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1. About it
1. Cover
2. Chapters
1. Page 1
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70. Chapter 70
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73. Chapter 73
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77. Chapter 77
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89. Chapter 89
90. Chapter 90
91. Chapter 91
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93. Chapter 93
94. Chapter 94
95. Chapter 95
96. Chapter 96
97. Chapter 97
98. Chapter 98
99. Chapter 99
100. Chapter 100
101. Chapter 101
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103. Chapter 103
104. Chapter 104
105. Chapter 105
106. Chapter 106
107. Chapter 107
108. Chapter 108
109. Chapter 109
110. Chapter 110
111. Chapter 111
112. Chapter 112
113. Chapter 113
114. Chapter 114
115. Chapter 115
116. Chapter 116
117. Chapter 117
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120. Chapter 120
121. Chapter 121
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125. Chapter 125
126. Chapter 126
127. Chapter 127
128. Chapter 128
129. Chapter 129
130. Chapter 130
131. Chapter 131
132. Chapter 132
133. Chapter 133
134. Chapter 134
135. Chapter 135
136. Chapter 136
137. Chapter 137
138. Chapter 138
139. Chapter 139
140. Chapter 140
141. Chapter 141
142. Chapter 142
143. Chapter 143
144. Chapter 144
145. Chapter 145
146. Chapter 146
147. Chapter 147
148. Chapter 148
149. Chapter 149
150. Chapter 150
151. Chapter 151
152. Chapter 152
153. Chapter 153
154. Chapter 154
155. Chapter 155
156. Chapter 156
157. Chapter 157
158. Chapter 158
159. Chapter 159
160. Chapter 160
161. Chapter 161
162. Chapter 162
163. Chapter 163
164. Chapter 164
165. Chapter 165
166. Chapter 166
167. Chapter 167
168. Chapter 168
169. Chapter 169
170. Chapter 170
171. Chapter 171
172. Chapter 172
173. Chapter 173
174. Chapter 174
175. Chapter 175
176. Chapter 176
177. Chapter 177
178. Chapter 178
179. Chapter 179
180. Chapter 180
181. Chapter 181
182. Chapter 182
183. Chapter 183
184. Chapter 184
185. Chapter 185
186. Chapter 186
187. Chapter 187
188. Extra 1
189. Extra 2
190. Extra 3
191. Extra 4
192. Extra 5
193. Extra 6
194. Extra 7
195. Extra 8
196. Extra 9
197. Extra 10
198. Extra 11
199. Extra 12
200. Extra 13
201. Xiaofanwai 2 [xiaofanwai 1]
202. Two small fans [little fanwai 2]
Completed - 2020 - - English


Thousand Autumns: page 1
"Chiaki" Author: mengxi stone


Yan Wushi was a person who came from the **** sea of corpses.

He didn't believe in human nature, and he didn't believe that there would
be justice and righteousness in this world, and he didn't want to give back
to people who care about others.

One day, Xuandu Shanzhang, known as the first gate in the world, taught
Shen Zhe to fight with people, but he fell down a cliff for some reason.

Yan Wushi just passed by from below.

Seeing Shen Yan, who was seriously injured, he suddenly came up with a
brilliant idea ...

After Chiaki, who can be immortal?

CP: Neuropathy X Beauty Taoist Sufferers

Content Tag: 缘 缘 邂逅

Search Keywords: Protagonist: Shen Yan, Yan Wushi

Editor's review

After autumn, who can be immortal? Yan Wushi was a person who came
from the **** sea of corpses. He didn't believe in human nature, and he
didn't believe that there would be justice and righteousness in this world,
and he didn't want to give back to people who care about others. One day,
Xuandu Shanzhang, known as the first gate in the world, taught Shen Zhe
to fight with people, but he fell down a cliff for some reason. Yan Wushi
just passed by from below. Seeing Shen Yan, who was seriously injured, he
suddenly came up with a brilliant idea ...

Not everyone can change their original mind. This is the price of human
growth in the text. Yan Wushi is a martial arts lunatic who is pursuing the
highest realm of martial arts and wants to do whatever he wants, while
Shen treats likes and dislikes clearly, does not want to see wars and
conflicts, and the people are displaced, but he is willing to do his part to
save the world. The shaping of the protagonist is well-intentioned, full and
cruel, and can't help but look forward to how these two people can help the
Emperor Yuwen to create a prosperous world.

Chapter 1

Banbufeng, as the name suggests, is a square footstep forward, half a step

ahead is the cliff of ten thousand feet, with strange rocks standing above it,
different woods growing, its fog underneath, the ghosts stand up, it is
dangerous, the world is not connected.

In front of the cliff, there is another peak called Regret Peak, but it is a bit
more steep than the half-step peak. The wall is thousands of thousands like
a knife, as if there is no place to stand. Even if it is a little green, it is also
a root stone. In addition, without the soil, people are shuddering and regret
that they should not climb this peak. This is where the name of regret
comes from.

Between the two peaks, there is a heaven. From the top to the bottom, the
sea of clouds is stagnant. I do n’t know the depth or depth. I can still hear
thirsty tigers rushing and the sound of continuous water. Ordinary
widowers and hunters are still afraid to climb. Here, I am afraid that some
people will be born with a lot of emotions.

However, at the bottom of the cliff under the clouds, between the river and
the mountain wall, there was a narrow, rugged, rocky road formed by
strange rock bases. At this time, two people walked one on top of the other.

The river is turbulent and gallops away. The waves roll up from time to
time and slap on wet and slippery stones. People are slightly careless when
walking on it. Even if they do n’t fall into the river, they will be wet with
clothes splashed by the river. Lean your body inward as much as possible,
and you will encounter steep and steep stone walls with raised and sharp
stone surfaces. In short, it must be left and right, embarrassed. It is
impossible to be as elegant and elegant as the two in front of you.

"I heard that 20 years ago, Qi Zhenren of Xuandu Mountain was here to
regret the peak and defeat of Turk's No. 1 master Hulu, forcing him to take
an oath not to enter the Central Plains for 20 years. Unfortunately, his
disciples were still young Young, no chance to see, presumably that battle
must be wonderful. "

The talking young man followed, and the two were not fast or slow, but
they kept three steps away.

The person in front has a small pace and a laid-back attitude, which is
really like walking on the ground. The young people behind are slightly
larger in pace. Even if they look like a fairy, if they are compared, it is not
difficult to find the slight difference.

Yan Wushi chuckled: "Looking at the world, Qi Fengge was indeed the
first person at that time. Fox Deer can't help it. It takes its own humiliation
and can't blame others. But Qi Fengge is holding the clear shelf of the door
and refuses to die Hand, but what 20-year covenant is to be made, besides
burying the troubles of Xuandu Mountain, how can it help? "

Yu Shengyan was curious: "Master, is the Hulu's martial arts really high?"

Yan Wushi: "I'm fighting with him now, and I can't win it."

"It's so powerful ?!" Yu Sheng was so horrified that he naturally

understood how great Master ’s skill was. That Hulu estimates that he
could get the evaluation of Yan Wushi. This must also be a fairly horrible
level. Line up.

Yan Wushi said lightly: "Otherwise, why would I say that Qi Fengge left
endless troubles for his disciples and grandchildren? Twenty years ago,
Hulu estimates that although slightly less than Qi Fengge, this gap, within
20 years, It is not inevitable that Qifeng Pavilion is dead now, and there is
no second Qifeng Pavilion in Xuandu Mountain. "

Yu Shengyan sighed softly: "Yeah, Qi Zhenren got on board five years


Yan Wushi: "Who is Xuandushan's current teacher?"

Yu Shengyan: "I am a disciple of Qi Fengge, whose name is Shen Yan."

Yan Wushi didn't respond to the name. He had only dealt with Qi Fengge
once, that was twenty-five years ago, when Shen Zheng was just accepted
as a disciple by Qi Fengge.

Although Xuandushan is known as "the first door in the world," Yan

Wushi, who has just been out of customs for ten years now, sees that no
one is worthy of Xuandushan except his Qifeng Pavilion.

Unfortunately Qi Fengge is dead.

Seeing Master ’s enthusiasm, Yu Shengyan said: "I heard that the disciples
who are estimated by Hulu are the first masters of Turks today, Zuo Xian
and Wang Kunxie. Today, they should also regret the appointment on the
summit of the mountain. Shame of that year, may Master go and take a
look? "

Yan Wushi said, "I have been in retreat for more than ten years. In addition
to the death of Qi Fengge, what else happened?"

Yu Shengyan thought about it: "Soon after your retreat, Qi Guoxin

Emperor Gao Wei ascended to the throne. This person was delayed and
extravagant. In ten years, Qi Guo's national strength declined sharply.
Hearing that Zhou Diyu Wenyu was conspiring to conquer, I was afraid
that How long it will take for the North to be merged by the Zhou State. "

"After the death of Qi Fengge, the rankings of the top ten masters in the
world have also changed. Among them, Qingcheng Mountain's pure sun
view is easy to clear the dust, Master Zhou Guoxueting, and the master of
the Linchuan Academy, Ruyi Kehui, are recognized as the top three in the
world. These three Personally, they represent the three schools of Taoism,
Buddhism, and Confucianism. "

"However, some people have said that Tuyuhun ’s wise men should be
among the top three, and Hulu estimates that if he has improved in the past
20 years, if he re-enters the Central Plains this time, maybe he will win the
world first. Unfortunately, he is a Turkic, and the Central Plains Martial
Arts still has some fears. "

Having said that, Master Yu Shengyan saw that Master was still moving
forward, and could not help but persuade him, "Master, today the Kun
Xuan treaty Shen Shen, it must be another rare wonderful event. Shen Yan
this person lives in a simple and simple way, since Since taking control of
the Xuandu Purple House, he has been less engaged with people, because
his master Qi Fengge is so famous, he is also ranked among the top ten in
the world. If you want to see the history of Xuandu Mountain, you must
not miss it today. Right now, I regret the peak, I am afraid that it is already
full of masters who come to watch the war! "

"Do you think I came here today to watch the battle?" Yan Wushi finally

Yu Shengyan was a little hesitant: "What does Master mean?"

When he worshiped under Yan Wushi, he was only in his early sevens.
Three years later, Yan Wushi and Clan Yuzong, Cui Youhui, lost in a battle
and were wounded. This was a decade.

In the past ten years, although Yu Shengyan continued to practice

according to Yan Wushi's account, he also traveled a lot. He entered this
country is not what it used to be, and has already become one of the top
masters in the world. However, after all, the master and apprentice have
not seen it for ten years. Coupled with the increasingly unpredictable
realm of Yan Wushi, Yu Shengyan's feeling of awe became deeper and
deeper, so that the chic and unpretentious manner in front of other people
would become untidy in the presence of Master.
Yan Wushi held his hand and said in a light tone: "I have already seen the
battle between Qi Fengge and Hulu. Shen Yun and Kun Xie are both their
apprentices, and they are still young. Even if they are more powerful, they
will not be able to surpass Qi Huer. The grand occasion of people. I
brought you here because of the turbulent water flow, the rugged terrain,
the upper reaches of the heavens, the lower reaches of the earth, and the
best practice to understand. When I was retreating, I had no time to take
care of you. It's impossible to let you linger on your current advancement.
You will stay here before you realize the fifth weight of Feng Lin Yuan
Dian. "

Yu Shengyan suddenly felt a bit grieved. Although he has been walking

outside in the past ten years, he actually dared not slack off in practice for
a day, but now in his early twenties, the "Feng Lin Yuan Dian" has been
trained to the fourth level, and it is also regarded as a river and lake. The
younger generation has a number of masters, and is consciously more
satisfied. Who knows the Master ’s mouth, but it seems to have nothing to

It seemed to be aware of the emotions of the other party, and Yan Wushi's
mouth twirled a taunting smile: "I have already broken through the sixth
weight at your age. What do you have to be proud of, compared with those
little fish and shrimp? Why not compare with me? "

Although the two stars are white, this does not hinder his charm. Jun Ya's
appearance is more and more inseparable because of the smile.

As soon as the white robes were blown by the wind, people still remained
motionless. Just by standing there with a negative hand, there was already
an intangible gas field and deterrence that was arrogant to the world. It
was extremely stressful.

Yusheng Yan, who was standing opposite him, felt a suffocation from his
face at this moment, forcing him to take two steps back, sincerely fearing,
"Master respects the Wizards, how dare you compare with you!"

Yan Wushi: "Hello over you by your best means. I want to see your
progress over the years."
Since leaving the customs, Yu Shengyan has not been tested in martial
arts, and hesitated to hear the words, and he was eager to try, but when he
saw the impatience flashing on Yan Wushi's face, the only trace of
hesitation also disappeared. Exhausted.

"Then disciple will be rude!" The words of the voice fell off, he moved
freely, his clothes rose, and he didn't see how to move, and his body was
near Yan Wushi.

Yu Shengyan raised his sleeves and raised his palm. In the eyes of others,
his movements were powerless, just like the flowers on a spring day and
the dust on a summer night, fluttering without a trace of fireworks.

However, when you are in it, you can feel that with his palm coming out,
within three feet of his center, the trees and trees move, the river flows
against the current, the waves are violent, the foam is rushing, and the air
is surging. Xiang Yan without a teacher!
Thousand Autumns: page 2
However, this stream of overwhelming river air came to Yan Wushi, but it
seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and they went to the sides.

He still stood there, not even shaking his figure, until Yu Shengyan's palms
came to his eyes, Fang Ping stretched out a finger.

Just one finger, no more.

It is this finger that condenses Yu Shengyan's offensive in the air.

Yu Shengyan only felt the palm he took, and the wind suddenly returned in
full. The face was backwashed by several times more powerful than just
his own, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

This retreat took a dozen steps back!

Until standing on the stone, he was still a little surprised: "Thank you
Master for your mercy!"

With his palm, few people can look at the rivers and lakes, and Yu Yuyan
has always been complacent.

However, with only one finger, Yan Wushi forced him to withdraw

Fortunately, Master is testing his advance. He did not chase after victory.
If he changed the enemy ...

Thinking of this, Yu Shengyan could not help but start a cold sweat, and
never dared to be complacent.

To achieve the goal, Yan Wushi knew that he was alert, and did not intend
to say more: "I would not waste your superior qualifications. I will go to
Turk in a few days. After you realize the fifth priority here, if nothing
happens, Just go to your brother and don't wander more. "
Yu Shengyan responded respectfully: "Yes."

Yan Wushi: "The scenery here is amazing. Few people come here. I don't
need to visit if you want to visit it ..."

Before I finished speaking, there was a movement above my head not far
away, and the two looked at the sound, and they saw one fell off from the
top, broke a heavy branch, and finally fell directly at the bottom of the
cliff. Even jade smoke could not help whispering.

Falling from such a high mountain, even if it is a congenital master, I am

afraid it is difficult to save my life?

What's more, this person will definitely not fall off the cliff for no reason,
it must be caused by serious injuries.

"Master?" He looked at Yan Wushi and asked.

"Look over there." Yan Wushi said.

The other side of the robe was damaged in many places. It was thought
that it was struck by the stone wall when it fell down. The bloodstains and
blood were crisscrossed, the flesh was blurred, and the original appearance
was not obvious.

People are unconscious and unconscious. Even the sword in their hands
cannot be grasped. At the same time, the sword is not far away.

"I'm afraid that many bones in the whole body are broken." Yu Sheng Yan
frowned for a while, regretful, and touched his pulse again, feeling as if he
was still alive.

However, even if such a person comes to life, he is afraid of death.

After all, Yu Shengyan is from Mozong, no matter how young he is, he has
limited kindness, so even if he has a big body at this moment, he has no
intention of taking it out to serve him.

"Master, today is the day of Shen Yue's covenant with Kun Xie. This
person fell from above. Could it be ..."

Yan Wushi came over, instead of looking at people, he picked up his sword

The sword front was cold and unscathed, unscathed, reflecting the mist of
the river, and there seemed to be ripples, and there were four small carcass
near the sword handle.

Yu Shengyan came over and took a look, and said, "The mountains and
rivers are the same as the sword of sorrow! This is the sabre that Xuandu
Zifu teaches. This man really is Shen Yan!"

Looking at Shen Yan, who was seriously injured, he felt incredible: "Qi
Fengge is the world's first martial artist. Shen Ye is his disciple and takes
control of Xuandu Mountain. How can this not be possible?"

Yu Shengyan squatted in front of Shen Zhen, frowning: "Is Kun Xie's

martial arts already out of blue, surpassing his master Hulu's estimate?"

In other words, when any one of Xuandushan fell down, Yan Wushi had no
interest in looking at it again, but with an additional identity as a teacher,
Shen Yun was different after all.

He threw that mountain and river with the sword of sadness to Yu

Shengyan, and looked at Shen Yan's unrecognizable face for a moment,
suddenly showing an unknown smile.

"First take out Dan Huandan and serve him."

The author has something to say:

Accept the attack, but the attack is the first to come out (but it ’s
impossible to say that there is no flesh even under the neck and it is
impossible to describe the meaning of insisting to distinguish between
attack and acceptance)
And note that this attack is not correct. It is a neuropathy. Please bear with
him a heart of love for mental patients (what a ghost ...)

Then the king meow knows what you want to ask, and I can answer you
now: this, times, no, yes, back, scene, board, now!

chapter 2

It is impossible for Yan Wushi to go back with a seriously wounded person

on his back, even if this person is the teacher of Xuandushan.

Some disciples were obedient to their labors, so this task fell on Yu


Huan Yuezong has a villa in Funing County near Banbufeng. Shen Jian's
whole body bones are almost broken. It is not easy to walk with such a
person. Be careful not to make him hurt more. Rao is a light step for Yu
Shengyan. The law was first-rate, and it took almost an hour to arrive at

Yan Wushi took a step ahead, and now he was drinking tea with pleasure.

"Master, do you really want to save Shen Ye?" After Yu Shengyan settled
the person, he came back to his life.

"You don't think it's worth saving?" Yan Wushi asked.

"His veins were broken, and his bones were broken in many places. Of
course, there are still one or two in his internal interest, but even if he
survives, Wugong is hard to recover, let alone his head was broken when
he fell. Then, maybe I woke up and became a fool! "

Yan Wushi smiled slightly, but his smile was not warm: "Qi Fengge's
apprentice, Xuandu Shan's teaching, dedication to Niu Er, commanded the
world, supreme glory, and was defeated. Dushan, it ’s impossible to be a
teacher. When he wakes up, he knows his situation and how he feels? "

Yu Shengyan booed: "It's true. Ordinary people can't accept this kind of
difference, let alone the arrogant son Shen Shen. The higher you stand, the
worse you fall!"

He immediately wondered: "But then again, since Shen Zhen is a disciple

of Qi Fengge and can take over Xuandu Mountain, ranking among the top
ten in the world, martial arts must be extraordinary. Even if Kun Xie can
defeat him, how can he defeat him like this? Misfortune? Isn't Kun Xie's
martial arts even higher than the Hulu then? "

Yan Wushi smiled again: "This question, when Shen Min wakes up, if he
has not become a fool, you can ask him."

Yu Shengyan found that Master Shi ’s mood seemed very good since she
picked up Shen Yan, and she laughed more often than before.

However, this will not allow him to have the illusion that the Master met
each other for the first time.

He asked tentatively: "Master saves Shen Yun, do you want Xuandu Shan
to owe us a favor?"

Yan Wushi, Rao Fuxing, said: "If he died after defeat, it was a hundred
dollars, but when he woke up, he found that he was not only dead, but also
lost everything he had before. He was seriously injured, his veins were
broken, and his martial arts were lost. What is the feeling in my heart? The
higher the weight, the more he can't accept such a blow, and he will
inevitably collapse from this mentality. At that time, I will put him back in
the door, and I will have the former way of life and the heart of Xuandu
Shan palm Is n’t it a very interesting thing to teach and slowly tune into a
magical disciple in the eyes of the world? "

Yu Shengyan was stunned: "... what if he becomes a fool?"

Yan Wushi wrote lightly: "Then just find a place and bury it alive."

Yu Shengyan hesitated: "Master, Shen Yan has a special identity. Why

don't we use him to exchange a favor with Xuandushan? It is for the sake
of Xuandushan's reputation that they will not be allowed to leave their own
teachings out stop?"
Yan Wushi was a little stunned, and instead replaced with big disciple
Bian Yanmei, he would never ask such childish and ridiculous questions.
Yu Shengyan was still too tender.

However, he was in a good mood today, and he did not hesitate to answer:
"You also know that Shen Zhen is among the top ten in the world. Even
though he is in the top ten, few people have seen him, but where can he
take over the mantle of Qi Fengge? After all, Kun Xie is not a fox deer. In
the realm of congenital masters, even if Shen Ye defeats Kun Xie, it is not
difficult to retreat from his whole body. Why would he fall into such a
situation? "

After all, Yu Shengyan wasn't stupid, and he heard the words and said,
"What must have happened here. If it happened inside Xuandu Mountain,
even if we hand over Shen Wei, the other party may not recognize it. It's
very possible that people's feelings were not obtained, but they were
stained. "

After all, it was not hopeless. Yan Wushi glanced at him: "With me, Huan
Yuezong doesn't have to look at anyone's face, and he doesn't have to
change any kind of human relationship."

Although Shen Yan's identity is special, to him, it is nothing more than a


These words are extremely domineering, but today Yan Wushi does have
the capital to say such words.

Ten years ago, he fought with the Lord of the Demon Cui Yourui. Although
he was defeated and wounded, Cui Yourui was not innocent. At that time,
Cui Youwan's skill was unfathomable, and he was on a par with Qi Fengge.
There is no rival.
Thousand Autumns: Page 3
Ten years later, Cui Youli and Qi Fengge were both dead, but Yan Wushi
went to the next level because he broke through the ninth level of the
"Feng Lin Yuan Dian". Although the skill has not been known for a while,
it is not always It will be lower than ten years ago.

If you know today, he has few people who reproduced the rivers and lakes,
otherwise I'm afraid it will be more lively.

Maybe the world's top ten will be re-ranked.

Thinking of this, Yusheng Yan's heart was hot and a little excited: "When
you closed the retreat, Hehuazong came to trouble in three days and two
ends. The disciples had a fight with Sang Jingxing once and were injured.
Wandering outside for so many years, thankfully your old man is back ... "

The magic gate that outsiders call is actually just a general term.

The first magic gate refers to the Sun and Moon Sect of Sun Moon
Mountain in Fenglinzhou. Later, the Sun and Moon Sect was divided into
three, and it became Huan Yue Sect, Acacia Sect and Fajing Sect.
Although the three belong to the Demon Gate, they are also face and heart

Ten years ago, after Yan Wushi closed the retreat, he saw that Huan
Yuezong had no heads. He Huanzong wanted to join Huan Yuezong
together, but there were not many disciples under the gate of Huan
Yuezong. Low-key, secretly made a lot of trouble for the Acacia ancestors.

They offset each other, and Acacia did not take much advantage.

On the contrary, Yusheng Yan was the youngest and youngest, and suffered
a few losses.

Now that Yan Wushi is out of the customs, everyone in Huan Yuezong is
like a mother's child at last, naturally rejoicing.
Yan Wushi said: "Shen Yun's injuries are usually not taken care of by
people. You stay here for a few days until he wakes up, then return to the
half-step peak. Be sure to enlighten the fifth place in" Feng Lin Yuan Dian
". . "

Yu Shengyan respectfully responded: "Disciple obey."


Shen Yan was very injured, but most of the scars on his face were
scratched when he fell. After clearing the blood and water, his original
appearance was revealed.

Even if there is a scar on the face, a circle of gauze is still wrapped on the
head, which still does not damage its beauty. No matter the curvature of
the bridge of the nose or the tight lips, there is a bit of abstinence and
indifference, which is very in line with the minds of others about
Xuandushan Taoist priests. Cannibal fireworks impression.

It's not hard to imagine the icing on the cake when these eyes open.

Yu Shengyan can be accepted as a disciple by Yan Wushi. Naturally it is

impossible to look ugly. He has traveled the world and has seen a lot of
extraordinary beauties. However, facing Shen Shen's bruised face, he still
appeared for a while. God just picked up the ointment and started to give
him medicine, while secretly regretting it.

Even if the broken bones can be continued and the meridians can be
connected, the severely damaged internal organs are not so easy to repair,
let alone the damage is greatly reduced. I am afraid that it will be worse
than ordinary people in the future. Then think about the hard work of
martial arts that you have lost all night. In the scene, Yu Shengyan felt
unable to imagine and accept it. When he moved to another place, Shen
Yan was only stimulated more than he did.

Pity. Yu Shengyan looked at each other's pale and scarlet face and shook
his head secretly.
The reason why Yan Wushi would save his life was only out of a
momentary whim. After people rescued him, everything became the
responsibility of Yu Shengyan. He never asked anything.

Funing County is a small county. No one originally patronized, but

because of the battle of Banbufeng, many people in the rivers and lakes
have come down from Banbufeng in the past few days and stopped
overnight in Funing County. I can hear a lot of news when I go out.

For example, Shen Ye and Kun Xie were very exciting in the first battle.
Unfortunately, Shen Ye is not Qi Fengge after all, and it is far away from
his division. Although Kun Xie is not as good as his division Fox Deer, but
his talents are very good. , Was also shot down the cliff, no bones left.

Before that, I heard that Kun Xie Da La La sent a battle post to Shen Ying.
Many people filled it with indignation and eager to try to frustrate the
Turks. However, after this battle, I saw even Xuandu Shan teach. All were
defeated, and those who originally wanted to take the lead naturally
retreated and dared not to **** their edge.

After this battle, Kun Xie's fame rose, and he has replaced Shen Zhen as
one of the top ten in the world. It is said that this time he came to Central
Plains, he will continue to challenge the Central Plains masters. The next
goal is likely to be Zhou Guo's Xueting Master.

Since the Jin people moved to the south and the place was wild and
chaotic, there has never been a unified situation in the world. Now there
are Zhou and Qi in the north and the Chen dynasty in the south. Turks and
Tuyuhun have their own borders and vast land. Separation and separation
of the Taoist portal.

As the head of the Taoist gate, Xuandushan has maintained its neutrality
since Qi Fengge, and has no involvement in secular power. Now Shen Kun
is defeated by Kun Xie, his life and death are unknown, Xuandushan still
does not know who will succeed, and the successor will not know whether
Continue the position of the previous generation.
As the protagonist at the center of the whirlpool, Shen Yan has been lying
on the couch, letting Yu Shengyan and his subordinates change clothes for
him every day, ignorance, grief, and optimism. He doesn't know what
happened outside.

It wasn't until half a month later that he made the first move.

Yu Shengyan, who was hurriedly invited by the subordinates, looked at

Shen Yan and slowly opened his eyes.

"You have been seriously injured and the broken bones have not yet grown.
It is best not to move around."

The other side frowned slightly, his lips moved a little, and seemed to want
to say something.

Don't you really become a fool?

Yu Sheng thought for a moment, and asked, "Do you remember your

The opponent blinked slowly, then slowly shook his head, the arc was
slightly negligible.

Amnesia? It is normal, after all, his head was so severely injured. Yu

Shengyan still remembers the day when Shen Ying was just backed. A
deep and long gap on the back of his head can almost see the deep bones

"This dear ..." The other side spoke very hard, and he had to get closer to
hear it clearly. "It's dark in my eyes, and Xu can't see anything ..."

Yu Shengyan couldn't help but be startled. Dare to become a fool, but a

blind man?

The author has something to say:

1. Appearance and age, don't worry about this. Look at the traditional
martial arts of Mr. Jin, Huang Yaoshi is in his 50s and 60s, and he still
looks so handsome, not to mention the background of this article is a
martial art with a little fantasy It is not a problem to have a hundred-year-
old appearance.

2. This article has a real historical background. Many Mengmeng should

see it. This is the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, probably
around 575 AD. Of course, the story is fictional.

3. Isn't the beautiful beauty of the hee hee hee hee cute? [Yan Wushi:
Right, very cute. Shen Yun: Director, can I apply not to play with
neurosis? Yan Wushi: No. Shen Yan: ...]

Chapter 3

"Your name is Shen Yan. I was a disciple under the yue yue yue sect. I was
seriously injured for some reason. Fortunately, I passed by and found that I
was rescued by you in time. The enemies who hurt you were Acacia. First
took you to run, wait for you to heal the wounds, and then seek revenge on
them after the martial arts recovered. "

Yu Shengyan was talking **** seriously, and Shen Ye actually listened


The last question: "So ... how should I call you?"

Yusheng Yan: "My surname is Jade, Yusheng Yan is your brother."

This statement is really heartbroken. Yu Shengyan is in his early twenties

this year. Although Shen Ye's appearance is not obvious, he is a disciple of
Qi Fengge and has been in charge of Xuandushan for five years. How can
he be smaller than Yu Shengyan.

Yu Shengyan apparently bullies others and can't see them. He deliberately

takes advantage of the title.

Shen Ye also obediently called, "Hello Brother."

"..." Looking at him with a good look, Yu Shengyan felt inexplicably dim.
He gave a haha: "Good, since you can't get up yet, it's good to lie down and
heal the wounds. When the wounds are healed, I'll take you to see Master

Shen Yun: "OK."

He closed his eyes and opened them again a short while later, his eyes
were slack because he lost focus, and his eyes were lost: "Brother ...?"

"Is there anything else?" Yu Shengyan confessed to pity Xiangxiang and

jade, and it was a pity to see the situation again. It was also a pity that the
leader of the world ’s Taoist teaching fell to such a field. When he was in
charge of the other party, when his skills were full, I do not know what
kind of manners.

Shen Yun: "I want to drink some water ..."

Yu Shengyan: "Don't drink water first, it will be ready when you get the
medicine. You have to drink the medicine as water now."

Immediately after the words were spoken, the girl-in-law came over
holding the medicine soup. I wonder if it was because she had just made
up a life for Shen Ye, and stirred up the precious guilt of Yu Shengyan. He
scooped up his neck with a pillow and fed him a spoonful of medicine

Although Shen Quan ’s bones were not broken, they were still intact. In
addition, his veins were severely damaged, his vitality was almost cut off,
and he was able to wake up within a month. He had already entrusted him
with a good foundation, and now he is not lying. For at least three months,
don't expect to move.

Yu Shengyan worshiped under Yan Wushi's door. Although he had suffered

from practice, he was always extravagant in his practice. He was not
inferior to his family in terms of eating and wearing, not to mention giving
medicine to himself, and being careful. Occasionally, some spilled on
Shen Ye's placket, but Shen Ye still fed a spoonful and a spoonful without
revealing any dissatisfaction. After drinking the medicine, he showed a
grateful smile to him: "Thank you, brother."

Gentle and obedient, handsome.

Even though the arc of this smile is not large, it is enough to warm the
pale face, and the maidservant blushes quietly, and looks away.

He didn't ask anything, but Yu Shengyan was a little strange. When he

woke up, he couldn't remember anything. He was blind and injured. He
couldn't even get a bed.

"Why don't you ask me when you can recover from your injury?"

"Master and brother are here, you must be running around for my business,
exhausting and exhausting." Shen Min coughed a few times, and the
wound frowned because he was involved. "If I asked, wouldn't it hurt your
heart more?"
Thousand Autumns: Page 4
It seems that I have never seen such a person who is so considerate and
considerate of others, or maybe because there is a little bit of imagination
in front of his face, Yu Shengyan was speechless for a while, I do n’t know
what to say, and halfway said: "Then you are so restful, I I wo n’t bother
you, I will come back and give you medicine tomorrow. "

Shen Ye: "Thank you, Brother, and ask Brother to say hello to his elders on
my behalf."

"I will." Yu Shengyan suddenly felt embarrassed when he continued to

stay. He felt his nose, left the sentence, and left.

He had some doubts as to whether Shen Yi's memory loss was pretending
to be foolish, but since that day, he has visited Shen Yi almost every day.
The other person is as gentle, optimistic, and grateful to Yu Shengyan as
he was when he was awake for the first time.

What Yu Shengyan said, he took it all, without doubt, as good as a blank

piece of paper.

After being able to get out of bed a little, Shen Zhen also proposed to
thank "Master" Yan Wushi personally.


If Yu Shengyan didn't remind him, Yan Wushi almost forgot Shen Shen's

Ten years of retreat, the world has changed a lot, not just a word or two in
the mouth of others.

There are many schools in the world, each with its own supporting forces
and regimes.
The Gao clan of Qi Guo was absurd, and the emperors of previous
generations also loved to get close to Mozong. In the generation of Gao
Wei, he walked very close to Hehuan Zong, and Hehuan Zong soared in Qi
Kingdom. In the Zhou Dynasty, the former Yuwen guarded In politics, he
respected the Buddha, so Master Xueting was also respected as the Great
Zhou Master, but later Yu Wenji became the governor, and the wind
changed. The emperor did not believe or believe in the Buddha, and even
ordered a ban on the Buddha and the Taoism. Not as good as before.

As for the Chen Dynasty in the south, headed by the Confucian Linchuan
Academy, the master of the palace, Ru Yi Kehui, assisted Chen, and was
deeply respected.

Before Yan Wushi had closed the retreat, he had served as an official in
Zhou State in another level of status-assisting Lu Wengong, Yu Wenyu at
the time. Later, he fought with Cui Youli and was injured far away. Before
leaving, he also explained that the great disciple Bian Yanmei stayed
beside Yu Wenxuan.

Now that he re-exits the customs, he naturally has to go to the Zhou

Kingdom to visit Yu Wenyu, who has already become king and regained
power from Yuwen Hu.

In the past few years, the Northern Zhou Dynasty has grown step by step,
but it is not welcomed by other countries. Not only that, even the three
gates of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and the Emperor Zhou were
not close to each other. Da Zhou opened a forum to receive disciples.

It is against this background that Wan Yuezong is close to supporting Yu

Wenzhang, and Yu Wenzhang also needs Wan Yuezong to maintain his

After meeting with Yu Wenzhang, Yan Wushi left Beizhou and took a trip
to Xuandu Mountain by the way. He then met with the first Turkic master
Kun Kun who was said to have defeated Shen Xuan.

Fighting against each other once, Kun defeated the North, and the name of
the "magic prince" Yan Wushi reappeared. The world shook. After Cui
Youruo, the Taoist Demon had to produce a terrible powerhouse.

But this time without Qifeng Pavilion, there is one less person who is
afraid to match it.

In Yan Wushi's view, Kun Xie's skill is high and his qualifications are
good enough, but it's still not as good as the fox deer of the year. Even if
he compares with other famous people on the top ten list, he can't
calculate the outstanding. It is a very strange thing for a person to be able
to seriously wound Xuandu Shanzhang.

However, this is not the focus of his concern. What is the inside story of
Shen Ye ’s injury and whether it has anything to do with Kun Xie? Yan
Wushi is not interested in learning more. He opened Kun Xie only to let
others know that he was back in the rivers and lakes. It is reported that
Kun Xie has recently defeated Xuandu Shan to teach, and is in the
limelight, and is the most suitable candidate.

More importantly, Yan Wushi's biggest gain this time out was not to make
a name for himself or to defeat Kun Xie, but to learn the whereabouts of
one of the remnants of Zhu Yangce.

Fifty years ago, it was said that Tao Hongjing, a generation of people who
met immortals on Maoshan, was awarded "Deng Zhenjue". There are four
parts in this book. Tao Hongjing organized three of them into a volume,
named "Deng Zhen Yin Jue".

In a small part, because the content is obscure and mostly related to the
cultivation of heaven and man, Tao Hongjing compiled it into a separate
book, and then added the best insights he learned in his life. This is the
famous "Zhu Yangce" later.

Tao Hongjing studied heaven and earth. Although he is a Taoist, he is a

master of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. He also learned from
Danyang Xianshi Sun Youyue's life. He has martial arts skills, even Qi
Fengge has to admire the advantages.
With such a history, "Zhu Yangce" is naturally a treasure for everyone to
read. It is said that if you can fully understand and understand the five
volumes of "Zhu Yangce", you can peek into the ultimate of those who
have practiced martial arts since ancient times and have access to it. A
whole new state is that it is not impossible to soar.

Unfortunately, after Tao Hongjing's emergence as an immortal, Maoshan

Shangqing faction was implicated because of his involvement in the
DPRK. His disciples had their own positions. After that, they came to
Liang Chao to fall into civil strife.

Until decades later, Qi Fengge himself acknowledged his martial arts. In

addition to the inheritance of Xuandu Mountain itself, he also benefited
from "Zhu Yangce", which made the whereabouts of "Zhu Yangce"
successively spread. It is rumored that One volume was held by Zhou Guo,
one was owned by the Tiantai Sect in Zhejiang, one was hidden in Xuandu
Mountain, and the other two have remained a mystery. For decades, there
has been no news and no trace.

The volume of "Zhu Yang Ce" hidden in the palace of the Zhou Dynasty
was once seen by Yan Wushi in his early years because of his fate. After
retreating, he improved to be better than ever, and there is no lack of credit
for the volume of "Zhu Yang Ce".

Only by experiencing it in person can we know how exquisite the "Zhu

Yang Ce" is, seeing it a hundred times, "Zhu Yang Ce" condenses Tao
Hongjing's life-long efforts, combining the three Confucianism, Buddhism
and Taoism, martial arts, and mutual complementation. The four volumes,
let alone ask the Supreme Martial Supreme, are just around the corner. It is
just as possible to pierce the heavens as in the legend.

When Yan Wushi went out this time, he originally wanted to sneak in to
find the remnants of "Zhu Yang Ce" while the heart of Xuandu Mountain
was headless, but he did not expect that the error was wrong. In the
process of fighting with Kun Xie, he found the other party. Although his
skill is inherited from the Western Region, if there is nothing in his inner
strength, it seems to be the same source with him. Yan Wushi suspected
that the Fox Deer could be tied with Qi Fengge, but only lost. The half
move is most likely due to the help of "Zhu Yang Ce".

As a master of the new Turkic generation, Kun Xie may not be able to
compare with the fox deer estimate in the past. The combination of the
Western Regions mentality and "Zhu Yangce" can create a second fox deer.

This aroused Yan Wushi's great interest, so for the next period, he
followed Kun Xie all the way, and when he was interested, he was let
people fight with him. Kun Xie could not fight again, but he ran even
harder. It was about to collapse, and finally went straight to Turk.

For the time being, Yan Wushi had no intention of chasing Turkic, so he
returned to Bezhuang again.

As soon as he came back, he heard the news from the apprentice that Shen
Zhen was awake and was able to get out of bed and walk.

When Shen Yan came over, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, step by
step, although walking slowly, but very stable.

There is a son-in-law and a helper on the side, while whispering to him to

explain the path in Bezhuang.

"See Master." After the maidservant pointed her direction, Shen Yan
worshiped where Yan Wuyan was sitting.

"Sit." Yan Wushi put down the **** in his hand, and Yu Shengyan, who
was on the opposite side, could not bear to look at it, and if he was
pardoned, it was obvious that the chess face was in a disadvantage.

Shen Yan sat down with the help of his niece.

After he woke up, his memory of many things was vague, and he didn't
even remember his name and history. He was even impressed by Yan
Wushi and Yu Shengyan.

"How does your body feel?" Yan Wushi asked.

"Thank you, Master, for your care. The disciples are already able to get out
of bed and walk around, but their hands and feet are still weak and their
martial arts ... seems to have not recovered."

Yan Wushi: "Hand."

Shen Yan obediently passed his hand, and his wrist was pinched.

Yan Wushi inspected for a moment, a hint of surprise appeared on the

careless face.

He gave Shen Yi a meaningful look, because the latter could not see, his
expression seemed a bit empty and innocent.

Yan Wushi asked, "Do you feel unwell yourself?"

Shen Min thought for a while: "Every midnight, my body is cold and hot,
my chest is sore, and sometimes it is difficult to walk."

Yu Shengyan added: "The disciples have consulted with the doctor. The
doctor said that it may be because the master was seriously injured, and he
must recover slowly."

The teacher was so blessed, Yan Wushi said a little to the Shen: "Your
martial arts have not been completely abolished. I find that there is still a
trace of authenticity in your body. If it is strong and weak, it may not be
possible to recover in time. But I do n’t support waste, I have an errand to
let your brother do it, and you just follow it. ”

Shen Yun: "Yes."

He didn't ask what the errand was, just as he had told Yu Shengyan
previously, he would promise whatever others said, and he would sit there
the rest of the time, quietly, without unnecessary actions.

However, Yan Wushi didn't have pity because Shen Yan is now in the fall
of Pingyang. The weakness of the other party will only make him more
intensely malicious, and he wants to completely blacken this piece of pure
"Then you go back and rest," he said lightly.

Shen Yan obediently got up and saluted, and left slowly with the help of
the niece.

Yan Wushi withdrew his eyes from the other side's back, and said to
Yusheng, "You don't have to rush to Banbufeng first, go directly to Qi Guo,
and kill the imperial doctor Yan Yan."

"Yes." Yu Shengyan agreed without thinking, "This man offended Master?"

Yan Wushi: "He is the gatekeeper of Hehuan Zong and one of the eyeliners
of Hehuan Zong in Qi Kingdom."

Yu Shengyan also got excited when he heard the words: "Yes, Hehuan
Zong has been arrogant for a long time. Yuan Xiuxiu, while you were in
retreat, had troubled Huan Yuezong many times. If you didn't return the
color, wouldn't it seem that I was too useless? The disciples set off in no
time! "

After a pause, he smiled slightly and wondered: "Master wants me to take

Shen? He lost all his martial arts, but he's afraid he won't help."

Yan Wushi smiled and smiled: "If you call him his brother, you should
always take him to meet the world, martial arts have not been restored,
killing is always possible."

Yu Shengyan understood that Master was treating Shen Yan as a blank

piece of paper, and wanted to completely blacken him. One day, even if
Shen Yan really wakes up or restores his memory, what he has done is long
irretrievable. It is impossible for him to return to the right path.

What ’s so bad about them? Do whatever you want, do whatever you want,
not tied to worldly rules, Yu Shengyan believes in human nature and evil.
Everyone has a dark side in their hearts, just to see if there is a chance to
inspire them. Those so-called Taoist Buddhists are full of benevolence,
morality and compassion. In the final analysis, it is just to cover up his
selfish desires by virtue of his righteousness, not to mention that the world
is chasing deer, and the winner is king. Which country ’s ruler is not ****
with his hands, who is more innocent than anyone?

"Yes, the disciples will definitely teach the master."

Thousand Autumns: Page 5
Chapter 4

When Yu Shengyan took Shen Ye out, he did not explain the purpose of the

Funing County is not counted as Qicheng Wucheng. Originally, it could be

reached in three or five days with Yusheng's footsteps. However, due to
Shen's physical condition, he slowed down specially and arrived in
Qicheng seven days later.

However, even if the journey is slow, in terms of Shen Yun's current body,
it is still not suitable for long journeys. When he arrived in Yuncheng, he
fell ill and initiated a low fever.

There are not many disciples under the yue yue sect, but there is no
shortage of money. There are also houses in Yuncheng. Yu Shengyan and
Shen Yan settled there. The owner of the house is Yan Wushi. The servants
saw Yu Shengyan and Shen Yan. Little master, arranged properly and

Shen Ye didn't talk much along the way. Yu Shengyan let go and stopped.
He didn't even say he was ill. Yu Shengyan found it out actively. When
asked, Shen Ye laughed and said, "I know my brother's trip." Going out is
to complete the errand confessed by Master. I am so guilty that I have a
disability and can't help. How can I trouble my brother again? "

When he said this, he looked cold and white, and with a mild smile, looked
a bit pitiful and cute.

After all, Yu Shengyan wasn't Yan Wushi. Rarely he couldn't bear it.

"You have a bad body, but it ’s okay to say that I ’m not an unreasonable
person, but the task of Master ’s account has to be completed. What he
asked us to do, I ’ve already inquired about it. Although Yan Zhiwen is an
Acacia sect, The wife and children in the family are not good at martial
arts. He can only be regarded as a second-class expert in the door. The Yan
family has no precautions. It can be easily achieved by me alone, but since
the Master asked him to destroy him, I will take you with him. In the past,
when I killed Yan Zhiwen, I would take a wife and daughter for you. "

Apparently, for the first time, Shen Yun knew that the task that Yan Wushi
had explained turned out to be such a content. He was surprised: "Dare to
ask Brother, what is the origin of Acacia, and we have any grudges with
Yan Zhi?"

Yu Shengyan remembered that he still knew nothing, and explained to

him: "Our yue month sect, acacia sect, and law mirror sect are all from
Fenglinzhou sun and moon sect. Later, the sun and moon sect fell apart
and split into this. Three. According to reason, we should have the same
source, and we should be unanimous, but everyone wants to unify the holy
gate, especially the Acacia sect. Their master is called Yuan Xiuxiu, and
the disciples like her always like to use beauty to Achieve the goal, but
these people are not weak in martial arts, if you run into it later, it is best
to stay away. "

"This Yuanxiu Xiu also has a widower named Sang Jingxing, who was an
apprentice to Cui Yourui. The pair of dogs and men are treacherous, and
they are linked together. Repeatedly wanted to annex us. "

Shen Zheng nodded: "But Yan Zhiwen is only a second-rate master of

Hehuanzong, and he is also an official of the State of Qi. Presumably, he
has never found trouble with Huan Yuezong before. Why did Master still
attack him?"

Yu Shengyan smiled and laughed: "Master, this injury is almost the same
as a little white rabbit! Yan Zhiwen has a special status. He used to cover
up as an official of the State of Qi. Few people know that he is acacia. If it
is Killing him can kill chickens and tamarins, and deter the enemy.
Secondly, Acacia knows that we know them well and must not dare to act
lightly. Thirdly, while the Master is absent, they repeatedly ask us for
trouble. Now Master is out of the mountain. If you do n’t return the color,
would n’t everyone think that Huan Yuezong was bullied? After Cui
Youzhe ’s death that year, Huan Yuezong was originally the strongest
among the three Sun and Moon sects, and also the most hopeful to unify
the gate. It was only after the Master was injured that he had to retreat and
give the Acacia the opportunity to take advantage. "

Shen Yun: "How about the Fajing Sect, haven't they bothered us?"

Yu Shengyan: "In fact, among the three cases, except for the Acacia
ancestors, the Fa Mirror sect is the same as the Huan Yue sect. The
children under the door are scattered all over the place. They usually do
not work together on weekdays. Only when I was notified, we would come
over. As for you, "he coughed," you are naturally injured. So, in general,
although the three cases are not in harmony with each other, but also Only
the Acacia sect is the most extreme. "

Shen Yun sighed: "There is an injustice and a debt owner. Since Hexuan
Zong is headed by Yuan Xiu Xiu, why doesn't the Master directly look for
Yuan Xiu Xiu? Even if he asks Yan Zhi, his wife and children are not
middle-aged people, why bother? Involve them? "

Yu Shengyan fiddled with the tassel in front of the bed, not thinking:
"Since the Master has a life, you and I follow it, why ask so many? Cutting
the grass does not eradicate the root, the spring breeze is born, if you do
n’t kill Yan, ask your wife and children Is it possible to wait for them to
seek revenge in the future? "

He said to stand up: "Well, this matter is not urgent. There are still a few
days before the seventh day. You have a good rest for the past two days.
When you get sick, I will let you walk around this town. In my opinion, in
today ’s capital city, Licheng is no less luxurious than Jiankang, and it is a
bit more grand and magnificent than Jiankang. It is worth visiting,
especially the place of fireworks in the city ... "

Although Yu Shengyan was only in his early twenties, he was a romantic

man. He concealed his identity and talked about poems in Nanchen, and
became a famous person. He also had a lot of fame. At this time, he was
about to talk about it. The situation, even if you have the heart to estimate
it, but you are weak, you just hold your mouth in time and smile deeply:
"You have dementia right now, and it's okay to forget the past. In short,
most of the people under my ancestral door are romantic, freewheelers,
and later There is an opportunity to slowly appreciate it. "

Yan Wushi was walking outside, using the identity of Xie Fujia, and this
house was Xie's house.

Yu Shengyan was often absent, leaving only a sullen man, who was kind
and ill, and weak and sick, which made the people in the middle of the
government sympathetic.

In particular, the maidservants who were close to serve, in the next few
days, have been much closer to Shen Ying, and also explained the customs
and customs of the capital of Qi State and Xie's House to him in detail.

He was better. When he had nothing to do, he asked them to take him out
and walk a few times, and found that the city was really like Yu Shengyan
said. White jade is the way. The style of clothing also naturally retains the
relics of many Xianbei people. Compared with the exquisite and elegant
south, it is a bit more open and bold. It is said that the same wine is sold in
Tancheng Winery than in Jiankang City. Be rich and mellow.

The wide robes and large sleeves, the ribbon-band dance, the clouds and
flowers, and the BMW fragrant car are the eyes of Shen Cheng who can't
be seen, and the splendor of the capital can be felt from the warm
fragrance of Tancheng Street.

The maid assisted him into the medicine hall, sat down in the side hall to
rest, and the former took the prescription to grab the medicine.

The medicine was caught by Shen Ye. He is now almost a medicine jar. At
least he needs to pour a large bowl of medicine soup every day. Although
Yan Wushi did not intentionally restore his martial arts for him, he did not
let Shen Ye continue to die. He The medicine I drink now is mainly for
regulating the qi and blood meridians, and strengthening the bones and
warming the yang.

Today's situation in Shen Yun is half empty and his memory is completely
lost. Martial arts will not be expected at half past one, but he can walk
without hindrance at present and move freely, thanks to the months of
recuperation. .

Today, when the niece came out to grab the medicine, he followed it to
breathe. He didn't know that although he couldn't see his eyes and looked
sick again, he sat in the drug store and attracted a lot of attention.

Shen Ye's face was originally beautiful. Although she is thinner, it does
not damage the wind-resistance device. She is wearing a common bamboo
leaf green robe with no crown, only fixed with a wooden clog, sitting
quietly, quietly, listening. The maidservant spoke to the shopkeeper of the
drugstore, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Yan Wushi didn't seem to be worried that Shen Huan would be recognized
when he went out. He just let him show up outside, and didn't tell Yu
Shengyan to hide his appearance.

Because no matter before or after taking over Xuandu Mountain, Shen

Rong rarely went down to show up. It is said that even the disciples under
Xuandu Mountain's gate may not recognize the new palmist. Before that,
Xuandu Mountain was widely known by outsiders. Several disciples did
not take over the teaching position in the end. Instead, Shen Ming, who
was unknown, took charge of the teaching. The reason may be that only
the Qi Fengge who has passed away knows this.

On the second day, Kun Xie's promised battle was heavy, and Banbufeng
was not big enough to accommodate two people. The rest of them watched
the war, and they all faced Regret Peak. After a certain distance, others
may not be able to keep Shen's description in mind, and now that after a
serious illness, Shen's spirit is not as good as before.

But for these reasons, Yu Shengyan guessed it by himself.

Yu Shengyan even thought privately that with Master's temperament and

Shen Yu to him, it is estimated that he is just a whim and can be
manipulated and manipulated.

"Lang Jun, the medicine is ready, shall we go?"

Shen Ye nodded, and the maidservant helped him go out. As soon as the
two walked to the door of the medicine shop, they heard someone say, "I
have never seen this handsome man with a beautiful appearance. Dare to
ask Gao's name?"

The sound was unbelievable, and the sister-in-law's footsteps made Shen
Shen know that the other party was talking to herself.


"It turned out to be Shen Langjun." The woman's voice was crisp and
sweet, and she jumped lively. "Shen Langjun is in Beijing, or from which

The daughter-in-law whispered to Shen Yan's ear and whispered, "This is

Han Eying, the girl who is Han's housekeeper."

Director Han is not the general manager of someone else, but Qi Guo's
servant in the country of Han Feng. This person is very prominent in Qi
country. His son married a princess, and he is also called Qi San Sangui
with Mu Tipo and Gao Ana. As the daughter of the Han family, Han Eying
naturally wanted the wind and the rain.

Shen Yanhan smiled: "I have heard of Han's name for a long time, but now
Shen is suffering from an eye disease and can't see Han's demeanor. Hope
forgiveness. When Shen gets better in the next day, she will come to visit."

Han Eying also noticed that he was stunned, and could not help but feel a
little sorry, but a good-looking Mei Langjun was a blind man, and he was
so happy that he said, "Well, you are so sick and sick, Xiao Ping, you can
talk to the shopkeeper. Let him bring in some ginseng and bring Shen
Langjun to my account! "

Shen Yun: "Thank you, Madam Han, it ’s not polite to come and go, Shen
also has a gift, please smile."

Han Eying was interested: "Oh? What?"

Shen Yun: "A Miao, you bring that box from the car."

The maidservant responded quickly, and hurried to fetch the box Shen

Although Shen Yan could not look at him, he spoke softly and talked about
Hanzhang. He has a temperament that can make a good impression on his
life. Even Han Eying's self-indulgence will stop the beautiful men's tricks
on the street at will. He couldn't help but tone down.

The maidservant took the box back and Shen Ye and Han Eying just ended
a few conversations and said goodbye to each other. Han Eying asked Shen
Ye's address and said that he would visit the door another day before
leaving to leave.

Back at Xie Zhai, Yu Shengyan knew this and couldn't help wondering:
"You can do it. You can meet a Han Eying once you go out. This girl is the
nephew of Zhao Zhiying of Taishan Bixia Zong. There is a good father and
a good teacher, so that she can dominate the city. "

Shen Chen laughed: "I'm fine to see her, it's not overbearing."

Yu Sheng Yanha laughed: "She is a beauty, but unfortunately she can't

stand her. No one in Qi City does not think so, and only you can say it's

Shen Yan smiled and said nothing.

The author has something to say:

This article has a historical background and is also a martial arts essay. It
is difficult to avoid more characters. However, if you want to see the
protagonist interaction, remember that the names of the two protagonists
should be enough. ~

Some friends asked me to set a personality for Shen Ye. The king meow
thought about it, and found that soft and cute are not suitable. Shen
Zhang's temper is definitely good, but he also has inverse scales and
usually has a soft and cute side. It is not necessarily a fool, so it is still
difficult to define for the time being, Lao Yan is very well defined,
neuropathy, a 3-word summary!

[Yan Wushi: ... Is it so perfunctory to treat you as a rare background

board? !! what? !! 】

Chapter 5

This episode lasted about three days, which is exactly the day when Yu
Shengyan is scheduled to start.

Qi Guojing City, inside and outside the city, because the first month has
just passed, the Lantern Festival has not yet arrived, the city is full of joy.

Yan Zhiwen's official rank is not high. He Huanzong placed him in this
position, presumably just for another layer of middle ears. He himself is
not high in martial arts and has no defense. Based on Yu Shengyan's
current skills, he is afraid that it will be less trouble than drinking a glass
of water.

However, since Yan Wushi had instructed him, Yu Shengyan still brought
Shen Yan, and asked him to wait outside the door of Yan's house. He
jumped directly onto the roof of Yan's house and quietly touched Yan's
Thousand Autumns: Page 6
According to the previous information, Yan Zhi asked this person for
second-class martial arts skills, but was a bit cunning, so he could find a
place in the Acacia sect. Yu Sheng smoked him only to knock on the
mountain. Before then, he did not take this person too seriously. On, you
can't find anything wrong until you go in.

The servants in Yan's house are still there, and the nursing home is
patrolling the periphery from time to time. However, Yu Shengyan did not
find Yan Zhiwen's trace in either the study or the bedroom.

Not only Yan Zhiwen, but his wife and children also disappeared out of
thin air.

Yu Shengyan's body is like a shadow, following the style of Huan

Yuezong's treacherous style. He entered the inner house lightly, stopped a
subordinate, and clicked his dumb hole. The other side fell into a dream,
but it was too late. react.

"What about Yan?"

The man opened his eyes wide and found that the handsome young man in
front of him could easily stop him, and he couldn't help but be frightened,
but could not speak.

Yu Shengyan smiled slightly at him: "You tell me where Yan Zhiwen and
the Yan family's family members have gone. I won't kill you, or even if
you call for help, I can kill this house up and down, you understand ? "

The servant was terrified and nodded again and again.

Yu Shengyan let go a little, and solved his dumb hole again.

The servant said busyly: "The host mother and Xiao Langjun left two days
ago, and the host said that they would send them to the hot spring villa to
stay for a while."
Yu Shengyan sneered: "Even if the female dependents are not present, Yan
Zhiwen will not follow suit. He will go up tomorrow. He is not ready to

The man stammered: "The host didn't tell us too clearly when we left,
neither did we, I don't know ..."

He was no longer impatient to listen, and stunned the other with a single
palm, and then found the housekeeper of Yan's house, forcing him to find
out where his Yan family was. The answer was exactly the same as before.

Yu Shengyan is not stupid, at this time he has realized that the matter that
he wants to kill Yan is probably already known by Yan Zhi in advance.

But this matter was ordered by Yan Wushi. Apart from him, only Shen
Zhen knew it, not even Xie Zhai's housekeeper.

Of course, Yu Shengyan himself could not go around and leak the news.

His heart was cold and murderous. He originally wanted to crush the
butler's throat bone directly, but then he thought for a while that he hadn't
been able to kill Yan's full door. It would be meaningless to kill a
subordinate. Maybe he would fight against the grass and fight against the
acacia. Laughing, he fainted, turned around and left Xie's house, filled
with anger, and found the sinking still waiting in the side alley.

"Is it your message to Yan Zhiwen?"

Shen Min nodded without hesitation or disapproval: "Yes."

Yu Shengyan hated him for breaking something good, and his face was
long gone from his usual smile, and his cold expression was full of killing:

Shen Ye said: "I know that there is a gap between Hehuan Sect and
Benmen. Yan Zhiwen is both the Hehuan Sect and the Master wants to kill
him, but it is not my turn to place a beak. It ’s just a child boy, who wants
to kill Yan, why not Implicated his wife and children? "
Yu Sheng yanked coldly: "If you ca n’t kill his wife and children, it ’s not
your turn to talk. I would like to know that you are a blind man with no
power at all, and you do n’t know when you go out. Yan Zhi asked for the
message? "

Shen Ye said: "You said that Yan Zhiwen is a cunning man. As long as
there is a little bit wrong, he will be suspicious. The prescription given to
me is Angelica sinensis, and I managed to hide some. I wanted to find a
chance to send it to Yan's house. Go, who knows that I met Han Eying at
the door of the drug store that day. I used the gift as a gift and put it in the
box. I asked her to pass it on. She only asked me if I met Yan Zhiwen. I
want to come to Yan Zhiwen and I should have received the medicinal
herbs from me. I found that it was inappropriate, so I transferred all the
family members in advance. "

Yu Shengyan was very angry and smiled: "I really look down on you, I
didn't expect you to have such ability!"

He reached out and pinched Shen's neck, slowly tightening his strength:
"You broke the task assigned by Master, what are the consequences, eh?"

Shen Ye had no resistance, because he could not breathe, his face gradually
became ugly, and his chest suddenly fluctuated. He could only spit out a
sentence intermittently: "Actually ... I am not a disciple of Huan Yuezong,

Yu Sheng smoked, and let go of his hand.

Shen Yi immediately coughed while leaning against the wall.

Yu Shengyan: "How did you see it?"

Shen Huan calmly said: "It feels. Although I have no memory, I still have
basic judgments. No matter Master or Brother, you should treat me like
you should treat your disciples or brothers in the same way. Previously in
The servants who serve at Bezhuang are also very careful with me, for fear
of revealing what should not be disclosed. I have no martial arts, I ca n’t
help at all, and only hinder me, but the master wants me to come and help
you. And , I have suffered such a serious injury, even if I am not angry, I
have already hurt the face of the teacher, but you have always been
secretive. All this is unreasonable. "

Seeing the other person not speaking, he said: "In fact, my approach is not
clever. I can only conceal the maid in Xie's house. If you didn't pay
attention to Yan at all, send someone to stare at his whereabouts in
advance. He can't run if he wants to run. "

Yu Shengyan: "Yes, a strict question is of no importance. I didn't take it

seriously, so I gave you a chance. But you know, what will happen if the
Master knows this? Saved a few people who have nothing to do with you.
They don't even know that you let them escape. Even if you know it, you
may not be grateful. Do you think it is worth it? "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Worth it or not, everyone has a steelyard in
their hearts. It is not worthy to have a debtor and a debtor, and to involve
innocent people. Some people, some things, can be saved but not saved,
can be done without doing , There will be a demon in life, as for others
knowing or not being grateful, that is someone else's business. "

Yu Shengyan has never seen Shen Shen before, nor do he know what he
was like before he was injured. After waking up, Shen Shen was sick from
day to night. Nine of the ten days were lying in bed, except for his face. In
addition, there is nothing worthy of attention from others. Although Yu
Shengyan never said bad words, but deep down, he might not have taken it
lightly. He felt that his good Taoism was reduced to such an extent that he
was too incompetent. .

But at this moment he was standing against the wall, looking pale and
light, fearless, and faintly able to see the grandeur of the old generation.

Yu Shengyan sneered: "You are too busy taking care of yourself, and you
still have time to care about the lives of others? With such kindness, why
don't you want to think that when all your martial arts were lost under the
cliff, we will save you. Just the zombies wilderness, how did you return it?
Shen Yan sighed: "The grace of saving lives should be reported to
Yongquan, but the two are not related."

Yu Shengyan frowned slightly.

He thought this was an easy job. Who knew that Shen Xuan had no
memory, but he did not go as expected, and he could still send a message
to Yan Zhi under his eyelids. When things passed back, he would
inevitably be considered incompetent by Master, and even a trivial matter
could not be done.

This man has a special status, and he can't kill or kill. Jomo still has to
take it back to the Master.

Shen Ye seemed to be aware of his mood, and actually comforted him in

turn: "Don't worry, I will explain the reason to the suzerain, and it will not
affect you."

Yu Shengyan is not angry: "You still worry about yourself first!"

Shen Ye smiled, and suddenly asked, "Brother Jade, since I am not a yue
yue monk, dare to ask Shen Ye's name, is it true?"

Yu Shengyan was silent for a moment: "It's true."

Shen Yun: "What was my identity before I was injured, but there are
relatives alive?"

Yu Shengyan: "Wait back and ask Master."


However, they did not see Yan Wushi after they returned.

Shortly after they set off for Wucheng, Yan Wushi also left Beizhuang,
which is said to have gone to Zhou State.

"Before leaving the Master, what can be left to explain?" Yu Shengyan

asked the housekeeper in Bezhuang.
The housekeeper said: "The master asked you to go back to half-step peaks
to practice. As for Shen Gongzi, the master said that if everything went
well, let him stay in Zhuangzi for recuperation. If you have trouble, let
him leave without taking anything away. "

Yu Shengyan was a little surprised: "Master really explained this?"

The steward smiled bitterly: "How dare you make up?"

Yusheng Yanben is still worried about how to explain when he comes back,
but who knows that the matter is ended in such an understatement.

He pondered for a moment, called Shen Yun, and told him what Yan Wushi
had left behind.

Shen Yan's performance was very calm: "No matter what, I did give you
trouble, which caused you to fail to complete the things that the suzerain
explained. The suzerain's disposal is already quite generous."

Yu Shengyan still knows a little about his master. Yan Wushi's treatment is
definitely not lenient, maybe there are other estimates.

Shen Qinmu can't look at it. Now the world is chaotic. Everything can
happen outside. If he is abducted, if he is found later, the teachings of
Xuandu Shan will be reduced to "temptation." My face is all gone, so why
bother to stand on the rivers and lakes?

Although Yu Shengyan did not act as willfully as his teacher did, it was
not possible to disobey Master's intentions for the sake of Shen.

"That being the case, you will leave tomorrow. The northeast direction is
Tancheng, and the southwest is Nanchen. If you are going to Jiankang, you
will go southwest. The journey is relatively long. You have also been to
Tancheng Although there is a bustling place, there are frequent chaos, and
there are many exiles along the way. If you want to live a stable life, it is
better to go to Nanchen. "
Shen Xuan nodded, arching his hand, "Thank you, Brother Yu for telling
me. I have something to ask for, and I hope Brother Yu will tell me my
identity, so that I can go somewhere."

Yu Sheng faintly said, "It's okay to tell you what happened until now. You
originally taught in Xuandu Mountain, Xuandu Purple House, and fell
down the cliff because of a war with Kun Tur, the first master of Turk. I
advise you not to rush back to admit your relatives. Since the incident, I
have never heard of people in Xuandushan searching for your
whereabouts. "

"Xuandushan ..." Shen Xiemei muttered again and again, appearing


Yusheng Yan sneered: "Although I am the magic gate in the eyes of the
world, I am a frank real villain. If you want to kill, you will kill. Never
say, what is like some decent, what you say and actually do Both!
However, if you don't listen to you, you will lose your life, but don't say I
didn't remind you beforehand! "

Shen Yun was silent.

Early the next morning, he was woken up by the men in the village, and he
was kind to ask him to leave the village.
Thousand Autumns: Page 7
There was nothing on the body except a green bamboo stick, not to
mention copper coins, not even a little bit of dry food.

Yu Shengyan apparently left no room for it, and really planned to let Shen
Yun go to death on his own.

The sun shines warmly on the body, with the breath of spring, is not

He squinted slightly, raising his hand to cover his vision.

In fact, he is now able to perceive some external light. Although it is

blurry and tingling and tearing for a long time, it is better than opening up
his eyes and seeing nothing.

Shen Yan turned around and glanced at Bezhuang.

Although Huan Yuezong was uneasy from beginning to end, it is

undeniable that they did accept themselves and give medicine to their
doctors. This is an advantage that cannot be erased.

If we can see Yan Wushi again in the future, he still has to say thank you
in person.

The author has something to say:

You can see that Shen San and Lao Yan's three views are ten thousand
miles away ...

Yan Wushi: Let's go, see you soon anyway (^ _ ^) ~~

Shen Yun: Why is my life so bitter? _____ ㄒ

Chapter 6
At this time, more than two hundred years have passed since the Jin people
moved southward. After experiencing the five hurricanes in the north, the
territory gradually stabilized.

On the east and west sides of Qi and Tuesday, Qi Emperor Qiwei was
absurd and indifferent to state affairs, which led to the decline of Northern
Qi and the exile. North Zhou, under the rule of Emperor Yu Wenyu, was
flourishing and the country was more stable and wealthy.

There is still a considerable distance from Funing County to Zhou, and

there are many refugees along the way. If there is no adequate preparation
to go on the road, then it is true that every day should not be called, and
the ground is not working.

Beiqi began to experience severe drought from last year. In winter, even
snow fell so little that last year's drought lasted until this year. From
Tancheng to the south to the border of Chen State, there were refugees
everywhere. It is said that some places even started Yizi eats food, Shen
Yan feels that his eyesight is not good, and the fight can't beat others.
About to reach the point where people eat, he is also grabbed by the people

Funing County is located to the north and is relatively close to Yuncheng.

Although there was little rain last year, there was no major disaster. It was
relatively stable. The county was quite large. It was very busy during the
temple fair.

Qi Tuesday is located in the north. The Xianbei custom prevailed in the

early years. Over time, it has gradually become Chinese. The clothes and
clothing are also mixed with the style of the Xianbei in the Chinese
language. This pursuit affects the folk, but all wealthy people also have
long skirts, and hat-shaped skirts that are similar to Hu's styles. There are
many styles. In the county town of Funing County, during the temple fair,
they even presented a "small Beijing city". Sight.

The Jianggong Temple, which held the temple fair, was newly built later,
and it was Jiang Taigong Jiang Shang who worshiped. The original
Jianggong Temple was located in the south of the city. It was said that it
was built in the Han Dynasty. Later, it was completely destroyed by the
military disaster. There was only a broken shell. Inside, even the seated
figure of Jiang Gong disappeared. It has become a shelter for the beggars
and the poor.

Recently, there is one more person named Chen Gong who lives here.

He worked as a short-time worker in the rice shop in the city during the
day, loading and unloading the rice. He did all these heavy tasks, because
he had less money to spend on the leased house, and returned to the ruined
temple in the dark. Freedom is that there are two other beggars in the
ruined temple. They can't be a long-term residence. They have to take their
money with them, and they have to take good care of the food, so as not to
be taken away.

When he returned that evening, he noticed that there were more people in
the ruined temple.

A man in a gray robe, sitting there.

Chen Gong frowned subconsciously at first. The ruined temple was not big
at all. If there was one more person, it was as if his own site had been
taken up again.

Then he noticed that the other man was holding a paper bag in his hand,
and slowly ate it with a sip, the aroma was coming out of the paper bag.

It was the scent of a donkey cake, and he smelled it. When my dad was
alive, Chen Gong also ate a few times. After the death of my father, the
stepmother kicked him out with his own children. The money he carried in
the rice bag every day could n’t wait for one to save it. Can you still taste

The aroma evoked memories of his long absence, and Chen Gong
swallowed a sip.

At the second glance, Chen Gong saw a bulging paper bag next to the man.
In other words, there is a donkey pie.

Not only Chen Gong, but the other two beggars also noticed, one of them
had already said loudly: "Hey, you live here, and asked if we have, the
temple is small, so many people ca n’t live, do n’t hurry out!”

Chen Gong knew that the other party was deliberately looking for
differences, and he didn't squeak. He went directly to the place where he
usually lives and sat down, gathered the haystacks, his ears were still up,
and his eyes didn't leave the donkey meat cake.

The gray robe said warmly: "I have nowhere to go. I see there is a place
here, and I want to come in for a rest. I am grateful if this brother can do it

The beggar said, "If you want to stay and rest, you will give everything to

Chen Gong sneered with disdain: "I don't want your belongings. As long as
you pay for food, I'm willing to help you block those two people!"

The beggar said angrily: "Chen Dalang, we haven't recruited you yet, why
are you having trouble with us!"

Chen Gong is not very old, only 16 years old, and he is not very tall, but
the young man has good flexibility and patience, and he has a strong spirit
in his bones, otherwise he won't come up later and can occupy the largest
in this broken temple. A "site".

"Why, you are allowed to speak, you are not allowed to speak?" Chen
Gong said lazily.

They are beggars, but in the city they are all linked to each other and
communicate with each other. Depending on their own two people, they
may not be afraid of Chen Gong.

The man didn't talk about Chen Gong anymore, but instead stood up and
grabbed the donkey sandwich next to the gray-clad man. "Don't talk
nonsense, give everything out of you. You want to enter the temple door,
you have to rely on it. Grandpa has the last word! "

Before the hand touched the food, his wrist was choked, and the beggar
was furious: "Chen, you want to worry about your business again, I'm
having something to stop you ?!"

Chen Gong picked up the donkey cake: "I want to eat too, why don't you
ask me!"

He said he opened the paper bag and took a bite first. He was proud of
himself: "I have eaten. Would you like it?"

The beggar rushed over to fight Chen Gong, who hurriedly shoved the
paper bag into his arms. The two scuffled into a ball. The other beggar
joined him. The scene of the fight changed from two to three. Chen Gong
was no better than the other two. He is not taller than the other two, but the
secret of his win is to fight hard and die hard enough.

After slamming one of the beggars on the stomach, Chen Gong clapped his
hands and sipped on his hips: "Lao Tzu has been patient with you for a
long time, relying on you to come first, and you ca n’t go with me
everywhere, originally I spit in my food secretly, don't think I didn't see it!
Do you still fight? Come on! Anyway, I have nothing to lose, and you can
let it go if you have the ability! "

The other side stabbed him fiercely. He heard a glance at his companion
who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. He immediately
persuaded him, leaned back, and ran.

The companion saw him run away, naturally he didn't dare to fight
anymore, covered his stomach, oh oh oh, got up, put some hard words
"Your boy is waiting for me", and then limped out.

Chen Gong took the uneaten donkey meat pie from his arms and took
another bite, satisfied: "Okay, did you buy it from Li Ji in Chengnan? The
meat is chewy, hot and hot to me Your chest is almost ripe! "
For this donkey meat, he felt that the one just hit was worthwhile. Anyway,
he had long seen the two people displeased. He just caught a chance today,
and would be able to monopolize it here.

Seeing that the man in gray didn't say a word, he said again, "Hey, what
about you, dumb?"

The other person looked up: "You beat them away, aren't you afraid they
will come back to seek revenge?"

Chen Gong found out that the other person's eyes seemed to have some
problems, his eyes were dim, and it seemed that he was not looking at him.

After looking at the bamboo stick next to the man, he was shocked: Dare is
not dumb, but a blind man.

He snorted and said disdainfully, "Afraid? I've never been scared! What
can they do like a bear?"

Chen Gong looked up and down on the gray-clad man. He was in a coarse
cloth. There was nothing unusual in the material and nothing unusual in
his dress. The only thing he could see was that face.

To put it bluntly, he is not as homeless as he is, but rather a traveler.

"Who is your last name? Seeing that you don't look dismal, why did you
come here? Here, even the mouse is unwilling to make holes!"

The grey-clad man nodded in the direction of him and said, "My name is
Shen Wei, and I have no money because I am sick. I had to find it here,
live for a few days, wait for some money, and then go home. Thank you for
helping me drive those two away. I wonder how I should call you? "

Yu Shengyan's words were half-true and half-false, and he couldn't fully

believe it, but if he didn't go to Xuandu Mountain, Shen Yuan had nowhere
else to go. He thought about it and decided to go to Xuandu Mountain first.

Xuandu Mountain is located on the border between Beizhou and Nanchen.

There are two ways to go to Xuandu Mountain. One is to go south from
here until after entering the Chen Dynasty, and then go to the northeast,
which is equivalent to a large circle. The other road is Going south directly
from here is relatively closer and more convenient.

Shen Yan chose the way behind.

Although the world is chaotic, because Funing County is not affected by

disasters, it is fairly peaceful and prosperous. It is a rare piece of pure land
in a troubled world. As Shen Ying said just now, he has no money and can
only rectify here.

His eyesight recovered slowly, but not without progress. When the light
was sufficient during the day, he could see a vague outline. Compared to
the situation where he could not see his fingers when he just woke up, it
was very good. Chen Gong Sit down: "Whatever you want, my last name is
Chen Minggong, you just call me Chen Dalang, then you just ate a donkey
cake, just as it is the cost of your stay here today, I will help you drive
those two out, plus For tomorrow, you will have to pay back my three
donkey sandwiches tomorrow! "

Shen Yan smiled: "Okay."

Thousand Autumns: Page 8
Seeing that he promised readily, Chen Gong was suspicious: "Don't you
say you don't have any money on your body? Where's the money for the
donkey cake?"

Shen Yun: "No money to go out and earn!"

Chen Gong chuckled: "Only for you? I heard that readers can write books
for other people's accounts, but you can't even see your eyes. How do you
write them? It's impossible to carry rice bags like me? I can tell you, three
donkeys There is no shortage of meat pie, don't think you can rely on it,
you go out and ask, I have nothing else, Chen Dalang has a fight, but the
ghosts are afraid, see if the two nests are just there? If you ca n’t take out
three tomorrow, Just a piece of bread, just go out for the wind! "

Shen Yan had a good temper, and he was not angry when he heard such a
tone, and smiled and agreed.

Although the ruined temple was very broken, there were wind leaks on all
sides, and there was not even a perfect window. There were many pillars,
and several sides of the **** stand could also block the wind, and some of
the haystacks that Chen Gong moved over and piled up by himself The
former covered the wind as a quilt, and the latter burned for heating, but
he only used them by himself. Now that Chen Shen was willing to "send a
confession", Chen Gong reluctantly gave him some haystacks and

Seeing that Shen Zhen was fully prepared, Chen Bao couldn't help
humming as he was carrying a thick piece of old clothes as a quilt.

The two beggars never returned. It is estimated that they found a new
shelter. Chen Gong unceremoniously brought over the clothes they had
used as a quilt. They smelled a sour smell and had to throw them away. ,
Move your body closer to the fire.
He had wanted to grab Shen Hao's clothes too, but then he thought for a
while that he wouldn't be late until the other party couldn't come up with

Holding this idea, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Early the next morning, Chen Gong got up, and as usual, he was going to
work in Mipu.

Looking around, Shen Yuan had disappeared, leaving only the haystack
that had been pressed out of the stamp, and a pile of burnt wood and black

Chen Gong didn't care. He went to Mipu to work as usual. He never

believed that Shen Zhen could really bring back three sandwiches today,
because if he really had any spare money, he wouldn't have to live in the
ruin of the ghost. It's in the temple, but the other side is weak and blind,
what can they make money from?

But do n’t go back empty-handed, I must beat you so that your mother ca
n’t recognize you!

In the evening, Chen Gong walked towards the ruined temple, thinking

Before he entered the door, he smelled a familiar scent.

The sound of his footsteps seemed to attract Shen's attention, and the latter
looked up and smiled at him: "You are back."

"Donkey ..." Chen Gongyin stopped with just a few words.

Because he saw three paper bags filled with donkey cakes, neatly arranged
on the haystack where he slept.

Chapter 7

Chen Gong paused for a while before he responded: "This is what you
brought back?"
Shen Min nodded: "Don't you let me bring three donkey sandwiches

Chen Gong noticed that the clothes on the other side had been replaced
with a new set of blue robes. The original gray robe was removed by him
as a quilt and spread under him. The person was still so neat and tidy,
maybe he was bathed somewhere Cleaned up.

"Where did you make the money?" Chen Gong doubted.

Shen Yun laughed: "Of course it is the right way. Look at me like this. Can
you steal it?"

Chen Gong snorted: "Who knows!"

Having said that, he still picked up a sandwich, the tentacles were warm
and soft, and it was obvious that it was just out of the oven. Open the paper
bag, bite it, the sandwich was baked golden, and the gravy inside came out
as the crust was bitten , Jiaoxiang overflowing.

Chen Gong was so mad that he ate two at a time, and the other one was not
willing to eat. After thinking about it, he was going to save tomorrow for
breakfast, and went to work after eating.

He turned to look at Shen Yan, who was still sitting there cross-legged,
holding the bamboo stick in his hands, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he
didn't know if he was keeping his eyes closed or thinking about things.

"Hey, where are you from?"

Shen Zhen shook his head: "I don't know. I fell on the road and broke my
head. Many things were forgotten."

"If you don't say it, don't say any excuses. Are you a kid to cheat!" Chen
Gong dismissed it, and immediately lost his interest in talking and lay

It turned out that I did n’t know if it was eating or not, and I could n’t
sleep over and over again. Chen Gong couldn't help but opened the box
again: "Hey, what did you do during the day and how did you earn

There was a fluttering voice over the other side: "Fortune telling."

Chen Gengteng sat up and faced him: "Will you touch a fortune teller?"

Shen Ye still sat there with a cross-legged smile, and said with a smile, "In
fact, it doesn't matter if a person is rich or poor. There is always a clue in
the palm of his hand, and it is also a trick of a carnivore.

Chen Gong came up with interest: "Then you show me, too, will I have a
rich life in the future?"

Shen Yun: "Let me see your hand."

Chen Gong stretched his hand over and Shen Yun rubbed his hands for a
moment: "While you are used to carrying heavy objects, should you work
in a rice shop or dock?"

"What else?" Chen Gong was not stupid, knowing that he had thick
cocoons on his hands, and the other party must have judged from the

"You are stubborn, tough and unconvinced, and a little suspicious. It must
be that you are at a young age with your family, and there should be a
stepdad or stepdaughter at home."

Chen Gong couldn't help widening his eyes: "What else?"

Shen Chen laughed: "In the troubled times, there is something to do. With
your temper, go to the army, and you may not be able to do something in
the future."

Chen Gong: "How do you see this?"

Shen Yan: "Your accent is a local accent, so it is impossible to escape from

other places. Local people generally have a house. Unless something goes
wrong in your home, combined with your temperament, it is more like
what I said In that way, I ’ve been upset with my family. But even if I ’m
out with my family, if there are relatives and mothers, I ’m not going to sit
and watch you wind and rain outside, so it ’s probably my parents who
married a harsh stepmother. , Or the parents died early in the family. "

Chen Gong finally felt a little persuaded by this one.

Chen Gong: "Why do you know that I will be successful when I join the

Shen Yun: "You don't want to be angry with your stepmother, so you leave
home angrily, prefer to live here, and fight with a beggar for donkey meat
last night. It can be seen that it is a person who is cruel to others and
willing to be cruel to himself. Temperament should be able to adapt to the
military environment. "

Chen Gong snorted coldly: "After all, you look down on someone like me,
you ca n’t even eat a full meal, and rob you of something, go around a big
circle, but just to laugh at me!"

Shen Chen laughed: "I've been down to this point, where else is the right to
laugh at others? Didn't you just ask me how I can tell a fortune teller, I just
use you as an example to explain it to you, is it quite accurate? Yes?
Although you ca n’t make a lot of money, you can still earn a meal. ”

Chen Gong: "Since you speak so nicely, you seem to understand

everything, why are you still so downcast, have you been robbed by a
bandit halfway?"

Shen Yun: "It's nothing, I don't remember it myself. My mind was faint
and faint, and many things were blurred. Thanks to your willingness to let
me stay, otherwise I really don't know where to spend the night, I Thank
you so much! "

Wearing this high hat, Chen Gong was much more comfortable, and took
the three donkey sandwiches together. He also took it for granted, as if he
had really protected Shen Ying.
"What, tomorrow is still three sandwiches, don't think you can get
confused by saying so much to me!"

"it is good."

When Chen Gong returned to the ruined temple the next evening, there
were still three donkey meat cakes on his place, and Shen Shen was
holding one in his hand, eating slowly, not like eating donkey meat. It's
like what you are eating?

Pretend! At the time of the rebellious age, Chen Gong inevitably sneered
again, turned his head to open the paper bag, and bite it down.

When Chen Gong came back the next evening, as usual, he still put three
sandwiches there, and he was not polite. He took it directly and ate it.
Although Shen Yan had to answer questions and had a good temper, Chen
Gong always felt incompatible with him. Not speculative. The other
party's words, he did not understand, and his fierce and domineering did
not work for Shen Yan, punched on the cotton, it is himself who is
prestigious, and it is himself who is in the end.

He intuitively felt that this person was not simple, not only because the
other party always kept neat and clean clothes, a weak appearance like a
scholar, but also a feeling that was hard to understand.

Everyone must live in this ruined temple, but they are inferior to him in
front of him.

Chen Gong didn't like this feeling, so he didn't like Shen Yan.

The wind was blowing on all sides, and it was terribly cold at night. Apart
from the two big living people, it is estimated that the number of mice is
the most. The shoes are broken and the toes seem to be bitten. , Simply
curl your body tighter.

Besides the whistling wind, there seemed to be footsteps from outside.

But in this windy day, who would come to such a broken place?
Chen Gong was stupidly about to fall asleep, and suddenly heard Shen Yan
said, "Someone is coming outside."
Thousand Autumns: Page 9
He opened his eyes and saw a few ghostly figures coming in, holding
sticks in his hands. The two headed by them were familiar with each other,
and looked at them clearly as two beggars that he had run away that day.

Chen Gong was agitated, and he was sober at once, and quickly got up:
"What do you want to do!"

One of them laughed, "Chen Dalang, Chen Dalang, weren't you very
prestigious that day and kicked us out? Today, we called the brothers from
the city beggars to see if you dare to be arrogant!"

Chen Gong froze for a moment: "What beggars, a group of beggars

mingled together, so sorry to call beggars ?!"

The other side said angrily: "Die to the front, but you still talk hard. Don't
beg for mercy. Brothers, this is the place where we have occupied. Oh,
there is a newcomer on the side. He has money and waits for it. Next, the
searched out just happened to give the brothers a drink! "

Chen Gong looked like a poor man. He could buy a few buns even if he
had enough money. The other one was different. The clothes were clean
and tidy. It was estimated that he could sell dozens of articles. stop?

Five or six figures rushed towards Chen Gong. The latter was empty and
fierce. After all, he was just a teenager. He was not stout. The other person
was so crowded. He was stabbed in a few moments. On the face, he was
severely beaten on his face. Although the other party did not want his life,
he also hit hard. The corners of Chen Gong's mouth were broken, and he
could only try to protect the vital parts of his body to prevent them. Come

The beggars scrambled on Chen Gong, and finally found only thirty
pennies, one of them snorted: "It's so stupid, spread a poor ghost, Lai Da,
don't you say he has at least fifty articles on his body? !"
Lai Da laughed: "Maybe it was spent by him, isn't it, there's another over

The crowd set their sights on Shen Ye again, and saw that he always sat
there quietly, as if completely frightened, holding a bamboo stick still.

One wondered, "Why am I looking at him with something wrong, don't be

a blind man?"

Relying on the crowds, Lai Dao shouted to Shen Yun: "Hey, give your
money away, grandpas spare you to fight, I heard nothing!"

Shen Zhen shook his head: "All the money in my body was earned through
my own hard work and cannot be given to you."

Lai sneered: "Oh, it's kind of boney! Hold on, you won't even give a
donkey cake for the past two days. Today grandpas want you to see your

Several people rushed together, as opposed to Chen Gong as Chen Gong.

They didn't even look at the weak scribes at all.

Lai Da's action is the fastest, one punch has hit Shen Shen's noodle door,
the other hand is going to punch the opponent's placket.

Judging from the posture, it should be that the fist arrived first, then the
opponent leaned back, and he just rushed to mount him on the opponent.

Suddenly a pain in my wrist!

Da Lai couldn't help but hey, I didn't understand what was going on, and he
wore another waist, and the whole man couldn't help but follow a crooked
side, knocking the companion next to him, and the two of them ran into a

There is no candlelight in the ruined temple. On a windy night, the moon

is looming and is sometimes covered by clouds.
Everyone didn't see exactly how Lai Da fell, so they didn't stop, they still
rushed towards Shen Yan.

However, one after another, several slaps, and several people fell to the

"What kind of black art did you use!" Lai Da said unstoppably, and drank
in his mouth, while he got up and continued to pounce on the other side.

Shen Yan's eyes recovered slowly. When the light was dim at night, he
could only see a cloud of shadows. Lai Da was pushed to the ground
without notice, and he punched in the chest with a pain, which made him
take a breath. .

When Lai Dayi succeeded in the attack, he wanted to grab the bamboo
stick in his hand. However, he felt a numbness in his waist. The other
man's bamboo stick poked over, apparently unusual. He screamed in pain
and couldn't care less about the other. He covered his nose and fell aside,
and then a nosebleed came out of his fingers.

No one could have expected such a development. Chen Gong was

completely stunned. I saw Shen Zhe hitting the west with a bamboo stick
alone. It seemed like a totally unruly style, but those beggars couldn't get
near. On the contrary, his body was beaten up quickly, mourning

Shen Huan: "I've been sympathetic to your men, and you haven't left yet,
are you waiting for me to pierce your eyes and become blind like me?"

His voice was breezy, mixed with the sound of the wind, like a ghost, and
particularly horrifying.

How dare people like Lai dare to stay more, rush to get up and run, this
time they didn't even dare to let go of the bad words.

"You should blind their eyes!" Chen Gong hated. "What kind of kind to
such people!"
Shen Zhuan didn't speak with the bamboo stick, and he could barely see
the shoulders undulating, as if panting slightly.

Chen Gong then reacted, and the other party could even run away those
beggars, which was even more important to himself. However, he had
previously given him a drink and a drink, because the other party didn't
care about himself, otherwise ...

He was a little scared, and his tone became polite: "Hey, that, Shen Ye?
Shen Langjun? Senior Shen?"

The words fell squarely, and the other person suddenly slid down the pillar
behind him and fell to the ground softly.

Chen Gong: "..."

The author has something to say:

Think about how Shen Zhang taught the beautiful hand to touch in the
hands of others ...

Yan Wushi: I have one or two pieces of silver. Can I touch the bone several
times, and can I touch it?

Shen Yan: ...

Lao Yan is cold-hearted, selfish, and does whatever he wants. No one can
get him. He feels that human nature is evil. All people do things for
utilitarian purposes, and they don't believe that there are so-called good
people in the world. Whatever it is, Shen Zhangjiao is just the opposite, so
this should be the story of how two people with different perspectives fall
in love ~

Everyone wants to be a person like Lao Yan, they want to, but everyone
also wants to have friends like Shen Zhang.

Chapter 8
When Shen Wei woke up, there were old beams on his head, which had
decayed over the years, and seemed to be in danger of falling down at any

Someone was shaking his shoulder.

Before he knew where he was, he murmured subconsciously, "Master,

don't make trouble."

"Who is your brother?" Chen Gong was angry. "You have slept for two
days and two nights! I haven't enough money on my body. I took yours
first, but I can only pay for three days. If we can't pay the money
tomorrow, we will be driven back to live in the ruined temple! "

Shen Yan snorted, staring at the beams on the roof for a long time, eyes
blinded, and didn't know what he was looking at.

When Chen Gong met him, he became angry, as if everything was

irrelevant to him. He couldn't help but push his shoulder again: "You talk,
don't watch, now it's in the inn! I I was afraid that we would be avenged
and moved you out of the ruined temple. I also asked you for a doctor. The
doctor said what you were angry with and what kind of cold you had in
your body. Anyway, it was very tricky. It took a lot of medicine and the
money was spent. Empty!"

Shen Ye went back to God: "Let him stop prescribing, and it ’s useless to
eat. I know my body, and I won't be in a hurry."

Chen Gong: "What are you talking about now? The medicines are all back.
Can you return them?"

Shen Yun: "Oh, then forget it."

Chen Gong squatted down and stared up at him: "Hey, if you are so good,
why don't we go to the street to perform or just join the Liuhe Gang? This
county has a Liuhe Gang. With your kung fu, you can definitely Find a
good position and bring me back then ... "
Shen Yun: "What is the Liuhe Gang?"

Facing his blank and innocent eyes, Chen Gong had to patiently explain:
"It is a gang that eats both land and water. The main business on the land is
darts. I heard that I also inquire about the news, anyway ... Anyway ... It ’s
a great gang! I ’ve heard it by chance, and I ’ll know how. Let ’s go to the
Liuhe Gang! If you can do a good job, you do n’t have to do fortune-telling
every day, I ’ll also No more rice bags! "

In the end, the tone was already excited.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I told you that I can't think of many things. The
trick was just a flash of light last night. Besides, my eyes are not good.
What an errand can I get, it is better to continue to make money here. . "

This remark was like pouring a basin of cold water on Chen Gong's head,
and his smile was poured out.

Even if you do n’t see the big picture, Shen Ye can still feel the frustration
of the young man: "You are young, do n’t always think about it overnight,
we are not Jianghus, and rashly go to Jianghu gangs, you do n’t understand
any rules, you do n’t feel out of place. What? "

Boss Chen Gong is not happy: "I don't know what it means to be
incompatible. I only know that the money I earn by carrying rice bags
every day is not enough for us to pay the rent. We need money for the
medicine and money for the meal. You are very high. But does the money
fall from the sky? I do n’t steal or steal it. Do n’t say that I always want to
think about money and hit myself on my head ... Hey, what happened to
you, do n’t scare me, Didn't I just say a few words to you! "

Shen Min held his head and waited for the pain to pass before he slowly
said, "I'm not going to Liuhe Gang, I'm going to Xuandu Mountain."

Chen Gongqi said: "Xuandu Mountain? Where is that?"

He grew up in Funing County since he was a child. He had n’t read books.
He had limited knowledge and heard of the Liuhe Gang. That's because the
Liuhe Gang has its own division in the county. As for the others, it's a little

The world is too far away for him.

Thousand Autumns: Page 10
Shen Yan shook his head without saying a word, and started to stay again.

Chen Gong said in a nasty voice: "Hey, you talk! I'll take your own money
to see a doctor and catch medicine. Don't you want to pay it back?"

Shen Yan: "I will still go to the fortune teller in the next few days, and I
will return it to you shortly."

When Chen Gong saw that he had no interest in going to the Six Gangs, he
could not help feeling frustrated. If Shen couldn't go, who could see the
strength of carrying the rice bag alone?

"Where is Xuandu Mountain?"

Shen Yun: "A mountain."

Chen Gong: "..."

He was going to be furious: "Nonsense, of course I know it is a mountain!

I am asking you where you are going to do it!"

Shen Yun: "I don't know. Some people say that I came from there. I want
to go back and see."

Chen Gong: "Where is that mountain?"

Shen Yan: "Near the borders of Qi, Zhou and Chen."

Chen Gong was startled: "So far? How did you get here from here?"

Shen Ye reluctantly: "Did I not tell you, I have forgotten many things, and
now I can't remember them all. If I know, why should I go back and
Chen Gong thought for a while: "Otherwise, I will go with you, and I wo
n’t need you to pay back the money. You just need to teach me a trick and
a half, so that I can beat six or seven people like you. On the ground, when
I reach Chen Chao, I go to the Liuhe Gang, and you go to your Xuandu
Mountain, how about it? "

Shen Yun: "Funing County is your hometown. The peace and quiet here is
very different from the outside. After leaving here, I have to go all the way
west. The closer I am to the surrounding area, the more chaotic. I have to
do it. You Why bother taking this dangerous road? "

Chen Gongmu faced: "My dad and my mother are dead, and the house is
also occupied by the siblings born after the maiden. Instead of staying in
Funing County to carry rice bags, it would be better to go out and go out of
the way, you are not saying I am suitable for the army Well, it will also go
to the place where the war is frequent and the soldiers are urgently needed
to vote. I don't want to have such a restless life, even a few beggars can
bully me and look down on me! "

Shen Yun was silent for a moment: "Well then ..."

This was just the beginning of his words, and Chen Gong fell on his knees
in front of his bed with a plop: "Master is on, please pray!"

"..." Shen Min drew his lips and couldn't help crying. "You get up, I do n’t
accept apprentices, and I ca n’t accept apprentices. Now I may not be able
to remember all the moves, at most I can only teach you what I remember,
It doesn't matter if I use it myself, so you don't need to worship. "

Hearing this, Chen Gongli stood up and said cheerfully, "Okay, but you are
older than me, and I will call your elder brother in the future. If someone
bullies me again, you have to help me!"

Shen Yan smiled, didn't speak, and started to feel dazed again.

Chen Gong silently stunned the other side for a moment, seeing that he
had no intention of returning to God, he had to turn around and leave first.

Shen Yan fell from the cliff, was seriously injured, and his bones were
broken. It was very dangerous at the time, but these injuries were almost
conditioned in the three months in Beizhuang.

What really hurts the roots is the internal organs and martial arts. With his
martial arts, he almost disappeared in that time. Now there are only
incomplete memories and semi-disabled bodies. It is not easy to recover.

Put it on others, this is almost the blow of Wulei Hongding. However,

Shen Gong and Chen Gong are mostly angry.

The two did not return to the ruined temple, but instead negotiated a cheap
price with the innkeeper and rented it directly for a month. During this
month, Shen Kun continued to go to the Jiang Gong Temple to try his
fortune telling, while Chen Gong continued to carry it. The rice bag
worked for a short period of time. When he returned at night, he followed
Shen Yan to learn kung fu. He has good roots and qualifications, and he
played well in a month, but he did not help inside. In the final analysis, it
was an empty shelf. If you run into a real trainer, it's still useless.

One month later, Shen Ye and Chen Gong left Funing County and set off
for the west.

Since leaving Beizhuang, Shen Yuan has never seen Yu Shengyan and
others. Although Funing County is very close to the former residence, he
goes to the Jianggong Temple to set up fortune-telling every day. What he
sees and hears is all Ordinary ordinary people, no more life in the market.

The rivers and lakes seemed so far away from him, so distant that Shen
sometimes felt that there was no need for him to go to Xuandu Mountain.
It was actually a good choice to spend a lifetime in Funing County.

However, the chest still occasionally feels dull, and the broken bones will
be painful like acupuncture in the rainy days. The flashing past in his mind
and the exuberance of his limbs from time to time remind him. : Shen
Shen now is still not complete.
To the west of Funing County is Huaizhou, where it is a large state, and
because of its proximity to the Zhou Dynasty, the defense is tight. The
stabbing history here is usually assigned by the emperor.

Although the world has been divided for a long time, countries ca n’t help
but trade in each other ’s borders. Only Huaizhou Shi Shishen is not easy
to do something weird. After he took office, he ordered the closure of the
border between the two countries. The merchants who were caught
participating in the mutual market were severely punished and reported.
The emperor said that the mutual city was easy to mix into the Zhou
Dynasty's detailed work, leaked the border defense of his country, etc., and
suggested that other places in Qi State also close the mutual city. Although
Qi Di Gao Wei did not adopt Shen Yi's suggestion, he praised his loyalty
and made a commendation.

Shen is not easy to overwork in politics, and the officials and nobles of the
country are also extremely stubborn, so often the emperor and his
ministers have spoken for him, so that he can be promoted from a small
county captain to the current state envoy.

Considering the high cost after entering the city, Shen Huan and Chen
Gong planned to spend some time at the temple outside the city, and then
went directly to the city to resupply the next day, and they could leave the
city again in the afternoon.

The name of the temple is Izumo Temple, which is actually a temple. It is

actually not much better than the ruined temple where they lived in Funing
County. There are only three monks in the temple, one abbot and two
young monks adopted by the old monk.

The temple is simple, there are only two chambers, one for the old
residence and one for the two young monks, and all are other shops.

Chen Gong is a man who has been used to hard times. In the ruined temple
in Funing County, let alone Tongpu, he does n’t even have a bed quilt. Now
such conditions are quite good for him. Naturally there is no opinion.
After entering the compartment, it was found that there were a group of
people earlier than them, a total of four, all young men, and there were two
large boxes in the compartment.

Chen Gong held a kind of hostility and vigilance towards the living
person, and he would not easily speak with others, and his eyes were not
good, and he could not see what his parents were like when he said hello.
The four of them also had no intention to close the relationship. The traces
looked at Chen Gong and Shen Ye, and when they saw their footsteps
floating, their clothes were humble and they stopped paying attention.

After a while, the two young monks came and hugged.

The already small general store plus two people became even more

Chen Gong was unwilling and couldn't help whispering: "Six people are
enough, why are there two more!"

The little monk heard it and whispered to him: "The donor, there is a
young lady among the donors, it is inconvenient to live with us, so the
little monk and others will let the room out and be convenient and

Since it is a female family member, she must live alone. Chen Gong is
upset, and it is not good to say anything. When she saw the four men
carrying swords with them, they dared not open their mouths, but he
glanced at Yuguang and suddenly seemed to find something. Excited,
taking the opportunity to go to dinner, he drew Shen Chan in a small
voice: "You see no, those people are Liuhe Gangs! I saw the Liuhe Gang
marks on their clothes and boxes, and Funing County That's exactly the
same! "

Shen Yan smiled: "My eyes are not good. How can I see them?"

Chen Gong also halved his excitement: "If you say that if I find an
opportunity to talk to them, they will be happy if they agree to let me join
Shen Ye knew that Chen Gong was eager for the Sixth Gang, and he had
not changed his original intention even after taking so many paths.

He slowly said, "I think you better not open this mouth."

The author has something to say:

Non-Background Attack Lao Yan will also come to Iyun Temple, and the
two will soon meet again.

Lao Yan: See you soon, are you happy?

Shen Yan: Unhappy.

Lao Yan: It's okay, let's talk about it until you are happy.

Shen Ye: ... talk about what you cut out my clothes!

Lao Yan: Talk to each other, how can you talk if you don't meet frankly?

Shen Yun: ... help, director, I really don't want to play with him.

Chapter 9

Chen Gong: "Why?"

Shen Yun: "I only saw you intentionally to be close to them, but they didn't
care about you. When we were here, they said nothing, so we can either be
very wary or unwilling to talk to us, no matter what, I'm afraid your
wishes will fall through. "

Chen Gong was very upset, but had to admit that he was right: "Huh, I
know these people, they look down on me from the bottom, one day I will
step on everyone's head and let them come Bow to me! "

Shen Huan knew that his knot originated from his childhood, and that he
would never turn around because he was just talking, so he didn't persuade
him much.
The Izumo Temple is so rude, the fast food is too simple, a bowl of white
porridge, a few dishes of side dishes, the side dishes are pickled in the
temple itself, and the taste is not bad.

Shen Ye ate very slowly, but Chen Gong was very fast. He was unable to
get closer to the people in the Liuhe Gang, and was in a bad mood. After a
few sips, he went back to the compartment.
Thousand Autumns: Page 11
Not long after he left, two of the people who lived with Shen Ye also came
in for dinner.

Even if Shen Yan's eyes can see the light now, he can't see things clearly.
After a long time of looking, his eyes hurt, so most of the time he simply
closes his eyes and has no choice but to use them.

At this moment he faintly saw four figures approaching here, and sat down
on another long table. Two of them appeared to be women in dresses.

Shen Min knew that the Liuhe Gang had escorted the more important
things during this trip, so four people did n’t come to eat together and had
to keep two people in the box guard, while the other two women borrowed
the little monk box Female guest.

He didn't have much trouble. After groping and drinking the porridge, he
went to get the bamboo stick on the side.

With a snap, the bamboo stick tilted to one side and landed on the ground.

Shen Yan frowned slightly, his hand had not touched the bamboo stick, of
course, the latter could not fall to the ground for no reason.

"I touched it accidentally, sir, don't blame me," the woman said softly,
bending over to pick up the bamboo stick and handed it to Shen Min.

"Anyway." Shen Yan took the bamboo stick, nodded in the direction of the
opponent, and got up to go out.

The other side said, "It's a fate when we meet, I don't know Mr. Gao's first

Shen Yan: "My surname is Shen."

Woman: "Mr. Shen wants to enter the city?"

Shen Yun: "Exactly."

Woman: "Mr. Inn in the City, why don't you wait for a place to stay after
entering the city, but choose this small temple?"

This is obviously a test of Shen Ye's bottom line. If you change someone
else, you will definitely ask "you don't live here, why do you care about
others"? It costs more to stay in the city, so when you enter the city
tomorrow morning, you won't have to stay in the city. "

His voice is very nice, and he has a good feeling of intimacy. Even with
coarse clothes, it is difficult to ignore them, and it is harder to consider
him and Chen Gong as the same person.

Therefore, these two completely incompatible people with temperament

and temperament, together with companions on the same road, will make
people inevitably doubtful and tentative.

But they are ordinary people without martial arts.

His answer was reasonable and Yun Fuyi couldn't find any flaws, so he
whispered: "I'm taking the liberty, don't blame it. My name is Yun, my
name is Yun Fuyi."

Shen Minshou: "Mrs. Yun is slow to use, and Shen quits first."

Yun Fuyi: "Sir, walk slowly."

Shen Zhuo took a bamboo stick and groped slowly towards the door.

Looking at his back, Yun Fuyi frowned slightly and did not speak.

Sitting on the side, Hu said, "Deputy gang leader, these two people are
here. I'm afraid it's not a coincidence. The kid is worth it. The surname is
Shen, and he looks like a blind man, but how could a blind man walk
around, maybe Come at our dart. "

His twin brother made a nonsense glance at him: "You can see it, the
deputy can't see it?"
Yun Fuyi said, "I have only tried him. He has no internal strength and has
not heard my name. It should not seem to be fraudulent. Anyway, be
careful tonight. I thought there were many people in the city and they
would not enter the city. It seems safe, but this approach may not work. "

Hu Yu: "What rare treasures are contained in this dart. Since we hit the
road, two groups of people have been robbed. The strength is better than
one. From here to Jiankang, we have to go south to the elders. For a while,
I was afraid that the dart might have missed in the middle of the road.
When it was lost, it would be trivial to lose something.

Although they are not many in number, they can be regarded as the elite of
the Six Gangs. Imagine that the assistant gang leader Yun Yunfu has
personally dispatched himself, and his strength is not weak anyway.

But even so, everyone still dare not take it lightly.

Yun Fuyi shook his head: "The Lord gave the death order. He must be
delivered to Jiankang anyway. The Lord previously sent a letter. He would
rush to Luozhou to meet with us, and then go south together."

Hearing that the lord was not far ahead, the nonsense was full of energy,
and they discussed what was in the two boxes, which was worthy of being
so serious.

The Liuhe Gang spreads across the rivers and rivers. The trades they have
received over the years are innumerable. They have escorted the treasures
in the palace, but they have never seen such attention.

It was the first time that the deputy **** personally escorted and helped
the lord to pick it up.

The nonsense teachers of the Longmen School are also masters of the
rivers and lakes, but they are still young. After two robbers, not only have
they not dispelled their fighting spirit, they have made them even more
eager to try.
Unlike them, Yun Fuyi has a hidden worry: "In any case, we should be
more vigilant before seeing the Lord."


That night.

The suburbs are quieter than in the city, and they are a little bit quiet.

The little temple had little entertainment at night, and everyone fell asleep

They shared a common shop with Shen Yan. In addition to the nonsense
brothers, there were also two Liuhetang masters. The martial arts were
above nonsense. Such a lineup is also considerable. Although Chen Gong
doesn't know anything about rivers and lakes, he also knows that these
people are very powerful.

In order to join the Liuhe Gang, he made every effort to try to be close to
these people, but his hot face was covered with cold ass. People just love
to answer, and they are more affectionate than Shen Gong.

On several occasions, Chen Gong was also discouraged and was lying on
the bed. He was unhappy for a while, and felt that he was not sincere
enough. When he went to tell him tomorrow, he only wanted to join the
Liuhe Gang as a sweeper and messer. Maybe the other party I can agree.

Thinking in his head, people naturally couldn't sleep. After turning around
a few times, Chen Gong suddenly noticed that there were movements in
the Liuhe Gangs next to him.

They were very light and fast. They wore clothes and shoes, and the figure
disappeared in the blink of an eye. Chen Gong was weird and wanted to
look up, but suddenly he stretched out a hand to hold him.

Chen Gong was startled, then reacted, holding Shen Shen.

"Don't go out, just stay here." Shen Yan whispered softly.

Chen Gong: "I'll just open a door and see. It's not a problem."

As soon as this was said, there was a sound of yelling and fighting outside.

Chen Gong was tense and excited at the moment, and felt a step closer to
the rivers and lakes in his mind.

Who knew who had just opened the door, he felt a numbness in his
fingertips, and the whole door opened suddenly, and the air flow swept
from the outside like a hurricane!

Chen Gong was too late to escape, and he let out a cry, and the person fell
back, hitting his back against the edge of the bed, and suddenly turned into
a scream!

But this is not the end, the next moment, his throat is locked firmly!

The other party mentioned it gently on his arm, and Chen Gong couldn't
help but follow the "fly", and his vision changed, changing from inside to

Chen Gong opened his eyes in horror, but he couldn't yell at all. When he
couldn't stand still, he heard someone laugh: "Saburo, you're not stupid.
This kid won't do martial arts at first glance, he's not a Liu Gang person ,
What's the use of your arrest? "

"What, he's not a Liuhe Gang ?! Damn, no wonder how I found it so easy
to get started, it turned out to be a waste!"

The other side yelled, and with a hard hand, Chen Gong burst into tears.

After that, I'm going to be killed!

He realized this, and regretted that he hadn't listened to Shen Yan's words.
An Ansheng was hiding in the room, but he had to come to see the

Rivers and lakes are still far away from him, but life and death are close to
In just a short while, Chen Gong's neck came with severe pain, which was
a sign that his throat was about to be crushed.

However, a moment later, the man who wanted to kill him gave a snoring
sound, and even pulled his hand away from his figure. Chen Gong was
relieved, and he knelt softly on the ground and coughed.

When Murong Xun wanted to kill Chen Gong, he knew that there was
another person in the house, but he didn't take the two little people
seriously at all, but he did not expect that when he started, that person
dared to attack. .

The bamboo stick was fluttering without a trace of internal force. Murong
Xun thought it could be easily held. Who knew that when the hand just
touched the edge of the bamboo stick, the latter slipped away strangely
and knocked at the main point on his back.

Murong Xun had to let go of Chen Gong and avoided it.

"Who are you!" He squinted at each other.

"We are not Liuhe gang members, nor are we from the rivers and lakes. We
just happen to spend the night here. It has nothing to do with the
grievances here. Please raise your hand and let me wait for a horse." Shen
Yan said.
Thousand Autumns: Page 12
There was not enough light at night, and he could not see Murong Xun,
and could only judge his approximate direction and arched his hands there.

Murong Xun saw it at a glance: "You are a blind man!"


A little Izumo Temple, the wind and the storm surged overnight.

Even though Yun Fuyi had expected it, the situation tonight was still far
beyond her expectation.

Her sleeves rolled up, and she took a palm, but people floated back,
graceful and immortal, others looked like dancing, and never imagined the
power of this palm.

The opponent's double sleeves were lifted and rolled up, and Yun Fuyi's
attack was easily resolved, but Yun Fuyi saw a clear score. From the
sleeves, two thin cicada-winged swords like a willow leaf flickered. She
disappeared without a trace, but her fierce palm wind also disappeared.

This opponent is terrible. Yun Fuyi realized.

"Yunfuhuayu doesn't leave clothes. He is indeed the second leader of the

Liuhe Gang. Outsiders say that Yunfuyi is a woman. I'm afraid he's afraid.
Those who say this are afraid that they haven't had the chance to teach the
abilities of the vice gang leader!"

Accompanying this sentence, the silent air flow rolled towards Yun Fuyi.
The latter's face changed slightly, and he no longer calmly when fighting
Murong Qin. The palm prints of his hands were turned and shaped like a
lotus flower. .

The two streams of air collided, and Yun Fuyi found that the other side's
true qi could be unpredictable. If the needle tip was everywhere, there was
a pin in the gap. When she touched the palm of her hand, she felt the cold
air leaking from the skin into the flesh and into the bone marrow .

It was too late to withdraw. The other party clearly did not give her any
chance to react. The waves were not flat and the waves were rising again.
The Chunjiang River was tidal and cascading. Yun Fuyi ate a hidden loss.
Where would he resist? The empty front door must also be backed up.

When she landed, her chest was a little sore, her throat was sweet and she
didn't vomit, but swallowed, if nothing happened: "Who is your

When the other party saw Yun Fuyi's face as usual, he could not help but
snorted, showing a little surprise and appreciation: "In the eyes of Qi Guo,
few people can take over my hand, but you have some patience."

"Who is your Excellency?" Yun Fuyi asked again.

The other side arrogantly lost his hand and chuckled, "You are now in Qi
Kingdom, and you want to transport Qi Kingdom's things out of the
country. Ca n’t the court ask the question? As for today ’s matter, if the
Liuhe Gang is willing to leave things, I will not embarrass you. Keep you
safe from Qi! "

After hearing his mention of the Qi court, Yun Fuyi's heart broke out, and
he quickly responded: "Are you from the Qi Dynasty? Are you Murong
Qin ?!"

After the fall of the Yan dynasty, Murong's family left several dynasties.
Today Murong's owner Murong Qin, although also professing Murong's
descendants, has been facing the minions, working for Qi Emperor Gao
Wei, only because of Qi Dynasty's first master In order to please him,
others face him with a lot of respect and flattery.

On weekdays, even if Murong Qin comes, Yun Fuyi is not afraid to fight
with him, but now the other party is obviously coming for the items he
escorted, and it is bound to be obtained, that means ...
"Where is Liu Qingya and Shangguan Xingchen!" Her face changed
slightly, and she asked the other two masters in the same group.

Hu Yanwenyan was also shocked: "Liu Tangzhu and Shangguantang Zhuo

are guarding darts in the cabin, should not be ..."

Yun Fuyi said in a deep voice: "I never thought that Murong's first master,
Qi Qi, would even take a sneak attack with his subordinates. It would be a

Murong Qin sneered: "Deputy Yun helped the host personally, so how dare
I arrogantly pride myself? Not to mention that we are not the only one
here tonight ... Which is hiding in the dark and not showing up!"

Chapter 10

As soon as this word came out, no one answered him quietly.

Yun Fuyi frowned, remembering the temple host and the two young monks
who had not appeared so far. I wonder if they were dazed or otherwise

Instead, Murong Xun and Tuoba Liangzhe, who were sent to search,
grabbed Shen Zhen and Chen Gong, and the two church masters of the
Liuhe Gang returned.

"Homeowner, the box is full of miscellaneous things, we don't have what

we want!" Tuoba Liangzhe said, while holding Chen Gong to the ground

On the way, Chen Gong kept groaning and moaning. When the other
person thought he was noisy, he also ordered his dumb hole. At this time,
Chen Gong couldn't even call out, and his face was pained and distorted.

Shen Ye's treatment is a little better, maybe it was his previously exposed
hand that made Murong Xun a little bit frightened, and the other side
firmly held his shoulders.
Liu Qingya and Shangguan Xingchen, the two Liuhetang masters who are
also mighty in all respects, are directly clicked at the moment, and the
shape of the cave is embarrassing, and their faces are defeated, but they
are not willing to grit their teeth.

Murong Qin glanced at them: "If the assistant deputy Yun still cares about
the lives of these people under you, he will give things up."

Yun Fuyi sighed: "The owner of Murong wants nothing but darts from our
trip. The two boxes are in the room where Liu Tangzhu lived. You take
someone to take it away. It ’s not as good as people. I am natural. have
nothing to say."

Murong Qin sneered: "Your two boxes are just a matter of covering up
people's eyes and eyes, and it's impossible for everyone to be a fool. The
real darts are just being carried by you for a while?"

As soon as this word came out, even the Liuhe Gang and others looked at
Yun Fuyi in surprise.

Yun Fuyi sank his face: "Where did the owner of Murong hear the little
news and believed it to be true? The two boxes were entrusted by others,
and we were asked to return it to Nan Chen. The owner of the dart was also
clear. Your colleague, the late Prince Edward Master Xue Rong. After his
illness, the family members of the Xue family entrusted the Liuhe Gang to
return their relics to Xue Shaoshi's hometown. We helped the master have
a little friendship with Xue Shaoshi in the old years. That's it! "

Murong Qin: "The two boxes were filled with Xue Rong's old stuff. Most
of them were books. Two boxes of books were processed on the spot. Why
do you have to travel thousands of miles from Qi to the south?"

Yun Fuyi: "You ask me, who do I ask?"

Murong Qin: "Since you were on the road, you have repeatedly been
undercover hijacking. Are these people coming to Xue Rong's two boxes
of old books?"
Yun Fuyi: "Maybe some people thought that Xue Shaoshi had collected a
lot of money while he was alive, and thought that the two boxes were
filled with gold and silver treasures, but Xue Shaoshi didn't know how
much money was left in his sleeves."

Murongqin said coldly: "Xue Rong's relic includes a volume of" The Sea
"and asked Vice-Chan Yun to hand it over.

Yun Fuyi: "The books are in those two boxes, there is nothing in them,
there is nothing, there is nothing, the boxes have been left to dispose, what
do you want me to pay?"

Murong Qin looked to Murong Xun, Murong Xun said: "Nieces have been
found, and there is no volume called" The Sea "."

There was a giggling in the air: "The owner of Murong is really patient,
the circle goes on like this, I'm afraid the assistant Yun will decide to be
stupid to the end. You might as well say that the volume of" The
Collection of the Sea "is only a cover, but inside it is The deliberate scroll
of "Zhu Yangce" made her surrender the remaining scroll of "Zhu Yangce"
directly! "

Is anyone hiding around? !!

Nonsense The two brothers were horrified, and quickly raised their heads
to look around, but they could only see branches and trees, and the temple
was speechless. Where is the half figure?

But the next moment, they saw a figure behind the gallery.

The conversations between these people just listened to Chen Gong for a
long time with pain and found that he didn't understand a word. The
original ambition to join the Liuhe Gang had long since disappeared. He
was rectified and sweated with pain. When the pain was relieved, I had the
strength to raise my head to see the figure. It was okay not to look at it.

Under the moonlight, bare-brained, dressed in a monk's clothing, is clearly

one of the young monks in Izumo Temple!
Because there were female guests in the temple, the two young monks
gave up the bungalows to Yun Fuyi, and they moved to sleep with Chen
Gong and others. Just when Chen Gong got up and watched the bustle, the
black lights around him were blind. He only knew Liuhe The helpers went
out, but did not take a closer look at the two young monks still alive.

But now it sounds that the little monk's voice is very different from the
previous one, but she is a beautiful girl!

Chen Gong only felt that his head had been followed by rice cereal,
chaotic, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

But the focus of others is not that the young monk was stolen or changed
from the beginning, or that he was not really a young monk from the

Everyone's face changed greatly when she said the words "Zhu Yangce"!

Yun Fuyi: "Who is your Excellency, dodgy, can't you see the light?"

"Little monk" Jiao Didi said, "People originally wanted to sneak in and
mix things up, and then sneak away to take things away. However, the
deputy He Yun did not give me this opportunity, and the owner of Murong
stepped in halfway, causing me to show up."

Yun Fuyi couldn't figure out the origin of the other side, and he frowned.
The other side laughed again and again: "The vice deputy thought that he
was low-key and cautious and silent, and he knew that since you left the
capital, countless people have been following you. The previous two dials
But small fish and shrimp, not to mention, tonight is a gathering of heroes,
I am afraid that in addition to our acacia and Murong family, there are
other experts who did not show up? Xingyue happens to be together, why
not bring everyone together Call it out, everyone will tell the friendship,
and talk about the residual volume of "Zhu Yang Ce". What distribution
method do you want, is it the strong one, or is it torn into pieces?

She was ridiculous and very witty, but no one was smiling.
Yun Fuyi sank.

A Murong Qin, she could barely cope with it, and with a treacherous
acacia sect, the situation became very difficult, not to mention listening to
the meaning of the other party, it seems that there are still people hiding in
the dark.

Murong Qin said in a deep voice: "You have seen the deputy Yun Yun
yourself. Tonight Izumo Temple is as strong as a cloud. You alone ca n’t
deal with it. If you are willing to surrender" Zhu Yangce ", I will naturally
use the court. Let you go, and keep you safe from departure. "

"Although the owner of the Murong family is a court man, with the power
of our Acacia ancestors in Qi Kingdom, I'm afraid they are more qualified
to say this." The simple and ordinary monk came from behind the porch
and groaned.

I didn't see how she moved. Murong Xun whispered aside, and quickly let
go of Shen Yun, taking a few steps back.

Murong Qin's body moved slightly, and she immediately stood in front of
Murong Xun. Two glimmers of light flew out of the robe sleeves, and then
the man flew towards the young monk.
Thousand Autumns: Page 13
In the moonlight, Chen Gong watched the robes of the two men flipping,
the light and shadow overlapped, interpreting life and death as a peach
blossom, and suddenly realized how his previous thoughts were upset
because the Liuhe Gang refused to accept himself. It is ridiculous, and
how ignorant and childish is his understanding of the so-called rivers and

He couldn't help but go to see Shen Yun.

The latter still held the bamboo stick in his hand and stood very quietly,
hiding in the shadows, almost invisible to him.

This man, Shen Yun, seems to be as simple as it is, and he seems to have
hidden mysteries, which is elusive and incomprehensible.

On the other side, Murong Qin and the young monk played hands, Yun
Fuyi glanced at the audience, his heart moved slightly, and his steps

Her footwork can be described as unpleasant. One step is ten steps like an
ordinary person.

However, she has just taken this step, and the pressure behind Tarzan has
followed, and she has been pressed down.

The rivalry Rongqin and the young monk accidentally started towards Yun

The little monk laughed and did not forget to run: "Vice Deputy Yun is too
unkind. Your subordinates are still here. You just want to leave. Is this the
style of a group of Lords? Who would dare to follow you after the news? "

Yun Fuyi knew that things were on him. Liu Qingya and others were
irrelevant. Murong Qin didn't bother them at all. There would be no danger
at one and a half. This made the decision to go alone. At this time, the
little monk was deliberately provoking. She didn't say a word. Murong Qin
had made her unable to distinguish her spare time. Adding an acacia
sorceress, the pressure was doubled.

Taking these three people as the center, the three breaths collided and
collided. Others were afraid of encountering Yuyu and had to retreat. Liu
Qingya and Shangguan Xingchen were not so lucky. The two men could
not move. When he spit out a lot of blood, he made a fool of himself, and
came forward to drag people out, only to find that he couldn't get close to
the war circle of the three.

The young monk and Murong Qin seemed to join hands, but in fact they
were afraid of each other, to prevent the other side from plotting
themselves, and they had some reservations. Yun Fuyi originally had an
enemy and a second situation, but because the two of them had a ghost,
she sought it out. Get a delicate balance, support hard.

However, this dangerous balance situation was soon broken. Murong Qin
did not know why, and suddenly turned his mind. The cicada-wing knife
light swept across Yun Fuyi's face door, but instead shot at the young
monk, severe cold wind, freezing ice. With frost, the little monk was
blocking Yun Fuyi's way. When he saw this, he had to wince and avoid, but
the thin blade followed the shadow and kept on.

In terms of strength, Murong Qin is still better than the "little monk", but
the two sides have a common goal just now, and this gap is not revealed.
At this time, the situation changes, and the struggling person becomes a
young monk. The porch, but the eaves on her head, she could not retreat,
and the corner of her eyes glanced at Chen Gong on the ground next to her.
She wanted to catch it and wanted to use it as a shield.

This scene is just a blink of an eye. To those who are low in martial arts or
even not martial arts, these people act like light and shadows, and can't see
the details at all.

Chen Gong didn't even realize that the young monk reached out to himself,
and Wu turned to look at Yun Fuyi and Murong Qin.
Shen Yan found it.

He has no internal force now, and the so-called martial arts only
remembers a little bit. He often forgets this, forgets that, his health is bad,
he coughs up blood from time to time, and is still blind, but he can't
convince himself to stand by.

So he chose to rescue.

When Chen Gong was severely overthrown, he didn't know what had

The little monk snorted when he saw that the person he wanted to catch
was replaced with a bamboo stick.

The change is fast and the sword is approaching. The young monk can only
loosen the bamboo stick, Bai Nen's palms become fingers, and he takes the
thin blade stiffly.

The thin blade penetrated the air and broke through the wall, and inserted
into the palm of the young monk. If she didn't hold it with all her power,
Daoguang's destiny would not stop there.

The palms of the young monk's hands were suddenly blurred.

If it wasn't for the good thing that the bamboo stick was broken in the
middle, she would have caught the dead ghost long ago. As for her
injuries, there was a vicious intention on her face, and she could not care
about Yun Fuyi and Murong Qin. Claw, grabbing head towards Shen Yan!

The reason why Murong Qin gave up Yunfuyi to calculate the little monk
was because he knew Yunfuyi would be difficult to get out tonight, and it
didn't matter who kept her.

Sure enough, there was a jade jade in the gloom, long and clear. It sounded
clear to others, but the ears of Yun Fuyi were like a thousand needles
stabbing meat, Wan Jian pierced the heart, and the whole body was
uncomfortable and abnormal. The inner strength of Qi is also stagnant.
Who is this? !!

Yun Fuyi was horrified, and couldn't wait a lot, and tried to take it away as
hard as he could, but found that he seemed to be blocked by an invisible
net and couldn't move at all.

Even though her self-proclaimed power is not among the top ten in the
world, it is not so unbearable. At this moment, she knows that she is
ridiculous. Even before this person appeared, she had been suppressed to

Is it true that tonight what I own is not guaranteed? Thinking of this, Yun
Fuyi could not help raising a hint of despair.

On the other end, the young monk grabbed Shen Shen, and his five fingers
flashed lightning fast, without any hesitation.

On singles alone, she may not be as good as Yun Fuyi or Murong Qin, but
it is naturally more than enough to deal with a heavy burden.

In order to stop the young monk from catching Chen Gong, Shen Yifang
was a subtle move, but it also took the unexpected opportunity.

When the young monk took a serious shot, he had no power to fight back.

Energetic overhanging the river, accompanied by horrendous killings,

swept away, even though the two were still five or six steps away, Shen
Yan felt breathless, his sternum was painful, his eyes were completely
dark, and his foothold also I can't feel it, the whole body is soft, and only
the part of my chest is so hot that I need to spit out a big blood to be

The young monk didn't even take Shen Yan to his eyes. To her, this person
was nosy, and he didn't even weigh his weight first.

It's useless to look good on such a person.

Shen Yan was dead in her eyes.

However, when her fingertips touched each other's neck, something

This accident did not come from Shen Yan.

Suddenly a hand was born out of the dark and pinched to the young monk's

The speed is not fast, unremarkable, without any tricks.

This hand is slender and white, smooth and flawless. It can be seen that it
is a man's hand, and it must be nourished and honoured for many years.

The author has something to say:

Please take a moment for 30 seconds to read this passage:

Some people say that seeing Shen Bao saves the child and thinks that he is
the holy father of the Tang monk and ca n’t stand it. I need to correct one
thing: every time Tang Seng's soft heart hurts others, but Shen Bao saves
people. He just thinks of ways to do what he thinks he should do.

Since two people with different views of three are in love, Shen San and
Lao Yan's views of three must be very different, or even opposite. If Shen
Ming knows that Yu Shengyan is going to destroy people's doors, he still
pretends to be invisible, protects himself, and does not participate or save
others. So what is his inner indifference different from usual us? It is
because Shen Ye has done what we want to do and dare not do what we
cannot do, that is a person worthy of our admiration.

One more thing, Shen Zhen asked Yu Shengyan if he was not a disciple of
Huan Yuezong, and gave a bunch of reasons, which shows that Shen Huan
would not be killed after knowing that the incident was revealed, because
Huan Yuezong rescued him would be useful. Therefore, Shen Huan did not
act recklessly, he had prepared in advance.

When King Meow wrote romance, many and many readers always said in
the text that he hoped that King Meow would write a damme after it was
finished, but when King Meow wrote a damme, some friends did not think
about it because of a certain plot. Was willing to accept, Wang Meow
originally felt very disappointed, but after talking on Weibo in the
afternoon and getting a lot of cute consolation, he felt that disappointment
was not so heavy.

Since the text was written, I will definitely write it down, and I need to
take another shot. This is the story of Shen Yan falling from the clouds to
the bottom of the valley and slowly rising again from the bottom of the
valley. It is also the story of two people with different perspectives
colliding. If you feel uncomfortable, you can stop here, there is no need to
continue, lest everyone be unhappy.

The Holy Father was not a derogatory term, but I do n’t know when it was
used to ridicule. If I personally have a friend such as Shen, I will feel that
the world is gentle, because he does not care about personal gains and
losses. There are very few people in reality, but not none, I believe you
will meet them someday.

Chapter 11

Instead of not admiring, the little monk was horrified.

Because she didn't know where the hand came from, she could only let the
other person pinch the wrist bone and had no power to fight back!

"Ah !!!" There was a sharp pain in the wrist, and she could not help crying.

Any man who hears this voice, even if he ca n’t afford to be fragrant and
cherish, will at least move a little bit, but unfortunately she has a thick and
honest face of a small monk. The effect is not ideal. At the same time as
Shengsheng was being crushed, the person also flew up, but she did not
take the initiative to run, but was thrown out.

The petite body directly hit the porch, and it seemed that even the post
shook, the little monk wolf rolled down, and wow even spit out several
mouthfuls of blood.
Her wrist was crushed, and her other hand was penetrated by the thin blade
of Cicada's wings.

But she didn't seem to take such a tragedy to her heart, but instead stared
at the person who hurt her with her hand. Her tone was chaotic because of
blood in her mouth: "Who are you ..."

People in Tsing Yi: "You don't need to look at me like this, Sang Jingxing
and Yuan Xiuxiu join hands, and they may not dare to boast that Haikou
will win me, let alone you?"

The white velvet's expression changed slightly: "Dare to ask Your High

On the other side, someone has already answered her question: "I wonder
why Yanzong appears here?"

Lord Zong ... Yan Wushi? !!

Thousand Autumns: Page 14
Bai Rong opened her eyes slightly, unbelievable.

As the most important disciple under the gate of Hehuan Zong, she often
heard the name Yan Wushi. Although the three magic gates share the same
source, they have been in conflict for a long time, especially in the ten
years when Yan Wushi disappeared and retreated. There is no shortage of
opportunities to go down the rocks and find the trouble of Huan Yuezong.
Now Yan Wushi reproduces the rivers and lakes, and the injuries he
suffered ... are not injustice.

Yan Wushi sneered: "The old bald donkey can come, why can't I be here?"

Along with his voice, a monk holding a jade walk slowly walked from the
darkness, but unlike the "old bald donkey" in Yan Wushi's mouth, the
opposite side is like a jade. Seen only 30 years old, the monk's clothes are
white and dust-free. There is no need to speak, the whole body has been
written with the words "Dao Dao Monk".

With his appearance, Murong Xun and Tuoba Liangzhe and other younger
generations are nothing but Murong Qin and Yun Fuyi's faces have

Murong Qin yelled: "I did not expect Master Xueting to be a master of the
Zhou Dynasty, a master of the Yan ancestors, and two extravagant masters,
who were also sneaky, hiding in the dark, sneaking into the country of Qi
to seize the remaining volumes of" Zhu Yangce "and wanted to seize the
opportunity Cheap, shameless ?! "

Master Xue Ting: "The owner of Murong does not need to be so excited.
After the death of Jin Guogong, His Majesty the Zhou Dynasty banned
Buddhism and Taoism, and the old man was no longer the Zhou Dynasty
National Teacher. He came here tonight, but he was entrusted by the
deceased. Give it to me so that I can return it to the original owner and
return the wish of the original owner. "
Bai Rong spit out blood and giggled, "I have never seen a monk so thick-
skinned. It was because I saw Bao Bao that I had chosen it, but he was
entrusted with an old man. Who in the world does not know. After Tao
Hongjing died," "Zhu Yangce" has become a non-owner. Could it be that
Tao Hongjing gave you a dream, would you please compile "Zhu Yangce"
to him? "

Master Xueting had no grief or joy, and his hands were closed, as if he
hadn't heard Bai Rong's words at all.

With two more people, Murong Qin and Bai Rong didn't dare to deal with
Yun Fuyi any more, but Yun Fuyi didn't feel relaxed because of this, but
his mood was even heavier.

Since Qi Fengge's death, there are no more than ten martial arts in the

Among these ten people, Master Xueting Xue and Yan Wushi are both on
the list. The former is unpredictable and is likely to be among the top
three. The latter has been missing for many years, but once it reappeared,
it defeated Xuan. Kunxie, a new generation of Turkic masters taught by

The two of them were random, neither could Yun Fuyi be able to cope with

The thought of helping Dou Yanshan's entrustment made her bitter.

Not that she didn't want to do her best, but that the situation was
unexpected tonight.

Although these people are at odds with each other, they all have a common
goal, that is, the remnants of "Zhu Yang Ce" on themselves.

The "Zhu Yangce" written by Tao Hongjing is divided into five volumes.
The five elements correspond to the five internal organs and the six
internal organs of the human body, and they are divided into five parts:
God, ghost, soul, voicing, and delusion. Strange book. The three known
volumes are in the Inner Palace, Xuandu Mountain and Tiantai Sect of the
Zhou Dynasty. The other two volumes are missing.

Relying on the remnants of his own hands, Xuandu Mountain and Tiantai
Sect were firmly in charge and the Buddha had two cattle ears, as if the
world was a master of martial arts. Qi Fengge became the first person in
the world because of fate.

Although his apprentice, Shen Yun, was not very upset, he was beaten
down from the top of the mountain, but it was only that Shen Yan was not
well-educated and had nothing to do with "Zhu Yangce". Even if he only
had one volume, he learned the essence of it. Realizing the mystery in it
may not be able to achieve the strength of the first person in the world like
Qi Fengge.

Now the three volumes that have fallen are well kept by their respective
sects. It is not easy for others to grab the robbers. The other two volumes
are owned by the owner. Those who have the power can obtain them.
Therefore, when Yun Fuyi carries "Zhu Yangce" with him, When the news
of the scraps circulated quietly, they attracted batches of looters.

The Liuhe Gang and others didn't know the truth. When the rare treasures
were hidden in the two boxes, they heard that Yun Fuyi had "Zhu Yangce"
on his body, and all of them were still. They haven't responded yet.

In the silence of the several parties, each other was afraid of each other.

Murong Qin was eager to grab, but he also knew that as long as he started,
Xueting Monk and Yan Wushi would inevitably block.

Yun Fuyi was at the center of the whirlpool, secretly scorching, but could
do nothing.

She knew that even if she had to go through the difficulties tonight, the
news of tomorrow would tell that there would be more or less people to
win the treasure, so that even the people of Taishan Bixiazong and
Linchuan Xuegong would be attracted. By that time, Where can there be
peace in the Liuhe Gang?
She set her mind and settled for the next best thing. She chose the one who
looks the most trustworthy in the field: "The one who has the ability can
live here. This is a good statement. Return the remnants of "Zhu Yang Ce"
for peace, dare to ask the master, if I give you the remnants of "Zhu Yang
Ce", can you guarantee the safety of me and a few subordinates? "

Buddhist monk Xueting declared in the mouth: "Deputy Yun knows the
righteousness deeply, and the old lady dares not do his best!"

Yun Fuyi weighed and considered several times, and finally gritted his
teeth secretly, and found a small bamboo tube in his arms, nonsense can
not help stretching his head, and even white velvet can not help but
straight up, it is difficult to imagine that this is not as thick as the ordinary
bamboo tube of a woman's wrist. Pretend to be the remnants of "Zhu Yang
Ce" that everyone in the world wants.

Bai Rong was injured in both hands, unable to fight, simply leaned on the
porch to watch the show.

Murong Qin has turned into a shadow, the goal is that bamboo tube.

Before he could get close to Yunfuyi, the applause of Master Xueting

fluttered from behind, accompanied by the endless sound of jade jade, the
sound went straight into the heart, listening to Murongqin's ears, but he
met with Yunfu Yi Fangcai generally felt the same, his feet suddenly
became more than a thousand pounds, and his chest was nauseous.

He knew that he must be under the influence of Yuyu. He simply closed

his ears and listened to his movements. He still grasped the bamboo tube
in Yun Fuyi's hand.

Yan Wushi didn't know what he thought, so he inserted a foot, his body
moved slightly, and the flowers and shadows didn't move, and people were
behind Murong Qin.

He reached out, but not to stop Murong Qin from grabbing the bamboo
tube, but to stop Master Xueting.
In a blink of an eye, the two have already fought against each other for
dozens of tricks. Mo said that Chen Gong was dazzled and didn't know
what happened. Even a rising star like nonsense was in the mist.

Chen Gong looked dizzy, but he couldn't move his eyes. When he was in
the middle of his mind, Shen Xuan suddenly held his shoulder and said
quietly, "Get up and go!"

Generally speaking, Shen Yun said a word, Chen Gong always had to raise
three sentences. This time, it is rare to be obedient, not to say anything,
and clenching his teeth to get up and go.

But just standing up, Chen Gong felt that his back was lifted vigorously,
and the whole man flew up in the air. He couldn't help screaming, terrified,
and waited until Yan Wushi threw him on the roof. Soft fell to his knees
and almost mumbled.

Since playing tonight, he has been unlucky, Chen Gong despaired, looked
down tremblingly, and saw more people beside Yan Wushi.

Shen Ye was also arrested.

Shen Ye also held a bamboo tube in his hand-Yan Wushi forced it to him-
he didn't throw it or take it, he looked blank and helpless: "I'm just a small
person, staying here and staying with rivers and lakes." No matter, there is
a debtor and a debtor. Couldn't the Lord Yan tease us like this? "

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "How can this be teasing? I'm giving you
a great benefit, what everyone in the world wants, and it's in your hands at
this time, don't you have any joy?"

No one could have imagined that Yan Wu would intervene in this, but he
handed the bamboo tube to two irrelevant little people present. For a
while, everyone was staring at Shen Shen, his eyes burning, and he could
not wait to burn him out. Come.

Master Xueting frowned: "Why does Yan Zong bring in unrelated people?"
Yan Wushi casually played with Yusui tied to his robe: "Do n’t you really
want to see what's written there? It won't matter if you fight like this, it's
better for everyone to have a share. If I read it, others will definitely If you
do n’t believe, if you read it, I do n’t believe it. It ’s better to leave it to
him to read, how much to hear, and how much to listen to.

The author has something to say:

Normal people can't predict this result at all, and neurosis is worthy of the
name ...

Shen Yun: I'm so tired, I want to go home.

Chapter 12

Yan Wushi acted arrogantly, and unreasonably issued cards. Many people
have heard of them. After hearing such words, Bai Rong secretly confided.

Tonight, the Acacia sect only came to her. There were Master Xueting and
Yan Wushi, and she didn't even want to get the residual volume of "Zhu
Yangce", not to mention that she was still injured.

If according to Yan Wushi's words, you can hear only a few words, not to
mention how much you have benefited, at least you can have an
explanation when you go back.

Thinking of this, she stared at Shen Zhu's bamboo tube tightly, and her
eyes were right.

Murong Qin and others reacted in the same way, but only Master Xueting
did not agree: "Master Zong, this person is not a man of the rivers and
lakes. Today, he read out the contents of the remnant, and it spread the
news. Others said" "Zhu Yangce" must be found again, inevitably there
will be a vicious nightmare choose to start with him. You do not kill Bo
Ren, but Bo Ren died because of you! "

Yan Wushi said lazily: "Old bald donkey, you say these things, hypocrisy?
Is it true? When you were a teacher, you must have seen the volume of"
Zhu Yang Ce "in the Zhou Dynasty inner palace. You studied under the
Tiantai Sect. When you betrayed the master, your master Huiwen was not
dead. Because of his importance to you, you might have read the "Zhu
Yangce" of Tiantaizong. If you add this tonight, you will have five
volumes. It ’s the third best thing. It ’s cheap and sells well. It ’s people
like you? ”

Murong Qin also agreed with Yan Wushi's words and ridiculed: "The
master is a good man. Since he doesn't want to listen, he just leaves. Why
hinder people's future? I have to write a long story here, because I can't
monopolize it, so I'm upset. ? "

Master Xueting sighed and finally stopped speaking.

Yan Wushi only reached two acupoints on Shen's back with two roots and
said to him: "Read."

To outsiders, it seems that Yan Wushi was threatening him. Only Shen
Zhen knew that the other party seemed to use some secret method to
instantly open up some clogged veins in his body. His vision gradually
became clear, and he looked no different from ordinary people.

No one would think that Shen Wu ’s life was saved by Yan Wushi, but
even if the two had such a relationship, Shen Wu would never think that
Yan Wushi would look at him differently, and he had a vague idea in his
heart. There was another layer of chill to Yan Wushi.

Picking up the bamboo tube arrogantly, Shen Min slowly unscrewed away,
and pulled out the bamboo slip rolled into a roll from it.

The bamboo chips are extremely thin, and after being unfolded, they are
almost three feet long.

The words above are small, but at this time Shen Yun's eyesight was
temporarily restored, and by moonlight, he could see it roughly.

All eyes were burning, and they all looked at him.

Thousand Autumns: Page 15
If these eyes can be turned into substance, Shen Yan estimates that
numerous holes have been burned out from all over the body.

He narrowed his eyes to read the words, and slowly read them out word by
word: "The spleen hides meaning, the day after tomorrow is delusion, the
innate is faith ..."

For a person with no internal force, the volume is naturally unusual, but
most of the people present have great ears and can still hear clearly.

There is not much content on the bamboo slips, Shen Yan's speed is slow,
at most half an hour before he finishes reading.

He gave back bamboo slips to Yan Wushi with a dry mouth, the latter
removed his hand from his back vest, and Shen Yun felt that the warmth
disappeared suddenly, and the darkness slowly returned to his eyes, and it
was probably only used before Excessive eyes, eyes burning like a fire,
and pain.

He couldn't help covering his eyes with one hand, and using the bamboo
stick to stabilize his figure with the other, panting slightly with his waist

Yan Wushi didn't care about him, and Wu took the bamboo slip by
himself. The sleeves of the robes were shaken. Without a word, the hand
was thrown away.

Everyone was stunned.

Murong Xun was young and vigorous, and could not help yelling: "What
precious things are left in the" Zhu Yang Ce "volume that have ruined

Yan Wushi said lightly: "It's precious when it's gone. He just read it
before, remember more and remember less, that's your business."
Murong Xun glared at him, speechless for a moment.

Yan Wushi claps his hands, removes the powder from his sleeves, turns
around, and leaves without love.

There are not many people who can stop him in this world. Zen Master
Xueting didn't move. The others could only watch his figure disappear into
the darkness.

Bai Rong didn't want to have any injuries on his body, and followed him
away, but not to chase Yan Wushi, but to find a place and write down what
he had just remembered.

Murong Xun and Tuoba Liangzhe both looked at Murong Qin, who
groaned for a moment and made a decision: "Go!"

The three turned around and left without looking at Yun Fuyi.

Master Xueting sighed softly and said to Yun Fuyi: "Vice Deputy Yun was
frightened tonight, and he asked the poor monk to say hello to Dou

Although Yun Fuyi had his part, but the fragments were destroyed at this
time, Yun Fuyi had completely lost his interest in asking the teacher for
sin, and only said lightly: "Master, walk slowly."

When Master Xueting left, she asked Hu Yanhu to support both of her
masters, and said to Shen Ye and Chen Gong: "Your blaze is all caused by
the Liuhe Gang tonight. I am very sorry about this, I do n’t know. Where
do you want to go next? If it is convenient, we can drop you off. "

Before the change, Chen Gong must have responded with euphoria, but
what happened tonight has made him see what someone is like. There is
heaven outside, and his interest has diminished a lot, and he is not willing
to give up this opportunity to enter the rivers and lakes, and thinks How to
answer it.
However, Shen Yan next stepped forward: "Thank you for your kind
intentions. We had planned to go south to invest in relatives. I didn't
expect to encounter such a thing. Now I'm very scared. I just want to speed
up my journey and go to the south. We are not from the rivers and lakes,
nor do we want to be involved in the rivers and lakes. Please forgive the
lady. "

Yun Fuyi groaned, "Do you remember the content you just read?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I waited for a poor family since I was young,
and my cousin didn't know the characters. I was just rough text, I had n’t
read any classics, and my eyes were not good. The master did n’t know
what magical power he used, and then he arrived. In my vest, I saw the
text on the bamboo slip, and after I finished reading, as soon as his hand
was gone, I could see nothing, let alone remember. "

Yun Fuyi saw that his eyes had no focus, and his eyes were slightly blue. It
really looked like his eyes were sick. Knowing that what he said was not
false, he inevitably had some regrets. There was no reluctance. If two
people need help urgently, they can go to the Liuhe Gang in the city and
report my Yunfuyi name. "

Shen Chen thanked him, Chen Gong looked at him and followed him.

Yun Fuyi and others didn't stop much. They didn't even care about the two
boxes. Nonsense took two injured church owners and rushed to the city
overnight, and the huge temple suddenly became more desolate.

Watching their figures disappear from sight, Chen Gong patted Shen Shen
gently, his voice was still very low, for fear of being heard: "She just let us
go together, why don't you agree to come down Is n’t it safer to go with
them? "

Shen Yan's eyes were painful, but he laughed when he heard the words:
"Why didn't you stop me when I just said it, and just offered to follow

Chen Gong hesitated: "You are naturally more credible than them."
Shen Yun sighed: "The deputy Yun Gang invited us to go with us. I was
just afraid that he didn't listen to the content in full. I hope we can help me
to write the residual volume together. After this incident, the outside world
will surely get the news soon. We tried every means to get a copy of the
scraps. We were on the same road with them. When there was any danger,
we would be thrown out first. "

Chen Gong suddenly realized that he could not help but curse: "No wonder
I said that mother-in-law suddenly and so kindly, it turned out that she had
hidden a bad belly for a long time. If you didn't stop it in time, I would
really go with them!"

Shen Yun: "This is just my guess. Since" Zhu Yangce "is so precious, they
are afraid to forget it, and they will find a place to write it down first.
These dictated versions will surely become a sought-after item for
everyone. We They are not rivers and lakes, and walking with them will
only be caught in pond fish, but it is not good. "

Chen Gong looked downcast: "You're right, I have seen the Liuhe Gang
branch in Funing County prestige and want to join them, but after tonight,
I will not have this illusion anymore, I have a little bit of martial arts No, I
guess I can only do it for a lifetime! "

The two walked back together. At this time, it was half an hour since the
accident, and Shen Ye felt the pain in his eyes slightly relieved. He opened
his eyes and saw nothing, and returned to the worst situation at the

He was pondering, just because of Yan Wushi ’s hand, it is likely that he

would have taken months or even years to return to normal eyes. What
method would he use to elevate his eyes to the best state all at once? It
may take longer to recover.

Shen Yan could not help but smile slightly.

He was thoroughly taught the cold and ruthlessness of this person, and the
other party saved himself at first, for fear that it was not of good
But tonight ... Is it true that Yan Wushi will be here?

Chen Gong suddenly pulled his sleeve, and his tone was a little bit
chilling: "You said, the little monk was disguised just now. What about the
abbot in the temple and the two little monks? Will it have been silenced? "

Shen Yan did not speak.

Perhaps his silence expressed some hint, Chen Gong's face turned pale and
he did not speak.

He feared not to be afraid, and for the first time he deeply realized the
importance of strong power.

In this world, if there is no corresponding strength, it may be sacrificed at

any time, and it is unclear to die.


The old abbot of the temple and the two young monks really died.

The corpse was in the old abbot's room. The murderer didn't even think
about covering it up, and let them lie there horizontally and vertically.
When Chen Gong saw it, his legs were frightened, and he didn't have the
strength to help them converge the corpse. Crawled and ran back, until I
saw Shen Yan, and was a little calmer.

Although Shen Yan was blind, he could give someone some strength even
if he was sitting quietly.

Chen Gong pursed his lips and asked him, "Is the man killed by a woman
dressed as a little monk? She is so powerful that they can't move or talk,
why kill?"

"Perhaps this is her style of action." Shen Yun was silent for a while.
"Some people do things without reason, and they claim that they can
override others' lives. Likes and dislikes depend on preference."
Chen Gong stared blankly at the ground. The dried blood on the old abbot's
body was still dangling in front of his eyes. Everything that happened
tonight completely subverted what he had seen and heard in the past ten
years, and he was still immersed. In this shock, for a long time failed to
return to God.

I must not be a person who can slaughter and slaughter. I want to be above
all others, Chen Gong thought, thinking of the superiors I saw tonight.

Compared with the calm and calm, unsophisticated Master Xue Tingxue,
naturally, he is open-minded and arbitrarily arrogant, and Yan Wushi is
more arrogant.

Shen Ye didn't know what he was thinking, but when he was frightened, he
patted his shoulder, and Wen Yan said: "Every meeting is a destiny. The
old abbot lends us a temple to live in, and it is also considered that we
have grace. Tomorrow morning you and I will They were buried. "

Chen Gong exhaled a long breath, "OK."

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan, you are too scum. Will your blood shed today, will it become
your tears in the future?

Yan Wushi: In the future? Oh, he must be in tears in the future, and he will
cry and say no.

Shen Yan: ...

Chapter 13

Early the next morning, the two hurriedly buried the abbot and two little
monks and entered the city.

After that incident last night, Chen Gong suddenly became a bird of
surprise, and he didn't want to stay in the city for a while. He saw the sign
of the Liuhe Gang branch in the distance, and he didn't want to come
forward. Shen Ye couldn't help crying and laughing, and said to him: "No
one will notice us, they don't even know our names, they just go to others,
you don't worry too much."

Immediately after saying this, someone on the wall smiled: "I think his
worry is necessary, but then again, the light was dim last night, and the
slave family did not find that Lang Jun was so handsome, so he almost
missed it! "
Thousand Autumns: Page 16
The sound is delicate and most importantly it sounds extremely familiar.

Chen Gong felt familiar with the sound. He shook his head and raised his
head. Then he saw a young girl sitting on the wall with red hair and a
golden ring, smiling at them with a smile. A match with the little monk
last night.

Such a beautiful woman, walking on the streets in the past, Chen Gong
must look at it a few more times, but at this time he thought of the death
of the three monks in the Iyun Temple, only to feel cold, and even to see
more There was no courage at a glance.

Bai Rong groaned with a smile: "Why scared like this, so people meet
again, shouldn't you be happy, I'm here for you!"

Shen Yan couldn't see, he could only arch his hand towards the source of
the voice: "I don't know how expensive this lady is waiting for me?"

Bai Rong pouted: "What this lady is so rusty. My surname is Bai and it's
called Bai Rong. This is an alias for peony. You can also call me a little

Accompanied by the voice, her figure flickered before the two.

Bai Rong seemed more interested in Shen Yan, even reaching out to touch
his face.

When Shen's fingertips were about to touch, Shen Min seemed to feel it
and took two steps back.

Bai Rong giggled, and didn't go around: "Last night, you two read the
remnants, and one listened to them from the beginning to the end. I must
have remembered a lot of content. I will now write down all the contents
of the remnants But there are some words in it that are not very clear, and
I really need your help. As for the reward, after you have done it, you can
naturally get what you want if you want money or beauty ~~ "

The last sentence prolonged the tone, charming and ambiguous enough to
shake the heart of any man.

Chen Gong only felt his ears were hot, and he was about to respond. The
hand on his shoulder suddenly pressed hard. He turned back and quickly
shook his head like a rattle: "I can't read!"

Shen Ye also said: "You have found the wrong person. He is illiterate. I am
blind. Last night I just read the book and read it. When I was puzzled, I
forgot about it. I'm afraid I can't help you."

Bai Rong smiled: "You are panicking now, naturally you can't remember it.
After you return to me, you think about it, maybe you can think of it a lot.
The slave family is so beautiful, do you have the heart to reject me?"

Said that he could not wait for the two of Shen Zhen to answer, and
reached out to them directly.

Chen Gong's alarm sounded loudly, and his body wanted to run, but
somehow, watching the other side's hand stretched out, he couldn't make
half the effort, he could only look at the hand brushing over his shoulder
As his legs softened, the whole person collapsed to the ground.

"Shi Mei is so interested, is this ready to kill again?" Appears with the old
voice, but it is a beautiful young face.

The man fluttered down the wall, and smiled at the white velvet with a
slight change in his face: "It's rare to see my brother, isn't she happy?"

Bai Rong had to give up Shen Chen Chen Gong for the time being, and
concentrated on dealing with the unexpected guest in front of him: "Where
did my brother say that I hadn't seen you for a long time, I was surprised
and happy, and forgot to react."
Huo Xijing glanced at her with a smile, glanced over Chen Gong, and
landed on Shen Yan, showing a very interested expression: "This
handsome Lang Jun is also about to kill the left and right sisters. It's better
to hide his face first Give me, how about you kill again? "

Bai Rong stood in front of Shen Huan with no trace: "Brother joked and
laughed, I didn't think about killing them, but why did the brother appear
here, it would not be a thousand miles to come and chat with me?"

Huo Xijing: "I heard that Shimei got a huge opportunity last night. I
happened to pass by here, so I came to see you by the way."

Bai Rong: "What dumb mystery is my brother playing, I can't understand

my sister!"

Huo Xijing Weiheng: "Liu Gang last night appeared in a suburban temple
with the" Zhu Yangce "remnants and was destroyed by Yan Wushi. At that
time, you were also there. It was said that Wu Wushi had been read before
the remnants were destroyed. Again, Shimei, your cleverness, must have
been written down, ready to be given to the Master? "

Bai Rong vomited her tongue and made the little girl coquettishly:
"Thanks to my filial piety to Master, this kind of thing will naturally be
left to his elderly to deal with. Brother shouldn't want to grab the credit
after hearing the news. what!"

Huo Xijing: "Brother, there is a good way. You might as well leave it to me
for safekeeping. We will go back to revive Master, so that you won't lose

Bai Rong laughed, "Do you think I am a fool?"

Huo Xijing also laughed: "You can't believe my brother like this, it makes
him sad!"

The brothers and sisters laughed and laughed, but in fact hidden swords,
they were staring at each other's empty doors and weaknesses.
Bai Rong didn't dare to relax for a moment, knowing that Shen Huan and
Chen Gong had no time to take care of him, he could only put all his mind
on Huo Xijing, for fear he might accidentally take the other's way.

Huo Xijing raised an eyebrow: "They are gone, aren't Shimei chasing after

Bai Rong smiled and said, "I think brother is more important than them."

These words were so affectionate, but everyone knew that it was not the
case at all.


Chen Gong didn't know how he was pulled up and ran by Shen Ye. Shen
Ye's eyes were invisible, Rao had a bamboo stick, and he stumbled while
walking. Chen Gong had no strength and could only show him the way
behind , Two people ran for most of the hour, Chen Gong couldn't help but
panted, "Don't, don't run, I can't run ..."

Shen Yan slowly stepped down, without losing his dignity, walking
towards the nearest inn.

Chen Gong asked quickly: "Aren't we out of the city? Hurry out of the city
and run away, then the demon can't catch up!"

Shen Ye said: "They must have expected that we would be out of the city,
so we could n’t go out. There are many people in the city, and it is not easy
for them to find us. We will stay at the inn first, and then look for an
opportunity to leave the city tomorrow. The man is here. Will ignore us. "

They entered the inn and wanted a compartment. Although Chen Gong saw
Shen Ye only walked fast, his face was actually exhausted. He remembered
that his body was much weaker than himself, and he had to breathe a few
more steps on weekdays, heart I couldn't bear it, and said, "I'll hit the floor
at night. The bed will let you sleep."
Shen Ye didn't give up, because he really couldn't take it anymore. After
being infused with Qi by Yan Wushi last night, his eyes were soft. He was
holding his breath before, but now he is relaxed and the whole person is
fainted. Fainted.

Chen Gong is a little strange: "They are brothers and sisters, how can they
be like enemies, the man is also a little weird, his voice is like an old man,
but his face is so young!"

Shen Zheng rubbed his forehead: "Because he uses the sky to change the

Chen Gong: "What does it mean to steal the sky?"

I thought the name sounded quite imposing.

Shen Yun: "It's just a face-changing technique, peeling off the skin of
others, and using some secret technique to fuse with your own face, so that
you can always keep your youth and beauty. Both of them, any of them are
tricky characters, if not for them Brothers and sisters are at odds, and we
cannot escape today. "

Chen Gong was terrified and lost his voice: "How could there be such a
vicious technique!"

Shen Yan didn't want to support his spirit any more. He simply lay down,
curled up a little, and frowned slightly on his pale face.

At first when walking with him, Chen Gong was a little worried that he
would fall down at any time, but later he was used to seeing him like this
every day.

Suddenly remembered, Chen Gong asked, "Don't you say you don't
remember anything, how can you know that person used face swap?"

Shen Yun: "Oh, sometimes I think of it."

Chen Gong drew his lips.

"Sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow." Shen Min obviously did not
want to say more, turned over and turned his back to him.

Chen Gong had no choice but to lie down.

In the middle of the night, he had a nightmare, dreaming that his skin was
peeled off, replaced by a wrinkled old man's face, and he couldn't
recognize himself in the mirror, and finally woke up in shock and found
that it was already bright , And the bed was empty.

Shen Yun was gone.

Chen Gong was startled and jumped up. His mind was messy. When he
touched the bed, there was no more room for temperature, and he
wondered whether he should run out and look for it, and then he saw the
door opened and entered.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Where have you been?"

During this time, the two of them went together. Although he didn't say
anything, Chen Gong was accustomed to the existence of Shen Yan.

In the eyes of outsiders, Shen Ye is blind, and his body is not good. There
must be many inconveniences in daily life. It is necessary to rely on Chen
Gong for help, but the fact is that Chen Gong must listen to Shen Ye in
many things. Thanks to Shen Ye, They missed many detours.

Shen Yan closed the door and whispered, "We're going to leave today."

Chen Gong snapped, then jumped up: "Why!"

Shen Yan said: "After Bai Rong and her brother have dealt with each other,
they may not come back to us. The Liuhe Gang side, they wanted to walk
with us last night, and I was dismissed, and they may not regret

He paused and sighed, "And there is that Murong Qin, who should be a
master of the court. If he mobilizes the people in the government to find
us, it will not be a waste of effort. Although we are blind and illiterate, we
can write" Zhu Yangce " In the end, the temptation is too great. Many
people have been pursuing things that they ca n’t help pursuing throughout
their lives, but we have listened to them. Compared to the other people
present at the time, we are just soft persimmons that can't be softer.
Anyone from the rivers and lakes can. Take our lives. "

Chen Gong stammered: "So, what should we do, we didn't listen to it on

purpose, that stuff is so verbal, who wants to hear it!"

Shen Yun: "The husband is guilty and cherishes his guilt. The two of us
appeared together last night and have left an impression on the others. For
the sake of today, we can only go separately."

After a moment of helplessness, Chen Gong found out that this is really no
solution. It really needs to start. It is estimated that others can beat them
down with just one palm. This feeling of powerlessness is stirred in my
heart. , And turned into a deeper sense of powerlessness-Chen Gong hated
his incompetence, but could do nothing.
Thousand Autumns: Page 17
"... That's all right," he reluctantly said, looking at Shen Yan, "but can you
do it alone?"

Shen Ye smiled: "Why not? Before in Funing County, look at me alone?"

Chen Gong thought about it too, but he couldn't be happy anymore: "Will
we be able to meet again when we get out of the city?"

Shen Yun: "Look at fate. Are you still going to Liuhegang?"

Chen Gong shook his head, but was very sober: "The deputy gang leader
already recognized me. I went to Liuhe Gang. Did n’t I throw myself into
the net? Everyone knows that I ’ve heard of the rotten child's remnants,
and I will definitely want to dig out something from me . "

Shen Yun: "Where are you going?"

Chen Gong was discouraged: "Take a step and count a step. Maybe when
you run out of money, you just settle down there. You have to eat."

Shen Ye: "After all, the Liuhe Gang is a big gang, and the threshold is
high. Even if you go in, you may not get any good treatment. It is better to
find a small and honest gang. With your ingenuity and wisdom, you must
be able to come out soon. . "

"Anyway, I don't want to go south anymore. I want to go north and take a

look all the way to Wucheng. I heard that there is a bustling city and there
should be many opportunities to get ahead."

When he said this, Chen Gong was lacking in interest. He had nothing to
pack. He had two pieces of clothing to carry with him, and he could walk
away. Before he left, he looked back and saw Shen Huan'an sitting there
quietly. The staff was in front of him. Although his eyes were awkward,
his face was towards his side, and he seemed to be giving him a farewell.
Somehow, Chen Gong suddenly felt sour: "You, you have to take care."

Shen Min nodded: "You too."

The two people who met in Pingshui will travel together because of the
fate, and for the sake of separation, this is a very common thing, but Chen
Gong, a teenager, has not yet learned to calmly face.

Shortly after Chen Gong left, Shen Zheng also packed up and prepared to
leave the city. He was walking through the south gate and would not run
into collision with Chen Gong. The two walked apart and did distract the
goal, but he had another one. Layer intention.


Chen Gong was shocked and afraid to leave the city all the way, seeing that
no one followed or intercepted, so he was relieved.

Huaizhou is close to the Zhou Dynasty, and frequent business trips. Even
outside the city gate, some people are picking things for sale during the
day. Taking care to avoid those powerful people, Chen Gong didn't have
time to take a closer look. At this time, he was in a bustling market, and
his teenage love to watch lively thoughts came up again.

But he didn't dare to walk around, took a turn around, bought two hot
pancakes just out of the oven, prepared to eat on the road, and continued to
go north along the official road.

After walking a hundred steps, I heard a horseshoe stepping behind, mixed

with screaming and crying, Chen Gong quickly turned around and saw
several people galloping out of the city, running towards him, followed by
a large group of people , Holding a bow and arrow, rushing away.

He didn't know what was going on. He stood there for a while and saw that
those people were getting closer. The horses behind him had even opened
their bows and arrows, and were going to shoot at it. They were so
frightened and subconscious. I followed, but my mind was still confused,
and I didn't understand why the scene suddenly appeared like this.
It wasn't just him. The people at the gate of the city were all in a mess,
fleeing and screaming.

Chen Gong did not dare to go back, and ran desperately forward, feeling in
his heart that he was really unlucky, and went wrong everywhere.

After running for a while, the sound of arrows burst into the air, passing
his ears into the grass in front of Chen Gong!

His foot almost fell forward.

The sound of screaming and falling to the ground from time to time from
behind, the riders on the horse laughed from afar, it seemed very happy.

Still others flattered: "The king of the county has good arrows, it can be
said that it is a hundred steps to wear Yang, and there is no false hair!"

The laughter came to an abrupt end, and the man suddenly raised his
voice: "The fastest man in front of you, you are not allowed to move, I
want to shoot him!"

Who else can run faster than Chen Gong? No more!

He suddenly knew what was happening!

Most dignitaries like hunting, but some people are very perverted. They
don't like hunting animals. They like hunting people. They release
prisoners' slaves and tell them to run as hard as they can.

Chen Gong also heard about it after he came out of Funing County. At that
time, he still listened to the strangeness, followed the chant, and now he
has the same story as the storytelling, which is not fun at all!

Realizing this, his heart beats faster than the drum beat, a heart is afraid to
jump out of his chest!

Chen Gong stopped abruptly, turned to the ground, and begged for mercy:
"Nobles forgive me, nobles forgive me, I am not a prey, not a prisoner
slave, but a good citizen!"
"What about Liangmin? If the king wants to kill, he will kill!" The head of
the man laughed casually, and when he looked at his appearance, he could
not help but snorted: "You look up."

Chen Gong looked up boldly, his face full of fear.

But Muti looked interesting: "Although my complexion is darker, it's more

beautiful, and my limbs are soft, so if I spare your life, what would you

Chen Gongyun understands: "Caomin treats himself as a cow and a horse,

and is willing to expel the noble ..."

Muti smiled softly: "Okay, come here, take it back and wash me clean!"

When Chen Gong left home, it was by no means unintelligible. Seeing that
everyone on the side looked at him with strange expressions, coupled with
what the man said just now, he suddenly responded: This is what he is
Beloved a male pet!

It is not uncommon for male pets to be in the upper levels of the Qi state,
especially in the upper levels of the aristocracy of the Qi state. The
emperors of the Qi state were not male and female, and they went down
and down, naturally following the male style.

Chen Gong didn't know that he had encountered the most famous lucky
minister beside Qi Emperor, but this did not prevent him from frightening
his spirits after he reacted, and shouted his head while chanting, "Noble
man, I am nothing, I don't want to talk to you go back!"

Muti's face sank.

Chen Gong's heart was beating.

He learned a few tricks with Shen Zhen, but the team of the other team,
each carrying a sword and sword, was full of light. His three-legged cat
kung fu was not useful at all, just because he was not close to the
nobleman. Through heart.
Chen Gong originally thought that he was not afraid of fear. At this
moment, he felt that he was childish and ridiculous. Before, he was not
afraid because the situations could handle himself, but now he is afraid
because of the wealthy people of unknown origin. Chen Gong didn't even
have to figure it out. Their identities knew that they must not be able to
mess with them.

The followers laughed on the side: "King County, the villain has never
seen such an uninteresting person!"

Another person echoed: "Yeah, this person is not awesome. You can see
him, it is his blessing. He actually has the courage to refuse, so it's better
to shoot him on the spot!"

Muti squinted, her bow and arrow slowly raised.

"Noble, please let the villain elaborate!"

With a buzz in Chen Gong's head, there was a moment of blankness. He

couldn't think about it and blurted out: "The villain is not very attractive,
and it is not worthy of the noble person to look so high, but the villain
knows and knows a person! He is even better than the villain Many, no, it's
more beautiful than the people you bring together! "

The women who followed Mu Tipo were all beautiful men, and they all
laughed when they heard the words, ridiculing that Chen Gong had never
seen the world.

"Look at him like a hunk, and say that he has seen more beautiful people
than us!"

Mutipo didn't speak, and she had drawn a white arrow, and seemed to be
ready to shoot with a bow.

Chen Gong was sweating coldly, and life and death were at a critical
moment. He couldn't care much anymore, and said loudly: "That man is in
the city. We just broke up. If you don't believe me, I can take you there. He
has a good looks, but My eyes are a little inconvenient, I am blind, afraid,
I ’m afraid that you will not be happy when you see me! "

Hearing about the blind man, Mrs. Muti finally got interested: "Speaking
of it, I haven't played with the blind man. I don't think I have to cover my
eyes when I'm tied to the bed?"

The frivolous tone caused an ambiguous chuckle.

Chen Gong is seen as having no rituals about this group of powerful

people, but he has already spoken, and he has no time to regret it. His heart
is deeper than his skill, maybe he can repel these people, or maybe they go
there. Shen Shen has gone.

The mess of thoughts flickered by. He sat still and remained unmoved,
followed by the horse, and raised his chin: "Not yet take us!"

Chen Gong gritted his teeth: "This nobleman, in fact, that person is
actually in bad health, although his face is beautiful, I'm afraid it will
make you unhappy ..."

Mrs. Muti teased: "It ’s not better. I ’m sick. Do n’t have any interest in
playing. If you die, it is also because he is not in good health and can't
blame me! If you do n’t want to lead the way, then It ’s up to you. You are
in good health. I think it ’s okay to play whatever you want. I ’ll take it off
and play with my wolf dog. It ’s just that they ’re in estrus too. I ’m
worried I ca n’t find a mating for them! "

Chen Gong opened his eyes wide, and never imagined that there was such
a cruel person in the world. Mu Ti's description made him tremble, and he
could no longer resist.

Don't blame me, Shen Yun, I was forced, he said silently.


Chen Gong took the brigade into the city and came to the inn where they
had stayed before. At this time, he left, but only half a day later.
The owner of the inn still had an impression on him. He saw him
returning, followed by a group of men and women. He did not dare to
neglect, and rushed to ask: "You are ..."

Chen Gong couldn't help but look back at Mu Tipo, who saw the inside of
the inn was rude, frowning his nose, and was reluctant to enter. Only a few
followers came in to negotiate with Chen Gong.
Thousand Autumns: Page 18
"Will the person who came with me stay?" Chen Gong gestured. "He
doesn't have good eyes, and he is holding a bamboo stick."

The treasurer said busyly: "Yes, yes, he is still in the box, never came

Chen Gong's heart was pleased, and then a little guilt was raised, but this
guilt did not last long, and was interrupted.

The followers who followed Mu Tipo frowned at Chen Gong: "What are
you doing, don't you take us up?"

The other side was greasy and powdery, revealing a taste of arrogance.
Chen Gong was unwilling to look at it at a glance, but if he could not
disobey the other party, he could only grind and take people upstairs, and
hoped that Shen Tuan had left. Fall, and hope that Shen Yan is still there.

Chen Gong took someone upstairs and knocked at the door.

After three taps, a familiar voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

At that moment, Chen Gong couldn't tell what he felt inside. He swallowed
and said, "It's me."

"Chen Gong? Why are you back? Come in quickly." Shen Yan was a little
surprised, and his voice was as calm as ever.

Chen Gong had mixed tastes, and guilt suddenly surged up.

"Why not go in?" Muti's followers were impatient and pushed him hard.

Chen Gong pushed forward and pushed the door open.

Shen Ye was sitting by the window, his face slightly outward, as if

enjoying the scenery outside the window, but Chen Gong knew that since
that night, his eyes could not see anything at all.

"Well, this is the beauty you say, and it's not that ..."

The follower paused when Shen Zheng turned his head, and was a little bit

Muti, who was waiting impatiently downstairs, went upstairs, and her eyes

He came from a poor background, because his mother was in power, and
later he was mixed with the emperor. This led to extravagant days.
Therefore, he paid great attention to wearing. .

Shen Yun's clothes would not be a good material, and there was only a
simple bundle on her head, not even jade, and only tied with sky blue cloth
towels of the same color as the clothes.

But Muti couldn't keep her eyes open.

These rough cloths cannot completely hide the beauty of the beauty itself.

Even when Shen Ye "looked" at them with expressionless face, he felt dry
and irritable, and he couldn't help but want to go up and knock the other
person down, tear his clothes apart, and wantonly.

"Chen Gong, who else did you bring?"

Mutipa felt more excited when he heard his voice blank.

I wonder how this ecstasy tasted when this man frowned.

Mu Tipo even thought about it. She would hold a book here in Huaizhou,
and send it to Qi Di Gao Wei. Gao Wei, like him, always likes to play
something different. Such a blind beauty The emperor will be very happy.

"What's your name?" He asked Shen Wei.

Shen Yan frowned slightly, but didn't answer, only said: "Chen Gong?"
The author has something to say:

In order to make the plot more coherent and don't leave too much suspense
for everyone, I simply reduced the weight of 2 days in Chapter 1, so that
everyone can enjoy it, but the draft is gone, let me save it. Next, let ’s
continue the night after tomorrow!

PS, Mu Tipo is a character in history. Shi Zai is the lucky minister of

Emperor Gao Wei of Qi Kingdom. The two were sleeping together, and his
mother is also very famous. It is the "Luzhen Legend" girl broadcast on
Mango Channel. The prototype of the protagonist Lu Zhen, Lu Lingxuan,
of course, in the TV series, Lu Lingxuan has been washed by Yu's mother,
and Mu Tipo in this article only extracted the personality personality
prototype. Martial arts background novels don't need to delve into it ~

Chapter 14

Although he knew Shen Chen was invisible, Chen Gong subconsciously

avoided his sight.

Mutipo laughed and said with a smile: "Chen Gong told me that there is a
beauty here who looks a hundred times better than everyone I bring. I was
unbelieving. I felt that this boy had never seen the world before. So let ’s
follow along, but now I see that he did n’t exaggerate. ”

Shen Yun was silent and expressionless.

Mu Tipo didn't take it seriously: "I am Mu Tipo, the king of Chengyang

County, deeply loved by her Majesty today. If you will go back with me,
you will naturally be rich in clothing and prosperity, and you will not have
to live in such a rough place. Where it is. "

Then Shen Chen sighed: "Chen Gong, did you reveal my whereabouts to

Chen Gongxin said, "I can't help it! If I don't call them over, I will go to
Mu ... to make a cow and a horse for the county king!"
Shen Yan shook his head: "Do you think you can escape them by bringing
them in? Can you ask the King of Chengyang County, who will let you

Mutipo laughed, "Yes, although this boy is not as good as your finger, but
he has all the limbs, flexible mind, and a face that can still be seen. Such a
person would be a good servant!"

Chen Gong was startled: "You said you just let me go!"

Muti didn't even put him in his eyes, waved his hand, and stepped forward
to take him down.

He himself walked towards Shen Yan.

I don't know if he felt his approach, Shen Min finally got up along the
table and seemed to be saluting.

Mutipo sneered, everything was expected.

People in the world are afraid of envy, fear of envy, fear of enemies, moths
of fire, even if the other party seems unwilling now, but will soon adapt to
or even like the glory of wealth, nephrite, warm fragrance, when you want
to get away , He can't help himself.

Mother Muti: "What's your name?"

Shen Ye: "My name is Shen Ye."

Mother Muti: "Is Daqiao Xiaoqiao's Joe? It's a veritable name."

Shen Yan: "Shan Qiao."

Mu Tipo raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Huairou hundred gods, and He

Yueyue? This character is a bit harsh, not the name that a beautiful woman
should have."

Shen Chen didn't smile: "I think the name is good."

"Okay, just like what you like, do you have a character, or I'll just call you
Xiaomao? Grandma?" Mu Ti laughed, and unconsciously brought some
pampering and accommodation.

Shen Yan bent over to pick up the bamboo stick, and his neck was exposed
under the collar, slender and seductive.

Muti's mother felt itchy and couldn't help but reach out to help, thinking
about pulling people into her arms, just like a kiss.

Shen Ye's body temperature was low, she was thin due to illness, and when
her wrists were held, Muti could still feel the bones covered by the thin

On weekdays, Muti's eyes have been read by the beauty, and he will
definitely feel that the other party feels bad, but at this moment, he is in a
state of anxiety and can't wait any longer.

"Ama ..." He said only two words.

Only time to speak these two words.

Muti felt a pain in her heart.

He looked down, and the bamboo stick did not know when he actually
appeared on his chest, poking at his heart.

Mutipo didn't respond slowly. After the pain, her upper body leaned back,
and grabbed the bamboo stick with one hand, and patted it with the other.

He is not a man with a broad mind, and hates this weak-looking beauty
who has the courage to conceal himself, so he will show no mercy.

Mu Tipo also has martial arts. Although it is second- or third-level, if this

palm is really shot on Shen Ye, he will be seriously injured if he does not

However, unexpectedly, the bamboo stick that was originally ten securely
slipped away from the control of Mu Tipo.
Thousand Autumns: Page 19
Not only that, Mu Ti's other hand smashed to the other side also fell

He thought that the sick and weak beauty avoided his attack with a
wonderful footwork, and even hit him on the waist with a bamboo stick.

The opponent's internal force was empty. This time, it could not cause
much damage to Mu Tipo, but it happened to hit the weakest point of his
ribs. Mu Tipo was caught off guard and was unable to resist the qi. As a
result, she was struck with tears. It was almost coming out, I couldn't help
but snorted, and stepped back.

His followers then reacted, and some came forward to support Muti, and
some rushed forward, ready to take Shen Yan down.

Mu Tipo never thought that she would suffer a loss here, her face was so
drenched that she dripped water, stared at Shen Yan fiercely, her eyes were
not concealed, and she had already thought of a hundred ways to torture
each other: "Give him I catch it alive! "

The followers he brought were not lacking in skill. Relying on many

people, he did not take this blind and sickly person in the eyes, but
everyone knew that they had all lost the battle.

With a bamboo stick, he drove everyone close.

But this is more than that. It seems to know that there are many people on
Mu Tipo's side, and Shen Ye does not intend to consume them anymore.
His shots are getting more and more fierce. His face, which is slightly
weak due to blindness, is now covered with coldness. One person wanted
to sneak around to catch him, and he was directly taken down by a stick.
The person backed up again and again, Shen Yan showed no mercy, and
pushed him out of the window.
There was a scream from the second floor, and everyone was a little dazed
and forgot to move for a moment.

"Who else is coming?"

He "looked" at the crowd with no expression, and the bamboo stick was
still on the ground.

His face was still pale, but there was a bit of coldness.

Chen Gong was stunned.

The last time he saw Shen Biao repelled a few beggars, or when he broke
the temple, he knew that Shen Biao was probably a master of martial arts
before getting sick with amnesia, but then at Izumo Temple, he met Yan
Wushi and Xue Ting. After the master and others took the shot, it seemed
that his horizons had also improved, and he no longer felt how powerful
Shen was.

Up to this moment, he seemed to have seen many secrets hidden in the

other party, and seemed to be kept in the drum, knowing nothing.

Mutipo felt embarrassed, and was both annoyed and hated by Shen Ye. She
wanted to kill the person for a while, and felt that she had not been
relieved of her hatred. She had to catch her alive and fiddle with it ten or
eight times. The subordinates are playing until they die, this is the solution
to the hatred of their hearts.

He looked back and forth, seeing everyone hesitant to step forward, and
could not help yelling: "So many of you have gone up, can't you hit a blind
man, and you can be crushed!"

Everyone still didn't dare to move, mainly because they were scared, and
more or less wounded on their bodies. No one expected that the other party
could play the role of a bamboo stick to the fullest.

Shen Qiang looked pale, only standing there, saying nothing, as if waiting
for them to leave or continue to provoke.
Mu Tipo sneered: "You didn't use your internal strength. The subtle tricks
alone can't support it for long. This inn has made me surrounded. If you
are interested, you will kneel down and ask for mercy. I may still give You
have a way to live, otherwise ... "

Shen Yun: "What if it were not?"

Muti's face was fierce: "If not ..."

Before he had finished speaking, he saw Shen Min patted him with one

The people who thought Shen Shen had no internal strength were taken
aback. When the wind came, the front of the cabinet fell down.

The crowd unexpectedly had to dodge and evade, and Muti was no
exception, because the cabinet was not far behind him, he couldn't move
backwards, and could only stand beside him. As a result, Shen Yan shot
towards his back while he was dodging. .

Muti turned back to counterattack, but unexpectedly fell into a heavy trap,
the latter rolled a sleeve, grabbed his wrist directly, pulled him back to the
window, and held his neck with the other hand.

At first glance, everyone dared not act rashly.

Mutipo didn't expect that his wrists were thin and visible bones, but she
was so strong that she couldn't breathe completely, and her other hand was
firmly holding his door, making him dare not even use his anger.

"If you do this, you will only, cough, find your own way!" Mutipa never
thought that she had played the eagle for a lifetime, but she was pecked by
the eagle in the end.

But who would have thought that Shen Yan's appearance would turn
everyone around?

"I don't know if I'm seeking my own way, but I know that if you don't let
me go today, I'm afraid you will die here first." Half ignition gas. "It's a
great deal for a noble man and a trivial life for me. This sale is a good

How on earth did he look before and feel that he was harmless and weak!

Muti couldn't, but had to let those embarrassing followers retreat: "Go
outside and say something, and let them all withdraw!"

Shen Yun sighed: "Isn't it good for the county king to be so refreshing
early? Let's go, please send me outside the city and give me a carriage."

Muti sneered, "You blind man, what use is it to ask for a carriage? Is it
necessary for me to send you a coachman again?"

Shen Yun groaned: "King Mu Jun made sense, so please bother you to stay
with me for a while, presumably the driver will not dare to fail."

Muti was angry.

If he went out of the city all the way, Muti was coerced into the carriage,
and the driver would not dare to obey him.

The carriage went west and walked for two days and one night until it was
close to the northern surroundings. It was also confirmed that Muti's
followers could not catch up for the time being. Shen Yun let the driver go
back in the carriage first, and then held Muti into the border to extend life
A certain inn in the county stunned him first, and then made his children
and grandchildren obsolete, lest he go to harm others in the future and
leave people in a certain room, and then left alone.

Shen Min walked out of the inn and hurriedly walked towards the city
gate, but just after taking a few steps, he had to stop and find a corner of
the alley without people, leaning against the wall, and could no longer
support it. At the end of the crossbow, he stooped and spit out a large
mouthful of blood.

There was a chuckle.

Shen Ye didn't have to look up to know who it was. He stretched his
sleeves to wipe the blood off the corner of his lips, and simply sat down
against the wall.

A Qingpao man does not know when he will appear. He has a handsome
face, a domineering look, and a narrow fine line on the corners of his eyes.
However, this fine line has added an inexplicable charm to him.

Yan Wushi stood with his hands on his shoulders. When he saw his face
pale and pale, with a dry lamp, he yelled, "You obviously broke up with
Chen Gong so as not to involve him, but in good faith, you turned your
head and suffered. Betrayal, Chen's own surname is unwilling to be
imprisoned by Muti, and throws you out. What is it like to be a good
person? "

Shen Yan was terribly sick in his chest, covering her mouth and wishing to
spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood before she was happy.

"You're wrong. That night at Izumo-ji, I was a person who read the
remnants. Only Chen Gong and I were literate. Even if Chen Gong had a
good memory and wrote down some words, he knew it. The reason is that
if those people in the Liuhe Gang are looking for it afterwards, they will
definitely be coming to me, so I am separated from him in order to keep
him from being affected by me. If he suffers because of me, I will be
disturbed. "

After speaking a long paragraph, he was a bit weak, and he had to pause
and take a breath before continuing: "I don't have the power of an
unknown prophet, I don't know if he will meet Muti, and he doesn't know
if he will escape for himself. Woe came to me. But at that time, I couldn't
just take him as a back seat because he might have done something bad for
me in the future. "

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan, can you be more scum? Watching the show from the beginning
and seeing the end, do you want to be elected the best **** attack of the
year! Have you ever thought about Double 11?
Yan Wushi: Hehe hee.

Shen Ye did not kill Muti because

1. At this time in history, he was not dead [...]

2. Shen Zhangjiao's health is not good now. Mutipo's status in Qi Kingdom

is more important. The emperor valued him very much. He hung up. Shen
Ting would have more troubles. He might not go away. Now people have
not died and become eunuchs. Busy to take care of him, he didn't think
about chasing Shen Yun at half-a-minute, Shen Yun had time to leave.

Of course, everything is not perfect, Shen Jianfei's original intention was

to prevent him from harming more people, but if Muti was
psychologically perverted, this would be unpredictable.

Chapter 15

Yan Wushi smiled angrily: "Shen Zhangjiao is really full of heart, but
unfortunately, you are not like everyone in Xuandu Mountain, otherwise
your disciples of Qifengge, why have you fallen to the point where Kunxie
hit the cliff?"

Shen Yan shook his head and said nothing.

His current memory is vague, intermittent, some remembered, some

didn't, and the inside story of this past event is not very clear, and there is
nothing to say.

Yan Wushi suddenly raised his palm and shot at him.

This palm is not like a tentative test, but a three-point skill.

With the current comparison of the two, let alone three points of skill,
even if Yan Wushi only scores one point, Shen Ye is afraid that there is no

If someone else is present, he will certainly not doubt Yan Wushi's

murderous heart, and he will certainly feel that Shen Xun is inevitable.
Shen Yan's breathing thickened, and a blood rushed to his throat, but was
suppressed by him. Yan Wushi's anger was like him himself, extremely
overbearing, raging, the river rushed, and his desires became essence.

At the critical moment of life and death, his heart was calmed down, and a
strange emptiness emerged.
Thousand Autumns: Page 20
At that moment, Shen Yan's eyes were still dark, but in addition to the
darkness, another vast galaxy appeared.

The universe is flooded, the world is big, and since ancient times, there
have been infinite changes. There is no such thing as a small person. If
there is a union between heaven and man and the transformation of the
gods into nothingness, the mountains and rivers are me, the sun and moon
are me, the sky is me, and the cloud is me. Everything is unhindered.

Shen Yan felt this way at this time.

He couldn't tell if his intermittent memory had played a role, or because

the remnants of the "Zhu Yangce" he had read that night were deeply
inscribed in his heart, with the words floating in his mind and the familiar
text floating up, he felt like The branches and leaves are leaking, and the
light is full, and the air is flawless.

The long-stagnant emptiness has begun to linger on the limbs, lingering

and endless.

Yan Wushi ’s palm print came over, like Mount Taishan, and if it ’s windy,
it ’s an ordinary person. He could n’t even see it clearly, but Shen Yan
actually saw it clearly. The wall behind him was inevitable. Choose to face
the enemy.

With his own weak body, he has no one-third power over Shang Yan.

The latter had confronted the world's top masters such as Qi Fengge and
Cui Youtuo. One generation of masters confronted without falling into the
wind. This shows that their strength is horrible. Not to mention Shen Ye,
even if it is Murong Qin, the first master of Qi State, facing Yan Wu The
three-point strength of the division must not be taken seriously.

However, Shen Yun was able to withstand such pressure.

He was not patted flat on the wall and he vomited blood and died.

His face was pale and almost transparent, but his feet did not move half a
minute. The sleeves of his robes swelled high with the impact of energy,
and even the cloth towel on his head was spread out, and his long hair fell
down and fluttered wildly.

The two strengths are connected, one side is strong and the other weak, but
for a while, they will not fall.

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows slightly, but without much surprise, instead
he showed such a look.

Xuandushan mentality, quiet and inaction, and no competition with the

world, when weak, weak, strong when strong, harmonious and unharmed.

This sentence suddenly flashed in Shen Min's mind.

But then he realized that his potential could be stimulated, in fact, it has
nothing to do with Xuandushan, but because ...

In the spirit of his own use, there were faint signs of blending with Yan
Wushi. The two spirits were in confrontation and affected each other. They
were clearly the same source!

However, the strength of the two was too disparate in the end. Yan Wushi
basically didn't need extra movements. As long as he added a little
pressure, Shen Yan could not bear it. If he looked like gold paper, he spit
out blood.

Yan Wushi closed his hand at this time.

"Sure enough." He had a rich taste, "I was skeptical when I gave you the
pulse at that time. You originally practiced the remnants of" Zhu Yang Ce
"in Xuandu Mountain. Was it passed to you by Qi Fengge?"

Shen Ye only felt his ears humming, and listening to Yan Wushi ’s voice
seemed to come from the distant sky. He slid down the wall along the wall
to the ground: "So that night at Izumo Temple, you deliberately let I read
the scraps? "

Yan Wushi: "Yes, there are five volumes of" Zhu Yangce ". Wandering
souls are on your Xuandu Mountain. Since you are a man from Qi Fengge,
you must have practiced this volume, otherwise you should regret the peak
and fall down. That's right, there can be no vitality inside, and even
gradually restore eyes and martial arts. Don't you think it's strange? "

"Because the" Zhu Yangce "you practiced has been memorized by your
body, even if you have no memory for a while, that authentic energy has
already become a part of your body and is slowly helping you to adjust.
That night I let you read The deliberate scrolling is to use this part to
remind you of the part you have practiced before and see if you can
combine the contents of the two volumes and fuse them.

Shen Yeqi Ruosi: "Shen Yijie's abolition, why is Yan Zongzhu worth such a
lot of effort?"

Yan Wushi smiled mysteriously: "Zhu Yangce" deliberately rolled into the
world and attracted all parties to compete. Unfortunately, I was ruined at
Izumo Temple. Only a few people who were present at the time heard it.
They must write down the content when they return. In order to confuse
the audiovisual, they will inevitably mix up some fake content, and several
more versions will be circulated, which will attract competition from all
parties. There are many martial arts who are too late to be there that night.
Don't you think it's interesting to copy the unrefined copies of the scroll,
fighting against each other, and storming up? "

Shen Yan closed his eyes: "What good is this to you?"

Yan Wushi: "The benefits are naturally there, but they have nothing to do
with you, so you don't have to worry about it. You just need to know that
you also have a great benefit in this matter. After all, in this world, people
who can glimpse one of the volumes This is a great opportunity. Few
people can learn two of them like you. If you can continue to practice, you
may not be able to return to the old level. So, should you thank me so
well? "
Shen Yan: "Master Yan ..."

Yan Wushi pinched his chin and forced him to raise his head: "Did you not
call me Master before, why did you change your name so soon?"

"I think ..." Shen murmured, his voice a little vague.

Yan Wushi bent down slightly and lowered his head to listen.

The other side spit out a large mouthful of blood, Yan Wushi didn't have
time to let go, and blood splattered on his hand.

Yan Wushi's eyes were murderous.

Shen Yan said weakly: "I told you I want to vomit blood, which is not
intentional ..."

Before he finished speaking, he went straight aside and fainted.


Between groggyness, he felt that his entire portrait was floating in mid-air,
wafting, and even his thoughts wandered a long way. He didn't know how
long before he floated back, and fell into the current body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Shen Yan heard someone sighing, "So
much life is hard. What are you still doing alive, always die, you don't

It was Yan Wushi's voice.

"..." Shen Min felt that the person was mostly sick.

Yan Wushi has done his work as he pleased, and has not reached a certain
level according to common sense. Such precious cheats as "Zhu Yangce"
arbitrarily rolled, he said that destruction is destroyed, leaving no room for
Everyone can get a glimpse of the contents of the scraps, but he can easily
get this opportunity by himself.

Facing the betrayal of Chen Gong himself, facing the situation where Mu
Tipo brought people to besiege, Yan Wushi must have been beside him at
the time, but he stood idly by and did not block, until Shen Yan left on his
own, he reappeared. It was as if he wanted to sink Shen's life, but as a
result, Zhu Yangce's qi remaining in Shen's body was inspired.

But Shen Xun would not be so passionate that Yan Wushi looked at him
differently and tried hard to hone himself. The only explanation is that this
person's temperament is repetitive, moody, and difficult to infer from
common sense.

Yan Wushi: "Muti's entourage came to look for him, and Chen Gong came
with him. This person has made you look fortunate by Muti's wait. If you
want to kill him, you still have time."

Shen Yan shook her head and said nothing. She slowly sat up with her
elbow on the bed and found that she had vomited a few mouthfuls of
blood. Her chest was much relieved, and she didn't feel the pain. Help the
wound heal.

"Thank you, Lord Yan," he said.

Yan Wushi said frankly: "I didn't expect you to spit out blood so quickly, I
just wanted to force you to use Zhu Yangce's anger."

Shen Yun knew what he meant: If you couldn't survive it, you would die
for nothing.

"So what does Lord Yan have in mind next?"

Yan Wushi: "Back to Xuandu Mountain with you."

"..." Shen Min drew his lips and said, "Yan Zongzhu manages every
opportunity, so why always waste valuable time on people like me?"
Yan Wushi touched his cheek with "kindness", Shen Shen could not avoid
it, he could only let him pinch his chin like looking at a private object for
a long time: "Xuandu Mountain hides Zhu Yangce's soul Scroll, but I do
n’t know where it is, Daxuandu Mountain, even if those people are not my
opponents, it is troublesome to go in search. If you have it, is n’t it?

Shen Yun: "You want me to remember the content and write it down for

Yan Wushi sneered: "Only those mediocre people need to follow the
original declaration and write down every word. I have practiced the
remnants in the Bei Zhou Nei Palace. I have read the deliberate scrolls,
which is second to none. It ’s been a long time since I knew that instead of
seeing what you wrote down that you did n’t know is true or false, it would
be better for you to fight with me directly, not afraid that you wo n’t be
able to understand the mystery of Xuandushan's hidden scrolls.

He told Shen Yu: "The real innate state is not in the form, nor in imitation.
The road is all human, and Tao Hongjing can integrate the best of the three
families and write Zhu Yangce, and I can naturally create a martial art
better than him. "

These words may sound very arrogant at first glance, but they can't be
used forever, but after careful consideration, Shen Yun actually agrees.

Yan Wushi can become the master of a sect. Wu Gong smiles proudly, and
naturally has his own reason. From this point of view, he is indeed worthy
of being among the top masters in the world.

There is only one point: it is a torture rather than a joy to get along with
each other day by day.

Yan Wushi let go of his hand and said lightly, "You are awake, and you
will be on the road tomorrow."

Shen Yun reluctantly said, "Can I have another choice?"

Yan Wushi: "You can choose to go away while the injury is still good; or
we can fight again now, when you are injured by me, I will take you away."

Shen Yun: "..."

The author has something to say:

I have a headache today. I covered my head and rolled around ~~~ It was
strange yesterday that it was chopping hands. Shouldn't my hands hurt?
Why am I having a headache ...

Shen Yun: #What to do if you encounter a neurosis that is hard and hard
and does not eat martial arts, wait online, urgent #
Thousand Autumns: Page 21
Yan Wushi: Serve the demon by himself.

Shen Yan: ...

Chapter 16

With Yan Wushi's presence, naturally there is no need to take those safer
official roads. In order to make short cuts, Yan Wushi did not cross
Chang'an, but went south to Luozhou, and then from Luzhou to Luzhou
and Suizhou.

This road has shortened many distances, but the same, because these
places are not close to Qi's surroundings, especially after the disaster at
the end of the year, thousands of miles of dry land and exiles flooded to
the counties and counties with more food and grass. Today, Shen Ye can
still see many refugees along the way.

On martial arts, few people can match Yan Wushi today, but he is
obviously not a good travel companion. Shen Ye ’s old wounds were not
healed, his eyes were sometimes good and bad, and he was still unable to
return to normal. At most, he could only see some light and shadow as
vaguely as before. Yan Wushi did not develop a compassion for him and
he gave him special treatment. I do n’t need a car, so I do n’t even hire a
carriage, and I walk in front of you without any delay. There ’s a lot of
“you can follow if you ca n’t follow, and you have to follow if you ca n’t

After traveling for several days like this, when they were about to enter the
city of Xiangzhou, they met a group of refugees outside the city.

These people originally came from Gwangju. Because of the famine there,
they had to travel thousands of miles to the more affluent Xiangzhou. Who
knows that Xiangzhou Assassin's History refused to open the city gates for
them, and ordered the soldiers to guard them strictly and not to let a
refugee. enter.

Refugees do not have the strength to go to the next place to try their luck,
they can only stay there, in fact, they are slowly waiting to die.

From the perspective of governing the local area, it is understandable that

Xiangzhou Assassin has done so, because the food in a city is limited, and
when the refugees are brought in, they have to be responsible for settling
them. These people should actually belong to the people under other
jurisdictions. This is equivalent to putting pressure on Xiangzhou itself.
By then, the food in Xiangzhou will not be enough, and the local people
will be affected. Now Qi Di Gao Wei is busy looking for joy, and he has no
intention to govern the political affairs of the court. Before reaching the
place, it has been exhausted in layers of exploitation. Even if Xiangzhou
Shishi accepted these exiles into the city, he would not receive the court's

Xiangzhou is very close to Xuandu Mountain. As long as you travel

southwest for a few days, you can reach Xuandu Mountain next to Luzhou.

The closer to Xuandu Mountain, the better Wu Yanshi seemed to be.

He even slowed down and waited for Shen Yan to keep up, while still
showing his interest in pointing out the local customs and humanities. If
you don't know the relationship between the two, at first glance they may
think they are traveling with their old friends for many years.

He told Shen Wei: "Xiangzhou Warring States belongs to Chu, so the Chu
style is very strong, and it is also a rich place. Unfortunately, Gao Wei has
no intention to operate. The efforts of several generations of Gao family
are afraid that they will fall into his hands."

Yan Wushi apparently had no respect at all for the Emperor, and opened
his mouth directly.

Shen Yan's eyes narrowed, and he saw a lot of people gathered outside the
city. Among them, old women and young women accounted for most of
them. Thanks to the fact that the weather is not hot now, otherwise they are
afraid that a large plague will arise. Sigh: "How difficult people's

Yan Wushi said indifferently: "In fact, this kind of scene also exists in
other countries. Since the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, there have been
five wild messes, all parties have been fighting for power, and countless
blood lives have been filled in. Such famines occur every year, especially
on the border. In order to shirk their responsibilities and transfer pressure,
all countries are reluctant to push the exiles to other countries. When the
harvest is good, they often wage war to annex the cities of neighboring
countries. The internal mutiny is frequent and the regimes change
frequently. It is not natural to change the country name within a few years.
Who will put their minds on governing the country, but Northern Qi will
only intensify it. "

Shen Huan: "But I heard that Lord Zong had another senior official in
North Zhou, who was very dependent on Zhou Emperor. I must think in
your mind that North Zhou is more likely to rule the world?"

Yan Wushi said with a handy hand: "As emperor, regardless of Mingjun
faints the king, he has always been half-dozen. The only difference is that
some can restrain his desire, some can't restrain or don't want to restrain.
Although Yu Wenyu is addicted to fighting and killing, he bans the Buddha
Forbidden, he does n’t like Confucianism, and he does n’t approach any
party, so his remaining choice is very small. I want to unify the three
schools and need his help. Yuwen ’s family has been in the Central Plain
for many years. However, it has long been Hanized, and the Zhou system
is no different from that of the Han system. If it is an emperor, it may not
be worse than the Southern Chen Dynasty. "

For so many days, hearsay said that Shen Ye had a general understanding
of the forces in the world.

That night, Master Xueting, who blocked Yan Wushi at Izumo Temple,
also supported Beizhou originally, but he supported Regent Yuwenhu
before the Northern Zhou Dynasty, not the current emperor Yuwenyu.
Master Xue Ting was born in the Tiantai Sect, and is one of the brothers of
the current Sect Master Sect. However, the position of the Sect of the Sect
of the Sect of Sect.

After Yu Wenzheng regained his own power, in order to eliminate the

influence left by Yu Wenhu, it is naturally impossible to continue to reuse
the Buddhist gate. Therefore, Xue Ting's pulse in the Northern Zhou
Dynasty is actually in a somewhat awkward position, although it will not
completely lose its status. But the day Yu Yuzheng was in office, Master
Xueting Xue couldn't restore his former honor.

For Yu Wenzhang, the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and

Taoism each have their own demands. Once they have a relationship with
them, their governance will inevitably bring a color of one of them. This is
what his emperor with a strong sense of autonomy did not. Happy opinion.
In contrast, although Wan Yuezong also has his own purpose, they are
obviously more suitable for cooperation than other companies, and they
will not ask Yu Wenyu to promote the doctrine of a certain house and
influence his ideas.

The two said as they walked, walking towards the gate.

Ordinary people or business travelers enter the city. In order to prevent

harassment by exiles, they often need to accompany them, and it is best to
have male guards, because exiles may be hungry when they are very
hungry. When they find that begging does not work, they will rob them. In
a desperate situation, beautiful-looking women and children have fallen
into the hands of the refugees. Not only are they not chastised, they may
be boiled into meat in the end.

In this case, Yan Wushi and Shen Zheng became a strange and eye-
catching combination.

One with empty hands and nothing at all, one with a bamboo stick, and a
look of weakness from the beginning of a serious illness, look nothing like
an ordinary traveler.
On the roadside, the exiles showed their begging look to them from time
to time. Yan Wushi was a bad character at first glance. The exiles didn't
dare to ask for help. Instead, they begged Shen, who looked weak and

One of them was a couple who dragged three or four children on the road.
They were thin and emaciated. They could not be seen as humans. They
looked like zombies and were numb. The oldest child was only six or
seven years old, and the youngest was only two or three years old. She
walked staggered, and her parents didn't have the strength to hold her, so
she grabbed her mother's horns and followed, and staggered away.

If this situation continues, the child who should be the youngest in the end
should be sent to exchange with other children's children to add rations to
the parents, or he can be eaten directly by the parents. In order to survive,
flesh and blood can also be put aside.

When the couple saw Shen Min passing by, they knelt down and begged
him for food. Shen Min thought about it, and found out a pancake wrapped
in oil paper and gave it to the youngest child.

The couple was ecstatic and thanked the husband. They grabbed the
pancake directly from the child, and opened their mouths and took a big
bite. Seeing their wives and children staring at each other, he hesitated for
a long time before giving up a small piece to his wife.

The wife took the little piece of cake, but she did not eat it, but she was
careful, and she took it seriously and divided it into several portions.

The pancakes were not big, and I ate them with a few gulps. The exiles on
the side looked very hot, and stared at Shen Chen with a stunned look.

The husband begged Shen Wei: "The children have been hungry for several
days, and they asked the noble to give them an extra piece of bread, so that
they might get into the city!"

Shen Xuan refused: "I'm not a rich man either. I only brought two pieces
with me. I'll give you one, and I'll keep one for myself."
The husband heard that Shen Ye had food on his body, and his expression
changed immediately. Seeing that his eyes were awkward, he had to rely
on a bamboo stick to support him.

Who knew that before they hit someone's sleeve, the body flew out in the
opposite direction, and fell heavily on the ground again, screaming loudly.

Looking at Shen Yun again, he was still very ill, and he could not see that
he had just sent people out.

He apparently did not expect that this kind of good intentions would lead
to such a result. Looking at the man's wife and children, he was already
scared into a hug.

Other exiles who are eager to move, naturally dare not act rashly when
they see this scene.

The man struggled to get up, but did not ask for forgiveness, but in turn
cursed: "You have the ability to kill me! People like you are the most
hypocritical, do n’t you just want to rely on charity to change our **** and
thank you, why do n’t you save it? , Obviously there is another cake, why
not take it out! Just do n’t take it if you do n’t want it, let ’s taste the
sweetness and not eat enough. What a difference between you and murder!

Shen Yan sighed, shook his head, said nothing, and turned away.

Yan Wushi always stood not far or near, standing with his hands on his
shoulders, watching coldly, neither intervening nor leaving, as if waiting
for him, with a smile on his face.

The hand that was revealed only knew that there was food on him, and the
others could only watch him go.

When he approached, Yan Wushi said, "Dou Mien, Dan Mi Qiu. Have you
heard this sentence?"
Shen Xuan sighed, "I am reckless. There are many suffering people. It is
impossible for me to save everything by myself."

Yan Wushi sarcastically said, "The father of the family cares nothing
about the child's life or death, but you help others care for the child. Shen
Zhangjiao really has a big heart of love, but unfortunately, the human
sexual desire is difficult to fill in, and I cannot understand your kindness.
Maybe it has now become flesh. "

Shen Yun thought seriously: "If I ca n’t protect myself today, I would n’t
choose to go this route. I would rather go farther and avoid places where
there are refugees. Human nature tends to benefit and avoid harm. I am not
a saint, nor The exception is just seeing someone suffer, and I can't bear it.

He chooses goodness and stubbornness, but Yan Wushi believes that

human nature is evil. The two can't say one from the root. Although Yan
Wushi can settle to death by force, even if he chokes Shen's neck , Can not
change Shen Min's thoughts.

With the addition of this episode, the atmosphere that had finally eased
between the two was gone.

"Lang Jun!"

The voice was small and weak, coming from behind.

Shen Yan looked back, but only saw a vague figure, thin and low, and
should be a child.

The child ran to him and knelt down, and seriously gave him three bangs:
"Thank you Langjun for giving us cakes. Dad is rude to you, I, I can only
give you a hoe, and ask you There are a lot of adults, so don't care about
him! "

Why did he care about a child, Shen Yan sighed and stepped forward to
help him: "I didn't take it to heart. I heard that it ’s the birthday of the
Buddha for a few days, and the people of Xiangzhou City worship Buddha.
At that time, they will open a facility to congee porridge, Properly put
some refugees into the city, you still have a chance to live. "

The child's eyes glowed and he thanked him again and again: "Thank you
for telling Lang Jun that you dare to ask Lang Jun's surname. If there is a
chance in the future, the villain will definitely repay you and give you a
longevity tablet!"

Shen Min touched his head and Wen Yan said: "This is not necessary, you
take good care of your mother and siblings."

The child nodded vigorously and said quietly, "You can rest assured. In
fact, the cake that Aniang gave me was only eaten secretly to my sister!"

Shen Ye listened sadly, and sighed again for his sensible, thought for a
while, or touched the remaining piece of bread from his arms and handed
him: "You take it back to eat, don't let your father find out."

The child was hungry and thin, but he didn't know where the strength came
from. He refused to accept life and death, and finally Shen Qiang shoved it
into his hand: "You push again, so that others can see it and have trouble

He could only accept it, then kneeled down and gave Shen a head, and
insisted: "Please also ask Lang Jun to tell his name!"

Shen Ye: "My name is Shen Ye."

Thousand Autumns: Page 22
"Shen Yun ..." The child chewed several times, wondering if he understood
the word "为" as another meaning, and Shen Yun didn't deliberately
emphasize correction.

The child walked away in three steps.

Yan Wushi: "It's not early, and you'll enter the city early."

Seeing him say no sarcasm this time, Shen Wei was rather strange, and
smiled, "Don't you say something?"

Yan Wushi said lightly: "Someone likes to do something stupid and say or
don't listen. Why isn't this a waste of words?"

Shen Min touched his nose, smiled and didn't speak.

Of course there are many malicious intentions in this world, but he is

unwilling to deny the existence of good intentions because of these
malicious intentions.

It was for this kind of goodwill that he also felt that this pancake was
worth it.

The author has something to say:

Shen Zhangjiao knew very well in his heart, but he understood that he was
still willing to reach out.

Lao Yan also knew very well, but he was unwilling to reach out and also
advocated that the threat should be stifled in the cradle.

This is the difference between the two views.

Shen Yan shook his head seriously: the three views are too different. Don't
say it is difficult to be friends with such people, it is difficult to be

Yan Wushi: Who says there is no way.

Shen Yun: Ha?

Yan Wushi: Raw rice cooked mature rice.

Shen Yun: ... (said 1,000 times) Director, I don't want to play with such

Chapter 17

There is Xuandu Town at the foot of Xuandu Mountain. For many years, it
has been a peaceful town. Even if it is next to the famous Taoist orthodoxy,
it doesn't seem to have much to do with the people in the town. At most,
when they see the Taoist down the mountain, they will be extra Be polite
and respectful.

Naturally, Xuandu is the first door in the world. Occasionally, it is

purchased in the mountains. It is also paid at fair prices. It is a fair trade. It
never bullies civilians by virtue of big factions. The chiefs of Xuandu Zifu
are proud to be neighbors.

But that's all. After all, Daomen is Daomen. Once entering the Xuandu
Road, it is the dustman who works with the people under the mountain at
sunrise and lives at sunset, but they are still two worlds.

However, when Shen Zhen and Yan Wushi came to Xuandu Town, the
town was more lively than ever, and people came and went, among them
there were martial arts people, and Taoists were not a few dressed up.

Yan Wushi said: "After ten days, Yutai will be held in the Xuandu Purple
House, and the world will be ruled. The world's wise men and celebrities
will be invited to participate in the grand celebration. It is said that all
major schools will send people over, Linchuan Academy and Tiantai Sect.
There will be messengers over there. "

Shen Huan: "What is the meaning of Datong?"

At this time the two were sitting in the teahouse, looking out.

Yan Wushi drank tea: "You are not here. Xuandushan always has a person
in charge. If the other party ’s identity is not announced, the other person
may not know his identity. He always needs to find a name. When you
teach yourself, you are so low-key that no one knows you, and you can't
expect others to be just like you? "

Shen Yan has long been used to speaking with each other with a touch of

As Yan Wushi's status, there are really few personnel who can get his eyes.
Xuandushan will not be worthy of his face except for the late Qi Fengge.

Although one is moody, but meets another person who has a good
temperament and basically does not say anything, it is not easy to have a
conflict. The relationship between the two is like an enemy, not a friend,
but a friend and a friend. As they go along, the relationship is maintained.
With a delicate balance.

"Why is there?" Shen Yan suddenly noticed not far downstairs, narrowing
his eyes, but he couldn't see clearly. After all, his eyes couldn't be restored
in the short time. After all, there was enough light in daylight, but Don't
look at it for a long time, otherwise you will not stop crying.

"Shi porridge, cloth medicine." Yan Wushi will not know the prophet, but
what he wants to know is that someone has already delivered the message.

He clipped chopsticks with sweet-scented osmanthus candy to the

entrance, and slowly said, "After Yu Yu took over the charge, on the
fifteenth day of the first day, he would send his disciples to practice altar
in Xuandu Town, preaching Taoism. Disciples of Xuandu Zifu Praying for
the rain is very convincing. Now if there is no rain for many days, even the
prince of Luzhou will send someone to ask them to come down to pray for
rain. There are more and more believers under the gate of Xuandu
Mountain, not to mention other places. Eighty-nine, it is the highest
respect for Xuandu Zifu. "
Compared with the playful look on his face, Shen's frown grew deeper and

Yan Wushi: "You all remembered."

This sentence is not a question, but affirmation.

Since the blood in the chest was spit up, although Shen Chen's body was
still a little sick, the vacancy on his face was less than one day a day, and it
was a matter of time to restore memory.

Yan Wushi saw it in his eyes, and he didn't try to break it, because he
didn't know how much Shen Min remembered. At this moment, he should
have recovered seven or eighty-eight.

Shen Zheng did not deny it, but sighed: "Since the generations of
Xuandushan have taught, they have never been involved in customary
affairs, so no matter how the dynasties changed, they are as stable as ever.
Think of Tao Hongjing, who is the first person in the world. Fabulous,
because of his involvement in the political situation, the entire Maoshan
Shang faction fell apart behind him, and his disciples scattered. What is
Yu Yun trying to do? "

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows: "This is how Qi Fengge teaches you? How
does his thought differ from the turtle? If only he was alone, he would be
better off alone, but as a teacher, Instead of thinking about progress, he
just wanted to make the martial arts pass away from the world, and then
continue to do so. Xuandushan still wants to maintain the status of the
world's first gate? I see that your teacher-in-charge is more sober than you.

Xuandu Mountain has been operating for several generations, and Fang
has the reputation and status of the world ’s first door. The past teachings
have implemented the Taoist thought of quietness and inaction, and will
carry on the escape from the world to the end. It will never involve the
world. exception.
Later Shen Yun took over as the head teacher, and even took this low-key
to the extreme. The world only knows that Xuandushan changed to a new
head teacher. The name of the head teacher is Shen, and the rest is not
much. The division ran around, but almost no one recognized him.

Yan Wushi's temperament was arrogant and arrogant, and he naturally

scoffed at this behavior style.

Shen Yan was not angry when he heard the words, and only said: "Tonight
I want to find a chance to go up the mountain and meet with Yu Yu once. I
wonder if Lord Yan wants to go up with me or wait for me down the

Yan Wushi: "Why don't you wait for Yutai to make an appearance and ask
Yu Yu in public to regain your rightful position of teaching?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "In that case, the reputation of Xuandu Mountain
will inevitably be greatly affected. I am afraid that there is no inside story.
I must first ask Yu Yu to ask for a clear."

Yan Wushi is indispensable: "Oh, just ask."

The first door in the world was so famous that few people dared to go to
Xuandu Mountain alone. He just said that he would eat a bowl of rice
today. He came here casually, never minding it.

He looked carelessly, rubbing his fingers over the edge of the dish. The
dish of fried green beans immediately changed from scattered to neatly
stacked in three layers. The number of green beans in each layer was
exactly the same. Kung Fu has reached a terrifying realm of terror.

The demon king returned to the rivers and lakes. In fact, only the battle
with Kun Xie was widely known. Only because Kun Xie defeated Shen
Xun, so Yan Wushi, who also defeated Kun Xie, was also passed on to his
god, but in fact, not many people really I have seen his current martial arts
If at this time someone saw that he would easily take the first-level effort
to stir-fry green beans, I don't know what he would think.

He asked Shen Yun: "You're afraid that you are less than 30% of the
heyday, can you go up alone?"

Shen Yun: "There is a small road leaning on the cliff of Houshan. The
terrain is steep, no one is stationed, and the formation method is used as a
barrier. Outsiders break into it rashly, but they will lose their heads and fall
down the cliff. It is still unknown. May not be useful. "

Yan Wushi originally didn't care about watching the excitement, but he
became more interested when he heard the words: "So I'm going to see and


It was night, and the lively Xuandu Town calmed down and gradually fell
into dreamland under the stars.

Shen Yun ’s route up the mountain seems to be completely unruly.

Sometimes it is twisted and twisted, and sometimes it avoids some easy-
to-walk stone steps. Instead, it goes up the steep **** beside it, because
these stone road plants have already been integrated into the Qimen
formation. For those who are unknown, come and go. In all likelihood,
they will be recruited. Even if they do not fall into the trap, they will
trigger an alarm and be noticed by disciples of Xuandushan.

It ’s okay to talk to Shen Yun and Yu Yan, or to the internal grievances of

Xuandu Mountain. Yan Wushi has no interest. Instead, he is interested in
the matrix formations along the way, so he is far behind Shen Zhen.
Watching his moves carefully and pondering carefully is a pleasure.

It took an hour or so to do this-and thanks to Shen Ye's ability to recover

three successes now-to reach the summit in such a short time.

The height of Xuandu Mountain is much higher. The top of the mountain is
much colder than the foot of the mountain. Looking at it, there are many
Taoist temples. Layers of layers, white mist and loneliness, cold and
lonely. a feeling of.

Shen Yan grew up here since he was a child. He has been accustomed to
this kind of scene. He has revisited this place, but instead of not feeling
half-hearted, it is as if a rock is on his chest.

But he didn't sigh. By covering the trees, he ran a small path and ran
directly to the view of a two-story building.

He didn't have to be close to the building to watch, he stopped, squinted

and looked far away, his heart was a little surprised.

The place was called Yuxue Pavilion, which was the residence of the
predecessors in the past, and he originally lived there.

After he fell off the cliff, Yu Xuan took over Xuandu Mountain and took
charge of teaching. On the basis of Xuandu Mountain's various high-
profile behaviors, it is not difficult to see Yu Xuan's ambitions and
intentions, so Shen Xuan thought he would definitely stay in Yuxu
Thousand Autumns: Page 23
Who knows now, the gate of Louguan is closed and there is no candlelight.
I think no one should live in it.

Is Yu Yu trying to wait for Yutai to discuss and stop by?

Shen Yan groaned for a while. Since Yuxue Pavilion was empty, he had to
go to where Yu Yuan originally lived.

The idea had just begun, and he saw that there seemed to be a shadow of a
man in his clothes, heading for Yuxu Pavilion.

She is very familiar with her body, but now she has poor eyesight and ca
n’t confirm it. She can only frown and stare for a while before she can
confirm that the person is most likely her teacher Yu Yan.

Although it is deserted at night, the nearby buildings are basically places

for teaching and cleaning. Leisure and other people must not be
approached, and they must be protected by the formation law. Ordinary
disciples must not enter. This has provided some convenience for Shen's
actions. .

He thought about it, and decided to go closer to the truth and tell the truth.

Yu Yingbingzhu entered Yuxu Pavilion, and across the window, Shen Ye

saw a room on the second floor light up quickly.

That was the house where he used to live.

It was only that Shen Zhen overestimated his current skills and
underestimated Yu Yun's ability. He was only a little closer, and a voice
sounded, "Where is your friend not invited?"

The sound came from the direction of Yuxue Pavilion, and it seemed to
explode in Shen Yan's ears. His ears buzzed, and his chest was sore, and he
couldn't help taking three steps. Sake.
"It's me, Brother Yu." He settled on Shinto.

He knew Yu Yan could hear.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a slight sound at Yuxu Pavilion,
and a figure had appeared in front of him.

"Master Palm ?!"

The tone was shocked, but there was unexpected joy in Shen Yun.

It seems that Yu Huan was full of expectations for his appearance although
he was surprised.

Chapter 18

Although Xuandu Mountain is the first door in the world, there are no
intrigues in ordinary people's imagination.

From small to large, Shen Yan grew up in a peaceful and peaceful


Teachers are kind, like masters and fathers, brothers and brothers love
each other, and they often play in private in small and large places. Even
when Qi Fengge faces his disciples, he is not as dignified as outsiders

The people around me are gentle, and Shen Yun naturally becomes a gentle

The timing of his entry was not good. He was neither a big disciple of Qi
Fengge nor a close disciple of Qi Fengge.

Among the five apprentices received by Qi Fengge, Shen Zhen was

second. He should have been in an awkward position, but because of his
good temperament and generosity, he was the most loved by Qi Fengge,
and finally passed on to him. .
Yu Yan ranked third, two years older than him, but had to call him a
brother because he started later than him. When he was a child, he had
been tangled for a long time because of this mindset, and he always
tangled with him to call him a brother. In the end, naturally Failed.

The two are similar in age. From childhood to old age, the relationship is
naturally the closest. If you want to ask who Shen is the most trusted
person in the world, it must be Master Qi Fengge and one of his brothers.

If you want to separate a close relationship between your brothers and

sisters, maybe you are depressed.

Before going up the mountain, Shen Huan had also imagined the scene
when the two of them saw each other. Yu Huan might express
astonishment at the death of his damned man, maybe there would be a
little bit of fear, or he might not want to see himself.

But he did not expect that the other party was so surprised, even if he
could not see his expression, he could hear that there was no falsification.

Many of the words that I originally wanted to say came to my mouth, but I
did n’t know where to ask. After Yu Ming shouted the "palm brother", it
disappeared. I wanted to carefully observe and look at him. Shen Ye could
only pick the most Plain words came the opening remarks: "Is everything
okay in the middle?"

The other party didn't answer, and Shen Min tilted his head slightly,
wondering, "Three brothers in the third division?"

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

The other party spoke again, but the voice was close at hand, and Shen Yun
subconsciously wanted to retreat, but was caught in the wrist.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Yu Yan asked again.

"The battle with Kun Xie fell on the cliff, and that's what happened after
waking up." Shen Xuan said lightly.
The hand holding his wrist was not released, Yu said, "Don't move, I will
show you the pulse."

Shen Yan wanted to say no, but couldn't make it and had to let him go.

Yu Xun was so absorbed in his veins that, after a while, he asked: "If your
internal force is like nothing, what is going on?"

Shen Yan said lightly: "Did you have expected this result when you
poisoned me?"

While the other's hand was slightly paused because of his own words, Shen
Min pulled his hand back.

In the realm of martial arts such as Yu Yan, the darker the night and the
weaker the candlelight, it did not hinder his eyesight.

He focused his attention on Shen Yan, who was cold and white and thinner
than before. It can be seen that he had suffered a lot outside this time. The
wrist holding the bamboo stick was partially exposed from the sleeve, and
he was lean and thin. It makes people tremble.

Yu Min sighed softly: "Since you are back, don't leave. May I explain this

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Xuandushan is going to choose a new leader to
teach. This old man who lost Xuandushan's face is here. Wouldn't it make
it difficult for you?"

Yu Weiqi said: "Who said Xuandushan is going to teach a new master?"

Shen Huan: "After ten days, Yutai argued, wouldn't Xuandu Shan be
preparing to establish a new ceremony at the same time?"

Yu Yan was about to shake his head, and found that his actions were
invisible to the other side. Then he said, "Since you disappeared from the
cliff, I have sent people to search around secretly, but I can't find you
anyway. I want to see people when I live, but I want to see dead bodies
when I die. As long as you haven't died for a day, Xuandushan ’s teaching
will not be replaced. Although I take care of the upper and lower affairs on
behalf of me, I am only teaching on behalf of it, and I have replaced it
with nothing. ”

If he changed what Yu Yun said before, Shen Yun naturally believed in it,
but time has changed, and now he dare not say such words.

He was silent for a while: "On the day when I fought with Kun Xie, I found
that my internal strength was ten to fifty-six, my stasis was stagnant, the
operation was not smooth, and I tried to support it, but it was to no avail.
At that time, I also thought about it carefully, but always I also do n’t
know when and where I was poisoned. I did n’t think of you anyway. ”

Yu Huan said nothing, but the hands in his sleeves trembled invisibly.

Yes, from a young age to the old, to Shen, and even to everyone on the
mountain of Xuandu, Shen Yan always gave trust.

This is not because Shen Yun is stupid or foolish, or he can be deceived,

but he believes in them, believes that there is always goodwill in the
world, believes in the people and things that grew up with him, and
believes that these brothers and brothers like him cannot betray Himself,
that's why he's unarmed and makes himself easy.

Shen Xuan continued: "Later I fell off the cliff, I was unconscious, I woke
up and lost my memory. Zhenri knew it, and he did n’t remember many
details until recently. The night before I met Kun Xie, you Come to me and
say you want to sleep with me and say a lot of things in the past. You also
said that you have an admiration for the younger sister. Unfortunately, the
younger sister is cold-hearted and does not like to deal with anyone. Come
to me and tell me that I hope to come out and help you to talk to Xiao
Shimei after the decisive battle with Kun Xie. "

Yu Yan did not answer.

Shen Yun: "When Kun Xie was in the war, I didn't want to fight, but you
carried out Master's assessment of the war with Kun Xie's division Hulu,
saying that if I did not fight, I might fall to Master and Xuan. Du Shan ’s
reputation later began to show a good impression of Xiao Shimei in front
of me, but it is strange that you have never had any uncontrollable
expression or behavior in front of Xiao Shimei. I have no doubt about it at
the time, but also I always comfort you and create opportunities for you
and your little sister to be alone. Now that you want to come, these are all
fake? "

Yu Xuan finally sighed: "Yes, I never thought of Xiao Shimei. The reason
why I said those words was just to make you misunderstood, to be more
defenseless in other things, and to be able to find you alone before the
extinction. Talks create opportunities. You inherit the mantle of the
Master. Martial arts is the highest among all the brothers and sisters. The
ordinary toxins can't play a role in you. Well, you can be unaware of the
ghosts, and grow into poisonous bone marrow over time, making people
look like they have no disease. "

"But I never thought of killing you, and it only took me a little to meet
each other. I wanted to make you defeat in the decisive battle with Kun
Xie. With your martial arts, you just fell down the cliff and did not cause
Injury, at most serious injuries, I will be able to recover in a few months.
Unexpectedly, things still went wrong. After you fell off the cliff, I
immediately sent someone to find them, but no matter how I found them. "

Shen Yan frowned even deeper: "Meeting Huan is extremely rare. It is said
that the poison was brought into the Central Plains by Zhang Ye through
the Western Regions, and it was later lost, not even hidden inside the
palace, let alone Xuandu Mountain. , Where did you come from? "

Yu Yun didn't wait to answer, he suddenly looked, and his face was
startled: "Kun Xie? Did you get it from Kun Xie?"

Yu Yan: "... Yes."

"In order to make me not be a teacher, you colluded with the Turks ?!"

A slight anger finally appeared on Shen Yan's face: "Although Master is

passed on to me, but you know, I have never been too ambitious to teach
this position. In these years, you have to rely on you to help Me, as long as
you say it, I must let Yin, I don't understand why you have to stay close
and go far to find Turks ?! "

He was so excited that he used a strong tone, and he couldn't help but

Yu Yan wanted to lift his back, and his hand just stretched out, but he
paused, and finally retracted, slowly said: "Because Xuandu Mountain
can't go on like this anymore. Retreat and keep away from foreign affairs,
even in the world The first door will sooner or later lose its advantage! "
Thousand Autumns: Page 24
"Looking at the world, among the gates, there is a looming trend in the
view of Qingcheng Mountain's pure sun. The subject Yi Yichen is also one
of the top ten in the world, and his reputation is much greater than that of
the teacher brother. In contrast, our Xuandu Purple House , Since Master
Xun Xianxian, in addition to his elderly Yu Wei, what else is left? "

"Your martial arts were not easy to break the dust. If you want to join the
WTO, even if you are competing for the top position in the world, you
may have no chance, but you are lonely, and you would rather be obscured
in this deep mountain. If you go on like this, even Xuandu No matter how
deep the mountain is, it will be replaced sooner or later! "

At this point, Yu Yan's tone agitated: "The world today is chaotic, with
different ethics, and the Buddha and Confucianism each have their own
tricks in order to fight for the right to speak in the world. One hand! Only
Xuandu Mountain, we can't escape the world, close our ears and listen to
it, obviously holding the sword but not using it. In the future, if the
Buddha or the prince assisted by the Rumen unified the world, then on that
day, we will have a foothold Land! "

He eased his tone: "Brother, I never thought of replacing you. I also know
that non-ethnic people have different hearts, and working with Turkic
people is only part of my plan, but if you still Now, I will definitely not be
allowed to do this, so I can only do what I can. Since you are back, don't
leave again, stay and heal yourself, okay? "

Shen Yun: "What about ten days later?"

Yu Zhengyi: "What?"

Shen Yun: "I am going back to Xuandu Mountain. How are you going to
tell the brothers and other disciples in the door? Yutai said after ten days,
how are you going to explain to the world?"
Yu Xuan could not answer for a moment.

Shen Ye asked, "What are you working with the Turks?"

Yu Yan: "Sorry, no comment for the time being."

Shen Yun: "What if I object?"

Yu Yan said nothing.

Shen Yun: "If I object, you will be put under house arrest. From then on,
you will become a well-known person. You will not see the teachings of
the day, and it will not hinder your plans. Is it not?"

The answer to him remained silent.

Shen Yan sighed: "You were in poor health when you were young.
Although you are two years older than me, you ca n’t see how big you are.
When you are sick, you love to be coquettish, but when you grow up, you
are afraid that the younger disciples of Xuandushan will look down on you
for being unstable. You have only posed a majestic and mature face. Until
now, I still remember that you are chasing me behind, and I am obsessed
with asking me to call your brother! "

When referring to the past, Yu Yan's complexion was slightly soft: "Yes, I
also remember that when I was a kid, I was bad, and when I saw people, I
put on a cold face, and often stabbed others out of the stage, even the little
sisters avoided me. All teachers Among the brothers, counting your
temper is the best, and you are always tolerant of me. "

Shen Huan: "No matter how good-tempered you are, there is a bottom line.
You want to be a teacher and calculate that I lose to Kun Xie. I have
nothing to say. I can only blame myself for being unprepared for you and
seeing people wrong. But Turkic people Ambitious, he has long been
against the Central Plains of China. Although Xuandushan never helped
any country to compete for the world, he would not cooperate with Turkic
people! "
Yu Yan smiled bitterly: "I knew you wouldn't let me do this, otherwise
why would I painstakingly design these things?"

Shen Yun: "There may be mistakes in the doctrine of evasion of the world
that has been taught by several generations, but such mistakes are by no
means not without cooperation with the Turkic people. If you look back
now, you still have time."

Yu Xuan angered: "Since I have decided, I will not look back. Xuandushan
is also the place where I grew up. I naturally hope that it will be better.
This will never be lower than you, so why bother you? Out of this saint's
face! Is it true that you are all right in the world, and everyone else is
wrong ?! "

"You may wish to ask the other disciples in the door. Xuandu Mountain has
not been able to stand still in recent years. They haven't said in their
mouths, are there any dissatisfaction in their hearts? After Yutai said, I can
officially announce the admission of Guangkai Mountain Gate. Disciple,
the reputation of Xuandu Mountain will only go one step further, and
Tiantai Sect and Linchuan Academy will never be more beautiful! "

Shen Yun was silent for a long time, Yu Yun vented a meal, his chest was
up and down, and in the night wind, the two were relatively speechless.

Yu Yue suddenly felt a little sad, no matter what, they could never get back
to the intimate relationship.

Shen Chen finally said, "Since your mind is determined, there is nothing to

Yu Yan: "Where are you going?"

Shen Xuan said lightly: "I lost to Kun Xie's hand and lost Xuandu
Mountain's face. Even if no one else said, I would have no face to be the
teacher again. As for the poisoning, I have nothing to say. The world is
afraid and wo n’t believe it. Instead, I feel that I am unwilling to talk
nonsense. You have already counted everything, so why care where I go?
Where I go, it will not hinder your major events. "
Yu Yourou whispered, "You are badly hurt, you have to stay and heal."

Shen Yan shook his head and turned to leave.

Behind him came a slightly chilling voice: "I won't let you go."

Chapter 19

Shen Yun: "What if I insist on leaving?"

Yu Xie asked, "This is where you grew up. There are your brothers and
sisters who have been with you since you were young. Do you have the
heart to leave Xuandu Mountain and go away?"

He understood the reason and moved the emotions, but Shen Zhen still
said: "If you mean cooperation with Turkic people, then I will not agree."

Seeing that he still did not change his original intention, Yu Yu's tone
became cold: "What's the difference between you disagreeing? There are
seven elders in Xuandushan, four of them are in favor of me, and the other
three are retreat. Among the several brothers and sisters, the big brother is
a good old man. It ’s no use talking to him. Although the fourth and
younger sisters will be glad to see you back, they may not agree with you.
The reform of Xuandu Mountain is imperative. I don't want to see a
generation of gates slowly decline in my lifetime, they have the same idea.

"Otherwise, how do you think I have stabilized the situation in such a short
period of time, and become a teacher in charge? Without their
acquiescence and support, would it be possible for me to do it alone?"

"You, Master, even the thoughts of previous generations of teaching, have

not worked. The world is chaotic, and how can Xuandushan be left alone?"

It was very quiet at night. It seemed that even flying birds had
disappeared, and the wind had stopped. The rustle of the branches and
leaves was no longer heard, as if everything was still.
Mingyue didn't know when to hide in the clouds, and the world fell into
darkness. The candlelight in Yu's hands was dim, slowly faint, and
suddenly extinguished.

Night and day have been no different to him since he can't see them.

He is also a person. He also hurts when he is hurt. He also feels troubled

when he is in trouble. But he always feels that there is hope ahead. He is
always willing to face it with optimism. After restoring his memory,
although there are many questions in his heart, he also Not discouraged,
always thinking about going to Xuandu Mountain and asking for it in

But at this moment, when the truth was in front of him, Shen Ye suddenly
felt a deep exhaustion coming from his heart, as if a hand held him, trying
to drag him into the cold water.

He could not help grasping the bamboo stick in his hand.

Seeing his expression, Yu Min felt a little bit distressed, but to this day, he
felt that something could not help but explain: "Brother, no one has been
lonely. Xuandu Mountain is clearly the first door in the world and has the
power to support Mingzhu. Let Damon influence all over the world, why
do you want to learn those hermits who stand alone in the mountains?
Except for you, almost everyone in Xuandu Mountain thinks so, you are so
naive! "

Shen Yun took a deep breath: "Kunxie is a Turkic, and you should
cooperate with him so as not to support the Turkic people in the Central

Yu Yan: "Naturally, I said that cooperating with Kun Xie is only one step.
How ever I want to re-enter Xuandushan into the WTO, I will never
choose Turks. Turks are fierce and cruel, how can they be called Mingzhu?

Shen Yan tightened his brow, faintly felt that Yu Yuan seemed to bring
Xuandushan into a big plan, but he was a little confused now, and he
couldn't figure it out for a while.

Yu Huan: "You are back now, we can still be as close as we can, without
any gaps. Your eyes have not recovered, and your body has internal
injuries. I am afraid that it will take a lot of work to go up the mountain.
How far? Xuandushan is your home. "

Shen Ye slowly shook his head: "You walk on your Yangguan Road, I walk
on my single wooden bridge, this slap palm teaching, I should not be
wrong, from now on ..."

He was going to say something ruthless, but in front of him unexpectedly

flashed the scene of the two getting together.

Those friendships are vividly remembered, not to say that a word of

gratitude can be broken.

Shen Yan sighed silently, and finally said nothing, closed her lips, turned
and left.

At that time, several brothers studied under Qi Fengge. Shen Ye was the
most qualified among them, but there was the first person in the world to
be a master. Other people could not be worse if they were bad. They could
be accepted as disciples by Qi Fengge. Naturally they are all excellent.

If it was said that Shen Yun was going to leave, Yu Yun might not be able
to stop it, but now Shen Yun has let Yu Yun take no action!

He didn't want to, he just stopped in front of Shen Zhen.

"Brother, don't go." He groaned, reaching out to stun the other.

Who knew that Shen Zhen had already anticipated his move, and took a
step back, taking the bamboo stick as if to block.

Yu Zheng naturally didn't put this in his eyes, and reached out to grab the
bamboo stick.

I thought this was a perfect one, but who knows, but it fell flat!
The bamboo stick slid away from his hand, and did not retreat, knocking
on his wrist.

Yu Zheng frowned slightly, her finger flicked, and her other hand caught
Shen Shen's shoulders. Her clothes moved without wind, and her body
moved behind Shen Ying, trying to block his way.

Shen Min was caught straight on the shoulder, Yu Min used a little force,
which caused him a little pain, but Shen Min ignored it, and the bamboo
stick in his hand still struck Yu Min's waist, there was an old wound there.
It was Yu Yu's fall from the tree when he was a child, and his bones were
broken at that time. Although healed later, Yu Yu's heart left a little
shadow, and he would subconsciously avoid this part.

There are only 30% of Shen Yun's skill left, far from being Yu Yan's
opponents, but the two have met each other since he was a child. Even if
he can't see his eyes, he can do everything he can to each other's moves,
and he is determined to Yu Yu You don't want your own life, so you don't
need to worry about making moves.

Yu Min obviously knew Shen Min's intentions. The two played against
each other for a moment. He gradually became agitated and didn't want to
delay any longer.

Shen Ye heard the palm wind, subconsciously lifted the bamboo stick to
block it, but it had no effect. He was so angry that he came to his chest.
With a snap, the bamboo stick broke into two pieces directly. , Fell to the
Thousand Autumns: Page 25
"Ama, don't fight, go back with me, Xiao Shimei, they know you are back,
and don't know how happy they are!" Yu Ai stepped forward to pull people

Shen Yan said nothing.

As soon as Yu Min grasped his wrist, he saw the other person holding the
half of the bamboo stick and sweeping towards him, faintly taking the
wind and thunder.

Fang Shen has always kept up, just to wait until the other party's uneasy
opportunity now!

Yu Yan did not expect that he was so badly injured that he couldn't even
see his eyes, but he still had the strength to resist.

He didn't know that there were only three successes left on Shen Ye.
Seeing that the bamboo sticks were so windy, cold like a cold spring, and
ice ran through the bone marrow, he didn't dare to make a hard connection.
, Withdraw directly in the middle, and immediately turned around to

I grew up here since I was a kid, even if I do n’t see the big picture now,
Shen can barely distinguish. At this time, I use light work and swept
forward. Yu Yuan catches up from behind. , He threw half of the bamboo
stick in his hand back.

Yu Xun was determined to leave the person, naturally he will not be

softened anymore, a sleeve rolled, he will swing half of the bamboo stick
back to Shen Xuan.

The sound of breaking behind came, the bamboo stick rubbed across
Shen's shoulders, scratched his clothes, blood and water burst out instantly.
Although he did not hide, he chose to continue to run forward, but his
shape inevitably shook slightly. .
This is the blink of an eye. Yu Yu has caught up with someone, patted it
with a backhand, Shen Yu couldn't wait to dodge, directly centered the
vest, spit out a large amount of blood, and the whole person fell forward to
the ground, curling up and breathing. .

"Don't run anymore!" Yu Min also moved the real fire, reached out to pull
him up, "When you become so stubborn, I don't want to hurt you, why
don't you listen!"

"Who knows that he is going to be under house arrest but hasn't run yet,
unless it's a fool!"

There was a sneer in the darkness, cold and cold, but I did not know where
it came from.

Yu Yan was shocked and stopped to look around, but he could not find the
trace of the other party.

"Where's the rat, come out!"

"I thought Qi Fengge was a generation of arrogance, and the disciples

would not be helpless in any way. Who knows that one Shen has become a
semi-abandoned person, a depressed one, when he became a teacher in the
generation, his martial arts are not good, Qi Fengge You know, are you
afraid of death? "

The next moment, Yan Wushi appeared, with ridicule and ridicule
appearing on his face.

Yu Yan found that with his martial arts, he couldn't even see where the
other party came from, and where he hid it before.

He was stunned and calm on his face: "I do n’t know your high name, and
what is the reason for visiting Xuandushan in the evening? If you are an
old friend of the teacher, please go to the main hall to serve tea."

Yan Wushi: "There is no Xuandu Mountain in Qifeng Pavilion. It is too

boring. You don't drink this tea, and you are not qualified to face tea with

Yu Xun intentionally made Xuandushan re-enter the WTO. Naturally, he

had done a lot of homework before. Seeing that this man spoke so
arrogantly, martial arts was unpredictable, he searched for a while, and
suddenly came up with a name: "Yan Wushi? You are a demon Jun Yan has
no teacher ?! "

Yan Wushi frowned: "The nickname of Devil, I don't like it very much."

Yu Yi directly skipped the topics that he liked or disliked, looking

dignified: "Dare to ask Yan Zongshi what happened to Xuandushan? Yu is
dealing with the martial arts house affairs, entertaining poorly, and also
please Zong Zongzhi to visit again in the day."

Yan Wushi: "When do I want to come, when do you come? Why has it
been your turn?

It was only when Yu Yufang was startled that he suddenly appeared and
didn't think about it. At this moment, he suddenly thought that
Xuandushan is not a place where people can run freely, even if he is a
master-level master such as Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui. It's impossible to
come as soon as you come. If you are in a no-man's land, the only thing
you can do is the trail behind the cliff that lies behind the mountain.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Shen Yuan.

The other person hung his head slightly, unable to see his expression
clearly, and touched the trunk next to him, standing up bracingly, looking
like a gust of wind could blow him down.

However, in fact, the wind was gradually rising, and his robes were
hunting, but he stood there steadily, as if invincible.

Seeing that he was not surprised by Yan Wushi's appearance, he thought of

a possibility in sorrow, and was shocked and furious: "Ah, you are actually
mixed with the people of Momen ?!"
Upon hearing this sentence, Shen Yan slowly spit out a **** odor, wiped
the blood from the corners of her lips, and said hoarsely, "You can even
collude with the Turks, why can't I be with the Moment Together? "

The author has something to say:

I do n’t know if Mengmeng ca n’t understand the relationship, so I ’m

going to tease it out: Yu Yan wants to make a plan. This plan must be
cooperated with the Turkic people. He knows that Shen Ye will definitely
not agree, so he must get Shen Ye Going on, Yu Xun said that the century-
old plan of Xuandu Mountain is more important than my brother, so I have
to endure the pain and kill the relatives, and I did it!

After Shen Yan fell, Yu Zheng became the teacher in charge of course. Of
course, other people also agreed with Xuandushan's idea of joining the
WTO, so Yu Yuan's support was very high, but they did not know that Yu
Yuan gave Shen Yan Poisoning, I do not know he secretly cooperated with
Kun Xie.

Shen Min chose to leave because Yu Min had performed so well before.
He had no evidence and no one believed it.

So Shen was cheated, not that he was too stupid, but that he believed in Yu
Yun's character too, and everyone else was the same. Everyone grew up
together and was closer than their brothers. There was no defense.

Such a gentle environment will have a gentle encounter ~

And by the way,

It ’s the end of the North and South dynasties,

At that time, various ethnic minorities established political power in the

north due to the arrogance of the Wuhu.

At this time, the Turkic forces were very powerful and their territory was
vast. They even joined the Eastern Roman Empire to fight the Persian
Bei Zhou and Bei Qi also failed to carry them, so they occasionally bowed
to them, which is not a shame for the northern regime.

But they can't represent everyone, and many people have always insisted
on the Central Plains orthodoxy and want to restore the mountains and

Including that after Pu Liurujian won the world, he immediately restored

the Han name and so on.

This article is not a historical one, but it is mainly about such a big
background. Therefore, Yu Yu cooperated with the Turkic people. He
didn't think it was serious. Shen Yu had principles and a bottom line, and
he felt that he could not give up.

Like Xi said in the text, he also felt that it might not be appropriate to
block the mountain before, but he absolutely did not agree to cooperate
with the Turkic people for any reason.

This is the difference between the two.

Chapter 20

Yu Zheng was blocked by his words for a moment.

Unjustly Yan also poured oil on the fire, and said in a cool way: "Qi
Fengge put a fox deer to evaluate a horse, causing his apprentice to lay
down his apprentice on the cliff; Qi Fengge took in an apprentice, but the
apprentice wanted to be ambitious Teach, the Turks have calculated their
elder brothers. If he knows it, I guess he will jump out of the coffin now? "

Yu Yan heard his scorn, and his anger was even stronger. He reluctantly
pressed down and said coldly, "Yan Zongzhu is not invited in the middle of
the night, but he has lost his courtesy. Yu has housework to deal with,
please send it away!"

Yan Wushi: "Joke, I want to come here, I want to go, there is no place in
the world that can stop me. If Qi Fengge said this today, this seat may give
him some face, but you What is it? "

Yu Yan was never pointed at his nose and scolded something. His temper
was not good. In the past few years, under the subtle influence of Shen
Zhen, he has changed very softly, but has been agitated by the things
tonight and there are signs of resurgence. .

His fingers hidden in his sleeves moved, and he originally wanted to send
a message to other people, but eventually gave up the plan—Shen Yun ’s
popularity and prestige in Xuandu Mountain were good. Although others
agreed with Yu ’s claim I hope that Xuandushan can re-enter the WTO,
support Mingzhu, and participate in the world competition, but I do not
necessarily want Xuandushan to teach the Lord. Besides, Shen Ye's current
appearance is difficult to guarantee that the elders, brothers, and sisters
will see and change their minds softly. The situation will only become
more chaotic and difficult to control.

Thinking of this, he shook his sleeve and had a long sword in his hand.

This is one of the three swords that Qi Fengge passed on to his disciples.
"Mountains and Compassions" gave Shen Yuan, "Who Springs for
Heaven" gave the youngest female disciple Gu Hengbo, and there was a
"gentleman's weapon" It's in Yu's hand.

The long sword radiates layers of clear light, such as the rainbow at night,
and is dazzlingly abnormal. This is the sword light that can be made by
practicing the Xuandu Mountain Canglang Sword to the extreme level, one
by one, the waves are rising, from static to moving. The wind and thunder
suddenly came, and the waves rolled around.

As his opponent, at this moment, it must be felt that there was a huge
rainstorm between the heavens and the earth, and the raindrops slammed
down. It seemed to smash the land. The cold wind was like a knife cut, and
everyone was shocked. Spurs intestines!

I do n’t know when Yan Wushi ’s figure floated up. At first glance, it
seemed almost like his feet were blown away by the wind, leaving one
hand behind him, and one hand pushed flatly to the front. One roll at a
time, the overwhelming sword rain was mostly removed, and then a
forefinger was pointed out.

This finger is exactly the same as the finger that dealt with Yu Shengyan
under the half-step peak that day.

The difference is that he used 50% of the power to deal with Yu Shengyan,
but now Yan Wushi has used 80%.

The sky is light and simple, and the sword's tip draws an aperture, which is
facing up with Yan Wushi's finger!

The anger that erupted from the two people spread instantly with the point
where the two touched as the center of the circle. The robes of the two who
were inside them flew over, and the people standing outside the war circle
were even more uncomfortable.

As early as when the two were facing each other, Shen Zhen avoided the
side, but was still unavoidably affected and could hardly stand still.

The sword tip is filled with infuriating energy, surging and surging, like a
giant wave slamming, under the hood of Zhao Yan without a head!
Thousand Autumns: Page 26
Canglang Jianju is worthy of the name. Qi Fengge came to the sea to the
east and realized this set of swords. After several improvements, it became
the entry martial art learned by disciples of Xuandushan. However,
although it is an entry martial art, it is different because of different
people. Divide the pros and cons.

At this time like Yu Yan, he has already reached the state of "like being
like a god", and has incorporated many of his own understanding of sword
tactics into Canglang Sword Technique, and truly uses it freely. It is almost
like a sword, and the sword is indistinguishable. .

But this offensive stopped in front of a finger of Yan Wushi!

If you look closely, you can see that Yan Wushi ’s finger is not static, but it
’s not necessary to stand against the point of the sword. On the contrary, he
moves very fast, and the afterimage has almost no residue in sight. It looks
like It was motionless. In fact, his hands never stopped. His fingers
seemed to have eyes, and they were at different places several times. In
those places, it was Yu Yu who used the air to build a barrier. The weakest

Suddenly remembered that Master Qi Fengge was still alive, he once

commented on the world ’s top masters, including Yan Wushi. At that
time, everyone felt that Qi Fengge ’s biggest opponent was the Turkist
master Hulu, but Qi Fengge said that In a few years, he will surpass Hulu's
estimate, maybe he can also defeat himself, because his martial arts has
reached the point of free form.

To others, "Zhu Yangce" can allow him to learn a deep martial arts skill
and reach the peak of martial arts, but for Yan Wushi, he only uses "Zhu
Yangce" as a reference book to make up for his shortcomings in martial
arts Instead of copying Qi from scratch.
In Yan Wushi's martial arts, there is a well-known "Chunshui Fingering".
Qi Fengge, who has played against him, used two poems to describe it:
Chunshui's tenderness and pity, all infatuated.

These two words looked like the woman was chanting the feelings of her
premature death. At that time, Yu Yan heard it in her ears, but still had no

But at this moment, he finally understood what the latter sentence meant.

Because with the **** of the other party, the turbulent qi not only blocked
his offensive, but also nearly collapsed the barrier built by Yu Qiong ’s
hard work with sword qi. At the moment his mood and pressure are like Qi
Fengge said, A piece of "fascination" turned out to be ashes!

Yu Yan had to transport his sword to the extreme.

But a moment's effort, like the haze exploded, the water was suffocating,
the wind was flat, the boulder cracked and made a loud noise!

Shen Yan was buzzing in his ears, and for a while, he couldn't hear

In the silent night, this movement was enough to shock other people in
Xuandu Mountain, and then the lights lit in succession in the distance, and
many people were coming here in cloaks.

This is beyond Yu Yun's original expectation. He wanted to make a quick

and silent decision, but he did not expect Yan Wushi to intervene tonight,
making things uncontrollable.

The two closed their hands, Yu Yu took three steps back, and Yan Wushi
took two steps back.

But the former went all out, and the latter used eight successes. How well
they know it.

Yan Wushi had a good time, a good look.

Yu Yan gritted his teeth, on the one hand, I felt that other people were here,
and several elders joined forces. How could Yan Wushi, a madman who
was good at breaking through the mountain gate, be left, Shen Yun could
not go away; In fact, I don't really want to let other people in Xuandushan
meet with Shen Zhen.

Between thoughts, someone has already come here.

It is Tan Yuanchun, the great disciple of Qi Fengge.

He is a master of Shen Yun and Yu Yan, who has a low qualifications and a
gentle temperament. He is a good old man who thinks about things in
peace. This kind of character and martial arts cannot be taught, but the
generosity of this master However, all the teachers and brothers including
Shen Yun are very respectful. After Shen Yun became the teacher, Tan
Yuanchun also became the elder and helped to discipline the third
generation of disciples on weekdays.

"Brother Yu?" Tan Yuanchun looked surprised when he saw Yu Yan here.
"It was you who just made that noise ...? This is it?"

Yu Yan: "The Lord of the Moon and the Moon."

Hearing his understatement, Tan Yuanchun took a breath.

How could the Demon Lord of the Momen be here? !!

Yan Wushi was in a good mood, and he took the initiative to greet others:
"You are the big disciple of Qi Fengge? Your master had a fight with me
that year, and I lost to him, but now his apprentices are all helpless. Would
you like to come for another ? "

Tan Yuanchun: "..."

He turned to look at Yu Yan, Yu Yan said in a deep voice: "Even though

Master Yan has great martial arts skills, there are so many people in
Xuandu Mountain that I can't leave you behind. It is impossible that Lord
Yan thinks that the scenery on Xuandu Mountain is excellent. Do n’t you
stay here forever? ”

Yan Wushi said slightly: "Without Qifeng Pavilion's Xuandu Mountain, it

seems to me worthless."

He looked at Shen Chen, sarcastically: "Can't bear to leave, waiting for

your brother to imprison you, let's share your brotherhood?"

Tan Yuanchun noticed that there was still a person standing under the tree
not far away, because the other party was half-hidden in the shadows, and
his breathing was very weak. He was first taken away by Yan Wushi, but
he didn't find it.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but be shocked and blurted out: "Teacher
brother ?!"

Shen Zhe supported the trunk, nodded toward the voice, and said hello:
"Master, don't you come?"

Tan Yuanchun was shocked and happy, stepped forward: "Are you all
right? When will you come back, why ..."

Yu Yan stopped him: "Brother!"

Tan Yuanchun was stopped by this, remembering what Fang Cai Yan
Wushi said, he suddenly shut his eyes and looked at Yu Yan: "What the
**** is going on?"

Yu Xun did not answer, but Shen Xun said, "Brother, are you ready to
recommend Brother Yu to teach as the new master?"

Tan Yuanchun was embarrassed. He looked at Yu Huan and Shen Huan

again. He didn't say anything good about the scene. He could only tell the
truth: "During Yu's absence, it ’s because of Master Yu's housework.
Before, anyway, he was there to help you. Only he knows everything up
and down the Xuandu Mountain. After you fell down the cliff, several
elders agreed and decided to let Master Yu first take charge of the
ancestral door. , Take good care of the wound first, and the rest will not be
too late to speak! "

Shen Zhen knew very well that if he really stayed today and lost to Kun
Xie with his severe injuries, he would no longer be able to take up the
teaching role. Even if other people do n’t care, he will not be able to
continue with his face blank. Sitting in the position of teaching, Xuandu
Zifu is bound to continue to be controlled by Yu Yan, so if he does not stay,
he will not be able to prevent him from cooperating with the Turkic
people, even in his current situation, it is tantamount to being slaughtered
by anyone.

Thinking of this, he sighed without further hesitation: "Trouble Yan Zong

will bring Shen with him!"



The two spoke at the same time, Yu Xuan was angry, Tan Yuanchun was
surprised, and did not understand when Shen Xie was mingled with the
people of the magic gate.

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he was not surprised by
Shen Yan's decision, and thought it was extraordinarily interesting. He said
deliberately, "You have no time to regret it now."

The lights in the distance were indistinct, from far to near, that was the
movement of disciples of Xuandushan.

The blind man's ears are extremely sensitive. Although Shen Yan can't see
the big picture, he can hear it.

He shook his head. "No."

Seeing Yan Wushi walking away with desire, Yu Yan was frightened and
angry, so he raised his sword and stopped: "Slow!"
Yan Wushi didn't hesitate, and directly held Shen Yan's waist and pushed
forward, instantly making him the target of Yu Yan's attack.

Tan Yuanchun was horrified: "Stop the third teacher!"

Yu Zheng was frightened, and quickly withdrew and stepped back. Yan
Wushi laughed and disappeared without a trace.

Only laughter echoed in the open air.

Yu Yan was furious: "Shameless fanatic!"

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan had a scum before leaving ...

Yan Wushi: I think I am cute and hehe

Chapter 21

Every master has such a high degree of mastery. He either loves his face or
can't put down his body. Such things as pulling people back can't be done
by people with status and status, because they also want to face, only Yan
Such a shameless person can be done without a teacher who can even say
the ruins of "Zhu Yangce". It is no wonder that Yu Yan will jump in the
back and Shen Yan will be completely speechless.

Yan Wushi took him all the way down the mountain, directly through
Xuandu Town, to the outskirts of the station where they first entered the
town. Here is a sparse grove of trees, which is still quite empty.

He let Shen Yan down.

Shen Yandao arched his hand: "Thank you."

He fought with Yu Zheng, suffered a little injury, and his whole body was
stagnation. Now it is a long time before he feels the warmth slowly
returning, and he feels his hands and feet.
Yan Wushi sneered politely: "So what's the point of your trip to Xuandu
Mountain? But it confirms what I said that day. In front of the interests,
people's hearts are worthless. Brothers you grew up with when you were
young We can betray you without hesitation for the sake of benefit, and
you can let you fall down the cliff and leave it alone for the sake of
teaching. Qi Fengge arrogantly believes in the righteous path of the Taoist
School and is bright and clear. The disciples taught are comparable to my
style of magic gate, really It's amazing! "
Thousand Autumns: Page 27
Of course, he knew that after Shen Yan fell off the cliff, the people in
Xuandu Mountain also searched outside, but at that time Shen Yan had
been rescued by him. Those people naturally took the time, but Yan Wushi
didn't need to help those people. Speaking of good words, he was more
willing to see Shen Yan discouraged from this, from an easy-hearted
downcast to a man full of hatred towards the people of the world.

But Shen Yan didn't answer, he found a large rock next to him and sat
down slowly.

Yu Yan's temperament is a bit paranoid, utilitarian and strong, and he must

do his best in everything. This is how he has been since childhood. If he
was not in Xuandu Mountain, maybe he is another Yan Wushi today, but he
has also It ’s true that he is wholehearted and has no secrets. The brothers
and brothers love each other, and they can heat up the heart of the stone,
not to mention that Yu Yu is not Yan Wushi after all, so before that, let ’s
not say that Shen Yan would do it. In this case, I am afraid that Master Qi
Fengge will not be born again.

He let himself be defeated in the battle with Kun Xie, and lost to the
Turkic people. He lost his reputation and became a successor. No one
would think that he was not qualified, and he could do it once and for all.
Even if Shen Yun was still alive, he himself Shameless asked to continue
to teach.

This may sound reasonable, but combined with Yu Yan's vows at that time,
he expressed his excitement and said that he wanted Xuandushan to be
above other gates in the world, and things seemed strange.

If Yu Zhe's distress is true and there are other reasons, then what he is
referring to is definitely more than just colluding with Kun Xie in secret
and designing things that sink into the cliff.

He must also cooperate with the Turks on other more important events.
Shen frowned, only to feel his head tingling like acupuncture, bewildered.

Since the Jin dynasty moved south, the five hustles and bustles. Although
the regimes of various countries have changed frequently in these years,
the state powers such as Zhou and Qi are very strong, because they have
followed the Han system and gradually become Chinese. It is accepted, but
like the Turkic king court, which still grazes on the grasslands and invades
the Central Plains from time to time, it is not a master in any case.

Turkic people are capricious, and their cruel image has long been rooted in
the hearts of the people. Without the benefits of the greatness of the sky,
Yu Yu would not be able to risk the world's greatness.

So what exactly is the other party planning, and what benefits can the
Turkic people give him or Xuandushan?

These things, Shen Yan could not come up with Yan Wushi to discuss.

Even though the two have deep roots today, they can't talk about friends.
Yan Wushi is moody, righteous and evil, and it is impossible to talk to him

Shen Yan could only ponder over it in his own heart.

However, no matter how you think about it, it seems like a thin layer of
window paper, and you never think of the most critical point.

Suddenly Wu Yanshi said, "Is it enough to rest?"

Shen Yan looked up blankly, because he was still thinking about something
else, his expression was a bit innocent and absent-minded.

Yan Wushi: "If you have enough rest, come and play."

Shen Yun: "..."

He smiled bitterly: "Master Zong, how can I beat you, haven't you tried it
last time?"
Yan Wushi said strangely: "Otherwise, why do you think I want to take
you away? What is your life and death with me? If I want the residual
volume of" Zhu Yangce "and go directly to Xuandu Mountain, why bother
with you? Cumbersome? You are now carrying the two volumes of "Zhu
Yang Ce". It is only a matter of time before Wu Gong is restored, but this
opportunity may not be available to everyone. It ’s impossible to fight
against yourself, or to find Xueting bald donkey to practice your hands, are
n’t you the most suitable person? ”

Shen Nian twitched at the corner of her mouth, completely unaware of

what to say.

Half a while before he said, "I have only 30% of my skill left now, and I
just fought with Yu Yan and got hurt again. I'm afraid I can't catch it at this

Yan Wushi: "That's why I am compassionate and let you sit here and rest
for a while."

Shen Ye helplessly: "I suddenly feel that being forced to stay in

Xuandushan is not a bad choice."

Yan Wushi: "You have now restored the memory, that is to say, the part of"
Zhu Yangce "you learned before can be fully memorized and used freely,
plus the part you listened to in Izumo Temple before, it is enough for you
to get through. One step up. "

Shen Yun thought for a while, and nodded honestly: "It really is."

From this point of view, although Yan Wushi's motives are not pure, and
he has repeatedly thought about using and watching the show, he should
still thank him.

Shen Ye: "Since I left Beizhuang, I have never thanked Lord Yan well. If it
weren't for you, I'm afraid I've become the next ghost of Banbufeng now."

Yan Wushi: "What you should be thankful for is Zhu Yangce's qi in your
body. Without it, I would not bother to save you."
Shen Ye was happy in pain: "... Okay, I will go and give Master a scent of
incense, and thank his elders for passing Zhu Yangce to me."

Yan Wushi: "When I fought with Yu Min, I didn't find Zhu Yangce's true
spirit in him. I suppose Qi Fengge only passed it on to you."

Shen Ye nodded: "Yes, Master only transmitted the soul to me on that day,
and only ordered me to dictate it. I was not allowed to transcribe it.
Outsiders said that Xuandushan had a volume of Zhu Yangce, but I do n’t
know yet A roll of Zhu Yangce is still in Xuandu Mountain. "

Yan Wushi thought it was very interesting: "Don't Qi Fengge want

Xuandushan to be passed down from generation to generation. Do all the
disciples make a profit, why do you only spread the soul to you?"

Shen Ye slowly said: "I have asked Master before, and he did not answer.
Master and Tao Zhen were old friends before life. After hearing that Tao
Zhenren had completed" Zhu Yangce ", Zeng Meng had regrets and
thought As soon as this book is published, it will lead to endless struggles
among the people of the world, and how many sins will occur in life.
Therefore, I think that Master Xingxing has a lot of thoughts out of this
kind of thought. Only when the world fights for looting, can such a
conflicting decision be made. "

Yan Wushi sniffed his nose: "The benevolence of a woman! In this matter,
Qi Fengge is like this, and the Hulu was not exhausted and killed that day,
leaving hidden dangers for future generations. This is also true! His
martial arts have covered the world, but his mind and The indecisive
woman is the same. If so, why would he let Xuandushan disciples practice
some martial arts, and would it be better to directly change Xuandushan to
Pudaoguan? There is no soldier in the world, and he should start from
himself. "

These words are bitter, but not entirely unreasonable.

Shen Ye has the same thing as his teacher, that is, a kind heart and
gentleness for the sake of others, but he is also different from Qi Fengge.
These days, when he goes out, he sees the people ’s livelihood dying, the
people are suffering, and the world ’s gates are powerful. Involved in the
chess game, his thoughts have gradually changed, and found that
Xuandushan is in the red dust, and cannot be detached safely.

But unfortunately, he still has no time to make any changes to Xuandu

Mountain. Yu Xuan can't wait to replace it, and will bring Xuandu
Mountain to an unknown direction completely.

He bowed his head slightly and lost his thoughts.

Yan Wushi was silent, without warning, and his fingers were already here.

Since Shen Yan can't see her eyes, she has deliberately exercised her ear
strength. At this moment, she heard some strange movements, and
hurriedly patted the stone to rise, and then she retreated quickly.

Xuandushan's light work has taken the lead in the world. This set of "sky
and wide rainbow shadows" makes it appear like the wind and the wind
lightly, the clear water looking forward, the willows stretching, the current
being difficult to describe, and the shadow of his heyday has been faintly

It ’s just that Shen Yun ’s skill has n’t been restored after all. Yan Wushi ’s
speed is much faster than him, a little slow, and the stone he was sitting on
has just shattered, and the stones are splashing away and flying towards
Shen Yan.

Fortunately, he was in good spirits in time, and his face was not splashed,
but half of his sleeve was cut to pieces by sharp stones. The stones even
scratched his wrist, and the blood drops immediately flowed down the
white wrist.

"Chunshui Roubo's pity is shadowless, and she is ashamed!" Shen Yan

ignored the injuries on his wrist, but listened attentively to the movement
from the other side.

According to Yan Wushi's behavior style, since he shot, he will never show
Through these days, Shen Zhen still knew this.

In this game today, you have to fight until the other party is satisfied,
otherwise you will die for nothing.

The author has something to say:

Shen Yun: Otherwise, I'll go back.

Yu Yan: Brother, welcome to the Little Black House (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭ ~

Shen Yan: ...

Chapter 22

Chunshui **** is one of the skills that Yan Wushi relies on for his fame.
Ten years ago, when he was on the rivers and lakes, he had defeated
countless masters with this hand. Even Qi Fengge would use two poems to
describe this martial art. Place.

Ten years later, Yan Wushi's realm was naturally only higher, not lower.

But few people know that this **** is actually used from swordsmanship.

At that time, Wu Shi had a sword that did not leave his body for a while,
and then the sword was gone. For a period of time, he could not find a
weapon that he was satisfied with. He had to refer to the sword. The name
is full of tenderness, but only the person in it can experience the storm and
storm that he is facing.

If someone with a clear ear is here, you can see that Yan Wushi ’s
movements are very slow, very elegant, and gentle, just like to wipe off the
leaves on the opponent ’s shoulders, but his fingers have become
afterimages, and even It is impossible to distinguish which of these
"shadows" is his real hand.

Shen Ye is a blind man. Blind people have less visual confusion and are
more sensitive on the other hand.
What he felt was that Taishan was pressing in a general way, and huge
pressure came from all directions. He wanted to crush people and crush
them, so that the pressure was not uniform, but accompanied by the ****
of the opponent, sometimes the shoulders were heavily pressed,
sometimes The threat to his neck was erratic and unpredictable.

Shen Ye's entire person is wrapped in the pressure built by the other side,
as if he is surrounded by four walls, densely packed with layers of true
momentum, like a tide, he can't retreat, he can't enter, once his internal
strength is exhausted, Waiting for him was Yan Wushi's gentle, spring-like
fingers directly on him.

Then there is only a dead end.

Shen Ye only has 30% of his internal strength, maybe not as good as the
second-rate masters on the rivers and lakes. For ordinary people, this level
of people does not have to deliberately be able to survive under Yan
Wushi's hands. Shan's martial arts and the two remaining volumes of "Zhu
Yangce", although the time is short, it may not be enough time to
completely turn the content just written into his own use, but the
restoration of memory means that his ability to respond to the enemy will
also be restored. As passive as ever.
Thousand Autumns: Page 28
He raised his sleeve and replaced the sword with his hand, making a

This is Canglang Jianjue's starting style breeze.

Canglang Jianjue is also the same set of swords used by Yu Yan and Yan

Although Xuandushan is well-known in the world, there are not many

martial arts under the door, and there are only two sets of sword tactics.

Because Qi Fengge feels that martial arts is the highest, like many truths
in the world, they are simplified and complicated, so they are more
clumsy. Therefore, it is better to practice two sets of swords to the highest
level. You can send and receive freely and casually. use.

Qingfeng Xulai, as the name suggests, has a warm and accommodating

starting style, which is like a clear breeze. Shen Jian has no sword in his
hand and can only refer to it as a sword. After this style, he finally found
the old familiar feeling.

Zhenqi started from Dantian, followed by Yangguan, Zhongshu, Zhiyang

and other acupoints, condensed to Fengfu, and then flowed to Sidu and
Waiguan. The other party's true Qi was formed by copper walls and iron
walls oppressed in all directions. It is also just right for fingertips.

If the white mark is Jianguang, this is the Jianqi.

The sword was drawn, and Shen Yun immediately changed his moves,
simulating the "triple of the piano heart" in Canglang Sword Technique.
With his fingertips, he clicked every point on the node of Yan Wushi's
"weaving the net" with authentic energy. .

With a bang, Xia Yongxia gathers, and the star dangles the net!
If there is someone else here, you can see a dazzling light shining between
the two, and Shen Yan can't look at it, but he has broken the offensive
offensive by relying only on the grasp of the vitality!

From Yan Wushi's attack until Shen Yun cracked it, the people in it may
have felt it took a long time, but to the observer, it may have been a blink
of an eye.

Yan Wushi saw something unexpected, but with it came a stronger taste on
his face.

He turned his fingers into a palm, his body fluttered like a cloud, like a
charm, and he printed from different directions to Shen Ling, giving him
three palms.

These three palms are like mountains, rivers, seas, volleys, and majestic
expanses. In contrast, Yan Wushi's previous shots seemed like a child's
play. Only at this moment did he tear down the mask of Yaya to reveal the
mask under the mask!

Three palms, three directions.

Shen Ye has only one person and two hands. He cannot resist attacks from
three parties at the same time!

Shen Yan chose to back.

After Fang Caiyan's offensive was resolved by him, the rear would be
equal to the lack of enthusiasm. He stepped back a few steps, but there
were only a few steps. Yan Wushi's three palms were close at hand!

No matter how powerful Yan Wushi is, after all, it's just humans, and he
can't print three palms at the same time. There is a sequence as fast as he
can, but because the speed is too fast, it is impossible to distinguish the

But Shen Yun can, because he is blind.

The blind need not look, but listen.

Since the injury, he has suffered many unimaginable pains, which have
become more contrast after the memory is restored.

Shen Ye has also been stunned and confused, and even more distressed
because of being betrayed by a loved one.

But at this moment, his heart was calm.

In the past, he taught in the mountains of Xuandu, and his state of mind
was also peaceful, but that kind of peace was never setbacks.

The peace at this moment is the peace after experiencing severe storms
and many setbacks.

After the stormy sea, the moon was nine skies, and the sky was full of

There is no wave, no sorrow, no sorrow and no joy.

Deep grass in spring, shallow clouds in autumn, Jingying Gudeng,

moonlight glaze.

He divided the order of the three palms, the hand is like a lotus flower, and
it opens and closes instantly, using the "Canglang Cangshan", "The Sun
and the Moon", and "The Purple Air Comes East" in Canglang Sword

But if the disciples of Xuandushan are here, they must not recognize that
these moves come from Canglang Jianjue, because in the hands of Shen
Zhen, these moves are endlessly changing and beyond recognition.

However, if Qi Fengge is reborn, he can certainly see that Shen Ye has

used not only the form of sword strokes, but even out of the shape of
sword air and reached the state of sword meaning!

The sword is the head of the hundred soldiers and has been respected by
martial arts. Of all the martial arts practitioners on the rivers and lakes,
most of them use swords. What state is it.
Swords have four realms: sword qi, sword meaning, sword heart, and
sword god.

Being able to control the sword with qi indicates that this person has
reached the level of "sword qi", which can be done by innate masters, and
Shen Hao can reach this level before losing martial arts.

His talents were extremely high. He practiced swords at an early age. At

the age of 20, he had broken through the swordsmanship and entered the
realm of "sword spirit." Combining it with sword qi makes you go further
and further in swordsmanship. If there is no accident, it is also a matter of
time to realize "sword intention".

It was a pity that a half-step peak battle happened later, and Shen Shen fell
off the cliff, and everything stopped abruptly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhu Yangce still had a trace of true qi in his
body, he could start over from the beginning, and the martial arts he had
worked hard in the first half of his life would surely have been lost.

Yan Wushi and He Xuren also, he naturally saw it. Under the pressure of
his own steps, instead of falling on the ground, Shen Xun inspired the
realm of "sword meaning", which was really surprising.

Unexpectedly, however, he gave a touch of excitement.

From time to time, he persecuted Shen Ye to fight with himself, because

the opponent was in charge of Zhu Yangce's true energy. He wanted to
fight with Shen Ye and hope to get inspiration from it, which would help
him extract the essence of Zhu Yangce and complete his own martial arts.

So the stronger the opponent, the happier he is naturally.

At this moment Shen Min's heart was peaceful and peaceful.

After comprehending the "sword meaning", his state of mind also entered
a whole new world, clear and ethereal, mysterious and unspeakable.

This world is very wide.

This world is also very narrow.

But the meaning of the sword is exactly the meaning of the Tao!

Life is two, life is two, life is three.

There is no land under your feet, and you have land when you walk. You
can't see light, but your heart has light.

In this state of mind, even if the eye can't see, Shen can clearly sense the
trajectory of the opponent's shot.

He waited quietly.

Yan Wushi pointed to his brows.

Instead of stepping back, Shen Min chose to greet him.

He raised his right hand, and the open palm just blocked the other finger.

In time, the stone is cracked, and stars fall at night!

Shen Ye only felt a roar in his ears, followed by bleeding from the nose
and nose, and the whole body flew back involuntarily, eventually hitting a
thick trunk and landing again!

Yan Wushi snorted, but was surprised.

Because of his skill, he used at least half of his skill and used Shen ’s
current internal practice as his understanding of the sword, but the
damaged foundation was there, and he could capture his shot and block it.
It was quite amazing without even losing breath on the spot.

This shows that this person's qualification potential is indeed amazing.

Under the blow of betrayal, he can still realize the sword. It is no wonder
that Qi Fengge would choose him as the man to pass on.

But although Shen Huan wasn't dead, he didn't get much better.
He could not have accepted the finger of Yan Wushi, but he just took it,
and in the previous battle with Yu Yu on the Xuandu Mountain, he was
already exhausted.

Yan Wushi bent over and pinched his chin. If the opposite side was cold
and jade, he was pale and pale, and even his lips were pale, as if he would
lose his breath at any time.

But since he was severely injured on the cliff, he had such a look for nine
days out of ten days, and now it just looks more serious.

It is just in this bloodless bleakness, eyes closed, long eyelashes like

feathers, but not a bit of cowardly ascetic beauty, just because of the coma,
even more gentle and cute.

On that day, Muti was confused by such a well-behaved appearance, so she

mistakenly regarded the cannibal flower as a tussah.
Thousand Autumns: Page 29
However, this flower has a good temper and is always soft-hearted, so he
often has troubles and looks like asking for trouble, but he seems to be
able to expect the consequences of his soft-heartedness, so he will always
be fully prepared. If someone else despised him because of his soft heart,
he would be blind.

"You see how tired you are and how miserable you are. Master died, and
even the position of teaching was taken away. Brothers and sisters who
grew up together have either betrayed you or disapproved of your
approach. You The renegades were separated and seriously injured, so they
had to leave Xuandu Mountain and had nothing. "

Yan Wushi whispered in his ear with the softest tone: "But you didn't have
to live this miserable, as long as you follow me into the holy gate and
practice" Feng Lin Yuan Dian ", I will learn what I have learned The
volume "Zhu Yangce" is also taught to you. Not to mention the restoration
of martial arts at that time, it is just around the corner. It will take you
three to five years to recover slowly, I do n’t know how much faster. By
that time, no matter what you want to take back the position of teaching Or
do you want to kill Yu Yun to take revenge, these are not matters, what do
you think? "

At this time, Shen Min's mind was weakest. He was groggy, physically
unable to resist, and his mind was the most susceptible to intrusion. Yan
Wushi's words also used magic sounds to capture the heart, and passed on
to Shen again and again. In his ears, he went straight into the opponent's
heart, causing a strong impact on his Tao heart.

Shen Yan frowned in pain and his body moved slightly, but Yan Wushi did
not let go, and repeated the words twice.

"Yu Xun united Kun with the evil, you fell down the cliff and lost all your
martial arts. Do n’t you hate him? Without martial arts, no status, even the
clown jumping clowns like Chen Gong and Mu Tibo dare to jump in front
of you, seriously No hate, huh? Don't you want to kill them, I can help you
too. "

If someone is passing by, they should be intimate slang, and the situation
is ambiguous, but in fact it is not the case at all.

Yan Wushi's hand became more and more powerful, and the heavy jaw
pinched a red mark. I was afraid the bruises would be bruised the next day,
but Shen's pain was not in it, but the magic sound over and over again. I ca
n’t escape if I am embarrassed.

He bit his teeth tightly. Although he had lost his consciousness, there
seemed to be a line in his subconscious that tied him tightly, preventing
him from agreeing.

Once you open your mouth, you will start to lose your heart.

"Why not agree, it's just a sentence. As long as you open your mouth, I
will do everything for you."

I don't want to be such a person, if I want to do it, I should do it myself.

"What kind of person is it, isn't it easy to have good revenge? You kill
anyone who wants to kill, and then they betray you first. You are not sorry
for them."

Shen Yan shook his head, the corners of his mouth had begun to overflow
with new blood, and the pain on his face became deeper. Ordinary people
could not stand this kind of torture, but he refused to speak.

Some people blindly apply goodwill without knowing the dangers in the
world, and eventually become exhausted. Others, because of seeing the
dangers in the world, still do not change their original intentions and are
soft and soft.

Human nature is evil, can anyone really go through all the hurdles and go
through the bumps without changing his heart?
Yan Wushi chuckled, wiped off the blood on the corner of his lips, took his
hand under his armpit, hugged the whole person, and walked towards the

The author has something to say:

You old vomiting blood, are you happy? → _ →

Lao Yan: Very cool.

Shen Ye raised his hand in a breath: I, I'm upset ...

Chapter 23

Shen Ye always felt that he had been sleeping for a long time, but he was
not completely conscious in the faintness. At least someone was talking
loudly in his ears, or he was still aware when the wheels were rolling

Although a man is in a coma, the vitality in his body has not stopped
working for a day. The benefits of practicing "Zhu Yangce" have been
manifested at this time, and his physical damage has been repaired

Although the speed is extremely slow, when Shen Mi wakes up, she no
longer feels boring and nauseous, but she has been lethargic these days,
and she will inevitably be drowsy after waking up, such as in a dream,
holding her head in a confused expression.

After looking around, he found that he should be inside the carriage, but
the carriage stopped, and he didn't know where it was outside.

Shen Ye thought about it carefully, and found that he was fighting Yan
Yanshi before he was unconscious, so he should have been taken away by
Yan Wushi?

Being intently thinking, the curtain of the carriage was lifted up, revealing
Yan Wushi's face.
"you're awake?"

With just this one voice, Shen Shen's hair was erected.

He and Yan Wushi couldn't talk about deep friendship, but he still knew a
little about the other person's temperament. If the person was not right-
handed, he would still have the same face when looking horizontally and
vertically, and Shen would almost think He was turned on by a ghost.

Everyone smells discolored, behaves impertinently, and likes ridicule and

derision. When will he speak in such a gentle tone?

Shen Ye hesitated: "Mr. Yan ... what happened?"

Yan Wushi: "You are not lightly injured, and you have been drowsy for
many days. Fortunately, Zhu Yangce's vital energy in the body is working
to protect your heart and rest for a few more days. We should be able to
recover. We have just entered Luzhou. , I found an inn to stay, come. "

He stepped forward and bent, embracing Shen Yan horizontally.

Shen Yan was creepy, and he could not wait to turn around and run, but he
just awakened from sleep for many days, and was completely weak, unable
to resist at all, and could only let the other party do it.

With a gentle smile on his face, Yan Wushi ignored Shen Hao's ghostly
expression, and hugged people into the inn, and watched him all the way.
From the front hall to the backyard, even the inn buddies leading the way
frequently looked back. He But he didn't think it was the same.

"It ’s good to teach the two Langjun to know, let alone our inn, just looking
at the whole city of Luzhou, this small courtyard is the most beautiful. For
two, let ’s see. This bonsai is flowing, compared to the courtyard of a big
family. Where are you going? If you want to enjoy the spring scenery, you
don't have to go to the countryside to climb high. Only in this yard, you
can see the spring scenery of our Quzhou City! "
The man's tongue is lotus, but Shen Shen can't see it, and he can't realize
the beauty described in his mouth, but just guess from the man's attitude
that the rent of this courtyard is quite high.

Yan Wushi was full of interest, not only did he not shut up his buddies, so
he introduced them from beginning to end, and occasionally commented
on one or two sentences, but also gave the buddies a spirit and introduced
them from beginning to end.

He still had an adult man in his arms, but he was still interested in walking
in court, and he didn't feel tired. The man looked in his eyes, and there was
more awe.

Shen Ye needed a rest from his body. After waking up for so long, he just
woke up for a while, and felt a little tired. He almost fell asleep in Yan
Wushi's arms.

It was so easy to wait until the buddy finally got out of his way. Yan Wushi
took Shen Huan into the bedroom and put him on a bamboo couch by the

The bamboo couch was covered with thick and soft woolen mattresses, and
when she lay down, she felt that her whole body was groaning

Yan Wushi did not rush, but sat down beside him.

Shen Yun: "The courtyard rented by Lord Zong only has one room?"

Yan Wushi took time to spare: "Of course it is more than that, but I rent
the yard. I sit where I like to sit. You are sleepy for a few days and I am
taking care of you all the way. You do n’t thank me, but look at him. Is it
the education of Xuandu Shanzhang? "

Shen Yan said that because you behaved too abnormally.

Just thinking of this, the other side suddenly reached out a hand to arrange
his wrinkled collar, Shen Shen was startled, this time is not only shocked,
but also thriller.

He never thinks that when he wakes up to sleep, Yan Wushi's temperament


But what the other party was doing, he didn't understand.

"Please ask Lord Yan to stop making fun of me."

Yan Wushi: "How can this be said to be playing tricks? Aside from
outside, you know how many disciples under Huan Yuezong want me to be
so kind to them. Rarely, I want to be nice to one person, but they ca n’t
even ask for it!

Shen Yan drew his lips.

"Still Shen inadvertently offended Master Zong in a drowsiness without

knowing it? If so, here Shen pays Master Zong a compensation, and asks
Master Zong Yan to do a lot. Don't care about a blind man."

Yan Wushi laughed suddenly: "Shen Yun, Shen Yun, others say you are
honest and kind, and I don't think it's true. Any honest person will use his
own blindness to stop others' mouths?"

Shen Ming lips said nothing.

Yan Wushi cut his veins with the three fingers of his right hand, and the
latter trembled a little. I don't know if he didn't avoid or didn't want to

"Can't you see with your eyes?"

Shen Min nodded: "Perhaps it was exhausted before the coma, and now I
feel that the eyes are still faintly hot, and it may take some more time."

Yan Wushi: "No rush. There is still a long way to go to Beizhou from here.
We will also take a carriage along the way. You can take a rest slowly."

Shen Yanmei: "Going to the North Zhou?"

Thousand Autumns: Page 30
Yan Wushi: "Why, you don't want to go?"

He asked these questions purely.

The two are martial, past, disposition, and even behave as human beings.
There is no similarity. Even with the extremely arrogant pride of Yan
Wushi, it is impossible to imagine that Shen Yan has fallen into this state.
Why not be so calm, let alone say As now, Shen Yan was swaggered across
the market with some people, and some people will always recognize him
as the former Xuandu Shanzhang, and he will inevitably attract a lot of

There will always be people who remind Shen Shen over and over again
that he does n’t want to be reminded. He is the first person to teach a real
person. He lost his martial arts status and was betrayed by his teacher. The
approach is wrong. It is tantamount to subverting the concept from small
to large.

What's more tragic is that his eyes are still invisible now, and there is no
difference between night and day. In an unfamiliar environment, he will be
tripped for a few more steps, let alone get up and wash clothes in the
morning. Trivia.

These trivial details can make the human body feel more deeply frustrated
than when you can only listen to the sound to identify the position.

The mentality of this loser is difficult for Yan Wushi to understand, and he
is not interested in understanding it. What interest him is Shen Yan.

Even the people of the rivers and lakes have lost all their martial arts,
from easily taking human lives to becoming weak people who are subject
to people everywhere. At this time, not to mention hysteria, at least they
are full of heartache, anxiety and depression.

What kind of hard bones is there in this soft-eyed person to keep calm?
Shen Min nodded: "I'm afraid I'll be involved in the journey of Lord Yan
again along the way, and I really feel bad about it."

Yan Wushi originally thought that he did not want to go to the Northern
Zhou Dynasty and would refuse or raise objections. Who knew that the
other party's attitude was so docile but unexpected? He pretended: "You
can also choose to return to Xuandu Mountain and settle in Xuandu Town.
Look for opportunities to see other siblings or elders. Maybe their
thoughts are different from those of Yu You, and they will support you to
get back to teaching. "

Although it was clear that Yan Wushi ’s remarks might be igniting and
provocative, Shen Zhen still shook his head and answered his question: "I
am now martial arts and I am defeated by Kun Xie's hands. He is in charge
of Xuandu Mountain, and since Yu was the master of the previous
generation, he must have mastered the mouthpiece of this door. When I
was in it, I would restrain him. I might as well be farther away and maybe
see some things. "

Having said that, he smiled: "Is n’t Lord Yan once said that I am unpopular
and unsavory. Fang Zhi ended today. Yan Zong is in an important position
in Beizhou. If he can follow Yan Zong, he will be able to learn Many
things have prevented me from making mistakes and repeating the same
mistakes of the past, which is a blessing for me. "

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "You don't care about the relationship
between Yu You and the Huns?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "This is a big deal. Lord Zong must have seen it.
After the deer was defeated, there was no news for 20 years. Kun Xie's fate
came to the rivers and lakes, and it must be more than just In order to
make the engagement with me as simple as possible, he must have a
deeper plan for cooperating with Yu Min. I heard that Lord Zong had dealt
with Kun Xie. Do you think this person is brave? "

Yan Wushi did not hide: "His qualifications are actually not low. In time, it
may be another Hulu. When he fights with me, he may not be able to beat
me, but it is obvious that he retained it. I do n’t know why he did n’t do his
best to dial him back a few times, and it was the same all the time. He was
so intrusive that he fled back to the Huns. "

The implication is that if you are really a reckless person, even if you
know you can't beat Yan Wushi, you won't be able to endure it for so long,
and you won't do your best every time.

Shen Yan frowned slightly.

Many things are connected, some faintly, but this look is not very clear
now. It seems that the huge thread cluster is chaotic. He still can't catch
that thread, so there are still many puzzles.

He sighed: "It seems that as Lord Yan said, I do n’t know much about the
situation in the world. I sit on the ground and watch the sky, stand still and
feel depressed. I also have a responsibility, so that I can't guess their
intentions at all now."

Yan Wushi sneered: "Where are there so many feelings! As long as you are
strong enough, if you are able to kill them all, what is the matter? These
people dare to betray you, you must be prepared to be liquidated. Could it
be that you understand his intentions, and forgive him? "

Shen Ye was very helpless about his style of "kill unhappy": "According to
you, Yu Yu can control Xuandu Mountain. My teachers and brothers, as
well as the elders of Xuandu Purple House, are also tacit. Yes, my old and
good old man also felt that Brother Yu was here to teach as a teacher, a
hundred times better than me to come. Would I have to kill them? These
people are the mainstay of Xuandu Mountain. Without them, where Can it
still be called martial? "

Yan Wushi said viciously: "Even if you recover your martial arts in the
future and return to the position of restoration and teaching, your
friendship with your brothers and sisters will not return to the past. They
will betray you like a fishbone in your throat, It ’s hard for you to let go.
For them, even if you do n’t care about them, they will believe that you
really do n’t mind? ”
When he said this, he approached Shen Wei, and his warm breath was
close at hand.

Shen Yan tilted his head uncomfortably: "Everyone has evil thoughts in his
heart. The difference is only to do or not to do, so why bother?"

Yan Wushi said, "Oh? So you also have bad thoughts in your heart? What
are your bad thoughts, talk to me?"

Shen Yan wanted to step back, but was blocked by an arm, and he had to
bow slightly.

I don't know when he was forced to the corner, the back of his upper body
was against the wall, and there was a picture hanging behind him, and the
scroll was right under his shoulder, and it hurt.

"Ama, what are your evil thoughts, come and listen."

The grandma yelled so loudly that goosebumps got up, but he didn't have
time to show a startled expression, and then he was seduced by the low
voice of the other side and opened his mouth to answer.



There was a knock on the door.

Shen Min shuddered slightly, and suddenly woke up.

"Do you use charm ?!"

"This is called Magic Sound Desire, Huan Yuezong is also one of the three
cases of Sun and Moon. Acacias will, I will naturally, Bai Rong ’s little
girl ca n’t even get home. You have to listen to it a few more times. She
will easily hit her. "

Was broken in one word, and Lord Zong also had no shame, but proudly
said, "It is your honor to get this shot."
Mr. Shen Qianqian, where can I talk about his ridiculousness, and he is so
happy: "I still have to thank Master Yan for this?"

Yan Wushi: "Well, thank you."

Chapter 24

It was the inn buddy who came in, and he was still holding a bowl of soup
in his hand.

"Lang Jun, this is the medicine you used to make and cook according to
the recipe you wrote. The chef also made lotus seed pulp and some
desserts. You two pad your belly first, and when the order comes, there are
other meals to be delivered. "

Grabbing medicine and boil medicine is the work of the drugstore. Nai He
Yan has enough money from the teacher to spread money, and the inn
naturally treats him as a **** of wealth, serving him with little care and

Yan Wushi took the medicine bowl and said to Shen Wei: "Your injury
needs to be recuperated. The effect of drinking medicine will be better.
Come, I will feed you."

Shen Yun: "..."

Dude: "..."

If it ’s gentle and watery, you can tell from the face that you are extremely
proud and arrogant. What do you think of how to violate it? The guy did
n’t know that the two had a little confrontation in the room just now, just
listen to this gentle and quickly twist the water The tone of coming, he was
already stunned.

The Langjun looked a little sick, but how could he be a man again? Could
it be that the two had broken sleeves?

My buddy shivered.
Shen Ye was really afraid of Yan Wushi, and he didn't know which one he

Obviously, he just wanted to use magic gate charm to induce evil thoughts
in his heart. The next moment, he suddenly changed his attitude in front of
outsiders, and turned his face quickly.

Yan Wushi ignored the two people ’s reactions, staring at Shen Yan with a
gentle tone again: "Don't be afraid, I'll blow you cold, not hot."

Shen Yan spit out two words: "Yan Zong ..."

His mouth was immediately stuffed with a spoon, and when he was full of
bitter medicinal juice, he was forced to swallow the medicinal solution
first. Yan Wushi took a spoonful of spoonful, and fed half a bowl of
medicine in a flash. Delicate, soft and smiling, as if staring at the very true

Shen Yan couldn't see Yan Wushi's expression, but his buddy could see it.
He just felt that his hair and hair were all upright. If he stayed, the broken-
language gentleman would even look at him and talk to him. The owner
proposed to take himself away, how could life be good!

So quickly put down the food and laughed aloud: "Two people, please use
slowly. The villain will retreat first. What do you tell me to ring the bell?"

Yan Wushi snorted and didn't return his head. The man breathed a sigh of
relief, wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and wiped his feet with oil.

As soon as people walked away, Yan Wushi stuffed the bowl into Shen Ye's
hand: "Drink it yourself."

Shen Yun: "..."

The medicine in this bowl is all about nourishing qi and nourishing blood.
He smelled it, but Yan Wushi's attitude change before and after was really
too weird. He couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yan, is there any difference in the
identity of that guy?"
Yan Wushi: "No."

Shen Yun: "Why ..."

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly: "Why, you are addicted to feeding, but also
want to feed you the remaining half of the bowl?"

Shen Yun: "..."

Thousand Autumns: Page 31
Yan Wushi pinched his chin: "In fact, you do n’t look bad in this way. The
disciples in the Sanctuary practice charm more, and their looks are not
bad. If you are not sick, you are better than them. Even better. "

It would be better if someone was injured at such a disposition. After all,

she was powerless to resist, and she was sober at this moment. Shen Xuan
couldn't help looking up and brushing away Wu Yan's hand.

The latter let go, and did not force him.

"Have you ever heard of Pei Cup?" Yan Wushi asked.

"What's that?" The other party's tone was so serious that Shen Xuan
doubted him.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "In the brothel, you give the customers
mouth-to-mouth wine, which is called a leather cup. If you want this seat
to give you medicine, it's okay."

Shen Zhengzheng, a gentleman, has always been very upright and

indifferent. He has never heard such amusing words, even when his lips
are closed and he does not speak, the pale skin is hard to avoid being
stained with a thin layer of red. It is not shy, but Slightly annoyed.

Yan Wushi had teased enough, and he laughed as he looked at the changes
in his look, which seemed very interesting.

Shen Yan's face was a little iron-blue.

After that, Yan Wushi didn't know what kind of wind he was pumping. He
seemed to tease Shen Yan and became addicted. He always liked to see his
various discolorations by playing in front of outsiders.

Shen Yan has a good temper and a firm mind. Several times, facing
various kinds of slang words and harsh evaluations, he can already change
his face. Yan Wushi not only did not feel boring, but he intensified. Trying
out the bottom line is impossible.

Fortunately, although he asked to travel, Yan Wushi did not have the
freedom to imprison Shen He. Of course, Shen Ye is not convenient to go
now. Most of the time, he stays in the room honestly, sitting at the window
listening to the sound of wind and rain. Don't bother anyone.

However, there are occasional exceptions. This inn is large and has a large
number of contacts. There are many businessmen and officials. It is also
one of the best in Luzhou City. It is the best choice for collecting news.
Yan Wushi chose to live here, of course, not only Because here is the most
beautiful inn courtyard in the city.

At this time, the post hall inn has already been divided into halls and
private rooms. There are large private rooms and small private rooms. The
small private rooms are packed by several people to talk about private
affairs. The large private rooms are the inn in order to attract business and
attract guests. A few larger private rooms are roughly classified according
to the Shi Nong industry and commerce.

If you are a business man, you can take the initiative to sit in the business
room of Shang Jiaduo. Even if you do n’t know each other before, after a
meal, you may know each other. You can also take the opportunity to
expand your network and talk about business. It is the best of both worlds.
The same is true. Of course, there are businessmen who act as scholars.
They have to go to the private room where the scholars gather to make fun.
The end is mostly ridiculous. Most people will not rush to lose this face.

Yan Wushi was originally from Jianghu, but he also had another identity.
Chenzhou is already in Beizhou. If he shows the official position of Prince
and Master, I am afraid that Chenzhou officials will all come forward and
serve him, but he will not go on either side, and he chooses a private room
for businessmen, and enters Shen.

Shen Ye is now getting used to being in the dark. Yan Wushi is leading the
way. He slowly walks forward with a bamboo stick. He does n’t need any
help, but Yan Wushi wants to hold his wrist. The affection was intimate
and noticeable. Shen Yun was unable to withdraw his hand from the other
side, and he could only leave it alone.

Since his arrival in Luzhou City, Yan Wushi has done everything he can to
treat Shen Yan with all his kind.

Outsiders didn't know the inside story. Looking at the two people,
especially Shen Shen's eyes were very ambiguous. She suddenly regarded
Shen Yan as a kind of character, but she hadn't seen Xi pet or was blind. At
this moment, they saw the two come in. They all felt strange and
interesting, and their eyes were staring at Shen Shen.

The two are seated and share a case. Yan Wushi declined the man to come
forward, personally set the tableware for Shen Zhen, and held his hand,
one by one, told him which dish in front of him was holding which dish,
and he was considerate, only afraid of the people of Huan Yuezong I dare
not recognize Yan Wushi here.

A few days ago, Shen Xun was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable,
but goosebumps and other things would be gone. He took the chopsticks
without changing his face, thanked him, and then lowered his head slowly
to taste.

When they saw that no one was next to them, they gradually became
boring, but they inevitably slandered a few words in their hearts, and then
turned to the original topic again.

There were businessmen who went south and north, and they didn't
necessarily know each other, but eating in this room had the existence of
interoperability and the thought of making friends, not to mention the fact
that the businessmen grew up and danced with a few words, and the
atmosphere became warm again.

Someone said, "I heard that the Lord Zhou intends to go south to cut down
Chen. Is this true or false? Which of my friends is well-informed, please
enlighten me. The younger brother frequently travels to the north and
south in recent years, so it is better to take precautions before they get
caught Losing the cargo is trivial, but it ’s important to lose your life! "
Many people heard him say that, even if he repeatedly agreed "Yeah,

Others asked him, "Xu Erlang, where did you hear this news?"

Xu Erlang said: "Listen to my relatives, he will be a local servant at the

local envoy. The news should not be false."

Another said: "I have also heard that this is true in all likelihood. You
think, since the reign of His Majesty Zhou Zhao, his Majesty has been
ambitious and ingenious. Now the South is rich and Chen Chao occupies a
vast area. If Zhou Di wants to dominate the country, he must win Chen
Chao first! "

"I don't know!" Someone retorted immediately. "Two years ago, the
Northern Expedition was built, and Chen Chao returned to Zhou Kangqi.
How long did it take for the Zhou Dynasty to ignore the friendship of its
allies and fight against Chen Chao? Then, if it is true, it will be a loss of
righteousness, and I am afraid that everyone in the world will be
shameless! "

"Ha! This is funny, what's the meaning of benevolence! When we do

business, we need to consider whether the profit is enough or not. How
much is the value of benevolence? Can we eat it?"

Everyone was talking loudly, and they were about to make a noise. Xu
Erlang hurriedly rounded the field: "Don't set your breath, don't set your
breath! When we do business, the most important thing is to make money
and to get rich. These military affairs are things that big people must
worry about. What do we do? We care, but where and where can we fight?

After being interrupted by him, the atmosphere that was a little bit
stiffened was eased down, and the two of them were also agitated on the
face, and sat down again to drink and eat.

A gentleman with a light robe slowly leaning towards the south. He didn't
speak before, and finally said at this time: "In my opinion, your guesses
are wrong. If Zhou wants to use soldiers outside, the first choice will not
be Chen Chao. If you want to do business between Chen and Zhou, it will
be safe for the time being. "

Others asked: "How to say?"

He said: "The persimmon picking is softer than Chen Chaolai. Of course,

Qi Guo is a better persimmon. If it is not Qi Guo, it may be Turk. In short,
at present, Zhou Zhu will not rush to Chen Chao used soldiers. "

Shen Yan also put down the bamboo dipper in his hand, straightened his
back, revealing the expression of intent listening.

Although he used to be a respected monarch, he was in charge of Niu Er,

but Xuandu Mountain could not be closed. He did not deliberately ask
about it. Natural knowledge is limited. It is far less known than those who
traveled south and north. These shortcomings were gradually exposed after
he went out. He knows it very well in his heart, so whenever he hears
someone talking about the general trend of the world, he always listens
very carefully.

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Shen Ye

1 minute ago from ⼤ 周 WIFI

If a person shows you two attitudes toward you before and after you, close
and indifferent, then what does he mean? Anxious, wait online! (Note: we
are not friends)

Repost1comment 7like 16

Comments Expand +

Spring dream

PO master description white point

Meat Bun 2.0 Upgraded Small Soup Bun

I think he might want to confess to you, but isn't that embarrassing?

Shen Min replied meat pack 2.0 upgrade Xiaotangbao: your guess is
totally untenable, and it's better not to be true forever (⊙﹏⊙) b


I also think that the PO master may want to chase you, so deliberately let
others misunderstand.

Shen Zhen replied Xin Xin: I think you are all too naive ...

Yan Wushi

Hee hee

Shen Yun replied to Yan Wushi: Didn't I already put you on the blacklist?

Yan Wushi replied to Shen Ye: Hehe

Shen Yan responded to Yan Wushi: ...

Chapter 25

"Turks?" A stranger said, "Why is Zhou mainly using soldiers for Turks?
The Central Plains is so good, why do you want to hit Turks that do not

Man said: "At the time of the Central Plains expedition, the Turks also
expanded in the north, and even defeated the strong Persian empire. China
has abundant products, great people and territories, and the Turks were
ambitious. When Khan was in office, Turkic was at an unprecedented
strength. With the arrogance of Turkic people, prosperity would breed
ambitions. If they want to invade the Central Plains, they must be Qi and
"For Bei Zhou, Qi Guo ’s national strength is declining, which is just the
right place to start. Turk is a confidant. If Zhou Zhu is a promising king,
he will not let go of these two great opportunities. In contrast, Chen Chao
will have to It's behind. Not to mention that Da Chen is not a weak country
that anyone can handle at will. How can Yu Wenhuan want to go south to
expedite Chen? It can be done just by talking about it. "

"This Lang Jun also makes sense." Everyone whispered.

Thousand Autumns: Page 32
"Lang Jun said Da Chen, is it Chen Chaoren?" Someone asked.

"Exactly." The man did not hide.

Another person said, "I see Lang Junxing's wind-stopping instrument is

not like an ordinary merchant, but more like a scholar. Here, most
merchants gather here. Lang Jun is here, for fear that it will humiliate your

The man coughed softly: "I am not a scholar, nor a business man, but just
come here to make fun."

He just talked eloquently. He was still sitting as loose as a businessman.

He was a businessman who traveled from north to south. How can he not
see that he is clearly from the family of the family, but since they are
unwilling to say, they did not ask, the topic is again Take it back and talk
about the customs and customs of the Zhou Dynasty.

Shen Yan was touched by this remark, then fell into meditation, and after
returning to God, he found out that he unknowingly opened his mouth to
pick up the vegetarian goose handed over by Yan Wushi.

The latter also asked tenderly, "Ama, is it delicious?"

Shen Yun: "..."

It was indecent to spit out what was in the mouth, he could only swallow it
hard, his face slightly twisted.

If it was n’t for Yan Wushi ’s understanding, Shen Zhen would have
thought that the other party intended him to be a pet, but in fact, when the
other party did this, they often just wanted to watch their discoloration for
fun, just like they did at the beginning. It was the same to rescue him
under Banbufeng.
Yan Wushi could n’t beat the good guy with the word “good guy”. His
motive for saving people was definitely not for helping others. For others,
he might feel at ease and not in arrears, but Shen Yan is a gentleman with a
temperament and temper. Gentle and gentle, and consciously accepted the
favor of the other party, regardless of what the original intention of Yan
Wushi was. After all, he benefited a lot. As long as the other party did not
do anything harmful, he would be able to let the other party go, not much.
Make calculations.

But it is because of his personality that Yan Wushi has repeatedly played
with him, always trying to test his bottom line, and every time he sees
Shen Ye's discoloration, he will feel better.

When he was last time, Yan Wushi sipped a spoonful of soup, but Shen
Xun refused to open his mouth anyway.

Others did not know the truth, only saw one person feeding, one person
wanted to welcome and refuse, and the relationship between the two was
established. Men have broken their sleeves. They have been around since
the Wei and Jin dynasties. It is not uncommon for businessmen to be well-
informed. The two tongues do not avoid suspicion, and did not make a

Shen Yan lost a lot of weight due to his illness, and his original majesty
faded a lot when he was teaching. When he wasn't serious or angry, he
looked like a soft and innocent diseased beauty. Although Yan Wushi
looked bad, However, he was indifferent to Shen Yun's attitude. He teased
one by one and didn't like how he couldn't put it down, so some people saw
Xun Xinxi and stepped forward and said, "Lang Jun is all right, I don't
know how to call it. In the next week, Longxi people, who have been in
business for generations, do n’t know if they have one or two? ”

Yan Wushi didn't get up, sitting on the spot, lazily, "What is it?"

Zhou Fang is also a rich man in Longxi. Seeing him ignoring his name
without giving his name, he was a little unhappy: "But this is my favorite?
I would like to buy it for twenty gold. I wonder if you would like to
sacrifice love?"
With a shout, Yan Wushi turned his head and said to Shen Yan: "Ama,
look, if you do n’t go to the rivers and lakes, you can make money every
day with just one face. When I sell you to him, I will find another
opportunity to bring You run and find new buyers, and now within a
month, we can enjoy beautifully in Chang'an House! "

Shen Ye is used to this kind of nonsense, and when he hears it, he ignores
it and only says to Zhou Fang: "Zhou Langjun has misunderstood, I am not
a pet."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the rushing nature of the forest came out
naturally. Listening to this tone alone, Zhou Fang knew that he had just
become lunatic. It is impossible for a person like this to be a pet.

"It's my fault, please don't mind me." Zhou Fang was a little hesitant.
"Dare to ask Lang Junga's first name, is it a good luck for me to meet?"

Shen Yan: "Sinking."

Zhou Fang: "Are there arbors in the south?"

Shen Huan: "Huairou hundred gods, and the concubine of Hehuang Yue."

Zhou Fang gave a smirk and smiled embarrassedly: "This word is rare, and
I don't even know him today. I also ask Shen Langjun not to blame Zhou
for being rude, and he will go to the house to thank him in another day."

Shen Yun smiled: "Zhou Langjun is polite, I don't have to go to the door.
My eyes are not good, and I'm afraid I'll be inconvenienced. If I have a
chance to meet him in the future, I will treat Zhou Langjun with a thin
glass of wine."

Speaking of this, the other party was not good enough to insist, arch hands
and said two kind words, then left.

Yan Wushi looked interesting. He didn't interject from beginning to end.

After Zhou Fang left, Fang laughed and said, "Ah, you are really not cute.
The twenty gold that was almost in your hand just flew like wings."
This kind of dialogue, not ten or nine times a day, Shen Ye has long been
accustomed to, and never heard of it.

He thought of getting back to the room, but Yan Wushi stopped him: "The
flowers are coming out in the early spring, go and watch and come back."

When Yan Wushi spoke, he usually did not ask for opinions, but had
already made a decision.

Shen Yun's martial arts are not as good as others now, but it doesn't mean
that he didn't have the slightest autonomy when the two got along. When
he heard the words, he shook his head: "No, Yan Zongji will stop, I will
return to the room."

Yan Wushi took his wrist and refused to let him go: "Your town is in the
room. Apart from being in a daze or in a daze, this is a sympathy for you,
letting you relax in the past."

Shen Yun: "..."

His town day is good in the room, but he is not in a daze, but he is either
meditating or practicing "Zhu Yangce", so these days, as his body
improves, his skills are slowly recovering, and now Wu Gong has almost
recovered to About 40% to 50% before the injury. It's just that the book
"Zhu Yangce" is profound and profound. At that time, the first teacher Qi
Fengge taught the volume to him, and he still dare not say that he is fully

Now, a new deliberate scroll has been added. It seems to others that this is
a great thing that is ecstatic and ca n’t ask for it. Shen Shen ponders day
and night, but he feels that Tao Hongjing has learned celestial beings. I can
understand that, anyway, his eyes are not good, and he doesn't move
around in the day. He just sits silently in the room and thinks about it, but
he has occasional gains.

But when Yan Wushi wanted to do one thing, he never let others have the
chance to refuse. Shen Yan beat and beat, but he could only be taken away
by him.
Just a few steps away, a voice came from behind him: "Master Zong,
please stay away."

The two stopped and looked back, Shen Yan's eyes looked carefully.
Because he was often injured, his physical condition was uncertain, his
eyes were now good and bad, he could see an outline when he was good,
and his fingers were completely out of sight when he was bad. Recently he
recovered a little , Through the sun, from the other party's clothing, to
identify the person who should just talk on the table.

The other party said clearly that she had no teacher status, so she was
obviously prepared. Maybe the party would only appear on the table
because of them.

Huang Chang people approached step by step, stopped five or six steps in
front of the two, and bowed and saluted: "Xie Xiang, who is under the gate
of Linchuan Academy, has met Yan Zong."

Along with him, there is another person, who is older than Xie Xiang:
"Linchuan Xuegong Zhan Ziqian, Yan Zongzhu is safe."

Yan Wushi gave no hesitation, glanced at Zhan Ziqian, and his eyes fell on
Xie Xiang: "You are the most proud disciple of Ruyi Kehui?"

Xie Xiang: "I dare not be a lord of Yan Zong, and the Lord of Yeou Palace
is indeed my teacher."

Yan Wushi wondered: "Where did you hear that I was praising you? I still
have one sentence behind me, but I didn't say it."

Xie Xiang twitched.

Shen Yun: "..."

Zhan Ziqian: "..."

Shen Yan has a good temper, and is usually irritated by Yan Wushi on a
daily basis. His habits become natural. He is numb to the cynicism that he
is like a sword, but he still sympathizes with the young man in front of

He has heard the name of Xie Xiang. The counterpart is from the Xie
family of Chen Jun, but he is the most outstanding disciple of the
Linchuan Academy. It is rumored that Ruyi Kehui intentionally cultivated
him to take over his mantle. In light, he has leapt to the forefront of the
younger generation, and his martial arts has won the true biography of
Ruyi Kehui.

Not only that, I heard that he also has a blue background in Confucianism.
Linchuan Academy often invites Confucian scholars to discuss
Confucianism. Xie Xiang can always take the lead on the table. Such a
character, others see his Master's face, but also always He will be polite
for three points, not to mention that he himself is also outstanding, and he
has heard such ridiculous words.

Disciples who can be valued by Ruyi Kehui, after all, are not impulsive
people. The black color flashes across his face, and Xie Xiang restores
calmness: "Xie Mou sent an invitation by the order of the palace master.
Meet at the Huiyang Tower. "

Yan Wushi said: "Yu Kekehui wants to see me, and let him come by
himself. What is it?"

Said that he turned around and wanted to leave, Xie Xiang Shen said: "I
don't know if Hunan is lucky, ask the Lord Zong for advice?"

Yan Wushi smiled slightly and suddenly pointed at Shen Yun: "Do you
believe it, you can't even beat him?"

Blame Shen Shen for being too deceptive. Add the intimacy that Yan
Wushi showed in the seats, even Xie Xiang misunderstood. He frowned,
and did not even look at Shen Yan. "Yan The monarch is a hero, why
should we descend from the pattern and insult me with puppets? "

Yan Wushi pulled Shen Yan who was a little further away and pulled him
back, his voice was so sweet that he was about to drip juice: "Ama, he's
scolding you, can you just bear it?"

Shen Yun: "..."

Why did he stand beside him so well that he could be caught in a pond
without saying a word?

The author has something to say:

Shen Yan: Lord Zong fanned the flames and provoked alienation, lest the
skill of world chaos be deep and admired.

Yan Wushi: That's also because I see you pleasing to the eye.

Shen Yun (Inconceivable): I'm mocking you, can't you hear me?

Yan Wushi: Grandma, you are so gentle at ridicule (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭

Shen Yan: ... (silently condensed)

Thousand Autumns: Page 33
Chapter 26

Although he was forced into the water, even without Yan Wushi's troubles,
Shen Yun also wanted to know Xie Xiang.

Just by the other side's analysis of the situation in the hall, we can know
that he is by no means an empty talk.

Shen Yun: "Fang Cai heard Jun Gao's theory, and he felt quite awe-
inspiring. I wonder if I have the pleasure to ask more?"

No one does not like to listen to good words. Even if Xie Xiang has a bad
perception of Shen Ye, after listening to it, it is not good to put on a face,
but his opponent he was expecting was Yan Wushi. Regardless of losing or
winning, it will damage his face, and said lightly: "Thank you very much
for praise, Xie Mou is in the body, I'm afraid I can't spare time."

Yan Wushi said coldly, "Don't you want to fight with me? As long as you
can beat him, I will fight with you."

As the Confucian sect of Linchuan Academy, Ruyi Kehui is the top three
master today. Xie Xiang, as his disciple, is bound to not go anywhere.

Shen Yan spent most of his time in Xuandu Mountain, rarely involved in
the earth. He said that it is good to listen to the fireworks on earth, and it is
uncomfortable because he doesn't care much about the direction of the
world. Now that he is walking in Red Dust, he will inevitably deal with all
kinds of people. His martial arts must be done in five ways. If he wants to
fully restore the old level, it can't be done overnight, nor can he ponder in
the room. from.

Therefore, although she knew that Yan Wushi was fanning the flames,
Shen Zhen said, "Shen is not talented, and I would like to ask Xie Langjun
for advice."
Xie Xiang did not know the origin of Shen Yun, and he did not know the
martial arts in the former status of the other party. He is a figure who can
sit on an equal footing with his master.

He was so angry that he couldn't help sneering: "Okay, let me ask you
some advice!"

When the words fell, he grabbed at Shen Yan, but this grab was not casual.
The five fingers were slightly bent, and they were lightning fast. If you
look closely, the action is beautiful. The plum blossoms open, the beauty is
sweet. There are many trees, as if there are thousands of trees, colorful and

The martial arts of Linchuan Academy are simple and simple, and they
follow a clever and clumsy way. Only Xie Xiang's "destroy gold and jade"
is dazzling. It is the only one in Linchuan Academy. The martial arts that
won with complexity and speed is also the martial arts that Xie Xiang
made famous in the First World War.

This hand was originally ten-pointed, and Xie Xiang did not plan to drop a
heavy hand. He just wanted to break Shen's arm so that he wouldn't be so

Who knows that his fingertips touched the other's robe sleeves, but
grabbed them!

He couldn't help but snorted, stepped forward and scratched forward.

Frustrated again!

These two hands are exquisite, if it is said that the first time the other side
can avoid it, the blind cat meets a dead mouse, and there will never be a
second coincidence.

Xie Xiang is not a fool. At this moment, he also realizes that Shen Yun is
not as weak and deceitable as he looks.
He took his attitude seriously, and even brought out a weapon. It was a
jade ruler. Although it was jade, it was a very rare texture. Its color was
brighter than red jade, and it almost bleeds. If it is infused with this jade
ruler, I'm afraid I can shoot even the bones.

But Xie Xiang is now kicking on the iron plate. His red ruler can not only
be shot on Shen Ye, even the other party cannot be approached. Whenever
he is about to come across, it seems as if he has an invisible spirit, and his
red ruler Swing away.

Xie Xiang took a sigh of relief, and the red ruler suddenly became a

Everywhere I went, if I was violently storming, I whistled and spread my

head and covered my face to Shen An!

The silver hook broke the sky, the iron painting cracked the ground, and
the air that was swept up surrounded Shen Tuan, but he could only spin
around three inches in front of him, and he couldn't go any further!

Xie Xiang was taken aback, only to see Shen Xie's shot, he thought he had
expected this person's strength, but did not expect that the actual situation
was far beyond his expectations!

Instead of trying to see with vague eyes, Shen Yan closed his eyes and
listened with his ears.

When Xie Xiang stepped on Yunbu, opened his whole body with a red
ruler, jumped up and split it, his bamboo stick was lifted up, just blocking
the jade ruler.

The two soldiers joined each other, but the bamboo stick was not broken in

In a short period of time, the two sides have fought dozens of moves in
Zhan Ziqian didn't care about it from the beginning, but now he couldn't
help worrying about his master. He held his breath and watched the two of
them move. He was afraid that his noise would disturb Xie Xiang, and he
couldn't help breathing even lightly, eyes Don't blink.

On the other hand, Yan Wushi, but still stands against his hands, is relaxed
and relaxed, his face is full of the joy of watching a theater.

Linchuan Xuegong's martial arts has been dominated by the atmosphere,

but the later he got, Xie Xiang shot harder and showed no mercy. Since he
came out of the river, even if there are occasional setbacks, the opponent
is also a senior man, or even The top ten masters in the world are not
ashamed of losing to them, but the unknown person in front of him is still
a blind man!

Not to mention losing to him is a tie, Xie Xiang can't accept it.

The two sides played well, although they were in the middle of the city,
but they deliberately narrowed the war. Although Xie Xiang was a bit
arrogant, he did not want to implicate innocent thoughts. Only after
hundreds of strokes, accompanied by the loss of true air, the faint feeling
Some of them are weak, and just afraid that it will be unfavorable to fight
again, they will simply take the bamboo stick to the ground and swell, and
the robe sleeves will open, as if the day-flying magpie descended and
descended from the air. Palm to the opponent.

Xie Xiang chased after each other, one palm shot, and the other jade ruler
waved down. The two met each other in midair. The bodies of both sides
were slightly shaken, and then they regained their infuriation and fluttered
to the ground. .

Seeing Xie Xiang's face pale for a while, Zhan Zi hurried forward and
greeted him, "Master, are you okay?"

Xie Xiang lifted his chest and frowned, slowly shook his head, and then
looked at Shen Yan's eyes were very different from the previous: "I look
down on people."
Shen Yun: "Xie Langjun is too humble, and I was injured."

Xie Xiang looked down and said: "The world is hiding dragons and
crouching tigers. Everywhere in the world, I have high self-esteem, and I
shouldn't speak wildly!"

He glanced at Mr. Yan Wushi again: "Mr. Yan said very well. I can't even
fight with yours. How can I talk about fighting with you?"

He said he stopped arching his hand and stopped looking at Shen Yan, and
turned away.

Zhan Ziqie two times, seeing Xie Xiang didn't look back, so he had to
catch up quickly, just took two steps, what seemed to come to a halt,
stopped and walked back to Shen Jiangong, smiled apologetically, then
went on Brother.

Shen Ye's face didn't look good. Xie Xiang was a proud student of Ruyi
Kehui. The next head of Linchuan Academy, even if Wu Gong has not yet
ranked among the top ten in the world, this gap will not be
insurmountable. Shen Zhen used half of his skill and his weak body to
discuss with him. In fact, this draw was very reluctant.

At best, Xie Xiang was just a little excited, and Shen Xuan spit out blood.

Yan Wushi sighed next to him: "It looks like today is no longer a flower!"

As he said, he lifted up Shen Yan and walked towards the inn.

Shen Yanmei struggled: "Master Zong, I can go by myself ..."

Yan Wushi: "Further chaos, feed you a cup when you go back."

Shen Yun: "..."

Sometimes he really felt that Yan Wushi was more suitable as a hooligan
than a master of a case.

Injuries are actually used to injuries and injuries.

After returning, Shen Zhen fell asleep again. When he woke up, the
window was already dark, the room was warmly stained with plumeria, the
candlelight was swaying, and Yan Wushi did not know where he was

He fumbled to sit up, put on his shoes and stayed on the bed, and walked to
the outside rattle. This set of movements was already familiar. If no one
else looked closely here, he would never see that his eyes were faulty.

There was a knock quickly outside.

After getting Shen's permission, the man pushed in, and smiled diligently:
"What did Lang Jun command?"

Shen Yan asked, "What time is it now?"

Man: "It's over half an hour."

Shen Yan: "Can there still be food in the stove?"

Dude: "Some and some, what do you want, say to the villain, the stove is
always hot and can be done at any time!"

Shen Yun: "The troubles give me a bowl of white porridge and a few

The man promised, and saw that he had no other orders, he would leave,
and Shen Xuan shouted again: "If you can make some more complicated
dishes, please add another bowl of cat ears and a beef sauce."

"Lang Jun is very polite. If there is a need for the customer, how can we
keep this store for many years, the villain will let someone do it here,
please wait!"

Shen Min nodded: "There will be labor."

These dishes are easy to prepare. Beef sauce is a cold dish that has been
prepared for a long time. All you need to do is cut the cat ears. Now you
can squeeze the dough and cook it in the pot. White porridge is easier.
Come here.
Thousand Autumns: Page 34
Shen Yan took the white porridge and drank slowly. As soon as he took a
few sips, the door was pushed open.

He didn't have to open his eyes to study, just to hear the footsteps, he knew
who was coming.

In the cold night, Yan Wushi came in with a chill and sat down at the table.

"You've always been good on the way. Clear porridge and vegetables are
enough. Are these cat ears and beef sauce prepared for me?"

Shen Yan smiled, but did not answer. He really thought that Yan Wushi
might be coming back soon, so he called two more by the way.

Yan Wushi joked: "You and I meet each other like friends and enemies.
You can still be so considerate at the bar. For your brother Yu, I'm afraid
that you will be more considerate and gentle?"

Shen Ye put down the bowl and smiled bitterly: "Which pot is not open
and which pot, Lord Zeng is really good at exposing human scars!"

Yan Wushi: "I'm still your copper wall and iron wall, ignorant and
unconscious, no matter how betrayed, you can still be as usual!"

Shen Yun knew that he would also say that the set of human nature is evil,
and simply closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Who knows that Yan Wushi found pleasure in the details of preparing his
supper for himself, and then he turned and smiled and said, "Ama is so
gentle and considerate. If he finds a sweetheart in the future, would he not
be more caring, who would be fortunate to be loved by you I ’m afraid it ’s
the blessing of many generations! ”

Shen Zhe was so numb and numb by his sentence, Ai Lei, he could not
help saying, "Don't joke, Lord Zong, since I entered the gate, I'm
determined not to marry for life."

Yan Wushi chuckled and stretched out his hand to caress his hair: "Aren't
you saying that there is an apostle in your door? Once you become an
apostle, you don't need to care about the mundane etiquette, anyway, you
can't go back to Xuandu Mountain anyway. Then, it would be better to
follow me back to Wan Yuezong. If you do not want to be my disciple, I
will give you another name! "

Shen Yan was terrified and his face changed slightly.

In view of this person's thoughts, one out, he disregarded the worldly

etiquette, and often behaved unexpectedly. Shen Chen could not figure out
whether his words were true or not. He frowned, "Yan Zongzhu loves ..."

As soon as the word "love" came out, Yan Wushi laughed next to him, and
Shu Shen immediately shut his mouth.

In the end, Yan Wushi couldn't help but laughed directly. Afterwards, he
actually touched his stomach and fell to the table, ruthlessly ridiculed: "It
makes you laugh when you're full, as if you have a meal. It's unbearable! "

This is the end of the sentence. Where can Shen Yun still not understand
that he has been tricked again? He clenched his lips tightly, closed his eyes
and raised his mind, no matter what the other person said, it was a half
sentence and he would not say more.

Chapter 27

The distance between Luzhou and Chang'an is not short, which is almost
equivalent to the distance of half a northern week. However, it is not
impossible for Yan Wushi's light work to arrive in two days. After
spreading the letter, the big disciple Bian Yanmei hurriedly asked to take
care of Master ’s residence in Beijing, so that Yan Wushi could live in
immediately after arriving in Beijing.

Yan Wushi did not have a real job in the court, but because of Emperor
Zhou's reliance, he had a title of Master Prince. Although this post was "in
charge of the Crown Prince," Crown Prince Yu Wenzheng had his erudite
courtiers and East Palace officials to teach. As for the need for labor Yan

In order to show importance, Emperor Zhou also specially gave away the
house, so that Yan Wushi could live in Beijing.

Wu Yuezong is not short of money. Yan Wushi is in Changan ’s own

mansion, but Shaoshi ’s house does not go often. Although the servants
have all the furnishings, but he has no master for a long time, it is
unavoidable. This time, Yan Wushi indicated that he would return to the
master. Housed, Bian Yanmei hurriedly rearranged.

Who knows that he has waited for a few days and did not wait for the
figure of Master. The edge of Mei is a bit strange, but Yi Yan ’s ability
does not need him to worry too much. Maybe the other party is only
delaying something on the road, just for a while. The emperor frequently
called Bian Yanmei to enter the palace, and repeatedly asked about the
whereabouts of Yan Yan ’s teacher, hoping to see people soon. Bian
Yanmei sent people to wait at the post along the road several times, in
order to know when the master can enter Beijing. .

Until today, on the third day of the third day of March, the girl came out of
the city and went to the countryside, he only received the news from the
post in Luozhou, saying that Wu Shi was expected to be there in the next
two days.

With the arrival of the Master, the disciples naturally want to welcome,
while Meite took the days of these events aside, and went out of the city to
wait in person, but it was not a coincidence that today, because of the
Festival of the Daughters, there are many people, not only the common
people ’s small family Jasper When they came out, the big ladies and even
the wealthy ladies and gentlemen, all took the carriage to go out of the
city. Coupled with slaves like clouds, business trips, it was like the scene
of the Lantern Festival in Shanghai.

In this case, Bian Mei is no matter how high the martial arts are, it will not
be useful unless he wants to run directly on the head and the roof of the
carriage, but this will not only cause a lot of trouble, and it may not be
fast. Many, so he simply abandoned the carriage and walked.

The attendant Ji Ying followed him for a long time. Bian Yanmei's daily
life in Beijing was basically taken care of by him. He was loyal and
martial arts was also good. He asked to follow him, and agreed.

The two avoided the crowd and walked a long way in the alley. They were
still blocked by the carriage for a while at the gate of the city before they
could leave the city.

There is a tea pavilion in Sanli outside the city. Because of its simple
furnishings, there are few people who stay here, but if anyone enters the
city, they can just see it clearly. The edge of the Meijin tea pavilion asked
for two cups of tea and sat with Ji Ying. .

Ji Ying's face was still embarrassed: "Lang Jun, will we come one step
late, Master Yan has already entered the city?"

Bian Yanmei: "No, we come early, and it doesn't hurt to wait."

When he saw Ji Ying holding a tea cup and not drinking tea, he could not
help laughing, "You are not seeing Master for the first time, why should
you be so nervous, Master will not eat you!"

Ji Ying's face was sobbing and crying: "The villain was taught by Master
Yan last year because of bad work, I just hope that I won't be trained again
this time!"

Bian Yanmei: "Rest assured, if Master finds that you are not a yue yue
sect, at most, you will be killed and will not be trained."

Ji Yingyiyi: "Lang Jun, the villain can't understand you ..."

Bian Yan Mei smiled slightly: "You imitate Ji Ying's words and deeds, you
are really skillful. Even I was almost concealed, but unfortunately you
have missed a big hole."
Seeing that the stuffing was exposed, "Ji Ying" no longer showed the kind
of respectfulness under the people: "Please also advise."

Bian Yanmei: "Ji Ying is respectful and afraid of the Master, and he is still
afraid. He will never take the initiative to ask me to come out of the city to
meet the Master. You have learned so much elsewhere that you missed it."

"Ji Ying" chuckled: "It is indeed the great disciple of Yan Wushi, but I
never thought I would keep it hidden!"

Bian Yanmei smiled: "Who are you? Ji Ying?"

"Ji Ying" proudly said: "With your cleverness, can't you guess who I am?
If you can guess who I am, why bother asking the whereabouts of your
servants? Everyone is an old enemy, how can we meet each other? Don't
you know? "

Mei Mei stagnated for a moment and changed her face: "Acacia? Are you
Huo Xijing ?!"

Huo Xijing's face-changing operation is notorious, and the person who

peeled off his skin is naturally not alive. Although Ji Ying has martial arts
in his body, he must not beat Huo Xijing. Last time, Shen Chen Chen Gong
met Huo Xijing. Interrupted by white velvet, they could not escape.

No one knows the actual age of Huo Xijing. It may be thirty or forty, or
maybe fifty or sixty. He always puts on a new skin, and he picks young and
beautiful people. These years, he was There are not hundreds or dozens of
people who have peeled their skins. Therefore, no matter how good or evil
is, mentioning Huo Xijing will not have a good face.

Of course, the Acacia is known for its charm, and its reputation has never
been better, but everyone who dislikes or even hates Huo Xijing can be
regarded as corrupted to a certain level.

Huo Xijing laughed and said, "Why does the old brother show such an
expression? Speaking of which, we are also considered to be the same. We
haven't had a chance to meet each other for years. I still want to talk to you
about your friendship, but not to you. Hit and kill! "

Bian Yan Mei Leng replied: "Ji Ying has followed me for a few years, and
you peeled his face off and killed his life as soon as you shot. If I don't
avenge him, I won't surname Bian today!"

Huo Xijing did not wait for him to take a few steps and retreated a few
steps: "Brother Bian, don't get me wrong. When I saw Zhong Jiying's face
that day, I didn't know he was yours. He said after the skin was half peeled,
you see At that time, even if I stopped, his face and small life could not be
saved, it might as well be cheaper for me. Anyway, with this face, you can
always remember it. I am here today to visit my teacher, There is
something to discuss. "

He didn't take Ji Ying's life in his eyes at all. He thought he had lifted up
Sang Jingxing's name, and Yan Mei always had to avoid a few points. Who
knew that the other party would just do it without saying a word. Huo
Xijing was paddling towards him, his anger was like substance, and the
sensation of coldness split down.

Huo Xijing almost approached the road, even after taking a few dozen
steps to make room for shots, but the other side was in hot pursuit, and the
moves were fierce and compelling. The small tea pavilion instantly
became a battlefield, and the tables and chairs around them turned into
ruins. The host and the guests were so scared that they dodged and ran
away without a trace.

It's also spring water fingering. Yan Wushi has an indomitable

domineering edge, while Mei Mei is leaning towards the fierce. He
combines Huan Yuezong's Huan Yue Sword with fingering. No sword is
better than a sword. Divide the mountains by hand, open the road with
blood, fill the river with bones, and leave in all directions!

Huo Xijing learned from Sang Jingxing, one of the top ten masters in the
world. He himself willingly gave up his face and became a master, and
often found some beautiful women for Master. He is a disciple who Sang
Jingxing faced before. He usually walked sideways. Otherwise, he would
have been taken away by the enemies because of his wicked behavior all
day long.

Therefore, over time, he also feels good about himself, and does not take
edge Mei, thinking that Yan Wushi, a big disciple, is responsible for the
relationship between Huan Yuezong and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He
usually deals with those officials in the court. There is even an official
position. Zhen Ri is diligent in using his brain and neglecting his hands.
Martial arts may not be so outstanding.

Who knows that undermining the enemy to cause trouble for himself,
although he will not be restrained for a while, but it is not easy to gain the
upper hand.

Bian Yanmei deliberately took his life and did not show mercy because
everyone was from the magic gate origin, but Huo Xijing's martial arts
were placed there, and the two sides fought hundreds of tricks. Stop there.

Huo Xijing was a little tired of playing. He was thinking about whether to
fight or stay. If he continued to fight, maybe he could secretly calculate
Yan Mei, and then threaten Yan Wushi with him, or bring it back to the
gate to the master. Credit is given, but everyone comes from the magic
gate, no one is a naive and kind master. It is not easy to conceal each other.
Huo Xijing did not find this opportunity after playing for a long time.

At this moment, a faint cry came from his ear: "If you can't win such a
product, you also call me a disciple of Yan Wushi."

Huo Xijing's ears suddenly burst into a loud noise, his chest suddenly
trembled, almost vomiting and bleeding, his heart was terrified, his face
was discolored, and he couldn't care about the other, he would slip away!

It was this moment of distraction that allowed Bian Yanmei to see the
opportunity, and patted Huo Xijing's empty door with a palm, the latter
flew backwards, but turned over in mid-air, and wanted to escape!

Who knew that the body that jumped into the air stopped for a while and
then fell directly to the ground!
Huo Xijing gasped, clutching his chest, and watched a handsome man in a
green robe appear under a tree not far away.

There was another person beside him, holding a bamboo stick, who
seemed to be in poor health.

There is no doubt that the Qingpao man must be Yan Wushi.

Huo Xijing had an extraordinary attachment to the beautiful face. When he

saw the person around him, he immediately recognized the other person as
the person who wanted to take the skin but was spoiled by white velvet.
Thousand Autumns: Page 35
But at this moment, he could not be more interested in that face anyway,
because he didn't even know if his life could be saved today.

"Master Zong is all right. In the next Huo Xijing, Master Sang Jing
ordered me to visit your old man." Huo Xijing reluctantly laughed as he
was close to the enemy.

Those innocent souls who had been stripped of his face, feared that in no
case would Huo Xijing, who was brutal and arrogant, still have such a low

As the so-called wicked still needs wicked grinding, Huo Xijing can't wait
to shrink himself into a ball and drill into the seam. It is best to let the
other party not see him.

"Old man? Am I very old?" Yan Wushi smiled indifferently, carelessly.

Huo Xijing was racking his brains to think of something nice to let Yan
Wushi let go of himself, and he was suddenly interrupted by his coldness,
his expression froze suddenly, his mouth gaped, and nothing came out.

Bian Yanmei pressed her heart with excitement and saluted respectfully:
"A disciple has met Master, how is Master these days?"

Yan Wushi glanced at him: "You are dealing with court officials in
Chengri. You want to come and have been too inadequate to practice
martial arts.

Bian Yanmei was ashamed: "Master has learned!"

Known as "goods", Huo Xijing's face turned green and white, and he
resentful, but he dared not say anything.

As soon as Yan Wushi appeared, he did not expect that he could gain any
advantage under the opponent's hands. For the sake of today's plan, there is
only a good luck, but how to run is also a problem. Yu Guang couldn't stop
searching around to find the most favorable escape route.

He killed his apprentice ’s subordinates. Even if he was a master, he would

n’t stop his apprentice, and he would n’t stop the apprentice from revenge.
Everyone is from the magic gate. , But with Yan Wushi, he wanted to
escape is almost impossible.

Huo Xijing's eyes rolled around, and Yu Guang glanced at Shen Shen who
was standing behind Yan Wushi.

He thought of it, moved as soon as he said it, and threw himself up.

But he will soon know that this is one of his worst decisions.

During the blink of an eye, everyone didn't react. Bian Mei didn't know the
relationship between Shen Yan and his teacher. Seeing Huo Xijing's
movement, he couldn't help but hesitated, but Yan didn't move without the
teacher, and he didn't move.

Huo Xijing's movements can be described as unpleasant. His shape turned

directly into a residual image, and he flew towards Shen Ying!

At first sight, the opponent's wrist was about to be grasped, but Shen Min
suddenly slipped away from him like a fish.

Huo Xijing murmured in his heart, and he felt uneasy. He didn't hesitate
for a moment.

He didn't even dare to take a look at Yan Wushi, for he was afraid that this
time would also delay his escape!

However, things were beyond his expectation again. It was not Yan Wushi
who shot, but the man he just wanted to attack!

The bamboo sticks are green and smooth, and the roots are slightly open
because they are often pestered on the ground. At present, the corporal
doctor climbs the mountain to prevent the lack of strength. He likes to buy
a bamboo stick from the old farmer under the mountain and sink the
bamboo stick. Is no different from other bamboo sticks.

This stick struck past, seemingly plain, plain and flowerless, and without
those beautiful patterns, but Huo Xijing's face changed, and he felt the
coldness surging in it. , Moving quietly, stormy clouds.

Huo Xijing now knew that the "soft persimmon" that he thought was
actually a "hot potato"!

But at this time, it was too late to regret it. If only Shen Yun was present,
he was naturally not afraid. Yan Wuyan was by his side, which made him
very fearful. He couldn't stand the fight, and he could only retreat. Retired
a few feet.

Who knows that Shen Min also keeps up with his footwork. His footwork
seems to be light and steady, but he can still keep close distance from Huo

On the edge of Mei Leng's eyes, her heart was surprised. The footwork of
Huan Yuezong emphasized lightness and beauty. Shen Yue's footwork was
somewhat consistent with the style of Huan Yuezong, but there were many
differences. It seemed to imply congenital gossip and purple The number
of fights seems to be easy to see through, but if you look closely, there is
another chaos, which is mysterious and infinite.

The other person ’s eyes seemed to have some problems. This was an
obvious sign, but he searched his intestines and scratched his belly. He did
not think of when such a master appeared on the rivers and lakes, and then
looked at the respect of the master, but it was no surprise. Continue to
watch the duo fight.

Shen Ye really wanted Huo Xijing's life.

Just because people are so famous, they have a lot of evil, but whoever
looks beautiful and pleasing to the eye, you have to peel off the other
person's face and replace it with yourself. This strange habit arises, and
sometimes you have to change two or three faces within a month. The
person whose face has been changed by him, naturally cannot have his life
left, and Huo Xijing, whether or not he is a river or lake person, will not be
able to escape as long as he sees him.

The family members of those who have been killed are naturally hated by
Huo Xijing, but this person is highly skilled in martial arts and sheltered
by the Acacia sect. Many people ca n’t help him, and avenge his loved
ones, but eventually kill them.

The Buddhism has a saying of "performing the heart of the bodhisattva by

thunderbolt", and the Taoist school also pays attention to "excepting evil
and promoting goodness." As a result, at this time, he has made up his
mind to eliminate Huo Xijing. He is relentless in his actions and resolute
in his actions.

In the absence of injuries, Huo Xijing would not be Shen ’s opponent

anyway, but Shen ’s skill is only half left at this time, and his eyes are
inconvenient. Although “Zhu Yangce” has the effect of clearing the
turbidity, but meet each other After all, Huan is a strange poison in the
world. At that time, he hurt his body too fiercely. Now there are still
poisons in his body, which cannot be solved by explanation.

So the two were entangled for a while, and they couldn't tell the

Huo Xijing didn't want to fight with Shen Zhen at all. Although Yan Wushi
didn't shoot, but the beast was on his side, he looked at him with a jealous
eye. Who knew when he wanted to make a shot, he was anxious to get
away, but Shen Shen refused to let him go. The more anxious I felt in the
fight, I wished to kill Shen, but he did not have the ability to continue to
sink in the mud.

As soon as a person is distracted and distracted, the action will inevitably

reveal flaws. Although Shen Yan's eyesight is poor, most of them are
dealing with the enemy with his heart. Today, according to an empty door,
using a staff as a sword, turning nothing into reality. Huo Xijing's heart!
The weight of the bamboo stick is light and gentle as a lover, but Huo
Xijing knows that if the opponent hits him, he is afraid that the bamboo
stick will pass through his chest. He gritted his teeth to stop the castration,
and his body stiffened backwards. Avoid the opponent's offensive, send a
palm on one side, full of anger, thunder and thunder, the other side will
inevitably retreat.

Unexpectedly, instead of backing away or dodging, Shen Yun was

undecided. Huo Xijing took the palm he shot, but the other side didn't look
at it. He came straight and came in contact with each other. Instead of
being injured, he was like nothing. He walked through his palm.

Change shape? Huo Xijing was frightened, wasn't this the unique skill of
Qi Fengge that was famous all over the world? !!

Before the body could react any further, a sting came from his back.

This pain is really uncomfortable, just like a hand is trying to take out his
heart, Huo Xijing can't help screaming!

However, Shen Ye failed to penetrate the bamboo stick from his back. The
bamboo stick seemed to be tightly held by an invisible hand, and he could
no longer move forward!

Shen Yan's face changed!

The author has something to say:

Yan Wushi: You are really imposing in all respects. It ’s rare that ordinary
people have such thunderous means, which really makes me look.

Shen Yun: I don't know why, I always feel shudder when you praise me.

Yan Wushi: Director Wang Meow said that if you want to make more use
of this kind of time, I don't want to get involved.

King Meow: Obviously you want to watch the show yourself, you can
count how many injuries Shenzhang taught and how many times he has
vomited blood since he played.
Yan Wushi (Gently): Not dead anyway, isn't it?

Shen Yan (turning his head): Forget it, I'll go back to Xuandu Shanguan

Yu Yan: Brother comes (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭

Chapter 28

A scent of fragrance struck from the nose, Shen Yan frowned slightly,
responded extremely quickly, and released the bamboo stick directly to
release the shape and change the shadow.

Said to be a change of shape, to put it plainly, is actually a clever light

work. As soon as Shen Min removed his hand, the bamboo stick had burst
instantly, turned into fragments, and shot at him!

If he withdraws half a step later, people will end up like this bamboo stick.

Once the bamboo stick was destroyed, Shen Min didn't pause for a
moment. His body retreated, and in a breeze, he blinked under the tree
where he was standing at the same time. The bamboo pieces seemed to
face intangible obstacles, and they all fell to the ground.

"Muffinu's family is ignorant. When did such a master appear on the rivers
and lakes?" Along with the fragrance and laughter, a woman in white
appeared beside Huo Xijing.

The woman was beautiful, with white clothes fluttering, and the placket
was moving against the wind. The fairy figures who came down to the
portrait alive, but the eyes were not cold. On the contrary, they looked
forward to Liubo, charming and deceptive, and their voices were lingering
and sweet. Tired into the bones, people involuntarily lost weight with a
few pounds.

Seeing this woman on the edge of Mei, instead of showing the expression
of giving soul and soul, she was a little more vigilant and calm.
Huo Xijing, who vomited blood on the ground, thought he was going to
die, and when he saw the man, he was overjoyed, completely different
from Bian Mei's reaction: "Supreme! Supreme !!!! They want to kill me

He was like catching the life-saving driftwood, and he could not wait to
jump up to hug the woman's thigh and cry. Fortunately, there was still a
trace of reason in his brain, and his actions stopped and he kept asking for

The woman didn't look at him, she glanced over Shen Yun and Bian
Yanmei, and finally fell on Yan Wushi, smiling and groaning: "It was ten
years ago when I saw Yan Lang last time. After a while, Yan Lang was as
beautiful as ever, and his style was undiminished, which really made the
slaves' hearts endless! "

Yan Wushi didn't say anything, but Bian Yanmei said: "Huo Xijing just
killed my servant and listened to Yuan Sect's tone. Is this a pretense that
nothing happened?"

Yuan Xiuxiu's eyes fluttered and he smiled sweetly: "Although Huo Xijing
was my acacia ancestor, it was Sang Jingxing's order. It has nothing to do
with me. I am here today to discuss with Yan Zongzhu. If Yan The lord
will agree to my request, and I will leave Huo Xijing to you for disposal.
Why not? "
Thousand Autumns: Page 36
Huo Xijing's face changed greatly.

Bian Yan Mei sarcastically said: "Yuan Zongzhu's words are so ruthless. It
is the so-called one-day husband and wife hundred days. Sang Jingxing
also has a close relationship with Yuan Zongzhu. His apprentice naturally
has a little incense with you, you even His life and death are ignored, and
if it spreads, your doormen will be chilled! "

Yuan Xiu Xiu's face did not change his color: "Other people want it, and I
will certainly not give it. If Yan Lang wants it, I will give it to him

She looked at Yan Wushi, with infinite tenderness in her eyes: "If she
hasn't seen him in ten years, Yan Lang won't tell me more than half a

If another woman behaves this way, Bian Mei may not think that she has
any entanglement with her master, but Hehuazong and Huan Yuezong
share the same source, but Bian Mei is very clear. All expressions are
implicit in charm.

Knowing and knowing, often listening to her, even seeing her smile, Bian
Mei still can't help but be swayed by the influence, and can only keep her
eyes open to force herself not to look.

Yan Wushi: "There is a word, I wanted to tell you a long time ago."

Yuan Xiuxiu's eyes were bright: "Yan Lang, please."

Yan Wushi: "If you want to dress as a fairy, don't show a sensual
expression. Other men may eat this set, but I saw disgusting, and the next
time you appear, you still cover your face, lest I eat No meal. "

Bian Yanmei and Shen Yan: "..."

Yuan Xiuxiu: "..."

Mei Yan on the edge smiled hard.

Yuan Xiuxiu's face was iron-blue, and looking at Yan Wushi's eyes was
like looking at a dead man.

But for a moment, she smiled again: "The lesson of Yan Lang is that I will
change my appearance when I go back. I will change whatever Yan Lang
likes, as long as you are happy."

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "I haven't seen you in ten years, you haven't
changed at all, you still have that kind of honey."

Yuan Xiuxiu just turned a deaf ear, and said softly, "Can you find a quiet
place, and I will talk to Yan Lang?"

Yan Wushi: "You know I have limited patience."

"Yan Lang is really hard-hearted, and I don't know what kind of woman
can make you tempted. I was so tempted in the past, and you didn't want to
spring with me for a time. I almost thought I would not like men!" He
sighed, "Is Yan Lang aware of what Zhou wants to do?"

Yan Wushi: "So what?"

Yuan Xiuxiu: "At that time, when the Sun and Moon Zongwei's name
spread far and wide, the schools of Linchuan Xuegong did not know where
they were. Now there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are
called kings. It is also because our Sun and Moon are torn apart and taken
advantage of by others. If Huan Yuezong and Hehuanzong can cooperate
sincerely, how can Xueting's old bald donkey and Ruyi Kehui's old school
be our opponents? "

Yan Wushi said nothing.

If you change someone else, Yuan Xiuxiu's self-confidence will not be

able to resist it, but for a person who is arrogant and also of magical
origin, such as Yan Wushi, he will have a brilliant charm in front of him.
Are useless.

Yuan Xiuxiu's heart resentful, but his face was still affectionate: "If Yan
Langken persuaded the Lord Zhou not to cut everything, he would do
anything for you!"

Yan Wushi: "Then turn it over."

Yuan Xiu Xiu said for a moment: "What?"

Yan Wushi: "Don't you do everything? Hehuazong was expelled and

merged into Huan Yuezong. I can persuade Zhou Emperor not to fall."

Yuan Xiuxiu's smile faded: "Why is Yan Lang so aggressive? Linchuan

Xuegong had long been anxious for Zhou Qi to fight. By that time, Nan
Chen would be cheap. If you are willing to persuade the lord of Zhou not
to fall, I will try to convince. Master Qi gave all the land in the north of
Hengzhou and Shuozhou to the Zhou Dynasty, and then Zhou Di will
definitely recite your achievements in earthwork. How? "

Yan Wushi: "The Great Wall is to the north of Hengzhou and Shuozhou. If
this seat is remembered correctly, that place should be bordered by the
Turkic forces."

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "Can you get a large piece of land without any
effort? Wouldn't the Lord reject it?"

Yan Wushi: "Anyway, Qi Guo is a thing in the bag sooner or later. Why
should Zhou Di be big and small?

He was not anxious. When the other party said something, he refuted it. At
this point, Yuan Xiuxiu finally understood that Yan Wushi did not intend
to cooperate with Hehuanzong at all, but at least he was teasing himself.

She didn't smile at all: "Yan Lang, you still don't think you are so arrogant.
You were hurt by Cui Youzhe ten years ago. Could it be that now that Cui
Youzhe is dead, do you think you are the best in the world?"
Yan Wushi: “I do n’t know if it ’s the best in the world, but it ’s better than
you. Sometimes I ’m also very surprised. Sang Jingxing is ambitious. Why
ca n’t I replace you but be willing to be your adulterer? ? "

Yuan Xiuxiu giggled: "You're weird? Then you can try it out and you won't
know? I'm afraid I'm afraid that you will just talk about it. When you go to
bed, you won't have a silver bullet candle!"

She was obviously provoked by Yan Wushi. The words had not fallen off,
and the sleeves of her robes had been bulging high. Dozens of slender and
transparent needles shot at Yan Wushi Shen Ye and others!

Casting is faster than a squall, but it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Yuan Xiuxiu didn't feel that Yan Wushi could be hurt by these needles
alone. At the same time, her figure was swinging like ghosts, and she did
not know when to add two more black long swords to her hands. The
retreat without a teacher is blocked!

Although the Acacia sect is supplemented by charm techniques, Yuanxiu

Xiu is the Acacia sect master, but her strength should not be
underestimated. For example, today she is a female, and she rarely shoots
in front of outsiders. Therefore, she was listed in the penultimate position,
but in fact, she can know from her fight with Yan Wushi that her strength
is much more than that.

With Yan Wushi's current strength, the opponent can go dozens of moves
under his hands and still have no downside. It can be seen that the strength
of Yuan Xiuxiu is greatly underestimated.

This is a confrontation between the guru and the guru. It is wonderful and
fierce. Mei Mei knows that she cannot intervene, and refuses to let go of
this opportunity to watch. She is dazzled and forgetful.

Seeing a rare opportunity, Huo Xijing no matter how serious the injury, he
just wanted to slip away.
Who knew that he had just taken a few steps and took a few steps, and the
sound of wind came from the back of his head, but it was too late to turn
around and avoid it. He just felt a cool vest and looked down

A blood-stained branch came in from the back and passed directly through
the heart. There seemed to be some flesh sticking to the branch, which
should have been his heart!

Huo Xijing's eyes were round and round, and his face was still the face of
the servant at the edge of the plum. It seemed weird because of the
stiffness. He seemed unbelievable that he was so dead. He wanted to go
back and write down the enemies. He vomited a large amount of blood,
and his whole body fell forward without moving.

When all the evil was done, Huo Xijing, who was regarded as a devil, was

He himself seemed to have difficulty accepting this fact, his eyes were
wide open, and his eyes were dead.

After killing someone, Shen Ye's face was not happy. He supported the
trunk next to him and sat down slowly. He didn't go to see Yan Wushi and
Yuan Xiuxiu's tricks. He narrowed his eyes and raised his head, and fell
asleep without knowing it. .


In the eyes of unknown insiders, the reason why Yuan Xiuxiu can win the
supremacy position is to rely on beauty and to have an ambiguous
relationship with Sang Jingxing, who supports her as an apprentice Cui
Youyi and helps her sit The position of the stable suzerain, and he
willingly surrendered to be an elder in the Hehuan suzerain.

But in fact, if those who hold this kind of thought are lucky enough to deal
with Yuan Xiuxiu, they will find themselves wrong.
This woman can become the master in the intriguing, strong, like the
acacia sect of the forest, and it will never depend on a man.

It's just that Yuan Xiuxiu is also very willing to show his weak image to
the outside world, so he never corrects the world's mistakes in order to
confuse the enemy.

The world is rumored that she was ambiguous with Sang Jingxing, relying
on Sang Jingxing to become the master, but Yan Wushi knew that the
Acacia sect was intricate and complicated, and Yuan Xiuxiu and Sang
Jingxing were also at odds with each other. Like this time, Huo Xijing
Feng Sang Jingxing's order came to Yanbian Mei, and he certainly did not
inform Yuan Xiuxiu, so in the face of Huo Xijing's call for help, Yuan
Xiuxiu was naturally cold and hot.

Ten years ago, Yan Wushi once played against her. Although he had the
upper hand at that time, he only had the upper hand. Ten years later, his
skills rose greatly, and Yuan Xiuxiu could not stand still.

The people of Hehuan Zong also practiced "Feng Lin Yuan Dian". Of
course, Yuan Xiuxiu was not as heavy as Eleven Yan Wushi's eleventh, at
least it had reached the tenth state, not to mention that when the Sun and
Moon Sect fell apart, the Hehuan Sect was quick. , Grabbed a copy of the
"Albizia Sutra", this kind of records of men and women to repair and
repair, is also the name of the Acacia sect, but few people know that the
"Acacia Sutra" records, but not only in the room surgery, but also internal
strength Mind law, royal swordsmanship, etc.

Yuan Xiuxiu's holding of two swords evolved from the men's and women's
double swordsmanship in the Acacia Classic. This set of martial arts
originally required the cooperation of men and women to defend their
enemies with swords. However, Yuan Xiuxiu went in the opposite
direction and went directly People practiced both swords.

Such a woman is naturally not an easy generation.

To Shang Yan without a teacher, Yuan Xiuxiu must not dare to neglect. The
tenth weight of "Feng Lin Yuan Dian" is used to the extreme, and the two
swords are turned into two black lights, as if to engulf everything in the
world. The storm that rolled up in the center, such as the dragon **** out
of the water, the wind is rising, the clouds are not there, the sun and the
moon are no light, and even Yan Wushi is also wrapped in the whole

Bian Yanmei couldn't even see how they played against each other. At this
moment, I know that I feel good about myself and I am a first-class
master. In fact, there is a top class on top. If I do n’t work hard, I wo n’t be
able to reach this master's state in my lifetime. .

The black snow filled the sky, as if the demons were coming from the east,
hundreds of troops filled the ears, and the sound of whistling continued.

Bian Yanmei was almost instable due to being hit by Qi, and had to resist
with luck. He stepped back a few steps. He also felt that Yuanxiu Xiu had
today, mostly relying on the beauty and the work of men, but after today,
he was afraid to Have this idea.

There are not many people in the world who can meet Yan Wushi head-on,
but have not fallen into the wind.

Having bitterness knows that Yuan Xiuxiu, who is in the war circle, is not
as relaxed as Bian Yanmei imagined.

She has transported her qi to the extreme, turning the two swords into
nothingness, leaving her hands, and relying on what she wants to do
nothing, but there is no invisible suction around Yan Shi, and no matter
how she attacks, Into, on the contrary, the two swords faintly showed signs
of being inhaled.

Seeing Yan Wushi's fluttering print, she transferred the two swords back,
but the other side turned away from the seemingly impeccable sword
curtain, and appeared in front of her instantly. Yuanxiu Xiu could not
frown, and her white and soft palms could only be greeted. .

The two palms met, and the sound of the sword disappeared suddenly.
Yuanxiu Xi retreated sharply, floating back like a kite, swaying like a
rootless ping, after eight or nine steps, his feet were again Stick firmly to
the ground.
Thousand Autumns: Page 37
She smiled with a smile, and nothing happened: "Yan Lang's retreat in the
past ten years has not been in vain. Only then did the slaves almost lose
their lives. Beware that the liver is still fluttering!"

Yan Wushi stood in place and had no intention of chasing fiercely. If he

really wanted to kill Yuan Xiuxiu, it would be fine, but he would
inevitably pay the price if he died. And Yuanxiu Xi's death is not cheap.
It's the others in Acacia.

Yuan Xiuxiu obviously understands this too, so he is not in a hurry to


She glanced at Huo Xijing's body before she changed her color slightly:
"Have a dog and look at the owner. Huo Xijing is not in a low position in
my door. Yan Lang's people said that they would kill him?"

Although the person did not kill herself, Yan Wumei was there, and
Bianmei naturally did not need to give her face: "Huo Xijing killed my
servant, wouldn't he die? How many people have the Acacia scourge
ravaged me in recent years? The accountant Yuan Zong mainly does not
count together? "

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed, "You say that, it must not be your hands."

The woman's face changes as she changes, and she does things as soon as
they are done. Here, she laughs, and only half of that is said, and the
person has already flashed to Shen Hao and stretched his hand to his

Shen Yun was so tired that he was so tired that he killed Huo Xijing and
fell asleep under the tree.

However, the martial arts person's perception of danger and intuition are
still there. When Yuan Xiuxiu came to his side, he noticed it. Ordinary
people usually open their eyes to see the situation and then react, but Shen
Yanlian's eyes Without opening it, he grabbed the trunk behind him with
one hand, and flickered behind the tree through the trunk.

But just a little gap in the blink of an eye, five-finger scratches appeared
on the trunk!

That was n’t left by Yuan Xiuxiu ’s fingers, but was left behind. It can be
seen that if Shen Zhen reacted half a step later, the five scratches would
not be left on the tree, but on him. My neck is on.

But Shen Zheng escaped for the first time, but couldn't escape the second
time. He didn't wait for him to relax, and then the second palm hit again.

Shen Zhu ’s bamboo stick is destroyed, and no weapons are available. This
time is not enough for him to run away. He can only use his hands to meet
the enemy. He now has only 50% of his internal force, and is still capable
of dealing with ordinary masters. Level master, basically no chance at all.

As soon as the two sides contacted, Shen Zhe had taken several steps back,
and only listened to the trunk in the fifth step before he heard it. His face
was pale and white, and he barely swallowed and did not spit it out.

But this has been unexpectedly unexpected for Yuanxiu Xiu. Huo Xijing
will not please him anymore. After all, she is also an acacia sect. She must
help him as a suzerain. I thought that the two tricks would be enough to
solve Shen Yan. Slap her.

When the third print came over, Shen Xuan retreated and had to close his
eyes to death.

Fang Caixiu took the shot, Yan Wushi could have stopped it, but watched
indifferently, Shen Yun naturally did not think that this time would be an

The author has something to say:

Yan Wushi: Please describe me in one word.

Big disciple Bian Mei: Cool.

Young disciple Yu Shengyan: handsome.

Shen Yun: ... Okay.

Yan Wushi [Satisfied]: Please use two words to describe me.

Big disciple Bian Mei: Cool.

Young disciple Yu Shengyan: very handsome.

Shen Yan: Bye.

Yan Wushi: ...

Chapter 29

Yuan Xiuxiu was tentative when she shot for the first time. If Yan Wuxi
wanted to stop her, her second palm appointment would not be able to
shoot, but Yan Wuxi didn't take any action. Favorite is not very important
to him either. Now, with a giggling, the third palm is no longer left with
half a room, ready to pay Shen Xijing's life.

However, this time something happened.

The palm of her hand failed to capture the top of Shen Ying's head, Yuan
Xiuxiu's face changed drastically, and he folded his body in midair,
avoiding the fingers that came towards her in an almost impossible

She didn't even stay there for a moment, her figure fluttered like a willow
branch in March, her toes nodded a little on the branch next to it, and then
she turned white and disappeared into the sight of everyone, leaving only a
string of laughter: "Yan Lang Haosheng was so hard-hearted that the slave
family would not be accompanied first, and he would retell the old
feelings in another day! "

Yan Wushi would stand in front of Shen Yun. Not only did Shen Yun never
think about it, but even Yan Mei did not think about it, but he didn't dare to
say more, and hurried forward to greet him: "Welcome Master to
Chang'an, the disciples are incompetent, and this is what happened today. ,
I also ask Master to scold! "

Yan Wushi didn't say anything, but instead he lifted up Shen Zhen: "Are
you all right?"

Shen Yan shook his head and said nothing, he was really helpless.

Yan Wushi simply held the person up and hugged his waist. At the time,
Shen Zhen was already in a half-drowsy state, and his body lost his
struggling response, and seemed extremely supple.

"Go back to the city before you talk," he said to his disciples.

On the contrary, Bian Yanmei could not help but be surprised when he saw
his movement.

At first he saw Shen Ye and Yan Wushi appear together. He didn't think
much. Later, Shen Ye killed Huo Xijing. He was obsessed with Yan
Wushi's fight with Yuan Xiuxiu. He didn't pay attention in time until Yuan
Xiuxiu wanted Seeing that Yan Wushi was indifferent to Shen Yan's shot,
he also stood idly by.

But things don't seem to be going the way they want.

Bian Mei was a little confused.

On the way back to the city, he asked for a chance to ask, "Master, what
should I call this?"

Yan Wushi: "His name is Shen Yan."

Bian Yanmei looked down and thought that the name was familiar.

Yan Wushi: "It is the teaching of Xuandushan."

what? !!
Bian Yanmei was startled again, and when she went to see Shen Yan again,
her eyes were about to stare out of her eyes.

Who is Shen Ye?

Xuandu Shan teaches.

What is Xuandu Mountain?

The first door in the world.

Even if some people no longer enjoy the scenery because of the closed
school, but after all, they are from the school of Qifeng Pavilion. No one
will not pay homage when mentioning Xuandu Mountain.

But it is such a school ... their teaching is now lying in the arms of Master?

Bian Yanmei didn't hear about Shen Ye's engagement with Kun Xie, but he
fell into the cliff, but now he mostly concentrates on the Northern Zhou
Dynasty and doesn't go to watch the battle himself. His brother Yu
Shengyan went to practice under the half step peak. When meeting with
him to talk about this incident, Bian Yanmei naturally did not know the

He coughed slightly: "I heard that Shen Zhen inherited Qi Fengge's mantle
and ranked among the top ten in the world. Why can't even Yuanxiu Xi's
three palms support him?"

Yan Wushi: "He now has only half of his martial arts, and recently I was
forced to work busy every night, and I couldn't sleep well. Naturally, I was

He said lightly, but Yan Mei couldn't help thinking about it.

What does it mean that Ye Ye is forced to be busy and not sleep well ...

This sentence could not help but make him want to distort.
The actual situation is that these days Shen Yun was forced by Yan Wushi
to discuss. In order to push out Shen Yun ’s potential, Yan Wushi returned
and never showed mercy. Shen Hao had to fight with all his spirits and
deal with himself again and again. Pulling back from the edge of life and
death, Yan Wushi was forced to discuss martial arts issues such as magical
heart and Daoxin during the day. After many days, his body was naturally
unbearable, so he couldn't help sleeping after killing Huo Xijing With.

I do n’t know if Yan Wushi deliberately studied the disciples ’thoughts or

deliberately did not explain them. In short, these words successfully
caused Bian Yanmei to make some misunderstandings. When he looked at
Shen Yun again, his eyes changed.


When Shen Zhen woke up, he was already in the Shaofu Mansion. Yan
Wushi was summoned by Emperor Zhou. He was not in the house. Bian
Yanmei was very interested in Shen Huan. Someone came to the
newspaper and said that Shen Wei was awake, so he came to see him.

So Bian Yanmei found that Shen Wake who was awake and Shen Shen who
was asleep were completely different.
Thousand Autumns: Page 38
The sleepy Shen Ye looked soft and harmless, and he was very bullied.
Anyone who saw him in the arms of Yan Wushi must misunderstand the
relationship between the two.

Of course, Bian Yanmei has already thought about this thoroughly.

Afterwards, he sent someone to check the news, combined with what he
saw and heard, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion: The Xuandu
Shanzhang taught after being defeated by Kun Xie. He must have been
seriously injured. He knew that he was shameless and returned to Xuandu
Mountain, and met Master again. He simply pushed it halfway. He became
Master ’s puppet and was sheltered by Master. This was very disgraceful.
Exposing to outsiders, they dare not preach.

However, when Bian Yanmei saw the sober and clever clothes sitting
neatly at the table, he was not quite sure of his guess, because even though
the other person was still pale, his eyes were dull, and he gave birth to a
beautiful dusty face , But it will never be reminiscent of the favoritism
that depends on the survival of others.

"Shen Zhang taught far away to be a visitor. These days, the Master is
afraid that he can't be idle. You live in the Shaofu Mansion. You can order
someone to do anything."

"Thank you, Mr. Bien, for your trouble."

Bian Yanmei laughed: "You are the one brought by Master, and the Master
’s House is also the place of Master. This is my business, why bother to

At this time, he was still a little disappointed. He felt that Qi Fengge was
the first person in the world, but his disciples have fallen to this place. It is
also sad that if he was defeated, it would be sad and glorious. What is it?
Shen Zhen shook his head: "I killed Huo Xijing in the first place, but
because of this, the man was full of evil, and his sins are not forgiven. In
order to prevent him from harming more lives, he can only kill by killing,
but after all Huo Xijing is a person of the Acacia sect. I hope it will not
cause you any trouble. "

Bian Yanmei didn't expect that he was talking about this matter, and after
a moment he said: "Hehuan Zong and Huan Yuezong have been in conflict
for a long time, Huo Xijing killed my servant again, Shen Zhang taught to
kill him, I should thank you That is it. "

Shen Yun laughed at himself: "If you change the weekdays, someone will
kill someone. I will pretend to dissuade them, but when I meet someone
like Huo Xijing, I can't help myself. They lie to themselves. "

He looked cold and tired, and even the words of self-deprecation were
gentle and gentle, without deterrence.

Bian Yanmei couldn't help but feel a bit of pity, and in turn comforted him:
"In fact, Confucianism also said: repay with virtue, why repay with virtue!
Huo Xijing is vicious and repetitive. Even if he is the same source, I have
nothing. Thank you, this person died, I am afraid that many people will
thank you! "

The two chatted for a while, and seeing Shen Yan's insufficiency at the
edge, Mei got up and left.

When he got out the door, he was blown by the cold wind. When he
remembered that he went in at first, he didn't take Shen seriously.
However, after the other person said something, his contempt was not only
eliminated, but he felt that this person was very good. Kiss, people can not
help but give birth to a sense of closeness.

Shen Ye clearly noticed his thoughts, so he deliberately talked about Huo

Xijing's death, to let himself be affectionate, and to let himself know that
although he was with Master, he was not imprisoned by anyone.
Thinking about this, the little bit of contempt on the edge of Mena was all


When Yan Wushi returned, Shen Yan was playing chess in the room.

Without an opponent, he is an opponent. He holds white with one hand,

black with one hand, and closes his eyes. He explores the chess path with
his fingers and records the chess record.

He walked slowly at each step, thinking about it for a long time, but
almost every time he settled down, he would fall exactly at the point
where the vertical and horizontal lines cross without any deviation.

Although Shen Qiao's skill is slowly recovering, his eyes are always good
and bad, he can see something vaguely when he is good, and he is blind
when he is bad. He accepts this fact calmly, but has to accept the worst
result in the future. Plan to intentionally or unconsciously train your ears
and sense of surroundings.

Yan Wushi stood at the door and looked in for a long time before he came

Shen Yan didn't notice it at first, and concentrated on immersing himself

in the chess game. He didn't open his eyes slightly until he looked at the
blurry figure appearing in his sight.

"Mr. Yan?"

After seeing the person coming in, Shen Yun naturally smiled at the other

Yan Wushi: "I heard that you met Princess Qingdu outside today. The
latter has a bad eye for you?"

Shen Yun laughed: "It's a side, but it can't talk about blue eyes. The
princess of heaven, I'm just a civilian, and Lord Zong laughed."
After coming to Chang'an, Yan Wushi did not restrict Shen Yun's freedom
of movement. If Shen Yun was willing, he could still walk around Changan
City, but that's not all. If he wanted to get out of the city, the guards at the
gate had already been greeted by Bian Mei, and he would immediately
stop people and report here.

Yan Wushi chuckled: "Maybe, I heard that you met Han Feng's daughter
when you and Yu Shengyan went to Wucheng. Didn't the other person look
at you the same way? Unfortunately, Princess Qingdu is serious and knows
you. Living in our house will definitely not treat you as a serious person,
so you just missed a good marriage, otherwise, if you can surrender to the
Lord and use the power of the court to return to Xuandushan, what is the
problem? "

Shen Yun reluctantly: "Is Lord Yan very busy, but I and the Princess
Qingdu just said a few words, how can it look like this in your mouth?"

Yan Wushi touched his face, and said lightly, "You are a princess of
Qingdu, a Xiaojiabiyu. Anyone who meets can chat with you? If you do n’t
have martial arts status, you do n’t lose your face, just your face, You can
attract a lot of peach blossoms. Isn't that Mutipo one of those peach
blossoms? I think you will go out later. It ’s better to learn those high-
ranking women and wear power fences, so you do n’t encounter peach
blossoms again or again. They all said that my sting pet was attracting
bees and butterflies outside, so where would my face rest? "

According to Shen Ye's understanding of Yan Wushi, he was so

entertaining and teasing himself that he was either in a good mood or in a
bad mood.

I don't know which one is today.

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard Yan Wushi said, "I have good
news, and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?"

Shen Yun: "Is the good news for me, or for Master Yan?"
Yan Wushi: "Of course it is for you. If you maliciously speculate on me
like this, I will be sad."

The words came closer and said that the sound was a bit low, and even a
little ambiguous.

No matter how many times the same situation has been staged in these
days, Shen Yun can't get used to it, and now he tilts his head slightly to
avoid the warm breath that the other party will spray on his face.

But he avoided his face, but he could not avoid his ears.

The auricle and earlobe were smudged with a layer of light red, like a scar
on a white jade, and I couldn't help but feel it.

Yan Wushi did the same. Shen Yan unavoidable and had to block. The two
took a seated and one-bed position. They fought dozens of strokes in an
instant. The final result was that Shen Yan was pulled by the whole person.
Jin Yan has no master's arms.

Then Yan Wushi snorted, "You're too thin, it's uncomfortable to hold."

Benson pushed him away.

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "But I feel comfortable when I touch it."

Shen Ye ’s slender finger joints showed a cold whiteness due to illness, but
they felt very good to the touch. Yan Wushi played with his hands like a
sheep's fat jade, and by the way warmed up his cold hands. , Feels more
like a piece of warm jade.

He does what he wants, never thinking about the mood of others, and feels
comfortable with himself. Where can Shen Yungao be unhappy? If Shen
Yungao is unhappy, he will find it more interesting, and maybe even
Sure enough, he looked up to see Shen Yan's expression and laughed:
"Ama, are you unhappy, I wanted to tell you about Xuandushan, do you
want to know?"

Shen Yan took a flick of his finger while he was not defending, and
withdrew his hand back into the sleeve, shrinking into his sleeve, never
willing to reveal anything.

Yan Wushi glanced at his sleeve with a pity, before he said: "You left
Xuandu Mountain that day and did n’t stay there to see the situation of
Yutai ’s Taoism. It ’s really a pity. I heard that Chunyang The first time Li
Qingyu, a disciple from Guan Yichen, went down the mountain, he
defeated the monk's disciple Lian Sheng and Lin Si Xue Palace's He
Siyong, as well as the two elders of Xuandu Mountain. In the end, he
forced your master Yu to have to personally In the end, he won him by half
a move. The name of Qingchengshan Chunyang Li Liyu was immediately
shocked by four artists and became famous all over the world. "

Hearing this news, a shocked look also appeared on Shen Ye's face: "Li
Qingyu? I heard that he was accepted as a disciple by Yi Pichen, but he
rarely appeared in front of others."

Yan Wushi: "Yes, this time Xuandu Mountain Yutai argued that it was his
first fame."

Lian Sheng, He Siyong, and others are the masters of the young generation
on the rivers and lakes. Although they are definitely not as good as the top
ten in the world, they can only look at the rivers and lakes and only a few
can defeat them.

Although he finally lost half of Yu Yu's strokes, but with his qualifications,
the half of Li Qingyu's loses was not shame, but glory.

Imagine that Yu Yan was a disciple of Qi Fengge, and Qi Fengge was the
first in the world in martial arts. He could only lose half a stroke to Yu
Yan. Does n’t it mean that Li Qingyu ’s level is already different, and he
can be surpassed in a few days? You must know that he is very young, and
this is the first time he has entered the WTO after entering the WTO, and
he has such patience for achievement. In time, how can he not be the first
person in the world?

In contrast, Xuandu Mountain, Shen Yu was defeated by Kun Xie first.

Although there are many reasons for this, outsiders do n’t know the truth.
It ’s better for Shen Xuan to be exaggerated than Yu Shiguang. He invited
the world's gate to Xuandu Mountain. Yutai argued that it was nothing
more than to formally announce the entry of Xuandushan into the WTO.
By the way, it made a name to deter people from all over the world. Who
knows that another Li Qingyu came out this time? The world, on the
contrary, has achieved Li Qingyu's reputation.

This is not to say that Xuandushan has been reduced to the second or third
class, but at the beginning, it is estimated that Yu Xuan and others must be
deeply embarrassed. Outsiders mention Xuandushan, which will inevitably
be a little more subtle and a little less awesome.

After all, there is only one Qi Fengge. Without him, Xuandu Mountain is
no longer the style of the year. No wonder then that Fengshan was born. Is
it because he had expected that his offspring disciples would not fight, so
he had to do this?

This is a universal idea.

Shen Yun's thoughts were so clear-cut that Yan Wushi only said a few
words, and he had already guessed a lot after that.

Chapter 30

Shen Ye said: "I have heard that Yi Pichen received a disciple in his old
age. His posture is clear and his roots are clear. At the age of fifteen, he
has read all the classics in the Pure Yang Temple, remembering it in his
heart, but At that time, Yi Pichen did not let this disciple show himself, but
ordered him to travel alone to the Kunlun area of the Western Region. Now
it seems that Yi Pichen is really far-sighted and sharpens a sword in ten
years. Once the sword is out of the sheath, it must be big Shine! "
Yan Wushi wondered: "You used to like being a good person, but after this
time, Xuandushan's reputation as the first door in the world may have
changed hands. Your master and brother suffered a big loss, and the
teacher was ashamed. , But you are not sad, but you praise Li Qingyu? "

Shen Yun said: "Yu Yu is too arrogant. Let him learn a long lesson. Is there
always the world first? There are ups and downs in life, and Zongmen is
no exception."
Thousand Autumns: Page 39
Yan Wushi laughed and said, "You want to be open."

Shen Yun: "Didn't Yan Zongfang say that there is good news and bad
news? I don't know what the good news is?"

Yan Wushi: "I have already said the good news. Li Qingyu grabbed the
limelight of Xuandushan. Your brother Yu lost a big face, isn't that good
news for you?"

Shen Ye was helpless: "What about the bad news?"

Yan Wushi: "The bad news is that what you are worried about has finally
happened. Yu Yu and the Turkic people may have a leg."

Shen Yanmei: "How to say?"

Yan Wushi paused deliberately for a while, until Shen Huan could not help
but leaned forward, showing a urging expression, and then slowly said,
"Just after Yutai's comment, the envoy of Erfu Khan went to Xuandu
Mountain, please Xuandu Shan sent someone to preach in East Turkistan. "

Shen Yan's brow deepened.

Yan Wushi: "Do you know who Erv Khan is?"

Shen Min nodded silently.

During this time, he was not in vain. In addition to participating in "Zhu

Yangce", he would also pay attention to major events in the world.

Turks are now strong, and even Northern Zhou and Beiqi had to defeat the
snakes, but Turks are very different from the Han system. Although Kui
Khan is the highest ruler of Turks, he also appointed his nephew and
younger brother to manage East and West Turks.
The East Turkic Erfu Khan was photographed by his nephew.

It is said that this man is ambitious, only slightly inferior to Khan, not in
the pool.

Xuandu Mountain is thousands of miles away, and has n’t asked about the
world for a long time. At the time of joining the WTO, it was hard to get
rid of imagination. Shen Yun immediately thought of Yu Yu ’s cooperation
with Kun Xie and designed his own cliff. Something happened.

But what benefits would approaching Turks bring to Xuandu Mountain?

Shen Yan said: "He is trying to make a hide with the tiger."

Yan Wushi chuckled: "It's not necessarily that Turks are strong. Now, as
long as you don't want to go to war, who can't allow three points, do you
think Zhou Di also married a Turk Queen?"

Shen Zheng shook his head: "Zhou Zhu seized power from Yuwen Hu, and
he has been in power for many years. I haven't seen any sword
Fengshuang. I heard that he deliberately alienated and ignored Asuna in
order not to be controlled by Turks.蔼 Although clever, Xuandushan was
closed for many years, but he was self-conscious and wanted to cooperate
with Turkic people, but he was afraid to suffer in the end. "

Yan Wushi slammed the post just placed on the table and shoved it into his
arms: "You are like a renegade in Xuandushan's eyes. What do you want to
do? There is a birthday party here, I have no time to go, You must be
interested. "

At this moment, the candlelight was dim, and Shen Ye didn't open his eyes
to look at it. He only took the invitation to Capricorn for a while. His
fingers were very delicate and smooth. With the light raised ink marks left
on it, he had already touched "Solvay". ".

He tilted his head and wondered, "I don't know this person."
Yan Wushi: "Solvay and Su fearlessly attacked Meiyang County. He
married Yuwen's daughter. He should have been implicated, but he was
talented, Zhou Di loved him, and wanted to reuse him. He resigned and
read at home. His mother was fifty years old the next day, and even the
emperor sent a congratulatory gift. "

"However," he said sharply. "Su Wuyue has a younger brother Su Su who

is from Jianghu, and guess where did his teacher come from?"

When he saw Shen Yan listening carefully, he wanted to catch others'


However, Shen Yun had been prepared for it. He simply put his hands
behind his back. After a while, he seemed to find that this movement was
childish, so he put his hands in the sleeves in front of him.

Yan Wushi shouted: "I feed you for your living, and I provide you with so
much information, but you are too stingy to even touch me!"

Shen Ye was unmoved: "If Lord Zong is willing, countless beauties in the
house will take the initiative to serve."

Yan Wushi: "Ama, you are so boring!"

Having said that, he still told Shen Huan: "Su Shi's view of Chunyang was
the brother of Li Qingyu who lost to Yu Huan with half a stroke."

Shen Yun thought for a while: "Li Qingyu's reputation is outside and I
have heard about it, but this Su Shi doesn't seem to have heard much."

Yan Wushi: "He comes from a family, and there is also a father like
brother Solvay on it. Naturally, he is not as high-profile as Li Qingyu, but
since Su Shi and Li Qingyu are brothers, they will be the mother of Solvay
Su Shi. Li Qingyu may also go, don't you want to see this single head
Xuandu Mountain and almost beat your younger star? "

Shen Min touched the handwriting on the invitation, and nodded gently: "I
know, thank you Lord Yan."
Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I have no contact with Su Jiasu. Because of
their detached status, they had to post a post. I never thought I would go to
a banquet. If you go to my post, you Send me a congratulatory gift on my
behalf, and I have counted it out. "

Someone like him would notice the question of courtesy, which is a little
strange, but Shen Min didn't think much: "Okay."


Solvay originated from Jingzhao Su family. This branch is also a famous

family. His father Su Chuo is a famous Western Wei minister, and his wife
Yuwen is the daughter of Yuwen. In detail, Yuwen is still the niece of Zhou
Emperor. Yuwen Hu was killed, but his family was not connected. He also
took good care of the niece.

At that time, most famous families were married to the royal family, and
the relationship was endless. The Su family was no exception. The
birthday of Su mother was endless, and the guests who came to Heshou
were endless. A person was sent to direct the traffic in front of the door so
as not to hinder passing by.

Shen Ye also came by carriage. As soon as the carriage of the Prince

Shao's House arrived, he was shocked by Solvay who was still waiting for

Although Yan Wushi did not hold a real post in the North Korea, Zhou
Dixin relied on Wu Yuezong. He was able to successfully kill Yu Wenhu
and succeed in seizing power. It is said that there was no help from Wu
Yuezong. Solvay is a typical scholar. No intention to be an official, but no
intention to make enemies, to send a post to Yan Wushi, this is also a
matter of courtesy, I did not expect that there was actually someone from
the Shaofu Mansion, heard the word and greeted it in person.

As soon as the people in the carriage came, Solvay stumbled.

He has not dealt with Yan Wushi a lot, and knows that this person is not
Yan Wushi in front of him.
"Dare to ask your Excellency ...?"

"Under the sinking lord, Lord Zong was summoned by his Majesty to enter
the palace. There was no time to split up. Shen Mou came to Heshou on
behalf of him and hoped that Su Gong would forgive him."

With his sentence, coupled with the other party's ride in the carriage of
Shaoshi, Solvay said with a smile: "So it is, Mr. Shen, please."

Although he welcomed people inside, he was not strange in his heart.

Yan Wushi is a man of rivers and lakes. Su Wei knows that Huan Yuezong
has been a demon by many people. He also heard his brother Su Shi said
that the person in front of him is neither like a river or a lake nor a court
official. With illness, it's a fairy breeze, can it be a celebrity that Yan
Wushi associates with?

Not only was he curious, seeing the host's own welcome out, but also
receiving a blind guest was also curious.

Yan Wushi's name was like Lei Guaner in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Few
people saw him personally. Many people saw Shen Xing coming in with
Solvay. They thought he was the prince of Huanyue, but they saw the
innocent Princess Qingdu. Taking the initiative to walk over and greet each
other, my heart became more and more curious.

Because of Su Shi, the guests present were not all family officials, but also
some people from the rivers and lakes.

Yiyang Chen, the principal of the Pure Yang Guanguan, did not come
close, but sent his disciple Li Qingyu over. Li Qingyu was in the limelight
in the Yutai of Xuandu Mountain in the past. No one knew it. Seeing that
the Pure Yangguan vaguely replaced Xuandu. Everyone wants to heat the
stove, and naturally there are many people around him.

However, Su Shi ’s brother Li Qingyu has a good relationship. The former

introduced Li Qingyu to the world relationship with the Su family. Li
Qingyu did not forget to pull Su Shi when he greeted the people of the
rivers and lakes, so that the brother showed more face.

Shen Yewan rejected the offer of Princess Qingdu to invite him to sit in
the past, and still sat in the seat arranged for him by the host.

He represents Yan Wushi, and the seats are naturally not bad. The guests
next to him saw Shen Yan's inconvenience. When the maid brought the
dishes, he also made a special explanation and asked the maid to put the
dishes on the food case of Shen Yan to the right. So that he can catch it.

Shen Xun expressed his appreciation for the kindness of others: "Thank
you for this Lang Jun. You are sinking Shen Xun, I don't know Lang Jun's

The other laughed: "It's just a matter of raising one's hand. Shen Langjun
doesn't have to be polite. In the next Pu Liuru family, he has a single

Pu Liurujian sat next to Shen Wei, but did not ask him about his origin,
and he did not express his curiosity and concern about his eyes. He only
told him that his host, Solvay, was very talented, well-known, and
proficient in poetry. There is much admiration between the law and the

When talking about poetry and literature, it will inevitably involve the
study of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Confucianism. In the Northern
Zhou Dynasty, the worship of Buddhism was very heavy. The influence left
by Yu Wenhu was cleared, but the style of worshipping the Buddha was not
completely eliminated in a short while. Pu Liurujian himself believed in
Buddhism and was very interested in Taoism. He did not reject it. He
obviously did not expect to sink. I delved into the Taoist school's
knowledge deeply, and when I talked to each other, I could not help but
develop a sense of cherishment.

After getting acquainted with each other, seeing that the Princess Qingdu
sent someone over to invite him, Pu Liurujian laughed and said, "Let the
Princess Qingdu make a sacrifice, and there are not many people in
Beijing. How many people are there to say? Envy? "

Shen Ye: "Brother Pu Liuru laughed."

Pu Liurujian: "I heard that Su Wei's younger brother, Su Shi, came out of
the Pure Yang Temple. Today, many people from the rivers and lakes also
came, presumably all in the face of the Pure Yang Temple."

Shen Yun: "Both brothers Pu Liuru know?"

Pu Liurujian: "In the old days, I admired the freedom of rivers and lakes,
and I have learned to travel around for a few years. It is considered to
recognize a few faces."

Shen Yun: "Could you please introduce me to Brother Liuliu?"

Pu Liuru said bluntly, "How difficult is this!"

He gave Shen Wei: "Su Shi, you know, next to him is Li Qingyu. These two
people are collectively known as Qingcheng Shuangyu, but Li Qingyu is
bigger in terms of fame. His prestige on Xuandu Mountain a few days ago
You must have heard that the person who is talking to them is Chang Sun
Sheng, who studied under the Southern School. Although the Southern
School is not well-known, Chang Sun Sheng is also a child of the high
gate, and the archery is very good. Rare Sun Erlang The one next to him in
yellow is called Dou Yanshan. "
Thousand Autumns: Page 40
Shen Yun could not help but snorted: "Liugang gang leader?"

Pu Liurujian: "Exactly."

That night at Izumo Temple, many parties tried their best to win "Zhu
Yangce", and the Liuhe Gang's hard escorted things were crushed by Yan
Wushi directly. Although Ye Yunfuyi and others also heard that What Shen
Ye read, but how can they ensure the truth and accuracy of what they write
when they go back? Yan Wushi's hand directly played with the human
heart in the palm of his hands. Dou Yanshan must hate him very much.

Only when he saw Shen Yan, not Yan Wushi coming in, he only glanced at
Shen Yan, Wu Zi could not sit still, and didn't plan to come over.

Pu Liurujian also said: "Master Xueting was originally a master of the

Yuwen Nuo. Because of this relationship, even though Yu Wenhu died, he
and the Su family have deep roots. It is reasonable to say that we should be
here today. Somehow It's strange that we haven't even sent an apprentice
over yet. "

"There is also a man and a woman over there. They should be the people of
Bixia Sect of Taishan and Liuli Palace of Abbots Chau. These two schools
have been good friends with Chunyang Guan, and it is probably for this

"The rest are hustle and bustle, but they are all small figures of ordinary
sects. It's useless if you know them. I won't waste my words."

In fact, among the people he did not introduce, there are also some well-
known masters on the rivers and lakes, but when they come to Puli Rujian,
they have become dispensable little people. The rule of rivers and lakes
that the strong is king is reflected at this moment. To the fullest, they may
be as good as fish on their acre three-point ground, but Pu Liuru's ordinary
dealings are the top figures who travel around the upper layer of Zhou
Guo, naturally they will not be considered.

Shen Min wrote down all the people he was in, one by one, far away, his
eyesight was weak, his face was not very clear, and he could only write
down his suit and body.

The two were talking, and two more people came in by the door. Shen Yan
looked familiar. The other man and his host had finished their
embarrassment, and looked around, just as Shen Yan's line of sight met.

Xie Xiang was a little hesitant, only nodded, but Zhan Ziqian next to him
had already come over: "Shen Langjun, you are here!"

Shen Chen laughed: "It turned out to be brother Zhan, what a


"Yeah!" Zhan Ziqian had a good impression of Shen Zhe, and wanted to sit
next to him for a detailed discussion, but Xie Xiang came over and said,
"Brother, the host has already arranged a seat. Wouldn't it be impolite for
you to sit casually?"

Zhan Ziqian had to stop: "It is fortunate that I can meet Shen Langjun
here. Someone is asking for something. He also asked Shen Langjun to
stay after the banquet."

Shen Zhe and Linchuan Xuegong couldn't hit the eight poles, and Zhan
Ziqian didn't know his identity. The two met with each other. Shen Zhe
couldn't think of anything else to ask for himself, but he still nodded:

As soon as the two Xie Zhan walked away, Pu Liu Rujian said: "Linchuan
Xuegong Xiong Nan Chen has a high self-esteem. Just looking at that Xie
Xiang knows this time. People must have come with Chen Shi, but when it
comes to Chang'an, it's not up to them to decide. You don't have to be so
kind to them. "
Shen Chen laughed: "Although Xie Xiang is more arrogant, Zhan Ziqian is
much more easy-going."

Xie Xiang played against him that day, but he still remembered to narrow
the war zone deliberately, and did not involve innocent people on the
street. It can be seen that although people are arrogant, their heart is not
vicious. Don't feel so unbearable.

Speaking, the birthday party has begun.

The author has something to say:

The people sent a congratulatory message to warmly celebrate the

grandma's failure to vomit blood.

Yan Wushi: Oh-(meaningful)

Shen Yun: I have an ominous hunch ...

Chapter 31

At this time, the guests have arrived one after another, and there is a large
crowd of friends, including royal family members, famous families, and
people from all walks of life, and various factions. It is rare to see this
scene because of the identity of the two brothers Solvay Sukh That's why.

Nowadays, the folk customs are open, each person has a case, but the male
and female guests can share the same room, but a small screen is placed in
the middle of the hall for symbolic separation. The female guests have
their own Solvay wife to take care of them, and the old lady Qin Sitting
high on the main seat, the left and right are the two brothers Solvay Sull,
and the waitress is holding the wine and food in a stream of water.

During the dinner, the musicians played drums and flutes, and the dancing
girl danced with Hua Chang, her eyes were not clear, but she could also
see the beautiful figure of the woman, the ribbon dance, just like the
heavens and the flowers. The sacred and innocent dance with unconscious
charm is very different from the fashionable Hu and Rong dances. It is
also different from the music and dance of the Southern Dynasties, whose
dances were covered with low sleeves, and the jade jade floats in autumn.
They all applauded. After three rounds of drinking, some guests who like
to dance on weekdays also sang the festival loudly.

Seeing that Shen Yan was interesting, Pu Liuru explained eloquently:

"This dance music is called" Xiaotian ", which is transmitted from Guizi,
the Guizi people worship Buddha. After the death of Guizi, the music
passed to the Central Plains. There is also Buddhism in it. "

Shen Yanran laughed: "No wonder these Le Jixis have bare shoulders and
numerous jewellery. It turned out to be a turtle style!"

Pu Liurujian also laughed: "Exactly."

When the subject was fused, a servant hurried in from outside the door,
trotting to Solway and whispering for a while, Solvay's face changed
slightly, and he made a gesture.

With a long Jinming, the dance stopped suddenly, the music disappeared,
and the guests seemed to return from the boundless paradise world,
looking at the host in wonder.

Solvay stood up and arched his hand and said, "The queen heard of the
birthday of her mother, and asked someone to send her a congratulatory
gift. Please wait a moment, wait for Wei to welcome you, and then return
to the hospitality."

The surname of Queen Zhou is Ashina, who is a Turkic, and is also the
wife of Zhou Emperor in order to embrace Turk. He usually has no contact
with Su family. Su mother ’s birthday, the emperor has sent a
congratulatory gift. It is reasonable to say that there is nothing for the
queen, but But she also sent someone to give gifts.

This outcry caused everyone to feel a little confused, and looked at each
But when the Queen's messenger arrived, the host should have been
welcomed, so the music stopped, and everyone was sitting in critical
condition, all watching the direction of the door.

Solvay had a full hem and was about to go out, listening to the
heartbreaking laughter from the door: "No need to bother with Meiyang
County public welcome, I just came in!"

The voice was very strange. Many people present did not have any
impression. They only felt that this person was rude. Only Shen Wei
frowned slightly, and his heart felt bad.

A young man came in. He was tall and bearded. Although he was wearing
the Central Plains clothing, he had a strong spirit.

His eyes were sharp and aggressive, and he was very aggressive. After
entering the door, he did not go to see Solvay. Instead, he searched around

Except for the people in the rivers and lakes, all the people he saw took the
initiative to look away, didn't say anything, and felt a little uncomfortable
in his heart.

Pu Liuru nodded for a moment and whispered: "This person is full of

energy, I am afraid that he is an innate master. Why have I never seen this
character in Changan?"

Solvay also asked: "His Royal Highness is favored, and the Su family is
grateful. I dare ask what is called?"

The other side smiled: "In the lower section of Wenxu, Meiyang County
officials don't need to be more courteous, so Lingtang's reputation spreads,
and the queen has long heard about it. Unfortunately, Yuanyuan has heard
about Lingtang Shouchen, and he sent a thin gift to express his feelings. "

Solvay arched his hand: "Thank you to the queen's mother-in-law. My

courtesy thanked you here. The visitor is a guest. If you have time, Duan
Shi might as well be seated together."
The other side represented Queen Asna, so Mrs. Qin and Su Shi, together
with Su Wei, also gave a gift to Duan Wenyi.

Duan Wenxuan laughed, "I'm not busy with your seat. I'm here again. I
want to ask Madam Qin."

His mother came from a famous name. He has never been to Turk. Duan
Wenyi is a Turkic man, let alone eight poles, and there is something to ask.
Solvay is not sure. So "Duanshi, please tell me."

Duan Wenzhang: "Mrs. Qin, someone asked me to greet you. He asked me

to ask you, do you remember the old man who waited hard in the Turkic
King's Court more than 30 years ago?"

Solvay Su was surprised to see her mother.

Mrs. Qin did not change his face, and said quietly, "Young man, are you
afraid of admitting someone wrong?"

Duan Wenxi smiled, "I knew that Mrs. Qin would not easily confess the
account, was it to force me to say something in the future?

At this point, Solvay couldn't hear the other party's unwillingness. When
even Shen said, "Hello, you are so rude, is it possible that the queen did
not come to give gifts, but ordered you to find fault? My Su family and the
queen have no injustice. I do n’t know why the queen is so rude at my
mother ’s birthday feast? I will tell you from the meeting, come and see
the guests! "

When the servants of the Su family heard the words, they hurried forward
to pull Duan Wenzhang away. The latter's robe sleeves just shook slightly,
and those people fell to the ground.

The guests who stood up all looked surprised to live in Duan Wenquan,
and some of them showed unpleasant faces, ready to speak out for the host
Su Shi angered: "Dare to come here to find something, when my Su family
couldn't bully me ?!"

Say you want to do it.

Duan Wenji took a step back and yelled, "Slow! I have something to say,
and I will not be too late to do it after I have finished speaking. This is a
matter of great importance. I am here to honor all distinguished people.
The nobles also commented on it and saw that it was me who made trouble
unreasonably, or Mrs. Qin's guilty conscience! "

Without waiting for everyone to take any action, he quickly proceeded:

"Please ask the old lady to return my master's token!"

Su Shi was furious: "Turkish barbarians, spitting blood, my mother was

born in the middle of the door, how can I get in touch with your Turk?
Today you do not say clearly, but also my mother's reputation, even if you
want to leave, it is not so easy! "

He drew his sword out of the scabbard.

Li Qingyu emerged from the crowd, and said slowly: "Eat meals can be
eaten freely, words can't be talked freely, Mrs. Qin is my brother's mother,
and I also respect her as a mother. If you deliberately denigrate, Chunyang
concept will be held to the end."

The implication is that even if Solvay did not sue him, and pursued the
matter in the way of Chaotang Church, Chunyang Guan would take the
matter to the next stage, and later Wen Wen and his teacher would form a
beam with Chunyang Guan. .
Thousand Autumns: Page 41
In Li Qingyu's body, Xuandu Mountain, losing his lotus, He Siyong, and
losing to Yu Yu by half a stroke, Chunyang's momentum has loomed above
Xuandu Mountain, let alone Guanzhuyi. Pichen is also among the top ten
in the world, so what Li Qingyu said was very important.

However, Duan Wenxun's face remained unchanged, and he still laughed:

"I have traveled all over the world rationally, and I ca n’t do anything
reasonably. I heard that the Central Plains reasoned, so I came to discuss
justice. Is it true that today we can't distinguish ourselves by invincibility?
Mrs. Qin Yaguo denied Then you listened to her. Why didn't you listen to
me? Mrs. Qin has a single name and double words, isn't it? "

The Solvay brothers heard a murmur, their hearts were horrified, and their
boudoir name was gone. The mother's name had never been known, let
alone Queen Asna. Where did this inexplicable Turkic know? ?

Duan Wenyi said: "More than thirty years ago, Qin Shuanghan walked
away from Turks, worshipped my teacher, and relied on my teacher's love
and trust. He stole my teacher's tokens and returned to Central Plains one
night. Now my teacher has orders to order me. I found this person and
wanted to reply to the letter. After I entered the Central Plains, I searched
hard. I didn't expect to see Mrs. Qin by chance in Chang'an. Only then did
I know that Qin Shuanghan, the mother of the son of Meiyang County, was
Qin. Old lady! "

He smiled again: "Mrs. Qin has been hiding too deeply these years. Who
would have thought that Mrs. Qin, who is not in the door at present, is
actually Ayes Sawulie who was famous outside the old days. Here it is! "

Su Shi: "Nonsense! My mother has never been to a Turkic cork. If you

want to find a relative, you can find it yourself. Don't pour dirty water at
our Su family at random. When my Su family is so bullying!"
Duan Wenyi raised his eyebrows and said, "Mrs. Qin, what you have done,
you still have to deny it? If I remember correctly, the ring you wore on
your right hand was the holy thing of my family on that day, and it also
represented It ’s also a coincidence that the token of my master ’s identity,
the totem on the ring, is the golden lotus unique to my family. ”

This came out suddenly, and everyone was embarrassed. They could not
help but look to Mrs. Qin's hand.

The latter does wear a ring on his hand, inlaid with crystals, and if there is
a golden pattern underneath, it is very beautiful.

Seeing that today's change is difficult, Su Wei secretly regrets that he

failed to stop Duan Wenyu when he first entered.

Princess Qingdu Shen said: "No matter what you want, today is Mrs. Qin's
birthday. Everyone happily sits here to wish her a birthday, but you just
come in to make trouble, and say that it is the order of the queen. Just
enter the palace with me and confront me before the queen. I'd like to see
why the queen asked you to destroy someone's birthday party! "

Duan Wenyi was not panic: "The queen sent me over to give gifts, I sent
them, and the queen's mission has been completed. Now, this matter is
related to my Master. His Majesty is savvy. Even if his old man knows the
ins and outs, he must not Will stop me from asking Mrs. Qin what should
belong to us! "

He proudly said: "What's more, in the name of my teacher, why not make
a special trip with Mrs. Qin!"

Li Qingyu: "Who do you learn from?"

Duan Wenji smiled slightly: "It is estimated that the Turk Hulu is also!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was even more shocked.

The Fox Deer estimates that He Xuren also played against Qifengge, the
first person in the world 20 years ago. This battle is well known in the
world, and is still talked about by people today. The Fox Deer is defeated
and forced to stand for 20 years. He did not enter the Central Plains vow,
but he kept his promise. He had never set foot in the Central Plains in the
past 20 years.

Wu Gong arrived at the Qi Fengge Hulu estimate, even if he loses, it is

unlikely that he will lose his life. Although Qifengge was the first in the
world, the Hulu estimate is certainly not far away. Qi Fengge cannot kill
him at all, but only forces him. vow.

According to Yan Wushi's style of behavior, if he had the opportunity to

swear by the other party, maybe he would ask Fox Deer to commit suicide
directly, cut off the roots and avoid the worry, but Qi Fengge is obviously
not this style of behavior. He sees Turk's ambitions for the Central Plains.
He respects Fox Deer and estimates that it is also a generation of masters.
He does not want to humiliate his opponents, so he only made a twenty-
year covenant.

Twenty years later, Qi Fengge was no longer alive, and Hulu was not re-
entered into the Central Plains. Two of his apprentices, one Kun Xie,
defeated Shen Ying on Banbufeng, and one suddenly visited Sufu, saying
that Suwei Su Shi's mother is a disciple of Fox Deer.

The previous thing is not new news anymore. After Shen Jing fell, Xuandu
Mountain also changed the Lord. Gradually, no one paid attention to the
whereabouts of the former teacher, but when someone mentioned that
battle, it was inevitable Booing, I felt that Qi Fengge had no one to follow.

The latter event was being staged in front of everyone, and it was truly

Regardless of whether this is true or false, Mrs. Qin's reputation will

certainly be damaged, Su Shi is furious, and there is not much nonsense.
Lifting the sword wants to make Duan Wenyi shut up.

At this moment, Mrs. Qin, who was guarded by the two brothers of the Su
family, began to ask, "Fox deer wants tokens, why not take them by
yourself, but send you?"
Listening to these words, I actually acknowledged the authenticity of those
words before Duan Wenji.

Su Shi stayed, turned her back, and couldn't believe it: "Anyang, you ..."

Mrs. Qin glanced at him, and said lightly, "What are you doing, what do
you think of this token? The golden lotus is a symbol of Turkic religion,
and is also a holy fetish. With this ring in hand, the deer can order Persia,
Tuguhun, Yu Yan, Dangxiang and other masters gathered in Turkic to help
Turkic Khan invade the Central Plains. At that time, the Northern Zhou
Dynasty had not yet established a country. The war between East and West
was endless, and each other was greatly injured. For tokens, the Fox Deer
is unable to admire the authenticity of the religion of fire, and has
commanded a group of heroes outside the Turks. Is there anything wrong
with Turks? "

The two brothers Solvay Susu didn't know that his mother had such a past,
and they could bother.

Mrs. Qin said, and said to Duan Wen: "This ring is indeed the old thing of
the deer, and it was indeed brought to me by the Central Plains. But after
so many years, the deer did not send someone to take it. More than ten
years, but sent you here? "

Duan Wenhuan was not flustered: "This is the last death of my teacher. As
a disciple, he should do it for him."

Mrs. Qin was a little shocked, but it seemed no surprise. She was silent for
a long time, saying only four words: "Sure enough! Sure enough!"

Duan Wenxuan: "Since the old lady acknowledged that everything is easy
to say, I also ask you to hand over the ring so that all of our teachers'
wishes will be left."

After all, he seemed to think of something, looked around, and finally set
his sight on Shen Ye, as if he had just discovered the other side: "It
happened to be so that Shen Zhangjiao was here. Can I bother you to give a
testimony? "
Chapter 32

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Shen Zhen looked very calm: "Shen is
no longer in charge of teaching, I am afraid that he will disappoint Duan."

The battle between Kun Xie and Xuan Duan was the post sent by Duan
Wenji, and he naturally recognized Shen's identity.

He is Brother Kunxie, but because of Han's ancestry, he is not as good as

Kunxie in Turkic. It is Kunxie who is estimated to be the warring person
instead of him on behalf of Hulu.

Duan Wenxi laughed: "Shen Zhangjiao is really hidden in the city. If you
are a person with a virtue, if you say your identity, I am afraid that even
people with the concept of Chunyang will be behind you. Where can I
leave it in the name of Sovereign Yan? Going to a banquet? Are there
rumors that you have a close relationship with Zong Yan, and it is really
impossible to go in and out together? "

No one expected that today was to celebrate his birthday, but watched two

There was a buzzing in the seats for a while, and everyone looked towards
Shen Yan, and his face was inexplicable. Even Pu Liuru Jian, who was next
to him, was very surprised, turned his head to see Shen Yan.

After Shen Yan fell off the cliff, he could not see anyone, but he could not
see the dead body. Everyone guessed that he might feel ashamed of
Xuandu Mountain, and then appeared in shamelessness. He simply
remained anonymous, and he lived in the deep mountains, but he never
expected. The other party would actually appear at Guizhou's birthday

Li Qingyu looked at each other carefully and looked down.

Before he went to Xuandu Mountain, he also regretted that he couldn't

fight with Shen Yan. Now when he looks at the other side's weak and thin
appearance, his regret is even stronger, but he no longer regrets missing
one opponent, but regrets this. An opponent is not worthy of being called
an opponent.

Shen Huan kept silent, and did not answer any questions from Duan

Mrs. Qin sighed, took off the ring in her hand, and handed it to her son:
"This was originally the thing the Fox and the Deer estimated. It changed
with time and the things were wrong. The thing should belong to the
original owner. Take it."

She came from a high gate, but went to Turk to worship. She also had such
a deep relationship with the Turk master Hulu. The two brothers Suwei
Suzhen thought that the mother was just an ordinary girl and had a good
relationship with her father. Nowadays, the complex emotions revealed in
the lines of listening to the mother's words seem to be more than just
ordinary teacher-apprentice relationships with Hulu.

The fox deer is even more weird. Without tokens, he didn't come to ask for
it. Until more than thirty years later, Duan Wenxuan appeared, and this
past story was only revealed to the world.

Su Shi grabbed his heart and scratched his liver, but it was not easy to ask
more on such occasions, so he had to take the ring and give it to his
subordinates to let him transfer to Duan Wenyi.

Duan Wenyi took the ring and performed a Turkic etiquette: "The old lady
is deeply aware of the righteousness, and is grateful for it. With this token,
I can also explain to my teacher."

Mrs. Qin: "How did Hulu die?"

Duan Wendai sighed: "Our teacher is a state of cultivation, and we broke

through the retreat. For a period of three years, we were ordered not to
bother. No one knows that when the deadline is reached, when we look
inside, we find that his old man has sat down."
The older people at the scene still remember that when Hulu was
ambitious and swept the masters of Central Plains, they stopped at Qifeng
Pavilion, but unfortunately, a generation of masters, after all, was also a
happy ending. Since then, no matter how turbulent the rivers and lakes are
in the world, they will also evaluate with Hulu Qi Fengge has nothing to
do with it.

The talents of the sky were scattered, and the free time sighed.

Mrs. Qin was silent and wondered what she thought.

Solvay Su hated him for breaking his mother's birthday party, and he was
no longer polite when he saw it: "The ring has already been received, and I
ask your Excellency to leave Sufu quickly!"

Duan Wenzhang: "The two Langjuns are not busy driving me away. I have
come here and want to ask you to be alone."

Su Shi thought he wanted to be bad for his mother, and said coldly, "We
don't have the one you want."

Duan Wenzhang laughed: "Su Erlang didn't ask any questions, so he

refused. Don't worry, I don't want to be bad for Mrs. Qin. The ring has
been taken back. My teacher's wish is over. I will not entangle any more. I
said That man came by the order of Khan Khan. "

Solvay: "Then you should face down and say," This small temple in Sufu
cannot tolerate your Buddha, come here, and send off guests! "

Duan Wenyi: "Slow! May I have a sister married to Yuanxiong in Meiyang

County? This person has a suspicion with Turk. Now that Turk is allied
with the Zhou Dynasty, Khan ordered me to bring this family to Turk for
disposal. Please also The Meiyang County government handed them over!

Solvay's face changed slightly.

According to the other person's mouth, it was actually his cousin's family,
because cousin Xi Yuanxiong offended Turk, fearing that Turk would
come to claim people by virtue of the alliance between the two sides, so he
specially avoided his house, and Solvay secretly took them in But did not
expect that Duan Wenyi was informed of the news, so he did not hesitate
to come to the door.

"I do n’t know where they went. If you want to find someone, look for it, it
has nothing to do with my Soviet government!"

Duan Wenxuan: "Please also ask the Meiyang County Duke not to make it
difficult for me. I remembered the relationship between the Master and the
old lady, and only came to the door to ask for someone, instead of telling
your Majesty directly. If you wait for the Lord ’s order, I ’m afraid it ’s
expensive. The government will be embarrassed. "
Thousand Autumns: Page 42
Su Shi was furious: "You specifically chose to come home to show off
your strength on the day of my mother's birthday. First of all, I asked for a
ring, and we gave it to you, but you still have to go a long way? Did you
think that my Su family was afraid of you, and said that people are not
here? It's not here, get off! "

Duan Wenji also did not smile, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Su Shi,
slowly saying: "I heard that Su Erlang is teaching from the pure Yang
concept. He must be very skillful. Today happens to be his meeting and he
is about to ask for advice!"

Su Shi sneered: "Wow, the fox's tail finally came out. It was clear that he
was smashing the field, but he had to pretend to be good. Today you
delivered it to yourself. If you are dead, don't cry and run to your Turk
Khan. Sue! "

After the words fell off, he rushed towards Duan Wenyu.

This flutter is not without rules and regulations, but with the
swordsmanship, the body moves freely, the chic and beautiful, some
people yell right now.

In the face of Su Shi's brilliant sword-like swordsmanship, Duan Wenxun

was not panic, nor did he step back, and waited until the other side of the
sword light swiveled in front of him, and then directly into the sword light
empty handed.

Instead of emptying his hand into the white blade, his hand was not
smashed by Jian Guang, but Jian Guang was kept under control.

Everyone looked intently, only to see Duan Wenji's right hand holding the
sword body firmly, gently rotating the wrist, but also saw how hard, the
sword body was buzzing.

Su Shi's sword almost couldn't hold it and came out.

There was an unbelievable look on his face.

His martial arts is not as good as his younger brother Li Qingyu, but he
can also rank among the popular ranks in rivers and lakes. He has never
encountered such a situation that he almost fell into the army when he

Is it because the other person is a disciple of Fox Deer that he is superior?

Su Shi was dissatisfied with his heart, his hands changed quickly, and his
body didn't stop. He pulled back a few steps and turned sharply with the
power of a cylinder. Jian Guang took the qi and passed it to Duan Wenyi's
noodle door. The other one The hand is full of strength and slaps at the
other side.

"The room is too small to fight well!" Duan Wenji didn't insist on it, Lang
laughed, and turned and hurled outward.

Su Shi chased after each other. The two hit the house from the inside to the
outside. In time, the sword was radiant, and the surroundings were cleared
away. The guests naturally followed.

One person was so fierce that the river was torrential and rushing across
the river, and the other was unarmed and walked in the light of the sword,
as if he was in danger at all times, in danger, and seemed to repeatedly
retrieve a life from the edge of the danger. Others were thrilled. For
example, Princess Qingdu and others did not perform martial arts and
were unwilling to witness the blood everywhere. They stayed in the house
with Mrs. Qin and did not follow up.

The layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway, and when
martial arts reaches a certain level, he can find that although Duan Wenyi
seems to be scared, he actually has the advantage.

Pu Liuru gave a stern sound, and whispered to Shen Yan: "I looked like Su
Erlang was being played."

Shen Min nodded: "I feel the same way."

After listening to him say this, Pu Liuru could not help wondering:
"Brother Shen can see?"

Shen Yan smiled: "Although I can't see, I can listen."

Pu Liurujian: "How to listen?"

Shen Yun: "Swords out, infuriating, walking, and even breathing, all
sound, the blindness of the blind will be more acute, Duan Wenyi
deliberately tries to test the martial arts of pure yang concept, so he is not
in a hurry to give up, unfortunately Cha, but he got in. "

What can be seen at the scene is not only Shen Ye and Pu Liurujian, but
this one has not yet distinguished themselves. Others rushed in to interfere
with fairness and disgrace. On the other hand, they looked down on Su.
Alas, so even his younger brother, Li Qingyu, had to wait and see what
happened, and wait until they had a result.

After hearing this, Pu Liurujian asked casually: "All disciples who are
evaluated by Hulu, how does Kun Xie compare to Duan Wenyi?"

I found out that there was something wrong with the words, and I
apologized quickly: "I didn't mean to evoke the sadness of Brother Shen!"

Shen Yun laughed: "Anyway, although Kun Xie is strong, his martial arts
path is more aggressive and arrogant. It is not as free as Duan Wenzheng.
In my opinion, I am afraid that Duan Wenzheng has the essence of martial
arts and is slightly better than Kun Xie. a bit."

Pu Liuru firmly heard the words: "So, this person came to Su today, not
only to ask for a token or Su Langjun's cousin, but also to make a name for

Shen Min nodded: "I think so too."

Today's birthday banquet, due to Su Shi, more than half of the guests
involved in the rivers and lakes came, many of them are masters of the
younger generation, such as Li Qingyu, just for the top ten in the world is
not bad, If Duan Wenmao can defeat them, it means that his martial arts is
stronger than these people, and this effect is no less than that of Kun Xie
and Shen Mao that day.

The Turkic people stepped into a battalion, allied with Beizhou, and were
ambiguous with Beiqi. While assisting Beiqi to fight Beiqi, and also
hosted the noble officials who fled to the past, it was the first rat at both
ends. It is worth mentioning, but dare not offend it too much, and its wolf
ambition has never been concealed.

Now a new generation of Turkic masters have come to the Central Plains
again. It seems that they want to complete the heroic hegemony that the
Fox Deer estimated that they could not complete. First, Kun Xie promised
Shen Shen, stepped Xuandu Mountain under his feet, and became famous
in the first battle. Go to Su House and challenge the heroes. If Kun Xie had
suffered a loss at Yan Wushi, I am afraid that the Turks ’arrogance will
become even more arrogant.

When they talked, they could only hear Duan Wenhao laughing, and the
dazzling Jianguang stopped for a while. Su Shi's groan came immediately,
and many people didn't even see how Duan Wenyu shot. Su I just fell off
the roof.

"Erlang!" Solvay stepped forward to help him up, "You're fine!"

Su Shi shook his head, but his face was painful but he couldn't stop

Duan Wenxuan also jumped off the roof and was very casual. The people
present did not have a good opinion of him, but he had to admit his

Solvay angered: "Duan Wenxun, you bullied me so much that I really ca

n’t do anything for my Su family?"

Duan Wenxuan said: "The county official said this was bad. The younger
brother shot first. Why is he blame me now? If you would surrender
Yuanxiong's family, I would leave immediately and never disturb."
"You are aggressive, we retreat back and forth, but you think of us as soft
persimmons. In that case, let me see how much Hulu has estimated to pass
on to you!" Mrs. Qin came out from inside, although it was already five
Xun, but perhaps because of practicing internal skills, she was not old-
fashioned, but showed a mature charm, like a middle-aged beautiful

Duan Wenji regretted: "In theory, I should also call the old lady a sister,
but unfortunately, after you escaped from Turk with the ring of the first
teacher, the first teacher has expelled you from the door. I have heard that
Master respected you You pay attention to it, and even intentionally pass
on the mantle to you, but the old lady tempted the first teacher with beauty
and then stole away. Now, in retrospect, don't you feel guilty? "

"Stop!" The Su brothers were naturally furious as he insulted his mother.

Mrs. Qin sneered: "When the grudge between me and Hulu estimates, it's
your turn to be a junior like you! It's hard to be a Turk without anyone.
Hulu estimates can only take your light and talk about it. People as
disciples? "

She said to Solvay, "Dalang, bring Erlang's sword!"

Without waiting for Solvay to move, someone said, "Why the old lady
should give up her status and compare with the Turkic barbarians. You
don't need to take any shots from you. If this person fights with the
disciples of Chunyangguan, they should end up with the people of
Chunyangguan . "

The person who spoke was Li Qingyu. He was pale and expressionless, his
tone was flat, and his murderous tone was not at all.

However, it was this tone that made Duan Wenzhen look right. He
carefully looked at Li Qingyu: "This man must be one of Qingcheng's
double princes. I think that my brother can't even compare you with a
finger You are called Qingcheng Shuanglu and you are wronged! "
Li Qingyu didn't pay attention to his provocation, but just pulled out his
sword with the sword pointing down, his wrists seemingly dangled and
raised slightly, and his whole body was lazy and casual. It didn't look as
serious as he was.

Duan Wenxun's expression gradually became serious. He didn't know

when to add a horsewhip in his hands. He was dark and slender. He didn't
know what to use to make it.

Pu Liurujian couldn't see any doorway, and couldn't help but whisper Shen
Shen: "Brother Shen, can you see anything strange about this whip?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I don't see much, what kind of whip is it?"

Pu Liurujian described it.

Shen Yan said: "If I didn't guess wrong, the whip should be soaked in the
water of the Miao Jiangbi Pharmaceutical with the skin of the South China
Sea crocodile. It is full of toughness, it is a strong weapon, and it may not
be cut off."

Pu Liurujian said, "It really has a long history. It seems that Li Gongzi is
an opponent of chess this time!"

It wasn't just him, everyone else was looking forward to it. Seeing a
wonderful confrontation was about to take place, his heart was inevitably

As soon as Pu Liuru Jian had finished saying this, Li Qingyu moved.

Li Qingyu's shot was very different from Su Shi.

Su Shi moves very fast, fast and stern, and wins fast. The sword light and
sword energy cover the enemy like a sloppy net, making the other party
nowhere to run, and even affecting the enemy's emotions. This style is
very effective for those who are less capable than him. But for a master
such as Duan Wenzhang, his deep internal skills are like a copper wall and
an iron wall, enough to ignore Su Shi's sword qi and directly beat

In contrast, Li Qingyu's movements are much slower, a little unhurried

posture. In the eyes of others, he handed out the sword flat, pulled a sword
flower, the sword tip did not even point at Duan Wenji, and He just pointed
at the ground obliquely, stretching almost lazily, like a bud blooming
slowly in the sun.

However, in Duan Wenyi's eyes, along with that sword flower, Zhen Qi
rushed from the opponent ’s body to the sword tip, and then from the
sword tip to the ground. Wherever Zhen Qi went, the blue bricks lifted,
cracks suddenly appeared, and the bricks Fragments wrapped around the
air and blasted at him!

At the same time, without waiting for Duan Wenzhang to make the next
move, Li Qingyu has risen to his feet, the sword and man are united into a
white line, depending on the other person ’s body as if there is nothing,
flint and lightning, purple and green, dry thunder Surge, break straight

From slow to fast, from slow to urgent, these changes only occur in a
moment, and those who are slightly distracted may not have time to

Duan Wenzhen pumped a whipping, and even people with a sword pumped

The two energies collided together, as if the two kings met, the wind and
clouds surged, and the river emptied the sea. The consequence was either
Li Wenyu's whip smashing Li Qingyu's sword, or Li Qingyu's sword qi
destroying Duan Wenyu's whip.

However, to everyone's surprise, Duan Wenyi's whip was completely

missed. Someone watched that Li Qingyu was clearly in the whip shadow,
but was not covered by the whip shadow, but turned into nothingness, and
then suddenly appeared behind Duan Wenyi In three places, "Li Qingyu" in
each place repeated the same action-handed out the sword tip.
At this moment, Shen Yan heard someone whispering, "Sword intention!
Li Qingyu actually became sword intention!"
Thousand Autumns: Page 43
The author has something to say:

Li Qingyu: Li Herring

Yan Wushi: Head

Li Qingyu: Li Herring ...

Yan Wushi: Head

Li Qingyu: ...... ...... Don't stop me if you have a chicken, I will chop him!
!! !! How could anyone be so cheap! !! !! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

Su Yan: Brother, calm down, you may not beat him.

Chapter 33

The sword has four realms, sword qi, sword intention, sword heart, sword

When laymen saw the sword holder's sword strength and strength, they
thought that the opponent's sword skills were advanced. In fact, this was
only the first priority of sword skills.

Of course, not even the first sword strength can be practiced by everyone.
Some people ca n’t enter their entire lives and ca n’t get a glimpse of the
door. Shen Ye was also persecuted by Yan Wushi step by step, hovering on
the edge of life and death, and then died, only to realize the meaning of the

However, Li Qingyu is young and has reached the realm of


It is only that his sword intention has just broken through, is not yet
proficient, or may not have broken through when he was on the mountain
of Xuandu, he will lose to Yu Yan by half a stroke.

All in all, once the word "sword meaning" was shouted, everyone looked at
Li Qingyu a little differently.

Yi Pichen is already the top ten in the world, and now there is another Li
Qingyu, I am afraid that the rise of the Pure Sun Temple is unstoppable.

Duan Wenji didn't sit still. Although he would not be able to tell which
"virtual image" was the real Li Qingyu at one and a half, he didn't choose
to identify it. Instead, he chose to pull the whip to the ground. To the side
of the branch, the whip rolled around the branch, and then turned around
with the help of your toes, and swooped down towards Li Qingyu,
spreading the heavy whip shadows directly, covering all the virtual
shadows directly!

Before anyone arrives, true energy has been shrouded in the shadow of the
whip shadow. No matter which "virtual shadow" is the real Li Qingyu, he
is destined to forcibly break through the "wall" built by Duan Wenji to
resolve the passive situation.

However, Duan Wenzhen's internal strength is as impressed as he is. He is

unrestrained and overbearing. He is ubiquitous, but like ice on the edge of
the cliff, hanging horns of antelopes.

The leaves in the yard were swept up by the qi, one after the other, leaving
the branches, and they quickly circled around them, wrapping the two in
the middle, making it difficult to see the battle situation.

The two did not know how they felt, but the onlookers were very nervous.

Although the people in Chunyangguan know that Li Qingyu is not a fuel-

saving lamp, they are also afraid of the situation, especially Su Shi. He has
personally met Duan Wenyu. No one knows Duan Wenyu's power better
than him. Whether we can win this game or not is still unknown.

If Duan Wenji wins Li Qingyu, I am afraid that no one will be his

opponent at the scene. Can the other party finally take away the Solway
cousin and his wife? It is still a trivial matter. If it is passed on, it will
have a strong Turkic power and destroy the Central Plains ambition. The
other party chose the intention of making trouble today.

Just as Su Shi was thinking wildly, the leaves around them suddenly
stopped and landed one after another.

I saw the two standing opposite each other, Li Qingyu was still standing in
place, but the sword originally held in his hand fell not far away. In
contrast, Duan Wenyu, his whip was still steady.

The two looked as usual, showing no signs of injury, Li Qingyu's face was
expressionless, and Duan Wenyi was the same as before.

Everyone looked a little confused.

The latter laughed and said, "Li Gongzi really deserves his name. He has
reached the state of" sword meaning "at a young age. The achievements in
the future are boundless.

Li Qingyu slowly said, "It's because I'm not as good as anyone. There is
nothing to say."

The crowd couldn't help but be surprised, looked at Duan Wenji, and then
looked at Li Qingyu.

One said "Ganbai downwind" and the other said "Inferior to others", who
won and who lost?

Duan Wenzhang laughed: "I was originally asking for people. I never
thought about it, but I had the opportunity to learn from the most famous
up-and-coming star today. This trip is not worthless!"

Xie Xiang suddenly said: "If Brother Duan is not done, Linchuan Xuegong
would also like to accompany one or two."

Duan Wenxuan looked around and said with pride: "What about Linchuan
Academy, you ca n’t beat me, and it ’s almost enough for Ruyi Kehui to
come here. I heard that there are many talents here, Linchuan Academy,
Chunyang Temple, Liuhe Gang, all of which are in the Central Plains.
Wulin's famous martial arts and gangs, I came to pay homage to the
meeting with respect, who knows not to be as well-known, but it's too
much exaggeration. Today, besides Li Gongzi who can be my opponent,
the rest are waiting, but Seoul. "

After all, he paused: "Ah, I almost forgot, and there is a Shen Zhang
teacher, your level may be higher than them, but that was before the defeat
of my teacher and brother, now Shen Yan, But it ’s a toothless tiger. You
Central Plains have something to say about it. Tigers and Pingyang are
being bullied by dogs. If you are like this, Xuandu Mountain ca n’t be
returned. You have to rely on the protection of Yan Zongzhu, not even a
bereavement dog. If I were You've been ashamed and killed yourself early,
where can there be a face in the world? "

Although there was a smile on his face, the stare at Shen Shen was
extremely indifferent.

Obviously, in his eyes, Shen Yun is no longer an "opponent", but an

insignificant "passer" or "waste".

Such public shame, if put on himself, Pu Liurujian feels that he can't stand
it, but Shen Yan has a low eyebrow and winks, as if he didn't hear it, it is
more like standing asleep. Cultivation, while admiring, also makes people
look down.

Duan Wenyi said that Shen Yun and Xie Xiang could ignore it, but the
other side regarded Linchuan Xuegong as nothing, but Xie Xiang could not
pretend to be inaudible. When listening to Duan Wenyi's tone, it seemed
that only Chunyang was regarded as an opponent, and the rest were not. In
his eyes, Xie Xiang sneered, waiting for an attack.

Solvay said: "Duan Wenyi, you use your mother's birthday party as a
martial arts field, and it's enough trouble. You come here on behalf of the
queen, and I will take care of your affairs today. Please leave here now!"

Duan Wenxi smiled: "I have been teaching Li Gongzi's swordsmanship,

and I'm satisfied. Even if Meiyang County doesn't rush me, I will go too.
We will have a period later!"

After speaking, he turned and walked away. Xie Xiang couldn't bear it
anymore: "Stop, Xie Xiang, Linchuan Academy, and also ask Brother Duan
for advice!"

The words did not fall, the sword was out of the sheath, and the whole
person flew away as a Changhong.

However, Duan Wenyi seemed to have anticipated his actions and didn't
even return his head. The tiptoe went directly to the roof, then disappeared
without a trace, leaving only a long laugh: "Xie Langjun wanted to borrow
me to become famous, but I'm sorry I do n’t want to be with you, wait
until you also practice 'sword meaning', haha! "

Without the goal, Xie Xiang could only collect his sword and land, looking
at the direction in which the other party disappeared.

But there was someone who was surprised and said, "Li Gongzi, you're

The crowd looked at it with a sound, Li Qingyu took out the papa, spit
blood on it, and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I just got some internal
injuries and can be recuperated for a few days."

Only then did anyone know what he meant by "skills are not as good as
people". If Li Qingyu's practice of "sword meaning" is not Duan Wenmao's
opponent, then how much martial art is this man? Is it the second Hulu

Thinking of this, can not help but startled.

Xie Xiang was also sinking.

He claims that his qualifications are not bad. In the past few years, the
opponents he encountered in walking the rivers and lakes have given him
the illusion that even if he has not yet entered the top ten in the world, he
should not be worse. Who knows? Come, there is Li Qingyu who has
become a "sword-like" state before, and later there is Duan Wenyu who is
even more powerful than Li Qingyu. The world is out of my generation,
but among my generation, a new generation replaces the old one, but one
mountain is still one mountain high .

He was a little intrigued here, but Li Qingyu over there had already come
to Shen Yan: "Shen palm teaches."

Shen Yun: "Shen is no longer in charge of teaching, Li Gongzi doesn't have

to call him that."

Li Qingyu ignored it, and Wu went on to say: "I have become a sword-like
state, but he is slightly inferior to Duan Wenyi. Is his teacher Kun Xie far
better than Duan Wenyi?"

Shen Zheng shook his head: "Although Kun Xie's martial arts skills are
high, he is not as good as Duan Wenji."

Li Qingyu: "In the past, Qi Fengge was the first in the world. The martial
arts style is desirable. Shen Zhangjiao, as his heir to the family, cannot
beat Kun Xie."

Shen Yun was silent.

Li Qingyu sighed in a low voice: "I haven't given birth to a prince, my

prince is old. I wish I could see the martial arts style of Qi Fengge with my
own eyes. I thought that Xuandu Mountain was followed by someone. It's
a pity!

He still looked faint, but when he said that it was a pity, he could make
people feel that his voice was so real.

This is a man who is sincere to martial arts. He will not look down on
those who have bad talents or fail to worship a good master. In Li Qingyu's
view, Shen Yun has both. The innate and acquired conditions are unknown
than others. How much better, but still ended up with such a result, he not
only underestimated Shen, but also a kind of faint anger.
First, Duan Wenyi's contempt, then Li Qingyu's sigh, not to mention the
strange eyes cast by people around, etc., whoever is a little bloody, don't
talk about the anger, at least he will change his face, and stay here without
face .

Shen Xun just can't bear what people can't bear, or he doesn't bear it at all.
He still does not waver, looks as usual, and even nods, agreeing with Li
Qingyu's words: "The master is indeed extraordinary and rare, It's a pity
that Li Gongzi couldn't meet him before his old man died. Otherwise, Li
Gongzi's astonishment will be brilliant and he will be praised by his
teacher. "

Being able to say such a thing, by the way, underestimated the other
person's evaluation of himself, and even Pu Liurujian couldn't help but
admire Shen's cultivation.

Li Qingyu didn't seem to expect Shen Yun to react so, he said lightly:
"Qing Benjia, how can you dance with the demon and be willing to fall."
Thousand Autumns: Page 44
This "devil" naturally refers to Yan Wushi.

Shen Xuan had a good way to teach, but he fell into a mess with "devil
heads" like Yan Wushi. In the eyes of others, naturally he was degraded.

However, Yan Wushi, who was regarded by the Jianghumen School as the
Lord of the Demons, was a princely prince, the master of the emperor, and
Pu Liuru frowned slightly, without waiting for Shen to answer. , But the
more talented should be more jealous. Shen Langjun is not healthy and has
not offended you. Your exit is so aggressive and it seems that it has the
style of a bad name! "

Li Qingyu glanced at Pu Liurujian, but he kept his mouth shut, but didn't
stay too much, turned around and left.

Solvay stopped him, gave him a gift, and then exclaimed, "Today ’s
birthday feast was defeated by the uninvited guests, all because of the Su
family, thank you for coming forward, supporting each other for justice,
and the younger brother was injured. I have to stop midway, and I am here
to apologize to you and re-enter the banquet in the future, and I apologize.

No one would have expected today's events. Naturally, everyone would not
blame the host family, but they comforted him. Some family members
who were better with the Su family, also talked with him about neglecting
to sue the emperor.

Some guests left in succession, and Li Qingyu was invited by Mrs. Qin's
maid to go for treatment and rest.

Pu Liurujian said to Shen Wei: "Brother Shen, let's go?"

Shen Yushou, still have time to speak, but a change has already happened!
"Just as soon as I left, I remembered a method. If you refuse to surrender
the Yuanxiong couple, then I will invite the old lady as a guest to see if
you think your mother is important, or cousin is important!"

The sound came from far and near, but it sounded as if it sounded in
everyone's ears. It was extremely clear.

The faces of the two brothers, Solvay and Suhan, have changed greatly.
The former has no power to bind chickens, and is a purely scholar. The
latter has just lost the battle under Duan Wenhuan. His right hand is still
unable to move. Pounced towards her mother.

But he was too close in the future, and people suddenly flew out in the
opposite direction and fell heavily on the ground, and others could not
even see how he was injured!

Duan Wenzhen went and returned, no one expected.

But if you think about it, when you left, you didn't even agree to give up
the matter of asking the Yuanxiong couple.

In these critical moments, it is useless to blame him for not keeping his
promises and being shameless and shameless. Even the world and the
world are nothing but weak and strong. If the strong is the king, the fist is
the big one.

So when Su Shifei went out, Li Qingyu, Dou Yanshan, Xie Xiang, and
others all shot in unison to stop Duan Wenyu.

These people are all first-class masters in the world today. Even if there is
still some distance from the top ten in the world, this distance will not be
too large. Like Li Qingyu, it is likely that he is already qualified to be
among the top ten. Maybe a bit inferior to Duan Wenji, but at the moment
several people are shooting together, and there is no reason to miss.

But they just miscalculated.

Duan Wenji didn't go to catch Mrs. Qin, but changed her target halfway,
and went directly to Solvay!

In the past, Mrs. Qin worshiped at the Hulu estimates. Even if she hadn't
shot for many years, the martial arts must not have been worse, but Solvay
was different. This Meiyang County official is a real literati. The action is
crisp and clear, without any hesitation, and it can be seen that my mind has
already achieved success, just just a trick.

The crowd slowed for a while, and was stopped for a moment by a swipe
of the other's robe sleeve. To be shot again, Duan Wenyi's five fingers had
reached the neck of Solvay. They were Da Luo immortals and could not
wait to rescue them.

Su Shi could not help but scream: "Brother!"

Mrs. Qin's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Hurt my son!"

Duan Wenji suddenly made a noise.

Not because of the shouts of Su Shi and Mrs. Qin, but also because Li
Qingyu and others arrived in time.

A bamboo stick sticking out in front of him, without knowing where it

came from.

Duan Wenyi reached out his hand subconsciously to poke away, but the
other party always slipped away. He slipped like a loach and did not slip
away. It was incompetent. His energy was wavy with the movement of the
bamboo sticks, layered, although not overbearing but long. Powerful,
forcing Duan Wenji to temporarily abandon Solvay and focus on dealing
with this sudden opponent.

When he saw who his opponent was, the surprise was almost overflowing.

Chapter 34

Shen Ye still squinted his eyes and looked calm and calm. From the
outsider's perspective, the bamboo stick in his hands was as he pleased,
and he seemed to knock wherever he wanted to. There is no rule at all.

However, this way of playing without a rule made Duan Wenxun dare not
to neglect his expression. His expression was even more dignified than
when he had confronted Li Qingyu. The two had already done a hundred
moves in an instant, from the ground to the roof, and from From the roof
to the tree, the body is erratic, the light and shadow fluctuate, and
sometimes it is slow and stern, and it is incredible to fight each other, and
those who are slightly worse in martial arts cannot identify each move.

And it seems that so far, there is no sign of falling wind.

While Duan Wenzhen didn't have time to pay attention to them, the Su
family hurried forward to protect the Solvay regiment, and Su Shi again
sent his mother and brother back to the inner room, but he forcibly stayed

Everyone looked more and more surprised. No one was more surprised
than Duan Wenji.

Before, Shen Yun did not have an attack under the sigh of Duan Wenyu and
Li Qingyu. Everyone thought it was normal, because it was not only Duan
Wenyu, but other people also felt Shen was in this situation. In fact, it was
almost half ruined. The reputation can be rebuilt. It is difficult to recover.
A person without martial arts cannot stand on the rivers and lakes. If he
can only rely on others to protect him, no matter how powerful the people
who protect him are, they are considered waste by others. Everyone has
the right to look down on him. .

But it was such a "waste person" that he did something that even the vast
majority of people in the field couldn't do-not only did he stop Duan
Wenji, but he was also able to draw a tie with the opponent.

Many people can't help thinking at this time: Xuandu Shanzhangjiao is

Xuandushanzhangjiao after all. Even though the title of the first door in
the world is much touted, it is not without reason that Shen Huan can
become the heir of Qi Fengge.
But then again, if he can be on par with Duan Wenji, how could he lose to
Kun Xie before and end up like that, is there another hidden affair?

The chaos of thoughts passed by everyone's minds, and more people

watched the two move intently, for fear of missing the slightest bit, only to
feel wonderful, not inferior to Li Duan's rivalry.

Shen Yu in the war circle, but not as easy as outsiders imagine.

In fact, Duan Wenzheng is indeed very strong, and his martial arts is
indeed above Kunxie, which cannot be faked.

The reason why Shen Zhen can persist for so long is that he has the five
successes to make the bottom, and the second is that Duan Wenji had
played against Li Qingyu before, and he did get a little hurt. The number
of battles, even the stars of the heavens, is subtle and unpredictable. Duan
Wenji has not touched it, and he will inevitably miss the opportunity and
be taken in.

Outsiders looked at the flowers, and Duan Wenzheng whip one after
another. The whip whip is like a thunderous and unstoppable. The
overbearing and indomitable spirit was imposed on Shen Zhe's head with
the whip shadow, making his pressure one after another, like fragile
porcelain. Although it is pretty, it is about to crack and is vulnerable.

With a snapping sound, the bamboo stick broke into two voices, and Li
Qingyu immediately threw Qiushui Jian in his hand towards Shen Yan:

Shen Yan listened to the sound to identify the position, did not turn his
head, reached out to catch it steadily, the sword gas swayed, unbiased, just
chopped from the opponent's nine lashes.

Suddenly, the mountain landslides, thousands of people compete for the

current, and the river rushes away. There is nothing to stop!

Duan Wenquan's face changed slightly, and he had to retreat with ease. The
whip shadow disappeared instantly and was replaced by a white light.
This white light is not sword spirit, just because it is invisible and
innocent, and it has no sense of authenticity. It flutters like a soft ribbon,
but it follows the shadow, as if it has its own consciousness, and goes
straight to Duan Wenyu.

"What's this, is it sword qi?" Zhanzi couldn't help but said in surprise.

"No, it's Jianyi." It was his brother Xie Xiang who answered him.

Zhan Ziqian: "How is it different from what Li Qingyu made just now?"

Xie Xiang: "Li Qingyu's invisible sword intention, but this is a tangible
sword intention."

Zhan Ziqian: "The intangible is better than the tangible, so is Li Qingyu


Xie Xiang: "Sword meaning is intangible, why is it that the invisible is

better than the tangible? If one can cultivate a tangible sword meaning, it
means that this person has the essence of kendo and is not far from the
state of sword heart!"

Zhanzi realized suddenly that he rose from favoritism to worship when he

was alive.

Duan Wenji retreated by dozens of steps. However, Bai Jianyi seemed

weak and boneless, but he did not diminish his edge, and he did not
hesitate to stop.

The whip tail meets Jianyi. This whip made from South China crocodile
skin and dozens of medicinal materials was actually cut off by Jianyi!

Duan Wenyi's complexion changed slightly, and the palms fluttered toward
the sword. When the clouds rose from the cliff, he ran across the river, and
met the water and the sky. The vastness turned into chaos, which made
people wonder where they were!

The gigantic giant wave turned towards the nature and swept in all
directions. The seeer retreated without change, and waited a few steps
before he realized that the wave was not a real wave, but a remnant like a

Everyone came back to God, but there was still a sense of Mori Han's
steam on his face, and he realized the power of Jianyi.

Zhan Ziqian thought it was interesting. He couldn't help but wipe it on his
face. Naturally, he had nothing on his hands, but Xie Xiang said to him,
"This is because his physical sword intention has not yet been reached. It
is difficult to guarantee that bystanders will not be harmed when they
reach perfection. "

Zhan Ziqian has always admired the insight of this younger brother. When
he heard it, he asked, "I look at his inner strength and his energy seem to
be inconsistent with the sword's meaning. What's going on?"

Xie Xiang sighed, his eyes still fell on the field: "He should be suffering
from old diseases, and his internal strength is not as good as before. Even
if he has developed swordsmanship, he will not be able to exert the best
state of swordsmanship, I am afraid it will not last long."
Thousand Autumns: Page 45
Zhan Zi looked eagerly towards Shen Yun. He had a good impression on
Shen Yun. Naturally, he didn't want the other side to lose, but it was only
in the shadow of the sword, but it was hard to look at the two.

Duan Wenzhang was a little tired, his whip was cut a bit, and he was
injured in the battle with Li Qingyu before. At this time, he had regretted
looking down at Shen Zhe, even though his opponent was a bit weak, but
his sword was extremely powerful. No matter how strong Duan Wenji ’s
internal force is, he ca n’t continue to output. Seeing that the sword ’s
color has risen sharply, he ’s afraid that there will be a comeback. When he
is no longer in love, he backs up and laughs: “Shen Zhangjiao is well-
deserved. It ’s empty, and I ’ll come back to discuss it later, do n’t stop
there! ”

He wanted to leave, and no one could stop him. Although he was born in
Turkic, he had an unusually high level of skill. He had a strange path and a
strange body, and no one was present at the scene.

Shen Yan did not catch up.

He is the only one who has played against both Kun Xie and Duan Wenyu.

Kun Xie's martial arts is not high, but if Shen Yan has not been poisoned
by secret calculations, the half-step battle, the defeated person must be
Kun Xie.

However, Duan Wenyi is different. Although Shen Wu ’s martial arts loss

has been reduced by half, and his vision is still there, this opponent ’s
horrible degree surprised Shen Ye. Although he seems to have the upper
hand, he has not been able to test the opponent ’s limits. If he just fights
again, he will be at the end of the crossbow. Shen Ye will definitely lose,
but Duan Wenji chose to withdraw at this time.
He stood still and adjusted his breath, and found that he had consumed
most of his vitality just now that he had used the visible sword. At this
time, his body was very weak, and he could barely keep walking around,
and couldn't help laughing secretly.

Li Qingyu walked in front of him: "Shen Palm teaches."

Shen Xuan handed the Qiushui sword in his hand back, "Thanks to Li
Gongzi for borrowing the sword, but unfortunately Shenmou's skill is
poor, and this good sword was humiliated."

Li Qingyu took the sword: "We just said a word, don't take it to heart."

At first glance he was a man who seldom whispered, and even apologized
a little stiffly.

Shen Chen smiled: "Li Gongzi is polite. If you don't borrow the sword in
time, I'm afraid it's already in the corpse."

His eyes faintly saw some scenes. Over time, he developed the habit of
squinting and looking at personnel. Even so, his eyes remained stunned,
but in the sun there seemed to be a ripple of luster, which made all the
viewers sigh.

Li Qingyu looked at him for a moment, and suddenly said, "If you have no
place to go, Chunyangguan can provide a place to live, and you don't have
to be wronged to leave someone under the fence and attach to people you
don't like."

On the side, Su Shi could n’t help but be surprised. Chunyangguan did n’t
know that this master ’s heart was as hard as iron. He only valued martial
arts. Maybe it ’s a little bit warmer to the Master and fellow brothers. I
have never heard him leave a sham on someone, let alone invite anyone to
return to Chunyang to watch and live, but I do n’t know how Shen ’s life is
so different.

Shen Ye also seemed a little surprised. After a moment's smirk, he laughed

and said, "Thank you, Li Gongzi."
Xie thanked him, but didn't say he needed it, he just declined.

Pingshui met, and they didn't have much friendship with each other. Shen
Yun didn't want to trouble Chunyang because of his own affairs.

Li Qingyu nodded, without further comment, and left with his sword.

Everyone didn't say just before the mouth, and it was inevitable that he
could not see the disappointed former teacher, but when Shen Yan and
Duan Wenzhen confronted him, such an idea disappeared.

Even if Shen Yan had taken advantage of the backhand, in that case, if he
did n’t take the shot, who could stop the next paragraph?

Who would dare to say that he would surely make Duan Wenyi retreat?

Mrs. Qin came over with the help of the servant, and took Solvay Su to
give Shen a gift: "Thank you Mr. Shen for helping me in time to save my
child, and please worship me!"

Shen Ye helped her: "The old lady doesn't have to be polite, Duan Wenyi
goes back and returns, wanting to take the publicity of Meiyang County, it
is unavoidable to be kind. I have to help when I came to the house.

Mrs. Qin: "Anyway, from now on, you will be the benefactor of Su House.
The door of Su House will always be open for you. If Mr. Shen has any
requirements, Su House will do its best to do it for you."

Even though the Su family may not be able to do that much, it is clear that
Mrs. Qin can sincerely make such a promise.

A birthday banquet was ended by Duan Wenxun's intervention. Everyone

came along and went back. Pu Liurujian and Shen Zhen went out of the
Soviet Union together, and invited him to choose a day to come as a guest.
Then he left.

Shen Ye was about to get on the carriage, but Zhan Zi shouted, "Shen
Langjun stayed!"
Zhan Zi piqued: "I have always wanted to talk to you, but I couldn't find a
chance. Please promise me a request!"

Shen Weiqi said: "What is so serious?"

Zhan Zi said with a smile: "I want to ask you to allow me to put you in the

Shen Yun: "Into the painting?"

Zhan Ziqian: "Exactly, I have always loved Danqing. I like to draw fairy
figures most, but there are many beings in this world, and who is the real
fairy. Until I see Shen Langjun, I feel you and the fairy figure in my heart.
It ’s the closest, so would you please let me copy? ”

The strange request that Shen Yan has seen has been worth ten million
yuan, and he has never encountered anyone who wanted him to enter the
painting. For a moment, he couldn't help crying or laughing, and I didn't
know how to answer.

Without waiting for Zhan Ziqian to persuade him further, Xie Xiang has
come over: "Shen Langjun, don't want to see strange people, my brother
likes to be crazy, always!"

He said that he would leave when he grabbed Zhan Ziqian's arm.

Zhan Zi screamed twice, but Xie Xiang's strength, he had to frequently

turn back and shout to Shen Yan: "Shen Langjun, please don't leave the
capital too soon, Zhan must visit you on a different day!"

Shen Yan smiled and shook his head, turned back on the carriage, took out
a puddle of blood and spit on it, and immediately followed his

Duan Wenyi was injured by his sword. It took him about half a month to
recover. He couldn't take any advantage himself, and it hurt his vitality, but
he only endured it.
Xie Xiang must have seen this, so Zhan Ziqian was not allowed to entangle
too much.

Yan Wushi is very luxurious, the people below are doing what he likes,
and the car is comfortably and gorgeously arranged. Shen Yan lets the
driver go back to the Shaofu Mansion without having to make a cover.
Eyebrows, unconsciously passed out.

Because of the exhaustion, this sleep was very heavy, and I didn't know the
foreign affairs. When I woke up, I found that the wheels beneath me
seemed to be rolling, and my heart was slightly sinking.

He lifted the curtain to look out, and faintly saw that the carriage seemed
to have left the city and had been driving in the suburbs. In short, it would
definitely not be the road back to Shaoshifu.

"Old Wei, but you outside?"

No one answered, but the speed slowed down until it stopped completely.

The driver turned his head back, still wearing old Wei's clothes, but
changed his face, beautiful and pretty, with dimples on his cheeks when
not smiling.

Even if he couldn't see clearly, as soon as the other party spoke, Shen Ye
knew who it was.

"I didn't say that the guards of the Soviet House were really ordinary. I
wore Lao Wei's clothes and wore a dagger on my head. As long as the
sound was a little bit like that, I didn't even have to change my makeup,
they would have no doubt. Anyone can come and go as you please. You
help people drive Duan Wenxuan away once, but he won't leave the second
time. "

Shen Yun: "Where is Old Wei?"

Bai Rongjiao: "Shen Zhang taught how to know to care about an old
woman, a big beauty in the slave's house is in front of you, and you don't
care about me? It's dead, naturally, I'm killed!"

Shen Yan smiled: "I talked a lot. I don't need to ask this one. A smart
person like you won't have trouble with Yan Wushi for a driver."

Bai Rong grinned: "I even stunned you, let alone a driver. Are you afraid
that I will not tell the truth? Okay, let me tell you anyway, such a small
person, I did not kill Because of his interest, I was fainted and thrown into
the Sujia stables, so he died on his own, and I was ignored by being
trampled by the horse! But then again, Yan Wushi treats you not so much,
knowing you Now that I'm in poor health, I vomit blood and faint at every
turn, and let only one driver follow me. Did you think of today? "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "My relationship with Yan Wushi is not what
you think. You don't have to deliberately solicit. The little lady brought me
here. What is there to do?"

Bai Rong suddenly stepped forward, the warm scent of fragrance was close
at hand, Shen Yan subconsciously frowned, and the other side reached out
to catch him. His bamboo stick was cut off in Sue, at this time he blocked
it empty-handed. The two sides blinked dozens of tricks.

The white velvet shoots extremely quickly, and the fingers change like
countless flowers. In a single breath, this flower has gone through the
process from bud to full bloom, and from bloom to wither. For a moment.

However, the exquisite "Qing Lian Yin" was actually blocked by Shen Yan.
The other party seemed to have expected every action of her, no sooner or
later, just a little faster than Bai Rong every time.

Bai Rong didn't see Shen Yan fighting with Duan Wenzhen. In her
impression, the opponent was still in a state of serious injury and
weakness in Huaizhou City. At this time, she saw that her proud "Green
Lotus Seal" was completely blocked by Shen Yan. Unsurprising.

"When I heard people say you killed my brother, I didn't believe it. Now it
seems true. Has your martial art recovered?"
After saying this, Bai Rong avoided the palm wind posed by the other side,
turned around behind Shen Yan, nodded to the other side's acupuncture
point, and suddenly hugged him from behind and hugged his head around
him: "I'm obviously a Taoist, but Born so beautifully, how can you let us
people in the magic gate mix? "

As he said, he kissed him on the tip of his nose!

This series of movements happened too quickly, Shen Yun's vitality was
severely injured, and it was reluctant to cross her, but she did not expect
that she would act like this. She immediately surprised the boss, and her
face was shocked.

Bai Rong giggled: "I wanted to do this from the day I saw you, and I
finally got what I wanted!"

The acupuncture point is restrained, can not move, Shen Zhi simply gives
up and struggles unnecessarily: "How are you going?"

Bai Rong: "You killed Huo Xijing, and asked me how you want to be
treated. Huo Xijing's flattery is good, and Master likes him. When this
happened, his old man was very angry, and let me take you back to dispose
of it. ! "

The more she looked, the more she looked beautiful. He and Hua were
beautiful regardless of their gender, but because of practicing charm and
doing everything they could not care about, it was impossible for them to
feel cold and dusty.
Thousand Autumns: Page 46
If it is said that all the Acacia sects are succubus immersed in the red dust
of Liuyu, then Shen Yu is like a statue that is high above the temple
without sorrow and joy.

But the more so for the blasphemer, the more they want to defile the idol.

Bai Rong happily said, "But I'm a little bit reluctant now. You are so
beautiful in your life and fall into the hands of my Master. I'm afraid that I
will be tortured and deshed if I don't die. The content of the last" Zhu
Yangce "is deliberate I do n’t remember much. If you would compare it
with me and listen to me again, I would let you go and say to Master that I
ca n’t beat Lord Yan, how? ”

Shen Yun: "Xuandushan has" Zhu Yangce "soul scrolls. You know that I
am Shen Yan, why don't you let me carry the soul scrolls back to you?"

Bai Rong laughed: "Do you think I'm stupid? I haven't heard of
Wanderlust. You just shuffled the order. I don't know if it's true or false. I
just remembered most of them. , But I ca n’t remember it all. If you
deliberately confuse the order, I'll be able to tell the difference. "

Shen Yun: "What if I refuse to cooperate?"

Bai Rongjiao Didi said: "The slave family had to give you to the master,
wouldn't you have never heard of my master Sang Jingxing's reputation?
He is even more cruel than my brother Huo Xijing. Bogey, I like to make
up for it. I also like to torture people in the bed. I wouldn't dare to imagine
that a beauty like you would fall into his hands. "

Shen Yan sighed: "You all treat me as a tiger, and you are bullied, so if you
want to do whatever you want, you will treat me as something in your
pocket. In this case, how dare I not cheer up, even if I don't want to fish
others, at least Do n’t let anyone fish! ”
Bai Rong stunned for a while, and had time to understand the meaning of
Shen 峤 's sentence in the future, and then saw that the other party
suddenly shot, and the long forefinger pointed at her!

"Spring water **** ?! How can you spring water fingering!"

The velvet horror changed color and receded.

Chapter 35

This can't really be blamed for Bairong to make a fuss, but the people in
the demon's fear of Yan Wushi is too deep.

Before Yan Wushi had closed the retreat, he had singled out three magic
gates with one person. The Mirror Sect was destroyed by nearly half of his
elites, and the Acacia sect was also very injured. It almost made him
unified the magic gate. If it wasn't for the defeat with Cui Youzhe later,
and retreat was needed for retreat, the three cases today still do not know
what the situation is.

Rao is so. Everyone really has a bun that is engraved in his bones.

Bai Rong was not old and was not qualified to fight with Yan Wushi. Not
long ago, she was instructed to want to account for Yan Wushi's big
disciple, Bian Yanmei, but she happened to be met by Yan Wushi. A life
escaped, and after that, he got a deeper understanding of the name "Devil".

If she was not alone today, she would never dare to take this risk to step

At the moment, she saw that Shen Yun had used the "spring water
fingering", and the fear of escape in the past a few days ago came out of
her heart.

With this guidance, Bai Rong didn't dare to make a hard connection, but
ducked back, but the ducks who were unwilling to reach it flew away in
vain, sticking to the car wall like a loach, making a big bend, trying to
make it from behind Live Shen Yan.
No one knew that Shen Yan also had eyes behind him, pointed his index
finger, turned into a palm in the middle, soft and erratic, almost powerless,
but the deep and deep internal force contained in it was definitely not to be
underestimated by Bairong.

This is the end of it. She still doesn't know where she despised people and
turned the boat in the gutter. Then she saw Shen Ye vomiting blood in the
carriage. She thought the other party was at the end of the crossbow.

Bai Rong's palm is soft and tender, beautiful and exquisite, enough to
make any man feel pity and can't bear to start, but Shen Yan is the
exception, because he can't see, all the charm based on hue has no effect
on him.

On the palms of the two men, each other was silent and without a trace of
fireworks. It was more like a woman coquettishly to a loved one than a

Bai Rong just felt that her chest was blown hard. She opened her eyes in
disbelief, gritted her teeth, and slaps the other hand on the carriage. The
carriage burst apart in an instant, and the horse ran forward in horror. The
horse fell, pulling the reins tightly, and the mad horse hissed and had to
slowly slow down.

A low sigh came from behind him: "Shen Lang is a passionate and gentle
person. He wouldn't even hurt a horse. I was a little jealous of Lord Yan!"

Seeing Shen Yan distracted to restrain the horse, Bai Rong refused to give
up, and chased him up from behind. She spoke affectionately, but did not
prevent her from being cruel. She slaps Shen Shen's back directly, thinking
that even if It's okay to kill someone. Anyway, there is still a tone. If you
can open your mouth to speak, you can roll back the delusion!

Shen Yan also sighed, instead of turning around, he bent over and slid
down, slid directly to the side of the horse's back, grabbed the rein with his
hand, and pressed the horse down with the other hand, in order to avoid it
from the pond of the fish. As soon as the horse lay down, his toes were a
little on the ground, and the whole man greeted up towards Bairong.
Bai Rong suffered a loss, and where did he dare to face him again?
Immediately, his palms retreated, plunged into the woods, leaving only a
string of laughter: "Shen Lang was willing to rescue a horse, but he did so
to me Heartless, I will come to you again in the future! "

After confirming that the other party had finally walked away, Shen Ye had
no strength to stand. The whole man leaned on the horse's back and bent
down, and his knees fell to the ground.

The horse lay on the ground, finally calmed down, howled twice, looked at
him with a tilted head, and his watery eyes were puzzled.

Shen Min patted it gently: "I'm sorry, it hurt you ..."

Before he finished speaking, a spit of blood poured into his throat, and the
pressure could not be suppressed. He subconsciously covered his mouth,
but the blood overflowed from his fingers.

Shen Zhi simply let go, let the blood spit out, and then raised his sleeve to
wipe the blood off the corner of his lips.

He exhaled, but felt his head faint, his ears buzzing, his head heavy, and he
just wanted to fall down and close his eyes and never ask foreign affairs

This state is no stranger. After being injured, his body is often so weak and
weak. With the recovery of martial arts, this situation has not improved.
On the one hand, he frequently used the hands to cause injuries to the
meridians and the pace of repair could not keep up. The speed of the
injury, on the other hand, he encountered a bottleneck when practicing
"Zhu Yangce", and had not made progress for a long time, but
Xuandushan's original internal power alone could not cure his damaged

But the habit returned to his habit, and his body was still very
uncomfortable. He had to rest with his eyes narrow, and wanted to wait for
this dizzy and uncomfortable feeling to pass, otherwise he would not be
able to ride back to the city in his state. .
However, at this moment, he heard someone speaking not far away: "Shen
Zhangjiao, I wonder if you ever heard a sentence that told the mantis to
catch cicadas, and the yellow bird is behind?"

The voice was not high or low, and instead of deliberately showing off his
strength, he asked politely.

As if to ask for directions, not to find fault.

Shen Yan didn't open his eyes, but just mutely said, "The sound under my
feet is a bit strange, I never seem to meet."

The visitor was polite: "Yes, this is the first time we have met. I didn't
expect Shiitake to be one step faster than me. Fortunately, Shiitake is one
step faster. Otherwise, it is definitely not me to pick up the bargain now.
You're fine stop?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I can't stand, it's rude."

The other person is very considerate: "It doesn't matter."

That being said, there is no meaning to come over to help, but they do not

Shen Yan sighed, "I don't know the name of Gao."

The other laughed: "I saw Shen Zhangjiao as I did before, and only after
admiring the style, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I have a wide
family name. People in Hexi now have a erratic residence."

This surname is very uncommon and can be counted on a slap.

Shen Wei said: "Shen Mo Ho De He Neng, actually the master of the Labor
Law Mirror Sect came in person?"

Guangling San: "Guangmou has been admiring Shen Zhang for a long
time, but unfortunately he didn't meet each other until today. Hearing Shen
Zhang's teachings, Guangmou deeply regretted it. I didn't expect to see
you in a losing streak today. Fortunately even! "
Shen Chen smiled bitterly: "Stop the lord Su Guang, don't drop the book
bag, if you can say something directly, otherwise if I can't hold it, I won't
hear what you want to say."

I don't need to experience it personally, and I know he must be very

distressed now, but seeing him can still talk and laugh, Guang Lingsan felt
a bit admired.

Guangling San: "The Lord Yan took one thing from the Fajing Sect, but it
hasn't been returned yet. I had to ask Shen Zhang to teach him to the
Fajing Sect."

Shen Yun: "I'm afraid you're going to lose it. I have nothing to do with
wasting food in Guangzong. The pair of chopsticks used by Yanzong is
probably worth more than me."

He was struggling to say a word now, and he closed his eyes barely after
finishing the sentence, his eyebrows were slightly raised, his face was
extremely pale, as if the next moment he was about to lose his breath.

Guang Lingsan was also afraid that he might accidentally hang up, and he
stretched out his hands and wanted to test the pulse of the other side to
keep his breath alive.

The hand just touched the opponent's wrist, but he suddenly moved
slightly and retreated ten feet!

Just in the place where Guangling San had just stood, a shallow pothole
appeared on the ground.

"External people say that Lord Zong Yan found the injured Shen Zhangjiao
and intended to humiliate the other side and treat him as imprisonment.
Now it seems that it is not the case!" Guangling groaned with a smile.

Yan Wushi glanced at Shen Yan, who did not know whether he was asleep
or fainted. He had a large pool of blood on his cuffs, his hands were
dangling softly, and he closed his eyes unknowingly.
His eyes returned to Guangling San: "I haven't been in the past few years,
the Fa Jing Zong was actually suppressed by the Acacia Sect in the Central
Plains and had nowhere to stay, and he had to go far and spit, and you, the
Sovereign, would be too incompetent."

Guangling said with a smile: "I am naturally not as capable as Lord Yan,
and I can teach in front of Xuandu Mountain. I can both warm the bed and
tonic, and can also be used as a tool to test martial arts. Everyone was
envious of not being envious. I had wanted to borrow it for a few days. I
never thought that Lord Zeng would attach so much importance to it.

He is dressed as a scholar, and he is also gentle and gentle, but he speaks

in a typical style of the magic gate, and he speaks without fear.

Yan Wushi: "I've heard that the Fajing Sect has been successful in
Tuyuhun in the past few years, and even Kalükhan has obeyed you. The
emperor is far away, and it's truly like a fish."

When he spoke, his tone was mostly with a slight mockery. Grumpy
people were afraid to be angry at the first hearing, but helpless Yan Wushi
was very high in martial arts, and he could not beat, but over time, this
tone became some kind of his mark. Already.
Thousand Autumns: Page 47
Guang Ling smiled lightly: "Compared to Lord Zong, who was heavily
reused by Lord Zhou, your yue month sect is in the Northern Zhou
Dynasty, Hehuan Zong monopolizes Qi Emperor, and the Chen Dynasty in
the south also has the Linchuan Academy. The Fa Jing Sect is weak and
has no choice but to go far away. "

Yan Wushi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Since this is the case, you are not
operating in Tuyuhunsheng, why run to the Zhou Dynasty?"

Guangling San: "Naturally, I came to Lord Yan, and I hope Lord Yan can
return the Fragrant Dust Bones to the Fa Jingzong."

Yan Wushi yelled: "Alright? Then your name is engraved on it?"

Guangling scattered cold road: "This thing was originally owned by the
first division, why not me?"

Yan Wushi smiled haha: "Ten years ago, you didn't dare to talk to this
person, did you suddenly eat countless ambitious leopards in ten years?"

Although the rivers and lakes pay attention to the strong, they still have a
layer of ethical and ethical window covering. In the magic gate, the
principle is exerted to the extreme. If you have strong strength, you
naturally have anything. Weakness is no wonder that you are dead. Others,
ten years ago before Yan Wushi was closed, the other two cases were too
dare to breathe under the pressure of him, but in the end ten years can
make people forget many things, including fear.

Naturally, Yan Wushi's martial arts surged in the ten years of retreat, and
others were not incapable of letting go. Not to mention that Guang Lingsan
is also one of the top ten masters. There is a gap between the two, and it is
by no means an insurmountable gap.

Shen Min moaned slightly, trying to stretch his heavy eyelids.

A blur of light and shadow came into the eyes, but it was not completely
dark, but only limited things could be seen. It was no different from
opening eyes. He simply closed his eyes.

A gentle word came from my ear: "Shen Langjun, you are awake, the
medicine is fried, it is warming up, and the sister-in-law is serving you."

This is Ru Ru's voice. Shen Ye recognized that the other party was the
niece of Shao Shifu. He lived in Shao Shifu while she was taking care of

"... I'm in the Shaofu Mansion?" Shen Zhen only remembered that he met
Guangling San, and then he couldn't support the people.

Ru Ru covered her mouth and smiled, "You are naturally in the Shaofu
Mansion, otherwise why is Ru Ru here? The Lord Lang brought you back."

She took the medicine to serve Shen Yan and drank it, and then smoothed
the quilt under him: "The doctor came to see you and said that you have qi
and blood deficiency, and you need to eat more medicine for blood

Shen Min nodded: "Where's Master Yan?"

Ruru: "Langzhu is talking to Dalangjun in the study."

Dalangjun in her mouth refers to Bian Mei.

I do n’t know if there are soothing herbs in this bowl of medicine. Shen
Xun said a few words, and couldn't help falling asleep. This consciousness
fell asleep for a long time. When he woke up, the house was already on the
palm, and there was a shadow on his side. .

"Mr. Yan?" He groped and sat up.

Yan Wushi put down the book, but didn't come over to help him, just a
Shen Yun: "Guangling has scattered?"

Yan Wushi: "Let's go, we played a game."

Shen Huan: "Although his martial arts are high, he should not be your

Having said this sentence, it does not seem to be a surprise or questioning

why Yan Wushi appeared there in time.

Yan Wushi: "I heard you had a fight with Duan Wenyu at the Su family."

Shen Yun: "This man has marvelous martial arts. In time, he must be no
less than the Fox Deer of that year."

Yan Wushi: "What about Kun Xie?"

Shen Yun: "It is still three points better than Kun Xun."

Yan Wushi: "It is pure luck that you can win today?"

Shen Ye didn't take credit: "Yes, Li Qingyu fought with him today, and
Duan Wenyi was injured a little bit, so I took advantage of it."

Yan Wushi: "I just explored the veins just now. When you saw the cliff, the
toxins in your body had already penetrated the bone marrow and destroyed
the foundation. I thought" Zhu Yangce "could repair your meridians, but
now it seems that There are only two remnants, and the effect is still very
small. What's more troublesome is that if you frequently hurt people with
your hands, you will only deepen the 'Dao Xin'. If you continue to do so,
you will be afraid that the gods will return. The sky is short, no matter how
powerful "Zhu Yangce" is, it is impossible to do things that even gods
cannot. "

Dao Xin is not a heart. Its significance lies in the foundation. Shen Jian
built up the foundation of Dao from his childhood. This foundation is "Dao
Xin". If the Dao Xin is destroyed, it is useless to have a martial arts trick,
because he will never Maybe heading towards the summit of martial arts
Shen Huan is in this state now. Daoxin was almost destroyed because of
injuries and poisoning. Now, with Zhu Yangce's true energy, he is slowly
repairing. This was originally the most suitable way to heal injuries.

But the problem is that Shen Yang now knows only two volumes of Zhu
Yangce, not all of them, and that he is in the rivers and lakes, and he can
never be alone. Every time he starts, he must involve the Qi machine and
damage the unrecovered Tao heart. The vicious circle, when Zhu Yangce
can no longer repair his qi, is when the root veins collapse, and when the
sky is weak.

Speaking of which, Shen Ye is now suffering such frequent damages, and

there is also the credit of Yan Wushi. If he had forced him to do it again
and again, Shen Ye would not be able to recover the old injuries and add
new injuries.

However, at this moment, Lord Zong looked serious and solemnly, and
forgot his responsibilities selectively.

Shen Ye didn't know whether to say that he was shameless or arrogant and
overbearing: "Since you say that, there must be a way?"

Yan Wushi took his time to spare: "Yes, as long as you are willing to
abandon Taoism and let me plant a magic heart for you and practice" Feng
Lin Yuan Dian ", all problems will be solved naturally."

Shen Yan sighed: "Yan Zong is a master of the camp, with good intentions,
can't help but admire me. Once the magic heart is planted, temperament
will inevitably become moody and cruel and killer. It is a pleasure to you,
but a loss to me. Really, even if martial arts advances, what's the point? "

Yan Wushi's face was ironic: "What is it really? Human nature is evil, isn't
it true as you want it? You see that Chen Gong, you have many kindnesses
to him, go all the way, share common tribulations, but when things come,
he clearly has There are a hundred ways to get out, but I just think of
misfortunes and drag you into the water. No one from his background has
taught him to read and write calligraphy, and to be humane. Isn't
everything he does out of the true? "
Shen Yan wanted to turn his head, but was forced to come back by
pinching his chin with one hand, and he couldn't escape: "You keep your
mind and don't give up your so-called principle of life, because you
haven't endured the extremes you can't stand. Really? "

The blinkless eyes blinked slowly, and the slender eyelashes flickered a
little. After a long time, Shen Ye finally spit out a word: "Yes."

Yan Wushi's voice was full of malice: "Zhu Yangce is no longer powerful.
It cannot happen out of nothing. Based on your current situation, the
foundation is damaged, and he vomits blood and faints. It is impossible to
restore martial arts within three or five years. What's more, you have
Maybe it ’s a half-dead state all my life. Now everyone sees you appearing
at the Su family with the invitation from Shao Shifu, and your relationship
will soon spread all over the rivers and lakes. There is no place for them in
this world, they want me It ’s easy to start with you. You said that if they
caught you, what would they do to you? Severe punishment forced you to
write “Zhu Yangce” silently, or did you commit **** and kill first, and
then let the corpse whip and vent your anger? "

"At that time, would you still find this situation tolerable?"

Shen Yan finally couldn't bear it: "When the time comes, when the time
comes to talk about it, we will not bother the lord, please!"

Instead of being angry, Yan Wushi, who was thrown away, gave a grin, and
it turned cloudy and sunny: "Okay, I'm just scaring you. Are you

Shen Yun: "..."

It is said that women's hearts are under the sea, and he feels that Yan
Wushi's heart is harder to find than the needles in the abyss.

Then the knock sounded.

Yan Wushi: "Come in."

Shizuru Ruru came in holding the medicine bowl: "Langzhu, this is the
second bowl of medicine for Shen Langjun today."

Yan Wushi: "Let it go."

Ruru lowered the bowl according to her words, and urged Shen Zhen:
"Shen Langjun will drink the hot drink for good medicine."

Shen Yan thanked her and took the bowl and drank it.

He always had a small problem, like sweet but not bitter. When he was a
kid, he was on Xuandu Mountain. Every time he was sick, he avoided
taking medicine. When he heard that the functions in the practice were
cold and hot, he was harder than other teachers and brothers. Others only
worked hard when he was extraordinarily hard, he didn't know he was
trying to escape the bitter medicine, but he lived here with Yan Wushi, and
he drank no matter how many bowls of bitter medicine came, never
revealing a word.

It ’s just that a small habit can't be concealed. Every time he picks up the
bowl, he frowns. After putting down the medicine bowl, he will
unconsciously leave the corner of his mouth.

Yan Wushi looked in his eyes and saw that he had finished taking the
medicine. Then he put a piece of candied fruit into his mouth and said
sweetly, "Ama, if you don't like to drink bitter medicine, I will let them in
the medicine in the future. Let's put some sugar in it, come, smile, don't
frown. "

Shen Yun: "..."

Shen Zhangjiao felt mentally exhausted.

The author has something to say:

Because of Lao Yan's performance in the text, she won the best actor in the
Qianqiu Cup.

Shen Yun: I have no opinion.

Li Qingyu: I have no opinion. I don't want to compete for this kind of
Thousand Autumns: Page 48
Qi Fengge: The poor road sent a congratulatory message from the local

Sang Jingxing: No opinion, if there is a peace prize, I will fight for it.

Yu Wenhuan: Congratulations to the young master for winning the prize.

He is going to play North Qi tomorrow.

Yu Wenji: Dad, Master seems to dislike me!

Yu Wenji: You can do it yourself, maybe it's not my son.

Chapter 36

Seeing that Yan Wushi was so intimate with Shen Yan, she could not help
but smile. She spent many days with Shen Yan and admired her character
and deeds. Naturally, she hoped that the Lord could treat him well, but she
did n’t know that Shen Yan swallowed it. It was difficult, and the stomach
was rolling, and I could not vomit it back to Yan Wushi, but it was not in
line with Shen's behavior, so he finally had to swallow it, only to think that
today ’s medicine is more bitter than ever, and the preserves are all It
doesn't work.

Yan Wushi chuckled and looked at each other, seeing that the other person
was turning the edge of his face, and then slowly said, "Today I entered the
palace to see Emperor Zhou, he asked me to convey and said that I wanted
to see you."

Shen Yan froze slightly, and she turned her attention: "See me?"

Yan Wushi: "I will take you into the palace tomorrow morning. He will see
you when he meets Mochen after the meeting."

Shen Yun: "I'm just a small folk in the countryside now. Lord Zong knows
why Emperor Zhou wants to see me?"
Yan Wushi: "Guess."

Shen Yun: "..."

He knew the other person's personality was bad, and he wouldn't tell the
answer easily, he really thought about it.

"I only went to Hefu, Su House today. Zhou Di could not have known that I
had fought with Duan Wenyu so quickly, so it must not be for this matter,
it was because of Xuandu Mountain? Because Yu Yu was invited to preach
by the East Turkic people. What? Although Beizhou and Turk were now
allied and married, they secretly guarded against each other and never
really cared. What did Zhou Di want me to do? "

"Smart!" Yan Wushi gave a high-five. "Look, even if I don't say it, you
can't guess 70% or 80% yourself?"

Shen Yanmei: "What did Zhou Di want me to do?"

Yan Wushi: "You will know tomorrow if you go, I want you to do
something else."

Shen Zhen shook his head: "I can't do anything harmful."

"What do you want?" Yan Wushi chuckled slightly, brushing his fingers
over his side, and finally fell directly on Shen Wei's lips.

The latter was less able to dodge, and his lips were rubbed a little, and a
hint of blood appeared.

Yan Wushi said: "Xuandushan prospered in Qin and Han dynasties. I heard
that Xuandushan was the first generation to teach. Youfang Taoist priest
was born, and he was especially good at listening to the sound of his death.
He even worshiped Xu Xuan under his door."

Shen Yun laughed: "Everyone in the world loves to pass on the 讹, whether
the first ancestor of Xuandushan is related to the female pavilion. I don't
know. Fortune telling is a necessary skill of the door. The so-called
breaking of the sound seems to be more powerful. But it ’s not unusual to
say it. The sound comes from its body, one ’s body is good or bad, and it
can be heard from the sound. For example, if the lungs are full, the sound
is dull like a bellows. As long as you understand some martial arts
medicine, It's not difficult to identify. "

When he said this, Yan Wushi knew that Shen Ye must also have studied
this: "I want you to listen to Yu Wenyu's voice."

Shen Yanmei: "There is no shortage of rejuvenating princes in the inner

palace of the Zhou Dynasty. In medical treatment, the first thing to do is to
look and ask. If Zhou Di had a scorpion, wouldn't many doctors be able to
check it out? "

Yan Wushi: "Yu Wenyu saw in the early years that Yu Wenyu was poisoned
by the medicine that was bought by Yuwen Hu, and since then, he has
tabooed against disease and easily refused to call him to see a doctor, but
he has been governing day and night for many years. There is damage, I
have some judgment in my heart, but I still need you to listen to it. "

Shen Ye thought for a moment, and nodded gently: "That's fine."

Yan Wushi smiled openly: "My grandma is really the best."

Shen Yan expressionless.

Yan Wushi: "I have a gift for you."

He clapped his hands, and someone outside came in, "What's Lang Lang

Yan Wushi: "Go and bring me the sword box in the study."

The maidservant should make a harmonious sound, and quickly held the
sword box over her hands and gave it.

Yan Wushi took the Capricorn a few times, smiled slightly, and put the
sword box into Shen Yan's arms.
At first Shen Yun was a little puzzled. He fumbled to open the lock on the
sword box. When his fingers touched the sword in the sword box, he
couldn't help but be pleased: "A sword with mountains and rivers?"

"Do you like it?" Yan Wushi groaned with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Yan, for your safekeeping." After Shen Yan woke up,
Shanhe and Sad Sword were no longer with him. At that time, he had
asked Yu Shengyan. The other party's language was unknown. In the hands
of Yan Wushi, it may be lost when he falls. Even in the hands of Yan
Wushi, with his strength at that time, he would use the sword without face.

But how do you feel unhappy in your heart? This sword was given by the
Master when he was seven years old, and he never left his body for a
while. The person is in the sword, and the meaning of Shen is not covered
by a single sword. The color is obvious, and the complexion seems to be
because of a layer of radiant luster on the cage, just like a jade man carved
from white jade.

No one in the world does not like beauty, and Yan Wushi is no exception.
Although he does not show pity for fragrant and precious stones, but does
not prevent him from seeing the hunting heart, he starts to play directly.

"Laugh one more time."

Shen Yun: "..."

Seeing that he straightened his smile and even pursed his lips, Yan Wushi
had no choice but to regret to close it: "Ama, who do you want to show a
debt face to, and I will return to Zhao, how can you thank me?"

Shen Ye also learned to be cunning now: "Isn't Lord Yan returning the
river and the sword of sadness to me? Isn't it because I promised to enter
the palace with you to see Emperor Zhou?"

Yan Wushi laughed and pampered, "Okay, what you say is what."
Shen Yan ignored his convulsions and suddenly said: "My roots have been
damaged, even if there is Zhu Yangce's remnants. As you said, it is
difficult to restore the previous level, but I do not want to ruin the road,
you If you want to train me as your opponent, I am afraid that after
another ten or eight years, I may not be able to see the results. If Lord Yan
allowed me, I hope to leave Zhou after seeing you. "

Yan Wushi didn't take it for granted: "Where can you go after leaving
Zhou? Without my protection, you can only be slaughtered by anyone as
long as you are in a state of wheel battle."

Shen Tao said: "There are thousands of ways to practice in the world. In
the final analysis, there are only two ways. The way to be born and the way
to enter the world. After entering the world, you must experience the many
tribulations of Liuyuhongchen before you can attain the way. The method
can always protect itself, if it has been sheltered by Lord Yan, how is it
different from being on Xuandu Mountain? "

This is the expression. He obviously has fallen to the bottom of the mud,
covered with dust. Anyone can step on it, but still struggle to get up, and
then go up step by step. Betrayed by friends and relatives. Not at heart.

It really is ... people can't help but want to step on it again, and see how far
he can endure to collapse?

When this face burst into tears and begged hard, would it look even better?

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "If you want to leave, this seat will not stop
you, but I suggest you take it easy. During this time, Zhou Chen formed an
alliance and Linchuan Xuegong escorted Chen to come over. Now Zhou Di
wants to return to the alliance. It is necessary to send an envoy in the past.
He is afraid that Qi Guo will be a stalk and let the Yuezong **** a journey.
The matter was originally left to Bian Yanmei, but I plan to take a trip in
person because I want to meet you.

"The leader of the Confucianism, the top three masters in the world, battle
with this seat, don't you want to see it for yourself?"
Even if Shen Ye surpassed himself, he couldn't resist such a temptation.
He really looked slightly moved: "Mr. Yan has already given the battle
post to Lord Yeou?"

"Why do you need to fight?" Yan Wushi said, "Ama, if you are not
fighting, you want to be as bad as others? Ruyi Kehui knows that I am
going to Jiangnan, how can I do everything possible to meet with me? One
side? If you can make me a defeated player, his reputation will be more
than a little bit. If I lose, Huan Yuezong ’s reputation will be damaged, and
his influence in North Zhou will be affected. Without Huan Yuezong, those
who want to take advantage of it Either the people who want to get rich, or
the people who want to bring me down to gain the trust of Yu Wenyu, have
the opportunity to take advantage of such a good deal, I don't know how
many people are going to move! "

Shen Ye thinks about it too. Although he doesn't agree with Yan Wushi's
style of work, he admires him very much for his martial arts
accomplishments. Now he is fascinated: "It is so desirable for the two
great masters in the world to confront each other. I want to take a look at
it. If the world knows the news in advance, I am afraid that even if it is in
the old forest in the mountains, it will be blocked by people who are eager
to watch. "

Yan Wushi just came up with a sentence: "Oh, just like when you lost the
battle with Kun Xie Yue in Banbufeng at the beginning, you lost your face
and knew it all over the world."

This man was really mean, and Shen Ji kept silent.

Yan Wushi laughed and laughed: "This idea is not bad. Confucianism has
always loved long-form teachings and lessons. I have always been
annoyed by Ru Yi Kehui's open mouth. If I can defeat him in the eyes of
everyone, force him to take an oath in public and shut up. I ’m afraid it ’s
worse than killing him! ”

Early in the morning the next day, Shen Yan entered the palace with Yan

In view of his inconvenience, Zhou Di also specially sent a horse-drawn

carriage to pick him up and enter the palace without stopping, driving
directly outside the Gan'an Temple, eliminating the distance from the
palace gate to the main hall.

In fact, since the Han Dynasty, after the turmoil in the Three Kingdoms,
the reunification of the Jin dynasty did not take long before the war broke
out, and the capital had to be moved to the southeast of An'an. Since then,
it has been a chaos in the 16 countries for more than 100 years. Build a
large palace, because no one knows when his country will be attacked. A
king who makes a difference will choose to devote human and financial
resources to the war and seize more land wealth, like the Northern Zhou
Dynasty ’s emperors did. The scale of the imperial palace in the Northern
Zhou Dynasty is not large. It is completely incomparable with those of the
Changle Palace in Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty.

Today, Zhou Diyu's reputation is somewhat polarized. He lives a simple

life and cares about the people, but at the same time he is suspicious and
stern, especially after he came to power, he banned Buddhism and Taoism.
Later, even Confucianism was not close and turned to support. The
Legalists who have gradually diminished since the beginning of Emperor
Han Wudi, and also rely on Huan Yuezong to consolidate their power and
authority, so they are often criticized. Shen Xuan descended from Xuandu
Mountain. What he saw and heard along the way, Yu Wenzheng ’s
evaluation was mostly disgraced. Differing, even destroying more than

Therefore, when Yu Wenzheng politely summoned him and asked, "I heard
that Mr. Li has been living in the civil society during this period of time,
and he has suffered a lot. I must have seen a lot of people ’s livelihood
problems. I do n’t know how people evaluate the confrontation?" He
hesitated for a moment, still telling the truth: "There is respect, and there
is He."
Thousand Autumns: Page 49
Yu Wen smiled haha: "What is it, what is it?"

Shen Yan: "The Honorable One respects simplicity, does not deal with
extravagance, cleans up officials, and His Majesty destroys Buddhas and
Taos, treats others severely, and promotes military affairs."

Yu Wenzhang: "Mr. Xundu Shan taught the teachings, he banned the

Buddha and forbidden Taoism, and he was also an enemy of him. Doesn't
he hate him?"

His questions were one after another, and they were considered aggressive.
Yan Wushi watched coldly, but did not intend to help the siege.

Shen Wei said: "Dare to ask His Majesty why the Buddha was forbidden to
do so?"

Yu Wenyu: "People are superstitious about Buddhism, donate all the

money in their homes, do n’t worry about production, and hope that
everything in the future can be achieved. Grain is their own. In the long
run, the imperial court has failed, but Buddhism and Taoism have
continued to grow, and the law has become unreachable. Eventually it has
become a source of turmoil. 60 years ago, Fa Qing celebrated the new
Buddha with self-esteem and gathered people to rebel.

Since ancient times, Huaxia has always had kingship over sectarian power.
When any religion is large enough to threaten the rule, it is the beginning
of the destruction of the ban by the ruling party. After the illness, the
Buddhism was banned directly.

As for the Confucianism, Yu Wenyu originally stipulated that among the

three religions, Confucianism came first, but he had written a hand-written
invitation to Ruyi Kehui to Changan to give lectures, but was rejected by
the other party. In the outrage of Yu Wenyu, he even banned Confucianism
In this way, three families were offended.
Yu Wenzhang said, looking at Shen Xun said, "Mr., as a man in the door,
must also think that He has done something wrong?"

Shen Huan: "The Tao is like water. Water is good and everything is
beneficial, but the Tao is natural, and the light is the same.

The implication is that those Taoist priests that harm others are at best a
scum of the Tao, and they cannot represent it.

Seeing him without hesitation, his position was clear, and unlike those
previous priests who spoke well for the forbidden way, Yu Wenji could not
help but stretch his color, and laughed joyfully: "The name of Xuandu
Mountain has been heard for a long time, and Fang Youyuan met you
today. If the true name is well-deserved, I always listen to those who say
good things about Buddhism, and I should let them listen to the words of
the gentleman! Those who are destroyed are never the true word, but those
who use the name of gods to sway and deceive. It ’s not profitable for
Yuguo Yumin, it might as well have died out early! ”

In words, it was murderous.

This remark is not easy to answer. Although he is not a priest who collects
money and collects land, after all, he is also a Taoist. He cannot support
the words of Yu Wen's annihilation.

Yu Wenjiu didn't plan to hear any flattery words from him. He looked at
Shen Yan, who was sitting at the bottom left, and his tone changed to
gentle: "Yi and Mr. met at the same time, the style of Mr. is admirable, and
Mr. Yu wants to help him rebuild Ji, rebuild the door, I wonder what Mr.
think? "

Shen Yun: "What your Majesty is referring to is poorly understood, please

also state clearly."

Yu Wenzhang is very popular and does things simply, he is not a person

who likes to get around: "I have heard Yan Shaoshi said that on the same
day at the half-step peak, you would have been defeated by the mischief of
others. Since that is the case, Xuandu Zifu has nothing to do Qualifications
will invalidate your position as a teacher. No one is here. You can keep
your own place. Since you ca n’t stay in Xuandu Mountain, you may wish
to rebuild Xuandu Mountain Road in Chang'an. With Mr. Talent, no matter
where you are, It will shine. "

Shen Chen finally showed his surprise.

These remarks were made very clear. Yu Wenhuan meant that he would set
up a school in Chang'an and also open a Xuandu Purple House. He was
originally a hand-taught teacher taught by Qi Fengge, and his name was
right. No one could say that he was a fake.

But in this way, the world is equal to two Xuandu Zifu, and this new school
established by Shen Zhe will also be far away from Xuandu Mountain.

The implied meaning of Yu Wen is to support Shen Zhen with the power of
the imperial court, but this waist is definitely not white support. At the
beginning of the establishment of Shen Tu, he must be weak, and it must
be inseparable from the support of the court. In fact, it was through Shen
Wei that he planted his own power and voice in the door.

Of course, Shen Ye is not entirely useless. If he agrees, he will

immediately have the qualification to sit on an equal footing with other
ancestors, and Yan Wushi will no longer be able to hold him in the palm of
his hand for fun.

Looking at Yan Wushi again, sitting on a kneeling posture but sitting in a

lazy and casual way, and only this lord of the moon, the expression on his
face is the same as he is now sitting, spreading loose, the corners of his
mouth seem to smile It seems that he did not feel that Yu Wenzheng's
words threatened himself, but was interested in Shen Yun's answer.

Shen Yun didn't think about it for a long time, he directly yelled at Yu
Wen: "Thank Your Majesty for his kindness, the poor morality is meager,
and I am afraid to let down His Majesty's high hopes."

Yu Wenzheng was a little surprised and displeased. In his opinion,

although his proposal had the meaning of consolidating the rule, it was
beneficial to Shen Ying himself, but not harmful.

On the contrary, Yan Wushi smirked and said, "I have told my Majesty
long ago that Grandma is a gentleman who will never bend. He will not
accept His Majesty's proposal. His Majesty will not believe it, but he will
bet on me. If I lose now, I want to win What's up? "

Being interrupted by him, Yu Wenji said helplessly: "I do n’t understand,

sir has fallen to this place, do n’t you have the slightest intention to regain
it? You are willing to let Xuandu Mountain be handed to others, so that
everyone in the world will misunderstand you and think you are a Useless
person? "

Shen Yan but smiled.

The other party did not agree, and Yu Wenzheng was no longer happy. He
could not arrest anyone. He had to say, "Well, sir, no matter how hard you
think, if you repent, come and talk to him at any time."

Also smiling at Yan Wushi: "For the young master, there is no treasure in
the world. The only remnant of the" Zhu Yangce "in this inner palace has
been viewed by you. How can the rest be returned? Got your eye? Why
don't you give me a step and let me treat you two for lunch today. "

He has a strong personality, and it is not unusual to be able to talk to

people like this at will, because Yan Wushi is also a strong person, and Yu
Wenzhang cherishes him, respecting him more than ordinary courtiers.

Yan Wushi and Shen Zheng spent lunch in the palace before leaving the
palace. As soon as he left the palace door, he went to the carriage sent by
Shaofu to pick him up. Yan Wushi asked: "How?"

Shen Yanmei: "Listen to her voice, I am afraid that the liver will be strong
for a long time, but long dry is easy to destroy, I am afraid I will not live."

Chapter 37

Yan Wushi groaned silently.

Shen Yun said: "I am not good at studying arts, and I am not a doctor. I am
afraid I ca n’t hear clearly. You still have to petition your Majesty to see a
doctor to see a doctor."

In fact, Yu Wenhuan may not have any serious illness. Since he seized
power from his cousin Yu Wenhu, he has been prosperous and trembling.
He has never dared to work hard. In order to capture Turk, even the queen
was given. It is gentle and considerate for the queen to let Turk see his
sincerity. This is undoubtedly an humiliation to an emperor, especially a
strong emperor. He has a good foundation and may not see anything in the
early years, but the time As soon as it grows, even the iron-struck body
can't stand it. When the battalion's qi and blood completely collapse, the
body will collapse.

But before that, there may not be any definite illness. Even if he finds a
doctor, Jomo can only say something about qi deficiency and recuperation,
and the emperor will certainly not listen.

Yan Wushi said nothing to Shen, and said to Shen Yan: "Why don't you
agree to Yu Wenji's proposal? In your current situation, this matter is good
for you."

Shen Yun: "I am also very surprised. If I promise, Xin Dao Men will be
fully supported by the court, which will definitely affect Huan Yuezong's
power in the Zhou Dynasty. Why is Yan Zongzhu indifferent?"

Yan Wushi: "Because the Zhou Dynasty established as many new martial
arts as possible, it will not affect the status of Huan Yuezong. What Huan
Yuezong can do for Yu Wenzhang, other martial arts ca n’t, even if they
can, they will Disdainful, only Yu Wenzong can rely on. He is thirty-two
years old and has just stood up. As long as he lives for another ten years, I
can complete what I want to do. "

Shen Yan tilted his head, and was a little puzzled: "Unify the three magic

Yan Wushi: "Do you know the size of the Han Dynasty?"
Shen Ye: "If I remember correctly, in the heyday, it was full of North
Korea in the east, cochin in the west, green onion in the west, and Yinshan
in the north."

Yan Wushi: "When Sima Zhao was in Jin, how big was the territory?"

Shen Yanmei: "After the three families joined the Jin Dynasty, some areas
were separated during the chaos of the Three Kingdoms. For example,
Goguryeo Baekje Silla, Jin Dynasty no longer belongs to the Central
Plains. At that time, the Hebei Xianbei and Dai peoples gradually
emerged. Jin Although the DPRK unified the Central Plains, it was no
longer as strong as the previous DPRK. Soon the rebellion of the Eight
Kings ... "

Yan Wushi continued: "Since then, the Central Plains have been torn apart,
and the five countries have been in turmoil. The sixteen countries have
been replaced. The chaos has so far reached 259 years."

Shen Yantan: "For two hundred and fifty-nine years, foreign nations have
repeatedly invaded, but if they have a bit of military power in their hands,
they ca n’t wait to establish the country and become emperors, but they ca
n’t stand by their foundations. As a result, there are frequent wars and
chaos. Everywhere! "

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "Yes, in the past two hundred years, no
one has been able to unify the world. Linchuan Xuegong claims to be
orthodox Confucianism, but strictly guards against Huayi. He believes that
only Chen Chao is the destiny of God. Driven by the ban, he hated it, and
felt that an independent husband like Yu Wenji could not accomplish the
great cause of reunification. "

"How many people in the world gave him a trip in the dark and secretly,
waiting to see if he was unlucky, Yu Wenzhen was unlucky, and naturally,
Northern Zhou was also unlucky, but I just want to go the other way and
support such an undesired emperor. Wouldn't it be interesting to let the
magic gate do something that even self-proclaimed orthodox
Confucianism and Buddhism could not do? "
The more people said they could n’t do what they did n’t do, the more he
wanted to try. Everyone said that this person's violence was not the master,
but he wanted to help the other person to win the world and let those who
did n’t like it, disapprove or even try to stop it. This capricious
temperament makes many people grit their teeth and they ca n’t help it. If
anyone wants to start with Yu Wenyu, they must pass the Yan Wushi
barrier. This person is like an insurmountable mountain, so powerful

Shen Qiao asked, "I heard that the prince is still young. Why did the Lord
Zong help the prince at the same time, and if the Lord's life is not
permanent for a week?

Yan Wushi played with Suizi hanging by the door: "If the prince's dead
wood is not engravable, is it necessary to knock down his teeth and blood,
and help a foolish idiot to stand up and bow to him?"

The information revealed in this sentence was a bit surprising, and even
Shen Yun could not help but for a moment: "You want to usurp?"

Yan Wushi grinned: "What are you thinking? I'm not interested in being an
emperor, do you think Yu Wenhuan is happy? Every day, I see people I
don't like, say a lot of official articles, and marry A woman whom she
does n’t like comes back as a furnishing, criticizes and plays all night, and
you ca n’t sleep. You get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.
You can only satisfy yourself with the illusory glory of boundless rivers
and mountains every day. Do n’t you feel sorry? If I became an emperor,
I'm afraid that within three years, Jiangshan will let me squander, but if so,
wouldn't it be more comfortable now? "

Shen Yan shook his head: "Then I don't understand."

Yan Wushi: "With your cleverness, you will be able to guess. You guess,
you guessed it!"

In the end, she also dragged a long tone to make Shen Ye suddenly think of
Bai Rong's cute tone. She couldn't help but drew a corner of her mouth,
thinking that this is not a unique habit of the people in the magic gate?
Although this person is very bad, his words and actions are often
confusing, and it is very likely that he will be tricked if he is
unpredictable, but Shen Yan has to admit that Yan Wushi has extraordinary
keenness and opinions on the general situation of the world. Talking to
him about these things is also very helpful to himself.

Yu Wenzhang relied on Huan Yuezong, but he may not be able to continue

with another successor. The Buddha has been left out because of Yu Wen's
protection, and he will certainly not miss the opportunity to please the new
emperor. Going to today's prince, the Buddha door will inevitably enter
and get close to the prince.

Shen Yan: "Mr. Yan wants to ... help Mingzhu another?"

Yan Wushi smiled and groaned, "My grandma is so smart!"

Shen Ye's face turned black. Who is your grandma?

Yan Wushi saw it as if he hadn't seen it, and even reached out and
squeezed his cheek: "Yes, Qi Wang Yuwen Xian, rejects Buddhism,
bravely fights, wins the army's heart, and can certainly inherit Yu Wenji's
Thousand Autumns: Page 50
He leaned closer to Shen's ear and whispered, "This is a secret. I haven't
told anyone. You have to help me keep it secret!"

Shen Yun: "..."

Can he be as unheard of?


On the fourth of April, the sun was fine.

The wheels outside were rolling and kept rolling forward. The cabin was
well-done with shock absorption, but not very bumpy. The car curtain was
lifted, and a warm fragrance came out. The fragrance was sweet and sweet,
and it was easy to guess. This car should be a female family member.

Even though she has been out for nearly half a month, after entering the
realm of Chen Chao, Yu Zi not only did not have half the burnout caused
by the long journey, but she became better and better, because she was a
Jiangnan person and she grew up in Jiankang since she was a child. Now,
when she returns to her hometown, she naturally feels uneasy and can't
help looking at it frequently. Yingying's eyes can't be blinked until she
waits for a few times in the car before she turns her head.

"The lady's soul is almost flying!" The maid joked.

"I haven't returned to Jiangnan for ten years!" Yuzi couldn't help but
glance back again. "When I left Jiangnan, I was still young and didn't feel
good at that time. Bye by now, I found that my heart was full of Jiangnan.
Although the north is good, it is not hometown after all! "

Maid: "This time, Lord Lang was ordered to go to Chen to submit to the
master Chen, and he was under heavy load, but he still didn't forget to take
the lady with you. You can see that you are deeply affectionate for you. It
is really a blessing that no one else can ask for!"
Yuzi's cheeks were reddish and shy.

She was a Ji Ji from the doctor Yu Wenqing's family. She entered the
government for three years. Because of her deep favor, she was treated
like a lady in the upper room. This time, Yu Wenqing sent Chen Guo and
brought her together. Grace is visible.

In times of chaos and thieves, business travelers often have to take refuge
in officials' homes or hire a large number of bodyguards. After seeing this,
Zhou envoys went south and came to rely on each other to pay some
money and hope to go with them. Among them, there are many
businessmen who have a relationship with the relatives of North Zhou. Yu
Wenqing was not able to shirk, so he brought them all together. In this way,
the number of the team will be even more, but the advantage is that there
are many people and a lot of people, and there are expert protection along
the way, and no one dares to underestimate.

At this point just across the border of Luzhou, there is still a long distance
from the next state capital, and it was easy to meet a post station. Yu
Wenqing ordered the site to rest for half an hour. The team stopped slowly,
and some entered the post station. Hot water, some have some dry food on
the spot to rest.

The maid was young and lively, and Yuzi was not able to get off the train
at will, but she didn't get in the way. She jumped out and went around in a
circle, and returned to Yuzi. Behind the wagon, there were people inside,
but no one came down all the way, so strange! "

Yuzi didn't take it seriously: "Maybe you didn't see it when they came

The maid shook her head: "No, I heard it from other people, and it was
very strange. I didn't seem to see anyone in the car come down. I don't
know where it was. All in the car? How dirty is that! "

Yuzi yelled, "It's nonsense!"

The waitress spit out her tongue: "Langzhu should always know their
identity, why don't the women ask?"

Yuzi: "Go ask me, I won't go!"

Maid: "I heard the merchants bet that the carriage was big and gorgeous,
maybe it was ..."

Yuzi: "What is it?"

Maid: "Yes, it is Lang's beloved."

Jade's complexion changed slightly.

The waitress said busyly: "All the people outside are talking nonsense. The
niece also thinks it is nonsense, but it is not easy to blame them. Who
doesn't know that the lady is the real beloved person of the Lord?

Although she has such a status as Yuzi, she is very delicate and beautiful,
but she is very clear. All of her life now is completely sheltered from Yu
Wenqing's favor. Once the color declines, she waits for her. The end may
be miserable than this maid.

Therefore, her love for Yu Wenqing was very miserable. I heard that the
other person might have a new person, and her heart was immediately
panic. If it was like the maid said that a beauty was hidden in the car, but
she didn't hear anything, this beauty should be Yu Wen Qing He is so
cherished that he will soon take his place.

Yuzi stayed with Yu Wenqing for a long time, never asking about what she
should n’t ask, or Yu Wenqing refused to tell herself, which was one of the
reasons she could be loved, but today she couldn't hold back anymore. I
felt restless in the afternoon. When Yu Wenqing came to her carriage when
it was resting at night, Yuzi tenderly served him, and then he tentatively
said, "Langzhu, I do n’t know where the carriage behind you is. Sisters,
she was so annoyed in the carriage all day long that it would be better to
ask her to come here, and the two of us talked, it was better to relieve me!
Yu Wenqing waited for a while before reacting, Haha smiled, "Okay, don't
inquire about what you shouldn't ask, it's not good for you, you don't need
to worry about it, you just have An Ansheng in the carriage!"

Beyond a carriage, people from outside came and went. Yu Wenqing

couldn't be more anxious, so he could only smash a piece of Yuzi's body to
solve the problem, and then reluctantly returned to his carriage.

When Yu Wenqing left, the little maid came in and laughed, "Can the lady
be at ease?"

Yu Zi stared at her with a blush.

Little maid: "Langzhu must have comforted the lady. How did the beauty
on that carriage come from?"

Yuzi shook her head: "He didn't say it, but I saw that it should not be a
beauty. I'm not the mother-in-law. Even if there is a new love, why should
he hide it and dare not tell me?"

In the end, his tone was sour without even realizing it.

Little maid: "But I see a maid coming down!"

Yuzi was startled: "What?"

The little maid was afraid she didn't believe it: "It's true, just outside, there
was a maid who came down from above with a water pouch. It was
supposed to be fetching water. It was beautiful, and those business
travelers who accompanied them did not blink and stare ! "

Yuzi was surprised: "Is there really a woman on top?"

Little maid: "Why don't the unknown lady give me something? I'm going
to pick up some excuses and find a chance to see?"

Yuzi: "It's not good. The Lord knows that he will be unhappy."
Little maid: "I do it secretly, and the Lord doesn't know. The lady must
know who the other party is, so she has to find a way, or she won't know
who the enemy is when she is robbed in the future!"

Yuzi hesitated for a moment, and pulled out a jade badger from her head
and handed it to her: "Be careful then, don't let Langzhu find out, if it
doesn't work, just forget it."

Little maid: "Relax!"

The content of the private discussion between the master and servant was
common in the inner house. However, Yu Wenqing did not come that
night. The two of them were resting on a carriage as usual. Although they
did not stay at the hotel on the way, they were accompanied by experts
from Zhou domestic palace. Yuzi feels very at ease. This way is safe and
sound. There is nothing to be picky about except that you can't get out of
the car in the car.

When she slept in the middle of the night, Yuzi felt a little cold on her face
and opened her eyes stupidly, but her mouth was covered before she could

At the same time, a chuckle came to my ear: "You are sensitive, but if you
are lucky, I'm in a good mood tonight, and I won't kill anyone. He's that
guy, even the horses are willing to help, if I knew I killed you It's going to
be a bit more aversion to me. "

This is the last sentence that Yuzi heard tonight, because immediately
afterwards, she lost consciousness.

The little maid covered her quilt slowly, and then got up and jumped out of
the carriage, panicked and ran to Yu Wenqing's carriage.

She was stopped outside the carriage and only whispered, "Langzhu!

Yu Wenqing wanted to come before he had fallen asleep. After a while, the
curtain of the car opened, revealing an impatient face: "What is it!"
The little maid looked at the master who was guarding the carriage
outside, a little embarrassed, and quietly whispered, "The lady is coming
to the moon, she can't sleep well at night, has nightmares, and is crying,
don't Lang go over and see?"

Obviously there are beautiful people traveling, but they have to sleep
alone. This taste can't be more difficult. Upon hearing this, Yu Wenqing's
heart was a little warm: "I'll go and see."

When he saw the people sent by Yu Wenji to follow, he coughed quietly:

"I'll go and see on the carriage, you don't have to follow!"

These masters have sensitive ears and eyes. If they want something to
happen in the carriage, they don't need to raise their ears to hear it clearly.
Those who are heard will inevitably be embarrassed.

The other party is a little displeased. They are not a kind of nursing home.
Although they are crowned with the master's name, they actually belong to
Huan Yuezong. In addition to Yan Wushi and Yu Wenzhang, no one can
persuade them. , Usually follow the emperor to come in and out, this time
to **** an envoy is aggrieved, they are a bit arrogant, heard the words
stopped and saw that Yu Wenqing got on the carriage behind, not too far
away, a few steps However, I didn't take it seriously.

Yu Wenqing followed the little maid to step on the carriage. As soon as the
door was closed, he felt wrong: "Yuzi? Why don't you hold the lamp?"

When I look back, it's too late.

A bit of bitter coolness came to me from behind. It was a fibrous fiber

holding the jade, but it was too fast, not even a blink of an eye. The sharp
end of the jade was already half an inch open and broke into the flesh!

Yu Wenqing opened his mouth wide and his face was scared. At this
moment, he still did n’t know where he was being counted. He fell into a
trap and hated himself for being stupid. He even told the accompanying
masters not to come. Enough for the other side of the hostess to cool
themselves down.
He seemed to have seen **** beckoning to himself.

However, the next moment, the jade lotus did not move forward, pulled
out of his body, Yu Wenqing fell forward, just pressed on the sleeping

The beauty was pregnant, but he was not half-interested, shouting for help,
and looking around constantly.

He calculated that his little maid was retreating very fast, and she instantly
floated several feet, but since someone was faster than her, a cyan figure
caught up with her. The two seemed to have a trick, the little maid
whispered, the whole person Fly out.

"Young Master! Young Master save me!" Yu Wenqing was overjoyed,

hoping to jump up and hug Yan Wushi's thigh.

At this moment, sounds of breaking air rang out in all directions, and
suddenly it seemed that countless phantoms suddenly appeared in the
night and rushed at him.
Thousand Autumns: Page 51
Yu Wenqing's great joy turned into a fright. He couldn't care about the
back and was still bleeding. While he was fighting with those people with
his master, he crawled back and forth to the carriage.

Before leaving, Yu Wenji told him that this time there will be every
possible way to prevent Zhou Chen from forming an alliance with Yan
Wushi. He will follow him southward to protect him by the way. At the
time, Yu Wenqing thought the emperor was a little overkill, but this day It
is not that anyone can let the demon protect himself, which greatly
satisfied Yu Wenqing's vanity. He also concealed Yan Wushi's identity
according to his words. The others only acted as if the carriage was a
beauty like Yuzi. I think I almost died on the spot!

If you do n’t hide Yan Wushi ’s existence at first, the other party will not
dare to expose it so fast. At that time, maybe you will use more covert
methods to prevent it. If you can take advantage of the other party ’s
manpower tonight, before you reach Chen Chao It will undoubtedly be
much safer, this principle Yu Wenqing still understands.

But when he heard the voice of the hand soldiers outside, his nose seemed
to smell the **** smell coming in. Yu Wenqing felt that he was almost
choking, and even if Yan was not there, he couldn't make him completely

He suddenly seemed to think of something. The whole man almost jumped

up, quickly reached out and looked under Yuzi's nose. After a while, he let
out a sigh of relief, and the whole man collapsed in the carriage.

The battle outside continues.

It wasn't just Yu Wenqing who was scared. All the accompanying business
travelers were scared to hide in the carriage and didn't dare to come out.
There were a few servants who claimed that their martial arts were pretty
good. Without a knife, the attacker was ruthless, and even his face was not
covered, and some who were too late to escape became the soul of the

Four elders of the Acacia siege on Yan Wushi, with many pairs and few,
the former four were stretched out of their reach and embarrassed, but for
a moment, the formation was scattered and there was a tendency to be
defeated. Yan Wushi was surrounded by him alone. However, his own
shares are public and arrogant, and domineering with ease. One person's
momentum can suppress four people.

Xiao Se hit one person with one palm, but refused to approach and
approach Yan Wushi. Instead, he went to the carriage where Yu Wenqing
was hiding, and he did not forget to scoff at the white velvet: "Sister Mei
is really not enough to fail, but a little You can mess up your errands, and
what dare the master dare to arrange for you in the future! "

Bai Rong sat beside the tree and hugged his chest and laughed, "Brother
Xiao hasn't told me, Lord Zeng is also in this trip. If you are so capable,
why don't you dare to meet him for a while?"

Xiao Se Leng hummed without answering, clapping at the carriage with

the wind, the latter was torn apart, revealing Yu Wenqing's shocked face.

"Master, let us come to kill, not to fight fiercely, while the elders are
dragging Yan Wushi's side, you are not here to help!" Xiao Se quickly got
caught by others, facing Bai Rong angrily.

Although these accompanying masters can't beat Xiaoser, it is still

possible to rely on many people to make him unable to be separated for a
while. When the difference in strength between the two sides is not so
large that they cannot be surpassed, the martial arts level is often not
reflected in the strength of the internal force or the tricks. It was the
experience and skills of responding to the enemy. Xiao Se hit one and
another emerged, annoyed and irritable.

Bai Rong was unmoved: "Let's say it well this time, the lord only let me
secretly find a chance to start with Yu Wenqing, and then I escaped from
the lord Zong by fighting for my life. At present, my heart still hurts.
Where is it? Still have strength to fight Brother Xiao? "

Xiao Se gritted his teeth secretly, and in his heart he greeted the eighteenth
generation of Bairong's ancestor with her master Sang Jingxing, but was
entangled by several people for a while, and could not find time to kill Yu

Seeing that Yu Wenqing dragged a beautiful woman who was still alive
and running to another carriage, Xiao Se's heart burst into flames, and he
couldn't help using his full skill to quickly solve several opponents, and
then chased in the direction of Yu Wenqing.

At this point Yu Wenqing had hid in the carriage, Xiao Se sneered, and
said that this person was so stupid that it was hardly possible that the
carriage was made of fine iron. Even if you run into the woods, it is better
to stay here. Like a genius, he will shoot the carriage with one palm.

This time, however, his movement was stopped.

To be precise, there should be a surge of anger, but he had to step back!

With this anger, the door opened instantly, revealing a pale and beautiful

Chapter 38

In the past, it was impossible for Xiao Se to play with such beautiful
beauties first, but at this time he didn't even care about the other aspects.

To kill Yu Wenqing tonight is inevitable, Bai Rong lost his hand, but he
can no longer miss it. Even if he knows that there is little chance of Yan
Wushi being present, he can't help but fight.

Xiao Se pulled out the folding fan that had been stuck in his waist, his
wrists flew, and the blades showed sharp blades. As soon as he took off his
hand, the fan swept towards the other side, and he came back with a tip of
his toes, slamming his palms, and rushing at the other side.
Shen Yun was not prepared to do anything. Now, with each move, it takes
longer to recover, and may even cause irreparable damage to the
foundation. This time, there is no teacher in Yan, and he does not need to
do it. At this moment, Yu Wenqing dragged Yuzi to his carriage to seek
asylum. The enemy was killing each other step by step, but he couldn't
help it.

Xiao Se originally thought that Yan Yanshi ’s behavior would never bring
any helper. Who knew that such a character who should not be
underestimated was hidden on the carriage. He remembered the recent
rumors on the rivers and lakes, and he shared the characteristics of the
characters in front of him. Yes, I immediately knew the identity of the
other party: "Shenzhang Church Master Daomen, but was sent to be sent
by Master Wu Yan, don't you think the price is lower?"

He hesitantly sneered, but his moves were getting faster and faster, the
palms were rushing, waves after waves, forcing his opponents to stop
breathing for a while. The fan seemed to have an independent
consciousness, but in fact pulled each other with Xiao Se's air machine to
help fill him The gap during the attack, which is dedicated to the enemy's
weakness, is equivalent to a double-sided pinch. For those who fight with
him, it is equivalent to an additional threat.

Shen Yan did not want to fight for a long time, and did not use bamboo
sticks, but directly pulled out the sword of mountains and rivers.

Sword lights overlap, such as covering the curtain of the sky, not only to
wipe out the fierce palm wind, but also make the fan blades unable to get
close. Xiao Sei wants to break through the sword curtain, but finds that the
sword curtain is like a perfect net. At half-empty.

What's more, he also used the other way to apply his body, and his palm
wind was also bounced back by the sword curtain, forcing him to
suffocate, a loss, his chest was severely hit, and Xiao Se immediately
vomited blood.

Doesn't it mean that Shen Min was seriously injured and even his martial
arts were greatly discounted!
Xiao Se was furious and saw that he could not take advantage of it
anymore. The four elders couldn't hold Yan Wushi at all. When Yan Wushi
pulled out, it was his turn.

He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the tree. The white velvet
that had been sitting there was nowhere to be found. Xiao Se gritted his
teeth: "Shen Zhang's name is well-known, Xiao Mou will come to ask for
advice again!"

Speaking, he took a slap in the middle of the gap, and while Shen Yan
lifted his sword, Xiao Se took the fan blade back without saying hello to
the four elders, and disappeared in no time.

The selfishness and coolness of the people in the magic gate are vividly
manifested at this moment.

Yu Wenqing trembled from behind Shen Yan, "Thank you for your rescue,
dare to ask Gao's name?"

Shen Ye also returned to the sheath: "Shen Ye."

When Yu Wenqing saw that his eyes were a little godless, he suddenly
realized: "So you are the one, cough, the son Shen!"

During this time, due to the First World War in Shenfu, Shen Zhi's
reputation spread. Everyone mentioned him, and it was inevitable that he
would talk about Yan Wushi, and finally ended with an ambiguous smile.
Yu Wenqing was not a man of rivers and lakes. I have heard it
occasionally, and now when I see a real person, it is inevitable to secretly
say that she is a beauty. Although she is sick, she has no charm.

Especially when the beauties just fought with swords, they were weak on
the surface, their swordsmanship was impressive, and they were pleasing
to the eye. Unfortunately, such beauties had been picked first, and Yu
Wenqing felt a pity.

Shen Yun didn't know what Yu Wenqing was thinking, so he still looked
peaceful and smiled at Yu Wenqing. "Doctor Yu Wen should first look at
the situation of the lady behind you?"

Yu Wenqing: "She seems fainted."

Shen Yun: "Let me see."

Yu Wenqing took Yuzi's hand and handed it to him

Shen Yan explored the pulse: "Anyway, it's just the point of sleep."

He gave Yuzi acupoints, and the latter woke up quietly. When he saw Yu
Wenqing and Shen Zheng in front of him, he was startled, and was
obviously shocked.

Yu Wenqing held her down quickly: "It's okay, Yan Shaoshi and Shen
Gongzi saved us!"

Yuzi: "Xiao Lin, she ..."

Yu Wenqing: "Xiao Lin was disguised by the people of the Acacia sect,
approached you deliberately, and wanted to borrow you to assassinate me.
She herself might have been better off."

Suddenly Shen said: "It may not be that, since this lady is okay, the maid
may not be okay. Doctor Yuwen also asked someone to search around,
maybe there was something to discover."

Yuzi took Yu Wenqing's sleeve, tearful eyes: "Xiao Lin has been following
her for a long time, has been loyal and loyal, and also asked the Lord to
send someone to look for her!"

Yu Wenqing said softly: "Well, I'll tell people to look for it!"

The four elders of Acacia were finally defeated by Yan Wushi. One died
on the spot, one was seriously injured, and the other two were more or less
injured. They had to fight for their lives and escaped. Yan Wushi gave a
slap on the main points. If he had no stranger after returning home, he
would not be able to live long.
Yu Wenqing turned around and saw Shen Zhen sitting there, holding the
sword, but his eyes were not glorious, and a pity of compassion sprang up.
He forgot the powerful force just displayed by others.

"Is Shen Shen a bit tired? Would you like to take a break in my carriage?
There is still some food on it."

Shen Yan shook his head: "No need to bother Doctor Yuwen."

Yu Wenqing said with a smile: "Don't bother, don't bother, only thanks to
your life-saving grace, I am too late to thank you, your face is not good-
looking, presumably because of lack of blood, I also brought some gelatin
cake with me, and I will return to you Come here, take a slice of blood
every day, that thing is sweet, it's very good ... "

Shen Xun silently helped his forehead.

When Yu Wenqing was dizzy and reached out to help, he heard Lai Wu ’s
voice and came lazily: "I was fighting in the blood in front of me. Seeing
that our grandma was about to be hooked up, this is really better than
anything. It ’s uncomfortable! "

Shen Yun: "..."

He didn't need to see it, and knew nothing to fight about. He had no blood
on his robe.

But this kind of unconvincing remarks made Yu Wenqing feel a little

embarrassed, and quickly retracted his hand: "The young teacher talked
and laughed. I also watched Shen Gongzi look tired. Thanks to young
teacher tonight, otherwise I don't know how Here it is! "

There were rumbling noises outside, not only the people brought by Yu
Wenqing were injured, but even those accompanying business trips were
also hit by Chi Yuzhi. Although the other party ’s target was only one in Yu
Wenqing, the people in the magic gate never distinguished themselves.
Likes and dislikes, anyone who blocks their way will inevitably be killed.
The merchants thought that it would be safer to follow the official team.
Who knew that when they flew, they would cry without tears, and they
could only be busy setting up the caravan. Dude, it's another chicken leap.

Yu Wenqing sent someone to search in accordance with Shen Yan's words.

Sure enough, he found Yuzi ’s little maid next to a nearby stone near the
stream. The latter was afraid to be seen because of going out for a small
solution. Suddenly stunned, and after waking up, I don't know what
Thousand Autumns: Page 52
The place where Yan Wushi was was an invisible shock. The whole team
stayed up all night and the noise was endless. Only Yan Wushi Shen was
weird. There was a strange quiet around the carriage where they were. Yu
Wenqing took the jade pose. After leaving the carriage, he ordered
someone to send a bunch of food to express his gratitude. Although it was
inconvenient to cook in the wild, Yu Wenqing's trip brought a lot of loquat
preserves, and even fresh melon and fruits. This shows that he is a good

Shen Yan has no interest in lo-mei, but has eaten a lot of candied fruits.
His sweet habits of sweets haven't changed everywhere.

Yan Wushi leaned on the soft pillow and sent the beef jerky into the mouth
to chew it slowly. Ruru's freshly prepared honey tea was set aside.
Compared with the bustling outside, it was more quiet in the car.

Shen Yun: "This assassination is not successful, there may be a second

time, Doctor Yuwen has many loopholes around him, I'm afraid it can't be

Yan Wushi: "It doesn't matter. Someone around Yu Wenqing tried for him.
He was stupid this time. He had to take a woman on the road and get
bored. He should be more careful after this time, even if he died. It ’s okay,
I have another national script on me, and I will let the deputy envoy
deliver it to the host Chen, but Yu Wenqing can speak brilliantly and
eloquently. No one can replace this skill, and Zhou Di valued him so. "

Shen Yan thought of the other party's long, unbroken speech, and couldn't
help pursing his lips, seeing a smile.

Yan Wushi lamented: "My grandma is really loved. I do n’t want to

mention the crazy bee-wing butterfly like Yu Wenqing, but even the
demon girl like Bairong has a soft spot for you. If I do n’t pay attention ,
I'm afraid I won't see anyone at any time! "
Shen Maomei: "Zong Yan is going to talk nonsense, when will I be related
to Bairong again?"

Yan Wushi: "She pretended to be the little maid to kill Yu Wenqing.

According to her previous style, neither the little maid nor Yu Wenqing's
servants could survive, but this time she was more affectionate, if not for
you Is it because of Yu Wenqing? With her cleverness, I am afraid that I
would have guessed that you were also here, so I intentionally left a good
impression on you so that you would not be more disgusted with her? "

Speaking of this, he whispered two times: "It is difficult for our family, the
natural wooden head, from a young age to think about self-cultivation,
ignorant love for men and women. If this seat is not broken, he may not
have understood the day. ! "

He opened his mouth and said, "Our grandmother," he thought of Shen

Zhen as possession, and Shen Zheng refuted several times without effect.
Now he has numbness in his ears and let him go.

Yan Wushi: "Unfortunately, this feeling of her love has not yet begun, and
she is destined to die. If Sang Jingxing notices her thoughts, how can she
toss her?"

Shen Yun wondered: "The Acacia sect does not allow the disciples to show
affection for others?"

Yan Wushi smiled with a smile: "Are you sure you don't know?
Hehuanzong is based on supplements. Both men and women in the gate
have practiced the method of double cultivation. In this seat, it is no
longer a virginity to see white velvet. Presumably, Yuan Yin was long ago
by her master Sang Jing Xingcai is gone! "

Shen Ye was shocked, and said for a long time: "But they are masters and
apprentices ..."

Yan Wushi: "What about the masters and apprentices? Could it be that you
think that Sang Jingxing is not a man and woman who loves chastity? He
will freely give away the beautiful disciple's Yuanyin to other men. I do
n’t know if a man has done both, but there must be a copy of her master. ”

Shen Yanmei said nothing.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Ayi's pity for the weak has happened again,
Sang Jingxing doesn't mention it, and double repairs with other people in
the door. If she doesn't want to, she can think of ways to avoid it, but you
can see her martial arts She has made rapid progress, thanks to her
supplementary work. She must have been willing to do it yourself, but you
still have pity for her? What kind of woman is worth your pity? If you
want to pity, why not pity me?

Shen Yun was silent: "Isn't Bai Rong worthy of pity, is Lord Zong worthy
of pity?"

Yan Wushi: "I have one enemy and four tonight. Isn't it worth pitying?"

He grabbed Shen's hand and put it in his heart: "Look, my careful liver is
still flapping around!"

Just then, Yu Wenqing said outside, "Young Master, Mr. Shen, can I come

Shen Yan wanted to withdraw his hand from Yan Wushi, but he did not
prevent the other side from exerting force, and instead turned to the other

Seeing that there was no sound in it, Yu Wenqing pushed the door of the
car and raised the curtain. He saw this scene at first, and the whole person
was still.

Because from his point of view, it is not like Yan Wushi's tricks, but more
like Shen Huan throwing his arms into his arms.

Seeing his stunned expression, Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows slightly,
raised his malicious intent, and stretched out his hands to pinch Shen's
chin, which was directly printed as a deep kiss.
Shen Kun was shocked for a moment, and he raised his palm to slap on the
other side without hesitation. However, Yan Wushi had already been
prepared to resolve the offensive directly. By the way, he clicked his
acupoint, and Shen Shen's posture of no resistance resisted him. The man
folded his arms and lowered his head to pry open the other's lips, forcing
him to accept his invasion.

"Hmm ..." Shen Yan frowned deeply, not because he was obsessed with it,
but because he was suffering from acupoint control and couldn't resist.
Rao was his best temper. At this time, he was already furious.
Unfortunately, martial arts were not as good as others. Lifting up the long
neck, the waist is tightly hugged, the teeth are weakly closed due to the
slight acidity, the silver wire flows down the corner of the lips, and the
person who applied the puddle ignores it, and deepens the kiss.

This fragrant scene made Yu Wenqing completely unable to look away, and
even a little dry mouth.

"Have you seen enough?" Yan Wushi finally let go of the man in his arms
and turned to look at him.

Yu Wenqing confided that the flowers were romantic, and she was also a
battle-hardened person. At this moment, I do n’t know if I was watching
something that I should n’t see, or I was deterred by Yan Wushi ’s
momentum, and his words stuttered: "Look, look It's over ... "

Yan Wushi: "After reading, don't you go?"

Yu Wenqing: "..."

He really turned away and leaped away and crawled away.

Yan Wushi looked back at Shen Yun, and was a little speechless. Because
the latter has passed out.

To be precise, the possibility of being stunned by kisses is small, and Jomo

is unable to resist and suffocates for a moment, in short, is stunned.
Yan Wushi had never seen anything like this before, and couldn't help but
laugh out loud, and expressed his sympathy with two beeps: "Poor!"

He did not feel that he had played too much, but felt that the apprentices
taught by Qi Fengge were too careless.

Chapter 39

Since the establishment of the capital by Soochow, hundreds of years ago,

the Eastern Jin Dynasty moved to the south, and the Yangtze River was at
risk. It seemed to have isolated the soldiers and horses from the north, and
Jiankang became the most prosperous city in the Central Plains and the
world. Here, travellers pass by, travelling like shuttles, walking around in
the day and night, endless, and at night, the yarn lights are woven, all day
long, the Qinlou Chu Museum, and sleepless all night, Xiangcang
embroidered boudoirs.

Although it is also a capital city, such as Chang'an City, it is a bit

vicissitudes because it has gone through wars and wars. It is even more
tempting to experience less war. Relatively stable Jiangnan, thinking of
heaven, has a saying that "the world is full of flowers and flowers."
Although officials from Beizhou, such as Yu Wenqing, didn't say anything,
they didn't necessarily admire Jiankang City. The attendants who came
with him did not have to cover up. They expressed their envy and
admiration early, which made Chen Chao who came to catch the wind. The
officials were complacent and couldn't help but introduce them to the
city's customs with their fingers.

After entering the city, Yu Wenqing and his group naturally stayed in the
hall provided by Chen Chao. Yan Wushi was no exception. His status and
status were there, and there was a life-saving grace. Yu Wenqing
voluntarily gave up the main courtyard. He moved to the side yard to live
in pity, his poor waiter Yuzi, and after being frightened that night, he
couldn't afford to be ill, lingering for a while until he settled in the city,
and he was better.

The Acacia sect failed to move, and then there was no movement. Yu
Wenqing first felt frightened. Later, he thought about the presence of Yan
Wushi. If the assassin succeeds, why should he not be ashamed, this is a
life-threatening problem for the people of the rivers and lakes. What's
more important, I gradually let go of my heart and took the love to tour
Jiankang City, waiting for the call of Chen Zhu.

On this day, Shen Ye was listening to her sister-in-law studying in the

house, and someone came outside to report that Yu Wenqing had come to

When Ru Ru saw Shen Ye nodded, she put down her book and opened the

Yu Wenqing walked in and looked around first: "Why, Master Shao is not

Shen Chen laughed: "He and I are originally in a different house. If Dr.
Yuwen was looking for him, he was looking for the wrong place, but I
heard that Lord Zong had something today and went out very early."

Yu Wenqing hesitated and laughed twice: "It just happens, the young
teacher is absent, and the old man is very powerful. Every time I talk to
him, I'm even more nervous than seeing Your Majesty!"

Ruru could not help but grin.

Yu Wenqing was always forgiving to beauties, and did not get angry when
she saw this, but smiled towards Ru Ru.

Ruru was a little embarrassed.

Yu Wenqing laughed at Shen Yan: "The weather is very good today.

Shouldn't Shen Gongzi go shopping outside? Jiankang leans on Huai Shui.
I heard that Huai Shui has a lot of Jindu. There are markets in every place.
, By the way, buy some fresh seafood, and let them make a meal at night! "

When you talked about it, you remembered: "You are a Taoist, do you want
to be ridiculous and want to be vegetarian?"
Shen Huan: "It's not necessary, it's just that my eyes are inconvenient, I'm
afraid it will drag you down."

Yu Wenqing laughed: "Shen Gongzi still saved my life, but I was

burdening you at the time, why be so kind?"

Shen Xun never refused again this time: "Then respect, it is better to

The pavilion is not far from Jindu. Yu Wenqing did not ride in a carriage,
but took Yuzi and others to walk out. He was also worried that it would be
inconvenient for Shen Zhe, but although he held a bamboo stick in his
hand, But the speed is not slower than them, and it doesn't need any
support from them. Walking alongside Yu Wenqing is almost no different
from ordinary people.

Yu Wenqing found that he didn't go out with a sword: "Shen Gongzi, what
about your sword?"

Shen Ye seemed to know what he was worried about, and couldn't help
smiling: "Doctor Yuwen doesn't have to worry. If I meet the enemy, my
bamboo stick can resist one or two, not to mention here is also Jiankang
City, there is Linchuan Xuegong sitting in the town, Hehuan Zong's people
will not be too bold to start here! "

Yu Wenqing was poked at the center by him, and his old face blushed: "No
wonder I feel much safer since I entered the city, and even the young
teacher was relieved to leave to do business. It turned out to be so."

Shen Yun: "Chen Chao and Zhou Guo formed an alliance. If you were
assassinated in Jiankang City, wouldn't they not be able to explain to
Emperor Zhou, or talk about alliances, so they will make every effort to
protect your thoroughness, and there are always masters around the hall.
But it just went unnoticed by you. "

Yu Wenqing approached him and said in a small voice: "Oh, Mr. Shen, I
know you are not a pet like you, and you have never dared to despise you.
Today, while the young teacher is away, I dare to tell you two truths, you
How do those people in Chang'an City see you? "

Shen Yan but smiled.

Yu Wenqing thought he didn't know, so he euphemistically said: "They all

say that you are stuck in the shoal of dragons now, and you have to rely on
the Lord Yan. In order to protect yourself, even ... hey, even the wind and
bones are out of control. Thanks to your life-saving grace, I naturally
understand that you do n’t cut it off, but the crowds are spitting money and
destroying bones! If you have a chance, you should stay away from Master
Shao Yan, why not let others pour dirty water on you and be ashamed? I'm
angry at you when I hear those words! "
Thousand Autumns: Page 53
Shen Ye knew that he must have said this because of the scene he saw on
the carriage that day, but he could n’t explain much at one and a half
minutes, and only said, "Thank you for your kindness, but you
misunderstood, I This relationship is not the same as that of Lord Zong,
who has a bit of temperament ... capricious, so he often does unexpected
things. "

Yu Wenqing: "I understand, I understand, of course you cannot be the

favor of Yan Shaoshi, and I am not prejudiced against Long Yang's
goodness, but if you are in a situation like Yan Shaoshi, that, cough, like
each other, I'm afraid the person who is hurt by rumors is you, not Yan
Shaoshi! "

Shen Ye helplessly: "... we don't like each other, and I'm not as good as

Yu Wenqing: "I understand, I understand, this cannot be made public, let's

just let it go!"

Shen Yun: "..."

Suddenly he didn't want to say a word. No matter what Yu Wenqing

continued to say, he left his ears in and left his ears.

The Jindu Department is full of enthusiasm and groceries all over the
place. Many people like Yu Wenqing walk on shopping or shopping, some
ride horse-drawn carriages or horseback rides, and others come to see their
loved ones, or ships dock. After a while rubbing his shoulders, he was so
busy that he wanted to trample on each other.

A horse behind wasn't sure if he was frightened or the master could not
control it. He rushed towards them, and the crowd had to dodge around,
Shen Ran was separated from the others, but he was not in a hurry.
Someone around Yu Wenqing was also protecting him. He slowly walked
back to the market along the stalls along the river. Sometimes he heard the
street vendor sip something he was interested in, and stopped to touch it.
The street vendor saw that his eyes were not good, but how he looked, but
he didn't touch the beggar. He did not dare to underestimate, but also
enthusiastically promoted his goods.

"Lang Jun, look at me, but they are all made with good bamboo baskets,
basket chairs and everything, there are some gadgets, you can buy them
back for the little Lang Jun and the little lady at home to play!" He saw
Shen Min squatted down, picked up a bamboo ball and shoved it into his
hand. "You touch it, it's very smooth, there are no bamboo thorns!"

"It's pretty smooth," she said with a grinning smile. "Then I want one."

I heard the sound of milk and milk from the children: "Uncle and Uncle,
my little chicken is broken by my brother, and my father asked me to
come and buy another one!"

The hawker wants to come to know with her parents: "Your brother is
naughty again, but there is no chicken and chicken here. The last one given
to you is the last one. It will take more time to compile that. Uncle is busy
now I will edit it for you in two days! "

Little girl: "Then I will help Uncle here. Uncle sells things earlier, can I
help me make chickens earlier?"

The hawker laughed: "What can you do? Hurry up and go, your father and
mother can't see you and you're worried!"

The little girl uttered a cry, full of disappointment, weeping.

Shen Su suddenly said, "Do you still have Penny here?"

The hawker wondered: "Yes, Lang Jun wants to buy bamboo shoots?"

Shen Yan said, "Lend your bamboo dipper to make something now, and
pay you back for the price, so you won't make it?"

The hawker laughed: "Lang Jun is so polite, naturally!"

He picked up a bamboo slip and handed it to Shen Yan: "You have
inconvenience in eyes, can you make things?"

Shen Chen also laughed: "I edited it when I was young.

I only remember a few of them, but I didn't see any slow movements. I
flexed a knot on the bamboo with my fingers, and then inserted the hidden
button which was originally programmed. In a blink of an eye, a chick was
born vividly.

The little girl was pleasantly surprised: "Chick, chick!"

Shen Ye handed the bamboo chicken over and laughed: "I don't know what
your original looks like. You just made one up. It may not look good."

Little girl: "Good-looking, good-looking! Thank you, brother! Brother is

the best!"

The hawker was a little bit sour by the side: "I'm not a few years older than
this Lang Jun. You call someone Brother, but you call me Uncle!"

Shen Yan laughed.

The little girl jumped and jumped away, Shen Ye squatted with some numb
legs, stood up, and gave the bamboo slip and bamboo ball money to the
hawker. The hawker refused to ask, and he insisted on shoving into the
hands of others: "Where can I go? Can I go back to the embassy?"

"It turned out that Lang Jun was the ambassador to Chen Guo?" The
hawker suddenly realized, "The pavilion is not far from here, but there are
many people, and your eyes are inconvenient. I can't find it myself. I'll
take you there!"

Shen Xie thanked him, "But you trade ...?"

The hawker laughed: "It doesn't matter. I carry these bamboo goods every
day and sell them. They are not worth a few dollars. They are familiar
from the left and right. I ask them to help you. You are a far customer.
How can you let you Lost here! "
He took Shen Wei along Jindu and walked back: "The crowd on the road is
crowded and it is easy to get lost. From here, it is faster to walk alleys!"

The hawker limped Shen Shen's arm to take him forward, and smiled, "If
Lang Jun stays here for a few more days, he might as well walk around the
city. The southern food is mostly exquisite and small, very carefully. If
you eat the beginning, sure meeting……"

The sound of breaking air was so subtle that it was almost negligible. The
hawker was unaware and was still talking, but Shen Chen's complexion
changed slightly. The swipe of the bamboo stick changed the direction of
the needle into the wall.

At the same time, the hawker's voice came to an abrupt halt and fell to the
ground softly.

This is because when the opponent is secretly thinking about Shen, he also
sneaks into the hawker. Shen has no three heads and six arms. He can stop
himself, but he has no time to resist the hawker. After all, he takes half a
step to take the shot.

"Who's friend is hiding his head and showing his tail?" He crouched down
to see the hawker's condition, only to be relieved when he saw that the
other side just passed out.

"Shen Lang is so kind to one who sells bamboo goods, why is he so fierce
to the slave family?"

With the sound of Jiao Didi, a familiar aroma wafted.

Shen Yan frowned slightly: "White velvet?"

Bai Rong sat on the wall with a smile, his legs were hooked to each other,
dangling, and he was holding a peony that he didn't know where to take it

"Long time see you!"

Shen Yun: "Last night you assassinated Yu Wenqing, I seem to have met
the lady first."

Bai Rong: "If you don't see it in a day, if you don't understand every third
autumn? How many autumns have passed!"

No matter Yan Wushi or Bai Rong, Shen Huan was not very used to
dealing with such almost flirting words and had to remain silent.

Bai Rong's eyes rolled around, and he threw the peony in his hand at him:
"Oh, then!"

Shen Ji catches it reflexively, only as a hidden weapon, a flower at the

touch, can not help but stun it.

Seeing his expression, Bai Rong became even more overwhelmed: "Do
you think I will throw you a hidden weapon? In your heart, I am such a
vicious person?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "No."

Bai Rong: "Not what?"

Shen Huan: "When you intended to assassinate Yu Wenqing, his servants,

the master and the servant, could not escape, but you did not kill them,
which means that you are not a murderer without a bottom line. I should
thank them on your behalf Raise your expensive hand. "

Bai Rong blinked: "How do you know I'm merciless, not lazy?"

Shen Yan smiled, and did not argue with her.

Bairong Oops: "You look so beautiful, you should have laughed a lot, you
think of me so well, I feel very happy, do you make me kiss?"

Said to move.

Shen Yan thought she really wanted to come over and subconsciously took
three steps back, only to find that the other party was still sitting on the
wall, she was just playing tricks on herself.

Bai Rong couldn't help laughing, and almost turned off the wall: "Shen
Lang, you are so cute, the slave family really likes you more and more!"

Shen Yun: "You come to me, is there something wrong?"

"I can't come to you if I'm fine?" Bai Rong groaned with a smile. "Well, I
can tell you anyway. The slaves follow you from afar and want to take the
opportunity to poison you, then stun and drag them away. Unfortunately,
your police think Very, I never found a chance to approach, until I finally
managed to talk to Shen Lang. "

Her words were half-truths, half-truths, and truthfulness, and she didn't
know whether she should believe or not, but she secretly increased her

Bai Rong: "The chick you made for that little girl is so pretty. Would you
also make one for me?"

Shen Yan shook his head and shook his head: "No bamboo sticks on hand."

He thought about it and passed out the bamboo stick in his hand: "This
bamboo ball will be played for you first."

Bai Rong chuckled and smiled, "How do you coax a child!"

Having said that, they quickly copied the bamboo ball and threw it up and
down in the palm.

Shen Huan: "Have the little white lady thought of leaving the Acacia?"
Thousand Autumns: Page 54
Bai Rongqi said: "Why suddenly ..."

At half the words, his face had completely subsided, but his tone was still
casual: "Shen Zhangjiao presumably heard something from Lord Zong,
and from my heart I felt that the Acacia Sect was dirty and dirty, not
worthy to be taught with you. Speak? "

In the end, she was already murderous, as if Shen's answer was

unsatisfactory, she would start.

Shen Yun: "No."

Bai Rong turned her face faster than her book, and smiled instantly: "Or do
you want to say that men and women in the Acacia sect are cultivating
both men and women?

Shen Yanmei: "I just think that you may not like to stay there."

Bai Rong: "Albizia was where I grew up. If I weren't there, where would I
go? Go to Huan Yuezong? Or Fa Mirror Sect? In your opinion, is it better
to kill than double cultivation? Hehuanzong is the demon, isn't Huan
Yuezong the demon? Don't forget, there is more blood on the hands of
Master Zong than the slaves! If the famous self-defeating elites are decent,
don't say that you are now When you ca n’t teach it, if you still teach in
Xuandushan, will you accept me? Even if you do, will other people in
Xuandushan agree?

Shen Ye was asked a moment's question by her series of words, and

sighed, "Yes, you are right, it is me who said nothing."

He only asked that sentence, but he didn't really think about it. He only felt
that people like Bairong and Huo Xijing had differences, after all, it was a
pity to stay in Hehuan.
Bai Rong said sweetly: "I know that Shen Lang feels that I have been
wronged in the Acacia sect. From the moment you even took a horse, I can
see that you are a gentle and good person, a good person like you Not
much, the slaves will cherish this heart, but I have planned these things
myself, and I will not bother you! "

"I'll tell you a secret again," she suddenly jumped off the wall, drifted
towards Shen Ye, reached out to pull his sleeve, and although the latter
quickly avoided, she was not unhappy, but showed a hint of slyness,
"Following Yan Wushi has nothing good to eat, and soon disasters will
come. In order to avoid being caught in the pond fish, you should hurry
away from him ... "

Before he finished speaking, Bairong's face changed, but instead of facing

Shen Yan, he looked away and looked forward, and suddenly left the
sentence, "The slave family remembers that there is still something
important, and Shen Lang doesn't have to send it away." No shadow, no
trace, I am afraid that this trivial use is 10%.

Shen Yuanyuan thought it was a good luck for Yan Wushi to make her slip,
but the next moment she found something wrong.

It's not Yan Wushi.

Chapter 40

Originally across a street, the hustle and bustle of drinking and selling
faded like a tide, and the ears could no longer hear the slightest sound.

Shen Yan didn't need to open his eyes, and knew that he was still standing
there, and didn't suddenly change places.

But there is an invisible force around him that has been affecting him,
urging him to make wrong judgments, making him think he has been
somewhere else.

This is a very mysterious feeling. The internal force is strong to a certain

extent, which can change the surrounding gas field, creating a sense of
disorder and confusing the opponent's senses.

Obviously, the opponent's appearance in this way is to cause psychological

pressure on Shen Min, but Shen Min could not feel the hostility of the
person, so he did not move.

The jade pendant is long and near, as if it came from ten miles away, and it
is just a few steps away, in all directions, everywhere, like shadow and
shape, like epidermal gangrene.

The sound of jade impact is crisp and pleasant, but it can be disturbing
after listening for a long time. Shen Yan holds the bamboo stick
motionless, and bows his eyes, as if he has fallen asleep.

Suddenly he moved.

The bamboo stick clicked forward with a thunderbolt!

Along with the movements on his hands, his body also flew forward, like
an off-string arrow, which is completely different from his sickly image on
weekdays, and like a cheetah waiting for opportunity, fluttering accurately.
Towards the goal.

The place where the bamboo sticks lived seemed to be empty and nothing.
However, when the bamboo sticks filled with internal force turned into a
white rainbow and fell on that point, the invisible barriers around them
instantly collapsed and shattered. Those isolated sounds suddenly Are
back again.

"He Fang, let us see you," he said.

"I haven't been waiting for your guests in Linchuan Xuegong, so I have to
come out in person and ask, forgive me, please forgive me." The voice is
gentle and gentle, from far to near.

The other party did not intentionally hide the sound of footsteps, step by
step, such as Huang Zhongda Lu, knocked on the heart.
Shen Min knows that this is caused by the combination of internal force
and magic. Like the sound of "isolation" just now, he can give the
opponent a pre-emptive shock.

"It turned out to be the Lord of Yeou Palace, and I have long been famous,
and I can see it today.

As a leader of Confucianism, he is also one of the top three masters in the

world. Ruyi Kehui is well-known in the world, but he is very simple in
dress. An unusually middle-aged person will never attract more attention.

But at this moment, he came over from the other side of the street. It was
okay, and he walked quietly. No one would doubt his identity.

Because not many people in the world can have such an attitude.

"In the past, when the news of Taoist Ascension came, I was also closed in
the door, and I failed to send someone to the condolences in time. Only
after I went out of the gate did I learn about this news. The admiration of
the world, such a sudden death, is unexpected, and Ke Hui's sorrow and
regret can no longer be added, and she also asks Shen Dao to mourn for a
long time. "

In the realm of martial arts such as Ruyi Kehui, Qi Fengge has a better
sympathy for masters, so these words are not too much compliments, most
of them are from the sincerity.

Shen Xie politely offered his hand: "The poor Taoist teacher thanked the
Lord of the Palace of Ruyi for his kindness. The teacher said that his life
to this age may not be a longevity for innate masters, but if he is killed in
pursuit of martial arts ultimate However, he felt it was very worthwhile, so
I asked the Lord of the Palace of Ye You not to be hurt for the first teacher.
We are not alone, and the world and the world coexist. "

Ruyi Kehui sighed, "Well, we are not alone. Heaven and earth coexist.
Prayer is truly extraordinary!"
Sighing, he stared Shen Shen: "When I came out, the tea house was boiling
water. Presumably, the tea had already been laid at this time. I wonder if
Shen Dao may have the interest to visit the Linchuan Academy?"

Shen Huan: "The poor have lived in the north for a long time. For a while,
I'm afraid I can't drink South Tea."

In this world, there are very few invitations to Ruyi Kehui, and it is a great
honor in the eyes of ordinary people, but he declined.

Ruyi Kehui smiled slightly and was not angry: "Nan Cha has its own
beauty, and is compatible with each other.

Shen Ye also laughed: "I'm afraid I have short hands and a soft mouth.
Then I drank the tea from the Lord of the Palace. It would be bad if I didn't
agree to the requirements of the Lord of Palace. It was not beautiful."

Ruyi Kehui: "The northern dynasty is very big, and the southern dynasty is
also very generous. I have tasted the tea from the Linchuan Academy.
Maybe the host will not keep it, and the guests will not be willing to

In this way, have all the people who used to go to Linchuan Academy have
been ecstatic, so they are reluctant to leave? Shen Yan couldn't help

Ruyi Kehui was strange: "What's Shen Dao laughing for? My words are

Shen Zheng waved his hand: "I lost sight for a while and has nothing to do
with the host, please forgive me."

In the case of Yan Wushi, he was going to say these words and laugh at the
other party, but this was obviously not Shen's style.

Prior to today, Ru Yi Ke Huihui did not expect Shen Ye to be so sloppy.

According to theory, a former teacher who is no longer in his position, no
matter for consideration of his own future, or for any other reason, cannot
be in a magic gate. People walked too close, and rumors spread that Yan
Wushi saved Shen Ye ’s life, and Yan En took him by his side. Shen Ye
also relied on Yan Yeshi to protect himself. These rumors, Ruyi Ke
Huiyuan, did not believe it, but now Shen Ye The various performances
made him have to think in this regard.

Ruyi Kehui: "Before Qi Daozun Weixian died, I had a chance to meet him
for a few days and talked to each other as usual. At that time, I invited the
instructor to help Mingzhu with me, and also returned the people to a
peaceful and prosperous world. I would like to allow Xuandushan to join
the WTO, but I also agree with the orthodox theory, so that he has a 20-
year agreement with Hulu in the future. Although Shen Daochang is no
longer the teacher of Xuandushan, he is still a disciple of Taoism. Is it
necessary to ignore the principled stand of the teacher? "

Shen Yan: "The Lord of the Palace of the Lord of Yeyou is bad, and not to
mention that my relationship with the Lord Yan is not what outsiders
think. Zhou Zhouzong's Zhou Dynasty is flourishing nowadays, and the
people are happy. Is it only because Yu Wenyu is a Xianbei, Ca n’t we ask
the Central Plains to unify the world? The first division opposed it, but
betrayed the interests of the people in the Central Plains and colluded with
the foreigners. If the foreigners entered the Central Plains and learned my
Han culture, we could treat the Chinese Yidi people as one. ? "

Ruyi Kehui shook her head, her voice a little bit more heavy: "Huawai Yiyi
is still a long time ago, and it will not change because of its entry into the
Central Plains. If you look at the country, Gao's ancestors were not even
aliens. Li Hu custom, it has been all Huhua, have a little Han family
etiquette? Qi Zhu fainted, no matter the villain woman disastrous dynasty
outline, Gao Jiajiangshan feared that life would not last, Zhou Dynasty
was strong due to the Turks, but also married with it, courting everything,
But is it still unclear to Shen Daochang that Turk is harming my Central
Plains? "

In the final analysis, Ru Yi Kehui thinks that Chen Di is the bright master
who can unify the world in the future, so he wants to persuade Shen Min to
abandon the dark cast and to come to persuade himself in his status and
status, which is a very sincere performance, because strictly speaking,
Shen I have lost the position of teaching, and my martial arts are not as
good as before. My status is no longer compatible with Yeou Kehui, and it
is not worthy for the other party to work in person, but Yeou Kehui is still

If it was put a few months ago, when Shen Ying had just joined the WTO,
and he did n’t know much about the situation in the world, he might still
be moved by this remark, but now he has his own opinion. He just shook
his head and did n’t say much. : "The poor way now does not represent any
sect, but it is alone in the rivers and lakes, living in troubled times,
surrendering or not, it is of little significance to the Linchuan Academy
and the Chen Dynasty, even if the Lord of the Palace of Yeoui came
forward in person today I came to persuade him that it was in the face of
the first teacher that Shen was still grateful. It was just this kind intention
that he could only grasp.

Ruyi Kehui sighed slightly: "I saw that Shen Daochang's voice was
stagnant. I want internal injuries and I won't heal for a long time. If you
are willing to come to Linchuan Xuegong to heal, I can work with the best
doctor in Chen Zhugong to help You heal your injuries! "

Shen Ye had heard Yan Wushi say that Ruyi Kehui and the current
Emperor Chen Dynasty Liu Jingyan are brothers and sisters of the same
family, so Yeou Kehui has a close relationship with the Chen dynasty royal
family, and it seems to be true now, otherwise most people would not be
able to use the palace doctor Promise.

But Ru Hui Ke Hui was able to say something like this, Shen Ye still
moved slightly: "Thank you Ru Ye Palace Lord, Shen Mo He De He Neng,
you ca n’t do anything because you do n’t have the power to do it."

To be honest, Ruyi Kehui really did not expect that he would go for
nothing today, because she was unreasonable, and Shen Ye had no reason
to refuse.

He suddenly thought of the rumor that the relationship between Yan Wushi
and Shen Zhen was ridiculous, but immediately felt that it was ridiculous,
which was simply impossible.
"It's nothing, Linchuan Xuegong has never done anything difficult for a
strong man." Ruyi Kehui showed a slight regret.

Shen Ye also expressed his sorry expression: "The poor road is stubborn,
and the tired palace master ran it himself."

Ruyi Kehui laughed: "This is not a long way to go to the museum, but it is
not easy to find if it is not a local. The hawker next to you has been
fainted, but can I ask you to take a ride for him?"

"The Lord of Yeou Palace is so anxious that he doesn't enter the palace to
tell the old story with your queen sisters and sisters. He came here to
persuade the grandmother to give up secretly, but unfortunately the
grandmother wanted to follow me. You are afraid to be disappointed!"

Naturally, this sentence would not be spoken by Shen Yan.

Thousand Autumns: Page 55
A man emerged from the corner at the end of the street, walking towards
them step by step.

Different from the jade sound created by Fangcai Ruyi Kehui deliberately,
Yan Wushi walked without any sound, but his robe turned and fluttered
elegantly, as if no one in the world could stop him, which is worthy of his

In a silent place arrogant.

Ru Yi Kehui's face remained unchanged, even a smile appeared: "We want

to come from the retreat of Yan Zongzhu, we haven't seen it before. Now,
at the first sight, Yan Zongzhu's skills are improving, and thousands of
miles a day."

Yan Wushi stopped about half a step behind Shen Kun, and didn't take a
step forward. He squinted and looked at Ruyi Kehui slightly: "But you're
walking in place, not much better than ten years ago."

With that said, the two stopped talking and both looked at each other.

Uninformed people saw this scene, and they were afraid that there was any
unclear relationship between the two.

Yan Wushi's clothes were automatic without wind, but Ruyi Kehui did not
shake a half of the clothes.

Suddenly Shen said: "The two want to get started, and please choose
another place. There is an ordinary people who do not martial arts. Don't
try to be innocent."

As soon as the words came to an end, Ruyi Kehui moved!

But his direction was not Yan Wushi's, but he swept away from the city,
leaving a sentence far away: "There is an open space outside the city!"
This sentence brought internal strength. Is it true that Ruyi Kehui's skill
was fraudulent, and it spread to almost half of Jiankang City immediately.

Yan Wushi snorted coldly, but did not see how to move, his figure was a
few feet away.

At the same time, several figures flew behind him after him.

It was the people who heard the movement rushing to watch the war.

This battle is doomed to shock the world!


The voice of Ruyi Kehui was more than just one or two people. Anyone
who was in Jiankang City at this time and just heard Ruyi Kehui talking
must be refreshed and rushed over, even if they did n’t know Who is his
opponent, but he can't be generalized if he can invite him to fight in

If you can watch such a wonderful confrontation, it is bound to be a golden

opportunity. No one wants to miss it.

However, it is not so easy to follow up and watch the battle. As soon as Ru

Yi Kehui said, he and Yan Wushi rushed out of the city one after the other,
their bodies fluttered in shock, and there were only two in the blink of
sight. Afterimage, blinking again, even the smallest shadow disappeared,
and many of them performed less well, and then they could only stare at
the direction in which the two left and stunned.

However, there are a lot of people who can keep up, like Dou Yanshan, the
leader of the Liuhe Gang, but also because he hears the movement, and he
will meet at this time. At this time, he can also shout to Yan Wushi while
he follows: I remember the night of Izumo Temple, you brought me a lot
of trouble for Liuhe Gang, and Dou would like to meet you today! "

There are not many people who can see Yan Wushi in this world, but
definitely do not include Dou Yanshan.
As soon as Dou Yanshan's words came out, he heard Yan Wushi sneer: "I
Yan Wushi won't fight with an unknown junior!"

This sentence also used internal force, and it spread very far. Not only was
Dou Yanshan chasing behind, but even Shen Chen who was still in place
was heard, and of course other people needless to say.

Many people laughed secretly.

If you are lacking in character, you laugh immediately.

Dou Yanshan turned black.

Not many people saw Dou Yanshan shot on the rivers and lakes. After all,
he was the world ’s largest gang's gang leader, with a high weight. If
everything was shot in person, then this gang was too miserable, but
anyway, he Martial arts, even if not in the top ten, is at least a first-class

But even so, it still fell into Yan Wushi's eyes.

This man's arrogance and domineering are evident.

But who makes people have this capital and strength? As soon as this
remark came out, apart from Dou Yanshan, the others did not feel anything

At the foot of Dou Yanshan, he continued to yell: "Mr. Yan, have you heard
that the soldiers will lose?"

His words were filled with Jiucheng internal force, and those who were
closer to him were immediately buzzed by the eardrum and dizzy and

Those people could not help but hesitate and never dare to underestimate
Dou Yanshan again.

Shen Yan did not catch up.

Because he knows that even if there is a difference between the strengths
of Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui, the difference is very small. At their level
of masters, winning or losing is not in that point of internal strength or
tricks, but in the grasp of opportunity and the opponent's Understand that
sometimes there is a slight difference and the outcome is overturned.

Those two people also knew this very well, so even if they did n’t use 10%
of the skill to fight this time, at least they would use 80% or 90%. With
Shen ’s current skill, it would be a bit reluctant to catch up, even if they
could catch up. , Also have to deplete a lot of vitality.

Anyway, the fight between the two of them will certainly not be short. He
followed the direction of the crowd to find the past, and finally found it
anyway, so he was not in a hurry, first helped the hawker to the street and
handed it over. The other vendors would take care of it, and then walked
towards the gate.

As soon as he got out of the city gate, he heard Bai Rongjiao smile: "Shen
Lang walked step by step. When will he arrive?"

Shen Yan raised an eyebrow: "Why hasn't the white lady watched the
battle yet?"

Bai Rong yelled: "Is it the first time you see the slave family and you, the
white little girl always calls you, you don't want to call Rong Niang, just
call a peony!"

When she saw that she was ignoring herself, she was still walking forward,
and stomped: "Okay, you're in a hurry, you are not in a hurry, the slave
family is still in a hurry for you! This opportunity is rare, and many people
are fighting now I chase after my life, but I won't be in a good position
later! "

After saying that she reached out and grabbed Shen Ye, and Shen Ye was
going to avoid it, she heard her tender voice: "Send you a ride, what do
you hide, are you afraid of me being frivolous?"

Shen Yan was speechless, and she was arrested for a while.
Bai Rong grabbed one of his arms and took up light work, with almost no
effort. He just flew forward with him. The speed was not half a minute
slower than that of Dou Yanshan.

Anyway, someone took it much more convenient to walk than herself,

Shen Xie thanked her, but Bai Rong smiled, "If you want to thank me, if
you really want to thank, you might as well let me sleep for one night, isn't
Yan Wushi? Have n’t slept with you yet? Your body like Yuanyang is so
good to me. Although I ’ve lost some skill, I do n’t dislike it. I ’ll teach
you the method of dual cultivation. Maybe your recovery is hopeful. Zhu
Yangce, who is training Lao Zizi! "

Shen Yun: "..."

Bairong was still trying to persuade him: "How about, this is a two-way
business, I made a profit, and you don't suffer. Is Shen Lang really not
thinking about it?"

Shen Yun: "... No, thank you for your kindness."

Bai Rong pursed his lips and didn't continue talking.

After a while, she asked again, "Who do you think would win today and

This is a good question.

Those who run to watch the war are also thinking about this issue.

Well-informed gambling house in Jiankang City may have bet at the


Shen Yun thought for a while: "If there is no accident, Yan Wushi should

Bai Rong giggled: "You are really moving towards the lovers! Yeou Kehui
is not a ubiquitous generation of prestige fishing. I had sneaked into
Linchuan Academy before and wanted to destroy their lectures the next
day in advance. He chased me more than half of Jiankang City personally.
I was seriously injured and fought half of my life before I escaped. Since
then, I have been reluctant to provoke this concubine. It's too stingy and
worthless! "

Shen Yun said to you that you are not a weak woman. Besides, you are all
running to other people ’s territory. If you are free to come and go, the
threshold of Linchuan Academy is unnecessary, waiting for people to
come to you every day.

While Bai Rong took him away, the socks under his feet were spotless, the
speed was not slow, and the tone was not panting: "In my opinion, the
strength of Ru Yi Ke Hui is the rebirth of Qi Fengge Cui Youhui, and he
can also In the first battle, this time outside Jiankang City, the surrounding
terrain is familiar to him. Your family may not win! "

At first, some people misunderstood the relationship between Shen Ye and

Yan Wushi. Shen Ye also felt that it was necessary to explain it, but later
he found that such an explanation was completely unnecessary. People
only believed in their own reasons, whether they explained it or not. This
does not prevent them from continuing their wishful thinking

Like Bai Rong, she was purely knowingly guilty, and joking, Shen Ye was
even more lazy to explain, and heard it as a breeze.

Seeing him unmoved, Bai Rong hummed, and didn't say any more.

The two left the city and walked for thirty miles, entered the woods from
the flat ground, and went north from the deep forest all the way to the
stream canyon. Then they saw two figures on the cliff far away and were
fighting on the wall.

The place under their feet is just some of the stones protruding from the
cut wall, some of them are not even a slap, and ordinary people are just
looking up from afar, they are thrilled, not to mention that they have to
land on the playing space precisely. If you accidentally fall off the cliff.
However, between Ruyi Kehui and Yan Wushi, who is also a person, and
not moving away, not only did they not see half howling and stagnant, but
as the clouds flow, they rarely saw which stone they were resting on for a
while, their bodies were flying, their spirits were cleaned up, and they
were broken. Shi Hengfei, where the wind went, the clouds came out of his
sleeve, the waves were flat, and people were dazzled.

The river that originally calmly moved south was stirred by the internal
force of the two, and the water flowed upwards in time. Yan Wushi
followed the trend and took the water as the basis and combined the ****
of spring water to fluidize the water into ten million sharp blades.

In the sky and flowers stirred up by the internal force, Ru Yi Kehui's body
was almost half-hidden. At least from the perspective of Shen Zhibairong,
Bairong looked far away, but he could only see a few vague shadows,
which were invisible at all. Where did Ruyi Kehui appear, and where will
he fight back.
Thousand Autumns: Page 56
The mountain wind is already strong. In addition, both of them use more
than half of the internal force. The two powerful energies meet in the
valley. They are twisted together like a huge vortex. The river flows
countercurrently, and the strong air blows the clothes. High bellied,

Bairong does not want to carry the internal force to resist, because then, if
the internal force is weaker than this airflow, he will suffer from it.

So she had to continue to endure the torture with the water vapor and
leaves scraped together. Turning her head to see, Shen Huan raised her
sleeve to face, and isolated the water vapor dust coming out of the sleeve.

Bai Rong was trying to laugh at how he watched the war like this, and
instead remembered that he was invisible, he wondered: "You are listening
with your ears? What can you hear?"

Shen Huan: "I heard their true enthusiasm towards each other. If I was not
wrong, the Lord of Yeou Palace will almost have a sword."

Bai Rong: "How do you know?"

Shen Yan but smiled.

But almost after he finished saying this, Bai Rong looked up and saw Ru
Yi Kehui slashing through the water curtain trap that Yan Wushi had
specially created for him. He struck down ten times, and he was killed by
Jian Guang directly. The huge stream of water that the teacher deliberately
provoked split into pieces, collapsed, fled, and splashed around, like the
heavenly girl scattered flowers and heavy rain pouring.

When Bai Rong saw this, he could n’t help but gloat and invited good
sales: "You see how good the position of the slave's family is, and there is
cover from the top of the pier. Those people won't even find a good place
to watch the battle, and they dare not resist with infuriating. Splashed his
face! "

The fight on that end is still going on, one with a sword and one with
empty hands, the sword light covers the sky, and the river hangs over the
river, but Yan Wushi is in it, but he is free to turn around. Playing the four
methods, you have to be chic and free from the wind.

Bai Rong frowned slightly: "He doesn't seem to use spring fingering?"

Shen Yun: "It's spring water fingering, but it can only be used for
fingering. Although it has one finger, it can be ever-changing. Although it
is ever-changing, but it does not leave its ancestors. The same is true of
the master's swordsmanship. If you observe carefully, he actually comes
and goes That move, but this one alone is enough to read through the
bustling, stay motionless, and defend the enemy from millions. "

Bai Rong looked at it for a while, and found that it was the case, and he
could not help but change Shen's appearance.

Everyone knows Shen Zheng ’s original identity, but because of his defeat
at Kun Xie, he still has doubts about his martial arts. He always feels that
it is not only difficult to see Qi Fengge's back, not even the top ten in the
world, although Bairong has eaten in his hands. Loss, but also always feel
that he is ill and injured, can not support it for a long time, may fall at any
time, and now hearing what he said, the master knows that he is a master
after all, and this vision alone is far beyond comparison.

"You just said that Yan Wushi would win, but you didn't say why." Bai
Rong approached him, and the breath of Orchid spit on Shen Yan's ear.

Shen Min helped the stone wall to move aside.

Bai Rong: "..."

Shen Yan also said to her very seriously: "I don't like this. If you do this
again, I won't talk to you."
Bai Rong laughed deliberately: "Which way is this, the slave family hasn't
even touched you, are you more expensive than the big girl Huanghua?"

Said that he would reach out and touch Shen Yan.

Her beautiful beauty like Didi deliberately seduces and gets close to her.
He does n’t say that Yu Wenqing is like a normal man who does n’t like to
linger in the flowers, so he wo n’t be deceived. If he does n’t talk about it,
he will have a feeling of intoxication at least at that time However, Shen
Xun is an exception. She did not dare to try to master such masters as Yan
Wushi or Ru Yi Kehui, but she bumped into the wall countless times here.

The outstretched hand was blocked by Shen Zhu's bamboo stick, and he
really sank into the water without saying a word.

Bai Rong knew that when he said he could do it, he was angry and
regretted, and couldn't help but speak.

In a blink of an eye, Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui have gone through
thousands of moves, but the two sides did not show any signs of fatigue.
They hit from the valley to the other side, watching the sun gradually go
west. Unconsciously, it was already noon, and the two had fought each
other for more than two hours.

Bai Rong's martial arts can be called first-class on the rivers and lakes
now, but this battle still benefits her a lot. This is a state never seen before,
but today, like a gate, opens a slit to let her glimpse inside. Landscape.

Even if there is only one seam, it is enough to shock inside.

She finally knew where the gap between her and the master was, and why
she could n’t cross that line, because her martial arts were only martial
arts, and the martial arts of Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui had already been
integrated into every part of their bodies. If you accept, you will let go, if
you want, you will find everything in the world, if you accept, you will
return to your heart, if you accept, you will see the sun and the moon, and
if you let it go, you will be ten feet red.
Bai Rong was so fascinated that he couldn't help whispering, "Can I reach
their state like this in my lifetime?"

This time Shen Min answered her: "Your qualifications are not bad."

Bai Rong thought about his own practice path, and somehow suddenly felt
a little bleak. He laughed at himself: "I ca n’t cultivate their Word, and
they do n’t bother to cultivate my Word."

Shen Yun: "Three thousand roads, only in order, there is no competition."

Bai Rong smiled sweetly: "You just got angry with me, just ignore me,
don't you talk to me now?"

Shen Yan: "You talk well, and I naturally answer well."

Bai Rong shrunk his hair behind his ears, and even this little act brought
endless charm, but unfortunately he was half blind and no one appreciated

"For you to point to the slave's family, the slave family also reciprocated. I
told you earlier that you should be far away from Yan Wushi. Shen Lang
should listen to it. Don't take it as a breeze, otherwise you will die when
you die. It was an unjust death, and it would be a shame for someone like
you to die young if you have n’t experienced the love of men and women.

Shen Yanmei: "Can you speak more clearly?"

Bai Rong smiled: "No, the slave family took a big risk to remind you. If
you are not at ease, I can't help it!"

She cried, "They're done?"

Between the words, the two figures shivered apart, each protruding
somewhere on the pared wall.

Bai Rong looked a little confused: "Is this a match?"

If she can't even see her, there will be fewer people who can see it. The
theft of the spectator's theft suddenly rises, and they are all discussing one
question: Is it that Ruyi Kehui won or Yan Wushi won?

In other words, many people are more inclined: Can Ru Yi Kehui win Yan

Chapter 41

When Bai Rong couldn't see Shen Yan, he couldn't help tilting his head to
look at him: "Don't you see Shen Lang?"

Shen Zhen shook his head and did not answer this question.

After a while, Ru Yi Kehui's voice came far away, ten minutes away,
shaking the whole valley and everyone's eardrums.

"I haven't had such a heartfelt fight with others for a long time. Today, I
met with Lord Yan for a while, and I am very happy, thank you for your

"Long-term lingering for a long time, I can only see the things above my
head, just like the frog at the bottom of the well, the leopard in the tube,
the master of Yeou Palace used to rule the king in the Southern Dynasties,
and suddenly met a rival with a good fanfare. I was naturally surprised. I
’ll get used to it a few more times in the future. "

As soon as Yan Wushi spoke, the tone of ridicule came out again. He heard
people's teeth tickling. However, he stood on the cut wall, stood with his
hands on his back, his sleeves fluttered, and he couldn't help looking up.
Many people understand that such arrogant strength can never be achieved
in their lifetimes. They have a strong human nature, and if they are
arrogant and powerful enough, the arrogant lord of the Moon Moon, if
these people do not have a trace of admiration in their hearts, it must be

However, Ru Yi Ke Hui still had a good attitude, only laughed: "Okay, so if

there is a chance to change the day, someone must go to ask for advice in

Ruyi Kehui's voice was not abnormal, and Yan Wushi was the same as
before. Bystanders could not hear the signs of injuries in the two voices,
could not help secretly calling them weird, and said that the two of them
hadted more than half of their experience. No one was injured, nor was
there a winner?

Does this once-in-a-lifetime master confrontation end with a draw?

There were also people who watched the battle at Banbufeng and
witnessed Shen Ye being knocked down by the cliff by Kun Xie. Although
the Huns won, it made many people present feel sad and sorrowful, but it
was inevitably a little unpleasant, but such a fierce engagement should
also be fierce. The result is that the martial arts realm of Ruyi Kehui and
Yan Wushi seems to be better now, but the end in this form is inevitable.

But it ’s okay for Yan Wushi, and for Yeou Kehui, they never have to
explain to anyone. When a few words of dialogue are over, the two float
down from the cliff, one falls on the edge of the stream, and the other falls
not far away from them. Rocky beach.

Ruyi Kehui and Yan Wushi arched their hands: "Zong Zong came from
afar, and some one should do the best of the landlord. I don't know if Zong
Yan plans to stay in Jiankang City for a few days. The lord went to visit. "

Yan Wushi said lightly: "No need, I ca n’t drink the water in Linchuan
Academy, but I ’m afraid that I will come back with a kind of
righteousness and morality. You still have to keep those things to cheat
fools and fools. stop!"

Ruyi Kehui smiled, but did not force him: "Now Kehui leaves first!"

He flung his sleeves and turned away. It seemed unusual between the steps,
but in a blink of an eye, he was out of reach. The unpredictable body style
alone was enough to make people dazzle.
"Chang Taixi to cover up his tears, and grieve the hardship of the people's
livelihood! Although Yu is good at repairing and conquering the
concubine, the concubine will be replaced by the concubine! It is not only
for Yu Yicong but also for the conquest of it. Hey, I have no regrets even
though I have died! ... "

There was a song from afar. It was Ruyi Kehui who was chanting "Li Sao".
He sang the tune to the south, ringing through the valley, and the original
sadness became heroic.

It seems that the battle with Yan Wushi did not reduce the strength of Ruyi
Kehui, many people thought.

Dou Yanshan previously spoke in public in the city and offered to fight
Yan Wushi, but after seeing the two fighting at this time, he turned away
without a word.

Some people who are accustomed to the good things of the Liuhe Gang
and can't help but say: "Isn't the Lord Dou Gang asking for a fight with the
Lord Yan, why did he leave so soon?"

Dou Yanshan stopped to look back and looked at the man, who was
trembling with his heart.
Thousand Autumns: Page 57
"Crossing Jiang Long and Li Yue, I may be defeated by Lord Yan, but I
still have more than enough to deal with you. Do you believe it?" Dou
Yanshan smiled.

Li Yue didn't expect that he could still call his name, and he dared to say
one more thing and hurried away.

Yan Wushi watched Ru Ji Kehui's back film engraved away, flew directly
to the top of the bamboo forest, and fell into the foothold of the wall by
the slender branches, and climbed upwards, with a graceful figure, shaped
like Eagle owl, but a few breaths back and forth, disappeared.

Since the Lord has left, there is no point in staying there. The onlookers
have left one after another. It is still a pity in their hearts. It is unfortunate
that today ’s draw is a pity, or it is a pity that they will not see this level of
confrontation in the future.

Before this battle, most people felt that no matter how powerful Yan
Wushi was, Ruyi Kehui should be even better. After all, one is the top ten
in the world, and the other is the top three masters in the world. But after
today, they are not If you dare to say that again, Yan Wushi's reputation
will inevitably rise to the next level, and this battle will be talked about. If
there is no accident, it should be the most exciting battle in the world in
recent years.

Bai Rong, who was standing beside Shen Zhen, did not know when the
figure was gone.

She came and went without a trace, and left without saying goodbye.

Shen Rong did not go after him, nor did he follow the same path as when
he came. He squinted and looked for a long time, but left along another

It was completely dark at this time.

After the night fell, the mountain wind was colder. Although it was April,
it was not officially summer. The gap between the mountain walls was
stirred by the wind, and howling screamed like a ghost crying.

This mountain peak is a bit like the half-step peak of the battle between
Shen Ye and Kun Xie that day, but it is not so high. The mountain's
foothold is narrow. There are only a few trees rustling in the night wind,
let alone covering the night wind for heating. I am afraid there is no place
to lean on.

But on the other side of the cliff slightly downward, there is a recessed
cave, enough to accommodate three or four people inside, backed by the
stone wall, and covered by a stone cliff on the top, it is a natural shelter.

And in this cave, a figure was sitting cross-legged.

When Li Yue walked in, the other party was motionless, like a dead

"Mr. Yan?" He began to test.

If anyone else is here and hears his name, I'm afraid to be shocked.

Yan Wushi left as early as Ruyi Kehui, why would he appear in this cave

Li Yue called several times in a row, and the other party did not move.

His courage grew bolder, approached step by step quietly, and found out
the flames from his arms to light up, looking at the flames towards Yan
Wushi, who was like a monk sitting in a rock, his eyes were closed, his
eyes closed. The movement of fire did not open his eyes.

Li Yue was ecstatic, and his hands even shook with excitement.

His martial arts can only be called second-class, but his eyesight is very
good. Because his ancestor was a family of captives, he grew up under the
influence of his father and ancestors.
Everyone felt that Ruyi Kehui and Yan Wushi were of equal strength. It
was a pity that the result of the draw was not the same, but he did not think

A battle from day to night, the two sides did not say they did their best, at
least eight or nine points of effort, this can not lie to anyone, in the place
where the two fought the most fiercely, all the rocks and stones turned into
powder, The half-height stone was instantly swayed into gravel, and the
river was against the river for a while, and the surrounding trees were
destroyed. Under such a huge momentum, the spectators did not dare to
carry the internal force to resist, showing that the power was great at the
time. Two people, did they have any slight injuries?

Even a peerless master, in the realm of Qi Fengge, will still have a death
period, as long as he is not a **** who can't eat the fireworks on earth, he
cannot be injured.

Although Ruyi Kehui and Yan Wushi both behaved indifferently, Li Yue's
intuition did not end in such a simple way.

His martial arts must not be able to catch up with the two, but others have
left, but he has not yet left. He stays around, and even climbs the cliff to
go up and take a look, because there was a moment when the two played
against each other. Staying on the mountain, no one knows what happened
in that moment. Li Yue was bored. After searching for a long time, he
didn't find anything meaningful. He felt that he really wanted too much.
Who knows what to do, A cave was found here.

And Yan Wushi inside.

This was really a big surprise from the sky. Li Yue kept calm down, but he
couldn't hold his slightly trembling hand, and even the fire trembling
trembled. The fire was swaying in the hole, and there was an inexplicable

He believed that Yan Wushi must have been injured and healed here, and
the injury was not minor, otherwise he would not come to him and the
other party would not notice it.
If ... If you could kill Yan Wushi and make his body public, you would no
doubt be known overnight.

At that time, everyone in the world will know that the person who killed
the Demon King is not Ruyi Kehui, the master of Linchuan Xuegong, but
himself, who crossed Jianglong Liyue!

In a mood, he didn't even think about the subsequent troubles that

followed. For example, if he really killed Yan Wushi, how should he deal
with the pursuit of the yue yue sect, and how can he convince the world
that a second-rate figure can kill Yan Wushi who Ruyi Kehui could not

But Li Yue didn't think of more. The temptation to become famous soon
drowned his mind, and he couldn't help pulling out the sword in his waist

The sword's tip advances inch by inch, and during the day, the devil is also
full of spirits. At this moment, he is in front of his eyes, ignorant and

Because of excitement, Li Yue's expression even distorted.

Suddenly, his expression freezes.

Li Yue widened his eyes and stared suddenly. The bamboo stick blocking
the sword tip, his neck stiffly and slowly raised, looking at the owner of
the bamboo stick who did not know when to appear silently.

"While people are in danger, it is not the gentleman's actions. In this way,
Wu Gong will not be able to make inroads in his life." Shen Huan calmly
said, "Go away."

Li Yuezhang: "What do you know! I have been into the rivers and lakes
since I was fifteen years old. When I was young, I was considered to be
born with good qualifications. Who knows that after twenty-five years,
Wu Gong has been stagnant. , I will definitely be famous! "
Shen Yan shook his head: "Kill him, you can improve your martial arts?
This is just the jealousy of the weak and the strong. Suddenly there is a
chance to control the life of the strong, so I feel excited and unbearable.
Don't be controlled by your demon. , Otherwise you will not be able to
improve on martial arts throughout your life. "

Li Yue was completely irritated by him: "You blind man, come here to mix
something! Shen Ye, don't think nobody knows you, no one on the rivers
and lakes knows you, you are colluding with Yan Wushi, and even Xuandu
Mountain will chase you away. When you go out the wall, Qi Fengge's face
has been completely lost by you. What a disciple of the first person in the
world, my uncle, is just a lucky man who sells color and wins the favor of
the devil! Are you a slave and you have fun? , Are you afraid that I killed
Yan Wushi, and no one will take shelter in the future? It ’s a man who
stands up and does n’t always want to be attached to others! ”

Shen Yan was not angry with these words. Since his identity was broken by
Duan Wenyu at the Su family, many people have looked at him with
strange eyes. They didn't say in their mouths, they may not have the same
thoughts as Li Yue, they are even more unpleasant. Shen Ye has heard it.

But in fact, these words are just swords on the mouth. As long as you don't
take it seriously, others cannot hurt you.

Li Yue saw that he didn't speak, and only when his drinking and cursing
worked, he sneered at once: "Shen Dao, if you don't block the road and kill
Yan Wushi, what good is there on him, we can still share a point ..."

As he spoke, the sword was also handed out.

Jian Guang flashed and cast off extremely quickly. This is a trick that Li
Yue is quite proud of.

铮 ——!

The sound was ringing. The sword tip did not penetrate Yan Wushi's body,
but the sword had already flew up, drawing an arc in the air, and landing
directly on the ground.
Li Yue only felt a pain in his wrist, and he couldn't help making a noise.
His body responded quickly. When he saw the bamboo stick sweeping
towards his waist, he settled down, the whole person folded back, avoiding
the sweep. The bamboo stick straightened up again, grabbed the bamboo
stick with his hand, and flew up to kick Shen Shen's lower body.

However, the figure of the opponent floated backwards, and then appeared
behind him. It was unbelievable that Li Yue hadn't responded yet, and the
whole person was slammed into the side of the stone wall with his back
and stunned. past.

Li Yue's defeat was not because he underestimated Shen Yan, because he

would definitely be doomed today even if he did not underestimate the
other person.

At that time, Shen Ye and Duan Wenye played against each other in Sue,
and it didn't spread, and the white velvet Xiaose and others who had
suffered a loss in his hands, it was impossible to slap their own defeats
everywhere. The battle on Bufeng, and all the rumors that came from the
hearsay later, caused everyone's perception of Shen Yan to plummet. At
first, how much he valued it, now he takes it too lightly. Overnight, Shen
Ye's name was linked with Yan Wushi. , Has become synonymous with
bereavement dogs.

Shen Rong didn't bother Li Yue any more, but walked towards Yan Wushi.
When he touched the other side, he felt a chilling air piercing the flesh
from the skin of his palm. He wanted to invade and spread the limbs, and
was shocked to let go of him immediately. , Rao is so, the cold feeling in
my hand also slowly disappeared after a while.

He found that Yan Wushi's body was not only as hard as ice, but also
seemed to have no vitality. He seemed to have closed the five senses, so
that even Li Yue and he were speaking by hand, and Yan Wushi was

Shen Yun thought for a while, holding back the bone-chilling ice cold, and
grabbing the opponent's hand from his sleeve to explore the pulse.
The pulse is still beating, and there is breath under the nose, but the pulse
is faint and disordered. It seems that there are several different air streams
entwined in each other's body, and they can not see each other and collide
with each other.

In other words, Yan Wushi showed signs of going into chaos.

The higher the martial arts, the farther you go on martial arts, it is
inevitable that there will be various higher pursuits, unwilling to follow
the rules, so the higher the chance of getting into the magic.

Like Qi Fengge, Cui Yourui, and Hulu, these stunning masters are fine. If
they are willing to live to the end of their lives, there will be no problem in
decades, but they are unwilling to stop on the martial arts pursuit. It is
more uncomfortable than killing them, but in their realm, it is difficult to
go one step further, and it is easy to go into magic and even endanger their
lives if they are careless.

In fact, Yan Wushi had already discovered this.

The difference between the magic heart and the Tao heart lies in the fact
that the two have taken different paths, just like a day and a place, one
black and one white, never intersected. For thousands of years, no one has
tried to meet the magic heart or the Tao heart. , Even the first person of the
original Demon Cui Yourui did not do so, but Yan Wushi's character is
destined to endless pursuit of martial arts, and what others think is
impossible, he wants to go So, for ten years of retreat, not only did he
practice all the martial arts in Zhu Yangce's remnants, he also tried to use
Zhu Yangce's true energy to build a new foundation for himself, that is,
Taoism. No matter how powerful a person is, the foundation in his body is
only There can be a set, but Yan Wushi hopes that he can hold the magic
heart and the Tao heart at the same time. The Tao heart is formed, and the
magic heart will not disappear.

This is of course impossible. How can a person have both a magical heart
and a Taoist heart, so Yan Wushi did not succeed in ten years. Although he
has made great progress in martial arts, he has become a master who can
compete with Qi Fengge, but he cannot overcome it. This problem, but
also left a hidden danger to myself, usually may not show up, but today
and Ru Ye Kehui, both sides can not fail to do their best, and immediately
hooked out that hidden danger.

Shen Yan frowned deeply. He tried to inject Qi into Yan Wushi's body, but
there seemed to be a sense of rejection in the other side. Instead of
accepting his Qi, he backfrozen the air of chill and ran freely in Shen Qi.
Then, he walked all over the body meridian, Shen trembled, and had to let
go of the other's hand, and instead meditate and adjust his breath, trying to
melt the cold.

The cold moon was deserted, the mountains were silent, and the night owl
screamed one after another. The desolate meaning penetrated into the bone
marrow, and there was no coolness in the early summer.

Li Yue's flames had been burned out, and Shen Wei got up and walked
towards him, trying to touch a few flames from him to ignite and warm

"Shen Lang, the slave family has been waiting outside for a long time, so
why don't you call someone to sit in and sit, there is no pity for
compassion and love for the jade!" A complaint came from outside, and a
face of Yixiyixi appeared outside the cave.
Thousand Autumns: Page 58
Shen Zheshu had no accidents and didn't talk.

Bai Rong walked in by himself and said with a smile: "I waited outside for
a long time, and I was afraid when Master Yan would wake up, Shen Lang,
let's discuss it, Li Yue looks ugly, you don't want to cheap him, Then let
me pick a bargain? "

Shen Yun: "Not good."

Bai Rong choked for a moment, crying and laughing: "The slaves haven't
finished talking yet, why did you refuse?"

Shen Min groped a few times on Li Yue, found out two flames, lit one of
them, and half of the cave was illuminated by the fire.

Bai Rong's body moved slightly, and she appeared next to Yan Wushi the
next moment. She raised her palm and patted him on the head of the other
side. However, she was blocked by the Shen who did not know when it
appeared. The two sides quickly passed through the small cave. Ten
strokes. Although Acacia is famous for charm and double cultivation, their
martial arts are no less inferior to Huan Yue and Law Mirror. The white
velvet is young and has three different tastes. Sang Jingxing has a set of
"Tianyuan "Sixteen Steps" was co-operated with her to make it ever-
changing and unpredictable.

She knew that Shen Yun was not a man of his own control, so she
deliberately pre-empted and made a quick decision. She gave out dozens
of palms in the blink of an eye. With the erratic figure, she slaps out the
palms at the same time. He also laughed: "Shen Lang, you are really
cunning. Last time you fought, you deliberately imitated Yan Wushi's
spring fingering, which scared the slave family. Now I can see through it,
you can't scare anyone!"
Shen Yan didn't say anything. His current skill is as good as Bairong's, but
in other words, in general, no one can help him, even Bairong is better
than that. Frightened by his finger, it gave him a chance, but there was no
second chance for the same opportunity. Bai Rong was a smart man and
naturally understood this truth.

Don't look at her smiling and talking with Shen Yan, Yan Yan and
whispering softly, when she really needs to start, she will not show any

Bai Rong just watched outside for a long time because she didn't confirm
whether Yan Wushi had really gone into trouble, but thanks to the trouble
of Li Yue, she helped her confirm this.

At present, to move Yan Wushi, Shen Yan is her biggest obstacle.

"Shen Lang, don't you take pity on my situation in Hehuan Sect. As long as
I kill Yan Wushi, I will be a major enemy for Hehuan Sect. Since then,
who in Hehuan Sect dare to look down on me, and the slave family does
not need to What you do is just sit back and watch. With such a hand
raised, wouldn't you be willing to help? "

Bairong's eyes were full of water, showing pleading and coquettishness,

but his hands were not slow at all.

"Shen Lang, isn't Yan Wushi being good to you? He saves you, but treats
you as a plaything and fulfills his indulgence in making fun of you. You
are gentle in nature, and you are willing to pay back if you treat you well.
Ten, but if he is really good to you, why would he let you be put in danger
three or four times? It's nothing ... do you really like the devil? "

"If you would let me kill Yan Wushi, I will do my best to help you recover
your martial arts and return to the position of Xuandu Shan in charge of
teaching. Is your own power more than a hundred times better than relying
on others?"

The author has something to say:

King Meow just found that there are some minor disputes under the
Mengmeng. This article is beautiful, and the subject will definitely not
change. On this basis, everyone has the freedom to speak and discuss. You
like white velvet, but in fact it is because of this character. Okay, right?
Hey hey big face ~

Except for anti-human elements like Huo Xijing, many people ca n’t
simply define good or bad. Everything that Bairong does is consistent with
her personality and her own position, just like Lao Yan and Ruyi Kehui.

Lao Yan went into trouble, but he was not a loser in this fight, and Ruyi
Kehui was also injured, but everyone was dying to save face and not
vomiting blood in front of others, as will be mentioned in the next chapter.

small theater:

Bai Rong: You protect Lord Yan so much, you have already fallen in love
with him, right?

Shen Yun: Yes, I have never seen anyone like him in my life. He is like a
light that illuminates my barren life in Xuandu Mountain for 30 years.
Although I said no in my mouth, my heart has long been Betrayed me!
……card! (Turns his head angry) Director, what a shabby script!

King Meow: Sorry, Sorry, I took the script of "I Do Not Want to Be
Overbearing" from the studio next door!

Chapter 42

Shen Zhe didn't want to tell her more. The bamboo stick in her hand
seemed to be as fast as light and shadow, pouring down with a strong wind
force. The inside of the chamber was cleaned up, the flames were already
out, and the moonlight didn't know when to spread in, and it was with the
wind. The wind is intertwined, like Tianhe Yinchuan, Longfeifengwu.

The internal force smashed into a sharp blade wherever he went. After a
while, Li Yue's face had several bloodstains on his hands, but Yan Wushi
still sat still, as if King Kong was not bad, and it was difficult for him to
stay on the outside. Under trace.

Bai Rong was afraid of being late, and became impatient for a long time.
The sleeves of the robes were slightly shaken. Numerous powders were
lifted out with the palm wind, colorless and tasteless. If an ordinary master
can avoid them in time, Shen Shen's hearing is sharper, and also for a
moment Hard to detect, after a moment, he felt slightly numb all over, and
his hands and feet were a bit weak, and he knew that he should have been a
secret conspirator.

"Shen Lang, Shen Lang, you ’re bad for me, and I still show mercy to you.
This medicine is not poisonous, it will only make you useless for a long
time. You must remember this love, but do n’t get in the way now. ?"

When she said this, her tone was gentle and gentle, like she was coquettish
with Qing Lang, but she slaps Shen Shen with her palm. After all, the drug
is not perfect, and she still has to beat people to fight, she can rest assured
to cook Yan Wushi.

Shen Min received her palm, and bumped her back against the sharp and
rough stone wall, a sudden pain went through her body, and then she felt
the hot and humid feeling spreading against her clothes.

Bai Rong said gently and softly: "Shen Lang, don't blame me for being
fierce. You have to protect him. I can't help but topple you first, but you
can rest assured. I changed my mind. A dead Yan Wushi is worthless. Only
a stupid ancestral monarch is the best for Acacia, so I will save his life! "

By the time she said this, Bai Nen's pretty palm had been lifted, and she
shot at the head of Master Wu Yan!

Bairong's self-control force is very good. After this palm, the opponent's
skull will not be damaged in the slightest, and only the inside of the brain
will be injured.

But this palm hasn't been photographed yet, but she can only sideways
avoid, and the bamboo stick behind him follows.
"You didn't get the medicine?" Bai Rong couldn't agree.

"Some hits, I closed my breath in time." Shen Yan coughed, and his
movements slowed.

Bai Rong took the opportunity to cooperate with the "16 Steps of
Tianyuan", such as the ghost sticking into the door of Shen Nian, but the
**** in the food were directly inserted into Shen Yan's heart, which is
indefensible. She wanted to take the opportunity to force the other party to
retreat. Shen Yan did not retreat, and pushed back so that Bai Rong could
not advance.

"You just like him so much, do you like to protect your life!"

Shen Xun said nothing, did not know if he was unwilling to explain, or felt
it was laborious to speak.

At this moment, Yan Wushi, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his

Shen Yan turned his back to see nothing but Bairong saw it.

She was startled, seeing Yan Wushi staring straight at herself and
wondering what he was doing now: "Shen Lang, your family love is
awake, are you still busy with me?"

Only when she lied casually, Shen Yan refused to pay attention, until a
breeze came from behind his head, he was suddenly alert and had to turn
around to block.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Rong floated directly to the entrance of the
cave: "Do you think I'm lying to you, you two tell the old story, I won't

She just laughed and disappeared directly into the hole.

She can also deal with Shen Yun. If you add another Yan Wushi, especially
Yan Wushi who can shoot, there is no doubt that there is only a dead end.
So after confirming that Yan Wushi is awake, she took the initiative and
chose to slip away .

The bamboo stick was directly hit by the oncoming high-powered force,
Shen Chen didn't have time to say a word, and his throat was tightly

"Shen Yun."

The sound was cold and boneless, which seemed to contain no emotion at

The strength of the opponent is almost to break his neck!

Shen Min was startled, and he took a photo with his palm regardless of his

Yan Wushi didn't hide, he took his palm, and at the same time his fingers
were released, and the person just stepped back a few steps without
vomiting blood.

Shen Yan bent down and coughed and cried, his body completely lost
strength and fell to the side.

After a while, Yan Wushi finally said again: "How are you here?"

The tone of this sentence sounds a lot normal, but Shen Yun dare not care,
he leaned on the stone wall and gasped, "You went into magic."

Yan Wushi glanced at Li Yue who was lying in the cave, and turned his
gaze back to Shen Yan, and suddenly laughed: "I'm not mistaken, this is a
good opportunity, you don't kill me or hide beside me. Seeing that I was
killed, did I even try to stop it? "

Shen Yun: "Why should I kill you?"

Yan Wushi smiled with a smile: "Ah, is it true that you really love me for
a long time?"
Breathing Shen, she slowly spit out two words: "Grace."

"Reciprocate?" Yan Wushi's smile was a little surprised, "I remember

telling you early in the morning, I saved you, but only on the whim, I want
to see if you are qualified to be my opponent, by the way, appreciate your
renegade, nothing but pitiful People, will they be stunned and be mad
because they have been hit hard? "

Shen Yun: "What's your motivation will not change the fact that you saved
me. Even if you save me to kill me, you should be grateful to me before I
am killed."

Yan Wushi couldn't help laughing even more cheerfully: "Ama, ah Ama, I
don't think you should practice Taoism, you should go to practice
Buddhism. Your soft-hearted heart may have become a monk of Dade, but
why would you be a monk? It's miserable that people hit the cliff? "
Thousand Autumns: Page 59
Shen Ye ignored his satire, took a breath, and continued: "The Zhou
Dynasty now has Yu Wen's presence, and the world can still be said to be
peaceful. If you are not, Huan Yuezong may not be able to rely on the edge
plum and jade smoke. If Yu Wenzheng has three strengths and two
weaknesses, the Minister of Ministers and another emperor will be able to
live, but if other countries take advantage of the opportunity to recruit
troops, the final victims will be ordinary people. "

Yan Wushi laughed: "Your tongue is getting sharper."

Between the two of them, Li Yue also woke up.

At first, he was still confused and confused, and when he saw Yan Wushi
looking at him with interest, he immediately became frightened, got up
and crawled up, and ran outside without saying a word.

Yan Wushi casually ejected the stones in his hand, the rubble rubbed
against the ear of Li Yue, leaving a bloodstain on it.

Li Yue screamed and ran faster.

If Yan Yan had no intention of killing him, now he was afraid that he
would have become a cold body.

Shen Yun didn't know why Yan Wushi changed his mind and didn't have
the energy to speculate. He leaned on the stone wall, and the dry wound on
the back became more and more painful. If there was no real energy
flowing in his body, it would have been frozen at this moment.

On the contrary, Yan Wushi turned his head and said to him, "I don't kill
him, because there are many ways in this world that don't kill people, but
make people die. He wants to kill me, but he can't kill him. He will always
live in the future. In the fear of being retaliated by, I will not be more
relaxed than I am now. I only need to harass in my name at three to five,
and he must have been scared to death by himself. It is not more
interesting to say this. What? "

Shen Min remembered another thing: "Even if I didn't stop it, Li Yue and
Bairong couldn't kill you, did they?"

Yan Wushi: "Yes, although I couldn't move at that time, my perception of

the outside world was still there. I heard your conversation. You also
discovered the cold air in my body. If they wanted to kill me, they would It
will also be swallowed by the chill. "

Shen Min sighed softly, and suddenly said, "Bai Rong is gone."

Until just now, Bai Rong was probably lurking outside the cave, and
wanted to confirm whether Yan Wushi had really recovered. It wasn't until
Li Yue escaped and heard the dialogue between Yan Wushi and Shen Ye
that she really died and left. .

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Why do you sigh? You are all the way up
the mountain and stay beside me regardless of the danger. How can I not
give you a face? You are not willing to watch me kill, I let them go this
time What's the matter, Bai Rong's little girl is dead now. It's a pity that
she is there. The fun after Hehuanzong is still very big! "

He got up and bent over to lift Shen Bao. When his hand touched his back,
Shen Bao shuddered slightly, thinking it was because the wound was
rubbed by clothes.

Yan Wushi noticed that he changed his horizontal hug into a piggyback.

He had just gone into trouble and had a dangerous situation. At this time,
nothing was going on. He walked all the way from the cliff to the ground,
but he went to the foot of the mountain for a moment.

After returning to the pavilion, he was given medicine. Shen Yan was to
adjust his breath and healed his injuries. He simply retreated for three
Coming out three days later, the Zhou dynasty mission just completed its
task and was ready to set off for home.

Yu Wenqing heard that he was injured, and he ordered someone to send in

a lot of supplements. He was very curious about the results of the battle
between Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui. He heard that he was tied, but he did
n’t know what was going on. When I asked Yan Wushi in person, I wanted
to come to Shen Zhen to ask. Unfortunately, when I met Shen Zhen, I
could n’t see him. I waited for three days, and waited until Shen Zhen went

He couldn't wait to find Shen Ye, first greeting his body, and embarrassed,
"I didn't expect too many people that day, and I almost separated from
Yuzi, didn't you bother?"

Shen Yun said: "Thank you Brother Yuwen for your care, but I have
suffered some injuries, and I'm already very good."

Yu Wenqing: "Without concealing your remarks, we are about to leave for

home. If there is no accident, someone from Linchuan Xuegong will send
someone off. On that day, Master Shao Yan and the master of Yeou Palace
will win or lose. You are on the side. Watching the war, I am sure that I
know everything. I do n’t have the courage to ask if the young master does
n’t say it, but if the young master wins, I ’d better say a few words in front
of the Linchuan Academy, showing the power of our big week! "

Shen Yan did not expect that he was eager to find himself for this trivial
matter, which was a little funny: "It should be Yan Zongzhu's victory."

Yu Wenqing shouted, frowning, and a little unbelieving: "Really, I heard

that this guy Ruyi Kehui is very strong in martial arts, and it is estimated
that he can rank among the top three in the world, maybe he won the first
in the world?"

Regarding martial arts, Yu Wenqing didn't understand after listening a lot,

Shen Zhen said bluntly: "Actually, both people suffered some injuries. The
Lord Yan caused the old trouble, but the Lord Yeou Palace, if I do n’t have
If you guessed wrong, you should have hurt your meridians. Within a
month, you can't be mad. "

"For more than a month, I'm afraid he can't do anything with people for
three months."

A faint voice sounded from the doorway, and Yan Wushi came in.

"What do you have to say, why not ask me in person?"

Somehow, Yu Wenqing was panicked when he saw him. He was swept

away by his stunned eyes, and the needles grew like needles under his
buttocks. He couldn't sit still for a moment. "Don't bother, don't bother, I'll
oversee whether they're packing properly, and when they're ready to leave,
I'll send someone over to ask for two."

Say that the soles of the feet quickly flash people.

Yan Wushi turned to Shen Yun: "How?"

Shen Ye knew what he was asking, and slowly said, "You fought against
Ruyi Kehui. It ’s rare in the world. Maybe others will realize it, but I
closed my retreat for three days, but I did n’t have much skill except for
healing old injuries. As I progress, I always feel that there is a layer of
obstruction that makes me unable to go any further. It seems to be
spinning in place. The only good thing is that the real air flow has become
smoother and my eye disease has improved. Now I can see some light and
shadows. "

"It's a pity." Yan Wushi said in his heart.

Cold and ruthless.

But he didn't reveal anything, but smiled slightly: "That's fine."

The battle between Yan Wushi and Ruyi Kehui quickly spread.

Everyone cares about winning or losing.

In the Southern Dynasty, Ruyi Kehui was not only famous on the rivers
and lakes, but also had a place in the court. Master Chen paid special
attention to him, and even Queen Liu will come from Linchuan Academy.
Therefore, in the eyes of many Southern Dynasty people, Linchuan
Academy stands out. , Almost equivalent to the leaders of Confucianism
and Wulin of the Southern Dynasty.

Such a status and fame, if Ru Yi Kehui loses to Yan Wushi, it is almost


But the fact is that the people who went to watch the battle that day said
that they were tied, and after Ye Hui Kehui returned, he never kept his
door closed in Linchuan Academy. No one would visit or meet. Yan Wushi
treated the same. In the hall, nowhere to go. This can't help but make the
rumors even worse. Some say that both sides lose each other, and some
say that Ruyi Kehui is superior and Yan Wushi is shameless.

At the same time, Yu Wenqing also released words, saying that it was his
native Yan Shao, who greeted the Lord of the Yeou Palace in the banquet,
and hoped that the Lord of the Yeou Palace could take time to appreciate
the light-this is purely a trick that he thought of after listening to Shen Ye's
words For the method, if there is no response from Linchuan Xuegong, he
can even make a mockery of it. It is okay if Ruyi Kehui comes in person,
anyway, he did not say that Yan Wushi will attend.

Although the two countries are now allied, everyone knows that the
alliance is only temporary, because everyone now has a common goal.
Once the goal disappears, the ally will still become the enemy, and it will
only pass on the bright side. The wrestling in private has never No less.

Many people in the Southern Dynasties felt deeply embarrassed after

hearing about it. They all thought that Yu Wenqing deceived people too
much, and many people who thought they had accomplished martial arts
took the initiative to come forward and proposed to challenge Yan Wushi.

But Yan Wushi, who is also a man, is arrogant and even conceited only to
those who are of the same level. The rest is hustle and inconspicuous. How
can he care what others say? If these people are really "received by him" It
is estimated that the next day's sun will not be seen.

In fact, there was no need for Yan Wushi to take the shot, and those who
came with Yu Wenqing were enough to cope with the people who came
from every corner.

Two days later, the news finally came from the Linchuan Xuegong Palace,
and declined the invitation of Yu Wenqing, saying that the palace master
was retreating and no one was seen.

This response seemed to confirm Yu Wenqing's words. Those voices

scolding the Zhou Dynasty people for being too arrogant suddenly
disappeared. How proud of Yu Wenqing's mention, he came to Shen Ye to
talk happily, but he got away from Ru Ru. News.

When Ru Ru asked three questions, Ren Wenqing was afraid to speak with
Yan Wushi again, and couldn't help looking for the other party: "Master,
do you know where Shen Daochang has gone?"

Yan Wushi: "Why, do you miss him so much?"

Yu Wenqing grinned carefully: "Nothing, Mr. Shen Dao came with us, he
should have gone back with us, but now it's gone, I should always ask."

Yan Wushi: "He is gone."

Yu Wenqing: "Ah?"

Yan Wushi wasn't interested in talking to people so much, but when he saw
Yu Wenqing's loss, he felt interesting again: "He already had a word first.
After seeing this seat and Ruyi Kehui fighting, he would leave by

Yu Wenqing murmured, "But where can he go alone, doesn't it mean that

Xuandushan can't go back?"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Yu Wenqing, you took love with you on the
road, but you have a different mind, and you are so concerned about Shen
You, can you really treat this seat as nothing?"

He said this with a smile. Yu Wenqing gave a shiver, but he dared to ask
more, and quickly made excuses to say goodbye.

Looking at the wolverine figure that Yu Wenqing left in a hurry, Yan

Wushi slowly put down the book and looked out the window.

He still smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were cold with


At this time Shen Zhen was walking on the way north.

The sun was just right, the green robes were bamboo sticks, and the
clothes were flying. He couldn't help but raise his lips slightly.

Now, covering his forehead with his hand to block the sun, he can squint
his eyes to see the foreground. Although it may not be as clear as before
the injury, but only if he has lost it, will he know the preciousness he had.

Before leaving, he went to Yu Wenqing and wanted to leave in person. He

left a letter to Yu Wenqing and asked Ru Ru to pass it on, but Ru Ru feared
the majesty of the Lord and might hand the letter first. To Yan Wushi,
there was nothing written in the letter, they were all ordinary greetings and
goodbyes, nothing else.

Shen Yuanyuan thought that Yan Wushi would keep people away, but
things went unexpectedly smoothly. Yan Wushi didn't say anything, and he
directly agreed, which actually made Shen Yan somewhat surprised.

The temperament of the ancestral monarch was as rumored as outside, he

was moody and capricious. Even if he had been together for such a long
time, Shen Xuan didn't dare to say that he knew each other completely.
Thousand Autumns: Page 60
Maybe it is because he refuses to plant a magic heart, and it is hopeless to
restore martial arts. For Yan Wushi, he is no longer enough to be regarded
as a close opponent. Yan Wushi is completely disappointed, so he let go,
or maybe he has spared no effort to go up the mountain. Blocking Li Yue
and Bai Rong's plot, let the other party finally be moved, which shows that
no matter how cold and ruthless, actually there is such a touch of humanity
in my heart?

Shen Xun shook his head and laughed for his speculation. He may always
think about human nature too well, but if he can make himself happy and
think about people better, why not?

From Jiankang City, the road is quite smooth. Jiangnan has been
prosperous since ancient times, water and land are connected, and the
political situation is stable. It is easy to forget that the world is still in

However, after exiting the border of the Southern Dynasty and heading
north after entering Qi State, it is obvious that there are fewer pedestrian
business trips along the way, everyone has less laughter and prosperity, and
more tension and distress.

I do n’t know if it ’s been a long time that I can only listen to my voice to
judge the status of the other person. Shen Ye found that he now likes to
observe the emotions on other people ’s faces. Even if they ca n’t see it
clearly, there are always many discoveries. .

From April to May, stop and go, the footwork is not slow. When the
interest comes, Shen Ye will also use light work. Few people know that
this one does not wear a robe and walks around with a bamboo stick.
Enron's bachelor scholars will actually be taught in front of Xuandu
Mountain, the enchanting monarch, in everyone's eyes.
Yan Wushi's battle with Ruyi Kehui has basically been known to everyone.
There may be a martial arts event in Liangzhou. A lot of people from the
rivers and lakes rushed there along the way, and they heard them talk about
the battle. Naturally, Qi people will not worship Ruyi Kehui like the Nan
people. In words, they have a high respect for Yan Wushi, only because of
their natural instincts, and Yan Wushi's strength, even if he is not in the
magic gate, Many people also admire.

There was a teacup outside the city of Liangzhou, and Shen Huan was
discussing how wonderful the battle between Ruyi Kehui and Yan Wushi
was. Although he didn't watch in person, he talked wildly, as if he saw it
with his own eyes.

There was an empty seat next to him, and soon someone sat down. He
lowered his head and drank tea, but did not look up, but listened to the
other side: "So clever?"

Shen Yun: "..."

Chapter 43

Shen Fufu: "Shen thinks this is no coincidence anymore."

Yan Wushi slowly picked up the cup on the table and poured half a glass of
water, but did n’t drink, just put it: "Where does life not meet, the end of
the world, the cape meet, this seat feels very fateful . "

Shen Yun: "Why did Master Yan come here?"

Yan Wushi: "Why are you here again?"

Shen Huan: "I'm going to Qi City, Qicheng."

Yan Wushi: "Oh, so coincident, I'm going to Wucheng too."

Shen Ye smiled and said, "I'm going to find someone, but you can't find
Yan Wushi: "What you say is so wonderful, why can't I go to find

Shen Yan ignored him, silently drank tea, ate snacks, paid, and then
returned to the road with a bamboo stick.

Yan Wushi also got up, holding his hand, and followed closely.

The distance between the two was always about seven or eight steps, not
closer, nor farther.

With constant response and constant change, she entered Liangzhou City,
looked for an inn, booked a guest room, put down the baggage, and asked
for some food. She sat on the second floor and ate slowly.

At this time at noon, most of the guests who had finished their meals were
gone. The second floor was empty and the downstairs was lively. The
lunch market had just begun and many people rushed to the market to pick
up the goods.

Shen Wei asked for a bottle of plum soup, and after taking a sip, Yan
Wushi slowly walked up the stairs from the corner.

He smiled slightly at Shen Yan: "It doesn't look as if your face is as

pleasant as a surprise from a foreign country."

Shen Ye said helplessly: "If Lord Yan didn't come to me on purpose, I

would be happier."

Yan Wushi: "I didn't come to you."

He sat down beside Shen Wei, and Shen Wei called the man at the
restaurant, and put on another pot of plum soup and a pair of tableware.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Why is Grandma anxious to draw a line
with me?"

Shen Yun didn't take it seriously: "I remember that you have always loved
to clean, and you don't want to share a pot with others."
Yan Wushi stopped talking.

Shen Huan: "If Lord Yan did not come to me, why did he come?"

Yan Wushi: "Yu Wenzheng has set a plan for Qi, Qi Guo's story has
changed, and there are differences within the Acacia sect."

He didn't need the buddy's new soup pot, instead he took the one Shen
Shen used, poured some into his bowl, and took a sip again.

"Yuan Xiu Xiu wanted to cooperate with Huan Yuezong. Sang Jingxing
refused. The two broke down. Yuan Xiu Xiu sent me a message saying that
Sang Jingxing was currently in Wucheng and wanted to cooperate with me
to kill him.

In the past, the Moon Sect was divided, and Sang Jingxing was the only
disciple of Cui Yourui, the last generation of suzerain, but did not seek to
reunify the magic gate. Instead, he fought fiercely with Yuan Xiuxiu and
became a transcendent chief elder in the Acacia sect. Actually If someone
despises him in this way and thinks that his ability is limited, he would be
very wrong.

Although this man is murderous, he loves beauty and countless enemies,

but his martial arts is first-class. Among the top ten in the world, his
martial arts ranking is particularly hesitant. Some people say that he is
enough to rank in the top three, and some people say Not in the top three.

It is said that Cui Yuhui's skills before his death were fully absorbed by
him, and what's more, it is said that Sang Jingxing had rebelled against his
masters and won the martial arts. Although no one saw it in person, many
people do not mind because of Sang Jingxing's reputation. Add such a
charge to him.

Shen Yun sighed: "Yuan Xiuxiu can create the Acacia sect, Sang Jingxing
must have done a lot of work, and now he has turned his head against one
another, why is it necessary to kill the other party!"
Yan Wushi sneered: "Your Xuandu Mountain still has the example of the
brothers and sisters being crippled, not to mention that the magic door is
weak and strong, and it will only be more naked and undisguised. Now
Sang Jingxing is in his own school in the Acacia sect, and his disciples
Yang Fengyin, invisible The middle point thinned Yuan Xiuxiu's power.
She didn't show it on her face, she didn't necessarily hate it. Otherwise,
you killed Sang Jingxing's apprentice Huo Xijing in front of her. Why
hasn't she ever avenged you? "

Shen Yun: "Yuanxiu Xiu is very likely to take the opportunity to use your
hand to eliminate Sang Jingxing."

Yan Wushi: "Even so, isn't Sang Jingxing dead? Isn't it a good thing for
this seat? Without Sang Jingxing's Hehuan Sect, Yuan Yuanxiu alone, how
to compete with Huan Yuezong, in the future After Qi was annexed by the
Zhou Dynasty, these people's ability to thrive is also limited. "

Shen Yan shook his head and raised the soup bowl: "Then wish Zong Yan
wish everything is done."

Yan Wushi: "Thank you."

The two bowls touched each other and gave out a pleasant and crisp sound.
When Shen Min remembered the two when they first met, he was afraid
that he would never have had such a peaceful moment of face-to-face chat,
and could not help but smile.

Seeing the smile on the corner of his mouth, Yan Wushi removed his eyes
and clipped chopsticks on the asparagus: "Where are you looking for?"

Shen Huan: "Not yet. I heard that they went north all the way, but
unfortunately they could not keep up."

Yan Wushi: "What are you looking for?"

Shen Ye also did not hide: "Yes, I ’m recovering some martial arts now,
enough to protect myself, not afraid of what Yu Ye wants to do, even if I
do n’t agree, leaving is no problem. I heard that he brought two elders and
sister Gu this time. , Ready to enter East Turkic, I want to find Gu Shimei
to talk about first. "

Yan Wushi: "Since Yu Xuan left Xuandu Mountain, at this time Xuandu
Mountain has no heads, why don't you go back to Xuandu Mountain first,
take down the position of teaching, and wait for him to come back."

Shen Yun shook his head: "Yu Yan acted meticulously. He had never
exposed anything about poisoning before. He would now leave Xuandu
Mountain and go to East Turkistan. He must have done a good job. He did
not fear to go back. He was alone. This kind of thing can't be done. From
the beginning to the end, except for the unknown truth, most people who
are trapped in the drum must have someone secretly supporting him in
Xuandu Mountain. If I go back to Xuandu Mountain now, chances are that
I will vote for myself. Luo Net, but these people he brought out, may not
be dispatched on weekdays. Gu Shimei also grew up watching me, and I
still have some confidence in her. "

Yan Wushi listened carefully and nodded with a smile: "That person also
wishes you an early return to your wish."

Even if he whispered softly in his usual days, he used a bit of ridicule to

play with it. When there was such a calm and concise speech, Shen Chen
also laughed: "Thank you."

There is still a considerable distance from Liangzhou to Tancheng. The

two stayed in Liangzhou for a day and set off north again. After leaving
Liangzhou, the closer they were to Tancheng, the more exiles were. Shen
Chen had been to Tancheng, but this time The scene was a bit more
depressed than before, and I couldn't help but stop and look at it. I saw the
displaced people walking along the dried riverbed towards the capital city.
They were listless and blind.

In his memory, he also encountered countless such scenes, which seemed

to be completely separated from the world of rivers and lakes.

Many people who have a foothold in the rivers and lakes have a place in
the family. In fact, most of their families have a small amount of capital.
Some even come from the landlords, or they have huge industries. Like the
Liuhe Gang, they operate on both sides of the land and water. Business has
done almost all the world. That is the real home and great cause, let alone
Huan Yuezong. It has deep relations with the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and
there are many industries in the Zhou Dynasty and the capital.

Even if the previous generations of Xuandu Zifu who insisted on not

joining the WTO, in fact, the entire generation of Xuandu Mountain had
been bought back in the generation of the ancestor of the Kaishan
Mountains. Leasing, even if Xuandushan has taught well in the past, and
only collects fair rent, these and the properties on Xuandushan are enough
to make Xuandushan's disciples live a stable life.

Wealth and prosperity in life can make people concentrate on practicing

and pursue in martial arts. If they can't fill their stomachs and eat upset,
then how can they deliberately practice their exercises?

If you look at these exiles, their children will face natural disasters and
human calamities when they are born. They will not continue to eat three
meals and are even more cruel. They may also be used as spare food by
their parents, even if one or two of them have excellent qualifications.
Martial arts geniuses, they are also likely to die before they are discovered
by Huiyan.

"Ama is soft again!" Yan Wushi rarely laughed, but sighed with a smile.

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Actually, I was also an orphan, my parents
were unknown, and I was abandoned in a deserted wilderness. I heard that
when I was born, I was weak and almost died in my life. Perhaps it was
because of this that I was abandoned by my parents, or maybe at home.
Poor and incapable of raising, anyway, I was fortunate enough to meet
Master, only to recover my life, so every time I saw these people, I always
regret that my ability was limited. If I had been enlightened earlier in
Xuandu Mountain, I would let the martial arts re-enter the WTO and say,
There may be more disciples who are from the cold, and they can save a
few more people. "
Yan Wushi said: "God has never been fair. Some people are born with
pride and jealousy, and some people are born with six relatives unreliable.
They are struggling with poverty. It ’s rare for you to treat others like
yourself. It ’s mostly like Chen Gong, who wants to look at Shulong, and
always thinks he can get more. Even if Xuandushan receives more
disciples, it means that there may be more white-eyed wolves like Yubi. "

Shen Yi smiled helplessly: "It may also help a few more to help the world,
and we are the pillars of the world!"
Thousand Autumns: Page 61
Yan Wushi didn't take it for granted: "If you want something, you can get
it yourself. Don't expect anyone to help. Life and death are your own
choices and you don't have to do with others."

Shen Yan said nothing.

Not far away, a couple pulled a skinny child towards this side, noisy as
they walked. Shen Wuyan and Wu Shi had good ears and naturally heard

In fact, the child bought them from other people's hands, and was
preparing to find a place where no one would cook the pot, so as not to be
snatched by others when they saw it, but he was beaten because of uneven
distribution. The husband felt that The child had only thighs and a little
meat on his back. He wanted to take it for himself, but the wife felt that
the child she had given out in October was born with hard labor in October.
She should have picked the "food" she had returned. Seeing that they had
no strength to walk, the two of them suddenly slammed.

The little boy who was replaced by them watched beside him, letting
others fight to eat themselves first, his expression was numb, and he
seemed to have lost consciousness.

Shen Xun couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and took the child over. The
couple who fought did not fight. Seeing that "food" was robbed, they
immediately flew towards Shen Xuan.

They have n’t eaten for days, not to mention Shen Ye, because a stronger
woman can easily knock them down, but after the child was brought back
by Shen Ye, the look has not changed at all, let alone be grateful, and even
escape Fortunately, there were no birth days.

"What's your name, but would you like to eat something?" Shen Min
asked, reaching out to pull him.
Who knows who hasn't touched each other yet, the child falls straight
towards him, motionless.

Shen Kun was startled, and looked forward, but found that the other party
had been seriously ill and was ill. When he was dragged away by the
couple just now, it was already back to life, and he was impatient, and at
this moment, his heart failure was hard to support.

For Shen Wei, there is no difference between saving and not saving.

His eyes have not been fully closed, and it seems that there is still the last
trace of nostalgia and complaint in the world.

Judging from the scars on his body and the ribs visible to the naked eye,
the child may have been born and has not had a good day. He may never
understand why he was born to suffer this hardship.

Shen Jiu didn't move for a long time, and stared at it for a moment, then
suddenly reached out and wiped the other person's face, and wiped his
closed eyes.

There was another hand covering his eyes, and he gently wiped away the
wet marks on the corners of his eyes.

"You haven't cried even after being betrayed by Yu Min, but now you're
crying for someone you don't know?"

"What I have encountered, whether it is frustration or dilemma, that is

enough for me to bear. But this child, he may not have hurt others at all,
God gave him birth, it should not be for suffering, everyone He has the
right to live, and even if he suffers, there should be hope for him to see the
way out. "

When others say these things, Yan Wushi must feel hypocritical. Even
now, he cannot and will not do these things Shen Shen did, but
unknowingly, naturally, he has been disdainful from the beginning, to It's
no surprise that Shen Huan made these moves now.
"You are so naive, who should give him this hope? Others must live and
think for themselves. Why should they be good to him?"

Shen Zheng stood up: "I'm willing to be nice to him, but I'm still one step

Yan Wushi said lightly: "You alone can save at most one or two. So many
people in the world are like him, but you ignore it. Is it hypocrisy?"

Shen Yun: "If one day can end the troubled world and the world will be
unified, this situation will not be completely extinct, it will be much less.
At that time, not one or two people will be rescued, but tens of thousands
of people will be rescued. You Say it? "

Yan Wushi didn't bother to care about him, walked directly to the side,
using the palm as a blade, and used internal force to cut a deep pit under
the tree. The four sides were flat and the depth was consistent.

When Shen Wei saw him, he knew what he meant, and smiled, "Thank

He put the child's body in a pit, and then reached out to plough the soil
into the pit.

In troubled times, it is good to not expose the dead wilderness. If a

tombstone is set up, it may be thought that there are burials underneath,
and the thieves come.

After doing all this, Shen Yun and Yan Wushi entered the city.

Inside and outside the city, there are two worlds.

It is said that Qi Zhuo Gao Wei heard that the famine had been outside for
years, and the refugees were all over the place. Instead of ordering relief to
the bottom, he built a poor village in the Hualin Garden of the capital,
dressing himself as a beggar, and letting the Neigu Palace be a passerby
and experience it himself. The joy of begging, so when the people of
Wucheng talk about Hualin Garden, they don't show their longing for the
imperial garden, but they laugh at the ambiguous.

However, even in the face of the persecution of the North Zhou army, there
is still a scene of singing and dancing leveling up, which is not much
different from the time when Shen Yan came several times before.

BMW incense car, gold powder and silver snow, long sleeves fluttering,
brocade skirt, jade lotus flower dress, subtle fragrance is rich, colorful,
this is the appearance of Qi City, the capital city, it is full of rich and rich

At first glance, the first-time visitor can hardly see a poor man, and may
even feel ashamed that he is too poor. However, at the corners of the
streets, he has a glance, and occasionally he can see ordinary people in
simple clothes and suddenly see everywhere Prosperity is incompatible.

In such a large city, if you want to find a few people, you can't find it in a
day or two. Yu Yun and others may have placed orders at Taoist Temple
somewhere, maybe put on ordinary clothes and concealed their identity. If
it is the latter, it is like a needle in a haystack. It's harder to find.

After entering the city, the two broke up. Yan Wushi didn't say where he
was going. Shen Zhen didn't ask much. He only said, "Zhen Zong takes
care and I wish you all the best."

Yan Wushi: "Are you going to stay at the inn?"

Shen Yun thought for a while: "Go to the Taoist Temple in the city first. If
you can't find anyone, stop by the Taoist Temple."

Yan Wushi nodded: "There are still things to do in this seat."

Without saying anything, he turned and left, but in a blink of an eye, he

had disappeared into sight.

Shen Zheng stood there for a while, and watched him disappear in the vast
crowd. He couldn't help but smile, and followed him away.
Just a few steps away, a large group of men and women came forward to
drive away the passers-by, and the pedestrians dodged on both sides to
avoid hitting the nobles behind and causing trouble to the upper body.

Shen Yan also followed, and heard someone wondering behind him,
"Which princess and prince is this back?"

The person who answered him laughed and said, "You guessed wrong, look
at this honor, it should be King of Seongyang!"

The questioner gave a soft whisper, and suddenly realized: "Is that the
King of Chengyang County, the King of Heaven's favor?"

The answer was meaningful: "Yes, that's the one."

The mother of Chengyang County's King Mutipo is so famous that almost

no one knows it, but his fame is not because of his political ability, but
because of the emperor.

Shen Ye and the King of Chengyang County also had a very unpleasant
relationship. Because of him, Muti was no longer humane. It is estimated
that he hated him long ago. Shen Ye was not afraid, but he was in If you
are looking for someone, there is no need to have more troubles. When
you hear the words, you retreat to the back of the crowd and prepare to
avoid it in the next shop.

Then he heard someone snorting again, "That's not the king of


Shen Yun looked back, and it happened that he was looking at it with a tall
head and a big horse.

The eyes of the two were facing up, Shen Yan moved away indifferently,
but the other side was slightly surprised.

"Oh, it's not the King of Chengyang County. It is the new favorite of the
emperor. It is said that the King of Chengyang County recommended it to
His Majesty. Now it is very much loved by His Majesty. Even Feng Shufei
has to be back!"

"Feng Shufei is that ... uh?"

"Hey, yes, that's the Feng Shufei who was stripped off by her Majesty and
sold to the ministers for a thousand bucks!"

The surrounding crowd followed with unspoken laughter.

All Ministers of Heaven are like this, what about the home country?

Thinking about Yu Wenji I've seen, Shen Zhen shook his head, turned
around and left the crowd.

Northern Qi Shang Buddha, Tancheng also became the capital of the

Buddha, Taoist Temple is almost absent. Shen Que asked a few passersby,
and most of them did not know where Taoist Temple was in the city. Only
Guanzhu and the two Tao boys are very deserted on weekdays, and few
people will go. "

Shen Xie thanked Lao Zhang, and quickly found Bailongguan, and found
that it was really rude. From the outside, except for the three-letter plaque
on Bailongguan, it was quite clear. The rest had moss marks everywhere,
and the roof tiles were decaying. Take care.

He said there were two Daotongs, but the door was hidden, and he walked
from the outside to the patio, but he didn't even see a figure. It wasn't until
Shen Yang asked three or four times that he came out yawning.

"Why did Lang Jun come?"

Shen Xie said, "Excuse me, is this young man, did a party come here to
spend the night? The head is a young man with a woman, two old men, and
maybe a few doormen. There is a man under his ear A red mole, they may
be wearing robes, or they may not be. "

Dao Tong shook his head: "No, our Taoist Temple has been deserted from
day to night. No one has been here for a long time!"
Shen Ye was a little disappointed. Seeing that it was getting late, he said,
"I don't know if there are free rooms here? I want to stay overnight."

Dao Tong: "Yes, yes, but the rooms have not been cleaned for a long time,
you have to clean them yourself."

Shen Yun: "Thank you. It is enough to have a place to live. Mayor Xiao
Dao, here is where the master can be. If you borrow the place of the host's
house, you always have to thank him."

Dao Tong: "No, my master doesn't see outsiders. Anyway, you are just
staying, not borrowing money. It doesn't matter if you see it."

He led Shen Tao through the Taoist Temple, came to the door of one of the
backyards, and pushed open the door. A stale dust smell blew on his face.
The little boy himself coughed and kept his hand in front of his nose.
Strain the fan.
Thousand Autumns: Page 62
"Look, it's so dirty, can you really sleep?" He squinted and squinted.

Shen Ye looked at it, the bed was dirty, but the broom rags were all ready-
made, and there was a well in front of it, and it would be easy to clean it.
Once on the Xuandu Mountain, even if he was expensive to teach, the
accommodation was not as luxurious Comfortable.

"Yes, thank you for your long way."

He said yes, Dao Tong didn't care about him: "No food at noon, the stove
doesn't open fire, you have to cook it if you want to eat it, there are kettles
and cups in the stove, but there is no rice and noodles. If you eat, you ’ll
find it at a bazaar one street away, so hurry up and the market will be
closed late. ”

It is no wonder that such hospitality is located in the capital city, but no

pilgrims come at all. Apart from the people who are still Buddhas, I am
afraid the attitude of the host here is also very problematic.

Shen Yan said nothing, only agreed with smiles one by one. As soon as the
Dao Tong left, he began to sprinkle water to sweep the floor.

After a while, Dao Tong returned and came back with an excitement: "This
boy, you go out and take a look. There are several carriages outside,
carrying a lot of things, indicating that they are for you. ! "

Chapter 44

Shen Yun: "Can the other party have a name?"

Dao Tong: "No, go out and see!"

He grew up in Dao Guan since he was a child. He has never seen such a
battle before waiting for Shen Min to answer, and yelled and ran to find
the Master.
Shen Zhen walked to the door and saw several carriages parked there, and
several boxes were removed from the carriage.

The head-headed person is dressed as a servant, but he is an extraordinary

servant. From the perspective of clothes, at least he should be a servant
who listens to the host.

When the other party saw Shen Ye came out, he took a step forward, but
didn't approach: "Dare to ask who came Shen Ye?"

Shen Yun: "Yes."

The other party: "Under the order of Pengcheng County, come to give

In fact, Shen Zhen already knew in his heart, but he asked, "Who is
Pengcheng County? I don't know."

He was displeased with the aspect and refused to answer: "Pengcheng

County official said that you have kindness to him, dripping grace, and
when Yongquanxiang reported, so he sent someone a gift, and asked the
son to smile."

Before Shen Yan spoke, he clapped his hands and said to the driver and the
attendant, "Open the box."

At this time, Baiguanguanzhu followed the Xiaodaotong to rush out to

greet him. Before he could say hello to Shen Ye, he was first attracted by
the box being opened.

But they yelled!

The sound is not amazing, but incredible.

Because the box was not filled with gold and silver treasures, satin, but
full of donkey sandwiches.

As soon as the box was opened, the scent of hot donkey fluttered. Guanzhu
and the two young boys couldn't help but swallow a spit.
He sneered at the other side and sneered: "Pengcheng County told the
villain to tell him that on the same day, he accepted the favor and ate some
of your sandwiches. Now he doubles it back. I do n’t know if the boxes are
enough. If not, the villain will send a few more boxes. ! "

Shen Ye didn't have anger and panic, but smiled: "Enough, I'm worried
that the Daoist didn't open fire. I don't know how to solve the dinner.
Thank you for the timely rain of your host. The food for these two days
has finally come to an end."

The servant Xu didn't expect that Shen Yun would react this way. After a
moment's glance, the contempt on his face became stronger. Apparently,
he felt that Shen Yan was too good to pass. His master used this method to
repay his favor, which must be the reason he had offended him.

Thinking about it this way, she didn't take Shen Yan seriously and nodded:
"The villain will go back to life."

He made a gesture and dumped the donkey cake in the box right and left.

Guanzhu and Daotong are in a hurry: "What are you doing! Good cakes are

The attendant laughed: "The host said to deliver the cake, but he didn't say
to deliver the box!"

The donkey meat cake was dumped to the ground, the juice overflowed,
the aroma quickly attracted the mosquitoes, and it buzzed around the bread
cake. Look at the Lord, they just want to pick up the dust and eat, but they
dare. Anger did not dare to speak, looking sadly at those sandwiches.

Shen Yan finally lost his smile, and his face sank slightly.

When Chen Gong was in the ruined temple, he could n’t even eat a pinch
cake. He could eat hot food, and he was very happy and full of joy. Now he
can do this for his own emotions. Fortune is really dazzling, but the
environment is easy to change one's mind.

Attendant Shi Shiran stopped and turned back: "What's your opinion?"

Shen Yun: "You eat these sandwiches before you leave."

The attendant laughed: "My son laughed. This was originally given to him
by the host. How can we eat it, use slowly!"

Without turning a few steps, he turned a smug smile into panic.

Because of an unbearable severe pain in his wrist.

Shen Shen, who was a dozen steps away from him, did not know when he
was near.

The attendant's face was pained: "Release ... Release!"

Shen Chen said in a deep voice: "God-given grains, treasured treasures,

there are still many people outside the city who can't eat, I'm bothered to
eat these sandwiches before leaving."

The attendant was shocked, frightened and angry: "Why do you know who
we are! Pengcheng County Duke is now the most beloved ..."

Shen Yan's face was pale: "I don't know any Pengcheng County official. If
you don't want to eat, don't even want to leave today."

It seemed that some people did not believe in evil, just now Shen Yun had
finished speaking. A driver turned and ran, and before taking three steps,
the whole man stumbled forward and couldn't move.

Shen Yun: "Do you eat?"

Attendant: "Shen Yun, don't regret it. If you dare to humiliate me, the
master will return it hundreds of times!"

Shen Yun: "Do you eat?"

Attendant: "Don't you dare ... Ah !!!"

He screamed screamingly, and his internal sorrow turned into pain. It

turned out that Shen Yun held his wrist. I didn't know what method was
used, and it was clear that the other's wrist had not been fractured and
injured. My heart was cold.

Shen Yun: "Do you eat?"

His tone remained calm, but his gaze shifted from the attendant to the
crowd present.

The people who had been scanned by his eyes all bowed their heads, afraid
to look directly at them.

At this moment, where the servants were still arrogant, the tone changed
greatly, and he shook the rope: "The good teacher knows that the master
only asked us to send the cakes, but did not let the villain pour out the
cakes. It is a villain. It ’s a villain ’s own claim, and please forgive me, you
have a lot of adults, do n’t care about them! ”

Shen Yan said, "Don't want me to care, I will eat all the cakes, otherwise if
I ask your master to settle the bill, your master will inevitably turn the fire
on you, and you can think about it yourself."

The attendant wanted to cry without tears, and had to lie on the ground and
pick up the sandwich.

The sandwiches had fallen cold on the ground, and the entrance was still
mixed with gravel. After the servant and Chen Gong had played, they ate
better than ordinary people, where they have n’t even eaten dogs in the
province. The food had a bite at that time, and the tears were coming
down, but Shen Ye was still staring at him beside him, he could only
swallow at a mouthful, and his expression was like swallowing.

When he saw the others in his peers, he looked at himself, and shouted,
"Not yet to help eat!"
Everyone was reluctant in their hearts, but because the attendant was very
useful in front of the host, he had to squat down and pick up the

Since he became the new darling of Tianzi, the public in Pengcheng

County has been in the limelight for a while, and even the viewers in this
view have heard about it. Seeing that Shen Yan was not polite to these
people, they were all surprised.

The little boy yelled at the horn of the lord, "Master, if that county official
comes back to settle the bill, will we be affected?"

Guan Guan turned his head and lowered his voice: "Shut up, haven't you
seen how martial arts are!"

Shen Ye heard it, but pretended not to hear it. Those people ate more than
a dozen cakes, crying and expressing that they could not eat any more.
Please ask Shen Ye to let them go.
Thousand Autumns: Page 63
However, there are at least dozens of cakes on the ground, and Shen Yan
shook his head: "Even if you get them back, you will definitely throw
them on the way back. You must finish eating here, otherwise don't leave."

The attendant trembled: "Master, the master is still waiting for the villain
to return to life!"

Shen Huan: "He can't wait for you, he will send someone over again, will
someone help you eat it then?"

The attendant never dared to say a word, and began to bite hard.

From eating in the evening until the night came, more than a dozen people
gorged, eating sea plugs, and at the end of the meal, their belly was round
and their faces were exposed, and Shen Jing stopped them.

If the people were pardoned, they wouldn't even be able to straighten their
waists. They could only support each other, and respectfully came to plead
guilty to Shen Ye.

Shen Yan said, "Go back and tell your master. I just passed by here to rest
and not stay long. I will leave tomorrow. You don't have to think about
making it difficult to see the Lord."

The attendant laughed strongly: "Shen Gongzi joked, how dare we?"

In fact, if it wasn't for Shen Shen's explanation, he would have planned it.

Shen Yan said nothing and let them go.

Seeing those evil stars go away, Guanzhu came forward and sighed: "This
Langjun, you have caused us a lot of trouble in Taoism. We usually live in
abundance, and never cause trouble. Now disaster comes from heaven.
This is Who did you mess with? "
Shen Yun apologized: "You don't have to worry about it. This matter has
nothing to do with you. Tomorrow I will go to the person and make it clear.
They will not come to you again."

The Guanzhu is still a little upset: "It's better to do this!"

Shen Min took out a few copper coins from his sleeve and handed them to
him: "Troublesome some people, I don't have much money on my body, I
don't know enough, I don't know enough?"

The look of the Lord's face was only slightly better. He looked at the two
apprentices who were also holding their own apprentices, coughed, rolled
up their robes and sleeves, and rolled the copper coins into their hands:
"Reluctantly. , Please rest inside. "

Shen Yan smiled and went in with them.

The two young boys thought that they could eat donkey meat cakes, but no
one had tossed them, and they didn't eat the cakes. They watched a good
show and watched the offender remember the offenders, but the young
boys were very excited. Especially the Taoist boy who had been lazily
entertaining Shen Yun at this time changed his attitude, and his eyes were
almost glowing.

"Shen Langjun, do you know what the other party is about, but that's the
Pengcheng County official, and the emperor's newly favored son, I heard
that emperor's favor for him, but pleased him ..."

The unfinished words disappeared into the pain that Guanzhu slaps against
his back.

"Did you say anything at a young age!" Guan Zhu cursed.

Dao Tonghui grieved and held his head, very unconvinced: "That's not
what you told us!"

Guan Guan gave him a glance: "Not ready to cook yet, your master, I'm
Dao Tong: "Don't you say that you don't eat lunch?"

Viewer: "I usually close the door to live quietly and quietly, of course two
meals are enough. Today I was dragged into the water and I was very
hungry. If you do n’t eat it yourself, do n’t you think about Master!"

Dao Tong mumbled: "I've heard of being full, but I'm hungry even if I
haven't heard of it."

Watching the main action to fight, he quickly flashed: "I'll cook!"

"Unscrupulous!" Guan Zhu was angry, and touched the head of another
Taoist boy: "On the first day of the week, you are the most obedient."

Fifteen smiled shyly and looked up and asked Shen Yan: "Shen Langjun,
there are not many ingredients in Guanguan, you can only do whatever you
like. Please bear with me. Do you want to eat noodles or rice?"

The Guanzhu was astonished: "You unlucky child, your tail is tilted when
you brag about you! The flour is to be eaten for the New Year!"

As soon as the words came out, I knew that I had leaked. I quickly looked
back at Shen Yan and shut up.

Fifteen smiled and said, "Why is Shen Langjun a guest? Master often
teaches us to be courteous. I'm going to help Brother!"

He said that he didn't wait for the subject to answer, and ran away.

"Unlucky child!" Guanzhu couldn't help muttering, and said that today it
was really bad mold. Not only could he not eat the donkey sandwich cakes,
even the only remaining flour would have been searched out.

Shen Yan seemed to know his thoughts, took out a few coins from his
sleeve, and passed them with a smile: "I'm sorry to let you spend it!"

"Ah, that's not what I meant!" Guan Zhu didn't accept it cheekily after all,
but pushed it back. He was close to Shen Jun, only to find that his eyes
were strange, "Your eyes ...?"
Shen Huan: "There are some old diseases in the first place, which will be
better during the day, and will not be clear at night."

Guanzhu said, "It's a pity!"

He didn't turn around in his eyes any more: "By the way, why did Lang Jun
offend the Pengcheng County Man?"

Shen Ye acquainted himself with Chen Gong in Han Wei, and briefly
explained the things along the way. When the subject heard that Chen
Gong took Mu Ti's wife back to find Shen Yi, he intended to cause trouble,
and recommended Shen Yi to Mu Ti's wife. Hold back and yelled:
"Graceful revenge, shameless!"

Thinking about the scene just discovered, he sighed: "Shen Langjun went
to find someone and he had to be prepared. The attendant looked like a
villain, maybe he would cheer in front of Chen Gong and let Chen Gong
Even more dissatisfied with you. "

Shen Yun: "Thank you for reminding me that there is one thing I would
like to ask the viewer. I do n’t know if the viewer has met a party in recent
days. Two of them are old men and the rest are mostly young men and
women. Maybe not, but there should be a sabre. "

Although he had asked the young boy before, he was still a little bit dead,
and wanted to confirm it again.

The Guanzhu thought for a while and shook his head: "No, there is not
much wind in the monastic monasteries. There are many monk temples.
Well, Taoists, apart from our White Dragon Temple, there are not a few
Taoist Temples left. They want In Daoguan, you will probably come to
Bailongguan. If you are not in Bailongguan, then you will definitely not go
to other Taoist temples. Maybe you will change to a uniform and go to the
inn. But Shen Langjun, you have to Finding people is not such a way of
finding. If the other party intentionally hides his whereabouts, and if he
does not enter the city, he will easily miss you. Besides, can you be sure
that they did go north during this time? "
Shen Yan smiled bitterly: "To put it bluntly, I just hold a glimmer of hope."

During the conversation, the shout of the young boy came from the
cooking room: "Master, Shen Langjun, let's have dinner!"

Watching the Lord's subconsciously walk a few steps, remembering that

there was a Shen who was next to him, and quickly stopped, embarrassed
and laughed: "Walk, go to eat!"

The dinner was as simple as rolling noodles with ready-made flour and
water, not even the oil star, let alone meat slices. Dry white jade noodles
were sprinkled with chopped wild vegetables, and then mixed with
homemade sauce and radish. , Enough to make the eyes of the lord and the
two little boys shine.

The subject swallowed, and said to the apprentice, "Fill the guests first."

"Yes, Master." The apprentice was sincere, and he directly filled Shen Bao
with a bowl of noodles, connected with pickled radish and wild vegetables.
"Okay, okay, you can't finish eating more customers!"

Shen Yan smiled and agreed: "Yes, just a little less, don't be too much!"

Just as you pushed me to make a knock on the door of the temple outside,
in the silent night, it was so clear and abrupt that I couldn't help jumping.

The two little boys looked at each other: "Why are there guests at this late

"Should it be the same person who just came back for trouble?"

"Master, shall we pretend to be inaudible?"

Guanzhu is also a little hesitant: "If you don't wait any longer, maybe he
won't hit it for a while?"

The apprentice was suspicious: "No, Master, if they come back to find the
fault, now they are afraid to not knock directly in the door, and they have
to knock the door upside down. Why would they keep knocking like this,
wouldn't it be, what kind of ghost? ? "

Guan Zhu reprimanded: "Say nonsense, let you learn a little better, just go
to the footbridge and listen to people talk about those ridiculous monsters
and monsters. I'm going to see who doesn't make people quiet in the
middle of the night Here it is! "

Shen Yan said: "I'll go, you eat first, don't worry."

Guanzhu also followed: "Well, your eyes are inconvenient ..."

Shen Min held his shoulder: "No tightness, I'm used to it, and you can tell,
you can lend me a lamp."

The apprentice immediately brought a lantern, watching the Lord sit down,
the noodles in his heart were almost cold, and his mouth was polite: "Be
careful, if you can't, just call for help!"

Shen Yun: "OK, you eat first."

He walked out holding the lantern. The White Dragon View was very
large, and he could still feel the scale of the past. It was just a long time
ago, and it was dilapidated. Today, there are only three people standing on
the Daoguan View. At night, it is empty. Walking between Taoist temples
inevitably creates a sense of sigh.

Shen Ye also thought that Chen Gong had sent someone to find trouble
again. Who knew it, it was dark outside, no noise, and only one person
stood there with his hands in his hands, and he was very familiar with his

He didn't have to raise the lantern intentionally, he could guess the identity
of the person, he was surprised, and he couldn't help but bring it out: "Mr.

Yan Wushi: "Why, wouldn't you like to see me?"

Thousand Autumns: Page 64
At the moonlit night, holding the lantern's Shen, a sincere welcome smile
appeared: "Of course not, please come in, have you used your meal?"

Yan Wushi didn't want to answer such a boring question. Somehow, when
he got to his mouth, it turned out: "Not yet."

Shen Yan smiled: "That's right, come in quickly, watch the Lord they are
cooking noodles!"

He used to be able to look around during the day, but at night, the worse
his eyes are, the more difficult he is to see the lantern, and the way of
Taoism is not very familiar. Suddenly, the whole person almost fell

A martial arts master who could kill Huo Xijing and repel Duan Wenji, but
was stumbled by the stone steps, saying that he was afraid to make people

Fortunately, a hand suddenly stretched out, just grabbing his waist and
holding people.

"Your footwork is a bit anxious, unlike your usual." Yan Wushi said.

Shen Min chuckled and said nothing: "The noodles are going to be cold. If
you haven't eaten yet, go faster."

Who knows that he took Yan Wushi back to the stove, but the Lord just
sucked the last noodle into his mouth and felt his round belly. Regretfully,
"Shen Langjun, you're late, the noodles are gone. "

Shen Zhen introduced them: "This is my friend, surname Yan."

The apprentice stood up: "Shen Langjun, I have a bowl for you. You can
share with Yan Langjun."
Guan Guan gave him a glance: "It's up to you!"

When I saw Yan Wushi standing behind Shen Ye, Guan Guan had
originally "why had another one, but only one bowl was left", and then
swallowed it back. He almost couldn't maintain the subject in front of Yan
Wushi. Majestic, even began to feel restless, had to get up and leave the
sentence "then slowly eat," and quickly walked away.

The apprentice brought noodles that Shen Yun hadn't eaten in the morning,
and looked at Yan Wushi in embarrassment: "There is only one bowl."

The noodles are already a little glutinous. This kind of food is asking Yan
Wushi to eat it, and Yan Wushi may not be willing to eat it.

But for the audience of Bailong, it was a ration that had been collected for
several months. They even planned to eat it again during the Chinese New
Year, but they were taken out in advance due to Shen's arrival.

Shen Xie thanked Xiaodao Tong and said to Yan Wushi, "I'll give you

Yan Wushi: "No."

Shen Yan smiled: "Although the noodles are a little bit cold, their sauce
and radish are very good. You might as well try it."

He knew that the other party always loved to clean, first washed the
chopsticks, and then covered the sauce and radishes in the bowl, and took
out the wild vegetables that did not touch the noodles one by one, and put
them in the bowl in front of Yan Wushi. That bowl of mushy and dry
noodles was drizzled with sauce and started eating.

Yan Wushi frowned and looked at the half-bowl of wild vegetables and
radish in front of him. After a long time, he picked up the chopsticks and
tasted it.

The taste at the entrance is actually not so unpleasant.

"Yan Zong's business is done?" Shen Yan asked.

"Not yet." Yan Wushi only said one thing, did anyone see it, how could it
not be done? He didn't say much, and Shen Ye didn't ask any more.

Who knew Yan Wushi turned sharply: "You just saw me coming, are you
very happy?"

Shen Ye nodded slightly and nodded and smiled: "Yes, I thought you and I
parted ways, maybe it would take a long time to meet again. Didn't expect
to see you so soon, isn't it a good thing?"

"I just heard you introduce them to me and said that I am your friend?"
Yan Wushi capped the edge of the soup bowl with a playful expression on
his face.

This soup bowl has a very rough workmanship, and because of its long
use, it leaves a thick layer of dirt on it, which can't be washed away no
matter how washed.

Shen Yun: "Yes, it's always easier to say friends when you go out, and
you're not afraid to ask them more."

Yan Wushi gazed at him: "How about you, in your heart, also treat this
seat as a friend?"

Shen Ye: "Comrades are friends and comrades are friends. Although I and
Master Zong are not the same teacher or comrade, but you have saved my
life. They are not related to each other and have a long history. How can
they be called? Just a friend. "

Yan Wushi: "Aren't you afraid that others will say that you are attached to
the Demon King, and be willing to fall?"

Shen Yan smiled: "I understand what I'm doing is enough. Why should I
care about other people's thoughts? After I went down the mountain, what
I saw and heard made me feel a lot, and even made me understand that in
the past I stuck to the mountain path, But it ’s a trail, like Lord Zong, and
assisting Zhou, if the world can be unified, Uchii clarified that the people
do n’t have to be displaced, eat easily and eat, as long as they have hands
and feet, they can rely on labor to get paid. stop."

Yan Wushi said, "You don't have to pile up a hat on this seat. I and Yuwen
are two, but each takes what I need. I only do what I want to do because I
want to do it, never for others. . "

Shen Huan: "Even if you have malicious intentions, if you can achieve
good results, you can count on it, don't you?"

Yan Wushi watched him for a while, and said for a long time, "So, are we

Shen Yan nodded with a smile: "If Lord Yan doesn't disapprove me of Gao

The strange look flashed on his face, and before Shen Yan had time to see
it clearly, Wusong Yan returned to the casual laziness: "This Taoist temple
is so simple, how can there be a place to stay?"

Shen Chen laughed: "Then you can only wrong yourself temporarily with

Chapter 45

In fact, unless Yan Wushi was willing to go to sleep and watch the house
where they had slept, or simply left Daoguan to find another place of
residence, there was only the option of living in the same house as Shen

Anyway, Shen Yan just cleaned it, and the quilt was just tanned by the
apprentice's apprentice two days ago. It still has a smell of sun exposure
on it, which smells good.

The bed was originally intended for a single person. The two lying on it
must have been a little crowded, but Shen Xun said to him, "You sleep, I
meditate, and by the way, it will take a while."
The room was simple, the moonlight leaked through the broken window
paper, and the night breeze slipped in together. Fortunately, the weather
was not cold at this time, and the two were masters of martial arts.

Shen Yan sat cross-legged, with his back straight, green pines and green
bamboo. As it was summer, clothes became thinner and he could still see
the waistline below.

Time passed little by little, and the sky was cold and cold.

Yan Wushi looked at his back, suddenly a finger flashed, and point to his

Shen Yun is immersed in meditation and is entering a state of mystery and

mystery. However, if the martial arts practitioners are not retreat, and they
are in a strange environment, they will certainly shed a ray of mind to be
alert to the bad situation outside the body, so as not to be secretly
calculated, but He only defended against foreign enemies, but did not
expect Yan Wushi next to shoot.

Although the ray of vigilance made him wake up soon after entering the
finals, but his current martial arts was worse than the opponent by more
than a star and a half, and the two sides were too close. When the reaction
was complete, several points in the back had already been taken. Locked,
people can't move.

Yan Wushi touched his cheek, and couldn't help sighing, "Ah, why do you
always trust others so easily?"

Shen Yanmei: "I thought we were friends."

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "This should blame yourself. If you didn't say
a friend, I would probably do it to you later. No one in this place can
recover any martial arts skills. No, everyone who is ridiculed to be
friends? "

Shen Yan stopped talking.

Yan Wushi picked him up horizontally, got out of the house, and went
straight out.

Even holding a person doesn't prevent him from walking lightly, without
leaves on the moon, leaving robes wide-sleeved and blowing up in the
wind, his posture is beautiful and chic, if someone else is here, he will not
believe that such a fairy character will It is the devil who changes the
smell of everyone.

"Why don't you ask where we are going?"

Shen Yan didn't speak, and he didn't know he thought he had even been

Yan Wushi looked down, and the other person even closed his eyes.

He couldn't help laughing: "I'm taking you to meet someone and tell you a
story by the way."

"Since people haven't seen it yet, the story can be told first."

"Ten years ago, when I first got" Zhu Yangce ", I was dismissive, because I
didn't think there was any military function in this world better than" Feng
Lin Yuan Dian ", even if I lost to Qi Feng Ge, I I just think that it is a
problem of people who practice martial arts, not the problem of martial
arts themselves, because the first generation of the Sun and Moon Sect had
trained the "Feng Lin Yuan Dian" to the tenth, that is, the last, whether it
was Daomen Still getting started. No one in the world can match it. It is
said that he lived 120 years old and finally broke through to the extreme.

"But later, I looked through the classics left by Sun Moon Sect, and found
that the legend was wrong. Although the person lived to be 120 years old,
he did not sacrifice because he was pursuing a higher realm, but died when
he went into a magic explosion. . Although "Feng Lin Yuan Dian" is
powerful, it hides a fatal weakness. In short, the human body is equivalent
to a container. This container will be reshaped with the increase of internal
force in order to adapt to the growth of martial arts. The stronger the
person, the stronger the meridian. "
Shen Ye still didn't speak, but the expression on his face had shown that he
was listening.

Yan Wushi: "But" Feng Lin Yuan Dian "is just the opposite. The stronger
the martial arts are, the greater the restrictions on the body. When the
'container' can no longer adapt to martial arts, people will explode."
Thousand Autumns: Page 65
Shen Ye finally said: "In fact, all the martial arts you have have this
weakness. Martial arts never ends, but the physical qualifications of the
human are born and the life span is limited. As long as you keep
practicing, you will face this dilemma one day. , My Master also died
because of this retreat failure. "

Although his martial arts is not as good as before, his vision is still there,
and there is no obstacle in discussion.

Yan Wushi: "Yes, but if he is willing to stop, there will be no hidden

dangers. Even if the martial arts in" Feng Lin Yuan Dian "is no longer
practiced, it will be more and more harmful to the body, so I thought "Zhu
Yangce", if the martial arts of different genres can be combined together,
there may be unexpected results in the end. "

Shen Yun: "But you failed."

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "I failed because I was anxious to achieve
success, so I buried the hidden dangers of going into the devil."

Shen Zheng frowned suddenly: "Feng Lin Yuan Dian has such defects, but
the Yueyue Zong and the other two cases are practiced by almost everyone.
Wouldn't everyone encounter this dilemma?"

Yan Wushi grinned and finally stopped and let him down: "Ama, ama, you
are always beyond my expectation, I thought you would ask me why I
want to tell you this, but you Instead, care about the lives of others, rest
assured. Only when you have achieved a certain level will you find this
defect. You can really train to the ninth level like me. When you look at
the rivers and lakes, you have few rivals. Even if you know they have
defects, they ca n’t bear it. Martial arts. "

"After the story, what do you think?"

Shen Yan shook his head.

Yan Wushi's reaction to him seemed a little boring. What was going to be
said, but a laugh came from the air in the distance: "Yan Zongzhu's style is
still the same, he really wants to shame me!"

The sound is far and near, if it is near, it seems to be in the sky, and it
seems to be in the ear. Shen hears the sound, it seems that there is an
indescribable charm, and suddenly an ominous premonition.

Yan Wushi chuckled coldly: "Sang Jingxing, use my magic sound to

capture my heart, do you want to humiliate yourself?"

The man laughed, as if shrinking into an inch, but after a few steps, he
walked from a distance to the front.

Sang Jingxing's reputation on the rivers and lakes is much worse than that
of Yan Wushi, but because of his terrible martial arts, almost no one wants
to face him, and would rather choose to swallow his patience and leave
things to rest. The most obvious example is a few years ago, Xianzhou Ren
Yin, the daughter of Yipin Kuangdao, was born with a beautiful jade and
she was unintentionally attracted to Sang Jingxing and asked to be
accepted as an apprentice. Everyone knows that Sang Jingxing ’s
apprenticeship is just an excuse. In search of a woman who used to repair
and repair, Ren Yin, a man who was fiery by nature, did not dare to resist
in the end, and was willing to endure the humiliation ridiculed by the
world, handing over her little daughter, and taking her family to retreat.
Don't ask anything. It is said that his little daughter was a few years into
the Acacia Sect, and was tired of Sang Jingxing and other high-heavy men
such as Acacia Sect. Then he was thrown to his apprentice Huo Xijing,
who peeled off her face to herself. The puppet doll was put on and became
one of his own collections.

However, when Yan Wushi re-entered the rivers and lakes, only because of
his domineering and far-reaching Sang Jingxing, the world focused most
of his attention on Yan Wushi, but gradually forgot the cruel horror of
Sang Jingxing.

As a disciple of Cui Yourui, Sang Jingxing has never been a person who
can make people embarrassed. His ambitions are hidden under his cynical.
Everyone thinks that he is willing to be the guest of Yuan Xiuxiu and take
care of her. The Acacia sect went up and down. Actually, the contradiction
between the two within the sect was not a day or two. Yuan Xiu Xiu can't
help Sang Jingxing, Sang Jing Xing can't kill Yuan Xiuxiu for the time
being, everyone has to hold his nose for a while to maintain Illusion of the
same door.

This life is tall and mighty, but her appearance is abnormally beautiful, her
skin is as smooth and delicate as a woman, her eyes are full of waves, but
her eyes are dark and cold, which makes people dare not look straight.

He sneered at the corner of his mouth and greeted Yan Wushi: "I heard that
Zhou Yu fell together, Yuanxiu Xiu was anxious, so I found the Lord Yan
and wanted to cooperate with you to kill me?"

If Yuan Xiuxiu was here, she would be astounded to hear this, only
because of secret planning, she found Yan Wushi and no third person
knew, but did not know why she had leaked the news.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Sang Jingxing: "Then Lord Yan came here today to kill me?"

Yan Wushi: "I'll send you someone."

Sang Jingxing's gaze fell on Shen Wei: "Who is he? Well, he was born

Yan Wushi: "Shen Yun."

Sang Jingxing narrowed his eyes, and his careless eyes were instantly
replaced by sharpness: "The Shen who killed Huo Xijing?"

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Sang Jingxing suddenly laughed and laughed: "Don't you hear that Master
Zeng is fierce with him? Why was he suddenly willing to send someone to
me? I won't show mercy if I start, if you play badly, you still want to Go
back, but it's too late! "
Yan Wushi: "When it comes to your hands, it's naturally up to you to
handle it, and I won't ask you any more."

With this commitment, the smile on Sang Jingxing's face was obviously
deeper. He always liked the teenage boy and girl, Shen Shen was obviously
not in this range, but he was born beautiful, and more importantly, the bad
ship There are still three inches of nails. Even if the apprenticeship of Qi
Fengge has plummeted, the foundation of the past martial arts is always
there. It is also a good choice to completely absorb the other party ’s skills
after use up.

"So Lord Yan just gave me so much? I don't need any conditions?"

Yan Wushi: "Return this sword."

Sang Jingxing didn't expect that he would make this request. After a
moment, Haha laughed: "Unfortunately, I didn't bring it today, can
someone send me another day?"

The sword was called the Taihua sword, which was used by Yan Wushi in
the past. Later, he was defeated by Cui Youru's hand. The sword was also
taken by the other party. Cui Youru died, and the sword naturally fell on
his disciple Sang Jingxing. in.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Sang Jingxing tentatively tested: "I thought that Lord Zong is now in great
martial arts. He has the same sword without a sword. Why would he
suddenly want to return to Taihua sword?"

He always had a little fear of Yan Wushi's martial arts, otherwise he would
never be so polite to others in the style of Sang Jingxing.

Yan Wushi said lightly: "My things will be mine for another 100 years,
only if I want to take them back."

Sang Jingxing smiled, seemingly like a fake teasing: "I have long heard
that Master Zong Yan and Shen Ye are in a double match. It seems that the
relatives of the immortal are unbelievable, but it is worth it Taihua sword,
it's really embarrassing! "

When they spoke, Shen Yan kept his eyes narrowed, neither looking up nor
opening his eyes, his face was calm and waveless as if the conversation
had nothing to do with himself.

Yan Wushi: "Yuanxiu Xiuming cooperated with this forum to kill you, but
secretly frowned with the Turkic people. What are you going to do?"

There was a trace of anger on Sang Jingxing, and Fu laughed again and
again: "That mother-in-law always likes to play two-sided and three-knife
tricks. I don't know it for the first time. I don't know when and where she
will meet with Yan Zongzhu?"

Yan Wushi: "On the sixth day of June, Shen Shi, a foot of snow temple in
the east of the city. She said you like to stay there."

Sang Jingxing raised an eyebrow: "Yes, she knew exactly what I like."

At Yichixue Temple, just listening to the name is not a serious temple, but
a private business that is faked as a temple. Sang Jingxing recently liked a
new game. She shaved her hair and dressed as little nuns, letting them live
in the temple as usual. He himself entered the temple as a flower thief, and
took those little girls wantonly. Toying, often a half-day scene, is a secret
matter, but he can know the trend of Yuan Xiu Xiu, Yuan Xiu Xiu can
naturally know him.

Sang Jingxing laughed: "Then please invite Master Zong to come to the
theater at that time. Since the mother-in-law wants to kill me, don't blame
me for no longer thinking about old feelings."

Yan Wushi was not interested in the grievances between the two of them,
but a unified and strong acacia sect is of no benefit to him. Now Yuan
Xiuxiu and Sang Jingxing killed each other and hit him, and he didn't
mind. Let this contradiction evolve more intensely.

He stooped and pinched Shen's chin: "You still treat me as a friend now?"
Shen Yan said nothing.

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly: "Ah, you are too naive, others are so bad to
you, why do you turn around and forget? I told you in the morning, I save
you, You just want an opponent, but you are too disappointed. I release a
little goodwill, and you really hold fast. Are you more eager for your
friends' affection because you were betrayed by Yu Yu? "

Perhaps it was because of the breath coming out when he was talking,
Shen Yan's eyebrows fluttered, but there was still no expression on his
face, whether it was more sad than death, or too lazy to answer Yan
Wushi's question.

Yan Wushi: "An innocent person like you is doomed to live for a long
time. You have left Xuandu Mountain and left the aura of Qifeng Pavilion.
You are nothing and you cannot do anything. I have solved my doubts. If
you are willing to join Huan Yuezong and practise "Feng Lin Yuan Dian", I
may still be willing to leave a way for you. "

Shen Yan finally opened his eyes and said lightly, "I have been betrayed
again and again, not because I am too naive, but because I believe that
there is always goodwill in the world. If there is no fool like me, where
does Lord Yan have fun?"

Yan Wushi laughed: "It's funny!"

He told Shen Wei: "I don't need friends in this seat. Only one person is
qualified to sit on an equal footing with me, that is the opponent."

"And you, you have lost this qualification."

After saying this, Yan Wushi got up, threw Shanhe and the sword of
sadness into his arms, and said softly, "Ama, please ask for more

Sang Jingxing smiled and looked at the two of them talking with no
intention of stopping or interrupting. It wasn't until Yan Wushi left, that he
whispered: "How do you feel abandoned?"
Shen Shufu closed his eyes again and said nothing.

Sang Jingxing is not in a hurry to get started.

For him, being able to get Shen is an unexpected joy. Although the other
party's situation is not as good as before, it is impossible to bring much
benefit to him. Sang Jingxing does not like this type of him. Xuandu
Shanqianzhang teaches this identity, it is exciting enough.

Think of the other side crying and begging for mercy under him, and even
in front of the disciples in front of Zongmen disciples, Sang Jingxing's
smile is even stronger.

"This sword is the sword of the mountains and rivers that Qi Fengge used
in the past? Yes, yes, I remember, your master also defeated me with this
sword, but at that time I don't want to look down, kneeling and begging He
finally let me go. Until now, I still have a scar with deep visible bones on
my back. If he knew that his disciples would fall into my hands today, I
wonder if he would regret not killing me that day? "

Sang Jingxing touched his face: "Which hand did you use to kill Huo
Xijing? Don't be afraid, I won't kill you. After getting tired, I will chop
down your hand to sacrifice my poor Apprentice, then learn how Gao Wei
did, strip your clothes, and let everyone appreciate and appreciate the ugly
state of the Xuandu Shanzhang teaching. "

In the moonlight, Shen Yan's complexion was cold and white, without any
feelings, like a white jade statue, beautiful and fragile.

But the more he did, the more interesting Sang Jingxing became.

Sang Jingxing's favorite thing in his life is to destroy all the beautiful and
beautiful things, making them filthy, and then he can only struggle and
sink in the dark.
Thousand Autumns: Page 66
"But Feng Xiaoli despised the gold, you might not be able to be like her,
so let ’s set a ten gold, and there will still be many people who are willing
to spend money to see your downfall. When you say, Yan Wushi will
Wouldn't you come to see it too? "

He said leisurely, as if he finally felt that he had teased enough of his prey,
and reached for the river and the sword of sadness.

This sword Sang Jingxing is not in his eyes, because his martial arts is not
based on the sword, but the sword of the first person in the world in the
past has any special meaning in any case, and it is everyone. Desperate
weapon of desire.

"If you are willing to be soft, I might treat you softer ..." Sang Jingxing
said, touching the hilt of his sword.

But at that moment, things changed suddenly!

Jian Guang suddenly exploded in front of his eyes, turning from a white
light into millions of bright!

Born with the splendid and dazzling Jianguang, it is the fierce murderous
spirit coming from the face, which contains a strong and inspiring internal
force such as the tidal waves, instantaneous wind and thunder, and rain and
snow rolling!

Sang Jingxing was taken aback, and the hand to be stretched out could
only shrink back sharply, and his body retreated, avoiding the attack from
the other side.

Of course, the person who can hold Huo Xijing will not be a weak man
slaughtered by others. Although Sang Jingxing has a lot of insults in his
speech, he always keeps a hint of vigilance, because it is common for
people in the magic gate to fight each other It means coping with swords
and swords from different directions. If Sang Jingxing was a blind and
arrogant person, he would not have lived today.

But until now, he found that he still underestimated Shen Wei.

When he retreated, he also shot a palm, but Jianguang covered the sky, and
the water did not leak, and even his palm wind was not involved for a
moment, and all was resolved into invisible.

This is the Shen who almost lost all his martial arts? !!

Sang Jingxing was shocked. He almost had to suspect that Shen Zhen and
Yan Wushi had conspired to calculate himself.

But he didn't have time to think more. The sword's qi was approaching his
eyes, fiercely like the sound of thunder, like the sun and the moon, the
wind and the waves, the sea and the mountains, the vomiting of all things,
the collection of ten thousand, which contains infinite sword meaning ,
Endless, interlocking, like shadows and shadows, it is inevitable and
unavoidable, it seems that there is only one way to close their eyes.

However, Sang Jingxing was once an easy generation. He sneered, but in a

few steps, his body has changed a lot. He walked calmly among the sword
lights, his palms were split against the sword lights, and he greeted each
other positively. Whistling for the blue air, such as Mount Tai, the
mountains and rivers with the sword of sorrow were instantly dim.

The palm of the hand is still there, the palm of the hand is coming, and the
martial arts of Hehuan Zong and Huan Yuezong are from the same source,
and it is even more strange and unpredictable. Sang Jingxing's "carving
dragon palm" has already reached the realm, and has doubled. The cover is
like a carved dragon, the nine palms are exhausted, and the real dragon
appears, hidden in the air, whizzing away with the true energy as the basis,
and swallowing the sword light instantly.

When the sun and the moon were shining, there was no trace. The woods
were still the woods, the people were the same two people, Shen Yan spit
out a blood, his body involuntarily bumped back into the trunk, and he was
almost unable to hold the sword in his hand.

Angrily finally appeared on his griefless face!

In order to cope with Sang Jingxing, he used what he learned throughout

his life, but his internal strength was not enough to support him. He was
already struggling. When he was fully energized, Dan Tianzhong not only
did not derive a new energetic to supplement, but instead It was as if a
vortex suddenly appeared, greedy sucking in his anger.

At the same time, Shen Zhen felt like the savage wild horses were
bumping around in the body, moving between the internal organs and the
six internal organs, forcing him to be agitated, anxious, and full of heart,
as if black. The shadow completely covered the whole man, forcing him to
run out of nowhere, and he was on the verge of getting into the magic.

Yan, Wu, Teacher!

Yan Wushi! !! !! !!

Yan Wushi even planted a magic heart in his body without his awareness!

Maybe it was the time when he fell from the cliff on the half-step peak in
a coma at the beginning, or when he was repeatedly injured and fell asleep
and lost his ability to resist, the wisp of magic breathed in silently and
stopped in his body. Standing down, like a seed, no matter how
intimidating and tempting, he refused to rise up, and people were unaware
of its existence. Until then, he was fully inspired by Sang Jingxing's
unreserved magic, and the seeds broke out And finally grow into a
towering tree.

But why did he and Yan Wushi repeatedly fight before, but did not notice
the existence of the magic heart?

In other words, is it true that Yan Wushi had expected this day long ago, so
he did not go all out when dealing with him.
Shen Yan could not describe his state of mind at this moment clearly.

His whole portrait was wrapped in a ball of fire, which turned into sharp
teeth, biting his meridians and internal organs a little bit, obviously
painful, but extremely sober!

Shen Huan didn't know if he was returning to the light, or he had

hallucinations in the pain of intolerable pain. He was like burning eyes,
but he could still see Sang Jingxing's palm shot at him.

Clear and fast, and clearly visible.

Apparently at the critical moment of life and death, he suddenly

remembered what Yan Wushi had said to him.

When you truly fall into the betrayal and leave only one person, will you
still not resent and persist in giving back to people in good faith?

Shen Yan closed his eyes, he felt that even the breath he exhaled had a
strong **** smell.

The palms were hot and rushed towards them.

Chapter 46

The martial arts gap between the two is there, especially after Shen Zhen
found that he was planted with a magic heart, his heart was burned, and the
foundation was almost collapsed. The original preemptive advantage
completely disappeared, and Jianguang was forced down, from brilliant
Dimness, like the candle of life lingering in his head, swaying in the wind.

Even though Sang Jing was surprised by his misjudgment at the beginning,
this surprise did not last long. After seeing Shen Yan's unsustainability, he
also laughed: "It is said that your martial arts have been seriously lost. It
seems to be true Strange, why didn't Yan Wushi absorb your skills and
leave you to me? "

Speaking does not delay his time. Wherever the "carved dragon's paw"
appears, a dragon shape appears faintly, but this dragon is not like a
peaceful and kind person, but opens a blood basin toward Shen with
violent momentum. Big mouth, raging!

Sang Jingxing doesn't plan to kill Shen Jun for the time being, so he didn't
give out his full strength, but only used eight minutes of power-even if
Shen Jun's whole body veins were broken and his limbs were broken, it
was still enough to play with for a while. .

The mad dragon covers the sky, the moon is not clear, the leaves are not
visible, the storm is bleak, and it is stubborn!

The roaring dragon lives in midair!

Just because of a sudden burst of powerful energy from Shen Yan, as if

suddenly a burst of light burst out in the dark night, extremely dazzling,
extremely dazzling.

"Light" swelled and grew bigger and bigger. The sinless dragon, who was
unwilling to withdraw blood, swallowed up instantly and destroyed

Sang Jingxing didn't even have time to show a surprised expression, his
face changed immediately, and people in the midst of the air were
stubborn and frustrated, turning around and turning back.

However, it was too late to swell violently, and Shanhe Tongbei sword
stabbed at him with a thunderous potential.

No fancy tricks, no deep tricks, just handed out plainly, the figure is
floating like paper, and stable like a mountain, in an almost impossible
speed, appeared in front of Sang Jingxing instantly!

Sang Jingxing felt a coolness on the back, like a basin of cold water
suddenly poured from his heart.

But after all, he is not his apprentice, Huo Xijing, and Huo Xijing's death
will not be repeated on him.
He slaps Shen Shen with his palm, and grabs his sword with his other

But it is useless. Sang Jingxing can feel that his hand is about to be
crushed, and it is extremely painful. His body is really full of energy at
this moment. He can even feel that the flesh on the palm is scrapped. Cut
it down!

His face changed drastically, and finally a trace of fear and unbelief
appeared, and Shen's eyes looked like a lunatic.

"How dare you destroy yourself ?!"

No one who values martial arts values more than foundation.

It was practiced little by little since he was a child, growing up from the
cold to the summer.

Shen Jian's foundation is Daoxin. At this time, he destroyed Daoxin

completely. He is completely in the same posture as Sang Jingxing.

Even if Sang Jingxing's martial arts is higher than him, and fight again,
unless Sang Jingxing is willing to pay the price of martial arts to destroy
Shen Shen, he has no chance at all.

Sang Jingxing was certainly unwilling, so he chose to pull back!

But even so, a pair of flesh palms has been completely eroded by the burst
of anger from Shen Yan, and the flesh and blood are instantly blurred and

Really crazy!

Simply hopeless!

He gritted his teeth and was a little uncomfortable, but his movement was
a little slower. The huge impulse generated by the opponent's self-
explosion had broken his infuriation, and Jian Guang scratched the bone
scar directly on his chest!
"Ah !!!" Sang Jingxing couldn't help screaming, no longer hesitated,
turned and fled.

Behind him, however, the dazzling visible swordsmanship has shrouded


Thousand Autumns: Page 67
"Master! Master! When Ayu and Aying just used Canglang Jianjue, the
gestures of the last move were obviously different from what you taught.
Why don't you speak up and correct them?"

"Because the sword pointed upwards is only a general statement. There is

no rule to go up an inch or two inches. Grandma, this is the same for
martial arts, and it is also true for being a man. Do n’t stick to rules. Your
own eyes and patterns. "

The little boy was a little unstable because he was wrapped in a thick
wrap, but he clung to the robe corner of the tall figure in front of him, his
expression seemed incomprehensible, and he was full of admiration and

The person caught by him gave a smile, simply squatted down and picked
him up, moving forward together.

"In this world, there are so many people, there are good people, there are
bad people, and there are more people who cannot be distinguished simply
by good and bad. Their thoughts may not be the same as you, and they may
not go the same way. Just like Yu Ying and Yuan Ying, they have the same
set of swordsmanship. They are different from each other. Do n’t deny
them because they are different from you. The person with a narrow-
mindedness has limited achievement, and even if he reaches the top, he
cannot stand up forever. "

"Where is Grandma, is Grandma good or bad?" Round eyes were

extremely dark and clear, reflecting the shadow of the person closest to

His head was stroked, and his hands were warm and dry, like the warmth
of the sun.

"My grandma is the cutest person."

Getting a satisfactory answer, he was a little shy and couldn't help

However, the warmth suddenly disappeared, and all the surrounding

scenes seemed to break instantly, together with the person holding him.

Still on Xuandu Mountain.

In the past years, willows were planted, Yiyi Hannan. Look at the fall
today, Qiujiangtan. The tree is still like this, why are people so

Scenery may not be the same, what about people?

He chased after him at that time, but he had to call his brother's hands and
feet, but now he is as tall as him, standing in front of him, and sadly
asking: "Brother, no one has been lonely. Xuandu Shan is the first in the
world The door has the power to support Mingzhu and let the Tao
influence all over the world. Why do you want to learn those hermits who
stand alone in the mountains? Except for you, almost everyone in
Xuandushan thinks so, you are too naive! "

Really, is he really too naive?

He just wanted to protect the Master and the land left by previous
generations of teachers, to protect the brothers and sisters from having to
get involved in the war and stay away from the intrigue of the rivers and

Is he wrong?

"Yes, you are wrong." One person said to him, "You are wrong when you
underestimate the human heart. Do you think that everyone in the world is
as unsatisfied as you and as easy as you are? Human nature is evil,
regardless of What kind of affection, as long as you block their interests,
they will eliminate you without hesitation. Do you not have this
realization yet? "
"An innocent person like you is doomed to live for too long. You have left
Xuandu Mountain and left the aura of Qifeng Pavilion. You are nothing
and you can do nothing."

"There is no need for a friend in this seat. Only one person is qualified to
sit on an equal footing with me, and that is the opponent."

"Don't you self-destruct the meridians, and you're going to die ?! You're a
lunatic !!!"

All the past, all the voices suddenly burst after this sentence.

Everything seems to return to the beginning.

The severe pain came from the limbs and bones. It was as if someone had
taken a blunt knife to file his bones all the time, and it seemed like there
were tens of thousands of ants drilling into the flesh. He felt that he could
bear the pain very much, but At this moment, I can't help but want to make
a long moan, can't help but shed tears, and even want to take a sharp sword
directly through my heart, ending the endless pain.

However, he yelled so loudly that it was just like a mosquito.

"Shen Langjun, are you awake?"

The voice was soft, like a distant, uncertain.

In fact, the other side said in the ear of Shen Ying, but his current state is
difficult to hear the score.

He tried to make a vocal response, but in the end he just moved his finger.

The other party saw it and whispered to him: "Shen Langjun, can you hear
me? Then I said, just listen, just move your finger when you hear it."

Shen Chen responded quickly.

He recognized the voice of the other party. It was the young priest in
Bailongguan and the apprentice of the Lord.
Sure enough, the other side said, "I was fifteen. I found you two days ago
when I went up the mountain to collect medicine. When you hid in a cave,
you were cold and almost out of breath. You almost scared me. I can't
move you alone. , You can only go back to inform Master and let Master
carry you back. "

Yes, Shen Min also remembered. At that time, he was self-destructing

martial arts and was ready to die with Sang Jingxing. Although he did not
succeed, he also severely damaged the other party. He fled and hid in the
nearby White Dragon Mountain. He thought he was dead. , But did not
expect to be discovered by fifteen.

He wanted to ask Sang Jingxing if he had come to the door, and he had not
affected them, but after working hard for a long time, he still couldn't
make any sound, his eyelids fluttered sharply, and his heart was anxious.

Fifteen found it, quickly found a glass of water, and fed him carefully.

The cool water ran over the throat, and after a while, Shen Yan finally felt
much more comfortable, opened his eyes, and it was completely dark by

He thought it was a problem with his eyes, but fifteen said, "We are now in
the cellar of Bailongguan. There is no light, so it is dark."

Shen Yan said, his voice was so dumb that he couldn't even recognize
himself: "Is there anyone, come, look, pass, you ..."

He is now extremely weak, and can only speak out word by word, difficult
and difficult.

XV: "Yes, the people from Pengcheng County came twice. Maybe it was
because of the donkey meat and cakes that day. It was due to Master ’s
foresight. Let ’s move here in advance. There was nothing to smash them.
They came in and found a circle and couldn't find anyone, so they left.
Jomo thought we had escaped! "

Speaking of which, he couldn't help laughing.

Shen Yun: "I'm sorry ..."

15: "Shen Langjun, don't say that!"

He seemed to perceive the confusion in Shen Min's heart, and then

continued: "Do you remember, you gave a child the cake in your arms
outside Xiangzhou that day, and later he gave you a **** and thanked him,
Here you are.

When another wave of pain sweeping through the body eased, Shen
thought hard and thought, vaguely a little impression.

"You are that ..."

Although Fifteen was a little thin, she was born clean and tender, and she
was like a child with a yellow face and thin skin in her memory.

"Yes, that's me. Later, Dad wanted to take me to eat for someone else's
child. Madam refused to stop. She said she wanted to sell herself for the
safety of my brother and sister. Dad agreed, but Unexpectedly, two days
after Granny was replaced with food, my brothers and sisters died of
serious illness one after another. "Fifteen voices choked a bit," Aye thought
I was burdensome and wanted to cook me. Fortunately, I just met Master
at the time. Master took a bag of cakes to replace me and took me away. I
followed the Master and settled all the way to Bailongguan. My original
name was not good, and the master changed my name to fifteen. "

Fifteen wiped away tears and shook his heavy hand, as if to give him
comfort, but he was afraid of his pain and did not dare to force: "I always
remember your kindness to me. If it weren't for your piece of cake, I might
not be able to persist I met Master, so do n’t say sorry to me, even if you
have n’t rescued me and saw you dying there, how can I not help? ”

Shen Ye's hand trembled slightly, and tears appeared in the corners of his
eyes. I wonder if he heard what he said or remembered the old thing.

Fifteen thought he was in pain, and said busyly: "Are you in pain? I'll ask
Master to come and give you some medicine!"
"What kind of medicine has just been used? You think medicine doesn't
cost money!" Guan Zhu just happened to be here, and when he heard this,
he was unhappy.

Having said that, he still came over, holding Shen Shen's hand and starting
to take his pulse.

"The meridians are destroyed, and there is no internal force. What have
you done? You can make yourself look like this, and don't want to practice
martial arts in the future!" Guan Zhu shouted.

"Master!" The fifteenth National Congress was anxious, for fear that this
remark would greatly stimulate Shen Min's heart.

Guan Guan gave him a glance: "Why are you so soft-hearted that he hasn't
said anything yet? You are in a hurry. His martial arts were completely
ruined and I didn't do it!"

Shen Yan did not say anything for a long while.

Fifteen whispered softly: "Shen Langjun, don't be sad, Master's skill is

good ..."

Viewer: "Hey! I said that you are not a girl, why do you turn your arms out
all day long? When did I have a good medical skill? I know a little bit
about medicine, a little bit! Do you understand?"

Fifteen grasped his clothes corner and coquettishly: "Master's mouth is

hard and soft, in fact, people are good, but terrible!"

Guanzhu laughed and scolded: "Smelly boy!"

He turned his head again and said to Shen Yu: "You are too hurt, I am not
good at medicine, and the medicine here is incomplete, so I can only do
my best, but I ca n’t do anything about martial arts. Your roots are
destroyed. This is not something that can be restored by manpower ... "

Suddenly Shen asked, "Dare to ask, is my body, Yu Du, still ...?"

The Guanzhu strange: "Remnant poison? What kind of poison? When I
searched the veins, I didn't find any poison in your body!"

In order to confirm it, he pressed Shen Wing's wrist with three fingers
again and looked carefully. After a while, he closed his hand and said,
"Although you were seriously injured, I did not notice any signs of
Thousand Autumns: Page 68
After Shen Xun was hit and met, the poison remained unclear, and even
Master Yan had no way. The poison was rooted in the blood and appeared
from time to time, so that his ability to recover had been hindered. The
practice of internal force was also more effective. The eyes are always
affected by it, too.

But now, Guanzhu said that he was not poisoned.

In other words, when he wanted to end his martial arts together with Sang
Jingxing, he didn't expect to die, and the remaining poison in his body was
also emptied.

Can this be blessed by misfortune?

Shen Wei smiled bitterly.

When the Lord came in, he brought a candlestick beside him and saw that
his mouth was slightly raised at the moment. He couldn't help wondering:
"You are so miserable, can you still laugh?"

Turning his head and asking fifteen again, "Did you say that he was
suddenly unable to bear the shock and became a fool?"

"Master!" Fifteen couldn't wait to cover his mouth.

Guanzhu: "Good enough, I won't say anymore. The porridge should be

cooked. I'll go and see. Without the dead guy on the first day to make a
call, it's really not used to me!"

He whispered as he walked: "But the old ginseng that was hard to pick up,
I can't bear to eat it on weekdays, but now it's a cheap outsider!"

When he left, Fifteen apologized and said, "Don't take it to heart, Master is
the knife-tofu heart. In fact, although he said something bad, thanks to his
elderly people in the past two days, otherwise I don't know what to do!"
Shen Yun: "I know, I ... I'm not crazy, in this cellar, is it through, outside? I
see, there seems to be light."

He spoke word by word and struggled.

XV: "Yes, Master made two holes here. There is a little light coming in
from outside. Can you see?"

Shen Yun: "Now, gradually, I can see, a little, no, very clearly."

XV: "Don't worry, Master said that the cellar is very secretive, and it is
very difficult for others to find it. People from Pengcheng County came
two times, and they couldn't find us each time. They only left, and Master
said for a while I thought we had moved away, and we would definitely not
come again. "

Shen Yun: "Thank you ..."

Fifteen smiled and said, "No thanks, take a rest and rest assured. I'll burn
some water for you."

Although it is dark and not visible here, it is a quiet place to nourish.

According to the fifteenth, Bailongguan was built in the late Han Dynasty.
It has been more than 300 years ago. Although it has stood up through
many wars, it was just a lively year. The incense and the incense are no
longer visible, and there is a wounded Taoist temple left unattended. When
fifteen his master came to settle here, the Taoist temple was empty. There
is a tunnel behind the cellar, which should be built together with the Taoist
temple. After being discovered by his master, he became an excellent

After that, Shen Yun was lethargic for another two days. His consciousness
was sometimes sober, sometimes confused, and he dreamed back at
midnight. He even thought that he was still on Xuandu Mountain, as if he
opened the door, he could see the Master watching the disciples outside.

However, after all, not all the past can be repeated, and the dead will not
be resurrected.
Those beautiful and quiet years seem to have remained on Xuandu
Mountain and never returned.

What followed was the betrayal, frustration, and dilemma that he

experienced later, the scuffle of the nations for the sake of fame, the fact
that Zongmen calculated each other and insisted on their own opinions,
and that Cang Sheng struggled and moaned in hell.

All suffering is shocking and sympathetic.

Do you abide by the Tao and refuse to give up your so-called principle of
being a man, in fact, because you are not on the verge of endurance?

Yan Wushi once asked him this way.

At this moment, Shen Huan thought of this sentence again, and thought of
the two when they got along.

His once-conceived friend was vulnerable to the other's ridicule and


But even if I come back again ...

One more time ...

"Shen Langjun, are you getting better today? This is a freshly cooked
ginseng rice porridge. Master said that it is very helpful for your body
recovery ... Ah, Shen Langjun, why are you crying! Is it too painful? ! "

In the faint light, Jingying slowly slid down the corners of Shen's eyes,
slipping into them, silent.

Fifteen quickly put down the porridge and rushed over. "I'll let Master
come over!"

"No." Shen Min tried to reach out and grab his robe.

Fifteen oops, don't hide the surprise: "You can move ?! Master also said
that your veins have been damaged, it is very difficult to recover in this
life, it seems that Master intentionally scared me!"

Shen Wei smiled at him.

When he was awake, every bone was clamoring for pain. The pain was so
painful that he wanted to die. But he persisted and meditated in his heart
about the "Zhu Yangce" formulas he had learned. Surprise situation.

At that time, when he was studying "Zhu Yangce", he already had a

foundation in Xuandu Mountain Martial Arts. It was not difficult to learn,
but the progress was always not fast or slow, and Qi Fengge could not find
the reason. At that time, Tao Hongjing was dead, and he was impossible.
To ask clearly, you can only let the apprentice feel for themselves and
occasionally point out from the side.

But now, under the condition that his meridians are damaged and there is
no vital energy in his body, "Zhu Yangce" seems to have played a
completely unexpected role. Remodeled under the nourishment of Zhu
Yangce's true energy.

It may not even be long before his injuries are fully healed.

"Zhu Yangce", which brings together the three heads of Confucianism,

Buddhism and Taoism, is indeed incredible. Even if Shen Zhe can only
learn two of them, it does not prevent him from feeling the profoundness
of them.

The founder of Confucianism is upright, the softness of the Tao, the

majesty and clarity of the Buddha, all turned into a trickle, flowing in his

Shen Huan didn't know if this was a dead life, but his body was better day
by day, and even the speed of recovery even surprised the viewer who
originally thought he could only do that in his life.

Fifteen was very empathetic and didn't ask him why he just burst into
tears, but Shen Min took the initiative to hold him and said to him,
"Fifteen, thank you."
Fifteen is unknown, so I am a little embarrassed: "You said a lot of thanks

Shen Yan treats others with kindness, but never holds the thought of
requiring others to return with the same kindness, because no matter
whether others give back or not, they will not hinder his actions.

He wanted to do it, so he did it. Others didn't understand, agreed, mocked,

or laughed at him.

From this point, Yan Wushi is no different from him.

But after all, Shen Yun is an individual, not ice-hearted, not iron-hearted,
he will be tired, he will be cold, and he will be suffering.

"This is not the same." He told Fifteen.

The fifteenth smiled shyly: "You recovered so well, Master said you
should eat some meat, and he bought a chicken today to cook the soup."

Shen Ye apologized and said, "I made you spend money. When the injury
is good, I will make money ..."

Fifteen laughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this. In fact,
Master and his elders secretly hid a lot of private house money, just
refused to take it out, pretending to be hard every day ..."

"In the fifteenth, you are tickling! You actually said bad things about your
master in front of others! It's against the law! Sinner!" This was just heard
by the coming Master.

Fifteen threw out his tongue: "It's the disciples' fault, don't be angry!"

Guanzhu angered: "How did I think you were better than the first one!
What a shame than a shame! A shame apprentice!"

Fifteen obediently listened to the training, but also coquettish and

mischievous, finally let the Guanzhu angry dissipate, and began to think
about the apprentice: "There is a rally in the North City today. I ran out
early in the early morning. Until now When he came back, his heart was
like this. If he had wings, would he be able to die! "

XV: "My brother might have seen something delicious and brought us

Guan Guan: "Bring a fart, he only has a few pennies, and he won't buy
enough food for himself!"

Suddenly, the bell in the cellar rang.

The bell was very small and the sound was very faint, but because the
subject stood next to it, he could hear it immediately.

This is a simple mechanism. The line outside the bell is connected to the
outside, and the other end is tied somewhere at the entrance of the gate. As
long as someone comes in from outside, the line is slightly shaken, and
people in the cellar can immediately detect it.

Fifteen cheerfully said, "It's my brother who is back!"

He waited to go out, but the Lord grabbed him: "Wait, it's wrong!"

As soon as this was said, the sound of the first bounce came from the
outside: "Master, fifteen, I will return ... oh, who are you?"

Look at the main subject's complexion: Oh!

Thousand Autumns: Page 69
Chapter 47

After being previously dismissed by Shen Yan, Chen Gong again sent
someone over again. The first time, he was more polite, and said that he
would invite Shen Yan to visit the government office of Pengcheng
County. He was told that Shen Yan was not convinced when he was not in
Guanli. They searched around and left, and the second time was not so
polite, and they raised their arrogance. Chen Gong knew Shen Shen and
knew that he was unwilling to affect other people's nature. The young
apprentice took it home. If Shen Ye knew it, he would definitely come

Who knew that the Lord had anticipated that he took the two apprentices
into the cellar and let Chen Gong's people make a splash. The other party
thought that the Lord Lord they had fled overnight, but they had no choice
but to go back and make a difference.

The first day was not as quiet as the fifteenth, and I could n’t wait a few
days in the cellar. The light was dim and the air was turbid. It was not as
comfortable as the ground. It happened that there was a rally in the city.
He begged to be coquettish for a long time. Guan Guan promised him to
go out to visit the market, and Guan Zhu also specifically told him not to
come back too early.

Who knows if blessing is not a curse, it is a curse, but even if you stomp
your feet when you came back from the first day, people's martial arts may
not have been noticed.

As the other party spoke, Shen's face changed.

"Little priest, do you live here?"

"Who are you?" Asked the first day.

There are two holes in the cellar for the people inside to breathe. The
people who originally built it also gave it a special structure, so that
people inside the cellar can hear the movement outside, but it is difficult
to find this hidden place outside.

Who is he? The viewer saw Shen Yan's expression and asked silently.

Shen Yan covered his mouth to resist the desire for cough, and quickly
drew a few words on the table with his hand dipped in water: Xiao Se,
under the gate of Hehuanzong, disciple Yuanxiu, I was injured by fighting
with Sang Jingxing.

Although Yuan Xiuxiu and Sang Jingxing have contradictions, but they are
both people of the Acacia sect, it is difficult for Shen Zhen to imagine
what good things Xiao Su would suddenly find.

The fifteen is still a little unknown. So, the Lord understands that his
complexion is blue and white, and he has become very powerful.

When he was staying overnight, Shen Ye was also a sophomore, a junior,

and a trio. He was just an ordinary Taoist priest. He didn't know that the
other party was probably also a man in the rivers and lakes until the
master gave him a medical treatment.

However, at this moment, it is not important what the other party's identity
is. What is important is that Xiao Se is coming to the door now. He must
be a bad one, and most likely he is looking for Shen Ye.

"My name is Xiao Se." They heard each other, their voices were soft, as if
they were visitors, not trouble. "Little priest, have you ever seen a man
named Shen Yuan?"

"No, no!"

Xiao Se laughed: "Little priest, you can't even lie, say, where is he?"

Chu Chuo said, "I don't know who you are, you should go out, or he will
kill you when my master comes back!"
Xiao Se had no anger, and said softly, "Don't you say, I have to take you
back to make an appointment with Elder Sang. He has a big temper now,
and those beauties have already been killed by him for three. Can he vent
his old man's anger, don't do this stupid thing for the sake of being a heavy
man! "

At the other end of the cellar, the Lord watched the Shen Shen who wanted
to get out of bed, so strong that Shen could not resist at all.

"Listen to me!" He lowered his voice and pressed his mouth to Shen Yan's
ears. "The people of Hehuanzong are so addicted to death that they don't
let go of the first day because you are out. You can only join them together.
You Stay here, take care of fifteen, I'll go out! "

Shen Ming knew that the other party was telling the truth, but he couldn't
imagine that he was hiding here safely, letting others face what he was
supposed to undertake.

He shook his head, trying to say that he had to fight to save the first year,
but the Lord had shot his acupoint as fast as lightning, and quickly pulled
out something from his arms and shoved it into his hand: "If anything, you
He took fifteen to Bishan Sect of Taishan, and said that the disciple Zhu
Lengquan took the apprentice outside and asked him to go back to
recognize his ancestors and reorder the door wall. "

After watching the Lord, I also ordered fifteen acupoints by the way, and
said to them: "I have no tricks, and I will be able to solve it in a quarter of
an hour. Shen Ye, I entrust you with fifteen. You remember this. Share
responsibility. "

He stopped to get up and left the cellar without looking back.

The door leaving the cellar led to several directions. In order to avoid
going out directly, the other side found the cellar entrance, so he
deliberately went out from the exit in another room.

"It's getting dark, who's disturbing people's dreams!" He stretched his

waist and looked drowsy. "Who are you, why hold onto my apprentice?"
"Master!" Xiao Se squeezed his shoulders in the first day and saw the
figure of the Lord, tears were almost bursting out.

"You are the subject?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"Yes, who the **** are you?" Guanzhu frowned. "What's wrong with my
apprentice? It's up to my master to repay you, please let him go."

Xiao Se did not let go, and glanced over the sword held by Guan Zhu,
smiling slightly: "Where is Shen Shen?"

Guan Guan: "Who is Shen Yun? I have never heard of this person."

Xiao Se narrowed his eyes: "Everyone understands people, pretending to

be stupid is not good for you. You said that if I crush your apprentice's
shoulder now, will he not be able to ache and give the person you want to
hide Betrayed? "

He screamed **** his first day, and began to greet Xiaose's ancestor
eighteenth generation with various slang words in his mouth.

"Stop!" Guanzhu no longer hesitated, drew his sword out of the sheath, the
blade swayed slightly, and flew away toward the other side.

Xiao Se did not let go of the first day. He was holding a person in his hand,
but his body speed was not slow. He slaps a palm in his hand and snorted
in his mouth: "Your master's errand, I want you to take care of it and never
come out again. , I asked Shen Xun where he was, anyway, this little Taoist
priest was not bad, and it was enough for me to bring it back to my master.

A laugh came from the side: "Brother Xiao, although your master is the
master, the power in the door is not as good as my master. I think you
might as well give up the secret and worship my master as a master!"

Xiao Se snorted and did not answer.

The subject's face changed greatly.

With laughter, two more people appeared in front of him.

A person dressed in white, charming and sweet, it is the white velvet that
has dealt with Shen Wei several times.

Another person, although bald but not a monk, had more gorgeous clothes
than ordinary family members, and looked a bit out of place.

But Guanzhu did not dare to underestimate him because he was dressed
strangely, because he also recognized the identity of this person.

Acacia is another tricky figure, Yan Shi.

His nickname is "Bloodhand Buddha", which is exactly what he looks like

a dignified Buddha, but cruel inside like a demon, blood stained on both
hands, I don't know how many lives he got on his head.

Although Yan Shi is not as perverted as Huo Xijing, Chengri likes to strip
his face, but he may not have fewer people than Huo Xijing.

Obviously, although Sang Jingxing was severely wounded by Shen Yun,

but he was so resentful in his heart, he naturally sent his followers to find
him out.

If there was only Xiao Se, Guanzhu could ask himself to fight with the
other side and force him back, but now he has two more, one to three, but
he dare not have such a grasp.

"Give Shen Ye over." Yan Qiao said.

I do n’t know how he acted. The person who was still in Xiao Se ’s hand
quickly reached Yan Qiao ’s hand. His first martial art was low and he
could n’t help but burst into tears after a little bit of sorrow. However, no
matter how he shouted, he didn't tell the whereabouts of Shen Zhe and Shi

Observing the subject's heart is like a knife cut, and he can't care about his
own strength and strength, and Jianhua stabs up.
It was Bai Rong who worked with him instead of Yan Shi.

She was a very talented person. She entered the country a thousand miles
away, and now her martial arts is much higher than when she first saw her.
The "Green Lotus Seal" turned into thousands of lotus flowers, and fell on
the whole body of Guanzhu. After being broken by the Guanzhu sword, it
bloomed again and again, as if forever.

Seeing the sweat on his forehead, he could only cope with Bai Rong, but
he stood beside Yan Qiao and Xiao Se, which made him feel more
stressed. He knew very well that even if Bai Rong was repelled, the two
would still shoot. .

If he quits now, he may still be able to retreat from his whole body, but in
the first day of the other side, it is impossible for the Lord to let go.

Yan Qi saw his weakness and added gravity to his hand: "What about
Shen's whereabouts?"

The first day was called again.

Watching the subject's heart trembled, his hands also shook, and a palm of
his hand was printed on the chest with a gap in his hand. He vomited blood
and stepped back.

"I don't know what Shen Yan is! You guys are unreasonable, and you just
start to do it. We masters and apprentices are good at recruiting people in
this broken place!"

Xiao Se suddenly smiled: "Elder Yan, do you look at him as if he is under

the gate of Taishan Bixia Sect?"

Yan Shi: "Well, it's a bit like."

Xiao Se: "How can the people of Bishan Sect of Taishan come here to stay
incognito? Could it be that they are cast out from the division?"

Observing the subject ’s heart and sneering: "Yes, I am Bixia Zongzhu

Lengquan. Today, Zhao Zongzhu is my teacher's nephew. If you have any
contact with Bixia Zong, please let us know how to do it. I should ask the
Lord to come forward and thank you! "
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 70
Xiao Seha smiled: "I'm sorry, I'm disappointed. We have nothing to do
with Bixiazong, and today's things, you will be revenge anyway, why
should we do things even better?"

Fang Luoyin spoke, Yan Shi then printed on the first head.

At the first nosebleeds, even the sound was too late to fall, it fell silently.

"First day !!!" Guan Zhu's head was stricken, his heart was torn, and he
wanted to jump to Yan Qi without carrying a sword.

Yan Shi didn't move, it was Xiao Se.

The opening of the folding fan brush in Xiao Se ’s hand, and the sharp
blades on the fan bone followed, flashing a shivering cold light. When he
lifted his wrist, the folding fan automatically flew towards the main
subject, as if he had an autonomous consciousness, and grouped him

The Guanzhu was full of sorrow, and the swordsmanship practiced a level
that was not available in ordinary times. At Bixia Sect, he was once
considered to be unreliable in his qualifications, and enjoyed leisurely
activities. Therefore, in the "Dongyue Nineteen Style", he always practice
It's bad that the last few styles can't satisfy the teacher anyway.

But now, if the elders of the late Bixia Sect are here, they will be shocked
to see the swordsmanship he used.

In front of this person, where is the slightest shadow of mediocre


With the endless light of the sword, the sword body dazzled with dazzling
light and shadow. If you were here on the first day, you would yell and say,
"Master, I have never seen you like this breeze."
But the first day was dead.

He will never speak again, he won't whine and annoy people, and he won't
be lazy.

Seeing the subject's eyes flushed, all the tricks were mad.

But his sword light couldn't even break through Xiao Shou's fan blade, and
he was already beaten back.

Unconsciously, his wrist was cut into a long mouth by the fan blade, and
he involuntarily let go.

The sword fell down with a bang.

Xiao Se retracted the fan and hit his opponent's chest with his elbow. As
the Lord receded, he grabbed his shoulder and dragged it forward,
instantly closing the three holes in his chest, making him kneel on the
ground and unable to move.

"You have seen it now, we haven't come with you. Your apprentice is dead.
Do you want to follow in his footsteps, right?" Xiao Shou groaned. Will
his life be hidden for him? "

Guanzhu spit out blood to him: "Well! What Shen Zhangqiao, I said, I
don't know, don't you understand people!"

Xiao Se no longer smiled, he took out a piece of parchment from his

sleeve, slowly wiped the blood on his face, and suddenly cut off the
subject's left ear with a thunderbolt.

The Guanzhu who had been dumbed out, but even released a scream, he
could only open his mouth wide, eyes wide, and stared at him desperately.

Xiao Se squatted down and stared up at him: "You have also realized the
means of the Acacia, a heavy, worthy of your life? Speaking of his
whereabouts, I will let you go alive, we are all good."

It took him a while before he unlocked the dumb points of Guanzhu.

Guan Guan panted, his ears were still bleeding, and he was embarrassed.

"I said ... I don't know Shen Yun!"

Bai Rong suddenly laughed: "Brother Xiao, why are you talking nonsense
to him, even if he wants to hide, he will hide in this view, we can't find it

She said to Yan Qiao again, "Elder Yan does not work for himself, Brother
Xiao and I will look for it."

Yan Shi did not speak or move, and that was her acquiescence.

Bai Rong advanced and found the room where the Lord came out, and after
a while came out, "I haven't seen any organs in it. People who want to
come can't hide there."

Xiao Se looked for several other places and found nothing.

This Taoist temple is broken and ruined, but victory is better in the local
area. If any hidden place hides people, it may not be able to be found at
one-and-a-half, let alone this old Taoist temple usually has escape routes.

Yan Qiao was impatient and exhausted: "I will give you half a joss stick,
and you will die if you don't."

Guanzhu didn't speak.

Half-Ayaka passed quickly, and Bairong Xiaoser came back one after
another, saying that nothing was found.

Xiao Se obliquely obscured Bairong: "Sister Bai, you have found many
places. Did you see anything but intentionally said you didn't see it? I
remember that you seem to have a relationship with Shen Ye."

Bai Rong smiled without anger: "Brother Xiao's words are so strange and
strange, what friendship can I have with Shen Yun? If we say that we have
friendship with each other, then Brother Xiao must have a relationship
with Shen Luo?"
Sear: "You ..."

Yan Shi frowned: "Don't make a noise!"

He looked at the subject: "Did you say?"

The lord sneered sneerly: "You savage beasts, do n’t say I do n’t know
what Shen is, even if I know, killing my apprentice at you, I wo n’t tell you
like this! You think martial arts Gao can do whatever he wants ... Hey!
Someone killed me, and one day you will get retribution ...! "

Before the word "ying" was finished, Yan Qi had already patted his head.

The skull shattered, and blood ran down the top of his head, flowing past
his staring Yan Qiao's eyes, and finally flowing into the collar.

Not staring.

The corpses of the master and apprentice were not far away, but they could
never be closer to half a minute.

Yan Shi didn't look at the corpse and turned to Bai Rong: "You just didn't
find anything?"

In the sharp eyes of the other party, Bairong seemed to be unaffected, and
Wu smiled and groaned, "If you don't find it, if you don't believe it, Elder
Yan and Brother Xiao will look for it? Maybe I missed it."

In the cellar, Shen Ai and Fifteen's acupuncture points had been unlocked,
and the latter burst into tears and shivered.

Shen Yan covered his mouth tightly to prevent him from making a sound,
even if he was crying, he pulled him back desperately.

At the beginning of the fifteenth, he struggled very hard. Until the Lord
was killed, he seemed to have lost his last strength, and he let Shen Kun
pull him away without resistance.
The two bumped and stumbled, marching all the way in the dark secret
path, Shen was seriously ill, the meridians were not even repaired, and he
was dragging a fifteen that was not much lighter than himself, and his
bones were suffering, like It is because people are dragging their skin with
iron cables, step by step, as if exhausting their life.

I don't know how long it has been, it may not have been long, but Shen Yan
feels like he has passed half his life.

His hand trembled slightly, opened the stone door that had been sealed for
an unknown number of years, dragged fifteen out, and groped to the organ
in the hidden grass. According to the Lord's previous command, he closed
the stone door from the outside.

In this way, even if Yan Kou and others find that the secret path has been
traced to the end, Shimen cannot be opened from the inside.

And the path outside the path leads to the foot of the other side of Bailong
Mountain. The middle time is enough for them to find a place to hide or
escape calmly.

After doing all this, Shen Xuan loosened fifteen, coughing against the
stone, and felt that he felt no pain everywhere, just like he had just
tortured, and even had no strength to stand up, only to spit a few blood,
Only now I feel that the stagnation chest is more relaxed.

Looking back at fifteen, I was still immersed in extreme sadness, curled

up around my knees, buried my face, and trembled with tears.

Shen Yan sighed and touched his head: "Sorry, if it weren't for me, Brother
Zhu and the first day would n’t have died tragically. Even for them, let ’s
leave now, OK, everything is safe, I You kill and you fight, you can do
whatever you want. "

Fifteen looked up in tears: "Master and the first day, they can't live
anymore, are they?"
With tears in his eyes, Shen Yan gritted his teeth and did not fall, and his
heart was stirred up, and his throat filled with a sweet smell.

"Yes, they can't live, but they most want you to live well. If you are caught
by those people, how can you deserve them?"

Fifteen stopped speaking, but shed tears silently. After a short while, he
stood up stupidly: "You're right! I want to live well, I can't worry Master ...
where are we going now?"

Shen Min took a deep breath and said dumbly, "Go east, go to Bixia, I will
take you back to recognize the ancestors."

He took out the arms to observe what the Lord had given him. In fact, it
was a small wooden sign with the words "Bixiazong" on one side and
"zhu" on the other. Identification.

Capricorn looked at it for a while, and he handed the wooden sign to

fifteen: "This is a relic left by your master. Please keep it well."

Fifteen treasures took a long time to look at for a while, and then carefully
put it in his arms, touched and touched a few times, as if afraid to lose
attention, the wooden sign was lost.

Shen Yan pulled him, and the two stepped deep and shallow across the
grass and walked forward.
Thousand Autumns: Page 71
Fifteen couldn't help but glance back.

Behind them, under the veil of heavy trees, the small exit stone gate was
also densely packed, as if never before.

Fifteen tears shed again.

Shen Yan clenched his hands.


Bixiazong is in Taishan, and Taishan is in Dongping County. You can go

straight to Jeju in Dongping County. However, Shen Xun was afraid that
the people of Hehuanzong would guess their whereabouts. Therefore, they
took fifteen south to Liangzhou, which is equivalent to a large circle. More
than half the distance.

Fifteen became dumb, no longer shy and friendly in the past. When he saw
someone, he didn't talk much. Shen Xun knew his heart, but this kind of
thing can't be advised by others, and he can only wait for himself. Figured
it out.

Guanzhu originally hid some copper coins in the cellar. The number was
not large, but it was enough for them to save money and save money until
they arrived in Dongping County.

During the day, the two hurried away, and stayed in the city at night. If
there is no city, try to find some lively towns. The so-called big city is
hidden in the city, so many people are not easy to find.

On this day, the two went to Xiqiao, just in the evening. Shen Xun found
an inn in the city and settled down. He shared the room with Fifteen and
gave the bed to Fifteen.
After rebuilding the foundation with "Zhu Yangce", Shen Xun seems to be
entering a new world that has never been seen before.

The world of the square inch is so small that it is silent and has little

True air flowed through the damaged meridian, with a trace of pain, but
like a new life, together with the severe injuries that had been suffered
before, it seemed to be slowly being repaired.

This is the real mystery of Zhu Yangce.

As far as I can see, there is a tree in the morning light, a bright moon
entering the house, Baohua Shenyun, and Mei Youyou.

The giant urn, the atrium, the canopy, and the cymbals, the meridian points
that were originally blocked or damaged were reopened one by one. The
depression and pain that had been blocking the heart for a long time are
also disappearing.

Shen Yan's eyes were closed tightly, he didn't even realize that there were
two eyes next to him.

The fifteen, who should have fallen asleep, was wrapped in a quilt, and he
motioned to sleep, but his eyes opened a slit quietly.

He saw that Shen Yan, who had been good at all, suddenly spit out a blood,
his face changed greatly, no longer caring about other things, opened the
quilt, got out of bed, and ran to Shen Yan in a few steps.

"How are you, is it all right!"

Shen Yan opened his eyes and shook his head and smiled, "This is bruise,
and it's happy to spit it out."

Fifteen eyes were in tears: "You don't have to coax me, I know you didn't
buy medicine on the way, just to save money. When I saved you, you
obviously were seriously injured and were about to die!"
Shen Huan: "It's really saving money not to buy medicine, but I can now
recover slowly with internal work. It doesn't matter if I drink or not."

15: "Really?"

Shen Min touched his head: "Really, I promised your Master to take good
care of you, so I won't leave you."

Fifteen suddenly cried Shen Yan and cried: "I, I didn't ignore you
intentionally, I just, just sad!"

Shen Yan's eyes were slightly acidic: "I know."

He patted fifteen back gently: "I'm sorry."

Fifteen shook his head: "Don't say sorry, it's not your fault."

Shen Yan smiled bitterly: "Why isn't it my fault? They came after me and
killed you."

XV: "They are so cruel, even if you are not there, as long as they think
Master is hiding you, they will still kill. Master saves you. Just as I saved
you at the time, we didn't blame you. Do n’t blame yourself, OK? OK? The
bad guys should be punished, not the good guys. "

Shen Ye heard both sadness and heartache. Brother Zhu Zhu, Brother Zhu,
you are in the spirit of heaven and you can feel relieved when you see
fifteen like this.

He asked fifteen: "Do you want to learn martial arts?"

Fifteen nodded: "I want to learn martial arts and avenge my master and my
first year."

Shen Yun: "Before you return to Bixia Sect, on this way, I will teach you
the martial arts of Xuandu Mountain first, OK?"

Fifteen eyes brightened: "Xuandu Mountain, is it the Xuandu Mountain

known as the first door in the world?"
Shen Yan nodded.

15: "Shen Langjun, are you a disciple of Xuandushan?"

Shen Ye smiled: "Yes, my name is Shen Ye, and I am the sixth generation
disciple of Xuandushan who taught Qi Fengge."

Fifteen ah said, "I, I seem to have heard Master say your name! Have you
ever been a teacher?"

Shen Min touched his head: "Yes, I ca n’t tell you any more than I can say.
I came to Tancheng this time to find disciples of Xuandushan in the north.
Who knows ..."

He paused, "Who knew of encountering Sang Jingxing, and you will know
what happened later."

Is it fifteen: "Yes, Master said that martial arts is the secret of each martial
art. Unless you join that martial art, you cannot learn it. I have promised
Master to go to Bixia Sect, so ..."

Shen Yun laughed: "Whether the martial arts in Xuandu Mountain or the
martial arts in Bixia Sect are all learned by others. As long as the people
who teach and learn do not have a portal opinion, why bother with other? I
only teach you martial arts You don't need to worship. "

After all, he will wrap it up with black cloth strips, and mountains and
rivers fake bamboo sticks will be taken out with the sword of sadness, and
the cloth strips will be removed one by one.

"Mountains ... with sorrow?" Fifteen curiously thought of the carcass


"Cang is in trouble, mountains and rivers are in the same sorrow,

vegetation is spiritual, and the world is immortal."

Shen Yun walked slowly, fingers stroked the scabbard, suddenly held the
sword's handle, quickly pulled the sword out of the scabbard, no action
was seen on the wrist, and time spent the house full of brilliance, as if
there were sword lights everywhere, killing intentions everywhere,
Heming flying high, Geese cross the snow.

But only for a moment, all the light disappeared again.

The room is still the room, the sword is still the sword, it seems that the
sheath has never been shed, and the scene just now is only the illusion of

He had been there for fifteen days, he couldn't shut his mouth, he looked
like he was stupefied.

Shen Chen smiled at him: "You touch the clothes."

The clothes were sullen by his own robes, and because of the rain when he
arrived, he removed them and hung them on the wooden stand in the room.

As soon as fifteen fingers touched the clothes, he snorted involuntarily.

Wai Chang turned into a few pieces and fell down.

Other than that, everything else in the room was intact.

The expression of fifteen can be described by stagnation.

Shen Yun: "How?"

15: "Okay, great ..."

Shen Yan smiled, "I'm asking if you would like to learn martial arts with

Fifteen nodding is like a pounding garlic: "Master Shen, please worship by


Chapter 48

"Xuandu Zifu originally had several sets of swordsmanship. By the time

my master Qi Fengge, he thought that the martial arts in the world could
not be separated from its ancestors. Instead of being cluttered, it was
better to practice only one set to a pure fire, so He reorganized the
swordsmanship of previous generations into the last two sets. "

"One of the set of Canglang sword tips is that his old man came to the East
China Sea to see the sun rise and fall. After the cloud followed the surge,
he realized it. It combines the essence of Xuandushan's previous
swordsmanship and just passed the Yellow River today. , The artistic
conception is similar, I will demonstrate it for you first, you don't need to
deliberately remember the moves inside, just have a good understanding
of the artistic conception. "
Thousand Autumns: Page 72
The fifteen small face was serious, and he took it seriously: "Yes, Master
Shen, the disciples will try hard to feel it."

Shen Yan smiled and drew his sword out of the sheath!

The watershed where they lived was just over the bank and flooded the
farmland on both sides of the bank. Now they are ten empty rooms,
looking desolate, and the remaining waves of the Yellow River continue to
run forward.

At this moment Shen Yun was standing on a big rock standing alone, and
beneath him was the rushing Yellow River, roaring as if to devour
everything in the world.

Under the sun's rays, the river was shining brightly, the crystals were
bright, and Shen Shen was a thin person at first glance, and it was difficult
to compete with heaven and earth, but the moment he pulled his sword out
of the sheath, the momentum was not inferior. Because of the dazzling
reflection of the sword, the sword's spirit overflowed, driving the river
more and more surging, and he was all in the sword's spirit, just like the
fairy who would go away from the sword.

Fifteen looked completely stunned.

When he followed Guanzhu, although Guanzhu also taught them martial

arts, Guanzhu's martial arts itself was average, and it was difficult to
describe to them what the advanced martial arts realm was. In the fifteenth
time, Guanzhu described that true martial arts masters can Use their own
to clean the surroundings, affect the grass and the trees, and be affected by
their own minds.

Both the first one and the fifteenth heard utterly ecstatic and longed for it.
It would be nice if they could see such an expert in their lifetime.

And now, the vision that once dreamed of it appeared in front of his eyes.
Looking at Shen Yan's tricks, even fifteen people who have just started on
martial arts, and can't even talk to people who are new to the door, they
can even feel the power of pulling everything, which is beyond his barren
language. The picture is also an unforgettable sight in his fifteenth life.

Master, first day, did you see it?

Fifteen fierce tears filled his eyes, and there was even an urge to kneel and

Not only is the fifteenth on the sidelines, but even the Shen who is in it is
also in a state of indescribable mystery.

He could feel that his sword qi and the river were moving each other, and
they were each other. The sword intended to walk along the limbs and
bones, and then the river and the sword of sadness came out from his
hands. The heart moved at will, and the sword moved with his heart. The
tangible sword was transformed into a white rainbow, passing through the
water vapor. Wherever the sword intended, a sudden blast of river water
exploded, spectacular and beautiful, with water drops splashing and
shining seven colors of light.

Shen Jian's sword trembled, and the man jumped abruptly from the stone
without warning. He saw the fifteenth big cry of God and ran to the river
in a few steps. However, he saw that Shen Kui fell into the turbulent river
and the rabbit rose. Snooze, the sword in his hand is never stopped,
endless, Lingbo walks slightly, and feels at ease, as if walking in a
leisurely court, with swords and flowers.

He never stayed for anyone. The Yellow River, anxious to devour

everything, ran under his feet, but within three feet of his body, he was as
gentle as Yuehua to caress the spring breeze, let it be, and let it stay.

The sky is not spring.

The flowing water is ruthless, and the sword is ruthless.

Even the sword of love gallops on the ruthless water, and it is also lonely.
Wherever the sword lights up, if you take one, you will get the best.

After the set of swordsmanship was completed, Shen Yan jumped from the
stone in the river to the shore, squinted his eyes and looked back, his eyes
were still not very good, maybe because the residual poison had stayed in
the body for too long and too deep, even if the foundation was reshaped,
There is no way to recover to a level that was so clear in the past.

But this doesn't matter anymore, because when he used that set of
swordsmanship, he used his own perception of the surroundings and
maintained the connection with the surroundings with swordsmanship, so
the foothold was not bad, and it was not detracted by vision This can also
be regarded as a willingness and a blessing.

Fifteen was timid by the side and said, "Master Shen, can I really practice
in a realm like you in the future?"

Shen Min touched his head and smiled, "Nature is okay, there are three
thousand roads, and everyone is different. As long as you study hard, you
will certainly be able to achieve it in the future."

Fifteen couldn't help but smile.

This is his first smile since he left Bailongguan.

Shen Yan squatted down and stared up at him: "Your Master ’s death, I
know you have not forgotten, I have not forgotten either, we remember it
together in your heart, but your Master has a spirit in heaven, and I hope
you will be happy and happy, promise me, ever After the Yellow River, we
will throw away all the sadness and go forward happily, okay? "

When he mentioned Master, the eyes of Fifteen were a little bit wet again,
but he nodded quickly: "Okay, I will live well and practice hard. Being a
good person will not disappoint Master or disappoint you. . "

Shen Yan said nothing, only held him tightly for a while before releasing
the person, and then holding his hand, large and small figures slowly
moved forward along the river.
And the Yellow River, still rolling forward, unchanged forever.


The two of them walked unhappy, and the whole course went for several
months, until the beginning of August, they did not reach the foot of
Mount Tai.

Mount Tai has more than 100 peaks and small peaks. Bixia Sect is not on
the top of the dynasty of the ancient emperors, but on the unknown
southeast of the northeast.

The Nanzhu Peak is not high, but its location is unique. The mountains are
surrounded by strange stones and clear streams. Due to the dangerous
terrain, there are few tourists and widowers.

Fifteen is a bit "timid in the hometown", and his heart was uneasy. When
Shen Zhen took him up, he couldn't help asking: "Master Shen, do you
know what kind of martial art Bi Xiazong is?"

Shen Yun laughed: "Bixia Sect was founded in the Han Dynasty, and now
the master is called Zhao Chiying, who is also one of the top ten masters
in the world. Brother Zhu said that Zhao Zongzhu was his nephew, so in
terms of seniority, you should be Zhao Zongzhu's peers. "

Fifteen grabbed his corner of clothing, but he was not afraid of falling
down. In the past few months, he followed Shen Xi's practice of sword
training and made rapid progress. Xuandushan's light work "Tiankuo
Hongying" came to him. Quarter essence.

"Will you leave when you send me to Bixiazong?"

"Don't you want me to go?" Shen Min teased him intentionally.

Fifteen is a little embarrassed, pursing her lips and smiling.

After the death of Guanzhu and the first day, Shen Lu took care and care,
such as Master, and he was regarded as his only loved one in the early 15th
day. It can be achieved, but it is accompanied by a very likely separation,
and he is not happy at all.

Shen Huan: "Be assured, I won't leave immediately after I arrive, just look
at it first."

What he didn't tell the fifteen is that although Bixiazong was once a great
faction, it has declined badly in recent years. It was only because of a
Wizards Zhao Chiying who hasn't met in a century, that has only slightly
boosted his reputation. Alone, Zhao Chiying is even more powerful, and it
is a bit difficult to turn the tide. It is said that in recent years, Zhao
Chiying has closed the door, and his martial affairs have been taken care
of by his brother Yue Kunchi. Zhu Lengquan left the martial arts for sure. I
don't know how they will react when they see the fifteenth. If they don't
like the fifteen, he can't leave the fifteen here to be wronged.

At fifteen, I do n’t know what Shen Min was thinking about for himself,
and he was uneasy in his heart. He was worried that the people in Bixia
Sect would not get along well, and he was too far away from Shen Min.

The two quickly climbed to the middle of the mountain, but Shen Min
found something wrong.

Generally, if the martial arts are on the mountain, some guards are stricter,
and there will be disciples on the foot of the mountain, a little looser, and
at the middle of the mountain, you will definitely see people.

But now, seeing that they are almost there, but the figure hasn't seen half,
it must be said that it is very abnormal.

Fifteen obviously also noticed that it was inappropriate. He originally

caught Shen Ye's robe and quietly loosened it. When he didn't want
something to happen, he became a burden that dragged Shen on.

"Master Shen, look!"

Shen Yan's eyes were not good, but fifteen found the broken sword thrown
in the grass beside the stone road, bent over, and picked it up for him.
Shen Ye touched the mouth of the broken sword, which was obviously
broken with excessive force. No corpse was seen during this time, and the
owner of the sword had not fallen, or he had fled.

"Be careful, maybe there is still above, you follow me."

Sure enough, the more you go up, the more weapons there will be, and
there will be corpses one after another. I can't tell whether it is Bixia's
disciple or someone else's.

Leng Yaofang suddenly heard a distant drink from behind him:

"Somebody, stand still!"

The words did not fall, a sword had flew towards the back of fifteen.

Shen Yan heard the movement, his expression remained unchanged,

holding fifteen spins, the two of them changed their positions in a blink of
an eye, and he himself faced the sword.

Shanhe Tongbei Sword did not even scabbard. He patted his hands
sideways with the wind in the wind, and swung his sleeves in a roll, then
squeezed the opponent's wrist.

"Long Shen Dao?" The other side snorted.

"Your Excellency?" Shen squinted and could only see a shadowy figure in
front of him.

"Under Xia Fanyuanbai, under the gate of Bixia Sect, we have met in Su
House," the other said.

Shen Yun thought for a while, and finally got a little impression. On the
day he went to the birthday feast of Mrs. Qin in Sufu on behalf of Yan
Wushi, and it seemed that he had met the disciples of Taishan Bixiazong.

Fan Yuanbai: "Dare to ask why Shen Daochang is here?"

His tone did not hide his anxiety, but he was still able to endure his
temperament. First, he asked politely. First, Fan Yuanbai had a good
temper, and second, Shen Yan's performance against Duan Wenyi that day
convinced many people, including him.

Shen Zheng briefly explained the relationship between the fifteenth and
Bixia Sect, and asked fifteen to show a wooden sign as proof.

Fan Yuanbai took the wooden sign and looked at it for a moment: "I did
hear the name of Uncle Zhu, but the inside story is not so good. In this
case, the two might as well go up the mountain with me, or I would like to
present the matter to the master."

Shen Yun said: "Thank you Fan Langjun, only then did we find the dead
sword body along the way. Presumably you should know what happened on
the mountain?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 73
Fan Yuanbai smiled bitterly: "It's a coincidence that I went home to visit
my relatives. I went back to Zongmen today for more than half a year.
Who knows that something was wrong at the foot of the mountain. As I
walked along, I was frightened and just met the two. I thought ... "

He thought he was an enemy and a friend.

Shen Huan: "Since this is the case, it is not too late, so let's hurry up to the
mountain to find out. If there is nothing wrong, we should seek peace of

Fan Yuanbai should continue to say that he was walking up the mountain
with Shen Xuan Shiyi Road.

It ’s just that the more the three go up, the more the heart will not be able
to fall in the air, just because they are going all the way, they are in sight,
there are more and more swords, and more and more dead bodies. Fan
Yuanbai is calm and able to bend over Go and look at the corpse to see if
there is a live mouth, and then you have a pale face and pale lips at the

Through Fan Yuanbai's explanation, Shen Ye knew that there were

disciples of Bixiazong in these corpses, and they also accounted for the
majority. The other corpses were unknown. From the perspective of the
weapon, the other side also used a sword. "Continent".

Fifteen odd ways: "What kind of school is Dongzhou?"

He only thought that he had just entered the rivers and lakes and was
ignorant, but did not expect that Fan Yuanbai frowned and said nothing.

On the contrary, Shen Jingdao said: "The Central Plains does not have the
Dongzhou faction, but Goguryeo has one."
Fan Yuanbai said this: "Yes, this school is called the No. 1 school in
Goguryeo, and I have heard of it, but Goguryeo is a foreign country. With
Bixiazong, the well water does not violate the river, how can it appear

Speaking without delay, you are getting closer and closer to the top of the

He is so hard-headed that he can even be heard shouting and scolding.

Fan Yuanbai speeded up a few steps, rushing ahead, the sword in his hand
had been sheathed.

The fifteenth pulled Shen Shen, whispering: "Master Shen, follow me,
there are a lot of dead bodies on the ground."

Shen Yan warmed his heart, nodded, and did not disobey his good
intentions: "OK."

Rao was mentally prepared. What she saw before still made Fan Yuanbai

I saw the formerly peaceful and peaceful Zongmen, now a sea of blood,
the number of dead bodies reached the peak after entering the Zongmen,
the blood gathered on the ground into a stream, slowly flowing to the

Those disciples of Bixia Sect who have closed their eyes have nothing to
do with Fifteen for the time being. He has a deep side and can still
maintain a calm and calm appearance, but Fan Yuanbai can't help but
because these people have been with He got along day and night, his
brothers and sisters who are like brothers and sisters. When he went down
the mountain half a year ago, there were still people laughing and asking
him to bring back something delicious and fun. Now they can only lie on
the cold ground and never again Can speak.

Fan Yuanbai's eyes turned red, and his heart's sadness and anger gradually
gathered, until he saw two groups of men and horses killing him not far
away. He did not hesitate to lift up his sword. Who knew that he was about
to join the battle, but he was holding back.

The two factions of the confrontation even wore the costumes of

Bixiazong disciples, and both sides had familiar faces.

"Brother Li! Brother Qiao! Stop now, what the **** is going on!"

The crowd was fighting and fighting, and the killing rose, and naturally no
one paid attention to him. The sound of Bingo's handover was endless, and
the sword light sword almost dazzled everyone else's eyes.

Fan Yuanbai didn't understand what was going on, why he left the
mountain himself, and when he came back, he saw the scene of Zongmen
killing each other.

He was agitated, and for a moment hesitated, naturally he did not notice
that a sword was being passed behind him.

However, before the attacker put the sword into his body, he screamed,
released the sword, and wrapped his wrists on the ground and mourned.

"Be careful behind it." Shen Yan's voice sounded behind him, not sulking.

Fan Yuanbai went back to God a little, thanked him, and grabbed the
people behind him to attack him, and found that he was also his disciple.

"You are Xue Qi under Elder Lu? Why are you attacking me!"

The other party saw Shen Yan behind him, remembering that he had just
been taken off his wrist with this sword, and he was afraid: "Yes, the real
master is back, your master, Elder Yue, but he is occupying the position of
the suzerain and refuses to let Xian So I ordered the disciples to fight each
other ... "

Fan Yuanbai became more confused and couldn't help interrupting and
yelling at him: "Nonsense! My master is a man with a heart, how can he
occupy a position and refuse to let Yin!"
Xue Qi shouted, "I don't know. I don't know. I just act on orders. Don't kill

Shen Yan pressed Fan Yuanbai's shoulders and motioned him to calm
down: "This is just the outside door. Go to the inside door first."

Then asked Xue Qi: "Where's your master?"

He didn't have a high voice, but passed it into Xue Qi's ears clearly. Xue Qi
shrank, "Inside, he is fighting with Elder Yue ..."

Fan Yuanbai couldn't bear to listen any more, and jumped up directly,
plunging his sword into the inner door.

Along the way, there were many people who raised swords to stop them.
Among them were former colleagues, the so-called Dongzhou school
disciples, and the black-eyed and unidentified people in black. After
coming down, he was almost not cut, and he lost his weight and followed
him while caring for him.

In comparison, the fledgling fifteenth appears to be far more flexible. The

sword in his hand is just an ordinary long sword picked up on the road. In
one move, he uses all of the recent teachings of Shen Yun. He is not like
Fan Yuanbai's heart god, There was Shen Yu beside him, and when his
mind was settled, his shots became more and more stable. Instead, those
who came forward to attack were regarded as opponents to learn from each

But after all, Fifteen was just getting started, and at the beginning it was a
bit helpless. After finally subduing the other party, he couldn't wait to turn
back, only to see the people behind him with a smile of approval: "Master
Shen, am I doing well?"

Shen Ye smiled and said, "Good, but be careful."

Fifteen's shoulders were gently stroked, bringing a slight warmth, which

greatly encouraged him: "Yes!"
In the inner door, the sword in Yue Kunchi's hand was shot and flied by
Ruan Hailou, and he also slaped a hand in his waist. He couldn't help
taking three steps back and hit the post behind him.

Regardless of his disciples coming to help him, he did not look at Ruan
Hailou, but he was snarling at the elder Lu Feng in the door: "Lu Feng, you
colluded with outsiders to capture Bixia Sect. You are unfaithful and
unworthy. Disciple! "

Lu Feng frowned: "Well worth it, it's not your turn to take the lead in Yue
Kunchi, and let Zhao Zongzhu come to speak."

Yue Kunchi gritted his teeth. These people knew that Zhao Shimei could
not be disturbed halfway during the retreat before they came to the door at
this time.

Ruan Hailou: "When you were a kid, I was often scolded and cried by your
master. I ran down the mountain every day to buy you candy. Your master
said that you were stupid. I also taught you how to train those Zhaos. Now
you must be early. Just forget it? "

Yue Kunchi: "I haven't forgotten, Uncle Ruan you are good to me, I have
remembered it in my life! But now you are a member of the Dongzhou
faction, and you have married the princess of the King Goguryeo, but you
are killed with the disciples of the Dongzhou faction. Shang Bixia Sect,
also colluding with Turkic people and elders in the door, intending to take
the throne, is that how you treat your own door! "

Ruan Hailou sneered: "If your Master had hurt him in secret and hurt me, I
was pointed to by the Qianfu, but there was no way to return to the gate, so
I had to go away sadly, why would I go to Goguryeo? You wouldn't want to
know what happened to me later. After much suffering, I got the blue eyes
of the Dongzhou faction and became his disciple. Twenty years later,
unfortunately, your master is long gone, otherwise this fairness, I am more
than happy to ask him to come back! "

Pu Anmi, who was watching for a long time, suddenly said, "I said Ruan
Gong, Lu Gong, why do you say so much to him? Zhao Zhiying can't
retreat. His Yue Kunchi occupies the position of the suzerain, and the
power is in his hands. I don't know how happy and happy you are. He
surrendered the position of suzerain, and of course he wouldn't want to.
Anyway, he has killed so many people today, simply killing everyone, and
just replace all the disobedient people. Only Zhao Chiying is left, even if
she is out Off, can't set off any storms. "

Lu Feng said categorically: "Yes, Brother Ruan, at the end of Yue Kunchi's
strong crossbow, but by talking nonsense and delaying his time, I will
abandon him first and then say that Hui Leshan owes you a lot in the past,
and it is his turn to pay his disciples today!"

Ruan Hailou also stopped talking, and swept forward directly, yelling at
Yue Kunchi with one palm.

Yue Kunchi was exhausted and had no choice but to close his eyes and
died. The disciple next to him, Zhou Yexue, suddenly rushed forward,
intending to stop the attack for his division.

Fan Yuanbai saw this scene when he stumbled and ran in. He was so guilty
that he couldn't help shouting, "Shimei!"

He was still a long way from everyone else, not to mention running, he
was even crawling and crawling, and he was too late at this time.

Speaking slowly, at that time, a white sword light was passing by his ears,
passing directly between Zhou Yexue and Ruan Hailou.

Jian Guang's speed is so fast that everyone has no time to recover.

As soon as Ruan Hailou's palm wind was gone, even if he felt a sense of
vigilance, he was too late. When Jianguang came, it was as if the king
were coming to the world and directly suppressed the wind.

He felt only a pain in the palm of his hand, and retreated hurriedly. When
he settled his eyes on the ground, he still had a long and deep blood stain
on his palm.
All the people present, such as the elite disciples of Bixia Sect, have been
exhausted in the talented inner strife, and the rest are debilitated and
unable to perish, but no one can see that Shen Jian's sword has a physical
meaning, and it is close to the heart of the sword. Accomplishment, such
as Ruan Hailou and others, even if they can see it, they will never say that
the enemy is powerful.

"Who's coming!" Ruan Hailou said angrily with a **** hand.

"Shen Yun."

He put his sword into his sheath, his voice soft and soft, but it spread to
everyone's ears.

The others did not respond, but Pu Anmi showed a ghostly expression:
"You are Shen ?!"

Shen Yun: "This boy recognizes me, dare to ask Gao's name?"

Pu Anmi's heart made two impossible sounds, calmed down, and Fang
smiled: "Master Kun Xie, Shen Daochang is no stranger."

Shen Yanduan is good at conserving. He heard that his opponent, who had
been seriously injured in the sunset, did not respond much, just nodded: "It
is indeed an old man."

Mentioning Master ’s name, Pu Anmi's confidence was full again: "After

the first half of the battle on the same day, the master missed Shen Dao
and missed it. He was also worried that you might lose your life on the
cliff. Fortunately, God blessed and Shen Dao grew up. The teacher is not
far from here, and he will be able to come up the mountain tomorrow.
When the old man meets again, Shen Dao can grow up with the teacher! "
Thousand Autumns: Page 74
Hearing the battle of Banbufeng, most of the people present understood
Shen's identity.

Fifteen felt that the eyes of some people looking at Master Shen were very
annoying, and couldn't help frowning secretly, stepping forward slightly,
trying to block these eyes.

Shen Yun seemed to perceive his mind, smiled slightly, and held his
shoulders, his tone was still flat and mild: "It is indeed an old man, it is
time to get together."

He replied sharply: "You must not have come for me today, but you must
first resolve your business matters."

Ruan Hailou said coldly: "The name of Shen Dao, even though I am in
Goguryeo, I have heard of it today, but this is the housework of our Bixia
Sect. Shen Daochang has no reason to blend in. What is he doing? reason?"

If he changed someone else, he would have been strong first, but it was
Shen Shen who had the preemptive hand to deter the audience and made
him frightened.

Shen Yun sighed: "I don't mean to ask about the internal affairs of Bixia
Sect, but today I brought my juniors to recognize the ancestors and return
to the ancestors. I can't watch you kill the Bixia Sect."

Yue Kunchi wondered: "Shen Daochang, what are your juniors?"

Shen Wei said a little bit about his fifteenth identity, Yue Kunchi said
aloud and said, "He is actually a disciple of Master Zhu ?!"

But Ruan Hailou suddenly laughed and said, "Okay! Great! It seems that
today is a good day, so everyone is here. Zhu Lengquan didn't come by
himself, but it's fine to send a disciple. If he is still, he can let He was fair
to see if it was Huile Mountain's injustice or whether we should be
expelled from the division! "

Yue Kunchi slowly exhaled a sigh of sorrow: "Uncle Ruan, this is the last
time I called you Uncle, grievances of the past, before the end of the first
teacher, I also heard him mention that there is much regret in the words, I
feel that year I also made a lot of mistakes in my own affairs, and also told
me that if I see you later, I should respectfully call the master uncle, but
after all, it is the grievance of the previous generation. Even if you do n’t
miss fellowship, you should also read the teacher ’s door. The kindness
that nurtured you in one hand, but now you are reconciled, actually
reconciled ... "

He looked at the corpses all over the place, with a lot of blemishes, some
could not speak, and his voice was painful: "What is wrong with the
disciples of Bixia, they did not experience or participate in the events of
that year, why did they die in vain! Lu Feng, as an elder , Collusion with
outsiders ... "

Lu Feng interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, I can't get used to the look of
your mother-in-law and mother! If Zhao Chiying is willing to share some
minds to manage affairs, Bixia Sect will not be immortal now, they If you
do n’t know how to do it, you will die if you die. If you know the truth,
you will quickly surrender the position of the suzerain. No matter who the
Bixia Suze is in, it will be better than yours! "

Yue Kunchi: "What if I refuse?"

Pu Anmi laughed: "Now the Zhou Dynasty fell into Qi, the menacing
situation, the Qi Dynasty is over, and Ruan's head and Elder Lu have
surrendered to East Turkic Irvo Khan, and they have been crowned official
titles. Elder Ruo Yue also understands current affairs and leads Bi Xiazong
reciprocates, and she will certainly have a bright future. "

Speaking of what he seemed to be thinking of, he said to Shen Wei: "I

almost forgot to tell Shen Dao, your teacher, Xuandu Shanyu, who is now
a teacher, has been personally enshrined by Bishop Yuyang as a real
bishop of Taiping Yuyang. It ’s really gratifying. If you were not defeated
by our teacher that day, you ’re blocked today, would n’t it be you? ”

Chapter 49

Shen Yan frowned slightly, but naturally it wasn't because he wasn't

sealed: "So, this time Yu Yun also came to Bixia Sect with Kun Xie?"

Pu Anmi laughed: "Yu Zhenren didn't come, only my Master came. If Shen
Dao is interested, we might as well wait for my Master to come and follow
us to see Er Fu Khan. If Khan meets Shen Dao, it will inevitably be very

Shen Huan: "Although the poor road is now down, it is not enough to
attach to a robber who will only take the robbery and kill people."

Pu An secretly smiled: "Do you know what you're talking about? Doesn't it
mean that with Teacher Yan to support you, you can put no one in your

Shen Yan said lightly: "I never thought of it this way."

Pu Anmi suddenly smiled again: "Teacher Shen Dao knows that Yan
Wushi will soon be unable to protect himself. Instead of relying on him, it
is better to rely on strong Turks. From the perspective of Shen Daochang
now, martial arts must have recovered more than half. If you Ken came to
work under His Majesty, and with Khan's love of talent, he must be willing
to provide Shen Dao with a honorable position. Then, will you be able to
sit on equal footing with the teacher and his brother, and the court will be
courteous? "

Shen Yun: "Thank you for your kindness, I have received it."

Seeing Shen Yan's oil and salt will not enter, soft and hard will not eat, Pu
Anmi is angry and is trying to say something, but Lu Feng has been a little
impatient: "Pu Langjun, what kind of grievance between you, you may
wish to discuss it later For now, the matter of Bixia Sect is resolved first,
so as to avoid night long dreams! "
Pu Anmi nodded and looked at Ruan Hailou: "Of course, the opinion of
Ruan's head is still the main thing. What does Ruan's head say?"

Ruan Hailou has now joined the Dongzhou faction and has a high status in
the faction. He has also married the daughter of King Goguryeo. His status
is somewhat special. East Turkic wants to take advantage of the large area
of Qi Guodong while taking advantage of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. It
coincided with the interests of Goguryeo. The two sides secretly agreed
that the territory had been divided. Just waiting for the Zhou Army to
commit a major offense, Qi Guo was busy fighting the flames on the west,
and they could pick up the bargain in the east. .

Today's Bixia Sect is just an inconspicuous part of these plans. It has

nothing to do with the overall situation, except that Ruan Hailou has
turned to Turk as the son-in-law of King Goguryeo. Turk naturally also
gave him face, and before he went to Bixia When Zong resolved his past
grievances, he came to support him.

Ruan Hailou looked to Yue Kunchi: "I will give you one last chance. If you
descend, you don't have to die."

Yue Kunchi breathed her arms over her chest: "Since the Bixia Sect has
been passed down, although it is not a prestigious sect, it is also the hard
work of the ancestors of all ages. As a disciple of Bixia Sect, I must not
humiliate the ancestors, but rather die! "

Ruan Hailou laughed: "Okay! Although Hui Leshan is a sly traitor, he has
a hard-bodied apprentice! I'll complete you!"

He still had a jealous mind to intervene before Shen Ye intervened, and his
eyes turned to speak. Pu Anmi seemed to know what he was worrying
about, and he was already blocked between Shen Ye and Yue Kunchi the
next moment: "Let me discuss to what extent the master ’s martial arts
recovered. That's it! "

Kun Xie is a demon disciple, and he is also the Zuo Xian King of Turk,
with a distinguished position. Pu Anmi is a big disciple of Kun Xie, and he
is also a Turk nobleman. He has a high degree of self-esteem, even if he
only saw Shen Jian ’s sword. He didn't take it too seriously, after all, Shen
Yan's vitality hurts everyone. After all, the poison of meeting Huan is
insolvent. Before he can talk, he can see the other person's eyes are lost,
his eyesight is weak, and his heart It has already been judged that at this
time, the first shot is a fierce killing, and it is intended to preempt the
attack and resolve the variable that emerged in the middle of Shen Yan.

Pu Anmi used a knife. His knife was extremely overbearing. It was like a
lone wolf in the steppe.

This knife was cut down, and the momentum was so magnificent that
Taishan topped it and made people breathless.

The blade of light was as fast as lightning, but when the blade was cut,
Shen Yan was no longer in place. He took three steps back and avoided the
murderous blade.

But these three steps didn't make Pu Anmi ecstatic, because he saw Shen
Jian's sword unsheathed.

What does it mean that the sword is unsheathed?

It means that the opponent feels that the situation is not critical enough to
draw a sword, and it also means that the opponent doesn't feel the need to
draw a sword to deal with his opponent.

Pu Anmi's face changed slightly, and a sense of humiliation sprang up.

He thinks Shen Yun is too big!

You used to be my defeated master, but now come to look down on me?

What qualifications do you have to look down on me?

When he fell short, he would have to start the sword again. Between the
moments of electric shock, Pu Anmi flew forward, and the knife light rose,
unlike the only one who suddenly fell from the sky, this time it was like a
huge wave surging, and it seemed that there was only one knife. In fact,
there are six heavy slashes, one is stronger than the other.
The ordinary master with a knife at his age can cut four or five heavy
swords, even if he is extremely talented, but Pu Anmi can cut six, it is no
wonder that he has such confidence and grasp.

Shen Ye finally sword out.

Shanhe Tongbi sword hummed when he was drawn out. I don't know if it
was resonated by the influence of the sword gas, or the long-term
nourishment of the sword gas gave the sword its own spirituality, and it
was impatient to meet the enemy.

Fifteen opened his eyes wide and saw that this was one of the Canglang
Sword Techniques that Shen Ye had demonstrated to himself by the Yellow

Cool breeze is coming!

There is a pine forest under the moon, and there is wind in the forest. One
person sits on Panasonic with his back like a pine and plucking strings.
This careless wave of wind draws the breeze slowly, and his face is
slightly cold like rain.

Obviously, the sword was so picturesque, but he did not understand such a
picturesque name. Fifteen did not understand it before. Now, when he saw
Shen Yanzi's random wave, he suddenly realized something.

With just one sword, he drew the six-fold sword!

Pu Anmi could hardly believe his eyes, he just stunned for a moment, Shen
Shen's sword had been passed to his eyes, straight to his face.

He could only choose to draw back with a knife, but Shen Yan was
uncharacteristically and pressed hard. The two sides retreated and entered,
and instantly passed through the inner gate of Bixiazong. Seeing that Pu
Anmi's back was about to hit the wall, he chose to use his strength. Lift
and leap on the beam, then dangle from the beam again, and lift the knife
down to Shen Yuan.
On the other side, Yue Kunchi was not Ran Hailou ’s opponent at all. Mo
said that Ruan Hailou was originally one generation older than him. Yue
Kunchi could only be regarded as ordinary and martial arts. Only because
Zhao Chiying could not retreat, he was entrusted to take charge. At the
door, because the town was busy with chores, Wu Gong became more and
more negligent. Naturally, he would not be Ruan Hailou's opponent. He
vomited blood and fell to the ground in an instant, and the injuries were
not shallow.

Ruan Hailou didn't mean to leave any room this time. He raised his palm
and was about to kill.

Seeing that only Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue who were able to play were
dragged by Lu Feng's side, the others were so busy that they couldn't take
any shots. Fifteen had to brace their swords to help resist.

Where would Ruan Hailou put him in his eyes and sneer, the sleeves of his
robes flung fifteen away.

Fifteen ah fell back, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Shen Ye heard the movement over there, and he could know without
having to turn around. He shook his head in his heart, sighing that Da
Bixia Sect had fallen into such a state, while swinging the Pu Anmi's
sword, he turned back to rescue, and the anger came to Ruan Hai. Lou's
palm weathered intangible. For a time, it turned out that Shen Ying
confronted Pu Anmi and Ruan Hailou with a situation of one enemy and

Pu Anmi sneered: "Shen Dao can really work hard!"

He saw that Shen Zhen refused to use it for himself, and he had already
started to kill himself. At this time, Ruan Hailou joined. The pressure was
suddenly reduced, and he no longer hesitated. The knives and swords were
all killing moves. past.

In the eyes of others, Shen Ye at this time must not only cope with Pu
Anmi's almost impeccable knife air, but also cope with Ruan Hailou's
fierce palm wind, his fists are hard to beat, even if he is high in martial
arts, I am afraid that he will be left and right. , Difficult to support.

Fifteen is a heart that mentions his heart, but dare not shout out, for fear of
disturbing Shen Yan, affecting his hearing judgment, his hands clenched
tightly, without even feeling sweat.
Thousand Autumns: Page 75
Shen Zheng gave a sword.

This sword has quite a sweeping stance of thousands of armies. Wherever

it goes, the sword is vertical and horizontal, flying white.

After a sword, he immediately backed away, tiptoed, and the whole person
jumped up. Xuandushan's "Sky Wide Rainbow Shadow" was used by him
to the extreme. In a short time, people have disappeared, but when they
reappear, they have already fallen. Behind Ruan Hailou, Pu Anmi's knife
fell to the ground and a blood mark was cut from his wrist, but he didn't
even look at it, his face was incredible, and it seemed that he had not
accepted the fact that he had lost.

Ruan Hailou was better than him. He retreated in time and did not
continue to entangle with Shen Yun. He still turned to kill Yue Kunchi.

Who knew that Shen Zhefu had stopped firing again? Ruan Hailou was
resentful and had to deal with it. He said angrily: "You know how Master
Yue Kunchi was despicable and shameless. Now you help him. It ’s
completely black and white, and help is abusive ! "

Shen Yun Shen said: "I don't know the grievances between you, and I have
no right to ask questions, but those Bixia sect disciples who have been
corpses all over the world should not have paid for your grievances?"

Ruan Hailou resentfully said: "Bai Xiazong owes me a lot, I forbear for ten
years, Hui Leshan is dead, and his descendants will pay it back, what's

Shen Yan no longer spoke.

If some people are already immersed in hatred, even how others can
persuade and persuade, it will not help, let alone Ruan Hailou is now allied
with Turk, almost killing the Bixia Sect, and obviously there is no good
mind Already.
The two are fighting faster and faster. Although Ruan Hailou is not famous
in the Central Plains Wulin, he is not an easy one. In his early years, he
was the most talented disciple of Bixia Sect, but later he left for Goguryeo
for some reason, and established a foothold in the Dongzhou School,
becoming an elder of the Dongzhou School, already ranking among the
first-class masters.

Although Shen Qiao is now rebuilding his foundation, after all, it is

impossible to restore it to the previous level overnight. At present, the
skill is almost equivalent to more than half of the heyday, but without the
invasion of poison and old injuries, it ’s more effective to start. No
worries, no worries.

Seeing that the two were in a fierce fight, Shen Yan was lost in skill, Pu
Anmi turned his mind and looked at the situation for a while, while Shen
Yan turned back to deal with the wind of Ruan Hailou, he suddenly drew
his knife and cut to Shen Yan's back!

"Master Shen!"

"Chen Dao is careful!"

At the same time they cried, including Yue Kunchi and Fifteen and so on.
They had been staring at the battle and naturally saw this scene.

But a person was seriously injured, a martial art was inadequate, and
fifteen even got up and ran, but how can a person who has just learned
martial arts to stop Pu Anmi's castration, seeing the sword wind will be
falling on Shen Yan's back!

A breeze was blowing from nowhere, faintly scented, fifteen had not yet
responded, and blinked, as if seeing a blue belt drifting in front of himself.

Pu Anmi's knife was not cut on Shen Zhe, but fell on a fiber cellar. The
latter saw the knife directly with his hands at first glance. In fact, there
was a layer of air between each other, and the back knife was bombarded.
Pu Anmi His body was also in a palm, and his body flew back directly. The
bricks on the floor shattered along his steps until it reached the door.
"Zhao Chiying?" Almost immediately, Pu Anmi thought of who came.

"It's me." The woman in blue responded, flew forward, and pressed tightly,
and soon she seized Pu Anmi's knife and clicked his acupoint.

Zhao Chiying stepped forward to support Yue Kunchi, concerned, "Could

there be a major obstacle?"

Yue Kunchi smiled bitterly: "Anyway, it's just that I'm useless, and I will
let you lose all your previous achievements."

Zhao Chiying shook her head and said nothing. When she saw that Shen
Yan had the upper hand, she did not intervene any more, but settled Lu
Feng and Fan Yuanbai first.

Lu Feng and Ruan Hailou secretly contacted each other for a long time.
This time Ruan Hailou successfully attacked Bixia Sect. Lu Feng has not
only made great contributions. He has been in Bixia Sect for many years.
Naturally, he also has a group of disciples who are loyal to himself.
However, at this time, he killed most of the day and suffered heavy losses.
Now there are only a few people left. They are fighting with Fan Yuanbai,
but Dongzhou faction and Pu Anmi are helping them. Without any
accident, Lu Feng will be assured today, and he will be able to board Bixia
Sect. Throne of the door.

Who could have thought that Zhao Chiying, who was in a critical moment,
would come out at this critical moment?

Fan Yuanbai, Zhou Yexue, and other disciples were scarred. It was nothing
more than a breath of support. It was already at the end of the crossbow.
The appearance of Zhao Chiying had undoubtedly given them great
encouragement. Lu Feng was so angry that he turned to Zhao Chiying with
the sword in his hand. Shocking, slamming his sword into his face!

Zhao Chiying's hands were forward, and the pattern of Taiji Liangyi was
changed. His long fingers changed a lot. It was good-looking, but Lu Feng
suddenly changed his face. Only because his long sword couldn't move
forward half a minute, he was disturbed by Zhao Chiyingsu's hands. , All
shattered and exploded!

"Ah!" He screamed, and the whole man flew back involuntarily, hitting the
wall behind him, and the big cave around him was spotted.

Shen Ye also defeated Ruan Hailou under the sword, the arm of the latter
hand was cut off, sitting on the ground gray, and Shen Ye's sword was
placed on his neck.

The big picture.

Once Lu Feng, Ruan Hailou, and Pu Anmi were defeated and controlled,
the rest of them were not a concern. The remaining disciples of Bixiazong
had the backbone and soon stabilized the situation. Dongzhou faction and
others Captured, but watching the blood flow everywhere, the disciples in
the door go from ten to seventy eight, no one has the joy of victory in his
heart, only heavy and tired.

Zhao Chiying looked to Lu Feng: "Elder Lu, I know that you had a good
relationship with Ruan Hailou in the past, but just because of this, you can
be cruel and put the disciples' lives in disregard, collude with outsiders,
and destroy Bi Is Xia Zongyu once? "

Lu Feng sneered, stubbing his neck: "You have n’t asked the ancestral
affairs for many years, you have been retreating in a closed heart. How
many times have you been competent in this suzerain, what qualifications
do you have to question me! Yue Kunchi is incompetent in martial arts,
and his management ability is mediocre, Bixia Zong is no longer beautiful,
and has been reduced to the second or third class. If he no longer
implements the reform of Perak, I am afraid that within a few years, this
school will disappear from the world! Brother Ruan was originally my
disciple, and now there are The identity of King Goguryeo's son-in-law,
why ca n’t you lead Bixiazong to revive the glory ?! But you will pick up
the bargain, others will kill here for a long time, and you will lose your
life. In the end, you will come out to clean up the mess. Kou, what else to
say! "
Zhao Chiying shook his head and did not argue with him. He only asked
Fan Yuanbai and others to hold him down and said to Ruan Hailou: "Ruan
Hailou, what you have done today, you have owed me the blood debt of
Bixiazong. I want to kill him. You, what can you say? "

Ruan Hailou paid attention to Zhao Chiying: "I only heard Yue Kunchi say
that Huile Mountain had said something about me before he died."

Zhao Chiying: "Yes, before the death, Master told us everything before."

Ruan Hailou said coldly, "What did he say, afraid that it would mean that I
was not greedy enough to live up to his good intentions?"

Zhao Chiying shook his head and slowly said, "Master said that among all
the brothers, he had the best relationship with you. At that time, a new
generation of talents came out of Bixiazong. Everyone thought that
Zongmen would be rejuvenated in your hands. Among them, the ancestor
and you are the best. The ancestor has been hesitant, and I don't know who
to give the position of the head. "

"The competition between the heads is extremely fierce, and many test
questions set by Shizu and others have been resolved by you one by one. It
is said that one of the assessments was for you to rush to Changan from
different places. The first comer was the winner. Fighting everywhere, the
journey was very difficult and dangerous, and the difficulties were heavy.
The first teacher fell ill in Yizhou, and you happened to be in Yizhou. In
order to take care of the first teacher, you delayed the trip. The last one
you arrived was not you, but another disciple. . "

With her words, Ruan Hailou seemed to be caught in the memories of the
past: "Yes, he was stubborn from an early age and refused to accept defeat.
He had to take a sigh of relief. If he was not very ill at the time, he would
never get up. If he doesn't want to delay, I can't just leave him alone in the
inn. "

Zhao Chiying: "The first teacher said that he has a strong heart since
childhood, and he is very attached to winning or losing. You let him
everywhere, and he has never had the opportunity to thank you."
Ruan Hailou sneered: "I don't need his gratitude! He will be a good person
in front of you and he has done a lot of pretense to what he has done!"

Zhao Chiying ignored his tone of resentment, and said to himself: "The
competition and test for the position of head is becoming more and more
fierce, and the master devoted himself to victory, even neglecting his
former friendship, and using some less-than-righteous means ..."

Yue Kunchi couldn't help but yell, "Shimei!"

Zhao Chiying calmly said, "These are what Master said to us before he
died. You heard it at the time, and I now just convey it truthfully."

Yue Kunchi: "But ..."

The idea of keeping tabs on His Holiness was so deep-rooted that he

couldn't say anything bad about the deceased Master.

Zhao Chiying: "The self-cleansing is self-cleaning, the self-clouding is

self-clouding. The truth will not disappear because of its age. It will
always be there. The mistakes made by Master that year indirectly led to
Bixia's situation today. As a disciple, I should To bear the consequences is
also Master ’s wish before he died. "

Fan Yuanbai and the others were dumbfounded.

This secret and little-known past ended in that chaotic night. Zhao Chiying
Yue Kunchi was just a young disciple. He couldn't get a glimpse of the
inside story, let alone Fan Yuanbai and others who hadn't started yet.

She said to Ruan Hailou: "Master said to you that you are better than him
and that you should inherit the position of head. He no longer participates
in the competition. You have no doubt about him. You drunk with Master
and got drunk. Next to him lies the little daughter of the ancestor. The
ancestor thinks that you are drunk and incompetent and useless. You ca n’t
argue with it. You want the master to prove it for you, but the master turns
against you to testify. Later, the master said at the end of his life that he
deliberate Drunk you, and knowing that the ancestor's daughter secretly
admired you, so she conspired with her and staged a play, tricked the
ancestor and others, who knew that your temperament was so strong that
you clashed with the ancestor in anger, Run away in anger ... "

Ruan Hailou smirked: "Yes, I will never forget. The person I trust the most
has calculated me secretly and did such a thing to me!"

Zhao Chiying: "Because of this, the hearts of the people gradually

dispersed. Soon after you left, Uncle Zhu also left. The original school of
Bo Xishan was getting weaker and weaker. The ancestor passed the
position of the master to the master. Tell us the truth before you die, and
tell us that if you come back in the future, you must tell you that he owed
you half a lifetime. "

Ruan Hailou's face was pale, with a weird smile: "I owe me? If he owes
me, why doesn't he show up and why let you say it!"

His expression turned fierce: "Isn't he dead! In fact, he has been hiding in
the dark and peeking, right? You call him out, call Huile Mountain!"

Zhao Chiying's eyes had a touch of imperceptible pity: "Because of this,

Master was half-guilty, and her heart disease was difficult to get rid of, so
she died prematurely."

Ruan Hailou shook his head: "Impossible, how can such a devious person
die so early!"

Zhao Chiying sighed: "I am afraid that even Master did not expect that he
owed you in his early years, but today he will use the blood of most of the
disciples of Bixia Sect to pay it back, one by one. This account will be
with me today. You count. "

Ruan Hailou said, "I don't believe he is dead. Where is his tomb?"

Yue Kunchi couldn't help it anymore: "After the death of the princes of the
Bixia ancestors, the remains were burned to ashes, and the mountains of
Mount Tai were smashed. Only the tablets were enshrined in the ancestral
palace. Have you been a foreigner for a long time, not even this?

Ruan Hailou slowly closed his eyes, and for a short while, two lines of
tears burst out, no more words.

Zhao Zhiying explained to Fan Yuanbai and others: "You bandage first,
and then look around to see if any disciples are still alive, and then seize
these people separately, and then dispose of them on another day."

Fan Yuanbai should have been in a hurry.

Pu Anmi couldn't help but say, "My teacher, Kun Xun, will come up to the
mountain to pay homage to the suzerain, and ask the suzerain to let me go
and have something to say."

Zhao Chiying wondered: "Who is Kun Xie?"

She has been in retreat for a long time, and even Kun Xie's name has never
been heard before.
Thousand Autumns: Page 76
Pu Anmi: "My teacher is Turk Zuo Xianxian, Turk's master Hulu
estimates, and he defeated Xuandu Shanzhang," he paused and glanced at
Shen Yun. "Oh, this is the Shenzhang teaching, Shen Daochang. "

Zhao Chiying frowned: "What the **** is going on?"

Yue Kunchi endured the injury. In the future, he briefly explained the pulse
and said to Zhao Chiying: "Thanks to Shen Daochang, otherwise the
situation will be out of control before you come."

Zhao Chiying nodded, saluting Shen Ye: "Thank you, Mr. Shen Dao, for
your help, big graciousness, I remember Bi Xiazong in my heart."

Shen Zheng: "Zong Zongzhu doesn't have to be polite."

Zhao Chiying: "Today there are too many things to be solved. If Shen
Daochang has nothing to do, can I rest in Jiuzong for a while or two, and
let me deal with other matters before I ask you."

After this battle, Bi Xia Zong's vitality was seriously injured, not to
mention ordinary disciples, who were slightly on the stage, and there was
only one Fan Yuanbai and one Zhou Yexue. Even if they have their own
injuries, let alone the rest The corpse was horribly sighing.

Even if the corpses of these disciples were first cleaned up, it would not be

Shen Ye expressed his understanding: "I'll harass here for a few days, and
wait for Zhao Zongzhu to deal with the important matters, and it's fine to
talk in detail."

Pu Anmi was unwilling to be left out in the cold and was about to speak.
Zhao Chiying took off his scabbard and drew directly on the opponent's
acupuncture point, and successfully shut him up.
The next thing is not to be able to intervene. He took fifteen to the guest
room, and no one was able to entertain them. He was never good enough to
let Zhao Zhiying's head take care of the tea and water, so the disciples
served him. Five ran in and ran out, soon boiled hot water for Shen Wei,
and went to the stove to get a dish of pastry.

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry, and pulled him to sit down: "I'm not
hungry, you eat it yourself."

Fifteen refused to sit down: "I'm not hungry either. Shen Shi was just tired
after fighting with someone. I'll squeeze your shoulders!"

Shen Min held his hand: "Fifteen, are you afraid?"

Fifteen one 愣, 嗫 嚅: "No, no!"

Shen Min touched his head: "My eyes are not good, but my heart is not
blind. What are you afraid of, are you afraid that I don't want you?"

Fifteen eyes turned red all of a sudden, and his head bowed for a long time
without talking. He said for a long time: "I shouldn't be like this. Then I
feel sad. "

Shen Chen sighed: "Stupid child!"

He was about to say something, but he heard a faint noise coming from

Before thinking about it, Shen Biao took fifteen to go out and watch.

The two followed the sound to Houshan. The backyard was not far from
Houshan. Next to them was Bi Xiazong's Zangshu Pavilion and Zushi

All I could hear was Zhao Chiying sternly: "Ruan Hailou, what do you
want to do!"
She was a very calm woman. Tai Shan collapsed before she changed her
color. Shen Yun was impressed before she dealt with the matter. At this
time, she didn't know what was going on, so that she could no longer
maintain calm. The tone changed.

When Shen Wei and Fifteen arrived, they saw Ruan Hailou standing on the
cliff with his back to them, and he seemed to be holding a wooden sign in
his arms.

The mountain breeze whistled, making people almost unable to open their
eyes, their robes fluttering, and their hunting sounded.

Yue Kunchi was so angry and pale that he vomited blood again: "Luan, you
put down the tablet of Master!"

Ruan Hailou didn't look at them, but only bowed his head and said, "Hui
Leshan, you owe me half a life, but you escaped early. You really did a
good job!"

"I have killed countless disciples in your door. If you are afraid, you will
hate me. It's okay. I will pay for my life, but how do you owe me half of
my life!"

Suddenly he laughed in the sky, and the laughter contained infinite


"Hui Leshan, you are so cruel, I really hate you!"

Say it all!


I don't know who could not help making the sound, everyone looked at this
scene, looking shocked, unable to speak.

Chapter 50

When Ruan Hailou rushed to the aisle toward the ancestor, the others
thought that the hatred in his heart had accumulated for more than ten
years, and he wanted to vent his anger on the tablet, but he never expected
that it would be such an end.

Ruan Hailou's figure was gone by the cliff, but everyone couldn't return to
God for a long time. I don't know whether to sigh or grit one's teeth. Think
about the tragic disciples of Bixia Sect, but in the end they can only sigh.

For a long time, Yue Kunchi said aloud, "Sister and sister, Master ’s tablet
has also been taken down by him. Is there a new tablet for Master in the
ancestor building?"

Zhao Chiying was silent for a moment: "Let's just do this, I'll talk about
this later."

She turned around and saw Shen Ye and XV: "Is there any leisure time for
Chief Shen Dao? I'm asking for advice."

Shen Yan: "Zhao Zongzhu please."

Zhao Chiying saw fifteen following behind, with an uneasy expression on

his face, and couldn't help laughing: "Fifteen will come together."

Fifteen was a little embarrassed. He was shy by nature. At this moment, he

couldn't help hiding half of his face behind Shen Wei. Thinking of being a
bit rude, he quickly rushed out and said, "Thank you, Lord Zhao."

Even Yue Kunchi felt cute when looking at fifteen, couldn't help but grin,
and forgot that he still had internal injuries. After he laughed, he couldn't
help but sighed and took a breath.

"Let you rest and you don't listen. In this case, come together." Zhao
Chiying shook his head, apparently a bit rude to the brother, and his left
hand was directed forward: "Shen Dao, please."

She took three people to the Biyangzong Zhengyang Hall, which is used by
the suzerain to entertain VIPs on weekdays. Since Bixiazong's declining,
there have been no guests here for a long time. It seems as if you can smell
a cold and quiet taste .
As soon as Shen Ye and Fifteen sat down, they saw Zhao Chiying look
calm and worshiped Shen Ye.

"Why is Zhao Zongzhu doing this great gift?" Shen Huan was surprised,
and stood up to help each other, but Zhao Chiying stopped him.

"I have heard from Brother and Yuanbai that Shen Daochang entrusted
Uncle Zhu with a fifteenth charge from Yuncheng City to Bixia Sect. He
promised to do what he said, and deserved to receive my worship."

Shen Chen smiled sorrowfully: "At that time, you sent something
unexpectedly, and I had no time to explain it. I am afraid that Zhao
Zongzhu and Elder Yue have no idea. Brother Zhu died because of me."

Having said that, he severely injured himself in the battle with Sang
Jingxing, was buried in the mountains for nine lives, was saved by the
fifteenth, and was accepted by the master and apprentices of Guan, but
eventually brought them to death.

For the fifteenth, these things are recalled again, every picture is full of
blood and tears, but he learned bravely from Shen Yan, and he is no longer
a child who shed tears at this moment. At this time, he is just holding back
grief and holding his hands tight Hesitated, said nothing.

After Shen Yan talked, what followed was a silence in Zhengyang Hall.
After a while, Zhao Chiying said, "One thing is another, the death of Uncle
Zhu, no one can expect, you do n’t want to happen, He must die willingly,
willingly, no one can barely, begging benevolence, how can it be said that
it was caused by Shen Daochang? Hehuan Zong knows that Master Zhu is
my Bi Xia Zong, but still kills the killer. This account, It should be
counted on them. "

The other side is so sensible, but Shen Yan feels more and more guilty.

He is willing to give goodwill to others, and does not care how much he
gains and loses, but when others return the same goodwill and even die for
him, he is even more uncomfortable than he is unable to get a reward.
Fifteen seemed to perceive his mind and suddenly took his hand.

The palm was covered with a small piece of warmth, and Shen Xuan
couldn't help but hold back fifteen's hand, and wrapped that piece of
warmth into his palm.

"Thank you, Zong Zong, for the understanding. The matter has arisen
because of me, and it is up to me to resolve it. It has nothing to do with Bi
Xia Zong."

Seeing that they had deep feelings for the big and the small, Zhao Chiying
had already been indifferent, and he thought about it, and asked, "Uncle
Zhu explained at the end, but he wants fifteen to Bixia Sect?"

Shen Yun: "Yes, although Brother Zhu left for some reason, he never
returned, but in his heart, he has always regarded himself as Bixia Sect."

Zhao Zhiying received the wooden sign handed over from fifteen and
rubbed the word "zhu" on it. This calm and self-sustaining woman now
showed a sad look: "Bi Xia Zong has also been one of the top ten masters
in the world that year, but unfortunately, the martial arts internship Talents
are dying. One day is not as good as one day. Today's affairs are even
worse. Only then did Yuan Bai take a check. Only six disciples survived
the door. "

Counting Zhao Chiying and Yue Kunchi, there are only eight people. An
eight-member martial art can do nothing but fear that foreign enemies will
not be required to commit crimes. If this generation does not have a
slightly better talent, this martial art will not be more than ten years old. It
is dead.

Yue Kunchi listened sadly, barely pulling another person to make up the
numbers: "I have another disciple in Tancheng ..."

Shen Yun thought: "Brother Yue Yue said Han Yeying?"

Yue Kunchi: "Exactly, this person's father is Qi Guo's servant Zhong

Hanfeng. Her qualifications are acceptable. Because of her special status, I
have no income. I have only been taught as a disciple a few times. Have
you ever seen Shen Daochang?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 77
"There was a side to it," she answered.

He knew Han Eying because he was rescued by Yan Wushi, and he

appeared here, also because Yan Wushi gave him to Sang Jingxing.

All causes and effects are inherently involved in everything, and in the
end, everything may be inseparable from a name.

Suddenly Shen Pu remembered what Pu Anmi said before. He said that

Yan Wushi would soon be unable to protect himself, and Bairong once said
similar things.

Such a person who is moody and careless will inevitably make countless
enemies, but if anyone in the world can kill him, Shen Ye can't find it, only
because Wu Master Yan ’s martial arts is deficient, but his But the realm
has already surpassed the ranks of extraordinary first-class masters. This
can be seen from his previous encounter with Ruyi Kehui. If it was not
because of the instability of Yan Wushi at the time, Ruyi Kehui was afraid
that it would be more than just a few months. .

There is no Qifeng Pavilion in the world, no Cui Yourui, and Yan Wushi
has no opponents. Even if Qifengge Cui Yourui reborn, Yan Wushi's
martial arts today, they may not win.

Pu An's secrets are in his chest, and the words of white velvet are by no
means nonsense ...

Shen Yanmei, pressed this detail back to the back of her head for the time

He now remembered the name Yan Wushi, and there was still a feeling of
being in the woods at the foot of the Bailong Mountain, a kind of intense
mentality that would rather burn with jade and burn, and end up with Sang
Jingxing, as if he was still lingering.
It seems to be simple and straightforward, but for him, it is almost half a
life's hardships. Crossing the abyss of life and death, people climb from
the cliff under the vast cliffs.

Now it's light and light, but it was heartbreaking at the time, and it was
better to die.

"Mr. Shen?" Fifteen slightly worried voices came.

Shen Yu smiled at him, signaled that he was okay, and said to Zhao
Chiying: "Now that fifteen has arrived at Bixia Sect safely, I don't know
what Zhao Zongzhu can do for him? If there is any help from Poor Dao,
please also Zhao Zongzhu Don't hesitate to speak. "

Zhao Chiying said: "I do have a request, it's about fifteen."

Facing Shen's doubtful gaze, she said: "The fifteen already has a master in
Bixiazong, and his master is Uncle Zhu. This will never change. Others,
even me, are not qualified to be fifteen. Master, but I know that along the
way, Shen Dao will definitely teach fifteen well. If fifteen must have
another person to grow him and teach him martial arts, I hope that person
is Shen Dao. "

Shen Wei was a little surprised: "In this case, I am afraid that it is against
the wishes of Brother Zhu ..."

Zhao Chiying shook his head and smiled: "Uncle Zhu has returned to the
school with fifteen, he must be afraid that he will be helpless in the future.
Now Shen Dao is growing up. In fact, Uncle Zhu no longer has to worry
about it. Although Uncle Zhu is no longer alive, the gate of Bixia Sect
Opening up for the fifteenth, besides Bixia sect, it does not prevent fifteen
from worshiping another teacher. I think fifteen talents are smart. Now
Bixia sect is weak and weak, and everything has to start again. I am a
person who will not teach apprentices. I'm afraid that delaying such a good
qualification of fifteen, and letting him follow you, will be the best choice.
Then she said fifteen: "Fifteen, you haven't formally paid a visit to Master
Tao? While we have witnesses from today, would it be better to give
Master a cup of tea?"

The fifteenth joyous color, could not help but look at Shen Yan: "Shen
Shen, can you?"

Shen Yun could not bear to let him down, and nodded with a smile: "Yes."

Fifteen couldn't help cheering, and immediately knelt down in front of

Shen Wei, earnestly struck three heads, and took the tea from Zhao
Chiying, raised his hands above his head, and said loudly: "Master is
above Disciple fifteen, from now on, I will be a sincere teacher, a sincere
learner of martial arts, and a sincere person.

Shen Yan's eyebrows were bent and his eyes were smiling. After fifteen
had finished speaking, he took a drink from the tea cup, pulled up the man,
and reached out to pat the dust on his body.

Zhao Chiying smirked: "Uncle Zhu really found a good master for Fifteen.
Shen Dao is facing Fifteen. Where is he like an apprentice? He is really
giving birth to his son!"

The fifteen little face flushed, and there was undisguised joy on his face.

The identity of the master and apprentice was officially confirmed, and
Yue Kunchi brought up the matter: "Only Po Anmi said that his master
Kun Xie would have to come up the mountain, and that he would come to
support him. If Ruan Hailou is dead then, Pu Anmi is again Our prisoner is
afraid that he will be provoked by excuses. I heard that Shen Daochang
had dealt with Kun Xie in the past. I do n’t know how this person's
temperament can be dealt with? ”

Shen Yan Shen Yin: "This man's martial arts is slightly inferior to his
brother Duan Wenzheng, and his pattern is not as good, but his martial arts
can still be ranked first-class master, and there may be a battle at that
Yue Kunchi expressed his worries: "If he went up the mountain alone, if he
brought Turkic masters, Bixiazong now has only a few people, and she
can't compete with the heroes alone!"

Zhao Chiying said: "No matter, Bixia Sect has lost nothing until today. If
we do not carry out the battle, we will be removed from the rivers and
lakes. Yuan Bai and Ye Xue are young, and Brother Yue is invited to take
them down the mountain for the time being. To avoid injury, Director Shen
Dao also left with fifteen. I have been in retreat for a long time. All
responsibilities fall on the head of your brother, and you are affected. Now,
I will take all the responsibility. "

Yue Kunchi's eyes were red: "What are you talking about, I won't go!"

Zhao Chiying showed a little impatience: "You are not hurt now, and you
will not be helped if you stay. It will add more burdens and distract me. It
is better to go down the mountain with Shen Daolong together, or you will
always be in front of me. Dangling, obstructing eyes. "

Yue Kunchi laughed: "I know you don't want me to be involved in danger,
so I said it on purpose. In any case, Bixiazong has nothing to lose now. I
have to go in and back out. I can't blame it for the breach, and I will never
evacuate early. "

Shen Ye also said, "Zong Zong, I and fifteen will stay."

Zhao Chiying frowned: "You ..."

Shen Ye: "I used to fight with Kun Xie in the past and lost defeat.
Although some of them are not humane insiders, losing is losing and
winning is winning. If I have a chance to fight Kun Xie again today, I will
definitely Go all out and ask Master Zong to give me this opportunity. "

Zhao Chiying: "What if I refuse?"

Shen Yan groaned with a smile: "The poor way had to stay here and wait
for Kun Xie to come."
Zhao Chiying fixedly looked at him for a long while, and suddenly sighed,
"Bi Xiazong and Zhao Chiying, He De and He Neng, met a friend like
Shen Daochang?"

Shen Yun: "The white head is as new and the cover is as it is. Brother Zhu
can not only give his life to a stranger on my side, but naturally I can also
fight for Bixia Sect, not to mention that I and Kun Xie have a long history.
Now, this is not all for Bixia Sect's sake. "

Zhao Chiying and Shen Yan hurriedly met, and could not talk about deep
friendship, but because he had experienced Bi Xia Zong's change together,
he was very impressed. Now he saw that he was willing to come forward
for an irrelevant Bi Xia Zong. I am grateful: "Do n’t say thank you, Shen
Daochang ’s painstakingness and friendship, I remember it in my heart, I
wo n’t talk about Yongquan Xiangbao in the future. In the future,
whenever Shen Daochang needs, I Bixiazong will go to the soup and do

Several people discussed the matter of Kun Xie and settled down. After
seeing the tiredness on the fifteenth face, Shen Wei got up and left, taking
fifteen back to the guest room to rest.

On the way back, Fifteen asked Shen Yun: "Master, only then did Zhao
Zongzhu remember your painstaking effort, what I mean, I don't quite

Shen Yun said: "Bi Xia Zong is declining, Zhao Zongzhu does n’t say, she
must be very anxious in her heart. She knows that the strong are respected
on the rivers and lakes. Feng betrayed the teacher's door, just as she was
collaborating with outsiders while her practice was critical, Zhao Zongzhu
had to forcibly break through the level. Although it was not obvious at this
time, it had already suffered internal injuries. In other words, she knew
that I had offered to fight Kun Xie in order to make a siege for her, so she
thanked me for my hard work. "

A fifteen ah, could not help but nervous: "Master, can you beat Kun Xie, I
heard you lost to Kun Xie before, is he very powerful?"
The child cares and messes up, and there is no scruples in speaking. In the
case of others, it may be necessary to weigh whether this sentence will
hurt Shen Yan's face.

Shen Chen laughed: "He is not the most powerful, but he does have some
advantages. I haven't recovered my skill yet. If I want to win him, I am not
completely sure."

15: "How big is the odds?"

Shen Yan rolled his eyebrows tightly: "Five to five."

Instead of being smoothed, Fifteen's eyebrows were tightened, apparently

frightened by his words.

Kun Xie ’s skill is slightly lower than that of Brother Duan Wenxun, but it
is not too low. He united Yu Xie to poison Shen Zhen, although he won
disgrace, but his own strength is not bad. If Zhao Chiying ’s skill is not
damaged, Maybe he can draw a tie with him, but it ’s hard to say now. If he
did n’t sink in this time, maybe Bixiazong really ca n’t escape the end or
evacuate early, but this way, even if they evacuate in advance, The
ancestral gate on the Nanan Peak is occupied by outsiders, and the
inheritance of Bixia Sect will be destroyed once. Ruan Hailou's hatred of
Huile Mountain will inevitably anger the Bixia Sect's ancestors.

So what Shen Yun promised was not just a fight, a fight for justice, but it
was likely to keep Bi Xia Zong's shaky foundation, which was about to be

Fifteen suddenly hugged Shen Yan, his head buried in his arms, and said
dumbly, "Do you have to fight? Your martial arts have not been fully

Shen Huan hugged him: "The number of five-five is not necessarily

without chance. I am now working hard and may not have the opportunity.
I lost to Kun Xie that day and has since fallen to the bottom. No matter
how many excuses there are, he is mine. A bump, a demon, I fell there, so
I'm going to learn to stand up again from there, can you understand? "
Fifteen held him and didn't speak, and after a long time, he whispered:
"Understand ... I just don't want you to be ..."

Shen Yun laughed: "I'll be fine. How can you not live a long life as your
master? I promised to live with Brother Zhu's life and wait for you to
become an old man with white beard. Listen to your ears and teach you all
day long, and see if you get bored then! "

Fifteen flutters and can't help breaking his tears for a laugh.

Shen Yan sighed and touched him: "People who are masters are all
apprentices to pay homage. I accepted a apprentice and tried to coax him
happy. Being a master of mine was really nothing of majesty. ! "

Fifteen did not refute with a smile, saying that you, the least majestic
master, are the best masters in the world.

Considering that he is a disciple of Shen Yan, he feels contented in his


Two days later, the mountain was calm and there were no outsiders going
up the mountain, but this also gave Bi Xia Zong the opportunity to take a
break. The fifteen helped Fan Yuanbai to bury the bodies of the Bi Xia
Zong disciples who died in the battle one by one. What was originally a
lively martial arts, after a **** slaughter, was left empty and clear.

Although Fan Yuanbai, Zhou Yexue, and others survived, their faces did
not seem to be very happy. They were both sad for their dead colleagues
and worried about the possible fierce fighting, and their emotions were
naturally unlikely to rise.

On the third day, a bell rang outside Zhengyang Hall, which affected
Bixiazong. This was called by a disciple who was on duty at Mid-levels to
signal that someone was going up the mountain, and he couldn't stop it.

When the crowd rushed to the front of the mountain, they saw a young
man dressed as an alien standing with his hand behind him, followed by
two people, with high noses and deep eyes, his hair spread down, braided,
and tied with a headscarf. The distinctive costumes make them
recognizable at a glance.

Zhao Chiying said in a deep voice: "I do n’t know that the guests came and
you missed it. Zhaoxia Ying of Bixia Zong is here, dare to ask your high

"Turkish Kunxie, here comes to recover the disciples who are not Xiao."
The other side said proudly, looked at her up and down, and shook his
head: "You are the Bixia Suzerainer Zhao Chiying? It is rumored that you
are extremely talented and you are a Bixia Zong Zhe character, now At
first glance, that's it. "

Fan Yuanbai and others were angry after hearing the words, but Zhao
Chiying was shocked.

She suddenly remembered Shen Ye's evaluation of Kun Xie: this man is a
noble person in Turk, and he is a disciple, so he is very proud. Regardless
of whether he fiddled with the half step peak battle, this is not a character
to be underestimated.
Thousand Autumns: Page 78
When Kun Xie said such a thing in person, it was clear that it was not just
to despise Zhao Chiying or to anger her, but to see that she had internal
injuries and could not match herself.

The sharpness of the other's eyes really responded to what Shen Yan said

Zhao Chiying's heart sank a little, but his face did not show his voice: "It
turned out that King Turk Zuo Xian came to drive, and the apostles joined
with Ruan Hailou from Dongzhou to collude with me to send the renegade
Lu Feng to kill the disciples of Bixia Sect. I do not know what Zuo
Xianwang explained? "

Kun Xie chuckled: "Pu Anmi was invited by your elders to come up to the
mountain as a guest. Who knew that it wasn't the wine and food that
waited for him, but the knives, swords and halberds of your disciples. Now
he is dead or alive. I am a master. I don't know yet, how can Master Zhao
explain to me? "

This is purely irrational. If Kun Xie hadn't agreed with his apprentice to
come over to sit in for the benefit of the fisherman, how would he know
that Pu Anmi was trapped here?

There was anger on everyone's face.

Pu Anmi was imprisoned. Zhao Chiying did not kill him, but he could not
just let him go. Otherwise, Bixiazong's submission to the Turks passed
out. In the future, it will be difficult to establish a foothold in the rivers
and lakes, not to mention the disciples' **** debts. They also need Pu
Anmi. To repay.

Zhao Chiying said lightly: "You and I know what the apostle did. It is
useless for King Zuo Xian to argue here. If Bixia Zong is still there, he
will not allow you to take Pu Anmi."
Kun Xie laughed when he heard a big joke: "Zhao Chiying, I see that there
are less than ten disciples behind you. You Bixiazong has already survived
in name. What kind of confidence do you have to say this, today I If I kill
you, where in the world will there be Bixia Sect! "

"You can kill people, but you can't kill people."

How familiar this sound was, Kun Xie couldn't help but frowned, turned
his head to look, and saw a man approaching with a sword.

That face was so familiar that Kun Xie would never forget it.

Because he once fought with this man on Banbufeng.

That battle attracted worldwide attention, and he became famous in the

Central Plains.

The person in front of him, however, lost his fame and lost all his martial
arts, and fortunately returned a life, but at most he could only survive for
the rest of his life.

"Shen, Yun." Kun Xie came out of the name between his teeth, with
complex emotions that he could not even explain.

"Don't come without fear, Kun Xie."

Shen Zheng nodded at him, as if at the half-step peak that day. It was only
at that time that Shen Xun was a master and a figure admired by the world.

Nowadays, time and time have changed, and the positions of the two have
changed dramatically. Kun Xie is no longer Kun Xun of the day, and Shen
Xuan is not the same day as Xuandu Shan.

But how could he be so calm?

When the two sides saw each other, Kun Xie had already looked at Shen
Yang's appearance again and again, but he could not find any bitterness or
pain in it.
Shen Ye is still Shen Ye, he has hardly changed.

Do not!

Still there.

Kun Xie suddenly said: "Shen Zhangjiao, ah no, I can't call you a palm
teacher, Shen Dao is long, but you were injured when the sunset cliff? The
eyes don't seem to be very good."

Shen Yun: "Yes, but the eyes have nothing to do with falling cliffs, but
because of meeting each other, why shouldn't you be clearer than me?"

Kun Xie shook his head: "To blame, you should blame your master Yu Yu,
it is the poison he gave you, not me. I will fight with you, and I will fight
against you. I've seen it, and I haven't done any harm with a dark arrow. "

He looked at the sword in Shen Yun's hand and laughed: "You are
unwilling to fail, so are you waiting for me here, or do you want to help
Bixiazong's people?"

Shen Ye said: "The past is now a thing of the past, and the past can't be
traced. Today Shen Ye is waiting here, but for a fight, I wonder if you dare
to fight?"

He slowly withdrew the sword, the blade pointed downward, trembling

slightly, and a dazzling wave of Zebo appeared in the sun.

Kun Xie took the lightness slowly, his face became extremely serious.

He also pulled out the knife on his back.

This battle will come sooner or later.

Kun Xie even faintly detected his excitement from his bones. Although he
won Shen Yan last time, deep down in his heart, he did not try to meet him
horizontally. He always felt that his victory was not comfortable.

And this time, he wanted to convince Shen Min to take it orally!

Chapter 51

No one at Bixiazong had expected this battle to be so fierce.

After all, Kun Xie is a generation of masters and a disciple of Fox Deer.
The latter was the one who was able to tie with Qi Fengge at that time.
Such an opponent is not easy to pass.

Shen Ye has lost one time, and his heart must leave a shadow. In the
second time, he wants to win. It is more difficult to win than the first time,
because he must not only defeat the enemy, but also defeat himself.

If the disciples of Bixia Sect were worried, when they saw the head next to
them, they always felt at ease, and thought that even if Shen Xuan lost,
there was still a head who could go to war. Only Yue Kunchi knew very
well that Zhao Chiying was forced to break through because Martial arts is
damaged. If Shen Ye loses this battle and meets Bixia Sect, it will be the
fate of being slaughtered by anyone.

Can Shen Yun win?

He took an uneasy heart and put his whole heart back into watching the

Kun Xie's martial arts approach was wide, masculine and domineering
martial arts approach, one shot down, the tigers breathed the wind, and the
momentum of the mountain was shaking, the knife gas split on the ground,
watching the crowd only felt that the ground was also shaking, ears The
buzzing sounds are the sound of stabbing air, sharp and unbearable, and
people who are almost rooted in martial arts can't help covering their ears.

However, if it is considered that Kun Xie's meritorious deeds are not good,
it is really wrong.

The two hit the cliff from the flat all the way, and directly hanged on the
cut wall to fight fiercely. The rubble was splashing, and it was dazzling.
Compared with Kun Xie's hegemony, Shen Yu's shot was too gentle. The
sword was like him. It is mellow and long, it looks like cheeks are
blooming, and Liu Chunfeng is rubbed. It is clear and airy, like a Taoist,
but it may lose its aggressive sharpness.

However, when the two had fought over a hundred moves, and Shen Ye
was still in the wind, the talents who had been worried about Shen Ye
found that it was not the case at all. If Kun Xie ’s sword is rolling and
unstoppable, it is so heavy. At first, although the sword momentum was
trickle, not eye-catching, and even controlled by the knife pressure, it was
endless and uninterrupted, and gradually changed from quiet to
magnificent. The rivers flowed into the sea, the sea surged, and everything
could be accommodated.

Kun Xie grew more and more shocked.

At half-step peak, he could only use the eight-fold sword, but now it is
nine-fold. He uses the sword to achieve a higher level. Not to mention
Shen, whose skill is greatly reduced, even if he is not injured before, he is
confident that The power of war.

However, the opponent in front saw the weak and weak at first glance, and
the bottom of the water was visible at a glance. But when he put his hand
in, he found that he could not feel the bottom anyway.

This puddle of water is actually a deep pool!

Tiankuohongying, Xuandushan is like its name. Changhong leaps into the

blue sky. It is as light as nothing and walks freely. Mountains and rivers
with the sword of sadness leave a trace of white sword on the wall, looking
at the painting and painting freehand, Swing freely, on closer inspection,
the hard stone wall is marked with deep sword air marks. If these marks
appear on a person, the person is afraid that he has already seen bones and

Looking at it from a distance, the sword lights and swords intersect, and
the tyrannical sword has not taken half the advantage.

Yue Kunchi breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked Zhao
Chiying: "Sister, I think Shen Daochang should win this time?"
However, Zhao Chiying shook his head: "It's not that simple. You find that
it hasn't. Kun Xie has developed a ninefold sword. In fact, it is equivalent
to the peak of swordsmanship. In the end, the heavy weight is truly
domineering. With one stroke, it will be full of shadows. But he only came
out once, the time Shen Dao could hardly resist. "

Yue Kunchi couldn't help but whispered, his heart raised again: "Is he
consuming the strength of Shen Daochang?"

Zhao Chiying: "Yes, in terms of internal forces, Shen Daochang can't

compare with Kun Xie today. The longer he fights, the more
disadvantageous is Shen Daochang."

Yue Kunchi was a little anxious: "How is that good, Shen Daochang Mo
Fei did not find this, so let Kun Xie succeed?"

Zhao Chiying didn't speak, she naturally didn't believe that Shen Yan
didn't see it, but she couldn't guess how Shen Yan planned.

Shen Zheng is actually testing.

He was testing his own bottom line.

Since "Zhu Yangce" has the effect of rebuilding the foundation and forging
the bones and bones, it combines the strengths of the three schools of
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and its internal strength also has the
characteristics of the three schools.

Taoism pays attention to the goodness of the water, and if it does not
compete, this is in line with his original Kendo, and it is in the same vein,
so there is no obstacle to it.

The Buddhists are solemn and solemn, with both the anger of King Kong's
eyes and the kindness of Buddha's low eyebrows. This is a more
mysterious depiction. It is incorporated into the true spirit in Zhu Yangce,
and is just as soft as Tao. Rigid and flexible, compatible with each other,
helps its sword to be soft and flexible, and swims smoothly between the
creek stream and the raging waves.
The style of Confucianism is more complicated, but when Tao Hongjing
wrote "Zhu Yangce", he adopted the characteristics of Confucian kindness
and tolerance, mediated the strengths of each family, compatible and
inclusive, so that when the trainees were exhausted, there would be a
steady stream of Dantian. Give birth to a new spirit, like dead wood in
spring, come back to life.
Thousand Autumns: Page 79
In the past, Shen Yun already had a genuine bottom in the home of Xuandu
Mountain, and then practiced "Zhu Yangce", but he didn't make much
progress. Now he has started all over again. Only then did he feel the
beauty of "Zhu Yangce". It is indeed worthy of the name of the strange
book in the world. I am afraid that many people do not know the true
mystery of this book when they are fighting for it.

Even better, Tao Hongjing wrote "Zhu Yangce" that year, presumably
already in troubled times, books are not easy to save, and all the content
may not be completely intact behind him. Therefore, although there are
five volumes of "Zhu Yangce", they are independently written and read.
Those who do not have end-to-end obstacles will naturally reach a great
consummation if they are all practiced, but if only one or two of them are
read, it will not result in a lack of skills, and at most the effectiveness of
power will be weakened.

Therefore, in this battle, Shen Min also had the intention to use Kunxie to
test his achievements in multi-day cultivation. When a person consults on
weekdays, he will never be able to exert his extreme ability. Only when
facing a real life and death point, all potentials can be completely It broke
out, and ascended to a new level.

Martial arts are like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you
will retreat. Otherwise, Qifengge Hulu and others will not have to give up
their respected status and decades of deep skill. They will choose an
advanced way that is likely to kill them.

At this time, the situation was already extremely dangerous in terms of

Shen Qi. Sword Qi was almost completely suppressed by Sword Qi. Dan
Tian was almost exhausted and was almost exhausted. His shooting speed
was significantly slower than before and the power of Sword Qi gradually
weakened. At first sight, it was about to be defeated. Kun Xie slashed with
a slash, and suddenly a frightening qi erupted. The sword intention turned
into a net of heaven and earth, encircling Shen from all directions, the
momentum was approaching, the vegetation was burning, the rivers dried
up, Extinct birds!

This is Kun Nian's proud ninth sword spirit!

Among them, apart from hard resistance, I can hardly imagine any way to
crack such a mighty sword. Kun Xie is indeed a disciple of Fox Deer. By
this knife alone, few people in the world can resist.

He was in midair, and his blade was filled with ten percent of his internal
force. He was heading down towards Shen Yan, with great ambition, and
wanted to split half of the sun and the moon!

Fifteen opened his eyes wide, staring at the two people across the sky, even
forgetting to breathe.

He hopes that Shen Zhen can win more than anyone, but even people like
him who have just started martial arts can see that Shen Yan is in a
disadvantaged position.

The top of the sky is clear sky, the feet are the abyss of the abyss, one day
at a time, relying on the cliffs of the dozens of feet for the sole purpose, at
this moment, it is too late to use light work to escape, what can we do to
resist it? Live this opponent with a full blow?

Zhao Chiying's brow frowned and he couldn't help but reach out to cover
the fifteenth. He didn't want him to see his Master's blood splash on the

Fifteen has lost a master and can no longer afford the blow of losing
another loved one.

She regretted it in the first place. This battle should have come forward on
her own. I knew this was the case. She shouldn't have promised Shen
anyway at first. She thought that Shen was determined to have a killer
against Kun Xie, but she never expected. The opponent is really fighting
with his life, so dangerous!
The sword's air was lightning fast, and his eyes were close to Meifeng, but
Shen's breathing slowed down instead. He closed his eyes and did not
choose to escape, but raised his sword to meet him.

The prophet, then know me, and then forget about me, forget about me,
and not be insulted.

Mountains and rivers turned into a white sword light with the sad sword.
Shen Jian's figure had disappeared in the sword light.

The corner of Kun Xie's mouth suddenly condensed in the necessary


The knife gas can no longer fall by half an inch!

Shen Jian's sword passed through his sword and stabbed directly at his


Kun Xie turned back, and the Liusheng knife followed him in the cross.
Shen Zhen appeared behind him, and the white sword crossed in two
directions. He actually suppressed his sword in turn.

This is impossible!

Kun Xie flashed this idea in his mind. He couldn't think too much. He took
advantage of his feet and instantly pulled up ten feet. He turned back and
smashed the stone wall behind him. After a while, the rocks collapsed and
made a loud noise. The stones fell to the bottom and flew up. Fall directly
on the highest cliff.

His gaze swept down, but the boulder was falling, but his opponent was
gone, and at the same time, his alarm bell was working!

Kun Xie turned back and slashed again.

But the sword did not fall on the enemy, but there was a sudden pain in his
back. The opponent was faster than him, and he clearly noticed every step
of his intention.

This is impossible, this is impossible!

Only then did he think that Shen Yun had practiced swordsmanship, but
this was clearly not swordsmanship!

Knowing others, sharing their minds, where the sword is, where the Tao is,
a little bit of a rhinoceros, a fairy bone Buddha heart.

Sword Heart!

This is clearly the sword heart!

Shen Min realized the sword heart!

After discovering this horrible fact, Kun Xie didn't want to fly forward, the
tingling behind him was like a shadow, never severed, as if he was firmly
pulled by a line, and he was a puppet at the end of the line. control.

This feeling is really bad. Kun Xie didn't feel so terrible when he was
chased and killed by Yan Wushi last time, because Yan Wushi had no
intention of killing him at that time, just to test his martial arts. One point,
so I didn't do my best, but this time, differently, I started to kill Shen Yun,
and Shen Yun could kill himself naturally.

There is no luck at all in trying hard for each other.

In time, this person will be the enemy!

But in the future, it will be too far away for Kun Xie. The most important
thing to do now is to escape this disaster first.

He couldn't help shouting, "I confess! I'm defeated! Don't kill me!"

The tingling sensation remained the same, but it seemed to alleviate a lot
in an instant.
Kun Xie didn't dare to carelessly, a series of words came out immediately:
"I have something to say to you! It is related to Yan Wushi! He despise
you and insult you. Now that the death period is near, don't you want to
kill him yourself?"

Jian Guang brushed through his hair and nailed it into the trunk in front of
him, who instantly stopped his waist in two.

Kun Xie felt a tingling in his ears and cheeks, presumably caused by Jian
Guang's passing, but if he hadn't said that just now, it would definitely not
be the tree.

He stopped energetically, turned and leaned against the stone wall behind
him. He couldn't care about wiping the bloodstains, stabbed with a knife,
panting like a cow, and could almost hear his heartbeat.

"I lost, you won!"

He never expected that Shen Yan would become a sword heart, at this time
he just felt like escape from the dead, full of fear.

He also knows that people who adhere to martial arts, such as Shen Min,
once they open up to admit defeat, will never be able to chase down and
lose ground.

If you change to Qi Fengge or Hulu estimates, you will do the same.

Kun Xie: "Have you heard of the Dragon Club?"

Shen Huan had no words, apparently waiting for him to continue.

Kun Xie took a breath: "Tuguhun King City Fuxi City, there is a grand
event on the ninth day of September, called the Dragon Club. Every year,
businessmen from all parties gather, and there are always rare babies
coming out. They are won by the highest bidder. It is said that there is one
thing this year. Relics of Yan Wushi's mother. "

Shen Yan frowned slightly.

Kun Xie seemed to be aware of his doubts and shouted, "My brother said,
Yan Wushi's old surname is Xie, who is said to be from the Xie family of
Chen Jun."

This family started in Wei and Jin Dynasty, and Wang Furniture was the
top door valve in the world. The most famous person was Xie An. Times
changed and the wind disappeared. Today, Xie's has gradually declined, but
the thin camel is larger than the horse. This The family still has a great
reputation in the southeast.

And this fame has nothing to do with rivers and lakes, purely above Shilin
and Chaotang.

However, Shen Yun thought of it a bit deeper: "This matter must be

extremely secretive. You have been in the grasslands outside the Saiyuan
for a long time and have nothing to do with the Central Plains. How can
you know, unless ... the news was told to you?"

Kun Xiedao: "Yes, Yan Wushi has a lot of enemies. Everyone wants to
sacrifice and then quickly. On the day of the ninth day of September, Fuxi
City gathered a group of heroes. It ’s difficult to fly with wings, Yan
Wushi will play with you in the palm of your hand, presumably you are
also willing to go in person to witness his death? "

Suddenly Shen said, "I finally know."

Kun Xie: "Know what?"

Shen Huan: "All countries in the world, but Bei Zhou is most likely to
unify the world. Yuwen couplets Chen Qiqi, the situation is like breaking
bamboo, Qi country is about to perish. In this way, Bei Zhou's next goal is
either Turkic or Chen Dynasty. Huan Yuezong is Yu Wen I help you, if you
want to kill Yu Wenji, you must kill Yan Wushi first, so you cooperate
with Linchuan Academy to kill Yan Wushi, and Linchuan Academy has a
huge power in the Southern Dynasty, so it can naturally help you to check
Come to Yan Wushi's identity. "
To this day, Kun Xie no longer conceals: "It is generally the case, but it is
not Linchuan Xuegong that helped us find Yan Wushi's background, but
the Liuhe Gang. I said earlier that Yan Wushi has countless enemies, and
That night at Yun Temple, he directly damaged the good things of Dou
Yanshan and destroyed "Zhu Yangce" in public. How would Dou Yanshan
not hate him? "

Shen Ye: "Well, what about Linchuan Academy, if you want to regain Han
orthodoxy, you can destroy Yan Wushi and break Yu Wenjiu's big arm. He
can never stand on the wall. In the Chen Dynasty a few months ago, he and
Yan Wu The division fought to test the opponent's skills and to prepare for
the siege on the ninth day of September. "

Kun Xie: "Yes."

Shen Ye: "But Ruyi Kehui was also injured in that battle. He would not be
able to attend the meeting on the ninth day of September. Who else is there
except Dou Yanshan and Duan Wenji?"

Kun Xie: "Your teacher Yu You, the prince of the Mirror Sect Guang
Lingsan, former Zen Master of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Master Xue

These names he spit out are more shocking than one.

Thousand Autumns: Page 80
However, after careful consideration, it was indeed expected.

Yu Yu cooperated with the Turkic people, and this paragraph of Wen Yu

invited, he will be happy to help; the three magic gates had revenge,
killing Yan Wushi, Huan Yuezong group of dragons without heads,
Hehuanzong again had internal conflicts, and the Mirror Sect must be
Guangling San will not stay out of this situation; Master Xueting, who was
Yuwenhu ’s national teacher, succeeded Yu Wenyu to destroy the Buddha,
and the status of the Buddhist gate plummeted in Zhou. Whether it ’s for
Taoism or “诛” "Magic", Master Xue Ting will join this battle.

For five masters, it sounds disgraceful to the master master, but who
would refuse if they could gain great benefits from it?

Shen Yun was silent for a moment: "How do you know Yan Wushi will
definitely go, he may not know the wind in advance."

Kun Xie: "My brother said that people like Yan Wushi would definitely go
even if they knew it was a bureau because he believed too much in his
ability and was too proud. I'm sure I can leave calmly, and it's easy to
break. Isn't this what your Central Plains like to say? "

Shen Ye fully understood, and he sighed, "Ru Ji Kehui and Yan Wushi
fought to deliberately lead to defects in his martial arts. Guang Lingsan is
a demon, and he must know how to successfully kill Yan Wushi. You are
bound to get it.

Kun Xie: "Yes, I know you hate Yan Wushi for being in the bones. Even if
you don't participate in this grand event, how can you not watch it lively?"

However, when he smiled at this sentence, Leng Wuping waved the

Liusheng knife in his hand, and hacked at Shen Yan!
He knew that Shen Yun would shake his heart for this news, and when his
heart was shaken, the defense was the most lax, and this attack would
surely succeed!

This person will surely become a confidant of himself and Turkic in the
future, and he must not be allowed to live!

As early as when he conceded, Kun Xie had already made up his mind. At
this time, he went all the way and used his whole life.

Unsuccessful, it will be Ren!

Chapter 52

Although Shen Zhen realized the sword heart in the extreme of life and
death, but this layer of sword heart state was not stable, and he only stood
with Kun Xie, already exhausted and unable to continue, at this time Kun
Xie slashed with a knife. He was pale and stood in place, as if completely
obsessed, awkward, unable to respond in time.

The others were far away, only to see that Shen Yun could kill Kun Xie,
but he stopped after he shouted for mercy. The two did not know what to
say. Kun Xie suddenly shot and killed him while Shen Yun was distracted.
Caught off guard!

Fifteen could not help but exclaim: "Master, be careful!"

Kun Xie's breathing grew heavy, and he could almost hear his heartbeat.
With this stab, Shen Ye would have his head and shell broken, his brain
cracked, and he would lose his breath on the spot!

He did not consider his behavior to be unkind, because he was not only a
warrior, but also Turk Zuo Xianwang. Shen Xun opposed the cooperation
between Xuandushan and Turki. Will be a huge potential threat, so he
must stifle this threat in its infancy, and must not let it have any chance of
development and growth!

This series of changes happened in an instant.

The overwhelming knife pressure was restrained, and he stood still
without moving. Maybe it was too late. Maybe he had n’t recovered. Or
maybe he was scared by the opponent ’s offensive. He did n’t even raise
his sword. And only took three steps back.

The others seemed to be just three steps, but in terms of Kun Kunxie, the
other three steps were like a leap in the sky. He went so far as to cut the

Shen Ye finally gave up his sword.

Sword light is like Bai Hong through the sun, breaking through the sky,
and crashing into Kun Xie's arms!

Kun Xie slashed into the air, his body was stagnant, and he couldn't move
forward half a step. The expression on his face seemed to freeze as well.
He stared at Shen Chen momentarily.

"For ... what ..." He tried his best to spit out a few words from his mouth.

Jian Guang disappeared, Shen Ying stood close to Kun Xie, and the two
seemed close enough to even hit his breath.

The point of Shanhe Tongbei Jian has already fallen into Kunxie's heart.

Shen Yan's face was as white as paper, not much better than Kun Xie. If
his sword was not inserted into the opponent's body, he would look more
like the loser.

"Because I was guarding you early in the morning," he said coldly. "How
can a person who can meet his opponents meet each other?"

Shen Ye said to him, "I am very disappointed. My teacher said that Hulu is
a respectable opponent, and you, as a disciple of Hulu, are not as good as
one or two. You are not worthy of being His disciples! "

Kun Xie opened his mouth as if to refute, but Shen Yuan drew out the
sword in his hand, and finally blood gushed from his mouth.
Shen Jian lightly pointed on his toes and swept out a few feet to avoid the
blood that squirt from him when the sword was withdrawn.

Kun Xie was motionless, breathing gradually, his eyes opened roundly, but
his body refused to fall.

This kind of standing tragic should not appear in this kind of person.

Shen Zhen walked over with his sword in his hand, and reached for a push.

Kun Xie fell straight backwards, and finally broke his breath completely.

Shen Huan looked at him, but there was no joy in his face.

The source of all the chaos in Xuandu Mountain began with this man, and
he suffered unfortunate bumps and starts with the half-step peak of Kun
Xie's treaty.

Now that Kun Xie is dead, but everything is far from over, Xuandu
Mountain can no longer return to the calm of the past, and in this world, it
is difficult to avoid the resurgence of smoke after all.

When the fifteenth class saw Kun Xie fall, they all cheered and jumped,
but before they had time to be happy, they saw Shen Jianjian half kneeling
and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and they were all frightened.

There was a gap between each other, and the fifteenth light work had not
been enough to fly directly past. In an anxiety, Zhao Chiying's figure had
already landed next to Shen Ye. She raised her arm and stopped Shen Ye's
waist to take him. come back.

When they got close, everyone realized that Shen's face could not be
described by paleness. Now he has only 50% of his skill. Although he
broke through the state of mind at the moment of life and death and
realized the sword heart, the consequence of forcibly mobilizing the
internal force to break the limit is the body It's completely unbearable, and
vomiting blood is a natural thing.
More serious than vomiting blood, he couldn't stand up by himself, and
most of his body weight fell on Zhao Chiying.

"Master Zhao, it's rude ..." Shen frowned, his tone inaudible.

Zhao Chiying: "Shen Daochang exhausted his energy for Bixia Sect. I, who
is in charge, stood idly by, and it was me who was rude."

She said, simply dwarfed Shen Shen on her back, carrying her back to

Yue Kunchi: "..."

He originally wanted to say whether to let himself carry it, but before he
said it, the sister and sister took action directly, letting his words be held
directly in his throat, not swallowing, vomiting, but looking at Zhao
Chiying's back Crying and laughing.

Fifteen with a small tail to follow and follow, even if it can not help at all,
but it seems that only by seeing Shen Zhen with his own eyes can he be
reassured. Who knows that Shen Zhen was lethargic after being sent back
by Zhao Chiying. How can I call him? Awake, although Zhao Chiying told
him that it was because Shen Ye ’s power was exhausted and he could n’t
recover for a while, Fifteen remained with Shen Ye and refused to leave
for a moment.

Shen Yan was drowsy for a long time, and he felt strange in his sleep,
shaking many people and things. If he woke up, he would still be a little

"Master?" Fifteen reached out in anxiety and shook his eyes.

Shen Yan pulled his hand down and smiled, "I'm fine."

He has since destroyed the foundation and re-trained "Zhu Yangce", and
his appearance seems to have been ill all the time. In addition, his eyes
have not been completely good. Walking outside, no one believes that he is
a master who has broken the realm of the sword. It is even more credible
to say that the sick people are lingering in sickbeds.

Fifteen was personally pulling him back from the edge of his nine dead
and dying life. He also had a deeper understanding of his injury. There was
always a panic deep in his heart. He felt that Shen Yan would probably fall
at any time.

Shen Huan seemed to be aware of his mood, touched his head, and asked,
"Kun Xie is dead?"

Fifteen nodded: "Dead, Zhao Zongzhu personally confirmed it."

Shen Min breathed slowly.

I fought on the half step peak, and it hasn't even been a year, but many
things have happened in it, and now I look back, as if it was yesterday.

"Fifteen, if there is a person, he will send you with your own hands to the
unscrupulous puppeteer, causing you to lose all your foundations and ruin
your heart, will you hate him?"

Fifteen nodded: "Yes."

Shen Huan: "Now he is in danger. If he watches him die, it is likely that

many innocent people will lose their lives and be displaced. Will you
choose to save him?"

Fifteen frowning and meditating, apparently this problem is too

complicated and esoteric for his age. The most painful and complicated
thing he has experienced in his life so far is the death of Zhu Lengquan
and the first day.

Shen Yun laughed. In fact, he already had the answer in his mind, so why
bother to embarrass a child?

Fifteen fiercely looked up: "Master, are you going to save that person? Did
he almost kill you?"
Thousand Autumns: Page 81
Shen Min nodded and did not hide: "Yes."

Fifteen Furious said: "Why is such a wolf-hearted man worthy of your


Shen Zhen shook his head: "He is not a wolf-hearted dog lung, he just has
no heart at all. He is the same kindhearted person to all people in the
world, he has not treated anyone exceptionally well, but I did not
understand this before, and thought that the iron heart will also melt and
snow One day, I thought of him as a friend, and I wished that the other
party should treat me the same way. "

15: "You treat him as a friend, shouldn't he also treat you as a friend?"

Shen Yan smiled: "No. In this world, there are many things. Even if you
pay, it is likely that there will be no return at all. When you pay, you must
first understand this, otherwise you will only be injured."

Fifteen always felt that when Shen Yan said these words, under his smile,
there seemed to be other profound meanings, but he even seemed to
understand these words, let alone deepen the content behind the words.

"... So, are you going down the mountain to rescue that person?"

Shen Yun was silent for a long time: "Yes."

Fifteen did not hesitate: "I will go with you!"

This was the last word he said to Shen Yun when he was awake.


Zhao Chiying took the fifteenth spotted sleeping spot from his arms and
sighed, "Why are you doing this?"
Shen Yun: "Yiyi farewell, there is also a difference. He is still young, and I
am in danger here. I must not let him go with him. He will figure it out
when he wakes up. I will ask Zhao Zong for fifteen, Shen Shen is here.
Thanked. "

Having said that, he arched his hand towards Zhao Chiying, and took a
deep stun.

Zhao Chiying: "Since Chang Dao knows that there are tigers in the
mountains, why would he want to go to the tiger mountains? Yu Wenzheng
may not be the master of the Ming Dynasty. How does the current situation
in the world change and what does it have to do with us? If you can
concentrate on Bixia, Zong Xiulian, breaking through the sword heart and
reaching the realm of the sword **** is just around the corner. "

Shen Chen laughed at himself: "There are always things in this world that
you know you can't do, but you must do them, but the results may not be
satisfactory, but whenever there is a glimmer of hope, I don't want to give
up, maybe I am such a naive and naive person . "

Zhao Chiying was silent for a moment, and sighed longly: "It's not naive
and naive. You know all the consequences, but you still look back.
Righteousness comes first. I'm not as good as you!"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I'm not as great as you think. I just want to see
that person again and see the disappointment on his face. Let him know
that I have not been planted with a magic heart, nor have I been controlled
by a magic heart. ,I'm still me."

After all, he arched his hand and turned down the mountain without
looking back.

During Bi Xiazong's time, Shen Yan had changed into an ordinary robe and
put on the robe he had always worn. At this moment, the hairpin of the
hairpin was flying, the white robe fluttered in the wind, and looked far
away like a fairy figure, which made people look away.
Zhao Chiying watched him go silently, and suddenly thought of two poems
in his heart.

I also want to go to the heart, although nine deaths, he has no regrets.

The author has something to say:

Now that we have just talked about the plot of besieging Lao Yan, by the
way, the background.

In fact, the historical background has nothing to do with this article. It

does not understand or hinder reading, but Mengmeng asks questions, so
let me talk about it.

We all know that this period is one of the most chaotic times in Chinese
history. The Wuhu chaos is known by many people, but what is the

The situation of unification of the Jin Dynasty was short-lived. After the
establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a rebellion of the
Eight Kings. After the foreign invasion of the Central Plains, the Jin
Dynasty moved to the southeast. This is the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

While the Eastern Jin Dynasty existed, the northern dragons had no heads,
foreign invasions, and chaos, some regimes were born cruel, and some
regimes fought each other in order to survive. Basically, people in this
period were not seen as people.

For example, at the time, Emperor Zhao Shihu searched for colorful nuns.
After they succeeded, they cooked them with beef and mutton and not only
ate them themselves, but also gave them to the left and right officials to
see if they could taste human flesh. This stone tiger is the Qiang people in

The background in the text is almost at the end of this era, and then the Sui
Dynasty, which is now equivalent to the dawn before darkness, but it is
also dark.
At this time, after hundreds of years of rule in the north, the ordinary
people ’s cognition of Hu Han was no longer obvious. Although Bei Wenyu
was also a Xianbei regime, it had gradually become Chinese. At the time,
Beizhou had a strong national power. Therefore, His Majesty also has
many talents.

But Turkic was stronger at that time. Yu Wenzheng was so strong that he
had to marry a Turk princess. Qi Guo also had to please Turk and make
them fart.

However, Turks have not been sinicized. They have always been nomadic
peoples. If they are unhappy, they will plunder south. This is the nature of
nomadic peoples.

Chen Suo of the Southern Chen Dynasty is also considered a promising

king, because the southern side has always continued the rule of the Jin
Dynasty, so many people think that to restore the Han Dynasty, they must
still look at the south, because Yu Wenzheng is stronger, after all,

This is the premise for everyone to besiege Lao Yan in this article.

Everyone has their own positions and interests. Some are for their own
sect, some are for their own country, and of course they are for revenge.
Seeing Lao Yan is not pleasing to the eye, they cannot be distinguished
purely by good people and bad people. Gentle and kind, but no matter how
good he is, it still does not cause controversy. Some people still think that
his mother should not be soft-hearted and should not save anyone. It can
be seen that there is no perfect person in this world.

Chapter 53

Akasaka way 30% off, Longdui Road nine sets. The ice is cold in the
muscles and the wind is cold in the bones.

Reentering Chang'an, the mood has changed.

Shen Zhe went into the city alone. Although he was wearing a robe while
holding a sword, he looked sick and had problems with his eyes. He even
walked slowly, so he was not afraid of martial arts people walking on
rivers and lakes. The world is chaotic, and the Taoist priest who took a
sword beside him was unconscious of any threat.

The crowns and caps of Chang'an City gathered, and the crowd was
flowing like every time he came before, but this time it seemed to be more

After careful questioning, he learned that many of them were going to

Tuguhun King City to participate in the Nine Dragons Festival in early
September, only because they did not know which good thing came from
the news, saying that the "Zhu Yangce" remnants will be in this time. The
dragon appeared at the meeting, and it was said that Tai Ajian, who had
been buried with Emperor Qin Shihuang, was later dug up by the Western
King of Chu.

As we all know, the three volumes of "Zhu Yangce" are now owned by
Beizhou, Tiantaizong, and Xuandushan. They are well-known, and the
people who have made their ideas have never been fewer, but so far no one
can really use these three. The stolen papers from the local area are owned
by them. It can be seen that the difficulty is high. Generally, no master can
do it. Like the hidden papers in the Tiantai Sect, not to mention ordinary
people, even Lian Yan Wushi, Ruyi Kehui and other master-level masters
have gone. May not be able to retreat.

The remaining two volumes were scattered all over the place, and
somehow, one volume was obtained from the Liuhe Gang. It was originally
intended to be transported to the south in the name of a dart. However, it
was destroyed by Yan Wushi in the middle, and the remaining volume was
destroyed. There is no other volume in this world. presence.

In this way, if the remnant of "Zhu Yangce" really appears at the Dragon
Dragon Conference, then the remnant is the only thing owned by the world
and not owned by anyone. The difficulty of getting it is definitely lower
than going to the Tiantai Sect or Xuandu Mountain, or running to the Inner
Palace of the Zhou Dynasty to challenge the current masters. How can this
not make the people in the rivers and lakes jealous?

The wealth is moving, but for the people in the rivers and lakes, no matter
how rich gold and silver are, it is not as attractive as martial arts. Imagine
that the Qifeng Pavilion of that year was precisely because of its martial
arts, the world was first and foremost. Everyone had to breathe their
breath. How mighty it is that the big husband was born in the world, is it

As for the Tai'a sword, it was once the treasure of Chu Kingdom and later
owned by the Qin Emperor. It has always been regarded as the sword of the
king. Although it is also a magic weapon, its symbolic significance is
greater than its actual significance. The famous jade seals of Chuanguo
seem to have different effects, whether it is Yinan Chen or Northern Zhou
Dynasty. They all paid great attention to this time, and sent some people to
see the true and false.

No matter what the purpose is, those who are walking the same way with
Shen Wei this time are bound to be indispensable.

Seeing that the inn in the city was full, Shen Yun planned to continue on
his way to the town outside the city to check in.

No one knows that the heroes are gathered together in all directions. Not
only are the people in the major schools almost everywhere, but even the
small schools that are not well known in the week are also dispatched,
some in order to see a lively upsurge, others are thinking Can you take the
opportunity to touch the fish in the muddy water? In a word, along the
way, seeing that night is approaching, even the small towns outside
Changan City are full.

He searched several inns one after another, and was told that even the
Chaifang was full of sleep, and his heart was helpless. His eyes are not
good, and he can rely on the light to see a blur in the daytime. He can
barely see it after nightfall. It is very inconvenient to spend the night in
the wild. I didn't expect that Qianliyu rushed from Taishan to Changan. I'm
in trouble here.
"This chief, we are really full, and even the firewood room has some
people to sleep. We can't make room for you any more!" The inn buddy
rubbed his hands and grinned at him.

Shen Yan was waiting to ask again, but she heard Jiao Didi's voice next to
him: "The slave's family booked an upper room, which was spacious
enough. It would be okay for me to sleep with me if the director did not
dislike it."

The inn was overcrowded and closer, and looked up to see a big beauty
sending Qiubo to a sick Taoist, and suddenly felt imbalanced.

Someone joked: "If the little lady is lonely, you should also find someone
who is stronger. This priest seems to be able to blow down in a gust of
wind, can he handle you?"

As soon as this word came out, there were a few laughs beside him.

The beauty smiled with a smile: "The slave family likes handsome Taoists
like Taoist Chief, and doesn't like the stupid man full of minds!"

As soon as this remark came to an end, the light-spoken person just

whispered, feeling that he had lost half of his hair when he didn't know
when, and was shocked to hear nothing.

The beauty laughed: "The slave family has to meet the deceased person
today, and feels very good. You don't want to see the blood. You should
take care of yourself, lest my deceased person ignore me, you will be out
of luck."

Between them, Shen Min had never looked back and left the inn.

"Who the **** are you!" The man who had been cut off half of his hair
shouted negligently.

The beauties did not bother to deal with them anymore. As soon as the
figure moved, there was only a scent of incense left in place.
Thousand Autumns: Page 82
"Small peony, is this name good?"

The words were still in the ears, and everyone looked at each other and
changed color: "Hehuanzong white velvet ?! How come this demon girl!"

Bai Rong came out of the inn. Seeing that the person in front of him was
only a distant back, he could not help but grit his teeth, chased after him,
and drank in his mouth, "Shen Yun, stop me!"

I wonder if I heard her, the figure in front finally stopped.

Shen Yan turned and sighed softly: "Excuse me, any suggestions?"

Bai Rong grew up in the Acacia sect since she was a child. She saw the
most sinister human heart and the most filthy face in the world. She felt
that she had already cultivated a heart of iron and stone. With reluctance, a
strong grievance suddenly came to mind.

"Shen Daochang is really ruthless. On the day you hid in Bailongguan, I

waited to be instructed to search. How could you still stand here alive if I
didn't help you procrastinate? What is your so-called philanthropy, Is that
how I was treated ?! "

When she saw that she was silent, she couldn't help but sneer slightly:
"Couldn't Shen Dao blame me for the death of those two priests? At that
time, the elder in my door was on the side, Xiao Se looked at me wrongly,
you Want me to catch myself for two people I never met? "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "I really want to thank you for the events of
that day, but Brother Zhu and the first day are indeed dead. This is the sin
created by the Acacia sect. There is a grudge and a debtor. I will sooner or
later repay them. Many things are irreversible. It doesn't make sense to
confuse who is right and who is wrong. "
Bai Rong bit his lower lip and was silent for a moment: "I heard that you
lost all your skills while working together, and you want to end up with
my teacher, but you were hit hard by my teacher, and you almost died. Are
you okay now?"

Shen Yun: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Bai Rong: "Master is not badly hurt. He was worried that Yuan Xiuxiu
took the opportunity to fall down and find a secret place to practice alone.
No one can find it."

Shen Yun: "You don't even know?"

Bai Rong grinned: "Why, don't you think he will trust me?"

Although Shen Yan knows that she is likely to sympathize with herself in
this way, she really can't speak hard words.

Bai Rongrou said: "I know you want to seek revenge from Master, but now
don't say I don't know where he is, even if I know, I can't watch you die,
now you are far from Master opponent."

Shen Zheng nodded: "Thank you for telling me, but I have no plans to find
him for now."

Bai Rong: "Who are you looking for? You want to go to Tuguhuncheng to
participate in the Dragon Club? Do you want to save Yan Wushi?"

By nature, she is wise and snowy, and naturally she can quickly guess
where she is.

Seeing that Shen Yan didn't answer, Bai Rong sighed: "Shen Lang, do you
know what you are doing? Although Yan Wushi is extremely skillful, few
people in the world can be enemies, but under the siege of the top five
masters in the world, he is a big one. Luo Jinxian, there is no reason to
survive? Besides, if he treats you like that, why can't you ignore the
suspicion, let alone a person, even a kitten and puppy, you will remember
to hurt yourself repeatedly, and never again next time Dare to come
closer? Do you really love him so deeply? "

Shen Yanmei: "Why must we be affectionate to save?"

Bai Rong: "Since it's ruthless, why bother to take your own life? You are
now no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to be one enemy and
five, not to mention you, Yan Wushi ca n’t do it, my master ca n’t do it,
just pray for Fengge to regenerate No, the Nine Dragons Club will start on
the 9th of September, but the day of the siege will be the 8th day, and
today is the 5th day. Even if you rush past now, it is too late! "

Seeing that she was silent, she always had a smile on her face, a little bit
sloppy: "Don't you understand, I don't want to watch you die!"

Bairong has a good impression on him, Shen Shen is not wood, and can
naturally feel it.

For a self-serving personality like Bai Rong, she ca n’t give up his life or
betray the teacher because she likes Shen Yun. She wo n’t even disobey the
teacher for Shen Yun. In her ability and without harming her own interests,
she Being willing to provide Shen Ye with a little convenience and help is
a rare thing for her.

But she did not understand Shen Ye, and Shen Ye did not intend to explain
more. He did not want Bai Rong to misunderstand. If the two were clear
from the beginning, it would be a good thing for her.

"Thank you for your advice, but I still have to go." He paid attention to the
white velvet. "In the eyes of outsiders, the Acacia sect is a dangerous place
to eat people and not to spit out bones, but for you, it is like a fish and
water. "

Bai Rong: "After all, you still can't look down on a demon girl like me."

Shen Yan shook his head: "You have misunderstood. I mean, I know you
are not willing to be an ordinary disciple in the Acacia sect. I also have no
right to ask you. I hope you are more precious and do n’t become Huo
Xijing or Sang Jingxing. That kind of person, you are different from them.

The sentence "You are different from them" made Bai Rong suddenly feel
sore eyes, but her face remained silent, and she smiled sweetly: "Then you
can always watch me by my side and urge me not to be such a person!" "

"I'm sorry." Shen Yan said only these three words, then turned and left.

Bai Rong paused: "Shen Yun!"

However, Tiankuo Hongying is as small as dust, and there is no dust under

his feet. The other party's eyes are already a few feet away.


Tuyuhun King City, Fuxi City, the eighth day of September.

The Western Region is windy, sandy and drizzle all year round, but this
year is a bit strange. After the autumn, there are many days of drizzle, and
the perennial dusty King City buildings seem to have a new look.

Affected by the Central Plains culture, the Tuguhun aristocrat said that
Chinese characters were used in Chinese, and even Han clothes were
popular. With the addition of the Dragon Dragon, there were many Central
Plains people in the city. At first glance, it seemed like returning to

There is a rain shelter outside the city, named Yin Yang Pavilion, I don't
know when it was built, but because of the mountains and water on the
left, the pavilion is right between the mountains and rivers, just like the
boundary between Yin and Yang.

The pavilion is built in the style of the Central Plains. Exotic style can be
seen only at the corner of the eaves pavilion. Due to its age, even the three
characters of Yinyang Pavilion have been peeled off a lot. Under the black
paint, the original color of the wood is exposed.
Yan Wushi stood with his hands in the pavilion, not knowing how long he

His gaze looked out of the pavilion, and his posture was quite laid back,
like watching the rain and waiting for someone.

Far away, a person appeared between the wet grass and the wet wood.

The man was wearing a suit, with no hair on his head, and his face was
beautiful, but the corners of his eyes were frosty. He held an umbrella in
one hand and walked towards this place slowly.

"Amitabha, don't Lord Yan come here?"

His tone is as usual as gossip, but clear in the ear, not weakened by

Yan Wushi said lightly: "Besides the Izumo Temple, your hair still doesn't
grow half a root. You can see that you are struggling hard and you are very
upset. Is it so difficult for you to be a monk in peace? ? "

Hearing the sarcastic satire in the discourse, Master Xueting smiled

slightly: "Zongzong Yan still doesn't talk like that!"

Yan Wushi: "It was Duan Wenji who asked me, why did it appear to you,
that the Master Zhou Guoguo, who was in front of the church, was also
willing to fall and collude with the Turkic people?"

Master Xue Tingxue: "When Lord Zong re-entered the rivers and lakes, he
stirred up the world with blood and rain, and he could not rest. According
to the poor monk, you are still looking for a place to concentrate on the
martial arts, so as not to create more evil in your hands. "

Yan Wushi laughed and laughed: "I always hate your bald donkey full of
Buddhism. You are smart today, but do n’t make nonsense, just open the
door to see the mountains, OK!"

Master Xueting lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes: "The Buddha
has persuaded others to be kind, put down the butcher knife, and become a
Buddha on the ground, but for those who have repeatedly taught, they also
have the thunder of King Kong. For people like Lord Yan, what Buddhism
says is all Use? You can only use martial arts to stop killing. "

Yan Wushi: "Let me guess. The reason why you and Duan Wenzhang came
to encircle me. Yu Wenzhang refused to reuse Buddhism, and you sent
people to penetrate Turki. Day after day, it attracted Mohan Khan to also
believe in Buddhism. However, the Turkic nature is like a wolf-like tiger,
and the Buddhist monk has limited influence after all. You have no way
but to put your attention back to Northern Zhou. "

"Yu Wenzhang's jealousy on Buddhism, even if you kill Huan Yuezong, he

will not reuse Buddhism, so the best way is to kill me first, and then kill
Yu Wenzhang, and crown Prince Yu Wenzhang ascended the throne. Yu
Wenzhang Unlike his father, he has a deep fondness for Buddhism, and he
does not blame you for having been blowing around him all these years.
As long as he is in power, Buddhism will be able to return to the past in
Northern Zhou Dynasty. "

Buddhist monk Xueting in the mouth of Xueting said: "Yu Wenyu killed
too much, labored and wounded the people, and Fei Mingjun did it. It was
more labor-intensive and labor-intensive for the nation.

Yan Wushi was interested: "So, do you think Prince Wenwen is the

Master Xueting only said, "Prince Buddha has deep roots, the Buddha's
heart is transparent, and he has a relationship with the Buddha."

Yan Wushi smiled slowly: "It's not easy for you to talk nonsense with your
eyes open, isn't it just trying to kill me, let the horse over, Duan Wenyi, let
him get out!"

Along with his words, Lang Lang smiled in the air: "Zong Yan is so
arrogant. Didn't he think that today might be his own deathly taboo?"

Chapter 54
Yan Wushi shouted: "Old bald donkey, your martial arts have been praised
as the top three in the world, but you still need to help Duan Wenyu to kill
me. Do you feel shameful?

Master Xueting looked pale: "As long as Lord Yan can die today, what's
more important about his face, Lord Yan can't help but look at him."

Yan Wushi laughed and laughed: "If you want to find a helper in Turk,
why don't you just call the fox deer's soul into consideration, and how can
the district's Wen Ye be able to do it?"

"Why does the Lord Zong say so much, if it is unfortunate to be here

today, wouldn't Huang Quan have lost his face?"

Speaking without delaying the shot, in the blink of an eye, the shadow of
the sky has fallen from the sky, completely blocking all the retreats above
Yan Wushi.
Thousand Autumns: Page 83
Duan Wenzheng's previous whip was destroyed when he fought with Li
Qingyu and Shen Xun. Now the whip in his hand is called ten feet soft red,
but it is a new system. It takes no less than half of the original one and
may be more resilient. Through the vibration of his wrist and the change
of body shape, thousands of phantoms have evolved, dazzling and

Obviously, his skill is much better than that he had previously played
against Li Qingyu and Shen Yun in Su House.

As long as you are not mediocre and unwilling to be ordinary, everyone,

whether you or your opponent, will always make progress.

Duan Wenxun's whip method followed a tricky and unpredictable path.

Among them, the Western Region knife method was incorporated. The
combination of the two made the sky burst into the sky like boundless
sand, as if there were no end, and people could not help but suffocate
despair, thus Lose fighting spirit.

But he met Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi, who had no swords and hands, walked calmly between the two
masters of the current era and referred to it as a sword. Under his true
control, flying flowers and leaves turned into thousands of sharp blades,
and all of Duan Wenyi's attacks were vanished.

Master Xueting has very few expressions. He looks more like a **** than
a Buddha statue in a temple.

At this time, even if he saw Duan Wenzhen frustrated, he was not

frightened. His hands were printed flat, and his ten-pointed fingertips were
condensed by the true qi, which slightly exposed the glaze of the glass.
Xueting's face was also stained with a The layers are thin and thin, and the
moon is as beautiful as a jade statue.
There are six seals in the "Front Seal of the King of the Ming Dynasty".
Only then did he print three palms in succession, and it was impossible for
Yan Wushi to print them. At this time, the fourth and fifth palms were

The former uses defensive attack instead of the latter, and the latter uses
Rouge, complicated and changeable handprints in his hands to become
beautiful and extremely pleasing things, which can make people
unknowingly relax their defenses.

When the immovable "Mountain" was printed, everyone heard a buzz in

their ears, and their brains followed for a moment, and even the whip in
Duan Wenyi's hands did not consciously pause for a moment, but Yan
Wushi remained unaffected, and even sneered. With a sound, he ignored
the seal of Xue Ting's seal, like a flower, and was printing over his back.
He still reached out to grab Duan Wen's whip, ignoring the air curtain
woven by the heavy whip shadow, and actually grasped the opponent's
whip. Pulling the whip and twisting it, he turned back and used his
strength to push Duan Wenyu's true spirit to Zen Master Xueting!

Master Xue Ting stepped a little, and people have flew a few feet in the
future, but seeing that Wu Yan Yan is one enemy and two, and does not
retreat, he chases after him, facing Xue Ting face to face.

The strong and powerful met, the two master-level masters met with anger
in a narrow way, with horrible consequences, and a blast of time, and a
vortex centered on the two people, and they wanted to involve everything
in the world. Duan Wenji only felt the strong air coming towards him. He
had to withdraw his whip one by one, and withdrew five or six steps to
escape from this terrible influence.

At the time, the two sides did not even retreat in half a step, leaving the
soles of their feet to be entangled with vitality and flying all over the sky.

Xue Ting stared blankly at Yan Wushi, suddenly a strong feeling came out
in her heart: if you can't kill the other party today, I'm afraid there won't be
such an opportunity in the future!
As a Grand Master's dignity, Xue Ting naturally also has. If he could, he
would naturally be more than happy to have a solemn fight with Yan
Wushi, but he was responsible for reviving the Buddhist gate, and Yan
Wushi was his biggest obstacle. Without Yan Wushi, the Buddhist gate
could return to the past. The status of Bei Zhou, this battle is bound to be
won, and must not fail!

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly at him, this smile was inexplicable and
treacherous, making Xue Ting frown slightly.

But the next moment, Yan Wushi did not continue to do anything with
him, but turned around and rushed to Duan Wenji.

At this time Duan Wenxuan raised his "ten feet soft red" high in the hands
of Yan Wushi under his hood.

This whip breaks through, and it turns into a white rainbow because of
perfusion of ten percent.

However, he did not expect Yan Wushi to suddenly give up Master

Xueting and walk towards himself.

It was indeed walking, walking in the leisurely court, calmly, but in just a
few steps, he had already come to Duan Wenyu from Master Xueting, and
then reached out and grasped the white rainbow directly.

This hand was very strange, as if it was slow, but accurately grasped the
context of the whip shadow, "Shi Zhang Zhang Hong" was caught by him
in this way, but Yan Wushi's hand was unscathed.

Duan Wenquan's face changed slightly, and before he responded, the

other's fingers were brought together. This whip made by Duan Wenquan's
many thoughts was smashed by his hands!

"Haven't your master taught you, all weapons are nothing but vain in the
face of absolute masters."
There was a cruel smile on the corner of Yan Wushi's mouth, and between
the words, his hand slid down Duan Wenyi's arm along the wrecked vein.

An ordinary person was changed, and in most cases, he was pinched, but
Duan Wenzhen was unusual after all. He didn't waste more time on
mourning his whip, and at the moment the whip was destroyed, he had
already withdrawn the whip. His hand, the other hand patted Yan Wushi's

At the same time, Master Xue Ting sent the first come, "Fudo Ming Wang
Yin" has reached the heart of Master Yan Wu, his speed is even three
points faster than Duan Wenji!

Yan Wushi's body has disappeared in front of Duan Wenluo without

moving, but Duan Wenlu knows that this may only be a blind eye, because
a person can't disappear in a short period of time and even disappear. Palm
castration has not slowed down the slightest.

But this palm really fell through!

How could there be such a quick effort in this world?

Duan Wenji is unbelievable.

Yan Wushi and Zen Master Xueting faced the palm for the second time.

This time, the power was even more powerful. The trees nearby were
shuddered and shivered by the innocence of the two, and almost fell to the
ground. The trunk cracked at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

This time, Yan Wushi and Xueting Zen stepped back three steps each.

Is this man a monster?

Duan Wenji witnessed the opponent's skill and the two played against him.
This feeling suddenly appeared.

He has a very high self-proclaimed talent, and his teacher Hulu estimated
that he could not do any better at his age, but he was frustrated repeatedly
when he met a near-monster figure like Yan Wushi. Being chased by Yan
Wushi all the way, he was embarrassed, and he laughed at the other party's
incompetence. Now it seems that he is not much better than the other

Then there is Zen Xueting, the top three masters in the world, can't even
kill a Yan Wushi? !!

"The method he just used is called shape-shifting. This kung fu practiced

to the extreme can reach the realm of the world, seemingly close to you, in
fact, he has never approached you at all. His goal has been in Xueting. On
the monk's side, you don't have to be fooled by him. "

A voice sounded in Duan Wenji's ears, and the other party's beam was in a
line, so only he could hear it, but this voice, Duan Wenji is no stranger.

The words fell squarely. On the left of Yan Wushi, a sword suddenly

Appearing at the same time as the sword, there were a few sporadic piano

The sword light is purple, the brilliance is flowing, and it is perfectly

matched with the piano sound. The latter uses the piano as the medium.
While Yan Wushi concentrates on fighting with Master Xueting, he
directly breaks away Yan Jian and builds a tight body. , With the help of
the same source of magic, found a trace of his flaws.

At the moment when the flaw was exposed, Jian Guang also came out of
the air, the target was pointing at Yan Wushi!

"The" Feng Lin Yuan Dian "has a flaw. The higher it is practiced, the
weaker this weakness becomes. Yan Wushi ’s nine-strength skill, because
of this flaw, cannot go one step further and reach the great consummation
realm. He will kill him now. it's time to!"

Guangling scattered, but people did not know where he was. Maybe he had
been here for a long time, but he kept hiding, waiting for the right time to
maximize the effect of Qinyin's confusion.

If anyone on the scene said that he was the most qualified to comment on
the martial arts of Yan Wushi, it was undoubtedly the Sovereign Sovereign
Sovereign who had gone out with him.

The purple sword was as powerful as a bamboo shoot, and it really pierced
Yan Wushi's clothes, and his blood color instantly bloomed from behind.

Yan Wushi sneered: "A bunch of waste, I am too lazy to play with you!"

Saying that he turned around and patted Yu Jian's gentleman without a

sword, Jian Guang waved slightly, but still went straight to Yan Wushi.

The sound of the piano suddenly changed from gentle to flat and

Guangling sighed, "His devil's heart has broken!"

Without finishing the words, another person appeared from the other
direction, slamming the palm to Yan Wushi!

And Master Xue Ting tied his hands with his hands and flipped them up
and down. This is the final weight of the "Front Seal of the Immortal

The fire of the red lotus industry is like the sea and the sky, endless,
burning fiercely, raging like a tide, and burning up all delusions in the

Yan Wushi's meticulous perfect qi finally showed a crack.

The karmic fire infiltrated layer by layer, causing the crack to gradually
expand, and the rebirth torn apart, and then took the magic heart straight
and uprooted!

The next moment, the slender white fingers were printed on Yan Wushi's
The corners of the latter's mouth overflowed with blood.

However, his expression also became fierce, and the robe sleeve rolled
towards Xueting Zen Master, and the powerful internal force swept away,
forcing Xueting to avoid his edge and swept away half a step.

In this half step, Yan Wushi turned around and directly grasped the long
sword pierced into his body and twisted it hard, just like the whip of Duan
Wenyu who just broke up. The gentleman's sword body broke even. Taking
the Yumen face gate, the two instantly passed through dozens of strokes,
and at this time Dou Yanshan was hitting with another palm, and a palm
was printed on the empty door behind Yan Wujun.

It worked!

Dou Yanshan had no hope but unexpected surprise. This palm he used ten
successes, Yan Wu teachers and students received, can never be safe and

With the two palms of Master Xueting and Dou Yanshan, the pressure on
Duan Wenyu and Yu Yu suddenly decreased.

Although Guangling San has never appeared, his piano sounds have
contributed. It was he who discovered the flaws left by Yan Wushi and Ru
Ye Kehui after going into the devil after the attack, and then directly beat
Thousand Autumns: Page 84
Dou Yanshan saw that Master Xueting did not make any further efforts,
but instead stood by and watched the war, and stopped, and asked, "Why
did the master stop?"

Master Xueting Xueting: "I and Yan Wushi have their own positions and
have no personal revenge. This encirclement is a last resort. In any case,
an opponent like him is always worthy of respect, not a dead end here."

Dou Yanshan sneered secretly, saying that since you are so tall, why bother
to join the siege, but you didn't reveal anything on your face, and smiled
and said, "The master is really good!"

Zen Master Xueting seemed to see through his mind, and said lightly:
"Dou Gang should know that even if Yang Wushi died, Zhu Yangce's
remnant volume destroyed by him could not be recovered."

Dou Yanshan grinned: "Yan Wushi alone stirred the world bureau. If he
dies, everyone will be quiet and the Buddha's gate will flourish. I now
congratulate the master!"

When the two spoke, Yan Wushi struck another hand. He didn't want to
leave, but he had already broken, and his mind was restrained by the sound
of the piano. He also had the previous two palms, which had internal
injuries and bad skills. Shi Yu and Duan Wenyi were pressing harder and
harder, the defense was completely broken, and two more hands were hit.

Of course, Yu Yan and Duan Wenzhen didn't go well. A long sword broke,
three palms in his chest, pale, and he stepped back a few steps before
finally falling to the ground. A long whip was destroyed, and his body also
suffered internal injuries, and his ribs were broken. With a few, the mouth
spit several blood.

In this case, Yan Wushi still had room to escape. His body turned into a
residual image, and Dou Yanshan and Guangling had changed their faces

At the same time, Master Xueting disappeared from the original place, and
his light work was applied to the extreme, directly blocking Yan Wushi.
Under the power of the "Immovable Ming Seal", Yan Wushi was forced to
confront him, with the consequence that he no longer Can't walk, but
Master Xueting stepped back five or six steps this time, his face turned
extremely red for a moment, and quickly became extremely white. This
was the blood that was vomiting out of desire and swallowed back.

Yan Wushi laughed.

The laughter came to an abrupt end, and he spit out a lot of blood.

Dou Yanshan flew up, a palm printed to Baihui Point above his head!

With this palm, Yan Wushi finally fell to the ground.

Master Xueting frowned, and in the end said nothing.

He watched Yan Wushi's eyes narrow slowly and whispered a Buddha's

horn, and his hands were treated as a salute to the other side, but he turned
away without turning back.

Both Yu Min and Duan Wenmin were injured, and when they saw Yan
Wushi breaking away, they also left to heal in succession.

Dou Yanshan squatted and looked closely, convinced that the other party
was completely out of breath, and then smiled, and said to Guangling who
came out holding the piano: "Congratulations to Guangzong, the
unification of the three Zangs is just around the corner."

Guangling San: "Thank you Ji Yan, Dou Gang, are you sure Yan Wushi is

Dou Yanshan: "Naturally, my palm fell, his skull shattered, and only the
palms on the top, and the internal contusion bleeds and ruptures, the
vitality is cut off, and there is no way out."
Guang Ling smiled: "There is a kung fu in the magic gate called Huang
Quanbi Luo. Before the vitality is completely cut off, he can cut off his
arms and put himself into a state of pseudo-death. He can save the vitality,
but it is extremely painful when he is practicing , Usually not very useful,
so few people go to practice. "

Dou Yanshan: "Mr. Guang is worried that Yan Wushi has also practiced
such a skill?"

Guangling San: "Since this matter has been done, carefully confirm
afterwards, there will always be no harm."

He walked towards Master Yan and stretched toward the opponent's wrist.

An unsheathed sword lay across him.

The sword body is simple and awkward, and there is no surprise, except
that the words "mountain and river are sad" are engraved near the hilt.

Guangling's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't even know when

the other party appeared.

"Even though he had enemies and numerous enemies before his death, he
was still a generation of masters. The deceased is the biggest. Is it
inappropriate for a respectable opponent to do so?"

Dou Yanshan narrowed his eyes, and read the name of the person saying:
"Shen, Bridge!"

Chapter 55

Shen Zhenchao nodded: "How are the two recently?"

After the initial surprise, Guanglingsan calmed down and looked at Shen
Zhen carefully: "I heard that Chief Shen Dao fought Sang Jingxing and the
latter was hit hard by you. I didn't expect you to recover so soon. It is
really gratifying!"
No one was present when the two played against each other. Sang Jingxing
was seriously injured by Shen Yan, and it was impossible to go
everywhere. However, Guangling San was a member of the magic gate,
and he could naturally get many news that others did not know.

When Dou Yanshan heard this sentence, he could not help but secretly
shocked and re-evaluated Shen's strength.

Shen Zheng shook his head: "It is not yet fully recovered."

Few people believe in this big truth. Although martial arts are also
hardworking, each faction has its own secrets, not to mention Shen Yun is
a disciple of Qi Fengge. Who knows what skill Qi Fengge has taught him?

Guangling San laughed and said, "I think how the Lord Yan did you to
Shen Dao at the beginning, others might not be that good anymore, but I
still know a little bit. I heard that the reason why you will fight with Sang
Jingxing is thanks to the Lord Yan. ? "

Shen Yun: "Yes."

Guangling San: "He treats you coldly and indifferently, and is not half
different from others."

Shen Yun: "Yes."

Guangling San: "You came here thousands of miles, presumably it will not
be a special trip to collect his body, you came to save him, but a step late."

Shen Ye must answer when asked: "Yes."

Guangling San finally showed a hint of surprise: "What is he Yan Wushi

worth doing this for you? Is it really like outside rumors that there is not a
human relationship between you?"

Shen Xuan said lightly, "I save him, not for personal reasons, but for
Dou Yanshan couldn't help showing a funny look, Haha laughed: "I still
heard someone associate Yan Wushi with justice for the first time! Can't
he Yan Wushi's death, there will be no justice in the world. Righteous? "

Shen Yun: "Yan Wushi is not a good person, but he assists Zhou Zhu,
which is actually equivalent to supporting him. You kill him. Although
you have your own reasons, you can find the root cause. Isn't it related to
this? The Northern Zhou Dynasty is not in your interest, so you must first
eradicate this person, and I think that it would be Yuwen ’s disagreement if
we want to end the chaos today. This is our disagreement. "

Dou Yanshan shook his head: "Shen Yun, you are a Han Chinese, but you
actually support the Xianbei people. No wonder Xuandushan thinks you
are not suitable for teaching."

Shen Ye smiled: "It can only be said that when the Dou Gang master has
not really encountered ideas that run counter to countless people, as long
as he thinks it is worth doing, why care about how others think, think,
really like you, and think for you Friends and relatives will understand you
sooner or later. "

Guang Lingsan: "Since Yan Wushi is dead, it does n’t make sense for you
to come over. How do we want to dispose of his body without any
interference with you, why bother to intervene?"

Shen Yanmei: "A man dies like a lamp. In any case, he can be regarded as
a master of the previous generation. I met him and hoped that he would be
buried for the dead.

Guangling shook his head casually: "We made every effort to kill Yan
Wushi. Naturally, we must confirm that he is completely dead. There is no
possibility of resurrection. Let me cut off his head first, and you wo n’t be
late again."

Shen Yun: "What if I don't agree?"

Guangling San: "Of course, Shen Daochang looks handsome, but I and
Dou Gangzhu are not good at Longyang, I'm afraid I won't take pity on

When he said this, he still had a smile on his face, and he tossed his hand
upwards, turning the guqin in his hand, and with his other hand he pulled a
sword out of the piano. !!

Shen Yan receded backwards, mountains and rivers with the sword of

The two sword qi met on a narrow road. Suddenly, Bai Hongguanri, purple
qi came to the east, cut gold and jade, frost and snow, only to fall into
autumn, but Dou Yanshan suddenly felt the cold wind and cold water
rushing towards his face. Taking a step back, he immediately noticed his
gaffe, but he quickly raised a strong alert.

The Xuandu Shanqianjiao teaches that if he is an opponent, he must not be

a weak and easy to deal with.

In fact, it is not only Dou Yanshan, Guangling San has already set off a
terrible storm at this moment.

He had very few intersections with Shen Zhen, and only two counted
strictly. The last time Shen Zhen did his best to force the white velvet
back, there was no resistance when he appeared, and he was even a blind
man. To the point where it is hard to come back, but now goodbye,
although the other party still looks sick, once the sword is out, the whole
person suddenly shines like a sick tree, with dead wood in the spring,
dazzling and pressing, burning its bloom.

No, Shen Shen at this time is like a sword!

The sword is like ripples of water, sparkling, soft, but endless, in all
directions, ubiquitous, not only broke his sword light, but also weaved a
tight sword net, wrapping himself with Guangling Go in.

With the world's most powerful and smooth, the world can't match it.
People and swords are merged into one, and there is no flaw to find.
Is this the true teaching of Xuandu Shan, a disciple of Qi Fengge? !!

Guang Ling San is not longer than using a sword. He is used to the piano,
but he is ridiculous in the kendo. However, at this moment, facing a dense
and impenetrable defense and attack, he has a sense of weakness. I don't
know where to start.

He bet, don't call yourself, even if it's a real kendo master right now, I'm
afraid he will feel the same as him!
Thousand Autumns: Page 85
Guangling resolutely gave up the sword to the piano. By temporarily
retreating from the sword light, he grabbed five fingers and grabbed the
fish. The piano that was originally lost behind him blinked in his hands,
and the sound of the harp was rolling in the wind and thunder. Flowing
towards Shen Yan.

Seems to see his impatience, and Dou Yanshan is not good enough to stand
by and jump up, slap his palm to Shen Yan.

After all, the other party wasn't Yan Wushi, so there was no need to
endlessly. His palm was only to make the other party overwhelmed,
cluttered, and lost.

But unexpectedly, when he found that his sharp palm wind reached the
range of three feet in Shen's body, he was completely swallowed by
Jianguang, like a stone thrown into the sea. Among the waves of the sea
itself, the stone ’s The effect is minimal and almost negligible!

On the contrary, Jian Guang has skyrocketed, and it has a tendency to

spread to Dou Yanshan's eyes.

His martial arts scattered with Guangling ranks among the top ten in the
world. Although they did not do their best at this time, the two of them
joined forces enough to let ordinary people die on the spot. After a long
period of hard work, they haven't fallen into the wind, showing the terrible
strength. Unpredictable, this time coming back to the rivers and lakes is
really a bad offender.

If you continue to fight, you will inevitably have enemies. The Liuhe Gang
’s business is everywhere in the world, and it is more about the wealth and
wealth. This time, he will participate in the siege of Yan Wushi because
there are other people standing in front of him. However, Shen Yun is
different. Since there is no need to kill, such a master can naturally find
countless troubles for Liuhe Gang in the future.
Dou Yanshan weighed the pros and cons, and decided to let go. Yan Wushi
died nine lives, and even Master Xueting and Duan Wenzhang left. He was
only in revenge for destroying the remaining volumes of Zhu Yangce.

There was some discussion under his heart, he laughed loudly, and
decisively chose to withdraw.

"It is unkind to say two to one, so I won't disturb Yaxing, the sovereign of
Guang. I will take a step first, and then there will be a period!"

Guangling can't scold Dou Yanshan for being unkind. The five of them
have no friendship with each other. They have their own positions and
interests and can get together just because they have a common goal. That
is After killing Yan Wushi, Yan Wushi died, the goal was achieved, and
this short cooperation naturally ended with it.

But now that everyone else is gone, why is he here to die with Shen Yan
and do things that are not gratifying?

A glance at Guangling scattered Yu Guang, Yan Wushi still lay there,

seven holes bleeding, ignorance, if you can survive, this opportunity is
probably smaller than Qi Fengge's rebirth.

Thinking of this, he was not interested in continuing to entangle with Shen

Yan. The sound of the piano suddenly became high, Shen Ye ’s five senses
were not closed, and the sword inevitably followed by a slight lag. Guang
Lingsan got out of the situation and patted Shen Shen with a palm. .

"Shen Dao has long benevolence, Yan Wushi has countless enemies, but
having a friend of yours is enough to laugh at Jiuquan. What about my

Hearing this, Shen Min also took the sword and pulled back: "Thank you,
Lord Guang!"

Guang Lingsan nodded with a smile at him, then turned away.

In today's battle, the news of Yan Wushi's death will surely spread
throughout the rivers and lakes. Huan Yuezong has no backbone, and it is
impossible to support it for only one edge of plum and one jade smoke.
The balance of power of the three magic gates must also be determined by
With this change, Fa Jing Zong is now able to return to the Central Plains
while he has a lot of work to do.

Shen Yan stood in place and saw Guangling go away before he slowly
exhaled, stroked his chest, and squeezed the sweetness of the throat that
was gushing back.

The vitality of "Zhu Yangce" is even more powerful. After all, he has just
practiced for a long time. It is an honor to be able to restore the success of
the past five or six days. If he wants to be one enemy, two opponents,
especially the top ten players in the world, he supports Until now, it's
almost at the edge of the crossbow, and one more point, I'm afraid that we
will reveal the filling in front of Guangling San, because both Guangling
San and Dou Yanshan have no intention of fighting, Shen Yu's preemptive
hand calmed them down and made them think Shen Yun's strength is

Shen Yan smiled bitterly, and he was running for a long time, only to feel
that he slowly came over. He walked to the side of Yan Wushi and bent
over to look at the opponent's wrist.

The tentacles were cold and silent, with no pulse.

The astonishment and shock that was thrown to Sang Jingxing by Yan
Wushi seemed to be vividly remembered. Shen Xuan worked hard to walk
back from the edge of Huang Quan step by step with the life and debts of
the Lord and the first day. Phoenix Nirvana, hearing the critical news of
this person, finally decided to abandon his private affairs and rushed to the
rescue, but after all, he was one step behind.

He sighed and whispered, "Well, on Huang Quan Road, you are so good at
As soon as the words came to an end, his loosely wrapped wrist suddenly
moved extremely slightly.

Shen Wei was awkward, and before his reaction came, his wrist was
immediately grasped!

Chapter 56

This was a sudden, Rao was Shen Yun, and completely stopped.

Even Guanglingsan and others simply walked away, showing that Yan
Wu's teachers and students have little chance to return, and it is basically
impossible to survive. Shen Ye has already prepared for the burial of the
monument, and did not expect this scene to occur.

The opponent's strength was not great. I almost exhausted my whole life at
that moment. After holding Shen Shen, I let go of my hand completely,
and there was no movement. His eyes were still tightly closed, and his face
was white. The lifeless cyan, the bleeding blood did not disappear, and
appeared in front of Shen Yun in a wolverine gesture like never before, as
if telling Shen Yun that the action was just back to the light.

Shen Ye touched his heart without any surprise. There was a cold under his
palm, not even a little bit warm. Shen Ye tried to put a hint of internal
force into the other person's body, like a mud ox entering the sea, empty
and missing.

He dismantled Yan Wushi's hair bun, drew his fingers into the other's hair,
and soon touched the vicinity of Baihui Point. There was indeed an
obvious crack.

Ordinary people are treated in this way, and they will die in the end, but
Yan Wushi cannot be treated as ordinary. After all, this is one enemy and
five. In the face of the five masters in the world, there are people like
Master Xueting who are not behind. Although Shen Yun came one step late
and failed to witness the fierce battle in person, he can also imagine that it
must be wonderful and rare.
The crack is not long, but it is very deep. It can be seen that the actor must
have used ten success forces at that time, and he also braved this palm.
Rao is Yan Wushi. Even if there is no cracking in the brain, the skull will
definitely crack. The chance to survive.

Shen Huan was not a doctor. He was completely helpless in this degree of
injury. He could only release his hand, carefully supported Yan Wushi's
neck, and touched the meridians of his body.

The bones were not broken, and the meridians were intact. The fatal injury
passed through the chest with a sword across the chest, and those palms
caused serious damage to the organs. The last injury on the head was the
last straw that crushed the camel.

The more Shen Ye looked at, the more his heart sank.

Is it still lifeless?

Suddenly, he gave a quiet whisper.

The sound was so subtle that almost only he could hear it.

But this sound revealed the extreme surprise in Shen Ling's heart.

Because he found that Dan Tian, who was supposed to have been cold and
broken, had a slight smell that was quietly operating.

He thought about it, and just pulled up the opponent's arm, carried the
person directly on his back, and walked forward step by step.

The King of Tuyuhun is a strange place for Shen Ye. It is said that here is a
place full of wind and sand, Gobi is everywhere, and it is a city of scale
within a few dozen miles. It is only the oasis where the King City is
located. People in the Western Regions must go through the road. People
cannot be completely concentrated in the King City. After leaving the King
City, go west and stay high. If you look down, you can see the sparse
village people.
There are so many Gobi, there are very few caves covering the wind and
sand, not to mention bringing a living dead person, how to solve water and
food is a big problem. It is impossible to find a shaded cave to hide in the
wild like in the Central Plains. He never wanted to hide. When found,
people can only find a place where people are smoky and stay away from
the rivers and lakes.

In the glare of the sun, Shen Yan looked up for a while, finally selected a
distant place and went there with Yan Wushi on his back.

The crowded Tuguhun King City is bound to stay, and now the nearest
choice is the small villages around Wangcheng.

Shen Ye took Yan Wushi to a village near Charing Lake. There are dozens
of families in the village. There are roads frequented by business travelers.
Occasionally, tourists come to check in, so the village is not busy, but Nor
was it completely occluded, so that it would not be hostile to see Shen Yan
as an outsider.

The reason why she chose here is that Shen Wu mainly considered the
current situation of Yan Wushi. If the other party still has vitality and can
finally save the life, then this news must not be disclosed for the time
being. Yan Wushi ’s family is full of enemies. It is known that Yan Wushi
is not dead, and he will inevitably come to kill. Not to mention Shen Ye
now has only five or six successes. Even if Qi Fengge is reborn, it is
impossible to deal with so many masters with a hundred enemy.

In the near evening, every family in the village lit up the lights one after
another, Shen Yan carrying Yan Wushi on his back and knocked on the
door of one of them.

The girl who came to open the door was a girl in a red dress, a long braid
running along the shoulders, and a wheaten color that the locals suffered
from the sun for many years. But her facial features are not ugly, and she
must be a laugher. The corner of the mouth showed a dimple with a pinch
of cheeks, very cute.
Shen Zhen introduced her to her. She only said that her friend was
seriously injured. She hoped to stay here for a while to heal her wounds
and leave when the injury was healed. She would never give the host a
little trouble.

Although the Central Plains money can also be used here, people in the
border areas are more accustomed to bartering things. Shen Ye takes out a
large piece of salt and a small, delicate gold flower. This kind of gold
flower Any jewellery shop in the Central Plains can be bought, but it is not
common here. This was before Shen Zhi went out. Zhao Chiying asked his
disciples to prepare it for him. I didn't expect it to come in handy.

The girl apparently used to see a businessman coming to stay, but did not
expect that this time the door was actually such a handsome man, listening
to him talking with Yan Yuese, her face was slightly hot, and Jinhua
attracted her eyes, but she still did not Immediately promised, but
compared with each other, told Shen Ye in local slang and unfamiliar
Chinese, she and grandfather depended on each other, so go ask for

Shen Ye expressed his understanding. Yan Wushi was waiting outside with
his back. He thought it would take a long time. Who knew that, after a
while, the door opened again, and a white-haired old man came out,
followed by the young girl.

The old man was fluent in Mandarin. After asking Shen Ye a few words, he
opened the door for them to come in and talk to each other. Shen Ye knew
that the old man had stayed in the Central Plains when he was young. He
saved some money and built the largest house in the village.
Unfortunately, his son and his wife He died prematurely, leaving a
granddaughter to live together.

Shen Yan chose this family because he saw that they had a large courtyard
and a large number of houses. In this way, even if Yan Wushi was lucky to
heal his injuries, he would avoid the attention of others.

The old man is well-informed, and it is not surprising to people who carry
weapons like Shen Ye, but the girl seems to be very curious about Shen
Tao ’s dress as a priest. She stands behind her grandfather and looks at her.
When Shen Ye looks over, she He lowered his head a bit shyly.

A few words of conversation between the two sides, the old man hesitated:
"Old is often here, business travelers pass by overnight, guests come from
a long distance, naturally welcome, but I see you this friend seems to be
not badly injured, I am afraid the enemy is also very bad Both our
grandchildren are ordinary people, and have never caused any troublesome
things. I also ask the Minister to be frank with you, so that I can make a
decision. "

Shen Yun: "It's true. My friend is in serious trouble. Now his enemies
think he is dead, but I still want to save him, but the Central Plains is too
far away. Go back, so I can only come and disturb the old man. As long as
no one knows he is here, my friend will be safe. If there is anything wrong,
I will take him immediately and leave you without any trouble. "

The old man was still hesitant, Banna pulled the old man's clothing corner:
"Aye, this Lang Jun is not like a bad guy. They are in a difficult situation.
Since we can help, let us help!"

Seeing the granddaughter helping to speak, the old man sighed: "Well,
since this is the case, the two are staying here, and we will never let
anyone know your identity. We just say that the Central Plains scholar has
traveled here. If not, The Minister also asked to reduce going out, so as not
to cause us trouble. "

Shen Yunda is grateful. Since he has watched the subject and the first day
of the incident, he has no choice but to refuse to invade innocent people
again. At this time, he is naturally grateful. He intends to live only for a
while and wait for Xiaolong. At the end of the meeting, those martial arts
personnel were gone, and he could take Yan Wushi back to Chang'an and
hand them over to Bian Yanmei.

Banna girl thought, and intentionally said two more words with Shen Yun,
seeing him carrying Yan Wushi back into the side yard, he took the
initiative to go to help open the door, who knew that his fingers
accidentally touched Yan Wushi's arm, he was immediately opposite each
other The icy touch was startled, and took a few steps back, pointing at
Yan Wushi in shock.
Thousand Autumns: Page 86
"Shen, Shen Langjun, is the person you carried really alive?"

Shen Yan smiled bitterly. I didn't know if he was still alive, but his face
could only comfort him: "He was just injured too much, and he breathed
away for a while, not dead."

Banna left doubtfully. After that, the girl saw Yan Wushi several times.
The other person looked like a dead person. Although not as rotten and
stinky as the corpse, she was cold and did not have the slightest lively
atmosphere. What was more terrifying was that she had While Shen Yan
didn't notice, he put his fingers under the nose of his partner, but he
couldn't breathe at all.

She was almost suspicious of the sorrow of her friend's death, and refused
to admit the fact that the other party was dead, but there was an added
benefit in that, except for two meals a day, she no longer visited the small
courtyard to visit, otherwise With Shen's personality, I really don't know
how to persuade others.

With everything settled, Shen Yun began to concentrate on studying Yan

Wushi's situation.

Day after day, the opposite party ’s Dan Tian's energy seemed to gradually
become rich, and there was a gleam of vitality. This is obviously the true
vitality of “Zhu Yangce” played a role in Yan Wushi ’s body. His martial
arts have not been exhausted. In other words, he cannot stand up like Shen
Yan. His fatal injury is not because the foundation is destroyed. The
foundation can be recast, but it can be reconnected without hearing the
cracking of the head. If this continues, Yan Wushi will not escape.

After thinking about it, Shen Min can only think of one way.

Chapter 57
Dou Yanshan's palm, with his full strength of success, can never be half-
hearted, so Yan Wushi not only cracked the skull, but also got more
serious. He must have been seriously injured inside the brain. He can use
the internal force to qi the blood congestion in his brain first, and then
slowly guide the damaged meridians of the whole body to repair the
internal organs. As to whether Wu Master Yan can wake up, will he ever
be half dead? , Then you have to listen to fate.

Here he tried his best to find a solution. The man was still sleepy with his
eyes closed, his breath was faint, and he didn't know where it was. He took
a deep look, sighed softly, and smiled again and again.

An exotic village cannot have a better food. Two meals a day, mutton and
oil cakes are the most, but Shen Zeng is also a man who is easy to meet, he
will eat whatever others give, no fault.

Yan Wushi is more troublesome. He is ignorant and can only drink meat
broth at most, but his teeth are clenched, his tongue is stuck in his throat,
and the spoon chopped the soup ca n’t be delivered. It only flows out of
the corner of the mouth. This year, it is not that there is no special
medicine feeder, but in the small village of Tuyuhun, it is impossible to
find such utensils. Without any help, Shen Min had to take a soup first and
then pry. Open the other person's chin, feed it from mouth to mouth, and
then press the other person's tongue to force the soup into it. This can also
make him drink a mouthful or two.

The opponent ’s body recovered extremely slowly. Dan Tian ’s energy has
not disappeared, but the accumulation is weak. It is now hidden, like a
candle in the wind. I do n’t know when it will disappear completely. Shen
’s strength has not recovered. Being able to perform exercises for Yan
Wushi for a week, he is helpless about his situation, and it means that a
dead horse is a live horse doctor.

In the past, people who were arrogant and arrogant could not live forever.
At this time, they could only lie on the bed and be at the mercy of the
people. Even the smiling and non-smiling people who often snarled at the
corner of their mouths were gone. Only a handsome face was left with
handsome beauty. It is reminiscent that all the temperament of Master
Momen has disappeared, only the starry white that is lingering on the
edge, and the almost misleading tame on that face.

Feng Shui turns, I am afraid that even Wu Yan himself never thought that
he would end up in such a situation someday.

But having said that, according to Shen's understanding of this person,

even if he had expected that he would be besieged, he would still probably
go to that appointment. For others, it was too scared to avoid it. Doom, but
for Yan Wushi, it was a rare encounter.

What he miscalculated was overconfidence, thinking that he would never

lose, even if he was defeated, he could leave calmly, but did not expect
Guangling San to be a member of the magic gate. He would rather let the
magic heart of Fenglin Yuandian be discovered, Get involved and destroy

There is no medicinal material here, and it is not possible to torment the

soup medicine. What Yan Wushi can rely on is only the infuriating spirit
Shen Shen entered, but on the fourth day, his breath abruptly weakened to
the point where he could not hear it. It's really impossible to continue like
this, even if the other party still has a chance to live, half a day's death will
be dragged on for several days, and it will never escape.

Holding the soup bowl, he frowned slightly for a moment, and suddenly
saw Yan Wushi's eyelids tremble.

The movements are extremely small and almost make people think they
are illusions.

"Mr. Yan?" Shen Min screamed tentatively, and she did not get a response.

He clasped the opponent's wrist, and his pulse was so negligible that it
would be no different from a dead person if he didn't look closely.

Somehow, Shen Yan suddenly felt a sense of humor.

On the same day, when he sent himself to Sang Jingxing himself, intending
to push Shen Ye to the end, I was afraid I would never have thought that he
would be today, let alone think that he would fall into the situation of
being slaughtered by anyone. If Shen Ye did not appear, With the actions
of Guangling San and Dou Yanshan, Yan Wushi had already been in a
different place for a long time, and it would be impossible for Da Luo
Jinxian to die again.

Even at this moment, Shen Ye only put a palm on his head or heart, which
can make the other person from this semi-dead state into a completely
dead person.

But he looked at the other side for a while, and finally just raised his head
to take a sip of soup, then lifted the back of Yan Wushi's neck, pinched his
chin, forced the other side to open his mouth, and passed the soup in a
small sip. .

After a few days of this movement, she seemed to be fluent and proficient,
and she was pure in heart, in order to save people, and naturally there was
no embarrassment or ambiguous.

Just looking in the eyes of others, it is not the case.

Banna admired Shen Yun, even though she was still afraid of Yan Wushi's
condition. She still had to bite her teeth to deliver the meal two times a
day. She only asked Shen Yun to come to open the door in person, and the
two said a few words at the door. Then, even if she could not speak, she
was satisfied.

On this day, she still came with lunch. Somehow, maybe the plate was
heavier and she didn't want to knock on the door. She slammed open the
door sideways, entered the courtyard, and walked towards the inner room.

The door of the back room was not closed, but she saw a mouth-watering
scene: Shen Zheng bent over and pinched the chin of the living dead and
kissed him, even though she didn't care about coming in, under the
dazzling sunlight, she even saw two people. Lips and tongue intertwined
for a moment.
To be precise, Shen Tong's tongue pried open the other's teeth and pushed
inward so that the soup could smoothly enter Yan Wushi's mouth.

After all, the other person was an unconscious living dead person. Even so,
there was still some soup and saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth.

The folk customs of the Western Regions are open, and Bona is young and
beautiful. She is also a very popular character in the village, but she is so
big but she has not had such close contact with men. At this time, she saw
a red heartbeat and a dry mouth. , Can not move.

Shen Ye fed the soup half way. Where did she know that Bona would come
in suddenly, she could only feed the soup, put the soup bowl down, and say
hello to Bona who was blushing.

Banna's eyes were reddish, and she asked him in a half-baked Mandarin:
"It turns out you like him, so you refuse to be close to me and accept my
affection, right?"

This misunderstanding is really too big! Shen Yan smiled bitterly: "You
don't have a medicine feeder here, I can only feed him soup like this, I and
his friends are not even counted, please ask the little lady not to

Banna wondered, "Why didn't Shen Lang accept my affection, is it because

I don't look as pretty as your Central Plains women, or are you not as
gentle and saucy as your Central Plains women? Tell me, I can all learn."

Shen Xun never expected that he would spend a few days here, which
could lead to a peach blossom debt, replaced by a Central Plains woman.
Even if he fell in love with a certain Lang Jun at first sight, it would be
impossible to say it so plainly. Like a person, it is natural to confess as
soon as possible, otherwise when people return to the Central Plains and
never see it again, it is too late to cry.

Shen Ye explained to her patiently: "I am a Taoist, and I cannot marry my

wife for life."
Banna was unmoved: "Aye can also return vulgar."

Dare to be fully prepared.

Shen Ye couldn't help crying and laughed, only to say, "You are fourteen
years old, but I have already passed, and my age is too different."

Banna: "What is standing?"

Shen Yan: "I'm thirty."

Banna yelled, "Are you thirty years old? You can't even see it!"

Shen Yun: "People who practice martial arts will live longer."

Banna bit her lip: "Will you be like me now when I'm fifty?"

Shen Zhen shook his head and pointed at Yan Wushi: "How can it be, I am
not a immortal deity, and my appearance should be similar to him."

Banna looked at Yan Wushi, only to find that this person was half old-
fashioned, in addition to Xingma Xingbai and her handsome appearance.

She asked tremblingly, "How old is he?"

Shen Yun thought for a while and was not sure: "less than fifty strikes?"

Bonaton is like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and the wind and sand in
the western region are strong. The men in the village, who are already in
their forties and fifty, are already covered with wind and frost. How can it
be compared with Yan Wushi? Do n’t talk about men, women are getting
older faster, often after thirty, the body will become fat, and wrinkles will
deepen. Panna knows that she is young and beautiful now, but if she is
more than ten or twenty years old, she still loves to be handsome As
before, when she had gray hair, she thought it was hard to accept.

The poor girl was in love at first, and she encountered this kind of
unsolvable problem.
With tears in her eyes, Banna pushed the plate with food in his arms and
sucked her nose: "Forget it, the Buddha sent you to me, but he refused to
fulfill you and me. We can see that we have no fate, hope he Bless the old
man, I hope you will be old! "

Shen Yun: "..."

He laughed at all, but had to shout to want to hide his face and find a place
to treat his sadness: "I need to leave half a day and go into the city. If
anyone comes to ask, you just don't know. It was his enemies who came to
ask for help. You had no choice but to surrender him to protect yourself.
You don't have to hurt his life for him. "

Banna wiped her tears: "How is his enemy?"

Shen Min nodded: "It's quite a lot."

Banna worried, "Wasn't it dangerous if you were with him?"

The girl has a pure temperament, she just speaks whatever she likes. She
likes Shen Yun to speak up, but she is also sad when she is rejected. Now
she hears that Yan Wushi has a lot of enemies, but she is worried for Shen
Yan when she stands upside down.

In the red dust, the human heart is more sinister and often more terrible
than the ghosts and gods, but it is precisely because of the sinfulness and
sincerity that Fang Xian is precious.

Shen Huan warmed up and comforted: "I have a sense of mind, but it's
okay, but I'm afraid to affect you, so be careful."

In the past few days, he and Yan Wushi have been staying in this small
village. The news is closed, so he must return to Wangcheng. If those
people have disappeared, he can also take Yan Wushi back to Changan and
hand it to Bianyanmei. There are a lot of secret methods in the magic gate,
and maybe Yan Mei will have a way to save his master.
Thousand Autumns: Page 87
Leave the ancestors and grandchildren aside, Shen Ye returns to
Wangcheng, where people come and go, the excitement is still there, the
Dragon Club just ended yesterday, and many people are still unsatisfied.
The inn is full of news about the event, Shen Ye is outside the robe. The
mask was the most common cloak in the desert, covering his head and
face, sitting in the corner without notice.

In order to inquire about the news, he deliberately picked one of the

largest and busiest inns in Wangcheng City, asked for a pot of wine and a
few meats, and quietly listened to various voices.

"You heard that there isn't too much sword, there is a master. Someone
bought it for 20,000 gold!"

As soon as this word came out, there were exclamations around.

"This man is crazy. He still has money and nowhere to go. Tai Ajian is a
famous sword, which is sharper. How can it be worth so much money!"

The speaker said with a smile: "This is of course a natural reason. It was
Chen Gong of the Pengcheng County of Qi State who bought the sword."

Others suddenly realized: "It's no wonder, Tai Ajian was the sword of King
Chu's Tao at that time. He wanted to dedicate this sword to King Qi?"

Some people sneered and said, "Qi is about to perish, isn't it possible that
this sword will be protected by the gods?"

"Who knows, it is said that Chen Gong relied on court minister Qi Qi, if Qi
Guo died, his net worth could not be guaranteed, it was nothing more than
a sudden illness and medical treatment, temporarily holding a Buddha's

As soon as the words came to an end, a group of people came in from

outside. The head was tall, with a jade belt, a face that wasn't handsome,
but he couldn't hide the vitality of clothes. After he came in, he glanced
around. , Nodded a little, naturally, the entourage hurried forward to
arrange seat dishes, full of demeanor, and immediately distinguished from
the crowded rivers and lakes.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao was unavoidably a little embarrassed, and
everyone was quiet for a while.

Not only were others secretly looking at him, Shen Chen was sitting in the
corner, and his gaze swept across Chen Gong's face.

If it wasn't for the other person's face and the old outline was faintly seen,
and someone was whispering, "The Lord is here, say a few words."
Teenagers talking together.

You don't need to know your identity. The owner also knows that this is an
offensive patron. He took his buddy to clear out the several tables that the
previous guest had just used, and smiled and asked Chen Gong to take the

Chen Gong and other talents have just taken their seats here, and several
people have come in at the door.

Shen Yan glanced quickly, frowning under his heart, and said secretly that
it was a coincidence, while pulling down the hood covering his forehead.

Yu Yan and Dou Yanshan sat together. The former was alone and was not
accompanied by Xuandushan disciples. The latter brought several Liuhe
gang members. Two of them had familiar faces, as if she had encountered
him at Izumo Temple that day. Nonsense two brothers.

But he could not see his eyes clearly, and he was afraid to watch for a long
time. The other party always felt, so he quickly lowered his head to taste
wine slowly, waiting patiently for everyone to leave.

Saiwai Inn is not that particular about it. Even the biggest and best inn in
the city, there is no private room. The crowd is lively and people talk
loudly. Whose voice is loud, others naturally listen more.
Chen Gong was here with many followers, except for those who like to
cause trouble. Even the Jianghu people who are in martial arts are
unwilling to make enemies for themselves. This is the end of the topic
about Tai Ajian. Everyone naturally wants to raise another one. It is very
shocking and has been mentioned countless times in these few days.

"You say, is Yan Wushi really dead?"

Judging from the sound, the person who speaks is obviously not high in
martial arts, and the patron is not strong, because when he mentioned the
three words of Yan Wushi, he unknowingly put down the tone, as if he was
afraid of the next moment, Yan Wushi appeared in front of everyone like
Chen Gong.

This name obviously has extraordinary power. When the first person
mentioned it, the surroundings were just like Chen Gong who came in for
a moment, and then someone said, "It should be true, I heard Yu Zhangjiao
He and Dou Gangzhu also participated in the siege. They are now present.
If you don't believe it, you can ask them. "

In the past, when people in the rivers and lakes heard Yan Wushi's name,
they inevitably trembled. When the news that he was besieged by the five
masters in the world in the past few days, many objections were raised.

What is the concept that a person can be besieged by five masters? In

other words, these five people did not have the certainty of winning the
singles, and they needed to unite with each other in order to kill Yan
Wushi and martial arts champions. Of course, many people were relieved
and many people were relieved. Therefore, he secretly admired Yan
Wushi, thinking that if he did not die, he would be the first master in the
world after Qi Fengge.

Many people did not dare to say this, but they were unspoken, and they
said loudly at the moment: "To win more with less, after all, it is unethical,
but unfortunately, a master-level master like Yan Wushi died unjustly!"

Yu Yan gave a cold glance, but did not speak, but Dou Yanshan flicked his
fingers slightly, and he could hear the speaker, covering his mouth,
revealing the color of pain.

His companion was frightened, and he stood up, "Goro, you're fine!"

He also arched his hand toward Dou Yanshan: "There is a large number of
adults in Dou Gang. My brother always can't control his mouth. Two cups
of yellow soup will start talking nonsense. Please don't care about him!"

Dou Yanshan grinned: "Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, you can't say
anything indiscriminately. I just knocked him off one of his front teeth. It
was a little lesson for him, and he was merciful."

When he spoke, the man snorted, spit out blood and a tooth, and his face
was sullen, and there was nothing more to say. His companion quickly
covered his mouth and yelled, "Goro, don't cause trouble ! "

The man had to shut up and be pulled again by his companions, and the
two hurried away.

With this episode, everyone naturally dared not talk anymore. The sale of
the Liuhe Gang is spreading all over the world. It offends Chen Gong at
most. He does n’t enter the country and offends the Liuhe Gang. You do
n’t know when you will After walking in the waters of the Liuhe Gang, he
used the darts checked by the Liuhe Gang.

But when there are many people, their mouths can't be rested, and they are
silent for a moment. Some people get up and leave, and new guests come
in outside, and the noise and noise resound again. The death of Yan Wushi
is undoubtedly a topic that can't be avoided. Not to mention, if it is
returned to the Central Plains, if it is returned to the Central Plains, I do
not know what kind of disturbances will cause.

"Yan Wushi is dead, isn't Shen Ye miserable?" The voice came out from
Shen Ye, the volume was not loud, it should be speaking to his friend.

"How do you say that?"

"Shen Yun did not lose all his martial arts. He relied on Yan Wushi and
became his puppet. Now that there is no backer, how can he be a derelict?
How can he still have a face back to Xuandu Mountain? ? "

These people obviously did not know that Shen Ye had not appeared with
Yan Wushi for a long time, and the news still stayed at the original
banquet in Su House, when Shen Ye went to the banquet on behalf of Yan

"That's right, I'm afraid he didn't dare to go back. Didn't Xuandushan have
released information to the public, saying that Shen Xuan is not
Xuandushan's palm teacher?"

"However, Xuandushan did not announce that she would expel Shen Qiang
from the door wall. I still thought about the former situation. Why do you
say that he would be willing to go low and would rather follow the devil
instead of returning to the martial arts?"

"Maybe Yan Wushi can give him pleasure that others can't?"

The two talked, and they laughed with each other, with a needless
expression on their faces.

They must not know that the person they are talking about sits at the table
behind them, listening to their conversation calmly, and leisurely picking
up two slices of beef on the pancake, and rolling the pancake into a roll
and putting it in Chew slowly in your mouth.

"Yuan Yuezong and Acacia Sect share the same source. The Acacia Sect
will work together, and the Huan Yue Sect will surely do the same. It is
really impossible for you to say this. The demon martial arts is very
strong. The bed Kung Fu is definitely better. You know, you can't stop it,
maybe the devil is tired, he is still entangled! "

The last word just came out, and the speaker screamed, then rolled his
hands and bent over the ground while covering his mouth.
The accident suddenly emerged, and everyone was startled, looking at
them here.

The person who could hurt him was obviously not sitting behind him.

Shen Ye was also a bit surprised, looking towards the man.

I saw Yu Zheng sitting in a tight position, slowly lowering the wooden

clog in his hand, and said coldly: "When is my Xuandu Mountain's turn to

Chapter 58

Even if there was someone who didn't know Yu's identity before, once he
said this, there would still be nowhere.

The reason why they talked about the evaluation of Shen Yun with
impunity was nothing more than that he was already abandoned by Xuandu
Mountain. He had long lost his martial arts and had lost his aura. It was
impossible to threaten himself. Xuandu Mountain was even less able to
protect him, but he did not expect Yu Yan even shot.

After a moment of confusion, she slowly put down the burrito, knowing it.

He came out of Xuandu Mountain no matter how bad he was. Others said
that he actually tarnished Xuandu Mountain's reputation, and Yu Yu
naturally could not bear it.

However, since the other party cares about the reputation of Xuandu
Mountain so much, is it possible to cooperate with the Turkic people?

Shen Yan shook his head secretly, no longer watching the farce in front of
him, waiting for them to leave after eating and drinking, and then got up
and left.

The man whose mouth was broken by Yu Min was furious, and his mouth
was not clear. He picked up the long knife beside him and rushed to Yu
Yu Xun did not even pull the sword, and just hit the opponent with one of
the wooden clogs in his hand.

The victim was Ji Jin, nicknamed Nine-Tailed Fox, and others called him
Ji Dakou in the back, saying that he often offends people without a word.
Ji Jin Wugong is not bad, not as good, but at least second-rate. The level is
fairly good, and I do n’t say bad things in front of the party. I do n’t know
which one is cramped this time, I do n’t know Taishan, and I do n’t know
that Xuandushan teaches and sits in front of me. Unlucky, lost face to the
uncle's house.

His companions did not dare to find their way back to Yu Xuan, only
raised Ji Jin, and had to help him grin at Yu Xuan: "Yu palm teaches
forgiveness, my brother drank two more drinks, and it is inevitable to

Yu Zheng ignored him, but his eyes crossed him, and the people straight
behind him said, "Ama, don't you meet again for a long time, wouldn't you
say hello to me?"

Shen Yan sighed secretly. They grew up together and were so familiar with
each other that even if they covered their heads and faces, they always
showed a sense of familiarity. Yu Yun was not a fool. come out.

He pulled the hood down and heard someone say "it's really deep" in his
ears, and the voice immediately drew a low, surprised response.

Many people have a little guilty conscience before they speak loudly, but
just sit and listen.
Thousand Autumns: Page 88
What kind of evil wind is blowing today, saying that Chen Gong, Chen
Gong came, and said that Shen Ye, Shen Ye was also there, shouldn't he
even come out without Yan Wushi?

Some people thought so, couldn't help but shivered and looked around.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, Yu Zhang taught me nothing?"

Now that he has been discovered, Shen Yan has no more arrogance. He
nodded towards Yu Yun, with a calm tone, as if nodding his head away
after many years of separation.

For a moment, the noise and bustle in the Grand Inn faded away like tide,
leaving only the deep voice in Yu's ears.

He stared up and down Shen Shen, as if to determine whether the other

party was doing well, and said a long time: "You are thin."

Shen Yan did not answer this sentence. He felt that he had come to inquire
about the news. Now that he has been discovered, there is no need to stay

"I have some things to do, so I'll take a step first. Yu Zhangjiao and Dou
Gangzhu use slowly."

But naturally Yu Yu wouldn't let him just go away like this. When he
stepped, people stopped him: "Ama, follow me back to Xuandu

Shen Yan's expression remained unchanged: "Yu Zhangjiao said this and
laughed. I'm no longer a disciple of Xuandushan, so why go back and forth
to Xuandushan?"

Yu Yan was furious: "I didn't order to expel you out of the court. You are
still a disciple of Xuandushan. Could it be that you do n’t even want to
recognize Master?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I think you have made a mistake. I am a
disciple of Qi Fengge. This will not change in any way. But since you
colluded with Kun Xie, poisoned me and left me on Banbufeng. After
losing to Kun Xie, taking the opportunity to steal the position of teaching,
and cooperating with the Turkic people, Xuandu Mountain is no longer my
familiar Xuandu Mountain. You do not need to order it, and I will no
longer recognize Xuandushan disciples. "

This thrilling remark was uttered in a dull tone by Shen Yun, and it was
even more tortuous.

Everyone did not expect that Shen Yan had such an inside story when
Sunset Cliffs, and for a moment, they listened, and when they came back,
the hall suddenly buzzed.

Yu Xun did not expect that Shen Xuan would choose to speak out in public
at this time, and then quickly passed a touch of red on his face, not anger,
but anger.

Of course, the other party had no evidence and could not treat him even if
he said it, but Yu Yan still had a sense of insult that his clothes had been
peeled off.

His majesty was angry, and he calmly said, "Ama, come back with me."

Shen Xuan said lightly: "Yu Xun, Turkic wolf ambition, everyone knows
that you are willing to seek skins with tigers for your own fame and
fortune, and even tie Xuandushan to your chariot. I can't stop you
temporarily, but it does not I acquiesce in this result, sharing the same fate
with you. "

Yu Yan: "You ..."

Shen Ye: "Since this is the end, in the presence of so many people, may I
ask them to testify. As the successor of Qifeng Pavilion, I announce that
from now on, you will no longer be a disciple of Qifeng Pavilion. , Return
home, irrelevant to each other! "

He didn't seem to feel what kind of upheaval his words would cause. He
still looked indifferent, standing in a cloak under the cloak, without wind
automatically, not angry, and the gentle and harmless beauty was faint at
this moment. The sternness that can't be seen, such as the sword in the
box, has shed a sharp edge before it comes out.

Yu Kun was shocked and angry: "How dare you! Master has passed away,
how can your words represent his elderly!"

Shen Ye: "Before Master died, I was the only one, and Master passed on to
me. I mean, he meant it! I had forbearance before, but he took care of the
whole situation and did not want to divide Xuandu Mountain. Infighting,
but you are pressing hard and being banned by the Turks, contrary to the
teachings of Master, I naturally want to drive you out of the door on behalf
of Master! "

The Buddha also had fire, and his face finally faded to a milder degree,
revealing the color of thunder: "Yu Yun, listen well, you are not qualified
to show me, because the ancestors of Xuandushan will not recognize you
as a teacher! Hope you It ’s good to think that if you still go your own way
and refuse to repent, one day I will go back to deal with you! ”

There was silence in the hall, and everyone looked at Shen Yun, who could
not associate this person with the self-degraded and confusing person in
the rumor.

Shen Yan said nothing, didn't even look at him, and stepped toward the

Yu Xun no longer hesitated, clutching the gentleman without a sword to

stop him, but Shen Xuan was faster than him. The others could only see a
black shadow throwing away Yu Xuan's sword, and after a closer look, she
found that Shen Xian had no sheath.

Just then, Dou Yanshan shot.

Originally, Shimen's brothers were against the wall. He only had to watch
a good show from the side, but seeing Yu Yu's indecisiveness in his shots,
he was hesitant in his heart, I'm afraid he couldn't stop his brother. In this
case, Dou Yanshan couldn't help it.

"Although I haven't met Yu Zhangjiao recently, I know that he is a

nostalgic person. He doesn't want to put heavy hands on Shen Daochang.
He also asks Shen Daochang to calm down. Why don't you sit down and
talk about it?"

Shen Zheng did not fight with him, the pace at his feet changed, and he
picked up the "Tiankuo Hongying" method and directly bypassed Dou
Yanshan and stood at the door of the inn.

"Ama, don't force me to play a heavy hand!" Yu Yue sternly said, the
gentleman had no sword.

Shen Ye hadn't spoke yet, but there was someone joking: "Do more with
less and win with the crowd. Do the two still want to deal with Shen
Daochang like Yan Wushi?"

Chen Gong, who had been watching for a long time, got up. The matter
had nothing to do with him, but somehow he came over and stepped in.

Dou Yanshan laughed and said, "Pengcheng County got Tai Ajian, and he
quickly returned to Qi Zhu to return to life. Why is there nothing to do

The Pengcheng County official said from his mouth, and brought a little
ridicule that was unclear and unknown. Although Chen Gong was a new
countryman of Qi State, he did not intersect with the rivers and lakes. The
Liuhe Gang did not necessarily put him in his eyes.

Instead of answering Dou Yanshan's words, Chen Gong looked at Shen

Yan, Wen Yan said: "If Director Shen Dao feels entangled and
inconvenient to get away, I have a post house in the city, and you can
follow me to rest there."
Shen Yun: "Thank you Chen County for your kindness, so don't bother
with the poor."

Say you're arching your hand, and walk away.

Naturally, it was impossible for Yu Yu to let him go easily, and he said

"slowly" in his mouth and grabbed Shen Yu with one hand.

Shen Qiang didn't return his head, but he seemed to have eyes behind him.
His feet fluttered a few steps forward, while turning his back to the
horizontal sword, he directly blocked Yu Yan's extended hand. The
scabbard was filled with internal force, and the latter felt only a slight
shock. , Release your hand involuntarily.

However, Yu Xun's response was extremely fast. The other gentleman, the
sword, was out of the sheath. Jian Guang was shocked, and he swept
towards the gate of Shen Jing. He cast off very quickly. Even Dou Yanshan
couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the sword light. When
besieging Yan Wushi before Dao, this Yu Yan has not yet exerted his full
strength. Seeing that it seemed that the injuries were not minor at that
time, in fact he just did not want to rush to the front.

In any case, Yu Xun's determination to leave Shen Xing is bound to be

obtained. This time without Yan Wu ’s obstruction, he will not be allowed
to escape from his eyelids. It is impossible to recover as usual on Xuandu
Mountain in such a short time.

Everyone knows that for three days, when you look at each other, the
sword light is transformed into thousands, and under the hood of Shen
Yan, the person who was supposed to be under the cover of the sword has
disappeared and disappeared, appearing in a erratic and indescribable
manner in Behind Yu Yu, his sword still did not come out of the sheath,
and his right hand extended a pointer to a point in the sword curtain.

As far as the anger is coming, the sword curtain shattered at the sound, and
all turned into splattered powder!
An unbelievable trace of Yu Yan emerged, the sword tip trembled, and
dozens of sword flowers were lingering in a ripple toward Shen Yuan.

The paintings are golden and green, the sky is green, the glass is shining,
and it is brilliant.

These are the last formulas in the Xuandu Mountain Canglang Sword
Technique, but they are different. Qi Fengge's apprentice naturally has no
incompetent generation. Yu Xuan improved and evolved it for his own use.
He is usually cold and unsmiling with his sword. But I really like this
gorgeous sword move, and his sword spirit also brings a thunderous
thunder. With Jianguang's castration, the roar sounds as if it sounded in
everyone's ears. His blood fluttered and he stepped back involuntarily.

But Shen Yun did not retreat.

He didn't even retreat!

This greatly surprised everyone, including those who despised him and
regarded him as a subsidiary of Yan Wushi.

Shen Ye finally sword out!

The swords of the mountains and rivers are like swords, like swords, and
the sword's spirit is about to rise to the sky. It spreads from Shen's hands.
It is mellow and dazzling. People can't help but want to indulge in the
warm feeling. I did not notice that Shen Jian's sword was already pointed

Speaking late, fast then, this series of changes was just a blink of an eye,
the two had flew up, the swords were facing each other, Yu Yu was already
lightning fast, and Shen Yu was one or two points faster than him. The
sword united, and suddenly disappeared from the range of Yu Yan's sight.


The next moment, Yu Min was soberly alert, he turned around and swept
the sword, but it was too late, the other side's sword was close at hand, and
he could not avoid it. He had no time to see the little white sword light. As
soon as I sank, I had no time to think about it, and retreated at the fastest
speed in my life. The "Tiankuo Hongying" was used to the extreme, as if
the entire person disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared again three
feet away.

Shen Zeng could have caught up. His white sword intention has entered the
realm, and the next level is the sword heart. Even if the internal force is
only 50%, this white sword intention is enough to make many people look
pale and timid.

However, Shen Zhen did not chase while Yu Yu was standing still, facing
each other, their tastes were surging, and they knew that they could not
return to the past.

Shen Jian's sword pointed down, standing tall and straight, standing as
loose, staring gloomily, Shen said: "You should understand that in the
battle between you and me, you may not be able to win, and I may not be
defeated. Do not think that you can hold me in your palm At my mercy,
even if I was no longer taught by Xuandu Shan, I would still be Shen Yun,
and still a disciple of Qi Fengge! "

Yu Zheng's face was cloudy and uncertain: "Yuan Ying and Heng Bo both
miss you and hope you can go back ..."

Shen Yun: "Yu Yun, since you met me, I will never believe any more of

Yu Yan's face changed, and his eyes were faint, and there were faint waves.
"It was my fault, but from now on, I will never hurt you again."

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Does it still make sense to say this sentence
now? It's hard to overwhelm the water and break the mirror, and the
mistakes you make can never be made up. The so-called make up is just a
self-deceit statement. I don't return to Xuandu Mountain now, it's me I
don't want to split Xuandu Mountain, or even to make the efforts of past
ancestors vanish. Since you have taken Xundushan disciples to take that
step, you must be prepared to bear all the consequences. One day you will
never be able to bear that consequence. I will come to you in person. "

Yu Yan's chest was undulating, and half a while Fang sneered, "OK, OK,
OK ..."

Saying three good words, there was vaguely bleak, but fleeting, as if just
an illusion.

He said nothing, waved his sword into the sheath, turned and walked away,
never looking at Shen Yan again.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 89
Dou Yanshan touched his nose, Yu Yun was not there, and he had no
excuse to intervene, not to mention that Shen Yun's martial arts made him
frightened, and naturally he would not easily swim in muddy water.

"Shen Daochang regained his abilities, gratifying and congratulating. I

have some friendship with Yu Zhangjiao. I just had to help him say a few
words. Please don't be surprised."

This person can lead the world ’s largest gang. The city is extremely deep.
Since he was not easy to deal with it, he said that he would do it. He would
apologize if he apologized.

Reach out and not smile at people, let alone a man who is so well-
educated, like Shen Yun, nodding his head: "Everyone has their own stand,
I can understand, Dou is kind."

Dou Yanshan said: "Shen Dao took the corpse of Yan Wushi before, and he
must have been buried? Unfortunately, a generation of Master Momen had
to die in this out-of-the-way place. The dead is big. Shen Daochang doesn't
dislike it, and the Liuhe Gang is willing to make a contribution to help
transport the corpse of Yan Zongzhu back to Chang'an and send it to
Huanyue Zongmen. "

Shen Xundan said: "Thank you for your kind help. The corpse has already
been buried, and it will be unlucky to dig the soil and bury it again. There
are not so many people in the rivers and lakes. Since he has many enemies,
he should have expected that today, I will collect it for him. But it was just
a little bit old. "

The other side tried a lot of temptations, and the water did not leak.

He looked around and slowly said, "My mouth is on you. I do n’t want to
interfere with how you want to talk about me. If you are dissatisfied with
me, just look for it. I am always waiting, but if I hear Whoever humiliates
Xuandushan and the First Master, it is no wonder that this sword in my
hand is indifferent. "

The words fell off, and everyone just felt the white light flashing in front
of them. How did they react? The bamboo pole in front of the inn was cut
off in six pieces, and even the upper side was also there. That sword light
became a powder.

The crowd was dumbfounded, and those who had spoken out against his
slander behind his back felt even more trembling.

They are very clear that with this sword light alone, the vast majority of
people present can never reach their entire lives.

And Shen's hand was obviously a deterrent and a warning, not only for
others, but also for Dou Yanshan.

It was just that Dou Yanshan showed a smile, but there was nothing
strange at all. Instead, he applauded: "Shen Daochang's thoughts must
have changed!"

Shen Yan said: "It's just a little trick of the worm. It can't be on the table,
and it's a mess with the lord."

In the past, with a deep temperament, this kind of ostentatious force will
never be done, but time will change easily, and some people are unwilling
to reason, they prefer to use their fists to speak, they believe in the strong
and respect They seemed only weak.

After setting foot in the rivers and lakes for a year, Shen Ye finally learned
to treat what kind of people and what means to use.

He gave compensation to the man with the damage to Wang Zi, together
with the appetizer money, and turned to leave the inn.

This time, naturally no one stopped him.

Since there is Dou Yanshan and others here, Shen Ye is not afraid to leave
the city rashly, and it is more inconvenient to find any medicine shop to
catch medicine, otherwise, with the astuteness of Dou Yanshan and others,
he was afraid that he would find something wrong immediately, so he
pretended to find a place The inn settled down. After dark, the Wangcheng
curfew came out of the city silently and ran all the way to the village.

The hand that was exposed in front of the crowd during the day was
nothing but bluff. No one knows better than himself. Now he is very
reluctant to say that he has a hand in working with Yu Min, but he is
ashamed of his own heart. The words were suppressed, but it was only
doubtful that it was there, but Dou Yanshan was not. His onlookers were
clear, and he was afraid that he still had three points of doubt about Shen
Yun's martial arts. At the moment, there is a "towing oil bottle" in the
village named Yan. Waiting for Shen Ye, Shen Ye must not make a half-
point error.

When he arrived at the village, the moonlight and mid-day sky were soft
and shining all over Heze, and Shen Xun finally slowed his pace and
walked towards Panna's house.

The village at night was extremely quiet, and occasionally only a few dogs

Shen Ying rang the door of the courtyard with a few sounds. It was very
clear in the quiet night, enough for the people inside to hear.

The candlelight in the room was still on, proving that the people inside had
not yet fallen asleep.

A moment later, the sound of shattered footsteps came, and the courtyard
door opened, and Panna appeared with a slightly shocked face at the door.

In this kind of sky, Shen's eyes are not easy to use, but he is used to being
blind, and he can already discern emotions from the other person's breath
and footsteps, even if his mind is slightly sinking: "Is something wrong?"

"Shen Langjun, you are back!" Banna stroked her chest. "Aye is not at
home, I am very scared by myself. Then, the living dead woke up!"
The author has something to say:

The grandma of this chapter is almost on the rise, and there are more and
more attackers. Lao Yan, how do you feel about this?

Yan Wushi: According to the plot, I am a living person now, I can't speak,
I can't drink soup. Ah ~~~ [slightly open mouth]

Shen Yan: ...

Chapter 59

Shen Yan held Banna's shoulder, this movement calmed her down a little.

"He's awake? Have you seen it before?"

Banna nodded: "I heard some movement in the room during the day, so I
went to look at it and saw the man opened his eyes and was happy for a
while, and wanted to ask him if he wanted to eat something, who knew he
suddenly pinched my neck , I was afraid that it would attract others, and I
was afraid to call for help. Later, he suddenly let go of his hand and fell
down ... "

When she saw Shen Yan, she had to go in, and quickly held him: "Be
careful, he seems to be mad because he was crazy. I was almost strangled
by him before. You see, the traces here are not gone ! "

She didn't say that Shen Yun hadn't noticed yet, because his eyes had been
completely damaged by the poison, and the sight had long been blurred. At
this time, he looked carefully by moonlight, and she saw a deep five-finger
mark on one side of the neck, which was shocking.

Banna raised her sleeves again, and the same marks were on her wrists.

She and Yan Wushi have stayed here for a while, and have already caused
trouble to the boss. Now she is still tired and she is hurt. Shen Ye is very
sad: "I'm sorry, there is a stasis cream in that room, I'll get some for you. "
Buna said lively: "No need, this injury is nothing, I have suffered more
serious injuries when I went out with Aye!"

The room where Yan Wushi was located was locked from the outside by
Bona, and she took out the key and handed it to Shen Yun: "If he is still
crazy, turn around and run away, and keep him inside!"

"Anyway, I have a sense." Shen Yan smiled at her and comforted him, and
he had opened the door and walked in.

There are not as many houses in the Central Plains as there are in the
Central Plains, and there is no screen in the middle.

Bina couldn't help but exclaim.

Just because the living dead were sitting on the bed and watching them.

Shen Yan: "Master Yan?"

The other party did not respond, not only did not say a word, and did not
even blink his eyes, like a puppet, looked strange.

Banna whispered, "He wasn't like this before ..."

Shen Min nodded and approached step by step. Banna was scared and
curious, followed behind Shen Min, and glanced occasionally.

"Master Yan, can you hear me?"

Yan Wushi only looked at him, his eyes were full of reflections.

"I'll explore the pulse for you." Shen Min held his wrist, and the other side
did not respond at all. He let him do it, his eyes still looked at Shen Min,
whether Shen Min bent over or straightened his body, Yan Wushi's sight
was Never left him.

The pulse is faint, and it appears from time to time. The damage to the
internal organs has not been repaired, and there is a chaotic gas running
around in the body. This situation is not very good.
Shen Yun remembered that Yan Wushi had told him that there was a flaw
in the magic heart in "Feng Lin Yuan Dian". The higher the training, the
more obvious the impact of the flaw on the body will eventually lead to
stagnation and even influence Yangshou.

Since Guangling San is also a member of the Demon Gate and the master
of a sect, he must have discovered this flaw. The last time five people
besieged Yan Wushi, he used the music to disperse Yan Wushi ’s mind
first, and While others are doing it, tear this flaw apart and aggravate the
damage to him.

It can be said that without Guang Lingsan's hand, even if Yan Wushi could
not beat the other four, they would have no problem escaping. However,
such an enemy who knew too much about himself was the source of his
disastrous defeat.

Now, although people wake up, the flaws have not disappeared and closed,
but gradually expanded to the internal organs and roots. To be precise,
there is not much difference between being awake and not being awake.

Just as Shen Jianmei was thinking, Yan Wushi suddenly smiled at him.

This smile is different from the previous laugh and non-smile, and it does
not carry any ridiculous ridiculous meaning, it is just a smile, as if it is not
Shen, but a beautiful flower in front of him.

Shen Yun: "..."

This smile did not please him, but a kind of thriller and weirdness.

Banna was startled, stuttering: "He, what's wrong with him, this is
obviously not the case during the day!"

Shen Yan turned to her and asked her, "What is he like in the daytime,
besides pinching your neck, is there any other action, such as talking?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 90
Banna shook her head: "No, he was fierce at that time, but now, but ..."

She was not fluent in Chinese, and it took a long time to spit out: "Now
she is very tame."

The word tame is used on Yan Wushi. Anyone finds it funny, and even
Shen Yan raises a trace of laughter in his heart, but he can't say anything to

Because at this moment, Yan Wushi is indeed very docile.

He didn't do anything but laugh at Shen Wei.

Shen Min took out the ointment and handed it to Banna: "It's getting late,
you're going to rest. It's hard for you today. Rub this on, and you should
see no trace tomorrow."

Banna: "Why don't you go to rest in my Ayana room? What if he goes

crazy in the middle of the night?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

Seeing that he refused to say more, Bona had to leave step by step.

After sending her away, Shen Min discovered that there was no light in the
room yet, just because the moonlight was shining tonight and she came in
through the window, she did not even notice the violation.

He walked over and wanted to hold the lamp. No one knew when he turned
around, his waist was suddenly hugged.

Shen Ye was a little surprised, and before he could shake his opponent's
hand in the future, he heard the vague and intermittent words behind him:
"Don't ... go ..."
Word by word, it was difficult to confide, as if spoken with a tongue. He
would hardly hear it unless he was close.

Shen Yan believes that Bona didn't lie, then Yan Wushi's situation is a
little unusual now.

But the other party pretends to be stupid, is it really stupid, and what does
it have to do with yourself?

With a flick of Shen's finger, the other's hand could not help loosening, he
went to the window to light a candle, and then turned around.

"Yan Zong ..."

The main character failed to spit out, because he saw the anxious look on
the other side's face, and seemed afraid that Shen Xuan would leave and
tried desperately to get up, but almost fell due to weakness in his hands
and feet.

Shen Ye watched him fall to the ground, and the hand that was going to be
stretched out in the air was not stretched out after all.

"Are you all right?" Shen Yan said.

"Don't ... go ..." Yan Wushi would only repeat this sentence.

Shen Yan stood there and looked for a while, sighed, and walked over to
help people up.

"Do you remember your name?" He asked.

Yan Wushi's face was bewildered, there was no response, and he smiled
softly at him.

Shen Min touched the top of his head, the crack was still there, and there
must be some injuries in his head. I do n’t know the depth of this injury. To
what extent has it really become a fool.

"My name is Shen Wei, should you have some impression?"

Yan Wushi repeated: "Shen ... 峤 ......"

Shen Yun: "Your name is Yan Wushi."

Yan Wushi didn't speak, it seemed to be digesting and chewing his words.
After a long while, he just hummed softly: "Shen ... 峤 ......"

Shen Chen smiled: "If only I fell to the ground, you wouldn't come up and
lift me up, but would stand still and see when I could struggle to get up
myself, right?"

Yan Wushifu looked confused again, and didn't seem to understand what
he was talking about.

Shen Wei sighed slightly and opened his hand slightly.

"You are too badly injured. You can raise it overnight. After a few days the
wind is not so tight. I will send you back to Chang'an and go to bed first.
Anything will be said tomorrow morning."

Before waiting for Yan Wushi to say anything, he went to the felt next to
him and sat with his knees crossed, and began to adjust his eyes with his
eyes closed.

Due to the situation of the other party, even if Shen Yun meditates and
exercises, he does not dare to enter the realm of forgetfulness, both
physically and mentally, and still shares a heart to pay attention to the
movement outside.

A night passed quickly, and the oriental show in the distance was bright.

Shen Yan runs through the meridians and runs Zhenqi for several days,
returning to the ninth and nineteenth, and the accumulation of Dantian's
accumulation, reciprocating, three flowers together, and glorious glory, the
whole person seems to have entered a new and incredible state.

He seemed to be able to see inwardly that the root meridians of his body
slowly spread out. The originally blocked veins were unobstructed. The
warmth and vitality washed away all the residue, and the foundation after
reconnecting and repairing was more stable than before. Even if he had
exhausted the energy before, and rushed to fight with others regardless of
his strength, it was just a flurry of blood, and he vomited blood without
moving as before.

Eyes may no longer be able to return to the level of clear vision before, but
there are losses and gains, and Shen Ye has not regretted them. Many
things have passed, and people can only look forward forever. If he does
n’t have a neutral picture now Seeing Huan, without falling down from the
half-step peak, you may never be able to explore the real mystery of "Zhu
Yangce", and Wu Gong entering the country will always stop there.

Shen Shen at this time seemed to be detached from his own body, and the
consciousness was swimming in the boundless expanse of floods, the stars,
the Vientiane, the world's Kyushu, such as a chessboard, mountains and
rivers, vegetation and wind and moon. Now.

Since ancient times, it seems that this is the only person.

Something is mixed, born innately. Silent and lonely, independent and not
changed, weekly without hesitation.

The Taoist is chaotic, the Taoist is natural, the Taoist is contained in the
subtle, starting from a square inch, everything has Tao.

This is the way!

At that moment, Shen Yan's eyes suddenly opened up. He seemed to see a
crystal clear, natural Daoxin flowing around, but before he approached and
touched his hand, he heard a voice from a remote and unknown place.

"Shen Yun."

He shook slightly, and suddenly the eyes were dark, all Huahui turned into
nothingness, such as the high platform suddenly collapsed and shattered.

Spit out blood sullenly!

He slowly opened his eyes.

Yan Wushi was sitting on the bed, leaning his back against the wall, his
hair spread, and still looking at him, his look was different from last night.

Still careless, thought Shen with a grin, and wiped the blood off his lips.

He was originally divided into a ray of mind and left something

unexpected. Who knew that he had realized it halfway, and unknowingly
forgot himself.

"How does Lord Yan feel?"

"You ... are beyond my expectation." Yan Wushi said, looking tired and
tired, but without the confusion of last night, the man who smiled tenderly
at Shen Shen and hugged him, as if it was a flash of light, with last night
Disappear together.

However, Shen Yun's original hanging heart was put down instead. This is
Yan Wushi he knows, Yan Wushi who is cold-hearted and does not put
anyone in his eyes.

"I originally thought that Sang Jingxing would make you stunned ..." He
spoke very slowly, and he was out of breath, probably because of injuries.
But when he woke up, he didn't rush to ask his situation, but instead said
slowly. Upset.

Shen Xuan said lightly: "I'm sorry, I disappointed Lord Yan, and I still live

Yan Wushi shook the corners of his mouth: "No, I didn't, disappointed ...
but surprised, you will, I will give you the magic heart you planted, isn't

Shen Ye looked at him: "You should know that I could not compete with
Sang Jingxing at that time. My only choice was to destroy the foundation
by myself and self-defeated martial arts.

Yan Wushi nodded: "Yes, you only have this choice."

Shen Yun: "Yan Wushi, I know you want to ruin me. You do n’t think there
is good intentions in the world. People like me who are easy-hearted have
no meaning at all. You want me to open my eyes and look at the cruelty of
the human heart. I am also in hell, sinking and struggling, and eventually
becoming part of hell. "

There was a smile on the corner of Yan Wushi's mouth, and slowly, one
word after another, "But I didn't expect ... even if you are in such a
desperate situation, you can get back up again."

Shen Yan closed her eyes, opened again, and the faint Lan Lan had just
disappeared, leaving only peace: "Without" Zhu Yang Ce ", I am really
dead now. Your assumption is correct," Zhu Yang Ce "is indeed It can
reshape the foundation. In other words, it does have the effect of
resurrecting death. It is worthy of being the first novel in the world, but
the premise is that you are willing to destroy everything you have learned
in previous decades. Although you are seriously injured now , But the
magic heart is not broken. If you want to learn "Zhu Yangce", you must
break the magic heart, just like I experienced it. "

Yan Wushi gazed at him without asking, but asked, "You were in pain?"

Quenched bones and tendons, equivalent to peeling meat, walked in the

eighteenth hell.

But Shen Zhe has been reluctant to think about it, because compared to
physical pain, he will think more of Bai Longguan's Guanzhu and the first
day, think of their tragic death, and also think of the self-righteousness,
wishful thinking, and the iron heart Impossible to be impressed, his friend
is actually just treating him as an experimental item.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 91
Shen Yan took back all his thoughts, and his tone was calm: "When I went
to Wangcheng yesterday, those people at Dou Yanshan were still there. I
had to wait a few more days, and when those people from the rivers and
lakes were gone, I would take you back to Changan.

Yan Wushi shook his head. At this moment, he was very laborious: "It's
too late ..."

What's too late? Shen Yan was about to ask, but saw that he had closed his
eyes and was motionless.

He burst out of his mind and stepped forward to sniff Yan Yanshi's breath.

Still mad, just falling into a deep sleep.

But the pulse is even more chaotic than before. If you compare true qi to
humans, it seems like dozens of people are fighting in his body at this

Shen Zhen tried to instill a trace of Qi, but Qi quickly returned, and
together with the turbulent air flow in Yan Wushi's body, he furiously
countered at him. Shen Qi had no choice but to withdraw quickly.

During this sleep, Yan Wushi slept until noon.

The old man has not yet returned. According to Banna, it was yesterday
that a business traveler asked him to be a guide. It will take several days to
return. This is not the first time. To the west is the Gobi Desert, a yellow
sand. The road It is long and difficult to identify. Often people get lost in
the desert and never return. Locals are familiar with the road and know
how to get out of the desert.

The bruises on Bona's neck and on her wrists were almost the same. Shen
Yan accompanied her to speak for a while, and Bona took the sheep out to
graze, while Shen Min brought the lamb soup made by Bona back to the
side. courtyard.

When he returned, Yan Wushi just fluttered his eyelashes, waking up.

Shen Kun prepared two bowls of mutton soup, and prepared to wait for the
other party to wake up before asking him what he had said before he was

Yan Wushi opened his eyes and stared at the veil over his head.

Shen Yan said, "Do you feel any discomfort? Only then did I detect your
pulse, and you should have a few qi ..."

Yan Wushi: "Beauty, brother."

Shen Yun: "..."

The weird silence spread through the room, and the mutton soup was filled
with faint umami, as if laughing at Shen's aphasia.

Yan Wushi: "I, it hurts."

This tone didn't look like Yan Wushi, who Shen knew, but it was sent by
another person who occupied his body. Shen Ye glared at him, almost
doubting that the lord of the sacred prince was on the body.

Shen Ye calmed down: "What's wrong with you?"

"It hurts ..." Yan Wushi looked at him with a look of grievance, as if he
was accusing Shen Zhe of standing still.

Shen Ye lived for thirty years, and he has experienced even the hardest
dilemmas, but he has never been like this now, and I do n’t know how to

Is Yan Wushi pretending to be poor?

This is simply impossible. Taking him as a person, it is the most normal
reaction before falling asleep.

Shen Ye remembered his gentle and harmless smile before.

But now it's a little different than before.

Shen Yun: "Do you remember your name?"

Yan Wushi blinked, his expression twitched in the corner of his mouth.

"I am ... Xie Ling ..."

Xiling ... Thanks?

Shen Ye suddenly remembered that Kun Xie had said to him that Yan
Wushi's surname was Xie, who came from the former family, and this time
he visited the Dragon Club to get his mother's relics.

Rao remembered this layer, and Shen Ye still felt a little incredible.

He frowned slightly and thoughtlessly.

The mutton soup was a little cold, and a layer of oil blossoms appeared on
the soup.

Yan Wushi's gaze swam back and forth between Tang and Shen Wei,
hesitant to say, "I'm hungry ..."

Before this moment, even if Yan Wushi was in Pingyang, Shen Hua never
imagined that the other person would look at himself with a confused look
and please, saying "I am hungry."

Even if the other party had no regrets, ridicule and sarcasm as before, Shen
Ye felt normal, because that was Yan Wushi.

But why did this happen?

He couldn't help rubbing his forehead, feeling very tricky.

"Apart from the name Xie Ling, what else do you remember?"

Yan Wushi's hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't even hold the
soup bowl. Shen Yan had to feed him spoonful.

"do not remember……"

Shen Yun: "Do you remember Yan Wushi's name?"

Yan Wushi shook his head, his expression of doubt was not false.

Shen Yan could not help but sigh again: "Can't you remember?"

Combined with Banna's words, and Yan Wushi's performance before and
after several wakes, Shen Yan seems to have a clue.

In a nutshell, the disordered Qi and injured head may be the reason for Yan
Wushi's personality change.

He spends most of his time sleeping, but each time he wakes up, he often
exhibits different behaviors, sometimes just a fragmented memory of a
temperament; sometimes it returns to normal, like before; sometimes it ’s
like Na ’s description, Furious, completely unable to control himself.

But Shen Yun is not a healer, he can only think of these, how to get Yan
Wushi back to normal, but he has no way at all.

He didn't know whether Yan Wushi would have a new temperament in

addition to the temperament that he is now showing.

"I remember ..." Yan Wushi licked his lips after a bowl of mutton soup.

"Huh?" Shen Zheng was about to get up and heard him look back at him.

Yan Wushi: "When I fell asleep, you kissed me ... and also, mutton soup

Shen Yun: "..."

Suddenly good-tempered Shen Yan suddenly had the desire to buckle the
other bowl of soup he hadn't drank on his head.

Yan Wushi seemed to be aware of his mood, could not help shrinking
back, and looked back at him with that aggrieved expression.

Shen Xun helped the amount, and asked the sky silently.

Chapter 60

In the setting sun, Bona returned with her flock. As usual, she drove the
flock to the sheepfold, but instead of putting the lamb in her hand back,
she took it to knock Shen Shen. House.

Shen Yan came quickly to open the door, and when she saw Bana, she
smiled, "You are back."

He made a sideways move, but Bona didn't go in, only probed the brain at
the door, for fear that Yan Wushi was going crazy like yesterday.

But the man just sat on the bed and looked at her quietly, and his
expression was not as violent as yesterday.

Banna: "Is he fully recovered?"

Shen Wei smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's worse."
Thousand Autumns: Page 92
Banna made a sound, and she dared not go in.

Shen Xun didn't know how to explain the complicated situation that
happened to Yan Wushi. He could only say a few words briefly: "His head
was injured, now he is sometimes awake, sometimes he is not awake, and
he is mostly awake."

"So is he awake now?" Banna looked curiously at Yan Wushi, who also
looked back at her, her eyes darkened, making her inexplicably shivering.

Shen Yun: "... not sober."

Banna was afraid: "Can you still pinch your neck?"

Shen Yun: "It shouldn't happen anymore. He may just be a few years old
child, and he can't even speak clearly. I was negligent the last time. I won't
let him hurt you anymore."

Banna heard this for the first time and blinked at Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi actually blinked at her.

Banna: "..."

Shen Yun: "..."

He rubbed his forehead.

Banna thought about it, lowered the lamb in her hand, and drove the lamb
to Wu Yan, smiling. "Then the lamb would like to play with him, the
children in the village would like the lamb."

The little lamb was white and flawless, and it seemed unbearable to rub it
into his arms, even Shen Shen felt cute.
Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows, watching the lambs that were unstable
even walking towards him, lowering his head to sniff his horns, suddenly
reaching out his hand, pushing the lambs aside.

The little lamb snorted, and stumbled a few steps before kneeling on the

Banna no longer cares about Yan Wushi's fear, and hurries forward to pick
up the lamb.

Shen Ye also frowned and looked at Yan Wushi, who in return turned

"Bona, there's me here, you go and do it for you first."

After just a few episodes, Banna apparently was also frightened. She
nodded, and said nothing, leaving the lamb obediently.

Shen Yun: "Why did you push that lamb away?"

Yan Wushi didn't answer, just looked at him.

But Shen Min understood something.

Regardless of a person's temperament or memory disorder, there are

always some of the most essential things that will not change deeply in his
bones. Yan Wushi has always been a suspicious person. Even if he may
only have sporadic memories at this moment, this will not change .

Shen Yan said: "You stretch out your hand, I will give you the pulse."

Yan Wushi held out his hand.

His attitude towards Shen Yan and Banna almost contrasted sharply.

But Shen Zhen knew that it was only because the other party's almost
weird intuition knew that Shen Zhen would never hurt himself.
Shen Yan put three fingers on each other's wrist, and asked, "Can you
move your hands and feet now? Can you walk down?"

Yan Wushi nodded: "Be active, dizzy ..."

Shen Ye asked tentatively: "You told me this morning that it is too late to
return to Chang'an, do you remember?"

Yan Wushi returned with a blank look.

Shen Yan could not help but sigh.

"Or you just lie down and rest." Maybe you can wake up and return to

Even if it is ridiculed at him, it is better than asking questions like this


Yan Wushi said, "I don't want to."

This means not wanting to sleep.

If it is an ordinary child, there are always ways to make fun of it, but this
one is not a child, so that Shen Yan talked softly to Yan Wushi's face like
talking to the child, and he didn't open his mouth.

As the two eyes widened and narrowed, the knock on the door rang.

If Shen Yun was pardoned, he could easily perceive a sigh of relief and got
up to open the door.

Outside is Banna.

She made pancakes and brought them with the lamb soup.

The two spoke a few words at the door, Shen Xie thanked her, and waited
for Banna to leave before closing the door and returning to the house.
Shen Yan put the mutton soup and oil cake in front of Yan Wushi:
"Hungry, eat it."

Yan Wushi glanced at him, then lowered his head quickly, and whispered,
"You feed."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi didn't wait for an answer, looked up at Shen Yun, hesitantly:
"Like last time, dear ..."

If he stuns someone now, will the other person wake up and change to a
more normal temperament? Shen Yan thought very seriously.

Yan Wushi seemed to perceive the danger, and the "pro" characters who
had not finished speaking swallowed into his stomach, and the whole
person shrank directly to the corner of the bed.

Shen Yan sighed again and pushed the mutton soup in front of him. He
picked up the oil cake, tore a small piece into his mouth, and chewed

Yan Wushi then moved back from the corner of the bed and reached for
the soup bowl.

His meridian was damaged and his bones were injured. His hand was a
little trembling when he was holding the bowl, but it was obviously better
than when he woke up before.

Seeing him sip his soup slowly with a sip, Shen Mink suddenly asked,
"Did you let me feed you because you didn't worry about the broth?"

In this way, the broth advanced Shen Shen's mouth, even if it was
poisonous, he would fall first.

Yan Wushi did not answer, but his silence was actually an answer.

Shen Ye should have felt angry, but he said calmly: "I don't know how
much you remember, even if I said I didn't hurt your heart, maybe you
wouldn't believe it. But Banna and her grandfather are good people. God
lives here, you still have to converge properly, lest they hurt their hearts,
and I will not let you hurt others. "

Seeing Yan Wushi still silent, Shen Ye didn't know what to say, so he had
to follow it.

In the past, he thought that people like Yan Wushi could only have a day of
gold and stone as long as they were long and sincere, but now he only
found himself outrageous.

No matter what the other party becomes, he will believe that he will
always be himself.

The two sat apart at the bed and table, not far apart, but their sights did not

To be precise, Shen Ye looked down to eat, but Yan Wushi was watching
Shen Ye.

After a long while, Yan Wushi finally said: "Beauty, brother ..."

When Shen Ye heard the title, he was cold all over, and was about to speak
to correct him, but he heard a movement in the distance.

He listened attentively for a moment, then stood up and walked out, not
forgetting to turn back to explain Yan Wushi: "You stay here, don't go

On the other side, Na Na heard the movement. She didn't think much about
it, only when her grandfather came back and ran out with a cheer.

As soon as the gate of the courtyard was opened, a group of people rushed
forward from here and there, the smoke billowed.

There was no grandfather there.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 93
Banna immediately remembered that Shen Yan and the two were still
living here. Suspicious that the other party was directed at them, she had
to close the door and turn to inform Shen Yan.

The other side moved faster than her. She took the reins and dismounted,
and took a few steps to open the gate of the hospital. The movements were
done in one go without giving time to Banna.

Banna snorted, and was pushed back a few steps by the impact of the
opponent's knock on the door. She almost sat down on the ground.

But the receding body was supported by one hand on the waist, stopping
the retreat in time.

After Shen Yan helped her stand up, she let go of her hand and faced the
person who said, "Who is the driver?"

One of them got off the horse, stepped forward, took off his hood, and
arched to Shen Yan: "It's rude to subordinate, this little lady was shocked. I
was here to find you. I was in the hotel before. Miscellaneous, can't talk
about it in detail.

Shibei looked at each other for three days. The person in front of him
talked politely, even with a smile filled with self-confidence, and he knew
that he was in the top position for a long time. He was in a good
environment. He was no longer the one who had not read any books in the
past, but had a rough temper. Chen Gong is thick and thin.

Look at the people who came with Chen Gong. There are actually familiar
faces here. Shen Ye recognized several of them. When the masters of the
sunrise temple snatched the darts escorted by the Liuhe Gang, there was
the owner of the Murong family in Qi Guo. Qin, times have changed. This
master who was a life-saverer for Qi Dynasty's court turned into Chen
Gong's men.
Shen Yan's eyes were recovered from Murong Qin, Tuoba Liangzhe, and
others, and he looked at Chen Gong, Shen said: "The remote and remote
place here, Chen County public can still find, but I do not know how to
know me whereabouts?"

Chen Gong took a look at Banna, and smiled, "I met an old man. I want to
be the little girl's grandfather?"

Banna was stunned, and still a little bit unknown. So Shen Yan's face
changed slightly: "If you come to me for anything, why bother to be

Instead, Chen Gong said to him in a soothing tone: "Don't be nervous, I

just want to ask your whereabouts from his mouth. Now that I have got it,
naturally I won't do anything to him. The wind is strong outside and it's
hard to talk. You don't invite me in. Sit down? "

When Banna heard that her grandfather had been arrested, she was already
weak, and Shen Min held her in one hand, and said, "Please."

Murong Qin and others waited to be followed, but were stopped by Chen
Gong: "Shen Dao is a gentleman and will not do anything to me, you just
wait outside."

The grand master Qi Guoyu used the first master, how arrogant that night
at Izumo Temple. At this time in front of Chen Gong, he was as honest as a
mouse when he saw the cat. He instructed one action and never said a
word. Others were armed outside.

Chen Gong followed Shen Chen into the room, snorted and smiled and
said, "Why don't you see Lord Yan?"

The other party wanted to come up with a lot of questions from the old
population. Shen Ye didn't answer. When he broke up, he asked, "I don't
know if Chen County is here, what's the matter?"

Chen Gong smiled: "Let ’s say that we are also old people. You still have
kindness to me. If I were to pay revenge, wouldn't it be a human face? So
Shen Daochang doesn't have to face me."

Shen Xuan said lightly: "The poor do not dare to take credit. That little
credit, Chen Xiangong returned with a few boxes of cakes in the morning.
I would be grateful if Chen Xiangong was willing to put people back with
mercy. "

Chen Gong: "There is no big problem for people. Sooner or later, they will
be released. Don't worry. I was looking for you when I was in Wangcheng.
Who knew you had to go in a hurry. In a blink of an eye, there was no
figure. I had to go out. The next best thing. "

Shen Yan said nothing.

Chen Gong didn't care about his indifference, he paused and said: "I really
have a thing here, and I want to cooperate with Mr. Shen Dao."

He turned sharply: "It is rumored that Lord Zong Yan is dead. He never
expected that he was alive and was saved by you. As far as I know, Yan
Wushi is not good to you, but you complain with virtue. It is truly
admirable! "

Shen Huan is not a person who likes to sneer at others, but at this time
Chen Gong begged by the old man, and his heart was angry, and he
couldn't help answering: "Everyone who hates revenge is everywhere in
this world. How can it be strange to repay with morality?"

When this meant something, Chen Gong's face changed slightly, and then
he smiled as if without incident: "After a long absence, Shen Daochang
became sharp-edged, and he did not know those who besieged Wu Yanshi.
Master, if you know how he reacts if he is still alive, Shen Daochang
Wugong is superb, but can you cope with a depression, can you cope with
Guangling San and Duan Wenyu? Not to mention the old monk Xueting. "

Shen Yun: "The so-called cooperation of Chen County, does that mean
these words?"

Chen Gong: "Naturally. Did Shen Daochang hear you?"


Shen Yan meditated twice, sounding like a name, he shook his head.

Chen Gong: "The Book of Han Dynasty · Xi Yu Zhuan" has a cloud, and it
is out of the Yangguan Pass, and it is said that since it was near, this small
country was later destroyed by Shan Shan. "

A person who did n’t even know a few characters last year can now talk
and laugh. If Qi Zhuo picks up the Han Book, even though the master Qi is
faint, he will love someone, and that person must have something special.
Chen Gong is really worthy of Qi Zhu's favor.

Shen Yan did not speak, but waited for him to continue.

Chen Gong: "Well, let me tell you straight away. Jade produces jade.
Although it was destroyed, the ruins of the ancient city are still there. Ye
once produced a chalcedony, which is not found elsewhere. I want to find
it. With your cooperation, for me, your skill will be a great help. For you,
chalcedony, there is another thing, called jade hibiscus, which can build
bones and muscles, and has a wonderful effect on internal injuries. , I
think, Lord Yan should need it. "

He said he would not speak again, waiting for Shen to respond.

The inner room was quiet, only Bona's eyes were red, and she sobbed from
time to time.

Shen Yun was silent for a long time, Fang said: "You are afraid I won't go,
so you hide Bona's grandfather elsewhere so that you can kill him."

Chen Gong said frankly: "Yes, I do n’t know what your purpose was to
save Wu Yan Yan. He did that to you, and I ca n’t guarantee whether you
are willing to take risks for him, but I know that if you are a person, you
will never sit idly Innocent people are affected by you. "

Shen Yan said lightly, "Thank you for knowing me this way."

Chen Gong: "In this case, should Shen Dao agree?"

Shen Yun: "Do I have any other choice?"

Chen Gong smiled: "It really isn't. You can rest assured that the old man is
all right. When we come back, I will let him go."

Shen Yun: "You let him go, I will go with you."

Chen Gong shook his head with a smile: "Impossible things, why should
Shen Dao say more? Only the old man is here with me, you can go with
me with all your heart. Ah, by the way, considering that Lord Yan's body
may not be good, I have already Order someone to prepare enough food
and medicine for him, you can rest assured that he will go with him. "

This is a tentative test, because Chen Gong suspected that Yan Wushi,
under the siege of the five masters, would die if he died, and it would be
difficult to restore his skills as before.

But Shen Xun said nothing, and did not mean to answer. He only said: "If
there is no problem, leave tomorrow morning. Murongqin now they must
have settled in their homes. I will go to rest first and come to you
tomorrow , You have a good rest. There is still a long way to go from here.
You have to rest and save energy. "

Said Chen Gong got up and left.

"Shen Langjun ..." Banna looked at Shen Ye for help.

Shen Chen finally smiled bitterly: "I don't know how to express my
apologies to you. This is because of me, and I will definitely return as
soon as possible so that my grandfather can return safely."

He took out all the money left over from him: "You hold these in case you
need them."

Banna shook her head: "I don't want to."

Shen Yanrou said, "Obey, stay well at home. Don't go far if it's okay. I will
bring you Aye back safely."
Few people could resist Shen Bao ’s “obedience”. Bona ’s heart was
lingering, but at this time she had gradually calmed down. She did not
blame Shen Bao for bringing trouble to her family, because of this
understanding girl Knowing that Shen Yun must be more than a hundred
times more uncomfortable than her now.

She nodded. "You ... be careful."

Shen Yan smiled at her comfortably, saying only four words: "It will be

Murong Qin did not know what method was used, and she had taken up a
relatively comfortable house in the village. The original owner had to be
rushed to another person's house to stay temporarily. The people in the
village avoided the unexpected group of people like snakes. Fortunately,
Chen Gong was not interested in staying here long, and early in the
morning, Murong Qin was ordered to come knock on the door.

After knocking three times, the door opened from the inside, and Shen Ye
took Yan Wushi out.

The latter did not move down for a long time, his hands and feet were a bit
stiff, and his internal injuries were serious. Each step would involve
injuries, so he walked very slowly.

On the night of Izumo Temple, Yan Wushi fell from the sky and
completely destroyed "Zhu Yangce", and even Murong Qin and others
were humiliated by his poisonous tongue. Inevitably gloating, sneer:
"Zong Zong presumably remembers the old man of Izumo Temple, don't
you look good?"

At the moment Yan Wushi feels like a public enemy in the world, all
forces want to kill and then quickly, Murong Qin will not take him at all.

There is no expression on the side, and even the eyes look like they have
just been soaked in the well water, and they are cold and straight into the
bone marrow.
Somehow, being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Murong Qin's even more
unpleasant words were a bit inexplicable.

Chen Gongshi Shiran came over, followed by many people.

He is very imposing now. He was not a helpless teenager who was

oppressed by his relay mother and resented leaving home. He moved,
raised, and moved. As a person ’s status changed, his temperament would
naturally change.

"Shen Dao, can you go?"

Shen Yan nodded.

Chen Gong said: "Horse first, there will be a small town when the front is
about to enter the desert, and then change the mount."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 94
He was leisurely. He did not worry that Shen Ye would suddenly turn his
face and refuse to recognize him. Mo Yan Banna ’s grandfather was still in
his hand. Even if Shen Ye was in his position, the other person was in a lot
of power. When that time, he would grab a villager as a hostage. Already.

Shen Ye also understood this, so he didn't act rashly.

"What do you want chalcedony?"

Chen Gong laughed: "I thought you would ask me yesterday, but I didn't
expect to ask it now. The chalcedony had a very important use for me, but
the ancient city has been deserted for a long time. I do n’t know what the
danger is. There is one more person. Naturally, I have more strength. I
didn't want to find you at first, but the hand you exposed in the King City
has increased my confidence. Is it true that Shen Dao has grown up? "

Shen Yan stopped talking and saw two horses brought to each other, and
said, "I can ride with him."

Chen Gong took a look at Yan Wushi: "What injury did the Lord Yan
suffer, and he looked a little stupid, so he didn't even recognize anyone?"

Yan Wushi said coldly: "This seat is not deceptive, but just too lazy to talk
nonsense with you. When you climb to a high latitude, you think you are a
good man? In this seat, you are still nothing but ants' ears."

Chen Gong's face changed, but he reached out to stop Tuoba Liangzhe's
intention to launch a sword.

"Yan Zong is also a true hero. If he is in trouble, he will not change his
words. I hope that when the Turkic people and the Buddha know that you
are still alive, you can also say these words."

Yan Wushi sneered: "Gao Wei only taught you to fight in bed? If you don't
agree, let him go."
Chen Gong frowned and was a little bit stunned. Did he get bad news? Not
only did Yan Wushi not die, he didn't even have any injuries? All five
masters have been tricked by him?

Even if it is clear that this possibility is very small, it seems that no matter
how strange and strange things are, it seems natural to be strange to Shang
Yan Wushi.

Not to mention Chen Gong, even Murong Qin and Tuoba Liangzhe and
others are not necessarily without fear.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the lord of the yueyue sect
alone is enough to make everyone question themselves.

As the so-called wicked need to be grinded by the wicked, this is

something Shen Shen cannot do.

Chen Gong didn't waste much time. He waved his hand and everyone was

Shen Yun asked Yan Wushi to get on the horse first, and then he sat in
front of him to drive the horse.

When everyone was on the road, dozens of horses were riding on the road,
and the wind and sand covered each other's voice. At this time, it became
very strenuous to speak, and they would eat sand when they opened their

Everyone is unwilling to eat sand, so they bury their heads and only use
gestures to communicate.

Shen Yan's waist was tightly clasped, his back pressed tightly against the
other's chest, Yan Wushi put it in his ear, and said gently, "Ah, can we
speak well?"

Upon hearing this gentle accent, Shen Yun knew that this Yan Wushi was
by no means "normal" Yan Wushi.

He found that he sighed more than ever before: "Is it Xie Ling?"
Yan Wushi was surprised: "How do you know that my old name was Xie

Shen Yun: "..."

Chapter 61

If it was said that it was easy to be mad at talking to Yan Wushi in the
past, now it is dying and then alive. Without a strong mentality, there is no
way to carry on the dialogue.

Shen Yan sighed, closed his mouth, and said nothing.

But the people behind him didn't squeak, but clenched their hands tighter,
and pressed their chin against his shoulder: "Ah, why don't you ignore

Because I'm thinking about whether to stun you before taking the road.
Shen Min thought, slightly tilted his head, lowered his voice and asked,
"Since you still remember your identity, do you know why Chen Gong
went to the ancient city to find chalcedony?"

Yan Wushi: "I don't know. But I have heard of Yu Rongrong. This thing
grows in the depths of the Gobi Desert. It is hidden between the cracks all
year round. It is extremely difficult to find. It is indeed a rare treasure. But
Chen Gong apparently was just looking for chalcedony, and he would bring
the hostel, but he just wanted to give us a bait and let us run for him. "

Even when he was not injured before, Shen Hua rarely heard him analyze
an event in such a peaceful tone.

Shen Ye: "Yes, I found it, but even if there was no Yu Zhirong, he tied
Benna's grandfather and asked him to slap him. I can't help but walk with
him, but if I can find Yu Yirong , Your injury can be healed. "

Yan Wushi: "In fact, my injury is due to flaws in my heart and spirit. Yuxi
Rong can only treat trauma, and the benefit is not great."
Shen Yun was funny: "But there are cracks in your head. Can Yurong Rong
be able to grow muscles and bones? Can it be useful? You have to treat the
trauma first?"

Yan Wushi said dumbly, "In fact, I don't want to be cured."

Shen Yanmei: "Why?"

He felt that the other person's temperament was not the same as before,
but it was a bit like the one who showed him a gentle smile just a few days
ago when he woke up.

Yan Wushi: "Because I won't be able to talk to you after cure, do you
prefer the Yan Wushi who ignores your sincerity and sends you to Sang

Shen Yun: "You are him."

Yan Wushi: "I'm not him."

Shen Yun was speechless: "Who are you then?"

Yan Wushi was silent for a moment: "You call me Ayan."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "You call and listen, OK, I have never heard you call my

Shen Yan Muran: "I can't scream at your face."

Yan Wushi resentfully said: "His skin is just a superficial body, why
should he look at him? I know all the things he has done to you, Yan
Wushi's heartlessness, but I will never be to you, grandma, such a good
person, It's hard to find the second one in the world. He doesn't cherish it. I
will cherish it, okay? "

The people in front stopped talking and ignored him. Yan Wushi didn't
give up, and wanted to say something, but saw Chen Gong's horse
suddenly slowed down, the other person turned his head and saw the two
whispering whispers, which made them laugh. "It seems that the outside
rumors are wrong. The relationship between Shen Daochang and Master
Yan is very good, so I am assured that there are two great helpers. I don't
worry about finding chalcedony in this trip!"

Shen Ye looked at the sky. He lived here for a few days. He knew a little
about the sky: "Are there going to be sandstorms?"

Chen Gong naturally didn't understand, but some of the people he brought
understood, Murong Qin said: "Yes, just in front of it is a small town. The
protagonist might as well go to rest for a night, by the way change the
mount, and continue to hurry tomorrow? "

How arrogant he was originally, but at this time willingly called Chen
Gong to be the father-in-law, which made Shen Zheng look at him.

Murong Qin looked as usual, and did not seem to feel that this master-
slave relationship was degrading.

He should have respected Qi Di Gao Wei, but now respects Chen Gong ...

It seemed that he was aware of his thoughts, and Yan Wushi got to his ears
from behind: "Murong's family has been loyal to Chen Gong in private."

The hot air sprayed into his ears, Shen Zhi could not help leaning forward.

I arrived in the town shortly after the journey. Chen Gong and his team
were very wealthy and very big. When I went there, I decided on the best
inn in the town. In fact, this inn is unique in the town. Do n’t say it ’s
better than Wangcheng. Previously, Panna's house was also a lot worse, but
after all, this place is remote, and it is good to be able to find a place to
rest her feet. Everyone has nothing to criticize. They have eaten meals and
don't mention each one.

The inn room is limited, Shen Yun and Yan Wushi naturally live in the
same room.
Shen Ye is not a very curious person, but Chen Gong was originally just an
unusual boy. Bye by now, he seems to have hidden numerous mysteries.
This mystery may be related to the purpose and safety of their trip. He
cannot Don't care much.

"On power, Chen Gong's everything is from Qi Master now. Without Qi

Master, Chen Gong and the like have nothing. Murong Qin was the first
master of Qi Guo's court, but he turned himself into Gan, and said he was
the master of Chen Gong. , Which is a very strange thing in itself. "

After Yan Wushi's temperament changed greatly, now his eyes have been
following Shen Yan. No matter how Shen Yan stands up and sits, his eyes
are tightly attached to each other. Shen Yan is not a four person. How can
he feel nothing but just feel awkward? Saying that, she couldn't help
frowning, "Why keep looking at me?"

"Because you look good." Yan Wushi smiled slightly at him, like a spring
breeze peach blossom, ten miles in bloom, a treasure tree shining, Yuehua

"Speak business." Shen Yan sighed, and found that this Wu Yan Yan was
not normal, but it was better than the previous one.

"Did Chen Gong martial arts before?" Yan Wushi suddenly asked.

Shen reminded him, and suddenly realized where his sudden feeling was.

Before Chen Gong, he did n’t know how to martial arts. He did n’t even
know how to type. He learned martial arts only. He only learned one or two
moves from Shen Shen to defend himself, but he could only deal with one
or two bandits at most. At present, the other party ’s light is restrained, and
his footwork is light. Obviously, martial arts has reached a certain level.
Even if it is not a first-class master, it can be considered second-class and
rank among the top of the rivers and lakes.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 95
In a short period of time, why did he have such a rapid change? Ordinary
people's martial arts must be practiced from a young age, but Chen Gong
seems to have raised high-rise buildings on the ground, which is doubtful.

Shen Yun: "Also, I said back to Chang'an before, but you didn't say too
much, but because there will be an accident over Changan? Will there be
something wrong with Zhou?"

Yan Wushi shook his head. He was exhausted because he had been riding a
horse for more than half a day. Even if he just sat on the horse and didn't
have to bother to look at the road, he already had serious injuries.

"My head hurts ..." There was a tinge of pain in his face, and his hands
seemed to want to reach his head to touch the wound.

Shen Yan's eyes quickly held his opponent's hand down: "Don't move."

He pressed his hand against the opponent's vest, instilling a few strands of

The internal skills that Shen Yun is practicing now come from "Zhu
Yangce". A group of Zhongzheng is peaceful. He expected Yan Wushi's
body, but he deepened his pain, and his face was almost distorted.

As a last resort, Shen Yan could not stop.

The opponent's body was hot and seemed to be in the fire. This had never
happened before.

"Mr. Yan?" Shen Yan called softly.

Yan Wushi grabbed his hand and still remembered in a semi-coma: "Call
me Ayan ..."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "A lot of things you say are in my head. I can't say why.
Maybe Yan Wushi knows, but I don't know ..."

That is, each different temperament has not been fully remembered? Shen
Yan thought frowning.

"I'll sleep for a while ..." Yan Wushi said, his voice gradually disappeared,
and at the end, his eyes were closed.

In fact, those people who Master Xueting wanted to kill Yan Wushi would
not be just fine as long as Yan Wushi died. They wanted to prevent Huan
Yuezong from expanding in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He also wanted to
stop Huan Yuezong from helping Zhou to rule the world. The ultimate goal
is to point to Yu Wenji. Now that Yan Wushi is dead to outsiders, Wuyue
Zong Qunlong has no head, and Yan Mei Gu is still too late to consolidate
the door. The protection of Yu Wenji is bound to be negligent. Others will
have the opportunity to take advantage.

Therefore, Yan Wushi said that it was too late, which should mean that
something would happen to Yu Wenji.

But now they have come to Tuyuhun, which is one hundred and eighty
thousand miles away from Changan, and are about to enter the deserted
and vast desert. Even if Yan Wushi is not considered, Shen Na's
grandfather is in the hands of Chen Gong, and Shen Ye is not likely to turn
around and leave. For the sake of today, we can only continue to move
forward, and help Chen Gong get the chalcedony first.

Early in the morning the next day, when Chen Gong sent someone to call,
Yan Wushi was still sleepy and could not wake up anyway.

Shen Yan had to arrange him in front of the mount, while he was sitting
behind him, with his hands from the waist of the opponent to the front to
hold the reins in case Yan Wujun fell down halfway.

When Chen Gong saw this, he handed a bottle of medicine: "The pill is
inside, it can refresh you. If you give it to Lord Yan, it may be better."
Shen Yun: "Thank you, but I don't know how he is ill, I'm afraid it's
inappropriate to take the medicine rashly."

Chen Gong smiled: "You can rest assured that these pills are mild
medicinal materials such as Chinese wolfberry and salvia. Even if they
have no effect, they will not be fatal. If I am not mistaken, he must have
been seriously injured in the fight with those of Dou Yanshan. For the sake
of change, if I change the usual way, I can naturally watch the joke with
my arms folded, but now that you and I are on the same boat, and Yan
Wushi has an accident, you must be distracted, which is not good for me. "

That's true. At the moment, Yan Wushi's situation is not optimistic. His
inner qi is disordered and he can no longer accept the outside qi. Shen Zhe
is helpless.

He took the medicine bottle and poured out two to feed Yan Yanshi to eat.

After a while, the latter suddenly moved and coughed a lot of blood, but he
really opened his eyes slowly.

As soon as Shen Huan moved, if the medicines in the pill were very mild,
there would be no such effect.

He asked Chen Gong: "What else is in the pill?"

Chen Gong said truthfully this time: "There are ginseng and snow lotus. I
was afraid that you would not use it because he was worried about the
violent medicine, so I didn't tell you."

Shen Zhen asked Yan Wushi: "How do you feel?"

The other side didn't speak, and his narrowed eyelids opened slightly. They
seemed to glance at them, closed and closed, and barely sat upright.

But his face was cold and white, and his forehead was sweating.

Chen Gong said, "It looks like there should be no problem on the road, so
let's go."
He seemed eager to get to his destination, and although it wasn't too
obvious, Shen Shen could feel it.

There are no camels to replace in the town, and everyone had to ride a
horse to move forward. Fortunately, the terrain is not completely desert.
Bare rocks can still be seen everywhere, indicating that they are still in the
Gobi area.

Along the way, Yan Wushi didn't talk to Shen Yan any more, but just lay
on his back and fell asleep.

The fact that he is still alive is a very eye-catching existence, but among
Chen Gong's group, including Murong Qin and others, no one has paid too
much attention to him. They seem to have other goals, and This goal is
much more important than Yan Wushi.

The horses can hardly walk on the Gobi. The wind and sand are getting
stronger. Everyone can only dismount the horses and continue to move
forward. The people of the rivers and lakes walk fast and walk for half a
day, from early morning to dusk. It's Huangsha Mantian, Rao is a master
of martial arts, and there is nothing he can do. Fortunately, everyone has
been prepared. The cloak and turban cover the head and face, so that it
won't end with a mouthful of sand.

At the forefront is a middle-aged man with a humble appearance. Shen

Chen didn't know him and Chen Gong didn't mean to introduce him, but
the other party obviously didn't do martial arts. He wasn't the same as
Murong Qin and others. Chen Gong took him along In order to let the
other party explore the way.

The opponent sat high on the horse with a compass in his hand and was
responsible for identifying the direction. Naturally, someone was holding a
horse for him.

Suddenly, he raised his hand high.

Almost next moment, Murong Qin exclaimed: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped and stared at the back of the middle-aged man.

The other person looked down at the compass for a long time, turned
around and trot all the way to Chen Gong, wiped his sweat with a turban
on his face, and wiped away the sweat: "Sir, some, something is wrong, the
compass can't tell the direction here!"

Chen Gong frowned: "Don't you say you were going in this direction

The middle-aged man, with Chen Gong's burning eyes, almost didn't even
say everything: "Yes, yes! But now ... look!"

He handed the compass over, and Chen Gong took a look at it, the pointer
above was turning madly and couldn't stop at all.

Chen Gong naturally did not understand: "What does this mean?"

The middle-aged man laughed: "If the villain did not guess wrong, this is
the ancient city you are looking for. There must be something in it that has
disturbed the compass pointer. Maybe it is the chalcedony you want. But
now because of its interference, the villain can't find out where the real
entrance to the ancient city is! "

Everyone looked around, but when they saw Huang Mengmeng a piece of
sand, the boundary between heaven and earth was blurred. Occasionally,
you could see naked rocks nearby. The so-called ancient city ruins could
not be seen at all.

Chen Gong asked Murong Qin: "What do you think?"

Murong Qin thought about it, "Master, why don't you wait until the sand

Chen Gong frowned: "But there is no place to shelter from the wind here."

He looked back at the middle-aged man: "Are we going to continue or just

stop there, you can give a word."
His words were understatement, but the other party never dared to fool
around. The middle-aged man was hesitant, for fear that everyone would
make a fork because of his own words, and that he would even lose his
head because of it.

Chen Gong replied coldly: "Think carefully before answering."

The middle-aged man shivered and said, "Keep going on!"

Chen Gong: "Are you sure?"

Middle-aged: "Yes! The villain is here to lead the way. Judging from the
compass reaction, it should be right in this area. You can always find it!"

Chen Gong: "Then leave."

The crowd continued to move forward, Shen Yan followed, and he looked
back at Yan Wushi lying on the horse, hesitating for a moment: "You are
Yan Wushi now, or who?"

The other person quietly stretched out a hand from under his robe and held
his reins' wrist: "It's me, A Yan."

"..." Shen Yan was silent, but he was relieved.

Although he saved Yan Wushi, deep down, he didn't want to have too
much contact with the other party.

The so-called "Ayan" and "Xie Ling" derived from Yan Wushi's
temperament change, no matter which one, from the perspective of Shen
Zhen, he is much better than the original owner. When facing them at
least, Shen Yan can barely When he was not Yan Wushi, but two others.

Suddenly, someone in front shouted in exclamation: "Master, he's gone!"

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 96
Chapter 62

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked intently, and indeed the
middle-aged figure disappeared. The yellow sand in front of it became
more turbid, swirling around the ground, and the visibility was reduced to
a minimum. Not to mention the middle-aged person. Which of them is
Chen Gong?

Murong Qin reluctantly stepped forward to hold Chen Gong, and

exclaimed: "The wind and sand are too big, please go to the side and avoid

Chen Gong gritted his teeth: "No, there is no one among us who knows the
way in this area, we must follow him closely!"

Immediately after this statement, the wind and sand have blown even
bigger, and when you look up, you can see Tianwu swept in with yellow
sand, your eyes are rubbed with sand and your tears rise, and your vision
becomes fuzzy Next, even a peerless master can't compete with the world,
and can only hold the turban cloak tighter, but the sand makes it difficult
for everyone.

Shen Yan grasped Yan Wushi's wrist tightly, and arched his back as far as
possible to reduce the forward resistance.

The horse was frightened, anxious and moved, and as soon as Shen Min
wasn't paying attention, he pulled off the reins. By the time he looked
back, the horse had disappeared.

The wind screamed in my ears, and my eyes were all yellow.

"Sir, go here ..."

Shen Ye faintly heard Murong Qin said, he took a few steps and hurried
forward in that direction, but unexpectedly stepped into the air with his
foot, and the whole person went straight down!

The bottom seemed to be an abyss with a steep slope, and Shen Ying felt
that he had not stepped on the ground for a long time.

Only after a while did he feel that the **** had slowed down a little, Shen
Shen held the rock behind him with one hand, stabilized his figure, and
stood on the slope.

His eyes were dark and he could not see his five fingers, but it was a long-
lost familiarity to him.

The wind that was whistling in the ear disappeared, and there was silence
all around.

Only the sound of breathing came from below, short and faint.

"Who is there?" Shen Yan asked.

The other person took a breath, and for a long while, only weakly said, "...
It's me."

Shen Min fumbled for the slope, and several of them leapt to the sound
source: "How come you are down?"

He clearly remembered that he had released his opponent's hand in time

before falling.

Yan Wushi: "Ama, my hand seems dislocated and my head hurts ..."

Shen Yun: "..."

My brain has seams. Can it not hurt to fall from such a high place?

He had to walk over: "Which hand?"

Yan Wushi: "Right hand."

Shen Min fumbled over, resetting his bones, and the other man groaned,
and didn't ache.

"You'll just wait for me, I'll look ahead." Shen Yan said to him.

Who knew that the corner of the robe would be caught as soon as he took a

Shen Yan: "Will you get a headache now when you get up and move

Yan Wushi: "... Um."

Shen Xun was unwilling to delay too much time in the dialogue. He was
also afraid that the direction was unclear. He might not be able to find
anyone when he turned around. By the way: "Let ’s go slowly. Find Chen
Gong and talk to them first."

Although the tones of the two talked lightly, they still felt a sense of
openness. It can be seen that it should be under the ground, and the space
is not small, maybe they are caves.

But all this happened strangely, and they couldn't tolerate their vigilance.

There are uneven stones at the feet, and you will be tripped if you are not
careful, but these stones do not exist randomly. On the contrary, Shen bent
and touched a few pieces, and found that they were cut flat and had regular
lines. Fine lines can be seen to be created the day after tomorrow.

Yan Wushi: "Hey?"

Maybe because he hurt his head again when he fell down, his voice was a
little trembling, and he could not say without opening, condensing "Will
this be what they say?" Directly into two words.

Shen Yan said, "It's possible."

He felt the fire in his arms.

The fire could only illuminate a small area around him, but when Shen
Ming could see where they were, he could not help but whisper.

They are standing now, but they are not really at the bottom, because they
are not far from them, and the terrain subsides suddenly, forming a huge
deep pit, and they can't see the bottom at a glance. The momentum was
more fierce and fell directly into the "abyss". At this moment, I didn't
know what the situation was.

At this moment, Yan Wushi whispered in his ear: "Ah, it seems we have
seen a figure in front of me."

Shen Yun: "Do you see who it is?"

Yan Wushi said something frightening: "It doesn't seem to be human."

They had fire folds in their hands, and they were extremely conspicuous in
the dark. If Chen Gong really saw them, it would not make sense.

But there is only one road under their feet, and they can only retreat
without moving forward.

Shen Yan said: "Then go in the opposite direction."

The trail is not spacious and can only accommodate one person to pass.

The fire is dying, but the darkness is endless. In this case, people become
very small, as if they would be swallowed up by the darkness at any time.

Suddenly Yan Wushi said, "How did you feel when you couldn't see

Shen Ye froze for a moment, and then silent for a moment: "I don't feel
anything, just get used to it."

Yan Wushi: "Why don't you hate?"

Shen Yun thought for a while: "There are complaints, and hate can't be
talked about. Too much burden can be very tiring. Of course there are
many people who care for this world, but there are also more people who
are willing to lend a helping hand. I want to remember Live them, not
things that just make people despair and pain. "

Yan Wushi sighed: "But what I saw along the way was not good for you.
Without you, Chen Gong would not be as beautiful as today, but instead of
remembering your kindness, he would revenge. Let me explore Ruoer with
him. "

Shen Xuan said lightly: "There are also good, you do n’t know. I was
brought to Sang Jingxing by myself in the day, and I had to self-defeated
Wugong and die with him. The young man we rescued outside Xiangzhou
City on that day happened to be It is the young boy who lives in
Bailongguan. If he did not help in time, I would not be able to stand here
to talk to you at this moment. After the people of Hehuanzong came to the
door, the Lord Bailongguan knew that he would be spared if he
surrendered me. , But still replace each other. With these people, how dare
I let myself be immersed in hatred? Shen Yun's heart is very small, only
tolerate these good people, people who are not worth me to remember, I
even hate Will not be assigned to them. "

Yan Wushi: "What about Yan Wushi, don't you hate him?"

Shen Yun: "If it weren't for your death, it would probably affect the
situation in the North Zhou Dynasty and even the world. We wouldn't be
able to speak here."

Yan Wushi laughed: "Actually you still hate it, but your heart is too soft
and kind to hate a person for a long time. Grandma, your weakness is too
obvious, so anyone can take the opportunity to beat you, just like Chen
Gong .Even if you win Chen Gong at that time and threaten him to
surrender Grandfather Banna, it is better than following him now. "

Shen Yun: "Yes, I could do that at the time, but then you can't run away,
you mean to imply that I just leave you right?"

Yan Wushi said gently, "No, but I understand the previous me, why I treat
you this way. Because he is suspicious of nature, he never believes anyone,
even if you are good, he always wants to hide the dark side of your heart
Seduce. He didn't know that you were you. There may be thousands of
Chen Gong in this world, but there is only one Shen.

Shen Yan sighed: "I am a bit convinced that you are really not him now,
because Yan Wushi would never say such a thing."

Yan Wushi said gently and softly: "I'm not him. My name is A Yan."

Shen Yun: "... Aren't you having a headache, how can you still say so

Yan Wushi stopped talking.

The time spent talking, the two of them walked about Mo Xiangxiang for a

Shen Su suddenly stopped.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 97
Huozi burned out the last bit of light and went quietly in the darkness.

There was a doubt in his voice: "We seem to go around?"

At the end of the path, there was a dark hole, exactly the same as they had
just seen there.

"Is it a circle here, we just go from one end to the other?"

As soon as he said this, there was humanity in front of him: "But Shen

It is the voice of Tuoba Liangzhe.

Shen Yanyang replied, "Yes! Where are you?"

Tuoba Liangzhe: "I just fell off from the top and hit my dizzy. I just woke
up. Has Shen Daochang ever seen them?"

Shen Yun: "No, we haven't been able to go out since we got down. What do
you find?"

Tuoba Liangzhe: "There is a door here, it looks like a staircase at the back,
but it is too dark, I can't see it clearly. When I fell down, the flames of my
body also fell out. Where are you?"

Shen Yun: "Yes, there is one."

No matter what position everyone has, they are currently in a cooperative

relationship, and if there is a breakthrough, they must work together.

Shen Yan lit up the fire and walked over. Tuoba Liangzhe stood at the
entrance of the cave and waited for them. When he got closer, it was easy
to see that there was indeed a large blood stain on his forehead.
Tuoba Liangzhe: "Did you just find a way elsewhere?"

Shen Yun: "No."

Tuoba Liangzhe: "It seems that I can only go and look down."

At this moment, Shen Yan suddenly saw a furry hand behind Tuoba
Liangzhe, with five fingers stunned and his nails flushed, just about to hit
his shoulder.

The other party approached silently, but they didn't even notice that they
were a ghost.

Before waiting for Shen Yan to speak, Tuoba Liangzhe seemed to feel
something wrong, and turned back to stab him with a sword.

But the sword was not inserted into the opponent's body, but it seemed like
a copper wall and iron wall, and the sword tip was slightly bent.

Tuoba Liangzhe quickly retreated, and Shen Zhen shoved the fire into Yan
Wushi's hands, while drawing the river and the sword of sadness, he flew

The counterpart is tall and sturdy, unlike anyone in his peers. Shen Huan
remembered the words "inhuman" just said by Wuwu Yan, and he was
afraid to carelessly. Copper wall and iron wall, this sword can pierce down.

But even though the monster looked clumsy, he was extremely sensitive,
and he could move away from Shen Sword. He seemed to be more
interested in Tuo Liangzhe, and he grabbed each other with his five claws.

When he got close, Shen Yan felt a rush of air coming out of his face, the
monster was covered with fur, his eyes glowed faintly green, and looked
like an ape.

Speaking late, fast then, Tuoba Liangzhe thought that Shen Zhen shared
most of the pressure, but he did not expect the other party to persevere and
rushed towards himself. On his right was the bottomless abyss, and behind
him was Wuwu Yan. The space was too small, and he had no choice but to
climb on the left side of the stone wall.

Who knows that the monkeys can't keep up, they can climb behind them,
and they are three points faster than the masters like them. It seems that
Tuoba Liangzhe must be caught.

Tuoba Liangzhe sank aside, and then made an unexpected movement.

He reached out and grabbed Yan Wushi, ready to throw the other person at
the ape, so as to free himself.

But I didn't expect this hand to reach out, but it was a blast!

Chapter 63

The ape fluttered Tuoba Liangzhe Qiqi into the abyss. In the open space,
only Tuoba Liangzhe's exclaiming voice lingered for a long time.

Yan Wushi, who was supposed to be used by Tuoba Liangzhe as a shield,

was gasping against the stone wall, looking pale as a ghost, and showing
an almost indifferent coldness in the faint candlelight.

Shen Minsong breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to give him a
pulse: "Are you all right?"

The opponent seemed slightly stiff, and then relaxed, letting him press on
the wrist.

Shen Yan's brow tightened, but not because of his reaction: "Why is the qi
in your body becoming more and more disordered, just like the crowds
chasing deer!"

Yan Wushi: "I'm really angry."

Shen Ye could not help but be surprised when he heard the feeling of
running out of oil in his short words.
Without waiting for him to respond, the other party had fallen like a jade
mountain, and the whole person crooked towards Shen Yan.

Shen Yan could not help but embrace him, his tentacles were cold, he was
unprepared, and was trembled with excitement.

This situation is a bit like the reaction of Chen Wu, Yan Wushi, and Ru Yi
Kehui fighting on the same day.

But in fact, his illness today has really been planted since that day.

Yan Wushi was also shaking, which made him subconsciously want to be
closer to Shen Yun, and to draw a little more warmth.

Because of his previous situation, Shen Xuan didn't dare to infuse him
with arrogance: "How do you feel, if you can't go, just rest here for a

Yan Wushi extruded a word from his teeth: "Go ..."

Shen Yan sighed, bent over and carried him on his back, struck the ground
with a sword, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Once the sole proprietor of martial arts, Yan Zongxiong was afraid that he
would never dream of such a day.

There are no more fireworks on them, but before it went out, Shen Jian
saw that there was a staircase below the cave entrance, which was
extremely steep, but since there is a staircase, it must have been a place
where people lived. It is indeed the ancient city of Ruoqiang that Chen
Gong is looking for.

The man on Shen Yun's back was still trembling slightly, but the other
person's willpower was so strong that he would not divulge a moan.

The ape who just attacked them must have been here for a long time, then
it will fall down with Tuoba Liangzhe, does it mean that the following is
not actually the abyss they imagined, but somewhere else?
Shen Yan went down the stairs step by step, distracted.

Yan Wushi said dumbly, "I'm not your Yan."

Shen Yan said, "I know."

From the other side's look at Tuoba Liangzhe's expression just now, to his
reaction when he hit his door, he knew that Yan Wushi's temperament
should have changed again.

After getting along for a few days, summing up, Shen Min also found
some clues.

One is his original temperament, let's call it Yan Wushi.

One is "Xie Ling", which will call his beautiful brother. This temperament
brings some innocence, but it is also very precautionary. He doesn't like to
speak, but he can trust him, maybe because he wakes up to see Shen Shen
Perhaps the first person is because he can feel that Shen Yan is not
malicious. In short, this "Xie Ling" lets you do whatever you want, which
is extremely worrying. Real Yan Yanshi can never do this.

One is "Ayan" who has been in conversation with him for a while. This
temperament has a mild temper and can discuss some things. It is the
easiest to get along with all the temperaments of Yan Wushi.

Shen Yun: "Who are you now?"

Yan Wushi replied with a paradox: "I am him, but not him."

His body was so angry that he must be extremely distressed at the

moment, but if he doesn't want to focus on the pain, he can't help
distracting by talking.

Shen Yan: "So you are not Yan Wushi, Xie Ling, or A Yan?"

Yan Wushi: "I don't know. I have a mess in my head. Sometimes I think of
things and sometimes I don't think those things happened to me. Maybe I
did what I did a quarter of an hour before I even knew ...
Shen Ye is accustomed to this situation: "When you find Yuxi Rong, your
situation should improve."

Yan Wushi: "Yu Zhirong can only treat trauma, but it is not effective for
internal injuries."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 98
Shen Yun: "How can we get back to what we were?"

Yan Wushi: "Wait for the flaws in Feng Lin Yuan Dian".

Shen Yun: "That magic heart is flawed, haven't you ever said that you can't
make up for it?"

The other voice echoed in the aisle with a surprised voice.

Yan Wushi doesn't remember many things at the moment, but he still
remembers how "self" used to treat this person. When he was brought to
Sang Jingxing himself, the other person's eyes could almost reflect his
heart's dryness. "I" said: I have been betrayed again and again, not because
I am too naive, but because I believe that there is always goodwill in the
world. If there is no fool like me, where does the Lord Yan have fun?

But how long has it been?

What kind of mood does this person face in the end?

"I have found a way," he said lightly.

There seems to be a little warmth left in the chest, which was left by "Xie
Ling" and "A Yan", whenever I think of this person.

But Yan Wushi forcibly erased it at this moment, and his eyes fell not far
in front of Shen Zhen.

"Someone is there," he said.

At about the same time, Shen paused.

He heard it, too, and his heavy breathing was fleeting.

"Who's there?" Shen Yan said.

In the darkness, a pair of dim green eyes like two ghostly lights, floated in
the air, staring at the two.

At the same time, there was a strong **** smell that could not be changed.

This ancient city of Rugao, which has remained unattended for many
years, is indeed in crisis.

Chapter 64

Shen Yan stood still, and the other side didn't move any further. The two of
them were confrontational, forming a weird atmosphere.

This pair of green and faint eyes has only been seen by Shen Yanfang on
the ape. At this time, it is not too much of a surprise to see such a pair of
eyes. I just feel a bit strange. Why did this ancient and ruined ancient city
ruins appear? So many apes?

Can they live here for hundreds of years without eating or drinking?

Seeing that Shen Huan kept moving, he didn't show the slightest
impatience. His eyes couldn't hold it anymore. It flashed in the dark, the
green disappeared, everything returned to darkness, and the **** smell
gradually faded away.

So easy to leave?

The staircase is very long, and I found out that there are more or less
pattern carvings on the walls on both sides of the staircase. It can be seen
that there was once a bustling city here. After being annexed by Loulan, it
disappeared from the history books. In the past, even those subjects and
people, as well as countless gold and silver treasures, did not know
whether they were being plundered by Loulan or annihilated there. In
short, there is no long story in their long history.

He walked back step by step with Yan Wushi in the air, and his steps were
infinitely magnified. Yan Wushi could n’t be surprised because of his
injuries. He was breathing slightly thickly, lingering in Shen Yan's ears
with a slight heat, There is also the sound of Shanhe Tongbei Jian falling
on the ground to explore the road. These details have given Shen Zhen an
illusion: this road never seems to end.

Since you can't finish walking, why not stop and take a rest?

No matter how far you go, you can't get out anyway.

There was a coldness in the back of the neck, and Yan Wushi's hand
suddenly touched, causing Shen Huan to stun the spirit involuntarily.

The atmosphere here is closed all year round, people will inevitably have a
feeling of suffocation when they stay for a long time, their brains will
become dull and they will naturally faint.

Only now Shen Yun had been thinking about the monkeys, but he didn't
pay any attention to it, and he almost got the shot.

"Thank you," he said.

Yan Wushi did not answer.

Shen Ye is also used to it. This person is now in a state of real qi disorder,
and he can't control himself, and often switches between several
dispositions. At present, this kind of thinking must not be too fond of

The two walked for a while, and suddenly Shen felt that the steps at his
feet had disappeared, replaced by a flat ground, and the walls on both sides
were gone, but this situation was even more uncomfortable, because no
one knew the open space to the end How big, will there be traps under the

A sword was handed to the gate of Shen's face, silent and silent, and the
blade of the cold water could not show any luster in the darkness.

But Shen Ye had been in the dark for a long time. He was used to listening
to everything with his ears. His ears were extremely sharp. The tip of his
sword was still an inch away from his eyes. He had risen and flew
backwards. With a loud sigh, the opponent's fierce momentum was
instantly invisible.

"He Fang evil! Report to the name!"

Before Shen Yan spoke, the other party questioned instead.

He laughed: "Who is your Excellency?"

The other side heard his voice: "Shen Daochang?"

Shen Yun: "You are?"

The other party: "I'm Chu Ping, and I came with my protagonist."

About ten people followed Chen Gong. Except for those who had known
Murong Qin from the beginning, others had almost no communication
with Shen Ye.

Shen Yan said, "What about Chen Gong?"

Chu Ping: "The hero is in front of them, only then a monster like a monkey
has taken away our two companions, I thought you too ... It was rude,
please follow me, Minister Tao!"

His voice was unpredictable, and he gasped as he spoke, showing that he

had just gone through a fierce battle.

Shen Yun: "Are there any traps here?"

Chu Ping: "No, there should be a terrace here, but there will be corners in
front, and the protagonist will be behind the corners."

Shen Ju judged the direction based on Chu Ping's footsteps, followed him
all the way, and after walking for a while, he heard someone in front of
him: "Who?"

Chu Ping: "It's me, the owner of Murong, who has found Shen Dao."
Murong Qin's voice was tense: "Come here!"

Chu Ping also became nervous: "What's wrong, is that monkey coming

Murong Qin didn't speak, and then there was a snoring sound in the
darkness, and there was a flare in his hand.

By the light of fire, Shen Min saw Murong Qin who was standing beside
him, but the number was obviously less than when he came in.

Chen Gong saw Shen Yan, with a relieved expression on his face:
"Fortunately, you are fine."

Shen Yun: "What's going on?"

Chen Gong: "The strong wind blows away the deep pit that was originally
covered by fine sand, and the ancient city below is connected, so we fell
down, but the head is very large. When we fell, the orientation was not
consistent, so it was lost for a while."

Shen Yun: "Where should we go now?"

Chen Gong must answer the question: "I just explored it. If you didn't
guess wrong, this should be the original Cheng Guojin. The chalcedony is
growing under the ground. We still have to find the passage from the city
to the underground and continue down. . "

Shen Yun: "The city has been obscured by the wind and sand. It has been
hundreds of years. Even if there is a channel, it has been blocked for a long
time. Even if the dry food is depleted, it may not be found."

Chen Gong: "Don't worry, I have seen the rough terrain of Ruoqiang before
that. I don't know where the passage is. The tartars built an altar to the
north of Wangcheng that year. The passage should be under the altar. , Now
we just need to find the altar to the north. "

"There are some monsters here. You should have met them before. They
should be the kind of apes that live here all year round. They are sensitive
to the eyes and accustomed to the dark environment. They are not inferior
to people in the rivers and lakes. Be careful next time, don't repeat them.
The same goes. "

This was not only for Shen Ye, but also for those who were in the same
industry. It must have happened that some people had just broken down.
The crowd immediately responded, and Murong Qin led the way and
followed the fire.

With a large number of people, everyone seemed to have a little reliance

on each other. Immediately there was a lot of peace of mind, especially
when Shen Yun joined. They witnessed this person in the Tukhun King
City alone facing Dou Yanshan and Yu Yan without falling into the wind.
Transferred to the first-class master level.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 99
At this time, the death of Kun Xie has not been known by many people.
When the news spreads, I am afraid that no one will dare to look down
upon the old days with contempt.

The rivers and lakes are like this reality. Hidden under the lofty aspirations
and the three-foot sword, they are also the big waves for gold, and the
strong are respected.

The apes hiding in the dark also seemed to be afraid to come out because
they were afraid of them. They took a long journey and walked for a long
time. It stands to reason that as a small country, Wang Cheng would not be
too big, Where to go, this distance is enough for them to walk from the
south of the city to the north.

However, although everyone was confused, because of their different

identities, they did not dare to ask Chen Gong easily, but Shen Shen said,
"How long do we have to go?"

Chen Gong is also a little uncertain. After all, what he saw from Qi
Guogong's palace is the incomplete topographic map left over from the
Han Dynasty: "It should be coming soon."

However, just after saying this, someone in the industry suddenly

whispered, "Rokuro is gone!"

Then came another exclaim: "What is this!"

In order to save the fire, only one of them was Murong Qin, and no one
waited for Murong Qin to welcome the fire break. Someone was already
trying to get a light out of his arms, but because he was too nervous, he
shivered. Huozhe fell directly to the ground.

Murong Qin hurriedly walked over, the fire light shot to the ground, but a
fluffy spider was added to the fire fold, which had just fallen, and it was
gray and black, not counting the legs. There was actually the size of an
adult man's palm, There are three white marks on its carapace, which
looks like a person with closed eyes. When the spider crawls up, the "eyes"
will open again, like blinking eyes.

Everyone has seen such a weird situation, and there is nothing to be afraid
of, but they suddenly feel that Han Mao is standing upright, and the
unspeakable discomfort is uncomfortable.

Someone couldn't help but wave the sword, one sword cut the spider in
half, but more small spiders poured out from its belly and crawled towards
the feet of everyone.

"Rokuro! That's Rokuro!"

Another person lit the flames, the flames shook far away, and saw a dead
body lying there, still wearing their familiar clothes, but the whole person
had dried up, and the skin was directly attached to the bones, which was
quite acceptable. terror.

"Don't let these things come close!" Murong Qin said sharply.

As he spoke, his sword had been sheathed, and after a few swords had
passed, all the spiders attempting to climb towards him and Chen Gong
stood on the spot.

But other people are not so lucky. The little spider crawls extremely fast,
climbing up the pant tube of the foot, and drilling in when there is a gap.
Once it touches the warm skin, it will inject venom, causing people to
produce The numbness, so that he was completely absorbed by the blood,
and there was no sound at all.

In the blink of an eye, two or three people fell down, all of them would
just do their fist work and follow Chen Gong before and after running,
they would be like mixed-race servants. At this time, there was no time to
resist, and they were just like Liuliu, silent. The ground fell.

Others were terrified, and they dared to neglect wherever they went. They
all showed their weapons to cut and kill the spiders, but the spiders were
too small and some of them kept pouring out from nowhere. The
surroundings were dark and nervous, and everyone was unavoidable. It
was unavoidable that some small ones were crawling out, but they were

Only Shen Shen, under the curtain of mountains and rivers and the sword
of sorrow, there was no spider close to him. He guarded Yan Wushi behind
him. The sword gas surrounded both of them without leaking. The
darkness was like a white waterfall. , Dazzling, eye-catching.

The spider was bullied and scared, and when he could not see Shen's body,
he turned around and rushed towards others.

Chen Gong angered and reprimanded his men: "Who asked you to pierce
his stomach, set the fire on fire, and burned it!"

He wasn't idle himself, holding the sword and shaking the flames to the
ground. The spider was afraid of the flames, and he did not dare to come
forward. He took the opportunity to burn some of them, but the flames
were limited after all. Absolutely, several people on Chen Gong's side have
already died. He has to command everyone: "Run forward!"

But the house leak happened to be rainy night. At this time, everyone felt a
cool breeze behind them, and they had no time to respond, and someone
screamed and threw forward.

"It's a demon monkey! Those demon monkeys are here again!" Someone
shouted in astonishment.

There are tigers behind the wolf, and they can't run if they want to run. In
the fear of everyone, they subconsciously gathered to Murong Qin and
Shen Zhen, because the two are the strongest in the team, they are still at
ease and unscathed.

But Shen Zhen himself was not at ease. Two apes rushed towards him at
the same time. While he had to deal with the spiders in front, he had to
deal with the two apes, and he had to protect Yan Wushi.
Those apes, like Chen Gong said, have been in the dark for a long time,
and have developed the ability of night vision. They are like sly hunters in
the dark, watching the crowds around the spider under the siege of the
spider, waiting for the best time to shoot, Strive for a hit.

The sound of the sword screamed endlessly, but many people found that a
sword was stabbed out, clearly looking at the monkey's chest, but either it
was not blocked by the hard shell of iron skin under the fur, or the monkey
was often They can always escape at the last minute. After a few rounds,
they have to worry about the blood-sucking spiders, and they have to deal
with the endless energy of the apes.

The ape's nails also seemed to have some kind of toxin, and the wounds
they scratched began to hurt.

"The apes and spiders are natural enemies. When they appear, the spiders

Suddenly, Yan Wushi said that his voice was dull and weak, and there was
no arrogance that was under his control, but at the end of it, there was
always a power that made people involuntarily concentrate and listen.

Everyone who heard this sentence was stunned. Between the fight with the
apes, many people looked to the ground, and sure enough they saw the
visible and discoloring spider disappearing.

Without the spider's hindrance, it seemed as if the big rock in his heart
was lowered. The spirits of the crowd were suddenly refreshed, and the
spirit was swept away, and the sword swept away, pushing the apes back.

But the good times are not long, with a long hissing sound in the darkness,
such as a woman weeping, the ape's attack power is violent again, and
some of them were actually hurt by the crowd. There is endless posture.

Shen Yan said to Yan Wushi: "This must be the leader of the ape monkey.
He must be captured in order to be peaceful. You go to Murong Qin, I will
look for that leader, and maybe I will not care about you for a while. . "
Yan Wushi said a word, and there was no extra word.

But the two of them are not friends, and of course they ca n’t talk about
enemies. In terms of their current temperament, they are different from
the deity, but they are equally cool. If you say something like "careful",
Shen Yan will instead Be surprised.

He saw that Yan Wushi was hiding into the prominent gap against the wall,
and if he would not be found by the ape for a while, he jumped on the wall
and used the prominent crack to act as a foothold. Leaping towards the
source of the scream of the genius, he soon disappeared into the darkness.

The Shen robe fluttered, there was no dust under his feet, and he held the
sword in one hand. If he changed to the environment under the broad
daylight, I am afraid that there is a great immortal style, and it will attract
a lot of attention. Unfortunately, here, everyone is still looking after
himself, but Yan Wushi Chao He disappeared and looked deeply, then he
did not take care of Chen Gong and Murong Qin as Shen Shen explained,
but instead bypassed the crowd and went deeper into the darkness.

No one noticed his disappearance, and Shen Yun didn't even know. He
closed his eyes and searched for the presence of the ape chief, but the
other party was silent after the call and could only search forward with his

The voice of the hand soldiers below was getting farther and farther, Shen
Jing held his breath, merged himself with the broken tiles behind him, and
felt the boundless silence and unknown brought by darkness.

Suddenly, the call sounded again!

The sorrow was long, and then sharpened, as if a horn and a signal, causing
the monkeys underneath to attack the crowd like Chen Gong again.

It's now!

铮 ——!
Feng Chu Qingming in general, mountains and rivers with the sword of

Shen Xie tiptoed, and the whole man leaped to darkness.

There is nothing to rely on in the dark, but he can walk in the air. This
sword is not fancy, but extremely fast. Jianguang almost wrapped the
whole person in it, turning it into a white rainbow when it passed, and the
white was purple, purple. Coming from the east, blasting at the sound!

In mid-air, the sword light was flourishing. The ape was not a dead object,
and it was naturally aware of the danger, but as the ape leader, he was the
king in the ruins of the ancient city. He had been calling for the wind and
the rain for a long time. The first response was not to turn around and run
away, but to rush towards Shen Shen in anger.

Under the light of the sword light, Shen Xun found out that the ape was
actually the head of a monkey. Unlike other apes, what ’s even more weird
is that the furry man's face has a pair of green eyes, and he stares viciously
at Shen. Alas, a pair of sharp claws gnawed **** blood and a strange smell
of unclear words, ignored Shen Jian's light at all, and Taishan pressed
down like a pinch!

Shen Ye suddenly remembered what the strange smell was, which was the
smell that the spider exuded only after it died. These apes have been under
the ground for so long and have no other food source. They take spiders as
their belly for lunch. The spider's natural enemies, so just as soon as they
appear, the spiders will flee.

But now suddenly there are so many people, in the eyes of the ape, it is
equivalent to a pile of food, they are naturally attracted to it, and they are
chasing after it.

The ape doesn't know that Jianguang is powerful, and thinks that his fur is
comparable to that of a copper wall and an iron wall. He has no fear. With
a palm of his hand, he is scorched with wind and stinks. If he is sturdy, his
brain must be cracked.
The two met in a narrow way, engulfed in sword light, and directly broke
the fur skin of the ape's chest. The sword tip pierced an inch.

The ape leader was surprised and annoyed, and immediately screamed
sharply. The monkeys who had been around Chen Gong and others kept
screaming at Chen Gong and jumped around the walls a few times. The
target pointed directly at Shen!

These apes are not only strong in attack and keen in shape, but also hard in
fur, such as iron, ordinary weapons can not be broken at all, Rao is a
mountain and a sword of sorrow, and you must infuse the spirit to hurt
them. If you fight alone, Shen Shen Fearless, but if there are dozens of
them coming up, I am afraid that Master Xueting and other master-level
masters can't bear it.

He immediately retracted his sword and retreated, but the ape leader was
injured by him. How can he let him off easily and not only pounce on Shen
Yu himself, but also command the other apes to siege to Shen Yu together.

When Murong Qin saw that the apes were led away by Shen Yan, he said
to Chen Gong, "Master, let's go!"

Chen Gong said, "No, help him!"

Murong Qin was a little surprised: "Master?"

Chen Gong frowned: "We are now on the same boat. Shen Ye's help is
quite big, and we can help if we can!"

He said, he first raised his sword and jumped up.

Murong Qin and others couldn't, but had to bite his teeth to keep up.

But the ape leader hated Shen Ye for hurting himself, and he wanted to tear
him to pieces. The other apes also had no intention of fighting with Chen
Gong and others under the pressure of the leader. However, the addition of
Chen Gong and others made them even more crazy and impatient, not
afraid of death. Even Chen Gong was inattentive, and his arms were cut
open with a deep bone.

Murong Qin said urgently: "Master!"

He was busy administering medicine to Chen Gong, and everyone else

resigned when he saw this.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 100
Shen Huan had nothing to do with them. Even if he was trapped in order to
capture the thief and capture the king first, this just released their crisis.

Murong Qin whispered to Chen Gong: "Master, it's not too late, wait for
these monster monkeys to kill Shen Ye, and then come back to deal with
us, it's bad, so hurry up!"

Chen Gong was silent for a moment, and finally no longer hesitated:

Before leaving, he turned his head up and glanced up. In the crazy and
screaming of the ape, although several sword lights were fierce, they
seemed a bit isolated and helpless. I didn't know how long they could

Chen Gong retracted his gaze and left with Murongqin without looking

Shen Ye killed two apes, and he gradually felt weak.

After all, his skill has not recovered to full prosperity, not to mention that
these apes don't care about as if they are crazy, and the swordsman rushes
towards the sword gas, but the sword gas cannot be endless, and Shen Jian
stroked one of the apes's chests. The long mouth, the blood of the other
side splattered on his face, and the smell of anger was rushing to his face.
He was sober, and he couldn't help but pause for a moment.

While the other apes attacked Shen Ye, the leader of the monkey monkey
kept on guard, waiting for the opportunity, and finally managed to pinpoint
the gap. He whizzed at Shen Ye and hugged people directly and pushed

Shen Yan was directly hugged by it, unable to break free, and the whole
person fell back involuntarily, stepping into the air with one foot, and fell
into a deep pit.
At this moment, the leader of the ape loosened him while taking advantage
of other apes to hold his tail when he pushed Shen Yang into the deep pit,
and then whistled loudly, as if celebrating victory!

Shanhe Tongbei Sword bears the weight of Shen Ye, almost drawing a
spark on the wall of the pit, but Shen Ye still can't stop the trend of falling.
Here is like a real abyss. I do n’t know when it will be to the end. Shen Ye
’s arms are sore and numb. Every wound on his body was hurting. It was
hurt just when he was fighting with the ape group. At this time, he felt hot
and hot, uncomfortable and abnormal.

Shen Yan looked down, and there was a faint red light below, I don't know
what it was.

His arm had completely lost the sensation, and without any notice, Shanhe
and the sword of sadness fell on the narrow wall, and the whole person fell

But this sense of falling has just happened, and his other arm was firmly

Shen Min looked up, but saw that Yan Wushi didn't know where to come
out. In order to catch Shen Min, his upper body was all out.

"Hurry up!" He snapped at Shen.

Chapter 65

With this buffer, Shen Zheng was able to regain his breath, and with a firm
hand, Shanhe and the sword of sadness submerged into the wall, stepping
on the cracks and raising his feet, raising his breath, and leaping up to Yan
Wushi's hiding place.

This place is not actually a cave, but a gap formed because of the age and
cracked walls. This city was buried by wind and sand, and after years of
baptism, it has been integrated with the ground.
Before he asked, Yan Wushi said, "The following is the carnelian Chen
Gong they are looking for."

Shen Yanfang only took care of his fixed body and didn't pay much
attention. At this time, when he looked down, he found that Hong
Chengcheng was shining and placed under the broad daylight. This red
light is just the light of the ore itself, not dazzling. But clear and shining,
shining in the dark, it is enough to make people's faces red.

Starting from here and extending to the front, they took several turns and
had chalcedony illumination on the left and right, but these chalcedony
were all deeply embedded in the rock and could not be dug out at all. I
don't know that these chalcedony are indeed beautiful enough, but What's
the use of Chen Gong? He has a great love for the Lord, endless enjoyment
of prosperity and wealth, and even Murong Qin is now using it for him,
loyal, not to mention gold and silver. In the past, Chen Gong had nothing
and might disregard his life for the chalcedony, but now Chen Gong has
too much, why would he come here at any risk?

He looked away and looked back: "Thank you, why are you here?"

Yan Wushi replied, "There is a shortcut from here to the bottom."

Shen Yun: "Have you been down?"

Yan Wushi: "Not close, there are two apes in the vicinity guarding."

Shen Yun: "So you can see Yurong Rong?"

Yan Wushi hummed.

Shen Zheng checked his condition. He had dozens of small and large
wounds. Most of them were scratched by apes just to protect Yan Wushi,
and some of them were injured when they fell. They are all skin traumas.
Even if the apes's claws are poisonous, they are slightly poisonous. They
can be expelled from the body very quickly under the action of qi.

In comparison, Chen Gong's side was more seriously injured.

Yan Wushi: "The apes have n’t seen the sun for hundreds of years here.
They feed on human spiders and hostas, their flesh is hard, and they ca n’t
be hurt by the infusion of non-divine soldiers, and they are as light as
swallows. This is them. The most difficult place to deal with. "

On the contrary, Shen Zhen was refreshed: "Well, now that you are here,
it's not a bad step. You can get your jade worms and heal your trauma as
soon as possible."

Yan Wushi glanced at him: "Do you need to rest?"

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Go and take Yuxi Rong first, and then talk, so
as not to run into Chen Gong and others, and then you will be in trouble."

Yan Wushi nodded, without further words: "Come with me."

He got up and led the way, while Shen Wei followed.

After leaving the chalcedony, the red light disappeared, and the road
returned to darkness. The footsteps were set to the lightest, and the
snorkeling between the two was entangled with each other, but the
distance was one behind the other. It seems ambiguous but alienated.

The journey is not short, there are many twists and turns in the middle,
because Yan Wushi walked around once, his feet were not slow, and he
walked for about half a half a joss stick, he stopped suddenly, but
fortunately Shen Yun responded quickly, and stopped his body in time,
otherwise Have to run into it.

"The front is ..." Yan Wushi turned back and whispered.

But he hadn't finished speaking yet, and a blustery wind came, and Shen
Wei pulled him behind him, holding his sword in his right hand to block.

With a heavy burden and a heavy head down, Shen Yun could not afford to
take three steps back, but he quickly drew his sword out of the sheath, the
sword swept across, the ape hissed, and backed up, and at the same time,
there was another An ape rushed over to join the melee.
In the darkness, although Shen Yan couldn't see, his senses became
sharper. He took a few steps back and waited for the two apes to pounce
together, infusing the sword body into a white rainbow, and the two apes
were caught off guard. The edge was approached, and it was cut into a
howl, and then attacked Shen Yan more fiercely.

Shen Yan said to Yan Wushi: "I'm entangled with them, you go to pick the
jade lotus!"

It is not practical for him to say that Yan Wushi has indeed bent over and
will be born between the narrow walls. The clumps of white palm-shaped
fruits above the chalcedony will pull up several roots. These things are a
bit like aloe, originally gray, but Under the reflection of chalcedony, a pale
red color appeared, and after some breakage, a milky white liquid flowed
out from it, accompanied by a faint fragrance.

Jade Rong is very precious in the legend, it is a healing relic, and it may
not be treasured in the palace. However, after Yan Wushi picked off a few
Jade Rong, he did not look at the other one any more, but turned around
and looked under the cliff. He took a look at the chalcedony, and then
made an unexpected move. He directly pulled up the remaining hosta
hibiscus, which had grown fruit, and left it under the cliff after being
damaged. In the red light, the hosta fruit was soon disappeared. It's gone.

After doing this, there was a rush of footsteps from the other side of the
passage. Chen Gong and others managed to get rid of the ape group, and
encountered human spiders on the road. As a result, they struggled for a
while, and the ape group chased them up, and everyone beat them. I ran
forward and finally came here. I thought that Liu Yanhuamingming, I did
not expect to meet the deceased here again.

"Long Dao Shen ?!"

Chen Gong's tone was unpredictable. He thought that under the siege of
the apes, Shen Xuan was dead, but the other side did not die, but he arrived
here one step earlier than them.
However, no one is hollow or questioning. The apes in the back have
chased it. There are two in the front. The appearance of Chen Gong and
others let them shift their targets, and everyone is treated as an intruder in
an instant. Shen Min shared part of the pressure.

Chen Gong and others are even more secretive. They thought that they
could get chalcedony after all their hardships, but they never thought that
there would be a fierce battle in front of them. These apes are fierce and
fierce, unless they are completely destroyed. Not to mention getting
chalcedony, but you can't get out of here at all.

The crowd couldn't but mention the weapon and fight with the apes, but
fortunately, those apes were not King Kong's indestructible bodies, and
they had been fighting with Chen Gong for so long. They were also
physically weak, and two were shortly afterwards. Murong Qin and Shen
Yan cut their necks to die.

The ape has been human, the rabbit is sorrowful, and he feels a little timid
when he sees it. Only the leader of the ape is furious and attacks everyone
more frantically.

But under the madness, the feet have been chaotic, and they have been
fighting with these apes for so long, and everyone has gradually mastered
the skills. Do n’t hit them hard. The neck is the softest and weakest part of
the body. If you don't have a different body, you will also be cut off the
throat and gas.

Within such a scent of incense, many apes have already died under the
sword of everyone. When Chen Gong saw that the situation was settled, he
gradually withdrew from the war and walked towards the cliff.

The chalcedony is about two or three feet away from the cliff. This height
is not an obstacle for people with good performance. Chen Gongli came
here from the capital of Qi Guojing for these things, and almost died in the
middle. Suddenly at this moment I saw that my ultimate goal was in front
of my eyes, and my heart was inevitable.
He settled down, set aside all useless emotions, and looked back at
Murong Qin and others.

Among the people who followed him this time, he was not included at the
moment, and there were only three left. The nephew of Murong Qin and
Murong Xun, and the other one named Sa Yipeng, were also the three most
martial artists in this trip. But now they are still fighting with the apes, and
they are lack of skills. Chen Gong can't wait to tell them to go down and
jump down the stone wall themselves.

There are no apes and spiders below, all clusters of clusters of chalcedony.
The red light is not dazzling, and it does not remind people of blood, but it
makes people feel a little peaceful, Chen Gong can't hide his excitement,
can't help it Reaching out to touch it, the crystal surface is smooth and
transparent, even reflecting the outline of his fingers.

After a while, this excitement gradually subsided.

Chen Gong looked around, these crystals were natural, extremely hard, and
they could not easily be seized. I was afraid that dozens or even hundreds
of people would repeatedly cut with axe to succeed.

But Chen Gong did not intend to take these chalcedony. Although they are
extremely precious, his purpose was never to take them away.

He untied the Tai'a sword that was always behind him, looked for a
chalcedony with the sharpest crystal face, and aligned the sword's hilt with
the blade's blade surface.

With a loud bang, the interface was cut off at the interface, and a well-
known sword that was passed on to the world was cut into two pieces by

However, Chen Gong showed joy on his face instead. He directly

discarded the sword body and carefully took out a sepal piece from the
empty mouth of the hilt.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 101
The cymbals were densely covered with words. Chen Gong looked for a
while, and his face became richer. He simply stood among the chalcedony
crystal clusters, and looked carefully.

However, after a moment, his face changed suddenly. Looking down, I saw
that the palm of his right hand did not know when it turned into blue-
purple, and the color was gradually spreading upward. With the color, his
palm was like a needle. It hurts like a thorn, and itches in the pain, making
him involuntarily want to reach out and grab, Chen Gong did reach out,
but this did not curb his itch, and the skin was scratched to no avail.

Under the skin, worms bite, felt itchy and unbearable, blue tendons floated
up, meandering along the direction of blood flow, and then slowly spread
to the wrist.

Needless to say, Chen Gong also knew that he was poisoned.

At this time, he couldn't care about other things. He made several steps to
climb up the stone wall and return to the original passage. At this time,
Murong Qin and Shen Min also killed most of the monkeys and forced the
monkey leader back. No one knows which mechanism in the wall was
touched. Broken Dragon Stone suddenly fell from the top of the head. The
crowd took the opportunity to retreat. The boulder separated them from
the ape and let everyone breathe.

But Chen Gong is now full of his own poisoning. Where is the matter of
controlling the apes, Murong Qin saw him look terrified, and hurried
forward to support him.

Chen Gong: "Fast, fast, is there any detoxification medicine on your


Murong Qin's eyes touched his palm, but he was also shocked by his face:
"Sir, this is ...?!"
The lilac has begun to spread over the wrist.

Chen Gong's tone almost roared: "Detox!"

He has eaten a lot under the cliff, but it has no effect, and now he can only
pin his hopes on Murong Qin.

But the detoxification pills were not a panacea. Murong Qin had them, and
Chen Gong certainly had them. After swallowing several pills, it was still
useless, and Chen Gong was on the verge of despair.

He didn't expect that he had achieved his goal with all his care, but was
about to die.

"Is there a way for Shen Dao to cure my poison?" He muttered, thinking of
Shen Ye as the last straw, looking at the other's eyes full of hope.

Shen Huan didn't know how he was poisoned. He only saw the other
person descended the cliff and climbed up again, and it was like this:
"Poisonous substance below?"

Chen Gong: "It is those chalcedony, those chalcedony are highly toxic!
Can you save me? I heard that Xuandushan refining medicine is also a
must. If you teach, there must be many ways. If you can save me, I'll make
all the money! "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "I came out in a hurry, and I was so stung by
you that I had no time to bring any antidote."

Chen Gong, however, thought that he refused to give it, and found a piece
of jade in his arms and threw it towards Shen Yan: "In fact, as long as you
promised to walk with us, I ordered someone to let the old man go, and he
must have gone back to His granddaughter is with you. If you are still
unsure, you can take this jade to go to the Yunlai Inn in Wangcheng to find
someone. Then the owner took my silver money to keep the person
temporarily, even if he has n’t let go. Man, you can take this piece of jade
to let him go. I know that you are a gentleman, and you have saved me
many times before. This time, letting you go is purely a last resort and
does not hurt others. Please look at our old friendship and save my life! "

He speaks very fast, and can imagine that his heart is extremely tense.

Shen Ye said helplessly: "I really don't have an antidote."

As soon as this remark was made, Chen Gong suddenly looked ashamed.

He tried to force the toxin out of the gong, but the qi operation actually
accelerated the speed of the toxin invasion. Seeing that the purple and blue
were almost reaching the elbow, Chen Gong gritted his teeth and said to
Murong Qin: "Quickly, cut off my arm ! "

At this time, he had been half-hidden in the darkness, and Yan Wushi, who
was silent, suddenly said, "Why don't you ask me if I can do anything?"

Chapter 66

Chen Gong stared at Yan Wushi tightly: "Is there a way for Master Zong?"

Yan Wushi: "When you fought with the apes, you should have noticed that
their nails are sharp and poisonous, so once you scratch them, the wound
will be red and itchy."

His voice was neither ill nor slow, apparently not affected by Chen Gong's
poisoning, but revealing a leisurely matter that was not related to himself.

"The sharp claws must be sharpened from time to time. There are not
many rocks to choose from here. The chalcedony guarded by these apes
has become the best choice. They often rub their paws on it, but they are
not infected with poison. That ’s because within one mile of the poisonous
thing, there must be something that is like a gram, like the spiders and
apes in this ancient city. "

Murong Qin heard the key point: "Mr. Yan's meaning is, is there an
antidote for the poison?"
Chen Gong flashed with light: "Yu Jongrong! Isn't Jade Jongrong! Hurry
up, let's go and see if there is Jade Jongrong nearby ?!"

Murong Qin and others rushed to the edge of the cliff to look around.

"Surely, there is a hostel!" Murong Xun rejoiced.

Shen Yan could not help but take a look at Yan Wushi, whose hands were
sleeved and his body was hidden in the shadows, apparently not planning
to squeak.

Chen Gong overjoyed, "Come here!"

Uncle Murong Qin brought all the jade hibiscus plants to pieces, Chen
Gong didn't take a look, and choked the jujube into his mouth.

But the miracle did not happen. After a quarter of an hour, his right hand
was still sore and unbearable. The blue-purple even deepened gradually,
and it had spread from the elbow to the shoulder.

Chen Gong's face was pale and white, and he almost had to be matched
with his arm.

Yan Wushi then slowly said: "Yu Zhirong is indeed a detoxification

substance, but its branches and leaves are useless. The only thing that can
detoxify is its fruit. Those apes have taken the fruit for generations, so
they are not afraid of chalcedony. The poisonous nature of spiders and
spiders can survive here. Since it is a sacrifice altar here, these apes may
have been trained by the savages to guard the chalcedony. Have you seen
the ape leader, it has gradually Derived from the contours of the human
face, we can see that the cunning mind is extraordinary. "

This paragraph was originally very interesting, but unfortunately, the

person who said it was sloppy and indifferent. Where did Chen Gong listen
to him about the origin of these apes? If he changed the weekdays, he
would be furious and make Murong Qin long ago. The man was taken
down, but at this time the Mingmen was pinched in his hand, and he had
no choice but to swallow his voice: "It seems that Lord Yan has already
picked those fruits? I wonder what you want from me, as long as I can do
it Then, please listen to me, and please give me the fruits of the hostess. "

Yan Wushi: "You know what I want."

He didn't know why.

Chen Gong knows Shen Ye, he knows that the other party is a gentleman,
and gentlemen deceive him, so he often prevails when confronting Shen
Ye, but he ca n’t do this to Yan Wushi, who has long been arrogant.
Everyone knows that no one can use common sense to make inferences.
Chen Gong knew that the news that he was not dead could not be used as a
threat here. Instead, the other person held the fruit of the hostel, and now it
became his lifesaving straw.

"If Lord Zong didn't say it, how would I know?" He still wanted to dying.

Yan Wushi said coldly: "Can you guess if I can destroy the fruit before
your dog moves wildly? If you are willing to take risks, I don't mind trying

As soon as this remark was made, Murong Xun was furious, but he could
only stop the action that he originally intended to move closer to him.

Chen Gong gritted his teeth: "What do you want in Tai Ajian?"

Yan Wushi said nothing.

Chen Gong had no choice but to use his other hand to pull out the cymbals
hidden in his arms and hand them to Yan Wushi.

"How about Yurong Rong?"

Yan Wushi took the cymbal, and I did not know where to find a fruit and
threw it.

Chen Gongxin was unwilling and could not help asking: "You already
expected my purpose here, so you deliberately rushed ahead of us and
threatened me with fruits?"
Maybe I was in a good mood after getting the cymbals, and Yan Wushi
finally answered his question with compassion: "Tai Ajian is a thing of
Chen Jun's Xie family. The hilt is originally hollow, but the cast iron is
extremely rare and hard and abnormal. If you want to hide something in
the hilt of the sword, you can only break it with the power of
extraterrestrial stones, and then recast it with great effort. After the sword
is lost, there is no trace until the resurrection of King Tuguhun. "

After Chen Gong ate the fruit of Yurongrong, he finally felt that his body
was not so uncomfortable. The process of waiting for the toxin to fade
away was a bit long. He could only divert his attention by speaking.

"So as soon as you saw me holding this sword, you knew that it had been
dismantled and forged again, and because I went straight to Yu to find
chalcedony, you can also guess that I was trying to break this Take out the
sword and take out the contents, so throw away the fruits of the hostess in
advance, and keep a few of them yourself, so that you can take me out of
your hand when I am poisoned! "

Chen Gong suddenly realized that he couldn't help but sarcastically said,
"Even if Master Yan was seriously injured, this mental calculation is also

Murong Xun even scolded: "Dirty and shameless! Enjoy it!"

Yan Wushi sneered, disdain to fight with them.

Murong Qin's body flickered slightly, and he jumped forward directly,

trying to take him down. Unexpectedly, Shen Yu suddenly shot. Heng Jian
stopped him now.

The two played against each other, and Murong Qin found that he actually
took less than half of the price from Shen Yan, and could not help but be

This blind man who still has no power to bind chickens in Izumo Temple
has just recovered in such a short period of time, which is daunting.
In the gap between Shen Zhen and Yan Wushi, he had already immersed
himself in the darkness. Murong Xun exclaimed, "He is gone."

Sa Yipeng rushed forward to check, and she could not find the trace of Yan

"Master, there seems to be an institution here, but there is no movement

when pulled down!" He shouted.

"He must be under control on the other side!" Murong Xun said
Thousand Autumns: Page 102
Behind them is the broken dragon stone, not to mention that the heavy
broken stone has cut off their retreat. Even if the broken dragon stone can
rise again, the ape leader and poisonous spider on the other side of the
stone are waiting for them. Everyone is not beaten, but it takes too much
energy to think about the pervasive spiders, everyone hits their hair.

The cliff is ahead, and the cluster of chalcedony is under the cliff. The
beauty is beautiful, but it ca n’t be eaten. These things are also very toxic.
After watching Chen Gongfang ’s tragic situation, no one will This piece
of carnelian is asking for trouble with greed.

In other words, they are stuck here right now, there is no way forward or

"Shen Yun, are you satisfied now ?!" Murong Xun couldn't get out of the
evil fire, roaring at Shen Yan.

Shen Yan closed his eyes and recuperated, and did not continue at all.

Chen Gongshen said: "You look around first for any other way out. Yan
Wushi can go out from here, and we can certainly do it."

While Murong Qin and the other three found their way, he looked towards
Shen Yan: "Shen Dao, IMHO, Yan Wushi was besieged by five masters
before, and he has been seriously injured. You wouldn't have to take him
on this trip. But because I said that there might be Yu Zhirong here, I still
brought him in. This kind of grace, not to say that it is put on a friend, is a
gratitude to strangers. But now he got Yu Zhirong. , With my cymbals,
instead of taking you away, I left you and left alone, and you do n’t feel
wronged, I will do it for you. ”

Shen Xuan said lightly: "If I pay the favor, how much do you owe me now,
and how many times should you repay me? In the ruined temple that year,
how could you fight the gangsters without me? At Izumo Temple, if you
weren't under Murong Qin without me, how could you still give them such
a favor? But what did you return? Did you come to me with Muti, or
would Grandma Puna want to hit me? With you to sacrifice the ancient
city? "

Chen Gong's words were full of words, and he couldn't say anything.

Shen Yun: "You and I are not fellow travellers. They were not before, and
they will not be in the future."

Chen Gong had a guilty conscience, and when he heard this, he was angry
and sneered, "You are so innocent, but what good have you fallen? I have
everything today, and it is all based on my own efforts. What else is
unseen? I might as well tell you, I was born with the ability to remember
and remember, I was at Izumo Temple last time. Although I did n’t know
much at the time, I remembered everything that you missed. With so many
experts, who would have thought that an unknown little person could do
what they couldn't do? Mother Muti was fierce and cruel, and no one he
loved more than a month. Many were miserable, but I just With his ability
to let him recommend me to Qi Zhu, this is my real step. "

Although Murong Qin and others were subdued by Chen Gong, it was
embarrassing to hear him talk about his experience of being a pet, but
Chen Gong himself didn't feel that he talked and looked calm.

"It is not my ultimate goal to be favored by Emperor Qi Guo. There is no

man in the world who is willing to serve people, even if he is the active
party between the bed sheets. By the favor of Qi Master, I let him find
Come to teach me how to read and read. I know very well that a person
like me can never get the approval of those family members, but I do n’t
need them to agree. There is nothing different from the world ’s best
weapon to control people ’s hearts. It's a sword. So I have to recognize the
most words and the most books in the shortest time, and I have done it. "

"Shen Yun, what do you think Murongqin was for me, just for prosperity
and wealth? Are you wrong, the prince will be a prime minister, rather a
species? Qi Guo is doomed to decline, and they know that once Qi
Guobing is defeated, they will The tree will fall apart, and there is no
future in following Qi Master. It is better to follow me. At least I will not
have the self-knowledge as Qi Master and most of the Kings and Nobles of
Qi Kingdom. "

"And you, Shen Yun, you are aloof, and you are a gentleman. To be honest,
I admire you very much, because I can never be like you, repay with
morality, and have no regrets. A gentleman like you You ca n’t live in this
world at all, you ’ll just be stabbed to the bones. Just like now, you have
been betrayed by Yan Wushi over and over again, but you have to wait
here with me, the “enemy”, and wait. Death, isn't this ridiculous? "

Shen Yan said nothing in silence until he finished speaking, and then
slowly said, "Chen Gong, from the moment I knew you, I knew you were
different from everyone else in your hometown. You are smart, energetic,
ambitious, and self-conscious. It ’s cruel enough to others. Born in this
troubled world, you have the ability to become a hero. So you climb up the
big tree of Mutipo, and you are loved by Qizhu through Mutipo. These are
your abilities, and I wo n’t Look down on you. The reason you always feel
that I am high is because you have not lost your conscience deep in your
heart, and you also know that your approach is not appropriate, so you will
subconsciously compare with me and care about my views. If not,
everyone Each has its own way. You just have to go forward, so why stop
to see others? "

Chen Gong was speechless for a long time, and suddenly laughed out loud:
"Yes, you're right! Thank you for opening a knot and questions for me.
Since then, I will be able to take it to the next level."

Shen Yun calmly said: "Congratulations then."

He closed his eyes again, leaning against the cold stone wall, and let
himself sink into the darkness completely.

As early as the moment when Yan Wushi handed him over to Sang
Jingxing, he had learned to stop expecting, because he would not be
disappointed and despaired because he no longer expected. So Fang
Caiyan left without his teacher and left alone. In his opinion, even if there
were some accidents at first, the accident became very plain.
The other person is such a person, even if the temperament changes
greatly, the essence of being cold and selfish will not be reduced by half.

Many things are never paid, and they will definitely be rewarded.

I have been used to it, how can I still feel sad and disappointed?

Murong Qin and others searched around and gradually felt hopeless.
Although they still had dry food on their bodies, even if the daily needs of
masters of martial arts are far less than ordinary people, this dry food can
be maintained for a long time, but it is impossible to stay here for a
lifetime. If you do n’t go out, it ’s deep in the ground. You do n’t see the
sun, and your breath is suffocating. Even if they do n’t starve to death,
sooner or later they will be suffocated.

At this time, Sa Yipeng proposed: "It is better to go down the cliff to find,
maybe there are other new ways?"

Chen Gongsi said for a moment: "Either way, although there is chalcedony
below, it is not impossible to settle down. You need to be careful not to
touch those chalcedony."

Sa Rupeng promised to go down. Murong Xun was young and full of

energy. After a long period of sitting and feeling bored, he got up and went
with him.

Everyone was just scratched by the ape, and the wound was red and
swollen, but it was not a big deal because it was a trauma. You do n’t need
to eat the hosta fruit. You can squeeze the water from the root of the hosta
and apply it to the wound to stop inflammation itch.

Chen Gong asked Murong Qin to follow up to help with the search, and
then asked Shen Yun: "If you can go out, what are your plans?"

Shen Yan slowly opened his eyes. In the darkness, no one could see the
confusion in his eyes.
In terms of time and footsteps, Yan Wushi must have left this place and
returned to the ground now. With his ability, even if he is unable to
confront the Buddhist Confucianism for the time being, he can quickly
contact Huan Yuezong. People do not put themselves in a dangerous
situation. In other words, even without oneself, the other party can live

Suddenly Chen Min remembered one thing: "You just got one of the
remnants of Zhu Yangce?"

Chen Gong: "Good."

Shen Yun: "Is this thing special compared to other remnants?"

Chen Gong was silent for a while and said, "How much do you know about
Zhu Yangce?"

Shen Huan: "Zhu Yangce has five volumes and incorporates the best of the
three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. It is the hard work
of Tao Hongjing."

Chen Gong: "You have seen the other one or two volumes. What do you

Shen Yun: "It is indeed the world's first martial arts novel, which is very

Chen Gong: "It seems that you only know one and not the other." Zhu
Yangce "does have a total of five volumes, and it does integrate the best of
the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, but that is only
the content of the remaining four volumes. He has been living outside for
many years without knowing where to go. It is said that what is recorded
in it is related to the magic martial arts. "

Shen Yan froze slightly, but after thinking about it, he felt that Chen
Gong's words were not without reason.
Yan Wushi has tried many times to really turn "Zhu Yangce" into his own
use. He even tried to use Shen Ye. He repeatedly tried to inspire his
potential, but it turned out that his martial arts was based on the magic
heart and Shen Ye's. Taoism is totally incompatible. To him, "Zhu Yangce"
is actually a chicken rib. It is tasteless and unfortunate.

If "Zhu Yangce" only recorded the martial arts of Confucianism,

Buddhism and Taoism, Yan Wushi would not say to Shen Zhe that "there is
already a way to make up for the flaws". With his ability, it is more likely
that Tai Ajian Lizang had already been inferred He wrote the residual
volume of Zhu Yangce, and this volume of Zhu Yangce was exactly what
he needed.

Before the launch, due to the ins and outs, Shen Yan sighed slowly, his
eyes were tired, and he suddenly felt a little tired.

But his voice was still calm: "So it ’s true, Tao Hongjing really learned the
heavens and the humans, no wonder people in the magic gate have always
wanted" Zhu Yangce ". It seems that what they want is this cymbal. You
also want to get it Is it because you are practicing the magic gate now?
Have you joined the Acacia? "

Chen Gong: "Joke, in my current status, why should I join the Acacia sect
for deportation? On the contrary, the people of the Acacia sect need me to
provide them with all kinds of convenience, so it is only a two-way gain
for us. Trading and cooperation. "

However, it is useless to say too much. The fact is that they are still stuck
here and cannot get out.

Murong Qin and others made a circle below. They returned without
success. Everyone was a little discouraged. Chen Gong also stopped
speaking, took the opportunity to meditate and keep abreast, and then
rushed to scan the content on the cymbal. Remember it again and try to
turn it into your own.

He has never been a waiter. Even in such an environment, he will try to

create a favorable environment for himself, so Chen Gong can go from a
well-known city well in the troubled times to today, even Murong Qin
Such the first masters of the court of Qi State were willing to be sent by
him to obey his orders.

I don't know how long after that, there was a noise on the stone wall. The
drowsy crowd opened their eyes and looked around, but saw a figure
appearing where Yan Wushi disappeared.

Murong Xun first reacted. He jumped three feet high and rushed forward
with his sword in his hand: "Yan Wushi?"

These three words are read out, all of which are gritted teeth and deeply

Chapter 67

However, with only a few words, Yan Wushi let him stand still.

"There is a fork in the road. If you leave me, you can't go out."

"Saburo!" Chen Gong drank Murong Xun.

The latter was unwilling to retreat and returned to Chen Gong behind.

Chen Gong arched his hand and behaved very politely: "Thank you very
much, Lord Yan, for returning, I am very grateful. If Lord Yan wants to
show us a clear way out, I am willing to let go of the cymbals just before
asking Two words. "

Yan Wushi glanced at him, said nothing, and turned around.

Murong Qin turned around and asked Chen Gong: "Master, do you want to

Chen Gong nodded: "I'm ahead, you follow me."

Murong Qin: "Master!"

Chen Gong smiled: "Don't talk nonsense, keep up!"

Murong Qin, Murong Xun, and others were a little moved. Without further
comment, they strode behind.

Chen Gong was able to subdue Murong Qin and others, naturally, for no
reason. A poor boy with no background in his family, even if he became
the most beloved person of Qi Master, he could not make Murong Qin
such an arrogant master willing to be in His Majesty. In fact, Shen Yun has
already said a word to break the mystery. Chen Gong's talents are very
high. He never forgotten his eyes and his ears, so that he did not pass by
the chance of "Zhu Yangce", and he worked hard enough not to become Qi
Zhu was favored by his courtiers, and what he did did indeed have the
potential to become a heroic leader.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 103
Going further, people like Murong Qin who came from the former royal
family of the Yan Kingdom, if they did not have a martial art, had lost
power in the new dynasty. They were not inheriting the family, and the
emperor would not give them too much power. , All they can choose is the
powerful hawk dog, even the ordinary nobles of Qi State can look down on
them. In this case, Chen Gong gave them a new choice and convinced
them with their own performance. They were naturally willing to change
Vote for the Lord and be loyal to Chen Gong.

Of course Shen Ye didn't understand the details, but he still counted for
such a long time after joining the WTO. Under the influence of Yan
Wushi, he knew a little bit about the situation. Chen Gong was able to
climb to a high position in a short period of time. The human heart is
indeed very powerful. Change to Yan Wushi, even if he understands the
truth of those people, but because of his arrogant nature, he may not be
able to stretch and stretch like Chen Gong.

This is a passage cut out completely in the mountains. After Chen Gong
had fireworks, he could see candlesticks on both sides along the way, but
because of the collapse of the entire ancient city, maybe the mountains and
rocks were partially collapsed at the time. Some places in the middle were
blocked by the boulder that had fallen down above, leaving only a narrow
gap. Everyone needed to remove the stones and squeeze them carefully.

Murong Xun was a little uneasy: "There are no spiders on this road?"

Murong Qin said: "The spiders have a stale smell. I didn't smell it here. It
should be no spiders."

While talking, the front was split into two, and two forks appeared.

The crowd stopped and looked at Yan Wushi's back.

The latter said: "Go left."

Murong Xun suspected: "Slow! How do you know that you want to go to
the left?"

Yan Wushi: "I just walked to the right, there were spiders."

Murong Xun: "Why do we trust you? And how do you retreat when you
encounter a spider?"

Yan Wushi stopped paying attention to him and continued to move


Murong Qin held Murong Xun and whispered, "He has jade lotus."

Yes, Yu Rongrong can detoxify the spider's toxins. It should also make the
spider unable to get close to his body. Murong Xun suddenly realized.

But in this case, why did Yan Wushi turn back to take them out?

The dignified prince has the conscience. When he goes out, let alone
others don't believe it, even Murong Xun doesn't believe it.

The passageway has been slowly rising upwards, which means that they
are walking up to the ground. Everyone didn't say in their mouths, and
they gradually believed in Yan Wushi's words until they walked a certain
distance and the next bifurcation appeared.

There are three forks this time.

Yan Wushi stopped. "I just walked here and turned around."

This means he doesn't know which fork to choose next.

But everyone also understood that when they first came in, they did not go
through the normal path, so now they are re-traveling the internal passage
of the King City. These forks lead to all directions, which is equivalent to
the Central Plains Palace. Some of them must lead to There are different
palaces that lead to the King City. The road to the King City is the real way
out. I chose the rest and took more detours. I was afraid that I would
encounter spiders and apes in time. Go for a walk.
Chen Gong asked Yan Wushi: "If it were you, which way would you

Yan Wushi didn't speak.

Silent Shen, who had been silent, suddenly said: "Since you don't know,
just make a mark here and just find one. It's all about luck. If you choose
the wrong thing, you can only blame yourself for bad luck."

Chen Gong: "Alright."

He picked up a stone and made a few marks on the wall.

This action could not help Shen Yan glanced twice.

Although he knows that the opponent is doing good martial arts, he was
busy fighting with the ape group and did n’t have much time to observe.
The stroke is clearly infuriating now, and the white marks are three-
pointed into the wall.

Marking the marks, Chen Gong said, "Would you like to go to the middle
first? Maybe here is the outside."

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

Seeing Yan Wushi motionless, Murong Xun asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Yan Wushi: "I haven't walked this way, I don't lead the way."

There was a slight pause in his speech, others didn't notice it, but Shen
Min noticed it.

Murong Xun sneered: "Who knows if you have ever traveled this way, now
you don't go first, I wonder if there is an ambush waiting for us halfway?"

If he had given Murong Xun a hundred guts in the past, he might not dare
to speak to Yan Wushi like this. But man is like this. When he sees
someone defeat him, and when he sees his disappointment, the positioning
of the person in his heart will plummet, so that he can defeat him. This
person is not worth mentioning.

Yan Wushi didn't answer because he shot directly.

Mu Rongxun was standing next to him. The opponent's movement was too
fast. He didn't have time to draw a sword. His neck was already tightly
twisted. The whole person was pressed against the stone wall!

Murong Qin shot Yan Wushi with one palm, but was blocked by a
fluttering scabbard.

Shen Xuan said lightly: "Did you kill each other before you are out of

Murong Xun grabbed Yan Yanshi, but before he raised his hand, Yan
Wushi let go of him and backed down to Shen Yan.

Chen Gong yelled, "Stop it!"

He told Murong Xun: "The Lord Yan did not have to go back and came
back to us, but since he is willing to do so, we must thank him, and you
must not be rude in the future."

Again, Master Chao Yan arched his hand: "I am paying the sacrifice to
Lord Yan on behalf of Saburo. Since I chose this middle road, let me go

He said he took the fire and went forward.

Although showing the courage to take the lead, Chen Gong went step by
step, took care very carefully, stopped a little bit for a while, and inspected
for a long time.

But maybe it ’s really God ’s care. They turned out to bet this time, and
they went unimpeded all the way, until they got out of the passage, passed
through the city, and went back to where they originally fell.
Finding your mouth from here may be difficult for ordinary people, but
Chen Gong and others just need to jump up with light work, then use the
weapon to fix their shape and climb up step by step.

At the moment of seeing the sun, everyone almost was not blinded by the
violent sunlight, but at the same time, anyone who spent almost three days
in the ground almost lost his life would find the sunlight too precious.

Shen Yan covered his eyes with a cloth towel to avoid blindness caused by
the sudden violent stimulus. After a while, when the eyes felt slightly
adapted, he slowly moved the cloth towel away. He found that Yan Wushi
was behind him and the other's cloth towel I don't know when I've been
lost, I can only cover my eyes with my hands, and Shen Shen is on the
side, as if I'm afraid he's gone. This action is inexplicably stupid.

Chen Gong asked: "I don't know what Shen Dao and Yan Yan's future plans
are. If we return to Qi Kingdom, we must go through Chang'an. If the two
do not disapprove, I can send you a ride, or it will cause unnecessary
trouble after Yan Yan's identity is revealed . "

His trip was to open Tai Ajian and take out the cymbals. Right now he
knows that the cymbals are with Yan Wushi, but he doesn't mention them.
Obviously he has memorized the content, but his words did not just show
his respect to Shen Ye. Expressing his generosity, he still explained to
Shen Yun and Yan Wushi that he had no intention of revealing Yan
Wushi's whereabouts.

Don't look at it for three days, Chen Gong today can't really be measured
by the old eyes.

Shen Zheng glanced at Yan Wushi: "Thank you for your kindness. I have
another place to go. As for Lord Yan, it is better for him to decide for

Yan Wushi: "I follow you."

Chen Gong smiled indifferently: "Also, leave it alone, the mountains will
not be changed, the green water will flow, the world is not small, there will
always be a day to meet, and hope that when we meet next time, Lord
Zeng has recovered as before. Minister Shen Dao can also regain control
of Xuandu Mountain. "

Shen Yan said nothing, arched his hand: "No."

They want to leave Tuhun, they must follow the original road, go to the
small town to stop and buy horses, and then they can vomit Guhun King
City, and then leave, but Chen Gong and them are originally two people,
Shen Chan and many more If I want to ask Yan Wushi, I don't plan to walk
with them.

The three were watched as they left, leaving deep and shallow marks on
the fine sand, and then a gust of wind blew through them. These marks
disappeared and disappeared. Shen Xu turned his head and said to Yan
Wushi: "Chen Gong is not a generous Person, if you take his cymbal, even
if he can write down the content, he will still hate you in his heart, and
turning back will cause you trouble. "

Yan Wushi fixedly looked at him, and suddenly felt wronged: "Brother,
that's not what I got."

Shen Yifuer: "I know, it was your previous ... that Yan Wushi, but it always
belongs to you, doesn't it?"

Yan Wushi rejoiced, "Can you recognize us?"

Shen Yun was silent for a moment: "If you change your other
temperament, I'm afraid it's impossible to go back if you go before."

Yan Wushi: "I'm so glad you didn't mistake me for it. I know he left you.
He was so anxious that he tried his best to control his body and walk

He took Shen's hand: "Don't be angry, okay?"

Shen Yan sighed longly: "If he doesn't do that, he won't be called Yan
Wushi. The real Yan Wushi can't say such things to me. I just didn't expect
that one of his dispositions would come into being. You come, this would
never have happened. "

Suddenly a hint of subtle slyness appeared in Yan Wushi's smile: "No."

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 104
Shen Yun puzzled: "What?"

Yan Wushi: "Nothing, when can we go back? Do you have to wait for them
to go far? I'm hungry."

Chapter 68

Although they had jointly resisted the enemy under the ancient city of
Qiang, it was because everyone had a common enemy. After returning to
the ground, the three Chen Gong may not have the advantage in the face of
Shen Ye for a while, but they have the biggest handle on their hands. That
is, under the siege of the five masters, Yan Wushi was not dead at all and
was rescued by Shen Ye.

Once this news leaks, the five forces participating in the siege of Yan
Shiyan will not be willing to give up, and Shen Zhi will be alone and
alone, and may not be able to fight so many people-even if Chen Gong
hinted that he would not disclose their whereabouts, but Shen Yun can no
longer trust him easily, and it is natural to be cautious in order to avoid
repeating the same mistakes.

From here, you have to pass through the small town where they stopped
for the last time, but Shen Yan didn't want to meet Chen Gong again, so
instead of looking for an inn in the town, he found a house outside the
town for a few nights. day.

This family's family is even worse than Banna's. They can't even bring
mutton soup. There are only oil cakes, and there are not many empty
rooms. Only one room can be vacated.

"You have said before that Yurong Rong has a wonderful effect on external
injuries. You have taken so many Yurong Rong. It is hoped that the head
injury will be cured?"
Yan Wushi found a jade lotus from his sleeve and handed it to Shen Yan:
"Here you are."

Shen Qi wondered, "What do you do for me?"

Yan Wushi: "You have also been scratched by the apes while you are
underground. The sap of Yurongrong is limited and the effect is mediocre.
It is not good if it does."

Shen Yan took Yurong Rong, and suddenly asked, "Are you Yan, not Xie

Yan Wushi was silent for a moment: "How do you know?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "You talk too much, Xie Ling won't say half a
word for a long time. And from my understanding of Yan Wushi, he is a
person who is unwilling to aggravate himself, although there are different
temperaments However, many essences will not change. In the days of
Banna's house, there was mutton soup to drink, and Xie Ling would never
touch the oil cake. Even if it was only oil cake, Xie Ling would only hold
back not to eat or to speak. But now, although you obviously show a
displeased expression, you still eat oil cakes. "

Yan Wushi grinned: "Ama, I didn't know you were so concerned about our
every move, it really made me feel flattered!"

Shen Yun: "If you don't look carefully, I'm afraid I'm a dumb person who
has been cheated again and I don't know."

This remark is leisurely and peaceful, without the slightest resentment, I

don't know how many times the world's sinister refining can be used to
forge such a chivalrous bone.

Yan Wushi sighed softly: "Ama, if you are stupid, there will be no smart

Shen Yun smiled: "Thank you for your compliment."

Yan Wushi asked sweetly, "Do you like me more or Xie Ling more?"
After a moment's sleep, Shen Yan raised his eyebrows and said
indifferently: "Whether it is you, Xie Ling, or other temperament, it is just
a ray of heart shame from Yan Wushi. Now that you have got the cymbals,
it is just a matter of time to repair the flaws in the heart You will all
disappear, Yan Wushi is still Yan Wushi, my preference is not important. "

Yan Wushi laughed: "You are right, we are all derived from Yan Wushi
after all. It is impossible to exist without Yan Wushi's body, so you like
Xie Ling the most because Xie Ling is the least Like Yan Wushi, right? "

Shen Xuan didn't answer, only sighed: "I didn't sleep well when I slept. I
took a break first, and I was tired."

Without waiting for the other person to speak, he closed his eyes and
meditated on his knees.

These days in the ancient city, although thrilling step by step, Shen Yan
has another experience. Although the apes are not as cunning as humans,
they are endless and fierce than human three-pointers. When fighting with
them, they often linger. The feeling of life and death, and between the
dying and the alive, the understanding of martial arts is one level higher.

At the beginning, the defeat of Banbufeng was completely unexpected. At

the moment of falling cliff, Shen Shen was full of anger and unbelievable.
It was no different from ordinary people. But after reading all the human
affairs, his soft heart was finally tempered. Life and death are calm and
unhurried. This state of mind is directly reflected in his kendo. A set of
Canglang sword tricks was used in the past. Even if it changes a lot and
can be used freely, it has two points to belittle the randomness of life and
death. But like a antelope hanging horns, there is no trace.

When Zhu Yangce Zhenqi reshapes the meridian, he also subconsciously

confirms with his original mentality.

The silent person is susceptible, the magic machine is slightly, the red dust
is three thousand, the solitary crane travels far, the heavens are ruthless,
and it is alone.
In the eyes of outsiders, his temperament is becoming more and more
apparent day by day. Even in an ordinary robe, he is even better than the

For Shen Zhen himself, this perception has brought him to a very
mysterious realm, as if he is awake but not awake, like a dream but not a
dream, but he can sense everything around him.

People fell asleep, cold outside the house, sleeping dogs on the fence,
breeze blowing branches, and even inside the house ... Yan Wushi.

Shen Yanran opened his eyes.

The man who should have closed his eyes to sleep was looking at him with
his eyes open.

Shen Ye was not sure: "Xie Ling?"

Yan Wushi made a hum, his eyes did not blink.

Shen Yun: "How could it be you?"

Yan Wushi: "I figured it out and came out."

This was a bit inexplicable, but Shen Min understood it.

The other party's meaning was: Because Xie Ling was so obsessed with
temperament that he temporarily seized the autonomy of the body.

It's Xie Ling's style to be short and concise.

Shen Yun: "I should thank you. Thank you for turning your head around
and taking me out when you were out, but you changed to A Yan when you
went out, so this thank you has not been said until now."

Yan Wushi: "No."

Having said that, his eyes still looked at Shen Yun.

Without the former moodiness, the coldness and alienation implied in the
teasing, Xie Ling's temperament became clearer.

As far as Shen Yun is concerned, if Yan Wushi was Xie Ling in the
beginning, many things may not happen, but life has never been like that.
Yan Wushi is Yan Wushi. Xie Ling is one of Yan Wushi. It will not be Xie

Shen Ye said: "In the past when I was practicing" Zhu Yangce "on the
mountain of Xuandu, I always looked at the beauty like a gauze. Although
I knew the beauty of the beauty, it was not clear and helpless. I did not
know what to do until I had a battle with Sang Jingxing. The true meaning
of life after death, everything starts from the beginning, but can make
"Zhu Yangce" play the biggest role, but it is easier to give up everything in
this world, like those of Dou Yanshan and Duan Wenji, even if you know
that "Zhu Yangce" can reshape the meridians, you Say they are willing to
abolish themselves for decades and start over? "

Yan Wushi didn't speak.

Shen Ye did n’t need to answer, smiled, and said, “I do n’t need them to
answer in person. I also know that there are very few people willing to do
this. No one else, even me, is forced to lose martial arts. Before, I would
have a lot of worries. But I was skeptical. Even if I reluctantly scrapped
the martial arts, there is no way to practice Zhu Yangce. With a Buddhist
scripture, that is, we must die before we die. Freedom. "

"But the magic heart and the Tao heart are different, and your martial arts
have not been exhausted. You just need to repair the flaws. It must be
much easier than mine."

Yan Wushi: "You, what are you talking about?"

Shen Huan: "You said that only rivals with equal strengths are qualified to
stand in the same position with you. The original me did not have that
qualification. The current me is not as good as the original you. It ’s only a
matter of time before the magical heart breaks up, and martial arts will be
restored to the original one day. Only those words I learned from
practicing "Zhu Yangce", I hope to help you. As a martial artist, I naturally
I also hope that one day I can fight with you upright. "

Yan Wushi: "I am, Xie Ling."

Shen Yun: "I know, but these words are not only you, you must be able to
hear your other dispositions."

Yan Wushi looked at him silently.

Shen Zhen is obviously used to it. In the impression, this is the reaction
that Xie Ling should have.

He patted each other's shoulders: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

It took a while before the other party closed their eyes.

Shen closed his eyes and continued to cross his knees.

After a few days, Shen Ye estimated that Chen Gong and his team were in
a hurry to return to Qi Kingdom, and they would definitely not stay in
Tuyuhun for too long. At this time, they might have arrived at Tuyuhun
King City, and even left Tuyuhun, they left the town, and Yan Wu The
division returned to King Tuyuhun for a long time.

This way did not meet Chen Gong and others again. At this time, it had
been a while since the Long Dragon Club. The Central Plains heroes had
left the city. Yan Wushi's risk of being found was greatly reduced. It is too
conspicuous. If you go further inland, you may not add any trouble. Then
you remove the robe and put on a piece of ordinary Han clothes. Then you
bring a set of women's clothing and rouge gouache and put it in front of
Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi looked at him silently.

Shen Yan coughed: "You look too prominent, or do some dress up."

Yan Wushi didn't say anything. The expression on his face was clearly
saying, "Why didn't you change your dress?"
Shen Huan: "If you change your dress, you can wear a power fence. Others
know that it is a female family member. Generally, in order to avoid
suspicion, you will not look at it again. You can see the clues, so as not to
make another wave before you meet with Yue Yuezong, women's clothing
is the safest choice. "
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 105
The two eyes widened for a long time.

Shen Yanmei: "Don't wear it?"

Yan Wushi shook his head: "What if you don't wear it?"

Shen Ye: "I'll click your hole, help you wear it, and then hire a carriage to
take you on the road. Although it's a bit frustrating, at least I can save a lot
of trouble."

Yan Wushi lowered his eyelids: "Wear."

"Good." Shen Huan was relieved, and his heart was still Xie Ling good at

The two hairpins are white. If you want to dye your hair, your hair is still
dangled. This doesn't need to be changed. Many women also comb like
this. You don't need to be too careful, and then put on women's
embroidered shoes. Although your body looks awkward, and your
expression is stiff and cold, but you can't lose your beauty.

Seeing him tense, Shen Chen laughed and said, "Don't be afraid. The old
Taoist portraits on Xuandu Mountain are old, and I repainted them in a
stroke. The portraits and the painters always have the same effect. . "

Do everything, he got up and looked at it from the beginning to the end,

and nodded: "It's okay, you can take a selfie."

Obviously, the other party had no interest in looking at the bronze mirror
for a moment, and put on the power fence directly.

Seeing is invisible.

Chapter 69
When the two Shen Zhen returned to the Tuguhun King City, the cold
winter had already arrived. In the past, the caravans passing through from
the west to the countries in the west became very rare.

"But this is only temporary," said the hawker on the street. "Winter goes
west, the road will be difficult to walk, so many caravans start in the fall,
come back in the spring of next year, and wait for the winter. There are
many people here. Woke up!"

He is a Han Chinese. He passed the business team more than ten years ago
and met a Tuyuhun girl. He has settled here to get married and have

Shen Yan seemed to have a kind of affinity, which was so refreshing and
comfortable. Only then did Wu Yan Yan stand in front of the sugar man's
stall for a while, and the hawker did not talk to him. Shen Yan came over
from behind and asked only a few words. , The hawker chatted with him
with the expression of "when I met in my hometown".

"In fact, there are a lot of Han people in this city. Even the princes and
nobles of Tuguhun speak Mandarin, and they are only in the Western
Regions after all, and ordinary people are reluctant to leave their homes."

Shen Yan laughed: "To put it bluntly, your wife must be very beautiful and
virtuous to keep you. And I listen to you, it should be a scholar who has
read a lot of books, but she is willing to stay for her for thousands of miles
This couple is really enviable here! "

The hawker was praised by him, with an embarrassed and proud look, and
scratched his head: "Thank you for your praise, I have been in private for a
few years when I was young, and I do n’t know how to go to school!
Where are you from now? , Is the dusty man following the caravan for the
winter? "

Shen Wei said: "We traveled all the way and walked westward. Seeing that
it was getting colder, I didn't dare to go any further, and then came back. I
heard that there was a dragon dragon club some days ago, and it must be
over now?"
Hawker: "It's been a long time ago, people are scattered, but this year is
also lively. There are many rivers and lakes people who dance with swords
and swords. I sell sugar people here and don't have much business. After
all, there are more of these people. From time to time, people in this street
turned towards each other, scaring me to go home and hide for a few days!

Shen Yun: "So, half of the people in the city are gone now?"

Hawker: "No, it ’s been a long time since the end of the Dragon Dragon
Club. You see, those inns were originally overcrowded. Now it ’s better,
but the prices have come down. I ’m dissatisfied! But ah, I heard Qi Guo It
was destroyed by Zhou Guo, maybe there will be a lot less caravans going
west in the coming year! "

Shen Hua was originally worried that once the news of "Yan Wushi's
death" spread, Yu Wenhuan's life would be in danger, but he did not expect
that they had left Changan for a few months, and such a major event had
happened. A glance at Yan Wushi.

The latter wore a power fence on his head, blocking his expression,
making people unclear.

Shen Yun: "Qi Guo was destroyed? Is it so fast? Didn't it encounter


The hawker sighed: "Who knows, maybe the Zhou army is too strong.
Well, count, my hometown is still in the country, but unfortunately,
although I have been far away in the past, I can always hear the news that
the country's leader is faint. , I did not expect such a large country, but I
really said that it would be gone! "

Shen Yun: "Unification in the north is always good for the people. When
they settle down, there will only be more, not less, those caravans
traveling to and from the Western Regions."

The hawker replied with a smile: "That's right, then I'll take your word for
it. I'm still waiting for Central Plains to be really peaceful one day, and
take my wife and children back to their hometown to see it!"

He held Shen Yan and talked for a long time, and he was still thinking
about it. Seeing that Yan Wushi had been standing beside him, he seemed
to be staring at the sugar man. Then he thought of his business. He laughed
and said, "This lady is you His wife, isn't Tuyuhun also? "

Shen Yun: "This is Shemei."

Yan Wushi: "Wife."

Shen Yun: "..."

Hawker: "..."

Shen Min estimated that Yan Wushi said this deliberately, it should be
dissatisfied with dressing as a woman, but he couldn't say much in front of
outsiders, so he coughed, and healed: "This is my cousin, my temper is a
bit stubborn. Don't be surprised. "

He didn't explain it. For this explanation, the hawker immediately

imagined that the cousin and sister could not fall in love and ran away.
They nodded again and again: "I understand, I understand!"

Shen Yun was confused, and said to his heart what I understood, I did not

Yan Wushi pointed at the sugar man over there: "I want this."

His voice was low, not like a female voice, but the hawker didn't think
much about it. After all, the wind and sand were thick outside, and the
Tuyuhun woman also had a rough voice.

Hearing Yan Wushi's words, the hawker's spirit revived: "I can pour out
whatever you want!"

Yan Wushi: "Horse, cow, sheep ..."

Shen Ye couldn't help crying: "Just one is enough. What is the use of
holding too much?"

Yan Wushi: "I want one."

The hawker laughed: "Well, is that a horse or a cow or a sheep?"

Yan Wushi pointed to Shen Zhen: "He."

The hawker snapped: "Ha?"

Yan Wushi: "Put one on him."

Although Shen Zheng has not been involved in the love between men and
women, but after a misunderstanding just now, look at the ambiguous eyes
of the hawkers, where else can he not know what he misunderstood.

He said to the hawker: "He's just joking, or he'll just pour a sheep."

Yan Wushi: "No, I want you."

Ask the hawker again: "Yes?"

The hawker seemed to feel the scorching gaze under the power fence, and
said busyly: "Yes, yes! Of course!"

Shen Yifu amount.

The hawker's craftsmanship is indeed good. When he starts and falls off,
less than a quarter of an hour, a sugar man appears vividly in front of his

After all, it was poured from sugar, and it is impossible to clearly show the
five senses, but the appearance of the long bag on the other side of the
other person's body is moving forward, and it has a deep charm.

Shen Yan smiled: "It really is as if you are interlaced like a mountain.
Look at your craft, you can't do it without ten years of hard work!"
The hawker laughed, and was very proud of being praised: "Good to say!"

Yan Wushi took the sugar man and took it under the power fence. He
snapped his head and snapped it into his mouth, chewing crunchily.

Shen Yun: "..."

In order to prevent the hawker from being too strange and concerned, he
gave money and hurried people away.

The annihilation of the Zhou master means that the north will be unified.
Chen Chao and Turk are unwilling to watch the Zhou Dynasty sit up. They
will always try to fight Yu Wenyu, because the prince Yu Wenyu now does
not see the quality of Mingjun. As soon as he died, Zhou would have no
heads and be like scattered sand.

According to such speculations, Yan Wushi would have to appear in

Chang'an as soon as possible, and appear next to Yu Wenyu, so that
everyone could see that he was not dead.

Under the siege of the five masters of the world, Yan Wushi, who was still
intact, will inevitably take his reputation to the next level. No matter
whether this reputation is good or bad, everyone will always cast a
jeopardy, and dare not easily strike Yuwen.

But the problem lies in the fact that although Yan Wushi was not dead, he
was also seriously injured and his heart was still flawed. What's more
troublesome was that not only his temperament changed greatly, but it was
also split into several temperaments, some of which were more prone to
temperament. Speaking of my own ills, it would be okay to bluff ordinary
people. It is easy to reveal stuffing in front of smart people, not to mention
the essence of people like Dou Yanshan and Duan Wenhuan. It will
definitely be wrong to test it out.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 106
While Shen Yun was meditating, Yan Wushi had already finished the sugar
man's waist and was heading towards the "thigh" part.

Seeing this look, who can believe that this person is Yan Wushi? If he
behaves this way in front of Duan Wenji and others, there is a high
probability that he will be beaten without scum.

Shen Yan could not help but sighed, pulled someone into a restaurant, and
sat down and asked, "You just heard what the man said, but what do you

Yan Wushi lifted the power fence and bit the remaining sugar men into his
mouth. He chewed on his cheeks and looked at him without expression.

Shen Yunhan is excellent, and she can't help but twitch the corners of her
mouth: "Although you are Xie Ling's disposition now, you should be able
to understand me?"

Yan Wushi hummed.

Shen Yun: "So what are your plans? I'll take you directly to Chang'an to
find your apprentice?"

Yan Wushi: "No."

He seemed reluctant to speak, and even frowned slightly for this, and it
took a while before he said, "Send a message to them."

Shen Yanshou: "Okay, when Bian Yanmei receives the message and meets
with you, you can discuss the countermeasures, and the gang Yuezong ’s
power in Qi Kingdom is not small. When he enters the qi kingdom, he
should be able to find the gangsters After all, how do you communicate? "

Yan Wushi: "I don't remember."

The implication is that "Xie Ling" does not remember now.

Shen Yan wanted to sigh again: "It's nothing, it's a matter of long-term
discussion, it's not too late to talk to North Zhou."

Time to talk, my buddies have brought the food, the conditions here are
much better than they were in the town before, but the order is no longer
just mutton soup and pancakes. In winter, the shadow of amaranth can be
seen on the plate. It is not easy.

This is located in the center of the market. They sit next to the window,
looking down from the second floor. There are a lot of people doing small
business downstairs. They scream and bargain, one person is dancing
downstairs just below them. He also held a huge wolf in his hand, and
accompanied him to somersault or jump. The wolf dipped in water would
drag a trail of lightness and lightness on the ground. Looking closely, it
was an imitation of the Eastern Jin Dynasty's "Lanting Collection".

The performance was novel and interesting, and it quickly attracted many
people to gather on the sidelines. The locals may not all be literate and
understand what he wrote, but the busker's posture is neat and beautiful,
and he can often win a lot of applause.

Seeing Yan Wushi watching intently, Shen Yan also glanced casually, but
when he saw those handwriting left by the wolf on the ground, his heart
chord moved suddenly, and he felt a kind of bypass and irritability.

That man's kung fu is not even martial arts, it's just a rough kung fu, but he
is very smart. He combines western dance with boxing, both like dancing
and juggling. He can take time to write in the middle. It is interesting and
fresh, and at most a few copper plates with money are enough for this
busker to eat and drink for a day.

However, this person is not just perfunctory because others are just
watching a lively event, that is, the use of the "Lanting Collection" written
by the huge wolf on the uneven ground is not good, and it can be instigated
by many experts in Zhongyuan immediately. However, he stroked,
focused, and completely forgotten. He was completely immersed in his
dance, his eyes fell on the ground instantly, his pens were heavy, his bones
were thin and round, and he refused to be sloppy.

Martial arts is very mysterious. It pays attention to talent, diligence, and

understanding. Sometimes it takes days or even years of hard work to
make no progress. Once you have a few gains, you suddenly realize that
you can enter a new realm.

Now, when Shen Yan watched every act of the busker, a scene naturally
appeared in his mind.

In the scene, the busker becomes Shen Yan himself, and there is no longer
a wolf in his hand, but a sword.

To be good is water, water is good to benefit everything without dispute,

and treat all people's evil, so it is more than Tao.

The waves of the sea and the mountains are like avenues.

He danced a set of swordsmanship, like the Canglang Sword Technique of

Xuandu Mountain, but Shen Yun also knew that it was not the Canglang
Sword Technique but his own swordsmanship.

Slowly, the set of swordsmanship took shape in his mind, Shen Yun almost
forgot everything around him, he even forgot that he was still in the inn,
forgot to bring a Master Wu Yan beside him, and then he stood up and
looked outward. Rushing away, flying away from the city without dust.

He couldn't wait to prove this set of swordsmanship!

Chapter 70

For those who have achieved martial arts, flying flowers and leaves can
hurt people, so to a certain level, martial arts tricks are similar to foreign
objects, and may not be the key to defeating the enemy.

However, this does not mean that the move is unnecessary. It is the so-
called voice, both internally and externally. If there is only one peerless
internal skill, it is equivalent to having a precious mountain without
knowing how to use it.

Qi Fengge's generation of martial arts wizards, who knows the sword

learners too much, can be dazzled by too many sword tricks. I do n’t know
how to use them. It ’s better to simplify them. One of them is the famous
Canglang Jianjue.

Xuandushan's swordsmanship incorporates Taoist quiet and inaction,

natural principles of Taoism, pay attention to static braking,
postponement, light and elegant, Shen Shen temperament fits in with it,
and it is more effective with less effort.

However, after he began to practice the true energy in Zhu Yangce, the
original sword strokes have gradually become unsuitable, because Zhu
Yangce not only contains Taoist principles, but also incorporates the
essence of Confucianism and Buddhism, and Confucianism The
ingeniousness of the door and the fierceness of the Buddha's door cannot
be reflected in the Canglang Sword Technique.

However, even though there are different things in the world, there are
always similarities. Only when he saw that person was writing calligraphy
and dancing, even though the other party was in a busy city, he was also
doing art work to make money, but he seemed to However, he didn't think
he needed to please the crowd, but instead immersed himself in what he
did, dancing and concentrating, the Western Region dance was bold and
vigorous, and the calligraphy was a delicate work. The combination of the
two was a kind of softness and tenderness. Strange and harmonious, others
may only think that his movements are very good-looking, but Shen Ye
suddenly touched the bypass, and realized a new set of swordsmanship.

At this moment, the sword fell, the sword was full of light, the leaves fell
in winter, and everything was withered. However, one person, one sword,
swept away, turned around, and sometimes the spring rain turned soft,
sometimes soft, and sometimes just passed the Buddha's pestle. .

Spring is warm, summer is clear, summer is all in it.

Xiao Xiaoqiufeng, gnawing winter grass, hidden but not hurt.

Polyester mountains and rivers, turbulent Jianghan, Qiyun Tiancheng.

Shenguang clutches, and the sun is light, and the light body stands tall, if it
will fly but never fly.

The heart is in the sword, the sword is in the person, and I forget both
things, and they are clear.

The dead wood around me seemed to feel the same. The sword qi came,
and the dead wood fell down. There was a sword qi on the ground that was
originally dry and cold, deep or shallow, or long or short. The occasional
dead leaves were deterred by the qi. Li Zhi, but did not land, but swirled
around the sword.

Suddenly, the sword tip trembled, and the dead leaves seemed to tremble
slightly, and then they shot forward, declining so fast that they went
straight into the trunk of the tree, without revealing anything.

It is not uncommon for a master to infuse flying leaves with leaves to

injure people, but with swords and leaves, the realm is one level higher.

Mountains and rivers hummed with sad swords, seeming to fluctuate in

accordance with the host's mood. There are hidden mountains and rivers,
the sound of wind and thunder, and the sword light is not dazzling. It only
covers the thin layer of the sword, which is more than before It is soft, but
this layer of sword light can actually follow the mind of Shen Shen,
appearing and disappearing from time to time.

After completing a set of swordsmanship, Shen Yun took the sword and
stood up, slowly exhaling, the feeling of irritability in his heart had not
calmed down, but his chest was surging, and he wanted to gag.

He knew very well that this was because he had just realized the realm of
"Sword Heart", but the internal force could not fully control the sword
The person who learns martial arts has nothing but the ability to make
continuous progress and advance to a new level, so he looks down at the
master, and the master hopes to continue to climb upwards. There is no
limit to learning the martial arts. The four realms of swordsmanship,
sword air, sword meaning, sword heart, and sword god. For many people,
the "sword god" only ends in legend. Except for the warring states, Mo Xie
used his body to stab his sword and use his life to achieve the sword ****
realm. In addition, almost no one has been able to reach this state since
ancient times.

As for the Jianxin state, looking at the world for decades, only Tao
Hongjing and Qi Fengge reached it.

The Sri Lankans are dead, and Tao Hongjing and Qi Fengge will eventually
become history.

Shen Yun, however, is still alive.

Shen Daochang received the sword standing in place, slowly adjusting the
turbulent atmosphere, and the heartfelt feeling gradually dissipated. He
suddenly remembered a very serious matter: Yan Wushi was forgotten in
the restaurant.

Shen Yan screamed badly and flew back to the city immediately.

Yan Wushi was penniless, and he left again. If the man came forward to
ask for food, even if the relatively innocent "Xie Ling" was in charge of
this temperament, it would be difficult to imagine what the other party
would do.

Thinking of this, Shen Min speeded up a bit more, and returned to the
original restaurant in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, seven or eight people were surrounded by their location next
to the window on the second floor, among them restaurants and other
Yan Wushi was under everyone's attention, but he was motionless. His
face under the power fence couldn't see his expression clearly. At first
glance, it seemed like he was afraid to move his eyebrows after being

Shen Yan hurried forward: "I'm really sorry, we just left something
temporarily for a while. How much is it, I'll give it!"

The Dong family is a Han, and seeing Shen Zhen is like seeing a savior,
and said with a bitter face: "This Langjun, we are also a small business. It
is difficult to do everywhere in a foreign country. I really do not want to
cause any trouble. You did n’t bring any money, and you have n’t come
back yet. The villain was thinking of being unlucky, so it ’s okay. Who
knew that this little lady was still reluctant to leave. As soon as we
persuade her, she ...

Shen Yan followed the instructions of his family and saw that he had
broken into a pile of powdered cups and half of the chopsticks submerged
on the table.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help crying and laughing. He repeatedly

lost money and paid for the loss of food and chopsticks, which led Yan
Wushi to leave.

"You ... or Xie Ling?" Shen Yan asked.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Shen Yan coughed, "I'm sorry, I saw the man dancing, and there was a

He took Yan Wushi to the downstairs, the man was still jumping, and he
was sweating a lot in the cold days.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 107
Unfortunately, there are few copper plates in the copper plate in front of
him, and there are fewer and fewer visitors.

Shen Ye counted nearly half of the copper plates in his arms and put them
in that copper plate. The man opened his mouth and thanked him again and
again. Shen Ye nodded slightly at him and left with Yan Wushi.

After taking a few steps, Yan Wushi suddenly said, "Give me more."

Shen Chen laughed: "He planted the willows and willows inadvertently. He
helped me understand Jianxin. Instead, I felt that I gave less, but now we
don't have much money and can only do our best."

Yan Wushi stopped talking.

His words were less than usual. Shen Xun wondered if he had just
abandoned him and left the other person with fear and dissatisfaction.
After all, "Xie Ling" was different from the real Yan Wushi, and he
apologized with a smile: "Also Being angry? Do n’t be angry, it ’s me
wrong, I should n’t leave you and leave. I was immersed in epiphany at
that time, and I wish I could evolve that set of swordsmanship
immediately, so I was negligent. You want to order What fun to eat, I'll
buy it for you. "

Yan Wushi was silent for a moment, and said, "Sugar man."

Shen Yun: "..."

As soon as the other person said that he wanted a sugar man, Shen Min
regretted it a bit, but the pit he dug himself jumped. Since he couldn't
honor the opening, he had to bring Yan Wushi to the original sugar man's
stall, and the hawker recognized them , Curiously smiled: "The two are
back? But the sugar man?"

Shen Zhen embarrassed and said, "Yes, I want another one."

Yan Wushi: "Two."

"..." Shen Yun compromised: "then two."

When a business comes to your door, no one will refuse. The hawker
smiles and moves quickly, and two sugar men are poured out.

Yan Wushi took one in one hand and bitten crunchily, Shen Yan had to
pretend that he could not hear, and took people to the inn to stay.

When I asked for a room, I was still sleeping in one bed and meditating
alone. Now Shen Yun ’s strength is gradually recovering, so he will use
meditation instead of sleeping in his spare time, because the former can
not only practice, but also a kind of rest.

Shen Yan said to Yan Wushi: "Since the cymbal can repair the magic heart,
you're better now ..."

With half the words, he suddenly couldn't go on.

Because Yan Wushi who had taken off the power fence had already eaten
the first sugar man, he was slowly licking in front of another sugar man's
"head", and he licked his "sugar man" with a bright face.

Shen Yun: "... what are you doing?"

Yan Wushi's innocent: "A little bit full, take this, eat slowly."

Shen Ye can't say that you can't lick it. This is particularly strange to
watch, because people are eating sugar, so it seems that he is more

He can only choose to be invisible, and finish the words that have not yet
been completed: "The Central Plains is no better than the Western
Regions. As soon as we enter the Zhou Dynasty, our whereabouts will be
exposed sooner or later. Now there are cymbals in your hands, and your
flaws are just around the corner. Think about it. "
Speaking of Shen Yun, he couldn't help shaking his head and grinning: "In
fact, if you are the real Yan Wushi now, you won't be able to tell me these

Yan Wushi suddenly said: "If the demon heart is repaired, Xie Ling may
not be there."

Shen Yan narrowed his smile and became silent, only half a moment
before he sighed softly: "But you can't be like this all your life, Xie Ling is
willing, Yan Wushi may not be willing."

"Xie Ling" is one of Yan Wushi, but Yan Wushi will never return to save
him after he pulls away.

Perhaps there is a softness in the heart of every iron hearted person, even
if it is very small, and Xie Ling receives this softness, and he pours it on
the Shen who he feels most trustworthy.

But one day, "Xie Ling" disappears, will this trace of softness disappear
with it?

Yan Wushi, is still the selfish and indifferent prince who will not shake

The other person looked at him, his eyes were dark, his focus was clear,
and he did not contain any impurities. This was what Shen Yan had never
seen in Yan Wushi's other dispositions.

This is Xie Ling, not Yan Wushi.

He told himself, then walked over and gently touched the top of the other's

The other party allowed him to do something, but just raised his chin
slightly, and made a rough move.

This is an action that only Xie Ling can do.

Suddenly soft in the heart of Shen Yun, there was a little sadness that
could not be explained clearly.

Skull trauma really began to heal gradually under the influence of Yu

Rongrong, but the damaged meridians in it wanted to be repaired, but it
did not happen overnight. Yan Wushi's temperament is changeable and he
may not be able to concentrate on his practice. When Ling's temperament
comes to dominate, desire will be minimized, and the idea seems to
become simple. Even a sugar man can satisfy him.

"Can the cymbal still be with you? Show me," Shen Yan said.

The other hand gave him the cymbals in his arms.

Shen Yan took the cymbal, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully. The
upper case lower case was embroidered with silk thread instead of writing
with ink pen, so it did not fade over time.

The above is indeed related to the martial arts martial arts. Tao Hongjing
had probably seen the martial arts classics of the Sun and Moon Sect in the
past, and spoke about a thousand words, most of which were comments on
the martial arts martial arts and his own perception, and did not
specifically involve how to learn Shen Mo's knack for practicing the
martial arts martial arts now has poor eyesight. He can barely look at it
with faint candlelight, and his eyes are a bit sour and almost unbearable.

"It didn't mention how to repair the magic heart flaw?" He was a little
weird, and handed the cymbal back.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Shen Yun: "Where?"

Yan Wushi shook his head.

After a while, he said again, "I don't know, but he knows."

It means "Xie Ling" doesn't know, but the deity knows it.
Shen Min nodded, and didn't ask any more. After waiting for him to fall
asleep, he found a mattress and meditated with his knees.

The moon is shining, and the hour is getting late.

Even the distant bark of the dog disappeared, the world fell asleep, and
there was tranquility from the inside out.

The person in bed did not sleep well, and his body occasionally moved

Shen Yan noticed his movement, opened his eyes, and stood up to look.

"Xie Ling?" He called softly.

The other frowned, as if falling into some sort of nightmare.

Shen Min reached out to explore his forehead, but before touching his
skin, the other side opened his eyes in a frown.

This is not "Xie Ling"!

Touching the other person's eyes, Shen Li immediately became alert, and
pulled back.

But Yan Wushi's movement was much faster than he imagined, the other
party stood up like a ghost, and grabbed the Shen Nianmen like lightning!

"Master Yan, it's me!" Shen Yan drank.

But to no avail, regardless of the other party's disregard, the shot was
fierce, and all the moves were murderous.

Yan Wushi was seriously injured, but his martial arts were not exhausted.
Shen Chen suddenly realized this, and the opponent rarely shot before, so
he gave him this illusion.

However, even the real Yan Wushi cannot open his eyes and ignore the
attacks on others. This is obviously a manifestation of the delusion ...
Shen Min suddenly remembered that Panna had said that Yan Wushi was
holding her neck, but after that, Shen Min never saw the other side show
the fierce and irrational side, so she gradually forgot about it.

Could this be another display of disposition?

He was helpless, both sides tried several tricks, and now Yan Wushi is not
Shen Yan's opponent, but he does n’t want Shen to play a lot of scruples,
Shen Shen ca n’t take his life, so as not to disturb the hotel too much.
Others, Shen Minquan hit the opponent's acupuncture point.

Yan Wushi resisted and couldn't resist. He fell forward and Shen Yan held
him up in time. However, he found that his face was suddenly red with
blood and turned red. He looked at the pulse and found that Yan Wushi's
breath was disordered and he was running around. , Could not help but
startled, quickly unlocked the other's acupoint.

But as soon as the acupuncture point was resolved, Yan Wushi reached out
and put his hands around his neck, and brought them together, biting his
lips directly!
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 108
Shen Yan ache, his hand wound around his neck, and the other side fell
softly on him.

Finally quiet.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief and took hold of Yan Wushi's wrist.

If only the other party is still in a state of exorcism, it is not too long at
this moment, the pulse has completely calmed down, and still showing the
opposite vitality?

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow Lao Yan will return slowly → _ →

Xie Ling: Beauty brother.

Shen Yan: Good. (Feeling)

Lao Yan: Ah (〜  ̄ ▽  ̄) 〜 *

Shen Yan: Lord Yan. (Cold face)

Lao Yan: (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 71

This situation of Yan Wushi is a hundred times more complicated and

complicated than Shen Yun himself.

Although Shen Ye was seriously injured on the cliff that day, his illness
was lingering, but that was because of the toxin attack in the body, but his
damaged meridians had been fully repaired by Zhu Yangce's true qi, and
the remnant of Huan Huan was also exhausted. Instead, it was solved.
Although his eyes were implicated by Yu Du, he still can't fully recover,
but now he has been reshaped by Zhu Yangce, and his martial arts should
be started from the beginning, but there are no future problems.

However, this is not the case with Yan Wushi. A flaw appeared in his
original heart. This is a problem of his own. The flaw was also known by
Guangling and used by other masters to siege the gap. Injuries to the body,
disordered meridians throughout the body, and disturbance of the internal
interest, so as to affect the nature of the heart, temperament changed

Therefore, to recover, at least we have to deal with it from three aspects.

One is to treat head injuries. This is already a hosta, which is not a
problem. The second is to comb the meridians. The third is to repair the
magic heart. The two or three are combined with each other to make up for
each other. Because the flaws cannot be repaired one day, there is still the
danger of getting into the magic and the meridian disorder, and the
problem of meridians will affect the progress of his martial arts recovery.

The pulse that Shen Kun sees now is not necessarily the true pulse of Yan
Wushi. It may be a symptom of "face and chaos", but this is finally a good
start. After all, with Yan Wushi's natural talent, he Now that we've said
that cymbals can repair the magic heart flaw, it must be, only in time and
evening, and how effective it is.

Shen Yan laid the other side flat on the couch, and found a white object
from his sleeve.

This was the Yucheng Rong given to him by Xie Ling that day under the
ancient city of Shen. Shen Xun's trauma that was scratched by the ape at
that time was almost better, and he had never eaten it, because now he has
the help of Zhu Yangce. Although this thing can regulate the breath, it does
not have a great effect on him.

Shen Yan held Yuxi Rong in his hand, took an empty cup, and with a hard
hand, Yuxi Rong's powder fell from his fingers, and soon filled half a cup.
He poured some warm water into it Then, pinch Yan Wushi's chin, pry
open his mouth, and pour that cup of jade lotus seed water into it.
This object can be regarded as a healing relic, and naturally has its
magical effect. It is not even found inside the palace. It can only be found
under the Gobi Desert under the ancient city. It is needless to say that the
apes are perennial. Taking this as a food, so great strength, after years of
psychic wisdom, they can fight with them on par.

At that time, Yan Wushi picked four, and in order to get Chen Gong away,
he threw away the rest. Later, he ate two of them and gave one to Shen
Wei. I don't expect that this one will be used by himself. Body.

If you change someone else, even if you eat it is useless, you probably
don't want to be cheaper.

After drinking this glass of "Yu-Yong-Rong Water", Yan Wushi's

complexion was really calm, so Shen Yun lowered the cup and continued
to meditate, while thinking about the problems related to "Zhu Yangce".

There are five volumes of "Zhu Yangce", one of which is related to the
martial arts martial arts, which is the content of the sniper that Yan Wushi
grabbed from Chen Gong. He has also seen that there are thousands of
words. In the martial arts of the Sun and Moon Sect of the year, Shen Ye
was not helpful because he practiced Taoism, which had nothing to do with

Of the other four volumes related to the three martial arts of

Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, Shen Min has already read two
volumes. One is taught by the teacher Qi Fengge, and the other is in the
Izumo Temple. Yan Wushi destroyed it.

There are also two volumes, one hidden in the Bei Zhou Nei Palace and
one in the Tiantai Sect.

Because of the reputation of "Zhu Yangce", everyone thought it was the

world's first bizarre book, and they wanted to see it. Dou Yanshan did not
know where to get the news of one of the volumes of "Zhu Yang Ce", so he
ordered the assistant Yun Fuyi to personally I bought it from the owner of
the dart, and sent it to myself in the name of a dart. However, I was
intercepted by Yan Wushi in the middle, and he finally destroyed the
volume, so he hated Yan Wushi in his heart. In the bones, it is not
surprising to participate in the siege. From the perspective of anyone, Yan
Wushi's practice is really too hateful.

However, many people know that Zhu Yangce is good, but they do n’t
know how good it is. They thought that there must be peerless martial arts
in it, and they would be the best in the world after training. Even Qi
Fengge, then Yan Wushi, was not It can be completely explored, and until
Shen Yun ’s martial arts have been exhausted, he did not know the wonders
of Zhu Yangce, it is strange that he can reshape the foundation. Standing
taller than others, with different patterns, the realm in the future will
naturally be different.

However, even if many masters know this, they will not really be able to
abandon their martial arts and re-practice "Zhu Yangce", plus people who
have watched "Zhu Yangce" will inevitably cherish themselves, most of
them refuse to communicate with others, so look at the world, Those who
can really understand the essence of "Zhu Yangce" may not exceed one in

At the moment Shen Ran stands halfway up the mountain, he already feels
that the world is vast and there is nothing he can do, but after all, it is
better to stand on the top of the mountain. Although several volumes of
"Zhu Yangce" are written independently, there is always some connection
between each other, so Now that he has practiced in one place
occasionally, he will not understand and cannot find the answer. He can
only explore it by himself. Perhaps after reading the other two volumes,
this situation will be completely reversed.

Fortunately, the volume hidden in the Bei Zhou Nei Palace said that the
last time he met, Yu Wenzheng might be willing to lend.

However, the Tiantai Sect is difficult to say. The Buddhist and Daomen
have never been able to talk about each other. In order to compete for the
Taoism, the sects in the world have already supported the Mingzhu
individually, and they are so troubled that the Tiantai Sect cannot give
their own township treasure for no reason. Borrowed by irrelevant people.
If you think about it, in the middle of the night, Shen Xun unknowingly
faints, and sleeps lightly.

He didn't wake up until dawn in the early morning.

This sleep is not heavy, but Shen has learned Taoism from an early age,
and his nature has been indifferent. There are no insurmountable obstacles
to linger, and he believes that everything is worthy of heart, and naturally
he will not sleep and eat. Ann, so even though I feel shallow, I can keep
my mind up.

It only took two points of innocence in the past, but after experiencing
various ups and downs, these two points of innocence have gradually
settled down. Although he still treats others with a heart, but also slowly
learns how to distinguish between people ’s hearts. Be easily blinded

Before he opened his eyes, he felt that double eyes seemed to fall on
himself on the bed.

You do n’t need to look to know who it is, but I do n’t know what kind of
temperament I woke up this time. If it ’s as violent as last night, I have to
stun again, or hire a carriage to throw people up and hurry. Save a lot of

Shen Yan turned his mind, slowly opened his eyes. The two were not far
away, and he could still see the expression on each other's face.

However, seeing Yan Wushi's complexion, and the meaning in his eyes
was unknown, he murmured, and was not happy: "Zong Yan?"

Yan Wushi laughed playfully: "Why, you don't seem to want to see me?"

Shen Yan's eyelids narrowed slightly: "No."

Yan Wushi: "I must be wearing this women's dress?"

Shen Huan: "Being in a hurry, you can also avoid a lot of investigations
and enable Yan Zongzhu to return to Chang'an as soon as possible."
Yan Wushi didn't seem to mind. He even touched the bun on top of his
head with interest, and touched his sleeves. He also said to Shen Yun: "If
you want to dress, you will look like some, and most women will keep
their nails. If you do n’t stay, you will also apply cardamom juice,
otherwise if you are interested, you will know that the man is dressed as a

Shen Yan drew his lips, and said to myself where I knew so much, I had
never played.

But his mouth said, "The Lord Yan said, if you want to spread the card
juice, I will buy it now on the street."

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow and smiled, "You don't seem to be willing to
talk to me? Why? Xie Ling is just a ray of my soul, so you have to be blue-
eyed and be gentle, but you will not lie to me. I forgot, who is the real Yan
Wu teacher? "

On the same day, Shen Yun was determined to save Yan Wushi. It was not
for the other party to return to the shore, nor for gratitude. Who knew that
Yan Wushi would have a flawed temperament, and it was unexpected that
he encountered Xie Ling and A Yan. Things, otherwise he is not willing to
quarrel with the other party at all, so he would n’t even meet from now on.

"Xie Ling is Xie Ling, and Yan Wushi is Yan Wushi. In any case, I dare
not forget Yan Zong." Shen Xuan said lightly.

Yan Wushi's eyes fell on the injury of his lips, and he laughed in surprise:
"Why, Xie Ling has lost most of my memory, and even my loved ones
have forgotten, but the monkey is so anxious to bite you out of the injury?"

After he reminded him, Shen Zhen realized that there was still some faint
pain on his lips, but he was not good at lip-slapping, and just kept silent.

Yan Wushi didn't take it seriously, and laughed again: "Since the cymbals
are found, it's only a matter of time to repair the flaws in the magic heart. I
really would like to thank you for this. If you don't take me deeper, I won't
take it from Chen Gong Come to the film. Grandma, you remonstrated
with such virtues, but it makes me feel guilty about what you gave Sang
Jingxing that day! "

There is guilt on his mouth, but in fact there is no slight guilt in his tone.
This is the real Yan Wushi. He works for others. Even if he has done all he
can, he will not feel ashamed in his heart. Even if time is backward, he is
only afraid of him. In order to push the heavy bottom line, the same choice
will still be made.

After all, as Yan Wushi said, he doesn't need friends, he only needs
opponents, and opponents only give people who can stand up to him,
standing side by side.

Today, how Shen Ye still ca n’t understand this, so he did n’t answer these
questions, but asked the business: “After leaving the city and going to the
Central Plains, you will become more and more exposed to danger. Xiu
Wei, I guess you do n’t want to face the Master Xueting and other people
for the time being. You are in the middle of the crowd now, if you are
found, there will be trouble, but there is a short journey to Chang'an. What
are you going to do? "

Seeing him looking pale, he obviously didn't want to talk to himself, but
he still had a new wound on his lips, which destroyed a bit of abstinence.
As if the statue of a fairy was suddenly covered with red dust and
fireworks, his heart felt funny, he laughed: "You and Bei Zhou have
nothing to do with each other. You ca n’t stand on his side to help me just
because you have seen Yu Wenji. Let me guess, maybe you have been
secretly infatuated with me, but because of me I personally gave it to Sang
Jingxing and it hurt my heart, but the old feelings are unforgettable. The
appearance of Xie Ling has revived your old feelings and also put me on
women's clothes. Is it necessary to cook mature rice with raw rice when I
am unconscious? Let me give each other something? "

Rao is a serious and serious man, and he was thundered by his narcissistic
words: "If Lord Zong refuses to talk about the business, I will stun you and
send it back to Changan."
Yan Wushi grinned: "Okay, don't get angry, let's not go directly back to
Chang'an and go to Weizhou first."

He has always had a repetitive temperament. He used to laugh and laugh

when he was in a good mood.

Shen Yanmei: "Why?"

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 109
Yan Wushi: "As you said, I have n’t recovered my martial arts yet. I am
too swaggering in front of people. The Liuhe Gang, the Buddhist monk,
the acacia sect, the law mirror sect, and even the Turkic people all want to
put me to death. There is no way to protect me now. "

Shen Minxin said who is that strange, you have enemies all over the world,
and few people can do it. If I didn't want to care about you for the sake of
the overall situation, at this time, I have already joined the ranks of
hunting you.

Yan Wushi couldn't hear his belly, but Shen's expression had betrayed
himself. Yan Wushi thought it was very interesting. He stared at him for a
while, and then asked, "What's the news from Chang'an?"

Shen Ye: "I heard that the Northern Zhou army commander drove straight
in, and there was little resistance from Bei Qi. If there were no accidents,
the city should have been taken down."

Yan Wushi said, "I have arranged manpower next to Yu Wenji. He should
be okay at half past one. If something should happen, we can't rush it now.
Huan Yuezong has a mansion in Weizhou. Go there first. Stop and find
someone to send a message to Chang'an. "

Since he has decided this way, Shen Ye has no objection.

"Then you take a break first."

Yan Wushi: "Where are you going?"

Shen Yan: "Buy your cardamom juice for your nails."

"..." For the first time in his life, Lord Zong also had some silence.

The two stayed in Tuyuhun King City for a few days, and finally set off for
North Zhou.
Before leaving, Shen Zhen went to the Panna's house by himself, and saw
Chen Gong did not say anything. Her grandfather had indeed returned, and
the grandson and grandson were both safe and sound, and then they left

Yan Wushi's temperament will still change, but as he becomes more and
more awake, Shen Xun finds that the first dissolve is the extremely
violent, inexplicable disposition, the rest The other three temperaments
rarely run out during the day, but alternate at night.

In other words, Yan Wushi during the day is no different from before.

However, every time "Xie Ling" appeared, he always depended on Shen

Xuan, and even looked at him even if he refused to sleep all night and all
night. This was beyond the control of Yan Wushi ’s deity, so most of the
daytime Time, Yan Wushi's spirit is always not good, often meditating and

In early February, they arrived in Weizhou City.

And the crisis is coming quietly.

Chapter 72

Weizhou was established in the Northern Wei Dynasty. At the source of

Weishui, it is called Weizhou. In fact, its governing place is called
Xiangwu, but everyone has long been used to linking it with Weishui, and
it is called Weizhou City.

The city is definitely not as good as Chang'an, but it is also considered to

be a major city in the west. If there is a war between Tuzhou and Northern
Zhou, it must be the front line. However, there is no such danger for the
time being, because the weather has not warmed up and there is less
business travel. Weizhou City, as always, is calm and peaceful.

Early in the morning, A Qing walked towards the door with a broom.
It just snowed yesterday. Naturally, it is necessary to clean it up, otherwise
Bo Wu will definitely slip out when he wants to go out to buy food.

He hummed in a tone that only he walked wildly, and only he could

understand, and his heart quickly swept the snow, and he also got the
backyard to see the yellow cat who ran to the firewood room to avoid the
cold a few days ago. Is there, if so, take something to feed.

There was a heavy snowfall last night, and there was no accident that a
thick layer accumulated on the door, and from time to time there were
snow **** falling from the roof.

At this point, A Qing had swept the courtyard all over, and she had a thin
layer of sweat on her body. She didn't feel cold, she was just a little gasp,
and she stopped to rest for a while.

He naturally lifted his head, and then saw two people come across the

A Qingxian noticed that the man in the blue clothes, distant, how the other
person's looks are still unclear, but the behavior has revealed an unusual,
A Qing finds it difficult to find a proper word to describe If he had to say
anything, he could only think of the cold cakes he used to eat in the
summer. It was white and clear, and refreshing, let alone eat. Just looking
at it, he felt uncomfortable.

When the other party came closer, he realized that he had just thought of
the cold cake, and it was really good. A Qing had never seen such a
handsome man, and he was so stunned until he found that the two were
facing him. When I came here, I got closer and closer, and then I hurried
back to God.

"Cold cake", ah no, a man with a long bag came to him and arched his
hand at A Qing: "Dare to ask, but is Xiefu here?"

In the past, A Qing will certainly return: Is n’t the word "Xiefu" on the
head huge? Are you blind or do not know how to ask?
But instead of being mean, he blushed again this time. His usual sharp
teeth were missing and he stuttered: "But I don't know you?"

"Xiaolangjun, are you from this house?" The other asked with a polite

A Qing just felt that half of his bones were crisping.

At this time, a slight whisper came from the man in Tsing Yi: "Ah, you
ask, slowly, when will you be able to ask out? Just let Lao Wu come out
and say that his master is here."

A Qing then noticed that he followed the man in Tsing Yi. There was also a
woman wearing a yellow dress wearing a power fence and could not see
her appearance.

It is just that most of the women in the border are tall and tall, such as the
one who can no longer be described as tall, but the women who are more
like men are very rare.

Besides, the sound is not bad, but it is certainly not the softness and
softness that women often have.

A Qing was confused for a moment: "Are you mistaken? We don't have a
host here. Lang Jun of Xiefu went out to travel a few years ago and hasn't
returned yet!"

Shen Yan still had to ask again, but when she saw Yan Wushi, she threw
something at the boy.

A Qing caught it subconsciously, and looked down, only to find that it was
a topaz, less than half a slap, but the carvings on it were extremely fine,
with bright laurel branches and smoke cage Kunlun.

"Entrust it to Wu Mi, and then let him see me." The "woman" who was not
like a woman at all said.

Suddenly, A Qing hit a spirit. He thought of Wu Bo's explanation. He

seemed to understand who he was. He turned around without a word, and
closed the door. Shut out.

His vigilance is strong, but unfortunately, all behaviors are still naive to

The two stood outside for a while before they saw the door reopened. An
old man in a gargoyle opened the door from the inside, followed by the
young boy.

The old man's eyes glanced from Shen Yan and fell on Yan Wushi wearing
a power fence, not sure: "Master?"

Yan Wushi hummed.

With this single voice, the old man could not be mistaken for it. He was
overjoyed and almost snatched up to salute, but after taking a few steps it
seemed to hold back, and quickly let them in.

"Please, please, let's talk more advanced!"

A Qing followed Wu Bo, and looked at them curiously.

He was not a middleman in Huan Yuezong, but an orphan who was taken
in by Wu Bo as a child. He has since stayed in this small house to
accompany Wu Bo to help him clean the house. Wu Bo didn't tell him
much. A Qing vaguely knew that the house had a master. Wu Bo only
helped to care for him here, but the master did not know where he was and
when he would return. It might take a few years. You may not come back
for a lifetime.

A Qing originally thought that Wu Bo ’s “going out” host might have died
unexpectedly, but he never expected that one day the other party would
suddenly appear in front of them, even posing as a woman.

"A light." Wu Bo called him, "Go to the kitchen and cook some porridge
and make a few side dishes. Lang Jun is back. I must travel a long
distance. I have to eat something to warm my body."
"Well, let's go!" A Qing listened to Wu Bo's words, heard the words and
agreed, and left in a hurry.

Yan Wushi took a look at his back and took off the power fence: "The root
bones are good, but they are a bit stupid. The yueyue sect must be smart
and smart, and he is not qualified."

Wu Bo busyly said, "The villain accepted him, but he was just bored,
leaving the child to be a companion, and he never dared to think

This house was originally one of Huan Yuezong's strongholds. It was

bought in the name of Bian Yanmei, because the disciples of Huan
Yuezong were all named Xie, but all the houses were unified Xie Zhai. Wu
Bo sits here, and after getting along for a few years, he really has a little
affection for A Qing, and has the idea of giving him a chance to worship
Huan Yuezong.

However, he did not dare to hit his mind on Yan Wushi. He wanted to wait
for the side Mei or Yu Shengyan to pass by this place. However, no one
came, but they came directly to the Buddha. I dare not even mention it

But suddenly Shen Shen said, "Stupid means it is not easy to be seduced
by things outside of you, and you may not be able to concentrate on
martial arts. I think this child has a simple mind and is very good. If he
has nothing to do with Huan Yuezong and would like to practice martial
arts, I can refer for it. "

What he thought at this time was that after Bixiazong experienced a great
change, the door was withered, and it was not easy to find a good seed. A
Qing's qualifications, such as Yan Wushi's high-eyed guru, may not even
look at it. , But placed in Bixia Sect, there is great promise.

Yan Wushi smirked and said, "Ah, this way, I haven't seen who you are so
fond of. In my opinion, if you want to talk about the roots of
qualifications, wouldn't it be better for the little child we met on the road
before? You do n’t know that he has been staring at you all the time,
obsessed with your appearance, so why do you say that? ”

Shen Yan: "Zong Yan himself is lascivious and thinks everyone in the
world is as lascivious as you."

He didn't want to ignore Yan Wushi. Because the two had a fight, he won
less and lost more. So when Yan Wushi restored his original temperament,
he always tried to reduce the number of times he spoke to the other party.
But he did it here.

Sure enough, Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I also have a good appetite,
everyone is like that, I really like your appearance, but I love your
indifference to my indifferent love, what's wrong with that? What do you
think about that? Xie Ling and A Yan were so gentle that they refused to
say more than half a word when I came out, but in the final analysis, Ye
Xie Ling and A Yan are both sides of my Yan Wushi, but if Xie Ling and A
Ye Yan replaced Wu Mi's old face and got closer to you. Would you also
look at them differently? "

Wu Bo's innocent was involved. He couldn't figure out the relationship

between Shen Yun and Yan Wushi. He was afraid to answer and had to
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 110
Shen Yan said, "I'm annoyed when I do see you. I would rather talk to Xie
Ling than to talk to you."

Although Yan Wushi was still smiling, the smile on his face had become

Wu Bo could not leave, and was embarrassed to keep it. Hearing their
conversation, they wished to be transparent.

He had followed Yan Wushi for a while, and knew that whenever the other
side showed such a smile, it was obvious that someone was going to be

Who knew that after this laugh, Yan Wushi said softly: "Okay, when I say
the wrong thing, I don't say anything about dressing as a woman all the
way. Try to cooperate as much as possible. Shen Zhang teaches adults that
there are a lot of them, and they will certainly not care about me. "

How arrogant is the lord of the Yueyue Sovereign, how many times have
he seen him drop down and apologize to others? Not to mention that Wu
Bo was scared, even Shen Yun was quite surprised.

Although Shen Yun didn't answer this sentence, he relented slightly when
he spoke again: "You and Wu Bo must have a lot of things to say, so I
won't disturb you. There are guest rooms here, and I want to take a break."

Seeing no objection from Yan Wushi, Wu Bo busy said: "Yes, I have

packed all the year round, I can live at any time, and I will take you there."

He took Shen Wei to settle down, and quickly hurried back to meet Yan

"The lord is all right, it's a blessing! The villain heard that you had been,
was ... unbelievable, it really is a rumor!"
Yan Wushi yelled: "It's not a rumor. I did get a little bit injured, and I
haven't fully recovered yet."

Wu Bo said, "That's the one ..."

Yan Wushi: "His surname is Shen. Here, treat him like you treat me."

Wu Bo responded quickly and did not dare to ask more.

Yan Wushi: "What's going on outside this time?"

Wu Bo: "The news of your death has spread all over the rivers and lakes.
The villain did not want to believe it and wrote back to Changan, but
Dalangjun never responded. I heard that the people of Hehuanzong took
the opportunity to find us a lot of trouble. People keep your command in
mind and have been low-key and cautious, not exposed here. "

Yan Wushi: "Where is Yu Wenji?"

Wu Bo: "Zhu was personally conscripted, Qi State was destroyed, and now
the prestige is just as high as the sky. Even Turkic people and Nan Chen
dare not grab their edge. After Zhou heard about your news, it is said that
he also sent someone to look for it. The trouble of those who besieged you
that day, except for the fact that the forces on the Ming and Qing dynasties
have somewhere to go, the others are still missing, their respective sects
are not in the territory of the Zhou Dynasty, after all, the Lord Zhou is not
a riverman, a court The power was not enough, and in the end, it was just a
few helms of the Liuhe Gang in the Zhou Dynasty. "

Yan Wushi: "How long ago did you write to Changan?"

Wu Bo: "Years ago, it was twenty-five years."

This time and again, it is not that fast, but there may also be some changes
along the side of May.

Yan Wushi: "I'll live here for a few days, and wait for Chang'an to reply by
the way. You should arrange it. Don't let any unrelated person wait for the
news to go out."
Wu Bo busy said: "Yes, please rest assured! Although A Qing does not
know the identity of the villain, but the child's mouth is tight and his
origins are innocent. He will never cause wrong."

After personally sending Yan Wushi to the room for a break, Wu Bo

turned out from the backyard and only saw A Qing coming over holding
the freshly prepared meal.

"Aber, you're all done with your food, now you're here?"

Wu Bo nodded: "Remember not to talk, don't ask, don't ask, don't ask me
in front of me. I can't do this in front of the host. He doesn't like people
who talk too much."

A Qing first agreed and asked curiously: "Abo, your master, this is Lang
Jun of Xiefu, is he a man or a woman?"

Wu Bo's face turned black: "Of course it's a man. Can't you distinguish
between men and women?"

A Qing mumbled: "Who knows, maybe he has any special hobbies, I think
he still gets along well with the Lang Jun who came with him."

His voice was extremely low. Who knew that Wu Bo still listened to it,
and then he was patted immediately: "Whh, what are you going to do,
don't rush to the past, let you keep your mouth shut, you will lose your
words and be silent. Kim knows not! "


Chapter 73

A Qing was a young boy. He grew up in Weizhou and was comfortable

with the status quo. He had never seen the outside world. There were two
more people in the family. He was naturally curious. Although Wu Bo
repeatedly told him that he was fine and could not bother others, but he
Every day, I still take the opportunity to deliver meals and occasionally
chat with Shen Min.
Of course, if Yan Wushi gave him another ten guts, he wouldn't dare to
talk to others-the young man has a kind of beast-like intuition. He is very
clear about who can talk and who can't mess with him.

This day, as usual, he knocked on the door of the heavy room with the
cooked meals.

No one answered inside, but A Qing was obviously used to it. After Shen
Chen woke up in the day, he would basically practice his sword in the
outside yard. A Qing pushed the door directly in, put the basket on the
table, and put the white porridge in it one by one. Take it out.

The sound of footsteps behind him, A Qing raised a smile and turned his
head: "Shen Langjun, you are back, just so ..."

Half of the story came to an abrupt halt, and he was almost strangled by
his own saliva. He rolled up with a smile, and his expression suddenly
changed into a restrained smile: "Good lord."

"You don't seem to want to see me." Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows and
walked in as usual.

He no longer wore the women's clothing when he came home the first
time, and even his hair returned to its original color.

However, A Qing felt inexplicably afraid, and even did not dare to look at
him, and lost his original will, and quickly stood up and tied his hands: "A
Qing didn't dare, because Wu Bo explained that A Qing must respect and
respect his protagonist, and cannot be offended . "

Yan Wushi's thin lips tickled slightly, and he sat down directly in front of
the case, with a casual posture: "You are so restrained to me, but as casual
as Shen Yan, obviously you really like him?"

A Qing stammered: "Shen Langjun, others are very good!"

Yan Wushi said, "He is really good to everyone. Even if he is in trouble, he

won't show his face if he feels disturbed."
In Shen Shen's mind, he almost embodies all the perfect qualities he longs
for, has a good temper, looks good, has great martial arts, and treats others
kindly. Such a person, Mo said A Qing, is afraid that he is as old as A Qing
Young people will adore it. A Qing is in this house. Only Wu Bo is a
companion every day, and even a playmate of a similar age is absent.
Suddenly, there is a lot of confusion. Naturally, he has a closeness and
wants to be more with him. In two words, this is quite normal.

But when it came to Mr. Yan Wushi, he took on such an unusual meaning
of one or two points. When A Qing heard this, he felt a little sad and
frustrated. He thought that he ran into him every day to talk to him.

The boy bowed his head like a puppy in a mood.

But Yan Wushi wouldn't be half-compassionate. The last sentence

rekindled, and he gave the final word: "So you have to know yourself."

Ah Qing: "Yes."

The voice was low and almost saddened to tears.

At this moment, Shen Yun came in from the outside with a sword in his
face, but his face was still sweaty, but as a result, his face became paler
and paler, like a faint halo.

"What's wrong?" He saw the two standing and sitting one by one.

"How are you in my room?" The second sentence asked Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I smelled the scent of rice, so I came over
to sip it."

Shen Yanmei: "Isn't A Qing sending you there?"

Yan Wushi was at ease: "If you eat yourself, how can you eat other
people's incense, and when you see that others have an appetite, you can
eat well."
What he said, Shen Yan didn't believe a word, he always felt a little weird,
and seemed to have happened before he came in.

"A light?" Shen Min said softly, seeing his head bowed, "What happened
to you?"

"No, it's nothing! The main character and Shen Langjun use it slowly, and
I'll clean up after you finish eating!" Said to hurriedly turn around and run

At a glance of Yu Guang, the youngster's eyes seemed a little red, Shen

Yun became more suspicious, looking at A Qing's back, and turned to ask
Wu Yan: "What did you say to him?"

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "Ama, your tone is like the old hen who
cares for the cubs! Don't forget, A Qing is my person. I think it ’s normal
for him, and others are closer At one point, you look at him differently. We
have been traveling together for so long, why haven't we seen you change
your attitude towards me? "

If Shen Yun's expression was just ordinary, at this moment, there were no
waves left: "Sovereign Yan is not rare about my attitude."

When the flaws were revealed and his temperament changed, he actually
felt it, as if he had an extra pair of eyes looking at the outside world, but
he could only look at it and was unable to control his body.

So he can "see" how Shen Yan gets along with his other dispositions, even
if it is the gentle style of "A Yan", Shen Yan also has three points of
caution, but when he was alone, he should not be At that time, the
awakened "Xie Ling" did his best to control the body and turned to look
for Shen Yan. At that time, Yan Wushi, who was in a dormant state,
watched Shen Shen with a cold smile on the "Xie Ling". At that time, he
could also feel Shen峤 Inner vibration.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 111
This life is a soft heart. If others give him a point, he will pay a very high
return. After experiencing things like Chen Gong and Yu Yan, others will
not be full of resentment, at least they will be ashamed, but this On the
contrary, people cherish goodwill even if it is insignificant to others.

That's why Shen Yan looked at Xie Ling differently.

Perhaps from then on, Shen Zhen really regarded "Xie Ling" as an
independent person, but when he faced him, he separated him from Yan
Wushi, how kind Shen was to the former. How indifferent to the latter.

But the more so, the more Yan Yanshi felt more interested.

He used to tease Shen Ye for two purposes. At the same time, he felt that
this person was a bit ridiculous. He was repeatedly betrayed and still not
good at school. Everyone has evil in his heart. It is only hidden deep or
shallow. Shen cannot be an exception. Therefore, every effort is made to
elicit the malicious intentions in the other person's heart. The second
reason is to root the magic heart in his body, to test the result of the fusion
of the magic heart and the Tao heart, and to use Shen Yan as his own
experimental product.

Unexpectedly, the world is impermanent, Shen Min never walked in the

direction he set. Instead, he took a completely different path. Rao is
through hardships, and his heart is sinister. This person still does not
change his nature, even if he is divided to himself. A "Xie Ling" is willing
to be tender and cheerful, and treats him with love.

Should such a person say that he is stupid or that he is stubborn?

However, in the view of Yan Wushi, "Xie Ling" and Yan Wushi, both evil
and good, pain and beauty, should be special to Shen Yan. There is no need
to have another cat or dog Thinning is special.
After listening to Shen Yan's words, Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Who
says I'm not rare, I'm so rare. If you would like to give me one or two of
Xie Ling, come to me, I don't know how happy . "

Shen Ye didn't listen, he bowed his head and concentrated on drinking


Now as long as "Xie Ling" does not appear, Yan Wushi said, he only
listened to half of the ten sentences, and these half sentences had to be
broken apart to chew and ponder, so as not to repeat the same mistake, if a
person falls into the same two times In the river, it was too sad. Although
Shen Yan thought he was not a smart man, he was not stupid.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Yan Wushi smiled and didn't talk anymore.
He took the porridge bowl and started to eat.

For these two people, these two days can be regarded as the most peaceful
and peaceful days, not to mention the thrilling series of underground, since
they left Tuyuhun, Yan Wushi has not been removed, Shen Yan has to deal
with his constantly changing Temperament, but also pay attention to the
movements outside, because Yan Wushi's enemies are everywhere, so I ca
n’t relax for a moment. Only after entering here can I feel a little peace of
mind and be able to focus on Zhu Yangce's true cultivation.

And Yan Wushi, although Shen Ye did n’t ask him carefully, but from the
performance of the other side, he can see that his temperament has
gradually stabilized, and rarely has his heart changed greatly when he
wakes up. Presumably it is the content on the film. Enlightened by Yan
Wushi, it is only a matter of time before the magic heart breaks through
with his ability. By then, "Feng Lin Yuan Dian" will be one step higher,
and even if this person's martial arts is not invincible, it will not be far
behind. Even if the five masters join forces again, they may not be able to
win Yan Wushi.

It's a pity that Xie Ling ... Shen Ling sighed in the bottom of his heart,
sighing secretly.
Suddenly Yan Wushi asked, "Why do you look at A Qing specially,
because it is similar to Xie Ling and makes you empathize?"

In front of him, Shen Yun has become extremely silent. He can say nothing
if he can't speak, but Yan Wushi seems to guess his mood and smiles
slightly: "You like him, I just look at him as unpleasant, you If you don't
want to give a reason, I'll let Wu Bo drive him out after you leave. "

Shen Yan did not buy it: "Zong Yan always wants to do whatever he wants,
and he can do whatever he wants, and there is room for me to beak."

Yan Wushi laughed: "Okay, then I won't rush him out, please tell me,

The eldest husband was able to bend and stretch, and Zong Yan did
everything he could to achieve his goal. He never paid attention to the
word "trick". He was a dignified master-level master, asking for words to
come out. He didn't think it mattered, but others couldn't listen.

Shen Yan eats soft but not hard. Yan Wushi has already figured this out for
him. Anyway, speaking soft words is not painful or itchy. For others, it is
about dignity and perseverance, but people in the magic gate are not so

Sure enough, despite being uncomfortable, Shen Huan said, "A Qing is a
bit like an apprentice I received."

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Why don't I know you have accepted the

Shen Xuan said lightly: "You also know that it is fifteen in Bailongguan."

When mentioning this, he inevitably thought of watching the Lord and the
first day, and then how they died.

Apart from blame, naturally Wu Yan also did not look good.

Well, which pot is not to be mentioned, Yan Wushi is extremely clever. At

the moment, he is not sick.
But he didn't seem to see Shen Yan's refusal with "I don't want to talk to
you" on the face, but continued to laugh: "I have also seen it at the
fifteenth, and the root qualifications are really good. If you meet a master,
you may not Achievements. "

Shen Shao was convinced by this shameless behavior.

He was trying to get a guest order, and there was a faint knock outside the

There is still a yard across the aisle from the front door here, but the
martial arts practitioners had good ear strength, so when both heard A
Qing's reply "coming", they ran to open the door.

Xie Zhai has always been quiet and rarely visited. Wu Bo went out to buy
vegetables. He usually walked through the back door and hardly ever went
out through the front door.

At about the same time, Shen Su and Yan Wushi suddenly felt strange in
their hearts. It was an indescribable mystery that approximated the heart
and had a rhinoceros, but it was an induction that would only appear to a
certain level of master.

Shan He and the sword of sadness were placed on the edge, and with the
movement of A Qing to open the door, Shen Yan's hand was already
pressed on the scabbard.

"Who?" A Qing's voice came from a distance.

"Good donor, dare to ask Xie Fu here?"

As soon as he heard the sound, Shen's face changed.

Even though he didn't meet much with each other, how could he not
recognize it!

But they were careful all the way, although it was not seamless and there
was no trace as much as possible, why could Zen Master Xueting come to
the house so quickly?
Is it Chen Gong's side ...?

The two looked at each other, and Yan Wushi's face was calm, without
much change.

Shen Chen said in a deep voice: "You go and dodge for a while, I will meet

Based on their current practice, neither of them is Xue Ting's opponent,

but Xue Ting's goal is not Shen Ye. Even if he can't fight, Shen Ye can
always leave.

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "I'm afraid it's too late."

Immediately after the words fell off, Xue Ting's voice rang out in the
courtyard: "Zong Zong is really very human, and the poor monks really
admire it very much."

But in the blink of an eye, to the yard outside the room that was
convenient from the gate, A Qing still yelled and chased after him
breathlessly, but let alone grab the corner of the other person's clothes,
even Xueting's shadow could not be chased on.

Just this ability that does not stick to the dust and shrinks into feet, few
people can do it.

The door of the room was not closed. From the perspective of Shen Yun
and Yan Wushi, it was natural to see an extra monk outside.

Yan Wushi shouted, "The old bald donkey is really haunted. You and the
clown jumping clowns teamed up with me that day. I haven't accounted for
this account with you yet, so you'd like to come to your door!"

Master Xueting combined his hands and gave a ceremony first, Fang said:
"The poor monk did not expect that Lord Zeng was so powerful. Under the
siege of the five masters, he could hide the sky and be safe."

He greeted Shen Ye again: "The director Shen Dao is here too, so

Master Xueting's tone was gentle, without half a bit of smoke and fire. As
for whether there is any hidden irony in this "coincidence", I am afraid he
only knows it.

Yan Wushi smiled with a smile: "Except for you Xueting's old bald
donkey, the rest are just hustle and bustle. With five to one, you can't even
kill this seat. A pile of waste can also be called a master? You Xueting is
still willing I surrendered to them and claimed that the more I live, the
more I go back! "

Master Xueting was calm, he was calm, and he had no hostility to look at
Yan Wushi's eyes: "A new generation of old people replaces old people,
poor monks are old, and sooner or later they must be virtuous. Depending
on time, Duan Donor, Dou Bangzhu, and others may not compare The poor
monk is poor. "

"Zongzong Yan is resurrected, everything is as usual, in fairness, the poor

monk admires it very much. The Zongzhuang presumably also knows that
the more martial arts go up, the more difficult it will be to meet a rival
who is quite equal. If you can choose, the poor monk is willing Make tea
with Yan Zongzhu and learn martial arts skills, both as friends and as
opponents. "

"However, in exceptional circumstances, only extraordinary things can be

done. One day, there was no jealousy in Yu Wenzhang's day when
Sovereign Yan was there. The Buddha's door would be suppressed for a
day. For the prosperity of the Buddha's door, the poor monk could only do
this. Please forgive Lord Zong. "

The implication is that it is impossible for him to come back empty-

handed today, but to want a result.

Shen Yun: "Dare to ask the master, how do you know that Yan Wushi is

Xue Ting: "The monk didn't slang, and he didn't hide it. The poor monk
met Chen Gong in Chang'an. Because Yan He of the Acacia sect had hurt
the poor monk disciple, and Chen Gong approached the Acacia sect, the
poor monk wanted to When asked about Yan Qi's whereabouts, Chen Gong
claimed that he didn't know. In order to escape, he was informed that the
Lord Yan had not died, and he had even received the remnants of "Zhu
Yangce". "

When Chen Gong parted, he promised them that they would never reveal
Yan Wushi's whereabouts, but Shen Yan had no expectation of what he
called a promise. He heard Xueting's words, but it really felt so.

Shen Yan: "But Changan to Tuyuhun, there are still several state capitals
in the middle, Chen Gong cannot know where we will go and where we
will stop."

Xue Ting: "Yes, the poor monk came all the way from Chang'an and
settled in Weizhou. He was going to leave tomorrow, but he accidentally
heard a conversation between the two of them. One of them claimed to
carry vegetables to each house and sell them. He is very pleased with the
recent double demand for no reason. "

Shen Yan sighed: "The master is careful and observant, but this ability
alone is used. If it is used in the case of anti-theft, there is no more
injustice in the world."

Xue Ting: "Thank you for the praise of Shen Daochang. Today, the poor
monk took the liberty to come to the door, and it is Yan Su, the master, and
Shen Daochang has nothing to do with it, so please don't involve it to
avoid accidental injury."

Shen Yun: "It happened. The master wanted to kill him, but I wanted to
protect him."

Xue Ting slightly surprised: "As far as the poor monk knows, the magic
gate has no relationship with Daomen. On the contrary, Yan Wushi has
always been ungrateful to Shen Daochang, and has complained about it. I
wonder why Shen Daochang should protect him?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 112
Shen Zheng: "As the master said, in one day, Yu Wenji can be safe and
sound. Looking at the world, Qi is extinct. Only Zhou Chen Erguo can be
called strong. However, the Southern Dynasty had the protection of
Confucianism, and there was no room for Buddhist involvement. The
master has repeatedly wanted to kill Yan Wushi. Is he paving the way for
the Turks to rule the Central Plains? "

Xuetingkou Buddhism Buddha: "So, is Dao Shen standing on the side of


Shen Yun: "Yes."

Xue Ting sighed slightly: "It seems that today the poor monk can only
pass the level of Shen Daochang."

As soon as the word "Le" came out, the purple gold stick touched it on the
bluestone slab, and the dull sound exploded as if in Shen Yuan's ear.

At the same time, a gurgling mountain and river came out of the sheath
with the sword of sadness, Shen Yun flew up, a sword and a stick met in
the air, and an infinite number of lights and shadows were intertwined
instantly. Those who had no foundation in martial arts were shocked in the
ears, yelling, and had to step back and forth until they hid behind the wall.

Shen Yan originally thought that people like Yan Wushi were good at
judging the situation. There is no need to explain to the masters who are
mentally burdened by masters. When they see themselves stumbling
Xueting, they will turn around and leave first. Who knows how to fight
Xueting with Xueting? No teacher actually stood still.

"You haven't left yet, what are you talking about!" Shen Yan angered.

"Grandma is calm and impatient, I want to leave, but you have to ask the
old bald donkey, he will not let me go."
Yan Wushi's lips were slightly raised, but there was no smile at the bottom
of his eyes.

It seemed that in response to his words, two young monks, also wearing
sullen clothes and no hair on their heads, appeared on the roof tiles at the
same time.

"The poor monk was born."

"The poor monk is gone."

The two spoke in unison: "Have met Lord Yan!"

Chapter 74

The reason why Master Xueting was able to be included in the top three
masters of the world is definitely not because he is good at calling friends
and besieging opponents, but because he is really strong.

Shen Chen never doubted this. The moment Master Xueting appeared, he
already expected that today would be a fierce battle.

Xue Ting is not much younger than Qi Fengge, but martial arts has
reached a certain level, his face can be resident, and his ageing is slower
than ordinary people. For example, when Qi Fengge emerged, it looked
like he was only 30 or 40 years old. No one would think of him. The actual
age is almost a hundred years old.

Therefore, ordinary people looked at Master Xueting's handsome

appearance. If he had no green silk, he would have become a richer son.
However, he was restless, his state of treasure was solemn, and he was not

Although Shen Yan is also light and immortal, he is soft-hearted and needs
to help when he sees a weak child. Sometimes he is more humane than
ordinary people. Compared with Xue Ting, he is one Buddha, and the latter
is like a temple. The Buddha statue, Tiekou Tiexin, has no sympathy, while
the former is more like a pool of blue waves, looking at the calm, but even
Hongyan swept over it, but also can leave passionate ripples.

"Front Seal of the Immortal" is the most important, and the color is empty.
There are so many colors and many fakes. The world can't recognize it
easily, and it is easy to sink into it. It is impossible to extricate itself. Only
by adhering to the clear heart of the glass, can we discriminate the truth,
ignore the obstacles, and take the original heart.

The buddha's seal came from all directions, and the palms around it were
heavily imprinted. The immaculate right hand was magnified infinitely,
and the Vajrayana's buddha's seal could be unavoidable.

However, Shen Yan was motionless, his left hand was behind his back, and
only his right wrist was slightly shaken. Mountains and rivers with the
sword of sorrow followed the shock, like a song like a cry, like a song like
a chant, and the long and long distance broke the Buddha's seal.
Distinguish the authenticity from countless phantoms, and take Xueting's
right hand straight!

Xueting turned his palm into a flick. If his fingertips were blown by
willow leaves, his eyes were soft and beautiful. Compared with the
previous offensive, it was like a cold wind from a thousand miles of frozen
snowfield. Spring scenery, goose bolls, peach blossoms hang in the water,
the beauty is beyond words.

However, instead of chasing after the victory, Shen Zhen immediately

withdrew and backed away, but saw that the palms of Xue Ting brushed,
the bluestone on the ground was broken, and his vitality overflowed. Even
A Qing, who was several feet away, felt like he was on the face. The sharp
blade scraped and the sting was abnormal.

With "Tiankuo Hongying" by Shen Kui, if he was floating in the air, he

went straight a few feet, suddenly jumped up again, hung upside down, the
sword body turned into Bai Lian, the sword air went from top to bottom,
like no root The water fell from the sky, millions of snow lions rushed,
accompanied by the hurricane of thunder and thunder.
The series of changes just before, in fact, but in the blink of an eye, Xue
Ting sinks from the face, and the waves are not shocked, and at this
moment, finally a little surprise is revealed, and the sword air is like a
tornado, covering Xue Ting from the top to the bottom.

At that moment, Xue Ting seemed to have several choices, but those
choices did not include a breakthrough, and the sword was close at hand.
He raised his left hand, and the purple gold rod and sword met each other,
making a loud noise, and the breath seemed to stagnate. No one can move
forward for another half a minute, instead they are shaken away and take a
few steps back.

"In a few months, Shen Daochang's martial arts has progressed to another
level. It is really gratifying!" Master Xueting looked dignified, finally no
longer distracted by the lotus and lotus, but focused on Shen Zhe.

But for Shen Wei, this is not good news. Although he is making progress,
others will certainly not be standing still.

Master-level masters such as Xueting Zen Master, it is naturally difficult

to take a step forward, but they will also practice and also understand the
state of mind. The more mature and complete the state of mind, the more
powerful the power of martial arts will be. Big.

Before asking for any injuries before, Shen Min was able to draw a tie
with Guangling San, Duan Wenji, and others, but I am probably a little bit
worse than Zen Master Xueting, not to mention now. Although with the
power of "Zhu Yangce", his bones and bones are remodeled. From the
foundation, the integration of Confucianism and Buddhism is like the
foundation of a house is built several times stronger than others, but this
does not mean building a house. Shen ’s speed has also accelerated. Shen
Jian has already reached the state of “Sword Heart” on Kendo, only one
step away from “Sword God”, but his internal strength is less than 70% of
the previous, and he cannot play the “Sword Heart” at all. Maximum

In the face of a master such as Xue Ting, there is no luck at all.

But Shen Zheng couldn't let him see his details, otherwise, it would mean
that no one could stop the opponent.

Shen Jian's sword drooped and stood in place, slowly said, "After all, the
Buddhist monk and Huan Yuezong have no selfish grudges, and the master
has killed Yan Sovereign once, so why not pursue it anymore? In the case
of Wu Yuezong, as long as Yu Wenzheng is an emperor, there will still be
other forces supporting Yu Wenzheng. This reason, with the wisdom of the
master, is impossible to get through? "

The head Yan Wushi took one enemy and two, and took the time to say:
"Ah, you are under the influence of this seat, but you have grown a lot.
This bald donkey was dumb asked by you, and you will be ashamed into
anger and intensified. is you!"

If you put it in the past, do n’t say that one lotus gives birth to one lotus
extinction, that is, ten lotuses give birth to ten lotus extinctions, and they
are certainly not opponents of Yan Wushi. However, this situation must
not happen now, and Xue Ting also expected This will bring the disciples
to come.

Even if Lian Shenglian would not be able to win Yan Wushi after half an
hour, it would be enough to hold him back.

Xueting saw Shen's intentions and shook his head: "Sheng Dao should
know that it is fundamental to the survival of the Buddha's gate, and it is
useless to say more. Today, the poor monk came only for Yan Zongzhu. If
Shen Daochang would withdraw, the poor monk would Be grateful. "

This person is very interesting. Obviously he has the upper hand, but he is
so kind to Shen Yun, not embarrassed, not as light as a breeze, and has his
own style of master.

If it were not for the purpose of the two, Shen Yan would be willing to sit
and argue with him, instead of scoring like he is now.

Yan Wushi seemed prejudiced and could not look at others differently,
always looking for a chance to break his cognition: "Ama, you are asking
such a stupid question, how could an old bald donkey know that he killed
Yu Wenji, he would be a hundred, and he must be right I want to chase
after that, naturally, because the Buddhist monk has to maintain a bright
and upright image, and cannot be contaminated with the crimes committed
by the monarch. Even if he wants to kill, he must let others kill him, and
he must be clean and not dusty. Old bald donkey, you said I was right? "

Xueting was too lazy to talk with him, whispered Amitabha, and
whispered: "Because Shen Dao was unwilling to watch, and had to protect
Yan Wushi to the end, the poor monk had to offend."

When he was talking, he just lifted up one step, and the man had reached
Shen Ye, with the sound of jade bells pleasing and endless, the purple gold
rod fluttered towards Shen Ye's chest.

His movements are slow, so slow that people can see every detail, but
extremely fast, so fast that others have no time to react.

Shen Yan unexpectedly found that his skill was really too bad. Even if he
could guess where Xueting's hand might be stretched out, his body still
couldn't respond in time. When he just raised the sword, his chest felt A
dull blow, followed by the pain that quickly spread from that point, Shen
Ling completely couldn't control his body flying backwards, his throat was
so sweet, and after a moment of confusion, he had spit out a lot of blood,
People hit the porch too!

However, Shen Yun didn't stay for a moment. He used his strength to force
the sword into the water, supplemented by Jiang Tao's throughput, and the
time was bright and glorious, beautiful and cascading. He rushed away
toward the Master Xueting, and even snow In such a court practice, it is
not clear at the moment who is a person and who is a sword.

The lotus and the lotus cooperated with each other, and they seemed to be
in harmony with each other, and their minds were in common. Yan Wushi
’s martial arts were not as good as before. Taking advantage of this
opportunity, Lian Sheng and Lian Ming attacked one person and ruled one
person. They surrounded Yan Wushi and did not kill, but they were as
impeccable as Taiji Liangyi.
They obviously got Xue Ting's orders in advance, knowing that with their
own capabilities, even if Yan Wushi's skills were greatly reduced, it would
be reluctant to kill him, so he only wanted to hold Yan Wushi and wait for
Xue Ting to defeat Shen Yan. , You can pull over to support.

It's a pity that after waiting for hundreds of strokes, the two gradually
sweated on their foreheads, but Shen Ting was dragged over by Shen Ting
and couldn't separate.

Lian Sheng was anxious. While his brother Lian Ming shot and attacked
Yan Wushi, he couldn't help but glance in the direction of Master.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

Yan Wushi, who has been on the defensive, suddenly shot and pointed to
the palm of the sword to Lian Ming. Lian Ming had previously seen Yan
Wushi's performance was mediocre. Just after rising, I felt a tingling pain
in my palm, as if pierced by a red iron pestle.

He couldn't help screaming, his body reflexed back and forth, and looking
at his palm, he actually broke a blood hole, and the blood flowed out,
faintly visible muscles and white bones.

Lian Sheng heard the movement and quickly turned back, surprised when
he saw the situation, but before he had time to move, a sword light passed
by in front of him.

Shen Lili sang, "Go!"

Along with this sentence, he lifted Yan Wushi's arm and swept away
toward the southeast.

Shen Xuan did not dare to underestimate Xue Ting, so "Tiankuo

Hongying" was almost transported to the extreme.

In the eyes of others, he also took Yan Wushi, and the two almost turned
into two wind shadows, but he still felt inadequate, for fear that Xue Ting
would catch up, and only kept flying forward all the way, the trees on both
sides turned into Xingying quickly reversed, but he did not slow down for
half a minute.

Although he didn't turn his head back, Shen Yun clearly felt that there was
always a threat behind him, as if distant and close. If Mang was on his
back, it was clear that Xue Ting was chasing behind, and he refused to give
up, even if Shen Yun was fast. One step, it is impossible to get rid of Xue
Ting's entanglement for a moment.

Shen Zhen took Yan Wushi out of the city and went straight to Jianshan
beside Weizhou.

The mountain script has dense woods, which is easy to hide, but Yan
Wushi said, "Go up the mountain."

Shen Ye didn't even think about it. He didn't stop at his feet and swept up
the mountain again.

At this time in the early spring, the glaciers are melting, flowers are
blooming, the spring songbirds in the mountains are full of vitality, but
because of this, the trees are staggered, the mountains are rugged, the
mountains are steep, and there is no foothold. Looking down from the
mountainside, the walls are straight Clouds and mist, adding a bit more
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 113
As far as the mountainside, Shen Min found a cave hidden in the jungle,
the inside was dark and tortuous, and the rushing stream was quite deep, so
he merged with Yan Wushi, and walked a few feet away, suddenly bright
and open in front of him. It looks like the stone wall is smooth, and the
square is the size of a large family hall.

Looking up again, there was no rock covered on the top of the head, and
the sunlight was dripping from the gap between the interlaced and
complicated leaves and fell on the dead leaves under their feet.

Yan Wushi said: "Just here, Xue Ting only said that we would hide in the
woods under the mountain. We never expected that we would come up the

Shen Zhen's mind had been relaxed just now, but what came along was not
relaxation and happiness, but bending down and spitting out a large
mouthful of blood.

It was an internal injury that had just occurred during the fight with Xue
Ting. Later, he took Yan Wushi all the way. His chest was always painful
and painful, but he was afraid that he would let out the breath with one
mouth, so he didn't even speak until now.

The palm of the top three master-level masters in the world is not
tolerated by anyone. Shen Yun has not fully recovered his skills, can fight
with each other for such a long time, and can run away with Yan Wushi,
thanks to He is not yet fully familiar with the "sword heart" realm, but the
realm is used on the sword and cannot be as endless as the internal force.
Therefore, Shen Yan did not think about fighting with Master Xueting to
the end before the fight. It is ready to retreat at any time.

It is not easy to leave under the eyes of Master Xueting Xueting,

especially with a "burden", but Shen Xun did it.
Obviously, although the two had not conducted in-depth exchanges on the
issue of retreat before, Yan Wushi must have the same idea, so the two
could reach a tacit agreement and consensus without words.

Along with this spit of blood, Shen Yun was dizzy and almost had no
strength to stand. The result of excessive energy loss and internal injuries
was that his eyes were black, his ears were buzzing, and he fell straight

Yan Wushi naturally hugged him, and smiled at the same time: "Ah, I
know you like me, but you don't have to hurry to hug me!"

His voice was somewhat out of breath, and he was obviously injured, but
he did not detract from the wanton teasing in Yan Zongzhu's words.

As soon as the words came to an end, Shen Ye vomited a large amount of

blood again, almost half of his body leaned against his arm, pale and

Yan Wushi snorted, "Will you be so angry that you vomit blood?"

Naturally Shen wasn't vomiting blood with anger, but he didn't have the
strength to refute, only soft-track: "We are gone, what will happen to Wu
Bo and A Qing?"

Yan Wushi: "Xue Ting isn't Sang Jingxing. After all, he has to hang the
Buddha's face, and knows that it would be useless to threaten me with
those two people. Naturally, he won't do anything useless."

Shen Yan nodded, blood stains on his lips, and his lips became cold white
and blood red.

Yan Wushi held out his thumb and wiped away the residual blood on his

Shen Yan's chest was so painful, she even breathed lightly, she could no
longer focus her attention on things outside her body, even her senses
became sluggish, and she was caught by the other side with a small piece
of stuff in her mouth, and she was covered by her mouth He wasn't
allowed to spit out, his eyes widened, and his body had already reacted
rationally and swallowed the thing.

His throat was dry and painful, and he was almost not strangled. He
coughed violently, causing internal injuries, and even moistened his eyes.

"Jade ... Rong?"

Chapter 75

Mr. Yan Wushi was surprised: "You haven't eaten it before, how do you
know it is Jade Rong? It is clearly a poison."

Although Shen Zhen suffered internal injuries and had no strength to

speak, he could clearly distinguish between poison and tonic.

"Yu Rongrong can only treat trauma, which is not very useful to me ..."

Fang Cai Xueting broke his sternum with one palm, and now he feels
tingling in his undulating breathing, but for those who practice martial
arts, this kind of trauma has become a common occurrence, especially
Shen Yun and Kun Xieyi. After the war, the injuries suffered were
countless, and there was no mention of broken bones and the like. The
more troublesome were internal injuries.

Yan Wushi said lazily: "Then you can spit it out."

That thing has been swallowed in the belly by Shen Shen, where can I spit
it out?

Facts have shown that it is completely useless to engage in a fight with

Yan Wushi. Shen Shu simply closed his mouth and fell asleep soon.

He didn't sleep for long. Even if he closed his eyes, his body was always in
a state of alertness. He woke up just after noon, and looking around, Yan
Wushi was gone.

Yan Wushi left alone? This idea emerged from Shen Min's mind.
He sat up and leaned against the stone wall, trying not to touch the wound.
The wet vines drooped from the top of his head, and the water droplets fell
on his cheek, bringing a cold touch.

The original tingling in the chest turned into a faint pain. It can be seen
that Yurong Rong still played a role. Shen Yu crossed his knees to heal the
wounds. After a week and a week, the body's vital energy flowed
throughout the body, bringing a warm, numbness to the limbs and bones.
The injuries associated with internal injuries also seem to have improved.

When he opened his eyes, a small footstep sounded from the narrow path
leading to the entrance of the cave.

Shen Zheng didn't get up, because he heard the identity of the person from
the rhythm of the pace-since the eyes broke, he has deliberately trained his
ear strength, and even pondered the subtle differences in each person's
steps. Over time, his The ear strength is even more acute than those of
ordinary martial arts.

Sure enough, Yan Wushi came in, carrying a bunch of sparrows in his

Shen Yun: "Have you been out?"

Yan Wushi said, "Lend me your mountain and river with the sword of

Shen Yun naturally would not think that Yan Wushi was holding his sword
in order to kill himself. He passed the sword without stepping away and
asked, "Did you not meet Xueting outside?"

Immediately afterwards, he found that the other party took his sword,
which was actually used to shave the sparrow.

"What are you doing!" Shen Yan angered.

Yan Wushi singularly asked: "Do you eat sparrows and hair?"
Shen Yan's blood surged, and he almost did not spit out another blood:
"That is the sword of sadness left by my Master!"

Yan Wushi took time to spare: "Why should I be angry and spit blood
carefully. Qi Fengge is like a heavenly man in your mind, but after all, he
still needs to eat grains and cereals, that is, he shaves his beard with you,
how do you know? "

During the conversation, the hairs of several sparrows have been cleaned
by him, and it is difficult for Yan Wushi to carry a sword. He can even lift
a heavy weight and use the effect of a dagger.

He put the sword into the stream again, washed away the sparrow hairs on
it, and then returned the sword to the sheath and returned it to Shen Ye. He
touched his cheek with his cold hands: "Well, Qi Fengge is dead For so
long, even if you really use this sword to shave, he ca n’t jump out and
scold you. The sword is in your heart, not outside of you, and it ’s only you
who is so precious. "I broke it, and he changed the new one without saying
a word. I didn't see him running to the qifengge's grave and crying."

Shen Yan was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him. It was only after
a short time that he had passed the power, otherwise he would really vomit

Yan Wushi seemed to be in a good mood. He found a dry place, piled up

dead tree branches, lit fire crackers, and skewered the sparrows.

After a while, Jiaoxiang overflowed and drifted away.

He turned his head and looked at Shen Yan. The other side was closing his
eyes and carrying out exercises, the side of the white jade was exposed to
the warm luster under the sun, and the blue collar wrapped a beautiful line
of neck between them. A hint of tenderness.

Yan Wushi has seen countless beautiful people in his life, many of them
behave like the flowers of Gao Ling are inviolable, but no one can be like
this man in front of his eyes, eyes closed like a god, open eyes there are
three thousand red dust tender.
When thinking of this, Shen Yan opened his eyes: "When the night is
quiet, I will go back and see Wu Bo and A Qingba."

Yan Wushi arrogantly peeled the sparrows from the branches alone: "I said
that Xueting would not be able to attack them in the broad daylight to
maintain the glorious image of the Buddhist gate. After the appearance of
Xueting, the existence of that house was already exposed , Wu Mi will
know how to get along. "

He is cold-hearted and rarely cherishes the death of others. In his opinion,

since Wu Mi is a member of Huan Yuezong, it is also his destiny, that is, A
Qing. Yan Wushi will never be half sympathetic and soft-hearted, but he is
also very clear about what kind of person Shen Yan is, only to be afraid of
his words, the other party will immediately go back and see.

If he had changed the past, Yan Wushi would just sit on the sidelines, but
today, he would be relieved of the doubt.

Yan Wushi: "Do you know why I brought six sparrows back?"

Shen Yi froze, and didn't understand why he asked so suddenly, but what
deep meaning should he have, slightly tilted his head, and really thought

Yan Wushi didn't know where to peel off a bark of tree, and put the roasted
sparrow on it.

At the first glance of Shen Yun, she almost couldn't control her twitching.

I saw six sparrows on the bark, and five were uniformly spaced around the
middle one.

Yan Wushi: "This is a plum bird."

Shen Yun: "..." What name do you think?

Yan Wushi: "You must eat the one in the middle before you eat the one
next to you."
Shen Yun: "... why?"

Yan Wushi: "Because it looks more comfortable, if you take the side away,
'Plum Blossoms' will be incomplete."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 114
Shen Xun was speechless, suspecting that he had committed the disease
again and couldn't help looking at the other side for several times.

Yan Wushi looked complacent, and smiled back at him softly, "Ama, I
have some thoughts, do you have the heart to waste this?"

Shen Ye never expected his life-saving help to be appreciated by the other

party, but if this way of thanks ... it would be too strange!

But think about the behavior style of Yan Wushi, and Shen Ye thinks it's
not surprising that he will make "Pear Blossom Finch" and "Peach
Blossom Finch" next time.

After all, not everyone can get bored when eating meals at the inn.

He hesitated for a moment before finally picking up the middle sparrow

and trying to bite.

In addition to the lack of salt, the taste is okay.

Shen Zhen asked, "How are you hurting now?"

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "You won't know if you touch it."

It was said that he passed his hands without any thought.

The wrist acupuncture point has always been one of the gates of life. No
matter how high the martial arts are, the other party will not dare to act
lightly if it is held.

He lowered his heart, raised his hands up, and groaned for a moment:
"Some internal injuries, but not heavy, should be good for a day or two of
rest. The mountains are cold and humid, and they are inconvenient. Avoid
them for a day or two. Can't hide too long, what are your plans? "
Yan Wushi: "Go to Hanzhong first, then Chang'an."

Shen Yun was surprised, and instead, he went round.

"I thought you would go directly to Chang'an. When you entered Changan,
there were the forces of the Yueyue Sect and the shelter of Zhou Zhu,
Xueting didn't dare to act rashly."

Yan Wushi: "The news that I am not dead, now that Xue Ting has already
learned, even if others do n’t know it now, they will know it in a few days.
If you can think of going back to Changan, others will surely think, from
here There will be countless ambush levels on the way to Chang'an. "

Shen Yan said aloud, and he thought about this floor.

Yan Wushi yelled, "Do you want to kill Xueting and wait for me? Is your
goal only for me?"

Shen Yun: "What they really want to deal with should be Zhou Zhu."

Yan Wushi: "Yes, I also said that Buddhism wants to expand its influence
and can only be achieved by those in power, so they must not fall into the
taint of the monarch's crimes, otherwise they will be left without Yu
Wenji. An emperor ascended the throne, and it is impossible to reuse the
Buddhist gates. As for the Turkic people, the Liuhe Gang, the Fa Jingzong,
etc., it is up to them to do this. Not only is the name wrong, but there are
also many troubles. People come quickly. "

Yan Wushi's words were like a flash of lightning, instantly illuminating

the area Shen Shen had not previously involved: "The Queen Ashner is a

"The sister-in-law can teach." Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Ashi Na was
guarded by Yu Wenji for a long time. Naturally, he was willing to help
Duan Wenyi add a firewood. There is also a prince, a prince who is easy to
do, and has fun without thinking. The emperor has been dissatisfied with
him for a long time, and the prince himself understands that if he does not
start before the father has a wasteful heart, his crown prince may not be
maintained. "

Shen Yan was shocked by his words, and Fang said for a while: "The
prince is born as a son of man.

At the end of the speech, some of them couldn't talk any more. Shen Yu
suddenly thought of Yu Yu. How much less could his feelings be with the
Emperor and Prince? But the other party hasn't met each other without
mercy, the Tianjia family has always been known for being ruthless, and
the prince may not be able to do his uncle.

Yan Wushi sighed: "Ama, you are not stupid, only the word soft-hearted,
always entangles you, makes you think about people and things, and
always considers the benefits, without speculating on its dark place, if not
What can you do with me? "

Without you by my side, I am afraid that my life will only be a hundred

times smoother! Shen Yan almost blurted out.

But where he was gentle and gentle, where he could say such a thing, he
was drawn to the original topic by the other side.

Think of it this way, this chess game is really shocking, step by step.

Yan Wushi's side had an accident, and Huan Yuezong had no heads. The
other two Momens could not help but find trouble for Huan Yuezong.
While Yan Mei was too busy taking care of himself, he would definitely
neglect Yu Wenzheng's side, the queen and the prince, one was a pillow
person. One is his own son. It is impossible for Bian Yanmei to follow the
emperor at all times. They want to do something to the emperor, which is
much simpler and easier than the assassination of martial art masters.

Shen Yan coughed twice: "What about Hanzhong?"

Yan Wushi: "Qi Wang Yuxian was in Hanzhong and still had some troops.
First go to see the situation before entering Chang'an."
Shen Yun understood.

Yan Wushi felt that Yu Wenyu was fierce and fierce, so he had to find a
way to retreat in advance. Prince Chong Buddhism did not have a good
opinion of Huan Yuezong. Yan Wushi also looked down on the prince, so
he decided to hold Qi Wang Yuwen Xian. Previously, Huan Yuezong must
have worked a lot on Yu Wenxian.

Xueting felt that they would go to Chang'an, and other people would surely
feel the same way, only that no one thought that they would go to
Hanzhong instead.

On Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, no one is better at this than Yan Wushi.

The night in the mountain seemed to come very early. The sun was just
tilting west, and the leaves above it were densely absorbing the last light.

The firewood crackled in the cave, finally dispelling a bit of chill in the
spring night.

But Shen Yun did not have any power, but was sleeping.

This time with Xue Ting, he still suffered a lot of injuries. Even with Zhu
Yangce's true body protection, after all, he was a physical child. At
present, his realm is a little far from Xue Ting, and the injuries ca n’t be
one or two. The day is good, and fever is also launched at night, and his
forehead is hot and falls into a nightmare.

In the dream, all kinds of characters appeared one after another, Shen Shen
was deeply trapped in it.

He admired the worshipper most, holding the bird-stained mountains and

rivers with the sword of sadness and questioning Shen Yun, why he took
the sword to shave the bird's hair, and Shen Yun said with grievance,
"Master, that was Wu Yan's work. "

Qi Fengge pinched Shen Qiao's chin and drew the sword in front of him:
"What else do you see above?"
Shen Ye looked for a while, and found that the sword was actually covered
with black hair, and suddenly blurted out: "Master, do you really use the
mountains and rivers to clear the sword of sadness?"

"Funny!" Qi Fengge said angrily: "This is obviously you are playing with a
sword as a teacher, but also rely on others, just yesterday taught you the
word" sincerity ", today you knowingly committed the crime, it seems

"The disciple knows wrong!" Shen Min was startled and shouted

But Qi Fengge didn't seem to hear his confession, but instead ordered him
to lie down, and then picked up a huge stone and pressed it on him: "Since
it is wrong, you will be punished, you will stay here and do not instruct the
teacher, no Get up. "

Shen Ye did not know where Master came up with this weird punishment
method, but felt that his chest was cramped and painful, almost out of
breath, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Master, move the stone

However, Qi Fengge turned a blind eye, turned around, and walked away,
gradually disappearing until he disappeared without a trace.

"The disciple is wrong ... Master, don't leave ..."

Shen Yan closed her eyes and frowned, "The chest hurts ..."

When Yan Wushi heard his murmur, he opened his eyes and looked down,
and saw that under the fire, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but
he cried in a dream.

He reached over and wet his tentacles. He thought that the tears had just
flowed, and there should be some temperature left, but nobody knew it was
Such a person, when he was young, must be grown up with all kinds of
pets, otherwise how can he develop such a soft heart.

Yan Wushi thought, and when he heard that he didn't know what he was
dreaming about, he suddenly murmured two words: "Xie Ling ..."

He looked stunned, and suddenly a weird cruelty appeared, as if the mask

had been suddenly opened.

Soon, various expressions of tyranny, alienation, tenderness, etc. flashed

across his face, like tens of thousands of faces at the same time trying to
dominate the expression on one face, it was trembling.

The breath in the body began to flow wildly, like the countless signs before
the fire broke out into the demon, Yan Wushi closed his eyes warily!

After a while, he opened his eyes again, reached out and touched the heavy
cheek, groped carefully, meandering all the way back, holding his neck,
lifting up the man slightly, then lowering his head, holding him in silence
The muttering slang swallowed the entrance.

The author has something to say:

The teaser said it was interesting, wasn't it? Finally there is sugar, I'm a
conscience meow

Lao Yan obsessive-compulsive disorder, eat a sparrow in the shape of a

plum ...

Qi Fengge: Grandma, do you shave birds with mountains and rivers and
sad sword? !!

Shen Yun: It's really not me (ㄒ o ㄒ) ~~

Grandma is really a good boy, ashamed of Master, and immediately

reacted in her dream ...
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 115
Chapter 76

Shen Yan was groggy, with a string in his head that had been tense,
clamoring to wake up, but the upper and lower eyelids were very tight, and
he could not open any effort.

There was a strange heat on the lips, and it seemed that something was
invading and raging. He struggled for a while, groaning from his mouth,
and finally opened his eyes barely.

The fire was burning in the middle of the night, and it was gradually
weakening. The body was held in his arms and touched the skin through
the clothes. It caused a kind of laziness that emanated from the bones.

Suddenly she felt almost out of breath, but this pressure did not come from
internal injuries of the chest but from the nose and nose.

"Daughter Xuandu Shan taught, but he wouldn't even breathe and breathe
out, maybe it would make people laugh at the big teeth?" The sound of the
laughter sounded as if it were far or near, but it was only issued in the ear.
The two faces were close to each other, and the other's tongue was
withdrawing from his slightly opened mouth, and he kissed Shen Qiao's
lips slowly. Then he pulled away a little distance and squeezed his left and
right cheeks to the side. "Stupid?"

Ignorant and confused eyes finally instilled a little bit of consciousness,

and Shen Yun slaps to Yan Wushi with one palm, the latter makes a sigh
and pulls away: "Ama, I am Xie Ling!"

Shen Yan stopped moving and frowned at him.

Yan Wushi came up and hugged him again, and said softly, "I'm Xie Ling,
don't you recognize it?"

Shen Yan said nothing, and raised his hand to shoot again.
Yan Wushi held his hand with his eyes, wondering, "You're so sleepy, Xie
Ling also hit?"

Shen Ye was angry: "How did Xie Ling call me Grandma!"

Yan Wushi grinned: "Yes, I forgot, he called your beautiful brother, but I
ca n’t call him by that name. I didn't expect you to look good but took
advantage of me for so long. When I heard Xie Ling called you, wasn't my
face exposed, but my heart was very happy? "

Shen Yan tilted his head: "nonsense!"

Yan Wushi kissed him on the side of his face. Before the other party had
time to attack, he accepted it, and he was three feet away.

Shen Yan wanted to get up, but because of internal injuries, he coughed his
chest for a long time, and the pain slowly eased.

Can only be angry: "When is it all, you still, still so!"

Yan Wushi couldn't help laughing: "Ama, you are so cute, you can't even
scold people! What is it to pay back, is it still like this? I'll teach you what
it means to be full of sensuality!"

The beauty is red because of anger and severe coughing, her eyes are
moist, and she is faint in the light of the fire, and she wants to stay up and
down. In Wu Yanshi ’s opinion, she is full of beauty and beauty.

After discovering that Yan Wushi had deliberately made himself angry to
have fun, Shen Shen calmed down slowly: "If you anger me again, my
injury will be slower. If someone hunts down this way, I may not be able to
keep you . "

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I have my own plan."

Shen Yun wondered: "What a trick?"

Yan Wushi: "Isn't you posing me as a dress last time? This is a wonderful
way. This time, if we both dress as a dress together and ride a carriage to
pretend to be in Hanzhong, we will be able to hide the sky."

Upon hearing this, Shen Ye knew that he must still remember his last

Although the other party ’s illness was n’t good last time, the dress for
women was “Xie Ling”, but the same body, Yan Wushi could not be

Shen Yan blinked, Gu Guwei said, "How is your health?"

Yan Wushi: "You want to ask me what happened to Xie Ling?"

Shen Yun was silent for a moment, and gave a soft hum.

He suddenly remembered the dream he had just had. The first half was
Master, and it was probably because of a chest injury that he dreamed of
Master ’s dream of placing a stone on himself. It was weird and funny, but
in the end, it may not be It's not because he misses Master too much deep
down. In the past on Xuandu Mountain, it was hard to practice, but Master
’s shelter was like a towering tree, which shielded everyone from the
outside world ’s sinister heart. After experiencing heavy dangers, when I
recall that year, I miss the old days more and more. Now, the brothers and
sisters are like brothers and sisters, and they love each other. In addition to
martial arts entering the country, there is no need to worry about other
things. It is really carefree and has no worries.

As for the second half of the dream, it is nothing but the various mappings
of later life. Various characters have appeared on the scene. In the end,
only Xie Ling was left to make him remember when he was sober.

Yan Wushi asked, "Ama, do you want Xie Ling to be there or Xie Ling to
be away?"

"Xie Ling" was a temper that was split only by Yan Wushi's exorcism. If
he is still a day, it naturally proves that Yan Wushi has not completely
Seeing that he didn't seem to know how to answer, Yan Wushi smiled
gently: "If it is the former, it will really disappoint you. Although I have
not completely repaired the flaws in the magic heart, the temperament
caused by going into magic has been greatly changed. Repression. From
now on, there will be no grave in this world. "

Shen Yan froze for a moment, then no words, but sadness slowly appeared
in his eyes.

He hugged the robes that covered him and sat idly, as if lonely and pitiful.

However, Yan Wushi knew very well that under such an approximately
weak appearance, it was a hard bone that would never break his eyebrows
regardless of the wind and rain.

In the past, he would inevitably be malicious, trying to peel off the shell of
this person, to see if the tender meat hidden in the inner part was still the
same after being torn.

But now, there was a strangeness in his mind.

Even though "Xie Ling" was strangled, did he still leave an unwilling mark
on his heart?

Yan Wushi sneered secretly, but even if that was of any use, the Shen you
like, sooner or later, will forget your existence, and you will never be close
to him again.

Shen Ye didn't know what he thought, for a long time, he sighed softly, and
only said, "I'm tired, I'll sleep for a while."

He lay down stingily, his outer clothes were thin, his body a little afraid of
cold because of his illness, and his back was a little bit afraid.

Yan Wushi walked over, and the other party did not respond.

He reached over and touched it. Although he was tapped away by Shen
Wei, his fingertips were still slightly moist.
"Are you crying?" Yan Wushi was a little weird. "Is there anything worth
crying for? Xie Ling is just a trace of remnants, no one can talk about."

Shen Yan said dullly: "He is a lingering soul to you, but to me, he is a
person who has existed before."

Yan Wushi shouted, "Just because he turned around and came back to find

Shen Yan ignored him.

In Yan Wushi's view, of all his previous dispositions, only Xie Ling was
the weakest and most deceptive, and he was least like him. Who knew that
Shen Zhen liked this disposition the most.

Thinking of this, he showed unhappiness, and slightly hesitated: "You are

so weak, and you say that you will become my opponent in the future, and
fight with me. If you are in this state of mind, you will never reach the
martial arts."

After a long period of silence, Shen Su suddenly said: "What does Zong
Yan think is the top of martial arts, is it my master Qi Fengge, or Cui
Yourui, or Tao Hongjing?"

When he was called Xie Ling, he was tender and affectionate. Now he is
face-to-face and close at hand, but he is a silent emperor Yan.

His Majesty Yan Wushi was unhappy, and said coldly: "They are no longer
as martial arts as they are."

It is too much for others to say this sentence, but before Wu Wushi went
into the devil, Wu Gong did indeed seem to be different from the three,
and he was indeed qualified to speak this sentence.

Shen Ye: "Yes, martial arts is endless, so why do you want to reach the
top? Although the poor Tao is not talented, I also know that weak
temperament has nothing to do with martial arts entry. "Do what you want,
don't do it to others. I mourn for my old friend, I'm sad for my old friend,
and what do I do with Lord Zong? I ask you to respect yourself."

However, I have known him for a few days, so few people even know why
Xie Ling is called Xie Ling.

Yan Wushi sneered, but his frost was gone, and Wen said, "Okay, you and I
are here for each other, but let's chat, why are you so angry?"

Shen Zhen answered him by directly pulling Waishang and covering his
head, saying that he refused to communicate.

Yan Wushi: "..."

No words overnight.

The next day Shen Kun got up very early. When he woke up, Yan Wushi
had washed back from the stream in the cave. When he saw him looking at
himself, he smiled and groaned, "Ama, you will lend me the mountains
and the sword of sadness."

He looked mild and in a good mood, as if the unhappiness of last night

never happened.

Shen Zheng warned: "Your bird's hair was not shaved yesterday, but I had
some abdominal pain after eating it."

Yan Wushi said, "That's because I found that the bird's hair had to be
pulled out by hand. This time, I'm not going to shave it."

Shen Ye was still very uneasy: "What do you want to hunt, I'll go."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 116
As soon as I got up, there was a faint pain in the sternum.

Seeing him frowning, he said softly, "You're hurting for me, or I'm going,
I'm not going to shave the bird's hair."

Shen Zheng didn't believe that in a short night, Yan Zongzhu immediately
had a grateful heart, but the other party's martial arts are now greatly
discounted. With this sword in place, if he really encounters danger, he
will never have no fight back After thinking about it, he still passed the

Yan Wushi left with his sword, and even before he left, he even rolled up
the leaves with water and washed him up.

In the early spring climate, the cold water was on the cheeks, and the sage
was cleared immediately. The jade hibiscus was really effective. Although
the sternum was not completely healed, it was much better after waking
up, and even the pain during breathing was relieved.

He crossed his knees to heal his injuries, and after a long time, Yan Wushi

Shen Wei was a little surprised: "Are you down the mountain?"

Yan Wushi: "No, just go out and check the situation. If there is no
accident, we will go down tonight."

Shen Min nodded and saw that he had struck two fishes and strung them
on a branch, and said, "Why is there such a big fish?"

Yan Wushi: "It's rainy in spring, and the fish is naturally delicious."

Suddenly Shen Shen raised an unpleasant hunch: "Fish scales and internal
organs, how did you get there?"
Yan Wushi didn't look up: "Of course I use a sword."

Shen Xuan angered, "The sword of mountains and rivers is not for you to
scrape fish scales!"

Yan Wushi sighed: "Ah, you really do n’t make sense. You said you ca n’t
use it to shave bird feathers. I promised you, but you did n’t say you could
n’t use it to scrape fish scales. Besides, half of this fish wo n’t go in. In
your belly, is it because of the fishy smell on the sword that you can't use
the 'sword heart' realm when facing the enemy? "

His expression of "you are making trouble unreasonably, fortunately I am

tolerant and tolerant of you", so angry that he almost did not pick up the
stone next to him and hit it.

Chapter 77

Lift the cloth shop and look at the entire Tonggu County. Heji is the most

Someone else felt the same way, Hutchison's Dongjia Fangniang felt the
same way.

She was young, not yet thirty, but she had been widow for more than ten
years. At that time, her husband had died of a sudden illness just after
marrying her husband's family for less than two years. At that time, Fang
Niang was still pregnant with her wives. Ashamed, she paid for her to open
this cloth shop. Later, her parents-in-law passed away, and the family
inherited it from the uncle. Unfortunately, the uncle did not have enough
ability and failed the family business within a few years. To make it
bigger, not only in Tonggu County, but even Liangquan County, the capital
of Fengzhou, have a semicolon.

However, Fang Niang loved her hometown. Although she had a real estate
in Liangquan County, she still lived in Tonggu. After getting up early
today, Fang Niang went to visit one of the shops.

At this time, another person came outside the door.

"Sorry, this guest officer, our owner will come to check the accounts, for
the time being ..." the man walked over and smiled.

At half the point, he was actually deterred by the appearance of the other
side, and could no longer speak.

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "No more business?"

Fangniang turned away from her buddy, and smiled sweetly: "Where is the
reason for not doing business when you open the door? The people are
rude, and I have to pay Lang Jun a crime, and dare to ask Lang Jun what
cloth to buy. There are many ready-made clothes, and if you pick the
fabric and do it again, it will take two days at the earliest. "

She has been a merchant for more than ten years, and she boasted that her
experience was different from that of ordinary boudoir women. Who knew
that when she saw someone in front of her, Fang Jue used to sit in a well
and watch the sky.

The other person's looks are outstanding, not to mention the parents of the
county, I am afraid that even the chief of the prefecture is less than twelve.

The businessman opened the door to do business, and there was no reason
to refuse to be outside the door, not to mention such an outstanding
person. Whose woman saw the little deer ramming, and his heart was

Fang Niang's smile really cut a little.

Yan Wushi wanted to come in and pick two clothes. After listening to her
words, he moved his heart: "So, do you have women's clothing here?"

"Yes, naturally there is!" Fang Niang's smile remained the same, but her
heart was inevitably disappointed.

Such a handsome Lang Jun, looking at the unruly, is not a character that a
tame woman can control, but which woman will actually buy clothes for
Half a month ago, the two left the cave down the mountain and headed
south all the way. Until yesterday, they had just arrived in Tonggu County,
Fengzhou, not far from Hanzhong, where they settled.

Shen Yun is a very quiet person, so that he can practice in the inn as soon
as he is free, and Yan Wushi comes out alone.

For safety reasons, before coming to Changan, it is natural to stay in one's

abode, and it is most appropriate not to see anyone, but this is not possible
at all, or you must enter the inn if you want to eat and stay. That's not Yan

He wanted to buy two clothes to replace, but when he heard Fang Niang
say that, he changed his mind.

Fang Niang asked: "I wonder if Lang Jun bought it for his sweetheart, or
for his sisters in the family, or for his parents?"

Yan Wushi: "What's the difference?"

Fang Niang smiled: "At first glance, Lang Jun has never bought clothes for
female relatives. It is naturally learned here. Clothes for elders should not
be too bright in color, but they are still stable and focused, and there are
fewer embroidery patterns. Many new ideas now, if you give it to your
younger sister, you can choose some light pink, new willow colors, skirts
can be patterned with colored butterflies and roses, etc. If you are an elder,
these embroidery patterns will be lost. . "

Yan Wushi: "What if it is for my sweetheart?"

Fang Niang was disappointed: "If you give it to your sweetheart, you have
to choose the color and pattern that the other person likes. I wonder what
color your sweetheart likes?"

Yan Wushi thought for a moment: "Sky blue?"

Fang Niang: "The azure color is not easy to dress well, unless your
sweetheart has a fair complexion."
Yan Wushi smiled: "His skin color is indeed quite white."

Fang Niang: "Would you like to buy ready-made garments, or pull the
fabrics off-the-shelf? For ready-made garments, we also have all kinds of
ready-made sizes here, I wonder how tall the lady is?"

Yan Wushi simply wanted to take revenge on Shen Yun, let him taste the
taste of wearing women's clothes, and heard Fang Niang say that she was

"Half a head lower than me and a thinner body."

Fang Niang was surprised: "It is only half a head shorter than you, and it is
also very tall among women, and Rong Hong lets people look for it. I
wonder if we have the size you want, and do you not choose clothes?"

Yan Wushi raised her eyebrows and looked around her: "Is it a pattern, I
think you are pretty good."

Fang Niang was bewildered by him, his eyes fluttered, and he bit his lip
and smiled, "Lang Jun really likes to slap him?"

The two were close at hand, and they were almost posted.

Apparently, the shopkeeper and the man were not surprised by the love of
the female owner's house. He had already closed the shop door and
avoided it.

Yan Wushi smiled slightly, raised her chin, and looked down, as if to kiss.

Fang Niang felt what was going to happen. Her cheeks were flushed, her
body was weak and weak, and the breath she exhaled became hot.

Yan Wushi: "Unfortunately, the clothes are good, but my face is not good.
I waste my clothes for nothing."

Fang Niang looked dull and didn't seem to respond. When the other party
took a few steps back, she woke up like a dream, her face was blue and
white, and her teeth were gritted: "This shop is no longer doing business
today, this Langjun, you go! "

What could be more intolerable than to say that a woman is ugly? She
originally wanted to talk about it, but the businessmen and the wealth of
money, Fang Niang did not want to cause any trouble, one thing is not as
good as one thing, but the chest under the embroidered shirt is slightly
undulating, obviously not angry.

Yan Wushi said for a moment: "You can't do it together, but you're angry
and angry?"

He found the heavy money bag and put it on the desk case: "Opening a
door to do business, it's not easy to get angry easily. How many frowns
will it take to grow up later? Wouldn't it be easier to grow old?"

Fang Niang said angrily: "You have a bad mouth. I think your talented
person has been moldless for eight generations, but he is loved by people
like you!"

Anyway, she grabbed the purse and wanted to throw it at the other side, but
unexpectedly picked it up, but suddenly changed color.

But seeing the mahogany tabletop under the purse, it was slightly dented
according to the outline of the purse's mark.

The table case is made of wood, not swamp. Not to mention a bag of silver
money, even a large stone may not break the table. Fang Niang knew that
she had encountered an expert, and her face was ever-changing. Finally
There was a smile on his face: "Lord Lang has a lot, don't care about little
women, do you want azure clothing, right? Let people look for it!"

Having said that, she had hated Yan Wushi so much that she could not help
cursing his sweetheart, and she had abandoned her.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 117
Yan Wushi naturally couldn't read what Fang Niang was thinking. Even if
he knew it, he didn't care. After buying the clothes, he was sent to the inn.
He left the shop empty-handed, leaving Fang Niang to grit his teeth.

The county streets are not as lively as the state capital, but there are people
coming and going. Yan Wushi took dozens of steps and suddenly stopped.

He chuckled: "Which rat is afraid to show up?"

A soft whisper, but it suddenly exploded in everyone's ears.

The flat-headed people are unknown, so after the surprise, they naturally
kept away, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body.

Yan Wushi shouldered his hand and looked up at the birds passing by the
sky. He was content with himself, but did not move.

"A while ago, I heard that Master Zong Yan died under the siege of five
masters. My master regretted it for a while. I did not expect that Master
Zong Yan was very human and could still survive under such
circumstances. It is really admirable. ! "

The coquettish laughter sounded pleasantly. If it was far away, it was

erratic, but at the moment when the word "service" fell, a red dress
suddenly appeared on the roof to the right of Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi didn't look at her, and said lightly, "Here are all the people who
came, and they are still hiding their heads, and the people of Hehuanzong
have also benefited from this. No wonder they will turn to Qi Guo. Now Qi
Guo perishes. You have become a bereavement dog, and you have to go
again. Which house slave? "

"Zong Zong's words are so funny. I do n’t know how Wan Yuezong is
aloof. In the final analysis, is n’t Wan Yuezong also a slave of Yu
Wenzhang? Unfortunately, Yu Wen ’s death soon died, and your
apprentices and men lost you. I am afraid that it is even worse than a
bereavement dog! "

With the cold laughter, Yan Wushi also had one more in front of him.

If Shen Wei is here, he can recognize the other at a glance.

"If they don't have the slightest ability, they have to take refuge in
everything, then it would be better to die early and save trouble!" Yan
Wushi looked at Xiao Su and shook his head: "Instead, it is you, this is
really poor Yuan Xiuxiu, closed his eyes. The wolf became an apprentice,
but he was mixed up with Sang Jingxing's people all day long. But Sang
Jingxing didn't look at him with an eye. His former apprentice Huo Xijing,
although he acted without a mind, at least martial arts can still be seen,
you not only The brain is not working, and even martial arts are not good
for the wall. It seems that the Acacia sect is not as good as the next
generation. "

Xiao Se smiled angrily: "Master Zeng is now playing with his tongue, just
don't kneel and ask for forgiveness!"

Xiao Se and Bai Rong's skills can also be called first-class on the rivers
and lakes. If the two of them work together, it is still a bit tricky to repel
them based on the situation of Yan Wushi, but Yan Wushi has not locked
his target at this moment. Any one of them, but the one who came slowly
behind him.

"How long have you been waiting here before you get here?"

Bai Rongjiao said: "I heard that Master Xue Ting had met with Lord Yan
in Weizhou City, and since then he has lost his trace. Elder Yan said that
Lord Yan must go to Chang'an just to avoid it. The enemies will certainly
not take the shortest path, so we went around specifically and waited in
Fengzhou, but did not expect it to be as Elder Yan expected. "

"But Lord Yan doesn't need to be annoyed, because you do n’t have to go
around other places now. There are people in the Six Gangs in Hanzhong,
and Turks in Yangzhou. There is nowhere to run. You can only blame you
for making too many enemies. To destroy you, it's useless for a **** to
come. "

The person who spoke was Yan Shi. He came over step by step, walking
very slowly and stably, but his eyes have not left Yan Wushi for half a
minute. Like a cheetah who has been ready to go, he can jump forward at
any time with a sharp poke The teeth shattered the enemy.

Yan Wushi laughed and laughed: "Immortal? I never believe in


When the words fell, his body moved!

The author has something to say:

Today is Lao Yan's special session. Lao Yan is dragged to heaven ~

Shaw: I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon!

Shen Yan (at the inn): I suddenly had a bad hunch. Did the T named Yan
Wushi pull the monster again?

Chapter 78

Yan Wushi's three words were there, and there was a kind of deterrent.
Even if he was besieged by the five masters, even if he had not lost all his
martial arts, his strength would be much worse than before. Not to
mention that Sang Jingxing came in person, on his own The three are
probably more than enough to win each other.

However, even though the brain thinks this way, the body is still not
moving, and the dark tide in the Acacia sect is turbulent, which can be
seen from the actions of Xiao Se et al.

Yan Qiao was defeated by Yan Wushi in the past, and he was still
extremely embarrassed. He came here not to eliminate any rivals from the
Acacia, but to the rumored "Zhu Yangce" remnant that fell into the hands
of Yan Wushi. However, Yan Qiu was so impressed by the fiasco defeat
that day. Now he calmly calms down Wu Wuyan, but he is somewhat

Xiao Ser is a disciple of Yuan Xiuxiu, but wants to borrow Yan Wushi's
head to go to Sang Jingxing to invite credit, but he doesn't move if he
doesn't see others moving.

As a result, the four of them formed a strange confrontation. He Huanzong

clearly had the advantage, but he did not choose to pre-emptively.

Yan Qiao narrowed his eyes, he was carefully watching Yan Wushi's every
move, waiting for the other party to reveal flaws.

Yan Wushi finally moved.

But instead of aiming at Xiao Sor or Bairong in front of him, he didn't turn
around and rush to Yan Qi, but directly bulged up in the wind like a robe
sleeve, soaring like a white crane!

Xiao Se's face changed: "Not good!"

Who would have thought that the dignified ancestral monarch would use
such a game of refusal to greet his opponent?

Xiao Se usually boasted that he was a good-looking boy, but at the moment
he couldn't help yelling: "Stop you!"

Haha laughed in the air: "As you wish!"

The figure actually came back out of thin air, but in the blink of an eye, he
actually arrived at Xiao Se, and Xiao Se didn't even see how the other
party did the trick, and the other party's palm wind hit the chest!

Xiao Se was startled. He was too late to evade it. He could only meet them
bravely. The two sides met with each other with short arms. The other side
was as energetic as Jiang Tao. But moving.

I heard that when Yan Wushi was besieged by five masters, it was because
of Guangling San's grasp of his flaws that he could seriously damage the
other party. After he got the fragments, he could actually repair the flaws
in such a short time and let martial arts Take it one step further? !!

The idea flickered between the electric light and the flint. Xiao Se was
shocked. There was a severe pain in his right arm. He couldn't help
screaming, and his body flew back. However, the bones of his right arm
had been shattered. The injury was implicated in the chest, such as a heavy
hammer hit, Xiao Se spit out blood, people fell unconsciously to the
ground, turned around and a few mouthfuls of Yin Hong splashed on the

"Brother Xiao, you're fine!" Bai Rong screamed in surprise, flying to help
each other.

The demons are all selfish, not to mention that Bai Rong and Xiao Se have
long been in conflict. If you change the usual, you can see Xiao Se's mold.
Bai Rong must be gloating, down the rock, and stepping forward to help is
really not in her style. But now you can avoid facing Yan Wushi, and she
doesn't mind playing with your friends.

Xiao Se's frustration slowed Yan Qi, who was about to shoot, but he still
caught up and stopped in front of the other.

"Why does Lord Zong go in such a hurry, so when people meet, they must
tell the old one?"

"I also want to recount the past with Elder Yan. I wonder if Elder Yan has
this leisure?"

The natural answer was not Yan Wushi, but from behind Yan Shou.

Yan Shiwen Yan did not turn around, but flew directly to the roof and
looked down at him.

"It turned out to be another bereavement dog," he dismissed.

Shen Yan, carrying his sword, walked slowly from the other end of the
Ufa Tsing Yi, with a beautiful figure, looks like a fairy among men.

Shen Huan: "In the Bailong view that day, Elder Yan still owes two lives to
the poor. I wonder if you remember?"

Yan Qiao: "For a long time, the predecessor of Xuandu Mountain inherited
the mantle of Qifeng Pavilion, martial arts took the lead, but unfortunately,
he was shot down by the palm of Kun Xie, the scenery is no longer, and he
can only rely on Yan Wushi's protection. Not credible. "

Shen Xuan said indifferently: "I wonder if Elder Yan heard that Kun Xie's
rumor on the Taishan Bixia Sect failed, and that he had died under my

There was a slight surprise on Yan Qiao's face.

After Kun Xie's death, Bixiazong was stunned by civil unrest. He was too
busy to revive the situation, and it was even more impossible for the Turks
themselves to spread the word. So Kun Xie's death was covered in this
way, and everyone thought he would return. After Turkic, he did not expect
that he had died in the hands of Shen Zhen.

Bai Rongjiao laughed: "In a few months, Shen Lang's martial arts have
improved and it is really gratifying, but our lord has ordered that we must
obtain the remnants of" Zhu Yangce "from Yan Wushi. Elder Sang and
Elder Baoyun have now On the way here, Shen Lang's martial arts are so
powerful that I am afraid that I have not been able to fight against the
entire Acacia sect. This matter has nothing to do with you anyway, why not
stand by? "

Yan Qi Leng hummed: "Since you are here, don't leave, just leave it

Yan Qiao ’s nickname is “Bloodhand Buddha”, Wu Gong also took a soft

and fierce sect, but saw his right hand pinched into claws and grabbed
Shen Shen, and when he was as if the wind was blowing, the ghost was
crying, surrounded by blood and corpses. Infernal hell, the light of the sky
will drown people, and despair and fear rush.
Shen Yanfei stepped back, mountains and rivers came out of the sheath at
the same time with the sword of sadness, and the sword suddenly became
like a rainbow, and Xiaoguang rose sharply, overwhelming Yan Qi.

Yan Qi kept up, and his palms alleviated Shen Ying's offensive, and he
shot three or four photos one after another. If lightning, it was dizzying.

Every palm is pouring down like a sea wave, and the rainbow is cascading,
wave after wave, like waves, there is no chance for the opponent to
Thousand Autumns: Page 118
Although Yan Qiao was not among the top ten in the world, this does not
mean that his martial arts are just ordinary. In the ten years when Yan
Wushi retreated, Huan Yuezong focused his business on the court of the
Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Fa Jingzong left. Tuguhun, except that the
Acacia sect in the Central Plains, especially in the Qi Kingdom, developed
rapidly, and Yan Qiao was able to occupy a place in the talented Acacia
sect, even on an equal footing with Sang Jingxing. This is obviously not
because he looks good.

Shen Yan held the sword in his hand, the sword body swept across the sky,
the sword was dazzling, and the reflection was instantly cleared. The ice
and snow were stunned and cold, accompanied by murderous murder!

This militant was furious, and the other was not idle. Xiao Se and Bai
Rong stood up side by side, entangled Yan Wushi one after the other,
making him unable to escape.

After Shen Ye and Yan Qiao fought, they saw Bai Rong and Xiao Se shot
and frowned.

Both of them are masters of the young generation of Hehuanzong. Under

several elders, the highest martial arts should be counted. Xiao Bai and
their talents are also very high. Every time they see, martial arts seems to
have improved. There were more than one step, especially Bairong, when
she first saw her, the other party had just entered the first-class, and now
she is catching up, her “green lotus seal” is pure green, and her graceful
but hidden killer is invincible.

Shen Ye is very clear. Bai Rong has shown mercy on herself several times,
and she only reminded Sang Jingxing of the impending interest by
clarifying the interests, so that Shen Ye did not worry about her affairs, but
she was soft-hearted towards Shen Ye. It will not be used on Yan Wushi.
At this time, he cooperates with Xiao Se and kills each other step by step.
Due to the fact that Yan Wushi suddenly hit Xiao Xiao suddenly, the two
had more suspicions and temptations, and refused to do their best, but
Shen Shen only understood that Yan Wushi now has limited skills and has
not yet recovered to half of the heyday. He can be seriously injured. Xiao
Se is already the limit, and it is reluctant to face another white velvet that
has increased his skills. If the time is long, the two will notice the details,
and he will no longer hesitate, and will do his best to deal with Yan Wushi.
He also had to deal with Yan Shi, who would inevitably lose sight of this.

With this in mind, Shen Yan no longer hesitated, his skills were carried to
the extreme, eliminating distractions, and directly rising to the state of
sword mind.

Suddenly, the sword is bright and bright, the world is discolored, as if the
thunder of a thunder, and Jiang Haiqingguang, all condense in this sword.

People are outside the sword, hearts are in the sword, and everything is

Yan Qi suddenly changed his color, hurriedly withdrew his palms and
retreated, and did not dare to grab his edge. However, when Jian Guang
came out, there was no reason to withdraw. Jian Qi was holding Bai
Guang, and he pursued him relentlessly. Ding boiling, rushing water,
although the sword heart was first established, the state of instability, but
there has been a faint sword wielding the world of peace.

The sword waved out, but Shen Zhen did not advance and retreated, and
bent over and swept away towards Bai Rong.

The three originally couldn't hold each other, forming a delicate balance.
With the skill of Yan Wushi, he could have dropped to ten sessions
without breaking such a deadlock. For a long time, Xiaoser Bairong
inevitably had doubts, but the blue shadow floated. To, directly take away
Yan Wushi.

Seeing this situation, the three naturally chased them up, except that Xiao
Xiao was injured and had no way to catch him, Yan Qiao was closely tied
behind him, and he refused to let them go easily.
"You take a step first. I came to stop them in the woods we passed by when
we entered the city!" Shen Yan spoke very fast, and after pushing the
words, he pushed Yan Wushi directly, but he did not wait for him to
respond, and raised the sword directly. Turned back towards the three.

Yan Wushi looked back and gave him a deep look, said nothing, and turned
to leave.

Seeing that the target was getting farther and farther, Shen Zhen was
standing in front of him, Yan Qi was also anxious, the palm wind almost
turned into a shadow of blood, and all the tricks greeted Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen's Zhangfa was not in chaos at all. The sword became more and
more stable. Facing Yan Qi's stormy offensive, without Yan Wushi's side,
he was more able to focus on the situation in front of him. Li Zhuang, a
Tsing Yi flying like an immortal, through Shen Cang's improved Canglang
sword tactics, thousands of weather, clean up and down, like thousands of
flowers blooming, full of light, for a time, actually blocked the three of
them out of the sword light, unable to advance .

Yan Qi snorted, and his body shape became more and more rapid, making
it difficult to distinguish between authenticity and slender five fingers like
a sharp blade. Everywhere he went, he transformed into a **** sea
skeleton, and broke into the sword curtain empty-handed, grabbing
directly to Shen Yan. Sword hand!


Shen Ye flew all the way, his body turned into a blue shadow, the dragonfly
drew water, and he was about to fall, and his toes almost never touched the
ground. The unique power of Xuandu Mountain, the sky wide rainbow
shadow, was used by him to achieve transformation. I am afraid that Qi
Fengge is here, can't help but praise it.

Under such a state of light power, the trees on both sides have been thrown
behind, blurred, and even the enemies who are chasing after them have
lost their tracks temporarily.
But Shen Yun didn't take it lightly. He took a breath, his robe sleeves
fluttered, and he didn't touch the dust.

This course, first glance up the mountain outside the city, in order to cover
people's eyes and eyes, and then follow the hidden place down the
mountain, into a grove under the mountain on the road that must pass
through the city.

Although the forest occupies a small area, because it leans on the foot of
the mountain and is lush, it is a world of its own. The vines are entangled
and the feet are rugged. When ordinary people come in here, they are
swallowed by the forest. Way out.

Shen Zhe supported the trunk and walked in. Although the speed slowed
down, there was no mark left under his feet. Even if the enemy chased
through here, he would not know whether they had entered here.

After walking about for a moment, Xiang Mo had seen that he had reached
the deep woods and was about to reach the jungle at the foot of the
mountain. He finally couldn't bear it any more, and stopped for a moment
to rest.

Suddenly a hand stretched out to his wrist.

Shen Xuan warned in time and noticed in time that he was going to pull
back, but he stopped his body when he saw the face, and breathed a sigh of

"It's me." Yan Wushi said, holding his wrist, holding his other hand to his
waist, and hurling people deep into the jungle. "Why did it take you so
long to get rid of them?"

Shen Huan was exhausted at this time, so he let his support help him, and
put his half body weight on the other side slightly.

"The three of them alone are naturally unconcerned. I also wanted to kill
Yan Qi to watch the Lord and take revenge on the first day. I did not expect
another person to come later to dress up as a monk. He is younger than
Bairong. People's martial arts are not under Yan Qiao. Long battle is not
good for me, so I can only find a chance to get away. "

He didn't know the identity of the other party, but Yan Wushi knew it when
he heard: "What you said should be Baoyun, one of the elders of the
Acacia sect. Buddhism turned upside down, Buddhism hated him for
corrupting the monk's reputation. In recent years, he has been hunted
repeatedly. He is not very visible, but martial arts are not under Yan Qiu. "

Hearing this man ’s behavior, Shen Yun frowned, showing his disgust:
“The white velvet said just now that Sang Jingxing and Bao Yun were both
behind. As soon as Bao Yun came, Sang Jingxing was not far away. We It
is necessary to leave sooner, otherwise there are not so many of them who
may not find here. "

Yan Wushi: "Can you move now?"

Shen Wei smiled and shook his head.

Yan Wushi: "I have a solution."

Shen Yun: "Huh?"

Yan Wushi touched his pale cheeks due to exhaustion. Shen Yan tilted his
head to avoid, but he was still touched and couldn't help glaring at the
other side. Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "Sang Jingxing is because of you.
Severe injuries naturally hate you, but the other people of Hehuanzong and
you have no deep grudges against you. Instead, you are very jealous of
you. You leave now alone. You do n’t need to worry about me anymore. I
am a burden. "

Shen Yan sighed: "When I can tell you a good way, stop talking nonsense,
go up the mountain first."

Yan Wushi: "Is this approach bad?"

Shen Huan: "If I want to leave you, why wait till now? Save people to the
end and send the Buddha to the West. Now that I have intervened in the
beginning, I will do my best."

The two walked forward, and Shen Minfang applied his light power to the
extreme. At this time, he felt reluctant to even start his steps, and said, "I
can't move anymore. You go up the mountain first, I'll stop after you."

Yan Wushi smiled with a smile: "Ama, you are so cute, even after you
look like this, Sang Jingxing comes, I'm afraid I can swallow your bones."

Before Shen Ying had time to answer, he felt that his feet were light, but
he was lost to his back.

Chapter 79

Shen Xun had no idea that he would act like this, but he stopped for a

The opponent's feet were light and fast, but after a short time, they entered
the foot of the mountain from the forest path, and then went up the
mountain road and rounded to the other side of the mountain.

Shen Yan waited for a while, then asked, "We are going up the mountain

Yan Wushi: "There is a temple on the back of this mountain, hidden in the
mountain, and it has been deserted for many years."

Shen Yun wondered: "You seem to be familiar with this place?"

Yan Wushi: "After the battle with Cui Youli, I went to this mountain to

Shen Ranran didn't ask any more. He was really tired, so he only fought
the four of them. Aside from Xiao Chou who was hurt by Yan Wushi, Bai
Rong, Yan Qiao, and Bao Yun were stronger than one. If Shen Jian's
internal force is not supported by the sword state of mind, it is impossible
for him to retreat.
Although Yan Wushi walked fast, he was very stable. Through the clothes,
the warmth of the skin came. Shen Shen had no time to think, and fell
asleep before he knew it.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the jungle, but in a

Because of the age, the incense has been cut off in the temple, and the
incense burner has nowhere to go. The Buddha statue is incomplete and
covered with smoke and dust beads everywhere, but the place where Shen
sleeps is clean, and there is still a cloth ripped from the sides of the pillar.
Although the curtains were dilapidated, they could not even sit directly on
the cold slate.

He sat with his back against the wall for a while, although he was not
seriously injured, but since the last time he played with Xue Ting, his
internal injuries have been a little stagnant, and he has not been able to
make full use of his shots. This is why he couldn't kill Yan Qiao. One, and
later with the addition of Baoyun, this opportunity passed directly.

Shen Yan held his head in a dull state and sighed softly.

Touching one hand, he was unprepared and was grateful for the cold touch,
and could not help but shudder slightly.

"What's the sigh?" Yan Wushi sat beside, holding the sepia in his other
hand and watching.

Shen Yan looked for a moment, confirming that this was the remnant of
"Zhu Yang Ce" seized by Chen Gong from the other day.

He was about to open his mouth, but saw Yan Wushi's hand flip, the
cymbal floated directly into the fire, and was instantly swallowed by

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi turned his head to see his expression, and before he asked, he
said, "I have already remembered the content, what's the use of keeping
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 119
Shen Yun: "If you have to, you have to give the cymbals to the Acacia sect
to get away, do you not leave yourself behind?"

Yan Wushi: "Even if I give them the cymbals, do you think they will
believe that this is the real remnant?"

Shen Yanmei said nothing.

Yan Wushi said for a moment: "In the old days, there was a secret method
in the Moon Sect, I'm afraid you haven't even heard it. To put it plainly is
that the magic sound captures the mind to get into the state of being into
the world, and can control the mind and behavior of others, forcing him to
know I unknowingly told the truth. If it were me, I would prefer to use this
method to get the confession I want instead of believing in a cymbal with
the words written on it. "

Shen Huan: "So Yan Shi and others want to catch you back while you're
making a big cut, forcing you to say what's on the scrap."

Yan Wushi: "Yes, my value to them is not in a corpse, but in the identity
of" Zhu Yangce "and the lord of Huan Yuezong. I can easily order Huan
Yuezong with my hands."

As far as Shen Yun knows, the five remaining volumes of Zhu Yangce that
Yan Wushi has seen have been three, especially the one from the bottom of
the earth, which contains the improvement and improvement of Feng Lin
Yuan Dian. In addition, Sang Jingxing and Yuan Xiuxiu are practicing
"Feng Lin Yuan Dian". Naturally, they understand the effect of the flaw in
the magic heart. If the flaw is not removed, it will not be possible to
practice in "Feng Lin Yuan Dian". It's a perfect state, so they want this
content more than anyone else.

If you change Yan Wushi from the past, it will naturally be high above
you. Only those who make them fearful but dare not act rashly, but now
Yan Wushi is under siege by five masters. From the edge of life and death,
martial arts are not as good as before. When will you stay?

Shen Man couldn't know more about the means of the people in the

On the same day, because Sang Jingxing killed his apprentice Huo Xijing,
Sang Jingxing wanted to exhaust his martial arts, and used his hands and
feet to serve as a restraint. He let himself play with it and then threw it to
the Acacia ancestors. The attitude of confronting the Acacia sect, and also
the harshness and indulgence of Wu Wuyan's behavior, once in the hands
of the Acacia sect, will definitely not be better treated than Shen Yan.

With this in mind, his brows were tightened: "If this is the case, we should
set off quickly so as not to be caught up by them."

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Do you think about me like this, do you
want to make me grateful and let me know?"

Shen Yan ignored his ridicule, but solemnly said: "I know that Lord Zong
has not always looked at others, but this matter is vital. Now you have no
flaws, and your strength is poor. It ’s just people. As soon as Sang Jingxing
comes, I can't resist it, it ’s better to be cautious. ”

But Yan Wushi didn't see the slightest confusion, he just threw the
branches next to it to make the fire more powerful, and suddenly asked a
question that was inconceivable: "If everything comes back, you may
choose to be under the half-step peak. Saved for me? "

Shen Yi shook his head, shaking his head: "I'm afraid I can't choose this

Yan Wushi: "So, even if you knew you would be tangled with me later, and
you gave it to Sang Jingxing yourself, did you not regret it?"

Shen Huan: "There is no regret medicine in the world, and the past things
can never be recovered. Instead of holding on to resentment and making
myself irresistible, I would rather thank you for teaching me how to look
at the world and the heart."

The fire reflected on his serious expression, but showed a different kind of

Yan Wushi suddenly laughed and said softly, "Stupid grandma, how am I
going to treat you?"

He reached over, and seemed to be touching Shen's cheek. Shen avoided,

and raised his hand to block. He expected that the other hand was raised,
and he did not attack. He just brushed his sleeves in front of his eyes. .

Shen Yan smelled the odor and wanted to hold his breath, but his nose had
already inhaled a bit. The body with little strength could not help but
soften, and the other side tapped his acupuncture point while taking
advantage of it.

"How long will it take for you to be undefended?" Yan Wushi shook his
head. "Or do you already regard me as a trusted person?"

After all, he ignored Shen Yan's stare, bowed his head and kissed him on
the tip of his nose, hugged him again, and walked behind the statue.

Only then did Shen Ye find that the back of the Buddha was recessed into a
large piece, which was not small or small, just enough to accommodate a
person sitting cross-legged inside.

Yan Wushi also explained to him leisurely: "Casting a Buddha image is a

big expense. Many temples hollow out the back or inside of the Buddha
image to reduce costs. I have been to this temple in the past. This Buddha
image was rough and hollow. I ’m too lazy to just make a face and do it.
Now it ’s cheaper for you. ”

Shen Yanmei: "What do you want to do!"

Yan Wushi said leisurely: "I have read the remnants of" Zhu Yang Ce "in
the Northern Zhou Palace, but now I have time to rush, but I have no time
to carry it to you. If you want, you can go to Chang'an to find Yu Wenji. He
once I have seen you, and I appreciate you very much. I must be willing to
open the door of convenience for you. Also, you told Bian Yanmei that he
didn't need to take care of me. First, when the Zhou Dynasty annexed Qi
Kingdom, he would take acacia Zong's power extends to Qi Guo. "

Shen Yan's expression changed: "I am not a man in Huan Yuezong. You
should say these things yourself. What are you doing with me?"

Yan Wushi smiled but did not speak. He touched his cheek and slowed his
movements. He seemed to enjoy the feeling that his fingertips touched the
other person's skin. It gave the atmosphere a little ambiguity that could not
be clearly explained, and he didn't accidentally see Shen Cheek Slowly
stained with a thin red tincture.

"My grandma is beautiful, and it's no wonder that the girl with Bairong
wants to be in love with her. Even if she finds out the doubts here, it will
certainly help you cover it up, so that you won't fall into the hands of Yan
Shi and others."

At this point, if Shen Ye doesn't understand what the other person wants to
do, he is really stupid.

"Yan Wushi, I worked hard to help you escape, not to let you go to the

Yan Wushi smiled haha: "I handed you over to Sang Jingxing myself, and I
have never regretted it until today, and now you see me have a bad
opportunity, how can I look like a mourning test, Ah Yeah Ah Ye, you are
too letting I was disappointed. At this time, I should be gloating, and my
heart is happy. How can I show this kind of pity, I can't help but want to
kiss Fangze again! "

He said that he really did hold his chin, and lowered his head to invade
with his lips and tongues, until the other person's breath was disordered
and his eyes were clear.
"I do whatever I want to do. Since I never regret it, it will not be for
atonement. It is not because of some ridiculous guilt. You don't have to be
guilty. You will be affectionate and make me nauseous."

He rubbed his finger on the crystal on Shen's lips and smiled lowly: "This
seat will wait for you to fulfill your promise and become a worthy
opponent, so maybe this seat will look at you more."

Shen Yan tried his best to pierce the acupuncture points on his body, but
Na Yan's unwieldy technique was extremely tricky. After several attempts,
it was unsuccessful. On the contrary, a thin sweat appeared on his
forehead, and his face became more coquettish.

Seeing Yan Wushi let go of him, and he was about to get up, Shen Xuan
was so anxious that his tone changed: "You stand still!"

When the other party heard the words, they really stopped, but just reached
out and gave him some dumb points.

Shen Yan's chest was undulating, tears were almost coming out of her
eyes, moist, bright, flowing and moving.

"Don't show such eyes in front of people, otherwise don't talk about Sang
Jingxing, even I can't help it." Yan Wushi bent down and ears and said to

Speaking of it, he drew a hand and pushed the statue of Buddha to the wall,
which made Shen Hidden's hiding place closely connected to it, making it
harder to be found.

He extinguished the fire again, waving his robe sleeves, and Shen Shen's
seat had been replaced by the sunken debris, leaving no trace.

Immediately after doing all this, Yan Wushi gave a sudden warning and
felt a murderous approach approaching here.

Whenever martial arts are practiced to a certain level, there will be a

mysterious sense of danger to the danger.
With a slight face, he strode out of the temple directly, and his body swept
forward, and he disappeared into the night for a moment.

A ray of moonlight leaked into the temple from the broken wall of the
ruins, bringing a little bit of light to the people inside the statue.

The wetness finally condensed into tears, flowing from Shen Yan's eyes.

I don't know how long, he heard someone outside saying, "How can the
elder Isaac's martial arts fail to catch up with a trivial Yan Wushi?"

"Any Yan Wushi?" Bai Rong sneered, "Brother Xiao, how dare you say
this in front of Yan Wushi?"

"Don't make a noise!" Yan Qiao said impatiently, frowning. "Yan Wushi
left alone, without Shen Shen, maybe he was hiding nearby, and he just
fought with us. Shen Ying was exhausted and could not run. How far, look
around first! "

Chapter 80

After Yan Wushi left, Shen Ye was anxious to open the acupuncture point,
and worried that Yan Wushi's martial arts today, if it fell into the hands of
Sang Jingxing, I still do n’t know how to be tortured. Within a period of
time, I walked inexorably within the meridians. Breaking out of the body,
he only felt that his heart was suddenly burning like fire, and suddenly
cold like falling into an ice cave. The whole man was so horrible that he
didn't even notice the passing of time outside him, as if he had fallen into
a dream-like state.

On the one hand, the body is tortured by ice and fire on the other, and on
the other side, the divine spirit is free. The spirit seems to be anxious to
forcibly break away from the body, but because of that bondage, it is
always tightly bound inside the body, and it is compelled to follow the
chaos. The chaos was irritating, and the limbs were numb.

The first half of Shen Yun's life was smooth, and Xuandu Mountain
seemed to be a barrier to isolate all external dangers.
Not only him or other people on Xuandu Mountain, even if they are
ambitious and depressed, they have already left this world, and
unavoidably, they have brought a bit of innocence and righteousness to
their personnel. However, because of Xuandu Mountain, Qifeng Pavilion
stands In front, sheltering them from the wind and rain, everyone didn't
realize what the world below the mountain was like.

After that, Shen Yan's life seemed to be split into two distinct sections by
the first half of the battle, how comfortable the first half was, and how
many waves there were in the second half.

He has experienced many situations where life is not as good as death. He

has also seen the good and evil in the world. In the end, there is no
resentment in his heart. Even if there is, with the death of the Lord and the
first day, with one more called ten The five apprentices, along with Bi
Xiazong and others, retired and disappeared as Yan Wushi set off with
Sang Jingxing in this way to leave him.

The thought was like a bit of ice water, which spread slowly at the Lingtai.

At that moment, the mind seemed to be completely detached from the

body, the Buddha statue from the dwelling, from this small temple, and
came to a vast and unknown world without words, and all the pain
gradually left, and there was no perception, but in front of it Suddenly
cheerful, such as the sun and the moon hanging high, the mountains and
the sea are bright, the waves are jumping, and the rain is shining on the

The stagnant acupoints are slowly unblocking, and the true energy flowing
through the body is like warm current, which gradually restores strength to
the numb and painful limbs.

Shen Yan felt like he had become a small fish, his tail flicked into the vast
world of stars, and a ticking sound came from the top of his head. It was
the leaves that could n’t bear the weight of the dew, and his waist was
folded, and the dew Can't wait to get rid of the leaves, slide down from
above, sink into the deep pool, and break peacefully.
He looked up and saw the outside world through the transparent rippling
water. The feeling was quite mysterious.

That drop of dew fell in the lake, more like falling in his heart.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 120
Heaven and earth changed accordingly.

The cold winter turned into a warm spring, and the water flowing around
him became warm and mellow. Countless little fishes like him were
flowing around him, shaking their heads and swinging their tails,
swimming happily forward, and the stars and moons were scattered on the
water. The gorgeousness of this luster is delivered underwater, and the
surrounding area seems to be shining like the Xinghe.

Shen Yan closed his eyes and felt as if he had gone through the life of a
fish, and was reborn into this deep pond, day after day, waiting for the rain
to fill it up, waiting for the flowers by the pond to confide in his troubles,
and wait for the flowers to fall. I buried myself under water, turned clouds
into spring, covered with rain, and fell in autumn.

He suddenly remembered a sentence in Zhu Yangce.

There is nothing more than yourself.

Shen Huan still remembers that he first saw this sentence in the volume of
"Zhu Yangce" given to him by Master. Even if he later died, he reshaped
the bones with Zhu Yangce's true spirit. Every sentence in Zhu Yangce can
be thoroughly understood.

At the time, before this sentence, there was another sentence: Enter it, and
do whatever you want.

This sentence is quite understandable. To put it bluntly, practicing sword

must understand the sword heart, practicing sword must understand the
sword heart, and the enemy must know oneself and the other in order to be

But in this way, "it" and "self" will be integrated into one body, so why
bother to separate it out and say "there is nothing else besides self"?
For a time, Shen Ye thought it might be a typo, or when Tao Hongjing was
writing, he didn't even think so much.

However, at this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of this

sentence, and he felt that he had fallen into a misfortune before and took a

Man stands between heaven and earth, first "self", and then "it". He judges
others by himself and things by himself. If there is no joy in the world,
there is no joy in the world, if there is no sorrow in the world, there is no
sorrow in the world. My heart is happy, my words become spring, my heart
is sad, and the mountains and rivers are overshadowed.

When I realized this, not only was my mind suddenly widened, but my
body was also infinitely expanded, as if I could hold endless infuriating
energy. He is full of rivers, full of capacity, and the meridian is widened by
the energetic energy. No more fear of clogging.

Mountains and rivers with the sword of sadness trembled slightly, as if

feeling the master's state of mind and progress, excited and difficult,
waiting for the enemy to sweep out.

Four people outside the Buddha statue had just stepped into this small
temple at this time.

Yan Qiao said coldly, "You look around."

Xiao Se walked heavily because of the injury, walking was a bit slow, but
Bai Rong was unharmed, and seemed to have no interest in charging, but
just following Xiao Se.

The two turned around at the back of the temple, Xiao Xiao returned and
said, "Elder Yan, there is no trace of Shen, will the other party see us being
crowded and leave Yan Wushi first?"

Yan Shi: "It's unlikely, he's exhausted when fighting with us. It's very
difficult to recover in a short time. Even if he has to run, he can't go far.
Since he didn't go with Yan Wushi, it must be to find a place first. It's a
good place to hide. Did you find it? "

Xiao Se: "Everyone has found it. This temple is very small. There is only
one compartment in the back. There is no place to hide. A well can be
used. There is water underneath, and people cannot hide in it. There is no
dark room. First-class institutions. "

He glanced at Bai Rong: "It seems that Shishi Bai has no sympathy for
Shen Yan, and obstructs and urges everywhere. I don't know why?"

Bai Rongjiao dripped and said, "Brother Xiao really gives me eye drops all
the time. Could it be that you knocked me down, and Master will look at
you differently? Don't forget that you are the Yuan Sovereign and want to
change the court, I have to show some sincerity, what's the use of just
targeting a little girl? "

Bao Yun, who was standing next to Yan Qiao, suddenly said, "Before you
find anyone, you start to be instigated. Did the Yuan Sect and Elder Sang
teach their disciples?"

His tone was somber, which was inconsistent with Bao Xiang's solemn
monk image.

But the effect was obvious, Bai Rong and Xiao Seul shut up and stopped

Yan Qi looked around for a week, and finally his gaze fell on the huge
Buddha statue. After a pause, he walked towards the statue.

His actions attracted the attention of others, and Bao Yun also snorted:
"This Buddha statue is very tall. If it is empty in the middle, it can hide

Yan Shou inspected the statue from top to bottom, from the top of the head
to the stone platform where the statue was placed, suddenly reached out
and pulled the cloth curtain on the stone platform, his eyes touched the
traces under the cloth curtain, sneered, and smirked at the statue!
With the palm wind falling as the center, the fissures spread rapidly on the
statue of Buddha, and the statue burst apart!

Someone inside it!

Everyone saw the figure hiding in the Buddha statue, Yan Shi ha ha
smiled, and stood up, like an eagle hunting, rushed to the other side first!

Before the arrival of the people, the palm wind has swept across, like a
storm, the shadows of the sky, the bitter cold, and the pouring of the forest,
which is unexpected, but I feel that the whole body is covered by the
shadow of the wind, without any gap. The loopholes can be escaped, and I
can't help but be frightened and despair.

Not to mention that Shen Zhen had already exhausted the four men who
had already fought hard. Even if he was still alive, he could not be taken
by surprise in the face of Yan Qi's overwhelming palm.

When fighting previously, Yan Qiao was frightened by Shen Jian ’s state of
mind, but he also explored Shen ’s bottom line and found that his internal
force was not enough to support the sword state. In short, the opponent
walked too fast on the sword. However, the internal force cannot keep up,
and this fatal flaw cannot be changed in a short period of time.

Therefore, he believes that even if he fails to damage the other side, he can
hold Shen Yan firmly in place and be passive.

Between the thoughts, the palms of the wind fluttered, Yan Qiao and Shen
Yan were not far away, and the other party didn't even have time to turn
around to block!

Suddenly, the white light rose sharply, and Mori Han's murderous spirit
rushed to his face. He actually pressed Yan Qi's palm wind down, and Jian
Qi even spread across the blood and rushed to Yan Qi's face!

"Elder Yan be careful!" Xiao Se shouted.

There was no need for him to shout this throat, and Yan Qi had already
hurried back.

The others didn't look on coldly, Baoyun jumped up and grabbed Shen
Kuo's head from another direction.

When Shen Jian swept across the sword, the sword gas flowed out along
the body of the sword, and the Qingyi fluttered, and Tsing Yi fluttered,
almost turning into a rainbow, and radiating with Jian Guang, it was
dazzling and indistinguishable.

Yan Qiao's face changed, and this retreat took dozens of steps, until the
temple wall was behind, there was no retreat.

He was able to see it, Shen Ming came clearly towards himself, so even
Baoyun was thrown aside, only setting up the curtain with his sword,
directly blocking other people's offensives, and only dealing with himself.

But the other party was already out of strength before, why can they
recover like this in a short time? !!

Yan Shi couldn't wait to think about it. He rose straight into the sky, and
the roof was penetrated by a single palm, followed by Shen Yan.

The two hit the roof from inside the temple, their figures fluttered like
ghosts, palms of sword light, the wind was fierce, like the moon in winter,
the trees were withered, everything was silent, because of the presence of
Yan Shi, the blood palm came out, and With the fiery blood and rain, the
forest is cold and cold, and the murderous is heavy, but the sword light
suddenly rises, and it looks like Yunxia carving color, the spring stone is
magnificent, the light is pouring, and it is unique.

In contrast, even the bright moon seemed to be slightly overshadowed,

hiding in the clouds ashamed, and no longer seen.

In the world, only Yu Jianguang is located, the mountains and rivers are in
the same sorrow, and Jinshi Changming!
Seeing that he couldn't get in, he didn't force himself, and just stood by
and watched the battle. He glanced at Yu Guang and couldn't move when
he saw Bai Rong, and said coldly: "Bei Shimei has no feelings for Shen
Yu, and he can't even bear to deal with him by himself. Anymore? "

Bai Rong groaned with a smile: "People who can't even win with Elder
Yan and Elder Baoyun, if I make a shot, it will only add chaos. If Brother
Xiao has the ability, the younger sister will take care of you!"

This remark was not a fiction, Shen Yi was one enemy and two, and so far
he had not fallen, not only Bao Yunnai could not help him, and even Yan
Qi also showed a faint defeat.

Why can a person suddenly become so strong? !!

Xiao Se's heart was horrified, and he even wondered if Yan Wushi had
copied the set of the double repair in the Acacia sect, but even if it was a
double repair, it would never be completed in such a short time.

He snorted, too lazy to fight with Bai Rong, and turned to look at the battle
on the roof.

But in the gap between them, the two seemed to have separated from each
other on the roof.

Chapter 81

People in Hehuan Sect have mixed feelings, which can be seen in the
incident between Shen Ying and Yan Qiao.

Although Shen Zhifang rushed through the acupuncture point, his skill
could not leaps and bounds overnight, ascending to the top, at best, only
the meridian can be widened, and some strength can be restored. With his
original strength, he can't be separated from Yan Jia, but if at the same
time In the face of Yan Qiao and Bao Yun, there must be some difficulty.

However, when Bao Yun saw that Shen Qiao was fighting Yan Shi, he
gradually did not intervene, and let Shen Qiao take the upper hand, Yan
Qiao left and right.

Yan Kou hated her heart, and was reluctant to make people look down on
her. She used her strengths and vowed to sink her into the palm of her

Who knows that Shen Zhe is not as good as it used to be. A mountain and
river with a sword of sorrow is enough to make it impossible to get close.
Yan Qi tried several times to turn his defense into an attack, but was
frightened by the opponent ’s sword curtain, and had to turn his attack into
defense again. Among them, the prestigious "Blood Hand Buddha" was so
suppressed that he couldn't even pull out a palm, his face was so frantic
and his forehead sweated.

Under the wolf howling, it is inevitable that flaws will be revealed. At the
same time, Shanhe is full of sad swords and swords, and rushes towards
Yan Qiao's heart.

Of course, Bao Yun couldn't sit by and watch Yan Shi die in front of him,
otherwise he wouldn't be able to account for Huan Sect.

He yelled at Xiao Se Bairong, "You are still watching!"

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 121
Raised his palm and patted Shen Yan.

Xiao Sebai was not good enough to make a wall observation, immediately
joined the war circle, and attacked Shen Shen.

However, the masters' tricks changed rapidly, and when they shot, they had
heard Yan Qi's scream, the blood light rose from the sword curtain, and
splashed to the ground after the sword light disappeared.

One arm rolled down from the roof to the ground. Everyone looked
intently. Yan Qi was cut off. He kept back, closing the hole to stop
bleeding, and his face was full of pain. He almost fell off the roof,
naturally weak. Fight again.

Baoyun and Shen Zheng fought several tricks, and he suddenly found that
the other party was inexhaustible just after the battle with Yan Qi. He was
full of sword energy and endless. He weighed the pros and cons. Besides,
he and Shen Zhen did not have deep hatred, and killing him was not good
for himself, so they only made five or six points to stop Shen Yan's
attempt to kill Yan Qiao, and he worked with him for a long time.

Until that end Xiaother shouted, "Elder Baoyun, Elder Yan can't look

In addition to the arm being beheaded, Yan Shi had several internal and
external injuries on his body. At this time, he lost too much blood. Even if
the acupuncture point was used to stop bleeding and adjust his power, he
could not slow it down. No. "Blood Hand Buddha", this blood finger is his
right hand that was cut off. Without this right hand, even if his life is
guaranteed in the future, his skill will be greatly reduced. This is for those
who practice martial arts. The deadliest blow.

In his heart, he bothered Shen Shen, and hated Bao Yun, who stood idly by,
stunned and died.
Baoyun heard the situation and pulled away: "Shen Yun, today you hurt my
elder Acacia, this account will be recovered with all his strength!"

Shen Xuan said lightly: "It's better to choose another day than to hit
another day, why choose another day and just end it today!"

Having said that, he flew towards Yan Shifei with a sword, but he wanted
to kill himself while the other side had no resistance!

Bao Yun was taken aback. It didn't seem that Shen Huan would be so
persistent. He immediately chased after him and patted him with one

At this moment, the white velvet flew over, and the fiber fiber hand turned
into a blossoming green lotus, with a beautiful mood and graceful style,
which was dizzying.

However, Shen Jian swept across the sword, and when the sword curtain
turned into thousands, he completely resolved the offensive between
Baoyun and Bairong, and also made Bairong take the lead and shoot at

Bowen said angrily, "White Velvet!"

Bai Rong said, "Elder Bowen forgives all the wicked thieves!"

Speaking of her, the lotus moves lightly, the robe sleeves are like a lotus
blooming, and the phantoms are blooming. She is full of blooms in Shen
Zhen, looking at the beautiful and beautiful, but the insider knows at a
glance that this heavy lotus is really heavy. The power of the "Green Lotus
Seal" is here. If the user has high martial arts, each of these "Lotuses"
contains a daunting spirit, and the offensive is like the tide is surging,
endless, and the waves Pushing forward waves, one heavy is more
powerful than the other.

The Qinglian Yin she made at this time looked extremely powerful, but
Shen Yan who was in close contact could feel that the true power
contained in each of her palms was not even half of the internal force used
by the other when they first met.

Bao Yun did not intend to fight with Shen Yun again. While Bai Rong and
Xiao Se were entangled in Shen Yun, he directly lifted away the fainted
Yan Qiao, and left a sentence far away: "The Acacia sect will come to
Japan for consultation in the future!"

Xiao Se was wounded, and he had no intention of falling in love. When

Bao Yun left, he also wanted to follow him. It was expected that Shen Yun
had already followed him, and Shan He followed the sword of sorrow.
Then there was a wound on his back. He dyed his clothes red, and he
exclaimed in pain, without turning his head, to the utmost with effort, and
in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the night, and no longer saw

Shen Yan wanted to chase again, but was unable to get away because he
was entangled by white velvet. The other side was in the opposite position
of Shen Yan. He had a lot of past lives in his hands. He showed mercy to
Shen Yan's men twice, especially in Bailongguan. In the middle, if she
didn't hold Xiao Seo's footsteps, perhaps Shen Yun and Shizhui had no
time to escape.

In view of this, Shen Ye didn't think she had a good feeling for herself, nor
could she be too ruthless. At this time, Bai Rong dragged his footsteps,
preventing him from chasing Baoyun and others, and he couldn't go down
to each other. Heavy hands, inevitably depressed.

When Bai Rong saw him, he chuckled and stopped.

Seeing that she suddenly stopped and stood still, Shen Yuan also pulled
back her sword.

"On the day of Bixia Zongshan, the slave family turned around every night
and missed it. Now she saw Shen Lang's skills increased greatly and she
was no longer bullied. Then she was comforted in the heart, but slaves
were fascinated by you twice and showed affection and help But when you
saw the slave, you shouted and shouted, it was ruthless! "
When she said these words, her face was full of smiles, with no sadness or
surprise, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Shen Yan said earnestly: "I have always remembered your kindness and
will never forget it."

Bai Rong covered her mouth and laughed, "I just talked casually, but you
got serious, but you look so good, even I can't help thinking of a kiss!"

After telling her to deceive herself, Shen Yu was startled, and she took
three big steps back, and Bai Rong stopped giggling.

Shen Ye only felt that her mind and Yan Wushi were generally
unpredictable, and she deserves to be the same person in the magic gate,
and they all have something in common.

"You know where Fang Cai Yan Wuzhi led Sang Jingxing?"

Bai Rong nodded: "Know, they went down the mountain. If I guessed right,
Yan Wushi should want to use the city wall cover to get rid of Sang

Shen Xuan was anxious to chase the two, and left after hearing it.

Bai Rong refused to let him go: "You and I haven't seen you for a few
days. Is this how you feel about saving benefactors?"

Shen Yun: "Thank you for telling me that there is something to change

"Shen Yun!"

Shen Yan heard her calling with her first name, paused at her feet, and
turned around.

But there was no smile on Bai Rong's face, and a pair of peach eyes looked
at each other with a complex meaning: "I haven't thank you very much.
Yan Qiao saw me unpleasantly in the Acacia ancestor. This time you hit
him hard. Later, I lost one more enemy in the door. But Shen Lang, after
all, I am from Hehuanzong. You and I will see you next time. If you are
still against Hehuanzong, I will not be merciful to you. "

Shen Yun was silent for a moment: "Do you want to be the Lord of

Bai Rong was a little surprised, then immediately said: "I thought Shen
Lang was indifferent to me. I didn't expect to even guess this."

Shen Yan sighed, thinking about the endless struggles in the Acacia sect,
each one was ruthless, and there were many words to persuade, but in the
end, he didn't export, just arched his hand: "I hope you will do it yourself,
take it seriously, and it will come later."

Bai Rong looked at his distant figure and spit out his tongue: "Stupid

Shen Yun carried all his merits to the extreme and flew forward, but he
could chase for a full half of the night without the sight of Yan Wushi and
Sang Jingxing.

It stands to reason that Yan Wushi's skills are not recovered now, and Sang
Jingxing can't catch up with him for so long. If the two of them run and
play, with his light work, they won't be able to catch up in the middle of
the night. At this point, Shen Yun had already reacted. He was likely to be
deceived by Bai Rong. The other party pointed him in a completely wrong
direction, and deliberately let him waste time.

But even if he returns to that little temple now, it is certainly impossible to

find Bairong.

Shen Min paused, panting slightly, and he looked down at the mountains
and the sword of sadness in his hands, and looked up into the distance.

After this middle of the night, they didn't know where to go, but they had
no hope of finding someone.
Shen Yan remembered the words that Yan Wushi said before leaving,
closed his eyes and closed his undulating mood.

Shanhe Tongbei Sword seems to feel the master's complex and

unspeakable mood, snoring in the scabbard.

As dawn dawned, a cloud of whiteness appeared in the vast sky, as if eager

to break through the abyss, bringing light to the heavens and the earth.


In the bottom of Shen Min's heart, these two words emerged silently.


Going all the way north to Chang'an, the distance is not too far, Shen Yun's
speed is not slow, it is only a day and night journey, so it took several days.

As soon as he was about to arrive in Chang'an, Shen Xuan had felt wrong.

On the official roads into Beijing, the families of criminals from the
direction of Beijing have been exiled from time to time, and some civilian
husbands have been led by officials to move in the direction of Chang'an.
In the past, he could occasionally see such scenes. But after all, it's not
common. If you see two waves in a row, it's unusual there.

As the tea pavilion rested, Shen Ye saw his family again shackled, and the
former soldier who was riding on the horse walked away.

The soldiers who escorted them had to rest, and everyone was seated in the
teahouse, but the families of the offenders were not treated so well, and
they all had to sit outside the teahouse without even a sip of water.

Shen Wei whispered to the tea booth buddies, and walked to the table
where the soldiers were seated.

"Every meeting is a fate. Poor wants to ask two Langjuns for a cup of tea. I
wonder if they would like to cheer their faces?"
At this point, Shen Wei had changed back to a robe with fluttering robes,
but he didn't speak, and he seemed to be a master, let alone a gentle and
pleasant voice.

Although Yu Wenzheng banned Buddhism and Buddhism, the folk worship

of Buddhism and Buddhism has never been extinguished, not to mention
Shen Yun is not an ordinary Taoist at first glance, the two soldiers did not
dare to get bigger, and now he got up and greeted him: Let Dao look good,
and sit down and talk. "

Shen Yun was thinking of this and took the opportunity to say: "Poor Road
once made a wish in front of Xianzun to complete ninety-nine merits in
three years, but now there is still a gap. I wonder if the two Langjuns will
be successful. How many people drink a cup of tea and talk about
quenching hunger? "

The soldier smiled: "The Minister is kind, you can do it yourself."

Shen Ye asked his buddies to send tea, and the family members of the
offenders were naturally grateful. He asked, "I saw a lot of offender family
members exiled on my way to Beijing. I do n’t know what happened in
Beijing? But those officials offended him. ? "

Soldier: "Oh, they did offend Your Majesty. Your Majesty is going to
rebuild the palace. The father, brother or husband of these people are
officials in the DPRK, and they have sullen opposition and annoyed His
Thousand Autumns: Page 122
Shen Weiqi said: "Rebuilding the palace? As far as the poor are aware,
today's Majesty is diligent, thrifty, and self-denying, and he does not seem
to be a covetous person."

The soldier said nervously: "Master Tao, I advise you, this sentence has
entered the capital, you can never say it again! The emperor was indeed
frugal and loves the people, but this is not the case with His Majesty.
Order the people of the world not to be mourned, let alone those who
speak up! "

After hearing this, Shen Yan's face changed suddenly, and his heart

Yu Wenhuan died? !!

Chapter 82

The soldier saw that his expression was changing, and only when he could
n’t accept the fact for a while, he also comforted: "The emperor had
always disliked Buddhism. After His Majesty ascended the throne, the
restrictions on Buddhism and Taoism were relaxed. In the long run, you
can walk in Changan City without fear of being interrogated. "

Shen Yun smiled bitterly. Could this be regarded as a good luck in


"Why didn't your Majesty keep his father's funeral?"

As soon as this word came out, the two soldiers were both nervous and
looked around. When no one noticed it, they whispered: "Where can I
know this matter? The Chief of Tao should not ask more questions!"

Shen Ye asked again, "How do you know Qi Wangyu Wenxian?"

Both shook their heads to express their ignorance.

They are only the soldiers at the bottom, and King Qi's whereabouts are
indeed beyond their question.

In this case, Shen Ye had nothing to ask. He thanked the two and drank tea.
After seeing them taking the offender's family members ready to leave, he
said goodbye to each other, untied the reins tied to the fence, turned over,
and turned towards Changan direction.

Upon entering Chang'an City, Shen Ye didn't feel much change. He was
still lively and bustling, with people coming and going. It was far more
prosperous than other state capitals when he came. The only difference
was It seems that there are more officials and families on the street,
especially the street leading to the imperial city, or inspecting or escorting
prisoners. Among the prisoners are men and women, old and young. The
same thing happened, they looked sad and looked a little out of place in
this lively.

Shen Ye stopped and watched for a while. The crying of the children in the
line made him unbearable, but he knew that, no matter whether the crime
of this family was wronged, even if he saved them, there was no way to set
them up. They suffer more.

What's more, I am afraid that more people will fall into the same situation
as them in the future.

It is easy to save a family with one surname, but it is difficult to save the

He sighed secretly, looked away, and turned away.

Shen Ye first went to Yan Wushi ’s former master ’s office in Beijing. He

did n’t come near, he only glanced at it. It was no accident to see that the
house had now been sealed, the door was locked, the court was deserted,
and the capital of the city was thick. However, there are few horse-drawn
carriages passing by around here, others seem to worry that they are
related to them, and they all avoid it.
There were a few pickers selling vegetables on the side, and some people
came to buy them, but if they looked carefully, they could see some
strange things. Unlike ordinary hawkers, they seemed to be waiting there

If he had changed the past, Shen Ye would have to go forward and ask if he
wanted to, but he got along with Yan Wushi a lot now, unknowingly
imperceptibly, and he knew how to observe the details of everything. At
this time, he noticed the abnormalities of those people. Did not come
forward again.

Bian Yanmei also had two houses in Beijing, one was an official residence,
and was given by Yu Wenji. Like Shaofu Mansion, one was a private
house. There were fewer people who knew it, but it was not a secret. When
she was in Changan that day, Bian Yanmei misunderstood his relationship
with Yan Wushi, and also deliberately led him to recognize the place, and
warmly invited Shen Ye to come as a guest, making Shen Ye a little bit

The official residence, like Shaoshi's house, encountered the situation of

being sealed up, and some people in front of the door also pretended to be
undercover surveillance.

The private house remained, although the door was closed, it was not

The private residence of Bianyanmei is located deep in an alley in the west

of the city. Most of the nearby residences are home-made Shuxiangmendi.
It is less concealed by senior officials and not as noisy as Shangjiashijing.
It is an excellent hiding place. Office.

Shen Yan did not push the door, but turned over a wall.

For his martial arts, even when he turned over the wall, he turned quietly
and his posture was chic.

The house was very clean, the plants and trees were sound, and the dust
was not stained, but it was deserted and half figures were not.
Shen Min walked around, and every room pushed in, but found nothing.

Where did Bian Yanmei go?

In recent years, the yueyue sect was combined with the Beizhou regime,
and he was elevated to the left and right arms by Yu Wenzheng. Chang'an
is equivalent to the yueyue sect's base camp, but the yueyue sect is special
in the three magic gates, Yan Wu The teacher only accepted two disciples,
Bian Yanmei and Yu Shengyan. The remaining forces were scattered all
over the place, and they seemed to be "stupid." Now people in Jingcheng
go to the premises and look for them like a needle in a haystack.

There was a loud noise in the East Chamber, extremely slight. It sounded
like the desk case was accidentally moved.

This happened to be the last room Shen Shen hadn't entered yet.

The people in the room seemed to squeeze their breath to the lightest, but
as far as Shen was concerned, it was still clear and audible.

He pushed the door open, step by step, towards the screen.

The depressing breathing sound became heavier and thicker, and Shen
paused in front of the bed, bending over and reaching out.

An exclamation emanated from the bottom of the bed, and before Shen
Ying touched the other side, a small figure had sprang out of it and ran
towards the door.

But before he ran a few steps, people were stunned, and even dumb holes
were clicked. The sound couldn't be heard at all, and his face was scared.

"Don't be afraid." She heard someone say that.

"I came to look for my old friend. Unexpectedly, the old friend's family
moved away, so come in and see, who are you?" Jun Mei's dusty Taoist
gentlely approached her.
Such a person doesn't look like a bad person at all, and her heart pounding
slowly calms down.

Shen Yun unlocked her dumb hole.

The little girl is very young, but the dust can't cover the original Bai Nen.
From the perspective of clothing, she should be from a wealthy family and
raised from Xiaojiao. I do n’t know why she came here.

"Who are you?" The girl asked boldly.

Shen Ye smiled: "My name is Shen Ye, and I am a Taoist from Xuandu

"Shen Yun?" The girl seemed to be thinking, "Is Shen Shen in" Book of
Rites "Yu Yuan? Yuan Shan in" Lie Zi Tang Wen "?"

"Yes, it is those two words." Shen Huan marveled at the profound

knowledge that the other party had at a young age. "Which one are you?
Why are you hiding here?"

After all, the girl is not old, and she is still mature and unable to stretch
for a long time. When she heard the words, she expressed a sigh of relief:
"I heard you mention Shen Dao, shouldn't Shen Dao come to me?"

Shen Ye was also a little confused by her: "Who are you, and who am I to

Girl: "I am Dou Jia Yan, and my mother is Xiangyang Yang."

Shen Zhen understood: "What you call" Xun, should it be the emperor? "

Dou Yan nodded: "Some people in my family are watching. Those people
want me to go to the palace to see His Majesty. I can only sneak out. I
originally planned to come here to find my uncle. I didn't expect to find
anyone and someone was outside. Look for me, and I dare not go out ... "

Shen Yanmei: "What the **** is going on here? Your mother is the elder
sister of the emperor. Who would dare to embarrass you as today's aunt?"
Immediately afterwards, he thought, who would dare to embarrass them
except the emperor, but is it not the emperor?

Dou Yan bit her lower lip, and there seemed to be no secret. Shen Xun did
not continue to press, but said warmly: "The people in this house are afraid
to leave early. It is useless to stay here and wait. It is better to go home
first. Your mother-in-law is here, Your Majesty never dares to do anything
... "

"No! You can't go home!" Dou Yan shook his head again and again. "If I go
home, Your Majesty must call me into the palace. At that time, A'da and
Niang can't stop it, I will lose my life!"

Seeing her speak so seriously, she couldn't do anything for a while. She
was about to ask her plans, and there was a hustle and bustle outside,
followed by the movement of the house door being pushed hard. .

"It doesn't matter here. People who want to come have already gone. You
don't have to go in. I can just go and see it."

The voice sounded a little familiar, and Shen Min pondered for a moment,
thinking of a person's name.

Yang Jian.

Dou Yan was scared to hide behind him, pulling his sleeve: "Go, go!"

Seeing that Shen Yan didn't move, she paused and ran straight back to the
original room. Momo hid under the bed again.

Dou Yan just ran in, and Yang Jian had already strode over, and happened
to be in front of Shen Yan who was standing in the yard.

Shen Jian's face was calm, but Yang Jian was surprised.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 123
"You ..." He just said a word, then closed his mouth again, glanced out, and
made a gesture to Shen Yan, which meant that Shen Yan should not speak.

Shen Yan understood his hint, nodded, and waited for him to speak first.

Yang Jian frowned, and his face was unpredictable, as if hesitating to say

On the contrary, Dou Yan in the room didn't wait for the movement. She
couldn't help coming out quietly and peeking out the door. She thought
that the concealing action was seen by Yang Jian. The words almost scared
and ran back again.

"The chief Shen Dao knows where Doctor Bian is going?" He tried to keep
his voice down, but spoke fast.

Shen Yun naturally shook his head.

"I have been entrusted by people, but now I can't fulfill it. I can only ask
the help of Shen Daochang to help me send the Dou family lady to Su
family for temporary refuge!"

Su family? Shen Yun's face was puzzled.

Yang Jian: "It's on the government of Meiyang County!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside: "I don't know if you can
find it with your father-in-law, but I need help from a villain?"

Yang Jian responded loudly: "No need, I'll go out!"

He couldn't say more, only arching his hand at Shen Yan, and then turned
and hurried away.
The voice came faintly from the door. After a while, people went out one
by one. The door was closed again and locked.

Dou Yan poked his head out of the room and looked pale.

Shen Huan told her: "Everyone is gone. I will be sent to the government
office of Meiyang County by the Gonggong to take refuge. What do you

Dou Yan thought for a while: "Yeah, Meiyang County Gong and my father
have always made a good relationship. It should be entrusted to him by the
father, then there will be labor and morality. Will this matter cause you

Shen Chen laughed: "No, it's just a hand."

He took Dou Yan to easily turn over the wall, followed the direction of
Dou Yan and went to the Su family. Dou Yan had never seen such a
fascinating light work, and he was so surprised that he closed his mouth
and went to the Su family. At the back door, Shen Shen's expression was
already full of awe.

Shen Yan could not help rubbing her bun head, and went in through the
back door of Su House.

Dou Yan whispered to him: "After this courtyard, the second room in front
is the study. I used to come with my father, and Meiyang County will be
there all the time ..."

With Shen's skill, sneaking into the Su family was a little overkill. Solvay
was reading a book in the study room, so cold that he was pushed in by a
large or a small child from the outside. He almost didn't startle loudly.

Fortunately, he also recognized Shen Yan and Dou Yan, and could not bear
what he wanted to say, and changed a relatively normal intonation: "Shen
Dao? Dou Erniang?"
Dou Yan came down from Shen Huan's arms and said crisply: "Do n’t be
surprised, Shi Yan, there is no malicious intention here!"

Solvay got up and opened the door to visit. Only when no one was
watching outside, he closed the door again and turned back. "How come
you are here?" A Yan, I heard that the Dou family is now surrounded by
people sent by His Majesty. Looking for you. "

Dou Yan said sadly: "Yes, I blame me for bringing trouble to my parents.
Your Majesty was afraid that my father and mother would hide me. Now I
am staring at Dou's family. I can't go back for the time being, but I can
only come to seek refuge with Shibo."

Shen Wei said: "We met Sui Guogong at the border government. He asked
us to come to Suxiangong."

Solvay sighed, "Well, you follow me."

He didn't ask the reason for it. He wanted to know one or two. Instead, he
got into Chang'an and felt that everything was unexpected. Now he can
only take one step at a time.

Solvay got up and pushed the bookshelf open, revealing the hidden door
behind him, and led them through the door into the underpass, and finally
came to another room.

It ’s not that the house is out of sight, and there are green shades outside
the window. The sunlight is looming in. If it is placed in summer, it must
be a summer shelter, but it also hides its position, making it difficult for
others to find it. .

There was a man standing by the window, with his back to them, standing
with his hands in his hands. When Solvay pushed in the door, he turned to
see Dou Yan. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Er Niang?"

Dou Yan appeared quite mature along the way, and when he saw this man,
he couldn't help crying, "Five Aunts! The Emperor's Aunt was killed by
his cousin!"
As soon as this remark was made, everyone in the room was frightened.

The author has something to say:

Shen Yun: I feel like I'm fulfilling your last wish.

Lao Yan: Oh, aren't you my widow?

Shen Yan: ...

Chapter 83

"Er Niang, do you know what you are talking about?" Yu Wenxian almost
suspected that his ears were wrong.

Dou Yan sucked his nose: "I saw it all by your side, Your Majesty was
seriously ill in bed, and my cousin came over and said, said ..."

Suddenly she met her close relative, and she felt a little excited and

Yu Wenxian held her shoulders and helped her sit down: "Don't worry, you
speak slowly."

Solvay poured the water in person and passed it.

Covering the warm glass, Dou Yan seemed to gradually find the strength
to speak: "Cousin came to visit His Majesty, but said to His Majesty: Why
are you still not dead, you died earlier, I will take over as soon as possible,
with you in One day, I couldn't relax, but I couldn't help you to get up in
bed, but you didn't give up, you just tossed in vain! "

It is not difficult for Dou Yan to repeat these words without missing a
word. Since she was an early child, she has read the classics well. She also
advised Yu Wenji to bear humiliation for the country and not treat the
Queen Ashner too much. Yu Wenxuan loved this niece very much, and
once lamented why Dou Yan was not a male, and she kept her by her side.
When Dou Yan was younger, she had been in the palace for a few years.
Even after returning home, she went in and out. The court is also free and
does not have to go through the checkpoints like ordinary people.

In view of her clever sophistication in the royal family, Yu Wenxian had no

doubt about the authenticity of Dou Yan's remarks.

Yu Wenxian was furious: "He really said that?"

Dou Yan nodded: "At that time, His Majesty was sick, and my cousin's
long-strained temper gradually began to be exposed. I didn't want to meet
him more. When he heard that he was coming, I found a place in the
palace to avoid it, and then I heard My cousin said this to His Majesty ...
His Majesty was furious at that time, saying that he was disobedient and
was a filial son, and that he would have to draft an edict, saying that he
would abandon the Prince, but his cousin told His Majesty not to waste his
energy, and also ...

She was holding the cup tightly, her face was pale, and she couldn't hide
her panic, as if she had returned to the scene of that day. She hid behind
the thick curtain, through that gap, and saw Yu Wenji standing in front of
the dragon couch, bending Pull the quilt on Yuwen's waist high, and ...

"He's suffocated, Your Majesty! Yuwen's suffocated, Your Majesty, I have

all seen it!" Dou Yan wailed and couldn't help himself.

There was no one to speak in the room for a moment, only the sound of
heavy breathing and the cry of Dou Yan.

Yu Wenxian's expression was uncertain, and he was speechless for a long


Solvay was shocked for a long time. He tried his best to avoid the
government and lived in the wild. He refused to serve as an official even if
Yu Wenzheng invited him. Only because of his personal relationship with
Yu Wenxian and Pu Liurujian did he take risks. Yu Wenxian, however, did
not expect to hear a terrifying scene concerning the rebellion of the
imperial power.
It is not uncommon for the father and son to be disabled in the royal
family, but Yu Wenzheng has long been established as a prince. Sooner or
later, the throne belongs to him. If Yu Wenzheng ca n’t wait to kill his
father, that ’s really a shame.

Shen Yan asked Dou Yan: "Yu Wenchen knows you heard, so he wants to
catch you?"

Dou Yanhong nodded with an eye: "At that time, I was hiding inside and
didn't dare to move. I was afraid of being discovered by Yu Wenji. I only
came out after he left. He announced the news of His Majesty's crash
outside. I ran out in a hurry. Who knows? I was discovered by Yu Wenji
that he was suspicious that I might have seen his murder of His Majesty
and sent someone to chase home and wanted me to enter the palace in the
name of his cousin and sister. "

Solvay: "Does your father and Princess Yangyang know about this?"

Dou Yan: "My cousin is suspicious by nature. I'm afraid that they will
show signs in front of the cousin after they know the inside story, so I dare
not reveal to them only words. My father and mother are only sad when
my emperor died. I immediately sent someone to the door. I was afraid
that Aunt and Aunt could not stop, so I ran out alone. I wanted to go to the
side to find someone. Who knew there was no one there. "

At this moment, the knock on the door sounded, Solvay opened the door,
and after a while came a hot bowl of noodle soup.

"A Yan is hungry. Eat something first."

After all, Dou Yan was a child under ten years old. How could he be smart
and calm. After starving for a few meals, he couldn't help but salivate
when he saw this bowl of soup noodles. Fly, showing a little gobble.

Yu Wenxian looked sad and couldn't help but said, "Eat slowly, don't hold
Thousand Autumns: Page 124
Shen Yun: "Wu Yuwen is so human. Didn't the Emperor notice even when
he was in office?"

He has also seen Yu Wenxuan once, the other party is really not as dim as

Solvay remembered that Shen Zhen had not yet been introduced, and said
to Yu Wenxian: "His Royal Highness Qi, this is the Shen Dao of Xuandu

Yu Wenxian sighed: "Shen Daochang didn't know anything. When the

emperor was alive, he was very strict with the Prince, because he knew
that the Prince was addicted to alcohol, and he didn't even allow half a
drop of wine to appear in the East Palace. Have to be patient. "

Needless to say, Shen Yun also understands.

Yu Wenzhang suppressed for too long, and his temperament inevitably

went awry and became violent and murderous, but his father was in his
prime, and he didn't know when he would succeed, and he couldn't wait to

As for Yu Wenzhang, even if he is a prince, it is useless to pursue it at the

moment. Yu Wenzhang banned Buddhism, destroyed Bei Qi, and was
ready to fight with Turkic people. Enemies are everywhere, and most
people are willing to cooperate with Yu Wenzhang. Just a queen Ashner,
near the water tower, has many opportunities than others. .

Suddenly Shen Yun thought of Yan Wushi. His previous evaluation of Yu

Wenzheng and the judgment of the Northern Zhou Dynasty were now
realized one by one.

Thinking of the scene in the small temple, his heart trembled, and he
couldn't help but take a deep breath and forced it down.
"I heard outside the city that Yu Wenji was building civil engineering,
building palaces, and arresting a lot of people who talked about it."

He was not a Zhou Dynasty citizen, and because Yu Wenzhen was indeed
unpopular, at this time, his name was called, and no one thought it was

Solvay: "It's a long story. After the emperor died, he should have been
mourning for more than a month according to the etiquette, but His
Majesty had only kept it for ten days, and he ordered his removal. At that
time, many people in the North Koreans spoke, please Following the filial
piety, His Majesty said that the ancestors of Yuwen's family were Xianbei
people, and there was no need to follow the Han etiquette. Release Jing. "

Yu Wenxian replied: "Your Majesty also thinks that the palace he lives in
is too small and does not have the style of a family. He has to rebuild the
palace and build a garden outside the palace for the royal safari. Prior to
the imperial court, it cost him nothing. With less human and financial
resources, the first emperor refused to increase taxes on the people, so that
all the goods brought from Qi Gong would not go into the state treasury.
Who knew that after his ascension, he would transfer this money and
transfer it to the internal treasury ... "

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly: "Many people have been sparse

because of this, and their batch has been suppressed by His Majesty."

Shen Yanmei: "Tiger father and son, unfortunately!"

Seeing the thriving National Games in Zhou Dynasty, did he really want to
ruin it in his hands?

Yu Wenxian shook his head: "The Taoist Master has martial arts and may
not understand the intrigue of the North Koreans. His majesty clearly
knows that he is diverting money for his own use, but in fact it is to
exclude dissidents. Try to find out who is truly loyal. His people. Those
who are fond of the emperor, or are unwilling to follow His Majesty, will
naturally start first, so as not to stay afflicted, His Majesty has been a
Prince for many years. After all, these emperor's mental skills, he
naturally makes perfect.

Solvay said coldly: "Yeah, knowing nothing about governing the country,
but eliminating the aliens is a masterless job, so that His Royal Highness
Qi must run to me to avoid trouble!"

Yu Wenxian smiled bitterly.

Shen Min thought of what Yan Wushi had said to help Yu Wenxian, and
then said: "Speak out for the poor, speak since ancient times, get more
help, and lose help, Yu Wenyi will go backwards. I am afraid that the
efforts of the emperor will be lost, and the Zhou Dynasty is in a good
situation. It will be broken along with it. Now that Qi State has just been
incorporated into the territory, the foundation is still unstable, the Turks
are looking at each other and waiting for opportunities, and His Royal
Highness King Qi is always prestigious ... "

Yu Wenxian made a gesture. He didn't pretend to be frightened or

confused, but instead looked bleak: "I know what Chief Minister Shen Dao
wants to say. After His Majesty ascended the throne, he took back all the
military power in my hand, and ordered people to monitor my house day
and night, and take me All the old and young are under house arrest, and
not to mention the emperor's gratitude to me, I do n’t have that mind at all.
If I really want to conspiracy, would n’t he just have his mind, so that he
would detain me as a chaotic thief? infamy?"

Solvay: "Sheng Daochang didn't know anything. After the emperor died,
his majesty lifted the ban on the emperor one by one, and re-admired
Master Xueting as the master. Now Her Majesty Yuan Guifei is also a
master disciple of Master Xueting."

It is basically impossible for Yu Wenxian, a great Buddha sitting in the

town, to destroy Yu Wenyu through assassination. However, Yu Wenxian
does not have many advantages, and he himself is not willing to swell.

Dou Yan had eaten the noodles long ago, her face turned back to red, and
she was listening to them seriously.
Yu Wenxian smiled and said: "The Chief Tao sent A Yan, I have not
thanked you yet."

Shen Huan: "It's just a matter of raising hands, King Qi doesn't have to

Yu Wenxian: "The Minister is here in Chang'an, but what's the matter?"

Shen Yan: "I was entrusted by an old man. I wanted to come to Beijing to
see Xiandi An, but who knows it's one step late."

Yu Wenxian: "Did you say the old man is Shao Yan?"

Shen Zhen: "Exactly. As long as the lord Zong was in the siege, he had
expected that the capital would be suddenly changed. He once told me that
if the emperor did anything wrong, he would come to Qi King."

Yu Wenxian smiled bitterly: "I understand Lord Yan's meaning, but he is

looking at me high. Now that I have little military power in my hands,
what's the benefit of it? In addition to bloodshed, let innocent people die in

Solvay disagreed: "Your Highness can't just sit still and wait for it? You
have led your army for many years, and the prestige in the army is very
strong. Even if you have no military power at this time, as long as you
ascend, there will still be many people who will respond. There may not be
room to stand up. "

Yu Wenxian said angrily: "What if Yu Wenxuan takes my family to sue

me, what can I do? Can they disregard their lives and still concentrate on
the throne? In this way, how is it different from Yu Wenxuan? If the name
is not correct, Yu Wenzheng is the successor. Even if he did something like
this to the Emperor, how many people know? Even if I brought someone
into the palace and there was Xueting, I could still bring With Yu
Wenzhang calmly retreating, when their base is king, the Zhou Dynasty
will have civil unrest, and finally the good situation of unifying the North
will disappear. This is the hard work of my brothers and I over the years.
How can I watch as I become a sinner who indirectly caused turmoil in the
Zhou Dynasty? "

Solvay was silent.

Dou Yan seemed to understand and burst into tears.

Shen Yan could not help but sigh secretly.

Some people are naturally destined to be kind and soft-hearted, which has
nothing to do with whether or not they have murdered, or how many
people have been killed. In a troubled world, this temperament is not
destined to become a hero, so even if Yu Wenxian knew how to do it, he
could not do it.

"Fearless, you have always been reluctant to deal with the royal family.
The reason why you have a personal relationship with me is not because I
am different from those royal families that do n’t take human life
seriously? The result now is that you are persuading me to go there Going
all the way? "

Solvay sighed and bowed his hand in worship: "I made a mistake and
asked His Royal Highness not to blame it!"

Yu Wenxian helped him: "You know me best. Others say that I have a rich
background and can use soldiers. I can kill countless enemies in the
battlefield. However, if I can choose, I will not be willing to fight from
Rong from the beginning. I would rather find a beautiful scenery. Place,
take a family to go past, raise flowers and make grass, that is the joy of
life! "

But now, the good fortune makes people, the majestic King Qi can only
hide here for a long time.

When Yu Wenxian saw everyone embarrassed, he actively asked Shen

Zhen: "What is the plan of the Taoist Master now?"
Shen Yun thought for a moment: "I don't know if Qi Wang knows the
whereabouts of Bian Yanmei?"

Yu Wenxian shook his head: "After the emperor died, the People ’s
Republic of China went to the building overnight, and no one knew where
they had gone. I wanted to come because Brother Bian knew that today ’s
troubles, so he avoided it early and said. He's far more prescient than I am.

Solvay: "If Shen Dao didn't dislike it, he would stay in Su Mansion first.
On that day, you have kindness in my Su family, and your mother often
remembers it. She also admires Dao Chang's martial arts. Now it just so
happens that I can also Bring your mother and brother out to see you. "

Now that Yu Wenzhang is dead, Bian Yanmei is nowhere to be found.

Although he wants to find Yan Wushi as soon as possible, he doesn't know
where to look for it. He can only inquire about the movements of Huan
Yuezong or Hehuan Zong. The news is obviously much better informed
than elsewhere, and temporarily living here may be an option.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan said: "It would be troublesome for Meiyang

Solvay laughed: "The chief doesn't have to go outside, just call me


Several people were talking. There was another knock on the door. When
Solvay opened the door, he saw his confidant girl standing outside: "Lang
Jun, there are two people in the back door, one big and one small, who
claim to be His Highness King Qi. His name was Yan Ying, and it was said
that Xiao Langjun, who was with the King Qi Palace, came over and
wanted to see His Royal Highness Qi. "

Solvay frowned: "How can they know that King Qi is here with me?"

Yu Wenxian said, "Is it Yan Ying? He is indeed my powerful arm in the

army. Perhaps the princess told him that he had brought Qilang to hide
here first, and let them come in before saying anything. I'll see you later. .

Solvay led them out of the study in the original underpass to the flower

The maid rushed to spread the word. After a while, a young man with the
child in his arms followed the maid.

Yu Wenxian was surprised and happy: "Yan Ying! Did you bring Qilang?"

The other party knelt down and burst into tears: "Your Highness, you want
to shame Yanying!"

Yuwen Xianlang said: "Get up, get up! Men do not cry easily, what are you
doing, get up!"

He picked up the boy from Yan Yinghuai, who held Yu Wenxian's face,
looked at it for a long time, and came out with a sentence: "A father, you
are thin."

Yu Wenxian hugged him tightly, and then let go: "How did you find here?"

Yan Ying: "Since Your Highness disappeared, there have been rumors in
central Beijing that you are being stunned by Yuwen ..."

With half of what he said, he reluctantly changed his mouth under the
stare of Yu Wenxian: "The emperor has been under house arrest in the
palace, and the imperial palace was surrounded by several days. If you
dare to do anything, Wei Wei said, in case there is something in the King ’s
Palace, let me go to the princess first and ask your whereabouts, and then
bring the little princes one by one and send them to a safe place to avoid
the emperor What did you do in anger! "

Yu Wenxian: "So the princess asked you to take Shichiro out?"

Yan Ying: "Yes, the princess said that Shiro was the youngest and he hadn't
put on the score yet. Even if there was anything, it would not be easy to
find, and his subordinates brought Qiro to see you."
The princess of her own family had already thought about the worst
situation. Yu Wenxian heard the sadness and could only hold the child in
her arms.

Solvay looked dignified: "You said, Wei Wei suggested you do this? Then
you brought Qilang along the way, have you ever noticed someone

Yan Ying thought hard: "It shouldn't stop, I'm very careful ..."

This was just what he said, and Shen Min's expression changed and he
straightened up.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 125
Others could not help but notice: "Shen Dao?"

Shen Yun: "Many soldiers are running here!"

The faces of the people suddenly changed, Solvay yelled, "Hurry up, go
into the dark room!"

Yu Wenxian said, "It's too late, the other side must follow Yan Ying,
surround the Su family up and down, and intend to wipe it out. If Su House
can't surrender, His Majesty will not give up!"

Yan Ying patted her thigh: "Is it Wei Weina's **** who deliberately asked
me to go to the princess? I'm sure the princess will trust me, say your
whereabouts, and follow me ?!"

During the talk, the brigade had already arrived outside Su's house,
knocking the door so loudly that it was so fierce that everyone in the
flower hall could hear it.

The housekeeper of the Soviet House came over and reported: "Master, it
’s bad, there are many people from the outside, saying that it was ordered
by His Majesty to come to arrest King Qi. If we do n’t open the door
again, we will rush in. What can we do? ! "

Yu Wenxian sighed: "It's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse, but it seems
that I'm destined to escape. You go and open the door of the house. I'll just
go with them. Don't make them hurt the Su family!"

Solvay set foot: "Where to go! Even if you can't go out, I can't run away
from the crime of hiding and sheltering in the Su family. Why bother so
much, you go and hide first, I will deal with them myself, and they dare
not The Su family is demolished! "

"It seems that the Meiyang County Gong didn't put His Majesty in his eyes
at all, and would rather hide the Qin offenders, it would be a disaster for
the whole family!" The cold laugh came from a distance, but it was clear
and audible.

Several people, such as Solvay, who have no foundation in their internal

skills, suddenly felt that the word knocking on everyone's heart was a

Among the people who came in, Yu Wenqing, who had been to Chen Guo
with Shen Zhen at first, was not the one who spoke, but the person behind

This person is also familiar with Shen Yun. When the other party saw Shen
Yun, he was slightly surprised, and then sneered: "Shen Dao, where the end
of the world does not meet, how can I meet you everywhere?"

"Murong Qin." Shen Yan called his name, and said lightly, "Is Chen Gong

Murong Qin laughed: "Of course it is excellent. I forgot to say something

to Shen Daochang. My host's father has been consecrated as Zhao
Guogong because of his dedication to the sword."

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan: My wife-in-law now thinks of my heart trembling, hesitant, old

man Qi, do you see it?

Qi Fengge: I'll go to the dream tonight, haha.

Chapter 84

When Tai Ajian was struggling to the ground, Chen Gong broke the hilt of
the sword with a red chalcedony, and took out the remaining volume of
"Zhu Yangce" from it. I did not expect that he would bring the sword back
and remake it. This sword was originally The famous sword of the Warring
States Period, because of the Emperor Qin Shi, made Tai A sword's fame,
as if who is in the hands, who is the co-owner of the world, this sword is
useless to Chen Gong, but it is dedicated to Yu Wenji, Obviously, it's the
best way to go.

Since Chen Gong was able to catch the water at Gao Wei's and others, of
course, he encountered a Yuwen Lu similar to Gao Wei, of course.

Seeing that a large number of people and horses came in from the outside,
surrounded the Su House, and the crowds looked different.

There is fear, there is anger, and there is calm.

Solvay's mother, Mrs. Qin, was also shocked. She walked out with her
second son, Su Shi. Su Shi had been in the rivers and lakes for a long time.
Without so many restraints in the officialdom, she calmed down when she
saw the situation: "Yu Wenqing, what are you doing? Meaning? I'm so
suspicious of who's messing up with each other. How can you bring all cats
and dogs here? "

Murong Qin, who was alluded to as "A cat and a dog," flashed angrily on
his face and immediately pressed it down.

Yu Wenqing was more likely to be temporarily arrested for a business trip.

He did not want to conflict with the Su family. He heard the words and
laughed: "Su Erlang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard you went
to Qingcheng Mountain a few days ago. I didn't expect to come back so
soon. . "

He also said hello to Yu Wenxian, Solvay, and Mrs. Qin, and she spoke
quite well with Shen Yan: "Shen Dao, last goodbye, Qing is very missed. I
want you to be healthy now?"

Shen Minshou: "TOEFL, it's much better."

"That's good, that's good." Yu Wenqing was interrupted by a gag, and the
tight atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Yu Wenqing then arched his hand towards Yu Wenxian and talked about
the business: "King Qi, now someone has reported that the emperor died of
a violent illness, which was related to King Qi. His Majesty was furious
and ordered me to take you to the palace to explain the details. If you do
wrong, you will be fair. "

"Nonsense!" Yan Ying scolded at first, "His Royal Highness King Qi is

loyal and devoted, how could he murder the Emperor? This is totally

Shen Yan couldn't help but glanced sideways, and Dou Yan hiding behind
Yu Wenxian was really frightened and surprised.

He is always insensitive to conspiracy and scheming. He is always willing

to use his best intentions to appease people's hearts, but after so many
things, Shen Yan also began to learn how Yan Wushi sees problems.

Yu Wenhuan knew that Dou Yan had seen the scene of his uncle, and he
was not assured that his uncle had long been in control of the military, and
he was so successful in fighting that he might threaten himself. In this
way, Dou Yan is just a little girl. Even if she tells the truth, she can only be
one of many rumors.

After all, it is Yu Wenzheng's son. Regardless of fainting or not, there is no

shortage of imperial means. By contrast, Yu Wenxian is too passive.

It is hard to be good today.

What Yu Wenxian can think of naturally can also think of.

For a moment, he had many thoughts in his mind.

In fact, as early as Yu Wenzhang's reign, Yan Wushi had approached him

and told him explicitly that he was willing to use the power of Huan
Yuezong to help him achieve his great cause and replace Prince Yu
Wenzhang, but Yu Wenxian did not agree at that time, and later Yu
Wenzhen suddenly could not afford serious illness, and Bian Yanmei had
hinted that he should prepare him early, but at that time Yu Wenxian still
did not make up his mind and finally refused to go against the sky.
Bian Yanmei didn't persuade him anymore, but after Yu Wenji's death, the
border house disappeared overnight, making it impossible to find, but he
fell into a situation previously predicted by Yan Wushi because of a
difference in thought.

Yan Wushi once said to him: Once Yu Wenhuan crashes, Yu Wenhuan will
not start in January, he will definitely start with his uncle.

Now it seems that they are fulfilled one by one.

Yu Wenxian sighed, not knowing what it was like in his heart. He told Yu
Wenqing: "I am loyal to the king, the sun and the moon can be learned, the
emperor knows it, and His Majesty knows it, and the Manchu culture and
military know it. I did visit the palace, but my Majesty was drowsy at that
time. I left after only a quarter of an hour. My Majesty's driving accident
was only later learned. How could it be related to it? "

Yu Wenqing faced a dilemma: "King Qi, what you said is still good to your
Majesty in person, I am only on duty to do business, I ca n’t be the Lord!"

Solvay replied coldly: "If King Qi entered the palace, would he have to
come out at all?"

Yu Wenqing didn't say a word, and it was not practical for anyone to
answer. Everyone present had an answer in his heart.

Murong Qin said suddenly, "Doctor Yuwen, when leaving the palace, your
Majesty once said that this matter should not be delayed, the sooner the

Yu Wenqing showed displeasure, but after all, he did not refute Murong
Qin, but instead said to Yu Wenxian: "King Qi, you have heard it, please
follow me."

Yan Ying anxiously said, "His Royal Highness, you ca n’t go, there is no
way back. Everyone in the world knows you are wronged, but the emperor
ca n’t let you come back again. When you give an order, the villain will
take his life You killed the siege! "
Murong Qin sneered: "Your Majesty has already laid the Tianluo Di Net.
From here to the city, there are masters ambush. Even if you can get out of
here, you can't get out of the capital! Take a step back and say that Qi
Wang ’s family members are still in Qi Wangfu And you just watch them
die so hard? "

Yan Ying scolded: "Murong Qin, despicable villain, three surname family
slaves, what qualifications do you have to speak!"

Mrs. Qin suddenly said: "My Su family is famous for its generations, and
it has a strong foundation. From the age of no breeding rats, Qi Wang
galloped on the battlefield and contributed to the Zhou Dynasty. Everyone
knows how the people admire today. As a prisoner, if your Majesty is in
doubt, I would like to guarantee the innocence of Qi Wang in the name of
the Su family! "

Solvay also said, "Yes, our Su family is willing to testify for King Qi!"

Murong Qin said coldly: "If you don't testify, please go and tell your
Majesty, don't prevent us from doing business. Today's trip, we just take
away Yu Wenxian, the rest need not say more!"

Su Shi stared angrily: "What if we don't let you take away?"

Murong Qin slowly pulled his knife out of the sheath: "Then I have to

"Mr. Murong! This Sujia Erlang Jun, but a disciple of Changcheng

Mountain's Chunyang Guanyi, a master of discipleship!" Yu Wenqing said
authentically with a warning, and said to Yu Wenxian: "King Qi, there is
nothing wrong with Mr. Murong. Even if you can go, the people of Qi
Wangfu can't go, so please think twice. "

"Don't I leave, Your Majesty will let Qi Wangfu go up and down?"

Yu Wenxian smiled bleakly, put Yu Wen down, turned to Mrs. Qin and
others, and suddenly made a great gift: "In these days, Yu Wenxian has
brought trouble to your house. Please also ask the old lady not to blame
and thank you for your maintenance. It ’s just one person doing things and
one person taking part. Today I go with them. Do n’t bother you for me
alone. ”

Mrs. Qin: "King Qi ..."

Yu Wenxian took a few steps forward and made a gesture of grabbing


Yu Wenqing waved his hand, and the soldiers left and right immediately
stepped forward to take him down.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 126
Yan Ying: "His Royal Highness!"

Yu Wenxian: "Yan Ying, Qilang is troubled to take care of you more,

please take him away, send him out of Beijing, go to his grandmother's
house ..."

Murong Qin said, "King Qi is more concerned. No matter if it is the

children of King Qi or the servants of the King's Palace, none of them will
be able to leave Beijing."

Yu Wenxian's face changed drastically: "I've been arrested. What is your

majesty still waiting for? Is it impossible to kill everything!"

Murong Qin ignored him: "Come, take down Yuwen Qilang!"

However, Yan Ying stopped in front of Yu Wenshu, and she tried to protect
Qilang's appearance.

How did Murong Qin put him in his eyes? He pulled away the sergeant left
and right, his long sword moved slightly with his figure, but in three
moves, Yan Ying fell awkwardly, Murong Qin showed no contempt, and
stretched out his hand toward Yu Wenshu.

A sword suddenly ran across him.

The sword holding hand is very beautiful, fair, slender, like a beautiful
jade, without any flaws.

Murong Qin didn't appreciate it. He grabbed the scabbard if he didn't want
to, but the moment when he could hold the scabbard, he suddenly
remembered the origin of the sword and the identity of the owner of the

Then I remembered the scene where Shen Yan was alone in the group of
So he couldn't help but pause a bit.

It was this moment of lag, and the scabbard was no longer within his
control. Murong Qin took a step back and avoided a sword wind coming
from his face.

With a closer look, Shen Huan has not even issued a sword.

The robe is fluttering, the fairy is beautiful, the dust is refined, and the
opponent looks more harmless than anyone present.

However, Murong Qin knew that it was just an illusion. If he said that he
was a little bit cautious, after the incident, he would never dare to
underestimate the powerful power of this person in front of him.

He calmed down and said coldly, "Shen Daochang, are you a dog, do you
have to worry about anything?"

Shen Yan: "King Qi, you haven't been able to make a conclusive
conclusion, you have to implicate the child?"

Murong Qin said: "Dare to trespass on the emperor, naturally you want to
link the whole family."

Dou Yan couldn't help anymore, and screamed, "King Qi did not harm the
Emperor, and the Emperor was killed by Yu Wenyu!"

Except for Solvay and Shen Wei who already knew the inside story,
everyone in the audience changed their colors.

Yu Wenqing couldn't help losing her voice: "What did you say!"

Murong Qin said loudly: "The demon confuses the crowd, catch her too,
don't let a person go!"

Along with this sentence, Tuoba Liangzhe and Murong Xun rushed in from
the outside, one caught Dou Yan and the other flew to Yu Wenshu.
The two children were powerless to resist, and could not even see the
movement of the incoming person, and could only let it approach.

But neither Tuoba Liangzhe nor Murong Xun could approach them.

A sword light flashed, swept through with ample indignation, as if the

mountain rain was about to wind up the building, and they forced them
back a few steps.

Shen Yun: "Who dares to touch them with me?"

This word seems to be bland, but it is clearly mixed with potential.

Murong Qin laughed sternly: "Shen Yun, I have to see, how can you
protect them alone?"

He moved forward across the knife and swept away toward Shen.

Su Shi yelled, "Who says he's the only one!"

He lifted his sword to block Murong Qin, turned his head and shouted to
Shen Yan: "Take them away!"

Murong Qin said angrily: "Your Su family is going to rebel!"

"We don't want to rebel, just justice!" Mrs. Qin's sandalwood stick was
heavy on the ground, and the wooden stick broke instantly into two pieces,
but she saw that she took out a long sword from it. Look at it.

Solvay didn't know that his mother had always been used to carrying the
cane hidden behind her for many years, and she was stunned for a moment.

The two sides immediately fought together, and Su family suddenly

became a battlefield. Yan Ying also wanted to rescue Yu Wenxian, but the
latter yelled, "If I go with you, it is the crime of murdering the emperor.
You bring Qilang to follow Shen Dao walked long, far away, don't come
back! "
"His Royal Highness!" Yan Ying's eyes were so divided that she couldn't
accept this fact.

"Does my father want to meet each other with death, so that the emperor is
awake, and also let this scourge calm down?" Yu Wen recited it instead.

"Yes, you guys go!" Yu Wenxian was both comforted and sad. The young
child was so smart and transparent at the young age. It will be a generation
in the future. Sadness is that he can no longer watch him grow up. "Take
me, you can't go out, let alone everyone in Qi Wangfu, I can't leave them!"

Yu Wenshu suddenly knelt down and stunned Yu Wenxian three times.

Yu Wenxian burst into tears and turned away.

Yan Ying's eyes were flushed, he bit his teeth, quickly stepped forward to
pick up Yu Wenshu, ran to meet Shen Yan who was holding Dou Yan, and
the two sides quickly went out of Su's house under the cover of Su Shi and
others, toward the gate Run away.

There was a scream behind him, followed by Murongqin's cold voice:

"Your Majesty has a life. If Yu Wenxian resists, he can kill him in situ, and
he will do better."

While Murong Xun and Tuoba Liangzhe dragged Mrs. Qin and others, he
actually directly killed Yu Wenxian, and also deliberately passed on the
news to Shen Ye and others.

"Good thief!" Yan Ying was so annoyed, and the Yuwen recitation in his
arms burst into tears.

"Don't look back, let's go out before talking!" Shen Min yelled.

During the conversation, Murong Qin had chased him up from behind,
Shen Min held Dou Yan in one hand, and turned back to be a sword.
However, Murong Qin was formerly the first master in Qi Guoda, but now
he can be leaned on by Chen Gong. Naturally, this sword can't be sent. He
has a erratic body and a savvy sword. He is good at seeing his opponent's
weaknesses in a single shot, but Murong Qin knows that today's Shen Ye is
no longer able to kill him. Therefore, he clings to Shen Yan tightly, and
only starts at Dou Yan, in order to make Shen Yan have to be distracted to
take care of Shen Yan, thus revealing the empty door, and at the same time
to hold Shen Shen's footsteps.

In the shadow of the sword, Dou Yan was full of fear, but said nothing, and
clenched Shen's neck tightly, not distracting him for a moment.

Murong Qin sternly said: "Shen Yun, you take this child and take care of
those two people, and from here to the city gate, there are more masters
than me who are martial arts waiting, you think that you alone How far can
power go! "

Shen Yan was unmoved: "Where the Tao is, though ten million people, I
will go."

The sword was surging and Murong Qin couldn't resist it. If his chest was
hit hard, a blood spurted out.

But instead of being timid, he laughed and laughed with irony: "Tao? What
is your Tao? In a troubled world, the strong is the most respected. If your
Tao is useful, why is it frustrated everywhere, why is Xuandu Mountain
The position of teaching has been lost. If your Word is useful, why hasn't
the Mingjun you belonged to yet appeared? "

Shen Yan heard a slight smile.

The smile is like the wind blowing the spring waves, and people's ripples
are activated. Even the wrath of the mountains and rivers seems to be able
to smooth it.

Dou Yanmao, who was close at hand, looked at her. She suddenly forgot
the fear, forgetting that she was still in danger from all sides, even after
decades, she did not forget the smile.

However, Shen Yan just smiled and didn't answer. There was already a
thousand words in this smile.
Those who understand naturally understand, and those who do not
understand, why bother talking more?

Different road non-phase plan!

The fall of the woods, the cold wind, and the original majestic
swordsmanship turned sharply, and suddenly there was a meaning of
killing. This was the first time that Shen Zhen had fought against Kun Xie
on Bixia Sect, and saw his understanding of kendo into the
swordsmanship. In addition, he created a new set of swordsmanship. Each
move was simple and unscrupulous. Murong Qin also felt that he took it,
but every time he wanted to take a counterattack, the knife always
Involuntarily deflected the direction, or the intended effect could not be
achieved, but was taken away by the opponent's nose.

Shen Yan held Dou Yan in one hand, and opposed the enemy with one
hand, and forced Murong Qin into a situation where he could not resist!

Another spit of blood spit out, Murong Qin hit the wall behind him
fiercely, before he could react, Shen Jian's sword trembled, the sword's qi
turned into substance directly, and he held his main point on his shoulder,
making him unable to move.

Shen Huan was not in love, and never stopped in the slightest. He moved
to the side of Yan Ying with his toes.

At this time, Yan Ying took Yu Wen recitation, and was about to run to the
gate of the city. He was a military general and was good at fighting on the
battlefield. The light work was not great. At this moment, he was eager to
get out of the city and wanted Yu Wen The recitation takes you far away
from danger, and is worthy of the death of King Qi.

The sound of breaking air came!

He tilted his head, avoiding arrows shot from the gate not far away.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 127
Sure enough, as Murong Qin said, there were already heavy soldiers
ambush there, all bows and arrows were wound, and only after the arrows
were launched, Yan Ying and Yu Wenshu could shoot into a honeycomb.

Yan Ying didn't stop for half a minute, but speeded up his feet. He lowered
his head and chanted to Yu Wen: "Qi Lang, listen to me, I will protect you
later, and after this rain of arrows has passed, they will definitely go up
again. Arrow, just take this time, you run along the city wall, the door
there is not closed, after I break, you can just run forward, Shen Dao is
behind, presumably will catch up soon, when you follow him , Do n’t care,
do n’t look back, you know! ”

Yu Wenshu has been loved by Yu Wenxian since he was a child. He is

considered to be the most productive child of the Yu Wen family in the
future. It can be seen how clever he is, how can he not understand the
meaning of Yan Ying's words, and gritted his teeth when he heard the
words: "Yan uncle!"

Yan Ying knew that he understood, and his mouth opened, and he avoided
the rain of arrows from top to bottom. After a while, he hit several arrows
on his back, but instead he squeezed Yu Wen's words tighter, and there was
no moment under his feet. stagnate.

He led Yu Wenshu to the side door that had not been closed, and soldiers
armed with halberds came to intercept them, all of which were repelled by

"Go! Hurry! Run out!" He let go of Yu Wenshu and shouted at him.

"Don't put arrows, stop!" A figure rushed to the gate, stopping the soldiers
who were preparing for the second wave of arrows.

The gatekeeper of the city gate did not dare to move when he saw the
identity of the visitors. However, the people around the gatekeeper said:
"Continue to shoot arrows, and don't stop without my order!"

"Stop!" Pu Liurujian yelled, "Dadu Governor, Your Majesty hasn't ordered

the King's family to kill everything, why are you?"

Liu Yan grinned: "With the Grandpa, I think that Wang Yuwen Xian Qi
also made a statement in front of the Emperor, saying that to guard you,
not only do you not hate him, but now stand up and speak for him. What is
the reason?"

Pu Liurujian: "King Qi addressed to the emperor, that was his duty, and he
was open-minded. I wouldn't even let this amount of human capacity, but
this child is innocent. Why would most governors let him go? Jade! "

Liu Ye thought for a moment that Yu Wenxian had high prestige in the
court. Now the emperor is suddenly in trouble. Many people have not
responded yet. When the storm passes, there must be many people asking
for the Qi family. Why should he touch the mold? ?

"Also, I'll give Sui Guogong a face, but I have to remind you that the
mercy of my men is useless. Your Majesty has already sent a master to
ambush outside the city. Even if the child can go out of this door, it will
still be a dead end. . "

Pu Liuru murmured a heart, and couldn't help looking out of the city.

Condescending, he clearly saw Yu Wenshu stumbled out of the gate, but

three people had already walked towards him.

One bald.

One broke his arm.

There is another person, full of hands and feet, Qi Yuxuan Ang.

Of the three, they randomly picked one and put it on the rivers and lakes.
They were all first-class masters, which were used to contain a child. It
was really a sledgehammer to kill chickens.
Pu Liuru firmly believed that he could not have a bald head and a broken
arm, but recognized the leftmost one.

"Chen Gong? Your Majesty paid so much attention to Yu Wenshu, even he

went out on his own?"

Everyone knows that Zhao Guogong Chen Gong is the emperor's new
favorite, and he has won the emperor ’s heart. The other party offered Tai
Ajian and introduced the Acacia to the emperor to decentralize with
Buddhism. By the way, he replaced Wu Yuezong ’s influence around the
emperor. He couldn't wait to make checks and balances, and Chen Gong's
favor was well established.

Liu Ye responded, "Everyone says that Yuwen Qilang is talented and

intelligent. His Majesty is afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain and
bury himself in the future."

The two were talking, and Yu Wenshu had stopped. He looked at the three
men in front of him, and seemed to have no idea what to do.

Bao Yun smiled at him: "Yuwen Qilang, I advise you not to run anymore.
Your majesty's order is to live or die. If you obediently obey and go back
with us, you will avoid the suffering of flesh."

Pu Liuru looked distantly, sighed, wondering if the last trace of blood of

the Yuwen family was still destined to be kept?

When I was thinking about it, I saw a figure coming from the city, and
seeing that the city gates were closed, and stood up, just like stepping on
clouds, stepping up, before the people on the city wall reacted, the other
party had already Floating past them, and drifting down the city.

The Lingbo microwave is completely dust-free.

This kind of trifling has really reached a state of being in the world, such
as Liu Xie and Pu Liu Ru Jian, have been stunned, let alone other soldiers.
"Three men defeated, one step behind in poverty, and hope for

As if descending from the sky, Shen Hua hugged Dou Yan and fell in front
of Baoyun and the three others.

Chapter 85

Everyone is an old acquaintance, and reunited again. Even the self-

introduction was omitted. Yan Qiao lost one arm in Shen Qiao's hands.
When he saw Shen Qin, he was so arrogant that he wanted to kill him.
Hate your heart.

Chen Gong could still smile: "Farewell, can't see you for many days, is
Shen Dao okay?"

It seemed that Shen Xun was reluctant to talk to him, but he was too lazy
to speak.

In the past, Chen Gong had a very high self-esteem, and when someone
looked down on himself, he was afraid that his lungs would explode, and
he would fight his sleeves without saying a word. But time shifts easily,
and now he has a high weight, and his vision seems to be broadened
accordingly. Instead of being angry because of Shen's cold eyes, he
persuaded each other with Yan Yuese: "Shen Dao, the second door of
Buddhism and Taoism is forbidden. It ’s been a long time, but the next
time he stepped down, he lifted Buddhism and Taoism. The Taoist knows
what this means? ”

Shen Ye still remembered that in the ruined temple, Chen Gong even
looked at a donkey meat cake like a baby, and he didn't know a few
characters, but now he told him that the emperor's purpose of banning
Buddhism came to him. The stepmom who kicked out the door never
dreamed that the step-son would have today. In contrast, Shen Xuan only
felt life encounters. It was most unpredictable, especially in troubled
times. As long as he was willing to put his face down and have enough
courageous ambitions, Like Chen Gong, it is more a model of motivation.
"What does it mean?" He asked faintly.

Chen Gong laughed: "It means that Her Majesty has no prejudice against
Buddhism. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, His Majesty will treat all of
them equally as long as he is willing to return to the court. Shen Dao grew
up in Xuandu Mountain. He was originally a man who refused to teach, but
was raped. While taking the position of teaching, your Majesty is willing
to support you fully if you like. Now Xuandu Mountain is gradually
replaced by Qingcheng Mountain in the Daomen Mountain. With the
support of the imperial court, you want to restore the glory of the first
door in the world. It's just a matter of fingertips. I wonder if Shen Dao
cares? "

Dou Yan is smarter. Most of the content related to the distribution of

forces in the world is not understandable, but she can hear the seductive
meaning in Chen Gong's words. Although the other party has three people,
it seems that he is afraid to hold his own. The strength of the Taoist Chief,
so he would rather lure it first and avoid using force.

Will he be moved? Dou Yan was a little nervous, and he couldn't help
gripping the other's placket.

With a glance at Yu Guang, she saw Yu Wenshu holding her hand.

Although she stretched her face, she also leaked the tension in her eyes,
apparently sharing the same worries as her.

Bao Yun also followed Chen Gong's words: "Yes, Mr. Shen Dao, there are
no eternal friends and no eternal enemies in this world. He had sins before
Hehuanzong. That is also because we have different positions. He once
said to me that the reason why you fell into his hands that day was because
of Master Wu Yan holding you in his hands, putting his hands on him, and
tempting him with words, he would be oversight for a while, in the final
analysis, our common enemy should also It is Yan Wushi who is right. His
Majesty is appreciating the talents of the world. I am in harmony with
Buddhism, but now I am willing to work for His Majesty. If you add the
Tao, then it is a good story. Waiting for the reunification of the world, the
Tao The status naturally rises and rises. With His Majesty's emphasis on
Daomen, let alone Xuandu Shanjiao, that is, if you want the position of
National Teacher, Your Majesty will surely give it away. "

That day, he saw Shen Shen's power. Yan Qi ’s arm was cut in front of him.
Bao Yun estimated that even if he confronted Shen Qi, he would not be
better than Yan Qi.

Yan Qi wanted to revenge, but he was not blinded by hatred. Such a

powerful enemy would naturally not avenge himself.

If the white velvet is here, it will be amazed. At the beginning, she and
Shen Min met, the latter was blind-sighted and had no martial arts. They
could only be mermaids. However, in a few years, Shen Min had gone
from nothing and everyone could deceive. Now even the elders of the
Acacia sect can't wait for their position.

Shen Yun: "I visited the palace when the emperor was there. At that time,
the emperor had already offered to help me to make Xuandu Zifu a pillar
of the Tao. I promised, and I promised at that time, so why not wait until
today to discuss prestige? Xinyi, wouldn't the Emperor be more reliable
than Yu Wenyu? "

The implication is that he doesn't look at Yu Wenji.

Chen Gong: "Also, it seems that Mr. Shen Daoxian would rather put
himself in danger for these two children who have nothing to do with
himself today. Based on your past love, let Rong Chen remind you again,
you This is undoubtedly against the imperial court. From now on,
Buddhists, acacias, and even the imperial court will no longer be able to
tolerate you. When the Zhou Dynasty is unified in the future, you will
have to be the enemy of the world. You can think of it. ? "

Shen Ye looked slightly surprised: "Emotional points? What do you and

me have? Is it the same day that you wanted to avoid being treated as a
fluke by Mutipo, begging friends for glory, and bringing evil to me?"

Gentle gentleman, there will be a day of ridicule and sarcasm. If it is not

shameful to Chen Gong, he will have a bad impression on everyone in
Hehuan, and Shen Xuan would not say this.

When it comes to the past, Chen Gong brushed a strange color on his face,
with embarrassment, guilty conscience, and anger, as if his face had been
peeled off alive, and his pain was hot.

"Shen Yun, you are always so ignorant of current affairs." He froze. "Since
so, don't blame me."

Yan Qiao gritted his teeth to Shen Yan early. In his opinion, what Bao Yun
and Chen Gong said were nonsense. The one who can dominate the rivers
and lakes is the fist. Whoever has a hard fist and high martial arts will
have the final say. He was ashamed of the arm's revenge, and his life was
unforgettable. Regardless of whether Shen Yun promised Chen Gong's
persuasion today, he would kill the other party. So as soon as Chen Gong's
words ended, he jumped forward and covered his ears with thunder The
momentum rushed to Yu Wenshu beside Shen Zhen.

His purpose is very clear. If he wants to start with Yu Wenshu, Shen Zheng
can't help but protect Yu Wenshu with his distractions. In this way, he will
certainly reveal his flaws.

Yan Qiao's speed is very fast. This idea just started. His hand has reached
Yu Wenshu's face, and it was worthy to run into the opponent's hair. Shen
Qiao raised his sword to stop it. Yan Qiao had anticipated it, but suddenly
folded his hands to shoot Dou Yan in the arms of Shen Min!

If this palm is down, if the middle of the sinus is above the head, the girl
will inevitably have a cracked brain and die.

Baoyun and Chen Gong were naturally not idle, and when Yan Qi shot,
they also moved.

They split into two heads and attacked Shen Wei.

From a distance, Chen Gong's martial arts seems to have progressed again.
His sword is like a green wave, and it is like a thunder snake, rippling with
layers of true energy. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that his
martial arts are very complicated. , Almost including the heads of various

Chen Gong started with a lucky minister, letting him glimpse the martial
arts path Shen Shen, but it was Muti Po who actually taught him martial
arts, but Mu Ti was only second-class in martial arts, and soon Chen Gong
found that he could get from Mu Tipo. He has limited learning. He is
talented, and never forgetting, he began to set goals higher and farther.
After following Qi Emperor Gao Wei, Chen Gong naturally contacted
more Qi masters, including Murong Qin and He Huan Zong, etc. Chen
Gong took the martial arts he learned and the accidental volume of "Zhu
Yang Ce" he accidentally obtained. Fusion, unknowingly went higher and
higher on the martial arts step by step.

This kind of talented and beautiful jade is inferior to that of Shen Yunyan
Wu Shi. Even if Tao Hongjing is alive, he has to praise a genius who has
become a hero in troubled times, and even more heroic. This world has
given Chen Gong the room to show his full potential. This life is destined
not to be ordinary.

At this moment, the sword that he attacked Shen Shen was not only
changed from Murong Qin's swordsmanship, but also the vein of the
Zhongnan Swordsmanship of the Zhongnan School, and the powerful and
domineering swordsmanship, With the cleverness of Zhongnan
Swordsmanship, the sword is discouraged, like Bai Xuefeixu, and the
pieces are falling, seeming to be everywhere and almost unobservable,
making it difficult for opponents to catch the lifeline.

Yan Qiao is full of hatred, Bao Yun waits for an opportunity to calculate,
Chen Gong is pressing hard again, the three of them are not easy to get
along with, but Shen Zhe meets the enemy with one hand, holding Dou
Yan in the other, and protects Yu Wenshu In the face of attacks coming
from all directions, it was almost like being in a net of heaven and earth,
and there was no escape space.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 128
But Shen Yun did not escape.

He didn't even step back.

Drawing a sword out of the sheath, facing three enemies from three
directions, Shanhe swept out with the sword of sadness.

Only one move, no fancy, ordinary.

However, on the gate of the city, Pu Liurujian, who was originally a keen
sweater, faintly heard the huge waves, as if rolling from the distant
horizon, and sounded like a bang in the depths of the ground.

He clearly saw that with Shen Jian's sword sweeping out, the sword body
almost turned into white waves, and spread out layer by layer in an instant.

The true power is full, Vientiane is on the side, so clumsy and unwieldy, it
is complicated to simple.

Chen Gong, Yan Qiao, and Bao Yun were all drowned in the "white
waves", while Shen Yunming had only one, but seemed to have countless
incarnations. Everyone felt supreme pressure. Their offensive was not only
vanished. Actually all back to back, in the way of the other, also in the

Liu Ye did not know martial arts, and then exclaimed: "The Shen Ye is
actually a monster, how can he suddenly become numerous?"

Pu Liurujian explained: "It is a kind of illusion and derived from the sword
realm. The attainments of Shen Jian on the kendo must have reached the
peak of the pinnacle. I am afraid that compared to Qifeng Pavilion of that
year, it is better than blue. what!"

The name of Qi Fengge is even heard by Liu Ye. There are very few
masters in this world, but every master is undoubtedly capable of taking
the first rank in the army and retreating calmly, so The imperial court will
try its best to embrace, even those who are hardworking and self-use like
Yu Wenyi, rely heavily on Yan Wushi, and never put the emperor in front
of him.

At present, Shen Yan may be a little bit far away from the master master,
but it does not take ten or eight years to reach the point of ignition. Liu Ye
was a little scared when he heard the words. He was busy: "I just didn't
order to shoot arrows at Shen Ye. You also saw it, we are in the throne, and
we must do it as a last resort. If Shen, cough, and Shen Daozun
misunderstand, you can help me clarify one or two! "

Pu Liuru replied firmly: "Yes, Dadu is responsible, and he has no

selfishness, and he naturally understands."

Liu Xie secretly relieved, and Fu was attracted by the fighting below:
"Look at today's battle, can Chen Gong win?"

Not only were the two of them watching the battle, the soldiers on the gate
of the city were staring at this wonderful match, seeing the sword and
sword underneath, and full of murderous spirit, and Shen Yan took two
children, adding weight, still in the middle of it Walk freely, can not help
but show the color of admiration.

People are always heroes. Although everyone is obstructed by the

emperor's life, they have to slay Yu Wen, but Yu Wenxian is prestigious in
the army. Shen Zeng originally had nothing to do with himself, but he was
willing to be in danger for two children. How can you not let ordinary
people stand in awe of mind?

When Kun Xie was killed that day, only Bi Xiazong should be present, and
the scene was earth-shattering, and there were only a limited number of
people who knew it. Now he is under the eyes of the public, with less
enemies and more wins.

This battle is destined to move the world!

Shen Yan protected Yuwen Chan behind him, while holding Dou Yan
himself, he built a heavy sword curtain, blocking Chen Gong and Bao Yun
for a while, and the sword edge swayed slightly. If the moon breaks
through the clouds, the brilliance overflows, and he goes straight to Yan Qi
to kill him. .

Yan Qiao took three consecutive shots, but he was completely swallowed
by the sword. He had to take a few steps back, only thinking that Chen
Gong and Bao Yun were joined. Shen Ye was definitely incompetent and
had no time to take care of him, but he did not expect the other party to
completely ignore the others. The two men swept away the sword, and
swept towards them.

He hurriedly greeted him with his palm, but as soon as he raised his hand,
he felt an unbearable tingling, and Jianguang had arrived!

And his entire hand was caught in it, immersed in the vast white light, like
the pain of losing his arm that day, which made him involuntarily fear, and
he ran away whenever he wanted to turn around.

The war intentions disappeared and the murderous spirit was forcibly
wiped out. Yan Qi just wanted to retreat from his body at the moment, but
he forgot that the moment he resigned, he actually lost.

Mantian Jianguang occupied the sight, but there was only one sword. In
the end, there was only one sword that penetrated the heart of Yan Qiao's

Yan Qiao bowed her head, and he saw the tip of Shan He Tong Bei Jian,
who had turned red.

That's his blood.

The blood-stained mountains and rivers are still buzzing and the sword of
sorrow is still buzzing, and the sound is very low, but Yan Qiao is
surprised that she can hear it and is extremely clear.

Perhaps it was because the sword was inside him.

Before he could confirm it again, Shen Jian had been withdrawn from the
back by Yan Yan, Yan Qi took a few steps forward, and threw himself to
the ground.

Behind him, the fighting continued, but it no longer required his


"True heroes!" Pu Liurujian at the gate couldn't help but utter a surprise.

Although the others were speechless, his expression obviously felt the
same as him.

No matter when and where, such a person is always amazing.

Beyond the city, the killing of Yan Shi made Baoyun and Chen Gong look
shocked, but their offensive did not stop there. Instead, they became more
severe like a torrential shower. Both of them chose to avoid confrontation
with Shen. Focus on Dou Yan and Yu Wenshu.

Since Shen Huan chose these two children as their weaknesses, it is their
proper meaning to greet the children. Between life and death, it is only
about winning or losing, regardless of the means.

If Shen Ye is not killed today, this person will surely become a confidant!

Chen Gong and Bao Yun's mind emerged at the same time.

Chen Gong's sword is extremely fast, but Baoyun takes a tricky pulse.
Both of them are left and right, and they cooperate with each other. They
know that Shen Jian's sword strength is no longer inexhaustible and will
never run out.

Shen Zhen also rushed to Yu Wenshu, but not to protect him, but to throw
out the Dou Yan in his hand.

Without his instructions, Yu Wenshu instantly understood what he meant.

He stretched out his arms and caught Dou Yan, a head shorter than him.
With a roll of sleeves, Shen Yan directly rolled them away a few feet away,
then swept back.

If the waves are turbulent, like a stone beam lying in a rainbow, surging
and arrogant, there is a looming power of the king, which is against the
sword style of the former Zhengzheng Peace.

In the future, Chen Gong resolved to resolve, the sword body pierced into
the opponent's sword curtain, all the way smooth, when the heart is happy,
but suddenly found that his goal did not know when it became Baoyun.

Behind yourself!

His mind was sharp and alert, and he turned back tremblingly, also with a
sword anger.

However, Baoyun wanted to come across the same doubts as he did, but he
was too late to shoot Chen Gong with one palm.

Chen Gong had half of his sword power and had to retreat hurriedly,
leaning sideways to avoid the wind of Baoyun.

Shen Ye was impartial, and his body and sword were united, leaving for

When the two tigers fight, there must be a wound.

Baoyun used ten success forces in this palm, but had to temporarily
withdraw half of the internal force due to the replacement of Chen Gong in
the middle, but the castration had already been completed, and he could
not step back. He was immersed in the sword light, and the raging waves
were pouring in. Jun, come face to face!

Blood splattered from Bao Yun, and in the blink of an eye there was
already a blood hole in his throat.

The two elders of the Acacia sect died one after another under the Shen
Jian sword.
Chen Gong saw that the situation was not good. As early as when Shen
Jian stabbed Baoyun, he turned and ran toward Yuwen Chan and the two

The purpose of today is to leave Yu Wenshu, Yan Yan made his own claim.
He had to kill Shen Zhe, and now he can take Yu Wenshu away, even if he
is up to his mission.

However, he did not expect that Shen Jian ’s kendo had reached such a
high level. He had just killed Bao Yun, and rushed towards him again.

At this speed, even if he catches Yu Wenshu, he will inevitably face up to

Shen Ye.

One is cutting the grass and rooting, the other is life-threatening. Of

course, the latter is more important.

Chen Gong made a decision immediately, gave up Yu Wen reckoning,

broke his body in the middle, and ran towards the city. He carried his light
work to the extreme, stepped on the raised bricks on the city wall, and
quickly reached the city gate.

Shen Yan had no intention of chasing after him. He took Dou Yan and Yu
Wenshu and ran in the opposite direction.

Returning the sword into the scabbard, two arms carried the two children,
Shen Xuan ran out two or three miles away, and then stopped until he was
far away from the sight of the city gate.

He put down the two children and walked a few steps forward, but vomited
a lot of blood.

"Long Shen Dao!" Dou Yan exclaimed, and hurried forward to support

Although Yu Wenshu had no words, he also held his other arm, struggling
to support most of Shen's weight.
"Maybe ..." Shen Yan covered her chest and comforted the two with
difficulty, but her mouth was bloody.

Baoyun and others are not three-legged cats. As elders of the Acacia sect,
even if they are not among the top ten in the world, they are also well-
known masters. With the power of Shen today, they killed the two in one
breath. It sounds prestigious, but he is also the same. It also comes at a

At the time of the confrontation, he also had several palms in his hands. If
Chen Gong was not deceived by the strength he showed, and if he observed
carefully, it would not be difficult to find that Shen Yan was already at the
end of the crossbow.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 129
Dou Yan burst into tears, holding back without falling down.

"Don't cry!" Yu Wenshu said to her, "There is a pavilion in front of me.

I've been there. Let's go sit there."

When Shen Zhen thought about them, they did not chase soldiers in the
city. Presumably, there were many people who sympathized with Yu
Wenxian for sympathy and help. For a while, it would not be dangerous,
and he was not busy taking them up.

Dou Yan nodded busily, and the two helped Shen Yan to move forward.

I didn't go far, turned a bend, and saw a small pavilion.

Only two people stood in the pavilion.

A horse is tied outside the kiosk.

"It's Dad!" Dou Yan recognized the other person's identity without waiting
for Shen Zhen's response, but instead of leaving Shen Yan, she still
supported Shen Yan until she came to the pavilion and flew over.

"A Dad!"


Dou Yi held her daughter tightly, her face anxious and turned into a

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenshu couldn't help thinking of his tragic father,
and the tears that had endured for a long time finally fluttered.

Covering his head with one hand, he rubbed lightly with warmth.

It's Shen Yan.

Yu Wenshu didn't speak, didn't sob, but just couldn't help but get closer to
Shen Yan and snuggle beside him.

Within a short period of time, a wordless trust and tacit understanding had
been established between them, which was exchanged for life and death.

Dou Yi arched her hands to Shen Zhen: "Thank you Shen Daozun for your
life-saving grace to the little girl, great grace and great virtue, Yi is

He was grateful from the bottom of his heart, so even the honorific title
was replaced with the highest honor for those in the Tao.

Qi Fengge, the teacher of Shen Zhe, was also called Qi Feng Taoist.

"Dou Langjun need not be polite!" Shen Yan's voice was a little dull and

"At the end of the year, Sun Sheng, the southern leader of the South, had a
relationship with Shen Daozun at the Su Jiashou banquet that day, and you
may remember me." The person next to Dou Yi said, and found a small
porcelain bottle from his arms. "This is Yulu Pill, which is used by
Zhongnan School to treat internal injuries. It also has some effects. Please
accept it from Shen Tao."

Shen Ye was also not polite with him, and took it after thanking him.

Chang Sun Sheng: "King Qi's injustice is known to everyone in the world,
but it ’s a pity that the master is high. He goes against the law and framed
Zhongliang. Because, Fang Jue is ashamed, please worship Sheng! "

Shen Min reached out and supported him: "There are three thousand Taos,
and each one chooses a different Tao. There is nothing wrong with it.
Without you to help each other behind, I would not be able to get away so
easily. Su family is not like me alone It ’s nothing to worry about. Su
Shiman's old man is still in Chang'an, but he and I have fought against Yu
Wenzhang in person, will they be fine? "
Chang Sun Sheng: "Yes, rest assured. I studied under the Zhongnan
School. The Chang Sun family also has some relationship in Chang'an.
You can secretly take the Su family to Zhongnan Mountain for shelter. You
might as well bring Yuwen Qilang up the mountain together. Although
Zhong Nanshan is not a big name, he still has some courage to fight
against the master's minions. "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "No, eventually Nanshan is close to Chang'an.
If Yu Wenyu insists on holding it to the end, after all, it will not be a long
stay. I want to take him far away and completely escape from danger."

Chang Sun Sheng and Dou Yi glanced at each other, the former sighed:
"Also, although this horse is not a thousand miles horse, it is also a rare
and famous horse. Tao Zun now has inconvenience, and it must be much
more convenient for him to move!"

Chapter 86

Chang Sun Sheng's words were true, Yulu Wan was really effective. Shen
Yun used two pills for a moment, plus Zhu Yangce's vitality operation in
the body, clearing the meridians, activating blood and rejuvenating, and
his chest pain was gradually reduced, much like before. It's very difficult
to say a sentence like that.

He said goodbye to Sun Sheng and Dou Yi, and took Yu Wenshu to the
horse. In order to adapt Yu Wenshu to some, he deliberately slowed down
and looked back.

The city of Chang'an stands tall and magnificent. As before, it has

survived the war, but it has not fallen. However, over the centuries,
personnel changes and dynasties have changed, such as the death of an
injustice like Yu Wenxian. How many people remember.

Dou Yan was held by his father, his eyes blinked at them without blinking,
and he said loudly, "Shen Dao respects and Yu Wen Qi Lang takes care!"

Shen Yan smiled at her, but saw Yu Wenshu sitting in front of herself
without saying a word, saying: "You have to look back at Chang'an again?
When we go, we don't know when we will return."

Yu Wen reckoned silently for a moment, Fang said: "Sad place, seeing a
lot of people makes me sad. I only hate myself for being helpless, I can
only watch my parents suffer and get wrong."

He was younger than fifteen, but when he was young and mature, he lost
his master at the fifteenth day, and still could n’t cry. Yu Wenshu had a cry
in the Su family before. At this time, although his voice was dull, his tone
was Clear and fluent, several times better than the top fifteen, the children
who want to come to Wang Hou's family are not the same, look at Dou
Yan, at that time in Shen Huan's arms, although the situation was
extremely dangerous, and he did not struggle with fear because of fear,
affecting Shen Hao's response.

Shen Min touched his head: "Don't think like this. Your father had the
opportunity to retreat calmly, but still chose to stay. One is not willing to
make your mother and brothers go alone. Both are also to the emperor. , Or
even to express his innocence and loyalty to the world, maybe some
people do n’t understand, but you are his son, you must understand him, do
n’t you? ”

Yu Wen shouted, and after a while, he whispered: "Actually, A-Daddy had

already been set up. I wanted to let A-Niang wait for the opportunity to
leave, but I did n’t want to leave A-Daddy alone. My elder brothers They
are all unwilling to leave, only I am young and forcibly taken away by
Uncle Yan ... "

Shen Ye: "Yes, every life in the world has its own choices. Some people
choose to be alive and stealthily, and some people are willing to give their
lives for the sake of innocence. There is nothing wrong with it. Only in the
midst of adversity is it true. Qi With so many people in the king helping
him secretly, the Su family was even willing to come forward and stand up
against the emperor's Ming. It can be seen that Qi Wang's morals are well-
known to everyone, and I can't stigmatize anyway. I will be settled by the
trust of others Hello, do you have any relatives who want to vote? "
He originally planned to bring Yu Wenshu directly back to Bishan Sect of
Taishan, but when he saw that the other party was quite young, he changed
his mind and asked his opinions instead of directing his decision.

Yu Wenshu shook his head: "The relatives of the Yu Wen family are all the
royal family. Even if some people are willing to accept it, it will inevitably
affect them if they are held up. Now Yu Wenyi has killed my father and
three other high-ranking royal families in succession. Kill more people to
lead Wei, Shen Daochang, wherever you go, I will go. "

Shen Ye: "Okay, let's go to Bixiazong."

Yu Wen recited: "Where is Bixia Sect?"

Shen Yun: "In Taishan."

Yu Wenshu was really interested: "Is Taishan, the head of the Five

Shen Chen laughed: "It is precisely that Taishan is bounded by mountains,

and the air crowns the world. Yunxia sunrise is an absolute must. If you
see it with your own eyes, you will not regret it."

After all, Yu Wenshu was young, and his attention was easily diverted.
Even when he was heartbroken, at this time, he could not help hearing a bit
of despair.

Earlier, Yu Wen was afraid of Yu Wenxian's prestige, fearing that there

would be many dreams at night, only to let people surround Qi Wangfu
and force Yu Wenxian to hide in hiding. Others only relaxed when Yu
Wenxian didn't want to kill, and no one expected that Yu Wenxian would
suddenly When he was in trouble, Murong Qin killed his uncle directly. Qi
Wangfu ’s palace was humiliated and he committed suicide directly in
front of the angel. When the news came out, the city was shocked, and
everyone was sorrowing for Yu Wenxian. Chen Gong and others, the voice
outside the string pointed directly at the emperor, and someone secretly
helped to make the emperor have no time to send someone out of the city
to hunt down Shen Zhen and Yu Wenshu.
In this way, Shen Ye took Yuwen Chan out of Changan for a few days, and
there was no shadow of chasing troops.

As for the people of the Hehuan Sect, Shen Ye killed two elders in the
other's door in a row, and he was in deep blood and enmity with the
Hehuan Sect, but even without this, Sang Jingxing was so poisoned that
Shen Wuwu ’s power was exhausted, and he was guilty of serious injuries.
Liang Zi has long since settled. For now, being safe temporarily does not
mean being safe forever.

Although Shen Ye is injured now, he is no longer the same as before. If it

is not Sang Jingxing and Yuan Xiuxiu, others can cope with it and protect
Yu Wenshu, so when he goes to Hezhou, he releases Slowed down, instead
of following the closest way to Bixiazong, he went south all the way, both
to nourish and bring Yu Wenshu to relax.

In this way, for more than three months on the road, the two stopped and
stopped, and when they entered the city, they went to find a way to watch
and rest. Shen Yu would take Yuwen to climb to the horizon, enjoy the
local show, or walk through the streets. , View the market situation.

As the so-called life states have their own true meanings, there are many
truths in the world. The avenue is three thousand, and the change is
inseparable from its ancestors. The more Shen Shen sees, the more
transparent his heart is, and it is also helpful to Kendo martial arts.

At this time, he had not been betrayed on the Xuandu Mountain that day,
but he rolled around in the red dust. Instead of seeing the spirit of the city,
he saw the dust more and more. Ufa Tsing Yi, who was long The sword,
with a bright complexion and bright moonlight, looks like a fairy in the
midst of it, and invisibly makes people feel a sense of high purity and

Yu Wenshu, through these experiences, largely relieved the depression and

sorrow. If he was young, if he was bored over the years, he would only be
short-lived and premature. Shen Ting had good intentions. He walked
around in order to let him see more and think more, so as to open his mind
and broaden his horizons.
"It ’s good to teach this Taoist leader that you happened to be here. It ’s
Huang Gong ’s 60th birthday today. I ’m going to celebrate the longevity
of urban and rural gentlemen. If you want to go hiking, you might as well
wait until tomorrow and miss the birthday feast. It's a pity! "

When they came to Runan, Shen Yun took Yuwen to enter the guesthouse.
When the two men saw that they were foreigners, they introduced them.

"Huang Gong?" Shen Zhen naturally could not judge the identity of the
other side from these two words.

"Yes, Huang Gong's name is a secret, it is the famous person in this city. It
is said that whether in Shilin or on the rivers and lakes, he has a good
reputation. The boy can't say so many words, but Huang Gong's reputation
in this city is indeed Like Lei Guaner, his old man is extremely hospitable.
He can go in for a glass of water and wine without being invited. It is said
that Yue Qin master Du Gong will sing a song to celebrate his birthday.
Many people have heard of it. You can also wash your ears ... "

The man Wuwu said endlessly. Shen Xun recalled the three words of
Huang Xidao. He seemed to have heard from Yan Wushi. The other party
was said to be from the Runan family, proficient in music, and also quite
accomplished in martial arts. The first half of the rivers and lakes.

Those who are slightly lower in martial arts do not enter the eyes of Yan
Wushi. The reason for mentioning him is that this person can evolve the
melody into the spirit of killing, and can also play the sound of harmony to
attract the hundred birds to stop, and the mirror Zongzong Guangling San
has some things in common, but although Huang Xidao's martial arts are
not as good as Guang Lingsan, the rhythm may be inferior. Therefore,
when Yan Wushi said Guang Ling San, he also mentioned Huang Xidao

As soon as Yu Wenshu's eyes brightened, she shuddered at the corner of

Shen Yi's clothes, and when he bent down, he quietly said, "I have seen the
Yueqin master that he said, called Du Yan, who once entered the palace to
perform, and indeed there is a song around the beam. Three days of
endless achievements. "
Shen Yun: "Do you want to listen?"

Yu Wenshu cheered, "Can you?"

Shen Wei smiled slightly: "Of course, since Huang Gong is hospitable, I
don't care if we are two uninvited guests."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 130
This place is not far from Huangfu. When the two got there, a man in a
steward's suit was standing at the door and personally welcoming guests.

When the other party saw Shen Ye came with Yuwen Chan, asking for his
name as usual, to avoid trouble, he disappeared his real name: "Down in
the mountains, Qiao Zi, You Fang Taoist, I heard Huang Gongshou, came
here to congratulate him."

It was rude to be empty-handed, and he bought a gift on the way, and at

this time Yu Wenshu gave it with his hands.

This gift is not in the eyes of the steward. Today, most of the Huang family
are people who come to eat and drink, but Huang Fujia has a great career
and doesn't care about the number of people. He only divides people into
groups according to their status. Several places, Jianghu people have
Jianghu people's seats, celebrities also have celebrities' seats.

The Huangfu housekeeper saw a lot of people and other people. He had
already trained his eyes and eyes, and when he saw a long bag on his back,
which looked like a weapon, he was more careful: "Dare to ask this Taoist

Shen Yan shook his head: "Fist and foot are just rough, not a man in the
rivers and lakes."

Because of his excellent manner, the steward naturally did not dare to
classify him as an ordinary person. He also saw Yu Wenshu ’s young age
and was also handsome and calm. Now he was led to the seat of the

Shen Yan and everyone in the party did not know each other, but he had a
gentle temperament and was amiable. When others saw him dressed up, he
inevitably asked about the allusions of the Taoist door. In the second and
last time, Shen Yan was already familiar with the left and right. There is
some fame in Shilin, and today it is also for Du Yue's Yueqin to perform,
and it is highly praised among words.

The guests also came together. The host family went elsewhere to greet the
guests. The crowds talked about each other and connected their feelings.
The atmosphere was warm but a bit noisy. Yu Wen reckoned about singing
and singing about the music, with a serious look, Shen Shen looked up
inadvertently, but Yu Guang glanced at a familiar figure. .

He was so familiar that he couldn't help but snorted.

Chapter 87

The people Shen Zhen saw were not others, but Guangling San, the
suzerain of the Mirror Sect.

At that time, the three divisions of Sun and Moon Sect were separated, and
the Mirror Sect went away to run Tuyuhun, but now the world is chaotic,
Guangling San repeatedly intervened in the original martial arts, and also
participated in the encirclement of Uncle Yan, so that he could take a share
in the future. As soon as the news came out, the forces of the Fajing Sect
immediately extended to the east, quickly pulling up several forces in the
Zhou Dynasty near the Tuguhun border in the Zhou Dynasty, consolidating
their foundations by the way.

Speaking really, Shen Ye did not deal with this lord of the mirror mirror
much, but the other party ’s identity is special. As the lord of the school, it
is inevitable to attract attention, but the other party rarely shows up on the
rivers and lakes, and there is nothing around him. People recognized him,
and the other's wide-sleeved robes flowed from under the porch, just like
an unusual gardener.

Shen Huan instructed Yu Wenshuan to sit here and not walk around, so he
got up and walked in the direction of Guangling San disappearing.

He seems to be walking in the court, but actually shrinks into an inch. As

he walks in the clouds, he drifts away without leaving any traces. The
maidservant Huang Fu passing by him only feels that someone is waiting.
When she turns around, Shen Chen already already Out of sight.

Only those who have practiced Xuandu Mountain's light work "Tiankuo
Hongying" to be fascinated can make such a stunning realm.

As everyone knows, Guangling San looks like he is wandering at will, and

his feet and feet are also fast. Shen Yu turned a corner, and three directions
appeared in front of him. A corridor led to the atrium, a gravel road was
used as the landscape in the park, and there was a passage. To the backyard
pond, the Huang family occupies a large area in Runan. Here, the rockery
in front is blocking the view. Guangling disappeared, and it was difficult to
judge which way he went.

Shen Yan stood still for a while, but gave up the middle path that was most
likely to find Guangling San, and chose the last one.

The Huang family is a wealthy local. This garden is attached to the house
next door. It was originally used for the host family to entertain guests.
There is no reason to go there, but there may be hosts in the garden to
entertain guests, so ordinary people will not go. Backward direction.

Shen Min walked along the direction of the pond for a while. He had
already set his footsteps to the lightest. Suddenly he heard the secret voice
in front of him. One of his voices made his heart weigh more. If he was
severely hit, his breath would be disturbed immediately. moment.

Although it ’s only a moment, people with ordinary martial arts do n’t

even notice the subtle changes, but for a master who has reached a certain
level, every environment will sense the surrounding air machines, and
even mobilize the internal interest to interact with it. You can feel wrong.

A leaf did not come from anyone's hand, but shot through the air from the
front, coming fast, but silent, and weak in martial arts. It is estimated that
even the reaction did not respond, it was already in the path, but
fortunately the other party seemed to I didn't want to kill people in the
Huang family, but just rushed to Shen Yan's side, obviously intended to
If the people in the middle of the house or the people in the rivers and
lakes will subconsciously exclaim first, and then dodge, or if they know
that their skills are not as good as people rushing into the desert, they will
definitely make a noise.

Guangling scattered from the birthday party of the Huang Family today.
The martial arts of the people from the rivers and lakes are just plain, and
there is nothing extraordinary. However, his leaf flew out, but it was like a
rock, and there was no sound, which was strange. Already.

He couldn't help but hesitated, wondering if there were crouching tigers

and dragons here, and there were even master-level masters who didn't
even know him?

"I don't know which distinguished driver came here, but don't listen to
indecent, don't ignore indecent?"

Guangling walked out loudly, while walking out slowly, her sight was no
longer covered by the rockery, and people standing behind the rockery
came into view.

As soon as the word "view" fell out, his expression changed to surprise,
although it was only a short moment, it was enough.

"It turned out to be Shen Daochang." The last time he went away unhappy,
this time bye, Guanglingsan still showed a smile, nothing happened.

But Shen Yun's attention was not on him, but on the person next to him.

Standing next to Guangling San is Yan Wushi.

The opponent stood against his hands, staring at each other with white
stars, glory like jade, a slight smile on the corners of his lips, his
domineering full, as if they had met for the first time.

Even at the time of his downfall, Shen Yuan never saw him show his pride,
showing that he was self-confident and self-confident.
From the time he led Sang Jingxing, the two broke up in the ruined temple,
Shen Ye went to Chang'an alone, and all kinds of things happened in the
middle, so far in April.

Four months is not long, and short is not short. For martial arts people, if
they can realize it, it will be enough overnight. If there is no advance, it
will be useless for several years and decades.

Yan Wushi was a martial arts wizard, and there was no other "Zhu
Yangce", including the volume related to the magic gate. He had
previously told Shen Ye that he already had a way to repair the magic heart
flaw, four It is not impossible to reappear after the first month.

But the question is, how did he recover from Sang Jingxing's martial arts
that night?

Guangling apparently participated in the siege of the five masters, and

even played a crucial role in it. It can be said that it directly caused Yan
Wushi's flaws to intensify, and ultimately the culprit of defeat, how could
Yan Wushi be with him again?

Moreover, depending on the situation, the two people laughed and smiled,
and they looked quite harmonious. It didn't look like they were going to
pull each other.

Shen Yun had a lot of doubts in his heart, and for a moment he didn't know
if he should ask Yan Wushi whether he was good, or deal with
Guanglingsan first.

Guang Ling smiled indifferently: "It seems that Shen Daochang is very
confused about why I am here?"

Shen Huan settled down, and found that he had just appeared because of
Master Yan. He was in a state of chaos and shook Tao. He just used this
sentence to calm his mind. Then he said: "The Huang Jia Shou Yan is not
only for everyone, but also for Guangzong. Tao is not the master here, so
naturally has no right to ask questions, but I do n’t know why Lord Yan is
here again? "
Guangling looked at Yan Wushi with a smile and groaned, "Should Yan
Zong explain to Shen Daochang?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Wushi said a moment: "Who is this person? Do we

have to know him?"

It was like a pot of snow pouring down on the head, and Shen was so cold
when he was in his heart.

He looked carefully and found that not only was the other person's
expression strange, but also his eyes were estranged, not to mention that it
was not a long time to be happy, and he did not even have the familiarity
of reunion.

In the ruined temple, the man who said "silly grandma" with a sigh of
laughter was still in front of him, and that sentence seemed to be in his ear.

From the bottom of the half-step peak, the fate of the two seemed to be
tied tightly by an invisible line.

If you say that Yan Wushi first saved Shen Ye, after Shen Ye also saved his
life several times, pulling him back from the edge of life and death, and
Yan Wushi used it with no mercy to Shen Ye, or even personally Putting
him into a fire pit by hand, Shen Xuan almost suffered an outrageous
disaster. To elaborate, it should be that Yan Wushi owes a little, but the
human heart and the world cannot be calculated as clearly as the business.
Entanglement, grudges have long been unclear.

Until the ruined temple, Yan Wushi placed him in a Buddha statue, but
went alone to lead Sang Jingxing.

Everything seems to have changed.

But at the moment, the people he couldn't find suddenly appeared in front
of him, mingling with the enemy.

What happened in the meantime?

This should not be the case.

This should not be the case.

This sentence rang several times in Shen Min's heart, and he suddenly
remembered the situation when the other party woke up into a demon after
waking up from a serious injury. Therefore, he forgot about Qian Chen,
and Guang Ling San just entered the situation at this time, and did not
know what to say, so that Yan Wushi believed in him.

In the event of a sudden change, Shen Shen can calm down quickly and
think about the response.

"Yan Zongzhu has such a bad memory that he couldn't even save his
benefactor?" Shen Yan said.

"Salvation benefactor?" Yan Wushi's voice was full of jokes, "I'm going to
look at this seat, what can you do, dare to be your own salvation

As he spoke, his figure had floated out, and his five-finger Xunruo grabbed
Shen Shen with lightning.

Every action, every word and every action of a martial artist can reflect
the martial arts level. Yan Wushi did not underestimate Shen Yun. With
this palm out, he used at least 60% to 70% of the skill, even if the
opponent is equivalent to him. Forced to have to draw swords to face each

However, Shen Yun was well prepared. He was unwilling to fight Yan
Wushi in the face of Guangling San, not to mention that this was still
someone's home. When he stepped back a few feet and fluttered out from
behind the rockery, his figure was still missing. It's really like a rootless
duckweed. As soon as this light work is done, not only Yan Wushi's face is
slightly surprised, even Guanglingsan can't help but scream.

"Shen Daochang's trivial achievement, I am afraid that few people can

afford it today? Tiankuo Hongying, unpretentious, Xuandushan really
deserves its reputation!"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 131
"The Emperor Guangzong has won the prize." Shen Yan looked indifferent.
"Here is Huangfu. It ’s hard to come here as a guest. It's not good to mix
the other party's birthday party. If Yan Zongzhu wants to fight, please set
the hour location. Be accompanied. "

Guang Ling said with a smile: "Although there is no one here, it would not
be beautiful if it shocked the host. Without a teacher, Shen Daochang
wants to tell you the old, you might as well set a new time."

Shen Yan's eyelids jumped.

Yan Wushi sneered: "I don't know him, so why should I tell him the old
way? If everyone comes to you by this name, will I have to be
accompanied one by one? Although he can still see his inner strength, his
inner strength But it ’s generally very good, but relying on only a few
hands to hold it, you will lose to me under 100 moves. What kind of
opponent can you see through at a glance? ”

This remark was very different from what he said that day: "What I want
is a rival, not a friend, who is evenly matched."

Shen Ye found that no matter how bad the situation was, he also learned to
laugh at himself.

"If you don't fight, how do you know that I'm not as good as you?" He
asked Yan Wushi.

He tried to inspire Yan Wushi to fight with himself, but only to have the
opportunity to be alone with him and to tell him that Guang Lingsan was
an enemy and a friend.

It is a pity that Yan Wushi was too lazy to look at him again and dispersed
to Guangling: "I was impatient to stay here more because you have to
come to listen to music."
Guangling groaned, and did not refute: "Yes, it is my fault."

Yan Wushi: "Go and listen for yourself, come to me at the end, you know
where I am."

Guangling San: "Okay, if you take a step, I won't give it away."

The two seemed familiar and unfamiliar with each other, and Shen Yan
could not intervene at all, and standing beside them became superfluous.

Chapter 88

Du Yi's music was really extraordinary. As soon as the piano sounded

inside and outside Huangfu, it seemed as if the birds passing by Huangjia
stopped to listen. The lively Huangfu suddenly quieted down, all the
conversation voices disappeared, and the rest There are so few phonics
that they can't get around.

Yuwen Chan grew up in Zhong Ming Ding's Food House from his
childhood. With his talents and talents, his appreciation of the
temperament is far higher than that of his peers. At this time, he is fully
immersed in the tune until the end of the song Shen Yan took a seat next to
him before he returned to God.

"You're back?" Yu Wen reckoned that Shen Min's look was a bit wrong, so
he asked, "What happened to you, but what happened?"

Shen Yan frowned slightly: "I met the acquaintance, but the other person
seemed to completely forget me."

Yu Wenshu: "A friend?"

Shen Chen smiled: "It's more like an enemy than a friend."

Yu Wenshu: "Have you played against him?"

Shen Huan: "No, he has a mad temper, he acts mostly freely, and good and
evil are in a single thought. He saved me before, and then he got me into
an enemy."
Yuwen recited, "Have you ever avenged him?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "Later, because of the fate, I had several
interactions with him. Once we met a common enemy. He clicked on my
acupoint and placed me in the dark. He himself used the danger to lead
him away. That enemy that threatens us most. "

Yu Wen reckoned, "It sounds like he's not bad! Why would he ignore you?"

After all, he was very young, so old-fashioned in his speech, after all, his
experience was limited, and what he said brought two points of

Shen Wei was so funny, he touched his head: "I don't know, maybe there is
something hidden in it."

After a few words, he lost a lot of heart.

Yuwen Chan took the initiative and said, "Director, shall we leave?"

Shen Yan originally thought that the Huangfu family had a great career
and a luxurious image. Yuwen was born in the royal family. He should be
more fond of this kind of environment. However, he did not expect that the
other party would come from the heart of the opera with no other thoughts.

"The left and right birthdays have also begun. We gave gifts, not empty-
handed. The food and wine here may not be as good as the palace, but they
are always several times stronger than the inn. Do n’t you leave before you

Yu Wenshu shook his head: "There are many customers here. If there are
people who are attentive, you may not be skeptical. I come in to listen to
the tune, and I can no longer rely on your love for wanton purposes."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, it was not very like a normal child.
Shen Zhizhi knew that the death of the full house of the King Wang Palace
was too hard for him. After leaving Beijing, Yu Wenshu was always
sensitive and alert, very careful between words and deeds, and strange
People don't even want to say more than half a sentence. To come in today
to listen to music has been considered a "too much" requirement.

Shen Min thought of the chance encounter, even though Guang Ling San
should not have come to himself, but he knew he was here, and if he
wanted to investigate, it would not be difficult to find Yu Wenshu.

Guangling is listed among the top ten in the world, but his martial arts
ranking is not top ten. Only because of the identity of the lord of the
mirror, did he only gain a place, but Shen Ye knew that he must not
underestimate any man in the magic gate. The reason why the magic gate
is the magic gate is that they will always have unrecognizable and tricky
methods that are unknown to outsiders, and because of the unpredictable
and martial arts skills, if they lose their caution, they will easily get in
front of them.

Although Yu Wenshu is not useful for Guangling San, who knows if he

will suddenly think of something to do, plus a Yan Wushi ...

Shen Jushou: "Yeah, let's go now. It's still early, and you can still order
food at the inn."

The two came to the birthday party, and they didn't even mix their meals.
They just listened to a piece of music and put it in the eyes of others. It
was no wonder that the inn buddies were surprised that they came back so

However, Shen Xun did not intend to explain too much to him. The two
ordered the meals to be eaten in the house, and three dishes and one soup.
Compared with Yu Wenshu, it was too crude and the taste was naturally
not as good as that of the Wangfu chef, but Yu Wenshu knows his situation
very well, and he hasn't complained for a while, Shen Yu looked in his
eyes, naturally he was more satisfied with him, and even thought of
accepting a disciple.

Considering that the other party has just undergone a drastic change, and
may be immersed in the grief of losing his loved ones, Shen Huan is not in
a hurry to speak out this proposal, and is ready to wait for a while, and Yu
Wenshu stepped out of the shadows and said it.

"Shen Dao, do you have any thoughts?" Yu Wenshu asked suddenly.

Shen Ye did not say that he was thinking about accepting the disciples, so
he casually said, "No, I just think about the old man I met in the

Yu Wenshu: "Do you value him?"

Shen Yun: "Why do you ask?"

Yuwen Chan: "If you don't value the other person, how can you never
forget it?"

Shen Yan coughed, "I must remember it."

Yu Wenshu didn't say anything, and his expression read "You obviously
don't forget."

Suddenly she felt that it was unwise to bring up the topic, even if it was
arguing to be ugly.

He was about to change the subject, so he listened to Yu Wenshu in a

soothing tone: "In fact, I think your old man should also value you."

Shen Ye couldn't help crying and laughing, and really wanted to say, "Let
’s not mention it, it will be done." But Yu Wenshu rarely and seriously
discussed a matter with him. He was not good at the other side's interest,
so he followed his words and asked: " Why do you see it? "

Yu Wen Chan said: "I am about the same age as my sixth brother. I read
and eat and sleep for a while, but because of my old age, the sixth brother
repeatedly teased me, and once told me that there are phoenix eggs on the
tree. He just laughed down. "

Shen Yan listened interestingly: "How old were you at that time? I don't
see how smart you are, and sometimes you will be deceived."
Yu Wenshu's blush appeared on Bai Nen's face. I do n’t know if he was
unconvinced or a little bit annoyed: “If it ’s an ordinary trick, I ca n’t lie to
him, but in order to coax me, he also asked someone to make a colorful
Fake Phoenix, I flew outside my room several times in the middle of the
night, and fell on the tree again, saying that it was Phoenix who came to
our house to lay eggs, only once or twice, more times, can I not be fooled,
Mo said it was me , Even if you are the chief, ca n’t help but want to find
out? ”

Shen Yun smiled, "Yes!"

Yuwen Chan: "Later I went to sue my father, but my father said that it was
because my six brothers loved me that they would treat me like this, and
those who he didn't like, he didn't even bother to look at it. I miss your old
one. Should it be the same? "

Shen Yan smiled bitterly, and the unpredictable world minds recited in
Yuwen as if they were children.

Yu Wenshu said: "And don't you say that he is willing to take risks for you,
it means that he likes you, just like the six brothers and me, although he
often bullies me on weekdays, but that day, too He told his mother that I
was the youngest and asked me to leave first and to retain a trace of blood
for the Yuwen family. "

If it is fifteen, at this point, you will be unable to bear tears, but Yu

Wenshu did not cry, he just lowered his voice a little, his face tightened,
showing a little solemnity.

Yuwen Chan whispered lowly: "How much I wish I can go back to the past,
even if it is tricked by him every day, I just hope this is just a dream, and
when they wake up, they will live."

Shen Yun was silent for a moment. He knew that Yu Wenshu's mind was
far more mature than that of ordinary children, and the ordinary words of
comfort did little to him.

"Do you know what Sancai means?"

Yu Wen Chan: "Heaven, Earth, People."

Shen Huan: "The way to build the sky, said Yin and Yang; the way to build
the ground, said Rou and Gang; do you know what's behind?"

Yu Wenshu nodded and said, "The way to build people, said benevolence
and righteousness."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 132
Shen Yun: "Yes, I didn't want to mention the past, and it will make you
sad, but since I talk about it now, I will inevitably say a few words.
Although the Taoist practitioners practice quietness, they also pay
attention to cause and effect. This is not unique to Buddhism. Yu Wenxun
perverted and made you die injustice. If you want revenge, I will not only
prevent persuasion, but also teach you martial arts, but I do n’t want you to
think about it wholeheartedly. The reason why people are human is
because they are different from The wisdom of the beast. The genus of
tiger and lion, even if the temper is good, as long as the stomach is hungry,
it will inevitably seek for food and kill. However, when people are hungry,
they can endure hunger. Wear warmth, this is the reason why people are
among the three talents, do you understand? "

Yu Wenshu really had extraordinary understanding. He pondered for a

moment and then nodded: "I see. The Taoist Master hopes that I can put
aside the burdens of the past and be a man of the day. Even if I hate Yu
Wenyu again, don't become a person like Yu Wenyu. . "

Shen Yexin comforted: "Yes, you are really good, and indeed worthy of
Yuwen's family!"

Yu Wenshu rarely revealed a twist: "Can I follow you to learn martial


Shen Yun laughed: "Of course it is okay. I accept my disciples. I look at

my heart and I look at my qualifications. Even if my qualifications are
ordinary, as long as my integrity is good enough, let alone your
outstanding qualifications and good roots. Good material for martial arts. "

Yu Wen was so happy that he wanted to worship the teacher when he got
up, but Shen Xuan stopped him: "Not busy at the moment. It's not too late
for me to worship the teacher officially after I bring you back to Bi Xia
Yu Wenshu naturally had no opinion. He talked with Shen Zhen and solved
many of his knots. He slept well that night and almost fell into a dream
with a pillow.

But it was Shen Ye who remembered those words that he had just learned,
and his heart could not help feeling a little ups and downs, and he could
not fully enter the realm of forgetfulness for a long time.

At this time in the middle of the night, all the hustle and bustle of the day
faded away, and only a loud noise came from the window.

Since he couldn't get into sleep or sleep, he didn't open his eyes, but closed
his eyes and raised his mind. His five senses are fully open and he
perceives everything, as if everything around him is breathing into his

He opened his eyes stunned, rose to the window and flew out of the
window, quickly and silently, not to mention that Yu Wenshu is dreaming
now, even if he wakes up, as long as he doesn't see it with his own eyes,
I'm afraid I don't know that there are no more people nearby.

At that time, the windows were half-stretched, and it was a little reluctant
to allow one person to go out, but Shen was like a ghost. As soon as the
upper body probed out, the person was already floating on the roof against
the outer wall of the inn.

Sure enough, there was a person standing above the roof directly opposite
their room.

Black clothes and black robes, with power fences on their heads, make it
impossible to see the true colors.

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan: I have a premonition that my home is coming (* ^ __ ^ *)

Shen Yun: Director, I'm a bit scared. Can I apply to go to **** in advance
to play Master Mahjong? (ㄒ o ㄒ) ~
Lao Yan: Don't be afraid, little beauty, hey ... director, the script is wrong,
this line does not fit this style!

King Meow: Sorry, come, read this.

Lao Yan (taken the script, showing a satisfied expression): Even if you go
to the world, you can't escape the palm of this seat!

Chapter 89

"If you are just passing by, please go elsewhere."

Although the other party did not show his true face, but she looked a little
familiar based on her body shape, and Shen could not confirm that the
other party was who he thought he was.

He once heard Mr. Yan Wushi talk about some rivers and lakes rules.
When walking outside, it is inevitable that there will be young people
hiding on the roof of the inn at night to wait for the guests to start, steal
money, or have ulterior motives. Seeing you have high martial arts or a
strong background, you are generally afraid to start.

Shen Ye's hand lightened up, but anyone with long eyes knew that it was
powerful and would not easily offend.

The other party did not say a word, and did not even wait for his words to
finish before attacking.

This hand is like a flower picking willows, gentle into the bones, but it is
not the spring water **** Shen Shen thought. The palm wind is fluttering
and weak, but suddenly it changes in the middle of the road, such as ice
and bones, coming to the face!

With a roll of sleeves of Shen Bao's robe, he completely resolved the palm
style, but the other person's body flickered, and when he reached the front,
he pointed to the main point on Shen Bao's wrist with his right hand, and
grabbed Shen Bao's neck with his left hand.
Shen Xun continued to retreat, slamming his sleeves on the shore like a
shocking wave, and re-tapping the opponent's left hand. The left hand
turned flexibly, slipping out of the opponent's clamping range, and
grasping the opponent in turn.

"Yan Wushi?" He asked tentatively, because the hands looked a little

familiar, but the martial arts path was completely different.

The Heipao people still didn't answer. They just kept reaching out and
attacked, but the other side didn't seem to settle down to death. The two
sides were talking rather than fighting each other.

Even if it is a matter of discussion, one trick and one pattern are very
particular about it.

Now Shen Ye is also quite knowledgeable. At least he knows the martial

arts of various schools. For a master like him, as long as he has seen a
similar style, he will not forget it, but the Heipao people ’s moves are like
antelopes. No trace can be found. The first move seems to come from the
pure mountain view of Qingcheng Mountain, but the second move seems
to have a magic gate style, which is puzzling.

A martial arts master is not necessarily a combative person, but he must

be a combative person. He is willing to pursue in martial arts. Shen Shen's
temper is calm and contentious. He meets opponents who are quite
fanciful and can't understand the origin. Hi, I want to play against each

He now has more and more experience in rivers and lakes, and will no
longer easily take off his guard. Naturally, he also prevents the other party
from chanting Yu Wen, who intends to sleep in the room.

Martial arts has reached a certain level, and the sound of the other person
can be judged only by the sound of breathing. Shen Ye is also similar.
Although he is fighting here, he still leaves a trace of mind, tied to Yu
Wenshu. At this time, the other person is dormant, and even both No one
was aware of a fight on the roof.
The two sides have done several tricks, each failed to do their best, the
other side's purpose is unknown, but the tricks are often innovated, it is
unpredictable, Shen Xun took advantage of it, directly caught his power
fence, the black yarn was caught in the hands, the other side Then the true
colors of the Chinese are exposed.

It really is Yan Wushi!

"Why did Master Zong come?" Shen Yan frowned.

"Ama, you are really ruthless. People almost died for Sang Jingxing for
you, but you were still a cold‘ lord Zong ’?” The other side laughed with a
joke, and there was no strangeness in the day.

"Do you remember?" Shen hurried for a while, Shen Yun had already
prepared for his complete loss of memory. Who knew that the other party's
opening was as if it was the same as before, and people could not help but
stunned, followed by a slight movement in their hands. pause.

It was during this moment that the other's fingers had nodded to his
shoulders, and Shen Yan fell softly into the arm that Yan Wushi extended
in time.

"Shh!" Yan Wushi made a gesture and yelled with a smile. "Don't be
nervous, take you somewhere."

Without waiting for the other side to react, he clicked on Shen's dumb
acupoint again. Chunshui's **** was extremely skillful.

Shen Yan said that he was not low-minded, but he didn't know why he was
enlightened. Before waiting for him to be upset, Yan Wushi had already
lifted the person horizontally and flew from the roof of the inn to another
place. , Black clothing and night blend into one, even if there is an
additional person in his hand, it does not hinder his speed.

There is also a Yuwen Chan in the inn ...

Shen Yan couldn't speak, but Yan Wushi seemed to be able to read his
voice: "The Yuwen family is inconceivable after Yu Wenxian is gone.
Except for the fact that Yu Wenzhen has to kill everything, no one will kill
a Yuwen. Qilang took it seriously. He had just killed Yu Wenxian and
wanted to please the emperor while he was hitting the iron. Now it's
useless to take him back thousands of miles.

The implication is that Yu Wenshu, who has been far away from the
capital, is safe.

Upon hearing these words, Shen Ye knew that the other party had not lost
his memory at all, let alone that his temperament had changed, but he did
n’t know what had happened in the middle. Why did he laugh at Guangling
with Yan Yan? Many questions not only did not follow Yan Wushi's
reappearance disappeared, but more and more.

Yan Wushi didn't mean to explain. At least he didn't have the intention to
explain right now. He hugged Shen Yun and flew around on the roof of the
house. After a while, he was far away from Fangcai's inn.

Although his body couldn't move, his eyes could finally be seen. After a
while, Shen Yun suddenly realized that Yan Wushi's destination seemed to
be the Huang family they had visited during the day.

"Let's go to a good show, but you are not allowed to move or you will not
be taken out to play in the future." His tone was very relaxed, more like
coaxing a child.

Rao is no matter how good his temper is, he can't help rolling his eyes.

The Huang family is not a small door. There are guards and patrols outside
the door, but the martial arts of these people have not yet reached the level
where Yan Wushi can be found. Yan Wushi holds Shen Ye all the way into
a state of no one. It's no different than walking around your own backyard.

Shen Min noticed that the place where he settled down should be the
backyard of the garden where the birthday feast was held in the day.
Previously, Shen Min met Guanglingsan and Yan Wushi at the rockery, and
this yard had to walk around the rockery for a while. It should be near the
backyard pond.

Yan Wushi did not stay on the roof like Fang Cai, but chose a dense
vegetation near the pond. This is a dead corner on the corner. By the
shadow of the colonnade and the vegetation, he can completely block his
body. To be strict, with the martial arts of the two, they can naturally
adjust their breathing, and they are not likely to be discovered.

The house next to the wall was burning with candlelight, and the faint
swaying light was exposed through the gaps in the window, along with the
shattered speech.

Shen Huan didn't know the purpose of Yan Wushi bringing himself here to
listen to the corner. After waiting for a while, they didn't seem to be able
to unlock the acupuncture point. He had to raise his ears to listen to the
movement in the room.

The voice is very low, but I can still hear a little bit when I use the internal

One was panting, sometimes with some teasing.

Oh, one person groaned, his voice greeted softly.

Although Shen Yan has never experienced men and women, but he has
never eaten pork, he always knows the name of a pig. When he hears the
movement here, how can he not know what they are doing?
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 133
Daomen pays attention to cleanliness and self-confidence. However, if you
want to practice double cultivation, there are also two ways of cultivation.
There is no obvious taboo here. It is different from Buddhism, but you
must abstain from color and abstinence. It's another matter, maybe some
people will be happy to listen to others' bedtime, but a modest gentleman
like Shen Zhe is not. He is uncomfortable at the moment, and he can't wait
to break through the acupoint and turn away.

As if aware of his thoughts, Yan Wushi locked his two main points from
behind, completely eliminating Shen Daochang's intention.

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "The adulterer sees adulterer, and the cleaner self-cleans up,
Shen Daochang!"

In a leisurely tone, he penetrated Shen Ye's ears through the voice, making
Shen Ye quite speechless.

Good things are happening in the house at this moment, the woman is
naked, the jade body is slender, the long legs are attached to the man's
waist, and they are weak and boneless, making the man even more
addicted to it and quickening the rhythm of farming.

"Yunniang, Yunniang ..." The man repeatedly thought of the woman's

nickname underneath, sweating because of the strength of her whole body,
her voice panting, and grinning coarsely: "Although you are older than me,
you never thought Taking off my clothes was so ecstasy, I had known so ...

Due to the acupuncture point Shen Shen was unable to move, he could
only listen to it stubbornly. Yan Wushi placed him next to the wall, but he
was standing against the opponent behind him, seemingly supporting the
opponent ’s weight. He wasn't idle either. He originally stopped Shen Min's
arm and began to walk slowly, while still whispering in Shen Min's ear:
"Ah, I don't think she might be ecstatic, but it's just a neutral figure, your
waist ratio She's fine ... "

The spring night is cold, but Shen Ye ’s internal force is gradually

recovering, and he wo n’t be as cold as before. He just wears a robe. At
this time, with a thin layer of material, the temperature of the other party
seems to be ironed directly on the skin, burning hot people.

"Ama, are you shaking, aren't you wearing too little?" Yan Wushi bit his
ear and said with a smile, almost trapped him all in his arms.

I will not shake if you let go! Shen Yan secretly airways, whether it is
shame or embarrassment, his face is getting hotter.

The conversation inside the room continued.

"What if I knew it this way?" The woman's tone was a little hoarse, but she
added a touch of charm.

"I knew that, and I would have kicked you into bed earlier!" The man
laughed, quite proud, "how is your Kung Fu's bed in comparison to me?"

As soon as the three words of Dou Bangzhu came to his ears, Shen Zhen
immediately awoke, no longer paying attention to Yan Wushi's teasing,
and focused on listening to the conversation between the two.

Yan Wushi secretly said unfortunately that he did not continue to move.

The woman yelled: "Little nonsense, I am not half ambiguous with him.
Now how could you do this kind of thing if you didn't see you as you
always are? Are you the deceitful arrogant when you are my deputy gang
leader? "

Liu Hegang deputy leader Yun Fuyi!

Shen Ye had previously felt that the woman's voice was somewhat
familiar, but she could not remember it for a while, and it was only at this
moment that the other party reported herself to the family, and then she
awakened the dreamer.

Isn't the other person Yunfuyi who once had a relationship at Izumo
Temple? !!

When the man saw her speech with a little anger, he quickly laughed: "It
was me who said nothing, it was me who said nothing. Don't be angry, I
can learn from you!"

After a short speech, the room was full of spring again, and Shen Yun
could not care about the embarrassment, and the only conversation was
played back in his mind.

The man's voice is relatively young, and he will certainly not be the owner
of the Huang family who just held the birthday party today. It may be the
second or even the third generation. Although the Huang family has
money, it is also a celebrity family in the local area, but it is in the martial
arts. But it ’s ordinary, and family martial arts are even more mediocre.
Why does Yun Fuyi appear here and have something to do with it?

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, Yan Wushi took him over to listen to the
corner of the sky for a long time, it must not be to witness the love of this
man and woman.

But Yan Wushi didn't give him much time to think. The other side stopped
him and hugged him again. He walked around in the garden, crossed the
rockery, and came to the garden's stove.

At three in the middle of the night, here is naturally quiet, there is no

smell of food without cooking smoke. In fact, except for the men and
women who just ran to the garden to cheat, the Huang family basically
lives in the main house next door, where there are also The stove room, the
host family and the female family members also have their own
kitchenettes. The birthday party is also called from the outside restaurant
during the day. The stove room here is equivalent to the furnishings and is
rarely visited.
Yan Wushi put Shen Yan down and unlocked his acupuncture points. Shen
Yan restored his freedom. Naturally, it was impossible for him to yell or
turn around and run. At this time, he felt that the other party had brought
him this purpose and followed him. Behind Yan Wushi, he opened the door
of the stove room and went in.

"What did you find?" Yan Wushi suddenly uttered a voice without looking

Shen Yun thought for a moment, and said, "It's neatly packed here, so it's
rarely used."

Yan Wushi shook his head: "No one has used it for a long time, and the
doors and windows have been closed tightly. It doesn't feel strange when
you come in."

Shen Zhen clearly realized the problem he was talking about: "Also, does
it mean that people often come in here?"

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

He came to the bottom of the stove room and lifted the iron pot without
much effort. However, it wasn't the stove that often burned wood, but an
entrance to the black hole.

Yan Wushi held the stovetop and turned over, Shen Yan followed closely,
and he supported the edge of the stone wall with his hands. He thought this
would be a deep underpass. He did n’t expect to reach the bottom just after
jumping down. The house is a bit like a cellar, but without stairs.

The flash of light was a fire in Yan Wushi's hands.

Shen Yan looked around and couldn't help but be surprised.

This dark room is not large, at most it is equivalent to a hall.

But except for the wall when they came down, the other three sides were
neatly placed against many weapons.
There are spears, long swords, bows and arrows, and experts can see at a
glance that the wood and iron used to build weapons are all excellent.

Roughly calculated, all the weapons here add up to a thousand or two

thousand, even if the Huang family is rich and the number of bodyguards
employed in the nursing home is far beyond their needs, even if it is used
to attack the city, it is more than enough Already.

Shen Yun could not help but ask: "Huang's family wants to rebel?"

Instead of answering this question, Yan Wushi said, "The person who just
joined Yunfuyi is Huang Gefei, who is Huang Xidao's second son. His
parents are very sick. This son should inherit the family business in the

The two went out the same way and put the iron pot back in place. They
seemed to have never been here, and nothing was left.

Out of Huangfu, the two went in the direction of the inn. Runan had a
curfew, but for Yan Shen, the curfew was in vain. They had millions of
ways to not meet the night patrol pawns.

"Ama, your full question is almost on your face." Yan Wushi chuckled.

Shen Zhen does have many questions. They are more entangled with each
other like silk threads, and they are tangled up. They can only ask from the
simplest and most wanted to know.

"How did you get out of Sang Jingxing that day?"

Yan Wushi: "I didn't fight Sang Jingxing at all that day."

Shen Yun thought to himself, did he lie to me that day?

Yan Wushi seemed to see his thoughts: "I didn't lie to you. I just notified
Guangling San in advance before taking you to the ruined temple, and
passed on a message to him to make a deal with him."
He deliberately paused, Shen Ye was not really dumb, but was not good at
trying to figure out conspiracy and tricks. At this time, following the
thought of Yan Wushi, he could figure out the answer: "Zhu Yang Ce"

Quite simply, since there is a flaw in "Feng Lin Yuan Dian", then those
who practice this book will definitely run into this hurdle, so Yan Wushi
wants it, and the Acacia ancestors stare at it. People naturally refuse to let

Although Guanglingsan united the other four masters to besiege Yan

Wushi, there should be deep hatred between each other, but if it involves
human mental calculations, it is not so simple. The three magic gates
restrain each other, and the threat of Sang Jingxing is in sight. It is also
reasonable that Yan Wushi chose to temporarily join with Guangling San.

Mr. Yan Wushi praised, "Yes, I told him that if he was willing to help me
out of difficulties, I would pass all the contents of the remnants to him."

But at that time, even if Yan Wushi had no plans, he could not be sure that
Guangling San could arrive on time and would come as promised, so he
still chose to go alone and leave Shen Zhe in the temple.

Even if there is no positive answer, he has already answered the doubts of

Shen Jifang.

For some reason, when I got this answer, my heart seemed to fall down,
and it was no longer floating.

Yan Wushi joked: "In fact, you still don't believe me, do you think I just
left you to get out of trouble?"

Shen Zhen naturally refused to admit that he had shed tears in his back:
"Zong Zong has always been like this, and he is afraid to watch from time
to time."

Yan Wushi chuckled and did not answer.

Shen Yun thought for a while, and asked another question: "The people in
the magic gate are always suspicious. How can Guangling San be
convinced that you gave it to him, it will be the original, not upset or

Yan Wushi: "You have also read the remnants. You should remember that
that volume is only a comment on the various martial arts of Sun Moon
Sect. Tao Hongjing puts out his own understanding of the flaws in the
magic heart. There is no martial arts path. I only provide some suggestions
for patching the flaws. As long as you are familiar with Sun and Moon's
martial arts, you can naturally hear whether the content is complete,
whether it is true or not, which is difficult to do.

To put it bluntly, what is recorded there is not a specific martial art. It is

not about cultivation. Everyone repairs vulnerabilities according to their
own understanding. Whether they can break through the difficulties
depends on their personal understanding. This matter is about life and
death, even if there is only a glimmer of hope. Guangling San also has to
give it a try, after all, no one wants his martial arts to stop forever.

Shen Zheng nodded: "So you will appear in the Huang family with
Guangling San?"

Yan Wushi: "I told him the contents of the remnants, and he couldn't bet
his trust on me. Naturally, I had to find the version on the side of Chen
Gong to check again. During this period, I found a place to retreat. I did
not expect to hear the news that Yu Wenhuan was dead as soon as he went
out. "

Shen Xuan sighed: "Not only that, but Yu Wenxian's family was also killed
unfairly by Emperor Zhou, who had not been long before the throne, and
only Yu Yuwen recited a little blood."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 134
Yan Wushi didn't seem to be half-surprising, and then said, "Guangling
San confirmed the contents of the remnants, came over to meet me, and
told a message: Runan Huang family kept private soldiers, and secretly
colluded with Turkic people."

In recent years, there have been troubled times. Today you sit on the
throne, and tomorrow I sit on the throne. That is nothing new. In recent
decades, the situation in the world has been slightly stable. It is not
surprising that even if someone is ambitious and wants to rebel, it is just ...

Shen Yun: "Although Yu Wenzheng's killing of Nengchen was chilling,

after all, there was a foundation that Yu Wenzheng laid for him, and Zhou
Guo had just swallowed up Qi country. It was during the heyday. The
Huang family had a weapon at most Enough to pull a team of one or two
thousand people, even if they can capture Runan, it is useless to be afraid.

Yan Wushi looked weird: "You are wrong. The Huang family does not
have to rebel, nor is it able to rebel. They are just Turkic dogs. As long as
the Turkic people are divided into a few cruel and cold, they will not be
able to eat or drink."

Shen Ye was a little confused, and couldn't quite understand: "Forgiveness

is dumb."

Yan Wushi: "As soon as Yu Wenyu died, the Turks lost their enemies.
They supported the abolition of the royal family and intended to split the
North again. With Yu Wenyu's ability, they could not keep their family
business. In support of the orthodoxy of the Zhou Dynasty, the Huang
family will only have to hold Runan to make the imperial court
unavailable, and Yu Wenxian and other good generals have been
eliminated by Yu Wenzhang. Under these circumstances, the Zhou Dynasty
was unable to prevent Qi Guo from resurrecting. "
Shen Yun's heart was unlucky in the North Zhou Dynasty, what's your

"Did you not support Yu Wenxian's ascension before? Now he is gone, and
the forces of Huan Yuezong have been pulled up. How can you do well?"

Yan Wushi blinked: "Good grandma, are you worried about this seat?"

Although the appearance is not obvious, after all, I will not be confused
after all, but I still pretend to be cute, really ...

So shameless.

Chapter 90

Shen Ye is a bad person, so he hesitated for a while before answering "yes"

and "no" before shaking his head.

But this moment is enough for Yan Wushi to see the real answer.

He said: "Shen Dao, I have a problem here, please enlighten me."

"... Speak, please." Shen Yan had never heard him speak in such a serious
tone, and was almost blinded for a moment.

Yan Wushi: "Some Buddhist monks do not slang, can Damon have similar

Shen Xun did not know what he meant, and thought seriously: "It is not as
severely constrained as Buddhism, but no matter what kind of
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, or ordinary people, non-slang words
should be the virtue of virtuous people."

Yan Wushi wondered: "Then why are you obviously worried about this
seat, but you still have to shake your head to deny it, does this not violate
your creed? Mr. Shen Dao, you have been a long time since you joined the
WTO, but you have learned more and more slyly. Ah, if you continue this
way, you're afraid that you will get started even if you are not cheated? "
He played tricks with Shen Yan, seeing that the other party kept silent,
knowing that he had been ridiculed, so he was content to talk about the
business: "During the Zhou Dynasty, Du Yu Wenxian was the best man to
inherit Yu Wenzhen's mantle. The emperor, the Zhou Dynasty will
certainly be able to flourish for another 20 years, but unfortunately, Yu
Wenzheng was blinded and he did not listen to the advice. He had to pass
the throne to his son, so that there is today's situation. "

Shen Huan: "Fathers and sons, sons and grandsons, people with sons and
daughters will inevitably fall into a cycle. Looking at the history books,
those emperors with sons are brothers, no matter how virtuous, I am afraid
they will not consider it."

Yan Wushi said: "I thought Yu Wenxian would be an exception, but now it
seems he overestimated him. Since he refused to pass to Yu Wenxian, Yu
Wenxian did not want to usurp the throne. It makes sense, but the Yuwen
clan will also stop there. After Yuwen's death, the Zhou Dynasty will
inevitably flourish. "

Shen Min nodded: "In this way, you must have anticipated today's
situation and be prepared in advance. No wonder when I went to the
Beijing side house, there were already empty buildings."

He didn't mind that Yan Wushi had reserved his own hands, but was
grateful for not causing more casualties.

Yan Wushi: "Because Bian Mei accepted my order and retreated early,
what was left to Yu Wenji and Xue Ting are all abandoned industries, not
to mention. You can leave Beijing safely and be free from harassment all
the way. That is why he contacted the old Central Koreans and helped each
other secretly. "

Yu Wenzheng wanted to destroy Yu Wenxian's full door, Yu Wenshu was a

fish that missed the net, so Shen Zhen took him the most dangerous
journey from Beijing. The farther away from Chang'an, the more secure he
was, because at that time Yu Wenzheng felt that they It's been fished into
the sea and it's hard to chase it back.
Shen Yun was not dull, and after a moment of groaning, Yan Wushi heard
the voice outside the string: "Don't you like Yuwen's, are you already
looking for a new master of Jiangshan?"

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Why don't you guess that this seat is where
you want to sit?"

Shen Zhen shook his head: "You won't."

He was so decisive that even Wu Yan couldn't help but have an interest in
inquiry: "Why not?"

Shen Yingxin said that although you are moody and arrogant, but if you
want to be an emperor, you should have merged the forces of the three
demons to penetrate the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and then take advantage
of the opportunity to steal the emperor ’s power. Still besieged by Xue
Ting? It is clear that things are done by preference, not even the throne.

However, if these words are spoken, I am afraid that they will be teased by
the other side. Shen Ye casually responded: "Do you guess?"

Yan Wushi: "..."

There are also rare times when they can make the other person eat, and
when they are dumb, Shen Ye not only smiles, but also very happy.

The smile was silent, Yan Wushi looked in his eyes, and the smile on the
corner of his mouth slowly disappeared.

This man is too soft-hearted, and always remembers grace and resentment.
If he finds that he is not himself, but Sang Jingxing and Wenwen, at the
beginning of the half step, what will happen to this person? Suddenly he
thought like that.

Yan Wushi did not believe in good human nature, holding on to the
purpose of playing with people ’s hearts, and constantly tried to dig out the
darkest part of Shen Shen's disposition. Back to the original point, the
other party has never changed. It seems that even if he imposes many
difficulties on Shen Ye, he will not be crushed.

No, there are still some changes.

At least he became more aware of advances and retreats, and he was more
adept at grasping the situation.

In other words, in the past, for Di Shen, it was just like a sharpening knife.
Instead, the stone that was originally hidden out of Meiyu was cut off, so
that Meiyu bloomed and became more and more brilliant. In fact, it is
Shen Dao's heart.

Tried and tested, the heart is the same as before.

Seeing the other person stop, Shen Min thought about himself, wondering:

"Nothing," Yan Wushi said, "I just suddenly figured out a problem."

Shen Yun: "Huh?"

Yan Wushi laughed and said nothing.

Previously, he hated the influence of Xie Ling and felt that it was not his
true intention. He wanted to suppress the strange feeling several times. He
also thought that as long as the flaw in the magic heart was repaired, the
feeling would disappear with it. Everything recovers with the other's

He didn't want to admit that he didn't take the world into his eyes, but one
day he would put a name in his heart.

Human beings have a lot of sins, betrayal, ungratefulness, and

abandonment of their wives. In order to be rich and wealthy, Yan Wushi
has seen a lot and doesn't care, because he is a selfish and indifferent
person. There is nothing to do or not to see.
However, Yan Wushi had to admit that there was only one Shen who could
not change him.

Although the world is big, there is only such a deep mind.

Yan Wushi: "I suddenly remembered an interesting thing. Would you like
to listen?"

Shen Yun: "No."

Yan Wushi turned a deaf ear and said to himself: "In the past, someone
found a stone in a pile of gold and silver jewelry."

Shen Yan drew his mouth. Did he seem to have said he didn't want to

Yan Wushi: "But it is difficult for him to believe that it is just an ordinary
stone. He thinks that it can be stacked with a house full of gold and silver,
so it is always a treasure, so he always brings it with him. He also found
many people to identify and polish it. Without exception, everyone said to
him, this is just an ordinary stone, no surprise, guess what happened in the
end? "

"?" Shen Yan looked blank and inexplicably.

Yan Wushi: "Finally, he finally believes that this is indeed a worthless

stone, but in this person's eyes, compared to the room full of gold and
silver treasures, even if it is just a stone, it is nothing. Stone. "

Shen Yun: "..."

Why this story sounds so strange, it really is difficult to hear a normal

story from a less normal population.

He couldn't help but said, "It's hard to buy a lot of gold, and some people
don't save money, just to find objects that are not worth mentioning in the
eyes of others. In my opinion, this person liked the stone from the
beginning more than other gold and silver jewelry It's just that he's
stubbornly prejudiced and won't admit it. "
Yan Wushi laughed: "Yes, you're right, it's hard to buy a good heart."

The last sentence was meaningful.

Shen Huan: "But why did the Lord Yan suddenly tell the story, and what
does this have to do with Yu Wenshi?"

Yan Wushi: "There is no connection. I'm just idle to make you play."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 135
Shen Yun: "..."

He really regretted it, and then he should let the other person talk to
himself, why should he take a good word.

The time spent talking was enough for the two to walk from the Huang
family to the inn. In the middle of the night, the inn of the inn did not
open, Shen Shen returned to the house through the original window, and
saw that Yu Wenshu was still in a sweet dream, and he was relieved.

Yan Wushi followed, seeing Yu Wenshu on the bed, but snorted softly: "I
haven't seen this before, so it looks like a good master of martial arts."

He doesn't need to mention the high point of his eyesight. It is an

incredible praise to be able to get this person to say "good roots".

Shen Chen laughed: "Yes, he is a good seed. If he can concentrate on

martial arts, his future achievements will certainly not be bad."

Yan Wushi ordered Yu Wenshu's sleeping point to make the other person
fall into a deeper dreamland, so as not to be awakened by the words of the

"Yun Fuyi and Huang's family secretly associate with this matter, you
know, you don't need to do much."

Shen Yanmei: "The Huang family has been in contact with the Turkic
people. In this way, the Liuhe Gang has also been in touch with the Turkic
people, but since Dou Yanshan was willing to cooperate with Duan Wenji
against you at that time, must have been dealing with each other?"

Yan Wushi: "This is not a one-touch gesture. The Liuhe Gang has more
than half of the world's water and land news, darts are used for boating,
and the south has many waterways. Therefore, the Liuhe Gang has been
relatively close to Chen Chao. Apart from matters of interest, Dou
Yanshan would not cooperate with Turkic people. "

Shen Yun understood: "Do you mean, Yun Fuyi is in conflict with Dou

Yan Wushi said, "Since Yun Fuyi lost my handbook of" Zhu Yangce "at
Izumo Temple, Dou Yanshan has been dissatisfied with her, Yun Fuyi has
noticed it, and he is not willing to be overhead. People have no less
fighting skills in the Liuhe Gang. After all, Yun Fuyi is a deputy, and there
are not many people willing to follow her, so she naturally wants to pull
foreign aid. "

Shen Yan: "So she found the Huang family and wanted the Huang family
to help her seize power, and she must also promise cooperation to the
Turkic people through the Huang family to let Li Yunyun."

Yan Wushi: "Yes, I have resentment with Dou Yanshan. I can just sit in the
mountains and watch the tiger fight. Let Yun Fuyi do what she wants. She
wants to be the master. Even if the Turks are secretly helping, they must
also eliminate those who are loyal to Dou. The person from Yanshan will
wait for her to take the position of lord, and the Liuhe Gang will inevitably
have a situation of being out of contact and talents. At that time, I will
push it again. I believe that most people are willing to take the force of the
Liuhe Gang. Is n’t it a good idea to split up and collapse the opponent
without a single soldier? ”

Shen Yun: "But Turkic people can also choose to kick off Yun Fuyi after
the completion of the incident, and take the wealth accumulated by the
Liuhe Gang over the years as their own."

Yan Wushi: "Yes, it depends on the respective means at that time."

Shen Ye was a little helpless: "Since Guangling San also knows that you
have no memory loss, why do you play in front of him during the day?"

Yan Wushi said slowly: "First, this seat does not want Guangling to know
that you and I are too close. This is for your safety. You should have
thanked this seat."

Shen Yan said in his heart what relationship you and I have, but he still
cooperated: "Thank you, Lord Zong, for your love, and the second one?"

Yan Wushi: "Second, of course, to see you stunned and unbelievable, isn't
it interesting?"

Shen Yun: "..."

Chapter 91

Yu Wenshu didn't expect that as soon as he woke up, there would be more
people in the room. He thought he didn't wake up, blinked a few times, and
couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his hands. Then he wasn't sure:
"... Mr. Yan? "

He showed his youthfulness along the way, and it was rare to show such
childlike behavior, Shen Yan was funny, and he whispered: "You must
know this, too, it is the Lord of the Moon King Zongyan, you see him as a

Yu Wenshu bowed and saluted: "The younger Yu Wenshu, I've seen Lord

Yan Wushi gave a sigh, but it was quite a face: "Free of charge, last time I
saw you two years ago, a quick glance, and now my roots have grown a

Yu Wen recited: "Thank you, Lord Zong, for your praise."

Yan Wushi: "Would you like to worship this seat as a teacher?"

Shen Yun: "..."

Yu Wenshu paused: "Ah?"

Shen Xuan's face was thin and thin: "Zong Yan is not kind, but when he
fell into a disciple who wanted to grab someone else!"
Yan Wushi said with a smile, "You didn't immediately refuse to see his
response. Just after hearing this proposal, he was still hesitant. It shows
that he is more willing to be his apprentice than you!"

Yu Wenshu quickly expressed his loyalty: "Thank you, Lord Zong, for your
love. The junior has long been aware of Shen Dao, and you have to
worship the Taoist gate. The gentleman said a word, quickly slashed the
horse. There is no reason to withdraw. Please also forgive Yan Zong!

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "What's so good about being an apprentice?

You can't do that either, but you should also take care of it. But if you
worship this seat as a teacher, your two brothers are more than twenty
years older than you. I can pass on the position of the suzerain to you, and
Huan Yuezong is rich in financial resources. In any case, I don't need you
to wear a robe all year round. So it seems that the benefits are quite good?

Shen Yan said angrily: "Dare to love the Lord Yan to come back with the
poor, is it just to grab the disciples?"

Yan Wushi: "If he is not asked, he proves that his qualifications are not
good. I rob you to show that you have a good vision. You should thank this

Shen Yun finally understood that if Yan had no teacher willing, he could
focus all the truth in the world on himself.

Yu Wen reckoned silently, and could not bear to see Shen Yan speechless,
and quickly siege for the future master, trying to pull Yan Wushi's
attention back to himself: "I and Shen Dao plan to go to Bixia Sect. What
are you going to do? "

Yan Wushi: "Okay."

Yu Wen recited: "Ah?"

Yan Wushi took his time to spare: "Don't you invite this seat to Bixiazong?
This seat promised you."
Yu Wen was dumbfounded.

Wait, no, I didn't mean that! He was sorrowful, and could not help but look
to Shen Wei for help.

Shen Yan said in time: "Zong Yan, the middle road of Bixia Sect is
declining. Now the door is not high, and I am afraid that I will not get into
your eyes."

Yan Wushi: "Oh, no matter what, this is not too disgusting."

Shen Yan drew his mouth and said, "But I am not a disciple of Bixia Sect. I
leave it under the fence.

Yan Wushi: "Anyway, they didn't dare refuse to see this seat."

Shen Ye was silent for a moment, but he couldn't hold back: "The poor and
the puzzling are inexplicable. Bixia and Huan Yuezong have always had
nothing to do with each other. Want to go? "

Yan Wushi: "Of course it is in your face. Otherwise, why is this parlor
descending to the small sect? They met me and they were too late to
welcome. How dare to refuse?"

This dialogue really cannot go on!

Shen Xie almost vomited blood, and felt that the other person was clearly
confused and confused, and did not understand why he had not seen him
for a while, and Yan Wushi's attitude changed subtly.

Digging deeper, I just feel more creepy.

He was silent for a long time and could only say one word: "What if I don't
want to let Lord Yan go?"

Yan Wushi wondered: "You just said that you can't be the master, then
what does it matter if you are willing or not, Shen Daochang, how can you
be so arrogant and unreasonable?"
Shen Yun: "..."

Yu Wenshu looked at the future master with sympathy.

Yan Wushi suddenly turned to him: "Do you really want to be an


Yu Wen reckoned suddenly, his head shaking like a rattle.

Yan Wushi didn't say anything, only smiled slightly, gentle like water.

But this smile gave Yu Wenshu a shudder.

In this way, the two people who originally traveled together became three.

In the face of a person who does not understand and refuses, scolds and
scolds, and may not win, Shen Ye can only choose to ignore it.

But Yan Wushi ’s existence is difficult to be completely ignored. When the

three of them walk together, his handsome and almost evil appearance
often makes people notice at a glance. They all felt that they were all
along the way, and Yan Wushi was the one who paid the bill. He often ran
to him and Shen Xun corrected several times without success.

Just like now.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 136
The three had arrived at the foot of Mount Tai. Seeing that it was late, they
planned to stay overnight at the foot of the mountain before going uphill.

At this moment, it was a good time to climb Mount Tai. The mountain inn
was often full. The owner obviously did not expect that there would be
guests coming this late, so he greeted him in person, and let the guys fill
the hot pot with the three. Full table, with a grin: "Three people, I'm really
sorry, there are so many people watching the mountains in the sky, there is
only one room left, can you see?"

Yan Wushi glanced at Shen Zhen, who had given up the intention of
correcting them not all the way, and kept silent, leaving Shen Yan to speak.

There was a smile under his eyes, and he said slowly: "Yes. How big is the

Dongjia laughed: "Not big, just inside and outside, win in elegance, you
went to see the storage satisfaction, this 10-mile inn is no better than our

Yan Wushi bowed his head: "Then you need a piece of chess."

Most of the people who have watched the mountains this year are literati.
If you want to do what you like, there are still some preparations in the
inn. The owner laughed and said, "Yes!"

He also flattered two sentences: "The villain looks at the three Langjun as
if they were walking in rivers and lakes. I did not expect that there are still
scholars' hobbies. It is really both cultural and military!"

Shen Zhen really couldn't think of Bi Xiazong's attraction to Yan Wushi. It

could only be attributed to the other party's whim. However, he did not
expect this rise and went straight. The other party continued to be
interested from beginning to end and did not propose Separately, at the
sight of entering the gate of Bixiazong, Shen Ye had a headache. I was
afraid that this fierce **** would cause trouble to others. He repeatedly
tried to get rid of him but failed. Instead, he was ridiculed all the way,
making him extremely depressed. When I heard that the inn of Fangyuan
Shili was full, he couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking whether he
would go up the mountain all night, anyway, Bixiazong was on the middle
of the mountain anyway, if he did n’t take into account Yuwen ’s small and
thin, this was his journey. It's okay.

Yan Wushi seemed to see his thoughts: "The bed is for Yuwen to sleep,
aren't you and me playing against each other badly?"

Shen Chen smiled bitterly: "Why did the Lord Yan go to Bixia, until this
moment he still refused to tell the truth?"

Yan Wushi: "This seat says that for you, you don't believe it."

Shen Zheng shook his head, and he was naturally unbelieving: "Although
my martial arts have gradually recovered and have reached the level of
80% to 90%, but if you are equal to yours, it is still a bit reluctant, and it is
not a good fight. It is not worthy now Your opponent. "

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows: "Shen Dao, I believe that your Taoist
practice is about quietness and inaction, but you are always struggling
with killing and killing, and you are very suffocated. How long will it take
you to realize the state of Tao?"

His eyes glanced at the same speechless expressions of Shen Yan and Yu
Wenshu, and he said casually: "I heard that Bixia Zong has a stunning
beauty called Yue Kunchi."

Shen Ye was not surprised: "That's Brother Zongzhu, and that's a Langjun,
you ...?!"

Yan Wushi: "Should the master always be a woman?"

Shen Yun: "Yes ..."

Yan Wushi: "Then repeat it, I heard that Bixia Sovereign is a stunning
beauty, which is better than that of Yuan Xiuxiu. This place has been
famous for a long time and I want to see you."

Shen Yun: "..."

You look nothing like this for a long time.

In any case, Yan Wushi had to follow, and Shen Ye had no way of taking
him. Before he could figure out the other party's intentions, he couldn't
stop himself and make him an enemy of Bixia.

After dinner, the man took the three of them to the room.

The room is really as elegant and elegant as the owner said, not to mention
Shen Yu's ease, even Yu Wenshu's expressions of joy, for the sake of future
apprentices, Shen Ye felt that it would be okay to stay here for one night.

Yu Wenshu was urged to go to bed early, but Yan Wushi pulled Shen Huan:
"Come to the next game."

Shen Xuan declined: "Poor chess is not good."

Yan Wushi said lightly: "At that time, your eyes were broken, and you
could play blind chess with yourself."

Shen Huan didn't expect that he remembered that clearly. It was a bit
embarrassing at the moment, and it was not good to refuse again, so he
could only sit down.

In the first game, Shen Yan wins.

He told Shen Wei: "You and I are of the same level, but this time there
were some mistakes, so we have to give this seat a chance to win before
we can be fair."

Shen Yan wanted to meditate and practice, but after hearing this, he
couldn't bear it: "Okay, there's another game over there."
In the second game, Shen Yun lost to Yan Wushi, but this time the game
was more dangerous than the previous one, with almost only one son.

Yan Wushi reassured him softly: "I'm just taking the lead, this time you

Shen Yanmei looked at the chess surface, only to find it strange, and he
couldn't tell why.

He did not have a strong heart to win, and he said, "No, no, winning or
losing is a common practice of soldiers. One win and one defeat is exactly

Yan Wushi: "This chess game is also like Kendo. I wonder what you can

Shen Zhuo looked for a moment, shook his head, "I'm dumb, I can't see."

Yan Wushi: "In the next game, you have a good experience, one advances
and one retreats, just like wielding a sword against the enemy, one pass is
a hundred passes."

Shen Yan always admired his insights on martial arts. He agreed after
hearing the words, and he took them more seriously.

Yan Wushi said that this was really deceiving, and Hu Hu could believe it

In the third game, the two finally tied.

At this time, the dark sky was finally stained with a slight gold rim due to
the sunrise.

Shen Yan stared at the chessboard for a long time, and finally saw a
mystery: "I heard that the chess surface is like a battlefield. You can read
all the hearts and the art of war, but I do n’t see how it has anything to do
with Kendo. Is it because you deliberately 诓I?"
Yan Wushi said nothing: "Of course not, you misunderstood."

He certainly wouldn't admit that he just thought it was very interesting to

think hard.

Shen Yun: "Could you please ask Master Zong to let you know what you
have learned so that the poor can also become aware of it?"

Yan Wushi stood up: "It's dawn, and I'm going to wake up Yu Wenshu.
Jade doesn't know what to do. He should practice sword."

Shen Yun: "..."

Chapter 92

Shen Yun took Yuwen to recite the mountain, and Yan Wushi was always
behind him, not far or near, looking left and right, with a relaxed attitude.

After Bixiazong suffered major changes, there were very few staff in the
gate, and he had to be armed and patrolled around the martial arts. Even
the staff who set up a sentry post under the mountain could not be
adjusted. I saw a figure coming up carrying a sword.

"I don't know who is superior, drive to Bixia Sect!" The other party saw
Shen Yun after he said this, his face turned out to be a surprise, even the
tone was very different, "Chen Dao, you!"

Shen Yan smiled: "Yuanbai, you have improved your martial arts again, it
is really gratifying!"

Fan Yuanbai is an apprentice of Yue Kunchi, and naturally he is also a

younger man. It is not wrong to call his name directly. Shen Ye fought
against Kun Xie that day, everyone in Bixiazong saw it with his own eyes,
and he was very clear about his abilities, so when he heard Shen Ye say,
Fan Yuanbai was even more happy: "Thank you, Mr. Shen Dao, for your
praise, please Zunhe and the head master are all thinking about you. I have
n’t heard from you for a long time, and I have asked someone to hear from
you. I heard that you are fighting against the two elders of Hehuan
Ancestral in Chang'an and put them under the sword. Bixiazong was so
happy from top to bottom, you are really amazing! "

He usually didn't talk much in front of outsiders, but after talking with
people, he talked a little bit endlessly. Shen Ye smiled and listened without
interrupting him.

There are a lot of disciples of Bixia Sect, but their hearts have become
more united and lost a lot. After experiencing sadness, everyone's faces
are filled with smiles, and each other is getting more and more
harmonious. The only disciples they met on the way are There were two or
three cats, but Shen Ting ’s great merit to Bixia Zong ’s powerful
turnaround. Everyone saw Shen Ting, and they all reacted in the same way
as Fan Yuanbai. Because of Shen Ting ’s face, Yan Wushi and Yu Wenshu
followed him up the mountain. No additional interrogations were made.

It is just that Yan Wushi's appearance is too dazzling, and he will

inevitably receive a lot of curious examinations. In contrast, Yu Wenshu is
not very conspicuous.

Zhao Chiying happened to have a discussion with Yue Kunchi, and when
he heard that Shen Zhen was back, he came out to meet him in person.

For many days, Zhao Chiying was as graceful as ever. Her appearance is
not beautiful, but she is a beautiful lady. The identity of a leader has made
her more graceful than ordinary women. This grace is connected to the
Hehuan Sect. On the body of Yuan Xuanxiu, Shen Ye has never seen it.

Zhao Chiying arched a hand and laughed: "Chen Dao finally returned,
Taishan is located on the coast of the East China Sea, thousands of miles
away from Changan, and the news is slow. You have been one enemy and
three deeds outside Chang'an City. The style fell, but Cao Cao was not
expected to come!

Shen Ye returned the gift: "I have been here for a long time, leaving 15
here, which will cause trouble for Zhao Zongzhu and you!"
Zhao Chiying: "Shen Dao talks a lot. He is a good child at fifteen. He
learns self-discipline at a young age. He doesn't need to be urged by
others. He has morning classes with his disciples in Bixia Sect every day.
He studies hard every day."

Shen Yan was naturally relieved to hear the words, and spoke with Yue
Kunchi coldly.

Zhao Chiying had already seen the big one and the small behind him, and
then laughed: "I wonder if these two are?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 137
Shen Yan coughed: "One is the lord of Huan Yue Zong Yan, the young one
is Yu Wenshu, the child I brought from Changan."

Coming from Chang'an and surnamed Yu Wen, as long as you have heard
the allusions brought by Shen Wenli and Acacia, and brought the orphan of
Yu Wen's orphan among thousands of troops, it is not difficult to guess the
identity of Yu Wen recitation.

But everyone's attention was attracted by his first half sentence.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the identity of the lord
of the yue yue yue came out, everyone's reaction was a little shock, and the
curiosity of looking at Yan Wushi became complicated, with awe and fear.
There are shocks, and disbelief and so on.

Most of the disciples of Bixia Zong have not seen Yan Wushi in person,
but this does not prevent them from listening to many legends about Yan
Wushi. For them, Qi Fengge and Cui Yourui have approximated the
legendary characters, and one almost Yan Wushi, who was able to tie with
these two, and evenly matched, is about to become a legendary existence.

In such various eyes and examinations, Yan Wushi stood with his hands on
his shoulders, his expression relaxed, and he was not half uncomfortable,
apparently already used to it.

Shen Ye went down the mountain to save people. In the middle, she
experienced various ups and downs. Zhao Chiying heard about it, but after
all, she was far away, she didn't know it very well. She didn't expect Shen
Ye to save an individual, and even people brought it back. Now I was
shocked for a while, and then I turned my head back and said, "Jiuwen
Yan's lord's name has been heard for a long time, and under the Bixia sect
Zhao Chiying, we welcome the lord's presence, but the martial arts are
very modest. If there is any bad reception, please Haihan!"
As the leader of Zhao Chiying's faction, this attitude has been regarded as
very solemn and polite.

After all, Yan Wushi's reputation for moodiness and temperament was out,
and Zhao Chiying didn't want to cause the other party to be unhappy
because of the details' rudeness.

Yan Wushi: "Zhao Zong's presidency is fair and rigorous. I have heard
about it all the way. Grandma also praised Zhao Zongzhu along the way. I
saw it today and it really deserves its reputation. I hope my rash visit will
not make Zhao Zongzhu. Embarrassed. "

Alas, this response is quite normal!

Not only was Zhao Chiying accidentally, but Shen Chen was also a little

At this moment, Yan Wushi was smiling, gentle and courteous, and his
whole body exudes the "good talking" temperament. He can't see the
arrogance of the people in the magic gate.

It ’s just that the title of “Ama” seems a bit too intimate. Shen Ye is numb
when he hears it too much. Others find it weird and ca n’t say anything
else. It ’s just that the relationship between Shen Ao and the King of the
Moon King is extraordinary. .

Having such a good beginning, it was much smoother next. After seeing
each other's ceremony, they each took their seats. Fifteen heard the news
and ran over. The meeting between the master and the apprentice was
another touching scene. The crowd flew directly into Shen Huan's arms,
and Shen Huan was relieved to see him grow taller.

Yu Wenshu looked around at the future brother, curious, but a little


Obviously the other person is older than himself, but how can he be
weaker than himself?
However, he forgot that he had just been in his heart for a few days after
leaving Chang'an, and every night he had to see Shen Hao's figure to sleep

These children's thoughts are not mentioned for the time being. Zhao
Chiying said to Shen: "Shen Dao is coming back just right, Bi Xia Zong is
dying now and needs to receive new disciples. I and my brother are
worried about this. I wonder if Shen Dao can help for more details ? "

Yue Kunchi euphemistically said, "Sect master, Shen Dao and his party
have just arrived. Fengchen servants are just afraid of hard work. Would
you like to rest for a while?"

After reminding him, Zhao Chiying was a little embarrassed: "Brother said
that I was anxious. Let Yuan Bai take you to rest first, would Shen Dao
live in the last room?"

Shen Shushou: "Very good, let Zhao Zongzhu worry, Qilang lived next to
fifteen, it is also convenient for the two of them to connect with each

Zhao Chiying: "Okay, there is a bamboo building on the east side of the
gate, which is dedicated to the VIP guests. If the lord Su Yan does not
dislike it, he can stay there."

The house where Shen Ye last lived was the elder who lived there. This is
also what Bixiazong did not consider him as an outsider. However, if Yan
Wushi was allowed to live, it would seem a bit indifferent.

Yan Wushi said, "No need to worry, I can live with Grandma."

Zhao Chiying's expression was stagnant: "Ah? Isn't this convenient?"

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "What's the inconvenience? I'm going out
when I go out. I don't know how many times I have lived with him."

Although this is the case, it seemed to change the taste from his mouth,
and Shen Zhen had to say, "It ’s okay to go out and be in a hurry, and now it
can make the Lord Yan live more comfortable. If he refused, it would be
against Zhao Zongzhu's kindness. "

Yan Wushi: "No matter what, I have a very different relationship with
Grandma. He has an eye for Bixiazong, and you do n’t have to treat this
seat as an outsider. You can do it at will. He is not even next to an empty
house No more? "

Although he was talking with a smile, Zhao Chiying clearly felt the
deterrent coercion. Under such eyes, even the scalp could not help but
think about it, the words have blurted out: "There is something ... ... "

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "That's all right."

His smile was different from that of Zhao Caiying, and Zhao Chiying
obviously felt a little pressure on him.

She breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly called for Fan Yuanbai, and let him
take a few people to rest.

As soon as Shen Ye and others left, the room was filled with only two
brothers and sisters, Yue Kunchi showed a relieved expression: "Whoever
Yan Zong wants to live next door, or not without an empty room, let him
go. I do n’t see Shen Dao's firm opposition, clearly It was acquiescence. I
wanted to persuade you not to defeat the meaning of Lord Zeng, but who
knew it but could hardly speak. "

He did not know why Shen Min did not firmly oppose it, it was useless to
know that he had opposed it.

Zhao Chiying smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid of making fun of my brother,
I'm not much better than you. Bi Xia Zong and Huan Yue Zong Su have no
contact with each other, and the temple can't hold a big buddha, and I don't
know what he intends to do here. Will it be me? Unfavorable? "

Yue Kunchi looked at it openly: "If Shen Dao is long there, it is unlikely
that it will be okay. It is said that Yan Wushi's temperament is repeated.
We should be careful. Let the disciples under the door also be careful in
words and deeds, so as not to offend him."

Zhao Chiying bowed his head: "This is true."

But he said that Fan Yuanbai took a few people to the house where he was
resting. The house was cleaned all year round, clean, and there was some
water bamboo and grass in it, which was very elegant.

"If there is any need for Master Zong and Director Shen Dao to send
someone to say something, I'll wait for it at any time." Fan Yuanbai Yuan
also wanted to say a few more words to Shen Ye. Seeing Yan Wushi
always standing beside him, he couldn't tell any more , Can only talk
dryly, end this conversation in a hurry, and fled.

He was still fifteen years old and didn't feel much. He finally waited until
Shen Ying and Zhao Chiying finished talking, and they had time to
privately recount the old ones. Although there was Yan Wushi and Yu Wen
recitation next to him, it did not prevent him from pulling. Shen Xuan told
his feelings of missing: "Master, you have been away for too long, and
your disciples are thinking so hard."

Shen Min touched his head: "Being out of the teacher, I naturally miss you
too. I heard that you are doing well in Bixiazong. Is your head still taller?"

Fifteen nodded a little shyly: "The brothers of Bixiazong treated me very

well. After the Master left, I practiced swords every day. I did not dare to
live up to the expectations of the Master. Now I have been able to use a
complete set of Canglang swords. Out!"

It took a long time to stop being coquettish and praise, Yu Wenshu could
not help secretly pouting, and said that he was still a few years older than
me. Could it be that I would call him a brother later?

Shen Chen smiled: "Is that so you can take a look now."

Fifteen hesitations: "Will it disturb Master's rest?"

Shen Yun: "We had a rest under the mountain last night, and it is not yet
noon. The hour is very early and we are not tired for the teacher."

Hearing this, Fifteen cheerfully went and took his sword.

He has learned swords for less than a year. He is just a beginner in the
kendo, so he used wooden swords instead of real swords.

Under the watchful eye of the three men, he made a salute, reached out and
held a sword flower, made a hand-up posture, hand-to-hand sword fall, one
trick and one eye-catching, satisfactory, not bad, of course, it is not very
good, compared to Yu Wenshu's talent is still inferior, but the fifteen self-
awareness is unusual, naturally redouble their efforts, a set of
swordsmanship is already skilled.

"Master, please give directions."

Shen Xun was unwilling to hit him. He first picked some advantages and
said, "The moves are generally proficient, and we can see that we are
working hard. There is no slackness these days."

Then I said, "However, some of the swordsmanship techniques are used

incorrectly, which will affect the power in the future. I will only show it
once for the teacher and it will be difficult for you to remember
everything. Now I will repeat this swordsmanship from beginning to end.
You can take a closer look and compare with yourself. "

Fifteen solemnly said: "Yes."

Instead of using the sword of sadness with mountains and rivers, Shen Min
took the wooden sword in his hand and smiled slightly: "Canglang Sword
Technique, as the name implies, the sea is boundless, the waves are rough,
the flint is drowned in the sea numerous times, and the surface of the
water is countless. The splendor and magnificence of Tao Tao are such a
magnificent scene. Those who practice this set of swordsmanship must
have the atmosphere of the sea and the river in order to exert its essence.
Ascend the Mount Tai and watch the sea, you may ascend and look at it. ,
As time goes by, and realizes it. "
With these remarks, he didn't wait for fifteen reactions to start his sword!

The same wooden sword, in the hands of two different people, has exerted
a completely different power. If fifteen is just a glimpse of the door, a set
of swordsmanship dances ordinary, and makes Yuwen boring, then When
Shen Jian raised his sword and dropped his hand, he opened his eyes wide
and hardly believed that the two swords used the same set of

The sword is washed away, and the sword is heavy. Even if the Qi is not
used, the wooden sword looks like a luster. With the heavy movements,
Yuwen Chan seems to really see the waves and the rain. Huayun, Qinghong
into the water, thousands of white waves, alone.

There was only this person in front of him, and there was only this person
between heaven and earth.

Even after a set of swordsmanship was completed and Shen Xie stood still,
Yu Wenzhu's eyes still left the scene of genius, lingering for a long time.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Amazing on Kendo can be said to be

intriguing and to be a master."

Shen Waner: "Thank you, Lord Su Yan, for your love."

His sword dance is not for the appreciation of Yan Wushi, but for the
fifteen and Yuwen Chan: "Did you get anything?"

Fifteen said, "Summer disciples are awkward, and only feel the tide is
surging, as if there are many things coming out of the chest, but if they are
to be painted, they cannot be painted."

Shen Huan Wen said: "It doesn't matter, no one can become a Buddha at a
glance. You slowly realize that if you do not understand, just ask."

Fifteen congratulations should be.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 138
Shen Zhen asked Yu Wenshu again: "You haven't started yet. These days, I
have only practiced a little meditation and spiritual training. I can't talk
and don't worry."

Yu Wenshu said: "There are thousands of words in my heart, but only a

few words can be concealed."

He used to speak in such an old-fashioned tone, and Shen Wei laughed:

"Which words?"

Yu Wen recites: "It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and
the drifting wind is like the returning snow. If you look at it from afar, Jiao
will rise if the sun rises; if you look at it, Zhuo Rufu will make a wave.

This is the beauty of singing Luo in Fu of Luoshen.

Shen Yun: "..."

He couldn't help crying and laughing, but could not help but say that Yu
Wenshu did catch a trace of Canglang Jianjue, which is "the weather is in
the chest, and the sword is light and elegant."

Judging from this point, Yu Wenshu is indeed stronger than the fifteenth

Yan Wushi sneered silently: "He doesn't have any foundation for Xi Wu.
Reading" Luo Shen Fu "is just a matter of sight. If such talents are used on
the tongue, it will be wasted. Let this seat be polished and polished by
him! "

He didn't wait for others to respond, then pressed his palm on Yu Wenshu's
shoulder, and the latter slammed involuntarily, and then his upper body
acupoint was clicked!
"Mr. Yan?" Yu Wenshu stunned, maintaining the action of being forced to
sprint, completely unable to move, the worst thing was that he didn't know
where he was wrong or wrong.

Seeing Shen Yan opening his mouth, Wuwu Shi smiled and said with a
smile: "Easy to Master, this is where you see it as a magic gate in Huan
Yuezong, and you must also be punished by sin, Grandma, you teach your
disciples It's so gentle that I can't help you teach the rules. "

Shen Yan's face was stern: "Zong Zong finally won't grab my apprentice
with me?"

Yan Wushi said slowly: "For the sake of his life, I still don't rob, otherwise
I'm afraid that the first day of admission, I will kill the murderer."


On the first day of the meeting, no one saw how Yan Wushi treated Yu
Wenshu except Shen Zhen and Fifteen. All the disciples of Bixia Sect felt
that he was a very good person, quite different from the legend.

But the next day, they found themselves wrong.

The disciples went to the morning class and practiced martial arts on the
martial arts square. Yan Wushi stood by his shoulders. Even if Yue Kunchi
or Zhao Chiying demonstrated it himself, he could pick out the fault and
give him a flamboyant tone.

Disciples of Bixia Zong were dissatisfied and took the initiative to

challenge him. He was knocked down one by one by accident. In the end,
even Zhao Chiying and Yue Kunchi were defeated by his hands. After Shen
Guan's retreat at noon, it was heard that the wind came. Yan Wushi has
picked Bixia Sect up and down.

Of course, it is not difficult to annihilate the martial arts with the lord's
ability, but you are a grand master, and you don't need to find a rival with
an equal interest, how come you come to bully the small martial arts?
Shouldn't it be to find a sense of accomplishment and make yourself

If it weren't for Shen Xie, Bixiazong would almost think that this man had
come to the scene.

Facing the defeated soldiers in one place, Shen Yun could only apologize
to Zhao Chiying with a bitter smile.

Zhao Chiying returned to the atmosphere, but instead waved and laughed:
"Yan Zong just watched our martial arts fail, just point out his fingers.
Bixia Zong is too happy to have such an opportunity."

She said that everyone felt that it was indeed the case.

There are many of them. In their lifetimes, they may not be able to reach
the level of martial arts at the head, let alone Wang Yanshi ’s project,
everyone has a yearning for the strong, and they can fight with Yan Wushi,
let alone Being beaten and tortured, even if he is seriously injured, it is
worth it, not for the trip on the martial arts road.

As soon as this idea was derived, the disciples looked at Yan Wushi's eyes,
and the fear and dissatisfaction of the talents immediately turned into awe
and longing.

Yue Kunchi was covering her arms and lamenting that the sister and sister
really did have the demeanor. She listened to someone quietly saying, "I
secretly admired for more than ten or twenty years, but I still dare not
speak up. What this taste is, I have never experienced it. Please enlighten
me. "

This sound was like an arrow in the heart, which directly shot into the
secret place buried deep in his heart. He heard Yue Kunchi's hair creeping
and his face changed greatly.

He looked at Yan Wushi's expression, and immediately saw a ghost.

Before waiting for Yue Kunchi to speak, Shen Xuan pulled Yan Wushi

Yan Wushi didn't resist, and let Shen Yun pull him aside, his face kept his
smile on his face.

Shen Fufu: "Master Yan, are you free?"

Yan Wushi curiously said, "How can you be free? I have to tease you every
day, and I need to point out the bunch of waste wood, which is very busy."

Shen Yan drew his lips, and was speechless for a long while, before he
found his voice: "You should have helped the new owner in Changan. Qian
Lizhen followed me to Bixiazong. Boring trivia, has Master Yan refused to
tell me where he is?

Yan Wushi: "If you change your name, I will consider telling you how?"

Shen Ye is inexplicable: "What is it?"

Yan Wushi: "How is Yan Lang?"

"..." Shen Yan really said that he was teasing me. He said nothing and
turned away.

Chapter 93

"The pattern of rivers and lakes has changed a lot. If you want to go to
Xuandu Mountain, it should be late and early."

With a word from Yan Wushi, she succeeded in stopping Shen Yan.

The latter was stunned, and then asked, "How do you know I want to go to
Xuandu Mountain?"

Yan Wushi chuckled: "Ama, your thoughts are all written on your face.
How can you not see that you are like me?"
Shen Ye didn't realize that Yan Wushi was teasing himself again, but felt
that the other person's eyes were sharp, and he could see through his mind
at a glance. This skill alone, even if the words and deeds are bad, is worthy
of learning from each other's weaknesses, so ask him honestly: It ’s true
that I ca n’t say if you call me. Even if it ’s called, it ’s just a pleasure to
you. From the perspective of people, I ’m really inferior to you. Replace
with something else. "

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "Well, you must remember that you owe
me once."

Shen Yun thought for a while, and nodded, "You can't just let me do things
that hurt the truth and violate the righteousness."

Yan Wushi: "In my opinion, killing is to reduce the scourge of wasteful

creation and vitality for the heavens and the earth, and it is not harmful to
the heavens. Why are you not willing to do it?"

Shen Yanmei: "If you are so arrogant, then I have never asked."

He said he had to leave again, but was stopped by Yan Wushi. The latter
laughed and said, "Okay, but it ’s just a joke with you. You do n’t want to
go there for anything that hurts you. Do, it's done? "

The relationship between the two is very delicate. If it is an enemy, it

should be impossible to talk about, but if you talk about friends, it does n’t
seem to be an ordinary friend's mode. At least those people who are
familiar with Zhao Chiying Yue Kunchi will not use this. To talk to him.

Shen Huan could not even think of such ambiguous words intimately
teasing, but only felt that Wu Yan had always been like this, moody,
arbitrary, and used to it, and then said: "Then, please enshrine Yan Zong."

Seeing the fire was almost the same, Yan Wushi accepted when he saw
good: "Do you know Han Feng?"

Shen Yun: "I once talked with Mu Tipo and called the three expensive Qi
Guoshou Zhongfeng Han? I remember his daughter was a disciple of Bixia
Zong, who had met in Tancheng the same day, but at that time I could not
see it. I don't know what she looks like. "

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Yes, I almost forgot about it. My grandma
was born well. It was no wonder that she would fall for it. Will she take
the opportunity to talk to you?"

Shen Ye was puzzled: "Why did she suddenly mention her just because she
had a relationship with Bixia Zong? Is this why you came to Bixia Zong?"

Yan Wushi: "Yes, it's not even true. I came to Bixiazong for three reasons.
She was only one of them and the least important one. Han Feng
surrendered to the Zhou Dynasty with Gao Wei, but she was more faithful
and insisted than her father. Feng Gao Shaoyi was the main to help her
regain her country. Because of her relationship with Bixia Sect, she is
likely to come to Shimen for help and let Shimen join the Fuqi camp. "

Shen Yun: "After the big changes, Bixia Zong was very injured and weak,
and Zhao Zongzhu wanted to keep the martial arts away from the secular
power dispute. Even if Han Eying came, she should not agree to such a

Yan Wushi didn't take it for granted: "You understand in your heart that
some people are fascinated by the authorities and may not be able to
understand it. You'd better find an opportunity to make it clear to Zhao
Chiying. Qi Guo wants to return to the country, and must seek the support
of Turkic people. Bixia Zongxiao The sectarians, if they cannot co-operate
with the Turks, will not end in the end. "

Shen Yan wondered: "I do n’t think Zong Zhao is so confused. Zong Yan
seems to be very prejudiced against her. Did she offend you before?"

Yan Wushi didn't accept this sentence, and the words turned sharply: "Yu
Wenyu reused the old bald donkey in Xueting and started using the
unrelated Acacia sect. It was nothing more than the emperor's technique of
balancing left and right. It ’s more convenient for you to control, but no
one is a fool, how can others not see his intentions, whether it is Xueting
or Acacia, they will take this opportunity to gather power. "
Shen Yun thoughtfully: "This is why you said that the pattern of rivers and
lakes will change? It ’s a good thing that Huan Yuezong changed from
light to darkness, but it ’s good to hide from the dark, but if the Acacia sect
expands sharply, it will inevitably conflict with you. , Aren't you afraid
that Wan Yuezong will suffer losses as a result? "

Yan Wushi smiled indifferently: "Stupid grandma, now with the support of
Yu Wenji, it is just as they are in the middle of the day that they can't bite
each other well, why should I jump out and let them unite? Excuses?
Under the expansion of their influence, they will certainly not let go of the
fat piece of Xuandushan, but your Yushi brother is so proud that he can't
swallow this breath, and then there must be conflict, so I said, You don't
have to rush back to Xuandu Mountain now. "

He paused: "Duan Wenji united the forces to kill me, and he should
cooperate with each other to make the father and the child crippled. Do
you know what the reason is?"

Shen Min nodded: "Turkish people don't like to see a unified and strong
North, so Yu Wenji must die, and you who support Yu Wenji naturally
must die."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 139
Yan Wushi said with a smile: "When you joined the WTO this time, there
was no foolishness, but when you just woke up, you didn't remember
anything. It was cute, clear and glazed with snow and ice, and everyone
believed what you said."

Shen Yan's black line: "That's because Yan Zong likes it because it's easier
to cheat?"

Yan Wushi said with satisfaction: "I really understand my heart!"

This man is so shameless, Shen Yan wants to turn around and leave, but he
is still not willing, and only then has Wu Yan said a lot. In fact, he can
understand a lot of things, but when the other person said, it was like
scattered all over the place. All the chess pieces are connected, and the
clouds and the moon appear, and the water falls out.

"Do you mean that the most conceivable enemy is not Xueting or Acacia,
but Turks?"

Yan Wushi: "Duan Wenyi's hand has been laid since he entered Gyeonggi
to meet Queen Ashner, perhaps earlier, and he went to the Su family and
asked for the Golden Lotus ring from Solvay's mother. Not a simple ring. "

Shen Ye: "Yes, Mrs. Qin and Duan Wenji both said that it was a token."

Yan Wushi: "I've been sending people to investigate, but I didn't get the
answer until a few days ago. The ring was indeed a token, but not an
ordinary token. It was the testimony of the deer that defeated all the
masters of Turk. It was also his status. The symbol can be the masters of
more than 20 tribes of East and West Turks. Turks occupy a vast area.
These people usually disperse the East and West Turkic tribes, and they
may not be able to move even the Khan Khan, but with this token, they can
get more with less. Effect."
Shen Huan: "As far as I know, Duan Wenhuan is martial arts first-class,
but I heard that he has mixed blood between Hu and Han, so his status in
Turk is not high. The one token alone is not enough to convince the Turkic
people ..."

At this point, he was shocked a little: "Mofei, Hulu is still alive?"

If he was alive, he was the only one who could use this token to summon
up the masters of more than twenty Turkic divisions.

But if this is the case, things will become more complicated and tricky.

Twenty years ago, Qi Fengge and Hulu estimated to defeat each other, and
forced the other to make a treaty that would not enter the Central Plains
for 20 years. Now the time limit has passed, and Shen Shi ’s master has
been ancient. If Hulu is still alive, Martial arts will only be higher, not
lower. With these Turkic moves, if he re-enters the Central Plains, he will
certainly not be solely for the sake of learning from the past. Who can stop
him then?

Yan Wushi: "It may not be possible, but there is no evidence yet. Don't
worry about him."

Shen Xuan looked back from his worries: "You just said that you stayed at
Bixiazong for three purposes. Then you said one, what are the other two?"

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "The second one is naturally for you."

Shen Yun: "... the third one?"

Yan Wushi: "It's for you too."

Shen Yan drew his lips: "Poor way He De He Neng, can't afford to take
Yan Zongzhu so seriously."

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "You have both virtue and ability, why can't
you take my value? Apart from virtue and ability, isn't there any beauty?
At this moment, Fan Yuanbai came all the way and saluted: "Mr. Yan,
Chief Shen Dao, my family has a word. In the past few days, we did not
guard against the arrival of VIPs. I was not prepared in a hurry. I specially
prepared a banquet today, and I also appreciate it."

Before Shen Yan spoke, Yan Wushi pulled up his hand: "Zhao Zong is
polite, and we should respect him."

Shen Yan could not draw his own hand: "... I'm not going to leave, what is
Master Zong doing?"

Yan Wushi: "Ama, haven't you heard that you can swim with your arms?"

Shen Yun: "That's the only way to make friends!"

Yan Wushi wondered: "Aren't we best friends?"

Shen Yun: "... the poor way doesn't have this kind of perception."

Yan Wushi: "This seat saved your life under Banbufeng. Is this kindness?"

Shen Yun: "... Yes."

Yan Wushi: "Outside the city of Weizhou, I resolutely decided to sacrifice

Sang Jingxing, haven't you been half moved?"

Shen Yun: "... Yes, but don't forget, I also saved you several times."

Yan Wushi: "That's not right. How many people in this world can be as
fateful as you and me. Do you feel so honored to have someone so

Shen Yun: "Can I say no?"

Yan Wushi: "No."

Shen Yun: "..."

Fan Yuanbai was stunned beside him, thinking that the friendship between
Master Shen Dao and Yan Zong was so good. It is no wonder that he would
bring Yan Zong up to the mountain as a guest. It seems that Master Zong
pointed us to martial arts, but because of Shen Dao, there were some
students who were unhappy. I think he deliberately finds faults. This is
really not the way to go. I have to talk about them.

Fan Yuanbai felt that Shen Wuyan was also kind-hearted because of Shen
Hao's good character. This was a beautiful misunderstanding. If Shen Yan
heard his voice, he would tell him that Yan Wushi was indeed looking for

The three came to the flower hall, and the banquet was already set up. All
of them were made by Zhao Chiying and the chef at the Yamashita Inn
picked up the ingredients to go up the mountain. The taste level was
naturally higher than that of Bixiazong's disciples.

Bi Xia Zong now has few disciples. It is just right to form a table. Zhao
Chiying first got up and toasted, and expressed his welcome to Yan
Wushi's arrival. I hope that he will not abandon the bitterness here.

Yan Wushi gave his face a face, and raised his toast: "Zong Zong need not
be polite. Imam has a soft and simple temperament. I can't help worrying
about the personnel he cares about."

Shen Ye thought that it was you who wanted to come with you. What does
this have to do with me?

Zhao Chiying said in his heart: Why is this saying so strange?

She didn't think too much, and put down the glass with a smile: "Although
the banquet was specially made by the chef to go up the mountain, but Lu
Wei is different from Chang'an Duo, and I don't know if the Lord Yan is
too accustomed to eating. Just fine. "

After the opening remarks, everyone raised their chopsticks, and Shen Ye
remembered the incident of Han Eying mentioned by Fang Cai Yan Wushi.
While the seat was next to Zhao Chiying, he just asked a few words.
Zhao Chiying was surprised, "Han Eying was collected by Brother Yue
when he was away. It is a named disciple of the outside door. I have never
seen it, let alone the relationship with Bi Xiazong. Thank you Brother
Shen Dao for telling me and turning back. When I asked Brother Yue, I
would pay attention to this matter, but Bi Xia Zong is waning now, and
even if she is looking for foreign aid, she wo n’t follow her here.

In the end, the tone is inevitable.

Shen Ye helped her find a way: "Is it feasible to collect some qualified
disciples at the foot of the mountain?"

Zhao Chiying: "Brother Tao has also hosted Xuandu Mountain in the past,
please forgive me, dare to ask Xuandushan to recruit disciples, from which

Shen Yun: "There is a Xuandu Town under Xuandu Mountain. The town is
still prosperous. Every year, Xuandu Mountain sends people down the
mountain to set up apprentices and set up points in the town. Anyone who
wishes to enter the gate of the mountain can sign up. They will accept
them based on their qualifications. "

Zhao Chiying sighed: "Also, I asked recklessly. Xuandu Mountain was

originally the first door in the world. Naturally, the disciples came to take
care of it! It's not a secret. Now the situation of Bixia Sect, Dao Brother
also knows. Some farmer disciples are willing to go up the mountain, but
many of them are old. Parents saw that they had little energy to do farm
work before they sent up to the mountain to worship. However, such
children often have poor qualifications and have long gone past At a good
age, those with slightly better qualifications are not rare to come to Bixia
Sect, and most of them have voted for other martial arts sites. Over time,
this situation will only get worse. "

As the head of a faction, she naturally has to consider the long-term

development of the faction. What can support a faction is nothing more
than talents. Without talents, it is a matter of time before the faction will
Now Bixia Sect's biggest problem is the lack of talents. Under Zhao
Zhiying Yue Kunchi, disciples like Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue are
actually very ordinary. To put it plainly, in the future, it will be second-
and third-level, and it will be difficult to become a first-class master. In
the long run, Bi Xia Zong might end up in the hands of Fan Yuanbai and

Shen Ye can understand her painstakingly: "In my opinion, Zhao Zongzhu

is still young and need not worry so much, maybe he will receive good
apprentices after two years!"

Zhao Chiying smiled bitterly: "I can only think so!"

Shen Yan also wanted to say something. On the other side, a spoon was
handed over, accompanied by the tender section: "Open your mouth."

Seeing Shen Yan glaring at him, Yan Wushi smiled a little and took a rest:
"Did you forget that you still owe me once, is it bad to eat this spoon, or is
it moral?"

Chapter 94

Eating this spoon is naturally harmless and unethical, but it will put you in
a dilemma under the eyes of everyone. As long as you are a normal person,
you will not choose to open your mouth.

In fact, Shen Min also had a feeling. After seeing Yan Wushi again in the
Huang family, the latter seemed to have a subtle change in his attitude. If
the other party originally held the deadliest intention to kill him , Now it
seems more willing to see him ugly, into various embarrassing situations.

But why did the other party ’s attitude find such a change, Shen Ye had no
answer, only when Yan Wushi found new fun.

"Ama, I remember you like to eat fish. This fish slippery is very tender,
and it must be your taste."
As if in order to confirm Shen's speculation, Yan Wushi's face really had a
rich smile on his face, what a horrible look.

They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and even the
people next to them smelled an unusual smell.

Shen Xun slowly said, "Thank you, Lord Yan, for your kindness, but you
have your hands and feet, so don't let Lord Yan waste a hard-won
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 140
Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "Ama, you who keep your promises, will
not even break this little request?"

As soon as she had a clever idea, "That was also Yan Zong's words without

Yan Wushi: "How can I say nothing without faith?"

Shen Yun: "The master Zong Yan is too bad. You once said clearly that as
long as you need an opponent and no friends, how can you become your
best friend in a blink of an eye?"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "It was not a word but no letter, but it was
easy to change with time. I really felt that way at the time, but people ’s
thoughts will always change. It ’s hard to see that when you are three years
old, you will leave Do not move, can you still not see the sugar man now?

Shen Wei snorted slightly: "I only know that some people can't walk
without sugar!"

What he said was what happened at Xie Ling.

Yan Wushi was surprised, and deliberately misinterpreted: "Really, how

could someone be so affectionate? Isn't that right for a good friend?"

Why is this man so shameless? It makes sense anyway!

Shen Yan knew that he couldn't take advantage of his tongue, and saw that
everyone else was looking at them, and he couldn't help getting warm,
suddenly felt childish, and busily lowered his voice: "Under the large
court, Yan Zongzhu takes his own weight. If you have any disputes, please
go back and talk! "
Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I just ask you to eat this spoon of fish slip,
why don't you take care of yourself?"

After saying that, he still handed the spoon to Shen Ye, Shen Ye avoided it,
and raised his hand to push. When Yan Wushi saw how to move, his wrist
turned and the spoon appeared in the other hand. Imperative.

The two remained in shape, their sleeves rolled up, and a few tricks had
passed in an instant, and everyone was stunned.

Many people still do n’t understand what ’s going on. Zhao Chiying is
hesitant to open his mouth to persuade him, but many disciples of Bixia
Sect regard it as a rare opportunity to learn. They both pay close attention
to the actions of the two, for fear of a moment of omission. .

Fifteen, when they first started, they thought of dissuasion, but were
stopped by Yu Wenshu.

"Brother may wish to take a closer look, Master and Lord Yan are just
discussing and not fighting, otherwise they have already turned upside
down at this time, how could they still sit down like a mountain?" Yu Wen

Fifteen is not without worry: "It was just fine, why did you say it?"

Yu Wenshu stared at the actions of the two men, indifferently saying, "Xu
Shiyan, Master Zun, is not pleasing to the Master. He deliberately finds

Fifteen was startled: "Why doesn't Master Zong see the Master please?"

Yu Wenshu is a mature boy, but he knows everything and is half puzzled.

He ca n’t say why. When he hears the words, he shakes his head: “It seems
that I just feel that I have been left out by the Master, so I ’m not happy.”

The fifteenth suddenly realized that he thought about this sentence

carefully, but felt that there was something wrong with it.
The two guys played against each other. You and I were very exciting. The
crowd looked at each other intently, and even forgot the original intention
of the two guys. Yan Wushi held the spoon in one hand and only used his
wrist to cross the other. The other hand was Taking advantage of the gap,
the peanut rice on the table case hit fifteen.

Shen Yun naturally wanted to help him to stop him. His robe sleeves are
wide, and they are beautiful and comfortable with a roll and a roll. He
brings a sense of leisure and relaxation that is unique to Dao Men, so that
the viewer can't help stretching his body and mind. Even Zhao Chiying
Yue Kunchi's face was full of admiration.

But at this moment, Yan Wushi had reached out and wrapped his hand
around the waist of the opponent, and handed the spoon to the other's
mouth, and then pointed at Shen acupoint with a hand on his back, Shen
bowed subconsciously to avoid it. The tongue was out of guard, and a
spoonful of fish slipped into the mouth.

The whole action was done in one go, without waiting for Shen Yan to take
a shot. Yan Wushi accepted it when he saw it, and retired with a smile.
"Shen Dao is really right and wrong. Since he wants to eat, why should he
let it go so that it will be hard and easy to open." It would be nice if I
didn't speak. "

This is simply ...!

Shen Yan swallowed the fish slipping hard, swinging between leaving the
table angry and hitting the opponent directly.

The former loses its courtesy to the host, while the latter appears to be
doing a small job.

But this is simply ... Tian is shameless, it is unbearable!

Could it be that I have a bully face in Shen Shen? Is it that you are used as
a plaything in the palm of your hands?

Shen Yun's face sank, this time he was really angry.

But he did not have an attack on the spot, because it would make Zhao
Chiying difficult for them to do so, and he nodded indifferently: "The Lord
Yan is indeed superior, I'm not as good as you, thank you for your

He also raised a cup to pay tribute to Zhao Chiying: "Thank you Zhao
Zong for taking care of the fifteenth day when I went out. I am not good at
drinking, so I will honor Zhao Zong with a cup of tea."

Zhao Chiying glanced at Yan Wushi, the latter with a smile on his face.

She resolutely said: "Brother Shen Dao need not be polite. You have great
gratitude to Bi Xiazong, and you don't have any relationship with each
other. You shouldn't take it seriously, let alone one fifteen. Even if ten
more come, Bi Xiazong still For those who can afford it, fifteen is smaller
than Yexue if you want to eat! "

Fifteen blushed: "How can this be compared, sister Zhou is older than

When everyone saw him, they couldn't help laughing, and the episode just

After the banquet was over, Shen Ye and Zhao Chiying and others
resigned, and took Fifteen and Yu Wenshu to their houses to rest.

After resettling them, Shen Zhen returned to the house, but saw a person
standing in front of himself.

The moonlight is bright, and the eaves lamp lights make the opposite side

Shen Yanqi hasn't gone, and he doesn't want to say more than half a
sentence. I can't afford to hide in my heart, just say nothing, just turn
around and leave.

But someone moved faster than him, Shen Min just took a step, his arm
was already grasped.
Shen Zheng stood with his hands up, expressionless: "Please take care of
Yan Zong."

Yan Wushi smiled and groaned: "Are you angry?"

Shen Yan said nothing.

Yan Wushi: "I just amuse you for fun. There is no harm. If you are angry, I
will atone for you."

Shen Yan said mournfully, "I ca n’t afford the reparations of the Lord Yan,
you said you did n’t need a friend, and you said that the poor Taoist was
not qualified to be your friend. I acknowledged it and saved you later, but
Because you are closely related to Yu Wenyu, the Zhou Dynasty is settled,
and the North can be settled, so you have no selfishness, and you have
never asked you to be grateful or reciprocal. Once you are hurt, you should
return to the bridge, return to the road, and return to the road. The suzerain
has Yan Guan ’s Yangguan Road, the poor road has a poor road, the poor
road has two sleeves, and it has nothing to do. I do n’t know where it is
worthy of Yan Suze ’s attention and repeated difficulties? I also ask Yan
Zongzhu to tell us that the poor road is over! "

He was heavily influenced by Qi Fengge, plus his generosity and

generosity, and he was always generous and lenient towards others. He
never treated others with the greatest kindness, even the deepest
resentments that harmed him like Yu Yu. Shen Yu was sad and angry. I
never gritted my teeth day and night, thinking about how to make the other
person unlucky.

Only Yan Yanshi, from the cliff, the fate of the two are entangled,
gratitude and resentment, not who owed who can simply say, but once
bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well rope, Shen Yan is now I really
want to avoid him, seeing nothing is out of sight, unexpectedly contrary to
his wishes, until now he does not understand, in this world, there are
thousands of people who are more beautiful than Shen Yan, and millions
of people who are sad and sad, Why doesn't the teacher hold on to himself
All kinds of unpleasant backlogs have accumulated for a long time, and
my heart suddenly feels a feeling of anguish that is almost aggrieved, but
there is no way to talk about it.

Shen Ye just felt exhausted physically and mentally.

This feeling of grievance and depression looked to Yan Wushi, but it was
very cute, and even the curvaceous curvature of the corner of his lips was
unconsciously affected by Yuehua's tenderness at this moment.

It's just that this gentleness is insignificant, and Shen Yun naturally didn't
see it.

"Where is this place to embarrass you? If you really want to be

embarrassed, there are more cruel means, why should you make such an
innocent joke?"

Shen Yan was furious: "How can this be called harmless Daya, in the eyes
of you, you, you ..."

He was so angry that he was a little clumsy, but he couldn't keep talking.

Yan Wushi smirked and said, "Well, isn't it enough for me to compensate,
don't be angry, or I will cook for you and make a bowl of soup for you?"

Shen Yan glanced over: "No need!"

Yan Wushi pulled him up: "Even if I said something that hurt your heart,
there is no way to say it. It ’s like water pouring out. It can never be
recovered. This seat ca n’t do it either. Come to those little children who
ca n’t regret it, you are a good man, are you like ordinary people, do you
not forget about the past, and are persistent? Everyone said that Shen Dao
is magnanimous and generous, regardless of the suspicion, how can you be
so special to this seat alone? Is this the fate of the legend? "

Shen Yan laughed angrily: "It's a sin!"

Yan Wushi didn't take it for granted: "Whether it's a bad condition or a
good condition, it's both a fate and a fate. You talk about fate and how you
got to yourself, but you don't know what to do with it."

Shen Yan: "In my opinion, you should not call Yan Wushi."

Yan Wushi: "What's that?"

Shen Yan sneered: "It's always reasonable, it makes sense both vertically
and horizontally!"

Yan Wushi laughed.

Shen Min was forced to the stove room. The cook had just used it in the
afternoon, and there were some food leftovers, which were all fresh.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 141
Yan Wushi: "Wait a quarter of an hour."

Shen Yanmei: "I'm not hungry."

Yan Wushi didn't look back: "That's right, you're full of anger."

Shen stunned.

Yan Wushi's action is really fast. It is more effective to use internal force
to stir the wind. The hot water is quickly boiled. The fish meat and raw
egg liquid are evenly mixed, kneaded into a pellet, cooked in water,
sprinkled with green onion salt, two The hot bowl of fish ball soup is here.

Wulin masters also have to eat and sleep. Even if Yan is noble and noble,
it is impossible to take his servants with him when going out. It is
necessary to have his own fire to cook. When the two fled outside, Shen Ye
has already seen His cooking skills were not particularly surprised at this

Shen took a meatball and sent it to the entrance, and found that it tasted
really good. Although he was still angry, he couldn't conceal his
conscience and said it was not delicious, so he kept quietly eating.

At this time, the other person handed over his spoon.

Shen Yun: "What?"

Yan Wushi: "Isn't it for you?"

Shen Ye inexplicable: "Why do you give me a spoon?"

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "I just fed you, you are not happy. Now it is
fair for you to feed me once. Isn't it fair?"

Shen Yun: "..."

What he wants to do now is to buckle the bowl of fish ball soup on the
other side.


Bixiazong's life was bland and warm but she was flying fast.

Under the testimony of Zhao Chiying and others, Shen Zhen let Yu
Wenshu formally pay homage. While teaching his apprentices, he did not
let go of the practice of martial arts. Day by day, the internal force was
gradually approaching the previous level, even faintly. Breakthrough trend.

Although Zhao Chiying was worried that Bixia's talents would not be
connected, she also knew that it was more important to teach disciples
such as Fan Yuanbai, Zhou Yexue, so as not to find good talents, and then
abandoned the original saplings.

There are two masters, Yan Wushi and Shen Yan, who have higher
expectations for the disciples in the door and stricter requirements.
Everyone is crying and can only ask Yue Kunchi for help. The old man Yue
Kunchi is between his sister and his disciples. Embarrassed every day, the
chickens are jumping.

It seems that Yan Wushi took root in Bixiazong, and he would not rush to
leave if he did not resign. Moreover, Yan Wushi can also guide their
martial arts from time to time, even if such instructions are accompanied
by With a sarcastic sarcasm more than a knife, everyone in Bixiazong had
to spend it happily and happily.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, but many changes have
occurred outside the mountains.

After Yu Wenzhang came to power, Feng Xueting was the master of the
state, and he strongly supported Buddhism. In the name of his mother's
blessing, Guangxu Buddhist temples. The Buddhism forces that had been
hit hard during the Yu Wenzhang period had a faint rise.
On the other hand, Yu Wenzhang reused the Acacia sect, imitating the
emperor's reuse of the Huan Yuezong sect, allowing their forces to
infiltrate the DPRK, monitoring the officials, and letting the Acacia sect
and Buddhism gather forces for their own use.

Under this circumstance, Buddhism and Hehuan were taking the

opportunity to expand, starting from Chang'an and spreading to the north.
Many small and medium martial arts were either under the coercion of the
Buddhism or merged into Hehuan.

Lingyin Temple, Du Yuanzhai, etc., which had not been famous on the
rivers and lakes, have been silently taken over by the court and directly
under the jurisdiction of the state teacher.

And small martial arts such as Taohuawu and Pingshantang were destroyed
by the Acacia sect.

Even the unnamed sects such as the Zhongnan faction fell apart because of
the death of their heads and were eventually forced to return to

As if overnight, the Buddhism and the Acacia sect quickly expanded their
forces and turned into a behemoth with the potential of destruction.

Yan Wushi's previous assumptions became reality after more than half a

Chapter 95

At the foot of Mount Tai in the early morning, an uninvited guest


The other side carried the sword all the way up the mountain, with light
footsteps, such as walking on the ground, and within a short time they had
already reached the gate of Bixiazong on the mountainside.

Zhao Chiying was leading his disciples to practice swords. He heard that
Fan Yuanbai was on duty and said that there was someone in the pure city
of Qingcheng Mountain and he was waiting to be seen outside.

The relationship between Bixia Sect and Chunyang View is pretty good,
there are contacts, but with the decline of Bixia Sect, the growth of
Chunyang View, the friendship accumulated from previous generations has
gradually faded, although Chunyang View is not abandoned The gate of
Bixia Zongzong is small, but after all, the two sides are far away. Like last
time, Bixiazong suffered a big change. The far water can't save the near
fire. It's cold.

The situation under the mountain came one after another. Zhao Chiying
didn't know as much as Yan Wushi, but she knew about the rapid
expansion of the Acacia and Buddhism forces. At this time, there must be
something important to send someone to your door.

Thinking about it, the comer has come in under the leadership of Fan

His face was cold and dignified, his steps were smooth, and with his
footsteps, his sword-holding hand was very stable, and there was no flutter.

It seems that there are some successors to Chunyang Guan. Zhao Chiying
sighed in silence, somewhat envious.

"Li Qingyu, a disciple of Chunyang Temple, met with Zhao Zongzhu."

Zhao Chiying: "You are the most proud disciple under the title of Yiguan?
It is worthy of the name of Qingcheng Shuanglu, and Yiguan is really

Li Qingyu: "Zhao Zongzhu has won a prize."

Zhao Chiying: "I have been in retreat for a long time. Since I left the
border, I have never seen Yi Guanzhu again. His martial arts realm is
better than ever?

Li Qingyu is obviously not a master who is good at chilling chats. He said:

"It's not a secret. I come here to send a letter on behalf of Liuli Palace for
the sake of the sword test."

Test Sword Conference?

Zhao Chiying and Yue Kunchi looked at each other.

"If I remember correctly, the test sword conference will be held once every
ten years, and this year is only the ninth year?"

Li Qingyu: "Nevertheless, the people in Liuli Palace found Chunyang

Guan a few days ago, and said that they would like to borrow it in advance
this year. The Master agreed, so let me send a letter and invite Zhao
Zongzhu to go there. "

Abbot's Island is located on an overseas island. Ordinary people can't find

it. There is only one sect on the island, the Liuli Palace. They are self-
sufficient and rarely participate in various fighting battles in the Central
Plains Martial Arts. The ranking of "Top Ten Masters in the World", which
is often hung by people's lips, is from the Liuli Palace. They also held the
ten-year test sword conference.

The disciples of the Liuli Palace may not be high in martial arts and have
no fame. However, because of this tradition, people in the rivers and lakes
will give three points of face if they meet. After all, they have no interest
in martial arts with the Central Plains Martial Arts. You do not need to kill
you to death. Since you can come to find the person in front of you, there
is no need to embarrass others.

If martial arts advances within ten years, the rankings will naturally
change after ten years. There is no first in the text, no second in martial
arts, and martial arts. It is not a matter of martial arts. Higher, at a glance,
even if the middle of the middle, as long as the last game, you can know
the level of victory.

The sword test conference is a derivative of the martial arts rankings.

Once every ten years, Guangfa invites everyone to participate and learn
from each other about martial arts. The Liuli Palace is located in a remote
place, and it will be held in a venue in the Central Plains school. The
school in the borrowed site can take the opportunity to become famous,
and it is naturally happy.

Those who are in charge of the rankings may not be high in martial arts,
but their vision is not sharp. The reason why Liuli Palace is able to
convince the crowd is precisely because of their rankings, and there is
almost no mistake. He hasn't died, but he hasn't participated in the test
sword conference, but even so, he still ranks first, well deserved, no one is

In recent years, as the Liuli Palace became famous, many masters'

rankings have also been released. After the deaths of Qi Fengge and Cui
Yourui, etc., the sword test conference has not yet been held. He advocated
a new "Top Ten in the World". Shen Zhen, who had never appeared on the
rivers and lakes, was also listed because he took over the teaching of
Xuandu Shanzhang. Later, Shen Zhen and Kun Xie lost in the battle On the
cliff, another good person put the names of Kun Xie and Yu Yan up.

But these are not exhausted from the Liuli Palace. When the news of the
test sword conference is held in advance, many people will be excited and
eager to try, because in addition to the ranking of "Top Ten in the World",
Liuli Palace will also emit such as Rankings such as "Population" and
"Blade Puppet" are among the top hundred swords. There are too many
people practicing swords, so the ranking of kendo has also become the
focus of many people's attention.

The real master-level masters, in the realm of Qi Fengge, Yi Pichen, and

Zen Master Xueting, they didn't have to increase their reputation through
the ranking of Liuli Palace. Whether or not they have their names on it
will not affect their reputation, and the ranking of Liuli Palace is just icing
on the cake.

As for Shen Yun, he wouldn't even care about it. If he is still in charge of
Xuandu Mountain, if there is no such thing as Yu Yun secretly accounting
for him, even if he gets the news of the test sword conference, he will not
send someone to participate.
But in addition, many people need to borrow the Liuli Palace to make a
name for themselves. The Liuli Palace also needs such a way to show its
existence and benefit both sides.

Zhao Chiying is not enthusiastic about fame and fortune, but for the long-
term development of the martial arts, Bixiazong now needs to recruit more
new disciples. If he or Yue Kunchi can gain something at the sword test
conference, many people will definitely come to worship and learn .

"Thank you, Lord Yi Guan, for letting you know. Bi Xia Zong is far away.
If outside news comes, I will leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up."

Li Qingyu: "If Zhao Zongzhu is ready, he can accompany him, and he will
have a care along the way."

Zhao Chiying: "Isn't Li Daoyou necessary to go to another martial art?"

Li Qingyu: "This event was originally in charge of the Liuli Palace to

inform all the gates of the world. Only because of the relationship between
Chunyang Temple and Bixia Zong, Master only let me come. I heard that
Bixia Zong was affected by changes a while ago. The door is far away, and
I can't support it for a while, so please ask Zhao Zongzhu to blame. "

He is a personal disciple of Yi Pichen, and his status is extraordinary.

Rumors are that Yi Pichen is the man who inherited the concept, that is,
the view of the future of Chunyang, and Zhao Chiying may be inferior to
Wu Gong. Can get him to report in person, in fact, has given Bi Xia Zong
the face, Zhao Chiying will not be uninterested, because he is also very
polite to Li Qingyu, do not hold himself as the head.

Zhao Chiying: "I also know that Yuanshui can't save the near fire, so I dare
not to work and see the Lord. This time, the Lord can remember it, I'm
grateful, and I will speak with the disciples in the door, and I can start
tomorrow. .If Li Daoyou does not hate, please rest here for one night. "
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 142
Li Qingyu bowed his head: "Zhao Zongzhu please help yourself."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something: "Dare to ask Zhao Zongzhu, I

don't know if Brother Shen Shen Tao is still in Bixia Zong?"


Shen Minqing wanted to teach his disciples to practice swords, but was
invited by Yan Wushi to the top of the mountain to discuss. Yan Wushi
said that he hadn't practiced sword skills for a long time. He wanted Shen
Ye to do tricks with him, and borrowed a sword from Yue Kunchi.
However, who knows that Shen Huan remembered the old thing and asked
him, "The Taihua sword you exchanged from Sang Jingxing that day?"

Yan Wushi defeated Cui Youhui at that time, and even Taihua Sword fell
into the other's hands. Later, he got into the hands of Cui Youru's disciple
Sang Jingxing. However, Yan Wushi is a man of extreme arrogance. He
believes that no matter how good the sword is, it is an object outside of
him. If he is taken by an opponent, he will be given stigma, and he will
add humiliation. World.

So at that time, he exchanged Shen Hua for Taihua Sword. In fact, he did
not mean the sword at all, but wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate
Shen Hua, letting him understand that he was not as good as a sword, so he
fell into a state of complete despair for the human heart.

As for Taihua Sword, after he took it back from Sang Jingxing, he was
thrown to Yu Shengyan in an instant, but he didn't even look at it.

But even if Yan Wushi was arrogant, he also knew that this idea was
obviously inappropriate to say otherwise, otherwise Shen Yan's calmness
and all his heart would be destroyed.

Perhaps Yan Wushi at the time never expected that one day he would step
into the pit he dug ...
Fortunately, Shen Zhen did not trace the roots, and took a little question to
bring it over.

The two met at the top of the mountain. After hundreds of moves, the sun
was already out of bounds, shining brilliantly, shining on the Quartet, Shen
was defeated dangerously, not because his sword skills were inexhaustible,
but because his internal strength had not yet returned to its heyday. During
this period, Yan Wushi was able to repair the flaws of the magic heart in
just three months.

Talents are often arrogant and difficult to accept the existence of people
better than their talents. Shen Ye didn't have this problem. He had a gentle
temperament and held a tolerant heart for people and things. When he
reviewed himself in advance and blame others, he settled his sword and
arched his hand: "When the first teacher was there, he once said For a few
years, Lord Zeng was able to compete with him, and now it is not so bad.
Thank you for your enlightenment, and the poor will benefit a lot. "

His compliments are not touted, but he truly feels that the other party is
better than himself, and thanks is also sincere. He is not jealous of anger
because of defeat. Victory is victory, defeat is defeat, and it is not mixed
with other grievances or emotions.峤 It seems so simple.

Yan Wushi felt that he was so serious that he couldn't get tired of it. He
wanted to see this person fall completely into the abyss of darkness and
become cynical. Now he likes this gentle and clear heart.

He thought about the other person's expressions repeatedly, and said with a
smile: "Ama, in our relationship today and today, you say too much."

What do we have today? Shen Yan twitched his lips and reluctantly
endured the other side's lack of margins. If he couldn't help refuting, he
would have ten thousand lines of absurdity waiting for him.

In his heart, he secretly slurped several "always reasonable": "It's not too
early, and I should also point at Shiji and Qilang to practice swords."
Walking down the top of the mountain, the two walked one behind the
other, the front went a little hurriedly, the back was not slow, but they were
not far away from each other, as if they were now in a relationship.

Between innocence and ambiguity, we break off the silk, and we still have
to talk about it.

Shen Hui returned to Bi Xia Zong's backyard and saw a man standing at
his door. The other party apparently saw Shen Kui coming from far and
near. The young and cold face revealed a smile that had not even been
revealed in front of Zhao Chiying.

"Brother Shen Dao, long time no see."

Chapter 96

After a few moments of recognition, Shen Min could not help but smile:
"Gongzi Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Li Qingyu wasn't a passionate person, and it was rare to reveal
a world-famous smile. His smile quickly converged, and he returned to the
calm and peaceful appearance of the past, but still can make people feel
happy. mood.

Shen Ye's impression of Li Qingyu was also very good. Although the other
party initially despised the day, he later borrowed a sword to help him
defeat Duan Wenji. It can be seen that he is also a personality lover, but he
is not good at words and looks a bit indifferent In fact, it is a person who is
cold outside and hot inside.

"When I was in Chang'an, I had to help my younger brother Su Shi's

family to help him, and then I could take Qilang out of the siege. I wonder
what happened to my younger brother's family now?"

Li Qingyu nodded: "He's fine. After the Southern School was conquered by
Hehuan Zong, the Su family and some other disciples came to Qingcheng
Mountain. They are now safe."
Shen Huan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, but the situation in
Chang'an is not good right now. I'm afraid they won't be able to return for
a while."

Li Qingyu said, "How is the martial arts recovery now, if you have time,
can you ask me for advice?"

He was obsessed with kendo. Seeing Shen Yan was like seeing a sharp
sword full of surprises. He couldn't help putting it down, but he could not
wait to scrutinize the other person's whole body, but it was not out of
unscrupulous thoughts.

Staring at the scorching eyes of the other person, Shen Yan could not laugh
or cry: "I ..."

He just said a word, and Yan Wushi took the words: "Ama is going to
instruct his disciples now. I'm afraid there is no time to waste with you. If
you want to ask for advice, let me give you some pointers."

Li Qingyu looked at him: "Who are you?"

Yan Wushi's lips twitched: "If you can defeat this seat, this seat will
naturally report your name."

Li Qingyu's eyes moved downwards, he paused for a moment in his hand

holding the wooden sword, and suddenly shook his head: "You don't use
swords a lot, you have a lot of arts and tricks. In the kendo, you are better
than Shen, and my internal strength is not as good You don't have to fight.

Yan Wushi smiled softly and kindly: "I have never seen such a self-aware
person in this seat. You are the first."

Li Qingyu's eyes sharpened sharply. The two looked at each other for a
moment, and he nodded: "It was the Lord of the Moon King Zongyan."

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "It seems you recognize this seat?"
Li Qingyu said, "I heard that Lord Zong was the arrogant arrogant, and I
saw it today, and it really deserved its reputation."

As soon as the two men met, they were violently surprised. He said: "Zong
Yan, Li Gongzi is a noble guest of Bixia ..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Wushi smiled haha: "Then let this seat
see the ability of this distinguished guest!"

While holding out his index finger, he was lightning fast, yet flawless. It
was the famous spring water fingering!

Shen Min was so impressed that she wanted to stop it.

There was a squeak on that head, but Li Qingyu's Qiushuijian was only
halfway out. The half of the sword's edge just blocked Yan Wushi's index
finger. The two sides made a brief contact. Li Qingyu stepped back three
times and the sword was forced back into the sheath.

Yan Wushi took his hands and stood still.

See you now.

But this is also expected. Li Qingyu is certainly a master of the younger

generation. After all, he can't compare with Yan Wushi. He just said that
his internal strength is not better than Yan Wushi, but Yan Wushi forced
others to shoot. , Suspected of bullying younger generations.

Li Qingyu held his sword and arched his hands, depressing the turbulent
blood, and slowly said, "Yan Zong's internal force is overbearing, and I'm
not as good as that."

The emphasis on the word internal force indicates that the other party
believed that Yan Wushi could win not because of his clever **** but
because of his clever internal force.

Swords twitched and flew.

Yan Wushi sneered.

Without waiting for him to make further moves, Shen Zhen has stepped
forward and said, "Li Gongzi, the death of the Southern School leader and
the merger of Hehuan Zong, it must have caused a lot of waves on the
rivers and lakes. I am wondering Insider, I wonder if Mr. Li is free to
elaborate for me? "

Li Qingyu glanced at Yan Wushi before nodding his head: "Of course it is

Shen Min took a lead inside the house: "Please."

He also said to Master Wu Wu: "I wonder if Master Yan wants to sit in
together, or is it something else?"

In Shen Ye's view, Li Qingyu came to visit as a guest, and was stabbed by
Yan Wushi for no reason, and it is unjustifiable. If the two fight, no matter
who hurts, Bixia is the embarrassment.

Suddenly, Yan Wushi pursed his lips, and Han Bing turned into a spring
breeze: "Come on, I'm hungry. Go to the kitchen and see what you can

Weird. Shen Xun said, he could not understand Yan Wushi's temper like
cloudy and occasional showers when he was sunny. When he saw the other
person turned away, he shook his head and returned to the room to sit
down with Li Qingyu and talk in detail.

The Zhongnan faction collapsed because of this change, and the sons of a
wealthy family like Chang Sunsheng would be able to go home without the
teacher. Other ordinary disciples based on the martial arts were a bit
miserable. They were It was forced to choose a station team, or to return to
Hehuan Sect and become an outside disciple of Hehuan Sect, or choose to
oppose Hehuan Sect and go to other martial arts, such as Qingcheng
Mountain Pure Yang Guan, and the dark tide surged because of this test
sword conference held here.

At that time, Chunyang Temple had faintly become the third force to stand
with the triad of Acacia and Buddhism. In the north, many schools that
were unwilling to attach to Acacia and Buddhism all turned to Chunyang
Temple for asylum, while in the south, due to the Yangtze River As a
barrier, together with the seat of the Linchuan Academy, Hehuan and
Buddhism have not yet penetrated to the south in a large scale.

Unwillingly planting willows into shade, Yi Pichen may not have expected
such a result in the beginning, but Chunyang Guan originally intended to
join the WTO, and he naturally did not extrapolate the truth. The test
sword conference held in Chunyang Guan obviously proved that A kind of

However, in just over half a year, the situation in the world has undergone
drastic changes, which is inevitably sighing.

Li Qingyu: "The completion of the sword test competition is a good

opportunity to learn about kendo. Master hopes that the brothers will also
be able to go to the meeting and tell the friendship of Daomen."

Shen Ye said: "I even took in two apprentices including Qilang. They have
just entered the division and now it is time to consolidate the foundation.
If I am not by my side, I am afraid that no one will point me and it is easy
to go astray."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 143
Li Qingyu didn't take it seriously: "When I was a kid, I practiced. The
Master only taught it once, let us realize it. Martial arts is inseparable
from talent. If you don't have even a little talent, you might as well live for
a lifetime. It's better than a few years. "

Although the words are cruel, it is not without reason. It is just that Shen
Yun is human, and he certainly cannot say such things. He smiled: "This
matter allows me to consider one or two, and I will discuss with them
before I make a decision."

Li Qingyu nodded.

Shen Ye remembered something: "I wonder if Li Gongzi heard of Xuandu


Li Qingyu: "I have never heard of it."

The last news that Yu Yu knows about Shen Yu is that he participated in

the siege of Yan Wushi. Since then, Shen Yu has never seen each other

Yu Xuan dedicated himself to making Xuandushan re-enter the gate, but he

was not good at starting from the beginning. He was first captured by
Chunyang Guan, and later he cooperated with the Turkic people. He
wanted to use the Turkic power to rise. Xiang, I'm afraid that in the end,
the bamboo basket will be empty.

After the horror of being betrayed at the beginning, now thinking of

everything related to Xuandu Mountain, Shen Yuan feels that it is more
like a misty rainy dreamland, beautiful and unreal.

Li Qingyu said, "If you want to go back to Xuandu Mountain, I can ask
Master to help."
Shen Yan shook his head and laughed: "Thank you, if you don't rely on
what you can bear, it won't last long."

When Li Qingyu saw his own idea, he nodded and stopped talking.

The two talked for a while, and at noon, Bi Xiazong disciple Zhou Yexue
came to knock on the door.

"Brother Li, the master is negotiating important matters with our master
and cannot personally entertain him. He deliberately explained to his
disciples to come and ask Brother Li and Shen Dao Chang Er to move to
the flower hall for dinner."

Whether to go to the sword test conference is a big event for the entire
Bixia Sect. Zhao Chiying must consult Yue Kunchi to discuss. At this
time, it is normal to have no time to personally receive Li Qingyu.

Zhou Yexue was 28 years old, just as beautiful as a flower. She was about
the same age as Li Qingyu, and both were practicing swords. It can be said
that if she is in love, it would be a good story.

Although Yi Pichen himself did not marry or marry, he did not let his
disciples have the same thoughts. There are almost no female disciples in
pure Yang concept. If Li Qingyu would never marry for life, it would be
good to focus on kendo. If he wants to marry a wife and have children Bi
Xiazong's female disciples had outstanding looks, which might be a
suitable choice. Zhao Chiying asked Zhou Yexue to come to the reception,
apparently having the same idea.

But Li Qingyu didn't seem to have the slightest idea in this regard. He
said: "Thank you for telling me, since Zhao Zong is not here, I will not go.
Can I prepare two meals for Brother Shen and Dao, I would like to ask him
Kendo , Just eat and chat here. "

Zhou Yexue apparently hadn't seen such an incomprehensible person, and

glared at the other side for a while before slowly saying a good word, then
turned away without looking back.
After a while, the person who came to deliver the meal was not her, and
replaced with Fan Yuanbai.

The onlookers of Shen Wei were clear, and she could see that the little girl
had a bit of interest in Li Qingyu, but Li Qingyu was obviously not that
mean, and he certainly wasn't good at provoking and pretending to be

Today's chef was not invited by Yamashita. Three dishes and one soup, the
taste is average.

Shen drank half a bowl of soup and drank half of it before remembering
that he was drinking fish soup. 89

And it looks like fish head soup ...

Looking at Li Qingyu, she is also looking down to drink soup.

Somehow, Shen Yan suddenly felt a funny feeling. He wanted to laugh a

little, but felt it was not kind, and quickly stopped his thoughts.

Li Qingyu: "This soup also tastes good."

Shen Yan laughed, but somehow he answered, "This vegetable is also very

When he said this, he suddenly passed Yan Wushi's face in his mind, but
then he denied it.

Anyway, the dignified ancestor lord is not to do such naive things?

Zhao Chiying quickly thought about it. She took Fan Yuanbai and Zhou
Yexue to Chunyangguan to participate in the sword test conference, while
Yue Kunchi stayed to sit in town, and Shen Qiyuan also wanted to stay, but
Zhao Chiying offered to hope that Shen Qi would go together. This friend
who had been in trouble together has taken her seriously. The Bixia sect is
weak and weak. It may be difficult for Zhao Chiying to get ahead alone,
and she really needs help.
Shen Yun agreed, and arranged homework for Fifteen He Yuwen, so that
they could practice well with Yue Kunchi, Yu Wenshu stayed at the
Gaomen mansion from an early age, and was full of curiosity and
exploration of everything in Taishan. Although Fifteen is a brother, he has
a gentle temperament. He usually chants it with Yuwen. When he
encounters a major event, he insists abnormally. The two brothers get
along well and let them be alone. Shen Ye is not worried.

The group quickly packed up and set off on the road.

The author has something to say:

Shen Yan: Master Yan, did you do the fish head soup?

Lao Yan: Grandma, how could this be doing such a rude thing?

Shen Yun: ... (seems very unbelievable)

Chapter 97

The distance from Mount Tai to Qingcheng Mountain is not close. It

almost crosses over half of the Zhou Dynasty. If you want to arrive half a
month later, you must not slow down. Fortunately, even a little girl like
Zhou Yexue in the crowd is Those who went outside and hurried on the
night, hurry up and hurry up. Finally, after ten days, they passed Chang'an
and arrived in Hanzhong. There are five days left. It can slow down the
journey and go slower.

Horse riding all the way, even the horses are about to withstand such a
high load of running, and finally they can stop and take a breath, everyone
is very happy, especially the two young people, Fan Yuanbai and Zhou
Yexue, have a cheerful look on their faces Li Qingyu was not two years
older than them, but calm down more than one level, cold and solemn on
the surface, and this has been the case since departure.

The news of the sword test conference has spread all over the world, and
many people from rivers and lakes with swords and knives can be seen
along the way. After entering Hanzhong, there are more such people, all
kinds of weapons.

Where there are many rivers and lakes, there are many rivers and lakes.
Xia is banned by martial arts. Many people have martial arts and can look
down on ordinary people. It is inevitable that they will be proud, feel that
they are superior, and they are more pretentious.

This came back early, just after entering the city, the inn just happened to
have a lot of rooms, and the lobby on the first floor was sparse.

Zhao Chiying and others booked a room before taking their seats.

Yan Wushi has a special status. Most of the people respect him. Zhao
Zhiying has a jealous attitude towards the non-enemy and non-friend
ancestral monarch. He does not want to offend or get too close. His
disciples Bixia are even more abused Now, dare to provoke him wherever
he is. Zhao Chiying took two disciples and happened to be in a case of four
with Li Qingyu, and the case of Yan Wushi sitting alone was left.

Shen Yan walked over to sit opposite him.

Yan Wushi burst into a smile: "Ayi can't bear to see me alone, so come
here to sit together?"

Shen Yan: "The number of customers will only increase, and there will not
be enough seats at that time. It is inevitable to rush customers. I just don't
want to cause trouble for the store."

Seeing that he didn't agree with him, Yan Wushi raised his hand and
poured him a glass of wine that was just warm: "It's a blessing for the third
generation to have a customer like you.

At first hearing, Shen Zhen only felt that this sentence was meaningful,
and then he shook God, but it seemed like an illusion.

Yan Wushi: "After this meal, I have to take a step first, not with you."
Shen Ye was a little surprised: "I thought you were going all the way,
because I would go to Chunyang to see the dust for a while."

Yi Yichen ’s martial arts, even if it is not ranked first in the world, is not a
problem in the top three. It is strange that Yan Wushi saw Xi Xinxin and
did not go to ask for a fight.

Yan Wushi shook his head: "Yi Pichen can do it anytime, but it is not
something that can be seen every day."

His gloating tone was so strong that Shen Ji immediately thought of a

person's name: "Dou Yanshan?"

Yan Wushi: "It's been long enough to throw out the bait, and now it's time
to close the net. How can this place not come to see it in person?"

Shen Yun: "You told me before that Yun Fuyi and Dou Yanshan were at
odds with each other. Sooner or later, they will take action. Yun Fuyi's
influence in the Liuhe Gang is not strong enough, so she had to use Huang
Jiahe The Turkic forces behind it came in secret. "

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Shen Yun: "You can know their every move in time, presumably it has also
played a role in fueling it?"

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "My grandma is smart. Dou Yanshan is a
city man with a lot of suspicions. It is easy for distrusting people to hear
secrets. It is because of his prudence. In the past few years, I have been
able to step up step by step and become the leader in dominating the river
transport of north and south. Can you guess how I broke through the siege
and laid a hidden line in it? "

Shen Jianmei, thinking for a moment, slowly said: "I can't guess."

Yan Wushi smiled: "In fact, it is very simple. Dou Yanshan is very
cautious, but the people around him are not necessarily. He has a personal
attendant who has followed him for eight years. He is smart and strong,
but he has a beloved woman. She repeatedly asked her for money, but the
woman did not want to be a embarrassing lover, but was struggling to do
nothing. At this time, I asked Bian Yanmei to send someone to help her
solve the problem and did one thing. "

Shen Yun: "Through her to control Dou Yanshan's servants?"

Yan Wushi shook his head and laughed: "Ama, you are so naive. Since
Dou Yanshan's servants are smart and capable, how can such a simple and
rude method be suitable for him? Bian Yanmei just let the other party win
the woman through these things. Favor, forged identity, pretending to be a
distant relative who has not been in contact with their family for many
years, has won the trust of the woman's family, and appears as a woman's
distant cousin. "
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 144
Shen Yun: "This is too twisty."

Yan Wushi: "Don't underestimate this level of relatives. If it is just an

outsider who has nothing to do, why do others believe in your kindness,
and having this level of identity is equivalent to making the other side less
wary. After getting along like this, the woman trusted the cousin and
introduced the cousin to Dou Yanshan's attendants. "

This chain-linking method sounded sighing deeply.

This person treats Chaotang Jianghu as a game, with his eyes above the top
and arrogance, so he will build countless enemies, eventually besieged by
the five masters, and almost ended in a deadly ending, but no one else can
Denies his military capabilities.

Shen Yan: "As you have just said, Dou Yanshan's servants are smart and
strong, how can that cousin win his trust?"

Yan Wushi smiled leisurely: "Interests. In this world, only common

interests can bring people closer together and be closer than brothers and
spouses. The attendant followed Dou Yanshan, day after day, and must
have seen many magnanimous and extravagant people. The scene, but he
is still an attendant, do you think he can be willing to a smart and capable
person? If the woman's cousin now provides him with a way to make
money, so that he can also own his own business, Over time, do you think
he sees each other as close friends of allies? "

Shen Yanran: "So you specifically chose a savvy person, knowing that he
would not be willing to stand by the status quo, rather than choose an
honest person?"

Yan Wushi: "Honest people also have their weaknesses. Where can there
be perfect people in this world?"
Shen Min nodded: "To put it bluntly, if you hadn't seen yourself too high
that day, you wouldn't have others in your eyes, and you wouldn't have the
opportunity to be taken advantage of by Guangling San and Dou Yanshan."

This statement is obviously ridiculous.

But he ignored Yan Wushi's face, and the latter smiled slowly: "You are
wrong, that is my past weakness, not the present."

Shen Yun could not help laughing: "His weak point now is that his skin is
thicker than that of Mount Tai?"

He often has a smile on his face, a gentle gentleman, but rarely laughs.

Although I didn't laugh at this moment, I couldn't stop laughing at the

corners of my lips, and even my eyes became brighter, like jade soaked by
rain, lively and fragrant.

"That's an advantage, not a weakness." Yan Wushi belonged to the person

who thought of what to do. The idea had just come out, and his hand was
already on Shen Qin's back. "Our weakness now is you!"

Shen Yan shook his head, his face seemed to hear something funny, and he
wanted to pull it back, but was held tightly by the other party.

"Mr. Yan, there are some tricks that are boring once you play it, why
bother playing it again? No matter how stupid a person is, it is impossible
to fall into the same river with him?" There was a hint in his words that he
might not even notice Self-deprecating.

"Do you remember the story I told you last time?" Yan Wushi's smile
remained unchanged, his eyes fixed on him, but he refused to let go.

Prior to this, Shen Ye never thought of the relationship between the two
people. He was bitten by a snake and was afraid of Jing Sheng for ten
years. After experiencing such "self-passion", he had no confidence in Yan
Wushi. I have a deeper understanding of the ruthless Liangbo, knowing
that this person has a hard-hearted heart, and he is frank, but he is also
wishful thinking, it is difficult to move the other side, but deep in his
heart, Shen Ye has long been afraid to believe it. He is too deep to dare to
trust this person any more, for fear of repeating the same mistakes.

However, at this moment, being stared at by the other person's burning

eyes, Shen Min snorted, feeling that he was like a prey being stared at by a
fierce beast.

"Treasurer, there are obviously two empty places over there, why are you
saying that you are full!" A loud voice came from not far away, distracting
the two of them.

Shen Min took the opportunity to take his hand, looked around, but saw
that the inn did not know when it was full, except that they were left with a
table case. Because he sat opposite to Yan Wushi, there were left and right
sides left. Can sit.

People today are not accustomed to sitting at the same table with
strangers, and generally no one wants to sit with someone they do n’t
know, but some people do n’t mind, and relying on their own force, they
feel that the other party is not good at rejecting , Will often cause storms
in the rivers and lakes.

The shopkeeper apparently did not want to see this place become another
storm scene. He was busy and explained with a smile, saying that as long
as the guests waited for a while to leave, they would be able to make room.

The big voice was unwilling to let him go. The people who came with him
looked at them, and they were not easy to mess with. They not only saw
the house full of them, they also sullen them, they also vacated two places,
but they also saw Shen Shuang wearing Daopao, his face is good and
deceptive, and Yan Wushi does not even have weapons. It seems that they
are soft persimmons that can be kneaded at will. If they are sitting here as
two fierce and powerful men, they may not dare to act rashly.

"I have met these people. They are from Taohuawu. After being merged
into the gate of Hehuan Zong, Taohuawu raised their toes and raised their
eyes, and now they are all dusty. They use the banner of Hehuan Zong to
behave outside, and others care about the name of Hehuan Zong. , Do n’t
want to offend easily. ”

"No wonder it's so arrogant, it's like a dog fighting ..."

"Shhh, beware of mischief, they are not bad at martial arts. Last time, even
Tianshan Jade Sword was folded in that big voice!"

"Drink!" The other person took a sigh of relief, "Tianshan Jade Sword can
be called a second-rate master!"

"No? Otherwise, how could they be so arrogant, that big voice is the
younger brother of the master of Taohuawu Dock, the nickname cut-off
knife ..."

"Oh—I heard, Cut-Blade Deming, it's him!"

The people at the table next to him did not speak very loudly, but they all
fell into the ears of Yan Wushi and Shen Yun.

The loud voice had turned away from the dispensers and strode towards

Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue were young and vigorous.

Yan Wushi naturally couldn't turn them to protect him, but Shen Yan was
kind and had great gratitude to Bixia Sect. He lived in Taishan for the past
six months and got along well with the people. He was not as hard-
working as Yan Wushi to point to the mountains. But the attitude to
answering questions is very good. When teaching his disciples, Fan
Yuanbai was watching them aside, which benefited everyone in Bixia Sect.
Fan Yuanbai and others treated him like a teacher and brother. Naturally,
he could not see him being rude.

After all, Zhao Chiying was heavier than them, and she didn't move, but
she said loudly: "The shopkeeper, I just gave the lamb pot of Tianzi No. 6
table, why haven't you sent it to me, Master Zongyan Zongyan and Chief
Shen Shen? It's been a long time! "
These two names, especially the one in front of them, shouted like a cold
wind blowing across the lobby of the inn, and the actions of everyone were

The footsteps that had been raised so loudly stopped in midair and could
no longer step out.

The author has something to say:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhine since Lao Yan started picking up

again, I stopped here!

Lao Yan, let me know, when will you get started?

Lao Yan [slow article]: Well, it depends on when my grandmother at home

will let go of her heart and greet me.

Onlookers [Singing in unison]: Today ~~~ Tears you shed ~~~ All ~~ You
~~ Yesterday ~~~ I made a death ~~~~

Chapter 98

The power of these three words, Yan Wushi, will be known by looking at
the reactions of everyone present.

The five masters who besieged Yan Wushi, just picking out one was
enough to crush everyone on the scene, not to mention a siege that could
be besieged by the five masters, and then the news of death was released.
Eventually, he reappeared in front of the world intact , That has become a
legendary monster.

The shopkeeper is also human. Seeing Zhao Zhiying's words caused such a
big effect, the scene was instantly frozen, and he nodded his head and
smiled happily: "It's a villain who forgot it, so I told the chef to send it
down, you wait, you wait! "

Yan Wushi's fingers were rubbed for a moment along the edge of the cup,
but Shen Min reached out and pressed.
The latter saw his intention at a glance, which meant to stop it.

Although they want to grab the position, they have n’t caused any
substantial harm. If Yan Wushi is shot, then the other party will be dead or
injured. By then, his companions will definitely avenge him, but they want
to Why are you asking for trouble when you are on your way?

Seeing this idea from Shen Yan's eyes, Yan Wushi laughed lazily:
"Because it looks on your face, this time bypass him."

He just said half of what he said, but was interrupted by this man's
recklessness. When Yan Wushi touched the glass with his hands, he really
lost his heart, but at this moment he changed his mind. The glass flew out
with a touch of him. Embedded in front of the toe of Deermin's step.

Deerming heard the words "Yan Wushi", and his face froze. He never
moved again.

The companions behind him were not indifferent, and when they saw this,
they quickly stepped forward and arched their hands: "Mr. Yan, the
younger brother is ignorant, rude and rude, and I apologize for the

Yan Wushi sat there, motionless, restless, and it was impossible for him to
doubt his identity simply by doing this.

It takes courage to want to pretend to be the lord of Huanyue, after all, not
everyone in this world can offend almost all majors like him, but others ca
n’t help him.

When others saw Deermin's beard and hear the words "young ignorance",
they tried to resist laughing.

"Young and ignorant?" Yan Wushi repeated it meaningfully. "I see that he
is five big and three thick. Does he have a mental deficiency and a brain

puff! Someone couldn't help laughing.

"You said ..." Deming was about to explode immediately, but he was
nodded by his elder brother, and he was held down on his shoulder to keep
him from moving.

The latter chastised Yan Yan without a teacher: "Yes, there is something
wrong with the mind of the younger brother, Lord Yan Zongzhu has a large
number, please do not share his general knowledge!"

The other party is the owner of the Peach Blossom Dock who has trusted
Hehuanzong. Recently, he is gaining popularity on the rivers and lakes, but
he knows who can provoke who can't, and Huan Yuezong now seems to be
under the influence of Hehuanzong. Great reduction, but the thin dead
camel is bigger than the horse, which provokes Yan Wushi. Whether the
Acacia will help their two brothers in the future, they will tell their lives
here today.

Yan Wushi seemed to see through his mind, smiled at the other side, and
immediately laughed at the master of Taohuawu.

"Since you have a mental problem, you should stay at home and go out
without any problems. You must be too tired to be your brother's offending
person everywhere."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 145
The master of Taohuawu drew his lips, and had to continue to respond:
"Zong Yan said what he said, he will teach him the next time, make him
reflect, and never let him run out!"

He said that he was afraid of Yan Wushi's remorse, and he did not care
about the brothers who glared out of a hole and quickly dragged people

The other party came in wildly, but within a short time they fled and fled.
The gap was so big that everyone in the room looked at each other.

Shen Yan shook his head. In fact, few people could see it. Only when the
cup of Fang Yan Wushi flew out, a small piece of porcelain also cracked
from the cup, hitting an acupuncture point in Deming. They were
extremely tricky. I'm afraid I can't solve it. Maybe I have to turn back to
Yan Wushi.

"If they come back to you, why don't you give them a solution, why

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "They won't come to me, but they will cry to
the Acacia sect, so they won't be spared me to find their time?"

The words fell off, and his people also followed, and before anyone else
came back, Yan Wushi had left, and everyone looked like they were
looking for the Taohuawu group, and they could not help but think of
Taohuawu. Waiting for someone to scream unlucky, who offends bad, why
offend a fierce god!

Even so, because of the arrogant impression that Cai Deming had left on
everyone, some people secretly rejoiced.

After using the meal, the two young people, Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue,
couldn't sit still. The two reported that Zhao Chiying and went out to go
shopping together. Zhou Yexue took the initiative to invite Li Qingyu, but
he was coldly rejected by Li Qingyu and said that he I wanted to practice
in the room, but I couldn't pull myself off for a while.

Zhao Zhiying still didn't know Yan Wushi's plan. Seeing him never return,
he couldn't help wondering: "Where did the Lord Yan go?"

Shen Yun: "He has other things to do, and he should not be on the same
road with us."

Zhao Chiying nodded, her heart was full of worries, and naturally she
couldn't care more about asking.

Although the Acacia and Buddhism are powerful today, most of the
factions in the world are reluctant to attach to the two. Hehuazong has a
bad reputation. Although the Buddhism has the Master Xueting and the
entire Zhou Dynasty behind, but Big schools like Dao Men, especially
Chun Yang Guan, are naturally impossible to cling to the past, so the
timing of the test sword conference is just right. Many people come from
all directions when they hear the news. Many rising stars want to take
advantage of this opportunity. The heads of various factions, who are well-
known and mature, want to form an alliance with Chunyang Guan, so as
not to be instantly destroyed by people like the Zhongnan faction.

After the last incident, Bi Xia Zong ’s strength has greatly diminished, and
she has a weak power. Zhao Chiying has not been able to overpower the
ambitions of the heroes, but she has been plagued by the lack of martial
arts talents, but she hopes that she can make a big splash at the test sword
conference and let Bi Xia Zong's fame and renewed popularity, but how to
achieve this wish, I am afraid to discuss in the long run.

Fan Yuanbai's Zhou Yexue's martial arts are just average, which can be
seen from the comparison with Li Qingyu. Although the latter is about the
same age as them, he suddenly ranks among the first-class masters. Over
time, it can be expected that this will make Zhao Chiying repeatedly.
Envious of Yi Pengchen's luck.

As a sect of history, Bixia Sect does not lack high martial arts skills, but
what it lacks is a buildable material that can comprehend high martial arts

One day, the situation passed by Zhao Chiying's heartfelt thoughts. The
next morning, everyone washed and ate downstairs, and then headed for
Qingcheng Mountain.

This time the crowd didn't stop any more along the way, and went to the
Qingcheng Town under the Qingcheng Mountain in a rush.

Because of the sword test conference, the town was already full of martial
arts people. Chunyang Guan specially sent someone to wait and receive in
Qingcheng Town. When they met the guests, they asked the origin of the
martial arts, registered in the book, and then went to the mountain to pick
up. But because there were too many people coming, the grand occasion
was unexpected, and many people had to wait in line in front of the
mountain gate.

Li Qingyu took Shen Zhen to the door of the mountain, and knocked on the
desk of the person who was writing at the desk with a scabbard.

The other person looked up, followed by a cry, and quickly got up:
"Brother Li, you are back!"

Not only him, but also the disciple of Chunyangguan, who was responsible
for picking up visitors, came over to greet Li Qingyu.

Li Qingyu arched his hand: "Brother Zhao, Brother Cong, can Master be
on the mountain?"

Brother Zhao: "Here, both the Linchuan Academy and the Hueiji King's
family are here, and Guanzhu is entertaining himself."

Li Qingyu nodded, and said nothing, and led the person directly into the
mountain gate.

Brother Zhao stopped him and said, "Brother Li, I don't know where these
people come from. Please report to a martial art, or let me be on the list.
Where is my responsibility, and please be considerate."
Li Qingyu's achievements in martial arts are quite high, and now he is the
leading figure of the younger generation of Chunyang Guan, even these
two brothers have to be kind to him.

It is just that he has high martial arts, but the situation is ignorant.

Li Qingyu frowned slightly: "This is the guest that Master brought me."

The implication is that you don't need to know that much.

Seeing that he was about to offend someone, Shen Yun took the initiative
to speak out: "This is Bi Xiazong, Zhao Zong, the two behind her are her

Hearing Bi Xiazong, Brother Zhao hadn't responded yet. As soon as Shen

Yan's two words came into his ears, his expression moved, and he asked,
"Dare to ask, but how long is Shen Tao of Xuandu Mountain?"

Shen Minshou: "Yes."

Brother Zhao glowed, busy arching his hands, "It turned out that Shen Dao
was disrespectful, and Shen Dao invited you in. I will let people go one
step ahead and report to Master!"

Li Qingyu: "Brother Zhao, I can take Shen Daochang up the mountain."

Brother Zhao laughed: "Brother Li has no idea. The Master has already
explained. When he met Chief Shen Dao and Zhao Zongzhu, he had to
make a report first so that the old people would meet him personally. It
may be slow to watch the scenery along the way, I will let people take a
small road and report it first. "

Although he said that it was "Shen Daochang and Zhao Zongzhu", people
with good eyes could see that his courtesy was directed at Shen Zhe, but
Zhao Chiying's mentality was well placed and he was not dissatisfied with

After hearing Master ’s instructions, Li Qingyu naturally stopped saying

People waiting in line waiting to see him and Disciples of Chunyangguan
said a few words before giving priority to the mountain, inevitably
clamoring: "We have waited here for a long time, isn't it worse than his
internal relationship? I do n’t understand the rules, what kind of sword test
conference does Chunyang Guan hold? ”

Brother Zhao is not humble and humble: "This dear has misunderstood.
The test sword conference was not organized by Chunyang Guan. It was
lent to the Liuli Palace by Chunyang Guan. We just came out to help
maintain order. Since you came to Qingcheng Mountain, It is necessary to
abide by the rules of Qingcheng Mountain. As for the few founders, one is
Shen Dao, the head of Xuandu Mountain, one is the master of Bixia Sect
and Zhao, and the other is the master Li Qingyu, who is at the command of
the Supreme Master. If you are dissatisfied, you may wish to meet with my
Master before you speak to his elderly person. "

Qingchengshan Li Qingyu, this rising star has long been famous. First, he
sword-taught Yu Yu on the Xuandu Mountain. Although he was defeated
by one stroke, he became famous. Later, he traveled the rivers and lakes,
and he also tried with first-class masters such as Duan Wenji. Although it
may not be a hundred wins, but it can seem to be different. For his age, it
has been a very shocking achievement. Today, the reputation of the three
words Li Qingyu on the rivers and lakes is famous, compared to the top
ten in the world, and it is not inferior. No matter how many, I do n’t know
how many young girls, Jianghu family, regard this young and promising
disciple of pure Yang Guan as a good husband and wife.

But when it comes to mentioning Li Qingyu, everyone just suddenly

realized that when they heard the word Shen Yan, they were shocked. At
first, it was incredible, and then some people, like Brother Zhao, just let
their eyes shine. Naturally, no one cares.峤 They go one step ahead.

In the past six months, along with his killing of Huo Xijing, who loves to
use human skin as a mask, he killed Kun Jiuquan with a sword on Mount
Tai. After the killing of the two elders of Hehuanzong gradually spread, his
reputation is not much less than that of Li Qingyu, even higher than when
he taught in Xuandushan.
Although some people do not believe in Shen Ye's ability, they think that
these rumors are exaggerated. However, whether Shen Ye killed Changan
the same day or defeated Yu Yu and others in the King of Tuguhun, they
were all carried out in public. Many people saw it with their own eyes.

Today, the Acacia sect is very powerful, and many sects and weak-ranged
rangers are oppressed, and they are even more revered for Shen, who has
the ability and courage to oppose the Acacia sect. During this period of
time that Shen Huan did not know , His reputation is rising, there is no
such wolf. Although the ranking of the Liuli Palace has not yet come out,
there have been rumors on the rivers and lakes that Shen Yun's martial arts
have actually recovered, and it is no problem to be among the top ten in
the world.

Yan Wushi always communicates with the outside world about these
changes. He must be aware of the existence of each other. However, Shen
is on top of Taishan, and he is concentrating on his apprenticeship, so he
will never know.

Li Qingyu is really not a good guide. He took Shen Wei and others along
the way to the mountain. Although he saw a scene, he would also explain,
but he was not good at speaking, and the explanation was boring. It might
as well be fun to look at with your eyes.

Shen Ye and Zhao Chiying are just fine. The two are deeply cultivated and
will not be rude. When they arrive at the Pure Sun View on the mountain,
Zhou Yexue and Fan Yuanbai can't help showing sorrowful and relieved

A middle-aged man in a robe really stood in front of the incense burner on

Taoist Plaza. He had dark hair, dusted his hands, and followed his disciples
to count people. This was a big battle.

The person headed by nature is naturally pure Yang Guanzhu easy to break
the dust.

Shen Wei swept away a little, but realized that there was an old
acquaintance behind Yi Pichen, Zhan Ziqian of Linchuan Academy.
The latter also saw Shen Wei, arching his hand at him, smiling.

Shen Ye also nodded and smiled.

Li Qingyu stepped forward and worshiped in the end: "Master, disciple is


"Mingchen is free, this trip has been hard." Yi Pichen called his
expressions kindly, lifted up his loved ones, came over again, and smiled
at Shen Ye and Zhao Chiying, among others: "Shen Dao, Zhao Zongzhu far
away Come, make Guan Guan prosperous and glorious, it is a great honor
to be poor, please also enter inside. "

With Yi Pichen's current status, he can come out to greet him in person.
Zhao Chiyingyuan was also worried about the other party's neglect. His
face was small and Bixiazong's face was big. Li Qingyu's cold solemnity
was the exact opposite, and he could not help but secretly praised Yi
Pichen's temperament.

The crowd trembled, and Yi Pichen introduced Zhan Ziqian to them again.

Zhan Ziqian's status in Linchuan Academy is not low, but Xie Xiang, the
disciple who is most valued by Linchuan Academy, did not appear this
time. Ruyi Kehui only sent Zhan Ziqian as a representative. Attitude.

Yi Pichen entered with Shen Chen and others.

The crowd saw a few people still sitting inside.

Yi Pichen said: "This is the second and third son of the King of Hueiji."

The first two young men did not get up, only slightly raised their sleeves.

They just talked with Yi Pichen earlier, but when they heard the news of
Shen Ye and others, only Zhan Ziqian and Yi Pichen were welcomed
together. The Wang family obviously did not think that Bixia Sect or Shen
Yi was worth them. The association of characters, lightness, no doubt.

Chapter 99
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 146
At this time, the Wang family was no longer the Wang family of the
"Wang Xie Feng Man Jinshu". With the change of the dynasties, the family
inevitably fluctuated in the years. The Huiji family in the presence was not
the descendant of the Wang family, but The side branches are divided, at
best, with some kinship. Because they have set foot in rivers and lakes
from their ancestors, they are now an out-and-out family of rivers and
lakes. By the way, they do some business and have nothing to do with
Chaotang. They are one of the best names on rivers and lakes.

Although the Wang family of Hueiji is only a branch of the Wang family, it
is unavoidable that it is also a high-ranking name because of the affection
of relatives. Naturally, Bixiazong Xiaomen is not in the eyes. As guests,
they are not willing to follow Yibian. Chen welcomed himself, and Yi
Pichen naturally could not force them.

Seeing each other's ceremony, Yi Pichen thanked Shen Ji for his rescue of
the Su family in Chang'an in the past, and said to Zhao Chiying: "Bi Xia
Zong was suffering from misfortunes. Also please Zhao Zongzhu not to
blame. "

Zhao Chiying sighed: "The Lord of the Easy View is polite, the difficulties
of Bixia Sect are all from the inside. Now he is fortunate enough to
survive the crisis, but the disciples in the door are dying. It is not as good
as before. On the other hand, the talents of the nobles are full of elites.
Enviable! "

Yi Pichen must be: "Zong Zong, don't worry, I think you two disciples, if
you are willing to practice hard, you will be able to achieve great results in

Even if he may just be a polite word, and can be praised by the pure Yang
Guanguan Zhuo, it is enough to make Zhou Yexue and Fan Yuanbai happy
and excited.
Seeing that such a useless greeting would continue, Saburo Wangjia could
not help but cough, and interjected: "Dare to ask Yiguanzhu, can there be
other schools to participate in this sword test conference?"

Yi Pichen: "There are many schools who come to participate in the test
sword conference. I don't know if Wang Sangong wants to find people or
to worship?"

Wang Sangong said with a laugh: "The Lord is really joking. My Wang
Jiawu classics are endless. I still ca n’t practice it. Where can I go to
worship? If there are other patriarchs coming to the meeting, it would be It
’s bothersome and easy to see, so that my brothers can get to know each
other. "

Zhan Ziqian came big enough, but unfortunately he was not an important
figure in the Linchuan Academy, but was only sent to pass a message.

Bi Xia Zong is now so badly wounded that she doesn't get into the eyes of
Wang Ergong.

As for Shen Yun, even though he has made great progress in martial arts,
the brothers of the Wang family were watching the battle at that time, and
they were really impressed by the scene where he fell off the cliff. How
thoroughly it was destroyed after that, goodbye Shen Yun at this moment,
has lost the admiration and admiration of that year, only to feel that the
other party is nothing but the interest of friendship.

Therefore, the number of people present have been excluded from the
"acquaintance" range by the Wang family brothers.

The world loves the name, and the people of the rivers and lakes are no
exception. At this sword test conference, many people came to the ranking
of Liuli Palace on the one hand, and on the other hand, they had an
intention to form an alliance with Chunyang Guan to fight against
Buddhism and Acacia.

Although the Wang family was in the Chen Dynasty in the south, it also
had a lot of business dealings in the north. It is impossible to ignore the
influence of the Acacia. The Wang family considers the famous family,
how can they cooperate with Hehuanzong? Therefore, the brothers of the
Wang family came here to see the details of the Pure Yang Temple. If there
are many majors attached to it this time, it means that the Pure Yang
Temple is indeed powerful and the Wang family can consider alliance with
it. Otherwise, they might as well Why cooperate with Linchuan Academy?

They asked this question, clearly neglecting the other people present, Zhao
Chiying and Shen Yan were all right, Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue
couldn't help showing the embarrassment.

Yi Pichen smiled slightly, as if he didn't understand Wang Sanlang's

suggestion: "There are also guests from other sects, all of them have been
resettled, and some are still down the mountain. If Wang Sangong wants to
meet, it is not troublesome. Wait for the disciples of this concept The way
is that all your homes are arranged together, and there is no distinction
between high and low. "

Wang Erlang was a little disappointed. When the other party said this, it
was clear that this time they would not have the martial art masters they

Wang Sanlang did not give up, and asked: "I heard that the test sword
conference ten years ago, but it was a team of elites and elites. Later, the
top ten in the world reached as many as five or six. Is it just now that it has
passed nine? In 2016, the influence of the test sword conference has faded
to this end? "

Zhou Yexue couldn't help but sneer, could this person think that the real
master is Chinese cabbage, can you call it?

Since it is a master, naturally it is necessary to put on display and

showheads, like the lord of the yueyue, not to leave halfway because of
disdain to participate in such occasions, and only people like the
temperament and kindness like Shen Dao will be willing to play against
them and work with them It was ridiculous that anyone who came to the
meeting was blind to Taishan because of this, and pearls were mistaken for
fish in front of them!
Wang Sanlang saw the ridicule on her face, and frowned: "This lady is
ridiculous, but what's wrong with my words?"

Zhou Yexue said indifferently, "Dare, I just saw a monkey. I was born in
the mountain. I saw the sky above me all the time. I thought that mountain
was the whole world!"

Wang Sanlang couldn't hear her talking about her eyes, and immediately
sneered: "It's born with sharp teeth. I just hope that your skills can be
smart, so that one day you won't die because of nonsense offending

With that said, he rolled up a robe and swept out the tea cup on the table,
and fled away from the snow on weekdays, but the water in a tea cup never
overflowed at all.

Since Wang Sanlang dares to look down on Bi Xiazong and others,

apparently there are two brushes. Looking at this hand alone, even Yi
Pichen not only shows appreciation, but can be described by two brushes.
In the younger generation, It is amazing.

Zhou Yexue was taken aback. She had not taken a step back before the tea
cup arrived.

Zhao Chiying shook his head secretly and was trying to help, but Shen Yan
held it down with one hand.

However, when Shen Yan was sitting still, the other hand picked up the
cup on his desk, drank it first, and then threw it out, hitting the cup that
Wang Sanlang flew over!

The two cups collided, but the cup made a crisp sound, but it did not break.
The tea in the cup was shaken, and the spilled tea fell into the Shenyang
cup. Then the two cups bounced back along the original path and returned
to their owners .

All the changes were not instantaneous. When Wang Sanlang took over his
cup, his expression still maintained the expression of the genius, and he
seemed unable to believe what he saw with his eyes.

Shen Min held the cup that flew back, only to smell it, then put it down. "It
seems that Yi Guanzhu is not eccentric. The tea of Wang San Gongzi is the
same as ours. In this case, why is Wang San Gongzi so enthusiastic, let us
also try your tea?"

His hand is much more clever than Wang Sanlang. It seems to be an

understatement and weightlifting. But in the heat, the non-deep internal
skills and skills cannot be achieved. In comparison, Wang Sanlang did
Zhou Zhouxue like he was in front of the gate. Dance with the sword.

Realizing this, the brothers of the Wang family naturally dared not to look
down on the other side at will.

Wang Sanlang arched his hands sternly, without saying a word,


There are people outside, there is a sky outside, even if they feel that they
are not worthy of being ranked among the top ten in the world, it is still a
mountain they still can't cross.

Yi Pichen watched coldly, seeing that Wang ’s spirit was greatly

diminished, and he had no extra words, only smiled slightly: "Today's
running all the way, everyone is tired to come, so poor people will lead
you to rest for a while?"

The brothers of the Wang family naturally had no objection, and Zhan
Ziqian nodded: "Then there will be a view of labor."

Out of the main hall, Li Qingyu said to Shen Wei: "I live in a small
building on the east side. The one with the Li character on the doorplate is
Shen Dao. If you have any problem, just come to find it."

Shen Xie thanked him, and with Zhao Chiying, led by the disciples in
Chunyang Guan to the residence.
Zhao Chiying deliberately lags behind a few steps, letting Fan Yuanbai
walk in front of them, pulling Shen Chen slowly and whispering: "How do
I look at this situation, only then can Yi Guanzhu seem to have something
to say, but was interrupted by the brothers of the Wang family?"

Shen Min nodded: "It does look so."

After all, he was also a teacher, and Yi Pichen just came out to greet them
in person. On the one hand, he expressed his attitude, and on the other
hand, it was definitely an opening speech. There must be important
matters to discuss.

Zhao Chiying pondered: "In your opinion, will he want to discuss an

alliance with us?"

Shen Ye did not answer the question: "If so, how is Zhao Zongzhu
prepared to reply?"

Zhao Chiying sighed: "The Acacia and Buddhism are now in great
potential. If they want to annex Bixia Sect like the Turkic people last time,
they can only sit back and wait for the current situation of Bixia Sect.
Maybe the alliance is indeed a method."

Shen Huan: "I see Yi Guanzhu's ambitious and acting atmosphere. Now
Buddhism has Xueting flourishes and Confucianism has Linchuan
Academy. Only Daomen is like a piece of scattered sand. If Daomen can
be unified in his hands, it is not a bad thing. Good thing. "

Zhao Chiying was silent for a moment: "In terms of the present timing,
Iguana may not be that easy. The Sword Contest was originally a martial
arts event, but this time only one disciple came to Linchuan Academy,
which is not optimistic.

She paused: "Actually, on martial arts, Shen Dao may not be worse than
Yiguanzhu. If you are willing to raise your arms, I will say nothing to lead
Bi Xia Zong's disciples."
Shen Yan shook his head and laughed: "I don't even have a foothold now. If
you want to run away, how can I keep it?"

He felt that Zhao Chiying was joking, but Zhao Chiying said earnestly:
"How many people in this world can promise to make a long journey like
Shen Daochang? Not only do I Bixia Zong accept your favor, but everyone
who has interacted with you has How many dare to say that you have not
received your favor? Even Lord Yan, who is a person who does not
distinguish between righteousness and evil, and acts with his own heart,
doesn't he just look at you differently? "

Shen Yan smiled bitterly: "This one looks at me differently, I'm afraid it's
just a joke?"

Zhao Chiying smiled slightly: "I don't think so."

During the conversation, the two walked to the residence, which happened
to be adjacent to the house. If they wanted to get in touch with each other,
they would go back to the house to wash.

As soon as she washed her face, she heard the knock on the door again.

He thought it was Zhao Chiying and had something to say, but when he
opened the door, he saw Zhan Ziqian standing outside.

"Shen Dao, don't come without a fist?" Zhan Zi arched handfully.

Shen Yan sideways let people in: "Please in Zhan Langjun."

Zhan Ziqian: "I feel ashamed. I was very happy to see Dao Chang. I
wanted to talk to you and talk about painting skills. Unfortunately, this
time I was here, but I had to rush back. I had to come and say goodbye. . "

Shen Yun was surprised: "Hurry up? Didn't the test sword conference start

Zhanzi smiled pitifully: "It's because tomorrow will start, so I will go back
today. Tomorrow's sword test conference, I'm afraid there will be a lot of
blood and rain. At that time, pure Yang Guan will not be able to protect
himself, let alone an alliance, and gentlemen will not stand under the wall
I really do n’t want to see Chief Shen Dao involved in it. I do n’t know if
you are willing to come back to Linchuan Academy with me, Master will
certainly welcome him. ”

Seeing him say something seriously, Shen Zheng frowned and said, "What
the **** is going on?"

Chapter 100

Even if there are weeks in the north and Chen in the south, each has its
own politics, but the rivers and lakes are not divided into the northern
rivers or the southern rivers, because the world does not distinguish
between the north and the south.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 147
Therefore, the aggressive expansion of the Acacia and Buddhism has not
only caused heartbreaks in the northern factions, but also threatened the
Linchuan Academy.

The holding of the test sword conference naturally gave the various parties
the best time to connect with each other. Linchuan Academy wanted to
form an alliance, so Zhan Ziqian was sent over to ask for directions. If Yi
Pichen was willing to head the Linchuan Academy, he would form an
alliance. Naturally, things will come to pass. By then, the combination of
Confucianism and Taoism will greatly curb the rise of Acacia and

However, Zhan Ziqian's trip was not smooth, and Yi Pichen was obviously
impossible and unwilling to surrender. Zhan Ziqian was destined to return

Without the participation of Confucianism, the test sword conference will

certainly lose much of it.

Shen Yan listened to the story, shook his head and said, "Since there are
common goals, who cares?"

Zhanzi smiled pitifully: "Not everyone likes Shen Daochang who doesn't
care about his stigma. Now that Xuandu Mountain is attached to the
Turkic wings, Chunyang view can hold the door of Daomen, and my
teacher Linchuan Academy is The head of Confucianism, Confucianism
and Taoism are different, and dragons and phoenixes contend. Who is
willing to be a green leaf to back it up? "

Shen Yanmei said nothing.

As Zhan Ziqian said, Ruyi Kehui and Yi Pichen are both masters in the
world. The leader of the alliance is not low. Whoever is the leader, the
other will not be soothing, not to mention that they are all heads of one
faction and they represent Confucianism. With Dao Men, no one is willing
to easily put their martial arts in the first place and be led by others. This
is not only a matter of face, but also a change in the status of Dao Tong.

Shen Huan: "The Guan Yizhu must not accept it."

Zhan Ziqian: "Yes, after listening to my intentions, Yi Guanzhu rejected

the proposal of alliance, presumably my teacher had already expected this
ending, so this trip only sent me here, not my teacher or Others are out.
But it is not a secret that Yi Guanzhu wants to alliance against Hehuanzong
and Buddhism. The other party will know sooner or later. Tomorrow ’s
sword test meeting is only afraid of the waves. Although Shen Daochang is
a Taoist crowd, he has nothing to do with Chunyang. Friendship, why not
join me as a guest in Linchuan Academy? Since the last time I returned to
Su family, my teacher and brother also respected Shen Daochang. If you
see you, you will be very happy. "

Shen Chen laughed: "Thank you for your kindness, but you still have to

Zhanzi said, "Why?"

Shen Yun: "The Taoist gates are closely related. This is not a scourge of
Chunyang View. If Chunyang View was annexed by Acacia, the disaster of
other schools is not far away. Moreover, I have promised Bixia Sect to
help them in A big help at the Test Sword Conference. "

Zhan Ziqian showed regret: "This is impossible, but Yi Guanzhu's wish to

promote the alliance this time, I'm afraid it will fail."

Shen Huan: "The pure sun view is now flourishing, and the scale of
prestige is not inferior to that of Xuandu Mountain. It is reasonable to say
that there should be many people coming to join."

Zhan Ziqian: "Although so, people have different hearts. Not to mention
me, Shen Daochang looked at the Wang family brothers, and Yi Guanzhu
invited them to the main hall. There was also one of them, but they spoke
only for the test sword meeting. On the other hand, he didn't mention a
word about the alliance. Obviously, Chunyang's view was lonely, and he
was only willing to do the wall view and refused to be involved in the

He is a good-tempered man, although he is a disciple of Confucianism, his

position is not fierce, and his words are rather pure. I regret it. As if he has
foreseen that the sword test tomorrow will continue to turmoil, and the
situation will eventually dim. The two booed for a while, and Zhan Ziqian
mentioned painting again, inviting him to visit Linchuan Xuegong as a
guest, and Shen Yun naturally agreed.

Zhan Ziqian has just left, and the Su family brothers came to visit again in
order to thank Shen Ye for his help in Changan last time. Although Su
family now ran away from Qingcheng Mountain, their foundation in
Changan was not completely abandoned. When the time comes, I still have
to go back.

In addition, there are many martial arts sent famous posts over here,
wanting to meet Shen Ye.

He suddenly found out that before he knew it, he was no longer in the past,
and everyone was laughing at the former Xuandu Shan who taught. Many
people mentioned the word Shen, and they were more connected with
Changan World War I. Moreover, because of the expansion of the Acacia
sect now, everyone is jealous. Shen Jianjian's killing of two elders of the
Acacia sect has become more and more popular.

This is obviously an unexpected result of Shen Yun. He was crying and

laughing, but he refused to reject these visits one by one because he was
too late. After sending away Solvay and Su Shi, he meditated alone in the
room. Waiting for the next day.

The next day, as soon as it was bright, someone brought in hot water and
breakfast. Shen Yun took care of everything and was thinking of going out.
Zhao Chiying was standing outside and knocking on the door. The two
went to the hall together.

Shen Yun: "Where are they?"

Zhao Chiying: "They have already gone to receive the number plates. If
there is no accident, it will be arranged in the first round."

At this time, Shen Zhen didn't quite understand the rules of the sword test
conference, so he asked the situation.

Zhao Chiying said: "When we came yesterday, the disciples of Chunyang

Guan had already written down the names of each of them. Today, they
will be sorted according to the order here, and the list will be given to the
people in Liuli Palace. Liuli Palace will also refer to everyone in In the
martial arts achievements of the rivers and lakes, some people with the
same ability will be arranged to compete in the same session. If you have
unintentionally ended, it is better to speak to the other party in advance
today. Naturally, your name will be removed and supplemented by others.
This is just a rule that applies to ordinary disciples. Like us, they are
generally not included in the list unless you want to play next. "

Shen Huan: "Everyone's martial arts record on the rivers and lakes may
not even be clear to him himself. How can I know if the Liuli Palace lived

Zhao Chiying laughed: "I have this question too, but presumably they have
only made a vague positioning based on the news received from all
parties. This is also the purpose of holding the test sword conference, so
that the ranking can be completely determined. It is said that the people of
Liuli Palace look like a torch. However, anyone who has seen one's skills
can know the level of the other's martial arts on the rivers and lakes, and
the audience is impressed. I had no chance to see it ten years ago, and I
will definitely open my eyes this time. "

While talking, they crossed the backyard of Chunyangguan and came to

the front hall.

Many people have already come here at this time. Unlike the spaciousness
they saw yesterday, the main hall is covered with soft mattresses, and all
the doors of the main hall are open. So as long as you sit in the hall, you
can deal with house diplomats. The situation is clear at a glance, avoiding
the sun and rain.
Yesterday Zhan Ziqian resigned and left, and the Wang brothers lacked
interest in the alliance. Shen Ying and Zhao Chiying thought that there
would not be too many people today. At first glance, there were nearly a
thousand seats in the hall. It ’s filled with seven thousand seven hundred
and eighty-eight, and the martial arts here are very complicated. Not only
Feixianmen, Qingyang Villa, and other small martial arts families, but also
Jiuhuazong and Cabernet Swords, who are hovering among the second-
class. Martial arts, although the famous Confucian and Buddhist
monasteries such as Linchuan Xuegong and Tiantai Sect did not arrive, but
in view of this situation, they will not be worse.

Zhao Chiying and Shen Zheng settled down and whispered: "With Li
Qingyu's qualifications, he will be able to win the top spot today, and then
Yi Guanzhu will put forward the matter of alliance, and he will be able to
do more with less."

Shen Min nodded, thinking the same.

Yi Pichen came over from the disciples and greeted everyone first, and
then said loudly: "Thank you for taking the time to come to the meeting
and test the sword. Once every ten years, this time the Liuli Palace took
the scene as a demonstration. Chunyang Guan is also deeply honored, and
I hope that you will be friends by martial arts.

Yi Pichen's voice was kind and low, but not high or low, but transmitted by
internal force, there was no omission in the presence, and they all heard

He said that he took another step and introduced everyone to a purple shirt
woman next to him.

"This is Yuan Zixiao, the lady from the Liuli Palace."

Many people only heard of Liuli Palace's name, and have never seen it
with their own eyes. At this time, when the famous Liuli Palace sent a
woman to serve as the judge of the test sword conference, they couldn't
help expressing their doubts.
"Yuanguanzhu, it's not that we don't give you face. The sword test
conference is held every ten years. Its martial arts rankings are waiting for
everyone in the rivers and lakes. Today, not only is it held in advance, but
only one woman is sent. This is not But contempt for us is also contempt
for you! "

"Yeah, isn't it that the Liuli Palace fears the power of Hehuanzong and
Buddhism and only allows a weak woman to fool us?"

"That is, what is the significance of this test sword conference! Why not
go home and go to bed early!"

One person started, the others naturally followed one after another, and the
sounds of suspicion began to rise. The scene was a bit overwhelming.
Disciples of Chunyang could not help but show anxiety and looked at his

"You're Wei Gaofei, and you're from Feixianmen. You're good at

swordsmaning. Feixianmen's set of sky is empty, and you're trained to be
innocent." The woman in purple clothes standing next to Yi Pichen
suddenly made a noise, her voice was like jade collision Echoing inside
the hall, although crisp and sweet, it was cold and cold, without any trace
of emotion, and it was free from anger caused by questioning.

"Yes, so what?" The young man who asked him for a moment paused and

Yuan Zixiao: "But there is a fatal shortcoming in your sword, or a hurdle,

and you can't make it through anyway, so you can't reach the essence of the
sword, this is your last time with the Longmen School Qi Wei The reason
for losing to him in the fight. "

Wei Gaofei's face changed dramatically: "You, how did you know?"

Yuan Zixiao ignored it and continued coldly: "The knife method of

Xuantian requires quick and accurate, but your wrist is not flexible
enough, the speed cannot keep up, and the skill is not so good that you ca
n’t integrate with yourself. . "
At this time, Wei Gaofei couldn't afford to ask the other party how to know
his flaws, and quickly asked: "Dare to ask if there is a solution?"

Yuan Zixiao: "Yes, since your own body is limited and you can't reach the
peak state of the sky, why should you go all the way to black? It ’s better to
change another set of light knife in your martial arts, focusing on slow
stability and heavy weight. With your qualifications, it's not difficult to
reach the Dacheng realm. "

"If weightlifting is light, weightlifting is light ..." Wei Gaofei murmured,

his face thoughtful and uncertain, half a moment suddenly yelled, and
gave Yuan Zixiao a sigh to the end: "Thank you for your advice, thank you
for your generosity, and return in the future!"

No matter what other people say, he just got up and left the hall, and he
didn't look back even if his fellow teachers and brothers called in the back.

Others looked at his performance and knew that he must have learned
something from Yuan Zixiao's words. People who practiced martial arts
occasionally had a flash of light, and they did not take any notice of the
difficulties, but they were very envious.

Yuan Zixiao also called to break through the martial arts of several other
people. The weaknesses were flawed. These people were only questioned
before. At this time, they were broken one by one, and all looked greatly

Others knew the strength of the Liuli Palace at this time, for fear that Yuan
Zixiao would also speak out his weaknesses in martial arts, so that he
would be aware of the flaws by his opponents before he even started to

Zhao Chiying whispered: "This woman is really powerful, Liuli Palace has
a well-deserved reputation. Presumably she also knows my Bi Xiazong's
martial arts defects."

Between words, there is a bit of fear.

Shen Yun laughed: "Everything in the world, both sides of yin and yang,
there are advantages and disadvantages. No matter how clever the martial
arts are, there can be no flaws. She can break them one by one. It is really
clever. The higher the weakness, the fewer the weaknesses, so instead of
bothering to remember the weaknesses of others, it ’s better to improve
your martial arts.

Zhao Chiying bowed his head: "This is the words of the Grand Master, I
might as well!"

On the other side, Yi Pichen saw that Yuan Zixiao was able to live in her
own place, and didn't say anything to interfere, and saw everyone quiet
down, so she said: "Since you have no objections, follow the rules!"

Along with his words, the disciples of Chunyang Guan sounded the jade
cymbals in the field, the voicelessness was long, and the sword test
meeting officially started.

The first scene was Wang Sanlang and Zhou Yexue among the brothers of
the Wang family.

The men and women had previously met with each other. At this time, they
saw each other on the court, and they were not pleasing to each other. Zhou
Yexue was obviously not Wang Sanlang's opponent and he had not yet met.
In fact, the victory has been set.

Although Zhao Chiying was regretful, there was no other way. Bixia Zong
now wants to revive her fandom, and may have to rely on herself. Today
she is determined to end, but in which match, it depends on the opponent.
If the opponent is Martial arts is low, and even if she wins, she is dumb.

Zhou Yexue is a stubborn little girl. Although she knows the result, she
refuses to fall without fighting. She still fights with Wang Sanlang while
holding the sword.

The square is very spacious. In order to save time, in addition to them,

there are two other opponents at the same time.
Su Shi was also among them. His opponent was the Jiuhua suzerain ’s
autobiographical disciple. He was of the same age. He was also a rising
star. The two players were more exciting than Zhou Yexue and Wang
Sanlang. Most of their attention was on them. On his body, he could not
see for a moment, and sighed that the waves were moving forward.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 148
It was here that a disciple of Chunyang Guan descended from the
mountain with another person behind him.

Seeing the man's description from afar, Shen Min could not help but move
slightly, apparently very unexpected, and deeply shocked.

Zhao Chiying sat next to him, naturally aware of his shock, and couldn't
help asking: "What's wrong?"

Chapter 101

The visitor was in a plain dress, with a beautiful beauty, and Ufa turned
into a high-profile, tightly tied with jade strings. Not only Shen Shen paid
attention, but most of the people in the scene were also suddenly appeared,
the unknown woman attracted the sight. , Have looked over there.

The other was carrying a sword, looking forward to flying, but walking
without half the femininity, and was not nervous because of the attention
of others, still calm and calm. When she followed behind the disciple of
Chunyangguan, her gaze followed the audience for a week. When she saw
Shen Yun, her face first showed irresistible shock, and then a surprise
appeared. Waiting for the leading disciple to bring her to Yi Pichen, she
tiptoed and flew over to Shen Yun.

Shen Yan also stood up, looking at each other, and the girl had rushed over
like Ruyan to Lin, hugging him tightly.

The onlooker's eyes suddenly changed.

"Teacher Palm!" The girl didn't even notice what the other person was
thinking, and it took a while until Shen Ye patted her on the back before
she let go of her.

Upon hearing this title, Zhao Chiying knew that the other party must be a
disciple of Xuandushan and a sister of Shen Yun.
Sure enough, Shen Min took her hand and introduced to Zhao Chiying:
"This is my five-sister sister Gu Hengbo, this is Bixia Zong Zhao."

Zhao Chiying also heard that there are five disciples under the door of Qi
Fengge, Tan Yuanchun, Shen Yun, Yu Yan, Yuan Ying, Gu Hengbo. The
only female apprentice here is naturally Gu Hengbo in front of him.

Now it seems that the other party's ice muscle jade bones, immortal and
discerning, outstanding, really is a good figure.

Gu Zhao and the two had seen each other, and Gu Hengbo laughed: "I
heard Zhao Zongzhu's name early, but I can see him here, Wu Niang is
even lucky!"

Obviously, she did not know the rituals, but only saw Shen Yan, who was
too excited for a while, and could not bear others anymore.

The two greeted each other, and Shen Zhen asked, "Wu Niang, why are
you here? Is Yu Yu also here?"

Gu Hengbo shook his head: "No, I had a big fight with him. There was a
period of time after coming down the mountain, and I was not going to go

Shen Yanmei: "What happened, did he treat you badly?"

Gu Hengbo pursed his lips with a smile, and it seemed that he didn't take it
as a thing at all: "It's a long story, it's better to go back. I heard that there
will be a test sword conference here, so I went up to the mountain to see it,
but I was able to See brother Zhang. "

When Shen Ye heard the other party still called him "Teacher Palm", he
was secretly feeling: "Well, I'll take you to see Yi Guanzhu first."

Gu Hengbo naturally had no opinion. She entered the school a bit late, and
the age gap with the previous brothers widened a little. Qi Fengge, as a
teacher, has many things. It is impossible to teach apprentices every day.
Most of Gu Hengbo ’s martial arts are It was taught by Tan Yuanchun and
Shen Ye, of which Shen Ye spent more time with her, so Gu Hengbo
treated the brother as a brother and a father, admired deeply, and compared
with other people.

Gu Hengbo was so extraordinary that she let many young disciples follow
her. Everyone saw her and Shen Yang describe her as close and
misunderstood. Even Yi Biechen was no exception. After listening to Shen
Ye ’s introduction, she was surprised: “Qi teaches a generation Tianjiao,
even the disciples are outstanding, and I am fortunate enough to meet two
of them. It is even more heartbreaking to think about the style of Qi
Zhangjiao in those days! "

He was an exquisite figure. When he saw Gu Hengbo coming alone, he

didn't ask the reason. After a few words of shame, he knew that Shen Heng
and Gu Hengbo would not meet again for a long time. There must be a lot
of things to say, and they would make people in Shen Heng again. Add a
seat next to the brother and sister to tell the story carefully.

Shen Zhen and Gu Hengbo returned to the seat, but when they saw that the
latter was absent-minded, they were frequently distracted, and they
couldn't help wondering: "Wu Niang, what happened to you?"

Gu Hengbo pulled his eyes back and shook his head: "Nothing, Brother
Brother has been suffering a lot these days? When I walk outside, I often
hear about you, and I blame me for being negligent. I was in Xuandu
Mountain that day. He did not see the true face of Yu You, so that Brother
Xiong suffered so much suffering. "

Shen Huan: "I was caught in the drum even that day, let alone you. Things
have already passed, and it doesn't make much sense to regret it now. How
can you fight with Yu Huan?"

Gu Hengbo: "After you fell off the cliff, Xuandu Mountain had no heads.
Instead of messing up, it quickly calmed down under Yu Yu's leadership.
Everything was well organized, and several elders asked again," Your life
is unknown, Xuandushan cannot One day he did not take charge of
teaching. Let Yu Yu lead the position of teaching. "
"Xuandushan is not chaotic, this is a good thing." This is the first time that
Shen Ye heard the story about Xuandushan's disciples. Among them, he
still doesn't know much about it, Gu Hengbo cried. Come, there is a
feeling of gradually clearing the clouds.

Gu Hengbo: "At that time, I was ordered to stay behind in Xuandu

Mountain, and I didn't see it with my own eyes. After hearing this news, I
felt like a thunderstorm, and was at a loss. Later, I thought about it
carefully. Brother and you, some of us, as well as most disciples of
Xuandushan, are very sad, but Yu Yu has shown resolutely popular means,
even if he looks sad on his face, but it is suspicious everywhere. "

"After this incident, once you came back to Xuandu Mountain, Yu Yu

failed to keep you, and said that you were in collusion with the people in
the magic gate. At that time, the master was there, I was not there. Asked
him a chance, but he spit and refused to tell the truth. "

Tan Yuanchun has an indecisive temperament. He is a well-known old man

among the disciples of Xuandu Mountain. He regrets Shen Yun's affairs
and cannot decide on Yu Yu. It is not surprising that he has such a

Gu Hengbo continued to say, "I once heard him speak with Elder Chai, and
it seemed that he had expected the outcome of your battle with Kun Xie,
and I became more and more aware of the facts in this matter. There must
be something in Yu Yu. Hiding us, until later, Xuandushan's cooperation
with the Turkic was announced. I really couldn't hold back, so I went to
question Yu Xuan and asked if he had had a collusion with the Turkic.
Your severe injuries were also related to this. ? "

Shen Yan shook his head: "You ask, how will he admit it?"

Gu Hengbo smiled bitterly: "Of course he would not admit it, but
otherwise, he also calmed me and sneaked into my room at night, trying to
strike me, because I found out in time that he had fought down the
mountain after fighting with him, and since then I never went back. "
Shen Yun was silent for a while: "Although your martial arts are good, he
is not a dreary opponent. At that time, he mastered Xuandu Mountain and
was fully capable of capturing you, but he still allowed you to escape
down the mountain. , For the sake of mercy. "

Gu Hengbo: "But even so, he caused you to poison the cliff and lose all
your martial arts. That little kind of benevolence, in my opinion, is just a
cat crying and a rat. The brother is right and wrong, willing to make
trouble for the tiger, but I can no longer With it. "

Shen Yan: "What about Yuan Ying, what about Yuan Ying?"

Gu Hengbo shook his head: "Before I went down the mountain, I had
secretly left a letter to the four brothers explaining the matter, and I didn't
know if he saw it. Later, I left Xuandu Mountain and never heard of him

When the two brothers and sisters narrated here, there were already
several games in that field. Although Wang Sanlang was arrogant, his
martial arts was outstanding in the younger generation. After defeating
Zhou Yexue, he continued one after another. After winning a few games,
even Su Shi lost to him by one stroke, and he was in the limelight for the

Gu Hengbo glanced at the side of the field several times, and suddenly
said: "There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king, I
will meet him too!"

He said he didn't wait for Shen Zhen to stop, and then he ended early and
went straight to the other party.

Her beauty was already dazzling. At this time, falling from the sky
attracted the attention of the audience. Wang Sanlang was proud of others,
but stood in front of Gu Hengbo, showing a flattering expression and
showing the humility of his family. : "The sword has no eyes, lest you hurt
the fairy, why not shake your hands?"
Gu Hengbo said indifferently: "It turned out that Your Excellency didn't
come to learn martial arts, but to watch people come to the dishes?"

Wang Sanlang did not expect that the beauty exit was so embarrassing, and
felt insulted: "Nature is not!"

Gu Hengbo issued a sword: "Then please!"

Seeing the two fighting, Zhao Chiying was surprised and surprised: "Make
the sister really extraordinary, worthy of a famous teacher to be a high
apprentice, is in the same vein as Shen Daochang and complement each

"Zhao Zongzhu has won the prize." Shen Huan said modestly, but thought
that Wu Niang was not such an impulsive person on weekdays, and her
behavior seemed strange.

Wang Sanlang naturally lost to Gu Hengbo. With the sword in his hand, Gu
Hengbo was picked off by a sword, then dropped in mid-air, half-inserted
into the ground, and the disciples of Chunyang Guan exclaimed:
"Xuandushan Gu Hengbo wins Hueiji Wang Zhuo ! "

Everyone knew Gu Hengbo's identity. Wang Sanlang's face was a little

pale, not only because of his own failure, but also because he heard that
the other party was a disciple of Qi Fengge, and he felt a little lost in his
heart, and he couldn't return to God for a long time.

Gu Hengbo received his sword and settled, but his face was unhappy.
Instead of returning to Shen Zhen, she walked towards Yuan Zixiao, who
was immersed in her illness on the other side.

"You only paid attention to Wang Sanlang. Now that I have won him, why
don't you look at me?"

Yuan Zixiao didn't look up, and the dragon and snake walked away: "You
won him, isn't this right?"
Gu Hengbo sneered: "The people in Abbot Chau's Liuli Palace were really
big, and they didn't even say goodbye. They even pretended not to know
each other. Could it be that Gu Hengbo just lost your face like this?"

There was no one around Yuan Zixiao. In order not to affect her records, Yi
Pichen specially let a piece of space around her. The two did not speak
loudly, and the others were indistinguishable. But looking at this
relationship, the two were clearly Old knowledge, just do not know why
the words look unpleasant.

At this time, the other two games have also been decided. The winner is
Wang Erlang and Chixia Sword sent a disciple named Saitama.

Wang Erlang and Saitama fought. When swordsmanship prevailed today,

Thais and half-men in the rivers and lakes were all swords, and the two
were no exception.

The Cabernet Sword School is not a big school, but since Saitama can
stand out from so many people, it must have its own advantages. Although
Wang Erlang is aggressive and superb, he still loses to the opponent after
two hundred moves and loses. To Saitama.

Wang Erlang refused to take off his sword and left his hand. The whole
person was shocked by the internal forces of the opponent. He even took a
few steps back, almost slumped, and Saitama was quite graceful. He flew
forward to support the person to avoid embarrassment. Although Wang
Erlang was unwilling, he also Knowing that someone was outside, he
arched his hand and left the field unhappyly.

Since then, the two brothers of the King of Hueiji came fiercely, but
finally came back. Compared with their previous eyes in the main hall, it
was a big difference.

Obviously, in this river and lake where they are strong, they are not yet
completely used to it. Even with the Wang family as the backdrop, they
still have to rely on martial arts. If martial arts is not working, even if the
emperor is on his head, he will Can't look up.
Wang Erlang looked at his pale brother next to him, and saw Shen Yun'an
sitting in the mountains, relaxed and relaxed. He couldn't help but have an
impulse in his heart. He wanted to ask Shen Yun that he had lost to Kun
Xie in the eyes of everyone. How did you survive it.

But apart from the Wang brothers themselves, everyone's attention quickly
moved away from them. Saitama didn't find Gu Hengbo, but arched his
hand in the direction of the disciples of Chunyang Guan. Yu, I wonder if I
have the pleasure to ask Li Shaoxia for advice? "

This is a blatant challenge to Li Qingyu!

Everyone heard the sound of spirits, and all looked at Li Qingyu.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 149
Qi Yu ’s goals are also very clear. Although Gu Hengbo is young, she is a
disciple of Qi Fengge, and her peers Shen Shen, and her peers Yi Yichen,
and Gu Hengbo rarely shows up on rivers and lakes. Even if she wins,
there will not be many people surprised, but Li Qingyu is different.

Today, Li Qingyu is the most outstanding of the younger generation. He

previously went to Xuandu Mountain and lost to Yu Yu by a trick.
Basically everyone has heard of it. In the middle, this man also fought
against the apprentice of Fox Deer and the Turkic high-tech Wenyu, who
also lost in danger, and Duan Wenyu ranked among the top ten in the
world. From this, it can be inferred that Li Qingyu's martial arts are even
worse than the top ten in the world. It won't be too far away.

Being challenged by name, Li Qingyu naturally did not have the reason to
be afraid of war. He picked up the sword from his side, slowly got up, and
stood out.

"Your sword skills are great, but you can't beat me within a hundred
strokes." He said to Saitama.

No matter how good she is, she can't help showing up at the words: "I
respect Li Shaoxia's skill in swordsmanship, but isn't that too full?"

"He said it well, you are indeed not his opponent. Many things can be seen
without trials. Easyview pays attention to your face. Naturally, it is not
easy to open your mouth and hit you. You must have self-knowledge."
Xiaoyin Yin's voice Suddenly appeared in the field, charming charming,
making people numb from the bones.

The crowd looked around and saw a woman stepping up from the stone
steps up the mountain, dignified like lotus, fairy posture, but with a slight
smile and disdain, which was completely different from the expression,
and the two phases were different for a while. The response failed.
"This is ...?" Zhao Chiying rarely went down the mountain and naturally
did not know the identity of the other party.

Shen Chen said in a deep voice: "The acacia ancestor Yuanxiu Xiu."

Zhao Chiying was shocked slightly, apparently thundering the name.

At the same time, Yi Biechen also stood up: "Yuan Zongzhuang came here
with a big drive, and there was a long way to go when he was poor. Please
forgive me."

As soon as Yi Biechen shouted the origin of each other, many people's

faces changed greatly.

Although the magic gate is famous, if the yue month sect or the magic
mirror sect arrive, others may not be the reaction. It is because the acacia
sect likes to use the yin and yang to practice the double cultivation
method. People dare to provoke, nowadays, when Acacia is mentioned,
only others are afraid of it, and there is no reason for it.

Yuan Xiuxiu smiled and smiled: "I don't know that no one is guilty. Since
everyone in the test sword conference can come, will Yi Guanzhu not
welcome me?"

Those who are not good are not good, and those who are good are not
coming. She is accompanied by several disciples, all of whom are known
and named in the Acacia sect.

Yi Pichen slowly said: "The visitor is a guest and naturally welcome."

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "There are many acquaintances here today. The
slave family happened to be here for a while. I heard that some people
think that our Acacia is too aggressive and want to unite against us. I don't
know if this is true or not. Easy to see, what do you say? "

If Yi Pichen said that it was true, he would definitely be true to the other
side, but if he said no, it would inevitably appear too irritating, and others
would definitely question his ability.
The other party's trip made it clear that he was here to smash the field.

Hearing this, many people showed their faces, but they were afraid to
speak because of the might of the Acacia sect.

At this moment, someone said, "This matter is so easy for the Lord to
speak, and the poor can also answer it. The Yuan Sovereign's words were
very guilty. Maybe you also think that the Acacia is not doing well, for
fear of committing anger. , Ignited the Hagiwara fire, and then quickly
heard the news to come up the mountain to extinguish fire? "

The voice is calm and gentle, and has a reassuring power, but it does not
seem aggressive.

Yi Pichen naturally understands that as the host of the test sword

conference, he is also the head of Chunyangguan. Because of his identity,
he is not easy to answer. Shen Xun spoke at this time, not to grab the
limelight, but to relieve him. He cast a thank-you glance at him.

Yuan Xiuxiu sneered: "Shen Dao is so brave, you have killed two elders of
Hehuanzong. I haven't settled with you. How dare you come to the door

"It's weird. What can't your Acacia people kill? Unfortunately, I wasn't
there when Shen Daochang murdered me, otherwise I would beat the
gongs and drums to applaud him! If you really want to form an alliance
against Acacia, then we will Yuezong can also join. In my opinion, Shen
Daochang is the most suitable leader. "

Another person inserted the words abruptly, and with the voice, a young
man shook his fan and appeared on the stone steps.

Where is this sacred?

Everyone just felt that their eyes were running out.

Shen Ye suddenly had a headache.

Chapter 102
At today ’s sword test conference, Chunyang Guan must prevent some
people from disturbing him. The disciples will be reserved at the foot of
the mountain. In case of disaster, Yi Pichen even sent an elder below, but
now these people go up the mountain one by one. Man's realm, obviously
the checkpoints under the mountain have been rendered useless.

The young man appeared to confuse the already chaotic situation. In

particular, he also mentioned Shen Qiang's name, and Yi Pichen asked:
"Who dare to ask your Excellency who is Huan Yuezong?"

He is so young, obviously cannot be Yan Wushi.

Sure enough, the other side said, "Smoke in Xiayu is the disciple under the
main seat of Zongyan Zongyan. I heard that there is a lot of fun on
Qingcheng Mountain today. I also came up to see if Yi Guanzhu would not
drive me away?"

Yi Pichen: "The visitor is a guest, and the poor will naturally not be shut
out. Come, add more seats for a few VIPs."

Yuan Xiu Xiu softly said: "No need to bother and easy to see the Lord, you
have to wait for a while and wait, just sit down and get up again, how

Yu Shengyan laughed, "You don't want to sit. It's your business. I saw the
long-awaited Shen Daochang. It's hard to hide my excitement, but I want
to tell the past."

He said he walked towards Shen Yan, sitting directly on the seat of Gu

Hengbo, who just turned around, and smiled at Shen Yan: "Don't come
here, brother!"

This teacher was very friendly, and Zhao Chiying next to him was very
surprised. He said that even if Shen Yan was familiar with Yan, he would
not abandon the teacher and switch to others?

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "Where is the Jade Son, Lord Yan?"
Yusheng Yan teased: "Why is my brother so unfamiliar, anyway, I am also
the one who walked back half an hour from under Banbufeng for half an
hour, and then you look confused when you call my brother Jade, how cute
it is now, Forget it? How sad I am! "

The arrival of the Acacia sect and his party, however, are not as simple as
Yu Shengyan's single-handed horse, which makes it easy for people to take
off their hearts. Even if Yu Shengyan suddenly appears and interrupts his
speech, he cannot relax the atmosphere for half a minute.

Li Qingyu stood up and said rudely: "If the Yuan Sovereign is here as a
guest, we will naturally greet each other, but if it is not good intentions,
please forgive Chunyang Guan that he cannot entertain."

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "Li Gongzi is so angry, the slave family just asked
the last question. Since everyone can participate in the test sword meeting,
the Hehuanzong can naturally."

She glanced down at Yuan Zixiao: "This is the young master of Liuli
Palace. I have heard that the disciples of Liuli Palace have great brilliance,
and the ranks of the world martial arts masters are all well known. We dare
to ask Yuan Shao ’s master. Zong, do you have a place in your rankings of
Liuli Palace? "

Everyone only knew that Yuan Zixiao was a disciple of Liuli Palace, but
she didn't know that she was still the young master. Yuan Xiuxiu broke the
identity of each other with a single mouth, saying that it was not prepared,
and nobody really believed it.

Yuan Zixiaoan sat back in his sleeves and did not blink a string of data
when he heard the words: "Hehuan Zong Yuanxiu Xiu, ranked ninth in the
rivers and lakes, Xiao Xia under the door, using the fan as a blade, his men
will be defeated by Guo Nan, the head of the Southern School, Liuhe Gang
The host Shangguan Star, Linchuan Xuegong Zhanzi, etc., martial arts
have not yet ranked among the first-class, but it is quite considerable.
Hehuan Zong Sang Jingxing, ranked sixth in the rivers and lakes, white
velvet under the door, known for his skills, because of practicing Hehuan
Secret methods and martial arts increase rapidly, and there are several
disciples such as Xia Hanqiu, Ji Shuanger, and Zhou Cuiyu. Martial arts
are not as good as white velvet, but they are also not to be underestimated
in rising stars. "

Not only other people, even Yuanxiu Xiu was surprised to hear: "The Liuli
Palace is indeed the Liuli Palace. I do n’t even know that Xiao Seo had
defeated the disciples of Linchuan Xuegong, and the master of Yuan Shao
Gong came in handy, remember In your heart! "

Yuan Zixiao's face had no arrogance, and only said lightly: "It's not
difficult to know these, it is not a secret to control the left and right, it is
nothing more than asking a few people and walking more places."

Then someone asked: "Mrs. Yuan, are you talking about the top ten
rankings in the world, ten years ago or ten years later?"

Yuan Zixiao: "Naturally is the current ranking."

The man was very unconvinced: "The test sword conference has not yet
passed half, and many masters have not appeared. How did the top ten in
the world come out?"

Yuan Zixiao: "How can a test sword conference include the world's top
players? Today is just a chance for Jianghu Qunying to learn from each
other. If there are one or two players who have never appeared before, they
will be amazing, and the ranking will naturally follow. Changes, if not,
naturally follow the previous rankings. "

The other party asked: "Dare to ask which ten masters are the next ten
major differences today, can you please ask Master Shao Gong to tell us to
have a good time with us?"

Yuan Zixiao had to answer the question: "The rivers and lakes ranked
tenth. It was not stable at first. It was Shen Xuan who taught at the front of
Xuandu Mountain. Then Shen Xuan lost at Banbufeng and was replaced by
Kun Xie. Later, Kun Xie's brother Duan Wenxuan When he came to
Central Plains, he changed to Duan Wenluo. Some time ago, Shen Luo and
Duan Wenluo met in Chang'an Su's house. Although the two sides did not
compete against each other, Duan Wenlu first played a game with
Chunyang Guan Li Qingyu, and then Shen Ye's hand was considered Shen
Ye to take advantage, so the tenth place so far is still Duan Wenyi. "

Gu Hengbo couldn't help frowning: "You are too biased. My brother Shen
Ziqi was a wizard. He used to be a true master of the masters. He took part
in a half-step battle, but he was defeated, and then his martial arts were
greatly discounted. As far as the original skill is concerned, it is naturally
more powerful than Duan Wenyu Kunxie. How can it be that even the top
ten cannot enter? "

Yuan Zixiao glanced at her: "It is impossible for a person to stay in place
forever, but of course it is possible to move forward or back for some
reason. If you refuse to listen to my words, you rush in and intervene. Is
this not biased?"

Gu Hengbo knew that she had a loss and kept her mouth shut.

Yuan Zixiao ignored her and continued: "The rivers and lakes are ranked
ninth, and I have just said that it is the Acacia ancestor, Yuan Xiuxiu. In
the eighth, Master Tuyuhun is the master of wisdom."

These wise men, they only heard of their names, they did not see them,
and knew little about them.

Someone asked: "Since the wise man has never been involved in the
Central Plains martial arts, how did this ranking come about?"

Yuan Zixiao: "Among the three sects of magic gate, only the Mirror Sect
went far to the west and operated in Tuyuhun for many years. The wise
men once intervened with the Sovereign Sect master Guang Ling.
Unfortunately, they were defeated by a small margin, and never closed.
Guang Lingsan once commented on his martial arts, saying that the wise
man is difficult to compare with himself, and he is just lucky to win. "

Yuan Xiuxiu heard that he was ninth in the rankings, only worthy of being
in front of Duan Wenzhen. He was not angry, but instead raised his
interest: "According to the master of Shao Gong, the seventh in the
ranking must be Guang Ling, the prince of the Mirror Sect?

Yuan Zixiao: "Good."

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 150
Not to mention whether this ranking is accurate or not, it still sounds a bit
based on it now, rather than a random fabrication, and the more she goes
forward, the more interested everyone is in the previous rankings.

If the world does n’t love profits, then they will love their names. They ca
n’t get rid of these two things. Vanity and curiosity are for everyone, only
big and small, whether it ’s overdone. Even masters such as Yi Pengchen
heard Yuan Zixiao ’s comment. The heroes in the world inevitably have a
little interest, let alone others.

"Going forward?" He could still calm down, but others couldn't help

Yuan Zixiao: "Going forward, starting from the sixth, you can rank among
the masters of the Grand Master level, because these people, regardless of
their character and deeds, based on martial arts alone, are enough to open
the school and establish a family statement."

She just said that Sang Jingxing ranked sixth, and this master teacher
obviously included him.

Yuan Xiuxiu sneered: "It seems that the young master's evaluation of Elder
Sang is quite high!"

Yuan Zixiao said indifferently: "The Sovereign of the Yuan Dynasty does
not have to be dissatisfied. The two factions in the Acacia sect are
separated. As everyone knows, if you got Sang Jingxing for no reason, why
would he sit on your head?

After being uttered by the other party, Yuan Xiuxiu heard that although his
smile remained the same, his face was passing by.

"Chunyang Guan now holds the door to Niu Er, presumably Yiguanzhu
will definitely occupy a place in the top five of Liuli Palace?" The person
who asked this sentence obviously wanted to please Chunyang Guan.
Yuan Zixiao: "Yes, the rivers and lakes are ranked fifth. They should be the
master Zhou Tingxue of the Zhou Dynasty today, but Shen Xuan, the
master of Xuandu Mountain, can advance to the fifth place. As for the
fourth and third, this It should be Ruyi Kehui, the master of Linchuan
Xuegong Palace, or Zhuyang Guanyi, but I have never seen them play
against each other, so it is still difficult to make a decision. "

"What about first and second?" Someone couldn't wait to ask.

Yuan Zixiao: "Yuan Wuzong, the suzerain, may have no place in the ranks.
As for the world first ..."

She was not a timid person, she didn't know why, but she just shook her

The crowd was shocked that Yan Wushi ranked so high, but after thinking
about it, few people in the world were able to encounter the siege of the
top five masters of the world and they were still safe, not to mention the
five top masters who participated in the siege. You can see that Yan
Wushi's strength is really amazing. If he is the second in the world, it
seems that there is nothing unacceptable.

Some people have questioned: "The first place in the world ten years ago
was Qi Fengge. Could it be that Qi Fengge immortal died. The first place
in the world has to hang out. In ten years, no one can surpass Qi Fengge?"

But no matter what other people ask, Yuan Zixiao no longer speaks.

Someone spurred her: "The ranking of the Liuli Palace may not be
accurate, and even the world's number one cannot be ranked. How can
other people start?"

Yuan Zixiao said coldly: "If you don't believe it, you can challenge the
past one by one. If you can defeat all these people, then the world is

Yuan Xiuxiu said with a smile: "In my opinion, this ranking is inaccurate,
and it depends on strength to speak. Although there are a lot of people
missing today, there are me, Yi Guanzhu, and Shen Daochang, ten have
three. What's so hard about playing fast? "

Li Qingyu's face was indifferent: "You are also worthy to work with
Master, it's better to pass this level before I say it."

Speaking of pumping the sword out of the sheath, Qiushui sword swelled
like a puppet of Qiushui in his hand.

Although Li Qingyu was powerful, he didn't even enter the top ten in the
world. How did Yuan Xiuxiu fear him and didn't wait for her to speak,
Xiao Xiao behind him laughed loudly: "He Laozong took the initiative and
let me come to meet you! "

The words fell off, and the two sides were a little tiptoe, rushed to the
other side, and played a ball in the field.

Although Yuan Zixiao just ranked herself in the bottom second, Yuan
Xiuxiu actually didn't put this ranking in her eyes, but just started with
Yuan Zixiao's words. At this time, she laughed and said, "Yiguanzhu, since
apprentices and apprentices Hand in hand, should we be masters, should
we set an example for our disciples? "

Her goal here is very clear, that is to capture the thief first to capture the
king, as long as you take down Yi Pichen, the sword test conference, or the
alliance, it will naturally fall apart immediately, and other martial arts
have resistance to Acacia. Thoughts, after this time killing chickens and
tamarins, they must have been greatly deterred and dare not make waves

Seeing this matchup was doomed to avoid, Yi Biechen set Fuchen down,
and instead took the long sword offered by his disciples, and bowed his
head and said, "The poor way will ask the Sect Lord for advice."

Seeing this, Yu Sheng whispered to Shen Yan and whispered: "Couldn't

you be strong now, wait for Yi Pichen to defeat you, and then come back.
Will it be easy to find an ally?"
Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "I never thought of being the leader!"

Yusheng Yanqi said: "Master ordered me to come and help you. If you
don't want to be the ally, why would he tell you so?"

Shen Minxin said that your master thought one thing at a time and spoke
and did things differently from ordinary people. How do I know what he

Yu Shengyan was not very aware of what happened between Yan Wushi
and Shen Ye, and he did n’t know the change in Master ’s mentality. Only
Master Tao still refused to give up his interest in Shen Ye, and he had no
idea what ideas he had. Ask me more, now I'm completely misunderstood,
and still get along with Shen Yu as before.

Chapter 103

Xiao Se and Li Qingyu have already fought there. The two sides fought
fast. The two were almost vanished. Wu Gong's eyes were slightly worse.
It was almost impossible to see how they fought, how they fought, and
how one was. Defeat another offensive.

Once they fight, it must not be confined to a certain venue, but for a
moment, the two hit the stone wall from the ground, suspended on the
stone wall for a while, and then flew over the bamboo forest on the other
side. People are excellent in light work, and they can count off the ground
at the tip of their feet. Xiao Se's fan blade and Li Qingyu's sword light
complement each other, and the sound of babble is shocking and dizzying.

In Shen Ye ’s opinion, Li Qingyu is the most outstanding disciple of the

generation of Chunyang Guan, and he is almost able to catch up with the
top ten in the world. Although Xiao Se is also very powerful, he is still
worse than Li Qingyu and wants to win. It's not that easy. At that time,
Yuanxiuxiu will help his apprentices, and when Yi Pichen really hits, how
will Yuanxiuxiu deal with it?

If Hehuanzong just wants to come to the door today with Yuanxiu alone,
then the wishful thinking is obviously going to fall through.
Thinking of this, Shen Yan could not help asking: "Yu Gongzi, in your
opinion, Hehuanzong has been prepared this time, is there a trick?"

Yu Shengyan laughed and said, "Why do you call me Yu Gongzi, I am

awkward, even if I call my brother!"

Shen Yan laughed without saying a word. Although he and Yu Shengyan

had conflicts in killing Yan Manman before, it was only that the two sides
had different views. It was not a deep hatred, not to mention the fact that
he fell on the half-step peak. After walking for a long time, he should not
be embarrassed anyway, so he treats Yu Yuyan with smoke, and does not
move the defense against Yan Wushi to the other person, but a brother
treats his brother indulgence.

After all, Yu Shengyan was young, and some couldn't hold back, he said,
"Xiangzhuang Dance Sword is intended for Peigong. The Acacia sect is
fierce. It seems to be aimed at the pure Yang concept. In fact, it is aimed at
all people who do not put the Acacia sect in their eyes. Martial arts. Now
Zhou Di only believes in Buddhism, and he does not believe. He wants to
cultivate Buddhism to compete with Hehuanzong. This is the art of
emperors, but he does n’t have these particulars about Daomen, so he just
let it go and let Hehuanzong do it. "

Zhao Chiying followed and listened for an ear. She didn't know much
about the general situation of the world, but she could talk with Yu
Shengyan at a young age, and it was quite reasonable. If you think about
Yan Wushi's style, it really has His teacher must have his apprentices, and
he couldn't help but lament that Bi Xiazong had no one after him.

The Yusheng Yan on the other side continued: "This time, if I can defeat Yi
Pichen, and I'm stubborn, I will not worry about it. By the way, I can also
conquer other forces at the test sword conference. In fact, Xueting's old
bald donkey must be jealous. However, he still has to worry about fame
and face. It is impossible to do these deceitful things in public to corrupt
the reputation of Buddhism, but Hehuanzong has no such concerns. Since
they are here today, they must succeed, and they will not be lenient.
Swallowing halfway, Yuan Xiuxiu confronted Yi Yi, and I'm afraid the
weight is not enough, so maybe Sang Jingxing is already on the road. "
Earlier Yuan Zixiao said that Sang Jingxing ranks sixth, and Yi Pengchen
may be between three and four, but in fact these rankings are only an
approximation. The famous people on the list are definitely not stagnant.
There will be occasional changes, not that Sang Jingxing ranked sixth and
will definitely lose to Yi Pengchen. That is not this algorithm at all. The
battlefield is changing rapidly. A slight difference may make a complete
change. The masters are too tricky. The Jedi is still able to It is also
possible for a weak to win a strong one in every life.

However, the victory and defeat of Xiao Se and Li Qingyu is obviously not
the exception to the weak victory. Li Qingyu played a stable role. After a
hundred moves, Qiushui sword exerted strength, the sword skill was like
the heavenly girl's scattered flowers, the sword brilliance overflowed,
Xiao Se obviously lost. Although the fan blade is powerful, it gradually
has some flaws. Like onlookers with high martial arts, such as Yi Pichen,
Chen Zhiying, etc., these flaws can be seen. How can Li Qingyu not see it?
Immediately the sword curtain is like The rain, overwhelming, drove Xiao
Se to nowhere, and had to pull away and fly away a few steps. After
standing, he conceded: "Everyone said that the pure sword-watching skill
is superior to Xuandu Mountain. Now, at first sight, it really deserves its

Xiao Sekuan praises the concept of pure Yang, not Li Qingyu, which
means that Li Qingyu is not because he is powerful, but because he is
powerful. He also drags Xuandu Mountain into the water, provoking Shen
Yu and Yi Pengchen The relationship between.

It's a pity that he used the wrong person in his imagination. Li Qingyu's
face was expressionless. Looking at him looks like a tree. There are no
fluctuations, and his tone is flat. "You have extraordinary capital. It is
difficult to go further without focusing on martial arts. "

Xiao Se smiled angrily: "If I can go further, I won't bother you!"

Li Qingyu's eyes moved away from him and fell on Yuan Xiuxiu. After the
sentence of Yuan Xiuxiu and Yi Biechen just before, no one actually did it
first, and I don't know if he was waiting for the result of Li Qingyu and
Xiao Se .
"I wonder if Li Qingyu can meet with Yuan Sovereign?"

Yuan Xiuxiu pursed her lips with a smile: "You are not my opponent."

Li Qingyu: "Yes or no, it will take a try to know."

Yuan Xiu Xiu smiled, didn't speak, his sleeves suddenly threw up, and his
energy was split into two strands. However, when the head flooded, Li
Qingyu caught off guard and had to pull back, Yuan Xiu Xiu flew forward
and tightened. Chased.

Chun Yang Guan ’s light work is already very powerful, but her light work
is even better. She is elegant and sturdy. She looks like Luoshen ’s rebirth
at first glance.

Li Qingyu did not play against Yuan Xiuxiu. He was an apprentice. Before
that, he felt that even if Wuxiu Xiu was stronger than Xiao Seul, it was not
much better, let alone rumors that Hehuanzong relied on yin and yang to
increase internal strength. Shortcuts are very shameless. Who knows better
than not, not only Li Qingyu, but also onlookers are shocked and
completely put aside the previous contempt.

Zhao Chiying couldn't help but said, "Yuanxiu Xiu can be the master of a
case, and it really has its strengths!"

Only then did Yuan Zixiao rank the world ’s heroes, ranking Yuan Xiuxiu
in ninth place, but Zhao Chiying was unknown on the list. She did n’t say
anything, and she was not convinced. Now I know that Yuan Zixiao ’s
ranking is indeed well-founded. If she plays now Compared with Yuan
Xiuxiu, it may not be able to perform better than Li Qingyu.

During the talk, Yuan Xiuxiu had already taken advantage of the
preemptive advantage to push Li Qingyu to the edge of the cliff. When the
other party was about to fight back, she suddenly pulled back and
retreated. When she fluttered, her retreat was dozens of steps away. , On a
piece of chess that Chunyang Guan inserted on the ground.
The chess piece fluttered in the wind and the cloth was soft, but she was
able to stand on it and treat the weight of her whole body as nothing. This
skill is simply shocking and dazzling! Earlier, someone was undervalued
because she was a woman, or she was not convinced that the other party
was among the top ten in the world. At this time, she knew how outrageous
she was.

"I have already said that you are not the opponent of this seat." Yuan
Xiuxiu said softly, but the content was very overbearing.

"The herring is indeed inferior to the Yuan Sovereign and made the
Sovereign laugh." It was Yi Pichen who spoke, "Let the poor Taoist come
to ask for advice."

Without the talented Li Qingyu and Yuan Xiuxiu, everyone would not
expect too much from the fight between Yuan Xiuxiu and Yi Pichen. Now
that I have seen the power of Yuan Xiuxiu, they are all looking forward to
the next competition.

Who knew that Yi Pichen's voice had just fallen, and several people came
down from the mountain, headed by a man, followed by a few girls, and
there was white velvet that Shen Shen couldn't be more familiar with.

As for the man who took the lead, Shen Yun was no stranger. He and the
other party had diplomatic relations in the suburbs of Chang'an, and ended
up with one person seriously injured and one person losing martial arts.

He knew each other, and the other naturally recognized him. The two had a
pair of eyes far away. Sang Jingxing revealed a look of obscene to almost
naked eyes, and looked at him from top to bottom. There was another kind
of cruelty in his eyes. With anger.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 151
Shen Ye's appearance is very good. This is beyond doubt. At first glance,
he was as gentle as a spring breeze, but only the people he had contacted
knew that he still had the indestructible pride in his bones. Sang Jingxing
had dealt with Shen Ye. How could I not know, the last time he thought the
other party was a harmless and fragile figure, but did not expect to scratch
his head with a hard bone, and eat a mouthful of sand.

However, this has aroused Sang Jingxing's desire for conquest and
masochism. During this time, he did not rush to find Shen Ye. One is that
the other party is indeterminate and it is difficult to inquire. The other is
that he has heard that the other party ’s martial arts has advanced greatly.
The elders were killed. Although Sang Jingxing was very fond of beauties,
he was not interested in losing his life for beauty.

After a long absence, Sang Jingxing recognized Shen in the crowd at a

glance, only to feel that the other side became clearer and more beautiful,
with a fairy bone, ice and snow, regardless of the clothes and decorations,
but there was a kind of clean dust. Strip him out of his clothes, play with
him in front of the eyes, watch him suddenly change color, watch him cry
for mercy, how refreshing!

Thinking of this, he could not help igniting an unspeakable flame.

Sang Jingxing's eyes were so obvious that no one was present at the scene,
but only one Shen, who was settled down like an old monk, half-closed his
eyes, regarded him as nothing.

Yu Shengyan stood up and stood in front of Shen Wei, smirking in his

mouth: "The elders of the acacia grandiose are as shameful as the hungry
dog who saw the flesh and bones!"

It is secondary for Shen Ye to be in his early years. Huan Yuezong and

Hehuan Zong have always been at odds with each other, and while Yan
Wushi left Beijing under siege, he directly defected from Qi Kingdom and
put into the arms of Yu Wenji, with the emperor as the backing. Taking the
power of Huan Yuezong as his own, Yu Shengyan had long disliked
Acacia, and it was no wonder that he did not speak at this time.

Sang Jingxing sneered: "Even your master Yan Wushi dare not speak to
me like this!"

His words with internal force are similar in effect to Buddha ’s King Kong
lion roar, but the power is stronger. It passed to everyone ’s ears without
any omissions. Everyone felt that the ears were a little painful, especially
for Yusheng. He said At this time, I was prepared for Sang Jingxing's
sudden shot, but I didn't expect that he still underestimated the other side.
Sang Jingxing came at him. The sound of the sound he heard was several
times stronger than others. Right now, His face changed, his heart was
shaking, and he almost vomited.

Fortunately, a hand was stretched out beside him, and he was held in time.
By the way, another stream of qi such as a stream flowing through him
made Yu Sheng feel comfortable.

"Prestige to the junior, must Elder Sang feel very face?" Shen Yan said

His words were also applied to the internal force, but instead of being wild
and brazen like Sang Jingxing, he beamed into a line and went directly
towards Sang Jingxing.

Sang Jingxing lifted his sleeves a little to shake off and resolved most of
the opponent's offensive. The remaining part was eaten by virtue of his
deep internal strength.

In a few moments, the two handed each other calmly.

But to say that stubbornness is weak, it is impossible to see the difference

between these half moves.

Sang Jingxing felt that Shen Yun's martial arts had made great progress,
and Shen Zhen also felt that Sang Jingxing was indeed one of the masters
who was included by Yuan Zixiao. Looking at each other, Sang Jingxing
laughed suddenly: "After Shen Dao's eyes are good, both eyes It is even
more enchanting to have a god, and it really looks good. No matter how
beautiful a beauty is, she still needs a pair of good eyes. "

Since he hit the mountain, his attention has been focused on Shen Yun,
Yuan Xiuxiu frowned, secretly told him bad things, and smiled and took
over: "Since in the main mouth of Shao Gong, Elder Sang is ranked sixth
in the world, and I It ’s just the ninth in the world, so letting this ninth go
to fight with Guan Yizhuan would humiliate him. ”

Sang Jingxing then shifted his eyes from Shen Ye to Yi Pichen: "Since I
rank sixth, I don't know how easy is Yiguanzhu?"

The question is Yuanxiu Xiu.

Yuan Xiuxiu: "The master of the Liuli Palace, Yuan Shao Palace, said that
the martial arts of Yi Guanzhu is between the Third and the Fourth.

Sang Jingxing sneered: "In this case, if I win the Yiguanzhu, wouldn't I be
the third one in the world?"

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "Since it is a test sword meeting today, Hehuan

Zong should always follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, one by one, so
as not to fall into the limelight, saying that we will fight against the crowd
with a lot of people. Elder Poussin wanted to ask the Lord of Observation.
What if I do n’t know?

Yi Biechen knew that Acacia was prepared today, and he would not give
up. For him, there is no difference between Sang Jingxing and Yuanxiu
Xiu. Both sides must let the Acacia to retreat. To deter these people, let
alone gather people's hearts and form alliances against each other, people
in other schools will be greatly disappointed in the concept of pure Yang.

Although Sang Jingxing's reputation for lasciviousness and cruelty is far-

reaching, this cannot hide the fact that he is a top master. If anyone
underestimates his reputation, it is only himself who suffers in the end.
Yi Pichen raised his sword in his hand and smiled slightly: "Since
everyone can come, naturally, Hehuanzong will not be turned away. I have
heard the name of the carved dragon's palm for a long time, and I ’m
asking for advice today."

Although Sang Jingxing was arrogant, he did not dare to underestimate the
owner of Chunyang.

Before Yuan Zixiao ranked the world ’s martial arts masters, Yi Pichen was
once considered to be among the top three in the world. Although Yuan
Zixiao said that Yi Pichen ’s martial arts were in the third and fourth, in
the eyes of everyone, Yi Pichen ’s The prestige of status is not lowered by
the slight backwardness of the ranking. He does not take any action. This
shot is bound to be an earth-shattering battle.

Sang Jingxing is famous for carving dragon palms, but it means he does
n’t use a sword. At this moment, he stretches his hands behind him, and
Bai Rong immediately puts a long sword in his hands. The shape is simple.
Sang Jingxing did not take over, but directly Draw the sword out of the
sheath, and see the light of the sword as Xia Guangyan, at a glance, you
know it is a good sword.

He picked the sword down, and when he was really angry, he passed it to
the ground through the sword body, and then the ground was dusty, and the
stones rose flat. As if led by the true Qi, the giant waves generally rushed
towards Yi Pengchen. Jing Xing followed closely and flew up. The figure
and Jianguang were combined into one, which was dazzling and stunning.

People who originally thought that Yi Pichen would win, but at this time
did not dare to make such a conclusion. The crowd opened their eyes and
looked at the current situation, for fear of missing a little bit of wonderful.

Shen Huan was watching the battle intently. Unexpectedly, Yuan Xiu Xiu
came to this side with a smile: "It has been a few years since the last
encounter with Shen Dao Chang. I heard that Dao Chang has made great
progress. I wonder if Xiu Xiu is lucky to ask for advice?"
The rules of the rivers and lakes are generally not to be challenged on the
initiative, because a push seems to be timid. Even if the challenged person
does not care about their reputation, they will inevitably be despised and
mocked in the future, not to mention according to Yuan Zixiao ’s ranking.
In front of Yuanxiu Xiu, then it is even more impossible to reject the
opponent's challenge, otherwise it would not appear to be worthy of the

Yu Shengyan got up before she could answer: "He Lao Shen Dao started, I
would like to meet with Yuan Sovereign."

At other times, he had already watched the movie by his side. Where is the
person in the magic gate who is so happy and kind, even if Yu Shengyan
and Shen Ye had some relationship, it ’s impossible for Shen Ye to stop in
front of anything. However, before this visit, Yan Wushi had explained to
him that he "helped Shen Shen to prevent some trouble when necessary."
Although Yu Shengyan was puzzled, he could only implement it strictly.

Where does Yuan Xiuxiu put him in his eyes: "If your master comes in
person, I still have to make a shot."

What it means: It's up to you to stay cool!

Yu Shengyan certainly understood that he just wanted Yuan Xiuxiu to

retreat, so he raised Yan Wushi's name: "Master is not far from here, and
he will be there soon."

Yuan Xiuxiu smiled sweetly: "Is Shen Daochang sold to Yan Wushi, even
if he wants to get a shot or not, he won't dare to do it?"

Shen Xuan nodded slightly: "Since the Yuan Sovereign has requested, the
poor should be accompanied."

He wasn't the one who won Yuanxiuxiu's radical tactics, but he was a great
master, but not all of them were master-level masters. In the final
analysis, the two in the market were Yuanxiuxiu and Sang Jingxing. Sang
Jing Xing and Yi Biechen played against each other. It was not determined
yet, but Yuan Xiuxiu was undoubtedly better than Li Qingyu. Looking at
everyone present, apart from Shen Ye, no one seemed to be able to deal
with Yuan Xiuxiu. .

If Shen Huan didn't make a shot today, it would undoubtedly be watching

the Acacias destroy the sword test conference. If there is a difference over
Yi Pichen, from now on, I am afraid that more people in the rivers and
lakes will not dare to oppose the Acacias. .

"Shen Daochang is a refreshing man!" Yuan Xiuxiu smiled. With this soft
discourse, her figure suddenly stood up, two black lights flew out of her
sleeve, and she shot towards Shen Zhe, almost any No one can respond!

Some people with eyesight can still recognize that the two black lights are
actually two black swords. The eyesight is a little weaker, but they can't
see clearly, and they should be a powerful hidden weapon.

In a blink of an eye, Fei Jian has reached Shen Yan, and his eyes are not far

The opponent moves really fast!

Fan Yuanbai and Zhou Yexue could not help but exclaim, it seems that the
talented Yuan Yuanxiu and Li Qingyu still had room to fight. Right now,
the other side is attacking with all their strength. They are watching from
afar, but they are too late to react, let alone think about sinking.如何 How
to respond.

Shen Ye did not pull out his sword. He shook his sleeves and split his
energy into two surging bursts. He rushed to the other side of the black
sword, and the black sword broke into the air. He encountered a strong
barrier of true energy and was unable to survive in the air. Slightly

That's it, Shen Min pulled the sword behind him and cut it into the air!

The sword light is like a multi-layered flower, blooming heavily, and it is

gorgeous and beautiful, but it also contains a sharp edge, which makes
people dare not look at it and cannot be hard-wired.
The black sword was agitated by the sword gas, and it was impossible to
control the fly in the opposite direction. Yuan Xiuxiu giggled, copied the
double swords by hand, and swept straight to Shen Zhen.

The two play differently from Yi Pichen and Sang Jingxing. The latter two
are oppressing each other with momentum, not only than the sword, but
also deeper than the internal force, but Shen Zhen and Yuan Xiuxiu are
both Kendo people. Between the two fighting, although the internal forces
are fighting each other, but they are also accompanied by sword air and
kendo. They are indispensable. The visibility is better than the two of Yi
Sang. It is not a small bit. Although everyone is moving on both sides,
they are willing to tend. Shen Yan their side.

However, fighting is not dancing, and cannot be confined to a certain

venue. Such a fight is also different from learning. Although everyone did
not give up his life to fight, he also took out the bottom of the box, Shen
Shen has reached the state of sword in the kendo. , Not to mention Yuan
Xiu Xiu, there are few people in the world that can be compared to it, but
Yuan Xiu Xiu is not a fuel-saving lamp. When she goes all out, it is also
impossible for Shen Ye to defeat the opponent in three or two moves. If
this is the case, it can only prove that Yuanxiu Xiu has a vanity, or that she
does not want to fight at all.

Therefore, the two hit the roof from the front gate of Chunyang, and hit the
stone wall from the roof. Both sides are figures who have achieved their
meritorious deeds. They immediately went down the stone wall all the
way. Like a paper man affixed to a stone wall, in fact, it is a manifestation
of a certain level of effort.

Not to mention that a young junior was stunned, and even Yu Shengyan
couldn't believe his eyes. You must know that when he just picked up
Shen, the other party almost lost all his martial arts, and the blind,
seriously injured, how long has passed now To this extent, if this is the real
strength of the master-level master, then Shen Zhen does not say that it is
with Yuan Xiuxiu, even if it is against his master Yan Wuxie, it is
estimated that he has a fight, himself Just now I still asked him to call on
his brother and sister, but he didn't care about himself, that was a good
Zhao Chiying sighed softly: "It seems that in the past when Bi Xiazong
discussed with each other, Shen Daochang was still in love!"

Shen Ye is gentle and amiable, but the sword is extremely overbearing and
overbearing. Mountains and rivers hum with the sword of sorrow in his
hand. With sword light, he resonates with the world with the overhanging
river. Although Yuan Xiuxiu is a double sword, the quantity It seems to
have the advantage. In fact, with the passage of time, the other party has
become more and more brave, but she knows that she has become more
and more difficult to deal with, and the domineering Jianguang almost
presses on top of her, making her feel more stressed.

The two kept hitting from the hill to the foot of the mountain, and
everyone couldn't run down the mountain to watch the battle. Yuan Xiuxiu
saw no one around and couldn't help but said, "Shen Dao is long and slow,
I have something to say!"

She told others to close her hands. Of course, she couldn't continue to
shoot. She swept back at the moment, and when she saw that she hadn't
pursued, she was relieved, but she felt that the pressure above her head
suddenly disappeared.

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "I heard that Shen Dao killed two elders in my door.
I still have some doubts. Now it seems that I don't know Taishan."

Although she looked relaxed, she knew in her heart that if she continued to
fight, she would not be a heavy opponent.

Shen Yun's heart is like a mirror: "The Sect Master Yuan deliberately led
me down the mountain, presumably not to praise my martial arts?"

Yuan Xiuxiu pursed her lips with a smile: "Shen Daochang is really a
smart man, and he doesn't hide it. I do have a good deal. I wonder if you
are interested?"

Shen Yun: "Please say."

Yuan Xiuxiu: "I know that Sang Jingxing has a deep hatred with you. This
person is cruel and addictive. He also has Chen Gong. He will show
revenge for many times, but now he is colluding with Sang Jingxing.
Ethereum sword is flattering and seeking a title. It is a real villain. I also
hate it very much. If Shen Daochang would leave here today and stand by,
don't mix things with pure sun view, I can give Chen Gong to You, by the
way, killed Sang Jingxing for you, how? "

Shen Yan slowly shook his head.

Yuan Xiuxiu raised his eyebrows: "Why, isn't this sale worthwhile?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 152
Shen Yun: "For me, it's a good deal."

Yuan Xiuxiu: "Why didn't Shen Dao promise?"

Shen Huan: "Sang Jingxing has a suspicion with the Yuan Sovereign. The
Yuan Sovereign wants to get rid of him. I am afraid that this thought has a
long history. Why should he use the poor to make a raft? As for Chen
Gong, although this man is a villain, It ’s really not a deep hatred with me.
Even if I want to cook, I will find him by myself, so I do n’t bother the
Patriarch. ”

Yuan Xiuxiu sneered: "You and Yan Wushi are so close, but you refuse to
cooperate with me. It seems that Shen Daochang not only fakes high, but
also doesn't look at women!"

Shen Xuan sighed: "The Sect of the Yuan Sect is more important. I
interacted with the Sovereign Yan for a reason. It was long and
inconvenient to repeat, but I never looked down on the Sovereign of the
Sovereign. The world values men and women, even if they are less
restrained, women Standing on the world, it is also a hundred times more
difficult than men. This is an important reason why the Acacia is
repeatedly attacked by the world. However, the Yuan Sovereign can make
the Acacia to stand upright. Naturally, the Yuan Sovereign has the ability
to compare. When he was in charge, he did much worse. "

Yuan Xiuxiu was a little surprised, she did not expect that Shen Yan would
stand on her side and speak. Since she entered the rivers and lakes, she has
always heard someone calling her her demon sorceress. Later, her martial
arts became high, and people did not dare to call in person, but she never
broke it in the back. I would like to ask people in the rivers and lakes, who
really hasn't killed anyone. Among the three sects of Momen, it's not just
the acacias who act fiercely. It can be said that the reason why acacias are
so bad is because they use yin and yang. The practice of both men and
women has left an immoral impression on the world.
The glory flashed in her eyes, and her expression eased a little: "The words
of Shen Daochang really touched me, and I also heard people who spoke
for the Acacia sect. Bai Rong always sympathized with you, I also think
she's young and vulnerable to coaxing, and now she looks good! "

Shen Chen smiled: "I have to speak for the Lord Suzerain, just to speak
justice. To be honest, I don't like the faction of the noble faction. Those
who are Sang Jingxing and Huo Xijing are dead. Sympathy, different ways
do n’t work together, so I ca n’t cooperate with Acacia. Today you ’re
trying to stop the test sword meeting, and I will certainly not be able to do
so. You and I have different positions and meet each other. This is also a
natural thing. . "

Yuan Xiuxiu is not young, looks like a pair of ten girls, and smiles a bit
more coquettishly: "Shen Daochang is so empathetic that I can't hold back
anymore. I don't want to be my guest of honor? If you do n’t like the
Acacia sect, I wo n’t let you reach the people under my door. I also have a
few boutiques outside. If Shen Daochang is willing to ... keep the
relationship between us, it will not be known to anyone. "

How the two switched from the fight to the topic of male and female love,
Shen Ye really did n’t understand, but he was a kind man, and could not
use hard words like Yan Wushi to make people retreat, but arched his
hand: "Thank you The Yuan Sovereign is loving. "

Said to turn around and leave.

Yuan Xiuxiu smiled slightly, and then he blocked his way.

"Why is Mr. Shen Dao anxious to leave, let's talk well! Look at you, you
will not be caught by Yan Wushi's income account. I don't think he is good
at that, or you prefer Bai Rong? I think that little girl also likes you very
tightly, so why don't I help you match? "

However, Shen Min felt that Yuan Xiuxiu's attitude was a bit strange. He
flashed out and blurted out: "You are delaying your time, intentionally
leaving me here?"
Chapter 104

Yuan Xiuxiu is indifferent: "I made a fate with Shen Dao, so I said a few
more words. Where did this delay come from?"

Shen Yan didn't want to tell her more, turned around and headed back to
the mountain, but Yuan Xiuxiu's figure flickered in front.

"Is Shen Dao unwilling to see me, why run without saying a few words,
even if he is not the guest of the curtain, it is good to be a friend!"

Yuan Xiuxiu smiled slightly, suddenly blooming like a thousand red,

rejuvenating in purple, and changing to someone else, even if he did n’t
say that the heart was swaying, he would still have a meal. Who knows
that Shen Yan is still half-footed and walks forward Without staying for a
while because of beauty, this concentration of mind is truly a semi-
immortal. Except for Yan Wushi's freak, how many times has Yuan Xiuxiu
seen such a person?

Seeing her wanting to do something, Shen Xuan said lightly: "Although I

do n’t practice violent killing, I ca n’t kill anyone. When the yen ruler saw
it in person, the nobleman Huo Xijing died in my hand. The Yuan ruler
thought about it. What will I pay? "

Yuan Xiuxiu laughed: "Shen Lang doesn't have to make such a fuss, I
didn't mean to be against you, but just to be cautious, I have to stay with
you to avoid breaking things, but you go up now, only afraid Nothing can
be changed. For the sake of your fate, I would like to persuade you that
you are not a person with a pure view of the sun. Even if you are famous,
there is also Yi Pengchen in front. Why should Shen Lang go to this
muddy field? water?"

Her words changed, and her tender feelings were soft, but the aristocratic
acacia lords, just because they saw others pleasing to the eye, immediately
said the words of heart and lungs? Shen Ye was just being good to others,
and he didn't want to take matters lightly. It wasn't stupid and foolish.
Hearing now, he just swept up the mountain.
Yuanxiu Xiuyuan wanted to stop people, but Shen Yun used the "Sky Wide
Rainbow Shadow" to the extreme. Before she could catch up, she turned
into a ray of blue shadow, which was beyond the reach of the other party.

If you go up the mountain as an ordinary person, it will take at least half a

day, but for the masters of rivers and lakes, half an hour will be enough.
For light work such as Shen Min, a joss stick will be enough.

However, since Yuan Xiuxiu would say, "Even if you go up now, you can't
change anything," then it means that there must have been an unusual
change on the mountain.

The disciples on the gate of Chunyang Guan, who was on guard at the gate,
were long overthrown by the Acacia sect before coming up.

However, the anxiety in his heart became more and more dignified, and
when he finally reached the top of the mountain and returned to the square
in front of the main hall of Chunyang Temple, he just saw the eyes of
everyone. Dust went back three steps instead.

Looking at everyone around, the look seemed to be fixed at the moment of

great shock.

The person who is in the palm of his hand with Yi Pichen is unfamiliar.
Shen Yan doesn't recognize it, but the other person has a high nose and
deep eyes. Although handsome and eloquent, at first glance, he is of some
age. He is dressed in an alien costume. It is a taciturn person, but in
silence, there is a powerful and overbearing deterrent, which makes people

Shen Min was shocked, Rao didn't need to ask his name, he knew who the
other party was.

Turk's first master Hulu estimates!

But even with mental preparation, when he saw this person suddenly, he
still felt an incredible feeling from his heart.
It really is him.

How could it be him?

Is he really not dead?

Sang Jingxing, who had been arrogant and arrogant before, was now
respectfully standing behind the stranger. When he saw him with one
palm, he repelled Yi Pengchen. He took a step forward and said with a
smile: "This purely positive view of the Lord Divide the dust, known as a
number of masters in the world, is also the respect of the door, actually not
the enemy of the predecessors, we can see the so-called top ten in the
world, there are many vain, not believable, the senior martial arts realm, is
very accessible, it is true Deserved first in the world! "

The Fox Deer did not appreciate his compliments, and he still had a face,
and he couldn't see the mood: "I came to challenge Yi Pengchen, it is my
own business, it has nothing to do with the Acacia sect, and I don't need
you to lead me. . "

Sang Jingxing's look remained unchanged, and he still laughed: "The

seniors talked a lot. We also heard that there is a test sword meeting here.
So I came here to take a look. I didn't expect that the front foot had just
arrived and the senior foot came."

If he listened to his words alone, Shen Ye might think that both sides
happened to hit the field, but with the paradoxical reminder of Fang
Caishan's Yuanxiu Xiu, he would know: Hehuanzong is obviously a fox
deer. It is estimated that it will come, so come ahead in advance, one is to
consume Yi Yichen's warfare in advance, so that the Fox Deer has a better
chance of winning, and the other is to pick up the cheap.

As for why Hehuanzong helped the Fox Deer to take the lead, it is also
well understood. On that day, Yu Wenji was able to ascend to the throne,
and Yu Wenji ’s queen, Ashina, must have contributed, although she was
not Yu Wenji ’s mother-in-law, but Yuwen He always loves to work with
his father, and the emperor stays away from Turk, so he wants to be close
to Turk. In this case, it is not surprising that the Acacia sect leaned on Yu
Wenzheng to ally with the Turkic people.

Easy to change the face without changing color, but even three steps back,
it is considered very amazing. You should know that Hulu is not an
ordinary expert. It was a person who had fought with Qi Fengge more than
20 years ago. Every two decades, everyone thought he was dead. Even
Duan Wenyi walking in the Central Plains released his teacher who was
dead. Fake news, who knows that when the situation suddenly changes, the
legendary character is resurrected, how can it not be shocking?

Many people present have not yet reacted to the identity of the fox deer,
and those who have been faintly guessing may still be **** in the daytime.

But Shen Zheng paid attention to Yi Biechen for a while. He found that the
other person's face had turned red for a moment, and he was obviously
injured internally.

He can see that Fox Deer naturally has no reason.

Looking at Yi Pichen, Hulu said coldly: "I heard that Chunyang Guan is
now known as the head of the world, but your martial arts are not as good
as those of Qifeng Pavilion."

Under such strong pressure, Deyi Yichen can still maintain a smile and
grace: "Pure Yang Guan has never presided over Daomen, and poor Tao
has never compared to Qi Daozun. Your Excellency came today to
participate in the test sword conference, or to come to the pure sun? "

The former is a normal study, the latter is a revenge.

Hulu said indifferently: "However, if you have a good reputation, if you

are really strong, why should you come to this event? I thought that the
names of Pure Yang and Yi Pengchen are outstanding because they are like
thundering ears. Now, it seems, but Seoul. "

When he arrived at his place, he said such a disparaging word, Yi Pichen

could not stand it, but the disciple behind Chunyang Guan couldn't
swallow it, and someone immediately said: "The Lord is so capable, he
didn't hit Qi Daozun that year. It ’s been more than 20 years since he was
embarrassed, and now when he sees Qi Dao Zunxian passing away, he
quickly ran out to find the gloom of Central Plains Wulin, what kind of
hero is this ... ”

The last "Chinese" character was swept away by the fox deer's cold eyes,
and was so frightened that he stunned in his throat, his face flushed

Hulu estimated that he didn't say anything, but what he said was Duan
Wenyu behind him: "Your Central Plains martial arts, after more than 20
years, you can't find an opponent that can compete with my teacher, but
I'm so embarrassed to say so loudly. If I were you I have long been
ashamed of being hit and killed. In my opinion, look at the Central Plains
martial arts, if Qi Fengge is still there, he will be my opponent to the
teacher. When there was a test sword meeting, I came over with great
interest. Alas, it ’s not as good as the name! "

The people of Chunyangguan were utterly complacent, and many people in

the arena were speechless.

Yi Pichen ’s martial arts were clearly seen before they fought with Sang
Jingxing. It was wonderful. Yi Pichen undoubtedly pressed the Huan Zong,
but before they were happy for a while, Hulu estimates appeared. Already.

He was there, either Yi Biechen or Sang Jingxing, all bowed down.

Yi Sang, who was already out of reach for ordinary people, now comes a
fox deer estimate, it is as high as nine days, unattainable, making people

People with more thoughts about the battle more than 20 years ago,
lamenting that they were too young to catch up, and Qi Fengge, which
even the Hulu estimates could defeat, was not sure what it was like!

However, not all of them were as long as others, to destroy their own
prestige, and some people were not used to Duan Wenyi's words, and they
went out directly, loudly, "You just came to Chunyang to watch the place,
and you dare to speak wildly, saying that Central Plains has nothing
People, you have to know how many masters are in the world. There are
Buddhist gates in the north and Confucian gates in the south. Have you all
challenged them? Only Liuli Palace ranked the world ’s heroes, but there is
no name of fox deer on it. Speaking of self-singing, I'm just happy, but it's
just a joke to others! "

The Fox Deer had no trouble, but Duan Wenji narrowed his eyes: "Who is
your last name and a disciple of Hemen and Hepai?"

The man's heart shuddered, but how he was willing to frighten the
audience in the public, eventually raised his voice to the teacher's door:
"Kuiji Wangjiao of Hueiji!"

Why does n’t his royal family fear the Acacia or Turkic people? Thinking
of this, Wang Sanlang's courage could not help but grow a bit.

Duan Wenji raised his eyebrows, his tone rose slightly: "Oh, the king of

When he spoke, his hand was outstretched, as if lightning, accompanied by

the whip shadow from the sky, swept towards Wang Sanlang!

Wang Sanlang watched others shoot, but he couldn't even pull the sword,
he could only pull back, but how fast did he get to the opponent, not far
enough, the whip had been rolled on his wrist, and he immediately twisted
his pain. Unbearable, the carpal bone is about to break!

"Ah!" He couldn't help shouting, and the sword in his hand fell off.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 153
"Saburo!" Wang Erlang was stricken, and flew forward to rescue him.

However, some people shot faster than him. The opponent slashed his
sword out of thin air, and the sword rushed in. He was surrounded by Duan
Wenquan in all directions, and Duan Wen snorted. It seemed that the
opponent's helper was not weak. Dealing with that person, it was
discovered that the other party was actually a beautiful girl.

The martial arts in the world is fast, and Duan Wenzheng's whip is
repeated one after another, giving no chance for breathing. Under these
coercive pressures, the girl actually seems to be at ease and does not lose.
It can be seen that ninety-nine percent are famous. In addition, there are
masters who adjust, and over time, it may not be a big deal.

However, after all, Duan Wenyi is ranked among the top ten in the world.
Even if he is the last one, there is no moisture. Although this girl has high
martial arts, she is slightly immature and lacks actual combat experience.
After three moves and two styles, she was gradually discovered by Duan
Wenyi. In the gap, while wandering in, the whip hit the opponent's

The girl was not in love, she was originally to make a siege to Wang
Sanlang, the purpose was achieved, she naturally pulled back, fluttered to
the ground, and refused to bump into Duan Wenyi.

"Thank you Lady Gu for your help!" Wang Sanlang was a little excited. He
had a fascination with the beauty at first sight. However, the beauty didn't
quit, and did not expect that just after she was in distress, it was the beauty
who helped out.

"You're welcome." Gu Hengbo looked faint.

Although Wang Sanlang's behavior is a bit reckless, but he cannot be said

to be wrong. Everyone is embarrassed when they face the fox deer, but
Wang Sanlang speaks out, showing his courage. If he can save but not
save, he will help in the future. This atmosphere.

From this point, Gu Hengbo was indeed brought up by Shen Wei, and her
views are in the same vein as her master teacher.

Although Wang Sanlang was not hurt by Gu Hengbo's interruption, he saw

that the master and apprentice were extremely martial arts, not to mention
beating the master, they could not even beat the apprentices, and they
could not help but feel out of reach.

To some extent, Chunyang Guan's plan to unite all parties against Hehuan
and Buddhism has actually failed.

Li Qingyu's hand was already pressed on the hilt, but one hand stretched
out, grasping his arm firmly.

That was Yi Peng's hand.

Over there, Hulu looked at Gu Hengbo, and suddenly asked, "Who are you
from Qifeng Pavilion?"

Gu Hengbo had noticed Shen Shen who was standing at the corner of the
edge of the stone platform. At this moment, he couldn't help but glance at
him, and said, "That's a teacher."

Hearing her connection with Qi Fengge, Hulu's estimate finally moved

slightly, even if he had just faced Yi Biechen, he hadn't looked straight at
him. At this moment, he carefully looked at Gu Hengbo, and then he
returned to calmness. Look.

The mentor Moruotuo and Duan Wenji laughed: "Why regret Master, if the
disciple didn't wrong, this lady is Gu Hengbo. She should be the only
female disciple under the Qi Feng Pavilion. Although she has poor skills,
she still has a few brothers. One of them inherited the position of Xuandu
Shanzhang and taught his younger brother Kun Xie under the sword. It was
a coincidence that he was also present today. "
Having said that, he looked in the direction of Shen Yan: "Shen Dao, long
time no see, don't come here?"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Shen Yan.

Shen Zeng was standing next to the half-invisible man. Naturally, she
couldn't stand still anymore, so she raised her sword and walked slowly
until she was not far from the other side. Then she stopped.

"Thank you, I have no luck." His tone was very peaceful, and he was not
tense because of the appearance of Hulu.

"You are Shen Chen." The deer's gaze shifted away from his face, and the
mountains and rivers falling on his hands with the sword of sadness, there
was a trace of nostalgia on his face.

"Yes, poor and stubborn. Fortunately, I can see the seniors really look
today. Unfortunately, the teacher has passed away. Otherwise, if I know
that the seniors are still in the world, I will be very happy."

Duan Wenyi was suspicious of the other person's words, which was ironic
that his master had been suspended from death in Turkic for more than 20
years, and he dared not come out until Qi Fengge died.

"You are very talented, but you are not yet my opponent. If you have
another three or five years, you may not be able to fight me, but you killed
Kun Xie. Now that I have been met by me, it is impossible for you to live.
Down the mountain. "

The fox deer estimated that his face was faint, and what he meant was that
he had already held Shen's life in his hands.

Shen Yan smiled, and only returned two words: "Is it?"

In this case, it is obviously useless to make a verbal argument. He is calm,

and his heart may not be tense. Bystanders may just look at it, but only
when they are in it can he feel the coercion of Fox Deer. What kind of
oppression and aura.
Only then did Yi Pichen fight against each other, and he must have
experienced such suffering.

The strength of the other party has reached an indescribable and

unspeakable realm.

The heavens take everything, and the mystery is mysterious.

Can he win?

Shen Yan looked at the man in front of her, and even breathed lightly to
almost nothing.

This will be the most difficult battle since he entered the arena.

Its degree of danger is not less than that of his battle with Sang Jingxing.

He is a disciple of Qi Fengge, and from the moment he took over the

mantle from his master, he was doomed that this battle would be

Chapter 105

Duan Wenji used a whip, but his master Hulu estimated it was not.

More than 20 years ago, Hulu estimated that he fought with Qi Fengge.
Both men used swords. But now, he probably wants to use a different path
in martial arts. He probably doesn't like swords anymore. The sword rose
against the wind, the robes hunted, and the sword's qi was like a rainbow
running through the sky, cranes into the sky, and rushed away towards the
deer. The crowd just felt loud, like a galloping horse, like blue waves, and
couldn't help looking at each other. Those with discoloration and weaker
skills may even feel ear pain, some can't stand it, and quickly resist

At the sword test conference, Shen Ye had been doing a side view before.
Although everyone knew that he was extraordinary in martial arts, in the
end, a handsome Taoist, gentle and elegant, really did not feel anything
great. Until he played with Yuan Xiuxiu, everyone knew that "people must
not The meaning of the word "look" is really in front of me.

Shen Jian's sword is domineering and aggressive. It is powerful and

surging. The sword, as the name suggests, really has the image of
mountains and rivers.

But others were shocked, fearful, and awed, but Shen was very clear in his
heart. He used nine successes in his hand. Even if he had a battle with Yi
Pichen, he was still not a rival to Hulu.

In fact, the onlookers may not be able to see it, but as long as they get
started, they will know what is convenient.

From the perspective of qi, a person has deep internal strength, and can
feel one or two from the surrounding qi field. Shen Zhi sincerely practiced
the true qi of "Zhu Yangce" and reshaped the root bones. In the past, it has
entered a new realm. Over time, it may not be equal to the Hulu.

But Hulu estimates that he has more skill than him for decades. He was a
figure who could compete with Qi Fengge at that time. I don't know what
opportunities have been gained in the past 20 years and what realm he has
explored. The first is inevitable. Looking at the Central Plains Wulin,
there is no rival, and even Yi Pichen is defeated by the opponent. Shen
Chan wants to win. This opportunity is not great.

But the chance is not big, it doesn't mean that they will be arrested.

The battlefield is changing rapidly. If the front line of vitality can be

seized, it will be able to survive and turn defeat into victory. Shen Ye
acknowledged that there is a gap between him and Hulu, but this gap is not
enough to make him wait.

The sword was so powerful that the shocking waves generally swarmed
towards the Hulu, and instantly came to his face. Even Duan Wenyi
couldn't bear to take a few steps back, but he didn't move, but his eyes had
already been changed. Carelessly, it gradually became covered with
The fox deer suddenly raised his sleeves and shot it again, directly
pressing down the surging sword power, and then the whole person
suddenly stood up without any help and flew to Shen Ying, followed by his
right hand. Take a palm.

This palm is flat and fancy, but Shen Zhen feels that his slashed sword
suddenly feels as if he hit an indestructible stone wall. Instead of
destroying the stone, he is swallowed back by the stone and is several
times his own. Really angry.

Shen Yan had expected it, and there was no surprise on his face. He didn't
bump into it, but avoided his edge directly. Instead, relying on the other
person's anger, he shot up a few feet high, and then the sword was united.
Straight down to the Hulu estimates.

In the eyes of others, it is already impossible to distinguish who is a sword

and who is a person. Shen Shen's body shape cannot be described by sharp
arrows, but can only be compared by wind and thunder, but his body is
light and different from wind and thunder. It is more like a plume of
smoke and white gas. If the weight is light, the sound is loud and the
elephant is invisible.

Duan Wenyi looked at the score next to him, and he couldn't help but be
shocked. Shen Qiang's ability to enter the country was not unpleasant, nor
was it scary. This one hand was much better than himself.

In fact, Shen Qiao's current skill is a bit worse than before he was
poisoned. Only by practicing Zhu Yangce's true energy, he seems to have
made a fortune. If Duan Wenji had seen Shen Qiao's previous martial arts,
he would not be surprised now.

However, after all, the deer estimate is the deer estimate. Shen Ye still
couldn't get him by his hand. He seemed to step on it lightly, and the green
bricks on his feet cracked and broke out of the ground, being pulled by his
whole body. The piece turns into a sharp blade, and shoots directly at Shen
The bricks and swords collided, and they turned into more fragmented
fines and splashed around them. The two breaths of energy combined and
burst out to give out more powerful forces. Many people were too late to
dodge their luck to resist, or their martial arts were fundamental. Not to
mention resistance, all of them changed color and dodged, and some even
exclaimed in screaming and screaming. Someone saw that the cheeks and
necks were scratched by debris, and the blood flowed suddenly.

Such as Duan Wenji, Yi Pichen, and others, those debris fell to the ground
about half a foot around them, they were not injured, but frowned in

Duan Wenyi frowned because he originally thought that his master had
dealt with Shen Yan, and it was easy to solve, at least not to capture it.
After all, the other party ’s ranking in Yuan Zixiao ’s mouth was even
lower than Yi Pichen ’s. Master actually took it seriously and stayed away.

Yi Biechen naturally saw this, so he frowned deeply, judging from his

experience with the Hulu, only Shen Shen was afraid of hard work at the
moment, and more importantly, the odds of winning .

Shen, who is in the midst of the war, does feel the huge pressure of Mount
Tai. His kendo now reaches the state of the sword, and he can see all the
people in the world. However, the internal force is a bruise after all,
especially compared to Hulu. This kind of old monster can't be compared.

The sword was lightning fast and swept away from top to bottom towards
the fox deer, but in the spirit of rowing mountains and rivers, as if sailing
against the water, Shen dwelled in it, and found that it was more and more
difficult to enter.

At the same time, the deer estimates that the whole body is glowing with
endless vitality, the robe is bulging high, and the qi is like layers of
swirling vortexes, he jumps up and pats over Shen Shen, where the wind
comes The place, like the beast that devoured everything, swallowed up all
the sword sword Qi Jian light, submerged into it!

The heavens and the stars, turning clouds and rain, are in the square inch!
Shen Yan closed his eyes and transported his inner strength to the extreme,
but he excluded all thoughts in his heart. With only one thought left, that
was to defeat the Fox Deer!
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 154
This battle was not only for himself, but also for his master Hulu
estimates. He could not let others say that Qi Fengge was blind. The
apprentices who received them could not only inherit his ambition, but
were defeated by his former opponents. under.

Shen Ye can not care about his name, but he can't care about the name
behind Qi Fengge!

Jianxin Mingda, Fang Wu originally, of course, the heart of victory can not
be too eager, but since the fight, there must be a competition, in this
world, no one has tried to defeat without victory.

Rao is called for defeat, nor is it really for defeat, but he is proud of being
far superior to ordinary people and feels that he has few rivals.

Opening his eyes dumbly, his sword was so fast that it had turned into a

But his gaze did not fall on the sword, but on the person in front.

Fox, deer, estimate.

The other side also greeted him with his palms up and down, as if he had
been hit by storms and storms on the sea, the anger rolled over the waves,
and he wanted to destroy everything under the dark seawater. They met on
a narrow road, and the winner is king!

Shen Xuan only felt that this huge impulse came on his face, almost
involving himself as a whole. His heart and blood were surging, and he
seemed to be anxious to find an exit from the limbs and bones. Under the
intersection of internal and external forces, his body seemed to be
Compressed into a thin piece of paper, the meridian bones are all painless.

He is a very tolerant person. In the past, he was seriously injured and the
meridian was remodeled. Shen Shen also tolerated it. Now the deer
estimates that the palm is extremely painful, and he is silent, just waiting
for the sword. When he hits his breath, he retreats.

I just endured and endured it. After all, I couldn't hold it down, spit out a
big blood, and splashed it on my clothes and the ground.

The fox deer estimated that his face was unchanged, and he only took a
few steps back without vomiting blood.

Shen Jian tried to do his best with this sword. After all, he hurt the Fox
Deer. Although the opponent wasn't as bad as he was, he was certainly

Zhao Chiying and Hengbo finally waited until the two set aside and
hurried forward to help each other.

Yu Shengyan just had the intention to carry out Master ’s instructions.

However, he had martial arts there. He was not an opponent of Hulu in any
case. He just rushed to death and saw the two of them hand in hand, and
his heart inevitably burned. After hearing the name of the Turkic Fox Deer
for a long time, today it has challenged two masters one after another, and
it really deserves its reputation. "

Hulu estimated that he didn't look straight at him, but at this time he only
glanced at him. Duan Wenyi, his own filial apprentice, stepped forward to
introduce the identity of the other party. Hulu estimated that, "I heard that
Yan Wushi was in the Central Plains. He is a master, not far from Qi
Fengge of that year. "

"It's not far away," Sang Jingxing grinned with a grin on the ground, "I
heard that Liuli Palace just ranked the world martial arts, and Yan Wushi
was ranked second!"

The Fox Deer paused: "Who is the first?"

Sang Jingxing smiled at Yuan Zixiao: "You have to ask the owner of Yuan
Shao Gong in the Liuli Palace."
Yuan Zixiao once again received the attention of the audience, but she did
not change her face, she did not see a little confusion, and estimated to
Hulu: "The first was not you."

Hulu estimates: "Originally?"

Yuan Zixiao: "Now it seems that you are still a step behind Qi Fengge."

Fox deer estimated that his eyes were narrowed. For more than 20 years,
Qi Fengge's three words not only faded in his heart, but also a knot he will
never linger. Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan people have passed away. In
war, we can't find anyone.

Duan Wenji sneered: "Qi Fengge is dead. Could it be that the first dead
person in the world can be judged? Then, in this way, Tao Hongjing and
Cui Youzhe and others can also be on the list?"

Yuan Zixiao nodded and said indifferently: "So I said it wasn't you. Since
Qi Fengge is dead, it's you."

At the end, we need to add a word of word, obviously there is no ups and
downs in tone, but it has the ability to be angry and not pay.

But Hulu estimated that he hadn't lost enough time to care about a little
girl. When Duan Wenquan's complexion changed and he wanted to speak,
he only glanced at Yuan Zixiao's face and then turned his eyes back to
Shen Huan.

"You're fine," he said.

Shen Yun: "Thanks for the praise, it is just a fluke. Your Excellency has
just fought with Master Yi Guan. To be honest, it is still poor to take

There was a faint smile on Fox Deer's face. He had a brow-like eyebrow,
but he didn't want to enter when he wasn't smiling. The smile was slightly
But in contrast, his words became more and more cold: "If it ’s normal, I
disdain chasing after him, stop here today, but if you kill Kun Xie, if I do
n’t kill you, I will be lonely under Jiuquan. You still go with him! "

While talking, he slowly walked towards Shen Yan, step by step, slower
than usual on a walk, but a shivering chill was revealed invisibly.

Although Zhao Chiying and Gu Hengbo are not the opponents of Fox
Deer's estimation, it is not difficult for them to resist for a while to let
Shen Ye escape, so he whispered back and said to Shen Ye: "Hurry away!"

Draw a sword on one side.

As a man among the magic gates, Yu Shengyan had been a hero who was
self-sufficient and self-sacrifice, but Yan Wushi's words were still in his
ears. He gritted his teeth and blocked him in front of Shen Zhen.

Li Qingyu, Su Shi, Fan Yuanbai, and Zhou Yexue also all came over and
stood in front of him.

At this moment you can see the good destiny of Shen Youxia.

Yi Pichen was seriously injured, but for now he couldn't stand by and let
the other side kill Shen Shen. Chunyang Guan wouldn't have to hang
around in the rivers and lakes anymore. Now the sword was brought in,
and he said sharply, "Stop, try the sword The conference is just discussing,
not a place to fight for revenge! "

Hulu estimates how to put him in his eyes. He does not need to do it at all.
Duan Wenyi and Sang Jingxing have stepped forward to stop him.
Disciples of Chunyang Guan have stepped forward to help again. The
acacia crowd is naturally not far behind, and the scene is suddenly chaotic
stand up.

Some of the other factions waited for help, and the others looked at each
other, all at a loss, wondering what to do.
Wang Sanlang felt Gu Hengbo because of her admiration in her heart, and
she felt that she had taken care of her. At this time, she also ran up her
sleeves and ran over to help her. His brother was so impatient that he had
to follow.

The Fox Deer estimated that he didn't stop at his feet and still walked
towards Shen Yan step by step.

He looked indifferent and uneasy. These people are in his eyes, but they
are dead and worthless.

Shen Yan whispered softly: "Thank you for your full support, but this is a
matter between me and him, you don't mix."

He said, push the wind and gently push the people directly to the side.

Gu Hengbo hurriedly said, "Brother!"

The fox deer is estimated to have slowly raised his palm.

Shen Ye also clenched the hilt of his sword.

At that moment, a sneer blew in the ears of everyone: "Do you, the people
of this seat, let you kill?"

Yu Shengyan said, "Master!"

As soon as he said this, no one else would know who the visitor was.

But seeing a ghost appearing out of thin air, like a flying fairy outside the
sky, no roots, no sense of grace, elegant, but did not meet the fox deer
estimate as expected, but rolled his Shen Yao directly to **** him away.

The speed is so fast that even the Hulu estimates are too late to stop.

Everyone was stunned.

Chapter 106
Not to mention that other people did not think about it, even Shen Yun, and
never expected that Yan Wushi would suddenly appear. If he came in such
a prestigious word, others thought he and Fox Deer were about to decide a
deadly battle. As a result, he took the person directly. Run away, not even
the disciples.

Xuandu Mountain ’s “Tiankuo Hongying” naturally dominates the world.

Although Huan Yuezong ’s trifling is not so famous, Yan Wushi ’s shot is
gone for a moment, and even the deer ca n’t be reached, let alone others. .

Of course, it is also possible that Hulu estimates did not expect to

encounter such a shameless guru figure.

Shen Ye did not expect it.

He was still injured, his blood was surging, and he was not easy to move.
Yan Wushi held him for ten miles, but he was stable, there was no bumps,
his face was relaxed, and a faint smile on his lips. Obviously effortlessly.

Shen Yan reacted, trying to speak, and blocked his throat with a mouthful
of blood, swallowed it, and coughed twice: "Let me down ..."

The old **** Yan Wushi is here: "What's the matter, this has just come
down the mountain, in case the fox deer estimates to catch up, isn't it a trip
in vain?"

The beauty is pregnant, so why not hold it for dozens of miles?

This is not that Yan Wushi became a gentleman when he met Shen Ye, but
that he knows Shen Ye's temperament very well. The Taoist leader is soft
and hard. If the overlord hardly bows, I'm afraid that he will also die in
this life. I want to go one step further, but it ’s not soft at all. Such a sober-
minded beauty Taoist is very impassioned and has long been cultivated to
not touch the fireworks on earth. Let the rock shift.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 155
And Yan Wushi considers himself not to be an inconspicuous rock. If he
wants to, even the stars in the sky are out of reach.

Shen Yun was a little speechless: "I thought you were going to fight with

Yan Wushi smiled: "I'm playing against him now, I'm afraid it's still a
little inferior. Why should I try my best to vain? If it's a shot, then it must
be absolutely secure. The bamboo basket ca n’t be used for anything. . "

He never shy away from telling the truth, but even if it was the truth, he
also showed a sense of arrogance and arrogance.

Shen Ye didn't respond. It was just a battle, exhausted energy, and suffered
internal injuries. He was so tired that he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Yan Wushi looked down, his lips smirked, hugged people and stably
walked out of dozens of miles, directly out of Qingcheng Town, and
headed northeast.

For a long time, Shen Zhen had not slept like a normal person.

This is not to say that he does not need to sleep, but is a martial arts
person. Sleeping is the practice of practice, and practice can also sleep. He
spreads his qi throughout his body, while practicing and practicing, he also
rests. Although Shen Yan does not care about success or failure, but he I
also understand that I am strong and do not need to be slaughtered. Since
rebuilding the foundation, I have been working diligently every day. When
I rest at night, I often relax through meditation exercises.

Only then did he fight with Hulu. His internal strength was exhausted and
his heart was exhausted. For a while, there was nothing in Dantian. In his
usual dreams, he would draw a trace of his mind to keep the unexpected
world moving, but now he ca n’t do this. He closes his eyes and loses
consciousness. Enter a bizarre and weird dream.
When he woke up, he was already lying on the bed, turning his head and
looking out, the window was dim, except for the candlelight swaying on
the side of the bed, and the gleam of the room was dim.

Without waiting for Shen Mingmei to expel the dream memories, a joke
came to her ears: "What kind of dream is this, wake up and remember it
again and again?"

Shen Ye felt wrong. The thing leaning behind him was clearly not a pillow,
but ...

Yan Wushi's thigh.

He woke up on Yan Wushi's legs.

Rao is calm and calm, and after discovering this fact, he is a little bit bad.
He will get up with his elbows, but Yan Wushi holds his shoulder: "You
still have internal injuries.

Shen Ye's chest was indeed painful, and the real air flow was quite
stagnant, but he didn't even have the strength to sit up. Now he insisted on
supporting his upper body and moved it to the bedside.

Feeling the solid touch from behind, he breathed a little sigh of relief, still
leaning firmly on the bed.

Yan Wushi inspected and observed the color, Rao Fuxing tasted: "What
dream did you have, a peach blossom and a moisturizing look."

Shen Yun: "..."

Listening to this description, I didn't know he thought he had a spring


Yan Wushi also reached out to touch: "Hot face must be a spring dream, is
this a dream of this seat?"

Shen Ye drew his mouth and said, "No, it disappointed Lord Zeng, but he
dreamed of fighting with many people, and still woke up very tired."
He would never say that there was Yan Wushi in this fighting person, who
knew what the other party would say.

However, he obviously underestimated the patriarch of the prince of the

yue yue. Even if he didn't say it, people could still say shameless words:
"Fight? Where is the fight? Is it in bed?"

Shen Yan said angrily: "If Lord Yan speaks so lightly again, the poor will
stop talking to you!"

His grandmother threatens people and is so soft and deterrent. Yan Wushi
laughed and said, "Okay, don't say it if you don't say it, then you say it, let
me say it first!"

Shen Huan calmed down: "I don't know how long I have slept?"

Yan Wushi: "It's easy to say, full day and night."

Shen Yun was slightly surprised, he didn't expect that he had fallen asleep
for so long, and his injury would be better at half past one, but when he
woke up, the pain had eased a lot. It seems that Yan Wushi helped him
when he was lethargic. Then he arched his hand and said, "Thank you,
Lord Yan, if you need anything in the future, Shen Ye will help if it doesn't
hurt the law."

Thinking about the other party ’s usual words and deeds are absurd and
unreliable. In Bixia Sect, he often had amazing behaviors. He was a little
uneasy, and added: “You ca n’t be absurd or incompatible with the world.

Although Shen Xun is not currently teaching in Xuandu Mountain, he is

also one of the top ten master figures in the world. Not to mention his
character, he can get this promise, which is more than a thousand dollars.

Yan Wushi smiled, but easily pushed away: "Fortunately, you have just
been paid, so you don't have to be so polite, let alone what kind of
relationship we have, we don't have to be so out of place with this seat."
What's the relationship between us, why don't I know? Shen Yun was
stunned, and felt that Yan Wushi's time in these years was not only spent
on martial arts and the management of martial arts, but also on the
cultivation of his face.

Yan Wushi smiled and looked at him with a smile: "Ama is thirsty?"

Shen Yan answered subconsciously: "I'm not thirsty, thank you Lord Yan
for your concern."

Yan Wushi: "I think so, when you fell asleep, I already fed you honey

Shen Min had a bad hunch: "How did you feed it?"

Yan Wushi asked strangely, "Naturally, the cup is fed from mouth to
mouth. How do you want to feed?"

Without waiting for Shen Yan to speak, he was ashamed on his face:
"Don't you think it's mouth-to-mouth feeding? Ah, you have always been a
gentleman, when did you become so obscene?"

Shen Yun: "..."

He has been dumbfounded by the other side, Rao is no matter how good
Shen Dao is, he can't help but want to roll his eyes.

Yan Wushi also comforted him: "It's not that you want to be crooked. I
already told you that Hehuanzong is not a good person. Don't mingle with
them, such as Yuan Xiuxiu Bairong and other demons. How far away is it,
how can my family be contaminated by those people? "

You don't seem to have a better reputation than Acacia?

Also, what is called "my grandma"? Who is your family?

Shen Yan uttered madly in his heart, but his argument was that he could
not compare to Yan Wushi. If he said one thing, the other party would have
to wait for ten sentences.
I was drowsy before the injury. Now when I woke up, Shen Yun's first
thought was to care about those people who were still on Qingcheng

"I don't know what happened to Master Zhao, they will go back tomorrow
and see."

Yan Wushi said slightly: "The target of Fox Deer is you, you are gone, how
will the rest of the people be put in his sight, as long as they don't come
forward to find death by themselves, and the pride of Fox Deer is
impossibly impossible. Kill those who look like grass in his eyes. "

The deer estimates that Gu Ji is the master, and it is impossible to dismiss

the killing ring, but the acacia sect of Duan Wenyi and the muddy waters
touching the fish is not so good, but that is in the realm of pure Yang.
Children, if they were to be slaughtered, they would not have to hang
around in the rivers and lakes.

Shen Chen reminded him: "Yu Shengyan is still on Qingcheng Mountain."

Yan Wushi even simply said: "If you can't cope with this trouble, you are
not qualified to be a disciple!"

In Yan Wushi's eyes, people with no strength have not always been worthy
of his high-level look for decades, but there is only one exception for Shen
Yu, but only one Shen Yu, others do n’t deserve him to worry, even if His
apprentice is the same. He has taught him the skills, but if he needs to
protect everything, why walk on the rivers and lakes and hit him directly.

Shen Min clearly did not agree with this view. He reasonably agreed with
Yan Wushi's words, but Zhao Chiying and Li Qingyu and others may be
able to protect themselves. Fan Yuanbai Zhou Yexue's martial arts were
inferior. When the time came, he was in chaos. They may not be protected
by the teacher in time, and they will inevitably be injured.

Seeing his distraction, Yan Wushi stretched his hands and squeezed his
cheeks: "When will you be able to change the kind of trouble you have for
the people in the world, you have hurt yourself, and it ’s a burden for
others to go, but still want to save people? Now it ’s day and night, it ’s
time to finish playing. What use is there? ”

Shen Yan Leng was pinched by him, and subconsciously leaned his head
back to avoid: "Yan Zong's self-respect!"

Yan Wushi smiled and groaned: "Ama is arrogant, hugs and hugs, touches
and touches, and feeds and feeds. Where else on your body has you never
touched? What about pinch? I see You are not as fat and dusty as those
boudoir women, but your cheeks are smooth and delicate. If you are
dressed as a woman, you will always be in the same position. "

Shen Yan was thinking about the business, and when he heard the words,
he only spoke casually, left ear in and right ear, and frowned slightly: "The
ancestor Yan Zong was as good as God, saying that the fox deer is not
dead, I still have some unbelief, but now It ’s a phrase, Hulu is out of the
rivers and lakes, but my teacher has passed away. Looking at the world, no
one can control him. The Turkic people are close to Yu Wenzhang, and Yu
Wenzhang conspired with Hehuanzong and Buddhism. Now the sword test
conference He died in the sand, died in the middle, and Chunyang view
suffered from this change. I am afraid that there will be no tranquility
between China and Japan. "

Yan Wushi leaned on the couch and said lazily: "Which kind of heart do
you care for for others? The pure view of the sun is down. This is not a
good opportunity for Xuan Dushan to take the opportunity to regenerate.
With your current martial arts, you can beat Yu Yan already. You have to
lie down, even if you return to Xuandushan and regain the position of
teaching, it is not difficult. Why make clothes for others? If you have this
heart, I will help you. "

Shen Yan glanced at him, and he couldn't help but endured, but said
helplessly: "You just talk, can you put your hand on my lap? It's not

If he hadn't slept inside, and he was hurt again at this moment, he would
have turned up and stayed.
Yan Wushi patted it twice and smiled, "It's your legs, I thought it was a

He said that he stretched his hands under the quilt, pulled out a pillow
beside Shen Ming's legs, put his hands on his head, and patted him gently.

Shen Yan: Shameless.

Chapter 107
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 156
Shen Zhen did not return to Qingcheng Mountain in the end, because Yan
Wushi said it right. At this time, one day and one night have passed since
the sword test conference, and the end is long over. Now it ’s no use, and
many martial arts have been successively dropped. When he got to the
mountain, he searched for someone and knew that after Yan Wushi had
taken him away, Hulu estimated to have left, but Duan Wenyi did not
leave, but he stayed to help Hehuanzong and Chunyang Guan.

But Chunyang Guan is not vegetarian, and Yi Pichen was injured, but the
remaining Li Qingyu, Gu Hengbo, Zhao Chiying and others, although they
failed to rank among the top ten in the world, it is impossible to say that
Wugong and Duan Wenyi are far from each other. Other people who came
to participate in the test sword meeting saw that the biggest threat was
gone, and they could not turn away from their faces and escape. Naturally,
they had to help Chunyang view, and now it was a scuffle.

Yuan Xiuxiu and Sang Jingxing were at odds with each other, and her team
did not contribute much. In the confusion, Sang Jingxing pulled his hind
legs several times. In short, in the end, some people were damaged by
Chunyang Guan, but The Acacia sect did not find any cheap, it was a loss.

In such a scuffle, it is natural that some human life is inevitable. Walking

in rivers and lakes, the least valuable is this life. It is licking blood with
the sword of a river and lake. There is no exaggeration in this sentence. No
one can blame it. If the children and grandchildren of the family are more
martial arts to seek revenge and kill the enemy, there is nothing left for
others to say, this is the rules of the rivers and lakes.

The closest relationship with Shen Zhen is naturally the sister Gu Hengbo,
but Gu Hengbo grew up watching him since he was a kid. He has good
martial arts and is not stupid. Waiting for someone, Fan Yuanbai and Zhou
Yexue were in danger, but the people who Shen Ye listened to came down
from the mountain said that there were no disciples of Bixia Sect in the
dead, so they were relieved.
In addition, there was another reason why he did not return, but Yan Wushi
received a letter from Changan.

This is a distress letter.

And it was sent by Yan Wushi's big disciple.

Since Yu Wenzhang died and Yu Wenzhang succeeded, Huan Yuezong's

situation in Chang'an was suddenly hesitant and crowded out, and Yan Mei
had been ordered by Yan Wushi early to clear up the situation and let the
forces on the bright side pass through. He tossed the Acacia and
Buddhism, but he took someone to hide in the dark. Previously, Shen Yan
took Dou Yan and Yu Wenshu to kill the encirclement among thousands of
horses. After leaving Chang, he chased all the way to extinction, among
which there were edges May's credit.

But the person asking for help in the letter was not Bian Mei, but Pu Liuru

Pu Liuru Jian's eldest daughter was married to Yu Wenji, and after Yu

Wenji's ascension, she became the queen, and Pu Liu Rujian became the
country's governor. It should be said that the days should be more and
more nourished, but the fact is completely different.

Shen Chang had heard the absurd deeds of Yu Wenji while in Chang'an. At
this moment, when he heard Pu Liuru's plea for help, he was still a little
surprised: "Did Yu Wenji even let his father-in-law go?"

Yan Wushi chuckled: "Yu Wenzhen dare to even start with his father, let
alone father-in-law?"

He almost forgot about it, and Shen Mingmei said, "Yuwen's uncle,
because he can't wait to get to the throne in advance, what is the feast
between Pu Liurujian and him?"

Yan Wushi: "If the emperor wants to kill a person, he must feel that the
person is damn. The so-called reason is just an excuse. Yu Wenzhang came
from a family gate, and his father followed Zhou Taizu's uprising. There is
also prestige in the army. This force passed to Puli Rujian, who was good
at business. Now in the Korean army, it has a small scale, even if it has not
reached the point where it can threaten the imperial power. , But which
emperor can remain indifferent? Not to mention a lunatic emperor with
abnormal brains. "

He had no trace of awe for the imperial power. At the beginning, he was
first-named to Yu Wenji, and now he is even worse with Yu Wenji.

Yan Wushi said, and sighed again, "Ah, you have such a disposition that
you have not been born in the Gongqing's house, otherwise you have to
fight hard, how can you beat others, for fear of being beaten up by your
bones early? There is nothing left! "

This is to turn around and say that he is stupid, and Shen Chen is not angry,
instead he laughed: "My personality, let alone fighting with people in the
chapel, is to teach in the rivers and lakes, can be calculated. Go. "

Yan Wushi smiled and groaned: "This is arrogant. Your personality is

innately unsuitable to play with others, but you have your own benefits.
Now you have lost the position of Xuandu Shanzhang to teach, and many
people are willing to talk to you It is you, not your identity, to associate,
but even if you are easily counted by others, it does not matter to me. This
is not me. This seat is next to you, so you are not afraid that someone will
You fooled me! "

After all, this person just wants to boast about himself?

Shen Ye was a little speechless, and his hair was erected under his clothes,
so he switched back to the original topic: "So, what's the matter with Pu
Liu Ru Jian?"

Yan Wushi carelessly said: "His daughter is suspected by Yu Wenzheng

and is held hostage in the palace. He is monitored by the eyes and ears of
the state government. Pu Liurujian is a guilty conscience. Where can I be
afraid? "
Yu Wenzheng has been playing for fun. He has not had to mention all
kinds of absurd behaviors since he ascended the throne. He previously
killed Yu Wenxian and others in order to remove those royal relatives who
threatened the throne. Now those who are threatened have been killed.
Being restrained, he simply passed the throne to his son Yu Wenzhang, and
himself manipulated the politics behind the scenes.

Gaining the benefits of the emperor, without having to bear the emperor's
responsibility, was disturbed by the ministers, and Yu Wenji was able to
kill two birds with one stone. He was quite proud of himself, but he was
very suspicious. After going to the clan threat, he began to doubt For those
who have the ability to rebel, Pu Liurujian, as the country's governor and
the pillar country, was the first to be hit. He was particularly "lighted" by
Yu Wenji. Now he can't eclipse, he can't sleep at night, and a knife is
hanging on his head. How anxious.

Shen Ye and Pu Liuru Jian have had several relationships, and he has a
good impression of this person's cheerfulness, and he also later learned
that when he left Yu'an with Yuwen Chan, thanks to Pu Liuru Jian's good
dealings, otherwise I'm afraid it hasn't been so smooth. The Buddhists pay
attention to cause and effect, but Taoism is also particular about it. Since
they owe the feelings of others, they must find opportunities to pay them
off, otherwise they will hinder their cultivation.

But to help return, many things still need to be clear.

Shen Ye is not dull. He has many interests that he can think of, but he will
not use them to harm others.

"He will write for help, and Bian Yanmei will write to you, at least it
shows that Huan Yuezong and Pu Liurujian have a good relationship. You
told me earlier that Yu Wenxian could be the Ming Lord, but later, Yu
Wenxian died. Now, I don't think you're too sad. I want to come and find a
good way forward. Is Murphy Pu Rujian the right way to go? "

At the moment, Yan Wushi rented an inn in Suizhou, and he was wounded
in the wound. He was a quiet person. He rarely went out during the
wounding. Most of the time, he took a book in the courtyard while the
weather was good outside. Looking under the grape rack, even without
talking is a very beautiful painting, let alone speaking.

The sun shines down, and through the leaves of grapes, the specks fall on
Shen Wei, and even the contours of the cheeks and necks are coated with a
halo, delicate and soft, and it can be seen as itchy in the heart, and I can't
hold the beauty home for treasure. See it for yourself.

Yan Wushi, who is a man of many characters, is able to read the beauty,
and he also sees the object of God. Naturally, he is not comparable to
ordinary people.

But he hid his mind very well, and those secret desires like storms swept
through his heart, and his face only fell on Shen Yan's sight for a moment,
then he laughed lazily: "Yes, but you say this The wrong way forward is
that without Puliu Rujian, Huan Yuezong would not fall, but without the
help of Puliu Rujian, Puliu Rujian wanted to achieve something, but it was
not that simple. His back road. "

Shen Zheng convinced Yan Wushi's political vision, but it did not mean
that he felt that everything was right. In the past, he also agreed with Yu
Wenji to end the troubled world and unify the world, because he had seen
Yu Wenji himself. It is a generation of lords, even if they are harsh, but
they are quite literate in political affairs and military affairs. Because of
him, the people in the north can end the years of war and rest, and the
north will be unified in his hands. If it takes time, hundreds of years of
troubled times will not be tasted. Can't end in his hands.

It ’s a pity that Yu Wenyi was born unlucky in the sky, but he had a bad
boy. Yan Wushi saw that the rudder made the rudder faster than anyone
else. He abandoned Yu Wenxian in an instant and hooked up with Pu Liuru,
but how could he be sure? Is Pu Liu Ru Jian necessarily the bright master
of the future? Aren't you afraid that the other person is ambitious, that you
can't accomplish more than defeat?

Shen Yan said he couldn't understand his thinking.

When he saw his doubts, Yan Wushi Xu Xu said: "Ama is an idea person. I
said ten thousand and ten thousand. You have never been with him. After
all, you are unbelieving. Yu Wenxian's weakness is more ambitious than
Yu Wenxian. On the day Yu Wenxian did not dare to rebel and defeated
himself, Pu Liurujian was not such a waiter, but he was in a weak position
now. If he can help him, the benefits of Huan Yuezong will not be less in
the future. More importantly ... "

Seeing him wanting to say nothing, thinking that there were more
important reasons that he had not yet exported, he also put down his books
and listened carefully.

Yan Wushi then slowly spit out the second sentence: "More importantly, I
think he is more pleasing to the eye!"

Shen Zheng could not help glancing at him.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I don't think you're going to stare at people
in the future, just stare at me, or you can just stare at me, or they will think
you are telling the truth."

Since when has he always been talking to himself without such a joke?
Shen Yun thought about it for a while, blindly hurt himself, Yan Wushi
held himself in and out, deliberately misunderstood others. Naturally, he
was also intimate and intimate. I wish everyone else thought that Xuandu
Shanqianzhangjiao was the Yueyuzong. The lord's flattery, but now he is
more intimate in speech, but instead of doing anything too far in front of
others, he is even more private in his laughter.

The subtle changes in it have been ignored for a while, but to this day, they
can no longer be ignored.

Shen Yan rubbed his eyebrows, only feeling a mess.

Yan Wushi naturally reached out his hand, and pressed the palm of his
eyebrow on the center of his eyebrow and rubbed it gently. The other hand
rested on the back of his head. He couldn't allow him to escape, but
seemed to see through his heart. Well, isn't there a good relationship
between you and me, why is Ayi showing such an annoyed expression? "

Shen Yan: "... Suiyuan is a Buddhist saying, we only talk about the Taoist
nature, and besides, we are only evil at best. Please also ask Lord Zong to
not use words arbitrarily!"

He intended to shake off each other's hands, and the two passed a few
tricks in an instant. Yan Wushi didn't have the consciousness of taking
advantage of others' danger. At the end, he directly clicked on the other
person's acupoint and rubbed the beauty in his arms. Is n’t all good fate
and good fate all a fate word? You have been cultivating for so many years
and you are so attached to the appearance. Now that Qi Fengge is dead, I
have to teach you tricks on your behalf. "

Speaking of bowing his head, he kissed people breathlessly, and tasted the
beauty's whole body scenery through his clothes. Although the other party
did not know how much advantage he took when he was lethargic, Yan
Zongzhu was always arrogant, and even if he took advantage It is clear
that the size he grasped is just right, pinching on the edge of Shen Yan's
outrage and tolerability. The just-right size is outrageous.

Shen Yan was flushed and panting, the former was angry, and the latter
was bullied by the disciples.

Yan Wushi's gaze swept over his lips that became more red due to wetness
and sucking, and his heart was satisfied, so Shi Ran opened his mouth:
"Look, you obviously have feelings, so why suppress yourself, and
repeatedly deny ? "

Shen Yan didn't speak.

Obviously it's not that he can't speak, but that he doesn't want to say

Yan Wushi smiled again: "Ama, when you are in trouble, I came to the
rescue with thousands of miles, isn't it enough to prove that this seat has a
heart for you?"
Speaking of tenderness, it is unwilling to unlock the acupuncture point.

Because he also knows that as long as he clears Shen's acupoint, the other
party will immediately leave, and it is impossible to listen to him continue
to talk nonsense here.

Yan Wushi: "I know that you have dealt a lot with me because of the past,
but now I have changed my heart for you. It is the so-called seeing the
truth for a long time, can you not detect it?"

Shen Yunping regained his breath and said coldly: "I have never seen the
heart of Lord Zong, how do you know that you changed your heart?"

Yan Wushi grabbed his hand and touched his heart, and said softly, "If you
don't believe it, dig it out and see for yourself. From now on, this is all

Shen Yan drew his lips, and was agitated by his nausea. He felt that his
face was thicker than the Great Wall, and he could n’t keep up with the
horse in his life. He reasoned with the other side, and the other side
reasoned with him. Shen Ye felt that even if he had ten more mouths, he
could not say Yan Wushi.

"You let go of me first."

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "That won't work. As soon as you unlock
your acupuncture point, you will run away. I don't want to force you to be
too anxious, but you don't have to think about the idea of the rivers and
lakes, even if I want it, Hiding in the tomb of Qifeng Pavilion, I will also
dig out the grave of Qifeng Pavilion! "

Shen Zheng put aside his face: "Poor Taoism is a person who cultivates
Taoism. He has no love for life and does not want to marry."

Yan Wushi: "We are not talking about love. You are superficial. We are
like-minded fellows. I have no intention of forcing you to marry. If you
like, you can marry."
He was as funny as a cat, seeing that the other party was going to blew
hair, and groaned with a smile, and solved his acupuncture point: "Okay,
but just joking with you, why are you angry? Speaking of the subject, Pu
Liu Rujian I ’m in big trouble this time. Is he knowing the Lord? Would
you like to support him? It ’s not too late to mention it later. I naturally let
you go with you. It ’s of great benefit. ”

As soon as Shen An's acupoint was resolved, he immediately got up more

than three feet away from him: "Please also ask Yan Zongzhu Ming."

Yan Wushi blinked at him: "Don't sell anything, don't you want to
reciprocate others, anyway, why not go with me to Chang'an to see?"

Oh my god, it's cute!

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 157
Shen Yan clutched the painful wound in his chest, and couldn't bear to turn
his head to witness, but because the other party's overbearing Tang Tu acts
could not be relieved, he was angry and helpless.

"I can go with Lord Yan, but we have to get three chapters of the law and
treat each other with courtesy. If Lord Yan can't do it, I would rather go

Yan Wushi said, if I want to follow, where can you get rid of?

There was a slight smile on his face, and he said generously, "Yes."

Chapter 108

Yan Wushi has repeatedly teased, and his attitude changes day by day.
Shen Zhen can't say that he is unaware, but from the bottom of his heart,
he doesn't feel that he has anything to say.

The eldest husband stands in the world, the first is character. As for the
appearance, the woman is the one who pleases herself. Even beautiful men
like Zou Ji and Song Yu also pay attention to appearance, but as a
foreigner, Shen Yun has never been so particular. So he didn't understand
what Yan Wushi liked him.

Because of this doubt, he interpreted Yan Wushi's attitude as

"whimpering". After all, the other party also had a previous record. If there
was no defense, he might be sold again. It is not Yan Wushi's opponent, so
he trembled deep in his heart. There is always doubt in one place and he
dare not believe it.

In the final analysis, this is also a sin done by Yan Wushi himself.

On the same day, Shen Yun had clearly regarded him as a friend, a heart-
shaped jade pot, and heaven and earth could be learned, but he sneered at
him with a nose, and laughed at Yan Yan on the face, but contacted Sang
Jingxing in his back. He threw Shen Hong's heart of sincerity on the
ground and stepped on it, and now he wants to redeem it. It is difficult to
break the mirror and cover it with water. He may also be fortunate that
what he sees is Shen Yun, and he is replaced by others. The temperament
changed greatly, Zhenri was thinking about revenge, at least he would no
longer have half trust in Yan Wushi.

But after all, Shen Wei is an exception. He treats others with sincerity.
Others treat him well, and he must pay others 12 points.

Outside of Tuyuhun King City, Yan Wushi first separated a lot of

temperament due to serious injuries, and because of Chen Gong, Yan Shen
and the two went deep into the ground, and had to have many
entanglements. Later, Hehuan Zong was killed and heard, Yan Wu The
teacher was willing to take a decisive decision, and turned away from the
most thorny Sang Jingxing, so that Shen Huan could flee and escape.
Although Shen Zhen is very clear that Yi Yan's treacherousness and
cunning cannot be prepared in advance, but when he sees that the other
party will definitely leave, how can he not be shaken by the slightest

This move was very proud of Yan Wushi's back and forth.

He became so impressed with Shen Chen that he thoroughly explored the

nature of the human being from the inside out.

If other people hear Yan Wushi teasing a lot of frivolous remarks, even if
he is not furious, he must think about how to escape from Yan Wushi and
make a stab at him. The farther he can, the better, but Shen Ye is not so .

For Shen Ye, after all, Yan Wushi just saved himself on Qingcheng
Mountain after all, kindness is one of them; Pu Liurujian sent a letter to
ask for help, Shen Ye did n’t know, so he had to take a trip, two People
have the same destination.

Adding these two together is much more important than "not wanting to be
entangled in each other's words and actions", so Shen Yan will put his
personal feelings aside first and do more important things first.
This kind of seriousness and rigor, one point is old-fashioned, one point is
more hypocritical, and it is Shen Shen. Many people take it for granted
and there is no contradiction.

This man was not famous when Xuandu Shan taught, and others mentioned
him. At most, he added the phrase "the proud disciple of Qifeng Pavilion."
Nothing else. Now he walks the rivers and lakes, but it first reminds him
that he is Shen, then Is the other.

Yan Wushi was arrogant and unaffected by others. He lived freely and did
whatever he wanted. He never thought that he would still be planted on
this person.

He always felt that human nature is inherently evil, and he never believed
that there would be true goodness, and even if it did, it became weak in his

It was an accident that Shen Wuzhen was an accident. Yan Wushi never
compromised his nature, so he wanted to give in for Shen Huan.

Everyone in the world feels good. Yan Wushi doesn't feel good, and he
dismisses it. If Yan Wushi feels good, everyone in the world feels good,
and he naturally has to rush to grab it, no matter whether it is forcibly
grabbing or winning. The moisturizer is silent, so you have to pull people
into your arms first, and then fine-tune them to make the other person

In general, progress has been smooth so far.

Rao is Yan Wushi, and can't help but feel complacent: Even if this place
has been standing for decades, even if it is not used to dominate martial
arts, there are countless men and women who have posted it. For the first
time in his life, he has spent so much thought on someone. When he
grabbed his hand, he was still alive in front of him, so he might as well
smash him to death.

Therefore, when Shen Yun proposed three chapters of the law, "Treat
others with courtesy, ignore indecent assaults, and do not have frivolous

Promised to be so refreshing, on the contrary, made Shen Wei a little bit

skeptical, but now that he has promised, if he is still entangled, it will look

Early the next morning, the two set off on their way. If they happen to be
able to pass the town at night, they will rest in the city by the way.

People from all over the world enjoy meals and drinks, and it is common
to spend the night in the suburbs, but if they can choose, everyone is
willing to have a warm and comfortable place to stay. If they have to do
so, even if they are masters of martial arts, they would rather stay in the

Yan Wushi and Shen Zheng were no exception. They ran all the way and
spent only two days to reach Xining Town, not far from Chang'an.

Chang'an is in sight. Finally, it can be slowed down, and he will be able to

enter the city tomorrow. Yan Wushi also said: "Although the situation of
Puli Rujian is critical, he hasn't been in a hurry and can't wait for a
moment. Now it's late. Stop here. "

Shen Yan knew that he always attached great importance to his

appearance. Every time he played, he was dignified and magnificent. He
did n’t know how much time he would spend to take care of it. He let the
grand master of the sacred moon and moon go into the city. Yan Wushi
must be unwilling. Yes, they agreed.

I chose a large-scale inn, and the two walked in. Shen Yansheng was afraid
that he would say something like sleeping together. When the shopkeeper
asked "two people want two rooms," he grabbed him in front of him.
Answer "yes".

Yan Wushi did not refute, leaving him alone with a smile.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper couldn't help but laugh and said "the two
Langjun are brothers, their feelings are really good".
Yan Wushi: "We are not brothers."

The shopkeeper said a moment, hesitating: "That's ..." Father and son?

Yan Wushi didn't say anything, only smiled vaguely at him, glanced at
Shen Yan, and smiled again at the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper saw more people of all kinds, he also showed a
stunned expression.

Yan Wushi: "No way, he has been awkward with me for two days."

The shopkeeper opened his mouth to talk to others, and **** to say:
"Everyone said that they had built the same boat for ten years, and what
they had built for a hundred years. You are both dragons and phoenixes in
people. The friendship is probably not ordinary. With this fate, you still let
each other. Some, good money, good money! "

Shen Yun: "..." What is that, you can tell clearly!

But the shopkeeper followed Yan Wushi's words unclear. He couldn't

always make a correction to others. Instead, he had 320 silverless places.

The shopkeeper booked a room for them, and Yan Wushi asked for a
private room for some wine and food.

There are four food cases in the private room, which are placed side by
side, and the other side is for the guests to have some songs and dances to
accompany during the meal. At present, there is no dancer dancing, which
naturally looks a bit empty.

Shen Ye sat down in the case near the door, but Yan Wushi did not sit in
the case next to him. Instead, he sat down after two tables and sat in the
corner case.

"Why is the Lord Yan so?"

"As soon as I saw your face, I wanted to reach out and touch it, but since I
promised you to treat you with courtesy, it would be better to stay away,
lest I become a repetitive villain in your heart. "

Yan Wushi's remarks were not only innocent, but also righteous, and those
who didn't know thought he was the one to be lost.

Shen Yun was a little speechless, and thought of the talents for a moment:
"Then you just intentionally misled the shopkeeper to say those words, and
where do you start with courtesy?"

Yan Wushi is even more innocent: "Where am I misled? I said two

sentences from beginning to end, and you can hear clearly, we are not
brothers. Is there a mistake in this sentence? I call my brother and brother?
The second sentence is awkward. It is the mischief of the shopkeeper who
sees it. It's no surprise to me. "

Shen Yan already has a deep understanding of how to compete with his
tongue, and he has nothing to hear when he hears it.

Yan Wushi smiled: "I have done what you asked for. Why are you not

After a pause, he said softly, "Ah, there are not many other people in this
life who look at each other, and there is no willingness to give in. You are
the only one."

It is very helpless to be soft and soft, and soft to the touch.

Shen Yanmei: "I would rather not be so special."

That can't stand you. Yan Wushi laughed and said nothing.

Shen Yun thought for a while, solemnly said, "Yan Zongzhu's

unpredictable mind is so incomprehensible. I don't know. With my
ordinary qualifications, where does Yan Zongzhu attract others' attention?
Since we are speaking today, is it possible? Would Lord Yan tell you
frankly? "

Yan Wushi: "Ama, your benefits are many, I can't finish talking for three
days and nights."
He made a joke first, and when he saw that the other was a little
speechless, he laughed again and again, "No one in this world can compare
to you."

Shen Yun was depressed: "I don't know when softness will become good,
only remember that Zong Yan always looks at people who are not
accustomed to softness."

Yan Wushi smiled with a long smile: "Why don't you make love in the
eyes of your lover?"

Well, after talking for a long time, he was tricked again, Shen Ye knew that
he couldn't ask the answer from his mouth.

He is increasingly convinced that the other party is just another whim, and
now there are two ways in front of Shen Ye: either wait for Yan Wushi ’s
interest to fade and no longer entangle, and he will be cleansed; After a
short meal, Yan Wushi never dared to entangle.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 158
The dishes came up, and the two of them automatically chop chopsticks.

After eating halfway, Yan Wushi drank his wine and laughed, "I like
someone, do I have to say something? Just like you hate a person and look
at him with a horrible face, but you can't tell why, this is not the same Is it
reasonable? You can't feel that my heart is false because I am joking at
you, so why do I feel bad? "

At first glance, this seems to be a little bit serious, but in fact, it is all
ridiculous. Shen Shen said in earnest, how can it be so difficult to have a
serious talk with this person?

What he wanted to say turned a few words in his stomach, and was trying
to get out. Hearing that table was moving slightly, he could not help
looking up, and saw Yan Wushi lower his head and spit blood.

Shen Yan's face changed so much that he couldn't take care of the others.
He hurried up and held him up: "What happened to you, is the poison in
the wine?"

Because Shen Wei didn't move the pot of wine, he suddenly thought about
the problem of wine.

It is even more ugly than Yan Wushi because of the experience of meeting
each other.

However, when he saw Yan Wushi suddenly show a smile, he held him in
his arms: "If you care, chaos will happen, grandma, you are right!"

Shen Yan stared: "You, you are not poisoned?"

Yan Wushi wiped off the blood on the corners of his lips: "I accidentally
broke my teeth when chewing, and I may get angry."

Can you spit blood when you get angry?

Lie to the ghost!

Chapter 109

After knowing that Yan Wushi pretended to spit blood to cheat him, until
entering Changan and entering the State Mansion, Shen Ye never said a
word to Yan Wushi.

In his heart, this man has been hooked with the word "treacherous". He has
more eyes than the hive. He is trying his best to defeat him, and he can't
fight him. Silence is golden, without saying anything. What did he say?
Shen Ye was either "hmm" or "oh", he didn't believe that he could be left

Yan Wushi also knows that he has played with fire. Although he has
caused the concern of Shen Yan's anger, but everyone wants face, even if
he is such a good-tempered person, you can cut off everyone's face, and
they can give you good Face, it is normal to be angry, it is not normal to be

Chang'an, as always, has high city walls, magnificent momentum, and

thousands of weather in one. It is indeed the emperor's capital. Shen Rong
never saw it in Jiankang, the imperial capital of the Southern Dynasty.

I think that the establishment of Kangkang is also regarded as the capital

of several dynasties. It has been built here since the Sun of the Three
Kingdoms. There are three layers in the palace wall and three layers
outside. There are Qinhuai in the south and Houhu in the north. When the
envoys of the Zhou Dynasty went to the Southern Dynasty, Shen Yan also
stayed in Jiankang. Compared with the two, Jiankang was a little bit more
gorgeous, but less tough and cold. The so-called view of the king's spirit is
determined by the capital, where the king's spirit is, and the land of
Longxing. Although this sentence brings a bit of magical spirit, it has a
certain reason. Taoism does not cultivate yin and yang, but it is inevitable
to be involved in it. There is also a certain ability to watch and look at Qi.
On the same day, when I saw Yu Wen's looks, I felt that his life was short.
Now comparing Jiankang with Changan, I also feel that the former is
indeed a little less powerful, and it is slightly inferior to Changan. It is this
strategy that may have a bearing on the fate of a dynasty.

But these words of the gods and ghosts can only be thought about in their
hearts. Even if the emperor believes, few emperors have moved their
capital because of this.

After all, the prosperity of the dynasty is indispensable for the time,
location, and harmony. The Zhou Dynasty lost Yu Wenyu, so what's the use
of taking advantage of the time and location? But tomorrow will be

"Why is the grandma's look so dignified?" Yan Wushi's voice sounded


Shen Qinli didn't want to ignore him, just ignored.

Yan Wushi touched a nail, with a smile on his face, not half displeased,
and joined the city behind him.

On the same day, Shen Yun was too impressed by the protection of Yu
Wenshu and killing the encirclement. At this time, he did not even change
his dress. He was still a Tsing Yi robe and a sword. His appearance was not
like a crowd, so that he guarded the city. The soldiers could immediately
think of him and watched the people enter the city brightly, but they didn't
even have the courage to step forward to stop cross-examination.

Many people will admire those who really have the ability. On that day,
Shen Yun's performance was dazzling. Even the soldiers at the bottom,
they participated in the process of rounding up Shen Yun and Yuwen Chan,
but from the heart, they took the orphan of Yuwen's orphan to himself. The
strength and strength of the Daomen who left the city from the bow and
arrow are very much admired. Although I heard that the emperor was
angry after he failed to kill the uncle Manmen, making his cousin a
leaking fish, but in private, who is wrong Shen Yan gave a thumbs up. The
exciting battle at the city gate that day was already spelled out by the
people and spread among the marketplaces. The ordinary people may not
know what Qifengge, the world ’s best master, definitely knows the
righteousness of the sky and martial arts. High strength Shen Dao.

But after all, Chang'an is not elsewhere. Since entering the city, the two
have been exposed to countless eyes and ears, but Yan Wushi didn't care
about it, let alone remind Shen Shen, and took him straight to the young
master's house in the city.

Although Wan Yuezong lost power, Yan Wushi was not a prisoner of the
imperial court. Shen Yun escaped with Yu Wenshu, but later Yu Wenyu felt
that a seven or eight-year-old Yu Wenshu alone could not cause any
storms. In addition, his town day Indulge in pleasure and have no time to
take care of it, so I am too lazy to pursue it again. The two people entered
the city. Although they attracted the attention of all parties, no one came to
arrest them.

Since Shaofu ’s government struck the new emperor ascending the throne,
he was sealed up. The door was locked, and a seal was affixed. Yan Wushi
yanked his hands gently, not to mention the seal, even a heavy lock was cut
off. He pushed the door and Into, the pair's appearance of not keeping the
court ban in his eyes made the concubine behind him twitch.

He is determined to support Pu Liu Rujian, so there is no need to avoid

suspicion during the day?

Shen Yan wanted to ask, opened his mouth, and still held back.

Yan Wushi didn't look back, but seemed to have eyes behind his back, and
proactively said, "Last time the sword test meeting, Hehuanzong went to
the trouble of seeking pure Yangguan. Under a scuffle, Sang Jingxing and
Yuan Xiuxiu must be hurt. It ’s not possible to get back so quickly, and
there are some small crickets left that are not enough to hang on. If you
can see me, Changan is now a snow court. The old bald donkey confides in
the orthodoxy of the Buddhist monk. Human behavior. As for Yu Wenji,
when he was a prince, I also trained him. He knew that he couldn't mess
with me, and he wanted to play. He would never act arrogantly until he was
sure, even if someone sue him. , He will only open one eye and close one.
Shen Jumei, it seems that Yu Wenji is not an incompetent person. He just
wiped out a few uncles as soon as he ascended the throne, which is really

Yan Wushi seemed to be aware of his thoughts again, saying: "Yu Wenji
reused the Buddhist gate, and he also pulled in the Acacia sect, and made
it clear that he did not want the Buddhist gate to become dominant. It can
be seen that under the control of his ministers, he has differentiated and
controlled various forces. Somewhat capable, otherwise you ca n’t pretend
to be in front of Yu Wenzheng for so many years without being abolished,
but his ability is only there. If Yu Wenzheng listens to me, Li Yuwenxian is
a prince, and Zhou Dynasty can at least guarantee it. Three generations are
smooth. "

Shen Yun did not expect that Yan Wushi had suggested this to Yu Wenji. It
is no wonder that Yu Wenji immediately started to attack Yuewenzong
after he ascended the throne. It is estimated that he hated Yan Wushi. It's a
pity that the emperor's cleverness was useless in the business, and he
didn't care.

At present, there are Turks in the North, Southern Dynasties in the South,
and even the North were all defeated by the emperors. However, even a
normal emperor, even if he does not want to unify the world at an early
date, he cannot do Zen to his son, and then he becomes the emperor
himself. When I was in Xining Town, I heard that the emperor Daxing
civilized and constructed the royal garden, and took the news of the day-
old prostitution of the concubine daughter. Yu Wenjiu knew that her son
had held the efforts of her own for decades. Such a mess, it is estimated
that he can survive.

Yan Wushi said, "Although Yu Wenxian is weak, he has a hand in running

the army. Even if he cannot inherit the legacy of Yu Wenxuan, he will not
lose his family business. Unfortunately, Yu Wenxuan can't escape the
common customs. It is so self-destructive to have a son who wants to
inherit the throne. His eyes are so narrow and shallow. He was tortured and
killed by his own son.
He had no respect for the Emperor, and he came with scorn and praise. If
he changed someone else, he would have been scared to death, but Shen
Yan could not help rolling his eyes secretly, saying that he had n’t been hit
by the Tuyuhun City before. The siege of the master still had a seam on his
head, and he almost moaned and said, "Yu Wen is so shallow, where did
you go wisely?"

Yan Wushi didn't look back, jokingly said, "Ama, I can't think of you as a
gentleman, but you have also learned to open your face in person, but you
have slandered others in the back, which is not good!"

Shen Ye knew that he was going to make himself talk, but he kept his
mouth shut tightly.

While talking, the two had crossed the atrium and came to the backyard.

Shen Yun didn't know what he meant to bring himself here, but looking at
the vegetation around him, he didn't get messy because of the owner's
absence. Instead, he was well-organized. It can be seen that someone
usually comes to take care of it, but the seals on the outside are not moved
However, this one is very intriguing.

Yan Wushi pushed open the door of one of the houses, but inside was not
empty, but there were already a few people seated.

When they saw the two of them, they all got up and greeted each other.
The middle man took a few steps forward and arched his arms. "I heard
that Lord Zong encountered a lot of changes outside this time. It's not busy
at all, but fortunately you are safe and sound, I can just let go of my heart.

He also greeted Shen Zhen: "Shen Daozun was so energetic that day, and
it's unforgettable to this day. People in Chang'an are more talkative. Now,
at first sight, the style is better than ever!"

This person is an old acquaintance, and Shen Yun naturally won't

recognize it, not to mention that Yan Wushi said in advance that he was
mentally prepared, and at this time he also laughed and said, "You are
welcome to follow the country, I heard that I took Qilang on the day When
I left Beijing, it was necessary to help the government officials secretly, so
that we could escape from danger safely. This matter has not been thankful
to the government officials. "

Pu Liuru smiled heartily: "But just raise your hand, why bother!"

He introduced to Shen Zhen who appeared with him: "This is Zheng

Zheng, a doctor in internal history."

There is another person who does not need to introduce, and is also an old
acquaintance-Yan Wushi's big disciple Bian Yanmei. As soon as Yan
Wushi entered the door, he stepped forward and saluted, and saw Shen Yan
looking at him with a smile and greetings.

Yi Yan had no pride, and was able to lay down and tell Pu Liuru Jian and
Yan Yuese: "I received a letter from Dalang when I was outside, saying
that you are in trouble."

Each of them sat down, Pu Liuru smiled bitterly: "Yes, there is indeed
some trouble. I can't find a way to think about it. I can only venture to
disturb Lord Yan."

Yu Wenzheng's ability to govern the country is not strong. The emperor's

mental skills have been playing well. After killing a few uncles in a row,
he hit his minds on the subjects. The first thing he focused on was his
father-in-law. Firm.

Pu Liuru Jian is not Yu Wenxian, and naturally he cannot wait for his
death, or he has been rebellious, and has seen emperors such as Yu Wenji,
he cannot be willing to bow his head, so on the surface it is respectful, in
fact, it has secretly made all kinds of preparations. First, he contacted the
army and managed to take over the remaining forces of Yu Wenxian. After
Yu Wenxian's death, the people who were loyal to him were suppressed by
the emperor's suspicion. It was impossible to see the olive branch
extended by Pu Liuru. Busy over here. After Pu Liurujian's operation,
many people in the North Koreans fell to him and became his backbone
team. Zheng Yi was one of them.
But Yu Wenji is not completely ignorant. Pu Liurujian's daughter is the
queen of Yu Wenji's middle palace. Yu Wenji can't catch the handle on Pu
Liuru's face, and her attitude towards the queen is getting worse and
worse. Fan was intimidated by death, but it was thanks to Pu Liurujian's
wife, Du Gu, who entered the palace to intercede, and escaped.

Pu Liuru sighed: "The other day, the Empress Qianqiqiu, Her Majesty had
no intention of doing anything, only rewarded something, and allowed
Zhuo Jing to visit the palace, because someone in the palace said that the
queen wanted to see her brother, Zhuo Jing They brought the eldest son
and second son into the palace to congratulate him. Who knew of the
queen, but Zhuo Jing was led away by excuses. When he returned, he was
told that the queen missed his brother and left him to eat. I was kicked out
of the palace. Since then, I have never seen the queen and the dog again.
Exhausted, my majesty refused to let people go, and now I do n’t know if
they are alive or dead. "

In other words, Pu Liurujian's two sons and a daughter were both held
hostage by Yu Wenhuan.

Pu Liurujian has five sons. The oldest, the one who was taken into the
palace, is now only nine years old.

At this point, he looked anxious, and his heart was full of words: "I have
exhausted my methods. Even if I ask softly, my majesty refuses to let
people go. I want to stay in the palace to accompany the queen. There is a
Master Xueting sitting in the town, masters are like clouds, and by force, I
am really not sure that I will not hurt my children. I did not expect that Yu
Wenzhang ’s sudden outburst would use this method. I had no choice but to
ask the Lord Yan. ! "

The room was quiet and the needle fell, Yan Wushi smiled slowly, and said
slowly: "I don't want to say something that sounds good. With the
Guogong now everything is ready, only to owe Dongfeng, even if there are
no two sons, there are three, actually in The big picture is all right, as long
as you don't move, Yu Wenji can't threaten you with this. "

Chapter 110
This remark is quite ruthless in Yan Wushi's style. The implication is that,
from ancient to modern times, even parents can abandon, brothers can
ignore it, not to mention children, anyway, there are more than two sons in
Pu Liu Rujian, there are three under his knees, let alone Pu Liu Rujian now
At the height of the year, it is not difficult to give birth to a half-daughter.
It is not necessary to be **** because the two sons are in Yuwen's hands.
What to do and what to do.

Although Shen Min did not agree with this remark, it was not surprising or
unexpected. Because as far as his understanding of Yan Wushi is
concerned, the other person is indeed such a person. On the contrary, Yan
Wushi was so special to him during this period of time that it was strange
and abnormal.

In the field, in addition to Shen Yun, there were also Zheng Yi and Bian
Yanmei. Bian Yanmei is an apprentice of Yan Wushi. He is also a stranger
in the magic gates. He also doesn't think there is anything wrong with this
remark. Zheng Yi can be regarded as a close friend by Pu Liurujian. Of
course, he is not a close friend. Some kind person, although he did not
speak, also agreed with Yan Wushi's words.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 159
Pu Liuru smiled bitterly: "Although it is a big deal, it ’s easy to cut it off,
if you are a big-hearted person. If you want to give Xiang Yu a share of his
father's meat, I ca n’t do it. If I can even have my own flesh and blood, If
you give up, I am afraid that Lord Yan will not look at me? "

The words were extremely eloquent. He obviously asked Yan Wushi to

help save his children, but left a feeling of affection and righteousness. If
you want to be emperor, like Yu Wenxian, being soft-hearted can't be a big
deal, but if you are a cunning rabbit like Gou Jian, it's also chilling. Pu
Liurujian is giving them a peace of mind, suggesting that she will never

Shen Yun faintly understood why Yan Wushi changed to support Liu

Yan Wushi smiled a little, and didn't tangle in the issue of saving and not
saving, and asked directly: "Are you sure they are still alive in the

Pu Liurujian knew that Yan Wushi had promised to save people, and
quickly hesitated: "This is certain, the queen sent someone secretly to send
a letter, saying that Her Majesty held the dog in the Queen's Palace, and
The queen is not under house arrest, and has more than ten days so far. Her
Majesty wants to take this as a hostage, so I can't act rashly. "

Rebellion is not to eat and drink. Although Pu Liurujian was originally

laid out in various ways, he had not made up his mind. The emperor forced
him to force his determination. As long as he could save his children, he
would definitely start the palace without saying a word. change.

Yan Wushi: "To save your children, you must be ready to turn your heads
with Yu Wenhuan. There are people from the Buddhist gates in Yuwenhuan
Palace, and people from the Acacia sect. Even if they ca n’t beat me, they
can break the pot. It is not difficult to kill your children. "
Pu Liuru sighed: "Yes, I also think of this layer, and I have some anxieties
in my heart. I wonder if there is any good way for Lord Yan?"

Yan Wushi groaned for a moment: "Yu Wenxun refused to let people go,
but after all, he did not rip his face on the bright side with you. You
entered the palace under the pretext of giving something to your children,
and then waited to save someone. There is only such a way."

Bian Yanmei interfaced smartly: "There are disciples who have something
to do with their work, Master, and the disciples disguise themselves and
mix them in the palace, waiting for the opportunity to rescue people."

No one knows that Yan Wushi vetoed: "Your martial arts are still under
fire, and there is only one way to go to Xueting."

Mei Mei touched her nose and shut up.

Yan Wushi: "My body is too eye-catching and I haven't practiced bone-
shrinking. Even if I disguise myself, others can't see the difference.
Xueting's old bald donkey can immediately see it, which is
counterproductive and wants to be rescued. People can only find martial
arts and strong strengths, and they can adapt to the situation. I will be
outside the palace at that time. "

According to Pu Liurujian, the martial arts on the edge of the Mei are
already very high. Who knows that Yan Shi has n’t said enough, and that
he has to be higher, and he must be ready to fight with Xue Ting, then he
must be a master master. However, this master is not a cabbage, and he
wants to get it, let alone Pu Liurujian is not an emperor now. Even if he is
an emperor, he will be given a three-point courtesy to such a master.
Where to find it?

After seeing a few pairs of eyes falling on himself, Shen Shen sighed, Wen
said: "The poor are not talented, they have the merits of saving lives. I
would rather try, but I am not familiar with the road in the palace. With his
eyes smeared, he would lose his way before he was saved. "
Pu Liurujian thought of Shen Yan just now, but this is different from Yan
Wushi's alliance. He did not have a deep friendship with Shen Yan, he did
n’t speak, and he was not good for him. He naturally overjoyed: "When
Shen Dao grows out of horses, he can't do anything but insist on entering
the palace. Although he is worried about his loved ones, he does not dare
to put Shen Dao Chang in danger. I heard that on the day of the eighth
birthday of the Buddha in April, the snow court Go to the Qingliang
Temple in the city to pray for blessings. Without him, the rest will be
better. I will send more people around Shen Daochang. One is to lead the
way, and the other is just to help you. "

Bian Yan Mei said: "I don't have a lot of expensive fines. I will accompany
Shen Daolong into the palace. I can be familiar with the road in the palace.
I can send two more maids. Yu Wenzheng is not a fool. He will be
suspicious if there are more people."

Shen Minshou said nothing.

The two sides discussed the time and place again, and said that Pu
Liurujian would first write the letter and ask for a visit. If Yu Wenxun
refused, he would send someone into the palace to deliver things in the
name of the queen's mother Dugu, and Shen Ye and others would make an
appointment On the seventh day of the month, they met at the Government
House of the State, and then disguised themselves, entered the palace in
the name of the Government House, and visited the Queen, and waited to
save people.

At this moment, someone had already reported Yan Wushi and Shen Zhen
back to Shaoshi's House, ignoring the ban and broke into the news, so it
was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After speaking the matter,
the people separated, Pu Liuru Followed the secret road of Shao Shifu and
went back to Suiguo Mansion, while Yan Mei took Yan Wushi and Shen Ye
to another house in the city.

The house was not the one he had lived in before, but another Shen Qiang
had never set foot in. The three caves of the cunning rabbits were shown to
the people in the Demon Gate, especially Huan Yuezong. Shen Xu
suspected that Bian Yanmei had secretly bought The next ten and eight
houses were reserved. When one was found, they abandoned one and
changed their position. Anyway, when they first leaned on Yu Wenzhang,
the Huan Yue Clan Commissioner made a lot of money. For now, Rao Yue
Zong also has a lot of shops for sale. On the scale, it may not be as big as
the Six Gangs, but on the wealthy side, Yan Wushi is definitely not bad.

Bian Yanmei introduced: "This is a private house, with the surname of Li,
and it is the house of a business man. Hehuan people will not be able to
find it here in one and a half. Master and Shen Tao can rest assured."

He did n’t know what Shen Ye ’s relationship with his master was now. If
he said that he was a close friend, they did n’t look the same, and because
of his nature, he might not even be the first to be a friend in the world.
Don't talk about Shen Yan, Bian Meike still remembers that when his
master brought Shen Yan with him from time to time, it was only for the
sake of having fun that he could not talk about friendship.

Bian Yanmei's observation ability is much sharper than his younger

brother Yu Shengyan's smoke. Naturally, it can be seen that Yan Wushi's
special treatment of Shen Yun is much different than before. But what
exactly is the difference, he can't say it-just by racking his brains, he can't
think that his master is actually that kind of thought, because Shen Wei is
gentle and handsome, but he ca n’t be lucky with luck. First-class
connection, not to mention the ranking of the world masters just released
by Liuli Palace, Shen Daochang ranks in the top ten. Who in the world
dares to misbehave against the master master?

Yan Wushi dared.

But Meiwan Wanbian did not expect her master to dare.

In any case, since Yan Wushi looks at Shen Yan differently, the edge of the
plum is so beautiful, it is naturally impossible to neglect Shen Yan, not to
mention that although he follows the master's unscrupulous style of doing
things, his heart also treats people like Shen Yan. Pin has a little
admiration and value. You must know that there are many hypocrites and
hypocrites in this world, not to mention those who seem to be moral
gentlemen. In fact, they cannot control themselves in the face of
temptation. He has the identity of a river and a lake, and has been walking
in the North Zhou Chaotang for many years. People, like Shen Yun, can
really be called the same words and deeds.

As he was talking, he sent someone to deliver something secretly with the

government office, and the name was given to Shen Wei.

Huan Yuezong was allied with the government of Suiguo. Naturally, it is

also known to the other party, so it is convenient to contact at any time.

Shen Yun didn't know why, when he opened the bamboo tube, pulled out
the contents and unfolded it, he couldn't help but snorted softly.

Yan Wushi glanced next to him, with a smile: "Pu Ruru is a wonderful
person who knows the best."

This thing is one of the five volumes of "Zhu Yangce" originally hidden in
the Bei Zhou Nei Palace.

This volume of "Zhu Yangce" was read by Yan Wushi, but at that time he
had realized that the content of it was not the same as that of "Feng Lin
Yuan Dian", so he did not completely memorize the content. With a lot of
thought, I naturally told him what he remembered, but this is different
from the original and delivered to him. At this point, the content of the
five volumes of "Zhu Yangce", except for the one placed in the Tiantai
Sect, Shen I have learned everything.

Although the residual volume of "Zhu Yang Ce" is precious, Yu Wenzheng

is not a martial arts practitioner. After the poisoning of his father that day,
the court actually experienced a change. He was not free and would not
pay special attention to such a thing. For the sake of identity, it was not
difficult for his daughter to take this thing out of the palace, and he has
since put away the remnants, and now she has given it to Shen Zhen.

When this heavy gift was sent, Shen Yun naturally accepted his affection,
because Pu Liurujian was very human. He did not wait for this to happen
before presenting the gift, but sent the remnants first to show himself I
believe that Shen Kun is a gentleman, and if he promises, he will not
regret it.

At this moment, Rao is no less dangerous in the palace, and Shen Min also
has to take a trip, but also walks willingly.

That's why Yan Wushi said that Pu Liuru knows how to be human.

Shen Yanran: "Previously, you said that there was a great benefit to seeing
Pu Liu Ru Jian, did you mean it? Did you expect that Pu Liu Ru Jian would
give me the residual volume of" Zhu Yang Ce "?"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "I'm not a fairy. How could I not know the
prophet, but the remnants are in the hands of Pu Liurujian. I know this. He
wants you to help, at least with sincerity. Your current skill Recovery can
be expected, but Zhu Yangce continues in the same vein. If the content is
missing, it will not be beautiful after all. Maybe some of the checkpoints
are missed, which is not good for spiritual practice. So even if there is no
such thing, I will still be disabled from him. Here you are. "

Shen Zheng could not help but glance at him.

Yan Wushi is kind to a person. It can be so good that he holds all the
babies in the world in front of the other person, and tells the other person
frankly: I am willing to do so.

Seeing Shen Yan's gaze over, Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "I don't have to
be so touched. I have told you about this volume. Pu Liuru's move, at best,
is just icing on the cake. Wait for me. It ’s better to return to you, it's not
too late to be moved! "

Shen Yan was really fascinated by this person's glamour. He kept looking
back, for fear that Yan Wushi would say something terrible again.

Until the 7th day of April, Yan Wushi and Shen Yanbian Mei came to
Suiguo Mansion.
Prior to that, Puli Rujian had already turned in and asked Dugu to enter the
palace to visit his daughter. The incident was rejected by the emperor, and
Puli Rujian went on another line to say that although Dugu could not enter
the palace to visit the queen, the mother and child It is affectionate and
hopes that some family books can be eaten into the palace and presented to
the queen. It is also considered that the mother misses her children.

Perhaps the emperor didn't want to make the puppets with the patriarchs
public, this answer should be.

Pu Liuru selected two smart and capable nieces, and was ready to
accompany Shen Bian and Yan Mei to enter the palace.

Seeing the costume he was about to enter the palace, Shen Zhe was very
shameless and asked Yan Wushi: "Why didn't you tell me to want men to
dress as women?"

Yan Wushi asked in amazement: "How can a man enter the palace
casually, or the harem? I thought you knew it!"

Shen Yan language stuffed.

He felt that Yan Wushi was probably still resentful of the fact that he had
let him dress as a woman, but the reason was so grand and he could not
refute it.

Bian Yanmei also comforted him: "It's all right, I want to change my

This is the end of the matter. Since it was promised, it is naturally

impossible to regret it. Shen Xuan had to let his maids change clothes and
smudge his face.

The maid who gave him makeup was not an ordinary maid, but a female
disciple of Yuan Yuezong brought by Bian Yanmei.

Shen Yi previously thought that Yi Rong was covering a human skin

directly with a human skin mask like Huo Xijing, and then applied secret
methods, but Bian Mei told him that was not the case.

"Huo Xijing's face-changing technique must be used to prepare human

skin with countless kinds of medicinal materials, and then use the secret
method to refine it. It won't work for a year and a half. I do n’t know how
to do it now, and I do n’t know the secret method. After all, the three-face
mask and the face-changing person also need to fit the outline roughly, and
they are very particular. If there is a slight discrepancy, it will be easy to
be seen by people, and it will not look like it at all, so it is better to use
other methods. "

A waitress smeared for Shen Yun laughed: "The Minister was originally
handsome and beautiful, with only a little modification, he can be
transformed into a beautiful country!"

Shen Yun wondered: "The man has a throat knot, the woman does not, and
the collar cannot be covered even by the high collar. A person with interest
can see at a glance how to hide this?"

The waitress groaned with a smile: "Just give it to us."

Mei Mei also reminded them: "Don't make Shen Dao too beautiful, it
would be bad if the emperor saw it."

Shen Yun: "..."

The waitress fluttered a smile: "Then we can't help it, no matter how we
can cover it, we can't cover the style of the Chief Minister himself, at most
we can only make our faces a little ordinary!"

After adjusting their faces and necks, they brought in two sets of clothes
for the servants of the government office and let Shen Yan and Bian Mei
replace them.

Everything was properly prepared. Shen Ye's face was a bit uncomfortable.
Instead, the edge of Mei looked calm and relaxed, and she was also very
playful to learn that the maids raised their orchid fingers and smiled:
"Sister Shen, do you think I am beautiful? "
Shen Yan drew his lips.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 160
Chapter 111

Rao was a accustomed beauty to Yan Wushi, and suddenly she saw Shen,
who changed to women's clothing, and had an indescribable sense of

This is the first thought.

The second thought was: I have a good vision.

Yi Rong is very particular about it. Unless he changes his face directly like
Huo Xijing, it is absolutely impossible to suddenly become completely
unrecognizable. Therefore, after Shen Yan dressed as a woman, his face is
still not much different from the old days, but Wan Yuezong's maid was
ingenious, and made some modifications in the details to make the facial
contours more soft and feminine. In this way, even if you originally knew
Shen, it was difficult to recognize him.

Shen Yun was originally very beautiful, but now it turns into red makeup.
Naturally, there are only better ones. Even if Shen Yun is wearing maid
clothes, there is no gem, gold and silver ornaments on her head, and it can
still be noticed at a glance.

Yan Wushi also discovered this problem: "Yellow his face."

After a while, Shen Yan's face and neck became dull and yellow. Finally,
the moving part was covered by three points. The maid was very careful,
and even the color of his hands changed so that no one would notice

Bian Yanmei and Shen Zhen are both men, and they will not shrink their
bones. After changing to women's clothes, they are still tall and piercing.
Pu Liurujian is also very careful. He specially found two maids of the
same height from the government. The Northland women are taller. Such
people are easier to find. Although they are still half a head shorter than
Yan Mei by comparison, the height difference will not be too obvious after
the soles are raised. The four maids who entered the palace this time were
taller, and they would not pay special attention to the two men.

Arrange everything well, and when entering the palace, Shen Yanbianmei
held the official residence of Suiguo Government to the queen and entered
the palace with two other maids.

In fact, Shen Zhen was not very worried about his safety. With his martial
arts, as long as he did not collide directly with Xue Ting, even if he was
severely besieged by the embargo in the palace, it was okay to leave the
danger alone, but if he still brought the country It ’s too difficult to be a
man with two princes and a queen. If there is a difference, even if Pu
Liurujian does not blame Shen Yan, Shen Yan himself will have to be put
into the world by his fame, without a face on the rivers and lakes. Mix up.

His heart went back and forth, and the moment he stepped into the palace
door, he didn't reveal his face. In fact, he had already begun to figure out
which way to go out of the palace would be closer.

"Don't watch," Bian Yanmei seemed to know what he was thinking, her
lips moved, and her voice whispered into the secret: "Yu Wen has sealed
five queens. Although the queen we are going to rescue is the Queen of
Nakanomiya, but She's the least favored, so her palace is northwest, and
there's a long way to go from there. "

Shen Min also replied with a voice: "Isn't there a palace gate in the palace?
If you go out from the palace gate in the north?"

Bian Yanmei: "The palace gate in the north has never been opened. The
city walls are so high. Even if we can turn over ourselves, it is inevitable
to bring two or three people together. Those masters under Yuwen's hands
are not vegetarian. When the time comes, archers will open their bows.
Then, when a few people came under siege, we would have difficulty
flying. "

Shen Yan frowned slightly.

Before going out, they had agreed on a way out: Shen Ying and Bian Mei
met the queen, incidentally brought in the door guard to knock it down,
and then took the queen and his two sons, Pu Liu Rujian, and left together.
Can avoid all kinds of patrol guards and masters, at the gate of the palace,
someone naturally responds, even if it is safe.

Without the hostage in hand, Pu Liu Rujian can directly initiate the palace
transformation. Xue Ting is now in Qingliang Temple, and his own Yan
Wushi is holding it down. Sang Jingxing and Yuan Xiu Xiu are not in
Beijing. Hehuan Zong Qunlong has no head. This is a godsend opportunity,
and Pu Liu Rujian has secretly communicated with the Beijing defenders
early on. If he can succeed in one fell swoop, the country will change
hands and the sun and the moon will change for a new day.

But the plan is very beautiful, the reality is very troublesome, no matter
how rigorous the plan is, there will be omissions, not to mention this time
there is a rush, there are many variables, whether it can be successful, only
God knows.

Of course, even if Shen Yun and Bian Yanmei couldn't save people,
because of the inevitable alarm of Yu Wenzheng, Pu Liurujian would
launch the palace change in advance, but that would be contrary to their
original intention of entering the palace to save people.

However, the matter has come to an end, and it is useless to look forward
and backward, Shen Yan and Bian Mei followed behind the two maids,
walked through the heavy hall, and walked towards the Qingning Hall
where Pu Liuru's house was located.

The nephew led them to the entrance of the Qingning Palace, and an old
face laughed coldly: "His Royal Highness is in it. Before you go in, please
open the things you bring, and the guards must check it. . "

In fact, they checked it in front of the palace door, otherwise they would
not be able to enter the palace, but the emperor hated Puliru, and the eyes
of the palace followed the downhole. Some people would climb up and
down. It's fresh.
The two maids came to the palace following Dugu, and when they saw
this, they took a step forward and shoved the heavy embroidered bag in
their hands: "A little heart, give tea to the minister, please don't

The nephew touched it through the satin material, not silver money, but the
jade pen that was more valuable than silver. The smile was sincere, and the
guard was not asked to check it: "The queen is afraid to wait, you should
go in soon. Come out when you have finished speaking. It will take a long
time. "

The maid responded, thanked the in-laws, and brought them into the house
with Shen.

The queen heard the news that the emperor allowed her maiden family to
visit the palace, and took her two younger brothers to sit in the main hall
and waited.

It stands to reason that the queen is the master of the Sixth Palace. You do
not need to inform the emperor if you want your mother to enter the
palace. Five queens, although Pu Liuru has the highest rank, but who has
seen such things in the past, even Liu Cong, has only set up four queens.
Yu Wenyu has almost no ancient people. If you don't show up, you can't be

The house arrests over the past few days made her see the red eyes
immediately when she saw her family.

The waitress salutes: "The prince and the mother remember the queen and
the two princes, and they specially prepared some clothes to eat, and
ordered their sister-in-law to enter the palace."

As she said, she made a gesture.

The queen immediately understood and led them to the side of the inner
"Someone is watching from the outside, talking here, and not listening
outside, it's secretive enough. There must be something for you to tell

The maid didn't say anything, let her sideways and let the person behind

The queen originally saw that they bowed their heads, and the clothes were
the same, so they didn't pay much attention. At this moment, they
immediately noticed that they were wrong.

Doesn't her maid seem to have such a tall maid? Seems to be a head taller
than everyone in her house.

"You are……?"

Bian Yanmei inadvertently nonsense, briefly introduced her identity and

Shen Yan, and then told the rescue plan to the queen.

The emperor was embarrassed: "It's too dangerous. You don't know.
Although Master Xue Ting went out of the palace, his apprentice stayed in
the palace to lecture the emperor. There are people from the acacia family
in this palace. They will also take us along the way. The two are afraid that
if they are unable to catch it, they will lose out if they have a little
difference. "

She is not from the middle of the rivers and lakes, and has been married to
the palace for many years. Even if she knew Huan Yuezong and Xuandu
Shan, she would not know how powerful Shen Yun's martial arts were.

Bian Yanmei also didn't have time to say more to her: "We are entrusted
with the governor of the country, and if we don't have a certain degree of
confidence, we won't be able to take risks."

Pu Liuru still hesitated: "But these maids and I have always been in
trouble together. As we go, they must be angered ..."
Bian Yanmei: "I heard that Her Highness has a good relationship with
Empress Zhu. As soon as we walked forward, your close maids could go to
Empress Zhu to avoid it. The Emperor looked at us and would not think of
chasing those The maid. "

The queen's two younger brothers knew that Bian Yanmei had already
stood up and walked beside him. Shen Huan and Bian Yanmei hugged each
other in one hand. The queen couldn't care more about seeing this, and
quickly got up and followed.

But at this moment, the maid of the queen outside the door hurriedly
pushed in the door and said anxiously, "It's not good, Your Highness, Your
Majesty has brought someone here!"

The emperor also rarely visits for thousands of years, and the queen is also
a stunner.

At this time, Yu Wenzhang must be accompanied by masters of

Hehuanzong or Buddhism. It is not so easy for Shen Zhe to take people out

Bian Yanmei and Shen Zheng looked at each other and had to temporarily
change their plans.

The queen had no time to explain in a hurry that the two younger brothers
should not show up. Yu Wenzhang had already taken someone.

Yu Wenzheng's temperament is very strange. This strangeness may be

because he was suppressed by the severe emperor for a long time, and he
went straight to the extreme after being liberated suddenly, otherwise he
could not explain it. The queen Pu Liuru has a good temperament and is
fair. She treats the concubines who have been abused and punished by Yu
Wenzhang. She can help if she can help her. She has a good relationship in
the palace and her insults to Yu Wenzhang are silent. Patience, An Zhiruo
Su, but such a person can't stand the impermanence of Yu Wenji. It can be
seen how bad the emperor's temperament is. There is a lesson from Yu
Wenxian and others. Even if Pu Liurujian has no heart, He was forced to
rebel against him.
In order to enjoy the pleasure, he did not need to be prosecuted by the
minister. Yu Wenzhen gave his son Yu Wen a chance, but he was not too
emperor, and he professed to be the emperor Tianyuan. For Minister Zhou,
this strange thing was also the first time I saw it. Said that the heart is
inevitably ridiculous.

Usually Yu Wenji rarely comes to see the queen. When she saw her, she
came to scold her for fire. Today she looks strangely good, with a smile
and a spring breeze.

The queen ushered out of the gate of the palace, and Yu Wenzheng went in
again, and asked her two younger brothers: "How are the little sisters used
to living in the palace?"

Pu Liurujian's eldest son didn't say a word, but the younger son was
smarter, and took the elder brother to salute: "Thank you for your care, we
are all very good."

Yu Wenyi smiled and groaned, "What good things did you come with

Then, the sight fell on Shen Zhen and others.

Queen: "It's all food and clothing, not to mention."

Yu Wenzhang: "What does the palace want? Your father is also

embarrassed, and you have to send someone from outside the palace.
Doesn't it mean that I have mistreated you in the palace?"

The queen said busyly: "Your Majesty is serious, just because the younger
brothers live with him in the palace. They have not traveled far away since
they were young. Parents at home are inevitably spoiled. Please do not
blame your Majesty."

"What are you in a hurry? I didn't say no, if not, they won't be able to enter
the palace!" Yu Wenji chuckled and said to Shen Qi: "You, look up."

Shen Ye could not pretend not to hear.

Yu Wenyi: "Fang Caiyi thinks you have a good profile. Although your skin
tone is a bit dull, but if you are good at conditioning, maybe you can go to
the next level!"

Shen Yanwan didn't expect that Bian Yanmei, the crow's mouth, became a
cripple, but he really let the emperor make fun of it!

I thought so, but he didn't speak, his face pretending to be emaciated,

stepped back, and bowed his head again.

The queen hurried forward and laughed softly to the emperor: "Your
Majesty has a long future, and I look forward to it day and night. It is so
easy to see the sky, and my heart is very happy. I wonder if I can stay with
her for dinner?
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 161
The last moment Yu Wenzheng was still happy with her face, but the next
moment she suddenly sank her face: "What are you? I dare to sacrifice you
to eat, and I feel sick when I see you. Who knows if you will poison me in
your food!" "

The emperor's moody name, Shen Yun finally saw today, although Yan
Wushi also has repeated temperament, but this is not the way.

Yan Wushi's temperament can be described as martial arts, arrogant and

unparalleled. What can Yu Wenzheng let others say, if it is not his identity,
I am afraid that he will be hacked to death immediately.

The queen was overwhelmed by these words, and quickly knelt down to
plead guilty.

Just then, Bian Mei suddenly moved.

He leaped forward and rushed to Yu Wenji with a thunderbolt!

There are naturally masters around Yu Wenhuan, a few monks represent

the Buddhist power, and a few other men and women are the Acacia sect.
Yu Wenhuan may also know that he is hated, so he carries these masters at
twelve hours a day. If it wasn't for Zen Master Xue Ting going to
Qingliang Temple to pray for the Royal Blessings today, he would
certainly not let Master Xue Ting leave for a moment.

Bian Yanmei calculates very well. Although there are many masters
around Yu Wenhuan, there is no outstanding master, let alone a master
master. Xueting, Sang Jingxing, and Yuan Xiuxiu are not there. Capture the
thief first, as long as he First grab Yu Wenzheng, with him in hand, and
save the queen's siblings from the court.

Only a moment later, he had reached a tacit agreement with Shen Yan. He
was responsible for taking Yu Wenzhang as a hostage, while Shen Yan was
responsible for solving the people around the emperor and not let them
interfere with the edge.

Speaking late, it was fast, just as the edge of Mei Mei broke out, there was
another person beside Yu Wenji who did not move slower than him, his
body flickered, and he immediately stood in front of Yu Wenji, with his
palm wind rising, accompanied by surging True power, weak first, then
strong, endless, unexpected.

The other party had a beard and a beard, and he had to block his face with
more than half of his face. But this time, his hair was flying up, and Shen
Zheng recognized the true face of the other party.

Master Xueting!

He didn't go to Qingliang Temple at all, but stayed with Yu Wenji all the

Maybe he also expected that on the eighth day of April, Pu Liurujian

would take action while he was away from the palace, so he made a special
effort to lead the snake out of the hole to make Pu Liuru Jian lose.

At the same time, other masters around Yu Wenji also attacked Shen Qi.

Although Yu Wenzheng had been prepared for a long time, he was still
frightened to take a few steps back, and the guards outside the door came
in and shouted, "Kill them, kill them, kill them all!"

Except for Xue Ting, there are no outstanding people around Yu

Wenzheng. Shen Yun ordered the queen and sisters to retreat into the inner
hall. He is the one man who guards the door, and the others are not open. It
is not difficult to block everyone.

But Bian Yanmei could never be Xue Ting's opponent. If Bian Yanmei was
defeated, Shen Xun intervened to deal with Xue Ting, and the queen and
sister would be left unattended.

Master Xueting thinks so too.

But when his palm was photographed, he suddenly changed his face
slightly, and found himself wrong.

Chapter 112

Xueting is not stupid. He also expected that on the eighth day of April, Pu
Liurujian would probably start when he was not in the palace, so he was
disguised as a man and went to Qingliang Temple. Some described it as
staying with Yu Wenji.

His thoughts were right. Whether Pu Liurujian wanted to change the

palace or save his children, as long as he stayed next to Yu Wenyu, like a
copper wall and iron wall, no one could get close to Yu Wenyu. Right now,
the rest need not be bothered.

When Bingyan Mei broke out, Xueting reacted very quickly. He had paid
attention to this person. As a maid, his height was too high. The other side
caught up with Yu Wenyu, and he followed suit. I took a shot and found
myself missing another person next to me.

Not Shen Yan.

When entering the palace, there were four maids. Two of them were Shen
Yan and Bian Mei posing. One was picked by Pu Liurujian. The real maid
who can deal with the big scene with sharp teeth, and one more?

The rest of the man, with a plain face, didn't say a word when he entered
the palace, holding things. Rao was Bian Mei talking to the queen, and he
was like a half-invisible man. He talked about how low-key.

Even the ears and eyes of the emperor planted outside the government
office were concealed.

However, it was "she" who attacked Xue Ting!

Xue Ting and "She" are also old enemies. When this pair got started,
where would they not know who the other party was, he immediately
patted Bian Yanmei and hurriedly shot at the ordinary maid, yelling: " Yan
Wushi! "

However, he did not expect that Yan Wushi's reputation was so deep in
others' hearts that everyone around him could not help showing his
astonishment, and his actions were also slow.

The maid smiled, and it was Yan Wushi's voice: "Old bald donkey, you are
dressed up fresh, haven't you stretched your neck and waited for this seat?
You are so ardent, how can this seat be better than yours? May I meet you!

With the words, a click sound made the ears numb, and the limbs of the
"maid" suddenly stretched slightly at the moment when she met with
Xueting, and the maid's clothes immediately became a little tight.

It can be seen that Yan Wushi previously said that he would not shrink his
bones, which is completely unreliable. He not only does, but also is
extremely sophisticated. Even an arrogant person like him, even if he
practices a partial skill, You have to practice to the point where idlers can't
match it.

As for the face, naturally, it is not like trimming eyebrows like Shen
Yanbianmei, and applying powder and other decorations, but it is covered
with a human skin mask. The man's skin was originally searched by others
based on the principle of "nothing is cheap but no share is the king's
bastard" after Shen Xun killed Huo Xijing. He wanted to use Shen Xun.
Ken, who had to wear it on his face with regret, combined with his bone-
shrinking skills, became a different person, and no one recognized it.

You Wu Yan blocked Xue Ting, and edge Mei rushed towards Yu Wenyu,
but other people around Yu Wenyu were not slow to respond. The two
apprentices of Xue Ting, Lin Shenglian died, and the two sides turned in.
Someone saw Shen Yan went to the palace to save people during this trip,
so he grabbed at the queen's sister and wanted to seize the opportunity to
seize the queen's sister, and then threatened Shen and others not to act
These people regarded Shen Zhe as a soft persimmon, and Shen Zhe would
naturally teach them to be human again, even if Shanhe and the Sorrowful
Sword did not bring him into the palace, it would not prevent him from
firing. Now, one enemy and five will lead a gate to the inner hall. There
must be no leaks, others would not want to go in.

But these five masters, including the Acacia sect and the people under the
Xueting seat, martial arts are first-class on the rivers and lakes, and they
are not easy to meet. They have been with the emperor for a long time and
have learned a lot. The private means do not avoid putting a poison
concealer in the hands of the opponent. Although he is not on the table,
Shen Yan cannot be brought down because of this, but he is really
disturbed. It is impossible to bring five people all down for a while.

Xue Ting is indeed a well-known master-level master. Even if Yuan Zixiao

ranked him behind Yan Wushi, it would not hinder his profound skills. In
their realm of martial arts, the cultivation was already intact, Yan Wushi
thought It is impossible to capture him in one fell swoop, and each other
can only find each other's flaws in the match.

Seeing that the edge of Mei Mei's original intention to start with Yu
Wenzhang was blocked by Lian Shenglian, both sides are disciples of the
master master, and Lian Shenglian, and two others cooperated with each
other. Bian Mei still could n’t help them for a while, Shen峤 Measure the
situation and make a decision.

He no longer guarded the door of the inner palace, but instead ran over to
Yu Wenzhang, who was about to sneak away.

At this point, the movement here has attracted the guards outside the door.
Those people broke in with weapons and were swept by the wind on the
edge of the palm, and fell out a lot.

Don't look at Yu Wenzheng's ridiculous behavior, he still loves his life

very much. Seeing it here, even Xueting couldn't find time to take care of
himself for a while, he hurriedly stumbled to the door, he never wanted
Shen Shen to Sweeping from behind, leaping directly, rushed towards
Seeing the dark shadow under his hood, what kind of skill Shen Shen had,
Yu Wenzheng had only a half-time exclaim, and the man was already
caught by Shen Yan.

Shen Ye only said a little to Yu Wenji: "Your Majesty, let them stop."

Yuwen yelled, "Stop, stop!"

The five people who originally besieged Shen Ye, at first glance Shen Ye
gave them the emperor, and immediately divided into two sets. The three
rushed towards Shen Ye, and the two rushed to the inner palace to catch
the queen's sister.

The three men who rushed to Shen Yan were one step slower. No matter
how fast their footwork was, they could not be compared with the "sky
wide rainbow shadow" of Xuandu Mountain. They could only watch the
emperor become a hostage.

On the other side, Mei Yan and Lian Sheng Lian Fei could only stop.

Yan Wushi and Xue Ting are at war and are fighting from the inside of the
hall. Under the power of two master-level masters, the roof has been
demolished by them half, so naturally it is impossible to stop easily. At
that time, Xueting combined with the four masters to siege Yan Wushi
outside of Tuguhun King City. He beat his head to blossom, and almost
whistled. With Yan Wushi's revenge, it was impossible to expose it gently.

Last time he borrowed the contradiction between Dou Yanshan and Yun
Fuyi, secretly attracted Liuhe Gang's internal strife, and eventually died of
Dou Yanshan poisoning. Yun Fuyi succeeded as the leader, but Yun Fuyi
succeeded as the leader for only half a month. All received evidence of her
collusion with the Turkic people. Several church leaders then united to
remove Yun Fuyi from the position of the gang leader. The Liuhe Gang
was divided into several parts. Now the forces are divided by the church
masters, and the Liuhe Gang is torn apart. Beyond the test sword
conference, another major event on the rivers and lakes.
Those church owners want to take advantage of the influence of Huan
Yuezong in the northern business sector to increase their weight. Huan
Yuezong also needs to take advantage of Huan Yuezong's advantage of
darts and water transportation to expand his business. Cooperation with
each other is as good as water. Huan Yuezong's name did not appear at the
end, but Yan Wushi knew only how much benefit he had gained from a
split Liuhe gang.

On the same day, the five people who besieged Yan Wushi, Guangling San,
later saw the wind to make the rudder, Zhiji sold to Yan Wushi well, and
also cooperated with him, cutting meat generally gave a lot of benefits,
only let Yan Wushi temporarily put down this section Duan Wenji needn't
mention it. Thanks to a good master, Yan Wushi didn't plan to move him
for the time being; as for Yu Yan, Yan Wushi was going to leave it to Shen
Ye to deal with, so he didn't move. The rest were Dou Yanshan and Xue
Ting. The former was Yan Wushi had lost his life, and the latter met today.

Xue Ting was restrained by Yan Wushi, and it was impossible to rescue
the emperor again. Seeing that Yu Wenzheng was caught by Shen Yan, he
sighed in his heart, so he dedicated himself to fighting Yan Wushi and
stopped distracting.

People like Duan Wenji and Yu Li, although martial arts are high, but there
are too many things in mind, seeing these scenes, it is inevitable that they
are distracted, but Xue Ting is also a generation of Buddhist monks. He
can leave the Tiantai Sect, no Relying on the strength of this sect, and
being regarded as a national teacher, he is certainly not a good person to
deal with, so he sees that he can't save Yu Wenji, he simply doesn't care
about it. Appreciate the three points.

"Old bald donkey, Yu Wenhuan is not a monarch. You do n’t believe it. You
do n’t believe it. You want to help him, but you actually go against the sky.
Is n’t your Buddhist monk most concerned about retribution? Aren't you
afraid of retribution? "

While fighting, Yan Wushi did not forget to stimulate him with words.
Xueting didn't bother to pay any attention, and she fought with Yan Wushi
in several ways. The two sides flew in mid-air robes and were really
excited. The battle was far more exciting than any other battle. Rao was
the guard who saw the emperor being held captive and could n’t help They
looked at Xueting for a few times.

Shen Yan held the Emperor, no one dared to act lightly, and even the
mighty palace embargo was suffocating.

While Shen Zhen took the emperor out of the Qingning Hall, she asked the
maid to bring the queen and sister out.

As long as the person is brought out safely, the purpose here will be

Who knew for a while, the queen pulled her brother out, but there was only

Shen Yan sank.

Without waiting for him to ask, the queen hurriedly said: "Someone just
broke through the window and captured Erlang!"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 162
If the hostage was persecuted and Shen was released by the emperor, there
was no need to rob people directly. It can be seen that robbers have another
purpose, not to save the emperor anyway.

In the current situation, Shen Yun could not tolerate more consideration.
He asked the queen's sister to come to him without asking much.

Although Yu Wenyu had to compromise temporarily because of his life, he

stared at the queen, and his eyes were about to spit out fire: "You slut, I
know that you are not a good girl. I knew you were eating like this, and I
just It's time to abandon your queen's position, and then let dozens of
strong men fool you ... "

A series of unscrupulous words spit out from the emperor's mouth, Shen
Ye was upset, and his men stepped up: "Your Majesty will lose his life
now, and there is no time to scold others, save it!"

Yu Wenzheng was directly reddened: "You, you who are highly skilled in
martial arts, why do you help Pu Liurujian and other chaotic thieves? If
you can rely on you, how can you be regarded as a state teacher?"

Seeing Shen Yan's indifference, he added a weight: "Give you the position
of King Jue, rich and precious!"

Shen Yan: "Your Majesty, do you want me to work harder?"

Yu Wenzhang was rolled up and rolled her eyes, she didn't say anything.

With the emperor in hand, naturally all the way unimpeded, there were
people waiting for Pu Liurujian outside the palace gate. The queen's sister
and her brother were so excited that they couldn't help themselves,
especially the queen, who burst into tears and rushed to his father's arms.
He burst into tears.
She came from a family of Gaomen. When Yu Wenyi hired this daughter
as his wife for her son, she also liked her gentleness and aptitude, and
Liuliu did live up to her expectations. Since she became a prince, she has
done her due diligence. Efforts to take care of the inner house for Yu
Wenji, who knows that he did not repair in his previous life. He has such a
husband. When he was a prince, he was honest with him. When he was an
emperor, he completely exposed his nature. How come ridiculous. The
five queens insulted Pu Liuru even after being separated by three or five.
Pu Liu Ru's condemnation for so long was unbearable to individuals.

The members of the Puli Rujian brigade had already been outside Chen
Bing's palace, and they fought with the palace guards for a moment. Once
Yu Wenji appeared, the two sides no longer had to fight.

However, Shen Ye's face was not rejoicing. He told Pu Liuru that: "I was
just oversight for a while, so Lang was taken away, and now he should
come back with his father."

On the contrary, Pu Liurujian comforted him: "Life and death are fate, and
the Taoist leader has done his best, even if there is anything, it is also the
dog that hits it. No wonder no one else. If there is no Taoist leader and Dr.
Yan Zongbian's best to save each other, Jian can not be obtained today. See
your children. "

That head Wu Yan was fighting fiercely with Xue Ting. He was
completely immersed in his own mood and had no time to look around.
The glass tiles on the roof of the Qingning Hall were pulled by the true
power of the two people, and they were accompanied by loud noises and
cracks. Splashing, even faintly forming a vortex around the two people,
even if the masters of the palace abound, in the face of the battle between
the two master-level masters in the world, they can only watch from afar.

However, it was said that Pu Liurujian was carrying soldiers and horses,
and the Emperor Tianzi ordered the princes to quickly stabilize the chaotic
situation in the palace. Shen Yun and Bian Yanmei searched for the
whereabouts of Pu Liurujian's second son in the palace.
Up and down the palace, because of the changes in the palace, people were
heartbroken, and it was difficult to find the person who touched the fish in
the muddy waters for a while. Both of them found one from the palace.

Mei Mei frowned: "The other party captured Pu Liuru Jian's second son.
What's the use?"

Pu Liurujian is not an emperor, let alone one of his sons. It is impossible

for the emperor to have the effect of catching someone, and the other party
’s **** sneaks into the Qingning Temple without knowing it. The first
must have skill. The second counterparty must be familiar with the palace
roads, and has a certain identity, and can come and go freely. The third
counterparty captured Pu Liurujian's son, which may be to discuss the
conditions with Pu Liuru Jian.

After all, Shen Ye is not the former Wuxia Amon. He has spent many days
in the world, and he has been condensed and innocent. He is more
transparent about the world. At the moment, the blessing is to the soul.
Find it. "

Bian Yanmei obviously figured this out, nodded, and went back to tell Puli
Rujian this conclusion.

The comer was faster than they thought.

Murong Qin arrived before Yan Wushi and Xue Ting decided the battle.

He brought Chen Gong's message, saying that Pu Liuru Jian's second son
was in their hands.

Moreover, only let Shen Yun and Pu Liurujian go to redeem.

Pu Liurujian just launched the palace change. Naturally, he would have to

sit in the palace. Those soldiers who served him also needed a pacific
needle to stabilize their hearts. He could not easily leave here. Although he
was worried about the safety of his second son, he chose to stay. He came
down and said to Shen Yun: "It doesn't matter if the other party wants gold
or silver, as long as it can save the child's life, it is worth the extra money."
Shen Yun naturally agreed.

Bian Yanmei also wanted to go with her, but Murong Qin said coldly:
"With the martial arts skills of Shen Dao, if you ca n’t retreat, what's the
use if you go, don't force us to kill people directly. Want to take advantage.

Mei Mei sneered: "Well."

But secretly winked at Shen Yan.

Murong Qin took Shen Bao out of the palace, twisted around in the capital,
and finally entered a humble house.

Chen Gong and Pu Liuru Jian's second son were sitting in the main hall,
calm and calm, and smiled at Shen Ye: "Long time."

Shen Ye and Chen Gong met each other. At that time, both of them were
very downcast. A blind man, all his martial arts were exhausted, and a
poor child. After eating and eating, the two walked along the way. , Going
around, still connected.

Everything seems to have its own fixed number.

Shen Xuan faintly felt that he and Chen Gong should have this side.

The author has something to say:

Anyone guessed it? King Meow went through the comments ~

Grandma and Chen Gong should also have ended, they are not too close to
each other, although they are evil fate ~

Shen Yun: Director, I want to report. Some people are unwilling to be

lonely and add drama.

Lao Yan: We have even slept together in the bed. Can't you recognize this
seat? (づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭
Shen Yan (shy into anger): What is it that you have slept together in the
bed, obviously you are not willing to book another one to save money, but
I meditate all night!

Bian Mei: Oh ------

Chapter 113

Chen Gong held a sword steadily in his hand, and Shen Zhen recognized it
at a glance. It was from it that he had taken out the remnants of "Zhu
Yangce", and was later presented to Yu Wenji's Tai A sword.

The sword is placed on the second son of Pu Liurujian. This sword is an

ancient sword. It was cast by Ou Yezi and the generals. It is sharp and
abnormal. The blade is only slightly close to the neck of the other person.

"Ama, don't act rashly." Shen Ai said to him, this nickname was heard
from Pu Liurujian's mouth.

Chen Gong smiled slightly: "Please rest assured that I have no intention of
hurting the lives of the Yanmen County Duke. As soon as I have something
in hand, I will leave here immediately and look far away. I will never mess
with you and upset you."

Shen Yun: "What do you want?"

Chen Gong made a gesture: "Please sit down."

He was taken hostage, but he was not in a hurry. Since he wasn't in a hurry,
Shen Yun was naturally not in a hurry.

"Shen Yun, we met in Hanwei, and we can say that we are in adversity. We
don't hide it. I always have a gratitude to you in my heart. We never
thought we would sit in peace and calmness for the first time. "Chen Gong
throws away all the hypothetical stories, no longer calls Shen Daochang,
but instead calls his name.

"The poor can't be grateful for Zhao Guogong." Shen Yan said.
Chen Gong smiled, "I still remember that when you broke the temple, you
helped me run away the gangsters and gave me donkey meat to eat bread.
At that time, I thought, this is a fool, where he is so good, But voluntarily
gave me bread. At that time, I was just a poor child who could n’t even eat.
Do n’t talk about reading and writing. I did n’t even know what it was. It
was n’t until a long time that I knew you were in China has such a high
status and such a strong reputation, but because of a fight with people, it
has nothing, and has to drag the sick and wander the rivers and lakes. "

"We had a hard time, and finally escaped to Huaizhou City. Seeing that we
were one step closer to serving the Liuhe Gang, I was full of joy. Who
knew that at this time, you suddenly offered to part ways."

Shen Yan didn't want to talk. When he saw the other person stopped his
voice, he said, "I broke up with you because I didn't think it was a burden
to you, but I was afraid that it would affect you."

This long explanation is not necessary for Shen Yun. He has experienced
many betrayals, many people have a sinister heart, and he is even more
convinced that the clear person knows the four words by himself. If Chen
Gong doubts him, even if he says so many times, What's the use?

Chen Gong smiled: "I did measure the gentleman's belly with the villain's
heart at the time, thinking you thought I was cumbersome and
intentionally left me, so my heart was uneasy."

Shen Xuan said lightly: "Even if you haven't encountered this, you will
have no hesitation in betraying me, but you will betray me. Is it right?"

Rao is Chen Gong's cheek thicker. When he heard this, his face inevitably
passed a little embarrassment, but he soon smiled again: "No matter what,
I just said, I'm always grateful to you, if not You took me out of that small
county, and at this moment I might still be doing the hard work that can
never be finished and three meals, or I might have to be entangled by the
exploitation of my stepmother. "

Shen Chen: "Chen Gong, although you are ignorant, you never forget, and
you are more slick than me in terms of humanity. You are rare to have such
qualifications and martial arts talents, even if you do n’t have me, you still
have The day you were in your early days, it wasn't because you were
inferior that you were inferior, but because you went the wrong way. "

"No, you're wrong." Chen Gong shook his head: "I didn't make a difference
because I went the wrong way, but because I was out of luck."

"Shen Yun, you fell from Banbufeng. Can you be saved without Yan Wushi
passing by? If you were looking for Yu Yan or Kun Xie at that time, you
would have been dead? I heard you were a kid When both parents died,
they were able to worship under the Qifeng Pavilion, but there are tens of
millions of qualified people in the world. Why would it be your turn to be
attracted to Qifeng Pavilion? When you and I met each other, you were
blind and your skills were exhausted. Abandoned, it looks no different
from a disused person. If you didn't get "Zhu Yangce", how can you die
with a tree and return to the ranks of masters? In the final analysis, but
because you have better luck than others, if I have half of you, Why don't
you worry about something big? "

Shen Yun was silent for a moment: "Different ways are not the same. If
you want to think so, I have no way."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 163
Chen Gong laughed: "It seems that you don't agree with me. I know you
are a gentleman. I have never seen me as a person who sits side by side
with you on the left side of the door. You see, if you didn't start with Pu
Liurujian today, The palace change, I still do my Zhao Guogong well, our
well water does not violate the river water, but there is no way, I know that
when Yu Wenji died, I had no place to stay in Zhou Kingdom. Pu Liurujian
is like Yu Wenji, like them This kind of person is very different from Yu
Wenhuan Gao Wei, and he will definitely not reuse me. Maybe in order to
highlight the new dynasty weather, we will have to kill a few of my
"Junchen", so we have to sit here today to discuss the conditions. "

"I know that a volume of" Zhu Yangce "was hidden in the inner palace of
the Zhou Dynasty, but after Yu Wenzheng's death, I had permission to
search around the palace with Yu Wenzheng's permission, but I couldn't
find it. I think the volume of things should be Someone took it away. For
ordinary people, it ’s no use taking away the remnants, unless they are
from the rivers and lakes, so the possibility of Huan Yuezong is the most.
You have a close relationship with Yan Wushi, and he must have taken that
Have you seen the scraps? "

Shen Ye calmly said: "Yes, the remnant is indeed in my hands now, but it
was not given to me by Yan Wushi, but given to me by Pu Liurujian."

Chen Gong stunned: "No wonder, Pu Liuru Jian's daughter is the queen of
Yu Wenji, and naturally she will get the moon near the water tower! The
reason why your martial arts can recover so quickly is presumably
inseparable from" Zhu Yang Ce ".

This sentence is not a question, but an affirmation, because Chen Gong

himself is also a person who has practiced "Zhu Yangce". According to
this, his martial arts and Shen Zheng are actually in the same vein.

Shen Yun: "You want me to use" Zhu Yangce "to exchange Yanmen County
Chen Gong smiled, "Yes, but I will not only hide the volume in the Zhou
Dynasty inner palace, but also the part of your Xuandu Mountain, but also
give it to me."

Shen Huan: "The volume given to me by Pu Liu Rujian is now on me, and
I can give it to you, but the volume of Xuandushan has been destroyed by
my teacher. I can only carry it out, but there is no original , I'm afraid you
have to doubt that I am playing tricks on the content. "

Chen Gong: "If I change someone else, I may doubt it, but you, I believe in
your character."

Shen Yan looked faint: "Thank you for your trust."

He took out the "Zhu Yangce" and threw it to Chen Gong.

The volumes of "Zhu Yang Ce" are all written with cymbals. The ink on
the top is mixed with medicinal materials to ensure that they will not fade
for a long time. The cymbals are thin and easy to keep. Chen Gong got
nothing in his hands. It was hard to find, and as soon as he got it, he knew
that it was true, just like what he had taken from Tai Ajian.

He reached out to catch it, and put it back into his arms: "Troubling you to
take out the volume you have hidden in Xuandu Mountain, and after I
write it down, I release the Yanmen County Duke."

In the hands of Chen Gong, he now has the initiative and is naturally

Seeing that his children in his arms were fair enough, Shen Ye memorized
the copy of Zhu Yangce from Xuandu Mountain.

Chen Gong listened attentively, and nodded when he finished his

recitation: "I wrote it down, and some of the words were not fully
understood, but I must come to an end at that time in the palace and wait
for Yan Wushi to come over, I It's not a good idea to take advantage of one
enemy and two, so it's too late to ask you for advice. "
Shen Yun: "Yan Wushi fought against Xue Ting, and he won't come over at
half past one. Since I have fulfilled my contract, I also ask you to abide by
the credit and let people go. I will keep you safe from Beijing."

Chen Gong laughed: "Forget it, you do n’t do it, it does n’t mean that
others do n’t do it. I know Yan Wushi has a disciple in Beijing, and martial
arts is very good. With my current skills, it may be comparable to him. I I
did n’t want to take a risk, and I had to be wronged by the Yanmen County
official to accompany me for a while, and when I got out of the capital, I
would naturally let him go. ”

Shen Ye knew that it was useless to talk about credit with people like him,
and anger was even more useless, so his face was upset, and he only
looked at him for a while, and nodded, "Yes. But if you do n’t follow the
agreement to let people go, even if the world ends , I will chase you to the
end. "

Chen Gong laughed, "Relax, what's the use of carrying such a burden? Pu
Liurujian has so many sons, I can't threaten him, so I can only use him for"
Zhu Yang Ce "!"

He took the hostage and got out of the house. A carriage had been parked
outside the door, and Murong Qin, who was a driver, sat on the front.

Although Chen Gong looked calm, there wasn't anything on his body to
guard against Shen Yan, for he was suddenly afraid of the trouble.

Just as he was about to carry a person on the car, there was a slight
movement behind him, and the sound of breaking from the distance
approached his back!

Murong Qin moved to Chen Gong immediately.

But between light and flint, even if Murong Qin would rescue, Chen Gong
still inevitably looked back subconsciously.

It was this time that Shen Yun moved.

His body was almost ghostly. When Chen Gong was in front of him, Chen
Gong felt a pain in his wrist before he even saw what was happening
behind him. Tai Ajian fell from his hands, and his arms were empty and
sinking. Xun had already lifted Pu Liuruying, and put his other hand on his

Chen Gong only felt the pain in his chest. People could not help but fly
back like a disconnected kite, but stopped the cast by hitting the porch, and
fell heavily to the ground.

With a palm of seven cents, Shen Zhen's full power was used. The power
was naturally not small.

Chen Gong spit on the ground and had time to react in the future. Shen Ye
had already lighted his whole body and saw a flash of light from Tai A
Jian. Chen Gong couldn't help screaming and opened his eyes in disbelief.
There is no more calmness in which everything was under control.

"You! My internal power! Shen You have abandoned my martial arts!" He

was stunned, and all the talk that went with the identity step by step
became more and more elegant, and it seemed as if the smoke was dying.
Poor teenagers who can lean on the ruined temple to shelter from the wind
and rain. "How dare you ruin my martial arts! What are you doing! Why
are you !!!"

Shen Xuan threw Tai Ajian to the ground: "All the changes in your destiny
began when you met me in the ruined temple. In this case, it is up to me to
end all of this. You have a biased mind and martial arts. A sharp weapon to
climb, but for others, it is likely to be a disaster. "

He shook his head: "Chen Gong, you are not worthy of martial arts."

"It's not worth it, it's not up to you!" Chen Gong gritted his teeth, and if his
gaze could kill someone, Shen Yan was already fragmented at this
moment. "What kind of thing are you? You're just a dog barking under Yan
Wushi's body. With coloring, you trick him to give you" Zhu Yangce ",
how much better are you than me!"
An endless stream of swear words spit out of his mouth, Shen Yun was
trying to point his dumb hole, but saw Pu Liuruying bent over and picked
up the Tai'a sword on the ground, holding the sword handle, holding the
sword upside down, directly Into his heart!

A gush of blood spewed out, Chen Gong's eyes widened, he wouldn't stare!

Shen Yun was surprised: "You ..."

Pu Liuru Ying Chao Chen Gong's corpse snorted, looking sternly: "Dirty
embryos, dare to take this county official as the quality!"

I was afraid that Chen Gong wanted to break his head, and he would never
have expected that he would eventually die in the hands of a child.

On the other side, Bian Mei also subdued Murong Qin and was seriously

Chapter 114

When Yan Wushi returned from the palace, Shen Yan and Bian Yan
Meizheng were playing against each other, his face was quite relaxed, and
apparently he was already busy with the business.

Seeing that she has changed her costume back completely, Yan Wushi
inevitably regrets it. He thinks that she is really a rare beauty to dress up
as a woman, but just think about it in your heart. If you say it, even Shen I
can't stand such a good temper.

Bian Yanmei hurriedly laid down the chess pieces, stood up and saluted,
with a happy face: "Welcome to the return of Master! Xue Ting, the old
bald donkey Fu Xi, from then on, the Buddha was afraid that he would lose
his energy!"

Yan Wushi was still wearing that maid's costume, and after tearing off the
human skin mask, he showed his original appearance and looked a little
funny, but because of his amazing momentum, no one dared to laugh even
when he was embarrassed.
After listening to Bian Yanmei, he said, "The old bald donkey is not dead."

The edge of May was stunned.

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "It is a pity that he is dead like this. He must
be used to do something. Although he entered the Buddhist gate, he was
totally obsessed with red dust. If he is willing to know the truth, why not
leave him with a bad life? ? "

Bian Yanmei didn't know what he wanted to do, but since Yan Wushi said
so, he must have his own intention and responded respectfully.

Yan Wushi asked: "Puliu Ruying saved?"

Bian Yanmei: "Yes, the disciples have returned Pu Liuruying to the

government of Suiguo. Chen Gong is dead. Murong Qin is seriously
injured. He has also been detained and can keep some confession."

Yan Wushi said a word, Master Xueting has deep skills. Although he won
this match, he also sustained some injuries.

He covered his mouth and coughed whispering, while Mei Mei was about
to say he was going to find some medicine for injury, and saw that there
was a bit of bright red leaking from the fingers of Yan Wushi.

How serious was the injury? Mei Mei was stunned and busy: "Master,
you're fine, there is still some peace in this house ..."

Yan Wushi waved his hand and sat down in the position where Fang
Yanmei was sitting.

Although it is known that the other party is doing the play, Shen Zhen still
couldn't help but said, "Yang Zong's injury is still serious. Do you need to
look at it?"

When the words came out, Yan Wushi stretched out his hand and rested on
the chessboard: "Then there will be a long way to work."
You stretch too fast, as if I had expected this question! Shen Yan secretly
said, the three fingers of his right hand were falsely placed on the
opponent's wrist.

"I have some internal disturbances. I think I have suffered some internal
injuries, but it is not a big deal. It will take a few days for internal and
external conditioning." It was only after some internal injuries that did not
cause severe vomiting.说话 I thought about it while talking.

Yan Wushi covered Shen's back with his hands, and tightened his grip, and
smiled slightly: "It is hard to work and be long, and it is difficult to treat
you like this once, but you can abandon the former suspects and commit
dangerous situations together. Such warfare is the iron stone. I can't help
but be moved. "

The hands are white and slender, and the touch is like the beautiful jade
that has been played for many years. Only the thin cocoon at the tiger's
mouth reveals the fact that the owner has practiced swords for many years.

In the words of others, Shen Ye may be polite, but he is already immune to

Yan Wushi, and he also wears women's clothing. Shen Ye feels thriller, so
his hair is almost clean.

Before he could pull his hand, the other side withdrew his hand one by
one, as if he had just sent his feelings.

Wearing an out-of-fit women's clothing, let alone others look awkward,

Yan Wushi himself was not comfortable where to go. Yan Mei on the other
side had ordered people to prepare hot clothes and asked the master to go
to bath and change clothes.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 164
The dignified lord of the moon wore a high-waisted skirt, and others felt
annoying, but he was very comfortable, Shi Shiran got up, not forgetting to
take a look at the cup in front of Shen Huan, and then asked Bian Mei:
"What's in the cup?"

"Honey." Bian Yanmei didn't know what Master had to do with this little

Yan Wushi: "Instead of Meiyin, Grandma doesn't like sweet honey."

Shen Yan raised his eyebrows at him, and wanted to ask you how I didn't
like honey, but felt that the question was too stupid, and then kept silent,
looking down at the chessboard.

Wenmei Yanbian was also slightly surprised, and should do nothing: "Yes."

As soon as Yan Wushi left his forefoot, he followed his hind foot and
asked with an open mind: "Master, dare to ask the disciples to Shen
Daochang, as always?"

"It's no different to him and me." Yan Wushi glanced at him, and his eyes
were full of praises that "sister-in-law can teach", which boosted the spirit
of Bian Yanmei and said that he had guessed right.

Having said that, the people in the magic gate have never been wronged by
their moral gentleman. Bian Yanmei has seen Yan Wushi love many
beautiful people before, but those people are just like a flash in the pan
and never stayed for a long time. However, the fact that the leaves do not
touch the body is more in line with his temperament. I did not expect that
the other party would like a flower that is truly growing on a snowy glacier
and is not stained with the dust.

Shen Hao's character is natural, and Bian Mei also knows one or two
naturally. He doesn't think that his master can successfully pick this
flower, because Shen Hao looks good at talking, but he has the pride of
being invincible by wind and rain. It is never like People who can break
the Longyang Road. But with Master's methods, once you have a fancy,
you are bound to win it.

In consideration of this, Bian Yanmei didn't know who she should

sympathize with.

He coughed softly: "Disciple speaks loudly, but I don't seem to have that
meaning when I look at Shen Daochang?" How can you two look like each

Yan Wushi glanced at him: "Do you have an idea?"

Bian Meigan laughed: "The disciples have countless ways to subdue

women. But Shen Shen is not only a woman, but also an extraordinary
person. Naturally, he cannot talk about it in an ordinary way. But the old
saying is good, and the fierce girl is afraid of tangling. It all makes sense?
Just ... "

Yan Wushi: "Just what?"

Bian Yanmei: "Master's demeanor is extraordinary. If you are an ordinary

person, even if you only want spring breeze, the other party is also afraid
to be willing. You can recommend a pillow to Shen Shen. One day, Master
is tired of it, and he is afraid that he will not take it easy Stop it. "

The implication is that if you always want a dewy marriage, there are so
many beauties in the world, and a lot of people voluntarily want to climb
into your bed, but you do n’t say that it ’s not easy to get started now, even
if you get started, It ’s so easy to get rid of your hands. It ’s so-called
asking God to send God easily and difficult. After all, Shen Yun is a
master-level master. Do n’t give yourself any trouble!

Yan Wushi smiled: "How do you know that all I want is spring breeze?"

Could it be that you want a lifetime?

Bian Yanmei was startled, but he didn't dare to ask, and only said, "The
disciples understand."

In fact, he still didn't quite understand that Shen Ye is indeed a rare beauty,
but there are more beauties in this world. Shen Ye is not the most dazzling.
It is hardly because people are also master teachers, so Is it more

When Yan Shishi bathed and changed, she returned with a new look, and
Shen Zhen had already filled most of the chessboard.

"You've seen Pu Liurujian's two sons, what do you think of them?" Yan
Wushi sat down opposite him and asked smoothly.

Shen Yun might as well ask this, and groan for a moment: "Da Lang is
honest, blunt but not stupid, Erlang is smart, and he shows his means at a
young age."

Yan Wushi: "Your evaluation is fair, blunt but not stupid, and you have the

Shen Yan: "With all due respect, although Pu Liurujian has a brilliant
mind and is willing to bear it, in the future he will be in charge of the state
affairs, but he will still be the British Lord, but his two sons should have
their temperaments reversed. The eldest son, it is not necessarily a
blessing for the dynasty society in the future. "

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Ah, you think too far. Is there an undefeated
dynasty in the world? Even if the Zhengzheng delusion is passed on for
thousands of years, it will only end in the second life. Who knows that he
Will my son die before he reaches adulthood, and who knows if Puli
Rujian can really be the emperor of the last decade, will he be replaced by
more powerful people? I just need to know that my current collaborators
can stay awake enough. It ’s enough. As for his inheritance of the Pu Liuru
family, I ’m not his father, why should he worry about him so much? ”

Shen Yan: "Since Master Zong has something in mind, I don't need to say
Yan Wushi: "Puli Rujian originally wanted to find a master for his two
sons. Since you said so, I know you don't look at any of them, and you turn
it back to help you reject it."

Shen Weiqi said: "Master Zong has better martial arts than me. Why not
ask you to worship?"

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "You look down on it, and I naturally
look down on it. Based on our relationship, it would be misunderstanding
if we didn't advance together."

What do we have to do? When you say that, others misunderstand?

Shen Ye was stunned for his ability to reverse the black and white: "Master
Zong worryed a lot, the poor are not the ancestors of Huan Yuezong. Even
if he does not advance and retreat with him, others will not


This palace change truly reflects the words of soldiers and soldiers.

With the help of Yan Wushi, Shen Yun, and others, Pu Liurujian quickly
controlled Yu Wenzhang, and he controlled the court politics with Yu
Wenzhang. As a veteran politician, he did not extend this **** conflict to
the entire capital or even beyond it. Before everyone else had time to
respond, the palace had restored peace.

Prior to that, in order to make it easy to have fun and avoid interference
from courtiers, Yu Wenzheng had given up the throne to his son Yu
Wenzhang, and himself proclaimed himself Emperor Tianyuan. As a
result, Pu Liuru is now in control of the situation, and there is no need to
stand alone. The eight-year-old Yu Wenzhang is still the emperor, but
there is only one extra prison on top. Yu Wenzhang dug this pit for
himself, and finally he pitted himself. .

After Pu Liuru was in power, he did not rush to become king, but
supervised the country as Prime Minister Zuo Dao, and then announced
that Yu Wenhuan died of illness due to illness, and stopped the royal
garden under construction. Officials who had been dismissed from Beijing
by Yu Wenhuan successively recalled Beijing and restored their reputation.

These two articles alone have won the hearts of the people.

Once the emperor and the courtier, Pu Liurujian's administration also

meant that the good days of Buddhism and Hehuan were gone.

Not to mention Acacia, at the time of the palace change, Sang Jingxing
and Yuan Xiuxiu were not in the capital. Where would those remaining
opponents be Yan Wushi and Bian Yanmei? After Yu Wenzhang took
office, Huan Yuezong began to hide his grandson in anonymity. Now he
has finally done his best, and Bian Mei no longer forbears now. He directly
strikes and wipes out the forces that distribute Acacia in and out of the

After Master Xueting was abolished by Wuwu Yan, he was jailed for
believing the emperor and not doing moral administration. Once Xueting
fell, the disciples in the imperial capital also lost their support, and the
trees were scattered. The temples were seized by the government. The
disciples either fled or fled to the court.

Yan Wushi did not mean to kill the Buddhist monks. He knew that
Confucianism and Buddhism had been passed down in the Central Plains
for a long time, and now they have been deeply rooted in the hearts of
people. Each has a group of loyal believers. They have deep roots and
cannot be eliminated by manpower. At most, only temporarily. The weak
situation, such as Yu Wenzhang's large-scale violent destruction of the
Buddha, how many monks were killed, how many temples were destroyed,
and how many Buddhist scriptures were burned, but when he died, the
spring breeze blew and revived.

Therefore, what Huan Yuezong needs is only the support of those in power
and his right to speak, not to destroy the Buddhist monk. Because
Buddhism is missing, there are Taoism, Confucianism, and they will never
die. The best way is to maintain a balance between several major forces,
and no one can do anything about it. This will not only lead to a monopoly
situation, but also a relatively long-term way.

His idea coincided with that of Pu Liuru, so the cooperation between the
two was very pleasant.

Feeling the achievements of Yan Wushi and Shen Xun, Pu Liurujian not
only ordered the construction of Xuandu Guan in the capital, but also
sealed Shen Xuan as Xuandu Guantong's wonderful real person. He also
generously handed over some transactions related to the royal family to
Huan Yuezong. Even after the establishment of three provinces and six
departments in the future, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu, the most oil
and water official position, was handed to Huan Yuezong. There is a Sui
generation, and he has maintained a good cooperative relationship with
Huan Yuezong until Yang Guang turned his face. Relentless, destroy

These are the last words.

In February after the palace change, the Lantern Festival in Shangyuan just
passed a short time ago. Zhou Diyuwen stated that Puli Rujian has high
prestige and is a monarch, but he is young and ignorant, and deserves his
position. He announced that Zen is located in Puli Rujian. Liu Rujian
received three resignations. He was named Emperor in Linguang Hall, and
the title was Sui. He changed the emperor to open the emperor. He claimed
to recognize his ancestors and returned to the family. He surnamed Yang
and announced the amnesty.

Since then, Xinjun has taken office, the North has changed dynasties, and
the Wuhu has entered the Central Plains since the end of the Jin dynasty.
The centuries of stormy times will usher in a new page.

For ordinary people, Chaotang's storms and palace sexual immorality have
nothing to do with them. Their requirements are very simple, only to be
clothed. However, the weather of the new dynasty has finally brought
about some changes. Apart from that, the amnesty of the world is enough
to save everyone from paying taxes this year and make life easier.
I have more money in my hands, and my face naturally has more smiles.

At least Shen Yun came along all the way, still felt in my heart.

"I didn't regret the decision I made that day."

The streets are bustling and people come and go. Because of the temple
fair today, many people go out to buy things to use for the Dragon Boat
Festival. The silk sacs wrapped with five-color silk threads are full of
stalls on the streets and lanes. They are dazzling and dazzling. .

Hearing what he said, Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Dare to feel uneasy in
my heart."

Shen Zheng nodded and said truthfully, "I have been afraid that my
blending in these days will make the world welcome a faint king, and the
lives of the people will be even more sad."

The two passed by a stall, listening to the stall owner's drink, Yan Wushi
glanced at the trend and bought a cloth tiger made of colorful cloth. The
tiger was tied with a lanyard on its head, and the silk was tied to its

Yan Wushi pushed the cloth tiger into Shen Ye's hands.

Shen Ye is inexplicable, so: "For me?"

Holding a soft cloth tiger in his hand, fiddling from side to side, he
couldn't help smiling: "It's cute."

Yan Wushi grinned and said yes, like you, big cats and kittens are all cats,
and I have been with cats all the time.

The two went back to the fair and went back. Yan Wushi ’s young master ’s
house had been unsealed. Yang Jian even gave the title to the knighthood.
Now he ’s renamed Wu Gongfu. Yan Wushi lives here. Well, you can only
live here first.
The housekeeper met Yan Wushi, and came over to report, saying that
Erlang Jun came back, and brought a person, saying that he was the master
of Shen Dao.

Shen Wei was surprised, and he was surprised when he saw the person who
Yusheng Yan came with him: "The younger brother of the four masters?"

Chapter 115
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 165
The visitor is Yuan Ying.

After Shen Ye fell off the cliff, despite Yu Yu's strong pressure, Yuan
Xuandu still inevitably felt heartless. Yuan Ying ranked fourth among the
disciples of Qi Fengge, and he was not the best one in terms of spiritual
martial arts, so he has been in Martial arts also play an obscure role. After
taking over Xuandu Zifu, Yu Xun felt that he was the youngest and most
courageous student and couldn't stand up to any storms, so he didn't focus
too much on Yuan Ying.

It was no secret that Yu Xie cooperated with the Turkic people to accept
the title of Bishop Taiyang Yuyang. Turkic power was strong at that time,
and the two states of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Qi Qi bowed their heads.
Yu Xuan saw the Turkic ambitions, I also wanted to use the Turkic
situation to restore the past scenery of Xuandu Mountain, so we had a
close relationship with each other, and even attacked Yan Wushi on the
outskirts of Tuguhun King City that day, and did not have much
intersection with Xuandu Mountain's interests, but Duan Wenxuan invited,
Yu Yan also stepped in to help.

But Turk's plan for Xuandu Mountain does not stop there. Xuandu
Mountain has been passed down for a long time. It has an extraordinary
influence on the rivers and lakes and even among the gates. If Xuandu
Shanzhang can be transformed into its own puppet, it means not only
mastering an important force in the Central Plains, but also mastering
Xuandu Shan's wealth and martial arts books for hundreds of years.

From the perspective of Turkic people, because the gate of Xuandu

Mountain in Qifeng Pavilion has been closed for a long time, it has
gradually declined, and Shen Zhi has already left. The hearts of the martial
arts are scattered, and there will be no second Qifeng Pavilion. And a good
time to enter.
Duan Wenyi studied under the deer seat, but because of his pedigree, his
status is far less noble than his master Kun Xie. He desperately needs a
great deal of credit to improve his status, and it just coincides with the
self-reliant Dong and Turkic Volkhan. However, unfortunately, the
development of things did not meet their expectations. Although Yu Xuan
accepted the title of "Real Bishop Taiyang Yuyang", he refused to let the
Turkic people intervene in the educational affairs, and he did not want to
let Erv Khan send people to Xuandu Mountain. The cooperation between
the two sides is superficial and cannot go deeper.

Seeing that a large piece of fat like Xuandushan was in front of him, he
couldn't say anything. Turkic people were naturally unwilling.

These things, Yuan Ying was actually not very clear. When he left Xuandu
Mountain later, on the way to Qingcheng Mountain, he met Yu Shengyan
who was returning from the test sword meeting, and the other party told
him one after another.

Before that, Yuan Ying felt the increasingly sullen atmosphere of the
martial arts. He found the third mentor Yu Min several times and proposed
to find the second mentor Shen Min to return and revive the sect. Yu Min
Wen Yan calmed him several times and taught the young disciples. The job
was entrusted to Yuan Ying. Yuan Ying felt the trust and commitment of
Yu Yu and had to put aside this matter for the time being. Who knows that
the waves are flat, the little sister Gu Hengbo leaves without saying
goodbye, and goes down the mountain in private, Yu Yu is furious and
extremely angry, but Yuan Ying is shocked and frustrated because Gu
Hengbo's farewell letter to him, and has a little more in her heart Pay
attention, looking for an opportunity to investigate secretly.

At this moment, an elder of Xuandushan found Yuan Ying privately and

expressed his willingness to support him instead of Yu Yu. The more he
thought about it, the more wrong he was, and he thought about the letter
left by Gu Hengbo before he left. Xin, quietly found a chance to leave
Xuandu Mountain.

Yuan Ying rarely went out from a young age. The mountain was boring. He
could not stand the loneliness. Zhenri either practiced martial arts or read
a book. There was no youthful vigor. Even Gu Hengbo, who was about the
same age, couldn't stand it. Get closer to Shen.

He was originally from a wealthy household, but because of childhood

stuttering problems, and the family has many children, he was not pleased
by his parents. The servant at home watched the dishes and followed the
neglect Xiao Langjun. Yuan Ying was taken out of the door. Later, due to
the negligence of his servant, he met Qi Fengge. Qi Fengge took him back
to Yuan's house and handed it to Yuan Ying's parents. The other party saw
that Qi Fengge was a Taoist who could martial arts. When Qi Fengge saw
Yuan Ying's qualifications were pretty good, he agreed.

In these years, let alone going down the mountain, Yuan Ying even
returned to the Yuan family only once. His slightly dull character made
him one of the most unobtrusive existences on Xuandu Mountain, and
even quietly left Xuandu Mountain. It was only a few days later that it was

After going down the mountain, Yuan Ying had no experience and did not
know where to go. He originally wanted to find Shen Ye, but he did not
know where Shen was. It is said that Qingcheng Mountain had a sword test
conference. He thought that Shen Ye might go to the meeting, so he asked
all the way to Qingcheng Mountain. And because of insufficient money, he
was hungry and full.

Who knows that one step late, as soon as he got down the mountain, he
bumped into people who came down from the mountain one after another.
Yuan Ying heard about what happened at the test sword meeting, and heard
that Shen Zhen was taken away by Yan Wushi. He was worried. , And then
came across Yu Shengyan, who also came down from the mountain.

Yuan Ying's appearance is not astonishing. She is also described as a

passerby. The people rarely pay attention to him. When she saw him
listening to others, she always looked up and listened. Then she noticed.
When asked, Yuan Ying Just reporting to the family, Yu Shengyan knew
that the other party was actually Shen's brother.
Shen Ying listened to Yuan Ying's remarks, his expression fell into
contemplation, and Banyan asked, "Who is the elder who can support you
as a teacher?"

Yuan Ying: "It is Elder Zhang Benchu."

Xuandu Mountain has been passed down to this day. Although the gate has
been closed for a long time, there are many internal branches. Taking
Qifeng Pavilion as an example, it should be regarded as an orthodox
branch, so it must be taught. The remaining elders can martial arts
inheritance as far as Dating back to the second generation of my fellow
teachers and brothers, although everyone belongs to Xuandu Zifu, each of
them has one or two unique martial arts, so strictly speaking, most of the
elders in Xuandu Mountain are the same as Shen Yan. In one generation,
there are some who are older than them. They can be regarded as their
teachers and uncles. Zhang Benchu is one of them.

Shen Huan: "At that time, why did Yu Huan successfully become a palm
teacher and support the seven elders who supported him? Presumably,
there was also Zhang's original copy?"

Yuan Ying nodded: "Yes."

Shen Yun: "What about Master? You are in fourth place. He has looked for
you, and should he have also found Master?"

Yuan Ying was a little dazed: "Here, I don't know. I spend all my time in
the room reading books, and practicing swords, or just teaching and
discipling those disciples."

Speaking of this, he was ashamed: "Second Brother, I'm sorry ..."

I'm sorry, not only because he failed to answer Shen Yun's question, but
also because he couldn't express his apology for Shen Yun's failure before.

Shen Ye was not angry, but patted him on the shoulder like before: "It goes
without saying that you are not happy with your nature, and you rarely go
far. This time you can find out what's wrong in time. That's fine. So, after
you saw Zhang Benchu, you didn't go to Yu Yan to explain the situation? "

Yuan Ying blushed a little: "No, no. Previously, the five teachers and
sisters told me that he was related to your fall, and I will be on his guard

Shen Wei sighed slightly and didn't say much.

Yan Wushi's gaze stayed for a while on Shen Ye's hand on the other's
shoulder, and said lazily: "Since Yuan Yuan is here, stay here. Seeing that
your face is yellow and thin, let the cook give you You make up. "

Shen Zheng glanced at him, who said, "Who is your brother-in-law?" This
revolved around his throat, but Shen Tao was long and kind, and he didn't
say anything.

Yu Shengyan was stunned. He didn't think that his enthusiastic master

suddenly looked at Yuan Ying differently, but that he was shorter and
shorter than Yuan Ying.

Where did this little stoma borrow such a big face from, that my teacher
respected you as a younger brother, but you have n’t been sincere,

Yuan Ying naturally did not have sincerity and sincerity, because he did
not even know who Yan Wushi was. He heard the other party said to let
himself stay, and he turned his head to ask his brother for the meaning. It
can be seen that he is a good child who respects teachers and respects him.

Seeing him looking at himself, Shen Yun laughed: "Since Zong Yan invites
you sincerely, you promise."

Only when Yuan Ying saw Yu Shengyan saluting Yan Wushi, should he
have thought of Yan Wushi's identity, but at this time, he later reacted, and
then he arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Yan, then I will
disturb you!"
In the past, Mo said that there was only one Yuan Ying, even ten Yuan
Ying, Yan Wushi would not put it in his eyes, but this is not what he used
to be. Yuan Ying, under the title of Brother Shen Yan, is in his eyes after
all Be different.

However, it can also be seen from this that Qi Fengge's apprenticeship is

really eclectic. The five apprentices under his seat have different
personalities and feelings, and it is even rarer to be indifferent like Yuan

After Yu Sheng Yan led Yuan Ying to settle in a depressed mood, Shen
Xuan looked at the chessboard somewhat ecstatically.

At first glance, Yan Wushi saw what he thought: "Do you want to go to
Xuandu Mountain?"

Shen Zhen retracted his mind: "Yes, I want to go back and see."

The heart that has gone back has already been there. It was just that the
previous skill was poor, and Shen Xun did not want to take risks. But now
he is different. His skill has recovered almost the same, even for a figure
like Master Shang Xueting.

In any case, Xuan Du Shan is always the teacher he grew up in, and even if
Shen Yun is not in charge of teaching, he is not allowed to misbehave and
attempt to destroy the pure land in his heart.

Since Zhang Benchu found Yuan Ying, it means that Yu Yu has not met his
expectations, and the two sides must have had conflicts, and their conflicts
may be large enough to make Zhang Benchu want to expel Yu Yu from his
position of teaching. Combined with the news obtained from Huan
Yuezong, if it was said that there was no external force involved, Shen Xun
would never believe it.

Yan Wushi: "It's okay, it's almost time. With your current martial arts, it
may not be possible to chop Yu Yu into eight pieces. It should still be
possible to pierce through the sword."
Shen Yun was speechless: "I may not necessarily kill someone when I go

Can you speak so bloodily without moving?

Yan Wushi smiled with amusement: "I'm afraid you can't help it.
Xuandushan is like a piece of fatty meat in a cage. Now that the cage has a
gap, does the long-sighted beast have no reason to pounce?"

Although Shen Yun did not like this description, he also understood that
the other party was right. This is the current situation of Xuandu
Mountain. Although Yu Yun's martial arts are high, people often lack
defenses, as he did at the beginning. .

Yan Wushi: "Actually, I also received a message here that after the
Hehuazong lost a large block of power in Changan, he walked very close
to the Turkic people."

Shen Yanmei: "Do you mean that Hehuanzong will also intervene in the
matter of Xuandu Mountain?"

Yan Wushi: "I don't know. You are alone in this trip. Why don't I lend one
of my disciples to help you, while Yan Mei and Yu Shengyan, which one
do you want?"

Shen Yun: "This is the internal affairs of Xuandushan. How can you bother

Yan Wushi deliberately said, "So, do you want this seat to go with you in

Shen Yan is a real man. He didn't mean it originally, but was stunned by
Yan Wushi.

Without waiting for an answer, Yan Wushi laughed and said,

"Unfortunately, this time I couldn't do as you wish. Last time I fought with
Xue Ting. I was still injured and I might not be able to help when I went."
How was his injury? The last time Shen Zhen had taken the pulse
personally, it was clear. At this time, listening to him, somehow, he was
not sure.

"Why hasn't it been so long?" He said, reaching out.

Yan Wushi did not move. He maintained a posture of leaning halfway on

the soft pillow, and he even clasped his wrists.

A moment later, Shen Shen's face changed slightly: "How can this be?"

Chapter 116

Shen Yan thought that Yan Wushi's injury was not serious. After these
days, even if he hadn't recovered, he should be better.

Who knows this pulse, but found that the other side's Qi pulse was
stagnant, the blood gas was not smooth, and there was a faint
accumulation, as if it were a little bit worse than before.

Has Xue Ting's martial arts reached the state of "seemingly duckweed, but
in reality"?

But if Xue Ting's martial arts reached such a realm, how could he be
defeated in the hands of Yan Wushi and let the other party abandon martial
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 166
Yan Wushi covered his mouth and coughed twice to solve the mystery for
him: "I'm busy with taking care of Huan Yuezong these days, and I want to
slowly gather back the forces that were previously dispersed, so I have no
time to heal. I didn't expect it to be so serious. "

Shen Yanmei: "This matter is related to the body, and can it be ignored?"

Yan Wushi smiled, apparently not serious: "If you don't worry, it's not a
terrible injury. You can recover in three to five days."

Shen Yun thought for a while, and found a porcelain bottle in his arms and
put it on the table case: "You and I are fundamentally incompatible with
each other, and I cannot help you, but there are many trauma medicines
passed down from Xuandushan through the ages. This is my basis. One of
the recipes was recently prepared from a drug store. If you can trust it, eat
it first. Three pills a day can alleviate the injury. "

Yan Wushi picked up the porcelain bottle, his hands were a little warm,
and he was still taking Shen's body temperature.

His thumb rubbed past the delicate porcelain bottle, accompanied by an

ambiguity of unclear intelligibility.

Shen Ye didn't look much like it. Only when he was suspicious in his heart
and didn't believe in himself. He took it on the surface, but secretly threw
away the medicine. Then it was violent. Hey there are a lot of precious
medicinal materials here. He added: "If you don't eat it, you will pay me
back, and there will be no serious injuries left and right."

"Why not eat?" Yan Wushi saw him staring at the porcelain bottle, his
heart was amused, but it was not as good as he wished, he unplugged it,
poured out three capsules, put it in his mouth, and took the plum drink in
front of Shen Zhe, and the water Swallow.
"I feel that my chest is stagnation and gone, and it's clear immediately."
Yan Wushi touched his chest and said.

Shen Yun: "... This is not elixir."

Yan Wushi smiled with a smile: "I mean that plum drink! I heard that
people who practice Taoism can even use medicine, and you have also
drink it before Mei drink. Isn't there your fluid?"

Faced with such insults, what Shen Yan can say, Rao is more shameless in
Chengri's hearing, and his fair complexion can't help but a blush.

Seeing his eyes full of shame, Yan Wushi held up the table without a word
to get up, and then held his hand down and smiled, "Okay, it's a medicine,
not a fluid. When do you go to prepare the pill? Why don't I know? "

Shen Yan said with a stern face: "Are you going to report poverty to
everything you do?"

Yan Wushi: "Of course you don't need to, but do I care about you, afraid
that you will not spend enough money, and that you will be deceived."

Shen Yan: "It turned out to be so dumb in the mind of Lord Zong."

Isn't Yan Wushi's heart saying that it is not stupid that you can be silly that
I was sold to Sang Jingxing, but he still smiles on his face: "That's not
true, you have grown day by day since you went down the mountain, I see
it, and now I am much smarter than before. "

Shen Yan endured and couldn't help but said: "I see Lord Yan like this, not
like he has internal injuries. Just say a few more words, maybe he can get
better faster!"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "That wouldn't work, without Shen
Daochang's good medicine, it is destined to be slower. I heard that Yang
Jian gave you a sum of money?"

Shen Yun: "That's right, that money was used to build the concept of
Yan Wushi: "So you really plan to stay in Chang'an for a long time?"

Shen Huan: "That's not good. I want to go back to Xuandu Mountain first.
If Xuandu Mountain can be resolved, Xuandu Mountain will be born in the
future, and there will be an extra foothold in Chang'an. I Observing Yang
Jian's position as a hero and a hero, he is not the faint king who believes in
things and listens to them. He also has a lot of respect for Daomen. Maybe
Daomen really can usher in a rising opportunity. "

Yan Wushi reminded him: "He did this just to gather hearts."

Shen Yun laughed: "I know, but there is nothing wrong with this. Although
I am a man in the door, I dare not say that there is no scum in the door. If
we can contend for hundreds of things, it is a blessing for the people in the
world. There will be kings plundering the property for the benefit of one
religion, and the people will not talk about life. Yang Jian is deeply
influenced by the Buddhist monks, but he can still treat Confucianism and
Taoism fairly. In my opinion, this is the demeanor of the monarch of a
country. The most important thing is Yes, if Xuandu Shan wants to join the
WTO, now is the right time. "

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "You're not admiring Qi Fengge for

everything, how can you contradict his opinion on this matter?"

Shen Yun: "At this time, at that time, when the first teacher was alive,
there was no such opportunity. If his old man was still alive, he would
certainly agree with me."

Yan Wushi: "Oh, if you say that, I understand."

Shen Yun: "Understand?"

Yan Wushi: "If you want to do something, say Qi Fengge will agree. If you
don't want to do it, just follow Qi Fengge's last life. He is dead anyway and
won't jump out to refute you."

He deliberately said this. Who knew that Shen Zhen was not embarrassed
and angry, instead he thought for a moment and smiled, "You are right to
say so."

Between this smile, his eyes flowed, and Huihua shone like a room full of
light, and even the sight that Master Yan fell on him couldn't help it.

Shen Yun: "The first teacher is a person who can't reach any more, and he
will understand my thoughts."

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows, he was very disapproving of Master's

open and closed mouth, but he was arrogant and generous, and naturally he
would not care about a dead person.

It can also be seen from this that although Shen Xun is a decent person, he
is by no means a person who is bound by rules. This is why Qi Fengge
chose Shen Xuan as his successor from five disciples.

Yan Wushi: "Since you accepted the seal of the court, even if you don't
actually have to obey the order, you have a relationship with the court in
name. In this case, the matter of Xuandushan is not entirely your personal
matter. The relationship between Yuezong and the Sui Dynasty now, if
Yang Jian knew that you were going to Xuandu Mountain, even if I did n’t
say, he would ask me for help. On this trip, I would let Bian Yanmei follow
you. It helps you a little bit. "

He said that for this reason, Shen Yan no longer quit, nodding his head,
"Thank you so much."

Having said that, Shen Yun hesitated for a moment, and then said, "You
have been injured, it is better to rest these days."

Just don't stop jumping around everywhere.

Yan Wushi's smile deepened: "Ama, are you concerned about me?"

Shen Yun: "No."

Yan Wushi: "You are lying."

Shen Yun: "..." What do you ask me for?

Yan Wushi sighed: "Although I was very moved, I was destined to live up
to your expectations. Don't you forget that the old bald donkey is still
waiting for me to cook. How can I leave him out for too long? "

I think you are very embarrassed, Shen Yan said, he captured the key
words in the other party's words: "You want to kill him?"

Yan Wushi said lazily: "This seat will use him to exchange for a huge

He refused to say what great benefits he had, and Shen Qin knew that he
couldn't ask, so he stopped asking.

After a few days, I heard that Shen Yun was going to return to Xuandu
Mountain. Yuan Ying was very happy and came to ask Shen Yun when he
would leave.

Shen Yun was not going to take him away because Xuandu Guan was still
under construction and someone needed to watch it. Yuan Ying was
undoubtedly the best candidate.

When Yuan Ying heard the arrangement of Shen Zhen, a face suddenly
slipped from joy to disappointment, which was obviously unbearable.

Shen Wei looked strange: "Si Shishi, do you want to return to Xuandu
Mountain so much?"

"No, it's not." Yuan Ying said in distress. In the past few days, Yu
Shengyan played with him when he was fine. Yuan Ying said and said that
he could not be better than others, but Yu Shengyan did not do it. Yuan
Ying was a Honest child, you ca n’t hit people first, and you think that you
are under the eaves, and you ca n’t embarrass the second brother, so you
endure them one by one. You have long listed Yusheng Yan as the first
troublesome person. .

Shen Min patted his shoulder: "I know you are devoted to spiritual
practice and do n’t talk about foreign affairs, but this time building
Xuanduguan, except for you, I did n’t expect a more suitable candidate. I
will try to come back as soon as possible, only Let me help you first. "

Yuan Ying busyly said, "Second Brother, you go, I will go there every day
to watch, I will not call you, you worry."

Shen Yun: "Thank you, Aying."

Yuan Ying: "Second Brother, do n’t say these things. We are all under the
Master ’s door, but I am the most and the most useless one. I have never
been able to help you. I have always been very sad and very
uncomfortable. You will let me do something, I wish I could! "

After a long absence, this four-star brother who has been anxious to hide
behind him is also sensible, and Shen Ye is very pleased.

After he arranged everything properly, Yan Wushi had already left

Changan one step before, and after Yan Wushi, Shen Ye and Bian Yanmei
also set off for Xuandu Mountain.

Bian Yanmei is a very interesting person. He is very interesting in doing

things and talking in fun, but he has a good sense of advancement and
retreat. He will not be so distracted and annoyed as often as Yan Wushi.
Walking with such a person is naturally one It ’s such a breeze, not to
mention that Shen Ye is not difficult to get along with. For others, Shen Ye
is also a good companion. He does n’t like to be in the limelight. He is
willing to listen to others patiently. In danger, he can be the most reliable
aid. Everyone wants to have such a friend.

Bian Yanmei hasn't had much contact with Shen Zhen, but he walks on the
chapel and has a keen insight into people's hearts. For people like Shen
Zhu who will not betray friends, he is naturally willing to be friends with
them. Just as there is one more friend, there is one more escape route.
Although the edge Mei was taught by Yan Wushi, the essence is not much
different from his master, but he is a little smoother than his teacher, plus
the edge Meicha knows Yan Without the teacher's mind, they made good
intentions along the way, so the two naturally got along well.
Both of them have light merits, and there are good horses together. This
trip is a day and night journey, but for three or five days, if the day and
night break, it is only a dozen days. If Shen Yun goes on the road alone,
day and night is not a problem, but Bingmei walked along, and naturally
he could not force others to accompany him on his way.

After ten days like this, the two came to Xuandu Town at the foot of
Xuandu Mountain.

Seeing the town lively on the edge, Mei Mei could not help laughing:
"These two towns have become more and more prosperous in the past two
years. I have been here once a few years ago. I just remember that the
population was even smaller at that time."

Shen Ye also did not come for a long time, and looked around several
times: "Yeah, the mountains are unchanged, things are right and wrong!"

He grew up in the mountains since he was a child, and is very familiar

with Xuandu Town. Naturally, he has more emotion than Bian Mei.

At this time, the two were sitting in the teacups and resting for tea, and
when the guys heard the words, they came over and interjected: "This kind
of excitement may not last long!"

Shen Yun: "How do you say this?"

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 167
Dude: "Hey, the two of you must know that these fields under the
mountain are all the chiefs of the Xuandu Mountain. In the past, some
teachers taught us that it is not easy to live, and that we have received very
few rents. We are also grateful. If not, There is no bustling and bustling
day in Xuandu Town, but I do n’t know what the new teacher thinks
recently. A few days ago, I suddenly said that I wanted to raise the rent this
year, and the number was very high. Where can we stand? Even if you run
an inn ’s restaurant here, even a teacup like ours will have to pay a rent. If
you go on like this, who will dare to do business? Our owner said, after
finishing this month, I will pack up and return to my hometown! "

Shen Yun: "Recently this teacher? Is Yu Yu?"

The man shook his head: "It seems that I don't have a surname Yu. It is
said to have been taught last month. He used to be a big disciple under Qi
Zhenren ..."

Shen Yun: "Tan?"

Dude: "Yes, yes, it's the last name Tan!"

Shen Yan glanced at Yan Mei.

"But I heard that it wasn't Yu Zhangjiao, how did it become Tan Zhangjiao

The man scratched his head: "I don't know that villain!"

After a few gossips, when another guest came in for tea, he quickly rushed
to greet him.

Shen Yan frowned slowly: "How could it be that the master is in charge of
teaching, Yu Yu?"
Bian Yanmei said: "We started at the end of last month. It is exactly the
beginning of the month here. It is also possible to miss news along the
way. Looking back for someone to ask. Shen Dao don't have to worry. We
will not be late until we know the situation. . "

Shen Yun: "Either."

In order to understand the situation, the two have to find a place to stay
first. The post store has always been a good place to inquire about the
news. Bian Yanmei is familiar with this light car. Not only a small inn, but
also Shen Shen: "Those businessmen and people in the rivers and lakes
have a characteristic. Unless they are from a high-level family, they will
never go to a very good place, but this environment is good, not bad, yes
Most people will choose it. It's best to inquire about it here. "

Shen Zheng naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Xuandu Zifu is also a Daomen faction. Since Yu Xuan announced the

reopening of the mountain gate, many young people have begun to come
here to worship and learn. Some of these elders are from Jianghu, but to
them The generation has fallen, and some are those who have heard more
of martial arts, and yearn for sword lightsaber, and there are many of them
with good qualifications, but they are no exception, they will not be any
giants, because if they are high-ranking children, the family will naturally
A better way will be arranged for them, there is no need to run here for

However, as Bian Yanmei said, they will choose this kind of good and
good inn as their starting point.

The first floor lobby was noisy, and Shen Shen went in and found a place
to sit.

Coincidentally, there were a few young men with swords sitting beside
them. Without them having to inquire, the other party had started to talk
about what happened in the recent rivers and lakes.
One person said, "Did you hear that, the Suzerain of the Moon King
evaluated the war book from Hulu!"

As soon as Shen Min was going to get the cup, she heard her heart start to
shake and her movements followed.

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan: Do you really think that this head is amused, are you okay to
provoke Hulu estimates?

Yu Shengyan (respectful and respectful to be taught): Then dare to ask

Master what is the intention?

Lao Yan: Fun.

Yu Shengyan: ...

Chapter 117

Those who have never seen Fox Deer's skill, at first glance at this
sentence, may not feel it, because in their view, being able to siege the
unscathed Yan Wushi from the five masters at the time did indeed have
such strength and confidence. The fox deer is overwhelming.

So when this sentence came out, it was like a drop of water was poured
into the oil pan, and the surrounding area suddenly boiled. Many people's
faces were filled with surprise or excitement, and they asked carefully.

"When is this happening?"

"Just a few days ago, it was said that Master Zong Yan had come down to
Hulu estimates before a war book. Hulu estimates that he was still eating,
and scared him to jump up and almost choked to death!"

"... It's as if you saw it next to you, who is Hulu?"

"You don't even know Hulu? Do you know Qifengge?"

"Crap, don't know if I can come to Xuandushan to worship!"

"Then why haven't you heard of Hulu estimates, Qi Fengge and Turkic
master Hulu estimates more than 20 years ago, forcing him to take an oath
not to enter the Central Plains for 20 years, a while ago Qingchengshan
sword test conference, Hulu estimates When the shot was taken, Shen Yan
was brought down. Many people said that although Liuli Palace did not
announce the world's first candidate, Hulu estimates that it is truly the
world's number one. Yan Wushi must not be convinced before giving He's
in battle! "

"Hey, don't mention it, what I originally wanted to go to the test sword
meeting was that the old lady at home wouldn't let it, it was very
dangerous. When I came back to Xuandushan to worship, I still had to
discuss it with my dad and let my dad hold me down Then I can run out ...

Loud tongues and ears gradually became noises in the ears, and Shen still
kept the words in his mind. It was not until Yan Mei pushed the cup into
his hands that he realized that he had maintained an action from the

"Thank you very much." Shen Min took the cup, and some green bamboo
juice had been poured into it. "Before leaving, did Lord Yan have
mentioned this to you?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, he felt that this question was a bit
redundant. With his unnatural personality, Yan often behaved
unexpectedly, even if his parents were still alive, not to mention

Who knew that Bian Yanmei's answer was even more unexpected: "The
story of the next battle is indeed true."

Shen Yanran: "Isn't he still injured?"

Bian Yanmei groaned for a moment: "I know a little or two about this,
Master is not a whim, it is an astonishing act, but it is for a reason."
Shen Yan: "I would like to hear the details."

Bian Yanmei: "When I heard that in Qingcheng Mountain, Hulu had

played against you."

Shen Minshou: "Yes, Hulu is estimated to be back in 20 years, and his skill
is better than in the past. With my current martial arts, it is also difficult
to fight him."

He has always been sincere and believes that victory is victory, and defeat
is defeat. He does not find it difficult to open his teeth by defeat. Even if
the enemy is fierce, he also has one thing to say, and he will never
overstate it.

Bian Yanmei: "In the light of Shen Daochang's opinion, if Master and Fox
Deer are equal, is there any chance of winning?"

Shen Yan frowned for a moment, pondering, "If he is not injured, maybe it
is five or five."

But this must be based on Yan Wushi's good condition, abundant internal
forces, and no slight injuries.

Wenmei Yanbian said, her face also showed anxiety, and she said for a
long time: "In the case of Xuandu Mountain, it is indispensable for the
Turks to intervene. You killed Kun Xie. Participating in person, with this
master's book, Fox Deer is bound to have no time to look around, and it
can also reduce some resistance for Shen Daochang. "

Shen Yan lived.

He thought of many possibilities, the closest to which he thought the

correct answer was that Yan Wushi wanted to impact the world's first
throne, but Shen Zhen did not think that the real answer was this one.

Seeing this, Bian Mei showed a self-mockery expression: "But Shen

Daochang doesn't believe it? No wonder, the people in our demon are
selfish and independent, how often have you paid for others?"
Shen Chen sighed softly: "I didn't mean it that way, so don't you get me

But he couldn't say he had never thought of it that way.

Bian Yanmei: "In fact, more than that, the reason why Master kept
Xueting's life is to take the other party to the Tiantai Sect in exchange for
the last book, Zhu Yangce."

Shen Ye was a little surprised again.

There are five volumes of "Zhu Yangce". Only one volume is related to the
martial arts martial arts. That volume has been read by Yan Shishi, and his
flaws in the magical heart have now been made up. The remaining volume
is not useful to him. Large, almost useless, then it is not difficult to guess
what the purpose of the volume of "Zhu Yang Ce" preserved by Tiantai
Sect is.

With Shen Yun's cleverness, the answer naturally came to mind.

Shen Huan: "I heard that Xue Ting's goals were contrary to those of
Master Tiantai in the early years. Therefore, after his teacher became a
teacher, he left the teacher's door and established his own portal. How can
the Tiantai Sect exchange the remaining volumes of Zhu Yangce for

Bian Yanmei: "Tiantai Zong regards Xueting as a traitor, and the Master
retains his life, and the Tiantai Zong will dispose of it on his own. The
other party must take the Master's affection. The original copy of the
scroll is naturally unavailable, and a copy should still be possible."

Shen Yun sighed, "Zong Yan is well-intentioned."

It would be impossible to say that there was no vibration in his heart.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 168
However, Bian Yanmei also understood that even if the other party was
shocked in the heart, there was no need to express himself, so he did not
deliberately pause for too long, and then continued: "Shen Dao, don't
worry, Master's injury is not serious. Deer estimates that half a month after
the First World War, this period is enough for the Master to heal. "

A person who can be incarcerated for 20 years without asking questions

about the world is destined not to have too much ambition for the world,
as does the deer, although his identity and status determine that he cannot
be completely separated from Turk's movements. But he was still a
martial artist in the first place, so in his opinion, Yan Wushi's war book
must be more attractive than Xuandushan and his party. It was not long or
short for half a month. He chose to go to an appointment and would not be
distracted again. Xuandushan thing.

These antecedents and consequences can be understood by Shen Ying just

by thinking a little.

If Yan Wushi knows in front of him a little bit, he may be touched, or he

may decline, but the shock will never be as great as it is now.

Even if there is no Shen Yan, Yan Wushi will inevitably avoid fighting
with Hulu Estimate in the future, but that is a future thing. He will choose
to play the war at this time. There is no doubt that Shen Yin is here.

How could a person who was originally unkind and selfish but did
something that lovers in the world might not be able to do?

Bian Yanmei observed Shen Chen's reaction without any trace, and found
that the other party was completely silent, and she said she would not be
moved to be silly. "Shen Dao?"

Shen Ye did not have the tearful response that he imagined. After the
previous silence, he seemed calm: "No matter what, we are already here.
Your Master is so helpful. If I do n’t With the matter here settled, how
dare you meet him? "

Bian Mei nodded: "Look back first to ask someone about the situation on
the mountain, and then go up again tomorrow."

Shen Yun: "Either."

They had a good style, especially Shen Yun was wearing a sword and
wearing a kimono, and soon attracted the attention of the young people
nearby. One of the few people who spoke loudly came forward to talk:
"Dare to ask this The chief minister came from the gate of Xuandu Zifu? "

Shen Yan wanted to find a disciple who came down from the mountain and
asked for an understanding. When he saw them at this time, he came up
with an idea: "No, poor son Qiaozi, how about visiting friends in the

After hearing him say no, the man was a bit disappointed, but he stepped
forward to ask for it, and it was not easy to break up: "I waited to come to
worship, in the next paragraph, these two are my friends, Zhang Chao and
Zhong Bojing . "

The three of them saluted to Shen Ye and Bian Mei, and Shen Ye greeted
him with a slight raise of his hand and returned a gift.

Duan Huan was nothing. The other two saw the man just nodded and raised
his hands to perfunctory, without even getting up, and they felt unhappy.

In fact, in Shen's identity, let alone raise his hand in return, no one can say
anything without moving.

Duan Jun asked: "Since Dao Qiaozi is visiting friends in the mountains, he
must know the real people of Xuandushan? We have long admired Xuandu
Zifu's style and want to worship Xuandu's gate. I heard that Xuandushan
only has the spring equinox We had two apprentices in the autumnal
equinox, but we came back unfortunately. I wonder if we can ask Shan
Qiaozi Dao to refer for it? "
When he asked, both companions also looked at Shen Yan with the look of

Shen Yan smiled: "In fact, I don't know the elders who teach me, but the
people who burn the fire on the mountain, but I can't help you."

Seeing their disappointment, he said again, "But every five days, there will
be a Taoist down the mountain to buy. There is a pastry shop selling dim
sum next to this inn. It is the favorite of the mountain chiefs. Please pay
attention and say Maybe soon. "

After hearing what he said, the three Duan Jun glanced at each other: "If it
is true, thank you for telling me."

Shen Zheng waved his hand: "It's not necessary to be polite. If you can
enter the gate of Xuandu Mountain, you can be regarded as having three
more friends of Xuandu Mountain, isn't it honorable?"

Duan Ye felt that this life was good, and he spoke kindly. He had a good
impression at the moment, and he said a lot of thanks. He talked to the
other person about a lot of classics. Until Zhong Bojing urged them, he bid
farewell to Shen Ye.

Only then did Mei Fang, who stood by, watched coldly, and then said,
"That Zhang Chao has a good qualification. The other two are just plain."

Shen Yan smiled and didn't speak.

In fact, among the three people, he prefers Duan Ye instead, not because he
only talked to him the most, but because Duan Ye can still treat each other
with courtesy without knowing their identity. Compared with the other
two, it seems Calm and warm. Although one's qualifications are important,
martial arts are even more important. If Shen Yan is to be elected, he
would rather abandon Zhang Chao with better qualifications, but rather a
mediocre Duan.

That night, Shen Zhe and Bian Yanmei settled in the inn. Coincidentally,
the three of Duan Zhe's room were very close to them.
The three listened to Shen Yan's words, and they were guarding at the
pastry shop early the next morning. Sure enough, they didn't wait too long.

Duan Ye and others were overjoyed, and quickly stepped forward to

indicate their identity and intentions, and asked Taoists to take them up the
mountain to worship.

Who knows, the other side refused: "Xuandu Mountain only accepts the
spring equinox and autumnal equinox for two days every year. You don't
come at the right time, wait for the next time."

Duan Jun begged: "Two Taoists, we have long admired Xuandu Mountain
and are willing to suffer, even if we can become a registered disciple of a
common family under the guidance of the Taoist Master."

The older Taoist talked better and said to them: "There have been some
recent things in Xuandu Mountain. The real people above are busy and
won't be willing to accept apprentices. You did not come at the right time.
It is better to go to Qingcheng Mountain and try your luck. . "

Xuandu Mountain is by no means two mountains next to Qingcheng

Mountain. You can walk up the distance when you step up. As soon as
Duan Yi heard them, their faces were almost out of bitterness.

They asked again and again, but the other party refused to waver, Duan Ye
and others had to be disappointed.

"Hey, Brother Yun Chang, why do you say so resolutely, maybe we go back
to Mingming, and the Master is also willing to accept it?" The older man
was humane.

"Now the mountain is an eventful season, and the Master has made it clear
that he is not willing to blend in. Where will he be accepted at this time?"

"Well, don't you let them go to Daizhang? I think they're pathetic."

"I do n’t have the peace of mind to teach on behalf of the palm. I heard
that the people of Hehuanzong will arrive soon. Who knows if he will be
able to keep his position as a palm teacher?"

"Master Yun Chang, don't speak so meanly ..."

"Afraid, no one heard it. I want to say that it is still a good time for Shen
Zhang to teach, everyone is kind, unlike now, you doubt me, I doubt you,
are there any children?" The young Taoist, known as Yun Chang's younger
brother, turned his back.

But the next moment, his expression turned into fright.

"Shen ... Shen Palm teaches?" Yun Chang, who had always been so
dexterous, looked at the person in front of him, and was directly scared.

Chapter 118

The two Taoists were dumbfounded as if they were seeing ghosts in the
day, but Shen Zhuo wasn't so proud of them.

"Xiao Yunchang, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have grown a lot."
His gaze moved to another person, his look was as gentle as before, almost
unchanged, "Le'an's martial arts have also improved, and I haven't Appear
and you will notice. "

Le An and Yun Chang glanced at each other. After a moment of panic, they
hurriedly saluted: "Have seen Uncle Shen, Uncle Shen!"

Shen Yun: "Are you okay, Master?"

Le An: "There is an inquisition from Master Lao, Master is still in good

health. Since Uncle You came down, his elderly people often talk about
you. If he knows you are okay, he must be very happy."

Although their master and his contemporaries were quite old, their masters
had been concentrating on Xuandu Mountain and rarely asked about
martial arts. In the latter years, they only accepted such two disciples.

Shen Yun: "I am also very concerned about Brother Liu. I am going up the
mountain to say hello to him."
Hearing this sentence, the two young Taoists suddenly showed very
different reactions.

Yun Chang's brows beamed up, while Le'an showed anxiety.

Taking all the changes in their expressions into their eyes, Shen Yun
deliberately said, "Why, wouldn't you go back with me?"

Yun Chang spoke quickly, before Lean spoke, he already said, "If Uncle
Shen is willing to go back, we can't be happier!"

Shen Yan smiled: "But I don't see how happy Brother Le'an is?"

Le An busy arched his hands and said: "Uncle Shen is serious, but now that
Yu Zhangjiao's whereabouts are unknown, and the situation is a bit
chaotic, we don't want to get involved, and Ben also planned to go down
the mountain to avoid the limelight." Who knows I encountered you.

At the beginning, after Shen Yi fought against Kun Xie and the defeat fell
on the cliff, for a long time, the rumors of the rivers and lakes were
disturbed, and only the words were transmitted back to Xuandu Mountain.
Even Shen ’s reputation was greatly affected. Said, but in my heart, it was
inevitable that Shen Zhangjiao lost to Kun Xie, which caused Xuandu
Mountain's status to plummet, which greatly lost Xuandu Mountain's face.
This attitude made Yu Xie become the palm teacher, and there were not
many people against it. Everyone They all feel that Yu Yu has the means
and ability, and maybe he can really lead Xuandu Mountain towards

However, the masters of Le'an and Yun Chang were not optimistic about
Yu Yu at that time, and they were strictly prohibited from being involved
in the housework of the martial arts. The three of them, a master and an
apprentice, were separated from the eyes of everyone, and their sense of
existence was very weak. Still light and eager to try. Although listening to
Master ’s orders, some inevitability was inevitable in my heart. Who knew
that the subsequent development was unexpected and also proved their
master's correctness. Yu Yu encountered a bottleneck in cooperating with
the Turks. At this time, the situation in the Central Plains has changed
rapidly. When the North changed its dynasty, and after the Sui Dynasty, the
Turkic people's control of the Central Plains was gradually weakening, and
Xuandushan's status became more and more awkward.

However, at this time, Yu Jiao, the master of teaching, suddenly

disappeared overnight. Xuandu Mountain had no heads, and Tan Fengchun,
a great disciple of Qi Fengge, temporarily took charge of teaching.
However, although Tan Yuanchun was an elder before, his character was
not very overwhelming. Some people also raised objections on the Xuandu
Mountain. Among them, the elders had the strongest opposition. The two
sides secretly wrestled and inevitably drew power.

Their masters did not see outsiders under the pretext of retreat, but Le'an
and Yun Chang were found door-to-door several times. They were really
annoyed, so they managed to exchange errands with other people,
responsible for going down the mountain to buy, but in order to hide quiet.

After listening to the consequences, Shen Yun was silent for a while: "Yu
Gang is a teacher and martial arts is also extraordinary. He is also on
Xuandu Mountain. Why did he disappear overnight? Have you heard any

Both men shook their heads: "Master has a command, we are still young,
and we are not allowed to participate in the affairs of the martial arts.
However, just a few days before Uncle Yu disappeared, Turks came to the
mountain. It is said that we were asked to do something. , But was rejected
by Uncle Yu, and the two sides broke up, so many people said that Uncle
Yu's disappearance was related to the Turkic people! "

This is more than half of what Yuan Ying said before.

Shen Ye asked again, "Who was the Turkic messenger that day, do you
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 169
Le An Yun Chang said he didn't know each other.

With that said, the two young disciples didn't know much and had nothing
to ask, Shen said, "I want to go up the mountain. Do you want to stay with
me or stay down?"

The two looked at each other, Yun Chang said: "Uncle Shen, we will go up
the mountain with you, so as not to lose you!"

Le'an had no time to cover Yun Chang's mouth, so he had to say nothing,
which was the default teacher's words.

Shen Yan smiled. Although Yun Chang was quicker, she was better at
heart. Le An was slightly afraid of things, but it was not bad, otherwise she
should refuse to speak out.

"Forget it, you guys managed to catch your free time down the mountain
to play, or stay at the foot of the mountain and have fun. It's not too late to
go back in two days."

Le'an saw that Shen Ye was unable to be good at climbing up the mountain
this time, maybe he had to regain the position of teaching. This would
necessarily require the support of the elders. He thought that Shen Ye
would pull them up the mountain, so that Master could stand in line.
Neither mention nor mention, it is the heart of the gentleman that their
villain has spent.

"Now that the position of palm teaching is not set, Xuandu Mountain will
not be able to get peace in one day. Uncle Shen, only you are Qizhen
personally designated palm teaching." Shen Yan was so refreshed, but
Lean was a little embarrassed, and he said something quickly To show
your position.

The implication is that although they will not blend in, if they must
support one, they will definitely choose Shen.
His eyes are not enough to see in front of Shen Yun, but it is obviously not
Shen Yun's style to care about a young man.

"Thank you." He patted Le'an on the shoulder. "Don't be mischievous

under the mountain, go back earlier."

The tone was unusual, as if it were an ordinary admonition. If you do n’t

know, Shen Yan just went up the hill to set foot on the green.

The two young Taoists looked at the back of Shen Yan as she walked away
from Mei, and for a while, Yun Chang said suddenly, "Brother, we should
have gone up the mountain with Uncle Shen only! It ’s the last time we
talked about Master. He blame himself for not speaking up for Uncle Shen
on that day. If he sees us shuddering, we will not be happy. "

Le An: "Elder Chen wants to be a teacher so much, I am afraid that he will

not easily give way to Uncle Shen. You do n’t know how Uncle Shen went
up the mountain this time, and what will happen in the end. In case we
follow up, we are misunderstood that we are with Uncle Shen. Tired of
Master? "

Yun Chang was downcast: "Hey, I always think we're a bit unkind."

After all, Le An couldn't bear to see his brother disappointed: "Should we

follow behind?"

Yun Chang: "Okay!"

However, he said that Shen Yan and Bian Yanmei were on the way to the
mountain. The disciples on duty watched him, and they all showed the
normal response of Lean Yunchang. It was as if they saw a ghost in the
broad daylight. First they opened their mouths and looked scared. As the
two Shen Zhens went up the mountain, they did not dare to step forward,
but there were still a small number of people blocking Shen Lu's way.
They were also very polite: "Xuandushan abandoned, I dare to rush into
the mountains!"
Shen Yun recognized him, this person seemed to be a named disciple
borrowed by the elders: "Lou Liang, how many years have passed, and you
are still guarding the mountain here?"

This sentence is very mild, as usual greetings, but poking at each other's
weakness, Lou Liang immediately flushed, I do not know if he is ashamed
or annoyed: "You, you ... Shen you rude madman, today Xuandu Mountain,
where is your foothold! "

Shen Ye smiled slightly: "You're right, I rushed up the mountain like this,
it seemed to be a bit abrupt, and there must be a way to guide talents, I
think you are quite appropriate."

After all, he reached out and put Lou Liang's shoulder on.

Lou Liang apparently looked at the other party's speed and did not have
any tricks, but he was too late to react, he was controlled, and felt a sudden
pain from his shoulder, but he couldn't get rid of it for half a minute, and
suddenly changed his color.

Since the reopening of Xuandu Mountain, the news has not been as
occluded and lagging as before, and Shen Yun's actions outside have been
introduced to the disciples from time to time. After all, they are better
known than meeting. Better rumors than seeing them with your own eyes.

Lou Liang was not a fool. He immediately realized that he was being
delivered to the raft as a raft, and quickly succumbed to the softness:
"Uncle Shen is forgiving, and his disciples are also ordered to be on duty
here. No one is allowed to go up the mountain. It is by no means
disrespectful to the uncle!"

Shen Yan frowned: "No one is allowed to go up the mountain? But what
happened on the mountain?"

Lou Liang knew everything, and did not dare to conceal anything at all:
"Yes, the elders are meeting in the mountains to discuss the candidates for
taking over as teachers."
Shen Yun: "Elders are here?"

Lou Liang: "Only Elder Liu was in retreat, so he was absent."

Elder Liu in his mouth is the master of Lean Yunchang.

It is no wonder that the apprentice has such a master who is afraid of

things. Although Bian Yanmei watched coldly without saying a word, her
heart was disdainful.

What Shen Yun thought was: The evil results of the closed gates of
Xuandu Mountain have finally surfaced one after another for several
generations. The long-term closure has closed the hearts of people. There
are ambitious people like Yu Yu. Naturally, Elder Liu has also been closed
to raise children. With courage, I feel that one thing is not as good as one

"That's right, I should go up and listen."

Lou Liang busy: "I'll show the way to Uncle!"

In fact, even if he did n’t want to bring it, he had a slender white hand like
that, but firmly held his shoulder like a iron tong. Lou Liang was painful,
but he did n’t dare to show the slightest. Very interestingly introduced the
situation on the mountain to Shen Zhen.

When others saw Lou Liang eating crickets, where did they dare to step
forward and stop, they gave way on both sides of the road, and Shen Chen
went up.

This is not all shocked by Shen Yun ’s martial arts. When Shen Yun was
still in charge, he was very good to his disciples, and he had clear penalties
for public rewards, and he did not display them in private. Many disciples
worshiped him and respected him. After the Battle of Bufeng, the Elders
of Yu's United School came to power and caught everyone off guard.
Although many disciples did not dare to commit the following crimes,
they inevitably had their own thoughts. Now I see Shen Ye coming back.
Many people's eyes There was even joy in it.
Lou Liang took these eyes into his eyes, and he had a measurement under
his heart, whispering to Shen Yan: "Uncle Shen, my disciples know that
when you come back, you must be fair. My master has always been loyal
to Xuandushan. Because of dissatisfaction with Elder Tan ’s ability to
teach, he would not oppose it. The disciples dared to ask you to have a
large number of adults and raise your expensive hands. Do n’t care about
him, okay? ”

Although this person is reckless, he still has a little conscience. Shen Wei
smiled slightly: "If I had to care?"

Lou Liang was speechless. He was a named disciple after so many years of
mixing. In addition to his average qualifications, the reason was that his
master had borrowed a man based on his appearance and refused to look at
people who looked bad. Lou Liang was ordinary and natural. There is also
less luck, but because he is already a registered disciple on loan and
cannot worship other elders, Lou Liang is therefore not to mention much
depression. He thought to himself that he said such a sentence anyway.
What he wants is not something he can control.

There was Lou Liang leading the way, and Shen Bian and the two were
unhindered all the way. Some were disciples who had only been admitted
after the half-step battle. They did not recognize Shen Ye. When they saw
Lou Liang, they greeted: "Brother Lou, there is no order above , Aren't you
allowed idle people to wait for the mountain? "

Lou Liang's face was sobering: "Who said that this is a miscellaneous
person, etc. This is what I sent Uncle Shen to rush back to the meeting!"

He was stunned by others and let go without asking much.

Seeing this, Lou Liang is still quite useful.

Watching Lou Liang as they left, the disciples who just stopped the road
looked confused and asked their companions, "There doesn't seem to be an
uncle named Shen in our school?"
The companions racked their brains, and the light flashed: "Is the surname
Shen ... the one, Shen ?!"

The two suddenly realized, and then looked at each other's discoloration,
but after a while, the other party had long gone, and there was no time to
stop it.

Shen Ye and Lou Liang came all the way to the door of the Sanqing Hall,
and just heard a shout from the inside: "Tan Yuanchun! Previously, you
temporarily took charge of teaching because the Yuzhang teaching
disappeared, and the martial arts had to be personally managed. However,
we have no objection. After all, palm teaching is different from palm
teaching. After all, on martial arts, you are not the first in Xuandu
Mountain. You ca n’t even be named in the rivers and lakes. Why do you
have to sit in the palm teaching position? "

Lou Liang was embarrassed because his voice was that of Master Liu Yue.

Because the content of the discussion today is very important, and

everyone here is Elder Xuandushan, consciously martial arts is acceptable,
so the disciples were not guarded outside the door, so the three Shen Shen
came closer, and no one noticed it.

In contrast, those who answered him had a much more peaceful tone, and
did not seem to be angry. "Elder Liu, have something to say, aren't you
talking about this? I don't, but I am in the elders. The qualifications are
also the shallowest, but I understand that the reason why everyone
recommends me is not because I have the highest martial arts skills, but
because I take care of my affairs all the year round, and I am more
familiar with it. In the final analysis, it does n’t matter who is in charge of
teaching. Yes, you can do something for Xuandu Zifu. Are you right? "

Liu Yue sneered: "According to you, it is not high to teach martial arts, but
it is not a problem, as long as you are familiar with funeral services? My
registered disciple Lou Liang, is it more appropriate to deal with daily
He said this way, not only Lou Liang felt complacent outside, but even Tan
Yuanchun outside the door was slightly unhappy.

Liu Yue: "Brother Tan, you still need to have some self-knowledge. Why
did Qi Zhenren give up on you as a well-disciplined big disciple, and
taught Shen Zhang to be jealous? Isn't it because of your mediocre
qualifications? Then I ’d rather go and invite Brother Shen to come back. I
heard that Brother Shen ’s martial arts is better than he was now. He was
once a teacher. How can he be more suitable than you? ”

Upon hearing this, Shen Huan was no longer silent and walked in: "Thank
you Elder Liu for your love."

No one expected that Shen Zhe appeared silently outside, and walked in
silently, and there was a strange silence in the hall.

After a while, Tan Yuanchun stood up and greeted with a surprise on his
face: "Second Master, when are you coming back!"

Shen Yun: "I just came up the mountain. I heard that you are discussing
the matter of teaching and teaching. Then you came here. Didn't bother

The crowd was more or less embarrassed.

After Shen Yan fell, Yu Yan stole the position of teaching. In detail, he was
unspeakable, but at that time he joined the elders and was powerful, and no
one could say anything. Of course, there must be something in everyone's
mind at that time. Their own thoughts, but in fact, Shen Zhen is still a man
from the capital of Xuandu. Yu Yuan is now missing. Shen Zhen is back
and he is in charge of teaching. No one can grab him.

Apart from that, Qi Fengge's mountains and rivers are still carrying the
sad sword on their backs!

Liu Yue reacted in the first place and rushed in front of others and said,
"Since Brother Shen is back, it's all right now, but now Yu Yu is missing,
Xuandu Mountain has no heads, and is looking forward to someone to rule.
As soon as you come back, we all have the backbone. It's up! "

Tan Yuanchun also laughed and said, "Yeah, Grandma, it's good if you
come back, but you need to take a break before talking?"

In response to his concerned eyes, Shen Xuan declined, "Thank you,

Brother, we have rested under the mountain. I heard that something
happened to Yu Xuan?"

Tan Yuanchun: "Yes, Brother Yu suddenly disappeared a few days ago. It

was okay the night before. He disappeared the next day. We searched
Xuandushan and did not see him."

His words stopped, his gaze moved to the edge Mei behind Shen Yan,
wondering: "This is it?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 170
Shen Zheng didn't conceal his intentions: "This is a disciple of Yanzong
Yan Zongyan, a friend on the edge of Meibian."

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the audience looked at Bian
Yanmei, who did not show any distress and embarrassment, but let others
look at it generously.

Tan Yuanchun was surprised first, and then pained: "On the mountain that
day, you were taken away by Lord Zeng, I had no time to stop it. It was
useless for my brother. I didn't expect you to mingle with people in the
magic gate!"

Shen Ye's face didn't change his color: "My brother talked a lot, and he
mixed up the words. Shen Ye couldn't afford it. The brother saw it in his
own eyes that day. I almost was captured by Yu You. Fortunately, he was
rescued by Lord Yan, but you didn't go to me afterwards. ? "

Tan Yuanchun sighed a little: "Ama, don't be mad at Master. At that time,
Xuandu Mountain was controlled by Yu Xuan. How could I be able to start
my disciples to find you?"

Shen Xuan said lightly: "Even Yuan Ying and Heng Bo can abandon
everything and come down to the mountain to find me, but I look at the

Tan Yuanchun: "Ama, I know you have anger ..."

"Brother," Shen Zheng cut off his words: "In everyone's heart, you have
always been a good old man, good to everyone, so a few of our brothers
and brothers love you very much, but good people do not mean that there
is no bottom line of principle, you are I was blinded and helpless. I do n’t
blame you, but that day, I told you in front of you that I had poisoned me.
If you do n’t believe it, you should investigate afterwards? Even those
Yuan Ying and Hengbo who did not hear the incident in person that day,
they believed me, and you and I will meet again for a long time. Instead of
asking about this, you questioned my conduct with Yueyuezong, which
really made me Chilling! "

Tan Yuanchun finally discolored: "What do you mean?"

At this moment, the disciples on the run came in panic, and the body was
still stained with blood: "No, elders, the people of Hehuanzhuang broke
into the mountains, and there are Turks!"

Chapter 119

Everyone heard the discoloration, and the elder Lianshan said: "A while
ago, the Turks came up to the mountain and said that they hoped that
Xuandushan would become an ally with Turk and be slammed by the palm
..." He wanted to say the word "Teaching" and gave Shen a glance. Then he
changed his mouth and said, "I was rejected by Brother Yu, and they didn't
want to come. I joined the Acacia people again, and wanted to take the
trouble to come up the mountain while we were teaching them."

Shen Xuan said: "Turks failed to enter the Central Plains. They had a Zhou
dynasty between them and Xuandu Mountain. If they wanted to directly
control Xuandu Mountain, it would not be possible. I am afraid they only
cooperated with Hehuanzong."

Liu Yue did not wait for Tan Yuanchun to speak, and took the opportunity
to say: "So, according to Brother Shen, what should we do?"

Shen Yan: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover it."

He said lightly, but others could not be as light and light as he was.

Tan Yuanchun: "They have already killed the mountain and made it clear
that the person who came is not good. If we are tortured here, the disciples
outside will suffer. At this time, we should take the responsibility and
meet the enemy."
He said that everyone naturally had no opinion on how to dispute. After
all, it was the internal affairs of Xuandu Mountain. Now that there are
foreign encroachments, it should naturally be unanimous.

Shen Yan also did not intend to make such a detail long and short, and then
went out behind the others.

At this time, the other party was a mighty man, and they just happened to
be up the mountain, and met Tan Yuanchun and others who met outside the
Sanqing Hall.

The head Xiao Serang laughed and said, "It's very kind of you to meet the
elders of He Lao Xuan Du Shan!"

Liu Yue sneered: "You hurt your disciples and came up the mountain, you
dare not say a word!"

He was so fierce that when he drew his sword out of his sheath, he
intended to come forward and fight with the National People's Congress.

But Xiao Se stepped back a half step and put the fan forward: "You martial
arts are mediocre, not my master ’s opponent, why bother to rush forward
to get humiliation? I heard that Xuandu Shanyu Zhangjiao disappeared for
some reason. It seems true now, otherwise how could it be so messy? "

Tan Yuanchun frowned: "I send housework and don't bother you to
intervene. Today, Xuandushan also declined visitors. You are uninvited,
and you are not educated!"

Xiao Se groaned with a smile: "Your eyes are born, which elder is it?"

Tan Yuanchun: "Tan Yuanchun."

Xiao Se raised an eyebrow: "I heard that there is a big disciple under Qi
Zhenge's seat of Qi Zhenren. Although he was a teacher early, he is not
outstanding. When Qi Fengge chose to pass on the mantle at the end of his
life, he skipped the big disciple and chose to be the second disciple Shen
Ye, is that so? "
He clearly saw Shen Yan being present, but deliberately provoked.

Shen Min's attention was not on Xiao Se. He was looking at Sang Jingxing
and Duan Wenyi.

There were a lot of people coming up the mountain this time, but
compared to the sword test that day, there were still fewer people from
Hehuan Zong. Shen Min noticed that Yuan Xiuxiu was not among them,
and the faces of several Hehuan disciples also disappeared. ——Shen Yun
may not be able to call their names, but they have some impressions.

Bai Rong blinked at him when she glanced away and smiled.

Shen Ye uneasily looked away.

Bian Yanmei came over and whispered: "Acacia sects, both men and
women, are cannibalists and don't spit out bones. They like men like Shen
Daochang who are full of Yuanyang. You can hold them!"

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "... I think Bairong is fine."

Not to mention he has no meaning in that regard.

Bian Yanmei didn't know it, but she was really afraid that he might get on
the road. He mentioned, "Chen Dao, don't look at her being born with
innocence. In fact, I don't know how many men have been repaired. It is
said that even his teacher, Sang Jingxing, was her. Guests of the curtain. "

In fact, Shen Yun already knew this before, and listening to it at this time
still couldn't help feeling a sigh: "Life in the world, who doesn't want to
act wildly, but there are all kinds of last resorts. No matter how fierce a
person is, I don't want to deny it because of its evil. "

He always remembered his desperate place, and Bai Rong's various

sympathy points, although the other party did not send charcoal in the
snow, but when she was able to go down the rocks and even make
contributions to the martial arts, she did not chase after him. This is the
only point. You should remember this relationship.
Bian Yanmei knew Shen Shen was kind, but did not expect that he also had
a different view of Bairong, and secretly said: You are so soft-hearted that
it is no wonder that he was eaten by the Master.

They whispered a few words, and the people in Xuandushan had reached a
point of disagreement with the Acacia sect. They were so outstretched
only by the people who came up the mountain with the Acacia sect, as well
as Duan Wenji and several other Turkic people. Xuandushan has one less
subject here, and for a while it seems to be scattered. Everyone has some
scruples, and feels that their side has little chance to win, so they haven't
done it first.

The other party apparently noticed this situation too, and Duan Wenyi
smiled and laughed: "I heard that today ’s Guipai is going to choose to
teach, we come to see it lively, but the Guipai people are not at all, I ’m
afraid it ’s difficult to determine a result, let ’s let us Come and help me
decide? "

Tan Yuanchun categorically rejected: "Xuandushan is the internal affairs,

do not work outsiders to decide! Also please leave quickly, otherwise don't
blame us!"

Immediately after this remark, Liu Yue was reprimanded: "They came all
the way, I don't know how many disciples have hurt us, how can you let it
go so easily!"

Duan Wenji laughed, "I don't want to let it go easily, what do you do?"

"Natural life is left before leaving!" This sentence was not spoken by
anyone present, and the voice was dull. Although he tried his best, the
volume was not high. Still can't hear.

The crowd looked around and could not help but be taken aback.

But I saw a person hobbled from behind Sanqing Hall. He walked heavily,
as if he had internal injuries and injured his legs. He walked around, with
blood stains on his clothes, and many scars on his face. .
But none of the people in Xuandu Mountain would recognize him.

"Yu Yun ?!"

The visitor is Yu Yan.

Holding a bamboo stick in his hand and turning, he approached everyone

step by step.

Duan Wenxuan was also surprised: "I heard that Yu Zhang's mysterious
disappearance some days ago, it seems that the rumors are not true!"

Yu Yan looked at him coldly: "I'm not dead, presumably you are very

Duan Wenji laughed: "What does this do to me? I heard that when you die,
Xuandushan is fighting for a position of teaching, Yu Zhangjiao should
doubt your master brother!"

Tan Yuanchun was concerned: "Brother Yu, you still have injuries. Hurry
up and take a break!"

Yu Zheng glanced at him: "I was wrong."

Everyone was stunned by his wordlessness.

Tan Yuanchun: "What are you wrong?"

Yu Xuan said indifferently: "I was determined to make a fortune for

Xuandu Mountain. I felt that the previous generations of ancestors were
too stubborn and refused to open their eyes to look at the outside world, so
I tried my best to calculate Brother Shen and cooperate with Turki. I
thought that under my leadership, Xuandu Mountain would be able to re-
establish the status of the first door in the world. I didn't expect that I was
wrong from the beginning. Working with Turks was tantamount to making
skins with tigers. I refused to be their puppet. When Xuandu Mountain was
surrendered, they would fight against me, drive me out of the position of
teaching, and support one person to be their uncle's teaching, in order to
conquer Xundushan's foundation for hundreds of years. "
Tan Yuanchun said suddenly: "So, your disappearance is related to the
Turkic people?"

Yu Yan said coldly: "I closed the door at midnight that day. Someone
imitated Brother Shen's handwriting and sent him a pigeon. He said that he
was waiting for me at the backyard of Xiaoshan. After I passed, I was
attacked by three mysterious people. Face-faced, wearing black clothes,
high martial arts strength, I was defeated, was seriously injured, fell on a
cliff of ten thousand feet, but was blocked by a tree branch, and
fortunately did not die. I was able to return to the world today. I thought it
was mercy from heaven, and I came back to testify to the murderer . "

Liu Yue frowned: "Do you mean, someone pretended to be Brother Shen to
send you a message?"

Tan Yuanchun asked in surprise: "Who are the three mysterious people?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 171
Yu Zheng shook his head: "I don't know. They didn't show their face from
beginning to end, but I know that they will definitely not be the second

Shen Yan said lightly: "Someone imitated my handwriting to send you a

letter, and you immediately believed it, which shows that you have a
shame in your heart."

Yu Yan smiled bitterly: "My second brother is right. Today, what I have
done is nothing, but it hurts you, hurts you ..."

He was agitated for a moment, stopped his words, and then managed to
maintain his calmness after a while: "I can't hold you back from suffering
like that."

If an apology is useful, is it not necessary to be responsible for killing and

setting fire? Shen Huan wasn't moved by the phrase "I'm sorry".

"His words are heavy."

Didn't even say that he was shouting? Yu Yan looked dim and smiled
bitterly: "This is also my retribution."

Tan Yuanchun: "Brother Yu, can you slow down a little bit now when the
enemy is now?"

"No! Because I will be conspired, it is related to the Turkic people!" Yu

Xuan took a deep breath and questioned Duan Wenji: "The other day, I just
rejected your proposal and refused to be a Turkic puppet. Then I
encountered a secret calculation. If you say that without your hands and
feet, no fool would believe it! "

Duan Wenzhang laughed: "Yu Zhang taught not to be wronged casually,

and I am not a person from Xuandu Mountain. Where can I sneak in here
without knowing the ghost, how can I only hurt a few disciples!"
Suddenly Shen Ye said: "If Xuandu Mountain spoils together, it will
naturally hide the sky and cross the sea."

Liu Yue, Tan Yuanchun, and others heard the words and couldn't help but
be surprised: "What does Brother Shen say?"

Shen Yingdan said, "Yuan Ying told me that the Turkic people could not
seduce Yu Yu's intimidation, and they instigated others. The Turkic people
told him that if he was obedient and obedient, he would help him become a
teacher. Yuan Ying didn't agree, and the other party would surely find other
people. I think there will always be someone who can't resist the
temptation and agrees. "

Yu Yan coughed a few times, clutching his chest and said, "Yes, first I was
conspired, and then I was suspended in the position of teaching, and you
all came up the mountain. I do n’t know if someone is ventilating and
reporting. Have a plan! "

Duan Wenyi chose to go up the mountain at this time. Naturally, it was not
for the sake of talking to everyone in Xuandu Mountain. The appearance
of Yu Yu was an accident in itself, but the existence of this accident did
not affect anything. It was rather heavy, but rather tricky.

He agreed to look at Sang Jingxing, and Duan Wenhao laughed: "Since Yu

Zhangjiao said so, I am not a bad person, would I fail your trust!"

He slightly waved, and several Turkic men behind him got orders, and
drew their swords at Liu Yue Tan Yuanchun and others to entangle them.

Several elders have different levels of martial arts, but even if they are as
qualified as Tan Yuanchun, they are only compared with other disciples of
Qi Fengge. They are not mediocre enough to be bullied by anyone, but
they can be brought to the mountains by Duan Wenji. Naturally, it is not an
easy generation. At the moment, you come and go from both sides.

Duan Wenxuan watched the battle with his hands and did not participate.
He smiled and said, "These are all trained by my teacher. They are the
most powerful warriors in Turkic. They have long heard that the Taoist
leaders of Xuandushan are doing great work. Ask for advice, and please do
n’t be merciful! "

Liu Yue and others are busy dealing with those people. Where else is there
time to answer him?

Lou Liang saw Duan Wenxuan's gaze come over, and his heart was cold,
for fear that he would follow his own insignificant disciple, and he could
not help hiding behind Shen Ying.

Liu Yue shook his sword away, forcing the Turkic people back a few steps,
and loudly said, "Brother Shen, in the past, Xuandu Mountain was more
and more uncomfortable with you. When Yu Yu declared you a
renunciation, I also helped you. Those who have spoken, please look at Qi
Zhenren's face and guard the gate of Xuandu Mountain. Don't let these
thieves take advantage! "

Duan Wenyi gave a grin: "Shen Dao, I really feel sorry for you! When you
were down, they didn't pull you. Today is difficult, and you need to repay
with morality. You don't feel wronged, I'm going to do it for you. If I say,
do n’t bother with this gossip, when they are all dead, it ’s your position to
teach. ”

"Nothing," Shen Min said indifferently, "Yu Yi conceded to teach, but I did
not agree, he expelled me from Xuandu Mountain, and I am still a disciple
of Qi Fengge."

He drew the sword of sorrow and sadness behind him. The sword flickered
in the dazzling sunlight, and there was a sound of wind and thunder.

"With me, don't even think about Xuandushan's idea." He said in a calm
tone, without shaking the deterrent force of the mountain, but it was

"Brother Shen, let me help you!"

At this moment, along with the stop drinking, three silhouettes swept from
the other direction. One before and two after, was led by the elder Kong
Zeng, and behind him was his apprentice—Lian An, whom Shen Ying met
under the mountain Brother Yun Chang.

The two men were far behind Shen Yan, who wanted to see the lively, but
did not expect to meet the Turks and the Acacia ancestors up the hill to
come to trouble, and the inner men did not dare to intervene. Hurry up and
find your master, Elder Kong Zengkong, and then elder Kong will bring
someone over.

Kong Zeng came to Shen Zhe, arching his hand, "Kong Zeng was late, and
he asked to teach the crime."

Shen Zheng nodded: "Elder Kong was in the midst of the retreat, and it
was just a matter of urgency. Why is there such a crime?"

I don't know if he didn't notice the word "zhangjiao".

Kong Zeng was blushing old, and retreat was just an excuse. In fact, he
was unwilling to mix with the martial arts to teach candidates.

He didn't know if Shen Ye had already seen it, so he had to confuse him
and said, "The enemy now, how can I stand alone, for a little night, I will
deal with it, and teach it without labor!"

Duan Wenyi stood with his hands in his hands, apparently not paying
attention to Kong Zeng: "I'm afraid you are not my opponent."

Kong Zeng sneered: "What's the use of talking tricks, I've tried to know!"

Said the striker sword came forward, chopped over towards Duan Wenyu!

With this attack, Hehuanzong and others can no longer stand by

indifferently. Except for Sang Jingxing, others have shot all the time and
started to fight everywhere.

Le An Yunchang naturally helped Master to fight, but unfortunately they

were young and martial arts had not yet entered the room. They were
struggling with Xiaoshou Bairong, and soon fell into a controlled
Seeing the flaws in Yun Chang's sword technique, Xiao Se bent his fingers
into claws and grasped his neck through the wind of the sword. If the
movement was lightning fast, Yun Chang could not respond at all, and was
caught in his throat. With only a little force, he would die on the spot!

In this scene of light and fire, even Yun Chang himself could not resist, let
alone Lean next to him.

When Yun Chang thought he was about to die, he heard someone

chuckling: "Xiao Se, you are also a famous person, how can you pick up
the soft persimmon?"

When the words fell squarely, Yun Chang felt a lightness in his neck,
followed by the fear of escape.

Xiaoyan had to slap Yun Chang to fight with him with a palm shot. The fan
blocked the palm wind and swept back by pouring in internal force.

"What's wrong with being a disciple of Yan Wushi University? It turns out
that's not the case!" Xiao Se sneered. "I don't think your martial art is
stronger than Yu Shengyan!"

The soldiers in front of the Sanqing Palace met with each other, the
murderous spirit overflowed, and they fell into chaos in a hurry.

Shen Yan did not move.

Because there was another person on the field who didn't move.

Sang Jingxing.

Last time at the Sword Trial Conference, Yuan Xiuxiu intervened in the
first hand, and later Hulu estimated to appear, and Shen Zhen finally failed
to compete with Sang Jingxing.

However, Sang Jingxing also saw Shen's changes.

This is no longer the case, and the other party is no longer the blind man
who can only be slaughtered by others.
Although Fengshen Junxiu is better than before, it is a pity that it turned
into a prickly flower, and it was difficult to get down.

The regret of not being able to get it that day always haunted Sang
Jingxing's heart, and even the festival that was seriously injured by the
other party. The new hatred and the old hatred combined, he would never
let go of Shen Shen easily, and he also knew very well Shen Yan tossed
away all his martial arts, and the other party would not give up.

"Shen Yun, it's a shame to see you," he laughed suddenly.

Shen Yan looked at him silently and didn't ask anything pity.

Sang Jingxing: "It's a pity that it wasn't me who picked you up under
Banbufeng." Otherwise, wouldn't Yan Wushi take the lead?

Such beauties, such qualifications, were born for the Acacia sect, and
should be spent between the beds as a container for practicing.

Shen Ye was not frightened or angry, but asked an irrelevant question:

"What about the Sovereign Yuan? After a farewell last time, he was so

Sang Jingxing smiled slightly: "I forgot to tell you that now the Acacia
suzerain has changed people. If you are willing to come to the Acacia
suzerain, I might take you to see her dead body."

Shen Yan raised an eyebrow: "You killed her?"

Sang Jingxing: "Surprised?"

Shen Yan slowly shook his head: "I have heard that you are at odds with
each other, but the Yuan Sovereign does not seem to be a person who is
waiting to die."

Sang Jingxing: "She is a little clever, otherwise I would not wait to kill her
until now."

Shen Yun: "It's a pity."

Sang Jingxing: "Do you like her?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 172
Shen Yun: "Although the Yuan Sovereign is a female stream, compared to
you, there is still a style of leadership. If you come to be the Sovereign, I
am afraid that after today, the Hehuan Sect will change the court.

Sang Jingxing smiled angrily: "What do you mean?"

Shen Yun: "It means, I will kill you."

After saying this, he moved.

With a slight movement of the wrist, the figure turned into a ghost image,
and in the rushing sword light, the figure faded to a point that almost

The body moves freely, the sword moves with the heart, the mountains and
rivers are sad, the world is overshadowed!

Chapter 120

In the face of Shen Jian's sky-shaped sword light, Sang Jingxing naturally
did not choose to sit still, but the impenetrable sword curtain to the
onlookers was actually not so scary to Sang Jingxing.

Shen Ye's opponent is, after all, a master-level master.

But seeing Sang Jingxing's feet as fast as a meteor, his robe sleeves
bulging high, the whole person walked like the wind, soared day by day,
suddenly reached mid-air, and then took a slap to Shen Ye behind the
heavy sword screen.

Jianguang was impacted by the palm wind. It was like starlight being
broken in a lake for a while. After a while of stagnation, it shook and
shattered. It was actually opened by a palm wind of Sang Jingxing!
Pedestrian Sang Jing went to mid-air with no help under his feet. However,
in the eyes of onlookers, there seemed to be an invisible stone under his
feet, allowing him to step up step by step.

He was originally a tall man. Now he is facing the volley, his robes are
hunting, the dragon's palm has become a realm, as if the dragon is in the
sky, roaring and surrendering all things, his momentum is astonishing, and
he wants to rush into the sky.

Although the battle on the field was a team, there were still some martial
arts, and the disciples of Xuandushan who could not get involved could
only watch the cheering while holding the sword. Seeing Sang Jingxing
was so powerful, he immediately mentioned his throat. Seeing the
"dragon" formed by Zhenli, under the control of Sang Jingxing, he
whistled and dived down toward Shen Wei.

Compared with the two, Shen Min appears a little small and weak.

"What kind of demon exercises does Sang Jing exercise, and why can he
step up in the air!" A disciple couldn't help losing his voice.

Lou Liang looked up, and at the same time he couldn't close his mouth,
there was a kind of inferiority shame that arises because of the gap.

How long and how long do I have to practice the martial arts like Sang
Jingxing? In fact, he doesn't need to be like him, but if he has only one or
two of his ten, he is also satisfied!

But since the other party is so powerful, can Uncle Shen ... cope with it?

At this point, Bian Mei and Xiao Se were at war with each other, and Le
An was fighting with Bai Rong. Yun Chang martial arts was slightly
inferior. If he could not intervene, he didn't want to mess up with his
brother. In fact, Bai Rong's martial arts is more than a little better than
Le'an. Even Le'an can see that the demon girl across herself refuses to give
out all her strength. Half of him, Le An was energetic, but he had no
choice but to hold on to his energy and continue to fight with each other.
He said that Yun Chang heard some people's questions and asked them:
"Unless they are gods, how can they fly out of thin air? Take a closer look.
He is actually leveraging his strength, and step by step, he is actually
stepping on himself. On your feet, and then use this strength to lift up,
because Sang Jingxing's movement is too fast, so it looks like stepping on
clouds! My master said that there is a footwork in Hehuan Sect called '
Sixteen steps from Tianyuan 'can do this, but it must require deep internal
cooperation. "

Everyone looked intently and found that if it was true, even if they
discovered the mystery, such a trifle could not be achieved overnight. With
their qualifications, they don't know if they can spend their entire lives to
achieve this. Just look at it like this, it is already Desperate.

Speaking again, Sang Jingxing is so powerful, can Uncle Shen really resist

In a split second, they had several thoughts in their heads, but for the two
sides in the fight, it was just a blink of an eye. The "dragon" roared
silently, screaming at hunting and hunting wind. Even his robe sleeve was
rolled up by the wind, as if to blow the whole person away.

Sang Jingxing's offensive is overwhelming!

The original dazzling sword light was overshadowed by the true power of
the carved dragon's palm, and even slowly, disappeared little by little, as if
finally being oppressed by the strong force, swallowed up, and all the
sword light was annihilated.

Is this ... lost?

All those who are watching the war have invariably raised this question.

When Yun Changlou and other disciples of Xuandushan saw this situation,
their hearts were empty, and they developed a feeling of "Xuandushan may
be going today", but in addition, they felt that this was right, after all.
Jingxing's martial arts are so powerful. I am afraid no one can match him
in the presence.
However, at this moment, the light of Jian Jian, which had disappeared,
reappeared, reappeared, and expanded, and finally became a light.

No, it's not light, it's a sword light!

Jian Guang was still there, but Shen Ye had disappeared from the sight of
everyone. Bai Lian Changhong went straight through the mouth of the
"Dragon" and turned the dragon shape condensed by Sang Jingxing into
powder. , All scattered!

The internal force barrier in front of Sang Jingxing was impacted, and his
figure in the air was also slightly shaken.

Speaking late, it was fast, and Bai Hongyu arrived, however, the man was
false and the sword was true. The audience did not see exactly how Shen
Yun acted. There was only one feeling: fast.

Thunder can't cover it!

For Sang Jingxing, his skill is a little higher than that of the onlookers, and
he is close at hand. Naturally, he can clearly see how Shen Yun moves, but
being able to see clearly does not mean that he is willing to slam each
other's head. Feng Mang completely wiped out his offensive, and in a
moment he counterattacked the attack. Sang Jingxing chose to temporarily
avoid his frontier, and his body flew backward.

His body was so fast that when he retreated, he was a few feet, and at the
foot was the roof of Sanqing Hall. Sang Jingxing fell on the eaves, only a
little bit, and then took advantage of his strength to fly forward and flutter
to Shen Yan again!

This time, the strength of the carving of the dragon's palm was used by
10%. He vaunted that the previous temptation had measured the depth of
the other party. At this time, he knew what he was thinking, and stopped
holding his hand.

Master matchups are never speculation, and the only thing that can decide
the winner is the real strength.
Sang Jingxing liked Shen's appearance. He had seditions countless times
and imagined the other person's moving scene in the bed. The more he
couldn't get it, the more he coveted it. He even got jealous of Yan Wushi's

But he is also very clear that when the other party is blind and has lost
most of his skills, he can fight with all his strength and end up with
himself. This shows that Shen Yan's bones are deadly and then born. ,
Must not be underestimated.

So this time Sang Jingxing used eight or nine successes, but he was not
half sympathetic.

Both sides are bound to win, killing intentions.

The wind screamed, for example, just three points ahead, such as the storm
raging on the sea, and the storm is about to roll the sky down. This is the
power of the dragon's palm, and the nine dragons are surging by Sang
Jingxing The true power of Gong emerges, diverges in different directions,
and pours on Shen Shen!

Waves have not settled, waves have started again!

Everyone held their breath and watched the scene. Even the people who
were fighting were slow to move.

When the two tigers fight, there must be an injury. Shen Ye and Sang
Jingxing, who are the two master-class masters, who will win?

Even though the ranking of the top ten masters in the world has already
passed to Yun Changlou and others, knowing that Shen Zhen is among
them, ranking even before Sang Jingxing, but before seeing it with their
own eyes, they still ca n’t believe it, because In the half-step battle, Shen
Yun's defeat is still vivid.

The scene where Shen Ye was hit by a cliff by Kun Xie was so impressed.
Even though time has changed, many people who have not witnessed Shen
Ye's rise from the bottom of the valley step by step still cannot help but
question Shen He's strength, questioning whether Shen can win Sang

Zhenli, like a tide, swarmed from all over the world to Shen Tu, in all
directions, blocking almost all his possible retreats, and then gathered
together in the periphery of Shen Tu, under his hood, Sang Jingxing's
palm, condensed With his decades-long achievements in carving dragon
palms, any master-level master, even Yan Wushi, can't just ignore it,
pretending to be nothing.

Shen Yan moved.

He jumped at his feet!

Sword from bottom to top, like breaking the ridge!

In a short time, the landslides broke, and the internal forces surging like
rivers and rivers surged up and down. One layer was strong and the other
two powers were facing up. With the mighty sword, the sound was loud.
Sang Jingxing actually It was vomiting blood, completely unable to resist
it, and then collapsed. His body was under the weight of a force coming
from his face. He flew back involuntarily and fell directly to the roof of
Sanqing Hall.

When the general was about to touch the ground, his palm was shot
backwards, and the man jumped up again and flew towards Shen Yan,
while taking three consecutive shots.

Shen Yan was about to lift his sword to resolve it, but at this time,
suddenly there was a sound of breaking sound behind him. Although the
movement was slight, it was already in his ear.

The loud sound came very fast, facing the vest, and did not give him any
chance to evade, Shen Shen moves no matter how fast, after all, it is a
person, not a god, and he had already devoted all his heart to the fight with
Sang Jingxing In the meantime, there is no way to deal with other
personnel. The sword has already been sent. It is too late to dodge and
avoid, and it is impossible to turn back to resist halfway.
Three palms ahead!

A palm is as powerful as a palm, not at all weaker than the one just before.
Shen Yun now understands that the blood of Sang Jingxing who just
vomited may not be so serious, but he just wants to evoke his own
contempt. , Thus revealing flaws.

Behind him, the sound of breaking air was close at hand. He was destined
to escape, and he clenched his teeth secretly, and had to reveal the empty
door behind him and deal with the whole heart.

Suddenly, a dark shadow fluttered from the side, just behind him.

Shen Ye only heard a groan, followed by the sound of heavy body falling
to the ground, and exclaimed "Uncle Yu" in his ears.

His heart sank, but he couldn't look back at all, and only raised his sword
to meet Sang Jingxing.

Under the same tragedy, the wind and thunder resonate, the sun and the
moon fold, the sword light turns into a thousand stars, but it is even more
dazzling than the stars, and the stars, such as falling from the sky, fall into
the eyes and fall into the heart, but this cannot be done with pen and ink
Gorgeous description, but only the parties can appreciate its cold and
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 173
When Sang Jingxing found that the three palms he had photographed were
also washed and washed away by Shen Yan, he wanted to turn around and
walked away. There was no insistence on "respecting the face but not his
life." He has just taken the position of supremacy from Yuanxiu Xiu, and
has not even enjoyed it enough. There are too many things he can't bear,
and it is destined not to die like Shen Yan.

So in terms of warfare alone, he has lost!

As he turned and fled, Jian Guang himself swept backwards, with the
lightness of "Tiankuo Hongying", and pursued it very quickly.

Many people have practiced swords throughout their lives, but they have
never seen such a light and nearly magical sword, and they all squinted
and felt shocked in their hearts.

Sang Jingxing only felt that the vest was cold for a while, followed by
severe pain. He couldn't believe that the "16 Steps of Tianyuan" would
lose to "Tiankuo Hongying". The initial victory was long gone, and only
one heart was left. Fear, he speeded up his footwork, hoping that he could
transport dozens of young achievements to the extreme, and his shape was
turning into a light smoke, disappearing directly from the sight of
everyone, leaving only a spot of blood on the ground.

Bai Rong always pays attention to the movement here, and sees the
beautiful eyes flashing, exclaiming: "Master, how are you!"

They also abandoned Le'an and went directly to the direction where Sang
Jingxing left.

Xiao Se secretly hated Bai Rong's slyness, and hated himself for taking a
half-step slower. When he didn't pay attention, he was slaped on the chest
with a palm of his hand, he vomited blood, and took several steps back.

Shen Yan did not go after Sang Jingxing, but turned around.
Then he saw that Yu Yan had a silver cone in his chest, but the thickness of
the awl was not more than half the thickness of the branch. The other side
was bleeding, his face was pale, obviously the situation was not good.

Shen Xuan moved the man from Yun Chang's arms, and filled his vitality
with his wrists, but his heart sank.

The opponent was already injured when he was conspired, climbing up

from the mountain and exhausting his strength, and now he blocked the
attack for himself.

The pulse is weak, it is the residual candle in the wind, and at the end of
the strong crossbow, I am afraid that Da Luo Jinxian is also weak.

But Zhenli perfused into it, after all, was still somewhat useful, Yu Yu's
body shook slightly, and slowly opened her eyelids.

When he saw that the person holding him was Shen Ye, he grabbed Shen
Ye's hand, and said weakly, "Second Brother ... Ama ..."

"It's me." Shen Yan had more anger, and he lost most of his anger when he
blocked the assault for himself. At this time, he felt a little sad, and his
mouth comforted: "Don't rush to talk, take a good rest, I will heal you. "

Yu Min shook her head gently, struggling: "Finally, the person who shot at
you ... is Tan, Tan Yuanchun!"

Shen Yuan was furious and looked around. Tan Yuanchun, who was
supposed to fight with the Turks, had disappeared at this time. As for Duan
Wenji, he was entangled by the other two elders, and he could not separate
to find Shen Yan's. Trouble, Bian Yanmei said to him: "Don't worry, Elder
Liu has gone after him, and I will go there too!"

Speaking again, Master Yun Zeng of Yun Changlean said, "Elder Lao Kong
is here."

Kong Zeng came late. I do n’t know his identity. When I saw him and Shen
Yan being familiar with each other, he naturally didn't dare to neglect. He
said busyly: "Taoists rest assured that there is me here!"

Tan Yuanchun colluded with the Turks and secretly thought about Yu Yu.
Although Shen Yu was accidental, he didn't feel too shocked. Only because
the perpetrator harmed everyone. Yu Yu secretly accounted for him that
day, and he should have thought that one day someone would All used on
him, come out to mix, sooner or later have to pay back.

But what he didn't expect was that when he was facing a moment of life
and death, Yu Yan would come forward to give up his life and protect him.

"Ama, do you still hate me?" He asked.

"I don't know." Shen Huan did not want to deceive him. "When Master
passed the position of teaching to me in the past, I never expected that
these things would happen later. If I could expect it, I would not succeed

"I didn't ..." Yu Yu laughed bitterly, then coughed a bit, and new blood
spilled from the corners of her mouth: "I used to think that ... I did
everything right, because the Master was too conservative, it was you Too
useless, but I later learned that the wrong people, from beginning to end,
are me, cough, all me! "

Shen Yun Shen said: "Xuandu Mountain has closed the gate for a long
time, closed its eyes and shut itself off from the world. It has reached the
point where it must be reformed. Before that, I wholeheartedly wanted to
keep this Master's handed down. Jiye, I want to protect you, but I have
never thought about whether this method is suitable for Xuandushan. You
are only wrong in cooperating with Turk, and you are poisoning me. You
are thinking about Xuandushan. I ca n’t even reach it. "

Yu Yan: "After all, I am still wrong, I should not believe you, I should not
be greedy ..."

He coughed violently, and the blood flowed even more turbulently. He was
shocked and tried to inject more internal force, but found that his internal
force had fallen into the sullen body, like a sea of mud and no trace.
"So, now, I'll give my life back to you. Don't hate me, okay, Grandma?" If
Yu Qian didn't feel it, Wu shook Shen's hand.

Shen Yan's tears fell on the back of his hands, and they were slightly hot,
but he smiled: "You, you cry for me, don't hate me, right?"

"I don't hate you anymore. When you get better, let's worship the priest
together." Shen Yan said.

Yu Tuan felt nostalgic for the warm touch, his thoughts could not help but
drift away: "How I hope, cough, when I was a kid ... You taught me to
practice the sword with Yuan Ying, although I was small. My face is so
cute, I look after you, I want you to shout, call me brother, you are so
annoyed by me, you can only hide from me, I look everywhere, look and
find ... "

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and eventually it is not heard.

Hold Shen Shen's hand slowly and let it go, like the life that the master
will eventually pass, silently, slipping down.

Chapter 121

Shen Yan remained motionless for a long time. At that moment, the
surrounding sword lightsaber shadow faded completely. He hugged the
corpse's gradual coldness, bowed his head slightly, and didn't know what
he was thinking.

Maybe it reminds me many years ago that their brothers and sisters ate
and slept together on the mountain, practicing martial arts together.

However, old dreams are hard to find, things are right and wrong, and the
past cannot come back after all.

Just like some mistakes cannot be made up, some fissures can never be
recovered, and if a person dies, it is impossible to resurrect and wake up.

Just before the scene, Yun Chang couldn't help tearing up with the sadness,
but after all, he was a bystander, remembering the current situation, he
quickly recovered, and shouted: "Uncle Shen, Uncle Shen!"

He couldn't help anxious when he saw that Shen Yan hadn't moved yet,
when the other party had already lost his mind and lost his mind.

Looking around, the situation did not improve much for Xuandushan.

Although one of the most powerful Sang Jingxing was missing, most of
the Acacias were still there. Xiao Se was injured by Bian Mei just now, but
the injury was not serious. At this time, Bian Mei and Liu Yue went to
chase Tan Yuanchun and Xuandu. Elder Shan went to the second place, and
the remaining five had to work to contain Duan Wenyu, but also to deal
with the Turkic masters brought by Duanshi, as well as Xiaose and others.

Although Kong Zeng was an elder, his martial arts was slightly inferior to
Duan Wenzheng. At this time, he was forced by the opponent, and he
couldn't hold back. Even the sword almost came out of his hands, his
footwork was chaotic, and his body shape followed him. Next, he fell
backwards. He had to take care of the back, leaving an empty door in front.
Duan Wenyi was perfused with a soft whip, straight like a sword, and
pointed to his chest, going aggressive and murderous.

If you are right now, I'm afraid that Kong Zeng's chest will require many
big holes.

Yun Chang saw his anxiety and rushed forward to help him with his sword,
but he couldn't keep up with his eyesight. There wasn't enough time. Now
he was slowing down more than three or four times. Duan Wenyi's whip
had hit Kong Zeng's clothes. Into the flesh, Yun Chang made a
subconscious sound, only when he had to witness the death of Master with
his own eyes.

At this moment, a virtual shadow flashed in front of him, Yun Chang was
still dazzling himself, and just blinked, and saw that Duan Wenzheng's
whip had been retracted, and Kong Zeng had another person beside him.

"Uncle Shen!" Yun Chang couldn't help screaming, with a pleasant

surprise in his tone.
"Take your Uncle Yu aside, the sword has no eyes, don't let people ruin the
body." Shen Zong did not return his head, stretched out his hand and raised
Kong Zeng, and then swept towards Duan Wenyu.

Duan Wenyi originally thought that he had just fought with Sang Jingxing.
It was unavoidable that his strength was ineffective and his standard was
greatly lost. Who knew that the other party ’s true power seemed to never
run out, and he continued to infuse the sword body and swelled the sword
light with the sword gas, almost seamless. It is impossible to crack, let
Duan Wen's whip method be clever, and can not help to produce a kind of
weakness that cannot be started.

"Shen Daochang has something to say, why bother to use his sword! I'm
different from Sang Jingxing. We don't have deep hatred. We came here
today, but we were only invited by Tan Yuanchun. Yu Yuan's death was
also caused by Tan Yuanchun. If you have a debt and a debtor, Shen
Daochang needs to be informed! "

Duan Wenji is different from his teacher. Although he is extremely

talented and has become the most valued disciple under Hulu's assessment
seat, he is of Han and Han descent and is destined not to be revered in
Turkic like his master, so his The acting style is also very different from
Hulu's estimate, and it will also consider whether the actual benefits are

Although the master and the apprentice are like father and son, even the
father of the tiger will give birth to a dog. Similarly, the master is
powerful, and the apprentice may not be powerful. Like Qifengge Hero I,
several apprentices have their own personalities. Eventually, they have
taken a different path, even if Qifengge regenerates. It is also impossible
to force everyone to go their own way.

Therefore, if you change the Hulu estimates here, maybe you will fight
with Shen Xun until you win, but Duan Wenxun is different. Seeing that
today's purpose is no longer achieved, he starts to escape.

Shen Huandan said: "Tan Yuanchun is not here. Anything you say is fine
now. After I capture you, I will confront Tan Yuanchun to know the truth."
Although he said this on his mouth, the sword's momentum slowed
slightly. Duan Wenji saw a turnaround and was very happy. "I and Shen
Dao meet again and again. Although I don't have much friendship, I also
know that you are clear-cut. It is kind-hearted, but if you look at it
carefully, my brother Kun Xie has lost your hand that day. Yu Yu is dead
now, and the grievance should come to an end. "

Shen Huan: "So, why did you choose to go up the mountain today, not to
try to find the capital of Xuandu Mountain?

Duan Wenyi smiled and said without change: "It is your Han people's
words. This is what you Han people do. You and I have different positions
and do different things. I'm thinking about Turkic interests. There is
nothing wrong with it. You shouldn't blame me for this, if not Tan. Yuan
Chun secretly wrote a letter telling us that a new teacher will be set up
today, and we won't know about it. In the final analysis, it is still necessary
to settle down first, Shen Daochang! "

Having said that, even Shen Yun can't help but admire his skin: "Yu Yun
said he had been secretly counted as a cliff by the people. Is there anything
in your hand?"

Duan Wenji generously admitted: "Yes, but that is also Tan Yuanchun's
approach. I learned that there is a winding path behind the mountain
behind Xuandu Mountain. There is no one to defend it. As long as it passes
the formation, it will reach the mountain directly. It ’s true. Tan today Yuan
Chun and I have secretly reached an agreement, saying that I and Sang
Zongzhang took people up the mountain, killed the elders who were
against him as the teacher, and then Tan Yuanchun came back to fight us
back. Dividing with us the wealth of the classics of the Xuandu Purple
House. This plan was originally not leaked. If it were not for the variable
of Shen Daochang, everything would have gone smoothly. "

Shen Ye and Tan Yuanchun have known each other for decades. He never
knew that the kind and kind brother in his mind was such a treacherous
person. Although he had expected it before, there was always a glimmer of
hope in his heart. Excuse me, I felt that the other party might have some
difficulties. It wasn't until the other party attempted to conceal themselves
that they could not succeed, but instead killed Yu Yan. Shen Zhen suddenly
realized that in the past few decades, the Tan Yuanchun they knew might
not be the real Tan Yuanchun at all.

As if he felt what he felt in his heart, Duan Wenyi comforted him in turn:
"Knowing others knows what you don't know, and Shen Dao doesn't have
to be too sad. In fact, when Yu You took the meeting from my brother and
sister to poison you, Tan Yuan Chun also did not ignite the flames from it.
I dare not say that Yu Yu was because he was determined to insult you, but
there are too many words to provoke alienation, and it has some effect. "

Shen Yun: "What evidence do you have?"

Duan Wenzhang laughed: "Naturally, Kun Xie and Yu Xuan are dead. Can I
go to the local government to find them in opposition? This is just the
same day I learned from my teacher's brother that it is true and false.
Director Shen Dao asked Tan Yuanchun is fine! "
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 174
After saying that he pulled away and withdrew his whistle, the Turk
masters seemed to have been ordered, and immediately afterwards, several
of them left in the direction they came.

Duan Wen didn't return his head, and his voice came far away: "When I
just went up the mountain, the disciples of Xuandushan died two. They
were killed by the people of Hehuanzong. I didn't kill them. I only injured
them. You know, don't count it on my head! "

Sear was furious: "Shameless!"

They came together, but they had to leave each other before the disaster.
The most abominable thing was that the other party had to pit them before

Both Sang Jingxing and Bai Rong walked clean, and now even Duan
Wenxuan also took people away. How could the remaining disciples of the
Acacia sect still have a sense of warfare? Abandoned the armor and
defeated the army. In the end, there were thirteen people in the Acacia
sect. Only Xiao Se and the other two fled hurriedly. The remaining ten
people were killed by the angry Xuandushan crowd on the spot.

Kong Zeng limped over and pleaded guilty to Shen Zhe: "Kong Zeng was
incompetent and failed to leave Duan Wenyu."

Shen Yan's eyes glanced over the others, and many of them also showed
embarrassment and embarrassment. Some didn't dare to look at him, one
after another, looking away and lowering their heads.

Shen Ye knew very well that the reason why these people showed such a
look was not only because they failed to leave the lives of Duan Wenji and
Xiao Se, but also because they did not take the initiative to support him
when they were in trouble at Shen Ye. , And chose to stand on the side of
Yu Yan.
Nowadays, times have changed, and the dust has settled. Many people
naturally understand that Yu Yu's so-called cooperation with the Turkic
people led Xuandu Mountain to re-enter the WTO and reoccupy the
position of the first door in the world. All are in the mirror. The starting
point is wrong. The cornerstone was unstable, and since then it has
naturally stepped into the abyss.

But who would have thought that Yu Wenzhang, who did not believe in
Buddhism, would have died of ill health at all ages? Who would have
thought that the powerful Qi Parliament was annexed by Zhou Guo, but Yu
Wenji ’s successor, Yu Wenji, not only failed to carry forward his father ’s
foundation, but instead made Jiangshan in his own hands, letting the North
change its dynasties, but Shen Yan He helped the new dynasty to be
successful, but he was named as a tongweiyuan and a wonderful real
person, with the Xuandu Mountain and even the Taoist gate. Therefore, he
had a place in the Sui Dynasty, and the Taoism will be passed down from
generation to generation.

The Sui Dynasty opposed the weakness of Turki during the Zhou Qi
period, directly confronted Turk, and the relationship between the two
sides was tense. Yu Yu wanted to use Turk's potential to realize the rise of
Xuandu Mountain. Eventually, he failed to look at the world. The world is
changeable. Can you expect?

Because of the unexpected, many people have shame in their hearts and
dare not face Shen Shen. From this point of view, their nature is not bad.

Shen Yun naturally also knows that at the time Yu Yun was able to succeed
in taking charge of the teaching. Many elders supported it, and most of the
disciples on the mountain also felt that Yu Yun was more suitable for this
teaching. If you want to investigate it, I am afraid that The expulsion of
these people from the division would have too much influence on Xuandu
Mountain, and people would not be able to observe it. If something can be
opened and closed, it should not be too real.

There is no perfect person in this world. Although Shen Yun has

experienced many ups and downs, he does not have much resentment in
his old colleagues or juniors, nor does he have any thoughts of revenge or

At that time, he took over the position of teaching from Xuandu Shan from
the master, but failed to keep it. It was his negligence, and instead of
introspecting, he blamed the blame on others. This is not a sloppy style.

Therefore, he said to Kong Zeng: "I was poisoned by Yu Yu that day.

Naturally, there was no easy way to do this, but now that he is dead, people
die like lights, and these things will not be investigated. I will take his
corpse for generations. Sin in front of the ancestor. "

Speaking of this, Shen Yan turned his words, "But from now on, I hope
that Xuandu Mountain will be able to work together to achieve unity, and
if there is any collusion with outsiders, all will be dealt with according to
the discipline of the teacher, and no one shall spare it. "

He is no longer the same as before, and there is no shortage of chills in

these remarks.

At this point, there is no need to re-establish a succession ceremony,

naturally, everyone has tacitly acknowledged Shen's teaching identity.

The Sanqing Hall was a mess, and many people started to clean up the
mess. Shen Zong called Kong Zeng to take people all the way down the
mountain, to find those disciples who should have been on the foot of the
mountain. Those who were injured were healed, and those who were killed
were placed in corpses. Buried next day.

He was originally in charge of teaching, and these things are naturally

handy and methodical.

Just then, Bian Yanmei returned: "Tan Yuanchun has been caught, Elder
Liu will send him to your prisoner's prison, waiting for you to send out."

Shen Ye saw blood on his body and blood spilled from the corners of his
mouth. He asked, "Are you injured?"
Bian Yanmei waved her hand: "Maybe, Elder Liu is hurt more than me."

He was embarrassed to admit that he was a disciple of Yan Wushi, but he

failed to win even one of Tan Yuanchun.

Shen Ye took out the medicine for injury: "My internal strength is the
opposite of yours. It is not good for you to heal your injuries."

Bian Yanmei took a thank you, and smiled again: "Anyway, the injury is
not serious, you can recover in a few days, you should go and see Tan
Yuanchun, I guess you have something bad to ask him."

Shen Ye did have a lot of questions to ask, but when he walked into the
criminal hall step by step, from far to near, when he saw Tan Yuanchun,
who was tied to a pillar, described him, he suddenly felt that he didn't have
to ask anything.

On the contrary, Tan Yuanchun looked indifferent. After seeing him come
in, he said nothing, and couldn't help sneering: "Seeing me end now, you
must be very relieved?"

Silently, for a long while, Shen Xuan said to the disciples in charge of
Xuandushan who was in charge of guarding, "Untie him, and then move a
seat cushion."

The disciple was a little puzzled: "Teaching ...?"

Shen Yun: "No matter, with me, nothing will happen."

The left and right disciples stepped forward, untied the people according
to the words, and moved to the seat to place them.

Shen Yan waved them back and sat opposite Tan Yuanchun.

Tan Yuanchun had originally decided not to speak. Who knew that after
waiting for a long time, he couldn't wait for the other party to just talk, but
he became agitated: "What are you going to say to me? Just stretch your
head and shrink your head and be happy!"
Shen Yun: "I don't know what to say."

Tan Yuanchun: "Why do you pretend to be compassion?"

Shen Ye was unmoved and calmly said, "Brother, you and my brother have
been here for decades. From the moment I entered the teacher's door,
whenever the Master is not around, it is when you take me and we get
along. It ’s longer than any one of them. I think you know you very well,
but the result is not, but you should know me very well, should I pretend to
be merciful, and you should also know why. Want to anger me
intentionally? "

The two eyes were opposite, Tan Yuanchun easily looked into each other's

Dark and clear, as if you can see through at a glance, as before, never

The burr he was prepared to elevate at all moments faded away, leaving a
look of indifference and indifference, and in the end only a pool of
standing water remained.

Tan Yuanchun closed his eyes and closed his eyes: "How are you going to
deal with me? Kill me and pay Yu Yun for his life?"

Shen Huan: "Duan Wenhuan told me before leaving, that day you had
verbally challenged Yu Huan's ears, which eventually prompted him to
poison me."

Tan Yuanchun: "Good."

The other side simply acknowledged, letting Shen Yun's hand on his lap
shake slightly.

Tan Yuanchun's eyes didn't miss this detail, and the corner of his mouth
raised a sarcasm: "Can it still be true to this day, do you still expect
something from my master? I heard that you have suffered a lot outside,
one I can almost imagine what the blind man who has lost all his martial
arts will encounter, but not only can you survive it, but also recover the
martial arts, which I did not expect. Congratulations, Grandma, Master
once said, Martial arts together is nothing but gradual, but there is an
exception, which is to break through and gain opportunities, and the
martial arts have been able to make rapid progress. It is not a common
practice. Presumably you have realized this layer that Master said. His old
man is in Jiuquan. Below, you can look at me with a smile. "

Shen Yun: "Why?"

Tan Yuanchun knew what he asked was the last sentence: "There is no
reason, the moment when I gave you the position of teaching from the
Master, I have been very unhappy. The gloomy thing is just an opportunity,
I don't have to do it myself. You just need to push the boat smoothly, why
not? You see, even Yu You didn't realize that I had deliberately provoked
his dissatisfaction with you. If it weren't for you today, I would have taken
the position of righteousness.

It is hard to hide the anger in Shen Ye ’s pain: "You and my brothers

should know my nature for so many years. When the teacher wanted to
give me the position of teaching, I was worried about you and asked you
when you I haven't disclosed anything, even if I later became a teacher, if
you want this seat, I will try to turn around for the sake of harmony with
the door, why do you want to do so! "

Tan Yuanchun sneered twice, suddenly excited: "Why ?! Why did you ask
me ?! I entered the teacher gate earlier than you, but the master valued you
more! I am the master brother, but the master poured out on you
Apologize! Aside from these, you have higher talents and better
qualifications. The Master thinks of the martial arts in the long run, and
naturally wants to be more partial to you. I can understand it, but why he
even focuses on ordinary private things. You! In his heart, you are the only
one who indulge in a loved one. Where can you tolerate the shadow of
others! If he does n’t like me, he will drive me out of the house. Why
should we be used to set off your favor? ?! "

Shen Yan's heart was cold, and he looked at him in disbelief: "That's how
you think of Master?"
Tan Yuanchun: "Master respects you and loves you, everything is biased
towards you. In your heart, he is naturally perfect, nowhere is good! But
everyone else! If I want to teach, you will give alms to me, yes, You are
friendly to brothers, you are kind, but what good is that? It was n’t
Qifengge who handed it to me. Am I rare! What ’s the use of giving you a
hundred teaching positions, I want to prove his approach is wrong Yes, you
ca n’t afford his value and trust at all. I want to prove that Xuandushan
was wrong in your hands. I want him to open his eyes under the ground
and take a look. He is wrong! I want him to remember He also has an
apprentice named Tan Yuanchun! "

In front of this shameful big brother, how can there still be a nice old man
who has been amiable for many years?

Shen Yan didn't say a word for a long time, but felt tired and sighed, "Yuan
Ying and Hengbo did not think like you."

Tan Yuanchun sneered: "That's because they got started late. Since the day
they got started, Master has neglected them. Yuan Ying's martial arts are
still mostly taught by your teacher. Naturally, they can't talk about what to
expect. You ask one For those who have never drunk porridge, what does it
taste like, can he answer it? "

"You know now, that good guy in your mind has always been fake. I
worked hard for decades, and I was afraid that the master would be
disappointed when he was alive, and that he might be too early to expose
himself. Now, I do n’t have to pretend anymore, I ca n’t say it! ”

He looked up and laughed: "Happy! Happy!"

Shen Yan looked at him with a big laugh, his expression gradually faded
from the pain, and he said nothing and stood up.

Tan Yuanchun: "How are you going to treat me? Kill me directly, or waste
my martial arts, blind my eyes, throw me out, and experience the pain like
you did that day?"
Shen Ye watched him for a moment, then suddenly pulled his sword out of
the sheath, leaned forward, and stretched out his hand.

Tan Yuanchun had only time to see Jian Guang flash in front of his eyes
for a few moments, and his whole body was in pain, and with luck, his
body was empty, and his internal force was gone.

He really wanted to experience the pain of life rather than death! Tan
Yuanchun couldn't help sneering.

But I heard Shen Yan said: "You have calculated the brothers and
committed door rules, and you should have been executed. However, on
the day of the death of the Master, I told you that I would love to protect
my hands and feet and protect your well-being. I also want you to be
respected and respected. You are not neglecting you to teach. Today, Yu Yu
is dead. Under Master Jiuquan, you will not want to see another apprentice
go with him. From now on, you will go to Qunling Peak to guard the
teacher. Tombs, no matter how cold or hot in the spring or autumn, you
can't take a half step out of the peaks of the mountains, I will only treat
you as dead. "

He didn't look back, and drifted away until the figure disappeared, but his
voice echoed for a long time.

Tan Yuanchun sat on his knees on the ground, unaware of the pain in his
body, and only looked at Shen's back.

After a while, he burst into tears!

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 175
Crying from the prison hall, Shen Min stopped and looked up.

The sky is clear, the sky is clear, there are no white clouds, and the clear
blue is not changed by the sentient beings' sorrow and joy.

Shen Yan closed his eyes and looked down at the Shanhe Tongbei sword in
his hands, suddenly remembering the scene where Yan Wushi held the
sword to pick the fish scales.

My heart is sad and unknowingly dissipated slowly.

Chapter 122

The dust settled, and an incident ended.

But for Xuandushan, the price they paid was painful.

Yu Yuan died, Tan Yuanchun's martial arts were exhausted, and the rest of
his life was spent in the tomb guard, which is almost the same as death.
Among the remaining six elders, four were not badly injured, including
Liu Yue, because he had previously shared with Tan Yuanchun. After the
fight, the viscera was injured by the shock. I am afraid that I should retreat
in retreat, and the other two were more or less injured.

Ordinary disciples don't need to say anything, Le'an and Yun Chang said
that when Sang Jingxing and others went up the mountain, they went to
notify Master, and they followed Kong Zeng only halfway. They did not
pass the most defensive battle under the mountain. Le'an He suffered some
injuries when dealing with Xiao Se, but because the latter was unwilling to
fight, Le An's injury was not serious. The remaining disciples were all
severely wounded. One was shot by Sang Jingxing at the time, fell off the
cliff, and the breastbone was broken. Fortunately, he was stopped by a
branch when he fell off the cliff, and the whole man was dying there until
he was rescued. .
At a glance, it looked like old and weak soldiers, mourning everywhere.

But it is also after this time that those who still have illusions about
cooperation with Turks finally see the true colors of the Turks, and finally
realize that Xuandu Mountain wants to re-enter the WTO and rise in the
Tao gate. It is impossible to rely on external forces. No matter how
powerful the assistance is, the icing on the cake, after all, everything
depends on yourself.

Shen Ye regained control of Xuandu Mountain. This matter was almost

indisputable. He didn't need to mention it. The five elders except Liu Yue
took the initiative to come to him and asked him to succeed him as a
teacher and deeply regretted it. I believe in the dark before.

Before Yu Yue disappeared, Liu Yue and Tan Yuanchun contended for the
position of teaching, and now Shen Yun has returned, there is no dispute
about this matter, even if Liu Yue goes out of control, this palm teaching
will not be his turn. .

Shen Yan listened, and half a word was silent.

When everyone saw this, they were a little uneasy. Only when Shen Yan
would have resentment, now that the enemy is retreating, naturally it is
time to calculate the ledger.

Who knows Shen Xun said, "The Sui Dynasty was newly built and
intended to make a good relationship with Daomen. Emperor Sui gave me
the opportunity to build a dojo in Chang'an and funded it to be used for the
construction of Xuandu Guan. When I left Beijing, Xuandu Guan It is
nearing completion, and it will be a branch road in Xuandu Zifu in the
future. I have limited energy and ca n’t take care of it. Therefore, I ’m
going to let several elders take turns to take care of it every year. I do n’t
know what your intentions are ? "

Several people looked at each other, but they did not expect that it would
be this matter.
You should know that after Xuandu Mountain reopened the mountain gate,
although Yu Yuan cooperated with Turkic and ordered new disciples to be
recruited every spring and autumn each year, in fact, the results were not
good. Those who came up to the mountain to worship the gate had very
few qualifications. Few, annoyed the elders, I do not know how to expand
the influence of Xuandushan in the door and even in the eyes of the world.

If you can get the support of the Sui Dynasty and make a statement in
Chang'an Xiuguan, then all the problems will be solved, but not only that,
Changan has a lot of talents. If several elders can take turns to sit in
Xuanduguan every year, they will not have to worry about receiving good
apprentices .

The teacher can be carried forward, and his inheritance is expected. How
can he not be happy?

Lian Shan was ashamed: "Palm teaching is magnanimous, irrespective of

prejudice, but we ca n’t just expose it and take the matter of taking turns in
Chang'an, so we do n’t have to count me in. I would like to teach my
disciples for the rest of my life to help with the affairs. Take another step
down. "

Among the four elders who previously supported Yu Xuan's control of

Xuandu Mountain, Lian Shan is the best friend of Yu Xuan. In the final
analysis, he also has selfishness and hopes that Yu Xuan will gain more
power by himself.

However, after all, Lian Shan is not a man who commits big crimes, or
Xuandushan has been passed down from generation to generation, and the
selection of disciples is extremely strict. He attaches great importance to
the moral character. Although there are occasional exceptions, they are
only a few. Facing such a situation, Lianshan also realized his mistake.
When he saw Shen Yan's generosity, he felt a little bit more embarrassed,
so he said these words to show his heart.

Kong Zeng also said, "I have said that as an elder, I stayed out of the
business and didn't take the rise and fall of the teacher into my heart. I am
willing to guard the tombs of past ancestors, and I am willing! "
Seeing this, several other elders also confessed their faults.

Shen Ye knew that he could not help saying something, and he said, "I
have oversight and negligence to Yu Ye, otherwise I would not take
advantage of him. I also said that his intention for Xuandushan is not
wrong. Wrong. The only mistake is to fight with the tiger and harm the
brother. Now that he is dead, many things are useless to say. If you have a
change of heart, you should take what I said. It is hard to be in your hearts
and immerse yourself in past mistakes. Is it important to teach? "

Everyone dared not connect.

Shen Yun: "Since this is the case, there is no need to say more."

Everyone then determined that Shen Zhen really did not mean to turn over
the old account. He was relieved and could not help but be grateful.

Different from taking charge of Qijiao from Qi Fengge before, this time,
with his own strength and righteousness, he became the teacher. No one is
dissatisfied anymore, and he feels that his name is not true.

Lian Shan said: "I once heard that the disciples also accepted disciples
when they were teaching outside. Now that you are back, the two teachers
and nephews should have someone take them back?"

He had always been a man and a man, and he had thought about it before
anyone else had thought of it.

Shen Ye really forgot to forget: "Thank you Uncle Lian for reminding you
that Fifteen and Qilang should be living in Bixia Sect at the moment. I
think Lean and Yun Chang under Uncle Kong ’s door are safe to do things.
Bring it back? "

Kong Zeng nodded: "Just let them go out and practice."

The people discussed some things, roughly the decision and direction of
Xuandu Mountain in the future. At the end, Shen Yun set down some
guidelines for rebuilding the martial arts and accepted the disciples, and
assigned them separately, leaving the two elders responsible for evaluating
the new disciples. To them: "I met three people at the foot of the mountain
when I came. They came thousands of miles to worship the teacher, but
unexpectedly they couldn't go up the mountain for some reason. I was
troubled by the two uncles to send people to see if they were still. Bring it
in and evaluate in accordance with the rules. Also, future admissions need
not be limited to the two days of the spring equinox and autumn equinox.
As long as someone wants to worship, they can be assessed at any time,
but in the future, there will only be more and more people who come here.
The assessment must be more stringent, especially when it comes to the
examination of mental character and disability. I don't want to see the
second time again. "

The two elders promised to go down, and Shen Zhuan informed the names
of the three men and his staying inn.

The two were sent away, and Bian Yanmei came: "Shen Daochanggui is
busy with people and everything, so don't burn your body!"

Shen Yan smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your attention. I see you as an
official in the DPRK. You can deal with many people with ease. You are
calm and envious. If you change to be a palm teacher, you must be a
hundred times better than me!"

Bian Yanmei laughed: "Shen Dao has become too famous. I have dealt
with people all these years. I have lost my martial arts, without any
advancement, and the Master is very dissatisfied. This is also a gain and a
loss, so how can things in the world be perfect?"

Shen Huan: "Is your injury better?"

Bian Yanmei: "Thanks to Xuandushan's medicine, it's been much better.

Since it's happening here, I don't want to bother much anymore, so I will

Shen Ye knew that he had a lot of things to do in Changan, and he said,

"This time I can help you a lot, Shen Ye is grateful. If there is a need in the
future, please let me know and I will try my best to help."
Bian Yanmei laughed: "Shen Dao doesn't have to be so polite. Thank you
for giving thanks to my master. How can I stand on my own without the
instructions of the elderly?"

Shen Huan: "I don't know if Lord Yan and Hulu have a battle, where will
they be?"

Bian Yanmei shook her head: "I don't know, I'm afraid I have to go back
and ask someone to inquire."

Shen Yan could not help frowning slightly: "In your opinion, can your
Master have a chance this time?"

Bian Yanmei: "I didn't come to the sword test that day. I haven't seen
Hulu's skill, but I heard that he has a high level of martial arts skills. There
are few rivals in the world?"

Shen Yun: "Yes, I have played against him. Even if I do my best, I will
lose within 50 strokes."

Bian Mei trembled with emotion: "How amazing is this? How is that good,
Master's flawed heart has not been fully repaired yet!"

Shen Yan said busyly: "How can this be, I heard he said that he had
recovered as much as possible last time, otherwise how did he fight with
Xue Ting and how did he win?"

Bian Yanmei sighed: "Is that what Master said to you? In fact, Master
defeated Xue Ting on the day, and the spirit was hurt inside. The original
magic heart that was about to be completely innocuous began to appear
again. It can only take a year and a half to rest. Who knows that Xuandu
Mountain has changed since then. If no one drags the Fox Deer, he must
help his apprentice Duan Wenzhang to go to Xuandu Mountain to come to
your trouble, so the master has to make this strategy. This time the
engagement ... "

I'm afraid that there are many evils.

He didn't say any more, but the worried look had already expressed it.

Shen Yan's heart sank a little bit with his words.

"There must be a connection between you and Lord Yan? Can you try to
find out where he is now?"

Bian Yanmei: "Energy can be, but what is the use of asking it? This battle
is imperative. Chief Shen Dao doesn't have to feel indebted because of
this. My Master must do it willingly. No one can force him. "

Shen Yun was silent for a moment, and said softly, "I know, but if I can't
see him, what's in my heart?"

Bian Mei sighed: "So it is ..."

Before the words were finished, a disciple came in and reported: "Palm
teaching, some people below the mountain asked for help, claiming to be
Yusheng's disciple Yu Shengyan."

Without waiting for Bian Mei to react, Shen Yun said, "Hurry up, please!"

He was so happy that even his voice had a rising tone.

Bian Yanmei also laughed: "This is all right, you don't have to bother to
inquire about the connection, the master must know where the Master is

After a while, Yu Shengyan followed the disciples and came to see him.
Shen Yan saw him enter, and actually rose to meet him.

Regarding the martial arts status, he didn't have to do this. When he saw
him standing up, the edge Mei who hadn't planned to get up had to follow
behind, saying that the chief Shen Dao should be confused by his own
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 176
Yu Shengyan came along the way, and although everyone looked slack,
everything was still in order, and he knew that Xuandu Mountain had just
passed the calamity, and the crisis had been lifted.

"Congratulations to Mr. Shen Dao for being in charge of teaching. I want

to be the first one to congratulate the mountain? Mr. Dao may have to give
me a big red envelope!" Big, hurry up and make a small joke.

Shen Ye couldn't laugh: "Thank you, where are you from?"

Yu Shengyan saw the edge of Mei behind Shen Yan winking at himself, for
a moment he was a little scratched, and he didn't dare to answer: "From
here, from Chang'an!"

He remembered the purpose of this trip, and found a small bamboo tube in
his arms: "Master brought Xueting to the rooftop sect, and exchanged the
copy of the" Zhu Yangce "residual volume with the rooftop lord, and
brought me to Shen Tao."

Shen Yan took it, unscrewed the bamboo tube, and pulled out a silk silk
cymbal from the inside, which was densely covered with text.

The cymbals have no weight, but somehow, Shen Zhen feels holding a
hundred jins of gold, and Shen Dian can hardly raise his hand.

He squeezed the silk silk tightly, and his mind was mixed with words,
which was beyond words.

"Then you know, where is your Master now, and where is his scheduled
battle with Hulu?"

Yu Shengyan: "This battle is set to half a peak."

Shen stunned.
The place where he fought with Kun Xie that day was Banbufeng, and then
he was injured and fell to the cliff, and was rescued by Yan Wushi, and
everything began.

Now it is half a step again.

Yu Shengyan said: "Huanyuezong is not far from Banbufeng, I think

Master should arrive early and settle there."

For that villa, he didn't need to say more. Shen Ye also remembered that
after being brought back from Banbufeng by Yan Wushi, his apprentice, he
rested in that villa.

In the midst of it, he went through a cycle.

Speaking of this incident, Yu Shengyan was still a little embarrassed,

because at first he saw that she lost her memory, and deceived him as a
disciple of Huan Yuezong, coaxing him to call his brother.

Yu Shengyan's face repair is definitely not as good as his teacher. If he

changes Yan Wushi here, he will not only be embarrassed, but also say
something embarrassing against Shen Yan.

If Shen Yun thought, he felt a little funny, but couldn't laugh. He held the
tablet in his hand, and he already had a plan under his heart.

However, they said that the three of them came to worship the teacher
thousands of miles, but they had a grey nose and could n’t even go to
Xuandu Mountain. They were disheartened. After wandering for a day,
Zhong Bojing left first. He planned to go to Qingcheng Mountain to try his
luck. After all, Chunyang Temple is also a famous Daoist school.

The rest of Duan Zheng and Zhang Chao did not know whether to stay or
not. On the occasion of Zheng Xi, someone came to the door. The other
person, dressed in the uniform of a disciple of Xuandu Mountain, claimed
to come to lead them up the mountain for the entrance examination.
The two were dubious, but they did not want to give up this hope. They
were busy following the person who came up the mountain, passed five
levels and cut six generals, and finally passed the assessment. They also
got the witness of the elder Xuandushan. After Zhizhang Chao was taken
in by the doormate to settle down, Duan Jun was brought to Shen Jun by
another elder.

Shen Zheng has packed his luggage and is preparing to leave for the trip.
He has to explain some things to his disciples. He took the time to meet
Duan Ye and asked him, "Would you like to worship me and be my

Duan Yan has been stunned by this great opportunity. He was reminded by
the elders that the gentle and docile gentlemen whom the three of them
met under the mountain were actually taught by Xuandu Shan, one of the
top ten masters in the world. Shen of the one!

Seeing him stunned, Shen Xuan repeated the words, and said warmly: "If
you don't want to, you can worship at the elder's door. It's fine."

"Yes! Yes! I am extremely willing!" Duan Hui looked back, flushed, and
wished to say this sentence a hundred times.

When Yu Shengyan saw this scene beside him, he couldn't help but pinch
his lips and said that Shen Dao's eyes were not so good. Looking at the
other person's sillyness, he was far worse than him.

Just after thinking about it, he saw the older brother Mei Bai glance

Yusheng Yan is inexplicable: what did I do to me again?

Chapter 123

The apprentice had just entered the door, and the master could n’t just
walk away. Shen Zhen personally introduced him to the gate rules of
Xuandu Zifu, and briefly explained the situation of the fifteen and Yuwen
’s recitation. Then I listened very carefully.
Shen Ye said to him, "I'm going out, but your homework can't be dropped
because of this. I will let Elder Kong teach the internal skills and Canglang
sword of this door. Every day, the Brothers of the Mountain Master will
practice sword in the morning. When you come back, you must also
participate in it. When I come back and check your homework, if you
improve, you will teach you the next stage of martial arts. You must
remember that qualifications are important, but diligence can make up for
your talents. Although it is not top-notch, it is also a top-up position. If
you can study hard and practice hard, it may not be a big deal in the future.

Duan Ying should congratulate, Chi asked: "Master, I heard my brothers

say that the disciples in the door can go home in the mountains on New
Year's Day?"

Shen Ye: "Yes, if the family is in the town of Shanxiazhou, you can go
back once a month. You don't have to stay on the festivals. If you are far
away, you can go back once a year."

Duan Yan murmured: "What if homeless?"

Shen Yiyi: "As far as I know, your family is with your parents?"

Duan Wei smiled slightly bitterly: "Without concealing Master, my

biological mother was born from the father's chamber. He has already
passed away. All the brothers and sisters in the family were born. Only I
was a sister-in-law ..."

Shen Yongwen said: "That being the case, if you do n’t want to go back, it
’s okay not to go back. In addition to you, there are two disciples for the
teacher. Although they are younger than you, they started earlier than you.
See you later. You should be called brothers. They are orphans whose
parents have died. In the future, you must live in harmony. There are many
brothers and sisters on the mountain. If you do n’t go back to the festival
every year, the mountain will be lively, don't be afraid. "

He had little experience as a master, and the two apprentices he received

were still half-adolescents. As a result, when facing Duan Jun, he used a
half-coax tone.

Duan Ye was funny and moved, and he felt warmer.

Duan Yan was originally from the Southern Dynasty. Although the Luling
Duan family was not a big man, he was considered to be a small and
famous local Wulin family. He did n’t have to go far and went to Xuandu
Mountain to worship the teacher. He said that his family had a difficult
scripture, and Duan was unwilling to be enraged at home, but could not
learn the martial arts that could only be passed on. He said goodbye to his
family and went to visit famous teachers everywhere.

He first went to Linchuan Academy. After all, the Confucian style

prevailed in the Southern Dynasty. Many people regarded Linchuan
Academy as a martial arts shrine. Especially the palace owner was the
brother of Empress Liu of the Southern Dynasty. Linchuan Academy was
even more prominent in the south. The follower is like a cloud, but the
reputation is high, the threshold is high, Duan Yuan has no background, his
qualifications have not reached an amazing level, and he was quickly
brushed down in the initial test phase. He was not disheartened and worked
hard. Waiting for an opportunity to meet the master of the palace in person
and say a few words with Ruyi Kehui, although Ruyi Kehui was kind, but
eventually he did not promise him to worship, Duan Zheng understood that
this was still because he was abandoning his roots and postures.

Before seeing Shen Huan, Duan Huan thought that the masters of martial
arts in the world valued his talents as much as Ruo Kehui, so when he
came to Xuandu Mountain, he no longer held unrealistic hopes and felt
that as long as he Being able to become a disciple of Xuandushan and
learn the martial arts steadily, I was satisfied, but I didn't expect to get
such a big surprise in the end.

It is precisely because he has experienced the taste of loss that Duan Ye

cherishes this hard-won opportunity. He also understands how rare a
master like Shen Yan is. In order to live up to Master ’s expectations, he
immersed almost all his energy in martial arts. No one, including his
parents, would have imagined that this bitch, who had been treated coldly
by them, would become famous all over the world and become a
generation of martial arts masters.

This is the last word. At this moment, Duan Zhe, who just entered the gate,
smiled a bit shyly because of Shen Shen's words: "Thank you, Master, you
can go out and rest assured, the disciples must learn the martial arts, and
will never disappoint you. Expect you to take care all the way! "

Shen Zheng patted him on the shoulder, encouraged him, and then let him

Because of this newly-accepted apprentice, he had to delay another day,

but things were always piled up one after another. Duan Kui had just
walked on his forefoot, and someone had brought two oral messages.

A copy from the Pure Yang View of Qingcheng Mountain, Yi Pichen did
n’t know that Shen Ye was already taught by Xuandu Mountain. The letter
was directly taught to him. In addition to the regular greetings, he mainly
mentioned Yan Wushi and Hulu estimates. About the war, and invited
Xuandu Shanzhang to teach together to watch the war.

For the Central Plains martial arts, this battle is not only a witness to the
birth of the first person in the world, but also means a confrontation
between Turkic and Central Plains martial arts. If Yan Wushi is defeated,
it is not just him who loses Yan Wushi alone. face. The half-step peak
battle has now spread, and many people will come to watch the battle at
that time. Since Yi Pichen has moved his heart, others do not have to say
more. It will be difficult to count the Central Plains Wulin by then. The
masters will gather at the summit of Regrets and watch the half-step

Chunyang Guan, as the gate of the Central Plains, naturally will not stay
out of the matter, and the last time the sword test meeting was destroyed
by the Fox Deer midway, Yi Pichen didn't say it, and he was definitely not

Yi Pichen has seen the horribleness of Hulu's estimate with his own eyes.
He fought against Shen Lu, and his chance of winning was still between
the fifth and fifth. Shen Ye was defeated by Hulu's estimate. He would
certainly not be the opponent of Hulu's estimation. Moreover, he believes
that, whether it is Ruyi Kehui or Guangling Sanyuanxiuxiu, these people
may not be rivals to Hulu estimates.

It is not terrible for a Yan Wushi to lose. What is terrible is that no one in
the Central Plains Wulin has been able to fool the fox deer since then.

After Qi Fengge, there is no Qi Fengge.

On the same day, Shen Yan and Kun Xie half-stepped in a battle, Yu
Shengyan was full of interest, but Yan Wushi had no interest. It was
precisely because he was a master of this level that it was not difficult to
infer that the two sides were superior based on the information obtained in
advance. Of course, Yan Wushi is not a god. He would never expect it to
be severely injured after he fell into a cliff.

But this battle is quite different. One was the Turkic master who lost to the
world's first person Qi Fengge by a stroke of 20 years ago, and the other
was the master of the magic gate who killed the Xueting Zen master and
ranked second in the world in the Liuli Palace martial arts ranking. He
played against Qi Fengge several years ago.

They had nothing to do with each other, but because of the three words of
Qi Fengge, there was a subtle connection.

Who will win this battle?

Perhaps no one, including themselves, knows the answer.

There are many people with the same ideas as Yi Pichen, so this battle will
surely shock the world and attract much attention.

The person sent by Yi Pichen was Su Shi. After seeing Shen Xuan
appearing in Xuandu Mountain and showing a little surprise, he
immediately reacted, congratulating Shen Xuan, and apologized, "The
master still doesn't know that Shen Tao is back in control Teaching
position, or congratulations will be sent. "
Shen Chen laughed: "Thank you, but there is nothing to congratulate on
this matter. I also ask you to go back and tell the instructor, and say that on
March 15th, we should regret seeing you."

The half-step peak is steep and steep, and the top of the mountain is even
narrow and rugged. The two have already tested their skills very well, and
no one else stops to watch the battle. If they want to watch the battle, they
can only watch on the opposite Regret Peak.

Having said that, Shen Ye thought of the identity of Mrs. Qin, and she
asked, "I should regret the battle of Fengfeng. I wonder if Mrs. Qin would
also go to watch the war?"

Su Shi shook his head: "My mother said that the past is over and I don't
want to see more of my acquaintances. I will go with my teacher then, and
my mother should not go."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 177
Shen Ye: "Well, I greet Ling Tang and Ling Brother that generation."

Su Shi laughed, "OK."

The two chatted for a while, and Su Shi knew that as a teacher, he must be
busy, and offered to leave, but he came all the way, it was obviously
inappropriate to send the letter and let him go back immediately. Shen Ye
left him here. Stayed one night, and returned the next day, and invited the
disciples responsible for welcoming guests to make them entertaining.

The second message was sent by an ordinary girl who claimed to be an

Acacia disciple and came by the order of the suzerain.

Shen Xun had no good feelings for Sang Jingxing. Previously, he destroyed
the other side on Xuandu Mountain. At this time, the other side sent
someone to the mountain. Obviously there would be no good words, but
Shen Xun was not willing to embarrass a woman. Anyway, today It was
too late to go out, so he simply met with Acacia.

No one knew, but said: "In Xiahua disciples Bingxian, this time I was
ordered to come to congratulate Shen Daochang on his return to Xuandu
Mountain. Second, in ten days, my party will hold a succession ceremony
for the new monarch. So the suzerain came down and wanted to ask Shen
Daochang to watch the ceremony. "

Shen Yun was taken aback: "The succession ceremony? Isn't your suzerain
Sang Jingxing?"

Bingxian chuckled her lips and said, "Sang Sovereign is dead, and Sang
Sovereign's disciples will take over. Bai Sang said that she had a fatal
relationship with Shen Daochang. This succession ceremony, please no one
please. Yeah! "

This smile also showed a little moving eyebrows.

For a martial art, the death of the head is naturally not a happy thing, but
this young girl has shown elation. Although Shen Xuan feels that Sang
Jingxing is dead, she also feels that Bingxuan's words and deeds are

Bingxian seemed to see his doubts: "Don't dare to insult Shen Dao and
clear his ears. Before Bingxian entered the Acacia sect, he was a good
family woman who was stabbed by Sang Jingxing at a foot of Snow
Temple. After Sang Jingxing died, we were able to After being relieved,
the Lord Bai saw that I had the intention to learn martial arts, and my
qualifications were good, so I officially started. Sang Jingxing was
severely wounded by Shen Dao on Xuandu Mountain. He died of injuries
shortly after returning. Then this took the burden and assumed the
responsibility of the suzerain. "

She spoke brilliantly of lotus, so that everyone would vie for the title of
Acacia suzerain, so that everyone could avoid it as much as possible. Bai
Rong took over as suzerain, and it became a kind act.

Shen Yun knew very well that although Sang Jingxing was seriously
injured that day, since he could escape, with his ability, he would never be
able to survive unless ...

He moved his heart, and his eyes moved on the ice string: "Although Sang
Jingxing is dead, there are other elders in the door. Not to mention, Yuan
Xiuxiu's disciple Xiao Se also has the power to fight for the master, and
Bai Rong is the master. Does he have no objection? "

Bingxian laughed: "The position of the lord, those who have the ability to
live, those elders are less able than the lord, naturally they can only obey,
if they refuse to obey, it is against the lord, and they must be handled
according to door rules. As for Elder Xiao, he knows the current affairs
This is Junjie. He is willing to work for this sect, and the lord will reuse it.

The implication is that Bairong has completely controlled the Acacia sect,
and even Xiaose can't break the storm and has to bow to her.
In addition to being surprised, Shen Yun couldn't help but admire the
power of Bairong.

In the past, when he saw the other party ’s ugliness, he was more pitiful.
He only thought that she could live a better life if she left the Acacia sect.
She did n’t know that she did n’t intend to do so, and preferred to bear the
burden. Grasp the strength step by step and eventually become the winner.

Bingxian: "The lord still has something to tell me to tell Shen Dao."

Shen Yun: "Please."

Bingxian cleared his throat, and when he re-exported it was like a white
velvet: "Shen Lang, I know you don't like the acacia ethics of men and
women. I couldn't change it before. Now that I am a suzerain, I have to
take one step. Step by step to remove these atmospheres, and even the
beautiful women who took Sang Jingxing's life to practice, I also let go of
them one by one, and let them stay if you are willing to stay, so you can be
satisfied? Many people refuse to give up the fat in their mouths, and I ca
n’t completely abolish them overnight. After all, there are still many
people in the door waiting to see me unlucky. You must always take your
time. You can't look down on the slave's house. Use this as an excuse to
stop dealing with slaves! "

The tone was gentle, as if white velvet was right in front of him, and if he
closed his eyes, he might think that white velvet was here.

After Shen Zhen entered the WTO, he gradually opened his eyes to the
human condition. The heart hidden in these words is not wood, how can he
not hear it?

However, Shen Zhen knew very well that he was soft-hearted about many
people and many things, but he could not be soft-hearted in treating white

Otherwise, mistakes and mistakes will be made.

"If you tell me on your behalf, you will say that Xuandushan congratulates
Bai Zong on his succession, but Poor Dao will have to go far tomorrow.
The Patriarch ’s succession ceremony will not be able to go in person. Bai
Zongzhu forgive me.

Bingxian looked at him for a moment, and suddenly sighed, "The goddess
is intent, but how can King Xiang be as hard as a stone?"

She was taken away by Sang Jingxing. Naturally, she was not a girl who
knew nothing about the world. She was sent by Bairong because of her
skill in words. She thought that there was a martial artist like her own
suzerain, and she was willing to change it for him. The purpose of the door
is that no man in the world will not be touched. Even if the mouth refuses
to be righteous, it does not mean that his heart will not be shaken. Who
knows that this priest is really hard-hearted and half-moved.

Rao is Bingxian, and he can't help but sigh for Bairong.

This sentiment is destined to pay for the flow of water.

Shen Yan said: "If I am vacillating, my words are ambiguous, but I will
miss her."

Bingxian wanted to say a hypocrisy, but he looked at the other party ’s

robes, his face was pale, and he looked like a fairy in the painting.

Jinghong glanced at his life forever, and since then he has been ruthless.

She thought, maybe there are always some people and things in this world
that are worth waiting for and paying.

Early in the morning the next day, Shen Xuan said goodbye to everyone in
Xuandu Mountain and went to Banbufeng with Yu Shengyan.

Bian Yanmei is going to Changan to take care of Huan Yuezong's affairs

and not go with them. No matter who wins or loses, this battle will always
be maintained.
Naturally, the sword has no eyes. Such a battle of life and death is more
likely to end with one's life.

If Yan Shi is dead, it is unknown whether Huan Yuezong can still exist.

Whether Bian Yanmei or Yu Shengyan, they are almost unwilling to think

about the possibility, but as a big disciple, Bian Yanmei can't help but plan
ahead for the worst possibility.

The author has something to say:

Lao Yan: Why did Bai Rong's thing appear earlier than this seat?

Shen Yun: Because the peerless masters have to be brewing and pompous.

Lao Yan: I'm so happy that you say so ︿ (︿)  ̄︶ ̄

Shen Yun: After all, this battle may be the last time you have played in life

Lao Yan: ...

Chapter 124

Shen Ye never thought that he would meet with Yan Wushi in this

After listening to Bian Yanmei's words before, Shen Yan didn't say
anything on his lips, and it was impossible for him to have no association
in his heart.

During the heyday of Wu Gong's heyday, Yan Wushi's battle with Hulu
might be slightly worse, but this strategy is not fixed. The battlefield is
changing rapidly. The masters' tricks depend on the time and the people,
and sometimes they are not careful. It is likely that the whole result will
be reversed, but if Yan Wushi's flawed heart is not repaired, this slight gap
will widen and the possibility of losing will increase.
Shen Ye thought about it for a long time, but for a long time, he didn't
think of any way to make Yan Wushi win stably.

This is impossible, let alone the opponent is Hulu estimates. His master Qi
Fengge is reborn, and he dare not guarantee that he will win.

In this way, when he reached the outside of the villa in Funing County with
full of thoughts, standing by the door of the sheltered courtyard, he heard a
lazy voice inside: "No, Grandma, don't bite."

Grandma? Don't bite?

Shen Yun was foggy and pushed in the door, and saw Yan Wushi half
leaning on the soft mattress under the porch, holding a jade pot with wine
in his hand, and supporting his body with his elbow in the other hand, his
face filled with cozy leisure, Hearing the door moving, he looked up and
saw Shen Yan and Yu Shengyan coming in.

There was a little deer standing in front of him, the kind of road that was
not very stable. It was screaming a little like a sheep, and slightly lower.
The little deer stretched its neck to bite the jade pot, and sawed with Yan
Wushi. .

Shen Yan stayed for a while, but he did not expect that someone who was
about to compete with the world's first master would have no sense of
urgency. He was so leisurely ... indeed.

"Ama?" Yan Wushi saw Shen Ye and Yusheng Yan, ignored the one behind
him, and beckoned to Shen Ye: "You came just right, I will let people open
an mulberry wine. This is still I buried ten years ago. Down. "

Little Deer thought he was calling himself, let go of the jade pot, and was
pushed away by Yan Wushi, his wet dark eyes actually showed some

Shen Min reached out and touched it, Fawn was not afraid of birth, and
crooked his neck in Shen Min's palms. Shen Min suspected that he had just
heard it wrong, and couldn't help asking: "Does it have a name?"
Yan Wushi: "Yes, it's called Grandma."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "Don't you think it looks like you?"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 178
Shen Ye glanced at the fawn. The other was a sika deer. Before the long
horns came, the pair of ears were also fluffy and tender. There was a pinch
of white hair around the neck, especially those eyes, pure and innocent.
Full of trust and reliance on humans, cute and lovely, but Shen Yun didn't
see anything similar to himself.

"I heard that you and Fox Deer are on an appointment?" Shen Yan went
straight to the subject.

Although it is a question, the answer has already been revealed. This

sentence is just a prelude.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

This "yes" is deservedly and casually, as if it was a date to enjoy flowers

and snow, not a battle between life and death.

Yu Shengyan didn't come in with great interest, and after saluting Yan
Wushi, he went to Zhuangzi elsewhere, leaving them in the yard.

Plus a deer.

Shen Yan Fengchen came over, and at this time he was unknowingly
infected, and his emotions gradually calmed down, and he sat down beside
him, but the posture of sitting in a critical position was obviously different
from that of Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi looked a little funny: "Are you worried about me, Grandma?"

The little deer thought he was shouting again, and stepped forward with
his calf.

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi could not laugh at him.

Shen Yun reluctantly said, "I have something and want to discuss with Yan

Yan Wushi stopped laughing, his eyes gloriously flowed: "Oh? Shen
Zhangjiao is now valuable, what is the need to use the word" negotiate "?

Shen Min slowly said, "Evaluate the battle with Hulu, I'll go for you, can

It's rare that Yan Wushi will have a hold, although it lasts a short time.

He quickly recovered: "You played against him last time." Then he lost.

Shen Yun: "I know, but he fought with the first division twenty years ago.
Although the master was gone 20 years later, I should continue this battle
on my behalf."

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly: "In fact, you think, in order to ward off Hulu
estimates, I will not let him go to Xuandu Mountain to trouble you, so I
just sent him a war?"

Shen Yun: "I heard that your flaw in the magic heart has not been repaired.
The last battle with Xue Ting was even worse."

There was a flash of meaning on Yan Wushi's face, meaning: "Bian

Yanmei said to you?"

Shen Minshou.

Yan Wushi was in deep thought. He was thinking whether he should admit
the apprentice's words or just say that the apprentices were lying.

Acknowledged, Shen Zhen must be more insistent to fight Hulu estimates

instead of himself.

He said that the apprentice was lying, and Shen Chen would be angry.

Thinking of this, for the first time, Yan Wushi felt that it was not a good
thing to have a too capable apprentice.
So he said, "You also touched your wrist last time, and my injury is not a
big deal."

He held out his hand.

Shen Zheng took the opportunity, and explored for a moment, his face was
puzzled: "Just from the pulse, your injury has indeed recovered almost, but
it is impossible to see whether the magic heart is repaired or not."

Yan Wushi: "It's alright."

Shen Zheng was even more puzzled: "Yanmei doesn't know how are you
over there?"

Yan Wushi: "Maybe."

Shen Huan: "You could have avoided this war or delayed it a bit." After
all, it was because of him.

Yan Wushi smiled, but suddenly raised his chin slightly, and clicked the
begonia on the other side: "What do you think of that flower?"

Shen Yun: "Brilliant and burning, Scarlet enchanting."

Yan Wushi picked up the fallen leaves next to him, a finger bounced, and a
begonia fell to the ground.

Another bomb, another begonia fell to the ground.

Flying leaves and falling leaves can all become harmful weapons, this
sentence is vividly reflected here in Yan Wushi.

A few times in a row, even Shen Yun couldn't stand it, and grabbed the
opponent's wrist directly: "What are you doing!"

Yan Wushi: "Destroy the flowers!"

His tone was still lazy, but his posture didn't move, and he didn't struggle
with his hands. He just let Shen Yan grab it.
Shen Huan: "That flower bloomed well, and it didn't trick you, so why hurt

Yan Wushi laughed: "Look, Grandma, this is the biggest difference

between you and me."

"In my opinion, the flower has already bloomed in its best shape. If it
blooms again, it will wither every day. I will send it on the road and leave
the most beautiful season in your heart. Isn't it bad?"

His tone was careless and slow, and his wrists didn't move, and Shen Min
was pinched, but his five fingers were closed together to make a crushing
motion, and the leaf was turned into powder and fell from his fingers.

"Many people have become entangled in the fly, and they struggle with
their own interests for a little time. This is the sorrow of the little people.
The people in the rivers and lakes say that they are happy and enemies. To
live vigorously and to do whatever you want, what's the point? People and
flowers are the same. "

"I was able to challenge Cui Youli and Qi Fengge. Now, of course, I can
also challenge the Fox Deer. Although there are suspense in the outcome,
but because of suspense, it is even more exciting. If the outcome is
determined, what is the difference with a pool of standing water? So of
course there is your factor in this battle, but more importantly, for myself.

Having said that, Shen Zhen could no longer persuade him.

Shen Yun is very clear that Yan Wushi and him are two people with very
different temperaments. He pays attention to step by step and steady
himself, but Yan Wushi always likes to be unexpected, even at risk for
himself, but Yan Wushi himself He didn't think it was an adventure, but he
actually enjoyed the process, even if he died under the Hulu estimates, for
him, this is the way of life.

For many people, this may be too confident and arrogant, but this is Yan
When he thought so, he heard Yan Wushi saying, "Ama, do you know?"

"Huh?" Shen Yan looked back.

Yan Wushi: "In the past, I divided people into two categories."

Shen Yan said, he knew: "One type is the opponent, and the other is the

The opponent is able to sit on an equal footing with him, and the ants are
out of his sight.

In the past, Shen Chen was a ant in his eyes.

Yan Wushi said leisurely: "But now, my thinking has changed. Grandma,
you are different from most people in this world. You have a kind of
compassion in your bones, and you are even willing to deny yourself,
without asking for anything. In the past, I thought you and others Like
people, even if it ’s good and deceptive at first, but the world is changing,
you will eventually learn how to change, but you are far beyond my
expectations. People are like flowing water, and you are the rock. No
matter how the flowing water flows, you also Never transfer. "

Shen Yan smiled: "It's hard to hear good things about me from Lord Yan,
it's a great honor to be poor."

Yan Wushi: "Do you still have old grudges against me?"

Shen Zheng shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I admire you very much.
There are not many people who can live alive in this world. Lord Zeng
must be one of them. Before I went down, I knew the world and the rivers
and lakes, just the first teacher told On my side, I have never seen it with
my own eyes. Without the teachings of Lord Yan, I may not be able to
speak to you here alive now. "

The solemn and serious expression and tone made Yan Wushi very cute.
He didn't restrain his desire to reach out and touched his deep head: "So
you still don't recognize it like you? Look back yourself Look at it. "
There are many smart people in this world, but there are not many people
who can know their own shortcomings. They find their own shortcomings
and are willing to make corrections. Those who are not too frightened to
speak are even rarer.

On Shen Wei, there is a kind of almost transparent glass.

In fact, he understands everything, and he is willing to treat all people and

things that are different from himself with a generous tolerance.

Shen Yan was caught off guard by him, first avoiding it, and then
subconsciously looked back.

Fawn was staring at him with round eyes, his figure was clearly reflected
in the dark and moist.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 179
Shen Ye's heart softened suddenly. He reached out and touched the other
person's neck. Fawn lowered his head and licked his palm. Shen Ye
couldn't help laughing.

Yan Wushi: "Thank you, Grandma."

Who in the world is lucky enough to hear Yan Zongzhu thank you?

Shen Yan froze slightly and looked back at him.

Yan Wushi smiled and looked at him: "Thank you for saving me with
vengeance. How many times have you saved me? I can't count it. Shouldn't
I say thank you?"

Shen Yun: "You have saved me many times, why thank you?"

Yan Wushi has a profound meaning: "In this way, our friendship has
reached the point where there is no need to thank?"

Shen Ye only felt that this was a bit wrong, but couldn't think of anything

I saw Yan Wushi suddenly reached out his hand, held him, pressed a
person under him, and moved fast, fully in line with the style of a master!

Without waiting for Shen Min to react, I heard the other said, "You also
know that I have countless enemies, and I have only one of you when I
have fate and friendship. I have a battle with Hulu. I can only think of you.

The warmth near him was sprayed directly on Shen Yun's face, and he was
completely stunned. I do n’t know if he should push away or respond to
Yan Wushi ’s words. At that moment, his head was completely blank. .

"Why, what is it?"

Chapter 125

For a moment, they were caught by others' problems, and the two
maintained a weird posture. No one would remind Shen Ye that Xiao Lu
would not, and Yan Wushi would not.

The expression of Sovereign Yan is still very serious. The corner of his
mouth always has a smile, whether it is a smile or a arrogant laugh, which
can make people feel that he is casual and casual, but now, his face has a
half-smile. No, there is a kind of deterrent effect invisibly, and people
have unknowingly followed up other thoughts and concentrated on
listening to him.

I could only hear Yan Wushi saying, "Yuan Yuezong accepted the
apprenticeship, but it is not expensive, so I have only two people at the
edge, Yumei Yan and Yusheng Yan. On the qualifications of studying
martial arts, edge Yanmei is not top, but only middle and upper. His
cleverness is elsewhere. "

Shen Ye also agreed with this sentence. Bian Yanmei's management in the
world is truly extraordinary. In recent years, Huan Yuezong was deeply
entrenched inside and outside the court hall. After being strenuously
eradicated by Yu Wenzhang, he can still be in the new After the
establishment of the DPRK, it quickly resumed its vitality. Among them,
Bian Mei's credit was indispensable. Even if Yan Wushi had the ability, he
might not have the patience.

"As for Yu Shengyan, he is talented in martial arts, but he is too young. If I

die, the two of them will be alone, and they will need your help to look
after one or two."

If I die……

Shen Yan froze slightly.

Hearing this sentence, he felt a subtle feeling like never before.

Earlier outside Wu Tuhun King City, Yan Wushi was besieged by five
masters. When Shen Min rushed over, he was already lying on the ground,
ignorant, and at the time Shen Min thought he was dead, but ...

But at that time, Shen Yun was lamented, and it was only because of the
grievances that he regretted that a generation of masters had lost their
souls, and it was not as it is now. Many inexplicable tastes came out.

"Are you sorry for me?" Yan Wushi laughed when he saw his expression.

Shen Yan settled down: "The flawed heart you said has long been fulfilled,
and you can go all out with this battle with Fox Deer."

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Yes, but there are always exceptions, not to
mention that the opponent is Fox Deer. Or, based on your understanding of
me, I hope I can say arrogantly that I can win this sentence?"

Shen Shen also smiled: "If Lord Yan said such things, I would not be
surprised at all."

He finally realized that the posture of the two was inappropriate, and he
couldn't help but reach out and tried to support his body.

But Yan Wushi didn't move, not only didn't move, but also firmly
suppressed him. His posture was very skillful and unmovable, but it would
not make Shen Yan feel oppressed and suffocated.

Shen Ye thought he was still waiting for his answer, and said: "I
understand that the entrusted Yan Zong, I will try my best to protect them.
If there is something wrong with Huan Yuezong, as long as they do not
harm the law, I will do my best . "

People in the rivers and lakes pay attention to the promise of a thousand
dollars, and with the character of Shen, this promise is even more valuable
than a thousand dollars. Unless he dies in the future, this promise will
inevitably thunder.
He thought of Yan Wushi's "supporting orphan" just now, and he laughed a

What are the two people, Bian Yanmei and Yu Shengyan, who are "weak"
and "solitary"? Even if put on the rivers and lakes, only the vast majority
of people are bullied by them.

But after this answer, Yan Wushi remained motionless.

He asked with sincerity and tenderness that Shen Yan had never heard
before: "Ah, you treat me so well, how can I repay?"

Shen Ye: "Be honest with friends, why should you pay back?"

Yan Wushi didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued: "The gold and
silver treasures others dream of, fame and fortune, but nothing in your

Shen Zheng corrected him: "This is not true, but I also love fame and

Yan Wushi: "Huh?"

Shen Huan: "Xuandu Mountain cannot be left alone, and I will protect
Xuandu Mountain. Naturally, it is even more impossible to leave the world
alone. In rivers and lakes, strength is the best backer, but Xuandu
Mountain is also a gate, which is a gate. , It is impossible not to associate
with Chaotang. Previously, you and Yang Jian made a tie for me and
Xuandu Mountain could also establish a foothold in Chang'an. I appreciate
you. "

Yan Wushi smiled slightly, this man understood everything.

Shen Yun: "So Fame and Fortune Ronghua is still useful, as long as you
stay awake enough and don't get caught up in it."

Everyone knows this sentence, but they say that it is easy to do, but the
former depression, Tan Yuanchun may think so, but who can keep it to the
Yan Wushi said softly: "That's why you are special. To you, these things
are real things outside of me. I think about it, but I didn't expect what can
really return to you. I can only return it by myself. Do you say OK? "

Of course not! Shen Yan was stunned, and when he saw that he bowed his
head, he would press down, no longer hesitating, and slap him directly on
his chest!

Yan Wushi reached out and grabbed his wrist, but in this way he could not
maintain the center of gravity of the body, and had to side slightly to the
other side, sinking his other hand to his shoulder, and the two passed a few
tricks instantly. Shen峤 Opportunity to oppose each other, and directly
pressed him under him.

Yan Wushi said suddenly: "It turns out you like this posture, don't say it

That expression, how innocent is so innocent!

With Shen Daochang's life experience, even if you don't know what the
other party is saying, it is not difficult to hear the ambiguousness.

Now he has fully believed that the opponent's magic heart flaws have been
repaired long ago, otherwise how can there be a war soon, and there is still
the carelessness to tease others here!

Shen Min reached out to point his acupuncture point, and naturally Yan
Wushi would not be defeated by him. He turned his hands and flew, and in
the blink of an eye, he used a few tricks.

Both of them are masters on the martial arts list. Shen Ye may be slightly
inferior, but the gap between this one will never be so great. Yan Wushi
simply gave up the resistance and let the other hand open.

Shen Ye was so surprised that he couldn't go down, but Yan Wushi's time
turned back on him and stopped him.
The beauty in her arms, it is difficult to find the second one after reading
the world, but his moving part is not in his appearance. Everyone who has
had contact with him knows that this person has a heart that accepts many
rivers and has not been shaken by the storm. However, he never puts his
own pain on others. On weekdays, he can be the most gentle. Dear friend,
at the critical moment, he is the most trustworthy life and death trust.

Shen Ye was not wrong. In the eyes of Yan Wushi in the past, the
apprentices were not counted. There were only two types of people, one
was the opponent, and the other was the ants. But now, Shen's weight in his
heart obviously does not belong to this. The two types are not only so, but
also heavier, and even heavier, they may not even imagine Yan Mei.

It doesn't matter when this mindset changes. What's important is that in

the intersection between the two, he slowly took off his defense, and was
willing to treat him with his friends, even willing Such a heavy
commitment for him, but it is not enough.

For Yan Wushi, it is far from enough.

What he wants is a special pair of people in the world, not the status that
others can imitate or take away casually. He is always overbearing. He
wants the best, and no one can replace it.

But Yan Wushi didn't over-express this kind of thought, let alone the
overlord stubbornly bowed. Compared with his previous methods, this was
simply a tender feeling, all because he knew Shen Shen too much.

This man looked at Ruohe, but in fact there was a proud bone that no one
could match. A little overdone means could make the other person
resentful. Push him farther and farther and look at Yu Yu. It was so
obvious. The lesson learned.

Therefore, Yan Wushi was uncharacteristically, and came a little bit to

attract the princes, but instead of being fierce, he never used the method of
acupuncture even if he had done a lot of tricks-if he controlled the
acupuncture points of the other party, he could force the other party to be
in a passive position and listen to himself. But what ’s so interesting about

Of course not interesting.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Shen Ye to eat soft and not hard, and to take
advantage of Yan Wushi's advantage.

"You don't need anything, I can only give myself up, isn't it still possible?"
According to this posture, Yan Wushi should have been condescending,
full of superiority, but Shen Yan actually saw a trace from his smiling
expression. After all the misfortunes came, I immediately felt angry and
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 180
"Do you remember when you were in the cave?" He slowly lowered his
head, his tone soft and gentle.

The scene of the cave was only remembered twice by Shen Ye. One time
was Yan Wushi's fight with Ruyi Kehui. Shen Ye thought he was injured
and took the person to the cave to heal. As a result, he was almost
strangled by the other side. It was his own mountain and river and the
sword of sadness that was used to scrape fish scales.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan turned black.

"Please also ask Lord Yan to let go, I'm not used to talking to people like

"There is no outsider anyway." Yan Wushi laughed, took him up, and
pressed it halfway against the wall. Shen Shen changed from lying to
sitting, but he was still half trapped in his arms.

Shen Yun: "..."

The opponent did not hold his acupuncture point. The main reason was
that if he wanted to break free, he would definitely have to fight with Yan
Wushi. The shot was light. The opponent could resolve it without any
effort. The shot was heavy. The slaughtering posture made him unable to
move. This is exactly ...

Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

Yan Wushi: "I'm going to die. Don't you have the patience to listen to

Shen Yan sighed and gave up the struggle: "Stop it."

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "But I just thought about it for a while and
said that it would be better to do it directly."
For a moment, he thought, Shen Chen couldn't keep up with his thoughts,
and said blankly: "Ah?"

Then he couldn't come out, his voice was interrupted abruptly, his eyes
were blocked by a shadow, and there was fiery softness on his lips. The
other party directly pried open his teeth and drove straight in.

A short scream came from the side. Yu Shengyan stood at the door, and the
deer grabbed his robe horn from behind. As a result, he stepped back and
almost tripped over the deer.

Shen Ye directly slaps Yan Wushi's shoulder with a single palm, his waist
is slightly lifted, and the whole person leaps lightly and is no longer

But his lips were a little swollen, his hair was a little messy, and his face
was very unnatural. He was embarrassed. He couldn't tell whether he was
more annoyed or more ashamed.

Yu Shengyan saw his teacher's fluttering eyes slanting, and wished to die
directly on the porch.

He wouldn't have made such a mistake with his martial arts, but it's just
that he was too late.

Only then did they walk around the house, thinking that the two had
finished talking, he could come and see Master, who knew that this would
just happen to catch the scene of "being rude."

What a bad luck!

Yu Shengyan laughed dryly: "Well, can't I be here before?"

He didn't have the courage to please Master either. He turned away as soon
as he turned around, and how far he ran.

Brother, is it too late for me to return to Chang'an to trust you, oh!

The author has something to say:

This article is destined to be different from other articles of King Meow,
because even at the end, it will not show a sentence that clearly expresses
love to love, even if it is a sentence that I like you.

Because in accordance with the style of this article, they should be aware
of it in a situation where they don't need to say a word. This kind of thing
is boring to say plainly. Lao Yan thinks that Grandma understands,
Grandma also It ’s not the kind of person who understands what they say. It
’s just a little bit short. If it ’s not there, I do n’t know if Ni Meng can

I know that many texts do not have this way of writing now, and they must
be made clear, but there is no such thing.

Chapter 126

Less than two days before the decisive battle.

Almost everyone is watching this war.

The inn on Funing County was already full, and countless people from the
rivers and lakes flocked to this little-known town on weekdays, just like
the scene before the battle between Shen Ling and Kun Xie.

The difference is that although Shen Ye was famous at that time, he was
not famous for martial arts. The reason why he fought with Kun Xie was
noticeable because they represented the halo of Qi Fengge and Hulu in a
way. Continuing, everyone looked for the glory of the two masters in the

While Yan Wushi and Hulu estimated this battle, many people regard it as
the battle between Central Plains Wulin and Turkic.

Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and even many other large and small
martial art families, people who heard the news, almost rushed over.

I heard that one of the inns was also wrapped up by the people in the
Linchuan Academy, and even the master of the palace, Ruyi Kehui, came
here to prepare to witness the battle.

A Zen master of the Tianzong dharma, a pure view of the pure sun on
Qingcheng Mountain, Xuandu Purple Mansion, Fajing sect, Hehuan sect,
Liuli Palace, Bixia sect, even the wise men who are far away from
Tuyuhun ... Or send disciples to come, apparently do not want to miss a
wonderful battle.

What an eye-catching look!

It's even more dazzling than the three-pointer Shen Yu and Kun Xie!

While attracting all the eyes of the world, it also means a huge risk in this

Success, the world is unparalleled.

Failure is like falling into the abyss.

This is not only a battle of martial arts, but also a battle of reputation and
life. No one would have thought naively that this battle between the two
men was just an end to friendship. You should know that Qi Fengge and
Hulu estimated that battle more than 20 years ago. Hulu was seriously
injured and almost died. Only then had to allow the promise of not
entering the Central Plains for 20 years, and walked away from the
confines of the dead, Qi Fengge naturally did not take much advantage-
many people said in private that it was precisely because of the injuries
suffered in that war , The hidden dangers will lead to the death of Qi
Zhenren later. Naturally, this kind of statement is just a rumor in the field,
and no one can confirm it.

But anyway, for many people who are usually loose in martial arts, and
may never see the peak of martial arts in their lives, they can appear here,
even if they can't climb the precipitous peak of repentance, waiting in the
Funing County under the mountain is a lifetime. A rare adventure.

"I heard that now the largest gambling house in Funing County, Tongfu
Gambling House, has already opened the market. The betting master and
Hulu are estimated to win or lose." This is the housekeeper who said this,
respectfully reporting to Yan Wushi. .

Yu Shengyan didn't dare to appear in front of Yan Wushi these days, I don't
know where to go.

Although they live in the village outside the village, it does not mean that
the news is closed. On the contrary, the housekeeper sends people to
inquire about the latest news every day. Which school in the county has
come, and which inn does the other party stay in, Linchuan Academy
today Wherever I went, etc., I can get here quickly.

As one of the parties to the decisive battle, Yan Wushi was far more laid
back than anyone thought.

He was holding the walnut shell knocked aside by the maid to throw the
deer: "Ama, come here."

Fawn was clinging to Shen Shenjiao, and bowed his head to drink the
water in his glass. He lost his head to the walnut shell, and didn't care
about him, but fortunately continued to drink water.

"..." Shen Ye was a little bit embarrassed. He didn't say that the man had
given a deer the same name as him. Obviously, the deer was obedient and
did not provoke anyone, but he always bullied and provoked others. .

Another walnut shell was thrown over, but without searching for a deer
head, he was snatched away by a leaf midway, rubbing the butler's ears and
nailing it directly to the post behind him.

The steward burst into cold sweat.

Shen Yun apologized: "Sorry, didn't scare you?"

The steward shook his head again and again. How could he deserve this

Yan Wushi could not help laughing.

Shen Ye really wanted to give him a glance, but it seemed like he was too
ridiculous. He touched the little deer, and said that he wanted to find a new
name for you.

Yan Wushi suddenly asked, "How much?"

The steward was at a loss for a moment before he reacted. This was asking
himself, busy: "One bet pays ten."

Shen Yan never gambled, but he also knew what it means to lose ten and
couldn't help wondering: "Who's bet?"

Housekeeper: "The owner of the bet wins."

Shen Yun: "What if the Fox Deer is estimated to win?"

The housekeeper coughed: "One loses two."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi was not angry, but smiled: "It seems they are not optimistic
about me winning!"
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 181
Hulu is estimated to reproduce the Central Plains. The first battle was the
stunning appearance in Qingcheng Mountain. The first defeat was easy to
defeat the dust, and the second defeat was Shen. Two of the top ten in the
world were still master-level masters. The record is enough to shock the

On the other hand, Yan Wushi was so powerful that he could be applauded
by Hulu and suddenly lost his light.

What's more, Hulu is estimated to be a member of the Qifengge

generation. Martial arts has entered a certain state. Age does not restrict
physical strength and cause obstacles, but rather means experience.

Shen Yun's tone was flat: "You don't like me like this."

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "Where is this seat? Is it possible that there
will be a war, you will be at a loss, sleepless nights? Or tearful eyes,
holding your thighs and crying, said grandma I don't want to go?"

Shen Yan glanced at him and said nothing.

Yan Wushi also comforted him: "I don't think there is anything to worry
about, and you don't have to worry about it. I have entrusted you to Huan
Yuezong, and I will open a slit in my head, anyway, I haven't opened it."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi groaned with a smile: "Opening the seam, maybe your Xie
Ling can come back again, and you will be able to clear me and me again."

Shen Yun: "..."

He is in the rivers and lakes, his martial arts are more extraordinary, and
because he personally played against Hulu, he naturally understands what
this war means. Because he understands, these days he has been trying to
help Yan Wushi and make each other Be more confident in this battle.

But when it comes to martial arts, how easy is it to take shortcuts? Even if
Shen Biao reshapes his bones, it is also the case of exhausting martial arts.
Although it is not broken, who would be good to want to "break"? Yan
Wushi's ability to repair the flaws in the magic heart is actually a blessing
for heaven. Without the volume of "Zhu Yangce" obtained from Chen
Gong, maybe the victory against Hulu is now considered to be even lower,
but it is even lower. .

There was something in Shen Min's heart, and she kept turning her head,
looking at the old things, and she seemed a little dumb in the past few
days. At this moment, she groaned for a long time and did not forget to
stop the walnut shell thrown to Fawn twice: "I want to come and think
After the war between Master Shi and Hulu in the past, I had some
experience. After a long period of time, I was still young and couldn't
remember it clearly. I remembered it after thinking about it for a long
time. It may not help, but you know some. It's better than being
unprepared. "

Yan Wushi hummed and waited.

Shen Zheng sorted his thoughts: "Master once said that Fox Deer is a
martial arts wizard. He has trained almost all weapons and is also known
as a master, but in the end he chose not to use any weapons, only with a
pair of flesh. That is not only because of his exquisite internal skills, he no
longer needs icing on the cake, but also because he has incorporated all
weapons into one move and one style. But the ruler is short and the inch is
long. In this world, there will be no more except heaven. The existence of
perfection is the same as the Fox Deer. He must have his own weakness.
More than twenty years ago, he was defeated by Master, because he was a
loser in chess, but also because the internal force was slightly inferior to
Master. Once, when you fight with him, it is likely that there is no chance
of winning, so look for flaws elsewhere. "

After speaking, he also realized: "In fact, these words may not be of much
use to you, and can only be used for reference."
Two people are tricky, many feel mysterious and incomprehensible. They
can only be understood by being in it. Even Shen Chan, who is Chan Chan
lotus, may not understand, but he obviously hopes that the other party can
win, so he will try to pick these out from memory. .

Yan Wushi looked at him with pitying eyes: "I'm obviously going to fight
against Hulu, you're so nervous, it's hard for you."

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "This battle is not trivial. You can see how
many people there are in Funing County. You are the only one who travels
well! Your disciples don't have to say it. Didn't you notice that Zhuangzi
has been here for two days? Are all the people in it tense? "

Yan Wushi laughed and got up: "I know that you are most worried about
me. Why do you have someone to accompany me? How boring is sitting in
this town? Come, I will take you to play."

Shen Yan frowned slightly, seeing that he had gone out, he had to follow.

Yan Wushi took him into the county seat, but it wasn't which inn he visited
or which martial arts master visited, but he went into a gambling house
with a lot of experience.

Shen Yan looked up.

Tongfu Casino.

The inside is bustling, and it is even more lively due to the arrival of many
people from the rivers and lakes. Many people come here to gamble for a
few recreational moments before the war starts. There was no way out, but
Yan Wushi just found a guy in the gambling house and asked him to bet on
his own to win, so he pulled Shen Yan to the other side.

"This is the size of the bet, and it is easiest to play. If the three dice
together are less than ten points, they are small, and more than eleven
points are large." He said to Shen Zheng, seeing the confusion on his face,
he couldn't help smiling. .
This is another world Shen Shen is completely unfamiliar with shouts and
shouts everywhere, some cheering loudly because of winning money, and
some crying because of losing money. Shen Tao ’s robe is obviously
incompatible with this place, and because of his appearance And it is
particularly noticeable. If most people who are not in and out of the
gambling are influent, then someone should have recognized him at this

Yan Wushi doesn't need to say, the other person is imposing, and it feels
breathless when he is close. No one dares to look at him more.

Here, it is not martial arts that determines the winning or losing, but luck.
I don't know how many people spend a lot of money here and lose
everything. Year after year, the gambling house is still booming, but
people who come in and out of it don't know how many batches have been

Tai Shan collapsed in front of Shen Dao, who was awkward, and was a
little at a loss.

Yan Wushi may think that Shen Shen is very cute. He didn't hesitate to
bring him a fight, stretched out his hand to pull him, and laughed: "Qi
Feng Ge will definitely not take you to the gambling hall?"

Shen Yanmei, the implication is obvious: how could Master bring him to
such a place?

Yan Wushi pulled him to the table, in a seductive tone: "It's fun, you see,
even if it's such a simple bet, those people are all focused and afraid to
miss it."

Shen Min swept around the faces of people around, and sure enough, all of
them looked excited, staring at the porcelain cup in the hands of the dealer.

When the porcelain cup was lifted up, the expressions of all the people
changed suddenly, and the tensions were divided. One of them was happy
and the other was sad.
But Shen Zheng couldn't understand their excitement. He is a character
who is free from here.

Yan Wushi put the redeemed wooden chips in his hands, which represents
twelve. It is enough for ordinary people to eat for more than half a year. It
is also a relatively large bet here, but the wealth of Huan Yuezong is
rough. He didn't blink, naturally. "You try too."

"Buy your hands! Buy your hands!" The porcelain cup shook for a while
and buckled on the desk case, the dealer shouted.

Shen Zheng hesitated, and flicked his finger gently, and the wooden chip
landed silently on the area where "small" was written.

This hand is extremely beautiful. The dealer looked up in his busy

schedule and saw that he was a good-looking young Taoist with a sword
behind him, and he said that he wouldn't come to the scene.

The porcelain cup opens out and is small.

This table is one loss and one Shen Shen wins more than one wooden chip,
which means that he now has twenty two.

In the second round, he then bet, this time he bet big.

It turned out that it really was big.

Several times in a row, he was bet on him by the right, and even the
gamblers next to him paid attention to him, thinking how even Taoists like
gambling these years, but they have not prevented them from betting along
with Shen Yan.

The dealer was unable to sit still, and secretly reported to the owner. The
owner brought people out. When he saw that the other party was from a
river or a lake, it looked like it was not very provocative. So he hurriedly
offered a big gift and respectfully invited them out. At the end, they also
told them that there is also a square gambling house in the county town,
which is also large in scale.
Yan Wushi laughed from the moment he went out, laughing until he leaned
on Shen's shoulder and bent down.

Shen Yun: "... Don't laugh."

Yan Wushi almost burst into tears with tears: "This is the first time I have
been kicked out of the gambling house, because I have given you the gift.
Have you used your internal strength to listen to the dice?"

Shen Yun: "... I don't know that I can't use this trick in the casino."

Also brought a little unconscious grievance.

Yan Wushi nodded him: "This is a rule, even if Qi Fengge comes, you can't
use internal force, otherwise there will be no gambling house in the world
to let him in."

Shen Ye quickly relieved and laughed: "Anyway, you wouldn't go in unless

you were pulling me."

He looked at the heavy money bag in Yan Wushi's hands, and was curious,
"You have won a lot? Useless strength?"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "This gambling house has a good reputation.
The dealer does not have a thousand, and everyone depends on their luck.
It can be considered a little more fun. Don't you think that using internal
force to listen to the dice, you know the results in advance, but are you
boring? "

Although Shen Yan didn't like to play, he could understand what he said,
and nodded his head after hearing the words: "Leaving an unknown
suspense in everything is a lot more fun."

Yan Wushi threw the money bag up and tossed it, and immediately threw
it into the broken bowl of the beggar on the side of the road. Accurately,
the beggar did not expect that he could make a fortune in the sky one day,
and he was stunned.
On the other hand, the person who threw the money did not even look at
him, as if he had just thrown away a stone.

"Yes, life is gambling everywhere, and rebirth is gambling. Some lives are
good people, they have nothing to worry about. Some are beggars, born
poor. Marrying a wife is also a gamble. Either the mediocre house of the
mediocre city, the house of Zhong Mingding, or even the emperor of the
heavens, isn't it a game? "

Shen Min thought of himself. If he had not been apprenticed by Qi Fengge,

no matter how good his talent was, he would have become a lonely ghost
and ghost, even in troubled times.

The opposite party uses gambling bets as a metaphor, but there are
similarities and differences, and it cannot be said that it is wrong.

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Yan Wushi, you are a gambler in your bones."

In order to be happy, he can even bet his life. I am afraid that there is no
more gambler in the world than him.

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "If you know me, grandma, if you and Fox
Deer are estimated to be ten-tenths of a battle, I will do something, only
because the outcome is undecided, so it is interesting. Without these
suspense, life is not dull. ! "

There was also a smile on the corner of Shen's mouth: "Anyone who is as
wanty as you in the world is rare."

Yan Wushi: "Come and win the money. I invite you to dinner."
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 182
Shen Min reminded him: "... the bet you won has just been given to the

Yan Wushi: "To win money is to be happy, and to have a meal soon, what
is the relationship with the stakes?"

In short, I am happy.

Shen Yan was silently pulled away.

Chapter 127

"You said, where will my Master take people?" Yu Shengyan asked,

leaning boringly under the porch, holding a thatch to make fun of the deer,
and his heart was a little strange. Master is not a child-friendly How could
a character suddenly get a deer and raise it here.

The steward laughed: "If you're curious, just follow up and see."

Yu Shengyan hurriedly shook his head: "I don't want to do this death-
seeking thing, but I will have a decisive battle the day after tomorrow. I do
n’t have to worry about seeing the Master. The emperor is not in a hurry,
and the **** died in haste. You have n’t Already been with Master, must I
know Master ’s mind better than I do? "

The steward said, "I dare not be praised by Erlang Jun. The master's heart
is like the sea. It is possible for a villain to speculate, but the master has
always done one step and three steps. This time, the battle with the deer
must be the same. Hong Fu is bound to be safe. "

Yu Shengyan couldn't help laughing. The steward respected Master so

much. From these words, it can be seen that in the other person's eyes,
there is nothing bad about Master.

"Honestly tell me, do you bet on the county handicap?"

The steward widened his eyes first, then coughed softly and said, "Now a
little bit."

Yu Shengyan asked, "How much is it?"

The old housekeeper was helpless: "About two or two strikes."

Yu Shengyan: "So little? You just said that Master will win!"

The steward also laughed: "It was originally a small gambling

relationship, so you have to bet on the whole family? If you are bored, you
might as well go to the county seat. Now there are many people from the
rivers and lakes, just to learn from each other.

Yu Shengyan: "The war is imminent, and I will not provoke right and

In fact, he really wanted to go and watch the fun behind Yan Wushi and
Shen Yan, but he had no eyesight to offend the Master. Now he had to be
honest and constricted in the villa, chatting with the old butler.

The housekeeper looked at his sluggish appearance, and then took the
initiative to pick up the topic: "Where is the master and Shen Dao, where
do you want to go? Why not gamble?"

Yu Shengyan: "What bet?"

The steward laughed: "The set of jade pots and jade cups of the Han
Dynasty recovered on the villain, Erlangjun hasn't been in each other for a
long time, so how about using that as a highlight?"

Yusheng Yan came to a spirit, and a carp sat up and said, "Then I will use a
set of colored chess pieces sent by my brother to make colorful heads.
When they come back, I dare not come forward to ask, how can I know the

Housekeeper: "This is easy to handle. Shen Daochang speaks well. When

he comes back and asks Shen Daochang, he will know."
Yu Shengyan: "You must eat when you go out. This can't be counted. The
Master takes the Shen Dao to go out. It's not always for a meal."

The housekeeper nodded: "The little guy guessed that they might be
visiting friends. Now the senior people of Funing County are gathered, and
even the Lord of the Yeou Palace is here. Maybe the host and the chief
Shen Dao want to meet the deceased."

Yu Sheng Yan laughed, "Uncle Zhang, I'm afraid you have to lose to me!"

The steward smiled: "Erlang hasn't guessed yet, how do you know that I

Yu Shengyan: "As a Master, why would you take the initiative to visit
others? Ru Ye Kehui has already dealt with him long ago. Master may not
find him again. He will have to make a decisive battle with Hulu later. At
this time, he should retain his strength. That is it. "

The housekeeper wondered, "What do you mean?"

Yu Shengyan: "Four joys in life, gambling, eating and drinking, I guess at

this moment, they are either in the gambling house or in the green house."


He never knew that the four joys of life were such four joys.

Housekeeper: "Is there any beautiful lady I want to show off to you, and
there is a beautiful singer in the villa, why take Shen Dao to such a place?"

Yu Shengyan: "You do n’t understand this. Shen Dao has never been able
to understand anything. He has been eager to be young since he was young,
like wood. The most intriguing place in the world is the place of fireworks.
Let ’s not experience it for ourselves. If you look at it, you will be able to
get the hang of it. Master must first take Shen Daochang to experience the
difference between men and women, and then have a high contrast to
understand the bliss on earth! "

The housekeeper was weird: "What contrast?"

Yu Shengyan said, "Just compare Master with a woman ..."

His words stopped abruptly, and his heart was so dangerous that he almost
said what he shouldn't say. The scene I saw before must be quickly

Busy ambiguously passed over: "In short, it is either a gambling house or a

green building. When you see them returning, if Shen Daochang faces a
peach blossom and his eyes are ashamed, it must be the look he got when
he went to the place of fireworks."

Housekeeper: "..." You look good.

Yusheng Yan saw that his expression was strange: "If you don't gamble,
you won't be reluctant to repay your set of jade pots?"

The steward hurriedly said, "A gentleman said a word, and he smashed his
horse. Wherever there is a principle of remorse, it is naturally a bet!"

Yu Shengyan dropped the thatch on Fawn's head, and stood up and

laughed, "Then I'll wait to collect the prize, then you can't be distressed!"

He felt a lot more happy. He took a few steps, turned around, and waved at
Fawn: "Come here and take you to barbecue."

Then asked the housekeeper: "Did Master give it a name?"

Housekeeper: "... it's up."

Yu Shengyan: "What is it called?"

Housekeeper: "... Grandma."

Yu Shengyan stagnates: "Which one?"

The steward laughed, "It's the one you want."

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and Yu
Shengyan suddenly said, "I don't guess they're going to the blue house

The steward laughed: "Are you going to regret it?"

Yu Shengyan was helpless: "It's nothing."

He beckoned Fawn again: "Chen Dao, do you eat barbecue?"


Fawn returned with innocent eyes.

Shen Ye is not eating barbecue or in the Qinglou. He is now by the lake.

This lake is not far from Bie Zhuang, they are sitting in the gazebo, and
Yan Wushi lets people marinate the fish and shrimp that they have fished
into drunk shrimp drunk fish, and then present it, plus an old wine, it
seems to others The days when the gods don't change.

Yan Wushi has always known how to make himself more comfortable.
Although he can live the days of outdoor meals, but he can never be
wronged if he can't be wronged.

"Where did you call the modern hand?" Shen Wei was a little strange.

"There is a posthouse near here. At first there was no business. I bought it

and dialed some people from Beizhuang. When Yak came here to fish, I
could also do some food business. I could stay at the posthouse at night
There is no need to rush back to the city. "

Shen Chen laughed: "I'm afraid only you will do it."

Yan Wushi: "The nearby scenery includes the steep and steep mountains
such as Banbufeng Yinggui Peak. Naturally, there are scholars and writers
coming, and it is not completely unattended."

Shen Ye heard the meaning of the other side. This posthouse is mainly
used as a place for inquiries or relay messages. After all, many people will
settle in the posthouse next to the official road. As for finding a good chef
to cook, These maids holding wine dishes are only dedicated to Yan
Zongzhu. It does not matter whether they make money or not.

The dishes in front of them are basically cooked with wine. The wine is
rich and smoky.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 183
Shen Wei is not a person who doesn't touch a glass of wine, but he looks at
the glass full of aging wine, and his face is embarrassed: "In fact, my
alcohol is not good."

This wine is intoxicating at first glance.

Yan Wushi filled his glass and drank it: "I'm going to die, you won't even
drink a glass of wine."

Shen Yun: "..."

Apparently he said this intentionally, but Shen Min took the glass and
drank it in two sips. After a hot heat wave passed through his throat, he
felt that the whole person started to burn from his stomach.

"Is this shochu?" He was a little surprised.

Yan Wushi shook his head: "No, it's just adding some dogwood
peppercorns, so it will be more punchy, but the fish, shrimp, and crabs are
cold and just neutralize."

The maid stepped forward to pick up the drunk shrimp and peeled it, and
put the peeled tender meat into a dish in front of Shen Zhe.

Shen Yan ate into his mouth. He Xian's sweetness and rich wine taste
really endless. He put down his chopsticks, and when he saw the maid, he
put it in his plate again, and waved his hand: "I'm afraid I will get drunk if
I eat too much, and do n’t eat Now. "

Yan Wushi shook his head: "I have eaten this meal, I don't know if I came
back from Banbufeng, and the person sitting opposite you still has me, but
you even touched a lot of chopsticks, it really saddened me."

Shen Yan: "... Don't take this thing for a long time. Hulu is very powerful.
You are not a fuel-saving lamp, how can you easily die!"
Yan Wushi withdrew the maid, filled him with wine, and said lightly: "The
world is impermanent. Although I am arrogant, I dare not say that I can
win. In this battle, the Fox Deer estimated that by winning me, The world
has shown that he has already far surpassed Qi Fengge, and he has to stand
up for Turk. If he can kill me without killing, it will not fail his reputation.
If I can kill the Fox Deer, it will not be my nature. "

Shen Yan sighed softly, could not bear to disobey, and finally refused the

Yan Wushi didn't have good intentions. He did n’t have the opportunity to
sip Shen Wei on weekdays. Now he can take a chance to admire the
drunkness of the beauty, so he looked for his weakness and poured it from
cup to cup. The difference is not a joke. After three cups, the cheeks are
already pale red, and the eyes are no longer clear.

This kind of scene, I can see a few times in my life, I'm afraid that next
time I'm going to sip Shen Wei, it won't be so easy, I'll look for someone to
draw it. Yan Wushi thought, and stretched out his hand and touched each
other's face, it was really hot.

Shen Yan supported his forehead, but he didn't get drunk, but he was slow
to react. He didn't understand why he suddenly reached out and touched
his face. He stared at it for a while, gradually showing an uncomfortable

Yan Wushi didn't expect that his alcohol consumption would be so light.
Seeing him crumbling, he had to sit and catch people: "Want to vomit?"

Shen Yan shook his head, covering his face with his hands, and remained
silent for a long time.

Rao is no matter how powerful Yan Wushi is, he won't be able to guess
what it means at one-and-a-half, but his approach is very straightforward.
He directly stretches out his hand and takes the other's hand over his face.

Yan Wushi was so keen that he felt a little moist on his fingers
Look at Shen Yan's eyes again, and the water vapor can't discern whether it
is smoked by the wine or cry.

Yan Wushi finally no longer maintained a playful leisurely smile, his face
slightly moved.

He just wanted to appreciate the beauty being drunk. He never thought

about letting the beauty cry, and of course he had sobbed a few times, but
in those few times, he had touched his heart and was extremely

Shen Yun's temperament is softer, but inside is also iron-boned, and he is

not a weak person who wept and cried at every turn. He frowned slightly, it
seemed that Yan Wushi would not do this, but the wetness in his eyes was
only wet after all, and did not condense into tears.

"Ama, you are sorry for me, for fear that I and Hulu will be fighting this
battle, and will never return, will you?" Yan Wushi said softly.

Shen Yan sighed, that is, because he drank the wine, he could not help
release the sorrow involuntarily, otherwise he would be at most silent than

He raised his elbow and seemed to want to break away from the embrace
of Yan Wushi, but his body was soft and he lost the agility of the martial
arts practitioners. He was unable to do anything and could only give up.
When I fight with Fox Deer, I only feel that there is a day in my life, and I
have no regrets in my heart, and I don't think about anything else, but if
my friend does this, I will only be worried. "

"Friend." Yan Wushi played the word with his mouth. "Instead of Li
Qingyu and Hulu, the battle will be so worried?"

Shen Yan thought about it seriously, his eyebrows tightened and tightened,
but he didn't give an answer for a long time.

What other answers are needed? Yan Wushi laughed and brushed Shen's
horns with his hand: "Ama."
Shen Yan rubbed his forehead: "... eh?"

Yan Wushi: "Imam."

He buried the entire face in the deep neck socket, shattered the name, and
turned it back and forth in his heart.

Shen Zheng didn't realize how ambiguous their posture was, only felt that
his neck was very itchy with his hair, could not help pushing away the
other side, got up and stumbled towards the lake, bent over and rubbed the
lake water to wipe his face, The icy water drops suddenly felt, and I felt
that my consciousness returned a lot in an instant.

Yan Wushi came over to help him: "Go back."

Shen Min nodded and couldn't help complaining: "I will never drink

Yan Wushi scoffed: "You have a poor drink, so you should practice more."

Shen Yan had a headache: "No one can let me drink this practice wine next
time unless someone wants to fight against Hulu again."

Yan Wushi laughed.

Shen Yun Yungong relieved the spirit of the wine. Although his head was
still chaotic, he could finally walk on his own.

It was almost evening when I returned to Beizhuang. The little deer was
grazing in the front yard. Shen Shen's thoughts were not as clear and stable
as before, and his behavior was a bit naive. He actually came forward and
hugged the deer's neck, and whispered to him: "I'll change it for you How
about a name? "

The head Yan Wushi beckoned, "Ama, come here."

Without waiting for Shen Ye to tell which one it was called, Fawn had
shaken Shen Ye and ran over.
Shen Yan sulked in his heart, rubbing his head against the pillar, and said
that why he was worried about this person just now.

After that, he didn't remember when he fell asleep, nor how he returned to
the bedroom. Everything seemed to be trapped in a dream, draped by a
screen, like a moon in a flower in a mirror.

After a long stay, Shen Yun woke up and felt that he felt like he had slept
through spring, summer, autumn, and winter directly, refreshing and

He washes cleanly and invites the maid to ask about the hour, and the
maidservant said, "You have been sleeping all day and all night. At this
moment, at the half-step peak, the host and the deer estimated that they
must have fought."

Shen Kun was startled, unable to believe that he had slept for so long, and
then thought about it, it is likely that Yan Wushi played another hand, and
he clicked his sleeping point while he was drunk and lethargic.

But he didn't have much time to say anything, grabbed the mountains and
rivers with the sword of sadness, flickered, and swept away in the
direction of Banbufeng.

Chapter 128

Half-step peak is still that half-step peak.

For thousands of years, it has stood there, its personnel have risen and
gone, and its dynasties have changed. For its part, it has not had a half

Because of the rain yesterday and the cloudy day, the water vapor
transpired on the river, forming a mountain mist, and even the opposite
Regret Peak was dazzling in white air, like a fairyland.

But those who are in it, have no intention to appreciate the scenery, and do
not feel that they are in a fairyland.
Even after a few days of rain, the mountain road was slippery and
abnormal. In addition, the regrettable peaks were rugged and steep. When
ordinary people stood at the bottom of the mountain and looked up, they
couldn't help taking a breath of air, let alone climbing upward. As if
walking on thin ice, Rao is a martial arts person, with light internal
strength, this step is much slower than usual.

What's more, today's Regret Peak is unprecedented.

Occasionally there are only a few mountain roads with widowers and
saboteurs, but today people from rivers and lakes with swords and swords
can go up the mountain from time to time. However, the road to the
mountain is not manually cut, but has been stepped out by people over the
years. Directly is to cut the wall like a sword, straight up and down, there
is no room to pass, although those who are outstanding can still continue
to go up, those who are martial arts can only stop here, look up and sigh.

It can be said that there are nine barriers that are extremely difficult to
climb over from the mountain to the peak. These nine barriers are the
litmus test for everyone's martial arts, so that only few people can reach
the summit in the end. Even fewer people watched at the summit of

However, many people come here thousands of miles to watch the battle
of these tens of rare peaks, even if it is more costly to brag with their
children and grandchildren in the future, how can you stop here and be
willing to stop, so even if it is difficult to climb, many People still have to
face difficulties and walk on the mountain road.

"Brother, this regrettable peak is so difficult to climb. Why don't we try

the half step peak? Isn't Yan Wushi and Hulu at the top of the half step
peak battle? Even if we ascend here, we will watch the battle across the
river. After all, It ’s better to come up clearly at Banbufeng, not to mention
the fog is so heavy today! ”The speaker was Wang Zhuo of the Hueiji
family. At the sword test meeting that day, he was almost injured by Duan
Wenyi, and was later rescued by Gu Hengbo.
Young people have no resistance to beautiful women, and Wang Sanlang is
no exception. He secretly admired Gu Hengbo and was willing to talk to
others. However, Gu Hengbo ignored him. After the sword test meeting, he
followed Yuan Zixiao and Wang Erlang couldn't bear it. Seeing that his
younger brother was sullen and happy, when he heard that the two masters
in the world had a half-peak battle, they brought his younger brother to
watch the war.

It is a pity that although the two are up-and-coming talents on the rivers
and lakes, their martial arts are not bad, and their nine ridges of remorse
peaks finally stop at the last one.

There is no step in front of me. There is only a straight mountain wall,

which is about three feet high. That is to say, if you want to reach the peak,
you must cross this mountain wall, and you cannot use any force. Because
it rained last night, the rocks fell. The face of the mountain wall became
more slippery and smooth, and there was no other way but to jump up in
one breath.

The two brothers of the Wang family looked dumbfounded at the mountain
wall, and together with them were seven or eight people who were blocked
here. They were all going up the mountain to watch the battle. They also
passed the eight barriers in front but were stumped here.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 184
Wang Erlang glanced at his brother: "You think others are stupid. If
Banbufeng is better than here, everyone would have gone there already,
why would they come here again? It is said that the peak of Banbufeng is
not as big as a square inch It ’s still difficult. How can you fight against it
already? How can you allow others to watch the battle? "

Wang Sanlang paused: "How is that good, we can only stand here when we
come all the way?"

He looked far into the direction of the half-step peak, discouraged to find
that his sight was completely blocked by the mountain peak, and he could
only see a white cloud and fog, let alone a person on the mountain, by
stretching his neck.

In the face of this situation, Wang Erlang also unexpectedly, and

regretfully said: "You now know that there are people outside, there is a
day out of heaven, only then Chunyang views Li Shaoxia and Su Shaoxia,
and they went up."

Wang Sanlang thought about Gu Hengbo, adding a bit of bleakness: "Now

Banbufeng should start fighting, and I don't know how the battle is going?"

It is not necessary for him to say that Wang Erlang also wants to know
that, together with their brothers, more than a dozen individuals have big
eyes and small eyes. Some people are unwilling to fail, and they want to
try it. They walk to the mountain wall and jump straight up. The figure
suddenly rises, such as the white crane spreading its wings and the
Hongyan flying high.

Dozens of eyes fell on the man in unison, seeing that the other party had
jumped to the highest point and had reached the height of the mountain
wall, but this tone was worthy, and he had to step on the mountain wall
with his feet, intending to use his power to rise again. Who knows that the
feet are extremely slippery, but it is useless to rely on half a point. The
body immediately sinks, and breathes out in a strenuous effort. It can no
longer rise, and people have to land.

This man was ugly in public, and he was a little embarrassed: "I am not
good at art, so everyone laughs."

If others can go up, they wo n’t stay here, they will comfort him
immediately: "Xiaotai is too humble, your light work is extraordinary, but
it rained here last night, it is more difficult to climb than usual, otherwise
Let's go up long ago! "

Everyone had sympathy for the illness, and chatted a few more times, and
Wang Erlang couldn't help asking: "The two of our brothers just came up. I
don't know how many people went up?"

Someone replied: "Not many people go up, but there are many, like
masters of Yeou Palace, Yiguan, and Duan Wenji, naturally there is no
need to say, there are several younger generations also went up, I only
recognize Li Herring, Su Shi and Xie Xiang, the others are very stunned. "

Another said: "I recognize it, and there is Saitama of the Cabernet Sword."

Wang Erlang was taken aback. He had played against Saitama, and the
other side was a little better, but he did not expect that Saitama could also
jump up here, which shows that he is still inferior.

At this time, another person tried to go up, but no one came back
unexpectedly. Others were a little discouraged: "It should be near the hour,
an hour has passed, and I am afraid that we have already played against it.
I don't think we're going to the next hill to wait for the news, and it's better
than staying here. "

Having said that, with the last hurdle left in sight, who is willing to return

The person who just tried to jump up sighed: "Hey, just blame me for not
doing light work and refusing to go to school to learn. I am stuck here now,
it's really annoying ..."
The words didn't end, he snorted: "Look, another person is coming up, but
I don't know if he can come here!"

The crowd hurried to look around, and saw that a figure was coming up,
very fast, and the blink of an eye came to their eyes.

The brothers of the Wang family recognized the person and could not help
screaming: "Shen Daozun!"

Shen Ye did n’t know when his title changed from “Shen Daochang” to
“Shen Daozun”, and he did n’t have the intention to look into it. For now,
he only cares about the battle on Banbufeng, so even if he recognizes the
Wang brothers, he is only I salute the first greeting, and have no intention
of greeting.

Of the more than a dozen people here, half recognize Shen Shen, all
because of that test sword meeting, half do n’t recognize it, they did n’t go
at that time, but even if they did n’t recognize it, I heard that there is only
one “Shen Daozun” without a semicolon. It's time to know who Shen Ye is.

The remaining half of the people suddenly changed their eyes and saw a
little awe and admiration.

When Wang Sanlang saw Shen Xing's non-stop footsteps, he wanted to

keep going upwards, and quickly stopped him with his hand: "Shen Dao,
please stay away!"

Shen Yan frowned slightly, after all, stopped and looked back at him.

Wang Sanlang hesitated, "Dare to ask Shen Daozun ever to see Lingshi and

Shep waves? Shen Zheng shook his head: "I haven't seen her again since
the sword test."

Wang Sanlang couldn't hide his words.

Shen Yun: "Do you want to go up?"

Wang Sanlang was a little embarrassed: "Yes, but this mountain wall is too
high to ventilate halfway, so ..."

Shen Zheng glanced and said, "I'll take you for a ride."

Wang Sanlang: "Ah?"

Shen Yun: "Go?"

Wang Erlang responded more quickly and should be busy: "Where to go,
thank Shen Daozun! But we have two of them, I'm afraid we will bother
you to take another trip ..."

Shen Yan: "It doesn't matter."

Wang Erlang didn't know what he meant by "whatever", so he felt his

shoulder tightly grasped by one hand.

Before he could have time to react, a flower bloomed in front of him, and
his feet had risen into the air. Wang Erlang felt that the whole person was
stunned like a burden.

Shen Yan actually carried a person on one side without jumping for help,
and jumped directly to the stone wall!

Not only the two brothers of the Wang family, but even everyone below
them watched the three disappear into sight for a moment, dumbfounded
and unable to speak.

Just now Li Qingyu and others jumped up here, and they also saw it with
their own eyes. Those few people are not good at doing light work, but if
you want to bring two more people, they may not be able to do it. To what

The crowd has not been able to return to God for a long time, and many of
them regret their loss. They regret that they have not had time to make
love, so that Shen Daozun also brought his own area. After a long time,
someone was angry. Teacher Hulu estimates how far people should go, and
I do n’t have to watch the war anymore, I ’ll just go back and practice for a
few more years! ”

He shook his head, and sadly went downhill.

The rest may not be as pessimistic as he was, but he was also severely hit
by the light work shown by Shen Yifang.

But he said that after crossing the mountain wall, there were no too
difficult bumps left. Shen Xuan said to the duo, "I'll take a step first, and
you'll slowly follow up."

Wang Erlang said busyly: "Thank you to Shen Daozun for your help, we
can go for the rest, please!"

Shen Min nodded slightly, and he really accelerated his pace, but a
moment later, he reached the top of the mountain.

A lot of people had stood on the top of the mountain at this time, and Shen
Wei swept slightly, and saw many old acquaintances.

Everyone was watching the two silhouettes on the half-step peak opposite,
and did not notice the arrival of Shen Yan.

In terms of distance from each other, the half-step peak and Ying Regret
Peak are not far apart. The two peaks are separated only by a river crossing
in the middle.

At this time, although the clouds were lingering, but the mountain wind
was blowing, the dense fog was blown off from time to time, and the
martial arts eyesight was naturally one and one, and it is not difficult to
clearly see the situation of the peak.

Shen Ye also had no time to greet others. As soon as he came up, his
attention was completely drawn to him.

Yan Wushi and Hulu estimated that they had no weapons in their hands.
However, in one trick and one, the robes and sleeves were flying around,
making it difficult to tell whether it was caused by a mountain breeze or
pure air. Even the mountains and clouds were gradually dissipated in the
confrontation between the two, so that the people on the peak of Regret
could watch the battle clearly.

When Shen Zheng came up, the two had already been fighting for nearly
an hour, and looking at it, no one had the intention to end it. Between the
palms of the palms, the rocks were cracking, the clouds were scattered,
and the power was so great that it was clear and readable.

As a master of martial arts, and also a master of martial arts, Shen Yun
immediately found out that the two men shot with unreserved posture, and
this fight is definitely not an end-to-end discussion. It's an endless

Shen Ye can see it, and people such as Ru Yi Kehui and Yi Pichen can
naturally also see it.

The regrets of the mountain peaks, the robes dancing wildly, Xie Xiang
and some other younger generation masters even had to be lucky to
stabilize their bodies. There are fewer trees on the half-step peak opposite
to this side, and the wind will only Larger, but Yan Wushi and Hulu
estimated that they were not affected by half a point.

The wind roared and roared around them, but instead they were guided by
their qi and controlled by them, forming a cyclone, centered on the two,
and obedient and obedient by obedience.

Xie Xiang hurriedly whispered, not as calm as Li Qingyu and others.

Seeing this, he could n’t help asking his master: "Master, in your opinion,
who will have a better chance of winning in the end?"

He didn't say who would win, but he said that his odds are greater,
indicating that he also felt that the situation was stuck, not clear, and very

Ruyi Kehui intends to enter the school, and asks, "What do you think?"
Xie Xiang frowned for a moment, and said, "Should it be Hulu's

Ruyi Kehui: "Why?"

Xie Xiang: "Both of them are inexperienced masters. Although they can't
be distinguished from each other today, if they have deep internal strength,
they should be better off."

Because Duan Wenyi was on his side, Ru Hui Kehui refused to speak up,
but he did not speak again, but in his heart, he thought otherwise.

Although Yan Wushi is extremely powerful and magnificent, the Hulu

estimate is a Hulu estimate after all, and he can defeat the prone
generation on the Qingcheng Mountain with a momentum like a bamboo.
This level of skill is only afraid that Yan Wushi is still unable to reach it.
So, this battle may seem suspicious to outsiders. For the masters of this
level, the result may be revealed in the beginning.

Although he does n’t like Yan and no teacher, after all, he is also a
colleague of the Central Plains Martial Arts. If he loses, the Central Plains
Martial Arts may not have face, so Ruyi Kehui and others naturally hope
that this battle can be won.

Even if the odds are small, they are not completely absent.
Thousand Autumns: Chapter 185
Compared with the audience, the two people on the half step peak have
different views.

Although Hulu estimated that he had not fought with Yan Wushi, before
the fight, his disciple Duan Wenyi had searched for all the information
related to Yan Wushi from various places. Hulu estimated that this person
was arrogant, and his martial arts had not yet come to pass. I dare to
challenge Cui Yourui and Qi Fengge alone, and now it is not strange to
write down a book to fight against myself.

But he is keen on martial arts, and it is naturally a good thing to be able to

fight with those who are equal.

The half-step peak is streaked with stones and trees. If it is a foothold, it is

not square enough to accommodate three people sitting cross-legged, and
if it is to be operated against the strong wind, it will undoubtedly be a test.
Skill for one thing.

However, the two sides did not have half-tasteful decorations. They came
up against each other directly. The fox deer estimated that he had learned
dozens of weapons and integrated the power of weapons into a pair of
flesh palms. In one way, he combined the sword, sword, and halberd. The
offensive against mountains and rivers is like a river pouring down, the
waves are rolled, and the first is to capture people, with the intention of
suppressing Yan Wushi.

At this time, the wind was used from all directions, and the fox deer
deliberately guided by internal forces to surround Yan Wushi's regiment.
He tore open the defense he built with infuriation, and growled and
shouted to tear people apart. Do it!

There seems to be only one person left between heaven and earth. Yan
Wushi's internal force is overwhelming, but he can't compete with the
power of heaven and earth. When his internal force is exhausted, the
offensive estimated by Fox Deer will be overwhelming, and there will be
no escape. machine.

At the moment, the cooperation between the wind and the internal force is
exactly trapping Yan Wushi's impervious wind. He wants to move forward
or backward by half a step, and will be suppressed by the air machine and
cannot succeed.

But if you give in easily, then it is not Yan Wushi.

Howling wind, sometimes from the southeast, and sometimes from the
northwest, because the peaks are open on all sides, which means that the
wind will never stop. There are gains and losses. The world is reasonable.
However, it needs more internal force to cooperate.

Yan Wushi was in a disadvantaged position, without a wave on his face,

without moving his feet, but his eyes were closed slightly. He swayed
within his body and formed a barrier to temporarily resist the deer's
estimated offensive, but in the face of the deer It is estimated that this
weak resistance to Wei will not last for a long time, only a moment. After
a moment, the defense breaks down, and he will be under the impact of
suffocating gas in all directions.

But it didn't take long for Yan Wushi. The reason why he closed his eyes
was to listen carefully to the direction of Lao Feng.

The world is impermanent, and the wind is unpredictable, but the man's
moves are traceable. The Hulu estimates that if he wants to merge with the
world, it will not be possible to become one after all. There will always be
a gap to follow .

A moment is enough!

Yan Wushi opened his eyes wryly, and patted his palm towards the left
side of Hulu Estimate, followed by a leaping figure, and patted Hulu again
with one palm.

The predicament collapsed, but not only that, he also defended against it!
Fang Cai's nearly one hour of confrontation allowed Hulu to fully
understand the difficulty of the opponent. He had no intention of defeating
Yan Wushi in such a way. He was prepared for it, and his sleeves were
raised at the moment. Gone away, fell on a pine needle, if nothing,
fluttered in the wind.

But it was precisely this leverage that he suddenly swept high, and his
body suddenly disappeared into the white mist, which was a little

But of course this is not hell.

Hulu estimates that he uses several blind spots that are out of sight to
confuse his opponents. In addition, his body is extremely fast and
wandering without trace, and he can deceive others' eyes for a while, and it
is still in the daytime when there is no darkness. This skill is enough to
scare anyone.

Rao is watching people, and can't help but change his face. Some people
have begun to think silently. If they encounter this situation, can they
handle it.

The brothers of the Wang family need not say, such as Li Qingyu and Xie
Xiang, who are young and talented, so they are arrogant, but they ask
themselves, but they also feel that if they are among them, there is
probably no way to break the situation. of.

How many years will it take for me to reach the state estimated by Yan
Wushi or Hulu?

Many people's minds, at this moment, almost coincided with this question.

Yan Wushi didn't move.

Because he knows that motion is useless, and since the speed of the other
party is already fast enough to fool everyone's eyes, if he follows the other
party, it will be futile.
Yan Wushi knew very well that when the opponent stopped completely, it
would be the time when Hulu made a full blow!

Therefore, he chose to use the static brake and cover his hand under the
sleeve of the robe. He had already mobilized the internal force of his body
and accumulated his energy.

Life skills, gathered in this palm.

Fox Deer tried to preemptively, but found a thing that made him secretly
startled: Yan Wushi was not flawed!

No matter how high a person's martial arts are, even if he has reached a
state of perfection and integrity, it is impossible for him to remain

Everything in heaven and earth, vegetation, and even human beings are

Yan Wushi is no exception.

But the deer estimated that the other party did not have a flaw, it was just
that he could not see his flaw, not that he was perfect and true with

He suddenly found that the firmness of his heart and the treacherous
behavior of the man were even better than Qifeng Pavilion.

Over time, it may not be possible to achieve great consummation, and

even break through the peak of martial arts, feathering and flying away.

This kind of ascension is different from the death of the dead soul.

The Fox Deer estimates that practicing martial arts for decades has been
defeated by Qi Fengge in the middle, and he was willing to lie dormant
outside the plug for 20 years. He has never lacked patience and patience,
but he is involuntarily facing Yan Wushi right now. A jealousy rose from
the bottom of my heart.
Yes, jealous.

The opponent is younger than himself, and the talent may not be stronger
than himself, but he has the opportunity to break through the supremacy of
martial arts. No one can force this opportunity alone.

Everyone has jealousy. Fox deer is not a fairy. He naturally has it, but this
slight invisible jealousy was quickly abandoned by him.

He decided to go out.

Hulu estimates that the five fingers are slender but not white. He is in
Turkic and is a martial artist. His palms have common thin cocoons, and
they are also yellow.

But such a pair of hands contains a thunderous power that can make a
creepy change!

The sleeves of the robes bulged high because of the whole body's vitality.
He moved his fingers together, like soft blue waves, and turned into a
sharp ice blade, and chopped down on the head of Yan Yan's head!

Almost at the same time, Yan Wushi jumped up and turned back in the air,
facing the applause of Hulu.

When the strong meet, one is destined to become the weak!

Hulu estimates that Yan Wushi's strength is very strong, and he also
admits that at the age of Yan Wushi, he may not reach such a state, but it
does not mean that he will give up victory to the other side.

They are very clear that the fight between the two will always come, even
if it is not today or sooner or later.

Because there is no Qifeng Pavilion, there is only one Yan Wushi in the
world, which is comparable to Hulu.

They are like enemies, and today's situation is endless.

When the wind meets, the true qi spreads out, and the branches and stones
are flying when they are rushing, and the clouds and mist can't be avoided,
and they are turned into threads, floating and floating. The whole body of
the two is condensed into a barrier due to the true qi, broken. No dust
particles can enter.

Everyone held their breath and looked at this scene.

Just for a moment!

The powerful infuriation collided with each other in the midair, and Hulu
estimated to fall to the ground, while Yan Wushi stepped back a little
before landing.

Wang Sanlang just felt dry and unable to speak a half sentence. He couldn't
help pulling his brother's sleeve and spit out a few words from his throat:
"Is this the fox deer who won?"

Wang Erlang did not answer him, and his sight still fell on the half-step
peak, and he could not even distract him.

Looking at other people, it is almost the same.

The Hulu and Yan Wushi are close to each other, facing each other,
looking at each other and looking away, more like a pair of friends
reunited after a long absence, rather than rivals fighting each other.

Is it not over yet?

As soon as this thought came out of his mind, the Hulu estimates moved!

He swept towards Yan Wushi at a speed unimaginable by Wang Sanlang,

and the latter seemed to anticipate the other's actions. The two sides swept
towards each other at the same time, and they fought ten tricks in an
instant. Blended into the palm of the hand, the fierce palm wind is like a
blade, surging violently, rushing to swallow, and pouring onto Yan Wushi
without reservation.

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly.

From this overwhelming but invisible technique, he saw a deep flaw
hidden in the deer.

Perhaps it was the shadow left by Qi Fengge twenty years ago, or this time
he noticed the anxiety of the masters of the Central Plains, or the
eagerness to overcome Yan Wushi.

In any case, this is what Yan Wushi would like to see.

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 186
He remembered what Shen Ting had said to himself before. The fox deer
was proficient in several types of weapons and blended swordsmanship
and knives into the palm of his hand, making the palm of his hand more
perfect, but it did not mean perfection.

There are always flaws in everything.

He suddenly pointed out!

The opponent ’s palm turned into thousands of phantoms, but he only

showed one finger!

This finger, point directly to the other.

Hulu's face changed slightly, and he knew that Yan Wushi had discovered
his flaws.

Speaking late, at that time, the applause of Hulu had already fallen on Yan
Wushi, and Yan Wushi's finger also embodies decades of skill, like a
bamboo shoot, directly on the opponent's heart.

With a loud bang, the fox deer estimated that the whole person was flying
straight back, his eyes quickly grasped the horizontal branches on the cliff,
and he swooped back by force, hitting the boulder heavily, wow spit out a
large blood, the whole person's His complexion turned blue and purple,
and was almost transparent.

On the other hand, Yan Wushi always stood there, without moving, but the
hand that just pointed out drooped softly, shaking slightly.

"You ... won." Fox deer estimated almost a word, spitting blood.

With every spit of blood, his face became ugly.

Yan Wushi remained unmoved.

The deer's gaze had moved away from him, and the white clouds above his
head fell on the blue sky.

He regretted his whole life, not that he did not help Turki to take over the
Central Plains, nor was he defeated by Qi Fengge and Yan Wushi, but that
he could not go further into martial arts.

After death, if there is a reincarnation cycle, I wonder if the next life can
still have the opportunity to pursue the peak of martial arts?

He slowly closed his eyes.

"Fox deer estimates ... dead?" Wang Sanlang said, looking at Yan Wushi,
his eyes almost fixed.

"It should be, Lord Yan ..." Wang Erlang's tone was a little hesitant,
because he couldn't see what happened to Yan Wushi.

No one had proposed the idea of leaving the mountain. They did not seem
to have recovered from the battle of Fang Cai. Ruyi Kehui and Yi Biechen
stood for a long time, as if they were understanding the mystery of

Yu Shengyan was very anxious. He felt that his master must have been
injured, but he was too far away. He could hardly reach it. If he waited for
the mountain to run down to Banbufeng, he would not know how much
time to delay.

But the situation was too late to make him think more, he turned his head
and wanted to go down the mountain, but his shoulder was held by one

Yu Shengyan looked back, Shen Shen.

"Long Shen Dao?"

"I'll go." Shen Yan said only two words.

But the next moment, Yu Shengyan suddenly opened his eyes wide and
couldn't believe it.

Because Shen Ye did a move that no one could imagine!

He folded down a branch of a tree next to it, and then threw it into the air.
The branch flew far away due to the infusion of internal forces, and the
drowsiness rose up.

Shen Yan actually wants to jump to Repentance Peak from here? !!

how can that be? !!

Wang Sanlang was stunned.

Although the two peaks are not far apart, but even if the power is no longer
outstanding, it is still marginal to cross such a distance, not to mention the
lack of help in the middle. If you accidentally fall, there are thousands of
cliffs and torrential rivers. !!

Suddenly he realized the use of the branch Shen Shen had thrown out.

The opponent's meritorious service has taken the lead in the world, and it
is hard to meet rivals in the rivers and lakes, but no one has ever tried to
sweep from the regret peak to the half step peak. The middle of the sky is
across the sky. His body sank slightly, and Wang Sanlang couldn't help but
be violently torn.

However, Shen Ye did not fall off because of this. He seemed to grasp the
azimuth distance just right. This Shen, just stepping on the tree branch
under his foot, and with a little help, the man had once again emptied and
floated to the opposite side.

When he stepped on the tree branch, he immediately lost his strength and
fell down quickly.

Everyone looked at the figure of Shen Ye going away. Even Ru Yi Kehui

and others were shocked and surprised.
Wang Sanlang's eyes have risen from awe to worship.

Shen Yan has no time to take into account the perception of others, and his
attention is now on Yan Wushi.

What kind of master is the Fox Deer? He is dead. Wouldn't Yan Wushi be

The eyesight of the Wang brothers may not be able to tell, but Shen Yan
can see at a glance that Yan Wushi is not innocent, and the situation is
definitely not better than the Fox Deer!

But he didn't expect that he had just reached the half-step peak, he had to
help the opponent's fallen body.

"Yan Wushi!" Shen Yan's complexion changed greatly, because his skin
touched, what he touched was actually cold!

Yan Wushi's eyes closed tightly, his face was safe, but there was a dark red
overflow at the corner of his mouth, slowly flowing down to his chin.

Without saying a word, she touched the porcelain bottle, poured out the
pills, carefully fed the other person to eat, and then put her hand on his
wrist vein. After a glance, even if she was prepared, she was still in a state
of chaos and split her liver and gallbladder!

The vitality was exhausted, the sun was dying out, and everything in
Vientiane was withered.

Lifeless ...

At that moment, Shen Yan's face was almost the same as the next Hulu

He trembled slightly in his hands, holding on to the irritated mood, and

found a bottle of wound medicine out of his arms, pouring out many pills,
he couldn't wait to feed them all at once.
As early as when he learned about the appointment, Shen Ye had already
formulated the medicine, and he specially found Xuandushan, which was
spread over the years, and specialised in treating serious injuries, just in
case, but he never Hope these medicines come in handy.

After a while, Shen Min's only remaining reason told himself, took a deep
breath, counted three, and fed the other one.

After waiting for a while, Yan Wushi's face did not improve for the

Shen Min's heart was cold.

He was still holding his opponent's neck, but his body was numb, and he
even knelt on the ground, rubbing the stones into his knee across his
clothes, without any pain.

Shen Huan clenched Yan Wushi's wrist tightly, so strong that he almost
crushed the opponent's wrist.

The wind howling around passed by ears. The people on the peak of
Regrets had not yet dispersed, but all this could not attract Shen's

He closed his eyes and even hoped that it was just a dream.

However, when the eyes were opened again, the game world, the man who
had never been arrogant, still fell in his arms, closed his eyes tightly, and
the vitality was cut off.

He never knew that his grief was extremely painful, and his heart was in a
clump. It turned out to be this way.

"Yan Wushi," Shen Tuan said in a low, dumb voice, and said in his ear, "If
you wake up ..."

"If you can wake up and let me do anything, even if you tell me again, all
this is just a scam you set ..."
Shen Ye could not say any more. He realized that the other party had such
a weight in his heart.

This weight even exceeded the weight, he was too heavy to bear.

He trembled, lowered his head, and slowly put his lips on the other's face,
forehead, and then rubbed it gently, burying his face in the other's neck.

The collar fabric was slowly wet and dyed, and Yan Wushi suddenly
moved slightly.

Shen Yun: "..."

He almost suspected it was an illusion, without even the courage to look

Thousand Autumns: Chapter 187
But the next moment, the other party's faint voice came into his ear: "You
just said, can you do anything?"

Shen Yun: "..."

The author has something to say:

Hee hee hee, isn't this text ending very interesting?

Well, the text is over, and the next step is outside. Mengmeng on-demand
will consider it.

Thank you all for accompany Shen Zhen along the way, through all the
hardships of life, seeing the cold and warm all over, and going back and
forth, and do not change the original heart.

I also thank everyone for accompanying Lao Yan along the way, playing
the human world, teasing humanity. Although cool in nature and disdainful
for all goodness, in the end he was willing to make concessions for a deep

My original intention in writing this story is to write about how two

people with different perspectives collide, and how a good person like
Shen Zhe survives in a dangerous world. Fortunately, the story begins and
ends with the characters.

Alright, let's see you outside, what? (〜  ̄ ▽  ̄) 〜

Thousand Autumns: Extra 1
Fanwai 1

The moment he saw the deer fall, Yu Shengyan was ecstatic first, and then

Because he is very clear, Hulu estimates are not ordinary people, he

martial arts, almost called the first person in the world, no matter how
great Master, can put Hulu estimates down, he will certainly not be

This idea came up, he couldn't wait to see Master, but the distance
between Yingfeng Peak and here was beyond his control.

When Yu Shengyan was preparing to go down the mountain, a figure was

faster than him.

It's Shen Yan.

Yu Shengyan opened his mouth wide and watched Shen Ye rising directly
into the air from here, rushing to the opposite peak, walking against the
wind, as if with a fairy.

The shouting screaming was strangled in his throat by the students. He was
just like everyone in the audience, and he could only stare at Shen Ye
floating towards the remorse peak opposite.

To be precise, it is really floating.

On the top of the mountain, the wind was blowing, and Rao was standing
still. They were all blown into their robes. If they had no martial arts, they
would be ordinary people here. If they did n’t hold the trunk tightly, they
would be caught by the wind. Blow off, but like the Wang brothers, in a
group of masters, they had to secretly carry out internal forces at all times
to stabilize their body, so as not to be blown away by accident.
However, in the violent wind, Shen Yiyi fluttered and drifted towards the
opposite peak step by step. It seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was
very fast. From one end to the other, it has spanned a distance that
ordinary people cannot surpass!

As far as this trifle is concerned, I am afraid that few people in the world
can already reach it, I am afraid that it is slightly better than Master.

As Yu Shengyan thought, the next moment, he suddenly woke up,

remembering his original intention, and went down the mountain.

At this time, another person rushed in front of him, moving three points
faster than him. On such a steep mountain road, the other side disappeared
into sight as soon as they fell flat.

Yu Shengyan had already seen Duan Wenxuan when he just came up, but
the masters of the two sides were fighting, and the two had no intention of
conflict. During this period, Wen Xun saw the fox deer fall, and was
naturally anxious to rush over.

Yu Shengyan once heard that Duan Wenxian was greatly despised in Turk
when he was young. Because of being evaluated by Fox Deer, he was
greatly changed when he entered the door of the other party. Although
Duan Clan was ambitious, he was very filial, but Yu Shengyan At this
moment, the mood is actually not much calmer than Duan Wenyu. The two
came down the mountain one by one, and reached the foot of the repentant
peak. They were about to continue to go up, and saw Shen Ye carrying Yan
Wushi on his back.

"Shen Daochang!" Yu Shengyan shouted and hurried to meet him.

He saw Yan Wushi lying on Shen Kui's back, who closed his eyes tightly,
his face revealing a dead ash, Yu Shengyan suddenly discolored: "Master!"

"Go back and talk." Shen Yan said only four words.

"Mr. Shen Dao!" Duan Wenyi called to him, "Dare I ask Master how?"
Shen Zheng glanced at him: "We only took care of bringing down Lord
Zong, and it was not clear that he would take care of the teacher in the

Duan Wenkun had nothing to say. At that moment, he even wondered

whether Shen Shen would directly put his master to death when he was in
danger. Anyway, there were only three of them on the peak of remorse, and
no one would know the truth. Just now, it was rejected by Duan Wenhuan.
Although everyone's positions are different, even Duan Wenhuan cannot
help but admit that he will not do such a thing with Shen's character.

Although some people are destined to be unable to become friends, their

conduct cannot be accused by the enemy, which may be said to be Shen.

So he didn't say anything in the end, but looked at the figure of Shen Shen
going away, turned and swept towards the mountain.

Yu Shengyan had no time to pay attention to the other party. He followed

Shen Zhen closely until he returned to Beizhuang.

In the eyes of others, Yan Wushi has always been extremely powerful. The
housekeeper, who has seen him like this, originally greeted him cheerfully,
and he was not frightened at this time.

Yu Shengyan boldly touched the hand of Yan Wushi, and almost lost his
soul: "How, how cold ?!"

Shen Yan said: "He was too injured. I will write a recipe. You immediately
grab three medicines. Slow-fry over low heat. Cook four bowls of water
and make one bowl twice a day."

Yu Shengyan responded quickly. He knew that Xuandu Mountain had been

passed down for hundreds of years, and there were always some life-
saving recipes that were not passed on. This was no match in the palace.

Shen Yan entered Yanwu's house with his back on his back, carefully laid
him down, took his pulse, wrote prescriptions, and fed medicine, all
without the help of others.
Perhaps it was Shen Fangkai's formula that played a role, or maybe Yan
Wushi's inner workings worked, and after three days, he finally woke up.

"Master!" Yu Shengyan was coming in with a bowl of steaming medicine,

and he couldn't help exulting.

By the way, Shen Yan who was resting next to her forehead also woke up.

Yan Wushi opened his eyes and saw that the apprentice was going to help
himself to feed his medicine, and said, "You go out."

Yu Shengyan: "Ah?"

His response was not slow, and he gave Shen a busy look.

Shen Minshou: "You go out, I'll come."

Yu Shengyan glanced at his master again.

The latter woke up from wake up, and his gaze almost stuck to Shen Wei,
giving him nothing at all.

Yu Shengyan suddenly gave up a bit of sadness similar to "unrooted grass,

crippling wind and rain", handed the bowl to Shen Yan, and then quietly
backed down.

Shen Huan didn't notice his mood, he took a spoonful of soup medicine
and handed it to Yan Wushi. This movement was done for three days and
he was already very familiar with it.

"What do you think?" Shen Yan asked.

"It's okay." Yan Wushi said lazily. If it wasn't for his face, his posture
looked completely different from an injury.

Shen Huan: "Your pulse has gradually stabilized, but it is still weak and
you need to adjust it slowly. It seems that your magic heart flaws have
indeed been fully repaired, otherwise ..."
He shook his head without saying any more.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it is not Yan Wushi who can descend down the
mountain, but Hulu estimates.

Twenty years ago, the fox deer was defeated by Qi Fengge. Twenty years
later, his strength will only be stronger. Yan Wushi's decisive battle is
actually holding a lot of risk. Even at the last moment, he saw The other
side is flawed, but the internal strength of the two seems to be different.
There is only one result when you hit it hard: you die.

If Shen Zhuo didn't pass directly from the peak of Repentance, but went
down the mountain first and then went up to another mountain, the time
spent in the middle would be ridiculous, and perhaps Yan Wushi would not
be so lucky.

Yan Wushi smiled softly at him: "Ama, do you remember what you said
before? You said that as long as I wake up, you can do anything."

Shen Min reached out his hand and paused in the air: "That's just what I
said in a hurry ..."

Yan Wushi said coldly, "A gentleman can't chase a horse without a word."

Shen Ye was helpless: "What do you want?"

Yan Wushi: "The medicine is too bitter."

Poor Shen Dao has a pure heart and has not yet responded: "Then I want
some honey?"

Yan Wushi shook his head, suddenly reached out to take the bowl, drank
his head and drank it, and then directly grabbed Shen's placket and pulled
it over, accurately printing on the other side's lips.

Shen Yan opened his eyes wide and pushed him away subconsciously, but
Yan Wushi held his eyes tightly. If he tried his best, it would inevitably
hurt the other party ...
It was just a moment of hesitation. Yan Wushi had tasted the taste of his
long-lost lips.


Bringing some medicinal bitter body fluid into the mouth forcibly, Shen
was so soft-hearted that he lost all his territory. At this moment, his hands
were caught and his center of gravity was tilted back. The other side had to
press in because the waist could not bear the weight of the two people. Can
not help but slightly lift the waist, chin lifted, can not hold the body fluid
flowing down the corner of the mouth, winding down along the white and
beautiful neck.

When Shen Zhen returned to God and pushed away the other party, he did
not realize that his description was already very embarrassed.

The hair was slightly chaotic due to rubbing, and the eyes were moist and
watery, like a pool of green water, the cheeks were not flushed, and the lips
were obviously red and swollen. Coupled with this appearance--

Living is the scene after being discouraged by the disciples.

But the bitter master failed to find Deng Zizi, because Deng Zizi was
frowning, clutching his chest, moaning lowly: "It hurts ..."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi sighed: "It was only when I used too much gas that my chest
hurt as soon as I lifted it up. It seemed that I would have to rest for a long
time to recover."

This is simply cheap and sell well, also known as Tian Shameless!

Shen Ye's face was green and white for a while: "You don't know how you
got hurt!"

It's not as coma as it was a few days ago.

Yan Wushi has a profound meaning: "You said that as long as I wake up, I
can do anything, so how can I kiss myself? You are a Taoist, and the most
important promise is that since you can do everything, this matter is not
It's naturally okay to violate your chivalry, right? "

Arguing for talents, one hundred Shen Yan will not add up to Yan Wushi's

"... I think you are getting better, and you don't need to drink the medicine,
just keep it so quiet!"

The beauty is not angry, and Yan Wushi admires with a smile, only to find
that the other side of the body is not good.

After taking a loss for a while, she refused to feed her medicine in close
proximity to prevent the other party from finding any excuses. After that,
she just stood at the door every day and walked away.

It was a few days like this, and news from outside came back one after

The fox deer is estimated to be dead. Duan Wenyi brought the person back
to Turkic for burial, but the rumors rumored that Yan Wushi actually died
of injuries in that battle. Only because he was taken away by Shen in the
morning, he died. .

The people in Bie Zhuang naturally knew that Yan Wushi was not dead.
Although he only breathed when he went down the mountain, but because
of his ability to stand up and the help of Shen's dedication, he stepped on
the one of the Naiyang Bridge. Feet retracted again.

But the people outside did not know. A group of people who waited for the
results under the half-step peak saw Shen Yan carrying the person down,
and saw Yu Shengyan's face as if it was a funeral test, and it took a long
time for those who could not wait to clarify. It was taken for granted that
Yan Wushi had died.
Some unbelievers also ran to ask the experts who were fortunate to watch
the battle at the time. The opinions of masters such as Ruyi Kehui and Yi
Pichen were naturally more valued.

However, I heard that Ruyi Kehui did not express any opinions on the
death of the two people. He only said that Hulu and Yan Wushi were both
masters of today, and he admired Yunyun very much.

Yi Biechen's reply was more clear. He believed that the two sides were
evenly matched and that both defeated and hurt, and I am afraid that no
one would be good.

Many people were led by him, and they became more convinced that Yan
Wushi was dead.

Then, since both the world ’s first and the world ’s second are dead, who is
the most powerful on the rivers and lakes now?

What's more important is, how exactly should those markets in the casino
be opened?

Previously, it was not both bets and losses that killed both, but after all, it
was a different path. Most people would not think of betting on this. The
odds are as high as 37. That is to say, if you bet one or two, you will get 37
two. .

It is said that a lot of gambling houses in Funing County closed down

because of their vitality. One of them, named Xingke, made a fortune and
became a rich man overnight.

Who is Starwash? No one knows.

"Master," Yu Shengyan entered the room, holding the account in his hands.
"This is the money we won this time, totaling more than 50,000 yuan."

These more than 50,000 yuan almost emptied the foundation of all
gambling houses in Funing County. I am afraid that no one will dare to
open a gambling house in Funing County within one year.
Yu Shengyan laughed: "I'm guessing who the Starwasher is outside.
Actually, there's nothing hard to guess. You won't know it just after
thinking about it? Just waiting for you to show up later. Those people are
afraid to be angry. died!"

It's useless to be furious. The handicap is opened by them, and the note is
also made by themselves. Is it possible that you dare to come to the
trouble of Huan Yuezong?

Yan Wushi gave a hum, and didn't take this number seriously: "What about

Yu Shengyan: "Shen Daochang is practicing sword in the yard, he seems to

want to go to Changan."

Yan Wushi beckoned to him: "Anyway, come here."

To the apprentice who came to his ears, he explained so much, and Yu

Shengyan nodded again and again: "The disciples will do it!"

Yan Wushi: "Also, take out 12,000 from these 50 thousand and send it to
Chunyang Guan."

Yusheng Yan would know: "Yes!"

Is Yi Biechen's remarks indiscriminate? There is no need to eat the

fireworks of Taoism to survive, and Yi Biechen is just vague. After saying
something fascinating, he helped Yan Wushi win the gamble, and by the
way, he earned 12,000 for his Taoism, which was all a joy.
Thousand Autumns: Extra 2
Fanwai 2

Shen Zhen really wanted to go back to Changan. After all, Yuan Ying was
still helping him to watch Xuanduguan building in Changan. The other
party lacked experience and could not leave him there for too long.

Once Xuanduguan was built, the Sui Dynasty would be ordered to say that
the emperor would not be able to summon him personally. At that time, he
would also be able to meet with this teacher. If Yuan Ying, who was
awkward, went to the imperial court to deal with it, Shen Xuan would not
have to imagine it. Knowing that is very inappropriate.

Shen Jiu thought properly, and went to find Yu Shengyan, ready to resign
with him. Who knows that Yu Sheng Yan either came out early or returned
late, and couldn't touch it until the third day, Shen Ye blocked people at the

Yu Shengyan laughed and said, "Now that the teacher is sick in bed and his
disciples are at their service, I have to run around and see."

He lifted up the letter on his own, "I have to help Master to send a letter to
Master Yi Guan. If you have something to do with Shen Tao, you may as
well go and talk to Master, there is nothing wrong with Master!"

Shen Yan stopped him, and coughed, "In fact, I don't need to find him, I
just want to quit, just like you said."

Yu Shengyan said earnestly: "Shen Dao, you have a great relationship with
my master. If the master knows that you are saying goodbye in private, I
am afraid that I will be angry with you. If you want to leave, it is better to
say a word to the master, or you will make me embarrassed. what!"

Shen Ye did not want to go to Yan Wushi, so he came to Yu Shengyan.

In fact, deep in his heart, he didn't know how to face Yan Wushi, so he
could only choose this method of escape.

Yu Shengyan was about to speak. Someone came out in a hurry, and said a
few words to his ears. Yu Shengyan's face suddenly changed, and he lost
his voice: "How come, isn't it okay in the morning!"

After listening to the score, Shen Min raised her heart suddenly: "What's

Yu Shengyan reluctantly calmed down, in contrast to the posture just

retained: "Nothing, there are still things to do next, please forgive me for a

Having said this, he turned around and hurried away with the visitors,
without giving Shen a chance to respond.

Shen Yan stood in place, the more she thought, the more she thought that
she should be related to Yan Wushi. The more she thought about it, she
was more worried, so she turned to walk towards Yan Wushi's house.

Before I got close to the house, I saw people coming in and out, some
holding hot water in, some holding old clothes for washing, squinting at
the tip of my eyes, and seeing blood stains on the clothes at a glance.

He missed a beat, and ignored the others and broke into the room.

Bypassing the screen is the bedroom.

Lying on the bed, there was no doubt Yan Wushi.

The other's eyes were closed tightly and his face was cold and white. At
first glance, it was exactly the same as coming down from the half step
peak that day.

At that moment, Shen Min's heartbeat was almost stopped, and he stepped
forward to check the pulse of his opponent's wrist.

Yan Wushi slowly opened his eyes at this time.

"Aren't you leaving, why are you still there?"

The tone was cold, without the slightest previous smile, and even the eyes
looking at Shen Yan were like the cold spring of the same pond, without a
deep bottom.

Shen stunned.

When he said goodbye to his throat, he couldn't spit it out.

Yan Wushifu closed his eyes again, and said lightly, "I'm fine, just leave if
you want to go."

What he wanted to do and what purpose he achieved in the past was really
unscrupulous. Shen Rong has been with him so far, and he still knows this
person well. At this time, he sees that he has changed the attitude of Yan
Yan and smiled at that time. It was extremely cold, and my heart was not
half-decomposed and happy, but it was unexplainable.

Shen Zheng settled down: "To save people, to the end, since I carried you
down from Banbufeng, I always have to wait for you to fully recover
before leaving."

Originally thought that he was no big deal, who knew this was the only
one, and raised Shen Min's heart again.

But Yan Wushi refused to let him take the pulse: "Thanks to Shen
Zhangjiao, you have spared no effort to save this seat. This seat is
remembered in your heart, but Huan Yuezong has his own good doctor,
and dare not bother with Shen Palm to teach. "

He retracted his hand into the quilt, closed his eyes directly, and made a
false fuss.

Yu Shengyan stood next to him, perhaps he couldn't bear the sullen look,
and said, "Shen Dao ..."

Shen Ye went back to God and asked him, "I just saw blood on my clothes.
What's going on?"
Yu Shengyan embarrassed and said, "I cut the fruit and accidentally cut my

He raised his hand to indicate that there was a crack in the palm of his
hand, the blood had stopped, and the powder was sprinkled on it.

However, Shen Zai, who has been wound again, has also seen this, which
is simply inconceivable.

Yusheng Yan is talented and intelligent, and has a style of master in

martial arts. What he lacks is only experience and experience, but such
low-level mistakes as cutting fruit into his hands, let alone Yusheng Yan,
even people with a little martial arts will not commit it. But at the moment
Shen Yun was a little upset, and he didn't even notice such a ridiculous

He looked back at Yan Wushi, who still closed his eyes as if he had fallen

Taking Shen Yan as a person, he certainly couldn't do anything like

stepping forward to wake people up. He suddenly had a grievance: You
were the one who provoked me. Why did it come to the surface?

Natural Shenming wouldn't think so straightforward, but that's what Jomo


Yusheng Yan was lying between the two. The higher he felt the tricky
atmosphere, so as not to continue his embarrassment, he was busy opening
the stalemate: "Shen Dao, I just want to go back to Chang'an to see my
brother, why don't we go back?

Shen Yan shook his head: "Hello, take care of your Master, I'll take a step

He didn't look at Yan Wushi anymore, but his tone was very light,
apparently because he was taking care of the patient while he was resting.
Looking at the back of Shen Ye's departure, Yu Shengyan touched his nose:
"Master, will it go too far? Shen Daochang seems angry."

Yan Wushi opened his eyes and said lazily, "Isn't it a good medicine?

He glanced at Yu Shengyan again: "I treat him like this, naturally it is my

intention, you must not have any respect for him."

Yu Shengyan said busyly: "Discos are afraid!"

How dare he? Not to mention that Shen Zhen has a close relationship with
his master. He simply said that Shen Yun's martial arts ranks among the
top ten in the world, and he is also the leader. No matter what, Yu
Shengyan needs to look up.

"If Shen Dao really left ...?" Do n’t you overdo it, Shen is soft outside and
hard inside, soft outside and rigid inside. Once you really run out of
popularity, maybe you can't coax back.

Yan Wushi smiled slightly: "Actually, he had this intention long ago, but
he couldn't pull down the subordinates, but only his own Taoism."

Yusheng Yanxindao is it, why can't I see it at all?

Yan Wushi seemed to know what he was thinking: "You look at people,
and you have to study with Meide on the edge for a few years."

Seeing his mind broken at first glance, Yusheng Yan secretly tongued out,
naturally dare not say anything.

Shen Ye really said to leave, early the next morning, before Yu Shengyan
had time to bid farewell, he had received a report from the next person,
saying that Shen Daochang had left.

However, before leaving Shen Zhen, he did not forget to leave a few
prescriptions and elixir to recuperate Yan Wushi.

He was kind by nature, but he was not stupid. Yan Wushi suddenly
pretended to be ill. Even when Shen Zhi couldn't get the pulse, he guessed
7878 after returning. He was so angry that he planned to leave in two days.
The idea turned into leaving early the next morning.

In the beginning, Shen Zhen did go in the direction of Chang'an, but when
he went to Fengzhou, he actually met Yuan Ying who came to find him.

After Shen Kun regained control of Xuandu Mountain, he sent two elders
to assist Yuan Ying. Although Yuan Ying was not good at work, he also
trembled daily and went to the scene to check until Gu Hengbo also went
to Chang'an to find Shen Kun. Yuan Ying found that Gu Hengbo was far
more meticulous than himself in supervising the fortifications. It
happened that the news of the first battle between Yan Wushi and Hulu
was spread all over the world. Yuan Ying was worried about Hulu's
evaluation, and he was more worried that Hulu was looking for it. Shen
Ting was in trouble, and he entrusted Xuanduguan to Gu Hengbo. He left
Chang'an himself and came to Shen Tuan.

Among the five disciples of Qi Fengge, in addition to Yuan Ying's inability

to perform duties, read the book with one heart and one mind, except that
he did not leave Xuandu Mountain in the first half of the step, in fact, the
other four had their own strengths, even Tan Yuanchun and Yu Xuan. When
they took charge of teaching from Qi Fengge, they also helped a lot. Tan
Yuanchun was good at discipling disciples, Yu Yu was better than trivial
routine duties. Although Gu Hengbo was a woman, Shen Ye was not
discriminatory. Teaching her is the same as teaching Yuan Ying. Although
Gu Hengbo's temperament is cold, his work is resolute and
straightforward. The rules are clear and sharp. With her help in
supervising the creation of the Xuandu concept and arranging Beijing
matters, Shen Yun is naturally more relieved than Yuan Ying.

After the two brothers met, Yuan Ying felt relieved that Shen Ye was okay.
Shen Ye knew that Gu Hengbo was helping in Changan, and he was not in
a hurry. He asked Yuan Ying to go back first, and then he changed to
Chenzhou and planned to go to Chen. Take a look.

For Chen Chao, Shen Ye only came once. At that time, Yu Wenqing went
south as an envoy of the Zhou Dynasty. Yan Wushi was entrusted with
Zhou Wenyu, and Shen Ye was also among them. But at that time, his
martial arts had not recovered, even His eyes are not good. In order not to
bother others, he only went out once in the post hall. Chen Chaoyin's
territories, but he only knew about the scale claws. He was very sorry. Now
that I have a chance, I must use my eyes. Take a good look.

At that time, although there were Chen in the south and Sui in the north,
apart from Turk, there was another small country named Liangling, the
capital of Jiangling, and the clan that occupied the southwest of the Chen
Dynasty. Since the Jin Dynasty moved south, the people of the world have
suffered The bitterness of the war and chaos, all are looking forward to
having a bright master to flatten the North and the South, and settle the
Central Plains, which will enable them to live a relatively stable life, but
they look forward to hundreds of years, to the Wuhu disorder, to the South
Changing the dynasty, from the Song Dynasty to the present Chen Dynasty,
and looking forward to the Sui Dynasty in the north, but after all, no one
day can be expected. No one knows when the Ming Lord will come, nor
will Chen Chao and Sui Chaozhi. In the end, who is more likely to unite
the mountains and rivers, or will they eventually be taken advantage of by
the Turks?

There are too many variables in the troubled world. Who in the world
belongs to this proposition? At that time, no person of insight could use
his life to guarantee the answer, even Yan Wushi could n’t, because Yu
Wenyu, who he liked before, was because his children and grandchildren
would not die. However, carelessly, Jiangshan changed its mind.

At present, Yang Jianjian in the Northern Dynasties showed the status of a

British lord, but the Southern gentry had much disdain for him. He
believed that this man had been an ambassador under the Xianbei people.
Even his surname was the Xianbei surname. It is shameless to name Han
with the roots and to associate their ancestors with the Central Plains
family. How can such a person unify the world?

Confucianism boasted orthodoxy, and there were Confucian sects like

Linchuan Xuegong in the Southern Dynasty. Naturally, Chen Zhuo was
regarded as orthodox. He believed that Chen Zhu was the wise monarch
who could determine the world.
From the current point of view, Chen Zhu is well-organized and his
politics is relatively clear.

Shen Jian supported Yang Jian not entirely because he listened to Yan
Wushi's words, but he did see Yang Jian's smart and strong points. Being a
king of a country, he must be not only smart but also tolerant. These
advantages, Yang Jian are all some.

But these alone are not enough, so he intends to walk down to Chen Chao.
At the same time, he can also experience the customs and customs of Chen
Chao, which is a hundred times stronger than hearsay.

On the way to Jiankang, Shen Ye also met a family from Jiangzhou who
was going to Jiankang to vote for a relative. This family, whose family
name was Li, was rich and hired escorts along the way. Knowing that he
also went to Jiankang, he invited him to join him.

Jiangzhou is currently the territory of the Sui Dynasty. From Jiangzhou to

Jiankang, it is equivalent to crossing the northern and southern dynasties.
Although the court can not help the people to communicate with each
other, but the north and the south are separated. Many thieves have taken
the opportunity to make chaos in the areas where the two countries are out
of jurisdiction. It is easy for ordinary people to get on the road. Being
looted is often accompanied by a large group of people.

The lady of the Li family died her husband and wanted to take her
daughter to Jiankang to run to her family. Although there were family
followers along the way, and she hired a dart guy, she still felt insecure,
and Shen Yunsheng had a close look and was born. Long sword, it can be
seen that the skill is not bad. Many people have given a helping hand over
the long distance this year. Shen Ye saw the other orphans and widows, and
they were indeed on the same road, so he agreed to go down with the darts
of the darts.

The darts team sent four people this time. The head of the darts division is
Liu. This is because the Li family pays a lot of money. Otherwise, they
will send at most two people. From the point of view of the darts line, it
only protects two weak women. The other side also has domestic servants
and other people, which is not difficult at all.

At first, Liu Diaoshi was curious about Shen Ye, and asked about his
identity. Shen Ye did not show up with the disc, but only said that he was
just a priest of Xianyun Yehe. After studying for several years, he traveled
the world.

In recent years, there have been many Taoist priests. Liu Diaoshi went
south and north. I naturally saw a lot of them. After listening to it, I had no
interest. Instead, she thought that she might rely on her appearance to
confuse the Li family's little lady. Maybe it's the beauty of the young lady,
and there is another picture.

In fact, he didn't blame him for thinking like this, because the Li family ’s
young lady was a cardamom, and her love had begun, and she did not have
much resistance to a Taoist priest such as Shen Yun. Although it was not
easy to show up in person in the public eye, he also sent someone to give it
away. After a few times, it was either pastry or something else. Although I
brought a copy of Liu Dartist, wouldn't Liu Dartist see that she was
heading for Shen?

Regarding Liu Biaoshi's misunderstanding, Shen Ye knew that it would be

useless to explain it, and it would become more and more dark and
counterproductive. They left and right when they arrived in Jiankang, and
they only separated for a few days.

In this way, everyone walked for several days and reached the foot of
Qianlong Mountain in Huainan area. Seeing that there was a distance from
the town that could stay overnight, it was impossible to reach before dark,
and Liu Dangshi made a gesture to signal the crowd to rest here at night.
Thousand Autumns: Extra 3
Fanwai 3

The terrain here is flat, there is only a mountain next to it, and it can block
the wind at night. It is indeed a good place to rest. Liu Dangshi did not
randomly choose a place to let everyone settle down, but the people who
are immersed in martial arts are almost intuitive and keen. , But found
nothing wrong.

He couldn't help looking around.

In the setting sun, the heavens and the earth gradually darkened, and his
severely injured eye disease recovered with the internal power in the past,
and basically returned to the former clarity, but at this point, there was
nothing suspicious.

"Mr. Tao," Master Liu Biao came over to invite him, "brothers, cook jerky,
if you don't give up, do you want a bowl?"

In fact, he didn't show much interest in the Taoist who was born too well,
but the opponent finally carried a sword, and the sword was not fancy. It
can be seen that there are still two players in his skill. In the event of an
accident, there is also a In response, people running around in rivers and
lakes like him to make a living are more friends than enemies.

Shen Xun didn't abstain from eating, but just ate lightly, but there was
nothing to be picky when going out, so he did not reject his invitation.
After thanking him, he went over, sat down and drank the broth.

The mother and daughter of the Li family were in the carriage, and the
curtains were down, blocking the situation inside. The servants and maids
of the Li family were all around. Liu Dashi and his team were also very
interested. They did not bother, and the two left. Ten steps away.

"If the Taoist leader goes to Jiankang, there is a place to stay. If not, he
might as well go to the Baimen Temple in the city. It is said that the new
emperor is now very interested in Taoist alchemy. As a Taoist leader, he
will definitely be reused."

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "..."

Although he is a priest, he is not a priest with alchemy! You know that

there are many types of Taoist priests.

But instead of refuting Liu Diaoshi, he asked, "I remember that Chen Chao
believed in Confucianism so much. Why was the new emperor interested
in Taoists?"

After Shen Zhen entered the realm of the Chen dynasty, he learned that
Chen Zhu, the original owner of Chen, had not died long. The new emperor
Chen Shubao was the sister-in-law of Chen Yan and the emperor Liu

But he also remembered that Chen Chao was the site of the Linchuan
Academy. Queen Liu Jingyan was now the queen queen. She also had
another identity, a sister-in-law of Ruyi Kehui.

Liu Diaoshi shook his head and smiled, "How do I know that when the
emperor's blood is coming, he would like alchemy? From time to time,
which emperor does not pursue the way of longevity, even the people in
our rivers and lakes do not all say Is the peak of martial arts the realm of
heaven and man? "

However, an emperor did not want to govern the state affairs, but was
interested in alchemy, and he may not be able to see the results of alchemy
in his life. This is an upside down.

Shen Ye also knew that it was impossible to know as much as Liu Dengshi,
so he didn't ask much. Everyone chatted a little, and when the sky was
completely dark, they all got up and went to rest.

"Isn't Shen Dao going to rest?" Liu Diaoshi asked, seeing that he was still
sitting cross-legged under the tree.
It's summer now, and there aren't so much attention in the wild, and there
is no camp to rest. Many people sleep directly on the floor, or they are
lying on a two-wheeler carrying goods and just pulling a piece of clothes
to cover it. After one night, Liu Diaoshi, they have been used to this life
for a long time, and do not feel bitter.

"I was used to meditating during a break, and it was the same at night.
Brother Liu didn't need to care about me." Shen Yan laughed.

Liu Diaoshi was somewhat envious: "Hey, when I was studying in the art, I
often replaced meditation with meditating. Unfortunately, these years, I
ran to the west, I was tired during the day, and I did n’t know when I lay
down at night. Over time, even the inner Kung Fu taught by Master is
deserted! "

Shen Yunshun asked, "I don't know where Brother Liu came from?"

Master Liu Diao: "I am a disciple of Zhongnan."

Shen Chen said, "Wasn't that the same door with Chang Sheng?"

Liu Dengshi said sadly: "Brother Changsun is the head of the family, and
he is from the Northern Dynasty. I am only a son of a small family
member and a disciple outside the house.

Shen Xuan comforted him a few words. Liu Dengshi's mood improved
slightly. When he saw Shen Xing meditating, he could not help itching
when he thought of his long-abandoned homework. He also sat down
beside him, preparing to meditate all night.

In fact, he also meditates and exercises in weekdays, but many people

clearly distinguish between the practice of regulating exercise and
sleeping. Although Liu Jianshou has a deep heart, but he has n’t reached
the third grade, he ca n’t hold himself back. The trunk, slept heavily.

At this moment, Shen Yan suddenly jumped up and rushed forward!

At the same time, a sound of breaking air came from the front, and the
arrows shot straight at the carriage where the mother and son of the Li
family were like meteors!

Everyone was too late to respond. Even at night, many people couldn't
resist being tired and had a slow response. People like Liu Diaoshi who
started in the orthodox martial arts school could only open their eyes. ,
Looked up and looked around.

But the arrow failed to shoot into the carriage and was pinched by one

With a clatter in his hand, Shen Jian broke his arrow in two, and several
arrows shot at the same time!

"There is a thief! There is a thief!" The sharp whistle and shout sounded in
the wilderness, and everyone who was sleeping awake also awakened and
took the sword into a combat state.

By the time they responded, all five or six arrows had been taken down by
Shen Yan. The opponent apparently did not expect that there were such
powerful characters in the opponent's team. Seeing that the attack was
unsuccessful, they had to turn from darkness to light and run from the dark
Out, rushed over.

This group was dressed in black, but at first glance it was a thief. Liu
Dangshi said that this area is a three-way zone. North and south are not
connected. There are often thieves and bandits. The mother and daughter
of the Li family did not expect their luck. "I encountered it once, and was
scared to scream in the carriage, and the servants who were originally
around the carriage escaped because of the arrows.

The scene suddenly turned into a mess.

The other party was about thirty or forty people, all of whom were savvy
trainers who had been trained from long-term robberies. They were tall
and stubborn, and their faces were stunned. After the darts reacted, they
came forward to fight them, but they were fierce Slightly inferior, and
soon fell out.

The Li family had a strong family. This time the family moved to Jiankang
and brought all their belongings. As long as people with a slight eye can
see that this is a fat sheep, the bandits naturally refused to let it go, but
they dispatched many people.

But the darts can't deal with it, there is still Shen Yun. Liu Diaoshi's one
enemy and two may be the limit. For Shen Yun, these people are better,
but they do not fall into his eyes. It is even more invincible. Where are
these unscrupulous thieves in ordinary days, where will they be Shen's

Everyone was stunned and watched Shen Ye take an enemy to bring down
the wounded bandit and the bandit, and Liu Diaoshi reacted, hurriedly
came forward to help him, and tied the bandits one by one.


An arrow came behind him, and he was shooting towards the back of Shen
Yuan. Shen Yuan didn't know that the robber had left a hand in the dark,
but with his martial arts, it was not too late to react now, just about to
Turning around to stop the arrow, but one person was faster than him, that
whine was the cry of pain after helping him block the arrow.

Shen Yanran was so utterly surprised that she had never expected that the
little lady of the Li family who had not met him would come up to help
him block arrows. He could only take people down on the ground, and then
hold the sword to the dark place to put the cold arrow. Lay it down before
turning back to see the injured.

Obviously, the lady of the Li family did not expect her daughter to come
so suddenly. She lost her wagon and was crying with her daughter. The
arrow happened to hit the shoulder of the little lady of the Li family. The
blood soon stained a lot of clothes.
As a last resort, Shen Yan held the person in a carriage, first stopped the
acupuncture point to stop bleeding, then cut off the arrow, pulled out both
ends, and personally helped the person to bandage.

The little lady of the Li family lost so much blood, and opened her eyes
tremblingly, looking at the Shen Shen far in the sky and in front of her
eyes, stupidly saying, "Master, will I die?"

Shen Yan laughed and said, "No."

The location of her injury was a coincidence. She did n’t hurt her muscles,
but she seemed to have lost a lot of blood. Actually, it was n’t serious.
Shen Zhen did n’t need her to sacrifice her arrows, but they did everything.

He took out his personal injury medicine and applied it to her internally
and externally. She also explained that the lady of the Li family had to
apply medicine to her daughter three times a day.

The little lady of the Li family held Shen's sleeves: "Can Dao Chang stay a
little longer?"

At this time, the folk customs were not conservative and closed. Although
there was no such boldness in the Qin and Han dynasties, the woman's
favorite person can also confess, not to mention that her own mother is
nearby, and the meaning of Li Xiaonianzi is still sufficiently explicit.

Shen Zhen shook his head: "People outside the poor, thank the little lady
for her charitable act, but the martial arts of the poor can still protect
herself, and ask the little lady to take this adventure in the future."

Mrs. Li sighed: "On this way, I had admiration for Dao Changxin, secretly
paying attention to Daochang for a long time, and knowing that longing
heart is like a stone, it is not intended for me, but people live forever,
plants and autumn, but not more than dozens It ’s rare to meet someone
you like in 2016. What's so good about giving up? If the director is
touched by me, then I am naturally ecstatic. If the director is unmoved,
then I will not lose myself. Your heart! "
The Li family lady did not expect her daughter to say such bold words, and
wished to cover her mouth: "My son shut up!"

Shen Yan said for a moment: "The little lady's words have won the essence
of Taoism, and she can do everything she wants and be informal."

Li Xiaonian smiled weakly: "The avenue is the most simple. I didn't

expect the Taoist to be more devious than me."

Shen Yan didn't say more to her, and Ben had nothing to say. He put down
the medicine, explained to the lady of the Li family, and left.

Outside, Liu Dengshi and others have solved the thieves and they are
cleaning up. It is useless to hand these people who do not want to be
controlled to the government house. The other party is a gangster with
blood on their hands. Can let the tiger return to the mountain, the next
time he crosses this road, he will come out and kill the gang, and Liu
Dashi will certainly not choose the latter one.

Liu Diaoshi took care of everything. Seeing that the sky was already bright
and drowsy, he was ready to let everyone continue on the road.

When he saw Shen Yan still standing under the tree, he walked over and
looked at him. He didn't know what he was thinking about, and laughed:
"The Li family is very rich, and the young lady is obsessed with Dao
again. In the future, it will certainly be supported by everyone. "

Shen Ye just returned to God. He was tangled with his thoughts along the
way, but at this moment was suddenly awoken by the little lady Li flying,
as if he had figured out a difficult problem that had not been figured out
for a long time, and his face opened up in a moment. Against the glimmer
of light, it looked like jade and moisturized, and even Liu Diaoshi was a
bit stunned. No wonder Li Xiaonian would fall in love at first sight,
regardless of life and death. This priest really had a good appearance, not
to mention high martial arts.

"Brother Liu, I have a question to ask." Shen Yan said.

Liu Dengshi said busyly: "It was only after he was rescued by the
Minister, that someone who has not thanked him for his life, why should
he ask for advice? The Minister simply asks!"

Shen Yan looked serious: "Dare to ask Brother Liu, have you ever been a

Liu Dangshi looked dull: "Ha?"

Thousand Autumns: Extra 4
Fanwai 4

"Why, what sweetheart?" Liu Diaoshi stuttered.

Shen Yan shook his head and laughed: "No, it's also Meng Lang, and I
shouldn't ask such questions."

Liu Diaoshi regained his thoughts, scratched his hair, and thought that he
probably kept up with his thoughts: "Shen Dao has been practicing since
childhood and has a lack of desire. He must have not touched the ordinary,
and was scared by Li Xiaonian. It is normal for some helplessness. ! "

After the two had just fought, Liu Dengshi also turned away from his
previous politeness and seemed to be close: "In fact, you really ca n’t
answer this when you say this. There is so much love in this world.
Qingqing me and me, I am fortunate I practiced martial arts under the
Zhongnan School and did n’t go home until the age of seventeen. My
parents booked a family relationship with me at home. I heard that
although the woman could not do martial arts, she was a child-bearing
court teacher. I have to obey my life naturally, so I ca n’t say what I like or
dislike, but after getting married, Zhuo Jing handles her housework and is
very hard. I ’m very impressed with her. If you say anything about love, it
’s full of literati I ’ll read it if I ’m okay. Those who run the rivers and
lakes like us, either wind or rain or fight for life and death, are just like
geniuses. If we do n’t have a good companion, then we really have to fold
here! ”

Shen Yun: "Brother Liu doesn't have to be polite. Since they are on the
same road, they should support each other."

Liu Diaoshi laughed and said, "Wait until Jiankang, I have to invite the
Taoist Master to have a good meal. Don't quit!"
Shen Yun: "That's a good feeling, I'm not familiar with life, and I have to
rely on Brother Liu to give me a lot of pointers."

Master Liu Diao: "Come on! Don't hide it. I saw Dao Changsheng's
faintness. I am afraid that you are like those scholars. You only use the
sword as a decoration. But I did n’t expect that, you ’re better than my
master. It's amazing! "

Shen Yun: "Brother Liu has passed the prize."

Master Liu Diaoshi: "Since Dao is not regarded as an outsider, then I will
be straightforward. In fact, the joke is a joke. The little lady of the Li
family has a deep affection for Dao, and it is indeed a good choice. It is
enough to protect yourself. Instead of swinging the rivers and lakes alone,
you might as well marry the Li family's young lady. Li Jiayi has everyone
to help you. Even if you ca n’t be a hero, you are at least a rich man who
has nothing to worry about! "

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "Brother Liu has misunderstood. I have no
half thoughts about Li Xiaonian. I already belong to it, but I was confused
and did not think about it before I was stunned by Li Xiaonian. Mind. "

Liu Dengshi suddenly said: "That's the case, no wonder you would ask me
that way! I don't know how long you like this sweetheart?"

Shen Yan frowned slightly: "... he pressed hard at first, and I had to step
back, and then he seemed angry."

Mr. Liu darts his tongue, "Women are much bolder than men these days!"

He thought for a while, this style is so graceful, and there are high-strength
martial arts. It is no wonder that the woman will fall in love. The little
lady of the Li family has not seen a few faces, and the town stays in the
carriage. He just flew out to block the arrow just now. ?

Liu Dengshi came here and started to point out Shen Yun: "A woman is
always shy and rarely shows you her heart, but you refuse to accept it. So
many times, she has a thin face and will come to you without a face. If you
can take the initiative to find her It shows that everything is solved! "

Shen Yan drew a corner of his mouth: "The man's skin ... it's not very thin,

Liu Diaoshi laughed: "It's better to be better if you aren't thin and thin.
Let's talk directly. With the character of Taoist Master, the other party
must agree with shame and timidity, and then let the matchmaker go to the
woman's house to propose a marriage!"

Shen Yun sighed: "He is arrogant, but he is afraid to bow his head easily
after being frustrated."

Liu Diaoshi: "It's not easy, but everyone must be good. You can do
whatever you like and give her something you like, and you will naturally
say it!"

Shen Ye humbly asked for advice: "Brother Liu was also asked to teach

Liu Diaoshi: "Send some cripples. The daughter's family doesn't like those
jewellery. She likes quaint, you will send peach wood or jade. If you like
fancy, you will send gold and silver with gems. , Save one get one free! "

Shen Yan thought that when there was someone to take care of Yan Wushi
’s travel clothes, even if a mule on his head was an ordinary person's
expense for a year, he did not have a special preference, and shook his
head: "He doesn't care about these accessories."

Liu Diaoshi frowned: "Well ... what about food? Should I have some

Shen Yun thought about it, hesitantly said, "He likes ... sugar man?"

But that's what Xie Ling likes.

Does Yan Wushi also like to eat candy? Shen Yan imagined that Lord Zong
licked the sugar man with a proud and domineering expression, and his
expression became strange immediately.

Liu Dengshi is also very strange: "Is that sugar man a favorite food for

Immediately again, he gave an explanation that he felt very reasonable:

"Dao's sweetheart is afraid that he is young?"

Shen Yan coughed slightly, and there was a snack: "It's nothing."

Liu Diaoshi said that this appearance really attracted the little lady. This is
not the case, and the little lady Li has just met for a few times, and she is
fascinated by it.

"It would be better. Younger, less experienced, can make her happy with a
few words, saying that Shen Daochang, since you are deliberate, and you
have also asked, why did you not ask what the little lady you like like
What about? "

Shen Ye actually knows it, but knowing it is useless: "... he seems to like
martial arts best, and compete with others."

There are many women in the rivers and lakes who are drunk to practice
martial arts, and Liu Diaoshi is not surprised: "Teaching her with martial
arts skills is more than enough."

Shen Min touched his nose: "I can't beat him."

Liu Diaoshi was shocked. The women of this year are too sturdy, and it is
no wonder that Shen Daochang has repeatedly rejected it, and I dare not
marry such a tigress!

"That, that ..." He was also poor in some words. "In short, you have to try
every method. The ancients Yun sincerely arrived, the gold stone is always
open, and it makes sense, since she is interested in you, even if The things
you send are not what she wants, and she always knows what you want. "

Shen Ye also knew that he couldn't ask any more: "Thank Brother Liu for
being taught."
Seeing that he had a high level of martial arts, Liu Diaoshi did not know
anything about it, so he pointed out a lot, and even told him about his wife
walking in the boudoir during the day: "Don't look at those women
outside. Dignified and solemn, but no one saw when you closed the door,
and it ’s okay for you to be proud of her. It ’s not easy to meet someone in
your life for decades, so you should cherish it! ”

Shen Chen smiled reluctantly: "Okay, I took it down."

At this time, everyone was packing up. In order to go to the town in front
to rest as soon as possible, everyone speeded up their journey, while Shen
Zhen and Liu Diaoshi fell to the end, after the carriage was broken.

All the way galloping, the wind was so loud that no one could bother to
speak again, and naturally they did not know that there was another
whisper in the carriage.

Li Xiaonian, who was supposed to be in a coma, woke up and moaned, and

asked the people next to her, "How do you do?"

The Li family maiden said truthfully: "Slightly exaggerated."

Li Xiaonian glared at her: "In order to wake up Shen Daochang, I really

have a bitter plan to do it. If Shen Daochang can be empowered this time,
my injury will not be vain!"

The lady of the Li family sympathized, "It's hard for you, I really have to
suffer this arrow!"

Li Xiaoniang cried with a sad face: "No, it hurts me, but Shen Daochang is
so powerful. If I don't fake it, I will see what to do!"

The lady of the Li family comforted: "Forget it, you also know that this is
a task. The better we can complete it, the better we will naturally be. The
generosity of the suzerain will certainly not reward you."

When this incident of thief and banditry happened, everyone was worried
and eagerly rushed to the town to avoid being looted again.
Due to Mrs. Li's injury, everyone stopped in the town for several days. Two
or three meals a day plus accommodation was also a big expense. Thanks
to the great achievements of the Li family, they didn't take this silver
money to heart. Li The mother-in-law took a few days to rest for her
daughter, and did not save money. Even Shen Yun was grateful for
repelling the thieves. The lady of the Li family did not blame him for
hurting and hurting her daughter. Shen Yan has a lot of money.

Hurrying to hurry, the group finally arrived in Jiankang City half a month

After entering the city, the mother and daughter of the Li family also
found relatives. Everyone should have parted ways, but Liu Dengshi was
very enthusiastic. He took Shen Zhen to walk around Jian Kang, pointed
out the customs and customs for him, and invited him to have a meal and
treat himself. The address at home told him that Shen Ye had time to visit
in the future, so he left.

After bidding farewell to Liu Diaoshi, Shen Ye found his Bai Menguan
that he had said before, intending to borrow some time, but just happened
to catch up with the imperial edict with the emperor's order to call the
Supreme Master Tao to enter the palace. Not bad, he approached him and
asked him where he came from, and Shen Zhen answered them one by one.

Angels are anxious to gather enough people for the emperor's request, and
naturally they will not go to the cross-examination, let alone many people
are easily affected by appearances. Shen Shen's skin is clearly in line with
everyone's definition of "fairy".

"Dare to ask the chief, do you practice alchemy?"

Shen Yuanyuan wanted to say no, but he wanted to say something. He

moved in his heart and turned a corner: "I am practicing affection. Yu
Liandan just claims to know what it is and why it is not, but he has a little
experience in looking at people. . "

The angel heard that he did not understand alchemy, and was still a little
disappointed. He heard the photo, and was a joy again: "So, will the Taoist
master be divine?"

Shen Yan modest: "I know a few things."

Angel: "Your Majesty is now approaching the Daomen and wants the
Taoist Supreme to give directions. I don't know if the long wish will
follow me into the palace holy. "

Shen Ye came to Chen Guo to get close contact with Chen Guo's new
owner, to see how this king compares to Yang Jian. I did not expect
someone to put a pillow on when he was dozing off. He and Ru Yi Kehui
were unfamiliar and missed this time. It's not easy to find this kind of
bright and holy face.

Now that he has practiced after joining the WTO, he knows that some
people are sociable and rashly agreed, not only can't show the superior
style, but also make the other person despise.

So he hesitated: "Poor Dao made a vow in front of Dao Zu, and recites the
Taoist scriptures several times a day. Today ’s practice has not been
completed yet.

Confucianism had a great influence in the Chen dynasty, so there was not
much Taoism in Jiankang City. This Baimen Temple was not conspicuous
among several Taoisms. It was suppressed for so long. When those Taoists
heard the emperor had Zhao, all of them were very excited and full of joy,
but the new Taoist priest was very calm.

The angel really gave him a high look, and even the Taoist priests in
Baimenguan advised him: "Dao friends still promise to come down. After
all, you are a guest at Baimenguan. If your Majesty is angry and pursued,
we will be subject to pond fish!"

Only then Shen sighed, "Please ask the angel to lead the way."

The court called a Taoist priest, but not Shen Zhen alone. Shen Yun agreed,
and his name was registered. After three days, the angel had almost a
dozen Taoists who seemed to be eligible, Shen Yun and Baimen Guan. The
two Taoist priests entered the palace under the leadership of the messenger
in the palace.

Chen Gong is not much larger than Sui Gong, but the level of
gorgeousness and exquisiteness is inferior to it. It shows the beauty of
Jiangnan. Many Taoists have never seen such luxury in their lives. Even if
they try hard to suppress the face, their eyes are unavoidable.

When the three of them entered the palace, they were led to Wangxian

There are eight seats on each side, and the seats are almost full. The
remaining three closest to the doorway are naturally reserved for Shen.

Shen Zong did not intend to compete with the Taoist priests of Baimen
Guan, and gave up the first two to them. He sat alone near the door and
won the grateful eyes of the two.

The farthest from the door, of course, means the least attention.

The housekeeper said, "Your Majesty is not here, so please be calm and
calm. Don't make a noise."

The priests naturally did not dare to make a noise, but whispering was
inevitable. Shen Yan's gaze swept freely, and when his eyes fell on one of
them, his hair was almost straight, and he almost thought he was dazzled.

The man had closed his eyes and did not communicate with others. He was
lonely and high, but at this time he opened his eyes and looked at Shen

With four eyes facing each other, the other party turned to nothing if
nothing happened.

Shen Yun: "..."

Thousand Autumns: Extra 5
Fanwai 5

Shen Yan's eyes were not blind, so he could not recognize the wrong

What surprised him was the courage of the other person. In addition to
changing into a Taoist costume, he didn't even modify his appearance, with
a face that remained unchanged, so he sat in the Chen Guo Palace and
became Emperor Chen Guo. Guests.

As everyone knows, the Chen Dynasty is the Confucian realm. To make it

sound bad, Ruyi Kehui is as imprisoned, and no one else is allowed to
touch his finger. Like the Buddhist monk Tiantai Sect, he is obscured by
Linchuan Xuegong in the territory of Chen Dynasty.

On singles fighting alone, Yan Wushi is naturally not afraid of Ruyi Kehui,
but after all, strong dragons are difficult to defeat the head snake, and the
lord of the sect is pretending to be the Taoist priest to see Chen, and he
intends to rob the Confucian camp and invite the Confucian siege. It will
be very unpleasant to tell the story. In Shen Jian's view, the other party
does not need to ask for trouble like this at all.

Having said that, Yan Wushi is Yan Wushi. If everything is expected by

others, then it is not Yan Wushi.

Maybe it was Shen Yan who stayed with Yan Wushi for too long. The
Baimen Guan Taoist sitting next to him also noticed, leaning his head and
whispering: "Shen Daoyou, do you know the Taoist over there?"

Shen Ye: "I don't know, I just arrived in Jiankang, and I'm going to invite
Zhang Daoyou to introduce."

Taoist Zhang said: "I only recognize the two people across from you. They
are the Taoist priests of Blue Water View in Beijing. The Blue Water View
is more broken than our Baimen View. I do n’t know how those two
confused the angels."

Shen Ye couldn't help crying or laughing. His peers have always looked
down on each other. Do n’t look at Daomen Xiu, who is the immortal way
of immortality. In fact, there are many things inside.

"I heard that a Taoist friend had been summoned by His Majesty the
Emperor before. Is His Majesty not satisfied?"

Daoist Zhang: "Your Majesty wants to live forever, so he naturally asks

Daomen for help. However, those Confucian students strongly oppose it.
The Taoist view in this capital is the largest in the East China Sea. His
Majesty originally sought a Taoist priest in the East China Sea. At that
time, the people of Confucianism knew the news, and then Ryu Kehui was
really annoying. He asked the queen mother to put pressure on her and
pierced the Taoist priests' immortals on the spot and expelled them from
the palace. "

Speaking of this, Taoist Zhang revealed a hint of gloat: "However, if there

is no room for us to take the lead, then Donghaiguan Taoist priests can
easily be expelled if they want to take the lead. If the entire Jiankang
Taoist priests can join forces, It may not be afraid of the Linchuan
Academy! "

Shen Xun said that I am afraid that you are not your opponents.

"So, why did we enter the palace today without seeing the people from
Linchuan Academy?"

Zhang Daoshi: "It's no wonder that you first arrived. Soon after you came
to the throne, Shixing King rebelled. Ruyi Kehui is helping the rebels in
front of the army. The queen queen is in the middle of the town. The Prime
Minister is politically irritable. The palace is going to deal with the
government. "

Shen Jiran realized, no wonder the emperor was unafraid. It turned out that
there were no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey was called the king.
"If the Queen Mother finds this out, she may not be attacked by the
emperor, but she will always anger us?"

Zhang Taoist: "Anyway, I've made it clear. Although the queen mother
came from Confucianism, she is not exclusive to Buddhism. Unlike the
old and stubborn lord Ruyi Kehui, I ca n’t wait to wipe out all the
Buddhism in Chen Guo's territory. , I'll wait for my words to be cautious,
and nothing will happen. "

He is a good man, but he knows nothing about Shen Yun, but even if the
Queen Mother will be angry and blame in the future, he can't resist the
temptation of prosperity and prosperity. No, the Taoist priest of
Donghaiguan has just been expelled. Once the emperor summons, here is
what There were no seats available.

Of course, there is a fake Taoist.

Shen Yan could not help but glanced at Yan Wushi again. The other side
didn't squint, and he sat quietly with his eyebrows narrowed down.

After a while, a young man with a whisker on his lips came out of the
screen with a voice from his housekeeper.

Everyone rose to salute.

Chen Zhu's pace is not upbeat or slow, with a kind of leisure and
peculiarity unique to aristocracy. Such a long-standing pace has quite a
meritocracy. In the eyes of many admirers, this is the attitude of the
superior. .

Obviously, other Taoist priests will not be as much as he thought. Seeing

the arrival of the emperor, they all began to turn in their heads. I hope that
the emperor will be pleased today and will take it to a higher level.

After Master Chen sat down, he first asked the Taoist priests: "I have read
all the books of Confucius, Confucianism is important, righteousness,
Buddhism is reincarnated, and Taoism is the only one who has revived this
The closest the seats were, the more the emperor paid more attention to
them, and everyone answered them in order.

One of the Taoists, surnamed Lin, said: "The Buddhists say that there are
three lives, but in the previous life, who can perceive it. The so-called past
life, virtue, and wealth in this life, Taoism does not agree with it. It is His
Majesty who entrusted the heavenly Ziwei Emperor Star, who is an
Emperor Star, and where did he come from previous lives? Therefore, the
poor believes that this statement is ridiculous! With His Majesty's talents,
if he diligently cultivates, He Chou cannot rise day by day and return to
Xianban ? "

Chen Zhuda was interested: "According to Daochang's opinion, how can

Nao cultivate to return to Xianban?"

Taoist Lin: "Eh, the Taoist cultivation method is based on internal practice,
supplemented with precious elixir, and can be a Taoist immortal. He is
very experienced in the refining of elixir, and is willing to drive his

Master Chen: "Okay, then how do you search for your internal skills?"

Lin Taoist embarrassed: "Ashamed of the poor, each has his own strength,
the poor Tao specializes in refining Dan, and he is not very good at the
internal practice, but Xuandu Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain are both
a century-old door. If His Majesty sends someone to go, They must know
everything. "

Shen Yun: "..."

He was speechless about Lin Taoist's behavior of pulling people into the

Chen Zhu snorted coldly: "Xuandu Mountain accepted the Northern

Dynasties, and I heard that it is necessary to establish a view in Chang'an,
but in the Northern Dynasties, what are the talents of such a person?
Qingcheng Mountain can send someone to look at it. If Chen is really
capable, I might as well imitate Xuandu Mountain and give him a name so
that he can serve the court! "

There was a sudden chuckle at the table.

Chen Shubao yelled angrily: "Who is Ernai!"

Yan Wushi put down his bottle of wine, not at all worried that the king was
angry, and the guard was on guard, and slowly said, "I have a smile under
my eyes, and I don't know gold and jade. It ’s famous, but it was defeated
by Fox Deer. What ’s so powerful? "

Chen Shubao sneered: "Oh? So, you are the master you say?"

Yan Wushi: "That's not it."

Chen Shubao was born to be the Queen's sister-in-law, and she went all the
way to Prince Feng. In addition to the fright she received when she first
ascended the throne, she never had any troubles, and naturally she has
nothing to spare, not to mention that he is an emperor. Can't be more

Without waiting for the other party's anger, Yan Wushi pointed towards
Shen Yan: "The emperor wanted to be superior, but turned a blind eye to
the superior."

Shen Yun: "..."

He finally knew what Yan Wushi was doing here.

This is nothing wrong, commonly known as hitting the ground.

Had he escaped so deeply that he wanted to avenge himself in this way?

Shen Yun could not help thinking so, a trace of his heart passed by.

Sure enough, Zhu Zhu was distracted, and following Yan Wushi's
direction, he looked in the direction Shen Shen was sitting.

This look, could not help but snorted softly.

Only then did Shen Ye sit at the door, because the light was too bright and
the emperor didn't pay much attention. Now when he looks carefully, he
finds that the other person is actually a Chilan Yushu-like figure.

Master Zhu could not help asking: "Who are you and in which Taoist

This is the end of the event, and Shen Ye couldn't pretend to hear it. He
straightened his body and saluted him: "There is a laborer who pleads
inquiries. He is from the north and travels from the north. He is currently
living in Baimenguan."

Chen Zhufang was angered by Yan Wushi's arrogance, but at this time, he
disappeared, but he smiled at Shen Yu and Yan Yue, and said, "Because the
Taoist Chief can be recommended by others, he must be well-known in the
outside world, but I haven't heard it? "

Shen Weidao: "His Majesty has won awards, but the poor are only a wild
man. He has no name, no one asks, and the poor do not know why the
Taoist recommended the poor."

The ball was kicked back directly.

Master Chen didn't think so, and he was half interested in Yan Wushi, and
he also asked Shen Yun: "I don't know what you have learned about

Shen Zhen shook his head: "Poor roads are not good at making Dan, poor
roads only repair one."

Master Chen: "What is it?"

Shen Yun: "Sentiently."

This is what he said to the palace ambassador Hu Yan, at this time facing
the emperor, he even copied it intact.

Master Chen wondered: "What is affection?"

Shen Yan: "Ordinary people practice Taoism. The more you pay attention
to being pure and unmotivated, and you can get away from the world, this
ruthless way is to be in the soft red of ten feet, read the riches and riches
of the world, and enjoy the taste carefully before you can become a Tao . "

He was serious, with a stern look, and no one would think that he was
talking nonsense, but only wondering that he had never heard such a word.

Yan Wushi smiled and drank another sip of wine, and my heart said that
my grandma also learned to slap people without changing their faces.

Master Chen was overjoyed: "Isn't this the long-awaited way, please stay
in the palace for a long time and teach it to me!"

Shen Weidao: "The poor road travels all over the world, and his
whereabouts are indeterminate. Only because I felt the next heart, I
entered the palace to solve my doubts for His Majesty. Please forgive me."

Master Chen chuckled: "The Taoist Minister has some inconsistencies.

You have cultivated a passionate Tao. Naturally, you love riches and
riches, and you can give you the richest and best. Why do you shirk away
from it, do you want to seize the cause, and refuse to welcome it? "

This young emperor just doesn't like governing and enjoyment. It doesn't
mean that his mind is not brilliant. On the contrary, he has no
achievements in piano, calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing and poetry.
He is a talented person in the heavens. Much wider.

Shen Yan's face did not change his color: "Your Majesty's words are bad,
and the way of affection does not necessarily have to linger in the palace
to be repaired. Wouldn't you hear the prosperity of Qinlou, where the
Qinlou restaurant is not a place of practice, and that the poor are lucky
now It's enough to look down on the sky, but there are some words that
don't vomit. "

Master Zhu raised an eyebrow: "Stop it."

Shen Huan: "Affectionate means not only the wealth of the world, but also
the well-being of all peoples, clothing, food and shelter. Although
everyone is greedy for the former, He is the king of a country, and I hope
he will not forget the latter."

The so-called sentimental truth was actually Shen Yan's nonsense

temptation to test the emperor. He did not expect that Master Chen was
really happy and disappointed, so he said these words to persuade him.

Master Chen disagreed: "The Taoist Master is much more worried.

Wouldn't a **** like you be violent to the heavens when you are out of the
country. If you want to persuade you, you should stay and talk about it
with Sun."

In the end, the words are meaningful and imaginative.

Shen Ye listened to something strange, but never expected that the

emperor would have a different mind for him, but felt that it was better to
meet each other. Although Chen Guo is based in the south and the territory
is not inferior to the north, Chen Shubao's performance is obviously far
inferior to Yang Jian. The north is sharpening its sword, Yang is busy
stabilizing the Huns, settling the court, and Chen Shubao instead of going
to chaos, instead he is interested in Changsheng alchemy. According to
this trend, maybe in a few years, he will win.

The two questioned and answered one by one, and looked at others as
nothing. The priests eager to get ahead of them were already dissatisfied.
One after another, you said something to me, some of them were the
emperor, accusing Shen Tuan of being ignorant of the graciousness of life,
and some were busy. Recommending himself to the emperor said that he
was better than Shen Yan.

Yan Wushi suddenly chuckled: "Ama, now you know why I don't like the
Southern Dynasty?"

Shen Yun had time to speak in the future, and someone else answered him:
"I didn't know that Lord Zong Yan and Shen Daozong were in the distance,
and I had a long way to go, and I also hope for forgiveness."
While talking, a woman walked in with a mighty crowd of servants and

Master Zhu changed color, and quickly got up and tied his hands: "After
seeing my mother!"

The visitor is the sister of Empress Chen Chao Liu Jingyan, Ruyi Kehui.
Thousand Autumns: Extra 6
Fanwai 6

Although Liu Jingyan was a queen mother, she was not a woman who was
raised in a deep-fashioned country and had no knowledge of foreign
affairs. She had a prominent background and worshiped under the gates of
Linchuan Xuegong in her early years. Linchuan Xuegong's status in the
Southern Dynasty was as stable as Mount Tai. Of course, Liu Jingyan's
credit was also essential.

When Yu Wenqing and others came to the Southern Dynasties to hand in

the alliance documents, Yan Wushi had once exchanged hands with Ruyi
Kehui. At that time, Liu Jingyan was exactly out of the house, and
naturally recognized Shen Yan and the two.

She was busy helping the emperor with the administration of the dynasty,
and it was hard to hear that the emperor had summoned a priest to
interfere even when he came over.

Shen Shun-shui pushed the boat into the boat just to see Chen Shubao, and
there was no wrong intention, but it was always awkward to be identified
in person.

"There is no malice in the poor here, forgiveness, hope forgiveness."

He was also willing to explain a sentence, but Yan Wushi did not answer
or answer, sitting uncomfortably and looking at ease, it seemed to him that
the rich palace was not different from the humble humble house.

Liu Jingyan can show his face to Master Chen, but she ca n’t give up on
Shen Yan. Not only has she not changed her color, she is also gentle and
kind, and she has paid tribute to Shen with the honor of a queen queen of a
country: It is fortunate for children to take the time to give instructions to
children. "
If you call Shen Zhe by "hands-on-teaching", on the one hand it seems that
Chen Guo is ill-mannered. On the other hand, Shen Zhe and Yan Wushi are
sitting here, but Chen Guo is unprepared. It is embarrassing, so Liu
Jingyan called "Tao "Respect," it shows that he respects Shen Yan
personally and is very wise.

She also said to Yan Wushi: "Yang Zong, a great master, has an
extraordinary status, Shen Dao has high respect and high admiration, and
my child has no eyes on Taishan. He failed to treat others with courtesy, so
he was indifferent. Please do n’t blame the guests. I am willing to make a
gift on his behalf. "

Everyone saw the queen mother in a grand country, and was very polite to
Yan Wushi and Shen Yan. They were even surprised when they heard the
identity of the two, and Chen Shubao was the most.

How he didn't know at this time, he was deceived, and immediately

became angry, flushed: "These concealed identities, deceived the princes
on the night, how could the mother-in-law treat them so politely, and
decide where Jin Wuwei is, do not give Take it! "

Liu Jingyan changed color and scolded, "Who dares to move!"

The emperor and the queen mother contradicted each other's orders, and
the guards looked at each other, embarrassed. Those who had just taken a
half-step, their feet were in the air, so embarrassing.

Yan Wushi chuckled and rose up: "Liu Tai is no worse than a man. No
wonder this seat has heard that the previous generation of the Linchuan
Academy Palace master wanted to pass on to you, but unfortunately you
later married into the palace, only to let you Ke Kehui got cheap. Now, it
seems that if you inherited the Linchuan Academy, you may already have
influence all over the north and south of the river, and even penetrate the
northern dynasty, and have overwhelmed the Buddhism. Why are you still
stuck in the southern dynasty !?

Knowing that this was a provocation, Liu Jingyan still looked the same,
and smiled a little: "Thank you, Lord Yan, for showing love, Brother Ye
You is higher in martial arts than in me, and I am better than me in my
studies. I should inherit the position of the master of the palace and
promote the Confucianism. , I have ordered someone to have another meal
in another palace. If the two do not dislike it, can they move a little bit so
that they can entertain me personally. "

Liu Jingli was polite and courteous. He did not rely on his identity to be
aggressive, and he did not accuse them of entering the palace as identities.
Shen Xun himself was unwilling to embarrass the other party. He did not
wait for Yan Wushi to say something embarrassing, and said, "There will
be a queen mother."

Chen Zhuteng got up and said, "After the mother, these two people regard
the palace as their own courtyard. Come whenever you want, leave if you
want to go. How can you let it go easily!"

Yan Wushi did not look at him, but laughed at Liu Jingyan: "Chen
Chaoxian, Emperor Chen Yan, this one has also seen one side, and is well-
advanced. He is the master of success. Why parents are dragons and
phoenixes, The son born was nothing but Seoul, and it can be seen that the
father of the tiger said without a dog, it is not believed! "

Chen Shubao's grand son, who has been counted like this in front of others,
even when he is furious: "Let's not let them down!"

The emperor spoke for the second time, and the guards on the left and
right did not dare to hesitate.

The Taoist priests who were sitting next to Uncle Shen Yanyan dared to
come forward and be treated as messy thieves when they saw this.

No one knew that the flowers were in front of them, and the crowd had not
returned to God. The guards who were leaving for Shen Shiyan without the
teacher had all fallen back to the ground in an instant, and the swords and
halberds touched the ground, and the sounds of wailing came again and
again. Yan and Yan didn't move, they were calm, and they didn't even
shake their sleeves.
Liu Jingyan really couldn't stand it, and said coldly, "Your Majesty's body
is not healed, so he should take more rest. How can he listen to the words
of God, come, and send these Taoists out of the palace!"

She wanted to say "expulsion from the palace", and then thought that Shen
Yun was also a priest. To avoid misunderstanding, she was more polite.

Chen Shubao found that he was an elite soldier, and he was worthless in
front of these masters.

He studied under Ruyi Kehui from a young age, but as a future emperor,
no one thought he should learn martial arts and become a master of rivers
and lakes. Compared to martial arts, Chen Shubao was also more
interested in qinqi calligraphy and painting, so that although there were
many martial arts masters around him , But nothing to do with the rivers
and lakes.

However, the rivers and lakes that used to look far away now seem to be
getting closer.

He watched his mother expel the Taoist priest, and invited Shen Yunyan
and Wu Shi to leave. The latter never put him in his eyes, and his mother
did not ask his opinion from beginning to end, in the presence of everyone,
Treat his emperor's dignity as nothing.

"Your Majesty, would you like to return to the Temple of Fragrance?" The
housekeeper approached, asking timidly.

Chen Shubao glanced at him: "Go back, why not go back, you dare to
disobey the queen mother?"

The housekeeper was afraid to speak.

Chen Shubao: "Go get some wine. I want to write a choreography. I can't
write it without wine!"

The housekeeper was embarrassed: "But the Queen Mother ..."

He didn't dare to say any more, because Chen Shubao was staring at him:
"You are a puppet or a queen queen. I really want to be so loyal. It would
be better to go to the queen queen to hear the difference!"

The housekeeper even said that he was afraid to go back to find wine.

On the other side, Liu Jingyan greeted the two to the other hall. The food
and wine were already prepared. She would retreat from left to right. The
maid was hesitant. Liu Jingyan smiled. Why wait till now, don't be a
villain, go on! "

When the idlers retired, Liu Jing said: "My son is ashamed, letting the two
laugh, and I do n’t know what is important for the two to enter the palace.
If I can do this, but I will do my best to help . "

Shen Yun: "Poor Taoism has indeed traveled from the north. The guest
lived in Baimenguan and happened to meet His Majesty's call for Taoists
to enter the palace. Poor Taoist was curious for a while and then entered
the palace. That's all. Don't worry about it later. Not malicious. "

Liu Jingyan was slightly surprised. When she wanted to come, the two
were not equally idle, so entering the palace naturally had a purpose.

"So, is it true of Lord Yan?"

Yan Wushi said, "If I want to kill Chen Shubao, I don't have to wait till

Liu Jingyan also smiled slightly: "I don't necessarily believe what others
say, but I am convinced by the words of Lord Zong. Today, who can rival
him, and heard that on the half-step peak, Yan Zong won the Fox Deer. It is
estimated that this is the event of the Central Plains. I deeply admire it and
hate the limitation of my status. I have not seen it with my own eyes. I am
fortunate enough to see Lord Zeng now, and I should respect him with this
wine. "

When she saw Yan Wushi raise the glass, although she did not drink, she
also showed an attitude and could not help but relax.
Shen Yun: "Those priests who have just learned the classics are not good
enough, but they have n’t learned enough, but after all, they did not hurt
the heavens. Only because of admiring Tianyan, did they only enter the
palace, and please ask the queen queen to see my thin face and spare them
once. Hurt his life. "

Liu Jingyan said: "This matter is all caused by the emperor. I still
understand this. I will not do anger. Shen Daozun is assured."

She sighed: "The emperor was born in the deep palace. He has never
experienced wind and rain. He loved riches and enjoyed things, but his
interest in state affairs was mediocre. I and the emperor did not expect it.
This made them laugh.

The other side was so well-informed, but Shen Ye was a little unhappy and
comforted: "Your Majesty is brilliant, only because he is young and
vigorous, then he refuses to put his mind on the right path. If he can be
guided by others, he won't sing, and he will be shocked."

Obviously, it also said that Liu Jingyan's heart went up, she said sadly: "If
anyone who stays with the emperor is Shen Daozun, how can I be

Shen Ye was about to speak, but Yan Wushi had said lightly: "The Chen
Dynasty already has Confucianism, Ru Yi Kehui regards this acre of his
land as a treasure. Who can step in? Shen Ye's soft heart, your Excellency
will not be respected. . "

Provoked by a single word, Liu Jingyan was a little embarrassed, but he

was not angry, and still looked mild: "It's me, Meng Lang, don't blame

Yan Wushi: "You are a clever man. Although you still stick to worldly
opinions, I look at you better than you see Yeou Kehui."

Liu Jingyan said with a smile: "Thank you Lord Yan for your love."
She knew that although she was the queen of a country, the other party
didn't have to look at her face at all, so she adjusted her attitude and
coping well.

The two are not in the same way. The three did not have any topics to talk
about. Shen Yun offered to leave, Liu Jingyan didn't save, and he
personally sent the two to the palace door. He also explained that he would
send the person out of the palace. Make a cloud.

At the end, Liu Jing said: "The two are noble guests. If you want to enter
the palace next time, you can let the guards pass through. I will welcome
each other with courtesy. I hide my identity so I am wronged."

Yan Wushi: "You don't have to say a word to test. This time I entered the
palace just to find someone. Now that people have found it, they will never
enter here again."

Liu Jingyan wondered: "Who is Yan Zong looking for?"

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly: "Apart from Chen Gong and Chen Gong,
where else can I find it?"

Shen Ye had to supplement him by the side: "I and Lord Zong broke up in
Funing County. He came all the way down. I must have heard outside the
palace that the Taoist should be called into the palace, knowing that I
would attend the meeting, so I followed Come in and find out. I didn't
want to disturb the queen mother because of this. I waited until I expected
it, and forgive me. "

Liu Jingyan: "Tao Zun is polite. If this is the case, I won't prevent the two
from recounting the old. Yan Zong Shen Shen Dao Zun walks slowly, and
there will be a period later."

Although she did not have a close relationship with Yan Wushi, she often
heard that the person was arrogant and swollen, and now she sees it.

On the contrary, Shen Yan was quite polite and polite with Liu Jingyan,
and then he left.
Out of the palace, Yan Wushi didn't care much about Shen Yun, and Shen
Yun had no choice but to take a few steps to catch up with each other.

"Did you really go to the palace to find me?"

Yan Wushi didn't speak.

Shen Yun: "How do you know that I will definitely enter the palace?"

The other side still ignored him.

Shen Ye was helpless and had to reach out and grab his sleeve: "Yan
Wushi, I have something to tell you."

At this point, the two had reached the moat, with the willow leaves
fluttering, green and verdant, like clusters of drooping jasper and ripples
on the river, which was a good time for the Japanese calendar.

The two were wearing robes and had handsome faces. I don't know how
many young ladies attracted the attention with affection.

It's a pity that neither of these Taoist chiefs looked back.

Yan Wushi finally stopped, pretending to be confused: "Shen Daochang is

calling me?"

Shen Yun: "... Yes."

Yan Wushi: "That's it, I'll be on my way after that."

Shen Yun: "Where are you going?"

Yan Wushi: "Say what you want to say first."

Shen Yan's face is thin, even if he turns a thousand words in his heart a
thousand times, he can't say it when he reaches the mouth, so he needs to
interrupt the topic.
He glanced left and right, hesitantly: "Here is a large crowd here, and it is
inconvenient to speak. Can you change places?"

Yan Wushi showed impatience: "If you don't say it, I will leave."

Turn around and go.

Shen Ye quickly grabbed his hand: "You, you stay!"

At an angle that the other party could not see, Yan Wushi mentioned it
slightly, and then disappeared, and frowned when he turned his head.

Shen Yan lowered his head for a long while, and finally came up with a
sentence: "Are you okay?"

Yan Wushi: "..."

It seemed wrong to ask such a question, Shen Min thought distressed, and
asked, "Do you like candy people?"

Yan Wushi: "..."

He sneered: "Xie Ling likes it!"

Turn around and go again.

Sure enough, he said something wrong again, Shen Daochang was so

entangled that he knew what he meant was one thing, but if he really
wanted to say something, he couldn't do it anyway.

He gritted his teeth, pulled the person away, and walked quickly into an
unmanned alley.

Yan Wushi didn't even resist, and let him pull in, but his face looked cold.

"I'll make a siege for you in the palace. Is this how Chen Dao paid me

What a siege, you obviously want to enter the palace to see the fun!
Shen Xun's belly slandered, and he crossed his heart, without saying a
word, directly holding the other side's face, and a little bit of water on the
lips like a dragonfly.

Yan Wushi looked for a moment. The coldness that was deliberately
condensed disappeared.
Thousand Autumns: Extra 7
Fanwai 7

As soon as Shen Zhen was about to step back, his waist tightened, and the
whole man turned around in circles, and was pressed on the stone wall
next moment.

Naturally, Yan Wushi would not give him any chance of resistance. The
bodies of the two were close to each other, and the shadows on the ground
almost merged together. Shen Yun had not recovered, and his legs had
even been forcibly opened by the other side. He stuck his leg firmly in the
middle, making him unable to move.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment, he suddenly felt that he was just
impulsive. However, it was too late, and the other party covered his words
with his lips and tongue, completely engulfing all the voices.

This aggressive behavior was blushing at Yan Wushi. He seemed to be

tasting a good dish, swept the wind first, established his ownership, and
then slowed down his movements, chewing slowly, Taste the essence of
this dish.

Compared with Shen Ye, Yan Wushi ’s experience is undoubtedly much

richer, but because he read Qianfan, he was able to step by step, carefully
planned, and eventually led Shen Ye to take the initiative to come to his
door, which can make this “delicious dish” from the inside. The outside
belongs to you, and the taste is naturally more memorable.

He pried open Shen's lips and teeth, pinching the other's chin with one
hand, and twirling his lips inside. After the other party's initial
development, he began to learn the trajectory of his tongue and tried to
imitate clumsily, but Yan Wushi did not give him any imitation. The
opportunity to learn, withdrew a bit maliciously and decidedly to
withdraw, turned to bit his chin, sucked with the tip of his tongue, and
slowly descended.
His mouth was moving and his hands were not idle. The hand that
originally held Shen Huan's wrist against the wall, his thumb and
forefinger twitched carefully to hang around.

Shen Yi's hands are clear-cut but not clumsy because of martial arts.
Instead, he looks like a good sheep fat jade statue, gentle and delicate, and
a little warmer and more popular than jade statues. It is truly impossible to
buy even gold. Priceless treasure.

Yan Wushi's hand slid in from the wide robe sleeve, slowly all the way up,
holding the opponent's elbow, and the other hand rubbed and rubbed
around Shen Yao's waist without wrinkling his clothes at all, but moved
It's really hard to say, even a person like Shen Yun who has never been
human has been flushed with teasing and his eyes flooded, and the whole
person has completely softened.

"Do you know what is the last thing I regret now?" Yan Wushi said

Shen Ye looked back for unknown reasons, his thoughts seemed to be

completely smashed by an invisible hand, and his eyes were bewildered,
and his horns were rubbed slightly, looking like a harmless and innocent
Little animal is waiting for the mischievous person to start.

Yan Wushi: "I knew it so. It was time to buy all the houses in this alley."

What is the relationship between buying a house and regret?

Shen Yun wondered stupidly, the throat knot felt itchy due to being caught
and sucked. He wanted to resist and was a little weak. He raised his hands,
but he could only stand on the other's shoulders. Also refused.

Yan Wushi chuckled. He had seen so many innocent people, but never had
someone like Shen Yan who moved him and made him feel love from the
bottom of his heart.

I can't rub the other person into my arms, keep it close, and arrange it
carefully so that everyone can't see it, only he can see it.
However, Shen Ye is not such a delicate existence. He is a master who can
stand with the strongest in the world. He is soft outside and hard inside. He
is strong in the bones, even torture and storms. He has his own morals, and
Willing to go forward for this reason and never look back.

Yan Wushi did not agree with such a morality. In his past decades, being
gentle and gentle with this kind of kindness was not only dismissive, but
even willing to hold a malicious intent to go down the rock, but such a
mentality was in Shen Zhen He bumped into the wall, only Shen Yan, let
him willing to make concessions, even if he was not optimistic, and did
not like it.

But such a bottom line is willing to make exceptions only for this person.

"Well, someone ..."

Shen Yan had a terrific ear. He heard the sound of small footsteps coming
from the lane. It was still far away, but this did not prevent him from being
slightly awake. I was startled at the sound of my voice changing.

Yan Wushi gave a sigh, but the action did not converge. Once he was
willing to use 100,000 patience to tease a person, the person he teased
must have nothing but indulgence. go.

What's more, she is a Taoist priest like Shen Yun.

Yan Wushi's superb skills quickly made Shen Ye almost forget his

But just almost.

After a moment, he grabbed each other's hand, his face flushed: "Under the
broad day ..."

Yan Wushi: "Under the broad daylight, Shen Daochang is frivolous here."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "But I swear that I will not die, and I struggled to resist and
defended as an offense, so that Shen Daochang's apprentice was arrested."

He really caught Shen Ye's two hands and twisted his back: "I did not
expect that Shen Dao was very good-looking and highly respected. He was
the one who couldn't hold himself in sight of beauty."

Shen Yun: "..."

On the one hand, he was shocked by these upside-down remarks. He did

not expect that there were such cheeky people in the world, but on the
other hand, he was swayed by his opponent's superb hands in the upstream
and downstream.

The remaining half is naturally no longer Yan Zong's opponent.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. The young man in a short
coat seemed to have just returned from work, carrying the pie bought from
the street, and was going to take a short route to pass here. I did not expect
that there were others in this alley. Meet the two immediately.

Strictly speaking, almost half of Shen Zhen's body, together with his face,
was blocked by Yan Wushi. Only Yan Wushi raised his head from Shen
Yan's neck socket. It was not slow, Shi Shiran looked back at each other.

The man said aloud, the first thought that floated was actually not: these
two Taoist priests went down such a dreadful thing in broad daylight, but:
this man's eyes are so terrible!

The penetrating eyes shocked the other party to take three steps back, and
they didn't even have time to talk.

Yan Wushi turned his head to Shen Wei and said, "Look, the soldiers who
have been defeated without fighting."

Shen Yun: "..."

He didn't want to say anything, but he was speechless.

Yan Wushi also felt that this place was really inconvenient. Although there
was no sense of taboo in the open air, it was impossible to do things
against the wall.

He directly lifted Shen Yan horizontally, tiptoed a little, and floated up, as
if he was flat on the roof of the house, toward the nearest inn.

The inn of the inn has recently been worried. Because of the rebellion of
King Shixing, the official roads are used to transport grain and grass
materials, and the roads are somewhat uneven. The number of merchants
who come to Beijing for business is also less than in previous years. All of
a sudden the inn was deserted.

When Yan Wushi came in with Shen Yun, the Dong family was standing at
the door with arms around and thinking hard.

Suddenly it seemed as if the breeze was passing by. He hadn't recovered

yet, and he heard the man snoring behind him: "Are the two Langjuns
going to live in the shop? The shop has a good room. The Langjun in your
arms is sick , Ask the villain to help call a doctor ... "

Buddy chatter was interrupted by Yan Wushi: "Where is the empty upper

The hostel of the inn finally kept up with the train of thought and came
over and said, "On the second floor, there are four empty ones. You can
choose one, the price is more expensive, and it costs 150 yuan a day ..."

He said that there was a little bit of imagination, because the inn was not
large, and the price was not cheap among its peers.

But before he finished speaking, his chest was heavy, and the owner
subconsciously caught it. Looking down, it turned out to be a piece of
silver cake, heavy and heavy.

This can live for at least half a month!

The Dong family looked up with joy, but the other party had already
floated to the second floor with people.

The man came together and asked, "Can the doctor still find it?"

The Dong family hesitated for a moment: "They didn't call, let's do
nothing, prepare the hot water first, and cook the food first. When the
guests need it, they can serve it at any time!"

That head Wu Yan held Shen Yan into an upper room. It was much more
spacious than the ordinary room, not to mention that it was clean
everywhere. Even that bed was larger than the bed in an ordinary inn. It
was also covered with soft mattresses. There is a touch of scent of
sandalwood, which can be described as full cost, no wonder it is not cheap.

But after such a frustration, Shen Yan has returned to his senses. He
resisted Yan Wushi's chest, turned over and jumped back, and took two
steps back, saying, "In my opinion, it's better to forget ..."

Yan Wushi sneered: "You kissed me, now you want to give up?"

Shen Yun: "..."

It doesn't seem to be used so much.

He settled down: "It's still early ..."

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "Do you mean it can be dark?"

Shen Ye's face turned red, and he probably didn't notice that his collar had
been slightly opened, and there were even two red marks on the

If you want to be exposed, half covered, it's clear that the flesh has not yet
appeared, but it looks gorgeous.

One kind of person, even with a smile and a smile, can shake people's
hearts and cannot be self-sustaining.
Although Yan Wushi hasn't reached the point where he can't control
himself, he is also willing to let go of his desires, enjoy such beauty, and
let his eyes follow the other's smile.

Shen Ye didn't know why he would kiss each other without any fear at the
time, even though he had thought about it hundreds of times in the bottom
of his heart, but his temperament was introverted, and he would never be
able to do it normally. Instead, he tended to retract into the shell.

Naturally, Yan Wushi wouldn't let him do this. He reached out and grabbed
each other's hands. He subconsciously blocked them. After a few moves on
both sides, Yan Wushi flicked a few moves and grabbed his belt, directly
Pulling into his arms, he stretched out his hand, and the belt fell off. He
pressed the person to the desk case and stood high.

Next, naturally, the red candlestick was warm and turned into red waves.

"Dong and Dong, what's happening on the second floor?" The man could
only hear a few crackling sounds, and then fell silent again. "When the two
of them just came in, wasn't one of them being held? Why did they fight
each other now? Would you like to go up and see them? But don't make
any lives!"

The Dong family was thinking about the abacus, without raising their
heads: "Fairies fight, don't bother!"

What fairy fight, I think it is a fairy fight! Murmured the man.

Thousand Autumns: Extra 8
Fanwai 8

Fifteen stood outside, hesitating to knock on the door.

At this time, it ’s time for the Master to get up. Either instruct them to
practice swords, or let them practice calligraphy, even when Lord Yan was
here a while ago. It has never been interrupted. It will never be like this,
even the door. None came out.

"Master, are you awake?" After fifteen stands for a while, I didn't hear the
movement inside, so I couldn't help but worry, I couldn't help but speak

There was a bang, and a muffled sound came from inside, like someone
moving down.

Fifteen is no longer hesitant, and quickly pushed in.

"Master, you are fine ..."

When he walked around the screen and saw the scene in the bedroom, the
expression on his face changed from anxiety and worry to a stun, so that
he couldn't even speak.

There is no His Master on the bed, there is only one under the bed covered
by clothes, constantly struggling ... children?

"Who are you!" Fifteen lost his voice.

The child was wearing only singles and trousers. He seemed to want to put
his body in this clothes, but he failed in the end.

The arrival of fifteen obviously also made him scared. He looked at the
other side for a moment, trying to calm himself down, but his childish and
crisp voice still exposed a trace of trembling, and the final effect was not

"Sinking, who is your Excellency? Where is this?"

What, you are Shen? Where is my Master?

Fifteen also looked at him dullly, the two eyes widened and the eyes
narrowed, and the child was still wearing the oversized clothes, as if fixed
there, motionless.

Last night, the fifteenth remembered clearly, because Shichiro ’s birthday,

everyone was very happy. Master specially made a few dishes from the
mountain and delivered them. The brothers drank a lot of wine and came
back with joy, so everyone They all slept late.

However, Shen Ye did not allow them to rest today. Fifteen and Yu Wenshu
and others still got up like before, but they could n’t wait for Shen Ye--

But fifteen did not expect such a funny farce anyway.

He settled down, taking a few steps forward, the child quickly took a few
steps back, but he tripped over his clothes and planted the whole person

Fifteen eyes opened his hand and held him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I'm a disciple on Xuandu Mountain,
called fifteen!"

The child opened his eyes wide, "You are also a disciple on Xuandu
Mountain? Why have I never seen you?"

Fifteen skip this question directly: "Do you know where my Master went?"

Child: "Who is your Master?"

XV: "Xuandu Shan teaches."

The child's eyes opened wider: "My Master also teaches Xuandu Shan!"

Fifteen: "My Master is Shen Yun."

The child said innocently: "I am Shen Yun."


He could not help the amount: "Who is your Master then?"

Although the child is young, he is not stupid: "Why do you say that your
disciple who teaches in Xuandu Mountain does not know who I am?

Fifteen hearts slowly floated an unlikely scenario: "Qi Fengge?"

The child's expression showed that the answer to fifteen was correct.

Fifteen was a little crying, and he asked carefully, "So, how old are you
this year?"

Somehow, although the child didn't know fifteen, he felt that the other
party had an innate intimacy: "I'm almost seven years old."

That's six years old.

Oh my god, my master turned back into a six-year-old child overnight!

Can he return to normal, if not, what should he do!

The thunderbolt hit fifteen fifteen at half past fierce on this sunny day.

It's not that fifteen hasn't thought that this is a big scam, but once his
master judged that he wouldn't make such a joke, and secondly, based on
his master's martial arts, there are not many people in this world who can't
even know the ghost The man was tied away from the mountain of
Xuandu. The face of the three-year-old boy really looks like his master has
seven or eight points.

It can be said that this is clearly a reduced version of the master!

Seeing him not talking for a long time, Xiao Shenyu panicked and said
loudly, "I'm going to find the master!"

Then I ran out.

Fifteen quickly stopped him, and Xiao Shenzheng attacked, but now he is
far from fifteen opponents, and was hit by the acupuncture point at fifteen

Xiao Shenzhen was horrified to find that he didn't know this person at all,
but his tricks and styles did indeed come from Xuandu Mountain.

His small mouth is slightly flat, and the eyes like black grapes are quickly
filled with moisture: "I want to find a master!"

Fifteen had a sore nose and wanted to cry, "I want my master, too, you give
me back my master!"

Xiao Shenzheng: "..."

The news that he was teaching to become a six-year-old child overnight

spread quickly throughout the Xuandu Mountain.

After experiencing the same ups and downs as the fifteenth, everyone
finally accepted this almost mysterious fact.

Xiao Shenzheng was unable to accept this fact for the time being. He held
the rabbit that Gu Hengbo found from the mountain in his arms. His
expression was blank and innocent.

In addition, Xiao Shenzhang behaved very well, neither crying nor


Because he looks so cute, everyone in Xuandushan feels incredible, and he

refuses to let go of this opportunity to "watch and teach at a young age",
and they all find all kinds of excuses to come and take a circle in front of
Xiao Shen. He even brought a variety of gifts.
Of course, everyone is also racking their brains and thinking about how to
restore Shen Zhen to normal. The elders even tried to inject internal force
into Xiao Shen's body, but it is strange that Xiao Shen's body is like a
bottomless pit The enlightenment poured into it was like a sea of mud and
no trace.

"Uncle, why did you give the teacher ... Master found a rabbit. Did Master
like rabbits when he was a kid?" Fifteen asked Gu Hengbo.

Gu Hengbo: "When I started with Brother Four, Brother Two was already
much older and had a totally different temperament. He could also teach
us on behalf of the Master. Naturally, I would not hold these small animals
all day. I also listen to this matter. As Master said, his old man once gave a
rabbit to Brother Er, who liked it so much that he had to hold him even
while sleeping. "

The little Shen Zhenan sat quietly, touching the big white rabbit with her
hand, and saw that they were talking, but did not come to bother, but just
looked curiously.

But this is not the way to go!

Fifteen support amount, asked Gu Hengbo: "What can I do for Uncle Shi?"

Gu Hengbo hesitated: "I have sent a letter to the Liuli Palace to inquire
about it. Disciples of the Liuli Palace are well-known and may have a way
of knowing it. Sovereign letter? "

Yan Wushi only went down to Chang'an a few days ago. Fifteen was
completely afraid to imagine the other party's reaction after he knew about

I'm afraid they will be furious and then angry at them?

Fifteen was a little bit frightened, but he was even more afraid that his
Master would be like this and never recover.

"I will write now!"

Yan Wushi's response was different from what they imagined.

Very different.

At first, when he saw Xiao Shenzhang, he was also stunned for a while, but
after all, he was a guru, and people would soon return to God: "If it was
not for manpower, it might be a chance. When the time comes, it will
naturally be restored Now. "

Fifteen dumb eyes: "What if you can't recover?"

Yan Wushi glanced at him: "Your teacher has taught you so long. As a big
disciple, you ca n’t even afford the heavy responsibility in the door?"

Fifteen was ashamed and said, "Thank you, Bishop Yan Zong, and Fifteen

Yan Wushi sighed with satisfaction, and walked towards Xiao Shen.

Little Shen Zhen naturally did not recognize Yan Wushi. He watched this
handsome man step by step, with a normal alienation from strangers, and a
little curiosity.

"I'm Yan Wushi." Yan Wushi went straight in, and unexpectedly saw Xiao
Shenyang's eyes widened.

"Master said, you played against him," Xiao Shen said.

Yan Wushi: "Yes."

Xiao Shenzhen tilted his head and struck him. It was strange: "However,
the master obviously said that Yan Wushi was a very young man ..."

Yan Wushi: "Aren't I young? You forgot who was complaining about my
energy in bed a few days ago, so I don't want that long?"

This was almost spoken against Xiao Shen's ear, and fifteen did not hear it.
Xiao Shenzhen's expression was blank and completely incomprehensible:

Suddenly, Yan Wushi felt that it was okay for Shen Ye to become like this
for a while, at least it was deceiving and fun. When he recovered, he
thought about it, and it was estimated that he could face the red ears and
red diamonds.

"I'll take you down the mountain to play."

Little Shen Zhen shook his head: "I want to stay here."

Although he hasn't seen anyone he knows these days, anyway, he knows

that this is Xuandu Mountain. The people on the mountain are also very
good to himself, not malicious at all, and he naturally refuses to go

Yan Wushi smiled: "This can't help you."

Unlike the fifteen and Gu Hengbo, he talked for a long time with good
words, and reached out and stunned people.


Seeing Yan Wushi pick up the person, he was about to leave. He hurried
forward to stop: "Master Zong, where are you going to take Master!"

Yan Wushi glanced at him: "It's time to test you. Don't disappoint your
teacher's usual teachings. I will take him down the mountain to play. He
will return when he recovers."

He was willing to explain the next few sentences to the fifteen, and he was
already looking at Shen Xuan's face with a special glory.

Little Shen Xun never expected that he was no longer on the mountain
when he woke up. He looked at the completely strange surroundings, and
added Yan Wushi who had just met him. Confusion and fear suddenly
burst into his heart, and his eyes burst into tears.
Yan Wushi took a good time: "If you cry, you won't be sent back again.
You also know that I have played against your master, and it is a bad

Xiao Shenzheng held back tears and dared not cry again, but could not
help refuting: "Master did not say that you are a bad person, he said that
you have excellent qualifications, but the definition of martial arts is not
low in the future."

Yan Wushi did not expect that the other party was so young, and he could
still speak fluently in front of himself.

He didn't like Shen Shen so much, but this kind of love was reflected in
teasing and bullying more often.

This is no exception.

Seeing Xiao Shen's tears twirling in his eyes, Yan Wushi held him in his
arms and said softly, "Well, I'll take you to play, and I'll take you back in
two days."

With tears in his eyes, Xiao Shenxi grieved and pulled his sleeve: "Master
Zong, can you take me to see Master, I miss him."

Yan Wushi: "Okay."

Xiao Shenzhang instantly moved the color, and the brilliance of the small
face was almost visible to the naked eye.

The two got out of the carriage. It was the market outside. People were
coming and going.

After all, the child is a child. When he has something new to look at, he
temporarily forgets the sadness. Little Shen Xun looked around and looked

Yan Wushi hugged him to a sugar man's stall.

"Shall you master a master?"

Xiao Shenzhen looked at the lifelike sugar man with different colors and
nodded with joy.

The hawker laughed: "What kind of person does Xiao Langjun want to
pinch, how tall and what clothes do he wear?"

Xiao Shenzheng made a serious gesture: "I am so tall, I like to wear blue
clothes, and I have a sword on my back ..."

The hawker was clever in his heart and quickly pinched the sugar man:
"Liu Xiaojun, look like this?"

Little Shen Zhen even nodded, his eyes couldn't turn away, and he put it
down in his hands.

Yan Wushi laughed and said, "I didn't lie to you. I'll take you to see Master

Xiao Shen froze, opened his mouth slightly, looked at him, and looked at
the sugar man, his eyebrows twisted, and he fell into a struggle for a long

Even Master Yan couldn't help but admire his self-control a bit. You
should know that this is not Shen Shen who is ten years old, not Shen Shen
who is fifteen years old. He is just under seven years old and suddenly
came to a strange world overnight. It is not easy to have no acquaintances
around and to barely maintain basic judgment.

But no matter how good I endured, Xiao Shenzheng also put on a nasal
voice when he said, "Master Zong, do you know where my Master is,
right? Can I bother you to help me find him?"

Yan Wushi: "He entrusted you to me for the time being, and it will
naturally appear when it should be. A person as powerful as him is bound
to be fine."

His gentle soothing eased Xiao Shenzhen a little, and the latter sucked his
nose, wrapped around Yan Wushi's neck, and nodded.
But the next moment, Yan Wushi lowered his head and opened his mouth,
directly biting off the half of the shoulder of the sugar man.

Xiao Shenzhen was stunned, could not help but cry, wow!
Thousand Autumns: Extra 9
Fanwai 9

For a moment, Yan Wushi met with condemnation from all directions,
including hawkers.

He was so handsome that he went to grab the candy from the children and
bit off a large piece of the candy. In this case, which child does not cry!

The hawker also had two children at home. He felt distressed when he saw
the situation, and busyly said, "Uncle will give you another pinch, no more

When Xiao Yan heard the words, she stopped crying, raised her sleeves
and wiped her tears, and her nose was thick: "Thank you Uncle, I have

One more look at the "Master" who has no shoulders, can not help but a
sore nose, Xiao Shenzheng quickly resisted the tears, looking more and
more pitiful and lovely, not to mention those women who overflowed with
motherly love, the hawkers saw it, and they all bear Can't help but want to
squeeze a few more sugar men to make him laugh.

There are also passers-by who want to blame Yan Wushi, but how to face
the cold eyes of the other side to frighten their atmosphere, but they are so
red that they dare not speak.

Yan Wushi said to Xiao Shen: "Okay, we just joked with you, let people
pinch another one for you, this incomplete Qi Fengge will be good for

Xiao Shen said angrily: "Master is not incomplete, you bit it off!"

Yan Wushi laughed: "But if you are so fierce, I will take you directly and
never let you see Qifeng Pavilion again."
Xiao Shen Xie flattened her mouth, crying or not, tearful eyes: "Master ..."

"I want Master !!!"

The long-depressed mood suddenly erupted, and Xiao Shenzheng became

a crying bag directly, and the ten sugar men couldn't coax it!

Yan Wushi hugged the person, and his forehead and mouth corners drew
straight, and finally realized the ecstasy of self-injustice.

For the first time, the arrogant Yan Sect felt helpless.

If the bosom is not Shen Yan, but someone else, he naturally has a hundred
ways to shut the other up, but Shen Yan in his eyes, whatever he does is
cute, but Yan Wushi expresses his love in a different way from others He
also forgot the age difference between Xiao Shen and Shen Ye, and
accidentally overplayed it.


Everyone thought she was a child overnight, but it wasn't.

Shen Yan opened his eyes and found something wrong.

Admittedly, there are soft quilts underneath, and familiar beams on the top
of the head, but the night is dark and the moon is hanging high.

There is nothing wrong with the night. What's wrong is that the person
who practiced martial arts has always been sensitive to five senses. Under
normal circumstances, he should never fall into a lethargic state. Even if
he sleeps a bit, it should be dawn.

Without candlelight, through the moonlight, Shen Yun looked around the
house and found something even stranger: This is indeed Xuandu
Mountain, but this room is clearly the house where he used to live as a
disciple, not before waking up The place!

Weird feeling is getting stronger and stronger, but after all, Shen Yun is
not a small Shen Yun. Although he is scared, at the same time, a certain
idea is born in his heart.

Could it have been back in the dream?

He thought, as he got up and pushed the door out.

The night was quiet, Shen Min looked up at the sky, and looked left and

This look suddenly froze.

The place where he stood was in front of a small building, and this small
building was the residence of Master Qi Fengge and his disciples. After he
became a teacher, he did n’t want to occupy the Master ’s house, and lived
in the nearby house. .

At this time, the left and right were dark, except that the room where the
Master once lived was faintly shimmering.

The candlelight swayed as if someone was inside.

Shen Min's heart was agitated for a moment, he went upstairs and walked
towards the candle-lit room step by step.

I feel like dreaming, but also afraid of being disappointed in the dream.

He did not deliberately hide his footsteps, and the people in the house
naturally discovered his existence.

"Who's outside?" The other party didn't get up to open the door, his tone
was casual and gentle, and he seemed to be sitting under the candle and
flipping through the book, as familiar as Shen Ming heard it many times.

He couldn't control his accelerated heartbeat, his eyes followed by a sour,

his vision quickly blurred.

"Who is it?" Without hearing Shen Zhen's response, the other party was a
little strange and finally got up to open the door.
As soon as the door was opened, the two faced each other, and how many
times the face recalled appeared in front of his eyes. Shen's figure seemed
to be fixed, and he couldn't even open a half step. blink.

"You are ..." Qi Fengge paused, "Who is your Excellency, I do not know
what to do in Xuandushan?"

At this time, Qi Fengge was in its prime, with dark hair, and he wanted to
just take a shower, his hair was bunched up, and his skin was still moist.
His appearance was not very handsome. At best he could only say that he
was handsome, but the years of training, rich experience, The broadness
and breadth of his knowledge has added to him a charm that is unclear and
inexplicable. If there is a person in this world who will be conspicuous and
involuntarily convinced, it is undoubtedly Qifengge.

Shen Ye remembered very clearly that when Master failed to pass the pass
and was about to die on the ground, Shen Ye had been ordered to go in and
meet him for the last time. At that time, Qi Fengge had completely lost his
usual appearance for decades and his face became fading. Even the hair
burst into pale white, and his eyes were dim, so when he saw the old
master again, he remembered the sorrow suddenly, his tears could no
longer be controlled, and the eyes burst out and flowed directly. Came

"Master ..." Shen Yan swallowed, and found his disability. He lowered his
head, wiped away the tears in a hurry, and raised his head again: "Master,
disciple Shen Shen, is Shen Shen twenty years later. I do n’t know what's
going on. I wake up and go back to the past. Maybe you might be surprised
to say that, but the disciple is not a speculator ... ”

Qi Fengge: "I believe."

Shen Yun's words were interrupted, he looked at each other with surprise.

Qi Fengge laughed: "I believe that although you have grown up ... but the
outline is still the same, how can you discern footsteps and other kinds of
things, how can you not recognize them?"
Having said that, he reached out his hand and touched the top of Shen
Min's head lightly: "It turned out that this was what Grandma looked like
when he grew up."

Shen Yan felt the warmth of his head for a while, and couldn't help but
have the urge to have a sore nose.

Qi Fengge: "But what magical power is this? You say that you are Shen
Yan twenty years later. What about the six-year-old grandma?"

It is indeed Qi Fengge, and suddenly found the key.

Shen Yan frowned: "The disciples didn't know. I was meditating. Somehow
I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself back more than twenty years

Qi Fengge asked with interest: "Where will I be a teacher after 20 years?"

Shen Yun was silent.

Qi Fengge knew: "I was dead then."

Shen Yun: "Master ..."

Qi Fengge is funny: "Life is old, sick and dead, but it is common.

Although people who practice martial arts have more lives, they are not
likely to live together with the sky. Why is Ayi doing this modal? Do n’t
you think you ca n’t ignore it?

Shen Min took a deep breath: "The disciples have been taught."

Qi Fengge: "I do n’t know who was teaching at Xuandu Mountain at that

Shen Yun: "It's a disciple."

Qi Fengge was not too surprised, but nodded with a smile.

Shen Yun: "These are all things that change. It's a long story. Master can
allow disciples to be careful?"

Qi Fengge shook his head: "Needless to say, it must be doomed to happen,

and there is no benefit in knowing it, maybe it is not good."

If ordinary people have the opportunity to know the future, they can't help
curiosity. Qi Fengge said such things, but Shen Ye is not surprised, because
the other person is indeed such an open-minded person.

Qi Fengge: "I do n’t know how long this magical power can last. It ’s easy
for me to see the grandma who grew up. How can you see the time wasted
here? Tonight is just the Lantern Festival. Your brothers and brothers have
all gone down to play. Do you want to go down the mountain? "

Shen Huan rejoiced: "The disciples are naturally willing."

The two went down the mountain one after the other, Qi Fengge used light
exercises, his body was like a fairy, Shen Ye found that in the dream, he
not only felt as if he was touching the surroundings, but Wu Gong did not
cut it in half. Is dreaming.

When Qi Fengge had just stood still, he saw that Shen Yan was also
standing beside him, and couldn't help but be pleased: "The youth is out of
blue, and there is someone in Xuandu Mountain!"

Shen Yan smiled: "The Master has won awards. My martial arts is not as
good as the Master's heyday, but Yan Wushi ..."

After he found out that he had said this name, the following things about
the future were like a force constrained in the meditation, which prevented
him from exporting.

Qi Fengge did not notice his strangeness: "Yan Wushi? It seems that his
skill will be improved to a higher level in more than 20 years!"

Shen Yan could not elaborate, but nodded.

Qi Fengge didn't ask any more. His eyes fell on the busy scene of people
coming and going, and he asked with a smile: "Xuandu Town more than 20
years later, do you want to be more lively?"

The lanterns are full of eyes, colorful and complicated, and the children's
playful noises come from time to time. It really is a lively Shangyuan
Lantern Festival.

Shen Yan: "It looks almost the same."

He was completely calm and could not say that the future was not a regret.
Being able to get along with Master one night was the biggest surprise.

Qi Fengge took him to a pavilion that guessed lantern riddles, and

followed it up, guessed a lantern riddle, won a rabbit lantern, and handed
him the rabbit lantern, jokingly, "When you came down the mountain last
year, you also Fancy this rabbit lamp, but Yuan Chun wants it too, and you
gave it to him. This year you didn't go down the mountain with him. This
rabbit lamp is cheaper for you. "

Shen Ye no longer remembers what happened when he was six years old,
but the Master loved him with a fist and care, but he felt extremely warm,
and the rabbit light on his opponent couldn't help it.

The candlelight radiated warmth from the rabbit's belly.

Twenty years ago, and twenty years later.

Living people, with frosty tombs.

Shen Yan's eyes were moist, worried that Master felt he was weak, and he
blinked wet to blink away. Then he smiled, "Thank you very much,

Qi Fengge patted his shoulder, his eyes loved, but he said nothing, but
seemed to understand everything.

After this street, the hustle and bustle gradually quieted down, the river
flowed quietly in front of the eyes, many lanterns were placed on paper
boats, and floated down from the upstream, many people's wishes and
dreams were pinned on it.

The two took a break under the tree. When Qi Fengge saw him holding up
the rabbit lamp, he laughed and said, "Why did my grandma grow up like a

Shen Chen also smiled: "Because it was sent by Master."

Looking at it, it is as if Master is accompanying him, Shen Ye is not

willing to think that this is a dream. The existence of this rabbit lamp may
make him feel that his existence is more real.

Qi Fengge took the lamp from his hand and used a slender branch to
lengthen the wick inside to make it burn longer, before returning the lamp
to him: "I'm sorry."

Shen Yan Yiyi: "Why Master said this?"

Qi Fengge moderately said, "You have been a teacher in more than 20

years. When you want to come here, you must be the only disciples at this
time. You are naturally modest and kind, and you never love to be in the

Shen Yun smiled: "I am a disciple of Xuandushan. I hope Xuandushan is

well. Since Master thinks I can do well, I should go all out."

Although it took a detour at the beginning, the price paid was too heavy,
but in the end it was considered to be up to expectations.

The two talked for a long time under the tree, and Shen Yun forgot when
he was tired and fell asleep.

In the dream, he leaned on Qi Fengge's legs, holding the extinguished

rabbit lamp in his arms, his mouth still smiling.

He stroked his hair gently with one hand, and then again, as when he was a
Shen Yan was awakened by the harsh sunlight.

He opened his eyes, the sun dripped through the gap between the leaves,
and fell a little on his body.

There was also a person leaning on the trunk next to him, but it was not Qi
Fengge, but Yan Wushi.

Yan Wushi opened his eyes and rubbed his forehead, wondering why his
martial arts would also go to sleep unknowingly, but when he saw Shen
Yan, he was even more stunned: "Have you changed back?"

In the future, the two of them will go on in a pair, and Shen Zhen suddenly
realized that he was probably not dreaming, but actually had a brief
exchange of time with himself when he was seven years old and returned
to the past.

Shen Weiqi said, "But I don't remember this memory when I was seven."

Yan Wushi: "Maybe it is because of the past, so you naturally forgot when
you were seven years old."

After much deliberation, it seems that this is the only answer.

Yan Wushi suddenly stooped and leaned over, most of his body was almost
pressed on Shen Zhen, and he stretched out his hand and took out
something behind Shen Yan.

Shen Yan looked at it, it was the rabbit lantern.

Thousand Autumns: Extra 10
Fanwai 10

Behind the screen, a bed.

There is a beauty on the bed.

To be precise, the beauty's eyes were closed tightly, and she fell asleep,
and there was still a person sitting next to it, looking at the beauty.

Yan Wushi looked at it for a long time, and put his hand on the other's
eyelashes and flicked gently.

Shen Ji fluttered his eyelids reflexively, then frowned slightly.

It is rare for him to fall asleep so deeply, it is common to say that he

moved on his face, even if there is a little movement around him, Shen
Yun will be alert.

This situation can only show that he is really too tired.

The corner of Yan Wushi's mouth had a relaxed and pleasant smile.

If someone is present now, it will be a shock and creepy, because the smile
is too soft, it should not appear on his face at all.

Don't talk about others, I'm afraid that even Yan Wushi himself hasn't
noticed the shallow smile on his face.

His fingers were transferred from the eyelashes to the eyebrows, and then
he slowly swiped from the other's eyebrows to the tip of the nose, and then
gently pinched the other's nose.

Before waiting for the real action, he seemed to have changed his mind.
From the bottom down, he squeezed Shen Meng's mouth with his hands. A
beautiful picture of a beautiful spring sleeping girl was a little more funny,
and Shen's upper and lower lips were pinched. Together, it looks like a
duck's beak.

Shen Yan himself was unaware, Xu Shi was unprepared for the people next
to him, and still allowed himself to swim in his sleep.

At last, Lord Zong realized that his behavior was a bit naive. He let go of
his mouth and let go of his hands, and lowered his head to print a kiss on
his lips. The corners of his eyes glanced at the stars and the purple under
the neck and shoulders of his neck. Pull up on the quilt until you cover
your neck tightly.

There was a knock outside.

Yan Wushi got up to stay and went to open the door.

He didn't blush, and the guys at the door saw that he was wearing a sloppy
dress, and looked lazy, but he blushed first.

"Lang Jun is all right. The talent is hot in the stove below. The shopkeeper
asked the villain to come and ask you two to see if there is any need?"

As he asked, he looked inside secretly. A few hours ago they heard the
sound of crackling downstairs. They didn't dare to come up to ask at that
time. Now they naturally want to see if something has been broken.

Yan Wushi wanted to say no, then changed his mind and said, "What do
you have?"

The man laughed: "There are pancakes, roast chicken, duck roast, okra and
so on. The local cooking skills of the shop are countable. As long as you
order it, you can't eat it."

Yan Wushi: "Then you need a cow's milk porridge with porridge, stewed
dolmen with garlic paste, and stew the hoof with soy sauce. You don't have
to save the sauce. I will give you a reward for it later. I will make a fresh
fish. Whatever it is, it is delicious. You do n’t have to do any tricks, just
steam it, just put some onions and garlic, and the rest will look at some
vegetarian dishes and send them. "

A bag was thrown into the arms of his buddy with his words, heavy, and
the buddy just thought it should be broken silver.

The other party didn't blink a bunch of words, the man secretly said a
word, he said that he would eat, it seems to be a nobleman in the rich and
rich pile, made this order today, it is worth the inn's business Already.

"Yes, Lang Jun wants it, we have it in the shop, and the villain will prepare
it. Wait a minute, the villain will bring the hot water first!" Said the man

Yan Wushi asked his buddies to go to the bookstore to buy him a few
volumes of idle books. There was a generous reward, and the buddies
naturally could not do anything about them, and they would soon follow


Shen Yan was awakened by the smell of food. The moment he opened his
eyes, he also felt hungry.

This feeling hadn't appeared for too long, so that he was a little strange
and confused.

With a blink of an eye, Shen Wei slowly toured the house for a week, from
the dishes on the table behind the screen to the figure sitting next to the
table reading the book. In a short moment, his eyes recovered from
confusion to soberness.

Through a screen, Yan Wushi naturally noticed his movements.

"Ama wake up?"

He put down the book, got up and walked around the screen, with some
regret in his heart that he had just taken a step slower and couldn't see
what the other party looked like when he just woke up.
But the next moment, Shen Yan covered his head directly, and the whole
man got into the bed.

The quilt suddenly raised a large ball.

Yan Wushi: "..."

As soon as he saw the movement of the quilt, he knew that the other party
was wearing clothes directly inside.

Yan Wushi was about to laugh and smoke in his stomach, but his face was
still fine. He pretended to be worried: "Are you all right?"

Shen Yan's dull voice came from under the quilt: "It's all right ..."

Yan Wushi stepped forward a few steps and pressed his hand on the quilt:
"Ama, have you been injured? Come out and show me?"

Shen Yun: "I'm fine ..."

Under the quilt, Yan Wushi speculated that he might be looking for pants,
and smiled and said, "Ah, I forgot to tell you."

Shen Yun: "Huh?"

Yan Wushi: "Your **** pants were soiled last night. I asked my buddies to
buy new ones on the street. He hasn't returned yet."

The quilt flipped open suddenly with a red face: "How can you let
outsiders buy it!"

Yan Wushi: "Then I buy it myself?"

Shen Yifu's forehead was a bit incoherent: "I didn't mean that, you ... how
did he know my size ..."

Yan Wushi laughed, "I told him naturally."

Shen Yan didn't continue to ask Yan Wushi how to know.

I also want to know that it must have been measured by the other person's
hand last night.

Considering the absurd madness of last night, Shen Yun could not wait to
find a place to dig into it.

Until just now, he was covered with a quilt, and he could still feel the rich
flavor between his nose.

He coughed awkwardly, but couldn't help but say: "Master Yan ..."

Yan Wushi interrupted him, frowning: "You and I are so close, you still
call me Lord Yan?"

Shen Yanne asked: "What's that name?"

Yan Wushi: "Yan Lang, didn't you yell a lot last night, but you cried!"

Shen Yan flushed: "Stop it!"

Yan Wushi sighed and sat down next to the bed: "You and I have skin
relatives. If it is a man or a woman, I want you to be hired to marry me by
three media and six. Unfortunately, you are not ..."

"Slow!" Shen Ye heard something wrong. "Why did I marry you?"

Yan Wushi raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to marry?"

Shen Yun: "Nature is not ..."

Yan Wushi: "I like you, don't care about the face and face festival, you are
willing to marry, I naturally don't care, so as not to be ostentatious and
arrogant to others in your solemnity. You do not feel wronged. "

This sounded arrogant, but there was still a hint of grievance.

Shen Ye could not laugh or cry: "I didn't mean that."

Yan Wushi: "Are you really responsible?"

Shen Yun: "..."

The matter of last night, in the final analysis, it is also your wish, and with
Shen Chen's sincere disposition, it is impossible to do something that
pushes the responsibility on the other person. , And then let Shen Yan
voluntarily jump into the pit that was dug earlier.

Sure enough, Shen Yan frowned for a long time, spit out two words:
"responsible ..."

Yan Wushi smiled slightly, leaned over his face and kissed him.

"Shen Lang."

Shen Yan shuddered: "..."

Yan Wushi said softly, "Shen Lang, haven't you worn obscene pants yet?
Isn't it cold?"

Shen Yan blushed, holding the quilt tightly and refusing to let it go.

At this time, the man also bought the obscene pants and knocked on the
door outside. Yan Wushi opened the door and brought the obscene pants.

"Shen Lang, how can I help you dress?"

Shen Yan could not bear it: "You still call me grandma!"

Yan Wushi looked helpless: "You don't want to call me Yan Lang, don't
you let me satisfy myself?"

Shen Xun refused to play tricks with him anymore, grabbed his pants and
continued to put them in the quilt. Then he opened the quilt and set up to
tie his tie.

It's okay not to look at it. At a glance, Yan Wushi couldn't help laughing,
"My good grandma, you put your pants on!"

Shen Yun: "..."

His face was already red like a cooked shrimp!
Thousand Autumns: Extra 11
Fanwai 11

The Taoist wickets were hidden.

The sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom, the wind is clear, the clouds
are shallow, and the sky is bright and clear like ice.

Groups of golden light yellow silver white clustered on the branches,

heavy, overwhelmed by the branches, but there were still a few birds
jumping on the branches.

The branches shook gently, and the petals plummeted along with them,
spreading the face of the deer underneath.

The deer shook his head and couldn't help sneezing.

In the short case next to it, a lot of petals were dropped into the bowl that
had not been poured with tea soup. The teapot brewed the tea aroma in the
low heat and the tea aroma mixed with the osmanthus fragrance,
maintaining the refreshing and rich aroma at a wonderful balance It makes
people feel comfortable.

Gui Luo making tea and quiet Taoism is undoubtedly a pleasing and
pleasing scene, but Yang Guang's focus is not on this.

He looked at the man who was making tea.

The other party was wearing a robe, with a bun and a bun, and it was as
simple and unusual as possible, but Yang Guang had to admit that the
simpler the better, the better.

How many years have you been since you first saw this person? Yang
Guang didn't think about it, but from a teenager to a young man, he should
have a young head, but this person is really like an immortal, showing no
signs of old age.
Of course, Yang Guang knows that when martial arts are practiced to a
certain level, it will indeed be like this person, with his youth standing. It
is said that there are many people on the rivers and lakes, but his life is
more beautiful. Every time he sees it, he cannot avoid it. It takes a few
more glances to be impressed.

"The backyard is humble and can't entertain guests. If you want to ask for
help, please go to the front door."

Qing Lang's peaceful voice came from behind the door. Yang Guang was a
little embarrassed and couldn't help but glance at the person next to him.

The latter raised his eyebrows and calmed his face, and he was not
impatient because he followed Yang Guang for a long time, nor was he
embarrassed by being shouted. He seemed as if he was just a companion
who followed Yang Guang to visit and existed. The feeling is minimized.

Now that he was found, Yang Guang smiled happily and pushed in the
door: "The king saw the Taoist view quietly, so he visited the area at will.
He accidentally walked here, disturbing the real person's quietness, and
also hoped for forgiveness."

Although he said so in his mouth, he had no intention to retreat, but Da La

La came in only because he believed that the Taoist master could not
refuse him.

From his childhood, Yang Guang went smoothly, his parents' pets made
him hardly happy, and his personality was naturally unique.

"It was Jin King, please come in."

Shen Wei smiled slightly and did not show the slightest dissatisfaction—
Yang Guang believed that the other party did not dare to show
dissatisfaction—Xuan Duguan would need the support of the court if he
wanted to continue to establish a foothold in Changan.

Because it was only standing outside, it was unavoidable to ignore it. At

this time, Shen Zheng didn't get up and salute, and Yang Guang was also
embarrassed to think about it. He rolled his robes, sat down opposite, and
turned to the guest. Signaled that the person next to him also sat down.

"I just heard that real people are making tea, and the tea is tempting. I
can't help but stop there. Presumably the real people won't blame us for
visiting Tangtu."

Shen Chen laughed: "Of course not. I wonder if this guest is?"

Yang Guang's pretense was annoyed: "I forgot to introduce it to the real
person. This disciple of the master Wise Master Yuxiu Yuxiu, in detail, is
a father's master!"

The Wise Zen Master was born in the Tiantai Sect. He was the brother of
Fa Yi and Xue Ting. In the past two years, in order to conquer the Buddhist
monks, Yang Jian did not hesitate to worship the Wise Zen Master as the
teacher to show his importance to the Buddhist monks. The Buddha's
momentum rose to prominence.

But in front of the monk Yuxiu, although he didn't have any hair on his
head, he was wearing a uniform rather than a monk's clothes, so after Shen
heard of his identity, a ray of surprise appeared on his face.

Yang Guang: "I lead monks to Daomen, wouldn't the real person be

Shen Yun laughed: "Of course not, the visitor is a visitor. If the King Jin
and Zen Master don't dislike it, they will try the coarse tea made by poor

Yang Guang smiled casually: "The real person cooks the tea with his own
hands. Anyway, he has to give it a try, so he can go to find his father and
mother to boast!"

He and Yuxiu took the tea bowl and bowed their heads to taste.

The tea is indeed thick tea. Even if it smells of osmanthus, it is difficult to

hide its bitterness. Yang Guang was not used to drinking at all. He took a
light sip and frowned. He set down the tea bowl and gave Yuxiu a glance,
but the latter was safe. Quietly holding the tea bowl, sip one bite, unhappy
and slow, all drank clean.

Yang Guang laughed at himself: "It seems that I can't pass the tea
ceremony, this tea is a waste of me."

Shen Yun: "Jin Wang talked a lot. Tea has already been made into tea soup,
and it is drunk with people. Jin Wang drinks and drinks, and everyone else
drinks and drinks. It is still in the stomach, it is still in the stomach. Waste
is not wasted. "

Yang Guang froze for a moment, but I didn't know how to answer.

Instead, the monk Yuxiu said, "The words of a real person are very Zen."

Shen Wei smiled slightly: "The Buddhism and Taoism have something in
common, and it seems that the Zen Master has a connection with my

Yuxiu also laughed: "Everyone else says that the real person is clumsy, and
refuses to open an altar to preach, but it seems that the poor monk is not
the same, and the real person is well versed in eloquence!"

He was originally a handsome man, but this smile was full of flowers,
which made people look bright.

Yang Guang: "Master Yu Xiu also learned martial arts with Master Shibo
Fayi when he was under the door of Master Wise. It is said that it was a
wizard born in the Tiantai Sect for decades. It is better than Xueting's
qualification at that time. I was born late and had no time. Seeing how
powerful the monk Xueting is, I don't know if I can be lucky today, how
can Yuxiu ask real people for advice? "

Shen Yan's gaze swept across the two, and he fell on the tea bowl in front
of him, and said lightly: "With the qualification of Master Yuxiu, I am
afraid that there will be a great success within a few years. If you are poor,
do you dare to give pointers?"
This is rejected.

Yang Guang was unhappy.

He had a good intention to make Shen Shen and Yan Wushi, but the latter
is uncertain. He rarely encountered him once. Even if he did, he would not
face Yang Guang. Yang Guang had not accused himself in front of his
parents. Who knows that he always indulged himself? Parents, however,
did not stand by his side as usual, which made Yang Guang really upset.

As for Shen Ye, Yang Guang came to the door several times in person,
either eating behind closed doors or being rejected by tender words. Shen
Ye seemed to have no interest in the association with His Royal Highness
Jin, even though he was polite but alienated. This is undoubtedly several
invisible slaps for a proud son of the sky like Yang Guang. Yang Guang
was so angry that he smashed something in his dormitory, but his heart
became increasingly unwilling, but he became obsessed with it.

The only thing that can be masturbated is that Xuandushan and Huan
Yuezong, although they did not show acceptance to Yang Guang, did not
mean to be close to the prince.

Looking at Shen Junjun's gentle side face, Yang Guang felt a little
frustrated and a little unhappy.

Shen Ye had the life-saving grace. He knew it. Chen Gongyi, the rebel
thief, held him all the way out of the palace. It was Shen Ye who saved
him, but Yang Guang felt that his parents had given enough to Xuandushan
these years. , Enough to offset his love for his own life, so deep in his
heart, there is actually very little gratitude for Shen. The significance of
the two people ’s relationship to Yang Guang is more used to draw closer
relationships, so that Xuandu Shan leaned towards his side.

But unfortunately, Shen Ye was always warm and cold, and along with
Xuandushan, he also kept a certain distance from King Jin.

After thinking about it, Yang Guang didn't dare to show any rudeness and
disrespect: "The real person is too modest. On the rivers and lakes, Yuxiu
is still your junior, and you should be instructed, but if you do n’t want to,
you ca n’t force it The next few days will be the Chongyang Festival. My
Majesty will have a banquet on that day in Cuihua Mountain. I do n’t
know if the real person would like to be honored for the feast.

Speaking of this, he was afraid that Shen Ye felt crowded and refused to go
to the banquet. He also added the sentence: "At that time, there will be no
idle people at the banquet. Is not an indecent feast! "

Shen Xuan said apologetically: "Unfortunately, today the poor are going to
return to Xuandu Mountain. A few days later, I am afraid that I am on
Xuandu Mountain and cannot go to a banquet. Please forgive Jin Wang."

Anger passed by Yang Guang's face, but he quickly restored his smile and
took up a tea bowl and drank it: "It's hard for me to be a strong man. Real
people don't need to care!"

When Yang Guang and Yuxiu left, someone just idled behind the porch,
"You offended him badly."

Shen Nian did not return his head, drank a few sips of tea and soup, and
said, "The Lord Yan just hid in the house like a turtle, and let me be this
wicked man."

Yan Wushi smiled haha: "Who makes Shen Daochang feel compassion and
be kind? If I come forward, then Yu Xiu is afraid that even the gate of
Xuanduguan can't go out!"

Shen Yi glanced at him and said nothing.

Yan Wushi bent down, his lips rubbed against his side, leaving a hot breath
all the way, and finally stopped at Shen Yan's ear.

"I was going to come back to celebrate the Chinese Valentine's Day with
you, but I didn't catch up, but I won't miss it in the winter solstice."

Shen Ye's face was a little red, and it was not known whether it was caused
by heat or shame.
"You've been here for a long time."

Yan Wushi whispered a low smile and continued to dial: "So Chang Dao
misses me?"

Shen Yan boomed, his face became redder: "You know what I want to ask
is not this ..."

"Which is that?" Yan Wushi seemed to be teasing him, and seemed to be

very interested in his ears. When he bite, he didn't loose his mouth, from
the auricle to the earlobe, and was quickly licked and wet. His body was
stiff, as if he had been fixed, he couldn't move half of it.

"Did you ..." He mobilized his willpower hard, "Deep into Turkic

"No, I'm going to Goguryeo." Yan Wushi was able to utter a whole series
of fluent words, because his hands had begun to go deep into the
unspeakable place and let his own gallop.

Shen Yun: "Goguryeo? Where are you going ... for what?"

Yan Wushi: "The ginseng is abundant there, and it is considered a business

for Wan Yuezong. I bypass East Turkistan, and by the way, Duan Wenyu is
now well mixed in East Turkistan, and he is so famous that it is blue khan
yongyu Reuse, it seems that it is already the second fox deer. "

Shen Zhen shook his head: "He didn't put his mind on martial arts, he
could never be the second Hulu estimate, but I look at the jade show monk
who was just now, which is quite interesting."

Yan Wushi: "Why, you are not enough with me, even monks want it?"

With a flushed face and open mouth, Shen Yan was angry and wanted to
refute, but he didn't know where to start. It was really pitiful and lovely.

Yan Wushi couldn't help but laughed, hugged the person directly, and
walked inside.
Thousand Autumns: Extra 12
Fanwai 12

On the solstice night, the lanterns were hung.

A little bit of flaming light under the eaves, reflected through the thin red
paper, connected into a red line, lighting up the entire yard.

The snow was still falling, not big or small, enough to dye the world white,
the roof was covered with a thick layer, and the trees on the ground were
no exception.

People who practice martial arts are not afraid of the cold, the door is
open, there is no wind, and they are not afraid of the snow blowing in.
Sitting inside the house, there are earth dragons for heating, but they can
also enjoy the snow scene, killing two birds with one stone.

This is not Xuandu Guan, but Chang'an Shaofu Mansion.

After Yang Jian took office, Yan Yushi was named as a young teacher like
Yu Wenhuan. In fact, everyone knows that this is just a name. It doesn't
matter what it is called, even if it is a general or other marquis, Yan Wu
The division is still Yan Wushi, and Huan Yuezong is still Huan Yuezong.
No one can change its status.

Compared with Yu Wenzheng, Yang Jian understood more deeply that this
world is not determined by the emperor alone. There are many wealthy
families in the world. Their long history and influence make the emperor
obliged to obey their opinions. Yang Jian In order to break through the
influence of the gate valve, the promulgation of a radically different
imperial examination system from the official system of the Nine Ranks
Zhongzheng elected since Wei and Jin was promulgated, so that the
majority of scholars in the cold can obtain the advanced level through
imperial examinations.
But in this way, the power of the middle-level officials who was
responsible for selecting officials no longer exists. This power was taken
back by the emperor. Of course, Hanmen is happy, but the family of
gatekeepers is not happy. In order to compete with this huge force For a
long time, it was impossible for Yang Jian to set aside the Huan Yuezong.

As for Xuandu Mountain, as the mainstay of Daomen today, he would

rather give up than give up. As a founding emperor, Yang Jian naturally
understands this. Under the premise of giving preferential treatment to
Buddhism, he does not forget the tolerance of Daomen. Maintaining a
balance between the two major legal systems, on the other hand,
vigorously supporting Confucianism, there was a tendency to fight against
the Nanchen Chamber, and attracted the talents of the Southern Dynasty.

The strength of the north and the south is becoming increasingly clear.
Seeing that there will be a battle between the two, people's hearts are
gradually floating. Indeed, many southern scholars have gone north to
Chang'an to participate in the imperial examinations of the Northern

The situation in the Northern Dynasties is very good. Many people think
that if there is no accident, after the Central Plains have been torn apart
since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the world will usher in another unified

But at this moment, the person sitting in the house of Shaoshi, facing the
door to Xueting, was not happy.

Because in front of him was a bowl of dumplings.

To be precise, it is a bowl of lamb soup with dumplings mixed with


Shen Yan frowned slightly, facing this bowl of "three dislikes", I didn't
know what expression to show.

One person stepped out of the screen, and when he saw his face, he
laughed and said, "The winter solstice is as big as the year, the north eats
dumplings, the south eats dumplings, and the Sichuan province wants to
drink mutton soup. Now all three are gathered together, here you are The
world is gathering, why are you unhappy? "

Shen Yan shook his head: "I don't like to eat this way. The dumplings must
be sweet. How can it be mixed with mutton soup? Who wants to please the

Yan Wushi gave a high-flop: "Guess right, this winter solstice feast, King
Jin thought of this method to please the emperor, and also named the soup
as a unified soup, which means that the whole world is unified. Yang Jian
was very happy, and immediately re-rewarded He and his prince were also
present, and he looked wonderful! "

The winter solstice banquet was held yesterday. Shen Ye was not in the
middle of Beijing yesterday, so there was no need to go to the banquet. Yan
Wushi went. For him, this is equivalent to going to the theater.

Shen Yan exhaled a little white breath: "When a man grows up, his mind
becomes complicated. King Jin is sharper than his prince. He is more
pampered in front of his parents. It is also common sense, but I saw him
with a gloomy look and a slight eyebrow. I am afraid that I am not willing
to stay for a long time in the position of King Jin. "

Yan Wushi said for a moment: "Isn't his mind complicated when he was a

Shen Yan heard the words, could not help but think of the sword Yang
Gong fiercely poked at Chen Gong.

"The emperor has the intention to change the Prince?"

The topic of discoloration by others is uncommon and unconcerned.

Yan Wushi: "Maybe it isn't now, but I won't be sure in the future. If there
is no accident, next year when he will go down to the south. If Yang Jiandu
Gu's family loves Yang Guang, he must be named Marshal and take
military service."
He sat down next to Shen Wei, grabbing the other's waist directly, lowering
his head and picking up a dumpling, and tasted: "It tastes good, come, feed
you for your husband?"

Yan Wushi handed the wooden spoon over, and she was stunned by Shen
Yan. "Yan Zongzhu owns his own weight."

Even if a few years have passed, this person is still as thin as a paper, and
can't afford to tease at all, but the more so, the more Yan Wushi loves to
tease him.

"What do you take for granted, this seat is not heavy at all, or you can't
stand it when it rests on you at night?"

Without waiting for Shen Ye to say anything terrible, Yan Wushi pinched
his chin and fed a soup.

There was a moment of silence, only the snow falling outside the house
and the slight movements entangled with the lips and tongue inside the

After a long time, Shen Min finally pushed away the person who was
"sticky" to him, panting, "Say something serious, don't use your hands!"

Yan Wushi: "This is called fun."

Shen Min obviously did not agree with this kind of taste, and what made
him look weird was the smell of mutton soup in his mouth.

This kind of mutton soup with dumplings and dumplings ... is really

If you want to come to the winter solstice banquet, there are definitely not
a few people who are not accustomed to this "unified soup", but everyone
is afraid that the emperor is in the throne, and dare not say more.

Shen Yun sighed: "In the role of emperor, Yang Jian was indeed called
wise, which made me feel that my choice was not wrong. It was just a
matter of being confused about his children. Now that the monarch and his
prestige have been fixed, he should not In the eyes of the public, he always
showed a fondness for the second son, so where is the firstborn?

Yan Wushi tried to catch him. When he saw the other person's eyes, he
quickly retracted his hands into his sleeves, showing a little regret. This is
the way to say: "It's not difficult to understand. Many smart people often
turn black on certain things. Yang Jian The same is true for He Dugu. If
this continues, sooner or later, the drama of the brother's wall will be
staged. From ancient times to now, there is no brother in the Tian family,
which is not uncommon. "

Shen Ye: "Although the Prince's temperament is weaker, if he ascends the

throne, he must still be able to rule Xiao Cao Sui, but Yang Guang said it
was not good, I look at this person ..."

He shook his head without saying any more, but only said, "Sometimes, it
’s not good to be too smart. Smart people think that there is only one
person in the world, and that I feel lonely and lonely. I naturally have to
toss something out. If there is a change in the prince's position, it will not
be a good thing for the Yang family or the world. "

Yan Wushi smiled, "Ah, are you talking about me?"

Shen Yan glanced at him: "Is that the Lord Yan?"

Yan Wushi: "That's not true, after all, I'm much smarter than Yang Guang."

Shen Ye didn't fret and smiled.

He smiled and frowned, making his heart soft.

Yan Wushi felt that even in the storm, when he saw such a smile, he felt
that the whole body was no longer sad, and the world became gentler.

"That Yuxiu doesn't seem easy."

Yan Wushi began to think about the beauty tonight in his mind, where to
spend more affectionately, while indifferently saying: "Nature is not easy.
I have asked Bian Yanmei to check. Now the news came back that this
person He is of the same origin as Du Hanwen.

Shen Yun: "He has Turkic blood?"

Yan Wushi bowed his head: "The things here are very interesting. A person
of Turkic ancestry worshipped the Buddhist monk, became a disciple of
the Buddhist monk, followed the Jin king, and had ambiguous relations
with the Jin king. There is a half-Turkish monk beside King Jin. What do
you say he wants to do? Isn't this very interesting? "

Shen Yun was not surprised: "You said ... what is the relationship between
Yuxiu and Jin Wang?"

Yan Wushi asked, "Can't you see?"

Shen Ye is still digesting the news: "I haven't really thought about this ..."

Yan Wushi shouted, "You can see that you have too little experience, and
you can't even see it."

Shen Yun: "..."

Yan Wushi: "You have to be tired again, and use your body to teach you

Shen Yun: "..."

Thousand Autumns: Extra 13
Fanwai 13

Is Yuxiu really affiliated with the King of Jin? Shen Yun is not clear.
Maybe Yan Wushi simply looks at other people's eyes. These are small
details that are irrelevant. More importantly, Yan Wushi's words reveal an
important point. The message connected Turk, Buddhism, and King Jin
into a single line, and Shen Zhen discovered problems that he hadn't
noticed before.

Today, Prince Yang Yong does not worship the Buddha. He prefers to talk
with scholars and Confucian scholars on Buddhism and Buddhism.
Buddhism does not want its influence to be limited to Yang Jian's
generation, but to bet on the next generation. It ’s no surprise that Wang
Jiao is good. If Shen Ye did n’t like Jin Wang as a person, maybe he would
be happy to see Fifteen or Yu Wen recite them to have a good relationship
with the prince or Jin Wang.

But it is strange that Yuxiu still has Turkic blood, and it is very likely that
Buddhism did not know the news, which is fascinating.

Shen Yun thoughtfully, "Will this be just a coincidence?"

Yan Wushi: "Yu Xiu was a five-year-old bereavement mother. She entered
the Tiantai Sect at the age of seven. There is only a wall between Ronghe
Village and the customs. They are looted by the Turks every year. Yu Xiu's
life is not a secret. He was six years old. There was a severe drought in
Ronghe Village and many people died. It is for this reason that the
remaining villagers left their homes and villages to follow these signs. "

"What's more interesting," Yan Wushi said, "when the drought happened,
he was no longer in Ronghe Village."

Shen Yan knew that the inside story didn't stop there and waited for the
other person to talk.
Yan Wushi: "After the mother was bereaved, people in the village repelled
him a lot, and he disappeared one night. Even after a severe drought in
Ronghe Village, he never appeared again. The villagers thought he starved
to death or was killed by a beast. I'm gone. "

Shen Huan: "A young child, Qian Liyu traveled from the north to the south
to reach the rooftop sect safely. This is almost impossible unless someone
helps along the way."

Yan Wushi: "The person who helped him was Yuwen's."

Shen Yun: "Which Yuwen's?"

Yan Wushi: "Princess Dayi."

Shen Yanran.

Princess Dayi was originally a princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. She
was married to Turk during the Zhou Dynasty and was the wife of the Turk
Shahan slightly khan. During the encouragement of Yuwen's, Turk had a
war with the new Sui Dynasty. Then Turk defeated. After her death, she
married Dulan Khan in accordance with Turkic customs, and she is still

Yan Wushi: "Yu Wenshi regards Yang Jian as a chaotic thief who subverts
the Zhou Dynasty. He wants to get rid of it quickly. However, he has no
strength in his hands and has to bow his head to Yang Jian for a long time.
This Yuxiu is one of her steps. Dark chess. "

Yu Wenshi harbors national hatred against Yang Jian. Although he

instigated Turk to declare war against the Sui Dynasty, but since it has
something to do with Yu Xiu, it means that she will not give up, but will
change her strategy and shake the foundation of the Sui Dynasty through
more covert methods. .

Now the situation in the Sui Dynasty is very good. Even if you declare war
on Chen Dynasty and lead the army to the south, victory is just around the
corner. Seeing that the Sui Dynasty is under unified control, Turks have
been unable to fight the Sui Dynasty for the time being after internal
disturbances, but the Sui Dynasty is not without weaknesses. For example,
between the two sons of Yang Jian, Yang Jian and Dugu's affection for the
second son, and Yang Guang's own ambitious, in the future as the Prince,
there is bound to be a dispute.

If Yuxiu could help Yang Guang to make plans for him, he would surely
win the trust of Yang Guang, and then slowly and gradually exert influence
on Yang Guang.

It stands to reason that the world can be unified in this generation of Yang
Jian, then what the next generation of emperors must do is to consolidate
the results of Yang Jian and gather all forces, but with Yang Guang's
temperament, it is unlikely to be willing to be a defending king. It's not
too difficult to imagine how things will go.

Shen Ye's ears and eyes have been twisted and hard to understand during
these years. At this moment, he thought deeply and could not help taking a
sigh of relief.

On the outskirts of Beijing, Cuihua Mountain, the two stood on top of the
mountain and stood on the top of the mountain.

The rocks here are strange, the mountains are strange, even if the scenery
of Cuihua Mountain is excellent, most of the nobles and men built their
villas at the foot of the mountain or the mountainside. There are few traces
here, but the trees are rushing, the birds are quiet, and they are not

The mountains and rivers are splendid. Since Yang Jian ascended the
throne, Chang'an has become increasingly prosperous. Seeing that the
prosperous age is imminent, the two of Shen Yan have already seen dozens
or even decades later.

Yan Wushi stood by his hands and said lightly: "Yu Wen's plot is not
small. Unfortunately, even if she subverts the Sui Dynasty, the Yu Wen
family has no good ability to return to the country. She only married a
woman who married Turkic far away, but Just talk and talk! "
Shen Yan sighed: "However, this peace of the people of the world has not
come easily. I really do not want to be destroyed."

Yan Wushi: "Yang Jian is the hero of the generation. Unfortunately, the
afterglow of the Sui Dynasty, I am afraid that it will not last, at most it is
not the second."

Shen Qi wondered, "Why are you so sure?"

Yan Wushi asked in return: "I didn't object, didn't it mean you agreed with

Shen Huan: "Hundreds of years of Xuandu Mountain, the opposite side of

divination is involved, I look at Yang Yong's face, rich and wealthy, but not
a monarch, Yang Guang may be rushing into the sky, there are nine or five
years. but……"

He shook his head without saying any more.

Yan Wushi smiled: "In fact, there is no need to look at the divination or
divination. You see, if someone wants to overthrow the Sui Dynasty, he
will find ways to get Yang Guang to the throne. Yang Guang's
temperament is very different from Yang Yong. After he took office, he
must seek a great cause. At that time, it ’s okay for Yuxiu, whatever the cat
and the dog. As long as the last foreign war, it can consume the people ’s
power and cause dissatisfaction at the bottom. Then Yang Jian now
changed the official system and created the imperial examination. It has
already offended the clan. Then the clan and the grassroots opposed the
emperor This dynasty has a good chance to survive, and it is logical to
change the dynasty. "

Shen Yan was shocked by the scene he painted and remained speechless
for a long time.

All this sounds shocking, but it may not happen.

Although Yan Wushi did not gain a full-time job in the DPRK, his vision
was so horrible that few people in the world were afraid of it. The deeper
Shen Shen is now, the more powerful his accomplishments in calculations.
What he has seen A ray of imagination, and Yan Wushi's words, just
confirm one by one.

Shen Huan: "One life, two games and three Fengshui, the number of lives
cannot be changed, but the luck is formed the day after tomorrow, it may
not be impossible to reverse."

Yan Wushi: "If Yang Guangken is honest, don't be jealous of you and me,
even if he can take the throne in the future, Huan Yuezong can continue to
cooperate with him, but if he refuses to make friends with us now He hated
it and sought revenge, so all the threats that are now lurking around him
will become a crisis against him in the future. "

Shen Yanran: "That's why you don't touch Yuxiu!"

Yan Wushi said with a smile: "Yes, from this point of view, what is the
origin of Yuxiu, and what is it with you and me?"

Shen Yan exhaled slowly and repositioned his eyes on the distant scenery.

Wan Yuezong is now obedient to Yang Jian, but they are a cooperative
relationship rather than a subordinate. Yang Jian knows this well, so he has
a happy cooperation with Yan Wushi, and Yan Wushi is also happy to
remove some troubles and threats for him, but If Yang Jian's successor
does not understand this, it is naturally impossible for Yan Wushi to
remember the old feelings.

If you can, Shen Yun naturally hopes that the world will be peaceful. Since
then, there will be no war and suffering, and the people will live and work
in peace.

But he also knew that this was impossible.

Just like people have life numbers, dynasties also have their own energy
numbers. Sui Dynasty's energy numbers may be one hundred years or fifty
years. This may not be determined at the beginning of the founding of the
country, but with the various decisions made by each generation of
emperors If the blessings and evils are added together and they are
intertwined and offset, the number of qi will begin to change, thus
affecting the rise and fall of this dynasty.

How many years can Yang Yang leave for future generations?

Shen Yun could not help thinking.

He thought he had finally helped a British lord to ascend the throne, but
maybe this is just the beginning.

Shen Wei was a little regretful, and soon relieved.

The tide rises and falls, the clouds are rolling, the flowers are blooming
and failing. This has been the case since the beginning of the world. As
long as you treat it with ordinary minds, you will stand on your own.

"What are you thinking?" Yan Wushi asked.

Shen Yan smiled: "I think, in a few days, I will go to the south, and I heard
that there are strange stones at the southern end, such as the corner of the
horizon of the sky, the scenery is impressive, and you can see the
magnificent ocean tide, it must be extremely beautiful. "

Yan Wushi raised an eyebrow: "Shen Daochang is alone?"

Shen Yun: "I wonder if Lord Yan is willing to walk with the poor?"

Yan Wushi: "I think about it."

Shen Yan couldn't help but laugh, his mouth slightly raised.

In the distance, the sky is high, the sky is broad, the energy is vigorous,
and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

This is the beginning of a dynasty and the beginning of an era.

Maybe mixed with chaos, but more brilliant.


Years ago.

Xuandu Mountain.

"I'm older than you, you want to call my brother!" Yu Yan, Shen Chen's
clothes will not let him go, Shen Yan struggling to walk in front, Yu Chen
is like a little tail behind him, two of them Entered the hall one after the

"I don't, Xuandushan is sorted according to the introduction, sooner or

later, I'm a brother!" Although the little Shen Yan was gentle, he didn't
budge at this point.

With a tear, Yu Zheng overstretched and tore Shen Chen's clothes.

They were dumbfounded.

Looking at Shen Ye's rapidly red eyes, Yu Ye was at a loss: "I, I didn't
mean it!"

Shen Yan pumped: "The Master made me ..."

The warm palm fell on top of his head and touched, the other squatted
down, taking Shen Yu and Yu Yu together into his arms.

"what happened?"

Seeing a loved one, Shen Min buried his head in the other's shoulders and
whispered, "Yu Min broke my clothes ..."

Yu Yan knew that he was in a bad position, and lowered his head without

Qi Fengge comforted and laughed: "Okay, but just open a mouth and sew
back for you as a teacher. Today, you disciples of Master Lin, Brother Zhou
will go down to the mountain, and you will see him off as a teacher. , Wipe
your tears! "
Shen Yan is a good boy. When he heard the words, he quickly raised his
sleeves and wiped his tears. He looked up and asked, "Is Brother Zhou
dangerous when he goes down the mountain?"

Qi Fengge: "No, your Brother Zhou's martial arts are enough to protect
yourself. Although we are not involved in foreign affairs in Xuandu
Mountain, if the disciples ask to go down the mountain for training, they
will do as they please, and they do not insist on staying on the mountain to
practice martial arts of."

Shen Yuyu heard the words, could not help but show envy.

In the eyes of the two, being able to go down the mountain to practice
means that martial arts are successful.

"Master, can I go downhill to practice like Brother Zhou in the future?"

Qi Fengge laughed: "Of course, when you are fifteen years old, you can
ask yourself to go down the mountain. After you go down, what do you
want to do?"

Yu Min glanced at Shen Min, then moved away quickly, whispering: "I
want to make money down the mountain, buy candy for Grandma, make
him happy, and not regenerate me."

It's really childish, Qi Fengge laughed.

"What about grandma?"

Shen Yun thought for a while: "I may use the martial arts taught by the
Master to help good people and run away bad people. But can I stay at the
foot of the mountain for a month and come back?"

How to define the good and the bad? It is another child ’s words, but Qi
Fengge was not disappointed, but asked gently: "Why come back in a

Shen Yan was a little embarrassed: "Because I don't want to leave Master
and you brothers for too long, I hope that everyone will be happy every
day for a long time."

The wind blew, and the flowers and trees swayed, leaving his words in the

Plants are silent, and feelings are always there.

——End of the full text——

The author has something to say:

The last paragraph is a jump in the picture, which is equivalent to a

memory, not an independent fan.

If there is no accident, the text of "Qianqiu" has been formally concluded.

Thank you for the years that have accompanied us along the way.

Sword light sword, people are not old, love is long.

See you next time.

Thousand Autumns: Xiaofanwai 2 [Xiaofanwai 1]


In the evening, it was snowy and dark.

Passers-by rushed to the teapots on the side of the road to avoid them, and
they wished to shrink inward to avoid skin contact with the biting cold

Only one person was still sitting on the side of the road, calm and

Boss Cha Yan walked over and persuaded him: "This Langjun, wind and
snow, still avoid it!"

The man shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid he's here, but I can't see

The boss wondered: "Who?"

The man glanced at him: "My sweetheart."

It turned out to be an infatuated species. No wonder the hair under the

hood is all white. Dare to miss the wife?

The boss suddenly felt sympathetic, and glanced at the corner of his eyes,
and found that the tea cup held by the other party in the snow was still
scorching hot.

The boss froze for a moment, but it was impossible to tell whether the
water in the cup was freezing cold and smoking, or the temperature was
still there.

If the latter ...

He couldn't help but glance at each other again.

The side under the hood was unexpectedly handsome, not as old as
previously thought.

Without waiting for the boss to respond, another official speed came from
the official road, from far to near.

The horse stopped by the tea cup, and the knight opened his hood and
came over.

Is a Taoist.

Is still a fairy wind, clear Taoist priest.

It seems that Lang Jun is about to be disappointed, the boss thought.

Who knew that the man laughed, very happy, and found a little altar wine
from his arms and beckoned to the Taoist.

"Come on, Grandma, I'm just warming with this body. Take a sip to chill!"

Thousand Autumns: Two Small Fans [Little
Fanwai 2]
[Xiao Fanwai Er]

In his life, he never regretted the word.

That was the case when he left Xie's house.

That's it.

This was also the case after the battle with Cui Youli.

The heavens and the earth are big, no king, no father, no teacher.

The world is so big that no one can leave a trace in his heart.

Shen Ye is not the exception.

When he first met Shen Yun, he was just a proud disciple of Qi Fengge to
Yan Wushi.

The regret of fighting with Qi Fengge at that time may be found in Shen

But soon he found himself wrong.

Such a blind man has almost lost all his martial arts. Even if he is thrown
into the street, no one will give an extra copper plate.

The teachings of Xuandu Shan in the past are completely over.

Yan Wushi sneered at the bottom of his heart, and had a malicious joke.

Qi Fengge hero I, but the apprentice's vision is not very good.

Since you can't be an opponent, you can only be a plaything.

An honest and honest teacher, if his hands are covered with the blood of
innocent people, can he still maintain his original innocence?

Presumably cannot.

But it was another pastime with a predictable ending, Yan Wushi thought.

Suddenly boring.

But he did not expect that he would have the wrong time.

The blind man persisted again and again.

Facing the betrayal of his fellow teachers and brothers, Yan Wushi looked
at each other's expression and almost thought he would cry.

But Shen Wei didn't.

"Everyone in the world says you are wrong, and your closest ones have
betrayed you, don't you feel hopeless?" He asked Shen Wei.

The blind man didn't answer. He turned his head, facing the drizzle outside
the window, and the rain was full of flowers.

But Yan Wushi knew that the other party was invisible.

"You can't go forward, you can't go back, and you can't be cleaned from all
sides." Yan Wushi said gently, looking at the blind man, "Do you mean it?"

"No." The blind man sighed softly, with a hint of pity in the sound. "It's
wrong, you can change it. But I won't die, I'm afraid I will disappoint the
Lord Yan."

is it? Yan Wushi hummed silently.

That's just because you haven't reached the real despair.

In the battle with Cui Youli that year, Yan Wushi's Taihua sword was taken
away by the other party. For many years, it was never retrieved.
After Cui You's death, Tai Huajian also fell into the hands of his apprentice
Sang Jingxing.

However, Yan Wushi's martial arts has already taken a different approach.
The Taihua sword is in him, but it is optional.

Sang Jingxing didn't know that it was a shame and shame for Yan Wushi
only to lose his sword. He specially asked someone to tell him that he
would use the sword of Taihua to change "Zhu Yangce".

Naturally, Yan Wushi could not do this, but he thought of a better idea: to
exchange it with Shen Yan, the first master of the past in the world.

This is not only the ultimate danger, but also the ultimate humiliation, for
Shen Kun, because the solemn teaching of Xuandu Shan is not as good as
an optional Taihua sword.

Yan Wushi's fingers dropped on Shen Yuan's forehead, and meandered

gently to his chin.

The pale complexion was slightly morbid, and the slender neck was more
like a pinch to break, but the person under the skin had a proud iron

He knows Sang Jingxing and knows what the other party might do in the
face of such a sorrow.

So Shen Yun, what would you do?

This is a very interesting option.

When Yan Wushi knocked on the door of Bai Longguan, he began to think
about the answer to this question.

Shen Yun, would you choose to yield, or rather jade?

Moon night.
Shen Ye looked at Yan Wushi coldly, and Sang Jingxing standing not far

Maybe it's not cold, but the moonlight sprinkles silver on the other's face,
making the whole face a bit cold.

Looking at his calm face, Yan Wushi suddenly felt a little regret in his

But that regret was not enough to make him change his mind.

"You're too weak, Grandma." He bent down and gently ran the other side's
hair behind his ear to his ears, tenderly like Chunliu. "Weak people can
never be great, and they are not qualified to be my opponent."

Shen Yan just looked at him without saying a word.

"I hope you can survive." Yan Wushi chuckled, "But if you become a
lingering suffocator and a sorrowful sorrow, you'll be completely shocked,
and you won't even have the last special thing? "

He threw Shanhe and the Sorrowful Sword into each other's arms, and
patted Shen's shoulder: "Good luck."

Then, get up and leave.

His light work can shrink into inches, but today he did not, but left step by

Behind him came Sang Jingxing's sneer at Shen Yan, with a strong satire
and lightness.

And Yan Wushi never looked back.

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