saints, 20-10 (C) 2009—Eagles, 38-10 (C) 2003—Panthers, 12-9 (TB) OT
2001—Saints, 27-25 (C) 2012—Panthers, 30-22 (P) Panthers, 27-24 (C)
Saints, 27-23 (NO) 2014—Eagles, 45-21 (P) 2004—Panthers, 21-14 (C)
2002—Saints, 34-24 (C) 2015—Panthers, 27-16 (C) Panthers, 37-20 (TB)
Panthers, 10-6 (NO) (RS Pts.—Eagles 230, Panthers 178) 2005—Panthers, 34-14 (TB)
2003—Panthers, 19-13 (C) (PS Pts.—Panthers 14, Eagles 3) Buccaneers, 20-10 (C)
Panthers, 23-20 (NO) OT *NFC Championship 2006—Panthers, 26-24 (TB)
2004—Panthers, 32-21 (NO) CAROLINA vs. PITTSBURGH Panthers, 24-10 (C)
Saints, 21-18 (C) RS: Steelers lead series, 5-1 2007—Buccaneers, 20-7 (C)
2005—Saints, 23-20 (C) 1996—Panthers, 18-14 (C) Panthers, 31-23 (TB)
Panthers, 27-10 (Baton Rouge) 1999—Steelers, 30-20 (P) 2008—Buccaneers, 27-3 (TB)
2006—Panthers, 21-18 (C) 2002—Steelers, 30-14 (P) Panthers, 38-23 (C)
Panthers, 31-21 (NO) 2006—Steelers, 37-3 (C) 2009—Panthers, 28-21 (TB)
2007—Panthers, 16-13 (NO) 2010—Steelers, 27-3 (P) Panthers, 16-6 (C)
Saints, 31-6 (C) 2014—Steelers, 37-19 (C) 2010—Buccaneers, 20-7 (C)
2008—Panthers, 30-7 (C) (RS Pts.—Steelers 175, Panthers 77) Buccaneers, 31-16 (TB)
Panthers, 33-31 (NO) CAROLINA vs. SAN DIEGO 2011—Panthers, 38-19 (TB)
2009—Saints, 30-20 (NO) RS: Panthers lead series, 4-1 Panthers, 48-16 (C)
Panthers, 23-10 (C) 1997—Panthers, 26-7 (SD) 2012—Buccaneers, 16-10 (TB)
2010—Saints, 16-14 (NO) 2000—Panthers, 30-22 (C) Buccaneers, 27-21 (C) OT
Saints, 34-3 (C) 2004—Chargers, 17-6 (C) 2013—Panthers, 31-13 (TB)
2011—Saints, 30-27 (C) 2008—Panthers, 26-24 (SD) Panthers, 27-6 (C)
Saints, 45-17 (NO) 2012—Panthers, 31-7 (SD) 2014—Panthers, 20-14 (TB)
2012—Panthers, 35-27 (C) (RS Pts.—Panthers 119, Chargers 77) Panthers, 19-17 (C)
Panthers, 44-38 (NO) CAROLINA vs. SAN FRANCISCO 2015—Panthers, 37-23 (TB)
2013—Saints, 31-13 (NO) RS: Panthers lead series, 11-7 Panthers, 38-10 (C)
Panthers, 17-13 (C) PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0 (RS Pts.—Panthers 695, Buccaneers 538)
2014—Saints, 28-10 (C) 1995—Panthers, 13-7 (SF) CAROLINA vs. *TENNESSEE
Panthers, 41-10 (NO) 49ers, 31-10 (C) RS: Titans lead series, 3-2
2015—Panthers, 27-22 (C) 1996—Panthers, 23-7 (C) 1996—Panthers, 31-6 (H)
Panthers, 41-38 (NO) Panthers, 30-24 (SF) 2003—Titans, 37-17 (C)
(RS Pts.—Panthers 919, Saints 887) 1997—49ers, 34-21 (C) 2007—Titans, 20-7 (T)
CAROLINA vs. N.Y. GIANTS 49ers, 27-19 (SF) 2011—Titans, 30-3 (C)
RS: Panthers lead series, 5-4 1998—49ers, 25-23 (SF) 2015—Panthers, 27-10 (T)
PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0 49ers, 31-28 (C) OT (RS Pts.—Titans 103, Panthers 85)
1996—Panthers, 27-17 (C) 1999—Panthers, 31-29 (SF) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
2003—Panthers, 37-24 (NY) Panthers, 41-24 (C) known as Oilers prior to 1999
2005—*Panthers, 23-0 (NY) 2000—Panthers, 38-22 (SF) CAROLINA vs. WASHINGTON
2006—Giants, 27-13 (C) Panthers, 34-16 (C) RS: Redskins lead series, 7-5
2008—Giants, 34-28 (NY) OT 2001—49ers, 24-14 (SF) 1995—Redskins, 20-17 (W)
2009—Panthers, 41-9 (NY) 49ers, 25-22 (C) OT 1997—Redskins, 24-10 (C)
2010—Giants, 31-18 (NY) 2004—Panthers, 37-27 (SF) 1998—Redskins, 28-25 (C)
2012—Giants, 36-7 (C) 2007—Panthers, 31-14 (C) 1999—Redskins, 38-36 (W)
2013—Panthers, 38-0 (C) 2010—Panthers, 23-20 (C) 2000—Redskins, 20-17 (W)
2015—Panthers, 38-35 (NY) 2013—Panthers, 10-9 (SF) 2001—Redskins, 17-14 (W) OT
(RS Pts.—Panthers 247, Giants 213) *49ers, 23-10 (C) 2003—Panthers, 20-17 (C)
(PS Pts.—Panthers 23, Giants 0) (RS Pts.—Panthers 448, 49ers 396) 2006—Redskins, 17-13 (W)
*NFC First-Round Playoff (PS Pts.—49ers 23, Panthers 10) 2009—Panthers, 20-17 (C)
CAROLINA vs. N.Y. JETS *NFC Divisional Playoff 2011—Panthers, 33-20 (C)
RS: Series tied, 3-3 CAROLINA vs. SEATTLE 2012—Panthers, 21-13 (W)
1995—Panthers, 26-15 (C) RS: Seahawks lead series, 5-3 2015—Panthers, 44-16 (C)
1998—Jets, 48-21 (NY) PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-1 (RS Pts.—Panthers 270, Redskins 247)
2001—Jets, 13-12 (C) 2000—Panthers, 26-3 (C)
2005—Panthers, 30-3 (C) 2004—Seahawks, 23-17 (S) CHICAGO vs. ARIZONA
2009—Jets, 17-6 (NY) 2005—*Seahawks, 34-14 (S) RS: Bears lead series, 56-28-6;
2013—Panthers, 30-20 (C) 2007—Panthers, 13-10 (C) See Arizona vs. Chicago
(RS Pts.—Panthers 125, Jets 116) 2010—Seahawks, 31-14 (S) CHICAGO vs. ATLANTA
CAROLINA vs. OAKLAND 2012—Seahawks, 16-12 (C) RS: Bears lead series, 14-12;
RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2 2013—Seahawks, 12-7 (C) See Atlanta vs. Chicago
1997—Panthers, 38-14 (C) 2014—Seahawks, 13-9 (C) CHICAGO vs. BALTIMORE
2000—Raiders, 52-9 (O) **Seahawks, 31-17 (S) RS: Bears lead series, 3-2;
2004—Raiders, 27-24 (C) 2015—Panthers, 27-23 (S) See Baltimore vs. Chicago
2008—Panthers, 17-6 (O) **Panthers, 31-24 (C) CHICAGO vs. BUFFALO
2012—Panthers, 17-6 (C) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 131, Panthers 125) RS: Bears lead series, 7-5;
(RS Pts.— Panthers 105, Raiders 105) (PS Pts.—Seahawks 89, Panthers 62) See Buffalo vs. Chicago
RS: Eagles lead series, 6-3 **NFC Divisional Playoff RS: Bears lead series, 5-3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 421

PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0; 1987—Broncos, 31-29 (D) 1961—Bears, 31-17 (D)
See Carolina vs. Chicago 1990—Bears, 16-13 (D) OT Lions, 16-15 (C)
CHICAGO vs. CINCINNATI 1993—Broncos, 13-3 (C) 1962—Lions, 11-3 (D)
RS: Bengals lead series, 6-4 1996—Broncos, 17-12 (D) Bears, 3-0 (C)
1972—Bengals, 13-3 (Chi) 2003—Bears, 19-10 (D) 1963—Bears, 37-21 (D)
1980—Bengals, 17-14 (Chi) OT 2007—Bears, 37-34 (C) OT Bears, 24-14 (C)
1986—Bears, 44-7 (Cin) 2011—Broncos, 13-10 (D) OT 1964—Lions, 10-0 (C)
1989—Bears, 17-14 (Chi) 2015—Broncos, 17-15 (C) Bears, 27-24 (D)
1992—Bengals, 31-28 (Chi) OT (RS Pts.—Bears 291, Broncos 250) 1965—Bears, 38-10 (C)
1995—Bengals, 16-10 (Cin) CHICAGO vs. *DETROIT Bears, 17-10 (D)
2001—Bears, 24-0 (Cin) RS: Bears lead series, 96-71-5 1966—Lions, 14-3 (D)
2005—Bengals, 24-7 (Chi) 1930—Spartans, 7-6 (P) Tie, 10-10 (C)
2009—Bengals, 45-10 (Cin) Bears, 14-6 (C) 1967—Bears, 14-3 (C)
2013—Bears, 24-21 (Chi) 1931—Bears, 9-6 (C) Bears, 27-13 (D)
(RS Pts.—Bengals 188, Bears 181) Spartans, 3-0 (P) 1968—Lions, 42-0 (D)
CHICAGO vs. CLEVELAND 1932—Tie, 13-13 (C) Lions, 28-10 (C)
RS: Browns lead series, 9-6 Tie, 7-7 (P) 1969—Lions, 13-7 (D)
1951—Browns, 42-21 (Cle) Bears, 9-0 (C) Lions, 20-3 (C)
1954—Browns, 39-10 (Chi) 1933—Bears, 17-14 (C) 1970—Lions, 28-14 (D)
1960—Browns, 42-0 (Cle) Bears, 17-7 (P) Lions, 16-10 (C)
1961—Bears, 17-14 (Chi) 1934—Bears, 19-16 (D) 1971—Bears, 28-23 (D)
1967—Browns, 24-0 (Cle) Bears, 10-7 (C) Lions, 28-3 (C)
1969—Browns, 28-24 (Chi) 1935—Tie, 20-20 (C) 1972—Lions, 38-24 (C)
1972—Bears, 17-0 (Cle) Lions, 14-2 (D) Lions, 14-0 (D)
1980—Browns, 27-21 (Cle) 1936—Bears, 12-10 (C) 1973—Lions, 30-7 (C)
1986—Bears, 41-31 (Chi) Lions, 13-7 (D) Lions, 40-7 (D)
1989—Browns, 27-7 (Cle) 1937—Bears, 28-20 (C) 1974—Bears, 17-9 (C)
1992—Browns, 27-14 (Cle) Bears, 13-0 (D) Lions, 34-17 (D)
2001—Bears, 27-21 (Chi) OT 1938—Lions, 13-7 (C) 1975—Lions, 27-7 (D)
2005—Browns, 20-10 (Cle) Lions, 14-7 (D) Bears, 25-21 (C)
2009—Bears, 30-6 (Chi) 1939—Lions, 10-0 (C) 1976—Bears, 10-3 (C)
2013—Bears, 38-31 (Cle) Bears, 23-13 (D) Lions, 14-10 (D)
(RS Pts.—Browns 379, Bears 277) 1940—Bears, 7-0 (C) 1977—Bears, 30-20 (C)
CHICAGO vs. DALLAS Lions, 17-14 (D) Bears, 31-14 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 12-11 1941—Bears, 49-0 (C) 1978—Bears, 19-0 (D)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0 Bears, 24-7 (D) Lions, 21-17 (C)
1960—Bears, 17-7 (C) 1942—Bears, 16-0 (C) 1979—Bears, 35-7 (C)
1962—Bears, 34-33 (D) Bears, 42-0 (D) Lions, 20-0 (D)
1964—Cowboys, 24-10 (C) 1943—Bears, 27-21 (D) 1980—Bears, 24-7 (C)
1968—Cowboys, 34-3 (C) Bears, 35-14 (C) Bears, 23-17 (D) OT
1971—Bears, 23-19 (C) 1944—Tie, 21-21 (C) 1981—Lions, 48-17 (D)
1973—Cowboys, 20-17 (C) Lions, 41-21 (D) Lions, 23-7 (C)
1976—Cowboys, 31-21 (D) 1945—Lions, 16-10 (D) 1982—Lions, 17-10 (D)
1977—*Cowboys, 37-7 (D) Lions, 35-28 (C) Bears, 20-17 (C)
1979—Cowboys, 24-20 (D) 1946—Bears, 42-6 (C) 1983—Lions, 31-17 (D)
1981—Cowboys, 10-9 (D) Bears, 45-24 (D) Lions, 38-17 (C)
1984—Cowboys, 23-14 (C) 1947—Bears, 33-24 (C) 1984—Bears, 16-14 (C)
1985—Bears, 44-0 (D) Bears, 34-14 (D) Bears, 30-13 (D)
1986—Bears, 24-10 (D) 1948—Bears, 28-0 (C) 1985—Bears, 24-3 (C)
1988—Bears, 17-7 (C) Bears, 42-14 (D) Bears, 37-17 (D)
1991–**Cowboys, 17-13 (C) 1949—Bears, 27-24 (C) 1986—Bears, 13-7 (C)
1992—Cowboys, 27-14 (D) Bears, 28-7 (D) Bears, 16-13 (D)
1996—Bears, 22-6 (C) 1950—Bears, 35-21 (D) 1987—Bears, 30-10 (C)
1997—Cowboys, 27-3 (D) Bears, 6-3 (C) 1988—Bears, 24-7 (D)
1998—Bears, 13-12 (C) 1951—Bears, 28-23 (D) Bears, 13-12 (C)
2004—Cowboys, 21-7 (D) Lions, 41-28 (C) 1989—Bears, 47-27 (D)
2007—Cowboys, 34-10 (C) 1952—Bears, 24-23 (C) Lions, 27-17 (C)
2010—Bears, 27-20 (D) Lions, 45-21 (D) 1990—Bears, 23-17 (C) OT
2012—Bears, 34-18 (D) 1953—Lions, 20-16 (C) Lions, 38-21 (D)
2013—Bears, 45-28 (C) Lions, 13-7 (D) 1991—Bears, 20-10 (C)
2014—Cowboys, 41-28 (C) 1954—Lions, 48-23 (D) Lions, 16-6 (D)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 476, Bears 456) Bears, 28-24 (C) 1992—Bears, 27-24 (C)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 54, Bears 20) 1955—Bears, 24-14 (D) Lions, 16-3 (D)
*NFC Divisional Playoff Bears, 21-20 (C) 1993—Bears, 10-6 (D)
**NFC First-Round Playoff 1956—Lions, 42-10 (D) Lions, 20-14 (C)
CHICAGO vs. DENVER Bears, 38-21 (C) 1994—Lions, 21-16 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 8-7 1957—Bears, 27-7 (D) Bears, 20-10 (C)
1971—Broncos, 6-3 (D) Lions, 21-13 (C) 1995—Lions, 24-17 (C)
1973—Bears, 33-14 (D) 1958—Bears, 20-7 (D) Lions, 27-7 (D)
1976—Broncos, 28-14 (C) Bears, 21-16 (C) 1996—Lions, 35-16 (D)
1978—Broncos, 16-7 (D) 1959—Bears, 24-14 (D) Bears, 31-14 (C)
1981—Bears, 35-24 (C) Bears, 25-14 (C) 1997—Lions, 32-7 (C)
1983—Bears, 31-14 (C) 1960—Bears, 28-7 (C) Lions, 55-20 (D)
1984—Bears, 27-0 (C) Lions, 36-0 (D) 1998—Bears, 31-27 (C)

422 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Lions, 26-3 (D) Packers, 21-10 (C) 1973—Bears, 31-17 (GB)
1999—Lions, 21-17 (D) 1937—Bears, 14-2 (GB) Packers, 21-0 (C)
Bears, 28-10 (C) Packers, 24-14 (C) 1974—Bears, 10-9 (C)
2000—Lions, 21-14 (C) 1938—Bears, 2-0 (GB) Packers, 20-3 (Mil)
Bears, 23-20 (D) Packers, 24-17 (C) 1975—Bears, 27-14 (C)
2001—Bears, 13-10 (C) 1939—Packers, 21-16 (GB) Packers, 28-7 (GB)
Bears, 24-0 (D) Bears, 30-27 (C) 1976—Bears, 24-13 (C)
2002—Lions, 23-20 (D) OT 1940—Bears, 41-10 (GB) Bears, 16-10 (GB)
Bears, 20-17 (C) OT Bears, 14-7 (C) 1977—Bears, 26-0 (GB)
2003—Bears, 24-16 (C) 1941—Bears, 25-17 (GB) Bears, 21-10 (C)
Lions, 12-10 (D) Packers, 16-14 (C) 1978—Packers, 24-14 (GB)
2004—Lions, 20-16 (C) **Bears, 33-14 (C) Bears, 14-0 (C)
Lions, 19-13 (D) 1942—Bears, 44-28 (GB) 1979—Bears, 6-3 (C)
2005—Bears, 38-6 (C) Bears, 38-7 (C) Bears, 15-14 (GB)
Bears, 19-13 (D) OT 1943—Tie, 21-21 (GB) 1980—Packers, 12-6 (GB) OT
2006—Bears, 34-7 (C) Bears, 21-7 (C) Bears, 61-7 (C)
Bears, 26-21 (D) 1944—Packers, 42-28 (GB) 1981—Packers, 16-9 (C)
2007—Lions, 37-27 (D) Bears, 21-0 (C) Packers, 21-17 (GB)
Lions, 16-7 (C) 1945—Packers, 31-21 (GB) 1983—Packers, 31-28 (GB)
2008—Bears, 34-7 (D) Bears, 28-24 (C) Bears, 23-21 (C)
Bears, 27-23 (C) 1946—Bears, 30-7 (GB) 1984—Bears, 9-7 (GB)
2009—Bears, 48-24 (C) Bears, 10-7 (C) Packers, 20-14 (C)
Bears, 37-23 (D) 1947—Packers, 29-20 (GB) 1985—Bears, 23-7 (C)
2010—Bears, 19-14 (C) Bears, 20-17 (C) Bears, 16-10 (GB)
Bears, 24-20 (D) 1948—Bears, 45-7 (GB) 1986—Bears, 25-12 (GB)
2011—Lions, 24-13 (D) Bears, 7-6 (C) Bears, 12-10 (C)
Bears, 37-13 (C) 1949—Bears, 17-0 (GB) 1987—Bears, 26-24 (GB)
2012—Bears, 13-7 (C) Bears, 24-3 (C) Bears, 23-10 (C)
Bears, 26-24 (D) 1950—Packers, 31-21 (GB) 1988—Bears, 24-6 (GB)
2013—Lions, 40-32 (D) Bears, 28-14 (C) Bears, 16-0 (C)
Lions, 21-19 (C) 1951—Bears, 31-20 (GB) 1989—Packers, 14-13 (GB)
2014—Lions, 34-17 (D) Bears, 24-13 (C) Packers, 40-28 (C)
Lions, 20-14 (C) 1952—Bears, 24-14 (GB) 1990—Bears, 31-13 (GB)
2015—Lions, 37-34 (D) OT Packers, 41-28 (C) Bears, 27-13 (C)
Lions, 24-20 (C) 1953—Bears, 17-13 (GB) 1991—Bears, 10-0 (GB)
(RS Pts.—Bears 3,341, Lions 3,071) Tie, 21-21 (C) Bears, 27-13 (C)
*Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934 1954—Bears, 10-3 (GB) 1992—Bears, 30-10 (GB)
and known as the Spartans Bears, 28-23 (C) Packers, 17-3 (C)
*CHICAGO vs. GREEN BAY 1955—Packers, 24-3 (GB) 1993—Packers, 17-3 (GB)
RS: Bears lead series, 93-91-6 Bears, 52-31 (C) Bears, 30-17 (C)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 1956—Bears, 37-21 (GB) 1994—Packers, 33-6 (C)
1921—Staleys, 20-0 (C) Bears, 38-14 (C) Packers, 40-3 (GB)
1923—Bears, 3-0 (GB) 1957—Packers, 21-17 (GB) 1995—Packers, 27-24 (C)
1924—Bears, 3-0 (C) Bears, 21-14 (C) Packers, 35-28 (GB)
1925—Packers, 14-10 (GB) 1958—Bears, 34-20 (GB) 1996—Packers, 37-6 (C)
Bears, 21-0 (C) Bears, 24-10 (C) Packers, 28-17 (GB)
1926—Tie, 6-6 (GB) 1959—Packers, 9-6 (GB) 1997—Packers, 38-24 (GB)
Bears, 19-13 (C) Bears, 28-17 (C) Packers, 24-23 (C)
Tie, 3-3 (C) 1960—Bears, 17-14 (GB) 1998—Packers, 26-20 (GB)
1927—Bears, 7-6 (GB) Packers, 41-13 (C) Packers, 16-13 (C)
Bears, 14-6 (C) 1961—Packers, 24-0 (GB) 1999—Bears, 14-13 (GB)
1928—Tie, 12-12 (GB) Packers, 31-28 (C) Packers, 35-19 (C)
Packers, 16-6 (C) 1962—Packers, 49-0 (GB) 2000—Bears, 27-24 (GB)
Packers, 6-0 (C) Packers, 38-7 (C) Packers, 28-6 (C)
1929—Packers, 23-0 (GB) 1963—Bears, 10-3 (GB) 2001—Packers, 20-12 (C)
Packers, 14-0 (C) Bears, 26-7 (C) Packers, 17-7 (GB)
Packers, 25-0 (C) 1964—Packers, 23-12 (GB) 2002—Packers, 34-21 (C)
1930—Packers, 7-0 (GB) Packers, 17-3 (C) Packers, 30-20 (GB)
Packers, 13-12 (C) 1965—Packers, 23-14 (GB) 2003—Packers, 38-23 (C)
Bears, 21-0 (C) Bears, 31-10 (C) Packers, 34-21 (GB)
1931—Packers, 7-0 (GB) 1966—Packers, 17-0 (C) 2004—Bears, 21-10 (GB)
Packers, 6-2 (C) Packers, 13-6 (GB) Packers, 31-14 (C)
Bears, 7-6 (C) 1967—Packers, 13-10 (GB) 2005—Bears, 19-7 (C)
1932—Tie, 0-0 (GB) Packers, 17-13 (C) Bears, 24-17 (GB)
Packers, 2-0 (C) 1968—Bears, 13-10 (GB) 2006—Bears, 26-0 (GB)
Bears, 9-0 (C) Packers, 28-27 (C) Packers, 26-7 (C)
1933—Bears, 14-7 (GB) 1969—Packers, 17-0 (GB) 2007—Bears, 27-20 (GB)
Bears, 10-7 (C) Packers, 21-3 (C) Bears, 35-7 (C)
Bears, 7-6 (C) 1970—Packers, 20-19 (GB) 2008—Packers, 37-3 (GB)
1934—Bears, 24-10 (GB) Bears, 35-17 (C) Bears, 20-17 (C) OT
Bears, 27-14 (C) 1971—Packers, 17-14 (C) 2009—Packers, 21-15 (GB)
1935—Packers, 7-0 (GB) Packers, 31-10 (GB) Packers, 21-14 (C)
Packers, 17-14 (C) 1972—Packers, 20-17 (GB) 2010—Bears, 20-17 (C)
1936—Bears, 30-3 (GB) Packers, 23-17 (C) Packers, 10-3 (GB)

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***Packers, 21-14 (C) 1998—Jaguars, 24-23 (C) 1963—Bears, 52-14 (LA)
2011—Packers, 27-17 (C) 2001—Bears, 33-13 (C) Bears, 6-0 (C)
Packers, 35-21 (GB) 2004—Jaguars, 22-3 (J) 1964—Bears, 38-17 (C)
2012—Packers, 23-10 (GB) 2008—Bears, 23-10 (C) Bears, 34-24 (LA)
Packers, 21-13 (C) 2012—Bears, 41-3 (J) 1965—Rams, 30-28 (LA)
2013—Bears, 27-20 (GB) (RS Pts.—Bears 153, Jaguars 99) Bears, 31-6 (C)
Packers, 33-28 (C) CHICAGO vs. KANSAS CITY 1966—Rams, 31-17 (LA)
2014—Packers, 38-17 (C) RS: Bears lead series, 7-5 Bears, 17-10 (C)
Packers, 55-14 (GB) 1973—Chiefs, 19-7 (KC) 1967—Rams, 28-17 (C)
2015—Packers, 31-23 (C) 1977—Bears, 28-27 (C) 1968—Bears, 17-16 (LA)
Bears, 17-13 (GB) 1981—Bears, 16-13 (KC) OT 1969—Rams, 9-7 (C)
(RS Pts.—Bears 3,247, Packers 3,244) 1987—Bears, 31-28 (C) 1971—Rams, 17-3 (LA)
(PS Pts.—Bears 47, Packers 35) 1990—Chiefs, 21-10 (C) 1972—Tie, 13-13 (C)
*Bears known as Staleys prior to 1922 1993—Bears, 19-17 (KC) 1973—Rams, 26-0 (C)
**Division Playoff 1996—Chiefs, 14-10 (KC) 1975—Rams, 38-10 (LA)
***NFC Championship 1999—Bears, 20-17 (C) 1976—Rams, 20-12 (LA)
CHICAGO vs. HOUSTON 2003—Chiefs, 31-3 (KC) 1977—Bears, 24-23 (C)
RS: Texans lead series, 3-0 2007—Bears, 20-10 (C) 1979—Bears, 27-23 (C)
2004—Texans, 24-5 (C) 2011—Chiefs, 10-3 (C) 1981—Rams, 24-7 (C)
2008—Texans, 31-24 (H) 2015—Bears, 18-17 (KC) 1982—Bears, 34-26 (LA)
2012—Texans, 13-6 (C) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 224, Bears 185) 1983—Rams, 21-14 (LA)
(RS Pts.—Texans 68, Bears 35) CHICAGO vs. *LOS ANGELES 1984—Rams, 29-13 (LA)
CHICAGO vs. *INDIANAPOLIS RS: Bears lead series, 52-35-3 1985—***Bears, 24-0 (C)
RS: Colts lead series, 22-19 PS: Series tied, 1-1 1986—Rams, 20-17 (C)
PS: Colts lead series, 1-0 1937—Bears, 20-2 (Cle) 1988—Rams, 23-3 (LA)
1953—Colts, 13-9 (B) Bears, 15-7 (C) 1989—Bears, 20-10 (C)
Colts, 16-14 (C) 1938—Rams, 14-7 (C) 1990—Bears, 38-9 (C)
1954—Bears, 28-9 (C) Rams, 23-21 (Cle) 1993—Rams, 20-6 (LA)
Bears, 28-13 (B) 1939—Bears, 30-21 (Cle) 1994—Bears, 27-13 (C)
1955—Colts, 23-17 (B) Bears, 35-21 (C) 1995—Rams, 34-28 (StL)
Bears, 38-10 (C) 1940—Bears, 21-14 (Cle) 1996—Bears, 35-9 (C)
1956—Colts, 28-21 (B) Bears, 47-25 (C) 1997—Bears, 13-10 (StL)
Bears, 58-27 (C) 1941—Bears, 48-21 (Cle) 1998—Rams, 20-12 (C)
1957—Colts, 21-10 (B) Bears, 31-13 (C) 1999—Rams, 34-12 (StL)
Colts, 29-14 (C) 1942—Bears, 21-7 (Cle) 2002—Rams, 21-16 (StL)
1958—Colts, 51-38 (B) Bears, 47-0 (C) 2003—Rams, 23-21 (C)
Colts, 17-0 (C) 1944—Rams, 19-7 (Cle) 2006—Bears, 42-27 (StL)
1959—Bears, 26-21 (B) Bears, 28-21 (C) 2008—Bears, 27-3 (StL)
Colts, 21-7 (C) 1945—Rams, 17-0 (Cle) 2009—Bears, 17-9 (C)
1960—Colts, 42-7 (B) Rams, 41-21 (C) 2012—Bears, 23-6 (C)
Colts, 24-20 (C) 1946—Tie, 28-28 (C) 2013—Rams, 42-21 (StL)
1961—Bears, 24-10 (C) Bears, 27-21 (LA) 2015—Bears, 37-13 (StL)
Bears, 21-20 (B) 1947—Bears, 41-21 (LA) (RS Pts.—Bears 2,101, Rams 1,823)
1962—Bears, 35-15 (C) Rams, 17-14 (C) (PS Pts.—Bears 38, Rams 24)
Bears, 57-0 (B) 1948—Bears, 42-21 (C) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
1963—Bears, 10-3 (C) Bears, 21-6 (LA) and in Cleveland prior to 1946
Bears, 17-7 (B) 1949—Rams, 31-16 (C) **Conference Playoff
1964—Colts, 52-0 (B) Rams, 27-24 (LA) ***NFC Championship
Colts, 40-24 (C) 1950—Bears, 24-20 (LA) CHICAGO vs. MIAMI
1965—Colts, 26-21 (C) Bears, 24-14 (C) RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4
Bears, 13-0 (B) **Rams, 24-14 (LA) 1971—Dolphins, 34-3 (M)
1966—Bears, 27-17 (C) 1951—Rams, 42-17 (C) 1975—Dolphins, 46-13 (C)
Colts, 21-16 (B) 1952—Rams, 31-7 (LA) 1979—Dolphins, 31-16 (M)
1967—Colts, 24-3 (C) Rams, 40-24 (C) 1985—Dolphins, 38-24 (M)
1968—Colts, 28-7 (B) 1953—Rams, 38-24 (LA) 1988—Bears, 34-7 (C)
1969—Colts, 24-21 (C) Bears, 24-21 (C) 1991—Dolphins, 16-13 (C) OT
1970—Colts, 21-20 (B) 1954—Rams, 42-38 (LA) 1994—Bears, 17-14 (M)
1975—Colts, 35-7 (C) Bears, 24-13 (C) 1997—Bears, 36-33 (M) OT
1983—Colts, 22-19 (B) OT 1955—Bears, 31-20 (LA) 2002—Dolphins, 27-9 (M)
1985—Bears, 17-10 (C) Bears, 24-3 (C) 2006—Dolphins, 31-13 (C)
1988—Bears, 17-13 (I) 1956—Bears, 35-24 (LA) 2010—Bears, 16-0 (M)
1991—Bears, 31-17 (I) Bears, 30-21 (C) 2014—Dolphins, 27-14 (C)
2000—Bears, 27-24 (C) 1957—Bears, 34-26 (C) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 304, Bears 208)
2004—Colts, 41-10 (C) Bears, 16-10 (LA) CHICAGO vs. MINNESOTA
2006—**Colts, 29-17 (South Florida) 1958—Bears, 31-10 (C) RS: Vikings lead series, 57-50-2
2008—Bears, 29-13 (I) Rams, 41-35 (LA) PS: Bears lead series, 1-0
2012—Bears, 41-21 (C) 1959—Rams, 28-21 (C) 1961—Vikings, 37-13 (M)
(RS Pts.—Colts 869, Bears 849) Bears, 26-21 (LA) Bears, 52-35 (C)
(PS: Pts.—Colts 29, Bears 17) 1960—Bears, 34-27 (C) 1962—Bears, 13-0 (M)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 Tie, 24-24 (LA) Bears, 31-30 (C)
**Super Bowl XLI 1961—Bears, 21-17 (LA) 1963—Bears, 28-7 (M)
CHICAGO vs. JACKSONVILLE Bears, 28-24 (C) Tie, 17-17 (C)
RS: Bears lead series, 4-2 1962—Bears, 27-23 (LA) 1964—Bears, 34-28 (M)
1995—Bears, 30-27 (J) Bears, 30-14 (C) Vikings, 41-14 (C)

424 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1965—Bears, 45-37 (M) 2002—Bears, 27-23 (C) 2003—Saints, 20-13 (NO)
Vikings, 24-17 (C) Vikings, 25-7 (M) 2005—Bears, 20-17 (Baton Rouge)
1966—Bears, 13-10 (M) 2003—Vikings, 24-13 (M) 2006—**Bears, 39-14 (C)
Bears, 41-28 (C) Bears, 13-10 (C) 2007—Bears, 33-25 (C)
1967—Bears, 17-7 (M) 2004—Vikings, 27-22 (M) 2008—Bears, 27-24 (C) OT
Tie, 10-10 (C) Bears, 24-14 (C) 2011—Saints, 30-13 (NO)
1968—Bears, 27-17 (M) 2005—Bears, 28-3 (C) 2013—Saints, 26-18 (C)
Bears, 26-24 (C) Vikings, 34-10 (M) 2014—Saints, 31-15 (C)
1969—Vikings, 31-0 (C) 2006—Bears, 19-16 (M) (RS Pts.—Bears 548, Saints 539)
Vikings, 31-14 (M) Bears, 23-13 (C) (PS Pts.—Bears 55, Saints 20)
1970—Vikings, 24-0 (C) 2007—Vikings, 34-31 (C) *NFC First-Round Playoff
Vikings, 16-13 (M) Vikings, 20-13 (M) **NFC Championship
1971—Bears, 20-17 (M) 2008—Bears, 48-41 (C) CHICAGO vs. N.Y. GIANTS
Vikings, 27-10 (C) Vikings, 34-14 (M) RS: Bears lead series, 28-19-2
1972—Bears, 13-10 (C) 2009—Vikings, 36-10 (M) PS: Bears lead series, 5-3
Vikings, 23-10 (M) Bears, 36-30 (C) OT 1925—Bears, 19-7 (NY)
1973—Vikings, 22-13 (C) 2010—Bears, 27-13 (C) Giants, 9-0 (C)
Vikings, 31-13 (M) Bears, 40-14 (M) 1926—Bears, 7-0 (C)
1974—Vikings, 11-7 (M) 2011—Bears, 39-10 (C) 1927—Giants, 13-7 (NY)
Vikings, 17-0 (C) Bears, 17-13 (M) 1928—Bears, 13-0 (C)
1975—Vikings, 28-3 (M) 2012—Bears, 28-10 (C) 1929—Giants, 26-14 (C)
Vikings, 13-9 (C) Vikings, 21-14 (M) Giants, 34-0 (NY)
1976—Vikings, 20-19 (M) 2013—Bears, 31-30 (C) Giants, 14-9 (C)
Bears, 14-13 (C) Vikings, 23-20 (M) OT 1930—Giants, 12-0 (C)
1977—Vikings, 22-16 (M) OT 2014—Bears, 21-13 (C) Bears, 12-0 (NY)
Bears, 10-7 (C) Vikings, 13-9 (M) 1931—Bears, 6-0 (C)
1978—Vikings, 24-20 (C) 2015—Vikings, 23-20 (C) Bears, 12-6 (NY)
Vikings, 17-14 (M) Vikings, 38-17 (M) Giants, 25-6 (C)
1979—Bears, 26-7 (C) RS Pts.—Vikings 2,293, Bears 2,124) 1932—Bears, 28-8 (NY)
Vikings, 30-27 (M) (PS Pts.—Bears 35, Vikings 18) Bears, 6-0 (C)
1980—Vikings, 34-14 (C) *NFC First-Round Playoff 1933—Bears, 14-10 (C)
Vikings, 13-7 (M) CHICAGO vs. NEW ENGLAND Giants, 3-0 (NY)
1981—Vikings, 24-21 (M) RS: Patriots lead series, 9-3 *Bears, 23-21 (C)
Bears, 10-9 (C) PS: Bears lead series, 1-0 1934—Bears, 27-7 (C)
1982—Vikings, 35-7 (M) 1973—Patriots, 13-10 (C) Bears, 10-9 (NY)
1983—Vikings, 23-14 (C) 1979—Patriots, 27-7 (C) *Giants, 30-13 (NY)
Bears, 19-13 (M) 1982—Bears, 26-13 (C) 1935—Bears, 20-3 (NY)
1984—Bears, 16-7 (C) 1985—Bears, 20-7 (C) Giants, 3-0 (C)
Bears, 34-3 (M) *Bears, 46-10 (New Orleans) 1936—Bears, 25-7 (NY)
1985—Bears, 33-24 (M) 1988—Patriots, 30-7 (NE) 1937—Tie, 3-3 (NY)
Bears, 27-9 (C) 1994—Patriots, 13-3 (C) 1939—Giants, 16-13 (NY)
1986—Bears, 23-0 (C) 1997—Patriots, 31-3 (NE) 1940—Bears, 37-21 (NY)
Vikings, 23-7 (M) 2000—Bears, 24-17 (C) 1941—*Bears, 37-9 (C)
1987—Bears, 27-7 (C) 2002—Patriots, 33-30 (C) 1942—Bears, 26-7 (NY)
Bears, 30-24 (M) 2006—Patriots, 17-13 (NE) 1943—Bears, 56-7 (NY)
1988—Vikings, 31-7 (C) 2010—Patriots, 36-7 (C) 1946—Giants, 14-0 (NY)
Vikings, 28-27 (M) 2014—Patriots, 51-23 (NE) *Bears, 24-14 (NY)
1989—Bears, 38-7 (C) (RS Pts.—Patriots 288, Bears 173) 1948—Bears, 35-14 (C)
Vikings, 27-16 (M) (PS Pts.—Bears 46, Patriots 10) 1949—Giants, 35-28 (NY)
1990—Bears, 19-16 (C) *Super Bowl XX 1956—Tie, 17-17 (NY)
Vikings, 41-13 (M) CHICAGO vs. NEW ORLEANS *Giants, 47-7 (NY)
1991—Bears, 10-6 (C) RS: Saints lead series, 14-13 1962—Giants, 26-24 (C)
Bears, 34-17 (M) PS: Bears lead series, 2-0 1963—*Bears, 14-10 (C)
1992—Vikings, 21-20 (M) 1968—Bears, 23-17 (NO) 1965—Bears, 35-14 (NY)
Vikings, 38-10 (C) 1970—Bears, 24-3 (NO) 1967—Bears, 34-7 (C)
1993—Vikings, 10-7 (M) 1971—Bears, 35-14 (C) 1969—Giants, 28-24 (NY)
Vikings, 19-12 (C) 1973—Saints, 21-16 (NO) 1970—Bears, 24-16 (NY)
1994—Vikings, 42-14 (C) 1974—Bears, 24-10 (C) 1974—Bears, 16-13 (C)
Vikings, 33-27 (M) OT 1975—Bears, 42-17 (NO) 1977—Bears, 12-9 (NY) OT
*Bears, 35-18 (M) 1977—Saints, 42-24 (C) 1985—**Bears, 21-0 (C)
1995—Bears, 31-14 (C) 1980—Bears, 22-3 (C) 1987—Bears, 34-19 (C)
Bears, 14-6 (M) 1982—Saints, 10-0 (C) 1990—**Giants, 31-3 (NY)
1996—Vikings, 20-14 (C) 1983—Saints, 34-31 (NO) OT 1991—Bears, 20-17 (C)
Bears, 15-13 (M) 1984—Bears, 20-7 (C) 1992—Giants, 27-14 (C)
1997—Vikings, 27-24 (C) 1987—Saints, 19-17 (C) 1993—Giants, 26-20 (C)
Vikings, 29-22 (M) 1990—*Bears, 16-6 (C) 1995—Bears, 27-24 (NY)
1998—Vikings, 31-28 (C) 1991—Bears, 20-17 (NO) 2000—Giants, 14-7 (C)
Vikings, 48-22 (M) 1992—Saints, 28-6 (NO) 2004—Bears, 28-21 (NY)
1999—Bears, 24-22 (M) 1994—Bears, 17-7 (C) 2006—Bears, 38-20 (NY)
Vikings, 27-24 (C) OT 1996—Saints, 27-24 (NO) 2007—Giants, 21-16 (C)
2000—Vikings, 30-27 (M) 1997—Saints, 20-17 (C) 2010—Giants, 17-3 (NY)
Vikings, 28-16 (C) 1999—Bears, 14-10 (C) 2013—Bears, 27-21 (C)
2001—Bears, 17-10 (C) 2000—Saints, 31-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Bears 853, Giants 670)
Bears, 13-6 (M) 2002—Saints, 29-23 (C) (PS Pts.—Giants 162, Bears 142)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 425

*NFL Championship 2008—Bears, 24-20 (C) 1959—49ers, 20-17 (SF)
**NFC Divisional Playoff 2009—Eagles, 24-20 (C) Bears, 14-3 (C)
CHICAGO vs. N.Y. JETS 2010—Bears, 31-26 (C) 1960—Bears, 27-10 (C)
RS: Bears lead series, 8-3 2011—Bears, 30-24 (P) 49ers, 25-7 (SF)
1974—Jets, 23-21 (C) 2013—Eagles, 54-11 (P) 1961—Bears, 31-0 (C)
1979—Bears, 23-13 (C) (RS Pts.—Bears 856, Eagles 557) 49ers, 41-31 (SF)
1985—Bears, 19-6 (NY) (PS Pts.—Eagles 72, Bears 56) 1962—Bears, 30-14 (SF)
1991—Bears, 19-13 (C) OT *NFC First-Round Playoff 49ers, 34-27 (C)
1994—Bears, 19-7 (NY) **NFC Divisional Playoff 1963—49ers, 20-14 (SF)
1997—Jets, 23-15 (C) CHICAGO vs. *PITTSBURGH Bears, 27-7 (C)
2000—Jets, 17-10 (NY) RS: Bears lead series, 18-7-1 1964—49ers, 31-21 (SF)
2002—Bears, 20-13 (C) 1934—Bears, 28-0 (P) Bears, 23-21 (C)
2006—Bears, 10-0 (NY) 1935—Bears, 23-7 (P) 1965—49ers, 52-24 (SF)
2010—Bears, 38-34 (C) 1936—Bears, 27-9 (P) Bears, 61-20 (C)
2014—Bears, 27-19 (NY) Bears, 26-7 (C) 1966—Tie, 30-30 (C)
(RS Pts.—Bears 221, Jets 168) 1937—Bears, 7-0 (P) 49ers, 41-14 (SF)
CHICAGO vs. *OAKLAND 1939—Bears, 32-0 (P) 1967—Bears, 28-14 (SF)
RS: Series tied, 7-7 1941—Bears, 34-7 (C) 1968—Bears, 27-19 (C)
1972—Raiders, 28-21 (O) 1945—Bears, 28-7 (C) 1969—49ers, 42-21 (SF)
1976—Raiders, 28-27 (C) 1947—Bears, 49-7 (C) 1970—49ers, 37-16 (C)
1978—Raiders, 25-19 (C) OT 1949—Bears, 30-21 (C) 1971—49ers, 13-0 (SF)
1981—Bears, 23-6 (O) 1958—Steelers, 24-10 (P) 1972—49ers, 34-21 (C)
1984—Bears, 17-6 (C) 1959—Bears, 27-21 (C) 1974—49ers, 34-0 (C)
1987—Bears, 6-3 (LA) 1963—Tie, 17-17 (P) 1975—49ers, 31-3 (SF)
1990—Raiders, 24-10 (LA) 1967—Steelers, 41-13 (P) 1976—Bears, 19-12 (SF)
1993—Raiders, 16-14 (C) 1969—Bears, 38-7 (C) 1978—Bears, 16-13 (SF)
1996—Bears, 19-17 (C) 1971—Bears, 17-15 (C) 1979—Bears, 28-27 (SF)
1999—Raiders, 24-17 (O) 1975—Steelers, 34-3 (P) 1981—49ers, 28-17 (SF)
2003—Bears, 24-21 (C) 1980—Steelers, 38-3 (P) 1983—Bears, 13-3 (C)
2007—Bears, 17-6 (O) 1986—Bears, 13-10 (C) OT 1984—*49ers, 23-0 (SF)
2011—Raiders, 25-20 (O) 1989—Bears, 20-0 (P) 1985—Bears, 26-10 (SF)
2015—Bears, 22-20 (C) 1992—Bears, 30-6 (C) 1987—49ers, 41-0 (SF)
(RS Pts.—Bears 256, Raiders 249) 1995—Steelers, 37-34 (C) OT 1988—Bears, 10-9 (C)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1998—Steelers, 17-12 (P) *49ers, 28-3 (C)
CHICAGO vs. PHILADELPHIA 2005—Steelers, 21-9 (P) 1989—49ers, 26-0 (SF)
RS: Bears lead series, 28-10-1 2009—Bears, 17-14 (C) 1991—49ers, 52-14 (SF)
PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1 2013—Bears, 40-23 (P) 1994—**49ers, 44-15 (SF)
1933—Tie, 3-3 (P) (RS Pts.—Bears 587, Steelers 390) 2000—49ers, 17-0 (SF)
1935—Bears, 39-0 (P) *Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940 2001—Bears, 37-31 (C) OT
1936—Bears, 17-0 (P) CHICAGO vs. SAN DIEGO 2003—49ers, 49-7 (SF)
Bears, 28-7 (P) RS: Bears lead series, 7-5 2004—Bears, 23-13 (C)
1938—Bears, 28-6 (P) 1970—Chargers, 20-7 (C) 2005—Bears, 17-9 (C)
1939—Bears, 27-14 (C) 1974—Chargers, 28-21 (SD) 2006—Bears, 41-10 (C)
1941—Bears, 49-14 (P) 1978—Chargers, 40-7 (SD) 2009—49ers, 10-6 (SF)
1942—Bears, 45-14 (C) 1981—Bears, 20-17 (C) OT 2012—49ers, 32-7 (SF)
1944—Bears, 28-7 (P) 1984—Chargers, 20-7 (SD) 2014—Bears, 28-20 (SF)
1946—Bears, 21-14 (C) 1993—Bears, 16-13 (SD) 2015—49ers, 26-20 (C) OT
1947—Bears, 40-7 (C) 1996—Bears, 27-14 (C) (RS Pts.—49ers 1,365, Bears 1,249)
1948—Eagles, 12-7 (P) 1999—Bears, 23-20 (SD) OT (PS Pts.—49ers 95, Bears 18)
1949—Bears, 38-21 (C) 2003—Bears, 20-7 (C) *NFC Championship
1955—Bears, 17-10 (C) 2007—Chargers, 14-3 (SD) **NFC Divisional Playoff
1961—Eagles, 16-14 (P) 2011—Bears, 31-20 (C) CHICAGO vs. SEATTLE
1963—Bears, 16-7 (C) 2015—Bears, 22-19 (SD) RS: Seahawks lead series, 11-4
1968—Bears, 29-16 (P) (RS Pts.—Chargers 232, Bears 204) PS: Bears lead series, 2-0
1970—Bears, 20-16 (C) CHICAGO vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1976—Bears, 34-7 (S)
1972—Bears, 21-12 (P) RS: Series tied, 30-30-1 1978—Seahawks, 31-29 (C)
1975—Bears, 15-13 (C) PS: 49ers lead series, 3-0 1982—Seahawks, 20-14 (S)
1979—*Eagles, 27-17 (P) 1950—Bears, 32-20 (SF) 1984—Seahawks, 38-9 (S)
1980—Eagles, 17-14 (P) Bears, 17-0 (C) 1987—Seahawks, 34-21 (C)
1983—Bears, 7-6 (P) 1951—Bears, 13-7 (C) 1990—Bears, 17-0 (C)
Bears, 17-14 (C) 1952—49ers, 40-16 (C) 1999—Seahawks, 14-13 (C)
1986—Bears, 13-10 (C) OT Bears, 20-17 (SF) 2003—Seahawks, 24-17 (S)
1987—Bears, 35-3 (P) 1953—49ers, 35-28 (C) 2006—Bears, 37-6 (C)
1988—**Bears, 20-12 (C) 49ers, 24-14 (SF) *Bears, 27-24 (C) OT
1989—Bears, 27-13 (C) 1954—49ers, 31-24 (C) 2007—Seahawks, 30-23 (S)
1993—Bears, 17-6 (P) Bears, 31-27 (SF) 2009—Bears, 25-19 (S)
1994—Eagles, 30-22 (P) 1955—49ers, 20-19 (C) 2010—Seahawks, 23-20 (C)
1995—Bears, 20-14 (C) Bears, 34-23 (SF) *Bears, 35-24 (C)
1999—Eagles, 20-16 (C) 1956—Bears, 31-7 (C) 2011—Seahawks, 38-14 (C)
2000—Eagles, 13-9 (P) Bears, 38-21 (SF) 2012—Seahawks, 23-17 (C) OT
2001—**Eagles, 33-19 (C) 1957—49ers, 21-17 (C) 2015—Seahawks, 26-0 (S)
2002—Eagles, 19-13 (C) 49ers, 21-17 (SF) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 333, Bears 290)
2004—Eagles, 19-9 (C) 1958—Bears, 28-6 (C) (PS Pts.—Bears 62, Seahawks 48)
2007—Bears, 19-16 (P) Bears, 27-14 (SF) *NFC Divisional Playoff

426 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

CHICAGO vs. TAMPA BAY known as Oilers prior to 1999 CINCINNATI vs. CAROLINA
RS: Bears lead series, 38-18 CHICAGO vs. *WASHINGTON RS: Series tied, 2-2-1;
1977—Bears, 10-0 (TB) RS: Redskins lead series, 21-20-1 See Carolina vs. Cincinnati
1978—Buccaneers, 33-19 (TB) PS: Redskins lead series, 4-3 CINCINNATI vs. CHICAGO
Bears, 14-3 (C) 1932—Tie, 7-7 (B) RS: Bengals lead series, 6-4;
1979—Buccaneers, 17-13 (C) 1933—Bears, 7-0 (C) See Chicago vs. Cincinnati
Bears, 14-0 (TB) Redskins, 10-0 (B) CINCINNATI vs. CLEVELAND
1980—Bears, 23-0 (C) 1934—Bears, 21-0 (B) RS: Bengals lead series, 46-39
Bears, 14-13 (TB) 1935—Bears, 30-14 (B) 1970—Browns, 30-27 (Cle)
1981—Bears, 28-17 (C) 1936—Bears, 26-0 (B) Bengals, 14-10 (Cin)
Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB) 1937—**Redskins, 28-21 (C) 1971—Browns, 27-24 (Cin)
1982—Buccaneers, 26-23 (TB) OT 1938—Bears, 31-7 (C) Browns, 31-27 (Cle)
1983—Bears, 17-10 (C) 1940—Redskins, 7-3 (W) 1972—Browns, 27-6 (Cle)
Bears, 27-0 (TB) **Bears, 73-0 (W) Browns, 27-24 (Cin)
1984—Bears, 34-14 (C) 1941—Bears, 35-21 (C) 1973—Browns, 17-10 (Cle)
Bears, 44-9 (TB) 1942—**Redskins, 14-6 (W) Bengals, 34-17 (Cin)
1985—Bears, 38-28 (C) 1943—Redskins, 21-7 (W) 1974—Bengals, 33-7 (Cin)
Bears, 27-19 (TB) **Bears, 41-21 (C) Bengals, 34-24 (Cle)
1986—Bears, 23-3 (TB) 1945—Redskins, 28-21 (W) 1975—Bengals, 24-17 (Cin)
Bears, 48-14 (C) 1946—Bears, 24-20 (C) Browns, 35-23 (Cle)
1987—Bears, 20-3 (C) 1947—Bears, 56-20 (W) 1976—Bengals, 45-24 (Cle)
Bears, 27-26 (TB) 1948—Bears, 48-13 (C) Bengals, 21-6 (Cin)
1988—Bears, 28-10 (C) 1949—Bears, 31-21 (W) 1977—Browns, 13-3 (Cin)
Bears, 27-15 (TB) 1951—Bears, 27-0 (W) Bengals, 10-7 (Cle)
1989—Buccaneers, 42-35 (TB) 1953—Bears, 27-24 (W) 1978—Browns, 13-10 (Cle) OT
Buccaneers, 32-31 (C) 1957—Redskins, 14-3 (C) Bengals, 48-16 (Cin)
1990—Bears, 26-6 (TB) 1964—Redskins, 27-20 (W) 1979—Browns, 28-27 (Cle)
Bears, 27-14 (C) 1968—Redskins, 38-28 (C) Bengals, 16-12 (Cin)
1991—Bears, 21-20 (TB) 1971—Bears, 16-15 (C) 1980—Browns, 31-7 (Cle)
Bears, 27-0 (C) 1974—Redskins, 42-0 (W) Browns, 27-24 (Cin)
1992—Bears, 31-14 (C) 1976—Bears, 33-7 (C) 1981—Browns, 20-17 (Cin)
Buccaneers, 20-17 (TB) 1978—Bears, 14-10 (W) Bengals, 41-21 (Cle)
1993—Bears, 47-17 (C) 1980—Bears, 35-21 (C) 1982—Bengals, 23-10 (Cin)
Buccaneers, 13-10 (TB) 1981—Redskins, 24-7 (C) 1983—Browns, 17-7 (Cle)
1994—Bears, 21-9 (C) 1984—***Bears, 23-19 (W) Bengals, 28-21 (Cin)
Bears, 20-6 (TB) 1985—Bears, 45-10 (C) 1984—Bengals, 12-9 (Cin)
1995—Bears, 25-6 (TB) 1986—***Redskins, 27-13 (C) Bengals, 20-17 (Cle) OT
Bears, 31-10 (C) 1987—***Redskins, 21-17 (C) 1985—Bengals, 27-10 (Cin)
1996—Bears, 13-10 (C) 1988—Bears, 34-14 (W) Browns, 24-6 (Cle)
Buccaneers, 34-19 (TB) 1989—Redskins, 38-14 (W) 1986—Bengals, 30-13 (Cle)
1997—Bears, 13-7 (C) 1990—Redskins, 10-9 (W) Browns, 34-3 (Cin)
Buccaneers, 31-15 (TB) 1991—Redskins, 20-7 (C) 1987—Browns, 34-0 (Cin)
1998—Buccaneers, 27-15 (TB) 1996—Redskins, 10-3 (W) Browns, 38-24 (Cle)
Buccaneers, 31-17 (C) 1997—Redskins, 31-8 (C) 1988—Bengals, 24-17 (Cin)
1999—Buccaneers, 6-3 (TB) 1999—Redskins, 48-22 (W) Browns, 23-16 (Cle)
Buccaneers, 20-6 (C) 2001—Bears, 20-15 (W) 1989—Bengals, 21-14 (Cin)
2000—Buccaneers, 41-0 (TB) 2003—Bears, 27-24 (C) Bengals, 21-0 (Cle)
Bears, 13-10 (C) 2004—Redskins, 13-10 (C) 1990—Bengals, 34-13 (Cle)
2001—Bears, 27-24 (TB) 2005—Redskins, 9-7 (W) Bengals, 21-14 (Cin)
Bears, 27-3 (C) 2007—Redskins, 24-16 (W) 1991—Browns, 14-13 (Cle)
2002—Buccaneers, 15-0 (C) 2010—Redskins, 17-14 (C) Bengals, 23-21 (Cin)
2004—Buccaneers, 19-7 (TB) 2013—Redskins, 45-41 (W) 1992—Bengals, 30-10 (Cin)
2005—Bears, 13-10 (TB) 2015—Redskins, 24-21 (C) Browns, 37-21 (Cle)
2006—Bears, 34-31 (C) OT (RS Pts.—Bears 855, Redskins 763) 1993—Browns, 27-14 (Cle)
2008—Buccaneers, 27-24 (C) OT (PS Pts.—Bears 194, Redskins 130) Browns, 28-17 (Cin)
2011—Bears, 24-18 (London) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 and 1994—Browns, 28-20 (Cin)
2014—Bears, 21-13 (C) known as Braves prior to 1933 Browns, 37-13 (Cle)
2015—Bears, 26-21 (TB) **NFL Championship 1995—Browns, 29-26 (Cin) OT
(RS Pts.—Bears 1,214, Buccaneers 887) ***NFC Divisional Playoff Browns, 26-10 (Cle)
CHICAGO vs. *TENNESSEE 1999—Bengals, 18-17 (Cle)
RS: Bears lead series, 6-5 CINCINNATI vs. ARIZONA Bengals, 44-28 (Cin)
1973—Bears, 35-14 (C) RS: Bengals lead series, 6-5; 2000—Browns, 24-7 (Cin)
1977—Oilers, 47-0 (H) See Arizona vs. Cincinnati Bengals, 12-3 (Cle)
1980—Oilers, 10-6 (C) CINCINNATI vs. ATLANTA 2001—Bengals, 24-14 (Cin)
1986—Bears, 20-7 (H) RS: Bengals lead series, 8-5; Browns, 18-0 (Cle)
1989—Oilers, 33-28 (C) See Atlanta vs. Cincinnati 2002—Browns, 20-7 (Cle)
1992—Oilers, 24-7 (H) CINCINNATI vs. BALTIMORE Browns, 27-20 (Cin)
1995—Bears, 35-32 (C) RS: Series tied, 20-20; 2003—Bengals, 21-14 (Cle)
1998—Bears, 23-20 (T) See Baltimore vs. Cincinnati Browns, 22-14 (Cin)
2004—Bears, 19-17 (T) OT CINCINNATI vs. BUFFALO 2004—Browns, 34-17 (Cle)
2008—Titans, 21-14 (C) RS: Bills lead series, 15-12 Bengals, 58-48 (Cin)
2012—Bears, 51-20 (T) PS: Bengals lead series, 2-0; 2005—Bengals, 27-13 (Cle)
(RS Pts.—Titans 245, Bears 238) See Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals, 23-20 (Cin)
*Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; 2006—Bengals, 34-17 (Cin)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 427

Bengals, 30-0 (Cle) 1998—Bengals, 34-28 (D) OT CINCINNATI vs. JACKSONVILLE
2007—Browns, 51-45 (Cle) 2001—Bengals, 31-27 (D) RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-9
Bengals, 19-14 (Cin) 2005—Bengals, 41-17 (D) 1995—Bengals, 24-17 (C)
2008—Browns, 20-12 (Cin) 2009—Bengals, 23-13 (C) Bengals, 17-13 (J)
Bengals, 14-0 (Cle) 2013—Bengals, 27-24 (D) 1996—Bengals, 28-21 (C)
2009—Bengals, 23-20 (Cle) OT (RS Pts.—Bengals 274, Lions 222) Jaguars, 30-27 (J)
Bengals, 16-7 (Cin) CINCINNATI vs. GREEN BAY 1997—Jaguars, 21-13 (J)
2010—Browns, 23-20 (Cle) RS: Bengals lead series, 7-5 Bengals, 31-26 (C)
Bengals, 19-17 (Cin) 1971—Packers, 20-17 (GB) 1998—Jaguars, 24-11 (J)
2011—Bengals, 27-17 (Cle) 1976—Bengals, 28-7 (C) Jaguars, 34-17 (C)
Bengals, 23-20 (Cin) 1977—Bengals, 17-7 (Mil) 1999—Jaguars, 41-10 (C)
2012—Bengals, 34-27 (Cin) 1980—Packers, 14-9 (GB) Jaguars, 24-7 (J)
Browns, 34-24 (Cle) 1983—Bengals, 34-14 (C) 2000—Jaguars, 13-0 (J)
2013—Browns, 17-6 (Cle) 1986—Bengals, 34-28 (Mil) Bengals, 17-14 (C)
Bengals, 41-20 (Cin) 1992—Packers, 24-23 (GB) 2001—Jaguars, 30-13 (J)
2014—Browns, 24-3 (Cin) 1995—Packers, 24-10 (GB) Jaguars, 14-10 (C)
Bengals, 30-0 (Cle) 1998—Packers, 13-6 (C) 2002—Jaguars, 29-15 (C)
2015—Bengals, 31-10 (Cin) 2005—Bengals, 21-14 (C) 2005—Jaguars, 23-20 (J)
Bengals, 37-3 (Cle) 2009—Bengals, 31-24 (GB) 2008—Bengals, 21-19 (C)
(RS Pts.—Bengals 1,833, Browns 1,695) 2013—Bengals, 34-30 (C) 2011—Bengals, 30-20 (J)
CINCINNATI vs. DALLAS (RS Pts.—Bengals 264, Packers 219) 2012—Bengals, 27-10 (J)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-4 CINCINNATI vs. HOUSTON 2014—Bengals, 33-23 (C)
1973—Cowboys, 38-10 (D) RS: Series tied, 4-4 (RS Pts.—Jaguars 446, Bengals 371)
1979—Cowboys, 38-13 (D) PS: Texans lead series, 2-0 CINCINNATI vs. KANSAS CITY
1985—Bengals, 50-24 (C) 2002—Bengals, 38-3 (H) RS: Bengals lead series, 15-13
1988—Bengals, 38-24 (D) 2003—Bengals, 34-27 (C) 1968—Chiefs, 13-3 (KC)
1991—Cowboys, 35-23 (D) 2005—Bengals, 16-10 (C) Chiefs, 16-9 (C)
1994—Cowboys, 23-20 (C) 2008—Texans, 35-6 (H) 1969—Bengals, 24-19 (C)
1997—Bengals, 31-24 (C) 2009—Texans, 28-17 (C) Chiefs, 42-22 (KC)
2000—Cowboys, 23-6 (D) 2011—Texans, 20-19 (C) 1970—Chiefs, 27-19 (C)
2004—Bengals, 26-3 (C) *Texans, 31-10 (H) 1972—Bengals, 23-16 (KC)
2008—Cowboys, 31-22 (D) 2012—*Texans, 19-13 (H) 1973—Bengals, 14-6 (C)
2012—Cowboys, 20-19 (C) 2014—Bengals, 22-13 (H) 1974—Bengals, 33-6 (C)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 283, Bengals 258) 2015—Texans, 10-6 (C) 1976—Bengals, 27-24 (KC)
CINCINNATI vs. DENVER (RS Pts.—Bengals 158, Texans 146) 1977—Bengals, 27-7 (KC)
RS: Broncos lead series, 20-9 (PS Pts.—Texans 50, Bengals 23) 1978—Chiefs, 24-23 (C)
1968—Bengals, 24-10 (C) *AFC First-Round Playoff 1979—Chiefs, 10-7 (C)
Broncos, 10-7 (D) CINCINNATI vs. *INDIANAPOLIS 1980—Bengals, 20-6 (KC)
1969—Broncos, 30-23 (C) RS: Colts lead series, 17-10 1983—Chiefs, 20-15 (KC)
Broncos, 27-16 (D) PS: Colts lead series, 2-0 1984—Chiefs, 27-22 (C)
1971—Bengals, 24-10 (D) 1970—**Colts, 17-0 (B) 1986—Chiefs, 24-14 (KC)
1972—Bengals, 21-10 (C) 1972—Colts, 20-19 (C) 1987—Bengals, 30-27 (C) OT
1973—Broncos, 28-10 (D) 1974—Bengals, 24-14 (B) 1988—Chiefs, 31-28 (KC)
1975—Bengals, 17-16 (D) 1976—Colts, 28-27 (B) 1989—Bengals, 21-17 (KC)
1976—Bengals, 17-7 (C) 1979—Colts, 38-28 (B) 1993—Chiefs, 17-15 (KC)
1977—Broncos, 24-13 (C) 1980—Bengals, 34-33 (C) 2003—Bengals, 24-19 (C)
1979—Broncos, 10-0 (D) 1981—Bengals, 41-19 (B) 2005—Chiefs, 37-3 (KC)
1981—Bengals, 38-21 (C) 1982—Bengals, 20-17 (B) 2006—Bengals, 23-10 (KC)
1983—Broncos, 24-17 (D) 1983—Colts, 34-31 (C) 2007—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC)
1984—Broncos, 20-17 (D) 1987—Bengals, 23-21 (I) 2008—Bengals, 16-6 (C)
1986—Broncos, 34-28 (D) 1989—Colts, 23-12 (C) 2009—Bengals, 17-10 (C)
1991—Broncos, 45-14 (D) 1990—Colts, 34-20 (C) 2012—Bengals, 28-6 (KC)
1994—Broncos, 15-13 (D) 1992—Colts, 21-17 (C) 2015—Bengals, 36-21 (C)
1996—Broncos, 14-10 (C) 1993—Colts, 9-6 (C) (RS Pts.—Bengals 563, Chiefs 515)
1997—Broncos, 38-20 (D) 1994—Colts, 17-13 (C) CINCINNATI vs. *LOS ANGELES
1998—Broncos, 33-26 (C) 1995—Bengals, 24-21 (I) OT RS: Bengals lead series, 8-5
2000—Bengals, 31-21 (C) 1996—Bengals, 31-24 (C) 1972—Rams, 15-12 (LA)
2003—Broncos, 30-10 (C) 1997—Bengals, 28-13 (I) 1976—Bengals, 20-12 (C)
2004—Bengals, 23-10 (C) 1998—Colts, 39-26 (I) 1978—Bengals, 20-19 (LA)
2006—Broncos, 24-23 (D) 1999—Colts, 31-10 (I) 1981—Bengals, 24-10 (C)
2009—Broncos, 12-7 (C) 2002—Colts, 28-21 (I) 1984—Rams, 24-14 (C)
2011—Broncos, 24-22 (D) 2005—Colts, 45-37 (C) 1990—Bengals, 34-31 (LA) OT
2012—Broncos, 31-23 (C) 2006—Colts, 34-16 (I) 1993—Bengals, 15-3 (C)
2014—Bengals, 37-28 (C) 2008—Colts, 35-3 (I) 1996—Rams, 26-16 (StL)
2015—Broncos, 20-17 (D) OT 2010—Colts, 23-17 (I) 1999—Rams, 38-10 (C)
(RS Pts.—Broncos 626, Bengals 548) 2011—Bengals, 27-17 (C) 2003—Rams, 27-10 (StL)
CINCINNATI vs. DETROIT 2013—Bengals, 42-28 (C) 2007—Bengals, 19-10 (C)
RS: Bengals lead series, 8-3 2014—Colts, 27-0 (I) 2011—Bengals, 20-13 (StL)
1970—Lions, 38-3 (D) ***Colts, 26-10 (I) 2015—Bengals, 31-7 (C)
1974—Lions, 23-19 (C) (RS Pts.—Colts 693, Bengals 597) (RS Pts.—Bengals 245, Rams 235)
1983—Bengals, 17-9 (C) (PS Pts.—Colts 43, Bengals 10) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
1986—Bengals, 24-17 (D) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 CINCINNATI vs. MIAMI
1989—Bengals, 42-7 (C) **AFC Divisional Playoff RS: Dolphins lead series, 15-5
1992—Lions, 19-13 (C) ***AFC First-Round Playoff PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0

428 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1968—Dolphins, 24-22 (C) 1987—Saints, 41-24 (C) **Raiders, 20-10 (LA)
Bengals, 38-21 (M) 1990—Saints, 21-7 (C) 1991—Raiders, 38-14 (C)
1969—Bengals, 27-21 (C) 1993—Saints, 20-13 (NO) 1992—Bengals, 24-21 (C) OT
1971—Dolphins, 23-13 (C) 1996—Bengals, 30-15 (C) 1993—Bengals, 16-10 (C)
1973—*Dolphins, 34-16 (M) 2002—Bengals, 20-13 (C) 1995—Raiders, 20-17 (C)
1974—Dolphins, 24-3 (M) 2006—Bengals, 31-16 (NO) 1998—Raiders, 27-10 (O)
1977—Bengals, 23-17 (C) 2010—Saints, 34-30 (C) 2003—Raiders, 23-20 (O)
1978—Dolphins, 21-0 (M) 2014—Bengals, 27-10 (NO) 2006—Bengals, 27-10 (C)
1980—Dolphins, 17-16 (M) (RS Pts.—Bengals 278, Saints 234) 2009—Raiders, 20-17 (O)
1983—Dolphins, 38-14 (M) CINCINNATI vs. N.Y. GIANTS 2012—Bengals, 34-10 (C)
1987—Dolphins, 20-14 (C) RS: Bengals lead series, 6-3 2015—Bengals, 33-13 (O)
1989—Dolphins, 20-13 (C) 1972—Bengals, 13-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Raiders 643, Bengals 547)
1991—Dolphins, 37-13 (M) 1977—Bengals, 30-13 (C) (PS Pts.—Raiders 51, Bengals 38)
1994—Dolphins, 23-7 (C) 1985—Bengals, 35-30 (C) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
1995—Dolphins, 26-23 (C) 1991—Bengals, 27-24 (C) **AFC Divisional Playoff
2000—Dolphins, 31-16 (C) 1994—Giants, 27-20 (NY) CINCINNATI vs. PHILADELPHIA
2004—Bengals, 16-13 (C) 1997—Giants, 29-27 (NY) RS: Bengals lead series, 8-3-1
2007—Bengals, 38-25 (M) 2004—Bengals, 23-22 (C) 1971—Bengals, 37-14 (C)
2010—Dolphins, 22-14 (C) 2008—Giants, 26-23 (NY) OT 1975—Bengals, 31-0 (P)
2012—Dolphins, 17-13 (C) 2012—Bengals, 31-13 (C) 1979—Bengals, 37-13 (C)
2013—Dolphins, 22-20 (M) OT (RS Pts.—Bengals 229, Giants 194) 1982—Bengals, 18-14 (P)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 462, Bengals 343) CINCINNATI vs. N.Y. JETS 1988—Bengals, 28-24 (P)
(PS Pts.—Dolphins 34, Bengals 16) RS: Jets lead series, 15-8 1991—Eagles, 17-10 (P)
*AFC Divisional Playoff PS: Jets lead series, 2-0 1994—Bengals, 33-30 (C)
CINCINNATI vs. MINNESOTA 1968—Jets, 27-14 (NY) 1997—Eagles, 44-42 (P)
RS: Series tied, 6-6 1969—Jets, 21-7 (C) 2000—Eagles, 16-7 (P)
1973—Bengals, 27-0 (C) Jets, 40-7 (NY) 2004—Bengals, 38-10 (P)
1977—Vikings, 42-10 (M) 1971—Jets, 35-21 (NY) 2008—Tie, 13-13 (C) OT
1980—Bengals, 14-0 (C) 1973—Bengals, 20-14 (C) 2012—Bengals, 34-13 (P)
1983—Vikings, 20-14 (M) 1976—Bengals, 42-3 (NY) (RS Pts.—Bengals 328, Eagles 208)
1986—Bengals, 24-20 (C) 1981—Bengals, 31-30 (NY) CINCINNATI vs. PITTSBURGH
1989—Vikings, 29-21 (M) 1982—*Jets, 44-17 (C) RS: Steelers lead series, 56-35
1992—Vikings, 42-7 (C) 1984—Jets, 43-23 (NY) PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0
1995—Bengals, 27-24 (C) 1985—Jets, 29-20 (C) 1970—Steelers, 21-10 (P)
1998—Vikings, 24-3 (M) 1986—Bengals, 52-21 (C) Bengals, 34-7 (C)
2005—Bengals, 37-8 (C) 1987—Jets, 27-20 (NY) 1971—Steelers, 21-10 (P)
2009—Vikings, 30-10 (M) 1988—Bengals, 36-19 (C) Steelers, 21-13 (C)
2013—Bengals, 42-14 (C) 1990—Bengals, 25-20 (C) 1972—Bengals, 15-10 (C)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 253, Bengals 236) 1992—Jets, 17-14 (NY) Steelers, 40-17 (P)
CINCINNATI vs. *NEW ENGLAND 1993—Jets, 17-12 (NY) 1973—Bengals, 19-7 (C)
RS: Patriots lead series, 15-9 1997—Jets, 31-14 (C) Steelers, 20-13 (P)
1968—Patriots, 33-14 (B) 2001—Jets, 15-14 (NY) 1974—Bengals, 17-10 (C)
1969—Patriots, 25-14 (C) 2004—Jets, 31-24 (NY) Steelers, 27-3 (P)
1970—Bengals, 45-7 (C) 2007—Bengals, 38-31 (C) 1975—Steelers, 30-24 (C)
1972—Bengals, 31-7 (NE) 2008—Jets, 26-14 (NY) Steelers, 35-14 (P)
1975—Bengals, 27-10 (C) 2009—Jets, 37-0 (NY) 1976—Steelers, 23-6 (P)
1978—Patriots, 10-3 (C) *Jets, 24-14 (C) Steelers, 7-3 (C)
1979—Patriots, 20-14 (C) 2010—Jets, 26-10 (NY) 1977—Steelers, 20-14 (P)
1984—Patriots, 20-14 (NE) 2013—Bengals, 49-9 (C) Bengals, 17-10 (C)
1985—Patriots, 34-23 (NE) (RS Pts.—Jets 569, Bengals 507) 1978—Steelers, 28-3 (C)
1986—Bengals, 31-7 (NE) (PS Pts.—Jets 68, Bengals 31) Steelers, 7-6 (P)
1988—Patriots, 27-21 (NE) *AFC First-Round Playoff 1979—Bengals, 34-10 (C)
1990—Bengals, 41-7 (C) CINCINNATI vs. *OAKLAND Steelers, 37-17 (P)
1991—Bengals, 29-7 (C) RS: Raiders lead series, 18-10 1980—Bengals, 30-28 (C)
1992—Bengals, 20-10 (C) PS: Raiders lead series, 2-0 Bengals, 17-16 (P)
1993—Patriots, 7-2 (NE) 1968—Raiders, 31-10 (O) 1981—Bengals, 34-7 (C)
1994—Patriots, 31-28 (C) Raiders, 34-0 (C) Bengals, 17-10 (P)
2000—Patriots, 16-13 (NE) 1969—Bengals, 31-17 (C) 1982—Steelers, 26-20 (P) OT
2001—Bengals, 23-17 (C) Raiders, 37-17 (O) 1983—Steelers, 24-14 (C)
2004—Patriots, 35-28 (NE) 1970—Bengals, 31-21 (C) Bengals, 23-10 (P)
2006—Patriots, 38-13 (C) 1971—Raiders, 31-27 (O) 1984—Steelers, 38-17 (P)
2007—Patriots, 34-13 (C) 1972—Raiders, 20-14 (C) Bengals, 22-20 (C)
2010—Patriots, 38-24 (NE) 1974—Raiders, 30-27 (O) 1985—Bengals, 37-24 (P)
2013—Bengals, 13-6 (C) 1975—Bengals, 14-10 (C) Bengals, 26-21 (C)
2014—Patriots, 43-17 (NE) **Raiders, 31-28 (O) 1986—Bengals, 24-22 (C)
(RS Pts.—Bengals 501, Patriots 489) 1976—Raiders, 35-20 (O) Steelers, 30-9 (P)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 1978—Raiders, 34-21 (C) 1987—Steelers, 23-20 (P)
CINCINNATI vs. NEW ORLEANS 1980—Raiders, 28-17 (O) Steelers, 30-16 (C)
RS: Bengals lead series, 7-6 1982—Bengals, 31-17 (C) 1988—Bengals, 17-12 (P)
1970—Bengals, 26-6 (C) 1983—Raiders, 20-10 (C) Bengals, 42-7 (C)
1975—Bengals, 21-0 (NO) 1985—Raiders, 13-6 (LA) 1989—Bengals, 41-10 (C)
1978—Saints, 20-18 (C) 1988—Bengals, 45-21 (LA) Bengals, 26-16 (P)
1981—Saints, 17-7 (NO) 1989—Raiders, 28-7 (LA) 1990—Bengals, 27-3 (C)
1984—Bengals, 24-21 (NO) 1990—Raiders, 24-7 (LA) Bengals, 16-12 (P)

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1991—Steelers, 33-27 (C) OT 1985—Chargers, 44-41 (C) 1980—Buccaneers, 17-12 (C)
Steelers, 17-10 (P) 1987—Chargers, 10-9 (C) 1983—Bengals, 23-17 (TB)
1992—Steelers, 20-0 (P) 1988—Bengals, 27-10 (C) 1989—Bengals, 56-23 (C)
Steelers, 21-9 (C) 1990—Bengals, 21-16 (SD) 1995—Buccaneers, 19-16 (TB)
1993—Steelers, 34-7 (P) 1992—Chargers, 27-10 (SD) 1998—Buccaneers, 35-0 (C)
Steelers, 24-16 (C) 1994—Chargers, 27-10 (SD) 2001—Buccaneers, 16-13 (C) OT
1994—Steelers, 14-10 (P) 1996—Chargers, 27-14 (SD) 2002—Buccaneers, 35-7 (C)
Steelers, 38-15 (C) 1997—Bengals, 38-31 (C) 2006—Buccaneers, 14-13 (TB)
1995—Bengals, 27-9 (P) 1999—Chargers, 34-7 (C) 2010—Buccaneers, 24-21 (C)
Steelers, 49-31 (C) 2001—Chargers, 28-14 (SD) 2014—Bengals, 14-13 (TB)
1996—Steelers, 20-10 (P) 2002—Chargers, 34-6 (C) (RS Pts.— Buccaneers 213, Bengals 196)
Bengals, 34-24 (C) 2003—Bengals, 34-27 (SD) CINCINNATI vs. *TENNESSEE
1997—Steelers, 26-10 (C) 2006—Chargers, 49-41 (C) RS: Titans lead series, 39-33-1
Steelers, 20-3 (P) 2009—Chargers, 27-24 (SD) PS: Bengals lead series, 1-0
1998—Bengals, 25-20 (C) 2010—Bengals, 34-20 (C) 1968—Oilers, 27-17 (C)
Bengals, 25-24 (P) 2012—Bengals, 20-13 (SD) 1969—Tie, 31-31 (H)
1999—Steelers, 17-3 (C) 2013—Bengals, 17-10 (SD) 1970—Oilers, 20-13 (C)
Bengals, 27-20 (P) **Chargers, 27-10 (C) Bengals, 30-20 (H)
2000—Steelers, 15-0 (P) 2015—Bengals, 24-19 (C) 1971—Oilers, 10-6 (H)
Steelers, 48-28 (C) (RS Pts.—Chargers 788, Bengals 722) Bengals, 28-13 (C)
2001—Steelers, 16-7 (P) (PS Pts.—Bengals 37, Chargers 34) 1972—Bengals, 30-7 (C)
Bengals, 26-23 (C) OT *AFC Championship Bengals, 61-17 (H)
2002—Steelers, 34-7 (C) **AFC First-Round Playoff 1973—Bengals, 24-10 (C)
Steelers, 29-21 (P) CINCINNATI vs. SAN FRANCISCO Bengals, 27-24 (H)
2003—Steelers, 17-10 (C) RS: 49ers lead series, 9-4 1974—Oilers, 34-21 (C)
Bengals, 24-20 (P) PS: 49ers lead series, 2-0 Oilers, 20-3 (H)
2004—Steelers, 28-17 (P) 1974—Bengals, 21-3 (SF) 1975—Bengals, 21-19 (H)
Steelers, 19-14 (C) 1978—49ers, 28-12 (SF) Bengals, 23-19 (C)
2005—Steelers, 27-13 (C) 1981—49ers, 21-3 (C) 1976—Bengals, 27-7 (H)
Bengals, 38-31 (P) *49ers, 26-21 (Detroit) Bengals, 31-27 (C)
*Steelers, 31-17 (C) 1984—49ers, 23-17 (SF) 1977—Bengals, 13-10 (C) OT
2006—Bengals, 28-20 (P) 1987—49ers, 27-26 (C) Oilers, 21-16 (H)
Steelers, 23-17 (C) OT 1988—**49ers, 20-16 (South Florida) 1978—Bengals, 28-13 (C)
2007—Steelers, 24-13 (C) 1990—49ers, 20-17 (C) OT Oilers, 17-10 (H)
Steelers, 24-10 (P) 1993—49ers, 21-8 (SF) 1979—Oilers, 30-27 (C) OT
2008—Steelers, 38-10 (C) 1996—49ers, 28-21 (SF) Oilers, 42-21 (H)
Steelers, 27-10 (P) 1999—Bengals, 44-30 (C) 1980—Oilers, 13-10 (C)
2009—Bengals, 23-20 (C) 2003—Bengals, 41-38 (C) Oilers, 23-3 (H)
Bengals, 18-12 (P) 2007—49ers, 20-13 (SF) 1981—Oilers, 17-10 (H)
2010—Steelers, 27-21 (C) 2011—49ers, 13-8 (C) Bengals, 34-21 (C)
Steelers, 23-7 (P) 2015—Bengals, 24-14 (SF) 1982—Bengals, 27-6 (C)
2011—Steelers, 24-17 (C) (RS Pts.—49ers 286, Bengals 255) Bengals, 35-27 (H)
Steelers, 35-7 (P) (PS Pts.—49ers 46, Bengals 37) 1983—Bengals, 55-14 (H)
2012—Steelers, 24-17 (C) *Super Bowl XVI Bengals, 38-10 (C)
Bengals, 13-10 (P) **Super Bowl XXIII 1984—Bengals, 13-3 (C)
2013—Bengals, 20-10 (C) CINCINNATI vs. SEATTLE Bengals, 31-13 (H)
Steelers, 30-20 (P) RS: Bengals lead series, 10-9 1985—Oilers, 44-27 (H)
2014—Steelers, 42-21 (C) PS: Bengals lead series, 1-0 Bengals, 45-27 (C)
Steelers, 27-17 (P) 1977—Bengals, 42-20 (C) 1986—Bengals, 31-28 (C)
2015—Bengals, 16-10 (P) 1981—Bengals, 27-21 (C) Oilers, 32-28 (H)
Steelers, 33-20 (C) 1982—Bengals, 24-10 (C) 1987—Oilers, 31-29 (C)
*Steelers, 18-16 (C) 1984—Seahawks, 26-6 (C) Oilers, 21-17 (H)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 2,000, Bengals 1,603) 1985—Seahawks, 28-24 (C) 1988—Bengals, 44-21 (C)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 49, Bengals 33) 1986—Bengals, 34-7 (C) Oilers, 41-6 (H)
*AFC First-Round Playoff 1987—Bengals, 17-10 (S) 1989—Oilers, 26-24 (H)
CINCINNATI vs. SAN DIEGO 1988—*Bengals, 21-13 (C) Bengals, 61-7 (C)
RS: Chargers lead series, 19-14 1989—Seahawks, 24-17 (C) 1990—Oilers, 48-17 (H)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 1990—Seahawks, 31-16 (S) Bengals, 40-20 (C)
1968—Chargers, 29-13 (SD) 1991—Seahawks, 13-7 (C) **Bengals, 41-14 (C)
Chargers, 31-10 (C) 1992—Bengals, 21-3 (S) 1991—Oilers, 30-7 (C)
1969—Bengals, 34-20 (C) 1993—Seahawks, 19-10 (C) Oilers, 35-3 (H)
Chargers, 21-14 (SD) 1994—Bengals, 20-17 (S) OT 1992—Oilers, 38-24 (C)
1970—Bengals, 17-14 (SD) 1995—Seahawks, 24-21 (S) Oilers, 26-10 (H)
1971—Bengals, 31-0 (C) 1999—Seahawks, 37-20 (S) 1993—Oilers, 28-12 (H)
1973—Bengals, 20-13 (SD) 2003—Bengals, 27-24 (C) Oilers, 38-3 (C)
1974—Chargers, 20-17 (C) 2007—Seahawks, 24-21 (S) 1994—Oilers, 20-13 (H)
1975—Bengals, 47-17 (C) 2011—Bengals, 34-12 (S) Bengals, 34-31 (C)
1977—Chargers, 24-3 (SD) 2015—Bengals, 27-24 (C) OT 1995—Oilers, 38-28 (C)
1978—Chargers, 22-13 (SD) (RS Pts.—Bengals 415, Seahawks 374) Bengals, 32-25 (H)
1979—Chargers, 26-24 (C) (PS Pts.—Bengals 21, Seahawks 13) 1996—Oilers, 30-27 (C) OT
1980—Chargers, 31-14 (C) *AFC Divisional Playoff Bengals, 21-13 (H)
1981—Bengals, 40-17 (SD) CINCINNATI vs. TAMPA BAY 1997—Oilers, 30-7 (T)
*Bengals, 27-7 (C) RS: Buccaneers lead series, 7-4 Bengals, 41-14 (C)
1982—Chargers, 50-34 (SD) 1976—Bengals, 21-0 (C) 1998—Oilers, 23-14 (C)

430 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Oilers, 44-14 (T) 1969—Browns, 42-10 (C) 2009—Lions, 38-37 (D)
1999—Titans, 36-35 (T) *Browns, 38-14 (D) 2013—Lions, 31-17 (C)
Titans, 24-14 (C) 1970—Cowboys, 6-2 (C) (RS Pts.—Lions 479, Browns 336)
2000—Titans, 23-14 (C) 1974—Cowboys, 41-17 (D) (PS Pts.—Lions 103, Browns 93)
Titans, 35-3 (T) 1979—Browns, 26-7 (C) *NFL Championship
2001—Titans, 20-7 (C) 1982—Cowboys, 31-14 (D) CLEVELAND vs. GREEN BAY
Bengals, 23-21 (T) 1985—Cowboys, 20-7 (D) RS: Packers lead series, 11-7
2002—Titans, 30-24 (C) 1988—Browns, 24-21 (C) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0
2004—Titans, 27-20 (T) 1991—Cowboys, 26-14 (C) 1953—Browns, 27-0 (Mil)
2005—Bengals, 31-23 (T) 1994—Browns, 19-14 (D) 1955—Browns, 41-10 (C)
2007—Bengals, 35-6 (C) 2004—Cowboys, 19-12 (D) 1956—Browns, 24-7 (Mil)
2008—Titans, 24-7 (C) 2008—Cowboys, 28-10 (C) 1961—Packers, 49-17 (C)
2011—Bengals, 24-17 (T) 2012—Cowboys, 23-20 (D) OT 1964—Packers, 28-21 (Mil)
2014—Bengals, 33-7 (C) (RS Pts.—Browns 585, Cowboys 525) 1965—*Packers, 23-12 (GB)
(RS Pts.—Bengals 1,693, Titans 1,687) (PS Pts.—Cowboys 86, Browns 83) 1966—Packers, 21-20 (C)
(PS Pts.—Bengals 41, Titans 14) *Conference Championship 1967—Packers, 55-7 (Mil)
*Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; CLEVELAND vs. DENVER 1969—Browns, 20-7 (C)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 RS: Broncos lead series, 20-5 1972—Packers, 26-10 (C)
**AFC First-Round Playoff PS: Broncos lead series, 3-0 1980—Browns, 26-21 (C)
CINCINNATI vs. WASHINGTON 1970—Browns, 27-13 (D) 1983—Packers, 35-21 (Mil)
RS: Bengals lead series, 5-4 1971—Broncos, 27-0 (C) 1986—Packers, 17-14 (C)
1970—Redskins, 20-0 (W) 1972—Browns, 27-20 (D) 1992—Browns, 17-6 (C)
1974—Bengals, 28-17 (C) 1974—Browns, 23-21 (C) 1995—Packers, 31-20 (C)
1979—Redskins, 28-14 (W) 1975—Broncos, 16-15 (D) 2001—Packers, 30-7 (GB)
1985—Redskins, 27-24 (W) 1976—Broncos, 44-13 (D) 2005—Browns, 26-24 (GB)
1988—Bengals, 20-17 (C) OT 1978—Broncos, 19-7 (C) 2009—Packers, 31-3 (C)
1991—Redskins, 34-27 (C) 1980—Broncos, 19-16 (C) 2013—Packers, 31-13 (GB)
2004—Bengals, 17-10 (W) 1981—Broncos, 23-20 (D) OT (RS Pts.—Packers 429, Browns 334)
2008—Bengals, 20-13 (C) 1983—Broncos, 27-6 (D) (PS Pts.—Packers 23, Browns 12)
2012—Bengals, 38-31 (W) 1984—Broncos, 24-14 (C) *NFL Championship
(RS Pts.—Redskins 197, Bengals 188) 1986—*Broncos, 23-20 (C) OT CLEVELAND vs. HOUSTON
1987—*Broncos, 38-33 (D) RS: Texans lead series, 5-3
CLEVELAND vs. ARIZONA 1988—Broncos, 30-7 (D) 2002—Browns, 34-17 (C)
RS: Browns lead series, 33-14-3; 1989—Browns, 16-13 (C) 2004—Browns, 22-14 (H)
See Arizona vs. Cleveland *Broncos, 37-21 (D) 2005—Texans, 19-16 (H)
CLEVELAND vs. ATLANTA 1990—Browns, 30-29 (D) 2006—Texans, 14-6 (H)
RS: Browns lead series, 11-3; 1991—Broncos, 17-7 (C) 2007—Browns, 27-17 (C)
See Atlanta vs. Cleveland 1992—Broncos, 12-0 (C) 2008—Texans, 16-6 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. BALTIMORE 1993—Broncos, 29-14 (C) 2011—Texans, 30-12 (H)
RS: Ravens lead series, 25-9; 1994—Broncos, 26-14 (D) 2014—Texans, 23-7 (C)
See Baltimore vs. Cleveland 2000—Broncos, 44-10 (D) (RS Pts.—Texans 150, Browns 130)
RS: Browns lead series, 11-8 2006—Broncos, 17-7 (C) RS: Series tied, 14-14
PS: Browns lead series, 1-0; 2008—Broncos, 34-30 (C) PS: Series tied, 2-2
See Buffalo vs. Cleveland 2009—Broncos, 27-6 (D) 1956—Colts, 21-7 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. CAROLINA 2012—Broncos, 34-12 (D) 1959—Browns, 38-31 (B)
RS: Panthers lead series, 4-1; 2015—Broncos, 26-23 (C) OT 1962—Colts, 36-14 (C)
See Carolina vs. Cleveland (RS Pts.—Broncos 614, Browns 364) 1964—**Browns, 27-0 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. CHICAGO (PS Pts.—Broncos 98, Browns 74) 1968—Browns, 30-20 (B)
RS: Browns lead series, 9-6; *AFC Championship **Colts, 34-0 (C)
See Chicago vs. Cleveland CLEVELAND vs. DETROIT 1971—Browns, 14-13 (B)
CLEVELAND vs. CINCINNATI RS: Lions lead series, 15-4 ***Colts, 20-3 (C)
RS: Bengals lead series, 46-39; PS: Lions lead series, 3-1 1973—Browns, 24-14 (C)
See Cincinnati vs. Cleveland 1952—Lions, 17-6 (D) 1975—Colts, 21-7 (B)
CLEVELAND vs. DALLAS *Lions, 17-7 (C) 1978—Browns, 45-24 (B)
RS: Browns lead series, 15-12 1953—*Lions, 17-16 (D) 1979—Browns, 13-10 (C)
PS: Browns lead series, 2-1 1954—Lions, 14-10 (C) 1980—Browns, 28-27 (B)
1960—Browns, 48-7 (D) *Browns, 56-10 (C) 1981—Browns, 42-28 (C)
1961—Browns, 25-7 (C) 1957—Lions, 20-7 (D) 1983—Browns, 41-23 (C)
Browns, 38-17 (D) *Lions, 59-14 (D) 1986—Browns, 24-9 (I)
1962—Browns, 19-10 (C) 1958—Lions, 30-10 (C) 1987—Colts, 9-7 (C)
Cowboys, 45-21 (D) 1963—Lions, 38-10 (D) ***Browns, 38-21 (C)
1963—Browns, 41-24 (D) 1964—Browns, 37-21 (C) 1988—Browns, 23-17 (C)
Browns, 27-17 (C) 1967—Lions, 31-14 (D) 1989—Colts, 23-17 (I) OT
1964—Browns, 27-6 (C) 1969—Lions, 28-21 (C) 1991—Browns, 31-0 (I)
Browns, 20-16 (D) 1970—Lions, 41-24 (C) 1992—Colts, 14-3 (I)
1965—Browns, 23-17 (C) 1975—Lions, 21-10 (D) 1993—Colts, 23-10 (I)
Browns, 24-17 (D) 1983—Browns, 31-26 (D) 1994—Browns, 21-14 (I)
1966—Browns, 30-21 (C) 1986—Browns, 24-21 (C) 1999—Colts, 29-28 (C)
Cowboys, 26-14 (D) 1989—Lions, 13-10 (D) 2002—Colts, 28-23 (C)
1967—Cowboys, 21-14 (C) 1992—Lions, 24-14 (D) 2003—Colts, 9-6 (C)
*Cowboys, 52-14 (D) 1995—Lions, 38-20 (D) 2005—Colts, 13-6 (I)
1968—Cowboys, 28-7 (D) 2001—Browns, 24-14 (C) 2008—Colts, 10-6 (C)
*Browns, 31-20 (C) 2005—Lions, 13-10 (C) 2011—Browns, 27-19 (I)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 431

2012—Colts, 17-13 (I) 1993—Browns, 42-14 (LA) 2000—Browns, 19-11 (C)
2014—Colts, 25-24 (C) 1999—Rams, 34-3 (StL) 2001—Patriots, 27-16 (NE)
(RS Pts.—Browns 572, Colts 527) 2003—Rams, 26-20 (C) 2003—Patriots, 9-3 (NE)
(PS Pts.—Colts 75, Browns 68) 2007—Browns, 27-20 (StL) 2004—Patriots, 42-15 (C)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 2011—Rams, 13-12 (C) 2007—Patriots, 34-17 (NE)
**NFL Championship 2015—Rams, 24-6 (StL) 2010—Browns, 34-14 (C)
***AFC Divisional Playoff (RS Pts.—Rams 451, Browns 426) 2013—Patriots, 27-26 (NE)
CLEVELAND vs. JACKSONVILLE (PS Pts.—Browns 85, Rams 66) (RS Pts.—Browns 415, Patriots 379)
RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-5 *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 (PS Pts.—Browns 20, Patriots 13)
1995—Jaguars, 23-15 (C) **NFL Championship *AFC First-Round Playoff
1999—Jaguars, 24-7 (J) RS: Series tied, 8-8 RS: Browns lead series, 13-4
Jaguars, 24-14 (C) PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-0 1967—Browns, 42-7 (NO)
2000—Jaguars, 27-7 (C) 1970—Browns, 28-0 (M) 1968—Browns, 24-10 (NO)
Jaguars, 48-0 (J) 1972—*Dolphins, 20-14 (M) Browns, 35-17 (C)
2001—Browns, 23-14 (J) 1973—Dolphins, 17-9 (C) 1969—Browns, 27-17 (NO)
Jaguars, 15-10 (C) 1976—Browns, 17-13 (C) 1971—Browns, 21-17 (NO)
2002—Browns, 21-20 (J) 1979—Browns, 30-24 (C) OT 1975—Browns, 17-16 (C)
2005—Jaguars, 20-14 (C) 1985—*Dolphins, 24-21 (M) 1978—Browns, 24-16 (NO)
2008—Browns, 23-17 (J) 1986—Browns, 26-16 (C) 1981—Browns, 20-17 (C)
2009—Browns, 23-17 (C) 1988—Dolphins, 38-31 (M) 1984—Saints, 16-14 (C)
2010—Jaguars, 24-20 (J) 1989—Dolphins, 13-10 (M) OT 1987—Saints, 28-21 (NO)
2011—Browns, 14-10 (C) 1990—Dolphins, 30-13 (C) 1990—Saints, 25-20 (NO)
2013—Jaguars, 32-28 (C) 1992—Dolphins, 27-23 (C) 1993—Browns, 17-13 (C)
2014—Jaguars, 24-6 (J) 1993—Dolphins, 24-14 (C) 1999—Browns, 21-16 (NO)
(RS Pts.—Jaguars 363, Browns 246) 2004—Dolphins, 10-7 (M) 2002—Browns, 24-15 (NO)
CLEVELAND vs. KANSAS CITY 2005—Browns, 22-0 (C) 2006—Saints, 19-14 (C)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 12-11-2 2007—Browns, 41-31 (C) 2010—Browns, 30-17 (NO)
1971—Chiefs, 13-7 (KC) 2010—Browns, 13-10 (M) 2014—Browns, 26-24 (C)
1972—Chiefs, 31-7 (C) 2011—Browns, 17-16 (C) (RS Pts.—Browns 397, Saints 290)
1973—Tie, 20-20 (KC) 2013—Dolphins, 23-10 (C) CLEVELAND vs. N.Y. GIANTS
1975—Browns, 40-14 (C) (RS Pts.—Browns 311, Dolphins 292) RS: Browns lead series, 26-20-2
1976—Chiefs, 39-14 (KC) (PS Pts.—Dolphins 44, Browns 35) PS: Series tied, 1-1
1977—Browns, 44-7 (C) *AFC Divisional Playoff 1950—Giants, 6-0 (C)
1978—Chiefs, 17-3 (KC) CLEVELAND vs. MINNESOTA Giants, 17-13 (NY)
1979—Browns, 27-24 (KC) RS: Vikings lead series, 10-4 *Browns, 8-3 (C)
1980—Browns, 20-13 (C) PS: Vikings lead series, 1-0 1951—Browns, 14-13 (C)
1984—Chiefs, 10-6 (KC) 1965—Vikings, 27-17 (C) Browns, 10-0 (NY)
1986—Browns, 20-7 (C) 1967—Browns, 14-10 (C) 1952—Giants, 17-9 (C)
1988—Browns, 6-3 (KC) 1969—Vikings, 51-3 (M) Giants, 37-34 (NY)
1989—Tie, 10-10 (C) OT *Vikings, 27-7 (M) 1953—Browns, 7-0 (NY)
1990—Chiefs, 34-0 (KC) 1973—Vikings, 26-3 (M) Browns, 62-14 (C)
1991—Browns, 20-15 (C) 1975—Vikings, 42-10 (C) 1954—Browns, 24-14 (C)
1994—Chiefs, 20-13 (KC) 1980—Vikings, 28-23 (M) Browns, 16-7 (NY)
1995—Browns, 35-17 (C) 1983—Vikings, 27-21 (C) 1955—Browns, 24-14 (C)
2002—Chiefs, 40-39 (C) 1986—Browns, 23-20 (M) Tie, 35-35 (NY)
2003—Chiefs, 41-20 (KC) 1989—Browns, 23-17 (C) OT 1956—Giants, 21-9 (C)
2006—Browns, 31-28 (C) OT 1992—Vikings, 17-13 (M) Browns, 24-7 (NY)
2009—Browns, 41-34 (KC) 1995—Vikings, 27-11 (M) 1957—Browns, 6-3 (C)
2010—Chiefs, 16-14 (C) 2005—Vikings, 24-12 (M) Browns, 34-28 (NY)
2012—Browns, 30-7 (C) 2009—Vikings, 34-20 (C) 1958—Giants, 21-17 (C)
2013—Chiefs, 23-17 (KC) 2013—Browns, 31-27 (M) Giants, 13-10 (NY)
2015—Chiefs, 17-13 (KC) (RS Pts.—Vikings 377, Browns 224) *Giants, 10-0 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 500, Browns 497) (PS Pts.—Vikings 27, Browns 7) 1959—Giants, 10-6 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. *LOS ANGELES *NFL Championship Giants, 48-7 (NY)
RS: Rams lead series, 11-9 CLEVELAND vs. NEW ENGLAND 1960—Giants, 17-13 (C)
PS: Browns lead series, 2-1 RS: Browns lead series, 12-10 Browns, 48-34 (NY)
1950—**Browns, 30-28 (C) PS: Browns lead series, 1-0 1961—Giants, 37-21 (C)
1951—Browns, 38-23 (LA) 1971—Browns, 27-7 (C) Tie, 7-7 (NY)
**Rams, 24-17 (LA) 1974—Browns, 21-14 (NE) 1962—Browns, 17-7 (C)
1952—Browns, 37-7 (C) 1977—Browns, 30-27 (C) OT Giants, 17-13 (NY)
1955—**Browns, 38-14 (LA) 1980—Patriots, 34-17 (NE) 1963—Browns, 35-24 (NY)
1957—Browns, 45-31 (C) 1982—Browns, 10-7 (C) Giants, 33-6 (C)
1958—Browns, 30-27 (LA) 1983—Browns, 30-0 (NE) 1964—Browns, 42-20 (C)
1963—Browns, 20-6 (C) 1984—Patriots, 17-16 (C) Browns, 52-20 (NY)
1965—Rams, 42-7 (LA) 1985—Browns, 24-20 (C) 1965—Browns, 38-14 (NY)
1968—Rams, 24-6 (C) 1987—Browns, 20-10 (NE) Browns, 34-21 (C)
1973—Rams, 30-17 (LA) 1991—Browns, 20-0 (NE) 1966—Browns, 28-7 (NY)
1977—Rams, 9-0 (C) 1992—Browns, 19-17 (NE) Browns, 49-40 (C)
1978—Browns, 30-19 (C) 1993—Patriots, 20-17 (C) 1967—Giants, 38-34 (NY)
1981—Rams, 27-16 (LA) 1994—Browns, 13-6 (C) Browns, 24-14 (C)
1984—Rams, 20-17 (LA) *Browns, 20-13 (C) 1968—Browns, 45-10 (C)
1987—Browns, 30-17 (C) 1995—Patriots, 17-14 (NE) 1969—Browns, 28-17 (C)
1990—Rams, 38-23 (C) 1999—Patriots, 19-7 (C) Giants, 27-14 (NY)

432 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1973—Browns, 12-10 (C) RS: Browns lead series, 31-16-1 Steelers, 14-10 (P)
1977—Browns, 21-7 (NY) 1950—Browns, 35-10 (P) 1961—Browns, 30-28 (P)
1985—Browns, 35-33 (NY) Browns, 13-7 (C) Steelers, 17-13 (C)
1991—Giants, 13-10 (NY) 1951—Browns, 20-17 (C) 1962—Browns, 41-14 (P)
1994—Giants, 16-13 (C) Browns, 24-9 (P) Browns, 35-14 (C)
2000—Giants, 24-3 (C) 1952—Browns, 49-7 (P) 1963—Browns, 35-23 (C)
2004—Giants, 27-10 (NY) Eagles, 28-20 (C) Steelers, 9-7 (P)
2008—Browns, 35-14 (C) 1953—Browns, 37-13 (C) 1964—Steelers, 23-7 (C)
2012—Giants, 41-27 (NY) Eagles, 42-27 (P) Browns, 30-17 (P)
(RS Pts.—Browns 1,075, Giants 914) 1954—Eagles, 28-10 (P) 1965—Browns, 24-19 (C)
(PS Pts.—Giants 13, Browns 8) Browns, 6-0 (C) Browns, 42-21 (P)
*Conference Playoff 1955—Browns, 21-17 (C) 1966—Browns, 41-10 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. N.Y. JETS Eagles, 33-17 (P) Steelers, 16-6 (P)
RS: Browns lead series, 12-10 1956—Browns, 16-0 (P) 1967—Browns, 21-10 (C)
PS: Browns lead series, 1-0 Browns, 17-14 (C) Browns, 34-14 (P)
1970—Browns, 31-21 (C) 1957—Browns, 24-7 (C) 1968—Browns, 31-24 (C)
1972—Browns, 26-10 (NY) Eagles, 17-7 (P) Browns, 45-24 (P)
1976—Browns, 38-17 (C) 1958—Browns, 28-14 (C) 1969—Browns, 42-31 (C)
1978—Browns, 37-34 (C) OT Browns, 21-14 (P) Browns, 24-3 (P)
1979—Browns, 25-22 (NY) OT 1959—Browns, 28-7 (C) 1970—Browns, 15-7 (C)
1980—Browns, 17-14 (C) Browns, 28-21 (P) Steelers, 28-9 (P)
1981—Jets, 14-13 (C) 1960—Browns, 41-24 (P) 1971—Browns, 27-17 (C)
1983—Browns, 10-7 (C) Eagles, 31-29 (C) Steelers, 26-9 (P)
1984—Jets, 24-20 (C) 1961—Eagles, 27-20 (P) 1972—Browns, 26-24 (C)
1985—Jets, 37-10 (NY) Browns, 45-24 (C) Steelers, 30-0 (P)
1986—*Browns, 23-20 (C) OT 1962—Eagles, 35-7 (P) 1973—Steelers, 33-6 (P)
1988—Jets, 23-3 (C) Tie, 14-14 (C) Browns, 21-16 (C)
1989—Browns, 38-24 (C) 1963—Browns, 37-7 (C) 1974—Steelers, 20-16 (P)
1990—Jets, 24-21 (NY) Browns, 23-17 (P) Steelers, 26-16 (C)
1991—Jets, 17-14 (C) 1964—Browns, 28-20 (P) 1975—Steelers, 42-6 (C)
1994—Browns, 27-7 (C) Browns, 38-24 (C) Steelers, 31-17 (P)
2002—Browns, 24-21 (NY) 1965—Browns, 35-17 (P) 1976—Steelers, 31-14 (P)
2004—Jets, 10-7 (C) Browns, 38-34 (C) Browns, 18-16 (C)
2006—Browns, 20-13 (C) 1966—Browns, 27-7 (C) 1977—Steelers, 28-14 (C)
2007—Browns, 24-18 (NY) Eagles, 33-21 (P) Steelers, 35-31 (P)
2010—Jets, 26-20 (NY) OT 1967—Eagles, 28-24 (P) 1978—Steelers, 15-9 (P) OT
2013—Jets, 24-13 (NY) 1968—Browns, 47-13 (C) Steelers, 34-14 (C)
2015—Jets, 31-10 (NY) 1969—Browns, 27-20 (P) 1979—Steelers, 51-35 (C)
(RS Pts.—Browns 448, Jets 438) 1972—Browns, 27-17 (P) Steelers, 33-30 (P) OT
(PS Pts.—Browns 23, Jets 20) 1976—Browns, 24-3 (C) 1980—Browns, 27-26 (C)
*AFC Divisional Playoff 1979—Browns, 24-19 (P) Steelers, 16-13 (P)
CLEVELAND vs. *OAKLAND 1982—Eagles, 24-21 (C) 1981—Steelers, 13-7 (P)
RS: Raiders lead series, 12-10 1988—Browns, 19-3 (C) Steelers, 32-10 (C)
PS: Raiders lead series, 2-0 1991—Eagles, 32-30 (C) 1982—Browns, 10-9 (C)
1970—Raiders, 23-20 (O) 1994—Browns, 26-7 (P) Steelers, 37-21 (P)
1971—Raiders, 34-20 (C) 2000—Eagles, 35-24 (C) 1983—Steelers, 44-17 (P)
1973—Browns, 7-3 (O) 2004—Eagles, 34-31 (C) OT Browns, 30-17 (C)
1974—Raiders, 40-24 (C) 2008—Eagles, 30-10 (P) 1984—Browns, 20-10 (C)
1975—Raiders, 38-17 (O) 2012—Eagles, 17-16 (C) Steelers, 23-20 (P)
1977—Raiders, 26-10 (C) (RS Pts.—Browns 1,201, Eagles 901) 1985—Browns, 17-7 (C)
1979—Raiders, 19-14 (O) CLEVELAND vs. PITTSBURGH Steelers, 10-9 (P)
1980—**Raiders, 14-12 (C) RS: Steelers lead series, 68-58 1986—Browns, 27-24 (P)
1982—***Raiders, 27-10 (LA) PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0 Browns, 37-31 (C) OT
1985—Raiders, 21-20 (C) 1950—Browns, 30-17 (P) 1987—Browns, 34-10 (C)
1986—Raiders, 27-14 (LA) Browns, 45-7 (C) Browns, 19-13 (P)
1987—Browns, 24-17 (LA) 1951—Browns, 17-0 (C) 1988—Browns, 23-9 (P)
1992—Browns, 28-16 (LA) Browns, 28-0 (P) Browns, 27-7 (C)
1993—Browns, 19-16 (LA) 1952—Browns, 21-20 (P) 1989—Browns, 51-0 (P)
2000—Raiders, 36-10 (O) Browns, 29-28 (C) Steelers, 17-7 (C)
2003—Browns, 13-7 (C) 1953—Browns, 34-16 (C) 1990—Browns, 13-3 (C)
2005—Browns, 9-7 (O) Browns, 20-16 (P) Steelers, 35-0 (P)
2006—Browns, 24-21 (O) 1954—Steelers, 55-27 (P) 1991—Browns, 17-14 (C)
2007—Raiders, 26-24 (O) Browns, 42-7 (C) Steelers, 17-10 (P)
2009—Browns, 23-9 (C) 1955—Browns, 41-14 (C) 1992—Browns, 17-9 (C)
2011—Raiders, 24-17 (O) Browns, 30-7 (P) Steelers, 23-13 (P)
2012—Browns, 20-17 (O) 1956—Browns, 14-10 (P) 1993—Browns, 28-23 (C)
2014—Browns, 23-13 (C) Steelers, 24-16 (C) Steelers, 16-9 (P)
2015—Raiders, 27-20 (C) 1957—Browns, 23-12 (P) 1994—Steelers, 17-10 (C)
(RS Pts.—Raiders 467, Browns 400) Browns, 24-0 (C) Steelers, 17-7 (P)
(PS Pts.—Raiders 41, Browns 22) 1958—Browns, 45-12 (P) *Steelers, 29-9 (P)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 Browns, 27-10 (C) 1995—Steelers, 20-3 (P)
**AFC Divisional Playoff 1959—Steelers, 17-7 (P) Steelers, 20-17 (C)
***AFC First-Round Playoff Steelers, 21-20 (C) 1999—Steelers, 43-0 (C)
CLEVELAND vs. PHILADELPHIA 1960—Browns, 28-20 (C) Browns, 16-15 (P)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 433

2000—Browns, 23-20 (C) 1974—Browns, 7-0 (C) Oilers, 34-27 (H)
Steelers, 22-0 (P) 1978—Browns, 24-7 (C) 1984—Browns, 27-10 (C)
2001—Steelers, 15-12 (C) OT 1981—Browns, 15-12 (SF) Browns, 27-20 (H)
Steelers, 28-7 (P) 1984—49ers, 41-7 (C) 1985—Browns, 21-6 (H)
2002—Steelers, 16-13 (P) OT 1987—49ers, 38-24 (SF) Browns, 28-21 (C)
Steelers, 23-20 (C) 1990—49ers, 20-17 (SF) 1986—Browns, 23-20 (H)
**Steelers, 36-33 (P) 1993—Browns, 23-13 (C) Browns, 13-10 (C) OT
2003—Browns, 33-13 (P) 2003—Browns, 13-12 (SF) 1987—Oilers, 15-10 (C)
Steelers, 13-6 (C) 2007—Browns, 20-7 (C) Browns, 40-7 (H)
2004—Steelers, 34-23 (P) 2011—49ers, 20-10 (SF) 1988—Oilers, 24-17 (H)
Steelers, 24-10 (C) 2015—Browns, 24-10 (C) Browns, 28-23 (C)
2005—Steelers, 34-21 (P) (RS Pts.—Browns 386, 49ers 328) **Oilers, 24-23 (C)
Steelers, 41-0 (C) CLEVELAND vs. SEATTLE 1989—Browns, 28-17 (C)
2006—Steelers, 24-20 (C) RS: Seahawks lead series, 12-6 Browns, 24-20 (H)
Steelers, 27-7 (P) 1977—Seahawks, 20-19 (S) 1990—Oilers, 35-23 (C)
2007—Steelers, 34-7 (C) 1978—Seahawks, 47-24 (S) Oilers, 58-14 (H)
Steelers, 31-28 (P) 1979—Seahawks, 29-24 (C) 1991—Oilers, 28-24 (H)
2008—Steelers, 10-6 (C) 1980—Browns, 27-3 (S) Oilers, 17-14 (C)
Steelers, 31-0 (P) 1981—Seahawks, 42-21 (S) 1992—Browns, 24-14 (H)
2009—Steelers, 27-14 (P) 1982—Browns, 21-7 (S) Oilers, 17-14 (C)
Browns, 13-6 (C) 1983—Seahawks, 24-9 (C) 1993—Oilers, 27-20 (C)
2010—Steelers, 28-10 (P) 1984—Seahawks, 33-0 (S) Oilers, 19-17 (H)
Steelers, 41-9 (C) 1985—Seahawks, 31-13 (S) 1994—Browns, 11-8 (H)
2011—Steelers, 14-3 (P) 1988—Seahawks, 16-10 (C) Browns, 34-10 (C)
Steelers, 13-9 (C) 1989—Browns, 17-7 (S) 1995—Browns, 14-7 (H)
2012—Browns, 20-14 (C) 1993—Seahawks, 22-5 (S) Oilers, 37-10 (C)
Steelers, 24-10 (P) 1994—Browns, 35-9 (C) 1999—Titans, 26-9 (T)
2013—Steelers, 27-11 (C) 2001—Seahawks, 9-6 (C) Titans, 33-21 (C)
Steelers, 20-7 (P) 2003—Seahawks, 34-7 (S) 2000—Titans, 24-10 (T)
2014—Steelers, 30-27 (P) 2007—Browns, 33-30 (C) OT Titans, 24-0 (C)
Browns, 31-10 (C) 2011—Browns, 6-3 (C) 2001—Titans, 31-15 (C)
2015—Steelers, 30-9 (P) 2015—Seahawks, 30-13 (S) Browns, 41-38 (T)
Steelers, 28-12 (C) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 396, Browns 290) 2002—Browns, 31-28 (T) OT
(RS Pts.—Steelers 2,566, Browns 2,426) CLEVELAND vs. TAMPA BAY 2005—Browns, 20-14 (C)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 65, Browns 42) RS: Browns lead series, 6-3 2008—Titans, 28-9 (T)
*AFC Divisional Playoff 1976—Browns, 24-7 (TB) 2011—Titans, 31-13 (C)
**AFC First-Round Playoff 1980—Browns, 34-27 (TB) 2014—Browns, 29-28 (T)
CLEVELAND vs. SAN DIEGO 1983—Browns, 20-0 (C) 2015—Browns, 28-14 (C)
RS: Chargers lead series, 15-8-1 1989—Browns, 42-31 (TB) (RS Pts.—Browns 1,252, Titans 1,226)
1970—Chargers, 27-10 (C) 1995—Browns, 22-6 (C) (PS Pts.—Titans 24, Browns 23)
1972—Browns, 21-17 (SD) 2002—Buccaneers 17-3 (TB) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1973—Tie, 16-16 (C) 2006—Buccaneers, 22-7 (C) known as Oilers prior to 1999
1974—Chargers, 36-35 (SD) 2010—Buccaneers, 17-14 (TB) **AFC First-Round Playoff
1976—Browns, 21-17 (C) 2014—Browns, 22-17 (C) CLEVELAND vs. WASHINGTON
1977—Chargers, 37-14 (SD) (RS Pts.—Browns 188, Buccaneers 144) RS: Browns lead series, 33-11-1
1981—Chargers, 44-14 (C) CLEVELAND vs. *TENNESSEE 1950—Browns, 20-14 (C)
1982—Chargers, 30-13 (C) RS: Browns lead series, 35-28 Browns, 45-21 (W)
1983—Browns, 30-24 (SD) OT PS: Titans lead series, 1-0 1951—Browns, 45-0 (C)
1985—Browns, 21-7 (SD) 1970—Browns, 28-14 (C) 1952—Browns, 19-15 (C)
1986—Browns, 47-17 (C) Browns, 21-10 (H) Browns, 48-24 (W)
1987—Chargers, 27-24 (SD) OT 1971—Browns, 31-0 (C) 1953—Browns, 30-14 (W)
1990—Chargers, 24-14 (C) Browns, 37-24 (H) Browns, 27-3 (C)
1991—Browns, 30-24 (SD) OT 1972—Browns, 23-17 (H) 1954—Browns, 62-3 (C)
1992—Chargers, 14-13 (C) Browns, 20-0 (C) Browns, 34-14 (W)
1995—Chargers, 31-13 (SD) 1973—Browns, 42-13 (C) 1955—Redskins, 27-17 (C)
1999—Chargers, 23-10 (SD) Browns, 23-13 (H) Browns, 24-14 (W)
2001—Browns, 20-16 (C) 1974—Browns, 20-7 (C) 1956—Redskins, 20-9 (W)
2003—Chargers, 26-20 (C) Oilers, 28-24 (H) Redskins, 20-17 (C)
2004—Chargers, 21-0 (C) 1975—Oilers, 40-10 (C) 1957—Browns, 21-17 (C)
2006—Chargers, 32-25 (SD) Oilers, 21-10 (H) Tie, 30-30 (W)
2009—Chargers, 30-23 (C) 1976—Browns, 21-7 (H) 1958—Browns, 20-10 (W)
2012—Browns, 7-6 (C) Browns, 13-10 (C) Browns, 21-14 (C)
2015—Chargers, 30-27 (SD) 1977—Browns, 24-23 (H) 1959—Browns, 34-7 (C)
(RS Pts.—Chargers 576, Browns 468) Oilers, 19-15 (C) Browns, 31-17 (W)
CLEVELAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1978—Oilers, 16-13 (C) 1960—Browns, 31-10 (W)
RS: Browns lead series, 12-7 Oilers, 14-10 (H) Browns, 27-16 (C)
1950—Browns, 34-14 (C) 1979—Oilers, 31-10 (H) 1961—Browns, 31-7 (C)
1951—49ers, 24-10 (SF) Browns, 14-7 (C) Browns, 17-6 (W)
1953—Browns, 23-21 (C) 1980—Oilers, 16-7 (C) 1962—Redskins, 17-16 (C)
1955—Browns, 38-3 (SF) Browns, 17-14 (H) Redskins, 17-9 (W)
1959—49ers, 21-20 (C) 1981—Oilers, 9-3 (C) 1963—Browns, 37-14 (C)
1962—Browns, 13-10 (SF) Oilers, 17-13 (H) Browns, 27-20 (W)
1968—Browns, 33-21 (SF) 1982—Browns, 20-14 (H) 1964—Browns, 27-13 (W)
1970—49ers, 34-31 (SF) 1983—Browns, 25-19 (C) OT Browns, 34-24 (C)

434 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1965—Browns, 17-7 (W) 1975—Cowboys, 36-10 (Det) DALLAS vs. *INDIANAPOLIS
Browns, 24-16 (C) 1977—Cowboys, 37-0 (Dal) RS: Cowboys lead series, 10-5
1966—Browns, 38-14 (W) 1981—Lions, 27-24 (Det) PS: Colts lead series, 1-0
Browns, 14-3 (C) 1985—Lions, 26-21 (Det) 1960—Colts, 45-7 (D)
1967—Browns, 42-37 (C) 1986—Cowboys, 31-7 (Det) 1967—Colts, 23-17 (B)
1968—Browns, 24-21 (W) 1987—Lions, 27-17 (Det) 1969—Cowboys, 27-10 (D)
1969—Browns, 27-23 (C) 1991—Lions, 34-10 (Det) 1970—**Colts, 16-13 (Miami)
1971—Browns, 20-13 (W) *Lions, 38-6 (Det) 1972—Cowboys, 21-0 (B)
1975—Redskins, 23-7 (C) 1992—Cowboys, 37-3 (Det) 1976—Cowboys, 30-27 (D)
1979—Redskins, 13-9 (C) 1994—Lions, 20-17 (Dal) OT 1978—Cowboys, 38-0 (D)
1985—Redskins, 14-7 (C) 2001—Lions, 15-10 (Det) 1981—Cowboys, 37-13 (B)
1988—Browns, 17-13 (W) 2002—Lions, 9-7 (Det) 1984—Cowboys, 22-3 (D)
1991—Redskins, 42-17 (W) 2003—Cowboys, 38-7 (Det) 1993—Cowboys, 27-3 (I)
2004—Browns, 17-13 (C) 2004—Cowboys, 31-21 (Dal) 1996—Colts, 25-24 (D)
2008—Redskins, 14-11 (W) 2005—Cowboys, 20-7 (Dal) 1999—Colts, 34-24 (I)
2012—Redskins, 38-21 (C) 2006—Lions, 39-31 (Dal) 2002—Colts, 20-3 (I)
(RS Pts.—Browns 1,122, Redskins 732) 2007—Cowboys, 28-27 (Det) 2006—Cowboys, 21-14 (D)
2010—Cowboys, 35-19 (Dal) 2010—Cowboys, 38-35 (I) OT
DALLAS vs. ARIZONA 2011—Lions, 34-30 (Dal) 2014—Cowboys, 42-7 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 55-31-1 2013—Lions, 31-30 (Det) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 378, Colts 259)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 1-0; 2014—**Cowboys, 24-20 (Dal) (PS Pts.—Colts 16, Cowboys 13)
See Arizona vs. Dallas (RS Pts.—Cowboys 608, Lions 437) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
DALLAS vs. ATLANTA (PS Pts.—Lions 58, Cowboys 35) **Super Bowl V
RS: Cowboys lead series, 14-10 *NFC Divisional Playoff DALLAS vs. JACKSONVILLE
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0; **NFC First-Round Playoff RS: Series tied, 3-3
See Atlanta vs. Dallas DALLAS vs. GREEN BAY 1997—Cowboys, 26-22 (D)
DALLAS vs. BALTIMORE RS: Packers lead series, 14-12 2000—Jaguars, 23-17 (D) OT
RS: Ravens lead series, 4-0; PS: Cowboys lead series, 4-3 2002—Cowboys, 21-19 (D)
See Baltimore vs. Dallas 1960—Packers, 41-7 (GB) 2006—Jaguars, 24-17 (J)
DALLAS vs. BUFFALO 1964—Packers, 45-21 (D) 2010—Jaguars, 35-17 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4 1965—Packers, 13-3 (Mil) 2014—Cowboys, 31-17 (London)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0; 1966—*Packers, 34-27 (D) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 140, Cowboys 129)
See Buffalo vs. Dallas 1967—*Packers, 21-17 (GB) DALLAS vs. KANSAS CITY
DALLAS vs. CAROLINA 1968—Packers, 28-17 (D) RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4
RS: Cowboys lead series, 9-2 1970—Cowboys, 16-3 (D) 1970—Cowboys, 27-16 (KC)
PS: Panthers lead series, 2-0; 1972—Packers, 16-13 (Mil) 1975—Chiefs, 34-31 (D)
See Carolina vs. Dallas 1975—Packers, 19-17 (D) 1983—Cowboys, 41-21 (D)
DALLAS vs. CHICAGO 1978—Cowboys, 42-14 (Mil) 1989—Chiefs, 36-28 (KC)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 12-11 1980—Cowboys, 28-7 (Mil) 1992—Cowboys, 17-10 (D)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0; 1982—**Cowboys, 37-26 (D) 1995—Cowboys, 24-12 (D)
See Chicago vs. Dallas 1984—Cowboys, 20-6 (D) 1998—Chiefs, 20-17 (KC)
DALLAS vs. CINCINNATI 1989—Packers, 31-13 (GB) 2005—Cowboys, 31-28 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-4; Packers, 20-10 (D) 2009—Cowboys, 26-20 (KC) OT
See Cincinnati vs. Dallas 1991—Cowboys, 20-17 (Mil) 2013—Chiefs, 17-16 (KC)
DALLAS vs. CLEVELAND 1993—Cowboys, 36-14 (D) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 258, Chiefs 214)
RS: Browns lead series, 15-12 ***Cowboys, 27-17 (D) DALLAS vs. *LOS ANGELES
PS: Browns lead series, 2-1; 1994—Cowboys, 42-31 (D) RS: Cowboys lead series, 13-11
See Cleveland vs. Dallas ***Cowboys, 35-9 (D) PS: Series tied, 4-4
DALLAS vs. DENVER 1995—Cowboys, 34-24 (D) 1960—Rams, 38-13 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-4 ****Cowboys, 38-27 (D) 1962—Cowboys, 27-17 (LA)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 1-0 1996—Cowboys, 21-6 (D) 1967—Rams, 35-13 (D)
1973—Cowboys, 22-10 (Den) 1997—Packers, 45-17 (GB) 1969—Rams, 24-23 (LA)
1977—Cowboys, 14-6 (Dal) 1999—Cowboys, 27-13 (D) 1971—Cowboys, 28-21 (D)
*Cowboys, 27-10 (New Orleans) 2004—Packers, 41-20 (GB) 1973—Rams, 37-31 (LA)
1980—Broncos, 41-20 (Den) 2007—Cowboys, 37-27 (D) **Cowboys, 27-16 (D)
1986—Broncos, 29-14 (Den) 2008—Cowboys, 27-16 (GB) 1975—Cowboys, 18-7 (D)
1992—Cowboys, 31-27 (Den) 2009—Packers, 17-7 (GB) ***Cowboys, 37-7 (LA)
1995—Cowboys, 31-21 (Dal) 2010—Packers, 45-7 (GB) 1976—**Rams, 14-12 (D)
1998—Broncos, 42-23 (Den) 2013—Packers, 37-36 (D) 1978—Rams, 27-14 (LA)
2001—Broncos, 26-24 (Dal) 2014—***Packers, 26-21 (GB) ***Cowboys, 28-0 (LA)
2005—Broncos, 24-21 (Dal) OT 2015—Packers, 28-7 (GB) 1979—Cowboys, 30-6 (D)
2009—Broncos, 17-10 (Den) (RS Pts.—Packers 604, Cowboys 545) **Rams, 21-19 (D)
2013—Broncos, 51-48 (Dal) (PS Pts.—Cowboys 202, Packers 160) 1980—Rams, 38-14 (LA)
(RS Pts.—Broncos 294, Cowboys 258) *NFL Championship ****Cowboys, 34-13 (D)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 27, Broncos 10) **NFC Second-Round Playoff 1981—Cowboys, 29-17 (D)
*Super Bowl XII ***NFC Divisional Playoff 1983—****Rams, 24-17 (D)
DALLAS vs. DETROIT ****NFC Championship 1984—Cowboys, 20-13 (LA)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 12-11 DALLAS vs. HOUSTON 1985—**Rams, 20-0 (LA)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-1 RS: Cowboys lead series, 3-1 1986—Rams, 29-10 (LA)
1960—Lions, 23-14 (Det) 2002—Texans, 19-10 (H) 1987—Cowboys, 29-21 (LA)
1963—Cowboys, 17-14 (Dal) 2006—Cowboys, 34-6 (D) 1989—Rams, 35-31 (D)
1968—Cowboys, 59-13 (Dal) 2010—Cowboys, 27-13 (H) 1990—Cowboys, 24-21 (LA)
1970—*Cowboys, 5-0 (Dal) 2014—Cowboys, 20-17 (D) 1992—Rams, 27-23 (D)
1972—Cowboys, 28-24 (Dal) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 91, Texans 55) 2002—Cowboys, 13-10 (StL)

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2005—Rams, 20-10 (D) 1981—Cowboys, 35-21 (NE) Cowboys, 9-3 (D)
2007—Cowboys, 35-7 (D) 1984—Cowboys, 20-17 (D) 1977—Cowboys, 41-21 (D)
2008—Rams, 34-14 (StL) 1987—Cowboys, 23-17 (NE) OT Cowboys, 24-10 (NY)
2011—Cowboys, 34-7 (D) 1996—Cowboys, 12-6 (D) 1978—Cowboys, 34-24 (NY)
2013—Cowboys, 31-7 (D) 1999—Patriots, 13-6 (NE) Cowboys, 24-3 (D)
2014—Cowboys, 34-31 (StL) 2003—Patriots, 12-0 (NE) 1979—Cowboys, 16-14 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 548, Rams 529) 2007—Patriots, 48-27 (D) Cowboys, 28-7 (D)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 174, Rams 115) 2011—Patriots, 20-16 (NE) 1980—Cowboys, 24-3 (D)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 2015—Patriots, 30-6 (D) Giants, 38-35 (NY)
**NFC Divisional Playoff (RS Pts.—Patriots 246, Cowboys 240) 1981—Cowboys, 18-10 (D)
***NFC Championship DALLAS vs. NEW ORLEANS Giants, 13-10 (NY) OT
****NFC First-Round Playoff RS: Cowboys lead series, 16-12 1983—Cowboys, 28-13 (D)
DALLAS vs. MIAMI 1967—Cowboys, 14-10 (D) Cowboys, 38-20 (NY)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-6 Cowboys, 27-10 (NO) 1984—Giants, 28-7 (NY)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 1-0 1968—Cowboys, 17-3 (NO) Giants, 19-7 (D)
1971—*Cowboys, 24-3 (New Orleans) 1969—Cowboys, 21-17 (NO) 1985—Cowboys, 30-29 (NY)
1973—Dolphins, 14-7 (D) Cowboys, 33-17 (D) Cowboys, 28-21 (D)
1978—Dolphins, 23-16 (M) 1971—Saints, 24-14 (NO) 1986—Cowboys, 31-28 (D)
1981—Cowboys, 28-27 (D) 1973—Cowboys, 40-3 (D) Giants, 17-14 (NY)
1984—Dolphins, 28-21 (M) 1976—Cowboys, 24-6 (NO) 1987—Cowboys, 16-14 (NY)
1987—Dolphins, 20-14 (D) 1978—Cowboys, 27-7 (D) Cowboys, 33-24 (D)
1989—Dolphins, 17-14 (D) 1982—Cowboys, 21-7 (D) 1988—Giants, 12-10 (D)
1993—Dolphins, 16-14 (D) 1983—Cowboys, 21-20 (D) Giants, 29-21 (NY)
1996—Cowboys, 29-10 (M) 1984—Cowboys, 30-27 (D) OT 1989—Giants, 30-13 (D)
1999—Cowboys, 20-0 (D) 1988—Saints, 20-17 (NO) Giants, 15-0 (NY)
2003—Dolphins, 40-21 (D) 1989—Saints, 28-0 (NO) 1990—Giants, 28-7 (D)
2007—Cowboys, 37-20 (M) 1990—Cowboys, 17-13 (D) Giants, 31-17 (NY)
2011—Cowboys, 20-19 (D) 1991—Cowboys, 23-14 (D) 1991—Cowboys, 21-16 (D)
2015—Cowboys, 24-14 (M) 1994—Cowboys, 24-16 (NO) Giants, 22-9 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 265, Dolphins 248) 1998—Saints, 22-3 (NO) 1992—Cowboys, 34-28 (NY)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 24, Dolphins 3) 1999—Saints, 31-24 (NO) Cowboys, 30-3 (D)
*Super Bowl VI 2003—Saints, 13-7 (NO) 1993—Cowboys, 31-9 (D)
DALLAS vs. MINNESOTA 2004—Saints, 27-13 (D) Cowboys, 16-13 (NY) OT
RS: Series tied, 11-11 2006—Saints, 42-17 (D) 1994—Cowboys, 38-10 (D)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 4-3 2009—Cowboys, 24-17 (NO) Giants, 15-10 (NY)
1961—Cowboys, 21-7 (D) 2010—Saints, 30-27 (D) 1995—Cowboys, 35-0 (NY)
Cowboys, 28-0 (M) 2012—Saints, 34-31 (D) OT Cowboys, 21-20 (D)
1966—Cowboys, 28-17 (D) 2013—Saints, 49-17 (NO) 1996—Cowboys, 27-0 (D)
1968—Cowboys, 20-7 (M) 2014—Cowboys, 38-17 (D) Giants, 20-6 (NY)
1970—Vikings, 54-13 (M) 2015—Saints, 26-20 (NO) OT 1997—Giants, 20-17 (NY)
1971—*Cowboys, 20-12 (M) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 591, Saints 550) Giants, 20-7 (D)
1973—**Vikings, 27-10 (D) DALLAS vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1998—Cowboys, 31-7 (NY)
1974—Vikings, 23-21 (D) RS: Cowboys lead series, 62-43-2 Cowboys, 16-6 (D)
1975—*Cowboys, 17-14 (M) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0 1999—Giants, 13-10 (NY)
1977—Cowboys, 16-10 (M) OT 1960—Tie, 31-31 (NY) Cowboys, 26-18 (D)
**Cowboys, 23-6 (D) 1961—Giants, 31-10 (D) 2000—Giants, 19-14 (NY)
1978—Vikings, 21-10 (D) Cowboys, 17-16 (NY) Giants, 17-13 (D)
1979—Cowboys, 36-20 (M) 1962—Giants, 41-10 (D) 2001—Giants, 27-24 (NY) OT
1982—Vikings, 31-27 (M) Giants, 41-31 (NY) Cowboys, 20-13 (D)
1983—Cowboys, 37-24 (M) 1963—Giants, 37-21 (NY) 2002—Giants, 21-17 (D)
1987—Vikings, 44-38 (D) OT Giants, 34-27 (D) Giants, 37-7 (NY)
1988—Vikings, 43-3 (D) 1964—Tie, 13-13 (D) 2003—Cowboys, 35-32 (NY) OT
1993—Cowboys, 37-20 (M) Cowboys, 31-21 (NY) Cowboys, 19-3 (D)
1995—Cowboys, 23-17 (M) OT 1965—Cowboys, 31-2 (D) 2004—Giants, 26-10 (D)
1996—***Cowboys, 40-15 (D) Cowboys, 38-20 (NY) Giants, 28-24 (NY)
1998—Vikings, 46-36 (D) 1966—Cowboys, 52-7 (D) 2005—Cowboys, 16-13 (D) OT
1999—Vikings, 27-17 (M) Cowboys, 17-7 (NY) Giants, 17-10 (NY)
***Vikings, 27-10 (M) 1967—Cowboys, 38-24 (D) 2006—Giants, 36-22 (D)
2000—Vikings, 27-15 (D) 1968—Giants, 27-21 (D) Cowboys, 23-20 (NY)
2004—Vikings, 35-17 (M) Cowboys, 28-10 (NY) 2007—Cowboys, 45-35 (D)
2007—Cowboys, 24-14 (D) 1969—Cowboys, 25-3 (D) Cowboys, 31-20 (NY)
2009—*Vikings, 34-3 (M) 1970—Cowboys, 28-10 (D) *Giants, 21-17 (D)
2010—Vikings, 24-21 (M) Giants, 23-20 (NY) 2008—Giants, 35-14 (NY)
2013—Cowboys, 27-23 (D) 1971—Cowboys, 20-13 (D) Cowboys, 20-8 (D)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 534, Cowboys 515) Cowboys, 42-14 (NY) 2009—Giants, 33-31 (D)
(PS Pts.—Vikings 135, Cowboys 123) 1972—Cowboys, 23-14 (NY) Giants, 31-24 (NY)
*NFC Divisional Playoff Giants, 23-3 (D) 2010—Giants, 41-35 (D)
**NFC Championship 1973—Cowboys, 45-28 (D) Cowboys, 33-20 (NY)
***NFC First-Round Playoff Cowboys, 23-10 (New Haven) 2011—Giants, 37-34 (D)
DALLAS vs. NEW ENGLAND 1974—Giants, 14-6 (D) Giants, 31-14 (NY)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-5 Cowboys, 21-7 (New Haven) 2012—Cowboys, 24-17 (NY)
1971—Cowboys, 44-21 (D) 1975—Cowboys, 13-7 (NY) Giants, 29-24 (D)
1975—Cowboys, 34-31 (NE) Cowboys, 14-3 (D) 2013—Cowboys, 36-31 (D)
1978—Cowboys, 17-10 (D) 1976—Cowboys, 24-14 (NY) Cowboys, 24-21 (NY)

436 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2014—Cowboys, 31-21 (D) 1978—Cowboys, 14-7 (D) Eagles, 24-22 (D)
Cowboys, 31-28 (NY) Cowboys, 31-13 (P) 2014—Eagles, 33-10 (D)
2015—Cowboys, 27-26 (D) 1979—Eagles, 31-21 (D) Cowboys, 38-27 (P)
Giants, 27-20 (NY) Cowboys, 24-17 (P) 2015—Cowboys, 20-10 (P)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 2,423, Giants 2,089) 1980—Eagles, 17-10 (P) Eagles, 33-27 (D) OT
(PS Pts.—Giants 21, Cowboys 17) Cowboys, 35-27 (D) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 2,386, Eagles 2,187)
*NFC Divisional Playoff *Eagles, 20-7 (P) (PS Pts.—Cowboys 105, Eagles 55)
DALLAS vs. N.Y. JETS 1981—Cowboys, 17-14 (P) *NFC Championship
RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-4 Cowboys, 21-10 (D) **NFC Divisional Playoff
1971—Cowboys, 52-10 (D) 1982—Eagles, 24-20 (D) ***NFC First-Round Playoff
1975—Cowboys, 31-21 (NY) 1983—Cowboys, 37-7 (D) DALLAS vs. PITTSBURGH
1978—Cowboys, 30-7 (NY) Cowboys, 27-20 (P) RS: Cowboys lead series, 15-13
1987—Cowboys, 38-24 (NY) 1984—Cowboys, 23-17 (D) PS: Steelers lead series, 2-1
1990—Jets, 24-9 (NY) Cowboys, 26-10 (P) 1960—Steelers, 35-28 (D)
1993—Cowboys, 28-7 (NY) 1985—Eagles, 16-14 (P) 1961—Cowboys, 27-24 (D)
1999—Jets, 22-21 (D) Cowboys, 34-17 (D) Steelers, 37-7 (P)
2003—Cowboys, 17-6 (NY) 1986—Cowboys, 17-14 (P) 1962—Steelers, 30-28 (D)
2007—Cowboys, 34-3 (D) Eagles, 23-21 (D) Cowboys, 42-27 (P)
2011—Jets, 27-24 (NY) 1987—Cowboys, 41-22 (D) 1963—Steelers, 27-21 (P)
2015—Jets, 19-16 (D) Eagles, 37-20 (P) Steelers, 24-19 (D)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 300, Jets 170) 1988—Eagles, 24-23 (P) 1964—Steelers, 23-17 (P)
DALLAS vs. *OAKLAND Eagles, 23-7 (D) Cowboys, 17-14 (D)
RS: Raiders lead series, 6-5 1989—Eagles, 27-0 (D) 1965—Steelers, 22-13 (P)
1974—Raiders, 27-23 (O) Eagles, 20-10 (P) Cowboys, 24-17 (D)
1980—Cowboys, 19-13 (O) 1990—Eagles, 21-20 (D) 1966—Cowboys, 52-21 (D)
1983—Raiders, 40-38 (D) Eagles, 17-3 (P) Cowboys, 20-7 (P)
1986—Raiders, 17-13 (D) 1991—Eagles, 24-0 (D) 1967—Cowboys, 24-21 (P)
1992—Cowboys, 28-13 (LA) Cowboys, 25-13 (P) 1968—Cowboys, 28-7 (D)
1995—Cowboys, 34-21 (O) 1992—Eagles, 31-7 (P) 1969—Cowboys, 10-7 (P)
1998—Raiders, 13-12 (D) Cowboys, 20-10 (D) 1972—Cowboys, 17-13 (D)
2001—Raiders, 28-21 (O) **Cowboys, 34-10 (D) 1975—*Steelers, 21-17 (Miami)
2005—Raiders, 19-13 (O) 1993—Cowboys, 23-10 (P) 1977—Steelers, 28-13 (P)
2009—Cowboys, 24-7 (D) Cowboys, 23-17 (D) 1978—**Steelers, 35-31 (Miami)
2013—Cowboys, 31-24 (D) 1994—Cowboys, 24-13 (D) 1979—Steelers, 14-3 (P)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 256, Raiders 222) Cowboys, 31-19 (P) 1982—Steelers, 36-28 (D)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1995—Cowboys, 34-12 (D) 1985—Cowboys, 27-13 (D)
DALLAS vs. PHILADELPHIA Eagles, 20-17 (P) 1988—Steelers, 24-21 (P)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 61-49 **Cowboys, 30-11 (D) 1991—Cowboys, 20-10 (D)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 3-1 1996—Cowboys, 23-19 (P) 1994—Cowboys, 26-9 (P)
1960—Eagles, 27-25 (D) Eagles, 31-21 (D) 1995—***Cowboys, 27-17 (Tempe)
1961—Eagles, 43-7 (D) 1997—Cowboys, 21-20 (D) 1997—Cowboys, 37-7 (P)
Eagles, 35-13 (P) Eagles, 13-12 (P) 2004—Steelers, 24-20 (D)
1962—Cowboys, 41-19 (D) 1998—Cowboys, 34-0 (P) 2008—Steelers, 20-13 (P)
Eagles, 28-14 (P) Cowboys, 13-9 (D) 2012—Cowboys, 27-24 (D)
1963—Eagles, 24-21 (P) 1999—Eagles, 13-10 (P) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 629, Steelers 565)
Cowboys, 27-20 (D) Cowboys, 20-10 (D) (PS Pts.—Cowboys 75, Steelers 73)
1964—Eagles, 17-14 (D) 2000—Eagles, 41-14 (D) *Super Bowl X
Eagles, 24-14 (P) Eagles, 16-13 (P) OT **Super Bowl XIII
1965—Eagles, 35-24 (D) 2001—Eagles, 40-18 (P) ***Super Bowl XXX
Cowboys, 21-19 (P) Eagles, 36-3 (D) DALLAS vs. SAN DIEGO
1966—Cowboys, 56-7 (D) 2002—Eagles, 44-13 (P) RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4
Eagles, 24-23 (P) Eagles, 27-3 (D) 1972—Cowboys, 34-28 (SD)
1967—Eagles, 21-14 (P) 2003—Cowboys, 23-21 (D) 1980—Cowboys, 42-31 (D)
Cowboys, 38-17 (D) Eagles, 36-10 (P) 1983—Chargers, 24-23 (SD)
1968—Cowboys, 45-13 (P) 2004—Eagles, 49-21 (D) 1986—Cowboys, 24-21 (SD)
Cowboys, 34-14 (D) Eagles, 12-7 (P) 1990—Cowboys, 17-14 (D)
1969—Cowboys, 38-7 (P) 2005—Cowboys, 33-10 (D) 1995—Cowboys, 23-9 (SD)
Cowboys, 49-14 (D) Cowboys, 21-20 (P) 2001—Chargers, 32-21 (D)
1970—Cowboys, 17-7 (P) 2006—Eagles, 38-24 (P) 2005—Cowboys, 28-24 (SD)
Cowboys, 21-17 (D) Eagles, 23-7 (D) 2009—Chargers, 20-17 (D)
1971—Cowboys, 42-7 (P) 2007—Cowboys, 38-17 (P) 2013—Chargers, 30-21 (SD)
Cowboys, 20-7 (D) Eagles, 10-6 (D) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 250, Chargers 233)
1972—Cowboys, 28-6 (D) 2008—Cowboys, 41-37 (D) DALLAS vs. SAN FRANCISCO
Cowboys, 28-7 (P) Eagles, 44-6 (P) RS: 49ers lead series, 15-11-1
1973—Eagles, 30-16 (P) 2009—Cowboys, 20-16 (P) PS: Cowboys lead series, 5-2
Cowboys, 31-10 (D) Cowboys, 24-0 (D) 1960—49ers, 26-14 (D)
1974—Eagles, 13-10 (P) ***Cowboys, 34-14 (D) 1963—49ers, 31-24 (SF)
Cowboys, 31-24 (D) 2010—Eagles, 30-27 (D) 1965—Cowboys, 39-31 (D)
1975—Cowboys, 20-17 (P) Cowboys, 14-13 (P) 1967—49ers, 24-16 (SF)
Cowboys, 27-17 (D) 2011—Eagles, 34-7 (P) 1969—Tie, 24-24 (D)
1976—Cowboys, 27-7 (D) Eagles, 20-7 (D) 1970—*Cowboys, 17-10 (SF)
Cowboys, 26-7 (P) 2012—Cowboys, 38-23 (P) 1971—*Cowboys, 14-3 (D)
1977—Cowboys, 16-10 (P) Cowboys, 38-33 (D) 1972—49ers, 31-10 (D)
Cowboys, 24-14 (D) 2013—Cowboys, 17-3 (P) **Cowboys, 30-28 (SF)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 437

1974—Cowboys, 20-14 (D) *NFC Divisional Playoff 1985—Cowboys, 44-14 (D)
1977—Cowboys, 42-35 (SF) **NFC First-Round Playoff Cowboys, 13-7 (W)
1979—Cowboys, 21-13 (SF) DALLAS vs. *TENNESSEE 1986—Cowboys, 30-6 (D)
1980—Cowboys, 59-14 (D) RS: Cowboys lead series, 8-6 Redskins, 41-14 (W)
1981—49ers, 45-14 (SF) 1970—Cowboys, 52-10 (D) 1987—Redskins, 13-7 (D)
*49ers, 28-27 (SF) 1974—Cowboys, 10-0 (H) Redskins, 24-20 (W)
1983—49ers, 42-17 (SF) 1979—Oilers, 30-24 (D) 1988—Redskins, 35-17 (D)
1985—49ers, 31-16 (SF) 1982—Cowboys, 37-7 (H) Cowboys, 24-17 (W)
1989—49ers, 31-14 (D) 1985—Cowboys, 17-10 (H) 1989—Redskins, 30-7 (D)
1990—49ers, 24-6 (D) 1988—Oilers, 25-17 (D) Cowboys, 13-3 (W)
1992—*Cowboys, 30-20 (SF) 1991—Oilers, 26-23 (H) OT 1990—Redskins, 19-15 (W)
1993—Cowboys, 26-17 (D) 1994—Cowboys, 20-17 (D) Cowboys, 27-17 (D)
*Cowboys, 38-21 (D) 1997—Oilers, 27-14 (D) 1991—Redskins, 33-31 (D)
1994—49ers, 21-14 (SF) 2000—Titans, 31-0 (T) Cowboys, 24-21 (W)
*49ers, 38-28 (SF) 2002—Cowboys, 21-13 (D) 1992—Cowboys, 23-10 (D)
1995—49ers, 38-20 (D) 2006—Cowboys, 45-14 (T) Redskins, 20-17 (W)
1996—Cowboys, 20-17 (SF) OT 2010—Titans, 34-27 (D) 1993—Redskins, 35-16 (W)
1997—49ers, 17-10 (SF) 2014—Cowboys, 26-10 (T) Cowboys, 38-3 (D)
2000—49ers, 41-24 (D) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 333, Titans 254) 1994—Cowboys, 34-7 (W)
2001—Cowboys, 27-21 (D) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; Cowboys, 31-7 (D)
2002—49ers, 31-27 (D) known as Oilers prior to 1999 1995—Redskins, 27-23 (W)
2005—Cowboys, 34-31 (SF) DALLAS vs. WASHINGTON Redskins, 24-17 (D)
2008—Cowboys, 35-22 (D) RS: Cowboys lead series, 66-42-2 1996—Cowboys, 21-10 (D)
2011—Cowboys, 27-24 (SF) OT PS: Redskins lead series, 2-0 Redskins, 37-10 (W)
2014—49ers, 28-17 (D) 1960—Redskins, 26-14 (W) 1997—Redskins, 21-16 (W)
(RS Pts.—49ers 724, Cowboys 617) 1961—Tie, 28-28 (D) Cowboys, 17-14 (D)
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 184, 49ers 148) Redskins, 34-24 (W) 1998—Cowboys, 31-10 (W)
*NFC Championship 1962—Tie, 35-35 (D) Cowboys, 23-7 (D)
**NFC Divisional Playoff Cowboys, 38-10 (W) 1999—Cowboys, 41-35 (W) OT
DALLAS vs. SEATTLE 1963—Redskins, 21-17 (W) Cowboys, 38-20 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 10-6 Cowboys, 35-20 (D) 2000—Cowboys, 27-21 (W)
PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0 1964—Cowboys, 24-18 (D) Cowboys, 32-13 (D)
1976—Cowboys, 28-13 (S) Redskins, 28-16 (W) 2001—Cowboys, 9-7 (D)
1980—Cowboys, 51-7 (D) 1965—Cowboys, 27-7 (D) Cowboys, 20-14 (W)
1983—Cowboys, 35-10 (S) Redskins, 34-31 (W) 2002—Cowboys, 27-20 (D)
1986—Seahawks, 31-14 (D) 1966—Cowboys, 31-30 (W) Redskins, 20-14 (W)
1992—Cowboys, 27-0 (D) Redskins, 34-31 (D) 2003—Cowboys, 21-14 (D)
1998—Cowboys, 30-22 (D) 1967—Cowboys, 17-14 (W) Cowboys, 27-0 (W)
2001—Seahawks, 29-3 (S) Redskins, 27-20 (D) 2004—Cowboys, 21-18 (W)
2002—Seahawks, 17-14 (D) 1968—Cowboys, 44-24 (W) Cowboys, 13-10 (D)
2004—Cowboys, 43-39 (S) Cowboys, 29-20 (D) 2005—Redskins, 14-13 (D)
2005—Seahawks, 13-10 (S) 1969—Cowboys, 41-28 (W) Redskins, 35-7 (W)
2006—*Seahawks, 21-20 (S) Cowboys, 20-10 (D) 2006—Cowboys, 27-10 (D)
2008—Cowboys, 34-9 (D) 1970—Cowboys, 45-21 (W) Redskins, 22-19 (W)
2009—Cowboys, 38-17 (D) Cowboys, 34-0 (D) 2007—Cowboys, 28-23 (D)
2011—Cowboys, 23-13 (D) 1971—Redskins, 20-16 (D) Redskins, 27-6 (W)
2012—Seahawks, 27-7 (S) Cowboys, 13-0 (W) 2008—Redskins, 26-24 (D)
2014—Cowboys, 30-23 (S) 1972—Redskins, 24-20 (W) Cowboys, 14-10 (W)
2015—Seahawks, 13-12 (D) Cowboys, 34-24 (D) 2009—Cowboys, 7-6 (D)
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 399, Seahawks 283) *Redskins, 26-3 (W) Cowboys, 17-0 (W)
(PS Pts.—Seahawks 21, Cowboys 20) 1973—Redskins, 14-7 (W) 2010—Redskins, 13-7 (W)
*NFC First-Round Playoff Cowboys, 27-7 (D) Cowboys, 33-30 (D)
DALLAS vs. TAMPA BAY 1974—Redskins, 28-21 (W) 2011—Cowboys, 18-16 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 11-4 Cowboys, 24-23 (D) Cowboys, 27-24 (W) OT
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0 1975—Redskins, 30-24 (W) OT 2012—Redskins, 38-31 (D)
1977—Cowboys, 23-7 (D) Cowboys, 31-10 (D) Redskins, 28-18 (W)
1980—Cowboys, 28-17 (D) 1976—Cowboys, 20-7 (W) 2013—Cowboys, 31-16 (D)
1981—*Cowboys, 38-0 (D) Redskins, 27-14 (D) Cowboys, 24-23 (W)
1982—Cowboys, 14-9 (D) 1977—Cowboys, 34-16 (D) 2014—Redskins, 20-17 (D) OT
**Cowboys, 30-17 (D) Cowboys, 14-7 (W) Cowboys, 44-17 (W)
1983—Cowboys, 27-24 (D) OT 1978—Redskins, 9-5 (W) 2015—Cowboys, 19-16 (W)
1990—Cowboys, 14-10 (D) Cowboys, 37-10 (D) Redskins, 34-23 (D)
Cowboys, 17-13 (TB) 1979—Redskins, 34-20 (W) (RS Pts.—Cowboys 2,532, Redskins 2,113)
2000—Buccaneers, 27-7 (TB) Cowboys, 35-34 (D) (PS Pts.—Redskins 57, Cowboys 20)
2001—Buccaneers, 10-6 (D) 1980—Cowboys, 17-3 (W) *NFC Championship
2003—Buccaneers, 16-0 (TB) Cowboys, 14-10 (D)
2006—Cowboys, 38-10 (D) 1981—Cowboys, 26-10 (W) DENVER vs. ARIZONA
2008—Cowboys, 13-9 (D) Cowboys, 24-10 (D) RS: Broncos lead series, 8-1-1;
2009—Cowboys, 34-21 (TB) 1982—Cowboys, 24-10 (W) See Arizona vs. Denver
2011—Cowboys, 31-15 (TB) *Redskins, 31-17 (W) DENVER vs. ATLANTA
2012—Cowboys, 16-10 (D) 1983—Cowboys, 31-30 (W) RS: Broncos lead series, 8-5
2015—Buccaneers, 10-6 (TB) Redskins, 31-10 (D) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0;
(RS Pts.—Cowboys 274, Buccaneers 208) 1984—Redskins, 34-14 (W) See Atlanta vs. Denver
(PS Pts.—Cowboys 68, Buccaneers 17) Redskins, 30-28 (D) DENVER vs. BALTIMORE

438 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

RS: Broncos lead series, 6-5 1981—Broncos, 28-10 (D) 1973—Chiefs, 16-14 (KC)
PS: Ravens lead series, 2-0; 1983—Broncos, 17-10 (B) Broncos, 14-10 (D)
See Baltimore vs. Denver Broncos, 21-19 (D) 1974—Broncos, 17-14 (KC)
DENVER vs. BUFFALO 1985—Broncos, 15-10 (I) Chiefs, 42-34 (D)
RS: Bills lead series, 19-16-1 1988—Colts, 55-23 (I) 1975—Broncos, 37-33 (D)
PS: Bills lead series, 1-0; 1989—Broncos, 14-3 (D) Chiefs, 26-13 (KC)
See Buffalo vs. Denver 1990—Broncos, 27-17 (I) 1976—Broncos, 35-26 (KC)
DENVER vs. CAROLINA 1993—Broncos, 35-13 (D) Broncos, 17-16 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 3-1 2001—Colts, 29-10 (I) 1977—Broncos, 23-7 (D)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0; 2002—Colts, 23-20 (D) OT Broncos, 14-7 (KC)
See Carolina vs. Denver 2003—Broncos, 31-17 (I) 1978—Broncos, 23-17 (KC) OT
DENVER vs. CHICAGO **Colts, 41-10 (I) Broncos, 24-3 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 8-7; 2004—Broncos, 33-14 (D) 1979—Broncos, 24-10 (KC)
See Chicago vs. Denver **Colts, 49-24 (I) Broncos, 20-3 (D)
DENVER vs. CINCINNATI 2006—Colts, 34-31 (D) 1980—Chiefs, 23-17 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 20-9; 2007—Colts, 38-20 (I) Chiefs, 31-14 (KC)
See Cincinnati vs. Denver 2009—Colts, 28-16 (I) 1981—Chiefs, 28-14 (KC)
DENVER vs. CLEVELAND 2010—Colts, 27-13 (D) Broncos, 16-13 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 20-5 2013—Colts, 39-33 (I) 1982—Chiefs, 37-16 (D)
PS: Broncos lead series, 3-0; 2014—Broncos, 31-24 (D) 1983—Broncos, 27-24 (D)
See Cleveland vs. Denver ***Colts, 24-13 (D) Chiefs, 48-17 (KC)
DENVER vs. DALLAS 2015—Colts, 27-24 (I) 1984—Broncos, 21-0 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-4 (RS Pts.—Broncos 492, Colts 463) Chiefs, 16-13 (KC)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 1-0; (PS Pts.—Colts 114, Broncos 47) 1985—Broncos, 30-10 (KC)
See Dallas vs. Denver *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 Broncos, 14-13 (D)
DENVER vs. DETROIT **AFC First-Round Playoff 1986—Broncos, 38-17 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-5 ***AFC Divisional Playoff Chiefs, 37-10 (KC)
1971—Lions, 24-20 (Den) DENVER vs. JACKSONVILLE 1987—Broncos, 26-17 (KC)
1974—Broncos, 31-27 (Det) RS: Jaguars lead series, 5-4 Broncos, 20-17 (D)
1978—Lions, 17-14 (Det) PS: Series tied, 1-1 1988—Chiefs, 20-13 (KC)
1981—Broncos, 27-21 (Den) 1995—Broncos, 31-23 (D) Broncos, 17-11 (D)
1984—Broncos, 28-7 (Det) 1996—*Jaguars, 30-27 (D) 1989—Broncos, 34-20 (D)
1987—Broncos, 34-0 (Den) 1997—**Broncos, 42-17 (D) Broncos, 16-13 (KC)
1990—Lions, 40-27 (Det) 1998—Broncos, 37-24 (D) 1990—Broncos, 24-23 (D)
1999—Broncos, 17-7 (Det) 1999—Jaguars, 27-24 (J) Chiefs, 31-20 (KC)
2003—Broncos, 20-16 (Den) 2004—Jaguars, 7-6 (J) 1991—Broncos, 19-16 (D)
2007—Lions, 44-7 (Det) 2005—Broncos, 20-7 (J) Broncos, 24-20 (KC)
2011—Lions, 45-10 (Den) 2007—Jaguars, 23-14 (D) 1992—Broncos, 20-19 (D)
2015—Broncos, 24-12 (Det) 2008—Jaguars, 24-17 (D) Chiefs, 42-20 (KC)
(RS Pts.—Lions 260, Broncos 259) 2010—Jaguars, 24-17 (J) 1993—Chiefs, 15-7 (KC)
DENVER vs. GREEN BAY 2013—Broncos, 35-19 (D) Broncos, 27-21 (D)
RS: Series tied, 6-6-1 (RS Pts.—Broncos 201, Jaguars 178) 1994—Chiefs, 31-28 (D)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0 (PS Pts.—Broncos 69, Jaguars 47) Broncos, 20-17 (KC) OT
1971—Packers, 34-13 (Mil) *AFC Divisional Playoff 1995—Chiefs, 21-7 (D)
1975—Broncos, 23-13 (D) **AFC First-Round Playoff Chiefs, 20-17 (KC)
1978—Broncos, 16-3 (D) DENVER vs. *KANSAS CITY 1996—Chiefs, 17-14 (KC)
1984—Broncos, 17-14 (D) RS: Chiefs lead series, 57-54 Broncos, 34-7 (D)
1987—Tie, 17-17 (Mil) OT PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0 1997—Broncos, 19-3 (D)
1990—Broncos, 22-13 (D) 1960—Texans, 17-14 (D) Chiefs, 24-22 (KC)
1993—Packers, 30-27 (GB) Texans, 34-7 (Dal) **Broncos, 14-10 (KC)
1996—Packers, 41-6 (GB) 1961—Texans, 19-12 (D) 1998—Broncos, 30-7 (KC)
1997—*Broncos, 31-24 (San Diego) Texans, 49-21 (Dal) Broncos, 35-31 (D)
1999—Broncos, 31-10 (D) 1962—Texans, 24-3 (D) 1999—Chiefs, 26-10 (KC)
2003—Packers, 31-3 (GB) Texans, 17-10 (Dal) Chiefs, 16-10 (D)
2007—Packers, 19-13 (D) OT 1963—Chiefs, 59-7 (D) 2000—Chiefs, 23-22 (D)
2011—Packers, 49-23 (GB) Chiefs, 52-21 (KC) Chiefs, 20-7 (KC)
2015—Broncos, 29-10 (D) 1964—Broncos, 33-27 (D) 2001—Broncos, 20-6 (D)
(RS Pts.—Packers 284, Broncos 240) Chiefs, 49-39 (KC) Chiefs, 26-23 (KC) OT
(PS Pts.—Broncos 31, Packers 24) 1965—Chiefs, 31-23 (D) 2002—Broncos, 37-34 (KC) OT
*Super Bowl XXXII Chiefs, 45-35 (KC) Broncos, 31-24 (D)
DENVER vs. HOUSTON 1966—Chiefs, 37-10 (KC) 2003—Chiefs, 24-23 (KC)
RS: Broncos lead series, 3-2 Chiefs, 56-10 (D) Broncos, 45-27 (D)
2004—Broncos, 31-13 (D) 1967—Chiefs, 52-9 (KC) 2004—Broncos, 34-24 (D)
2007—Texans, 31-13 (H) Chiefs, 38-24 (D) Chiefs, 45-17 (KC)
2010—Broncos, 24-23 (D) 1968—Chiefs, 34-2 (KC) 2005—Broncos, 30-10 (D)
2012—Texans, 31-25 (D) Chiefs, 30-7 (D) Chiefs, 31-27 (KC)
2013—Broncos, 37-13 (H) 1969—Chiefs, 26-13 (D) 2006—Broncos, 9-6 (D) OT
(RS Pts.—Broncos 130, Texans 111) Chiefs, 31-17 (KC) Chiefs, 19-10 (KC)
DENVER vs. *INDIANAPOLIS 1970—Broncos, 26-13 (D) 2007—Broncos, 27-11 (KC)
RS: Broncos lead series, 12-10 Chiefs, 16-0 (KC) Broncos, 41-7 (D)
PS: Colts lead series, 3-0 1971—Chiefs, 16-3 (D) 2008—Chiefs, 33-19 (KC)
1974—Broncos, 17-6 (B) Chiefs, 28-10 (KC) Broncos, 24-17 (D)
1977—Broncos, 27-13 (D) 1972—Chiefs, 45-24 (D) 2009—Broncos, 44-13 (KC)
1978—Colts, 7-6 (B) Chiefs, 24-21 (KC) Chiefs, 44-24 (D)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 439

2010—Broncos, 49-29 (D) (RS Pts.—Broncos 316, Vikings 305) RS: Broncos lead series, 6-5
Chiefs, 10-6 (KC) DENVER vs. *NEW ENGLAND PS: Giants lead series, 1-0
2011—Broncos, 17-10 (KC) RS: Broncos lead series, 26-20 1972—Giants, 29-17 (NY)
Chiefs, 7-3 (D) PS: Broncos lead series, 4-1 1976—Broncos, 14-13 (D)
2012—Broncos, 17-9 (KC) 1960—Broncos, 13-10 (B) 1980—Broncos, 14-9 (NY)
Broncos, 38-3 (D) Broncos, 31-24 (D) 1986—Giants, 19-16 (NY)
2013—Broncos, 27-17 (D) 1961—Patriots, 45-17 (B) *Giants, 39-20 (Pasadena)
Broncos, 35-28 (KC) Patriots, 28-24 (D) 1989—Giants, 14-7 (D)
2014—Broncos, 24-17 (D) 1962—Patriots, 41-16 (B) 1992—Broncos, 27-13 (D)
Broncos, 29-16 (KC) Patriots, 33-29 (D) 1998—Giants, 20-16 (NY)
2015—Broncos, 31-24 (KC) 1963—Broncos, 14-10 (D) 2001—Broncos, 31-20 (D)
Chiefs, 29-13 (D) Patriots, 40-21 (B) 2005—Giants, 24-23 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 2,544, Broncos 2,293) 1964—Patriots, 39-10 (D) 2009—Broncos, 26-6 (D)
(PS Pts.—Broncos 14, Chiefs 10) Patriots, 12-7 (B) 2013—Broncos, 41-23 (NY)
*Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and 1965—Broncos, 27-10 (B) (RS Pts.—Broncos 232, Giants 190)
known as Texans Patriots, 28-20 (D) (PS Pts.—Giants 39, Broncos 20)
**AFC Divisional Playoff 1966—Patriots, 24-10 (D) *Super Bowl XXI
DENVER vs. *LOS ANGELES Broncos, 17-10 (B) DENVER vs. *N.Y. JETS
RS: Rams lead series, 8-5 1967—Broncos, 26-21 (D) RS: Broncos lead series, 18-15-1
1972—Broncos, 16-10 (LA) 1968—Patriots, 20-17 (D) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0
1974—Rams, 17-10 (D) Broncos, 35-14 (B) 1960—Titans, 28-24 (NY)
1979—Rams, 13-9 (D) 1969—Broncos, 35-7 (D) Titans, 30-27 (D)
1982—Broncos, 27-24 (LA) 1972—Broncos, 45-21 (D) 1961—Titans, 35-28 (NY)
1985—Rams, 20-16 (LA) 1976—Patriots, 38-14 (NE) Broncos, 27-10 (D)
1988—Broncos, 35-24 (D) 1979—Broncos, 45-10 (D) 1962—Broncos, 32-10 (NY)
1994—Rams, 27-21 (LA) 1980—Patriots, 23-14 (NE) Titans, 46-45 (D)
1997—Broncos, 35-14 (D) 1984—Broncos, 26-19 (D) 1963—Tie, 35-35 (NY)
2000—Rams, 41-36 (StL) 1986—Broncos, 27-20 (D) Jets, 14-9 (D)
2002—Broncos, 23-16 (D) **Broncos, 22-17 (D) 1964—Jets, 30-6 (NY)
2006—Rams, 18-10 (StL) 1987—Broncos, 31-20 (D) Broncos, 20-16 (D)
2010—Rams, 36-33 (D) 1988—Broncos, 21-10 (D) 1965—Broncos, 16-13 (D)
2014—Rams, 22-7 (StL) 1991—Broncos, 9-6 (NE) Jets, 45-10 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Rams 282, Broncos 278) Broncos, 20-3 (D) 1966—Jets, 16-7 (D)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1995—Broncos, 37-3 (NE) 1967—Jets, 38-24 (D)
DENVER vs. MIAMI 1996—Broncos, 34-8 (NE) Broncos, 33-24 (NY)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 11-5-1 1997—Broncos, 34-13 (D) 1968—Broncos, 21-13 (NY)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0 1998—Broncos, 27-21 (D) 1969—Broncos, 21-19 (D)
1966—Dolphins, 24-7 (M) 1999—Patriots, 24-23 (NE) 1973—Broncos, 40-28 (NY)
Broncos, 17-7 (D) 2000—Patriots, 28-19 (D) 1976—Broncos, 46-3 (D)
1967—Dolphins, 35-21 (M) 2001—Broncos, 31-20 (D) 1978—Jets, 31-28 (D)
1968—Broncos, 21-14 (D) 2002—Broncos, 24-16 (NE) 1980—Broncos, 31-24 (D)
1969—Dolphins, 27-24 (M) 2003—Patriots, 30-26 (D) 1986—Jets, 22-10 (NY)
1971—Tie, 10-10 (D) 2005—Broncos, 28-20 (D) 1992—Broncos, 27-16 (D)
1975—Dolphins, 14-13 (M) **Broncos, 27-13 (D) 1993—Broncos, 26-20 (NY)
1985—Dolphins, 30-26 (D) 2006—Broncos, 17-7 (NE) 1994—Jets, 25-22 (NY) OT
1998—Dolphins, 31-21 (M) 2008—Patriots, 41-7 (NE) 1996—Broncos, 31-6 (D)
*Broncos, 38-3 (D) 2009—Broncos, 20-17 (D) OT 1998—**Broncos, 23-10 (D)
1999—Dolphins, 38-21 (D) 2011—Patriots, 41-23 (D) 1999—Jets, 21-13 (D)
2001—Dolphins, 21-10 (M) **Patriots, 45-10 (NE) 2000—Broncos, 30-23 (NY)
2002—Dolphins, 24-22 (D) 2012—Patriots, 31-21 (NE) 2002—Jets, 19-13 (NY)
2004—Broncos, 20-17 (D) 2013—Patriots, 34-31 (NE) OT 2005—Broncos, 27-0 (D)
2005—Dolphins, 34-10 (M) ***Broncos, 26-16 (D) 2008—Broncos, 34-17 (NY)
2008—Dolphins, 26-17 (D) 2014—Patriots, 43-21 (NE) 2010—Jets, 24-20 (D)
2011—Broncos, 18-15 (M) OT 2015—Broncos, 30-24 (D) OT 2011—Broncos, 17-13 (D)
2014—Broncos, 39-36 (D) ***Broncos, 20-18 (D) 2014—Broncos, 31-17 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 403, Broncos 317) (RS Pts.—Broncos 1,074, Patriots 1,007) (RS Pts.—Broncos 831, Jets 731)
(PS Pts.—Broncos 38, Dolphins 3) (PS Pts.—Patriots 109, Broncos 105) (PS Pts.—Broncos 23, Jets 10)
*AFC Divisional Playoff *Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 *Jets known as Titans prior to 1963
DENVER vs. MINNESOTA **AFC Divisional Playoff **AFC Championship
RS: Series tied, 7-7 ***AFC Championship DENVER vs. *OAKLAND
1972—Vikings, 23-20 (D) DENVER vs. NEW ORLEANS RS: Raiders lead series, 60-49-2
1978—Vikings, 12-9 (M) OT RS: Broncos lead series, 8-2 PS: Series tied, 1-1
1981—Broncos, 19-17 (D) 1970—Broncos, 31-6 (NO) 1960—Broncos, 31-14 (D)
1984—Broncos, 42-21 (D) 1974—Broncos, 33-17 (D) Raiders, 48-10 (O)
1987—Vikings, 34-27 (M) 1979—Broncos, 10-3 (D) 1961—Raiders, 33-19 (O)
1990—Vikings, 27-22 (M) 1985—Broncos, 34-23 (D) Broncos, 27-24 (D)
1991—Broncos, 13-6 (M) 1988—Saints, 42-0 (NO) 1962—Broncos, 44-7 (D)
1993—Vikings, 26-23 (D) 1994—Saints, 30-28 (D) Broncos, 23-6 (O)
1996—Broncos, 21-17 (M) 2000—Broncos, 38-23 (NO) 1963—Raiders, 26-10 (D)
1999—Vikings, 23-20 (D) 2004—Broncos, 34-13 (NO) Raiders, 35-31 (O)
2003—Vikings, 28-20 (M) 2008—Broncos, 34-32 (D) 1964—Raiders, 40-7 (O)
2007—Broncos, 22-19 (D) OT 2012—Broncos, 34-14 (D) Tie, 20-20 (D)
2011—Broncos, 35-32 (M) (RS Pts.—Broncos 276, Saints 203) 1965—Raiders, 28-20 (D)
2015—Broncos, 23-20 (D) DENVER vs. N.Y. GIANTS Raiders, 24-13 (O)

440 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1966—Raiders, 17-3 (D) Raiders, 28-16 (O) 2006—Broncos, 31-20 (P)
Raiders, 28-10 (O) 2003—Broncos, 31-10 (D) 2007—Broncos, 31-28 (D)
1967—Raiders, 51-0 (O) Broncos, 22-8 (O) 2009—Steelers, 28-10 (D)
Raiders, 21-17 (D) 2004—Broncos, 31-3 (O) 2011—***Broncos, 29-23 (D) OT
1968—Raiders, 43-7 (D) Raiders, 25-24 (D) 2012—Broncos, 31-19 (D)
Raiders, 33-27 (O) 2005—Broncos, 31-17 (O) 2015—Steelers, 34-27 (P)
1969—Raiders, 24-14 (D) Broncos, 22-3 (D) *Broncos, 23-16 (D)
Raiders, 41-10 (O) 2006—Broncos, 13-3 (D) (RS Pts.—Broncos 516, Steelers 488)
1970—Raiders, 35-23 (O) Broncos, 17-13 (O) (PS Pts.—Steelers 195, Broncos 178)
Raiders, 24-19 (D) 2007—Broncos, 23-20 (D) OT *AFC Divisional Playoff
1971—Raiders, 27-16 (D) Raiders, 34-20 (O) **AFC Championship
Raiders, 21-13 (O) 2008—Broncos, 41-14 (O) ***AFC First-Round Playoff
1972—Broncos, 30-23 (O) Raiders, 31-10 (D) DENVER vs. *SAN DIEGO
Raiders, 37-20 (D) 2009—Broncos, 23-3 (O) RS: Broncos lead series, 62-49-1
1973—Tie, 23-23 (D) Raiders, 20-19 (D) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0
Raiders, 21-17 (O) 2010—Raiders, 59-14 (D) 1960—Chargers, 23-19 (D)
1974—Raiders, 28-17 (D) Raiders, 39-23 (O) Chargers, 41-33 (LA)
Broncos, 20-17 (O) 2011—Raiders, 23-20 (D) 1961—Chargers, 37-0 (SD)
1975—Raiders, 42-17 (D) Broncos, 38-24 (O) Chargers, 19-16 (D)
Raiders, 17-10 (O) 2012—Broncos, 37-6 (D) 1962—Broncos, 30-21 (D)
1976—Raiders, 17-10 (D) Broncos, 26-13 (O) Broncos, 23-20 (SD)
Raiders, 19-6 (O) 2013—Broncos, 37-21 (D) 1963—Broncos, 50-34 (D)
1977—Broncos, 30-7 (O) Broncos, 34-14 (O) Chargers, 58-20 (SD)
Raiders, 24-14 (D) 2014—Broncos, 41-17 (O) 1964—Chargers, 42-14 (SD)
**Broncos, 20-17 (D) Broncos, 47-14 (D) Chargers, 31-20 (D)
1978—Broncos, 14-6 (D) 2015—Broncos, 16-10 (O) 1965—Chargers, 34-31 (SD)
Broncos, 21-6 (O) Raiders, 15-12 (D) Chargers, 33-21 (D)
1979—Raiders, 27-3 (O) (RS Pts.—Raiders 2,376, Broncos 2,286) 1966—Chargers, 24-17 (SD)
Raiders, 14-10 (D) (PS Pts.—Raiders 59, Broncos 44) Broncos, 20-17 (D)
1980—Raiders, 9-3 (O) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1967—Chargers, 38-21 (D)
Raiders, 24-21 (D) **AFC Championship Chargers, 24-20 (SD)
1981—Broncos, 9-7 (D) ***AFC First-Round Playoff 1968—Chargers, 55-24 (SD)
Broncos, 17-0 (O) DENVER vs. PHILADELPHIA Chargers, 47-23 (D)
1982—Raiders, 27-10 (LA) RS: Eagles lead series, 7-5 1969—Broncos, 13-0 (D)
1983—Raiders, 22-7 (D) 1971—Eagles, 17-16 (P) Chargers, 45-24 (SD)
Raiders, 22-20 (LA) 1975—Broncos, 25-10 (D) 1970—Chargers, 24-21 (SD)
1984—Broncos, 16-13 (D) 1980—Eagles, 27-6 (P) Tie, 17-17 (D)
Broncos, 22-19 (LA) OT 1983—Eagles, 13-10 (D) 1971—Broncos, 20-16 (D)
1985—Raiders, 31-28 (LA) OT 1986—Broncos, 33-7 (P) Chargers, 45-17 (SD)
Raiders, 17-14 (D) OT 1989—Eagles, 28-24 (D) 1972—Chargers, 37-14 (SD)
1986—Broncos, 38-36 (D) 1992—Eagles, 30-0 (P) Broncos, 38-13 (D)
Broncos, 21-10 (LA) 1995—Eagles, 31-13 (P) 1973—Broncos, 30-19 (D)
1987—Broncos, 30-14 (D) 1998—Broncos, 41-16 (D) Broncos, 42-28 (SD)
Broncos, 23-17 (LA) 2005—Broncos, 49-21 (D) 1974—Broncos, 27-7 (D)
1988—Raiders, 30-27 (D) OT 2009—Eagles, 30-27 (P) Chargers, 17-0 (SD)
Raiders, 21-20 (LA) 2013—Broncos, 52-20 (D) 1975—Broncos, 27-17 (SD)
1989—Broncos, 31-21 (D) (RS Pts.—Broncos 296, Eagles 250) Broncos, 13-10 (D) OT
Raiders, 16-13 (LA) OT DENVER vs. PITTSBURGH 1976—Broncos, 26-0 (D)
1990—Raiders, 14-9 (LA) RS: Broncos lead series, 14-8-1 Broncos, 17-0 (SD)
Raiders, 23-20 (D) PS: Broncos lead series, 5-3 1977—Broncos, 17-14 (SD)
1991—Raiders, 16-13 (LA) 1970—Broncos, 16-13 (D) Broncos, 17-9 (D)
Raiders, 17-16 (D) 1971—Broncos, 22-10 (P) 1978—Broncos, 27-14 (D)
1992—Broncos, 17-13 (D) 1973—Broncos, 23-13 (P) Chargers, 23-0 (SD)
Raiders, 24-0 (LA) 1974—Tie, 35-35 (D) OT 1979—Broncos, 7-0 (D)
1993—Raiders, 23-20 (D) 1975—Steelers, 20-9 (P) Chargers, 17-7 (SD)
Raiders, 33-30 (LA) OT 1977—Broncos, 21-7 (D) 1980—Chargers, 30-13 (D)
***Raiders, 42-24 (LA) *Broncos, 34-21 (D) Broncos, 20-13 (SD)
1994—Raiders, 48-16 (D) 1978—Steelers, 21-17 (D) 1981—Broncos, 42-24 (D)
Raiders, 23-13 (LA) *Steelers, 33-10 (P) Chargers, 34-17 (SD)
1995—Broncos, 27-0 (D) 1979—Steelers, 42-7 (P) 1982—Chargers, 23-3 (D)
Broncos, 31-28 (O) 1983—Broncos, 14-10 (P) Chargers, 30-20 (SD)
1996—Broncos, 22-21 (O) 1984—*Steelers, 24-17 (D) 1983—Broncos, 14-6 (D)
Broncos, 24-19 (D) 1985—Broncos, 31-23 (P) Chargers, 31-7 (SD)
1997—Raiders, 28-25 (O) 1986—Broncos, 21-10 (P) 1984—Broncos, 16-13 (SD)
Broncos, 31-3 (D) 1988—Steelers, 39-21 (P) Broncos, 16-13 (D)
1998—Broncos, 34-17 (O) 1989—Broncos, 34-7 (D) 1985—Chargers, 30-10 (SD)
Broncos, 40-14 (D) *Broncos, 24-23 (D) Broncos, 30-24 (D) OT
1999—Broncos, 16-13 (O) 1990—Steelers, 34-17 (D) 1986—Broncos, 31-14 (SD)
Broncos, 27-21 (D) OT 1991—Broncos, 20-13 (D) Chargers, 9-3 (D)
2000—Broncos, 33-24 (O) 1993—Broncos, 37-13 (D) 1987—Broncos, 31-17 (SD)
Broncos, 27-24 (D) 1997—Steelers, 35-24 (P) Broncos, 24-0 (D)
2001—Raiders, 38-28 (O) **Broncos, 24-21 (P) 1988—Broncos, 34-3 (D)
Broncos, 23-17 (D) 2003—Broncos, 17-14 (D) Broncos, 12-0 (SD)
2002—Raiders, 34-10 (D) 2005—**Steelers, 34-17 (D) 1989—Broncos, 16-10 (D)

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Chargers, 19-16 (SD) 2014—Broncos, 42-17 (D) 2008—Broncos, 16-13 (D)
1990—Chargers, 19-7 (SD) (RS Pts.—Broncos 322, 49ers 299) 2012—Broncos, 31-23 (D)
Broncos, 20-10 (D) (PS Pts.—49ers 55, Broncos 10) (RS Pts.—Broncos 182, Buccaneers 122)
1991—Broncos, 27-19 (D) *Super Bowl XXIV DENVER vs. *TENNESSEE
Broncos, 17-14 (SD) DENVER vs. SEATTLE RS: Titans lead series, 21-15-1
1992—Broncos, 21-13 (D) RS: Broncos lead series, 34-19 PS: Broncos lead series, 2-1
Chargers, 24-21 (SD) PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-0 1960—Oilers, 45-25 (D)
1993—Broncos, 34-17 (D) 1977—Broncos, 24-13 (S) Oilers, 20-10 (H)
Chargers, 13-10 (SD) 1978—Broncos, 28-7 (D) 1961—Oilers, 55-14 (D)
1994—Chargers, 37-34 (D) Broncos, 20-17 (S) OT Oilers, 45-14 (H)
Broncos, 20-15 (SD) 1979—Broncos, 37-34 (D) 1962—Broncos, 20-10 (D)
1995—Chargers, 17-6 (SD) Seahawks, 28-23 (S) Oilers, 34-17 (H)
Broncos, 30-27 (D) 1980—Broncos, 36-20 (D) 1963—Oilers, 20-14 (H)
1996—Broncos, 28-17 (D) Broncos, 25-17 (S) Oilers, 33-24 (D)
Chargers, 16-10 (SD) 1981—Seahawks, 13-10 (S) 1964—Oilers, 38-17 (D)
1997—Broncos, 38-28 (SD) Broncos, 23-13 (D) Oilers, 34-15 (H)
Broncos, 38-3 (D) 1982—Seahawks, 17-10 (D) 1965—Broncos, 28-17 (D)
1998—Broncos, 27-10 (D) Seahawks, 13-11 (S) Broncos, 31-21 (H)
Broncos, 31-16 (SD) 1983—Seahawks, 27-19 (S) 1966—Oilers, 45-7 (H)
1999—Broncos, 33-17 (SD) Broncos, 38-27 (D) Broncos, 40-38 (D)
Chargers, 12-6 (D) *Seahawks, 31-7 (S) 1967—Oilers, 10-6 (H)
2000—Broncos, 21-7 (SD) 1984—Seahawks, 27-24 (D) Oilers, 20-18 (D)
Broncos, 38-37 (D) Broncos, 31-14 (S) 1968—Oilers, 38-17 (H)
2001—Chargers, 27-10 (SD) 1985—Broncos, 13-10 (D) OT 1969—Oilers, 24-21 (H)
Broncos, 26-16 (D) Broncos, 27-24 (S) Tie, 20-20 (D)
2002—Broncos, 26-9 (D) 1986—Broncos, 20-13 (D) 1970—Oilers, 31-21 (H)
Chargers, 30-27 (SD) OT Seahawks, 41-16 (S) 1972—Broncos, 30-17 (D)
2003—Broncos, 37-13 (SD) 1987—Broncos, 40-17 (D) 1973—Broncos, 48-20 (H)
Broncos, 37-8 (D) Seahawks, 28-21 (S) 1974—Broncos, 37-14 (D)
2004—Broncos, 23-13 (D) 1988—Seahawks, 21-14 (D) 1976—Oilers, 17-3 (H)
Chargers, 20-17 (SD) Seahawks, 42-14 (S) 1977—Broncos, 24-14 (H)
2005—Broncos, 20-17 (D) 1989—Broncos, 24-21 (S) OT 1979—**Oilers, 13-7 (H)
Broncos, 23-7 (SD) Broncos, 41-14 (D) 1980—Oilers, 20-16 (D)
2006—Chargers, 35-27 (D) 1990—Broncos, 34-31 (D) OT 1983—Broncos, 26-14 (H)
Chargers, 48-20 (SD) Seahawks, 17-12 (S) 1985—Broncos, 31-20 (D)
2007—Chargers, 41-3 (D) 1991—Broncos, 16-10 (D) 1987—Oilers, 40-10 (D)
Chargers, 23-3 (SD) Seahawks, 13-10 (S) ***Broncos, 34-10 (D)
2008—Broncos, 39-38 (D) 1992—Seahawks, 16-13 (S) OT 1991—Oilers, 42-14 (H)
Chargers, 52-21 (SD) Broncos, 10-6 (D) ***Broncos, 26-24 (D)
2009—Broncos, 34-23 (SD) 1993—Broncos, 28-17 (D) 1992—Broncos, 27-21 (D)
Chargers, 32-3 (D) Broncos, 17-9 (S) 1995—Oilers, 42-33 (H)
2010—Chargers, 35-14 (SD) 1994—Broncos, 16-9 (S) 2004—Broncos, 37-16 (T)
Chargers, 33-28 (D) Broncos, 17-10 (D) 2007—Broncos, 34-20 (D)
2011—Chargers, 29-24 (D) 1995—Seahawks, 27-10 (S) 2010—Broncos, 26-20 (T)
Broncos, 16-13 (SD) OT Seahawks, 31-27 (D) 2011—Titans, 17-14 (T)
2012—Broncos, 35-24 (SD) 1996—Broncos, 30-20 (S) 2013—Broncos, 51-28 (D)
Broncos, 30-23 (D) Broncos, 34-7 (D) (RS Pts.—Titans 980, Broncos 840)
2013—Broncos, 28-20 (SD) 1997—Broncos, 35-14 (S) (PS Pts.—Broncos 67, Titans 47)
Chargers, 27-20 (D) Broncos, 30-27 (D) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
**Broncos, 24-17 (D) 1998—Broncos, 21-16 (S) known as the Oilers prior to 1999
2014—Broncos, 35-21 (D) Broncos, 28-21 (D) **AFC First-Round Playoff
Broncos, 22-10 (SD) 1999—Seahawks, 20-17 (S) ***AFC Divisional Playoff
2015—Broncos, 17-3 (SD) Broncos, 36-30 (D) OT DENVER vs. WASHINGTON
Broncos, 27-20 (D) 2000—Broncos, 38-31 (S) RS: Broncos lead series, 7-5
(RS Pts.—Chargers 2,413, Broncos 2,407) Broncos, 31-24 (D) PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0
(PS Pts.—Broncos 24, Chargers 17) 2001—Seahawks, 34-21 (S) 1970—Redskins, 19-3 (D)
*Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961 Broncos, 20-7 (D) 1974—Redskins, 30-3 (W)
**AFC Divisional Playoff 2002—Broncos, 31-9 (S) 1980—Broncos, 20-17 (D)
DENVER vs. SAN FRANCISCO 2006—Seahawks, 23-20 (D) 1986—Broncos, 31-30 (D)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-6 2010—Broncos, 31-14 (D) 1987—*Redskins, 42-10 (San Diego)
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0 2013—**Seahawks, 43-8 (New Jersey) 1989—Broncos, 14-10 (W)
1970—49ers, 19-14 (SF) 2014—Seahawks, 26-20 (S) OT 1992—Redskins, 34-3 (W)
1973—49ers, 36-34 (D) (RS Pts.—Broncos 1,242, Seahawks 1,037) 1995—Broncos, 38-31 (D)
1979—Broncos, 38-28 (SF) (PS Pts.—Seahawks 74, Broncos 15) 1998—Broncos, 38-16 (W)
1982—Broncos, 24-21 (D) *AFC First-Round Playoff 2001—Redskins, 17-10 (D)
1985—Broncos, 17-16 (D) **Super Bowl XLVIII 2005—Broncos, 21-19 (D)
1988—Broncos, 16-13 (SF) OT DENVER vs. TAMPA BAY 2009—Redskins, 27-17 (W)
1989—*49ers, 55-10 (New Orleans) RS: Broncos lead series, 6-2 2013—Broncos, 45-21 (D)
1994—49ers, 42-19 (SF) 1976—Broncos, 48-13 (D) (RS Pts.—Redskins 271, Broncos 243)
1997—49ers, 34-17 (SF) 1981—Broncos, 24-7 (TB) (PS Pts.—Redskins 42, Broncos 10)
2000—Broncos, 38-9 (D) 1993—Buccaneers, 17-10 (D) *Super Bowl XXII
2002—Broncos, 24-14 (SF) 1996—Broncos, 27-23 (D)
2006—49ers, 26-23 (D) OT 1999—Buccaneers, 13-10 (TB) DETROIT vs. ARIZONA
2010—49ers, 24-16 (London) 2004—Broncos, 16-13 (TB) RS: Lions lead series, 31-28-5;

442 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

See Arizona vs. Detroit 1951—Lions, 24-17 (GB) 1988—Lions, 19-9 (Mil)
DETROIT vs. ATLANTA Lions, 52-35 (D) Lions, 30-14 (D)
RS: Lions lead series, 24-12; 1952—Lions, 52-17 (GB) 1989—Packers, 23-20 (Mil) OT
See Atlanta vs. Detroit Lions, 48-24 (D) Lions, 31-22 (D)
DETROIT vs. BALTIMORE 1953—Lions, 14-7 (GB) 1990—Packers, 24-21 (D)
RS: Ravens lead series, 3-1; Lions, 34-15 (D) Lions, 24-17 (GB)
See Baltimore vs. Detroit 1954—Lions, 21-17 (GB) 1991—Lions, 23-14 (D)
DETROIT vs. BUFFALO Lions, 28-24 (D) Lions, 21-17 (GB)
RS: Bills lead series, 5-4-1; 1955—Packers, 20-17 (GB) 1992—Packers, 27-13 (D)
See Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions, 24-10 (D) Packers, 38-10 (Mil)
DETROIT vs. CAROLINA 1956—Lions, 20-16 (GB) 1993—Packers, 26-17 (Mil)
RS: Panthers lead series, 5-2; Packers, 24-20 (D) Lions, 30-20 (D)
See Carolina vs. Detroit 1957—Lions, 24-14 (GB) **Packers, 28-24 (D)
DETROIT vs. CHICAGO Lions, 18-6 (D) 1994—Packers, 38-30 (Mil)
RS: Bears lead series, 96-71-5; 1958—Tie, 13-13 (GB) Lions, 34-31 (D)
See Chicago vs. Detroit Lions, 24-14 (D) **Packers, 16-12 (GB)
DETROIT vs. CINCINNATI 1959—Packers, 28-10 (GB) 1995—Packers, 30-21 (GB)
RS: Bengals lead series, 8-3; Packers, 24-17 (D) Lions, 24-16 (D)
See Cincinnati vs. Detroit 1960—Packers, 28-9 (GB) 1996—Packers, 28-18 (GB)
DETROIT vs. CLEVELAND Lions, 23-10 (D) Packers, 31-3 (D)
RS: Lions lead series, 15-4 1961—Lions, 17-13 (Mil) 1997—Lions, 26-15 (D)
PS: Lions lead series, 3-1; Packers, 17-9 (D) Packers, 20-10 (GB)
See Cleveland vs. Detroit 1962—Packers, 9-7 (GB) 1998—Packers, 38-19 (GB)
DETROIT vs. DALLAS Lions, 26-14 (D) Lions, 27-20 (D)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 12-11 1963—Packers, 31-10 (Mil) 1999—Lions, 23-15 (D)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-1; Tie, 13-13 (D) Packers, 26-17 (GB)
See Dallas vs. Detroit 1964—Packers, 14-10 (D) 2000—Lions, 31-24 (D)
DETROIT vs. DENVER Packers, 30-7 (GB) Packers, 26-13 (GB)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-5; 1965—Packers, 31-21 (D) 2001—Packers, 28-6 (GB)
See Denver vs. Detroit Lions, 12-7 (GB) Packers, 29-27 (D)
*DETROIT vs. GREEN BAY 1966—Packers, 23-14 (GB) 2002—Packers, 37-31 (D)
RS: Packers lead series, 96-68-7 Packers, 31-7 (D) Packers, 40-14 (GB)
PS: Packers lead series, 2-0 1967—Tie, 17-17 (GB) 2003—Packers, 31-6 (GB)
1930—Packers, 47-13 (GB) Packers, 27-17 (D) Lions, 22-14 (D)
Tie, 6-6 (P) 1968—Lions, 23-17 (GB) 2004—Packers, 38-10 (D)
1932—Packers, 15-10 (GB) Tie, 14-14 (D) Packers, 16-13 (GB)
Spartans, 19-0 (P) 1969—Packers, 28-17 (D) 2005—Lions, 17-3 (D)
1933—Packers, 17-0 (GB) Lions, 16-10 (GB) Packers, 16-13 (GB) OT
Spartans, 7-0 (P) 1970—Lions, 40-0 (GB) 2006—Packers, 31-24 (D)
1934—Lions, 3-0 (GB) Lions, 20-0 (D) Packers, 17-9 (GB)
Packers, 3-0 (D) 1971—Lions, 31-28 (D) 2007—Packers, 37-26 (D)
1935—Packers, 13-9 (Mil) Tie, 14-14 (Mil) Packers, 34-13 (GB)
Packers, 31-7 (GB) 1972—Packers, 24-23 (D) 2008—Packers, 48-25 (D)
Lions, 20-10 (D) Packers, 33-7 (GB) Packers, 31-21 (GB)
1936—Packers, 20-18 (GB) 1973—Tie, 13-13 (GB) 2009—Packers, 26-0 (GB)
Packers, 26-17 (D) Lions, 34-0 (D) Packers, 34-12 (D)
1937—Packers, 26-6 (GB) 1974—Packers, 21-19 (Mil) 2010—Packers, 28-26 (GB)
Packers, 14-13 (D) Lions, 19-17 (D) Lions, 7-3 (D)
1938—Lions, 17-7 (GB) 1975—Lions, 30-16 (Mil) 2011—Packers, 27-15 (D)
Packers, 28-7 (D) Lions, 13-10 (D) Packers, 45-41 (GB)
1939—Packers, 26-7 (GB) 1976—Packers, 24-14 (GB) 2012—Packers, 24-20 (D)
Packers, 12-7 (D) Lions, 27-6 (D) Packers, 27-20 (GB)
1940—Lions, 23-14 (GB) 1977—Lions, 10-6 (D) 2013—Packers, 22-9 (GB)
Packers, 50-7 (D) Packers, 10-9 (GB) Lions, 40-10 (D)
1941—Packers, 23-0 (GB) 1978—Packers, 13-7 (D) 2014—Lions, 19-7 (D)
Packers, 24-7 (D) Packers, 35-14 (Mil) Packers, 30-20 (GB)
1942—Packers, 38-7 (Mil) 1979—Packers, 24-16 (Mil) 2015—Lions, 18-16 (GB)
Packers, 28-7 (D) Packers, 18-13 (D) Packers, 27-23 (D)
1943—Packers, 35-14 (GB) 1980—Lions, 29-7 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Packers 3,621, Lions 3,114)
Packers, 27-6 (D) Lions, 24-3 (D) (PS Pts.—Packers 44, Lions 36)
1944—Packers, 27-6 (Mil) 1981—Lions, 31-27 (D) *Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934
Packers, 14-0 (D) Packers, 31-17 (GB) and known as the Spartans
1945—Packers, 57-21 (Mil) 1982—Lions, 30-10 (GB) **NFC First-Round Playoff
Lions, 14-3 (D) Lions, 27-24 (D) DETROIT vs. HOUSTON
1946—Packers, 10-7 (Mil) 1983—Lions, 38-14 (D) RS: Texans lead series, 2-1
Packers, 9-0 (D) Lions, 23-20 (Mil) OT 2004—Lions, 28-16 (D)
1947—Packers, 34-17 (GB) 1984—Packers, 41-9 (GB) 2008—Texans, 28-21 (H)
Packers, 35-14 (D) Lions, 31-28 (D) 2012—Texans, 34-31 (D) OT
1948—Packers, 33-21 (GB) 1985—Packers, 43-10 (GB) (RS Pts.—Lions 80, Texans 78)
Lions, 24-20 (D) Packers, 26-23 (D) DETROIT vs. *INDIANAPOLIS
1949—Packers, 16-14 (Mil) 1986—Lions, 21-14 (GB) RS: Colts lead series, 21-18-2
Lions, 21-7 (D) Packers, 44-40 (D) 1953—Lions, 27-17 (B)
1950—Lions, 45-7 (GB) 1987—Lions, 19-16 (GB) OT Lions, 17-7 (D)
Lions, 24-21 (D) Packers, 34-33 (D) 1954—Lions, 35-0 (D)

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Lions, 27-3 (B) Rams, 24-0 (C) 2010—Lions, 44-6 (D)
1955—Colts, 28-13 (B) 1941—Lions, 17-7 (D) 2012—Lions, 27-23 (D)
Lions, 24-14 (D) Lions, 14-0 (C) 2015—Rams, 21-14 (StL)
1956—Lions, 31-14 (B) 1942—Rams, 14-0 (D) (RS Pts.—Rams 1,626, Lions 1,530)
Lions, 27-3 (D) Rams, 27-7 (C) (PS Pts.—Lions 31, Rams 21)
1957—Colts, 34-14 (B) 1944—Rams, 20-17 (D) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
Lions, 31-27 (D) Lions, 26-14 (C) and in Cleveland prior to 1946
1958—Colts, 28-15 (B) 1945—Rams, 28-21 (D) **Conference Playoff
Colts, 40-14 (D) 1946—Rams, 35-14 (LA) DETROIT vs. MIAMI
1959—Colts, 21-9 (B) Rams, 41-20 (D) RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-4
Colts, 31-24 (D) 1947—Rams, 27-13 (D) 1973—Dolphins, 34-7 (M)
1960—Lions, 30-17 (D) Rams, 28-17 (LA) 1979—Dolphins, 28-10 (D)
Lions, 20-15 (B) 1948—Rams, 44-7 (LA) 1985—Lions, 31-21 (D)
1961—Lions, 16-15 (B) Rams, 34-27 (D) 1991—Lions, 17-13 (D)
Colts, 17-14 (D) 1949—Rams, 27-24 (LA) 1994—Dolphins, 27-20 (M)
1962—Lions, 29-20 (B) Rams, 21-10 (D) 1997—Dolphins, 33-30 (M)
Lions, 21-14 (D) 1950—Rams, 30-28 (D) 2000—Dolphins, 23-8 (D)
1963—Colts, 25-21 (D) Rams, 65-24 (LA) 2002—Dolphins, 49-21 (M)
Colts, 24-21 (B) 1951—Rams, 27-21 (D) 2006—Dolphins, 27-10 (D)
1964—Colts, 34-0 (D) Lions, 24-22 (LA) 2010—Lions, 34-27 (M)
Lions, 31-14 (B) 1952—Lions, 17-14 (LA) 2014—Lions, 20-16 (D)
1965—Colts, 31-7 (B) Lions, 24-16 (D) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 298, Lions 208)
Tie, 24-24 (D) **Lions, 31-21 (D) DETROIT vs. MINNESOTA
1966—Colts, 45-14 (B) 1953—Rams, 31-19 (D) RS: Vikings lead series, 71-36-2
Lions, 20-14 (D) Rams, 37-24 (LA) 1961—Lions, 37-10 (M)
1967—Colts, 41-7 (B) 1954—Lions, 21-3 (D) Lions, 13-7 (D)
1968—Colts, 27-10 (D) Lions, 27-24 (LA) 1962—Lions, 17-6 (M)
1969—Tie, 17-17 (B) 1955—Rams, 17-10 (D) Lions, 37-23 (D)
1973—Colts, 29-27 (D) Rams, 24-13 (LA) 1963—Lions, 28-10 (D)
1977—Lions, 13-10 (B) 1956—Lions, 24-21 (D) Vikings, 34-31 (M)
1980—Colts, 10-9 (D) Lions, 16-7 (LA) 1964—Lions, 24-20 (M)
1985—Colts, 14-6 (I) 1957—Lions, 10-7 (D) Tie, 23-23 (D)
1991—Lions, 33-24 (I) Rams, 35-17 (LA) 1965—Lions, 31-29 (M)
1997—Lions, 32-10 (D) 1958—Rams, 42-28 (D) Vikings, 29-7 (D)
2000—Colts, 30-18 (I) Lions, 41-24 (LA) 1966—Lions, 32-31 (M)
2004—Colts, 41-9 (D) 1959—Lions, 17-7 (LA) Vikings, 28-16 (D)
2008—Colts, 31-21 (I) Lions, 23-17 (D) 1967—Tie, 10-10 (M)
2012—Colts, 35-33 (D) 1960—Rams, 48-35 (LA) Lions, 14-3 (D)
(RS Pts.—Colts 895, Lions 811) Lions, 12-10 (D) 1968—Vikings, 24-10 (M)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1961—Lions, 14-13 (D) Vikings, 13-6 (D)
DETROIT vs. JACKSONVILLE Lions, 28-10 (LA) 1969—Vikings, 24-10 (M)
RS: Jaguars lead series, 3-2 1962—Lions, 13-10 (D) Vikings, 27-0 (D)
1995—Lions, 44-0 (D) Lions, 12-3 (LA) 1970—Vikings, 30-17 (D)
1998—Jaguars, 37-22 (J) 1963—Lions, 23-2 (LA) Vikings, 24-20 (M)
2004—Jaguars, 23-17 (J) OT Rams, 28-21 (D) 1971—Vikings, 16-13 (D)
2008—Jaguars, 38-14 (D) 1964—Tie, 17-17 (LA) Vikings, 29-10 (M)
2012—Lions, 31-14 (J) Lions, 37-17 (D) 1972—Vikings, 34-10 (D)
(RS Pts.—Lions 128, Jaguars 112) 1965—Lions, 20-0 (D) Vikings, 16-14 (M)
DETROIT vs. KANSAS CITY Lions, 31-7 (LA) 1973—Vikings, 23-9 (D)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-5 1966—Rams, 14-7 (D) Vikings, 28-7 (M)
1971—Lions, 32-21 (D) Rams, 23-3 (LA) 1974—Vikings, 7-6 (D)
1975—Chiefs, 24-21 (KC) OT 1967—Rams, 31-7 (D) Lions, 20-16 (M)
1980—Chiefs, 20-17 (KC) 1968—Rams, 10-7 (LA) 1975—Vikings, 25-19 (M)
1981—Lions, 27-10 (D) 1969—Lions, 28-0 (D) Lions, 17-10 (D)
1987—Chiefs, 27-20 (D) 1970—Lions, 28-23 (LA) 1976—Vikings, 10-9 (D)
1988—Lions, 7-6 (KC) 1971—Rams, 21-13 (D) Vikings, 31-23 (M)
1990—Chiefs, 43-24 (KC) 1972—Lions, 34-17 (LA) 1977—Vikings, 14-7 (M)
1996—Chiefs, 28-24 (D) 1974—Rams, 16-13 (LA) Vikings, 30-21 (D)
1999—Chiefs, 31-21 (KC) 1975—Rams, 20-0 (D) 1978—Vikings, 17-7 (M)
2003—Chiefs, 45-17 (KC) 1976—Rams, 20-17 (D) Lions, 45-14 (D)
2007—Lions, 25-20 (D) 1980—Lions, 41-20 (LA) 1979—Vikings, 13-10 (D)
2011—Lions, 48-3 (D) 1981—Rams, 20-13 (LA) Vikings, 14-7 (M)
2015—Chiefs, 45-10 (London) 1982—Lions, 19-14 (LA) 1980—Lions, 27-7 (D)
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 323, Lions 293) 1983—Rams, 21-10 (LA) Vikings, 34-0 (M)
DETROIT vs. *LOS ANGELES 1986—Rams, 14-10 (LA) 1981—Vikings, 26-24 (M)
RS: Rams lead series, 43-39-1 1987—Rams, 37-16 (D) Lions, 45-7 (D)
PS: Lions lead series, 1-0 1988—Rams, 17-10 (LA) 1982—Vikings, 34-31 (D)
1937—Lions, 28-0 (C) 1991—Lions, 21-10 (D) 1983—Vikings, 20-17 (M)
Lions, 27-7 (D) 1993—Lions, 16-13 (LA) Lions, 13-2 (D)
1938—Rams, 21-17 (C) 1999—Lions, 31-27 (D) 1984—Vikings, 29-28 (D)
Lions, 6-0 (D) 2001—Rams, 35-0 (D) Lions, 16-14 (M)
1939—Lions, 15-7 (D) 2003—Lions, 30-20 (D) 1985—Vikings, 16-13 (M)
Rams, 14-3 (C) 2006—Rams, 41-34 (StL) Lions, 41-21 (D)
1940—Lions, 6-0 (D) 2009—Rams, 17-10 (D) 1986—Lions, 13-10 (M)

444 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Vikings, 24-10 (D) DETROIT vs. NEW ORLEANS 2013—Giants, 23-20 (D) OT
1987—Vikings, 34-19 (M) RS: Series tied, 11-11-1 2014—Lions, 35-14 (D)
Vikings, 17-14 (D) PS: Saints lead series, 1-0 (RS Pts.—Lions 727, Giants 625)
1988—Vikings, 44-17 (M) 1968—Tie, 20-20 (D) (PS Pts.—Lions 26, Giants 7)
Vikings, 23-0 (D) 1970—Saints, 19-17 (NO) *Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934
1989—Vikings, 24-17 (M) 1972—Lions, 27-14 (D) and known as the Spartans
Vikings, 20-7 (D) 1973—Saints, 20-13 (NO) **NFL Championship
1990—Lions, 34-27 (M) 1974—Lions, 19-14 (D) DETROIT vs. N.Y. JETS
Vikings, 17-7 (D) 1976—Saints, 17-16 (NO) RS: Lions lead series, 7-6
1991—Lions, 24-20 (D) 1977—Lions, 23-19 (D) 1972—Lions, 37-20 (D)
Lions, 34-14 (M) 1979—Saints, 17-7 (NO) 1979—Jets, 31-10 (NY)
1992—Lions, 31-17 (D) 1980—Lions, 24-13 (D) 1982—Jets, 28-13 (D)
Vikings, 31-14 (M) 1988—Saints, 22-14 (D) 1985—Lions, 31-20 (D)
1993—Lions, 30-27 (M) 1989—Lions, 21-14 (D) 1988—Jets, 17-10 (D)
Vikings, 13-0 (D) 1990—Lions, 27-10 (NO) 1991—Lions, 34-20 (D)
1994—Vikings, 10-3 (M) 1992—Saints, 13-7 (D) 1994—Lions, 18-7 (NY)
Lions, 41-19 (D) 1993—Saints, 14-3 (NO) 1997—Lions, 13-10 (D)
1995—Vikings, 20-10 (M) 1997—Saints, 35-17 (NO) 2000—Lions, 10-7 (NY)
Lions, 44-38 (D) 2000—Lions, 14-10 (NO) 2002—Jets, 31-14 (D)
1996—Vikings, 17-13 (M) 2002—Lions, 26-21 (D) 2006—Jets, 31-24 (NY)
Vikings, 24-22 (D) 2005—Lions, 13-12 (San Antonio) 2010—Jets, 23-20 (D) OT
1997—Lions, 38-15 (D) 2008—Saints, 42-7 (D) 2014—Lions, 24-17 (NY)
Lions, 14-13 (M) 2009—Saints, 45-27 (NO) (RS Pts.—Jets 262, Lions 258)
1998—Vikings, 29-6 (M) 2011—Saints, 31-17 (NO) DETROIT vs. *OAKLAND
Vikings, 34-13 (D) *Saints, 45-28 (NO) RS: Series tied, 6-6
1999—Lions, 25-23 (D) 2014—Lions, 24-23 (D) 1970—Lions, 28-14 (D)
Vikings, 24-17 (M) 2015—Lions, 35-27 (NO) 1974—Raiders, 35-13 (O)
2000—Vikings, 31-24 (D) (RS Pts.—Saints 472, Lions 418) 1978—Raiders, 29-17 (O)
Vikings, 24-17 (M) (PS Pts.—Saints 45, Lions 28) 1981—Lions, 16-0 (D)
2001—Vikings, 31-26 (M) *NFC First-Round Playoff 1984—Raiders, 24-3 (D)
Lions, 27-24 (D) *DETROIT vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1987—Raiders, 27-7 (LA)
2002—Vikings, 31-24 (M) RS: Lions lead series, 21-20-1 1990—Raiders, 38-31 (D)
Vikings, 38-36 (D) PS: Lions lead series, 1-0 1996—Raiders, 37-21 (O)
2003—Vikings, 23-13 (D) 1930—Giants, 19-6 (P) 2003—Lions, 23-13 (D)
Vikings, 24-14 (M) 1931—Spartans, 14-6 (P) 2007—Lions, 36-21 (O)
2004—Vikings, 22-19 (M) Giants, 14-0 (NY) 2011—Lions, 28-27 (O)
Vikings, 28-27 (D) 1932—Spartans, 7-0 (P) 2015—Lions, 18-13 (D)
2005—Vikings, 27-14 (M) Spartans, 6-0 (NY) (RS Pts.—Raiders 278, Lions 241)
Vikings, 21-16 (D) 1933—Spartans, 17-7 (P) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
2006—Vikings, 26-17 (M) Giants, 13-10 (NY) *DETROIT vs. PHILADELPHIA
Vikings, 30-20 (D) 1934—Lions, 9-0 (D) RS: Eagles lead series, 15-14-2
2007—Lions, 20-17 (D) OT 1935—**Lions, 26-7 (D) PS: Eagles lead series, 1-0
Vikings, 42-10 (M) 1936—Giants, 14-7 (NY) 1933—Spartans, 25-0 (P)
2008—Vikings, 12-10 (M) Lions, 38-0 (D) 1934—Lions, 10-0 (P)
Vikings, 20-16 (D) 1937—Lions, 17-0 (NY) 1935—Lions, 35-0 (D)
2009—Vikings, 27-13 (D) 1939—Lions, 18-14 (D) 1936—Lions, 23-0 (P)
Vikings, 27-10 (M) 1941—Giants, 20-13 (NY) 1938—Eagles, 21-7 (D)
2010—Vikings, 24-10 (M) 1943—Tie, 0-0 (D) 1940—Lions, 21-0 (P)
Lions, 20-13 (D) 1945—Giants, 35-14 (NY) 1941—Lions, 21-17 (D)
2011—Lions, 26-23 (M) OT 1947—Lions, 35-7 (D) 1945—Lions, 28-24 (D)
Lions, 34-28 (D) 1949—Lions, 45-21 (NY) 1948—Eagles, 45-21 (P)
2012—Vikings, 20-13 (D) 1953—Lions, 27-16 (NY) 1949—Eagles, 22-14 (D)
Vikings, 34-24 (M) 1955—Giants, 24-19 (D) 1951—Lions, 28-10 (P)
2013—Lions, 34-24 (D) 1958—Giants, 19-17 (D) 1954—Tie, 13-13 (D)
Vikings, 14-13 (M) 1962—Giants, 17-14 (NY) 1957—Lions, 27-16 (P)
2014—Lions, 17-3 (M) 1964—Lions, 26-3 (D) 1960—Eagles, 28-10 (P)
Lions, 16-14 (D) 1967—Lions, 30-7 (NY) 1961—Eagles, 27-24 (D)
2015—Vikings, 26-16 (M) 1969—Lions, 24-0 (D) 1965—Lions, 35-28 (P)
Vikings, 28-19 (D) 1972—Lions, 30-16 (D) 1968—Eagles, 12-0 (D)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 2,366, Lions 2,024) 1974—Lions, 20-19 (D) 1971—Eagles, 23-20 (D)
DETROIT vs. NEW ENGLAND 1976—Giants, 24-10 (NY) 1974—Eagles, 28-17 (P)
RS: Patriots lead series, 7-4 1982—Giants, 13-6 (D) 1977—Lions, 17-13 (D)
1971—Lions, 34-7 (NE) 1983—Lions, 15-9 (D) 1979—Eagles, 44-7 (P)
1976—Lions, 30-10 (D) 1988—Giants, 30-10 (NY) 1984—Tie, 23-23 (D) OT
1979—Patriots, 24-17 (NE) Giants, 13-10 (D) OT 1986—Lions, 13-11 (P)
1985—Patriots, 23-6 (NE) 1989—Giants, 24-14 (NY) 1995—**Eagles, 58-37 (P)
1993—Lions, 19-16 (NE) OT 1990—Giants, 20-0 (NY) 1996—Eagles, 24-17 (P)
1994—Patriots, 23-17 (D) 1994—Lions, 28-25 (NY) OT 1998—Eagles, 10-9 (P)
2000—Lions, 34-9 (D) 1996—Giants, 35-7 (D) 2004—Eagles, 30-13 (D)
2002—Patriots, 20-12 (D) 1997—Giants, 26-20 (D) OT 2007—Eagles, 56-21 (P)
2006—Patriots, 28-21 (NE) 2000—Lions, 31-21 (NY) 2010—Eagles, 35-32 (D)
2010—Patriots, 45-24 (D) 2004—Lions, 28-13 (NY) 2012—Lions, 26-23 (P) OT
2014—Patriots, 34-9 (NE) 2007—Giants, 16-10 (D) 2013—Eagles, 34-20 (P)
(RS Pts.—Patriots 239, Lions 223) 2010—Giants, 28-20 (NY) 2015—Lions, 45-14 (D)

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(RS Pts.—Eagles 631, Lions 622) 1958—49ers, 24-21 (SF) Lions, 34-23 (D)
(PS Pts.—Eagles 58, Lions 37) Lions, 35-21 (D) 1979—Buccaneers, 31-16 (TB)
*Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934 1959—49ers, 34-13 (D) Buccaneers, 16-14 (D)
and known as the Spartans 49ers, 33-7 (SF) 1980—Lions, 24-10 (TB)
**NFC First-Round Playoff 1960—49ers, 14-10 (D) Lions, 27-14 (D)
DETROIT vs. *PITTSBURGH Lions, 24-0 (SF) 1981—Buccaneers, 28-10 (TB)
RS: Steelers lead series, 16-14-1 1961—49ers, 49-0 (D) Buccaneers, 20-17 (D)
1934—Lions, 40-7 (D) Tie, 20-20 (SF) 1982—Buccaneers, 23-21 (TB)
1936—Lions, 28-3 (D) 1962—Lions, 45-24 (D) 1983—Lions, 11-0 (TB)
1937—Lions, 7-3 (D) Lions, 38-24 (SF) Lions, 23-20 (D)
1938—Lions, 16-7 (D) 1963—Lions, 26-3 (D) 1984—Buccaneers, 21-17 (TB)
1940—Steelers, 10-7 (D) Lions, 45-7 (SF) Lions, 13-7 (D) OT
1942—Steelers, 35-7 (D) 1964—Lions, 26-17 (SF) 1985—Lions, 30-9 (D)
1946—Lions, 17-7 (D) Lions, 24-7 (D) Buccaneers, 19-16 (TB) OT
1947—Steelers, 17-10 (P) 1965—49ers, 27-21 (D) 1986—Buccaneers, 24-20 (D)
1948—Lions, 17-14 (D) 49ers, 17-14 (SF) Lions, 38-17 (TB)
1949—Steelers, 14-7 (P) 1966—49ers, 27-24 (SF) 1987—Buccaneers, 31-27 (D)
1950—Lions, 10-7 (D) 49ers, 41-14 (D) Lions, 20-10 (TB)
1952—Lions, 31-6 (P) 1967—Lions, 45-3 (SF) 1988—Buccaneers, 23-20 (D)
1953—Lions, 38-21 (D) 1968—49ers, 14-7 (D) Buccaneers, 21-10 (TB)
1955—Lions, 31-28 (P) 1969—Lions, 26-14 (SF) 1989—Lions, 17-16 (TB)
1956—Lions, 45-7 (D) 1970—Lions, 28-7 (D) Lions, 33-7 (D)
1959—Tie, 10-10 (P) 1971—49ers, 31-27 (SF) 1990—Buccaneers, 38-21 (D)
1962—Lions, 45-7 (D) 1973—Lions, 30-20 (D) Buccaneers, 23-20 (TB)
1966—Steelers, 17-3 (P) 1974—Lions, 17-13 (D) 1991—Lions, 31-3 (D)
1967—Steelers, 24-14 (D) 1975—Lions, 28-17 (SF) Buccaneers, 30-21 (TB)
1969—Steelers, 16-13 (P) 1977—49ers, 28-7 (SF) 1992—Buccaneers, 27-23 (D)
1973—Steelers, 24-10 (P) 1978—Lions, 33-14 (D) Lions, 38-7 (TB)
1983—Lions, 45-3 (D) 1980—Lions, 17-13 (D) 1993—Buccaneers, 27-10 (TB)
1986—Steelers, 27-17 (P) 1981—Lions, 24-17 (D) Lions, 23-0 (D)
1989—Steelers, 23-3 (D) 1983—**49ers, 24-23 (SF) 1994—Buccaneers, 24-14 (TB)
1992—Steelers, 17-14 (P) 1984—49ers, 30-27 (D) Lions, 14-9 (D)
1995—Steelers, 23-20 (P) 1985—Lions, 23-21 (D) 1995—Lions, 27-24 (D)
1998—Lions, 19-16 (D) OT 1988—49ers, 20-13 (SF) Lions, 37-10 (TB)
2001—Steelers, 47-14 (P) 1991—49ers, 35-3 (SF) 1996—Lions, 21-6 (D)
2005—Steelers, 35-21 (P) 1992—49ers, 24-6 (SF) Lions, 27-0 (TB)
2009—Steelers, 28-20 (D) 1993—49ers, 55-17 (D) 1997—Buccaneers, 24-17 (D)
2013—Steelers, 37-27 (P) 1994—49ers, 27-21 (D) Lions, 27-9 (TB)
(RS Pts.—Lions 606, Steelers 540) 1995—Lions, 27-24 (D) *Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB)
*Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940 1996—49ers, 24-14 (SF) 1998—Lions, 27-6 (D)
DETROIT vs. SAN DIEGO 1998—49ers, 35-13 (SF) Lions, 28-25 (TB)
RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4 2001—49ers, 21-13 (SF) 1999—Lions, 20-3 (D)
1972—Lions, 34-20 (D) 2003—49ers, 24-17 (SF) Buccaneers, 23-16 (TB)
1977—Lions, 20-0 (D) 2006—49ers, 19-13 (D) 2000—Buccaneers, 31-10 (D)
1978—Lions, 31-14 (D) 2008—49ers, 31-13 (SF) Lions, 28-14 (TB)
1981—Chargers, 28-23 (SD) 2009—49ers, 20-6 (SF) 2001—Buccaneers, 20-17 (D)
1984—Chargers, 27-24 (SD) 2011—49ers, 25-19 (D) Buccaneers, 15-12 (TB)
1996—Chargers, 27-21 (SD) 2012—49ers, 27-19 (SF) 2002—Buccaneers, 23-20 (D)
1999—Chargers, 20-10 (D) 2015—Lions, 32-17 (D) 2005—Buccaneers, 17-13 (TB)
2003—Chargers, 14-7 (D) (RS Pts.—49ers 1,395, Lions 1,334) 2007—Lions, 23-16 (D)
2007—Chargers, 51-14 (SD) (PS Pts.—Lions 54, 49ers 51) 2008—Buccaneers, 38-20 (D)
2011—Lions, 38-10 (D) *Conference Playoff 2010—Lions, 23-20 (TB) OT
2015—Chargers, 33-28 (SD) **NFC Divisional Playoff 2011—Lions, 27-20 (TB)
(RS Pts.—Lions 250, Chargers 244) DETROIT vs. SEATTLE 2013—Buccaneers, 24-21 (D)
DETROIT vs. SAN FRANCISCO RS: Seahawks lead series, 8-5 2014—Lions, 34-17 (D)
RS: 49ers lead series, 36-27-1 1976—Lions, 41-14 (S) (RS Pts.—Lions 1,199, Buccaneers 977)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 1978—Seahawks, 28-16 (S) (PS Pts.—Buccaneers 20, Lions 10)
1950—Lions, 24-7 (D) 1984—Seahawks, 38-17 (S) *NFC First-Round Playoff
49ers, 28-27 (SF) 1987—Seahawks, 37-14 (D) DETROIT vs. *TENNESSEE
1951—49ers, 20-10 (D) 1990—Seahawks, 30-10 (S) RS: Titans lead series, 8-3
49ers, 21-17 (SF) 1993—Lions, 30-10 (D) 1971—Lions, 31-7 (H)
1952—49ers, 17-3 (SF) 1996—Lions, 17-16 (D) 1975—Oilers, 24-8 (H)
49ers, 28-0 (D) 1999—Lions, 28-20 (S) 1983—Oilers, 27-17 (H)
1953—Lions, 24-21 (D) 2003—Seahawks, 35-14 (S) 1986—Lions, 24-13 (D)
Lions, 14-10 (SF) 2006—Seahawks, 9-6 (D) 1989—Oilers, 35-31 (H)
1954—49ers, 37-31 (SF) 2009—Seahawks, 32-20 (S) 1992—Oilers, 24-21 (D)
Lions, 48-7 (D) 2012—Lions, 28-24 (D) 1995—Lions, 24-17 (H)
1955—49ers, 27-24 (D) 2015—Seahawks, 13-10 (S) 2001—Titans, 27-24 (D)
49ers, 38-21 (SF) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 306, Lions 251) 2004—Titans, 24-19 (T)
1956—Lions, 20-17 (D) DETROIT vs. TAMPA BAY 2008—Titans, 47-10 (D)
Lions, 17-13 (SF) RS: Lions lead series, 30-26 2012—Titans, 44-41 (T) OT
1957—49ers, 35-31 (SF) PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0 (RS Pts.—Titans 289, Lions 250)
Lions, 31-10 (D) 1977—Lions, 16-7 (D) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
*Lions, 31-27 (SF) 1978—Lions, 15-7 (TB) known as Oilers prior to 1999

446 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

*DETROIT vs. **WASHINGTON PS: Series tied, 1-1; (PS Pts.—Packers 13, Colts 10)
RS: Redskins lead series, 27-13 See Chicago vs. Green Bay *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
PS: Redskins lead series, 3-0 GREEN BAY vs. CINCINNATI **Conference Playoff
1932—Spartans, 10-0 (P) RS: Bengals lead series, 7-5; GREEN BAY vs. JACKSONVILLE
1933—Spartans, 13-0 (B) See Cincinnati vs. Green Bay RS: Packers lead series, 3-2
1934—Lions, 24-0 (D) GREEN BAY vs. CLEVELAND 1995—Packers, 24-14 (J)
1935—Lions, 17-7 (B) RS: Packers lead series, 11-7 2001—Packers, 28-21 (J)
Lions, 14-0 (D) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; 2004—Jaguars, 28-25 (GB)
1938—Redskins, 7-5 (D) See Cleveland vs. Green Bay 2008—Jaguars, 20-16 (J)
1939—Redskins, 31-7 (W) GREEN BAY vs. DALLAS 2012—Packers, 24-15 (GB)
1940—Redskins, 20-14 (D) RS: Packers lead series, 14-12 (RS Pts.—Packers 117, Jaguars 98)
1942—Redskins, 15-3 (D) PS: Cowboys lead series, 4-3; GREEN BAY vs. KANSAS CITY
1943—Redskins, 42-20 (W) See Dallas vs. Green Bay RS: Chiefs lead series, 7-3-1
1946—Redskins, 17-16 (W) GREEN BAY vs. DENVER PS: Packers lead series, 1-0
1947—Lions, 38-21 (D) RS: Series tied, 6-6-1 1966—*Packers, 35-10 (Los Angeles)
1948—Redskins, 46-21 (W) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0; 1973—Tie, 10-10 (Mil)
1951—Lions, 35-17 (D) See Denver vs. Green Bay 1977—Chiefs, 20-10 (KC)
1956—Redskins, 18-17 (W) GREEN BAY vs. DETROIT 1987—Packers, 23-3 (KC)
1965—Lions, 14-10 (D) RS: Packers lead series, 96-68-7 1989—Chiefs, 21-3 (GB)
1968—Redskins, 14-3 (W) PS: Packers lead series, 2-0; 1990—Chiefs, 17-3 (GB)
1970—Redskins, 31-10 (W) See Detroit vs. Green Bay 1993—Chiefs, 23-16 (KC)
1973—Redskins, 20-0 (D) GREEN BAY vs. HOUSTON 1996—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC)
1976—Redskins, 20-7 (W) RS: Packers lead series, 2-1 2003—Chiefs, 40-34 (GB) OT
1978—Redskins, 21-19 (D) 2004—Packers, 16-13 (H) 2007—Packers, 33-22 (KC)
1979—Redskins, 27-24 (D) 2008—Texans, 24-21 (GB) 2011—Chiefs, 19-14 (KC)
1981—Redskins, 33-31 (W) 2012—Packers, 42-24 (H) 2015—Packers, 38-28 (GB)
1982—***Redskins, 31-7 (W) (RS Pts.—Packers 79, Texans 61) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 230, Packers 204)
1983—Redskins, 38-17 (W) GREEN BAY vs. *INDIANAPOLIS (PS Pts.—Packers 35, Chiefs 10)
1984—Redskins, 28-14 (W) RS: Colts lead series, 21-20-1 *Super Bowl I
1985—Redskins, 24-3 (W) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0 GREEN BAY vs. *LOS ANGELES
1987—Redskins, 20-13 (W) 1953—Packers, 37-14 (GB) RS: Series tied, 45-45-2
1990—Redskins, 41-38 (D) OT Packers, 35-24 (B) PS: Series tied, 1-1
1991—Redskins, 45-0 (W) 1954—Packers, 7-6 (B) 1937—Packers, 35-10 (C)
****Redskins, 41-10 (W) Packers, 24-13 (Mil) Packers, 35-7 (GB)
1992—Redskins, 13-10 (W) 1955—Colts, 24-20 (Mil) 1938—Packers, 26-17 (GB)
1995—Redskins, 36-30 (W) OT Colts, 14-10 (B) Packers, 28-7 (C)
1997—Redskins, 30-7 (W) 1956—Packers, 38-33 (Mil) 1939—Rams, 27-24 (GB)
1999—Lions, 33-17 (D) Colts, 28-21 (B) Packers, 7-6 (C)
***Redskins, 27-13 (W) 1957—Colts, 45-17 (Mil) 1940—Packers, 31-14 (GB)
2000—Lions, 15-10 (D) Packers, 24-21 (B) Tie, 13-13 (C)
2004—Redskins, 17-10 (D) 1958—Colts, 24-17 (Mil) 1941—Packers, 24-7 (Mil)
2007—Redskins, 34-3 (W) Colts, 56-0 (B) Packers, 17-14 (C)
2008—Redskins, 25-17 (D) 1959—Colts, 38-21 (B) 1942—Packers, 45-28 (GB)
2009—Lions, 19-14 (D) Colts, 28-24 (Mil) Packers, 30-12 (C)
2010—Lions, 37-25 (D) 1960—Packers, 35-21 (GB) 1944—Packers, 30-21 (GB)
2013—Lions, 27-20 (W) Colts, 38-24 (B) Packers, 42-7 (C)
(RS Pts.—Redskins 854, Lions 655) 1961—Packers, 45-7 (GB) 1945—Rams, 27-14 (GB)
(PS Pts.—Redskins 99, Lions 30) Colts, 45-21 (B) Rams, 20-7 (C)
*Franchise in Portsmouth prior to 1934 1962—Packers, 17-6 (B) 1946—Rams, 21-17 (Mil)
and known as the Spartans. Packers, 17-13 (GB) Rams, 38-17 (LA)
**Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 1963—Packers, 31-20 (GB) 1947—Packers, 17-14 (Mil)
***NFC First-Round Playoff Packers, 34-20 (B) Packers, 30-10 (LA)
****NFC Championship 1964—Colts, 21-20 (GB) 1948—Packers, 16-0 (GB)
Colts, 24-21 (B) Rams, 24-10 (LA)
GREEN BAY vs. ARIZONA 1965—Packers, 20-17 (Mil) 1949—Rams, 48-7 (GB)
RS: Packers lead series, 44-23-4 Packers, 42-27 (B) Rams, 35-7 (LA)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1; **Packers, 13-10 (GB) OT 1950—Rams, 45-14 (Mil)
See Arizona vs. Green Bay 1966—Packers, 24-3 (Mil) Rams, 51-14 (LA)
GREEN BAY vs. ATLANTA Packers, 14-10 (B) 1951—Rams, 28-0 (Mil)
RS: Packers lead series, 15-12 1967—Colts, 13-10 (B) Rams, 42-14 (LA)
PS: Packers lead series, 2-1; 1968—Colts, 16-3 (GB) 1952—Rams, 30-28 (Mil)
See Atlanta vs. Green Bay 1969—Colts, 14-6 (B) Rams, 45-27 (LA)
GREEN BAY vs. BALTIMORE 1970—Colts, 13-10 (Mil) 1953—Rams, 38-20 (Mil)
RS: Packers lead series, 4-1; 1974—Packers, 20-13 (B) Rams, 33-17 (LA)
See Baltimore vs. Green Bay 1982—Tie, 20-20 (B) OT 1954—Packers, 35-17 (Mil)
GREEN BAY vs. BUFFALO 1985—Colts, 37-10 (I) Rams, 35-27 (LA)
RS: Bills lead series, 8-4; 1988—Colts, 20-13 (GB) 1955—Packers, 30-28 (Mil)
See Buffalo vs. Green Bay 1991—Packers, 14-10 (Mil) Rams, 31-17 (LA)
GREEN BAY vs. CAROLINA 1997—Colts, 41-38 (I) 1956—Packers, 42-17 (Mil)
RS: Packers lead series, 8-5 2000—Packers, 26-24 (GB) Rams, 49-21 (LA)
PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; 2004—Colts, 45-31 (I) 1957—Rams, 31-27 (Mil)
See Carolina vs. Green Bay 2008—Packers, 34-14 (GB) Rams, 42-17 (LA)
GREEN BAY vs. CHICAGO 2012—Colts, 30-27 (I) 1958—Rams, 20-7 (GB)
RS: Bears lead series, 93-91-6 (RS Pts.—Colts 950, Packers 922) Rams, 34-20 (LA)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 447

1959—Rams, 45-6 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 333, Packers 256) Packers, 38-10 (GB)
Packers, 38-20 (LA) GREEN BAY vs. MINNESOTA 1997—Packers, 38-32 (GB)
1960—Rams, 33-31 (Mil) RS: Packers lead series, 58-49-2 Packers, 27-11 (Minn)
Packers, 35-21 (LA) PS: Series tied, 1-1 1998—Vikings, 37-24 (GB)
1961—Packers, 35-17 (GB) 1961—Packers, 33-7 (Minn) Vikings, 28-14 (Minn)
Packers, 24-17 (LA) Packers, 28-10 (Mil) 1999—Packers, 23-20 (GB)
1962—Packers, 41-10 (Mil) 1962—Packers, 34-7 (GB) Vikings, 24-20 (Minn)
Packers, 20-17 (LA) Packers, 48-21 (Minn) 2000—Packers, 26-20 (GB) OT
1963—Packers, 42-10 (GB) 1963—Packers, 37-28 (Minn) Packers, 33-28 (Minn)
Packers, 31-14 (LA) Packers, 28-7 (GB) 2001—Vikings, 35-13 (Minn)
1964—Rams, 27-17 (Mil) 1964—Vikings, 24-23 (GB) Packers, 24-13 (GB)
Tie, 24-24 (LA) Packers, 42-13 (Minn) 2002—Vikings, 31-21 (Minn)
1965—Packers, 6-3 (Mil) 1965—Packers, 38-13 (Minn) Packers, 26-22 (GB)
Rams, 21-10 (LA) Packers, 24-19 (GB) 2003—Vikings, 30-25 (GB)
1966—Packers, 24-13 (GB) 1966—Vikings, 20-17 (GB) Packers, 30-27 (Minn)
Packers, 27-23 (LA) Packers, 28-16 (Minn) 2004—Packers, 34-31 (GB)
1967—Rams, 27-24 (LA) 1967—Vikings, 10-7 (Mil) Packers, 34-31 (Minn)
**Packers, 28-7 (Mil) Packers, 30-27 (Minn) *Vikings, 31-17 (GB)
1968—Rams, 16-14 (Mil) 1968—Vikings, 26-13 (Mil) 2005—Vikings, 23-20 (Minn)
1969—Rams, 34-21 (LA) Vikings, 14-10 (Minn) Vikings, 20-17 (GB)
1970—Rams, 31-21 (GB) 1969—Vikings, 19-7 (Minn) 2006—Packers, 23-17 (Minn)
1971—Rams, 30-13 (LA) Vikings, 9-7 (Mil) Packers, 9-7 (GB)
1973—Rams, 24-7 (LA) 1970—Packers, 13-10 (Mil) 2007—Packers, 23-16 (Minn)
1974—Packers, 17-6 (Mil) Vikings, 10-3 (Minn) Packers, 34-0 (GB)
1975—Rams, 22-5 (LA) 1971—Vikings, 24-13 (GB) 2008—Packers, 24-19 (GB)
1977—Rams, 24-6 (Mil) Vikings, 3-0 (Minn) Vikings, 28-27 (Minn)
1978—Rams, 31-14 (LA) 1972—Vikings, 27-13 (GB) 2009—Vikings, 30-23 (Minn)
1980—Rams, 51-21 (LA) Packers, 23-7 (Minn) Vikings, 38-26 (GB)
1981—Rams, 35-23 (LA) 1973—Vikings, 11-3 (Minn) 2010—Packers, 28-24 (GB)
1982—Packers, 35-23 (Mil) Vikings, 31-7 (GB) Packers, 31-3 (Minn)
1983—Packers, 27-24 (Mil) 1974—Vikings, 32-17 (GB) 2011—Packers, 33-27 (Minn)
1984—Packers, 31-6 (Mil) Packers, 19-7 (Minn) Packers, 45-7 (GB)
1985—Rams, 34-17 (LA) 1975—Vikings, 28-17 (GB) 2012—Packers, 23-14 (GB)
1988—Rams, 34-7 (GB) Vikings, 24-3 (Minn) Vikings, 37-34 (Minn)
1989—Rams, 41-38 (LA) 1976—Vikings, 17-10 (Mil) *Packers, 24-10 (GB)
1990—Packers, 36-24 (GB) Vikings, 20-9 (Minn) 2013—Packers, 44-31 (Minn)
1991—Rams, 23-21 (LA) 1977—Vikings, 19-7 (Minn) Tie, 26-26 (GB) OT
1992—Packers, 28-13 (GB) Vikings, 13-6 (GB) 2014—Packers, 42-10 (GB)
1993—Packers, 36-6 (Mil) 1978—Vikings, 21-7 (Minn) Packers, 24-21 (M)
1994—Packers, 24-17 (GB) Tie, 10-10 (GB) OT 2015—Packers, 30-13 (M)
1995—Rams, 17-14 (GB) 1979—Vikings, 27-21 (Minn) OT Vikings, 20-13 (GB)
1996—Packers, 24-9 (StL) Packers, 19-7 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Packers 2,397, Vikings 2,108)
1997—Packers, 17-7 (GB) 1980—Packers, 16-3 (GB) (PS Pts.—Packers 41, Vikings 41)
2001—***Rams, 45-17 (StL) Packers, 25-13 (Minn) *NFC First-Round Playoff
2003—Rams, 34-24 (StL) 1981—Vikings, 30-13 (Mil) GREEN BAY vs. NEW ENGLAND
2004—Packers, 45-17 (GB) Packers, 35-23 (Minn) RS: Series tied, 5-5
2006—Rams, 23-20 (GB) 1982—Packers, 26-7 (Mil) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0
2007—Packers, 33-14 (StL) 1983—Vikings, 20-17 (GB) OT 1973—Patriots, 33-24 (NE)
2009—Packers, 36-17 (StL) Packers, 29-21 (Minn) 1979—Packers, 27-14 (GB)
2011—Packers, 24-3 (GB) 1984—Packers, 45-17 (Mil) 1985—Patriots, 26-20 (NE)
2012—Packers, 30-20 (StL) Packers, 38-14 (Minn) 1988—Packers, 45-3 (Mil)
2015—Packers, 24-10 (GB) 1985—Packers, 20-17 (Mil) 1994—Patriots, 17-16 (NE)
(RS Pts.—Rams 2,105, Packers 2,094) Packers, 27-17 (Minn) 1996—*Packers, 35-21 (New Orleans)
(PS Pts.—Rams 52, Packers 45) 1986—Vikings, 42-7 (Minn) 1997—Packers, 28-10 (NE)
*Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1995 Vikings, 32-6 (GB) 2002—Packers, 28-10 (NE)
and in Cleveland prior to 1946 1987—Packers, 23-16 (Minn) 2006—Patriots, 35-0 (GB)
**Conference Championship Packers, 16-10 (Mil) 2010—Patriots, 31-27 (NE)
***NFC Divisional Playoff 1988—Packers, 34-14 (Minn) 2014—Packers, 26-21 (GB)
GREEN BAY vs. MIAMI Packers, 18-6 (GB) (RS Pts.—Packers 241, Patriots 200)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 10-4 1989—Vikings, 26-14 (Minn) (PS Pts.—Packers 35, Patriots 21)
1971—Dolphins, 27-6 (Mia) Packers, 20-19 (Mil) *Super Bowl XXXI
1975—Dolphins, 31-7 (GB) 1990—Packers, 24-10 (Mil) GREEN BAY vs. NEW ORLEANS
1979—Dolphins, 27-7 (Mia) Vikings, 23-7 (Minn) RS: Packers lead series, 16-8
1985—Dolphins, 34-24 (GB) 1991—Vikings, 35-21 (GB) 1968—Packers, 29-7 (Mil)
1988—Dolphins, 24-17 (Mia) Packers, 27-7 (Minn) 1971—Saints, 29-21 (Mil)
1989—Dolphins, 23-20 (Mia) 1992—Vikings, 23-20 (GB) OT 1972—Packers, 30-20 (NO)
1991—Dolphins, 16-13 (Mia) Vikings, 27-7 (Minn) 1973—Packers, 30-10 (Mil)
1994—Dolphins, 24-14 (Mil) 1993—Vikings, 15-13 (Minn) 1975—Saints, 20-19 (NO)
1997—Packers, 23-18 (GB) Vikings, 21-17 (Mil) 1976—Packers, 32-27 (Mil)
2000—Dolphins, 28-20 (Mia) 1994—Packers, 16-10 (GB) 1977—Packers, 24-20 (NO)
2002—Packers, 24-10 (GB) Vikings, 13-10 (Minn) OT 1978—Packers, 28-17 (Mil)
2006—Packers, 34-24 (M) 1995—Packers, 38-21 (GB) 1979—Packers, 28-19 (Mil)
2010—Dolphins, 23-20 (GB) OT Vikings, 27-24 (Minn) 1981—Packers, 35-7 (NO)
2014—Packers, 27-24 (M) 1996—Vikings, 30-21 (Minn) 1984—Packers, 23-13 (NO)

448 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1985—Packers, 38-14 (Mil) 2012—Giants, 38-10 (NY) 1997—Eagles, 10-9 (P)
1986—Saints, 24-10 (NO) 2013—Giants, 27-13 (NY) 1998—Packers, 24-16 (GB)
1987—Saints, 33-24 (NO) (RS Pts.—Giants 924, Packers 923) 2000—Packers, 6-3 (GB)
1989—Packers, 35-34 (GB) (PS Pts.—Packers 151, Giants 97) 2003—Eagles, 17-14 (GB)
1993—Packers, 19-17 (NO) *NFL Championship **Eagles, 20-17 (P) OT
1995—Packers, 34-23 (NO) **NFC Championship Game 2004—Eagles, 47-17 (P)
2002—Saints, 35-20 (NO) ***NFC Divisional Playoff 2005—Eagles, 19-14 (P)
2005—Packers, 52-3 (GB) GREEN BAY vs. N.Y. JETS 2006—Eagles, 31-9 (P)
2006—Saints, 34-27 (GB) RS: Jets lead series, 8-4 2007—Packers, 16-13 (GB)
2008—Saints, 51-29 (NO) 1973—Packers, 23-7 (Mil) 2010—Packers, 27-20 (P)
2011—Packers, 42-34 (GB) 1979—Jets, 27-22 (GB) ***Packers, 21-16 (P)
2012—Packers, 28-27 (GB) 1981—Jets, 28-3 (NY) 2013—Eagles, 27-13 (GB)
2014—Saints, 44-23 (NO) 1982—Jets, 15-13 (NY) 2014—Packers, 53-20 (GB)
(RS Pts.—Packers 680, Saints 562) 1985—Jets, 24-3 (Mil) (RS Pts.—Packers 803, Eagles 646)
GREEN BAY vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1991—Jets, 19-16 (NY) OT (PS Pts.—Eagles 53, Packers 51)
RS: Packers lead series, 27-23-2 1994—Packers, 17-10 (GB) *NFL Championship
PS: Packers lead series, 4-3 2000—Jets, 20-16 (GB) **NFC Divisional Playoff
1928—Giants, 6-0 (GB) 2002—Jets, 42-17 (NY) ***NFC First-Round Playoff
Packers, 7-0 (NY) 2006—Jets, 38-10 (GB) GREEN BAY vs. *PITTSBURGH
1929—Packers, 20-6 (NY) 2010—Packers, 9-0 (NY) RS: Packers lead series, 18-15
1930—Packers, 14-7 (GB) 2014—Packers, 31-24 (GB) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0
Giants, 13-6 (NY) (RS Pts.—Jets 254, Packers 180) 1933—Packers, 47-0 (GB)
1931—Packers, 27-7 (GB) GREEN BAY vs. *OAKLAND 1935—Packers, 27-0 (GB)
Packers, 14-10 (NY) RS: Packers lead series, 7-5 Packers, 34-14 (P)
1932—Packers, 13-0 (GB) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0 1936—Packers, 42-10 (Mil)
Giants, 6-0 (NY) 1967—**Packers, 33-14 (Miami) 1938—Packers, 20-0 (GB)
1933—Giants, 10-7 (Mil) 1972—Raiders, 20-14 (GB) 1940—Packers, 24-3 (Mil)
Giants, 17-6 (NY) 1976—Raiders, 18-14 (O) 1941—Packers, 54-7 (P)
1934—Packers, 20-6 (Mil) 1978—Raiders, 28-3 (GB) 1942—Packers, 24-21 (Mil)
Giants, 17-3 (NY) 1984—Raiders, 28-7 (LA) 1946—Packers, 17-7 (GB)
1935—Packers, 16-7 (GB) 1987—Raiders, 20-0 (GB) 1947—Steelers, 18-17 (Mil)
1936—Packers, 26-14 (NY) 1990—Packers, 29-16 (LA) 1948—Steelers, 38-7 (P)
1937—Giants, 10-0 (NY) 1993—Packers, 28-0 (GB) 1949—Steelers, 30-7 (Mil)
1938—Giants, 15-3 (NY) 1999—Packers, 28-24 (GB) 1951—Packers, 35-33 (Mil)
*Giants, 23-17 (NY) 2003—Packers, 41-7 (O) Steelers, 28-7 (P)
1939—*Packers, 27-0 (Mil) 2007—Packers, 38-7 (GB) 1953—Steelers, 31-14 (P)
1940—Giants, 7-3 (NY) 2011—Packers, 46-16 (GB) 1954—Steelers, 21-20 (GB)
1942—Tie, 21-21 (NY) 2015—Packers, 30-20 (O) 1957—Packers, 27-10 (P)
1943—Packers, 35-21 (NY) (RS Pts.—Packers 278, Raiders 204) 1960—Packers, 19-13 (P)
1944—Giants, 24-0 (NY) (PS Pts.—Packers 33, Raiders 14) 1963—Packers, 33-14 (Mil)
*Packers, 14-7 (NY) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1965—Packers, 41-9 (P)
1945—Packers, 23-14 (NY) **Super Bowl II 1967—Steelers, 24-17 (GB)
1947—Tie, 24-24 (NY) GREEN BAY vs. PHILADELPHIA 1969—Packers, 38-34 (P)
1948—Giants, 49-3 (Mil) RS: Packers lead series, 25-14 1970—Packers, 20-12 (P)
1949—Giants, 30-10 (GB) PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1 1975—Steelers, 16-13 (Mil)
1952—Packers, 17-3 (NY) 1933—Packers, 35-9 (GB) 1980—Steelers, 22-20 (P)
1957—Giants, 31-17 (GB) Packers, 10-0 (P) 1983—Steelers, 25-21 (GB)
1959—Giants, 20-3 (NY) 1934—Packers, 19-6 (GB) 1986—Steelers, 27-3 (P)
1961—Packers, 20-17 (Mil) 1935—Packers, 13-6 (P) 1992—Packers, 17-3 (GB)
*Packers, 37-0 (GB) 1937—Packers, 37-7 (Mil) 1995—Packers, 24-19 (GB)
1962—*Packers, 16-7 (NY) 1939—Packers, 23-16 (P) 1998—Steelers, 27-20 (P)
1967—Packers, 48-21 (NY) 1940—Packers, 27-20 (GB) 2005—Steelers, 20-10 (GB)
1969—Packers, 20-10 (Mil) 1942—Packers, 7-0 (P) 2009—Steelers, 37-36 (P)
1971—Giants, 42-40 (GB) 1946—Packers, 19-7 (P) 2010—**Packers, 31-25 (North Texas)
1973—Packers, 16-14 (New Haven) 1947—Eagles, 28-14 (P) 2013—Steelers, 38-31 (GB)
1975—Packers, 40-14 (Mil) 1951—Packers, 37-24 (GB) (RS Pts.—Packers 786, Steelers 611)
1980—Giants, 27-21 (NY) 1952—Packers, 12-10 (Mil) (PS Pts.—Packers 31, Steelers 25)
1981—Packers, 27-14 (NY) 1954—Packers, 37-14 (P) *Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940
Packers, 26-24 (Mil) 1958—Packers, 38-35 (GB) **Super Bowl XLV
1982—Packers, 27-19 (NY) 1960—*Eagles, 17-13 (P) GREEN BAY vs. SAN DIEGO
1983—Giants, 27-3 (NY) 1962—Packers, 49-0 (P) RS: Packers lead series, 10-1
1985—Packers, 23-20 (GB) 1968—Packers, 30-13 (GB) 1970—Packers, 22-20 (SD)
1986—Giants, 55-24 (NY) 1970—Packers, 30-17 (Mil) 1974—Packers, 34-0 (GB)
1987—Giants, 20-10 (NY) 1974—Eagles, 36-14 (P) 1978—Packers, 24-3 (SD)
1992—Giants, 27-7 (NY) 1976—Packers, 28-13 (GB) 1984—Chargers, 34-28 (GB)
1995—Packers, 14-6 (GB) 1978—Eagles, 10-3 (P) 1993—Packers, 20-13 (SD)
1998—Packers, 37-3 (NY) 1979—Eagles, 21-10 (GB) 1996—Packers, 42-10 (GB)
2001—Packers, 34-25 (NY) 1987—Packers, 16-10 (GB) OT 1999—Packers, 31-3 (SD)
2004—Giants, 14-7 (GB) 1990—Eagles, 31-0 (P) 2003—Packers, 38-21 (SD)
2007—Packers, 35-13 (NY) 1991—Eagles, 20-3 (GB) 2007—Packers, 31-24 (GB)
**Giants, 23-20 (GB) OT 1992—Packers, 27-24 (Mil) 2011—Packers, 45-38 (SD)
2010—Packers, 45-17 (GB) 1993—Eagles, 20-17 (GB) 2015—Packers, 27-20 (GB)
2011—Packers, 38-35 (NY) 1994—Eagles, 13-7 (P) (RS Pts.—Packers 342, Chargers 186)
***Giants, 37-20 (GB) 1996—Packers, 39-13 (GB) GREEN BAY vs. SAN FRANCISCO

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 449

RS: Packers lead series, 31-27-1 RS: Packers lead series, 9-7 2001—Buccaneers, 14-10 (TB)
PS: Packers lead series, 4-3 PS: Packers lead series, 2-1 Packers, 21-20 (GB)
1950—Packers, 25-21 (GB) 1976—Packers, 27-20 (Mil) 2002—Buccaneers, 21-7 (TB)
49ers, 30-14 (SF) 1978—Packers, 45-28 (Mil) 2003—Packers, 20-13 (TB)
1951—49ers, 31-19 (SF) 1981—Packers, 34-24 (GB) 2005—Buccaneers, 17-16 (GB)
1952—49ers, 24-14 (SF) 1984—Seahawks, 30-24 (Mil) 2008—Buccaneers, 30-21 (TB)
1953—49ers, 37-7 (Mil) 1987—Seahawks, 24-13 (S) 2009—Buccaneers, 38-28 (TB)
49ers, 48-14 (SF) 1990—Seahawks, 20-14 (Mil) 2011—Packers, 35-26 (GB)
1954—49ers, 23-17 (Mil) 1996—Packers, 31-10 (S) 2014—Packers, 20-3 (TB)
49ers, 35-0 (SF) 1999—Seahawks, 27-7 (GB) (RS Pts.—Packers 1,032, Buccaneers 853)
1955—Packers, 27-21 (Mil) 2003—Packers, 35-13 (GB) (PS Pts.—Packers 21, Buccaneers 7)
Packers, 28-7 (SF) *Packers, 33-27 (GB) OT *NFC Divisional Playoff
1956—49ers, 17-16 (GB) 2005—Packers, 23-17 (GB) GREEN BAY vs. *TENNESSEE
49ers, 38-20 (SF) 2006—Seahawks, 34-24 (S) RS: Titans lead series, 6-5
1957—49ers, 24-14 (Mil) 2007—**Packers, 42-20 (GB) 1972—Packers, 23-10 (H)
49ers, 27-20 (SF) 2008—Packers, 27-17 (S) 1977—Oilers, 16-10 (GB)
1958—49ers, 33-12 (Mil) 2009—Packers, 48-10 (GB) 1980—Oilers, 22-3 (GB)
49ers, 48-21 (SF) 2012—Seahawks, 14-12 (S) 1983—Packers, 41-38 (H) OT
1959—Packers, 21-20 (GB) 2014—Seahawks, 36-16 (S) 1986—Oilers, 31-3 (GB)
Packers, 36-14 (SF) ***Seahawks, 28-22 (S) OT 1992—Packers, 16-14 (H)
1960—Packers, 41-14 (Mil) 2015—Packers, 27-17 (GB) 1998—Packers, 30-22 (GB)
Packers, 13-0 (SF) (RS Pts.—Packers 407, Seahawks 341) 2001—Titans, 26-20 (T)
1961—Packers, 30-10 (GB) (PS Pts.—Packers 97, Seahawks 75) 2004—Titans, 48-27 (GB)
49ers, 22-21 (SF) *NFC First-Round Playoff 2008—Titans, 19-16 (T) OT
1962—Packers, 31-13 (Mil) **NFC Divisional Playoff 2012—Packers, 55-7 (GB)
Packers, 31-21 (SF) ***NFC Championship (RS Pts.—Titans 253, Packers 244)
1963—Packers, 28-10 (Mil) GREEN BAY vs. TAMPA BAY *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
Packers, 21-17 (SF) RS: Packers lead series, 31-21-1 known as Oilers prior to 1999
1964—Packers, 24-14 (Mil) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0 GREEN BAY vs. *WASHINGTON
49ers, 24-14 (SF) 1977—Packers, 13-0 (TB) RS: Packers lead series, 18-13-1
1965—Packers, 27-10 (GB) 1978—Packers, 9-7 (GB) PS: Packers lead series, 2-1
Tie, 24-24 (SF) Packers, 17-7 (TB) 1932—Packers, 21-0 (B)
1966—49ers, 21-20 (SF) 1979—Buccaneers, 21-10 (GB) 1933—Tie, 7-7 (GB)
Packers, 20-7 (Mil) Buccaneers, 21-3 (TB) Redskins, 20-7 (B)
1967—Packers, 13-0 (GB) 1980—Tie, 14-14 (TB) OT 1934—Packers, 10-0 (B)
1968—49ers, 27-20 (SF) Buccaneers, 20-17 (Mil) 1936—Packers, 31-2 (GB)
1969—Packers, 14-7 (Mil) 1981—Buccaneers, 21-10 (GB) Packers, 7-3 (B)
1970—49ers, 26-10 (SF) Buccaneers, 37-3 (TB) **Packers, 21-6 (New York)
1972—Packers, 34-24 (Mil) 1983—Packers, 55-14 (GB) 1937—Redskins, 14-6 (W)
1973—49ers, 20-6 (SF) Packers, 12-9 (TB) OT 1939—Packers, 24-14 (Mil)
1974—49ers, 7-6 (SF) 1984—Buccaneers, 30-27 (TB) OT 1941—Packers, 22-17 (W)
1976—49ers, 26-14 (GB) Packers, 27-14 (GB) 1943—Redskins, 33-7 (Mil)
1977—Packers, 16-14 (Mil) 1985—Packers, 21-0 (GB) 1946—Packers, 20-7 (W)
1980—Packers, 23-16 (Mil) Packers, 20-17 (TB) 1947—Packers, 27-10 (Mil)
1981—49ers, 13-3 (Mil) 1986—Packers, 31-7 (Mil) 1948—Redskins, 23-7 (Mil)
1986—49ers, 31-17 (Mil) Packers, 21-7 (TB) 1949—Redskins, 30-0 (W)
1987—49ers, 23-12 (GB) 1987—Buccaneers, 23-17 (Mil) 1950—Packers, 35-21 (Mil)
1989—Packers, 21-17 (SF) 1988—Buccaneers, 13-10 (GB) 1952—Packers, 35-20 (Mil)
1990—49ers, 24-20 (GB) Buccaneers, 27-24 (TB) 1958—Redskins, 37-21 (W)
1995—*Packers, 27-17 (SF) 1989—Buccaneers, 23-21 (GB) 1959—Packers, 21-0 (GB)
1996—Packers, 23-20 (GB) OT Packers, 17-16 (TB) 1968—Packers, 27-7 (W)
*Packers, 35-14 (GB) 1990—Buccaneers, 26-14 (TB) 1972—Redskins, 21-16 (W)
1997—**Packers, 23-10 (SF) Packers, 20-10 (Mil) ***Redskins, 16-3 (W)
1998—Packers, 36-22 (GB) 1991—Packers, 15-13 (GB) 1974—Redskins, 17-6 (GB)
***49ers, 30-27 (SF) Packers, 27-0 (TB) 1977—Redskins, 10-9 (W)
1999—Packers, 20-3 (SF) 1992—Buccaneers, 31-3 (TB) 1979—Redskins, 38-21 (W)
2000—Packers, 31-28 (GB) Packers, 19-14 (Mil) 1983—Packers, 48-47 (GB)
2001—***Packers, 25-15 (GB) 1993—Packers, 37-14 (TB) 1986—Redskins, 16-7 (GB)
2002—Packers, 20-14 (SF) Packers, 13-10 (GB) 1988—Redskins, 20-17 (Mil)
2003—Packers, 20-10 (GB) 1994—Packers, 30-3 (GB) 2001—Packers, 37-0 (GB)
2006—Packers, 30-19 (SF) Packers, 34-19 (TB) 2002—Packers, 30-9 (GB)
2009—Packers, 30-24 (GB) 1995—Packers, 35-13 (GB) 2004—Packers, 28-14 (W)
2010—Packers, 34-16 (GB) Buccaneers, 13-10 (TB) OT 2007—Packers, 17-14 (GB)
2012—49ers, 30-22 (GB) 1996—Packers, 34-3 (TB) 2010—Redskins, 16-13 (W) OT
*49ers, 45-31 (SF) Packers, 13-7 (GB) 2013—Packers, 38-20 (GB)
2013—49ers, 34-28 (SF) 1997—Packers, 21-16 (GB) 2015—****Packers, 35-18 (W)
***49ers, 23-20 (GB) Packers, 17-6 (TB) (RS Pts.—Packers 622, Redskins 507)
2015—Packers, 17-3 (SF) *Packers, 21-7 (GB) (PS Pts.—Packers 59, Redskins 40)
(RS Pts.—49ers 1,210, Packers 1,203) 1998—Packers, 23-15 (GB) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 and
(PS Pts.—Packers 188, 49ers 154) Buccaneers, 24-22 (TB) known as Braves prior to 1933
*NFC Divisional Playoff 1999—Packers, 26-23 (GB) **NFL Championship
**NFC Championship Buccaneers, 29-10 (TB) ***NFC Divisional Playoff
***NFC First-Round Playoff 2000—Buccaneers, 20-15 (TB) ****NFC First-Round Playoff
GREEN BAY vs. SEATTLE Packers, 17-14 (GB) OT

450 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2003—Texans, 24-20 (H) 2015—Patriots, 27-6 (H)
Jaguars, 27-0 (J) (RS Pts.—Patriots 193, Texans 112)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1;
2004—Texans, 20-6 (H) (PS Pts.—Patriots 41, Texans 28)
See Arizona vs. Houston
Texans, 21-0 (J) *AFC Divisional Playoff
2005—Jaguars, 21-14 (J) HOUSTON vs. NEW ORLEANS
RS: Series tied, 2-2;
Jaguars, 38-20 (H) RS: Series tied, 2-2
See Atlanta vs. Houston
2006—Texans, 27-7 (H) 2003—Saints, 31-10 (NO)
Texans, 13-10 (J) 2007—Texans, 23-10 (H)
RS: Ravens lead series, 6-2
2007—Jaguars, 37-17 (J) 2011—Saints, 40-33 (NO)
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0;
Texans, 42-28 (H) 2015—Texans, 24-6 (H)
See Baltimore vs. Houston
2008—Jaguars, 30-27 (J) OT (RS Pts.—Texans 90, Saints 87)
Texans, 30-17 (H) HOUSTON vs. N.Y. GIANTS
RS: Series tied, 4-4;
2009—Jaguars, 31-24 (H) RS: Giants lead series, 3-1
See Buffalo vs. Houston
Jaguars, 23-18 (J) 2002—Texans, 16-14 (H)
2010—Jaguars, 31-24 (J) 2006—Giants, 14-10 (NY)
RS: Series tied, 2-2;
Texans, 34-17 (H) 2010—Giants, 34-10 (H)
See Carolina vs. Houston
2011—Texans, 24-14 (H) 2014—Giants, 30-17 (NY)
Texans, 20-13 (J) (RS Pts.—Giants 92, Texans 53)
RS: Texans lead series, 3-0;
2012—Texans, 27-7 (J) HOUSTON vs. N.Y. JETS
See Chicago vs. Houston
Texans, 43-37 (H) OT RS: Jets lead series, 5-2
2013—Jaguars, 13-6 (H) 2003—Jets, 19-14 (H)
RS: Series tied, 4-4
Jaguars, 27-20 (J) 2004—Jets, 29-7 (NY)
PS: Texans lead series, 2-0;
2014—Texans, 27-13 (J) 2006—Jets, 26-11 (NY)
See Cincinnati vs. Houston
Texans, 23-17 (H) 2009—Jets, 24-7 (H)
2015—Texans, 31-20 (J) 2010—Jets, 30-27 (NY)
RS: Texans lead series, 5-3;
Texans, 30-6 (H) 2012—Texans, 23-17 (NY)
See Cleveland vs. Houston
(RS Pts.—Texans 648, Jaguars 553) 2015—Texans, 24-17 (H)
HOUSTON vs. KANSAS CITY (RS Pts.—Jets 162, Texans 113)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 3-1;
RS: Chiefs lead series, 4-3 HOUSTON vs. OAKLAND
See Dallas vs. Houston
PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0 RS: Texans lead series, 6-3
2003—Chiefs, 42-14 (H) 2004—Texans, 30-17 (H)
RS: Broncos lead series, 3-2;
2004—Texans, 24-21 (KC) 2006—Texans, 23-14 (O)
See Denver vs. Houston
2005—Chiefs, 45-17 (H) 2007—Texans, 24-17 (O)
2007—Texans, 20-3 (H) 2008—Raiders, 27-16 (O)
RS: Texans lead series, 2-1;
2010—Texans, 35-31 (H) 2009—Texans, 29-6 (H)
See Detroit vs. Houston
2013—Chiefs, 17-16 (KC) 2010—Texans, 31-24 (O)
2015—Chiefs, 27-20 (H) 2011—Raiders, 25-20 (H)
RS: Packers lead series, 2-1;
*Chiefs, 30-0 (H) 2013—Raiders, 28-23 (H)
See Green Bay vs. Houston
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 186, Texans 146) 2014—Texans, 30-14 (O)
(PS Pts.—Chiefs 30, Texans 0) (RS Pts.—Texans 226, Raiders 172)
RS: Colts lead series, 23-5
2002—Colts, 23-3 (H)
HOUSTON vs. *LOS ANGELES RS: Eagles lead series, 4-0
Colts, 19-3 (I)
RS: Rams lead series, 2-1 2002—Eagles, 35-17 (P)
2003—Colts, 30-21 (I)
2005—Rams, 33-27 (H) OT 2006—Eagles, 24-10 (H)
Colts, 20-17 (H)
2009—Texans, 16-13 (StL) 2010—Eagles, 34-24 (P)
2004—Colts, 49-14 (I)
2013—Rams, 38-13 (H) 2014—Eagles, 31-21 (H)
Colts, 23-14 (H)
(RS Pts.—Rams 84, Texans 56) (RS Pts.—Eagles 124, Texans 72)
2005—Colts, 38-20 (H)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 2002 to 2015 HOUSTON vs. PITTSBURGH
Colts, 31-17 (I)
HOUSTON vs. MIAMI RS: Steelers lead series, 3-2
2006—Colts, 43-24 (I)
RS: Texans lead series, 7-1 2002—Texans, 24-6 (P)
Texans, 27-24 (H)
2003—Texans, 21-20 (M) 2005—Steelers, 27-7 (H)
2007—Colts, 30-24 (H)
2006—Texans, 17-15 (H) 2008—Steelers, 38-17 (P)
Colts, 38-15 (I)
2007—Texans, 22-19 (H) 2011—Texans, 17-10 (H)
2008—Colts, 31-27 (H)
2008—Texans, 29-28 (H) 2014—Steelers, 30-23 (P)
Colts, 33-27 (I)
2009—Texans, 27-20 (M) (RS Pts.—Steelers 111, Texans 88)
2009—Colts, 20-17 (I)
2011—Texans, 23-13 (M) HOUSTON vs. SAN DIEGO
Colts, 35-27 (H)
2012—Texans, 30-10 (H) RS: Chargers lead series, 4-1
2010—Texans, 34-24 (H)
2015—Dolphins, 44-26 (M) 2002—Chargers, 24-3 (SD)
Colts, 30-17 (I)
(RS Pts.—Texans 195, Dolphins 169) 2004—Chargers, 27-20 (H)
2011—Texans, 34-7 (H)
HOUSTON vs. MINNESOTA 2007—Chargers, 35-10 (SD)
Colts, 19-16 (I)
RS: Vikings lead series, 3-0 2010—Chargers, 29-23 (H)
2012—Texans, 29-17 (H)
2004—Vikings, 34-28 (H) OT 2013—Texans, 31-28 (SD)
Colts, 28-16 (I)
2008—Vikings, 28-21 (M) (RS Pts.—Chargers 143, Texans 87)
2013—Colts, 27-24 (H)
2012—Vikings, 23-6 (H) HOUSTON vs. SAN FRANCISCO
Colts, 25-3 (I)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 85, Texans 55) RS: 49ers lead series, 2-1
2014—Colts, 33-28 (H)
HOUSTON vs. NEW ENGLAND 2005—49ers, 20-17 (SF) OT
Colts, 17-10 (I)
RS: Patriots lead series, 5-1 2009—Texans, 24-21 (H)
2015—Colts, 27-20 (H)
PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0 2013—49ers, 34-3 (SF)
Texans, 16-10 (I)
2003—Patriots, 23-20 (H) OT (RS Pts.—49ers 75, Texans 44)
(RS Pts.—Colts 751, Texans 544)
2006—Patriots, 40-7 (NE) HOUSTON vs. SEATTLE
2009—Texans, 34-27 (H) RS: Seahawks lead series, 2-1
RS: Texans lead series, 17-11
2012—Patriots, 42-14 (NE) 2005—Seahawks, 42-10 (S)
2002—Texans, 21-19 (J)
*Patriots, 41-28 (NE) 2009—Texans, 34-7 (H)
Jaguars, 24-21 (H)
2013—Patriots, 34-31 2013—Seahawks, 23-20 (H) OT

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 451

(RS Pts.—Seahawks 72, Texans 64) See Cleveland vs. Indianapolis 2010—Colts, 19-9 (I)
RS: Texans lead series, 3-1 RS: Cowboys lead series, 10-5 2012—Colts, 20-13 (KC)
2003—Buccaneers, 16-3 (TB) PS: Colts lead series, 1-0; 2013—Colts, 23-7 (KC)
2007—Texans, 28-14 (H) See Dallas vs. Indianapolis ***Colts, 45-44 (I)
2011—Texans, 37-9 (TB) INDIANAPOLIS vs. DENVER (RS Pts.—Colts 420, Chiefs 403)
2015—Texans, 19-9 (H) RS: Broncos lead series, 12-10 (PS Pts.—Colts 116, Chiefs 90)
(RS Pts.—Texans 87, Buccaneers 48) PS: Colts lead series, 3-0; *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
HOUSTON vs. TENNESSEE See Denver vs. Indianapolis **AFC Divisional Playoff
RS: Titans lead series, 15-13 INDIANAPOLIS vs. DETROIT ***AFC First-Round Playoff
2002—Titans, 17-10 (T) RS: Colts lead series, 21-18-2; *INDIANAPOLIS vs. **LOS ANGELES
Titans, 13-3 (H) See Detroit vs. Indianapolis RS: Colts lead series, 23-18-2
2003—Titans, 38-17 (T) INDIANAPOLIS vs. GREEN BAY 1953—Rams, 21-13 (B)
Titans, 27-24 (H) RS: Colts lead series, 21-20-1 Rams, 45-2 (LA)
2004—Texans, 20-10 (T) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; 1954—Rams, 48-0 (B)
Texans, 31-21 (H) See Green Bay vs. Indianapolis Colts, 22-21 (LA)
2005—Titans, 34-20 (H) INDIANAPOLIS vs. HOUSTON 1955—Tie, 17-17 (B)
Titans, 13-10 (T) RS: Colts lead series, 23-5; Rams, 20-14 (LA)
2006—Titans, 28-22 (T) See Houston vs. Indianapolis 1956—Colts, 56-21 (B)
Titans, 26-20 (H) OT INDIANAPOLIS vs. JACKSONVILLE Rams, 31-7 (LA)
2007—Titans, 38-36 (H) RS: Colts lead series, 21-9 1957—Colts, 31-14 (B)
Titans, 28-20 (T) 1995—Colts, 41-31 (J) Rams, 37-21 (LA)
2008—Titans, 31-12 (T) 2000—Colts, 43-14 (I) 1958—Colts, 34-7 (B)
Texans, 13-12 (H) 2002—Colts, 28-25 (J) Rams, 30-28 (LA)
2009—Texans, 34-31 (T) Colts, 20-13 (I) 1959—Colts, 35-21 (B)
Titans, 20-17 (H) 2003—Colts, 23-13 (I) Colts, 45-26 (LA)
2010—Texans, 20-0 (H) Jaguars, 28-23 (J) 1960—Colts, 31-17 (B)
Titans, 31-17 (T) 2004—Colts, 24-17 (J) Rams, 10-3 (LA)
2011—Texans, 41-7 (T) Jaguars, 27-24 (I) 1961—Colts, 27-24 (B)
Titans, 23-22 (H) 2005—Colts, 10-3 (I) Rams, 34-17 (LA)
2012—Texans, 38-14 (H) Colts, 26-18 (J) 1962—Colts, 30-27 (B)
Texans, 24-10 (T) 2006—Colts, 21-14 (I) Colts, 14-2 (LA)
2013—Texans, 30-24 (H) OT Jaguars, 44-17 (J) 1963—Rams, 17-16 (LA)
Titans, 16-10 (T) 2007—Colts, 29-7 (J) Colts, 19-16 (B)
2014—Texans, 30-16 (T) Colts, 28-25 (I) 1964—Colts, 35-20 (B)
Texans, 45-21 (H) 2008—Jaguars, 23-21 (I) Colts, 24-7 (LA)
2015—Texans, 20-6 (H) Colts, 31-24 (J) 1965—Colts, 35-20 (B)
Texans, 34-6 (T) 2009—Colts, 14-12 (I) Colts, 20-17 (LA)
(RS Pts.—Texans 640, Titans 561) Colts, 35-31 (J) 1966—Colts, 17-3 (LA)
HOUSTON vs. WASHINGTON 2010—Jaguars, 31-28 (J) Rams, 23-7 (B)
RS: Series tied, 2-2 Colts, 34-24 (I) 1967—Tie, 24-24 (B)
2002—Redskins, 26-10 (W) 2011—Jaguars, 17-3 (I) Rams, 34-10 (LA)
2006—Redskins, 31-15 (H) Jaguars, 19-13 (J) 1968—Colts, 27-10 (B)
2010—Texans, 30-27 (W) OT 2012—Jaguars, 22-17 (I) Colts, 28-24 (LA)
2014—Texans, 17-6 (H) Colts, 27-10 (J) 1969—Rams, 27-20 (B)
(RS Pts.—Redskins 90, Texans 72) 2013—Colts, 37-3 (J) Colts, 13-7 (LA)
Colts, 30-10 (I) 1971—Colts, 24-17 (B)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. ARIZONA 2014—Colts, 44-17 (J) 1975—Rams, 24-13 (LA)
RS: Colts lead series, 8-7; Colts, 23-3 (I) 1986—Rams, 24-7 (I)
See Arizona vs. Indianapolis 2015—Colts, 16-13 (I) OT 1989—Rams, 31-17 (LA)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. ATLANTA Jaguars, 51-16 (J) 1995—Colts, 21-18 (I)
RS: Colts lead series, 14-2; (RS Pts.—Colts 746, Jaguars 589) 2001—Rams, 42-17 (StL)
See Atlanta vs. Indianapolis *INDIANAPOLIS vs. KANSAS CITY 2005—Colts, 45-28 (I)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. BALTIMORE RS: Colts lead series, 12-8 2009—Colts, 42-6 (StL)
RS: Colts lead series, 8-3 PS: Colts lead series, 4-0 2013—Rams, 38-8 (I)
PS: Colts lead series, 2-1; 1970—Chiefs, 44-24 (B) (RS Pts.—Rams 950, Colts 936)
See Baltimore vs. Indianapolis 1972—Chiefs, 24-10 (KC) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
INDIANAPOLIS vs. BUFFALO 1975—Colts, 28-14 (B) **Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
RS: Bills lead series, 36-31-1; 1977—Colts, 17-6 (KC) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. MIAMI
See Buffalo vs. Indianapolis 1979—Chiefs, 14-0 (KC) RS: Dolphins lead series, 45-26
INDIANAPOLIS vs. CAROLINA Chiefs, 10-7 (B) PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-0
RS: Panthers lead series, 5-1; 1980—Colts, 31-24 (KC) 1970—Colts, 35-0 (B)
See Carolina vs. Indianapolis Chiefs, 38-28 (B) Dolphins, 34-17 (M)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. CHICAGO 1985—Chiefs, 20-7 (KC) 1971—Dolphins, 17-14 (M)
RS: Colts lead series, 22-19 1990—Colts, 23-19 (I) Colts, 14-3 (B)
PS: Colts lead series, 1-0; 1995—**Colts, 10-7 (KC) **Dolphins, 21-0 (M)
See Chicago vs. Indianapolis 1996—Colts, 24-19 (KC) 1972—Dolphins, 23-0 (B)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. CINCINNATI 1999—Colts, 25-17 (I) Dolphins, 16-0 (M)
RS: Colts lead series, 17-10 2000—Colts, 27-14 (KC) 1973—Dolphins, 44-0 (M)
PS: Colts lead series, 2-0; 2001—Colts, 35-28 (KC) Colts, 16-3 (B)
See Cincinnati vs. Indianapolis 2003—**Colts, 38-31 (KC) 1974—Dolphins, 17-7 (M)
INDIANAPOLIS vs. CLEVELAND 2004—Chiefs, 45-35 (KC) Dolphins, 17-16 (B)
RS: Series tied, 14-14 2006—***Colts, 23-8 (I) 1975—Colts, 33-17 (M)
PS: Series tied, 2-2; 2007—Colts, 13-10 (I) Colts, 10-7 (B) OT

452 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1976—Colts, 28-14 (B) 1964—Vikings, 34-24 (M) 1995—Colts, 24-10 (NE)
Colts, 17-16 (M) Colts, 17-14 (B) Colts, 10-7 (I)
1977—Colts, 45-28 (B) 1965—Colts, 35-16 (B) 1996—Patriots, 27-9 (I)
Dolphins, 17-6 (M) Colts, 41-21 (M) Patriots, 27-13 (NE)
1978—Dolphins, 42-0 (B) 1966—Colts, 38-23 (M) 1997—Patriots, 31-6 (I)
Dolphins, 26-8 (M) Colts, 20-17 (B) Patriots, 20-17 (NE)
1979—Dolphins, 19-0 (M) 1967—Tie, 20-20 (M) 1998—Patriots, 29-6 (NE)
Dolphins, 28-24 (B) 1968—Colts, 21-9 (B) Patriots, 21-16 (I)
1980—Colts, 30-17 (M) **Colts, 24-14 (B) 1999—Patriots, 31-28 (NE)
Dolphins, 24-14 (B) 1969—Vikings, 52-14 (M) Colts, 20-15 (I)
1981—Dolphins, 31-28 (B) 1971—Vikings, 10-3 (M) 2000—Patriots, 24-16 (NE)
Dolphins, 27-10 (M) 1982—Vikings, 13-10 (M) Colts, 30-23 (I)
1982—Dolphins, 24-20 (M) 1988—Vikings, 12-3 (M) 2001—Patriots, 44-13 (NE)
Dolphins, 34-7 (B) 1997—Vikings, 39-28 (M) Patriots, 38-17 (I)
1983—Dolphins, 21-7 (B) 2000—Colts, 31-10 (I) 2003—Patriots, 38-34 (I)
Dolphins, 37-0 (M) 2004—Colts, 31-28 (I) ***Patriots, 24-14 (NE)
1984—Dolphins, 44-7 (M) 2008—Colts, 18-15 (M) 2004—Patriots, 27-24 (NE)
Dolphins, 35-17 (I) 2012—Colts, 23-20 (I) ****Patriots, 20-3 (NE)
1985—Dolphins, 30-13 (M) (RS Pts.—Colts 585, Vikings 482) 2005—Colts, 40-21 (NE)
Dolphins, 34-20 (I) (PS Pts.—Colts 24, Vikings 14) 2006—Colts, 27-20 (NE)
1986—Dolphins, 30-10 (M) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 ***Colts, 38-34 (I)
Dolphins, 17-13 (I) **Conference Championship 2007—Patriots, 24-20 (I)
1987—Dolphins, 23-10 (I) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. **NEW ENGLAND 2008—Colts, 18-15 (I)
Colts, 40-21 (M) RS: Patriots lead series, 47-28 2009—Colts, 35-34 (I)
1988—Colts, 15-13 (I) PS: Patriots lead series, 4-1 2010—Patriots, 31-28 (NE)
Colts, 31-28 (M) 1970—Colts, 14-6 (Bos) 2011—Patriots, 31-24 (NE)
1989—Dolphins, 19-13 (M) Colts, 27-3 (Balt) 2012—Patriots, 59-24 (NE)
Colts, 42-13 (I) 1971—Colts, 23-3 (NE) 2013—****Patriots, 43-22 (NE)
1990—Dolphins, 27-7 (I) Patriots, 21-17 (Balt) 2014—Patriots, 42-20 (I)
Dolphins, 23-17 (M) 1972—Colts, 24-17 (NE) ***Patriots, 45-7 (NE)
1991—Dolphins, 17-6 (M) Colts, 31-0 (Balt) 2015—Patriots, 34-27 (I)
Dolphins, 10-6 (I) 1973—Patriots, 24-16 (NE) (RS Pts.—Patriots 1,835, Colts 1,429)
1992—Colts, 31-20 (M) Colts, 18-13 (Balt) (PS Pts.—Patriots 166, Colts 84)
Dolphins, 28-0 (I) 1974—Patriots, 42-3 (NE) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
1993—Dolphins, 24-20 (I) Patriots, 27-17 (Balt) **Franchise in Boston prior to 1971
Dolphins, 41-27 (M) 1975—Patriots, 21-10 (NE) ***AFC Championship
1994—Dolphins, 22-21 (M) Colts, 34-21 (Balt) ****AFC Divisional Playoff
Colts, 10-6 (I) 1976—Colts, 27-13 (NE) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. NEW ORLEANS
1995—Colts, 27-24 (M) OT Patriots, 21-14 (Balt) RS: Saints lead series, 7-5
Colts, 36-28 (I) 1977—Patriots, 17-3 (NE) PS: Saints lead series, 1-0
1996—Colts, 10-6 (I) Colts, 30-24 (Balt) 1967—Colts, 30-10 (B)
Dolphins, 37-13 (M) 1978—Colts, 34-27 (NE) 1969—Colts, 30-10 (NO)
1997—Dolphins, 16-10 (M) Patriots, 35-14 (Balt) 1973—Colts, 14-10 (B)
Colts, 41-0 (I) 1979—Colts, 31-26 (Balt) 1986—Saints, 17-14 (I)
1998—Dolphins, 24-15 (I) Patriots, 50-21 (NE) 1989—Saints, 41-6 (NO)
Dolphins, 27-14 (M) 1980—Patriots, 37-21 (Balt) 1995—Saints, 17-14 (NO)
1999—Dolphins, 34-31 (I) Patriots, 47-21 (NE) 1998—Saints, 19-13 (I) OT
Colts, 37-34 (M) 1981—Colts, 29-28 (NE) 2001—Saints, 34-20 (NO)
2000—Dolphins, 17-14 (I) Colts, 23-21 (Balt) 2003—Colts, 55-21 (NO)
Colts, 20-13 (M) 1982—Patriots, 24-13 (Balt) 2007—Colts, 41-10 (I)
***Dolphins 23-17 (M) OT 1983—Colts, 29-23 (NE) OT 2009—**Saints 31-17 (South Florida)
2001—Dolphins, 27-24 (I) Colts, 12-7 (Balt) 2011—Saints, 62-7 (NO)
Dolphins, 41-6 (M) 1984—Patriots, 50-17 (I) 2015—Saints, 27-21 (I)
2002—Dolphins, 21-13 (I) Patriots, 16-10 (NE) (RS Pts.—Saints 278, Colts 265)
2003—Colts, 23-17 (M) 1985—Patriots, 34-15 (NE) (PS Pts.—Saints 31, Colts 17)
2006—Colts, 27-22 (I) Patriots, 38-31 (I) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
2009—Colts, 27-23 (M) 1986—Patriots, 33-3 (NE) **Super Bowl XLIV
2012—Colts, 23-20 (I) Patriots, 30-21 (I) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. N.Y. GIANTS
2013—Dolphins, 24-20 (I) 1987—Colts, 30-16 (I) RS: Colts lead series, 9-6
2015—Colts, 18-12 (M) Patriots, 24-0 (NE) PS: Colts lead series, 2-0
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 1,595, Colts 1,231) 1988—Patriots, 21-17 (NE) 1954—Colts, 20-14 (B)
(PS Pts.—Dolphins 44, Colts 17) Colts, 24-21 (I) 1955—Giants, 17-7 (NY)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1989—Patriots, 23-20 (I) OT 1958—Giants, 24-21 (NY)
**AFC Championship Patriots, 22-16 (NE) **Colts, 23-17 (NY) OT
***AFC First-Round Playoff 1990—Patriots, 16-14 (I) 1959—**Colts, 31-16 (B)
*INDIANAPOLIS vs. MINNESOTA Colts, 13-10 (NE) 1963—Giants, 37-28 (B)
RS: Colts lead series, 15-7-1 1991—Patriots, 16-7 (I) 1968—Colts, 26-0 (NY)
PS: Colts lead series, 1-0 Patriots, 23-17 (NE) OT 1971—Colts, 31-7 (NY)
1961—Colts, 34-33 (B) 1992—Patriots, 37-34 (I) OT 1975—Colts, 21-0 (NY)
Vikings, 28-20 (M) Colts, 6-0 (NE) 1979—Colts, 31-7 (NY)
1962—Colts, 34-7 (M) 1993—Colts, 9-6 (I) 1990—Giants, 24-7 (I)
Colts, 42-17 (B) Patriots, 38-0 (NE) 1993—Giants, 20-6 (NY)
1963—Colts, 37-34 (M) 1994—Patriots, 12-10 (I) 1999—Colts, 27-19 (NY)
Colts, 41-10 (B) Patriots, 28-13 (NE) 2002—Giants, 44-27 (I)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 453

2006—Colts, 26-21 (NY) 2002—***Jets, 41-0 (NY) 1983—Steelers, 24-13 (B)
2010—Colts, 38-14 (I) 2003—Colts, 38-31 (I) 1984—Colts, 17-16 (I)
2014—Colts, 40-24 (NY) 2006—Colts, 31-28 (NY) 1985—Steelers, 45-3 (P)
(RS Pts.—Colts 356, Giants 272) 2009—Jets, 29-15 (I) 1987—Steelers, 21-7 (P)
(PS Pts.—Colts 54, Giants 33) ****Colts, 30-17 (I) 1991—Steelers, 21-3 (I)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 2010—***Jets, 17-16 (I) 1992—Steelers, 30-14 (P)
**NFL Championship 2012—Jets, 35-9 (NY) 1994—Steelers, 31-21 (P)
*INDIANAPOLIS vs. N.Y. JETS 2015—Jets, 20-7 (I) 1995—***Steelers, 20-16 (P)
RS: Colts lead series, 40-28 (RS Pts.—Jets 1,403, Colts 1,366) 1996—****Steelers, 42-14 (P)
PS: Jets lead series, 3-1 (PS Pts.—Jets 91, Colts 53) 1997—Steelers, 24-22 (P)
1968—**Jets 16-7 (Miami) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 2002—Steelers, 28-10 (P)
1970—Colts, 29-22 (NY) **Super Bowl III 2005—Colts, 26-7 (I)
Colts, 35-20 (B) ***AFC First-Round Playoff **Steelers, 21-18 (I)
1971—Colts, 22-0 (B) ****AFC Championship 2008—Colts, 24-20 (P)
Colts, 14-13 (NY) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. **OAKLAND 2011—Steelers, 23-20 (I)
1972—Jets, 44-34 (B) RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6 2014—Steelers, 51-34 (P)
Jets, 24-20 (NY) PS: Series tied, 1-1 2015—Steelers, 45-10 (P)
1973—Jets, 34-10 (B) 1970—***Colts, 27-17 (B) (RS Pts.—Steelers 556, Colts 386)
Jets, 20-17 (NY) 1971—Colts, 37-14 (O) (PS Pts.—Steelers 151, Colts 72)
1974—Colts, 35-20 (NY) 1973—Raiders, 34-21 (B) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
Jets, 45-38 (B) 1975—Raiders, 31-20 (B) **AFC Divisional Playoff
1975—Colts, 45-28 (NY) 1977—****Raiders, 37-31 (B) OT ***AFC Championship
Colts, 52-19 (B) 1984—Raiders, 21-7 (LA) ****AFC First-Round Playoff
1976—Colts, 20-0 (NY) 1986—Colts, 30-24 (LA) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. SAN DIEGO
Colts, 33-16 (B) 1991—Raiders, 16-0 (LA) RS: Chargers lead series, 16-9
1977—Colts, 20-12 (NY) 1995—Raiders, 30-17 (O) PS: Chargers lead series, 2-1
Colts, 33-12 (B) 2000—Raiders, 38-31 (I) 1970—Colts, 16-14 (SD)
1978—Jets, 33-10 (B) 2001—Raiders, 23-18 (I) 1972—Chargers, 23-20 (B)
Jets, 24-16 (NY) 2004—Colts, 35-14 (I) 1976—Colts, 37-21 (SD)
1979—Colts, 10-8 (B) 2007—Colts, 21-14 (O) 1981—Chargers, 43-14 (B)
Jets, 30-17 (NY) 2010—Colts, 31-26 (O) 1982—Chargers, 44-26 (SD)
1980—Colts, 17-14 (NY) 2013—Colts, 21-17 (I) 1984—Chargers, 38-10 (I)
Colts, 35-21 (B) (RS Pts.—Raiders 302, Colts 289) 1986—Chargers, 17-3 (I)
1981—Jets, 41-14 (B) (PS Pts.—Colts 58, Raiders 54) 1987—Chargers, 16-13 (I)
Jets, 25-0 (NY) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 Colts, 20-7 (SD)
1982—Jets, 37-0 (NY) **Franchise in Los Angeles from 1988—Colts, 16-0 (SD)
1983—Colts, 17-14 (NY) 1982-1994 1989—Colts, 10-6 (I)
Jets, 10-6 (B) ***AFC Championship 1992—Chargers, 34-14 (I)
1984—Jets, 23-14 (I) ****AFC Divisional Playoff Chargers, 26-0 (SD)
Colts, 9-5 (NY) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. PHILADELPHIA 1993—Chargers, 31-0 (I)
1985—Jets, 25-20 (NY) RS: Colts lead series, 10-8 1995—Chargers, 27-24 (I)
Jets, 35-17 (I) 1953—Eagles, 45-14 (P) **Colts, 35-20 (SD)
1986—Jets, 26-7 (I) 1965—Colts, 34-24 (B) 1996—Chargers, 26-19 (I)
Jets, 31-16 (NY) 1967—Colts, 38-6 (P) 1997—Chargers, 35-19 (SD)
1987—Colts, 6-0 (I) 1969—Colts, 24-20 (B) 1998—Colts, 17-12 (I)
Colts, 19-14 (NY) 1970—Colts, 29-10 (B) 1999—Colts, 27-19 (SD)
1988—Colts, 38-14 (I) 1974—Eagles, 30-10 (P) 2004—Colts, 34-31 (I) OT
Jets, 34-16 (NY) 1978—Eagles, 17-14 (B) 2005—Chargers, 26-17 (I)
1989—Colts, 17-10 (NY) 1981—Eagles, 38-13 (P) 2007—Chargers, 23-21 (SD)
Colts, 27-10 (I) 1983—Colts, 22-21 (P) ***Chargers, 28-24 (I)
1990—Colts, 17-14 (I) 1984—Eagles, 16-7 (P) 2008—Colts, 23-20 (SD)
Colts, 29-21 (NY) 1990—Colts, 24-23 (P) **Chargers, 23-17 (SD) OT
1991—Jets, 17-6 (I) 1993—Eagles, 20-10 (I) 2010—Chargers, 36-14 (I)
Colts, 28-27 (NY) 1996—Colts, 37-10 (I) 2013—Chargers, 19-9 (SD)
1992—Colts, 6-3 (I) OT 1999—Colts, 44-17 (P) (RS Pts.—Chargers 594, Colts 423)
Colts, 10-6 (NY) 2002—Colts, 35-13 (P) (PS Pts.—Colts 76, Chargers 71)
1993—Jets, 31-17 (I) 2006—Colts, 45-21 (I) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
Colts, 9-6 (NY) 2010—Eagles, 26-24 (P) **AFC First-Round Playoff
1994—Jets, 16-6 (NY) 2014—Eagles, 30-27 (I) ***AFC Divisional Playoff
Colts, 28-25 (I) (RS Pts.—Colts 451, Eagles 387) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. SAN FRANCISCO
1995—Colts, 27-24 (NY) OT *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 RS: Colts lead series, 25-18
Colts, 17-10 (I) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. PITTSBURGH 1953—49ers, 38-21 (B)
1996—Colts, 21-7 (NY) RS: Steelers lead series, 16-6 49ers, 45-14 (SF)
Colts, 34-29 (I) PS: Steelers lead series, 5-0 1954—Colts, 17-13 (B)
1997—Jets, 16-12 (I) 1957—Steelers, 19-13 (B) 49ers, 10-7 (SF)
Colts, 22-14 (NY) 1968—Colts, 41-7 (P) 1955—Colts, 26-14 (B)
1998—Jets, 44-6 (NY) 1971—Colts, 34-21 (B) 49ers, 35-24 (SF)
Colts, 24-23 (I) 1974—Steelers, 30-0 (P) 1956—49ers, 20-17 (B)
1999—Colts, 16-13 (NY) 1975—**Steelers, 28-10 (P) 49ers, 30-17 (SF)
Colts, 13-6 (I) 1976—**Steelers, 40-14 (B) 1957—Colts, 27-21 (B)
2000—Colts, 23-15 (I) 1977—Colts, 31-21 (B) 49ers, 17-13 (SF)
Jets, 27-17 (NY) 1978—Steelers, 35-13 (P) 1958—Colts, 35-27 (B)
2001—Colts, 45-24 (NY) 1979—Steelers, 17-13 (P) 49ers, 21-12 (SF)
Jets, 29-28 (I) 1980—Steelers, 20-17 (B) 1959—Colts, 45-14 (B)

454 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Colts, 34-14 (SF) 1985—Colts, 34-16 (I) (RS Pts.—Colts 780, Redskins 602)
1960—49ers, 30-22 (B) 1986—Oilers, 31-17 (H) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984
49ers, 34-10 (SF) 1987—Colts, 51-27 (I)
1961—Colts, 20-17 (B) 1988—Oilers, 17-14 (I) OT JACKSONVILLE vs. ARIZONA
Colts, 27-24 (SF) 1990—Oilers, 24-10 (H) RS: Series tied, 2-2;
1962—49ers, 21-13 (B) 1992—Oilers, 20-10 (I) See Arizona vs. Jacksonville
Colts, 22-3 (SF) 1994—Colts, 45-21 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. ATLANTA
1963—Colts, 20-14 (SF) 1999—***Titans, 19-16 (I) RS: Series tied, 3-3;
Colts, 20-3 (B) 2002—Titans, 23-15 (I) See Atlanta vs. Jacksonville
1964—Colts, 37-7 (B) Titans, 27-17 (T) JACKSONVILLE vs. BALTIMORE
Colts, 14-3 (SF) 2003—Colts, 33-7 (I) RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-8;
1965—Colts, 27-24 (B) Colts, 29-27 (T) See Baltimore vs. Jacksonville
Colts, 34-28 (SF) 2004—Colts, 31-17 (T) JACKSONVILLE vs. BUFFALO
1966—Colts, 36-14 (B) Colts, 51-24 (I) RS: Bills lead series, 7-6
Colts, 30-14 (SF) 2005—Colts, 31-10 (T) PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0;
1967—Colts, 41-7 (B) Colts, 35-3 (I) See Buffalo vs. Jacksonville
Colts, 26-9 (SF) 2006—Colts, 14-13 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. CAROLINA
1968—Colts, 27-10 (B) Titans, 20-17 (T) RS: Series tied, 3-3;
Colts, 42-14 (SF) 2007—Colts, 22-20 (T) See Carolina vs. Jacksonville
1969—49ers, 24-21 (B) Titans, 16-10 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. CHICAGO
49ers, 20-17 (SF) 2008—Titans, 31-21 (T) RS: Bears lead series, 4-2;
1972—49ers, 24-21 (SF) Colts, 23-0 (I) See Chicago vs. Jacksonville
1986—49ers, 35-14 (SF) 2009—Colts, 31-9 (T) JACKSONVILLE vs. CINCINNATI
1989—49ers, 30-24 (I) Colts, 27-17 (I) RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-9;
1995—Colts, 18-17 (I) 2010—Colts, 30-28 (T) See Cincinnati vs. Jacksonville
1998—49ers, 34-31 (SF) Colts, 23-20 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. CLEVELAND
2001—49ers, 40-21 (I) 2011—Titans, 27-10 (T) RS: Jaguars lead series, 11-5;
2005—Colts, 28-3 (SF) Colts, 27-13 (I) See Cleveland vs. Jacksonville
2009—Colts, 18-14 (I) 2012—Colts, 19-13 (T) OT JACKSONVILLE vs. DALLAS
2013—Colts, 27-7 (SF) Colts, 27-23 (I) RS: Series tied, 3-3;
(RS Pts.—Colts 1,017, 49ers 843) 2013—Colts, 30-27 (T) See Dallas vs. Jacksonville
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 Colts, 22-14 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. DENVER
*INDIANAPOLIS vs. SEATTLE 2014—Colts, 41-17 (I) RS: Jaguars lead series, 5-4
RS: Colts lead series, 7-4 Colts, 27-10 (T) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
1977—Colts, 29-14 (S) 2015—Colts, 35-33 (T) See Denver vs. Jacksonville
1978—Colts, 17-14 (S) Colts, 30-24 (I) JACKSONVILLE vs. DETROIT
1991—Seahawks, 31-3 (S) (RS Pts.—Colts 1,085, Titans 814) RS: Jaguars lead series, 3-2;
1994—Colts, 17-15 (I) (PS Pts.—Titans 19, Colts 16) See Detroit vs. Jacksonville
Colts, 31-19 (S) *Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 JACKSONVILLE vs. GREEN BAY
1997—Seahawks, 31-3 (I) **Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; RS: Packers lead series, 3-2;
1998—Seahawks, 27-23 (S) known as Oilers prior to 1999 See Green Bay vs. Jacksonville
2000—Colts, 37-24 (S) ***AFC Divisional Playoff JACKSONVILLE vs. HOUSTON
2005—Seahawks, 28-13 (S) *INDIANAPOLIS vs. WASHINGTON RS: Texans lead series, 17-11;
2009—Colts, 34-17 (I) RS: Colts lead series, 20-10 See Houston vs. Jacksonville
2013—Colts, 34-28 (I) 1953—Colts, 27-17 (B) JACKSONVILLE vs. INDIANAPOLIS
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 248, Colts 241) 1954—Redskins, 24-21 (W) RS: Colts lead series, 21-9;
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1955—Redskins, 14-13 (B) See Indianapolis vs. Jacksonville
RS: Colts lead series, 8-5 1957—Colts, 21-17 (W) RS: Jaguars lead series, 6-4
1976—Colts, 42-17 (B) 1958—Colts, 35-10 (B) 1997—Jaguars, 24-10 (J)
1979—Buccaneers, 29-26 (B) OT 1959—Redskins, 27-24 (W) 1998—Jaguars, 21-16 (J)
1985—Colts, 31-23 (TB) 1960—Colts, 20-0 (B) 2001—Chiefs, 30-26 (J)
1987—Colts, 24-6 (I) 1961—Colts, 27-6 (W) 2002—Jaguars, 23-16 (KC)
1988—Colts, 35-31 (I) 1962—Colts, 34-21 (B) 2004—Jaguars, 22-16 (J)
1991—Buccaneers, 17-3 (TB) 1963—Colts, 36-20 (W) 2006—Chiefs, 35-30 (KC)
1992—Colts, 24-14 (TB) 1964—Colts, 45-17 (B) 2007—Jaguars, 17-7 (KC)
1994—Buccaneers, 24-10 (TB) 1965—Colts, 38-7 (W) 2009—Jaguars, 24-21 (J)
1997—Buccaneers, 31-28 (I) 1966—Colts, 37-10 (B) 2010—Chiefs, 42-20 (KC)
2003—Colts, 38-35 (TB) OT 1967—Colts, 17-13 (W) 2013—Chiefs, 28-2 (J)
2007—Colts, 33-14 (I) 1969—Colts, 41-17 (B) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 221, Jaguars 209)
2011—Buccaneers, 24-17 (TB) 1973—Redskins, 22-14 (W) JACKSONVILLE vs. *LOS ANGELES
2015—Colts, 25-12 (I) 1977—Colts, 10-3 (B) RS: Rams lead series, 3-1
(RS Pts.—Colts 336, Buccaneers 277) 1978—Colts, 21-17 (B) 1996—Rams, 17-14 (StL)
*Franchise in Baltimore prior to 1984 1981—Redskins, 38-14 (W) 2005—Rams, 24-21 (StL)
*INDIANAPOLIS vs. **TENNESSEE 1984—Redskins, 35-7 (I) 2009—Jaguars, 23-20 (J) OT
RS: Colts lead series, 29-13 1990—Colts, 35-28 (I) 2013—Rams, 34-20 (StL)
PS: Titans lead series, 1-0 1993—Redskins, 30-24 (W) (RS Pts.—Rams 95, Jaguars 78)
1970—Colts, 24-20 (H) 1994—Redskins, 41-27 (I) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995-2015
1973—Oilers, 31-27 (B) 1996—Redskins, 31-16 (W) JACKSONVILLE vs. MIAMI
1976—Colts, 38-14 (B) 1999—Colts, 24-21 (I) RS: Dolphins lead series, 4-3
1979—Oilers, 28-16 (B) 2002—Redskins, 26-21 (W) PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0
1980—Oilers, 21-16 (H) 2006—Colts, 36-22 (I) 1998—Jaguars, 28-21 (J)
1983—Colts, 20-10 (B) 2010—Colts, 27-24 (W) 1999—*Jaguars, 62-7 (J)
1984—Colts, 35-21 (H) 2014—Colts, 49-27 (I) 2003—Dolphins, 24-10 (J)

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2006—Jaguars, 24-10 (M) 1997—Jaguars, 20-9 (O) 1995—Buccaneers, 17-16 (TB)
2009—Dolphins, 14-10 (J) 2004—Jaguars, 13-6 (O) 1998—Jaguars, 29-24 (J)
2012—Dolphins, 24-3 (M) 2007—Jaguars, 49-11 (J) 2003—Jaguars, 17-10 (J)
2014—Dolphins, 27-13 (J) 2010—Jaguars, 38-31 (J) 2007—Jaguars, 24-23 (TB)
2015—Jaguars, 23-20 (J) 2012—Raiders, 26-23 (O) OT 2011—Jaguars, 41-14 (J)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 140, Jaguars 111) 2013—Raiders, 19-9 (O) 2015—Buccaneers, 38-31 (TB)
(PS Pts.—Jaguars 62, Dolphins 7) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 155, Raiders 119) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 158, Buccaneers 126)
JACKSONVILLE vs. MINNESOTA RS: Jaguars lead series, 3-2 RS: Titans lead series, 23-19
RS: Vikings lead series, 4-1 1997—Jaguars, 38-21 (J) PS: Titans lead, 1-0
1998—Vikings, 50-10 (M) 2002—Jaguars, 28-25 (J) 1995—Oilers, 10-3 (J)
2001—Jaguars, 33-3 (M) 2006—Jaguars, 13-6 (P) Jaguars, 17-16 (H)
2004—Vikings, 27-16 (M) 2010—Eagles, 28-3 (J) 1996—Oilers, 34-27 (J)
2008—Vikings, 30-12 (J) 2014—Eagles, 34-17 (P) Jaguars, 23-17 (H)
2012—Vikings, 26-23 (M) OT (RS Pts.—Eagles 114, Jaguars 99) 1997—Jaguars, 30-24 (T)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 136, Jaguars 94) JACKSONVILLE vs. PITTSBURGH Jaguars, 17-9 (J)
JACKSONVILLE vs. NEW ENGLAND RS: Series tied, 11-11 1998—Jaguars, 27-22 (T)
RS: Patriots lead series, 7-0 PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0 Oilers, 16-13 (J)
PS: Patriots lead series, 3-1 1995—Jaguars, 20-16 (J) 1999—Titans, 20-19 (J)
1996—Patriots, 28-25 (NE) OT Steelers, 24-7 (P) Titans, 41-14 (T)
*Patriots, 20-6 (NE) 1996—Jaguars, 24-9 (J) **Titans, 33-14 (J)
1997—Patriots, 26-20 (J) Steelers, 28-3 (P) 2000—Titans, 27-13 (T)
1998—**Jaguars, 25-10 (J) 1997—Jaguars, 30-21 (J) Jaguars, 16-13 (J)
2003—Patriots, 27-13 (NE) Steelers, 23-17 (P) OT 2001—Jaguars, 13-6 (J)
2005—**Patriots, 28-3 (NE) 1998—Steelers, 30-15 (P) Titans, 28-24 (T)
2006—Patriots, 24-21 (J) Jaguars, 21-3 (J) 2002—Titans, 23-14 (T)
2007—***Patriots, 31-20 (NE) 1999—Jaguars, 17-3 (P) Titans, 28-10 (J)
2009—Patriots, 35-7 (NE) Jaguars, 20-6 (J) 2003—Titans, 30-17 (J)
2012—Patriots, 23-16 (J) 2000—Steelers, 24-13 (J) Titans, 10-3 (T)
2015—Patriots, 51-17 (NE) Jaguars, 34-24 (P) 2004—Jaguars, 15-12 (T)
(RS Pts.—Patriots 214, Jaguars 119) 2001—Jaguars, 21-3 (J) Titans, 18-15 (J)
(PS Pts.—Patriots 89, Jaguars 54) Steelers, 20-7 (P) 2005—Jaguars, 31-28 (T)
*AFC Championship 2002—Steelers, 25-23 (J) Jaguars, 40-13 (J)
**AFC First-Round Playoff 2004—Steelers, 17-16 (J) 2006—Jaguars, 37-7 (J)
***AFC Divisional Playoff 2005—Jaguars, 23-17 (P) OT Titans, 24-17 (T)
JACKSONVILLE vs. NEW ORLEANS 2006—Jaguars, 9-0 (J) 2007—Titans, 13-10 (J)
RS: Saints lead series, 4-2 2007—Jaguars, 29-22 (P) Jaguars, 28-13 (T)
1996—Saints, 17-13 (NO) *Jaguars, 31-29 (P) 2008—Titans, 17-10 (T)
1999—Jaguars, 41-23 (J) 2008—Steelers, 26-21 (J) Titans, 24-14 (J)
2003—Jaguars, 20-19 (J) 2011—Steelers, 17-13 (P) 2009—Jaguars, 37-17 (J)
2007—Saints, 41-24 (NO) 2014—Steelers, 17-9 (J) Titans, 30-13 (T)
2011—Saints, 23-10 (J) (RS Pts.—Jaguars 392, Steelers 375) 2010—Titans, 30-3 (J)
2015—Saints, 38-27 (NO) (PS Pts.—Jaguars 31, Steelers 29) Jaguars, 17-6 (T)
(RS Pts.—Saints 161, Jaguars 135) *AFC First-Round Playoff 2011—Jaguars, 16-14 (J)
RS: Series tied, 3-3 RS: Chargers lead series, 6-2 2012—Jaguars, 24-19 (J)
1997—Jaguars, 40-13 (J) 2003—Jaguars, 27-21 (J) Titans, 38-20 (T)
2000—Giants, 28-25 (NY) 2004—Chargers, 34-21 (SD) 2013—Jaguars, 29-27 (T)
2002—Giants, 24-17 (NY) 2007—Jaguars, 24-17 (J) Titans, 20-16 (J)
2006—Jaguars, 26-10 (J) 2010—Chargers, 38-13 (SD) 2014—Titans, 16-14 (T)
2010—Giants, 24-20 (NY) 2011—Chargers, 38-14 (J) Jaguars, 21-13 (J)
2014—Jaguars, 25-24 (J) 2013—Chargers, 24-6 (J) 2015—Jaguars, 19-13 (J)
(RS Pts.—Jaguars 153, Giants 123) 2014—Chargers, 33-14 (SD) Titans, 42-39 (T)
JACKSONVILLE vs. N.Y. JETS 2015—Chargers, 31-25 (J) (RS Pts.—Titans 851, Jaguars 802)
RS: Jaguars lead series, 6-5 (RS Pts.—Chargers 236, Jaguars 144) (PS Pts.—Titans 33, Jaguars 14)
PS: Jets lead series, 1-0 JACKSONVILLE vs. SAN FRANCISCO *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1995—Jets, 27-10 (NY) RS: Series tied, 2-2 known as Oilers prior to 1999
1996—Jaguars, 21-17 (J) 1999—Jaguars, 41-3 (J) **AFC Championship
1998—*Jets, 34-24 (NY) 2005—Jaguars, 10-9 (J) JACKSONVILLE vs. WASHINGTON
1999—Jaguars, 16-6 (NY) 2009—49ers, 20-3 (SF) RS: Redskins lead series, 5-1
2002—Jaguars, 28-3 (J) 2013—49ers, 42-10 (London) 1997—Redskins, 24-12 (W)
2003—Jets, 13-10 (NY) (RS Pts.—49ers 74, Jaguars 64) 2000—Redskins, 35-16 (J)
2005—Jaguars, 26-20 (NY) OT JACKSONVILLE vs. SEATTLE 2002—Jaguars, 26-7 (J)
2006—Jaguars, 41-0 (J) RS: Seahawks lead series, 5-2 2006—Redskins, 36-30 (W) OT
2009—Jaguars, 24-22 (NY) 1995—Seahawks, 47-30 (J) 2010—Redskins, 20-17 (J) OT
2011—Jets, 32-3 (NY) 1996—Jaguars, 20-13 (J) 2014—Redskins, 41-10 (W)
2012—Jets, 17-10 (J) 2000—Seahawks, 28-21 (J) (RS Pts.—Redskins 163, Jaguars 111)
2015—Jets, 28-23 (NY) 2001—Seahawks, 24-15 (S)
(RS Pts.—Jaguars 212, Jets 185) 2005—Jaguars, 26-14 (J) KANSAS CITY vs. ARIZONA
(PS Pts.—Jets 34, Jaguars 24) 2009—Seahawks, 41-0 (S) RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-3-1;
*AFC Divisional Playoff 2013—Seahawks, 45-17 (S) See Arizona vs. Kansas City
JACKSONVILLE vs. OAKLAND (RS Pts.—Seahawks 212, Jaguars 129) KANSAS CITY vs. ATLANTA
RS: Jaguars lead series, 4-3 JACKSONVILLE vs. TAMPA BAY RS: Chiefs lead series, 5-3;
1996—Raiders, 17-3 (O) RS: Jaguars lead series, 4-2 See Atlanta vs. Kansas City

456 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

KANSAS CITY vs. BALTIMORE 1983—Dolphins, 14-6 (M) 2011—Patriots, 34-3 (NE)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 4-3 1985—Dolphins, 31-0 (M) 2014—Chiefs, 41-14 (KC)
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0; 1987—Dolphins, 42-0 (M) 2015—***Patriots, 27-20 (NE)
See Baltimore vs. Kansas City 1989—Chiefs, 26-21 (KC) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 796, Patriots 667)
KANSAS CITY vs. BUFFALO Chiefs, 27-24 (M) (PS Pts.—Patriots 27, Chiefs 20)
RS: Bills lead series, 23-20-1 1990—**Dolphins, 17-16 (M) *Franchise located in Dallas prior to 1963
PS: Bills lead series, 2-1; 1991—Chiefs, 42-7 (KC) and known as Texans
See Buffalo vs. Kansas City 1993—Dolphins, 30-10 (M) **Franchise in Boston prior to 1971
KANSAS CITY vs. CAROLINA 1994—Dolphins, 45-28 (M) ***AFC Divisional Playoff
RS: Chiefs lead series, 3-2; **Dolphins, 27-17 (M) KANSAS CITY vs. NEW ORLEANS
See Carolina vs. Kansas City 1995—Dolphins, 13-6 (M) RS: Series tied, 5-5
KANSAS CITY vs. CHICAGO 1997—Dolphins, 17-14 (M) 1972—Chiefs, 20-17 (NO)
RS: Bears lead series, 7-5; 2002—Chiefs, 48-30 (KC) 1976—Saints, 27-17 (KC)
See Chicago vs. Kansas City 2005—Chiefs, 30-20 (M) 1982—Saints, 27-17 (NO)
KANSAS CITY vs. CINCINNATI 2006—Dolphins, 13-10 (M) 1985—Chiefs, 47-27 (NO)
RS: Bengals lead series, 15-13; 2008—Dolphins, 38-31 (KC) 1991—Saints, 17-10 (KC)
See Cincinnati vs. Kansas City 2011—Dolphins, 31-3 (KC) 1994—Chiefs, 30-17 (NO)
KANSAS CITY vs. CLEVELAND 2014—Chiefs, 34-15 (M) 1997—Chiefs, 25-13 (KC)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 12-11-2; (RS Pts.—Chiefs 538, Dolphins 501) 2004—Saints, 27-20 (NO)
See Cleveland vs. Kansas City (PS Pts.—Dolphins 71, Chiefs 57) 2008—Saints, 30-20 (KC)
KANSAS CITY vs. DALLAS *AFC Divisional Playoff 2012—Chiefs, 27-24 (NO)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4; **AFC First-Round Playoff (RS Pts.—Chiefs 233, Saints 226)
KANSAS CITY vs. DENVER RS: Chiefs lead series, 6-5 RS: Giants lead series, 10-3
RS: Chiefs lead series, 57-54 PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0 1974—Giants, 33-27 (KC)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0; 1969—*Chiefs, 23-7 (New Orleans) 1978—Giants, 26-10 (NY)
See Denver vs. Kansas City 1970—Vikings, 27-10 (M) 1979—Giants, 21-17 (KC)
KANSAS CITY vs. DETROIT 1974—Vikings, 35-15 (KC) 1983—Chiefs, 38-17 (KC)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-5; 1981—Chiefs, 10-6 (M) 1984—Giants, 28-27 (NY)
See Detroit vs. Kansas City 1990—Chiefs, 24-21 (KC) 1988—Giants, 28-12 (NY)
KANSAS CITY vs. GREEN BAY 1993—Vikings, 30-10 (M) 1992—Giants, 35-21 (NY)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 7-3-1 1996—Chiefs, 21-6 (M) 1995—Chiefs, 20-17 (KC) OT
PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; 1999—Chiefs, 31-28 (KC) 1998—Giants, 28-7 (NY)
See Green Bay vs. Kansas City 2003—Vikings, 45-20 (M) 2001—Giants, 13-3 (KC)
KANSAS CITY vs. HOUSTON 2007—Chiefs, 13-10 (KC) 2005—Giants, 27-17 (NY)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 4-3 2011—Chiefs, 22-17 (KC) 2009—Giants, 27-16 (KC)
PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0; 2015—Vikings, 16-10 (M) 2013—Chiefs, 31-7 (KC)
See Houston vs. Kansas City (RS Pts.—Vikings 241, Chiefs 186) (RS Pts.—Giants 307, Chiefs 246)
KANSAS CITY vs. INDIANAPOLIS (PS Pts.—Chiefs 23, Vikings 7) *KANSAS CITY vs. **N.Y. JETS
RS: Colts lead series, 12-8 *Super Bowl IV RS: Series tied, 17-17-1
PS: Colts lead series, 4-0; *KANSAS CITY vs. **NEW ENGLAND PS: Series tied, 1-1
See Indianapolis vs. Kansas City RS: Chiefs lead series, 17-13-3 1960—Titans, 37-35 (D)
KANSAS CITY vs. JACKSONVILLE PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0 Titans, 41-35 (NY)
RS: Jaguars lead series, 6-4; 1960—Patriots, 42-14 (B) 1961—Titans, 28-7 (NY)
See Jacksonville vs. Kansas City Texans, 34-0 (D) Texans, 35-24 (D)
KANSAS CITY vs. *LOS ANGELES 1961—Patriots, 18-17 (D) 1962—Texans, 20-17 (D)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 7-4 Patriots, 28-21 (B) Texans, 52-31 (NY)
1973—Rams, 23-13 (KC) 1962—Texans, 42-28 (D) 1963—Jets, 17-0 (NY)
1982—Rams, 20-14 (LA) Texans, 27-7 (B) Chiefs, 48-0 (KC)
1985—Rams, 16-0 (KC) 1963—Tie, 24-24 (B) 1964—Jets, 27-14 (NY)
1991—Chiefs, 27-20 (LA) Chiefs, 35-3 (KC) Chiefs, 24-7 (KC)
1994—Rams, 16-0 (KC) 1964—Patriots, 24-7 (B) 1965—Chiefs, 14-10 (NY)
1997—Chiefs, 28-20 (StL) Patriots, 31-24 (KC) Jets, 13-10 (KC)
2000—Chiefs, 54-34 (KC) 1965—Chiefs, 27-17 (KC) 1966—Chiefs, 32-24 (NY)
2002—Chiefs, 49-10 (KC) Tie, 10-10 (B) 1967—Chiefs, 42-18 (KC)
2006—Chiefs, 31-17 (StL) 1966—Chiefs, 43-24 (B) Chiefs, 21-7 (NY)
2010—Chiefs, 27-13 (StL) Tie, 27-27 (KC) 1968—Jets, 20-19 (KC)
2014—Chiefs, 34-7 (KC) 1967—Chiefs, 33-10 (B) 1969—Chiefs, 34-16 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 277, Rams 196) 1968—Chiefs, 31-17 (KC) ***Chiefs, 13-6 (NY)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1969—Chiefs, 31-0 (B) 1971—Jets, 13-10 (NY)
KANSAS CITY vs. MIAMI 1970—Chiefs, 23-10 (KC) 1974—Chiefs, 24-16 (KC)
RS: Series tied, 13-13 1973—Chiefs, 10-7 (NE) 1975—Jets, 30-24 (KC)
PS: Dolphins lead series, 3-0 1977—Patriots, 21-17 (NE) 1982—Chiefs, 37-13 (KC)
1966—Chiefs, 34-16 (KC) 1981—Patriots, 33-17 (NE) 1984—Jets, 17-16 (KC)
Chiefs, 19-18 (M) 1990—Chiefs, 37-7 (NE) Jets, 28-7 (NY)
1967—Chiefs, 24-0 (M) 1992—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC) 1986—****Jets, 35-15 (NY)
Chiefs, 41-0 (KC) 1995—Chiefs, 31-26 (KC) 1987—Jets, 16-9 (KC)
1968—Chiefs, 48-3 (M) 1998—Patriots, 40-10 (NE) 1988—Tie, 17-17 (NY)
1969—Chiefs, 17-10 (KC) 1999—Chiefs, 16-14 (KC) Chiefs, 38-34 (KC)
1971—*Dolphins, 27-24 (KC) OT 2000—Patriots, 30-24 (NE) 1992—Chiefs, 23-7 (NY)
1972—Dolphins, 20-10 (KC) 2002—Patriots, 41-38 (NE) OT 1998—Jets, 20-17 (KC)
1974—Dolphins, 9-3 (M) 2004—Patriots, 27-19 (KC) 2001—Jets, 27-7 (NY)
1976—Chiefs, 20-17 (M) OT 2005—Chiefs, 26-16 (KC) 2002—Chiefs, 29-25 (NY)
1981—Dolphins, 17-7 (KC) 2008—Patriots, 17-10 (NE) 2005—Chiefs, 27-7 (KC)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 457

2007—Jets, 13-10 (NY) OT Raiders, 20-14 (LA) RS: Steelers lead series, 20-10
2008—Jets, 28-24 (NY) 1990—Chiefs, 9-7 (KC) PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0
2011—Jets, 37-10 (NY) Chiefs, 27-24 (LA) 1970—Chiefs, 31-14 (P)
2014—Chiefs, 24-10 (KC) 1991—Chiefs, 24-21 (KC) 1971—Chiefs, 38-16 (KC)
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 795, Jets 695) Chiefs, 27-21 (LA) 1972—Steelers, 16-7 (P)
(PS Pts.—Jets 41, Chiefs 28) *****Chiefs, 10-6 (KC) 1974—Steelers, 34-24 (KC)
*Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and 1992—Chiefs, 27-7 (KC) 1975—Steelers, 28-3 (P)
known as Texans Raiders, 28-7 (LA) 1976—Steelers, 45-0 (KC)
**Jets known as Titans prior to 1963 1993—Chiefs, 24-9 (KC) 1978—Steelers, 27-24 (P)
***Inter-Divisional Playoff Chiefs, 31-20 (LA) 1979—Steelers, 30-3 (KC)
****AFC First-Round Playoff 1994—Chiefs, 13-3 (KC) 1980—Steelers, 21-16 (P)
*KANSAS CITY vs. **OAKLAND Chiefs, 19-9 (LA) 1981—Chiefs, 37-33 (P)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 58-51-2 1995—Chiefs, 23-17 (KC) OT 1982—Steelers, 35-14 (P)
PS: Chiefs lead series, 2-1 Chiefs, 29-23 (O) 1984—Chiefs, 37-27 (P)
1960—Texans, 34-16 (O) 1996—Chiefs, 19-3 (KC) 1985—Steelers, 36-28 (KC)
Raiders, 20-19 (D) Raiders, 26-7 (O) 1986—Chiefs, 24-19 (P)
1961—Texans, 42-35 (O) 1997—Chiefs, 28-27 (O) 1987—Steelers, 17-16 (KC)
Texans, 43-11 (D) Chiefs, 30-0 (KC) 1988—Steelers, 16-10 (P)
1962—Texans, 26-16 (O) 1998—Chiefs, 28-8 (KC) 1989—Steelers, 23-17 (P)
Texans, 35-7 (D) Chiefs, 31-24 (O) 1992—Steelers, 27-3 (KC)
1963—Raiders, 10-7 (O) 1999—Chiefs, 37-34 (O) 1993—*Chiefs, 27-24 (KC) OT
Raiders, 22-7 (KC) Raiders, 41-38 (KC) OT 1996—Steelers, 17-7 (KC)
1964—Chiefs, 21-9 (O) 2000—Raiders, 20-17 (KC) 1997—Chiefs, 13-10 (KC)
Chiefs, 42-7 (KC) Raiders, 49-31 (O) 1998—Steelers, 20-13 (KC)
1965—Raiders, 37-10 (O) 2001—Raiders, 27-24 (KC) 1999—Chiefs, 35-19 (KC)
Chiefs, 14-7 (KC) Raiders, 28-26 (O) 2001—Steelers, 20-17 (KC)
1966—Chiefs, 32-10 (O) 2002—Chiefs, 20-10 (KC) 2003—Chiefs, 41-20 (KC)
Raiders, 34-13 (KC) Raiders, 24-0 (O) 2006—Steelers, 45-7 (P)
1967—Raiders, 23-21 (O) 2003—Chiefs, 17-10 (O) 2009—Chiefs, 27-24 (KC) OT
Raiders, 44-22 (KC) Chiefs, 27-24 (KC) 2011—Steelers, 13-9 (KC)
1968—Chiefs, 24-10 (KC) 2004—Chiefs, 34-27 (O) 2012—Steelers, 16-13 (P) OT
Raiders, 38-21 (O) Chiefs, 31-30 (KC) 2014—Steelers, 20-12 (P)
***Raiders, 41-6 (O) 2005—Chiefs, 23-17 (O) 2015—Chiefs, 23-13 (KC)
1969—Raiders, 27-24 (KC) Chiefs, 27-23 (KC) (RS Pts.—Steelers 701, Chiefs 549)
Raiders, 10-6 (O) 2006—Chiefs, 17-13 (KC) (PS Pts.—Chiefs 27, Steelers 24)
****Chiefs, 17-7 (O) Chiefs, 20-9 (O) *AFC First-Round Playoff
1970—Tie, 17-17 (KC) 2007—Chiefs, 12-10 (O) *KANSAS CITY vs. **SAN DIEGO
Raiders, 20-6 (O) Raiders, 20-17 (KC) RS: Chiefs lead series, 56-54-1
1971—Tie, 20-20 (O) 2008—Raiders, 23-8 (KC) PS: Chargers lead series, 1-0
Chiefs, 16-14 (KC) Chiefs, 20-13 (O) 1960—Chargers, 21-20 (LA)
1972—Chiefs, 27-14 (KC) 2009—Raiders, 13-10 (KC) Texans, 17-0 (D)
Raiders, 26-3 (O) Chiefs, 16-10 (O) 1961—Chargers, 26-10 (D)
1973—Chiefs, 16-3 (KC) 2010—Raiders, 23-20 (O) OT Chargers, 24-14 (SD)
Raiders, 37-7 (O) Raiders, 31-10 (KC) 1962—Chargers, 32-28 (SD)
1974—Raiders, 27-7 (O) 2011—Chiefs, 28-0 (O) Texans, 26-17 (D)
Raiders, 7-6 (KC) Raiders, 16-13 (KC) OT 1963—Chargers, 24-10 (SD)
1975—Chiefs, 42-10 (KC) 2012—Raiders, 26-16 (KC) Chargers, 38-17 (KC)
Raiders, 28-20 (O) Raiders, 15-0 (O) 1964—Chargers, 28-14 (KC)
1976—Raiders, 24-21 (KC) 2013—Chiefs, 24-7 (KC) Chiefs, 49-6 (SD)
Raiders, 21-10 (O) Chiefs, 56-31 (O) 1965—Tie, 10-10 (SD)
1977—Raiders, 37-28 (KC) 2014—Raiders, 24-20 (O) Chiefs, 31-7 (KC)
Raiders, 21-20 (O) Chiefs, 31-13 (KC) 1966—Chiefs, 24-14 (KC)
1978—Raiders, 28-6 (O) 2015—Chiefs, 34-20 (O) Chiefs, 27-17 (SD)
Raiders, 20-10 (KC) Chiefs, 23-17 (KC) 1967—Chargers, 45-31 (SD)
1979—Chiefs, 35-7 (KC) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 2,318, Raiders 2,148) Chargers, 17-16 (KC)
Chiefs, 24-21 (O) (PS Pts.—Raiders 54, Chiefs 33) 1968—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC)
1980—Raiders, 27-14 (KC) *Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and Chiefs, 40-3 (SD)
Chiefs, 31-17 (O) known as Texans 1969—Chiefs, 27-9 (SD)
1981—Chiefs, 27-0 (KC) **Franchise in Los Angeles from Chiefs, 27-3 (KC)
Chiefs, 28-17 (O) 1982-1994 1970—Chiefs, 26-14 (KC)
1982—Raiders, 21-16 (KC) ***Division Playoff Chargers, 31-13 (SD)
1983—Raiders, 21-20 (LA) ****AFL Championship 1971—Chargers, 21-14 (SD)
Raiders, 28-20 (KC) *****AFC First-Round Playoff Chiefs, 31-10 (KC)
1984—Raiders, 22-20 (KC) KANSAS CITY vs. PHILADELPHIA 1972—Chiefs, 26-14 (SD)
Raiders, 17-7 (LA) RS: Eagles lead series, 4-3 Chargers, 27-17 (KC)
1985—Chiefs, 36-20 (KC) 1972—Eagles, 21-20 (KC) 1973—Chiefs, 19-0 (SD)
Raiders, 19-10 (LA) 1992—Chiefs, 24-17 (KC) Chiefs, 33-6 (KC)
1986—Raiders, 24-17 (KC) 1998—Chiefs, 24-21 (P) 1974—Chiefs, 24-14 (SD)
Chiefs, 20-17 (LA) 2001—Eagles, 23-10 (KC) Chargers, 14-7 (KC)
1987—Raiders, 35-17 (LA) 2005—Eagles, 37-31 (KC) 1975—Chiefs, 12-10 (SD)
Chiefs, 16-10 (KC) 2009—Eagles, 34-14 (P) Chargers, 28-20 (KC)
1988—Raiders, 27-17 (KC) 2013—Chiefs, 26-16 (P) 1976—Chargers, 30-16 (KC)
Raiders, 17-10 (LA) (RS Pts.—Eagles 169, Chiefs 149) Chiefs, 23-20 (SD)
1989—Chiefs, 24-19 (KC) KANSAS CITY vs. PITTSBURGH 1977—Chargers, 23-7 (KC)

458 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Chiefs, 21-16 (SD) Chiefs, 19-7 (KC) 2006—Chiefs, 35-28 (KC)
1978—Chargers, 29-23 (SD) OT 2015—Chiefs, 33-3 (SD) 2010—Chiefs, 42-24 (S)
Chiefs, 23-0 (KC) Chiefs, 10-3 (KC) 2014—Chiefs, 24-20 (KC)
1979—Chargers, 20-14 (KC) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 2,396, Chargers 2,229) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 1,209, Seahawks 977)
Chargers, 28-7 (SD) (PS Pts.—Chargers 17, Chiefs 0) KANSAS CITY vs. TAMPA BAY
1980—Chargers, 24-7 (KC) *Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and RS: Buccaneers lead series, 6-5
Chargers, 20-7 (SD) known as Texans 1976—Chiefs, 28-19 (TB)
1981—Chargers, 42-31 (KC) **Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961 1978—Buccaneers, 30-13 (KC)
Chargers, 22-20 (SD) ***AFC First-Round Playoff 1979—Buccaneers, 3-0 (TB)
1982—Chiefs, 19-12 (KC) KANSAS CITY vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1981—Chiefs, 19-10 (KC)
1983—Chargers, 17-14 (KC) RS: 49ers lead series, 7-5 1984—Chiefs, 24-20 (KC)
Chargers, 41-38 (SD) 1971—Chiefs, 26-17 (SF) 1986—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC)
1984—Chiefs, 31-13 (KC) 1975—49ers, 20-3 (KC) 1993—Chiefs, 27-3 (TB)
Chiefs, 42-21 (SD) 1982—49ers, 26-13 (KC) 1999—Buccaneers, 17-10 (TB)
1985—Chargers, 31-20 (SD) 1985—49ers, 31-3 (SF) 2004—Buccaneers, 34-31 (TB)
Chiefs, 38-34 (KC) 1991—49ers, 28-14 (SF) 2008—Buccaneers, 30-27 (KC) OT
1986—Chiefs, 42-41 (KC) 1994—Chiefs, 24-17 (KC) 2012—Buccaneers, 38-10 (TB)
Chiefs, 24-23 (SD) 1997—Chiefs, 44-9 (KC) (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 224, Chiefs 216)
1987—Chiefs, 20-13 (KC) 2000—49ers, 21-7 (SF) *KANSAS CITY vs. **TENNESSEE
Chargers, 42-21 (SD) 2002—49ers, 17-13 (SF) RS: Chiefs lead series, 27-21
1988—Chargers, 24-23 (KC) 2006—Chiefs, 41-10 (KC) PS: Chiefs lead series, 2-0
Chargers, 24-13 (SD) 2010—Chiefs, 31-10 (KC) 1960—Oilers, 20-10 (H)
1989—Chargers, 21-6 (SD) 2014—49ers, 22-17 (SF) Texans, 24-0 (D)
Chargers, 20-13 (KC) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 236, 49ers 218) 1961—Texans, 26-21 (D)
1990—Chiefs, 27-10 (KC) KANSAS CITY vs. SEATTLE Oilers, 38-7 (H)
Chiefs, 24-21 (SD) RS: Chiefs lead series, 33-18 1962—Texans, 31-7 (H)
1991—Chiefs, 14-13 (SD) 1977—Seahawks, 34-31 (KC) Oilers, 14-6 (D)
Chiefs, 20-17 (KC) OT 1978—Seahawks, 13-10 (KC) ***Texans, 20-17 (H) OT
1992—Chiefs, 24-10 (SD) Seahawks, 23-19 (S) 1963—Chiefs, 28-7 (KC)
Chiefs, 16-14 (KC) 1979—Chiefs, 24-6 (S) Oilers, 28-7 (H)
***Chargers, 17-0 (SD) Chiefs, 37-21 (KC) 1964—Chiefs, 28-7 (KC)
1993—Chiefs, 17-14 (SD) 1980—Seahawks, 17-16 (KC) Chiefs, 28-19 (H)
Chiefs, 28-24 (KC) Chiefs, 31-30 (S) 1965—Chiefs, 52-21 (KC)
1994—Chargers, 20-6 (SD) 1981—Chiefs, 20-14 (S) Oilers, 38-36 (H)
Chargers, 14-13 (KC) Chiefs, 40-13 (KC) 1966—Chiefs, 48-23 (KC)
1995—Chiefs, 29-23 (KC) OT 1983—Chiefs, 17-13 (KC) 1967—Chiefs, 25-20 (H)
Chiefs, 22-7 (SD) Seahawks, 51-48 (S) OT Oilers, 24-19 (KC)
1996—Chargers, 22-19 (SD) 1984—Seahawks, 45-0 (S) 1968—Chiefs, 26-21 (H)
Chargers, 28-14 (KC) Chiefs, 34-7 (KC) Chiefs, 24-10 (KC)
1997—Chiefs, 31-3 (KC) 1985—Chiefs, 28-7 (KC) 1969—Chiefs, 24-0 (KC)
Chiefs, 29-7 (SD) Seahawks, 24-6 (S) 1970—Chiefs, 24-9 (KC)
1998—Chiefs, 23-7 (KC) 1986—Seahawks, 23-17 (S) 1971—Chiefs, 20-16 (H)
Chargers, 38-37 (SD) Chiefs, 27-7 (KC) 1973—Chiefs, 38-14 (KC)
1999—Chargers, 21-14 (SD) 1987—Seahawks, 43-14 (S) 1974—Chiefs, 17-7 (H)
Chiefs, 34-0 (KC) Chiefs, 41-20 (KC) 1975—Oilers, 17-13 (KC)
2000—Chiefs, 42-10 (KC) 1988—Seahawks, 31-10 (S) 1977—Oilers, 34-20 (H)
Chargers, 17-16 (SD) Chiefs, 27-24 (KC) 1978—Oilers, 20-17 (KC)
2001—Chiefs, 25-20 (SD) 1989—Chiefs, 20-16 (S) 1979—Oilers, 20-6 (H)
Chiefs, 20-17 (KC) Chiefs, 20-10 (KC) 1980—Chiefs, 21-20 (KC)
2002—Chargers, 35-34 (SD) 1990—Seahawks, 19-7 (S) 1981—Chiefs, 23-10 (KC)
Chiefs, 24-22 (KC) Seahawks, 17-16 (KC) 1983—Chiefs, 13-10 (H) OT
2003—Chiefs, 27-14 (KC) 1991—Chiefs, 20-13 (KC) 1984—Oilers, 17-16 (KC)
Chiefs, 28-24 (SD) Chiefs, 19-6 (S) 1985—Oilers, 23-20 (H)
2004—Chargers, 34-31 (KC) 1992—Chiefs, 26-7 (KC) 1986—Chiefs, 27-13 (KC)
Chargers, 24-17 (SD) Chiefs, 24-14 (S) 1988—Oilers, 7-6 (H)
2005—Chargers, 28-20 (SD) 1993—Chiefs, 31-16 (S) 1989—Chiefs, 34-0 (KC)
Chiefs, 20-7 (KC) Chiefs, 34-24 (KC) 1990—Oilers, 27-10 (KC)
2006—Chiefs, 30-27 (KC) 1994—Chiefs, 38-23 (KC) 1991—Oilers, 17-7 (H)
Chargers, 20-9 (SD) Seahawks, 10-9 (S) 1992—Oilers, 23-20 (H) OT
2007—Chiefs, 30-16 (SD) 1995—Chiefs, 34-10 (S) 1993—Oilers, 30-0 (H)
Chargers, 24-10 (KC) Chiefs, 26-3 (KC) ****Chiefs, 28-20 (H)
2008—Chargers, 20-19 (SD) 1996—Chiefs, 35-17 (S) 1994—Chiefs, 31-9 (KC)
Chargers, 22-21 (KC) Chiefs, 34-16 (KC) 1995—Chiefs, 20-13 (KC)
2009—Chargers, 37-7 (KC) 1997—Chiefs, 20-17 (KC) OT 1996—Chiefs, 20-19 (H)
Chargers, 43-14 (SD) Chiefs, 19-14 (S) 2000—Titans, 17-14 (T) OT
2010—Chiefs, 21-14 (KC) 1998—Chiefs, 17-6 (KC) 2004—Chiefs, 49-38 (T)
Chargers, 31-0 (SD) Seahawks, 24-12 (S) 2007—Titans, 26-17 (KC)
2011—Chargers, 20-17 (SD) 1999—Seahawks, 31-19 (KC) 2008—Titans, 34-10 (KC)
Chiefs, 23-20 (KC) OT Seahawks, 23-14 (S) 2010—Chiefs, 34-14 (KC)
2012—Chargers, 37-20 (KC) 2000—Chiefs, 24-17 (KC) 2013—Chiefs, 26-17 (T)
Chargers, 31-13 (SD) Chiefs, 24-19 (S) 2014—Titans, 26-10 (KC)
2013—Chargers, 41-38 (KC) 2001—Chiefs, 19-7 (KC) (RS Pts.—Chiefs 1,032, Titans 865)
Chargers, 27-24 (SD) OT Seahawks, 21-18 (S) (PS Pts.—Chiefs 48, Titans 37)
2014—Chiefs, 23-20 (SD) 2002—Seahawks, 39-32 (S) *Franchise in Dallas prior to 1963 and

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known as Texans *LOS ANGELES vs. MIAMI 1980—Rams, 17-14 (NE)
**Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; RS: Dolphins lead series, 10-2 1983—Patriots, 21-7 (LA)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 1971—Dolphins, 20-14 (LA) 1986—Patriots, 30-28 (LA)
***AFL Championship 1976—Rams, 31-28 (M) 1989—Rams, 24-20 (NE)
****AFC Divisional Playoff 1980—Dolphins, 35-14 (LA) 1992—Rams, 14-0 (LA)
KANSAS CITY vs. WASHINGTON 1983—Dolphins, 30-14 (M) 1998—Rams, 32-18 (StL)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-1 1986—Dolphins, 37-31 (LA) OT 2001—Rams, 24-17 (NE)
1971—Chiefs, 27-20 (KC) 1992—Dolphins, 26-10 (M) **Patriots, 20-17 (New Orleans)
1976—Chiefs, 33-30 (W) 1995—Dolphins, 41-22 (StL) 2004—Patriots, 40-22 (StL)
1983—Redskins, 27-12 (W) 1998—Dolphins, 14-0 (M) 2008—Patriots, 23-16 (NE)
1992—Chiefs, 35-16 (KC) 2001—Rams, 42-10 (StL) 2012—Patriots, 45-7 (London)
1995—Chiefs, 24-3 (KC) 2004—Dolphins, 31-14 (M) (RS Pts.—Patriots 248, Rams 205)
2001—Chiefs, 45-13 (W) 2008—Dolphins, 16-12 (StL) (PS Pts.—Patriots 20, Rams 17)
2005—Chiefs, 28-21, (KC) 2012—Dolphins, 17-14 (M) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
2009—Chiefs, 14-6 (W) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 305, Rams 218) **Super Bowl XXXVI
2013—Chiefs, 45-10 (W) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 *LOS ANGELES vs. NEW ORLEANS
(RS Pts.—Chiefs 263, Redskins 146) *LOS ANGELES vs. MINNESOTA RS: Rams lead series, 40-31
RS: Vikings lead series, 21-14-2 PS: Saints lead series, 1-0
LOS ANGELES vs. ARIZONA PS: Vikings lead series, 5-2 1967—Rams, 27-13 (NO)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 37-35-2 1961—Rams, 31-17 (LA) 1969—Rams, 36-17 (LA)
PS: Rams lead series, 1-0; Vikings, 42-21 (M) 1970—Rams, 30-17 (NO)
See Arizona vs. Los Angeles 1962—Vikings, 38-14 (LA) Rams, 34-16 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. ATLANTA Tie, 24-24 (M) 1971—Saints, 24-20 (NO)
RS: Rams lead series, 47-27-2 1963—Rams, 27-24 (LA) Rams, 45-28 (LA)
PS: Falcons lead series, 1-0; Vikings, 21-13 (M) 1972—Rams, 34-14 (LA)
See Atlanta vs. Los Angeles 1964—Rams, 22-13 (LA) Saints, 19-16 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. BALTIMORE Vikings, 34-13 (M) 1973—Rams, 29-7 (LA)
RS: Ravens lead series, 4-2; 1965—Vikings, 38-35 (LA) Rams, 24-13 (NO)
See Baltimore vs. Los Angeles Vikings, 24-13 (M) 1974—Rams, 24-0 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. BUFFALO 1966—Vikings, 35-7 (M) Saints, 20-7 (NO)
RS: Bills lead series, 6-5; Rams, 21-6 (LA) 1975—Rams, 38-14 (LA)
See Buffalo vs. Los Angeles 1967—Rams, 39-3 (LA) Rams, 14-7 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. CAROLINA 1968—Rams, 31-3 (M) 1976—Rams, 16-10 (NO)
RS: Panthers lead series, 11-8 1969—Vikings, 20-13 (LA) Rams, 33-14 (LA)
PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0; **Vikings, 23-20 (M) 1977—Rams, 14-7 (LA)
See Carolina vs. Los Angeles 1970—Vikings, 13-3 (M) Saints, 27-26 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. CHICAGO 1972—Vikings, 45-41 (LA) 1978—Rams, 26-20 (NO)
RS: Bears lead series, 52-35-3 1973—Vikings, 10-9 (M) Saints, 10-3 (LA)
PS: Series tied, 1-1; 1974—Rams, 20-17 (LA) 1979—Rams, 35-17 (NO)
See Chicago vs. Los Angeles ***Vikings, 14-10 (M) Saints, 29-14 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. CINCINNATI 1976—Tie, 10-10 (M) OT 1980—Rams, 45-31 (LA)
RS: Bengals lead series, 8-5; ***Vikings, 24-13 (M) Rams, 27-7 (NO)
See Cincinnati vs. Los Angeles 1977—Rams, 35-3 (LA) 1981—Saints, 23-17 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. CLEVELAND ****Vikings, 14-7 (LA) Saints, 21-13 (LA)
RS: Rams lead series, 11-9 1978—Rams, 34-17 (M) 1983—Rams, 30-27 (LA)
PS: Browns lead series, 2-1; ****Rams, 34-10 (LA) Rams, 26-24 (NO)
See Cleveland vs. Los Angeles 1979—Rams, 27-21 (LA) OT 1984—Rams, 28-10 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. DALLAS 1985—Rams, 13-10 (LA) Rams, 34-21 (LA)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 13-11 1987—Vikings, 21-16 (LA) 1985—Rams, 28-10 (LA)
PS: Series tied, 4-4; 1988—*****Vikings, 28-17 (M) Saints, 29-3 (NO)
See Dallas vs. Los Angeles 1989—Vikings, 23-21 (M) OT 1986—Saints, 6-0 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. DENVER 1991—Vikings, 20-14 (M) Rams, 26-13 (LA)
RS: Rams lead series, 8-5; 1992—Vikings, 31-17 (LA) 1987—Saints, 37-10 (NO)
See Denver vs. Los Angeles 1998—Vikings, 38-31 (StL) Saints, 31-14 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. DETROIT 1999—****Rams, 49-37 (StL) 1988—Rams, 12-10 (NO)
RS: Rams lead series, 43-39-1 2000—Rams, 40-29 (StL) Saints, 14-10 (LA)
PS: Lions lead series, 1-0; 2003—Rams, 48-17 (StL) 1989—Saints, 40-21 (LA)
See Detroit vs. Los Angeles 2005—Vikings, 27-13 (M) Rams, 20-17 (NO) OT
LOS ANGELES vs. GREEN BAY 2006—Rams, 41-21 (M) 1990—Saints, 24-20 (LA)
RS: Series tied, 45-45-2 2009—Vikings, 38-10 (StL) Saints, 20-17 (NO)
PS: Series tied, 1-1; 2012—Vikings, 36-22 (StL) 1991—Saints, 24-7 (NO)
See Green Bay vs. Los Angeles 2014—Vikings, 34-6 (StL) Saints, 24-17 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. HOUSTON 2015—Vikings, 21-18 (M) OT 1992—Saints, 13-10 (NO)
RS: Rams lead series, 2-1; (RS Pts.—Vikings 844, Rams 813) Saints, 37-14 (LA)
See Houston vs. Los Angeles (PS Pts.—Rams 150, Vikings 150) 1993—Saints, 37-6 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. INDIANAPOLIS *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 Rams, 23-20 (NO)
RS: Colts lead series, 23-18-2; **Conference Championship 1994—Saints, 37-34 (NO)
See Indianapolis vs. Los Angeles ***NFC Championship Saints, 31-15 (LA)
LOS ANGELES vs. JACKSONVILLE ****NFC Divisional Playoff 1995—Rams, 17-13 (StL)
RS: Rams lead series, 3-1; *****NFC First-Round Playoff Saints, 19-10 (NO)
See Jacksonville vs. Los Angeles *LOS ANGELES vs. NEW ENGLAND 1996—Rams, 26-10 (NO)
LOS ANGELES vs. KANSAS CITY RS: Patriots lead series, 6-5 Rams, 14-13 (StL)
RS: Chiefs lead series; 7-4; PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0 1997—Rams, 38-24 (StL)
See Kansas City vs. Los Angeles 1974—Patriots, 20-14 (NE) Rams, 34-27 (NO)

460 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1998—Saints, 24-17 (StL) 1974—Rams, 20-13 (NY) 2014—Eagles, 34-28 (P)
Saints, 24-3 (NO) 1980—Rams, 38-13 (LA) (RS Pts.—Rams 734, Eagles 725)
1999—Rams, 43-12 (StL) 1983—Jets, 27-24 (NY) OT (PS Pts.—Rams 50, Eagles 45)
Rams, 30-14 (NO) 1986—Rams, 17-3 (NY) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
2000—Saints, 31-24 (StL) 1989—Rams, 38-14 (LA) and in Cleveland prior to 1946
Rams, 26-21 (NO) 1992—Rams, 18-10 (LA) **NFL Championship
**Saints, 31-28 (NO) 1995—Rams, 23-20 (NY) ***NFC First-Round Playoff
2001—Saints, 34-31 (StL) 1998—Rams, 30-10 (StL) ****NFC Championship
Rams, 34-21 (NO) 2001—Rams, 34-14 (NY) *LOS ANGELES vs. **PITTSBURGH
2004—Saints, 28-25 (StL) OT 2004—Rams, 32-29 (StL) OT RS: Rams lead series, 15-8-2
2005—Rams, 28-17 (StL) 2008—Jets, 47-3 (NY) PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0
2007—Rams, 37-29 (NO) 2012—Jets, 27-13 (StL) 1938—Rams, 13-7 (New Orleans)
2009—Saints, 28-23 (StL) (RS Pts.—Rams 310, Jets 258) 1939—Tie, 14-14 (C)
2010—Saints, 31-13 (NO) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1941—Rams, 17-14 (Akron)
2011—Rams, 31-21 (StL) *LOS ANGELES vs. **OAKLAND 1947—Rams, 48-7 (P)
2013—Rams, 27-16 (StL) RS: Raiders lead series, 8-5 1948—Rams, 31-14 (LA)
(RS Pts.—Rams 1,603, Saints 1,438) 1972—Raiders, 45-17 (O) 1949—Tie, 7-7 (P)
(PS Pts.—Saints 31, Rams 28) 1977—Rams, 20-14 (LA) 1952—Rams, 28-14 (LA)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1979—Raiders, 24-17 (LA) 1955—Rams, 27-26 (LA)
**NFC First-Round Playoff 1982—Raiders, 37-31 (LA Raiders) 1956—Steelers, 30-13 (P)
*LOS ANGELES vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1985—Raiders, 16-6 (LA Rams) 1961—Rams, 24-14 (LA)
RS: Rams lead series, 25-15 1988—Rams, 22-17 (LA Raiders) 1964—Rams, 26-14 (P)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 1991—Raiders, 20-17 (LA Raiders) 1968—Rams, 45-10 (LA)
1938—Giants, 28-0 (NY) 1994—Raiders, 20-17 (LA Rams) 1971—Rams, 23-14 (P)
1940—Rams, 13-0 (NY) 1997—Raiders, 35-17 (O) 1975—Rams, 10-3 (LA)
1941—Giants, 49-14 (NY) 2002—Rams, 28-13 (StL) 1978—Rams, 10-7 (LA)
1945—Rams, 21-17 (NY) 2006—Rams, 20-0 (O) 1979—***Steelers, 31-19 (Pasadena)
1946—Rams, 31-21 (NY) 2010—Raiders, 16-14 (O) 1981—Steelers, 24-0 (P)
1947—Rams, 34-10 (LA) 2014—Rams, 52-0 (StL) 1984—Steelers, 24-14 (P)
1948—Rams, 52-37 (NY) (RS Pts.—Rams 278, Raiders 257) 1987—Rams, 31-21 (LA)
1953—Rams, 21-7 (LA) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1990—Steelers, 41-10 (P)
1954—Rams, 17-16 (NY) **Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1993—Rams, 27-0 (LA)
1959—Giants, 23-21 (LA) *LOS ANGELES vs. PHILADELPHIA 1996—Steelers, 42-6 (P)
1961—Giants, 24-14 (NY) RS: Eagles lead series, 19-17-1 2003—Rams, 33-21 (P)
1966—Rams, 55-14 (LA) PS: Rams lead series, 2-1 2007—Steelers, 41-24 (StL)
1968—Rams, 24-21 (LA) 1937—Rams, 21-3 (P) 2011—Steelers, 27-0 (P)
1970—Rams, 31-3 (NY) 1939—Rams, 35-13 (Colorado Springs) 2015—Steelers, 12-6 (StL)
1973—Rams, 40-6 (LA) 1940—Rams, 21-13 (C) (RS Pts.—Rams 487, Steelers 448)
1976—Rams, 24-10 (LA) 1942—Rams, 24-14 (Akron) (PS Pts.—Steelers 31, Rams 19)
1978—Rams, 20-17 (NY) 1944—Eagles, 26-13 (P) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
1979—Giants, 20-14 (LA) 1945—Eagles, 28-14 (P) and in Cleveland prior to 1946
1980—Rams, 28-7 (NY) 1946—Eagles, 25-14 (LA) **Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940
1981—Giants, 10-7 (NY) 1947—Eagles, 14-7 (P) ***Super Bowl XIV
1983—Rams, 16-6 (NY) 1948—Tie, 28-28 (LA) *LOS ANGELES vs. SAN DIEGO
1984—Rams, 33-12 (LA) 1949—Eagles, 38-14 (P) RS: Rams lead series, 6-5
**Giants, 16-13 (LA) **Eagles, 14-0 (LA) 1970—Rams, 37-10 (LA)
1985—Giants, 24-19 (NY) 1950—Eagles, 56-20 (P) 1975—Rams, 13-10 (SD) OT
1988—Rams, 45-31 (NY) 1955—Rams, 23-21 (P) 1979—Chargers, 40-16 (LA)
1989—Rams, 31-10 (LA) 1956—Rams, 27-7 (LA) 1988—Chargers, 38-24 (LA)
***Rams, 19-13 (NY) OT 1957—Rams, 17-13 (LA) 1991—Rams, 30-24 (LA)
1990—Giants, 31-7 (LA) 1959—Eagles, 23-20 (P) 1994—Chargers, 31-17 (SD)
1991—Rams, 19-13 (NY) 1964—Rams, 20-10 (LA) 2000—Rams, 57-31 (StL)
1992—Rams, 38-17 (LA) 1967—Rams, 33-17 (LA) 2002—Rams, 28-24 (StL)
1993—Giants, 20-10 (NY) 1969—Rams, 23-17 (P) 2006—Chargers, 38-24 (SD)
1994—Rams, 17-10 (LA) 1972—Rams, 34-3 (P) 2010—Rams, 20-17 (StL)
1997—Rams, 13-3 (StL) 1975—Rams, 42-3 (P) 2014—Chargers, 27-24 (SD)
1999—Rams, 31-10 (StL) 1977—Rams, 20-0 (LA) (RS Pts.—Rams 290, Chargers 290)
2000—Rams, 38-24 (NY) 1978—Rams, 16-14 (P) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
2001—Rams, 15-14 (StL) 1983—Eagles, 13-9 (P) *LOS ANGELES vs. SAN FRANCISCO
2002—Giants, 26-21 (StL) 1985—Rams, 17-6 (P) RS: 49ers lead series, 65-64-3
2003—Giants, 23-13 (NY) 1986—Eagles, 34-20 (P) PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0
2005—Giants, 44-24 (NY) 1988—Eagles, 30-24 (P) 1950—Rams, 35-14 (SF)
2008—Giants, 41-13 (StL) 1989—***Rams, 21-7 (P) Rams, 28-21 (LA)
2011—Giants, 28-16 (NY) 1990—Eagles, 27-21 (LA) 1951—49ers, 44-17 (SF)
2014—Giants, 37-27 (StL) 1995—Eagles, 20-9 (P) Rams, 23-16 (LA)
(RS Pts.—Rams 927, Giants 764) 1998—Eagles, 17-14 (P) 1952—Rams, 35-9 (LA)
(PS Pts.—Rams 32, Giants 29) 1999—Eagles, 38-31 (P) Rams, 34-21 (SF)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 2001—Rams, 20-17 (P) OT 1953—49ers, 31-30 (SF)
and in Cleveland prior to 1946 ****Rams, 29-24 (StL) 49ers, 31-27 (LA)
**NFC First-Round Playoff 2002—Eagles, 10-3 (P) 1954—Tie, 24-24 (LA)
***NFC Divisional Playoff 2004—Rams, 20-7 (StL) Rams, 42-34 (SF)
*LOS ANGELES vs. N.Y. JETS 2005—Eagles, 17-16 (StL) 1955—Rams, 23-14 (SF)
RS: Rams lead series, 9-4 2008—Eagles, 38-3 (P) Rams, 27-14 (LA)
1970—Jets, 31-20 (LA) 2011—Eagles, 31-13 (StL) 1956—49ers, 33-30 (SF)

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Rams, 30-6 (LA) 1993—49ers, 40-17 (SF) Seahawks, 23-20 (StL)
1957—49ers, 23-20 (SF) 49ers, 35-10 (LA) 2009—Seahawks, 28-0 (Sea)
Rams, 37-24 (LA) 1994—49ers, 34-19 (LA) Seahawks, 27-17 (StL)
1958—Rams, 33-3 (SF) 49ers, 31-27 (SF) 2010—Rams, 20-3 (StL)
Rams, 56-7 (LA) 1995—49ers, 44-10 (StL) Seahawks, 16-6 (Sea)
1959—49ers, 34-0 (SF) 49ers, 41-13 (SF) 2011—Seahawks, 24-7 (StL)
49ers, 24-16 (LA) 1996—49ers, 34-0 (SF) Seahawks, 30-13 (Sea)
1960—49ers, 13-9 (SF) 49ers, 28-11 (StL) 2012—Rams, 19-13 (StL)
49ers, 23-7 (LA) 1997—49ers, 15-12 (StL) Seahawks, 20-13 (Sea)
1961—49ers, 35-0 (SF) 49ers, 30-10 (SF) 2013—Seahawks, 14-9 (StL)
Rams, 17-7 (LA) 1998—49ers, 28-10 (StL) Seahawks, 27-9 (Sea)
1962—Rams, 28-14 (SF) 49ers, 38-19 (SF) 2014—Rams, 28-26 (StL)
49ers, 24-17 (LA) 1999—Rams, 42-20 (StL) Seahawks, 20-6 (Sea)
1963—Rams, 28-21 (LA) Rams, 23-7 (SF) 2015—Rams, 34-31 (StL) OT
Rams, 21-17 (SF) 2000—Rams, 41-24 (StL) Rams, 23-17 (Sea)
1964—Rams, 42-14 (LA) Rams, 34-24 (SF) (RS Pts.—Seahawks 784, Rams 702)
49ers, 28-7 (SF) 2001—Rams, 30-26 (SF) (PS Pts.—Rams 27, Seahawks 20)
1965—49ers, 45-21 (LA) Rams, 27-14 (StL) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
49ers, 30-27 (SF) 2002—49ers, 37-13 (SF) **NFC First-Round Playoff
1966—Rams, 34-3 (LA) Rams, 31-20 (StL) *LOS ANGELES vs. TAMPA BAY
49ers, 21-13 (SF) 2003—Rams, 27-24 (StL) OT RS: Rams lead series, 13-8
1967—49ers, 27-24 (LA) 49ers, 30-10 (SF) PS: Rams lead series, 2-0
Rams, 17-7 (SF) 2004—Rams, 24-14 (SF) 1977—Rams, 31-0 (LA)
1968—Rams, 24-10 (LA) Rams, 16-6 (StL) 1978—Rams, 26-23 (LA)
Tie, 20-20 (SF) 2005—49ers, 28-25 (SF) 1979—Buccaneers, 21-6 (TB)
1969—Rams, 27-21 (SF) 49ers, 24-20 (StL) **Rams, 9-0 (TB)
Rams, 41-30 (LA) 2006—49ers, 20-13 (SF) 1980—Buccaneers, 10-9 (TB)
1970—49ers, 20-6 (LA) Rams, 20-17 (StL) 1984—Rams, 34-33 (TB)
Rams, 30-13 (SF) 2007—49ers, 17-16 (StL) 1985—Rams, 31-27 (TB)
1971—Rams, 20-13 (SF) Rams, 13-9 (SF) 1986—Rams, 26-20 (LA) OT
Rams, 17-6 (LA) 2008—49ers, 35-16 (SF) 1987—Rams, 35-3 (LA)
1972—Rams, 31-7 (LA) 49ers, 17-16 (StL) 1990—Rams, 35-14 (TB)
Rams, 26-16 (SF) 2009—49ers, 35-0 (SF) 1992—Rams, 31-27 (TB)
1973—Rams, 40-20 (SF) 49ers, 28-6 (StL) 1994—Buccaneers, 24-14 (TB)
Rams, 31-13 (LA) 2010—49ers, 23-20 (SF) OT 1999—**Rams, 11-6 (StL)
1974—Rams, 37-14 (LA) Rams, 25-17 (StL) 2000—Buccaneers, 38-35 (TB)
Rams, 15-13 (SF) 2011—49ers, 26-0 (SF) 2001—Buccaneers, 24-17 (StL)
1975—Rams, 23-14 (SF) 49ers, 34-27 (StL) 2002—Buccaneers, 26-14 (TB)
49ers, 24-23 (LA) 2012—Tie, 24-24 (SF) OT 2004—Rams, 28-21 (StL)
1976—49ers, 16-0 (LA) Rams, 16-13 (StL) OT 2007—Buccaneers, 24-3 (TB)
Rams, 23-3 (SF) 2013—49ers, 35-11 (StL) 2010—Buccaneers, 18-17 (TB)
1977—Rams, 34-14 (LA) 49ers, 23-13 (SF) 2012—Rams, 28-13 (TB)
Rams, 23-10 (SF) 2014—49ers, 31-17 (StL) 2013—Rams, 23-13 (StL)
1978—Rams, 27-10 (LA) Rams, 13-10 (SF) 2014—Rams, 19-17 (TB)
Rams, 31-28 (SF) 2015—Rams, 27-6 (StL) 2015—Rams, 31-23 (StL)
1979—Rams, 27-24 (LA) 49ers, 19-16 (SF) OT (RS Pts.—Rams 493, Buccaneers 419)
Rams, 26-20 (SF) (RS Pts.—49ers 2,923, Rams 2,816) (PS Pts.—Rams 20, Buccaneers 6)
1980—Rams, 48-26 (LA) (PS Pts.—49ers 30, Rams 3) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
Rams, 31-17 (SF) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 **NFC Championship
1981—49ers, 20-17 (SF) **NFC Championship *LOS ANGELES vs. **TENNESSEE
49ers, 33-31 (LA) *LOS ANGELES vs. SEATTLE RS: Rams lead series, 6-5
1982—49ers, 30-24 (LA) RS: Seahawks lead series, 21-14 PS: Rams lead series, 1-0
Rams, 21-20 (SF) PS: Rams lead series, 1-0 1973—Rams, 31-26 (H)
1983—Rams, 10-7 (SF) 1976—Rams, 45-6 (LA) 1978—Rams, 10-6 (H)
49ers, 45-35 (LA) 1979—Rams, 24-0 (Sea) 1981—Oilers, 27-20 (LA)
1984—49ers, 33-0 (LA) 1985—Rams, 35-24 (Sea) 1984—Rams, 27-16 (LA)
49ers, 19-16 (SF) 1988—Rams, 31-10 (LA) 1987—Oilers, 20-16 (H)
1985—49ers, 28-14 (LA) 1991—Seahawks, 23-9 (Sea) 1990—Rams, 17-13 (LA)
Rams, 27-20 (SF) 1997—Seahawks, 17-9 (StL) 1993—Rams, 28-13 (H)
1986—Rams, 16-13 (LA) 2000—Rams, 37-34 (Sea) 1999—Titans, 24-21 (T)
49ers, 24-14 (SF) 2002—Rams, 37-20 (StL) ***Rams, 23-16 (Atlanta)
1987—49ers, 31-10 (LA) Seahawks, 30-10 (Sea) 2005—Rams, 31-27 (StL)
49ers, 48-0 (SF) 2003—Seahawks, 24-23 (Sea) 2009—Titans, 47-7 (T)
1988—49ers, 24-21 (LA) Rams, 27-22 (StL) 2013—Titans, 28-21 (StL)
Rams, 38-16 (SF) 2004—Rams, 33-27 (Sea) OT (RS Pts.—Titans 247, Rams 229)
1989—Rams, 13-12 (SF) Rams, 23-12 (StL) (PS Pts.—Rams 23, Titans 16)
49ers, 30-27 (LA) **Rams, 27-20 (Sea) *Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015
**49ers, 30-3 (SF) 2005—Seahawks, 37-31 (StL) **Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1990—Rams, 28-17 (SF) Seahawks, 31-16 (Sea) known as Oilers prior to 1999
49ers, 26-10 (LA) 2006—Seahawks, 30-28 (StL) ***Super Bowl XXXIV
1991—49ers, 27-10 (SF) Seahawks, 24-22 (Sea) *LOS ANGELES vs. WASHINGTON
49ers, 33-10 (LA) 2007—Seahawks, 33-6 (Sea) RS: Redskins lead series, 23-11-1
1992—49ers, 27-24 (SF) Seahawks, 24-19 (StL) PS: Series tied, 2-2
49ers, 27-10 (LA) 2008—Seahawks, 37-13 (Sea) 1937—Redskins, 16-7 (C)

462 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1938—Redskins, 37-13 (W) MIAMI vs. DALLAS 1977—Dolphins, 17-5 (M)
1941—Redskins, 17-13 (W) RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-6 Patriots, 14-10 (NE)
1942—Redskins, 33-14 (W) PS: Cowboys lead series, 1-0; 1978—Patriots, 33-24 (NE)
1944—Redskins, 14-10 (W) See Dallas vs. Miami Dolphins, 23-3 (M)
1945—**Rams, 15-14 (C) MIAMI vs. DENVER 1979—Patriots, 28-13 (NE)
1948—Rams, 41-13 (W) RS: Dolphins lead series, 11-5-1 Dolphins, 39-24 (M)
1949—Rams, 53-27 (LA) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0; 1980—Patriots, 34-0 (NE)
1951—Redskins, 31-21 (W) See Denver vs. Miami Dolphins, 16-13 (M) OT
1962—Redskins, 20-14 (W) MIAMI vs. DETROIT 1981—Dolphins, 30-27 (NE) OT
1963—Redskins, 37-14 (LA) RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-4; Dolphins, 24-14 (M)
1967—Tie, 28-28 (LA) See Detroit vs. Miami 1982—Patriots, 3-0 (NE)
1969—Rams, 24-13 (W) MIAMI vs. GREEN BAY **Dolphins, 28-13 (M)
1971—Redskins, 38-24 (LA) RS: Dolphins lead series, 10-4; 1983—Dolphins, 34-24 (M)
1974—Redskins, 23-17 (LA) See Green Bay vs. Miami Patriots, 17-6 (NE)
***Rams, 19-10 (LA) MIAMI vs. HOUSTON 1984—Dolphins, 28-7 (M)
1977—Redskins, 17-14 (W) RS: Texans lead series, 7-1; Dolphins, 44-24 (NE)
1981—Redskins, 30-7 (LA) See Houston vs. Miami 1985—Patriots, 17-13 (NE)
1983—Redskins, 42-20 (LA) MIAMI vs. INDIANAPOLIS Dolphins, 30-27 (M)
***Redskins, 51-7 (W) RS: Dolphins lead series, 45-26 ***Patriots, 31-14 (M)
1986—****Redskins, 19-7 (W) PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-0; 1986—Patriots, 34-7 (NE)
1987—Rams, 30-26 (W) See Indianapolis vs. Miami Patriots, 34-27 (M)
1991—Redskins, 27-6 (LA) MIAMI vs. JACKSONVILLE 1987—Patriots, 28-21 (NE)
1993—Rams, 10-6 (LA) RS: Dolphins lead series, 4-3 Patriots, 24-10 (M)
1994—Redskins, 24-21 (LA) PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0; 1988—Patriots, 21-10 (NE)
1995—Redskins, 35-23 (StL) See Jacksonville vs. Miami Patriots, 6-3 (M)
1996—Redskins, 17-10 (StL) MIAMI vs. KANSAS CITY 1989—Dolphins, 24-10 (NE)
1997—Rams, 23-20 (W) RS: Series tied, 13-13 Dolphins, 31-10 (M)
2000—Redskins, 33-20 (StL) PS: Dolphins lead series, 3-0; 1990—Dolphins, 27-24 (NE)
2002—Redskins, 20-17 (W) See Kansas City vs. Miami Dolphins, 17-10 (M)
2005—Redskins, 24-9 (StL) MIAMI vs. LOS ANGELES 1991—Dolphins, 20-10 (NE)
2006—Rams, 37-31 (StL) OT RS: Dolphins lead series, 10-2; Dolphins, 30-20 (M)
2008—Rams, 19-17 (W) See Miami vs. Los Angeles 1992—Dolphins, 38-17 (M)
2009—Redskins, 9-7 (W) MIAMI vs. MINNESOTA Dolphins, 16-13 (NE) OT
2010—Rams, 30-16 (StL) RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-4 1993—Dolphins, 17-13 (M)
2011—Redskins, 17-10 (StL) PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0 Patriots, 33-27 (NE) OT
2012—Rams, 31-28 (StL) 1972—Dolphins, 16-14 (Minn) 1994—Dolphins, 39-35 (M)
2014—Rams, 24-0 (W) 1973—*Dolphins, 24-7 (Houston) Dolphins, 23-3 (NE)
2015—Redskins, 24-10 (W) 1976—Vikings, 29-7 (Mia) 1995—Dolphins, 20-3 (NE)
(RS Pts.—Redskins 810, Rams 671) 1979—Dolphins, 27-12 (Minn) Patriots, 34-17 (M)
(PS Pts.—Redskins 94, Rams 48) 1982—Dolphins, 22-14 (Mia) 1996—Dolphins, 24-10 (M)
*Franchise in St. Louis from 1995 to 2015 1988—Dolphins, 24-7 (Mia) Patriots, 42-23 (NE)
and in Cleveland prior to 1946 1994—Vikings, 38-35 (Minn) 1997—Patriots, 27-24 (NE)
**NFL Championship 2000—Vikings, 13-7 (Minn) Patriots, 14-12 (M)
***NFC Divisional Playoff 2002—Vikings, 20-17 (Minn) **Patriots, 17-3 (NE)
****NFC First-Round Playoff 2006—Dolphins, 24-20 (Mia) 1998—Dolphins, 12-9 (M) OT
2010—Dolphins, 14-10 (Minn) Patriots, 26-23 (NE)
MIAMI vs. ARIZONA 2014—Dolphins, 37-35 (Mia) 1999—Dolphins, 31-30 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-3; (RS Pts.—Dolphins 230, Vikings 212) Dolphins, 27-17 (M)
See Arizona vs. Miami (PS Pts.—Dolphins 24, Vikings 7) 2000—Dolphins, 10-3 (M)
MIAMI vs. ATLANTA *Super Bowl VIII Dolphins, 27-24 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4; MIAMI vs. *NEW ENGLAND 2001—Dolphins, 30-10 (M)
See Atlanta vs. Miami RS: Dolphins lead series, 52-46 Patriots, 20-13 (NE)
MIAMI vs. BALTIMORE PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1 2002—Dolphins, 26-13 (M)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5 1966—Patriots, 20-14 (M) Patriots, 27-24 (NE) OT
PS: Ravens lead series, 2-0; 1967—Patriots, 41-10 (B) 2003—Patriots, 19-13 (M) OT
See Baltimore vs. Miami Dolphins, 41-32 (M) Patriots, 12-0 (NE)
MIAMI vs. BUFFALO 1968—Dolphins, 34-10 (B) 2004—Patriots, 24-10 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 57-42-1 Dolphins, 38-7 (M) Dolphins, 29-28 (M)
PS: Bills lead series, 3-1; 1969—Dolphins, 17-16 (B) 2005—Patriots, 23-16 (M)
See Buffalo vs. Miami Patriots, 38-23 (Tampa) Dolphins, 28-26 (NE)
MIAMI vs. CAROLINA 1970—Patriots, 27-14 (B) 2006—Patriots, 20-10 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 4-1; Dolphins, 37-20 (M) Dolphins, 21-0 (M)
See Carolina vs. Miami 1971—Dolphins, 41-3 (M) 2007—Patriots, 49-28 (M)
MIAMI vs. CHICAGO Patriots, 34-13 (NE) Patriots, 28-7 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4; 1972—Dolphins, 52-0 (M) 2008—Dolphins, 38-13 (NE)
See Chicago vs. Miami Dolphins, 37-21 (NE) Patriots, 48-28 (M)
MIAMI vs. CINCINNATI 1973—Dolphins, 44-23 (M) 2009—Patriots, 27-17 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 15-5 Dolphins, 30-14 (NE) Dolphins, 22-21 (M)
PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0; 1974—Patriots, 34-24 (NE) 2010—Patriots, 41-14 (M)
See Cincinnati vs. Miami Dolphins, 34-27 (M) Patriots, 38-7 (NE)
MIAMI vs. CLEVELAND 1975—Dolphins, 22-14 (NE) 2011—Patriots, 38-24 (M)
RS: Series tied, 8-8 Dolphins, 20-7 (M) Patriots, 27-24 (NE)
PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-0; 1976—Patriots, 30-14 (NE) 2012—Patriots, 23-16 (M)
See Cleveland vs. Miami Dolphins, 10-3 (M) Patriots, 28-0 (NE)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 463

2013—Patriots, 27-17 (NE) 1983—Dolphins, 32-14 (NY) 1967—Raiders, 31-17 (O)
Dolphins, 24-20 (M) Dolphins, 34-14 (M) 1968—Raiders, 47-21 (M)
2014—Dolphins, 33-20 (M) 1984—Dolphins, 31-17 (NY) 1969—Raiders, 20-17 (O)
Patriots, 41-13 (NE) Dolphins, 28-17 (M) Tie, 20-20 (M)
2015—Patriots, 36-7 (NE) 1985—Jets, 23-7 (NY) 1970—Dolphins, 20-13 (M)
Dolphins, 20-10 (M) Dolphins, 21-17 (M) **Raiders, 21-14 (O)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 2,116, Patriots 2,076) 1986—Jets, 51-45 (NY) OT 1973—Raiders, 12-7 (O)
(PS Pts.—Patriots 61, Dolphins 45) Dolphins, 45-3 (M) ***Dolphins, 27-10 (M)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 1987—Jets, 37-31 (NY) OT 1974—**Raiders, 28-26 (O)
**AFC First-Round Playoff Dolphins, 37-28 (M) 1975—Raiders, 31-21 (M)
***AFC Championship 1988—Jets, 44-30 (M) 1978—Dolphins, 23-6 (M)
MIAMI vs. NEW ORLEANS Jets, 38-34 (NY) 1979—Raiders, 13-3 (O)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5 1989—Jets, 40-33 (M) 1980—Raiders, 16-10 (O)
1970—Dolphins, 21-10 (M) Dolphins, 31-23 (NY) 1981—Raiders, 33-17 (M)
1974—Dolphins, 21-0 (NO) 1990—Dolphins, 20-16 (M) 1983—Raiders, 27-14 (LA)
1980—Dolphins, 21-16 (M) Dolphins, 17-3 (NY) 1984—Raiders, 45-34 (M)
1983—Saints, 17-7 (NO) 1991—Jets, 41-23 (NY) 1986—Raiders, 30-28 (M)
1986—Dolphins, 31-27 (NO) Jets, 23-20 (M) OT 1988—Dolphins, 24-14 (LA)
1992—Saints, 24-13 (NO) 1992—Jets, 26-14 (NY) 1990—Raiders, 13-10 (M)
1995—Saints, 33-30 (NO) Dolphins, 19-17 (M) 1992—Dolphins, 20-7 (M)
1998—Dolphins, 30-10 (M) 1993—Jets, 24-14 (M) 1994—Dolphins, 20-17 (M) OT
2005—Dolphins, 21-6 (Baton Rouge) Jets, 27-10 (NY) 1996—Raiders, 17-7 (O)
2009—Saints, 46-34 (M) 1994—Dolphins, 28-14 (M) 1997—Dolphins, 34-16 (O)
2013—Saints, 38-17 (NO) Dolphins, 28-24 (NY) 1998—Dolphins, 27-17 (O)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 246, Saints 227) 1995—Dolphins, 52-14 (M) 1999—Dolphins, 16-9 (O)
MIAMI vs. N.Y. GIANTS Jets, 17-16 (NY) 2000—**Raiders, 27-0 (O)
RS: Giants lead series, 6-2 1996—Dolphins, 36-27 (M) 2001—Dolphins, 18-15 (M)
1972—Dolphins, 23-13 (NY) Dolphins, 31-28 (NY) 2002—Dolphins, 23-17 (M)
1990—Giants, 20-3 (NY) 1997—Dolphins, 31-20 (NY) 2005—Dolphins, 33-21 (O)
1993—Giants, 19-14 (M) Dolphins, 24-17 (M) 2007—Raiders, 35-17 (M)
1996—Giants, 17-7 (M) 1998—Jets, 20-9 (NY) 2008—Dolphins, 17-15 (M)
2003—Dolphins, 23-10 (NY) Jets, 21-16 (M) 2010—Dolphins, 33-17 (O)
2007—Giants, 13-10 (London) 1999—Jets, 28-20 (NY) 2011—Dolphins, 34-14 (M)
2011—Giants, 20-17 (NY) Jets, 38-31 (M) 2012—Dolphins, 35-13 (M)
2015—Giants, 31-24 (M) 2000—Jets, 40-37 (NY) OT 2014—Dolphins, 38-14 (London)
(RS Pts.—Giants 143, Dolphins 121) Jets, 20-3 (M) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 682, Raiders 659)
MIAMI vs. N.Y. JETS 2001—Jets, 21-17 (NY) (PS Pts.—Raiders 86, Dolphins 67)
RS: Jets lead series, 53-46-1 Jets, 24-0 (M) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0 2002—Dolphins, 30-3 (M) **AFC Divisional Playoff
1966—Jets, 19-14 (M) Jets, 13-10 (NY) ***AFC Championship
Jets, 30-13 (NY) 2003—Dolphins, 21-10 (NY) MIAMI vs. PHILADELPHIA
1967—Jets, 29-7 (NY) Dolphins, 23-21 (M) RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-6
Jets, 33-14 (M) 2004—Jets, 17-9 (M) 1970—Eagles, 24-17 (P)
1968—Jets, 35-17 (NY) Jets, 41-14 (NY) 1975—Dolphins, 24-16 (M)
Jets, 31-7 (M) 2005—Jets, 17-7 (NY) 1978—Eagles, 17-3 (P)
1969—Jets, 34-31 (NY) Dolphins, 24-20 (M) 1981—Dolphins, 13-10 (M)
Jets, 27-9 (M) 2006—Jets, 20-17 (NY) 1984—Dolphins, 24-23 (M)
1970—Dolphins, 20-6 (NY) Jets, 13-10 (M) 1987—Dolphins, 28-10 (P)
Dolphins, 16-10 (M) 2007—Jets, 31-28 (NY) 1990—Dolphins, 23-20 (M) OT
1971—Jets, 14-10 (M) Jets, 40-13 (M) 1993—Dolphins, 19-14 (P)
Dolphins, 30-14 (NY) 2008—Jets, 20-14 (M) 1996—Eagles, 35-28 (P)
1972—Dolphins, 27-17 (NY) Dolphins, 24-17 (NY) 1999—Dolphins, 16-13 (M)
Dolphins, 28-24 (M) 2009—Dolphins, 31-27 (M) 2003—Eagles, 34-27 (M)
1973—Dolphins, 31-3 (M) Dolphins, 30-25 (NY) 2007—Eagles, 17-7 (P)
Dolphins, 24-14 (NY) 2010—Jets, 31-23 (M) 2011—Eagles, 26-10 (M)
1974—Dolphins, 21-17 (M) Dolphins, 10-6 (NY) 2015—Dolphins, 20-19 (P)
Jets, 17-14 (NY) 2011—Jets, 24-6 (NY) (RS Pts.—Eagles 278, Dolphins 259)
1975—Dolphins, 43-0 (NY) Dolphins, 19-17 (M) MIAMI vs. PITTSBURGH
Dolphins, 27-7 (M) 2012—Jets, 23-20 (M) OT RS: Steelers lead series, 12-10
1976—Dolphins, 16-0 (M) Dolphins, 30-9 (NY) PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-1
Dolphins, 27-7 (NY) 2013—Dolphins, 23-3 (NY) 1971—Dolphins, 24-21 (M)
1977—Dolphins, 21-17 (M) Jets, 20-7 (M) 1972—*Dolphins, 21-17 (P)
Dolphins, 14-10 (NY) 2014—Dolphins, 16-13 (NY) 1973—Dolphins, 30-26 (M)
1978—Jets, 33-20 (NY) Jets, 37-24 (M) 1976—Steelers, 14-3 (P)
Jets, 24-13 (M) 2015—Jets, 27-14 (London) 1979—**Steelers, 34-14 (P)
1979—Jets, 33-27 (NY) Jets, 38-20 (NY) 1980—Steelers, 23-10 (P)
Jets, 27-24 (M) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 2,176, Jets 2,163) 1981—Dolphins, 30-10 (M)
1980—Jets, 17-14 (NY) (PS Pts.—Dolphins 14, Jets 0) 1984—Dolphins, 31-7 (P)
Jets, 24-17 (M) *AFC Championship *Dolphins, 45-28 (M)
1981—Tie, 28-28 (M) OT MIAMI vs. *OAKLAND 1985—Dolphins, 24-20 (M)
Jets, 16-15 (NY) RS: Series tied, 16-16-1 1987—Dolphins, 35-24 (M)
1982—Dolphins, 45-28 (NY) PS: Raiders lead series, 3-1 1988—Steelers, 40-24 (P)
Dolphins, 20-19 (M) 1966—Raiders, 23-14 (M) 1989—Steelers, 34-14 (M)
*Dolphins, 14-0 (M) Raiders, 21-10 (O) 1990—Dolphins, 28-6 (P)

464 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1993—Steelers, 21-20 (M) 1977—Dolphins, 31-13 (M) MIAMI vs. WASHINGTON
1994—Steelers, 16-13 (P) OT 1979—Dolphins, 19-10 (M) RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4
1995—Dolphins, 23-10 (M) 1983—*Seahawks, 27-20 (M) PS: Series tied, 1-1
1996—Steelers, 24-17 (M) 1984—*Dolphins, 31-10 (M) 1972—*Dolphins, 14-7 (Los Angeles)
1998—Dolphins, 21-0 (M) 1987—Seahawks, 24-20 (S) 1974—Redskins, 20-17 (W)
2004—Steelers, 13-3 (M) 1990—Dolphins, 24-17 (M) 1978—Dolphins, 16-0 (W)
2006—Steelers, 28-17 (P) 1992—Dolphins, 19-17 (S) 1981—Dolphins, 13-10 (M)
2007—Steelers, 3-0 (P) 1996—Seahawks, 22-15 (M) 1982—**Redskins, 27-17 (Pasadena)
2009—Steelers, 30-24 (M) 1999—**Dolphins, 20-17 (S) 1984—Dolphins, 35-17 (W)
2010—Steelers, 23-22 (M) 2000—Dolphins, 23-0 (M) 1987—Dolphins, 23-21 (M)
2013—Dolphins, 34-28 (P) 2001—Dolphins, 24-20 (S) 1990—Redskins, 42-20 (W)
(RS Pts.—Dolphins 447, Steelers 421) 2004—Seahawks, 24-17 (S) 1993—Dolphins, 17-10 (M)
(PS Pts.—Dolphins 80, Steelers 79) 2008—Dolphins, 21-19 (M) 1999—Redskins, 21-10 (W)
*AFC Championship 2012—Dolphins, 24-21 (M) 2003—Dolphins, 24-23 (M)
**AFC Divisional Playoff (RS Pts.—Dolphins 237, Seahawks 187) 2007—Redskins, 16-13 (W) OT
MIAMI vs. SAN DIEGO (PS Pts.—Dolphins 71, Seahawks 54) 2011—Dolphins, 20-9 (M)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 14-13 *AFC Divisional Playoff 2015—Dolphins, 17-10 (W)
PS: Series tied, 2-2 **AFC First-Round Playoff (RS Pts.—Dolphins 225, Redskins 199)
1966—Chargers, 44-10 (SD) MIAMI vs. TAMPA BAY (PS Pts.—Redskins 34, Dolphins 31)
1967—Chargers, 24-0 (SD) RS: Series tied, 5-5 *Super Bowl VII
Dolphins, 41-24 (M) 1976—Dolphins, 23-20 (TB) **Super Bowl XVII
1968—Chargers, 34-28 (SD) 1982—Buccaneers, 23-17 (TB)
1969—Chargers, 21-14 (M) 1985—Dolphins, 41-38 (M) MINNESOTA vs. ARIZONA
1972—Dolphins, 24-10 (M) 1988—Dolphins, 17-14 (TB) RS: Vikings lead series, 13-11
1974—Dolphins, 28-21 (SD) 1991—Dolphins, 33-14 (M) PS: Vikings lead series, 2-0;
1977—Chargers, 14-13 (M) 1997—Buccaneers, 31-21 (TB) See Arizona vs. Minnesota
1978—Dolphins, 28-21 (SD) 2000—Buccaneers, 16-13 (M) MINNESOTA vs. ATLANTA
1980—Chargers, 27-24 (M) OT 2005—Buccaneers, 27-13 (TB) RS: Vikings lead series, 17-10
1981—*Chargers, 41-38 (M) OT 2009—Dolphins, 25-23 (M) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
1982—**Dolphins, 34-13 (M) 2013—Buccaneers, 22-19 (TB) See Atlanta vs. Minnesota
1984—Chargers, 34-28 (SD) OT (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 228, Dolphins 222) MINNESOTA vs. BALTIMORE
1986—Chargers, 50-28 (SD) MIAMI vs. *TENNESSEE RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2;
1988—Dolphins, 31-28 (M) RS: Dolphins lead series, 19-15 See Baltimore vs. Minnesota
1991—Chargers, 38-30 (SD) PS: Titans lead series, 1-0 MINNESOTA vs. BUFFALO
1992—*Dolphins, 31-0 (M) 1966—Dolphins, 20-13 (H) RS: Vikings lead series, 8-5;
1993—Chargers, 45-20 (SD) Dolphins, 29-28 (M) See Buffalo vs. Minnesota
1994—*Chargers, 22-21 (SD) 1967—Oilers, 17-14 (H) MINNESOTA vs. CAROLINA
1995—Dolphins, 24-14 (SD) Oilers, 41-10 (M) RS: Vikings lead series, 7-5;
1999—Dolphins, 12-9 (M) 1968—Oilers, 24-10 (M) See Carolina vs. Minnesota
2000—Dolphins, 17-7 (SD) Dolphins, 24-7 (H) MINNESOTA vs. CHICAGO
2002—Dolphins, 30-3 (M) 1969—Oilers, 22-10 (H) RS: Vikings lead series, 57-50-2
2003—Dolphins, 26-10 (Ariz) Oilers, 32-7 (M) PS: Bears lead series, 1-0;
2005—Dolphins, 23-21 (SD) 1970—Dolphins, 20-10 (H) See Chicago vs. Minnesota
2008—Dolphins, 17-10 (M) 1972—Dolphins, 34-13 (M) MINNESOTA vs. CINCINNATI
2009—Chargers, 23-13 (SD) 1975—Oilers, 20-19 (H) RS: Series tied, 6-6;
2011—Chargers, 26-16 (SD) 1977—Dolphins, 27-7 (M) See Cincinnati vs. Minnesota
2013—Dolphins, 20-16 (M) 1978—Oilers, 35-30 (H) MINNESOTA vs. CLEVELAND
2014—Dolphins, 37-0 (M) **Oilers, 17-9 (M) RS: Vikings lead series, 10-4
2015—Chargers, 30-14 (SD) 1979—Oilers, 9-6 (M) PS: Vikings lead series, 1-0;
(RS Pts.—Chargers 604, Dolphins 596) 1981—Dolphins, 16-10 (H) See Cleveland vs. Minnesota
(PS Pts.—Dolphins 124, Chargers 76) 1983—Dolphins, 24-17 (H) MINNESOTA vs. DALLAS
*AFC Divisional Playoff 1984—Dolphins, 28-10 (M) RS: Series tied, 11-11
**AFC Second-Round Playoff 1985—Oilers, 26-23 (H) PS: Cowboys lead series, 4-3;
MIAMI vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1986—Dolphins, 28-7 (M) See Dallas vs. Minnesota
RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5 1989—Oilers, 39-7 (H) MINNESOTA vs. DENVER
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0 1991—Oilers, 17-13 (M) RS: Series tied, 7-7;
1973—Dolphins, 21-13 (M) 1992—Dolphins, 19-16 (M) See Denver vs. Minnesota
1977—Dolphins, 19-15 (SF) 1996—Dolphins, 23-20 (H) MINNESOTA vs. DETROIT
1980—Dolphins, 17-13 (M) 1997—Dolphins, 16-13 (M) OT RS: Vikings lead series, 71-36-2;
1983—Dolphins, 20-17 (SF) 1999—Dolphins, 17-0 (M) See Detroit vs. Minnesota
1984—*49ers, 38-16 (Stanford) 2001—Dolphins, 31-23 (T) MINNESOTA vs. GREEN BAY
1986—49ers, 31-16 (M) 2003—Titans, 31-7 (T) RS: Packers lead series, 58-49-2
1992—49ers, 27-3 (SF) 2004—Titans, 17-7 (M) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
1995—49ers, 44-20 (M) 2005—Dolphins, 24-10 (M) See Green Bay vs. Minnesota
2001—49ers, 21-0 (SF) 2006—Dolphins, 13-10 (M) MINNESOTA vs. HOUSTON
2004—Dolphins, 24-17 (SF) 2009—Titans, 27-24 (T) OT RS: Vikings lead series, 3-0;
2008—Dolphins, 14-9 (M) 2010—Dolphins, 29-17 (M) See Houston vs. Minnesota
2012—49ers, 27-13 (SF) 2012—Titans, 37-3 (M) MINNESOTA vs. INDIANAPOLIS
(RS Pts.—49ers 234, Dolphins 167) 2015—Dolphins, 38-10 (T) RS: Colts lead series, 15-7-1
(PS Pts.—49ers 38, Dolphins 16) (RS Pts.—Dolphins 650, Titans 635) PS: Colts lead series, 1-0;
*Super Bowl XIX (PS Pts.—Titans 17, Dolphins 9) See Indianapolis vs. Minnesota
MIAMI vs. SEATTLE *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; MINNESOTA vs. JACKSONVILLE
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-3 known as Oilers prior to 1999 RS: Vikings lead series, 4-1;
PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-1 **AFC First-Round Playoff See Jacksonville vs. Minnesota

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 465

MINNESOTA vs. KANSAS CITY 1971—Vikings, 17-10 (NY) 1981—Vikings, 35-23 (M)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 6-5 1973—Vikings, 31-7 (New Haven) 1984—Eagles, 19-17 (P)
PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0; 1976—Vikings, 24-7 (M) 1985—Vikings, 28-23 (P)
See Kansas City vs. Minnesota 1986—Giants, 22-20 (M) Eagles, 37-35 (M)
MINNESOTA vs. LOS ANGELES 1989—Giants, 24-14 (NY) 1988—Vikings, 23-21 (M)
RS: Vikings lead series, 21-14-2 1990—Giants, 23-15 (NY) 1989—Eagles, 10-9 (P)
PS: Vikings lead series, 5-2; 1993—*Giants, 17-10 (NY) 1990—Eagles, 32-24 (P)
See Los Angeles vs. Minnesota 1994—Vikings, 27-10 (NY) 1992—Eagles, 28-17 (P)
MINNESOTA vs. MIAMI 1996—Giants, 15-10 (NY) 1997—Vikings, 28-19 (M)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 7-4 1997—*Vikings, 23-22 (NY) 2001—Eagles, 48-17 (P)
PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0; 1999—Vikings, 34-17 (NY) 2004—Eagles, 27-16 (P)
See Miami vs. Minnesota 2000—**Giants, 41-0 (NY) *Eagles, 27-14 (P)
MINNESOTA vs. *NEW ENGLAND 2001—Vikings, 28-16 (M) 2007—Eagles, 23-16 (M)
RS: Patriots lead series, 8-4 2002—Giants, 27-20 (M) 2008—**Eagles, 26-14 (M)
1970—Vikings, 35-14 (B) 2003—Giants, 29-17 (M) 2010—Vikings, 24-14 (P)
1974—Patriots, 17-14 (M) 2004—Giants, 34-13 (M) 2013—Vikings, 48-30 (M)
1979—Patriots, 27-23 (NE) 2005—Vikings, 24-21 (NY) (RS Pts.—Vikings 533, Eagles 507)
1988—Vikings, 36-6 (M) 2007—Vikings, 41-17 (NY) (PS Pts.—Eagles 84, Vikings 44)
1991—Patriots, 26-23 (NE) OT 2008—Vikings, 20-19 (M) *NFC Divisional Playoff
1994—Patriots, 26-20 (NE) OT 2009—Vikings, 44-7 (M) **NFC First-Round Playoff
1997—Vikings, 23-18 (M) 2010—Giants, 21-3 (Detroit) MINNESOTA vs. PITTSBURGH
2000—Vikings, 21-13 (NE) 2013—Giants, 23-7 (NY) RS: Vikings lead series, 9-7
2002—Patriots, 24-17 (NE) 2015—Vikings, 49-17 (M) PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0
2006—Patriots, 31-7 (M) (RS Pts.—Vikings 578, Giants 449) 1962—Steelers, 39-31 (P)
2010—Patriots, 28-18 (NE) (PS Pts.—Giants 80, Vikings 33) 1964—Vikings, 30-10 (M)
2014—Patriots, 30-7 (M) *NFC First-Round Playoff 1967—Vikings, 41-27 (P)
(RS Pts.—Patriots 260, Vikings 244) **NFC Championship 1969—Vikings, 52-14 (M)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 MINNESOTA vs. N.Y. JETS 1972—Steelers, 23-10 (P)
MINNESOTA vs. NEW ORLEANS RS: Jets lead series, 8-2 1974—*Steelers, 16-6 (New Orleans)
RS: Vikings lead series, 18-10 1970—Jets, 20-10 (NY) 1976—Vikings, 17-6 (M)
PS: Vikings lead series, 2-1 1975—Vikings, 29-21 (M) 1980—Steelers, 23-17 (M)
1968—Saints, 20-17 (NO) 1979—Jets, 14-7 (NY) 1983—Vikings, 17-14 (P)
1970—Vikings, 26-0 (M) 1982—Jets, 42-14 (M) 1986—Vikings, 31-7 (M)
1971—Vikings, 23-10 (NO) 1994—Jets, 31-21 (M) 1989—Steelers, 27-14 (P)
1972—Vikings, 37-6 (M) 1997—Jets, 23-21 (NY) 1992—Vikings, 6-3 (P)
1974—Vikings, 29-9 (M) 2002—Jets, 20-7 (NY) 1995—Vikings, 44-24 (P)
1975—Vikings, 20-7 (NO) 2006—Jets, 26-13 (M) 2001—Steelers, 21-16 (P)
1976—Vikings, 40-9 (NO) 2010—Jets, 29-20 (NY) 2005—Steelers, 18-3 (M)
1978—Saints, 31-24 (NO) 2014—Vikings, 30-24 (M) OT 2009—Steelers, 27-17 (P)
1980—Vikings, 23-20 (NO) (RS Pts.—Jets 250, Vikings 172) 2013—Vikings, 34-27 (London)
1981—Vikings, 20-10 (M) MINNESOTA vs. *OAKLAND (RS Pts.—Vikings 380, Steelers 310)
1983—Saints, 17-16 (NO) RS: Raiders lead series, 9-5 (PS Pts.—Steelers 16, Vikings 6)
1985—Saints, 30-23 (M) PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0 *Super Bowl IX
1986—Vikings, 33-17 (M) 1973—Vikings, 24-16 (M) MINNESOTA vs. SAN DIEGO
1987—*Vikings, 44-10 (NO) 1976—**Raiders, 32-14 (Pasadena) RS: Series tied, 6-6
1988—Vikings, 45-3 (M) 1977—Raiders, 35-13 (O) 1971—Chargers, 30-14 (SD)
1990—Vikings, 32-3 (M) 1978—Raiders, 27-20 (O) 1975—Vikings, 28-13 (M)
1991—Saints, 26-0 (NO) 1981—Raiders, 36-10 (M) 1978—Chargers, 13-7 (M)
1993—Saints, 17-14 (M) 1984—Raiders, 23-20 (LA) 1981—Vikings, 33-31 (SD)
1994—Vikings, 21-20 (M) 1987—Vikings, 31-20 (M) 1984—Chargers, 42-13 (M)
1995—Vikings, 43-24 (M) 1990—Raiders, 28-24 (M) 1985—Vikings, 21-17 (M)
1998—Vikings, 31-24 (M) 1993—Raiders, 24-7 (LA) 1993—Chargers, 30-17 (M)
2000—**Vikings, 34-16 (M) 1996—Vikings, 16-13 (O) OT 1999—Vikings, 35-27 (M)
2001—Saints, 28-15 (NO) 1999—Raiders, 22-17 (M) 2003—Chargers, 42-28 (SD)
2002—Vikings, 32-31 (NO) 2003—Raiders, 28-18 (O) 2007—Vikings, 35-17 (M)
2004—Vikings, 38-31 (NO) 2007—Vikings, 29-22 (M) 2011—Chargers, 24-17 (SD)
2005—Vikings, 33-16 (M) 2011—Raiders, 27-21 (M) 2015—Vikings, 31-14 (M)
2008—Vikings, 30-27 (NO) 2015—Vikings, 30-14 (O) (RS Pts.—Chargers 300, Vikings 279)
2009—***Saints, 31-28 (NO) OT (RS Pts.—Raiders 335, Vikings 280) MINNESOTA vs. SAN FRANCISCO
2010—Saints, 14-9 (NO) (PS Pts.—Raiders 32, Vikings 14) RS: Vikings lead series, 21-19-1
2011—Saints, 42-20 (M) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 PS: 49ers lead series, 4-1
2014—Saints, 20-9 (NO) **Super Bowl XI 1961—49ers, 38-24 (M)
(RS Pts.—Vikings 703, Saints 512) MINNESOTA vs. PHILADELPHIA 49ers, 38-28 (SF)
(PS Pts.—Vikings 106, Saints 57) RS: Vikings lead series, 13-9 1962—49ers, 21-7 (SF)
*NFC First-Round Playoff PS: Eagles lead series, 3-0 49ers, 35-12 (M)
**NFC Divisional Playoff 1962—Vikings, 31-21 (M) 1963—Vikings, 24-20 (SF)
***NFC Championship 1963—Vikings, 34-13 (P) Vikings, 45-14 (M)
MINNESOTA vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1968—Vikings, 24-17 (P) 1964—Vikings, 27-22 (SF)
RS: Vikings lead series, 14-10 1971—Vikings, 13-0 (P) Vikings, 24-7 (M)
PS: Giants lead series, 2-1 1973—Vikings, 28-21 (M) 1965—Vikings, 42-41 (SF)
1964—Vikings, 30-21 (NY) 1976—Vikings, 31-12 (P) 49ers, 45-24 (M)
1965—Vikings, 40-14 (M) 1978—Vikings, 28-27 (M) 1966—Tie, 20-20 (SF)
1967—Vikings, 27-24 (M) 1980—Eagles, 42-7 (M) Vikings, 28-3 (M)
1969—Giants, 24-23 (NY) *Eagles, 31-16 (P) 1967—49ers, 27-21 (M)

466 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1968—Vikings, 30-20 (SF) Vikings, 26-7 (M) 1993—Vikings, 14-9 (W)
1969—Vikings, 10-7 (M) 1986—Vikings, 23-10 (TB) 1998—Vikings, 41-7 (M)
1970—*49ers, 17-14 (M) Vikings, 45-13 (M) 2004—Redskins, 21-18 (W)
1971—49ers, 13-9 (M) 1987—Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB) 2006—Vikings, 19-16 (W)
1972—49ers, 20-17 (SF) Vikings, 23-17 (M) 2007—Redskins, 32-21 (M)
1973—Vikings, 17-13 (SF) 1988—Vikings, 14-13 (M) 2010—Vikings, 17-13 (W)
1975—Vikings, 27-17 (M) Vikings, 49-20 (TB) 2011—Vikings, 33-26 (W)
1976—49ers, 20-16 (SF) 1989—Vikings, 17-3 (M) 2012—Redskins, 38-26 (W)
1977—Vikings, 28-27 (M) Vikings, 24-10 (TB) 2013—Vikings, 34-27 (M)
1979—Vikings, 28-22 (M) 1990—Buccaneers, 23-20 (M) OT 2014—Vikings, 29-26 (M)
1983—49ers, 48-17 (M) Buccaneers, 26-13 (TB) (RS Pts.—Vikings 480, Redskins 425)
1984—49ers, 51-7 (SF) 1991—Vikings, 28-13 (M) (PS Pts.—Redskins 102, Vikings 86)
1985—Vikings, 28-21 (M) Vikings, 26-24 (TB) *NFC Divisional Playoff
1986—Vikings, 27-24 (SF) OT 1992—Vikings, 26-20 (M) **NFC Second-Round Playoff
1987—*Vikings, 36-24 (SF) Vikings, 35-7 (TB) ***NFC Championship
1988—49ers, 24-21 (SF) 1993—Vikings, 15-0 (M) ****NFC First-Round Playoff
*49ers, 34-9 (SF) Buccaneers, 23-10 (TB)
1989—*49ers, 41-13 (SF) 1994—Vikings, 36-13 (TB) NEW ENGLAND vs. ARIZONA
1990—49ers, 20-17 (M) Buccaneers, 20-17 (M) OT RS: Cardinals lead series, 7-6;
1991—Vikings, 17-14 (M) 1995—Buccaneers, 20-17 (TB) OT See Arizona vs. New England
1992—49ers, 20-17 (M) Vikings, 31-17 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. ATLANTA
1993—49ers, 38-19 (SF) 1996—Buccaneers, 24-13 (TB) RS: Patriots lead series, 7-6;
1994—Vikings, 21-14 (M) Vikings, 21-10 (M) See Atlanta vs. New England
1995—49ers, 37-30 (SF) 1997—Buccaneers, 28-14 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. BALTIMORE
1997—49ers, 28-17 (SF) Vikings, 10-6 (TB) RS: Patriots lead series, 7-1
*49ers, 38-22 (SF) 1998—Vikings, 31-7 (M) PS: Series tied, 2-2;
1999—Vikings, 40-16 (M) Buccaneers, 27-24 (TB) See Baltimore vs. New England
2003—Vikings, 35-7 (M) 1999—Vikings, 21-14 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. BUFFALO
2006—49ers, 9-3 (SF) Buccaneers, 24-17 (TB) RS: Patriots lead series, 68-42-1
2007—Vikings, 27-7 (SF) 2000—Vikings, 30-23 (M) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0;
2009—Vikings, 27-24 (M) Buccaneers, 41-13 (TB) See Buffalo vs. New England
2012—Vikings, 24-13 (M) 2001—Vikings, 20-16 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. CAROLINA
2015—49ers, 20-3 (SF) Buccaneers, 41-14 (TB) RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2
(RS Pts.—49ers 925, Vikings 905) 2002—Buccaneers, 38-24 (TB) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0;
(PS Pts.—49ers 154, Vikings 94) 2005—Buccaneers, 24-13 (M) See Carolina vs. New England
*NFC Divisional Playoff 2008—Buccaneers, 19-13 (TB) NEW ENGLAND vs. CHICAGO
MINNESOTA vs. SEATTLE 2011—Buccaneers, 24-20 (M) RS: Patriots lead series, 9-3
RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-5 2012—Buccaneers, 36-17 (M) PS: Bears lead series, 1-0;
PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0 2014—Vikings, 19-13 (TB) OT See Chicago vs. New England
1976—Vikings, 27-21 (M) (RS Pts.—Vikings 1,149, Buccaneers 983) NEW ENGLAND vs. CINCINNATI
1978—Seahawks, 29-28 (S) MINNESOTA vs. *TENNESSEE RS: Patriots lead series, 15-9;
1984—Seahawks, 20-12 (M) RS: Vikings lead series, 8-4 See Cincinnati vs. New England
1987—Seahawks, 28-17 (S) 1974—Vikings, 51-10 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. CLEVELAND
1990—Vikings, 24-21 (S) 1980—Oilers, 20-16 (H) RS: Browns lead series, 12-10
1996—Seahawks, 42-23 (S) 1983—Vikings, 34-14 (M) PS: Browns lead series, 1-0;
2002—Seahawks, 48-23 (S) 1986—Oilers, 23-10 (H) See Cleveland vs. New England
2003—Vikings, 34-7 (M) 1989—Vikings, 38-7 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. DALLAS
2004—Seahawks, 27-23 (M) 1992—Oilers, 17-13 (M) RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-5;
2006—Vikings, 31-13 (S) 1995—Vikings, 23-17 (M) OT See Dallas vs. New England
2009—Vikings, 35-9 (M) 1998—Vikings, 26-16 (T) NEW ENGLAND vs. DENVER
2012—Seahawks, 30-20 (S) 2001—Vikings, 42-24 (M) RS: Broncos lead series, 26-20
2013—Seahawks, 41-20 (S) 2004—Vikings, 20-3 (M) PS: Broncos lead series, 4-1;
2015—Seahawks, 38-7 (M) 2008—Titans, 30-17 (T) See Denver vs. New England
*Seahawks, 10-9 (M) 2012—Vikings, 30-7 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. DETROIT
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 374, Vikings 324) (RS Pts.—Vikings 320, Titans 188) RS: Patriots lead series, 7-4;
(PS Pts.—Seahawks 10, Vikings 9) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; See Detroit vs. New England
*NFC First-Round Playoff known as Oilers prior to 1999 NEW ENGLAND vs. GREEN BAY
RS: Vikings lead series, 32-22 RS: Vikings lead series, 10-9 PS: Packers lead series, 1-0;
1977—Vikings, 9-3 (TB) PS: Redskins lead series, 3-2 See Green Bay vs. New England
1978—Buccaneers, 16-10 (M) 1968—Vikings, 27-14 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. HOUSTON
Vikings, 24-7 (TB) 1970—Vikings, 19-10 (W) RS: Patriots lead series, 5-1
1979—Buccaneers, 12-10 (M) 1972—Redskins, 24-21 (M) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0;
Vikings, 23-22 (TB) 1973—*Vikings, 27-20 (M) See Houston vs. New England
1980—Vikings, 38-30 (M) 1975—Redskins, 31-30 (W) NEW ENGLAND vs. INDIANAPOLIS
Vikings, 21-10 (TB) 1976—*Vikings, 35-20 (M) RS: Patriots lead series, 47-28
1981—Buccaneers, 21-13 (TB) 1980—Vikings, 39-14 (W) PS: Patriots lead series, 4-1;
Vikings, 25-10 (M) 1982—**Redskins, 21-7 (W) See Indianapolis vs. New England
1982—Vikings, 17-10 (M) 1984—Redskins, 31-17 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. JACKSONVILLE
1983—Vikings, 19-16 (TB) OT 1986—Redskins, 44-38 (W) OT RS: Patriots lead series, 7-0
Buccaneers, 17-12 (M) 1987—Redskins, 27-24 (M) OT PS: Patriots lead series, 3-1;
1984—Buccaneers, 35-31 (TB) ***Redskins, 17-10 (W) See Jacksonville vs. New England
Vikings, 27-24 (M) 1992—Redskins, 15-13 (M) NEW ENGLAND vs. KANSAS CITY
1985—Vikings, 31-16 (TB) ****Redskins, 24-7 (M) RS: Chiefs lead series, 17-13-3

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PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0; 1971—Patriots, 20-0 (NE) Patriots, 20-10 (NE)
See Kansas City vs. New England Jets, 13-6 (NY) 2008—Patriots, 19-10 (NY)
NEW ENGLAND vs. LOS ANGELES 1972—Jets, 41-13 (NE) Jets, 34-31 (NE) OT
RS: Patriots lead series, 6-5 Jets, 34-10 (NY) 2009—Jets, 16-9 (NY)
PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0; 1973—Jets, 9-7 (NE) Patriots, 31-14 (NE)
See Los Angeles vs. New England Jets, 33-13 (NY) 2010—Jets, 28-14 (NY)
NEW ENGLAND vs. MIAMI 1974—Patriots, 24-0 (NY) Patriots, 45-3 (NE)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 52-46 Jets, 21-16 (NE) ****Jets, 28-21 (NE)
PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1; 1975—Jets, 36-7 (NY) 2011—Patriots, 30-21 (NE)
See Miami vs. New England Jets, 30-28 (NE) Patriots, 37-16 (NY)
NEW ENGLAND vs. MINNESOTA 1976—Patriots, 41-7 (NE) 2012—Patriots, 29-26 (NE) OT
RS: Patriots lead series, 8-4; Patriots, 38-24 (NY) Patriots, 49-19 (NY)
See Minnesota vs. New England 1977—Jets, 30-27 (NY) 2013—Patriots, 13-10 (NE)
NEW ENGLAND vs. NEW ORLEANS Patriots, 24-13 (NE) Jets, 30-27 (NY) OT
RS: Patriots lead series, 9-4 1978—Patriots, 55-21 (NE) 2014—Patriots, 27-25 (NE)
1972—Patriots, 17-10 (NO) Patriots, 19-17 (NY) Patriots, 17-16 (NY)
1976—Patriots, 27-6 (NE) 1979—Patriots, 56-3 (NE) 2015—Patriots, 30-23 (NE)
1980—Patriots, 38-27 (NO) Jets, 27-26 (NY) Jets, 26-20 (NY) OT
1983—Patriots, 7-0 (NE) 1980—Patriots, 21-11 (NY) (RS Pts.—Patriots 2,516, Jets 2,350)
1986—Patriots, 21-20 (NO) Patriots, 34-21 (NE) (PS Pts.—Patriots 84, Jets 58)
1989—Saints, 28-24 (NE) 1981—Jets, 28-24 (NY) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1971
1992—Saints, 31-14 (NE) Jets, 17-6 (NE) **Jets known as Titans prior to 1963
1995—Saints, 31-17 (NE) 1982—Jets, 31-7 (NE) ***AFC First-Round Playoff
1998—Patriots, 30-27 (NO) 1983—Patriots, 23-13 (NE) ****AFC Divisional Playoff
2001—Patriots, 34-17 (NE) Jets, 26-3 (NY) *NEW ENGLAND vs. **OAKLAND
2005—Patriots, 24-17 (NE) 1984—Patriots, 28-21 (NY) RS: Patriots lead series, 16-14-1
2009—Saints, 38-17 (NO) Patriots, 30-20 (NE) PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1
2013—Patriots, 30-27 (NE) 1985—Patriots, 20-13 (NE) 1960—Raiders, 27-14 (O)
(RS Pts.—Patriots 300, Saints 279) Jets, 16-13 (NY) OT Patriots, 34-28 (B)
*NEW ENGLAND vs. N.Y. GIANTS ***Patriots, 26-14 (NY) 1961—Patriots, 20-17 (B)
RS: Patriots lead series, 6-4 1986—Patriots, 20-6 (NY) Patriots, 35-21 (O)
PS: Giants lead series, 2-0; Jets, 31-24 (NE) 1962—Patriots, 26-16 (B)
1970—Giants, 16-0 (B) 1987—Jets, 43-24 (NY) Raiders, 20-0 (O)
1974—Patriots, 28-20 (New Haven) Patriots, 42-20 (NE) 1963—Patriots, 20-14 (O)
1987—Giants, 17-10 (NY) 1988—Patriots, 28-3 (NE) Patriots, 20-14 (B)
1990—Giants, 13-10 (NE) Patriots, 14-13 (NY) 1964—Patriots, 17-14 (O)
1996—Patriots, 23-22 (NY) 1989—Patriots, 27-24 (NY) Tie, 43-43 (B)
1999—Patriots, 16-14 (NE) Jets, 27-26 (NE) 1965—Raiders, 24-10 (B)
2003—Patriots, 17-6 (NE) 1990—Jets, 37-13 (NE) Raiders, 30-21 (O)
2007—Patriots, 38-35 (NY) Jets, 42-7 (NY) 1966—Patriots, 24-21 (B)
**Giants, 17-14 (Arizona) 1991—Jets, 28-21 (NE) 1967—Raiders, 35-7 (O)
2011—Giants, 24-20 (NE) Patriots, 6-3 (NY) Raiders, 48-14 (B)
***Giants, 21-17 (Indianapolis) 1992—Jets, 30-21 (NY) 1968—Raiders, 41-10 (O)
2015—Patriots, 27-26 (NY) Patriots, 24-3 (NE) 1969—Raiders, 38-23 (B)
(RS Pts.—Giants 193, Patriots 189) 1993—Jets, 45-7 (NY) 1971—Patriots, 20-6 (NE)
(PS Pts.—Giants 38, Patriots 31) Jets, 6-0 (NE) 1974—Raiders, 41-26 (O)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 1994—Jets, 24-17 (NY) 1976—Patriots, 48-17 (NE)
**Super Bowl XLII Patriots, 24-13 (NE) ***Raiders, 24-21 (O)
***Super Bowl XLVI 1995—Patriots, 20-7 (NY) 1978—Patriots, 21-14 (O)
*NEW ENGLAND vs. **N.Y. JETS Patriots, 31-28 (NE) 1981—Raiders, 27-17 (O)
RS: Patriots lead series, 57-53-1 1996—Patriots, 31-27 (NY) 1985—Raiders, 35-20 (NE)
PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1 Patriots, 34-10 (NE) ***Patriots, 27-20 (LA)
1960—Patriots, 28-24 (NY) 1997—Patriots, 27-24 (NE) OT 1987—Patriots, 26-23 (NE)
Patriots, 38-21 (B) Jets, 24-19 (NY) 1989—Raiders, 24-21 (LA)
1961—Titans, 21-20 (B) 1998—Jets, 24-14 (NE) 1994—Raiders, 21-17 (NE)
Titans, 37-30 (NY) Jets, 31-10 (NY) 2001—***Patriots, 16-13 (NE) OT
1962—Patriots, 43-14 (NY) 1999—Patriots, 30-28 (NY) 2002—Raiders, 27-20 (O)
Patriots, 24-17 (B) Jets, 24-17 (NE) 2005—Patriots, 30-20 (NE)
1963—Patriots, 38-14 (B) 2000—Jets, 20-19 (NY) 2008—Patriots, 49-26 (O)
Jets, 31-24 (NY) Jets, 34-17 (NE) 2011—Patriots, 31-19 (O)
1964—Patriots, 26-10 (B) 2001—Jets, 10-3 (NE) 2014—Patriots, 16-9 (NE)
Jets, 35-14 (NY) Patriots, 17-16 (NY) (RS Pts.—Raiders 760, Patriots 700)
1965—Jets, 30-20 (B) 2002—Patriots, 44-7 (NY) (PS Pts.—Patriots 64, Raiders 57)
Patriots, 27-23 (NY) Jets, 30-17 (NE) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1971
1966—Tie, 24-24 (B) 2003—Patriots, 23-16 (NE) **Franchise in Los Angeles from
Jets, 38-28 (NY) Patriots, 21-16 (NY) 1982-1994
1967—Jets, 30-23 (NY) 2004—Patriots, 13-7 (NE) ***AFC Divisional Playoff
Jets, 29-24 (B) Patriots, 23-7 (NY) NEW ENGLAND vs. PHILADELPHIA
1968—Jets, 47-31 (Birmingham) 2005—Patriots, 16-3 (NE) RS: Eagles lead series, 7-5
Jets, 48-14 (NY) Patriots, 31-21 (NY) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0
1969—Jets, 23-14 (B) 2006—Patriots, 24-17 (NY) 1973—Eagles, 24-23 (P)
Jets, 23-17 (NY) Jets, 17-14 (NE) 1977—Patriots, 14-6 (NE)
1970—Jets, 31-21 (B) ***Patriots, 37-16 (NE) 1978—Patriots, 24-14 (NE)
Jets, 17-3 (NY) 2007—Patriots, 38-14 (NY) 1981—Eagles, 13-3 (P)

468 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1984—Eagles, 27-17 (P) 1978—Patriots, 28-23 (NE) PS: Series tied, 1-1
1987—Eagles, 34-31 (NE) OT 1979—Patriots, 27-21 (NE) 1960—Oilers, 24-10 (B)
1990—Eagles, 48-20 (P) 1983—Patriots, 37-21 (NE) Oilers, 37-21 (H)
1999—Eagles, 24-9 (P) 1994—Patriots, 23-17 (NE) 1961—Tie, 31-31 (B)
2003—Patriots, 31-10 (P) 1996—Patriots, 45-7 (SD) Oilers, 27-15 (H)
2004—*Patriots, 24-21 (Jacksonville) 1997—Patriots, 41-7 (NE) 1962—Patriots, 34-21 (B)
2007—Patriots, 31-28 (NE) 2001—Patriots, 29-26 (NE) OT Oilers, 21-17 (H)
2011—Patriots, 38-20 (P) 2002—Chargers, 21-14 (SD) 1963—Patriots, 45-3 (B)
2015—Eagles, 35-28 (NE) 2005—Chargers, 41-17 (NE) Patriots, 46-28 (H)
(RS Pts.—Eagles 283, Patriots 269) 2006—****Patriots, 24-21 (SD) 1964—Patriots, 25-24 (B)
(PS Pts.—Patriots 24, Eagles 21) 2007—Patriots, 38-14 (NE) Patriots, 34-17 (H)
*Super Bowl XXXIX *****Patriots, 21-12 (NE) 1965—Oilers, 31-10 (H)
NEW ENGLAND vs. PITTSBURGH 2008—Chargers, 30-10 (SD) Patriots, 42-14 (B)
RS: Steelers lead series, 14-10 2010—Patriots, 23-20 (SD) 1966—Patriots, 27-21 (B)
PS: Patriots lead series, 3-1 2011—Patriots, 35-21 (NE) Patriots, 38-14 (H)
1972—Steelers, 33-3 (P) 2014—Patriots, 23-14 (SD) 1967—Patriots, 18-7 (B)
1974—Steelers, 21-17 (NE) (RS Pts.—Patriots 883, Chargers 734) Oilers, 27-6 (H)
1976—Patriots, 30-27 (P) (PS Pts.—Chargers 84, Patriots 55) 1968—Oilers, 16-0 (B)
1979—Steelers, 16-13 (NE) OT *Franchise in Boston prior to 1971 Oilers, 45-17 (H)
1981—Steelers, 27-21 (P) OT **Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961 1969—Patriots, 24-0 (B)
1982—Steelers, 37-14 (P) ***AFL Championship Oilers, 27-23 (H)
1983—Patriots, 28-23 (P) ****AFC Divisional Playoff 1971—Patriots, 28-20 (NE)
1986—Patriots, 34-0 (P) *****AFC Championship 1973—Patriots, 32-0 (H)
1989—Steelers, 28-10 (P) NEW ENGLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO 1975—Oilers, 7-0 (NE)
1990—Steelers, 24-3 (P) RS: 49ers lead series, 8-4 1978—Oilers, 26-23 (NE)
1991—Steelers, 20-6 (P) 1971—49ers, 27-10 (SF) ***Oilers, 31-14 (NE)
1993—Steelers, 17-14 (P) 1975—Patriots, 24-16 (NE) 1980—Oilers, 38-34 (H)
1995—Steelers, 41-27 (P) 1980—49ers, 21-17 (SF) 1981—Patriots, 38-10 (NE)
1996—*Patriots, 28-3 (NE) 1983—49ers, 33-13 (NE) 1982—Patriots, 29-21 (NE)
1997—Steelers, 24-21 (NE) OT 1986—49ers, 29-24 (NE) 1987—Patriots, 21-7 (H)
*Steelers, 7-6 (P) 1989—49ers, 37-20 (SF) 1988—Oilers, 31-6 (H)
1998—Patriots, 23-9 (P) 1992—49ers, 24-12 (NE) 1989—Patriots, 23-13 (NE)
2001—**Patriots, 24-17 (P) 1995—49ers, 28-3 (SF) 1991—Patriots, 24-20 (NE)
2002—Patriots, 30-14 (NE) 1998—Patriots, 24-21 (NE) 1993—Oilers, 28-14 (NE)
2004—Steelers, 34-20 (P) 2004—Patriots, 21-7 (NE) 1998—Patriots, 27-16 (NE)
**Patriots, 41-27 (P) 2008—Patriots, 30-21 (SF) 2002—Titans, 24-7 (T)
2005—Patriots, 23-20 (P) 2012—49ers, 41-34 (NE) 2003—Patriots, 38-30 (NE)
2007—Patriots, 34-13 (NE) (RS Pts.—49ers 305, Patriots 232) ***Patriots, 17-14 (NE)
2008—Steelers, 33-10 (NE) NEW ENGLAND vs. SEATTLE 2006—Patriots, 40-23 (T)
2010—Patriots, 39-26 (P) RS: Series tied, 8-8 2009—Patriots, 59-0 (NE)
2011—Steelers, 25-17 (P) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0 2012—Patriots, 34-13 (T)
2013—Patriots, 55-31 (NE) 1977—Patriots, 31-0 (NE) 2015—Patriots. 33-16 (NE)
2015—Patriots, 28-21 (NE) 1980—Patriots, 37-31 (S) (RS Pts.—Patriots 993, Titans 778)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 564, Patriots 520) 1982—Patriots, 16-0 (S) (PS Pts.—Titans 45, Patriots 31)
(PS Pts.—Patriots 99, Steelers 54) 1983—Seahawks, 24-6 (S) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1971
*AFC Divisional Playoff 1984—Patriots, 38-23 (NE) **Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
**AFC Championship 1985—Patriots, 20-13 (S) known as Oilers prior to 1999
*NEW ENGLAND vs. **SAN DIEGO 1986—Seahawks, 38-31 (NE) ***AFC Divisional Playoff
RS: Patriots lead series, 21-14-2 1988—Patriots, 13-7 (NE) NEW ENGLAND vs. WASHINGTON
PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1 1989—Seahawks, 24-3 (NE) RS: Redskins lead series, 6-4
1960—Patriots, 35-0 (LA) 1990—Seahawks, 33-20 (NE) 1972—Patriots, 24-23 (NE)
Chargers, 45-16 (B) 1992—Seahawks, 10-6 (NE) 1978—Redskins, 16-14 (NE)
1961—Chargers, 38-27 (B) 1993—Seahawks, 17-14 (NE) 1981—Redskins, 24-22 (W)
Patriots, 41-0 (SD) Seahawks, 10-9 (S) 1984—Redskins, 26-10 (NE)
1962—Patriots, 24-20 (B) 2004—Patriots, 30-20 (NE) 1990—Redskins, 25-10 (NE)
Patriots, 20-14 (SD) 2008—Patriots, 24-21 (S) 1996—Redskins, 27-22 (NE)
1963—Chargers, 17-13 (SD) 2012—Seahawks, 24-23 (S) 2003—Redskins, 20-17 (W)
Chargers, 7-6 (B) 2014—*Patriots, 28-24 (Phoenix) 2007—Patriots, 52-7 (NE)
***Chargers, 51-10 (SD) (RS Pts.—Patriots 321, Seahawks 295) 2011—Patriots, 34-27 (W)
1964—Patriots, 33-28 (SD) (PS Pts:—Patriots 28, Seahawks 24) 2015—Patriots, 27-10 (NE)
Chargers, 26-17 (B) *Super Bowl XLIX (RS Pts.—Patriots 232, Redskins 205)
1965—Tie, 10-10 (B) NEW ENGLAND vs. TAMPA BAY
Patriots, 22-6 (SD) RS: Patriots lead series, 6-2 NEW ORLEANS vs. ARIZONA
1966—Chargers, 24-0 (SD) 1976—Patriots, 31-14 (TB) RS: Cardinals lead series, 15-13
Patriots, 35-17 (B) 1985—Patriots, 32-14 (TB) PS: Saints lead series, 1-0;
1967—Chargers, 28-14 (SD) 1988—Patriots, 10-7 (NE) OT See Arizona vs. New Orleans
Tie, 31-31 (SD) 1997—Buccaneers, 27-7 (TB) NEW ORLEANS vs. ATLANTA
1968—Chargers, 27-17 (B) 2000—Buccaneers, 21-16 (NE) RS: Falcons lead series, 48-45
1969—Chargers, 13-10 (B) 2005—Patriots, 28-0 (NE) PS: Falcons lead series, 1-0;
Chargers, 28-18 (SD) 2009—Patriots, 35-7 (London) See Atlanta vs. New Orleans
1970—Chargers, 16-14 (B) 2013—Patriots, 23-3 (NE) NEW ORLEANS vs. BALTIMORE
1973—Patriots, 30-14 (NE) (RS Pts.—Patriots 182, Buccaneers 93) RS: Ravens lead series, 5-1;
1975—Patriots, 33-19 (SD) *NEW ENGLAND vs. **TENNESSEE See Baltimore vs. New Orleans
1977—Patriots, 24-20 (SD) RS: Patriots lead series, 23-15-1 NEW ORLEANS vs. BUFFALO

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 469

RS: Saints lead series, 6-4; 1996—Saints 17-3 (NY) 2012—Saints, 28-13 (NO)
See Buffalo vs. New Orleans 1997—Giants, 14-9 (NY) 2013—*Saints, 26-24 (P)
NEW ORLEANS vs. CAROLINA 1999—Giants, 31-3 (NY) 2015—Eagles, 39-17 (P)
RS: Panthers lead series, 23-19; 2001—Giants, 21-13 (NY) (RS Pts.—Eagles 635, Saints 535)
See Carolina vs. New Orleans 2003—Saints, 45-7 (NO) (PS Pts.—Eagles 84, Saints 73)
NEW ORLEANS vs. CHICAGO 2005—Giants, 27-10 (NY*) *NFC First-Round Playoff
RS: Saints lead series, 14-13 2006—Saints, 30-7 (NY) **NFC Divisional Playoff
PS: Bears lead series, 2-0; 2009—Saints, 48-27 (NO) NEW ORLEANS vs. PITTSBURGH
See Chicago vs. New Orleans 2011—Saints, 49-24 (NO) RS: Saints lead series, 8-7
NEW ORLEANS vs. CINCINNATI 2012—Giants, 52-27 (NY) 1967—Steelers, 14-10 (NO)
RS: Bengals lead series, 7-6; 2015—Saints, 52-49 (NO) 1968—Saints, 16-12 (P)
See Cincinnati vs. New Orleans (RS Pts.—Giants 647, Saints 623) Saints, 24-14 (NO)
NEW ORLEANS vs. CLEVELAND *Saints home game 1969—Saints, 27-24 (NO)
RS: Browns lead series, 13-4; NEW ORLEANS vs. N.Y. JETS 1974—Steelers, 28-7 (NO)
See Cleveland vs. New Orleans RS: Series tied, 6-6 1978—Steelers, 20-14 (P)
NEW ORLEANS vs. DALLAS 1972—Jets, 18-17 (NY) 1981—Steelers, 20-6 (NO)
RS: Cowboys lead series, 16-12; 1977—Jets, 16-13 (NO) 1984—Saints, 27-24 (NO)
See Dallas vs. New Orleans 1980—Saints, 21-20 (NY) 1987—Saints, 20-16 (P)
NEW ORLEANS vs. DENVER 1983—Jets, 31-28 (NO) 1990—Steelers, 9-6 (NO)
RS: Broncos lead series, 8-2; 1986—Jets, 28-23 (NY) 1993—Steelers, 37-14 (P)
See Denver vs. New Orleans 1989—Saints, 29-14 (NO) 2002—Saints, 32-29 (NO)
NEW ORLEANS vs. DETROIT 1992—Saints, 20-0 (NY) 2006—Steelers, 38-31 (P)
RS: Series tied, 11-11-1 1995—Saints, 12-0 (NY) 2010—Saints, 20-10 (NO)
PS: Saints lead series, 1-0; 2001—Jets, 16-9 (NO) 2014—Saints, 35-32 (P)
See Detroit vs. New Orleans 2005—Saints, 21-19 (NY) (RS Pts.—Steelers 327, Saints 289)
RS: Packers lead series, 16-8; 2013—Jets, 26-20 (NY) RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4
See Green Bay vs. New Orleans (RS Pts.—Saints 237, Jets 198) 1973—Chargers, 17-14 (SD)
RS: Series tied, 2-2; RS: Saints lead series, 6-5-1 1979—Chargers, 35-0 (NO)
See Houston vs. New Orleans 1971—Tie, 21-21 (NO) 1988—Saints, 23-17 (SD)
NEW ORLEANS vs. INDIANAPOLIS 1975—Raiders, 48-10 (O) 1991—Chargers, 24-21 (SD)
RS: Saints lead series, 7-5 1979—Raiders, 42-35 (NO) 1994—Chargers, 36-22 (NO)
PS: Saints lead series, 1-0; 1985—Raiders, 23-13 (LA) 1997—Chargers, 20-6 (NO)
See Indianapolis vs. New Orleans 1988—Saints, 20-6 (NO) 2000—Saints, 28-27 (SD)
NEW ORLEANS vs. JACKSONVILLE 1991—Saints, 27-0 (NO) 2004—Chargers, 43-17 (SD)
RS: Saints lead series, 4-2; 1994—Raiders, 24-19 (LA) 2008—Saints, 37-32 (London)
See Jacksonville vs. New Orleans 1997—Saints, 13-10 (O) 2012—Saints, 31-24 (NO)
NEW ORLEANS vs. KANSAS CITY 2000—Raiders, 31-22 (NO) (RS Pts.—Chargers 289, Saints 199)
RS: Series tied, 5-5; 2004—Saints, 31-26 (O) NEW ORLEANS vs. SAN FRANCISCO
See Kansas City vs. New Orleans 2008—Saints, 34-3 (NO) RS: 49ers lead series, 47-25-2
NEW ORLEANS vs. LOS ANGELES 2012—Saints, 38-17 (O) PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0
RS: Rams lead series, 40-31 (RS Pts.—Saints 283, Raiders 251) 1967—49ers, 27-13 (SF)
PS: Saints lead series, 1-0; *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1969—Saints, 43-38 (NO)
See Los Angeles vs. New Orleans NEW ORLEANS vs. PHILADELPHIA 1970—Tie, 20-20 (SF)
NEW ORLEANS vs. MIAMI RS: Eagles lead series, 16-11 49ers, 38-27 (NO)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5; PS: Saints lead series, 2-1 1971—49ers, 38-20 (NO)
See Miami vs. New Orleans 1967—Saints, 31-24 (NO) Saints, 26-20 (SF)
NEW ORLEANS vs. MINNESOTA Eagles, 48-21 (P) 1972—49ers, 37-2 (NO)
RS: Vikings lead series, 18-10 1968—Eagles, 29-17 (P) Tie, 20-20 (SF)
PS: Vikings lead series, 2-1; 1969—Eagles, 13-10 (P) 1973—49ers, 40-0 (SF)
See Minnesota vs. New Orleans Saints, 26-17 (NO) Saints, 16-10 (NO)
NEW ORLEANS vs. NEW ENGLAND 1972—Saints, 21-3 (NO) 1974—49ers, 17-13 (NO)
RS: Patriots lead series, 9-4; 1974—Saints, 14-10 (NO) 49ers, 35-21 (SF)
See New England vs. New Orleans 1977—Eagles, 28-7 (P) 1975—49ers, 35-21 (SF)
NEW ORLEANS vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1978—Eagles, 24-17 (NO) 49ers, 16-6 (NO)
RS: Giants lead series, 15-13 1979—Eagles, 26-14 (NO) 1976—49ers, 33-3 (SF)
1967—Giants, 27-21 (NY) 1980—Eagles, 34-21 (NO) 49ers, 27-7 (NO)
1968—Giants, 38-21 (NY) 1981—Eagles, 31-14 (NO) 1977—49ers, 10-7 (NO) OT
1969—Saints, 25-24 (NY) 1983—Saints, 20-17 (P) OT 49ers, 20-17 (SF)
1970—Saints, 14-10 (NO) 1985—Saints, 23-21 (NO) 1978—Saints, 14-7 (SF)
1972—Giants, 45-21 (NY) 1987—Eagles, 27-17 (P) Saints, 24-13 (NO)
1975—Giants, 28-14 (NY) 1989—Saints, 30-20 (NO) 1979—Saints, 30-21 (SF)
1978—Saints, 28-17 (NO) 1991—Saints, 13-6 (P) Saints, 31-20 (NO)
1979—Saints, 24-14 (NO) 1992—Eagles, 15-13 (P) 1980—49ers, 26-23 (NO)
1981—Giants, 20-7 (NY) *Eagles, 36-20 (NO) 49ers, 38-35 (SF) OT
1984—Saints, 10-3 (NY) 1993—Eagles, 37-26 (P) 1981—49ers, 21-14 (SF)
1985—Giants, 21-13 (NO) 1995—Eagles, 15-10 (NO) 49ers, 21-17 (NO)
1986—Giants, 20-17 (NY) 2000—Eagles, 21-7 (NO) 1982—Saints, 23-20 (SF)
1987—Saints, 23-14 (NO) 2003—Eagles, 33-20 (P) 1983—49ers, 32-13 (NO)
1988—Giants, 13-12 (NO) 2006—Saints, 27-24 (NO) 49ers, 27-0 (SF)
1993—Giants, 24-14 (NO) **Saints, 27-24 (NO) 1984—49ers, 30-20 (SF)
1994—Saints, 27-22 (NO) 2007—Eagles, 38-23 (NO) 49ers, 35-3 (NO)
1995—Giants, 45-29 (NY) 2009—Saints, 48-22 (P) 1985—Saints, 20-17 (SF)

470 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

49ers, 31-19 (NO) 1983—Saints, 24-21 (TB) 1980—Redskins, 22-14 (W)
1986—49ers, 26-17 (SF) 1984—Saints, 17-13 (NO) 1982—Redskins, 27-10 (NO)
Saints, 23-10 (NO) 1985—Saints, 20-13 (NO) 1986—Redskins, 14-6 (NO)
1987—49ers, 24-22 (NO) 1986—Saints, 38-7 (NO) 1988—Redskins, 27-24 (W)
Saints, 26-24 (SF) 1987—Saints, 44-34 (NO) 1989—Redskins, 16-14 (NO)
1988—49ers, 34-33 (NO) 1988—Saints, 13-9 (NO) 1990—Redskins, 31-17 (W)
49ers, 30-17 (SF) 1989—Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB) 1992—Saints, 20-3 (NO)
1989—49ers, 24-20 (NO) 1990—Saints, 35-7 (NO) 1994—Redskins, 38-24 (NO)
49ers, 31-13 (SF) 1991—Saints, 23-7 (NO) 2001—Redskins, 40-10 (NO)
1990—49ers, 13-12 (NO) 1992—Saints, 23-21 (NO) 2002—Saints, 43-27 (W)
Saints, 13-10 (SF) 1994—Saints, 9-7 (TB) 2003—Saints, 24-20 (W)
1991—Saints, 10-3 (NO) 1996—Buccaneers, 13-7 (TB) 2006—Redskins, 16-10 (NO)
49ers, 38-24 (SF) 1998—Saints, 9-3 (NO) 2008—Redskins, 29-24 (W)
1992—49ers, 16-10 (NO) 1999—Buccaneers, 31-16 (NO) 2009—Saints, 33-30 (W) OT
49ers, 21-20 (SF) 2001—Buccaneers, 48-21 (TB) 2012—Redskins, 40-32 (NO)
1993—Saints, 16-13 (NO) 2002—Saints, 26-20 (TB) OT 2015—Redskins, 47-14 (W)
49ers, 42-7 (SF) Saints, 23-20 (NO) (RS Pts.—Redskins 609, Saints 480)
1994—49ers, 24-13 (SF) 2003—Saints, 17-14 (TB)
49ers, 35-14 (NO) Buccaneers, 14-7 (NO) N.Y. GIANTS vs. ARIZONA
1995—49ers, 24-22 (NO) 2004—Buccaneers, 20-17 (NO) RS: Giants lead series, 80-43-2;
Saints, 11-7 (SF) Saints, 21-17 (TB) See Arizona vs. N.Y. Giants
1996—49ers, 27-11 (SF) 2005—Buccaneers, 10-3 (Baton Rouge) N.Y. GIANTS vs. ATLANTA
49ers, 24-17 (NO) Buccaneers, 27-13 (TB) RS: Falcons lead series, 12-11;
1997—49ers, 33-7 (SF) 2006—Saints, 24-21 (NO) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0;
49ers, 23-0 (NO) Saints, 31-14 (TB) See Atlanta vs. N.Y. Giants
1998—49ers, 31-0 (NO) 2007—Buccaneers, 31-14 (TB) N.Y. GIANTS vs. BALTIMORE
49ers, 31-20 (SF) Buccaneers, 27-23 (NO) RS: Ravens lead series, 3-1
1999—49ers, 28-21 (SF) 2008—Saints, 24-20 (NO) PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0;
Saints, 24-6 (NO) Buccaneers, 23-20 (TB) See Baltimore vs. N.Y. Giants
2000—Saints, 31-15 (NO) 2009—Saints, 38-7 (TB) N.Y. GIANTS vs. BUFFALO
Saints, 31-27 (SF) Buccaneers, 20-17 (NO) OT RS: Series tied, 6-6
2001—49ers, 28-27 (SF) 2010—Saints, 31-6 (TB) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0;
49ers, 38-0 (NO) Buccaneers, 23-13 (NO) See Buffalo vs. N.Y. Giants
2002—Saints, 35-27 (NO) 2011—Buccaneers, 26-20 (TB) N.Y. GIANTS vs. CAROLINA
2004—Saints, 30-27 (NO) Saints, 27-16 (NO) RS: Panthers lead series, 5-4
2006—Saints, 34-10 (NO) 2012—Saints, 35-28 (TB) PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0;
2007—Saints, 31-10 (SF) Saints, 41-0 (NO) See Carolina vs. N.Y. Giants
2008—Saints, 31-17 (NO) 2013—Saints, 16-14 (TB) N.Y. GIANTS vs. CHICAGO
2010—Saints, 25-22 (SF) Saints, 42-17 (NO) RS: Bears lead series, 28-19-2
2011—*49ers, 36-32 (SF) 2014—Saints, 37-31 (NO) OT PS: Bears lead series, 5-3;
2012—49ers, 31-21 (NO) Saints, 23-20 (TB) See Chicago vs. N.Y. Giants
2013—Saints, 23-20 (NO) 2015—Buccaneers, 26-19 (NO) N.Y. GIANTS vs. CINCINNATI
2014—49ers, 27-24 (NO) Saints, 24-17 (TB) RS: Bengals lead series, 6-3;
(RS Pts.—49ers 1,791, Saints 1,354) (RS Pts.—Saints 1,052, Buccaneers 884) See Cincinnati vs. N.Y. Giants
(PS Pts.—49ers 36, Saints 32) NEW ORLEANS vs. *TENNESSEE N.Y. GIANTS vs. CLEVELAND
*NFC Divisional Playoff RS: Titans lead series, 8-5-1 RS: Browns lead series, 26-20-2
NEW ORLEANS vs. SEATTLE 1971—Tie, 13-13 (H) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
RS: Series tied, 6-6 1976—Oilers, 31-26 (NO) See Cleveland vs. N.Y. Giants
PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-0 1978—Oilers, 17-12 (NO) N.Y. GIANTS vs. DALLAS
1976—Saints, 51-27 (S) 1981—Saints, 27-24 (H) RS: Cowboys lead series, 62-43-2
1979—Seahawks, 38-24 (S) 1984—Saints, 27-10 (H) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0;
1985—Seahawks, 27-3 (NO) 1987—Saints, 24-10 (NO) See Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants
1988—Saints, 20-19 (S) 1990—Oilers, 23-10 (H) N.Y. GIANTS vs. DENVER
1991—Saints, 27-24 (NO) 1993—Saints, 33-21 (NO) RS: Broncos lead series, 6-5
1997—Saints, 20-17 (NO) OT 1996—Oilers, 31-14 (NO) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0;
2000—Seahawks, 20-10 (S) 1999—Titans, 24-21 (NO) See Denver vs. N.Y. Giants
2003—Seahawks, 27-10 (S) 2003—Titans, 27-12 (T) N.Y. GIANTS vs. DETROIT
2004—Seahawks, 21-7 (NO) 2007—Titans, 31-14 (NO) RS: Lions lead series, 21-20-1
2007—Saints, 28-17 (S) 2011—Saints, 22-17 (T) PS: Lions lead series, 1-0;
2010—Saints, 34-19 (NO) 2015—Titans, 34-28 (NO) OT See Detroit vs. N.Y. Giants
*Seahawks, 41-36 (S) (RS Pts.—Titans 313, Saints 283) N.Y. GIANTS vs. GREEN BAY
2013—Seahawks, 34-7 (S) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; RS: Packers lead series, 27-23-2
**Seahawks, 23-15 (S) known as Oilers prior to 1999 PS: Packers lead series, 4-3;
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 290, Saints 241) NEW ORLEANS vs. WASHINGTON See Green Bay vs. N.Y. Giants
(PS Pts.—Seahawks 64, Saints 51) RS: Redskins lead series, 17-8 N.Y. GIANTS vs. HOUSTON
*NFC First-Round Playoff 1967—Redskins, 30-10 (NO) RS: Giants lead series, 3-1;
**NFC Divisional Playoff Saints, 30-14 (W) See Houston vs. N.Y. Giants
RS: Saints lead series, 30-18 1969—Redskins, 26-20 (NO) RS: Colts lead series, 9-6
1977—Buccaneers, 33-14 (NO) Redskins, 17-14 (W) PS: Colts lead series, 2-0;
1978—Saints, 17-10 (TB) 1971—Redskins, 24-14 (W) See Indianapolis vs. N.Y. Giants
1979—Saints, 42-14 (TB) 1973—Saints, 19-3 (NO) N.Y. GIANTS vs. JACKSONVILLE
1981—Buccaneers, 31-14 (NO) 1975—Redskins, 41-3 (W) RS: Series tied, 3-3;
1982—Buccaneers, 13-10 (NO) 1979—Saints, 14-10 (W) See Jacksonville vs. N.Y. Giants

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 471

N.Y. GIANTS vs. KANSAS CITY 1942—Giants, 35-17 (NY) 1981—Eagles, 24-10 (NY)
RS: Giants lead series, 10-3; Giants, 14-0 (P) Giants, 20-10 (P)
See Kansas City vs. N.Y. Giants 1944—Eagles, 24-17 (NY) *Giants, 27-21 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. LOS ANGELES Tie, 21-21 (P) 1982—Giants, 23-7 (NY)
RS: Rams lead series, 25-15 1945—Eagles, 38-17 (P) Giants, 26-24 (P)
PS: Series tied, 1-1; Giants, 28-21 (NY) 1983—Eagles, 17-13 (NY)
See Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Giants 1946—Eagles, 24-14 (P) Giants, 23-0 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. MIAMI Giants, 45-17 (NY) 1984—Giants, 28-27 (NY)
RS: Giants lead series, 6-2; 1947—Eagles, 23-0 (P) Eagles, 24-10 (P)
See Miami vs. N.Y. Giants Eagles, 41-24 (NY) 1985—Giants, 21-0 (NY)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. MINNESOTA 1948—Eagles, 45-0 (P) Giants, 16-10 (P) OT
RS: Vikings lead series, 14-10 Eagles, 35-14 (NY) 1986—Giants, 35-3 (NY)
PS: Giants lead series, 2-1; 1949—Eagles, 24-3 (NY) Giants, 17-14 (P)
See Minnesota vs. N.Y. Giants Eagles, 17-3 (P) 1987—Giants, 20-17 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. NEW ENGLAND 1950—Giants, 7-3 (NY) Giants, 23-20 (NY) OT
RS: Patriots lead series, 6-4 Giants, 9-7 (P) 1988—Eagles, 24-13 (P)
PS: Giants lead series, 2-0; 1951—Giants, 26-24 (NY) Eagles, 23-17 (NY) OT
See New England vs. N.Y. Giants Giants, 23-7 (P) 1989—Eagles, 21-19 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. NEW ORLEANS 1952—Giants, 31-7 (P) Eagles, 24-17 (NY)
RS: Giants lead series, 15-13 Eagles, 14-10 (NY) 1990—Giants, 27-20 (NY)
See New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants 1953—Eagles, 30-7 (P) Eagles, 31-13 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. N.Y. JETS Giants, 37-28 (NY) 1991—Eagles, 30-7 (P)
RS: Giants lead series, 8-5 1954—Giants, 27-14 (NY) Eagles, 19-14 (NY)
1970—Giants, 22-10 (NYJ) Eagles, 29-14 (P) 1992—Eagles, 47-34 (NY)
1974—Jets, 26-20 (New Haven) OT 1955—Eagles, 27-17 (P) Eagles, 20-10 (P)
1981—Jets, 26-7 (NYG) Giants, 31-7 (NY) 1993—Giants, 21-10 (NY)
1984—Giants, 20-10 (NYJ) 1956—Giants, 20-3 (NY) Giants, 7-3 (P)
1987—Giants, 20-7 (NYG) Giants, 21-7 (P) 1994—Giants, 28-23 (NY)
1988—Jets, 27-21 (NYJ) 1957—Giants, 24-20 (P) Giants, 16-13 (P)
1993—Jets, 10-6 (NYG) Giants, 13-0 (NY) 1995—Eagles, 17-14 (NY)
1996—Giants, 13-6 (NYJ) 1958—Eagles, 27-24 (P) Eagles, 28-19 (P)
1999—Giants, 41-28 (NYG) Giants, 24-10 (NY) 1996—Eagles, 19-10 (NY)
2003—Giants, 31-28 (NYJ) OT 1959—Eagles, 49-21 (P) Eagles, 24-0 (P)
2007—Giants, 35-24 (NYG) Giants, 24-7 (NY) 1997—Giants, 31-17 (NY)
2011—Giants, 29-14 (NYJ) 1960—Eagles, 17-10 (NY) Giants, 31-21 (P)
2015—Jets, 23-20 (NYG) OT Eagles, 31-23 (P) 1998—Giants, 20-0 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Giants 285, Jets 239) 1961—Giants, 38-21 (NY) Giants, 20-10 (P)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. *OAKLAND Giants, 28-24 (P) 1999—Giants, 16-15 (NY)
RS: Raiders lead series, 7-5 1962—Giants, 29-13 (P) Giants, 23-17 (P) OT
1973—Raiders, 42-0 (O) Giants, 19-14 (NY) 2000—Giants, 33-18 (P)
1980—Raiders, 33-17 (NY) 1963—Giants, 37-14 (P) Giants, 24-7 (NY)
1983—Raiders, 27-12 (LA) Giants, 42-14 (NY) **Giants, 20-10 (NY)
1986—Giants, 14-9 (LA) 1964—Eagles, 38-7 (P) 2001—Eagles, 10-9 (NY)
1989—Giants, 34-17 (NY) Eagles, 23-17 (NY) Eagles, 24-21 (P)
1992—Raiders, 13-10 (LA) 1965—Giants, 16-14 (P) 2002—Eagles, 17-3 (P)
1995—Raiders, 17-13 (NY) Giants, 35-27 (NY) Giants, 10-7 (NY) OT
1998—Raiders, 20-17 (O) 1966—Eagles, 35-17 (P) 2003—Eagles, 14-10 (NY)
2001—Raiders, 28-10 (NY) Eagles, 31-3 (NY) Eagles, 28-10 (P)
2005—Giants, 30-21 (O) 1967—Giants, 44-7 (NY) 2004—Eagles, 31-17 (P)
2009—Giants, 44-7 (NY) 1968—Giants, 34-25 (P) Eagles, 27-6 (NY)
2013—Giants, 24-20 (NY) Giants, 7-6 (NY) 2005—Giants, 27-17 (NY)
(RS Pts.—Raiders 254, Giants 225) 1969—Eagles, 23-20 (NY) Giants, 26-23 (P) OT
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 1970—Giants, 30-23 (NY) 2006—Giants, 30-24 (P) OT
N.Y. GIANTS vs. PHILADELPHIA Eagles, 23-20 (P) Eagles, 36-22 (NY)
RS: Giants lead series, 82-78-2 1971—Eagles, 23-7 (P) *Eagles, 23-20 (P)
PS: Series tied, 2-2 Eagles, 41-28 (NY) 2007—Giants, 16-3 (NY)
1933—Giants, 56-0 (NY) 1972—Giants, 27-12 (P) Giants, 16-13 (P)
Giants, 20-14 (P) Giants, 62-10 (NY) 2008—Giants, 36-31 (P)
1934—Giants, 17-0 (NY) 1973—Tie, 23-23 (NY) Eagles, 20-14 (NY)
Eagles, 6-0 (P) Eagles, 20-16 (P) **Eagles, 23-11 (NY)
1935—Giants, 10-0 (NY) 1974—Eagles, 35-7 (P) 2009—Eagles, 40-17 (P)
Giants, 21-14 (P) Eagles, 20-7 (New Haven) Eagles, 45-38 (NY)
1936—Eagles, 10-7 (P) 1975—Giants, 23-14 (P) 2010—Eagles, 27-17 (P)
Giants, 21-17 (NY) Eagles, 13-10 (NY) Eagles, 38-31 (NY)
1937—Giants, 16-7 (P) 1976—Eagles, 20-7 (P) 2011—Giants, 29-16 (P)
Giants, 21-0 (NY) Eagles, 10-0 (NY) Eagles, 17-10 (NY)
1938—Eagles, 14-10 (P) 1977—Eagles, 28-10 (NY) 2012—Eagles, 19-17 (P)
Giants, 17-7 (NY) Eagles, 17-14 (P) Giants, 42-7 (NY)
1939—Giants, 13-3 (P) 1978—Eagles, 19-17 (NY) 2013—Eagles, 36-21 (NY)
Giants, 27-10 (NY) Eagles, 20-3 (P) Giants, 15-7 (P)
1940—Giants, 20-14 (P) 1979—Eagles, 23-17 (P) 2014—Eagles, 27-0 (P)
Giants, 17-7 (NY) Eagles, 17-13 (NY) Eagles, 34-26 (NY)
1941—Giants, 24-0 (P) 1980—Eagles, 35-3 (P) 2015—Eagles, 27-7 (P)
Giants, 16-0 (NY) Eagles, 31-16 (NY) Eagles, 35-30 (NY)

472 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

(RS Pts.—Giants 3,106, Eagles 3,042) 1976—Steelers, 27-0 (NY) 1980—Giants, 27-21 (S)
(PS Pts.—Giants 78, Eagles 77) 1985—Giants, 28-10 (NY) 1981—Giants, 32-0 (S)
*NFC First-Round Playoff 1991—Giants, 23-20 (P) 1983—Seahawks, 17-12 (NY)
**NFC Divisional Playoff 1994—Steelers, 10-6 (NY) 1986—Seahawks, 17-12 (S)
N.Y. GIANTS vs. *PITTSBURGH 2000—Giants, 30-10 (NY) 1989—Giants, 15-3 (NY)
RS: Giants lead series, 44-29-3 2004—Steelers, 33-30 (NY) 1992—Giants, 23-10 (NY)
1933—Giants, 23-2 (P) 2008—Giants, 21-14 (P) 1995—Seahawks, 30-28 (S)
Giants, 27-3 (NY) 2012—Steelers, 24-20 (NY) 2001—Giants, 27-24 (NY)
1934—Giants, 14-12 (P) (RS Pts.—Giants 1,500, Steelers 1,270) 2002—Giants, 9-6 (NY)
Giants, 17-7 (NY) *Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940 2005—Seahawks, 24-21 (S) OT
1935—Giants, 42-7 (P) N.Y. GIANTS vs. SAN DIEGO 2006—Seahawks, 42-30 (S)
Giants, 13-0 (NY) RS: Chargers lead series, 6-5 2008—Giants, 44-6 (NY)
1936—Pirates, 10-7 (P) 1971—Giants, 35-17 (NY) 2010—Giants, 41-7 (S)
1937—Giants, 10-7 (P) 1975—Giants, 35-24 (NY) 2011—Seahawks, 36-25 (NY)
Giants, 17-0 (NY) 1980—Chargers, 44-7 (SD) 2013—Seahawks, 23-0 (NY)
1938—Giants, 27-14 (P) 1983—Chargers, 41-34 (NY) 2014—Seahawks, 38-17 (S)
Pirates, 13-10 (NY) 1986—Giants, 20-7 (NY) (RS Pts.—Giants 391, Seahawks 320)
1939—Giants, 14-7 (P) 1989—Giants, 20-13 (SD) N.Y. GIANTS vs. TAMPA BAY
Giants, 23-7 (NY) 1995—Chargers, 27-17 (NY) RS: Giants lead series, 13-6
1940—Tie, 10-10 (P) 1998—Giants, 34-16 (SD) PS: Giants lead series, 1-0
Giants, 12-0 (NY) 2005—Chargers, 45-23 (SD) 1977—Giants, 10-0 (TB)
1941—Giants, 37-10 (P) 2009—Chargers, 21-20 (NY) 1978—Giants, 19-13 (TB)
Giants, 28-7 (NY) 2013—Chargers, 37-14 (SD) Giants, 17-14 (NY)
1942—Steelers, 13-10 (P) (RS Pts.—Chargers 292, Giants 259) 1979—Giants, 17-14 (NY)
Steelers, 17-9 (NY) N.Y. GIANTS vs. SAN FRANCISCO Buccaneers, 31-3 (TB)
1945—Giants, 34-6 (P) RS: Giants lead series, 16-15 1980—Buccaneers, 30-13 (TB)
Steelers, 21-7 (NY) PS: Series tied, 4-4 1984—Giants, 17-14 (NY)
1946—Giants, 17-14 (P) 1952—Giants, 23-14 (NY) Buccaneers, 20-17 (TB)
Giants, 7-0 (NY) 1956—Giants, 38-21 (SF) 1985—Giants, 22-20 (NY)
1947—Steelers, 38-21 (NY) 1957—49ers, 27-17 (NY) 1991—Giants, 21-14 (TB)
Steelers, 24-7 (P) 1960—Giants, 21-19 (SF) 1993—Giants, 23-7 (NY)
1948—Giants, 34-27 (NY) 1963—Giants, 48-14 (NY) 1997—Buccaneers, 20-8 (NY)
Steelers, 38-28 (P) 1968—49ers, 26-10 (NY) 1998—Buccaneers, 20-3 (TB)
1949—Steelers, 28-7 (P) 1972—Giants, 23-17 (SF) 1999—Giants, 17-13 (TB)
Steelers, 21-17 (NY) 1975—Giants, 26-23 (SF) 2003—Buccaneers, 19-13 (TB)
1950—Giants, 18-7 (P) 1977—Giants, 20-17 (NY) 2006—Giants, 17-3 (NY)
Steelers, 17-6 (NY) 1978—Giants, 27-10 (NY) 2007—*Giants, 24-14 (TB)
1951—Tie, 13-13 (P) 1979—Giants, 32-16 (NY) 2009—Giants, 24-0 (TB)
Giants, 14-0 (NY) 1980—49ers, 12-0 (SF) 2012—Giants, 41-34 (NY)
1952—Steelers, 63-7 (P) 1981—49ers, 17-10 (SF) 2015—Giants, 32-18 (TB)
1953—Steelers, 24-14 (P) *49ers, 38-24 (SF) (RS Pts.—Giants 334, Buccaneers 304)
Steelers, 14-10 (NY) 1984—49ers, 31-10 (NY) (PS Pts.—Giants 24, Buccaneers 14)
1954—Giants, 30-6 (P) *49ers, 21-10 (SF) *NFC First-Round Playoff
Giants, 24-3 (NY) 1985—**Giants, 17-3 (NY) N.Y. GIANTS vs. *TENNESSEE
1955—Steelers, 30-23 (P) 1986—Giants, 21-17 (SF) RS: Giants lead series, 6-5
Steelers, 19-17 (NY) *Giants, 49-3 (NY) 1973—Giants, 34-14 (NY)
1956—Giants, 38-10 (NY) 1987—49ers, 41-21 (NY) 1982—Giants, 17-14 (NY)
Giants, 17-14 (P) 1988—49ers, 20-17 (NY) 1985—Giants, 35-14 (H)
1957—Giants, 35-0 (NY) 1989—49ers, 34-24 (SF) 1991—Giants, 24-20 (NY)
Steelers, 21-10 (P) 1990—49ers, 7-3 (SF) 1994—Giants, 13-10 (H)
1958—Giants, 17-6 (NY) ***Giants, 15-13 (SF) 1997—Oilers, 10-6 (T)
Steelers, 31-10 (P) 1991—Giants, 16-14 (NY) 2000—Titans, 28-14 (T)
1959—Giants, 21-16 (P) 1992—49ers, 31-14 (NY) 2002—Titans, 32-29 (NY) OT
Steelers, 14-9 (NY) 1993—*49ers, 44-3 (SF) 2006—Titans, 24-21 (T)
1960—Giants, 19-17 (P) 1995—49ers, 20-6 (SF) 2010—Titans, 29-10 (NY)
Giants, 27-24 (NY) 1998—49ers, 31-7 (SF) 2014—Giants, 36-7 (T)
1961—Giants, 17-14 (P) 2002—49ers, 16-13 (NY) (RS Pts.—Giants 239, Titans 202)
Giants, 42-21 (NY) **49ers, 39-38 (SF) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1962—Giants, 31-27 (P) 2005—Giants, 24-6 (SF) known as Oilers prior to 1999
Steelers, 20-17 (NY) 2007—Giants, 33-15 (NY) N.Y. GIANTS vs. *WASHINGTON
1963—Steelers, 31-0 (P) 2008—Giants, 29-17 (NY) RS: Giants lead series, 97-65-4
Giants, 33-17 (NY) 2011—49ers, 27-20 (SF) PS: Series tied, 1-1
1964—Steelers, 27-24 (P) ***Giants, 20-17 (SF) OT 1932—Braves, 14-6 (B)
Steelers, 44-17 (NY) 2012—Giants, 26-3 (SF) Tie, 0-0 (NY)
1965—Giants, 23-13 (P) 2014—49ers, 16-10 (NY) 1933—Redskins, 21-20 (B)
Giants, 35-10 (NY) 2015—Giants, 30-27 (NY) Giants, 7-0 (NY)
1966—Tie, 34-34 (P) (RS Pts.—Giants 619, 49ers 606) 1934—Giants, 16-13 (B)
Steelers, 47-28 (NY) (PS Pts.—49ers 178, Giants 176) Giants, 3-0 (NY)
1967—Giants, 27-24 (P) *NFC Divisional Playoff 1935—Giants, 20-12 (B)
Giants, 28-20 (NY) **NFC First-Round Playoff Giants, 17-6 (NY)
1968—Giants, 34-20 (P) ***NFC Championship 1936—Giants, 7-0 (B)
1969—Giants, 10-7 (NY) N.Y. GIANTS vs. SEATTLE Redskins, 14-0 (NY)
Giants, 21-17 (P) RS: Giants lead series, 9-8 1937—Redskins, 13-3 (W)
1971—Steelers, 17-13 (P) 1976—Giants, 28-16 (NY) Redskins, 49-14 (NY)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 473

1938—Giants, 10-7 (W) Redskins, 21-13 (NY) 2012—Giants, 27-23 (NY)
Giants, 36-0 (NY) 1976—Redskins, 19-17 (W) Redskins, 17-16 (W)
1939—Tie, 0-0 (W) Giants, 12-9 (NY) 2013—Giants, 24-17 (W)
Giants, 9-7 (NY) 1977—Giants, 20-17 (NY) Giants, 20-6 (NY)
1940—Redskins, 21-7 (W) Giants, 17-6 (W) 2014—Giants, 45-14 (W)
Giants, 21-7 (NY) 1978—Giants, 17-6 (NY) Giants, 24-13 (NY)
1941—Giants, 17-10 (W) Redskins, 16-13 (W) OT 2015—Giants, 32-21 (NY)
Giants, 20-13 (NY) 1979—Redskins, 27-0 (W) Redskins, 20-14 (W)
1942—Giants, 14-7 (W) Giants, 14-6 (NY) (RS Pts.—Giants 3,360, Redskins 2,976)
Redskins, 14-7 (NY) 1980—Redskins, 23-21 (NY) (PS Pts.—Redskins 28, Giants 17)
1943—Giants, 14-10 (NY) Redskins, 16-13 (W) *Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 and
Giants, 31-7 (W) 1981—Giants, 17-7 (W) known as Braves prior to 1933
**Redskins, 28-0 (NY) Redskins, 30-27 (NY) OT **Division Playoff
1944—Giants, 16-13 (NY) 1982—Redskins, 27-17 (NY) ***NFC Championship
Giants, 31-0 (W) Redskins, 15-14 (W)
1945—Redskins, 24-14 (NY) 1983—Redskins, 33-17 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. ARIZONA
Redskins, 17-0 (W) Redskins, 31-22 (W) RS: Jets lead series, 6-2;
1946—Redskins, 24-14 (W) 1984—Redskins, 30-14 (W) See Arizona vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 31-0 (NY) Giants, 37-13 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. ATLANTA
1947—Redskins, 28-20 (W) 1985—Giants, 17-3 (NY) RS: Falcons lead series, 6-5;
Giants, 35-10 (NY) Redskins, 23-21 (W) See Atlanta vs. N.Y. Jets
1948—Redskins, 41-10 (W) 1986—Giants, 27-20 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. BALTIMORE
Redskins, 28-21 (NY) Giants, 24-14 (W) RS: Ravens lead series, 8-1;
1949—Giants, 45-35 (W) ***Giants, 17-0 (NY) See Baltimore vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 23-7 (NY) 1987—Redskins, 38-12 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. BUFFALO
1950—Giants, 21-17 (W) Redskins, 23-19 (W) RS: Bills lead series, 59-51
Giants, 24-21 (NY) 1988—Giants, 27-20 (NY) PS: Bills lead series, 1-0;
1951—Giants, 35-14 (W) Giants, 24-23 (W) See Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 28-14 (NY) 1989—Giants, 27-24 (W) N.Y. JETS vs. CAROLINA
1952—Giants, 14-10 (W) Giants, 20-17 (NY) RS: Series tied, 3-3;
Redskins, 27-17 (NY) 1990—Giants, 24-20 (W) See Carolina vs. N.Y. Jets
1953—Redskins, 13-9 (W) Giants, 21-10 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. CHICAGO
Redskins, 24-21 (NY) 1991—Redskins, 17-13 (NY) RS: Bears lead series, 8-3;
1954—Giants, 51-21 (W) Redskins, 34-17 (W) See Chicago vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 24-7 (NY) 1992—Giants, 24-7 (W) N.Y. JETS vs. CINCINNATI
1955—Giants, 35-7 (NY) Redskins, 28-10 (NY) RS: Jets lead series, 15-8
Giants, 27-20 (W) 1993—Giants, 41-7 (W) PS: Jets lead series, 2-0;
1956—Redskins, 33-7 (W) Giants, 20-6 (NY) See Cincinnati vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 28-14 (NY) 1994—Giants, 31-23 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. CLEVELAND
1957—Giants, 24-20 (W) Giants, 21-19 (W) RS: Browns lead series, 12-10
Redskins, 31-14 (NY) 1995—Giants, 24-15 (W) PS: Browns lead series, 1-0;
1958—Giants, 21-14 (W) Giants, 20-13 (NY) See Cleveland vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 30-0 (NY) 1996—Redskins, 31-10 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. DALLAS
1959—Giants, 45-14 (NY) Redskins, 31-21 (W) RS: Cowboys lead series, 7-4;
Giants, 24-10 (W) 1997—Tie, 7-7 (W) OT See Dallas vs. N.Y. Jets
1960—Tie, 24-24 (NY) Giants, 30-10 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. DENVER
Giants, 17-3 (W) 1998—Giants, 31-24 (NY) RS: Broncos lead series, 18-15-1
1961—Giants, 24-21 (W) Redskins, 21-14 (W) PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0;
Giants, 53-0 (NY) 1999—Redskins, 50-21 (NY) See Denver vs. N.Y. Jets
1962—Giants, 49-34 (NY) Redskins, 23-13 (W) N.Y. JETS vs. DETROIT
Giants, 42-24 (W) 2000—Redskins, 16-6 (NY) RS: Lions lead series, 7-6;
1963—Giants, 24-14 (W) Giants, 9-7 (W) See Detroit vs. N.Y. Jets
Giants, 44-14 (NY) 2001—Giants, 23-9 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. GREEN BAY
1964—Giants, 13-10 (NY) Redskins, 35-21 (W) RS: Jets lead series, 8-4;
Redskins, 36-21 (W) 2002—Giants, 19-17 (NY) See Green Bay vs. N.Y. Jets
1965—Redskins, 23-7 (NY) Giants, 27-21 (W) N.Y. JETS vs. HOUSTON
Giants, 27-10 (W) 2003—Giants, 24-21 (W) OT RS: Jets lead series, 5-2;
1966—Giants, 13-10 (NY) Redskins, 20-7 (NY) See Houston vs. N.Y. Jets
Redskins, 72-41 (W) 2004—Giants, 20-14 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. INDIANAPOLIS
1967—Redskins, 38-34 (W) Redskins, 31-7 (W) RS: Colts lead series, 40-28
1968—Giants, 48-21 (NY) 2005—Giants, 36-0 (NY) PS: Jets lead series, 3-1;
Giants, 13-10 (W) Redskins, 35-20 (W) See Indianapolis vs. N.Y. Jets
1969—Redskins, 20-14 (W) 2006—Giants, 19-3 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. JACKSONVILLE
1970—Giants, 35-33 (NY) Giants, 34-28 (W) RS: Jaguars lead series, 6-5
Giants, 27-24 (W) 2007—Giants, 24-17 (W) PS: Jets lead series, 1-0;
1971—Redskins, 30-3 (NY) Redskins, 22-10 (NY) See Jacksonville vs. N.Y. Jets
Redskins, 23-7 (W) 2008—Giants, 16-7 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. KANSAS CITY
1972—Redskins, 23-16 (NY) Giants, 23-7 (W) RS: Series tied, 17-17-1
Redskins, 27-13 (W) 2009—Giants, 23-17 (NY) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
1973—Redskins, 21-3 (New Haven) Giants, 45-12 (W) See Kansas City vs. N.Y. Jets
Redskins, 27-24 (W) 2010—Giants, 31-7 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. LOS ANGELES
1974—Redskins, 13-10 (New Haven) Giants, 17-14 (W) RS: Rams lead series, 9-4;
Redskins, 24-3 (W) 2011—Redskins, 28-14 (W) See Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Jets
1975—Redskins, 49-13 (W) Redskins, 23-10 (NY) N.Y. JETS vs. MIAMI

474 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

RS: Jets lead series, 53-46-1 1973—Eagles, 24-23 (P) ***Jets, 20-17 (SD) OT
PS: Dolphins lead series, 1-0; 1977—Eagles, 27-0 (P) 2005—Chargers, 31-26 (NY)
See Miami vs. N.Y. Jets 1978—Eagles, 17-9 (P) 2008—Chargers, 48-29 (SD)
N.Y. JETS vs. MINNESOTA 1987—Eagles, 38-27 (NY) 2009—****Jets, 17-14 (SD)
RS: Jets lead series, 8-2; 1993—Eagles, 35-30 (NY) 2011—Jets, 27-21 (NY)
See Minnesota vs. N.Y. Jets 1996—Eagles, 21-20 (NY) 2012—Chargers, 27-17 (NY)
N.Y. JETS vs. NEW ENGLAND 2003—Eagles, 24-17 (P) 2014—Chargers, 31-0 (SD)
RS: Patriots lead series, 57-53-1 2007—Eagles, 16-9 (NY) (RS Pts.—Chargers 982, Jets 698)
PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1; 2011—Eagles, 45-19 (P) (PS Pts.—Jets 37, Chargers 31)
See New England vs. N.Y. Jets 2015—Eagles, 24-17 (NY) *Jets known as Titans prior to 1963
N.Y. JETS vs. NEW ORLEANS (RS Pts.—Eagles 271, Jets 171) **Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961
RS: Series tied, 6-6; N.Y. JETS vs. PITTSBURGH ***AFC First-Round Playoff
See New Orleans vs. N.Y. Jets RS: Steelers lead series, 17-5 ****AFC Divisional Playoff
N.Y. JETS vs. N.Y. GIANTS PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0 N.Y. JETS vs. SAN FRANCISCO
RS: Giants lead series, 8-5; 1970—Steelers, 21-17 (P) RS: 49ers lead series, 10-2
See N.Y. Giants vs. N.Y. Jets 1973—Steelers, 26-14 (P) 1971—49ers, 24-21 (NY)
*N.Y. JETS vs. **OAKLAND 1975—Steelers, 20-7 (NY) 1976—49ers, 17-6 (SF)
RS: Raiders lead series, 22-17-2 1977—Steelers, 23-20 (NY) 1980—49ers, 37-27 (NY)
PS: Series tied, 2-2 1978—Steelers, 28-17 (NY) 1983—Jets, 27-13 (SF)
1960—Raiders, 28-27 (NY) 1981—Steelers, 38-10 (P) 1986—49ers, 24-10 (SF)
Titans, 31-28 (O) 1983—Steelers, 34-7 (NY) 1989—49ers, 23-10 (NY)
1961—Titans, 14-6 (O) 1984—Steelers, 23-17 (NY) 1992—49ers, 31-14 (NY)
Titans, 23-12 (NY) 1986—Steelers, 45-24 (NY) 1998—49ers, 36-30 (SF) OT
1962—Titans, 28-17 (O) 1988—Jets, 24-20 (NY) 2001—49ers, 19-17 (NY)
Titans, 31-21 (NY) 1989—Steelers, 13-0 (NY) 2004—Jets, 22-14 (NY)
1963—Jets, 10-7 (NY) 1990—Steelers, 24-7 (NY) 2008—49ers, 24-14 (SF)
Raiders, 49-26 (O) 1992—Steelers, 27-10 (P) 2012—49ers, 34-0 (NY)
1964—Jets, 35-13 (NY) 2000—Steelers, 20-3 (NY) (RS Pts.—49ers 296, Jets 198)
Raiders, 35-26 (O) 2001—Steelers, 18-7 (P) N.Y. JETS vs. SEATTLE
1965—Tie, 24-24 (NY) 2003—Jets, 6-0 (NY) RS: Seahawks lead series, 10-8
Raiders, 24-14 (O) 2004—Steelers, 17-6 (P) 1977—Seahawks, 17-0 (NY)
1966—Raiders, 24-21 (NY) *Steelers, 20-17 (P) OT 1978—Seahawks, 24-17 (NY)
Tie, 28-28 (O) 2007—Jets, 19-16 (NY) OT 1979—Seahawks, 30-7 (S)
1967—Jets, 27-14 (NY) 2010—Jets, 22-17 (P) 1980—Seahawks, 27-17 (NY)
Raiders, 38-29 (O) **Steelers, 24-19 (P) 1981—Seahawks, 19-3 (NY)
1968—Raiders, 43-32 (O) 2012—Steelers, 27-10 (P) Seahawks, 27-23 (S)
***Jets, 27-23 (NY) 2013—Steelers, 19-6 (NY) 1983—Seahawks, 17-10 (NY)
1969—Raiders, 27-14 (NY) 2014—Jets, 20-13 (NY) 1985—Jets, 17-14 (NY)
1970—Raiders, 14-13 (NY) (RS Pts.—Steelers 489, Jets 273) 1986—Jets, 38-7 (S)
1972—Raiders, 24-16 (O) (PS Pts.—Steelers 44, Jets 36) 1987—Jets, 30-14 (NY)
1977—Raiders, 28-27 (NY) *AFC Divisional Playoff 1991—Seahawks, 20-13 (S)
1979—Jets, 28-19 (NY) **AFC Championship 1995—Jets, 16-10 (S)
1982—****Jets, 17-14 (LA) *N.Y. JETS vs. **SAN DIEGO 1997—Jets, 41-3 (S)
1985—Raiders, 31-0 (LA) RS: Chargers lead series, 21-12-1 1998—Jets, 32-31 (NY)
1989—Raiders, 14-7 (NY) PS: Jets lead series, 2-0 1999—Jets, 19-9 (NY)
1993—Raiders, 24-20 (LA) 1960—Chargers, 21-7 (NY) 2004—Jets, 37-14 (NY)
1995—Raiders, 47-10 (NY) Chargers, 50-43 (LA) 2008—Seahawks, 13-3 (S)
1996—Raiders, 34-13 (NY) 1961—Chargers, 25-10 (NY) 2012—Seahawks, 28-7 (S)
1997—Jets 23-22 (NY) Chargers, 48-13 (SD) (RS Pts.—Jets 330, Seahawks 324)
1999—Raiders, 24-23 (O) 1962—Chargers, 40-14 (SD) N.Y. JETS vs. TAMPA BAY
2000—Raiders, 31-7 (O) Titans, 23-3 (NY) RS: Jets lead series, 10-1
2001—Jets, 24-22 (O) 1963—Chargers, 24-20 (SD) 1976—Jets, 34-0 (NY)
*****Raiders, 38-24 (O) Chargers, 53-7 (NY) 1982—Jets, 32-17 (NY)
2002—Raiders, 26-20 (O) 1964—Tie, 17-17 (NY) 1984—Buccaneers, 41-21 (TB)
****Raiders, 30-10 (O) Chargers, 38-3 (SD) 1985—Jets, 62-28 (NY)
2003—Jets, 27-24 (O) OT 1965—Chargers, 34-9 (NY) 1990—Jets, 16-14 (TB)
2005—Jets, 26-10 (NY) Chargers, 38-7 (SD) 1991—Jets, 16-13 (NY)
2006—Jets, 23-3 (NY) 1966—Jets, 17-16 (NY) 1997—Jets, 31-0 (NY)
2008—Raiders, 16-13 (O) OT Chargers, 42-27 (SD) 2000—Jets, 21-17 (TB)
2009—Jets, 38-0 (O) 1967—Jets, 42-31 (SD) 2005—Jets, 14-12 (NY)
2011—Raiders, 34-24 (O) 1968—Jets, 23-20 (NY) 2009—Jets, 26-3 (TB)
2013—Jets, 37-27 (NY) Jets, 37-15 (SD) 2013—Jets, 18-17 (NY)
2014—Jets, 19-14 (NY) 1969—Chargers, 34-27 (SD) (RS Pts.—Jets 291, Buccaneers 162)
2015—Raiders, 34-20 (O) 1971—Chargers, 49-21 (SD) *N.Y. JETS vs. **TENNESSEE
(RS Pts.—Raiders 960, Jets 898) 1974—Jets, 27-14 (NY) RS: Titans lead series, 23-19-1
(PS Pts.—Raiders 105, Jets 78) 1975—Chargers, 24-16 (SD) PS: Titans lead series, 1-0
*Jets known as Titans prior to 1963 1983—Jets, 41-29 (SD) 1960—Oilers, 27-21 (H)
**Franchise in Los Angeles from 1989—Jets, 20-17 (SD) Oilers, 42-28 (NY)
1982-1994 1990—Chargers, 39-3 (NY) 1961—Oilers, 49-13 (H)
***AFL Championship Chargers, 38-17 (SD) Oilers, 48-21 (NY)
****AFC Second-Round Playoff 1991—Jets, 24-3 (NY) 1962—Oilers, 56-17 (H)
*****AFC First-Round Playoff 1994—Chargers, 21-6 (NY) Oilers, 44-10 (NY)
N.Y. JETS vs. PHILADELPHIA 2002—Jets, 44-13 (SD) 1963—Jets, 24-17 (NY)
RS: Eagles lead series, 10-0 2004—Jets, 34-28 (SD) Oilers, 31-27 (H)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 475

1964—Jets, 24-21 (NY) OAKLAND vs. CHICAGO 1995—Raiders, 48-17 (O)
Oilers, 33-17 (H) RS: Series tied, 7-7; 2001—Raiders, 20-10 (P)
1965—Oilers, 27-21 (H) See Chicago vs. Oakland 2005—Eagles, 23-20 (P)
Jets, 41-14 (NY) OAKLAND vs. CINCINNATI 2009—Raiders, 13-9 (O)
1966—Jets, 52-13 (NY) RS: Raiders lead series, 18-10 2013—Eagles, 49-20 (O)
Oilers, 24-0 (H) PS: Raiders lead series, 2-0; (RS Pts.—Raiders 232, Eagles 209)
1967—Tie, 28-28 (NY) See Cincinnati vs. Oakland (PS Pts.—Raiders 27, Eagles 10)
1968—Jets, 20-14 (H) OAKLAND vs. CLEVELAND *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
Jets, 26-7 (NY) RS: Raiders lead series, 12-10 **Super Bowl XV
1969—Jets, 26-17 (NY) PS: Raiders lead series, 2-0; *OAKLAND vs. PITTSBURGH
Jets, 34-26 (H) See Cleveland vs. Oakland RS: Raiders lead series, 12-10
1972—Oilers, 26-20 (H) OAKLAND vs. DALLAS PS: Series tied, 3-3
1974—Oilers, 27-22 (NY) RS: Raiders lead series, 6-5; 1970—Raiders, 31-14 (O)
1977—Oilers, 20-0 (H) See Dallas vs. Oakland 1972—Steelers, 34-28 (P)
1979—Oilers, 27-24 (H) OT OAKLAND vs. DENVER **Steelers, 13-7 (P)
1980—Jets, 31-28 (NY) OT RS: Raiders lead series, 60-49-2 1973—Steelers, 17-9 (O)
1981—Jets, 33-17 (NY) PS: Series tied, 1-1; **Raiders, 33-14 (O)
1984—Oilers, 31-20 (H) See Denver vs. Oakland 1974—Raiders, 17-0 (P)
1988—Jets, 45-3 (NY) OAKLAND vs. DETROIT ***Steelers, 24-13 (O)
1990—Jets, 17-12 (H) RS: Series tied, 6-6; 1975—***Steelers, 16-10 (P)
1991—Oilers, 23-20 (NY) See Detroit vs. Oakland 1976—Raiders, 31-28 (O)
***Oilers, 17-10 (H) OAKLAND vs. GREEN BAY ***Raiders, 24-7 (O)
1993—Oilers, 24-0 (H) RS: Packers lead series, 7-5 1977—Raiders, 16-7 (P)
1994—Oilers, 24-10 (H) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; 1980—Raiders, 45-34 (P)
1995—Oilers, 23-6 (H) See Green Bay vs. Oakland 1981—Raiders, 30-27 (O)
1996—Oilers, 35-10 (NY) OAKLAND vs. HOUSTON 1983—**Raiders, 38-10 (LA)
1998—Jets, 24-3 (T) RS: Texans lead series, 6-3; 1984—Steelers, 13-7 (LA)
2003—Jets, 24-17 (NY) See Houston vs. Oakland 1990—Raiders, 20-3 (LA)
2006—Jets, 23-16 (T) OAKLAND vs. INDIANAPOLIS 1994—Steelers, 21-3 (LA)
2007—Titans, 10-6 (T) RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6 1995—Steelers, 29-10 (O)
2008—Jets, 34-13 (T) PS: Series tied, 1-1; 2000—Steelers, 21-20 (P)
2009—Jets, 24-17 (NY) See Indianapolis vs. Oakland 2002—Raiders, 30-17 (P)
2012—Titans, 14-10 (T) OAKLAND vs. JACKSONVILLE 2003—Steelers, 27-7 (P)
2013—Titans, 38-13 (T) RS: Jaguars lead series, 4-3; 2004—Steelers, 24-21 (P)
2014—Jets, 16-11 (T) See Jacksonville vs. Oakland 2006—Raiders, 20-13 (O)
2015—Jets, 30-8 (NY) OAKLAND vs. KANSAS CITY 2009—Raiders, 27-24 (P)
(RS Pts.—Titans 1,005, Jets 912) RS: Chiefs lead series, 58-51-2 2010—Steelers, 35-3 (P)
(PS Pts.—Titans 17, Jets 10) PS: Chiefs lead series, 2-1; 2012—Raiders, 34-31 (O)
*Jets known as Titans prior to 1963 See Kansas City vs. Oakland 2013—Raiders, 21-18 (O)
**Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; OAKLAND vs. LOS ANGELES 2015—Steelers, 38-35 (P)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 RS: Raiders lead series, 8-5; (RS Pts.—Steelers 475, Raiders 465)
***AFC First-Round Playoff See Los Angeles vs. Oakland (PS Pts.—Raiders 125, Steelers 84)
N.Y. JETS vs. WASHINGTON OAKLAND vs. MIAMI *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
RS: Redskins lead series, 8-3 RS: Series tied, 16-16-1 **AFC Divisional Playoff
1972—Redskins, 35-17 (NY) PS: Raiders lead series, 3-1; ***AFC Championship
1976—Redskins, 37-16 (NY) See Miami vs. Oakland *OAKLAND vs. **SAN DIEGO
1978—Redskins, 23-3 (W) OAKLAND vs. MINNESOTA RS: Raiders lead series, 60-50-2
1987—Redskins, 17-16 (W) RS: Raiders lead series, 9-5 PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0
1993—Jets, 3-0 (W) PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0; 1960—Chargers, 52-28 (LA)
1996—Redskins, 31-16 (W) See Minnesota vs. Oakland Chargers, 41-17 (O)
1999—Redskins, 27-20 (NY) OAKLAND vs. NEW ENGLAND 1961—Chargers, 44-0 (SD)
2003—Redskins, 16-13 (W) RS: Patriots lead series, 16-14-1 Chargers, 41-10 (O)
2007—Redskins 23-20 (NY) OT PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1; 1962—Chargers, 42-33 (O)
2011—Jets, 34-19 (W) See New England vs. Oakland Chargers, 31-21 (SD)
2015—Jets, 34-20 (NY) OAKLAND vs. NEW ORLEANS 1963—Raiders, 34-33 (SD)
(RS Pts.—Redskins 248, Jets 192) RS: Saints lead series, 6-5-1; Raiders, 41-27 (O)
See New Orleans vs. Oakland 1964—Chargers, 31-17 (SD)
OAKLAND vs. ARIZONA OAKLAND vs. N.Y. GIANTS Raiders, 21-20 (O)
RS: Raiders lead series, 5-4; RS: Raiders lead series, 7-5; 1965—Chargers, 17-6 (O)
See Arizona vs. Oakland See N.Y. Giants vs. Oakland Chargers, 24-14 (SD)
OAKLAND vs. ATLANTA OAKLAND vs. N.Y. JETS 1966—Chargers, 29-20 (O)
RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6; RS: Raiders lead series, 22-17-2 Raiders, 41-19 (SD)
See Atlanta vs. Oakland PS: Series tied, 2-2; 1967—Raiders, 51-10 (O)
OAKLAND vs. BALTIMORE See N.Y. Jets vs. Oakland Raiders, 41-21 (SD)
RS: Ravens lead series, 6-2 *OAKLAND vs. PHILADELPHIA 1968—Chargers, 23-14 (O)
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0; RS: Eagles lead series, 6-5 Raiders, 34-27 (SD)
See Baltimore vs. Oakland PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0 1969—Raiders, 24-12 (SD)
OAKLAND vs. BUFFALO 1971—Raiders, 34-10 (O) Raiders, 21-16 (O)
RS: Raiders lead series, 20-17 1976—Raiders, 26-7 (P) 1970—Tie, 27-27 (SD)
PS: Bills lead series, 2-0; 1980—Eagles, 10-7 (P) Raiders, 20-17 (O)
See Buffalo vs. Oakland **Raiders, 27-10 (New Orleans) 1971—Raiders, 34-0 (SD)
OAKLAND vs. CAROLINA 1986—Eagles, 33-27 (LA) OT Raiders, 34-33 (O)
RS: Panthers lead series, 3-2; 1989—Eagles, 10-7 (P) 1972—Tie, 17-17 (O)
See Carolina vs. Oakland 1992—Eagles, 31-10 (P) Raiders, 21-19 (SD)

476 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1973—Raiders, 27-17 (SD) Chargers, 24-16 (SD) 1995—Raiders, 34-14 (O)
Raiders, 31-3 (O) 2010—Raiders, 35-27 (O) Seahawks, 44-10 (S)
1974—Raiders, 14-10 (SD) Raiders, 28-13 (SD) 1996—Raiders, 27-21 (S)
Raiders, 17-10 (O) 2011—Raiders, 24-17 (SD) Seahawks, 28-21 (O)
1975—Raiders, 6-0 (SD) Chargers, 38-26 (O) 1997—Seahawks, 45-34 (S)
Raiders, 25-0 (O) 2012—Chargers, 22-14 (O) Seahawks, 22-21 (O)
1976—Raiders, 27-17 (SD) Chargers, 24-21 (SD) 1998—Raiders, 31-18 (S)
Raiders, 24-0 (O) 2013—Raiders, 27-17 (O) Raiders, 20-17 (O)
1977—Raiders, 24-0 (O) Chargers, 26-13 (SD) 1999—Seahawks, 22-21 (S)
Chargers, 12-7 (SD) 2014—Chargers, 31-28 (O) Raiders, 30-21 (O)
1978—Raiders, 21-20 (SD) Chargers, 13-6 (SD) 2000—Raiders, 31-3 (O)
Chargers, 27-23 (O) 2015—Raiders, 37-29 (SD) Seahawks, 27-24 (S)
1979—Chargers, 30-10 (SD) Raiders, 23-20 (O) OT 2001—Raiders, 38-14 (O)
Raiders, 45-22 (O) (RS Pts.—Raiders 2,468, Chargers 2,415) Seahawks, 34-27 (S)
1980—Chargers, 30-24 (SD) OT (PS Pts.—Raiders 34, Chargers 27) 2002—Raiders, 31-17 (O)
Raiders, 38-24 (O) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 2006—Seahawks, 16-0 (S)
***Raiders, 34-27 (SD) **Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961 2010—Raiders, 33-3 (O)
1981—Chargers, 55-21 (O) ***AFC Championship 2014—Seahawks, 30-24 (S)
Chargers, 23-10 (SD) *OAKLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO (RS Pts.—Raiders 1,174, Seahawks 1,108)
1982—Raiders, 28-24 (LA) RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6 (PS Pts.—Raiders 37, Seahawks 27)
Raiders, 41-34 (SD) 1970—49ers, 38-7 (O) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
1983—Raiders, 42-10 (SD) 1974—Raiders, 35-24 (SF) **AFC Championship
Raiders, 30-14 (LA) 1979—Raiders, 23-10 (O) ***AFC First-Round Playoff
1984—Raiders, 33-30 (LA) 1982—Raiders, 23-17 (SF) *OAKLAND vs. TAMPA BAY
Raiders, 44-37 (SD) 1985—49ers, 34-10 (LA) RS: Raiders lead series, 6-2
1985—Raiders, 34-21 (LA) 1988—Raiders, 9-3 (SF) PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0
Chargers, 40-34 (SD) OT 1991—Raiders, 12-6 (LA) 1976—Raiders, 49-16 (O)
1986—Raiders, 17-13 (LA) 1994—49ers, 44-14 (SF) 1981—Raiders, 18-16 (O)
Raiders, 37-31 (SD) OT 2000—Raiders, 34-28 (SF) OT 1993—Raiders, 27-20 (LA)
1987—Chargers, 23-17 (LA) 2002—49ers, 23-20 (O) OT 1996—Buccaneers, 20-17 (TB) OT
Chargers, 16-14 (SD) 2006—49ers, 34-20 (SF) 1999—Raiders, 45-0 (O)
1988—Raiders, 24-13 (LA) 2010—49ers, 17-9 (SF) 2002—**Buccaneers, 48-21 (San Diego)
Raiders, 13-3 (SD) 2014—Raiders, 24-13 (O) 2004—Raiders, 30-20 (O)
1989—Raiders, 40-14 (LA) (RS Pts.—49ers 291, Raiders 240) 2008—Raiders, 31-24 (TB)
Chargers, 14-12 (SD) *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 2012—Buccaneers, 42-32 (O)
1990—Raiders, 24-9 (SD) *OAKLAND vs. SEATTLE (RS Pts.—Raiders 249, Buccaneers 158)
Raiders, 17-12 (LA) RS: Raiders lead series, 28-24 (PS Pts.—Buccaneers 48, Raiders 21)
1991—Chargers, 21-13 (LA) PS: Series tied, 1-1 *Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994
Raiders, 9-7 (SD) 1977—Raiders, 44-7 (O) **Super Bowl XXXVII
1992—Chargers, 27-3 (SD) 1978—Seahawks, 27-7 (S) *OAKLAND vs. **TENNESSEE
Chargers, 36-14 (LA) Seahawks, 17-16 (O) RS: Raiders lead series, 24-20
1993—Chargers, 30-23 (LA) 1979—Seahawks, 27-10 (S) PS: Raiders lead series, 4-0
Raiders, 12-7 (SD) Seahawks, 29-24 (O) 1960—Oilers, 37-22 (O)
1994—Chargers, 26-24 (LA) 1980—Raiders, 33-14 (O) Raiders, 14-13 (H)
Raiders, 24-17 (SD) Raiders, 19-17 (S) 1961—Oilers, 55-0 (H)
1995—Raiders, 17-7 (O) 1981—Raiders, 20-10 (O) Oilers, 47-16 (O)
Chargers, 12-6 (SD) Raiders, 32-31 (S) 1962—Oilers, 28-20 (O)
1996—Chargers, 40-34 (O) 1982—Raiders, 28-23 (LA) Oilers, 32-17 (H)
Raiders, 23-14 (SD) 1983—Seahawks, 38-36 (S) 1963—Raiders, 24-13 (H)
1997—Chargers, 25-10 (O) Seahawks, 34-21 (LA) Raiders, 52-49 (O)
Raiders, 38-13 (SD) **Raiders, 30-14 (LA) 1964—Oilers, 42-28 (H)
1998—Raiders, 7-6 (O) 1984—Raiders, 28-14 (LA) Raiders, 20-10 (O)
Raiders, 17-10 (SD) Seahawks, 17-14 (S) 1965—Raiders, 21-17 (O)
1999—Raiders, 28-9 (O) ***Seahawks, 13-7 (S) Raiders, 33-21 (H)
Chargers, 23-20 (SD) 1985—Seahawks, 33-3 (S) 1966—Oilers, 31-0 (H)
2000—Raiders, 9-6 (O) Raiders, 13-3 (LA) Raiders, 38-23 (O)
Raiders, 15-13 (SD) 1986—Raiders, 14-10 (LA) 1967—Raiders, 19-7 (H)
2001—Raiders, 34-24 (O) Seahawks, 37-0 (S) ***Raiders, 40-7 (O)
Raiders, 13-6 (SD) 1987—Seahawks, 35-13 (LA) 1968—Raiders, 24-15 (H)
2002—Chargers, 27-21 (O) OT Raiders, 37-14 (S) 1969—Raiders, 21-17 (O)
Raiders, 27-7 (SD) 1988—Seahawks, 35-27 (S) ****Raiders, 56-7 (O)
2003—Raiders, 34-31 (O) OT Seahawks, 43-37 (LA) 1971—Raiders, 41-21 (O)
Chargers, 21-14 (SD) 1989—Seahawks, 24-20 (LA) 1972—Raiders, 34-0 (H)
2004—Chargers, 42-14 (SD) Seahawks, 23-17 (S) 1973—Raiders, 17-6 (H)
Chargers, 23-17 (O) 1990—Raiders, 17-13 (S) 1975—Oilers, 27-26 (O)
2005—Chargers, 27-14 (O) Raiders, 24-17 (LA) 1976—Raiders, 14-13 (H)
Chargers, 34-10 (SD) 1991—Raiders, 23-20 (S) OT 1977—Raiders, 34-29 (O)
2006—Chargers, 27-0 (O) Raiders, 31-7 (LA) 1978—Raiders, 21-17 (O)
Chargers, 21-14 (SD) 1992—Raiders, 19-0 (S) 1979—Oilers, 31-17 (H)
2007—Chargers, 28-14 ((SD) Raiders, 20-3 (LA) 1980—*****Raiders, 27-7 (O)
Chargers, 30-17 (O) 1993—Raiders, 17-13 (S) 1981—Oilers, 17-16 (H)
2008—Chargers, 28-18 (O) Raiders, 27-23 (LA) 1983—Raiders, 20-6 (LA)
Chargers, 34-7 (SD) 1994—Seahawks, 38-9 (LA) 1984—Raiders, 24-14 (H)
2009—Chargers, 24-20 (O) Raiders, 17-16 (S) 1986—Raiders, 28-17 (H)

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1988—Oilers, 38-35 (H) See Cleveland vs. Philadelphia 1940—Steelers, 7-3 (Pitt)
1989—Oilers, 23-7 (H) PHILADELPHIA vs. DALLAS Eagles, 7-0 (Phila)
1991—Oilers, 47-17 (H) RS: Cowboys lead series, 61-49 1941—Eagles, 10-7 (Pitt)
1994—Raiders, 17-14 (LA) PS: Cowboys lead series, 3-1; Tie, 7-7 (Phila)
1997—Oilers, 24-21 (T) OT See Dallas vs. Philadelphia 1942—Eagles, 24-14 (Pitt)
1999—Titans, 21-14 (T) PHILADELPHIA vs. DENVER Steelers, 14-0 (Phila)
2001—Titans, 13-10 (O) RS: Eagles lead series, 7-5; 1945—Eagles, 45-3 (Pitt)
2002—Raiders, 52-25 (O) See Denver vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 30-6 (Phila)
******Raiders, 41-24 (O) PHILADELPHIA vs. DETROIT 1946—Steelers, 10-7 (Pitt)
2003—Titans, 25-20 (T) RS: Eagles lead series, 15-14-2 Eagles, 10-7 (Phila)
2004—Raiders, 40-35 (O) PS: Eagles lead series, 1-0; 1947—Steelers, 35-24 (Pitt)
2005—Raiders, 34-25 (T) See Detroit vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 21-0 (Phila)
2007—Titans, 13-9 (T) PHILADELPHIA vs. GREEN BAY **Eagles, 21-0 (Pitt)
2010—Titans, 38-13 (T) RS: Packers lead series, 25-14 1948—Eagles, 34-7 (Pitt)
2013—Titans, 23-19 (O) PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1; Eagles, 17-0 (Phila)
2015—Raiders, 24-21 (T) See Green Bay vs. Philadelphia 1949—Eagles, 38-7 (Pitt)
(RS Pts.—Titans 1,040, Raiders 993) PHILADELPHIA vs. HOUSTON Eagles, 34-17 (Phila)
(PS Pts.—Raiders 164, Titans 45) RS: Eagles lead series, 4-0; 1950—Eagles, 17-10 (Pitt)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from 1982-1994 See Houston vs. Philadelphia Steelers, 9-7 (Phila)
**Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; PHILADELPHIA vs. INDIANAPOLIS 1951—Eagles, 34-13 (Pitt)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 RS: Colts lead series, 10-8; Steelers, 17-13 (Phila)
***AFL Championship See Indianapolis vs. Philadelphia 1952—Eagles, 31-25 (Pitt)
****Inter-Divisional Playoff PHILADELPHIA vs. JACKSONVILLE Eagles, 26-21 (Phila)
*****AFC First-Round Playoff RS: Jaguars lead series, 3-2; 1953—Eagles, 23-17 (Phila)
******AFC Championship See Jacksonville vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 35-7 (Pitt)
RS: Raiders lead series, 7-5 RS: Eagles lead series, 4-3; Steelers, 17-7 (Pitt)
PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0 See Kansas City vs. Philadelphia 1955—Steelers, 13-7 (Pitt)
1970—Raiders, 34-20 (O) PHILADELPHIA vs. LOS ANGELES Eagles, 24-0 (Phila)
1975—Raiders, 26-23 (W) OT RS: Eagles lead series, 19-17-1 1956—Eagles, 35-21 (Pitt)
1980—Raiders, 24-21 (O) PS: Rams lead series, 2-1; Eagles, 14-7 (Phila)
1983—Redskins, 37-35 (W) See Los Angeles vs. Philadelphia 1957—Steelers, 6-0 (Pitt)
**Raiders, 38-9 (Tampa) PHILADELPHIA vs. MIAMI Eagles, 7-6 (Phila)
1986—Redskins, 10-6 (W) RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-6; 1958—Steelers, 24-3 (Pitt)
1989—Raiders, 37-24 (LA) See Miami vs. Philadelphia Steelers, 31-24 (Phila)
1992—Raiders, 21-20 (W) PHILADELPHIA vs. MINNESOTA 1959—Eagles, 28-24 (Phila)
1995—Raiders, 20-8 (W) RS: Vikings lead series, 13-9 Steelers, 31-0 (Pitt)
1998—Redskins, 29-19 (O) PS: Eagles lead series, 3-0; 1960—Eagles, 34-7 (Phila)
2005—Raiders, 16-13 (W) See Minnesota vs. Philadelphia Steelers, 27-21 (Pitt)
2009—Redskins, 34-13 (O) PHILADELPHIA vs. NEW ENGLAND 1961—Eagles, 21-16 (Phila)
2013—Redskins, 24-14 (O) RS: Eagles lead series, 7-5 Eagles, 35-24 (Pitt)
(RS Pts.—Raiders 265, Redskins 263) PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0; 1962—Steelers, 13-7 (Pitt)
(PS Pts.—Raiders 38, Redskins 9) See New England vs. Philadelphia Steelers, 26-17 (Phila)
*Franchise in Los Angeles from PHILADELPHIA vs. NEW ORLEANS 1963—Tie, 21-21 (Phila)
1982-1994 RS: Eagles lead series, 16-11 Tie, 20-20 (Pitt)
**Super Bowl XVIII PS: Saints lead series, 2-1; 1964—Eagles, 21-7 (Phila)
See New Orleans vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 34-10 (Pitt)
PHILADELPHIA vs. ARIZONA PHILADELPHIA vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1965—Steelers, 20-14 (Phila)
RS: Cardinals lead series, 57-54-5 RS: Giants lead series, 82-78-2 Eagles, 47-13 (Pitt)
PS: Cardinals lead series, 2-1; PS: Series tied, 2-2; 1966—Eagles, 31-14 (Pitt)
See Arizona vs. Philadelphia See N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 27-23 (Phila)
PHILADELPHIA vs. ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA vs. N.Y. JETS 1967—Eagles, 34-24 (Phila)
RS: Eagles lead series, 15-13-1 RS: Eagles lead series, 10-0; 1968—Steelers, 6-3 (Pitt)
PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1; See N.Y. Jets vs. Philadelphia 1969—Eagles, 41-27 (Phila)
See Atlanta vs. Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA vs. OAKLAND 1970—Eagles, 30-20 (Phila)
PHILADELPHIA vs. BALTIMORE RS: Eagles lead series, 6-5 1974—Steelers, 27-0 (Pitt)
RS: Eagles lead series, 2-1-1; PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0; 1979—Eagles, 17-14 (Phila)
See Baltimore vs. Philadelphia See Oakland vs. Philadelphia 1988—Eagles, 27-26 (Pitt)
RS: Eagles lead series, 7-6; RS: Eagles lead series, 46-28-3 1994—Steelers, 14-3 (Pitt)
See Buffalo vs. Philadelphia PS: Eagles lead series, 1-0 1997—Eagles, 23-20 (Phila)
PHILADELPHIA vs. CAROLINA 1933—Eagles, 25-6 (Phila) 2000—Eagles, 26-23 (Pitt) OT
RS: Eagles lead series, 6-3 1934—Eagles, 17-0 (Pitt) 2004—Steelers, 27-3 (Pitt)
PS: Panthers lead series, 1-0; Pirates, 9-7 (Phila) 2008—Eagles, 15-6 (Phila)
See Carolina vs. Philadelphia 1935—Pirates, 17-7 (Phila) 2012—Steelers, 16-14 (Pitt)
PHILADELPHIA vs. CHICAGO Eagles, 17-6 (Pitt) (RS Pts.—Eagles 1,443, Steelers 1,113)
RS: Bears lead series, 28-10-1 1936—Pirates, 17-0 (Pitt) (PS Pts.—Eagles 21, Steelers 0)
PS: Eagles lead series, 2-1; Pirates, 6-0 (Johnstown, Pa.) *Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940
See Chicago vs. Philadelphia 1937—Pirates, 27-14 (Pitt) **Division Playoff
RS: Bengals lead series, 8-3-1; 1938—Eagles, 27-7 (Buffalo) RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4
See Cincinnati vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 14-7 (Charleston, W. Va.) 1974—Eagles, 13-7 (SD)
PHILADELPHIA vs. CLEVELAND 1939—Eagles, 17-14 (Phila) 1980—Chargers, 22-21 (SD)
RS: Browns lead series, 31-16-1; Pirates, 24-12 (Pitt) 1985—Chargers, 20-14 (SD)

478 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1986—Eagles, 23-7 (P) 2000—**Eagles, 21-3 (P) 1955—Redskins, 31-30 (P)
1989—Chargers, 20-17 (SD) 2001—Eagles, 17-13 (TB) Redskins, 34-21 (W)
1995—Chargers, 27-21 (P) **Eagles, 31-9 (P) 1956—Eagles, 13-9 (P)
1998—Chargers, 13-10 (SD) 2002—Eagles, 20-10 (P) Redskins, 19-17 (W)
2001—Eagles, 24-14 (P) ***Buccaneers, 27-10 (P) 1957—Eagles, 21-12 (P)
2005—Eagles, 20-17 (P) 2003—Buccaneers, 17-0 (P) Redskins, 42-7 (W)
2009—Chargers, 31-23 (SD) 2006—Buccaneers, 23-21 (TB) 1958—Redskins, 24-14 (P)
2013—Chargers, 33-30 (P) 2009—Eagles, 33-14 (P) Redskins, 20-0 (W)
(RS Pts.—Eagles 216, Chargers 211) 2012—Eagles, 23-21 (TB) 1959—Eagles, 30-23 (P)
PHILADELPHIA vs. SAN FRANCISCO 2013—Eagles, 31-20 (TB) Eagles, 34-14 (W)
RS: 49ers lead series, 18-12-1 2015—Buccaneers, 45-17 (P) 1960—Eagles, 19-13 (P)
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0 (RS Pts.—Eagles 260, Buccaneers 244) Eagles, 38-28 (W)
1951—Eagles, 21-14 (P) (PS Pts.—Eagles 79, Buccaneers 63) 1961—Eagles, 14-7 (P)
1953—49ers, 31-21 (SF) *NFC Divisional Playoff Eagles, 27-24 (W)
1956—Tie, 10-10 (P) **NFC First-Round Playoff 1962—Redskins, 27-21 (P)
1958—49ers, 30-24 (P) ***NFC Championship Eagles, 37-14 (W)
1959—49ers, 24-14 (SF) PHILADELPHIA vs. *TENNESSEE 1963—Eagles, 37-24 (W)
1964—49ers, 28-24 (P) RS: Eagles lead series, 7-4 Redskins, 13-10 (P)
1966—Eagles, 35-34 (SF) 1972—Eagles, 18-17 (H) 1964—Redskins, 35-20 (W)
1967—49ers, 28-27 (P) 1979—Eagles, 26-20 (H) Redskins, 21-10 (P)
1969—49ers, 14-13 (SF) 1982—Eagles, 35-14 (P) 1965—Redskins, 23-21 (W)
1971—49ers, 31-3 (P) 1988—Eagles, 32-23 (P) Eagles, 21-14 (P)
1973—49ers, 38-28 (SF) 1991—Eagles, 13-6 (H) 1966—Redskins, 27-13 (P)
1975—Eagles, 27-17 (P) 1994—Eagles, 21-6 (P) Eagles, 37-28 (W)
1983—Eagles, 22-17 (SF) 2000—Titans, 15-13 (P) 1967—Eagles, 35-24 (P)
1984—49ers, 21-9 (P) 2002—Titans, 27-24 (T) Tie, 35-35 (W)
1985—49ers, 24-13 (SF) 2006—Titans, 31-13 (P) 1968—Redskins, 17-14 (W)
1989—49ers, 38-28 (P) 2010—Titans, 37-19 (T) Redskins, 16-10 (P)
1991—49ers, 23-7 (P) 2014—Eagles, 43-24 (P) 1969—Tie, 28-28 (W)
1992—49ers, 20-14 (SF) (RS Pts.—Eagles 257, Titans 220) Redskins, 34-29 (P)
1993—Eagles, 37-34 (SF) OT *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; 1970—Redskins, 33-21 (P)
1994—Eagles, 40-8 (SF) known as Oilers prior to 1999 Redskins, 24-6 (W)
1996—*49ers, 14-0 (SF) PHILADELPHIA vs. *WASHINGTON 1971—Tie, 7-7 (W)
1997—49ers, 24-12 (P) RS: Redskins lead series, 83-73-5 Redskins, 20-13 (P)
2001—49ers, 13-3 (SF) PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0 1972—Redskins, 14-0 (W)
2002—Eagles, 38-17 (SF) 1934—Redskins, 6-0 (B) Redskins, 23-7 (P)
2003—49ers, 31-28 (P) OT Redskins, 14-7 (P) 1973—Redskins, 28-7 (P)
2005—Eagles, 42-3 (P) 1935—Eagles, 7-6 (B) Redskins, 38-20 (W)
2006—Eagles, 38-24 (SF) 1936—Redskins, 26-3 (P) 1974—Redskins, 27-20 (P)
2008—Eagles, 40-26 (SF) Redskins, 17-7 (B) Redskins, 26-7 (W)
2009—Eagles, 27-13 (P) 1937—Eagles, 14-0 (W) 1975—Eagles, 26-10 (P)
2010—Eagles, 27-24 (SF) Redskins, 10-7 (P) Eagles, 26-3 (W)
2011—49ers, 24-23 (P) 1938—Redskins, 26-23 (P) 1976—Redskins, 20-17 (P) OT
2014—49ers, 26-21 (SF) Redskins, 20-14 (W) Redskins, 24-0 (W)
(RS Pts.—Eagles 716, 49ers 709) 1939—Redskins, 7-0 (P) 1977—Redskins, 23-17 (W)
(PS Pts.—49ers 14, Eagles 0) Redskins, 7-6 (W) Redskins, 17-14 (P)
*NFC First-Round Playoff 1940—Redskins, 34-17 (P) 1978—Redskins, 35-30 (W)
PHILADELPHIA vs. SEATTLE Redskins, 13-6 (W) Eagles, 17-10 (P)
RS: Series tied, 7-7 1941—Redskins, 21-17 (P) 1979—Eagles, 28-17 (P)
1976—Eagles, 27-10 (P) Redskins, 20-14 (W) Redskins, 17-7 (W)
1980—Eagles, 27-20 (S) 1942—Redskins, 14-10 (P) 1980—Eagles, 24-14 (P)
1986—Seahawks, 24-20 (S) Redskins, 30-27 (W) Eagles, 24-0 (W)
1989—Eagles, 31-7 (P) 1944—Tie, 31-31 (P) 1981—Eagles, 36-13 (P)
1992—Eagles, 20-17 (S) OT Eagles, 37-7 (W) Redskins, 15-13 (W)
1995—Seahawks, 26-14 (S) 1945—Redskins, 24-14 (W) 1982—Redskins, 37-34 (P) OT
1998—Seahawks, 38-0 (P) Eagles, 16-0 (P) Redskins, 13-9 (W)
2001—Eagles, 27-3 (S) 1946—Eagles, 28-24 (W) 1983—Redskins, 23-13 (P)
2002—Eagles, 27-20 (S) Redskins, 27-10 (P) Redskins, 28-24 (W)
2005—Seahawks, 42-0 (P) 1947—Eagles, 45-42 (P) 1984—Redskins, 20-0 (W)
2007—Seahawks, 28-24 (P) Eagles, 38-14 (W) Eagles, 16-10 (P)
2008—Eagles, 26-7 (S) 1948—Eagles, 45-0 (W) 1985—Eagles, 19-6 (W)
2011—Seahawks, 31-14 (S) Eagles, 42-21 (P) Redskins, 17-12 (P)
2014—Seahawks, 24-14 (P) 1949—Eagles, 49-14 (P) 1986—Redskins, 41-14 (W)
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 297, Eagles 271) Eagles, 44-21 (W) Redskins, 21-14 (P)
PHILADELPHIA vs. TAMPA BAY 1950—Eagles, 35-3 (P) 1987—Redskins, 34-24 (W)
RS: Eagles lead series, 8-6 Eagles, 33-0 (W) Eagles, 31-27 (P)
PS: Series tied, 2-2 1951—Redskins, 27-23 (P) 1988—Redskins, 17-10 (W)
1977—Eagles, 13-3 (P) Eagles, 35-21 (W) Redskins, 20-19 (P)
1979—*Buccaneers, 24-17 (TB) 1952—Eagles, 38-20 (P) 1989—Eagles, 42-37 (W)
1981—Eagles, 20-10 (P) Redskins, 27-21 (W) Redskins, 10-3 (P)
1988—Eagles, 41-14 (TB) 1953—Tie, 21-21 (P) 1990—Redskins, 13-7 (W)
1991—Buccaneers, 14-13 (TB) Redskins, 10-0 (W) Eagles, 28-14 (P)
1995—Buccaneers, 21-6 (P) 1954—Eagles, 49-21 (W) **Redskins, 20-6 (P)
1999—Buccaneers, 19-5 (P) Eagles, 41-33 (P) 1991—Redskins, 23-0 (W)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 479

Eagles, 24-22 (P) See Chicago vs. Pittsburgh RS: Steelers lead series, 22-7
1992—Redskins, 16-12 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. CINCINNATI PS: Chargers lead series, 2-1
Eagles, 17-13 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 56-35 1971—Steelers, 21-17 (P)
1993—Eagles, 34-31 (P) PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0; 1972—Steelers, 24-2 (SD)
Eagles, 17-14 (W) See Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh 1973—Steelers, 38-21 (P)
1994—Eagles, 21-17 (P) PITTSBURGH vs. CLEVELAND 1975—Steelers, 37-0 (SD)
Eagles, 31-29 (W) RS: Steelers lead series, 68-58 1976—Steelers, 23-0 (P)
1995—Eagles, 37-34 (P) OT PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0; 1977—Steelers, 10-9 (SD)
Eagles, 14-7 (W) See Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh 1979—Chargers, 35-7 (SD)
1996—Eagles, 17-14 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. DALLAS 1980—Chargers, 26-17 (SD)
Redskins, 26-21 (P) RS: Cowboys lead series, 15-13 1982—*Chargers, 31-28 (P)
1997—Eagles, 24-10 (P) PS: Steelers lead series, 2-1; 1983—Steelers, 26-3 (P)
Redskins, 35-32 (W) See Dallas vs. Pittsburgh 1984—Steelers, 52-24 (P)
1998—Eagles, 17-12 (P) PITTSBURGH vs. DENVER 1985—Chargers, 54-44 (SD)
Redskins, 28-3 (W) RS: Broncos lead series, 14-8-1 1987—Steelers, 20-16 (SD)
1999—Eagles, 35-28 (P) PS: Broncos lead series, 5-3; 1988—Chargers, 20-14 (SD)
Redskins, 20-17 (W) OT See Denver vs. Pittsburgh 1989—Steelers, 20-17 (P)
2000—Redskins, 17-14 (P) PITTSBURGH vs. DETROIT 1990—Steelers, 36-14 (P)
Eagles, 23-20 (W) RS: Steelers lead series, 16-14-1; 1991—Steelers, 26-20 (P)
2001—Redskins, 13-3 (P) See Detroit vs. Pittsburgh 1992—Steelers, 23-6 (SD)
Eagles, 20-6 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. GREEN BAY 1993—Steelers,.16-3 (P)
2002—Eagles, 37-7 (W) RS: Packers lead series, 18-15 1994—Chargers, 37-34 (SD)
Eagles, 34-21 (P) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0; **Chargers, 17-13 (P)
2003—Eagles, 27-25 (P) See Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh 1995—Steelers, 31-16 (P)
Eagles, 31-7 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. HOUSTON 1996—Steelers, 16-3 (P)
2004—Eagles, 28-6 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 3-2; 2000—Steelers, 34-21 (SD)
Eagles, 17-14 (W) See Houston vs. Pittsburgh 2003—Steelers, 40-24 (P)
2005—Redskins, 17-10 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. INDIANAPOLIS 2005—Steelers, 24-22 (SD)
Redskins, 31-20 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 16-6 2006—Chargers, 23-13 (SD)
2006—Eagles, 27-3 (P) PS: Steelers lead series, 5-0; 2008—Steelers, 11-10 (P)
Eagles, 21-19 (W) See Indianapolis vs. Pittsburgh ***Steelers, 35-24 (P)
2007—Redskins, 20-12 (P) PITTSBURGH vs. JACKSONVILLE 2009—Steelers, 38-28 (P)
Eagles, 33-25 (W) RS: Series tied, 11-11 2012—Chargers, 34-24 (P)
2008—Redskins, 23-17 (P) PS: Jaguars lead series, 1-0; 2015—Steelers, 24-20 (SD)
Redskins, 10-3 (W) See Jacksonville vs. Pittsburgh (RS Pts.—Steelers 743, Chargers 525)
2009—Eagles, 27-17 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. KANSAS CITY (PS Pts.—Steelers 76, Chargers 72)
Eagles, 27-24 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 20-10 *AFC First-Round Playoff
2010—Redskins, 17-12 (P) PS: Chiefs lead series, 1-0; **AFC Championship
Eagles, 59-28 (W) See Kansas City vs. Pittsburgh ***AFC Divisional Playoff
Eagles, 34-10 (P) RS: Rams lead series, 15-8-2 RS: 49ers lead series, 11-10
2012—Redskins, 31-6 (W) PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0; 1951—49ers, 28-24 (P)
Redskins, 27-20 (P) See Los Angeles vs. Pittsburgh 1952—Steelers, 24-7 (SF)
2013—Eagles, 33-27 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. MIAMI 1954—49ers, 31-3 (SF)
Eagles, 24-16 (P) RS: Steelers lead series, 12-10 1958—49ers, 23-20 (SF)
2014—Eagles, 37-34 (P) PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-1; 1961—Steelers, 20-10 (P)
Redskins, 27-24 (W) See Miami vs. Pittsburgh 1965—49ers, 27-17 (SF)
2015—Redskins, 23-20 (W) PITTSBURGH vs. MINNESOTA 1968—49ers, 45-28 (P)
Redskins, 38-24 (P) RS: Vikings lead series, 9-7 1973—Steelers, 37-14 (SF)
(RS Pts.—Eagles 3,360, Redskins 3,200) PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0; 1977—Steelers, 27-0 (P)
(PS Pts.—Redskins 20, Eagles 6) See Minnesota vs. Pittsburgh 1978—Steelers, 24-7 (SF)
*Franchise in Boston prior to 1937 PITTSBURGH vs. NEW ENGLAND 1981—49ers, 17-14 (P)
**NFC First-Round Playoff RS: Steelers lead series, 14-10 1984—Steelers, 20-17 (SF)
PS: Patriots lead series, 3-1; 1987—Steelers, 30-17 (P)
PITTSBURGH vs. ARIZONA See New England vs. Pittsburgh 1990—49ers, 27-7 (SF)
RS: Steelers lead series, 33-23-3 PITTSBURGH vs. NEW ORLEANS 1993—49ers, 24-13 (P)
PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0; RS: Saints lead series, 8-7; 1996—49ers, 25-15 (P)
See Arizona vs. Pittsburgh See New Orleans vs. Pittsburgh 1999—Steelers, 27-6 (SF)
RS: Steelers lead series, 13-2-1; RS: Giants lead series, 44-29-3; 2007—Steelers, 37-16 (P)
See Atlanta vs. Pittsburgh See N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh 2011—49ers, 20-3 (SF)
PITTSBURGH vs. BALTIMORE PITTSBURGH vs. N.Y. JETS 2015—Steelers, 43-18 (P)
RS: Steelers lead series, 21-19 RS: Steelers lead series, 17-5 (RS Pts.—Steelers 447, 49ers 409)
PS: Steelers lead series, 3-1; PS: Steelers lead series, 2-0; PITTSBURGH vs. SEATTLE
See Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh See N.Y. Jets vs. Pittsburgh RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-8
PITTSBURGH vs. BUFFALO PITTSBURGH vs. OAKLAND PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0
RS: Steelers lead series, 13-8 RS: Raiders lead series, 12-10 1977—Steelers, 30-20 (P)
PS: Steelers lead series, 2-1; PS: Series tied, 3-3; 1978—Steelers, 21-10 (P)
See Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh See Oakland vs. Pittsburgh 1981—Seahawks, 24-21 (S)
RS: Steelers lead series, 5-1; RS: Eagles lead series, 46-28-3 1983—Steelers, 27-21 (S)
See Carolina vs. Pittsburgh PS: Eagles lead series, 1-0; 1986—Seahawks, 30-0 (S)
PITTSBURGH vs. CHICAGO See Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh 1987—Steelers, 13-9 (P)
RS: Bears lead series, 18-7-1; PITTSBURGH vs. SAN DIEGO 1991—Seahawks, 27-7 (P)

480 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1992—Steelers, 20-14 (P) Oilers, 31-6 (H) Steelers, 20-10 (W)
1993—Seahawks, 16-6 (S) 1992—Steelers, 29-24 (H) 1952—Redskins, 28-24 (P)
1994—Seahawks, 30-13 (S) Steelers, 21-20 (P) Steelers, 24-23 (W)
1998—Steelers, 13-10 (P) 1993—Oilers, 23-3 (H) 1953—Redskins, 17-9 (P)
1999—Seahawks, 29-10 (P) Oilers, 26-17 (P) Steelers, 14-13 (W)
2003—Seahawks, 23-16 (S) 1994—Steelers, 30-14 (P) 1954—Steelers, 37-7 (P)
2005—*Steelers, 21-10 (Detroit) Steelers, 12-9 (H) OT Redskins, 17-14 (W)
2007—Steelers, 21-0 (P) 1995—Steelers, 34-17 (H) 1955—Redskins, 23-14 (P)
2011—Steelers, 24-0 (P) Steelers, 21-7 (P) Redskins, 28-17 (W)
2015—Seahawks, 39-30 (S) 1996—Steelers, 30-16 (P) 1956—Steelers, 30-13 (P)
(RS Pts.—Seahawks 318, Steelers 272) Oilers, 23-13 (H) Steelers, 23-0 (W)
(PS Pts.—Steelers 21, Seahawks 10) 1997—Steelers, 37-24 (P) 1957—Steelers, 28-7 (P)
*Super Bowl XL Oilers, 16-6 (T) Redskins, 10-3 (W)
PITTSBURGH vs. TAMPA BAY 1998—Oilers, 41-31 (P) 1958—Steelers, 24-16 (P)
RS: Steelers lead series, 8-2 Oilers, 23-14 (T) Tie, 14-14 (W)
1976—Steelers, 42-0 (P) 1999—Titans, 16-10 (T) 1959—Redskins, 23-17 (P)
1980—Steelers, 24-21 (TB) Titans, 47-36 (P) Steelers, 27-6 (W)
1983—Steelers, 17-12 (P) 2000—Titans, 23-20 (P) 1960—Tie, 27-27 (W)
1989—Steelers, 31-22 (TB) Titans, 9-7 (T) Steelers, 22-10 (P)
1998—Buccaneers, 16-3 (TB) 2001—Steelers, 34-7 (P) 1961—Steelers, 20-0 (P)
2001—Steelers, 17-10 (TB) Steelers, 34-24 (T) Steelers, 30-14 (W)
2002—Steelers, 17-7 (TB) 2002—Titans, 31-23 (T) 1962—Steelers, 23-21 (P)
2006—Steelers, 20-3 (P) ****Titans, 34-31 (T) OT Steelers, 27-24 (W)
2010—Steelers, 38-13 (TB) 2003—Titans, 30-13 (P) 1963—Steelers, 38-27 (P)
2014—Buccaneers, 27-24 (P) 2005—Steelers, 34-7 (P) Steelers, 34-28 (W)
(RS Pts.—Steelers 233, Buccaneers 131) 2008—Titans, 31-14 (T) 1964—Redskins, 30-0 (P)
PITTSBURGH vs. *TENNESSEE 2009—Steelers, 13-10 (P) OT Steelers, 14-7 (W)
RS: Steelers lead series, 42-31 2010—Steelers, 19-11 (T) 1965—Redskins, 31-3 (P)
PS: Steelers lead series, 3-1 2011—Steelers, 38-17 (P) Redskins, 35-14 (W)
1970—Oilers, 19-7 (P) 2012—Titans, 26-23 (T) 1966—Redskins, 33-27 (P)
Steelers, 7-3 (H) 2013—Titans, 16-9 (P) Redskins, 24-10 (W)
1971—Steelers, 23-16 (P) 2014—Steelers, 27-24 (T) 1967—Redskins, 15-10 (P)
Oilers, 29-3 (H) (RS Pts.—Steelers 1,506, Titans 1,277) 1968—Redskins, 16-13 (W)
1972—Steelers, 24-7 (P) (PS Pts.—Steelers 118, Titans 75) 1969—Redskins, 14-7 (P)
Steelers, 9-3 (H) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; 1973—Steelers, 21-16 (P)
1973—Steelers, 36-7 (H) known as Oilers prior to 1999 1979—Steelers, 38-7 (P)
Steelers, 33-7 (P) **AFC Championship 1985—Redskins, 30-23 (P)
1974—Steelers, 13-7 (H) ***AFC First-Round Playoff 1988—Redskins, 30-29 (W)
Oilers, 13-10 (P) ****AFC Divisional Playoff 1991—Redskins, 41-14 (P)
1975—Steelers, 24-17 (P) *PITTSBURGH vs. **WASHINGTON 1997—Steelers, 14-13 (P)
Steelers, 32-9 (H) RS: Redskins lead series, 42-32-3 2000—Steelers, 24-3 (P)
1976—Steelers, 32-16 (P) 1933—Redskins, 21-6 (P) 2004—Steelers, 16-7 (P)
Steelers, 21-0 (H) Pirates, 16-14 (B) 2008—Steelers, 23-6 (W)
1977—Oilers, 27-10 (H) 1934—Redskins, 7-0 (P) 2012—Steelers, 27-12 (P)
Steelers, 27-10 (P) Redskins, 39-0 (B) (RS Pts.—Redskins 1,431, Steelers 1,221)
1978—Oilers, 24-17 (P) 1935—Pirates, 6-0 (P) *Steelers known as Pirates prior to 1940
Steelers, 13-3 (H) Redskins, 13-3 (B) **Franchise in Boston prior to 1937
**Steelers, 34-5 (P) 1936—Pirates, 10-0 (P)
1979—Steelers, 38-7 (P) Redskins, 30-0 (B) SAN DIEGO vs. ARIZONA
Oilers, 20-17 (H) 1937—Redskins, 34-20 (W) RS: Chargers lead series, 9-4;
**Steelers, 27-13 (P) Pirates, 21-13 (P) See Arizona vs. San Diego
1980—Steelers, 31-17 (P) 1938—Redskins, 7-0 (P) SAN DIEGO vs. ATLANTA
Oilers, 6-0 (H) Redskins, 15-0 (W) RS: Falcons lead series, 8-1;
1981—Steelers, 26-13 (P) 1939—Redskins, 44-14 (W) See Atlanta vs. San Diego
Oilers, 21-20 (H) Redskins, 21-14 (P) SAN DIEGO vs. BALTIMORE
1982—Steelers, 24-10 (H) 1940—Redskins, 40-10 (P) RS: Ravens lead series, 6-5;
1983—Steelers, 40-28 (H) Redskins, 37-10 (W) See Baltimore vs. San Diego
Steelers, 17-10 (P) 1941—Redskins, 24-20 (P) SAN DIEGO vs. BUFFALO
1984—Steelers, 35-7 (P) Redskins, 23-3 (W) RS: Chargers lead series, 22-10-2
Oilers, 23-20 (H) OT 1942—Redskins, 28-14 (W) PS: Bills lead series, 2-1;
1985—Steelers, 20-0 (P) Redskins, 14-0 (P) See Buffalo vs. San Diego
Steelers, 30-7 (H) 1945—Redskins, 14-0 (P) SAN DIEGO vs. CAROLINA
1986—Steelers, 22-16 (H) OT Redskins, 24-0 (W) RS: Panthers lead series, 4-1;
Steelers, 21-10 (P) 1946—Tie, 14-14 (W) See Carolina vs. San Diego
1987—Oilers, 23-3 (P) Steelers, 14-7 (P) SAN DIEGO vs. CHICAGO
Oilers, 24-16 (H) 1947—Redskins, 27-26 (W) RS: Bears lead series, 7-5;
1988—Oilers, 34-14 (P) Steelers, 21-14 (P) See Chicago vs. San Diego
Steelers, 37-34 (H) 1948—Redskins, 17-14 (W) SAN DIEGO vs. CINCINNATI
1989—Oilers, 27-0 (H) Steelers, 10-7 (P) RS: Chargers lead series, 19-14
Oilers, 23-16 (P) 1949—Redskins, 27-14 (P) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
***Steelers, 26-23 (H) OT Redskins, 27-14 (W) See Cincinnati vs. San Diego
1990—Steelers, 20-9 (P) 1950—Steelers, 26-7 (W) SAN DIEGO vs. CLEVELAND
Oilers, 34-14 (H) Redskins, 24-7 (P) RS: Chargers lead series, 15-8-1;
1991—Steelers, 26-14 (P) 1951—Redskins, 22-7 (P) See Cleveland vs. San Diego

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SAN DIEGO vs. DALLAS 2000—49ers, 45-17 (SD) *SAN DIEGO vs. **TENNESSEE
RS: Cowboys lead series, 6-4; 2002—Chargers, 20-17 (SD) OT RS: Chargers lead series, 25-14-1
See Dallas vs. San Diego 2006—Chargers, 48-19 (SF) PS: Titans lead series, 3-1
SAN DIEGO vs. DENVER 2010—Chargers, 34-7 (SD) 1960—Oilers, 38-28 (H)
RS: Broncos lead series, 62-49-1 2014—Chargers, 38-35 (SF) OT Chargers, 24-21 (LA)
PS: Broncos lead series, 1-0; (RS Pts.—49ers 347, Chargers 294) ***Oilers, 24-16 (H)
See Denver vs. San Diego (PS Pts.—49ers 49, Chargers 26) 1961—Chargers, 34-24 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. DETROIT *Super Bowl XXIX Oilers, 33-13 (H)
RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4; SAN DIEGO vs. SEATTLE ***Oilers, 10-3 (SD)
See Detroit vs. San Diego RS: Seahawks lead series, 26-24 1962—Oilers, 42-17 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. GREEN BAY 1977—Chargers, 30-28 (Sea) Oilers, 33-27 (H)
RS: Packers lead series, 10-1; 1978—Chargers, 24-20 (Sea) 1963—Chargers, 27-0 (SD)
See Green Bay vs. San Diego Chargers, 37-10 (SD) Chargers 20-14 (H)
SAN DIEGO vs. HOUSTON 1979—Chargers, 33-16 (Sea) 1964—Chargers, 27-21 (SD)
RS: Chargers lead series, 4-1; Chargers, 20-10 (SD) Chargers, 20-17 (H)
See Houston vs. San Diego 1980—Chargers, 34-13 (Sea) 1965—Chargers, 31-14 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. INDIANAPOLIS Chargers, 21-14 (SD) Chargers, 37-26 (H)
RS: Chargers lead series, 16-9 1981—Chargers, 24-10 (SD) 1966—Chargers, 28-22 (H)
PS: Chargers lead series, 2-1; Seahawks, 44-23 (Sea) 1967—Chargers, 13-3 (SD)
See Indianapolis vs. San Diego 1983—Seahawks, 34-31 (Sea) Oilers, 24-17 (H)
SAN DIEGO vs. JACKSONVILLE Chargers, 28-21 (SD) 1968—Chargers, 30-14 (SD)
RS: Chargers lead series, 6-2; 1984—Seahawks, 31-17 (Sea) 1969—Chargers, 21-17 (H)
See Jacksonville vs. San Diego Seahawks, 24-0 (SD) 1970—Tie, 31-31 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. KANSAS CITY 1985—Seahawks, 49-35 (SD) 1971—Oilers, 49-33 (H)
RS: Chiefs lead series, 56-54-1 Seahawks, 26-21 (Sea) 1972—Chargers, 34-20 (SD)
PS: Chargers lead series, 1-0; 1986—Seahawks, 33-7 (Sea) 1974—Oilers, 21-14 (H)
See Kansas City vs. San Diego Seahawks, 34-24 (SD) 1975—Oilers, 33-17 (H)
SAN DIEGO vs. LOS ANGELES 1987—Seahawks, 34-3 (Sea) 1976—Chargers, 30-27 (SD)
RS: Rams lead series, 6-5; 1988—Chargers, 17-6 (SD) 1978—Chargers, 45-24 (H)
See Los Angeles vs. San Diego Seahawks, 17-14 (Sea) 1979—****Oilers, 17-14 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. MIAMI 1989—Seahawks, 17-16 (SD) 1984—Chargers, 31-14 (SD)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 14-13 Seahawks, 10-7 (Sea) 1985—Oilers, 37-35 (H)
PS: Series tied, 2-2; 1990—Chargers, 31-14 (Sea) 1986—Chargers, 27-0 (SD)
See Miami vs. San Diego Seahawks, 13-10 (SD) OT 1987—Oilers, 33-18 (H)
SAN DIEGO vs. MINNESOTA 1991—Seahawks, 20-9 (Sea) 1989—Oilers, 34-27 (SD)
RS: Series tied, 6-6; Chargers, 17-14 (SD) 1990—Oilers, 17-7 (SD)
See Minnesota vs. San Diego 1992—Chargers, 17-6 (SD) 1992—Oilers, 27-0 (H)
SAN DIEGO vs. NEW ENGLAND Chargers, 31-14 (Sea) 1993—Chargers, 18-17 (SD)
RS: Patriots lead series, 21-14-2 1993—Chargers, 18-12 (SD) 1998—Chargers, 13-7 (T)
PS: Patriots lead series, 2-1; Seahawks, 31-14 (Sea) 2004—Chargers, 38-17 (SD)
See New England vs. San Diego 1994—Chargers, 24-10 (Sea) 2006—Chargers, 40-7 (SD)
SAN DIEGO vs. NEW ORLEANS Chargers, 35-15 (SD) 2007—Chargers, 23-17 (T) OT
RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4; 1995—Chargers, 14-10 (SD) *****Chargers, 17-6 (SD)
See New Orleans vs. San Diego Chargers, 35-25 (Sea) 2009—Chargers, 42-17 (T)
SAN DIEGO vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1996—Chargers, 29-7 (SD) 2010—Chargers, 33-25 (SD)
RS: Chargers lead series, 6-5; Seahawks, 32-13 (Sea) 2012—Chargers, 38-10 (SD)
See N.Y. Giants vs. San Diego 1997—Seahawks, 26-22 (Sea) 2013—Titans, 20-17 (T)
SAN DIEGO vs. N.Y. JETS Seahawks, 37-31 (SD) (RS Pts.—Chargers 1,025, Titans 867)
RS: Chargers lead series, 21-12-1 1998—Seahawks, 27-20 (SD) (PS Pts.—Titans 57, Chargers 50)
PS: Jets lead series, 2-0; Seahawks, 38-17 (Sea) *Franchise in Los Angeles prior to 1961
See N.Y. Jets vs. San Diego 1999—Chargers, 13-10 (SD) **Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
SAN DIEGO vs. OAKLAND Chargers, 19-16 (Sea) known as Oilers prior to 1999
RS: Raiders lead series, 60-50-2 2000—Seahawks, 20-12 (SD) ***AFL Championship
PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0; Seahawks, 17-15 (Sea) ****AFC Divisional Playoff
See Oakland vs. San Diego 2001—Seahawks, 13-10 (Sea) OT *****AFC First-Round Playoff
RS: Chargers lead series, 7-4; 2002—Seahawks, 31-28 (SD) OT RS: Redskins lead series, 7-3
See Philadelphia vs. San Diego 2006—Chargers, 20-17 (Sea) 1973—Redskins, 38-0 (W)
SAN DIEGO vs. PITTSBURGH 2010—Seahawks, 27-20 (Sea) 1980—Redskins, 40-17 (W)
RS: Steelers lead series, 22-7 2014—Chargers, 30-21 (SD) 1983—Redskins, 27-24 (SD)
PS: Chargers lead series, 2-1; (RS Pts.—Seahawks 1,049, Chargers 1,042) 1986—Redskins, 30-27 (SD)
See Pittsburgh vs. San Diego SAN DIEGO vs. TAMPA BAY 1989—Redskins, 26-21 (W)
SAN DIEGO vs. SAN FRANCISCO RS: Chargers lead series, 8-2 1998—Redskins, 24-20 (W)
RS: Chargers lead series, 7-6 1976—Chargers, 23-0 (TB) 2001—Chargers, 30-3 (SD)
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0 1981—Chargers, 24-23 (TB) 2005—Chargers, 23-17 (W) OT
1972—49ers, 34-3 (SF) 1987—Chargers, 17-13 (TB) 2009—Chargers, 23-20 (SD)
1976—Chargers, 13-7 (SD) OT 1990—Chargers, 41-10 (SD) 2013—Redskins, 30-24 (W) OT
1979—Chargers, 31-9 (SD) 1992—Chargers, 29-14 (SD) (RS Pts.—Redskins 255, Chargers 209)
1982—Chargers, 41-37 (SF) 1993—Chargers, 32-17 (TB)
1988—49ers, 48-10 (SD) 1996—Buccaneers, 25-17 (SD) SAN FRANCISCO vs. ARIZONA
1991—49ers, 34-14 (SF) 2004—Chargers, 31-24 (SD) RS: 49ers lead series, 29-20;
1994—49ers, 38-15 (SD) 2008—Chargers, 41-24 (TB) See Arizona vs. San Francisco
*49ers, 49-26 (South Florida) 2012—Buccaneers, 34-24 (TB) SAN FRANCISCO vs. ATLANTA
1997—49ers, 17-10 (SF) (RS Pts.—Chargers 279, Buccaneers 184) RS: 49ers lead series, 46-29-1

482 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

PS: Series tied, 1-1; See N.Y. Giants vs. San Francisco 1994—49ers, 41-16 (SF)
See Atlanta vs. San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO vs. N.Y. JETS 1997—Buccaneers, 13-6 (TB)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. BALTIMORE RS: 49ers lead series, 10-2; 2002—*Buccaneers, 31-6 (TB)
RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2 See N.Y. Jets vs. San Francisco 2003—49ers, 24-7 (SF)
PS: Ravens lead series, 1-0; SAN FRANCISCO vs. OAKLAND 2004—Buccaneers, 35-3 (TB)
See Baltimore vs. San Francisco RS: Raiders lead series, 7-6; 2005—49ers, 15-10 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. BUFFALO See Oakland vs. San Francisco 2007—49ers, 21-19 (SF)
RS: 49ers lead series, 6-5; SAN FRANCISCO vs. PHILADELPHIA 2010—Buccaneers, 21-0 (SF)
See Buffalo vs. San Francisco RS: 49ers lead series, 18-12-1 2011—49ers, 48-3 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. CAROLINA PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; 2013—49ers, 33-14 (TB)
RS: Panthers lead series, 11-7 See Philadelphia vs. San Francisco (RS Pts.—49ers 494, Buccaneers 295)
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; SAN FRANCISCO vs. PITTSBURGH (PS Pts.—Buccaneers 31, 49ers 6)
See Carolina vs. San Francisco RS: 49ers lead series, 11-10; *NFC Divisional Playoff
RS: Series tied, 30-30-1 SAN FRANCISCO vs. SAN DIEGO RS: 49ers lead series, 8-5
PS: 49ers lead series, 3-0; RS: Chargers lead series, 7-6 1970—49ers, 30-20 (H)
See Chicago vs. San Francisco PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; 1975—Oilers, 27-13 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. CINCINNATI See San Diego vs. San Francisco 1978—Oilers, 20-19 (H)
RS: 49ers lead series, 9-4 SAN FRANCISCO vs. SEATTLE 1981—49ers, 28-6 (SF)
PS: 49ers lead series, 2-0; RS: Seahawks lead series, 19-15 1984—49ers, 34-21 (H)
See Cincinnati vs. San Francisco PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0 1987—49ers, 27-20 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. CLEVELAND 1976—49ers, 37-21 (Sea) 1990—49ers, 24-21 (H)
RS: Browns lead series, 12-7; 1979—Seahawks, 35-24 (SF) 1993—Oilers, 10-7 (SF)
See Cleveland vs. San Francisco 1985—49ers, 19-6 (SF) 1996—49ers, 10-9 (H)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. DALLAS 1988—49ers, 38-7 (Sea) 1999—49ers, 24-22 (SF)
RS: 49ers lead series, 15-11-1 1991—49ers, 24-22 (Sea) 2005—Titans, 33-22 (T)
PS: Cowboys lead series, 5-2; 1997—Seahawks, 38-9 (Sea) 2009—Titans, 34-27 (SF)
See Dallas vs. San Francisco 2002—49ers, 28-21 (Sea) 2013—49ers, 31-17 (T)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. DENVER 49ers, 31-24 (SF) (RS Pts.—49ers 296, Titans 260)
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-6 2003—Seahawks, 20-19 (Sea) *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; Seahawks, 24-17 (SF) known as Oilers prior to 1999
See Denver vs. San Francisco 2004—Seahawks, 34-0 (Sea) SAN FRANCISCO vs. WASHINGTON
SAN FRANCISCO vs. DETROIT Seahawks, 42-27 (SF) RS: 49ers lead series, 17-9-1
RS: 49ers lead series, 36-27-1 2005—Seahawks, 27-25 (SF) PS: 49ers lead series, 3-1
PS: Series tied, 1-1; Seahawks, 41-3 (Sea) 1952—49ers, 23-17 (W)
See Detroit vs. San Francisco 2006—49ers, 20-14 (SF) 1954—49ers, 41-7 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. GREEN BAY 49ers, 24-14 (Sea) 1955—Redskins, 7-0 (W)
RS: Packers lead series, 31-27-1 2007—Seahawks, 23-3 (SF) 1961—49ers, 35-3 (SF)
PS: Packers lead series, 4-3; Seahawks, 24-0 (Sea) 1967—Redskins, 31-28 (W)
See Green Bay vs. San Francisco 2008—49ers, 33-30 (Sea) OT 1969—Tie, 17-17 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. HOUSTON Seahawks, 34-13 (SF) 1970—49ers, 26-17 (SF)
RS: 49ers lead series, 2-1; 2009—49ers, 23-10 (SF) 1971—*49ers, 24-20 (SF)
See Houston vs. San Francisco Seahawks, 20-17 (Sea) 1973—Redskins, 33-9 (W)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. INDIANAPOLIS 2010—Seahawks, 31-6 (Sea) 1976—Redskins, 24-21 (SF)
RS: Colts lead series, 25-18; 49ers, 40-21 (SF) 1978—Redskins, 38-20 (W)
See Indianapolis vs. San Francisco 2011—49ers, 33-17 (SF) 1981—49ers, 30-17 (W)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. JACKSONVILLE 49ers, 19-17 (Sea) 1983—**Redskins, 24-21 (W)
RS: Series tied, 2-2; 2012—49ers, 13-6 (SF) 1984—49ers, 37-31 (SF)
See Jacksonville vs. San Francisco Seahawks, 42-13 (Sea) 1985—49ers, 35-8 (W)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. KANSAS CITY 2013—Seahawks, 29-3 (Sea) 1986—Redskins, 14-6 (W)
RS: 49ers lead series, 7-5; 49ers, 19-17 (SF) 1988—49ers, 37-21 (SF)
See Kansas City vs. San Francisco *Seahawks, 23-17 (Sea) 1990—49ers, 26-13 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. LOS ANGELES 2014—Seahawks, 19-3 (SF) *49ers, 28-10 (SF)
RS: 49ers lead series, 65-64-3 Seahawks, 17-7 (Sea) 1992—*49ers, 20-13 (SF)
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; 2015—Seahawks, 20-3 (SF) 1994—49ers, 37-22 (W)
See Los Angeles vs. San Francisco Seahawks, 29-13 (Sea) 1996—49ers, 19-16 (W) OT
SAN FRANCISCO vs. MIAMI (RS Pts.—Seahawks 796, 49ers 606) 1998—49ers, 45-10 (W)
RS: Dolphins lead series, 6-5 (PS Pts.—Seahawks 23, 49ers 17) 1999—Redskins, 26-20 (SF) OT
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; *NFC Championship 2002—49ers, 20-10 (SF)
See Miami vs. San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO vs. TAMPA BAY 2004—Redskins, 26-16 (SF)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. MINNESOTA RS: 49ers lead series, 17-4 2005—Redskins, 52-17 (W)
RS: Vikings lead series, 21-19-1 PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0 2008—49ers, 27-24 (SF)
PS: 49ers lead series, 4-1; 1977—49ers, 20-10 (SF) 2011—49ers, 19-11 (W)
See Minnesota vs. San Francisco 1978—49ers, 6-3 (SF) 2013—49ers, 27-6 (W)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. NEW ENGLAND 1979—49ers, 23-7 (SF) 2014—49ers, 17-13 (SF)
RS: 49ers lead series, 8-4; 1980—Buccaneers, 24-23 (SF) (RS Pts.—49ers 655, Redskins 514)
See New England vs. San Francisco 1983—49ers, 35-21 (SF) (PS Pts.—49ers 93, Redskins 67)
SAN FRANCISCO vs. NEW ORLEANS 1984—49ers, 24-17 (SF) *NFC Divisional Playoff
RS: 49ers lead series, 47-25-2 1986—49ers, 31-7 (TB) **NFC Championship
PS: 49ers lead series, 1-0; 1987—49ers, 24-10 (TB)
See New Orleans vs. San Francisco 1989—49ers, 20-16 (TB) SEATTLE vs. ARIZONA
SAN FRANCISCO vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1990—49ers, 31-7 (SF) RS: Series tied, 17-17;
RS: Giants lead series, 16-15 1992—49ers, 21-14 (SF) See Arizona vs. Seattle
PS: Series tied, 4-4; 1993—49ers, 45-21 (TB)

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SEATTLE vs. ATLANTA SEATTLE vs. N.Y. JETS 2003—Redskins, 27-20 (W)
RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-5 RS: Seahawks lead series, 10-8; 2005—Redskins, 20-17 (W) OT
PS: Falcons lead series 1-0; See N.Y. Jets vs. Seattle *Seahawks, 20-10 (S)
See Atlanta vs. Seattle SEATTLE vs. OAKLAND 2007—**Seahawks, 35-14 (S)
SEATTLE vs. BALTIMORE RS: Raiders lead series, 28-24 2008—Redskins, 20-17 (S)
RS: Seahawks lead series, 3-2; PS: Series tied, 1-1; 2011—Redskins, 23-17 (S)
See Baltimore vs. Seattle See Oakland vs. Seattle 2012—**Seahawks, 24-14 (W)
RS: Seahawks lead series, 7-5; RS: Series tied, 7-7; (RS Pts.—Redskins 311, Seahawks 249)
See Buffalo vs. Seattle See Philadelphia vs. Seattle (PS Pts.—Seahawks 79, Redskins 38)
RS: Seahawks lead series, 5-3 RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-8 **NFC First-Round Playoff
PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-1; PS: Steelers lead series, 1-0;
See Carolina vs. Seattle See Pittsburgh vs. Seattle TAMPA BAY vs. ARIZONA
RS: Seahawks lead series, 11-4 RS: Seahawks lead series, 26-24; See Arizona vs. Tampa Bay
PS: Bears lead series, 2-0; See San Diego vs. Seattle TAMPA BAY vs. ATLANTA
See Chicago vs. Seattle SEATTLE vs. SAN FRANCISCO RS: Buccaneers lead series, 23-22;
SEATTLE vs. CINCINNATI RS: Seahawks lead series, 19-15 See Atlanta vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Bengals lead series, 10-9 PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0; TAMPA BAY vs. BALTIMORE
PS: Bengals lead series, 1-0; See San Francisco vs. Seattle RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2;
See Cincinnati vs. Seattle SEATTLE vs. TAMPA BAY See Baltimore vs. Tampa Bay
SEATTLE vs. CLEVELAND RS: Seahawks lead series, 8-4 TAMPA BAY vs. BUFFALO
RS: Seahawks lead series, 12-6; 1976—Seahawks, 13-10 (TB) RS: Buccaneers lead series, 7-3;
See Cleveland vs. Seattle 1977—Seahawks, 30-23 (S) See Buffalo vs. Tampa Bay
SEATTLE vs. DALLAS 1994—Seahawks, 22-21 (S) TAMPA BAY vs. CAROLINA
RS: Cowboys lead series, 10-6 1996—Seahawks, 17-13 (TB) RS: Panthers lead series, 20-11;
PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0; 1999—Buccaneers, 16-3 (S) See Carolina vs. Tampa Bay
See Dallas vs. Seattle 2004—Seahawks, 10-6 (TB) TAMPA BAY vs. CHICAGO
SEATTLE vs. DENVER 2006—Seahawks, 23-7 (TB) RS: Bears lead series, 38-18;
RS: Broncos lead series, 34-19 2007—Seahawks, 20-6 (S) See Chicago vs. Tampa Bay
PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-0; 2008—Buccaneers, 20-10 (TB) TAMPA BAY vs. CINCINNATI
See Denver vs. Seattle 2009—Buccaneers, 24-7 (S) RS: Buccaneers lead series, 7-4;
SEATTLE vs. DETROIT 2010—Buccaneers, 38-15 (TB) See Cincinnati vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Seahawks lead series, 8-5; 2013—Seahawks, 27-24 (S) OT TAMPA BAY vs. CLEVELAND
See Detroit vs. Seattle (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 208, Seahawks 197) RS: Browns lead series, 6-3;
SEATTLE vs. GREEN BAY SEATTLE vs. *TENNESSEE See Cleveland vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Packers lead series, 9-7 RS: Seahawks lead series, 10-5 TAMPA BAY vs. DALLAS
PS: Packers lead series, 2-1; PS: Titans lead series, 1-0 RS: Cowboys lead series, 11-4
See Green Bay vs. Seattle 1977—Oilers, 22-10 (S) PS: Cowboys lead series, 2-0;
SEATTLE vs. HOUSTON 1979—Seahawks, 34-14 (S) See Dallas vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Seahawks lead series, 2-1; 1980—Seahawks, 26-7 (H) TAMPA BAY vs. DENVER
See Houston vs. Seattle 1981—Oilers, 35-17 (H) RS: Broncos lead series, 6-2;
SEATTLE vs. INDIANAPOLIS 1982—Oilers, 23-21 (H) See Denver vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Colts lead series, 7-4; 1987—**Oilers, 23-20 (H) OT TAMPA BAY vs. DETROIT
See Indianapolis vs. Seattle 1988—Seahawks, 27-24 (S) RS: Lions lead series, 30-26
SEATTLE vs. JACKSONVILLE 1990—Seahawks, 13-10 (S) OT PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0;
RS: Seahawks lead series, 5-2; 1993—Oilers, 24-14 (H) See Detroit vs. Tampa Bay
See Jacksonville vs. Seattle 1994—Seahawks, 16-14 (H) TAMPA BAY vs. GREEN BAY
SEATTLE vs. KANSAS CITY 1996—Seahawks, 23-16 (S) RS: Packers lead series, 31-21-1
RS: Chiefs lead series, 33-18; 1997—Seahawks, 16-13 (S) PS: Packers lead series, 1-0;
See Kansas City vs. Seattle 1998—Seahawks, 20-18 (S) See Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay
SEATTLE vs. LOS ANGELES 2005—Seahawks, 28-24 (T) TAMPA BAY vs. HOUSTON
RS: Seahawks lead series, 21-14 2009—Titans, 17-13 (S) RS: Texans lead series, 3-1;
PS: Rams lead series, 1-0; 2013—Seahawks, 20-13 (S) See Houston vs. Tampa Bay
See Los Angeles vs. Seattle (RS Pts.—Seahawks 298, Titans 274) TAMPA BAY vs. INDIANAPOLIS
SEATTLE vs. MIAMI (PS Pts.—Titans 23, Seahawks 20) RS: Colts lead series, 8-5;
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-3 *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; See Indianapolis vs. Tampa Bay
PS: Dolphins lead series, 2-1; known as Oilers prior to 1999 TAMPA BAY vs. JACKSONVILLE
See Miami vs. Seattle **AFC First-Round Playoff RS: Jaguars lead series, 4-2;
SEATTLE vs. MINNESOTA SEATTLE vs. WASHINGTON See Jacksonville vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Seahawks lead series, 9-5 RS: Redskins lead series, 11-5 TAMPA BAY vs. KANSAS CITY
PS: Seahawks lead series, 1-0; PS: Seahawks lead series, 3-0 RS: Buccaneers lead series, 6-5;
See Minnesota vs. Seattle 1976—Redskins, 31-7 (W) See Kansas City vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Series tied, 8-8; 1983—Redskins, 27-17 (S) RS: Rams lead series, 13-8
PS: Patriots lead series, 1-0; 1986—Redskins, 19-14 (W) PS: Rams lead series, 2-0;
SEATTLE vs. NEW ORLEANS 1989—Redskins, 29-0 (S) See Los Angeles vs. Tampa Bay
RS: Series tied, 6-6 1992—Redskins, 16-3 (S) TAMPA BAY vs. MIAMI
PS: Seahawks lead series, 2-0; 1994—Seahawks, 28-7 (W) RS: Series tied, 5-5;
See New Orleans vs. Seattle 1995—Seahawks, 27-20 (W) See Miami vs. Tampa Bay
SEATTLE vs. N.Y. GIANTS 1998—Seahawks, 24-14 (S) TAMPA BAY vs. MINNESOTA
RS: Giants lead series, 9-8; 2001—Redskins, 27-14 (W) RS: Vikings lead series, 32-22;
See N.Y. Giants vs. Seattle 2002—Redskins, 14-3 (S) See Minnesota vs. Tampa Bay

484 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

TAMPA BAY vs. NEW ENGLAND 2015—Redskins, 31-30 (W) RS: Patriots lead series, 23-15-1
RS: Patriots lead series, 6-2; (RS Pts.—Buccaneers 401, Redskins 365) PS: Series tied, 1-1;
See New England vs. Tampa Bay (PS Pts.—Redskins 30, Buccaneers 24) See New England vs. Tennessee
RS: Saints lead series, 30-18; **NFC First-Round Playoff RS: Titans lead series, 8-5-1;
See New Orleans vs. Tampa Bay See New Orleans vs. Tennessee
RS: Giants lead series, 13-6 RS: Cardinals lead series, 6-4; RS: Giants lead series, 6-5;
PS: Giants lead series, 1-0; See Arizona vs. Tennessee See N.Y. Giants vs. Tennessee
See N.Y. Giants vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. ATLANTA TENNESSEE vs. N.Y. JETS
TAMPA BAY vs. N.Y. JETS RS: Series tied, 7-7; RS: Titans lead series, 23-19-1
RS: Jets lead series, 10-1; See Atlanta vs. Tennessee PS: Titans lead series, 1-0;
See N.Y. Jets vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. BALTIMORE See N.Y. Jets vs. Tennessee
RS: Raiders lead series, 6-2 PS: Ravens lead series, 2-1; RS: Raiders lead series, 24-20
PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0; See Baltimore vs. Tennessee PS: Raiders lead series, 4-0;
See Oakland vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. BUFFALO See Oakland vs. Tennessee
RS: Eagles lead series, 8-6 PS: Bills lead series, 2-1; RS: Eagles lead series, 7-4;
PS: Series tied, 2-2; See Buffalo vs. Tennessee See Philadelphia vs. Tennessee
TAMPA BAY vs. PITTSBURGH RS: Titans lead series, 3-2; RS: Steelers lead series, 42-31
RS: Steelers lead series, 8-2; See Carolina vs. Tennessee PS: Steelers lead series, 3-1;
See Pittsburgh vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. CHICAGO See Pittsburgh vs. Tennessee
TAMPA BAY vs. SAN DIEGO RS: Bears lead series, 6-5; TENNESSEE vs. SAN DIEGO
RS: Chargers lead series, 8-2; See Chicago vs. Tennessee RS: Chargers lead series, 25-14-1
See San Diego vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. CINCINNATI PS: Titans lead series, 3-1;
TAMPA BAY vs. SAN FRANCISCO RS: Titans lead series, 39-33-1 See San Diego vs. Tennessee
RS: 49ers lead series, 17-4 PS: Bengals lead series, 1-0; TENNESSEE vs. SAN FRANCISCO
PS: Buccaneers lead series, 1-0; See Cincinnati vs. Tennessee RS: 49ers lead series, 8-5;
See San Francisco vs. Tampa Bay TENNESSEE vs. CLEVELAND See San Francisco vs. Tennessee
TAMPA BAY vs. SEATTLE RS: Browns lead series, 35-28 TENNESSEE vs. SEATTLE
RS: Seahawks lead series, 8-4; PS: Titans lead series, 1-0; RS: Seahawks lead series, 10-5
See Seattle vs. Tampa Bay See Cleveland vs. Tennessee PS: Titans lead series, 1-0;
TAMPA BAY vs. *TENNESSEE TENNESSEE vs. DALLAS See Seattle vs. Tennessee
RS: Titans lead series, 9-2 RS: Cowboys lead series, 8-6; TENNESSEE vs. TAMPA BAY
1976—Oilers, 20-0 (H) See Dallas vs. Tennessee RS: Titans lead series, 9-2;
1980—Oilers, 20-14 (H) TENNESSEE vs. DENVER See Tampa Bay vs. Tennessee
1983—Buccaneers, 33-24 (TB) RS: Titans lead series, 21-15-1 *TENNESSEE vs. WASHINGTON
1989—Oilers, 20-17 (H) PS: Broncos lead series, 2-1; RS: Series tied, 6-6
1995—Oilers, 19-7 (H) See Denver vs. Tennessee 1971—Redskins, 22-13 (W)
1998—Oilers, 31-22 (TB) TENNESSEE vs. DETROIT 1975—Oilers, 13-10 (H)
2001—Titans, 31-28 (Tenn) OT RS: Titans lead series, 8-3; 1979—Oilers, 29-27 (W)
2003—Titans, 33-13 (Tenn) See Detroit vs. Tennessee 1985—Redskins, 16-13 (W)
2007—Buccaneers, 13-10 (TB) TENNESSEE vs. GREEN BAY 1988—Oilers, 41-17 (H)
2011—Titans, 23-17 (Tenn) RS: Titans lead series, 6-5; 1991—Redskins, 16-13 (W) OT
2015—Titans, 42-14 (TB) See Green Bay vs. Tennessee 1997—Oilers, 28-14 (T)
(RS Pts.—Titans 273, Buccaneers 178) TENNESSEE vs. HOUSTON 2000—Titans, 27-21 (W)
*Franchise in Houston prior to 1997; RS: Titans lead series, 15-13; 2002—Redskins, 31-14 (T)
known as Oilers prior to 1999 See Houston vs. Tennessee 2006—Titans, 25-22 (W)
RS: Series tied, 10-10 RS: Colts lead series, 29-13 2014—Redskins, 19-17 (W)
PS: Series tied, 1-1 PS: Titans lead series, 1-0; (RS—Titans 249, Redskins 234)
1977—Redskins, 10-0 (TB) See Indianapolis vs. Tennessee *Franchise in Houston prior to 1997;
1982—Redskins, 21-13 (TB) TENNESSEE vs. JACKSONVILLE known as Oilers prior to 1999
1989—Redskins, 32-28 (W) RS: Titans lead series, 23-19
1993—Redskins, 23-17 (TB) PS: Titans lead series, 1-0; WASHINGTON vs. ARIZONA
1994—Buccaneers, 26-21 (TB) See Jacksonville vs. Tennessee RS: Redskins lead series, 74-45-2;
Buccaneers, 17-14 (W) TENNESSEE vs. KANSAS CITY See Arizona vs. Washington
1995—Buccaneers, 14-6 (TB) RS: Chiefs lead series, 27-21 WASHINGTON vs. ATLANTA
1996—Buccaneers, 24-10 (TB) PS: Chiefs lead series, 2-0; RS: Redskins lead series, 14-9-1
1998—Redskins, 20-16 (W) See Kansas City vs. Tennessee PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0;
1999—*Buccaneers, 14-13 (TB) TENNESSEE vs. LOS ANGELES See Atlanta vs. Washington
2000—Redskins, 20-17 (W) OT RS: Rams lead series, 6-5 WASHINGTON vs. BALTIMORE
2003—Buccaneers, 35-13 (W) PS: Rams lead series, 1-0; RS: Ravens lead series, 3-2;
2004—Redskins, 16-10 (W) See Los Angeles vs. Tennessee See Baltimore vs. Washington
2005—Buccaneers, 36-35 (TB) TENNESSEE vs. MIAMI WASHINGTON vs. BUFFALO
**Redskins, 17-10 (TB) RS: Dolphins lead series, 19-15 RS: Bills lead series, 8-5
2006—Buccaneers, 20-17 (TB) PS: Titans lead series, 1-0; PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0;
2007—Buccaneers, 19-13 (TB) See Miami vs. Tennessee See Buffalo vs. Washington
2010—Buccaneers, 17-16 (W) RS: Vikings lead series, 8-4; RS: Redskins lead series, 7-5;
2012—Redskins, 24-22 (TB) See Minnesota vs. Tennessee See Carolina vs. Washington

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 485

RS: Redskins lead series, 21-20-1 RS: Redskins lead series, 7-3;
PS: Redskins lead series, 4-3; See San Diego vs. Washington
See Chicago vs. Washington WASHINGTON vs. SAN FRANCISCO
WASHINGTON vs. CINCINNATI RS: 49ers lead series, 17-9-1
RS: Bengals lead series, 5-4; PS: 49ers lead series, 3-1;
See Cincinnati vs. Washington See San Francisco vs. Washington
RS: Browns lead series, 33-11-1; RS: Redskins lead series, 11-5
See Cleveland vs. Washington PS: Seahawks lead series, 3-0;
WASHINGTON vs. DALLAS See Seattle vs. Washington
RS: Cowboys lead series, 66-42-2 WASHINGTON vs. TAMPA BAY
PS: Redskins lead series, 2-0; RS: Series tied, 10-10
See Dallas vs. Washington PS: Series tied, 1-1;
WASHINGTON vs. DENVER See Tampa Bay vs. Washington
RS: Broncos lead series, 7-5 WASHINGTON vs. TENNESSEE
PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0; RS: Series tied, 6-6;
See Denver vs. Washington See Tennessee vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 27-13
PS: Redskins lead series, 3-0;
See Detroit vs. Washington
RS: Packers lead series, 18-13-1
PS: Packers lead series, 2-1;
See Green Bay vs. Washington
RS: Series tied, 2-2;
See Houston vs. Washington
RS: Colts lead series, 20-10;
See Indianapolis vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 5-1;
See Jacksonville vs. Washington
RS: Chiefs lead series, 8-1;
See Kansas City vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 23-11-1
PS: Series tied, 2-2;
See Los Angeles vs. Washington
RS: Dolphins lead series, 8-4
PS: Series tied, 1-1;
See Miami vs. Washington
RS: Vikings lead series, 10-9
PS: Redskins lead series, 3-2;
See Minnesota vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 6-4;
See New England vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 17-8;
See New Orleans vs. Washington
RS: Giants lead series, 97-65-4
PS: Series tied, 1-1;
See N.Y. Giants vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 8-3;
See N.Y. Jets vs. Washington
RS: Raiders lead series, 7-5
PS: Raiders lead series, 1-0;
See Oakland vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 83-73-5
PS: Redskins lead series, 1-0;
See Philadelphia vs. Washington
RS: Redskins lead series, 42-32-3;
See Pittsburgh vs. Washington

486 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

W L Pct. Pts. OP Super Bowl I — QB Bart Starr, Green Bay
Baltimore Ravens 2 0 1.000 68 38 Super Bowl II — QB Bart Starr, Green Bay
New Orleans Saints 1 0 1.000 31 17 Super Bowl III — QB Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets
New York Jets 1 0 1.000 16 7 Super Bowl IV — QB Len Dawson, Kansas City
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1 0 1.000 48 21 Super Bowl V — LB Chuck Howley, Dallas
San Francisco 49ers 5 1 .833 219 123 Super Bowl VI — QB Roger Staubach, Dallas
Green Bay Packers 4 1 .800 158 101 Super Bowl VII — S Jake Scott, Miami
New York Giants 4 1 .800 104 104 Super Bowl VIII — RB Larry Csonka, Miami
Pittsburgh Steelers 6 2 .750 193 164 Super Bowl IX — RB Franco Harris, Pittsburgh
Dallas Cowboys 5 3 .625 221 132 Super Bowl X — WR Lynn Swann, Pittsburgh
Oakland/L.A. Raiders 3 2 .600 132 114 Super Bowl XI — WR Fred Biletnikoff, Oakland
Washington Redskins 3 2 .600 122 103 Super Bowl XII — DT Randy White and
New England Patriots 4 4 .500 166 210 DE Harvey Martin, Dallas
Indianapolis/Baltimore Colts 2 2 .500 69 77 Super Bowl XIII — QB Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh
Chicago Bears 1 1 .500 63 39 Super Bowl XIV — QB Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh
Kansas City Chiefs 1 1 .500 33 42 Super Bowl XV — QB Jim Plunkett, Oakland
Miami Dolphins 2 3 .400 74 103 Super Bowl XVI — QB Joe Montana, San Francisco
Denver Broncos 3 5 .375 147 259 Super Bowl XVII — RB John Riggins, Washington
St. Louis/L.A. Rams 1 2 .333 59 67 Super Bowl XVIII — RB Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders
Seattle Seahawks 1 2 .333 77 57 Super Bowl XIX — QB Joe Montana, San Francisco
Arizona Cardinals 0 1 .000 23 27 Super Bowl XX — DE Richard Dent, Chicago
Atlanta Falcons 0 1 .000 19 34 Super Bowl XXI — QB Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants
San Diego Chargers 0 1 .000 26 49 Super Bowl XXII — QB Doug Williams, Washington
Tennessee Titans 0 1 .000 16 23 Super Bowl XXIII — WR Jerry Rice, San Francisco
Carolina Panthers 0 2 .000 39 56 Super Bowl XXIV — QB Joe Montana, San Francisco
Cincinnati Bengals 0 2 .000 37 46 Super Bowl XXV — RB Ottis Anderson, N.Y. Giants
Philadelphia Eagles 0 2 .000 31 51 Super Bowl XXVI — QB Mark Rypien, Washington
Buffalo Bills 0 4 .000 73 139 Super Bowl XXVII — QB Troy Aikman, Dallas
Minnesota Vikings 0 4 .000 34 95 Super Bowl XXVIII — RB Emmitt Smith, Dallas
Super Bowl XXIX — QB Steve Young, San Francisco
SUPER BOWL HOST CITIES Super Bowl XXX — CB Larry Brown, Dallas
New Orleans 10 (Superdome 7, Tulane Stadium 3) Super Bowl XXXI — KR-PR Desmond Howard, Green Bay
South Florida 10 (Orange Bowl 5, Dolphins Stadium 5) Super Bowl XXXII — RB Terrell Davis, Denver
Los Angeles 7 (LA Coliseum 2, Rose Bowl 5) Super Bowl XXXIII — QB John Elway, Denver
Tampa Bay 4 (Tampa Stadium 2, Raymond James Stadium 2) Super Bowl XXXIV — QB Kurt Warner, St. Louis
Arizona 3 (Sun Devil Stadium 1, U. of Phoenix Stadium 2) Super Bowl XXXV — LB Ray Lewis, Baltimore
San Diego 3 Super Bowl XXXVI — QB Tom Brady, New England
Atlanta 2 Super Bowl XXXVII — S Dexter Jackson, Tampa Bay
Detroit 2 (Silverdome 1, Ford Field 1) Super Bowl XXXVIII — QB Tom Brady, New England
Houston 2 (Rice Stadium 1, NRG Stadium 1) Super Bowl XXXIX — WR Deion Branch, New England
San Francisco-Bay Area 2 (Stanford Stadium 1, Levi’s Stadium 1) Super Bowl XL — WR Hines Ward, Pittsburgh
New York-New Jersey 1 Super Bowl XLI — QB Peyton Manning, Indianapolis
Indianapolis 1 Super Bowl XLII — QB Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants
Jacksonville 1 Super Bowl XLIII — WR Santonio Holmes, Pittsburgh
Minneapolis 1 Super Bowl XLIV — QB Drew Brees, New Orleans
North Texas 1 Super Bowl XLV — QB Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay
Super Bowl XLVI — QB Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants
FUTURE SUPER BOWL SITES Super Bowl XLVII — QB Joe Flacco, Baltimore
Super Bowl LI February 5, 2017 NRG Stadium Super Bowl XLVIII — LB Malcolm Smith, Seattle
(awarded May 21, 2013) Houston Super Bowl XLIX — QB Tom Brady, New England
Super Bowl 50 — LB Von Miller, Denver
Super Bowl LII February 4, 2018 U.S. Bank Stadium * Award named Pete Rozelle Trophy since Super Bowl XXV.
(awarded May 20, 2014) Minnesota
Super Bowl LIII February 3, 2019* Mercedes-Benz Stadium Quarterback 27
(awarded May 24, 2016) Atlanta Running Back 7
Wide Receiver 6
Super Bowl LIV February 2, 2020* New Miami Stadium Linebacker 4
(awarded May 24, 2016) South Florida Defensive End 2
Safety 2
Super Bowl LV February 7, 2021* New Los Angeles Stadium Cornerback 1
(awarded May 24, 2016) Los Angeles Defensive Tackle 1
Kick Returner-Punt Returner 1
*Tentative date A defensive end and defensive tackle shared the Super Bowl XII
MVP award.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 487


NFC leads AFC, 26-24
Super Bowl Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
50 2-7-16 Denver ($102,000) Carolina ($51,000) 24-10 Santa Clara 71,088
XLIX 2-1-15 New England ($97,000) Seattle ($49,000) 28-24 Arizona 70,288
XLVIII 2-2-14 Seattle ($92,000) Denver ($46,000) 43-8 New York-New Jersey 82,529
XLVII 2-3-13 Baltimore ($88,000) San Francisco ($44,000) 34-31 New Orleans 71,024
XLVI 2-5-12 N.Y. Giants ($88,000) New England ($44,000) 21-17 Indianapolis 68,658
XLV 2-6-11 Green Bay ($83,000) Pittsburgh ($42,000) 31-25 North Texas 91,060
XLIV 2-7-10 New Orleans ($83,000) Indianapolis ($42,000) 31-17 South Florida 74,059
XLIII 2-1-09 Pittsburgh ($78,000) Arizona ($40,000) 27-23 Tampa Bay 70,774
XLII 2-3-08 N.Y. Giants ($78,000) New England ($40,000) 17-14 Arizona 71,101
XLI 2-4-07 Indianapolis ($73,000) Chicago ($38,000) 29-17 South Florida 74,512
XL 2-5-06 Pittsburgh ($73,000) Seattle ($38,000) 21-10 Detroit 68,206
XXXIX 2-6-05 New England ($68,000) Philadelphia ($36,500) 24-21 Jacksonville 78,125
XXXVIII 2-1-04 New England ($68,000) Carolina ($36,500) 32-29 Houston 71,525
* XXXVII 1-26-03 Tampa Bay ($63,000) Oakland ($35,000) 48-21 San Diego 67,603
* XXXVI 2-3-02 New England ($63,000) St. Louis ($34,500) 20-17 New Orleans 72,922
XXXV 1-28-01 Baltimore ($58,000) N.Y. Giants ($34,500) 34-7 Tampa Bay 71,921
* XXXIV 1-30-00 St. Louis ($58,000) Tennessee ($33,000) 23-16 Atlanta 72,625
XXXIII 1-31-99 Denver ($53,000) Atlanta ($32,500) 34-19 South Florida 74,803
XXXII 1-25-98 Denver ($48,000) Green Bay ($29,000) 31-24 San Diego 68,912
XXXI 1-26-97 Green Bay ($48,000) New England ($29,000) 35-21 New Orleans 72,301
XXX 1-28-96 Dallas ($42,000) Pittsburgh ($27,000) 27-17 Arizona 76,347
XXIX 1-29-95 San Francisco ($42,000) San Diego ($26,000) 49-26 South Florida 74,107
* XXVIII 1-30-94 Dallas ($38,000) Buffalo ($23,500) 30-13 Atlanta 72,817
XXVII 1-31-93 Dallas ($36,000) Buffalo ($18,000) 52-17 Pasadena 98,374
XXVI 1-26-92 Washington ($36,000) Buffalo ($18,000) 37-24 Minneapolis 63,130
* XXV 1-27-91 N.Y. Giants ($36,000) Buffalo ($18,000) 20-19 Tampa Bay 73,813
XXIV 1-28-90 San Francisco ($36,000) Denver ($18,000) 55-10 New Orleans 72,919
XXIII 1-22-89 San Francisco ($36,000) Cincinnati ($18,000) 20-16 South Florida 75,129
XXII 1-31-88 Washington ($36,000) Denver ($18,000) 42-10 San Diego 73,302
XXI 1-25-87 N.Y. Giants ($36,000) Denver ($18,000) 39-20 Pasadena 101,063
XX 1-26-86 Chicago ($36,000) New England ($18,000) 46-10 New Orleans 73,818
XIX 1-20-85 San Francisco ($36,000) Miami ($18,000) 38-16 Stanford 84,059
XVIII 1-22-84 L.A. Raiders ($36,000) Washington ($18,000) 38-9 Tampa Bay 72,920
* XVII 1-30-83 Washington ($36,000) Miami ($18,000) 27-17 Pasadena 103,667
XVI 1-24-82 San Francisco ($18,000) Cincinnati ($9,000) 26-21 Pontiac 81,270
XV 1-25-81 Oakland ($18,000) Philadelphia ($9,000) 27-10 New Orleans 76,135
XIV 1-20-80 Pittsburgh ($18,000) Los Angeles ($9,000) 31-19 Pasadena 103,985
XIII 1-21-79 Pittsburgh ($18,000) Dallas ($9,000) 35-31 South Florida 79,484
XII 1-15-78 Dallas ($18,000) Denver ($9,000) 27-10 New Orleans 75,583
XI 1-9-77 Oakland ($15,000) Minnesota ($7,500) 32-14 Pasadena 103,438
X 1-18-76 Pittsburgh ($15,000) Dallas ($7,500) 21-17 South Florida 80,187
IX 1-12-75 Pittsburgh ($15,000) Minnesota ($7,500) 16-6 New Orleans 80,997
VIII 1-13-74 Miami ($15,000) Minnesota ($7,500) 24-7 Houston 71,882
VII 1-14-73 Miami ($15,000) Washington ($7,500) 14-7 Los Angeles 90,182
VI 1-16-72 Dallas ($15,000) Miami ($7,500) 24-3 New Orleans 81,023
V 1-17-71 Baltimore ($15,000) Dallas ($7,500) 16-13 South Florida 79,204
* IV 1-11-70 Kansas City ($15,000) Minnesota ($7,500) 23-7 New Orleans 80,562
III 1-12-69 N.Y. Jets ($15,000) Baltimore ($7,500) 16-7 South Florida 75,389
II 1-14-68 Green Bay ($15,000) Oakland ($7,500) 33-14 South Florida 75,546
I 1-15-67 Green Bay ($15,000) Kansas City ($7,500) 35-10 Los Angeles 61,946
* One week between conference championship games and Super Bowl; all others had two weeks between conference
championship games and Super Bowl.

For historical Super Bowl game recaps, tallied seven sacks and forced four sacked Newton, forced him to fumble,
box scores, and video highlights, please turnovers, while the Panthers’ defense and Malik Jackson fell on the ball in the
visit allowed just 194 yards and permitted just end zone for a touchdown and 10-0 lead.
SUPER BOWL 50 1 first down out of 14 third-down oppor- Early in the second quarter, Newton had
Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara, Calif. tunities, with Kony Ealy registering three scrambles of 11 and 12 yards and con-
February 7, 2016, Attendance: 71,088 sacks and an interception. The Broncos nected with Greg Olsen on a key 19-yard
DENVER 24, CAROLINA 10—Von Miller opened the game with a 10-play, 64-yard pass to set up Jonathan Stewart’s 1-yard
registered 2.5 sacks and forced 2 fumbles drive, capped by Brandon McManus’ 34- scoring run to get on the scoreboard. Jor-
that led to both Denver touchdowns as the yard field goal. After an exchange of dan Norwood’s Super Bowl record 61-
Broncos won the third Super Bowl title in punts, the Panthers faced third-and-10 yard punt return later in the quarter set up
franchise history. The Broncos defense from their own 15-yard line. Von Miller McManus’ second field goal for a 13-7

488 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

lead. Ealy intercepted a pass from Peyton DE—Ryan Delaire. DB—Lou Young. S— Fumbles Lost 3 1
Manning at the Panthers’ 20 to keep the Dean Marlowe. Own Fumbles Recovered 1 2
Panthers within striking distance. Carolina DENVER—Specialists: K—Brandon Opponent Fumbles Recovered 1 3
began the second half by driving to the McManus. P—Britton Colquitt. LS—Aaron Penalties 12 6
Broncos’ 26, but Graham Gano’s 44-yard Brewer. Offense: RB—Ronnie Hillman. Yards Penalized 102 51
field-goal attempt hit the right upright. WR—Andre Caldwell, Bennie Fowler, Cody Field Goals 1 3
Manning responded with passes of 25 Latimer, Jordan Norwood. TE—Virgil Field Goals Attempted 2 3
and 22 yards to Emmanuel Sanders to set Green. C/G—Max Garcia. T—Tyler Polum- Third-Down Efficiency 3/15 1/4
up McManus’ third field goal. T.J. Ward bus. Defense: DE—Antonio Smith, Vance Fourth-Down Efficiency 0/0 0/0
intercepted Newton’s pass later in the Walker. OLB—Shaquil Barrett, Lerentee Time of Possession 32:47 27:13
quarter to maintain the nine-point lead McCray, Shane Ray. ILB—Todd Davis,
entering the fourth quarter. Ealy sacked Corey Nelson. CB—Bradley Roby, Kayvon INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
Manning and recovered the ball at midfield Webster. DB—Shiloh Keo. S—Josh Bush. RUSHING: CAR: Newton 6-45-0, Stewart
early in the fourth quarter, and Gano fin- Did Not Play: QB—Brock Osweiler. C— 12-29-1, Whittaker 4-26-0, Tolbert 5-18-
ished the drive with a 39-yard field goal to James Ferentz. Not Active: QB—Trevor 0. DEN: Anderson 23-90-1, Hillman 5-0-
pull within 16-10 with 10:21 to play. With Siemian. RB—Juwan Thompson. C—Sam 0.
4:51 to play, Carolina started on their own Brenner. G—Robert Myers. NT—Darius PASSING: CAR: Newton 41-18-265-0-1,
24-yard-line. On third-and-9, Miller Kilgo. CB—Lorenzo Doss. DB—Taurean Ginn 0-0-0-0-0. DEN: Manning 23-13-
sacked Newton, forced him to fumble, Nixon. 141-0-1.
and Ward recovered the ball and was RECEIVING: CAR: Brown 4-80-0, Ginn 4-
tackled on the Panthers’ 4 with 4:04 to OFFICIALS 74-0, Olsen 4-41-0, Funches 2-40-0,
play. A defensive holding by Carolina kept Referee—Clete Blakeman. Umpire—Jeff Cotchery 2-17-0, Whittaker 1-14-0,
the ensuing drive alive and C.J. Anderson Rice. Head Linesman—Wayne Mackie. Stewart 1-(-1)-0. DEN: Sanders 6-83-0,
scored on a 2-yard run. Bennie Fowler Line Judge—Rusty Baynes. Side Judge— Anderson 4-10-0, Caldwell 1-22-0,
made the two-point conversion catch and Scott Edwards. Field Judge—Boris Daniels 1-18-0, Thomas 1-8-0.
Denver had a 24-10 lead with 3:08 Cheek. Back Judge—Keith Ferguson. KICKOFF RETURNS: CAR: Webb 1-24-0,
remaining. Manning was 13 of 23 for 141 Replay Official—Charles Stewart. Whittaker 1-18-0. DEN Caldwell 2-42-0.
yards, with 1 interception. Newton was 18 PUNT RETURNS: CAR: Ginn 3-2-0. DEN:
of 41 for 265 yards, with 1 interception. SCORING Norwood 1-61-0.
Carolina (10) Denver (24) Carolina (NFC) 0 7 0 3 — 10 PUNTING: CAR: Nortman 7-315-45.0.
Offense Denver (AFC) 10 3 3 8 — 24 DEN: Colquitt 8-367-45.9.
Daryl Williams OL/WR Demaryius Thomas Den — FG McManus 34 (4:17) INTERCEPTIONS: CAR: Ealy 1-19-0.
Michael Oher LT Ryan Harris Den — Jackson fumble recovery in DEN: Ward 1-(-3)-0.
Andrew Norwell LG Evan Mathis end zone (McManus kick) SACKS: CAR: Ealy 3, Johnson 1, Kuechly
Ryan Kalil C Matt Paradis (8:33) 1. DEN: Miller 2.5, Ware 2, C. Harris 1,
Trai Turner RG Louis Vasquez Car — Stewart 1 run (Gano kick) Stewart 1, Wolfe 0.5.
Mike Remmers RT Michael Scholield (3:35)
Greg Olsen TE Owen Daniels Den — FG McManus 33 (8:02)
Devin Funchess WR Emmanuel Sanders Den — FG McManus 30 (6:42)
Cam Newton QB Peyton Manning Car — FG Gano 39 (4:39)
Ed Dickson TE Vernon Davis Den — Anderson 2 run
Jonathan Stewart RB C.J. Anderson (Fowler pass from Manning)
Defense (11:52)
Charles Johnson LDE/DE Derek Wolfe
Star Lotulelei LDT/NT Sylvester Williams TEAM STATISTICS CAR DEN
Kawann Short RDT/DE Malik Jackson Total First Downs 21 11
Jared Allen RDE/SLB Von Miller Rushing 8 4
Shaq Thompson SLB/WLB DeMarcus Ware Passing 10 5
Luke Kuechly MLB/ILB Brandon Marshall Penalty 3 2
Thomas Davis WLB/ILB Danny Trevathan Total Net Yardage 315 194
Robert McClain LCB Aqib Talib Total Offensive Plays 75 56
Josh Norman RCB Chris Harris Jr. Avg. Gain Per Offensive Play 4.2 3.5
Roman Harper SS T.J. Ward Rushes 27 28
Kurt Coleman FS Darian Stewart Yards Gained Rushing (Net) 118 90
Avg. Yards per Rush 4.4 3.2
SUBSTITUTIONS Passes Attempted 41 23
CAROLINA—Specialists: K—Graham Passes Completed 18 13
Gano. P—Brad Nortman. LS—J.J. Jansen. Had Intercepted 1 1
Offense: QB—Joe Webb. RB—Fozzy Whit- Tackled Attempting to Pass 7 5
taker. FB—Mike Tolbert. WR—Corey Yards Lost Attempting to Pass 68 37
Brown, Jerricho Cotchery, Ted Ginn. TE— Yards Gained Passing (Net) 197 104
Scott Simonson. G—Chris Scott, Fernando Punts 7 8
Velasco. Defense: DE—Mario Addison, Avg. Distance 45.0 45.9
Kony Ealy. DT—Dwan Edwards, Kyle Love. Punt Returns 3 1
LB—Ben Jacobs, A.J. Klein, David Mayo. Punt Return Yardage 2 61
CB—Cortland Finnegan, Teddy Williams. Kickoff Returns 2 2
S—Tre Boston, Colin Jones. Did Not Play: Kickoff Return Yardage 42 42
QB—Derek Anderson. Not Active: RB— Interception Return Yardage 19 -3
Cameron Artis-Payne, Brandon Wegher. Total Return Yardage (excl. Kickoff) 21 58
WR—Brenton Bersin, Kevin Norwood. Fumbles 4 3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 489



Includes AFL Championship Games (1960-69)
Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 24 Denver ($46,000) New England ($46,000) 20-18 Denver 77,112
2014 Jan. 18 New England ($44,000) Indianapolis ($44,000) 45-7 Foxborough 68,756
2013 Jan. 19 Denver ($42,000) New England ($42,000) 26-16 Denver 77,110
2012 Jan. 20 Baltimore ($40,000) New England ($40,000) 28-13 Foxborough 68,756
2011 Jan. 22 New England ($40,000) Baltimore ($40,000) 23-20 Foxborough 68,756
2010 Jan. 23 Pittsburgh ($38,000) N.Y. Jets ($38,000) 24-19 Pittsburgh 66,662
2009 Jan. 24 Indianapolis ($38,000) N.Y. Jets ($38,000) 30-17 Indianapolis 67,650
2008 Jan. 18 Pittsburgh ($37,500) Baltimore ($37,500) 23-14 Pittsburgh 65,350
2007 Jan. 20 New England ($37,500) San Diego ($37,500) 21-12 Foxborough 68,756
2006 Jan. 21 Indianapolis ($37,000) New England ($37,000) 38-34 Indianapolis 57,433
2005 Jan. 22 Pittsburgh ($37,000) Denver ($37,000) 34-17 Denver 76,775
2004 Jan. 23 New England ($36,500) Pittsburgh ($36,500) 41-27 Pittsburgh 65,242
2003 Jan. 18 New England ($36,500) Indianapolis ($36,500) 24-14 Foxborough 68,436
2002 Jan. 19 Oakland ($35,000) Tennessee ($35,000) 41-24 Oakland 62,544
2001 Jan. 27 New England ($34,500) Pittsburgh ($34,500) 24-17 Pittsburgh 64,704
2000 Jan. 14 Baltimore ($34,500) Oakland ($34,500) 16-3 Oakland 62,784
1999 Jan. 23 Tennessee ($33,000) Jacksonville ($33,000) 33-14 Jacksonville 75,206
1998 Jan. 17 Denver ($32,500) N.Y. Jets ($32,500) 23-10 Denver 75,482
1997 Jan. 11 Denver ($30,000) Pittsburgh ($30,000) 24-21 Pittsburgh 61,382
1996 Jan. 12 New England ($29,000) Jacksonville ($29,000) 20-6 Foxborough 60,190
1995 Jan. 14 Pittsburgh ($27,000) Indianapolis ($27,000) 20-16 Pittsburgh 61,062
1994 Jan. 15 San Diego ($26,000) Pittsburgh ($26,000) 17-13 Pittsburgh 61,545
1993 Jan. 23 Buffalo ($23,500) Kansas City ($23,500) 30-13 Buffalo 76,642
1992 Jan. 17 Buffalo ($18,000) Miami ($18,000) 29-10 Miami 72,703
1991 Jan. 12 Buffalo ($18,000) Denver ($18,000) 10-7 Buffalo 80,272
1990 Jan. 20 Buffalo ($18,000) L.A. Raiders ($18,000) 51-3 Buffalo 80,325
1989 Jan. 14 Denver ($18,000) Cleveland ($18,000) 37-21 Denver 76,046
1988 Jan. 8 Cincinnati ($18,000) Buffalo ($18,000) 21-10 Cincinnati 59,747
1987 Jan. 17 Denver ($18,000) Cleveland ($18,000) 38-33 Denver 76,197
1986 Jan. 11 Denver ($18,000) Cleveland ($18,000) 23-20* Cleveland 79,973
1985 Jan. 12 New England ($18,000) Miami ($18,000) 31-14 Miami 75,662
1984 Jan. 6 Miami ($18,000) Pittsburgh ($18,000) 45-28 Miami 76,029
1983 Jan. 8 L.A. Raiders ($18,000) Seattle ($18,000) 30-14 Los Angeles 91,445
1982 Jan. 23 Miami ($18,000) N.Y. Jets ($18,000) 14-0 Miami 67,396
1981 Jan. 10 Cincinnati ($9,000) San Diego ($9,000) 27-7 Cincinnati 46,302
1980 Jan. 11 Oakland ($9,000) San Diego ($9,000) 34-27 San Diego 52,675
1979 Jan. 6 Pittsburgh ($9,000) Houston ($9,000) 27-13 Pittsburgh 50,475
1978 Jan. 7 Pittsburgh ($9,000) Houston ($9,000) 34-5 Pittsburgh 50,725
1977 Jan. 1 Denver ($9,000) Oakland ($9,000) 20-17 Denver 75,044
1976 Dec. 26 Oakland ($8,500) Pittsburgh ($5,500) 24-7 Oakland 53,821
1975 Jan. 4 Pittsburgh ($8,500) Oakland ($5,500) 16-10 Pittsburgh 50,609
1974 Dec. 29 Pittsburgh ($8,500) Oakland ($5,500) 24-13 Oakland 53,800
1973 Dec. 30 Miami ($8,500) Oakland ($5,500) 27-10 Miami 79,325
1972 Dec. 31 Miami ($8,500) Pittsburgh ($5,500) 21-17 Pittsburgh 50,845
1971 Jan. 2 Miami ($8,500) Baltimore ($5,500) 21-0 Miami 76,622
1970 Jan. 3 Baltimore ($8,500) Oakland ($5,500) 27-17 Baltimore 54,799
1969 Jan. 4 Kansas City ($7,755) Oakland ($6,252) 17-7 Oakland 53,564
1968 Dec. 29 N.Y. Jets ($7,007) Oakland ($5,349) 27-23 New York 62,627
1967 Dec. 31 Oakland ($6,321) Houston ($4,996) 40-7 Oakland 53,330
1966 Jan. 1 Kansas City ($5,309) Buffalo ($3,799) 31-7 Buffalo 42,080
1965 Dec. 26 Buffalo ($5,189) San Diego ($3,447) 23-0 San Diego 30,361
1964 Dec. 26 Buffalo ($2,668) San Diego ($1,738) 20-7 Buffalo 40,242
1963 Jan. 5 San Diego ($2,498) Boston ($1,596) 51-10 San Diego 30,127
1962 Dec. 23 Dallas ($2,206) Houston ($1,471) 20-17* Houston 37,981
1961 Dec. 24 Houston ($1,792) San Diego ($1,111) 10-3 San Diego 29,556
1960 Jan. 1 Houston ($1,025) L.A. Chargers ($718) 24-16 Houston 32,183

AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME COMPOSITE STANDINGS San Diego Chargers*** 2 7 .222 140 182
W L Pct. Pts. OP Seattle Seahawks 0 1 .000 14 30
Cincinnati Bengals 2 0 1.000 48 17 Jacksonville Jaguars 0 2 .000 20 53
Denver Broncos 8 2 .800 235 200 Cleveland Browns 0 3 .000 74 98
Buffalo Bills 6 2 .750 180 92 * One game played when franchise was in Dallas (Texans)
Kansas City Chiefs* 3 1 .750 81 61 (Won 20-17)
Miami Dolphins 5 2 .714 152 115 ** One game played when franchise was in Boston (Lost 51-10)
New England Patriots** 8 5 .613 320 280 *** One game played when franchise was in Los Angeles (Lost 24-16)
Pittsburgh Steelers 8 8 .500 350 323 # Two games played when franchise was in Baltimore
Baltimore Ravens 2 2 .500 78 62 (Won 27-17, lost 21-0)
Indianapolis Colts# 3 4 .429 132 178 ## Six games played when franchise was in Houston and known
Tennessee Titans## 3 5 .375 133 195 as Oilers (Won 2, lost 4)
Oakland Raiders### 5 9 .357 272 304 ### Two games played when franchise was in Los Angeles
New York Jets 1 4 .200 73 114 (Won 30-14, lost 51-3)

490 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2015 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Colquitt. LS—Aaron Brewer. Offense: RB—C.J. Anderson. WR—
Sports Authority Field at Mile High, Denver, Colorado Andrew Caldwell, Bennie Fowler, Cody Latimer, Jordan Norwood.
January 24, 2016, Attendance: 77,112 TE—Vernon Davis. C—James Ferentz. C/G—Max Garcia. T—Tyler
DENVER 20, NEW ENGLAND 18—Bradley Roby intercepted a Polumbus. Defense: DE—Antonio Smith, Vance Walker. OLB—
2-point conversion pass attempt with 12 seconds remaining as Shaquil Barrett, Lerentee McCray, Shane Ray. ILB—Todd Davis,
the Broncos advanced to the Super Bowl for the second time in Corey Nelson. CB—Bradley Roby, Kayvon Webster. DB—Shiloh
three years. The Broncos drove 83 yards for a touchdown on Keo. S—Josh Bush. Did Not Play: QB—Brock Osweiler. Not Active:
their first possession, capped by Peyton Manning’s 21-yard QB—Trevor Siemian. RB—Juwan Thompson. C—Sam Brenner.
touchdown pass to Owen Daniels. Late in the first quarter G—Robert Myers. NT—Darius Kilgo. CB—Lorenzo Doss. DB—
Jonathan Freeny recovered a Manning lateral at the Broncos’ 22 Taurean Nixon.
yard-line. Steven Jackson scored a few plays later, but Stephen OFFICIALS
Gostkowski missed the extra point. Early in the second quarter Referee—Ed Hochuli. Umpire—Richard Hall.
Von Miller intercepted a pass and returned it four yards to the Head Linesman—Mark Hittner. Line Judge—Carl Johnson.
Patriots’ 16. Three plays later Manning again connected with Side Judge—Allen Baynes. Field Judge—Dyrol Prioleau.
Daniels, this time from 12 yards, to take a 14-6 lead. The Patri- Back Judge—Tony Steratore. Replay Official—Bob McGrath.
ots responded with a field goal, but Brandon McManus made a SCORING
52-yard field goal just before halftime for a 17-9 lead. New Eng- New England 6 3 3 6 — 18
land forced a three-and-out to begin the second half, and a 31- Denver 7 10 0 3 — 20
yard pass from Tom Brady to Rob Gronkowski set up Gostkows- Den — Daniels 21 pass from Manning (McManus kick)
ki’s 38-yard field goal that cut the deficit to 17-12. Early in the NE — Jackson 1 run (kick failed)
fourth quarter, a 30-yard run by C.J. Anderson on third-and-1 led Den — Daniels 12 pass from Manning (McManus kick)
to McManus’ second field goal and a 20-12 lead with 10:02 to NE — FG Gostkowski 46
play. The Patriots drove to the Broncos’ 9-yard line with 2:30 to Den — FG McManus 52
play, but a false start penalty on third-and-1 forced New England NE — FG Gostkowski 38
into a pair of passes on third-and fourth-down, both of which fell Den — FG McManus 31
incomplete. The Patriots’ defense did force a three-and-out and a NE — Gronkowski 4 pass from Brady (pass failed)
16-yard punt return by Julian Edelman gave Brady the ball at mid- TEAM STATISTICS NE DEN
field with 1:52 to play. After three incompletions Brady complet- Total First Downs 20 12
ed a 40-yard pass to Gronkowski with 57 seconds left. On Rushing 3 2
fourth-and-goal from the 4-yard line Brady tossed a touchdown Passing 13 9
pass to Gronkowski with 12 seconds remaining. However, Roby Penalty 4 1
intercepted the 2-point conversion attempt and Shiloh Keo recov- Total Net Yardage 336 244
ered the onside kick to seal the victory. Manning was 17 of 32 for Total Offensive Plays 77 65
176 yards and 2 touchdowns. Brady was 27 of 56 for 310 yards Average Gain Per Offensive Play 4.4 3.8
and 1 touchdown, with 2 interceptions. Gronkowski had 8 recep- Rushes 17 30
tions for 144 yards and 1 touchdown. Yards Gained Rushing (Net) 44 99
New England (18) Offense Denver (20) Average Yards per Rush 2.6 3.3
Danny Amendola WR Demaryius Thomas Passes Attempted 56 32
Sebastian Vollmer LT Ryan Harris Passes Completed 27 17
Josh Kline LG Evan Mathis Had Intercepted 2 0
Bryan Stork C Matt Paradis Tackled Attempting to Pass 4 3
Shaquille Mason RG Louis Vasquez Yards Lost Attempting to Pass 18 31
Marcus Cannon RT Michael Scholield Yards Gained Passing (Net) 292 145
Rob Gronkowski TE Owen Daniels Punts 6 9
Julian Edelman WR Emmanuel Sanders Average Distance 46.8 47.0
Tom Brady QB Peyton Manning Punt Returns 4 3
James White RB Ronnie Hillman Punt Return Yardage 48 21
Michael Williams TE Virgil Green Kickoff Returns 1 1
Defense Kickoff Return Yardage 19 3
Rob Ninkovich LE/DE Derek Wolfe Interception Return Yardage 0 12
Alan Branch DT/NT Sylvester Williams Total Return Yardage (not incl. kickoffs) 48 33
Malcom Brown DT/DE Malik Jackson Fumbles 1 1
Chandler Jones RE/SLB Von Miller Fumbles Lost 0 1
Jamie Collins LB/WLB DeMarcus Ware Own Fumbles Recovered 1 0
Dont’a Hightower LB/ILB Brandon Marshall Opponent Fumbles Recovered 1 0
Duron Harmon DB/ILB Danny Trevathan Penalties 7 7
Malcolm Butler LCB Aqib Talib Yards Penalized 53 51
Logan Ryan RCB Chris Harris Jr. Field Goals 2 2
Patrick Chung S/SS T.J. Ward Field Goals Attempted 2 2
Devin McCourty S/FS Darian Stewart Third-Down Efficiency 2/15 6/17
Fourth-Down Efficiency 2/4 0/0
SUBSTITUTIONS Time of Possession 30:12 29:48
NEW ENGLAND—Specialists: K—Stephen Gostkowski. P—Ryan INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
Allen. LS—Joe Cardona. Offense: RB—Brandon Bolden, Steven RUSHING: NE: Brady 3-13-0, Bolden 5-12-0, White 5-11-0,
Jackson. WR—Brandon LaFell, Keshawn Martin, Matthew Slater. Jackson 4-8-1. DEN: Anderson 16-72-0, Hillman 11-16-0,
TE—Scott Chandler. C—David Andrews. OL—Cameron Fleming. Manning 3-11-0.
Defense: DL—Akiem Hicks, Jabaal Sheard, Sealver Siliga. LB— PASSING: NE: Brady 56-27-310-1-2.
Darius Fleming, Jonathan Freeny. OLB—Dekoda Watson. DB— DEN: Manning 32-17-176-2-0.
Justin Coleman, Nate Ebner, Brandon King. Did Not Play: QB— RECEIVING: NE: Gronkowski 8-144-1, Edelman 7-53-0, White 5-
Jimmy Garoppolo. LB—Kxxx Snyder. DB—Leonard Johnson. Not 45-0, Amendola 5-39-0, Bolden 2-29-0. DEN: Sanders 5-62-0,
Active: WR—Chris Harper. G—Tre’ Jackson. OL—LaAdrian Wad- Daniels 2-33-2, Anderson 3-18-0, Norwood 2-16-0, Caldwell 1-
dle. NT—Ishmaaa’ily Kitchen. DL—Geneo Grissom. LB—Jon 15-0, Latimer 1-13-0, Thomas 2-12-0, Hillman 1-7-0.
Bostic. DB—Tavon Wilson. KICKOFF RETURNS: NE: Martin 1-19-0. DEN: Keo 1-3-0.
DENVER—Specialists: K—Brandon McManus. P—Britton PUNT RETURNS: NE: Amendola 3-10-0, Edelman 1-16-0..

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 491

DEN: Norwood 3-7-0. SACKS: NE: Collins 2, Branch 1.
PUNTING: NE: Allen 6-280-46.8. DEN: Colquitt 9-423-47.0. DEN: Miller 2.5, Wolfe 1, Ware 0.5..
INTERCEPTIONS: NE: None. DEN: Stewart 1-8-0, Miller 1-4-0.


Includes NFL Championship Games (1933-1969)
Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 24 Carolina ($46,000) Arizona ($46,000) 49-15 Charlotte 74,294
2014 Jan. 18 Seattle ($44,000) Green Bay ($44,000) 28-22* Seattle 68,538
2013 Jan. 19 Seattle ($42,000) San Francisco ($42,000) 23-17 Seattle 68,454
2012 Jan. 20 San Francisco ($40,000) Atlanta ($40,000) 28-24 Atlanta 70,863
2011 Jan. 22 N.Y. Giants ($40,000 San Francisco ($40,000) 20-17* San Francisco 69,732
2010 Jan. 23 Green Bay ($38,000) Chicago ($38,000) 21-14 Chicago 62,377
2009 Jan. 24 New Orleans ($38,000) Minnesota ($38,000) 31-28* New Orleans 71,276
2008 Jan. 18 Arizona ($37,500) Philadelphia ($37,500) 32-25 Glendale 70,650
2007 Jan. 20 N.Y. Giants ($37,500) Green Bay ($37,500) 23-20* Green Bay 72,740
2006 Jan. 21 Chicago ($37,000) New Orleans ($37,000) 39-14 Chicago 61,817
2005 Jan. 22 Seattle ($37,000) Carolina ($37,000) 34-14 Seattle 67,837
2004 Jan. 23 Philadelphia ($36,500) Atlanta ($36,500) 27-10 Philadelphia 67,717
2003 Jan. 18 Carolina ($36,500) Philadelphia ($36,500) 14-3 Philadelphia 67,862
2002 Jan. 19 Tampa Bay ($35,000) Philadelphia ($35,000) 27-10 Philadelphia 66,713
2001 Jan. 27 St. Louis ($34,500) Philadelphia ($34,500) 29-24 St. Louis 66,502
2000 Jan. 14 N.Y. Giants ($34,500) Minnesota ($34,500) 41-0 East Rutherford 79,310
1999 Jan. 23 St. Louis ($33,000) Tampa Bay ($33,000) 11-6 St. Louis 66,396
1998 Jan. 17 Atlanta ($32,500) Minnesota ($32,500) 30-27* Minneapolis 64,060
1997 Jan. 11 Green Bay ($30,000) San Francisco ($30,000) 23-10 San Francisco 68,987
1996 Jan. 12 Green Bay ($29,000) Carolina ($29,000) 30-13 Green Bay 60,216
1995 Jan. 14 Dallas ($27,000) Green Bay ($27,000) 38-27 Dallas 65,135
1994 Jan. 15 San Francisco ($26,000) Dallas ($26,000) 38-28 San Francisco 69,125
1993 Jan. 23 Dallas ($23,500) San Francisco ($23,500) 38-21 Dallas 64,902
1992 Jan. 17 Dallas ($18,000) San Francisco ($18,000) 30-20 San Francisco 64,920
1991 Jan. 12 Washington ($18,000) Detroit ($18,000) 41-10 Washington 55,585
1990 Jan. 20 N.Y. Giants ($18,000) San Francisco ($18,000) 15-13 San Francisco 65,750
1989 Jan. 14 San Francisco ($18,000) L.A. Rams ($18,000) 30-3 San Francisco 65,634
1988 Jan. 8 San Francisco ($18,000) Chicago ($18,000) 28-3 Chicago 66,946
1987 Jan. 17 Washington ($18,000) Minnesota ($18,000) 17-10 Washington 55,212
1986 Jan. 11 New York Giants ($18,000) Washington ($18,000) 17-0 East Rutherford 76,891
1985 Jan. 12 Chicago ($18,000) L.A. Rams ($18,000) 24-0 Chicago 66,030
1984 Jan. 6 San Francisco ($18,000) Chicago ($18,000) 23-0 San Francisco 61,336
1983 Jan. 8 Washington ($18,000) San Francisco ($18,000) 24-21 Washington 55,363
1982 Jan. 22 Washington ($18,000) Dallas ($18,000) 31-17 Washington 55,045
1981 Jan. 10 San Francisco ($9,000) Dallas ($9,000) 28-27 San Francisco 60,525
1980 Jan. 11 Philadelphia ($9,000) Dallas ($9,000) 20-7 Philadelphia 71,522
1979 Jan. 6 Los Angeles ($9,000) Tampa Bay ($9,000) 9-0 Tampa 72,033
1978 Jan. 7 Dallas ($9,000) Los Angeles ($9,000) 28-0 Los Angeles 71,086
1977 Jan. 1 Dallas ($9,000) Minnesota ($9,000) 23-6 Dallas 64,293
1976 Dec. 26 Minnesota ($8,500) Los Angeles ($5,500) 24-13 Minneapolis 48,379
1975 Jan. 4 Dallas ($8,500) Los Angeles ($5,500) 37-7 Los Angeles 88,919
1974 Dec. 29 Minnesota ($8,500) Los Angeles ($5,500) 14-10 Minneapolis 48,444
1973 Dec. 30 Minnesota ($8,500) Dallas ($5,500) 27-10 Dallas 64,422
1972 Dec. 31 Washington ($8,500) Dallas ($5,500) 26-3 Washington 53,129
1971 Jan. 2 Dallas ($8,500) San Francisco ($5,500) 14-3 Dallas 63,409
1970 Jan. 3 Dallas ($8,500) San Francisco ($5,500) 17-10 San Francisco 59,364
1969 Jan. 4 Minnesota ($7,930) Cleveland ($5,118) 27-7 Minneapolis 46,503
1968 Dec. 29 Baltimore ($9,306) Cleveland ($5,963) 34-0 Cleveland 78,410
1967 Dec. 31 Green Bay ($7,950) Dallas ($5,299) 21-17 Green Bay 50,861
1966 Jan. 1 Green Bay ($9,813) Dallas ($6,527) 34-27 Dallas 74,152
1965 Jan. 2 Green Bay ($7,819) Cleveland ($5,288) 23-12 Green Bay 50,777
1964 Dec. 27 Cleveland ($8,052) Baltimore ($5,571) 27-0 Cleveland 79,544
1963 Dec. 29 Chicago ($5,899) New York ($4,218) 14-10 Chicago 45,801
1962 Dec. 30 Green Bay ($5,888) New York ($4,166) 16-7 New York 64,892
1961 Dec. 31 Green Bay ($5,195) New York ($3,339) 37-0 Green Bay 39,029
1960 Dec. 26 Philadelphia ($5,116) Green Bay ($3,105) 17-13 Philadelphia 67,325
1959 Dec. 27 Baltimore ($4,674) New York ($3,083) 31-16 Baltimore 57,545
1958 Dec. 28 Baltimore ($4,718) New York ($3,111) 23-17* New York 64,185
1957 Dec. 29 Detroit ($4,295) Cleveland ($2,750) 59-14 Detroit 55,263
1956 Dec. 30 New York ($3,779) Chi. Bears ($2,485) 47-7 New York 56,836
1955 Dec. 26 Cleveland ($3,508) Los Angeles ($2,316) 38-14 Los Angeles 85,693
1954 Dec. 26 Cleveland ($2,478) Detroit ($1,585) 56-10 Cleveland 43,827
1953 Dec. 27 Detroit ($2,424) Cleveland ($1,654) 17-16 Detroit 54,577
1952 Dec. 28 Detroit ($2,274) Cleveland ($1,712) 17-7 Cleveland 50,934
1951 Dec. 23 Los Angeles ($2,108) Cleveland ($1,483) 24-17 Los Angeles 57,522
1950 Dec. 24 Cleveland ($1,113) Los Angeles ($686) 30-28 Cleveland 29,751
1949 Dec. 18 Philadelphia ($1,094) Los Angeles ($739) 14-0 Los Angeles 27,980

492 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance

1948 Dec. 19 Philadelphia ($1,540) Chi. Cardinals ($874) 7-0 Philadelphia 36,309
1947 Dec. 28 Chi. Cardinals ($1,132) Philadelphia ($754) 28-21 Chicago 30,759
1946 Dec. 15 Chi. Bears ($1,975) New York ($1,295) 24-14 New York 58,346
1945 Dec. 16 Cleveland ($1,469) Washington ($902) 15-14 Cleveland 32,178
1944 Dec. 17 Green Bay ($1,449) New York ($814) 14-7 New York 46,016
1943 Dec. 26 Chi. Bears ($1,146) Washington ($765) 41-21 Chicago 34,320
1942 Dec. 13 Washington ($965) Chi. Bears ($637) 14-6 Washington 36,006
1941 Dec. 21 Chi. Bears ($430) New York ($288) 37-9 Chicago 13,341
1940 Dec. 8 Chi. Bears ($873) Washington ($606) 73-0 Washington 36,034
1939 Dec. 10 Green Bay ($703.97) New York ($455.57) 27-0 Milwaukee 32,279
1938 Dec. 11 New York ($504.45) Green Bay ($368.81) 23-17 New York 48,120
1937 Dec. 12 Washington ($225.90) Chi. Bears ($127.78) 28-21 Chicago 15,870
1936 Dec. 13 Green Bay ($250) Boston ($180) 21-6 New York 29,545
1935 Dec. 15 Detroit ($313.35) New York ($200.20) 26-7 Detroit 15,000
1934 Dec. 9 New York ($621) Chi. Bears ($414.02) 30-13 New York 35,059
1933 Dec. 17 Chi. Bears ($210.34) New York ($140.22) 23-21 Chicago 26,000

NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME COMPOSITE STANDINGS play from scrimmage Luke Kuechly intercepted Palmer and
W L Pct. Pts. OP returned the ball 22 yards for a touchdown and 49-15 lead. New-
Seattle Seahawks 3 0 1.000 85 53 ton was 19 of 28 for 335 yards and 2 touchdown passes and
Baltimore Colts 3 1 .750 88 60 added two rushing scores. Brown had 4 receptions for 113 yards
Green Bay Packers 11 5 .688 366 242 and 1 touchdown, and Olsen had 6 catches, also for 113 yards.
Detroit Lions 4 2 .667 139 141 Palmer was 23 of 40 for 235 yards and 1 touchdown, with 4 inter-
Washington Redskins* 7 5 .583 222 255 ceptions.
Chicago Bears 8 7 .533 339 280 Arizona (15) Offense Carolina (49)
Arizona Cardinals** 2 2 .500 75 102 Larry Fitzgerald WR Devin Funchess
Carolina Panthers 2 2 .500 90 82 Jared Veldheer LT Michael Oher
Dallas Cowboys 8 8 .500 361 319 Mike Iupati LG Andrew Norwell
Philadelphia Eagles 5 5 .500 168 160 Lyle Sendlein C Ryan Kalil
Atlanta Falcons 1 2 .333 64 82 Ted Larsen RG Trai Turner
New Orleans Saints 1 1 .500 45 67 Bobby Massie RT Mike Remmers
Minnesota Vikings 4 5 .444 163 182 John Brown WR/TE Greg Olsen
New York Giants 8 11 .421 324 359 Michael Floyd WR Corey Brown
San Francisco 49ers 6 9 .400 307 289 Carson Palmer QB Cam Newton
Cleveland Browns 4 7 .364 224 253 Jaron Brown WR Jerricho Cotchery
St. Louis Rams*** 5 9 .357 163 300 David Johnson RB Jonathan Stewart
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1 2 .333 33 30 Defense
*One game played when franchise was in Boston (Lost 21-6) Calais Campbell DT/DE Charles Johnson
**Both games played when franchise was in Chicago Josh Mauro NT Star Lotulelei
(Won 28-21, lost 7-0) Frostee Rucker DT/DE Kawann Short
***One game played when franchise was in Cleveland (Won Markus Golden SAM/SLB Kony Ealy
15-14), and 11 games when franchise was in Los Angeles Deone Bucannon SLB/WLB Shaq Thompson
(Won 2, lost 9, scored 108 points, allowed 256 points). Kevin Minter ILB/ILB Luke Kuechly
Justin Bethel CB/ILB Thomas Davis
2015 NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Patrick Peterson LCB Robert McClain
Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte, North Carolina Jerraud Powers RCB Josh Norman
January 24, 2016, Attendance: 74,294 Rashad Johnson SS Roman Harper
CAROLINA 49, ARIZONA 15—Cam Newton passed for 335 Tony Jefferson FS Kurt Coleman
yards and 2 touchdowns, and ran for two additional touchdowns, SUBSTITUTIONS
and the Panthers’ defense forced seven turnovers, as Carolina ARIZONA—Specialists: K—Chandler Catanzaro. P—Drew Butler.
won its second NFC championship. The Panthers began the game LS—Mike Leach. Offense: RB—Andre Ellington, Stepfan Taylor.
with a Graham Gano field goal. The defense then forced a punt, WR—Brittan Golden, J.J. Nelson. TE—Daren Fells, Jermaine Gre-
Ted Ginn Jr. returned the punt 32 yards and Ginn ended the drive sham. G—Jonathan Cooper. T—Bradley Sowell. Defense: DT—
with a 22-yard end around for a touchdown and 10-0 lead. Fol- Red Bryant, Rodney Gunter, Ed Stinson. OLB—Dwight Freeney,
lowing another punt, on third-and-8, Newton completed a deep Alani Fua, Kareem Martin, Sean Weatherspoon. CB—Chris CLemo-
pass to Corey Brown for an 86-yard touchdown and 17-0 advan- jns, D.J. Swearinger. Did Not Play: QB—Drew Stanton. C/G—A.Q.
tage. The Cardinals got on the board in the middle of the second Shipley. Not Active: QB—Matt Barkley. RB—Kerwynn Williams.
quarter as J.J. Nelson had two key receptions that led to David T—D.J. Humphries. NT—Xavier Williams. LB—Jason Babin, Shaq
Johnson’s 1-yard touchdown run. Jonathan Stewart had runs of Riddick. CB—Corey White.
17 and 23 yards later in the second quarter to set up a 1-yard CAROLINA—Specialists: K—Graham Gano. P—Brad Nortman.
sneak by Newton for a 24-7 lead. The Panthers then held the ball LS—J.J. Jansen. Offense: QB—Derek Anderson, Joe Webb. RB—
for more than seven minutes to begin the second half and capped Fozzy Whittaker. FB—Mike Tolbert. WR—Ted Ginn. TE—Ed Dick-
the drive with Gano’s second field goal. The defense then forced son, Scott Simonson. G—Chris Scott, Fernando Velasco. T—Daryl
a three-and-out and Newton concluded the 79-yard drive with a Williams. Defense: DE—Mario Addison, Ryan Delaire. DT—Dwan
12-yard run for a 34-7 lead. Carson Palmer engineered an 80- Edwards, Kyle Love. LB—Ben Jacobs, A.J. Klein, David Mayo.
yard touchdown drive to pull within 34-15. The Cardinals forced a CB—Cortland Finnegan, Teddy Williams. S—Tre Boston, Colin
punt, and then drove to the Panthers’ 44. Palmer lofted a deep Jones. Not Active: RB—Cameron Artis-Payne, Brandon Wegher.
pass that Kurt Coleman intercepted at the 1-yard line. Newton WR—Brenton Bersin, Kevin Norwood. DE—Jared Allen. DB—Lou
completed a 54-yard pass to Greg Olsen on third down that led to Young. S—Dean Marlowe.
his 5-yard touchdown pass to Devin Funchess. Mike Tolbert con- OFFICIALS
verted the 2-point conversion with 5:26 to play, and on the next Referee—Bill Vinovich. Umpire—Dan Ferrell Head Linesman—

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 493

Kent Payne. Line Judge—Byron Boston. Side Judge—Joe Lar- Punt Return Yardage 2 38
rew. Field Judge—Steve Zimmer. Back Judge—Terrence Miles. Kickoff Returns 2 1
Reply Official—Larry Nemmers. Kickoff Return Yardage 45 19
SCORING Interception Return Yardage 1 4
Arizona 0 7 0 8 — 15 Total Return Yardage (excluding Kickoffs) 72 27
Carolina 17 7 10 15 — 49 Fumbles 3 0
Car — FG Gano 45 Fumbles Lost 3 0
Car — Ginn 22 run (Gano kick) Own Fumbles Recovered 0 0
Car — Brown 86 yard pass from Newton (Gano kick) Opponent Fumbles Recovered 0 3
Ariz — D. Johnson 1 run (Catanzaro kick) Penalties 8 5
Car — Newton 1 run (Gano kick) Yards Penalized 51 45
Car — FG Gano 21 Field Goals 0 2
Car — Newton 12 run (Gano kick) Field Goals Attempted 0 2
Ariz — Fells 21 pass from Palmer (Nelson run) Third-Down Efficiency 3/10 8/14
Car — Funchess 5 pass from Newton Fourth-Down Efficiency 2/2 0/1
(Tolbert pass from Newton) Time of Possession 23:21 36:39
Car — Kuechly 22 interception return (Gano kick) INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
TEAM STATISTICS ARIZ CAR RUSHING: ARIZ: Johnson 15-60-1, Ellington 1-0-0.
Total First Downs 21 21 CAR: Stewart 19-83-0, Newton 10-47-2, Ginn 1-22-1, Tolbert
Rushing 5 8 3-4-0, Anderson 2-(-2)-0, Whittaker 2-(-2)-0.
Passing 14 11 PASSING: ARIZ: Palmer 40-23-235-1-4.
Penalty 2 2 CAR: Newton 28-19-335-2-1.
Total Net Yardage 287 476 RECEIVING: ARIZ: Johnson 9-68-0, Floyd 3-37-0, Fells 2-36-1,
Total Offensive Plays 60 66 Fitzgerald 4-30-0, Nelson 2-25-0, Jp. Brown 2-23-0, Ja. Brown
Average Gain Per Offensive Play 4.8 7.2 1-16-0. CAR: C. Brown 4-113-1, Olsen 6-113-0, Ginn 2-52-0,
Rushes 16 37 Funchess 2-21-0, Cochery 2-17-0, Tolbert 1-14-0, Stewart 2-
Yards Gained Rushing (Net) 60 152 5-0..
Average Yards per Rush 3.8 4.1 KICKOFF RETURNS: ARIZ: Nelson 2-22-0. CAR: Whittaker 1-
Passes Attempted 41 28 19-0.
Passes Completed 23 19 PUNT RETURNS: ARIZ: Peterson 2-1-0. CAR: Ginn 2-19-0.
Had Intercepted 4 1 PUNTING: ARIZ: Butler 4-157-39.3. CAR: Nortman 3-117-39.0.
Tackled Attempting to Pass 3 1 INTERCEPTIONS: ARIZ: Peterson 1-72-0. CAR: Coleman 2,
Yards Lost Attempting to Pass 8 11 Boston, Kuechly 1-22-0..
Yards Gained Passing (Net) 227 324 SACKS: ARIZ: None. CAR: Johnson 1, Love 1, Short 1.
Punts 4 3
Average Distance 48.8 39.7
Punt Returns 2 2


Includes Second-Round Playoff Games (1982), AFC Inter-Divisional Games (1969), and special playoff games to break ties for AFL
Division Championships (1963, 1968)
Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 17 Denver ($25,000) Pittsburgh ($25,000) 23-16 Denver 76,956
Jan. 16 New England ($25,000) Kansas City ($25,000) 27-20 Foxborough 66,829
2014 Jan. 11 Indianapolis ($24,000) Denver ($24,000) 24-13 Denver 76,867
Jan. 10 New England ($24,000) Baltimore ($24,000) 35-31 Foxborough 68,756
2013 Jan. 12 Denver ($23,000) San Diego ($23,000) 24-17 Denver 76,969
Jan. 11 New England ($23,000) Indianapolis ($23,000) 43-22 Foxborough 68,756
2012 Jan. 13 New England ($22,000) Houston ($22,000) 41-28 Foxborough 68,756
Jan. 12 Baltimore ($22,000) Denver ($22,000) 38-35* Denver 76,732
2011 Jan. 15 Baltimore ($22,000) Houston ($22,000) 20-13 Baltimore 71,547
Jan. 14 New England ($22,000) Denver ($22,000) 45-10 Foxborough 68,756
2010 Jan. 16 N.Y. Jets ($21,000) New England ($21,000) 28-21 Foxborough 68,756
Jan. 15 Pittsburgh ($21,000) Baltimore ($21,000) 31-24 Pittsburgh 64,879
2009 Jan. 17 N.Y. Jets ($21,000) San Diego ($21,000) 17-14 San Diego 69,498
Jan. 16 Indianapolis ($21,000) Baltimore ($21,000) 20-3 Indianapolis 67,535
2008 Jan. 11 Pittsburgh ($20,000) San Diego ($20,000) 35-24 Pittsburgh 63,899
Jan. 10 Baltimore ($20,000) Tennessee ($20,000) 13-10 Nashville 69,143
2007 Jan. 13 San Diego ($20,000) Indianapolis ($20,000) 28-24 Indianapolis 56,950
Jan. 12 New England ($20,000) Jacksonville ($20,000) 31-20 Foxborough 68,756
2006 Jan. 14 New England ($19,000) San Diego ($19,000) 24-21 San Diego 68,810
Jan. 13 Indianapolis ($19,000) Baltimore ($19,000) 15-6 Baltimore 71,162
2005 Jan. 15 Pittsburgh ($19,000) Indianapolis ($19,000) 21-18 Indianapolis 57,449
Jan. 14 Denver ($19,000) New England ($19,000) 27-13 Denver 76,238
2004 Jan. 16 New England ($18,000) Indianapolis ($18,000) 20-3 Foxborough 68,756
Jan. 15 Pittsburgh ($18,000) N.Y. Jets ($18,000) 20-17* Pittsburgh 64,915
2003 Jan. 11 Indianapolis ($18,000) Kansas City ($18,000) 38-31 Kansas City 79,159
Jan. 10 New England ($18,000) Tennessee ($18,000) 17-14 Foxborough 68,436
2002 Jan. 12 Oakland ($17,000) N.Y. Jets ($17,000) 30-10 Oakland 62,207
Jan. 11 Tennessee ($17,000) Pittsburgh ($17,000) 34-31* Nashville 68,809
2001 Jan. 20 Pittsburgh ($17,000) Baltimore ($17,000) 27-10 Pittsburgh 63,976
Jan. 19 New England ($17,000) Oakland ($17,000) 16-13* Foxborough 60,292
2000 Jan. 7 Baltimore ($16,000) Tennessee ($16,000) 24-10 Nashville 68,527
Jan. 6 Oakland ($16,000) Miami ($16,000) 27-0 Oakland 61,998

494 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
1999 Jan. 16 Tennessee ($16,000) Indianapolis ($16,000) 19-16 Indianapolis 57,097
Jan. 15 Jacksonville ($16,000) Miami ($16,000) 62-7 Jacksonville 75,173
1998 Jan. 10 N.Y. Jets ($15,000) Jacksonville ($15,000) 34-24 East Rutherford 78,817
Jan. 9 Denver ($15,000) Miami ($15,000) 38-3 Denver 75,729
1997 Jan. 4 Denver ($15,000) Kansas City ($15,000) 14-10 Kansas City 76,965
Jan. 3 Pittsburgh ($15,000) New England ($15,000) 7-6 Pittsburgh 61,228
1996 Jan. 5 New England ($14,000) Pittsburgh ($14,000) 28-3 Foxborough 60,188
Jan. 4 Jacksonville ($14,000) Denver ($14,000) 30-27 Denver 75,678
1995 Jan. 7 Indianapolis ($13,000) Kansas City ($13,000) 10-7 Kansas City 77,594
Jan. 6 Pittsburgh ($13,000) Buffalo ($13,000) 40-21 Pittsburgh 59,072
1994 Jan. 8 San Diego ($12,000) Miami ($12,000) 22-21 San Diego 63,381
Jan. 7 Pittsburgh ($12,000) Cleveland ($12,000) 29-9 Pittsburgh 58,185
1993 Jan. 16 Kansas City ($12,000) Houston ($12,000) 28-20 Houston 64,011
Jan. 15 Buffalo ($12,000) L.A. Raiders ($12,000) 29-23 Buffalo 61,923
1992 Jan. 10 Miami ($10,000) San Diego ($10,000) 31-0 Miami 71,224
Jan. 9 Buffalo ($10,000) Pittsburgh ($10,000) 24-3 Pittsburgh 60,407
1991 Jan. 5 Buffalo ($10,000) Kansas City ($10,000) 37-14 Buffalo 80,182
Jan. 4 Denver ($10,000) Houston ($10,000) 26-24 Denver 75,301
1990 Jan. 13 L.A. Raiders ($10,000) Cincinnati ($10,000) 20-10 Los Angeles 92,045
Jan. 12 Buffalo ($10,000) Miami ($10,000) 44-34 Buffalo 77,087
1989 Jan. 7 Denver ($10,000) Pittsburgh ($10,000) 24-23 Denver 75,477
Jan. 6 Cleveland ($10,000) Buffalo ($10,000) 34-30 Cleveland 78,921
1988 Jan. 1 Buffalo ($10,000) Houston ($10,000) 17-10 Buffalo 79,532
Dec. 31 Cincinnati ($10,000) Seattle ($10,000) 21-13 Cincinnati 58,560
1987 Jan. 10 Denver ($10,000) Houston ($10,000) 34-10 Denver 75,440
Jan. 9 Cleveland ($10,000) Indianapolis ($10,000) 38-21 Cleveland 79,372
1986 Jan. 4 Denver ($10,000) New England ($10,000) 22-17 Denver 75,262
Jan. 3 Cleveland ($10,000) N.Y. Jets ($10,000) 23-20* Cleveland 79,720
1985 Jan. 5 New England ($10,000) L.A. Raiders ($10,000) 27-20 Los Angeles 87,163
Jan. 4 Miami ($10,000) Cleveland ($10,000) 24-21 Miami 74,667
1984 Dec. 30 Pittsburgh ($10,000) Denver ($10,000) 24-17 Denver 74,981
Dec. 29 Miami ($10,000) Seattle ($10,000) 31-10 Miami 73,469
1983 Jan. 1 L.A. Raiders ($10,000) Pittsburgh ($10,000) 38-10 Los Angeles 90,380
Dec. 31 Seattle ($10,000) Miami ($10,000) 27-20 Miami 74,136
1982 Jan. 16 Miami ($10,000) San Diego ($10,000) 34-13 Miami 71,383
Jan. 15 N.Y. Jets ($10,000) L.A. Raiders ($10,000) 17-14 Los Angeles 90,038
1981 Jan. 3 Cincinnati ($5,000) Buffalo ($5,000) 28-21 Cincinnati 55,420
Jan. 2 San Diego ($5,000) Miami ($5,000) 41-38* Miami 73,735
1980 Jan. 4 Oakland ($5,000) Cleveland ($5,000) 14-12 Cleveland 78,245
Jan. 3 San Diego ($5,000) Buffalo ($5,000) 20-14 San Diego 52,253
1979 Dec. 30 Pittsburgh ($5,000) Miami ($5,000) 34-14 Pittsburgh 50,214
Dec. 29 Houston ($5,000) San Diego ($5,000) 17-14 San Diego 51,192
1978 Dec. 31 Houston ($5,000) New England ($5,000) 31-14 Foxborough 60,735
Dec. 30 Pittsburgh ($5,000) Denver ($5,000) 33-10 Pittsburgh 50,230
1977 Dec. 24 Oakland ($5,000) Baltimore ($5,000) 37-31* Baltimore 59,925
Dec. 24 Denver ($5,000) Pittsburgh ($5,000) 34-21 Denver 75,059
1976 Dec. 19 Pittsburgh [$] Baltimore [$] 40-14 Baltimore 59,296
Dec. 18 Oakland [$] New England [$] 24-21 Oakland 53,050
1975 Dec. 28 Oakland [$] Cincinnati [$] 31-28 Oakland 53,030
Dec. 27 Pittsburgh [$] Baltimore [$] 28-10 Pittsburgh 49,557
1974 Dec. 22 Pittsburgh [$] Buffalo [$] 32-14 Pittsburgh 49,841
Dec. 21 Oakland [$] Miami [$] 28-26 Oakland 53,023
1973 Dec. 23 Miami [$] Cincinnati [$] 34-16 Miami 78,928
Dec. 22 Oakland [$] Pittsburgh [$] 33-14 Oakland 52,646
1972 Dec. 24 Miami [$] Cleveland [$] 20-14 Miami 78,916
Dec. 23 Pittsburgh [$] Oakland [$] 13-7 Pittsburgh 50,327
1971 Dec. 26 Baltimore [$] Cleveland [$] 20-3 Cleveland 70,734
Dec. 25 Miami [$] Kansas City [$] 27-24* Kansas City 50,374
1970 Dec. 27 Oakland [$] Miami [$] 21-14 Oakland 52,594
Dec. 26 Baltimore [$] Cincinnati [$] 17-0 Baltimore 49,694
1969 Dec. 21 Oakland [$] Houston [$] 56-7 Oakland 53,539
Dec. 20 Kansas City [$] N.Y. Jets [$] 13-6 New York 62,977
1968 Dec. 22 Oakland [$] Kansas City [$] 41-6 Oakland 53,605
1963 Dec. 28 Boston [$] Buffalo [$] 26-8 Buffalo 33,044
$ Players received 1/14 of annual salary for playoff appearances.

2015 AFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAMES McManus’ 28-yard field goal. A 57-yard Brandon Colquitt punt
Sports Authority Field at Mile High, Denver, Colorado pinned the Steelers back to their 3-yard-line. The Broncos’
January 17, 2016, Attendance: 76,956 defense forced a punt, and gave Denver the ball at the Steelers’
DENVER 23, PITTSBURGH 16—Brandon McManus kicked five 31. Despite not getting a first down, McManus made a 41-yard
field goals and Bradley Roby forced a key fourth-quarter fumble field goal and extended the lead to 6-0. Pittsburgh responded with
as Denver advanced to the AFC Championship Game. The Bron- a five-play 80-yard touchdown drive, highlighted by Martavis
cos’ defense forced a three-and-out to begin the game, and Omar Bryant’s 23-yard catch and 40-yard reverse, and capped by
Bolden returned the ensuing punt 42 yards to set up Brandon Fitzgerald Toussaint’s 1-yard run, for a 7-6 lead. The Steelers’

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 495

defense forced a punt and Ben Roethlisberger’s 58-yard pass The Chiefs responded with a field goal, and trailed just 7-3 mid-
Darrius Heyward-Bey set up Chris Boswell’s 43-yard field goal way through the second quarter, but Brady engineered a 98-yard
and extended Pittsburgh’s lead to 10-6. McManus made a 51- touchdown drive, highlighted by a 42-yard pass to Keshawn Mar-
yard field goal as the second quarter expired. An exchange of tin and capped by Brady’s 1-yard sneak for a 14-3 lead. The
third quarter field goals gave Pittsburgh a 13-12 lead entering the Chiefs trailed 14-6 and drove to the Patriots’ 40 early in the sec-
fourth quarter. With 9:52 to play, and Pittsburgh driving and at the ond half, but Chandler Jones forced a Knile Davis fumble, and
Broncos’ 31, Roby forced Toussaint to fumble and Demarcus Dont’a Hightower recovered the ball. Brady was 4-for-4 on the
Ware recovered. Faced with third-and-12, Peyton Manning com- ensuing drive, capped by his 16-yard touchdown pass to
pleted a 31-yard pass to Bennie Fowler. C.J. Anderson scored Gronkowski for a 21-6 lead. The Chiefs responded with an 80-
with 3:00 left and Manning completed the 2-point conversion yard scoring drive that ended with Alex Smith’s 10-yard touch-
pass to Demaryius Thomas for a 20-13 lead. Ware sacked down pass to Albert Wilson to pull within 21-13 with 2:12 left in
Roethlisberger on fourth down with 1:49 left and McManus the third quarter. The Patriots answered with field goals on their
added a 45-yard field goal with 53 seconds left for a 23-13 lead. next two possessions for a 27-13 lead with 10:20 remaining. The
The Steelers needed just 34 seconds to get into field goal range Chiefs drove to the Patriots’ 20 and with three minutes left Smith
and Boswell made a 47-yard kick with 19 seconds left for a 23- completed a 19-yard pass to Wilson, with Malcolm Butler tack-
16 lead. Anderson recovered the onside kick to secure Denver’s ling him at the 1-yard line. Kansas City had all three timeouts, but
victory. Manning was 21 of 37 for 222 yards. Roethlisberger, who Charcandrick West lost a yard on first down with 2:33 to play and
had been injured the week before, was 24 of 37 for 339 yards. the Chiefs did not run another play before the 2-minute warning.
Pittsburgh 7 3 3 3 — 16 After a penalty, Smith completed a pass to Jason Avant, who was
Denver 6 3 3 11 — 23 tackled at the 3-yard-line. Another 33 seconds went off the clock
Den — FG McManus 28 before Smith’s pass in the end zone drew a penalty. Two plays
Den — FG McManus 41 later West scored, with 1:13 remaining. Kansas City, still with
Pitt — Toussaint 1 run (Boswell kick) three time outs, then attempted an onside kick that Gronkowski
Pitt — FG Boswell 43 recovered. Brady completed a 12-yard pass to Julian Edelman,
Den — FG McManus 51 which bounced off of Tamba Hali and Gronkowski, to seal the vic-
Pitt — FG Boswell 28 tory. Edelman had 10 receptions for 100 yards. Smith was 29 of
Den — FG McManus 41 50 for 246 yards and 1 touchdown.
Den — Anderson 1 run (Thomas pass from Manning) Kansas City 3 3 7 7 — 20
Den — FG Mcmanus 45 New England 7 7 7 6 — 27
Pitt — FG Boswell 47 NE — Gronkowski 8 pass from Brady (Gostkowski kick)
KC — FG Santos 34
Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, Massachusetts NE — Brady 1 run (Gostkowsk kick)
January 16, 2016, Attendance: 66,829 KC — FG Santos 32
NEW ENGLAND 27, KANSAS CITY 20—Tom Brady passed for NE — Gronkowski 16 pass from Brady (Gostkowski kick)
302 yards and 2 touchdown passes to Rob Gronkowski as New KC — Wilson 10 pass from Smith (Santos kick)
England advanced to the AFC Championship Game for the fifth NE — FG Gostkowski 40
consecutive year. The Patriots drove 80 yards on the opening NE — FG Gostkowski 32
drive, capped by Brady’s 8-yard touchdown pass to Gronkowski. KC — West 1 run (Santos kick)


Includes Second-Round Playoff Games (1982), NFL Conference Championship Games (1967-69), and special playoff games
to break ties for NFL Division or Conference Championships (1941, 1943, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1957, 1958, 1965)
Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 17 Carolina ($25,000) Seattle ($25,000) 31-24 Charlotte 74,287
Jan. 16 Arizona ($25,000) Green Bay ($25,000) 26-20* Glendale 65,089
2014 Jan. 11 Green Bay ($24,000) Dallas ($24,000) 26-21 Green Bay 79,704
Jan. 10 Seattle ($24,000) Carolina ($24,000) 31-17 Seattle 68,524
2013 Jan. 12 San Francisco ($23,000) Carolina ($23,000) 23-10 Charlotte 73,784
Jan. 11 Seattle ($23,000) New Orleans ($23,000) 23-15 Seattle 68,388
2012 Jan. 13 Atlanta ($22,000) Seattle ($22,000) 30-28 Atlanta 70,366
Jan. 12 San Francisco ($22,000) Green Bay ($22,000) 45-31 San Francisco 69,732
2011 Jan. 15 N.Y. Giants ($22,000) Green Bay ($22,000) 37-20 Green Bay 72,080
Jan. 14 San Francisco ($22,000) New Orleans ($22,000) 36-32 San Francisco 69,732
2010 Jan. 16 Chicago ($21,000) Seattle ($21,000) 35-24 Chicago 62,265
Jan. 15 Green Bay ($21,000) Atlanta ($21,000) 48-21 Atlanta 69,210
2009 Jan. 17 Minnesota ($21,000) Dallas ($21,000) 34-3 Minneapolis 63,547
Jan. 16 New Orleans ($21,000) Arizona ($21,000) 45-14 New Orleans 70,149
2008 Jan. 11 Philadelphia ($20,000) N.Y. Giants ($20,000) 23-11 East Rutherford 79,193
Jan. 10 Arizona ($20,000) Carolina ($20,000) 33-13 Charlotte 73,695
2007 Jan. 13 N.Y. Giants ($20,000) Dallas ($20,000) 21-17 Dallas 63,660
Jan. 12 Green Bay ($20,000) Seattle ($20,000) 42-20 Green Bay 72,168
2006 Jan. 14 Chicago ($19,000) Seattle ($19,000) 27-24* Chicago 62,184
Jan. 13 New Orleans ($19,000) Philadelphia ($19,000) 27-24 New Orleans 70,001
2005 Jan. 15 Carolina ($19,000) Chicago ($19,000) 29-21 Chicago 62,209
Jan. 14 Seattle ($19,000) Washington ($19,000) 20-10 Seattle 67,551
2004 Jan. 16 Philadelphia ($18,000) Minnesota ($18,000) 27-14 Philadelphia 67,722
Jan. 15 Atlanta ($18,000) St. Louis ($18,000) 47-17 Atlanta 70,709
2003 Jan. 11 Philadelphia ($18,000) Green Bay ($18,000) 20-17* Philadelphia 67,707
Jan. 10 Carolina ($18,000) St. Louis ($18,000) 29-23* St. Louis 66,165
2002 Jan. 12 Tampa Bay ($17,000) San Francisco ($17,000) 31-6 Tampa 65,599
Jan. 11 Philadelphia ($17,000) Atlanta ($17,000) 20-6 Philadelphia 66,452
2001 Jan. 20 St. Louis ($17,000) Green Bay ($17,000) 45-17 St. Louis 66,338
Jan. 19 Philadelphia ($17,000) Chicago ($17,000) 33-19 Chicago 66,944
2000 Jan. 7 N.Y. Giants ($16,000) Philadelphia ($16,000) 20-10 East Rutherford 78,765
Jan. 6 Minnesota ($16,000) New Orleans ($16,000) 34-16 Minneapolis 63,881

496 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance

1999 Jan. 16 St. Louis ($16,000) Minnesota ($16,000) 49-37 St. Louis 66,194
Jan. 15 Tampa Bay ($16,000) Washington ($16,000) 14-13 Tampa 65,835
1998 Jan. 10 Minnesota ($15,000) Arizona ($15,000) 41-21 Minneapolis 63,760
Jan. 9 Atlanta ($15,000) San Francisco ($15,000) 20-18 Atlanta 70,262
1997 Jan. 4 Green Bay ($15,000) Tampa Bay ($15,000) 21-7 Green Bay 60,327
Jan. 3 San Francisco ($15,000) Minnesota ($15,000) 38-22 San Francisco 65,018
1996 Jan. 5 Carolina ($14,000) Dallas ($14,000) 26-17 Charlotte 72,808
Jan. 4 Green Bay ($14,000) San Francisco ($14,000) 35-14 Green Bay 60,787
1995 Jan. 7 Dallas ($13,000) Philadelphia ($13,000) 30-11 Dallas 64,371
Jan. 6 Green Bay ($13,000) San Francisco ($13,000) 27-17 San Francisco 69,311
1994 Jan. 8 Dallas ($12,000) Green Bay ($12,000) 35-9 Dallas 64,745
Jan. 7 San Francisco ($12,000) Chicago ($12,000) 44-15 San Francisco 64,644
1993 Jan. 16 Dallas ($12,000) Green Bay ($12,000) 27-17 Dallas 64,790
Jan. 15 San Francisco ($12,000) N.Y. Giants ($12,000) 44-3 San Francisco 67,143
1992 Jan. 10 Dallas ($10,000) Philadelphia ($10,000) 34-10 Dallas 63,721
Jan. 9 San Francisco ($10,000) Washington ($10,000) 20-13 San Francisco 64,991
1991 Jan. 5 Detroit ($10,000) Dallas ($10,000) 38-6 Detroit 78,290
Jan. 4 Washington ($10,000) Atlanta ($10,000) 24-7 Washington 55,181
1990 Jan. 13 N.Y. Giants ($10,000) Chicago ($10,000) 31-3 East Rutherford 77,025
Jan. 12 San Francisco ($10,000) Washington ($10,000) 28-10 San Francisco 65,292
1989 Jan. 7 L.A. Rams ($10,000) N.Y. Giants ($10,000) 19-13* East Rutherford 76,526
Jan. 6 San Francisco ($10,000) Minnesota ($10,000) 41-13 San Francisco 64,918
1988 Jan. 1 San Francisco ($10,000) Minnesota ($10,000) 34-9 San Francisco 61,848
Dec. 31 Chicago ($10,000) Philadelphia ($10,000) 20-12 Chicago 65,534
1987 Jan. 10 Washington ($10,000) Chicago ($10,000) 21-17 Chicago 65,268
Jan. 9 Minnesota ($10,000) San Francisco ($10,000) 36-24 San Francisco 63,008
1986 Jan. 4 N.Y. Giants ($10,000) San Francisco ($10,000) 49-3 East Rutherford 75,691
Jan. 3 Washington ($10,000) Chicago ($10,000) 27-13 Chicago 65,524
1985 Jan. 5 Chicago ($10,000) N.Y. Giants ($10,000) 21-0 Chicago 65,670
Jan. 4 L.A. Rams ($10,000) Dallas ($10,000) 20-0 Anaheim 66,581
1984 Dec. 30 Chicago ($10,000) Washington ($10,000) 23-19 Washington 55,431
Dec. 29 San Francisco ($10,000) N.Y. Giants ($10,000) 21-10 San Francisco 60,303
1983 Jan. 1 Washington ($10,000) L.A. Rams ($10,000) 51-7 Washington 54,440
Dec. 31 San Francisco ($10,000) Detroit ($10,000) 24-23 San Francisco 59,979
1982 Jan. 16 Dallas ($10,000) Green Bay ($10,000) 37-26 Dallas 63,972
Jan. 15 Washington ($10,000) Minnesota ($10,000) 21-7 Washington 54,593
1981 Jan. 3 San Francisco ($5,000) N.Y. Giants ($5,000) 38-24 San Francisco 58,360
Jan. 2 Dallas ($5,000) Tampa Bay ($5,000) 38-0 Dallas 64,848
1980 Jan. 4 Dallas ($5,000) Atlanta ($5,000) 30-27 Atlanta 59,793
Jan. 3 Philadelphia ($5,000) Minnesota ($5,000) 31-16 Philadelphia 70,178
1979 Dec. 30 Los Angeles ($5,000) Dallas ($5,000) 21-19 Dallas 64,792
Dec. 29 Tampa Bay ($5,000) Philadelphia ($5,000) 24-17 Tampa 71,402
1978 Dec. 31 Los Angeles ($5,000) Minnesota ($5,000) 34-10 Los Angeles 70,436
Dec. 30 Dallas ($5,000) Atlanta ($5,000) 27-20 Dallas 63,406
1977 Dec. 26 Dallas ($5,000) Chicago ($5,000) 37-7 Dallas 63,260
Dec. 26 Minnesota ($5,000) Los Angeles ($5,000) 14-7 Los Angeles 70,203
1976 Dec. 19 Los Angeles [$] Dallas [$] 14-12 Dallas 63,283
Dec. 18 Minnesota [$] Washington [$] 35-20 Minneapolis 47,466
1975 Dec. 28 Dallas [$] Minnesota [$] 17-14 Minneapolis 48,050
Dec. 27 Los Angeles [$] St. Louis [$] 35-23 Los Angeles 73,459
1974 Dec. 22 Los Angeles [$] Washington [$] 19-10 Los Angeles 77,925
Dec. 21 Minnesota [$] St. Louis [$] 30-14 Minneapolis 48,150
1973 Dec. 23 Dallas [$] Los Angeles [$] 27-16 Dallas 63,272
Dec. 22 Minnesota [$] Washington [$] 27-20 Minneapolis 48,040
1972 Dec. 24 Washington [$] Green Bay [$] 16-3 Washington 52,321
Dec. 23 Dallas [$] San Francisco [$] 30-28 San Francisco 59,746
1971 Dec. 26 San Francisco [$] Washington [$] 24-20 San Francisco 45,327
Dec. 25 Dallas [$] Minnesota [$] 20-12 Minneapolis 47,307
1970 Dec. 27 San Francisco [$] Minnesota [$] 17-14 Minneapolis 45,103
Dec. 26 Dallas [$] Detroit [$] 5-0 Dallas 69,613
1969 Dec. 28 Cleveland [$] Dallas [$] 38-14 Dallas 69,321
Dec. 27 Minnesota [$] Los Angeles [$] 23-20 Minneapolis 47,900
1968 Dec. 22 Baltimore [$] Minnesota [$] 24-14 Baltimore 60,238
Dec. 21 Cleveland [$] Dallas [$] 31-20 Cleveland 81,497
1967 Dec. 24 Dallas [$] Cleveland [$] 52-14 Dallas 70,786
Dec. 23 Green Bay [$] Los Angeles [$] 28-7 Milwaukee 49,861
1965 Dec. 26 Green Bay [$] Baltimore [$] 13-10* Green Bay 50,484
1958 Dec. 21 N.Y. Giants (#) Cleveland (#) 10-0 New York 61,274
1957 Dec. 22 Detroit (#) San Francisco (#) 31-27 San Francisco 60,118
1952 Dec. 21 Detroit (#) Los Angeles (#) 31-21 Detroit 47,645
1950 Dec. 17 Los Angeles (#) Chicago Bears (#) 24-14 Los Angeles 83,501
Dec. 17 Cleveland (#) N.Y. Giants (#) 8-3 Cleveland 33,054
1947 Dec. 21 Philadelphia (#) Pittsburgh (#) 21-0 Pittsburgh 35,729
1943 Dec. 19 Washington (¢) N.Y. Giants (¢) 28-0 New York 42,800
1941 Dec. 14 Chicago Bears (¢) Green Bay (¢) 33-14 Chicago 43,425
*Overtime # Players received 1/12 of annual salary for playoff appearances.
$ Players received 1/14 of annual salary for playoff appearances. ¢ Players received 1/10 of annual salary for playoff appearances.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 497

2015 NFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAMES University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona
Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte, North Carolina January 16, 2016, Attendance: 65,089
January 17, 2016, Attendance: 74,287 ARIZONA 26, GREEN BAY 20 (OT)—Larry Fitzgerald’s 5-yard
CAROLINA 31, SEATTLE 24—The Panthers jumped out to a 31- touchdown catch on the third play of overtime, after the Packers
0 lead in the middle of the second quarter, then held off a strong tied the game on the final play of regulation with a 41-yard Hail
Seattle rally, as the NFC’s number-one seed advanced to the con- Mary, lifted the Cardinals to their first postseason victory since
ference championship game. Jonathan Stewart ran 59 yards on 2009. The Cardinals took a 7-0 lead on Carson Palmer’s 8-yard
the first play from scrimmage, and scored three plays later for a scoring pass to Michael Floyd, which was set up by David John-
7-0 lead. Three plays later Luke Kuechly intercepted Russell Wil- son’s fourth-and-1 run. The Packers had consecutive 17-play
son’s pass and ran 14 yards for a touchdown a 14-0 lead just drives in the first half, but had to settle for field goals both times,
3:22 into the game. After a punt, Carolina had a methodical 15- and trailed 7-6 at halftime. Early in the second half, Ha Ha Clin-
play, 86-yard drive capped by Stewart’s 1-yard run for a 21-0 ton-Dix intercepted a pass at the Packers’ 19. A few plays later
lead. On the next play, Cortland Finnegan intercepted Wilson’s Eddie Lacy ran 61 yards to set up Jeff Janis’ 8-yard touchdown
pass to set up Graham Gano’s 48-yard field goal and 24-0 lead. catch and 13-7 lead. The Cardinals responded with a field goal,
After another punt, Cam Newton capped a 54-yard drive with a and after forcing a punt, drove into the Packers’ red zone only to
19-yard touchdown pass to Greg Olsen on third-and-14 for a have Damarious Randall intercept a pass in the end zone with
commanding 31-0 lead just 23 ½ minutes into the game. Tyler 14:10 to play. In the fourth quarter, a 14-play, 80-yard drive,
Lockett began the second half with a 50-yard kickoff return and which included three third-down completed passes by Palmer,
Wilson connected with Jermaine Kearse for a 13-yard touchdown set up Floyd’s 9-yard scoring catch with 3:44 to play for a 17-13
just 1:33 into the half. Seattle forced a punt, and Wilson scram- lead. Faced with fourth-and-5 with 2:42 left, Aaron Rodgers’
bled 14 yards for a first down on third-and-10, and then com- pass was incomplete, and Chandler Catanzaro made a 36-yard
pleted a 33-yard touchdown to Lockett to pull within 31-14 with field goal 1:55 to play for a 20-13 Arizona lead. On fourth-and-20
7:40 left in the third quarter. In the fourth, Kearse’s 3-yard scor- from the Packers’ 4 with 55 seconds left, Rodgers completed a
ing catch cut the deficit to 31-21 with 6:04 remaining. The Sea- 60-yard pass to Janis. Two plays later, Rodgers spun out of pres-
hawks forced another punt and quickly drove downfield and sure and heaved the ball toward the end zone. Janis leapt and
Steven Hauschka’s field goal trimmed the once 31-point lead to caught the ball among two Cardinals’ defenders for the game-
31-24 with 1:12 to play. Thomas Davis recovered the ensuing tying 41-yard touchdown. Arizona won the overtime toss, and on
onside kick to secure the victory. Newton was 16 of 22 for 161 the first play Palmer stepped up in the pocket, threw across field,
yards and 1 touchdown, and Stewart rushed 19 times for 106 and completed a pass to Fitzgerald, who turned up the sideline
yards and 2 touchdowns. Wilson was 31 of 48 for 366 yards and and cut across the middle for 75 yards to the Packers’ 5. Two
3 touchdowns, with 2 interceptions. Kearse had 11 catches for plays later Palmer completed a shovel pass to Fitzgerald for the
110 yards and 2 touchdowns. winning touchdown. Palmer was 25 of 41 for 349 yards and 3
Seattle 0 0 14 10 — 24 touchdowns, with 2 interceptions. Fitzgerald had 8 catches for
Carolina 14 17 0 0 — 31 176 yards and 1 touchdown. Rodgers was 24 of 44 for 261
Car — Stewart 4 run (Gano kick) yards and 2 touchdowns, with 1 interception. Janis, who had 2
Car — Kuechly 14 interception return (Gano kick) receptions all season and was playing in place of injured Randall
Car — Stewart 1 run (Gano kick) Cobb, had 7 catches for 145 yards and 2 touchdowns.
Car — FG Gano 48 Green Bay 0 6 7 7 0 — 20
Car — Olsen 19 pass from Newton (Gano kick) Arizona 7 3 0 10 6 — 26
Sea — Kearse 13 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick) Ariz — Floyd 8 pass from Palmer (Catanzaro kick)
Sea — Lockett 33 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick) GB — FG Crosby 28
Sea — Kearse 3 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick) GB — FG Crosby 34
Sea — FG Hauschka 36 GB — Janis 8 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick)
Ariz — FG Catanzaro 28
Ariz — Floyd 9 pass from Palmer (Catanzaro kick)
Ariz — FG Catanzaro 36
GB — Janis 41 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick)
Ariz — Fitzgerald 5 pass from Palmer


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 9 Pittsburgh ($23,000) Cincinnati ($25,000) 18-16 Cincinnati 63,257
Jan. 9 Kansas City ($23,000) Houston ($25,000) 30-0 Houston 71,800
2014 Jan. 4 Indianapolis ($24,000) Cincinnati ($22,000) 26-10 Indianapolis 63,385
Jan. 3 Baltimore ($22,000) Pittsburgh ($24,000) 30-17 Pittsburgh 62,780
2013 Jan. 5 San Diego ($21,000) Cincinnati ($23,000) 27-10 Cincinnati 62,277
Jan. 4 Indianapolis ($23,000) Kansas City ($21,000) 45-44 Indianapolis 63,551
2012 Jan. 6 Baltimore ($22,000) Indianapolis ($20,000) 24-9 Baltimore 71,379
Jan. 5 Houston ($22,000) Cincinnati ($20,000) 19-13 Houston 71,738
2011 Jan. 8 Denver ($22,000) Pittsburgh ($20,000) 29-23* Denver 75,970
Jan. 7 Houston ($22,000) Cincinnati ($20,000) 31-10 Houston 71,725
2010 Jan. 9 Baltimore ($19,000) Kansas City ($21,000) 30-7 Kansas City 72,190
Jan. 8 N.Y. Jets ($19,000) Indianapolis ($21,000) 17-16 Indianapolis 65,332
2009 Jan. 10 Baltimore ($19,000) New England ($21,000) 33-14 Foxborough 68,756
Jan. 9 N.Y. Jets ($19,000) Cincinnati ($21,000) 24-14 Cincinnati 63,686
2008 Jan. 4 Baltimore ($18,000) Miami ($20,000) 27-9 Miami 74,240
Jan. 3 San Diego ($20,000) Indianapolis ($18,000) 23-17* San Diego 68,082
2007 Jan. 6 San Diego ($20,000) Tennessee ($18,000) 17-6 San Diego 65,640
Jan. 5 Jacksonville ($18,000) Pittsburgh ($20,000) 31-29 Pittsburgh 63,629
2006 Jan. 7 New England ($19,000) N.Y. Jets ($17,000) 37-16 Foxborough 68,756
Jan. 6 Indianapolis ($19,000) Kansas City ($17,000) 23-8 Indianapolis 57,215
2005 Jan. 8 Pittsburgh ($17,000) Cincinnati ($19,000) 31-17 Cincinnati 65,870
Jan. 7 New England ($19,000) Jacksonville ($17,000) 28-3 Foxborough 68,756

498 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance

2004 Jan. 9 Indianapolis ($18,000) Denver ($15,000) 49-24 Indianapolis 56,609
Jan. 8 N.Y. Jets ($15,000) San Diego ($18,000) 20-17* San Diego 67,536
2003 Jan. 4 Indianapolis ($18,000) Denver ($15,000) 41-10 Indianapolis 56,586
Jan. 3 Tennessee ($15,000) Baltimore ($18,000) 20-17 Baltimore 69,452
2002 Jan. 5 Pittsburgh ($17,000) Cleveland ($12,500) 36-33 Pittsburgh 62,595
Jan. 4 N.Y. Jets ($17,000) Indianapolis ($12,500) 41-0 East Rutherford 78,524
2001 Jan. 13 Baltimore ($12,500) Miami ($12,500) 20-3 Miami 72,251
Jan. 12 Oakland ($17,000) N.Y. Jets ($12,500) 38-24 Oakland 61,503
2000 Dec. 31 Baltimore (12,500) Denver ($12,500) 21-3 Baltimore 69,638
Dec. 30 Miami ($16,000) Indianapolis ($12,500) 23-17* Miami 73,193
1999 Jan. 9 Miami ($10,000) Seattle ($16,000) 20-17 Seattle 66,170
Jan. 8 Tennessee ($10,000) Buffalo ($10,000) 22-16 Nashville 66,672
1998 Jan. 3 Jacksonville ($15,000) New England ($10,000) 25-10 Jacksonville 71,139
Jan. 2 Miami ($10,000) Buffalo ($10,000) 24-17 Miami 72,698
1997 Dec. 28 New England ($15,000) Miami ($10,000) 17-3 Foxborough 60,041
Dec. 27 Denver ($10,000) Jacksonville ($10,000) 42-17 Denver 74,481
1996 Dec. 29 Pittsburgh ($14,000) Indianapolis ($10,000) 42-14 Pittsburgh 58,078
Dec. 28 Jacksonville ($10,000) Buffalo ($10,000) 30-27 Buffalo 70,213
1995 Dec. 31 Indianapolis ($7,500) San Diego ($7,500) 35-20 San Diego 61,182
Dec. 30 Buffalo ($13,000) Miami ($7,500) 37-22 Buffalo 73,103
1994 Jan. 1 Cleveland ($7,500) New England ($7,500) 20-13 Cleveland 77,452
Dec. 31 Miami ($12,000) Kansas City ($7,500) 27-17 Miami 67,487
1993 Jan. 9 L.A. Raiders ($7,500) Denver ($7,500) 42-24 Los Angeles 65,314
Jan. 8 Kansas City ($12,000) Pittsburgh ($7,500) 27-24* Kansas City 74,515
1992 Jan. 3 Buffalo ($6,000) Houston ($6,000) 41-38* Buffalo 75,141
Jan. 2 San Diego ($10,000) Kansas City ($6,000) 17-0 San Diego 58,278
1991 Dec. 29 Houston ($10,000) N.Y. Jets ($6,000) 17-10 Houston 61,485
Dec. 28 Kansas City ($6,000) L.A. Raiders ($6,000) 10-6 Kansas City 75,827
1990 Jan. 6 Cincinnati ($10,000) Houston ($6,000) 41-14 Cincinnati 60,012
Jan. 5 Miami ($6,000) Kansas City ($6,000) 17-16 Miami 67,276
1989 Dec. 31 Pittsburgh ($6,000) Houston ($6,000) 26-23* Houston 59,406
1988 Dec. 26 Houston ($6,000) Cleveland ($6,000) 24-23 Cleveland 75,896
1987 Jan. 3 Houston ($6,000) Seattle ($6,000) 23-20* Houston 50,519
1986 Dec. 28 N.Y. Jets ($6,000) Kansas City ($6,000) 35-15 East Rutherford 75,210
1985 Dec. 28 New England ($6,000) N.Y. Jets ($6,000) 26-14 East Rutherford 75,945
1984 Dec. 22 Seattle ($6,000) L.A. Raiders ($6,000) 13-7 Seattle 62,049
1983 Dec. 24 Seattle ($6,000) Denver ($6,000) 31-7 Seattle 64,275
1982 Jan. 9 N.Y. Jets ($6,000) Cincinnati ($6,000) 44-17 Cincinnati 57,560
Jan. 9 San Diego ($6,000) Pittsburgh ($6,000) 31-28 Pittsburgh 53,546
Jan. 8 L.A. Raiders ($6,000) Cleveland ($6,000) 27-10 Los Angeles 56,555
Jan. 8 Miami ($6,000) New England ($6,000) 28-13 Miami 68,842
1981 Dec. 27 Buffalo ($3,000) N.Y. Jets ($3,000) 31-27 New York 57,050
1980 Dec. 28 Oakland ($3,000) Houston ($3,000) 27-7 Oakland 53,333
1979 Dec. 23 Houston ($3,000) Denver ($3,000) 13-7 Houston 48,776
1978 Dec. 24 Houston ($3,000) Miami ($3,000) 17-9 Miami 72,445

2015 AFC WILD CARD PLAYOFF GAMES terback, the Steelers were forced to punt, and McCarron engi-
Paul Brown Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio neered a 13-play, 70-yard drive that ended with Mike Nugent’s
January 10, 2016, Attendance: 63,257 36-yard field goal to cut the deficit to 15-10 with 5:12 to play.
PITTSBURGH 18, CINCINNATI 16—Chris Boswell's 35-yard After forcing a three-and-out, McCarron completed a 9-yard pass
field goal with 14 seconds remaining vaulted Pittsburgh past to Marvin Jones on fourth-and-2 with 2:46 to play and moments
Cincinnati despite having blown a 15-point fourth-quarter lead. later lofted a 25-yard touchdown pass to A.J. Green. Hill was
Neither team scored until late in the second quarter when Boswell stopped on the two-point conversion attempt, but the Bengals led
connected from 39 yards on a drive that featured a 23-yard pass 16-15 with 1:50 to play. On the first play after the kickoff Burfict
to Antonio Brown. Later in the half, Shawn Williams was flagged intercepted Jones’ pass at the Steelers’ 26. On the next play
for unnecessary roughness on a drive that ended with Boswell’s Shazier and Jones forced Hill to fumble, and Ross Cockrell recov-
30-yard field goal just before halftime for a 6-0 lead. A.J. McCar- ered at the Steelers’ 9. Roethlisberger came back into the game
ron, making his first playoff start in place of injured Andy Dalton, with 1:23 to play and completed four passes to reach the Steel-
opened the second half by driving the Bengals to the Steelers’ 29, ers’ 41 with 28 seconds left. Faced with fourth-and-3, Brown
but Jarvis Jones sacked McCarron, forced a fumble, and Steeler- caught a 12-yard pass. On the next play, with 22 second left, a
s’ defensive lineman Cam Thomas recovered. That set up pass down the middle for Brown was incomplete, but Burfict was
Boswell’s third field goal. After Cincinnati punted on the ensuing flagged for unnecessary roughness and Adam Jones also
possession, Ben Roethlisberger completed a 60-yard pass to received an unsportsmanlike penalty. The ball moved to the Ben-
Brown that led to Martavis Bryant’s acrobatic 10-yard touch- gals’ 17 after 30 yards in penalties, and Boswell made a 35-yard
down catch. The Steelers went for two but the pass was incom- field goal with 14 seconds to play to complete Pittsburgh’s rally.
plete and Pittsburgh led 15-0 with 5:02 left in the third quarter. Roethlisberger was 18 of 31 for 229 yards and 1 touchdown.
McCarron guided the Bengals to the Steelers’ 23, but Ryan Brown had 7 catches for 119 yards. McCarron was 23 of 41 for
Shazier forced Giovanni Bernard to fumble and Shazier recov- 212 yards and 1 touchdown, with 1 interception.
ered. However, Vontaze Burfict sacked Roethlisberger three plays Pittsburgh 6 0 9 3 — 18
later, forcing him to leave the game with an injured right arm. The Cincinnati 0 0 0 16 — 16
Steelers punted, and a 42-yard pass interference penalty led to Pitt — FG Boswell 39
Jeremy Hill’s 1-yard touchdown run. With Landry Jones at quar- Pitt — FG Boswell 30

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 499

Pitt — FG Boswell 34 pass in the end zone to thwart the drive. The Chiefs used a method-
Pitt — Bryant 10 pass from Roethlisberger (pass failed) ical 94-yard drive in the third quarter, capped by Alex Smith’s 9-
Cin — Hill 1 run (Nugent kick) yard pass to Chris Conley, to increase the lead to 20-0. After forc-
Cin — FG Nugent 36 ing another Texans’ punt, Smith connected with Travis Kelce for a
Cin — Green 25 pass from McCarron (run failed) 48-yard pass play to set up Spencer Ware’s 5-yard touchdown run
Pitt — FG Boswell 35 on the first play of the fourth quarter. Bailey sacked Hoyer on fourth
down at the Chiefs’ 29 to help maintain the shutout. On the Texan-
NRG Stadium, Houston, Texas s’ next possession, Sean Smith intercepted Hoyer’s pass to set up
January 9, 2016, Attendance: 71,800 Santos’ third field goal with 3:59 remaining. Smith was 17 of 22 for
KANSAS CITY 30, HOUSTON 0—Knile Davis returned the opening 190 yards with 1 touchdown and 1 interception. Kelce had 8 recep-
kickoff 106 yards for a touchdown and the Chiefs’ defense forced tions for 128 yards. Hoyer was 15 of 34 for 136 yards, with 4 inter-
5 turnovers en route to the franchise’s first postseason win in 22 ceptions.
years. The Chiefs, who reached the postseason thanks to winning Kansas City 7 6 7 10 — 30
their last 10 regular season games, took the quick 7-0 lead with Houston 0 0 0 0 — 0
Davis registering the second-longest kickoff return in postseason KC — Davis 106 kickoff return (Santos kick)
history. Allen Bailey sacked Brian Hoyer late in the first quarter and KC — FG Santos 49
forced a fumble that was recovered by Dontari Poe, which set up KC — FG Santos 49
Cairo Santos’ 49-yard field goal. The Chiefs expanded the lead to KC — Conley 9 pass from Smith (Santos kick)
13-0 on the next possession, but the Texans drove to the Chiefs’ 3- KC — Ware 5 run (Santos kick)
yard line. On second-and-goal Josh Mauga intercepted Hoyer’s KC — FG Santos 33


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance
2015 Jan. 10 Green Bay ($23,000) Washington ($25,000) 35-18 Washington 81,367
Jan. 10 Seattle ($23,000) Minnesota ($25,000) 10-9 Minneapolis 52,090
2014 Jan. 4 Dallas ($24,000) Detroit ($22,000) 24-20 Dallas 91,410
Jan. 3 Carolina ($24,000) Arizona ($22,000) 27-16 Charlotte 71,849
2013 Jan. 5 San Francisco ($21,000) Green Bay ($23,000) 23-20 Green Bay 77,525
Jan. 4 New Orleans ($21,000) Philadelphia ($23,000) 26-24 Philadelphia 69,144
2012 Jan. 6 Seattle ($20,000) Washington ($22,000) 24-14 Washington 84,325
Jan. 5 Green Bay ($22,000) Minnesota ($20,000) 24-10 Green Bay 71,548
2011 Jan. 8 N.Y. Giants ($22,000) Atlanta ($20,000) 24-2 East Rutherford 79,909
Jan. 7 New Orleans ($22,000) Detroit ($20,000) 45-28 New Orleans 73,038
2010 Jan. 9 Green Bay ($19,000) Philadelphia ($21,000) 21-16 Philadelphia 69,144
Jan. 8 Seattle ($21,000) New Orleans ($19,000) 41-36 Seattle 66,336
2009 Jan. 10 Arizona ($21,000) Green Bay ($19,000) 51-45* Glendale 61,926
Jan. 9 Dallas ($21,000) Philadelphia ($19,000) 34-14 Dallas 92,951
2008 Jan. 4 Philadelphia ($18,000) Minnesota ($20,000) 26-14 Minneapolis 61,746
Jan. 3 Arizona ($20,000) Atlanta ($18,000) 30-24 Glendale 62,848
2007 Jan. 6 N.Y. Giants ($18,000) Tampa Bay ($20,000) 24-14 Tampa 65,621
Jan. 5 Seattle ($20,000) Washington ($18,000) 35-14 Seattle 68,297
2006 Jan. 7 Philadelphia ($19,000) N.Y. Giants ($17,000) 23-20 Philadelphia 69,094
Jan. 6 Seattle ($19,000) Dallas ($17,000) 21-20 Seattle 68,058
2005 Jan. 8 Carolina ($17,000) N.Y. Giants ($19,000) 23-0 East Rutherford 79,378
Jan. 7 Washington ($17,000) Tampa Bay ($19,000) 17-10 Tampa 65,514
2004 Jan. 9 Minnesota ($15,000) Green Bay ($18,000) 31-17 Green Bay 71,075
Jan. 8 St. Louis ($15,000) Seattle ($18,000) 27-20 Seattle 65,397
2003 Jan. 4 Green Bay ($18,000) Seattle ($15,000) 33-27* Green Bay 71,457
Jan. 3 Carolina ($18,000) Dallas ($15,000) 29-10 Charlotte 73,014
2002 Jan. 5 San Francisco ($17,000) N.Y. Giants ($12,500) 39-38 San Francisco 66,318
Jan. 4 Atlanta ($12,500) Green Bay ($17,000) 27-7 Green Bay 65,358
2001 Jan. 13 Green Bay ($12,500) San Francisco ($12,500) 25-15 Green Bay 59,825
Jan. 12 Philadelphia ($17,000) Tampa Bay ($12,500) 31-9 Philadelphia 65,847
2000 Dec. 31 Philadelphia ($12,500) Tampa Bay ($12,500) 21-3 Philadelphia 65,813
Dec. 30 New Orleans ($16,000) St. Louis ($12,500) 31-28 New Orleans 64,900
1999 Jan. 9 Minnesota ($10,000) Dallas ($10,000) 27-10 Minneapolis 64,056
Jan. 8 Washington ($16,000) Detroit ($10,000) 27-13 Washington 79,411
1998 Jan. 3 San Francisco ($10,000) Green Bay ($10,000) 30-27 San Francisco 66,506
Jan. 2 Arizona ($10,000) Dallas ($15,000) 20-7 Dallas 62,969
1997 Dec. 28 Tampa Bay ($10,000) Detroit ($10,000) 20-10 Tampa 73,361
Dec. 27 Minnesota ($10,000) N.Y. Giants ($15,000) 23-22 East Rutherford 77,497
1996 Dec. 29 San Francisco ($10,000) Philadelphia ($10,000) 14-0 San Francisco 56,460
Dec. 28 Dallas ($14,000) Minnesota ($10,000) 40-15 Dallas 64,682
1995 Dec. 31 Green Bay ($13,000) Atlanta ($7,500) 37-20 Green Bay 60,453
Dec. 30 Philadelphia ($7,500) Detroit ($7,500) 58-37 Philadelphia 66,099
1994 Jan. 1 Chicago ($7,500) Minnesota ($12,000) 35-18 Minnesota 60,347
Dec. 31 Green Bay ($7,500) Detroit ($7,500) 16-12 Green Bay 58,125
1993 Jan. 9 N.Y. Giants ($7,500) Minnesota ($7,500) 17-10 East Rutherford 75,089
Jan. 8 Green Bay ($7,500) Detroit ($12,000) 28-24 Detroit 68,479
1992 Jan. 3 Philadelphia ($6,000) New Orleans ($6,000) 36-20 New Orleans 68,893
Jan. 2 Washington ($6,000) Minnesota ($10,000) 24-7 Minnesota 57,353
1991 Dec. 29 Dallas ($6,000) Chicago ($6,000) 17-13 Chicago 62,594

500 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Season Date Winner (Share) Loser (Share) Score Site Attendance

Dec. 28 Atlanta ($6,000) New Orleans ($10,000) 27-20 New Orleans 68,794
1990 Jan. 6 Chicago ($10,000) New Orleans ($6,000) 16-6 Chicago 60,767
Jan. 5 Washington ($6,000) Philadelphia ($6,000) 20-6 Philadelphia 65,287
1989 Dec. 31 L.A. Rams ($6,000) Philadelphia ($6,000) 21-7 Philadelphia 65,479
1988 Dec. 26 Minnesota ($6,000) L.A. Rams ($6,000) 28-17 Minnesota 61,204
1987 Jan. 3 Minnesota ($6,000) New Orleans ($6,000) 44-10 New Orleans 68,546
1986 Dec. 28 Washington ($6,000) L.A. Rams ($6,000) 19-7 Washington 54,567
1985 Dec. 29 N.Y. Giants ($6,000) San Francisco ($6,000) 17-3 East Rutherford 75,131
1984 Dec. 23 N.Y. Giants ($6,000) L.A. Rams ($6,000) 16-13 Anaheim 67,037
1983 Dec. 26 L.A. Rams ($6,000) Dallas ($6,000) 24-17 Dallas 62,118
1982 Jan. 9 Dallas ($6,000) Tampa Bay ($6,000) 30-17 Dallas 65,042
Jan. 9 Minnesota ($6,000) Atlanta ($6,000) 30-24 Minnesota 60,560
Jan. 8 Green Bay ($6,000) St. Louis ($6,000) 41-16 Green Bay 54,282
Jan. 8 Washington ($6,000) Detroit ($6,000) 31-7 Washington 55,045
1981 Dec. 27 N.Y. Giants ($3,000) Philadelphia ($3,000) 27-21 Philadelphia 71,611
1980 Dec. 28 Dallas ($3,000) Los Angeles ($3,000) 34-13 Dallas 63,052
1979 Dec. 23 Philadelphia ($3,000) Chicago ($3,000) 27-17 Philadelphia 69,397
1978 Dec. 24 Atlanta ($3,000) Philadelphia ($3,000) 14-13 Atlanta 59,403

2015 NFC WILD CARD PLAYOFF GAMES TCF Bank Stadium, Minneapolis, Minnesota
FedExField, Landover, Maryland January 10, 2016, Attendance: 52,090
January 10, 2016, Attendance: 81,367 SEATTLE 10, MINNESOTA 9—Blair Walsh missed a 27-yard
GREEN BAY 35, WASHINGTON 18—Aaron Rodgers passed for field goal with 26 seconds remaining as Seattle escaped the neg-
2 touchdowns as the Packers rallied to defeat Washington. Pre- ative-25 degree wind chill of Minnesota with a victory. The game
ston Smith sacked Rodgers in the end zone for a safety less than was the final played by the Vikings at University of Minnesota’s
five minutes into the game to begin the scoring. Washington TCF Bank Stadium, and the first outdoor postseason game in the
extended the lead to 5-0, and then Cousins twice connected with state since the 1976 NFC Championship Game. The elements
Jordan Reed on third-down completions, a 20-yarder and a 24- showed early, as Seattle mishandled their first punt, giving the
yard touchdown, early in the second quarter for an 11-0 lead. Vikings the ball at the Seahawks’ 29. Walsh made a 22-yard field
The Redskins then forced an incomplete pass on third-and-4, but goal 10 plays later for a 3-0 lead. The Seahawks reached the
were flagged for 12 men on the field. On the next play Rodgers Vikings’ 25 late in the first half, but on fourth-and-13 from the 30-
hit James Jones with a 34-yard pass and capped the drive with yard line, eschewed the potential tying field goal and Russell Wil-
a 12-yard scoring toss to Randall Cobb. On the next possession son’s pass to Fred Jackson was completed for only seven yards.
Mike Neal forced Cousins to fumble at the Packers’ 46, leading to Trailing 3-0 at halftime, Seattle opened the second half by driving
Mason Crosby’s field goal. On the final possession of the half to the Vikings’ 40. On fourth-and-3, Trey Waynes intercepted Wil-
Rodgers connected with Davonte Adams twice, including a 20- son and retuned the ball 24 yards to set up Walsh’s 43-yard field
yard pass on third down and a 10-yard touchdown connection goal. The Vikings’ defense forced a punt, and a pair of penalties
with 28 seconds left in the half, to give Green Bay a 17-11 lead. helped set up Walsh’s third field, from 47 yards, for a 9-0 lead in
Washington began the second half with a 73-yard touchdown the final seconds of the third quarter. The momentum-turning
drive, highlighted by Reed’s 17-yard catch on fourth-and-1, to play of the game occurred on the next possession. Seattle drove
take an 18-17 lead. The Packers answered by scoring on their to the Vikings’ 39, and on first-and-10 the shotgun snap got past
fourth consecutive possession, which featured Eddie Lacy’s 11- Wilson, who raced back and picked up the ball at Seahawks’ 45.
yard run on fourth-and-1, for a 24-18 advantage. After forcing a Wilson scrambled, extending the play and then firing a strike
punt, Lacy’s 2-yard scoring run, and Jared Abbrederis’ two-point downfield to Tyler Lockett, who caught the ball at the 25-yard line
conversion catch stretched the lead to 32-18 with 12:23 remain- and turned up field before being tackled at the 4-yard line. Wilson
ing. Green Bay led 35-18 when Neal sacked Cousins in the red connected with Doug Baldwin a few plays later for a touchdown.
zone on fourth down with 2:46 to play. Rodgers was 21 of 36 for Two plays after that, Kam Chancellor forced Adrian Peterson to
210 yards and 2 touchdowns. Cousins was 29 of 46 for 329 fumble. Ahtyba Rubin recovered at the Vikings’ 40, and Steven
yards and 1 touchdown. Reed had 9 catches for 120 yards and Hauschka connected on a 46-yard field goal for a 10-9 lead with
1 touchdown. 8:04 to play. Minnesota’s defense forced a Seattle punt and the
Green Bay 0 17 7 11 — 35 Vikings took over on their own 39-yard-line with 1:42 to play. A
Washington 5 6 7 0 — 18 19-yard pass interference penalty, followed by a 24-yard pass to
Wash — Safety, Smith sacked Rodgers in end zone Kyle Rudolph, put Minnesota in the red zone. Three carries by
Wash — FG Hopkins 25 Peterson got the ball to the Seahawks’ 9, but Walsh’s kicked
Wash — Reed 24 pass from Cousins (kick failed) sailed wide left. Wilson was 13 of 26 for 142 yards and 1 touch-
GB — Cobb 12 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick) down, with 1 interception. Teddy Bridgewater was 17 of 24 for
GB — FG Crosby 43 146 yards.
GB — Adams 10 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick) Seattle 0 0 0 10 — 10
Wash — Cousins 3 run (Hopkins kick) Minnesota 3 0 6 0 — 9
GB — Starks 3 run (Crosby kick) Minn — FG Walsh 22
GB — Lacy 2 run (Abbreeris pass from Rodgers) Minn — FG Walsh 43
GB — FG Crosby 29 Minn — FG Walsh 47
Sea — Baldwin 3 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick)
Sea — FG Hauschka 46

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 501

Includes AFL All-Star Game played after the 1961-69 seasons.
Date Result/Honored players Site (attendance)
Jan. 15, 1939 New York Giants 13, Pro All-Stars 10 ..........................................................................Wrigley Field, Los Angeles (20,000)
Jan. 14, 1940 Green Bay 16, NFL All-Stars 7...............................................................................Gilmore Stadium, Los Angeles (18,000)
Dec. 29, 1940 Chicago Bears 28, NFL All-Stars 14 ......................................................................Gilmore Stadium, Los Angeles (21,624)
Jan. 4, 1942 Chicago Bears 35, NFL All-Stars 24 ...............................................................................Polo Grounds, New York (17,725)
Dec. 27, 1942 NFL All-Stars 17, Washington 14 ....................................................................................Shibe Park, Philadelphia (18,671)
Jan. 14, 1951 American Conf. 28, National Conf. 27 ................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (53,676)
Otto Graham, Cleveland, player of the game
Jan. 12, 1952 National Conf. 30, American Conf. 13 ................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (19,400)
Dan Towler, Los Angeles, player of the game
Jan. 10, 1953 National Conf. 27, American Conf. 7 ..................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (34,208)
Don Doll, Detroit, player of the game
Jan. 17, 1954 East 20, West 9 .................................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (44,214)
Chuck Bednarik, Philadelphia, player of the game
Jan. 16, 1955 West 26, East 19 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (43,972)
Billy Wilson, San Francisco, player of the game
Jan. 15, 1956 East 31, West 30 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (37,867)
Ollie Matson, Chi. Cardinals, player of the game
Jan. 13, 1957 West 19, East 10 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (44,177)
Bert Rechichar, Baltimore, outstanding back
Ernie Stautner, Pittsburgh, outstanding lineman
Jan. 12, 1958 West 26, East 7 .................................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (66,634)
Hugh McElhenny, San Francisco, outstanding back
Gene Brito, Washington, outstanding lineman
Jan. 11, 1959 East 28, West 21 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (72,250)
Frank Gifford, N.Y. Giants, outstanding back
Doug Atkins, Chi. Bears, outstanding lineman
Jan. 17, 1960 West 38, East 21 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (56,876)
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, outstanding back
Gene (Big Daddy) Lipscomb, Baltimore, outstanding lineman
Jan. 15, 1961 West 35, East 31 ...............................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (62,971)
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, outstanding back
Sam Huff, N.Y. Giants, outstanding lineman
Jan. 7, 1962 AFL West 47, East 27 ................................................................................................Balboa Stadium, San Diego (20,973)
Cotton Davidson, Dallas Texans, player of the game
Jan. 14, 1962 NFL West 31, East 30 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (57,409)
Jim Brown, Cleveland, outstanding back
Henry Jordan, Green Bay, outstanding lineman
Jan. 13, 1963 AFL West 21, East 14 ................................................................................................Balboa Stadium, San Diego (27,641)
Curtis McClinton, Dallas Texans, outstanding offensive player
Earl Faison, San Diego, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 13, 1963 NFL East 30, West 20 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (61,374)
Jim Brown, Cleveland, outstanding back
Gene (Big Daddy) Lipscomb, Pittsburgh, outstanding lineman
Jan. 12, 1964 NFL West 31, East 17 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (67,242)
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, player of the game
Gino Marchetti, Baltimore, outstanding lineman
Jan. 19, 1964 AFL West 27, East 24 ................................................................................................Balboa Stadium, San Diego (20,016)
Keith Lincoln, San Diego, outstanding offensive player
Archie Matsos, Oakland, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 10, 1965 NFL West 34, East 14 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (60,598)
Fran Tarkenton, Minnesota, outstanding back
Terry Barr, Detroit, outstanding lineman
Jan. 16, 1965 AFL West 38, East 14...............................................................................................Jeppesen Stadium, Houston (15,446)
Keith Lincoln, San Diego, outstanding offensive player
Willie Brown, Denver, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 15, 1966 AFL All-Stars 30, Buffalo 19 .............................................................................................Rice Stadium, Houston (35,572)
Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets, most valuable player, offense
Frank Buncom, San Diego, most valuable player, defense
Jan. 15, 1966 NFL East 36, West 7 ..........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (60,124)
Jim Brown, Cleveland, outstanding back
Dale Meinert, St. Louis, outstanding lineman
Jan. 21, 1967 AFL East 30, West 23....................................................................................Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum (18,876)
Babe Parilli, Boston, outstanding offensive player
Verlon Biggs, N.Y. Jets, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 22, 1967 NFL East 20, West 10 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (15,062)
Gale Sayers, Chicago, outstanding back
Floyd Peters, Philadelphia, outstanding lineman

502 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Jan. 21, 1968 AFL East 25, West 24 .............................................................................................Gator Bowl, Jacksonville, Fla. (40,103)
Joe Namath and Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets, out. off. players
Leslie (Speedy) Duncan, San Diego, out. def. player
Jan. 21, 1968 NFL West 38, East 20 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (53,289)
Gale Sayers, Chicago, outstanding back
Dave Robinson, Green Bay, outstanding lineman
Jan. 19, 1969 AFL West 38, East 25 .............................................................................................Gator Bowl, Jacksonville, Fla. (41,058)
Len Dawson, Kansas City, outstanding offensive player
George Webster, Houston, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 19, 1969 NFL West 10, East 7 ..........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (32,050)
Roman Gabriel, Los Angeles, outstanding back
Merlin Olsen, Los Angeles, outstanding lineman
Jan. 17, 1970 AFL West 26, East 3 ............................................................................................................Astrodome, Houston (30,170)
John Hadl, San Diego, player of the game
Jan. 18, 1970 NFL West 16, East 13 ........................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (57,786)
Gale Sayers, Chicago, outstanding back
George Andrie, Dallas, outstanding lineman
Jan. 24, 1971 NFC 27, AFC 6 ...................................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (48,222)
Mel Renfro, Dallas, outstanding back
Fred Carr, Green Bay, outstanding lineman
Jan. 23, 1972 AFC 26, NFC 13.................................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (53,647)
Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, outstanding offensive player
Willie Lanier, Kansas City, outstanding defensive player
Jan. 21, 1973 AFC 33, NFC 28..................................................................................................................Texas Stadium, Irving (37,091)
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, player of the game
Jan. 20, 1974 AFC 15, NFC 13................................................................................................Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City (66,918)
Garo Yepremian, Miami, player of the game
Jan. 20, 1975 NFC 17, AFC 10....................................................................................................................Orange Bowl, Miami (26,484)
James Harris, Los Angeles, player of the game
Jan. 26, 1976 NFC 23, AFC 20............................................................................................Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans (30,546)
Billy Johnson, Houston, player of the game
Jan. 17, 1977 AFC 24, NFC 14 .......................................................................................................................Kingdome, Seattle (64,752)
Mel Blount, Pittsburgh, player of the game
Jan. 23, 1978 NFC 14, AFC 13 ...........................................................................................................................Tampa Stadium (51,337)
Walter Payton, Chicago, player of the game
Jan. 29, 1979 NFC 13, AFC 7 ...................................................................................................Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (46,281)
Ahmad Rashad, Minnesota, player of the game
Jan. 27, 1980 NFC 37, AFC 27.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,800)
Chuck Muncie, New Orleans, player of the game
Feb. 1, 1981 NFC 21, AFC 7...............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,360)
Eddie Murray, Detroit, player of the game
Jan. 31, 1982 AFC 16, NFC 13.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,402)
Kellen Winslow, San Diego, and Lee Roy Selmon, Tampa Bay, players of the game
Feb. 6, 1983 NFC 20, AFC 19.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,883)
Dan Fouts, San Diego, and John Jefferson, Green Bay, players of the game
Jan. 29, 1984 NFC 45, AFC 3...............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,445)
Joe Theismann, Washington, player of the game
Jan. 27, 1985 AFC 22, NFC 14.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,385)
Mark Gastineau, N.Y. Jets, player of the game
Feb. 2, 1986 NFC 28, AFC 24.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,101)
Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants, player of the game
Feb. 1, 1987 AFC 10, NFC 6...............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,101)
Reggie White, Philadelphia, player of the game
Feb. 7, 1988 AFC 15, NFC 6...............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,113)
Bruce Smith, Buffalo, player of the game
Jan. 29, 1989 NFC 34, AFC 3...............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,113)
Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia, player of the game
Feb. 4, 1990 NFC 27, AFC 21.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,445)
Jerry Gray, L.A. Rams, player of the game
Feb. 3, 1991 AFC 23, NFC 21.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,345)
Jim Kelly, Buffalo, player of the game
Feb. 2, 1992 NFC 21, AFC 15.............................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,209)
Michael Irvin, Dallas, player of the game
Feb. 7, 1993 AFC 23, NFC 20 (OT).....................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,007)
Steve Tasker, Buffalo, player of the game
Feb. 6, 1994 NFC 17, AFC 3........................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,026)
Andre Rison, Atlanta, player of the game
Feb. 5, 1995 AFC 41, NFC 13 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,529)
Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis, player of the game

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 503

Feb. 4, 1996 NFC 20, AFC 13................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,034)
Jerry Rice, San Francisco, player of the game
Feb. 2, 1997 AFC 26, NFC 23 (OT)........................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,031)
Mark Brunell, Jacksonville, player of the game
Feb. 1, 1998 AFC 29, NFC 24 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,995)
Warren Moon, Seattle, player of the game
Feb. 7, 1999 AFC 23, NFC 10 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,075)
Keyshawn Johnson, N.Y. Jets and Ty Law, New England, co-players of the game
Feb. 6, 2000 NFC 51, AFC 31 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,112)
Randy Moss, Minnesota, player of the game
Feb. 4, 2001 AFC 38, NFC 17 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,128)
Rich Gannon, Oakland, player of the game
Feb. 9, 2002 AFC 38, NFC 30 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,301)
Rich Gannon, Oakland, player of the game
Feb. 2, 2003 AFC 45, NFC 20 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,125)
Ricky Williams, Miami, player of the game
Feb. 8, 2004 NFC 55, AFC 52 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,127)
Marc Bulger, St. Louis, player of the game
Feb. 13, 2005 AFC 38, NFC 27 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,225)
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, player of the game
Feb. 12, 2006 NFC 23, AFC 17 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,190)
Derrick Brooks, Tampa Bay, player of the game
Feb. 10, 2007 AFC 31, NFC 28 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,410)
Carson Palmer, Cincinnati, player of the game
Feb. 10, 2008 NFC 42, AFC 30 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (50,044)
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, most valuable player
Feb. 8, 2009 NFC 30, AFC 21 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,958)
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona, most valuable player
Jan. 31, 2010 AFC 41, NFC 34......................................................................................................Sun Life Stadium, South Florida (70,697)
Matt Schaub, Houston, most valuable player
Jan. 30, 2011 NFC 55, AFC 41 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,331)
DeAngelo Hall, Washington, most valuable player
Jan. 29, 2012 AFC 59, NFC 41 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (48,423)
Brandon Marshall, Miami, most valuable playerr
Jan. 27, 2013 NFC 62, AFC 35 ................................................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (47,134)
Kyle Rudolph, Minnesota, most valuable player
Jan. 26, 2014 Team Rice 22, Team Sanders 21 ......................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (47,270)
Nick Foles (Team Sanders), Philadelphia, Offensive MVP
Derrick Johnson (Team Rice), Kansas City, Defensive MVP
Jan. 25, 2015 Team Irvin 32, Team Carter 28 .....................................................University of Phoenx Stadium, Glendale, Arizona (63,225)
Matthew Stafford (Team Irvin), Detroit, Offensive MVP
J.J. Watt (Team Carter), Houston, Defensive MVP
Jan. 31, 2016 Team Irvin 49, Team Rice 27 ............................................................................................Aloha Stadium, Honolulu (49,616)
Russell Wilson (Team Irvin), Seattle, Offensive MVP
Michael Bennett (Team Irvin), Seattle, Defensive MVP

504 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Winner Loser Attendance
August 11, 1962 New York Giants 21 (tie) St. Louis Cardinals 21 (tie) 14,000
September 8, 1963 Pittsburgh Steelers 16 Cleveland Browns 7 18,462
September 6, 1964 Baltimore Colts 48 Pittsburgh Steelers 17 11,479
September 12, 1965 Washington Redskins 20 Detroit Lions 3 14,416
1966 No game was played
August 5, 1967 Philadelphia Eagles 28 Cleveland Browns 13 17,304
August 3, 1968 Chicago Bears 30 Dallas Cowboys 24 14,578
September 13, 1969 Green Bay Packers 38 Atlanta Falcons 24 17,411
August 8, 1970 New Orleans Saints 14 Minnesota Vikings 13 17,932
July 31, 1971 Los Angeles Rams (NFC) 17 Houston Oilers (AFC) 6 19,384
July 29, 1972 Kansas City Chiefs (AFC) 23 New York Giants (NFC) 17 19,304
July 28, 1973 San Francisco 49ers (NFC) 20 New England Patriots (AFC) 7 19,685
July 27, 1974 St. Louis Cardinals (NFC) 21 Buffalo Bills (AFC) 13 17,286
August 2, 1975 Washington Redskins (NFC) 17 Cincinnati Bengals (AFC) 9 19,360
July 24, 1976 Denver Broncos (AFC) 10 Detroit Lions (NFC) 7 17,639
July 30, 1977 Chicago Bears (NFC) 20 New York Jets (AFC) 6 19,057
July 29, 1978 Philadelphia Eagles (NFC) 17 Miami Dolphins (AFC) 3 19,255
July 28, 1979 Oakland Raiders (AFC) 20 Dallas Cowboys (NFC) 13 20,648
August 2, 1980* San Diego Chargers (AFC) 0 Green Bay Packers (NFC) 0 19,972
August 1, 1981 Cleveland Browns (AFC) 24 Atlanta Falcons (NFC) 10 23,921
August 7, 1982 Minnesota Vikings (NFC) 30 Baltimore Colts (AFC) 14 23,379
July 30, 1983 Pittsburgh Steelers (AFC) 27 New Orleans Saints (NFC) 14 23,909
July 28, 1984 Seattle Seahawks (AFC) 38 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFC) 0 22,250
August 3, 1985 New York Giants (NFC) 21 Houston Oilers (AFC) 20 23,940
August 2, 1986 New England Patriots (AFC) 21 St. Louis Cardinals (NFC) 16 22,739
August 8, 1987 San Francisco 49ers (NFC) 20 Kansas City Chiefs (AFC) 7 23,826
July 30, 1988 Cincinnati Bengals (AFC) 14 Los Angeles Rams (NFC) 7 23,801
August 5, 1989 Washington Redskins (NFC) 31 Buffalo Bills (AFC) 6 23,948
August 4, 1990 Chicago Bears (NFC) 13 Cleveland Browns (AFC) 0 23,952
July 27, 1991 Detroit Lions (NFC) 14 Denver Broncos (AFC) 3 23,815
August 1, 1992 New York Jets (AFC) 41 Philadelphia Eagles (NFC) 14 23,853
July 31, 1993 Los Angeles Raiders (AFC) 19 Green Bay Packers (NFC) 3 23,863
July 30, 1994 Atlanta Falcons (NFC) 21 San Diego Chargers (AFC) 17 23,185
July 29, 1995 Carolina Panthers (NFC) 20 Jacksonville Jaguars (AFC) 14 24,625
July 27, 1996 Indianapolis Colts (AFC) 10 New Orleans Saints (NFC) 3 23,376
July 26, 1997 Minnesota Vikings (NFC) 28 Seattle Seahawks (AFC) 26 23,846
August 1, 1998 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFC) 30 Pittsburgh Steelers (AFC) 6 23,875
August 9, 1999 Cleveland Browns (AFC) 20 Dallas Cowboys (NFC) 17 (OT) 25,156
July 31, 2000 New England Patriots (AFC) 20 San Francisco 49ers (NFC) 0 22,840
August 6, 2001 St. Louis Rams (NFC) 17 Miami Dolphins (AFC) 10 22,736
August 5, 2002 New York Giants (NFC) 34 Houston Texans (AFC) 17 22,461
August 4, 2003** Kansas City Chiefs (AFC) 9 Green Bay Packers (NFC) 0 22,385
August 9, 2004 Washington Redskins (NFC) 20 Denver Broncos (AFC) 17 22,177
August 8, 2005 Chicago Bears (NFC) 27 Miami Dolphins (AFC) 24 22,292
August 6, 2006 Oakland Raiders (AFC) 16 Philadelphia Eagles (NFC) 10 22,200
August 5, 2007 Pittsburgh Steelers (AFC) 20 New Orleans Saints (NFC) 7 22,302
August 3, 2008 Washington Redskins (NFC) 30 Indianapolis Colts (AFC) 16 22,216
August 9, 2009 Tennessee Titans (AFC) 21 Buffalo Bills (AFC) 18 22,153
August 8, 2010 Dallas Cowboys (NFC) 16 Cincinnati Bengals (AFC) 7 22,364
2011 No game was played
August 5, 2012 New Orleans Saints (NFC) 17 Arizona Cardinals (NFC) 10 18,100
August 4, 2013 Dallas Cowboys (NFC) 24 Miami Dolphins (AFC) 20 22,364
August 3, 2014 New York Giants (NFC) 17 Buffalo Bills 13 (AFC) 22,052
August 9, 2015 Minnesota Vikings (NFC) 14 Pittsburgh Steelers (AFC) 3 22,364

*Game called with 5:29 remaining in the fourth quarter because of severe thunder and lightning.
**Game called with 5:49 remaining in the third quarter because of lightning and torrential rain.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 505

Balt. Buff. Cin. Clev. Den. Hou. Ind. Jax. K.C. Mia. N.E. N.Y.J. Oak. Pitt. S.D. Tenn.
Total 13-11 10-10 3-15 1-9 27-17 2-7 20-23 5-6 10-7 19-8 25-17 10-13 17-18 24-20 16-18 11-9
2015 0-1 3-0 0-1 0-2 2-1 1-0
2014 0-1 0-2 3-0 0-2 0-1 3-0 3-0 0-1
2013 0-1 1-2 0-2 2-0 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-1 0-1
2012 2-0 0-1 2-0 1-1 0-2 1-2 0-1
2011 2-1 0-2 0-1 1-0 1-2 2-1 1-0
2010 0-1 2-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-2 1-0
2009 1-0 0-1 3-0 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 0-1
2008 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-1 0-1 0-2 2-0 2-1
2007 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-2 3-0 1-1 1-1 1-0
2006 2-2 3-0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 3-0
2005 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 1-0 2-0
2004 2-1 0-1 1-0 0-2 1-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-2 1-0 2-0 2-0
2003 1-1 0-2 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 1-0
2002 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-1 0-2 2-0 2-0 0-1
2001 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-2 1-0 0-1 2-0 1-1 1-0 0-1
2000 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 0-2 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-1
1999 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1
1998 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-0
1997 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 2-0 0-2
1996 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-0
1995 0-2 2-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1
1994 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 2-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-0
1993 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-3 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 0-2 2-1
1992 1-1 1-0 2-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 0-2 1-0 1-0 1-1
1991 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-2 1-0 0-1 2-0 1-1 0-1 2-0
1990 1-0 1-1 0-2 1-0 0-1 1-2 0-1 1-1
1989 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-0
1988 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-1
1987 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0
1985 0-1 1-0
1984 0-1 1-0
1983 1-0
1980 0-1
1978 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1


East W L T Pct. South W L T Pct.
Miami 19 8 0 .704 Tennessee 11 9 0 .550
New England 25 17 0 .595 Indianapolis 20 23 0 .465
Buffalo 10 10 0 .500 Jacksonville 5 6 0 .455
New York Jets 10 13 0 .435 Houston 2 7 0 .222

North W L T Pct. West W L T Pct.

Pittsburgh 24 20 0 .545 Denver 27 17 0 .614
Baltimore 13 11 0 .542 Kansas City 10 7 0 .588
Cincinnati 3 15 0 .176 Oakland 17 18 0 .486
Cleveland 1 9 0 .100 San Diego 16 18 0 .471

506 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Ariz. Atl. Car. Chi. Dall. Det. G.B. L.A. Minn. N.O. N.Y.G. Phil. S.F. Sea. T.B. Wash.
Total 10-14 9-9 6-9 16-21 27-29 5-11 23-9 10-12 17-17 19-14 20-27-1 22-17 14-14 19-13 6-11 16-17-1
2015 3-0 1-0 1-2 0-1 1-2 2-0 1-0 1-2 1-2 0-1 0-2
2014 0-1 0-1 1-1 3-0 1-1 1-1 0-2 1-1 0-2 1-0
2013 0-1 0-1 1-1 2-2 1-0 0-1 2-0 1-1 2-0 1-1 1-0 0-2
2012 1-0 0-1 1-2 0-2 2-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 1-0 1-0
2011 1-1 1-1 0-4 0-1 2-0 0-1 2-0 2-1 2-1
2010 0-1 0-3 2-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-2 3-0 0-1 1-0 1-1
2009 2-1 1-0 1-0 0-3 2-1 1-0 0-2 1-2 2-1 0-1
2008 0-1 2-1 3-0 0-1 1-0 2-1 0-2 0-1 1-0 0-2
2007 1-1 3-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-2 0-3 0-1 2-0
2006 0-1 2-1 2-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 1-1 0-1
2005 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0
2004 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 0-2
2003 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1
2002 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0
2001 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-2 2-0 2-0 1-1 0-1 1-0
2000 1-1 0-1 1-0 0-2 0-2 1-0 0-1 1-0 2-1 1-0 1-0
1999 0-2 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-2 2-0
1998 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-2 0-1 0-1
1997 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0-1
1996 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 2-0 0-1 0-2 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-0
1995 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1
1994 1-1 0-2 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1
1993 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-2 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0
1992 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1
1991 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 1-1 1-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 2-0
1990 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 0-2 1-0 2-0 1-0 1-0
1989 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1
1988 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1
1987 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 2-0 1-0 0-1
1986 0-1 1-0
1985 1-0 0-1
1984 1-0 0-1
1983 0-1
1982 1-0 0-1
1981 1-0 0-1
1980 1-0
1979 1-0 0-1
1978 1-0


East W L T Pct. South W L T Pct.
Philadelphia 22 17 0 .564 New Orleans 19 14 0 .576
Washington 16 17 1 .485 Atlanta 9 9 0 .500
Dallas 27 29 0 .482 Carolina 6 9 0 .400
New York Giants 20 27 1 .427 Tampa Bay 6 11 0 .353

North W L T Pct. West W L T Pct.

Green Bay 23 9 0 .719 Seattle 19 13 0 .594
Minnesota 17 17 0 .500 San Francisco 14 14 0 .500
Chicago 16 21 0 .432 Los Angeles 10 12 0 .455
Detroit 5 11 0 .313 Arizona 10 14 0 .417

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 507

Balt. Buff. Cin. Cle. Den. Hou. Ind. Jax. K.C. Mia. N.E. N.Y.J. Oak. Pitt. S.D. Tenn.
Total 11-10 17-24 11-22 15-15 30-37-1 4-5 22-16 8-7 23-18 41-41 23-24 21-29 37-27-1 43-24 22-22 21-17
2015 1-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-2
2014 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 2-0 0-1 0-1
2013 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1
2012 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 1-0 0-2 0-1 1-0 1-1 1-0
2011 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-1 0-2 2-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-1
2010 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 2-0 1-2 1-0 1-1 1-0
2009 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 1-0
2008 0-1 0-1 2-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-0
2007 0-3 0-1 1-1 1-2 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0 2-0 1-0 1-1
2006 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 1-0
2005 1-1 1-0 3-0 0-1 1-1 0-2 2-1 0-1
2004 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 2-1 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-1
2003 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-3 0-1 0-1 0-1
2002 1-0 0-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 2-0 2-1 1-0
2001 2-0 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2
2000 0-1 1-1 2-0 0-2 1-1 0-1 1-1 2-0 0-1 3-0
1999 1-0 1-2 2-0 1-2 0-1 2-1 0-1 1-0
1998 2-1 2-0 0-2 1-2 1-2 1-0 2-1
1997 1-1 2-1 0-1 1-0 2-0 1-2 1-2 0-2 0-2
1996 0-2 1-0 1-0 0-2 1-2 2-1 3-0 1-1
1995 1-1 0-2 1-0 1-1 2-1 1-0 0-2 1-1 1-1
1994 1-1 0-2 1-1 1-0 1-1 2-0 0-1 0-3
1993 2-1 1-0 0-2 0-1 2-0 1-2 1-0 3-0 2-0 0-1
1992 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 2-1 0-1 0-2 1-0 1-0
1991 2-1 0-2 2-1 1-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-1
1990 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-0
1989 1-2 1-2 1-1 2-0 0-1 1-0 1-0
1988 2-0 1-2 0-2 1-1 1-1 0-1 1-1 1-0
1987 1-0 2-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 1-1
1986 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-0 1-1 0-1 0-2 0-1
1985 1-0 1-0 1-0 2-1 0-1 1-0 2-0 0-2 0-1
1984 0-1 0-1 1-0 3-0 0-1 2-1 1-1 1-2
1983 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-1 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1
1982 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 0-1
1981 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 2-1 1-1 2-1 0-1
1980 1-1 1-2 1-1 1-2 1-0 3-0 0-2 1-0 2-0
1979 1-0 0-2 0-2 0-2 1-1 2-0 2-1 1-0 2-0
1978 1-2 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-2 1-0 1-1 1-0 2-0
1977 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 2-0 2-0
1976 0-2 1-1 2-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 2-0 0-1 0-1
1975 0-2 1-0 1-1 1-0 1-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-0 1-0 0-1
1974 1-0 0-1 0-2 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 2-0
1973 1-0 0-1 0-0-1 1-1 2-0 0-1 0-0-1 1-1
1972 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-1 0-1
1971 0-1 1-1 2-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0
1970 0-1 2-0 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1
East W L T Pct. South W L T Pct.
Miami 41 41 0 .500 Indianapolis 22 16 0 .579
New England 23 24 0 .489 Tennessee 21 17 0 .553
New York Jets 21 29 0 .420 Jacksonville 8 7 0 .533
Buffalo 17 24 0 .415 Houston 4 5 0 .444

North W L T Pct. West W L T Pct.

Pittsburgh 43 24 0 .642 Oakland 37 27 1 .577
Baltimore 11 10 0 .524 Kansas City 23 18 0 .561
Cleveland 15 15 0 .500 San Diego 22 22 0 .500
Cincinnati 11 22 0 .333 Denver 30 37 1 .449
From 1970-71, tie games were not included in winning percentage.

508 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Ariz. Atl. Car. Chi. Dall. Det. G.B. L.A. Minn. N.O. N.Y.G. Phil. S.F. Sea. T.B. Wash.
Total 8-15-1 11-27 8-5 29-36 44-33 14-16-1 30-31-1 26-31 26-30 18-20 23-36-1 31-26 47-25 22-8 10-9 28-38
2015 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 0-1
2014 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-1 0-2 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1
2013 0-2 1-0 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 2-0 1-0 0-2
2012 0-1 1-0 1-0 2-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-2 2-0 1-0 1-0
2011 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 2-0 1-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1
2010 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-1 0-1 0-2 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 0-1
2009 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-1 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-2
2008 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-2 1-1 1-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
2007 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-0
2006 0-1 0-1 1-1 2-0 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-1 2-0 2-0 0-1 0-1
2005 3-0 1-0 1-1 0-3 0-1 1-0 0-2 1-0 0-3 1-0 1-0
2004 0-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 0-2 2-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
2003 0-1 0-1 1-0 2-1 2-0 0-2 2-1 1-0 2-1
2002 0-3 2-0 2-1 0-1 3-0 1-2 0-1 1-1 0-1
2001 1-0 0-1 2-0 2-1 1-1 0-1 0-3 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-2
2000 1-0 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-1 0-1 1-1 1-2
1999 0-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 2-1 1-0 1-2 1-0 1-0
1998 2-0 1-1 0-3 1-0 0-2 0-1 3-0 1-1 0-1
1997 1-1 1-1 1-2 3-0 0-1 0-2 3-0 1-0
1996 0-1 2-0 2-1 0-2 2-1 0-1 0-2 2-1
1995 0-1 1-2 3-0 2-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 0-1 2-1
1994 0-2 2-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-2 1-2 2-0 2-1
1993 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-0 0-2 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-2
1992 0-2 0-3 2-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 1-2
1991 2-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-0
1990 0-1 0-3 0-1 1-1 1-1 2-0 3-0 1-0 0-1
1989 1-1 0-2 1-1 1-1 2-1 0-2 3-0 1-0 0-2
1988 0-1 1-2 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 1-0 1-1 1-0 0-2
1987 1-2 2-1 1-2 1-0 0-3 2-0 0-2 1-1
1986 0-1 2-1 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 2-1 0-2 2-0 1-1
1985 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 2-1 0-1 1-2 0-2 2-1
1984 0-2 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 2-0 2-0 1-1
1983 0-0-1 0-1 1-1 2-0 2-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 1-1-1 1-0 0-1 1-2
1982 1-2 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0
1981 1-2 0-2 2-0 1-0 2-0 0-3 1-1 1-0
1980 1-1 1-1 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-2
1979 1-2 0-2 1-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 2-0 1-0
1978 1-0 0-3 1-1 0-2 2-0 0-1 1-1
1977 2-0 1-0 1-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-1
1976 0-1 1-0 0-2 1-1 0-1 2-0 2-0
1975 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 1-0 0-1 1-0
1974 0-1 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-2 2-0
1973 1-1 0-1 1-1 1-0 1-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-1
1972 0-1 0-1 1-0 1-0 0-2 1-0 1-0 0-2 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 2-0
1971 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-2 2-0 0-1 0-1 1-0
1970 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 2-0 1-1 0-2 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1
East W L T Pct. South W L T Pct.
Dallas 44 33 0 .571 Carolina 8 5 0 .615
Philadelphia 31 26 0 .544 Tampa Bay 10 9 0 .526
Washington 28 38 0 .424 New Orleans 18 20 0 .474
New York Giants 23 36 1 .392 Atlanta 11 27 0 .289

North W L T Pct. West W L T Pct.

Green Bay 30 31 1 .492 Seattle 22 8 0 .733
Detroit 14 16 1 .467 San Francisco 47 25 0 .653
Minnesota 26 30 0 .464 Los Angeles 26 31 0 .456
Chicago 29 36 0 .446 Arizona 8 15 1 .354
From 1970-71, tie games were not included in winning percentage.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 509

Compiled by Elias Sports Bureau TOUCHDOWNS
*NFL record. Most Rushing Touchdowns, Career
23 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04
MONDAY NIGHT RECORDS 17 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, 1982-1992;
Kansas City, 1993-97
SCORING 14 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983-87; Indianapolis,
TOUCHDOWNS 1987-1991; L.A. Raiders, 1992; Atlanta, 1993
Most Touchdowns, Career Most Rushing Touchdowns, Game
36 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; 4 Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Miami, Nov. 20, 1978
Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle 2004 Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis vs. Denver,
24 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona 2003-04 Oct. 31, 1988
20 Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; Emmitt Smith, Dallas at N.Y. Giants, Sept. 4, 1995
Philadelphia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08;
Buffalo, 2009; Cincinnati, 2010 PASSING
Most Touchdowns, Game YARDS GAINED
4 Ron Johnson, N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia, Most Yards Gained, Career
Oct. 2, 1972 9,654 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Miami, Nov. 20, 1978 9,068 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007;
Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders vs. San Diego, N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010
Sept. 24, 1984 5,646 Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05;
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis vs. Denver, New Orleans, 2006-2015
Oct. 31, 1988 Most Yards Gained, Game
Emmitt Smith, Dallas at N.Y. Giants, Sept. 4, 1995 517 Tom Brady, New England vs. Miami, Sept. 12, 2011
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis at Tampa Bay, 458 Joe Montana, San Francisco at L.A. Rams,
Dec. 18, 2000 Dec. 11, 1989
FIELD GOALS 448 Marc Bulger, St. Louis at Green Bay, Nov. 29, 2004
Most Field Goals, Career Longest Pass Play
51 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia, 99 Brett Favre to Robert Brooks, Green Bay at Chicago,
1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Sept. 11, 1995 (TD)*
Minnesota, 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04 Tom Brady to Wes Welker, New England vs. Miami,
50 Jason Elam, Denver, 1993-2007; Atlanta, 2008-09 Sept. 12, 2011*
47 Adam Vinatieri, New England, 1996-2005; 97 Bernie Kosar to Webster Slaughter, Cleveland vs.
Indianapolis, 2006-2015 Chicago, Oct. 23, 1989 (TD)
Most Field Goals, Game 95 Joe Montana to John Taylor, San Francisco at
7 Chris Boniol, Dallas vs. Green Bay, Nov. 18, 1996* L.A. Rams, Dec. 11, 1989 (TD)
Billy Cundiff, Dallas at N.Y. Giants, Sept. 15, 2003 (OT)* TOUCHDOWNS
6 Dan Bailey, Dallas vs. Washington, Sept. 26, 2011 Most Touchdown Passes, Career
Justin Tucker, Baltimore at Detroit, 74 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
December 16, 2013 69 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007;
5 Tim Mazzetti, Atlanta vs. Los Angeles, Oct. 30, 1978 N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010
Roger Ruzek, Dallas at L.A. Rams, Dec. 21, 1987 44 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015
Rich Karlis, Minnesota vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 25, 1989 Most Touchdown Passes, Game
Nick Lowery, Kansas City vs. Denver, Sept. 20, 1993 5 Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. L.A. Raiders, Nov. 28, 1988
Chris Jacke, Green Bay vs. San Francisco, Jim Kelly, Buffalo vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 21, 1991
Oct. 14, 1996 (OT) Vinny Testaverde, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami,
Richie Cunningham, Dallas vs. Philadelphia, Oct. 23, 2000 (OT)
Sept. 15, 1997 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore,
Phil Dawson, Cleveland vs. Buffalo, Nov. 17, 2008 Nov. 5, 2007
Nick Folk, N.Y. Jets vs. Minnesota, Oct. 11, 2010 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. New England,
Nate Kaeding, San Diego at Oakland, Sept. 10, 2012 Nov. 30, 2009
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay vs. Kansas City,
RUSHING Sept. 28, 2015
Most Yards Gained, Career RECEIVING
2,434 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 PASS RECEPTIONS
1,897 Tony Dorsett, Dallas, 1977-1987; Denver, 1988 Most Pass Receptions, Career
1,769 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, 1988-1999; Miami, 2000 254 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000;
Most Yards Gained, Game Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004
221 Bo Jackson, L.A. Raiders at Seattle, Nov. 30, 1987 124 Andre Reed, Buffalo, 1985-1999; Washington, 2000
216 Ricky Williams, Miami vs. Chicago, Dec. 9, 2002 123 Cris Carter, Philadelphia, 1987-89; Minnesota,
214 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo at N.Y. Jets, 1990-2001; Miami, 2002
Sept. 24, 1990 Most Pass Receptions, Game
Longest Run From Scrimmage, Game 14 Herman Moore, Detroit vs. Chicago, Dec. 4, 1995
99 Tony Dorsett, Dallas at Minnesota, Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Minnesota,
Jan. 3, 1983 (TD)* Dec. 18, 1995
94 Chris Johnson, Tennessee vs. N.Y. Jets, 13 Andre Reed, Buffalo vs. Denver, Sept. 18, 1989
Dec. 17, 2012 (TD) Terrell Owens, San Francisco vs. Philadelphia,
91 Bo Jackson, L.A. Raiders at Seattle, Nov. 25, 2002
Nov. 30, 1987 (TD) Darren McFadden, Oakland vs. San Diego,
Sept. 10, 2012
Jason Witten, Dallas vs. Chicago, Oct. 1, 2012

510 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

YARDS GAINED Charles Phillips, Oakland vs. Denver, Dec. 8, 1975
Most Yards Gained, Career Mark Murphy, Washington at San Diego,
4,029 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oct. 31, 1983
Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004 Ken Easley, Seattle at San Diego, Oct. 29, 1984
1,783 Andre Reed, Buffalo, 1985-1999; Washington, 2000 Dwayne Harper, San Diego vs. Oakland,
1,697 Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; Nov. 27, 1995
Philadelphia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08; Marcus Coleman, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami,
Buffalo, 2009; Cincinnati, 2010 Oct. 23, 2000 (OT)
Most Yards Gained, Game Keith Bulluck, Tennessee vs. New Orleans,
289 Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Minnesota, Sept. 24, 2007
Dec. 18, 1995 Longest Interception Return
286 John Taylor, San Francisco at L.A. Rams, 102 Eddie Anderson, L.A. Raiders at Miami,
Dec. 11, 1989 Dec. 14, 1992 (TD)
260 Wes Chandler, San Diego vs. Cincinnati, 101 Lito Sheppard, Philadelphia at Dallas,
Dec. 20, 1982 Nov. 15, 2004 (TD)
TOUCHDOWN 100 Darrelle Revis, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Oct. 17, 2011 (TD)
Most Receiving Touchdowns, Career
34 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; SACKS
Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004 Most Sacks, Career
20 Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; 24.5 Bruce Smith, Buffalo, 1985-1999; Washington,
Philadelphia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08; 2000-03
Buffalo, 2009; Cincinnati, 2010 20.0 Richard Dent, Chicago, 1983-1993, 1995;
18 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998-2004; San Francisco, 1994; Indianapolis, 1996;
Oakland, 2005-06; New England, 2007-2010; Philadelphia, 1997
Minnesota, 2010; Tennessee, 2010; 18.0 Kevin Greene, L.A. Rams, 1985-1992; Pittsburgh,
San Francisco, 2012 1993-95; Carolina, 1996, 1998-99;
Most Receiving Touchdowns, Game San Francisco, 1997
3 Ron Johnson, N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia,
Oct. 2, 1972 PUNTING
Wesley Walker, N.Y. Jets at Detroit, Dec. 6, 1982 Highest Punt Average, Career (Minimum: 25 Punts)
Steve Largent, Seattle at San Diego, Oct. 29, 1984 48.09 Shane Lechler, Oakland, 2000-2012;
Mark Clayton, Miami vs. Dallas, Dec. 17, 1984 Houston, 2013-15
Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Chicago, 47.28 Andy Lee, San Francisco, 2004-2014; Cleveland, 2015
Dec. 14, 1987 47.05 Mike Scifres, San Diego, 2003-2015
Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Minnesota, Longest Punt
Dec. 18, 1995 90 Rodney Williams, N.Y. Giants at Denver,
Lamar Thomas, Miami vs. Denver, Dec. 21, 1998 Sept. 10, 2001
Ed McCaffrey, Denver vs. Miami, Sept. 13, 1999 83 Bryan Barker, Jacksonville vs. N.Y. Jets, Oct. 11, 1999
Randy Moss, Minnesota vs. N.Y. Giants, 77 Shane Lechler, Oakland vs. Denver, Sept. 12, 2011
Nov. 19, 2001
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis at New Orleans, PUNT RETURNS
Dec. 17, 2001 Longest Punt Return
Terrell Owens, Philadelphia at Dallas, Nov. 15, 2004 95 John Taylor, San Francisco vs. Washington,
Drew Bennett, Tennessee vs. Kansas City, Nov. 21, 1988 (TD)
Dec. 13, 2004 94 Dennis McKinnon, Chicago vs. N.Y. Giants,
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis vs. Cincinnati, Sept. 14, 1987 (TD)
Dec. 18, 2006 Dexter McCluster, Kansas City vs. San Diego,
Randall Cobb, Green Bay vs. Kansas City, Sept. 13, 2010 (TD)
Sept. 28, 2015 93 Dez Bryant, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants,
Oct. 25, 2010 (TD)
Most Scrimmage Yards, Career KICKOFF RETURNS
4,116 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Longest Kickoff Return
Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004 105 Terry Fair, Detroit vs. Tampa Bay, Sept. 28, 1998 (TD)
2,836 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 104 Allen Rossum, San Francisco vs. Arizona,
2,567 Tony Dorsett, Dallas, 1977-1987; Denver, 1988 Nov. 10, 2008 (TD)
103 Terrence McGee, Buffalo vs. Dallas,
Most Interceptions, Career Brandon Tate, New England at Miami,
11 Everson Walls, Dallas, 1981-89; N.Y. Giants, Oct. 4, 2010 (TD)
1990-92; Cleveland, 1992-93 David Reed, Baltimore at Houston,
9 Merton Hanks, San Francisco, 1991-98; Dec. 13, 2010 (TD)
Seattle, 1999
8 Emmitt Thomas, Kansas City, 1966-1978 FUMBLES
Darren Sharper, Green Bay, 1997-2004; Minnesota, Longest Fumble Return
2005-08; New Orleans, 2009-2010 99 Don Griffin, San Francisco vs. Chicago,
Most Interceptions, Game Dec. 23, 1991 (TD)
4 Dick Anderson, Miami vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 3, 1973* 96 Joe Lavender, Philadelphia vs. Dallas,
3 Johnny Robinson, Kansas City at Baltimore, Sept. 23, 1974 (TD)
Sept. 28, 1970 93 Adam Archuleta, St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay,
Charlie Babb, Miami vs. Oakland, Sept. 22, 1975 Oct. 18, 2004 (TD)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 511



(Home Team in capitals)
Date Site Teams
October 2, 2005 Mexico City, Mexico ARIZONA 31, San Francisco 14
October 28, 2007 London, England N.Y. Giants 13, MIAMI 10
October 26, 2008 London, England NEW ORLEANS 37, San Diego 32
December 7, 2008 Toronto, Canada Miami 16, BUFFALO 3
October 25, 2009 London, England New England 35, TAMPA BAY 7
December 3, 2009 Toronto, Canada N.Y. Jets 19, BUFFALO 13
October 31, 2010 London, England SAN FRANCISCO 24, Denver 16
November 7, 2010 Toronto, Canada Chicago 22, BUFFALO 19
October 23, 2011 London, England Chicago 24, TAMPA BAY 18
October 30, 2011 Toronto, Canada BUFFALO 23, Washington 0
October 28, 2012 London, England New England 45, ST. LOUIS 7
December 16, 2012 Toronto, Canada Seattle 50, BUFFALO 17
September 29, 2013 London, England MINNESOTA 34, Pittsburgh 27
October 27, 2013 London, England San Francisco 42, JACKSONVILLE 10
December 1, 2013 Toronto, Canada Atlanta 34, BUFFALO 31 (OT)
September 28, 2014 London, England Miami 38, OAKLAND 14
October 26, 2014 London, England Detroit 22, ATLANTA 21
November 9, 2014 London, England Dallas 31, JACKSONVILLE 17
October 4, 2015 London, England N.Y. Jets 27, MIAMI 14
October 25, 2015 London, England JACKSONVILLE 34, Buffalo 31
November 1, 2015 London, England KANSAS CITY 45, Detroit 10


August 12, 1950 Ottawa, Canada N.Y. Giants 27, Ottawa Rough Riders 6
August 11, 1951 Ottawa, Canada N.Y. Giants 41, Ottawa Rough Riders 18
August 5, 1959 Toronto, Canada Chi. Cardinals 55, Tor. Argonauts 26
August 3, 1960 Toronto, Canada Pittsburgh 43, Toronto Argonauts 16
August 15, 1960 Toronto, Canada Chicago 16, N.Y. Giants 7
August 2, 1961 Toronto, Canada St. Louis 36, Toronto Argonauts 7
August 5, 1961 Montreal, Canada Chicago 34, Montreal Alouettes 16
August 8, 1961 Hamilton, Canada Hamilton Tiger-Cats 38, Buffalo 21
August 25, 1969 Montreal, Canada Detroit 22, Boston 9
September 11, 1969 Montreal, Canada Pittsburgh 17, N.Y. Giants 13
August 16, 1976 Tokyo, Japan St. Louis 20, San Diego 10
August 5, 1978 Mexico City, Mexico New Orleans 14, Philadelphia 7
August 6, 1983 London, England Minnesota 28, St. Louis 10
* August 3, 1986 London, England Chicago 17, Dallas 6
* August 9, 1987 London, England L.A. Rams 28, Denver 27
* July 31, 1988 London, England Miami 27, San Francisco 21
August 14, 1988 Goteborg, Sweden Minnesota 28, Chicago 21
August 18, 1988 Montreal, Canada N.Y. Jets 11, Cleveland 7
* August 5, 1989 Tokyo, Japan L.A. Rams 16, San Francisco 13 (OT)
* August 6, 1989 London, England Philadelphia 17, Cleveland 13
* August 4, 1990 Tokyo, Japan Denver 10, Seattle 7
* August 5, 1990 London, England New Orleans 17, L.A. Raiders 10
* August 9, 1990 Montreal, Canada Pittsburgh 30, New England 14
* August 11, 1990 Berlin, Germany L.A. Rams 19, Kansas City 3
* July 28, 1991 London, England Buffalo 17, Philadelphia 13
* August 3, 1991 Berlin, Germany San Francisco 21, Chicago 7
* August 3, 1991 Tokyo, Japan Miami 19, L.A. Raiders 17
* August 1, 1992 Tokyo, Japan Houston 34, Dallas 23
* August 15, 1992 Berlin, Germany Miami 31, Denver 27
* August 16, 1992 London, England San Francisco 17, Washington 15
* July 31, 1993 Tokyo, Japan New Orleans 28, Philadelphia 16
* August 1, 1993 Barcelona, Spain San Francisco 21, Pittsburgh 14
* August 7, 1993 Berlin, Germany Minnesota 20, Buffalo 6
* August 8, 1993 London, England Dallas 13, Detroit 13 (OT)
August 14, 1993 Toronto, Canada Cleveland 12, New England 9
* July 31, 1994 Barcelona, Spain L.A. Raiders 25, Denver 22
* August 6, 1994 Tokyo, Japan Minnesota 17, Kansas City 9
* August 13, 1994 Berlin, Germany N.Y. Giants 28, San Diego 20
* August 15, 1994 Mexico City, Mexico Houston 6, Dallas 0
* August 5, 1995 Tokyo, Japan Denver 24, San Francisco 10
* August 12, 1995 Toronto, Canada Buffalo 9, Dallas 7
* July 27, 1996 Tokyo, Japan San Diego 20, Pittsburgh 10

512 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Site Teams
* August 5, 1996 Monterrey, Mexico Kansas City 32, Dallas 6
* July 27, 1997 Dublin, Ireland Pittsburgh 30, Chicago 17
* August 4, 1997 Mexico City, Mexico Miami 38, Denver 19
* August 16, 1997 Toronto, Canada Green Bay 35, Buffalo 3
* August 1, 1998 Tokyo, Japan Green Bay 27, Kansas City 24 (OT)
* August 15, 1998 Vancouver, Canada San Francisco 24, Seattle 21
* August 17, 1998 Mexico City, Mexico New England 21, Dallas 3
* August 7, 1999 Sydney, Australia Denver 20, San Diego 17
* August 5, 2000 Tokyo, Japan Atlanta 20, Dallas 9
* August 19, 2000 Mexico City, Mexico Indianapolis 24, Pittsburgh 23
* August 27, 2001 Mexico City, Mexico Dallas 21, Oakland 6
* August 3, 2002 Osaka, Japan Washington 38, San Francisco 7
* August 2, 2003 Tokyo, Japan Tampa Bay 30, N.Y. Jets 14
* August 6, 2005 Tokyo, Japan Atlanta 27, Indianapolis 21
August 14, 2008 Toronto, Canada Buffalo 24, Pittsburgh 21
August 19, 2010 Toronto, Canada Buffalo 34, Indianapolis 21
* American Bowl Game


(Home Team in capitals)
The first site listed each year designates location of Thursday Night NFL Kickoff Weekend game; subsequent locations indicate site(s) of
NFL Kickoff Weekend concert. The concert was outside the stadium if a secondary location is not listed.

Date Sites Teams

Sept. 5, 2002 Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, New Jersey) San Francisco 16, N.Y. GIANTS 13
Times Square (New York, New York)

Sept. 4, 2003 FedExField (Landover, Maryland) WASHINGTON 16, N.Y. Jets 13

National Mall (Washington, D.C.)

Sept. 9, 2004 Gillette Stadium (Foxboro, Massachusetts) NEW ENGLAND 27, Indianapolis 24
Metropolitan Park (Jacksonville, Florida)

Sept. 8, 2005 Gillette Stadium (Foxboro, Massachusetts) NEW ENGLAND 30, Oakland 20
Detroit, Michigan
Los Angeles Coliseum (Los Angeles, California)

Sept. 7, 2006 Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) PITTSBURGH 28, Miami 17

Miami, Florida

Sept. 6, 2007 RCA Dome (Indianapolis, Indiana) INDIANAPOLIS 41, New Orleans 10

Sept. 4, 2008 Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, New Jersey) N.Y. GIANTS 16, Washington 7
Columbus Circle (New York, New York)

Sept. 10, 2009 Heinz Field (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) PITTSBURGH 13, Tennessee 10 (OT)
Point State Park (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Sept. 9, 2010 Louisiana Superdome (New Orleans, Louisiana) NEW ORLEANS 14, Minnesota 9
Jackson Square (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Sept. 8, 2011 Lambeau Field (Green Bay, Wisconsin) GREEN BAY 42, New Orleans 34

Sept. 5, 2012* MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, New Jersey) Dallas 24, N.Y. GIANTS 17
Rockefeller Center (New York, New York)

Sept. 5, 2013 Sports Authority Field at Mile High (Denver, Colorado) DENVER 49, Baltimore 27
Baltimore’s Inner Harbor (Baltimore, Maryland)

Sept. 4, 2014 CenturyLink Field (Seattle, Washington) SEATTLE 36, Green Bay 16

Sept. 10, 2015 Gillette Stadium (Foxborough, Massachusetts) NEW ENGLAND 28, Pittsburgh 21
Pier 35 and Justin Herman Plaza (San Francisco, California)

*Wednesday night

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 513


For the 2010 postseason, the NFL installed a modified At the end of regulation time, the Referee will immediately
sudden death system to determine the winner when the toss coin at center of field in accordance with rules
score is tied at the end of regulation. In 2012, the system pertaining to the usual pregame toss. The captain of the
was expanded to cover all NFL games, including regular- visiting team will call the toss prior to the coin being
season and preseason games. flipped.

Modified sudden death guarantees each team a Following a three-minute intermission after the end of the
possession or the opportunity to possess, unless the team regulation game, there shall be a maximum of one 15-
that receives the opening kickoff scores a touchdown on minute period. Each team must possess or have the
its initial possession. opportunity to possess the ball unless the team that has
the ball first scores a touchdown on its initial possession.
Key Definitions: Play continues in sudden death until a winner is
determined, and the game automatically ends upon any
Possession: Actual possession of the ball with complete score (by safety, field goal, or touchdown) or when a
control. The defense gains possession when it catches, score is awarded by Referee for a palpably unfair act. Each
intercepts, or recovers a loose ball. team shall be entitled to two timeouts, and if there is an
excess timeout, the usual rules shall apply. Try is not
Opportunity to possess: The opportunity to possess attempted if touchdown scored. Disqualified players are
occurs only during kicking plays. A kickoff is an not allowed to return.
opportunity to possess for the receiving team. If the
kicking team legally recovers the kick, the receiving team If the score is tied at the end of a 15-minute overtime
is considered to have had its opportunity. A punt or a field period, the game shall result in a tie.
goal that crosses the line of scrimmage and is muffed by
the receiving team is considered to be an opportunity to Instant Replay: No challenges. Reviews to be initiated by
possess for the receivers. Normal touching rules by the the replay official.
kicking team apply.
At the end of regulation time, the Referee will immediately
toss coin at center of field in accordance with rules
pertaining to the usual pregame toss. The captain of the
visiting team will call the toss prior to the coin being

Following a three-minute intermission after the end of the

regulation game, play will be continued in 15-minute
periods until a winner is declared. Each team must
possess or have the opportunity to possess the ball unless
the team that has the ball first scores a touchdown on its
initial possession. Play continues in sudden death until a
winner is determined, and the game automatically ends
upon any score (by safety, field goal, or touchdown) or
when a score is awarded by Referee for a palpably unfair
act. Each team has three time outs per half and all general
timing provisions apply as during a regular game. Try is
not attempted if touchdown scored. Disqualified players
are not allowed to return.

Instant Replay: No challenges. Reviews to be initiated by

the replay official.

514 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

For overtime game capsules dating back to 1974, please visit Bay wins toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Buccaneers 20. J. Win- ston passes to M. Evans for 14 yards. D. Martin rushes for 10
yards. Penalty-Defensive Pass Interference on P. Adams, 16 yards.
* indicates Monday-night game C. Barth 31-yard field goal at 7:53. E. Weems returns kickoff 27
# indicates Thursday/Saturday/Sunday-night game yards. M. Ryan passes to J. Jones for 19 yards. M. Ryan sacked by
+ indicates Thanksgiving Day game H. Jones and fumbles the ball, D. Freeman recovers the ball.
M. Ryan incomplete pass to J. Hardy on fourth down at 5:44.
REGULAR SEASON * November 2, 2015—Carolina 29, Indianapolis 26, at Carolina; Indi-
September 13, 2015—St. Louis 34, Seattle 31, at St. Louis; Rams anapolis wins toss. Q. Bray returns kick 45 yards. Drive starts at
win toss. B. Marquez returns kick for no gain. Drive begins on Seat- Indianapolis 45. A. Luck rushes for 11 yards. A. Luck passes to
tle 49. N. Foles passes to S. Bailey for 22 yards. G. Zuerlein 37-yard C. Fleener for 6 yards. A. Vinatieri 50-yard field goal at 12:04.
field goal at 12:10. Touchback. Drive begins on Seattle 20. R. Wilson Touchback. Drive starts at Carolina 20. C. Newton passes to
passes to M. Lynch for 19 yards. M. Lynch rushes for -1 yard on G. Olsen for 19 yards. C. Newton passes to T. Ginn for 12 yards.
fourth-and-one at 9:11. G. Gano 42-yard field goal at 7:50. Q. Bray returns kick 34 yards.
# October 1, 2015—Baltimore 23, Pittsburgh 20, at Pittsburgh; Drive starts at Indianapolis 29. A. Luck intercepted by L. Kuechly at
Steelers win toss. D. Archer returns kick for 31 yards. Drive begins 7:10. Drive starts at Indianapolis 39. C. Newton passes to J. Cotch-
on Pittsburgh 31. L. Bell rushes for 22 yards. M. Vick rushes for no ery for 5 yards. G. Gano 52-yard field goal at 5:22.
gain on fourth-and-two at 12:37. Turnover on downs. Drive begins November 8, 2015—Tennessee 34, New Orleans 28, at New
on Baltimore 39. J. Flacco pass incomplete on third down. Baltimore Orleans. Tennessee wins toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Tennessee
punts at 12:09. A. Brown returns punt for 29 yards. Drive begins on 20. M. Mariota passes to D. Green-Beckham for 14 yards. M. Mario-
Pittsburgh 41. M. Vick passes to A. Brown for 17 yards. M. Vick ta passes to C. Stevens for 24 yards. M. Mariota passes to
pass incomplete on fourth-and-one at 9:45. Turnover on downs. D. Green-Beckham for 9 yards. M. Mariota passes to A. Fasano for a
Drive begins on Baltimore 33. J. Flacco passes to K. Aiken for 11 5 yard touchdown at 9:50.
yards. J. Tucker 52-yard field goal at 5:13. November 8, 2015—Minnesota 21, St. Louis 18 at Minnesota.
October 4, 2015—Indianapolis 16, Jacksonville 13, at Indianapo- Minnesota wins toss and elects to kick. Touchback. Drive starts at
lis; Jaguars win toss. Touchback. Drive begins on Jacksonville 20. St. Louis 20. T. Gurley rushes for a 6 yard loss. N. Foles passes to
T. Yeldon rushed for 36 yards. B. Anger punts 30 yards. Fair catch. T. Austin for no gain. J. Hekker punts 63 yards at 13:32. M. Sherels
Drive begins on Indianapolis 16. Three-and-out. Indianapolis punts at returns punt 26 yards. Drive starts at Minnesota 49. S. Hill passes to
12:25. B. Walters returns punt for 14 yards. Drive begins on Jack- R. Ellison for 6 yards. A. Peterson rushes for 6 yards. B. Walsh, 40
sonville 39. B. Bortles passes to A. Robinson for 14 yards. J. Mey- yard field goal at 9:20.
ers misses 48-yard field goal at 8:18. Drive begins on Indianapolis # November 8, 2015—Philadelphia 33, Dallas 27, at Dallas.
38. M. Hasselbeck passes to C. Fleener for 28 yards. F. Gore rushes Philadelphia wins toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Philadelphia 20.
for 22 yards. A. Vinatieri 27-yard field goal at 4:41. S. Bradford passes to D. Murray for 14 yards. D. Murray rushes for
# October 4, 2015—New Orleans 26, Dallas 20, at New Orleans; 20 yards. D. Murray rushes for 9 yards. S. Bradford passes to
Saints win toss. Touchback. Drive begins on New Orleans 20. J. Matthews for a 41 yard touchdown at 10:59.
D. Brees pass to C.J. Spiller for an 80 yard touchdown at 14:57. # November 29, 2015—Denver 30, New England 24, at Denver. New
October 11, 2015—Cincinnati 27, Seattle 24, at Cincinnati; Sea- England wins toss. Touchback. Drive starts at New England 20.
hawks win toss. Touchback. Drive begins on Seattle 20. R. Wilson T. Brady sacked by V. Miller for a loss of 7. T. Brady passes incom-
passes to F. Jackson for 9 yards. J. Ryan punts 36 yards, out of plete to J. White. R. Allen punts 58 yards at 14:01. E. Sanders
bounds at 11:37. Drive starts on Cincinnati 26. A. Dalton passes to returns punt 14 yards. Drive starts at Denver 43. B. Osweiler passes
A. Green for 13 yards. K. Huber punts 50 yards for a touchback at to O. Daniels for 7 yards. C.J. Anderson rushes for a 48 yard touch-
9:11. Drive begins on Seattle 20. R. Wilson passes to F. Jackson for down at 12:32.
12 yards. J. Ryan punts 62 yards. A. Jones returns punt 19 yards at December 6, 2015—Jets 23, Giants 20, at New York Giants. Jets
7:14. Drive starts on Cincinnati 43. A. Dalton passes to T. Eifert for win toss. A. Cromartie returns the ball 20 yards. Drive starts at Jets
12 yards. G. Bernard rushed for 13 yards. M. Nugent 42-yard field 26. R. Fitzpatrick passes to E. Decker for 11 yards. R. Fitzpatrick
goal at 3:36. passes to B. Marshall for 13 yards. R. Fitzpatrick passes to E. Deck-
October 11, 2015—Atlanta 25, Washington 19, at Atlanta; Red- er for 17 yards. R. Bullock 31-yard field goal at 8:45. Jets kickoff.
skins win toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Redskins 20. K. Cousins D. Harris returns the ball 43 yards. Drive starts at the Giants 42.
passes to J. Crowder for 17 yards. K. Cousins pass intercepted by E. Manning passes to O. Beckham for 9 yards. E. Manning passes to
R. Alford. Returned 59 yards for a touchdown at 12:15. O. Beckham for 20 yards. J. Brown misses a 48-yard field goal at
October 11, 2015—Cleveland 33, Baltimore 30, at Baltimore; Balti- 6:38.
more wins toss. Kick returned by J. Ross for 20 yards. Drive starts December 6, 2015—San Francisco 26, Chicago 20, at Chicago.
at Baltimore 15. S. Koch punts 55 yards at 14:06. T. Benjamin San Francisco wins the toss. B. Ellington returns the ball 40 yards.
returns punt 5 yards. Drive starts at Cleveland 35. J. McCown pass- Drive starts at San Francisco 40. B. Gabbert passes incomplete to
es to G. Barnidge for 19 yards. T. Coons 32-yard field goal at 6:43. A. Boldin. B. Pinion punts 45 yards at 14:37. Drive starts at Chicago
October 18, 2015—Denver 26, Cleveland 23, at Cleveland; Denver 15. J. Cutler passes to M. Forte for 9 yards. P. O’Donnell punts 54
wins the toss. Kick returned by K. Bibbs for 15 yards. Drive starts at yards at 13:13. Drive starts at San Francisco 29. B. Gabbert passes
Denver 31. P. Manning pass intercepted by B. Mingo at 14:34. Inter- to T. Smith for a 71 yard touchdown at 12:50.
ception returned 7 yards. Drive starts at Denver 39. J. McCown # December 24, 2015—Oakland 23, San Diego 20, at Oakland. Oak-
sacked for a loss of 8 yards. A. Lee punts 45 yards at 11:58. Nor- land wins the toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Oakland 20. D. Carr
wood muffs punt and recovers the ball at Denver 12. P. Manning passes to A. Holmes for 16 yards. D. Carr passes to S. Roberts for
passes to O. Daniels for 18 yards. C. Anderson rushes for 11 yards. 33 yards. S. Janikowski kicks a 31-yard field goal at 8:05. Touch-
B. McManus 34-yard field goal at 4:56. back. Drive starts at San Diego 20. D. Woodhead runs for 5 yards.
October 18, 2015—Detroit 37, Chicago 34, at Detroit; Detroit wins P. Rivers passes to D. Woodhead for 2 yards. P. Rivers incomplete
toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Lions 20. M. Stafford passes to pass to D. Inman, turnover on downs ends the game at 6:35.
C. Johnson for 13 yards. S. Martin punts 55 yards at 11:29. M. December 27, 2015—New York Jets 26, New England 20, at New
Mariani returns the punt 15 yards. Drive starts on Bears 21. J. Cutler York. New England wins the toss, elects to kick. Touchback. Drive
passes to M. Bennett for 9 yards. P. O’Donnell punts 52 yards at starts at New York 20. R. Fitzpatrick passes to Q. Enuwa for 48
10:09. Fair catch. Drive starts on Lions 18. M. Stafford runs for 8 yards. R. Fitzpatrick passes to B. Marshall for 20 yards. R. Fitzpatrick
yards. S. Martin punts 60 yards at 8:13. Drive starts on Bears 22. passes to E. Decker for a 6 yard touchdown at 12:23.
P. O’Donnell punts 51 yards at 6:37. G. Tate returns punt 24 yards. * December 28, 2015—Denver 20, Cincinnati 17, at Denver. Denver
Penalty-Illegal Block Above the Waist. Drive starts at Lions 14. wins the toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Denver 20. B. Osweiler
M. Stafford passes to A. Abdullah for 13 yards. M. Stafford passes passes to O. Daniels for 12 yards. R. Hillman runs for 7 yards.
to C. Johnson for 57 yards. M. Prater 27-yard field goal at 2:29. B. Osweiler passes to D. Thomas for 12 yards. B. McManus kicks a
November 1, 2015—Tampa Bay 23, Atlanta 20, at Atlanta; Tampa 37-yard field goal at 10:00.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 515

B. Tate returns kick for 29 yards. Drive starts at the Cincinnati 33. A. NFL POSTSEASON OVERTIME GAMES (BY LENGTH OF GAME)
McCarron fumbles, recovered by D. Ware to end the game at 9:48. Dec. 25, 1971 Miami 27, KANSAS CITY 24 82:40
January 3, 2016—San Francisco 19, St. Louis 16, at San Francis- Dec. 23, 1962 Dallas Texans 20, HOUSTON 17 77:54
co. San Francisco wins the toss. Touchback. Drive starts at San Jan. 3, 1987 CLEVELAND 23, N.Y. Jets 20 77:02
Francisco 20. B. Gabbert passes to D. Harris for 5 yards. B. Gabbert Jan. 12, 2013 Baltimore 38, DENVER 35 76:42
passes to V. McDonald for 24 yards. B. Pinion punts 31 yards at Dec. 24, 1977 Oakland 37, BALTIMORE 31 75:43
12:03. No gain on the return. Drive starts at St. Louis 19. T.Mason Jan. 10, 2004 Carolina 29, ST. LOUIS 23 75:10
rushes for 11 yards. C. Keenum passes to K. Britt for 18 yards. Jan. 8, 2005 N.Y. Jets 20, SAN DIEGO 17 74:55
C. Keenum passes to B. Cunningham for 13 yards. G. Zuerlein 48-
Jan 2, 1982 San Diego 41, MIAMI 38 73:52
yard field goal attempt BLOCKED at 4:49. Recovered by J. Ward at
San Francisco 8, returned 18 yards. Drive starts at San Francisco Dec. 26, 1965 GREEN BAY 13, Baltimore 10 73:39
26. B. Gabbert passes to T. Smith for 15 yards. B. Gabbert passes Jan. 17, 1999 Atlanta 30, MINNESOTA 27 71:52
to Q. Patton for 33 yards. P. Dawson 23-yard field goal at 3:27. Dec. 30, 2000 MIAMI 23, Indianapolis 17 71:16
Jan. 15, 2005 PITTSBURGH 20, N.Y. Jets 17 71:04
2015 POSTSEASON Jan. 8, 1994 KANSAS CITY 27, Pittsburgh 24 71:03
January 16, 2016—Arizona 26, Green Bay 20, at Arizona. Arizona Jan. 19, 2002 NEW ENGLAND 16, Oakland 13 68:29
wins the toss. Touchback. Drive starts at Arizona 20. C. Palmer Dec. 28, 1958 Baltimore 23, N.Y. GIANTS 17 68:15
passes to L. Fitzgerald for 75 yards. C. Palmer passes to L. Fitzger- Jan. 3, 1988 HOUSTON 23, Seattle 20 68:05
ald for a 5 yard touchdown at 13:55. Jan. 22, 2012 N.Y. Giants 20, SAN FRANCISCO 17 67:54
Jan. 3, 2009 SAN DIEGO 23, Indianapolis 17 66:12
For capsules of all 32 postseason overtime game capsules
Jan. 11, 1987 Denver 23, CLEVELAND 20 65:38
dating back to 1958, please visit
Jan. 14, 2007 CHICAGO 27, Seattle 24 64:53
OVERTIME GAMES BY YEAR Jan. 11, 2004 PHILADELPHIA 20, Green Bay 17 64:48
(REGULAR SEASON) Jan. 24, 2010 NEW ORLEANS 31, Minnesota 28 64:45
2015-21 2004-12 1993-7 1982- 4 Jan. 4, 2004 GREEN BAY 33, Seattle 27 64:25
2014-11 2003-23 1992-10 1981-10 Dec. 31, 1989 Pittsburgh 26, HOUSTON 23 63:26
2013-16 2002-25* 1991-15 1980-13 Jan. 18, 2015 SEATTLE 28, Green Bay 22 63:19
2012-22 2001-17 1990-10 1979-12 Jan. 3, 1993 BUFFALO 41, Houston 38 63:06
2011-13 2000-13 1989-11 1978-11 Jan. 20, 2008 N.Y. Giants 23, GREEN BAY 20 62:26
2010-19 1999-11 1988- 9 1977-6 Jan. 11, 2003 TENNESSEE 34, Pittsburgh 31 62:15
2009-13 1998-7 1987-13 1976-5 Jan. 10, 2010 ARIZONA 51, Green Bay 45 61:18
2008-15 1997-17 1986-16 1975-9 Jan. 7, 1990 L.A. Rams 19, N.Y. GIANTS 13 61:06
2007-15 1996-14 1985-10 1974-2 Jan. 16, 2016 ARIZONA 26, Green Bay 20 61:05
2006-11 1995-21 1984- 9 Jan. 8, 2012 DENVER 29, Pittsburgh 23 60:11
2005-14 1994-16 1983-19 *Record Home team in CAPS


(REGULAR SEASON) There have been 547 overtime games in regular season play
AFC Win Loss Tie Pct. since the rule was adopted in 1974 (21 in 2015 season).
Baltimore 12 10 1 .543 Breakdown follows:
Buffalo 20 14 0 .588 RESULTS
Cincinnati 17 14 2 .545 288 (13) times the team which won the toss won the game
Cleveland 17 18 1 .486 (52.7%)
Denver 28 17 2 .617 239 (8) times the team which lost the toss won the game
Houston 4 9 0 .308 (43.7%)
Indianapolis 14 11 1 .558 20 (0) games ended tied (3.7%). Last time: Oct. 12, 2014,
Jacksonville 7 8 0 .466 Carolina 37 at Cincinnati 37.
Kansas City 14 20 2 .417 POSSESSIONS
Miami 14 22 1 .392 396 (17) times both teams had at least one possession
New England 19 23 0 .452 (72.4%)
N.Y. Jets 22 18 2 .548 151 (4) times the team which won the toss drove for winning
Oakland 18 17 0 .514 score (104 FG, 47 TD) (27.6%)
Pittsburgh 21 16 2 .564 Of the 547 overtime games, there were 15 miscellaneous situ-
San Diego 14 22 0 .389 ations in which non-standard possessions took place:
Tennessee 16 21 0 .432 10 (1) times the defense or special teams won without reg-
NFC istering an official possession (6 INT, 2 blocked
Arizona 24 16 2 .595 punts, 1 FR, 1 blocked FG) (1.8%)
Atlanta 16 21 2 .436 1 (0) times the special teams forced a fumble on the
Carolina 5 10 1 .344 opening kickoff and drove for winning score (0.2%)
Chicago 23 21 0 .523 1 (0) times the punting team recovered a muffed punt and
Dallas 20 17 0 .541 drove for winning score with team muffing punt
Detroit 16 19 1 .458 having no official possessions (0.2%)
Green Bay 11 15 5 .435
3 (1) times the team that won the toss elected to kick and
Los Angeles 14 13 2 .517
the team receiving the ball drove for winning score
Minnesota 23 18 3 .557
New Orleans 12 15 0 .444
N.Y. Giants 19 15 2 .556
388 (14) games were decided by a field goal (70.9%)
Philadelphia 12 17 4 .424
136 (7) games were decided by a touchdown (24.9%)
San Francisco 22 16 2 .575
Seattle 12 20 0 .375 3 (0) games were decided by a safety (0.5%)
Tampa Bay 16 19 1 .458 20 (0) games ended tied (3.7%). Last time: Oct. 12, 2014,
Washington 25 15 1 .622 Carolina 37 at Cincinnati 37.

516 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

COIN TOSS Atlanta 20, Carolina 14, 12/7/03; Jacksonville 23,
535 (19) times the team which won the toss elected to receive Pittsburgh 17, 10/16/05; Chicago 19, Detroit 13,
(97.8%) 10/30/05; Baltimore 34, Houston 28, 12/13/10;
12 (2) times the team which won the toss elected to kick Atlanta 25, Washington 19, 10/11/15)
off (6 wins) (2.2%) 4 were decided by a fumble recovery (Baltimore 29,
Note: The number in parentheses is the 2015 Season Total. New England 23, 9/4/83; Denver 36, Seattle 30,
12/19/99; San Francisco 37, Arizona 31, 11/24/07;
MOST OVERTIME GAMES, SEASON Minnesota 19, Tampa Bay 13, 10/26/14))
5 Green Bay Packers, 1983 3 were decided by a safety (Minnesota 23, Los Ange-
4 Denver Broncos, 1985, 2007 les Rams 21, 11/5/89; Chicago 19, Tennessee 17,
Cleveland Browns, 1989 11/14/04; Miami 22, Cincinnati 20, 10/31/13)
Minnesota Vikings, 1994, 1995 2 were decided on a fake field goal/touchdown pass
Arizona Cardinals, 1995, 1997 (Minnesota 22, Chicago 16, 10/16/77; Cleveland
San Francisco 49ers, 2001 23, Minnesota 17, 12/17/89)
Atlanta Falcons, 2002 2 were decided by a kickoff return (Chicago 23, Detroit
San Diego Chargers, 2002 17, 11/27/80; New York Jets 37, Buffalo 31, 9/8/02)
Carolina Panthers, 2003 2 were decided by a punt return (Kansas City 29, San
Washington Redskins, 2010 Diego 23, 10/9/95; Arizona 19, St. Louis 13,
Arizona Cardinals, 2011 11/6/11)
1 was decided on a fake field goal/touchdown run
LONGEST CONSECUTIVE GAME STREAKS (Los Angeles Rams 27, Minnesota 21, 12/2/79)
WITHOUT OVERTIME (Current) 1 was decided on a blocked field goal (Denver 30,
40 Miami Dolphins (Last OT Game, 10/31/2013 vs. San Diego 24, 11/17/85)
Cincinnati Bengals) 1 was decided on a blocked field goal/recovery by
(Record: 110, St. Louis/Phoenix Cardinals, 12/7/86-12/19/93) kicker (Green Bay 12, Chicago 6, 9/7/80)
1 was decided on a blocked field goal/recovery by
There have been 32 overtime postseason games dating back to kicking team (Philadelphia 23, New York Giants 17,
1958. In 24 cases, both teams had at least one possession. 11/20/88)
Last time: 1/12/13, Baltimore 38, DENVER 35. 1 was decided by a blocked punt (Arizona 30, Dallas
24, 10/12/08)
0:11 *DENVER 29, Pittsburgh 23; 1/8/12 (Wild Card)
0:14 New York Jets 37, BUFFALO 31; 9/8/02 Longest Touchdown Pass
0:16 CHICAGO 37, San Francisco 31; 10/28/01 99 Yards — Ron Jaworski to Mike Quick, Philadelphia 23,
0:16 Green Bay 19, DENVER 13; 10/29/07 Atlanta 17 (11/10/85)
0:17 Minnesota 19, TAMPA BAY 13; 10/26/14 87 Yards — Teddy Bridgewater to Jarius Wright, Minnesota 30,
0:17 NEW ORLEANS 20, Seattle 17; 11/16/97 New York Jets 24 (12/7/14)
0:21 Chicago 23, DETROIT 17; 11/27/80 82 Yards — Tom Brady to Troy Brown, New England 19,
0:30 Baltimore 29, NEW ENGLAND 23; 9/4/83 Miami 13 (10/19/03); Brett Favre to Greg
0:34 San Diego 23, WASHINGTON 17; 11/27/05 Jennings, Green Bay 19, Denver 13 (10/29/07)
0:55 New York Giants 16, PHILADELPHIA 10; 9/29/85 80 Yards — Drew Brees to C.J. Spiller, New Orleans 26,
0:55 PITTSBURGH 16, Kansas City 13; 11/12/12 Dallas 20 (10/4/15)
*Postseason game 76 Yards — Troy Aikman to Raghib Ismail, Dallas 41,
Washington 35 (9/12/99)
(ALL POSTSEASON GAMES) 96 Yards — Garrison Hearst, San Francisco 36,
22:40 Miami 27, KANSAS CITY 24; 12/25/71 New York Jets 30 (9/6/98)
17:54 Dallas Texans 20, HOUSTON 17; 12/23/62 60 Yards — Herschel Walker, Dallas 23, New England 17
17:02 CLEVELAND 23, New York Jets 20; 1/3/87 (11/15/87)
16:42 Baltimore 38, DENVER 35; 1/12/13 50 Yards — Rashard Mendenhall, Pittsburgh 15, Atlanta 9
15:43 Oakland 37, BALTIMORE 31; 12/24/77 (9/12/10)
15:10 Carolina 29, ST. LOUIS 23; 1/10/04 Longest Field Goal
57 Yards — Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland 16,
OVERTIME SCORING SUMMARY New York Jets 13 (10/19/08)
388 were decided by a field goal 54 Yards — Greg Zuerlein, St. Louis 16, San Francisco 13
67 were decided by a touchdown pass (12/2/12)
35 were decided by a touchdown run 53 Yards — Chris Jacke, Green Bay 23, San Francisco 20
19 were decided by an interception (Atlanta 40, New (10/4/96)
Orleans 34, 9/2/79; Atlanta 47, Green Bay 41, Longest Touchdown Plays
11/27/83; New York Giants 16, Philadelphia 10, 99 Yards — (Pass) Ron Jaworski to Mike Quick,
9/29/85; Indianapolis 23, Cleveland 17, 12/10/89; Philadelphia 23, Atlanta 17 (11/10/85)
Cleveland 30, San Diego 24, 10/20/91; Kansas City 99 Yards — (Punt return) Patrick Peterson, Arizona 19,
23, Oakland 17, 9/17/95; New York Giants 27, Ari- St. Louis 13 (11/6/11)
zona 21, 10/8/95; Washington 36, Detroit 30, 96 Yards — (Run) Garrison Hearst, San Francisco 36,
10/22/95; Arizona 20, Seattle 14, 10/29/95; Cincin- New York Jets 30 (9/6/98)
nati 34, Detroit 28, 9/13/98; New York Giants 23, 96 Yards — (Kickoff return) Chad Morton, New York Jets 37,
Philadelphia 17, 10/31/99; Chicago 37, San Fran- Buffalo 31 (9/8/02)
cisco 31, 10/28/01; Chicago 27, Cleveland 21, 95 Yards — (Kickoff return) Dave Williams, Chicago 23,
11/4/01; New Orleans 26, Tampa Bay 20, 9/8/02; Detroit 17 (11/27/80)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 517

(Home Team in capitals, games listed in chronological order.)
(AFL)-American Football League, 1960-69.
Nov. 25, 1920 AKRON PROS 7, Canton Bulldogs 0
Decatur Staleys 6, CHICAGO TIGERS 0
ELYRIA (OH) ATHLETICS* 0, Columbus Panhandles 0
DAYTON TRIANGLES 28, Detroit Heralds 0
CHICAGO BOOSTERS* 27, Hammond Pros 0
* Non league team. Games between league teams and non league teams counted in standings in 1920.
Nov. 24, 1921 Canton Bulldogs 14, AKRON PROS 0
Buffalo All-Americans 7, CHICAGO STALEYS 6
Nov. 30, 1922 Buffalo All-Americans 21, ROCHESTER JEFFERSONS 0
CHICAGO CARDINALS 6, Chicago Bears 0
RACINE LEGION 3, Milwaukee Badgers 0
Oorang Indians 18, COLUMBUS PANHANDLES 6
CANTON BULLDOGS 14, Akron Pros 0
Nov. 29, 1923 CANTON BULLDOGS 28, Toledo Maroons 0
CHICAGO BEARS 3, Chicago Cardinals 0
GREEN BAY PACKERS 19, Hammond Pros 0
Milwaukee Badgers 16, RACINE LEGION 0
AKRON PROS 2, Buffalo All-Americans 0
Nov. 27, 1924 AKRON PROS 22, Buffalo Bisons 0
Chicago Bears 21, CHICAGO CARDINALS 0
CLEVELAND BULLDOGS 53, Milwaukee Badgers 10 (at Canton, Ohio)
Green Bay Packers 17, KANSAS CITY BLUES 6
Nov. 26, 1925 CHICAGO BEARS 0, Chicago Cardinals 0
Kansas City Cowboys 17, CLEVELAND BULLDOGS 0 (at Hartford, Connecticut)
Rock Island Independents 6, DETROIT PANTHERS 3
POTTSVILLE MAROONS 31, Green Bay Packers 0
Nov. 25, 1926 New York Giants 17, BROOKLYN LIONS 0
Los Angeles Buccaneers 9, DETROIT PANTHERS 6
CHICAGO BEARS 0, Chicago Cardinals 0
POTTSVILLE MAROONS 8, Providence Steam Roller 0
Nov. 24, 1927 Chicago Cardinals 3, CHICAGO BEARS 0
POTTSVILLE MAROONS 6, Providence Steam Roller 0
Cleveland Bulldogs 30, NEW YORK YANKEES 19
Nov. 29, 1928 Providence Steam Roller 7, POTTSVILLE MAROONS 0
DETROIT WOLVERINES 33, Dayton Triangles 0
CHICAGO BEARS 34, Chicago Cardinals 0
Nov. 28, 1929 New York Giants 21, STATEN ISLAND STAPLETONS 7
Chicago Cardinals 40, CHICAGO BEARS 6
Nov. 27, 1930 STATEN ISLAND STAPLETONS 7, New York Giants 6
BROOKLYN DODGERS 33, Providence Steam Roller 12
CHICAGO BEARS 6, Chicago Cardinals 0
Nov. 26, 1931 Green Bay Packers 38, PROVIDENCE STEAM ROLLER 7
CHICAGO BEARS 18, Chicago Cardinals 7
Nov. 24, 1932 CHICAGO BEARS 34, Chicago Cardinals 0
Green Bay Packers 7, BROOKLYN DODGERS 0
Nov. 30, 1933 Chicago Bears 22, CHICAGO CARDINALS 6
New York Giants 10, BROOKLYN DODGERS 0
Nov. 29, 1934 CHICAGO CARDINALS 6, Green Bay Packers 0
Chicago Bears 19, DETROIT LIONS 16
New York Giants 27, BROOKLYN DODGERS 0
Nov. 28, 1935 New York Giants 21, BROOKLYN DODGERS 0
CHICAGO CARDINALS 9, Green Bay Packers 7
DETROIT LIONS 14, Chicago Bears 2

518 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Nov. 26, 1936 DETROIT LIONS 13, Chicago Bears 7
New York Giants 14, BROOKLYN DODGERS 0
Nov. 25, 1937 Chicago Bears 13, DETROIT LIONS 0
BROOKLYN DODGERS 13, New York Giants 13
Nov. 24, 1938 DETROIT LIONS 14, Chicago Bears 7
BROOKLYN DODGERS 7, New York Giants 7
Nov. 23, 1939# PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 17, Pittsburgh Steelers 14
Nov. 28, 1940# PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 7, Pittsburgh Steelers 0
# In 1939 and 1940, President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving one week earlier. Various states celebrated on the date declared by
the President, while other states recognized the traditional fourth Thursday of the month. In 1941, Thanksgiving was sanctioned by
Congress to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, which it has been ever since.
Nov. 22, 1945 Cleveland Rams 28, DETROIT LIONS 21
Nov. 28, 1946 Boston Yanks 34, DETROIT LIONS 10
Nov. 27, 1947 Chicago Bears 34, DETROIT LIONS 14
Nov. 25, 1948 Chicago Cardinals 28, DETROIT LIONS 14
Nov. 24, 1949 Chicago Bears 28, DETROIT LIONS 7
Nov. 23, 1950 DETROIT LIONS 49, New York Yanks 14
Pittsburgh Steelers 28, CHICAGO CARDINALS 17
Nov. 22, 1951 DETROIT LIONS 52, Green Bay Packers 35
Nov. 27, 1952 DETROIT LIONS 48, Green Bay Packers 24
DALLAS TEXANS 27, Chicago Bears 23 (at Akron, Ohio)
Nov. 26, 1953 DETROIT LIONS 34, Green Bay Packers 15
Nov. 25, 1954 DETROIT LIONS 28, Green Bay Packers 24
Nov. 24, 1955 DETROIT LIONS 24, Green Bay Packers 10
Nov. 22, 1956 Green Bay Packers 24, DETROIT LIONS 20
Nov. 28, 1957 DETROIT LIONS 18, Green Bay Packers 6
Nov. 27, 1958 DETROIT LIONS 24, Green Bay Packers 14
Nov. 26, 1959 Green Bay Packers 24, DETROIT LIONS 17
Nov. 24, 1960 DETROIT LIONS 23, Green Bay Packers 10
(AFL) - NEW YORK TITANS 41, Dallas Texans 35
Nov. 23, 1961 Green Bay Packers 17, DETROIT LIONS 9
(AFL) - NEW YORK TITANS 21, Buffalo Bills 14
Nov. 22, 1962 DETROIT LIONS 26, Green Bay Packers 14
(AFL) - New York Titans 46, DENVER BRONCOS 45
Nov. 28, 1963 DETROIT LIONS 13, Green Bay Packers 13
(AFL) - Oakland Raiders 26, DENVER BRONCOS 10
Nov. 26, 1964 Chicago Bears 27, DETROIT LIONS 24
(AFL) - Buffalo Bills 27, SAN DIEGO CHARGERS 24
Nov. 25, 1965 DETROIT LIONS 24, Baltimore Colts 24
(AFL) - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS 20, Buffalo Bills 20
Nov. 24, 1966 San Francisco 49ers 41, DETROIT LIONS 14
DALLAS COWBOYS 26, Cleveland Browns 14
(AFL) - Buffalo Bills 31, OAKLAND RAIDERS 10
Nov. 23, 1967 Los Angeles Rams 31, DETROIT LIONS 7
DALLAS COWBOYS 46, St. Louis Cardinals 21
(AFL) - Oakland Raiders 44, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS 22
(AFL) - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS 24, Denver Broncos 20
Nov. 28, 1968 Philadelphia Eagles 12, DETROIT LIONS 0
DALLAS COWBOYS 29, Washington Redskins 20
(AFL) - OAKLAND RAIDERS 13, Buffalo Bills 10
(AFL) - KANSAS CITY CHIEFS 24, Houston Oilers 10
Nov. 27, 1969 Minnesota Vikings 27, DETROIT LIONS 0
DALLAS COWBOYS 24, San Francisco 49ers 24
(AFL) - KANSAS CITY CHIEFS 31, Denver Broncos 17
(AFL) - San Diego Chargers 21, HOUSTON OILERS 17

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 519

Nov. 26, 1970 DETROIT LIONS 28, Oakland Raiders 14
DALLAS COWBOYS 16, Green Bay Packers 3
Nov. 25, 1971 DETROIT LIONS 32, Kansas City Chiefs 21
DALLAS COWBOYS 28, Los Angeles Rams 21
Nov. 23, 1972 DETROIT LIONS 37, New York Jets 20
San Francisco 49ers 31, DALLAS COWBOYS 10
Nov. 22, 1973 Washington Redskins 20, DETROIT LIONS 0
Miami Dolphins 14, DALLAS COWBOYS 7
Nov. 28, 1974 Denver Broncos 31, DETROIT LIONS 27
DALLAS COWBOYS 24, Washington Redskins 23
Nov. 27, 1975 Los Angeles Rams 20, DETROIT LIONS 0
Buffalo Bills 32, ST. LOUIS CARDINALS 14
Nov. 25, 1976 DETROIT LIONS 27, Buffalo Bills 14
DALLAS COWBOYS 19, St. Louis Cardinals 14
Nov. 24, 1977 Chicago Bears 31, DETROIT LIONS 14
Miami Dolphins 55, ST. LOUIS CARDINALS 14
Nov. 23, 1978 DETROIT LIONS 17, Denver Broncos 14
DALLAS COWBOYS 37, Washington Redskins 10
Nov. 22, 1979 DETROIT LIONS 20, Chicago Bears 0
Houston Oilers 30, DALLAS COWBOYS 24
Nov. 27, 1980 Chicago Bears 23, DETROIT LIONS 17 (OT)
DALLAS COWBOYS 51, Seattle Seahawks 7
Nov. 26, 1981 DETROIT LIONS 27, Kansas City Chiefs 10
DALLAS COWBOYS 10, Chicago Bears 9
Nov. 25, 1982 New York Giants 13, DETROIT LIONS 6
DALLAS COWBOYS 31, Cleveland Browns 14
Nov. 24, 1983 DETROIT LIONS 45, Pittsburgh Steelers 3
DALLAS COWBOYS 35, St. Louis Cardinals 17
Nov. 22, 1984 DETROIT LIONS 31, Green Bay Packers 28
DALLAS COWBOYS 20, New England Patriots 17
Nov. 28, 1985 DETROIT LIONS 31, New York Jets 20
DALLAS COWBOYS 35, St. Louis Cardinals 17
Nov. 27, 1986 Green Bay Packers 44, DETROIT LIONS 40
Seattle Seahawks 31, DALLAS COWBOYS 14
Nov. 26, 1987 Kansas City Chiefs 27, DETROIT LIONS 20
Minnesota Vikings 44, DALLAS COWBOYS 38 (OT)
Nov. 24, 1988 Minnesota Vikings 23, DETROIT LIONS 0
Houston Oilers 25, DALLAS COWBOYS 17
Nov. 23, 1989 DETROIT LIONS 13, Cleveland Browns 10
Philadelphia Eagles 27, DALLAS COWBOYS 0
Nov. 22, 1990 DETROIT LIONS 40, Denver Broncos 27
DALLAS COWBOYS 27, Washington Redskins 17
Nov. 28, 1991 DETROIT LIONS 16, Chicago Bears 6
DALLAS COWBOYS 20, Pittsburgh Steelers 10
Nov. 26, 1992 Houston Oilers 24, DETROIT LIONS 21
DALLAS COWBOYS 30, New York Giants 3
Nov. 25, 1993 Chicago Bears 10, DETROIT LIONS 6
Miami Dolphins 16, DALLAS COWBOYS 14
Nov. 24, 1994 DETROIT LIONS 35, Buffalo Bills 21
DALLAS COWBOYS 42, Green Bay Packers 31
Nov. 23, 1995 DETROIT LIONS 44, Minnesota Vikings 38
DALLAS COWBOYS 24, Kansas City Chiefs 12
Nov. 28, 1996 Kansas City Chiefs 28, DETROIT LIONS 24
DALLAS COWBOYS 21, Washington Redskins 10
Nov. 27, 1997 DETROIT LIONS 55, Chicago Bears 20
Tennessee Titans 27, DALLAS COWBOYS 14

520 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Nov. 26, 1998 DETROIT LIONS 19, Pittsburgh Steelers 16 (OT)
Minnesota Vikings 46, DALLAS COWBOYS 36
Nov. 25, 1999 DETROIT LIONS 21, Chicago Bears 17
DALLAS COWBOYS 20, Miami Dolphins 0
Nov. 23, 2000 DETROIT LIONS 34, New England Patriots 9
Minnesota Vikings 27, DALLAS COWBOYS 15
Nov. 22, 2001 Green Bay Packers 29, DETROIT LIONS 27
Denver Broncos 26, DALLAS COWBOYS 24
Nov. 28, 2002 New England Patriots 20, DETROIT LIONS 12
DALLAS COWBOYS 27, Washington Redskins 20
Nov. 27, 2003 DETROIT LIONS 22, Green Bay Packers 14
Miami Dolphins 40, DALLAS COWBOYS 21
Nov. 25, 2004 Indianapolis Colts 41, DETROIT LIONS 9
DALLAS COWBOYS 21, Chicago Bears 7
Nov. 24, 2005 Atlanta Falcons 27, DETROIT LIONS 7
Denver Broncos 24, DALLAS COWBOYS 21 (OT)
Nov. 23, 2006 Miami Dolphins 27, DETROIT LIONS 10
DALLAS COWBOYS 38, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 10
KANSAS CITY CHIEFS 19, Denver Broncos 10
Nov. 22, 2007 Green Bay Packers 37, DETROIT LIONS 26
DALLAS COWBOYS 34, New York Jets 3
Indianapolis Colts 31, ATLANTA FALCONS 13
Nov. 27, 2008 Tennessee Titans 47, DETROIT LIONS 10
DALLAS COWBOYS 34, Seattle Seahawks 9
PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 48, Arizona Cardinals 20
Nov. 26, 2009 Green Bay Packers 34, DETROIT LIONS 12
DALLAS COWBOYS 24, Oakland Raiders 7
DENVER BRONCOS 26, New York Giants 6
Nov. 25, 2010 New England Patriots 45, DETROIT LIONS 24
New Orleans Saints 30, DALLAS COWBOYS 27
NEW YORK JETS 26, Cincinnati Bengals 10
Nov. 24, 2011 Green Bay Packers 27, DETROIT LIONS 15
DALLAS COWBOYS 20, Miami Dolphins 19
BALTIMORE RAVENS 16, San Francisco 49ers 6
Nov. 22, 2012 Houston Texans 34, DETROIT LIONS 31 (OT)
Washington Redskins 38, DALLAS COWBOYS 31
New England Patriots 49, NEW YORK JETS 19
Nov. 28, 2013 DETROIT LIONS 40, Green Bay Packers 10
DALLAS COWBOYS 31, Oakland Raiders 24
BALTIMORE RAVENS 22, Pittsburgh Steelers 20
Nov. 27, 2014 DETROIT LIONS 34, Chicago Bears 17
Philadelphia Eagles 33, DALLAS COWBOYS 10
Seattle Seahawks 19, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers 3
Nov. 26, 2015 DETROIT LIONS 45, Philadelphia Eagles 14
Carolina Panthers 33, DALLAS COWBOYS 14
Chicago Bears 17, GREEN BAY PACKERS 13


*NFL record; stats compiled by Elias Sports Bureau. 455 Troy Aikman, Dallas vs. Minnesota, Nov. 26, 1998
441 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Houston, Nov. 22, 2012
SCORING / Most Touchdowns, Game (OT)
6 Ernie Nevers, Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Washington, Nov. 22, 2012
Nov. 28, 1929* 410 Scott Mitchell, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 23, 1995
4 Doc Elliott, Cleveland vs. Milwaukee, Nov. 27, 1924
Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay at Dallas, Nov. 24, 1994 PASS RECEIVING
Brian Westbrook, Philadelphia vs. Arizona, RECEPTIONS / Most Pass Receptions, Game
Nov. 27, 2008 12 Brett Perriman, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 23, 1995
3 By many players Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis at Detroit, Nov. 25, 2004
11 Daryl Johnston, Dallas vs. Miami, Nov. 25, 1993
RUSHING / Most Yards Rushing, Game Michael Irvin, Dallas vs. Kansas City, Nov. 23, 1995
273 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo at Detroit, Nov. 25, 1976 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Chicago, Nov. 27, 2014
198 Bob Hoernschemeyer, Detroit vs. N.Y. Yankees, YARDS GAINED / Most Yards on Pass Receptions, Game
Nov. 23, 1950 303 Jim Benton, Cleveland at Detroit, Nov. 22, 1945
195 Earl Campbell, Houston at Dallas, Nov. 22, 1979 188 Andre Johnson, Houston at Detroit, Nov. 22, 2012 (OT)
185 Lance Alworth, San Diego vs. Buffalo, Nov. 26, 1964

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 521

AFC NFC Tie East W L T Pct. East W L T Pct.
1970 12 27 1 Miami 105 64 0 .621 Dallas 95 73 0 .565
1971 15 23 2 New England 90 76 0 .542 Philadelphia 93 74 2 .556
1972 20 19 1 Buffalo 81 84 1 .491 New York Giants 82 78 0 .513
1973 19 19 2 New York Jets 73 93 0 .440 Washington 81 86 0 .485
1974 23 17 0 North W L T Pct. North W L T Pct.
1975 23 17 0 Pittsburgh 103 64 1 .616 Chicago 85 86 0 .497
1976 16 12 0 Baltimore 45 32 1 .583 Minnesota 83 87 0 .488
1977 19 9 0 Cincinnati 91 75 2 .548 Green Bay 79 88 3 .474
1978 31 21 0 Cleveland 69 89 0 .437 Detroit 65 100 1 .395
1979 36 16 0 South W L T Pct. South W L T Pct.
1980 33 19 0 Tennessee 85 87 1 .494 Carolina 41 42 1 .494
1981 24 28 0 Indianapolis 78 80 1 .494 New Orleans 75 95 2 .441
1982 15 14 1 Jacksonville 36 47 0 .434 Atlanta 73 99 1 .425
1983 26 26 0 Houston 23 33 0 .411 Tampa Bay* 52 85 0 .380
1984 26 26 0 West W L T Pct. West W L T Pct.
1985 27 25 0 Denver 99 73 2 .575 San Francisco 96 79 0 .549
1986 26 26 0 Kansas City 84 72 2 .538 St. Louis 86 87 0 .497
1987 23 22 1 Oakland 93 80 1 .538 Seattle* # 72 73 0 .497
1988 30 22 0 San Diego 78 85 0 .479 Arizona 65 90 2 .420
1989 24 28 0 * Records include one game played between Seattle and Tampa Bay, won by the
1990 26 26 0 Seahawks 13-10, in their inaugural season (1976) when Seattle competed in the
1991 19 33 0 NFC and Tampa Bay in the AFC.
1992 22 30 0 # Seattle was a member of the AFC from 1977-2001.
1993 27 25 0 From 1970-71, tie games were not included in winning percentage.
1994 25 27 0
1995 27 33 0
1996 32 28 0 For a year-by-year breakdown of each team’s won/loss record in Interconference
1997 31 28 1 Games, please visit
1998 31 29 0
1999 38 22 0
2000 30 30 0
2001 30 30 0
2002 34 29 1
2003 34 30 0
2004 44 20 0
2005 34 30 0
2006 40 24 0
2007 32 32 0
2008 34 29 1
2009 37 27 0
2010 34 30 0
2011 31 33 0
2012 25 39 0
2013 30 34 0
2014 33 30 1
2015 29 35 0
Total 1,277 1,179 12

522 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

The Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award is the only NFL award that recognizes a player for his community service activities as
well as his excellence on the field. Renamed in 1999 for the legendary Chicago Bears Pro Football Hall of Fame running back, the Walter
Payton NFL Man of the Year Award has been given annually since 1970.


1970 Johnny Unitas ............................................................QB Baltimore Colts
1971 John Hadl ..................................................................QB San Diego Chargers
1972 Willie Lanier................................................................LB Kansas City Chiefs
1973 Len Dawson...............................................................QB Kansas City Chiefs
1974 George Blanda ...........................................................QB Oakland Raiders
1975 Ken Anderson ...........................................................QB Cincinnati Bengals
1976 Franco Harris .............................................................RB Pittsburgh Steelers
1977 Walter Payton.............................................................RB Chicago Bears
1978 Roger Staubach .........................................................QB Dallas Cowboys
1979 Joe Greene.................................................................DT Pittsburgh Steelers
1980 Harold Carmichael.....................................................WR Philadelphia Eagles
1981 Lynn Swann..............................................................WR Pittsburgh Steelers
1982 Joe Theismann ..........................................................QB Washington Redskins
1983 Rolf Benirschke ............................................................K San Diego Chargers
1984 Marty Lyons .................................................................T New York Jets
1985 Dwight Stephenson ......................................................C Miami Dolphins
1986 Reggie Williams..........................................................LB Cincinnati Bengals
1987 Dave Duerson...............................................................S Chicago Bears
1988 Steve Largent............................................................WR Seattle Seahawks
1989 Warren Moon .............................................................QB Houston Oilers
1990 Mike Singletary...........................................................LB Chicago Bears
1991 Anthony Muñoz ............................................................T Cincinnati Bengals
1992 John Elway ................................................................QB Denver Broncos
1993 Derrick Thomas..........................................................LB Kansas City Chiefs
1994 Junior Seau ................................................................LB San Diego Chargers
1995 Boomer Esiason ........................................................QB New York Jets
1996 Darrell Green .............................................................CB Washington Redskins
1997 Troy Aikman ..............................................................QB Dallas Cowboys
1998 Dan Marino ...............................................................QB Miami Dolphins
1999 Cris Carter ...............................................................WR Minnesota Vikings
2000* Derrick Brooks............................................................LB Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Jim Flanigan...............................................................DT Chicago Bears
2001 Jerome Bettis.............................................................RB Pittsburgh Steelers
2002 Troy Vincent...............................................................CB Philadelphia Eagles
2003 Will Shields ..................................................................G Kansas City Chiefs
2004 Warrick Dunn .............................................................RB Atlanta Falcons
2005 Peyton Manning .........................................................QB Indianapolis Colts
2006* Drew Brees ................................................................QB New Orleans Saints
LaDainian Tomlinson ..................................................RB San Diego Chargers
2007 Jason Taylor...............................................................DE Miami Dolphins
2008 Kurt Warner ...............................................................QB Arizona Cardinals
2009 Brian Waters ................................................................G Kansas City Chiefs
2010 Madieu Williams ...........................................................S Minnesota Vikings
2011 Matt Birk ......................................................................C Baltimore Ravens
2012 Jason Witten...............................................................TE Dallas Cowboys
2013 Charles Tillman ..........................................................CB Chicago Bears
2014 Thomas Davis ............................................................LB Carolina Panthers
2015 Anquan Boldin...........................................................WR San Francisco 49ers
* The award was shared in 2000 and 2006.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 523



1957 Jim Brown RB Cleveland Browns Rushed for league-leading 942 yards and added 9 touchdowns as a
1958 Jim Brown RB Cleveland Browns Rushed for NFL-record 1,527 yards and added 17 touchdowns. Led
Browns to 9-3 record.
1959 Charley Conerly QB New York Giants Passed for 14 touchdowns and only 4 interceptions. Led offense to
division-leading 284 points.
1960 Norm Van Brocklin QB Philadelphia Eagles Guided Eagles to first division title since 1949. Passed for 2,471 yards
and 24 touchdowns.
1961 Paul Hornung RB Green Bay Packers Led league in scoring for second straight season with 146 points
(10 TD, 15 FG, 41 PAT).
1962 Jim Taylor RB Green Bay Packers League rushing champion with 1,474 yards. Scored all-time record
19 touchdowns.
1963 Y.A. Tittle QB New York Giants Set all-time season record with 36 touchdown passes. Guided league’s
top offense (5,024 yards).
1964 Johnny Unitas QB Baltimore Colts Guided Colts to NFL’s best record (12-2) and league’s top offensive
attack (4,779 yards).
1965 Jim Brown RB Cleveland Browns Leader of NFL’s top rushing attack. Led league with 1,544 yards, added
21 total touchdowns.
1966 Bart Starr QB Green Bay Packers Passed for 14 touchdowns and only 3 interceptions. Led Packers to
league-best 12-2 record.
1967 Johnny Unitas QB Baltimore Colts Passed for 3,428 yards and 20 touchdowns. Led Colts to 11-1-2
1968 Earl Morrall QB Baltimore Colts Guided Colts to NFL-best 13-1 record. Led league with 26 touchdown
1969 Roman Gabriel QB Los Angeles Rams Led NFL with 24 touchdown passes. Guided Rams to 11-3 record.
1970 John Brodie QB San Francisco 49ers Took 49ers to first division title. Threw NFL-best 24 touchdown passes.
1971 Alan Page DT Minnesota Vikings Led defense that allowed NFL-low 139 points. Vikings won fourth
straight NFC Central title.
1972 Larry Brown RB Washington Redskins Led conference with 1,216 rushing yards. Redskins had NFC-best
11-3 record.
1973 O.J. Simpson RB Buffalo Bills Rushed for all-time record 2,003 yards, including three 200-yard
1974 Ken Stabler QB Oakland Raiders Led league with 26 touchdown passes and only 12 interceptions.
Raiders had NFL-best 12-2 record.
1975 Fran Tarkenton QB Minnesota Vikings Tied for league-best 12-2 record. Led NFC with 91.7 passer rating.
1976 Bert Jones QB Baltimore Colts Threw 24 touchdowns and only 9 interceptions for 102.5 passer rating.
1977 Walter Payton RB Chicago Bears Rushed for league-leading 1,852 yards and 16 total touchdowns.
1978 Terry Bradshaw QB Pittsburgh Steelers Led Steelers to league-leading 14-2 mark. Set club record with
28 touchdown passes.
1979 Earl Campbell RB Houston Oilers Led league with 1,697 rushing yards and 19 touchdowns.
1980 Brian Sipe QB Cleveland Browns NFL-best 91.4 passer rating. Set Browns’ records with 30 touchdown
passes and 4,132 yards.
1981 Ken Anderson QB Cincinnati Bengals Led Bengals to first division title since 1973. NFL-high 98.5 passer
1982 Mark Moseley K Washington Redskins Converted 20 of 21 FGs. Set consecutive field-goal record at 23
(including last three in ’81).
1983 Joe Theismann QB Washington Redskins Leader of offense that scored NFL record 541 points. Redskins had
NFL-best 14-2 record.
1984 Dan Marino QB Miami Dolphins Set NFL records with 5,084 yards and 48 touchdown passes. Led
Dolphins to AFC-best 14-2 mark.
1985 Marcus Allen RB Los Angeles Raiders Rushed for league-leading 1,759 yards. Tied for AFC lead with
11 rushing touchdowns.
1986 Lawrence Taylor LB New York Giants Recorded league-high 20.5 sacks, and led Giants’ second-ranked
defense (297.3).
1987 John Elway QB Denver Broncos In 12 games, passed for 19 touchdowns and 3,198 yards, including
four 300-yard games.
1988 Boomer Esiason QB Cincinnati Bengals Led NFL with 97.4 passer rating. Tied for AFC lead with 28 TD passes.
1989 Joe Montana QB San Francisco 49ers Set NFL record with 112.4 passer rating, including 70.2 completion
1990 Joe Montana QB San Francisco 49ers Led 49ers to league-best 14-2 record. Completed NFC-high
61.7 percent of passes.
1991 Thurman Thomas RB Buffalo Bills Recorded league-high 2,038 yards from scrimmage (1,407 rushing,
631 receiving).
1992 Steve Young QB San Francisco 49ers NFL’s top passer with 107.0 rating. Led 49ers to NFL-best 14-2 record.
1993 Emmitt Smith RB Dallas Cowboys Led league in rushing (1,486 yards) for third straight year despite
missing first two games.

524 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1994 Steve Young QB San Francisco 49ers Compiled NFL all-time best 112.8 passer rating. Completed more than
70 percent of his passes.
1995 Brett Favre QB Green Bay Packers Led league with 38 touchdown passes and NFC with 99.5 passer
1996 Brett Favre QB Green Bay Packers Led Packers to top conference record (13-3). Threw NFL-best 39
touchdown passes.
1997* Brett Favre QB Green Bay Packers Led league with 35 touchdown passes; NFC with 3,867 passing yards.
Barry Sanders RB Detroit Lions Rushed for all-time second-best 2,053 yards, including record
14 straight 100-yard games.
1998 Terrell Davis RB Denver Broncos Rushed for 2,008 yards and scored league-best 23 total touchdowns.
1999 Kurt Warner QB St. Louis Rams Became the second QB in history to have 40 touchdown passes in a
season (41).
2000 Marshall Faulk RB St. Louis Rams Set NFL record with 26 touchdowns and led NFC with 2,189 yards
from scrimmage.
2001 Kurt Warner QB St. Louis Rams Led NFL with 4,830 passing yards, 36 touchdowns, 68.7 completion
percentage, and 101.4 passer rating.
2002 Rich Gannon QB Oakland Raiders Set single-season records with 10 300-yard passing games and
418 completions, and led NFL with 4,689 passing yards.
2003* Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis Colts Led NFL with 4,267 passing yards, had AFC-best 29 touchdown
passes, and posted 99.0 passer rating.
Steve McNair QB Tennessee Titans Posted NFL-best 100.4 passer rating, passing for 3,215 yards with
24 touchdowns against 7 interceptions.
2004 Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis Colts Set NFL records with 49 touchdown passes and 121.1 passer rating
while passing for 4,557 yards.
2005 Shaun Alexander RB Seattle Seahawks Set NFL record with 28 touchdowns and led league with 1,880 rushing
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson RB San Diego Chargers Set NFL record for touchdowns (31) and points scored (186). Rushed
for team-record 1,815 yards.
2007 Tom Brady QB New England Patriots Set NFL record with 50 passing touchdowns. Led New England to first
16-0 regular-season record in league history.
2008 Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis Colts Threw for 4,002 yards and 27 touchdowns and 95.0 passer rating. Led
Indianapolis to 12-4 record.
2009 Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis Colts Threw for 4,500 yards with 33 touchdowns for 99.9 passer rating
while leading Colts to NFL-best 14-2 record.
2010 Tom Brady QB New England Patriots Led league with 111.0 passer rating, throwing for 3,900 yards and
36 touchdowns while guiding Patriots to NFL-best 14-2 record.
2011 Aaron Rodgers QB Green Bay Packers Set NFL record with 122.5 passer rating. Guided Green Bay to
NFL-best 15-1 record.
2012 Adrian Peterson RB Minnesota Vikings Rushed for league-leading 2,096 yards and scored 13 total
2013 Peyton Manning QB Denver Broncos Set NFL records with 5,477 passing yards and 55 touchdown passes.
2014 Aaron Rodgers QB Green Bay Packers Led NFC with 38 touchdown passes. Guided Green Bay to 12-4 record
and NFL-high 30.4 points per game.
2015 Cam Newton QB Carolina Panthers First player with 35 passing touchdowns and 10 rushing touchdowns in
a season. Guided Panthers to NFL-best 15-1 record.
Total Associated Press NFL MVPs: 57
Five-time Winner: Peyton Manning
Three-time Winner: Brett Favre
Two-time Winners: Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Aaron Rodgers, Johnny Unitas, Kurt Warner, Steve Young
* The award was shared in 1997 and 2003.

NFL CHAMPIONSHIP IN SAME SEASON: 13 8 Indianapolis/Baltimore Colts 2 Buffalo Bills
1961 Paul Hornung Green Bay Packers Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bengals
1962 Jim Taylor Green Bay Packers Cleveland Browns
1966 Bart Starr Green Bay Packers 5 San Francisco 49ers Houston Oilers/
1968 Earl Morrall Baltimore Colts Tennessee Titans
1978 Terry Bradshaw Pittsburgh Steelers 4 St. Louis/Los Angeles Rams New England Patriots
1982 Mark Moseley Washington Redskins New York Giants
1986 Lawrence Taylor New York Giants 3 Denver Broncos
1989 Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers Minnesota Vikings 1 Carolina Panthers
1993 Emmitt Smith Dallas Cowboys Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders Chicago Bears
1994 Steve Young San Francisco 49ers Washington Redskins Dallas Cowboys
1996 Brett Favre Green Bay Packers Detroit Lions
1998 Terrell Davis Denver Broncos Miami Dolphins
1999 Kurt Warner St. Louis Rams Pittsburgh Steelers
San Diego Chargers
Quarterback: 38 Kicker: 1
Running Back: 16 Linebacker: 1
Defensive Tackle: 1

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 525

AP OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1983 Eric Dickerson RB Los Angeles Rams
1984 Louis Lipps WR Pittsburgh Steelers
1973 O.J. Simpson RB Buffalo Bills 1985 Eddie Brown WR Cincinnati Bengals
1974 Ken Stabler QB Oakland Raiders 1986 Rueben Mayes RB New Orleans Saints
1975 Fran Tarkenton QB Minnesota Vikings 1987 Troy Stradford RB Miami Dolphins
1976 Bert Jones QB Baltimore Colts 1988 John Stephens RB New England Patriots
1977 Walter Payton RB Chicago Bears 1989 Barry Sanders RB Detroit Lions
1978 Earl Campbell RB Houston Oilers 1990 Emmitt Smith RB Dallas Cowboys
1979 Earl Campbell RB Houston Oilers 1991 Leonard Russell RB New England Patriots
1980 Earl Campbell RB Houston Oilers 1992 Carl Pickens WR Cincinnati Bengals
1981 Ken Anderson QB Cincinnati Bengals 1993 Jerome Bettis RB Los Angeles Rams
1982 Dan Fouts QB San Diego Chargers 1994 Marshall Faulk RB Indianapolis Colts
1983 Joe Theismann QB Washington Redskins 1995 Curtis Martin RB New England Patriots
1984 Dan Marino QB Miami Dolphins 1996 Eddie George RB Houston Oilers
1985 Marcus Allen RB Los Angeles Raiders 1997 Warrick Dunn RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1986 Eric Dickerson RB Los Angeles Rams 1998 Randy Moss WR Minnesota Vikings
1987 Jerry Rice WR San Francisco 49ers 1999 Edgerrin James RB Indianapolis Colts
1988 Roger Craig RB San Francisco 49ers 2000 Mike Anderson RB Denver Broncos
1989 Joe Montana QB San Francisco 49ers 2001 Anthony Thomas RB Chicago Bears
1990 Warren Moon QB Houston Oilers 2002 Clinton Portis RB Denver Broncos
1991 Thurman Thomas RB Buffalo Bills 2003 Anquan Boldin WR Arizona Cardinals
1992 Steve Young QB San Francisco 49ers 2004 Ben Roethlisberger QB Pittsburgh Steelers
1993 Jerry Rice WR San Francisco 49ers 2005 Carnell Williams RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1994 Barry Sanders RB Detroit Lions 2006 Vince Young QB Tennessee Titans
1995 Brett Favre QB Green Bay Packers 2007 Adrian Peterson RB Minnesota Vikings
1996 Terrell Davis RB Denver Broncos 2008 Matt Ryan QB Atlanta Falcons
1997 Barry Sanders RB Detroit Lions 2009 Percy Harvin WR Minnesota Vikings
1998 Terrell Davis RB Denver Broncos 2010 Sam Bradford QB St. Louis Rams
1999 Marshall Faulk RB St. Louis Rams 2011 Cam Newton QB Carolina Panthers
2000 Marshall Faulk RB St. Louis Rams 2012 Robert Griffin III QB Washington Redskins
2001 Marshall Faulk RB St. Louis Rams 2013 Eddie Lacy RB Green Bay Packers
2002 Priest Holmes RB Kansas City Chiefs 2014 Odell Beckham Jr. WR New York Giants
2003 Jamal Lewis RB Baltimore Ravens 2015 Todd Gurley RB St. Louis Rams
2004 Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis Colts
2005 Shaun Alexander RB Seattle Seahawks AP DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson RB San Diego Chargers
2007 Tom Brady QB New England Patriots 1971 Alan Page DT Minnesota Vikings
2008 Drew Brees QB New Orleans Saints 1972 Joe Greene DT Pittsburgh Steelers
2009 Chris Johnson RB Tennessee Titans 1973 Dick Anderson S Miami Dolphins
2010 Tom Brady QB New England Patriots 1974 Joe Greene DT Pittsburgh Steelers
2011 Drew Brees QB New Orleans Saints 1975 Mel Blount CB Pittsburgh Steelers
2012 Adrian Peterson RB Minnesota Vikings 1976 Jack Lambert LB Pittsburgh Steelers
2013 Peyton Manning QB Denver Broncos 1977 Harvey Martin DE Dallas Cowboys
2014 DeMarco Murray RB Dallas Cowboys 1978 Randy Gradishar LB Denver Broncos
2015 Cam Newton QB Carolina Panthers 1979 Lee Roy Selmon DE Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1980 Lester Hayes CB Oakland Raiders
AP OFFENSIVE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 1981 Lawrence Taylor LB New York Giants
1982 Lawrence Taylor LB New York Giants
1957 Jim Brown RB Cleveland Browns 1983 Doug Betters DE Miami Dolphins
1958 Jimmy Orr WR Pittsburgh Steelers 1984 Kenny Easley S Seattle Seahawks
1959 Nick Pietrosante RB Detroit Lions 1985 Mike Singletary LB Chicago Bears
1960 Gail Cogdill WR Detroit Lions 1986 Lawrence Taylor LB New York Giants
1961 Mike Ditka TE Chicago Bears 1987 Reggie White DT Philadelphia Eagles
1962 Ron Bull RB Chicago Bears 1988 Mike Singletary LB Chicago Bears
1963 Paul Flatley WR Minnesota Vikings 1989 Keith Millard DT Minnesota Vikings
1964 Charley Taylor WR Washington Redskins 1990 Bruce Smith DE Buffalo Bills
1965 Gale Sayers RB Chicago Bears 1991 Pat Swilling LB New Orleans Saints
1966 Johnny Roland RB St. Louis Cardinals 1992 Cortez Kennedy DT Seattle Seahawks
1967 Mel Farr RB Detroit Lions 1993 Rod Woodson CB Pittsburgh Steelers
1968 Earl McCullouch WR Detroit Lions 1994 Deion Sanders CB San Francisco 49ers
1969 Calvin Hill RB Dallas Cowboys 1995 Bryce Paup LB Buffalo Bills
1970 Duane Thomas RB Dallas Cowboys 1996 Bruce Smith DE Buffalo Bills
1971 John Brockington RB Green Bay Packers 1997 Dana Stubblefield DT San Francisco 49ers
1972 Franco Harris RB Pittsburgh Steelers 1998 Reggie White DE Green Bay Packers
1973 Chuck Foreman RB Minnesota Vikings 1999 Warren Sapp DT Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1974 Don Woods RB San Diego Chargers 2000 Ray Lewis LB Baltimore Ravens
1975 Mike Thomas RB Washington Redskins 2001 Michael Strahan DE New York Giants
1976 Sammy White WR Minnesota Vikings 2002 Derrick Brooks LB Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1977 Tony Dorsett RB Dallas Cowboys 2003 Ray Lewis LB Baltimore Ravens
1978 Earl Campbell RB Houston Oilers 2004 Ed Reed S Baltimore Ravens
1979 Ottis Anderson RB St. Louis Cardinals 2005 Brian Urlacher LB Chicago Bears
1980 Billy Sims RB Detroit Lions 2006 Jason Taylor DE Miami Dolphins
1981 George Rogers RB New Orleans Saints 2007 Bob Sanders S Indianapolis Colts
1982 Marcus Allen RB Los Angeles Raiders 2008 James Harrison LB Pittsburgh Steelers

526 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2009 Charles Woodson CB Green Bay Packers 2007 Greg Ellis DE Dallas Cowboys
2010 Troy Polamalu S Pittsburgh Steelers 2008 Chad Pennington QB Miami Dolphins
2011 Terrell Suggs LB Baltimore Ravens 2009 Tom Brady QB New England Patriots
2012 J.J. Watt DE Houston Texans 2010 Michael Vick QB Philadelphia Eagles
2013 Luke Kuechly LB Carolina Panthers 2011 Matthew Stafford QB Detroit Lions
2014 J.J. Watt DE Houston Texans 2012 Peyton Manning QB Denver Broncos
2015 J.J. Watt DE Houston Texans 2013 Philip Rivers QB San Diego Chargers
2014 Rob Gronkowski TE New England Patriots
AP DEFENSIVE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 2015 Eric Berry S Kansas CIty Chiefs
*The award was shared in 2005.
1967 Lem Barney CB Detroit Lions
1968 Claude Humphrey DE Atlanta Falcons AP COACH OF THE YEAR
1969 Joe Greene DT Pittsburgh Steelers
1970 Bruce Taylor CB San Francisco 49ers 1957 George Wilson Detroit Lions
1971 Isiah Robertson LB Los Angeles Rams 1958 Weeb Ewbank Baltimore Colts
1972 Willie Buchanon CB Green Bay Packers 1959 Vince Lombardi Green Bay Packers
1973 Wally Chambers DT Chicago Bears 1960 Buck Shaw Philadelphia Eagles
1974 Jack Lambert LB Pittsburgh Steelers 1961 Allie Sherman New York Giants
1975 Robert Brazile LB Houston Oilers 1962 Allie Sherman New York Giants
1976 Mike Haynes S New England Patriots 1963 George Halas Chicago Bears
1977 A.J. Duhe DT Miami Dolphins 1964 Don Shula Baltimore Colts
1978 Al Baker DE Detroit Lions 1965 George Halas Chicago Bears
1979 Jim Haslett LB Buffalo Bills 1966 Tom Landry Dallas Cowboys
1980* Buddy Curry LB Atlanta Falcons 1967* George Allen Los Angeles Rams
Al Richardson LB Atlanta Falcons Don Shula Baltimore Colts
1981 Lawrence Taylor LB New York Giants 1968 Don Shula Baltimore Colts
1982 Chip Banks LB Cleveland Browns 1969 Bud Grant Minnesota Vikings
1983 Vernon Maxwell LB Baltimore Colts 1970 Paul Brown Cincinnati Bengals
1984 Bill Maas NT Kansas City Chiefs 1971 George Allen Washington Redskins
1985 Duane Bickett LB Indianapolis Colts 1972 Don Shula Miami Dolphins
1986 John Offerdahl LB Miami Dolphins 1973 Chuck Knox Los Angeles Rams
1987 Shane Conlan LB Buffalo Bills 1974 Don Coryell St. Louis Cardinals
1988 Erik McMillan S New York Jets 1975 Ted Marchibroda Baltimore Colts
1989 Derrick Thomas LB Kansas City Chiefs 1976 Forrest Gregg Cleveland Browns
1990 Mark Carrier S Chicago Bears 1977 Red Miller Denver Broncos
1991 Mike Croel LB Denver Broncos 1978 Jack Patera Seattle Seahawks
1992 Dale Carter CB Kansas City Chiefs 1979 Jack Pardee Washington Redskins
1993 Dana Stubblefield DT San Francisco 49ers 1980 Chuck Knox Buffalo Bills
1994 Tim Bowens DT Miami Dolphins 1981 Bill Walsh San Francisco 49ers
1995 Hugh Douglas DE New York Jets 1982 Joe Gibbs Washington Redskins
1996 Simeon Rice DE Arizona Cardinals 1983 Joe Gibbs Washington Redskins
1997 Peter Boulware LB Baltimore Ravens 1984 Chuck Knox Seattle Seahawks
1998 Charles Woodson CB Oakland Raiders 1985 Mike Ditka Chicago Bears
1999 Jevon Kearse DE Tennessee Titans 1986 Bill Parcells New York Giants
2000 Brian Urlacher LB Chicago Bears 1987 Jim Mora New Orleans Saints
2001 Kendrell Bell LB Pittsburgh Steelers 1988 Mike Ditka Chicago Bears
2002 Julius Peppers DE Carolina Panthers 1989 Lindy Infante Green Bay Packers
2003 Terrell Suggs LB Baltimore Ravens 1990 Jimmy Johnson Dallas Cowboys
2004 Jonathan Vilma LB New York Jets 1991 Wayne Fontes Detroit Lions
2005 Shawne Merriman LB San Diego Chargers 1992 Bill Cowher Pittsburgh Steelers
2006 DeMeco Ryans LB Houston Texans 1993 Dan Reeves New York Giants
2007 Patrick Willis LB San Francisco 49ers 1994 Bill Parcells New England Patriots
2008 Jerod Mayo LB New England Patriots 1995 Ray Rhodes Philadelphia Eagles
2009 Brian Cushing LB Houston Texans 1996 Dom Capers Carolina Panthers
2010 Ndamukong Suh DT Detroit Lions 1997 Jim Fassel New York Giants
2011 Von Miller LB Denver Broncos 1998 Dan Reeves Atlanta Falcons
2012 Luke Kuechly LB Carolina Panthers 1999 Dick Vermeil St. Louis Rams
2013 Sheldon Richardson DL New York Jets 2000 Jim Haslett New Orleans Saints
2014 Aaron Donald DT St. Louis Rams 2001 Dick Jauron Chicago Bears
2015 Marcus Peters CB Kansas CIty Chiefs 2002 Andy Reid Philadelphia Eagles
*The award was shared in 1980. 2003 Bill Belichick New England Patriots
2004 Marty Schottenheimer San Diego Chargers
AP COMEBACK PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2005 Lovie Smith Chicago Bears
2006 Sean Payton New Orleans Saints
1998 Doug Flutie QB Buffalo Bills 2007 Bill Belichick New England Patriots
1999 Bryant Young DT San Francisco 49ers 2008 Mike Smith Atlanta Falcons
2000 Joe Johnson DE New Orleans Saints 2009 Marvin Lewis Cincinnati Bengals
2001 Garrison Hearst RB San Francisco 49ers 2010 Bill Belichick New England Patriots
2002 Tommy Maddox QB Pittsburgh Steelers 2011 Jim Harbaugh San Francisco 49ers
2003 Jon Kitna QB Cincinnati Bengals 2012 Bruce Arians Indianapolis Colts
2004 Drew Brees QB San Diego Chargers 2013 Ron Rivera Carolina Panthers
2005* Steve Smith WR Carolina Panthers 2014 Bruce Arians Arizona Cardinals
Tedy Bruschi LB New England Patriots 2015 Ron Rivera Carolina Panthers
2006 Chad Pennington QB New York Jets *The award was shared in 1967.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 527

Season Date Team Player Position College
2016 .......April 28-30 ......................................Los Angeles...............................Jared Goff ..................QB ...........................California
2015 .......April 30-May 2.................................Tampa Bay ................................Jameis Winston..........QB.......................Florida State
2014 .......May 8-10.........................................Houston.....................................Jadeveon Clowney .....DE ...................South Carolina
2013 .......April 25-27 ......................................Kansas City ...............................Eric Fisher ..................T ..................Central Michigan
2012 .......April 26-28 ......................................Indianapolis ...............................Andrew Luck..............QB.............................Stanford
2011 .......April 28-30 ......................................Carolina .....................................Cam Newton ..............QB ..............................Auburn
2010 .......April 22-24 ......................................St. Louis....................................Sam Bradford.............QB ..........................Oklahoma
2009 .......April 25-26 ......................................Detroit .......................................Matthew Stafford........QB..............................Georgia
2008 .......April 26-27 ......................................Miami ........................................Jake Long ..................T ..............................Michigan
2007 .......April 28-29 ......................................Oakland .....................................JaMarcus Russell.......QB ..................Louisiana State
2006 .......April 29-30 ......................................Houston.....................................Mario Williams ...........DE...........North Carolina State
2005 .......April 23-24 ......................................San Francisco............................Alex Smith..................QB ..................................Utah
2004 .......April 24-25 ......................................San Diego..................................Eli Manning ................QB ........................Mississippi
2003 .......April 26-27 ......................................Cincinnati ..................................Carson Palmer............QB ............Southern California
2002 .......April 20-21 ......................................Houston.....................................David Carr..................QB ......................Fresno State
2001 .......April 21-22 ......................................Atlanta .......................................Michael Vick...............QB ......................Virginia Tech
2000 .......April 15-16 ......................................Cleveland...................................Courtney Brown .........DE .........................Penn State
1999 .......April 17-18 ......................................Cleveland...................................Tim Couch .................QB ...........................Kentucky
1998 .......April 18-19 ......................................Indianapolis ...............................Peyton Manning .........QB .........................Tennessee
1997 .......April 19-20 ......................................St. Louis....................................Orlando Pace..............T ............................Ohio State
1996 .......April 20-21 ......................................New York Jets............................Keyshawn Johnson ....WR ...........Southern California
1995 .......April 22-23 ......................................Cincinnati ..................................Ki-Jana Carter ............RB .........................Penn State
1994 .......April 24-25 ......................................Cincinnati ..................................Dan Wilkinson ............DT ..........................Ohio State
1993 .......April 25-26 ......................................New England .............................Drew Bledsoe.............QB...............Washington State
1992 .......April 26-27 ......................................Indianapolis ...............................Steve Emtman............DT........................Washington
1991 .......April 21-22 ......................................Dallas ........................................Russell Maryland........DT ................................Miami
1990 .......April 22-23 ......................................Indianapolis ...............................Jeff George ................QB................................Illinois
1989 .......April 23-24 ......................................Dallas ........................................Troy Aikman ...............QB.................................UCLA
1988 .......April 24-25 ......................................Atlanta .......................................Aundray Bruce ...........LB...............................Auburn
1987 .......April 28-29 ......................................Tampa Bay ................................Vinny Testaverde ........QB ................................Miami
1986 .......April 29-30 ......................................Tampa Bay ................................Bo Jackson ................RB ..............................Auburn
1985 .......April 30-May 1.................................Buffalo.......................................Bruce Smith ...............DE ......................Virginia Tech
1984 .......May 1-2...........................................New England .............................Irving Fryar.................WR ..........................Nebraska
1983 .......April 26-27 ......................................Baltimore ...................................John Elway ................QB.............................Stanford
1982 .......April 27-28 ......................................New England .............................Kenneth Sims.............DT .................................Texas
1981 .......April 28-29 ......................................New Orleans ..............................George Rogers ...........RB ...................South Carolina
1980 .......April 29-30 ......................................Detroit .......................................Billy Sims...................RB ..........................Oklahoma
1979 .......May 3-4...........................................Buffalo.......................................Tom Cousineau ..........LB ..........................Ohio State
1978 .......May 2-3...........................................Houston.....................................Earl Campbell .............RB.................................Texas
1977 .......May 3-4...........................................Tampa Bay ................................Ricky Bell...................RB ............Southern California
1976 .......April 8-9 ..........................................Tampa Bay ................................Lee Roy Selmon.........DE ..........................Oklahoma
1975 .......January 28-29 .................................Atlanta .......................................Steve Bartkowski .......QB ...........................California
1974 .......January 29-30 .................................Dallas ........................................Ed Jones....................DE .................Tennessee State
1973 .......January 30-31 .................................Houston.....................................John Matuszak ...........DE................................Tampa
1972 .......February 1-2....................................Buffalo.......................................Walt Patulski ..............DE .......................Notre Dame
1971 .......January 28-29 .................................New England .............................Jim Plunkett ...............QB.............................Stanford
1970 .......January 27-28 .................................Pittsburgh ..................................Terry Bradshaw ..........QB...................Louisiana Tech
1969 .......January 28-29 .................................Buffalo (AFL) .............................O.J. Simpson .............RB ............Southern California
1968 .......January 30-31 .................................Minnesota..................................Ron Yary ....................T...............Southern California
1967 .......March 14.........................................Baltimore ...................................Bubba Smith ..............DT ...................Michigan State
1966 .......November 27, 1965.........................Atlanta .......................................Tommy Nobis.............LB .................................Texas
November 28, 1965.........................Miami (AFL)...............................Jim Grabowski ...........RB................................Illinois
1965 .......November 28, 1964.........................New York Giants ........................Tucker Frederickson ...RB ..............................Auburn
November 28, 1964.........................Houston (AFL) ...........................Lawrence Elkins .........E ..................................Baylor
1964 .......December 2, 1963...........................San Francisco............................Dave Parks.................E ...........................Texas Tech
November 30, 1963.........................Boston (AFL) .............................Jack Concannon.........QB ..................Boston College
1963 .......December 3, 1962...........................Los Angeles...............................Terry Baker.................QB......................Oregon State
December 1, 1962...........................Kansas City (AFL)......................Buck Buchanan ..........DT ..........................Grambling
1962 .......December 4, 1961...........................Washington ...............................Ernie Davis.................RB ...........................Syracuse
December 2, 1961...........................Oakland (AFL)............................Roman Gabriel ...........QB...........North Carolina State

528 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book


Season Date Team Player Position College

1961 .......December 27-28, 1960....................Minnesota..................................Tommy Mason ...........RB................................Tulane
November 23, 1960.........................Buffalo (AFL) .............................Ken Rice ....................G.................................Auburn
1960 .......Secret Draft .....................................Los Angeles...............................Billy Cannon...............RB ..................Louisiana State
November 22, December 2, 1959 ....(AFL had no formal first pick)
1959 .......December 2, 1958...........................Green Bay..................................Randy Duncan............QB ..................................Iowa
1958 .......December 2, 1957...........................Chicago Cardinals......................King Hill .....................QB...................................Rice
1957 .......November 27, 1956.........................Green Bay..................................Paul Hornung .............HB .......................Notre Dame
1956 .......November 29, 1955.........................Pittsburgh ..................................Gary Glick ..................DB ...................Colorado A&M
1955 .......January 27-28 .................................Baltimore ...................................George Shaw .............QB ..............................Oregon
1954 .......January 28 ......................................Cleveland...................................Bobby Garrett.............QB.............................Stanford
1953 .......January 22 ......................................San Francisco............................Harry Babcock ...........E ................................Georgia
1952 .......January 17 ......................................Los Angeles...............................Bill Wade....................QB ..........................Vanderbilt
1951 .......January 18-19 .................................New York Giants ........................Kyle Rote ...................HB............Southern Methodist
1950 .......January 21-22 .................................Detroit .......................................Leon Hart...................E..........................Notre Dame
1949 .......December 21, 1948.........................Philadelphia ...............................Chuck Bednarik ..........C........................Pennsylvania
1948 .......December 19, 1947.........................Washington ...............................Harry Gilmer ..............QB ............................Alabama
1947 .......December 16, 1946.........................Chicago Bears ...........................Bob Fenimore.............HB .................Oklahoma A&M
1946 .......January 14 ......................................Boston.......................................Frank Dancewicz ........QB .......................Notre Dame
1945 .......April 6..............................................Chicago Cardinals......................Charley Trippi .............HB..............................Georgia
1944 .......April 19............................................Boston.......................................Angelo Bertelli............QB .......................Notre Dame
1943 .......April 8..............................................Detroit .......................................Frank Sinkwich ...........HB..............................Georgia
1942 .......December 22, 1941.........................Pittsburgh ..................................Bill Dudley..................HB ..............................Virginia
1941 .......December 10, 1940.........................Chicago Bears ...........................Tom Harmon ..............HB............................Michigan
1940 .......December 9, 1939...........................Chicago Cardinals......................George Cafego ...........HB .........................Tennessee
1939 .......December 8, 1938...........................Chicago Cardinals......................Ki Aldrich ...................C.....................Texas Christian
1938 .......December 12, 1937.........................Cleveland...................................Corbett Davis .............FB ...............................Indiana
1937 .......December 12, 1936.........................Philadelphia ...............................Sam Francis ...............FB............................Nebraska
1936 .......February 8 .......................................Philadelphia ...............................Jay Berwanger ...........HB .............................Chicago
Note: From 1947 through 1958, the first selection in the draft was a Bonus pick, awarded to the winner of a random draw. That club,
in turn, forfeited its last-round draft choice. The winner of the Bonus choice was eliminated from future draws. The system was
abolished after 1958, by which time all clubs had received a Bonus choice.


Quarterbacks: 33
Running Backs: 23
Defensive Linemen: 14
Offensive Linemen: 7
Wide Receivers: 6
Linebackers: 3
Defensive Backs: 1


1936: 9
1937: 10
1938-1942: 22
1943-1948: 32
1949: 25
1950-59: 30
1960-66: 20
1967-1976: 17
1977-1992: 12
1993: 8
1994-2016: 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 529

FIRST-ROUND SELECTIONS 1997 Tom Knight, Iowa, DB 2008 Matt Ryan, Boston College, QB
If club had no first-round selection, first 1998 Andre Wadsworth, Florida St., DE Sam Baker, So. California, T
player drafted is listed with round in 1999 David Boston, Ohio State, WR 2009 Peria Jerry, Mississippi, DT
parentheses. L.J. Shelton, Eastern Michigan, T 2010 Sean Weatherspoon, Missouri, LB
2000 Thomas Jones, Virginia, RB 2011 Julio Jones, Alabama, WR
ARIZONA CARDINALS 2001 Leonard Davis, Texas, T 2012 Peter Konz, Wisconsin, G (2)
Year Player, College, Position 2002 Wendell Bryant, Wisconsin, DT 2013 Desmond Trufant, Washington, DB
1936 Jim Lawrence, Texas Christian, B 2003 Bryant Johnson, Penn State, WR 2014 Jake Matthews, Texas A&M, T
1937 Ray Buivid, Marquette, B Calvin Pace, Wake Forest, DE 2015 Vic Beasley, Clemson, DE
1938 Jack Robbins, Arkansas, B 2004 Larry Fitzgerald, Pittsburgh, WR 2016 Keanu Neal, Florida, DB
1939 Charles (Ki) Aldrich, TCU, C 2005 Antrel Rolle, Miami, DB
1940 George Cafego, Tennessee, B BALTIMORE RAVENS
2006 Matt Leinart, So. California, QB
1941 John Kimbrough, Texas A&M, B Year Player, College, Position
2007 Levi Brown, Penn State, T
1942 Steve Lach, Duke, B 1996 Jonathan Ogden, UCLA, T
2008 Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, Tenn. St., DB
1943 Glenn Dobbs, Tulsa, B Ray Lewis, Miami, LB
2009 Beanie Wells, Ohio State, RB
1944 Pat Harder, Wisconsin, B 1997 Peter Boulware, Florida State, DE
2010 Dan Williams, Tennessee, DT
1945 Charley Trippi, Georgia, B 1998 Duane Starks, Miami, DB
2011 Patrick Peterson, Louisiana St., DB
1946 Dub Jones, Louisiana State, B 1999 Chris McAlister, Arizona, DB
2012 Michael Floyd, Notre Dame, WR
1947 DeWitt (Tex) Coulter, Army, T 2000 Jamal Lewis, Tennessee, RB
2013 Jonathan Cooper, North Carolina, G
1948 Jim Spavital, Oklahoma A&M, B Travis Taylor, Florida, WR
2014 Deone Bucannon, Washington St., DB
1949 Bill Fischer, Notre Dame, G 2001 Todd Heap, Arizona State, TE
2015 D.J. Humphries, Florida, T
1950 Jack Jennings, Ohio State, T (2) 2002 Ed Reed, Miami, DB
2016 Robert Nkemdiche, Mississippi, DT
1951 Jerry Groom, Notre Dame, C 2003 Terrell Suggs, Arizona State, DE
1952 Ollie Matson, San Francisco, B ATLANTA FALCONS Kyle Boller, California, QB
1953 Johnny Olszewski, California, B Year Player, College, Position 2004 Dwan Edwards, Oregon St., DT (2)
1954 Lamar McHan, Arkansas, B 1966 Tommy Nobis, Texas, LB 2005 Mark Clayton, Oklahoma, WR
1955 Max Boydston, Oklahoma, E Randy Johnson, Texas A&I, QB 2006 Haloti Ngata, Oregon, DT
1956 Joe Childress, Auburn, B 1967 Leo Carroll, San Diego St., DE (2) 2007 Ben Grubbs, Auburn, G
1957 Jerry Tubbs, Oklahoma, C 1968 Claude Humphrey, Tennessee St., DE 2008 Joe Flacco, Delaware, QB
1958 King Hill, Rice, B 1969 George Kunz, Notre Dame, T 2009 Michael Oher, Mississippi, T
John David Crow, Texas A&M, B 1970 John Small, Citadel, LB 2010 Sergio Kindle, Texas, LB (2)
1959 Bill Stacy, Mississippi State, B 1971 Joe Profit, Northeast Louisiana, RB 2011 Jimmy Smith, Colorado, DB
1960 George Izo, Notre Dame, QB 1972 Clarence Ellis, Notre Dame, DB 2012 Courtney Upshaw, Alabama, LB (2)
1961 Ken Rice, Auburn, T 1973 Greg Marx, Notre Dame, DT (2) 2013 Matt Elam, Florida, DB
1962 Fate Echols, Northwestern, DT 1974 Gerald Tinker, Kent State, WR (2) 2014 C.J. Mosley, Alabama, LB
Irv Goode, Kentucky, C 1975 Steve Bartkowski, California, QB 2015 Breshad Perriman, Cenral Florida, WR
1963 Jerry Stovall, Louisiana State, S 1976 Bubba Bean, Texas A&M, RB 2016 Ronnie Stanley, Notre Dame, T
Don Brumm, Purdue, DE 1977 Warren Bryant, Kentucky, T
1964 Ken Kortas, Louisville, DT Wilson Faumuina, San Jose St., DT
Year Player, College, Position
1965 Joe Namath, Alabama, QB 1978 Mike Kenn, Michigan, T
1960 Richie Lucas, Penn State, QB
1966 Carl McAdams, Oklahoma, LB 1979 Don Smith, Miami, DE
1961 Ken Rice, Auburn, T
1967 Dave Williams, Washington, WR 1980 Junior Miller, Nebraska, TE
1962 Ernie Davis, Syracuse, RB
1968 MacArthur Lane, Utah State, RB 1981 Bobby Butler, Florida State, DB
1963 Dave Behrman, Michigan State, C
1969 Roger Wehrli, Missouri, DB 1982 Gerald Riggs, Arizona State, RB
1964 Carl Eller, Minnesota, DE
1970 Larry Stegent, Texas A&M, RB 1983 Mike Pitts, Alabama, DE
1965 Jim Davidson, Ohio State, T
1971 Norm Thompson, Utah, CB 1984 Rick Bryan, Oklahoma, DT
1966 Mike Dennis, Mississippi, RB
1972 Ahmad Rashad, Oregon, RB-WR 1985 Bill Fralic, Pittsburgh, T
1967 John Pitts, Arizona State, S
1973 Dave Butz, Purdue, DT 1986 Tony Casillas, Oklahoma, NT
1968 Haven Moses, San Diego St., WR
1974 J.V. Cain, Colorado, TE Tim Green, Syracuse, LB
1969 O.J. Simpson, So. California, RB
1975 Tim Gray, Texas A&M, DB 1987 Chris Miller, Oregon, QB
1970 Al Cowlings, So. California, DE
1976 Mike Dawson, Arizona, DT 1988 Aundray Bruce, Auburn, LB
1971 J.D. Hill, Arizona State, WR
1977 Steve Pisarkiewicz, Missouri, QB 1989 Deion Sanders, Florida State, DB
1972 Walt Patulski, Notre Dame, DE
1978 Steve Little, Arkansas, K Shawn Collins, No. Arizona, WR
1973 Paul Seymour, Michigan, TE
Ken Greene, Washington State, DB 1990 Steve Broussard, Washington St., RB
Joe DeLamielleure, Michigan St., G
1979 Ottis Anderson, Miami, RB 1991 Bruce Pickens, Nebraska, DB
1974 Reuben Gant, Oklahoma State, TE
1980 Curtis Greer, Michigan, DE Mike Pritchard, Colorado, WR
1975 Tom Ruud, Nebraska, LB
1981 E.J. Junior, Alabama, LB 1992 Bob Whitfield, Stanford, T
1976 Mario Clark, Oregon, DB
1982 Luis Sharpe, UCLA, T Tony Smith, So. Mississippi, RB
1977 Phil Dokes, Oklahoma State, DT
1983 Leonard Smith, McNeese St., DB 1993 Lincoln Kennedy, Washington, T
1978 Terry Miller, Oklahoma State, RB
1984 Clyde Duncan, Tennessee, WR 1994 Bert Emanuel, Rice, WR (2)
1979 Tom Cousineau, Ohio State, LB
1985 Freddie Joe Nunn, Mississippi, LB 1995 Devin Bush, Florida State, DB
Jerry Butler, Clemson, WR
1986 Anthony Bell, Michigan State, LB 1996 Shannon Brown, Alabama, DT (3)
1980 Jim Ritcher, North Carolina St., C
1987 Kelly Stouffer, Colorado State, QB 1997 Michael Booker, Nebraska, DB
1981 Booker Moore, Penn State, RB
1988 Ken Harvey, California, LB 1998 Keith Brooking, Georgia Tech, LB
1982 Perry Tuttle, Clemson, WR
1989 Eric Hill, Louisiana State, LB 1999 Patrick Kerney, Virginia, DE
1983 Tony Hunter, Notre Dame, TE
Joe Wolf, Boston College, G 2000 Travis Claridge, So. California, T (2)
Jim Kelly, Miami, QB
1990 Anthony Thompson, Indiana, RB (2) 2001 Michael Vick, Virginia Tech, QB
1984 Greg Bell, Notre Dame, RB
1991 Eric Swann, No College, DE 2002 T.J. Duckett, Michigan State, RB
1985 Bruce Smith, Virginia Tech, DE
1992 Tony Sacca, Penn State, QB (2) 2003 Bryan Scott, Penn State, DB (2)
Derrick Burroughs, Memphis St., DB
1993 Garrison Hearst, Georgia, RB 2004 DeAngelo Hall, Virginia Tech, DB
1986 Ronnie Harmon, Iowa, RB
Ernest Dye, South Carolina, T Michael Jenkins, Ohio State, WR
Will Wolford, Vanderbilt, T
1994 Jamir Miller, UCLA, LB 2005 Roddy White, Ala.-Birmingham, WR
1987 Shane Conlan, Penn State, LB
1995 Frank Sanders, Auburn, WR (2) 2006 Jimmy Williams, Virginia Tech, DB (2)
1988 Thurman Thomas, Oklahoma St., RB (2)
1996 Simeon Rice, Illinois, DE 2007 Jamaal Anderson, Arkansas, DE

530 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

1989 Don Beebe, Chadron, Neb., WR (3) 1945 Don Lund, Michigan, B 2004 Tommie Harris, Oklahoma, DT
1990 James Williams, Fresno State, DB 1946 Johnny Lujack, Notre Dame, QB 2005 Cedric Benson, Texas, RB
1991 Henry Jones, Illinois, DB 1947 Bob Fenimore, Oklahoma State, B 2006 Danieal Manning, Abilene Christian, DB (2)
1992 John Fina, Arizona, T Don Kindt, Wisconsin, B 2007 Greg Olsen, Miami, TE
1993 Thomas Smith, North Carolina, DB 1948 Bobby Layne, Texas, QB 2008 Chris Williams, Vanderbilt, T
1994 Jeff Burris, Notre Dame, DB Max Bumgardner, Texas, E 2009 Jarron Gilbert, San Jose State, DT (3)
1995 Ruben Brown, Pittsburgh, G 1949 Dick Harris, Texas, C 2010 Major Wright, Florida, DB (3)
1996 Eric Moulds, Mississippi St., WR 1950 Chuck Hunsinger, Florida, B 2011 Gabe Carimi, Wisconsin, T
1997 Antowain Smith, Houston, RB Fred Morrison, Ohio State, B 2012 Shea McClellin, Boise State, DE
1998 Sam Cowart, Florida State, LB (2) 1951 Bob Williams, Notre Dame, B 2013 Kyle Long, Oregon, G
1999 Antoine Winfield, Ohio State, DB Billy Stone, Bradley, B 2014 Kyle Fuller, Virginia Tech, DB
2000 Erik Flowers, Arizona State, DE Gene Schroeder, Virginia, E 2015 Kevin White, West Virginia, WR
2001 Nate Clements, Ohio State, DB 1952 Jim Dooley, Miami, B 2016 Leonard Floyd, Georgia, LB
2002 Mike Williams, Texas, T 1953 Billy Anderson, Compton (Calif.) J.C., B
2003 Willis McGahee, Miami, RB 1954 Stan Wallace, Illinois, B
Year Player, College, Position
2004 Lee Evans, Wisconsin, WR 1955 Ron Drzewiecki, Marquette, B
1968 Bob Johnson, Tennessee, C
J.P. Losman, Tulane, QB 1956 Menan (Tex) Schriewer, Texas, E
1969 Greg Cook, Cincinnati, QB
2005 Roscoe Parrish, Miami, WR (2) 1957 Earl Leggett, Louisiana State, T
1970 Mike Reid, Penn State, DT
2006 Donte’ Whitner, Ohio State, DB 1958 Chuck Howley, West Virginia, G
1971 Vernon Holland, Tennessee St., T
John McCargo, North Carolina St., DT 1959 Don Clark, Ohio State, B
1972 Sherman White, California, DE
2007 Marshawn Lynch, California, RB 1960 Roger Davis, Syracuse, G
1973 Isaac Curtis, San Diego State, WR
2008 Leodis McKelvin, Troy, DB 1961 Mike Ditka, Pittsburgh, E
1974 Bill Kollar, Montana State, DT
2009 Aaron Maybin, Penn State, DE 1962 Ronnie Bull, Baylor, RB
1975 Glenn Cameron, Florida, LB
Eric Wood, Louisville, C 1963 Dave Behrman, Michigan State, C
1976 Billy Brooks, Oklahoma, WR
2010 C.J. Spiller, Clemson, RB 1964 Dick Evey, Tennessee, DT
Archie Griffin, Ohio State, RB
2011 Marcell Dareus, Alabama, DT 1965 Dick Butkus, Illinois, LB
1977 Eddie Edwards, Miami, DT
2012 Stephon Gilmore, South Carolina, DB Gale Sayers, Kansas, RB
Wilson Whitley, Houston, DT
2013 E.J. Manuel, Florida State, QB Steve DeLong, Tennessee, T
Mike Cobb, Michigan State, TE
2014 Sammy Watkins, Clemson, WR 1966 George Rice, Louisiana State, DT
1978 Ross Browner, Notre Dame, DT
2015 Ronald Darby, Florida State, DB (2) 1967 Loyd Phillips, Arkansas, DE
Blair Bush, Washington, C
2016 Shaq Lawson, Clemson, DE 1968 Mike Hull, Southern California, RB
1979 Jack Thompson, Washington St., QB
1969 Rufus Mayes, Ohio State, T
CAROLINA PANTHERS Charles Alexander, Louisiana St., RB
1970 George Farmer, UCLA, WR (3)
Year Player, College, Position 1980 Anthony Muñoz, So. California, T
1971 Joe Moore, Missouri, RB
1995 Kerry Collins, Penn State, QB 1981 David Verser, Kansas, WR
1972 Lionel Antoine, Southern Illinois, T
Tyrone Poole, Ft. Valley State, DB 1982 Glen Collins, Mississippi State, DE
Craig Clemons, Iowa, DB
Blake Brockermeyer, Texas, T 1983 Dave Rimington, Nebraska, C
1973 Wally Chambers, Eastern Kentucky, DE
1996 Tim Biakabutuka, Michigan, RB 1984 Ricky Hunley, Arizona, LB
1974 Waymond Bryant, Tennessee St., LB
1997 Rae Carruth, Colorado, WR Pete Koch, Maryland, DE
Dave Gallagher, Michigan, DT
1998 Jason Peter, Nebraska, DT Brian Blados, North Carolina, T
1975 Walter Payton, Jackson State, RB
1999 Chris Terry, Georgia, T (2) 1985 Eddie Brown, Miami, WR
1976 Dennis Lick, Wisconsin, T
2000 Rashard Anderson, Jackson St., DB Emanuel King, Alabama, LB
1977 Ted Albrecht, California, T
2001 Dan Morgan, Miami, LB 1986 Joe Kelly, Washington, LB
1978 Brad Shearer, Texas, DT (3)
2002 Julius Peppers, North Carolina, DE Tim McGee, Tennessee, WR
1979 Dan Hampton, Arkansas, DT
2003 Jordan Gross, Utah, T 1987 Jason Buck, Brigham Young, DE
Al Harris, Arizona State, DE
2004 Chris Gamble, Ohio State, DB 1988 Rickey Dixon, Oklahoma, DB
1980 Otis Wilson, Louisville, LB
2005 Thomas Davis, Georgia, DB 1989 Eric Ball, UCLA, RB (2)
1981 Keith Van Horne, So. California, T
2006 DeAngelo Williams, Memphis, RB 1990 James Francis, Baylor, LB
1982 Jim McMahon, Brigham Young, QB
2007 Jon Beason, Miami, LB 1991 Alfred Williams, Colorado, LB
1983 Jim Covert, Pittsburgh, T
2008 Jonathan Stewart, Oregon, RB 1992 David Klingler, Houston, QB
Willie Gault, Tennessee, WR
Jeff Otah, Pittsburgh, T Darryl Williams, Miami, DB
1984 Wilber Marshall, Florida, LB
2009 Everette Brown, Florida St., DE (2) 1993 John Copeland, Alabama, DE
1985 William Perry, Clemson, DT
2010 Jimmy Clausen, Notre Dame, QB (2) 1994 Dan Wilkinson, Ohio State, DT
1986 Neal Anderson, Florida, RB
2011 Cam Newton, Auburn, QB 1995 Ki-Jana Carter, Penn State, RB
1987 Jim Harbaugh, Michigan, QB
2012 Luke Kuechly, Boston College, LB 1996 Willie Anderson, Auburn, T
1988 Brad Muster, Stanford, RB
2013 Star Lotulelei, Utah, DT 1997 Reinard Wilson, Florida State, LB
Wendell Davis, Louisiana St., WR
2014 Kelvin Benjamin, Florida State, WR 1998 Takeo Spikes, Auburn, LB
1989 Donnell Woolford, Clemson, DB
2015 Shaq Thompson, Washington, LB Brian Simmons, North Carolina, LB
Trace Armstrong, Florida, DE
2016 Vernon Butler, Louisiana Tech, DT 1999 Akili Smith, Oregon, QB
1990 Mark Carrier, So. California, DB
2000 Peter Warrick, Florida State, WR
CHICAGO BEARS 1991 Stan Thomas, Texas, T
2001 Justin Smith, Missouri, DE
Year Player, College, Position 1992 Alonzo Spellman, Ohio State, DE
2002 Levi Jones, Arizona State, T
1936 Joe Stydahar, West Virginia, T 1993 Curtis Conway, So. California, WR
2003 Carson Palmer, Southern California, QB
1937 Les McDonald, Nebraska, E 1994 John Thierry, Alcorn State, DE
2004 Chris Perry, Michigan, RB
1938 Joe Gray, Oregon State, B 1995 Rashaan Salaam, Colorado, RB
2005 David Pollack, Georgia, LB
1939 Sid Luckman, Columbia, QB 1996 Walt Harris, Mississippi State, DB
2006 Johnathan Joseph, South Carolina, DB
Bill Osmanski, Holy Cross, B 1997 John Allred, So. California, TE (2)
2007 Leon Hall, Michigan, DB
1940 Clyde (Bulldog) Turner, Hardin-Simmons, C 1998 Curtis Enis, Penn State, RB
2008 Keith Rivers, So. California, LB
1941 Tom Harmon, Michigan, B 1999 Cade McNown, UCLA, QB
2009 Andre Smith, Alabama, T
Norm Standlee, Stanford, B 2000 Brian Urlacher, New Mexico, LB
2010 Jermaine Gresham, Oklahoma, TE
Don Scott, Ohio State, B 2001 David Terrell, Michigan, WR
2011 A.J. Green, Georgia, WR
1942 Frankie Albert, Stanford, B 2002 Marc Colombo, Boston College, T
2012 Dre Kirkpatrick, Alabama, DB
1943 Bob Steber, Missouri, B 2003 Michael Haynes, Penn State, DE
Kevin Zeitler, Wisconsin, G
1944 Ray Evans, Kansas, B Rex Grossman, Florida, QB
2013 Tyler Eifert, Notre Dame, TE

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 531

2014 Darqueze Dennard, Michigan St., DB Brandon Weeden, Oklahoma St., QB DENVER BRONCOS
2015 Cedric Ogbuehi, Texas A&M, T 2013 Barkevious Mingo, Louisiana St., DE Year Player, College, Position
2016 William Jackson III, Houston, DB 2014 Justin Gilbert, Oklahoma St., DB 1960 Roger LeClerc, Trinity, Conn., C
Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M, QB 1961 Bob Gaiters, New Mexico St., RB
2015 Danny Shelton, Washington, DT 1962 Merlin Olsen, Utah State, DT
Year Player, College, Position
Cameron Erving, Florida State, G 1963 Kermit Alexander, UCLA, CB
1950 Ken Carpenter, Oregon State, B
2016 Corey Coleman, Baylor, WR 1964 Bob Brown, Nebraska, T
1951 Ken Konz, Louisiana State, B
1965 Dick Butkus, Illinois, LB (2)
1952 Bert Rechichar, Tennessee, DB DALLAS COWBOYS
1966 Jerry Shay, Purdue, DT
Harry Agganis, Boston U., QB Year Player, College, Position
1967 Floyd Little, Syracuse, RB
1953 Doug Atkins, Tennessee, DE 1960 None
1968 Curley Culp, Arizona State, DE (2)
1954 Bobby Garrett, Stanford, QB 1961 Bob Lilly, Texas Christian, DT
1969 Grady Cavness, Texas-El Paso, DB (2)
John Bauer, Illinois, G 1962 Sonny Gibbs, TCU, QB (2)
1970 Bob Anderson, Colorado, RB
1955 Kurt Burris, Oklahoma, C 1963 Lee Roy Jordan, Alabama, LB
1971 Marv Montgomery, So. California, T
1956 Preston Carpenter, Arkansas, B 1964 Scott Appleton, Texas, DT
1972 Riley Odoms, Houston, TE
1957 Jim Brown, Syracuse, RB 1965 Craig Morton, California, QB
1973 Otis Armstrong, Purdue, RB
1958 Jim Shofner, Texas Christian, DB 1966 John Niland, Iowa, G
1974 Randy Gradishar, Ohio State, LB
1959 Rich Kreitling, Illinois, DE 1967 Phil Clark, Northwestern, DB (3)
1975 Louis Wright, San Jose State, DB
1960 Jim Houston, Ohio State, DE 1968 Dennis Homan, Alabama, WR
1976 Tom Glassic, Virginia, G
1961 Bobby Crespino, Mississippi, TE 1969 Calvin Hill, Yale, RB
1977 Steve Schindler, Boston College, G
1962 Gary Collins, Maryland, WR 1970 Duane Thomas, West Texas St., RB
1978 Don Latimer, Miami, DT
Leroy Jackson, Western Illinois, RB 1971 Tody Smith, So. California, DE
1979 Kelvin Clark, Nebraska, T
1963 Tom Hutchinson, Kentucky, WR 1972 Bill Thomas, Boston College, RB
1980 Rulon Jones, Utah State, DE (2)
1964 Paul Warfield, Ohio State, WR 1973 Billy Joe DuPree, Michigan St., TE
1981 Dennis Smith, So. California, DB
1965 James Garcia, Purdue, T (2) 1974 Ed (Too Tall) Jones, Tennessee St., DE
1982 Gerald Willhite, San Jose St., RB
1966 Milt Morin, Massachusetts, TE Charley Young, North Carolina St., RB
1983 Chris Hinton, Northwestern, G
1967 Bob Matheson, Duke, LB 1975 Randy White, Maryland, LB
1984 Andre Townsend, Mississippi, DE (2)
1968 Marvin Upshaw, Trinity, Tex., DT-DE Thomas Henderson, Langston, LB
1985 Steve Sewell, Oklahoma, RB
1969 Ron Johnson, Michigan, RB 1976 Aaron Kyle, Wyoming, DB
1986 Jim Juriga, Illinois, T (4)
1970 Mike Phipps, Purdue, QB 1977 Tony Dorsett, Pittsburgh, RB
1987 Ricky Nattiel, Florida, WR
Bob McKay, Texas, T 1978 Larry Bethea, Michigan State, DE
1988 Ted Gregory, Syracuse, NT
1971 Clarence Scott, Kansas State, CB 1979 Robert Shaw, Tennessee, C
1989 Steve Atwater, Arkansas, DB
1972 Thom Darden, Michigan, DB 1980 Bill Roe, Colorado, LB (3)
1990 Alton Montgomery, Houston, DB (2)
1973 Steve Holden, Arizona State, WR 1981 Howard Richards, Missouri, T
1991 Mike Croel, Nebraska, LB
Pete Adams, Southern California, T 1982 Rod Hill, Kentucky State, DB
1992 Tommy Maddox, UCLA, QB
1974 Billy Corbett, Johnson C. Smith, T (2) 1983 Jim Jeffcoat, Arizona State, DE
1993 Dan Williams, Toledo, DE
1975 Mack Mitchell, Houston, DE 1984 Billy Cannon, Jr., Texas A&M, LB
1994 Allen Aldridge, Houston, LB (2)
1976 Mike Pruitt, Purdue, RB 1985 Kevin Brooks, Michigan, DE
1995 Jamie Brown, Florida A&M, T (4)
1977 Robert Jackson, Texas A&M, LB 1986 Mike Sherrard, UCLA, WR
1996 John Mobley, Kutztown, LB
1978 Clay Matthews, So. California, LB 1987 Danny Noonan, Nebraska, DT
1997 Trevor Pryce, Clemson, DT
Ozzie Newsome, Alabama, TE 1988 Michael Irvin, Miami, WR
1998 Marcus Nash, Tennessee, WR
1979 Willis Adams, Houston, WR 1989 Troy Aikman, UCLA, QB
1999 Al Wilson, Tennessee, LB
1980 Charles White, So. California, RB 1990 Emmitt Smith, Florida, RB
2000 Deltha O’Neal, California, DB
1981 Hanford Dixon, So. Mississippi, DB 1991 Russell Maryland, Miami, DT
2001 Willie Middlebrooks, Minnesota, DB
1982 Chip Banks, So. California, LB Alvin Harper, Tennessee, WR
2002 Ashley Lelie, Hawaii, WR
1983 Ron Brown, Arizona State, WR (2) Kelvin Pritchett, Mississippi, DT
2003 George Foster, Georgia, T
1984 Don Rogers, UCLA, DB 1992 Kevin Smith, Texas A&M, DB
2004 D.J. Williams, Miami, LB
1985 Greg Allen, Florida State, RB (2) Robert Jones, East Carolina, LB
2005 Darrent Williams, Oklahoma St., DB (2)
1986 Webster Slaughter, San Diego St., WR (2) 1993 Kevin Williams, Miami, WR (2)
2006 Jay Cutler, Vanderbilt, QB
1987 Mike Junkin, Duke, LB 1994 Shante Carver, Arizona State, DE
2007 Jarvis Moss, Florida, DE
1988 Clifford Charlton, Florida, LB 1995 Sherman Williams, Alabama, RB (2)
2008 Ryan Clady, Boise State, T
1989 Eric Metcalf, Texas, RB 1996 Kavika Pittman, McNeese St., DE (2)
2009 Knowshon Moreno, Georgia, RB
1990 Leroy Hoard, Michigan, RB (2) 1997 David LaFleur, Louisiana State, TE
Robert Ayers, Tennessee, DE
1991 Eric Turner, UCLA, DB 1998 Greg Ellis, North Carolina, DE
2010 Demaryius Thomas, Georgia Tech, WR
1992 Tommy Vardell, Stanford, RB 1999 Ebenezer Ekuban, North Carolina, DE
Tim Tebow, Florida, QB
1993 Steve Everitt, Michigan, C 2000 Dwayne Goodrich, Tennessee, DB (2)
2011 Von Miller, Texas A&M, LB
1994 Antonio Langham, Alabama, DB 2001 Quincy Carter, Georgia, QB (2)
2012 Derek Wolfe, Cincinnati, DT (2)
Derrick Alexander, Michigan, WR 2002 Roy Williams, Oklahoma, DB
2013 Sylvester Williams, North Carolina, DT
1995 Craig Powell, Ohio State, LB 2003 Terence Newman, Kansas State, DB
2014 Bradley Roby, Ohio State, DB
1999 Tim Couch, Kentucky, QB 2004 Julius Jones, Notre Dame, RB (2)
2015 Shane Ray, Missouri, DE
2000 Courtney Brown, Penn State, DE 2005 DeMarcus Ware, Troy, DE
2016 Paxton Lynch, Memphis, QB
2001 Gerard Warren, Florida, DT Marcus Spears, Louisiana St., DE
2002 William Green, Boston College, RB 2006 Bobby Carpenter, Ohio State, LB DETROIT LIONS
2003 Jeff Faine, Norte Dame, C 2007 Anthony Spencer, Purdue, LB Year Player, College, Position
2004 Kellen Winslow, Miami, TE 2008 Felix Jones, Arkansas, RB 1936 Sid Wagner, Michigan State, G
2005 Braylon Edwards, Michigan, WR Mike Jenkins, South Florida, DB 1937 Lloyd Cardwell, Nebraska, B
2006 Kamerion Wimbley, Florida St., DE 2009 Jason Williams, Western Illinois, LB (3) 1938 Alex Wojciechowicz, Fordham, C
2007 Joe Thomas, Wisconsin, T 2010 Dez Bryant, Oklahoma State, WR 1939 John Pingel, Michigan State, B
Brady Quinn, Notre Dame, QB 2011 Tyron Smith, Southern California, T 1940 Doyle Nave, Southern California, B
2008 Beau Bell, Nevada-Las Vegas, LB (4) 2012 Morris Claiborne, Louisiana St., DB 1941 Jim Thomason, Texas A&M, B
2009 Alex Mack, California, C 2013 Travis Frederick, Wisconsin, C 1942 Bob Westfall, Michigan, B
2010 Joe Haden, Florida, DB 2014 Zack Martin, Notre Dame, G 1943 Frank Sinkwich, Georgia, B
2011 Phil Taylor, Baylor, DT 2015 Byron Jones, Connecticut, DB 1944 Otto Graham, Northwestern, B
2012 Trent Richardson, Alabama, RB 2016 Ezekiel Elliott, Ohio State, RB 1945 Frank Szymanski, Notre Dame, C

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1946 Bill Dellastatious, Missouri, B 2011 Nick Fairley, Auburn, DT 1990 Tony Bennett, Mississippi, LB
1947 Glenn Davis, Army, B 2012 Riley Reiff, Iowa, T Darrell Thompson, Minnesota, RB
1948 Y.A. Tittle, Louisiana State, B 2013 Ezekiel Ansah, Brigham Young, DE 1991 Vinnie Clark, Ohio State, DB
1949 John Rauch, Georgia, B 2014 Eric Ebron, North Carolina, TE 1992 Terrell Buckley, Florida State, DB
1950 Leon Hart, Notre Dame, E 2015 Laken Tomlinson, Duke, G 1993 Wayne Simmons, Clemson, LB
Joe Watson, Rice, C 2016 Taylor Decker, Ohio State, T George Teague, Alabama, DB
1951 Dick Stanfel, San Francisco, G (2) 1994 Aaron Taylor, Notre Dame, T
1952 Yale Lary, Texas A&M, B (3) 1995 Craig Newsome, Arizona State, DB
Year Player, College, Position
1953 Harley Sewell, Texas, G 1996 John Michels, Southern California, T
1936 Russ Letlow, San Francisco, G
1954 Dick Chapman, Rice, T 1997 Ross Verba, Iowa, T
1937 Eddie Jankowski, Wisconsin, B
1955 Dave Middleton, Auburn, B 1998 Vonnie Holliday, North Carolina, DT
1938 Cecil Isbell, Purdue, B
1956 Hopalong Cassady, Ohio State, B 1999 Antuan Edwards, Clemson, DB
1939 Larry Buhler, Minnesota, B
1957 Bill Glass, Baylor, G 2000 Bubba Franks, Miami, TE
1940 Harold Van Every, Minnesota, B
1958 Alex Karras, Iowa, T 2001 Jamal Reynolds, Florida State, DE
1941 George Paskvan, Wisconsin, B
1959 Nick Pietrosante, Notre Dame, B 2002 Javon Walker, Florida State, WR
1942 Urban Odson, Minnesota, T
1960 John Robinson, Louisiana State, S 2003 Nick Barnett, Oregon State, LB
1943 Dick Wildung, Minnesota, T
1961 Danny LaRose, Missouri, T (2) 2004 Ahmad Carroll, Arkansas, DB
1944 Merv Pregulman, Michigan, G
1962 John Hadl, Kansas, QB 2005 Aaron Rodgers, California, QB
1945 Walt Schlinkman, Texas Tech, B
1963 Daryl Sanders, Ohio State, T 2006 A.J. Hawk, Ohio State, LB
1946 Johnny Strzykalski, Marquette, B
1964 Pete Beathard, So. California, QB 2007 Justin Harrell, Tennessee, DT
1947 Ernie Case, UCLA, B
1965 Tom Nowatzke, Indiana, RB 2008 Jordy Nelson, Kansas State, WR (2)
1948 Earl (Jug) Girard, Wisconsin, B
1966 Nick Eddy, Notre Dame, RB (2) 2009 B.J. Raji, Boston College, DT
1949 Stan Heath, Nevada, B
1967 Mel Farr, UCLA, RB Clay Matthews, So. California, LB
1950 Clayton Tonnemaker, Minnesota, C
1968 Greg Landry, Massachusetts, QB 2010 Bryan Bulaga, Iowa, T
1951 Bob Gain, Kentucky, T
Earl McCullouch, So. California, WR 2011 Derek Sherrod, Mississippi State, T
1952 Babe Parilli, Kentucky, QB
1969 Altie Taylor, Utah State, RB (2) 2012 Nick Perry, Southern California, LB
1953 Al Carmichael, So. California, B
1970 Steve Owens, Oklahoma, RB 2013 Datone Jones, UCLA, DE
1954 Art Hunter, Notre Dame, T
1971 Bob Bell, Cincinnati, DT 2014 Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, Alabama, DB
Veryl Switzer, Kansas State, B
1972 Herb Orvis, Colorado, DE 2015 Damarious Randall, Arizona State, DB
1955 Tom Bettis, Purdue, G
1973 Ernie Price, Texas A&I, DE 2016 Kenny Clark, UCLA, DT
1956 Jack Losch, Miami, B
1974 Ed O’Neil, Penn State, LB
1957 Paul Hornung, Notre Dame, B HOUSTON TEXANS
1975 Lynn Boden, South Dakota St., G
Ron Kramer, Michigan, E Year Player, College, Position
1976 James Hunter, Grambling, DB
1958 Dan Currie, Michigan State, C 2002 David Carr, Fresno State, QB
Lawrence Gaines, Wyoming, RB
1959 Randy Duncan, Iowa, B 2003 Andre Johnson, Miami, WR
1977 Walt Williams, New Mexico St., DB (2)
1960 Tom Moore, Vanderbilt, RB 2004 Dunta Robinson, South Carolina, DB
1978 Luther Bradley, Notre Dame, DB
1961 Herb Adderley, Michigan State, CB Jason Babin, Western Michigan, LB
1979 Keith Dorney, Penn State, T
1962 Earl Gros, Louisiana State, RB 2005 Travis Johnson, Florida State, DE
1980 Billy Sims, Oklahoma, RB
1963 Dave Robinson, Penn State, LB 2006 Mario Williams, North Carolina St., DE
1981 Mark Nichols, San Jose State, WR
1964 Lloyd Voss, Nebraska, DT 2007 Amobi Okoye, Louisville, DT
1982 Jimmy Williams, Nebraska, LB
1965 Donny Anderson, Texas Tech, RB 2008 Duane Brown, Virginia Tech, T
1983 James Jones, Florida, RB
Lawrence Elkins, Baylor, E 2009 Brian Cushing, So. California, LB
1984 David Lewis, California, TE
1966 Jim Grabowski, Illinois, RB 2010 Kareem Jackson, Alabama, DB
1985 Lomas Brown, Florida, T
Gale Gillingham, Minnesota, T 2011 J.J. Watt, Wisconsin, DE
1986 Chuck Long, Iowa, QB
1967 Bob Hyland, Boston College, C 2012 Whitney Mercilus, Illinois, LB
1987 Reggie Rogers, Washington, DE
Don Horn, San Diego State, QB 2013 DeAndre Hopkins, Clemson, WR
1988 Bennie Blades, Miami, DB
1968 Fred Carr, Texas-El Paso, LB 2014 Jadeveon Clowney, South Carolina, DE
1989 Barry Sanders, Oklahoma St., RB
Bill Lueck, Arizona, G 2015 Kevin Johnson, Wake Forest, DB
1990 Andre Ware, Houston, QB
1969 Rich Moore, Villanova, DT 2016 Will Fuller, Notre Dame, WR
1991 Herman Moore, Virginia, WR
1970 Mike McCoy, Notre Dame, DT
1992 Robert Porcher, South Carolina St., DE INDIANAPOLIS COLTS
Rich McGeorge, Elon, TE
1993 Ryan McNeil, Miami, DB (2) Year Player, College, Position
1971 John Brockington, Ohio State, RB
1994 Johnnie Morton, So. California, WR 1953 Billy Vessels, Oklahoma, B
1972 Willie Buchanon, San Diego St., DB
1995 Luther Elliss, Utah, DT 1954 Cotton Davidson, Baylor, B
Jerry Tagge, Nebraska, QB
1996 Reggie Brown, Texas A&M, LB 1955 George Shaw, Oregon, B
1973 Barry Smith, Florida State, WR
Jeff Hartings, Penn State, G Alan Ameche, Wisconsin, FB
1974 Barty Smith, Richmond, RB
1997 Bryant Westbrook, Texas, DB 1956 Lenny Moore, Penn State, B
1975 Bill Bain, So. California, G (2)
1998 Terry Fair, Tennessee, DB 1957 Jim Parker, Ohio State, G
1976 Mark Koncar, Colorado, T
1999 Chris Claiborne, So. California, LB 1958 Lenny Lyles, Louisville, B
1977 Mike Butler, Kansas, DE
Aaron Gibson, Wisconsin, T 1959 Jackie Burkett, Auburn, C
Ezra Johnson, Morris Brown, DE
2000 Stockar McDougle, Oklahoma, T 1960 Ron Mix, Southern California, T
1978 James Lofton, Stanford, WR
2001 Jeff Backus, Michigan, T 1961 Tom Matte, Ohio State, RB
John Anderson, Michigan, LB
2002 Joey Harrington, Oregon, QB 1962 Wendell Harris, Louisiana State, S
1979 Eddie Lee Ivery, Georgia Tech, RB
2003 Charles Rogers, Michigan State, WR 1963 Bob Vogel, Ohio State, T
1980 Bruce Clark, Penn State, DE
2004 Roy Williams, Texas, WR 1964 Marv Woodson, Indiana, CB
George Cumby, Oklahoma, LB
Kevin Jones, Virginia Tech, RB 1965 Mike Curtis, Duke, LB
1981 Rich Campbell, California, QB
2005 Mike Williams, So. California, WR 1966 Sam Ball, Kentucky, T
1982 Ron Hallstrom, Iowa, G
2006 Ernie Sims, Florida State, LB 1967 Bubba Smith, Michigan State, DT
1983 Tim Lewis, Pittsburgh, DB
2007 Calvin Johnson, Georgia Tech, WR Jim Detwiler, Michigan, RB
1984 Alphonso Carreker, Florida St., DE
2008 Gosder Cherilus, Boson College, T 1968 John Williams, Minnesota, G
1985 Ken Ruettgers, So. California, T
2009 Matthew Stafford, Georgia, QB 1969 Eddie Hinton, Oklahoma, WR
1986 Kenneth Davis, TCU, RB (2)
Brandon Pettigrew, Oklahoma St., TE 1970 Norman Bulaich, Texas Christian, RB
1987 Brent Fullwood, Auburn, RB
2010 Ndamukong Suh, Nebraska, DT 1971 Don McCauley, North Carolina, RB
1988 Sterling Sharpe, South Carolina, WR
Jahvid Best, California, RB Leonard Dunlap, North Texas St., DB
1989 Tony Mandarich, Michigan State, T

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1972 Tom Drougas, Oregon, T 2011 Blaine Gabbert, Missouri, QB LOS ANGELES RAMS
1973 Bert Jones, Louisiana State, QB 2012 Justin Blackmon, Oklahoma St., WR Year Player, College, Position
Joe Ehrmann, Syracuse, DT 2013 Luke Joeckel, Texas A&M, T 1937 Johnny Drake, Purdue, B
1974 John Dutton, Nebraska, DE 2014 Blake Bortles, Central Florida, QB 1938 Corbett Davis, Indiana, B
Roger Carr, Louisiana Tech, WR 2015 Dante Fowler, Florida, DE 1939 Parker Hall, Mississippi, B
1975 Ken Huff, North Carolina, G 2016 Jalen Ramsey, Florida State, DB 1940 Ollie Cordill, Rice, B
1976 Ken Novak, Purdue, DT 1941 Rudy Mucha, Washington, C
1977 Randy Burke, Kentucky, WR 1942 Jack Wilson, Baylor, B
Year Player, College, Position
1978 Reese McCall, Auburn, TE 1943 Mike Holovak, Boston College, B
1960 Don Meredith, So. Methodist, QB
1979 Barry Krauss, Alabama, LB 1944 Tony Butkovich, Illinois, B
1961 E.J. Holub, Texas Tech, C
1980 Curtis Dickey, Texas A&M, RB 1945 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Wisconsin, B
1962 Ronnie Bull, Baylor, RB
Derrick Hatchett, Texas, DB 1946 Emil Sitko, Notre Dame, B
1963 Buck Buchanan, Grambling, DT
1981 Randy McMillan, Pittsburgh, RB 1947 Herman Wedemeyer, St. Mary’s, Calif., B
Ed Budde, Michigan State, G
Donnell Thompson, North Carolina, DT 1948 Tom Keane, West Virginia, B (2)
1964 Pete Beathard, So. California, QB
1982 Johnie Cooks, Mississippi St., LB 1949 Bobby Thomason, Virginia Military, B
1965 Gale Sayers, Kansas, RB
Art Schlichter, Ohio State, QB 1950 Ralph Pasquariello, Villanova, B
1966 Aaron Brown, Minnesota, DE
1983 John Elway, Stanford, QB Stan West, Oklahoma, G
1967 Gene Trosch, Miami, DE-DT
1984 Leonard Coleman, Vanderbilt, DB 1951 Bud McFadin, Texas, G
1968 Mo Moorman, Texas A&M, G
Ron Solt, Maryland, G 1952 Bill Wade, Vanderbilt, QB
George Daney, Texas-El Paso, G
1985 Duane Bickett, So. California, LB Bob Carey, Michigan State, E
1969 Jim Marsalis, Tennessee State, CB
1986 Jon Hand, Alabama, DE 1953 Donn Moomaw, UCLA, C
1970 Sid Smith, Southern California, T
1987 Cornelius Bennett, Alabama, LB Ed Barker, Washington State, E
1971 Elmo Wright, Houston, WR
1988 Chris Chandler, Washington, QB (3) 1954 Ed Beatty, Cincinnati, C
1972 Jeff Kinney, Nebraska, RB
1989 Andre Rison, Michigan State, WR 1955 Larry Morris, Georgia Tech, C
1973 Gary Butler, Rice, TE (2)
1990 Jeff George, Illinois, QB 1956 Joe Marconi, West Virginia, B
1974 Woody Green, Arizona State, RB
1991 Shane Curry, Miami, DE (2) Charles Horton, Vanderbilt, B
1975 Elmore Stephens, Kentucky, TE (2)
1992 Steve Emtman, Washington, DT 1957 Jon Arnett, Southern California, B
1976 Rod Walters, Iowa, G
Quentin Coryatt, Texas A&M, LB Del Shofner, Baylor, E
1977 Gary Green, Baylor, DB
1993 Sean Dawkins, California, WR 1958 Lou Michaels, Kentucky, T
1978 Art Still, Kentucky, DE
1994 Marshall Faulk, San Diego St., RB Jim Phillips, Auburn, E
1979 Mike Bell, Colorado State, DE
Trev Alberts, Nebraska, LB 1959 Dick Bass, Pacific, B
Steve Fuller, Clemson, QB
1995 Ellis Johnson, Florida, DT Paul Dickson, Baylor, T
1980 Brad Budde, Southern California, G
1996 Marvin Harrison, Syracuse, WR 1960 Billy Cannon, Louisiana State, RB
1981 Willie Scott, South Carolina, TE
1997 Tarik Glenn, California, T 1961 Marlin McKeever, So. California, E-LB
1982 Anthony Hancock, Tennessee, WR
1998 Peyton Manning, Tennessee, QB 1962 Roman Gabriel, North Carolina St., QB
1983 Todd Blackledge, Penn State, QB
1999 Edgerrin James, Miami, RB Merlin Olsen, Utah State, DT
1984 Bill Maas, Pittsburgh, DT
2000 Rob Morris, Brigham Young, LB 1963 Terry Baker, Oregon State, QB
John Alt, Iowa, T
2001 Reggie Wayne, Miami, WR Rufus Guthrie, Georgia Tech, G
1985 Ethan Horton, North Carolina, RB
2002 Dwight Freeney, Syracuse, DE 1964 Bill Munson, Utah State, QB
1986 Brian Jozwiak, West Virginia, T
2003 Dallas Clark, Iowa, TE 1965 Clancy Williams, Washington St., CB
1987 Paul Palmer, Temple, RB
2004 Bob Sanders, Iowa, DB (2) 1966 Tom Mack, Michigan, G
1988 Neil Smith, Nebraska, DE
2005 Marlin Jackson, Michigan, DB 1967 Willie Ellison, Texas Southern, RB (2)
1989 Derrick Thomas, Alabama, LB
2006 Joseph Addai, Louisiana State, RB 1968 Gary Beban, UCLA, QB (2)
1990 Percy Snow, Michigan State, LB
2007 Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio State, WR 1969 Larry Smith, Florida, RB
1991 Harvey Williams, Louisiana St., RB
2008 Mike Pollak, Arizona State, G (2) Jim Seymour, Notre Dame, WR
1992 Dale Carter, Tennessee, DB
2009 Donald Brown, Connecticut, RB Bob Klein, Southern California, TE
1993 Will Shields, Nebraska, G (3)
2010 Jerry Hughes, Texas Christian, DE 1970 Jack Reynolds, Tennessee, LB
1994 Greg Hill, Texas A&M, RB
2011 Anthony Castonzo, Boston College, T 1971 Isiah Robertson, Southern, LB
1995 Trezelle Jenkins, Michigan, T
2012 Andrew Luck, Stanford, QB Jack Youngblood, Florida, DE
1996 Jerome Woods, Memphis, DB
2013 Bjoern Werner, Florida State, DE 1972 Jim Bertelsen, Texas, RB (2)
1997 Tony Gonzalez, California, TE
2014 Jack Mewhort, Ohio State, G (2) 1973 Cullen Bryant, Colorado, DB (2)
1998 Victor Riley, Auburn, T
2015 Phillip Dorsett, Miami, WR 1974 John Cappelletti, Penn State, RB
1999 John Tait, Brigham Young, T
2016 Ryan Kelly, Alabama, C 1975 Mike Fanning, Notre Dame, DT
2000 Sylvester Morris, Jackson St., WR
Dennis Harrah, Miami, T
JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS 2001 Eric Downing, Syracuse, DT (3)
Doug France, Ohio State, T
Year Player, College, Position 2002 Ryan Sims, North Carolina, DT
1976 Kevin McLain, Colorado State, LB
1995 Tony Boselli, Southern California, T 2003 Larry Johnson, Penn State, RB
1977 Bob Brudzinski, Ohio State, LB
James Stewart, Tennessee, RB 2004 Junior Siavii, Oregon, DT (2)
1978 Elvis Peacock, Oklahoma, RB
1996 Kevin Hardy, Illinois, LB 2005 Derrick Johnson, Texas, LB
1979 George Andrews, Nebraska, LB
1997 Renaldo Wynn, Notre Dame, DT 2006 Tamba Hali, Penn State, DE
Kent Hill, Georgia Tech, T
1998 Fred Taylor, Florida, RB 2007 Dwayne Bowe, Louisiana State, WR
1980 Johnnie Johnson, Texas, DB
Donovin Darius, Syracuse, DB 2008 Glenn Dorsey, Louisiana State, DT
1981 Mel Owens, Michigan, LB
1999 Fernando Bryant, Alabama, DB Branden Albert, Virginia, T
1982 Barry Redden, Richmond, RB
2000 R. Jay Soward, So. California, WR 2009 Tyson Jackson, Louisiana State, DE
1983 Eric Dickerson, So. Methodist, RB
2001 Marcus Stroud, Georgia, DT 2010 Eric Berry, Tennessee, DB
1984 Hal Stephens, East Carolina, DE (5)
2002 John Henderson, Tennessee, DT 2011 Jonathan Baldwin, Pittsburgh, WR
1985 Jerry Gray, Texas, DB
2003 Byron Leftwich, Marshall, QB 2012 Dontari Poe, Memphis, NT
1986 Mike Schad, Queen’s Univ., Canada, T
2004 Reggie Williams, Washington, WR 2013 Eric Fisher, Central Michigan, T
1987 Donald Evans, Winston-Salem, DE (2)
2005 Matt Jones, Arkansas, WR 2014 Dee Ford, Auburn, DE
1988 Gaston Green, UCLA, RB
2006 Marcedes Lewis, UCLA, TE 2015 Marcus Peters, Washington, DB
Aaron Cox, Arizona State, WR
2007 Reggie Nelson, Florida, DB 2016 Chris Jones, Mississippi State, DT (2)
1989 Bill Hawkins, Miami, DE
2008 Derrick Harvey, Florida, DE
Cleveland Gary, Miami, RB
2009 Eugene Monroe, Virginia, T
1990 Bern Brostek, Washington, C
2010 Tyson Alualu, California, DT

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1991 Todd Lyght, Notre Dame, DB 2001 Jamar Fletcher, Wisconsin, DB 2009 Percy Harvin, Florida, WR
1992 Sean Gilbert, Pittsburgh, DE 2002 Seth McKinney, Texas A&M, C (3) 2010 Chris Cook, Virginia, DB (2)
1993 Jerome Bettis, Notre Dame, RB 2003 Eddie Moore, Tennessee, LB (2) 2011 Christian Ponder, Florida State, QB
1994 Wayne Gandy, Auburn, T 2004 Vernon Carey, Miami, T 2012 Matt Kalil, Southern California, T
1995 Kevin Carter, Florida, DE 2005 Ronnie Brown, Auburn, RB Harrison Smith, Notre Dame, DB
1996 Lawrence Phillips, Nebraska, RB 2006 Jason Allen, Tennessee, DB 2013 Shariff Floyd, Florida, DT
Eddie Kennison, Louisiana St., WR 2007 Ted Ginn, Ohio State, WR Xavier Rhodes, Florida State, DB
1997 Orlando Pace, Ohio State, T 2008 Jake Long, Michigan, T Cordarrelle Patterson, Tennessee, WR
1998 Grant Wistrom, Nebraska, DE 2009 Vontae Davis, Illinois, DB 2014 Anthony Barr, UCLA, LB
1999 Torry Holt, North Carolina St., WR 2010 Jared Odrick, Penn State, DT Teddy Bridgewater, Louisville, QB
2000 Trung Canidate, Arizona, RB 2011 Mike Pouncey, Florida, C 2015 Trae Waynes, Michigan State, DB
2001 Damione Lewis, Miami, DT 2012 Ryan Tannehill, Texas A&M, QB 2016 Laquon Treadwell, Mississippi, WR
Adam Archuleta, Arizona State, DB 2013 Dion Jordan, Oregon, DE
Ryan Pickett, Ohio State, DT 2014 Ja’Wuan James, Tennessee, T
Year Player, College, Position
2002 Robert Thomas, UCLA, LB 2015 DeVante Parker, Louisville, WR
1960 Ron Burton, Northwestern, RB
2003 Jimmy Kennedy, Penn State, DT 2016 Laremy Tunsil, Mississippi, T
1961 Tommy Mason, Tulane, RB
2004 Steven Jackson, Oregon State, RB
MINNESOTA VIKINGS 1962 Gary Collins, Maryland, WR
2005 Alex Barron, Florida State, T
Year Player, College, Position 1963 Art Graham, Boston College, WR
2006 Tye Hill, Clemson, DB
1961 Tommy Mason, Tulane, RB 1964 Jack Concannon, Boston College, QB
2007 Adam Carriker, Nebraska, DE
1962 Bill Miller, Miami, WR (3) 1965 Jerry Rush, Michigan State, DE
2008 Chris Long, Virginia, DE
1963 Jim Dunaway, Mississippi, T 1966 Karl Singer, Purdue, T
2009 Jason Smith, Baylor, T
1964 Carl Eller, Minnesota, DE 1967 John Charles, Purdue, S
2010 Sam Bradford, Oklahoma, QB
1965 Jack Snow, Notre Dame, WR 1968 Dennis Byrd, North Carolina St., DE
2011 Robert Quinn, North Carolina, DE
1966 Jerry Shay, Purdue, DT 1969 Ron Sellers, Florida State, WR
2012 Michael Brockers, Louisiana St., DT
1967 Clint Jones, Michigan State, RB 1970 Phil Olsen, Utah State, DE
2013 Tavon Austin, West Virginia, WR
Gene Washington, Michigan St., WR 1971 Jim Plunkett, Stanford, QB
Alec Ogletree, Georgia, LB
Alan Page, Notre Dame, DT 1972 Tom Reynolds, San Diego St., WR (2)
2014 Greg Robinson, Auburn, T
1968 Ron Yary, Southern California, T 1973 John Hannah, Alabama, G
Aaron Donald, Pittsburgh, DT
1969 Ed White, California, G (2) Sam Cunningham, So. California, RB
2015 Todd Gurley, Georgia, RB
1970 John Ward, Oklahoma State, DT Darryl Stingley, Purdue, WR
2016 Jared Goff, California, QB
1971 Leo Hayden, Ohio State, RB 1974 Steve Corbett, Boston College, G (2)
MIAMI DOLPHINS 1972 Jeff Siemon, Stanford, LB 1975 Russ Francis, Oregon, TE
Year Player, College, Position 1973 Chuck Foreman, Miami, RB 1976 Mike Haynes, Arizona State, DB
1966 Jim Grabowski, Illinois, RB 1974 Fred McNeill, UCLA, LB Pete Brock, Colorado, C
Rick Norton, Kentucky, QB Steve Riley, Southern California, T Tim Fox, Ohio State, DB
1967 Bob Griese, Purdue, QB 1975 Mark Mullaney, Colorado State, DE 1977 Raymond Clayborn, Texas, DB
1968 Larry Csonka, Syracuse, RB 1976 James White, Oklahoma State, DT Stanley Morgan, Tennessee, WR
Doug Crusan, Indiana, T 1977 Tommy Kramer, Rice, QB 1978 Bob Cryder, Alabama, G
1969 Bill Stanfill, Georgia, DE 1978 Randy Holloway, Pittsburgh, DE 1979 Rick Sanford, South Carolina, DB
1970 Jim Mandich, Michigan, TE (2) 1979 Ted Brown, North Carolina St., RB 1980 Roland James, Tennessee, DB
1971 Otto Stowe, Iowa State, WR (2) 1980 Doug Martin, Washington, DT Vagas Ferguson, Notre Dame, RB
1972 Mike Kadish, Notre Dame, DT 1981 Mardye McDole, Mississippi St., WR (2) 1981 Brian Holloway, Stanford, T
1973 Chuck Bradley, Oregon, C (2) 1982 Darrin Nelson, Stanford, RB 1982 Kenneth Sims, Texas, DT
1974 Donald Reese, Jackson State, DE 1983 Joey Browner, So. California, DB Lester Williams, Miami, DT
1975 Darryl Carlton, Tampa, T 1984 Keith Millard, Washington St., DE 1983 Tony Eason, Illinois, QB
1976 Larry Gordon, Arizona State, LB 1985 Chris Doleman, Pittsburgh, LB 1984 Irving Fryar, Nebraska, WR
Kim Bokamper, San Jose State, LB 1986 Gerald Robinson, Auburn, DE 1985 Trevor Matich, Brigham Young, C
1977 A.J. Duhe, Louisiana State, DT 1987 D.J. Dozier, Penn State, RB 1986 Reggie Dupard, So. Methodist, RB
1978 Guy Benjamin, Stanford, QB (2) 1988 Randall McDaniel, Arizona State, G 1987 Bruce Armstrong, Louisville, T
1979 Jon Giesler, Michigan, T 1989 David Braxton, Wake Forest, LB (2) 1988 John Stephens, Northwestern St., La., RB
1980 Don McNeal, Alabama, DB 1990 Mike Jones, Texas A&M, TE (3) 1989 Hart Lee Dykes, Oklahoma St., WR
1981 David Overstreet, Oklahoma, RB 1991 Carlos Jenkins, Michigan St., LB (3) 1990 Chris Singleton, Arizona, LB
1982 Roy Foster, Southern California, G 1992 Robert Harris, Southern Univ., DE (2) Ray Agnew, North Carolina St., DE
1983 Dan Marino, Pittsburgh, QB 1993 Robert Smith, Ohio State, RB 1991 Pat Harlow, Southern California, T
1984 Jackie Shipp, Oklahoma, LB 1994 DeWayne Washington, N. Carolina St., DB Leonard Russell, Arizona St., RB
1985 Lorenzo Hampton, Florida, RB Todd Steussie, California, T 1992 Eugene Chung, Virginia Tech, T
1986 John Offerdahl, Western Michigan, LB (2) 1995 Derrick Alexander, Florida St., DE 1993 Drew Bledsoe, Washington St., QB
1987 John Bosa, Boston College, DE Korey Stringer, Ohio State, T 1994 Willie McGinest, So. California, DE
1988 Eric Kumerow, Ohio State, DE 1996 Duane Clemons, California, DE 1995 Ty Law, Michigan, DB
1989 Sammie Smith, Florida State, RB 1997 Dwayne Rudd, Alabama, LB 1996 Terry Glenn, Ohio State, WR
Louis Oliver, Florida, DB 1998 Randy Moss, Marshall, WR 1997 Chris Canty, Kansas State, DB
1990 Richmond Webb, Texas A&M, T 1999 Daunte Culpepper, Central Florida, QB 1998 Robert Edwards, Georgia, RB
1991 Randal Hill, Miami, WR Dimitrius Underwood, Michigan St., DE Tebucky Jones, Syracuse, DB
1992 Troy Vincent, Wisconsin, DB 2000 Chris Hovan, Boston College, DT 1999 Damien Woody, Boston College, C
Marco Coleman, Georgia Tech, LB 2001 Michael Bennett, Wisconsin, RB Andy Katzenmoyer, Ohio State, LB
1993 O.J. McDuffie, Penn State, WR 2002 Bryant McKinnie, Miami, T 2000 Adrian Klemm, Hawaii, T (2)
1994 Tim Bowens, Mississippi, DT 2003 Kevin Williams, Oklahoma State, DT 2001 Richard Seymour, Georgia, DT
1995 Billy Milner, Houston, T 2004 Kenechi Udeze, Southern California, DE 2002 Daniel Graham, Colorado, TE
1996 Daryl Gardener, Baylor, DT 2005 Troy Williamson, South Carolina, WR 2003 Ty Warren, Texas A&M, DT
1997 Yatil Green, Miami, WR Erasmus James, Wisconsin, DE 2004 Vince Wilfork, Miami, DT
1998 John Avery, Mississippi, RB 2006 Chad Greenway, Iowa, LB Ben Watson, Georgia, TE
1999 J.J. Johnson, Mississippi St., RB (2) 2007 Adrian Peterson, Oklahoma, RB 2005 Logan Mankins, Fresno State, G
2000 Todd Wade, Mississippi, T (2) 2008 Tyrell Johnson, Arkansas State, DB (2) 2006 Laurence Maroney, Minnesota, RB

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2007 Brandon Meriweather, Miami, DB 1938 George Karamatic, Gonzaga, B 2008 Kenny Phillips, Miami, DB
2008 Jerod Mayo, Tennessee, LB 1939 Walt Neilson, Arizona, B 2009 Hakeem Nicks, North Carolina, WR
2009 Patrick Chung, Oregon, DB (2) 1940 Grenville Lansdell, So. California, B 2010 Jason Pierre-Paul, South Florida, DE
2010 Devin McCourty, Rutgers, DB 1941 George Franck, Minnesota, B 2011 Prince Amukamara, Nebraska, DB
2011 Nate Solder, Colorado, T 1942 Merle Hapes, Mississippi, B 2012 David Wilson, Virginia Tech, RB
2012 Chandler Jones, Syracuse, DE 1943 Steve Filipowicz, Fordham, B 2013 Justin Pugh, Syracuse, T
Dont’a Hightower, Alabama, LB 1944 Billy Hillenbrand, Indiana, B 2014 Odell Beckham, Louisiana St., WR
2013 Jamie Collins, So. Mississippi, LB (2) 1945 Elmer Barbour, Wake Forest, B 2015 Ereck Flowers, Miami, T
2014 Dominique Easley, Florida, DE 1946 George Connor, Notre Dame, T 2016 Eli Apple, Ohio State, DB
2015 Malcolm Brown, Texas, DT 1947 Vic Schwall, Northwestern, B
2016 Cyrus Jones, Alabama, DB (2) 1948 Tony Minisi, Pennsylvania, B
Year Player, College, Position
1949 Paul Page, Southern Methodist, B
NEW ORLEANS SAINTS 1960 George Izo, Notre Dame, QB
1950 Travis Tidwell, Auburn, B
Year Player, College, Position 1961 Tom Brown, Minnesota, G
1951 Kyle Rote, Southern Methodist, B
1967 Les Kelley, Alabama, RB 1962 Sandy Stephens, Minnesota, QB
Jim Spavital, Oklahoma A&M, B
1968 Kevin Hardy, Notre Dame, DE 1963 Jerry Stovall, Louisiana State, S
1952 Frank Gifford, Southern California, B
1969 John Shinners, Xavier, G 1964 Matt Snell, Ohio State, RB
1953 Bobby Marlow, Alabama, B
1970 Ken Burrough, Texas Southern, WR 1965 Joe Namath, Alabama, QB
1954 Ken Buck, Pacific, C (2)
1971 Archie Manning, Mississippi, QB Tom Nowatzke, Indiana, RB
1955 Joe Heap, Notre Dame, B
1972 Royce Smith, Georgia, G 1966 Bill Yearby, Michigan, DT
1956 Henry Moore, Arkansas, B (2)
1973 Derland Moore, Oklahoma, DE (2) 1967 Paul Seiler, Notre Dame, T
1957 Sam DeLuca, South Carolina, T (2)
1974 Rick Middleton, Ohio State, LB 1968 Lee White, Weber State, RB
1958 Phil King, Vanderbilt, B
1975 Larry Burton, Purdue, WR 1969 Dave Foley, Ohio State, T
1959 Lee Grosscup, Utah, B
Kurt Schumacher, Ohio State, T 1970 Steve Tannen, Florida, CB
1960 Lou Cordileone, Clemson, G
1976 Chuck Muncie, California, RB 1971 John Riggins, Kansas, RB
1961 Bruce Tarbox, Syracuse, G (2)
1977 Joe Campbell, Maryland, DE 1972 Jerome Barkum, Jackson St., WR
1962 Jerry Hillebrand, Colorado, LB
1978 Wes Chandler, Florida, WR Mike Taylor, Michigan, LB
1963 Frank Lasky, Florida, T (2)
1979 Russell Erxleben, Texas, P-K 1973 Burgess Owens, Miami, DB
1964 Joe Don Looney, Oklahoma, RB
1980 Stan Brock, Colorado, T 1974 Carl Barzilauskas, Indiana, DT
1965 Tucker Frederickson, Auburn, RB
1981 George Rogers, South Carolina, RB 1975 Anthony Davis, So. California, RB (2)
1966 Francis Peay, Missouri, T
1982 Lindsay Scott, Georgia, WR 1976 Richard Todd, Alabama, QB
1967 Louis Thompson, Alabama, DT (4)
1983 Steve Korte, Arkansas, G (2) 1977 Marvin Powell, So. California, T
1968 Dick Buzin, Penn State, T (2)
1984 James Geathers, Wichita State, DE 1978 Chris Ward, Ohio State, T
1969 Fred Dryer, San Diego State, DE
1985 Alvin Toles, Tennessee, LB 1979 Marty Lyons, Alabama, DE
1970 Jim Files, Oklahoma, LB
1986 Jim Dombrowski, Virginia, T 1980 Johnny (Lam) Jones, Texas, WR
1971 Rocky Thompson, West Texas St., WR
1987 Shawn Knight, Brigham Young, DT 1981 Freeman McNeil, UCLA, RB
1972 Eldridge Small, Texas A&I, DB
1988 Craig Heyward, Pittsburgh, RB 1982 Bob Crable, Notre Dame, LB
Larry Jacobson, Nebraska, DE
1989 Wayne Martin, Arkansas, DE 1983 Ken O’Brien, Cal-Davis, QB
1973 Brad Van Pelt, Michigan St., LB (2)
1990 Renaldo Turnbull, West Virginia, DE 1984 Russell Carter, So. Methodist, DB
1974 John Hicks, Ohio State, G
1991 Wesley Carroll, Miami, WR (2) Ron Faurot, Arkansas, DE
1975 Al Simpson, Colorado State, T (2)
1992 Vaughn Dunbar, Indiana, RB 1985 Al Toon, Wisconsin, WR
1976 Troy Archer, Colorado, DE
1993 Willie Roaf, Louisiana Tech, T 1986 Mike Haight, Iowa, T
1977 Gary Jeter, Southern California, DT
Irv Smith, Notre Dame, TE 1987 Roger Vick, Texas A&M, RB
1978 Gordon King, Stanford, T
1994 Joe Johnson, Louisville, DE 1988 Dave Cadigan, So. California, T
1979 Phil Simms, Morehead State, QB
1995 Mark Fields, Washington State, LB 1989 Jeff Lageman, Virginia, LB
1980 Mark Haynes, Colorado, DB
1996 Alex Molden, Oregon, DB 1990 Blair Thomas, Penn State, RB
1981 Lawrence Taylor, North Carolina, LB
1997 Chris Naeole, Colorado, G 1991 Browning Nagle, Louisville, QB (2)
1982 Butch Woolfolk, Michigan, RB
1998 Kyle Turley, San Diego State, T 1992 Johnny Mitchell, Nebraska, TE
1983 Terry Kinard, Clemson, DB
1999 Ricky Williams, Texas, RB 1993 Marvin Jones, Florida State, LB
1984 Carl Banks, Michigan State, LB
2000 Darren Howard, Kansas St., DE (2) 1994 Aaron Glenn, Texas A&M, DB
William Roberts, Ohio State, T
2001 Deuce McAllister, Mississippi, RB 1995 Kyle Brady, Penn State, TE
1985 George Adams, Kentucky, RB
2002 Donte’ Stallworth, Tennessee, WR Hugh Douglas, Central St., Ohio, DE
1986 Eric Dorsey, Notre Dame, DE
Charles Grant, Georgia, DE 1996 Keyshawn Johnson, So. California, WR
1987 Mark Ingram, Michigan State, WR
2003 Johnathan Sullivan, Georgia, DT 1997 James Farrior, Virginia, LB
1988 Eric Moore, Indiana, T
2004 Will Smith, Ohio State, DE 1998 Dorian Boose, Washington St., DE (2)
1989 Brian Williams, Minnesota, C-G
2005 Jammal Brown, Oklahoma, T 1999 Randy Thomas, Mississippi St., G (2)
1990 Rodney Hampton, Georgia, RB
2006 Reggie Bush, So. California, RB 2000 Shaun Ellis, Tennessee, DE
1991 Jarrod Bunch, Michigan, RB
2007 Robert Meachem, Tennessee, WR John Abraham, South Carolina, LB
1992 Derek Brown, Notre Dame, TE
2008 Sedrick Ellis, So. California, DT Chad Pennington, Marshall, QB
1993 Michael Strahan, Texas Southern, DE (2)
2009 Malcolm Jenkins, Ohio State, DB Anthony Becht, West Virginia, TE
1994 Thomas Lewis, Indiana, WR
2010 Patrick Robinson, Florida State, DB 2001 Santana Moss, Miami, WR
1995 Tyrone Wheatley, Michigan, RB
2011 Cameron Jordan, California, DE 2002 Bryan Thomas, Ala.-Birmingham, DE
1996 Cedric Jones, Oklahoma, DE
Mark Ingram, Alabama, RB 2003 Dewayne Robertson, Kentucky, DT
1997 Ike Hilliard, Florida, WR
2012 Akiem Hicks, Regina, DT (3) 2004 Jonathan Vilma, Miami, LB
1998 Shaun Williams, UCLA, DB
2013 Kenny Vaccaro, Texas, DB 2005 Mike Nugent, Ohio State, K (2)
1999 Luke Petitgout, Notre Dame, T
2014 Brandin Cooks, Oregon State, WR 2006 D’Brickashaw Ferguson, Virginia, T
2000 Ron Dayne, Wisconsin, RB
2015 Andrus Peat, Stanford, T Nick Mangold, Ohio State, C
2001 Will Allen, Syracuse, DB
Stephone Anthony, Clemson, LB 2007 Darrelle Revis, Pittsburgh, DB
2002 Jeremy Shockey, Miami, TE
2016 Sheldon Rankins, Louisville, DT 2008 Vernon Gholston, Ohio State, LB
2003 William Joseph, Miami, DT
Dustin Keller, Purdue, TE
NEW YORK GIANTS 2004 Philip Rivers, North Carolina St., QB
2009 Mark Sanchez, So. California, QB
Year Player, College, Position 2005 Corey Webster, Louisiana St., DB (2)
2010 Kyle Wilson, Boise State, DB
1936 Art Lewis, Ohio U., T 2006 Mathias Kiwanuka, Boston College, DE
2011 Muhammad Wilkerson, Temple, DT
1937 Ed Widseth, Minnesota, T 2007 Aaron Ross, Texas, DB
2012 Quinton Coples, North Carolina, DE

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2013 Dee Milliner, Alabama, DB PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 2003 Jerome McDougle, Miami, DE
Sheldon Richardson, Missouri, DT Year Player, College, Position 2004 Shawn Andrews, Arkansas, T
2014 Calvin Pryor, Louisville, DB 1936 Jay Berwanger, Chicago, B 2005 Mike Patterson, So. California, DT
2015 Leonard Williams, Southern California, DE 1937 Sam Francis, Nebraska, B 2006 Brodrick Bunkley, Florida State, DT
2016 Darron Lee, Ohio State, LB 1938 Jim McDonald, Ohio State, B 2007 Kevin Kolb, Houston, QB (2)
1939 Davey O’Brien, Texas Christian, B 2008 Trevor Laws, Notre Dame, DT (2)
1940 George McAfee, Duke, B 2009 Jeremy Maclin, Missouri, WR
Year Player, College, Position
1941 Art Jones, Richmond, B (2) 2010 Brandon Graham, Michigan, DE
1960 Dale Hackbart, Wisconsin, CB
1942 Pete Kmetovic, Stanford, B 2011 Danny Watkins, Baylor, G
1961 Joe Rutgens, Illinois, DT
1943 Joe Muha, Virginia Military, B 2012 Fletcher Cox, Mississippi St., DT
1962 Roman Gabriel, North Carolina St., QB
1944 Steve Van Buren, Louisiana St., B 2013 Lane Johnson, Oklahoma, T
1963 George Wilson, Alabama, RB (6)
1945 John Yonaker, Notre Dame, E 2014 Marcus Smith, Louisville, LB
1964 Tony Lorick, Arizona State, RB
1946 Leo Riggs, Southern California, B 2015 Nelson Agholor, Southern California, WR
1965 Harry Schuh, Memphis State, T
1947 Neill Armstrong, Oklahoma A&M, E 2016 Carson Wentz, North Dakota State, QB
1966 Rodger Bird, Kentucky, S
1948 Clyde (Smackover) Scott, Arkansas, B
1967 Gene Upshaw, Texas A&I, G PITTSBURGH STEELERS
1949 Chuck Bednarik, Pennsylvania, C
1968 Eldridge Dickey, Tennessee St., QB Year Player, College, Position
Frank Tripucka, Notre Dame, B
1969 Art Thoms, Syracuse, DT 1936 Bill Shakespeare, Notre Dame, B
1950 Harry (Bud) Grant, Minnesota, E
1970 Raymond Chester, Morgan St., TE 1937 Mike Basrak, Duquesne, C
1951 Ebert Van Buren, Louisiana St., B
1971 Jack Tatum, Ohio State, S 1938 Byron (Whizzer) White, Colorado, B
Chet Mutryn, Xavier, B
1972 Mike Siani, Villanova, WR 1939 Bill Patterson, Baylor, B (3)
1952 Johnny Bright, Drake, B
1973 Ray Guy, Southern Mississippi, P 1940 Kay Eakin, Arkansas, B
1953 Al Conway, Army, B (2)
1974 Henry Lawrence, Florida A&M, T 1941 Chet Gladchuk, Boston College, C (2)
1954 Neil Worden, Notre Dame, B
1975 Neal Colzie, Ohio State, DB 1942 Bill Dudley, Virginia, B
1955 Dick Bielski, Maryland, B
1976 Charles Philyaw, Texas Southern, DT (2) 1943 Bill Daley, Minnesota, B
1956 Bob Pellegrini, Maryland, C
1977 Mike Davis, Colorado, DB (2) 1944 Johnny Podesto, St. Mary’s, Calif., B
1957 Clarence Peaks, Michigan State, B
1978 Dave Browning, Washington, DE (2) 1945 Paul Duhart, Florida, B
1958 Walt Kowalczyk, Michigan State, B
1979 Willie Jones, Florida State, DE (2) 1946 Felix (Doc) Blanchard, Army, B
1959 J.D. Smith, Rice, T (2)
1980 Marc Wilson, Brigham Young, QB 1947 Hub Bechtol, Texas, E
1960 Ron Burton, Northwestern, RB
1981 Ted Watts, Texas Tech, DB 1948 Dan Edwards, Georgia, E
1961 Art Baker, Syracuse, RB
Curt Marsh, Washington, T 1949 Bobby Gage, Clemson, B
1962 Pete Case, Georgia, G (2)
1982 Marcus Allen, So. California, RB 1950 Lynn Chandnois, Michigan St., B
1963 Ed Budde, Michigan State, G
1983 Don Mosebar, So. California, T 1951 Butch Avinger, Alabama, B
1964 Bob Brown, Nebraska, T
1984 Sean Jones, Northeastern, DE (2) 1952 Ed Modzelewski, Maryland, B
1965 Ray Rissmiller, Georgia, T (2)
1985 Jessie Hester, Florida State, WR 1953 Ted Marchibroda, St. Bonaventure, B
1966 Randy Beisler, Indiana, DE
1986 Bob Buczkowski, Pittsburgh, DE 1954 Johnny Lattner, Notre Dame, B
1967 Harry Jones, Arkansas, RB
1987 John Clay, Missouri, T 1955 Frank Varrichione, Notre Dame, T
1968 Tim Rossovich, So. California, DE
1988 Tim Brown, Notre Dame, WR 1956 Gary Glick, Colorado A&M, B
1969 Leroy Keyes, Purdue, RB
Terry McDaniel, Tennessee, DB Art Davis, Mississippi State, B
1970 Steve Zabel, Oklahoma, TE
Scott Davis, Illinois, DE 1957 Len Dawson, Purdue, B
1971 Richard Harris, Grambling, DE
1989 Jeff Francis, Tennessee, QB (6) 1958 Larry Krutko, West Virginia, B (2)
1972 John Reaves, Florida, QB
1990 Anthony Smith, Arizona, DE 1959 Tom Barnett, Purdue, B (8)
1973 Jerry Sisemore, Texas, T
1991 Todd Marinovich, So. California, QB 1960 Jack Spikes, Texas Christian, RB
Charle Young, So. California, TE
1992 Chester McGlockton, Clemson, DE 1961 Myron Pottios, Notre Dame, LB (2)
1974 Mitch Sutton, Kansas, DT (3)
1993 Patrick Bates, Texas A&M, DB 1962 Bob Ferguson, Ohio State, RB
1975 Bill Capraun, Miami, T (7)
1994 Rob Fredrickson, Michigan St., LB 1963 Frank Atkinson, Stanford, T (8)
1976 Mike Smith, Florida, DE (4)
1995 Napoleon Kaufman, Washington, RB 1964 Paul Martha, Pittsburgh, S
1977 Skip Sharp, Kansas, DB (5)
1996 Rickey Dudley, Ohio State, TE 1965 Roy Jefferson, Utah, WR (2)
1978 Reggie Wilkes, Georgia Tech, LB (3)
1997 Darrell Russell, Southern California, DT 1966 Dick Leftridge, West Virginia, RB
1979 Jerry Robinson, UCLA, LB
1998 Charles Woodson, Michigan, DB 1967 Don Shy, San Diego State, RB (2)
1980 Roynell Young, Alcorn State, DB
Mo Collins, Florida, T 1968 Mike Taylor, Southern California, T
1981 Leonard Mitchell, Houston, DE
1999 Matt Stinchcomb, Georgia, T 1969 Joe Greene, North Texas State, DT
1982 Mike Quick, North Carolina St., WR
2000 Sebastian Janikowski, Florida St., K 1970 Terry Bradshaw, Louisiana Tech, QB
1983 Michael Haddix, Mississippi St., RB
2001 Derrick Gibson, Florida State, DB 1971 Frank Lewis, Grambling, WR
1984 Kenny Jackson, Penn State, WR
2002 Phillip Buchanon, Miami, DB 1972 Franco Harris, Penn State, RB
1985 Kevin Allen, Indiana, T
Napoleon Harris, Northwestern, LB 1973 J.T. Thomas, Florida State, DB
1986 Keith Byars, Ohio State, RB
2003 Nnamdi Asomugha, California, DB 1974 Lynn Swann, So. California, WR
1987 Jerome Brown, Miami, DT
Tyler Brayton, Colorado, DE 1975 Dave Brown, Michigan, DB
1988 Keith Jackson, Oklahoma, TE
2004 Robert Gallery, Iowa, T 1976 Bennie Cunningham, Clemson, TE
1989 Jessie Small, Eastern Kentucky, LB (2)
2005 Fabian Washington, Nebraska, DB 1977 Robin Cole, New Mexico, LB
1990 Ben Smith, Georgia, DB
2006 Michael Huff, Texas, DB 1978 Ron Johnson, Eastern Michigan, DB
1991 Antone Davis, Tennessee, T
2007 JaMarcus Russell, Louisiana State, QB 1979 Greg Hawthorne, Baylor, RB
1992 Siran Stacy, Alabama, RB (2)
2008 Darren McFadden, Arkansas, RB 1980 Mark Malone, Arizona State, QB
1993 Lester Holmes, Jackson State, T
2009 Darrius Heyward-Bey, Maryland, WR 1981 Keith Gary, Oklahoma, DE
Leonard Renfro, Colorado, DT
2010 Rolando McClain, Alabama, LB 1982 Walter Abercrombie, Baylor, RB
1994 Bernard Williams, Georgia, T
2011 Stefan Wisniewski, Penn State, C (2) 1983 Gabriel Rivera, Texas Tech, DT
1995 Mike Mamula, Boston College, DE
2012 Tony Bergstrom, Utah, G (3) 1984 Louis Lipps, So. Mississippi, WR
1996 Jermane Mayberry, Texas A&M-Kingsville, T
2013 D.J. Hayden, Houston, DB 1985 Darryl Sims, Wisconsin, DE
1997 Jon Harris, Virginia, DE
2014 Khalil Mack, Buffalo, LB 1986 John Rienstra, Temple, G
1998 Tra Thomas, Florida State, T
2015 Amari Cooper, Alabama, WR 1987 Rod Woodson, Purdue, DB
1999 Donovan McNabb, Syracuse, QB
2016 Karl Joseph, West Virginia, DB 1988 Aaron Jones, Eastern Kentucky, DE
2000 Corey Simon, Florida State, DT
1989 Tim Worley, Georgia, RB
2001 Freddie Mitchell, UCLA, WR
Tom Ricketts, Pittsburgh, T
2002 Lito Sheppard, Florida, DB
1990 Eric Green, Liberty, TE

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1991 Huey Richardson, Florida, DE 1998 Ryan Leaf, Washington State, QB 1988 Danny Stubbs, Miami, DE (2)
1992 Leon Searcy, Miami, T 1999 Jermaine Fazande, Oklahoma, RB (2) 1989 Keith DeLong, Tennessee, LB
1993 Deon Figures, Colorado, DB 2000 Rogers Beckett, Marshall, DB (2) 1990 Dexter Carter, Florida State, RB
1994 Charles Johnson, Colorado, WR 2001 LaDainian Tomlinson, TCU, RB 1991 Ted Washington, Louisville, DT
1995 Mark Bruener, Washington, TE 2002 Quentin Jammer, Texas, DB 1992 Dana Hall, Washington, DB
1996 Jamain Stephens, North Carolina A&T, T 2003 Sammy Davis, Texas A&M, DB 1993 Dana Stubblefield, Kansas, DT
1997 Chad Scott, Maryland, DB 2004 Eli Manning, Mississippi, QB Todd Kelly, Tennessee, DE
1998 Alan Faneca, Louisiana State, G 2005 Shawne Merriman, Maryland, LB 1994 Bryant Young, Notre Dame, DT
1999 Troy Edwards, Louisiana Tech, WR Luis Castillo, Northwestern, DT William Floyd, Florida State, RB
2000 Plaxico Burress, Michigan St., WR 2006 Antonio Cromartie, Florida State, DB 1995 J.J. Stokes, UCLA, WR
2001 Casey Hampton, Texas, DT 2007 Craig Davis, Louisiana State, WR 1996 Israel Ifeanyi, So.California, DE (2)
2002 Kendall Simmons, Auburn, G 2008 Antoine Cason, Arizona, DB 1997 Jim Druckenmiller, Virginia Tech, QB
2003 Troy Polamalu, Southern California, DB 2009 Larry English, Northern Illinois, LB 1998 R.W. McQuarters, Oklahoma St., DB
2004 Ben Roethlisberger, Miami (OH), QB 2010 Ryan Mathews, Fresno State, RB 1999 Reggie McGrew, Florida, DT
2005 Heath Miller, Virginia, TE 2011 Corey Liuget, Illinois, DE 2000 Julian Peterson, Michigan St., LB
2006 Santonio Holmes, Ohio State, WR 2012 Melvin Ingram, South Carolina, LB Ahmed Plummer, Ohio State, DB
2007 Lawrence Timmons, Florida State, LB 2013 D.J. Fluker, Alabama, T 2001 Andre Carter, California, DE
2008 Rashard Mendenhall, Illinois, RB 2014 Jason Verrett, Texas Christian, DB 2002 Mike Rumph, Miami, DB
2009 Evander Hood, Missouri, DE 2015 Melvin Gordon, Wisconsin, RB 2003 Kwame Harris, Stanford, T
2010 Maurkice Pouncey, Florida, C 2016 Joey Bosa, Ohio State, DE 2004 Rashaun Woods, Oklahoma St., WR
2011 Cameron Heyward, Ohio State, DE 2005 Alex Smith, Utah, QB
2012 David DeCastro, Stanford, G 2006 Vernon Davis, Maryland, TE
Year Player, College, Position
2013 Jarvis Jones, Georgia, LB Manny Lawson, North Carolina St., DE
1950 Leo Nomellini, Minnesota, T
2014 Ryan Shazier, Ohio State, LB 2007 Patrick Willis, Mississippi, LB
1951 Y.A. Tittle, Louisiana State, B
2015 Bud Dupree, Kentucky, LB Joe Staley, Central Michigan, T
1952 Hugh McElhenny, Washington, B
2016 Artie Burns, Miami, DB 2008 Kentwan Balmer, North Carolina, DT
1953 Harry Babcock, Georgia, E
2009 Michael Crabtree, Texas Tech, WR
SAN DIEGO CHARGERS Tom Stolhandske, Texas, E
2010 Anthony Davis, Rutgers, T
Year Player, College, Position 1954 Bernie Faloney, Maryland, B
Mike Iupati, Idaho, G
1960 Monty Stickles, Notre Dame, E 1955 Dickie Moegle, Rice, B
2011 Aldon Smith, Missouri, LB
1961 Earl Faison, Indiana, DE 1956 Earl Morrall, Michigan State, B
2012 A.J. Jenkins, Illinois, WR
1962 Bob Ferguson, Ohio State, RB 1957 John Brodie, Stanford, B
2013 Eric Reid, Louisiana State, DB
1963 Walt Sweeney, Syracuse, G 1958 Jim Pace, Michigan, B
2014 Jimmie Ward, Northern Illinois, DB
1964 Ted Davis, Georgia Tech, LB Charlie Krueger, Texas A&M, T
2015 Arik Armstead, Oregon, DE
1965 Steve DeLong, Tennessee, DE 1959 Dave Baker, Oklahoma, B
2016 DeForest Buckner, Oregon, DE
1966 Don Davis, Cal St.-Los Angeles, DT Dan James, Ohio State, C
Joshua Garnett, Stanford, G
1967 Ron Billingsley, Wyoming, DE 1960 Monty Stickles, Notre Dame, E
1968 Russ Washington, Missouri, DT 1961 Jimmy Johnson, UCLA, CB SEATTLE SEAHAWKS
Jimmy Hill, Texas A&I, DB Bernie Casey, Bowling Green, WR Year Player, College, Position
1969 Marty Domres, Columbia, QB Bill Kilmer, UCLA, QB 1976 Steve Niehaus, Notre Dame, DT
Bob Babich, Miami, Ohio, LB 1962 Lance Alworth, Arkansas, WR 1977 Steve August, Tulsa, G
1970 Walker Gillette, Richmond, WR 1963 Kermit Alexander, UCLA, CB 1978 Keith Simpson, Memphis St., DB
1971 Leon Burns, Long Beach State, RB 1964 Dave Parks, Texas Tech, WR 1979 Manu Tuiasosopo, UCLA, DT
1972 Pete Lazetich, Stanford, DE (2) 1965 Ken Willard, North Carolina, RB 1980 Jacob Green, Texas A&M, DE
1973 Johnny Rodgers, Nebraska, WR George Donnelly, Illinois, DB 1981 Ken Easley, UCLA, DB
1974 Bo Matthews, Colorado, RB 1966 Stan Hindman, Mississippi, DE 1982 Jeff Bryant, Clemson, DE
Don Goode, Kansas, LB 1967 Steve Spurrier, Florida, QB 1983 Curt Warner, Penn State, RB
1975 Gary Johnson, Grambling, DT Cas Banaszek, Northwestern, T 1984 Terry Taylor, Southern Illinois, DB
Mike Williams, Louisiana State, DB 1968 Forrest Blue, Auburn, C 1985 Owen Gill, Iowa, RB (2)
1976 Joe Washington, Oklahoma, RB 1969 Ted Kwalick, Penn State, TE 1986 John L. Williams, Florida, RB
1977 Bob Rush, Memphis State, C Gene Washington, Stanford, WR 1987 Tony Woods, Pittsburgh, LB
1978 John Jefferson, Arizona State, WR 1970 Cedrick Hardman, North Texas St., DE 1988 Brian Blades, Miami, WR (2)
1979 Kellen Winslow, Missouri, TE Bruce Taylor, Boston U., DB 1989 Andy Heck, Notre Dame, T
1980 Ed Luther, San Jose State, QB (4) 1971 Tim Anderson, Ohio State, DB 1990 Cortez Kennedy, Miami, DT
1981 James Brooks, Auburn, RB 1972 Terry Beasley, Auburn, WR 1991 Dan McGwire, San Diego St., QB
1982 Hollis Hall, Clemson, DB (7) 1973 Mike Holmes, Texas Southern, DB 1992 Ray Roberts, Virginia, T
1983 Billy Ray Smith, Arkansas, LB 1974 Wilbur Jackson, Alabama, RB 1993 Rick Mirer, Notre Dame, QB
Gary Anderson, Arkansas, WR Bill Sandifer, UCLA, DT 1994 Sam Adams, Texas A&M, DT
Gill Byrd, San Jose State, DB 1975 Jimmy Webb, Mississippi St., DT 1995 Joey Galloway, Ohio State, WR
1984 Mossy Cade, Texas, DB 1976 Randy Cross, UCLA, C (2) 1996 Pete Kendall, Boston College, T
1985 Jim Lachey, Ohio State, G 1977 Elmo Boyd, Eastern Kentucky, WR (3) 1997 Shawn Springs, Ohio State, DB
1986 Leslie O’Neal, Oklahoma State, DE 1978 Ken MacAfee, Notre Dame, TE Walter Jones, Florida State, T
James FitzPatrick, So. California, T Dan Bunz, Cal St.-Long Beach, LB 1998 Anthony Simmons, Clemson, LB
1987 Rod Bernstine, Texas A&M, TE 1979 James Owens, UCLA, WR (2) 1999 Lamar King, Saginaw Valley St., DE
1988 Anthony Miller, Tennessee, WR 1980 Earl Cooper, Rice, RB 2000 Shaun Alexander, Alabama, RB
1989 Burt Grossman, Pittsburgh, DE Jim Stuckey, Clemson, DT Chris McIntosh, Wisconsin, T
1990 Junior Seau, So. California, LB 1981 Ronnie Lott, So. California, DB 2001 Koren Robinson, North Carolina St., WR
1991 Stanley Richard, Texas, DB 1982 Bubba Paris, Michigan, T (2) Steve Hutchinson, Michigan, G
1992 Chris Mims, Tennessee, DE 1983 Roger Craig, Nebraska, RB (2) 2002 Jerramy Stevens, Washington, TE
1993 Darrien Gordon, Stanford, DB 1984 Todd Shell, Brigham Young, LB 2003 Marcus Trufant, Washington State, DB
1994 Isaac Davis, Arkansas, G (2) 1985 Jerry Rice, Mississippi Valley St., WR 2004 Marcus Tubbs, Texas, DT
1995 Terrance Shaw, Stephen F. Austin, DB (2) 1986 Larry Roberts, Alabama, DE (2) 2005 Chris Spencer, Mississippi, C
1996 Bryan Still, Virginia Tech, WR (2) 1987 Harris Barton, North Carolina, T 2006 Kelly Jennings, Miami, DB
1997 Freddie Jones, North Carolina, TE (2) Terrence Flagler, Clemson, RB 2007 Josh Wilson, Maryland, DB (2)

538 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2008 Lawrence Jackson, So. California, DE 1971 Dan Pastorini, Santa Clara, QB 1956 Ed Vereb, Maryland, B
2009 Aaron Curry, Wake Forest, LB 1972 Greg Sampson, Stanford, DE 1957 Don Bosseler, Miami, B
2010 Russell Okung, Oklahoma State, T 1973 John Matuszak, Tampa, DE 1958 Mike Sommer, George
Earl Thomas, Texas, DB George Amundson, Iowa State, RB Washington, B (2)
2011 James Carpenter, Alabama, T 1974 Steve Manstedt, Nebraska, LB (4) 1959 Don Allard, Boston College, B
2012 Bruce Irvin, West Virginia, DE 1975 Robert Brazile, Jackson State, LB 1960 Richie Lucas, Penn State, QB
2013 Christine Michael, Texas A&M, RB (2) Don Hardeman, Texas A&I, RB 1961 Norman Snead, Wake Forest, QB
2014 Paul Richardson, Colorado, WR (2) 1976 Mike Barber, Louisiana Tech, TE (2) Joe Rutgens, Illinois, DT
2015 Frank Clark, Michigan, DE (2) 1977 Morris Towns, Missouri, T 1962 Ernie Davis, Syracuse, RB
2016 Germain Ifedi, Texas A&M, T 1978 Earl Campbell, Texas, RB 1963 Pat Richter, Wisconsin, TE
1979 Mike Stensrud, Iowa State, DE (2) 1964 Charley Taylor, Arizona St., RB-WR
1980 Angelo Fields, Michigan St., T (2) 1965 Bob Breitenstein, Tulsa, T (2)
Year Player, College, Position
1981 Michael Holston, Morgan St., WR (3) 1966 Charlie Gogolak, Princeton, K
1976 Lee Roy Selmon, Oklahoma, DT
1982 Mike Munchak, Penn State, G 1967 Ray McDonald, Idaho, RB
1977 Ricky Bell, Southern California, RB
1983 Bruce Matthews, So. California, T 1968 Jim Smith, Oregon, DB
1978 Doug Williams, Grambling, QB
1984 Dean Steinkuhler, Nebraska, T 1969 Eugene Epps, Texas-El Paso, DB (2)
1979 Greg Roberts, Oklahoma, G (2)
1985 Ray Childress, Texas A&M, DE 1970 Bill Bundige, Colorado, DT (2)
1980 Ray Snell, Wisconsin, G
Richard Johnson, Wisconsin, DB 1971 Cotton Speyrer, Texas, WR (2)
1981 Hugh Green, Pittsburgh, LB
1986 Jim Everett, Purdue, QB 1972 Moses Denson, Maryland St., RB (8)
1982 Sean Farrell, Penn State, G
1987 Alonzo Highsmith, Miami, RB 1973 Charles Cantrell, Lamar, G (5)
1983 Randy Grimes, Baylor, C (2)
Haywood Jeffires, North Carolina St., WR 1974 Jon Keyworth, Colorado, TE (6)
1984 Keith Browner, So. California, LB (2)
1988 Lorenzo White, Michigan State, RB 1975 Mike Thomas, Nevada-Las Vegas, RB (6)
1985 Ron Holmes, Washington, DE
1989 David Williams, Florida, T 1976 Mike Hughes, Baylor, G (5)
1986 Bo Jackson, Auburn, RB
1990 Lamar Lathon, Houston, LB 1977 Duncan McColl, Stanford, DE (4)
Roderick Jones, So. Methodist, DB
1991 Mike Dumas, Indiana, DB (2) 1978 Tony Green, Florida, RB (6)
1987 Vinny Testaverde, Miami, QB
1992 Eddie Robinson, Alabama St., LB (2) 1979 Don Warren, San Diego St., TE (4)
1988 Paul Gruber, Wisconsin, T
1993 Brad Hopkins, Illinois, T 1980 Art Monk, Syracuse, WR
1989 Broderick Thomas, Nebraska, LB
1994 Henry Ford, Arkansas, DE 1981 Mark May, Pittsburgh, T
1990 Keith McCants, Alabama, LB
1995 Steve McNair, Alcorn State, QB 1982 Vernon Dean, San Diego St., DB (2)
1991 Charles McRae, Tennessee, T
1996 Eddie George, Ohio State, RB 1983 Darrell Green, Texas A&I, DB
1992 Courtney Hawkins, Michigan St., WR (2)
1997 Kenny Holmes, Miami, DE 1984 Bob Slater, Oklahoma, DT (2)
1993 Eric Curry, Alabama, DE
1998 Kevin Dyson, Utah, WR 1985 Tory Nixon, San Diego St., DB (2)
1994 Trent Dilfer, Fresno State, QB
1999 Jevon Kearse, Florida, DE 1986 Markus Koch, Boise State, DE (2)
1995 Warren Sapp, Miami, DT
2000 Keith Bulluck, Syracuse, LB 1987 Brian Davis, Nebraska, DB (2)
Derrick Brooks, Florida State, LB
2001 Andre Dyson, Utah, DB (2) 1988 Chip Lohmiller, Minnesota, K (2)
1996 Regan Upshaw, California, DE
2002 Albert Haynesworth, Tennessee, DT 1989 Tracy Rocker, Auburn, DT (3)
Marcus Jones, North Carolina, DT
2003 Andre Woolfolk, Oklahoma, DB 1990 Andre Collins, Penn State, LB (2)
1997 Warrick Dunn, Florida State, RB
2004 Ben Troupe, Florida, TE (2) 1991 Bobby Wilson, Michigan State, DT
Reidel Anthony, Florida, WR
2005 Adam Jones, West Virginia, DB 1992 Desmond Howard, Michigan, WR
1998 Jacquez Green, Florida, WR (2)
2006 Vince Young, Texas, QB 1993 Tom Carter, Notre Dame, DB
1999 Anthony McFarland, Louisiana St., DT
2007 Michael Griffin, Texas, DB 1994 Heath Shuler, Tennessee, QB
2000 Cosey Coleman, Tennessee, G (2)
2008 Chris Johnson, East Carolina, RB 1995 Michael Westbrook, Colorado, WR
2001 Kenyatta Walker, Florida, T
2009 Kenny Britt, Rutgers, WR 1996 Andre Johnson, Penn State, T
2002 Marquise Walker, Michigan, WR (3)
2010 Derrick Morgan, Georgia Tech, DE 1997 Kenard Lang, Miami, DE
2003 Dewayne White, Louisville, DE (2)
2011 Jake Locker, Washington, QB 1998 Stephen Alexander, Oklahoma, TE (2)
2004 Michael Clayton, Louisiana St., WR
2012 Kendall Wright, Baylor, WR 1999 Champ Bailey, Georgia, DB
2005 Carnell Williams, Auburn, RB
2013 Chance Warmack, Alabama, G 2000 LaVar Arrington, Penn State, LB
2006 Davin Joseph, Oklahoma, G
2014 Taylor Lewan, Michigan, T Chris Samuels, Alabama, T
2007 Gaines Adams, Clemson, DE
2015 Marcus Mariota, Oregon, QB 2001 Rod Gardner, Clemson, WR
2008 Aqib Talib, Kansas, DB
2016 Jack Conklin, Michigan State, T 2002 Patrick Ramsey, Tulane, QB
2009 Josh Freeman, Kansas State, QB
2003 Taylor Jacobs, Florida, WR (2)
2010 Gerald McCoy, Oklahoma, DT WASHINGTON REDSKINS
2004 Sean Taylor, Miami, DB
2011 Adrian Clayborn, Iowa, DE Year Player, College, Position
2005 Carlos Rogers, Auburn, DB
2012 Mark Barron, Alabama, DB 1936 Riley Smith, Alabama, B
Jason Campbell, Auburn, QB
Doug Martin, Boise State, RB 1937 Sammy Baugh, Texas Christian, B
2006 Rocky McIntosh, Miami, LB (2)
2013 Johnthan Banks, Mississippi St., DB (2) 1938 Andy Farkas, Detroit, B
2007 LaRon Landry, Louisiana State, DB
2014 Mike Evans, Texas A&M, WR 1939 I.B. Hale, Texas Christian, T
2008 Devin Thomas, Michigan State, WR (2)
2015 Jameis Winston, Florida State, QB 1940 Ed Boell, New York U., B
2009 Brian Orakpo, Texas, DE
2016 Vernon Hargreaves, Florida, DB 1941 Forest Evashevski, Michigan, B
2010 Trent Williams, Oklahoma, T
1942 Orban (Spec) Sanders, Texas, B
TENNESSEE TITANS 2011 Ryan Kerrigan, Purdue, LB
1943 Jack Jenkins, Missouri, B
Year Player, College, Position 2012 Robert Griffin III, Baylor, QB
1944 Mike Micka, Colgate, B
1960 Billy Cannon, Louisiana State, RB 2013 David Amerson, North Carolina St., DB (2)
1945 Jim Hardy, Southern California, B
1961 Mike Ditka, Pittsburgh, E 2014 Trent Murphy, Stanford, LB (2)
1946 Cal Rossi, UCLA, B*
1962 Ray Jacobs, Howard Payne, DT 2015 Brandon Scherff, Iowa, T
1947 Cal Rossi, UCLA, B
1963 Danny Brabham, Arkansas, LB 2016 Josh Doctson, Texas Christian, WR
1948 Harry Gilmer, Alabama, B
1964 Scott Appleton, Texas, DT *Choice lost because of ineligibility
Lowell Tew, Alabama, B
1965 Lawrence Elkins, Baylor, WR
1949 Rob Goode, Texas A&M, B
1966 Tommy Nobis, Texas, LB
1950 George Thomas, Oklahoma, B
1967 George Webster, Michigan St., LB
1951 Leon Heath, Oklahoma, B
Tom Regner, Notre Dame, G
1952 Larry Isbell, Baylor, B
1968 Mac Haik, Mississippi, WR (2)
1953 Jack Scarbath, Maryland, B
1969 Ron Pritchard, Arizona State, LB
1954 Steve Meilinger, Kentucky, E
1970 Doug Wilkerson, N. Carolina Central, G
1955 Ralph Guglielmi, Notre Dame, B

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 539

Point Total Date Weekend Year Preseason Regular Season Postseason All Games
859 December 5, 8-9, 2013 14th 2007 4,119,278 17,345,205 792,019 22,256,502
844 December 12, 15-16, 2013 15th 2006 4,083,282 17,340,879 775,551 22,199,712
837 November 20-24, 2008 12th 2008 3,995,942 17,055,982 806,840 21,858,764
795 December 17, 19-21, 2015 15th 2005 3,977,388 17,012,453 802,255 21,792,096
791 September 5, 9-10, 2012 1st 2004 3,918,848 17,000,811 788,965 21,708,624
788 December 29-30, 2007 17th
788 September 5, 8-9, 2002 1st GAMES OF ALL-TIME
779 December 16, 19-20, 2010 15th (Based on Nielsen Company Figures)
773 September 24, 27-28, 2015 3rd Game Date Share Rating
Chicago at Miami 12/2/85 46% 29.6
TOP 10 TELEVISED SPORTS EVENTS OF ALL-TIME N.Y. Giants at San Francisco 12/3/90 42% 26.9
(Based on Nielsen Company Figures) Dallas at Washington 10/2/78 43% 26.8
Program Date Network Share Rating Pittsburgh at San Diego 12/22/80 40% 25.3
Super Bowl XVI 1/24/82 CBS 73% 49.1 Philadelphia at Miami 11/30/81 40% 25.3
Super Bowl XVII 1/30/83 NBC 69% 48.6 Pittsburgh at Houston 12/10/79 40% 25.1
Winter Olympics 2/23/94 CBS 64% 48.5 Dallas at Miami 12/17/84 40% 25.1
Super Bowl XX 1/26/86 NBC 70% 48.3 Pittsburgh at Dallas 9/13/82 42% 24.9
Super Bowl XLIX 2/1/15 NBC 71% 47.5 Cincinnati at Oakland 12/6/76 40% 24.7
Super Bowl XII 1/15/78 CBS 67% 47.2 Dallas at Washington 10/8/73 40% 24.6
Super Bowl XIII 1/21/79 NBC 74% 47.1 Minnesota at Atlanta 11/19/73 40% 24.6
Super Bowl XLVI 2/5/12 NBC 71% 47.0
Super Bowl XLVIII 2/2/14 FOX 69% 46.7
Super Bowl 50 2/7/16 CBS 72% 46.6
Super Bowl XVIII 1/22/84 CBS 71% 46.4
Super Bowl XIX 1/20/85 ABC 63% 46.4
Super Bowl XLVII 2/3/13 CBS 69% 46.4


(Based on Nielsen Company Figures)
Program Date Network *Total Viewers
Super Bowl 50 Feb. 7, 2016 CBS 167,000,000
Super Bowl XLVII Feb. 3, 2013 CBS 164,100,000
Super Bowl XLV Feb. 6, 2011 FOX 162,900,000
Super Bowl XLIX Feb. 1, 2015 NBC 161,300,000
Super Bowl XLVIII Feb. 2, 2014 FOX 161,100,000
Super Bowl XLVI Feb. 5, 2012 NBC 159,200,000
Super Bowl XLIV Feb. 7, 2010 CBS 153,400,000
Super Bowl XLIII Feb. 1, 2009 NBC 151,600,000
Super Bowl XLII Feb. 3, 2008 FOX 148,300,000
Super Bowl XXXVIII Feb. 1, 2004 CBS 144,400,000
Super Bowl XL Feb. 5, 2006 ABC 141,400,000
of the broadcast
Date Site Game Teams Attendance
August 15, 1994 Azteca Stadium American Bowl (Mexico City) Cowboys vs. Oilers 112,376
August 17, 1998 Azteca Stadium American Bowl (Mexico City) Cowboys vs. Patriots 106,424
August 22, 1947 Soldier Field College All-Star Bears vs. All-Stars 105,840
September 20, 2009 Cowboys Stadium Regular Season Cowboys vs. Giants 105,121
August 4, 1997 Estadio Guillermo Canedo American Bowl (Mexico City) Broncos vs. Dolphins 104,629
January 20, 1980 Rose Bowl Super Bowl XIV Steelers vs. Rams 103,985
January 30, 1983 Rose Bowl Super Bowl XVII Redskins vs. Dolphins 103,667
October 2, 2005 Azteca Stadium Regular Season 49ers at Cardinals 103,467
January 9, 1977 Rose Bowl Super Bowl XI Raiders vs. Vikings 103,438
November 10, 1957 L.A. Coliseum Regular Season 49ers at Rams 102,368

540 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Weekend Games Attendance ATTENDANCE TOTALS
September 8, 11-12, 2005 16 1,115,018 Year Club Games Attendance
December 6, 9-10, 2007 16 1,113,376 2007 Washington Redskins 8 711,471
November 20-21, 2005 16 1,112,555 2008 Washington Redskins 8 710,049
December 27-28, 2003 16 1,106,818 2006 Washington Redskins 8 708,952
November 19-20, 2006 16 1,106,739 2004 Washington Redskins 8 707,920
September 23-24, 2007 16 1,103,570 2005 Washington Redskins 8 707,614
December 24-26, 2005 16 1,102,701 2009 Washington Redskins 8 681,703
September 7, 10-11, 2006 16 1,102,102 2010 Washington Redskins 8 680,966
September 9, 12-13, 2004 16 1,101,332 2003 Washington Redskins 8 667,033
December 7, 10-11, 2006 16 1,099,794 2015 Dallas Cowboys 8 668,909
2014 Dallas Cowboys 8 665,923


For detailed 2015 attendance, see page 246.
Year Regular Season Average Postseason Total
2015 16,774,160 (256 games) 65,524 795,438 (12) 17,569,598
2014 16,928,403 (255 games*****) 66,386 842,309 (12) 17,770,712
2013 16,837,676 (256 games) 65,772 822,651 (12) 17,660,327
2012 16,658,950 (256 games) 65,074 821,433 (12) 17,480,383
2011 16,562,706 (256 games) 64,698 828,457 (12) 17,391,163
2010 16,569,514 (255 games****) 64,978 800,426 (12) 17,369,940
2009 16,651,126 (256 games) 65,043 823,882 (12) 17,475,008
2008 17,055,982 (256 games) 66,625 806,840 (12) 17,862,822
2007 17,345,205 (256 games) #67,755 792,019 (12) #18,137,224
2006 17,340,879 (256 games) 67,738 775,551 (12) 18,116,430
2005 17,012,453 (256 games) 66,455 802,255 (12) 17,814,708
2004 17,000,811 (256 games) 66,409 788,965 (12) 17,789,776
2003 16,913,584 (255 games***) 66,328 805,546 (12) 17,719,130
2002 16,833,310 (256 games) 65,755 781,944 (12) 17,615,254
2001 16,166,258 (248 games) 65,187 766,905 (12) 16,933,163
2000 16,387,289 (248 games) 66,078 809,132 (12) 17,196,421
1999 16,206,640 (248 games) 65,349 793,759 (12) 17,000,399
1998 15,364,873 (240 games) 64,020 822,885 (12) 16,187,758
1997 14,967,314 (240 games) 62,364 801,879 (12) 15,769,193
1996 14,612,417 (240 games) 60,885 769,310 (12) 15,381,727
1995 15,043,562 (240 games) 62,682 790,906 (12) 15,834,468
1994 14,030,435 (224 games) 62,636 779,738 (12) 14,810,173
1993 13,966,843 (224 games) 62,352 814,607 (12) 14,781,450
1992 13,828,887 (224 games) 61,736 815,910 (12) 14,644,797
1991 13,841,459 (224 games) 61,792 813,247 (12) 14,654,706
1990 13,959,896 (224 games) 62,321 847,543 (12) 14,807,439
1989 13,625,662 (224 games) 60,829 685,771 (10) 14,311,433
1988 13,539,848 (224 games) 60,446 658,317 (10) 14,198,165
1987 11,406,166 (210 games**) 54,315 656,977 (10) 12,063,143
1986 13,588,551 (224 games) 60,663 734,002 (10) 14,322,553
1985 13,345,047 (224 games) 59,567 710,768 (10) 14,055,815
1984 13,398,112 (224 games) 59,813 665,194 (10) 14,063,306
1983 13,277,222 (224 games) 59,273 675,513 (10) 13,952,735
1982 7,367,438 (126 games*) 58,472 #1,033,153 (16) 8,400,591
1981 13,606,990 (224 games) 60,745 637,763 (10) 14,244,753
1980 13,392,230 (224 games) 59,787 624,430 (10) 14,016,660
1979 13,182,039 (224 games) 58,848 630,326 (10) 13,812,365
1978 12,771,800 (224 games) 57,017 624,388 (10) 13,396,188
1977 11,018,632 (196 games) 56,218 534,925 (8) 11,553,557
1976 11,070,543 (196 games) 56,482 492,884 (8) 11,563,427
1975 10,213,193 (182 games) 56,116 475,919 (8) 10,689,112
1974 10,236,322 (182 games) 56,244 438,664 (8) 10,674,986
1973 10,730,933 (182 games) 58,961 525,433 (8) 11,256,366
1972 10,445,827 (182 games) 57,395 483,345 (8) 10,929,172
1971 10,076,035 (182 games) 55,363 483,891 (8) 10,559,926
1970 9,533,333 (182 games) 52,381 458,493 (8) 9,991,826
1969 6,096,127 (112 games) NFL 54,430 162,279 (3) 6,258,406
2,843,373 (70 games) AFL 40,620 167,088 (3) 3,010,461
1968 5,882,313 (112 games) NFL 52,521 215,902 (3) 6,098,215
2,635,004 (70 games) AFL 37,643 114,438 (2) 2,749,442
1967 5,938,924 (112 games) NFL 53,026 166,208 (3) 6,105,132
2,295,697 (63 games) AFL 36,439 53,330 (1) 2,349,027

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 541

Year Regular Season Average Postseason Total
1966 5,337,044 (105 games) NFL 50,829 74,152 (1) 5,411,196
2,160,369 (63 games) AFL 34,291 42,080 (1) 2,202,449
1965 4,634,021 (98 games) NFL 47,286 100,304 (2) 4,734,325
1,782,384 (56 games) AFL 31,828 30,361 (1) 1,812,745
1964 4,563,049 (98 games) NFL 46,562 79,544 (1) 4,642,593
1,447,875 (56 games) AFL 25,855 40,242 (1) 1,488,117
1963 4,163,643 (98 games) NFL 42,486 45,801 (1) 4,209,444
1,208,697 (56 games) AFL 21,584 63,171 (2) 1,271,868
1962 4,003,421 (98 games) NFL 40,851 64,892 (1) 4,068,313
1,147,302 (56 games) AFL 20,487 37,981 (1) 1,185,283
1961 3,986,159 (98 games) NFL 40,675 39,029 (1) 4,025,188
1,002,657 (56 games) AFL 17,904 29,556 (1) 1,032,213
1960 3,128,296 (78 games) NFL 40,106 67,325 (1) 3,195,621
926,156 (56 games) AFL 16,538 32,183 (1) 958,339
1959 3,140,000 (72 games) 43,617 57,545 (1) 3,197,545
1958 3,006,124 (72 games) 41,752 123,659 (2) 3,129,783
1957 2,836,318 (72 games) 39,393 119,579 (2) 2,955,897
1956 2,551,263 (72 games) 35,434 56,836 (1) 2,608,099
1955 2,521,836 (72 games) 35,026 85,693 (1) 2,607,529
1954 2,190,571 (72 games) 30,425 43,827 (1) 2,234,398
1953 2,164,585 (72 games) 30,064 54,577 (1) 2,219,162
1952 2,052,126 (72 games) 28,502 97,507 (2) 2,149,633
1951 1,913,019 (72 games) 26,570 57,522 (1) 1,970,541
1950 1,977,753 (78 games) 25,356 136,647 (3) 2,114,400
1949 1,391,735 (60 games) 23,196 27,980 (1) 1,419,715
1948 1,525,243 (60 games) 25,421 36,309 (1) 1,561,552
1947 1,837,437 (60 games) 30,624 66,268 (2) 1,903,705
1946 1,732,135 (55 games) 31,493 58,346 (1) 1,790,481
1945 1,270,401 (50 games) 25,408 32,178 (1) 1,302,579
1944 1,019,649 (50 games) 20,393 46,016 (1) 1,065,665
1943 969,128 (40 games) 24,228 71,315 (2) 1,040,443
1942 887,920 (55 games) 16,144 36,006 (1) 923,926
1941 1,108,615 (55 games) 20,157 55,870 (2) 1,164,485
1940 1,063,025 (55 games) 19,328 36,034 (1) 1,099,059
1939 1,071,200 (55 games) 19,476 32,279 (1) 1,103,479
1938 937,197 (55 games) 17,040 48,120 (1) 985,317
1937 963,039 (55 games) 17,510 15,878 (1) 978,917
1936 816,007 (54 games) 15,111 29,545 (1) 845,552
1935 638,178 (53 games) 12,041 15,000 (1) 653,178
1934 492,684 (60 games) 8,211 35,059 (1) 527,743
# Record
*Players’ 57-day strike reduced 224-game schedule to 126 games.
**Players’ 24-day strike reduced 224-game schedule to 210 games.
***The Week 8 Miami at San Diego game is not included. The game was moved to Arizona due to the San Diego wildfires and
tickets were distributed at no charge.
****The Week 14 N.Y. Giants at Minnesota game is not included. The game was moved to Detroit due to the Minneapolis blizzard.
Original game tickets were cross-honored at Ford Field. Remaining tickets were distributed at no charge.
*****The Week 12 N.Y. Jets at Buffalo game is not included. The game was moved to Detroit due to the Buffalo blizzard.

542 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

All-Time Records.......................................................................................................................................544
Individual ............................................................................................................................................544
Scoring .........................................................................................................................................544
Passing .........................................................................................................................................549
Receiving .....................................................................................................................................553
Yards from Scrimmage...............................................................................................................555
Interceptions By..........................................................................................................................555
Punt Returns ...............................................................................................................................558
Kickoff Returns...........................................................................................................................559
Combined Kick Returns.............................................................................................................561
Fumbles .......................................................................................................................................562
Combined Net Yards..................................................................................................................564
Sacks ............................................................................................................................................564
Team ....................................................................................................................................................565
Games Won .................................................................................................................................565
Games Lost .................................................................................................................................566
Tie Games ...................................................................................................................................566
Scoring .........................................................................................................................................567
First Downs .................................................................................................................................570
Combined Net Yards Rushing and Passing ..............................................................................571
Passing .........................................................................................................................................573
Punt Returns ...............................................................................................................................575
Kickoff Returns...........................................................................................................................576
Fumbles .......................................................................................................................................577
Penalties ......................................................................................................................................579
Outstanding Performers............................................................................................................................584
Yearly Statistical Leaders .........................................................................................................................623
Super Bowl Records ..................................................................................................................................654
Postseason Records ...................................................................................................................................667
Compiled by Elias Sports Bureau. 4 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, 1963-66
The following records reflect all available official information 3 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals, 1947-49
on the National Football League from its formation in 1920 to Paul Hornung, Green Bay, 1959-1961
date. Also included are all applicable records from the American Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2012-14
Football League, 1960-69.
Individuals eligible for Rookie records are players who were in POINTS
their first season of professional football and had not been on the Most Points, Career
roster or practice squad of another professional football team, 2,544 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta,
including teams in other leagues, for any regular-season or post- 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City,
season games in a previous season. Eligible players, therefore, 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07
include those who were under contract to a National Football (849-pat, 565-fg)
League club for a previous season but were terminated prior to 2,434 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia
their club’s first regular-season game and not re-signed, or who 1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota,
were placed on Reserve/Injured (or another category of the 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04 (820-pat,
Reserve List) prior to their club’s first regular-season game and 538-fg)
were not activated during the rest of the regular season or post- 2,253 Adam Vinatieri, New England, 1996-2005;
season. Indianapolis, 2006-2015 (742-pat, 503-fg,
1 2-pt)
186 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2006 (31-td)
SERVICE 176 Paul Hornung, Green Bay, 1960 (15-td, 41-pat,
Most Seasons 15-fg)
26 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1949, 1950-58; 168 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, 2005 (28-td)
Baltimore, 1950; Houston, 1960-66; Oakland, Most Points, No Touchdowns, Season
1967-1975 166 David Akers, San Francisco, 2011 (34-pat, 44-fg)
25 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta, 164 Gary Anderson, Minnesota, 1998 (59-pat, 35-fg)
1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City, 163 Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, 2003 (46-pat, 39-fg)
2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07 Most Seasons, 100 or More Points
23 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia, 18 Adam Vinatieri, New England, 1996-2005;
1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota, Indianapolis, 2006-08, 2010, 2012-15
1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04 16 Jason Elam, Denver, 1993-2007; Atlanta, 2008
John Carney, Tampa Bay, 1988-89; L.A. Rams, 14 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1983-85, 1988,
1990: San Diego, 1990-2000; New Orleans, 1991-94; Philadelphia 1996; San Francisco,
2001-06; Jacksonville, 2007; Kansas City, 1997; Minnesota, 1998-2000; Tennessee, 2003
2007; N.Y. Giants, 2008; New Orleans, 2009- Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1985-89, 1991-94;
2010 Atlanta, 1995, 1997-98; Kansas City, 2002-03
Most Seasons, One Club Most Points, Rookie Season
21 Jason Hanson, Detroit, 1992-2012 150 Cody Parkey, Philadelphia, 2014 (54-pat, 32-fg)
20 Jackie Slater, L.A. Rams, 1976-1994; St. Louis, 1995 144 Kevin Butler, Chicago, 1985 (51-pat, 31-fg)
Darrell Green, Washington, 1983-2002 141 Mason Crosby, Green Bay, 2007 (48-pat, 31-fg)
19 Jim Marshall, Minnesota, 1961-1979 Blair Walsh, Minnesota, 2012 (36-pat, 35-fg)
Bruce Matthews, Houston, 1983-1996; Tennessee, Most Points, Game
1997-2001 40 Ernie Nevers, Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 28,
Most Games Played, Career 1929 (6-td, 4-pat)
382 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta, 36 Dub Jones, Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 25, 1951
1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City, (6-td)
2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07 Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. San Francisco,
353 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1965 (6-td)
1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota, 33 Paul Hornung, Green Bay vs. Baltimore, Oct. 8, 1961
1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04 (4-td, 6-pat, 1-fg)
352 Jeff Feagles, New England, 1988-89; Philadelphia, Most Consecutive Games Scoring
1990-93; Arizona, 1994-97; Seattle, 360 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1983-1994; Atlanta,
1998-2002; N.Y. Giants, 2003-09 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City,
Most Consecutive Games Played, Career 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07
352 Jeff Feagles, New England, 1988-89; Philadelphia, 263 Jason Elam, Denver, 1993-2007; Atlanta, 2008-09
1990-93; Arizona, 1994-97; Seattle, 1998-2002; 186 Jim Breech, Oakland, 1979; Cincinnati, 1980-1992
N.Y. Giants, 2003-09
299 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1992-2007; N.Y. Jets, 2008; TOUCHDOWNS
Minnesota, 2009-2010 Most Seasons Leading League
282 Jim Marshall, Cleveland, 1960; Minnesota, 1961-1979 8 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1935-38, 1941-44
3 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1958-59, 1963
SCORING Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1964-66
Most Seasons Leading League Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1992, 1994-95
5 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1940-44 2 By many players
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, 1961, 1963-66 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
4 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2008, 2012-14 4 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1935-38, 1941-44
3 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth, 1932; 3 Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1964-66
Detroit, 1935-36 2 By many players
Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals, 1947-49 Most Touchdowns, Career
Paul Hornung, Green Bay, 1959-1961 208 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000;
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Oakland, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004 (10-r, 197-p,
5 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1940-44 1-ret)

544 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

175 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 Atlanta, 2006-07
(164-r, 11-p) 827 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia
162 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2001-09; 1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota,
N.Y. Jets, 2010-11 (145-r, 17-p) 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04
Most Touchdowns, Season Most (Kicking) Points After Touchdown Attempted, Season
31 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2006 (28-r, 3-p) 75 Matt Prater, Denver, 2013
28 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, 2005 (27-r, 1-p) 74 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2007
27 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, 2003 (27-r) 70 Uwe von Schamann, Miami, 1984
Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season Most (Kicking) Points After Touchdown Attempted, Game
22 Gale Sayers. Chicago, 1965 (14-r, 6-p) 10 Charlie Gogolak, Washington vs. N.Y. Giants,
20 Eric Dickerson, Rams, 1983 (18-r, 2-p) Nov. 27, 1966
17 Fred Taylor, Jacksonville, 1998 (14-r, 3-p) 9 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants,
Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998 (17-p) Oct. 17, 1948; vs. N.Y. Bulldogs, Nov. 13, 1949
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, 1999 (13-r, 4-p) Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles vs. Baltimore,
Clinton Portis, Denver, 2002 (15-r, 2-p) Oct. 22, 1950
Most Touchdowns, Game Bob Thomas, Chicago vs. Green Bay, Dec. 7, 1980
6 Ernie Nevers, Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, 8 By many players
Nov. 28, 1929 (6-r) Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Career
Dub Jones, Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 25, 1951 943 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1949, 1950-58; Baltimore,
(4-r, 2-p) 1950; Houston, 1960-66; Oakland, 1967-1975
Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. San Francisco, Dec. 12, 1965 849 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994;
(4-r, 1-p, 1-ret) Atlanta, 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001;
5 Jimmy Conzelman, Rock Island vs. Evansville, Kansas City, 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004,
Oct. 15, 1922 (5-r) Atlanta, 2006-07
Bob Shaw, Chi. Cardinals vs. Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1950 820 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia
(5-p) 1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota,
Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Baltimore, Nov. 1, 1959 (5-r) 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04
Abner Haynes, Dall. Texans vs. Oakland, Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Season
Nov. 26, 1961 (4-r, 1-p) 75 Matt Prater, Denver, 2013
Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Dec. 10, 1961 74 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2007
(3-r, 2-p) 68 Mason Crosby, Green Bay, 2011
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 8, 1963 (5-r) Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Game
Paul Hornung, Green Bay vs. Baltimore, 9 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants,
Dec. 12, 1965 (3-r, 2-p) Oct. 17, 1948
Kellen Winslow, San Diego vs. Oakland, Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles vs. Baltimore,
Nov. 22, 1981 (5-p) Oct. 22, 1950
Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1990 Charlie Gogolak, Washington vs. N.Y. Giants,
(5-p) Nov. 27, 1966
James Stewart, Jacksonville vs. Philadelphia, 8 By many players
Oct. 12, 1997 (5-r) Most Consecutive (Kicking) Points After Touchdown
Shaun Alexander, Seattle vs. Minnesota, 463 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2006-2015
Sept. 29, 2002 (4-r, 1-p) (current)
Clinton Portis, Denver vs. Kansas City, Dec. 7, 2003 422 Matt Stover, Baltimore, 1996-2008; Indianapolis,
(5-r) 2009
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City vs. Oakland, 371 Jason Elam, Denver, 1993-2002
Dec. 15, 2013 (4-p, 1-r) Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, 1999-2007
4 By many players. Last time: Highest (Kicking) Points After Touchdown Percentage, Career
Danny Woodhead, San Diego vs. Miami, (200 points after touchdown)
Dec. 20, 2015 (1-r, 3-p) 100.00 Dan Bailey, Dallas, 2011-15 (204-204)
Most Consecutive Games Scoring Touchdowns Nick Folk, Dallas, 2007-09; N.Y. Jets, 2010-14
18 Lenny Moore, Baltimore, 1963-65 (311-311)
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2004-05 99.80 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2006-2014
14 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1975 (502-503)
13 John Riggins, Washington, 1982-83 99.77 Rian Lindell, Seattle, 2000-02; Buffalo, 2003-2012;
George Rogers, Washington, 1985-86 Tampa Bay, 2013 (432-433)
Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986-87 Most (Kicking) Points After Touchdown, No Misses, Season
75 Matt Prater, Denver, 2013
POINTS AFTER TOUCHDOWN 74 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2007
Most Seasons Leading League 66 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2012
8 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1956; Houston, Most (Kicking) Points After Touchdown, No Misses, Game
1961-62; Oakland, 1967-69, 1972, 1974 9 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants,
4 Bob Waterfield, Cleveland, 1945; Los Angeles, 1946, Oct. 17, 1948
1950, 1952 Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles vs. Baltimore,
3 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth, 1932; Detroit, Oct. 22, 1950
1935-36 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears, 1933-35 8 By many players
Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1941-42, 1945 Most Two-Point Conversions, Career
Most (Kicking) Points After Touchdown Attempted, Career Two-point conversions include AFL (1960-69) and NFL (since 1994).
959 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1949, 1950-58; Baltimore, 7 Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis, 1994-98; St. Louis,
1950; Houston, 1960-66; Oakland, 1967-1975 1999-2005
859 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; 6 Terance Mathis, Atlanta, 1994-2001; Pittsburgh, 2002
Atlanta, 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Matt Forté, Chicago, 2008-2015
Kansas City, 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; 5 Cris Carter, Minnesota, 1994-2001; Miami, 2002

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 545

Rob Moore, N.Y. Jets, 1994; Arizona, 1995-99 Fred Cox, Minnesota, 1969-1970
Willie Jackson, Jacksonville, 1995-97; Cincinnati, Mark Moseley, Washington, 1976-77
1998-99; New Orleans, 2000-01; Washington, Chip Lohmiller, Washington, 1991-92
2002 Pete Stoyanovich, Miami, 1991-92
Keenan McCardell, Cleveland, 1994-95; Jacksonville, Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2013-14
1996-2001; Tampa Bay, 2002-03; San Diego, Most Field Goals Attempted, Career
2004-06, Washington, 2007 709 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta,
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 1996-2008 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City,
Marcus Pollard, Indianapolis, 1995-2004; Detroit, 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07
2005-06; Seattle, 2007; Atlanta, 2008 672 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia,
Todd Heap, Baltimore, 2001-2010; Arizona, 2011-12 1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota,
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh, 1998-2011 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, 1999-2005; 641 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1949, 1950-58;
Arizona, 2006-08; Seattle, 2009 Baltimore, 1950; Houston, 1960-66; Oakland,
Matt Forté, Chicago, 2008-2014 1967-1975
Most Two-Point Conversions, Season Most Field Goals Attempted, Season
4 Todd Heap, Baltimore, 2003 52 David Akers, San Francisco, 2011
3 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, 1960 49 Bruce Gossett, Los Angeles, 1966
Richie Lucas, Buffalo, 1961 Curt Knight, Washington, 1971
Ronnie Harmon, San Diego, 1994 48 Chester Marcol, Green Bay, 1972
Haywood Jeffires, Houston, 1994 Most Field Goals Attempted, Game
Tom Tupa, Cleveland, 1994 9 Jim Bakken, St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 24, 1967
Terance Mathis, Atlanta, 1995 8 Lou Michaels, Pittsburgh vs. St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1962
Lamar Smith, Seattle, 1996 Garo Yepremian, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1966
Cris Carter, Minnesota, 1997 Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Nov. 3, 1968
Terrell Davis, Denver, 1997 Billy Cundiff, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 15, 2003 (ot)
James Stewart, Detroit, 2000 Rob Bironas, Tennessee vs. Houston, Oct. 21, 2007
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh, 2002 7 By many players
Brian Finneran, Atlanta, 2005 Most Field Goals, Career
Reggie Bush, New Orleans, 2007 565 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta,
2 By many players 1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City,
Most Two-Point Conversions, Game 2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07
2 Brett Perriman, Detroit vs. Green Bay, Nov. 6, 1994 538 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1982-1994; Philadelphia,
Michael Jackson, Baltimore vs. New England, 1995-96; San Francisco, 1997; Minnesota,
Oct. 6, 1996 1998-2002; Tennessee, 2003-04
Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Atlanta, Sept. 28, 1997 503 Adam Vinatieri, New England, 1996-2005;
Charles Johnson, Pittsburgh vs. Tennessee, Indianapolis, 2006-2015
Nov. 1, 1998 Most Field Goals, Season
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis vs. Atlanta, Oct. 15, 2000 44 David Akers, San Francisco, 2011
Todd Heap, Baltimore vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 19, 2003 40 Neil Rackers, Arizona, 2005
Reggie Bush, New Orleans vs. St. Louis, Nov. 11, 2007 39 Olindo Mare, Miami, 1999
Tarvaris Jackson, Minnesota vs. Denver, Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, 2003
Dec. 30, 2007 (ot) Most Field Goals, Rookie, Season
Mewelde Moore, Pittsburgh vs. New England, 35 Ali Haji-Sheikh, N.Y. Giants, 1983
Nov. 14, 2010 Blair Walsh, Minnesota, 2012
Lance Moore, New Orleans vs. Houston, 34 Richie Cunningham, Dallas, 1997
Sept. 25, 2011 33 Chester Marcol, Green Bay, 1972
Ladarius Green, San Diego vs. Oakland, Most Field Goals, Game
Oct. 25, 2015 8 Rob Bironas, Tennessee vs. Houston, Oct. 21, 2007
7 Jim Bakken, St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 24, 1967
FIELD GOALS Rich Karlis, Minnesota vs. L.A. Rams,
Most Seasons Leading League Nov. 5, 1989 (ot)
5 Lou Groza, Cleveland, 1950, 1952-54, 1957 Chris Boniol, Dallas vs. Green Bay, Nov. 18, 1996
4 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears, 1933-34, 1936-37 Billy Cundiff, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 15, 2003 (ot)
Ward Cuff, N.Y. Giants, 1938-39, 1943; Green Bay, Shayne Graham, Cincinnati vs. Baltimore, Nov. 11, 2007
1947 Cairo Santos, Kansas City vs. Cincinnati,
Mark Moseley, Washington, 1976-77, 1979, 1982 Oct. 4, 2015
3 Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles, 1947, 1949, 1951 6 By many players
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, 1961, 1963-64 Most Field Goals, One Quarter
Fred Cox, Minnesota, 1965, 1969-1970 4 Garo Yepremian, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1966
Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, 1967, 1970, 1975 (second quarter)
Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2008, 2013-14 Curt Knight, Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 15, 1970
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League (second quarter)
3 Lou Groza, Cleveland, 1952-54 Roger Ruzek, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 2, 1987
2 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears, 1933-34 (fourth quarter)
Armand Niccolai, Pittsburgh, 1935-36 Cary Blanchard, Indianapolis vs. Buffalo,
Jack Manders, Chi. Bears, 1936-37 Sept. 21 1997 (second quarter)
Ward Cuff, N.Y. Giants, 1938-39 Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland vs. Chicago,
Clark Hinkle, Green Bay, 1940-41 Oct. 5, 2003 (second quarter)
Cliff Patton, Philadelphia, 1948-49 Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis vs. Baltimore, Nov. 9, 2003
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, 1963-64 (fourth quarter)
Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets, 1968-69 Lawrence Tynes, Kansas City vs. New England,

546 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Nov. 27, 2005 (second quarter) Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland vs. Houston,
Shayne Graham, Cincinnati vs. Baltimore, Oct. 9, 2011
Nov. 11, 2007 (fourth quarter) Josh Scobee, Jacksonville vs. Baltimore,
Dan Carpenter, Buffalo vs. Cleveland, Oct. 24, 2011
Nov. 30, 2014 (fourth quarter) Phil Dawson, Cleveland vs. Baltimore,
3 By many players Sept. 27, 2012
Most Consecutive Games Scoring Field Goals Blair Walsh, Minnesota vs. St. Louis, Dec. 16, 2012
38 Matt Stover, Baltimore, 1999-2001 2 By many players. Last time:
34 David Akers, Philadelphia, 2010; Nick Novak, Houston vs. Jacksonville,
San Francisco, 2011-12; Detroit, 2013 Jan. 3, 2016
31 Fred Cox, Minnesota, 1968-1970 Steven Hauschka, Seattle vs. Arizona, Jan. 3, 2016
Most Consecutive Field Goals
42 Mike Vanderjagt, Indianapolis, 2002-04 SAFETIES
40 Gary Anderson, San Francisco, 1997; Most Safeties, Career
Minnesota, 1998 4 Ted Hendricks, Baltimore, 1969-1973; Green Bay,
36 Matt Stover, Baltimore, 2005-06 1974; Oakland, 1975-1981; L.A. Raiders, 1982-83
Longest Field Goal Doug English, Detroit, 1975-79, 1981-85
64 Matt Prater, Denver vs. Tennessee, Dec. 8, 2013 Jared Allen, Kansas City, 2004-07;
63 Tom Dempsey, New Orleans vs. Detroit, Nov. 8, 1970 Minnesota, 2008-2013; Chicago, 2014;
Jason Elam, Denver vs. Jacksonville, Oct. 25, 1998 Carolina, 2015
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland vs. Denver, 3 Bill McPeak, Pittsburgh, 1949-1957
Sept. 12, 2011 Charlie Krueger, San Francisco, 1959-1973
David Akers, San Francisco vs. Green Bay, Ernie Stautner, Pittsburgh, 1950-1963
Sept. 9, 2012 Jim Katcavage, N.Y. Giants, 1956-1968
62 Matt Bryant, Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia, Roger Brown, Detroit, 1960-66; Los Angeles,
Oct. 22, 2006 1967-69
Highest Field Goal Pct., Career (100 field goals) Bruce Maher, Detroit, 1960-67; N.Y. Giants, 1968-69
90.57 Dan Bailey, Dallas, 2011-15 (144-159) Ron McDole, St. Louis, 1961; Houston, 1962;
87.84 Justin Tucker, Baltimore, 2012-15 (130-148) Buffalo, 1963-1970; Washington, 1971-78
87.34 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, 2006-2015 Alan Page, Minnesota, 1967-1978; Chicago,
(276-316) 1979-1981
Highest Field Goal Pct., Season (Qualifiers) Lyle Alzado, Denver, 1971-78; Cleveland,
100.00 Tony Zendejas, L.A. Rams, 1991 (17-17) 1979-1981; L.A. Raiders, 1982-85
Gary Anderson, Minnesota, 1998 (35-35) Rulon Jones, Denver, 1980-88
Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, 2000 (17-17) Steve McMichael, New England, 1980; Chicago,
Mike Vanderjagt, Indianapolis, 2003 (37-37) 1981-1993; Green Bay, 1994
96.77 Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis, 2014 (30-31) Kevin Greene, L.A. Rams, 1985-1992; Pittsburgh,
96.43 Chris Boniol, Dallas, 1995 (28-27) 1993-95; Carolina, 1996, 1998-99;
Most Field Goals, No Misses, Game San Francisco, 1997
8 Rob Bironas, Tennessee vs. Houston, Oct. 21, 2007 Burt Grossman, San Diego, 1989-1993;
7 Rich Karlis, Minnesota vs. L.A. Rams, Nov. 5, 1989 Philadelphia, 1994
(ot) Eric Swann, Phoenix, 1991-93; Arizona, 1994-99;
Chris Boniol, Dallas vs. Green Bay, Nov. 18, 1996 Carolina, 2000
Shayne Graham, Cincinnati vs. Baltimore, Dan Saleaumua, Detroit, 1987-88; Kansas City,
Nov. 11, 2007 1989-1996; Seattle, 1997-98
Cairo Santos, Kansas City vs. Cincinnati, Derrick Thomas, Kansas City, 1989-1999
Oct. 4, 2015 Bryant Young, San Francisco, 1994-2007
6 By many players Jason Taylor, Miami, 1997-2007; Washington, 2008;
Most Field Goals, 50 or More Yards, Career Miami, 2009; N.Y. Jets, 2010; Miami, 2011
52 Jason Hanson, Detroit, 1992-2012 2 By many players
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, 2000-2015 Most Safeties, Season
42 John Kasay, Seattle, 1991-94; Carolina, 1995-99, 2 Tom Nash, Green Bay, 1932
2001-2010; New Orleans, 2011 Willie Wilkin, Washington, 1942
40 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, 1982-1994; Atlanta, Roger Brown, Detroit, 1962
1995-2000; N.Y. Giants, 2001; Kansas City, Ron McDole, Buffalo, 1964
2002-03; Minnesota, 2004; Atlanta, 2006-07 Alan Page, Minnesota, 1971
Most Field Goals, 50 or More Yards, Season Fred Dryer, Los Angeles, 1973
10 Blair Walsh, Minnesota, 2012 Benny Barnes, Dallas, 1973
8 Morten Andersen, Atlanta, 1995 James Young, Houston, 1977
Jason Hanson, Detroit, 2008 Doug English, Detroit, 1983
7 David Akers, San Francisco, 2011 Don Blackmon, New England, 1985
Phil Dawson, Cleveland, 2011 Tim Harris, Green Bay, 1988
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, 2011 Brian Jordan, Atlanta, 1991
Phil Dawson, Cleveland, 2012 Burt Grossman, San Diego, 1992
Greg Zuerlein, St. Louis, 2012 Rod Stephens, Seattle, 1993
Matt Bryant, Atlanta, 2014 Bryant Young, San Francisco, 1996
Most Field Goals, 50 or More Yards, Game Jared Allen, Minnesota, 2008
3 Morten Andersen, Atlanta vs. New Orleans, Jameel McClain, Baltimore, 2008
Dec. 10, 1995 Junior Galette, New Orleans, 2014
Neil Rackers, Arizona vs. Seattle, Oct. 24, 2004 Most Safeties, Game
Kris Brown, Houston vs. Miami, Oct. 7, 2007 2 Fred Dryer, Los Angeles vs. Green Bay,
Conner Barth, Tampa Bay vs. Miami, Nov. 15, 2009 Oct. 21, 1973

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 547

Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989-1998
RUSHING Curtis Martin, New England, 1995-97; N.Y. Jets,
Most Seasons Leading League 1998-2004
8 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1957-1961, 1963-65 8 Franco Harris, Pittsburgh, 1972, 1974-79, 1983
4 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1945, 1947-49 Tony Dorsett, Dallas, 1977-1981, 1983-85
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1972-73, 1975-76 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, 1989-1996
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983-84, 1986; Jerome Bettis, L.A. Rams, 1993-94; Pittsburgh,
Indianapolis, 1988 1996-2001
Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1991-93, 1995 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2001-08
Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1990, 1994, 1996-97 Steven Jackson, St. Louis, 2005-2012
3 Earl Campbell, Houston, 1978-1980 Frank Gore, San Francisco, 2006-09, 2011-14
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, 2008, 2012, 2015 Most Consecutive Seasons, 1,000 or More Yards Rushing
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 11 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1991-2001
5 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1957-1961 10 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989-1998
3 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1947-49 Curtis Martin, New England, 1995-97; N.Y. Jets,
Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1963-65 1998-2004
Earl Campbell, Houston, 1978-1980 8 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, 1989-1996
Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1991-93 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2001-08
2 By many players Steven Jackson, St. Louis, 2005-2012
Most Yards Gained, Season
ATTEMPTS 2,105 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1984
Most Seasons Leading League 2,097 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, 2012
6 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1958-59, 1961, 1963-65 2,066 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore, 2003
4 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1947-1950 Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season
Walter Payton, Chicago, 1976-79 1,808 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983
3 Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, 1963-64; Denver, 1965 1,674 George Rogers, New Orleans, 1981
Jim Nance, Boston, 1966-67, 1969 1,613 Alfred Morris, Washington, 2012
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1973-75 Most Yards Gained, Game
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983, 1986; 296 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. San Diego,
Indianapolis, 1988 Nov. 4, 2007
Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1991, 1994-95 295 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore vs. Cleveland,
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Sept. 14, 2003
4 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1947-1950 286 Jerome Harrison, Cleveland vs. Kansas City,
Walter Payton, Chicago, 1976-79 Dec. 20, 2009
3 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1963-65 Most Games, 200 or More Yards Rushing, Career
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, 1963-64; Denver, 1965 6 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1969-1977; San Francisco,
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1973-75 1978-79
2 By many players 5 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants, 1997-2006
Most Attempts, Career Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, 2007-2014
4,409 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 4 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1957-1965
3,838 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987 Earl Campbell, Houston, 1978-1984; New Orleans,
3,518 Curtis Martin, New England, 1995-97; 1984-85
N.Y. Jets, 1998-2005 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989-1998
Most Attempts, Season LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2001-09;
416 Larry Johnson, Kansas City, 2006 N.Y. Jets, 2010-11
410 Jamal Anderson, Atlanta, 1998 Most Games, 200 or More Yards Rushing, Season
407 James Wilder, Tampa Bay, 1984 4 Earl Campbell, Houston, 1980
Most Attempts, Rookie, Season 3 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1973
390 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants, 2005
378 George Rogers, New Orleans, 1981 2 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1963
369 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, 1999 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1976
Most Attempts, Game Walter Payton, Chicago, 1977
45 Jamie Morris, Washington vs. Cincinnati, Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1984
Dec. 17, 1988 (ot) Greg Bell, L.A. Rams, 1989
43 Butch Woolfolk, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia, Terrell Davis, Denver, 1997
Nov. 20, 1983 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1997
James Wilder, Tampa Bay vs. Green Bay, Corey Dillon, Cincinnati, 2000
Sept. 30, 1984 (ot) Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, 2000
Rudi Johnson, Cincinnati vs. Houston, Nov. 9, 2003 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2002
42 James Wilder, Tampa Bay vs. Pittsburgh, Ricky Williams, Miami, 2002
Oct. 30, 1983 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore, 2003
Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Buffalo, Oct. 26, 1997 (ot) LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2003
Ricky Williams, Miami vs. Buffalo, Sept. 21, 2003 Larry Johnson, Kansas City, 2005
Willie Parker, Pittsburgh, 2006
YARDS GAINED Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, 2007
Most Yards Gained, Career Michael Turner, Atlanta, 2008
18,355 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, 2012
16,726 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, 2012
15,269 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989-1998 Most Consecutive Games, 200 or More Yards Rushing
Most Seasons, 1,000 or More Yards Rushing 2 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1973, 1976
11 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1991-2001 Earl Campbell, Houston, 1980
10 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1976-1981, 1983-86 Ricky Williams, Miami, 2002

548 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Most Games, 100 or more Yards Rushing, Career Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, 1962-64
78 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04 Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, 1966-68
77 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987 Most Touchdowns, Career
76 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989-1998 164 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04
Most Games, 100 or More Yards Rushing, Season 145 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2001-09;
14 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1997 N.Y. Jets, 2010-11
12 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1984 123 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, 1982-1992; Kansas City,
Barry Foster, Pittsburgh, 1992 1993-97
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta, 1998 Most Rushing Touchdowns, Season
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore, 2003 28 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2006
Chris Johnson, Tennessee, 2009 27 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, 2003
DeMarco Murray, Dallas, 2014 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, 2005
11 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, 1973 25 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1995
Earl Campbell, Houston, 1979 Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season
Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, 1985 18 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1986 15 Ickey Woods, Cincinnati, 1988
Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1995 Mike Anderson, Denver, 2000
Terrell Davis, Denver, 1998 Clinton Portis, Denver, 2002
Shaun Alexander, Seattle, 2005 14 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965
Larry Johnson, Kansas City, 2006 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1989
Most Consecutive Games, 100 or More Yards Rushing Curtis Martin, New England, 1995
14 Barry Sanders, Detroit, 1997 Fred Taylor, Jacksonville, 1998
12 Chris Johnson, Tennessee, 2009-2010 Cam Newton, Carolina, 2011
11 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, 1985-86 Most Touchdowns, Game
Longest Run from Scrimmage 6 Ernie Nevers, Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears,
99 Tony Dorsett, Dallas vs. Minnesota, Jan. 3, 1983 Nov. 28, 1929
(TD) 5 Jimmy Conzelman, Rhode Island vs. Evansville,
98 Ahman Green, Green Bay vs. Denver, Dec. 28, 2003 Oct. 15, 1922
(TD) Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Baltimore, Nov. 1, 1959
97 Andy Uram, Green Bay vs. Chi. Cardinals, Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 8, 1963
Oct. 8, 1939 (TD) James Stewart, Jacksonville vs. Philadelphia,
Bob Gage, Pittsburgh vs. Chi. Bears, Dec. 4, 1949 Oct. 12, 1997
(TD) Clinton Portis, Denver vs. Kansas City, Dec. 7, 2003
Lamar Miller, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 28, 2014 (TD) 4 By many players
Most Consecutive Games Rushing for Touchdowns
AVERAGE GAIN 18 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2004-05
Highest Average Gain, Career (750 attempts) 13 John Riggins, Washington, 1982-83
7.00 Michael Vick, Atlanta, 2001-06; Philadelphia, George Rogers, Washington, 1985-86
2009-2013; N.Y. Jets, 2014; Pittsburgh, 2015 11 Lenny Moore, Baltimore, 1963-64
(873-6,109) Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1994-95
6.36 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia, 1985-1995; Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1995
Minnesota, 1997-99; Dallas, 2000; Baltimore, Priest Holmes, Kansas City, 2002
2001 (775-4,928)
5.47 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, 2008-2015 (1,320- PASSING
7,220) Most Seasons Leading League (Passer Rating)
Highest Average Gain, Season (Qualifiers) 6 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1940, 1943,
8.45 Michael Vick, Atlanta, 2006 (123-1,039) 1945, 1947, 1949
8.44 Beattie Feathers, Chi. Bears, 1934 (119-1,004) Steve Young San Francisco, 1991-94, 1996-97
7.98 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia, 1990 (118-942) 4 Len Dawson, Dall. Texans; 1962; Kansas City, 1964,
Highest Average Gain, Game (10 attempts) 1966, 1968
17.30 Michael Vick, Atlanta vs. Minnesota, Dec. 1, 2002 Roger Staubach, Dallas, 1971, 1973, 1978-79
(10-173) Ken Anderson, Cincinnati, 1974-75, 1981-82
17.09 Marion Motley, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, 3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936
Oct. 29, 1950 (11-188) Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles, 1950, 1952, 1954
16.70 Billy Grimes, Green Bay vs. N.Y. Yanks, Oct. 8, 1950 Bart Starr, Green Bay, 1962, 1964, 1966
(10-167) Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004-06
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League (Passer Rating)
TOUCHDOWNS 4 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1991-94
Most Seasons Leading League 3 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004-06
5 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1957-59, 1963, 1965 2 Cecil Isbell, Green Bay, 1941-42
4 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1945, 1947-49 Milt Plum, Cleveland, 1960-61
3 Abner Haynes, Dall. Texans, 1960-62 Ken Anderson, Cincinnati, 1974-75, 1981-82
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, 1962-64 Roger Staubach, Dallas, 1978-79
Paul Lowe, L.A. Chargers, 1960; San Diego, 1961, Steve Young, San Francisco, 1996-97
1965 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2011-12
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, 1966-68
Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1992, 1994-95 PASSER RATING
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, 2004, 2006-07 Highest Passer Rating, Career (1,500 attempts)
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 104.1 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2005-2015
3 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia, 1947-49 101.8 Russell Wilson, Seattle, 2012-15
Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1957-59 97.1 Tony Romo, Dallas, 2004-2015
Abner Haynes, Dall. Texans, 1960-62

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 549

Highest Passer Rating, Season (Qualifiers) Most Passes Completed, Season
122.5 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2011 468 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011
121.1 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004 456 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2014
119.2 Nick Foles, Philadelphia, 2013 450 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2010
Highest Passer Rating, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers) Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013
102.4 Robert Griffin III, Washington, 2012 Most Passes Completed, Rookie, Season
100.0 Russell Wilson, Seattle, 2012 354 Sam Bradford, St. Louis, 2010
98.1 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh, 2004 348 Derek Carr, Oakland, 2014
339 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis, 2012
ATTEMPTS Most Passes Completed, Game
Most Seasons Leading League 45 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Minnesota,
5 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1997 Nov. 13, 1994 (ot)
4 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1943, 1947-48 43 Rich Gannon, Oakland vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 2002
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957, 1959-1961 Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Jacksonville,
George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1953; Houston, 1963-65 Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Green Bay, Oct. 18,
Sonny Jurgensen, Washington, 1966-67, 1969 2015
Drew Bledsoe, New England, 1994-96 42 Richard Todd, N.Y. Jets vs. San Francisco,
Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1999, 2005-06 Sept. 21, 1980
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998, 2010; Vinny Testaverde, N.Y. Jets vs. Seattle, Dec. 6, 1998
Denver, 2013 Most Consecutive Passes Completed
Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2007-08, 2014 25 Ryan Tannehill, Miami vs. Tennessee (7), Oct. 18,
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 2015; vs. Houston (18), Oct. 25, 2015
3 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1959-1961 24 Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants (10),
George Blanda, Houston, 1963-65 Nov. 28, 2004; vs. Green Bay (14),
Drew Bledsoe, New England, 1994-96 Dec. 5, 2004
2 By many players 23 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Detroit (6),
Most Passes Attempted, Career Dec. 14, 2008; vs. Jacksonville (17),
10,169 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; Dec. 18, 2008
N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010
9,380 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, COMPLETION PERCENTAGE
2012-15 Most Seasons Leading League
8,358 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999 8 Len Dawson, Dall. Texans, 1962; Kansas City,
Most Passes Attempted, Season 1964-69, 1975
727 Matthew Stafford, Detroit, 2012 7 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1940, 1942-43, 1945,
691 Drew Bledsoe, New England, 1994 1947-49
679 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2010 5 Joe Montana, San Francisco, 1980-81, 1985, 1987,
Most Passes Attempted, Rookie, Season 1989
627 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis, 2012 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1992, 1994-97
599 Derek Carr, Oakland, 2014 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
590 Sam Bradford, St. Louis, 2010 6 Len Dawson, Kansas City, 1964-69
Most Passes Attempted, Game 4 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1994-97
70 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 3 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1947-49
1994 Otto Graham, Cleveland, 1953-55
69 Vinny Testaverde, N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, Dec. 24, Milt Plum, Cleveland, 1959-1961
2000 Kurt Warner, St. Louis, 1999-2001
68 George Blanda, Houston vs. Buffalo, Nov. 1, 1964 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2009-2011
Jon Kitna, Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 30, 2001 Highest Completion Percentage, Career (1,500 attempts)
66.36 Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans,
COMPLETIONS 2006-2015 (8,085-5,365)
Most Seasons Leading League 66.05 Chad Pennington, N.Y. Jets, 2000-07; Miami,
6 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86, 1988, 1992, 1997 2008-2010 (2,471-1,632)
5 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1943, 1945, 65.78 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2005-2014
1947-48 (3,475-2,286)
4 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1953; Houston, 1963-65 Highest Completion Percentage, Season (Qualifiers)
Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia, 1961; Washington, 71.23 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011 (657-468)
1966-67, 1969 70.62 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2009 (514-363)
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2000, 2003, 2010; 70.55 Ken Anderson, Cincinnati, 1982 (309-218)
Denver, 2013 Highest Completion Percentage, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers)
Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2007-08, 2011, 2014 66.44 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh, 2004 (295-196)
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 65.65 Robert Griffin III, Washington, 2012 (393-258)
3 George Blanda, Houston, 1963-65 64.43 Teddy Bridgewater, Minnesota, 2014 (402-259)
Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86 Highest Completion Percentage, Game (20 attempts)
2 By many players 92.31 Kurt Warner, Arizona vs. Jacksonville, Sept. 20,
Most Passes Completed, Career 2009 (26-24)
6,300 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; 91.30 Vinny Testaverde, Cleveland vs. L.A. Rams, Dec. 26,
N.Y. Jets, 2008, Minnesota, 2009-2010 1993 (23-21)
6,125 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, 90.91 Ken Anderson, Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 10,
2012-15 1974 (22-20))
5,365 Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans,

550 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Philip Rivers, San Diego, 2013
YARDS GAINED Most Games, 300 or More Yards Passing, Career
Most Seasons Leading League 96 Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans,
6 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2006, 2008, 2011-12, 2006-2015
2014-15 93 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver,
5 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia, 1961-62; 2012-15
Washington, 1966-67, 1969 71 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015
Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86, 1988, 1992 Most Games, 300 or More Yards Passing, Season
4 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1940, 1947-48 13 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957, 1959-1960, 1963 12 Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013
Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1979-1982 11 Tom Brady, New England, 2011
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2013
4 Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1979-1982 Most Consecutive Games, 300 or More Yards Passing
3 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86 9 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011-12
2 By many players Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2013
Most Yards Gained, Career 8 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis, 2014
71,940 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, 7 Peyton Manning, Denver, 2012-13
2012-15 Longest Pass Completion (All TDs except as noted)
71,838 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; 99 Frank Filchock (to Farkas), Washington vs.
N.Y. Jets, 2008, Minnesota, 2009-2010 Pittsburgh, Oct. 15, 1939
61,361 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999 George Izo (to Mitchell), Washington vs. Cleveland,
Most Seasons, 3,000 or More Yards Passing Sept. 15, 1963
18 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1992-2007; N.Y. Jets, 2008; Karl Sweetan (to Studstill), Detroit vs. Baltimore,
Minnesota, 2009 Oct. 16, 1966
16 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Sonny Jurgensen (to Allen), Washington vs.
Denver, 2012-14 Chicago, Sept. 15, 1968
13 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-1992, 1994-95, 1997-98 Jim Plunkett (to Branch), L.A. Raiders vs.
Most Yards Gained, Season Washington, Oct. 2, 1983
5,477 Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013 Ron Jaworski (to Quick), Philadelphia vs. Atlanta,
5,476 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011 Nov. 10, 1985
5,235 Tom Brady, New England, 2011 Stan Humphries (to Martin), San Diego vs. Seattle,
Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season Sept. 18, 1994
4,374 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis, 2012 Brett Favre (to Brooks), Green Bay vs. Chicago,
4,051 Cam Newton, Carolina, 2011 Sept. 11, 1995
4,042 Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay, 2015 Trent Green (to Boerigter), Kansas City vs.
Most Yards Gained, Game San Diego, Dec. 22, 2002
554 Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Yanks, Jeff Garcia (to Davis), Cleveland vs. Cincinnati,
Sept. 28, 1951 Oct. 17, 2004
527 Warren Moon, Houston vs. Kansas City, Gus Frerotte (to Berrian), Minnesota vs. Chicago,
Dec. 16, 1990 Nov. 30, 2008
Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Jacksonville, Tom Brady (to Welker), New England vs. Miami,
Nov. 18, 2012 (ot) Sept. 12, 2011
522 Boomer Esiason, Arizona vs. Washington, Eli Manning (to Cruz), N.Y. Giants vs. N.Y. Jets,
Nov. 10, 1996 (ot) Dec. 24, 2011
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis, 98 Doug Russell (to Tinsley), Chi. Cardinals vs.
Oct. 26, 2014 Cleveland, Nov. 27, 1938
Most Games, 400 or More Yards Passing, Career Ogden Compton (to Lane), Chi. Cardinals vs.
14 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, Green Bay, Nov. 13, 1955
2012-2015 Bill Wade (to Farrington), Chicago Bears vs. Detroit,
13 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999 Oct. 8, 1961
Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans, Jacky Lee (to Dewveall), Houston vs. San Diego,
2006-2015 Nov. 25, 1962
8 Carson Palmer, Cincinnati, 2004-2010; Oakland, Earl Morrall (to Jones), N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh,
2011-12; Arizona, 2013-15 Sept. 11, 1966
Philip Rivers, San Diego, 2004-2015 Jim Hart (to Rashad), St. Louis vs. Los Angeles,
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh, 2004-2015 Dec. 10, 1972 (no TD)
Most Games, 400 or More Yards Passing, Season Bobby Hebert (to Haynes), Atlanta vs. New Orleans,
4 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984 Sept. 12, 1993
Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013 Charlie Batch (to Morton), Detroit vs. Chicago,
3 Dan Marino, Miami, 1986 Oct. 4, 1998
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants, 2011 Ryan Fitzpatrick (to Owens), Buffalo vs. Jacksonville,
Tony Romo, Dallas, 2012 Nov. 22, 2009
Philip Rivers, San Diego, 2013 97 Pat Coffee (to Tinsley), Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears,
2 By many players Dec. 5, 1937
Most Consecutive Games, 400 or More Yards Passing Bobby Layne (to Box), Detroit vs. Green Bay,
2 Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1982 Nov. 26, 1953
Dan Marino, Miami, 1984 George Shaw (to Tarr), Denver vs. Boston,
Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants, 1985 Sept. 21, 1962
Billy Volek, Tennessee, 2004 Bernie Kosar (to Slaughter), Cleveland vs. Chicago,
Matt Cassel, New England, 2008 Oct. 23, 1989
Tom Brady, New England, 2011 Steve Young (to Taylor), San Francisco vs. Atlanta,
Cam Newton, Carolina, 2011

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 551

Nov. 3, 1991 50 Tom Brady, New England, 2007
49 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
AVERAGE GAIN Most Touchdown Passes, Rookie, Season
Most Seasons Leading League 26 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998
7 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1939-1943, 1946-47 Russell Wilson, Seattle, 2012
5 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1991-94, 1997 23 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis, 2012
3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936 22 Charlie Conerly, N.Y. Giants, 1948
Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles, 1950, 1952, 1954 Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay, 2015
Len Dawson, Dall. Texans, 1962; Kansas City, 1966, Most Touchdown Passes, Game
1968 7 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears vs. N.Y. Giants,
Bart Starr, Green Bay, 1966-68 Nov. 14, 1943
Kurt Warner, St. Louis, 1999-2001 Adrian Burk, Philadelphia vs. Washington,
Philip Rivers, San Diego, 2008-2010 Oct. 17, 1954
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League George Blanda, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans,
5 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1939-1943 Nov. 19, 1961
4 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1991-94 Y.A. Tittle, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Oct. 28, 1962
3 Bart Starr, Green Bay, 1966-68 Joe Kapp, Minnesota vs. Baltimore, Sept. 28, 1969
Kurt Warner, St. Louis, 1999-2001 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Baltimore,
Philip Rivers, San Diego, 2008-2010 Sept. 5, 2013
Highest Average Gain, Career (1,500 Attempts) Nick Foles, Philadelphia vs. Oakland, Nov. 3, 2013
8.63 Otto Graham, Cleveland, 1950-55 (1,565-13,499) Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants,
8.42 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1939-1950 (1,744-14,686) Nov. 1, 2015
8.16 Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles, 1949-1957; 6 By many players. Last time:
Philadelphia, 1958-1960 (2,895-23,611) Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. New Orleans,
Highest Average Gain, Season (Qualifiers) Nov. 1, 2015
11.17 Tommy O’Connell, Cleveland, 1957 (110-1,229) Most Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes, Career
10.86 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1943 (202-2,194) 35 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010;
10.55 Otto Graham, Cleveland, 1953 (258-2,722) Denver, 2012-15
Highest Average Gain, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers) 27 Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans,
9.411 Greg Cook, Cincinnati, 1969 (197-1,854) 2006-2015
9.409 Bob Waterfield, Cleveland, 1945 (171-1,609) 24 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015
8.88 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh, 2004 (295-2,621) Most Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes, Season
Highest Average Gain, Game (20 attempts) 9 Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013
18.58 Sammy Baugh, Washington vs. Boston, 6 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984
Oct. 31, 1948 (24-446) Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
18.50 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore vs. Atlanta, Nov. 12, 1967 5 Dan Marino, Miami, 1986
(20-370) Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1996
17.71 Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, Sept. 24, 1972 Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia, 2004
(28-496) Tom Brady, New England, 2007
Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2011
TOUCHDOWNS Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2011
Most Seasons Leading League Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2013
4 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957-1960 Most Consecutive Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes
Len Dawson, Dall. Texans, 1962; Kansas City, 1963, 5 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
1965-66 4 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984
Steve Young, San Francisco, 1992-94, 1998 3 Drew Brees, 2011
Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1995-97, 2003 Most Consecutive Games, Touchdown Passes
Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2008-09, 2011-12 54 Drew Brees, New Orleans, 2009-2012
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2000, 2004, 2006; 52 Tom Brady, New England, 2010-13
Denver, 2013 51 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis-Denver, 2010-14
Tom Brady, New England, 2002, 2007, 2010, 2015
3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936 HAD INTERCEPTED
Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1943, 1945-46 Most Consecutive Passes Attempted, None Intercepted
Y.A. Tittle, San Francisco, 1955; N.Y. Giants, 1962-63 358 Tom Brady, New England, 2010-11
Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86 312 Alex Smith, Kansas City, 2015
2 By many players 308 Bernie Kosar, Cleveland, 1990-91
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Most Passes Had Intercepted, Career
4 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957-1960 336 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007;
3 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86 N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010
Steve Young, San Francisco, 1992-94 277 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1949, 1950-58; Baltimore,
Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1995-97 1950; Houston, 1960-66; Oakland, 1967-1975
2 By many players 268 John Hadl, San Diego, 1962-1972; Los Angeles,
Most Touchdown Passes, Career 1973-74; Green Bay, 1974-75; Houston, 1976-77
539 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2010; Denver, Most Passes Had Intercepted, Season
2012-15 42 George Blanda, Houston, 1962
508 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; 35 Vinny Testaverde, Tampa Bay, 1988
N.Y. Jets, 2008, Minnesota, 2009-2010 34 Frank Tripucka, Denver, 1960
428 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015 Most Passes Had Intercepted, Game
Drew Brees, San Diego, 2001-05; New Orleans, 8 Jim Hardy, Chi. Cardinals vs. Philadelphia,
2006-2015 Sept. 24, 1950
Most Touchdown Passes, Season 7 Parker Hall, Cleveland vs. Green Bay, Nov. 8, 1942
55 Peyton Manning, Denver, 2013 Frank Sinkwich, Detroit vs. Green Bay, Oct. 24, 1943

552 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles vs. Green Bay, Paul McDonald, Cleveland vs. Kansas City,
Oct. 17, 1948 Sept. 30, 1984
Zeke Bratkowski, Chicago vs. Baltimore, Archie Manning, Minnesota vs. Chicago,
Oct. 2, 1960 Oct. 28, 1984
Tommy Wade, Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, Steve Pelluer, Dallas vs. San Diego, Nov. 16, 1986
Dec. 12, 1965 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. L.A. Raiders,
Ken Stabler, Oakland vs. Denver, Oct. 16, 1977 Nov. 30, 1986 (ot)
Steve DeBerg, Tampa Bay vs. San Francisco, David Norrie, N.Y. Jets vs. Dallas, Oct. 4, 1987
Sept. 7, 1986 Troy Aikman, Dallas vs. Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1991
Ty Detmer, Detroit vs. Cleveland, Sept. 23, 2001 Bernie Kosar, Cleveland vs. Indianapolis,
6 By many players Sept. 6, 1992
Most Attempts, No Interceptions, Game Greg McElroy, N.Y. Jets vs. San Diego,
70 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Minnesota, Dec. 23, 2012
Nov. 13, 1994 (ot) 10 By many players
65 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Green Bay,
Oct. 18, 2015 RECEIVING
63 Rich Gannon, Minnesota vs. New England, Most Seasons Leading League
Oct. 20, 1991 (ot) 8 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1936-37, 1939, 1941-45
5 Lionel Taylor, Denver, 1960-63, 1965
Most Seasons Leading League, Lowest Percentage, Passes Pete Pihos, Philadelphia, 1953-55
Had Intercepted Billy Wilson, San Francisco, 1954, 1956-57
5 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1940, 1942, 1944-45, Raymond Berry, Baltimore, 1958-1960
1947 Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1966, 1968-69
3 Charlie Conerly, N.Y. Giants, 1950, 1956, 1959 Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay, 1989, 1992-93
Bart Starr, Green Bay, 1962, 1964, 1966 Wes Welker, New England, 2007, 2009, 2011
Roger Staubach, Dallas, 1971, 1977, 1979 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
Ken Anderson, Cincinnati, 1972, 1981-82 5 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1941-45
Ken O’Brien, N.Y. Jets, 1985, 1987-88 4 Lionel Taylor, Denver, 1960-63
Tom Brady, New England, 2010, 2012, 2015 3 Tom Fears, Los Angeles, 1948-1950
2 By many players Pete Pihos, Philadelphia, 1953-55
Lowest Pct., Passes Had Intercepted, Career (1,500 Raymond Berry, Baltimore, 1958-1960
attempts) Most Pass Receptions, Career
1.61 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, 2005-2015 (4,047-65) 1,549 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland,
1.93 Tom Brady, New England, 2000-2015 (7,792-150) 2001-04; Seattle, 2004
1.96 Russell Wilson, Seattle, 2012-15 (1,735-34) 1,325 Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City, 1997-2008; Atlanta,
Lowest Pct., Passes Had Intercepted, Season (Qualifiers) 2009-2013
0.41 Damon Huard, Kansas City, 2006 (244-1) 1,102 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 1996-2008
0.45 Josh McCown, Chicago, 2013 (224-1) Most Seasons, 50 or More Pass Receptions
0.63 Nick Foles, Philadelphia, 2013 (317-2) 17 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986-1996, 1998-2000;
Lowest Pct., Passes Had Intercepted, Rookie, Season Oakland, 2001-03
(Qualifiers) 16 Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City, 1998-2008; Atlanta,
1.27 Robert Griffin III, Washington, 2012 (393-5) 2009-2013
1.89 Nick Foles, Philadelphia, 2012 (265-5) 13 Andre Reed, Buffalo, 1986-1994, 1996-99
1.98 Charlie Batch, Detroit, 1998 (303-6) Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1997-2003;
Philadelphia, 2004; Dallas, 2006-08;
TIMES SACKED Buffalo, 2009; Cincinnati, 2010
Times Sacked has been compiled since 1963. Anquan Boldin, Arizona, 2003-09; Baltimore,
Most Times Sacked, Career 2010-12; San Francisco, 2013-15
525 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; Most Pass Receptions, Season
N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010 143 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 2002
516 John Elway, Denver, 1983-1998 136 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh, 2015
494 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1980-1991; Kansas City, Julio Jones, Atlanta, 2015
1992-93; Detroit, 1994; Arizona, 1995; 129 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh, 2014
Chicago, 1996; Tennessee, 1997-98 Most Pass Receptions, Rookie, Season
Most Times Sacked, Season 101 Anquan Boldin, Arizona, 2003
76 David Carr, Houston, 2002 91 Eddie Royal, Denver, 2008
72 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia, 1986 Odell Beckham Jr., N.Y. Giants, 2014
68 David Carr, Houston, 2005 90 Terry Glenn, New England, 1996
Most Times Sacked, Game Most Pass Receptions, Game
12 Bert Jones, Baltimore vs. St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1980 21 Brandon Marshall, Denver vs. Indianapolis,
Warren Moon, Houston vs. Dallas, Sept. 29, 1985 Dec. 13, 2009
Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants, 20 Terrell Owens, San Francisco vs. Chicago,
Sept. 30, 2007 Dec. 17, 2000
11 Charley Johnson, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, 18 Tom Fears, Los Angeles vs. Green Bay, Dec. 3, 1950
Nov. 1, 1964 Brandon Marshall, Denver vs. San Diego,
Bart Starr, Green Bay vs. Detroit, Nov. 7, 1965 Sept. 14, 2008
Jack Kemp, Buffalo vs. Oakland, Oct. 15, 1967 Jason Witten, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 28, 2012
Bob Berry, Atlanta vs. St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1968 Most Consecutive Games, Pass Receptions
Greg Landry, Detroit vs. Dallas, Oct. 6, 1975 274 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland,
Ron Jaworski, Philadelphia vs. St. Louis, 2001-04
Dec. 18, 1983

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 553

211 Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City, 2000-08; Atlanta, Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets, 1968
2009-2013 Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2011
190 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 1996-2008 Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2012
Josh Gordon, Cleveland, 2013
YARDS GAINED Alshon Jeffery, Chicago, 2013
Most Seasons Leading League Most Games, 100 or More Yards Pass Receiving, Career
7 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1936, 1938-39, 1941-44 76 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland,
6 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986, 1989-1990, 2001-04; Seattle, 2004
1993-95 64 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998-2004, 2010;
3 Raymond Berry, Baltimore, 1957, 1959-1960 Oakland, 2005-06; New England, 2007-2010;
Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1965-66, 1968 Tennessee, 2010; San Francisco, 2012
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 59 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 1996-2008
4 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1941-44 Most Games, 100 or More Yards Pass Receiving, Season
3 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1993-95 11 Michael Irvin, Dallas, 1995
2 By many players Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2012
Most Yards Gained, Career 10 Charley Hennigan, Houston, 1961
22,895 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland, Herman Moore, Detroit, 1995
2001-04; Seattle, 2004 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 2002
15,934 Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; Torry Holt, St. Louis, 2003
Philadelphia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08; Demaryius Thomas, Denver, 2014
Buffalo, 2009; Cincinnati, 2010 Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets, 2015
15,292 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998-2004, 2010; 9 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Los Angeles, 1951
Oakland, 2005-06; New England, 2007-2010; Bill Groman, Houston, 1960
Tennessee, 2010; San Francisco, 2012 Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1965
Most Seasons, 1,000 or More Yards, Pass Receiving Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets, 1967
14 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986-1996, 1998; Stanley Morgan, New England, 1986
Oakland, 2001-02 Mark Carrier, Tampa Bay, 1989
10 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998-2003; Oakland, Robert Brooks, Green Bay, 1995
2005; New England, 2007-09 Isaac Bruce, St. Louis, 1995
9 Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders, 1993-94; Oakland, Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1995
1995-2001 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis, 1999
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville, 1996-2002, 2004-05 Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville, 1999
Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1998, 2000-03; David Boston, Arizona, 2001
Philadelphia, 2004; Dallas, 2006-08 Steve Smith, Carolina, 2005
Most Yards Gained, Season Randy Moss, New England, 2007
1,964 Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2012 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh, 2015
1,871 Julio Jones, Atlanta, 2015 Julio Jones, Atlanta, 2015
1,848 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1995 Most Consecutive Games, 100 or More Yards Pass Receiving
Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season 8 Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2012
1,473 Bill Groman, Houston, 1960 7 Charley Hennigan, Houston, 1961
1,377 Anquan Boldin, Arizona, 2003 Michael Irvin, Dallas, 1995
1,313 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998 Demaryius Thomas, Denver, 2014
Most Yards Gained, Game 6 Raymond Berry, Baltimore, 1960
336 Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans, Bill Groman, Houston, 1961
Nov. 26, 1989 Pat Studstill, Detroit, 1966
329 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Dallas, Oct. 27, 2013 Isaac Bruce, St. Louis, 1995
309 Stephone Paige, Kansas City vs. San Diego, Mike Wallace, Pittsburgh, 2010-11
Dec. 22, 1985 Odell Beckham Jr., N.Y. Giants, 2015
Most Games, 200 or More Yards Pass Receiving, Career Longest Pass Reception (All TDs except as noted)
5 Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1962-1970; Dallas, 99 Andy Farkas (from Filchock), Washington vs.
1971-72 Pittsburgh, Oct. 15, 1939
Calvin Johnson, Detroit, 2007-2015 Bobby Mitchell (from Izo), Washington vs. Cleveland,
4 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1935-45 Sept. 15, 1963
Charley Hennigan, Houston, 1960-66 Pat Studstill (from Sweetan), Detroit vs. Baltimore,
Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland, Oct. 16, 1966
2001-04; Seattle, 2004 Gerry Allen (from Jurgensen), Washington vs.
3 Don Maynard, N.Y. Giants, 1958; N.Y. Jets, Chicago, Sept. 15, 1968
1960-1972; St. Louis, 1973 Cliff Branch (from Plunkett), L.A. Raiders vs.
Wes Chandler, New Orleans, 1978-1981; San Diego, Washington, Oct. 2, 1983
1981-87; San Francisco, 1988 Mike Quick (from Jaworski), Philadelphia vs. Atlanta,
Isaac Bruce, L.A. Rams, 1994; St. Louis, 1995-2007; Nov. 10, 1985
San Francisco, 2008 Tony Martin (from Humphries), San Diego vs.
Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; Seattle, Sept. 18, 1994
Philadelphia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08; Buffalo, Robert Brooks (from Favre), Green Bay vs. Chicago,
2009; Cincinnati, 2010 Sept. 11, 1995
Andre Johnson, Houston, 2003-2014; Indianapolis, Marc Boerigter (from Green), Kansas City vs.
2015 San Diego, Dec. 22, 2002
Most Games, 200 or More Yards Pass Receiving, Season Andre Davis (from Garcia), Cleveland vs. Cincinnati,
3 Charley Hennigan, Houston, 1961 Oct. 17, 2004
2 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1942 Bernard Berrian (from Frerotte), Minnesota vs.
Gene Roberts, N.Y. Giants, 1949 Chicago, Nov. 30, 2008
Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1963 Wes Welker (from Brady), New England vs. Miami,

554 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Sept. 12, 2011 153 Terrell Owens, San Francisco, 1996-2003; Philadel-
Victor Cruz (from Manning), N.Y. Giants vs. N.Y. Jets, phia, 2004-05; Dallas, 2006-08; Buffalo, 2009;
Dec. 24, 2011 Cincinnati, 2010
98 Gaynell Tinsley (from Russell), Chi. Cardinals vs. Most Touchdowns, Season
Cleveland, Nov. 17, 1938 23 Randy Moss, New England, 2007
Dick (Night Train) Lane (from Compton), 22 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1987
Chi. Cardinals vs. Green Bay, Nov. 13, 1955 18 Mark Clayton, Miami, 1984
John Farrington (from Wade), Chicago vs. Detroit, Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay, 1994
Oct. 8, 1961 Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season
Willard Dewveall (from Lee), Houston vs. San Diego, 17 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998
Nov. 25, 1962 13 Bill Howton, Green Bay, 1952
Homer Jones (from Morrall), N.Y. Giants vs. John Jefferson, San Diego, 1978
Pittsburgh, Sept. 11, 1966 12 Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears, 1954
Ahmad Rashad (from Hart), St. Louis vs. Los Angeles, Bill Groman, Houston, 1960
Dec. 10, 1972 (no TD) Mike Ditka, Chicago, 1961
Michael Haynes (from Hebert), Atlanta vs. Bob Hayes, Dallas, 1965
New Orleans, Sept. 12, 1993 Odell Beckham Jr., N.Y. Giants, 2014
Johnnie Morton (from Batch), Detroit vs. Chicago, Mike Evans, Tampa Bay, 2014
Oct. 4, 1998 Most Touchdowns, Game
Terrell Owens (from Fitzpatrick), Buffalo vs. 5 Bob Shaw, Chi. Cardinals vs. Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1950
Jacksonville, Nov. 22, 2009 Kellen Winslow, San Diego vs. Oakland, Nov. 22, 1981
97 Gaynell Tinsley (from Coffee), Chi. Cardinals vs. Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1990
Chi. Bears, Dec. 5, 1937 4 By many players. Last time:
Cloyce Box (from Layne), Detroit vs. Green Bay, Jamaal Charles, Kansas City vs. Oakland,
Nov. 26, 1953 Dec. 15, 2013
Jerry Tarr (from Shaw), Denver vs. Boston, Most Consecutive Games, Touchdowns
Sept. 21, 1962 13 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986-87
Webster Slaughter (from Kosar), Cleveland vs. 11 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Los Angeles, 1950-51
Chicago, Oct. 23, 1989 Buddy Dial, Pittsburgh, 1959-1960
John Taylor (from Young), San Francisco vs. Atlanta, 10 Carl Pickens, Cincinnati, 1994-95
Nov. 3, 1991 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 2003-04


Highest Avg. Gain, Career (200 receptions) Most Scrimmage Yards, Career
22.26 Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants, 1964-69; Cleveland, 1970 23,540 Jerry Rice, San Francisco 1985-2000; Oakland,
(224-4,986) 2001-04; Seattle, 2004
20.83 Buddy Dial, Pittsburgh, 1959-1963; Dallas, 1964-66 21,579 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04
(261-5,436) 21,264 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987
20.24 Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears, 1954-1961; Pittsburgh, Most Scrimmage Yards, Season
1962; Detroit, 1962 (233-4,717) 2,509 Chris Johnson, Tennessee, 2009
Highest Avg. Gain, Season (24 receptions) 2,429 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, 1999
32.58 Don Currivan, Boston, 1947 (24-782) 2,390 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants, 2005
31.44 Bucky Pope, Los Angeles, 1964 (25-786) Most Scrimmage Yards, Rookie, Season
28.60 Bobby Duckworth, San Diego, 1984 (25-715) 2,212 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983
Highest Average Gain, Game (3 receptions) 2,139 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, 1999
63.00 Torry Holt, St. Louis vs. Atlanta, Sept. 24, 2000 1,926 Doug Martin, Tampa Bay, 2012
(3-189) Most Scrimmage Yards, Game
60.67 Bill Groman, Houston vs. Denver, Nov. 20, 1960 336 Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans,
(3-182) Nov. 26, 1989 (ot)
Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Dec. 12, 330 Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Dec. 10, 1961
1965 (3-182) 329 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Dallas, Oct. 27, 2013
60.33 Don Currivan, Boston vs. Washington, Nov. 30,
Most Seasons Leading League
TOUCHDOWNS 3 Everson Walls, Dallas, 1981-82, 1985
Most Seasons Leading League Ed Reed, Baltimore, 2004, 2008, 2010
9 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1935-38, 1940-44 2 Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952;
6 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1986-87, 1989-1991, Chi. Cardinals, 1954
1993 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1953, 1957
5 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998, 2000, 2003; Milt Davis, Baltimore, 1957, 1959
New England, 2007, 2009 Dick Lynch, N.Y. Giants, 1961, 1963
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Johnny Robinson, Kansas City, 1966, 1970
5 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1940-44 Bill Bradley, Philadelphia, 1971-72
4 Don Hutson, Green Bay, 1935-38 Emmitt Thomas, Kansas City, 1969, 1974
3 Lance Alworth, San Diego, 1964-66 Ronnie Lott, San Francisco, 1986; L.A. Raiders, 1991
Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1989-1991 Rod Woodson, Baltimore, 1999; Oakland, 2002
Most Touchdowns, Career Ty Law, New England, 1998; N.Y. Jets, 2005
197 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland, Darren Sharper, Green Bay, 2000; New Orleans, 2009
2001-04; Seattle, 2004 Asante Samuel, New England, 2006;
156 Randy Moss, Minnesota, 1998-2004, 2010; Philadelphia, 2009
Oakland, 2005-06; New England, 2007-2010; Charles Woodson, Green Bay, 2009, 2011
Tennessee, 2010; San Francisco, 2012

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 555

Most Interceptions By, Career Most Yards Gained, Season
81 Paul Krause, Washington, 1964-67; Minnesota, 376 Darren Sharper, New Orleans, 2009
1968-1979 358 Ed Reed, Baltimore, 2004
79 Emlen Tunnell, N.Y. Giants, 1948-1958; Green Bay, 349 Charlie McNeil, San Diego, 1961
1959-1961 Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season
71 Rod Woodson, Pittsburgh, 1987-1996; San Francisco, 301 Don Doll, Detroit, 1949
1997; Baltimore, 1998-2001; Oakland, 2002-03 298 Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952
Most Interceptions By, Season 280 Marcus Peters, Kansas City, 2015
14 Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952 Most Yards Gained, Game
13 Dan Sandifer, Washington, 1948 177 Charlie McNeil, San Diego vs. Houston,
Orban (Spec) Sanders, N.Y. Yanks, 1950 Sept. 24, 1961
Lester Hayes, Oakland, 1980 170 Louis Oliver, Miami vs. Buffalo, Oct. 4, 1992
12 By nine players 167 Dick Jauron, Detroit vs. Chicago, Nov. 18, 1973
Most Interceptions By, Rookie, Season Longest Return (All TDs)
14 Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952 107 Ed Reed, Baltimore vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 2008
13 Dan Sandifer, Washington, 1948 106 Ed Reed, Baltimore vs. Cleveland, Nov. 7, 2004
12 Woodley Lewis, Los Angeles, 1950 103 Vencie Glenn, San Diego vs. Denver, Nov. 29, 1987
Paul Krause, Washington, 1964 Louis Oliver, Miami vs. Buffalo, Oct. 4, 1992
Most Interceptions By, Game
4 Sammy Baugh, Washington vs. Detroit, Nov. 14, 1943 TOUCHDOWNS
Dan Sandifer, Washington vs. Boston, Oct. 31, 1948 Most Touchdowns, Career
Don Doll, Detroit vs. Chi. Cardinals, Oct. 23, 1949 12 Rod Woodson, Pittsburgh, 1987-1996; San Francisco,
Bob Nussbaumer, Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Bulldogs, 1997; Baltimore, 1998-2001; Oakland, 2002-03
Nov. 13, 1949 11 Darren Sharper, Green Bay, 1997-2004;
Russ Craft, Philadelphia vs. Chi. Cardinals, Minnesota, 2005-08; New Orleans, 2009-2010
Sept. 24, 1950 Charles Woodson, Oakland, 1998-2005; Green Bay,
Bobby Dillon, Green Bay vs. Detroit, Nov. 26, 1953 2006-2012; Oakland, 2013-15
Jack Butler, Pittsburgh vs. Washington, Dec. 13, 1953 9 Ken Houston, Houston, 1967-1972; Washington,
Austin (Goose) Gonsoulin, Denver vs. Buffalo, 1973-1980
Sept. 18, 1960 Aeneas Williams, Phoenix, 1991-93;
Jerry Norton, St. Louis vs. Washington, Arizona, 1994-2000; St. Louis, 2001-04
Nov. 20, 1960; vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 26, 1961 Deion Sanders, Atlanta, 1989-1993; San Francisco,
Dave Baker, San Francisco vs. L.A. Rams, 1994; Dallas, 1995-99; Washington, 2000;
Dec. 4, 1960 Baltimore, 2004-05
Bobby Ply, Dall. Texans vs. San Diego, Dec. 16, 1962 Most Touchdowns, Season
Bobby Hunt, Kansas City vs. Houston, Oct. 4, 1964 4 Ken Houston, Houston, 1971
Willie Brown, Denver vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 15, 1964 Jim Kearney, Kansas City, 1972
Dick Anderson, Miami vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 3, 1973 Eric Allen, Philadelphia, 1993
Willie Buchanon, Green Bay vs. San Diego, 3 Dick Harris, San Diego, 1961
Sept. 24, 1978 Dick Lynch, N.Y. Giants, 1963
Deron Cherry, Kansas City vs. Seattle, Sept. 29, 1985 Herb Adderley, Green Bay, 1965
Kwamie Lassiter, Arizona vs. San Diego, Lem Barney, Detroit, 1967
Dec. 27, 1998 Miller Farr, Houston, 1967
Deltha O’Neal, Denver vs. Kansas City, Oct. 7, 2001 Monte Jackson, Los Angeles, 1976
DeAngelo Hall, Washington vs. Chicago, Oct. 24, 2010 Rod Perry, Los Angeles, 1978
Most Consecutive Games, Passes Intercepted By Ronnie Lott, San Francisco, 1981
8 Tom Morrow, Oakland, 1962-63 Lloyd Burruss, Kansas City, 1986
7 Tom Landry, N.Y. Giants, 1950-51 Wayne Haddix, Tampa Bay, 1990
Paul Krause, Washington, 1964 Robert Massey, Phoenix, 1992
Larry Wilson, St. Louis, 1966 Ray Buchanan, Indianapolis, 1994
Ben Davis, Cleveland, 1968 Deion Sanders, San Francisco, 1994
6 By many players. Mark McMillian, Kansas City, 1997
Last time: Brian Russell, Minnesota, 2003 Otis Smith, N.Y. Jets, 1997
Jimmy Hitchcock, Minnesota, 1998
YARDS GAINED Eric Allen, Oakland, 2000
Most Seasons Leading League Derrick Brooks, Tampa Bay, 2002
3 Darren Sharper, Green Bay, 2002; Minnesota, 2005; Antrel Rolle, Arizona, 2007
New Orleans, 2009 Nick Collins, Green Bay, 2008
2 Dick (Night Train) Lane, Los Angeles, 1952; Darren Sharper, New Orleans, 2009
Chi. Cardinals, 1954 Charles Woodson, Green Bay, 2009
Herb Adderley, Green Bay, 1965, 1969 Janoris Jenkins, St. Louis, 2012
Dick Anderson, Miami, 1968, 1970 Charles Tillman, Chicago, 2012
Ed Reed, Baltimore, 2004, 2010 William Gay, Pittsburgh, 2014
Most Yards Gained, Career 2 By many players
1,590 Ed Reed, Baltimore, 2002-2012; Houston, 2013; Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season
N.Y. Jets, 2013 3 Lem Barney, Detroit, 1967
1,483 Rod Woodson, Pittsburgh, 1987-1996; Ronnie Lott, San Francisco, 1981
San Francisco, 1997; Baltimore, 1998-2001; Janoris Jenkins, St. Louis, 2012
Oakland, 2002-03 2 By many players
1,412 Darren Sharper, Green Bay, 1997-2004; Minnesota, Most Touchdowns, Game
2005-08; New Orleans, 2009-2010 2 Guy Chamberlain, Canton vs. Chi. Cardinals,
Nov. 26, 1922

556 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Hoot Flanagan, Pottsville vs. Frankford, Nov. 5, 1939
Nov. 29, 1925 Carl Kinscherf, N.Y. Giants vs. Detroit, Nov. 7, 1943
Tom Leary, Newark vs. Frankford, Oct. 4, 1930 George Taliaferro, N.Y. Yanks vs. Los Angeles,
Bill Blackburn, Chi. Cardinals vs. Boston, Sept. 28, 1951
Oct. 24, 1948 Longest Punt
Dan Sandifer, Washington vs. Boston, Oct. 31, 1948 98 Steve O’Neal, N.Y. Jets vs. Denver, Sept. 21, 1969
Bob Franklin, Cleveland vs. Chicago, Dec. 11, 1960 94 Joe Lintzenich, Chi. Bears vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 16, 1931
Bill Stacy, St. Louis vs. Dall. Cowboys, Nov. 5, 1961 93 Shawn McCarthy, New England vs. Buffalo,
Jerry Norton, St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 26, 1961 Nov. 3, 1991
Miller Farr, Houston vs. Buffalo, Dec. 7, 1968
Ken Houston, Houston vs. San Diego, Dec. 19, 1971 AVERAGE YARDAGE
Jim Kearney, Kansas City vs. Denver, Oct. 1, 1972 Highest Average, Punting, Career (250 punts)
Lemar Parrish, Cincinnati vs. Houston, Dec. 17, 1972 47.46 Shane Lechler, Oakland, 2000-2012; Houston,
Dick Anderson, Miami vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 3, 1973 2013-15 (1,280-60,748)
Prentice McCray, New England vs. N.Y. Jets, 46.82 Bryan Anger, Jacksonville, 2012-15 (360-16,855)
Nov. 21, 1976 46.77 Thomas Morstead, New Orleans, 2009-2015
Kenny Johnson, Atlanta vs. Green Bay, (410-19,177)
Nov. 27, 1983 (ot) Highest Avg. Punting, Season (Qualifiers)
Mike Kozlowski, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 16, 1983 51.40 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1940 (35-1,799)
Dave Brown, Seattle vs. Kansas City, Nov. 4, 1984 51.14 Shane Lechler, Oakland, 2009 (96-4,909)
Lloyd Burruss, Kansas City vs. San Diego, 50.90 Andy Lee, San Francisco, 2011 (78-3,970)
Oct. 19, 1986 Highest Avg. Punting, Rookie, Season
Henry Jones, Buffalo vs. Indianapolis, Sept. 20, 1992 47.84 Bryan Anger, Jacksonville, 2012 (91-4,353)
Robert Massey, Phoenix vs. Washington, Oct. 4, 1992 47.61 Matt Darr, Miami, 2015 (92-4,380)
Eric Allen, Philadelphia vs. New Orleans, 47.52 Tress Way, Washington, 2014 (77-3,659)
Dec. 26, 1993 Highest Avg. Punting, Game (4 punts)
Ken Norton, San Francisco vs. St. Louis, 61.75 Bob Cifers, Detroit vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 24, 1946
Oct. 22, 1995 (4-247)
Otis Smith, N.Y. Jets vs. Tampa Bay, Dec. 14, 1997 61.60 Roy McKay, Green Bay vs. Chi. Cardinals,
Dewayne Washington, Pittsburgh vs. Jacksonville, Oct. 28, 1945 (5-308)
Nov. 22, 1998 60.00 Jon Ryan, Seattle vs. New England, Oct. 14, 2012
Aaron Glenn, Houston vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 8, 2002 (4-240)
Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia,
Oct. 22, 2006 NET AVERAGE
Antrel Rolle, Arizona vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 18, 2007 Net average has been compiled since 1976.
Derrick Johnson, Kansas City vs. Denver, Highest Net Average, Punting, Career (250 punts)
Jan. 3, 2010 42.57 Johnny Hekker, St. Louis, 2012-15 (337-14,345)
David Bowens, Cleveland vs. New Orleans, 40.99 Thomas Morstead, New Orleans, 2009-2015 (411-
Oct. 24, 2010 16,847)
Janoris Jenkins, St. Louis vs. Arizona, Nov. 25, 2012 40.36 Matt Bosher, Atlanta, 2011-15 (329-13,277)
Zach Brown, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Highest Net Average, Punting, Season (Qualifiers)
Dec. 30, 2012 44.23 Johnny Hekker, St. Louis, 2013 (78-3,609)
43.99 Andy Lee, San Francisco, 2011 (79-3,475)
PUNTING 43.85 Shane Lechler, Oakland, 2009 (96-4,210)
Most Punts, Career Highest Net Average, Punting, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers)
1,713 Jeff Feagles, New England, 1988-89; Philadelphia, 40.85 Bryan Anger, Jacksonville, 2012 (92-3,758)
1990-93; Arizona, 1994-97; Seattle, 1998- 40.40 Sam Martin, Detroit, 2013 (73-2,949)
2002; N.Y. Giants, 2003-09 40.03 Tress Way, Washington, 2014 (78-3,122)
1,401 Sean Landeta, N.Y. Giants, 1985-1993; L.A. Rams, Highest Net Average, Punting, Game (4 punts)
1993-94; St. Louis, 1995-96; Tampa Bay, 1997; 59.50 Rohn Stark, Indianapolis vs. Houston,
Green Bay, 1998; Philadelphia, 1999-2002; Sept. 13, 1992 (4-238)
St. Louis, 2003-04; Philadelphia, 2005 55.50 Kevin Huber, Cincinnati vs. San Diego, Dec. 1, 2013
1,339 Brad Maynard, N.Y. Giants, 1997-2000; Chicago, (4-222)
2001-2010; Cleveland, 2011 Tress Way, Washington vs. N.Y. Giants,
Most Punts, Season Sept. 25, 2014 (4-222)
114 Bob Parsons, Chicago, 1981 54.20 Andy Lee, San Francisco vs. Seattle, Sept. 11, 2011
Chad Stanley, Houston, 2002 (5-271)
112 Dave Zastudil, Arizona, 2012
111 Brad Maynard, N.Y. Giants, 1997 PUNTS HAD BLOCKED
Most Punts, Rookie, Season Most Consecutive Punts, None Blocked
111 Brad Maynard, N.Y. Giants, 1997 1,177 Chris Gardocki, Chicago, 1992-94; Indianapolis,
108 John Teltschik, Philadelphia, 1986 1995-98; Cleveland, 1999-2003; Pittsburgh,
101 Daniel Pope, Kansas City, 1999 2004-06
Most Punts, Game 878 Bryan Barker, Kansas City, 1993; Philadelphia, 1994;
16 Leo Araguz, Oakland vs. San Diego, Oct. 11, 1998 Jacksonville, 1995-2000; Washington,
15 John Teltschik, Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants, 2001-03; Green Bay, 2004; St. Louis, 2005
Dec. 6, 1987 (ot) 735 Brian Moorman, Buffalo, 2002-2011
14 Dick Nesbitt, Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, Most Punts Had Blocked, Career
Nov. 30, 1933 14 Herman Weaver, Detroit, 1970-76; Seattle, 1977-1980
Keith Molesworth, Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Harry Newsome, Pittsburgh, 1985-89; Minnesota,
Dec. 10, 1933 1990-93
Sammy Baugh, Washington vs. Philadelphia,

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 557

12 Jerrel Wilson, Kansas City, 1963-1977; Most Punt Returns, Rookie, Season
New England, 1978 57 Lew Barnes, Chicago, 1986
Tom Blanchard, N.Y. Giants, 1971-73; New Orleans, 55 B.J. Sams, Baltimore, 2004
1974-78; Tampa Bay, 1979-1981 54 James Jones, Dallas, 1980
Jeff Feagles, New England, 1988-89; Philadelphia, Most Punt Returns, Game
1990-93; Arizona, 1994-97; Seattle, 1998-2002; 11 Eddie Brown, Washington vs. Tampa Bay,
N.Y. Giants, 2003-09 Oct. 9, 1977
11 David Lee, Baltimore, 1966-1978 10 Theo Bell, Pittsburgh vs. Buffalo, Dec. 16, 1979
Most Punts Had Blocked, Season Mike Nelms, Washington vs. New Orleans,
6 Harry Newsome, Pittsburgh, 1988 Dec. 26, 1982
4 Bryan Wagner, Cleveland, 1990 Ronnie Harris, New England vs. Pittsburgh,
Mike Scifres, San Diego, 2010 Dec. 5, 1993
3 By many players 9 Rodger Bird, Oakland vs. Denver, Sept. 10, 1967
Ralph McGill, San Francisco vs. Atlanta,
PUNTS INSIDE THE 20 Oct. 29, 1972
Punts Inside the 20 have been compiled since 1976. Ed Podolak, Kansas City vs. San Diego,
Most Punts Inside the 20, Career Nov. 10, 1974
554 Jeff Feagles, New England, 1988-89; Philadelphia, Anthony Leonard, San Francisco vs. New Orleans,
1990-93; Arizona, 1994-97; Seattle, 1998-2002; Oct. 17, 1976
N.Y. Giants, 2003-09 Butch Johnson, Dallas vs. Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1976
439 Brad Maynard, N.Y. Giants, 1997-2000; Chicago, Larry Marshall, Philadelphia vs. Tampa Bay,
2001-2010; Cleveland, 2011 Sept. 18, 1977
407 Shane Lechler, Oakland, 2000-2012; Houston, Nesby Glasgow, Baltimore vs. Kansas City,
2013-15 Sept. 2, 1979
Most Punts Inside the 20, Season Mike Nelms, Washington vs. St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1980
46 Dave Zastudil, Arizona, 2012 Leon Bright, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia,
45 Dustin Colquitt, Kansas City, 2012 Dec. 11, 1982
42 Andy Lee, San Francisco, 2007 Pete Shaw, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia,
Ben Graham, Arizona, 2009 Nov. 20, 1983
Steve Weatherford, N.Y. Jets, 2010 Cleotha Montgomery, L.A. Raiders vs. Detroit,
Most Punts Inside the 20, Game Dec. 10, 1984
8 Mark Royals, Pittsburgh vs. Houston, Nov. 6, 1994 (ot) Phil McConkey, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia,
Bryan Barker, Jacksonville vs. Baltimore, Dec. 6, 1987 (ot)
Nov. 14, 1999 Andre Hastings, Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland,
7 Josh Miller, Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 20, 1998 Nov. 13, 1995
David Zastudil. Cleveland vs. Buffalo, Oct. 11, 2009 Steve Smith, Carolina vs. Detroit, Sept. 15, 2002
Thomas Morstead, New Orleans vs. Carolina, Reggie Swinton, Arizona vs. Philadelphia,
Jan. 3, 2010 Dec. 24, 2005
Donnie Jones, Philadelphia vs. Arizona, Dec. 1, 2013
6 By many players FAIR CATCHES
Most Fair Catches, Career
PUNT RETURNS 231 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia,
Most Seasons Leading League 2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003
3 Les (Speedy) Duncan, San Diego, 1965-66; 162 Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders, 1988-1994; Oakland,
Washington, 1971 1995-2003; Tampa Bay, 2004
Rick Upchurch, Denver, 1976, 1978, 1982 144 Glyn Milburn, Denver, 1993-95; Detroit, 1996-97;
2 Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans, 1961-62 Chicago, 1998-2001; San Diego, 2001
Claude Gibson, Oakland, 1963-64 Most Fair Catches, Season
Billy (White Shoes) Johnson, Houston, 1975, 1977 37 Jeremy Ross, Detroit, 2014
Mel Gray, New Orleans, 1987; Detroit, 1991 36 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets, 2012
Jermaine Lewis, Baltimore, 1997, 2000 33 Brian Mitchell, Philadelphia, 2000
Roscoe Parrish, Buffalo, 2007-08 Most Fair Catches, Game
Devin Hester, Chicago, 2010-11 7 Bake Turner, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Nov. 20, 1966
Lem Barney, Detroit vs. Chicago, Nov. 21, 1976
PUNT RETURNS Bobby Morse, Philadelphia vs. Buffalo, Dec. 27, 1987
Most Punt Returns, Career Chris Carr, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 16, 2008
463 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia, 6 Jake Scott, Miami vs. Buffalo, Dec. 20, 1970
2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 Greg Pruitt, L.A. Raiders vs. Seattle, Oct. 7, 1984
351 Eric Metcalf, Cleveland, 1989-1994; Atlanta, 1995- Phil McConkey, San Diego vs. Kansas City,
96; San Diego, 1997; Arizona, 1998; Carolina, Dec. 17, 1989
1999; Washington, 2001; Green Bay, 2002 Gerald McNeil, Houston vs. Pittsburgh,
349 David Meggett, N.Y. Giants, 1989-1994; Sept. 16, 1990
New England, 1995-97; N.Y. Jets, 1998 Bobby Engram, Chicago vs. Minnesota,
Most Punt Returns, Season Sept. 15, 1996
70 Danny Reece, Tampa Bay, 1979 Eddie Kennison, New Orleans vs. Baltimore,
62 Fulton Walker, Miami-L.A. Raiders, 1985 Dec. 19, 1999
58 J.T. Smith, Kansas City, 1979 R.W. McQuarters, N.Y. Giants vs. Atlanta,
Greg Pruitt, L.A. Raiders, 1983 Oct. 15, 2007
Leo Lewis, Minnesota, 1988 Emanuel Sanders, Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland,
Desmond Howard, Green Bay, 1996 Nov. 25, 2012
Nate Burleson, Seattle, 2007 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets vs. Arizona, Dec. 2, 2012
Dexter McCluster, Kansas City, 2013 Jeremy Kerley, N.Y. Jets vs. Tennessee,

558 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Dec. 17, 2012 20.88 Jerry Davis, Chi. Cardinals, 1948 (16-334)
Patrick Peterson, Arizona vs. Seattle, Dec. 22, 2013 20.73 Frankie Sinkwich, Detroit, 1943 (11-228)
Jeremy Ross, Detroit vs. Buffalo, Oct. 5, 2014 Highest Average, Game
Griff Whalen, Indianapolis vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 19, 2014 53.33 Darius Reynaud, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville,
Bryan Walters, Seattle vs. Arizona, Dec. 21, 2014 Dec. 30, 2012 (3-160)
Griff Whalen, Indianapolis vs. Jacksonville, 51.00 Steve Smith, Carolina vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 8, 2002
Oct. 4, 2015 (ot) (3-153)
5 By many players 47.67 Chuck Latourette, St. Louis vs. New Orleans,
Sept. 29, 1968 (3-143)
Most Seasons Leading League TOUCHDOWNS
3 Alvin Haymond, Baltimore, 1965-66; Los Angeles, Most Touchdowns, Career
1969 14 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006-2013; Atlanta, 2014-15
2 Bill Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1942, 1946 10 Eric Metcalf, Cleveland, 1989-1994; Atlanta, 1995-
Emlen Tunnell, N.Y. Giants, 1951-52 96; San Diego, 1997; Arizona, 1998; Carolina,
Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans, 1961-62 1999; Washington, 2001; Green Bay, 2002
Claude Gibson, Oakland, 1963-64 9 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia
Rodger Bird, Oakland, 1966-67 2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003
J.T. Smith, Kansas City, 1979-1980 Most Touchdowns, Season
Vai Sikahema, St. Louis, 1986-87 4 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1951
David Meggett, N.Y. Giants, 1989-1990 Rick Upchurch, Denver, 1976
Tamarick Vanover, Kansas City, 1995, 1999 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2007
Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006, 2010 Patrick Peterson, Arizona, 2011
Darren Sproles, Philadelphia, 2014-15 3 Emlen Tunnell, N.Y. Giants, 1951
Most Yards Gained, Career Billy (White Shoes) Johnson, Houston, 1975
4,999 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia, LeRoy Irvin, Los Angeles, 1981
2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 Desmond Howard, Green Bay, 1996
3,708 Dave Meggett, N.Y. Giants, 1989-1994; New Eng- Darrien Gordon, Denver, 1997
land, 1995-97; N.Y. Jets, 1998 Eric Metcalf, San Diego, 1997
3,601 Darrien Gordon, San Diego, 1993-94, 1996; Denver, Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006
1997-98; Oakland, 1999-2000; Atlanta, 2001; Adam Jones, Tennessee, 2006
Green Bay, 2002 Reggie Bush, New Orleans, 2008
Most Yards Gained, Season Johnnie Lee Higgins, Oakland, 2008
875 Desmond Howard, Green Bay, 1996 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2010
699 Patrick Peterson, Arizona, 2011 2 By many players
692 Fulton Walker, Miami-L.A. Raiders, 1985 Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season
Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season 4 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1951
699 Patrick Peterson, Arizona, 2011 Patrick Peterson, Arizona, 2011
656 Louis Lipps, Pittsburgh, 1984 3 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006
655 Neal Colzie, Oakland, 1975 2 By many players
Most Yards Gained, Game Most Touchdowns, Game
207 LeRoy Irvin, Los Angeles vs. Atlanta, Oct. 11, 1981 2 Jack Christiansen, Detroit vs. Los Angeles,
205 George Atkinson, Oakland vs. Buffalo, Sept. 15, Oct. 14, 1951; vs. Green Bay, Nov. 22, 1951
1968 Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans vs. Denver, Sept. 24, 1961
199 Eddie Drummond, Detroit vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 14, Rick Upchurch, Denver vs. Cleveland, Sept. 26, 1976
2004 (ot) LeRoy Irvin, Los Angeles vs. Atlanta, Oct. 11, 1981
Longest Punt Return (All TDs) Vai Sikahema, St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay,
103 Robert Bailey, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans, Dec. 21, 1986
Oct. 23, 1994 Todd Kinchen, L.A. Rams vs. Atlanta, Dec. 27, 1992
99 Patrick Peterson, Arizona vs. St. Louis, Nov. 6, 2011 Eric Metcalf, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 24, 1993;
98 Gil LeFebvre, Cincinnati vs. Brooklyn, Dec. 3, 1933 San Diego vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 2, 1997
Charlie West, Minnesota vs. Washington, Nov. 3, 1968 Darrien Gordon, Denver vs. Carolina, Nov. 9, 1997
Dennis Morgan, Dallas vs. St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1974 Jermaine Lewis, Baltimore vs. Seattle, Dec. 7, 1997
Terance Mathis, N.Y. Jets vs. Dallas, Nov. 4, 1990 Baltimore vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 24, 2000
Damaris Johnson, Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Steve Smith, Carolina vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 8, 2002
Dec. 2, 2012 Eddie Drummond, Detroit vs. Jacksonville,
Tavon Austin, St. Louis vs. Indianapolis, Nov. 14, 2004 (ot)
Nov. 10, 2013 Reggie Bush, New Orleans vs. Minnesota,
Oct. 6, 2008
AVERAGE YARDAGE Darius Reynaud, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville,
Highest Average, Career (75 returns) Dec. 30, 2012
12.78 George McAfee, Chi. Bears, 1940-41, 1945-1950
12.75 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1951-58 (85-1,084) Most Seasons Leading League
12.55 Claude Gibson, San Diego, 1961-62; Oakland, 3 Abe Woodson, San Francisco, 1959, 1962-63
1963-65 (110-1,381) 2 Lynn Chandnois, Pittsburgh, 1951-52
Highest Average, Season (Qualifiers) Bobby Jancik, Houston, 1962-63
23.00 Herb Rich, Baltimore, 1950 (12-276) Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967; Los Angeles, 1971
21.47 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1952 (15-322) Mel Gray, Detroit, 1991, 1994
21.28 Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans, 1961 (18-383) Michael Bates, Carolina, 1996-97
Highest Average, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers) Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota, 2013, 2015
23.00 Herb Rich, Baltimore, 1950 (12-276)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 559

Most Yards Gained, Season
KICKOFF RETURNS 2,186 MarTay Jenkins, Arizona, 2000
Most Kickoff Returns, Career 1,809 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2007
607 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia, 1,807 Michael Lewis, New Orleans, 2002
2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season
514 Allen Rossum, Philadelphia, 1998-99; Green Bay, 1,752 Chris Carr, Oakland, 2005
2000-01; Atlanta, 2002-06; Pittsburgh, 2007; 1,684 Josh Scobey, Arizona, 2003
San Francisco, 2008-09; Dallas, 2009 1,577 Justin Miller, N.Y. Jets, 2005
426 Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2000-06; St. Louis, Most Yards Gained, Game
2007-08 304 Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams,
Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2005-2012; N.Y. Jets, 2013; Oct. 23, 1994
Indianapolis, 2014 299 Ted Ginn, Jr., Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 1, 2009
Most Kickoff Returns, Season 294 Wally Triplett, Detroit vs. Los Angeles, Oct. 29, 1950
82 MarTay Jenkins, Arizona, 2000 Longest Kickoff Return (All TDs)
73 Josh Scobey, Arizona, 2003 109 Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota vs. Green Bay,
Chris Carr, Oakland, 2005 Oct. 27, 2013
70 Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans, 1996 108 Ellis Hobbs, New England, vs. N.Y. Jets, Sept. 9, 2007
Michael Lewis, New Orleans, 2002 Randall Cobb, Green Bay vs. New Orleans,
Most Kickoff Returns, Rookie, Season Sept. 8, 2011
73 Josh Scobey, Arizona, 2003 Jacoby Jones, Baltimore vs. Dallas, Oct. 14, 2012
Chris Carr, Oakland, 2005 Knile Davis, Kansas City vs. Denver, Dec. 1, 2013
67 Ronney Jenkins, San Diego, 2000 Jacoby Jones, Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 2, 2014
64 Tab Perry, Cincinnati, 2005 David Johnson, Arizona vs. Chicago, Sept. 20, 2015
Most Kickoff Returns, Game 107 Joe McKnight, N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, Oct. 2, 2011
10 Desmond Howard, Oakland vs. Seattle, Oct. 26, 1997 Josh Huff, Philadelphia vs. Tennessee, Nov. 23, 2014
Richard Alston, Cleveland vs. Cincinnati,
Chris Williams, Chicago vs. Green Bay, Nov. 9, 2014 Highest Average, Career (75 returns)
9 Noland Smith, Kansas City vs. Oakland, Nov. 23, 1967 30.56 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965-1971 (91-2,781)
Dino Hall, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 7, 1979 30.12 Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota, 2013-15
Paul Palmer, Kansas City vs. Seattle, Sept. 20, 1987 (109-3,283)
Eric Metcalf, Atlanta vs. San Francisco, 29.57 Lynn Chandnois, Pittsburgh, 1950-56 (92-2,720)
Sept. 29, 1996; vs. St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1996 Highest Average, Season (Qualifiers)
Michael Bates, Carolina vs. Atlanta, Oct. 4, 1998 41.06 Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967 (18-739)
Nate Jacquet, Minnesota vs. Philadelphia, 37.69 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1967 (16-603)
Nov. 11, 2001 35.50 Ollie Matson, Chi. Cardinals, 1958 (14-497)
Ahmad Merritt, Chicago vs. San Francisco, Highest Average, Rookie, Season (Qualifiers)
Sept. 7, 2003 41.06 Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967 (18-739)
Josh Scobey, Arizona vs. Cleveland, Nov. 16, 2003 33.08 Tom Moore, Green Bay, 1960 (12-397)
Maurice Hicks, San Francisco vs. San Diego, 32.88 Duriel Harris, Miami, 1976 (17-559)
Oct. 15, 2006 Highest Average, Game (3 returns)
Aveion Cason, Detroit vs. San Diego, Dec. 16, 2007 73.50 Wally Triplett, Detroit vs. Los Angeles, Oct. 29, 1950
Allen Rossum, San Francisco vs. Philadelphia, (4-294)
Oct. 12, 2008 67.33 Lenny Lyles, San Francisco vs. Baltimore,
Steve Breaston, Arizona vs. New England, Dec. 18, 1960 (3-202)
Dec. 21, 2008 65.33 Ken Hall, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Oct. 23, 1960
Danny Amendola, St. Louis vs. Tennessee, (3-196)
Dec. 13, 2009
Brandon James, Indianapolis vs. San Diego,
Nov. 28, 2010
Most Touchdowns, Career
8 By many players
8 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2005-2012; N.Y. Jets, 2013;
Indianapolis, 2014
YARDS GAINED Leon Washington, N.Y. Jets, 2006-09;
Most Seasons Leading League Seattle, 2010-12; New England, 2013;
3 Bruce Harper, N.Y. Jets, 1977-79 Tennessee, 2013-14
Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans, 1994-96 6 Ollie Matson, Chi. Cardinals, 1952, 1954-58;
2 Marshall Goldberg, Chi. Cardinals, 1941-42 L.A. Rams, 1959-1962; Detroit, 1963;
Woodley Lewis, Los Angeles, 1953-54 Philadelphia, 1964
Al Carmichael, Green Bay, 1956-57 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965-1971
Timmy Brown, Philadelphia, 1961, 1963 Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967-1970;
Bobby Jancik, Houston, 1963, 1966 Los Angeles, 1971
Ron Smith, Atlanta, 1966-67 Mel Gray, New Orleans, 1986-88; Detroit,
Chris Carr, Oakland, 2005-06 1989-1994; Houston, 1995-96; Tennessee,
Devin Hester, Chicago-Atlanta, 2013-14 1997; Philadelphia, 1997
Most Yards Gained, Career Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2000-06; St. Louis, 2007-08
14,014 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia, 5 By many players
2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2006 Most Touchdowns, Season
11,947 Allen Rossum, Philadelphia, 1998-99; Green Bay, 4 Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967
2000-01; Atlanta, 2002-06; Pittsburgh, 2007; San Cecil Turner, Chicago, 1970
Francisco, 2008-09; Dallas, 2009 3 Verda (Vitamin T) Smith, Los Angeles, 1950
11,113 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2005-2012; N.Y. Jets, 2013; Abe Woodson, San Francisco, 1963
Indianapolis, 2014 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1967

560 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Raymond Clayborn, New England, 1977 11 By many players
Ron Brown, L.A. Rams, 1985
Mel Gray, Detroit, 1994 YARDS GAINED
Darrick Vaughn, Atlanta, 2000 Most Yards Returned, Career
Terrence McGee, Buffalo, 2004 19,013 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia,
André Davis, Houston, 2007 2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 (p-4,999; k-14,014)
Leon Washington, N.Y. Jets, 2007 15,003 Allen Rossum, Philadelphia, 1998-99; Green Bay,
Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2009 2000-01; Atlanta, 2002-06; Pittsburgh, 2007;
Jacoby Ford, Oakland, 2010 San Francisco, 2008-09; Dallas, 2009
Leon Washington, Seattle, 2010 (p-3,056; k-11,947)
2 By many players 13,488 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2005-2012; N.Y. Jets, 2013;
Most Touchdowns, Rookie, Season Indianapolis, 2014 (p-2,375; k-11,113)
4 Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967 Most Yards Returned, Season
3 Raymond Clayborn, New England, 1977 2,432 Michael Lewis, New Orleans, 2002 (p-625; k-1,807)
Darrick Vaughn, Atlanta, 2000 2,214 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2007 (p-405; k-1,809)
Jacoby Ford, Oakland, 2010 2,187 MarTay Jenkins, Arizona, 2000 (pr-1; k-2,186)
2 By many players Most Yards Returned, Game
Most Touchdowns, Game 347 Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams,
2 Timmy Brown, Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Nov. 6, 1966 Oct. 23, 1994 (p-43; k-304)
Travis Williams, Green Bay vs. Cleveland, 314 Devin Hester, Chicago vs. Detroit, Sept. 30, 2007
Nov. 12, 1967 (p-95; k-219)
Ron Brown, L.A. Rams vs. Green Bay, Nov. 24, 1985 306 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland vs. Baltimore, Nov. 18, 2007
Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams, (p-61; k-245) (ot)
Oct. 23, 1994
Chad Morton, N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Sept. 8, 2002 (ot) TOUCHDOWNS
Devin Hester, Chicago vs. St. Louis, Dec. 11, 2006 Most Touchdowns, Career
André Davis, Houston vs. Jacksonville, Dec. 30, 2007 19 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006-2013; Atlanta, 2014
Ted Ginn, Jr., Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 1, 2009 (p-14, k-5)
Josh Cribbs, Cleveland vs. Kansas City, Dec. 20, 2009 13 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia,
Leon Washington, Seattle vs. San Diego, 2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 (p-9, k-4)
Sept. 26, 2010 12 Eric Metcalf, Cleveland, 1989-1994; Atlanta,
1995-96; San Diego, 1997; Arizona, 1998;
COMBINED KICK RETURNS Carolina, 1999; Washington, 2001; Green Bay,
Most Combined Kick Returns, Career 2002 (p-10, k-2)
1,070 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia, Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2000-06;
2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003 (p-463, k-607) St. Louis, 2007-08 (p-6, k-6)
821 Allen Rossum, Philadelphia, 1998-99; Green Bay, Most Touchdowns, Season
2000-01; Atlanta, 2002-06; Pittsburgh, 2007; 6 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2007 (p-4, k-2)
San Francisco, 2008-09; Dallas, 2009 5 Devin Hester, Chicago, 2006 (p-3, k-2)
(p-307, k-514) 4 Jack Christiansen, Detroit, 1951 (p-4)
711 Glyn Milburn, Denver, 1993-95; Detroit, 1996-97; Emlen Tunnell, N.Y. Giants, 1951 (p-3, k-1)
Chicago, 1998-2001; San Diego, 2001 (p-304, Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1967 (p-1, k-3)
k-407) Travis Williams, Green Bay, 1967 (k-4)
Most Combined Kick Returns, Season Cecil Turner, Chicago, 1970 (k-4)
114 Michael Lewis, New Orleans, 2002 (p-44, k-70) Billy Johnson, Houston, 1975 (p-3, k-1)
B.J. Sams, Baltimore, 2004 (p-55, k-59) Rick Upchurch, Denver, 1976 (p-4)
107 Chris Carr, Oakland, 2005 (p-34, k-73) Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2003 (p-2, r-2)
Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2005 (p-42, k-65) Eddie Drummond, Detroit, 2004 (p-2, k-2)
105 Reggie Swinton, Arizona, 2005 (p-42, k-63) Josh Cribbs, Cleveland, 2009 (p-1, k-3)
Most Combined Kick Returns, Game Patrick Peterson, Arizona, 2011 (p-4)
13 Stump Mitchell, St. Louis vs. Atlanta, Oct. 18, 1981 Most Touchdowns, Game
(p-6, k-7) 2 Jack Christiansen, Detroit vs. Los Angeles,
Ronnie Harris, New England vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, 1951 (p-2); vs. Green Bay,
Dec. 5, 1993 (p-10, k-3) Nov. 22, 1951 (p-2)
12 Mel Renfro, Dallas vs. Green Bay, Nov. 29, 1964 Jim Patton, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington,
(p-4, k-8) Oct. 30, 1955 (p-1, k-1)
Larry Jones, Washington vs. Dallas, Dec. 13, 1975 Bobby Mitchell, Cleveland vs. Philadelphia,
(p-6, k-6) Nov. 23, 1958 (p-1, k-1)
Eddie Brown, Washington vs. Tampa Bay, Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans vs. Denver, Sept. 24, 1961
Oct. 9, 1977 (p-11, k-1) (p-2)
Nesby Glasgow, Baltimore vs. Denver, Sept. 2, 1979 Al Frazier, Denver vs. Boston, Dec. 3, 1961 (p-1, k-1)
(p-9, k-3) Timmy Brown, Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Nov. 6, 1966
Tim Dwight, Atlanta vs. Detroit, Nov. 12, 2000 (k-2)
(p-8, k-4) Travis Williams, Green Bay vs. Cleveland,
Wes Welker, Miami vs. Buffalo, Dec. 5, 2004 Nov. 12, 1967 (k-2); vs. Pittsburgh,
(p-6, k-6) Nov. 2, 1969 (p-1, k-1)
Reggie Swinton, Arizona vs. Philadelphia, Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. San Francisco,
Dec. 24, 2005 (p-9, k-3) Dec. 3, 1967 (p-1, k-1)
Devin Hester, Chicago vs. Detroit, Sept. 30, 2007 Rick Upchurch, Denver vs. Cleveland,
(p-5, k-7) Sept. 26, 1976 (p-2)
Brandon James, Indianapolis vs. San Diego, Eddie Payton, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Dec. 17, 1977
Nov. 28, 2010 (p-3, k-9) (p-1, k-1)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 561

LeRoy Irvin, Los Angeles vs. Atlanta, Oct. 11, 1981 Sept, 17, 1961
(p-2) Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. Kansas City, Nov. 5, 1989
Ron Brown, L.A. Rams vs. Green Bay, Brett Favre, Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay, Dec. 7, 1998
Nov. 24, 1985 (k-2) Kurt Warner, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 7, 2003
Vai Sikahema, St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay, Chad Pennington, N.Y. Jets vs. Kansas City,
Dec. 21, 1986 (p-2) Sept. 11, 2005
Todd Kinchen, L.A. Rams vs. Atlanta, Dec. 27, 1992 5 Paul Christman, Chi. Cardinals vs. Green Bay,
(p-2) Nov. 10, 1946
Eric Metcalf, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 24, 1993 Joe Perry, San Francisco vs. Cleveland,
(p-2); San Diego vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 2, 1997 Nov. 12, 1950
(p-2) Charlie Conerly, N.Y. Giants vs. San Francisco,
Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams, Dec. 1, 1957
Oct. 23, 1994 (k-2) Tom Yewcic, Boston vs. Oakland, Dec. 16, 1962
Darrien Gordon, Denver vs. Carolina, Nov. 9, 1997 Jack Kemp, Buffalo vs. Houston, Oct. 29, 1967
(p-2) Roman Gabriel, Philadelphia vs. Oakland,
Jermaine Lewis, Baltimore vs. Seattle, Dec. 7, 1997 Nov. 21, 1976
(p-2); Baltimore vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 24, 2000 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. L.A. Raiders,
(p-2) Nov. 30, 1986 (ot)
Chad Morton, N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Sept. 8, 2002 Willie Totten, Buffalo vs. Indianapolis, Oct. 4, 1987
(ot) (k-2) Dave Walter, Cincinnati vs. Seattle, Oct. 11, 1987
Michael Lewis, New Orleans vs. Washington, Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. San Diego, Nov. 25, 1990 (ot)
Oct. 13, 2002 (p-1, k-1) Andre Ware, Detroit vs. Green Bay, Dec. 6, 1992
Dante Hall, Kansas City vs. St. Louis, Dec. 8, 2002 Steve Beuerlein, Carolina vs. San Francisco,
(p-1, k-1) Nov. 8, 1998
Steve Smith, Carolina vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 8, 2002 Patrick Ramsey, Washington vs. Green Bay,
(p-2) Oct. 20, 2002
Eddie Drummond, Detroit vs. Jacksonville, Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Buffalo, Dec. 23, 2007
Nov. 14, 2004 (ot) (p-2) Josh Johnson, Tampa Bay vs. Carolina,
Devin Hester, Chicago vs. St. Louis, Dec. 11, 2006 Oct. 18, 2009
(k-2) Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Philadelphia,
Darren Sproles, San Diego vs. Indianapolis, Dec. 8, 2013
Nov. 11, 2007 (p-1, k-1)
Devin Hester, Chicago vs. Denver, Nov. 25, 2007 FUMBLES RECOVERED
(p-1, k-1) Most Fumbles Recovered, Career, Own and Opponents’
André Davis, Houston vs. Jacksonville, 56 Warren Moon, Houston, 1984-1993; Minnesota,
Dec. 30, 2007 (k-2) 1994-96; Seattle, 1997-98; Kansas City,
Reggie Bush, New Orleans vs. Minnesota, 1999-2000 (56 own)
Oct. 6, 2008 47 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1980-1991; Kansas City,
Eddie Royal, Denver vs. San Diego, Oct. 19, 2009 1992-93; Detroit, 1994; Arizona, 1995; Chica-
(p-1, k-1) go, 1996; Tennessee, 1997-98 (47 own)
Ted Ginn, Jr., Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 1, 2009 45 Boomer Esiason, Cincinnati, 1984-1992, 1997;
(k-2); San Francisco vs. Seattle, Sept. 11, 2011 N.Y. Jets, 1993-95; Arizona, 1996 (45 own)
(p-1, k-1) Most Fumbles Recovered, Season, Own and Opponents’
Josh Cribbs, Cleveland vs. Kansas City, 12 David Carr, Houston, 2002 (12 own)
Dec. 20, 2009 (k-2) 9 Don Hultz, Minnesota, 1963 (9 opp)
Leon Washington, Seattle vs. San Diego, Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1989 (9 own)
Sept. 26, 2010 (k-2) Brian Griese, Denver, 1999 (9 own)
Darius Reynaud, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Jon Kitna, Seattle, 2000 (9 own)
Dec. 30, 2012 (p-2) 8 Paul Christman, Chi. Cardinals, 1945 (8 own)
Jeremy Ross, Detroit vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 8. 2013 Joe Schmidt, Detroit, 1955 (8 opp)
Bill Butler, Minnesota, 1963 (8 own)
FUMBLES Kermit Alexander, San Francisco, 1965
Most Fumbles, Career (4 own, 4 opp)
166 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2007; Jack Lambert, Pittsburgh, 1976 (1 own, 7 opp)
N.Y. Jets, 2008; Minnesota, 2009-2010 Danny White, Dallas, 1981 (8 own)
161 Warren Moon, Houston, 1984-1993; Minnesota, Dan Marino, Miami, 1988 (7 own, 1 opp)
1994-96; Seattle, 1997-98; Kansas City, Tony Banks, St. Louis, 1998 (8 own)
1999-2000 Ryan Fitzpatrick, Cincinnati, 2008 (8 own)
153 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1980-1991; Kansas City, Donovan McNabb, Washington, 2010 (8 own)
1992-93; Detroit, 1994; Arizona, 1995; Most Fumbles Recovered, Game, Own and Opponents’
Chicago, 1996; Tennessee, 1997-98 4 Otto Graham, Cleveland vs. N.Y. Giants,
Most Fumbles, Season Oct. 25, 1953 (4 own)
23 Kerry Collins, N.Y. Giants, 2001 Sam Etcheverry, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants,
Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota, 2002 Sept. 17, 1961 (4 own)
21 Tony Banks, St. Louis, 1996 Roman Gabriel, Los Angeles vs. San Francisco,
David Carr, Houston, 2002 Oct. 12, 1969 (4 own)
18 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1989 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. L.A. Raiders,
Warren Moon, Houston, 1990 Nov. 30, 1986 (ot) (4 own)
Most Fumbles, Game Joe Ferguson, Buffalo vs. Miami, Sept. 18, 1977
7 Len Dawson, Kansas City vs. San Diego, (4 own)
Nov. 15, 1964 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Washington, Sept. 26, 2011
6 Sam Etcheverry, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, (4-own)

562 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Patrick Peterson, Arizona vs. Miami, Joey Browner, Minnesota vs. San Francisco,
Sept. 30, 2012 (ot) (3 own, 1 opp) Sept. 8, 1985
3 By many players Ray Childress, Houston vs. Washington, Oct. 30, 1988
John Thierry, Chicago vs. Houston, Oct. 22, 1995
OWN FUMBLES RECOVERED Stephen Boyd, Detroit vs. Chicago, Oct. 4, 1998
Most Own Fumbles Recovered, Career Darryl Williams, Seattle vs. Kansas City, Oct. 4, 1998
56 Warren Moon, Houston, 1984-1993; Minnesota, Rod Woodson, Oakland vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 2002
1994-96; Seattle, 1997-98; Kansas City, Brian Young, St. Louis vs. Baltimore, Nov. 9, 2003
1999-2000 2 By many players
47 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1980-1991; Kansas City,
1992-93; Detroit, 1994; Arizona, 1995; YARDS RETURNING FUMBLES
Chicago, 1996; Tennessee, 1997-98 Longest Fumble Run (All TDs)
45 Boomer Esiason, Cincinnati, 1984-1992, 1997; 104 Jack Tatum, Oakland vs. Green Bay, Sept. 24, 1972
N.Y. Jets, 1993-95; Arizona, 1996 Aeneas Williams, Arizona vs. Washington,
Most Own Fumbles Recovered, Season Nov. 5, 2000
12 David Carr, Houston, 2002 102 Travis Davis, Pittsburgh vs. Carolina, Dec. 26, 1999
9 Dave Krieg, Seattle, 1989 100 Chris Martin, Kansas City vs. Miami, Oct. 13, 1991
Brian Griese, Denver, 1999
Jon Kitna, Seattle, 2000 TOUCHDOWNS
8 Paul Christman, Chi. Cardinals, 1945 Most Touchdowns, Career (Total)
Bill Butler, Minnesota, 1963 6 Jason Taylor, Miami, 1997-2007; Washington, 2008;
Danny White, Dallas, 1981 Miami, 2009; N.Y. Jets, 2010; Miami, 2011
Tony Banks, St. Louis, 1998 5 Jessie Tuggle, Atlanta, 1987-2000
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Cincinnati, 2008 4 Bill Thompson, Denver, 1969-1981
Donovan McNabb, Washington, 2010 Derrick Thomas, Kansas City, 1989-1999
Most Own Fumbles Recovered, Game Keith Bulluck, Tennessee, 2000-09;
4 Otto Graham, Cleveland vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 25, 1953 N.Y. Giants, 2010
Sam Etcheverry, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay, 1997-2012
Sept. 17, 1961 DeAngelo Hall, Atlanta, 2004-07; Oakland, 2008;
Roman Gabriel, Los Angeles vs. San Francisco, Washington, 2008-2014
Oct. 12, 1969 Osi Umenyiora, N.Y. Giants, 2003-2012;
Joe Ferguson, Buffalo vs. Miami, Sept. 18, 1977 Atlanta, 2013-14
Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. L.A. Raiders, Most Touchdowns, Season (Total)
Nov. 30, 1986 (ot) 2 Harold McPhail, Boston, 1934
Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Washington, Sept. 26, 2011 Harry Ebding, Detroit, 1937
3 By many players John Morelli, Boston, 1944
Frank Maznicki, Boston, 1947
OPPONENTS’ FUMBLES RECOVERED Fred (Dippy) Evans, Chi. Bears, 1948
Most Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Career Ralph Heywood, Boston, 1948
29 Jim Marshall, Cleveland, 1960; Minnesota, 1961-1979 Art Tait, N.Y. Yanks, 1951
Jason Taylor, Miami, 1997-2007; Washington, 2008; John Dwyer, Los Angeles, 1952
Miami, 2009; N.Y. Jets, 2010; Miami, 2011 Leo Sugar, Chi. Cardinals, 1957
28 Rickey Jackson, New Orleans, 1981-1993; Doug Cline, Houston, 1961
San Francisco, 1994-95 Jim Bradshaw, Pittsburgh, 1964
26 Kevin Greene, L.A. Rams, 1985-1992; Pittsburgh, Royce Berry, Cincinnati, 1970
1993-95; Carolina, 1996; San Francisco, 1997; Ahmad Rashad, Buffalo, 1974
Carolina, 1998-99 Tim Gray, Kansas City, 1977
Cornelius Bennett, Buffalo, 1987-1995; Atlanta, Charles Phillips, Oakland, 1978
1996-98; Indianapolis, 1999-2000 Kenny Johnson, Atlanta, 1981
Most Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Season George Martin, N.Y. Giants, 1981
9 Don Hultz, Minnesota, 1963 Del Rodgers, Green Bay, 1982
8 Joe Schmidt, Detroit, 1955 Mike Douglass, Green Bay, 1983
7 Alan Page, Minnesota, 1970 Shelton Robinson, Seattle, 1983
Jack Lambert, Pittsburgh, 1976 Erik McMillan, N.Y. Jets, 1989
Ray Childress, Houston, 1988 Les Miller, San Diego, 1990
Rickey Jackson, New Orleans, 1990 Seth Joyner, Philadelphia, 1991
Most Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Game Robert Goff, New Orleans, 1992
3 Corwin Clatt, Chi. Cardinals vs. Detroit, Nov. 6, 1949 Willie Clay, Detroit, 1993
Vic Sears, Philadelphia vs. Green Bay, Nov. 2, 1952 Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans, 1994
Ed Beatty, San Francisco vs. Los Angeles, Chad Brown, Seattle, 1997
Oct. 7, 1956 Marcus Robertson, Tennessee, 1997
Ron Carroll, Houston vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 27, 1974 Dwayne Rudd, Minnesota, 1998
Maurice Spencer, New Orleans vs. Atlanta, Keith McKenzie, Green Bay, 1999
Oct. 10, 1976 Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay, 2004
Steve Nelson, New England vs. Philadelphia, Leonard Little, St. Louis, 2004
Oct. 8, 1978 Antwan Odom, Tennessee, 2005
Charles Jackson, Kansas City vs. Pittsburgh, Adalius Thomas, Baltimore, 2005
Sept. 6, 1981 Kevin Curtis, Philadelphia, 2007
Willie Buchanon, San Diego vs. Denver, Kerry Rhodes, Arizona, 2010
Sept. 27, 1981 Juqua Parker, Philadelphia, 2011
Bobby Wagner, Seattle, 2015

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 563

Most Touchdowns, Career (Own recovered)
2 Ken Kavanaugh, Chi. Bears, 1940-41, 1945-1950 COMBINED NET YARDS GAINED
Mike Ditka, Chicago, 1961-66; Philadelphia, Rushing, receiving, interception returns, punt returns, kickoff
1967-68; Dallas, 1969-1972 returns, and fumble returns
Gail Cogdill, Detroit, 1960-68; Baltimore, 1968; Most Seasons Leading League
Atlanta, 1969-1970 5 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1958-1961, 1964
Ahmad Rashad, St. Louis, 1972-73; Buffalo, 1974; 4 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1994-96, 1998
Minnesota, 1976-1982 3 Cliff Battles, Boston, 1932-33; Washington, 1937
Jim Mitchell, Atlanta, 1969-1979 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965-67
Drew Pearson, Dallas, 1973-1983 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983-84, 1986
Del Rodgers, Green Bay, 1982, 1984; San Francisco, Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, 1989, 1991-92
1987-88 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
Alan Ricard, Baltimore, 2001-05 4 Jim Brown, Cleveland, 1958-1961
Kevin Curtis, St. Louis, 2003-06; Philadelphia, 3 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965-67
2007-09; Miami, 2010 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1994-96
Most Touchdowns, Season (Own recovered) 2 Cliff Battles, Boston, 1932-33
2 Ahmad Rashad, Buffalo, 1974 Charley Trippi, Chi. Cardinals, 1948-49
Del Rodgers, Green Bay, 1982 Timmy Brown, Philadelphia, 1962-63
Kevin Curtis, Philadelphia, 2007 Floyd Little, Denver, 1967-68
1 By many players James Brooks, San Diego, 1981-82
Most Touchdowns, Career (Opponents’ recovered) Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983-84
6 Jason Taylor, Miami, 1997-2007; Washington, 2008; Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, 1991-92
Miami, 2009; N.Y. Jets, 2010; Miami, 2011 Dante Hall, Kansas City, 2003-04
5 Jessie Tuggle, Atlanta, 1987-2000
4 Derrick Thomas, Kansas City, 1989-1999 ATTEMPTS
Keith Bulluck, Tennessee, 2000-09; Most Attempts, Career
N.Y. Giants, 2010 4,939 Emmitt Smith. Dallas, 1990-2002; Arizona, 2003-04
Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay, 1997-2012 4,368 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987
DeAngelo Hall, Atlanta, 2004-07; Oakland, 2008; 4,016 Curtis Martin, New England, 1995-97; N.Y. Jets,
Washington, 2008-2014 1998-2005
Most Touchdowns, Season (Opponents’ recovered) Most Attempts, Season
2 Harold McPhail, Boston, 1934 496 James Wilder, Tamp Bay, 1984
Harry Ebding, Detroit, 1937 458 Larry Johnson, Kansas City, 2006
John Morelli, Boston, 1944 455 Eddie George, Tennessee, 2000
Frank Maznicki, Boston, 1947 Most Attempts, Rookie, Season
Fred (Dippy) Evans, Chi. Bears, 1948 442 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, 1983
Ralph Heywood, Boston, 1948 433 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, 1999
Art Tait, N.Y. Yanks, 1951 401 Curtis Martin, New England, 1995
John Dwyer, Los Angeles, 1952 Most Attempts, Game
Leo Sugar, Chi. Cardinals, 1957 48 James Wilder, Tampa Bay vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 30, 1983
Doug Cline, Houston, 1961 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego vs. Denver,
Jim Bradshaw, Pittsburgh, 1964 Dec. 1, 2002 (ot)
Royce Berry, Cincinnati, 1970 47 James Wilder, Tampa Bay vs. Green Bay,
Tim Gray, Kansas City, 1977 Sept. 30, 1984 (ot)
Charles Phillips, Oakland, 1978 Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Buffalo, Oct. 26, 1997 (ot)
Kenny Johnson, Atlanta, 1981 46 Gerald Riggs, Atlanta vs. L.A. Rams, Nov. 17, 1985
George Martin, N.Y. Giants, 1981
Mike Douglass, Green Bay, 1983 YARDS GAINED
Shelton Robinson, Seattle, 1983 Most Yards Gained, Career
Erik McMillan, N.Y. Jets, 1989 23,546 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, 1985-2000; Oakland,
Les Miller, San Diego, 1990 2001-04; Seattle, 2004
Seth Joyner, Philadelphia, 1991 23,330 Brian Mitchell, Washington, 1990-99; Philadelphia,
Robert Goff, New Orleans, 1992 2000-02; N.Y. Giants, 2003
Willie Clay, Detroit, 1993 21,803 Walter Payton, Chicago, 1975-1987
Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans, 1994 Most Yards Gained, Season
Chad Brown, Seattle, 1997 2,696 Darren Sproles, New Orleans, 2011
Marcus Robertson, Tennessee, 1997 2,690 Derrick Mason, Tennessee, 2000
Dwayne Rudd, Minnesota, 1998 2,647 Michael Lewis, New Orleans, 2002
Keith McKenzie, Green Bay, 1999 Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season
Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay, 2004 2,317 Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders, 1988
Leonard Little, St. Louis, 2004 2,272 Gale Sayers, Chicago, 1965
Antwan Odom, Tennessee, 2005 2,250 Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville, 2006
Adalius Thomas, Baltimore, 2005 Most Yards Gained, Game
Kerry Rhodes, Arizona, 2010 404 Glyn Milburn, Denver vs. Seattle, Dec. 10, 1995
Juqua Parker, Philadelphia, 2011 373 Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Dec. 10. 1961
Bobby Wagner, Seattle, 2015 361 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Chicago,
Most Touchdowns, Game (Opponents’ recovered) Oct. 14, 2007
2 Fred (Dippy) Evans, Chi. Bears vs. Washington,
Nov. 28, 1948 SACKS
Sacks have been compiled since 1982.
Most Seasons Leading League
2 Mark Gastineau, N.Y. Jets, 1983-84

564 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Reggie White, Philadelphia, 1987-88
Kevin Greene, Pittsburgh, 1994; Carolina, 1996 TEAM RECORDS
Michael Strahan, N.Y. Giants, 2001, 2003
DeMarcus Ware, Dallas, 2008, 2010 CHAMPIONSHIPS
Jared Allen, Kansas City, 2007; Minnesota, 2011 Most Seasons League Champion
J.J. Watt, Houston, 2012, 2015 13 Green Bay, 1929-1931, 1936, 1939, 1944,
Most Sacks, Career 1961-62, 1965-67, 1996, 2010
200.0 Bruce Smith, Buffalo, 1985-1999; Washington, 9 Chi. Bears, 1921, 1932-33, 1940-41, 1943, 1946,
2000-03 1963, 1985
198.0 Reggie White, Philadelphia, 1985-1992; Green Bay, 8 N.Y. Giants, 1927, 1934, 1938, 1956, 1986, 1990,
1993-98; Carolina, 2000 2007, 2011
160.0 Kevin Greene, L.A. Rams, 1985-1992; Pittsburgh, Most Consecutive Seasons League Champion
1993-95; Carolina, 1996, 1998-99; 3 Green Bay, 1929-1931
San Francisco, 1997 Green Bay, 1965-67
Most Sacks, Season 2 Canton, 1922-23
22.5 Michael Strahan, N.Y. Giants, 2001 Chi. Bears, 1932-33
22.0 Mark Gastineau, N.Y. Jets, 1984 Chi. Bears, 1940-41
Jared Allen, Minnesota, 2011 Philadelphia, 1948-49
Justin Houston, Kansas City, 2015 Detroit, 1952-53
21.0 Reggie White, Philadelphia, 1987 Cleveland, 1954-55
Chris Doleman, Minnesota, 1989 Baltimore, 1958-59
Most Sacks, Rookie, Season Houston, 1960-61
14.5 Jevon Kearse, Tennessee, 1999 Green Bay, 1961-62
14.0 Aldon Smith, San Francisco, 2011 Buffalo, 1964-65
13.0 Dwight Freeney, Indianapolis, 2002 Miami, 1972-73
Most Sacks, Game Pittsburgh, 1974-75
7.0 Derrick Thomas, Kansas City vs. Seattle, Pittsburgh, 1978-79
Nov. 11, 1990 San Francisco, 1988-89
6.0 Fred Dean, San Francisco vs. New Orleans, Dallas, 1992-93
Nov. 13, 1983 Denver, 1997-98
Derrick Thomas, Kansas City vs. Oakland, New England, 2003-04
Sept. 6, 1998 Most Times Finishing First, Regular Season
Osi Umenyiora, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia, 25 Green Bay, 1929-1931, 1936, 1938-39, 1944,
Sept. 30, 2007 1960-62, 1965-67, 1972, 1995-97, 2002-04,
5.5 William Gay, Detroit vs. Tampa Bay, Sept. 4, 1983 2007, 2011-14
Aldon Smith, San Francisco vs. Chicago, 23 N.Y. Giants, 1927, 1933-35, 1938-39, 1941, 1944,
Nov. 19, 2012 1946, 1956, 1958-59, 1961-63, 1986,
Most Seasons, 10 or More Sacks 1989-1990, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2011
13 Bruce Smith, Buffalo, 1986-1990, 1992-98; 22 Chi. Bears, 1921, 1932-34, 1937, 1940-43, 1946,
Washington, 2000 1956, 1963, 1984-88, 1990, 2001, 2005-06,
12 Reggie White, Philadelphia, 1985-1992; Green Bay, 2010
1993, 1995, 1997-98 Dallas, 1966-1971, 1973, 1976-79, 1981, 1985,
10 Kevin Greene, L.A. Rams, 1988-1990, 1992; 1992-96, 1998, 2007, 2009, 2014
Pittsburgh, 1993-94; Carolina, 1996, 1998-99; Most Consecutive Times Finishing First, Regular Season
San Francisco, 1997 7 Los Angeles, 1973-79
Most Consecutive Seasons, 10 or More Sacks New England, 2009-2015 (current)
9 Reggie White, Philadelphia, 1985-1992; Green Bay, 6 Cleveland, 1950-55
1993 Dallas, 1966-1971
8 John Randle, Minnesota, 1992-99 Minnesota, 1973-78
7 Lawrence Taylor, N.Y. Giants, 1984-1990 Pittsburgh, 1974-79
Bruce Smith, Buffalo, 1992-98 5 Oakland, 1972-76
DeMarcus Ware, Dallas, 2006-2012 Chicago, 1984-88
Jared Allen, Kansas City, 2007; San Francisco, 1986-1990
Minnesota, 2008-2013 (current) Dallas, 1992-96
Most Consecutive Games, Sack Indianapolis, 2003-07
10 Simon Fletcher, Denver, Nov. 15, 1992-Sept. 20, 1993 New England, 2003-07
DeMarcus Ware, Dallas, Dec. 16, 2007-Oct. 19, 2008 Denver, 2011-15 (current)
9 Bruce Smith, Buffalo, Nov. 16, 1986-Oct. 25, 1987
Kevin Greene, San Francisco-Carolina, Dec. 7, 1997- GAMES WON
Oct. 18, 1998 Most Consecutive Games Won
Dwight Freeney, Indianapolis, 23 Indianapolis, 2008-09
Dec. 18, 2008-Nov. 8, 2009 21 New England, 2006-08
8 By many players 18 New England, 2003-04
Carolina, 2014-15
MISCELLANEOUS Most Consecutive Games Without Defeat
Longest Return of Missed Field Goal (All TDs) 25 Canton, 1921-23 (won 22, tied 3)
109 Antonio Cromartie, San Diego vs. Minnesota, 24 Chi. Bears, 1941-43 (won 23, tied 1)
Nov. 4, 2007 23 Green Bay, 1928-1930 (won 21, tied 2)
108 Nathan Vasher, Chicago vs. San Francisco, Indianapolis, 2008-09 (won 23)
Nov. 13, 2005 Most Games Won, Season
Devin Hester, Chicago vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 12, 2006 16 New England, 2007
107 Chris McAlister, Baltimore vs. Denver, Sept. 30, 2002 15 San Francisco, 1984

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 565

Chicago, 1985 Most Consecutive Road Games Won
Minnesota, 1998 18 San Francisco, 1988-1990
Pittsburgh, 2004 12 New England, 2006-08
Green Bay, 2011 11 L.A. Chargers/San Diego, 1960-61
Carolina, 2015 San Francisco, 1987-88
14 By many teams Pittsburgh, 2004-05
Most Consecutive Games Won, Season Indianapolis, 2008-09
16 New England, 2007, entire season Most Consecutive Road Games Without Defeat
14 Miami, 1972, entire season 18 San Francisco, 1988-1990 (won 18)
Pittsburgh, 2004 13 Chi. Bears, 1941-43 (won 12, tied 1)
Indianapolis, 2009 12 Green Bay, 1928-1930 (won 10, tied 2)
Carolina, 2015 New England, 2006-08 (won 12)
13 Chi. Bears, 1934, entire season Most Shutout Games Won or Tied, Season
Denver, 1998 10 Pottsville, 1926 (won 9, tied 1)
Indianapolis, 2005 N.Y. Giants, 1927 (won 9, tied 1)
New Orleans, 2009 9 Akron, 1921 (won 8, tied 1)
Green Bay, 2011 Canton, 1922 (won 7, tied 2)
Most Consecutive Games Won, Start of Season Frankford, 1926 (won 9)
16 New England, 2007, entire season Frankford, 1929 (won 6, tied 3)
14 Miami, 1972, entire season 8 By many teams
Indianapolis, 2009 Most Consecutive Shutout Games Won or Tied
13 Chi. Bears, 1934, entire season 13 Akron, 1920-21 (won 10, tied 3)
Denver, 1998 7 Pottsville, 1926 (won 6, tied 1)
Indianapolis, 2005 Detroit, 1934 (won 7)
New Orleans, 2009 6 Buffalo, 1920-21 (won 5, tied 1)
Green Bay, 2011 Frankford, 1926 (won 6)
Most Consecutive Games Won, End of Season Detroit, 1926 (won 4, tied 2)
16 New England, 2007, entire season N.Y. Giants, 1926-27 (won 5, tied 1)
14 Miami, 1972, entire season
Pittsburgh, 2004 GAMES LOST
13 Chi. Bears, 1934, entire season Most Consecutive Games Lost
Most Consecutive Games Without Defeat, Season 26 Tampa Bay, 1976-1977
16 New England, 2007 (won 16), entire season 19 Chi. Cardinals, 1942-43, 1945
14 Miami, 1972 (won 14), entire season Oakland, 1961-62
Pittsburgh, 2004 (won 14) Detroit, 2007-09
Indianapolis, 2009 (won 14) 18 Houston, 1972-73
Carolina, 2015 (won 14) Most Consecutive Games Without Victory
13 Chi. Bears, 1926 (won 11, tied 2) 26 Tampa Bay, 1976-77 (lost 26)
Green Bay, 1929 (won 12, tied 1) 23 Rochester, 1922-25 (lost 21, tied 2)
Chi. Bears, 1934 (won 13), entire season Washington, 1960-61 (lost 20, tied 3)
Baltimore, 1967 (won 11, tied 2) 19 Dayton, 1927-29 (lost 18, tied 1)
Denver, 1998 (won 13) Chi. Cardinals, 1942-43, 1945 (lost 19)
Indianapolis, 2005 (won 13) Oakland, 1961-62 (lost 19)
New Orleans, 2009 (won 13) Detroit, 2007-09 (lost 19)
Green Bay, 2011 (won 13) Most Games Lost, Season
Most Consecutive Games Without Defeat, Start of Season 16 Detroit, 2008
16 New England, 2007 (won 16), entire season 15 New Orleans, 1980
14 Miami, 1972 (won 14), entire season Dallas, 1989
Indianapolis, 2009 (won 14) New England, 1990
Carolina, 2015 (won 14) Indianapolis, 1991
13 Chi. Bears, 1926 (won 11, tied 2) N.Y. Jets, 1996
Green Bay, 1929 (won 12, tied 1), entire season San Diego, 2000
Chi. Bears, 1934 (won 13), entire season Carolina, 2001
Baltimore, 1967 (won 11, tied 2) Miami, 2007
Denver, 1998 (won 13) St. Louis, 2009
Indianapolis, 2005 (won 13) 14 By many teams
New Orleans, 2009 (won 13) Most Consecutive Games Lost, Season
Green Bay, 2011 (won 13) 16 Detroit, 2008, entire season
Most Consecutive Games Without Defeat, End of Season 15 Carolina, 2001
16 New England, 2007 (won 16), entire season 14 Tampa Bay, 1976
14 Miami, 1972 (won 14), entire season New Orleans, 1980
Pittsburgh, 2004 (won 14) Baltimore, 1981
13 Green Bay, 1929 (won 12, tied 1), entire season New England, 1990
Chi. Bears, 1934 (won 13), entire season Houston, 2013
Most Consecutive Home Games Won Most Consecutive Games Lost, Start of Season
27 Miami, 1971-74 16 Detroit, 2008, entire season
25 Green Bay, 1995-98 14 Tampa Bay, 1976, entire season
24 Denver, 1996-98 New Orleans, 1980
Most Consecutive Home Games Without Defeat 13 Oakland, 1962
29 Green Bay, 1928-1933 (won 26, tied 3) Indianapolis, 1986
27 Miami, 1971-74 (won 27) Miami, 2007
25 Green Bay, 1995-98 (won 25) Indianapolis, 2011

566 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Most Consecutive Games Lost, End of Season 4 Chi. Bears, 1924
16 Detroit, 2008, entire season Orange, 1929
15 Carolina, 2001 Portsmouth, 1932
14 Tampa Bay, 1976, entire season Most Consecutive Tie Games
New England, 1990 3 Chi. Bears, 1932
Houston, 2013 2 By many teams
Most Consecutive Games Without Victory, Season
16 Detroit, 2008 (lost 16), entire season SCORING
15 Carolina, 2001 (lost 15) Most Seasons Leading League
14 Tampa Bay, 1976 (lost 14), entire season 10 Chi. Bears, 1932, 1934-35, 1939, 1941-43,
New Orleans, 1980 (lost 14) 1946-47, 1956
Baltimore, 1981 (lost 14) 9 San Francisco, 1953, 1965, 1970, 1987, 1989,
New England, 1990 (lost 14) 1992-95
Houston, 2013 (lost 14) L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1950-52, 1957, 1967, 1973,
Most Consecutive Games Without Victory, Start of Season 1999-2001
16 Detroit, 2008 (lost 16), entire season Green Bay, 1931, 1936-38, 1961-62, 1996, 2011,
14 Tampa Bay, 1976 (lost 14), entire season 2014
New Orleans, 1980 (lost 14) 6 San Diego, 1963, 1965, 1981-82, 1985, 2006
13 Washington, 1961 (lost 12, tied 1) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
Oakland, 1962 (lost 13) 4 San Francisco, 1992-1995
Indianapolis, 1986 (lost 13) 3 Green Bay, 1936-38
Miami, 2007 (lost 13) Chi. Bears, 1941-43
Indianapolis, 2011 (lost 13) Los Angeles, 1950-52
Most Consecutive Games Without Victory, End of Season Oakland, 1967-69
16 Detroit, 2008 (lost 16), entire season St. Louis, 1999-2001
15 Carolina, 2001 2 By many teams
14 Tampa Bay, 1976, (lost 14), entire season
New England, 1990 (lost 14) POINTS
Houston, 2013 (lost 14) Most Points, Season
Most Consecutive Home Games Lost 606 Denver, 2013
14 Dallas, 1988-89 589 New England, 2007
St. Louis, 2008-2010 560 Green Bay, 2011
13 Houston, 1972-73 Fewest Points, Season (Since 1932)
Tampa Bay, 1976-77 37 Cincinnati/St. Louis, 1934
N.Y. Jets, 1995-97 38 Cincinnati, 1933
11 Oakland, 1961-62 Detroit, 1942
Los Angeles, 1961-63 51 Pittsburgh, 1934
Cincinnati, 1998-99 Philadelphia, 1936
Tampa Bay, 2013-15 Most Points, Game
Tennessee, 2014-15 72 Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 27, 1966
Most Consecutive Home Games Without Victory 70 Los Angeles vs. Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1950
14 Dallas, 1988-89 (lost 14) 66 Rochester vs. *Fort Porter, Oct. 10, 1920
St. Louis, 2008-2010 (lost 14) *Not a member of the American Professional
13 Houston, 1972-73 (lost 13) Football Association
Tampa Bay, 1976-77 (lost 13) 65 Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Bulldogs, Nov. 13, 1949
N.Y. Jets, 1995-97 (lost 13) Los Angeles vs. Detroit, Oct. 29, 1950
Philadelphia, 1936-38 (lost 12, tied 1) Most Points, Both Teams, Game
Most Consecutive Road Games Lost 113 Washington (72) vs. N.Y. Giants (41), Nov. 27, 1966
26 Detroit, 2007-2010 106 Cincinnati (58) vs. Cleveland (48), Nov. 28, 2004
24 Detroit, 2001-03 101 Oakland (52) vs. Houston (49), Dec. 22, 1963
23 Houston, 1981-84 New Orleans (52) vs. N.Y. Giants (49), Nov. 1, 2015
Most Consecutive Road Games Without Victory Fewest Points, Both Teams, Game
26 Detroit, 2007-2010 (lost 26) 0 In many games. Last time: N.Y. Giants vs. Detroit,
24 Detroit, 2001-03 (lost 24) Nov. 7, 1943
23 Houston, 1981-84 (lost 23) Most Points, Shutout Victory Game
Most Shutout Games Lost or Tied, Season 66 Rochester vs. *Fort Porter, Oct. 10, 1920
8 Frankford, 1927 (lost 6, tied 2) *Not a member of the American Professional
Brooklyn, 1931 (lost 8) Football Association
7 Dayton, 1925 (lost 6, tied 1) 64 Philadelphia vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 6, 1934
Orange, 1929 (lost 4, tied 3) 62 Akron vs. Oorang, Oct. 29, 1922
Frankford, 1931 (lost 6, tied 1) Most Consecutive Games Scoring
6 By many teams 420 San Francisco, 1977-2004
Most Consecutive Shutout Games Lost or Tied 373 Denver, 1992-2015 (current)
8 Rochester, 1922-24 (lost 8) 353 Indianapolis, 1994-2015 (current)
7 Hammond, 1922-23 (lost 6, tied 1) Fewest Points, Shutout Victory, Game
6 Providence, 1926-27 (lost 5, tied 1) 2 Akron vs. Buffalo, Nov. 29, 1923
Brooklyn, 1942-43 (lost 6) Kansas City vs. Buffalo, Nov. 21, 1926
Frankford vs. Green Bay, Nov. 29, 1928
TIE GAMES Green Bay vs. Chi. Bears, Oct. 16, 1932
Most Tie Games, Season Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Sept. 18, 1938
6 Chi. Bears, 1932 Most Points Overcome to Win Game
5 Frankford, 1929 28 San Francisco vs. New Orleans, Dec. 7, 1980 (ot)

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 567

(trailed 7-35, won 38-35) 28 By 10 teams
26 Buffalo vs. Indianapolis, Sept., 21, 1997 4th: 34 Detroit vs. Chicago, Sept. 30, 2007
(trailed 0-26, won 37-35) 31 Oakland vs. Denver, Dec. 17, 1960
25 St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay, Nov. 8, 1987 Oakland vs. San Diego, Dec. 8, 1963
(trailed 3-28, won 31-28) Atlanta vs. Green Bay, Sept. 13, 1981
Cleveland vs. Tennessee, Oct. 5, 2014 New England vs. Buffalo, Sept. 30, 2012
(trailed 3-28, won 29-28) Denver vs. Washington, Oct. 27, 2013
Most Points Overcome to Tie Game 30 N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Oct. 23, 2000
31 Denver vs. Buffalo, Nov. 27, 1960 Most Points, Both Teams, Each Quarter
(trailed 7-38, tied 38-38) 1st: 42 Green Bay (35) vs. Cleveland (7), Nov. 12, 1967
28 Los Angeles vs. Philadelphia, Oct. 3, 1948 41 Tennessee (24) vs. Indianapolis (17), Dec. 5, 2004
(trailed 0-28, tied 28-28) 35 Dall. Texans (21) vs. N.Y. Titans (14), Nov. 11, 1962
Most Points, Each Half Dallas (28) vs. Philadelphia (7), Oct. 19, 1969
1st: 49 Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay, Oct. 2, 1983 Kansas City (21) vs. Seattle (14), Dec. 11, 1977
48 Buffalo vs. Miami, Sept. 18, 1966 Detroit (21) vs. L.A. Raiders (14), Dec. 10, 1990
45 Green Bay vs. Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1967 Dallas (21) vs. Atlanta (14), Dec. 22, 1991
Indianapolis vs. Denver, Oct. 31, 1988 Indianapolis (21) vs. Green Bay (14), Sept 26, 2004
Houston vs. Cleveland, Dec. 9, 1990 Miami (21) vs. Buffalo (14), Dec. 5, 2004
Seattle vs. Minnesota, Sept. 29, 2002 Philadelphia (21) vs. New Orleans (14), Dec. 23, 2007
New England vs. Tennessee, Oct. 18, 2009 2nd: 49 Oakland (28) vs. Houston (21), Dec. 22, 1963
Philadelphia vs. Washington, Nov. 15, 2010 48 Green Bay (41) vs. Detroit (7), Oct. 7, 1945
2nd: 49 Chi. Bears vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1941 47 St. Louis (27) vs. Philadelphia (20), Dec. 13, 1964
48 Chi. Cardinals vs. Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1950 3rd: 48 Los Angeles (41) vs. Detroit (7), Oct. 29, 1950
N.Y. Giants vs. Baltimore, Nov. 19, 1950 42 Washington (28) vs. Philadelphia (14), Oct. 1, 1955
45 Cincinnati vs. Houston, Dec. 17, 1972 41 Green Bay (21) vs. N.Y. Yanks (20), Oct. 8, 1950
New England vs. Buffalo, Sept. 30, 2012 4th: 48 Detroit (34) vs. Chicago (14), Sept. 30, 2007
Most Points, Both Teams, Each Half 46 Detroit (25) vs. Tennessee (21), Sept. 23, 2012
1st: 70 Houston (35) vs. Oakland (35), Dec. 22, 1963 43 Atlanta (28) vs. Carolina (15), Nov. 23, 2008
63 Philadelphia (42) vs. Detroit (21), Sept. 23, 2007
62 N.Y. Jets (41) vs. Tampa Bay (21), Nov. 17, 1985 TOUCHDOWNS
Indianapolis (35) vs. Cincinnati (27), Nov. 20, 2005 Most Seasons Leading League, Touchdowns
2nd: 66 Cleveland (35) vs. Cincinnati (31), Nov. 28, 2004 13 Chi. Bears, 1932, 1934-35, 1939, 1941-44,
65 Washington (38) vs. N.Y. Giants (27), Nov. 27, 1966 1946-48, 1956, 1965
62 L.A. Raiders (31) vs. San Diego (31), Jan. 2, 1983 8 Green Bay, 1932, 1937-38, 1961-62, 1996, 2011,
Baltimore (38) vs. Seattle (24), Nov. 23, 2003 2014
Most Points, One Quarter 7 Dallas, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1977-78, 1980
41 Green Bay vs. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1945 (second quarter) San Francisco, 1953, 1970, 1987, 1992-95
Los Angeles vs. Detroit, Oct. 29, 1950 L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1949-1952, 1999-2001
(third quarter) San Diego, 1963, 1965, 1979, 1981-82, 1985,
37 Los Angeles vs. Green Bay, Sept. 21, 1980 2006
(second quarter) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Touchdowns
35 Chi. Cardinals vs. Boston, Oct. 24, 1948 4 Chi. Bears, 1941-44
(third quarter) Los Angeles, 1949-1952
Green Bay vs. Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1967 (first quarter) San Francisco, 1992-95
Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay, Oct. 2, 1983 3 Chi. Bears, 1946-48
(second quarter) Baltimore, 1957-59
New England vs. Tennessee, Oct. 18, 2009 Oakland, 1967-69
(second quarter) St. Louis, 1999-2001
New England vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 22, 2012 2 By many teams
(second quarter) Most Touchdowns, Season
Most Points, Both Teams, One Quarter 76 Denver, 2013
49 Oakland (28) vs. Houston (21), Dec. 22, 1963 75 New England, 2007
(second quarter) 70 Miami, 1984
48 Green Bay (41) vs. Detroit (7), Oct. 7, 1945 Green Bay, 2011
(second quarter) Fewest Touchdowns, Season (Since 1932)
Los Angeles (41) vs. Detroit (7), Oct. 29, 1950 3 Cincinnati, 1933
(third quarter) 4 Cincinnati/St. Louis, 1934
Detroit (34) vs. Chicago (14), Sept. 30, 2007 5 Detroit, 1942
(fourth quarter) Most Touchdowns, Game
47 St. Louis (27) vs. Philadelphia (20), Dec. 13, 1964 10 Rochester vs. *Fort Porter, Oct. 10, 1920
(second quarter) *Not a member of the American Professional
Most Points, Each Quarter Football Association
1st: 35 Green Bay vs. Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1967 Philadelphia vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 6, 1934
31 Buffalo vs. Kansas City, Sept. 13, 1964 Los Angeles vs. Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1950
28 By 12 teams Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 27, 1966
2nd: 41 Green Bay vs. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1945 9 Rock Island vs. Evansville, Oct. 15, 1922
37 Los Angeles vs. Green Bay, Sept. 21, 1980 Akron vs. Oorang, Oct. 29, 1922
35 Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay, Oct. 2, 1983 Racine vs. Louisville, Nov. 5, 1922
New England vs. Tennessee, Oct. 18, 2009 Chi. Cardinals vs. Rochester, Oct. 7, 1923
New England vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 22, 2012 Chi. Cardinals vs. Milwaukee, Dec. 10, 1925
3rd: 41 Los Angeles vs. Detroit, Oct. 29, 1950 Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 17, 1948
35 Chi. Cardinals vs. Boston, Oct. 24, 1948 Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Bulldogs, Nov. 13, 1949

568 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Los Angeles vs. Detroit, Oct. 29, 1950
Pittsburgh vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 30, 1952 FIELD GOALS
Chicago vs. San Francisco, Dec. 12, 1965 Most Seasons Leading League, Field Goals
Chicago vs. Green Bay, Dec. 7, 1980 11 Green Bay, 1935-36, 1940-43, 1946-47, 1955,
8 By many teams 1972, 1974
Most Touchdowns, Both Teams, Game 9 L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1949, 1951, 1958, 1966,
16 Washington (10) vs. N.Y. Giants (6), Nov. 27, 1966 1973, 1978, 2003, 2006, 2010
14 Chi. Cardinals (9) vs. N.Y. Giants (5), Oct. 17, 1948 8 Washington, 1945, 1956, 1971, 1976-77, 1979,
Los Angeles (10) vs. Baltimore (4), Oct. 22, 1950 1982, 1992
Houston (7) vs. Oakland (7), Dec. 22, 1963 N.Y. Giants, 1933, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1959,
13 New Orleans (7) vs. St. Louis (6), Nov. 2, 1969 1983, 2008
Kansas City (7) vs. Seattle (6), Nov. 27, 1983 (ot) New England, 1961, 1963-64, 1986, 2004, 2008,
San Diego (8) vs. Pittsburgh (5), Dec. 8, 1985 2013-14
N.Y. Jets (7) vs. Miami (6), Sept. 21, 1986 (ot) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Field Goals
Cincinnati (7) vs. Cleveland (6), Nov. 28, 2004 4 Green Bay, 1940-43
Most Consecutive Games Scoring Touchdowns 3 Cleveland, 1952-54
166 Cleveland, 1957-1969 2 By many teams
155 New Orleans, 2005-2015 Most Field Goals Attempted, Season
151 San Diego, 2002-2012 52 San Francisco, 2011
49 Los Angeles, 1966
Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Season 48 Green Bay, 1972
75 Denver, 2013 Fewest Field Goals Attempted, Season (Since 1938)
74 New England, 2007 0 Chi. Bears, 1944
68 Green Bay, 2011 2 Cleveland, 1939
Fewest (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Season Card-Pitt, 1944
2 Chi. Cardinals, 1933 Boston, 1946
3 Cincinnati, 1933 Chi. Bears, 1947
Pittsburgh, 1934 3 Chi. Bears, 1945
4 Cincinnati/St. Louis, 1934 Cleveland, 1945
Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Game Most Field Goals Attempted, Game
10 Los Angeles vs. Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1950 9 St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 24, 1967
9 Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 17, 1948 8 Pittsburgh vs. St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1962
Pittsburgh vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 30, 1952 Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1966
Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 27, 1966 N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Nov. 3, 1968
8 By many teams Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 15, 2003 (ot)
Most (One-Point) Points After Touchdown, Both Teams, Game Tennessee vs. Houston, Oct. 21, 2007
14 Chi. Cardinals (9) vs. N.Y. Giants (5), Oct. 17, 1948 7 By many teams
Houston (7) vs. Oakland (7), Dec. 22, 1963 Most Field Goals Attempted, Both Teams, Game
Washington (9) vs. N.Y. Giants (5), Nov. 27, 1966 11 St. Louis (6) vs. Pittsburgh (5), Nov. 13, 1966
New Orleans (7) vs. N.Y. Giants (7), Nov. 1, 2015 Washington (6) vs. Chicago (5), Nov. 14, 1971
13 Los Angeles (10) vs. Baltimore (3), Oct. 22, 1950 Green Bay (6) vs. Detroit (5), Sept. 29, 1974
Cincinnati (7) vs. Cleveland (6), Nov. 28, 2004 Washington (6) vs. N.Y. Giants (5), Nov. 14, 1976
12 In many games 10 In many games
Most Two-Point Conversions, Season Most Field Goals, Season
8 Pittsburgh, 2015 44 San Francisco, 2011
6 Miami, 1994 43 Arizona, 2005
Minnesota, 1997 39 Miami, 1999
5 Arizona, 1995 St. Louis, 2003
Baltimore, 1996 Fewest Field Goals, Season (Since 1932)
Jacksonville, 1996 0 Boston, 1932, 1935
Chicago, 1997 Chi. Cardinals, 1932, 1945
San Francisco, 1998 Green Bay, 1932, 1944
Pittsburgh, 2002 N.Y. Giants, 1932
St. Louis, 2012 Brooklyn, 1944
Chicago, 2013 Card-Pitt, 1944
Chicago, 2014 Chi. Bears, 1944, 1947
Most Two-Point Conversions, Game Boston, 1946
4 St. Louis vs. Atlanta, Oct. 15, 2000 Baltimore, 1950
3 Baltimore vs. New England, Oct. 6, 1996 Dallas, 1952
Pittsburgh vs. Tennessee, Nov. 1, 1998 Most Field Goals, Game
2 By many teams 8 Tennessee vs. Houston, Oct. 21, 2007
Most Two-Point Conversions, Both Teams, Game 7 St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 24, 1967
5 Baltimore (3) vs. New England (2), Oct. 6, 1996 Minnesota vs. L.A. Rams, Nov. 5, 1989 (ot)
St. Louis (4) vs. Atlanta (1), Oct. 15, 2000 Dallas vs. Green Bay, Nov. 18, 1996
3 Seattle (2) vs. Kansas City (1), Oct. 23, 1994 Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 15, 2003 (ot)
Minnesota (2) vs. Seattle (1), Nov. 10, 1996 Cincinnati vs. Baltimore, Nov. 11, 2007
Pittsburgh (3) vs. Tennessee (0), Nov. 1, 1998 Kansas City vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 4, 2015
Philadelphia (2) vs. Detroit (1), Dec. 8, 2013 6 By many teams
2 In many games Most Field Goals, Both Teams, Game
9 San Diego (5) vs. Kansas City (4), Sept. 29, 1996
Miami (6) vs. New England (3), Oct. 17, 1999

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 569

Houston (5) vs. Miami (4), Oct. 7, 2007
Dallas (6) vs. Washington (3), Sept. 26, 2011 FIRST DOWNS
8 Cleveland (4) vs. St. Louis (4), Sept. 20, 1964 Most Seasons Leading League
Chicago (5) vs. Philadelphia (3), Oct. 20, 1968 9 Chi. Bears, 1935, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945,
Washington (5) vs. Chicago (3), Nov. 14, 1971 1947-49, 1955
Kansas City (5) vs. Buffalo (3), Dec. 19, 1971 7 San Diego, 1965, 1969, 1980-83, 1985
Detroit (4) vs. Green Bay (4), Sept. 29, 1974 L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1946, 1950-51, 1954, 1957,
Cleveland (5) vs. Denver (3), Oct. 19, 1975 1973, 2001
New England (4) vs. San Diego (4), Nov. 9, 1975 Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts, 1958-59, 1967, 2003,
San Francisco (6) vs. New Orleans (2), Oct. 16, 1983 2005-06, 2010
Seattle (5) vs. L.A. Raiders (3), Dec. 18, 1988 6 San Francisco, 1965, 1987, 1989, 1993-94, 1998
Atlanta (6) vs. New Orleans (2), Nov. 13, 1994 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
Indianapolis (4) vs. San Diego (4), Nov. 3, 1996 4 San Diego, 1980-83
Dallas (7) vs. N.Y. Giants (1), Sept. 15, 2003 (ot) 3 Chi. Bears, 1947-49
Oakland (5) vs. Chicago (3), Oct. 5, 2003 New England, 2007-09
Buffalo (5) vs. Tennessee (3), Dec. 24, 2006 2 By many teams
Tennessee (8) vs. Houston (0), Oct. 21, 2007 Most First Downs, Season
Buffalo (5) vs. Washington (3), Dec. 2, 2007 444 New England, 2012
Kansas City (4) vs. Denver (4), Sept. 28, 2008 435 Denver, 2013
San Francisco (4) vs. Philadelphia (4), Oct. 12, 2008 416 New Orleans, 2011
Pittsburgh (4) vs. Cincinnati (4), Nov. 15, 2009 Fewest First Downs, Season
Miami (5) vs. Pittsburgh (3), Oct. 24, 2010 51 Cincinnati, 1933
Oakland (6) vs. Chicago (2), Nov. 27, 2011 64 Pittsburgh, 1935
Tennessee (4) vs. N.Y. Giants (4), Nov. 8, 2015 67 Philadelphia, 1937
7 In many games Most First Downs, Game
Most Consecutive Games Scoring Field Goals 40 New Orleans vs. Dallas, Nov. 10, 2013
38 Baltimore, 1999-2001 39 N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Nov. 27, 1988
36 San Francisco, 2010-13 Washington vs. Detroit, Nov. 4, 1990 (ot)
34 New England, 2010-12 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
Denver vs. Tennessee, Dec. 8, 2013
SAFETIES 38 Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 13, 1966
Most Safeties, Season Fewest First Downs, Game
4 Cleveland, 1927 0 N.Y. Giants vs. Green Bay, Oct. 1, 1933
Detroit, 1962 Pittsburgh vs. Boston, Oct. 29, 1933
Seattle, 1993 Philadelphia vs. Detroit, Sept. 20, 1935
San Francisco, 1996 N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Sept. 27, 1942
Tennessee, 1999 Denver vs. Houston, Sept. 3, 1966
3 By many teams Most First Downs, Both Teams, Game
Most Safeties, Game 64 Seattle (32) vs. Kansas City (32), Nov. 24, 2002
3 L.A. Rams vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 30, 1984 63 New Orleans (35) vs. N.Y. Giants (28), Nov. 1, 2015
2 N.Y. Giants vs. Pottsville, Oct. 30, 1927 62 San Diego (32) vs. Seattle (30), Sept. 15, 1985
Chi. Bears vs. Pottsville, Nov. 13, 1927 Oakland (31) vs. Kansas City (31), Nov. 5, 2000
Detroit vs. Brooklyn, Dec. 1, 1935 Buffalo (35) vs. New England (27), Nov. 11, 2012
N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 17, 1950 Fewest First Downs, Both Teams, Game
N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Nov. 5, 1961 7 Chi. Cardinals (2) vs. Detroit (5), Sept. 15, 1940
Chicago vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 9, 1969 9 Pittsburgh (1) vs. Boston (8), Oct. 27, 1935
Dallas vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1972 Boston (4) vs. Brooklyn (5), Nov. 24, 1935
Los Angeles vs. Green Bay, Oct. 21, 1973 N.Y. Giants (3) vs. Detroit (6), Nov. 7, 1943
Oakland vs. San Diego, Oct. 26, 1975 Pittsburgh (4) vs. Chi. Cardinals (5), Nov. 11, 1945
Denver vs. Seattle, Jan. 2, 1983 N.Y. Bulldogs (1) vs. Philadelphia (8), Sept. 22, 1949
New Orleans vs. Cleveland, Sept. 13, 1987 10 Philadelphia (4) vs. Brooklyn (6), Nov. 5, 1944
Buffalo vs. Denver, Nov. 8, 1987 N.Y. Giants (4) vs. Washington (6), Dec. 11, 1960
San Francisco vs. St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1996 Most First Downs, Rushing, Season
Jacksonville vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 3, 1999 181 New England, 1978
Minnesota vs. Atlanta, Oct. 5, 2003 177 Los Angeles, 1973
Dallas vs. Arizona, Oct. 5, 2003 176 Chicago, 1985
Buffalo vs. Houston, Nov. 16, 2003 Fewest First Downs, Rushing, Season
Minnesota vs. Green Bay, Nov. 9, 2008 36 Cleveland, 1942
St. Louis vs. Arizona, Nov. 6, 2011 (ot) Boston, 1944
Most Safeties, Both Teams, Game 39 Brooklyn, 1943
3 L.A. Rams (3) vs. N.Y. Giants (0), Sept. 30, 1984 40 Philadelphia, 1940
2 Chi. Cardinals (1) vs. Frankford (1), Nov. 19, 1927 Detroit, 1945
Chi. Cardinals (1) vs. Cincinnati (1), Nov. 12, 1933 Most First Downs, Rushing, Game
Chi. Bears (1) vs. San Francisco (1), Oct. 19, 1952 25 Philadelphia vs. Washington, Dec. 2, 1951
Cincinnati (1) vs. Los Angeles (1), Oct. 22, 1972 23 St. Louis vs. New Orleans, Oct. 5, 1980
Chi. Bears (1) vs. San Francisco (1), Sept. 19, 1976 21 Cleveland vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 13, 1959
Baltimore (1) vs. Miami (1), Oct. 29, 1978 Green Bay vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1962
Atlanta (1) vs. Detroit (1), Oct. 5, 1980 Los Angeles vs. New Orleans, Nov. 25, 1973
Houston (1) vs. Philadelphia (1), Oct. 2, 1988 Pittsburgh vs. Kansas City, Nov. 7, 1976
Cleveland (1) vs. Seattle (1), Nov. 14, 1993 New England vs. Denver, Nov. 28, 1976
Arizona (1) vs. Houston (1), Dec. 4, 1994 Oakland vs. Green Bay, Sept. 17, 1978
(Also see previous record) Buffalo vs. Washington, Nov. 3, 1996

570 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

San Francisco vs. Detroit, Dec. 14, 1998 Cleveland, 1952
Kansas City vs. Atlanta, Oct. 24, 2004 Kansas City, 1969
Fewest First Downs, Rushing, Game 5 Brooklyn, 1939
0 By many teams. Last time: Chi. Bears, 1939
Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland, Jan. 3, 2016 Detroit, 1953
Arizona vs. Seattle, Jan. 3, 2016 Los Angeles, 1953
Most First Downs, Rushing, Both Teams, Game Houston, 1982
36 Philadelphia (25) vs. Washington (11), Dec. 2, 1951 Most First Downs, Penalty, Game
31 Detroit (18) vs. Washington (13), Sept. 30, 1951 11 Denver vs. Houston, Oct. 6, 1985
30 Los Angeles (17) vs. Minnesota (13), Nov. 5, 1961 10 Dallas vs. Cleveland, Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
New Orleans (17) vs. Green Bay (13), Sept. 9, 1979 N.Y. Giants vs. Denver, Sept. 15, 2013
New Orleans (16) vs. San Francisco (14), Nov. 11, 1979 9 Chi. Bears vs. Cleveland, Nov. 25, 1951
New England (16) vs. Kansas City (14), Oct. 4, 1981 Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 30, 1977
Indianapolis (18) vs. Denver (12), Sept. 30, 2007 N.Y. Jets vs. Houston, Sept. 18, 1988
Fewest First Downs, Rushing, Both Teams, Game Dallas vs. Detroit, Nov. 20, 2005
1 Oakland (0) vs. Tennessee (1), Sept. 7, 2003 Most First Downs, Penalty, Both Teams, Game
Carolina (0) vs. Detroit (1), Oct. 16, 2005 13 New England (8) vs. Baltimore (5), Sept. 23, 2012
2 Houston (0) vs. Denver (2), Dec. 2, 1962 12 Buffalo (7) vs. San Francisco (5), Oct. 4, 1998
N.Y. Jets, (1) vs. St. Louis (1), Dec. 3, 1995 Detroit (8) vs. Baltimore (4), Oct. 9, 2005
Miami (1) vs. San Diego (1), Dec. 19, 1999 Dallas (10) vs. Cleveland (2), Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
New Orleans (0) vs. Baltimore (2), Dec. 19, 1999 11 Chi. Bears (9) vs. Cleveland (2), Nov. 25, 1951
Baltimore (0) vs. Tennessee (2), Sept. 18, 2005 Cincinnati (8) vs. N.Y. Jets (3), Oct. 6, 1985
Pittsburgh (1) vs. Baltimore (1), Nov. 5, 2007 Denver (11) vs. Houston (0), Oct. 6, 1985
Arizona (1) vs. San Francisco (1), Sept. 13, 2009 Detroit (6) vs. Dallas (5), Nov. 8, 1987
3 In many games N.Y. Jets (9) vs. Houston (2), Sept. 18, 1988
Most First Downs, Passing, Season Kansas City (8) vs. L.A. Raiders (3), Oct. 3, 1993
293 Denver, 2013 Detroit (6) vs. San Diego (5), Nov. 11, 1996
280 New Orleans, 2011 Philadelphia (8) vs. Chicago (3), Nov. 3, 2002
272 Detroit, 2012 Arizona (6) vs. St. Louis (5), Dec. 3, 2006
Fewest First Downs, Passing, Season Indianapolis (6) vs. Green Bay (5), Oct. 19, 2008
18 Pittsburgh, 1941 Buffalo (8) vs. N.Y. Jets (3), Sept. 22, 2013
23 Brooklyn, 1942 San Diego (6) vs. Baltimore (5), Nov. 30, 2014
N.Y. Giants, 1944 Oakland (6) vs. Baltimore (5), Sept. 20, 2015
24 N.Y. Giants, 1943
29 N.Y. Giants vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 13, 1985 Most Seasons Leading League
28 Tennessee vs. Oakland, Dec. 19, 2004 12 Chi. Bears, 1932, 1934-35, 1939, 1941-44, 1947,
27 San Diego vs. Seattle, Sept. 15, 1985 1949, 1955-56
Detroit vs. Green Bay, Jan. 1, 2012 9 L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1946, 1950-51, 1954, 1957,
Fewest First Downs, Passing, Game 1973, 1999-2001
0 By many teams. Last time: 8 San Diego, 1963, 1965, 1980-83, 1985, 2010
Pittsburgh vs. Tennessee, Sept. 19, 2010 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
Most First Downs, Passing, Both Teams, Game 4 Chi. Bears, 1941-44
47 Detroit (27) vs. Green Bay (20), Jan. 1, 2012 San Diego, 1980-83
44 New Orleans (23) vs. Green Bay (21), 3 Baltimore, 1958-1960
Sept. 30, 2012 Houston, 1960-62
43 San Diego (23) vs. Cincinnati (20), Dec. 20, 1982 Oakland, 1968-1970
Miami (24) vs. N.Y. Jets (19), Sept. 21, 1986 (ot) St. Louis, 1999-2001
Tennessee (28) vs. Oakland (15), Dec. 19, 2004 2 By many teams
New England (23) vs. San Diego (20), Most Yards Gained, Season
Sept. 18, 2011 7,474 New Orleans, 2011
Fewest First Downs, Passing, Both Teams, Game 7,317 Denver, 2013
0 Brooklyn vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 29, 1942 7,075 St. Louis, 2000
1 Green Bay (0) vs. Cleveland (1), Sept. 21, 1941 Fewest Yards Gained, Season
Pittsburgh (0) vs. Brooklyn (1), Oct. 11, 1942 1,150 Cincinnati, 1933
N.Y. Giants (0) vs. Detroit (1), Nov. 7, 1943 1,443 Chi. Cardinals, 1934
Pittsburgh (0) vs. Chi. Cardinals (1), Nov. 11, 1945 1,486 Chi. Cardinals, 1933
N.Y. Bulldogs (0) vs. Philadelphia (1), Sept. 22, 1949 Most Yards Gained, Game
Chicago (0) vs. Buffalo (1), Oct. 7, 1979 735 Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Yanks, Sept. 28, 1951
2 In many games 683 Pittsburgh vs. Chi. Cardinals, Dec. 13, 1958
Most First Downs, Penalty, Season 682 Chi. Bears vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 14, 1943
47 Buffalo, 2002 Fewest Yards Gained, Game
Indianapolis, 2004 –7 Seattle vs. Los Angeles, Nov. 4, 1979
46 N.Y. Giants, 2015 –5 Denver vs. Oakland, Sept. 10, 1967
44 Dallas, 2005 14 Chi. Cardinals vs. Detroit, Sept. 15, 1940
Arizona, 2014 Most Yards Gained, Both Teams, Game
Washington, 2014 1,133 Los Angeles (636) vs. N.Y. Yanks (497),
Fewest First Downs, Penalty, Season Nov. 19, 1950
2 Brooklyn, 1940 1,125 Detroit (575) vs. Green Bay (550), Jan. 1, 2012
4 Chi. Cardinals, 1940 1,111 Houston (653) vs. Jacksonville (458),
N.Y. Giants, 1942, 1944 Nov. 18, 2012 (ot)
Washington, 1944

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 571

Fewest Yards Gained, Both Teams, Game Most Rushing Attempts, Both Teams, Game
30 Chi. Cardinals (14) vs. Detroit (16), Sept. 15, 1940 108 Chi. Bears (70) vs. Green Bay (38), Dec. 5, 1948
136 Chi. Cardinals (50) vs. Green Bay (86), Nov. 18, 1934 105 Oakland (62) vs. Atlanta (43), Nov. 30, 1975 (ot)
154 N.Y. Giants (51) vs. Washington (103), Dec. 11, 1960 104 Chi. Bears (64) vs. Pittsburgh (40), Oct. 18, 1936
Most Consecutive Games, 400 or More Yards Gained Fewest Rushing Attempts, Both Teams, Game
11 San Diego, 1982-83 16 Chi. Cardinals (6) vs. Boston (10), Oct. 22, 1933
10 Denver, 2012-13 30 Minnesota (15) vs. New England (15), Oct. 30, 2006
9 New England, 2006-07 31 Green Bay (12) vs. Pittsburgh (19), Dec. 20, 2009
Most Consecutive Games, 300 or More Yards Gained Chicago (8) vs. Detroit (23), Nov. 27, 2014
36 Minnesota, 2002-04
30 Minnesota, 1999-2000 YARDS GAINED
St. Louis, 2000-02 Most Yards Gained Rushing, Season
New Orleans, 2013-2015 3,165 New England, 1978
29 Los Angeles, 1949-1951 3,088 Buffalo, 1973
New Orleans, 2008-09 2,986 Kansas City, 1978
Denver, 2012-13 Fewest Yards Gained Rushing, Season
298 Philadelphia, 1940
RUSHING 467 Detroit, 1946
Most Seasons Leading League 471 Boston, 1944
16 Chi. Bears, 1932, 1934-35, 1939-1942, 1951, Most Yards Gained Rushing, Game
1955-56, 1968, 1977, 1983-86 426 Detroit vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 4, 1934
8 Buffalo, 1962, 1964, 1973, 1975, 1982, 1991-92, 423 N.Y. Giants vs. Baltimore, Nov. 19, 1950
2015 420 Boston vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 8, 1933
6 Cleveland, 1958-59, 1963, 1965-67 Fewest Yards Gained Rushing, Game
San Francisco, 1952-54, 1987, 1998-99 –53 Detroit vs. Chi. Cardinals, Oct. 17, 1943
Dall. Texans/K.C. Chiefs, 1961, 1966, 1968-69, –36 Philadelphia vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 19, 1939
1995, 2010 –33 Brooklyn vs. Phil-Pitt, Oct. 2, 1943
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League Most Yards Gained Rushing, Both Teams, Game
4 Chi. Bears, 1939-1942 595 Los Angeles (371) vs. N.Y. Yankees (224),
Chi. Bears, 1983-86 Nov. 18, 1951
3 Detroit, 1936-38 574 Chi. Bears (396) vs. Pittsburgh (178), Oct. 10, 1934
San Francisco, 1952-54 558 Boston (420) vs. N.Y. Giants (138), Oct. 8, 1933
Cleveland, 1965-67 Fewest Yards Gained Rushing, Both Teams, Game
Atlanta, 2004-06 –15 Detroit (–53) vs. Chi. Cardinals (38), Oct. 17, 1943
2 By many teams 4 Detroit (–10) vs. Chi. Cardinals (14), Sept. 15, 1940
45 San Diego (21) vs. Philadelphia (24), Oct. 23, 2005
Most Rushing Attempts, Season AVERAGE GAIN
681 Oakland, 1977 Highest Average Gain, Rushing, Season
674 Chicago, 1984 5.74 Cleveland, 1963
671 New England, 1978 5.65 San Francisco, 1954
Fewest Rushing Attempts, Season 5.56 San Diego, 1963
211 Philadelphia, 1982 Lowest Average Gain, Rushing, Season
219 San Francisco, 1982 0.94 Philadelphia, 1940
225 Houston, 1982 1.45 Boston, 1944
Most Rushing Attempts, Game 1.55 Pittsburgh, 1935
72 Chi. Bears vs. Brooklyn, Oct. 20, 1935
70 Chi. Cardinals vs. Green Bay, Dec. 5, 1948 TOUCHDOWNS
69 Chi. Cardinals vs. Green Bay, Dec. 6, 1936 Most Touchdowns, Rushing, Season
Kansas City vs. Cincinnati, Sept. 3, 1978 36 Green Bay, 1962
Fewest Rushing Attempts, Game 33 Pittsburgh, 1976
6 Chi. Cardinals vs. Boston, Oct. 22, 1933 32 Kansas City, 2003
New England vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 31, 2004 San Diego, 2006
Arizona vs. Minnesota, Nov. 26, 2006 Fewest Touchdowns, Rushing, Season
7 Oakland vs. Buffalo, Oct. 5, 1963 1 Brooklyn, 1934
Houston vs. N.Y. Giants, Dec. 8, 1985 2 Chi. Cardinals, 1933
Seattle vs. L.A. Raiders, Nov. 17, 1991 Cincinnati, 1933
Green Bay vs. Miami, Sept. 11, 1994 Pittsburgh, 1934
Detroit vs. Minnesota, Dec. 2, 2007 Philadelphia, 1935
Arizona vs. Minnesota, Dec. 14, 2008 Philadelphia, 1936
8 Denver vs. Oakland, Dec. 17, 1960 Philadelphia, 1937
Buffalo vs. St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1984 Philadelphia, 1938
Detroit vs. San Francisco, Oct. 20, 1991 Pittsburgh, 1940
Atlanta vs. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1993 Philadelphia, 1972
St. Louis vs. San Francisco, Nov. 2, 2003 N.Y. Jets, 1995
N.Y. Jets vs. Denver, Nov. 20, 2005 Arizona, 2005
St. Louis vs. Carolina, Nov. 19, 2006 3 By many teams
Detroit vs. Arizona, Nov. 11, 2007 Most Touchdowns, Rushing, Game
San Diego vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 4, 2009 9 Rock Island vs. Evansville, Oct. 15, 1922
San Diego vs. Oakland, Dec. 5, 2010 Racine vs. Louisville, Nov. 5, 1922
Chicago vs. Detroit, Nov. 27, 2014 8 Chi. Cardinals vs. Rochester, Oct. 7, 1923
Kansas City vs. Atlanta, Oct. 24, 2004

572 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

7 By many teams Denver (34) vs. Oakland (34), Nov. 11, 2002
Most Touchdowns, Rushing, Both Teams, Game Fewest Passes Completed, Both Teams, Game
9 Rock Island (9) vs. Evansville (0), Oct. 15, 1922 1 Chi. Cardinals (0) vs. Philadelphia (1), Nov. 8, 1936
Racine (9) vs. Louisville (0), Nov. 5, 1922 Detroit (0) vs. Cleveland (1), Sept. 10, 1937
8 Chi. Cardinals (8) vs. Rochester (0), Oct. 7, 1923 Chi. Cardinals (0) vs. Detroit (1), Sept. 15, 1940
Canton (7) vs. Cleveland (1), Nov. 25, 1923 Brooklyn (0) vs. Pittsburgh (1), Nov. 29, 1942
Los Angeles (6) vs. N.Y. Yanks (2), Nov. 18, 1951 2 Chi. Cardinals (0) vs. Detroit (2), Nov. 3, 1935
Chi. Bears (5) vs. Green Bay (3), Nov. 6, 1955 Buffalo (0) vs. N.Y. Jets (2), Sept. 29, 1974
Denver (5) vs. Kansas City (3), Dec. 7, 2003 Chi. Cardinals (0) vs. Green Bay (2), Nov. 18, 1934
Kansas City (8) vs. Atlanta (0), Oct. 24, 2004 3 In seven games
7 In many games
PASSING Most Seasons Leading League, Passing Yardage
10 San Diego, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1978-1983, 1985
ATTEMPTS 9 Balt./Indianapolis, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1976,
Most Passes Attempted, Season 2003-04, 2010, 2014
740 Detroit, 2012 8 Chi. Bears, 1932, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1949,
709 Minnesota, 1981 1954, 1964
699 New England, 1994 Washington, 1938, 1940, 1944, 1947-48, 1967,
Fewest Passes Attempted, Season 1974, 1989
102 Cincinnati, 1933 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Passing Yardage
106 Boston, 1933 6 San Diego, 1978-1983
120 Detroit, 1937 4 Green Bay, 1934-37
Most Passes Attempted, Game 3 Miami, 1986-88
70 New England vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1994 (ot) Houston, 1990-92
Detroit vs. Arizona, Oct. 11, 2015 St. Louis, 1999-2001
69 N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, Dec. 24, 2000 Most Yards Gained, Passing, Season
68 Houston vs. Buffalo, Nov 1, 1964 5,444 Denver, 2013
Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 30, 2001 (ot) 5,347 New Orleans, 2011
Fewest Passes Attempted, Game 5,232 St. Louis, 2000
0 Green Bay vs. Portsmouth, Oct. 8, 1933 Fewest Yards Gained, Passing, Season
Detroit vs. Cleveland, Sept. 10, 1937 302 Chi. Cardinals, 1934
Pittsburgh vs. Brooklyn, Nov. 16, 1941 357 Cincinnati, 1933
Pittsburgh vs. Los Angeles, Nov. 13, 1949 459 Boston, 1934
Cleveland vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 3, 1950 Most Yards Gained Passing, Game
Most Passes Attempted, Both Teams, Game 554 Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Yankees, Sept. 28, 1951
112 New England (70) vs. Minnesota (42), 530 Minnesota vs. Baltimore, Sept. 28, 1969
Nov. 13, 1994 (ot) 522 Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis, Oct. 26, 2014
110 Denver (57) vs. New England (53), Nov. 2, 2014 Fewest Yards Gained, Passing, Game
109 Detroit (61) vs. Houston (48), Nov. 22, 2012 (ot) –53 Denver vs. Oakland, Sept. 10, 1967
Fewest Passes Attempted, Both Teams, Game –52 Cincinnati vs. Houston, Oct. 31, 1971
4 Chi. Cardinals (1) vs. Detroit (3), Nov. 3, 1935 –39 Atlanta vs. San Francisco, Oct. 23, 1976
Detroit (0) vs. Cleveland (4), Sept. 10, 1937 Most Yards Gained, Passing, Both Teams, Game
6 Chi. Cardinals (2) vs. Detroit (4), Sept. 15, 1940 971 Detroit (502) vs. Green Bay (469), Jan. 1, 2012
8 Brooklyn (2) vs. Philadelphia (6), Oct. 1, 1939 907 Pittsburgh (522) vs Indianapolis (385), Oct. 26, 2014
906 New England (516) vs. Miami (390), Sept. 12, 2011
COMPLETIONS Fewest Yards Gained, Passing, Both Teams, Game
Most Passes Completed, Season –11 Green Bay (–10) vs. Dallas (–1), Oct. 24, 1965
472 New Orleans, 2011 1 Chi. Cardinals (0) vs. Philadelphia (1), Nov. 8, 1936
461 Denver, 2013 7 Brooklyn (0) vs. Pittsburgh (7), Nov. 29, 1942
460 New Orleans, 2015
Fewest Passes Completed, Season TIMES SACKED
25 Cincinnati, 1933 Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Times Sacked
33 Boston, 1933 10 Miami, 1973, 1982-1990
34 Chi. Cardinals, 1934 7 Indianapolis, 1999-2000, 2004-06, 2009, 2012
Most Passes Completed, Game 5 N.Y. Jets, 1965-66, 1968, 1993, 2000
45 New England vs. Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1994 (ot) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Times Sacked
43 Washington vs. Detroit, Nov. 4, 1990 (ot) 9 Miami, 1982-1990
Oakland vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 2002 3 St. Louis, 1974-76
Detroit vs. Tennessee, Sept. 23, 2012 (ot) Indianapolis, 2004-06
Houston vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 18, 2012 (ot) 2 By many teams
San Diego vs. Green Bay, Oct. 18, 2015 Most Times Sacked, Season
42 N.Y. Jets vs. San Francisco, Sept. 21, 1980 104 Philadelphia, 1986
N.Y. Jets vs. Seattle, Dec. 6, 1998 78 Arizona, 1997
Fewest Passes Completed, Game 76 Houston, 2002
0 By many teams. Last time: Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets, Fewest Times Sacked, Season
Sept. 29, 1974 7 Miami, 1988
Most Passes Completed, Both Teams, Game 8 San Francisco, 1970
72 Detroit (43) vs. Tennessee (29), Sept. 23, 2012 (ot) St. Louis, 1975
71 New England (45) vs. Minnesota (26), 9 N.Y. Jets, 1966
Nov. 13, 1994 (ot) Washington, 1991
68 San Francisco (37) vs. Atlanta (31), Oct. 6, 1985

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 573

Most Times Sacked, Game Boston, 1933
12 Pittsburgh vs. Dallas, Nov. 20, 1966 Chi. Cardinals, 1934
Baltimore vs. St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1980 Cincinnati/St. Louis, 1934
Detroit vs. Chicago, Dec. 16, 1984 Detroit, 1942
Houston vs. Dallas, Sept. 29, 1985 2 Chi. Cardinals, 1932
Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 30, 2007 Stapleton, 1932
11 St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 1, 1964 Chi. Cardinals, 1935
Los Angeles vs. Baltimore, Nov. 22, 1964 Brooklyn, 1936
Denver vs. Buffalo, Dec. 13, 1964 Pittsburgh, 1942
Green Bay vs. Detroit, Nov. 7, 1965 Most Touchdowns, Passing, Game
Buffalo vs. Oakland, Oct. 15, 1967 7 Chi. Bears vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 14, 1943
Denver vs. Oakland, Nov. 5, 1967 Philadelphia vs. Washington, Oct. 17, 1954
Atlanta vs. St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1968 Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Nov. 19, 1961
Detroit vs. Dallas, Oct. 6, 1975 Houston vs. N.Y. Titans, Oct. 14, 1962
Philadelphia vs. St. Louis, Dec. 18, 1983 N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Oct. 28, 1962
Cleveland vs. Kansas City, Sept. 30, 1984 Minnesota vs. Baltimore, Sept. 28, 1969
Minnesota vs. Chicago, Oct. 28, 1984 San Diego vs. Oakland, Nov. 22, 1981
Atlanta vs. Cleveland, Nov. 18, 1984 Denver vs. Baltimore, Sept. 5, 2013
Dallas vs. San Diego, Nov. 16, 1986 Philadelphia vs. Oakland, Nov. 3, 2013
Philadelphia vs. Detroit, Nov. 16, 1986 New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 1, 2015
Philadelphia vs. L.A. Raiders, Nov. 30, 1986 (ot) 6 By many teams
L.A. Raiders vs. Seattle, Dec. 8, 1986 Most Touchdowns, Passing, Both Teams, Game
N.Y. Jets vs. Dallas, Oct. 4, 1987 13 New Orleans (7) vs. N.Y. Giants (6), Nov. 1, 2015
Philadelphia vs. Chicago, Oct. 4, 1987 12 New Orleans (6) vs. St. Louis (6), Nov. 2, 1969
Dallas vs. Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1991 11 N.Y. Giants (7) vs. Washington (4), Oct. 28, 1962
Cleveland vs. Indianapolis, Sept. 6, 1992 Oakland (6) vs. Houston (5), Dec. 22, 1963
N.Y. Jets vs. San Diego, Dec. 23, 2012 Cincinnati (6) vs. Cleveland, (5), Sept. 16, 2007
10 By many teams Green Bay (6) vs. Detroit (5), Jan. 1, 2012
Most Times Sacked, Both Teams, Game
18 Green Bay (10) vs. San Diego (8), Sept. 24, 1978 PASSES HAD INTERCEPTED
17 Buffalo (10) vs. N.Y. Titans (7), Nov. 23, 1961 Most Passes Had Intercepted, Season
Pittsburgh (12) vs. Dallas (5), Nov. 20, 1966 48 Houston, 1962
Atlanta (9) vs. Philadelphia (8), Dec. 16, 1984 45 Denver, 1961
Philadelphia (11) vs. L.A. Raiders (6), Nov. 30, 1986 (ot) 41 Card-Pitt, 1944
16 Los Angeles (11) vs. Baltimore (5), Nov. 22, 1964 Fewest Passes Had Intercepted, Season
Buffalo (11) vs. Oakland (5), Oct. 15, 1967 5 Cleveland, 1960
Green Bay, 1966
Most Seasons Leading League, Completion Percentage N.Y. Giants, 1990
14 San Francisco, 1952, 1957-58, 1965, 1981, 1983, New England, 2010
1987, 1989, 1992-97 San Francisco, 2011
11 Washington, 1937, 1939-1940, 1942-45, 1947-48, 6 Green Bay, 1964
1969-1970 St. Louis, 1982
8 Green Bay, 1936, 1941, 1961-62, 1964, 1966, Dallas, 1993
1968, 1998 Jacksonville, 2005
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Washington, 2008
Completion Percentage Tampa Bay, 2010
6 San Francisco, 1992-97 Green Bay, 2014
4 Washington, 1942-45 Kansas City, 2014
Kansas City, 1966-69 7 Los Angeles, 1969
3 Cleveland, 1953-55 Denver, 2005
St. Louis, 1999-2001 Miami, 2008
New Orleans, 2009-2011 Minnesota, 2009
Highest Completion Percentage, Season Seattle, 2014
71.30 New Orleans, 2011 (662-472) Kansas City, 2015
70.65 Cincinnati, 1982 (310-219) New England, 2015
70.25 San Francisco, 1994 (511-359) Most Passes Had Intercepted, Game
Lowest Completion Percentage, Season 9 Detroit vs. Green Bay, Oct. 24, 1943
22.9 Philadelphia, 1936 (170-39) Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1965
24.5 Cincinnati, 1933 (102-25) 8 Green Bay vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 21, 1948
25.0 Pittsburgh, 1941 (168-42) Chi. Cardinals vs. Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1950
N.Y. Yanks vs. N.Y. Giants, Dec. 16, 1951
TOUCHDOWNS Denver vs. Houston, Dec. 2, 1962
Most Touchdowns, Passing, Season Chi. Bears vs. Detroit, Sept. 22, 1968
55 Denver, 2013 Baltimore vs. N.Y. Jets, Sept. 23, 1973
51 Indianapolis, 2004 7 By many teams. Last time: Detroit vs. Cleveland,
Green Bay, 2011 Sept. 23, 2001
50 New England, 2007 Most Passes Had Intercepted, Both Teams, Game
Fewest Touchdowns, Passing, Season 13 Denver (8) vs. Houston (5), Dec. 2, 1962
0 Cincinnati, 1933 11 Philadelphia (7) vs. Boston (4), Nov. 3, 1935
Pittsburgh, 1945 Boston (6) vs. Pittsburgh (5), Dec. 1, 1935
1 Boston, 1932 Cleveland (7) vs. Green Bay (4), Oct. 30, 1938

574 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Green Bay (7) vs. Detroit (4), Oct. 20, 1940 AVERAGE YARDAGE
Detroit (7) vs. Chi. Bears (4), Nov. 22, 1942 Highest Avg. Distance, Punting, Season
Detroit (7) vs. Cleveland (4), Nov. 26, 1944 51.1 Oakland, 2009
Chi. Cardinals (8) vs. Philadelphia (3), Sept. 24, 1950 50.9 San Francisco, 2011
Washington (7) vs. N.Y. Giants (4), Dec. 8, 1963 50.8 Oakland, 2011
Pittsburgh (9) vs. Philadelphia (2), Dec 12, 1965 Lowest Average Distance, Punting, Season
10 In many games 32.7 Card-Pitt, 1944 (60-1,964)
33.8 Cincinnati, 1986 (59-1,996)
PUNTING 33.9 Detroit, 1969 (74-2,510)
Most Seasons Leading League (Average Distance)
9 Oakland, 1974-75, 1977-78, 2003-04, 2007, 2009, PUNT RETURNS
2013 Most Seasons Leading League (Average Return)
7 Denver 1962-64, 1966-67, 1982, 1999 9 Detroit, 1943-45, 1951-52, 1962, 1966, 1969, 1991
Washington, 1940-43, 1945, 1958, 2014 7 Chi. Cardinals/St. Louis, 1948-49, 1955-56, 1959,
L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1946, 1949, 1955-56, 1994, 1986-87
2008, 2015 6 Green Bay, 1950, 1953-54, 1961, 1972, 1996
6 Kansas City, 1968, 1971-73, 1979, 1984 Dallas/Kansas City, 1960, 1968, 1970, 1979-1980,
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League 2003
(Average Distance) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League (Average Return)
4 Washington, 1940-43 3 Detroit, 1943-45
3 Cleveland, 1950-52 2 By many teams
Denver, 1962-64 Most Punt Returns, Season
Kansas City, 1971-73 71 Pittsburgh, 1976
Most Punts, Season Tampa Bay, 1979
116 Houston, 2002 L.A. Raiders, 1985
114 Chicago, 1981 67 Pittsburgh, 1974
113 Boston, 1934 Los Angeles, 1978
Brooklyn, 1934 L.A. Raiders, 1984
Dallas, 2002 65 San Francisco, 1976
Fewest Punts, Season Fewest Punt Returns, Season
23 San Diego, 1982 12 Baltimore, 1981
31 Cincinnati, 1982 San Diego, 1982
32 Chi. Bears, 1941 14 Los Angeles, 1961
Most Punts, Game Philadelphia, 1962
17 Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Oct. 22, 1933 Baltimore, 1982
Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 22, 1933 15 Houston, 1960
16 Cincinnati vs. Portsmouth, Sept. 17, 1933 Washington, 1960
Chi. Cardinals vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 30, 1933 Oakland, 1961
Chi. Cardinals vs. Detroit, Sept. 15, 1940 N.Y. Giants, 1969
Oakland vs. San Diego, Oct. 11, 1998 Philadelphia, 1973
15 Chi. Cardinals vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 12, 1933 Kansas City, 1982
N.Y. Giants vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 17, 1935 Most Punt Returns, Game
Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants, Dec. 6, 1987 (ot) 12 Philadelphia vs. Cleveland, Dec. 3, 1950
Fewest Punts, Game 11 Chi. Bears vs. Chi. Cardinals, Oct. 8, 1950
0 By many teams. Last time: Washington vs. Tampa Bay, Oct. 9, 1977
Atlanta vs. Tampa Bay, Nov. 1, 2015 (ot) 10 Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 26, 1950
Most Punts, Both Teams, Game Philadelphia vs. Tampa Bay, Sept. 18, 1977
31 Chi. Bears (17) vs. Green Bay (14), Oct. 22, 1933 Pittsburgh vs. Buffalo, Dec. 16, 1979
Cincinnati (17), vs. Pittsburgh (14), Oct. 22, 1933 Washington vs. New Orleans, Dec. 26, 1982
29 Chi. Cardinals (15) vs. Cincinnati (14), Nov. 12, 1933 Philadelphia vs. Seattle, Dec. 13, 1992 (ot)
Chi. Cardinals (16) vs. Chi. Bears (13), Nov. 30, 1933 New England vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 5, 1993
Chi. Cardinals (16) vs. Detroit (13), Sept. 15, 1940 Most Punt Returns, Both Teams, Game
28 Philadelphia (14) vs. Washington (14), Nov. 5, 1939 17 Philadelphia (12) vs. Cleveland (5), Dec. 3, 1950
Fewest Punts, Both Teams, Game 16 N.Y. Giants (9) vs. Philadelphia (7), Dec. 12, 1954
0 Buffalo vs. San Francisco, Sept. 13, 1992 Washington (11) vs. Tampa Bay (5), Oct. 9, 1977
Chicago vs. Green Bay, Sept. 28, 2014 Oakland (8) vs. San Diego (8), Oct. 11, 1998
New Orleans vs. Green Bay, Oct. 26, 2014 15 Detroit (8) vs. Cleveland (7), Sept. 27, 1942
1 Baltimore (0) vs. Cleveland (1), Nov. 1, 1959 Los Angeles (8) vs. Baltimore (7), Nov. 27, 1966
Dall. Cowboys (0) vs. Cleveland (1), Dec. 3, 1961 Pittsburgh (8) vs. Houston (7), Dec. 1, 1974
Chicago (0) vs. Detroit (1), Oct. 1, 1972 Philadelphia (10) vs. Tampa Bay (5), Sept. 18, 1977
San Francisco (0) vs. N.Y. Giants (1), Oct. 15, 1972 Baltimore (9) vs. Kansas City (6), Sept. 2, 1979
Green Bay (0) vs. Buffalo (1), Dec. 5, 1982 Washington (10) vs. New Orleans (5), Dec. 26, 1982
Miami (0) vs. Buffalo (1), Oct. 12, 1986 L.A. Raiders (8) vs. Cleveland (7), Nov. 16, 1986
Green Bay (0) vs. Chicago (1), Dec. 17, 1989
Oakland (0) vs. Seattle (1), Dec. 5, 1999 FAIR CATCHES
Tampa Bay (0) vs. Minnesota (1), Oct. 29, 2000 Most Fair Catches, Season
New Orleans (0) vs. San Francisco (1), Oct. 20, 2002 38 N.Y. Jets, 2012
San Diego (0) vs. Oakland (1), Jan. 1, 2012 37 Detroit, 2014
Denver (0) vs. Dallas (1), Oct. 6, 2013 34 Baltimore, 1971
2 In many games Fewest Fair Catches, Season
0 San Diego, 1975
New England, 1976

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 575

Tampa Bay, 1976 Pittsburgh, 1952
Pittsburgh, 1977 Houston, 1975
Dallas, 1982 Los Angeles, 1981
1 Cleveland, 1974 Cleveland, 1993
San Francisco, 1975 Green Bay, 1996
Kansas City, 1976 Denver, 1997
St. Louis, 1976 San Diego, 1997
San Diego, 1976 Chicago, 2006
L.A. Rams, 1982 Tennessee, 2006
St. Louis, 1982 New Orleans, 2008
Tampa Bay, 1982 Oakland, 2008
Arizona, 2001 Chicago, 2010
2 By many teams Dallas, 2010
Most Fair Catches, Game Tennessee, 2012
7 Minnesota vs. Dallas, Sept. 25, 1966 Most Touchdowns, Punt Returns, Game
N.Y. Jets vs. Miami, Nov. 20, 1966 2 Detroit vs. Los Angeles, Oct. 14, 1951
Detroit vs. Chicago, Nov. 21, 1976 Detroit vs. Green Bay, Nov. 22, 1951
Philadelphia vs. Buffalo, Dec. 27, 1987 Chi. Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 1, 1959
Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Nov. 16, 2008 Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 22, 1959
N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 2014 N.Y. Titans vs. Denver, Sept. 24, 1961
6 By many teams Denver vs. Cleveland, Sept. 26, 1976
Los Angeles vs. Atlanta, Oct. 11, 1981
YARDS GAINED St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay, Dec. 21, 1986
Most Yards, Punt Returns, Season L.A. Rams vs. Atlanta, Dec. 27, 1992
875 Green Bay, 1996 Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 24, 1993
785 L.A. Raiders, 1985 San Diego vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 2, 1997
781 Chi. Bears, 1948 Denver vs. Carolina, Nov. 9, 1997
Fewest Yards, Punt Returns, Season Baltimore vs. Seattle, Dec. 7, 1997
27 St. Louis, 1965 Baltimore vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 24, 2000
35 N.Y. Giants, 1965 Oakland vs. Tennessee, Sept. 29, 2002
37 New England, 1972 Carolina vs. Cincinnati, Dec. 8, 2002
Most Yards, Punt Returns, Game Detroit at Jacksonville, Nov. 14, 2004 (ot)
231 Detroit vs. San Francisco, Oct. 6, 1963 New Orleans vs. Minnesota, Oct. 6, 2008
225 Oakland vs. Buffalo, Sept. 15, 1968 Tennessee vs. Jacksonville, Dec. 30, 2012
219 L.A. Rams vs. Atlanta, Oct. 11, 1981 Most Touchdowns, Punt Returns, Both Teams, Game
Fewest Yards, Punt Returns, Game 2 Philadelphia (1) vs. Washington (1), Nov. 9, 1952
-28 Washington vs. Dallas, Dec. 11, 1966 Kansas City (1) vs. Buffalo (1), Sept. 11, 1966
-23 N.Y. Giants vs. Buffalo, Oct. 20, 1975 Baltimore (1) vs. New England (1), Nov. 18, 1979
Pittsburgh vs. Houston, Sept. 20, 1970 L.A. Raiders (1) vs. Philadelphia (1),
-20 New Orleans vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 20, 1968 Nov. 30, 1986 (ot)
Most Yards, Punt Returns, Both Teams, Game Cincinnati (1) vs. Green Bay (1), Sept. 20, 1992
282 L.A. Rams (219) vs. Atlanta (63), Oct. 11, 1981 Oakland (1) vs. Seattle (1), Nov. 15, 1998
245 Detroit (231) vs. San Francisco (14), Oct. 6, 1963 Atlanta (1) vs. Tennessee (1), Nov. 23, 2003
244 Oakland (225) vs. Buffalo (19), Sept. 15, 1968 San Diego (1) vs. Denver (1), Oct. 19, 2009
Fewest Yards, Punt Returns, Both Teams, Game St. Louis (1) vs. Arizona (1), Nov. 27, 2011
-18 Buffalo (-18) vs. Pittsburgh (0), Oct. 29, 1972 St. Louis (1) vs. Seattle (1), Sept. 13, 2015 (ot)
-14 Miami (-14) vs. Boston (0), Nov. 30, 1969 (Also see previous record)
Tennessee (-14) vs. New Orleans (0),
Sept. 21, 2003 KICKOFF RETURNS
-13 N.Y. Giants (-13) vs. Cleveland (0), Nov. 14, 1965 Most Seasons Leading League (Average Return)
8 Washington, 1942, 1947, 1962-63, 1973-74, 1981,
Highest Average, Punt Returns, Season 6 Chicago Bears, 1943, 1948, 1958, 1966, 1972, 1985
20.2 Chi. Bears, 1941 N.Y. Giants, 1944, 1946, 1949, 1951, 1953, 2004
19.1 Chi. Cardinals, 1948 5 Green Bay, 1954, 1964, 1967, 1993, 1998
18.2 Chi. Cardinals, 1949 New England, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1997, 2006
Lowest Average, Punt Returns, Season Hou. Oilers/ Tenn. Titans, 1960, 1962-63, 1968, 2008
1.2 St. Louis, 1965 (23-27) Dallas/Kansas City, 1961, 1969, 1978, 2003, 2013
1.5 N.Y. Giants, 1965 (24-35) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League (Average Return)
1.7 Washington, 1970 (27-45) 3 Denver, 1965-67
2 By many teams
Most Touchdowns, Punt Returns, Season 96 Detroit, 2009
5 Chi. Cardinals, 1959 89 Cleveland, 1999
4 Chi. Cardinals, 1948 88 New Orleans, 1980
Detroit, 1951 Fewest Kickoff Returns, Season
N.Y. Giants, 1951 17 N.Y. Giants, 1944
Denver, 1976 20 N.Y. Giants, 1941, 1943
Chicago, 2007 Chi. Bears, 1942
Arizona, 2011 Houston, 2014
3 Washington, 1941 21 New Orleans, 2014
Detroit, 1952

576 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Most Kickoff Returns, Game L.A. Rams vs. Green Bay, Nov. 24, 1985
12 N.Y. Giants vs. Washington, Nov. 27, 1966 New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams, Oct. 23, 1994
11 Kansas City vs. Buffalo, Nov. 23, 2008 Baltimore vs. Minnesota, Dec. 13, 1998
10 By many teams N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Sept. 8, 2002 (ot)
Most Kickoff Returns, Both Teams, Game Chicago vs. St. Louis, Dec. 11, 2006
19 N.Y. Giants (12) vs. Washington (7), Nov. 27, 1966 Houston vs. Jacksonville, Dec. 30, 2007
Cleveland (10) vs. Cincinnati (9), Nov. 28, 2004 Miami vs. N.Y. Jets, Nov. 1, 2009
18 Houston (10) vs. Oakland (8), Dec. 22, 1963 Cleveland vs. Kansas City, Dec. 20, 2009
17 Washington (9) vs. Green Bay (8), Oct. 17, 1983 Seattle vs. San Diego, Sept. 26, 2010
San Diego (9) vs. Pittsburgh (8), Dec. 8, 1985 Most Touchdowns, Kickoff Returns, Both Teams, Game
Detroit (9) vs. Green Bay (8), Nov. 27, 1986 3 Baltimore (2) vs. Minnesota (1), Dec. 13, 1998
L.A. Raiders (9) vs. Seattle (8), Dec. 18, 1988 2 In many games
Oakland (10) vs. Seattle (7), Oct. 26, 1997
Buffalo (9) vs. Minnesota (8), Sept. 15, 2002 (ot) FUMBLES
Cincinnati (10) vs. Cleveland (7), Sept. 16, 2007 Most Fumbles, Season
Kansas City (11) vs. Buffalo (6), Nov. 23, 2008 56 Chi. Bears, 1938
San Francisco, 1978
YARDS GAINED 54 Philadelphia, 1946
Most Yards, Kickoff Returns, Season 51 New England, 1973
2,296 Arizona, 2000 Fewest Fumbles, Season
2,173 Houston, 2005 6 New Orleans, 2011
2,084 Arizona, 2010 7 Kansas City, 2002
Fewest Yards, Kickoff Returns, Season 8 Cleveland, 1959
282 N.Y. Giants, 1940 Most Fumbles, Game
381 Green Bay, 1940 10 Phil-Pitt vs. N.Y. Giants, Oct. 9, 1943
407 Carolina, 2015 Detroit vs. Minnesota, Nov. 12, 1967
Most Yards, Kickoff Returns, Game Kansas City vs. Houston, Oct. 12, 1969
367 Baltimore vs. Minnesota, Dec. 13, 1998 San Francisco vs. Detroit, Dec. 17, 1978
362 Detroit vs. Los Angeles, Oct. 29, 1950 9 Philadelphia vs. Green Bay, Oct. 13, 1946
304 Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Nov. 9, 1952 Boston at Oakland, Dec. 16, 1962
New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams, Oct. 23, 1994 Kansas City vs. San Diego, Nov. 15, 1964
Most Yards, Kickoff Returns, Both Teams, Game N.Y. Giants vs. Buffalo, Oct. 20, 1975
560 Detroit (362) vs. L.A. Rams (198), Oct. 29, 1950 St. Louis vs. Washington, Oct. 25, 1976
511 Baltimore (367) vs. Minnesota (144), Dec. 13, 1998 San Diego vs. Green Bay, Sept. 24, 1978
501 New Orleans (304) vs. L.A. Rams (197), Oct. 23, Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 14, 1979
1994 Cleveland vs. Seattle, Dec. 20, 1981
Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 23, 1990
AVERAGE YARDAGE Oakland vs. Seattle, Dec. 22, 1996
Highest Average, Kickoff Returns, Season 8 By many teams
29.9 Kansas City, 2013 Most Fumbles, Both Teams, Game
29.4 Chicago, 1972 14 Chi. Bears (7) vs. Cleveland (7), Nov. 24, 1940
28.9 Pittsburgh, 1952 St. Louis (8) vs. N.Y. Giants (6), Sept. 17, 1961
Lowest Average, Kickoff Returns, Season Kansas City (10) vs. Houston (4), Oct. 12, 1969
14.7 N.Y. Jets, 1993 (46-675) 13 Washington (8) vs. Pittsburgh (5), Nov. 14, 1937
15.8 N.Y. Giants, 1993 (32-507) Philadelphia (7) vs. Boston (6), Dec. 8, 1946
15.9 Tampa Bay, 1993 (58-922) N.Y. Giants (7) vs. Washington (6), Nov. 5, 1950
Kansas City (9) vs. San Diego (4), Nov. 15, 1964
TOUCHDOWNS Buffalo (7) vs. Denver (6), Dec. 13, 1964
Most Touchdowns, Kickoff Returns, Season N.Y. Jets (7) vs. Houston (6), Sept. 12, 1965
4 Green Bay, 1967 Cleveland (7) vs. New Orleans (6), Dec. 12, 1971
Chicago, 1970 Houston (8) vs. Pittsburgh (5), Dec. 9, 1973
Detroit, 1994 St. Louis (9) vs. Washington (4), Oct. 25, 1976
Houston, 2007 Cleveland (9) vs. Seattle (4), Dec. 20, 1981
3 Los Angeles, 1950 Green Bay (7) vs. Detroit (6), Oct. 6, 1985
Chi. Cardinals, 1954 12 In many games
San Francisco, 1963
Denver, 1966 FUMBLES LOST
Chicago, 1967 Most Fumbles Lost, Season
New England, 1977 36 Chi. Cardinals, 1959
L.A. Rams, 1985 31 Green Bay, 1952
Atlanta, 2000 29 Chi. Cardinals, 1946
Buffalo, 2004 Pittsburgh, 1950
N.Y. Jets, 2007 Cleveland, 1978
Cleveland, 2009 Fewest Fumbles Lost, Season
Oakland, 2010 2 Kansas City, 2002
Seattle, 2010 Minnesota, 2014
2 By many teams 3 Philadelphia, 1938
Most Touchdowns, Kickoff Returns, Game Minnesota, 1980
2 Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Sept. 22, 1940 N.Y. Giants, 2008
Chi. Bears vs. Green Bay, Nov. 9, 1952 4 San Francisco, 1960
Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Nov. 6, 1966 Kansas City, 1982
Green Bay vs. Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1967 Minnesota, 1998

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 577

Detroit, 2003 San Diego, 2011
Atlanta, 2012 St. Louis, 2012
Houston, 2012 Houston, 2013
Indianapolis, 2013 Tennessee, 2014
New England, 2014 Most Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Game
Most Fumbles Lost, Game 8 Washington vs. St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1976
8 St. Louis vs. Washington, Oct. 25, 1976 Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland, Dec. 23, 1990
Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 23, 1990 7 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati, Nov. 30, 1969
7 Cincinnati vs. Buffalo, Nov. 30, 1969 Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, 1979
Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 14, 1979 Seattle vs. Cleveland, Dec. 20, 1981
Cleveland vs. Seattle, Dec. 20, 1981 6 By many teams
6 By many teams
FUMBLES RECOVERED Most Touchdowns, Fumbles Recovered, Season,
Most Fumbles Recovered, Season, Own and Opponents’ Own and Opponents’
58 Minnesota, 1963 (27 own, 31 opp) 7 Arizona, 2010 (3 own, 4 opp)
51 Chi. Bears, 1938 (37 own, 14 opp) 5 Chi. Bears, 1942 (1 own, 4 opp)
San Francisco, 1978 (24 own, 27 opp) Los Angeles, 1952 (1 own, 4 opp)
50 Philadelphia, 1987 (23 own, 27 opp) San Francisco, 1965 (1 own, 4 opp)
Fewest Fumbles Recovered, Season, Own and Opponents’ Oakland, 1978 (2 own, 3 opp)
7 New Orleans, 2011 (0 own, 7 opp) 4 Chi. Bears, 1948 (1 own, 3 opp)
Pittsburgh, 2011 (3 own, 4 opp) Boston, 1948 (4 opp)
9 San Francisco, 1982 (5 own, 4 opp) Denver, 1979 (1 own, 3 opp)
10 Jacksonville, 2006 (6 own, 4 opp) Atlanta, 1981 (1 own, 3 opp)
N.Y. Jets, 2013 (8 own, 2 opp) Denver, 1984 (4 opp)
San Diego, 2013 (4 own, 6 opp) St. Louis, 1987 (4 opp)
Dallas, 2015 (7 own 3 opp) Minnesota, 1989 (4 opp)
Most Fumbles Recovered, Game, Own and Opponents’ Atlanta, 1991 (4 opp)
10 Denver vs. Buffalo, Dec. 13, 1964 (5 own, 5 opp) Philadelphia, 1995 (4 opp)
Pittsburgh vs. Houston, Dec. 9, 1973 (5 own, 5 opp) Atlanta, 1998 (4 opp)
Washington vs. St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1976 New Orleans, 1998 (4 opp)
(2 own, 8 opp) Kansas City, 1999 (4 opp)
9 St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants, Sept. 17, 1961 New England, 2012 (1 own, 3 opp)
(6 own, 3 opp) Most Touchdowns, Own Fumbles Recovered, Season
Houston vs. Cincinnati, Oct. 27, 1974 (4 own, 5 opp) 3 Arizona, 2010
Kansas City vs. Dallas, Nov. 10, 1975 (4 own, 5 opp) 2 Chi. Bears, 1953
Green Bay vs. Detroit, Oct. 6, 1985 (5 own, 4 opp) New England, 1973
Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland, Dec. 23, 1990 Buffalo, 1974
(1 own, 8 opp) Denver, 1975
8 By many teams Oakland, 1978
Most Own Fumbles Recovered, Season Green Bay, 1982
37 Chi. Bears, 1938 New Orleans, 1983
28 Pittsburgh, 1987 Cleveland, 1986
27 Philadelphia, 1946 Green Bay, 1989
Minnesota, 1963 Miami, 1996
Fewest Own Fumbles Recovered, Season Buffalo, 2000
0 New Orleans, 2011 Philadelphia, 2007
1 Indianapolis, 2006 Washington, 2012
Philadelphia, 2008 Most Touchdowns, Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Season
2 Washington, 1958 4 Detroit, 1937
Miami, 2000 Chi. Bears, 1942
Atlanta, 2011 Boston, 1948
Most Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Season Los Angeles, 1952
31 Minnesota, 1963 San Francisco, 1965
29 Cleveland, 1951 Denver, 1984
28 Green Bay, 1946 St. Louis, 1987
Houston, 1977 Minnesota, 1989
Seattle, 1983 Atlanta, 1991
Fewest Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Season Philadelphia, 1995
2 N.Y. Jets, 2013 Atlanta, 1998
3 Los Angeles, 1974 New Orleans, 1998
Green Bay, 1995 Kansas City, 1999
Miami, 2011 Arizona, 2010
Indianapolis, 2012 3 By many teams
Dallas, 2015 Most Touchdowns, Fumbles Recovered, Game,
Miami, 2015 Own and Opponents’
San Francisco, 2015 2 By many teams
4 Philadelphia, 1944 Most Touchdowns, Fumbles Recovered, Game, Both Teams,
San Francisco, 1982 Own and Opponents’
Jacksonville, 2006 3 Detroit (2) vs. Minnesota (1), Dec. 9, 1962
Jacksonville, 2008 (2 own, 1 opp)
Pittsburgh, 2011 Green Bay (2) vs. Dallas (1), Nov. 29, 1964 (3 opp)

578 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Oakland (2) vs. Buffalo (1), Dec. 24, 1967 (3 opp) Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Penalties
Oakland (2) vs. Philadelphia (1), Sept. 24, 1995 9 Miami, 1976-1984
(3 opp) 3 Pittsburgh, 1950-52
Tennessee (2) vs. Pittsburgh (1), Jan. 2, 2000 2 By many teams
(3 opp) Most Seasons Leading League, Most Penalties
Most Touchdowns, Own Fumbles Recovered, Game 17 Oakland/L.A. Raiders, 1963, 1966, 1968-69, 1975,
2 Miami vs. New England, Sept.1, 1996 1982, 1984, 1991, 1993-96, 2003-05, 2010-11
Most Touchdowns, Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Game 16 Chi. Bears, 1941-44, 1946-49, 1951, 1959-1961,
2 Many times. Last time: 1963, 1965, 1968, 1976
Arizona vs. Green Bay, Dec. 27, 2015 8 L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1950, 1952, 1962, 1969,
Most Touchdowns, Opponents’ Fumbles Recovered, Game, 1978, 1980, 1997, 2012
Both Teams Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Most Penalties
3 Green Bay (2) vs. Dallas (1), Nov. 29, 1964 4 Chi. Bears, 1941-44, 1946-49
Oakland (2) vs. Buffalo (1), Dec. 24, 1967 Oakland/L.A. Raiders, 1993-96
Oakland (2) vs. Philadelphia (1), Sept. 24, 1995 3 Chi. Cardinals, 1954-56
Tennessee (2) vs. Pittsburgh (1), Jan. 2, 2000 Chi. Bears, 1959-1961
Oakland, 2003-05
TURNOVERS Fewest Penalties, Season
(Number of times losing the ball on interceptions and fumbles.) 19 Detroit, 1937
Most Turnovers, Season 21 Boston, 1935
65 Denver, 1961 24 Philadelphia, 1936
63 San Francisco, 1978 Most Penalties, Season
58 Chi. Bears, 1947 163 Oakland, 2011
Pittsburgh, 1950 158 Kansas City, 1998
N.Y. Giants, 1983 156 L.A. Raiders, 1994
Fewest Turnovers, Season Oakland, 1996
10 New England, 2010 Fewest Penalties, Game
San Francisco, 2011 0 By many teams. Last time:
12 Kansas City, 1982 New England vs. Houston, Dec. 1, 2013
13 Miami, 2008 Most Penalties, Game
N.Y. Giants, 2008 22 Brooklyn vs. Green Bay, Sept. 17, 1944
Green Bay, 2014 Chi. Bears vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1944
New England, 2014 San Francisco vs. Buffalo, Oct. 4, 1998
Most Turnovers, Game 21 Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 25, 1951
12 Detroit vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 22, 1942 Baltimore vs. Detroit, Oct. 9, 2005
Chi. Cardinals vs. Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1950 20 Tampa Bay vs. Seattle, Oct. 17, 1976
Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1965 Oakland vs. Denver, Dec. 15, 1996
11 San Diego vs. Green Bay, Sept. 24, 1978 N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo, Sept. 22, 2013
10 Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Dec. 4, 1938 Fewest Penalties, Both Teams, Game
Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay, Nov. 23, 1941 0 Brooklyn vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 28, 1934
Detroit vs. Green Bay, Oct. 24, 1943 Brooklyn vs. Boston, Sept. 27, 1936
Chi. Cardinals vs. Green Bay, Nov. 10, 1946 Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Oct. 9, 1938
Chi. Cardinals vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 2, 1952 Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1940
Minnesota vs. Detroit, Dec. 9, 1962 Most Penalties, Both Teams, Game
Houston vs. Oakland, Sept. 7, 1963 37 Cleveland (21) vs. Chi. Bears (16), Nov. 25, 1951
Washington vs. N.Y. Giants, Dec. 8, 1963 35 Tampa Bay (20) vs. Seattle (15), Oct. 17, 1976
Chicago vs. Detroit, Sept. 22, 1968 34 San Francisco (22) vs. Buffalo (12), Oct. 4, 1998
St. Louis vs. Washington, Oct. 25, 1976
N.Y. Jets vs. New England, Nov. 21, 1976 YARDS PENALIZED
San Francisco vs. Dallas, Oct. 12, 1980 Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Penalized
Cleveland vs. Seattle, Dec. 20, 1981 14 Miami, 1967-68, 1973, 1977-1984, 1990-91, 2010
Detroit vs. Denver, Oct. 7, 1984 10 Boston/Washington, 1935, 1953-54, 1956-58,
Most Turnovers, Both Teams, Game 1970, 1985, 1995, 1997
17 Detroit (12) vs. Chi. Bears (5), Nov. 22, 1942 8 Boston/New England, 1962, 1964-66, 1987, 1989,
Boston (9) vs. Philadelphia (8), Dec. 8, 1946 1993, 2008
16 Chi. Cardinals (12) vs. Philadelphia (4), Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards
Sept. 24, 1950 Penalized
Chi. Cardinals (8) vs. Chi. Bears (8), Dec. 7, 1958 8 Miami, 1977-1984
Minnesota (10) vs. Detroit (6), Dec. 9, 1962 3 Washington, 1956-58
Houston (9) vs. Kansas City (7), Oct. 12, 1969 Boston, 1964-66
15 Philadelphia (8) vs. Chi. Cardinals (7), Oct. 3, 1954 2 By many teams
Denver (9) vs. Houston (6), Dec. 2, 1962 Most Seasons Leading League, Most Yards Penalized
Washington (10) vs. N.Y. Giants (5), Dec. 8, 1963 15 Chi. Bears, 1935, 1937, 1939-1944, 1946-47,
St. Louis (9) vs. Kansas City (6), Oct. 2, 1983 1949, 1951, 1961-62, 1968
14 Oakland/L.A. Raiders, 1963-64, 1968-69, 1975,
PENALTIES 1982, 1984, 1991, 1993-94, 1996, 2003,
Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Penalties 2010-11
13 Miami, 1968, 1976-1984, 1986, 1990-91 7 Buffalo, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1981, 1983, 2015
9 Pittsburgh, 1946-47, 1950-52, 1954, 1963, 1965, Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Most Yards
1968 Penalized
8 Boston/New England, 1962, 1964-65, 1973, 1987, 6 Chi. Bears, 1939-1944
1989, 1993, 2008 3 Houston, 1988-1990

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 579

2 By many teams Most First Downs Allowed, Season
Fewest Yards Penalized, Season 406 Baltimore, 1981
139 Detroit, 1937 388 Dallas, 2013
146 Philadelphia, 1937 380 New Orleans, 2012
159 Philadelphia, 1936 New Orleans, 2015
Most Yards Penalized, Season Fewest First Downs Allowed, Rushing, Season
1,358 Oakland, 2011 35 Chi. Bears, 1942
1,304 Kansas City, 1998 40 Green Bay, 1939
1,276 Oakland, 2010 41 Brooklyn, 1944
Fewest Yards Penalized, Game Most First Downs Allowed, Rushing, Season
0 By many teams. Last time: 179 Detroit, 1985
Chicago vs. Denver, Nov. 22, 2015 178 New Orleans, 1980
Most Yards Penalized, Game 175 Seattle, 1981
212 Tennessee vs. Baltimore, Oct. 10, 1999 Fewest First Downs Allowed, Passing, Season
209 Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Nov. 25, 1951 33 Chi. Bears, 1943
191 Philadelphia vs. Seattle, Dec. 13, 1992 (ot) 34 Pittsburgh, 1941
Fewest Yards Penalized, Both Teams, Game Washington, 1943
0 Brooklyn vs. Pittsburgh, Oct. 28, 1934 35 Detroit, 1940
Brooklyn vs. Boston, Sept. 27, 1936 Philadelphia, 1940
Cleveland vs. Chi. Bears, Oct. 9, 1938 Philadelphia, 1944
Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1940 Most First Downs Allowed, Passing, Season
Most Yards Penalized, Both Teams, Game 247 Minnesota, 2013
374 Cleveland (209) vs. Chi. Bears (165), Nov. 25, 1951 246 Green Bay, 2011
310 Tampa Bay (190) vs. Seattle (120), Oct. 17, 1976 245 New England, 2011
Green Bay (175) vs. Baltimore (135), Dec. 7, 2009 Fewest First Downs Allowed, Penalty, Season
309 Green Bay (184) vs. Boston (125), Oct. 21, 1945 1 Boston, 1944
3 Philadelphia, 1940
DEFENSE Pittsburgh, 1945
Washington, 1957
SCORING 4 Cleveland, 1940
Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Points Allowed Green Bay, 1943
11 N.Y. Giants, 1927, 1935, 1938-39, 1941, 1944, N.Y. Giants, 1943
1958-59, 1961, 1990, 1993 Most First Downs Allowed, Penalty, Season
Chi. Bears, 1932, 1936-37, 1942, 1948, 1963, 58 Oakland, 2011
1985-86, 1988, 2001, 2005 56 Kansas City, 1998
7 Cleveland, 1951, 1953-57, 1994 54 New Orleans, 2015
Green Bay, 1929, 1935, 1947, 1962, 1965-66, 1996
Pittsburgh, 1946, 1976, 1978, 2004, 2008, 2010-11 NET YARDS ALLOWED RUSHING AND PASSING
6 Dallas/Kansas City, 1960, 1962, 1968-69, 1995, Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Allowed
1997 10 Pittsburgh, 1957, 1974, 1976, 1990, 2001, 2004,
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Points 2007-08, 2011-12
Allowed 8 Chi. Bears, 1942-43, 1948, 1958, 1963, 1984-86
5 Cleveland, 1953-57 6 N.Y. Giants, 1938, 1940-41, 1951, 1956, 1959
3 Buffalo, 1964-66 Philadelphia, 1944-45, 1949, 1953, 1981, 1991
Minnesota, 1969-1971 Minnesota, 1969-1970, 1975, 1988-89, 1993
Seattle, 2012-14 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League,
2 By many teams Fewest Yards Allowed
Fewest Points Allowed, Season (Since 1932) 3 Boston/Washington, 1935-37
44 Chi. Bears, 1932 Chicago, 1984-86
54 Brooklyn, 1933 2 By many teams
59 Detroit, 1934 Fewest Yards Allowed, Season
Most Points Allowed, Season 1,539 Chi. Cardinals, 1934
533 Baltimore, 1981 1,703 Chi. Bears, 1942
517 Detroit, 2008 1,789 Brooklyn, 1933
501 N.Y. Giants, 1966 Most Yards Allowed, Season
Fewest TDs Allowed, Season (Since 1932) 7,042 New Orleans, 2012
6 Chi. Bears, 1932 6,793 Baltimore, 1981
Brooklyn, 1933 6,645 Dallas, 2013
7 Detroit, 1934
8 Green Bay, 1932 RUSHING
Most Touchdowns Allowed, Season Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Allowed
68 Baltimore, 1981 10 Chi. Bears, 1937, 1939, 1942, 1946, 1949, 1963,
66 N.Y. Giants, 1966 1984-85, 1987-88
63 Baltimore, 1950 8 Pittsburgh, 1961, 1976, 1982, 1997, 2001-02,
Detroit, 2008 2004, 2010
Detroit, 1938, 1950, 1952, 1962, 1970, 1980-81,
Fewest First Downs Allowed, Season 7 Philadelphia, 1944-45, 1947-48, 1953, 1990-91
77 Detroit, 1935 Dallas, 1966-69, 1972, 1978, 1992
79 Boston, 1935 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Allowed
82 Washington, 1937 4 Dallas, 1966-69
3 Minnesota, 2006-08

580 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

2 By many teams Philadelphia, 1991, 2002, 2011
Fewest Yards Allowed, Rushing, Season Buffalo, 1964, 1995, 2014
519 Chi. Bears, 1942 Denver, 1971, 2012, 2015
558 Philadelphia, 1944 Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
762 Pittsburgh, 1982 3 Oakland, 1966-68
Most Yards Allowed, Rushing, Season 2 Dallas, 1968-69
3,228 Buffalo, 1978 Most Sacks, Season
3,106 New Orleans, 1980 72 Chicago, 1984
3,010 Baltimore, 1978 71 Minnesota, 1989
Fewest Touchdowns Allowed, Rushing, Season 70 Chicago, 1987
2 Detroit, 1934 Fewest Sacks, Season
N.Y. Giants, 1944 10 Kansas City, 2008
Dallas, 1968 11 Baltimore, 1982
Minnesota, 1971 12 Buffalo, 1982
3 By many teams Most Sacks, Game
Most Touchdowns Allowed, Rushing, Season 12 Dallas vs. Pittsburgh, Nov. 20, 1966
36 Oakland, 1961 St. Louis vs. Baltimore, Oct. 26, 1980
31 N.Y. Giants, 1980 Chicago vs. Detroit, Dec. 16, 1984
Tampa Bay, 1986 Dallas vs. Houston, Sept. 29, 1985
Detroit, 2008 N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 2007
30 Baltimore, 1981 11 N.Y. Giants vs. St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1964
Baltimore vs. Los Angeles, Nov. 22, 1964
PASSING Buffalo vs. Denver, Dec. 13, 1964
Most Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Allowed Detroit vs. Green Bay, Nov. 7, 1965
10 Green Bay, 1947-48, 1962, 1964-68, 1996, 2005 Oakland vs. Buffalo, Oct. 15, 1967
9 Pittsburgh, 1941, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1974, 1990, Oakland vs. Denver, Nov. 5, 1967
2008, 2011-12 St. Louis vs. Atlanta, Nov. 24, 1968
7 Washington, 1939, 1942, 1945, 1952-53, 1980, Dallas vs. Detroit, Oct. 6, 1975
1985 St. Louis vs. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1983
Philadelphia 1934, 1936, 1940, 1949, 1981, 1991, Kansas City vs. Cleveland, Sept. 30, 1984
1998 Chicago vs. Minnesota, Oct. 28, 1984
Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League, Fewest Yards Cleveland vs. Atlanta, Nov. 18, 1984
Allowed Detroit vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 16, 1986
5 Green Bay, 1964-68 San Diego vs. Dallas, Nov. 16, 1986
2 By many teams L.A. Raiders vs. Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1986 (ot)
Fewest Yards Allowed Passing, Season Seattle vs. L.A. Raiders, Dec. 8, 1986
545 Philadelphia, 1934 Chicago vs. Philadelphia, Oct. 4, 1987
558 Portsmouth, 1933 Dallas vs. N.Y. Jets, Oct. 4, 1987
585 Chi. Cardinals, 1934 Philadelphia vs. Dallas, Sept. 15, 1991
Most Yards Allowed, Passing, Season Indianapolis vs. Cleveland, Sept. 6, 1992
4,796 Green Bay, 2011 San Diego vs. N.Y. Jets, Dec. 23, 2012
4,783 N.Y. Giants, 2015 10 By many teams
4,758 Tampa Bay, 2012 Most Opponents Yards Lost Attempting to Pass, Season
Fewest Touchdowns Allowed, Passing, Season 666 Oakland, 1967
1 Portsmouth, 1932 583 Chicago, 1984
Philadelphia, 1934 573 San Francisco, 1976
2 Brooklyn, 1933 Fewest Opponents Yards Lost Attempting to Pass, Season
Chi. Bears, 1934 62 Kansas City, 2008
3 Chi. Bears, 1932 72 Jacksonville, 1995
Green Bay, 1932 75 Green Bay, 1956
Green Bay, 1934
New York, 1939 Most Seasons Leading League
New York, 1944 10 N.Y. Giants, 1933, 1937-39, 1944, 1948, 1951,
Most Touchdowns Allowed, Passing, Season 1954, 1961, 1997
45 New Orleans, 2015 Green Bay, 1940, 1942-43, 1947, 1955, 1957,
40 Denver, 1963 1962, 1965, 2009, 2011
38 St. Louis, 1969 9 Chi. Bears, 1935-36, 1941-42, 1946, 1963, 1985,
1990, 2012
SACKS 6 Kansas City, 1966-1970, 1974
Most Seasons Leading League Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
5 Oakland/L.A. Raiders, 1966-68, 1982, 1986 5 Kansas City, 1966-1970
Dallas, 1966, 1968-69, 1978, 2008 3 N.Y. Giants, 1937-39
L.A./St. Louis Rams, 1968, 1970, 1988, 1999, 2012 2 By many teams
4 New England/Boston, 1961, 1963, 1977, 1979 Most Passes Intercepted, Season
Dallas/Kansas City, 1960, 1965, 1969, 1990 49 San Diego, 1961
N.Y. Giants, 1963, 1985, 1998, 2007 42 Green Bay, 1943
Pittsburgh, 1974, 1994, 2001, 2010 41 N.Y. Giants, 1951
3 San Francisco, 1967, 1972, 1976 Fewest Passes Intercepted By, Season
N.Y. Giants, 1963, 1985, 1998 3 Houston, 1982
New Orleans, 1992, 1997, 2000 4 Detroit, 2008
San Diego, 1962, 1980, 2006 5 Baltimore, 1982

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 581

Oakland, 2005 68 Cleveland, 1974
Most Passes Intercepted By, Game Cleveland, 1999
9 Green Bay vs. Detroit, Oct. 24, 1943 Fewest Yards Allowed, Punt Returns, Season
Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 1965 22 Green Bay, 1967
8 N.Y. Giants vs. Green Bay, Nov. 21, 1948 30 Buffalo, 1982
Philadelphia vs. Chi. Cardinals, Sept. 24, 1950 34 Washington, 1962
N.Y. Giants vs. N.Y. Yanks, Dec. 16, 1951 Most Yards Allowed, Punt Returns, Season
Houston vs. Denver, Dec. 2, 1962 932 Green Bay, 1949
Detroit vs. Chicago, Sept. 22, 1968 913 Boston, 1947
N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore, Sept. 23, 1973 906 New Orleans, 1974
7 By many teams. Last time: Lowest Avg. Allowed, Punt Returns, Season
Cleveland vs. Detroit, Sept. 23, 2001 1.20 Chi. Cardinals, 1954
Most Consecutive Games, One or More Interceptions By 1.22 Cleveland, 1959
46 L.A. Chargers/San Diego, 1960-63 1.55 Chi. Cardinals, 1953
37 Detroit, 1960-63 Highest Average Allowed, Punt Returns, Season
36 Boston, 1944-47 18.9 San Diego, 2010 (28-528)
Most Yards Returning Interception, Season 18.6 Green Bay, 1949 (50-932)
929 San Diego, 1961 18.0 Cleveland, 1977 (31-558)
712 Los Angeles, 1952 Most Touchdowns Allowed, Punt Returns, Season
700 Baltimore, 2004 4 Los Angeles, 1951
Fewest Yards Returning Interceptions, Season N.Y. Giants, 1959
5 Los Angeles, 1959 Atlanta, 1992
16 Detroit, 2008 Minnesota, 2008
25 Washington, 2006 3 Green Bay, 1949
Most Yards Returning Interceptions, Game Chi. Cardinals, 1951
325 Seattle vs. Kansas City, Nov. 4, 1984 L.A. Rams, 1951, 1994
314 Los Angeles vs. San Francisco, Oct. 18, 1964 Washington, 1952
245 Houston vs. N.Y. Jets, Oct. 15, 1967 Dallas, 1952
Most Yards Returning Interceptions, Both Teams, Game Pittsburgh, 1959, 1993
356 Seattle (325) vs. Kansas City (31), Nov. 4, 1984 N.Y. Jets, 1968
338 Los Angeles (314) vs. San Francisco (24), Cleveland, 1977
Oct. 18, 1964 Atlanta, 1986
308 Dallas (182) vs. Los Angeles (126), Nov. 2, 1952 Tampa Bay, 1986
Most Touchdowns, Returning Interceptions, Season Arizona, 2002
9 San Diego, 1961 Cincinnati, 2002
8 Seattle, 1998 Tennessee, 2002
Chicago, 2012 Carolina, 2011
7 Seattle, 1984 N.Y. Giants, 2013
St. Louis, 1999 Washington, 2013
Most Touchdowns Returning Interceptions, Game Indianapolis, 2015
4 Seattle vs. Kansas City, Nov. 4, 1984 2 By many teams
3 Baltimore vs. Green Bay, Nov. 5, 1950
Cleveland vs. Chicago, Dec. 11, 1960 KICKOFF RETURNS
Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 1965 Fewest Opponents Kickoff Returns, Season
Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, Sept. 29, 1968 8 Indianapolis, 2015
Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets, Sept. 29, 1968 9 Baltimore, 2015
Houston vs. San Diego, Dec. 19, 1971 10 Brooklyn, 1943
Cincinnati vs. Houston, Dec. 17, 1972 Most Opponents Kickoff Returns, Season
Tampa Bay vs. New Orleans, Dec. 11, 1977 93 Indianapolis, 2003
Minnesota vs. N.Y. Giants, Nov. 25, 2007 92 Indianapolis, 2004
2 By many teams New England, 2007
Most Touchdown Returning Interceptions, Both Teams, Game 91 Washington, 1983
4 Philadelphia (3) vs. Pittsburgh (1), Dec. 12, 1965 Minnesota, 2009
Seattle (4) vs. Kansas City (0), Nov. 4, 1984 Fewest Yards Allowed, Kickoff Returns, Season
3 Los Angeles (2) vs. Detroit (1), Nov. 1, 1953 156 Indianapolis, 2015
Cleveland (2) vs. N.Y. Giants (1), Dec. 18, 1960 225 Brooklyn, 1943
Pittsburgh (2) vs. Cincinnati (1), Oct. 10, 1983 254 Denver, 1992
Kansas City (2) vs. San Diego (1), Oct. 19, 1986 Most Yards Allowed, Kickoff Returns, Season
Arizona (2) vs. St. Louis (1), Dec. 30, 2007 2,194 St. Louis, 2001
(Also see previous record) 2,115 St. Louis, 1999
2,060 Minnesota, 2009
PUNT RETURNS Lowest Average Allowed, Kickoff Returns, Season
Fewest Opponents Punt Returns, Season 14.3 Cleveland, 1980
7 Washington, 1962 14.9 Indianapolis, 1993
San Diego, 1982 15.0 Seattle, 1982
10 Buffalo, 1982 Highest Average Allowed, Kickoff Returns, Season
11 Boston, 1962 32.5 Oakland, 2014 (21-683)
New England, 2008 32.4 Carolina, 2014 (18-584)
Most Opponents Punt Returns, Season 30.7 Indianapolis, 2011 (19-584)
71 Tampa Bay, 1976, 1977 Most Touchdowns Allowed, Kickoff Returns, Season
69 N.Y. Giants, 1953 4 Minnesota, 1998
Cleveland, 2000 Pittsburgh, 2009

582 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

3 Minnesota, 1963, 1970
Dallas, 1966
Detroit, 1980
Pittsburgh, 1986
Buffalo, 1997
Atlanta, 2000
Arizona, 2005
Indianapolis, 2007
San Diego, 2010
2 By many teams

Fewest Opponents Fumbles, Season
7 Tennessee, 2014
10 San Francisco, 2015
11 Cleveland, 1956
Baltimore, 1982
Tennessee, 1998
San Diego, 2011
Indianapolis, 2012
Cincinnati, 2015
Most Opponents Fumbles, Season
50 Minnesota, 1963
San Francisco, 1978
48 N.Y. Giants, 1980
N.Y. Jets, 1986
47 N.Y. Giants, 1977
Seattle, 1984

(Number of times losing the ball on interceptions and fumbles.)
Fewest Opponents Turnovers, Season
11 Baltimore, 1982
Houston, 2013
Dallas, 2015
12 Washington, 2006
San Francisco, 2015
13 San Francisco, 1982
Denver, 2008
Kansas City, 2012
Philadelphia 2012
N.Y. Jets, 2014
Most Opponent Turnovers, Season
66 San Diego, 1961
63 Seattle, 1984
61 Washington, 1983
Most Opponent Turnovers, Game
12 Chi. Bears vs. Detroit, Nov. 22, 1942
Philadelphia vs. Chi. Cardinals, Sept. 24, 1950
Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 1965
11 Green Bay vs. San Diego, Sept. 24, 1978
10 By 14 teams

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 583

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
2015 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota7 ..............................................................327 1,485 4.5 80 11
Doug Martin, Tampa Bay2 ..................................................................288 1,402 4.9 84 6
*Todd Gurley, St. Louis......................................................................229 1,106 4.8 71 10
Darren McFadden, Dallas2 ..................................................................239 1,089 4.6 50 3
Chris Ivory, N.Y. Jets..........................................................................247 1,070 4.3 58 7
Latavius Murray, Oakland ..................................................................266 1,066 4.0 54 6
Devonta Freeman, Atlanta ..................................................................265 1,056 4.0 39 11
2014 DeMarco Murray, Dallas2 ...................................................................392 1,845 4.7 51 13
Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh.....................................................................290 1,361 4.7 81 8
LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia4 .............................................................312 1,319 4.2 53 5
Marshawn Lynch, Seattle6 .................................................................280 1,306 4.7 79 13
Justin Forsett, Baltimore ....................................................................235 1,266 5.4 52 8
Arian Foster, Houston4 .......................................................................260 1,246 4.8 51 8
Eddie Lacy, Green Bay2 ......................................................................246 1,139 4.6 44 9
*Jeremy Hill, Cincinnati .....................................................................222 1,124 5.1 85 9
Frank Gore, San Francisco8 ................................................................255 1,106 4.3 52 4
Lamar Miller, Miami ...........................................................................216 1,099 5.1 97 8
Alfred Morris, Washington3 ................................................................265 1,074 4.1 30 8
Matt Forté, Chicago5 ..........................................................................266 1,038 3.9 32 6
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City5 ............................................................206 1,033 5.0 63 9
2013 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia3 .............................................................314 1,607 5.1 57 9
Matt Forté, Chicago4 ..........................................................................289 1,339 4.6 55 9
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City4 ............................................................259 1,287 5.0 46 12
Alfred Morris, Washington2 ................................................................276 1,275 4.6 45 7
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota6 ..............................................................279 1,266 4.5 78 10
Marshawn Lynch, Seattle5 .................................................................301 1,257 4.2 43 12
Ryan Mathews, San Diego2 ................................................................285 1,255 4.4 51 6
*Eddie Lacy, Green Bay.....................................................................284 1,178 4.1 60 11
Frank Gore, San Francisco7 ................................................................276 1,128 4.1 51 9
DeMarco Murray, Dallas ....................................................................217 1,121 5.2 43 9
Chris Johnson, Tennessee6 ................................................................279 1,077 3.9 30 6
Knowshon Moreno, Denver ...............................................................241 1,038 4.3 31 10
Reggie Bush, Detroit2 .........................................................................223 1,006 4.5 39 4
2012 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota5 ..............................................................348 2,097 6.0 82 12
*Alfred Morris, Washington ...............................................................335 1,613 4.8 39 13
Marshawn Lynch, Seattle4 .................................................................315 1,590 5.0 77 11
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City3 ............................................................285 1,509 5.3 91 5
*Doug Martin, Tampa Bay .................................................................319 1,454 4.6 70 11
Arian Foster, Houston3 .......................................................................351 1,424 4.1 46 15
Stevan Ridley, New England...............................................................290 1,263 4.4 41 12
C.J. Spiller, Buffalo ............................................................................207 1,244 6.0 62 6
Chris Johnson, Tennessee5 ................................................................276 1,243 4.5 94 6
Frank Gore, San Francisco6 ................................................................258 1,214 4.7 37 8
Ray Rice, Baltimore4 ..........................................................................257 1,143 4.4 46 9
Matt Forté, Chicago3 ..........................................................................248 1,094 4.4 46 5
BenJarvus Green-Ellis, Cincinnati2......................................................278 1,094 3.9 48 6
Shonn Greene, N.Y. Jets2 ...................................................................276 1,063 3.9 36 8
Steven Jackson, St. Louis8 ................................................................257 1,042 4.1 46 4
Ahmad Bradshaw, N.Y. Giants2 ...........................................................221 1,015 4.6 37 6
2011 Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville3 ....................................................343 1,606 4.7 56 8
Ray Rice, Baltimore3 ..........................................................................291 1,364 4.7 70 12
Michael Turner, Atlanta3 .....................................................................301 1,340 4.5 81 11
LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia2 .............................................................273 1,309 4.8 60 17
Arian Foster, Houston2 .......................................................................278 1,224 4.4 43 10
Frank Gore, San Francisco5 ................................................................282 1,211 4.3 55 8
Marshawn Lynch, Seattle3 .................................................................285 1,204 4.2 47 12
Willis McGahee, Denver4 ....................................................................249 1,199 4.8 60 4
Steven Jackson, St. Louis7 ................................................................260 1,145 4.4 47 5
Ryan Mathews, San Diego.................................................................222 1,091 4.9 39 6
Reggie Bush, Miami ..........................................................................216 1,086 5.0 76 6
Cedric Benson, Cincinnati3 .................................................................273 1,067 3.9 42 6
Shonn Greene, N.Y. Jets.....................................................................253 1,054 4.2 31 6
Chris Johnson, Tennessee4 ................................................................262 1,047 4.0 48 4
Beanie Wells, Arizona ........................................................................245 1,047 4.3 71 10
2010 Arian Foster, Houston ........................................................................327 1,616 4.9 74 16
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City2 ............................................................230 1,467 6.4 80 5
Michael Turner, Atlanta2 .....................................................................334 1,371 4.1 55 12
Chris Johnson, Tennessee3 ................................................................316 1,364 4.3 76 11

584 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville2 ....................................................299 1,324 4.4 37 5
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota4 ..............................................................283 1,298 4.6 80 12
Rashard Mendenhall, Pittsburgh2 .......................................................324 1,273 3.9 50 13
Steven Jackson, St. Louis6 ................................................................330 1,241 3.8 42 6
Ahmad Bradshaw, N.Y. Giants............................................................276 1,235 4.5 48 8
Ray Rice, Baltimore2 ..........................................................................307 1,220 4.0 50 5
Peyton Hillis, Cleveland......................................................................270 1,177 4.4 48 11
Darren McFadden, Oakland................................................................223 1,157 5.2 57 7
Cedric Benson, Cincinnati2 .................................................................321 1,111 3.5 26 7
LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia ..............................................................207 1,080 5.2 62 7
Matt Forté, Chicago2 ..........................................................................237 1,069 4.5 68 6
BenJarvus Green-Ellis, New England..................................................229 1,008 4.4 33 13
*LeGarrette Blount, Tampa Bay..........................................................201 1,007 5.0 53 6
2009 Chris Johnson, Tennessee2 ................................................................358 2,006 5.6 91 14
Steven Jackson, St. Louis5 ................................................................324 1,416 4.8 58 4
Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets5 ..................................................................331 1,402 4.2 71 14
Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville .....................................................312 1,391 4.5 80 15
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota3 ..............................................................314 1,383 4.4 64 18
Ray Rice, Baltimore...........................................................................254 1,339 5.3 59 7
Ryan Grant, Green Bay2 .....................................................................282 1,253 4.4 62 11
Cedric Benson, Cincinnati..................................................................301 1,251 4.2 42 6
Jonathan Stewart, Carolina................................................................221 1,133 5.1 67 10
Ricky Williams, Miami5 ......................................................................241 1,121 4.6 68 11
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City .............................................................190 1,120 5.9 76 7
Frank Gore, San Francisco4 ................................................................229 1,120 4.9 80 10
DeAngelo Williams, Carolina2 .............................................................216 1,117 5.2 77 7
Rashard Mendenhall, Pittsburgh ........................................................242 1,108 4.6 60 7
Fred Jackson, Buffalo ........................................................................237 1,062 4.5 43 2
2008 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota2 ..............................................................363 1,760 4.9 67 10
Michael Turner, Atlanta ......................................................................376 1,699 4.5 70 17
DeAngelo Williams, Carolina ..............................................................273 1,515 5.6 69 18
Clinton Portis, Washington6 ...............................................................342 1,487 4.4 31 9
Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets4 ..................................................................290 1,312 4.5 59 13
*Steve Slaton, Houston .....................................................................268 1,282 4.8 71 9
*Matt Forté, Chicago .........................................................................316 1,238 3.9 50 8
*Chris Johnson, Tennessee ...............................................................251 1,228 4.9 66 9
Ryan Grant, Green Bay ......................................................................312 1,203 3.9 57 4
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego8 .......................................................292 1,110 3.8 45 11
Brandon Jacobs, N.Y. Giants2 .............................................................219 1,089 5.0 44 15
Steven Jackson, St. Louis4 ................................................................253 1,042 4.1 56 7
Frank Gore, San Francisco3 ................................................................240 1,036 4.3 41 6
Marshawn Lynch, Buffalo2 .................................................................250 1,036 4.1 50 8
Derrick Ward, N.Y. Giants...................................................................182 1,025 5.6 51 2
Jamal Lewis, Cleveland7 ....................................................................279 1,002 3.6 29 4
2007 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego7 .......................................................315 1,474 4.7 49 15
*Adrian Peterson, Minnesota .............................................................238 1,341 5.6 73 12
Brian Westbrook, Philadelphia2...........................................................278 1,333 4.8 36 7
Willie Parker, Pittsburgh3 ....................................................................321 1,316 4.1 32 2
Jamal Lewis, Cleveland6 ....................................................................298 1,304 4.4 66 9
Clinton Portis, Washington5 ...............................................................325 1,262 3.9 32 11
Edgerrin James, Arizona7 ...................................................................324 1,222 3.8 27 7
Willis McGahee, Baltimore3 ................................................................294 1,207 4.1 46 7
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville7 ...................................................................223 1,202 5.4 80 5
Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets3...................................................................310 1,119 3.6 36 1
*Marshawn Lynch, Buffalo ................................................................280 1,115 4.0 56 7
LenDale White, Tennessee .................................................................303 1,110 3.7 28 7
Frank Gore, San Francisco2 ................................................................260 1,102 4.2 43 5
Joseph Addai, Indianapolis2 ...............................................................261 1,072 4.1 23 12
Justin Fargas, Oakland.......................................................................222 1,009 4.6 48 4
Brandon Jacobs, N.Y. Giants..............................................................202 1,009 5.0 43 4
Steven Jackson, St. Louis3 ................................................................237 1,002 4.2 54 5
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego6 .......................................................348 1,815 5.2 85 28
Larry Johnson, Kansas City2 ..............................................................416 1,789 4.3 47 17
Frank Gore, San Francisco.................................................................312 1,695 5.4 72 8
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants6......................................................................327 1,662 5.1 55 5
Steven Jackson, St. Louis2 ................................................................346 1,528 4.4 59 13
Willie Parker, Pittsburgh2 ....................................................................337 1,494 4.4 76 13
Rudi Johnson, Cincinnati3 ..................................................................341 1,309 3.8 22 12
Brian Westbrook, Philadelphia............................................................240 1,217 5.1 71 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 585

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Chester Taylor, Minnesota..................................................................303 1,216 4.0 95 6
Travis Henry, Tennessee3 ...................................................................270 1,211 4.5 70 7
Thomas Jones, Chicago2 ...................................................................296 1,210 4.1 30 6
Edgerrin James, Arizona6 ...................................................................337 1,159 3.4 18 6
Ladell Betts, Washington ...................................................................245 1,154 4.7 26 4
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville6 ...................................................................231 1,146 5.0 76 5
Warrick Dunn, Atlanta5 .......................................................................286 1,140 4.0 90 4
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore5.....................................................................314 1,132 3.6 52 9
Julius Jones, Dallas...........................................................................267 1,084 4.1 77 4
*Joseph Addai, Indianapolis ..............................................................226 1,081 4.8 41 7
Ahman Green, Green Bay6 .................................................................266 1,059 4.0 70 5
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans4 .........................................................244 1,057 4.3 57 10
Michael Vick, Atlanta .........................................................................123 1,039 8.5 51 2
Tatum Bell, Denver ............................................................................233 1,025 4.4 51 2
Ronnie Brown, Miami ........................................................................241 1,008 4.2 47 5
2005 Shaun Alexander, Seattle5...................................................................370 1,880 5.1 88 27
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants5......................................................................357 1,860 5.2 95 9
Larry Johnson, Kansas City...............................................................336 1,750 5.2 49 20
Clinton Portis, Washington4 ...............................................................352 1,516 4.3 47 11
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis5 ............................................................360 1,506 4.2 33 13
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego5 .......................................................339 1,462 4.3 62 18
Rudi Johnson, Cincinnati2 ..................................................................337 1,458 4.3 33 12
Warrick Dunn, Atlanta4 .......................................................................280 1,416 5.1 65 3
Thomas Jones, Chicago ....................................................................314 1,335 4.3 42 9
Willis McGahee, Buffalo2 ....................................................................325 1,247 3.8 27 5
Reuben Droughns, Cleveland2 ............................................................309 1,232 4.0 75 2
Willie Parker, Pittsburgh .....................................................................255 1,202 4.7 80 4
*Carnell Williams, Tampa Bay............................................................290 1,178 4.1 71 6
Steven Jackson, St. Louis .................................................................254 1,046 4.1 51 8
LaMont Jordan, Oakland....................................................................272 1,025 3.8 26 9
Mike Anderson, Denver2 ....................................................................239 1,014 4.2 44 12
2004 Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets10 ....................................................................371 1,697 4.6 25 12
Shaun Alexander, Seattle4...................................................................353 1,696 4.8 44 16
Corey Dillon, New England7 ...............................................................345 1,635 4.7 44 12
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis4 ............................................................334 1,548 4.6 40 9
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants4 ......................................................................322 1,518 4.7 72 13
Rudi Johnson, Cincinnati ...................................................................361 1,454 4.0 52 12
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego4 .......................................................339 1,335 3.9 42 17
Clinton Portis, Washington3 ...............................................................343 1,315 3.8 64 5
Reuben Droughns, Denver .................................................................275 1,240 4.5 51 6
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville5 ...................................................................260 1,224 4.7 46 2
Domanick Davis, Houston2 ................................................................302 1,188 3.9 44 13
Ahman Green, Green Bay5..................................................................259 1,163 4.5 90 7
*Kevin Jones, Detroit.........................................................................241 1,133 4.7 74 5
Willis McGahee, Buffalo.....................................................................284 1,128 4.0 41 13
Warrick Dunn, Atlanta3 .......................................................................265 1,106 4.2 60 9
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans3 .........................................................269 1,074 4.0 71 9
Chris Brown, Tennessee ....................................................................220 1,067 4.9 52 6
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore4.....................................................................235 1,006 4.3 75 7
2003 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore3.....................................................................387 2,066 5.3 82 14
Ahman Green, Green Bay4 .................................................................355 1,883 5.3 98 15
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego3 .......................................................313 1,645 5.3 73 13
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans2 .........................................................351 1,641 4.7 76 8
Clinton Portis, Denver2 .......................................................................290 1,591 5.5 65 14
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville4 ...................................................................345 1,572 4.6 62 6
Stephen Davis, Carolina4 ....................................................................318 1,444 4.5 40 8
Shaun Alexander, Seattle3...................................................................326 1,435 4.4 55 14
Priest Holmes, Kansas City4...............................................................320 1,420 4.4 31 27
Ricky Williams, Miami4 ......................................................................392 1,372 3.5 45 9
Travis Henry, Buffalo2.........................................................................331 1,356 4.1 64 10
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets9 .....................................................................323 1,308 4.1 56 2
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis3 ............................................................310 1,259 4.1 43 11
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants3......................................................................278 1,216 4.4 27 2
*Domanick Davis, Houston ...............................................................238 1,031 4.3 51 8
Eddie George, Tennessee7 ..................................................................312 1,031 3.3 27 5
Kevan Barlow, San Francisco.............................................................201 1,024 5.1 78 6
Anthony Thomas, Chicago2................................................................244 1,024 4.2 67 6
2002 Ricky Williams, Miami3 ......................................................................383 1,853 4.8 63 16
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego2 .......................................................372 1,683 4.5 76 14

586 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Priest Holmes, Kansas City3...............................................................313 1,615 5.2 56 21
*Clinton Portis, Denver......................................................................273 1,508 5.5 59 15
Travis Henry, Buffalo..........................................................................325 1,438 4.4 34 13
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans ..........................................................325 1,388 4.3 62 13
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants2......................................................................304 1,387 4.6 70 11
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore2.....................................................................308 1,327 4.3 75 6
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville3 ...................................................................287 1,314 4.6 63 8
Corey Dillon, Cincinnati6 ....................................................................314 1,311 4.2 67 7
Michael Bennett, Minnesota...............................................................255 1,296 5.1 85 5
Ahman Green, Green Bay3 .................................................................286 1,240 4.3 43 7
Shaun Alexander, Seattle2...................................................................295 1,175 4.0 58 16
Eddie George, Tennessee6 ..................................................................343 1,165 3.4 35 12
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets8 .....................................................................261 1,094 4.2 35 7
Duce Staley, Philadelphia3 ..................................................................269 1,029 3.8 57 5
James Stewart, Detroit2 .....................................................................231 1,021 4.4 56 4
2001 Priest Holmes, Kansas City2...............................................................327 1,555 4.8 41 8
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets7 .....................................................................333 1,513 4.5 47 10
Stephen Davis, Washington3 ..............................................................356 1,432 4.0 32 5
Ahman Green, Green Bay2 .................................................................304 1,387 4.6 83 9
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis7...................................................................260 1,382 5.3 71 12
Shaun Alexander, Seattle....................................................................309 1,318 4.3 88 14
Corey Dillon, Cincinnati5 ....................................................................340 1,315 3.9 96 10
Ricky Williams, New Orleans2 ............................................................313 1,245 4.0 46 6
*LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego......................................................339 1,236 3.6 54 10
Garrison Hearst, San Francisco4 ........................................................252 1,206 4.8 43 4
*Anthony Thomas, Chicago...............................................................278 1,183 4.3 46 7
Antowain Smith, New England2 ..........................................................287 1,157 4.0 44 12
*Dominic Rhodes, Indianapolis..........................................................233 1,104 4.7 77 9
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh8 ..................................................................225 1,072 4.8 48 4
Emmitt Smith, Dallas11 .......................................................................261 1,021 3.9 44 3
2000 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis2 ............................................................387 1,709 4.4 30 13
Robert Smith, Minnesota4 ..................................................................295 1,521 5.2 72 7
Eddie George, Tennessee5 ..................................................................403 1,509 3.7 35 14
*Mike Anderson, Denver ...................................................................297 1,487 5.0 80 15
Corey Dillon, Cincinnati4 ....................................................................315 1,435 4.6 80 7
Fred Taylor, Jacksonville2 ...................................................................292 1,399 4.8 71 12
*Jamal Lewis, Baltimore....................................................................309 1,364 4.4 45 6
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis6...................................................................253 1,359 5.4 36 18
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh7 ..................................................................355 1,341 3.8 30 8
Stephen Davis, Washington2 ..............................................................332 1,318 4.0 50 11
Ricky Watters, Seattle7.......................................................................278 1,242 4.5 55 7
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets6 .....................................................................316 1,204 3.8 55 9
Emmitt Smith, Dallas10 .......................................................................294 1,203 4.1 52 9
James Stewart, Detroit ......................................................................339 1,184 3.5 34 10
Ahman Green, Green Bay ..................................................................263 1,175 4.5 39 10
Charlie Garner, San Francisco2 ...........................................................258 1,142 4.4 42 7
Lamar Smith, Miami ..........................................................................309 1,139 3.7 68 14
Warrick Dunn, Tampa Bay2 ................................................................248 1,133 4.6 70 8
James Allen, Chicago ........................................................................290 1,120 3.9 29 2
Tyrone Wheatley, Oakland ..................................................................232 1,046 4.5 80 9
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta4 ...................................................................282 1,024 3.6 42 6
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants.......................................................................213 1,006 4.7 78 8
Ricky Williams, New Orleans .............................................................248 1,000 4.0 26 8
1999 *Edgerrin James, Indianapolis ...........................................................369 1,553 4.2 72 13
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets5 .....................................................................367 1,464 4.0 50 5
Stephen Davis, Washington ...............................................................290 1,405 4.8 76 17
Emmitt Smith, Dallas9 ........................................................................329 1,397 4.3 63 11
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis5...................................................................253 1,381 5.5 58 7
Eddie George, Tennessee4 ..................................................................320 1,304 4.1 40 9
Duce Staley, Philadelphia2 ..................................................................325 1,273 3.9 29 4
Charlie Garner, San Francisco ............................................................241 1,229 5.1 53 4
Ricky Watters, Seattle6.......................................................................325 1,210 3.7 45 5
Corey Dillon, Cincinnati3 ....................................................................263 1,200 4.6 50 5
*Olandis Gary, Denver .......................................................................276 1,159 4.2 71 7
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh6 ..................................................................299 1,091 3.7 35 7
Dorsey Levens, Green Bay2................................................................279 1,034 3.7 36 9
Robert Smith, Minnesota3 ..................................................................221 1,015 4.6 70 2
1998 Terrell Davis, Denver4 .........................................................................392 2,008 5.1 70 21
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta3 ...................................................................410 1,846 4.5 48 14

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 587

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Garrison Hearst, San Francisco3 ........................................................310 1,570 5.1 96 7
Barry Sanders, Detroit10 .....................................................................343 1,491 4.3 73 4
Emmitt Smith, Dallas8 ........................................................................319 1,332 4.2 32 13
Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis4 ..............................................................324 1,319 4.1 68 6
Eddie George, Tennessee3 ..................................................................348 1,294 3.7 37 5
Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets4 .....................................................................369 1,287 3.5 60 8
Ricky Watters, Seattle5.......................................................................319 1,239 3.9 39 9
*Fred Taylor, Jacksonville ..................................................................264 1,223 4.6 77 14
Robert Smith, Minnesota2 ..................................................................249 1,187 4.8 74 6
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh5 ..................................................................316 1,185 3.8 42 3
Corey Dillon, Cincinnati2 ....................................................................262 1,130 4.3 66 4
Antowain Smith, Buffalo ....................................................................300 1,124 3.7 30 8
*Robert Edwards, New England ........................................................291 1,115 3.8 53 9
Duce Staley, Philadelphia...................................................................258 1,065 4.1 64 5
Gary Brown, N.Y. Giants2 ...................................................................247 1,063 4.3 45 5
Adrian Murrell, Arizona3 .....................................................................274 1,042 3.8 32 8
Warrick Dunn, Tampa Bay .................................................................245 1,026 4.2 50 2
Priest Holmes, Baltimore ...................................................................233 1,008 4.3 56 7
1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit9 ......................................................................335 2,053 6.1 82 11
Terrell Davis, Denver3 .........................................................................369 1,750 4.7 50 15
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh4 ..................................................................375 1,665 4.4 34 7
Dorsey Levens, Green Bay ................................................................329 1,435 4.4 52 7
Eddie George, Tennessee2 ..................................................................357 1,399 3.9 30 6
Napoleon Kaufman, Oakland..............................................................272 1,294 4.8 83 6
Robert Smith, Minnesota ...................................................................232 1,266 5.5 78 6
Curtis Martin, New England3 ..............................................................274 1,160 4.2 70 4
*Corey Dillon, Cincinnati ...................................................................233 1,129 4.8 71 10
Ricky Watters, Philadelphia4 ...............................................................285 1,110 3.9 28 7
Adrian Murrell, N.Y. Jets2 ...................................................................300 1,086 3.6 43 7
Emmitt Smith, Dallas7 ........................................................................261 1,074 4.1 44 4
Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis3 ..............................................................264 1,054 4.0 45 7
Raymont Harris, Chicago...................................................................275 1,033 3.8 68 10
Garrison Hearst, San Francisco2 ........................................................234 1,019 4.4 51 4
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta2 ...................................................................290 1,002 3.5 39 7
1996 Barry Sanders, Detroit8 ......................................................................307 1,553 5.1 54 11
Terrell Davis, Denver2 .........................................................................345 1,538 4.5 71 13
Jerome Bettis, Pittsburgh3 ..................................................................320 1,431 4.5 50 11
Ricky Watters, Philadelphia3 ...............................................................353 1,411 4.0 56 13
*Eddie George, Houston....................................................................335 1,368 4.1 76 8
Terry Allen, Washington4 ....................................................................347 1,353 3.9 49 21
Adrian Murrell, N.Y. Jets ....................................................................301 1,249 4.1 78 6
Emmitt Smith, Dallas6 ........................................................................327 1,204 3.7 42 12
Curtis Martin, New England2 ..............................................................316 1,152 3.6 57 14
Anthony Johnson, Carolina ................................................................300 1,120 3.7 29 6
*Karim Abdul-Jabbar, Miami..............................................................307 1,116 3.6 29 11
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta....................................................................232 1,055 4.5 32 5
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo8 ................................................................281 1,033 3.7 36 8
1995 Emmitt Smith, Dallas5 ........................................................................377 1,773 4.7 60 25
Barry Sanders, Detroit7 ......................................................................314 1,500 4.8 75 11
*Curtis Martin, New England.............................................................368 1,487 4.0 49 14
Chris Warren, Seattle4 ........................................................................310 1,346 4.3 52 15
Terry Allen, Washington3 ....................................................................338 1,309 3.9 28 10
Ricky Watters, Philadelphia2 ...............................................................337 1,273 3.8 57 11
Errict Rhett, Tampa Bay2 ....................................................................332 1,207 3.6 21 11
Rodney Hampton, N.Y. Giants5 ...........................................................306 1,182 3.9 32 10
*Terrell Davis, Denver........................................................................237 1,117 4.7 60 7
Harvey Williams, Oakland ..................................................................255 1,114 4.4 60 9
Craig Heyward, Atlanta ......................................................................236 1,083 4.6 31 6
Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis2 ..............................................................289 1,078 3.7 40 11
*Rashaan Salaam, Chicago ...............................................................296 1,074 3.6 42 10
Garrison Hearst, Arizona....................................................................284 1,070 3.8 38 1
Edgar Bennett, Green Bay..................................................................316 1,067 3.4 23 3
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo7 ................................................................267 1,005 3.8 49 6
1994 Barry Sanders, Detroit6 ......................................................................331 1,883 5.7 85 7
Chris Warren, Seattle3 ........................................................................333 1,545 4.6 41 9
Emmitt Smith, Dallas4 ........................................................................368 1,484 4.0 46 21
Natrone Means, San Diego ................................................................343 1,350 3.9 25 12
*Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis .............................................................314 1,282 4.1 52 11
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo6 ................................................................287 1,093 3.8 29 7

588 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Rodney Hampton, N.Y. Giants4 ...........................................................327 1,075 3.3 27 6
Terry Allen, Minnesota2 ......................................................................255 1,031 4.0 45 8
Jerome Bettis, L.A. Rams2 .................................................................319 1,025 3.2 19 3
*Errict Rhett, Tampa Bay ...................................................................284 1,011 3.6 27 7
1993 Emmitt Smith, Dallas3 ........................................................................283 1,486 5.3 62 9
*Jerome Bettis, L.A. Rams ................................................................294 1,429 4.9 71 7
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo5 ................................................................355 1,315 3.7 27 6
Erric Pegram, Atlanta.........................................................................292 1,185 4.1 29 3
Barry Sanders, Detroit5 ......................................................................243 1,115 4.6 42 3
Leonard Russell, New England ..........................................................300 1,088 3.6 21 7
Rodney Hampton, N.Y. Giants3 ...........................................................292 1,077 3.7 20 5
Chris Warren, Seattle2 ........................................................................273 1,072 3.9 45 7
*Reggie Brooks, Washington.............................................................223 1,063 4.8 85 3
*Ron Moore, Phoenix ........................................................................263 1,018 3.9 20 9
Gary Brown, Houston ........................................................................195 1,002 5.1 26 6
1992 Emmitt Smith, Dallas2 ........................................................................373 1,713 4.6 68 18
Barry Foster, Pittsburgh .....................................................................390 1,690 4.3 69 11
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo4 ................................................................312 1,487 4.8 44 9
Barry Sanders, Detroit4 ......................................................................312 1,352 4.3 55 9
Lorenzo White, Houston ....................................................................265 1,226 4.6 44 7
Terry Allen, Minnesota .......................................................................266 1,201 4.5 51 13
Reggie Cobb, Tampa Bay...................................................................310 1,171 3.8 25 9
Harold Green, Cincinnati ....................................................................265 1,170 4.4 53 2
Rodney Hampton, N.Y. Giants2 ...........................................................257 1,141 4.4 63 14
Cleveland Gary, L.A. Rams ................................................................279 1,125 4.0 63 7
Herschel Walker, Philadelphia2 ...........................................................267 1,070 4.0 38 8
Chris Warren, Seattle.........................................................................223 1,017 4.6 52 3
Ricky Watters, San Francisco ............................................................206 1,013 4.9 43 9
1991 Emmitt Smith, Dallas .........................................................................365 1,563 4.3 75 12
Barry Sanders, Detroit3 ......................................................................342 1,548 4.5 69 16
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo3 ................................................................288 1,407 4.9 33 7
Rodney Hampton, N.Y. Giants ............................................................256 1,059 4.1 44 10
Earnest Byner, Washington3 ...............................................................274 1,048 3.8 32 5
Gaston Green, Denver........................................................................261 1,037 4.0 63 4
Christian Okoye, Kansas City2 ............................................................225 1,031 4.6 48 9
1990 Barry Sanders, Detroit2 ......................................................................255 1,304 5.1 45 13
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo2 ................................................................271 1,297 4.8 80 11
Marion Butts, San Diego....................................................................265 1,225 4.6 52 8
Earnest Byner, Washington2 ...............................................................297 1,219 4.1 22 6
Bobby Humphrey, Denver2 .................................................................288 1,202 4.2 37 7
Neal Anderson, Chicago3 ...................................................................260 1,078 4.1 52 10
Barry Word, Kansas City ...................................................................204 1,015 5.0 53 4
James Brooks, Cincinnati3 .................................................................195 1,004 5.1 56 5
1989 Christian Okoye, Kansas City.............................................................370 1,480 4.0 59 12
*Barry Sanders, Detroit .....................................................................280 1,470 5.3 34 14
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis7 ..............................................................314 1,311 4.2 21 7
Neal Anderson, Chicago2 ...................................................................274 1,275 4.7 73 11
Dalton Hilliard, New Orleans ..............................................................344 1,262 3.7 40 13
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo .................................................................298 1,244 4.2 38 6
James Brooks, Cincinnati2 .................................................................221 1,239 5.6 65 7
*Bobby Humphrey, Denver ................................................................294 1,151 3.9 40 7
Greg Bell, L.A. Rams3 ........................................................................272 1,137 4.2 47 15
Roger Craig, San Francisco3 ..............................................................271 1,054 3.9 27 6
Ottis Anderson, N.Y. Giants6 ...............................................................325 1,023 3.1 36 14
1988 Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis6 ..............................................................388 1,659 4.3 41 14
Herschel Walker, Dallas .....................................................................361 1,514 4.2 38 5
Roger Craig, San Francisco2 ..............................................................310 1,502 4.8 46 9
Greg Bell, L.A. Rams2 ........................................................................288 1,212 4.2 44 16
*John Stephens, New England ..........................................................297 1,168 3.9 52 4
Gary Anderson, San Diego ................................................................225 1,119 5.0 36 3
Neal Anderson, Chicago ....................................................................249 1,106 4.4 80 12
Joe Morris, N.Y. Giants3 .....................................................................307 1,083 3.5 27 5
*Ickey Woods, Cincinnati ..................................................................203 1,066 5.3 56 15
Curt Warner, Seattle4 .........................................................................266 1,025 3.9 29 10
John Settle, Atlanta............................................................................232 1,024 4.4 62 7
Mike Rozier, Houston.........................................................................251 1,002 4.0 28 10
1987 Charles White, L.A. Rams..................................................................324 1,374 4.2 58 11
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams-Indianapolis5 ............................................283 1,288 4.6 57 6
1986 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams4 ................................................................404 1,821 4.5 42 11

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 589

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Joe Morris, N.Y. Giants2 .....................................................................341 1,516 4.4 54 14
Curt Warner, Seattle3 .........................................................................319 1,481 4.6 60 13
*Rueben Mayes, New Orleans ...........................................................286 1,353 4.7 50 8
Walter Payton, Chicago10 ...................................................................321 1,333 4.2 41 8
Gerald Riggs, Atlanta3 ........................................................................343 1,327 3.9 31 9
George Rogers, Washington4 .............................................................303 1,203 4.0 42 18
James Brooks, Cincinnati ..................................................................205 1,087 5.3 56 5
1985 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders3 ...............................................................390 1,759 4.6 61 11
Gerald Riggs, Atlanta2 ........................................................................397 1,719 4.3 50 10
Walter Payton, Chicago9 ....................................................................324 1,551 4.8 40 9
Joe Morris, N.Y. Giants ......................................................................294 1,336 4.5 65 21
Freeman McNeil, N.Y. Jets2 ................................................................294 1,331 4.5 69 3
Tony Dorsett, Dallas8 .........................................................................305 1,307 4.3 60 7
James Wilder, Tampa Bay2 .................................................................365 1,300 3.6 28 10
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams3 ................................................................292 1,234 4.2 43 12
Craig James, New England ................................................................263 1,227 4.7 65 5
Kevin Mack, Cleveland.......................................................................222 1,104 5.0 61 7
Curt Warner, Seattle2 .........................................................................291 1,094 3.8 38 8
George Rogers, Washington3 .............................................................231 1,093 4.7 35 7
Roger Craig, San Francisco ...............................................................214 1,050 4.9 62 9
Earnest Jackson, Philadelphia2 ...........................................................282 1,028 3.6 59 5
Stump Mitchell, St. Louis...................................................................183 1,006 5.5 64 7
Earnest Byner, Cleveland ...................................................................244 1,002 4.1 36 8
1984 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams2 ................................................................379 2,105 5.6 66 14
Walter Payton, Chicago8 ....................................................................381 1,684 4.4 72 11
James Wilder, Tampa Bay..................................................................407 1,544 3.8 37 13
Gerald Riggs, Atlanta.........................................................................353 1,486 4.2 57 13
Wendell Tyler, San Francisco3.............................................................246 1,262 5.1 40 7
John Riggins, Washington5 ................................................................327 1,239 3.8 24 14
Tony Dorsett, Dallas7 .........................................................................302 1,189 3.9 31 6
Earnest Jackson, San Diego ..............................................................296 1,179 4.0 32 8
Ottis Anderson, St. Louis5 ..................................................................289 1,174 4.1 24 6
Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders2 ...............................................................275 1,168 4.2 52 13
Sammy Winder, Denver .....................................................................296 1,153 3.9 24 4
*Greg Bell, Buffalo ............................................................................262 1,100 4.2 85 7
Freeman McNeil, N.Y. Jets .................................................................229 1,070 4.7 53 5
1983 *Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams...............................................................390 1,808 4.6 85 18
William Andrews, Atlanta4 ..................................................................331 1,567 4.7 27 7
*Curt Warner, Seattle ........................................................................335 1,449 4.3 60 13
Walter Payton, Chicago7 ....................................................................314 1,421 4.5 49 6
John Riggins, Washington4 ................................................................375 1,347 3.6 44 24
Tony Dorsett, Dallas6 .........................................................................289 1,321 4.6 77 8
Earl Campbell, Houston5 ....................................................................322 1,301 4.0 42 12
Ottis Anderson, St. Louis4 ..................................................................296 1,270 4.3 43 5
Mike Pruitt, Cleveland4 .......................................................................293 1,184 4.0 27 10
George Rogers, New Orleans2 ............................................................256 1,144 4.5 76 5
Joe Cribbs, Buffalo3 ...........................................................................263 1,131 4.3 45 3
Curtis Dickey, Baltimore ....................................................................254 1,122 4.4 56 4
Tony Collins, New England ................................................................219 1,049 4.8 50 10
Billy Sims, Detroit3 .............................................................................220 1,040 4.7 41 7
Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders ................................................................266 1,014 3.8 19 9
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh8 ..................................................................279 1,007 3.6 19 5
1981 *George Rogers, New Orleans...........................................................378 1,674 4.4 79 13
Tony Dorsett, Dallas5 .........................................................................342 1,646 4.8 75 4
Billy Sims, Detroit2 .............................................................................296 1,437 4.9 51 13
Wilbert Montgomery, Philadelphia3 .....................................................286 1,402 4.9 41 8
Ottis Anderson, St. Louis3 ..................................................................328 1,376 4.2 28 9
Earl Campbell, Houston4 ....................................................................361 1,376 3.8 43 10
William Andrews, Atlanta3 ..................................................................289 1,301 4.5 29 10
Walter Payton, Chicago6 ....................................................................339 1,222 3.6 39 6
Chuck Muncie, San Diego2 ................................................................251 1,144 4.6 73 19
*Joe Delaney, Kansas City.................................................................234 1,121 4.8 82 3
Mike Pruitt, Cleveland3 .......................................................................247 1,103 4.5 21 7
Joe Cribbs, Buffalo2 ...........................................................................257 1,097 4.3 35 3
Pete Johnson, Cincinnati ...................................................................274 1,077 3.9 39 12
Wendell Tyler, Los Angeles2 ...............................................................260 1,074 4.1 69 12
Ted Brown, Minnesota .......................................................................274 1,063 3.9 34 6
1980 Earl Campbell, Houston3 ....................................................................373 1,934 5.2 55 13
Walter Payton, Chicago5 ....................................................................317 1,460 4.6 69 6

590 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Ottis Anderson, St. Louis2 ..................................................................301 1,352 4.5 52 9
William Andrews, Atlanta2 ..................................................................265 1,308 4.9 33 4
*Billy Sims, Detroit............................................................................313 1,303 4.2 52 13
Tony Dorsett, Dallas4 .........................................................................278 1,185 4.3 56 11
*Joe Cribbs, Buffalo ..........................................................................306 1,185 3.9 48 11
Mike Pruitt, Cleveland2 .......................................................................249 1,034 4.2 56 6
1979 Earl Campbell, Houston2 ....................................................................368 1,697 4.6 61 19
Walter Payton, Chicago4 ....................................................................369 1,610 4.4 43 14
*Ottis Anderson, St. Louis.................................................................331 1,605 4.8 76 8
Wilbert Montgomery, Philadelphia2 .....................................................338 1,512 4.5 62 9
Mike Pruitt, Cleveland ........................................................................264 1,294 4.9 77 9
Ricky Bell, Tampa Bay .......................................................................283 1,263 4.5 49 7
Chuck Muncie, New Orleans..............................................................238 1,198 5.0 69 11
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh7 ..................................................................267 1,186 4.4 71 11
John Riggins, Washington3 ................................................................260 1,153 4.4 66 9
Wendell Tyler, Los Angeles ................................................................218 1,109 5.1 63 9
Tony Dorsett, Dallas3 .........................................................................250 1,107 4.4 41 6
*William Andrews, Atlanta .................................................................239 1,023 4.3 23 3
1978 *Earl Campbell, Houston ...................................................................302 1,450 4.8 81 13
Walter Payton, Chicago3 ....................................................................333 1,395 4.2 76 11
Tony Dorsett, Dallas2 .........................................................................290 1,325 4.6 63 7
Delvin Williams, Miami2 .....................................................................272 1,258 4.6 58 8
Wilbert Montgomery, Philadelphia......................................................259 1,220 4.7 47 9
Terdell Middleton, Green Bay .............................................................284 1,116 3.9 76 11
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh6 ..................................................................310 1,082 3.5 37 8
Mark van Eeghen, Oakland3 ...............................................................270 1,080 4.0 34 9
*Terry Miller, Buffalo..........................................................................238 1,060 4.5 60 7
Tony Reed, Kansas City.....................................................................206 1,053 5.1 62 5
John Riggins, Washington2 ................................................................248 1,014 4.1 31 5
1977 Walter Payton, Chicago2 ....................................................................339 1,852 5.5 73 14
Mark van Eeghen, Oakland2 ...............................................................324 1,273 3.9 27 7
Lawrence McCutcheon, Los Angeles4 ................................................294 1,238 4.2 48 7
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh5 ..................................................................300 1,162 3.9 61 11
Lydell Mitchell, Baltimore3 ..................................................................301 1,159 3.9 64 3
Chuck Foreman, Minnesota3 ..............................................................270 1,112 4.1 51 6
Greg Pruitt, Cleveland3 .......................................................................236 1,086 4.6 78 3
Sam Cunningham, New England........................................................270 1,015 3.8 31 4
*Tony Dorsett, Dallas ........................................................................208 1,007 4.8 84 12
1976 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo5 .......................................................................290 1,503 5.2 75 8
Walter Payton, Chicago .....................................................................311 1,390 4.5 60 13
Delvin Williams, San Francisco ..........................................................248 1,203 4.9 80 7
Lydell Mitchell, Baltimore2 ..................................................................289 1,200 4.2 43 5
Lawrence McCutcheon, Los Angeles3 ................................................291 1,168 4.0 40 9
Chuck Foreman, Minnesota2 ..............................................................278 1,155 4.2 46 13
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh4 ..................................................................289 1,128 3.9 30 14
Mike Thomas, Washington ................................................................254 1,101 4.3 28 5
Rocky Bleier, Pittsburgh.....................................................................220 1,036 4.7 28 5
Mark van Eeghen, Oakland ................................................................233 1,012 4.3 21 3
Otis Armstrong, Denver2 ....................................................................247 1,008 4.1 31 5
Greg Pruitt, Cleveland2 .......................................................................209 1,000 4.8 64 4
1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo4 .......................................................................329 1,817 5.5 88 16
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh3 ..................................................................262 1,246 4.8 36 10
Lydell Mitchell, Baltimore...................................................................289 1,193 4.1 70 11
Jim Otis, St. Louis.............................................................................269 1,076 4.0 30 5
Chuck Foreman, Minnesota ...............................................................280 1,070 3.8 31 13
Greg Pruitt, Cleveland ........................................................................217 1,067 4.9 50 8
John Riggins, N.Y. Jets ......................................................................238 1,005 4.2 42 8
Dave Hampton, Atlanta ......................................................................250 1,002 4.0 22 5
1974 Otis Armstrong, Denver .....................................................................263 1,407 5.3 43 9
*Don Woods, San Diego ...................................................................227 1,162 5.1 56 7
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo3 .......................................................................270 1,125 4.2 41 3
Lawrence McCutcheon, Los Angeles2 ................................................236 1,109 4.7 23 3
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh2 ..................................................................208 1,006 4.8 54 5
1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo2 .......................................................................332 2,003 6.0 80 12
John Brockington, Green Bay3 ...........................................................265 1,144 4.3 53 3
Calvin Hill, Dallas2..............................................................................273 1,142 4.2 21 6
Lawrence McCutcheon, Los Angeles .................................................210 1,097 5.2 37 2
Larry Csonka, Miami3 ........................................................................219 1,003 4.6 25 5
1972 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo........................................................................292 1,251 4.3 94 6

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 591

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
Larry Brown, Washington2 .................................................................285 1,216 4.3 38 8
Ron Johnson, N.Y. Giants2 .................................................................298 1,182 4.0 35 9
Larry Csonka, Miami2 ........................................................................213 1,117 5.2 45 6
Marv Hubbard, Oakland .....................................................................219 1,100 5.0 39 4
*Franco Harris, Pittsburgh .................................................................188 1,055 5.6 75 10
Calvin Hill, Dallas...............................................................................245 1,036 4.2 26 6
Mike Garrett, San Diego2 ....................................................................272 1,031 3.8 41 6
John Brockington, Green Bay2 ...........................................................274 1,027 3.7 30 8
Eugene (Mercury) Morris, Miami .......................................................190 1,000 5.3 33 12
1971 Floyd Little, Denver............................................................................284 1,133 4.0 40 6
*John Brockington, Green Bay ..........................................................216 1,105 5.1 52 4
Larry Csonka, Miami .........................................................................195 1,051 5.4 28 7
Steve Owens, Detroit .........................................................................246 1,035 4.2 23 8
Willie Ellison, Los Angeles .................................................................211 1,000 4.7 80 4
1970 Larry Brown, Washington ..................................................................237 1,125 4.7 75 5
Ron Johnson, N.Y. Giants ..................................................................263 1,027 3.9 68 8
1969 Gale Sayers, Chicago2 .......................................................................236 1,032 4.4 28 8
1968 Leroy Kelly, Cleveland3 .......................................................................248 1,239 5.0 65 16
*Paul Robinson, Cincinnati ................................................................238 1,023 4.3 87 8
1967 Jim Nance, Boston2 ...........................................................................269 1,216 4.5 53 7
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland2 .......................................................................235 1,205 5.1 42 11
Hoyle Granger, Houston.....................................................................236 1,194 5.1 67 6
Mike Garrett, Kansas City ..................................................................236 1,087 4.6 58 9
1966 Jim Nance, Boston ............................................................................299 1,458 4.9 65 11
Gale Sayers, Chicago ........................................................................229 1,231 5.4 58 8
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland........................................................................209 1,141 5.5 70 15
Dick Bass, Los Angeles2 ....................................................................248 1,090 4.4 50 8
1965 Jim Brown, Cleveland7 .......................................................................289 1,544 5.3 67 17
Paul Lowe, San Diego2 ......................................................................222 1,121 5.0 59 7
1964 Jim Brown, Cleveland6 .......................................................................280 1,446 5.2 71 7
Jim Taylor, Green Bay5 .......................................................................235 1,169 5.0 84 12
John Henry Johnson, Pittsburgh2 .......................................................235 1,048 4.5 45 7
1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland5 .......................................................................291 1,863 6.4 80 12
Clem Daniels, Oakland.......................................................................215 1,099 5.1 74 3
Jim Taylor, Green Bay4 .......................................................................248 1,018 4.1 40 9
Paul Lowe, San Diego .......................................................................177 1,010 5.7 66 8
1962 Jim Taylor, Green Bay3 .......................................................................272 1,474 5.4 51 19
John Henry Johnson, Pittsburgh........................................................251 1,141 4.5 40 7
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo ....................................................................214 1,096 5.1 44 13
Abner Haynes, Dall. Texans ...............................................................221 1,049 4.7 71 13
Dick Bass, Los Angeles.....................................................................196 1,033 5.3 57 6
Charlie Tolar, Houston........................................................................244 1,012 4.1 25 7
1961 Jim Brown, Cleveland4 .......................................................................305 1,408 4.6 38 8
Jim Taylor, Green Bay2 .......................................................................243 1,307 5.4 53 15
1960 Jim Brown, Cleveland3 .......................................................................215 1,257 5.8 71 9
Jim Taylor, Green Bay ........................................................................230 1,101 4.8 32 11
John David Crow, St. Louis................................................................183 1,071 5.9 57 6
1959 Jim Brown, Cleveland2 .......................................................................290 1,329 4.6 70 14
J.D. Smith, San Francisco .................................................................207 1,036 5.0 73 10
1958 Jim Brown, Cleveland........................................................................257 1,527 5.9 65 17
1956 Rick Casares, Chi. Bears ...................................................................234 1,126 4.8 68 12
1954 Joe Perry, San Francisco2 ..................................................................173 1,049 6.1 58 8
1953 Joe Perry, San Francisco ...................................................................192 1,018 5.3 51 10
1949 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia2 ...........................................................263 1,146 4.4 41 11
Tony Canadeo, Green Bay..................................................................208 1,052 5.1 54 4
1947 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia............................................................217 1,008 4.6 45 13
1934 *Beattie Feathers, Chi. Bears .............................................................119 1,004 8.4 82 8
*First season of professional football.


Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Yards TD
Nov. 22, 2015 Doug Martin, Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia .............................27 235 0
Nov. 22, 2015 *Thomas Rawls, Seattle vs. San Francisco (OT)...................30 209 1
Nov. 15, 2015 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Oakland (OT) .......................26 203 1
Nov. 17, 2014 Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh vs. Tennessee .................................33 204 1
Nov. 16, 2014 Jonas Gray, New England vs. Indianapolis ............................37 201 4
Dec. 8, 2013 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia vs. Detroit ................................29 217 2
Dec. 1, 2013 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Chicago (OT) .......................35 211 0
Nov. 24, 2013 Knowshon Moreno, Denver vs. New England (OT) ................37 224 1

592 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Yards TD
Dec. 30, 2012 DeAngelo Williams, Carolina vs. New Orleans .......................21 210 2
Dec. 30, 2012 *Alfred Morris, Washington vs. Dallas ..................................33 200 3
Dec. 23, 2012 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City vs. Indianapolis........................22 226 1
Dec. 16, 2012 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. St. Louis..............................24 212 1
Dec. 2, 2012 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Green Bay............................21 210 1
Nov. 4, 2012 *Doug Martin, Tampa Bay vs. Oakland .................................25 251 4
Oct. 7, 2012 Ahmad Bradshaw, N.Y. Giants vs. Cleveland..........................30 200 1
Sept. 23, 2012 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City vs. New Orleans (OT)...............33 233 1
Dec. 18, 2011 Reggie Bush, Miami vs. Buffalo ............................................25 203 1
Dec. 4, 2011 Ray Rice, Baltimore vs. Cleveland.........................................29 204 1
Nov. 27, 2011 Beanie Wells, Arizona vs. St. Louis .......................................27 228 1
Oct. 23, 2011 *DeMarco Murray, Dallas vs. St. Louis .................................25 253 1
Oct. 2, 2011 Matt Forté, Chicago vs. Carolina...........................................25 205 1
Sept. 12, 2010 Arian Foster, Houston vs. Indianapolis...................................33 231 3
Jan. 3, 2010 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City vs. Denver ...............................25 259 2
Jan. 3, 2010 Fred Jackson, Buffalo vs. Indianapolis ..................................33 212 0
Dec. 27, 2009 Jonathan Stewart, Carolina vs. N.Y. Giants............................28 206 1
Dec. 20, 2009 Jerome Harrison, Cleveland vs. Kansas City .........................34 286 3
Nov. 1, 2009 Chris Johnson, Tennessee vs. Jacksonville ...........................24 228 2
Oct. 18, 2009 Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets vs. Buffalo (OT) .............................22 210 1
Sept. 20, 2009 Frank Gore, San Francisco vs. Seattle ...................................16 207 2
Dec. 28, 2008 Michael Turner, Atlanta vs. St. Louis .....................................25 208 1
Dec. 21, 2008 Derrick Ward, N.Y. Giants vs. Carolina (OT)...........................15 215 0
Sept. 7, 2008 Michael Turner, Atlanta vs. Detroit.........................................22 220 2
Nov. 4, 2007 *Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. San Diego..........................30 296 3
Oct. 14, 2007 *Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Chicago .............................20 224 3
Sept. 16, 2007 Jamal Lewis, Cleveland vs. Cincinnati...................................27 216 1
Dec. 30, 2006 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington .................................23 234 3
Dec. 7, 2006 Willie Parker, Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland...................................32 223 1
Nov. 27, 2006 Shaun Alexander, Seattle vs. Green Bay ................................40 201 0
Nov. 19, 2006 Frank Gore, San Francisco vs. Seattle ...................................24 212 0
Nov. 12, 2006 Willie Parker, Pittsburgh vs. New Orleans ..............................22 213 2
Jan. 1, 2006 Larry Johnson, Kansas City vs. Cincinnati ............................26 201 3
Dec. 31, 2005 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants vs. Oakland.......................................28 203 1
Dec. 17, 2005 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants vs. Kansas City.................................29 220 2
Nov. 20, 2005 Larry Johnson, Kansas City vs. Houston ..............................36 211 2
Oct. 30, 2005 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington .................................24 206 1
Nov. 28, 2004 Rudi Johnson, Cincinnati vs. Cleveland.................................26 202 2
Nov. 21, 2004 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis vs. Chicago .............................23 204 1
Dec. 28, 2003 Ahman Green, Green Bay vs. Denver ....................................20 218 2
Dec. 28, 2003 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego vs. Oakland........................31 243 2
Dec. 21, 2003 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore vs. Cleveland ...................................22 205 2
Dec. 7, 2003 Clinton Portis, Denver vs. Kansas City ..................................22 218 5
Oct. 19, 2003 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego vs. Cleveland .....................26 200 1
Sept. 14, 2003 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore vs. Cleveland ...................................30 295 2
Dec. 29, 2002 *Clinton Portis, Denver vs. Arizona.......................................24 228 2
Dec. 28, 2002 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia.................................32 203 0
Dec. 9, 2002 Ricky Williams, Miami vs. Chicago .......................................31 216 2
Dec. 1, 2002 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego vs. Denver .........................37 220 3
Dec. 1, 2002 Ricky Williams, Miami vs. Buffalo.........................................27 228 2
Sept. 29, 2002 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego vs. New England ................27 217 2
Dec. 23, 2001 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis vs. Carolina....................................30 202 2
Nov. 11, 2001 Shaun Alexander, Seattle vs. Oakland....................................35 266 3
Dec. 24, 2000 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis vs. New Orleans.............................32 220 2
Dec. 3, 2000 Corey Dillon, Cincinnati vs. Arizona.......................................35 216 1
Dec. 3, 2000 Warrick Dunn, Tampa Bay vs. Dallas ....................................22 210 2
Dec. 3, 2000 *Mike Anderson, Denver vs. New Orleans ............................37 251 4
Dec. 3, 2000 Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets vs. Indianapolis ................................30 203 1
Nov. 19, 2000 Fred Taylor, Jacksonville vs. Pittsburgh .................................30 234 3
Oct. 22, 2000 Corey Dillon, Cincinnati vs. Denver .......................................22 278 2
Oct. 15, 2000 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis vs. Atlanta .....................................25 208 1
Oct. 15, 2000 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis vs. Seattle ...............................38 219 3
Sept. 24, 2000 Charlie Garner, San Francisco vs. Dallas ...............................36 201 1
Sept. 3, 2000 Duce Staley, Philadelphia vs. Dallas ......................................26 201 1
Nov. 22, 1998 Priest Holmes, Baltimore vs. Cincinnati.................................36 227 1
Oct. 11, 1998 Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Seattle............................................30 208 1
Dec. 4, 1997 *Corey Dillon, Cincinnati vs. Tennessee................................39 246 4
Nov. 23, 1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit vs. Indianapolis .................................24 216 2
Oct. 26, 1997 Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Buffalo (OT) ...................................42 207 1
Oct. 19, 1997 Napoleon Kaufman, Oakland vs. Denver................................28 227 1
Oct. 12, 1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit vs. Tampa Bay...................................24 215 2

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 593

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Yards TD
Sept. 21, 1997 Terrell Davis, Denver vs. Cincinnati .......................................27 215 1
Aug. 31, 1997 Eddie George, Tennessee vs. Oakland (OT)...........................35 216 1
Sept. 22, 1996 LeShon Johnson, Arizona vs. New Orleans ...........................21 214 2
Nov. 13, 1994 Barry Sanders, Detroit vs. Tampa Bay...................................26 237 0
Dec. 12, 1993 *Jerome Bettis, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans .........................28 212 1
Oct. 31, 1993 Emmitt Smith, Dallas vs. Philadelphia ...................................30 237 1
Nov. 24, 1991 Barry Sanders, Detroit vs. Minnesota....................................23 220 4
Dec. 23, 1990 James Brooks, Cincinnati vs. Houston..................................20 201 1
Oct. 14, 1990 Barry Word, Kansas City vs. Detroit......................................18 200 2
Sept. 24, 1990 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets.................................18 214 0
Dec. 24, 1989 Greg Bell, L.A. Rams vs. New England .................................26 210 1
Sept. 24, 1989 Greg Bell, L.A. Rams vs. Green Bay......................................28 221 2
Sept. 17, 1989 Gerald Riggs, Washington vs. Philadelphia............................29 221 1
Dec. 18, 1988 Gary Anderson, San Diego vs. Kansas City...........................34 217 1
Nov. 30, 1987 *Bo Jackson, L.A. Raiders vs. Seattle ..................................18 221 2
Nov. 15, 1987 Charles White, L.A. Rams vs. St. Louis.................................34 213 1
Dec. 7, 1986 Rueben Mayes, New Orleans vs. Miami ................................28 203 2
Oct. 5, 1986 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams vs. Tampa Bay (OT) ....................30 207 2
Dec. 21, 1985 George Rogers, Washington vs. St. Louis .............................34 206 1
Dec. 21, 1985 Joe Morris, N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh ...................................36 202 3
Dec. 9, 1984 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams vs. Houston ................................27 215 2
Nov. 18, 1984 *Greg Bell, Buffalo vs. Dallas................................................27 206 1
Nov. 4, 1984 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams vs. St. Louis................................21 208 0
Sept. 2, 1984 Gerald Riggs, Atlanta vs. New Orleans..................................35 202 2
Nov. 27, 1983 *Curt Warner, Seattle vs. Kansas City (OT)...........................32 207 3
Nov. 6, 1983 James Wilder, Tampa Bay vs. Minnesota ..............................31 219 1
Sept. 18, 1983 Tony Collins, New England vs. N.Y. Jets................................23 212 3
Sept. 4, 1983 George Rogers, New Orleans vs. St. Louis............................24 206 2
Dec. 21, 1980 Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Minnesota..................................29 203 1
Nov. 16, 1980 Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Chicago .....................................31 206 0
Oct. 26, 1980 Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Cincinnati...................................27 202 2
Oct. 19, 1980 Earl Campbell, Houston vs. Tampa Bay.................................33 203 0
Nov. 26, 1978 *Terry Miller, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Giants......................................21 208 2
Dec. 4, 1977 *Tony Dorsett, Dallas vs. Philadelphia...................................23 206 2
Nov. 20, 1977 Walter Payton, Chicago vs. Minnesota ..................................40 275 1
Oct. 30, 1977 Walter Payton, Chicago vs. Green Bay ..................................23 205 2
Dec. 5, 1976 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. Miami...........................................24 203 1
Nov. 25, 1976 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. Detroit ..........................................29 273 2
Oct. 24, 1976 Chuck Foreman, Minnesota vs. Philadelphia .........................28 200 2
Dec. 14, 1975 Greg Pruitt, Cleveland vs. Kansas City ..................................26 214 3
Sept. 28, 1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh.....................................28 227 1
Dec. 16, 1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets .......................................34 200 1
Dec. 9, 1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. New England ................................22 219 1
Sept. 16, 1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. New England ................................29 250 2
Dec. 5, 1971 Willie Ellison, Los Angeles vs. New Orleans ..........................26 247 1
Dec. 20, 1970 John (Frenchy) Fuqua, Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia ................20 218 2
Nov. 3, 1968 Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. Green Bay.....................................24 205 0
Oct. 30, 1966 Jim Nance, Boston vs. Oakland ............................................38 208 2
Oct. 10, 1964 John Henry Johnson, Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland......................30 200 3
Dec. 8, 1963 Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets....................................36 243 5
Nov. 3, 1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Philadelphia ..................................28 223 1
Oct. 20, 1963 Clem Daniels, Oakland vs. N.Y. Jets ......................................27 200 2
Sept. 22, 1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Dallas ...........................................20 232 2
Dec. 10, 1961 Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans ...................................25 216 3
Nov. 19, 1961 Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Philadelphia ..................................34 237 4
Dec. 18, 1960 John David Crow, St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh ............................24 203 0
Nov. 15, 1959 Bobby Mitchell, Cleveland vs. Washington ............................14 232 3
Nov. 24, 1957 *Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Los Angeles 31 237 4
Dec. 16, 1956 *Tom Wilson, Los Angeles vs. Green Bay.............................23 223 0
Nov. 22, 1953 Dan Towler, Los Angeles vs. Baltimore .................................14 205 1
Nov. 12, 1950 Gene Roberts, N.Y. Giants vs. Chi. Cardinals.........................26 218 2
Nov. 27, 1949 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh.........................27 205 0
Oct. 8, 1933 Cliff Battles, Boston vs. N.Y. Giants.......................................16 215 1
*First season of professional football.


142 times by 90 players…Peterson, Simpson 6; Barber 5; Brown, Campbell, Sanders, Tomlinson 4; Bell, Charles, Davis, Dickerson,
Dillon, Faulk, Lewis 3; Alexander, Gore, James, L. Johnson, D. Martin, Parker, Payton, Portis, Riggs, Rogers, Turner, R. Williams 2.

594 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Comp. Pct. Yards TD Int.
2015 Drew Brees, New Orleans10 ................................................................627 428 68.3 4,870 32 11
Philip Rivers, San Diego7 ...................................................................661 437 66.1 4,792 29 13
Tom Brady, New England8 ..................................................................624 402 64.4 4,770 36 7
Carson Palmer, Arizona5.....................................................................537 342 63.7 4,671 35 11
Matt Ryan, Atlanta5 ............................................................................614 407 66.3 4,591 21 16
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants5 ....................................................................618 387 62.6 4,432 35 14
Blake Bortles, Jacksonville ................................................................606 355 58.6 4,428 35 18
Matthew Stafford, Detroit5 ..................................................................592 398 67.2 4,262 32 13
Ryan Tannehill, Miami2 .......................................................................586 363 61.9 4,208 24 12
Kirk Cousins, Washington..................................................................543 379 69.8 4,166 29 11
*Jamies Winston, Tampa Bay............................................................535 312 58.3 4,042 22 15
Russell Wilson, Seattle ......................................................................483 329 68.1 4,024 34 8
2014 Drew Brees, New Orleans9 .................................................................659 456 69.2 4,952 33 17
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh4 ..........................................................608 408 67.1 4,952 32 9
Andrew Luck, Indianapolis2 ................................................................616 380 61.7 4,761 40 16
Peyton Manning, Denver14 ..................................................................597 395 66.2 4,727 39 15
Matt Ryan, Atlanta4 ............................................................................628 415 66.1 4,694 28 14
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants4 ....................................................................601 379 63.1 4,410 30 14
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay5 ...............................................................520 341 65.6 4,381 38 5
Philip Rivers, San Diego6 ...................................................................570 379 66.5 4,286 31 18
Matthew Stafford, Detroit4 ..................................................................602 363 60.3 4,257 22 12
Tom Brady, New England7 ..................................................................582 373 64.1 4,109 33 9
Ryan Tannehill, Miami........................................................................590 392 66.4 4,045 27 12
2013 Peyton Manning, Denver13 ..................................................................659 450 68.3 5,477 55 10
Drew Brees, New Orleans8 .................................................................650 446 68.6 5,162 39 12
Matthew Stafford, Detroit3 ..................................................................634 371 58.5 4,650 29 19
Matt Ryan, Atlanta3 ............................................................................651 439 67.4 4,515 26 17
Philip Rivers, San Diego5 ...................................................................544 378 69.5 4,478 32 11
Tom Brady, New England6 ..................................................................628 380 60.5 4,343 25 11
Andy Dalton, Cincinnati .....................................................................586 363 61.9 4,293 33 20
Carson Palmer, Arizona4.....................................................................572 362 63.3 4,274 24 22
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh3 ..........................................................584 375 64.2 4,261 28 14
2012 Drew Brees, New Orleans7 .................................................................670 422 63.0 5,177 43 19
Matthew Stafford, Detroit2 ..................................................................727 435 59.8 4,967 20 17
Tony Romo, Dallas4 ...........................................................................648 425 65.6 4,903 28 19
Tom Brady, New England5 ..................................................................637 401 63.0 4,827 34 8
Matt Ryan, Atlanta2 ............................................................................615 422 68.6 4,719 32 14
Peyton Manning, Denver12 ..................................................................583 400 68.6 4,659 37 11
*Andrew Luck, Indianapolis...............................................................627 339 54.1 4,374 23 18
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay4 ...............................................................552 371 67.2 4,295 39 8
Josh Freeman, Tampa Bay.................................................................558 306 54.8 4,065 27 17
Carson Palmer, Oakland3 ....................................................................565 345 61.1 4,018 22 14
Matt Schaub, Houston3 ......................................................................544 350 64.3 4,008 22 12
2011 Drew Brees, New Orleans6 .................................................................657 468 71.2 5,476 46 14
Tom Brady, New England4 ..................................................................611 401 65.6 5,235 39 12
Matthew Stafford, Detroit...................................................................663 421 63.5 5,038 41 16
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants3 ....................................................................589 359 61.0 4,933 29 16
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay3................................................................502 343 68.3 4,643 45 6
Philip Rivers, San Diego4 ...................................................................582 366 62.9 4,624 27 20
Tony Romo, Dallas3 ...........................................................................522 346 66.3 4,184 31 10
Matt Ryan, Atlanta .............................................................................566 347 61.3 4,177 29 12
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh2 ..........................................................513 324 63.2 4,077 21 14
*Cam Newton, Carolina.....................................................................517 310 60.0 4,051 21 17
2010 Philip Rivers, San Diego3 ...................................................................541 357 66.0 4,710 30 13
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis11 ..........................................................679 450 66.3 4,700 33 17
Drew Brees, New Orleans5 .................................................................658 448 68.1 4,620 33 22
Matt Schaub, Houston2 ......................................................................574 365 63.6 4,370 24 12
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants2 ....................................................................539 339 62.9 4,002 31 25
2009 Matt Schaub, Houston.......................................................................583 396 67.9 4,770 29 15
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis10 ..........................................................571 393 68.8 4,500 33 16
Tony Romo, Dallas2 ...........................................................................550 347 63.1 4,483 26 9
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay2 ...............................................................541 350 64.7 4,434 30 7
Tom Brady, New England3 ..................................................................565 371 65.7 4,398 28 13
Drew Brees, New Orleans4 .................................................................514 363 70.6 4,388 34 11
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh ...........................................................506 337 66.6 4,328 26 12
Philip Rivers, San Diego2 ...................................................................486 317 65.2 4,254 28 9
Brett Favre, Minnesota6 ......................................................................531 363 68.4 4,202 33 7
Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants.....................................................................509 317 62.3 4,021 27 14

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 595

Year Player, Team Att. Comp. Pct. Yards TD Int.
2008 Drew Brees, New Orleans3 .................................................................635 413 65.0 5,069 34 17
Kurt Warner, Arizona3.........................................................................598 401 67.1 4,583 30 14
Jay Cutler, Denver .............................................................................616 384 62.3 4,526 25 18
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay ................................................................536 341 63.6 4,038 28 13
Philip Rivers, San Diego ....................................................................478 312 65.3 4,009 34 11
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis9 ...........................................................555 371 66.8 4,002 27 12
2007 Tom Brady, New England2 ..................................................................578 398 68.9 4,806 50 8
Drew Brees, New Orleans2 .................................................................652 440 67.5 4,423 28 18
Tony Romo, Dallas ............................................................................520 335 64.4 4,211 36 19
Brett Favre, Green Bay5 ......................................................................535 356 66.5 4,155 28 15
Carson Palmer, Cincinnati2 .................................................................575 373 64.9 4,131 26 20
Jon Kitna, Detroit2 ..............................................................................561 355 63.3 4,068 18 20
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis8 ...........................................................515 337 65.4 4,040 31 14
2006 Drew Brees, New Orleans ..................................................................554 356 64.3 4,418 26 11
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis7 ...........................................................557 362 65.0 4,397 31 9
Marc Bulger, St. Louis .......................................................................588 370 62.9 4,301 24 8
Jon Kitna, Detroit...............................................................................596 372 62.4 4,208 21 22
Carson Palmer, Cincinnati ..................................................................520 324 62.3 4,035 28 13
2005 Tom Brady, New England...................................................................530 334 63.0 4,110 26 14
Trent Green, Kansas City3 ..................................................................507 317 62.5 4,014 17 10
2004 Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota ............................................................548 379 69.2 4,717 39 11
Trent Green, Kansas City2 ..................................................................556 369 66.4 4,591 27 17
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis6 ...........................................................497 336 67.6 4,557 49 10
Jake Plummer, Denver .......................................................................521 303 58.2 4,089 27 20
Brett Favre, Green Bay4 ......................................................................540 346 64.1 4,088 30 17
2003 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis5 ...........................................................566 379 67.0 4,267 29 10
Trent Green, Kansas City ...................................................................523 330 63.1 4,039 24 12
2002 Rich Gannon, Oakland .......................................................................618 418 67.6 4,689 26 10
Drew Bledsoe, Buffalo3 ......................................................................610 375 61.5 4,359 24 15
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis4 ...........................................................591 392 66.3 4,200 27 19
Kerry Collins, N.Y. Giants ...................................................................545 335 61.5 4,073 19 14
2001 Kurt Warner, St. Louis2 ......................................................................546 375 68.7 4,830 36 22
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis3 ...........................................................547 343 62.7 4,131 26 23
2000 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis2 ...........................................................571 357 62.5 4,413 33 15
Jeff Garcia, San Francisco .................................................................561 355 63.3 4,278 31 10
Elvis Grbac, Kansas City....................................................................547 326 59.6 4,169 28 14
1999 Steve Beuerlein, Carolina ...................................................................571 343 60.1 4,436 36 15
Kurt Warner, St. Louis .......................................................................499 325 65.1 4,353 41 13
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis ............................................................533 331 62.1 4,135 26 15
Brett Favre, Green Bay3 ......................................................................595 341 57.3 4,091 22 23
Brad Johnson, Washington ................................................................519 316 60.9 4,005 24 13
1998 Brett Favre, Green Bay2 ......................................................................551 347 63.0 4,212 31 23
Steve Young, San Francisco2..............................................................517 322 62.3 4,170 36 12
1996 Mark Brunell, Jacksonville .................................................................557 353 63.4 4,367 19 20
Vinny Testaverde, Baltimore...............................................................549 325 59.2 4,177 33 19
Drew Bledsoe, New England2 .............................................................623 373 59.9 4,086 27 15
1995 Brett Favre, Green Bay .......................................................................570 359 63.0 4,413 38 13
Scott Mitchell, Detroit ........................................................................583 346 59.3 4,338 32 12
Warren Moon, Minnesota4 .................................................................606 377 62.2 4,228 33 14
Jeff George, Atlanta ...........................................................................557 336 60.3 4,143 24 11
1994 Drew Bledsoe, New England..............................................................691 400 57.9 4,555 25 27
Dan Marino, Miami6 ...........................................................................615 385 62.6 4,453 30 17
Warren Moon, Minnesota3 .................................................................601 371 61.7 4,264 18 19
1993 John Elway, Denver ...........................................................................551 348 63.2 4,030 25 10
Steve Young, San Francisco...............................................................462 314 68.0 4,023 29 16
1992 Dan Marino, Miami5 ...........................................................................554 330 59.6 4,116 24 16
1991 Warren Moon, Houston2 ....................................................................655 404 61.7 4,690 23 21
1990 Warren Moon, Houston .....................................................................584 362 62.0 4,689 33 13
1989 Don Majkowski, Green Bay................................................................599 353 58.9 4,318 27 20
Jim Everett, L.A. Rams ......................................................................518 304 58.7 4,310 29 17
1988 Dan Marino, Miami4 ...........................................................................606 354 58.4 4,434 28 23
1986 Dan Marino, Miami3 ...........................................................................623 378 60.7 4,746 44 23
Jay Schroeder, Washington ...............................................................541 276 51.0 4,109 22 22
1985 Dan Marino, Miami2 ...........................................................................567 336 59.3 4,137 30 21
1984 Dan Marino, Miami ............................................................................564 362 64.2 5,084 48 17
Neil Lomax, St. Louis ........................................................................560 345 61.6 4,614 28 16
Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants .....................................................................533 286 53.7 4,044 22 18
1983 Lynn Dickey, Green Bay.....................................................................484 289 59.7 4,458 32 29

596 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Comp. Pct. Yards TD Int.
Bill Kenney, Kansas City ....................................................................603 346 57.4 4,348 24 18
1981 Dan Fouts, San Diego3 .......................................................................609 360 59.1 4,802 33 17
1980 Dan Fouts, San Diego2 .......................................................................589 348 59.1 4,715 30 24
Brian Sipe, Cleveland.........................................................................554 337 60.8 4,132 30 14
1979 Dan Fouts, San Diego ........................................................................530 332 62.6 4,082 24 24
1967 Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets........................................................................491 258 52.5 4,007 26 28
*First season of professional football.


Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Comp. Yards TD
Jan. 3, 2016 Kellen Moore, Dallas vs. Washington ....................................48 33 435 3
Dec. 27, 2015 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Jacksonville............................36 25 412 3
Nov. 29, 2015 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Seattle .............................55 36 456 1
Nov. 1, 2015 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. N.Y. Giants..............................50 39 505 7
Oct. 18, 2015 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Green Bay .................................65 43 503 2
Oct. 18, 2015 Carson Palmer, Arizona vs. Pittsburgh...................................45 29 421 1
Oct. 18, 2015 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Chicago (OT)...........................42 27 405 4
Oct. 11, 2015 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. San Francisco ...........................54 41 441 3
Oct. 11, 2015 Josh McCown, Cleveland vs. Baltmore (OT) .........................51 36 457 2
Sept. 20, 2015 Tom Brady, New England vs. Buffalo.....................................59 38 466 3
Sept. 13, 2015 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Detroit.......................................41 34 403 2
Dec. 28, 2014 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia ...............................53 28 429 1
Nov. 30, 2014 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. New Orleans ....................58 32 435 2
Nov. 24, 2014 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Baltimore................................45 35 420 3
Nov. 2, 2014 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. New England ............................57 34 438 2
Oct. 26, 2014 Nick Foles, Philadelphia vs. Arizona ......................................62 36 411 2
Oct. 26, 2014 Andrew Luck, Indianapolis vs. Pittsburgh..............................45 26 400 3
Oct. 26, 2014 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay vs. New Orleans .........................39 28 418 1
Oct. 26, 2014 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Indianapolis .....................49 40 522 6
Oct. 5, 2014 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Arizona.....................................47 31 479 4
Sept. 21, 2014 Kirk Cousins, Washington vs. Philadelphia ............................48 30 427 3
Sept. 7, 2014 Matt Ryan, Atlanta vs. New Orleans (OT) ..............................43 31 448 3
Dec. 29, 2013 Carson Palmer, Arizona vs. San Francisco ............................49 28 407 2
Dec. 22, 2013 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Houston ...................................51 32 400 4
Dec. 15, 2013 Ryan Fitzpatrick, Tennessee vs. Arizona (OT) ........................58 36 402 4
Dec. 15, 2013 Nick Foles, Philadelphia vs. Minnesota..................................48 30 428 3
Dec. 8, 2013 Tom Brady, New England vs. Cleveland.................................52 32 418 2
Dec. 1, 2013 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Kansas City ..............................35 22 403 5
Nov. 17, 2013 Carson Palmer, Arizona vs. Jacksonville ...............................42 30 419 2
Nov. 3, 2013 Nick Foles, Philadelphia vs. Oakland .....................................28 22 406 7
Nov. 3, 2013 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. New England....................48 28 400 4
Nov. 3, 2013 Tom Brady, New England vs. Pittsburgh................................33 23 432 4
Oct. 27, 2013 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Dallas ......................................48 33 488 1
Oct. 6, 2013 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Denver ..............................................36 25 506 5
Oct. 6, 2013 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Dallas.......................................42 33 414 4
Oct. 6, 2013 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Oakland ....................................48 35 411 2
Sept. 30, 2013 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Miami .....................................39 30 413 4
Sept. 29, 2013 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Dallas .......................................42 35 401 3
Sept. 29, 2013 Matt Ryan, Atlanta vs. New England .....................................54 34 421 2
Sept. 22, 2013 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Chicago ...........................41 26 406 2
Sept. 15, 2013 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay vs. Washington...........................42 34 480 4
Sept. 15, 2013 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Philadelphia...............................47 36 419 3
Sept. 15, 2013 Michael Vick, Philadelphia vs. San Diego ..............................36 23 428 2
Sept. 8, 2013 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Dallas ........................................42 27 450 4
Sept. 8, 2013 Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco vs. Green Bay ....................39 27 412 3
Sept. 5, 2013 Peyton Manning, Denver vs. Baltimore..................................42 27 462 7
Dec. 23, 2012 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Dallas (OT) .............................53 37 446 3
Dec. 23, 2012 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. New Orleans (OT) .............................43 26 416 4
Dec. 22, 2012 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Atlanta.....................................56 37 443 0
Dec. 16, 2012 Tom Brady, New England vs. San Francisco..........................65 36 443 1
Nov. 22, 2012 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Washington.......................................62 37 441 3
Nov. 22, 2012 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Houston (OT) ..........................61 31 441 2
Nov. 18, 2012 Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Jacksonville (OT).........................55 43 527 5
Nov. 11, 2012 Matt Ryan, Atlanta vs. New Orleans ......................................52 34 411 3
Nov. 4, 2012 *Andrew Luck, Indianapolis vs. Miami..................................48 30 433 2
Nov. 4, 2012 Carson Palmer, Oakland vs. Tampa Bay ................................61 39 414 4
Oct. 28, 2012 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. N.Y. Giants ........................................62 36 437 1
Oct. 21, 2012 Josh Freeman, Tampa Bay vs. New Orleans..........................42 24 420 3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 597

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Comp. Yards TD
Sept. 30, 2012 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Green Bay ..............................54 35 446 3
Sept. 30, 2012 *Ryan Tannehill, Miami vs. Arizona (OT)...............................41 26 431 1
Sept. 16, 2012 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Tampa Bay ................................51 31 510 3
Jan. 1, 2012 Carson Palmer, Oakland vs. San Diego .................................43 28 417 2
Jan. 1, 2012 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Green Bay ...............................59 36 520 5
Jan. 1, 2012 Matt Flynn, Green Bay vs. Detroit..........................................44 31 480 6
Dec. 18, 2011 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Minnesota ..............................40 32 412 5
Dec. 11, 2011 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Dallas........................................47 27 400 2
Dec. 4, 2011 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. New Orleans............................44 31 408 1
Nov. 28, 2011 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. New Orleans..............................47 33 406 2
Nov. 27, 2011 Vince Young, Philadelphia vs. New England ..........................48 26 400 1
Oct. 9, 2011 Eli Manning, N.Y. Giants vs. Seattle .......................................39 24 420 3
Oct. 9, 2011 Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Oakland .......................................51 24 416 2
Oct. 2, 2011 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay vs. Denver ..................................38 29 408 4
Oct. 2, 2011 Michael Vick, Philadelphia vs. San Francisco ........................46 30 416 2
Sept. 18, 2011 Tom Brady, New England vs. San Diego................................40 31 423 3
Sept. 18, 2011 *Cam Newton, Carolina vs. Green Bay .................................46 28 432 1
Sept. 12, 2011 Chad Henne, Miami vs. New England ...................................49 30 416 2
Sept. 12, 2011 Tom Brady, New England vs. Miami ......................................48 32 517 4
Sept. 11, 2011 *Cam Newton, Carolina vs. Arizona......................................37 24 422 2
Sept. 8, 2011 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Green Bay ..............................49 32 419 3
Dec. 26, 2010 Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay vs. N.Y. Giants ............................37 25 404 4
Nov. 14, 2010 Matt Cassel, Kansas City vs. Denver.....................................53 33 469 4
Nov. 7, 2010 Brett Favre, Minnesota vs. Arizona (OT) ................................47 36 446 2
Oct. 24, 2010 Carson Palmer, Cincinnati vs. Atlanta ....................................50 36 412 3
Oct. 10, 2010 Tony Romo, Dallas vs. Tennessee.........................................46 31 406 3
Oct. 10, 2010 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Oakland ....................................42 27 431 2
Sept. 26, 2010 Kyle Orton, Denver vs. Indianapolis ......................................57 37 476 1
Sept. 26, 2010 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Seattle ......................................53 29 455 2
Sept. 19, 2010 Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Washington .................................52 38 497 3
Sept. 19, 2010 Donovan McNabb, Washington vs. Houston .........................38 28 426 1
Sept. 12, 2010 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Houston............................57 40 433 3
Jan. 3, 2010 Kyle Orton, Denver vs. Kansas City ......................................56 32 431 1
Dec. 20, 2009 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay........................46 29 503 3
Dec. 6, 2009 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Washington (OT) ....................49 35 419 2
Nov. 22, 2009 Matthew Stafford, Detroit vs. Cleveland.................................43 26 422 5
Nov. 15, 2009 Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia vs. San Diego ......................55 35 450 2
Oct. 18, 2009 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Cleveland.........................35 23 417 2
Sept. 20, 2009 Philip Rivers, San Diego vs. Baltimore ..................................45 25 436 2
Dec. 7, 2008 Matt Schaub, Houston vs. Green Bay ...................................42 28 414 2
Nov. 23, 2008 Matt Cassel, New England vs. Miami ....................................43 30 415 3
Nov. 13, 2008 Matt Cassel, New England vs. N.Y. Jets (OT) ........................51 30 400 3
Nov. 9, 2008 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Atlanta....................................58 31 422 2
Nov. 6, 2008 Jay Cutler, Denver vs. Cleveland ...........................................42 24 447 3
Sept. 28, 2008 Kurt Warner, Arizona vs. N.Y. Jets .........................................57 40 472 2
Sept. 21, 2008 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Denver....................................48 39 421 1
Sept. 21, 2008 Brian Griese, Tampa Bay vs. Chicago (OT)............................67 38 407 2
Nov. 25, 2007 Kurt Warner, Arizona vs. San Francisco (OT) ........................48 34 484 2
Nov. 4, 2007 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Jacksonville ............................49 35 445 3
Sept. 23, 2007 Jon Kitna, Detroit vs. Philadelphia.........................................46 29 446 2
Sept. 16, 2007 Carson Palmer, Cincinnati vs. Cleveland................................50 33 401 6
Dec. 10, 2006 Chris Weinke, Carolina vs. N.Y. Giants ..................................61 34 423 1
Nov. 26, 2006 Matt Leinart, Arizona vs. Minnesota......................................51 31 405 1
Nov. 19, 2006 Drew Brees, New Orleans vs. Cincinnati ...............................52 37 510 2
Nov. 12, 2006 Carson Palmer, Cincinnati vs. San Diego...............................42 31 440 3
Nov. 5, 2006 Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh vs. Denver.............................54 38 433 1
Oct. 22, 2006 Joey Harrington, Miami vs. Green Bay ..................................62 33 414 2
Sept. 17, 2006 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Houston............................38 26 400 3
Oct. 2, 2005 Marc Bulger, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants ...................................62 40 442 2
Jan. 2, 2005 Marc Bulger, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Jets (OT)...............................39 29 450 3
Dec. 19, 2004 Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota vs. Detroit ...............................35 25 404 3
Dec. 19, 2004 Billy Volek, Tennessee vs. Oakland........................................60 40 492 4
Dec. 13, 2004 Billy Volek, Tennessee vs. Kansas City..................................43 29 426 4
Dec. 6, 2004 Matt Hasselbeck, Seattle vs. Dallas.......................................40 28 414 3
Dec. 5, 2004 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Tennessee.........................33 25 425 3
Dec. 5, 2004 Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia vs. Green Bay ......................43 32 464 5
Nov. 29, 2004 Marc Bulger, St. Louis vs. Green Bay ....................................53 35 448 2
Nov. 28, 2004 Kelly Holcomb, Cleveland vs. Cincinnati................................39 30 413 5

598 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Comp. Yards TD
Oct. 31, 2004 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Kansas City.......................44 25 472 5
Oct. 31, 2004 Jake Plummer, Denver vs. Atlanta.........................................55 31 499 4
Oct. 17, 2004 Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota vs. New Orleans......................37 26 425 5
Oct. 10. 2004 Tim Rattay, San Francisco vs. Arizona (OT) ..........................57 38 417 2
Nov. 16, 2003 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. N.Y. Jets............................36 27 401 1
Oct. 12, 2003 Trent Green, Kansas City vs. Green Bay (OT) ........................45 27 400 3
Oct. 12, 2003 Steve McNair, Tennessee vs. Houston...................................27 18 421 3
Dec. 29, 2002 Matt Hasselbeck, Seattle vs. San Diego (OT) ........................53 36 449 2
Dec. 1, 2002 Matt Hasselbeck, Seattle vs. San Francisco ..........................55 30 427 3
Nov. 10, 2002 Marc Bulger, St. Louis vs. San Diego ....................................48 36 453 4
Nov. 10, 2002 Tommy Maddox, Pittsburgh vs. Atlanta (OT) .........................41 28 473 4
Oct. 6, 2002 Drew Bledsoe, Buffalo vs. Oakland .......................................53 32 417 2
Sept. 22, 2002 Tom Brady, New England vs. Kansas City (OT) .....................54 39 410 4
Sept. 15, 2002 Drew Bledsoe, Buffalo vs. Minnesota (OT)............................49 35 463 3
Sept. 15, 2002 Rich Gannon, Oakland vs. Pittsburgh ....................................64 43 403 1
Dec. 30, 2001 Jon Kitna, Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh.......................................68 35 411 2
Dec. 23, 2001 Chris Chandler, Atlanta vs. Buffalo ........................................40 28 431 2
Nov. 18, 2001 Charlie Batch, Detroit vs. Arizona..........................................62 36 436 3
Nov. 18, 2001 Kurt Warner, St. Louis vs. New England................................42 30 401 3
Sept. 23, 2001 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Buffalo ..............................29 23 421 4
Dec. 24, 2000 Vinny Testaverde, N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore ..............................69 36 481 2
Dec. 17, 2000 Jeff Garcia, San Francisco vs. Chicago.................................44 36 402 2
Dec. 3, 2000 Aaron Brooks, New Orleans vs. Denver.................................48 30 441 2
Nov. 19, 2000 Gus Frerotte, Denver vs. San Diego ......................................58 36 462 5
Nov. 5, 2000 Elvis Grbac, Kansas City vs. Oakland....................................53 39 504 2
Nov. 5, 2000 Trent Green, St. Louis vs. Carolina........................................42 29 431 2
Sept. 25, 2000 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. Jacksonville ......................36 23 440 4
Sept. 4, 2000 Kurt Warner, St. Louis vs. Denver .........................................35 25 441 3
Dec. 26, 1999 Brad Johnson, Washington vs. San Francisco (OT)...............47 32 471 2
Dec. 5, 1999 Jeff Garcia, San Francisco vs. Cincinnati ..............................49 33 437 3
Nov. 28, 1999 Jim Harbaugh, San Diego vs. Minnesota...............................39 25 404 1
Nov. 14, 1999 Jim Miller, Chicago vs. Minnesota (OT).................................48 34 422 3
Sept. 26, 1999 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis vs. San Diego .........................54 29 404 2
Dec. 6, 1998 Vinny Testaverde, N.Y. Jets vs. Seattle ..................................63 42 418 2
Dec. 6, 1998 John Elway, Denver vs. Kansas City .....................................32 22 400 2
Nov. 26, 1998 Troy Aikman, Dallas vs. Minnesota .......................................57 34 455 1
Nov. 23, 1998 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Miami.................................54 28 423 2
Nov. 15, 1998 Jake Plummer, Arizona vs. Dallas .........................................56 31 465 3
Oct. 5, 1998 Randall Cunningham, Minnesota vs. Green Bay ....................32 20 442 4
Sept. 6, 1998 Glenn Foley, N.Y. Jets vs. San Francisco (OT) .......................58 30 415 3
Nov. 2, 1997 Tony Banks, St. Louis vs. Atlanta..........................................34 23 401 2
Oct. 26, 1997 Warren Moon, Seattle vs. Oakland ........................................44 28 409 5
Nov. 10, 1996 Boomer Esiason, Arizona vs. Washington (OT) .....................59 35 522 3
Nov. 3, 1996 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Miami.................................41 30 419 3
Oct. 27, 1996 Vinny Testaverde, Baltimore vs. St. Louis (OT)......................51 31 429 3
Oct. 20, 1996 Mark Brunell, Jacksonville vs. St. Louis ................................52 37 421 0
Sept. 22, 1996 Mark Brunell, Jacksonville vs. New England (OT)..................39 23 432 3
Dec. 18, 1995 Steve Young, San Francisco vs. Minnesota ...........................49 30 425 3
Nov. 26, 1995 Dave Krieg, Arizona vs. Atlanta (OT) .....................................43 27 413 4
Nov. 23, 1995 Scott Mitchell, Detroit vs. Minnesota.....................................45 30 410 4
Oct. 1, 1995 Dan Marino, Miami vs. Cincinnati .........................................48 33 450 2
Nov. 20, 1994 Warren Moon, Minnesota vs. N.Y. Jets..................................50 33 400 2
Nov. 13, 1994 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Minnesota (OT)...................70 45 426 3
Nov. 6, 1994 Warren Moon, Minnesota vs. New Orleans ...........................57 33 420 3
Sept. 25, 1994 Dan Marino, Miami vs. Minnesota.........................................54 29 431 3
Sept. 4, 1994 Dan Marino, Miami vs. New England (OT) ............................42 23 473 5
Sept. 4, 1994 Drew Bledsoe, New England vs. Miami (OT) .........................51 32 421 4
Dec. 19, 1993 Steve Beuerlein, Phoenix vs. Seattle......................................53 34 431 3
Dec. 5, 1993 Brett Favre, Green Bay vs. Chicago.......................................54 36 402 2
Nov. 28, 1993 Steve Young, San Francisco vs. L.A. Rams...........................32 26 462 4
Oct. 31, 1993 Jeff Hostetler, L.A. Raiders vs. San Diego .............................32 20 424 2
Sept. 13, 1992 Steve Young, San Francisco vs. Buffalo ................................37 26 449 3
Sept. 13, 1992 Jim Kelly, Buffalo vs. San Francisco......................................33 22 403 3
Nov. 10, 1991 Warren Moon, Houston vs. Dallas (OT).................................56 41 432 0
Nov. 10, 1991 Mark Rypien, Washington vs. Atlanta....................................31 16 442 6
Oct. 13, 1991 Warren Moon, Houston vs. N.Y. Jets.....................................50 35 423 2
Dec. 16, 1990 Warren Moon, Houston vs. Kansas City................................45 27 527 3
Nov. 4, 1990 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. Green Bay ..........................40 25 411 3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 599

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Comp. Yards TD
Oct. 14, 1990 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. Atlanta................................49 32 476 6
Oct. 7, 1990 Boomer Esiason, Cincinnati vs. L.A. Rams (OT) ...................45 31 490 3
Dec. 23, 1989 Warren Moon, Houston vs. Cleveland ...................................51 32 414 2
Dec. 11, 1989 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. L.A. Rams..........................42 30 458 3
Nov. 26, 1989 Jim Everett, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans (OT) .......................51 29 454 1
Nov. 26, 1989 Mark Rypien, Washington vs. Chicago..................................47 30 401 4
Oct. 2, 1989 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. Chicago .....................62 32 401 1
Sept. 24, 1989 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. Philadelphia........................34 25 428 5
Sept. 24, 1989 Dan Marino, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets ...........................................55 33 427 3
Sept. 17, 1989 Randall Cunningham, Philadelphia vs. Washington................46 34 447 5
Dec. 18, 1988 Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. L.A. Raiders......................................32 19 410 4
Dec. 12, 1988 Dan Marino, Miami vs. Cleveland..........................................50 30 404 4
Oct. 23, 1988 Dan Marino, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets ...........................................60 35 521 3
Oct. 16, 1988 Vinny Testaverde, Tampa Bay vs. Indianapolis ............................42 25 469 2
Sept. 11, 1988 Doug Williams, Washington vs. Pittsburgh ............................52 30 430 2
Nov. 29, 1987 Tom Ramsey, New England vs. Philadelphia .........................53 34 402 3
Nov. 22, 1987 Boomer Esiason, Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh ............................53 30 409 0
Sept. 20, 1987 Neil Lomax, St. Louis vs. San Diego .....................................61 32 457 3
Dec. 21, 1986 Boomer Esiason, Cincinnati vs. N.Y. Jets ..............................30 23 425 5
Dec. 14, 1986 Dan Marino, Miami vs. L.A. Rams (OT) ................................46 29 403 5
Nov. 23, 1986 Bernie Kosar, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh (OT) ..........................46 28 414 2
Nov. 17, 1986 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. Washington..............................60 33 441 0
Nov. 16, 1986 Dan Marino, Miami vs. Buffalo..............................................54 39 404 4
Nov. 10, 1986 Bernie Kosar, Cleveland vs. Miami ........................................50 32 401 0
Nov. 2, 1986 Tommy Kramer, Minnesota vs. Washington (OT).........................35 20 490 4
Nov. 2, 1986 Ken O’Brien, N.Y. Jets vs. Seattle ..........................................32 26 431 4
Oct. 27, 1986 Jay Schroeder, Washington vs. N.Y. Giants ...........................40 22 420 1
Oct. 12, 1986 Steve Grogan, New England vs. N.Y. Jets..............................42 23 401 3
Sept. 21, 1986 Ken O’Brien, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami (OT) ...................................43 29 479 4
Sept. 21, 1986 Dan Marino, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets (OT) ...................................50 30 448 6
Sept. 21, 1986 Tony Eason, New England vs. Seattle ...................................45 26 414 3
Dec. 20, 1985 John Elway, Denver vs. Seattle .............................................42 24 432 1
Nov. 10, 1985 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. L.A. Raiders (OT)..........................41 26 436 4
Oct. 13, 1985 Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants vs. Cincinnati...................................62 40 513 1
Oct. 13, 1985 Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. Atlanta ..............................................51 33 405 4
Oct. 6, 1985 Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants vs. Dallas ........................................36 18 432 3
Oct. 6, 1985 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. Atlanta................................57 37 429 5
Sept. 19, 1985 Tommy Kramer, Minnesota vs. Chicago ................................55 28 436 3
Sept. 15, 1985 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. Seattle ..........................................43 29 440 4
Dec. 16, 1984 Neil Lomax, St. Louis vs. Washington...................................46 37 468 2
Dec. 9, 1984 Dan Marino, Miami vs. Indianapolis ......................................41 29 404 4
Dec. 2, 1984 Dan Marino, Miami vs. L.A. Raiders......................................57 35 470 4
Nov. 25, 1984 Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. Denver ..............................................44 30 406 3
Nov. 4, 1984 Dan Marino, Miami vs. N.Y. Jets ...........................................42 23 422 2
Oct. 21, 1984 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. L.A. Raiders..................................45 24 410 3
Sept. 30, 1984 Dan Marino, Miami vs. St. Louis...........................................36 24 429 3
Sept. 2, 1984 Phil Simms, N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia ...............................30 23 409 4
Dec. 11, 1983 Bill Kenney, Kansas City vs. San Diego .................................41 31 411 4
Nov. 20, 1983 Dave Krieg, Seattle vs. Denver ..............................................42 31 418 3
Oct. 9, 1983 Joe Ferguson, Buffalo vs. Miami (OT) ...................................55 38 419 5
Oct. 2, 1983 Joe Theismann, Washington vs. L.A. Raiders ........................39 23 417 3
Sept. 25, 1983 Richard Todd, N.Y. Jets vs. L.A. Rams (OT) ..........................50 37 446 2
Dec. 26, 1982 Vince Ferragamo, L.A. Rams vs. Chicago .............................46 30 509 3
Dec. 20, 1982 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. Cincinnati .....................................40 25 435 1
Dec. 20, 1982 Ken Anderson, Cincinnati vs. San Diego ...............................56 40 416 2
Dec. 11, 1982 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. San Francisco...............................48 33 444 5
Nov. 21, 1982 Joe Montana, San Francisco vs. St. Louis ............................39 26 408 3
Nov. 15, 1981 Steve Bartkowski, Atlanta vs. Pittsburgh ...............................50 33 416 2
Oct. 25, 1981 Brian Sipe, Cleveland vs. Baltimore.......................................41 30 444 4
Oct. 25, 1981 David Woodley, Miami vs. Dallas ..........................................37 21 408 3
Oct. 11, 1981 Tommy Kramer, Minnesota vs. San Diego.............................43 27 444 4
Dec. 14, 1980 Tommy Kramer, Minnesota vs. Cleveland..............................49 38 456 4
Nov. 16, 1980 Doug Williams, Tampa Bay vs. Minnesota.............................55 30 486 4
Oct. 19, 1980 Dan Fouts, San Diego vs. N.Y. Giants....................................41 26 444 3
Oct. 12, 1980 Lynn Dickey, Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay (OT) ........................51 35 418 1
Sept. 21, 1980 Richard Todd, N.Y. Jets vs. San Francisco ............................60 42 447 3
Oct. 3, 1976 James Harris, Los Angeles vs. Miami ...................................29 17 436 2
Nov. 17, 1975 Ken Anderson, Cincinnati vs. Buffalo ....................................46 30 447 2
Nov. 18, 1974 Charley Johnson, Denver vs. Kansas City .............................42 28 445 2

600 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Comp. Yards TD
Dec. 11, 1972 Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets vs. Oakland........................................46 25 403 1
Sept. 24, 1972 Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets vs. Baltimore......................................28 15 496 6
Dec. 21, 1969 Don Horn, Green Bay vs. St. Louis .......................................31 22 410 5
Sept. 28, 1969 Joe Kapp, Minnesota vs. Baltimore.......................................43 28 449 7
Sept. 9, 1968 Pete Beathard, Houston vs. Kansas City ...............................48 23 413 2
Nov. 26, 1967 Sonny Jurgensen, Washington vs. Cleveland ..........................50 32 418 3
Oct. 1, 1967 Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets vs. Miami...........................................39 23 415 3
Sept. 17, 1967 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore vs. Atlanta.....................................32 22 401 2
Nov. 13, 1966 Don Meredith, Dallas vs. Washington....................................29 21 406 2
Nov. 28, 1965 Sonny Jurgensen, Washington vs. Dallas..............................43 26 411 3
Oct. 24, 1965 Fran Tarkenton, Minnesota vs. San Francisco .........................35 21 407 3
Nov. 1, 1964 Len Dawson, Kansas City vs. Denver....................................38 23 435 6
Oct. 25, 1964 Cotton Davidson, Oakland vs. Denver ...................................36 23 427 5
Oct. 16, 1964 Babe Parilli, Boston vs. Oakland............................................47 25 422 4
Dec. 22, 1963 Tom Flores, Oakland vs. Houston..........................................29 17 407 6
Nov. 17, 1963 Norm Snead, Washington vs. Pittsburgh...............................40 23 424 2
Nov. 10, 1963 Don Meredith, Dallas vs. San Francisco ................................48 30 460 3
Oct. 13, 1963 Charley Johnson, St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh.............................41 20 428 2
Dec. 16, 1962 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia vs. St. Louis .........................34 15 419 5
Nov. 18, 1962 Bill Wade, Chicago vs. Dall. Cowboys...................................46 28 466 2
Oct. 28, 1962 Y.A. Tittle, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington...................................39 27 505 7
Sept. 15, 1962 Frank Tripucka, Denver vs. Buffalo ........................................56 29 447 2
Dec. 17, 1961 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia vs. Detroit.............................42 27 403 3
Nov. 19, 1961 George Blanda, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans ................................32 20 418 7
Oct. 29, 1961 George Blanda, Houston vs. Buffalo......................................32 18 464 4
Oct. 29, 1961 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia vs. Washington .........................41 27 436 3
Oct. 13, 1961 Jacky Lee, Houston vs. Boston.............................................41 27 457 2
Dec. 13, 1958 Bobby Layne, Pittsburgh vs. Chi. Cardinals...........................49 23 409 2
Nov. 8, 1953 Bobby Thomason, Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Giants ............................44 22 437 4
Oct. 4, 1952 Otto Graham, Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh..................................49 21 401 3
Sept. 28, 1951 Norm Van Brocklin, Los Angeles vs. N.Y. Yanks.........................41 27 554 5
Dec. 11, 1949 Johnny Lujack, Chi. Bears vs. Chi. Cardinals ........................39 24 468 6
Oct. 31, 1948 Sammy Baugh, Washington vs. Boston ................................24 17 446 4
Oct. 31, 1948 Jim Hardy, Los Angeles vs. Chi. Cardinals ............................53 28 406 3
Nov. 14, 1943 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears vs. N.Y. Giants ...............................32 21 433 7
*First season of professional football.


298 times by 126 players…P. Manning 14; Brees, Marino 13; Palmer, Rivers, Roethlisberger 8; Brady, E. Manning, Montana, Moon, Stafford
7; Bledsoe, Fouts 6; Jurgensen, Krieg, Romo 5; Bulger, Esiason, Kramer, Rodgers, Schaub, Testaverde, Warner 4; Cassel,
Cunningham, Foles, M. Hasselbeck, McNabb, Namath, Ryan, Simms, Young 3; Anderson, Blanda, Brunell, Culpepper, Elway, Favre, Garcia,
Green, C. Johnson, Kitna, Kosar, Lomax, Luck, Meredith, Newton, O’Brien, Orton, Plummer, Rypien, Todd, Vick, Volek, D. Williams 2.


Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
2015 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh3 ................................................................136 1,834 13.5 59 10
Julio Jones, Atlanta2 ..........................................................................136 1,871 13.8 70 8
DeAndre Hopkins, Houston................................................................111 1,521 13.7 61 11
Jarvis Landry, Miami .........................................................................110 1,157 10.5 50 4
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona3 ...................................................................109 1,215 11.1 44 9
Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets6 ..............................................................109 1,502 13.8 69 14
Demaryius Thomas, Denver2 .............................................................105 1,304 12.4 72 6
2014 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh2 ................................................................129 1,698 13.2 63 13
Demaryius Thomas, Denver ..............................................................111 1,619 14.6 86 11
Julio Jones, Atlanta ...........................................................................104 1,593 15.3 79 6
Matt Forté, Chicago ...........................................................................102 808 7.9 56 4
Emmanuel Sanders, Denver...............................................................101 1,404 13.9 48 9
2013 Pierre Garcon, Washington ................................................................113 1,346 11.9 53 5
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh .................................................................110 1,499 13.6 56 8
Andre Johnson, Houston5 ..................................................................109 1,407 12.9 62 5
Julian Edelman, New England ............................................................105 1,056 10.1 44 6
Brandon Marshall, Chicago5 ...............................................................100 1,295 13.0 44 12
2012 Calvin Johnson, Detroit......................................................................122 1,964 16.1 53 5
Brandon Marshall, Chicago4 ...............................................................118 1,508 12.8 56 11
Wes Welker, New England5 ................................................................118 1,354 11.5 59 6
Andre Johnson, Houston4 ..................................................................112 1,598 14.3 60 4
Jason Witten, Dallas ..........................................................................110 1,039 9.4 36 3

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 601

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis4 ..............................................................106 1,355 12.8 33 5
2011 Wes Welker, New England4 ................................................................122 1,569 12.9 99 9
Roddy White, Atlanta2 ........................................................................100 1,296 13.0 43 8
2010 Roddy White, Atlanta .........................................................................115 1,389 12.1 46 10
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis3 ..............................................................111 1,355 12.2 50 6
2009 Wes Welker, New England3 ................................................................123 1,348 11.0 58 4
Steve Smith, N.Y. Giants ....................................................................107 1,220 11.4 51 7
Andre Johnson, Houston3 ..................................................................101 1,569 15.5 72 9
Brandon Marshall, Denver3.................................................................101 1,120 11.1 75 10
Dallas Clark, Indianapolis ..................................................................100 1,106 11.1 80 10
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis2 ..............................................................100 1,264 12.6 65 10
2008 Andre Johnson, Houston2 ..................................................................115 1,575 13.7 65 8
Wes Welker, New England2 ................................................................111 1,165 10.5 64 3
Brandon Marshall, Denver2.................................................................104 1,265 12.2 47 6
2007 T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Cincinnati.......................................................112 1,143 10.2 42 12
Wes Welker, New England .................................................................112 1,175 10.5 42 8
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis ...............................................................104 1,510 14.5 64 10
Derrick Mason, Baltimore ..................................................................103 1,087 10.6 79 5
Brandon Marshall, Denver..................................................................102 1,325 13.0 68 7
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona2 ...................................................................100 1,409 14.1 48 10
2006 Andre Johnson, Houston ...................................................................103 1,147 11.1 53 5
2005 Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona ....................................................................103 1,409 13.7 47 10
Steve Smith, Carolina ........................................................................103 1,563 15.2 80 12
Anquan Boldin, Arizona2 ....................................................................102 1,402 13.7 54 7
Torry Holt, St. Louis2 .........................................................................102 1,331 13.0 44 9
2004 Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City ...............................................................102 1,258 12.3 32 7
2003 Torry Holt, St. Louis ..........................................................................117 1,696 14.5 48 12
Randy Moss, Minnesota2 ...................................................................111 1,632 14.7 72 17
*Anquan Boldin, Arizona ...................................................................101 1,377 13.6 71 8
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego........................................................100 725 7.3 73 4
2002 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis4 ...........................................................143 1,722 12.0 69 11
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh......................................................................112 1,329 11.9 72 12
Randy Moss, Minnesota ....................................................................106 1,347 12.7 60 7
Eric Moulds, Buffalo ..........................................................................100 1,292 12.9 70 10
Terrell Owens, San Francisco.............................................................100 1,300 13.0 76 13
2001 Rod Smith, Denver2 ...........................................................................113 1,343 11.9 65 11
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville2 ...............................................................112 1,373 12.3 35 8
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis3 ...........................................................109 1,524 14.0 68 15
Keyshawn Johnson, Tampa Bay ........................................................106 1,266 11.9 47 1
Troy Brown, New England..................................................................101 1,199 11.9 60 5
Marty Booker, Chicago ......................................................................100 1,071 10.7 66 8
2000 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis2 ...........................................................102 1,413 13.9 78 14
Muhsin Muhammad, Carolina ............................................................102 1,183 11.6 36 6
Ed McCaffrey, Denver ........................................................................101 1,317 13.0 61 9
Rod Smith, Denver ............................................................................100 1,602 16.0 49 8
1999 Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville ................................................................116 1,636 14.1 62 6
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis ............................................................115 1,663 14.5 57 12
1997 Tim Brown, Oakland ..........................................................................104 1,408 13.5 59 5
Herman Moore, Detroit3 .....................................................................104 1,293 12.4 79 8
1996 Jerry Rice, San Francisco4 .................................................................108 1,254 11.6 39 8
Herman Moore, Detroit2 .....................................................................106 1,296 12.2 50 9
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati .....................................................................100 1,180 11.8 61 12
1995 Herman Moore, Detroit ......................................................................123 1,686 13.7 69 14
Jerry Rice, San Francisco3 .................................................................122 1,848 15.1 81 15
Cris Carter, Minnesota2 ......................................................................122 1,371 11.2 60 17
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis .......................................................................119 1,781 15.0 72 13
Michael Irvin, Dallas ..........................................................................111 1,603 14.4 50 10
Brett Perriman, Detroit .......................................................................108 1,488 13.8 91 9
Eric Metcalf, Atlanta...........................................................................104 1,189 11.4 62 8
Robert Brooks, Green Bay .................................................................102 1,497 14.7 99 13
Larry Centers, Arizona.......................................................................101 962 9.5 32 2
1994 Cris Carter, Minnesota .......................................................................122 1,256 10.3 65 7
Jerry Rice, San Francisco2 .................................................................112 1,499 13.4 69 13
Terance Mathis, Atlanta .....................................................................111 1,342 12.1 81 11
1993 Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay2 ...............................................................112 1,274 11.4 54 11
1992 Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay ................................................................108 1,461 13.5 76 13
1991 Haywood Jeffires, Houston................................................................100 1,181 11.8 44 7
1990 Jerry Rice, San Francisco..................................................................100 1,502 15.0 64 13
1984 Art Monk, Washington.......................................................................106 1,372 12.9 72 7

602 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1964 Charley Hennigan, Houston ...............................................................101 1,546 15.3 53 8
1961 Lionel Taylor, Denver .........................................................................100 1,176 11.8 52 4
*First season of professional football.


Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
2015 Julio Jones, Atlanta3 ..........................................................................136 1,871 13.8 70 8
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh4 ................................................................136 1,834 13.5 59 10
DeAndre Hopkins, Houston2 ...............................................................111 1,521 13.7 61 11
Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets8 ..............................................................109 1,502 13.8 69 14
Odell Beckham Jr., N.Y. Giants2 ............................................................96 1,450 15.1 87 13
Allen Robinson, Jacksonville................................................................80 1,400 17.5 90 14
Demaryius Thomas, Denver4 .............................................................105 1,304 12.4 72 6
A.J. Green, Cincinnati5 .........................................................................86 1,297 15.1 80 10
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona7 ...................................................................109 1,215 11.1 44 9
Calvin Johnson, Detroit7 .......................................................................88 1,214 13.8 57 9
Mike Evans, Tampa Bay2......................................................................74 1,206 16.3 68 3
Rob Gronkowski, New England3 ...........................................................72 1,176 16.3 76 11
Jarvis Landry, Miami .........................................................................110 1,157 10.5 50 4
Brandin Cooks, New Orleans ...............................................................84 1,138 13.5 71 9
Emmanuel Sanders, Denver2 ................................................................76 1,135 14.9 75 6
T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis3 .......................................................................69 1,124 16.3 87 5
Greg Olsen, Carolina2 ...........................................................................77 1,104 14.3 52 7
Jeremy Maclin, Kansas City2................................................................87 1,088 12.5 61 8
Delanie Walker, Tennessee...................................................................94 1,088 11.6 61 6
*Amari Cooper, Oakland ......................................................................72 1,070 14.9 68 6
Doug Baldwin, Seattle..........................................................................78 1,069 13.7 80 14
Sammy Watkins, Buffalo .....................................................................60 1,047 17.5 63 9
Gary Barnidge, Cleveland ....................................................................79 1,043 13.2 40 9
Allen Hurns, Jacksonville.....................................................................64 1,031 16.1 80 10
Eric Decker, N.Y. Jets3 ..........................................................................80 1,027 12.8 35 12
John Brown, Arizona ...........................................................................65 1,003 15.4 68 7
2014 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh3 ................................................................129 1,698 13.2 63 13
Demaryius Thomas, Denver3 .............................................................111 1,619 14.6 86 11
Julio Jones, Atlanta2 ..........................................................................104 1,593 15.3 79 6
Jordy Nelson, Green Bay3 ....................................................................98 1,519 15.5 80 13
Emmanuel Sanders, Denver...............................................................101 1,404 13.9 48 9
T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis2 .......................................................................82 1,345 16.4 73 7
Golden Tate, Detroit .............................................................................99 1,331 13.4 73 4
Dez Bryant, Dallas3 ..............................................................................88 1,320 15.0 68 16
Jeremy Maclin, Philadelphia ................................................................85 1,318 15.5 72 10
*Odell Beckham Jr., N.Y. Giants ...........................................................91 1,305 14.3 80 12
Randall Cobb, Green Bay.....................................................................91 1,287 14.1 70 12
DeAndre Hopkins, Houston..................................................................76 1,210 15.9 76 6
DeSean Jackson, Washington4 .............................................................56 1,169 20.9 81 6
Alshon Jeffery, Chicago2 ......................................................................85 1,133 13.3 74 10
Rob Gronkowski, New England2 ...........................................................82 1,124 13.7 46 12
Calvin Johnson, Detroit6 .......................................................................71 1,077 15.2 67 8
Steve Smith, Baltimore8 .......................................................................79 1,065 13.5 80 6
Anquan Boldin, San Francisco7 ............................................................83 1,062 12.8 76 5
*Mike Evans, Tampa Bay.....................................................................68 1,051 15.5 56 12
A.J. Green, Cincinnati4 .........................................................................69 1,041 15.1 81 6
*Kelvin Benjamin, Carolina ..................................................................73 1,008 13.8 51 9
Greg Olsen, Carolina............................................................................84 1,008 12.0 38 6
Vincent Jackson, Tampa Bay6 ..............................................................70 1,002 14.3 50 2
2013 Josh Gordon, Cleveland.......................................................................87 1,646 18.9 95 9
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh2 ................................................................110 1,499 13.6 56 8
Calvin Johnson, Detroit5 .......................................................................84 1,492 17.8 87 12
Demaryius Thomas, Denver2 ...............................................................92 1,430 15.5 78 14
A.J. Green, Cincinnati3 .........................................................................98 1,426 14.6 82 11
Alshon Jeffery, Chicago.......................................................................89 1,421 16.0 80 7
Andre Johnson, Houston7 ..................................................................109 1,407 12.9 62 5
Pierre Garcon, Washington ................................................................113 1,346 11.9 53 5
DeSean Jackson, Philadelphia3 ............................................................82 1,332 16.2 61 9
Jordy Nelson, Green Bay2 ....................................................................85 1,314 15.5 76 8
Brandon Marshall, Chicago7 ...............................................................100 1,295 13.0 44 12
Eric Decker, Denver2 ............................................................................87 1,288 14.8 61 11
Dez Bryant, Dallas2 ..............................................................................93 1,233 13.3 79 13
Vincent Jackson, Tampa Bay5 ..............................................................78 1,224 15.7 60 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 603

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Jimmy Graham, New Orleans2 .............................................................86 1,215 14.1 56 16
Anquan Boldin, San Francisco6 ............................................................85 1,179 13.9 63 7
Torrey Smith, Baltimore .......................................................................65 1,128 17.4 74 4
T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis ........................................................................82 1,083 13.2 73 5
Kendall Wright, Tennessee ...................................................................94 1,079 11.5 45 2
Harry Douglas, Atlanta.........................................................................85 1,067 12.6 80 2
Julian Edelman, New England ............................................................105 1,056 10.1 44 6
*Keenan Allen, San Diego....................................................................71 1,046 14.7 43 8
Michael Floyd, Arizona.........................................................................65 1,041 16.0 91 5
Brian Hartline, Miami2 ..........................................................................76 1,016 13.4 50 4
2012 Calvin Johnson, Detroit4 .....................................................................122 1,964 16.1 53 5
Andre Johnson, Houston6 ..................................................................112 1,598 14.3 60 4
Brandon Marshall, Chicago6 ...............................................................118 1,508 12.8 56 11
Demaryius Thomas, Denver ................................................................94 1,434 15.3 71 10
Vincent Jackson, Tampa Bay4 ..............................................................72 1,384 19.2 95 8
Dez Bryant, Dallas ...............................................................................92 1,382 15.0 85 12
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis8 ..............................................................106 1,355 12.8 33 5
Wes Welker, New England5 ................................................................118 1,354 11.5 59 6
Roddy White, Atlanta6 ..........................................................................92 1,351 14.7 59 7
A.J. Green, Cincinnati2 .........................................................................97 1,350 13.9 73 11
Julio Jones, Atlanta .............................................................................79 1,198 15.2 80 10
Steve Smith, Carolina7 .........................................................................73 1,174 16.1 66 4
Marques Colston, New Orleans6 ...........................................................83 1,154 13.9 60 10
Michael Crabtree, San Francisco..........................................................85 1,105 13.0 49 9
Victor Cruz, N.Y. Giants2 .......................................................................86 1,092 12.7 80 10
Brian Hartline, Miami...........................................................................74 1,083 14.6 80 1
Eric Decker, Denver .............................................................................85 1,064 12.5 55 13
Steve Johnson, Buffalo3 .......................................................................79 1,046 13.2 63 6
Lance Moore, New Orleans..................................................................65 1,041 16.0 51 6
Jason Witten, Dallas4 .........................................................................110 1,039 9.4 36 3
2011 Calvin Johnson, Detroit3 .......................................................................96 1,681 17.5 73 16
Wes Welker, New England4 ................................................................122 1,569 12.9 99 9
Victor Cruz, N.Y. Giants........................................................................82 1,536 18.7 99 9
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona6 .....................................................................80 1,411 17.6 73 8
Steve Smith, Carolina6 .........................................................................79 1,394 17.6 77 7
Rob Gronkowski, New England ............................................................90 1,327 14.7 52 17
Jimmy Graham, New Orleans ..............................................................99 1,310 13.2 59 11
Roddy White, Atlanta5 ........................................................................100 1,296 13.0 43 8
Jordy Nelson, Green Bay .....................................................................68 1,263 18.6 93 15
Brandon Marshall, Miami5 ....................................................................81 1,214 15.0 65 6
Mike Wallace, Pittsburgh2 ....................................................................72 1,193 16.6 95 8
Hakeem Nicks, N.Y. Giants2..................................................................76 1,192 15.7 68 7
Dwayne Bowe, Kansas City3 ................................................................81 1,159 14.3 52 5
Marques Colston, New Orleans5 ...........................................................80 1,143 14.3 50 8
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh ...................................................................69 1,108 16.1 79 2
Vincent Jackson, San Diego3 ...............................................................60 1,106 18.4 58 9
*A.J. Green, Cincinnati ........................................................................65 1,057 16.3 58 7
Nate Washington, Tennessee ...............................................................74 1,023 13.8 57 7
Steve Johnson, Buffalo2 .......................................................................76 1,004 13.2 55 7
2010 Brandon Lloyd, Denver ........................................................................77 1,448 18.8 71 11
Roddy White, Atlanta4 ........................................................................115 1,389 12.1 46 10
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis7 ..............................................................111 1,355 12.2 50 6
Greg Jennings, Green Bay3 ..................................................................76 1,265 16.6 86 12
Mike Wallace, Pittsburgh .....................................................................60 1,257 20.9 56 10
Andre Johnson, Houston5 ....................................................................86 1,216 14.1 60 8
Dwayne Bowe, Kansas City2 ................................................................72 1,162 16.1 75 15
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona5 .....................................................................90 1,137 12.6 41 6
Calvin Johnson, Detroit2 .......................................................................77 1,120 14.6 87 12
Santana Moss, Washington4 ................................................................93 1,115 12.0 56 6
Steve Johnson, Buffalo........................................................................82 1,073 13.1 45 10
DeSean Jackson, Philadelphia2 ............................................................47 1,056 22.5 91 6
Hakeem Nicks, N.Y. Giants...................................................................79 1,052 13.3 46 11
Miles Austin, Dallas2 ............................................................................69 1,041 15.1 69 7
Marques Colston, New Orleans4 ...........................................................84 1,023 12.2 43 7
Brandon Marshall, Miami4 ....................................................................86 1,014 11.8 46 3
Jason Witten, Dallas3 ...........................................................................94 1,002 10.7 33 9
2009 Andre Johnson, Houston4 ..................................................................101 1,569 15.5 72 9
Wes Welker, New England3 ................................................................123 1,348 11.0 58 4
Miles Austin, Dallas .............................................................................81 1,320 16.3 60 11

604 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Sidney Rice, Minnesota .......................................................................83 1,321 15.8 63 8
Randy Moss, New England10 ................................................................83 1,264 15.2 71 13
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis6 ..............................................................100 1,264 12.6 65 10
Santonio Holmes, Pittsburgh ...............................................................79 1,248 15.8 57 5
Steve Smith, N.Y. Giants ....................................................................107 1,220 11.4 51 7
Vincent Jackson, San Diego2 ...............................................................68 1,167 17.2 55 9
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh6 .......................................................................95 1,167 12.3 54 6
Antonio Gates, San Diego2 ...................................................................79 1,157 14.6 56 8
DeSean Jackson, Philadelphia .............................................................62 1,156 18.6 71 9
Roddy White, Atlanta3 ..........................................................................85 1,153 13.6 90 11
Brandon Marshall, Denver3.................................................................101 1,120 11.1 75 10
Greg Jennings, Green Bay2 ..................................................................68 1,113 16.4 83 4
Dallas Clark, Indianapolis...................................................................100 1,106 11.1 80 10
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona4 .....................................................................97 1,092 11.3 34 13
Marques Colston, New Orleans3 ...........................................................70 1,074 15.3 68 9
Donald Driver, Green Bay7 ....................................................................70 1,061 15.2 71 6
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati7 ...................................................................72 1,047 14.5 50 9
Jason Witten, Dallas2 ...........................................................................94 1,030 11.0 69 2
Derrick Mason, Baltimore8 ...................................................................73 1,028 14.1 72 7
Anquan Boldin, Arizona5 ......................................................................84 1,024 12.2 44 4
2008 Andre Johnson, Houston3 ..................................................................115 1,575 13.7 65 8
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona3 .....................................................................96 1,431 14.9 78 12
Steve Smith, Carolina5 .........................................................................78 1,421 18.2 65 6
Roddy White, Atlanta2 ..........................................................................88 1,382 15.7 70 7
Calvin Johnson, Detroit........................................................................78 1,331 17.1 96 12
Greg Jennings, Green Bay ...................................................................80 1,292 16.1 63 9
Brandon Marshall, Denver2 .................................................................104 1,265 12.2 47 6
Antonio Bryant, Tampa Bay2 ................................................................83 1,248 15.0 71 7
Wes Welker, New England2 ................................................................111 1,165 10.5 64 3
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis5 ................................................................82 1,145 14.0 65 6
Vincent Jackson, San Diego ................................................................59 1,098 18.6 60 7
Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City4 ................................................................96 1,058 11.0 35 10
Terrell Owens, Dallas9 ..........................................................................69 1,052 15.2 75 10
Santana Moss, Washington3 ................................................................79 1,044 13.2 67 6
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh5 .......................................................................81 1,043 12.9 49 7
Anquan Boldin, Arizona4 ......................................................................89 1,038 11.7 79 11
Derrick Mason, Baltimore7 ...................................................................80 1,037 13.0 54 5
Dwayne Bowe, Kansas City .................................................................86 1,022 11.9 36 7
Lee Evans, Buffalo2..............................................................................63 1,017 16.1 87 3
Donald Driver, Green Bay6 ....................................................................74 1,012 13.7 71 5
Randy Moss, New England9 .................................................................69 1,008 14.6 76 11
Steve Breaston, Arizona.......................................................................77 1,006 13.1 58 3
2007 Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis4 ..............................................................104 1,510 14.5 64 10
Randy Moss, New England8 .................................................................98 1,493 15.2 65 23
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati6 ...................................................................93 1,440 15.5 70 8
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona2 ...................................................................100 1,409 14.1 48 10
Terrell Owens, Dallas8 ..........................................................................81 1,355 16.7 52 15
Brandon Marshall, Denver..................................................................102 1,325 13.0 68 7
Braylon Edwards, Cleveland.................................................................80 1,289 16.1 78 16
Marques Colston, New Orleans2 ...........................................................98 1,202 12.3 45 11
Roddy White, Atlanta ...........................................................................83 1,202 14.5 69 6
Torry Holt, St. Louis8 ...........................................................................93 1,189 12.8 40 7
Wes Welker, New England .................................................................112 1,175 10.5 42 8
Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City3 ................................................................99 1,172 11.8 31 5
Bobby Engram, Seattle ........................................................................94 1,147 12.2 49 6
Jason Witten, Dallas ............................................................................96 1,145 11.9 53 7
T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Cincinnati2......................................................112 1,143 10.2 42 12
Jerricho Cotchery, N.Y. Jets .................................................................82 1,130 13.8 50 2
Kevin Curtis, Philadelphia ....................................................................77 1,110 14.4 75 6
Kellen Winslow, Cleveland ...................................................................82 1,106 13.5 49 5
Derrick Mason, Baltimore6 .................................................................103 1,087 10.6 79 5
Donald Driver, Green Bay5 ....................................................................82 1,048 12.8 47 2
Plaxico Burress, N.Y. Giants4 ................................................................70 1,025 14.6 60 12
Joey Galloway, Tampa Bay6 .................................................................57 1,014 17.8 69 6
Steve Smith, Carolina4 .........................................................................87 1,002 11.5 74 7
2006 Chad Johnson, Cincinnati5 ...................................................................87 1,369 15.7 74 7
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis8 .............................................................95 1,366 14.4 68 12
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis3 ................................................................86 1,310 15.2 51 9
Roy Williams, Detroit ...........................................................................82 1,310 16.0 60 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 605

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Donald Driver, Green Bay4 ....................................................................92 1,295 14.1 82 8
Lee Evans, Buffalo...............................................................................82 1,292 15.8 83 8
Anquan Boldin, Arizona3 ......................................................................83 1,203 14.5 64 4
Torry Holt, St. Louis7 ...........................................................................93 1,188 12.8 67 10
Terrell Owens, Dallas7 ..........................................................................85 1,180 13.9 56 13
Steve Smith, Carolina3 .........................................................................83 1,166 14.1 72 8
Andre Johnson, Houston2 ..................................................................103 1,147 11.1 53 5
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis8 ........................................................................74 1,098 14.8 45 3
Laveranues Coles, N.Y. Jets2 ................................................................91 1,098 12.1 58 6
Mike Furrey, Detroit .............................................................................98 1,086 11.1 31 6
Javon Walker, Denver2 .........................................................................69 1,084 15.7 83 8
T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Cincinnati.........................................................90 1,081 12.0 40 9
Joey Galloway, Tampa Bay5 .................................................................62 1,057 17.1 64 7
Terry Glenn, Dallas4 .............................................................................70 1,047 15.0 54 6
*Marques Colston, New Orleans..........................................................70 1,038 14.8 86 8
2005 Steve Smith, Carolina2 .......................................................................103 1,563 15.2 80 12
Santana Moss, Washington2 ................................................................84 1,483 17.7 78 9
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati4 ...................................................................97 1,432 14.8 70 9
Larry Fitzgerald, Arizona ....................................................................103 1,409 13.7 47 10
Anquan Boldin, Arizona2 ....................................................................102 1,402 13.7 54 7
Torry Holt, St. Louis6 .........................................................................102 1,331 13.0 44 9
Joey Galloway, Tampa Bay4 .................................................................83 1,287 15.5 80 10
Donald Driver, Green Bay3 ....................................................................86 1,221 14.2 59 5
Plaxico Burress, N.Y. Giants3 ................................................................76 1,214 16.0 78 7
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis7 .............................................................82 1,146 14.0 80 12
Terry Glenn, Dallas3 .............................................................................62 1,136 18.3 71 7
Chris Chambers, Miami .......................................................................82 1,118 13.6 77 11
Rod Smith, Denver8 .............................................................................85 1,105 13.0 72 6
Eddie Kennison, Kansas City2 ..............................................................68 1,102 16.2 55 5
Antonio Gates, San Diego....................................................................89 1,101 12.4 38 10
Derrick Mason, Baltimore5 ...................................................................86 1,073 12.5 39 3
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis2 ................................................................83 1,055 12.7 66 5
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville9 .................................................................70 1,023 14.6 45 6
Antonio Bryant, Cleveland....................................................................69 1,009 14.6 54 4
Randy Moss, Oakland7.........................................................................60 1,005 16.8 79 8
2004 Muhsin Muhammad, Carolina3 .............................................................93 1,405 15.1 51 16
Joe Horn, New Orleans4 .......................................................................94 1,399 14.9 57 11
Javon Walker, Green Bay .....................................................................89 1,382 15.5 79 12
Torry Holt, St. Louis5............................................................................94 1,372 14.6 75 10
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis7 ........................................................................89 1,292 14.5 56 6
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati3 ...................................................................95 1,274 13.4 53 9
Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City2 ..............................................................102 1,258 12.3 32 7
Drew Bennett, Tennessee.....................................................................80 1,247 15.6 48 11
Reggie Wayne, Indianapolis .................................................................77 1,210 15.7 71 12
Donald Driver, Green Bay2 ....................................................................84 1,208 14.4 50 9
Terrell Owens, Philadelphia6 .................................................................77 1,200 15.6 59 14
Darrell Jackson, Seattle3 ......................................................................87 1,199 13.8 56 7
*Michael Clayton, Tampa Bay..............................................................80 1,193 14.9 75 7
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville8 .................................................................74 1,172 15.8 65 6
Derrick Mason, Tennessee4 ..................................................................96 1,168 12.2 37 7
Rod Smith, Denver7 .............................................................................79 1,144 14.5 85 7
Andre Johnson, Houston .....................................................................79 1,142 14.5 54 6
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis6 .............................................................86 1,113 12.9 59 15
Eddie Kennison, Kansas City ...............................................................62 1,086 17.5 70 8
Ashley Lelie, Denver ............................................................................54 1,084 20.1 58 7
Brandon Stokley, Indianapolis ..............................................................68 1,077 15.8 69 10
Eric Moulds, Buffalo4 ...........................................................................88 1,043 11.9 49 5
Nate Burleson, Minnesota....................................................................68 1,006 14.8 68 9
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh4 .......................................................................80 1,004 12.6 58 4
2003 Torry Holt, St. Louis4 .........................................................................117 1,696 14.5 48 12
Randy Moss, Minnesota6 ...................................................................111 1,632 14.7 72 17
*Anquan Boldin, Arizona ...................................................................101 1,377 13.6 71 8
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati2 ...................................................................90 1,355 15.1 82 10
Derrick Mason, Tennessee3 ..................................................................95 1,303 13.7 50 8
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis5 .............................................................94 1,272 13.5 79 10
Laveranues Coles, Washington2 ...........................................................82 1,204 14.7 64 6
Keenan McCardell, Tampa Bay5............................................................84 1,174 14.0 76 8
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh3 .......................................................................95 1,163 12.2 50 10
Darrell Jackson, Seattle2 ......................................................................68 1,137 16.7 80 9

606 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Steve Smith, Carolina .........................................................................88 1,110 12.6 67 7
Santana Moss, N.Y. Jets .....................................................................74 1,105 14.9 65 10
Terrell Owens, San Francisco5 ..............................................................80 1,102 13.8 75 9
Amani Toomer, N.Y. Giants5 ..................................................................63 1,057 16.8 77 5
2002 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis4 ...........................................................143 1,722 12.0 69 11
Randy Moss, Minnesota5 ...................................................................106 1,347 12.7 60 7
Amani Toomer, N.Y. Giants4 ..................................................................82 1,343 16.4 82 8
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh2 .....................................................................112 1,329 11.9 72 12
Plaxico Burress, Pittsburgh2 .................................................................78 1,325 17.0 62 7
Joe Horn, New Orleans3 .......................................................................88 1,312 14.9 63 7
Torry Holt, St. Louis3 ...........................................................................91 1,302 14.3 58 4
Terrell Owens, San Francisco4 ............................................................100 1,300 13.0 76 13
Eric Moulds, Buffalo3 .........................................................................100 1,292 12.9 70 10
Laveranues Coles, N.Y. Jets.................................................................89 1,264 14.2 43 5
Peerless Price, Buffalo.........................................................................94 1,252 13.3 73 9
Koren Robinson, Seattle ......................................................................78 1,240 15.9 83 5
Jerry Rice, Oakland14 ...........................................................................92 1,211 13.2 75 7
Marty Booker, Chicago2 .......................................................................97 1,189 12.3 54 6
Chad Johnson, Cincinnati ....................................................................69 1,166 16.9 72 5
Keyshawn Johnson, Tampa Bay4 .........................................................76 1,088 14.3 76 5
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis6 ........................................................................79 1,075 13.6 34 7
Donald Driver, Green Bay.....................................................................70 1,064 15.2 85 9
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville7 .................................................................80 1,027 12.8 47 7
Rod Smith, Denver6 .............................................................................89 1,027 11.5 46 5
Derrick Mason, Tennessee2 ..................................................................79 1,012 12.8 40 5
Rod Gardner, Washington ....................................................................71 1,006 14.2 43 8
2001 David Boston, Arizona2 ........................................................................98 1,598 16.3 61 8
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis3 ...........................................................109 1,524 14.0 68 15
Terrell Owens, San Francisco3 ..............................................................93 1,412 15.2 60 16
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville6 ...............................................................112 1,373 12.3 35 8
Torry Holt, St. Louis2 ...........................................................................81 1,363 16.8 51 7
Rod Smith, Denver5 ...........................................................................113 1,343 11.9 65 11
Keyshawn Johnson, Tampa Bay3 .......................................................106 1,266 11.9 47 1
Joe Horn, New Orleans2 .......................................................................83 1,265 15.2 56 9
Randy Moss, Minnesota4 .....................................................................82 1,233 15.0 73 10
Troy Brown, New England..................................................................101 1,199 11.9 60 5
Tim Brown, Oakland9 ...........................................................................91 1,165 12.8 46 9
Johnnie Morton, Detroit4 ......................................................................77 1,154 15.0 76 4
Jerry Rice, Oakland13 ...........................................................................83 1,139 13.7 40 9
Derrick Mason, Tennessee...................................................................73 1,128 15.5 71 9
Curtis Conway, San Diego3 ..................................................................71 1,125 15.8 72 6
Keenan McCardell, Jacksonville4 ..........................................................93 1,110 11.9 45 6
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis5 ........................................................................64 1,106 17.3 51 6
Kevin Johnson, Cleveland ....................................................................84 1,097 13.1 55 9
Darrell Jackson, Seattle .......................................................................70 1,081 15.4 64 8
Marty Booker, Chicago ......................................................................100 1,071 10.7 66 8
Qadry Ismail, Baltimore2 ......................................................................74 1,059 14.3 77 7
Amani Toomer, N.Y. Giants3 ..................................................................72 1,054 14.6 60 5
Willie Jackson, New Orleans................................................................81 1,046 12.9 63 5
Plaxico Burress, Pittsburgh..................................................................66 1,008 15.3 43 6
Hines Ward, Pittsburgh........................................................................94 1,003 10.7 34 4
2000 Torry Holt, St. Louis ............................................................................82 1,635 19.9 85 6
Rod Smith, Denver4 ...........................................................................100 1,602 16.0 49 8
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis4 ........................................................................87 1,471 16.9 78 9
Terrell Owens, San Francisco2 ..............................................................97 1,451 15.0 69 13
Randy Moss, Minnesota3 .....................................................................77 1,437 18.7 78 15
Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis2 ...........................................................102 1,413 13.9 78 14
Derrick Alexander, Kansas City3 ...........................................................78 1,391 17.8 81 10
Joe Horn, New Orleans........................................................................94 1,340 14.3 52 8
Eric Moulds, Buffalo2 ...........................................................................94 1,326 14.1 52 5
Ed McCaffrey, Denver3 .......................................................................101 1,317 13.0 61 9
Cris Carter, Minnesota8 ........................................................................96 1,274 13.3 53 9
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville5 .................................................................91 1,213 13.3 65 8
Keenan McCardell, Jacksonville3 ..........................................................94 1,207 12.8 67 5
Tony Gonzalez, Kansas City .................................................................93 1,203 12.9 39 9
Muhsin Muhammad, Carolina2 ...........................................................102 1,183 11.6 36 6
David Boston, Arizona .........................................................................71 1,156 16.3 70 7
Tim Brown, Oakland8 ...........................................................................76 1,128 14.8 45 11

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 607

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Amani Toomer, N.Y. Giants2 ..................................................................78 1,094 14.0 54 7
1999 Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis ............................................................115 1,663 14.5 57 12
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville4 ...............................................................116 1,636 14.1 62 6
Randy Moss, Minnesota2 .....................................................................80 1,413 17.7 67 11
Marcus Robinson, Chicago..................................................................84 1,400 16.7 80 9
Tim Brown, Oakland7 ...........................................................................90 1,344 14.9 47 6
Germane Crowell, Detroit.....................................................................81 1,338 16.5 77 7
Muhsin Muhammad, Carolina ..............................................................96 1,253 13.1 60 8
Cris Carter, Minnesota7 ........................................................................90 1,241 13.8 68 13
Michael Westbrook, Washington..........................................................65 1,191 18.3 65 9
Amani Toomer, N.Y. Giants...................................................................79 1,183 15.0 80 6
Keyshawn Johnson, N.Y. Jets2 .............................................................89 1,170 13.2 65 8
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis3 ........................................................................77 1,165 15.1 60 12
Terry Glenn, New England2...................................................................69 1,147 16.6 67 4
Albert Connell, Washington..................................................................62 1,132 18.3 62 7
Johnnie Morton, Detroit3 ......................................................................80 1,129 14.1 48 5
Qadry Ismail, Baltimore .......................................................................68 1,105 16.3 76 6
Raghib Ismail, Dallas2 ..........................................................................80 1,097 13.7 76 6
Patrick Jeffers, Carolina .......................................................................63 1,082 17.2 88 12
Antonio Freeman, Green Bay3 ..............................................................74 1,074 14.5 51 6
Bill Schroeder, Green Bay ....................................................................74 1,051 14.2 51 5
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis......................................................................87 1,048 12.1 57 5
Tony Martin, Miami4 ............................................................................67 1,037 15.5 69 5
Darnay Scott, Cincinnati ......................................................................68 1,022 15.0 76 7
Rod Smith, Denver3 .............................................................................79 1,020 12.9 71 4
Ed McCaffrey, Denver2 .........................................................................71 1,018 14.3 78 7
Terance Mathis, Atlanta4 ......................................................................81 1,016 12.5 52 6
1998 Antonio Freeman, Green Bay2 ..............................................................84 1,424 17.0 84 14
Eric Moulds, Buffalo ............................................................................67 1,368 20.4 84 9
*Randy Moss, Minnesota ....................................................................69 1,313 19.0 61 17
Rod Smith, Denver2 .............................................................................86 1,222 14.2 58 6
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville3 .................................................................78 1,182 15.2 72 8
Tony Martin, Atlanta3 ...........................................................................66 1,181 17.9 62 6
Jerry Rice, San Francisco12 ..................................................................82 1,157 14.1 75 9
Frank Sanders, Arizona2 .......................................................................89 1,145 12.9 42 3
Terance Mathis, Atlanta3 ......................................................................64 1,136 17.8 78 11
Keyshawn Johnson, N.Y. Jets ..............................................................83 1,131 13.6 41 10
Terrell Owens, San Francisco...............................................................67 1,097 16.4 79 14
Wayne Chrebet, N.Y. Jets.....................................................................75 1,083 14.4 63 8
Michael Irvin, Dallas7 ...........................................................................74 1,057 14.3 51 1
Ed McCaffrey, Denver ..........................................................................64 1,053 16.5 48 10
O.J. McDuffie, Miami ...........................................................................90 1,050 11.7 61 7
Joey Galloway, Seattle3 ........................................................................65 1,047 16.1 81 10
Johnnie Morton, Detroit2 ......................................................................69 1,028 14.9 98 2
Raghib Ismail, Carolina........................................................................69 1,024 14.8 62 8
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati4 ......................................................................82 1,023 12.5 67 5
Tim Brown, Oakland6 ...........................................................................81 1,012 12.5 49 9
Cris Carter, Minnesota6 ........................................................................78 1,011 13.0 54 12
1997 Rob Moore, Arizona3............................................................................97 1,584 16.3 47 8
Tim Brown, Oakland5 .........................................................................104 1,408 13.5 59 5
Yancey Thigpen, Pittsburgh2.................................................................79 1,398 17.7 69 7
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville2 .................................................................82 1,324 16.1 75 4
Irving Fryar, Philadelphia5 .....................................................................86 1,316 15.3 72 6
Herman Moore, Detroit4 .....................................................................104 1,293 12.4 79 8
Antonio Freeman, Green Bay ...............................................................81 1,243 15.3 58 12
Michael Irvin, Dallas6 ...........................................................................75 1,180 15.7 55 9
Rod Smith, Denver ..............................................................................70 1,180 16.9 78 12
Keenan McCardell, Jacksonville2 ..........................................................85 1,164 13.7 60 5
Jake Reed, Minnesota4 ........................................................................68 1,138 16.7 56 6
Shannon Sharpe, Denver3 ....................................................................72 1,107 15.4 68 3
Andre Rison, Kansas City5 ...................................................................72 1,092 15.2 45 7
Cris Carter, Minnesota5 ........................................................................89 1,069 12.0 43 13
Johnnie Morton, Detroit.......................................................................80 1,057 13.2 73 6
Joey Galloway, Seattle2 ........................................................................72 1,049 14.6 53 12
Frank Sanders, Arizona........................................................................75 1,017 13.6 70 4
Robert Brooks, Green Bay2 ..................................................................60 1,010 16.8 48 7
Derrick Alexander, Baltimore2 ...............................................................65 1,009 15.5 92 9
1996 Isaac Bruce, St. Louis2 ........................................................................84 1,338 15.9 70 7

608 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Jake Reed, Minnesota3 ........................................................................72 1,320 18.3 82 7
Herman Moore, Detroit3 .....................................................................106 1,296 12.2 50 9
Jerry Rice, San Francisco11 ................................................................108 1,254 11.6 39 8
Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville ..................................................................83 1,244 15.0 62 7
Michael Jackson, Baltimore .................................................................76 1,201 15.8 86 14
Irving Fryar, Philadelphia4 .....................................................................88 1,195 13.6 42 11
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati3 ....................................................................100 1,180 11.8 61 12
Tony Martin, San Diego2 ......................................................................85 1,171 13.8 55 14
Cris Carter, Minnesota4 ........................................................................96 1,163 12.1 43 10
*Terry Glenn, New England..................................................................90 1,132 12.6 37 6
Keenan McCardell, Jacksonville ...........................................................85 1,129 13.3 52 3
Tim Brown, Oakland4 ...........................................................................90 1,104 12.3 42 9
Derrick Alexander, Baltimore ................................................................62 1,099 17.7 64 9
Shannon Sharpe, Denver2 ....................................................................80 1,062 13.3 51 10
Curtis Conway, Chicago2 .....................................................................81 1,049 13.0 58 7
Andre Reed, Buffalo4............................................................................66 1,036 15.7 67 6
Brett Perriman, Detroit2 ........................................................................94 1,021 10.9 44 5
Rob Moore, Arizona2............................................................................58 1,016 17.5 69 4
Henry Ellard, Washington7 ...................................................................52 1,014 19.5 51 2
Charles Johnson, Pittsburgh ................................................................60 1,008 16.8 70 3
1995 Jerry Rice, San Francisco10 ................................................................122 1,848 15.1 81 15
Isaac Bruce, St. Louis .......................................................................119 1,781 15.0 72 13
Herman Moore, Detroit2 .....................................................................123 1,686 13.7 69 14
Michael Irvin, Dallas5 .........................................................................111 1,603 14.4 50 10
Robert Brooks, Green Bay .................................................................102 1,497 14.7 99 13
Brett Perriman, Detroit .......................................................................108 1,488 13.8 91 9
Cris Carter, Minnesota3 ......................................................................122 1,371 11.2 60 17
Tim Brown, Oakland3 ...........................................................................89 1,342 15.1 80 10
Yancey Thigpen, Pittsburgh..................................................................85 1,307 15.4 43 5
Jeff Graham, Chicago..........................................................................82 1,301 15.9 51 4
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati2 ......................................................................99 1,234 12.5 68 17
Tony Martin, San Diego .......................................................................90 1,224 13.6 51 6
Eric Metcalf, Atlanta...........................................................................104 1,189 11.4 62 8
Jake Reed, Minnesota2 ........................................................................72 1,167 16.2 55 9
Quinn Early, New Orleans ....................................................................81 1,087 13.4 70 8
Anthony Miller, Denver5 ........................................................................59 1,079 18.3 62 14
Bert Emanuel, Atlanta ..........................................................................74 1,039 14.0 52 5
*Joey Galloway, Seattle.......................................................................67 1,039 15.5 59 7
Terance Mathis, Atlanta2 ......................................................................78 1,039 13.3 54 9
Curtis Conway, Chicago ......................................................................62 1,037 16.7 76 12
Henry Ellard, Washington6 ...................................................................56 1,005 17.9 59 5
Mark Carrier, Carolina2 .........................................................................66 1,002 15.2 66 3
Brian Blades, Seattle4...........................................................................77 1,001 13.0 49 4
1994 Jerry Rice, San Francisco9 .................................................................112 1,499 13.4 69 13
Henry Ellard, Washington5 ...................................................................74 1,397 18.9 73 6
Terance Mathis, Atlanta .....................................................................111 1,342 12.1 81 11
Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders2.....................................................................89 1,309 14.7 77 9
Andre Reed, Buffalo2............................................................................90 1,303 14.5 83 8
Irving Fryar, Miami3 ..............................................................................73 1,270 17.4 54 7
Cris Carter, Minnesota2 ......................................................................122 1,256 10.3 65 7
Michael Irvin, Dallas4 ...........................................................................79 1,241 15.7 65 6
Jake Reed, Minnesota .........................................................................85 1,175 13.8 59 4
Ben Coates, New England....................................................................96 1,174 12.2 62 7
Herman Moore, Detroit ........................................................................72 1,173 16.3 51 11
Fred Barnett, Philadelphia2 ...................................................................78 1,127 14.4 54 5
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati .......................................................................71 1,127 15.9 70 11
Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay4 .................................................................94 1,119 11.9 49 18
Anthony Miller, Denver4 ........................................................................60 1,107 18.5 76 5
Andre Rison, Atlanta3 ...........................................................................81 1,088 13.4 69 8
Brian Blades, Seattle3...........................................................................81 1,088 13.4 45 4
Rob Moore, N.Y. Jets...........................................................................78 1,010 12.9 41 6
Shannon Sharpe, Denver .....................................................................87 1,010 11.6 44 4
1993 Jerry Rice, San Francisco8 ...................................................................98 1,503 15.3 80 15
Michael Irvin, Dallas3 ...........................................................................88 1,330 15.1 61 7
Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay4 ...............................................................112 1,274 11.4 54 11
Andre Rison, Atlanta3 ...........................................................................86 1,242 14.4 53 15
Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders......................................................................80 1,180 14.8 71 7
Anthony Miller, San Diego3 ...................................................................84 1,162 13.8 66 7

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 609

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Cris Carter, Minnesota .........................................................................86 1,071 12.5 58 9
Reggie Langhorne, Indianapolis ...........................................................85 1,038 12.2 72 3
Irving Fryar, Miami2 ..............................................................................64 1,010 15.8 65 5
1992 Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay3 ...............................................................108 1,461 13.5 76 13
Michael Irvin, Dallas2 ...........................................................................78 1,396 17.9 87 7
Jerry Rice, San Francisco7 ...................................................................84 1,201 14.3 80 10
Andre Rison, Atlanta2 ...........................................................................93 1,119 12.0 71 11
Fred Barnett, Philadelphia ....................................................................67 1,083 16.2 71 6
Anthony Miller, San Diego2 ...................................................................72 1,060 14.7 67 7
Eric Martin, New Orleans3 ....................................................................68 1,041 15.3 52 5
1991 Michael Irvin, Dallas ............................................................................93 1,523 16.4 66 8
Gary Clark, Washington5 ......................................................................70 1,340 19.1 82 10
Jerry Rice, San Francisco6 ...................................................................80 1,206 15.1 73 14
Haywood Jeffires, Houston2 ...............................................................100 1,181 11.8 44 7
Michael Haynes, Atlanta ......................................................................50 1,122 22.4 80 11
Andre Reed, Buffalo2............................................................................81 1,113 13.7 55 10
Drew Hill, Houston5 .............................................................................90 1,109 12.3 61 4
Mark Duper, Miami4 .............................................................................70 1,085 15.5 43 5
James Lofton, Buffalo6 ........................................................................57 1,072 18.8 77 8
Mark Clayton, Miami5 ..........................................................................70 1,053 15.0 43 12
Henry Ellard, L.A. Rams4 .....................................................................64 1,052 16.4 38 3
Art Monk, Washington5 ........................................................................71 1,049 14.8 64 8
Irving Fryar, New England ....................................................................68 1,014 14.9 56 3
John Taylor, San Francisco2 .................................................................64 1,011 15.8 97 9
Brian Blades, Seattle2...........................................................................70 1,003 14.3 52 2
1990 Jerry Rice, San Francisco5 .................................................................100 1,502 15.0 64 13
Henry Ellard, L.A. Rams3 .....................................................................76 1,294 17.0 50 4
Andre Rison, Atlanta............................................................................82 1,208 14.7 75 10
Gary Clark, Washington4 ......................................................................75 1,112 14.8 53 8
Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay2 .................................................................67 1,105 16.5 76 6
Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams2 ..............................................................51 1,097 21.5 55 4
Haywood Jeffires, Houston..................................................................74 1,048 14.2 87 8
Stephone Paige, Kansas City ...............................................................65 1,021 15.7 86 5
Drew Hill, Houston4 .............................................................................74 1,019 13.8 57 5
Anthony Carter, Minnesota3 .................................................................70 1,008 14.4 56 8
1989 Jerry Rice, San Francisco4 ...................................................................82 1,483 18.1 68 17
Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay ..................................................................90 1,423 15.8 79 12
Mark Carrier, Tampa Bay......................................................................86 1,422 16.5 78 9
Henry Ellard, L.A. Rams2 .....................................................................70 1,382 19.7 53 8
Andre Reed, Buffalo.............................................................................88 1,312 14.9 78 9
Anthony Miller, San Diego....................................................................75 1,252 16.7 69 10
Webster Slaughter, Cleveland...............................................................65 1,236 19.0 97 6
Gary Clark, Washington3 ......................................................................79 1,229 15.6 80 9
Tim McGee, Cincinnati ........................................................................65 1,211 18.6 74 8
Art Monk, Washington4 ........................................................................86 1,186 13.8 60 8
Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams ...............................................................44 1,146 26.0 78 5
Ricky Sanders, Washington2 ................................................................80 1,138 14.2 68 4
Vance Johnson, Denver .......................................................................76 1,095 14.4 69 7
Richard Johnson, Detroit .....................................................................70 1,091 15.6 75 8
Eric Martin, New Orleans2 ....................................................................68 1,090 16.0 53 8
John Taylor, San Francisco ..................................................................60 1,077 18.0 95 10
Mervyn Fernandez, L.A. Raiders ..........................................................57 1,069 18.8 75 9
Anthony Carter, Minnesota2 .................................................................65 1,066 16.4 50 4
Brian Blades, Seattle............................................................................77 1,063 13.8 60 5
Mark Clayton, Miami4 ..........................................................................64 1,011 15.8 78 9
1988 Henry Ellard, L.A. Rams ......................................................................86 1,414 16.4 68 10
Jerry Rice, San Francisco3 ...................................................................64 1,306 20.4 96 9
Eddie Brown, Cincinnati.......................................................................53 1,273 24.0 86 9
Anthony Carter, Minnesota ..................................................................72 1,225 17.0 67 6
Ricky Sanders, Washington .................................................................73 1,148 15.7 55 12
Drew Hill, Houston3 .............................................................................72 1,141 15.8 57 10
Mark Clayton, Miami3 ..........................................................................86 1,129 13.1 45 14
Roy Green, Phoenix3 ............................................................................68 1,097 16.1 52 7
Eric Martin, New Orleans.....................................................................85 1,083 12.7 40 7
Al Toon, N.Y. Jets2 ...............................................................................93 1,067 11.5 42 5
Bruce Hill, Tampa Bay .........................................................................58 1,040 17.9 42 9
Lionel Manuel, N.Y. Giants ...................................................................65 1,029 15.8 46 4
1987 J.T. Smith, St. Louis2 ...........................................................................91 1,117 12.3 38 8
Jerry Rice, San Francisco2 ...................................................................65 1,078 16.6 57 22

610 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Gary Clark, Washington2 ......................................................................56 1,066 19.0 84 7
Carlos Carson, Kansas City3 ................................................................55 1,044 19.0 81 7
1986 Jerry Rice, San Francisco....................................................................86 1,570 18.3 66 15
Stanley Morgan, New England3 ............................................................84 1,491 17.8 44 10
Mark Duper, Miami3 .............................................................................67 1,313 19.6 85 11
Gary Clark, Washington .......................................................................74 1,265 17.1 55 7
Al Toon, N.Y. Jets ................................................................................85 1,176 13.8 62 8
Todd Christensen, L.A. Raiders3 ...........................................................95 1,153 12.1 35 8
Mark Clayton, Miami2 ..........................................................................60 1,150 19.2 68 10
*Bill Brooks, Indianapolis ....................................................................65 1,131 17.4 84 8
Drew Hill, Houston2 .............................................................................65 1,112 17.1 81 5
Steve Largent, Seattle8 .........................................................................70 1,070 15.3 38 9
Art Monk, Washington3 ........................................................................73 1,068 14.6 69 4
*Ernest Givins, Houston ......................................................................61 1,062 17.4 60 3
Cris Collinsworth, Cincinnati4 ...............................................................62 1,024 16.5 46 10
Wesley Walker, N.Y. Jets2 .....................................................................49 1,016 20.7 83 12
J.T. Smith, St. Louis ............................................................................80 1,014 12.7 45 6
Mark Bavaro, N.Y. Giants .....................................................................66 1,001 15.2 41 4
1985 Steve Largent, Seattle7 .........................................................................79 1,287 16.3 43 6
Mike Quick, Philadelphia3 .....................................................................73 1,247 17.1 99 11
Art Monk, Washington2 ........................................................................91 1,226 13.5 53 2
Wes Chandler, San Diego4 ...................................................................67 1,199 17.9 75 10
Drew Hill, Houston ..............................................................................64 1,169 18.3 57 9
James Lofton, Green Bay5 ...................................................................69 1,153 16.7 56 4
Louis Lipps, Pittsburgh........................................................................59 1,134 19.2 51 12
Cris Collinsworth, Cincinnati3 ...............................................................65 1,125 17.3 71 5
Tony Hill, Dallas3 ..................................................................................74 1,113 15.0 53 7
Lionel James, San Diego .....................................................................86 1,027 11.9 67 6
Roger Craig, San Francisco .................................................................92 1,016 11.0 73 6
1984 Roy Green, St. Louis2 ..........................................................................78 1,555 19.9 83 12
John Stallworth, Pittsburgh3.................................................................80 1,395 17.4 51 11
Mark Clayton, Miami ...........................................................................73 1,389 19.0 65 18
Art Monk, Washington.......................................................................106 1,372 12.9 72 7
James Lofton, Green Bay4 ...................................................................62 1,361 22.0 79 7
Mark Duper, Miami2 .............................................................................71 1,306 18.4 80 8
Steve Watson, Denver3 ........................................................................69 1,170 17.0 73 7
Steve Largent, Seattle6 .........................................................................74 1,164 15.7 65 12
Tim Smith, Houston2............................................................................69 1,141 16.5 75 4
Stacey Bailey, Atlanta ..........................................................................67 1,138 17.0 61 6
Carlos Carson, Kansas City2 ................................................................57 1,078 18.9 57 4
Mike Quick, Philadelphia2 .....................................................................61 1,052 17.2 90 9
Todd Christensen, L.A. Raiders2 ...........................................................80 1,007 12.6 38 7
Kevin House, Tampa Bay2 ....................................................................76 1,005 13.2 55 5
Ozzie Newsome, Cleveland2 .................................................................89 1,001 11.2 52 5
1983 Mike Quick, Philadelphia......................................................................69 1,409 20.4 83 13
Carlos Carson, Kansas City .................................................................80 1,351 16.9 50 7
James Lofton, Green Bay3 ...................................................................58 1,300 22.4 74 8
Todd Christensen, L.A. Raiders............................................................92 1,247 13.6 45 12
Roy Green, St. Louis ...........................................................................78 1,227 15.7 71 14
Charlie Brown, Washington..................................................................78 1,225 15.7 75 8
Tim Smith, Houston.............................................................................83 1,176 14.2 47 6
Kellen Winslow, San Diego3 .................................................................88 1,172 13.3 46 8
Earnest Gray, N.Y. Giants .....................................................................78 1,139 14.6 62 5
Steve Watson, Denver2 ........................................................................59 1,133 19.2 78 5
Cris Collinsworth, Cincinnati2 ...............................................................66 1,130 17.1 63 5
Steve Largent, Seattle5 .........................................................................72 1,074 14.9 46 11
Mark Duper, Miami ..............................................................................51 1,003 19.7 85 10
1982 Wes Chandler, San Diego3 ...................................................................49 1,032 21.1 66 9
1981 Alfred Jenkins, Atlanta2 ........................................................................70 1,358 19.4 67 13
James Lofton, Green Bay2 ...................................................................71 1,294 18.2 75 8
Steve Watson, Denver .........................................................................60 1,244 20.7 95 13
Frank Lewis, Buffalo2 ...........................................................................70 1,244 17.8 33 4
Steve Largent, Seattle4 .........................................................................75 1,224 16.3 57 9
Charlie Joiner, San Diego4 ....................................................................70 1,188 17.0 57 7
Kevin House, Tampa Bay .....................................................................56 1,176 21.0 84 9
Wes Chandler, New Orleans/San Diego2 ...............................................69 1,142 16.6 51 6
Dwight Clark, San Francisco ................................................................85 1,105 13.0 78 4
John Stallworth, Pittsburgh2.................................................................63 1,098 17.4 55 5
Kellen Winslow, San Diego2 .................................................................88 1,075 12.2 67 10

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 611

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Pat Tilley, St. Louis ..............................................................................66 1,040 15.8 75 3
Stanley Morgan, New England2 ............................................................44 1,029 23.4 76 6
Harold Carmichael, Philadelphia3..........................................................61 1,028 16.9 85 6
Freddie Scott, Detroit ...........................................................................53 1,022 19.3 48 5
*Cris Collinsworth, Cincinnati..............................................................67 1,009 15.1 74 8
Joe Senser, Minnesota.........................................................................79 1,004 12.7 53 8
Ozzie Newsome, Cleveland ..................................................................69 1,002 14.5 62 6
Sammy White, Minnesota....................................................................66 1,001 15.2 53 3
1980 John Jefferson, San Diego3 ..................................................................82 1,340 16.3 58 13
Kellen Winslow, San Diego ..................................................................89 1,290 14.5 65 9
James Lofton, Green Bay ....................................................................71 1,226 17.3 47 4
Charlie Joiner, San Diego3 ....................................................................71 1,132 15.9 51 4
Ahmad Rashad, Minnesota2 .................................................................69 1,095 15.9 76 5
Steve Largent, Seattle3 .........................................................................66 1,064 16.1 67 6
Tony Hill, Dallas2 ..................................................................................60 1,055 17.6 58 8
Alfred Jenkins, Atlanta .........................................................................57 1,026 18.0 57 6
1979 Steve Largent, Seattle2 .........................................................................66 1,237 18.7 55 9
John Stallworth, Pittsburgh..................................................................70 1,183 16.9 65 8
Ahmad Rashad, Minnesota..................................................................80 1,156 14.5 52 9
John Jefferson, San Diego2 ..................................................................61 1,090 17.9 65 10
Frank Lewis, Buffalo ............................................................................54 1,082 20.0 55 2
Wes Chandler, New Orleans.................................................................65 1,069 16.4 85 6
Tony Hill, Dallas...................................................................................60 1,062 17.7 75 10
Drew Pearson, Dallas2 .........................................................................55 1,026 18.7 56 8
Wallace Francis, Atlanta.......................................................................74 1,013 13.7 42 8
Harold Jackson, New England3 ............................................................45 1,013 22.5 59 7
Charlie Joiner, San Diego2 ....................................................................72 1,008 14.0 39 4
Stanley Morgan, New England .............................................................44 1,002 22.8 63 12
1978 Wesley Walker, N.Y. Jets ......................................................................48 1,169 24.4 77 8
Steve Largent, Seattle..........................................................................71 1,168 16.5 57 8
Harold Carmichael, Philadelphia2..........................................................55 1,072 19.5 56 8
*John Jefferson, San Diego.................................................................56 1,001 17.9 46 13
1976 Roger Carr, Baltimore ..........................................................................43 1,112 25.9 79 11
Cliff Branch, Oakland2 ..........................................................................46 1,111 24.2 88 12
Charlie Joiner, San Diego.....................................................................50 1,056 21.1 81 7
1975 Ken Burrough, Houston .......................................................................53 1,063 20.1 77 8
1974 Cliff Branch, Oakland ...........................................................................60 1,092 18.2 67 13
Drew Pearson, Dallas ..........................................................................62 1,087 17.5 50 2
1973 Harold Carmichael, Philadelphia...........................................................67 1,116 16.7 73 9
1972 Harold Jackson, Philadelphia2 ..............................................................62 1,048 16.9 77 4
John Gilliam, Minnesota ......................................................................47 1,035 22.0 66 7
1971 Otis Taylor, Kansas City2 ......................................................................57 1,110 19.5 82 7
1970 Gene Washington, San Francisco.........................................................53 1,100 20.8 79 12
Marlin Briscoe, Buffalo ........................................................................57 1,036 18.2 48 8
Dick Gordon, Chicago..........................................................................71 1,026 14.5 69 13
Gary Garrison, San Diego2 ...................................................................44 1,006 22.9 67 12
1969 Warren Wells, Oakland2........................................................................47 1,260 26.8 80 14
Harold Jackson, Philadelphia ...............................................................65 1,116 17.2 65 9
Roy Jefferson, Pittsburgh2 ...................................................................67 1,079 16.1 63 9
Dan Abramowicz, New Orleans............................................................73 1,015 13.9 49 7
Lance Alworth, San Diego7 ..................................................................64 1,003 15.7 76 4
1968 Lance Alworth, San Diego6 ..................................................................68 1,312 19.3 80 10
Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets5 ......................................................................57 1,297 22.8 87 10
George Sauer, N.Y. Jets3 ......................................................................66 1,141 17.3 43 3
Warren Wells, Oakland.........................................................................53 1,137 21.5 94 11
Gary Garrison, San Diego ....................................................................52 1,103 21.2 84 10
Roy Jefferson, Pittsburgh ....................................................................58 1,074 18.5 62 11
Paul Warfield, Cleveland ......................................................................50 1,067 21.3 65 12
Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants3 ...................................................................45 1,057 23.5 84 7
Fred Biletnikoff, Oakland ......................................................................61 1,037 17.0 82 6
Lance Rentzel, Dallas ..........................................................................54 1,009 18.7 65 6
1967 Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets4 ......................................................................71 1,434 20.2 75 10
Ben Hawkins, Philadelphia...................................................................59 1,265 21.4 87 10
Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants2 ...................................................................49 1,209 24.7 70 13
Jackie Smith, St. Louis ........................................................................56 1,205 21.5 76 9
George Sauer, N.Y. Jets2 ......................................................................75 1,189 15.9 61 6
Lance Alworth, San Diego5 ..................................................................52 1,010 19.4 71 9
1966 Lance Alworth, San Diego4 ..................................................................73 1,383 18.9 78 13
Otis Taylor, Kansas City .......................................................................58 1,297 22.4 89 8

612 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team No. Yards Avg. Long TD
Pat Studstill, Detroit .............................................................................67 1,266 18.9 99 5
Bob Hayes, Dallas2 ..............................................................................64 1,232 19.3 95 13
Charlie Frazier, Houston .......................................................................57 1,129 19.8 79 12
Charley Taylor, Washington..................................................................72 1,119 15.5 86 12
George Sauer, N.Y. Jets .......................................................................63 1,081 17.2 77 5
Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants ....................................................................48 1,044 21.8 98 8
Art Powell, Oakland5 ............................................................................53 1,026 19.4 46 11
1965 Lance Alworth, San Diego3 ..................................................................69 1,602 23.2 85 14
Dave Parks, San Francisco ..................................................................80 1,344 16.8 53 12
Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets3 ......................................................................68 1,218 17.9 56 14
Pete Retzlaff, Philadelphia ....................................................................66 1,190 18.0 78 10
Lionel Taylor, Denver4 ..........................................................................85 1,131 13.3 63 6
Tommy McDonald, Los Angeles3 .........................................................67 1,036 15.5 51 9
*Bob Hayes, Dallas .............................................................................46 1,003 21.8 82 12
1964 Charley Hennigan, Houston3 ..............................................................101 1,546 15.3 53 8
Art Powell, Oakland4 ............................................................................76 1,361 17.9 77 11
Lance Alworth, San Diego2 ..................................................................61 1,235 20.2 82 13
Johnny Morris, Chicago ......................................................................93 1,200 12.9 63 10
Elbert Dubenion, Buffalo ......................................................................42 1,139 27.1 72 10
Terry Barr, Detroit2 ...............................................................................57 1,030 18.1 58 9
1963 Bobby Mitchell, Washington2 ...............................................................69 1,436 20.8 99 7
Art Powell, Oakland3 ............................................................................73 1,304 17.9 85 16
Buddy Dial, Pittsburgh2 ........................................................................60 1,295 21.6 83 9
Lance Alworth, San Diego ...................................................................61 1,205 19.8 85 11
Del Shofner, N.Y. Giants4 ......................................................................64 1,181 18.5 70 9
Lionel Taylor, Denver3 ..........................................................................78 1,101 14.1 72 10
Terry Barr, Detroit ................................................................................66 1,086 16.5 75 13
Charley Hennigan, Houston2 ................................................................61 1,051 17.2 83 10
Sonny Randle, St. Louis2 .....................................................................51 1,014 19.9 68 12
Bake Turner, N.Y. Jets ..........................................................................71 1,009 14.2 53 6
1962 Bobby Mitchell, Washington ................................................................72 1,384 19.2 81 11
Sonny Randle, St. Louis ......................................................................63 1,158 18.4 86 7
Tommy McDonald, Philadelphia2 ..........................................................58 1,146 19.8 60 10
Del Shofner, N.Y. Giants3 ......................................................................53 1,133 21.4 69 12
Art Powell, N.Y. Titans2 ........................................................................64 1,130 17.7 80 8
Frank Clarke, Dall. Cowboys ................................................................47 1,043 22.2 66 14
Don Maynard, N.Y. Titans2 ...................................................................56 1,041 18.6 86 8
1961 Charley Hennigan, Houston .................................................................82 1,746 21.3 80 12
Lionel Taylor, Denver2 ........................................................................100 1,176 11.8 52 4
Bill Groman, Houston2 .........................................................................50 1,175 23.5 80 17
Tommy McDonald, Philadelphia ...........................................................64 1,144 17.9 66 13
Del Shofner, N.Y. Giants2 ......................................................................68 1,125 16.5 46 11
Jim Phillips, Los Angeles.....................................................................78 1,092 14.0 69 5
*Mike Ditka, Chicago...........................................................................56 1,076 19.2 76 12
Dave Kocourek, San Diego ..................................................................55 1,055 19.2 76 4
Buddy Dial, Pittsburgh .........................................................................53 1,047 19.8 88 12
R.C. Owens, San Francisco .................................................................55 1,032 18.8 54 5
1960 *Bill Groman, Houston ........................................................................72 1,473 20.5 92 12
Raymond Berry, Baltimore ...................................................................74 1,298 17.5 70 10
Don Maynard, N.Y. Titans ....................................................................72 1,265 17.6 65 6
Lionel Taylor, Denver ...........................................................................92 1,235 13.4 80 12
Art Powell, N.Y. Titans .........................................................................69 1,167 16.9 76 14
1958 Del Shofner, Los Angeles.....................................................................51 1,097 21.5 92 8
1956 Bill Howton, Green Bay2 .......................................................................55 1,188 21.6 66 12
Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears2 ........................................................................47 1,128 24.0 79 11
1954 Bob Boyd, Los Angeles .......................................................................53 1,212 22.9 80 6
*Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears .......................................................................45 1,124 25.0 76 12
1953 Pete Pihos, Philadelphia.......................................................................63 1,049 16.7 59 10
1952 *Bill Howton, Green Bay......................................................................53 1,231 23.2 90 13
1951 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Los Angeles .................................................66 1,495 22.7 91 17
1950 Tom Fears, Los Angeles2 .....................................................................84 1,116 13.3 53 7
Cloyce Box, Detroit..............................................................................50 1,009 20.2 82 11
1949 Bob Mann, Detroit ...............................................................................66 1,014 15.4 64 4
Tom Fears, Los Angeles ......................................................................77 1,013 13.2 51 9
1945 Jim Benton, Cleveland .........................................................................45 1,067 23.7 84 8
1942 Don Hutson, Green Bay .......................................................................74 1,211 16.4 73 17
*First season of professional football.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 613

Date Player, Team, Opponent No. Yards TD
Nov. 8, 2015 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh vs. Oakland .................................17 284 0
Dec. 8, 2014 Julio Jones, Atlanta vs. Green Bay........................................11 259 1
Dec. 1, 2013 Josh Gordon, Cleveland vs. Jacksonville...............................10 261 2
Oct. 27, 2013 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Dallas.........................................14 329 1
Nov. 18, 2012 Andre Johnson, Houston vs. Jacksonville (OT) .....................14 273 1
Sept. 30, 2012 Brian Hartline, Miami vs. Arizona (OT) ..................................12 253 1
Oct. 11, 2009 Miles Austin, Dallas vs. Kansas City (OT) .............................10 250 2
Nov. 19, 2006 Lee Evans, Buffalo vs. Houston ............................................11 265 2
Nov. 12, 2006 Chad Johnson, Cincinnati vs. San Diego...............................11 260 2
Nov. 10, 2002 Plaxico Burress, Pittsburgh vs. Atlanta (OT)............................9 253 2
Dec. 17, 2000 Terrell Owens, San Francisco vs. Chicago.............................20 283 1
Sept. 10, 2000 Jimmy Smith, Jacksonville vs. Baltimore ..............................15 291 3
Dec. 12, 1999 Qadry Ismail, Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh ....................................6 258 3
Dec. 18, 1995 Jerry Rice, San Francisco vs. Minnesota ..............................14 289 3
Dec. 11, 1989 John Taylor, San Francisco vs. L.A. Rams ............................11 286 2
Nov. 26, 1989 Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans (OT) ..............15 336 1
Oct. 18, 1987 Steve Largent, Seattle vs. Detroit ..........................................15 261 3
Oct. 4, 1987 Anthony Allen, Washington vs. St. Louis.................................7 255 3
Dec. 22, 1985 Stephone Paige, Kansas City vs. San Diego ............................8 309 2
Dec. 20, 1982 Wes Chandler, San Diego vs. Cincinnati ................................10 260 2
Sept. 23, 1979 *Jerry Butler, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets ........................................10 255 4
Nov. 4, 1962 Sonny Randle, St. Louis vs. N.Y. Giants ................................16 256 1
Oct. 28, 1962 Del Shofner, N.Y. Giants vs. Washington................................11 269 1
Oct. 13, 1961 Charley Hennigan, Houston vs. Boston .................................13 272 1
Oct. 21, 1956 Billy Howton, Green Bay vs. Los Angeles................................7 257 2
Dec. 3, 1950 Cloyce Box, Detroit vs. Baltimore..........................................12 302 4
Nov. 22, 1945 Jim Benton, Cleveland vs. Detroit .........................................10 303 1
*First season of professional football.


Rushing Pass Punt Kickoff Fum. Total
Year Player, Team Att.-Yds. Rec. Ret. Ret. Ret. Yds.
2015 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh3 .....................................3-28 136-1,834 22-212 0-0 1-0 162-2,074
2014 DeMarco Murray, Dallas.................................392-1,845 57-416 0-0 0-0 2-0 451-2,261
Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh .................................290-1,361 83-854 0-0 0-0 0-0 373-2,215
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh2 .....................................4-13 129-1,698 30-319 1-0 0-0 164-2,030
2013 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia ..........................314-1,607 52-539 0-0 0-0 0-0 366-2,146
*Cordarrelle Patterson, Minnesota.......................12-158 45-469 0-0 43-1,393 0-0 100-2,020
2012 Randall Cobb, Green Bay ....................................10-132 80-954 31-292 38-964 3-0 162-2,342
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota2...........................348-2,097 40-217 0-0 0-0 0-0 388-2,314
2011 Darren Sproles, New Orleans4 .............................87-603 86-710 29-294 40-1,089 0-0 242-2,696
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh ......................................7-41 69-1,108 30-325 27-737 0-0 133-2,211
Ray Rice, Baltimore2 ......................................291-1,364 76-704 0-0 0-0 0-0 367-2,068
2010 Danny Amendola, St. Louis2 ....................................7-81 85-689 40-452 50-1,142 0-0 182-2,364
Arian Foster, Houston.....................................327-1,616 66-604 0-0 0-0 1-0 394-2,221
Darren Sproles, San Diego3 .................................50-267 59-520 24-166 51-1,257 0-0 184-2,210
2009 Fred Jackson, Buffalo.....................................237-1,062 46-371 6-69 41-1,014 0-0 330-2,516
Josh Cribbs, Cleveland2 ......................................55-381 20-135 38-452 56-1,542 2-0 171-2,510
Chris Johnson, Tennessee .............................358-2,006 50-503 0-0 0-0 1-0 409-2,509
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City ..........................190-1,120 40-297 0-0 36-925 3-0 269-2,342
Darren Sproles, San Diego2 .................................93-343 45-497 26-183 54-1,300 1-0 219-2,323
Danny Amendola, St. Louis.......................................3-2 43-326 31-360 66-1,618 1-0 144-2,302
*Percy Harvin, Minnesota ...................................15-135 60-790 0-0 42-1,156 0-0 117-2,081
Ray Rice, Baltimore .......................................254-1,339 78-702 0-0 0-0 1-2 333-2,043
2008 Leon Washington, N.Y. Jets2 ................................76-448 47-355 29-303 48-1,231 4-(-5) 204-2,332
Darren Sproles, San Diego ..................................61-330 29-342 22-249 53-1,376 1-(-2) 166-2,295
Jerious Norwood, Atlanta2 ...................................95-489 36-338 0-0 51-1,311 0-0 182-2,138
2007 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland ...........................................9-61 3-37 30-405 59-1,809 2-0 103-2,312
Jerious Norwood, Atlanta..................................103-613 28-277 0-0 52-1,317 0-0 183-2,207
Brian Westbrook, Philadelphia ........................278-1,333 90-771 4-79 0-0 0-0 372-2,183
*Ted Ginn Jr., Miami .................................................4-3 34-420 24-230 63-1,433 2-(-9) 127-2,077
Leon Washington, N.Y. Jets.................................71-353 36-213 20-183 47-1,291 1-0 175-2,040
*Adrian Peterson, Minnesota..........................238-1,341 19-268 0-0 16-412 3-0 276-2,014
Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville2 ....................167-768 40-407 3-28 31-811 0-0 241-2,014
2006 Steven Jackson, St. Louis..............................346-1,528 90,806 0-0 0-0 2-0 438-2,334
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego3 ...................348-1,815 56-508 0-0 0-0 1-0 405-2,323
*Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville...................166-941 46-436 1-13 31-860 0-0 244-2,250
Larry Johnson, Kansas City2 ..........................416-1,789 41-410 0-0 0-0 1-0 458-2,199

614 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Rushing Pass Punt Kickoff Fum. Total
Year Player, Team Att.-Yds. Rec. Ret. Ret. Ret. Yds.
Frank Gore, San Francisco .............................312-1,695 61-485 0-0 0-0 0-0 373-2,180
Wes Welker, Miami2 ..................................................0-0 67-687 41-378 48-1,064 1-0 157-2,129
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants4 ..................................327-1,662 58-465 0-0 0-0 1-0 386-2,127
Chris Carr, Oakland ...................................................0-0 0-0 35-216 69-1,762 1-0 106-2,078
2005 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants3 ..................................357-1,860 54-530 0-0 0-0 1-0 412-2,390
Dante Hall, Kansas City4 ..........................................7-11 34-436 42-276 65-1,560 2-0 150-2,283
Wes Welker, Miami ...................................................1-5 29-434 43-390 61-1,379 4-0 138-2,208
Larry Johnson, Kansas City ...........................336-1,750 33-343 0-0 0-0 3-0 372-2,093
2004 Dante Hall, Kansas City3 ..........................................8-56 25-230 23-232 68-1,718 0-0 124-2,236
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants2 ..................................322-1,518 52-578 0-0 0-0 2-0 376-2,096
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis3.........................334-1,548 51-483 0-0 0-0 1-0 386-2,031
2003 Dante Hall, Kansas City2 ........................................16-73 40-423 29-472 57-1,478 0-0 142-2,446
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego2 ...................313-1,645 100-725 0-0 0-0 2-0 415-2,370
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore ..................................387-2,066 26-205 0-0 0-0 1-0 414-2,271
Ahman Green, Green Bay...............................355-1,883 50-367 0-0 0-0 2-0 407-2,250
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans.......................351-1,641 69-516 0-0 0-0 3-(-3) 423-2,154
Priest Holmes, Kansas City3 ...........................320-1,420 74-690 0-0 0-0 0-0 394-2,110
2002 Michael Lewis, New Orleans ...................................1-15 8-200 44-625 70-1,807 2-0 125-2,647
Priest Holmes, Kansas City2 ...........................313-1,615 70-672 0-0 0-0 0-0 383-2,287
Ricky Williams, Miami....................................383-1,853 47-363 0-0 0-0 1-0 431-2,216
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego ....................372-1,683 79-489 0-0 0-0 0-0 451-2,172
Dante Hall, Kansas City.........................................11-54 20-322 29-390 57-1,354 1-0 118-2,120
2001 Priest Holmes, Kansas City ............................327-1,555 62-614 0-0 0-0 0-0 389-2,169
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis4 ...............................260-1,382 83-765 0-0 0-0 2-0 345-2,147
Derrick Mason, Tennessee2 .......................................0-0 73-1,128 20-128 34-748 1-0 128-2,004
2000 Derrick Mason, Tennessee ........................................1-1 63-895 51-662 42-1,132 1-0 158-2,690
MarTay Jenkins, Arizona........................................1-(-4) 17-219 1-1 82-2,186 0-0 101-2,402
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis2.........................387-1,709 63-594 0-0 0-0 0-0 450-2,303
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis3 ...............................253-1,359 81-830 0-0 1-18 2-0 337-2,207
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants ...................................213-1,006 70-719 39-332 1-28 5-0 328-2,085
1999 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis2 ...............................253-1,381 87-1,048 0-0 0-0 0-0 340-2,429
*Edgerrin James, Indianapolis........................369-1,553 62-586 0-0 0-0 2-0 433-2,139
*Terrence Wilkins, Indianapolis .................................1-2 42-565 41-388 51-1,134 1-0 136-2,089
Glyn Milburn, Chicago2........................................16-102 20-151 30-346 61-1,426 2-0 129-2,025
1998 Brian Mitchell, Washington4 .................................39-208 44-306 44-506 59-1,337 0-0 186-2,357
Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis ...........................324-1,319 86-908 0-0 0-0 2-13 412-2,240
Terrell Davis, Denver2 .....................................392-2,008 25-217 0-0 0-0 1-0 418-2,225
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta ................................410-1,846 27-319 0-0 0-0 1-0 438-2,165
Garrison Hearst, San Francisco......................310-1,570 39-535 0-0 0-0 1-0 350-2,105
1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit2...................................335-2,053 33-305 0-0 0-0 1-0 369-2,358
Kevin Williams, Arizona .........................................1-(-2) 20-273 40-462 59-1,458 1-0 121-2,191
Brian Mitchell, Washington3 .................................23-107 36-438 38-442 47-1,094 0-0 144-2,081
Terrell Davis, Denver ......................................369-1,750 42-287 0-0 0-0 2-(-7) 413-2,030
Jermaine Lewis, Baltimore ......................................3-35 42-648 28-437 41-905 2-0 116-2,025
1995 Brian Mitchell, Washington2 .................................46-301 38-324 25-315 55-1,408 0-0 164-2,348
Emmitt Smith, Dallas2.....................................377-1,773 62-375 0-0 0-0 0-0 439-2,148
Glyn Milburn, Denver ..........................................49-266 22-191 31-354 47-1,269 0-0 149-2,080
Ernie Mills, Pittsburgh .............................................5-39 39-679 0-0 54-1,306 0-0 98-2,024
1994 Brian Mitchell, Washington..................................78-311 26-236 32-452 58-1,478 0-0 194-2,477
Barry Sanders, Detroit....................................331-1,883 44-283 0-0 0-0 0-0 375-2,166
1992 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo2 .............................312-1,487 58-626 0-0 0-0 1-0 371-2,113
Emmitt Smith, Dallas .....................................373-1,713 59-335 0-0 0-0 1-0 433-2,048
Barry Foster, Pittsburgh..................................390-1,690 36-344 0-0 0-0 2-(–20) 428-2,014
1991 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo..............................288-1,407 62-631 0-0 0-0 0-0 350-2,038
1990 Herschel Walker, Minnesota2 .............................184-770 35-315 0-0 44-966 4-0 267-2,051
1988 *Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders .....................................14-50 43-725 49-444 41-1,098 7-0 154-2,317
Roger Craig, San Francisco2 ...........................310-1,502 76-534 0-0 2-32 2-0 390-2,068
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis4 ..........................388-1,659 36-377 0-0 0-0 1-0 425-2,036
Herschel Walker, Dallas..................................361-1,514 53-505 0-0 0-0 3-0 417-2,019
1986 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams3 ............................404-1,821 26-205 0-0 0-0 2-0 432-2,026
Gary Anderson, San Diego................................127-442 80-871 25-227 24-482 2-0 258-2,022
1985 Lionel James, San Diego...................................105-516 86-1,027 25-213 36-779 1-0 253-2,535
Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders.............................380-1,759 67-555 0-0 0-0 2-(–6) 449-2,308
Roger Craig, San Francisco............................214-1,050 92-1,016 0-0 0-0 0-0 306-2,066
Walter Payton, Chicago4 .................................324-1,551 49-483 0-0 0-0 1-0 374-2,034
1984 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams2 ............................379-2,105 21-139 0-0 0-0 4-15 404-2,259
James Wilder, Tampa Bay ..............................407-1,544 85-685 0-0 0-0 4-0 496-2,229
Walter Payton, Chicago3 .................................381-1,684 45-368 0-0 0-0 1-0 427-2,052

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 615

Rushing Pass Punt Kickoff Fum. Total
Year Player, Team Att.-Yds. Rec. Ret. Ret. Ret. Yds.
1983 *Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams ...........................390-1,808 51-404 0-0 0-0 1-0 442-2,212
William Andrews, Atlanta2 ..............................331-1,567 59-609 0-0 0-0 2-0 392-2,176
Walter Payton, Chicago2 .................................314-1,421 53-607 0-0 0-0 2-0 369-2,028
1981 *James Brooks, San Diego ...............................109-525 46-329 22-290 40-949 2-0 219-2,093
William Andrews, Atlanta ...............................289-1,301 81-735 0-0 0-0 0-0 370-2,036
1980 Bruce Harper, N.Y. Jets2 ......................................45-126 50-634 28-242 49-1,070 3-0 175-2,072
1979 Wilbert Montgomery, Philadelphia ..................338-1,512 41-494 0-0 1-6 2-0 382-2,012
1978 Bruce Harper, N.Y. Jets .......................................58-303 13-196 30-378 55-1,280 1-0 157-2,157
1977 Walter Payton, Chicago ..................................339-1,852 27-269 0-0 2-95 5-0 373-2,216
Terry Metcalf, St. Louis3 ....................................149-739 34-403 14-108 32-772 1-0 230-2,022
1975 Terry Metcalf, St. Louis2 ....................................165-816 43-378 23-285 35-960 2-23 268-2,462
O.J. Simpson, Buffalo2 ...................................329-1,817 28-426 0-0 0-0 1-0 358-2,243
1974 Mack Herron, New England...............................231-824 38-474 35-517 28-629 3-0 335-2,444
Otis Armstrong, Denver..................................263-1,407 38-405 0-0 16-386 1-0 318-2,198
Terry Metcalf, St. Louis .....................................152-718 50-377 26-340 20-623 7-0 255-2,058
1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo ....................................332-2,003 6-70 0-0 0-0 0-0 338-2,073
1966 Gale Sayers, Chicago2 ....................................229-1,231 34-447 6-44 23-718 3-0 295-2,440
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland ....................................209-1,141 32-366 13-104 19-403 0-0 273-2,014
1965 *Gale Sayers, Chicago......................................166-867 29-507 16-238 21-660 4-0 236-2,272
1963 Timmy Brown, Philadelphia2 ..............................192-841 36-487 16-152 33-945 2-3 279-2,428
Jim Brown, Cleveland ....................................291-1,863 24-268 0-0 0-0 0-0 315-2,131
1962 Timmy Brown, Philadelphia...............................137-545 52-849 6-81 30-831 4-0 229-2,306
Dick Christy, N.Y. Titans ....................................114-535 62-538 15-250 38-824 2-0 231-2,147
1961 Billy Cannon, Houston.......................................200-948 43-586 9-70 18-439 2-0 272-2,043
1960 *Abner Haynes, Dallas Texans ..........................156-875 55-576 14-215 19-434 4-0 248-2,100
*First season of professional football.


Date Player, Team, Opponent No. Yards TD
Nov. 8, 2015 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh vs. Oakland .................................20 306 0
Dec. 29, 2013 LeGarrette Blount, New England vs. Buffalo ..........................26 334 2
Nov. 10, 2013 *Tavon Austin, St. Louis vs. Indianapolis ................................9 314 3
Oct. 27, 2013 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Dallas.........................................14 329 1
Dec. 9, 2012 *David Wilson, N.Y. Giants vs. New Orleans..........................17 327 3
Nov. 28, 2010 *Jacoby Ford, Oakland vs. Miami .........................................12 329 2
Nov. 7, 2010 *Jacoby Ford, Oakland vs. Kansas City (OT) ........................10 306 1
Dec. 20, 2009 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland vs. Kansas City ................................14 316 2
Oct. 18, 2009 Domenik Hixon, N.Y. Giants vs. New Orleans ........................12 303 0
Sept. 28, 2008 Steve Breaston, Arizona vs. N.Y. Jets ....................................19 324 0
Sept. 14, 2008 Darren Sproles, San Diego vs. Denver ..................................14 317 2
Nov. 18, 2007 Josh Cribbs, Cleveland vs. Baltimore (OT) ............................12 309 0
Nov. 4, 2007 *Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. San Diego..........................31 315 3
Oct. 14, 2007 *Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. Chicago .............................25 361 3
Sept. 30, 2007 Devin Hester, Chicago vs. Detroit..........................................13 317 1
Dec. 10, 2006 *Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville vs. Indianapolis .............19 303 3
Dec. 14, 2003 Derrick Mason, Tennessee vs. Buffalo ..................................21 302 0
Nov. 16, 2003 Jonathan Carter, N.Y. Jets vs. Indianapolis ..............................7 304 2
Dec. 8, 2002 Steve Smith, Carolina vs. Cincinnati........................................9 313 3
Nov. 24, 2002 Priest Holmes, Kansas City vs. Seattle..................................30 307 3
Oct. 13, 2002 Michael Lewis, New Orleans vs. Washington ..........................8 356 2
Dec. 24, 1999 Jason Tucker, Dallas vs. New Orleans...................................13 331 1
Dec. 7, 1997 Jermaine Lewis, Baltimore vs. Seattle...................................10 308 3
Dec. 25, 1995 Kevin Williams, Dallas vs. Arizona ........................................16 307 2
Dec. 10, 1995 Glyn Milburn, Denver vs. Seattle ...........................................33 404 0
Oct. 23, 1994 Tyrone Hughes, New Orleans vs. L.A. Rams .........................11 347 2
Dec. 11, 1989 John Taylor, San Francisco vs. L.A. Rams ............................14 321 2
Nov. 26, 1989 Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans (OT) ..............15 336 1
Nov. 28, 1988 *Tim Brown, L.A. Raiders vs. Seattle....................................12 306 1
Dec. 22, 1985 Stephone Paige, Kansas City vs. San Diego ............................8 309 2
Nov. 10, 1985 Lionel James, San Diego vs. L.A. Raiders (OT).....................23 345 0
Sept. 22, 1985 Lionel James, San Diego vs. Cincinnati.................................20 316 2
Dec. 21, 1975 *Walter Payton, Chicago vs. New Orleans ............................32 300 1
Nov. 23, 1975 Greg Pruitt, Cleveland vs. Cincinnati .....................................28 304 2
Nov. 1, 1970 Eugene (Mercury) Morris, Miami vs. Baltimore .....................17 302 0
Oct. 4, 1970 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo vs. N.Y. Jets .......................................26 303 2
Dec. 6, 1969 Jerry LeVias, Houston vs. N.Y. Jets ......................................18 329 1
Nov. 2, 1969 Travis Williams, Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh .............................11 314 3
Dec. 18, 1966 Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. Minnesota.....................................20 339 2
Dec. 12, 1965 *Gale Sayers, Chicago vs. San Francisco .............................17 336 6

616 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Date Player, Team, Opponent No. Yards TD
Nov. 17, 1963 Gary Ballman, Pittsburgh vs. Washington .............................12 320 2
Dec. 16, 1962 Timmy Brown, Philadelphia vs. St. Louis ..............................19 341 2
Dec. 10, 1961 Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans ...................................32 373 5
Nov. 19, 1961 Jim Brown, Cleveland vs. Philadelphia ..................................38 313 4
Dec. 3, 1950 Cloyce Box, Detroit vs. Baltimore..........................................13 302 4
Oct. 29, 1950 Wally Triplett, Detroit vs. Los Angeles ...................................11 331 1
Nov. 22, 1945 Jim Benton, Cleveland vs. Detroit .........................................10 303 1
*First season of professional football.

2,000 SCRIMMAGE YARDS GAINED IN A SEASON Rushing Receiving Scrimm.

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Receptions Yards Yards
2014 DeMarco Murray, Dallas ...............................................................392 1,845 57 416 2,261
Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh ...............................................................373 1,361 83 854 2,215
2013 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia.........................................................314 1,607 52 539 2,146
2012 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota..........................................................348 2,097 40 217 2,314
2011 Ray Rice, Baltimore2 ....................................................................291 1,364 76 704 2,068
2010 Arian Foster, Houston ...................................................................327 1,616 66 604 2,220
2009 Chris Johnson, Tennessee............................................................358 2,006 50 503 2,509
Ray Rice, Baltimore .....................................................................254 1,339 78 702 2,041
2007 Brian Westbrook, Philadelphia ......................................................278 1,333 90 771 2,104
2006 Steven Jackson, St. Louis ............................................................346 1,528 90 806 2,334
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego3 .................................................348 1,815 56 508 2,323
Larry Johnson, Kansas City2 ........................................................416 1,789 41 410 2,199
Frank Gore, San Francisco ...........................................................312 1,695 61 485 2,180
Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants3 ................................................................327 1,662 58 465 2,127
2005 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants2 ................................................................357 1,860 54 530 2,390
Larry Johnson, Kansas City .........................................................336 1,750 33 343 2,093
2004 Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants .................................................................322 1.518 52 578 2,096
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis3 .......................................................334 1,548 51 483 2,031
2003 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego2 .................................................313 1,645 100 725 2,370
Jamal Lewis, Baltimore ................................................................387 2,066 26 205 2,271
Ahman Green, Green Bay .............................................................355 1,883 50 367 2,250
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans.....................................................351 1,641 69 516 2,157
Priest Holmes, Kansas City3 .........................................................320 1,420 74 690 2,110
2002 Priest Holmes, Kansas City2 .........................................................313 1,615 70 672 2,287
Ricky Williams, Miami..................................................................383 1,853 47 363 2,216
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego ..................................................372 1,683 79 489 2,172
2001 Priest Holmes, Kansas City ..........................................................327 1,555 62 614 2,169
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis4 .............................................................260 1,382 83 765 2,147
2000 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis2 .......................................................387 1,709 63 594 2,303
Marshall Faulk, St. Louis3 .............................................................253 1,359 81 830 2,189
1999 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis2 .............................................................253 1,381 87 1,048 2,429
*Edgerrin James, Indianapolis......................................................369 1,553 62 586 2,139
1998 Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis..........................................................324 1,319 86 908 2,227
Terrell Davis, Denver2 ...................................................................392 2,008 25 217 2,225
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta ..............................................................410 1,846 27 319 2,165
Garrison Hearst, San Francisco ....................................................310 1,570 39 535 2,105
1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit2 .................................................................335 2,053 33 305 2,358
Terrell Davis, Denver ....................................................................369 1,750 42 287 2,037
1995 Emmitt Smith, Dallas2 ...................................................................377 1,773 62 375 2,148
1994 Barry Sanders, Detroit..................................................................331 1,883 44 283 2,166
1992 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo2 ...........................................................312 1,487 58 626 2,113
Emmitt Smith, Dallas....................................................................373 1,713 59 335 2,048
Barry Foster, Pittsburgh................................................................390 1,690 36 344 2,034
1991 Thurman Thomas, Buffalo............................................................288 1,407 62 631 2,038
1988 Roger Craig, San Francisco2 .........................................................310 1,502 76 534 2,036
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis4 ........................................................388 1,659 36 377 2,036
Herschel Walker, Dallas ................................................................361 1,514 53 505 2,019
1986 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams3 ..........................................................404 1,821 26 205 2,026
1985 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders...........................................................380 1,759 67 555 2,314
Roger Craig, San Francisco ..........................................................214 1,050 92 1,016 2,066
Walter Payton, Chicago4 ...............................................................324 1,551 49 483 2,034
1984 Eric Dickerson, L. A. Rams2 .........................................................379 2,105 21 139 2,244
James Wilder, Tampa Bay ............................................................407 1,544 85 685 2,229
Walter Payton, Chicago3 ...............................................................381 1,684 45 368 2,052
1983 *Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams .........................................................390 1,808 51 404 2,212
William Andrews, Atlanta2.............................................................331 1,567 59 609 2,176
Walter Payton, Chicago2 ...............................................................314 1,421 53 607 2,028
1981 William Andrews, Atlanta..............................................................289 1,301 81 735 2,036

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 617

Rushing Receiving Scrimm.
Year Player, Team Att. Yards Receptions Yards Yards
1979 Wilbert Montgomery, Philadelphia ................................................338 1,512 41 494 2,006
1977 Walter Payton, Chicago ................................................................339 1,852 27 269 2,121
1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo2..................................................................329 1,817 28 426 2,243
1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo ..................................................................332 2,003 6 70 2,073
1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland...................................................................291 1,863 24 268 2,131
*First season of professional football.


Date Player, Team, Opponent Att. Yards TD
No.v. 8, 2015 Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh vs. Oakland .................................19 306 0
Oct. 27, 2013 Calvin Johnson, Detroit vs. Dallas.........................................14 329 1
Nov. 4, 2007 *Adrian Peterson, Minnesota vs. San Diego..........................31 315 3
Nov. 24, 2002 Priest Holmes, Kansas City vs. Seattle..................................30 307 3
Nov. 26, 1989 Flipper Anderson, L.A. Rams vs. New Orleans (OT) ..............15 336 1
Dec. 22, 1985 Stephone Paige, Kansas City vs. San Diego ............................8 309 2
Dec. 10, 1961 Billy Cannon, Houston vs. N.Y. Titans....................................30 330 5
Dec. 3, 1950 Cloyce Box, Detroit vs. Baltimore..........................................12 302 4
Nov. 22, 1945 Jim Benton, Cleveland vs. Detroit .........................................10 303 1
*First season of professional football.
Player Years TD FG PAT TP
1. Morten Andersen ..................................................................................25 0 565 849 2,544
2. Gary Anderson......................................................................................23 0 538 820 2,434
3. Adam Vinatieri ......................................................................................20 0 503 742 2,253
4. Jason Hanson ......................................................................................21 0 495 665 2,150
5. John Carney ........................................................................................23 0 478 628 2,062
6. Matt Stover ..........................................................................................19 0 471 591 2,004
7. George Blanda ......................................................................................26 9 335 943 2,002
8. Jason Elam ..........................................................................................17 0 436 675 1,983
9. John Kasay ..........................................................................................20 0 461 587 1,970
10. Norm Johnson ......................................................................................18 0 366 638 1,736
11. David Akers ..........................................................................................16 0 386 563 1,721
12. Nick Lowery..........................................................................................18 0 383 562 1,711
13. Jan Stenerud ........................................................................................19 0 373 580 1,699
14. Ryan Longwell ......................................................................................15 0 361 604 1,687
15. Sebastian Janikowski ............................................................................16 0 385 520 1,675
16. Phil Dawson..........................................................................................17 1 386 447 1,611
17. Eddie Murray ........................................................................................19 0 352 538 1,594
18. Al Del Greco..........................................................................................17 0 347 543 1,584
19. Olindo Mare ..........................................................................................16 0 356 487 1,555
20. Steve Christie........................................................................................15 0 336 468 1,476


Player Years Rush Rec. Returns TD
1. Jerry Rice ............................................................................................20 10 197 1 208
2. Emmitt Smith ........................................................................................15 164 11 0 175
3. LaDainian Tomlinson ............................................................................11 145 17 0 162
4. Randy Moss..........................................................................................14 0 156 1 157
5. Terrell Owens ........................................................................................15 3 153 0 156
6. Marcus Allen ........................................................................................16 123 21 1 145
7. Marshall Faulk ......................................................................................12 100 36 0 136
8. Cris Carter ............................................................................................16 0 130 1 131
9. Marvin Harrison ....................................................................................13 0 128 0 128
10. Jim Brown ..............................................................................................9 106 20 0 126
11. Walter Payton........................................................................................13 110 15 0 125
12. John Riggins ........................................................................................14 104 12 0 116
13. Lenny Moore ........................................................................................12 63 48 2 113
14. Shaun Alexander ....................................................................................9 100 12 0 112
15. Tony Gonzalez ......................................................................................17 0 111 0 111
16. Barry Sanders ......................................................................................10 99 10 0 109
17. Tim Brown ............................................................................................17 1 100 4 105
Don Hutson ..........................................................................................11 3 99 3 105
19. Antonio Gates ......................................................................................13 0 104 0 104
20. Adrian Peterson ......................................................................................9 97 5 0 102

618 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Player Years Att. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Emmitt Smith ..............................................................15 4,409 18,355 4.2 75 164
2. Walter Payton ..............................................................13 3,838 16,726 4.4 76 110
3. Barry Sanders..............................................................10 3,062 15,269 5.0 85 99
4. Curtis Martin ..............................................................11 3,518 14,101 4.0 70 90
5. LaDainian Tomlinson....................................................11 3,174 13,684 4.3 85 145
6. Jerome Bettis ..............................................................13 3,479 13,662 3.9 71 91
7. Eric Dickerson ............................................................11 2,996 13,259 4.4 85 90
8. Tony Dorsett ................................................................12 2,936 12,739 4.3 99 77
9. Jim Brown ....................................................................9 2,359 12,312 5.2 80 106
10. Marshall Faulk..............................................................12 2,836 12,279 4.3 71 100
11. Edgerrin James............................................................11 3,028 12,246 4.0 72 80
12. Marcus Allen................................................................16 3,022 12,243 4.1 61 123
13. Franco Harris ..............................................................13 2,949 12,120 4.1 75 91
14. Thurman Thomas ........................................................13 2,877 12,074 4.2 80 65
15. Frank Gore ..................................................................11 2,702 12,040 4.5 80 70
16. Fred Taylor ..................................................................13 2,534 11,695 4.6 80 66
17. Adrian Peterson ............................................................9 2,381 11,675 4.9 82 97
18. Steven Jackson ..........................................................12 2,764 11,438 4.1 59 69
19. John Riggins................................................................14 2,916 11,352 3.9 66 104
20. Corey Dillon ................................................................10 2,618 11,241 4.3 96 82


Player Years No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Jerry Rice....................................................................20 1,549 22,895 14.8 96 197
2. Tony Gonzalez..............................................................17 1,325 15,127 11.4 73 111
3. Marvin Harrison ..........................................................13 1,102 14,580 13.2 80 128
4. Cris Carter ..................................................................16 1,101 13,899 12.6 80 130
5. Tim Brown ..................................................................17 1,094 14,934 13.7 80 100
6. Terrell Owens ..............................................................15 1,078 15,934 14.8 98 153
7. Reggie Wayne..............................................................14 1,070 14,345 13.4 80 82
8. Andre Johnson ............................................................13 1,053 14,100 13.4 77 68
9. Isaac Bruce ................................................................16 1,024 15,208 14.9 80 91
10. Jason Witten................................................................13 1,020 11,215 11.0 69 60
11. Larry Fitzgerald ............................................................12 1,018 13,366 13.1 80 98
12. Anquan Boldin ............................................................13 1,009 13,195 13.1 79 74
13. Hines Ward..................................................................14 1,000 12,083 12.1 85 85
14. Randy Moss ................................................................14 982 15,292 15.6 82 156
15. Steve Smith, Sr. ..........................................................15 961 13,932 14.5 80 76
16. Andre Reed..................................................................16 951 13,198 13.9 83 87
17. Derrick Mason ............................................................15 943 12,061 12.8 79 66
18. Art Monk ....................................................................16 940 12,721 13.5 79 68
19. Torry Holt ....................................................................11 920 13,382 14.5 85 74
20. Wes Welker ................................................................12 903 9,924 11.0 99 50

Player Years No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Paul Krause .................................................................16 81 1,185 14.6 81 3
2. Emlen Tunnell ..............................................................14 79 1,282 16.2 55 4
3. Rod Woodson..............................................................17 71 1,483 20.9 98 12
4. Dick (Night Train) Lane ................................................14 68 1,207 17.8 80 5
5. Ken Riley .....................................................................15 65 596 9.2 66 5
Charles Woodson ........................................................18 65 966 14.9 62 11
7. Ed Reed.......................................................................12 64 1,590 24.8 107 7
8. Ronnie Lott ..................................................................14 63 730 11.6 83 5
Darren Sharper ............................................................14 63 1,412 22.4 99 11
10. Dave Brown .................................................................15 62 698 11.3 90 5
Dick LeBeau ................................................................14 62 762 12.3 70 3
12. Emmitt Thomas ...........................................................13 58 937 16.2 73 5
13. Mel Blount ...................................................................14 57 736 12.9 52 2
Bobby Boyd...................................................................9 57 994 17.4 74 4
Eugene Robinson.........................................................16 57 762 13.4 49 1
Johnny Robinson .........................................................12 57 741 13.0 57 1
Everson Walls ..............................................................13 57 504 8.8 40 1
18. Lem Barney .................................................................11 56 1,077 19.2 71 7
Pat Fischer...................................................................17 56 941 16.8 69 4
20. Aeneas Williams ..........................................................14 55 807 14.7 65 9

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 619

1. Brett Favre .............................................................6,300 1. Peyton Manning ........................................................539
2. Peyton Manning .....................................................6,125 2. Brett Favre ................................................................508
3. Drew Brees............................................................5,365 3. Tom Brady ................................................................428
4. Dan Marino............................................................4,967 Drew Brees...............................................................428
5. Tom Brady .............................................................4,953 5. Dan Marino...............................................................420
6. John Elway ............................................................4,123 6. Fran Tarkenton ..........................................................342
7. Warren Moon.........................................................3,988 7. John Elway ...............................................................300
8. Drew Bledsoe ........................................................3,839 8. Eli Manning...............................................................294
9. Vinny Testaverde....................................................3,787 9. Warren Moon............................................................291
10. Eli Manning............................................................3,695 10. Johnny Unitas...........................................................290
11. Fran Tarkenton .......................................................3,686 11. Philip Rivers .............................................................281
12. Kerry Collins ..........................................................3,487 12. Vinny Testaverde.......................................................275
13. Ben Roethlisberger.................................................3,476 13. Joe Montana.............................................................273
14. Philip Rivers ..........................................................3,462 14. Ben Roethlisberger....................................................272
15. Carson Palmer .......................................................3,413 15. Dave Krieg ................................................................261
16. Joe Montana..........................................................3,409 16. Carson Palmer ..........................................................259
17. Dan Fouts ..............................................................3,297 17. Aaron Rodgers..........................................................257
18. Matt Hasselbeck ....................................................3,222 18. Sonny Jurgensen ......................................................255
19. Donovan McNabb ..................................................3,170 19. Dan Fouts .................................................................254
20. Dave Krieg .............................................................3,105 20. Drew Bledsoe ...........................................................251


1. Peyton Manning ...................................................71,940 1. Jerry Rice.............................................................22,895
2. Brett Favre ...........................................................71,838 2. Terrell Owens........................................................15,934
3. Dan Marino..........................................................61,361 3. Randy Moss .........................................................15,292
4. Drew Brees..........................................................60,093 4. Isaac Bruce ..........................................................15,208
5. Tom Brady ...........................................................58,028 5. Tony Gonzalez.......................................................15,127
6. John Elway ..........................................................51,475 6. Tim Brown............................................................14,934
7. Warren Moon.......................................................49,325 7. Marvin Harrison ....................................................14,580
8. Fran Tarkenton .....................................................47,003 8. Reggie Wayne.......................................................14,345
9. Vinny Testaverde..................................................46,233 9. Andre Johnson .....................................................14,100
10. Drew Bledsoe ......................................................44,611 10. James Lofton........................................................14,004
11. Eli Manning..........................................................44,187 11. Steve Smith, Sr. ....................................................13,932
12. Dan Fouts ............................................................43,040 12. Cris Carter ............................................................13,899
13. Ben Roethlisberger...............................................42,995 13. Henry Ellard..........................................................13,777
14. Philip Rivers ........................................................41,447 14. Torry Holt .............................................................13,382
15. Kerry Collins ........................................................40,922 15. Larry Fitzgerald .....................................................13,366
16. Joe Montana........................................................40,551 16. Andre Reed...........................................................13,198
17. Johnny Unitas......................................................40,239 17. Anquan Boldin ......................................................13,195
18. Carson Palmer .....................................................40,036 18. Steve Largent........................................................13,089
19. Dave Krieg ...........................................................38,147 19. Irving Fryar ...........................................................12,785
20. Boomer Esiason ..................................................37,920 20. Art Monk ..............................................................12,721


Player Years No. Yards Avg. Long Blk.
1. Shane Lechler..............................................................16 1,280 60,748 47.5 80 5
2. Bryan Anger ..................................................................4 360 16,855 46.8 73 3
3. Thomas Morstead..........................................................7 410 19,177 46.8 70 1
4. Johnny Hekker ..............................................................4 336 15,687 46.7 68 1
5. Brandon Fields ..............................................................9 604 28,192 46.7 74 3
6. Andy Lee ....................................................................12 1,011 46,738 46.2 82 4
7. Marquette King ..............................................................3 276 12,734 46.1 70 3
8. Pat McAfee ....................................................................7 520 23,958 46.1 66 3
9. Matt Bosher ..................................................................5 323 14,801 45.8 69 6
10. Donnie Jones ..............................................................12 980 44,579 45.5 80 6
11. Brett Kern ......................................................................8 608 27,643 45.5 79 4
12. Brad Nortman ................................................................4 288 13,022 45.2 72 3
13. Britton Colquitt ..............................................................6 472 21,327 45.2 67 1
14. Mike Scifres ................................................................13 756 34,152 45.2 72 10
15. Sam Koch....................................................................10 782 35,324 45.2 74 3
16. Mat McBriar ................................................................11 602 27,191 45.2 75 5
17. Sammy Baugh ............................................................16 338 15,245 45.1 85 9
18. Dustin Colquitt ............................................................11 890 39,883 44.8 81 4
19. Kevin Huber ..................................................................7 531 23,785 44.8 75 2
20. Jon Ryan ....................................................................10 751 33,628 44.8 77 6

620 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

TOP 20 COMBINED YARDS GAINED Int. Punt Kickoff Fumble
Player Years Tot. Rush. Rec. Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret.
1. Jerry Rice ................................................20 23,546 645 22,895 0 0 6 0
2. Brian Mitchell ............................................14 23,330 1,967 2,336 0 4,999 14,014 14
3. Walter Payton ............................................13 21,803 16,726 4,538 0 0 539 0
4. Emmitt Smith ............................................15 21,583 18,355 3,224 0 0 0 4
5. Tim Brown ................................................17 19,682 190 14,934 0 3,320 1,235 3
6. Marshall Faulk ..........................................12 19,190 12,279 6,875 0 0 18 18
7. LaDainian Tomlinson ................................11 18,456 13,684 4,772 0 0 0 0
8. Steve Smith, Sr. ........................................15 18,381 387 13,932 0 1,684 2,371 7
9. Barry Sanders ..........................................10 18,308 15,269 2,921 0 0 118 0
10. Herschel Walker ........................................12 18,168 8,225 4,859 0 0 5,084 0
11. Darren Sproles ..........................................10 17,910 2,867 4,156 0 2,558 8,331 -2
12. Marcus Allen ............................................16 17,648 12,243 5,411 0 0 0 -6
13. Curtis Martin ............................................11 17,430 14,101 3,329 0 0 0 0
14. Tiki Barber ................................................10 17,359 10,449 5,183 0 1,181 544 2
15. Eric Metcalf ..............................................13 17,230 2,392 5,572 0 3,453 5,813 0
16. Derrick Mason ..........................................15 17,150 3 12,061 0 1,590 3,496 0
17. Wes Welker ..............................................12 16,797 151 9,924 0 2,584 4,138 0
18. Thurman Thomas ......................................13 16,532 12,074 4,458 0 0 0 0
19. Tony Dorsett..............................................12 16,347 12,739 3,554 0 0 0 54
20. Terrell Owens ............................................15 16,276 251 15,934 0 0 78 13


Player Years Scrimmage Yards Rushing Yards Receiving Yards
1. Jerry Rice .................................................20 23,540 645 22,895
2. Emmitt Smith ............................................15 21,579 18,355 3,224
3. Walter Payton ............................................13 21,264 16,726 4,538
4. Marshall Faulk ...........................................12 19,154 12,279 6,875
5. LaDainian Tomlinson .................................11 18,456 13,684 4,772
6. Barry Sanders ...........................................10 18,190 15,269 2,921
7. Marcus Allen .............................................16 17,654 12,243 5,411
8. Curtis Martin.............................................11 17,430 14,101 3,329
9. Thurman Thomas ......................................13 16,532 12,074 4,458
10. Tony Dorsett..............................................12 16,293 12,739 3,554
11. Terrell Owens ............................................15 16,185 251 15,934
12. Tiki Barber.................................................10 15,632 10,449 5,183
13. Edgerrin James .........................................11 15,610 12,246 3,364
14. Randy Moss..............................................16 15,451 159 15,292
15. Eric Dickerson ...........................................11 15,396 13,259 2,137
16. Isaac Bruce...............................................16 15,347 139 15,208
17. Warrick Dunn ............................................12 15,306 10,967 4,339
18. Frank Gore ..............................................`11 15,190 12,040 3,150
19. Tony Gonzalez ...........................................17 15,141 14 15,127
20. Tim Brown ................................................17 15,124 190 14,934

TOP 20 PASSERS Pct. Avg. Pct. Pct.

Player Years Att. Comp. Comp. Yards Gain TD TD Int. Int. Rating
1. Aaron Rodgers ......11 4,047 2,633 65.1 32,399 8.01 257 6.4 65 1.6 104.1
2. Russell Wilson ........4 1,735 1,123 64.7 13,974 8.05 106 6.1 34 2.0 101.8
3. Tony Romo ............12 4,331 2,826 65.3 34,154 7.89 247 5.7 117 2.7 97.1
4. Steve Young ..........15 4,149 2,667 64.3 33,124 7.98 232 5.6 107 2.6 96.8
5. Peyton Manning ....17 9,380 6,125 65.3 71,940 7.67 539 5.7 251 2.7 96.5
6. Tom Brady ............16 7,792 4,953 63.6 58,028 7.45 428 5.5 150 1.9 96.4
7. Drew Brees ............15 8,085 5,365 66.4 60,903 7.53 428 5.3 205 2.5 95.8
8. Philip Rivers ..........12 5,339 3,462 64.8 41,447 7.76 281 5.3 135 2.5 95.5
9. Ben Roethlisberger ..12 5,423 3,476 64.1 42,995 7.93 272 5.0 147 2.7 94.0
10. Kurt Warner ..........12 4,070 2,666 65.5 32,344 7.95 208 5.1 128 3.1 93.7
11. Joe Montana ..........15 5,391 3,409 63.2 40,551 7.52 273 5.1 139 2.6 92.3
12. Matt Ryan ................8 4,530 2,915 64.3 32,757 7.23 202 4.5 107 2.4 90.9
13. Chad Pennington....11 2,471 1,632 66.0 17,823 7.21 102 4.1 64 2.6 90.1
14. Matt Schaub ..........12 3,271 2,092 64.0 24,851 7.60 133 4.1 90 2.8 89.1
15. Andy Dalton ............5 2,497 1,556 62.3 18,008 7.21 124 5.0 73 2.9 88.4
16. Cam Newton ............5 2,418 1,440 59.6 18.263 7.55 117 4.8 64 2.6 88.3
17. Carson Palmer ......12 5,443 3,413 62.7 40,036 7.36 259 4.8 166 3.0 88.1
18. Daunte Culpepper ..11 3,199 2,016 63.0 24,153 7.55 149 4.7 106 3.3 87.8
19. Jeff Garcia ............11 3,676 2,264 61.6 25,537 6.95 161 4.4 83 2.3 87.5
20. Dan Marino ............17 8,358 4,967 59.4 61,361 7.34 420 5.0 252 3.0 86.4
1,500 or more attempts. The passing ratings are based on performance standards established for completion percentage, interception
percentage, touchdown percentage, and average gain. Please consult page 310 for more information.

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 621

Player Years No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. Gale Sayers ..................................................................7 91 2,781 30.6 103 6
2. Cordarrelle Patterson......................................................3 109 3,283 30.1 109 4
3. Lynn Chandnois ............................................................7 92 2,720 29.6 93 3
4. Joe McKnight ................................................................4 79 2,270 28.7 107 2
5. Abe Woodson ................................................................9 193 5,538 28.7 105 5
6. Buddy Young ................................................................6 90 2,514 27.9 104 2
7. Travis Williams ..............................................................5 102 2,801 27.5 105 6
8. Joe Arenas ....................................................................7 139 3,798 27.3 96 1
9. Clifton Smith..................................................................3 75 2,038 27.2 97 1
10. Percy Harvin ..................................................................7 152 4,127 27.2 105 5
11. Clarence Davis ..............................................................8 79 2,140 27.1 76 0
12. Jacoby Jones ................................................................9 183 4,940 27.0 108 5
13. Dwayne Harris ..............................................................5 99 2,671 27.0 100 1
14. Steve Van Buren ............................................................8 76 2,030 26.7 98 3
15. Lenny Lyles ................................................................12 81 2,161 26.7 103 3
16. Quintin Demps ..............................................................8 110 2,931 26.6 100 2
17. Mercury Morris..............................................................8 111 2,947 26.5 105 3
18. Ellis Hobbs ....................................................................6 141 3,739 26.5 108 3
19. Bobby Jancik ................................................................6 158 4,185 26.5 61 0
20. Mel Renfro ..................................................................14 85 2,246 26.4 100 2


Player Years No. Yards Avg. Long TD
1. George McAfee..............................................................8 112 1,431 12.8 74 2
2. Jack Christiansen ..........................................................8 85 1,084 12.8 89 8
3. Claude Gibson ..............................................................5 110 1,381 12.6 85 3
4. Bill Dudley ....................................................................9 124 1,515 12.2 96 3
5. Rick Upchurch ..............................................................9 248 3,008 12.1 92 8
6. Devin Hester ................................................................10 290 3,515 12.1 89 14
7. Julian Edelman ..............................................................7 142 1,697 12.0 94 4
8. Desmond Howard ........................................................11 244 2,895 11.9 95 8
9. Billy Johnson ..............................................................14 282 3,317 11.8 87 6
10. Mack Herron..................................................................3 84 982 11.7 66 0
11. Roscoe Parrish ..............................................................8 165 1,920 11.6 82 3
12. Billy Thompson............................................................13 157 1,814 11.6 60 0
13. Darrien Gordon ..............................................................9 314 3,601 11.5 94 6
14. Henry Ellard ................................................................16 135 1,527 11.3 83 4
15. Rodger Bird ..................................................................3 94 1,063 11.3 78 0
16. Bosh Pritchard ..............................................................6 95 1,072 11.3 81 2
17. Jeremy Ross ................................................................4 77 864 11.2 58 1
18. Terry Metcalf ................................................................6 84 936 11.1 69 1
19. Bob Hayes ..................................................................11 104 1,158 11.1 90 3
20. Jermaine Lewis..............................................................9 295 3,282 11.1 89 6


Player *Years No.
1. Bruce Smith ................................................................19 200.0
2. Reggie White ..............................................................15 198.0
3. Kevin Greene ..............................................................15 160.0
4. Chris Doleman ............................................................15 150.5
5. Michael Strahan ..........................................................15 141.5
6. Jason Taylor ................................................................15 139.5
7. Richard Dent................................................................15 137.5
John Randle ................................................................14 137.5
9. Jared Allen ..................................................................12 136.0
Julius Peppers ............................................................14 136.0
11. DeMarcus Ware ..........................................................11 134.5
12. John Abraham ............................................................15 133.5
13. Leslie O’Neal................................................................13 132.5
Lawrence Taylor ..........................................................12 132.5
15. Rickey Jackson............................................................14 128.0
16. Derrick Thomas ..........................................................11 126.5
17. Simeon Rice ................................................................12 122.0
18. Clyde Simmons ..........................................................15 121.5
19. Dwight Freeney ............................................................14 119.5
20. Robert Mathis..............................................................12 118.0
*Years played since 1982 when sacks became an official statistic.

622 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team TD FG PAT TP
2015 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 33 52 151
Graham Gano, Carolina, NFC .............................................0 30 56 146
2014 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 35 51 156
*Cody Parkey, Philadelphia, NFC .......................................0 32 54 150
2013 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 38 44 158
Steven Hauschka, Seattle, NFC ..........................................0 33 44 143
2012 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 29 66 153
Lawrence Tynes, N.Y. Giants, NFC .....................................0 33 46 145
2011 David Akers, San Francisco, NFC.......................................0 44 34 166
Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 28 59 143
2010 David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ..........................................0 32 47 143
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, AFC..................................0 33 43 142
2009 Nate Kaeding, San Diego, AFC...........................................0 32 50 146
David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ..........................................0 32 43 139
2008 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC............................0 36 40 148
David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ..........................................0 33 45 144
2007 *Mason Crosby, Green Bay, NFC .......................................0 31 48 141
Randy Moss, New England, AFC .....................................23 0 0 138
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson, AFC ...............................................31 0 0 186
Robbie Gould, Chicago, NFC .............................................0 32 47 143
2005 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .........................................28 0 0 168
Shayne Graham, Cincinnati, AFC .......................................0 28 47 131
2004 Adam Vinatieri, New England, AFC.....................................0 31 48 141
David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ..........................................0 27 41 122
2003 Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, NFC ...............................................0 39 46 163
Priest Holmes, Kansas City, AFC......................................27 0 0 162
2002 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, AFC......................................24 0 0 144
Jay Feely, Atlanta, NFC ......................................................0 32 42 138
2001 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, NFC .........................................21 0 0 #128
Mike Vanderjagt, Indianapolis, AFC ....................................0 28 41 125
2000 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, NFC .........................................26 0 0 ##160
Matt Stover, Baltimore, AFC ...............................................0 35 30 135
1999 Mike Vanderjagt, Indianapolis, AFC ....................................0 34 43 145
Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, NFC ...............................................0 20 64 124
1998 Gary Anderson, Minnesota, NFC........................................0 35 59 164
Steve Christie, Buffalo, AFC ...............................................0 33 41 140
1997 Mike Hollis, Jacksonville, AFC ...........................................0 31 41 134
Richie Cunningham, Dallas, NFC........................................0 34 24 126
1996 John Kasay, Carolina, NFC.................................................0 37 34 145
Cary Blanchard, Indianapolis, AFC .....................................0 36 27 135
1995 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC...............................................25 0 0 150
Norm Johnson, Pittsburgh, AFC.........................................0 34 39 141
1994 John Carney, San Diego, AFC ............................................0 34 33 135
Fuad Reveiz, Minnesota, NFC.............................................0 34 30 132
1993 Jeff Jaeger, L.A. Raiders, AFC............................................0 35 27 132
Jason Hanson, Detroit, NFC...............................................0 34 28 130
1992 Pete Stoyanovich, Miami, AFC ...........................................0 30 34 124
Morten Andersen, New Orleans, NFC.................................0 29 33 120
Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC .......................................0 30 30 120
1991 Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC .......................................0 31 56 149
Pete Stoyanovich, Miami, AFC ...........................................0 31 28 121
1990 Nick Lowery, Kansas City, AFC ..........................................0 34 37 139
Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC .......................................0 30 41 131
1989 Mike Cofer, San Francisco, NFC.........................................0 29 49 136
*David Treadwell, Denver, AFC ..........................................0 27 39 120
1988 Scott Norwood, Buffalo, AFC .............................................0 32 33 129
Mike Cofer, San Francisco, NFC.........................................0 27 40 121
1987 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, NFC .......................................23 0 0 138
Jim Breech, Cincinnati, AFC...............................................0 24 25 97
1986 Tony Franklin, New England, AFC.......................................0 32 44 140
Kevin Butler, Chicago, NFC ................................................0 28 36 120
1985 *Kevin Butler, Chicago, NFC ..............................................0 31 51 144
Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, AFC ........................................0 33 40 139
1984 Ray Wersching, San Francisco, NFC..................................0 25 56 131
Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, AFC ........................................0 24 45 117
1983 Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC .......................................0 33 62 161
Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, AFC ........................................0 27 38 119
1982 *Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, AFC ....................................14 0 0 84
Wendell Tyler, L.A. Rams, NFC.........................................13 0 0 78

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 623

Year Player, Team TD FG PAT TP
1981 Ed Murray, Detroit, NFC .....................................................0 25 46 121
Rafael Septien, Dallas, NFC ...............................................0 27 40 121
Jim Breech, Cincinnati, AFC...............................................0 22 49 115
Nick Lowery, Kansas City, AFC ..........................................0 26 37 115
1980 John Smith, New England, AFC .........................................0 26 51 129
*Ed Murray, Detroit, NFC ...................................................0 27 35 116
1979 John Smith, New England, AFC .........................................0 23 46 115
Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC .......................................0 25 39 114
1978 *Frank Corral, Los Angeles, NFC .......................................0 29 31 118
Pat Leahy, N.Y. Jets, AFC...................................................0 22 41 107
1977 Errol Mann, Oakland, AFC..................................................0 20 39 99
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC ...........................................16 0 0 96
1976 Toni Linhart, Baltimore, AFC ..............................................0 20 49 109
Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC .......................................0 22 31 97
1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC..............................................23 0 0 138
Chuck Foreman, Minnesota, NFC.....................................22 0 0 132
1974 Chester Marcol, Green Bay, NFC........................................0 25 19 94
Roy Gerela, Pittsburgh, AFC ..............................................0 20 33 93
1973 David Ray, Los Angeles, NFC.............................................0 30 40 130
Roy Gerela, Pittsburgh, AFC ..............................................0 29 36 123
1972 *Chester Marcol, Green Bay, NFC......................................0 33 29 128
Bobby Howfield, N.Y. Jets, AFC .........................................0 27 40 121
1971 Garo Yepremian, Miami, AFC .............................................0 28 33 117
Curt Knight, Washington, NFC ...........................................0 29 27 114
1970 Fred Cox, Minnesota, NFC .................................................0 30 35 125
Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, AFC.........................................0 30 26 116
1969 Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets, AFL ..................................................0 32 33 129
Fred Cox, Minnesota, NFL..................................................0 26 43 121
1968 Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets, AFL ..................................................0 34 43 145
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, NFL..............................................20 0 0 120
1967 Jim Bakken, St. Louis, NFL................................................0 27 36 117
George Blanda, Oakland, AFL ............................................0 20 56 116
1966 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ............................................6 16 35 119
Bruce Gossett, Los Angeles, NFL ......................................0 28 29 113
1965 *Gale Sayers, Chicago, NFL ............................................22 0 0 132
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ............................................9 17 27 132
1964 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ............................................7 25 36 #155
Lenny Moore, Baltimore, NFL ..........................................20 0 0 120
1963 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ............................................2 22 35 113
Don Chandler, N.Y. Giants, NFL ..........................................0 18 52 106
1962 Gene Mingo, Denver, AFL ..................................................4 27 32 137
Jim Taylor, Green Bay, NFL ..............................................19 0 0 114
1961 Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ............................................8 17 48 147
Paul Hornung, Green Bay, NFL.........................................10 15 41 146
1960 Paul Hornung, Green Bay, NFL.........................................15 15 41 176
*Gene Mingo, Denver, AFL ................................................6 18 33 123
1959 Paul Hornung, Green Bay ..................................................7 7 31 94
1958 Jim Brown, Cleveland......................................................18 0 0 108
1957 Sam Baker, Washington.....................................................1 14 29 77
Lou Groza, Cleveland.........................................................0 15 32 77
1956 Bobby Layne, Detroit .........................................................5 12 33 99
1955 Doak Walker, Detroit ..........................................................7 9 27 96
1954 Bobby Walston, Philadelphia............................................11 4 36 114
1953 Gordy Soltau, San Francisco .............................................6 10 48 114
1952 Gordy Soltau, San Francisco .............................................7 6 34 94
1951 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Los Angeles .............................17 0 0 102
1950 *Doak Walker, Detroit ......................................................11 8 38 128
1949 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals ..................................................8 3 45 102
Gene Roberts, N.Y. Giants ...............................................17 0 0 102
1948 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals ..................................................6 7 53 110
1947 Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals ..................................................7 7 39 102
1946 Ted Fritsch, Green Bay.....................................................10 9 13 100
1945 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia..........................................18 0 2 110
1944 Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................9 0 31 85
1943 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................12 3 36 117
1942 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................17 1 33 138
1941 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................12 1 20 95
1940 Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................7 0 15 57
1939 Andy Farkas, Washington ................................................11 0 2 68
1938 Clarke Hinkle, Green Bay ...................................................7 3 7 58
1937 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears..................................................5 8 15 69
1936 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Detroit..................................................7 4 19 73

624 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team TD FG PAT TP
1935 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Detroit..................................................6 1 16 55
1934 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears..................................................3 10 31 79
1933 Ken Strong, N.Y. Giants......................................................6 5 13 64
Glenn Presnell, Portsmouth ...............................................6 6 10 64
1932 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth ..........................................6 3 10 55
*First season of professional football.
#Cappelletti’s total and Faulk’s total in 2001 include a two-point conversion.
##Faulk’s total in 2000 includes 2 two-point conversions.


Year Player, Team TD Rush Pass Ret.
2015 Brandon Marshall, N.Y. Jets, AFC.....................................14 0 14 0
Allen Robinson, Jacksonville, AFC ...................................14 0 14 0
Doug Baldwin, Seattle, NFC .............................................14 0 14 0
Devonta Freeman, Atlanta, NFC........................................14 11 3 0
2014 Marshawn Lynch, Seattle, NFC ........................................17 13 4 0
Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh, AFC.......................................14 0 13 1
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, AFC ...................................14 9 5 0
2013 Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, AFC ...................................19 12 7 0
Jimmy Graham, New Orleans, NFC..................................16 0 16 0
2012 Arian Foster, Houston, AFC ..............................................17 15 2 0
James Jones, Green Bay, NFC.........................................14 0 14 0
2011 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia, NFC ...................................20 17 3 0
Rob Gronkowski, New England, AFC................................18 1 17 0
2010 Arian Foster, Houston, AFC ..............................................18 16 2 0
Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC.....................................13 12 1 0
2009 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC.....................................18 18 0 0
Chris Johnson, Tennessee, AFC.......................................16 14 2 0
Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville, AFC...........................16 15 1 0
2008 DeAngelo Williams, Carolina, NFC....................................20 18 2 0
Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets, AFC .........................................15 13 2 0
LenDale White, Tennessee, AFC.......................................15 15 0 0
2007 Randy Moss, New England, AFC .....................................23 0 23 0
Terrell Owens, Dallas, NFC...............................................15 0 15 0
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, AFC .............................31 28 3 0
Marion Barber, Dallas, NFC ..............................................16 14 2 0
Steven Jackson, St. Louis, NFC .......................................16 13 3 0
2005 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .........................................28 27 1 0
Larry Johnson, Kansas City, AFC.....................................21 20 1 0
2004 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .........................................20 16 4 0
LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, AFC .............................18 17 1 0
2003 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, AFC......................................27 27 0 0
Ahman Green, Green Bay, NFC ........................................20 15 5 0
2002 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, AFC......................................24 21 3 0
Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .........................................18 16 2 0
2001 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, NFC .........................................21 12 9 0
Shaun Alexander, Seattle, AFC .........................................16 14 2 0
2000 Marshall Faulk, St. Louis, NFC .........................................26 18 8 0
Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, AFC...................................18 13 5 0
1999 Stephen Davis, Washington, NFC.....................................17 17 0 0
*Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, AFC.................................17 13 4 0
1998 Terrell Davis, Denver, AFC................................................23 21 2 0
*Randy Moss, Minnesota, NFC........................................17 0 17 0
1997 Karim Abdul-Jabbar, Miami, AFC .....................................16 15 1 0
Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC.............................................14 11 3 0
1996 Terry Allen, Washington, NFC ..........................................21 21 0 0
Curtis Martin, New England, AFC.....................................17 14 3 0
1995 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC...............................................25 25 0 0
Carl Pickens, Cincinnati, AFC...........................................17 0 17 0
1994 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC...............................................22 21 1 0
*Marshall Faulk, Indianapolis, AFC...................................12 11 1 0
Natrone Means, San Diego, AFC......................................12 12 0 0
1993 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, NFC .......................................16 1 15 0
Marcus Allen, Kansas City, AFC.......................................15 12 3 0
1992 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC...............................................19 18 1 0
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .......................................12 9 3 0
1991 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC.............................................17 16 1 0
Mark Clayton, Miami, AFC ...............................................12 0 12 0
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .......................................12 7 5 0
1990 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC.............................................16 13 3 0
Derrick Fenner, Seattle, AFC.............................................15 14 1 0
1989 Dalton Hilliard, New Orleans, NFC ....................................18 13 5 0

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 625

Year Player, Team TD Rush Pass Ret.
Christian Okoye, Kansas City, AFC...................................12 12 0 0
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .......................................12 6 6 0
1988 Greg Bell, L.A. Rams, NFC...............................................18 16 2 0
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis, AFC ....................................15 14 1 0
*Ickey Woods, Cincinnati, AFC ........................................15 15 0 0
1987 Jerry Rice, San Francisco, NFC .......................................23 1 22 0
Johnny Hector, N.Y. Jets, AFC..........................................11 11 0 0
1986 George Rogers, Washington, NFC....................................18 18 0 0
Sammy Winder, Denver, AFC ...........................................14 9 5 0
1985 Joe Morris, N.Y. Giants, NFC............................................21 21 0 0
Louis Lipps, Pittsburgh, AFC ...........................................15 1 12 2
1984 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, AFC ......................................18 13 5 0
Mark Clayton, Miami, AFC ...............................................18 0 18 0
Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, NFC ......................................14 14 0 0
John Riggins, Washington, NFC.......................................14 14 0 0
1983 John Riggins, Washington, NFC.......................................24 24 0 0
Pete Johnson, Cincinnati, AFC .........................................14 14 0 0
*Curt Warner, Seattle, AFC ..............................................14 13 1 0
1982 *Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, AFC ....................................14 11 3 0
Wendell Tyler, L.A. Rams, NFC.........................................13 9 4 0
1981 Chuck Muncie, San Diego, AFC .......................................19 19 0 0
Wendell Tyler, Los Angeles, NFC ......................................17 12 5 0
1980 *Billy Sims, Detroit, NFC .................................................16 13 3 0
Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC...........................................13 13 0 0
*Curtis Dickey, Baltimore, AFC ........................................13 11 2 0
John Jefferson, San Diego, AFC ......................................13 0 13 0
1979 Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC...........................................19 19 0 0
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC ...........................................16 14 2 0
1978 David Sims, Seattle, AFC .................................................15 14 1 0
Terdell Middleton, Green Bay, NFC ...................................12 11 1 0
1977 Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC ...........................................16 14 2 0
Nat Moore, Miami, AFC ...................................................13 1 12 0
1976 Chuck Foreman, Minnesota, NFC.....................................14 13 1 0
Franco Harris, Pittsburgh, AFC.........................................14 14 0 0
1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC..............................................23 16 7 0
Chuck Foreman, Minnesota, NFC.....................................22 13 9 0
1974 Chuck Foreman, Minnesota, NFC.....................................15 9 6 0
Cliff Branch, Oakland, AFC...............................................13 0 13 0
1973 Larry Brown, Washington, NFC........................................14 8 6 0
Floyd Little, Denver, AFC..................................................13 12 1 0
1972 Emerson Boozer, N.Y. Jets, AFC.......................................14 11 3 0
Ron Johnson, N.Y. Giants, NFC........................................14 9 5 0
1971 Duane Thomas, Dallas, NFC ............................................13 11 2 0
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, AFC .............................................12 10 2 0
1970 Dick Gordon, Chicago, NFC .............................................13 0 13 0
MacArthur Lane, St. Louis, NFC ......................................13 11 2 0
Gary Garrison, San Diego, AFC........................................12 0 12 0
1969 Warren Wells, Oakland, AFL.............................................14 0 14 0
Tom Matte, Baltimore, NFL ..............................................13 11 2 0
Lance Rentzel, Dallas, NFL ..............................................13 0 12 1
1968 Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, NFL..............................................20 16 4 0
Warren Wells, Oakland, AFL.............................................12 1 11 0
1967 Homer Jones, N.Y. Giants, NFL ........................................14 1 13 0
Emerson Boozer, N.Y. Jets, AFL .......................................13 10 3 0
1966 Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, NFL..............................................16 15 1 0
Dan Reeves, Dallas, NFL .................................................16 8 8 0
Lance Alworth, San Diego, AFL .......................................13 0 13 0
1965 *Gale Sayers, Chicago, NFL ............................................22 14 6 2
Lance Alworth, San Diego, AFL .......................................14 0 14 0
Don Maynard, N.Y. Jets, AFL ...........................................14 0 14 0
1964 Lenny Moore, Baltimore, NFL ..........................................20 16 3 1
Lance Alworth, San Diego, AFL .......................................15 2 13 0
1963 Art Powell, Oakland, AFL .................................................16 0 16 0
Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL..............................................15 12 3 0
1962 Abner Haynes, Dallas, AFL ..............................................19 13 6 0
Jim Taylor, Green Bay, NFL ..............................................19 19 0 0
1961 Bill Groman, Houston, AFL ..............................................18 1 17 0
Jim Taylor, Green Bay, NFL ..............................................16 15 1 0
1960 Paul Hornung, Green Bay, NFL.........................................15 13 2 0
Sonny Randle, St. Louis, NFL ..........................................15 0 15 0
Art Powell, N.Y. Titans, AFL .............................................14 0 14 0
1959 Raymond Berry, Baltimore ...............................................14 0 14 0

626 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team TD Rush Pass Ret.
Jim Brown, Cleveland......................................................14 14 0 0
1958 Jim Brown, Cleveland......................................................18 17 1 0
1957 Lenny Moore, Baltimore ..................................................11 3 7 1
1956 Rick Casares, Chi. Bears .................................................14 12 2 0
1955 *Alan Ameche, Baltimore ..................................................9 9 0 0
Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears .......................................................9 0 9 0
1954 *Harlon Hill, Chi. Bears ...................................................12 0 12 0
1953 Joseph Perry, San Francisco ...........................................13 10 3 0
1952 Cloyce Box, Detroit..........................................................15 0 15 0
1951 Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch, Los Angeles .............................17 0 17 0
1950 Bob Shaw, Chi. Cardinals ................................................12 0 12 0
1949 Gene Roberts, N.Y. Giants ...............................................17 9 8 0
1948 Mal Kutner, Chi. Cardinals................................................15 1 14 0
1947 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia..........................................14 13 0 1
1946 Ted Fritsch, Green Bay.....................................................10 9 1 0
1945 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia..........................................18 15 2 1
1944 Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................9 0 9 0
Bill Paschal, N.Y. Giants .....................................................9 9 0 0
1943 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................12 0 11 1
*Bill Paschal, N.Y. Giants .................................................12 10 2 0
1942 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................17 0 17 0
1941 Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................12 2 10 0
George McAfee, Chi. Bears..............................................12 6 3 3
1940 John Drake, Cleveland .......................................................9 9 0 0
Richard Todd, Washington.................................................9 4 4 1
1939 Andrew Farkas, Washington ............................................11 5 5 1
1938 Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................9 0 9 0
1937 Cliff Battles, Washington....................................................7 5 1 1
Clarke Hinkle, Green Bay ...................................................7 5 2 0
Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................7 0 7 0
1936 Don Hutson, Green Bay .....................................................9 0 8 1
1935 *Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................7 0 6 1
1934 *Beattie Feathers, Chi. Bears .............................................9 8 1 0
1933 *Charlie (Buckets) Goldenberg, Green Bay ........................7 4 1 2
John (Shipwreck) Kelly, Brooklyn.......................................7 2 3 2
*Elvin (Kink) Richards, N.Y. Giants.....................................7 4 3 0
1932 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth ..........................................6 3 3 0
Red Grange, Chi. Bears .....................................................6 3 3 0
*First season of professional football.


Year Player, Team Att. Made Pct.
2015 Blair Walsh, Minnesota, NFC..........................................................................39 34 87.2
Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC........................................................36 33 91.7
Justin Tucker, Baltimore, AFC ........................................................................40 33 82.5
2014 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC........................................................37 35 94.6
*Cody Parkey, Philadelphia, NFC ...................................................................36 32 88.9
2013 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC........................................................41 38 92.7
Justin Tucker, Baltimore, AFC ........................................................................41 38 92.7
Steven Hauschka, Seattle, NFC......................................................................35 33 94.3
Mason Crosby, Green Bay, NFC .....................................................................37 33 89.2
2012 *Blair Walsh, Minnesota, NFC........................................................................38 35 92.1
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, AFC..............................................................34 31 91.2
Shayne Graham, Houston, AFC .....................................................................38 31 81.6
2011 David Akers, San Francisco, NFC...................................................................52 44 84.6
Mike Nugent, Cincinnati, AFC.........................................................................38 33 86.8
2010 Josh Brown, St. Louis, NFC...........................................................................39 33 84.6
Sebastian Janikowski, Oakland, AFC..............................................................41 33 80.5
2009 Nate Kaeding, San Diego, AFC.......................................................................35 32 91.4
David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ......................................................................37 32 86.5
2008 Stephen Gostkowski, New England, AFC........................................................40 36 90.0
John Carney, N.Y. Giants, NFC .......................................................................38 35 92.1
2007 Rob Bironas, Tennessee, AFC........................................................................39 35 89.7
*Mason Crosby, Green Bay, NFC ...................................................................39 31 79.5
Robbie Gould, Chicago, NFC .........................................................................36 31 86.1
2006 Robbie Gould, Chicago, NFC .........................................................................36 32 88.9
Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, NFC ...........................................................................37 32 86.5
Matt Stover, Baltimore, AFC ...........................................................................30 28 93.3
2005 Neil Rackers, Arizona, NFC ............................................................................42 40 95.2
Matt Stover, Baltimore, AFC ...........................................................................34 30 88.2
2004 Adam Vinatieri, New England, AFC.................................................................33 31 93.9
David Akers, Philadelphia, NFC ......................................................................32 27 84.4

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 627

Year Player, Team Att. Made Pct.
2003 Jeff Wilkins, St. Louis, NFC ...........................................................................42 39 92.9
Mike Vanderjagt, Indianapolis, AFC ................................................................37 37 100.0
2002 Jay Feely, Atlanta, NFC ..................................................................................40 32 80.0
Martín Gramatica, Tampa Bay, NFC ...............................................................39 32 82.1
Adam Vinatieri, New England, AFC.................................................................30 27 90.0
2001 Jason Elam, Denver, AFC...............................................................................36 31 86.1
*Jay Feely, Atlanta, NFC ................................................................................37 29 78.4
2000 Matt Stover, Baltimore, AFC ...........................................................................39 35 89.7
Ryan Longwell, Green Bay, NFC.....................................................................38 33 86.8
1999 Olindo Mare, Miami, AFC...............................................................................46 39 84.8
*Martin Gramatica, Tampa Bay, NFC .............................................................32 27 84.4
1998 Al Del Greco, Tennessee, AFC .......................................................................39 36 92.3
Gary Anderson, Minnesota, NFC....................................................................35 35 100.0
1997 Richie Cunningham, Dallas, NFC....................................................................37 34 91.9
Cary Blanchard, Indianapolis, AFC .................................................................41 32 78.1
1996 John Kasay, Carolina, NFC.............................................................................45 37 82.2
Cary Blanchard, Indianapolis, AFC .................................................................40 36 90.0
1995 Norm Johnson, Pittsburgh, AFC.....................................................................41 34 82.9
Morten Andersen, Atlanta, NFC......................................................................37 31 83.8
1994 John Carney, San Diego, AFC ........................................................................38 34 89.5
Fuad Reveiz, Minnesota, NFC ........................................................................39 34 87.2
1993 Jeff Jaeger, L.A. Raiders, AFC .......................................................................44 35 79.5
Jason Hanson, Detroit, NFC...........................................................................43 34 79.1
1992 Pete Stoyanovich, Miami, AFC .......................................................................37 30 81.1
Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC ...................................................................40 30 75.0
1991 Pete Stoyanovich, Miami, AFC .......................................................................37 31 83.8
Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC ...................................................................43 31 72.1
1990 Nick Lowery, Kansas City, AFC ......................................................................37 34 91.9
Chip Lohmiller, Washington, NFC ...................................................................40 30 75.0
1989 Rich Karlis, Minnesota, NFC ..........................................................................39 31 79.5
*David Treadwell, Denver, AFC ......................................................................33 27 81.8
1988 Scott Norwood, Buffalo, AFC .........................................................................37 32 86.5
Mike Cofer, San Francisco, NFC.....................................................................38 27 71.1
1987 Morten Andersen, New Orleans, NFC.............................................................36 28 77.8
Dean Biasucci, Indianapolis, AFC...................................................................27 24 88.9
Jim Breech, Cincinnati, AFC ..........................................................................30 24 80.0
1986 Tony Franklin, New England, AFC...................................................................41 32 78.0
Kevin Butler, Chicago, NFC ............................................................................41 28 68.3
1985 Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, AFC ....................................................................42 33 78.6
Morten Andersen, New Orleans, NFC.............................................................35 31 88.6
*Kevin Butler, Chicago, NFC ..........................................................................37 31 83.8
1984 *Paul McFadden, Philadelphia, NFC ...............................................................37 30 81.1
Gary Anderson, Pittsburgh, AFC ....................................................................32 24 75.0
Matt Bahr, Cleveland, AFC .............................................................................32 24 75.0
1983 *Ali-Haji-Sheikh, N.Y. Giants, NFC..................................................................42 35 83.3
*Raul Allegre, Baltimore, AFC ........................................................................35 30 85.7
1982 Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC ...................................................................21 20 95.2
Nick Lowery, Kansas City, AFC ......................................................................24 19 79.2
1981 Rafael Septien, Dallas, NFC ...........................................................................35 27 77.1
Nick Lowery, Kansas City, AFC ......................................................................36 26 72.2
1980 *Ed Murray, Detroit, NFC ...............................................................................42 27 64.3
John Smith, New England, AFC .....................................................................34 26 76.5
Fred Steinfort, Denver, AFC............................................................................34 26 76.5
1979 Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC ...................................................................33 25 75.8
John Smith, New England, AFC .....................................................................33 23 69.7
1978 *Frank Corral, Los Angeles, NFC ...................................................................43 29 67.4
Pat Leahy, N.Y. Jets, AFC...............................................................................30 22 73.3
1977 Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC ...................................................................37 21 56.8
Errol Mann, Oakland, AFC..............................................................................28 20 71.4
1976 Mark Moseley, Washington, NFC ...................................................................34 22 64.7
Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, AFC.....................................................................38 21 55.3
1975 Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, AFC.....................................................................32 22 68.8
Toni Fritsch, Dallas, NFC................................................................................35 22 62.9
1974 Chester Marcol, Green Bay, NFC....................................................................39 25 64.1
Roy Gerela, Pittsburgh, AFC ..........................................................................29 20 69.0
1973 David Ray, Los Angeles, NFC ........................................................................47 30 63.8
Roy Gerela, Pittsburgh, AFC ..........................................................................43 29 67.4
1972 *Chester Marcol, Green Bay, NFC..................................................................48 33 68.8
Roy Gerela, Pittsburgh, AFC ..........................................................................41 28 68.3
1971 Curt Knight, Washington, NFC .......................................................................49 29 59.2
Garo Yepremian, Miami, AFC .........................................................................40 28 70.0
1970 Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, AFC.....................................................................42 30 71.4

628 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Made Pct.
Fred Cox, Minnesota, NFC .............................................................................46 30 65.2
1969 Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets, AFL ..............................................................................47 32 68.1
Fred Cox, Minnesota, NFL..............................................................................37 26 70.3
1968 Jim Turner, N.Y. Jets, AFL ..............................................................................46 34 73.9
Mac Percival, Chicago, NFL...........................................................................36 25 69.4
1967 Jim Bakken, St. Louis, NFL............................................................................39 27 69.2
Jan Stenerud, Kansas City, AFL .....................................................................36 21 58.3
1966 Bruce Gossett, Los Angeles, NFL ..................................................................49 28 57.1
Mike Mercer, Oakland-Kansas City, AFL .........................................................30 21 70.0
1965 Pete Gogolak, Buffalo, AFL ............................................................................46 28 60.9
Fred Cox, Minnesota, NFL..............................................................................35 23 65.7
1964 Jim Bakken, St. Louis, NFL............................................................................38 25 65.8
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ........................................................................39 25 64.1
1963 Jim Martin, Baltimore, NFL ............................................................................39 24 61.5
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ........................................................................38 22 57.9
1962 Gene Mingo, Denver, AFL ..............................................................................39 27 69.2
Lou Michaels, Pittsburgh, NFL .......................................................................42 26 61.9
1961 Steve Myhra, Baltimore, NFL .........................................................................39 21 53.8
Gino Cappelletti, Boston, AFL ........................................................................32 17 53.1
1960 Tommy Davis, San Francisco, NFL ................................................................32 19 59.4
*Gene Mingo, Denver, AFL ............................................................................28 18 64.3
1959 Pat Summerall, N.Y. Giants ............................................................................29 20 69.0
1958 Paige Cothren, Los Angeles...........................................................................25 14 56.0
*Tom Miner, Pittsburgh..................................................................................28 14 50.0
1957 Lou Groza, Cleveland.....................................................................................22 15 68.2
1956 Sam Baker, Washington.................................................................................25 17 68.0
1955 Fred Cone, Green Bay....................................................................................24 16 66.7
1954 Lou Groza, Cleveland.....................................................................................24 16 66.7
1953 Lou Groza, Cleveland.....................................................................................26 23 88.5
1952 Lou Groza, Cleveland.....................................................................................33 19 57.6
1951 Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles..........................................................................23 13 56.5
1950 Lou Groza, Cleveland.....................................................................................19 13 68.4
1949 Cliff Patton, Philadelphia ................................................................................18 9 50.0
Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles..........................................................................16 9 56.3
1948 Cliff Patton, Philadelphia ................................................................................12 8 66.7
1947 Ward Cuff, Green Bay ....................................................................................16 7 43.8
Pat Harder, Chi. Cardinals ..............................................................................10 7 70.0
Bob Waterfield, Los Angeles..........................................................................16 7 43.8
1946 Ted Fritsch, Green Bay...................................................................................17 9 52.9
1945 Joe Aguirre, Washington ...............................................................................13 7 53.8
1944 Ken Strong, N.Y. Giants..................................................................................12 6 50.0
1943 Ward Cuff, N.Y. Giants .....................................................................................9 3 33.3
Don Hutson, Green Bay ...................................................................................5 3 60.0
1942 Bill Daddio, Chi. Cardinals .............................................................................10 5 50.0
1941 Clarke Hinkle, Green Bay ...............................................................................14 6 42.9
1940 Clarke Hinkle, Green Bay ...............................................................................14 9 64.3
1939 Ward Cuff, N.Y. Giants ...................................................................................16 7 43.8
1938 Ward Cuff, N.Y. Giants .....................................................................................9 5 55.6
Ralph Kercheval, Brooklyn .............................................................................13 5 38.5
1937 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears.............................................................................. 8
1936 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears.............................................................................. 7
Armand Niccolai, Pittsburgh .......................................................................... 7
1935 Armand Niccolai, Pittsburgh .......................................................................... 6
Bill Smith, Chi. Cardinals ............................................................................... 6
1934 Jack Manders, Chi. Bears.............................................................................. 10
1933 *Jack Manders, Chi. Bears............................................................................ 6
Glenn Presnell, Portsmouth ........................................................................... 6
1932 Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth ...................................................................... 3
*First season of professional football.


Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. TD
2015 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC...................................327 1,485 4.5 11
Chris Ivory, N.Y. Jets, AFC .............................................247 1,070 4.3 7
2014 DeMarco Murray, Dallas, NFC........................................392 1,845 4.7 13
Le’Veon Bell, Pittsburgh, AFC ........................................290 1,361 4.7 8
2013 LeSean McCoy, Philadelphia, NFC .................................314 1,607 5.1 9
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, AFC .................................259 1,287 5.0 12
2012 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC...................................348 2,097 6.0 12
Jamaal Charles, Kansas City, AFC .................................285 1,509 5.3 5
2011 Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville, AFC.........................343 1,606 4.7 8
Michael Turner, Atlanta, NFC ..........................................301 1,340 4.5 11

2016 NFL Record & Fact Book 629

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. TD
2010 Arian Foster, Houston, AFC ............................................327 1,616 4.9 16
Michael Turner, Atlanta, NFC ..........................................334 1,371 4.1 12
2009 Chris Johnson, Tennessee, AFC.....................................358 2,006 5.6 14
Steven Jackson, St. Louis, NFC .....................................324 1,416 4.4 4
2008 Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC...................................363 1,760 4.9 10
Thomas Jones, N.Y. Jets, AFC .......................................290 1,312 4.5 13
2007 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, AFC ...........................315 1,474 4.7 15
*Adrian Peterson, Minnesota, NFC.................................238 1,341 5.6 12
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego, AFC ...........................348 1,815 5.2 28
Frank Gore, San Francisco, NFC.....................................312 1,695 5.4 8
2005 Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .......................................370 1,880 5.1 27
Larry Johnson, Kansas City, AFC...................................336 1,750 5.2 20
2004 Curtis Martin, N.Y. Jets, AFC .........................................371 1,697 4.6 12
Shaun Alexander, Seattle, NFC .......................................353 1,696 4.8 16
2003 Jamal Lewis, Baltimore, AFC .........................................387 2,066 5.3 14
Ahman Green, Green Bay, NFC ......................................355 1,883 5.3 15
2002 Ricky Williams, Miami, AFC...........................................383 1,853 4.8 16
Deuce McAllister, New Orleans, NFC..............................325 1,388 4.3 13
2001 Priest Holmes, Kansas City, AFC....................................327 1,555 4.8 8
Stephen Davis, Washington, NFC...................................356 1,432 4.0 5
2000 Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, AFC.................................387 1,709 4.4 13
Robert Smith, Minnesota, NFC ......................................295 1,521 5.2 7
1999 *Edgerrin James, Indianapolis, AFC...............................369 1,553 4.2 13
Stephen Davis, Washington, NFC...................................290 1,405 4.8 17
1998 Terrell Davis, Denver, AFC..............................................392 2,008 5.1 21
Jamal Anderson, Atlanta, NFC .......................................410 1,846 4.5 14
1997 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC...........................................335 2,053 6.1 11
Terrell Davis, Denver, AFC..............................................369 1,750 4.7 15
1996 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC...........................................307 1,553 5.1 11
Terrell Davis, Denver, AFC..............................................345 1,538 4.5 13
1995 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC.............................................377 1,773 4.7 25
*Curtis Martin, New England, AFC.................................368 1,487 4.0 14
1994 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC...........................................331 1,883 5.7 7
Chris Warren, Seattle, AFC ............................................333 1,545 4.6 9
1993 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC.............................................283 1,486 5.3 9
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .....................................355 1,315 3.7 6
1992 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC.............................................373 1,713 4.6 18
Barry Foster, Pittsburgh, AFC .........................................390 1,690 4.3 11
1991 Emmitt Smith, Dallas, NFC.............................................365 1,563 4.3 12
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .....................................288 1,407 4.9 7
1990 Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC...........................................255 1,304 5.1 13
Thurman Thomas, Buffalo, AFC .....................................271 1,297 4.8 11
1989 Christian Okoye, Kansas City, AFC.................................370 1,480 4.0 12
*Barry Sanders, Detroit, NFC.........................................280 1,470 5.3 14
1988 Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis, AFC ..................................388 1,659 4.3 14
Herschel Walker, Dallas, NFC.........................................361 1,514 4.2 5
1987 Charles White, L.A. Rams, NFC .....................................324 1,374 4.2 11
Eric Dickerson, Indianapolis, AFC ..................................223 1,011 4.5 5
1986 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, NFC ....................................404 1,821 4.5 11
Curt Warner, Seattle, AFC ..............................................319 1,481 4.6 13
1985 Marcus Allen, L.A. Raiders, AFC ....................................380 1,759 4.6 11
Gerald Riggs, Atlanta, NFC ............................................397 1,719 4.3 10
1984 Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, NFC ....................................379 2,105 5.6 14
Earnest Jackson, San Diego, AFC..................................296 1,179 4.0 8
1983 *Eric Dickerson, L.A. Rams, NFC ..................................390 1,808 4.6 18
*Curt Warner, Seattle, AFC ............................................335 1,449 4.3 13
1982 Freeman McNeil, N.Y. Jets, AFC .....................................151 786 5.2 6
Tony Dorsett, Dallas, NFC ..............................................177 745 4.2 5
1981 *George Rogers, New Orleans, NFC ..............................378 1,674 4.4 13
Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC.........................................361 1,376 3.8 10
1980 Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC.........................................373 1,934 5.2 13
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC .........................................317 1,460 4.6 6
1979 Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC.........................................368 1,697 4.6 19
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC .........................................369 1,610 4.4 14
1978 *Earl Campbell, Houston, AFC.......................................302 1,450 4.8 13
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC .........................................333 1,395 4.2 11
1977 Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC .........................................339 1,852 5.5 14
Mark van Eeghen, Oakland, AFC ....................................324 1,273 3.9 7
1976 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC............................................290 1,503 5.2 8
Walter Payton, Chicago, NFC .........................................311 1,390 4.5 13
1975 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC............................................329 1,817 5.5 16
Jim Otis, St. Louis, NFC ................................................269 1,076 4.0 5

630 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book

Year Player, Team Att. Yards Avg. TD
1974 Otis Armstrong, Denver, AFC .........................................263 1,407 5.3 9
Lawrence McCutcheon, Los Angeles, NFC.....................236 1,109 4.7 3
1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC............................................332 2,003 6.0 12
John Brockington, Green Bay, NFC ................................265 1,144 4.3 3
1972 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo, AFC............................................292 1,251 4.3 6
Larry Brown, Washington, NFC......................................285 1,216 4.3 8
1971 Floyd Little, Denver, AFC................................................284 1,133 4.0 6
*John Brockington, Green Bay, NFC ..............................216 1,105 5.1 4
1970 Larry Brown, Washington, NFC......................................237 1,125 4.7 5
Floyd Little, Denver, AFC................................................209 901 4.3 3
1969 Gale Sayers, Chicago, NFL ............................................236 1,032 4.4 8
Dickie Post, San Diego, AFL ..........................................182 873 4.8 6
1968 Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, NFL............................................248 1,239 5.0 16
*Paul Robinson, Cincinnati, AFL ....................................238 1,023 4.3 8
1967 Jim Nance, Boston, AFL ................................................269 1,216 4.5 7
Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, NFL............................................235 1,205 5.1 11
1966 Jim Nance, Boston, AFL ................................................299 1,458 4.9 11
Gale Sayers, Chicago, NFL ............................................229 1,231 5.4 8
1965 Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL............................................289 1,544 5.3 17
Paul Lowe, San Diego, AFL ...........................................222 1,121 5.0 7
1964 Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL............................................280 1,446 5.2 7
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, AFL ........................................230 981 4.3 6
1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL............................................291 1,863 6.4 12
Clem Daniels, Oakland, AFL...........................................215 1,099 5.1 3
1962 Jim Taylor, Green Bay, NFL ............................................272 1,474 5.4 19
Cookie Gilchrist, Buffalo, AFL ........................................214 1,096 5.1 13
1961 Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL............................................305 1,408 4.6 8
Billy Cannon, Houston, AFL ...........................................200 948 4.7 6
1960 Jim Brown, Cleveland, NFL............................................215 1,257 5.8 9
*Abner Haynes, Dall. Texans, AFL .................................156 875 5.6 9
1959 Jim Brown, Cleveland....................................................290 1,329 4.6 14
1958 Jim Brown, Cleveland....................................................257 1,527 5.9 17
1957 *Jim Brown, Cleveland..................................................202 942 4.7 9
1956 Rick Casares, Chi. Bears ...............................................234 1,126 4.8 12
1955 *Alan Ameche, Baltimore ..............................................213 961 4.5 9
1954 Joe Perry, San Francisco ...............................................173 1,049 6.1 8
1953 Joe Perry, San Francisco ...............................................192 1,018 5.3 10
1952 Dan Towler, Los Angeles ...............................................156 894 5.7 10
1951 Eddie Price, N.Y. Giants .................................................271 971 3.6 7
1950 Marion Motley, Cleveland...............................................140 810 5.8 3
1949 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia........................................263 1,146 4.4 11
1948 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia........................................201 945 4.7 10
1947 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia........................................217 1,008 4.6 13
1946 Bill Dudley, Pittsburgh....................................................146 604 4.1 3
1945 Steve Van Buren, Philadelphia........................................143 832 5.8 15
1944 Bill Paschal, N.Y. Giants .................................................196 737 3.8 9
1943 *Bill Paschal, N.Y. Giants ...............................................147 572 3.9 10
1942 *Bill Dudley, Pittsburgh..................................................162 696 4.3 5
1941 Clarence (Pug) Manders, Brooklyn ................................111 486 4.4 5
1940 Byron (Whizzer) White, Detroit.......................................146 514 3.5 5
1939 *Bill Osmanski, Chicago................................................121 699 5.8 7
1938 *Byron (Whizzer) White, Pittsburgh .....................

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