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Harvtm 2122

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At a glance
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The technical manual provides service and repair information for John Deere harvesters. It covers various systems and components of the harvesters and includes diagrams, specifications, removal and installation instructions.

The purpose of this technical manual is to provide complete service information to technicians for repairing and maintaining different models of John Deere harvesters.

The manual is divided into multiple sections that cover general information, various mechanical and electrical systems of the harvesters such as wheels, powertrain, hydraulics, engine, electrical system, frames, cabin, and optional equipment.

Technical Manual


Harvesters TM 2122

For complete service information also see:

770D operator‘s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F064376
1070D operator‘s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F064366
1270D operator‘s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F063723
1470D operator‘s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F063730
Deere engine 6081 HTJ 03 Manual . . . . . . . CTM 86
Deere engine 6068 HTJ 76 Manual . . . . . . . CTM 104
Deere engine 4045 HTJ 77 Manual . . . . . . . CTM 104
TMC Workshop Manual Harvesters . . . . . . . F064497
Timbermatic 300 Operator‘s Manual . . . . . F062494
Boom TJ 140 H, TJ 180 H, TJ 210 H. . . . . . . F061027
TJ H732 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F060389
TJ 742 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F062406
TJ H742 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F063132
TJ 745 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F062419
TJ 752 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F062893
TJ H752 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F063907
TJ H754 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F059474
TJ 758 / 758HD Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . F063849
TJ 762C Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F062457
TJ H762 Operator‘s manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . F064229
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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Harvesters Technical Manual

SECTION 00—General Information SECTION 17—Frames
Group 0010—Safety features Group 1710—General
Group 0020—General Specifications Group 1720—Frames
Group 0030—Torque Values Group 1730—Center hinge
Group 0040—Fluids And Lubricants
Group 0050—Transporting and Towing SECTION 18—Cabin
Group 0060—Welding instructions Group 1810—Cabin Environment
Group 1830—Removal and Installation
SECTION 01—Wheels
Group 0110—Wheels Service SECTION 19—Air Conditioning and Heating System
Group 1910—General 02
Group 1920—Air coditioning / Heater Components
SECTION 02—Power Train
Group 1930—Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater
Group 0210—Theory of Operation
Group 0220—Transfer case
Group 0230—Drive shaft
SECTION 37 —Booms
Group 0240—Axles / Bogies 03
Group 3710—Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H
Group 0250—Brakes
Group 3720—Boom Parts Removal and Installation
Group 0250—Appendix
Group 3730—Booms Removal and installation
Group 3740—Boom overall maintenance
SECTION 03—Hydraulics System
Group 0310—General SECTION 80—Optional Equipments 04
Group 0320—Drive hydraulics Group 8010— Engine and Cabin Preheater
Group 0330—Driving hydraulics service Group 8020— Boom Levelling
Group 0340—Working hydraulics Group 8040—Stump Treatment System
Group 0350—Working Hydraulics-service Group 8040—Appendix
Group 0360—Working Hydraulics - Checking and
adjusting 05
SECTION 99—Tool Drawings
Group 0370—Hydraulic Schematics Group 9900—Dealer Fabricated Tools
Group 0380—Appendix

SECTION 04—Engine
Group 0410—Engine mounting and dismounting 16
Group 0420—Engine

SECTION 05—Engine Auxiliary system

Group 0510—Auxiliary Systems
SECTION 16—Electrical-System
Group 1610—Main Electrical System
Group 1620—Electrical Scheme
Group 1630—770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors
Group 1630—1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors 18
Group 1640—Measuring System Timbermatic 300
Group 1650—Total Machine Control System TMC

All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on

the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is
reserved to make changes at any time without notice. 19

Moline, Illinois
All rights reserved
A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION Manual

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) i Harvesters Technical Manual












tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) ii Harvesters Technical Manual






tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) iii Harvesters Technical Manual






tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) iv Harvesters Technical Manual


Section 00
General Information

Page Page

Group 0010—Safety features Service Recommendations For Inch

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-1 Series Four Bolt Flange Fittings. . . . . . . .00-0030-12
Recognize Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-1 Service Recommendations for Metric
Understand Signal Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-1 Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting . . . . . . . .00-0030-13
Prepare for Emergencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-2 Metric Flanged Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-14
Wear Protective Clothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-2 O-ring Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-15
Handle Fluids Safely — Avoid Fires . . . . . . .00-0010-3 SAE Code 61 and 62 Flanges. . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-16
Handle Chemical Products Safely . . . . . . . . .00-0010-3 Tapered Pipe Treads (NPTF and NPT) . . . .00-0030-17
Replace Safety Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-3 Flare Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-18
Maintain Safety Cabin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-4
Park Machine Safely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-4 Group 0040—Fluids And Lubricants
Use Proper Lifting Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-5 About this goup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-1
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating . . .00-0010-5 Recommended Lubricants and Fluids . . . . . .00-0040-1
Welding Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-6 Fluid Capacities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-2
Attach Do not Operate Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-6 Diesel Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-3
Illuminate Work Area Safely . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-7 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-4
Driving and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-7 Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-5
Use of Radio-transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-8 Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-5
Dispose of waste properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-8 Hydraulic Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-9 Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6
Wear Protective Clothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-10 Gear Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6
Lubricant Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-7
Group 0020—General Specifications
Group 0050—Transporting and Towing
About this goup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-1
Transporting the Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-1
Timberjack Tools For Harvesters. . . . . . . . . .00-0020-2
Towing the Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-1
General Component Locator . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-3
Releasing the Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-3
Machine Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-4 Disengaging the 770D and 1070D
Power Unit Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8 Transmission System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-3
Power Train Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8 Disengaging the 1270D and 1470D
Hydraulic System Specifications . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10 Transmission System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-4
Tire Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-16 Releasing the Work Brake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-4
Booms Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-17 Releasing the 770D and 1070D Steering . . .00-0050-5
Conversion Table for Pressures . . . . . . . . .00-0020-21 Releasing the 1270D and 1470D Steering . .00-0050-6
Stowing a Disabled Boom in 770D and
Group 0030—Torque Values 1070D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-7
About this goup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-1
Tightening Torque For Bolted Joints . . . . . . .00-0030-1 Group 0060—Welding instructions
Unified Inch Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0060-1
Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-7
Metric Bolt and Cap Screw Torque
Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-8
Service Recommendations For O-Ring Boss
Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-9
Service Recommendations For Flat Face
O-Ring Seal Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0010
Safety features
General 0010

Should there be any information or instructions in this

manual that are not in compliance with local laws and
regulations in force in the country or region where this
equipment is operated, the local laws and regulations
must take precedence.

This machine should not be operated or maintained by
personnel other than those who have been thoroughly

As the maintainer ensure that you become familiar with all
occupational safety regulations pertaining to forest
machinery as well as all safety instructions pertaining to
this equipment. Observe the instructions provided in this
manual and on all hazard and information decals on the

AK12300,000003C –19–28FEB02–1/1

Recognize Safety Information

This is a safety-alert symbol. When you see this symbol

on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the
potential for personal injury.

Follow recommended precautions and safe operating

AK12300,000003D –19–28FEB02–1/1

Understand Signal Words

A signal word — DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION — is

used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the
most serious hazards.

DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near


specific hazards. General precautions are listed on

CAUTION safety signs. CAUTION also calls attention to
safety messages in this manual.

AK12300,000003E –19–28FEB02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

0010 Prepare for Emergencies

Keep a first aid kit in an easily accessible location on the

vehicle at all times. Check the first aid kit regularly and
make sure you immediately replace all items you have

Learn to use first aid equipment and fire extinguishers.
Keep emergency numbers always available or save those
to your portable phone.

AK12300,000003F –19–28FEB02–1/1

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment

appropriate to the job.

Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment

or loss of hearing. Wear a suitable hearing protective

device such as earmuffs or earplugs to protect against
objectionable or uncomfortable loud noises.

Safety face shield, glasses, or goggles should always be

used as protection from pressurized fluid spray, flying
debris, and other airborne matter when working with tools,
power tools, welding equipment, and corrosive or
dangerous chemicals.

Use a rubber apron and rubber gloves when working with

corrosives and wear heavy work gloves and safety shoes
when handling large heavy and sharp objects.

Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of

the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones
while operating machine.

AK12300,0000040 –19–28FEB02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

Handle Fluids Safely — Avoid Fires 0010

When you work around fuel, do not smoke or work near

heaters or other fire hazards.

Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Do not

incinerate or puncture pressurized containers.

Make sure machine is clean of trash, grease, and debris.

Do not store oily rags; they can ignite and burn


AK12300,0000041 –19–28FEB02–1/1

Handle Chemical Products Safely

Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause

serious injury. Potentially hazardous chemicals used with
your machine include such items as lubricants, coolants,
paints, and adhesives.

Carefully consult the manufacturer’s instructions before
you start any job using a hazardous chemical. That way
you will know exactly what the risks are and how to do the

job safely. Then follow procedures and recommended

If needed, see your authorized dealer to find out safety

risks of the chemical products used with your machine.

AK12300,0000042 –19–28FEB02–1/1

Replace Safety Signs

Replace missing or damaged safety signs. See Spare

Part Book for correct safety sign placement.

AK12300,0000043 –19–28FEB02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

0010 Maintain Safety Cabin

Cabin is safety tested according to international ROPS,

FOPS and OPS standards.

Do not operate the machine with the door open or any of

the safety covers or protective devices removed.

It is important to keep the operator protective structure in

place (doors, screens, windows, windshield, etc.) to
minimize hazards from whipping or intruding objects.

The protection offered by ROPS, FOPS and OPS will be

impaired if cabin

• is subjected to structural damage

• is involved in an overturn incident
• is in any way altered by welding, bending, drilling, or

To maintain ROPS, FOPS and OPS protection, replace

damaged cabin parts immediately. A damaged structure
should be replaced, not reused.

Do not attach any parts on the cabin by welding nor drill

any holes on it because it is a safety cabin. It is forbidden
to modify the window fastening.

AK12300,000010A –19–05NOV01–1/1

Park Machine Safely

Before working on the machine:

• Lower all equipment to the ground.

• Stop the engine and remove the key.
• Battery Disconnect Switch to OFF.

• Hang a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag in operator station.


DX,PARK –19–04JUN90–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

Use Proper Lifting Equipment 0010

Lifting heavy components incorrectly can cause severe

injury or machine damage.

Follow recommended procedure for removal and

installation of components in the manual.

DX,LIFT –19–04JUN90–1/1

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating

Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.

Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated

by welding, soldering, or using a torch.

Do all work outside or in a well ventilated area. Dispose of
paint and solvent properly.

Remove paint before welding or heating:

• If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.
Wear an approved respirator.
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with
soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or
paint stripper containers and other flammable material
from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes
before welding or heating.

Do not use a chlorinated solvent in areas where welding

will take place.

Do all work in an area that is ventilated to carry toxic

fumes and dust away.

DX,PAINT –19–03MAR93–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

0010 Welding Cautions

When welding is required ensure that the battery ground

cable is disconnected and that all electronic equipment
including instruments onboard the machine are totally
isolated electrically before welding is initiated.

Do not weld on the winch, grapple support frame, loader,
ROPS structure, or guards without obtaining specific
consent from the equipment manufacturer.

Before starting any welding ensure that the area to be
repaired is cleaned of debris and combustible material.
Have a charged fire extinguisher available and know how
to use it.

OUTJ003,00004AF –19–15FEB01–1/1

Attach Do not Operate Tag

If the machine becomes disabled, attach a warning tag to

the armrest controls. If the machine should not be started,
remove the ignition key and, as applicable, turn the
battery disconnect switch to ’OFF’.

Before undertaking any maintenance or repair work,

obtain permission. DO NOT perform any maintenance
work without authorization.

Consult the manufacturer’s instruction manual and follow

recommended procedures.


OUTJ003,0000740 –19–01AUG01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

Illuminate Work Area Safely 0010

Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use a

portable safety light for working inside or under the
machine. Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage.
The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignite
spilled fuel or oil.

DX,LIGHT –19–04JUN90–1/1

Driving and Service

The machine may only be used or repaired by personnel

who have received training that is approved by

IMPORTANT: Do not let an untrained person operate
the machine.

• Carry no passengers. The vehicle is provided and

approved with seating for the operator only.
• Use the handrails and steps provided when mounting
and dismounting from the machine. Do not climb onto
the machine in any other fashion.
• The machine must not be operated by anyone under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Avoid operating the machine if you are tired or ill, as
there is a greater risk of accident. Take sufficient breaks
and observe local regulations on working hours.

EL62757,000015F –19–19APR02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

0010 Use of Radio-transmitters

IMPORTANT: Any use of equipment containing a

radio transmitter (e.g., telephone,
communications radio) that has an
antenna inside the cab is strictly

Such equipment must be permanently installed in a proper

manner with an antenna on a suitable grounded plate
outside the cab.

Never mount an antenna inside the cabin because it may

cause malfunction in electrical devices!

CAUTION: Never use a headset when there is

thunder or lightening. Observe the danger of an
outer antenna so that it does not come into
contact with power lines.

EL62757,000005B –19–24SEP01–1/1

Dispose of waste properly

Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the

environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used
with equipment include such items as oil, fuel, coolant,
brake fluid, filters, and batteries.

Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not use
food or beverage containers that may mislead someone
into drinking from them.

Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into

any water source.

Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can

damage the Earth’s atmosphere. Government regulations
may require a certified air conditioning service center to
recover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.

Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste

from your local environmental or recycling center, or from
your authorized dealer.

EL62757,0000160 –19–19APR02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

Avoid High-Pressure Fluids 0010

Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin

causing serious injury.

Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before

disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all
connections before applying pressure.

Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands

and body from high pressure fluids.

If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid

injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a
few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with
this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable
medical source.

CED,TX14740,7088 –19–30JUN00–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Safety features

0010 Wear Protective Clothing

Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment

appropriate to the job.

Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment

or loss of hearing.

Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or
uncomfortable loud noises.

Safety face shield, glasses, or goggles should always be
used as protection from pressurized fluid spray, flying
debris, and other airborne matter when working with tools,
power tools, welding equipment, and corrosive or
dangerous chemicals.

Wear protective clothing as required by the job. Use a

rubber apron and rubber gloves when working with
corrosives and wear heavy work gloves and safety shoes
when handling large heavy or sharp objects and cables.

Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of

the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones
while operating machine.

OUTJ003,00005AA –19–09MAY01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0010-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0020
General Specifications
About this goup 0020

This group of the manual contains necessary

specifications to repair and service work.

See following Deere base engine manuals for engine


• 6081HTJ03 CTM86 for models 1270D and 1470D

• 6068HTJ76 CTM104 for model 1070D
• 4045HTJ77 CTM104 for model 770D

This group contains following specifications

• Special tools for harvesters

• General component locator
• All machine models dimensions
• Power train specificatons and components used in
different machine models. For example followed
– Axles and bogies
– Drive shafts
– Transfer case
• Hydraulic system specifications
– Working hydraulics: Pump
– Drive hydraulics: Pump and motor
• Tire sizes and pressures
• Booms specifications
• Conversion table for pressures

JK11466,0000007 –19–05MAR03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Timberjack Tools For Harvesters

1270D Base Machine

• Center hinge pivot pin nut tool Boom F612884

1270D Boom

• Main Boom cylinder tool F0617763

• Outer boom cylinder piston tool F057655
• Outer boom cylinder cover tool F038312
• Extension boom cylinder tool F061007
• Pivot nut spanner, d=80 F055827
• Pivot nut spanner, d=100 Engine F055828

770D and 1070D Base Machine

• Center hinge pivot pin nut tool Boom F612883

770D and 1070D Boom

• Lift boom cylinder piston tool F057655

• Lift boom cylinder cover tool F0038312
• Outer boom cylinder piston tool F0617765
• Outer boom cylinder cover tool F034814
• Extension boom cylinder tool F061007
• Pivot nut spanner, d=60 F055825
• Pivot nut spanner, d=70 F055826
• Pivot nut spanner, d=100 F055828

JK11466,0000014 –19–01NOV02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

General Component Locator 0020

1070D, 1270D and 1470D component locator

1—Engine compartment / hood 4—Work lights 6—Boom 8—Front Bogie axle (in 770D
2—Exchaust pipe 5—Cabin 7—Center hinge single rigid axle)
3—Air intake

JK11466,0000094 –19–28JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Machine Dimensions

770D dimensions

Continued on next page AK12300,00000FB –19–24OCT01–1/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications


1070D dimensions

Continued on next page AK12300,00000FB –19–24OCT01–2/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications


1270D dimensions

Continued on next page AK12300,00000FB –19–24OCT01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications


1470D dimensions

Harvester Weights and Dimensions

770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

Weight min 10800 Kg (23809lbs) min 14100 kg (31085 lbs) min 17500 kg (38580 lbs) min 18800 kg (41447 lbs)
60 / 40% 63 / 37 % 63 / 37 %
60 / 40%
(basic equipment, full (basic equipment, full (basic equipment, full
Weight distribution (basic equipment, full tanks,
tanks, in the transportation tanks, in the transportation tanks, in the transportation
in the transportation mode)
mode) mode) mode)
Overall Length 5910 mm (19 ft.5 in.) 6710 mm (22 ft.) 11600 mm (38 ft.7 in.) 11600 mm (38 ft.7 in.)
Wheelbase 3500 (11 tf. 6 in.) 3500 mm (11 ft.6 in.) 4050 mm (13 ft.3 in.) 4050 mm (13 ft.3 in.)
Minimum Width 2300 mm (7 ft. 7 in.) 2640 mm (8 ft.8 in.) 2680 mm (8 ft.3 in.) 3000 mm (9 ft.10 in)
Maximum Width 2400 mm (7 ft. 10 in.) 2780 mm (9 ft.1 in.) 2860 mm (9 ft.5 in.) 3040 mm (9 ft.12 in.)
Maximum Height 3660 mm (12 ft..) 3680 mm ( 12 ft.) 3720 mm (12 ft.2 in.) 3980 mm (13 ft.)
Ground Clearance 575 mm (1ft.11 in.) 600 mm (1 ft. 12 in.) 625 mm (2 ft.) 710 mm(2 ft.4 in.)

AK12300,00000FB –19–24OCT01–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Power Unit Specifications

See Deere Engine Technical Manual CTM 86 for Power

Unit Specifications of 8.1L (6081) Deere engine

See Deere Engine Technical Manuals CTM104 for Power

Unit Specifications of 4.5L and 6.8L (6045 and 6068)
Deere engines

OUTJ003,00004B4 –19–15FEB01–1/1

Power Train Specifications

Transfer Case Specifications

Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

Transfer Case NAF LOK 127 NAF LOK 127 NAF LOK 87/1 (0001.) LOK 110
NAF LOK 87/2 (0020...)
Transfer Case Type Mechanical / hydraulic with high/low Same as 770D Same as 770D Same as 770D
gear select and rear axle drive
Transfer case Oil Capacity 4.0L (0.87 gal) 4.0L (0.87 gal) 5.1 L (1.12 gal) 5.1 L (1.3gal)

Drive Shafts Specifications

Machine model All Models

Drive Shaft: Transfer case to RearAxle Spicer 7C-0S830P
Drive Shaft: Transfer Case to Center hinge Spicer 175CSS238
Drive Shaft: Through Center hinge N/A
Drive Shaft: Center Hingeto Front Axle Spicer 7C-SP2105

Axles/Bogies Specifications

Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

Axles/Bogies front LOK 125 LOK 126 LOK 100 LOK 121
Axles and Bogies Rear LOK 127 LOK 127 LOK 101 LOK122
Axle/Bogie Type in Front Single Rigid Axle Portal Bogie Axle Portal Bogie Axle Portal Bogie Axle
Axle/Bogie Type in Rear Single Rigid Axle Single Rigid Axle Single Rigid Axle Single Rigid Axle
Length Flange to Flange
Differential Ratio
Bogie Ratio
Overall Ratio

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B5 –19–15FEB01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Brakes Specifications 0020
Machine model All Models
Brake Valve Model Rexroth LT13HEA-3X/070-160
Brakes type Multi-disc arrangement in axle (two on each
axle) controlled by brake cylinders (two on
each axle)
Parking brake type Spring applied, hydraulically released
Parking brake 4.0 MPa (580 psi)
Drive / work brake Hydraulically applied, spring released
Drive / work brake 7.0 MPa (1015 psi)
Accumulators Welded diaphragm, nitrogen precharge
Accumulators 6.5 MPa (943 psi)
Parking Brake Normally closed 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Pressure Switch
Work Brake Normally closed 10.0 MPa (1450 psi)
Pressure Switches
Parking Brake 24 volts
Solenoid Y41
Work Brake 24 volts
Solenoid Y41W

OUTJ003,00004B5 –19–15FEB01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Hydraulic System Specifications

Hydraulic System

Machine Model 770D 1070D 1270D and 1470D

Hydraulic System Capacity
System Pressure 24 MPa (3480 psi) 24/28 MPa ( 3480 / 4061psi) 24/28 MPa ( 3480 / 4061 psi)
Main Pressure Relief 28.0 MPa (4061 psi) 30Mpa (4351) 30Mpa (4351)
Differential Load Sense Pressure 2.5 MPa (362 psi) 2.5 MPa (362 psi) 2.5 MPa (362 psi)
Pilot Pressure 3.5 MPa (507 psi) 3.5 MPa (507 psi) 3.5 MPa (507 psi)
Boom and Steering Functions, 24MPa (3480 psi) 24MPa (3480 psi) 24MPa (3480 psi)
Maximum Working Pressure
Differential Locks and High/Low 3.5 MPa (507 psi) 3.5 MPa (507 psi) 3.5 MPa (507 psi)
Gear Pressure, Front wheel drive
disconnect pressure
Frame Brake Pressure 25 MPa (3625 psi) All models
Orifice - Load Sense Signal (LS Port 0.7 mm All models
boom Control Valve)

The following are approximate hydraulic function operating

times. Operate one function at a time.

These figures are approximate and may vary slightly

according to the Harvester head and boom used. Use
these figures as guidelines only.

Machine model 770D

Steering, Center hinge 5.0 Sec @ 2 km/h (1.25 mph)
Boom Slew Left 220° 10.0sec
Boom Slew Right 220° 10.0 sec
Main Boom Up 5.0 sec
Main Boom Down 4.5 sec
Outer Boom Out 5.0 sec
Outer Boom In 5.0 sec
Extension Boom Out 2.3 sec
Extension Boom In 2.3 sec
Harvester head Rotate Left 360° 3.0 sec
Harvester head Rotate Right 360° 3.0 sec

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–1/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Work Pump 0020
Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
Work pump Model A11VO130 A11VO145 A11VO190 A11VO190
Variable, swashplate Variable, swashplate Variable, swashplate Variable, swashplate design,
Work Pump design, axial piston rotary design, axial piston rotary design, axial piston axial piston rotary group
group group rotary group
Mounted after diesel
Work pump location
Maximum 130 cm3 per rev. 145 cm3 per rev. 190 cm3 per rev. 190 cm3 per rev.
Displacement (7.93 in3 per rev.) (8.84 in3 per rev.) (11.6 in3 per rev.) (11.6 in3 per rev.)
Maximum Speed 2100 rpm 2100 rpm 2100 rpm 2100 rpm
250L/1800rpm 250L/1800rpm 304L /1600rpm 304L /1600rpm
Maximum Flow
( 66 gal /1800 rmp) (66 gal /1800 rmp) (80 gal /1600rpm) (80 gal /1600rpm)
Mounting Flange SAE D SAE D SAE D SAE D
Right Hand, Clockwise Right Hand, Clockwise as
Shaft Rotation Right Hand, Clockwise as Right Hand, Clockwise as
as viewed from viewed from driveshaft
direction viewed from driveshaft viewed from driveshaft
Pressure Port type SAE 1 1/4“ 420 bar SAE 1 1/4“ 420 bar SAE 1 1/4“ 420 bar SAE 1 1/4“ 420 bar
Suction Port type SAE 3” 140 bar SAE 3” 140 bar SAE 3 1/2” 35 bar SAE 3 1/2” 35 bar
Case Drain Port M26 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M33x2
1 1/4", SAE-C 14-tooth
Shaft, Drive End
Compensator 24 MPa (3480 psi)
Pressure Setting
Pressure Control EP2S
Factory Differential 25 bar
Pressure Control 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar
Oil Capacity
Dry Weight

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–2/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Hydraulic Tank and Filters
Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
300 L
Hydraulic System Capacity
(79 gal)
Maximum Tank Fill
Minimum Tank Fill 82 L ( 21 gal)
On bracket
On bracket near hydraulic On bracket near On bracket near
Pressure Filter Location near hydraulic
tank hydraulic tank hydraulic tank
Pressure Filter Restriction Indicator Pressure TMC alarm activated
Switch at 0,80 Mpa (116 psi)
Return Filter 10 micron 10 micron 10 micron 10 micron
In hydraulic
Return Filter Location In hydraulic tank In hydraulic tank In hydraulic tank
Return Filter By-pass 0.16 MPa (23 psi)
Return Filter Restriction Indicator Pressure TMC alarm activated
Switch at 0.13 MPa (23 psi)
TMC alarm activated
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Indicator Sensor
at 70°C (158°F)
TMC alarm activated
when level in tank
Hydraulic Oil Level Indicator Sensor
drops below 62 L (16
Breather/Relief Valve Maximum Reservoir
0.02 MPa (3.0 psi)

Steering Cylinders

Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

100 / 63 mm 100 / 63 mm
Bore F062203 F062203
(4 / 2.5in.) (4 / 2.5in.)
460mm 460mm
Stroke Length
(1ft. 6 in.) (1ft. 6 in.)
765 mm 765 mm
Retracted Length
(2ft 6 in.) (2ft 6 in.)
1225mm 1225mm
Extended Length
(4.0 ft) (4.0 ft)
45 Kg 45 Kg
(99.5 lb) (99.5 lb)

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–3/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Auxiliary Valve 0020
Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
Auxiliary Valve location Front frame Front frame Front frame Front frame
Parking Brake Pressure Regulator Adjustable, factory set at 4.0 MPa
Valve CB1 (580 psi)
Auxiliary Functions Pressure Adjustable, factory set at 3.0 MPa
Regulator Valve CP3 (435 psi)
Frame Brake Pressure Relief Valve 21.5 MPa (3118 psi)
Frame Brake Pressure Restrictor
1.0 mm
Work Pump Stroke Solenoid Y208
1.2 mm
Pressure Restrictor Orifice
All Solenoids 27 volts
Solenoid 433F Differential Lock
Solenoid Y39 Front Wheel Drive Disengage
Solenoid Y45 Low Gear Select
Solenoid Y46 High Gear Select
Solenoid Y65 Frame Brake
Solenoid Y41 Parking Brake

Hydrostatic System Pressures

Machine models 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

Supply Pressure 3 MPa 3 MPa 3 MPa 3 MPa
(435 psi) (435 psi) (435 psi) (435 psi)
Drive Pressure 44 MPa 45Mpa 45Mpa 45Mpa
(6381 psi) (6526 psi) (6526 psi) (6526 psi)

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–4/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Hydrostatic Drive Pump
Machine models 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
Hydrostatic Pump Rexroth A4VG71 Rexroth A4VG90 Rexroth AA4VG Rexroth AA4VG
Hydrostatic Pump Type Reversible, variable displacement, same as 770D same as 770D same as 770D
swashplate/axial piston
Hydrostatic Pump Mounted work pump coupling Mounted workpump Mounted workpump Mounted workpump
Location coupling coupling coupling
Control Proportional electrical control Proportional electrical Proportional Proportional electrical
control electrical control control
Displacement 71 cm3 per revolution 90 cm3 per revolution 125cm3 125cm3
4.3 in.3/rev 5.5 in.3/rev 7.62 in.3/rev 7.62 in.3/rev
Flow 130 L/min. (34.4 gpm) at 1850 165 L/min. (43 gpm) at 1850 230 L/min. ( 61 230 L/min. (61 gpm) at
rpm rpm gpm) at 1850 rpm 1850 rpm
Drive Pressure Relief 44Mpa 45Mpa 45Mpa 45Mpa
Setting (Pressure (6816 psi) (6526 psi) (6526 psi) (6526 psi)
Cut-off Valve)
Drive Pressure 47Mpa 48Mpa 48Mpa 48Mpa
(Pressure Relief valves) (6381 psi) (6961 psi) (6961 psi) (6961 psi)
Filtration Spin-on filter (10 micron filter) same as 770D same as 770D
Filtration Bypass Integral by-pass valve in pump at
350 kPa (50 psi)
Input Shaft SAE 1 1/4 14T 12/24DP SAE 1 3/4 13T 8/16DP SAE 1 3/4 13T SAE 1 3/4 13T 8/16DP
Supply Pump 19.6 cm3/rev 19.6 cm3/rev 28.3 cm3/rev
Displacement 1.19 in.3/rev 1.19 in.3/rev 1.72 in.3/rev
Supply Pump Pressure 3.0MPa (435psi) 3.0MPa (435psi) 3.0MPa (435psi) 3.0MPa (435psi)
Relief Setting
Supply Pressure Closed below 1.0 MPa (145 psi) Closed below 1.0 MPa (145 Closed below 1.0 Closed below 1.0 MPa
Warning Switch W82A activating TMC warning psi) activating TMC warning MPa (145 psi) (145 psi) activating
activating TMC TMC warning

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Hydrostatic Drive Motor 0020
Machine models 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
Hydrostatic Drive Motor Rexroth A6VM107 Rexroth A6VM140 Rexroth AA6VM160 Rexroth AA6VM160
Hydrostatic Drive Motor Bent Axis, variable displacement, Bent Axis, variable Bent Axis, variable Bent Axis, variable
Type axial piston, with loop flushing displacement, axial displacement, axial displacement, axial
valve piston, with loop piston, with loop piston, with loop
flushing valve flushing valve flushing valve
Hydrostatic Drive Motor Mounted on transfer case Mounted on transfer Mounted on transfer Mounted on transfer
Location case case case
Control Proportional electrical Proportional electrical Proportional electrical Proportional electrical
Maximum Displacement 107 cm3/rev 140 cm3/rev 160 cm3/rev 160cm3/rev
Rotation Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible
Output Shaft SAE Splined SAE Splined SAE Splined SAE Splined
Mounting Flange SAE 4 bolt SAE 4 bolt SAE 4 bolt SAE 4 bolt
Weight 64 kg (141 lb)

Hydrostatic Cooling

Machine models In All models

Hydrostatic Flow from drive pump and motor case drains to
Cooling oil cooler equipped with thermal by-pass valve
Maximum System TMC alarm activated at 80°C (176°F)
Oil Cooler Tube type, located on left side of radiator
Oil Cooler size .213 m2 (2.29 ft.2)
Thermal Valve Located on oil cooler
Thermostat 49°C (120°F)
Thermostat Open 63°C (145°F)
Pressure Relief 449 kPa (65 psi)
Valve Open

OUTJ003,00004B8 –19–15FEB01–6/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Tire Specifications
770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
Front Tyres
min-max pressure min-max pressure min-max pressure min-max pressure
600x22,5 380- 430 kPa (55-62 psi)
210-240 kPa 320-370 kPa
(30-35 psi) (46-54 psi)
410 - 460 kPa ( psi)
(60-67 psi)
700x22,5 320-390kPa (46 - 57 psi)
410-460 kPa
(60-67 psi)
320-370 kPa
(46-54 psi)
Rear Tyres
210-240 kPa 250-300 kPa
(30-35 psi) (36- 44 psi)
(36-42 psi)
240-280 kPa
(35-41 psi)
(32-38 psi)
(240-270 kPa )
(35-39 psi)

OUTJ003,00004B6 –19–15FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Booms Specifications 0020

1—Base 4—Main boom cylinder 7—Outer boom 9—Rotator link
2—Slewing cylinders 5—Outer boom cylinder 8—Extension boom 10—Rotator
3—Pillar 6—Main boom

Continued on next page JK11466,0000063 –19–19DEC02–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

0020 Specifications
Machine Model 770D 1070D 1270D and 1470 D
Boom 140 H 79 or H 89 180 H 83, 97 or 110 210H 90, 97 or115
Harvester head TJ H732, TJ H742, TJ 745 TJ H732, H742, 745, 754 745, 752, 754, 758 or H762
Rotator model AV12S Same as in 770D Same as in 770D
Rotator Weight 56 kg Same as in 770D Same as in 770D
(123 lbs)
Slewing torque 2,1 kNm Same as in 770D Same as in 770D
(1550 lb-ft)
Slewing angle unlimited Same as in 770D Same as in 770D
(±180° with harvester head)
Outreach, Max With Harvester Head 8200 mm (26 ft 11in) 8600 mm (28 ft 3 in) 9300mm,(30 ft 6 in)
9200 mm(30 ft 2 in.) 10000 mm (32 ft 10 in) 1000 mm (32 ft 10 in)
11300 mm (37 ft.) 11800 mm(38 ft 9 in)
Outreach, Max 7600 mm 24 ft.11 8300 mm( 27 ft.3 in) 9000 mm (29 ft 6 in)
9700 mm (31 ft.10 in) 9700 mm (31 ft.10 in )
11000 mm (36 ft.1 in) 11500 mm( (37 ft.9 in )
Stroke of Boom Extension 800 mm 2 ft.7 in 800 mm (2 ft.7 in) 1440 mm (4 ft 9 in)
2170 mm (7 ft.1 in) 2270 mm (7 ft.5 in.)
3486 mm 11 ft.5 in 3990 mm (13 ft.1 in)
Weight, Without Oil 1600 kg 3527 lbs 2090 kg (4607 lbs) 2570 kg (5665 lbs)
2150 kg (4740 lbs) 2580 kg (5688 lbs)
2230 kg 4916 lbs 2680 kg (5908 lbs)
Max Allowed Lifting Mass in 110 boom 670 kg (1477 lbs) in 115 boom 960kg (2116
In 110 and 115 booms only lbs)
Gross Lifting Moment 95 kNm (70068 lb-ft) 135 kNm (99570 lb-ft) 178 kN•m
Net Lifting Moment 95 kNm (70068 lb-ft) 75 kN•m (55500 lb-ft)
Gross Slewing Moment 24,4 kNm (17996 lb-ft) 38 kNm (28027 lb-ft) 43,6 kNm (32155 lb-ft)
Slewing Angle 220° 220° 220°
Tilting angle ±15° ±15° +30°...-15°
Slew Housing Capacity 7 l (1.8 gal)
Slew Pressure Relief Valve Setting 23Mpa (3120 psi)

Continued on next page JK11466,0000063 –19–19DEC02–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Booms lifting Torques 0020

JK11466,0000063 –19–19DEC02–3/5

Tj180 H 83

Tj 180 H 97 –UN–19AUG02

Continued on next page JK11466,0000063 –19–19DEC02–4/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications


Tj 210 H 115

JK11466,0000063 –19–19DEC02–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications

Conversion Table for Pressures 0020
Conversion Table for Pressures
psi MPa bar kPa kg/cm2
psi 1 0.006895 0.06895 6,895 0.07031
MPa 145 1 10 1000 10.20
bar 14.50 0.1 1 100 1.02
kPa 0.145 0.001 0.01 1 0.0102
kg/cm2 14.22 0.09807 0.9807 98.07 1

OUTJ003,0000744 –19–08AUG01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-21 Harvesters Technical Manual

General Specifications


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0020-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0030
Torque Values
About this goup 0030

This group of the manual contains necessary information

to repair and service work.

• Tightening torques for bolted joints

• Service recommendations for fittings
• Service recommendations for metric and inch series

JK11466,0000007 –19–05MAR03–1/1

Tightening Torque For Bolted Joints

When the machine is new, check all bolted joints daily,

especially those between the boom and the frame and
those between the axles and the frame. Keep tightening
until the bolts maintain their tightness. Check the hose
joints, too. During ordinary operation, the joints should be
frequently checked in addition to scheduled maintenance.

Expander pivot pin joints of the new machine must be

tightened after first working day.

Continued on next page AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–1/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 770D Tightening Torques For Bolted Joints
770D Tightening torques
Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Wheel bolts 48 M22x1,5 8.8 540 398
Axle mounts 4 M24x520 10.9 935 690
Bolts for rear axle mount 4 M24x240 12.9 935 690
Nuts for front axle mount 4 M24 665 490
Bearings for drive shaft 2 M16x45 8.8 200 148
Drive shafts 16 3/8 UNFx45 12.9 83 61
Horizontal bearings, center hinge 20 M20x90 12.9 650 479
Vertical bearings, center hinge 2 M65x2 610 450
Frame brake 5 M24x140 12.9 900 664
Engine mount, engine block 14 M12x35 8.8 81 60
Engine mount, front damper 2 M16x65 8.8 120 89
Engine mount, rear damper 2 M16x40 8.8 120 89
Damper, frame 8 M12x25 8.8 81 60
Engine cooling fan 4 M10x65 8.8 40 30
Generator / pulley 1 M27x1,5 8.8 150 111
Engine flywheel, flex coupling 8 3/8 UNCx32 12.9 49 36
Locking screw, flex coupling hub 1 12.9 86 63
Pump mount flange, flywheel 12 M10x35 8.8 47 35
Working pump 4 M16x45 12.9 195 144
Driving pump 2 M16x45 12.9 195 144
Hydraulic motor / gearbox 4 M20x50 8.8 385 284
Boom valve mount, boom 4 M16x60 8.8 222 164
Locking screws, boom pillar pivot 2 M16x40 8.8 222 164
Slew bearing cover, boom pillar 6 M10x25 8.8 49 36
Slew bearing cover, slew housing 8 M12x40 12.9 137 101
Slewing cylinder 48 M12x70 12.9 110 81
Slewing cylinder, piston 16 M12x60 8.8 85 63
Main boom ram 1 M65x2 1890 1394
Outer boom ram 1 M55x2 1300 956
Extension ram 1 M20x1,5 190 140

Continued on next page AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–2/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

1070D Tightening Torques For Bolted Joints 0030
Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Wheel bolts 56 M22x1,5 8.8 540 398
Axle mounts 4 M24x520 10.9 935 690
Bolts for rear axle mount 4 M24x240 12.9 935 690
Nuts for front axle mount 4 M24 665 490
Bearings for drive shaft 2 M16x45 8.8 200 148
Drive shafts 16 3/8 UNFx45 12.9 83 61
Horizontal bearings, center hinge 20 M20x90 12.9 650 479
Vertical bearings, center hinge 2 M65x2 610 450
Frame brake 5 M24x140 12.9 900 664
Engine mount, engine block 14 M12x35 8.8 81 60
Engine mount, front damper 2 M16x65 8.8 120 89
Engine mount, rear damper 2 M16x40 8.8 120 89
Damper, frame 8 M12x25 8.8 81 60
Engine cooling fan 4 M10x65 8.8 40 30
Generator / pulley 1 M27x1,5 8.8 150 111
Engine flywheel, flex coupling 8 3/8 UNCx32 12.9 49 36
Locking screw, flex coupling hub 1 12.9 86 63
Pump mount flange, flywheel 12 M10x35 8.8 47 35
Working pump 4 M20x45 8.8 195 144
Driving pump 4 M20x45 8.8 195 144
Hydraulic motor / gearbox 4 M20x50 8.8 385 284
Boom valve mount, boom 4 M16x60 8.8 222 164
Locking screws, boom pillar pivot 2 M16x40 8.8 222 164
Slew bearing cover, boom pillar 6 M10x25 8.8 49 36
Slew bearing cover, slew housing 8 M12x40 12.9 137 101
Slewing cylinder 48 M12x70 12.9 110 81
Slewing cylinder, piston 16 M12x60 8.8 85 63
Main boom ram 1 M65x2 1890 1394
Outer boom ram 1 M55x2 1300 956
Extension ram 1 M20x1,5 190 140
Rotator link, expander-axle 2 M20 400 295

Continued on next page AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–3/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 1270D Tightening Torque For Bolted joints
1270D Tightening torques
Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Wheel nuts 64 M22 8.8 540 398
Axle mounts 4 M27 x 520 12.9 1250 922
Bolts for rear axle mount 2 M27 x 220 12.9 800 590
Bolts for rear axle mount 2 M27 x 180 8.8 800 590
Nuts for front axle mount 8 M27 800 590
Bearing support 2 M16 x 30 8.8 200 148
Drive shafts 16 1/2"UNF x 51 10.9 118 87
Horizontal bearing, center hinge 40 M20 x 90 12.9 500 369
Vertical bearings, center hinge 2 M75 x 2 610 450
Frame brake 6 M24 x 60 12.9 750 553
Engine mount, engine block, front 8 5/8"UNC x 64 10.9 90 66
Engine mount, engine block, rear 8 5/8"UNC x 38 8.8 90 66
Engine mount, dampers 4 M20 x 90 8.8 150 111
Damper mount, frame 8 M16 x 35 8.8 150 111
Hydraulic motor / gearbox 5 M20 x 50 8.8 385 284
Engine cooling fan 6 3/8"UNC x 50 8.8 40 30
Engine flywheel, flex coupling 8 3/8"UNC x 38 12.9 49 36
Locking screw, flex coupling hub 1 8.8 295 218
Pump mount flange, flywheel 12 3/8"UNC x 38 8.8 49 36
Working pump 4 M20 x 45 8.8 300 221
Driving pump 4 M20 x 40 8.8 300 221
Boom valve mount, boom 4 M16 x 60 8.8 222 164
Locking screws, boom pillar pivot 2 M16 x 40 8.8 222 164

1270D Tightening torque for bolted joints, boom

Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Slew bearing cover, boom pillar 6 M10 x 25 8.8 49 36
Slew bearing cover, slew housing 8 M12 x 40 12.9 137 101
Slewing cylinder, piston 16 M12 x 60 8.8 85 63
Slewing cylinder 48 M12 x 70 12.9 110 81
Main boom ram 1 M98 x 6 2000 1475
Outer boom ram 1 M65 x 2 1890 1394
Extension ram 1 180 133
Expander-axle, boom pillar 2 M30 x 2 8.8 600 443
Expander-axle, main boom 2 M30 x 2 8.8 600 443
Expander-axle, rotator link 2 M20 x 1,5 8.8 400 295

Continued on next page AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–4/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

1470D Tightening Torque For Bolted Joints 0030
Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Wheel nuts 76 M22 8.8 540 398
Axle mounts 2 M27 x 520 12.9 1250 922
Axle mounts 2 M16 x 660 10.9 1250 922
Bolts for rear axle mount 2 M27 x 220 12.9 800 590
Bolts for rear axle mount 2 M27 x 180 8.8 800 590
Nuts for front axle mount 8 M27 800 590
Bolts for drive shaft mount 36 M10 x 35 12.9 80 59
Bearing support 2 M16 x 30 8.8 200 148
Horizontal bearing, center hinge 40 M20 x 90 12.9 500 369
Vertical bearings, center hinge 2 M75 x 2 610 450
Frame brake 6 M24 x 60 12.9 750 553
Engine mount, engine block, front 8 5/8"UNC x 64 10.9 90 66
Engine mount, engine block, rear 8 5/8"UNC x 38 8.8 90 66
Engine mount, dampers 4 M20 x 90 8.8 150 111
Damper mount, frame 8 M16 x 35 8.8 150 111
Gearbox mount 12 M16 x 40 8.8 250 184
Hydraulic motor / gearbox 5 M20 x 50 8.8 385 284
Engine cooling fan 6 3/8"UNC x 50 8.8 40 30
Engine flywheel, flex coupling 8 3/8"UNC x 38 12.9 49 36
Locking screw, flex coupling hub 1 8.8 295 218
Pump mount flange, flywheel 12 3/8"UNC x 38 8.8 49 36
Working pump 4 M20 x 45 8.8 300 221
Driving pump 4 M20 x 40 8.8 300 221
Boom valve mount, boom 4 M16 x 60 8.8 222 164
Locking screws, boom pillar pivot 2 M16 x 40 8.8 222 164

Continued on next page AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 1470D Tightening torque for bolted joints, boom
6 Joint Qty Size Grade Torque Nm Torque lb-ft
Slew bearing cover, boom pillar 6 M10 x 25 8.8 49 36
Slew bearing cover, slew housing 8 M12 x 40 12.9 137 101
Slewing cylinder, piston 16 M12 x 60 8.8 85 63
Slewing cylinder 48 M12 x 70 12.9 110 81
Main boom ram 1 M98 x 6 2000 1475
Outer boom ram 1 M65 x 2 1890 1394
Extension ram 1 180 133
Expander-axle, boom pillar 2 M30 x 2 8.8 600 443
Expander-axle, main boom 2 M30 x 2 8.8 600 443
Expander-axle, rotator link 2 M20 x 1,5 8.8 400 295

AK12300,0000058 –19–12OCT01–6/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

Unified Inch Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values 0030

Top, SAE Grade and Head Markings; Bottom, SAE Grade and Nut Markings

Grade 1 (No Mark) Grade 2a (No Mark) Grade 5, 5.1 or 5.2 Grade 8 or 8.2
Size Lubricatedb Dryc N•m Lubricatedb Dryc N•m Lubricatedb Dryc N•m Lubricatedb Dryc N•m
N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft)
1/4 3.8 (2.8) 4.7 (3.5) 6 (4.4) 7.5 (5.5) 9.5 (7) 12 (9) 13.5 (10) 17 (12.5)
5/16 7.7 (5.7) 9.8 (7.2) 12 (9) 15.5 (11.5) 19.5 (14.5) 25 (18.5) 28 (20.5) 35 (26)
3/8 13.5 (10) 17.5 (13) 22 (16) 27.5 (20) 35 (26) 44 (32.5) 49 (36) 63 (46)
7/16 22 (16) 28 (20.5) 35 (26) 44 (32.5) 56 (41) 70 (52) 80 (59) 100 (74)
1/2 34 (25) 42 (31) 53 (39) 67 (49) 85 (63) 110 (80) 120 (88) 155 (115)
9/16 48 (35.5) 60 (45) 76 (56) 95 (70) 125 (92) 155 (115) 175 (130) 220 (165)
5/8 67 (49) 85 (63) 105 (77) 135 (100) 170 (125) 215 (160) 240 (175) 305 (225)
3/4 120 (88) 150 (110) 190 (140) 240 (175) 300 (220) 380 (280) 425 (315) 540 (400)
7/8 190 (140) 240 (175) 190 (140) 240 (175) 490 (360) 615 (455) 690 (510) 870 (640)
1 285 (210) 360 (265) 285 (210) 360 (265) 730 (540) 920 (680) 1030 (760) 1300 (960)
1-1/8 400 (300) 510 (375) 400 (300) 510 (375) 910 (670) 1150 (850) 1450 (1075) 1850 (1350)
1-1/4 570 (420) 725 (535) 570 (420) 725 (535) 1280 (945) 1630 (1200) 2050 (1500) 2600 (1920)
1-3/8 750 (550) 950 (700) 750 (550) 950 (700) 1700 (1250) 2140 (1580) 2700 (2000) 3400 (2500)
1-1/2 990 (730) 1250 (930) 990 (730) 1250 (930) 2250 (1650) 2850 (2100) 3600 (2650) 4550 (3350)
Grade 2 applies for hex cap screws (not hex bolts) up to 152 mm (6 in.) long. Grade 1 applies for hex cap screws over 152 mm (6 in.) long,
and for all other types of bolts and screws of any length.
"Lubricated" means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil, or fasteners with phosphate and oil coatings.
"Dry" means plain or zinc plated without any lubrication.

DO NOT use these values if a different torque value or tightening Make sure fastener threads are clean and that you properly start
procedure is given for a specific application. Torque values listed are thread engagement. This will prevent them from failing when
for general use only. Check tightness of fasteners periodically. tightening.

Shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. Always Tighten plastic insert or crimped steel-type lock nuts to approximately
replace shear bolts with identical grade. 50 percent of the dry torque shown in the chart, applied to the nut,
not to the bolt head. Tighten toothed or serrated-type lock nuts to the
full torque value.
Fasteners should be replaced with the same or higher grade. If
higher grade fasteners are used, these should only be tightened to
the strength of the original.

DX,TORQ1 –19–01OCT99–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 Metric Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values

Top, Property Class and Head Markings; Bottom, Property Class and Nut Markings

Class 4.8 Class 8.8 or 9.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

Size Lubricateda Dryb N•m Lubricateda Dryb N•m Lubricateda Dryb N•m Lubricateda Dryb N•m
N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft) N•m (lb-ft) (lb-ft)
M6 4.7 (3.5) 6 (4.4) 9 (6.6) 11.5 (8.5) 13 (9.5) 16.5 (12.2) 15.5 (11.5) 19.5 (14.5)
M8 11.5 (8.5) 14.5 (10.7) 22 (16) 28 (20.5) 32 (23.5) 40 (29.5) 37 (27.5) 47 (35)
M10 23 (17) 29 (21) 43 (32) 55 (40) 63 (46) 80 (59) 75 (55) 95 (70)
M12 40 (29.5) 50 (37) 75 (55) 95 (70) 110 (80) 140 (105) 130 (95) 165 (120)
M14 63 (46) 80 (59) 120 (88) 150 (110) 175 (130) 220 (165) 205 (150) 260 (190)
M16 100 (74) 125 (92) 190 (140) 240 (175) 275 (200) 350 (255) 320 (235) 400 (300)
M18 135 (100) 170 (125) 265 (195) 330 (245) 375 (275) 475 (350) 440 (325) 560 (410)
M20 190 (140) 245 (180) 375 (275) 475 (350) 530 (390) 675 (500) 625 (460) 790 (580)
M22 265 (195) 330 (245) 510 (375) 650 (480) 725 (535) 920 (680) 850 (625) 1080 (800)
M24 330 (245) 425 (315) 650 (480) 820 (600) 920 (680) 1150 (850) 1080 (800) 1350 (1000)
M27 490 (360) 625 (460) 950 (700) 1200 (885) 1350 (1000) 1700 (1250) 1580 (1160) 2000 (1475)
M30 660 (490) 850 (625) 1290 (950) 1630 (1200) 1850 (1350) 2300 (1700) 2140 (1580) 2700 (2000)
M33 900 (665) 1150 (850) 1750 (1300) 2200 (1625) 2500 (1850) 3150 (2325) 2900 (2150) 3700 (2730)
M36 1150 (850) 1450 (1075) 2250 (1650) 2850 (2100) 3200 (2350) 4050 (3000) 3750 (2770) 4750 (3500)
"Lubricated" means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil, or fasteners with phosphate and oil coatings.
"Dry" means plain or zinc plated without any lubrication.

DO NOT use these values if a different torque value or tightening Make sure fastener threads are clean and that you properly start
procedure is given for a specific application. Torque values listed are thread engagement. This will prevent them from failing when
for general use only. Check tightness of fasteners periodically. tightening.

Shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. Always Tighten plastic insert or crimped steel-type lock nuts to approximately
replace shear bolts with identical property class. 50 percent of the dry torque shown in the chart, applied to the nut,
not to the bolt head. Tighten toothed or serrated-type lock nuts to the
full torque value.
Fasteners should be replaced with the same or higher property class.
If higher property class fasteners are used, these should only be
tightened to the strength of the original.

DX,TORQ2 –19–01OCT99–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

Service Recommendations For O-Ring Boss 0030

Straight Fitting

1. Inspect O-ring boss seat for dirt or defects.

2. Lubricate O-ring with petroleum jelly. Place electrical
tape over threads to protect O-ring. Slide O-ring over
tape and into O-ring groove of fitting. Remove tape.

3. Tighten fitting to torque value shown on chart.

Continued on next page 04T,90,K66 –19–29SEP99–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 Angle Fitting

1. Back-off lock nut (A) and back-up washer (B)

completely to head-end (C) of fitting.

2. Turn fitting into threaded boss until back-up washer

contacts face of boss.

3. Turn fitting head-end counterclockwise to proper index

(maximum of one turn).

NOTE: Do not allow hoses to twist when tightening

4. Hold fitting head-end with a wrench and tighten locknut

and back-up washer to proper torque value.


Thread Size N•m lb-ft
3/8-24 UNF 8 6
7/16-20 UNF 12 9
1/2-20 UNF 16 12
9/16-18 UNF 24 18
3/4-16 UNF 46 34
7/8-14 UNF 62 46
1-1/16-12 UN 102 75
1-3/16-12 UN 122 90
1-5/16-12 UN 142 105
1-5/8-12 UN 190 140
1-7/8-12 UN 217 160
NOTE: Torque tolerance is ± 10%.

04T,90,K66 –19–29SEP99–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

Service Recommendations For Flat Face 0030
O-Ring Seal Fittings

1. Inspect the fitting sealing surfaces. They must be free

of dirt or defects.

2. Inspect the O-ring. It must be free of damage or

3. Lubricate O-rings and install into groove using

petroleum jelly to hold in place.

4. Push O-ring into the groove with plenty of petroleum

jelly so O-ring is not displaced during assembly.

5. Index angle fittings and tighten by hand pressing joint

together to insure O-ring remains in place.

6. Tighten fitting or nut to torque value shown on the

chart per dash size stamped on the fitting. Do not allow
hoses to twist when tightening fittings.


Thread Size
Nominal Tube O.D. Dash Size in. Swivel Nut Bulkhead Nut
mm in. N•m lb-ft N•m lb-ft
6.35 0.250 -4 9/16-18 16 12 5.0 3.5
9.52 0.375 -6 11/16-16 24 18 9.0 6.5
12.70 0.500 -8 13/16-16 50 37 17.0 12.5
15.88 0.625 -10 1-14 69 51 17.0 12.5
19.05 0.750 -12 1 3/16-12 102 75 17.0 12.5
22.22 0.875 -14 1 3/16-12 102 75 17.0 12.5
25.40 1.000 -16 1 7/16-12 142 105 17.0 12.5
31.75 1.250 -20 1 11/16-12 190 140 17.0 12.5
38.10 1.500 -24 2-12 217 160 17.0 12.5
NOTE: Torque tolerance is +15 -20%.

04T,90,K67 –19–29SEP99–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 Service Recommendations For Inch Series Four Bolt Flange Fittings

A—Sealing Surface B—Split Flange C—Pinched O-Ring D—Single Piece Flange

1. Clean sealing surfaces (A). Inspect. Scratches TORQUE CHART

cause leaks. Roughness causes seal wear. N•m lb-ft
Out-of-flat causes seal extrusion. If defects cannot Nominal Cap Screw
be polished out, replace component. Flange Size
Size Min Max Min Max
2. Install O-ring (and backup washer if required) into 1/2 5/16-18 20 31 15 23
groove using petroleum jelly to hold it in place. UNC
3/4 3/8-16 UNC 28 54 21 40
3. Split flange: Loosely assemble split flange (B) 1 3/8-16 UNC 37 54 27 40
halves. Make sure split is centrally located and 1-1/4 7/16-14 47 85 35 63
perpendicular to port. Hand tighten cap screws to UNC
hold parts in place. Do not pinch O-ring (C). 1-1/2 1/2-13 UNC 62 131 46 97
2 1/2-13 UNC 73 131 54 97
4. Single piece flange (D): Place hydraulic line in
center of flange and install cap screws. Flange 2-1/2 1/2-13 UNC 107 131 79 97
must be centrally located on port. Hand tighten cap 3 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195
screws to hold flange in place. Do not pinch O-ring. 3-1/2 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195
4 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195
5. Tighten one cap screw, then tighten the diagonally 5 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195
opposite cap screw. Tighten two remaining cap
screws. Tighten all cap screws as specified in the
chart below.

DO NOT use air wrenches. DO NOT tighten one

cap screw fully before tightening the others. DO
NOT over tighten.

04T,90,K174 –19–01AUG94–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

Service Recommendations for Metric Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting 0030

A—Sealing Surface B—Split Flange C—Pinched O-Ring D—Single Piece Flange

1. Clean sealing surfaces (A). Inspect. Scratches then tighten the diagonally opposite cap screw.
cause leaks. Roughness causes seal wear. Tighten two remaining cap screws. Tighten all cap
Out-of-flat causes seal extrusion. If defects cannot screws as specified in the chart below.
be polished out, replace component.
DO NOT use air wrenches. DO NOT tighten one
2. Install the correct O-ring (and backup washer if cap screw fully before tightening the others. DO
required) into groove using petroleum jelly to hold it NOT over tighten.
in place.
3. Split flange: Loosely assemble split flange (B) Thread b
N•m lb-ft
halves. Make sure split is centrally located and M6 12 9
perpendicular to the port. Hand tighten cap screws M8 30 22
to hold parts in place. Do not pinch O-ring (C).
M10 57 42

4. Single piece flange (D): Place hydraulic line in M12 95 70

center of flange and install four cap screws. Flange M14 157 116
must be centrally located on port. Hand tighten cap M16 217 160
screws to hold flange in place. Do not pinch O-ring. M18 334 246
M20 421 318
5. After components are properly positioned and cap a
Tolerance ± 10%. The torques given are enough for the given
screws are hand tightened, tighten one cap screw, size connection with the recommended working pressure.
Increasing cap screw torque beyond these amounts will result in
flange and cap screw bending and connection failures.
Metric standard thread.

04T,90,K175 –19–29SEP99–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 Metric Flanged Head
Nominal Thread Diameter Tightening Torque Values for Class 10.9
M5 7 - 8 N•m 5 - 6 lb-ft
M6 12 - 15 N•m 9 - 11 lb-ft
M8 32 - 38 N•m 23 - 26 lb-ft
M10 60 - 70 N•m 45 - 50 lb-ft
M12 110 - -125 N•m 80 - 90 lb-ft
M14 170 - 190 N•m 125 - 140 lb-ft
M16 265 - 300 N•m 195 - 220 lb-ft
M20 515 - 575 N•m 380 - 425 lb-ft
M22 665 - 745 N•m 490 - 550 lb-ft
M24 840 - 950 N•m 620 - 700 lb-ft

1. Torque values shown are based on Zinc Phosphate or

oil coating.
2. The torque values listed develop clamping forces that
are based on material proof loads for the different
class fasteners. The clamping forces developed are 85
+ 5% of proof loads.
3. All the torque values in N•m or lb-ft are rounded to the
nearest multiple of 5, or in some cases, to the nearest
whole number to be in line with graduations on torque
wrenches and dials.

CAUTION: Use only metric tools on metric

hardware and imperial tools on imperial
hardware to assure correct torque readings,
and to prevent damage to tools and hardware
as well as possible injury.

OUTJ003,00004BC –19–16FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

O-ring Fittings 0030

NOTE: All O-Rings must have a light coat of system fluid

before tightening to the torque in the following

Ref: SAE J1453 June ’94

Nominal SAE Dash Thread Size Swivel Nut Torque

4 9/16 - 18 14 - 16 N•m 10 - 12 lb-ft
6 11/16 - 16 24 - 27 N•m 18 - 20 lb-ft
8 13/16 - 16 43 - 47 N•m 32 - 35 lb-ft
10 1 - 14 60 - 68 N•m 46 - 50 lb-ft
12 1-3/16 - 12 90 - 95 N•m 65 - 70 lb-ft
14 1-3/16 - 12 90 - 95 N•m 65 - 70 lb-ft
16 1-7/16 - 12 125 - 135 N•m 92 - 100 lb-ft
20 1-11/16 - 12 170 - 190 N•m 125 - 140 lb-ft
24 2 - 12 200 - 225 N•m 150 - 165 lb-ft

Nominal SAE Dash Thread Size Straight Fitting or Locknut Torque

4 7/16 - 20 20 - 22 N•m 14 - 16 lb-ft
6 9/16 - 18 33 - 35 N•m 24 - 26 lb-ft
8 3/4 - 16 68 - 78 N•m 50 - 60 lb-ft
10 7/8 - 14 98 - 110 N•m 72 - 80 lb-ft
12 1-1/16 - 12 170 - 183 N•m 125 - 135 lb-ft
14 1-3/16 - 12 215 - 245 N•m 160 - 180 lb-ft
16 1-5/16 - 12 270 - 300 N•m 200 - 220 lb-ft
20 1-5/8 - 12 285 - 380 N•m 210 - 280 lb-ft
24 1-7/8 - 12 370 - 490 N•m 270 - 360 lb-ft

OUTJ003,00004BD –19–16FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 SAE Code 61 and 62 Flanges

NOTE: For both one piece and split flanges turn the bolts
until mating parts are in full contact. Tighten one
bolt, then the opposite, followed by the remaining
two before applying torque.

Ref: SAE J518 June ’93

Flange Dash Flange Size Bolt Thread Flange Bolt Torque

8 1/2 5/16 - 18 15 - 19 N•m 20 - 25 lb-ft
12 3/4 3/8 - 16 21 - 30 N•m 28 - 40 lb-ft
16 1 3/8 - 16 27 - 36 N•m 37 - 48 lb-ft
20 1-1/4 7/16 - 14 35 - 46 N•m 48 - 62 lb-ft
24 1-1/2 1/2 - 13 46 - 59 N•m 62 - 79 lb-ft
32 2 1/2 - 13 54 - 67 N•m 73 - 90 lb-ft
40 2-1/2 1/2 - 13 79 - 92 N•m 107 - 124 lb-ft
48 3 5/8 - 11 138 - 150 N•m 186 - 203 lb-ft

Flange Dash Flange Size Bolt Thread Flange Bolt Torque

8 1/2 5/16 - 18 15 - 19 N•m 20 - 25 lb-ft
12 3/4 3/8 - 16 25 - 34 N•m 34 - 45 lb-ft
16 1 7/16 - 14 42 - 50 N•m 56 - 68 lb-ft
20 1-1/4 1/2 - 13 63 - 75 N•m 85 - 102 lb-ft
24 1-1/2 5/8 - 11 117 - 134 N•m 158 - 181 lb-ft
32 2 3/4 - 10 271 - 294 N•m 200 - 217 lb-ft

OUTJ003,00004BE –19–16FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

Tapered Pipe Treads (NPTF and NPT) 0030

NOTE: Apply LOCTITE to the treads before installing.

Dash Number Pipe Thread Size Tapered Pipe Treads (NPTF and NPT) Torque
02 1/8 — 27 15 N•m 20 lb-ft
04 1/4 — 18 18 N•m 25 lb-ft
06 3/8 — 18 26 N•m 35 lb-ft
08 1/2 — 14 33 N•m 45 lb-ft
10 3/4 — 14 44 N•m 60 lb-ft
16 1 — 11-1/2 55 N•m 75 lb-ft
20 1-1/4 — 11-1/2 70 N•m 95 lb-ft
24 1-1/2 — 11-1/2 81 N•m 110 lb-ft
32 2 — 11-1/2 96 N•m 130 lb-ft

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,00004BF –19–16FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Torque Values

0030 Flare Fittings

1. Check flare and seat for defects that might cause

leakage and lubricate the connection with system fluid.
2. Install hoses without twist.
3. When a torque wrench cannot be used, tighten until
seats bottom. Using two wrenches to prevent twisting,
rotate the nut the number of hex flats or equivalent
shown below.

Tube Dash Tube O.D. (in.) Thread Size Torque N•m Torque lb-ft No. of Flats - No. of Flats -
Number New Fitting Reassembled
03 3/16 3/8 — 24 4-5 5-7 2-1/2 1
04 1/4 7/16 — 20 9 - 10 12 - 14 2-1/2 1
05 5/16 1/2 — 12 15 - 17 20 - 23 2-1/2 1
06 3/8 9/16 — 18 20 - 22 27 - 30 2 1
08 1/2 3/4 — 16 30 - 33 41 - 45 2 1
10 5/8 7/8 — 14 40 - 44 54 - 60 1-1/2 to 2 1
12 3/4 1 - 1/16 — 12 70 - 77 95 - 104 1 3/4
14 7/8 1 - 3/16 — 12 82 - 90 111 - 122 1 3/4
16 1 1 - 5/16 — 12 90 - 99 122 - 134 3/4 3/4
20 1 1/4 1 - 5/8 — 12 120 - 132 163 - 179 3/4 3/4
24 1 1/2 1 - 7/8 — 12 131 - 144 178 - 195 1/2 1/2
32 2 2 - 1/2 — 12 300 - 330 407 - 447 1/2 1/2

OUTJ003,00004C0 –19–16FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0030-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0040
Fluids And Lubricants
About this goup 0040

This group of the manual contains necessary information

what you need to know about fluids and lubricants.

• Quality of fluids and lubricants

• Fluid capasities by machine model

JK11466,0000007 –19–05MAR03–1/1

Recommended Lubricants and Fluids

General instructions for checking oil levels and fill-ups:

1. The machine must stand on level ground when you

check any of the oil levels.
2. Check the oil level in the morning for that is when the
oil is cold and it has seeped down into the lower parts
of the component.
3. Renew the oil while the engine is warm. Thus it is
easier to remove the old oil.
4. To even the pressure at the oil space, open a plug
located above the oil level (e.g. filling plug) before
opening the drain plug.
5. Avoid direct contact with oil, particularly heated oil.
6. Oil on the skin should be washed off immediately.

Basic rules when changing oil and filters, checking

hydraulic pressures, repairing etc:

1. Clean thoroughly the area around the components to

be opened to ensure that no dirt enters the system.
2. Keep the hydraulic hoses plugged as well as the filters
in their packs until they are installed to the machine.
3. Plug removed components.
4. Ensure that all parts are clean before assembly.

AK12300,000005F –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

0040 Fluid Capacities

The filling capacities given are guidelines only. Having

changed the oil it is always necessary to check the final
correct oil level through the check opening or by means of
the oil dipstick.

Part 770D 1070D 1270D and 1470D

Engine oil with filter 15 l (4,0 gal) 24 l (6,3 gal) 28,5 l (7,5 gal )
Radiator coolant 31 l ( 8,2 gal) 31 l ( 8,2 gal) 28 l (7,4 gal)
High/low gear oil capasity 4 l (1,1 gal) 4 l (1,1 gal) 5,1 l (1,3 gal)
Bogie casing - 2x52 l(2 x 13.7 gal) 2 x 65 l(2 x 17.2 gal)
Hub gearings 4 x 4 l (2 x 1,1gal ) 2 x 4 l (2 x 1,1gal) 2 x 5 l (1,3 gal)
Differentials 2 x 24l (2 x 6,3 gal) rear 24 l (6,3 gal) rear 25 l (6,6 gal)
front 11 l (2,9 gal) front 14 l (3,7 gal)
Boom slew-housing 7 l (1,8 gal) 14,5 l (3,8 gal) 14,5 l (3,8 gal)
Hydraulic oil tank, max on sight, glass 160 l ( 42 gal) 160 l ( 42 gal) ~220 l (58,1 gal)
Hydraulic system, incl. oil tank 200 l (53 gal) 200 l (53 gal) 290 l (76,6 gal)
Fuel tank 250 l (66 gal) 300 l (79 gal) Fuel tank 480 l (126,8 gal)
Window washer fluid tank 13 l (3,4 gal) 13 l (3,4 gal) 13 l (3,4 gal)
Brake fluid tank ~0,2 l ~ 0,2 l ~ 0,2 l ~ 0,2 l ~ 0,2 l ~ 0,2 qt

OUTJ003,00004B9 –19–15FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

Diesel Fuel 0040

Recommended quality requirements for diesel fuel:

• Cetane number of 40 minimum. Cetane number greater

than 50 is preferred, especially for temperatures below
-20°C (-4°F).
• When operating in cold circumstances use fuel that is
suitable for winter operation and has a cloud point
appearing at a lower level than the operating
• Sulfur content:
– Sulfur content should not exceed 0.5%. Sulfur
content less than 0.05% is preferred.
– The period for changing the engine oil must be
reduced by half if diesel fuel containing more than
0.5% sulphur is used.
– Do not use diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than
Bio-diesel fuels may be used ONLY if the fuel properties
meet DIN 51606 or equivalent specification.

Avoid condensation by keeping the fuel tank full. Alcohol

may not be added to the fuel, even a small amount could
damage the fuel system.

IMPORTANT: Use only pure fuel. DO NOT mix used

engine oil or any other type of lubricant
with diesel fuel.

AK12300,0000061 –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

0040 Engine Oil

NOTE: Consult your Timberjack service for use and

availability of John Deere engine oils.

New engines are filled at the factory with John Deere


If John Deere ENGINE BREAK-IN OIL is not available,

use a diesel engine oil meeting one of the following during
the first 250 hours of operation:


Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature
range during the period between oil changes.

500 hour service interval is achieved by using a diesel
engine oil meeting one of the following classifications:
Diesel Engine Oil
• John Deere PLUS-50

Reduce the service interval by 50%:

• If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% is

• If oil with lower classification than recommended is used
Service interval is 250 hours while using a diesel engine
oil meeting one of the following classifications:
– API CH-4
– API CI-4
NOTE: Use only original John Deere oil filters.

NOTE: All allowed oil grades are specified here. Using

any other types of oils is prohibited.

PLUS-50 is a registered trademark of Deere & Company. AK12300,0000062 –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

Coolant 0040

The engine cooling system is filled to provide year-round

protection against corrosion and cylinder liner pitting, and
winter freeze protection to -37°C (-34°F).

Use a coolant mixture consisting of 50 percent of water

and 50 percent of antifreeze in the system all year round.
The antifreeze must consist of ethylene glycol that
complies with grade ASTM4985 or ASTM5345.

The anti-freezing ability will be reduced if the content of

glycol is greater than 60%.

If it is necessary to add coolant to the system make sure

that the new coolant is similar to the original. Allow the
engine to cool down before adding new coolant.

Check the coolant concentration before the ambient

temperature drops below 0°C (32°F).

AK12300,0000063 –19–15OCT01–1/1


Apply lithium grease, some examples:

• Neste Yleisrasva EP 2
• Esso Beacon EP2
• Shell Retinax LX Lithium
• Mobilgrease
• Castrol LM Grease
• Texaco Molytex Grease EP 2
• BP Energrease

NOTE: Use enough grease!

AK12300,0000064 –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

0040 Hydraulic Oil

If you use mineral oil:

• Comply with SH 68 (SMR classification) in summer.

• Comply with SHS 32 (SMR classification) in winter.
• Comply with SHS 46 (SMR classification) for year-round

If you use synthetic biodegradeable oil:

• Neste Biohydrauli SE 46

IMPORTANT: Do not mix different types of oils as this

will cause degradation of their
properties when mixed. When in doubt,
contact the manufacturer. Abuse will
result in the revocation of the warranty.

AK12300,0000065 –19–15OCT01–1/1

Brake Fluid

Hydraulic fluid SHS 32

AK12300,0000066 –19–15OCT01–1/1

Gear Oil

• High/low gear
• Differentials
• Bogie casings
• Hub gears
• Boom slew housing

Use hypoid oil that complies with the classification: API

GL-5 or MIL-L-2105 B or D.

The following viscosity categories can be used: SAE 90,

SAE 85W/90, SAE 80W/90, SAE 75W/90.

AK12300,0000067 –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants

Lubricant Storage 0040

Your equipment can operate at top efficiency only Make certain that all containers are properly marked to
when clean lubricants are used. identify their contents.

Use clean containers to handle all lubricants. Properly dispose of all old containers and any residual
lubricant they may contain.
Whenever possible, store lubricants and containers in
an area protected from dust, moisture, and other
contamination. Store containers on their side to avoid
water and dirt accumulation.

DX,LUBST –19–18MAR96–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Fluids And Lubricants


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0040-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0050
Transporting and Towing
Transporting the Machine 0050

When positioning the machine on the trailer, ensure The chains secured to the front frame and rear frame
that the machine is laterally centered as well as must provide longitudinal support for the machine’s
possible. Similarly, when positioning the machine and both fore and aft, as well as lateral support at suitable
the boom, the maximum axle loads permitted for the angles. Make sure that the chains are not twisted after
truck or trailer as well as the maximum width and tightening to prevent the tensioners from coming loose
height. If necessary, the values must be checked by during the transport. In addition, when securing the
measuring before transporting. chains make sure that they will not damage the
machine. Finally, fit clearance lights as stipulated by
Ensure that the machine or boom will not move during local laws.
transport. The machine must be secured by at least
two chains (you can use a ratchet tensioner, for When travelling on public roads, all regulatory
example). It is good to utilize any support provided by, requirements must be met in full.
for instance, the fenders of the truck or trailer if the
tires of the machine can be positioned against these.

Secure the harvester head using chains such that it

cannot move during transport.

AK12300,0000041 –19–11OCT01–1/1

Towing the Machine

As a result of machine failure it may be necessary to tow

the machine when it comes to a halt on a public road or if
you have to transfer the machine to proper repair facilities.

Continued on next page AK12300,0000042 –19–11OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

0050 NOTE: The machine must be adequately supported
before embarking any servicing work. We strongly
recommend you use a rigid towing linkage for

For salvaging; couple to tow hook (A) or tow eyelet (B).

Pull only in the longitudinal axis of the machine.

The machine cannot be towed unless some or all of the

following actions are taken:

1. Release the parking brake.

2. Release the driving power transmission system.
3. Release the work brake.
4. Release the steering.

CAUTION: Once the above steps have been

taken, the machine cannot be properly
controlled anymore. Therefore, it is of utmost
importance to ensure that nobody is placed in

jeopardy during the towing process or during
installation work. Make sure that no outsider
enters the risk zone around the machine.

NOTE: Use low towing speed: 2 km/h or 1,2 mph
770D towing points


1070D, 1270D and 1470D Towing points

AK12300,0000042 –19–11OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

Releasing the Parking Brake 0050

1. Open the front service hatch and the rear belly pan.
2. Remove the cover (1) at the end of the brake cylinder.
3. Screw in the release screw (2) (stored under the cover)
to release the brake.

4. Repeat the procedure for each brake cylinder.
5. After towing, the release screws must be removed from
the threads and stored under the cover as they were.

There are four brake cylinders in all. Two of these are for
the front axle and two for the rear axle.

AK12300,0000051 –19–12OCT01–1/1

Disengaging the 770D and 1070D

Transmission System

1. Loosen the screw (four-millimeter hex key) of both

pressure relief valve (1) of the drive pump two turns.
2. After towing, the screws must be tightened again to 10
Nm (7,4 lb-ft).

If the power transmission system is released by following

this procedure, the machine can only be towed over very
short distances at a slow speed (less than twenty meters).


AK12300,0000052 –19–12OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

0050 Disengaging the 1270D and 1470D
Transmission System

• Loosen the screw (five-millimeter hex key) of both

pressure relief valve (1) of the drive pump two turns.
• After towing, the screws must be tightened again.

If the power transmission system is released by following

this procedure, the machine can only be towed over very
short distances at a slow speed (less than twenty meters).

AK12300,0000052 –19–12OCT01–1/1

Releasing the Work Brake

The brake valve is located under the cabin behind the

front cover plate.

1. Disconnect the solenoid valve (Y41W) connector of the

work brake.
2. Re-connect the connector after towing.


Work brake connector

AK12300,0000053 –19–12OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

Releasing the 770D and 1070D Steering 0050

The steering valve block Y66 is located in the boom valve.

1. Remove the pressure relief valves (1).

2. Replace the valves by plugs (2) (F030959) with seals.
3. After towing, insert the pressure relief valves again with
their seals.

NOTE: Secure all loose parts and the valve housing

against dirt.

AK12300,0000054 –19–12OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

0050 Releasing the 1270D and 1470D Steering

The steering valve block (Y66) is located in the boom


1. Open the relief valve plug and remove the spring (1)
and cartridge (2).
2. Install the plug with gasket and tighten.
3. After towing, install the spring and cartridge.

NOTE: Secure all loose parts and the valve housing

against dirt.

1270D and 1470D Steering release

AK12300,0000054 –19–12OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

Stowing a Disabled Boom in 770D and 1070D 0050

If the engine is stopped with the boom in an extended

position it may be necessary to manually retract and stow
the boom before the machinecan be towed.

The boom hydraulics are released by by-passing the port

reliefs in the boom control valve and the boom is
maneuvered using a second machine or a suitable lifting

CAUTION: If the boom is stopped in a raised

position it must be completely supported in that
position before the hydraulics are released.

If the boom load is not completely disabled oil

might be pressurized and the oil flow is heavy
at the begining.

Failure to follow proper safety precautions may

lead to personal injury or damage to the

Securely block the wheels. Support the boom using blocks

or a second machine.

Each boom function is controlled from its spool section on

the boom valve. Each spool must be by-passed in order
to move the boom in that direction.

Continued on next page AK12300,00000F8 –19–24OCT01–1/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

2—Boom tilt
3—Boom slew
5—Extension boom
6—Main boom
7—Parallel boom

770D and 1070D boom valve sections

AK12300,00000F8 –19–24OCT01–2/4

NOTE: Do not mix the valves after they have been

removed. Replace the valves as originally

At each spool section:

1. Remove the pressure relief valves.

2. Replace the valves by plugs with seals.
3. After stowing, insert the pressure relief valves again
with their seals.

1—Parallel boom
2—Main boom
3—Extension boom

5—Boom slew
6—Boom tilt

1270D and 1470D Boom valve spool sections

Continued on next page AK12300,00000F8 –19–24OCT01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing

For example, to raise or lower the main boom: 0050

The the sixth spool section (Y420 / Y421) is for the main
boom lifting in the boom valve.

1. Support the boom in position carefully. There must not

be any pressure in a cylinder when a relief valve plug
is opened.
2. By-pass the sixth spool section.
• Remove the pressure relief valves (1).
• Replace the valves by plugs (2) (F030959) with

3. Lift or lower the main boom using a suitable lifting

4. After stowing, insert the pressure relief valves again
with their seals.

NOTE: Secure all loose parts and the valve housing

against dirt.

Lowering the 770D and 1070D main boom


Releasing the 1270D and 1470D main boom

AK12300,00000F8 –19–24OCT01–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transporting and Towing


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0050-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0060
Welding instructions
Welding 0060

Before you start welding the machine bear in mind the


1. Before starting welding work:

a. Switch off the power with the main switch.
b. Detach the ground wire from the batteries.
c. Disconnect the connector (A) of the fire extinguisher
central unit at the under side of the cabin. A
d. CDM:
Disconnect CAN and power connectors (1, 2, 3).
e. Hub:
Disconnect all connectors.
f. HHM:
When welding on the base machine and boom,
disconnect connectors X4 and X5.
When welding on the harvester head, disconnect all
HHM connectors.
g. ECU (Engine Control Unit):
Disconnect all connectors (see figure on next page).

2. Ground connection:
• Connect the ground wire as close to the welding

point as possible.
• The welding current must never pass through
bearings, joints, electrical equipment, or hydraulic

3. The parts that must never be welded:

• boom fastening bolts
• control valves
• hydraulic pipes

4. The parts that must not be welded without the 1

manufacturer’s instructions:
• castings
• cylinder loops
5. The points and components to which it is forbidden to
attach other parts by welding:
• castings

• boom ends
• cylinder fastening lugs 3
• corners of box girders

Continued on next page AK12300,0000059 –19–12OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0060-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Welding instructions

0060 6. Welding.
Weld inside, if possible, in facilities reserved for this
purpose where the temperature is at least 10°C (50°F).
If welding in other places, pay attention to local
regulations and to circumstances as well as to the
environment before you start welding.

The welder must possess adequate skills and the
permits required.

7. Assessment of damage.

In case a component or structure has been damaged
as a result of an accident, excessive load, or fatigue, it
is first necessary to determine whether the structure
requires reinforcements or is ordinary repair sufficient.
8. Instructions.
Before you start welding you can also contact the
manufacturer who has detailed instructions for each
Possibility of major damage is reduced by regularly
cleaning and checking the machine and the boom.

AK12300,0000059 –19–12OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 00-0060-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 01
Contents 01


Group 0110—Wheels Service

Service Equipment and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-1
Remove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-1
Install. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-3
Wheel Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-4
Tire Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-5
Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-7
Anti-Slip Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-8
Bogie Tracks, Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-9

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0110
Wheels Service
Service Equipment and Tools

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC). Some
tools may be available from a local supplier. 0110

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company. OUTJ003,0000543 –19–13MAR01–1/3

20-Ton Service Jack

To raise unit to install floor stand.

OUTJ003,0000543 –19–13MAR01–2/3

20-Ton Floor Stand

To support unit while removing and installing wheels.

OUTJ003,0000543 –19–13MAR01–3/3

Wheel Removal

CAUTION: The wheel assembly is heavy.

Always use proper equipment to handle the
wheel assembly.

CAUTION: Always support the machine

properly. Do not use cinder blocks or props
that may collapse under continuous load.
Failure to follow proper safety precautions may
lead to risk of personal injury and equipment

1. Loosen wheel cap screws before lifting machine off


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000545 –19–13MAR01–1/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

2. Raise axle housing using a 20-ton capacity service



OUTJ003,0000545 –19–13MAR01–2/4

3. Put a 20-ton floor stand under axle housing.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000545 –19–13MAR01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

4. Put wheel lift under wheel. Fasten safety chain around

upper portion of tire.

5. Remove retaining cap screws and pull wheel assembly

away from machine.
1—Wheel Lift 3
2—Safety Chain

OUTJ003,0000545 –19–13MAR01–4/4

Wheel Installation

1. Cap screws, washers, and tapped holes must be clean

and free of foreign material.

IMPORTANT: Start cap screws by hand to prevent

thread damage.

2. Install wheel using wheel lift. Guide wheel over three

special studs. Install three cap screws and washers.
Remove studs. Install remaining cap screws and
washers. Tighten cap screws.

3. Remove shop stands and lower equipment to ground.

4. Tight wheel nuts to specified torque.See section 00,

group torque values

1—Wheel Lift
2—Safety Chain

Wheel Removal

OUTJ003,0000547 –19–13MAR01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

Wheel Inspection

Inspect wheel rims for cuts and dents. Replace damaged

0110 Wheel nuts should be tightened to specified torque.

See section 00, group tightening torques for Specified

OUTJ003,00003A3 –19–30JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

Tire Removal and Installation

CAUTION: Explosive separation of a tire and

rim parts can cause serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have 0110
the proper equipment and experience to
perform the job.

Always maintain the correct tire pressure. Do

not inflate the tires above the recommended
pressure. Never weld or heat a wheel and tire
assembly. The heat can cause an increase in air
pressure resulting in a tire explosion. Welding
can structurally weaken or deform the wheel.

When inflating tires, use a clip-on chuck and

extension hose long enough to allow you to
stand to one side and NOT in front of or over
the tire assembly. Use a safety cage if available.

Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles,
damaged rims or missing lug bolts and nuts.

NOTE: The tire can be removed without removing the

1. Before attempting any demounting operation, always

completely deflate tire by removing valve core from
valve stem.

2. If tire is flat, check for a plugged valve stem by running

a wire through it. Inspect parts for wear or damage;
replace as necessary.

3. Make sure all parts are clean and free of paint, rust,
oil, grease, dirt or other foreign material before

4. Install valve core in valve stem.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000546 –19–13MAR01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

5. Apply soap on bead of tire and mount tire on rim.

6. Clear area of personnel.

7. Connect pressure regulating valve to valve stem and

0110 stand to one side of tire. DO NOT stand in front of tire

6 when inflating.

8. Inflate tire until side flanges of tire slides out against

the rim. Adjust tire pressure. See Section 01, Group

0112, for recommended tire pressures.

9. Apply grease to cover threads. Install cap and cover.

1—Tire Bead

OUTJ003,0000546 –19–13MAR01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

Tire Pressure

Check tire pressures visually every day. If in doubt, use a

gauge to confirm the pressure.
Front Tyres 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D
min-max pressure min-max pressure min-max pressure min-max pressure
380 - 430 kPa (55 - 62
210-240 kPa 320-370 kPa
(30-35 psi) (46- 54 psi)
410 - 460 kPa ( psi)
(60 - 67 psi)
320 kPa (46 psi) 390
kPa (57 psi)
410-460 kPa
60-67 psi
320-370 kPa
(46- 54 psi)
Rear Tyres
210-240 kPa 250-300 kPa
(30-35 psi) 36-44 psi
(36-42 psi)
240-280 kPa
35-41 psi
32-38 psi
240-270 kPa )
(35-39 psi)

• Use maximum tire pressure with chains and tracks.

• Use maximum tire pressure when operating with heavy
loads in harsh, rugged terrain. Low tire pressure can
lead to immediate tire failure.
• Low tire pressure can lead to side wall damage and rim
chafing or possible rim slippage.
• Cold weather can reduce tire pressures by 10 kPa (1.5
psi) per 10°C below normal operating temperature.
Even in cold weather, minimum tire pressures must be

OUTJ003,00003A5 –19–30JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

Anti-Slip Fitting



770D anti-slip fitting - side

AK12300,000005D –19–15OCT01–1/2

1. Choose fairly smooth ground when fitting the anti-slip.

2. Ensure that the anti-slips are in good condition.
3. Turn them the right way.
4. Lay the anti-slip out in front of the wheel, (fig 1 or 2)
5. Tie a 1.5 meter (5 ft.) long piece of rope, or something
similar, to the anti-slip and place it over the tire as

6. Carefully move the machine. If needed stop the
machine and adjust the anti-slip. Continue until the
ends of the anti-slip lie near each other, and connect

the ends together with the coupling links.

IMPORTANT: When using chains and tracks ensure

that they do not collide machine
structures under any driving
circumstances. Original equipment
delivered from Timberjack suits the
machine. –UN–16APR02

AK12300,000005D –19–15OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

Bogie Tracks, Fitting

Useful tool: A chain or cable about 5,5 m (18 ft.) long.

1. Lay the bogie track on the ground with track plates (fig
1). 0110
2. Secure the chain or cable to the first track plate (fig 1 9
and 2).
3. Then lay the chain over both bogie wheels, and wedge
it under the rear bogie wheel (fig 1 and 2).
4. Reverse the machine slowly, watching the chain all the
time to make sure it stays in the centre of the wheel
and does not slide off (fig 3).
5. Reverse until one track plate lies free in the front of the
front bogie wheel (fig 4).
6. Fit the chains (fig 5) to the links between the second
and third track links on each side of the joint. Make
sure the chains are the same length on both sides.
Make sure you tighten both sides equally, otherwise
the track will be unbalanced.

A—Fitting chain
B—Extra chain


Continued on next page AK12300,000005E –19–15OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Wheels Service

7. Reverse the machine carefully until the joint is midway

between the wheels. The track is now stretched and
the chain 1 in the middle should be slack. If the track
needs to be tightened more, shorten these, reverse
and fit a suitable track lock.
10 CAUTION: Make sure no-one is nearby when
you tighten the tracks.

8. Fit the track lock with the loop on the inside against the
9. Then drive forward until the tensioning chains are
slack. Remove them.
10. Drive the machine forward and back a couple of
times. Check the track tension (fig 8). Dimension A
should be 50 — 100 mm (2 — 4 in).

NOTE: Do not over-tighten the tracks.

NOTE: If the tensioning chains do not pull the track

together enough: Fit an extra chain between the
ends and then drive forward again. This will now
hold the track together so that the tensioning
chains can be tightened more (fig 5).

Positioning of track lock (fig 9) (Nut must face



AK12300,000005E –19–15OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 01-0110-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 02
Power Train

Page Page

Group 0210—Theory of Operation Check Single Axle Wheel Ends ( Hub

About this group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-1 gear) Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-25 02
Power Train. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-2 Change Single Axle Wheel Ends ( Hub
Drive Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-5 gear) Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-26
Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-5 Bogie Bearing Grease Points . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-27
Transfer Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-6
Group 0250—Brakes
Group 0220—Transfer case Overall Description of Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-1
About this group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-1 Emergency Manual Release of The
Transfer Case Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-1 Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-5
Transfer Case Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-6 Bleeding the Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-6
Checking The Transfer Case Oil . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-9 Checking the Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-8
Changing The Transfer Case Oil. . . . . . . . .02-0220-11 Mechanical Adjustment of Brakes . . . . . . . . .02-0250-9
Checking the Service Brake . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-10
Group 0230—Drive shaft Checking the Work Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-10
Essential Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-1 Checking the Load and Release Range . . .02-0250-11
Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-2 Diagnose Brake Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-12
Drive Shafts Overall View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-2
Bearing Drive Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-5 Group 0250—Appendix
Diagnose Drive Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-6 NAF LOK Axle Service Manuals . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-1
Universals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-7 NAF LOK Transfer Case Service
Center Hinge Drive Shaft Removal and Manuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-1
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-8
Center Hinge Bearing Drive Shaft
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-9
Center Hinge Bearing Drive Shaft
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-10

Group 0240—Axles / Bogies

Essential Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-1
Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-2
770D Front Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-2
1070D, 1270D and 1470D Front Bogie . . . . .02-0240-3
Front Bogie / Axle Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-6
Front Bogie / Axle Installation . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-10
Rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-13
Rear Axle Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-13
Rear Axle Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-15
Bleeding The Differential Lock. . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-18
General Instructions For Checking Oil
Level And Fill Ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-18
Checking The Differentials Oil Level
(2pcs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-19
Changing The Differentials Oil (2pcs) . . . . .02-0240-20
Checking Bogie Housings Oil Level. . . . . . .02-0240-22
Changing Bogie Housings Oil . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-23

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0210
Theory of Operation
About this group

This group of the manual contains overall introduction of

the components which are included to the power
transmission from the engine to the wheels,

The group contains basic information of the following


• Power train
• Drive coupling 02
• Transmission 0210

JK11466,00000BD –19–05MAR03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation

Power Train


770D Power train

1—Diesel engine 4—High/low gear 7—Drive shaft, high/low gear - 9—Front differential
2—Driving pump 5—Rear differential center hinge
3—Driving motor 6—Hub gear 8—Drive shaft, center hinge -
front differential

The hydraulic motor, which is mounted on the input

CAUTION: Ensure that the engine is stopped
shaft of the gearbox, transmits power to the
and the electrical main switch is in the ’OFF’
transmission’s high and low gear. The driving force is
position. Remove handle from the main
directly transmitted from here to the rear axle
switch before working on any power train
differential, via shafts to hub gears of the rear axle and
rear wheels. At the same time the driving force is
transmitted to the front axle differential, via the drive
Transmission of power from the engine to the driving
shafts through the steering joint, and via shafts to hub
wheels is hydrostatic-mechanical.
gears of the front axle and front wheels. In models
1070D, 1270D and 1470 the driving force is
The hydraulic part is a hydrostatic link between the
transmitted to the front axle differential, via the drive
engine and the transfer gearbox, consisting of a
shafts through the steering joint, and via shafts to
hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor. Infinitely
bogie casings of the front axle and front wheels.
variable speed control and gear shifting between
forward and backward is achieved.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000461 –19–08FEB01–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation


1070D Power train

1—Diesel engine 4—High/low gear 7—Drive shaft, high/low gear - 9—Front differential
2—Driving pump 5—Rear differential center hinge 10—Bogie casing
3—Driving motor 6—Hub gear 8—Drive shaft, center hinge -
front differential

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000461 –19–08FEB01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation


1270D and 1470D Power train

1—Diesel engine 5—Drive shaft, high/low gear - 8—Drive shaft, high/low gear - 10—Front differential
2—Driving pump rear diffrential center hinge 11—Bogie casing
3—Driving motor 6—Rear differential 9—Drive shaft, center hinge -
4—High/low gear 7—Hub gear front differential

OUTJ003,0000461 –19–08FEB01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation

Drive Coupling


Drive Coupling

1—Coupling Assembly 4—Screw 7—Washer 10—Washer

2—Splined Flange 5—Adapter Plate 8—Screw 11—Screw
3—Splined Adapter 6—Screw 9—Hydrostatic Drive Pump 12—Work Pump

The drive coupling transmits the power from the hydrostatic drive pump input shaft and a splined flange
engine to the drive and working pumps. The coupling mounted to the engine flywheel.
consists of a splined adapter attached to the

OUTJ003,0000462 –19–08FEB01–1/1


See Group 0310 for the Hydrostatic Drive System Theory

of Operation.

The control of the transmission is part of the Total

Machine Control system. (For more details see TMC
Workshop manual F064497.)

JK11466,0000040 –19–12DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation

Transfer Case


Transfer Case with Hydrostatic Drive Motor

The Transfer Case in model 1270D is a NAF LOK 87/2 To adjust the speed of the diesel engine and the
mechanical hydraulic with Hi / Lo select and front axle angles of the hydraulic pump and motor as dictated by
disengage. For further information see section 00, the signal coming from the accelerator pedal.
Group Overall Specifications or NAF LOK manuals
enclosed The control system monitors the speed of the diesel
engine. If the engine speed drops as a result of
Transmission of power from the engine to the driving additional loading, the pump angle will be reduced by
wheels is hydrostatic-mechanical. the electronic system. In other words, the gear ratio of
the power transmission is adjusted by the electronic
The hydraulic part is a hydrostatic link between the system which ensures that the power needed to
engine and the transfer gearbox, consisting of a operate the machine is always smaller than the power
hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor. Infinitely generated by the engine.
variable speed control and gear shifting between
forward and backward is achieved. When the machine stops, the work brake is
automatically engaged by the system.
See group 0310, hydrostatic drive system for more
information. The control of the transmission is part of the Total
Machine Control system. (For more details see TMC
The TMC electrically controls the hydrostatic Workshop manual enclosed.)

Continued on next page JK11466,0000041 –19–12DEC02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation

NOTE: For more specific information about transfer Other Material

case service and repair, see appendix
manuals enclosed

Number Name Use

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 242 Used to secure bolts retaining

Mounting rubber pads to transfer

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 242 Used to secure bolts retaining drive 02

shafts to transfer case yokes. 0210

JK11466,0000041 –19–12DEC02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Theory of Operation


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0210-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0220
Transfer case
About this group

This group of the manual contains necessary information

to transfercase servicing and repairing

The group contains basic information of the following


• Transfer case removal and installation

• Transfer case service
JK11466,00000BD –19–05MAR03–1/1 1

Transfer Case Removal


An example of Transfer Case Mounting and Hoses

1—Hydrostatic Drive Motor 5—Screw 8—Shifter Valve 10—Front Wheel Drive

2—Locknut 6—Mounting Bracket or Lug 9—High/low Gear Selection Disengage Line
3—Screw 7—Transfer Case Lines 11—Auxiliary Valve

Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–1/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

CAUTION: Ensure that the engine is stopped
observed when working on any
and the main switch is in the ’OFF’ position
hydraulic component in order to
See Section 16 for further information.
prevent contamination of the
Remove handle from the battery disconnect
hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.
switch before disconnecting any hydraulic
Failure to follow these procedures
may lead to equipment damage.
Securely block the wheels to prevent
machine movement before disconnecting the
IMPORTANT: The filter and the canister must be
drive shafts.
02 lifted together from the tank. If the
0220 filter element is removed from the
2 Failure to observe proper safety precautions
canister in or on the tank, the
may lead to situations with risk of personal
contaminants of the filter can spoil
hydraulic fluid.

CAUTION: Proper safety precautions must Secure that the filter elements are
be taken when using any lifting devices. locked inside the canisters before
bringing the filter assemblies into
Failure to follow these procedures may lead the tank.
to personal injury and equipment damage.
To remove the transfer case follow the next
The transfer case and motor assembly is instructions
heavy. Use appropriate support, slings and
lifting devices to prevent personal injury or 1. Level the cab.
equipment damage when lifting the

Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–2/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

2. Drain the hydraulic tank.

1—Sight glass
2—Filling pump
3—Quick coupler
4—Switch, filling pump
5—Vacuum pump
6—Drain hose
7—Vent plug


770D and 1070D hydraulic oil tank


1270D and 1470D hydraulic oil filling

Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–3/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

3. Tag and disconnect all hoses from the hydraulic tank.

Disconnect the level and temperature sensors.

4. If necessary for clearance, dismount the hydraulic

pressure filter bracket. Leave the hoses and wires
connected and move the filter assembly aside. 7

5. Remove the frame cover plate.

6. Remove the bolts mounting the tank on the frame.

0220 Remove the tank.
NOTE: It is recommended that the hydrostatic motor and
transfer case be removed from the frame as an
assembly. In some instances, it may be easier to
remove the hydrostatic motor from the transfer
case before removal from the frame.

7. Clean the area of gearbox well. Tag and disconnect

the high/low gear selection hoses from the transfer
case. Disconnect the rear wheel drive disengage hose
from the transfer case.

8. If required, the oil can be drained from the transfer
case through the drain plug prior to removal of the
assembly from the frame.
1—Sight glass
2—Filling pump
3—Quick coupler
4—Switch, filling pump
5—Vacuum pump
6—Drain hose
7—Vent plug


Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–4/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

9. Tag and disconnect the hoses from the hydrostatic

drive motor.

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–5/7 5

10. Disconnect the rear drive shaft and the center hinge
drive shaft from the transfer case. Access the drive
shafts by removing the covers on the underside of the
front frame.

11. Remove the vertical mounting bolts.

NOTE: The Mounting rubber pads remain on the transfer

12. Lift the transfer case assembly clear of the frame.
Transfer Case, Drive Shafts
1—Rear Drive Shaft
2— Center Hinge Drive Shaft

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–6/7

13. To remove the hydrostatic motor from the transfer

case, remove the four socket head capscrews and
slide the motor rearward 75 mm (3") to clear the
spline. When the bolts are removed, ensure that the
motor is adequately supported at all times to prevent
damage to the spline and seals.

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

Transfer Case Installation

IMPORTANT: Always fill the tank using the filler

coupling to ensure the oil is filtered
before entering the system.

1. Replace O-ring on motor.

Attach the hydrostatic motor to the transfer case with

the four socket head capscrews. Tighten the screws to

02 the specified torque.
6 Example of Transfer Case, Hydrostatic Motor

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–1/6

2. If the mounting rubber pads had been removed from

the transfer case, re-install using LOCTITE 242 and
tighten the bolts to the specified torque See group
0030 for proper tightening torques.

3. Replace the transfer case assembly in the frame.

Install the mounting bolts and tighten the bolts to the
specified torque. See group 0030 for proper tightening

Transfer Case Mounting Rubber pads

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–2/6

4. Connect the rear drive shaft and the center hinge drive
shaft to the transfer case. Use LOCTITE 242 and
tighten the bolts to the specified torque.

1—Front Drive Shaft


2—Frame Pivot Drive Shaft


LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Transfer Case, Drive Shafts

Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–3/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

5. Connect the hoses to the transfer case.

1—High/low Gear Selection Hose to Auxiliary Valve

Port A4
2—High/low Gear Selection Hose to Auxiliary Valve
Port B4

3—Front Wheel Drive Disengage Hose to Auxiliary
Valve Port A3

Transfer Case, Hoses 7

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–4/6

6. Connect the hoses to the hydrostatic motor.

7. Install the hydraulic tank weldment. Install the mounting

bolts and torque to the specified torque.

8. Install the frame cover plates.

9. Install the boom control valve bracket assembly.

10. Connect the return lines to the valve bank on the

hydraulic tank.

11. Connect the work pump suction line, supply pump Hydrostatic Drive Motor, Hoses
inlet line and drain hose at the tank.
1—Drive Pressure Hose
2—Drive Pressure Hose
3—Case Drain Hose

Continued on next page JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

12. Install the hydraulic pressure filter bracket.

13. Fill the hydraulic tank. See Section 00, Group 0040,
for recommended hydraulic fluids.

14. Bleed the air from the hydraulics system. See group

Bleed the air from the hydrostatic drive system. See

group 0310 for the procedures.
0220 15. Operate all hydraulic functions on the machine, then
re-check the level in the tank.

16. Do a short test drive.

17. Check gearbox for leaks and that all are properly on

18. Stop the engine and check for leaks and that

everything are properly in condition
1—Hydraulic Pressure Filter

770D and 1070D Hydraulic Pressure Filter Assemblies


1270D and 1470D Hydraulic Pressure Filter Assemblies

JK11466,000006C –19–20DEC02–6/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

Checking The Transfer Case Oil

NOTE: See section General information or operator‘s

manuals for nessessary specifications and
tightening torques


770D and 1070D Transfer case oil check

Continued on next page JK11466,000006A –19–20DEC02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

1. Park machine on a level surface.

2. Engage park brake. Turn key switch OFF. 1

CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from
unexpected machine movement. Install frame
locking bar before working in frame pivot area.

3. Install frame locking bar.

0220 4. Check oil level dipstick that the oil level stays between
10 the”MIN” and “MAX” marks

NOTE: To vent the transfer case while adding oil pull up


5. If necessary, remove fill plug and add oil. See for

example operator‘s manual F063723 for recommended

Transfer Case Oil.
1270D and 1470D Transfer case oil level checking
NOTE: To vent transfer case while adding oil, pull up

6. Install fill plug and tighten to the specified torque.

2—Filler pipe

3—Level plug

JK11466,000006A –19–20DEC02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

Changing The Transfer Case Oil



770D and 1070D Rear axle and transfer case

1—Filling plug 3—Dipstick 5—plug 7—Axle level plug

2—Drain plug 4—Level plug 6—Axle beam drain plugs

Continued on next page JK11466,000006B –19–20DEC02–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

NOTE: Change the transfer case oil while it is warm. Refill oil to the gearbox through the filling plug (1), until
there is oil up to the mark on the dipstick (3) (or up to
Open the drain plug (2). Drain oil completely into a the level plug (4)). Close the plugs.
basin. Clean the drain plug. Close and tighten the

12 Continued on next page JK11466,000006B –19–20DEC02–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case

NOTE: To even the pressure at the oil space, open the

filling plug before opening the drain plug.

Open the drain plug (1). Drain oil completely into a basin.
Clean the drain plug. Close and tighten the plug.

Refill oil to the gearbox through the filling plug (2), until
there is oil up to the mark on the dipstick (3) . Close the


1270D and 1470D Transfer case drain plug



1270D and 1470D Transfer case oil refill

JK11466,000006B –19–20DEC02–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Transfer case


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0220-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0230
Drive shaft
Essential Tools

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC).

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company OUTJ003,0000372 –19–25JAN01–1/4 1

Driver, Drive Shaft Bearing Cups . . . . . . . . . . TA0909#1

Used to install Bearing Cups on frame during Center

hinge Drive Shaft Installation.

OUTJ003,0000372 –19–25JAN01–2/4

Driver, Drive Shaft Bearing Cone . . . . . . . . . . TA0909#2

Used to install Bearing Cone on drive shaft during Center

hinge Drive Shaft Installation.

OUTJ003,0000372 –19–25JAN01–3/4

Driver, Drive Shaft Seals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TA0909#3

Used to install Drive Shaft Seals during Center Hinge

Drive Shaft Installation.

OUTJ003,0000372 –19–25JAN01–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

Other Material

Number Name Use

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 242 Used to secure driveshaft universal

joint mounting bolts.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite Nitromethane Solvent used to clean hardened


02 N/A (U.S.) Acetone Alternative solvent used to clean

0230 hardened adhesive.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 380 Used to secure drive shaft seal

during center hinge Drive Shaft

OUTJ003,0000374 –19–25JAN01–1/1

Drive Shafts Overall View


770D driveshafts

1 and 2—Front Driveshaft and 4, 5 and 6—Center Driveshaft 8 and 9—Rear Driveshaft and 3 and 7—Bearings and fittings
fitings and fitings fitings

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000465 –19–08FEB01–1/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft


1070D driveshafts

1 and 2—Front Driveshaft and 4, 5 and 6—Center Driveshaft 8 and 9—Rear Driveshaft and 3 and 7—Bearings and fittings
fitings and fitings fitings

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000465 –19–08FEB01–2/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft


1270D and 1470D drivesafts

1. Front driveshaft and fittings (1) and (2). Remove the The rear axle is connected by a series of three drive
service panel under the frame to reach the fittings. shafts. Power to the center hinge is through a short
2. Center driveshaft and fittings (4), ((5)) and (6) drive shaft with universal joints both ends. This shaft
3. Rear driveshaft and fittings (8) and (9). Remove the operates through the full range of articulation and
service panels on top of the rear frame for access frame pivot. Power through the frame pivot is through
to the grease fittings. a bearing mounted shaft inside the pivot. The final
4. Bearings and fittings (3) and (7). drive shaft to the rear axle is a one piece unit with
universal joints both ends.The yokes on each end of
Power is transmitted from the transfer case to the front the driveshaft must be in line.
and rear axles through drive (cardan) shafts. The front
axle is connected by a single drive shaft with a
universal joint each end.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000465 –19–08FEB01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft


Front Drive Shaft, Frame Pivot Drive Shaft, Rear Drive Shaft

1—Screw 4—Screw 7—Dust Cap 10—Universal Joint

2—Universal Joint 5—Yoke 8—Drive Shaft 11—Screw
3—Seal 6—Seal 9—Screw

NOTE: The Front Drive Shaft, Frame Pivot Drive Shaft

and Rear Drive Shaft are similar in

OUTJ003,0000465 –19–08FEB01–4/4

Bearing Drive Shafts

When installing a driveline the female spline must be

towards the front of the machine to risk of reduce shaft

NOTE: Prior to disconnecting universal joints or drive

shafts, lift the axle off the ground momentarily to
release any wind-up torque load between the
axles and the transfer case.

JK11466,0000069 –19–20DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

Diagnose Drive Lines

Symptom Problem Solution

Driveline emitting a chattering Faulty universal joint Locate faulty joint and replace.

Faulty carrier bearing Locate faulty bearing and replace.

Driveline causing machine Faulty universal joint Locate faulty joint cross and yokes
02 vibration and replace.
Loose connector bolts at the Replace and or tighten connector
coupling yokes bolts to specified torque.

Damaged drive shaft Replace complete drive shaft


Misaligned universal joint yokes Align universal joint yokes so they

are parallel on drive shaft assembly.

OUTJ003,000046B –19–08FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft


To assemble a joint to a yoke:

1. Insert the lower key and pilot of one bearing into the
keyway and pilot of the yoke.

2. Insert the upper key and pilot of the opposite bearing
into the yoke.

Since this is a precision product, the fit tends to be 02
tight and some compression of the seals and/or thrust 0230
Universal Joint, Drive Shaft, Clamp 7
washers may be required to seat the second bearing.
This can be done with a ’C’ clamp, a tap with a soft
hammer or hand pressure.

NOTE: Do not use the mounting bolts to seat the


3. Once the bearings are properly seated, insert the bolts.

Use LOCTITE 242 and tighten bolts to specified

NOTE: When installing drive shafts, align the drive shaft

grease fittings so they can all be accessed without
moving the machine more than once. Universal Joint, Mallet

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,000036D –19–25JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

Center Hinge Drive Shaft Removal and


NOTE: The center hinge drive shaft is the short shaft

between the transfer case and the center hinge.
The drive shaft can be removed with the frames


CAUTION: Ensure that the engine is stopped

02 and the main switch is in the ’OFF’ position.
0230 Remove handle from the main switch before
8 working on any power train components.
1—Center Hinge Drive Shaft

CAUTION: Securely block the wheels to prevent

machine movement before disconnecting the
drive shafts.

Accidental movement of the machine can result

in severe personal injury.

NOTE: Prior to disconnecting universal joints or drive

shafts, lift the axle off the ground momentarily to
release any wind-up torque load between the
axles and the transfer case.

To remove the Center Hinge Drive Shaft:

1. Articulate the machine to a full turn position, left or


2. Disconnect the universal joints at each end of the


3. Remove the shaft through the hinge area.

NOTE: See Section 02, Group 0230, for procedures to

install universal joints.

OUTJ003,000036E –19–25JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

Center Hinge Bearing Drive Shaft Removal

NOTE: Removal of the drive shaft inside the center hinge

bearing will only be required if the shaft and
splines are damaged or the bearings are to be
replaced. The drive shaft and joints can be
removed with the frames joined.

To remove the Center Hinge Bearing Drive Shaft:

1. Articulate the machine to a full turn position, left or 02

right. 0230

OUTJ003,000036F –19–25JAN01–1/2

2. For clearance, remove the center hinge drive Shaft.

3. Remove the access cover on the top of the rear frame.

4. Disconnect the rear drive shaft from the center hinge

bearing shaft and slide to one side of the rear frame.

5. Remove the cotter pin from the rear of the shaft and
loosen the nut until just finger tight. Place a block
under the coupling yoke inside the rear frame to

prevent the shaft from rotating.

6. Remove the cotter pin from the nut on the front end of (1) Center Hinge Drive Shaft
the shaft and remove the nut and coupling yoke. The
shaft, complete with the rear coupling yoke and
bearing can then be pushed back into the rear frame
and removed.

7. Remove the bearing cups from the center hinge.

OUTJ003,000036F –19–25JAN01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

Center Hinge Bearing Drive Shaft Installation

NOTE: Three special tools are used to install the NOTE: When installed, the coupling yokes must be in
center hinge drive shaft bearings and seal. line.
See block 0020 for proper tools
2. Clean the bearing seats in the center hinge. Use
1. Inspect the shaft, especially the bearing seats and LOCTITE nitromethane or acetone to remove any
the splines. Check the fit of the coupling yokes on traces of adhesive.
the shaft for damage or wear to the splines.
Replace if necessary.
0230 If a new shaft is being used, check the fit of the
coupling yokes on the splines prior to assembly.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,0000371 –19–25JAN01–1/5

3. Install the bearing cups in both ends of the center

hinge bearing.

4. Install the bearing on the rearward end of the drive


5. Install the shaft through the center hinge from the rear
frame end.

1—Bearing Cups

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000371 –19–25JAN01–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

NOTE: The shaft running through the center hinge is not

symmetrical. There is a square flange, 110 mm (4
5/16") from the end of the shaft. This flange
MUST face towards the front frame.

6. Have a second person use a pry bar to apply a load to

the rear end of the shaft. This prevents rearward
movement of the shaft while installing the front bearing.

Install the bearing in the front of the center hinge. .

7. Install a new seal on the front end of the center hinge. 0230
Add a bead of LOCTITE 380 adhesive on the outside
edge of the seal. Use Drive Shaft Seal Driver, tool

8. Install the coupling yoke, washer and nut on the front

end of the shaft. Tighten finger tight.

9. Install a new seal on the rear end of the center hinge.

Add a bead of LOCTITE 380 adhesive on the outside
edge of the seal. Use Drive Shaft Seal Driver, tool

10. Install the coupling yoke, washer and nut on the rear
of the pivot joint. Tighten finger tight.

11. Place a block under the coupling yoke in the rear

frame to prevent rotation. Tighten the nut on the front
of the pivot joint to specified torque.

12. Install the cotter pin on the front pivot joint. If slots do
not line up, tighten the nut to the next available slot.

13. Place a block under the coupling yoke on the front of

the shaft to prevent rotation. Tighten the nut on the
rear of the shaft to the specified torque.

Unscrew the nut and re-tighten to the specified


14. Install the cotter pin on the rear pivot joint. If slots do
not line up, tighten the nut to the next available slot.

15. Rotate the shaft by hand and check for smooth


LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000371 –19–25JAN01–3/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive shaft

16. Reconnect the rear drive shaft in the rear frame. See
Section 02, Group 0225, for procedures to install
universal joints.

17. Re-install the frame pivot drive shaft between the

transfer case and the pivot. See Section 02, Group
0225, for procedures to install universal joints.

18. At the center hinge, there are three greasing points at

the horizontal bearing (1), two greasing points at the
02 vertical bearing (2) and both steering cylinders (3)
0230 have two greasing points.

When greasing the center hinge, also visually check

the center hinge clearances.

OUTJ003,0000371 –19–25JAN01–4/5

Use the grease fitting on the rear of the pivot joint to

fill the annulus between the drive shaft and the center
hinge with grease.

Continue to grease until clean grease is visible at the

bearing seals

19. Replace the access cover on the top of the rear

20. Drive the Harvester through a series of full turns in
both directions to check for smooth driveline

A—Center hinge, left side

B—Center hinge, right side


OUTJ003,0000371 –19–25JAN01–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0230-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0240
Axles / Bogies
Essential Tools

NOTE: See Section 00 for axles specifications and

tightening torques

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC).

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/4 1

Front Frame Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TA9002

Support placed under back end of front frame during

bogie removal and installation.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–2/4

Axle Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TA0899

Support placed under each bogie housing during bogie

removal and installation.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–3/4

Axle Mounting Bolt Installation Tool. . . . . . . . . F603762 /


Used to torque long horizontal axle mounting bolts during

Bogie Removal and Installation procedures.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Other Material

Number Name Use

N/A (U.S.) Never-Seez Anti seize compound applied to

mounting bolts during bogie

2 JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/1

770D Front Axle

770D front axle

6—Drain plug 7—Level plug

JK11466,000009D –19–31JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

1070D, 1270D and 1470D Front Bogie

NOTE: See Section 00 for axles specifications and

tightening torques

Axle has normal hypoid type wheel pair and bevel

differential. Brakes are multi disc wet brakes and they are
hydraulically actuated.

The bogie incorporate the differential, bogie housings with

gear drives, multiple-disk brakes and brake cylinders. The 02
bogie is mounted directly to the frame. There are no 0240
trunnion, walking beam or suspension arrangements at
the axle mount. Drive shafts connect the bogies to the
transfer case.

Continued on next page JK11466,0000001 –19–30DEC02–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies


Axle Beam, Brake Cylinders, Brake Disks



1—Wheel Rims 3—Multi-disk Brakes 5—Driveshaft Coupling 6—Differential

2—Bogie Housing 4—Brake Actuating Cylinders

Continued on next page JK11466,0000001 –19–30DEC02–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

NOTE: See NAF LOK Series Axle manuals, for more terrain. The differential locks are operated from
information on harvesters axles switches on the seat armrest.

The axles are equipped with differential locks which

can help prevent the wheels from slipping on soft

JK11466,0000001 –19–30DEC02–3/3 5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Front Bogie / Axle Removal

CAUTION: Securely block the rear wheels to

prevent the machine from moving during this

Install frame lock bar to prevent accidental


Use appropriate safety precautions when using

0240 any lifting devices.
Failure to observe safety precautions can lead
to risk of severe personal injury.

The use of engine hoods and belly pans has

been facilitated by means of lift supports.
Should these supports become defective, the
cover may unexpectedly come down. Do not go
under these parts when lifting/lowering them or

before they are properly secured in the
uppermost position.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic Jack underneath 770D axle
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

NOTE: The operator and service personnel must be

familiar with the safety rules and regulations
provided in this service manual and in the decals
of the machine, as well as with those related to
national road traffic and occupational safety.

All safety rules and regulations in effect pertaining

to the machine and workplace must be obeyed.

Jack underneath boogie

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

1. Position supports under the front frame. Position axle

stand under each bogie/ axle housing.

Disconnect the brake hoses and differential lock hose.

Cap the hoses and plug the ports.

2. Loosen wheel bolts.

1—Axle Stand
2—Front Frame Support

Front Frame and Axle Supports 7

Front Bogie, Brake and Diff Lock Hoses
Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

3. Fit the center hinge lock to ensure that articulation

does not move.

4. Lift machine up and place supports under front frame.

Leave the area of bottom plate free.

5. Remove the front wheels and tires.

6. Remove the axle access cover from underside of

0240 7. level the cabin to the service position.

NOTE: To remove the right hand bogie mounting bolts, it

may be necessary to tilt the cab farther than
normal. Disconnect the attachment pins from the
lift cylinder and the safety support. Using
appropriate slings and lifting devices, tilt the cab

to an angle of 60 degrees. Securely block the cab
in this position.
770D and 1070D Center hinge lock (1)
8. Disconnect drive shaft from the yoke of differential.


1270D and 1470D Center hinge lock (1)

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–3/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

See Section 02, for procedures to remove the


9. Mark all hydraulic hoses of brake cylinders to ensure

that it is possible to reconnect hoses to right

10. Disconnect all hydraulic hoses from brake cylinders
and differential lock.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–4/5 9

11. Loosen but do not yet remove the four top capscrews.
The tool used will require an extension approximately
450 mm (18 in.) in length.

12. Remove the two long mounting bolts (one on each

side). Note the locations of any shims used.

13. Remove the four vertical mounting bolts.

14. Place the jack under axle. Raise it to relieve the

loading on the bogie mounting bolts.Weight of the
axle is approximately 640 Kg. Be sure that the jack
can carry that weight.

IMPORTANT: Use caution when handling the bogie to

avoid damage to the brake lines.

15. Use the jack to lower the bogie to ground. Remove

the bogie from under the frame.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Front Bogie / Axle Installation

CAUTION: Securely block the rear wheels to

prevent the machine from moving during this

Install frame lock bar to prevent accidental


Use appropriate safety precautions when using

0240 any lifting devices.
Failure to observe safety precautions can lead
to risk of severe personal injury.

IMPORTANT: Use caution when handling the bogie to

avoid damage to the brake lines.

1. Clean mounting surfaces and threads of mounting bolts


JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/6

2. Use a jack to raise the bogie or in 770D axle into

position and align the mounting holes.

3. Place the bogie / axle under the front frame.Lift the

axle up on to its place .

1—Front Frame Support, TA0898
2—Axle Stand, TA0899


Front Bogie / Axle removal

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–2/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

4. Apply NEVER-SEEZ anti-seize compound to the

mounting bolts.

5. Install the two vertical mounting bolts with lock washers

at both ends. Position any shims used. Install the nuts
hand tight but do not torque at this time.

6. Tighten the four vertical mounting bolts to specified

NEVER-SEEZ is a trademark of Emhart Chemical Group JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–3/6 11

Tighten the two horizontal mounting bolts to specified


NOTE: A special tool (F603762/F603764) is available to

tighten the long horizontal bolts. See Section 99,
for Tool Drawings.

7. Connect the driveshaft to the yoke of axle differential.
Be sure that both yokes of drive shaft are in same
angle. See for example Operator‘s manual F063723 ,

for the procedures., for procedures to install the

8. Install the axle access cover on the underside of the


9. Connect hydraulic hoses to brake cylinders and

differential lock.

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–4/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

10. Install the front wheels and tires.

11. Bleed the air from the Differential Lock. See for
example Operator‘s manual F063723 , for the

12. Start the machine and bleed the air from the brake

See for example Operator‘s manual F063723 , for the

02 procedures to bleed the Service/Work Brakes.
See for example Operator‘s manual F063723 , for the
procedures to bleed the Parking Brakes.

13. Lower machine to ground and remove the steering


14. Check differential and bogie oil level. Add if

necessary. See oil specifications section 00, group

15. Drive a short test drive.

16. Stop the engine and check for leaks and that
everything are properly in condition.

17. Install bottom plate

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–5/6

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

Connect the brake hoses and differential lock hose.


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Rear axle

NOTE: See Section 00 for axles specifications and

tightening torques

The axle is also equipped with electro-hydraulic differential

lock. Axle has too normal hypoid type wheel pair and
bevel differential. Wheel hubs have planetary gears.
Brakes are similar with front axle.

JK11466,0000001 –19–30DEC02–1/1 13

Rear Axle Removal

Failure to observe safety precautions can

CAUTION: Securely block the front wheels to
lead to risk of severe personal injury.
prevent the machine from moving during
this procedure.
1. Loosen wheel bolts.
Install frame lock bar to prevent accidental
2. Fit the steering interlock to ensure that articulation
does not move.
Use appropriate safety precautions when
using any lifting devices.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/4

3. Lift machine up and place supports under rear frame.

Leave the area of bottom plate free.

4. Remove rear wheels and tires.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be


observed when working on any

hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage. Axle Stand And Rear Frame Supports

1—Axle Stand
5. Remove bottom plate. 2—Frame support

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–2/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

6. Disconnect the brake hoses and differential lock hose.

7. Mark all hydraulic hoses of brake cylinders to ensure

that all hoses can be reconnected to right place.

8. Disconnect all hydraulic hoses from brake cylinders

and differential lock.

9. Remove the axle access cover from underside of


JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–3/4

10. Disconnect drive shaft from the yoke of differential.

11. Loosen axle mounting bolts..

12. Place the jack under the axle. Raise it to relieve the
loading on the bogie mounting bolts. Weight of axle is

640 kg. Be sure that the jack can carry that weight.

13. Loosen but do not yet remove the four top capscrews.

Access the bolts by removing the four caps on the top T138923

surface of the rear frame.

14. Remove the two long capscrews (one on each side).

Note the locations of any shims used.

15. Remove the four top capscrews.

IMPORTANT: Use caution when handling the bogie to

avoid damage to the brake lines.

16. Use the jack to lower the axle Remove the axle from
under the frame.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Rear Axle Installation

CAUTION: Securely block the front wheels to

prevent the machine from moving during this

Install frame lock bar to prevent accidental


Use appropriate safety precautions when using

any lifting devices. 0240
Failure to observe safety precautions can lead
to risk of severe personal injury.

IMPORTANT: Use caution when handling the bogie to

avoid damage to the brake lines.

1. Clean mounting surfaces and the threads of mounting

bolts well.

JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–1/4

2. Place the bogie under the rear frame. Use a jack to

raise the bogie into position and align the mounting

3. Apply NEVER-SEEZ anti-seize compound to the

mounting bolts.

4. Lift the axle up to its place.

5. Loosely insert the four vertical mounting bolts.

6. Install the two horizontal mounting bolts with lock T164634

washers at both ends. Position any shims used. Install Rear Frame Supports
the nuts hand tight but do not torque at this time.
1—Frame support
2—Axle Stand
7. Tighten the four vertical mounting bolts to specified

NEVER-SEEZ is a trademark of Emhart Chemical Group Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–2/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

8. Tighten the two horizontal mounting bolts to specified


NOTE: A special tool (F603762/F603764) is available to

tighten the long horizontal bolts. See Section 99,
for Tool Drawings.

16 Axle Mounting Bolt Installation Tool

Continued on next page JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

9. Connect hydraulic hoses to brake cylinders and

differential lock.

10. Connect drive shaft to the yoke of differential. Be sure

that both yokes in drive shaft are at same angle.for
procedures to install the driveshafts. See Section 02,
Group 0225

11. Install the wheels and tires. Tighten the wheel nuts to
specified torque.
12. Check hub oil levels. 0240

13. Lower machine to the ground and remove steering


14. Check differential oil level. Add if necessary. See

group 0040 for oil specifications

15. Bleed the air from the Differential Lock. See Section
02, Group 0200, for the procedures. Rear axle, Brake and Differential lock hoses

16. Start the machine and bleed brake system. See for
example operators manual chapter 5-2-5 for
procedures to bleed the Service/Work Brakes and
Parking Brakes.

17. Drive a short test drive. Check that brakes are

working well.

18. Stop the engine and check that all are properly in

19. Install the axle access cover on the underside of the


JK11466,0000003 –19–30DEC02–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Bleeding The Differential Lock

CAUTION: Securely block the rear wheels to

prevent the machine from moving during this

Failure to observe safety precautions can lead
to risk of severe personal injury.

NOTE: Bleed the differential lock any time the differential

0240 lock hose is disconnected. This procedure
18 requires two people. Bogie, Diff Lock Hose

1. With the engine running, loosen the fitting between the 1—Differential Lock Hose
differential lock hose and the axle.

2. Press and hold the differential lock switch on the

operators seat RH control panel.

3. When air is purged from hose, tighten the fitting.

JK11466,0000004 –19–30DEC02–1/1

General Instructions For Checking Oil Level And Fill Ups

1. The machine must stand on level ground when you Basic rules when changing oil and filters, checking
check any of the oil levels. hydraulic pressures, repairing etc:
2. Check the oil level in the morning for that is when
the oil is cold and it has seeped down into the 1. Clean thoroughly the area around the components
lower parts of the component. to be opened to ensure that no dirt enters the
3. Renew the oil while the engine is warm. Thus it is system.
easier to remove the old oil. 2. Keep the hydraulic hoses plugged as well as the
4. To even the pressure at the oil space, open a plug filters in their packs until they are installed to the
located above the oil level (e.g. filling plug) before machine.
opening the drain plug. 3. Plug removed components.
5. Avoid direct contact with oil, particularly heated oil. 4. Ensure that all parts are clean before assembly.
6. Oil on the skin should be washed off immediately.

AK12300,000005F –19–15OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Checking The Differentials Oil Level (2pcs)

NOTE: Differentials are similar in the bogie and single

rigid axle

1. Check that there is oil up to the level plug (2) in front

and rear differentials.

NOTE: The oil levels in the differential and both bogie

housings must be checked separately.

NOTE: Any time plugs are removed, the o-ring seals 0240
Checking Differentials oil 19
should be replaced.

2. Fill oil through the level plug if needed.

JK11466,0000005 –19–30DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Changing The Differentials Oil (2pcs)


Differentials oil change - rear

NOTE: See group 0040 for oil capasities

NOTE: Change the oil while it is warm.

1. Park the machine on level surface. Engage the parking

brake. Install the frame brake.

2. To access filler plugs, remove the service covers.

3. Open the bellypan to access the underside of the


4. Clean the area around the plugs. Differentials oil change - front

5. Remove one of the fill plugs to vent the differential.

6. Remove the drain plug (1) of the differential and in the

rear axle also the drain plugs of axle beams. Drain the
oil completely into a basin.

NOTE: Observe local regulations regarding proper

disposal of used oil. Do not dump oil on ground or
in sewers.

7. Clean and close the drain plugs

Continued on next page JK11466,0000005 –19–30DEC02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

8. Refill the differential through the level plug (2) up to the

level of the plug. Close the plug. See Section 00,
Group 0040 Fluids and Lubricants, for differential oil

NOTE: Any time plugs are removed, the o-ring seals

should be replaced.

9. Check oil level on dipstick. close the filler plug.

NOTE: Any time plugs are removed, the o-ring seals 02

should be replaced. 0240

NOTE: See section 00, group 0040 Fluids and lubricants

for the differential oil volumes and recomended oil

JK11466,0000005 –19–30DEC02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-21 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Checking Bogie Housings Oil Level

1. Clean the area around the plugs.

2. Remove the filler plug to vent the bogie housing.

3. Remove the inspection plug. The oil level must be up

to the inspection port.

NOTE: The oil levels in the differential and both bogie

02 housings must be checked separately.
4. If necessary, add oil to the bogie housing through the
filler port.

NOTE: Any time a plug is removed, replace the O-ring
seal or copper washer.

NOTE: See section 00, group 0040 Fluids and lubricants
for the bogie housing oil volumes and
recomended oil types


1270D and 1470D Bogie housing oil checking

JK11466,0000005 –19–30DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Changing Bogie Housings Oil


1070D boogie housing drain plug (1)


1070D boogie housing oil level plug (2)

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00006B8 –19–16MAY01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-23 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

NOTE: Before changing the bogie housing oil, let the

machine stand for 30 minutes to allow impurities
to settle to the bottom.

1. Clean the area around the plugs.

2. Remove the filling plug to vent the bogie housing (2).

3. Open the drain plug (1) and drain about 5 liters (1,5
gal) oil into a barrel and close the plug. This oil is not
02 reuseable. Carry out the same operation at the other
0240 end of the bogie casing.

Check the condition of the oil. If the oil is clear, add

new oil.

NOTE: The oil sample taken from the bogie housing is

not reusable.

If the oil is cloudy, replace all the oil in the bogie

NOTE: Dispose of waste properly. Do not dump oil on

ground or in sewers.

4. Check the oil quality: If the oil is clear add new oil. If
the oil is cloudy change all of the oil.

NOTE: Any time plugs are removed, the O-ring seals

should be replaced.

5. Tighten the drain plugs and refill the bogie casing

through the filling plug (2) up to the level of the level
plug (3)in 1270D an 1470D.

6. Repeat the procedure at each bogie.

OUTJ003,00006B8 –19–16MAY01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-24 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Check Single Axle Wheel Ends ( Hub gear)


NOTE: Although oil can pass from the differential to the

wheel ends, it is necessary to check the oil level
in the differential and each wheel end separately.

1. Position the wheel end so that the drain port (1) is on

the horizontal centerline of the axle.

2. Remove the drain plug. The oil level must be up to the 02

drain port.

3. Add oil, if necessary, through the fill port (2).

4. Install the drain plug.

NOTE: Any time a plug is removed, replace the O-ring

seal or copper washer.

NOTE: See section 00, group 0040 Fluids and lubricants

for the wheel end (hub gear )oil volumes and

recomended oil types
Single Axle Wheel Ends Oil Plugs
1—Drain Plug
2—Fill Plug

JK11466,0000005 –19–30DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-25 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Change Single Axle Wheel Ends ( Hub gear)


1070D, 1270D, 1470D Wheel ends (2pcs), 770D Wheel

ends (4 pcs)

NOTE: Although oil can pass from the differential to the
wheel ends, it is necessary to change the oil level
in the differential and each wheel end separately.

02 NOTE: Change the oil while it is warm.
26 Wheel End - Drain Position
1. Position the wheel end with the drain plug at the
bottom. 1—Drain Plug
2—Filler Plug
2. Clean the area around the plugs.

3. Remove the filler plug to vent the wheel end.

4. Remove drain plug. Drain oil into suitable container.

NOTE: Dispose of waste properly. Do not dump oil on

ground or in sewers.

OUTJ003,00006F8 –19–17JUL01–1/2

5. Position the wheel end with the drain plug on the

horizontal centerline of the axle.

6. Add new oil through the filler port until the level is at
the drain plug.

7. Clean and install the drain plug and the filler plug.

NOTE: Any time plugs are removed, the O-ring seals or

copper washers should be replaced.

8. Repeat the procedure at each wheel end.

Wheel End - Fill Position

1—Drain Plug
2—Filler Plug

OUTJ003,00006F8 –19–17JUL01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-26 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies

Bogie Bearing Grease Points

Each bogie housing has ten grease fittings on each side

of the housing which must be greased to properly
lubricate the bogie bearings.

Cover the grease fittings with white plastic caps.

See Section 00, group 0040 for recomended gease for

bogie bearing.

Bogie Housing Grease Points, 3 Upper Ports 27

Bogie Housing Grease Points, 3 Lower Ports

Bogie Housing Grease Points, 4 Side Ports

JK11466,0000007 –19–30DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-27 Harvesters Technical Manual

Axles / Bogies


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0240-28 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0250
Overall Description of Brakes


Axle, Brake Cylinders, Brake Disks

Each bogie has two brake disc assemblies inside the The service/work portion of the brake cylinder is
axle housing, one for each wheel set. Each brake hydraulically applied and spring released. This cylinder
assembly is actuated by a brake cylinder located on is operated by the work brake system and by the
the axle beam housing. service brake system.

Each brake cylinder is comprised of a parking brake

cylinder assembly and a service/work brake assembly.

The parking brake portion of the brake cylinder is

spring applied and hydraulically released. This cylinder
is operated by the parking brake system.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000466 –19–08FEB01–1/4

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A—Driving and work brake B—Parking and emergency


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000466 –19–08FEB01–2/4

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Parking Brake Cylinder Assembly (Spring Applied and Hydraulically Released)

1—Gasket 7—Two M6 Screws with 10—Piston 15—Bleed Screw Cover

2—Parking Brake Housing Washers 11—Guide Ring 16—Parking Brake Bleed
3—O-ring 8—Four M8 Screws with 12—Ring Screw
4—Spacer Washers 13—Guide Ring 17—Parking Brake Cylinder
5—Protective Cap 9—Spring Discs 14—Ring
6—Emergency Brake Release

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000466 –19–08FEB01–3/4

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Work brake cylinder assembly

1—piston 2—Bleed valve 3—Piston 4—Tool

OUTJ003,0000466 –19–08FEB01–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-4 Harvesters Technical Manual


Emergency Manual Release of The Parking


CAUTION: Do not disconnect any brake system

hose joints before all pressure has been
released from the accumulators.

Pressurized fluid in brake lines can cause
personal injury.

See for example Operator‘s manual F063723, 0250
page 5-5-5 for checking brake system 5
pressures. 1—Brake Cylinder Cap
2—Emergency Brake Release Bolt
3—Parking Brake Retaining Screws, M8
CAUTION: Before disabling the brakes, block
the wheels to prevent any movement of the

Failure to take adequate safety precautions can

lead to serious personal injury.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

IMPORTANT: Clean the brake cylinder and immediate

area before disassembly. Cover the
housing opening immediately after
removing the cylinder to prevent
contamination of the differential.

If hydraulic pressure required to operate the brakes is not

available, the brakes can be released manually.

1. Remove the cylinder protective cap.

2. At each cylinder, the release bolt is stored under the

cap. Install the bolt in the threaded hole to release the
parking brake.

Turn the screw clockwise until it bottoms out to

compress the spring.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000037E –19–25JAN01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-5 Harvesters Technical Manual


Brake Accumulators

Two gas charged accumulators, located in the service

brake circuit, provide reserve hydraulic pressure which
allows the brakes to be operated in the case of an engine

To maintain system performance, it is important to
regularly check the gas precharge pressure in the
accumulators. A loss in the gas precharge pressure will

02 cause a drop in the system efficiency and could cause
0250 damage to the diaphragm.
6 Accumulator Section View
The proper gas precharge pressure should be set after
1—Gas Valve
each new installation or repair. The precharge pressure 2—Accumulator Shell
should be checked after three to four months of operation 3—Diaphragm
and once a year after that. 4—Poppet
5—Fluid Port

CAUTION: Hydraulic accumulators are

pressurized vessels. Improper handling may
lead to risk of personal injury or machine
damage. Only qualified technicians should
perform maintenance.

OUTJ003,000037E –19–25JAN01–2/2

Bleeding the Brakes

1. Bleeding the brake cylinders

• Start the diesel engine.
• Release the parking brake (see the TMC display).
• If necessary bleed the work brake using the bleed

screw (1) for each cylinder (2 cylinders on each

axle). Bleed the parking brake cylinders using the
bleed screw (2) for each cylinder.

Continued on next page AK12300,00000B2 –19–17OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-6 Harvesters Technical Manual


2. Bleeding the brake pedal

If necessary, the brake pedal circuit can be bled as
• Do not start the diesel engine.
• Check that there is sufficient oil in the fluid bottle (3).
• Bleed the brake pedal circuit using the bleed screw
(4) on the brake valve and through the connection
(5) under the pedal. The process is the same as for
a normal fluid brake.

The brake valve is located under the rear cabin. 02


AK12300,00000B2 –19–17OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-7 Harvesters Technical Manual


Checking the Brakes

CAUTION: Before starting any servicing work,

the machine must be parked on a perfectly flat
surface. In addition, make sure it cannot start

You can check that the cylinders are correctly adjusted by
taking measurements through the release screw aperture
(8), for example using a slide calliper.

8 1. Release the parking brake.
2. Insert the calliper (A) through the aperture and take a
measurement at the adjusting screw (1).
3. Make a note of the measurement.
4. Reconnect the parking brake and repeat the
measurement. The difference between the two
measurements must not exceed 5,25 mm (0,20 in). If
the difference is greater than this, the cylinder should
be adjusted.

AK12300,00000C0 –19–17OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-8 Harvesters Technical Manual


Mechanical Adjustment of Brakes

1. Disconnect electrical contact (Y41W), from the work

brake valve.
2. Remove the protective cover (2). Note the loose
release screw (3) under the cover.

3. Open the larger Allen screws (5) (4 screws, key size 8
mm) and remove the cylinder.

NOTE: The smaller Allen screws (2 screws, key size 6

mm) should not be loosened. 02
4. Loosen the locking nut (4). Hold the piston (6) in
5. Fully open the adjusting screw (1). Clean the thread
and the locking nut (4).
6. Turn the locking nut (4) to the end of the adjusting
screw. Lock the adjusting screw thread (1) by applying
locking fluid (Loctite 242).

NOTE: If the locking fluid comes into contact with other
areas than the adjusting screw and the locking
nut, the excess fluid should be cleaned away.

7. Insert the adjusting screw (1) and turn it clockwise until
a significant resistance is felt (8 — 15 Nm or 6 — 11
Turn the adjusting screw (1) 3 1/2 turns anticlockwise
while holding the piston (6) in position.
8. Tighten the locking nut (4) to approximately 40 Nm (30
lb-ft) while holding the piston (6) in position.
9. Reinstall the cylinder. Ensure that the O ring (7) is in
good condition and is correctly positioned. Tighten the
four screws (5).
10. Fit the protective cover (2). Check that the O ring is in
good condition and is correctly positioned.
11. Connect the electrical contact (Y41W) to the brake

Adjust all the cylinders in the same way.

AK12300,00000C1 –19–17OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-9 Harvesters Technical Manual


Checking the Service Brake

The brake valve is located under the cabin behind the 246
front cover plate.

CAUTION: Cabin sideways levelling system *)

must be locked before any checking or
adjusting of brake valve. See group Equipment -
Cabin Sideways Levelling/Maintenence of Cabin
Sideways Levelling.
0250 238
10 • Attach a 25 MPa gauge to the measuring point on the
brake valve of each axle (pos. 246) and (247).
• Depress the brake pedal and read the pressure on the

gauge. The pressure should increase from 0 MPa to 7
MPa when the pedal is depressed, and return to 0 MPa
when the pedal is released.

*) if equipped

AK12300,00000C2 –19–17OCT01–1/1

Checking the Work Brake

Work brake, valve (242) 246
• Attach a 25 MPa gauge to the measuring point on the
brake valve of each axle (246) or (247).
• Start the diesel engine and switch off the parking brake.
The work brake is on.
• Read the pressure on the gauge, which should be 7
MPa. Switch on the parking brake. The pressure should
fall to 0 MPa.


AK12300,00000C3 –19–17OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-10 Harvesters Technical Manual


Checking the Load and Release Range

• Attach a 25 MPa gauge to measuring point (251). 246
• Start the diesel engine. Switch off the parking brake and
depress the brake pedal repeatedly. Read the
pressures on the gauge at the points at which pressure
loading / release starts.
• Pressure loading starts at approximately 14 MPa, and
ends at approximately 16 MPa.

238 0250


AK12300,00000C4 –19–17OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-11 Harvesters Technical Manual


Diagnose Brake Hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

Parking brake does not engage Parking brake solenoid Y41 Inspect solenoid Y41. Replace if
when parking brake switch is ON malfunction. Pressure not bled off necessary.
Parking brake solenoid Y41 should
be de-energized when the switch is
ON in order to engage brakes.
0250 The solenoid Y41 should be
energized when the switch is OFF in
order to release brakes.

Check parking brake pressure on the

auxiliary valve. See Hydraulic
schematic for correct measuring

Brake cylinders worn, out of Inspect and repair brake cylinders.

adjustment or springs are broken.

Parking brake does not release Insufficient hydraulic pressure in Check parking brake pressure on the
when parking brake switch is parking brake circuit to release auxiliary valve. See for example
OFF spring applied brake. Operator‘s manual F063723, for
procedures to test and adjust

Work brake does not engage Work brake solenoid Y41W Inspect solenoid Y41W at brake
when parking brake is malfunction. valve. Replace if necessary.
Check brake pressure at MB4 and
MB5 at brake valve. Pressures
should be between 6.5 MPa (955
psi) and 7.5 MPa (1102 psi). See for
example Operator[acute ]s manual
F063723 for procedures to test and
adjust pressures.

Service brake does not apply Insufficient fluid level in brake master Check level in brake master cylinder
when pedal is pressed (but work cylinder. (ATF Tank). Refill if necessary.
brake works normally).

OUTJ003,00002DA –19–17JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0250
NAF LOK Axle Service Manuals

• LOK 101 rear 1270D

• LOK 121 front 1470D
• LOK 122 rear 1470D
• LOK 125 front 770D
• LOK 127 rear 770D and 1070D

JK11466,0000095 –19–30JAN03–1/1 1

NAF LOK Transfer Case Service Manuals

• 87 in 1270D
• 110 in 1470D

JK11466,0000096 –19–30JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 02-0250-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 03
Hydraulics System

Page Page

Group 0310—General Extension Cylinder Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-22

Essential Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-1 Main Boom Cylinder Service . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-26
Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-2 Outer Cylinder Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-29
Hydrostatic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-3 Cylinder seal replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32
Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4 Auxiliary Valve Removal and Installation . . .03-0350-36
Bleeding the Air from the System . . . . . . . . .03-0310-6 Boom Control Valve Removal and
Bleeding Air from the Hydrostatic System . . .03-0310-7 installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-40 03
Bleeding Air From the Working Hydraulic Boom Control Valve Disassembly and
System in 770D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-9 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-44
Bleeding Air From the Working Hydraulic Thermostat Valve Removal and
System in 1070D, 1270D and 1470D. . . .03-0310-11 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-51
Taking an Oil Sample from Hydraulic
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-13 Group 0360—Working Hydraulics - Checking and
Hydraulic Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-14 adjusting
Vacuum Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-15 Pressure Tests and Adjustments. . . . . . . . . .03-0360-1
Hydraulic Function Cycle Times . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-3
Group 0320—Drive hydraulics Adjustment
Hydrostatic Drive Pump Loader/Steer Functions Pressures -
Start-up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-3
Adjustment Hose Inspection and Replacement . . . . . . . .03-0360-5
Motor Start of Control Point Adjustment. . .03-0320-5 Cylinder Internal Seal Leak Test . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-6
Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-7
Group 0370—Hydraulic Schematics
Group 0330—Driving hydraulics service About This Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-1
Hydrostatic Drive Motor Hydraulic Scheme Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-2
Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-1 770D Hydraulic Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-9
Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-2 1070D Hydraulic Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-19
Hydrostatic Drive Pump 1270D Hydraulic Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-29
Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-9 1470D Hydraulic Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-41
Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-9
Hydrostatic System Troubleshooting . . . . . .03-0330-40 Group 0380—Appendix
Rexroth Drive Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0380-1
Group 0340—Working hydraulics Rexroth Drive Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0380-1
Work Pump Theory of Operation. . . . . . . . . .03-0340-1 Rexroth Hydraulic Work Pumps. . . . . . . . . . .03-0380-1
Work Pump Start-up Procedure. . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-4 VOAC / Parker Boom Control Valves . . . . . .03-0380-1
Valves General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-6

Group 0350—Working Hydraulics-service

About this group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-1
Service Equipment and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-1
Work Pump Removal and Installation . . . . . .03-0350-2
Drive Shaft Seal Replacement . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-3
Work Pump Disassembly and Assembly . . . .03-0350-4
Hydraulic Pressure Filter Replacement . . . .03-0350-17
Return Filter Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-18
Hydraulic Tank Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-21

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0310
Essential Tools

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC).

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–1/8

Air Bleed Hose

To bleed air from test fittings on Hydrostatic Drive Pump. 0310

OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–2/8

Driver, Drive Shaft Seal . . . . . . . . . . . Part Number N/A

Used to press fit Drive Shaft Seal on Hydrostatic Drive

OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–3/8

Spring Preloading Cylinder . . . . . . . . . Part number N/A

Used to preload spring while installing retaining rings on

Hydrostatic Drive Pump Control Piston

OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–4/8

Rotary Group Assembly Tool . . . . . . . . Part Number N/A

Used to position cylinder during installation of Rotary

Group in Hydrostatic Drive Pump housing.
OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–5/8

Connecting Hose

Used to connect Ports X1 and X2 during Mechanical

Centering of Hydrostatic Drive Pump procedure.
OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–6/8

Two Gauges 60 MPa (9000 psi)

To measure hydraulic pressure at test port.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–7/8

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Gauge 5.0 MPa (1000 psi)

To measure hydraulic pressure at test port.

OUTJ003,0000310 –19–18JAN01–8/8

Other Material

Number Name Use

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 275 Used to install cylinder piston.

Number Name Use

03 N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure piston on rod during

0310 Main Boom Cylinder Servicing
2 procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure piston on rod during

outer Boom Cylinder Servicing

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure piston on rod during

Extension Cylinder Servicing

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure set screw on cylinder

head during Extension Cylinder
Servicing procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure screws retaining

cylinder supports during Extension
Cylinder Servicing procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure piston on rod during

Extension Cylinder Servicing

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure set screw on cylinder

head during Extension Cylinder
Servicing procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 243 Used to secure screws retaining

pistons during Slew Cylinders
Servicing procedure.

OUTJ003,000034C –19–22JAN01–1/1

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Hydrostatic System

The main components of the system are a hydraulic The motor displacement is adjusted by turning the
pump and a hydraulic motor. These components make motor shaft while the plate stays in place.
up a closed loop circuit in which the oil flowing from
the pump to the motor will return to the pump from the The pump and motor angles are interdependent. If the
motor. Both the pump and the motor are of the machine stands still, the pump angle is zero and the
variable displacement piston type. motor angle at its maximum. When the pump angle
begins to increase the machine starts off. When the
The direction of rotation of the pump shaft is always pump angle reaches its maximum, the motor angle
the same. The displacement of the pump is regulated begins to decrease. If you drive at full speed, the
by means of an electrically controlled proportional pump angle is at its maximum and the motor angle at
valve. This system alters the side and amount of oil its minimum.
flow generated by the pump, which, in turn, changes
the direction of rotation of the motor (driving direction NOTE: For more specific information about
and speed) accordingly. In addition to the control Hydrostatic drive motor or pump service and
current of the proportional valve, the amount of flow repair, see group 0360 for proper manual 0310
generated by the pump can also be changed by 3
adjusting the speed of the diesel engine.

The direction of rotation and speed of the motor

depend on the direction and magnitude of the flow
generated by the pump.

AK12300,00000D5 –19–19OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-3 Harvesters Technical Manual


Hydraulic System

The working hydraulics is the supply system for If the load pressure exceeds the system pressure
operation of the booms, harvester head, frame setting of 28 MPa, the pressure cut-off valve
steering, service brakes, frame brake, high / low gear de-strokes the pump until the correct maximum
shift, all wheel drive off and differential lock pressure is re-established.

Description and operation in this group covers the The load sense signal to control the displacement of
hydraulic supply of the various circuits or their major the working pump is sensed from the crane control
components can be found in the following groups. valve and the brake valve, see group 0340. The
LS-hose directs the signal to the load sensing control
• Group 0310 Hydraulic Tank and Filters valve on the pump.
• Group 0340 Working Pump
• Group 0340 Auxiliary Valve For measuring and adjusting pressures in the working
• Group 0340 Boom Control Valve hydraulic system, measuring points in the auxiliary
• Group 0250 Brakes valve block, main distribution valve block, boom control
0310 valve and working pump displacement control unit are
4 NOTE: Check hydraulic schematic for the proper provided.
measurement ports and pressures
In the auxiliary valve, measuring point is used for
The working hydraulics consists of the working pump, testing the pilot pressure of the boom control valve.
auxiliary valve block, boom control valve, brake valve, Tank pressure of the boom control valve can be
hydraulic tank plus the hoses and fittings connecting measured from the measuring point on the boom
these components. There can also be optional valve. Working pump LS-pressure can be measured
equipment in the working hydraulic system. from the LS-measuring point on the pump and supply
pressure from the measuring point on the main
The working pump is mounted into the diesel engine. distribution valve block.
Hydrostatic pump is mounted behind the working pump
with the pump shaft mechanically connected to the Normally the brake circuit would demand automatic
working pump shaft bushing. Propulsion of the two charging of the brake accumulators as soon as the
pumps is provided by the diesel engine. pump starts turning. However, to reduce resistance at
start-up, particularly in cold weather, a solenoid valve
Case drain from the hydraulic pump is directed to the (Y44) in the brake valve, refer to Group 2130, is
hydraulic tank through a 10-micron return filters. energized when the ignition key is turned to ”start”
position. When this valve is open, the flow in the load
The hydraulic system is load sensing, i.e., it senses sense line from the brake circuit is directed to tank.
how much pressure is required when a particular Without load sensing pressure at the pressure
function is activated. The pump supplies only the compensator the pump will de-stroke; thereby,
amount of fluid required in each situation, and no fluid preventing charging while the engine is cranking. The
is circulated by the pump when all functions are at Y44 solenoid valve will stay energized controlled by
rest. TMC after the engine starts as long as parking brake
switch is in the ON position. Also solenoid valve
Typically, the differential pressure is that between the (Y44B) on boom valve works on a similar way than a
pressure inlet and any service port of the proportionally solenoid valve Y44.
controlled boom control valve. The factory setting of
the differential load sense pressure is 2.5 MPa (363

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The boom and steering functions are operated by To prevent damaging shock loads from reaching the
means of the boom control valve that is a sectional, pump, the hydraulic circuit is provided with a main
load sensing and pressure compensated directional relief valve in the boom control valve. This relief valve
valve. See Group 0340 for details. will open should the pressure exceed 23.0 MPa (3335
Joysticks are used to electrically operate the control
valve spool solenoids. These solenoids control the pilot
flow to operate the main valve spools.

The pilot flow is obtained from the main flow through

the control valve. The pressure of the pilot flow is
reduced to 3.5 MPa (510 psi) before being directed
through the solenoids.

The boom and steering functions are connected to the

boom control valve sections, A and B ports, as shown
in the table below (electrical connections at the 0310
solenoids correspond to the boom and steering 5

Port ref. Function
Y423B B Parallel in
Y422A A Parallel out
Y420B B Lift up
Y421A A Lift down
Y419B B Outer boom in
Y418A A Outer boom out
Y408B B Rotator right
Y409A A Rotator left
Y425B B Swingh right
Y424A A Swing left
Y410B B Tilt cylinder in
Y411A A Tilt cylinder out
Y66B B Steering right
Y66A A Steering left

OUTJ003,00002A5 –19–09JAN01–2/2

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Bleeding the Air from the System

770D and 1070D or the return filters have been replaced. Having filled
up the tank again and having fitted the filter inserts
Air must be eliminated from the return casing of the start the engine and let the machine idle for a while.
hydraulic system if the hydraulic tank has been drained After that operate one of the boom functions.
or the return filters have been replaced. Having filled
up the tank again and having fitted the filter inserts If air enters the working or driving hydraulic system
start the engine and let the machine idle. After that, while parts are changed, the air must be eliminated
connect a suitable hose to the vent plug, loosen the from the components affected before the machine can
vent plug and operate one of the boom functions. Wait be operated again. Follow the instructions provided on
until pure oil, free from air, comes from the hose. Next, the next pages.
re-tighten the plug.
NOTE: Air must be eliminated from the hydraulic /
If air enters the working or driving hydraulic system hydrostatic system after the system has been
while parts are changed, the air must be eliminated serviced or repaired.
0310 from the components affected before the machine can
6 be operated again. Follow the instructions provided on All models
the next pages.

1270D and 1470D

Air must be eliminated from the return casing of the

hydraulic system if the hydraulic tank has been drained

OUTJ003,00002E4 –19–17JAN01–1/1

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Bleeding Air from the Hydrostatic System

Air must be eliminated from the driving hydraulics after the

system has been serviced or repaired, before the machine
is used again.
1. If necessary, add clean, filtered hydraulic oil to the
housings of the drive pump and drive motor through
the case drain ports (1) and (2) until the housings are 3
at least half full.
2. Next, fill up the hydraulic tank. Make sure that the
suction hose of the drive pump is also filled with oil 304
(loosen the hose connector for the fill-up). 305
3. In models 770D and 1070D Detach the pump control
valve connection (Y01) from the high pressure pump in 2
order to prevent the engine from starting during the
bleeding process.
3 03
4. In models 1270D and 1470D Detach the pump control 7
valve connections (Y01) and (Y02) from the high Y103
pressure pump in order to prevent the engine from
starting during the bleeding process.

5. Make sure that the switch for the driving direction is in
the middle position. This ensures that the drive pump Y102
stays at a zero angle.

6. Connect bleed hoses (measuring hose, thread size
M16x2) to the measuring points (304), (305) and (314)
of the driving hydraulics.
7. Operate the starter motor for appr. five seconds and
repeat the starting procedure after waiting one minute
(do this 3 — 5 times), until no more air comes out of
the bleed hoses.
8. Disconnect the bleed hoses. Reconnect connections
(Y01) and (Y02).
NOTE: If there occurs nuisance vibration in the
hydrostatic system after service or repair work, air
must be bleeded also from the pilot pressure
valves of the drive pump and drive motor. Y48

• Loosen the bleed screws (3) located at the end of the

drive motor valve (Y48) and drive pump direction valves –UN–29MAY02

(Y102) and (Y103). Do not loosen screws more than 314

two full turns. (1,5 mm hex-socket key).

Continued on next page AK12300,00000B0 –19–17OCT01–1/2

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• Start the engine. Bleed air from valves by selecting

drive direction and driving some meters
forward/backward. Repeat the procedure a couple of
times to the both directions. When there is no more air
coming out of the valves, tighten the bleed screws (max
2 Nm or 1,5 lb-ft).

CAUTION: No-one should be allowed within a

danger zone of moving machine while
activating driving direction functions.

AK12300,00000B0 –19–17OCT01–2/2


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-8 Harvesters Technical Manual


Bleeding Air From the Working Hydraulic

System in 770D

Air must be eliminated from the working hydraulics after

the system has been serviced or repaired, before the
machine is used again. Air must be eliminated from
components that have been serviced or repaired.

1. If necessary, add clean, filtered oil to the housing of

the service pump through the case drain port (3) until
the housing is at least half full.
2. Next, fill up the hydraulic tank. Make sure that the
suction hose of the service pump is also filled with oil
(loosen the hose connector for the fill-up).

3. Start the engine and let it idle. Eliminate air from the
return casing of the hydraulic system as described 03
above. 0310
4. Connect bleed hose (measuring hose, thread size M16 9

x 2) to the measuring point (205) in the working
hydraulic system.
5. Connect bleed hose to the measuring point (217) in the
working hydraulic pump.

CAUTION: The pressure in the working

hydraulic pump measuring point (217) can
possible rise remarkable high, e.g. during the
automatic loading of the brake accumulator.

6. Disconnect the bleed hoses as soon as no more air

comes out of them.
7. Stop the engine and let air be removed from the oil
tank (for appr. five minutes).


Continued on next page AK12300,00000B1 –19–17OCT01–1/2

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8. Air is eliminated from the boom valve solenoids by

loosening the bleeding screws (A) at the end of the
solenoids and by operating the functions of the block
for appr. one minute. Close the screws (max 1,2 Nm or
0,9 lb-ft).
9. Air is eliminated from the cylinders by slowly operating
the functions all the way to their extreme positions at
least twice. If necessary, also check the directions of
the various functions at the same time.
10. Stop the engine and let air be removed from the oil in
the tank (for appr. five minutes). Add oil until the level
reaches the upper mark in the measuring glass.


AK12300,00000B1 –19–17OCT01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-10 Harvesters Technical Manual


Bleeding Air From the Working Hydraulic

System in 1070D, 1270D and 1470D

Air must be eliminated from the working hydraulics after

the system has been serviced or repaired, before the
machine is used again. Air must be eliminated from
components that have been serviced or repaired.

1. If necessary, add clean, filtered oil to the housing of

the service pump through the case drain port (3) until
the housing is at least half full.
2. Next, fill up the hydraulic tank. Make sure that the
suction hose of the service pump is also filled with oil
(loosen the hose connector for the fill-up).

3. Start the engine and let it idle. Eliminate air from the
return casing of the hydraulic system as described 03
above. 0310
4. Connect bleed hose (measuring hose, thread size M16 11

x 2) to the measuring point (205) in the working
hydraulic system.
5. Connect bleed hose to the measuring point of the
working hydraulic pump LS-line (217).

CAUTION: The pressure in the working

hydraulic pump LS-line can possible rise
remarkable high, e.g. during the automatic
loading of the brake accumulator. 214

6. Disconnect the bleed hoses as soon as no more air

comes out of them.
7. Stop the engine and let air be removed from the oil
tank (for appr. five minutes).


Continued on next page AK12300,00000B1 –19–17OCT01–1/3

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8. Air is eliminated from the boom valve solenoids by

loosening the bleeding screws (A) at the end of the
solenoids and by operating the functions of the block
for appr. one minute. Close the screws (max 1,2 Nm or
0,9 lb-ft).
9. Air is eliminated from the cylinders by slowly operating
the functions all the way to their extreme positions at
least twice. If necessary, also check the directions of
the various functions at the same time.
10. Stop the engine and let air be removed from the oil in
the tank (for appr. five minutes). Add oil until the level
reaches the upper mark in the measuring glass.


1070D boom valve illustrated

AK12300,00000B1 –19–17OCT01–2/3

NOTE: If there occurs nuisance vibration in the working

hydraulic system after service or repair work, air
must be bleeded also from the pilot pressure
valve of the working hydraulic pump.

1. Loosen the bleed screw located at the end of the

working hydraulic pump valve (Y69). Do not loosen Y69
screws more than two full turns. (1,5 mm hex-socket
2. Start the engine and let it idle until there is no more air
coming out of the valve. Tighten the bleed screw (max 1
2 Nm or 1,5 lb-ft). 2

Work pump bleeding

AK12300,00000B1 –19–17OCT01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-12 Harvesters Technical Manual


Taking an Oil Sample from Hydraulic System

The conditon of working and drive hydraulics can be
traced by taking hydraulic oil samples at regular intervals.
The sample can be analyzed for example at the laboratory
of the oil supplier. If there is significant or quick changes
in the composition of hydraulic oil, the reason must be
found out.

Take the sample as follows:

NOTE: Take the sample, while the hydraulic oil is

operating warm. Sample bottle must be clean and
not used before.

1. Clean carefully the surrounding of measuring point
(136) in 770D / 1070D on boom valve.1270D and 0310
1470D measuring point (119) on boom valve. 13

2. Connect the pressure measuring hose into the
measuring point and let run some 2 dl ( 2 qts) oil to a
waste oil pot.
3. Do not allow any external dirt to to get in the sample.
Open the proper samle bottle just before you are ready
119 114
to take the sample. Do not put your fingers or the
sample hose end inside the bottle. Close the bottle
immediately after taking the sample.

AK12300,0000060 –19–07MAR02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-13 Harvesters Technical Manual


Hydraulic Tank

The hydraulic tank includes: Sight glass, return filters,

filling pump *), vacuum pump *) and off-line filter *).
Sensors for return filter pressure, fluid level and
temperature of the fluid.

*) if equipped

Filling with Hydraulic Fluid

NOTE: Do not mix different type of oils. Oil specifications,

See group 0040

Always refill the hydraulic oil tank through the quick

coupler (3). This ensures that the new oil enters the
0310 system through the filter.
Remove the protective plug of the quick coupler. Clean
the filling hose and connect it to a vessel containing fresh

hydraulic fluid.

Start the filling pump with the switch (4).

NOTE: Do not exceed the ’MAX’ level. There always has
to be enough air space in the hydraulic oil tank,
because the fluid level goes up and down during 770D and 1070D hydraulic oil tank
the operation. The machine must stand level to
ensure correct level reading.

NOTE: Detach the filling hose from the quick coupler

before starting the engine. Over-pressure
generated in the return casing can eject the
hydraulic fluid through the filling pump and filling

Draining the Hydraulic Fluid

The drain hose (6) is located underneath the hydraulic

tank. Open the plug at the end of the drain hose and drain
the oil into a container.
1—Sight glass

2—Filling pump
3—Quick coupler
4—Switch, filling pump
5—Vacuum pump

6—Drain hose
7—Vent plug

Continued on next page AK12300,00000AB –19–17OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-14 Harvesters Technical Manual


After draining. Clean the hydraulic tank and change the air
filter and hydraulic filter. Fit the plug back into the drain

Eliminate air from the return casing by using the vent plug
(7). See group

AK12300,00000AB –19–17OCT01–2/2

Vacuum Pump
The vacuum pump is used to avoid oil spill, eg, in the 0310
event of hose rupture or during maintenance. 15

Before starting and using the vacuum pump, make sure

the machine is level and that the hydraulic fluid is not
above maximum level, see the sight glass. Otherwise the
hydraulic fluid might reach up to the suction connection in
the tank!

• Stop the engine. Set the ignition lock to the vacuum

pump mode (A) before activating (17).
The vacuum pump will be disconnected automatically if
the machine is started.
• Run for 2 — 3 minutes before doing anything with the
hydraulic system.
• After the vacuum pump has been turned off let the
pressures even for 2 — 3 minutes. Start the engine and
let it idle for a couple of minutes.

AK12300,00000AE –19–17OCT01–1/1

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0310-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0320
Drive hydraulics
Hydrostatic Pump and Motor Start-up

NOTE: The following start-up procedure should always be

followed when the hydrostatic pump or motor has
been removed or replaced.

CAUTION: The machine must be parked on a

level surface, the boom and harvester head
placed at rest, the engine shut down and the
wheels chocked before any work on the
hydraulic system is initiated. Failure to take
adequate safety precautions can lead to serious
personal injury.

Make certain all system components (hoses, fittings, etc.) 03

are clean prior to filling with fluid. Fill the tank with the
recommended hydraulic fluid. See the Section 00, Group
0040, for Recommended Fluid Specifications.

1. Release the brakes and jack up the wheels.

OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–1/7

2. Fill the hydrostatic pump and motor housings with

clean hydraulic fluid through the upper case drain port.
Fill the high pressure lines.

3. Fill the inlet line leading from the tank to the

hydrostatic pump. Check the line to make certain it is

free of restrictions and air leaks. Make certain the
fittings are properly tightened.

1—Hydrostatic Drive Pump Case Drain Port

2—Hydrostatic Drive Motor Case Drain Port

Hydrostatic Pump and Motor Case Drain Ports, Drive Lines

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–2/7

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Drive hydraulics

CAUTION: Always switch off the diesel engine

when the gauge is connected and when
adjustments are made. 308

4. Connect a gauge (6,0 MPa) to pressure point (308).

1270D and 1470D Hydrostatic supply pressure


OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–3/7

a. Start the diesel engine.

b. Increase the revs of the diesel engine to maximum. 308

The pressure must increase to 3,5 MPa maximum.

5. Detach the pump control valve connections (Y01) and

(Y02) from the high pressure pump in order to prevent
the engine from starting during the bleeding process.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–4/7

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Drive hydraulics

CAUTION: Do not crank the starter motor

unless the pump is in the neutral position (0
degrees swashplate angle). Take precautions to
prevent the machine from moving in case the
hydrostatic pump is actuated during start-up.

6. Crank the engine a few times, in short bursts, until
supply pressure reaches 50 psi or more, to prime the
pump and relieve trapped air. Excess air may be bled
from the drive system test port MH2.

7. Reconnect the pump control valve connections (Y01
and Y02) to the high pressure pump. Run the engine
at the lowest possible RPM (750 RPM if possible) for 5
minutes. This will allow the system to be filled.
NOTE: Listen for abnormal noises during procedure. 0320

Stop the engine and inspect all hose connections for


8. Once the supply pressure has been established, Set

the revs to 1500 rpm in the TMC or using the
accelerator pedal. The pressure must be 3,0 MPa.

IMPORTANT: Incorrect supply pressure value can

lead up to the malfunction of driving
hydraulics or damage the drive pump
and drive motor.

9. Check the supply pressure on the gauge on test port

312. The supply pressure should be the specified
value. If the charge pressure is inadequate, shut down
and determine the cause for improper pressure.

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Drive hydraulics

The supply pressure is adjusted using the supply

pressure limiting adjusting screw (312) underneath the

NOTE: Do not forget to lock the adjusting screw when

you have finished adjusting. Check the pressure
after locking the adjusting screw.

10. Operate the control to work the hydrostatic system

with no load at 20% of maximum speed. Remove air
from the system by bleeding it thru the bleeding port

Check the fluid level and add fluid, if necessary.

11. Continue to operate the system and gradually
increase to full speed, still with no load.
4 Check for creep in neutral. If necessary, center the

control module. See Section 03, Group 0361, for

12. Check, and if necessary adjust the High Pressure

Relief Valves.

13. Operate the system with no load for 15 minutes to

stabilize the temperature and remove any residual air
from the fluid.

OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–6/7

14. Replace the supply filter.

15. Shut down the engine, remove gauges and plug the
ports. Check the level in the tank and add hydraulic
fluid if needed.

16. Purge the system of air.

NOTE: Air in the system may lead to erratic operation.


1—Charge Filter

OUTJ003,00002F9 –19–18JAN01–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Motor Start of Control Point Adjustment

1. Install a 6 MPa (1,000 psi) gauge at test port MH5 on

the Direction Valve.

OUTJ003,000078F –19–09SEP01–1/4

2. Install a 60 MPa (10,000 psi) gauge at test port MH4

on the Hydrostatic Motor. 03

OUTJ003,000078F –19–09SEP01–2/4

3. Disconnect the parking brake solenoid Y41 from the

auxiliary valve so that the parking brake will remain

4. Start the engine.

5. Set the Drive Direction Selection Switch to Neutral.

6. Press the drive pedal smoothly. When the pressure at

MH5 reaches the specified value, the pressure at MH4

should start to rise.

Motor Start of Control Point Adjustment—Specification

Pilot Pressure at MH5—Pressure ............ 1.4 ± 0.1 MPa (203 ± 14.5 psi)

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000078F –19–09SEP01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

7. If the pressure at MH4 begins to rise before the

pressure at MH5 reaches the specified value, adjust
the Motor Start of Control Point by turning adjustment
screw CH5 clockwise in small increments. Repeat the

8. If the pressure at MH4 begins to rise after the pressure
at MH5 reaches the specified value, adjust the Motor
Start of Control Point by turning adjustment screw CH5
counterclockwise in small increments. Repeat the test.

9. Shut down the system. Remove the gauges.

Reconnect solenoid Y41 on the auxiliary valve.


OUTJ003,000078F –19–09SEP01–4/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Diagnostic Information

Diagnose Drive System

NOTE: The following troubleshooting tips refer to the

hydrostatic drive system. See Diagnose
Hydrostatic Drive Pump, and Diagnose
Hydrostatic Drive Motor, for other procedures not
shown here.

Confirm that there is a mechanical problem by

doing a test drive of the unit before doing any
repairs or adjustments.

Symptom Problem Solution

Overheating, noise or vibration, Insufficient hydraulic fluid. Check hydraulic oil level on sight 0320
low system pressure gauge on tank. Fill up tank, if 7

Restrictions in lines. Check for hoses that are plugged or

pinched. Plugged hoses will remain
cool to the touch when the system
warms up to operating temperature.
Do not touch hot fittings. Repair as

Leakage in lines or fittings. Inspect for leaks. Tighten fittings.

Repair or replace damaged hoses.

Stuck thermostat valve or dirty oil Stuck valve by-passing cooler will
cooler. cause overheating. Repair if

Clean oil cooler, if necessary.

Air in hydrostatic system. Check for foam in reservoir. Inspect

for leaks in supply pump inlet hose.

De-aerate system by letting reservoir

settle until the bubbles are gone.
Run the system slowly to move fluid
to the reservoir.

(See the Repair Manual for

procedures to de-aerate the
hydraulic system.)

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–1/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

By-pass valves in drive pump stuck (See for example operator‘s manual
open. 063723 pages 5-2-1 to 5-2-6 for
procedure bleeding the hydraulic

Flex plate and drive coupling Check work pump. If operation is

operating incorrectly. normal, flex plate and drive coupling
are in good working order.

See Section 9025, Group 20,

Hydraulic System Adjustments, for
proper pressures.

Incorrect supply and / or drive Low supply and low drive pressures
0320 pressures can lead to poor system
8 performance. High drive pressures
can lead to overheating.

Brakes not releasing correctly Check the brakes and adjust if


Low engine RPM Low engine speed will reduce

system performance. Adjust engine

Drive Will Not Operate in Either Cab steps are down. Raise cab steps.

Burst hose or loose fitting. Inspect hoses and fittings. Replace if


Hydraulic hoses incorrectly installed. Check schematic to confirm correct

hose routing.

Brakes not released. Release brakes.

Fault in power train. Check transfer case, drivelines and

axles for mechanical defect.

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–2/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Diagnose Drive Pump

NOTE: The following troubleshooting tips refer to the

hydrostatic drive pump. See Diagnose Hydrostatic
Drive System, and Diagnose Hydrostatic Drive
Motor, for other procedures not shown here.

Confirm that there is a mechanical problem by

doing a test drive of the unit before doing any
repairs or adjustments.

Symptom Problem Solution

’Neutral’ is difficult or impossible Control signal fault. Remove control lines to determine if
to find. pump returns to neutral without
control signal. If it does, remedy
control signal. 0320
Inspect solenoids. Replace as

Faulty swashplate positioning A centering spring in the pump

control. control valve positions the
swashplate in the neutral position.
See Section 03, Group 0330, for
procedures to adjust centering of

Contact authorized personnel to

repair or replace the control valve.

System overheating. Insufficient hydraulic fluid. Check the supply of oil to the pump.
Low oil level in the tank or a blocked
or kinked suction hose will not
provide sufficient oil to meet system
cooling demands.

Low supply pressure. Check the supply pump for leaks or


Check the supply pressure filter for


High drive pressures. See for example operator‘s manual

F063730 section 5-3, for procedures
to check and adjust the drive

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–3/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

Low drive pressures. See for example operator‘s manual

F063730 section 5-3, for procedures
to check and adjust the drive

Drive operates normally in one Fault in control line or pilot signal. Switch control lines. If drive operates
direction only. only in other direction, remedy pilot
signal. If drive problem remains
unchanged, service pump.

Faulty swashplate positioning A centering spring in the pump

control. control valve positions the
swashplate in the neutral position.
0320 Contact authorized personnel to
10 repair or replace the control valve.

Faulty drive pressure relief valves. See for example OMF063723,

section 5-3 for procedures to check
and adjust the drive pressures.
Switch drive pressure relief valves to
identify faulty valve cartridge.

Faulty control module. Replace control module.

Drive will not operate in either Insufficient hydraulic fluid. Check the supply of oil to the pump.
direction. Low oil level in the tank or a blocked
or kinked suction hose will not
provide sufficient oil to supply the
drive loop. Check the tank breather.

Faulty swashplate positioning A centering spring in the pump

control. control valve positions the
swashplate in the neutral position.
Contact authorized personnel to
repair or replace the control valve.

By-pass valves are open. Towing procedures require drive

pressure relief valves to be put in
by-pass position. Close by-pass
valves. ( See for example operator‘s
manual F063730 for procedure.)

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–4/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

Low supply pressure. See Section 03, for procedures to

check and adjust the supply

Check the supply pump for leaks or


Check the supply pressure filter for


Check suction line for blockage.

Remove and inspect the supply

pressure relief valve for damage.
Replace if necessary. 0320
Remove and inspect the supply
pump for damage. (See Repair
Manual for procedures to service the
supply pump.)

Drive pressure relief valves See for example operator‘s manual

improperly set. F063730 section 5-3

Motor valve improperly set. Check supply pressure with pump in

stroke. See for example operator‘s
manual F063730 section 5-2, for
procedures to check and adjust the
motor valves.

Wrong pump installed. Confirm that pump is designed for

right hand shaft rotation.

Drive operates in wrong Control lines switched. Re-connect control lines.


Drive system response is Insufficient hydraulic fluid. Check the supply of oil to the pump.
sluggish. Low oil level in the tank or a blocked
or kinked suction hose will reduce
output pressure.

Control signal not reaching pump. Check control hydraulic circuit to

Incorrect pilot pressure. confirm that signal is reaching pump

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–5/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

Drive pressure relief valves See Section 9026, Group 20, for
improperly set. procedures to check and adjust the
drive pressures.

Low or uneven charge pressure. See Section 9026, Group 20, for
procedures to check and adjust the
charge pressure.

Check the supply pump for leaks or


Check the charge pressure filter for

0320 Internal leaky in pump. Internal leakage will reduce drive
12 pressures. Inspect o-rings, gaskets
and other fittings. Check for
excessive case drain flow.

Brakes not fully released. Release brakes.

Excessive noise or vibration. Insufficient hydraulic fluid. Check the supply of oil to the pump.
Low oil level in the tank or a blocked
or kinked suction hose will cause
cavitation in the pump.

Clogged charge pressure filter. High inlet vacuum will cause noise.
Replace filter.

Air in system. De-aerate system. (See the Repair

Manual, for procedures.)

Diagnose Drive Motor

NOTE: The following troubleshooting tips refer to the

hydrostatic drive motor. See Diagnose Hydrostatic
Drive System, and Diagnose Hydrostatic Drive
Pump, for other procedures not shown here.

Confirm that there is a mechanical problem by

doing a test drive of the unit before doing any
repairs or adjustments.

Symptom Problem Solution

Improper Motor Output Speed Incorrect pump output. Check pump output.

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–6/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics

Symptom Problem Solution

Motor stuck at incorrect Confirm that rotary group is

displacement. swiveling properly. (See Repair
Manual for procedures to service
Hydrostatic Drive Motor.)

Drive Will Not Operate in Either Incorrect loop flushing valve setting. Flushing valve setting should be 25
Direction psi lower than supply pressure relief
setting. See Section 9026, Group 20,
for test procedure.

Drive Operates in Wrong Drive pressure lines connected to Reconnect drive pressure lines.
Direction wrong sides of motor.

System Overheating Motor stalling causing oil to heat Contact service representative to
through relief valves. determine cause of motor stalling. 0320
Diagnose Hydraulic / Hydrostatic Cooling System

Symptom Problem Solution

Temperature alarm on TMC Faulty sensor circuit Service sensor circuit. Replace
screen activated but temperature sensor if necessary.
indicated on sight gauge is
below 75°C (167°F)

Temperature alarm activated and Dirty or clogged cooler. Clean exterior of oil cooler.
temperature indicated on sight
gauge is above 75°C (167°F)

Thermostat valve malfunction. Service thermostat in thermostat


Hydrostatic Drive System See Section 03, for remedies

overheating. regarding Hydrostatic Drive System

JK11466,00000BC –19–05MAR03–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Drive hydraulics


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0320-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0330
Driving hydraulics service
Drive Motor Removal and installation

CAUTION: Ensure that the engine is stopped

and the electrical main switch is in the ’OFF’
position. Remove handle from the battery
disconnect switch before disconnecting any

hydraulic components. Securely block the
wheels to prevent machine movement. Failure
to observe proper safety precautions can lead
to risk of personal injury.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be Hydrostatic Drive Motor, Hoses
observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems. Failure to 03
follow these procedures may lead to 0330
equipment damage.

To remove the hydrostatic drive motor:

1. Failure to follow these procedures may lead to

equipment damage.

Tag and disconnect the hoses from the hydrostatic

drive motor.

2. Attach a suitable lifting device to the Hydrostatic Drive


OUTJ003,0000304 –19–18JAN01–1/3

3. To remove the hydrostatic motor from the transfer

case, remove the four socket head capscrews and
slide the motor back 75 mm (3") to clear the spline.
When the bolts are removed, ensure that the motor is
adequately supported at all times to prevent damage to
the spline and seals.

To install the hydrostatic drive motor:


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000304 –19–18JAN01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

1. Replace O-ring before assembly.

Attach the hydrostatic motor to the transfer case with

the four socket head capscrews. Tighten screws to
specified torque.

2. Connect the hoses to the hydrostatic motor.

NOTE: After re-installing or replacing motor, see

Hydrostatic Drive Motor Start-up procedure in

Section 03, Group 0362.

Hydrostatic drive motor Installation

1—Drive Pressure Hose
2—Drive Pressure Hose
3—Case Drain Hose


Hydrostatic Drive Motor Hoses
OUTJ003,0000304 –19–18JAN01–3/3

Drive Motor Servicing

Use an air hose and wire brush to remove any loose dirt
and debris from the outside of the motor before starting
any work.

Plug all ports to prevent contamination.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–1/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Drive Shaft Seals Replacement

1. Protect the spline by wrapping it with tape.

1—Retaining Ring

3—Drive Shaft Seal

Hydrostatic Drive Motor, Drive Shaft Seal Replacement


OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–2/10

Remove the retaining ring and shim.

Drive Shaft, Retaining Ring, Pliers

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–3/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

2. Insert two sheet metal screws into the rubber showing

at the two holes in the metal backing of the seal. Use
the screws as handles to lift out the seal.

Drive Shaft Seal, Screws, Pliers


OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–4/10

3. Use Seal Driver to press in new seal.

NOTE: Mark the seal depth on the bushing before

pressing in the seal.

4. Install the retaining ring and shim.

Drive Shaft Section View, Seal Installation Tool, Shim, Retaining

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–5/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Constant Pressure Control Valve or Valve Seals


1. Remove mounting screws to remove valve.

NOTE: Use care when removing valve. Valve is under

spring load.

Note the length of the adjustment screw.

NOTE: Do not remove adjustment screw.

2. Replace the o-ring. 770D hydraulic block under cabin

209—Shut-off valve
3. Lubricate the alignment pin with grease. Install pin on 252—Quick coupler
valve. 261—The Constant pressure relief valve
264—Locknut of the pressure relief valve
4. Install valve on Hydrostatic Drive Motor. 5

OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–6/10

Port Plate Seal Replacement

NOTE: In order to disassemble the motor, the rotary

group must be swiveled to line up with the output
shaft (zero position).

1. Measure and record the setting of the Displacement
Limiter Adjustment Screws.

1—Minimum Displacement Limiter Screw

2—Maximum Displacement Limiter Screw

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–7/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

2. Remove the Minimum Displacement Limiter Screw and

plug the port.

Remove the Maximum Displacement Limiter

Adjustment Screw.

3. Install a long screw in the maximum displacement
limiter port and swivel the rotary group to the zero


Hydrostatic Drive Motor Section View, Long Screw, Swivel Rotary
Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–8/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

4. Mark the position of the port plate to ease re-assembly.

Remove the mounting screws.

Remove the port plate.

5. Replace the o-ring. Apply a coating of grease to new
o-ring to hold it in place.

NOTE: Keep the rotary group vertical. The piston rings

should project beyond the cylinder bores.

6. Inspect the sliding surfaces of the control lens and port Hydrostatic Drive Motor, Alignment Mark

7. Install port plate. Use a coating of grease to hold the

control lens in position. Install mounting screws. 0330

Hydrostatic Drive Motor Housing, Port Plate Removed, Seal

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–9/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

8. Install Minimum Displacement Limiter. Confirm that it is

installed to the correct depth.

Remove long screw from Maximum Displacement

Limiter port. Install Maximum Displacement Limiter.
Confirm that it is installed to the correct depth.


OUTJ003,000030C –19–18JAN01–10/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Drive Pump Removal and Installation


Hydrostatic drive pump assembly

The hydrostatic drive pump and the working pump are Tag all hoses before removal to ease re-assembly.
removed from the machine as an assembly.
Cap hoses and plug ports.
It is recommended that the machine be completely
washed down before removal begins.

OUTJ003,00002E6 –19–17JAN01–1/1

Drive Pump Servicing


Use an air hose and wire brush to remove any loose dirt
and debris from the outside of the pump before starting
any work.

Plug all ports to prevent contamination.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–1/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Drive Shaft Seal Replacement

1. Protect the drive shaft spline by wrapping it with tape.

2. Use pliers to remove the retaining ring.

1—Retaining Ring
2—Drive Shaft Seal


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–2/73

3. Insert two sheet metal screws into the rubber showing

at the two holes in the metal backing of the seal. Use
the screws as handles to lift out the seal.


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–3/73

4. Use seal driver to press in the new seal.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–4/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

5. Use pliers to install the retaining ring.

6. Remove the tape from the drive shaft spline.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–5/73

Supply Pump or Supply pump Seals Replacement

1. Mark the position of the cover plate to ease 0330
re-assembly. 11

2. Remove the mounting screws.

3. Pry off the cover.

4. Remove and discard the seals.

Supply pump Hosing Alignment Mark

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–6/73

NOTE: If serious wear is detected on any of the pump

components, the complete supply pump assembly
must be replaced.

5. Inspect the o-ring groove and the wear surface of the

valve plate.

Remove the pinion gear and inspect the teeth and

bearing surfaces for wear.

6. Replace the seals. Grease the o-rings prior to

installation and make sure they are seated properly in
their grooves.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–7/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service


When re-assembling the pinion gear and driven gear

make sure the chamfers are installed facing down into
the housing as shown.

Tighten the supply pump mounting bolts to the
specified torque. See group 0030 for proper tightening

Pinion Gear and Driven Gear Installation


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–8/73


Supply pump

1—Hydrostatic Drive Pump 4—Key 7—Pinion Gear 10—Housing

2—Retaining Ring 5—O-ring 8—Driven Gear 11—Screw
3—Pinion Gear Shaft 6—Valve Plate 9—O-ring

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–9/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Control Piston Cover Seals Replacement

1. Mark the position of the cover plate to ease


2. Remove the mounting screws.

1—Hydrostatic Drive Pump

4—Control Piston Cover
5—Adjustment Screw Lock Nut
6—Screw Control Piston Covers


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–10/73

3. Rotate the cover. Remove the cover by tapping it

gently with a rubber mallet.

Control Piston Cover Alignment Mark

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–11/73

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–12/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

4. Replace the o-ring.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–13/73

5. Mark cover position to ease re-assembly.

0330 6. Measure the length of screw.
7. Use Allen key to hold adjustment screw. Use wrench to
loosen and remove nut.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–14/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

8. Remove the mounting screws.

9. Rotate cover to remove.


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–15/73

10. Replace the two o-rings. Inspect the o-ring seats and
sealing surfaces.

11. Install cover. Install locknut using measurement taken

in Step 6.

IMPORTANT: Check control piston centering
adjustment after re-installing the
covers. See this Section 03, Group
0330, for the procedures.

1—O-rings T138764

2—O-ring Seats
3—Sealing Surfaces

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–16/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Supply pressure Relief Valve or Valve Seal


1. Remove the Supply pressure Relief Valve.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–17/73

2. Replace the o-ring. Inspect the o-ring seats and

03 sealing surfaces.
16 3. Re-install the Supply pressure Relief Valve

IMPORTANT: Do not change the position of the

adjustment screw. Check the valve
setting after re-installing the valve. See
Section 9026, Group 20, for procedures
to adjust the valve.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–18/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

High Pressure Relief Valves or Valve Seal


IMPORTANT: If the lock nut is to be removed to

disassemble the valve, measure and
record the length of the adjustment


1. Remove the High Pressure Relief Valve.

2. Replace the o-ring. Inspect the o-ring seats and
sealing surfaces.

3. Re-install the High Pressure Relief Valve.

IMPORTANT: Do not change the position of the

adjustment screw. Check the valve 0330
setting after re-installing the valve. See 17
Section 9026, Group 20, for procedures
to adjust the valve.

1—Lock Nut

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–19/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Replacing the Pressure Cut-off Valve

IMPORTANT: If the lock nut is to be removed to

disassemble the valve, measure and
record the length of the adjustment

1. Remove the Pressure Cut-off Valve.

2. Replace the o-ring. Inspect the o-ring seats and

sealing surfaces.

3. Re-install the High Pressure Relief Valve.

IMPORTANT: Do not change the position of the

adjustment screw. Check the valve
0330 setting after re-installing the valve. See
18 for example Operator‘s manual F063730
page 5-3-4, for procedures to adjust the

1—Lock Nut


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–20/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service


1—Housing 4—Rotary Group 6—Port Plate 8—Supply pump
2—Control Piston Cover 5—Hydraulic Pilot Control 7—Valve Plate
3—Control Piston Assembly Device

Drive Pump Disassembly

1. Remove the control device.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–21/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

2. Remove the supply pump assembly.

NOTE: Mark the position of the supply pump assembly to

ease re-assembly.


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–22/73

3. Mark the position of the indexing screw (A).

Measure and record the length of the screw.

Rotate the screw to the disassembly position (B).


OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–23/73

4. Remove the mounting screws on the port plate.

NOTE: Mark the position of the port plate to ease


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–24/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

5. Lift off port plate and control plate.

NOTE: Note the position of the control plate and indexing


Replace seal.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–25/73

6. Use a pry bar to push down the cylinder assembly (A).

Remove the indexing screw (B). 0330

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–26/73

7. Remove the cylinder assembly.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–27/73

8. Use pliers to remove the retaining ring.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–28/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-21 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

9. Remove the radial seal ring.

Insert two sheet metal screws into the rubber showing

at the two holes in the metal backing of the seal. Use
the screws as handles to lift out the seal.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–29/73

10. Use a rubber mallet to remove the drive shaft.


Hydrostatic Drive Pump, Drive Shaft Removal

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–30/73

11. Remove swashplate, bearings and bearing cups.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–31/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

12. Remove joint pins.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–32/73

Drive Pump Cylinder Disassembly

1. Remove the piston retaining plate with the pistons. 0330
2. Remove the retaining ball and cup spring assembly.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–33/73

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-23 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

3. Remove the retaining ring.

4. Remove spring and discs.

Control Piston Disassembly and assembly

To disassemble control piston follow the next


4—Safety Ring


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-24 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service


1. Measure and record the length of the screw on the
control piston cover. This measurement is needed to
set up the control piston zero-position during

2. Remove the nut.

OUTJ003,00002E8 –19–17JAN01–35/73

3. Remove the cover.

NOTE: Mark the position of the cover to ease


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Driving hydraulics service

4. Remove the mounting screws on the other cover.

Rotate the cover 1/8 turn. Tap the cover off with a
rubber mallet.

NOTE: Mark the position of the cover to ease


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5. Remove the control piston.


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6. Disassemble the control piston.

Use an open cylindrical tool to pre-load the spring.

Remove the take-off ring.

1—Take-off Ring


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CAUTION: Use care when removing rings. Parts

are under spring load.

7. Remove ring from shaft.

Remove retaining ring.


To assemble control piston, follow the next


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-26 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

1. Use open cylindrical tool to pre-load spring. Install

rings. Install retaining ring.

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2. Install take-off ring.


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3. Lubricate piston. Insert control piston into the housing.

Drive Pump Component Inspection

NOTE: Take care if reworking parts. Abrasives can

damage sealing surfaces.

Inspect the following components and sliding surfaces

See for example Rexroth AA6VM appendix manual for

detailed instuctions for drive pump component Inspection

❒ All sliding surfaces for scoring or wear.

❒ All seal seats for nicks and burrs.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-27 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

❒ Bearings and bearing cups.

❒ Bearing surfaces of swashplate.
❒ Piston sliding surface of swashplate.

Hydrostatic Drive Pump, Bearings and Bearing Cups


Hydrostatic Drive Pump, Swashplate Bearing Surfaces

Hydrostatic Drive Pump, Swashplate Piston Sliding Surfaces

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❒ Piston retaining plate.


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-28 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

❒ Drive shaft.
a. Check splines for damage and fretting.
b. Check the running surfaces for wear.
c. Check for groove cut by shaft seal.

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❒ Pistons.
a. Check that there are no scratches or metal deposits 03
on the sliding surfaces. 0330
b. Check that the shoes swivel smoothly. 29
c. Check that there is no lengthwise play between the
piston and the shoe.

NOTE: If any are damaged, the pistons must be replaced
as a set.

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❒ Cylinder bores and splines.

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❒ Cylinder surface and control plate.


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Driving hydraulics service

❒ Positioning piston and link.

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Rotary Group Assembly

0330 1. Install bearing cup set in pump housing.

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Driving hydraulics service

2. Assemble bearings. Wire gliding stone and articulating

pin on the swashplate.

3. Install the assembled swashplate in the housing.

NOTE: Be sure the swashplate is seated correctly.

After installing swashplate, remove any clamps used
during assembly.

Hydrostatic Drive Pump Housing, Bearing Cups


Swashplate, Bearings Pre-assembly

Hydrostatic Drive Pump Housing, Swashplate Installation

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4. Install joint pins.


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Driving hydraulics service

5. Install rotary group assembly tool on pump housing.

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6. Install drive shaft in housing.

0330 Install bearings and radial seal rings.

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7. Install spring and discs as shown.

Install safety ring.

8. Assemble rotary group.

4—Safety Ring

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9. Lubricate pistons. Install pistons in cylinder.


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Driving hydraulics service

10. Lubricate piston shoes and sliding surface of

swashplate. Install cylinder in housing.

Remove rotary group assembly tool.

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Hydraulic Pilot Control Device or Device Seals

Replacement 03
1. Remove the mounting bolts. Remove the control 33

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2. Replace the o-rings. There are three o-rings on the

front face and three on the underside.

3. Re-install the Control Device.

IMPORTANT: Check control piston centering

adjustment after re-installing the
Control Device. See this Section 03,
Group 0361, for the procedures.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-33 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Mechanical Centering of Pump

NOTE: The control piston has strong centering springs to

ensure that once the pump is adjusted for the
neutral position it will always return to neutral.
When a control piston is exchanged or replaced, it

is generally necessary to mechanically center the

1. To ensure there is equal pressure on both sides of the

control module during the centering operation, it is
necessary to connect the X1 and X2 ports together by
means of hose or tubing no less than a 1/4 in. ID. The Hydrostatic Drive Pump, X1, X2 Connected; Gauges on MA and
port sizes are 9/16" - 18 UNF.

2. Install 60 MPa (9000 psi) gauges at ports MA and MB

0330 on the Hydrostatic Drive Pump.
3. Engage the parking brake.

4. Run the engine at specified idle.

Mechanical Centering of Pump—Specification

Engine—Speed ........................................................................... 1800 rpm

5. Press the drive pedal slowly to drive the machine

against the brakes. Operate valves with small pump
flow volume.

IMPORTANT: Do not drive against the parking brake

for more than 20 seconds at a time. Oil
bypassing the valves may overheat
causing equipment damage.

6. Loosen the jam nut on the Control Piston Adjustment


Turn the adjusting screw until 1000 psi is read on MA

or MB then turn screw opposite direction until 1000 psi
is read on other pressure port. Turn the screw back,
splitting the distance between the previous two
positions. This should be the neutral position. Pressure
on MA and MB should be equal.

7. Tighten jam nut. Stop the engine. Remove the gauges.

Remove the hose connecting ports X1 and X2.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-34 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Hydraulic Centering of Control Module

NOTE: When control modules are exchanged or

replaced, it is generally necessary to center the
new module.

1. Install 60 MPa (9000 psi) gauges at ports X1 and X2 on

the Hydrostatic Drive Pump.

2. Install 60 MPa (9000 psi) gauges at ports MA and MB

on the Hydrostatic Drive Pump.

3. Engage the parking brake.

4. Press the drive pedal slowly to drive the machine

against the brakes. Operate valves with small pump
flow volume. 0330
IMPORTANT: Do not drive against the parking brake
for more than 20 seconds at a time. Oil

bypassing the valves may overheat
causing equipment damage.

5. Turn the adjusting screw so that gauges on ports X1

and X2 both show the same value.

IMPORTANT: The adjustment screw is an eccentric,

therefore, turning more than 90° in
either direction will have no further
centering effect, and could cause
damage to the eccentric pin.

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Driving hydraulics service

NOTE: With Y1 and Y2 ports vented to atmosphere,

neutral position of the HD control is correctly
adjusted when any or all of the following
conditions exist:

• Approximately, when equal control pressures

are obtained at control pressure ports X1 and
X 2.
• The hydraulic motor does not turn when the
brake is released.

• Supply pressure is registered equally at ports
MA and MB , when flow output of the pump is
deadheaded against a locked motor.
1—Feedback Spring
2—Lever Arm
If difficulties are encountered in obtaining neutral position
of the control modules, check that the ends of the control
0330 spring are correctly located in the grooves near the end of
36 the feedback lever arms.

Changing the Filter of the Driving Pump

NOTE: The manufacturer recommends that the supply

filter be changed at least every 500 hours of

To change the supply filter:

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-36 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

1. Unscrew and remove the filter.

2. Clean the filter head gasket surface.

3. Lubricate the seal on the new canister with oil.

4. Screw on the filter until the seal makes contact with the
housing. Use a filter wrench to tighten the canister 30°


1. Driving pump filter

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Assembly of Pump

1. Because the driveshaft rotates in the right hand

direction, the control plate and indexing pin must be
installed as shown.

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2. Position the nut on the indexing screw at the specified

basic setting.

Pump Assembly—Specification
Indexing Screw—Basic Setting ...................................... 20 mm ±0.75 mm

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Driving hydraulics service

3. Insert the control plate.

Use a pry bar to push down the cylinder. Install the

indexing screw.

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The control plate and indexing screw must be installed

03 as shown.


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4. Install the port plate.

NOTE: Use care during assembly of spring loaded parts.


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Driving hydraulics service

5. Turn indexing screw to correct length measured during


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6. Install control piston covers.


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7. Install supply pump assembly.

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8. Install hydraulic pilot control device.

Adjust the control piston zero position. See this Section

03, Group 0361, for the procedure.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-39 Harvesters Technical Manual

Driving hydraulics service

Hydrostatic System Troubleshooting

The following is a list of a few troubleshooting tips on this

machine. Do a test drive of the unit and determine that
there is a problem before you do any repairs or

1. If the machine will not drive forward or backwards,

check that the displacement control valve gives signal
and is working properly.

2. If the machine will not drive forward or backwards,

check that the pressure relief valves are OK.

3. If the hydraulic oil gets hot when driving, check that the
loop flushing valve is working OK.
40 4. If the machine doesn’t reach its maximum speed,
check that the displacement control valve of hydraulic
motor (Y48) is working OK.

5. If the drive hydraulics feels forceless, check that the

pressure cut-off valve works OK (check the pressures
when driving forward and backwards).

6. If the machine will not drive forward or backwards,

make sure that the brakes are releasing properly.

After any service or repair is done, hydrostatic drive

transmission system must be purged as described in
operator and service manual, chapter 5-5-2

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0330-40 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0340
Working hydraulics
Work Pump Theory of Operation

See Section 00 for work pump specifications 255

NOTE: For more specific information about hydraulic
pump service and repair, see group 0250 for
proper manual

The working pump is a variable displacement, inline piston

pump. The unit comprises two major assemblies which
are the pump assembly (1) and the displacement control
device (5).

The pump is mounted on the hydrostatic drive pump

auxiliary pad.
CP1—Work pump pressure adjusting screw 0340
CP2—Work pump pressure adjusting screw 1

217—Pressure difference measuring point
255—Work pump pressure measuring point
1070D, 1270D and 1470D Work pump




770D Work pump

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics


An Example of Work Pump Section View

1—Housing 5—Valve Plate 9—Working Pistons and Shoes 12—Shaft Seal

2—Stroking Piston 6—Port Plate 10—Swash Plate S—Suction Port
3—Cylinder Barrel 7—Compensator Control 11—Drive Shaft P—Pressure Port
4—Spring 8—Control Piston

In operation, the drive shaft rotates the cylinder barrel. The degree to which the swash plate yoke is angled
The cylinder barrel holds the nine working piston and determines the length of stroke of the nine work
shoe assemblies. The piston shoes are held in contact pistons (7) and thereby, the volume of fluid per
with the face of the stationary swashplate. The working revolution, output flow, the pump produces.The piston
pistons are free to move in and out of the bores in the has minimum travel when the swashplate is angled at
cylinder barrel. zero degrees (perpendicular to the axis of rotation).
The piston has maximum travel when the swashplate
For the first half of a rotation, as a piston shoe rides is angled as far as possible (about 17 degrees).
along the inclined swashplate the working piston
moves out of the cylinder bore drawing fluid from the The angle of the swashplate is determined by load
pump inlet(2). During the second half of the rotation, conditions sensed in the compensator control
the working piston moves back into the cylinder bore assembly. If there is no load, a minimum flow is
forcing fluid out the pump outlet(3). delivered for cooling and lubrication only. This
minimizes power usage and heating of the fluid.
The pump assembly is made up of the components
shown. Fluid pressure is applied through working ports The stroking piston (spring operated) and the control
to move the control cylinder (8) and bias cylinder (9) piston (hydraulically operated) position the swashplate
and thereby, change the angle of the swash plate yoke in response to the compensator control.
(4) as determined by the displacement control device.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

The swashplate is normally held at its maximum angle same time, the pump operating pressure adjusts to the
by a spring (4) as well as system pressure on the actual load pressure plus a pressure differential
stroking piston (2). Inside the compensator control required for the control action. When the system is not
assembly, system pressure acts on a setting spring. demanding power, the load sense control will operate
When the system pressure overcomes the spring, fluid in stand-by mode.
is diverted to the control piston (8) reducing the angle
of the swashplate and reducing the output of the Typically, the differential pressure (LS delta pressure)
pump. When the system pressure falls below the is that between the pressure inlet and any service port
compensator setting, the spring in the compensator of the proportionally controlled boom control valve. The
control assembly returns to the normal position and the setting of the LS delta pressure is adjustable. The
spring on the Stroking Piston in the Pump Assembly factory setting is 2.5 MPa.(362 psi)
returns the swash plate to its maximum angle.
If the load pressure exceeds the system pressure
The second spool in the Compensator Assembly setting of 24.0 MPa(3480 psi), the displacement
determines the differential pressure required to control device de-strokes the pump until the correct
maintain constant output flow through an orifice of a pressure is re-established.
given size. 0340
Load sensing ensures that the pump always provides
only the amount of flow needed by the load. At the

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

Work Pump Start-up Procedure

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Ensure that the tank and circuit are

clean and free of dirt before filling the
tank with hydraulic fluid. Always fill the
tank through the connector coupling
provided for this purpose.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.
4 1. Fill the tank with appropriate type of hydraulic fluid. To
ensure that the pump suction hose is also filled, keep
the pump suction hose connection loose during the
filling procedure.

See Group 0040, for recommended hydraulic fluid.

Loosen the pump suction hose fitting at the tank during

the filling procedure in order to bleed air and ensure
the pump suction hose is filled.

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Working hydraulics

2. Before starting the engine, fill the pump with hydraulic

fluid through the case drain port (3).

3. Connect a bleed hose (measuring hose, thread size

M16 x 2) to test port (205) on the auxiliary valve so
that trapped air will be purged once the pump is

4. Ensure that the inlet and other hose connections are


5. Crank the engine few times, in short bursts, to prime

the pump and relieve trapped air. After that, remove
bleed hose from the measuring point.

6. Purge the system of air as detailed in group 0310
pages 9 to 10 0340

Bleed the hydrostatic drive system of air. See Section
03, Group 0360, for procedures.

See work pump repair and service manuals for

detailed instructions

Rexroth A11VLO Repair instruction series 1

Rexroth A11VLO Repair instruction series 11 205

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

Valves General

• Auxiliary Valve • Parking Brake

• Boom control valve • Front and Rear Differential Locks
• Thermostat Valve • All wheel drive off
• Brake Valve • High / Low gear Selection
• Control Pressure
Auxiliary Valve
The Auxiliary Valve is located on the rear frame.
The auxiliary valve solenoids control the following


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Working hydraulics


Auxiliary valve

1—Solenoid valve Y33, 3—Solenoid valve Y45, low 5—Solenoid valve, Y41, 6—Measuring nipple(boom
diffrerential lock gear Parking Brake valve pilot pressure)
2—Solenoid valve Y46, High 4—Solenoid valve Y39, All
gear wheel drive off

The auxiliary valve is used to control high/low gear indicator light in the parking brake switch on the
range shift, differential lock, the parking brake portion dashboard. The indicator light will illuminate when the
of the machine brakes and the all wheel drive parking brake is engaged.
disconnect function. Hydraulic flow is supplied to the
auxiliary manifold from the pilot line of boom control Solenoid valve Y33 is used for engagement of the
valve. Therefore, the pressure level is 35 bar. The differential lock. Differential lock is disengaged when
return line is connected directly to the tank force. the corresponding solenoid valve is de-energized and
conversely, engaged when the corresponding solenoid
. The front and rear parking brakes are spring applied valve is energized. The control switches for the
and hydraulically released. To apply the parking differential locks are located on the drivers hand
brakes, when the machine is running, solenoid Y41 control panel.
must be de-energized. To release the parking brakes,
solenoid Y41 must be energized to enable pressurised Solenoid valve Y39 is used for engagement and
fluid to be applied against the mechanical spring disengagement of the all wheel drive. The all wheel
drive is engaged when the solenoid valve is
The electrical control switch for solenoid valve Y41 is de-energized and disengaged when the solenoid valve
the parking brake switch located on the drivers hand is energized. The control switch for the all wheel drive
control panel. The parking brake switch is a normally is located on the drivers hand control panel.
closed switch. It is electrically connected to the

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Working hydraulics

Solenoid valve Y45 and Y46 are used for engagement de-energized, flow from the boom main boom lift circuit
of the transfer case low and high gears. Low gear is is routed through the solenoid valve to the frame
selected when Y45 is energized and high gear is brake. Pressure from the main boom being raised or a
selected when solenoid valve Y46 is energized. The load held suspended while the main boom is in raised
control switches for selecting low or high gear are position will apply the frame brake. When solenoid
located on the drivers hand control panel. valve Y65 is energized the frame brake will be
released. During driving the solenoid valve is always
NOTE: The Parking Brake Pressure Switch W41A is energized. An override switch on the dashboard can
designated B5 on the electrical schematics. be used to keep solenoid valve Y65 energized,
releasing the frame brake continuously.
Solenoid valves Y33 is used for engagement of the
front and rear differential locks. Either differential lock The Frame Brake Pressure Relief Valve, set to 21.5
is disengaged when the corresponding solenoid valve MPa (3118 psi), is built into the Auxiliary Valve.
is de-energized and engaged when the solenoid valve Pressure from the Main Boom passes through a check
is energized. The control switches for the differential valve at port B5.
locks are located on the right armrest of the operator’s
0340 seat. Thermostat Valve
Solenoid valve Y39 is used for engagement and The thermostat valve directs hot oil from the drive
disengagement of the front wheel drive. The rear pump and motor case drains to the oil cooler in the
wheel drive is engaged when the solenoid valve is radiator assembly depending on the oil temperature.
de-energized and disengaged when the solenoid valve The valve includes a by-pass in case flow through the
is energized. The control switch for the front wheel cooler is restricted.
drive is located on the dashboard.
The thermostat valve is located on the left side of the
Solenoid valve Y45 and Y46 are used for selection of radiator assembly.
the transfer case low and high gears. Low gear is
selected when Y45 is energized and high gear is The thermostat valve directs hot oil from the drive
selected when solenoid valve Y46 is energized. The pump and motor case drains to the oil cooler
control switches for selecting low or high gear are depending on the oil temperature. The valve includes a
located on the right armrest of the operator’s seat. by-pass in case flow through the oil cooler is restricted.

Solenoid valve Y65 is used for control of frame brake The thermostat valve is located on the left side of the
application. The frame brake is hydraulically applied radiator assembly.
and spring released. When solenoid valve Y65 is

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

When the oil temperature is below 49°C (120°F). the

thermostat remains closed and the oil flow is directed to
the hydraulic tank from the bottom port.

At oil temperatures between 49°C (120°F) and 63°C

(145°F) the thermostat starts to open and a portion of the

oil flow is directed to the cooler from the top port and then
returned to the hydraulic tank.

At pressures below 449 kPa (65 psi) and temperatures

above 63°C (145°F) the thermostat is fully open and all
the oil flow is directed to the cooler and then returned to
the hydraulic tank.

At pressures above 449 kPa (65 psi) and temperatures

above 63°C (145°F) the thermostat will remain partially
closed, diverting a portion of the flow directly to the tank. 0340
2—Pressure Relief Spring
3—Cooler Port
4—Inlet Port
5—Tank Port

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

Brake Pedal Valve

The brake pedal controls work / service brakes cylinders

hydraulically in the axles .

The Brake Pedal Valves are located on the cab floor.

Either pedal can be used depending on the direction the
seat is facing.

Brake Valve

The brake valve operates the service brake and work

brakes. The brake accumulators are charged from the
brake valve.


Bleeding the brake pedal


Brake valve bleed screw

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

The Brake Valve includes:

• Brake Supply pressure Switch, 238

• Brake Pressure Test Points 246 and 247

Boom Control Valve

Boom Control ValveThe boom control valve solenoids
control the following functions:

• 770D / 1070D: sideways levelling left /right (optional)
• Boom slew CW / CCW
• Main boom up / down Brake valve, section view
• Outer boom out / in
• Extension boom out / in
• Rotator CW / CCW 251
• Steering left / right 246 0340
• Boom tilt In / out 247 11

The boom control valve is located in front frame.

1—Adjusting screw
2—Protective cover
3—Release screw
4—Locking nut
5—Four screws
6—Piston 238


Brake valve


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

Machine model 770D 1070D 1270D 1470D

Boom Control valve model VOAC / ParkerL90LS VOAC / ParkerL90LS VOAC/ Parker K170 VOAC/ Parker K170
Spool Valve Sections 7 pcs 7 pcs 7 pcs 7 pcs
Main Relief Valve 26 MPa (3100 psi)
Outer Port Reliefs (2) 23.0 MPa (3100 psi)
Harvester head Close Port
25 MPa (2625 psi)
Harvester head Open Port
25 MPa (2625 psi)
Extension Boom Port
25 MPa (2625 psi)
Reliefs (2)
Harvester Head Rotator
25 MPa (2625 psi)
Port Reliefs(2)
Main Boom Port relief (A
25 MPa (2625 psi)
port only)
03 Steering Section Port
0340 25 MPa (2625 psi)
reliefs (2)
Return Counter Pressure
5 Mpa (73psi)
Load Sense Signal
0.7 mm
Pressure Restrictor Orifice
Pilot Presure Regulator
3.5 Mpa (508psi)
Slew Section Pilot
1.0 / 1.0 mm
Restrictors (2)
Outer Section Pilot
A 1.0 / B 0.6 mm
Restrictors (2)
Harvester head
Open/Close Section Pilot 1.5 / 1.5 mm
Restrictors (2)
Extension Boom Section
1.0 / 1.0 mm
Pilot Restrictors (2)
Harvester head Rotator
1.2 / 1.2 mm
Section Pilot Restrictors (2)
Main Boom Raise Function
1.0 / 1.0 mm
Pilot Restrictor
Main Boom Lower Function
1.2 / 1.2 mm
Pilot Restrictor
Steering pilot restrictors
Steering Section Pilot
are in separate pilot
Restrictors (2)
valve block
Slew port feed reduction
21.5 Mpa(3118 psi)
Harvester head open port
17 Mpa(2465 psi)
feed reduction setting
Harvester head close port
19 Mpa(2577 psi)
feed reduction setting

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002A8 –19–09JAN01–7/11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

All Solenoids 27 volts

Solenoid Y66L Steering Left
Solenoid Y66R Steering Right
Harvester Head Rotate
Solenoid Y409
Solenoid Y418 Boom Extension Ext
Solenoid Y419 Extension Retr
Solenoid Y420 Main Boom Raise
Solenoid Y421 Main Boom Lower
Solenoid Y422 Outer Boom Raise
Solenoid Y423 Outer Boom Lower
Boom Slew
Solenoid Y424
Solenoid Y425 Boom Slew Clockwise
Hydraulic fluid from the pump is supplied through the inlet 0340
port P1 and distributed through connecting oil galleries in
the individual valve sections. The inlet section is equipped
with a main relief valve to protect the pump and inlet side
of the valve. The relief valve is non-adjustable and set at
23.0 MPa (3100 psi).

The load sensing signal system consists of the

interconnected shuttle valves. These shuttle valves
compare the load signal from the seven spool sections
and the dominating signal is transmitted to the LS port in
the inlet section and through an externally connected
restrictor to the compensator on the work pump. Load
sense signal pressure can be checked at the MC2 test

Each spool section is equipped with a double-acting spool

that is blocked in neutral. The spools are designed for
their specific functions and not interchangeable.

The slew and the main boom spool sections are equipped
with a pressure compensator with check valve function in
the spool inlet. A restrictor is installed in the load sensing
line to the compensator. The remaining spool sections are
equipped with a load-hold check valve in the spool inlet.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002A8 –19–09JAN01–8/11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

The A and B ports in the jib, extension boom, Harvester

head rotator and steering sections as well as the A port in
the main boom section are equipped with port relief and
anti-cavitation check valves. The port reliefs are pre-set at
23.0 MPa (3100 psi) and non-adjustable. The A and B
ports in the slew section are equipped with anti-cavitation
check valves.

All spool sections are operated by hydraulic flow directed

through the pilot solenoid valves. These valves are
electro-hydraulic, proportionally controlled, with spring
centering to neutral position. To obtain to the required
pilot flow to each section as needed, a restrictor plate of
varying size is used with each solenoid valve.

Internal pilot pressure supply is built into the outlet

0340 section. The pilot regulator valve works as both a
14 pressure regulator and a pressure relief valve in the pilot
circuit. For safety reason the regulator cartridge is also
equipped with a separate safety valve function that
prevents the maximum permissible regulated pressure
from being exceeded. A check valve prevents pilot oil
from leaking back to the pump, enabling the pressure in
the pilot supply circuit to be maintained in the event of a
temporary fall in pump pressure, e.g. during a rapid
lowering movement.

A coarse filter with by-pass function is provided in the

internal pilot pressure supply. The filter protects the pilot
circuit from dirt, especially during start-up of the system.

A non-adjustable counter pressure valve, ahead of exit

port T3, is provided to maintain a positive pressure of .5
MPa (73 psi) in the control valve main tank return. A
separate port, TP, provides tank return of the pilot flow.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002A8 –19–09JAN01–9/11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics

2—Boom tilt
3—Boom slew
5—Extension boom
6—Main boom
7—Parallel boom


770D and 1070D Boom control valve sections

OUTJ003,00002A8 –19–09JAN01–10/11

The boom control valve is a modular valve composed of

seven work (spool) sections, an inlet and an outlet section
assembled into a single valve bank.

NOTE: Port relief cartridges are used on all valve

sections except Slew section A and B ports and
Main Boom section B port.

The Harvester head Open/close section includes

two pressure relief adjustment screws.

1—Parallel boom
2—Main boom
3—Extension boom

5—Boom slew
6—Boom tilt

1270D and 1470D Boom control valve sections

OUTJ003,00002A8 –19–09JAN01–11/11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working hydraulics


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0340-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0350
Working Hydraulics-service
About this group

This group includes installation and removing instructions

for working hydraulics components.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.


OUTJ003,00002B7 –19–10JAN01–1/1

Service Equipment and Tools


Used to heat piston to release Loctite during cylinder


OUTJ003,000034B –19–22JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Work Pump Removal and Installation



IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.Cap hydraulic
ports, hoses, and fittings immediately
03 after removal
Failure to follow these procedures may
lead to equipment damage.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Drain the hydraulic tank of fluid.

2. Tag and remove the outlet, inlet, case drain and load
sense hoses from the work pump. Cap the hoses ends
and plug the ports to prevent contamination and to
reduce spills.

3. Attach a suitable lifting device to the pump.

4. Remove the screws securing the work pump to the

Hydrostatic Drive Pump and remove the work pump.

5. Install the work pump in reverse order of removal.

Tighten the pump mounting screws to the specified

OUTJ003,000031F –19–21JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Drive Shaft Seal Replacement

1. Use pliers to remove retaining ring.

2. Remove seal.

NOTE: Grind screwdriver to make tool to remove seal.
Take care to avoid damaging seal seat.

3. Inspect seal seat on driveshaft.

4. Apply grease to new seal.
Drive Shaft Seal and Retaining Ring exploded view
5. Use cylindrical installation tool to press in seal.

NOTE: Do not press seal in too far. The seal will be

damaged if it is installed in contact with the 0350
bearing. 3

6. Use pliers to install retaining ring.

1—Retaining Ring
2—Drive Shaft Seal

An Example of Drive Shaft Seal, Retaining Ring and Bearing section

OUTJ003,00006CD –19–29MAY01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Work Pump Disassembly and Assembly


1—Retaining Ring 9—Adjusting Shim 16—Port Plate 24—Pin
2—Drive Shaft Seal 10—Rear Tapered Roller 17—Capscrew 25—Retaining Ball
3—Housing Bearing 18—Rotary Group 26—Retaining Plate
4—O-ring 11—Disc 19—Control Plate 27—Pistons
5—Front Tapered Roller 12—O-ring 20—Retaining Ring 28—Control Piston Bearing
Bearing 13—Dowel Pin 21—Washer 29—Swashplate
6—Stroking Piston 14—Control Piston 22—Center Spring 30—Drive Shaft
7—Spring 15—Control Piston Guide 23—Cylinder Barrel 31—Swashplate Bearings
8—Stoking Piston Guide

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–1/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Work Pump Disassembly

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic

and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Mark the position of the port plate to ease re-assembly.

2. Remove the capscrews retaining the port plate. Lift off 1—Housing
2—Port Plate
the port plate.
NOTE: The control valve and control plate are removed 0350
with the port plate. Hold the control plate when 5
removing the port plate to prevent parts from
falling out.

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–2/39

3. Remove the inner race of the rear bearing and the

adjustment shim from the drive shaft.

1—Drive Shaft
2—Adjustment Shim
3—Inner race of Rear Tapered Roller Bearing

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–3/39

4. Remove the rotary group from the housing.

1—Rotary Group

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–4/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

5. Remove the o-ring from the housing.


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–5/39

6. Remove the swashplate bearings from the housing.

1—Swashplate Bearings

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–6/39

7. Use a bearing puller to remove the outer race of the

front bearing from the housing.

1—Outer Race of Front Tapered Roller Bearing


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–7/39

8. Remove the drive shaft seal and retaining ring.

1—Retaining Ring
2—Drive Shaft Seal

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–8/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

9. Remove the control plate from the port plate.

1—Control Plate
2—Port Plate

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–9/39

10. Use a bearing puller to remove the outer race of the

rear bearing from the port plate. 03
1—Outer Race of Rear Tapered Roller Bearing

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–10/39

11. Remove the o-rings from the port plate.

1—Port Plate O-rings


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–11/39

12. Remove the control piston and guide from the port

NOTE: The control piston is located on the pilot valve

side of the port plate.

1—Control Piston
2—Control Piston Guide

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–12/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

13. Remove the stroking piston, guide and spring from

the port plate.

1—Stroking Piston
3—Stroking Piston Guide

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–13/39

14. Remove the drive shaft and swashplate from the

03 rotary group.
1—Drive Shaft
3—Rotary Group

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–14/39

15. Remove the pistons and retaining plate from the

cylinder barrel.

2—Retaining Plate
3—Cylinder Barrel

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–15/39

16. Remove the retaining ball from the cylinder barrel.

1—Retaining Ball
2—Cylinder Barrel

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–16/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

17. Compress the center spring and remove the retaining


NOTE: The spring can be compressed using a bolt, nut

and washers.

Remove the center spring and washers from the
cylinder barrel.

1—Cylinder Barrel

3—Center Spring
4—Retaining Ring


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–17/39

18. Remove the pins from the cylinder barrel.

2—Cylinder Barrel

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–18/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Work Pump Component Inspection

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic

and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

Inspect all work pump components for wear. Replace any
worn or damaged parts as necessary.
1—Control Piston Bearing
The piston sliding surface of the swashplate can be
reground if lightly worn. Do not press out the control
0350 piston and stroking piston bearings.

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–19/39

The contacting surfaces of the control plate and cylinder

barrel can be reground if lightly worn. Use No. 1000 paper
to finish surfaces. Surfaces must be completely flat and


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–20/39

Ensure that the control piston slides smoothly in the


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–21/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Ensure that the stroking piston slides smoothly in the


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–22/39

Work Pump Assembly

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be 0350
observed when working on any 11
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic

and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Clean and lubricate components before assembly.

Replace all seals and o-rings with new parts. Lubricate 1—Pins
2—Cylinder Barrel
o-rings with grease before installing.

2. Install the pins in the cylinder barrel.

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–23/39

3. Install the spring and washers in the cylinder barrel.

4. Compress the center spring and install the retaining


NOTE: The spring can be compressed using a bolt, nut


and washers.

1—Cylinder Barrel

3—Center Spring
4—Retaining Ring

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–24/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

5. Install the retaining ball in the cylinder barrel.

1—Retaining Ball
2—Cylinder Barrel

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–25/39

6. Install the pistons and retaining plate in the cylinder

03 barrel.
2—Retaining Plate
3—Cylinder Barrel

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–26/39

7. Install the drive shaft and swashplate on the rotary


1—Drive Shaft
3—Rotary Group


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–27/39

8. Apply LOCTITE to control piston guide. Install the

control piston and guide on the port plate.

NOTE: The control piston is located on the pilot valve

side of the port plate.

1—Control Piston
2—Control Piston Guide

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–28/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

9. Apply LOCTITE to stroking piston guide. Install the

stroking piston guide and spring on the port plate.

1—Stroking Piston
3—Stroking Piston Guide

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–29/39

10. Install new o-rings on the port plate.

1—Port Plate O-rings

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–30/39

11. Press the outer race of the rear bearing into the port

1—Outer Race of Rear Tapered Roller Bearing


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–31/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

12. Install the control plate on the port plate.

NOTE: The control plate must be aligned as shown. For

clockwise rotation of the pump, the control plate is
positioned 4° to clockwise.

1—Control Plate
2—Port Plate


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–32/39

13. Install the retaining ring and drive shaft seal in the

1—Retaining Ring
2—Drive Shaft Seal


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–33/39

14. Press the outer race of the front bearing into the

1—Outer Race of Front Tapered Roller Bearing


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–34/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

15. Install the swashplate bearings in the housing.

1—Swashplate Bearings

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–35/39

16. Install a new o-ring on the housing.


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–36/39

17. Install the rotary group in the housing.

NOTE: The swashplate must be installed with the

lubrication bore on the high pressure side.

1—Rotary Group

2—Swashplate Lubrication Bore


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–37/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

18. Install the adjustment shim and press the inner race
of the rear bearing on the drive shaft.

1—Drive Shaft
2—Adjustment Shim
3—Inner race of Rear Tapered Roller Bearing

OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–38/39

19. Install the port plate on the housing. Install the

03 capscrews retaining the port plate.
16 NOTE: The control valve and control plate are installed
with the port plate. Hold the control plate when
installing the port plate to prevent parts from

falling out.

2—Port Plate


OUTJ003,0000320 –19–21JAN01–39/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Hydraulic Pressure Filter Replacement

A Hydraulic Pressure Filter is installed after the work

pump. The 50 micron filter is cleanable; there should be
no need to replace it. The filter should be cleaned in the
event of hydraulic system contamination or pump damage.

CAUTION: Before working on the hydraulics,

park the machine on a level surface, and
harvester head to the ground, shut off the
engine and block the wheels.

Failure to take adequate safety precautions can

lead to serious personal injury.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be 03

observed when working on any 0350
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Clean the filter cover and immediate

area before disassembly.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

NOTE: The pressure filter can be cleaned when clogged

and, under normal circumstances, should not
require replacement. Clean or replace the
pressure filter only after hydraulic system
contamination or work pump damage.

1. Turn filter counterclockwise to remove.

2. Clean mounting surface. Apply thin film of oil to gasket

of new filter.

3. Install new filter. Turn the filter by hand until the seal
makes contact with the base. Use a filter wrench to
turn the filter 30° further.

4. Start engine. Check for leaks around the filter base.

Tighten filter only enough to stop leaks.

5. Stop engine.

Continued on next page JK11466,000005E –19–17DEC02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

6. Check oil level at sight glass on hydraulic tank. Add oil,

if necessary. See Section 00, Group 0004, Fuels and
Lubricants, for recommended hydraulic fluids.

JK11466,000005E –19–17DEC02–2/2

Return Filter Replacement

The return filter is equipped with a by-pass set at 150 kPa

(22 psi). If the filter is clogged, a spring valve will allow oil
to flow directly into the tank.

The filter restriction pressure switch (W84) is set to close

at 130 kPa (18 psi) activating an indicator light in the cab.
03 This warning will indicate a clogged filter before the filter
0350 is by-passed.
NOTE: When the machine is initially started up in cold
conditions, the filter restriction indicator may light
up. The light should go out as the machine warms
up. If the light stays on after warm up, check the

A fluid level sensor (W81) is installed in the side of the

tank. This switch will close and activate indicator in the
TMC screen if the auricle fluid level drops below

A fluid temperature sensor (W80A) is also installed in the

side of the tank. This switch will close and activate
indicator in the TMC screen if the temperature of the
auricle fluid rises above 80°C (176°F).

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000346 –19–22JAN01–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

NOTE: When filling the tank, retract the Boom cylinders

before checking the oil level in the tank.

Always fill the tank using the filler coupling to

ensure the oil is filtered before entering the

Do not exceed the MAX level mark. The air space

allows the level to change during operations.

Do not mix different types of oil. See the Fluids

and Lubricants Specifications for recommended
hydraulic fluid.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to 0350
prevent contamination of the hydraulic 19
and hydrostatic systems.

Clean the filter cover and immediate

area before disassembly. Cover the
housing opening immediately after
removing the filter to prevent

contamination of the hydraulic tank and

Failure to follow these procedures may 1—Screw

lead to equipment damage. 2—Cover
NOTE: The bypass valve is part of the element. The 5—Filter Element
entire assembly is disposable. 6—Sump Cup
7—Oil Baffle
1. Open the vent on top of the tank to equalize the tank 8—O-ring
pressure with the ambient air pressure.

2. Remove the cover and filter assembly.

NOTE: The housing cover is under spring pressure,

requiring that the attaching screws be carefully
removed before the cover is lifted off the housing.

3. Remove the sump cup from the filter assembly.

Discard the old filter element.

4. Clean the sump cup and install it on the new filter.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000346 –19–22JAN01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

5. Reassemble the filter assembly, ensuring that the

spring on top of the filter element is securely installed.

6. Insert the filter assembly into the tank. Install the

housing cover using a new o-ring.

NOTE: It is recommended that the tank breather be

regularly inspected and cleaned.

OUTJ003,0000346 –19–22JAN01–3/3


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Hydraulic Tank Removal

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Drain the hydraulic tank using the drain hose.

2. Tag and disconnect the work pump suction line, the

supply pump inlet line and the drain hose at the tank.
Cap the hoses and plug the ports.
3. Disconnect the wires to the temperature and level 21

4. Disconnect the return lines at the return filter head.
1—Sight glass
2—Filling pump
3—Quick coupler

4—Switch, filling pump
5—Vacuum pump
6—Drain hose
7—Vent plug


OUTJ003,0000347 –19–22JAN01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-21 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Extension Cylinder Service



An example of extension cylinder service

1—Cylinder Tube 7—Scraper Ring 13—Ring 18—Support Ring

2—Support 8—Piston 14—Bushing 19—O-ring
3—Support Screw 9—Piston Seal 15—Bushing 20—Ring
4—Bushing 10—Plug 16—Seal Ring 21—O-ring
5—Piston Rod 11—Seal 17—Ring 22—Lock Nut
6—cylinder Cover 12—Set Screw

Continued on next page JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–1/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

NOTE: See section 00 for all Specifications and group 2. Fasten cylinder in vise. Do not distort the cylinder
0030 for tightenin torques tube.

1. Extend manually the piston rod to remove any oil

from the cylinder.

JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–2/6

3. Loosen the cylinder cover.

4. Pull the piston rod assembly out of the cylinder tube 0350
5. Fasten the piston rod assembly in a vise.

JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–3/6

6. Remove the piston seal and the set screw.

7. If necessary to defeat the LOCTITE, heat the piston

with a torch for 3 to 5 minutes until the material stays
dark red. The O-ring under the piston will be destroyed
by the heating and will have to be replaced.

CAUTION: When heating the piston, high
pressure may form from the LOCTITE. This
pressure may cause the piston to split or
Cylinder Piston Locking Ring
Use caution to prevent personal injury.

CAUTION: Use care when handling heated

piston, in order to prevent burns.

8. Unscrew the piston to remove it from the piston rod.

Slide the cylinder cap off the piston rod.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–4/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-23 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

9. Clean and inspect the piston and cylinder cap.

10. Replace the seals on the piston. Replace the O-ring

inside the piston.

11. Replace the O-ring on the outside of the cylinder


12. Disassemble the cylinder cap. Remove the scraper

ring, seal and O-rings.

13. Replace the seal on the cylinder cap.

14. Assemble the O-ring, scraper ring and seal inside the
cylinder cap.
0350 15. Replace the O-ring on the outside of the cylinder cap.
16. Lubricate the rod and slide the cylinder head into

17. Apply Loctite 242 and thread the piston onto the
piston rod. Torque to 180 Nm. Install the set
screwLOCTITE 242 to the piston rod threads. Install
the piston onto the piston rod. Torque to the 180 Nm
(132.7 lb-ft). Install the set screw.

18. Lubricate the piston and cylinder tube. Push the

piston rod assembly into the cylinder tube.

19. Clean and inspect the piston rod. Remove old

LOCTITE from threads.

20. Remove the seals and guide rings.

21. Re-install the scraper ring and guide rings with new

22. Thread the cylinder cap into the cylinder tube and

23. Replace the bushings at the both ends of the cylinder.

Strike out the old bushing. Insert a new bushing.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-24 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

24. Inspect the cylinder supports. Replace if necessary.

JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–6/6


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-25 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Main Boom Cylinder Service


Boom cylinders

1—Bushing 6—Seal 10—O-ring 14—Cylinder Barrel

2—Grease Fitting 7—Guide Ring (3 pcs.) 11—Piston 15—Bushing
3—Piston Rod 8—Cylinder Head 12—Guide Rings 16—Plug
4—Scraper Ring 9—O-ring 13—Seal 17—Bushing
5—Guide Ring

NOTE: See Section 00 for all Specifications and 3. Loosen cylinder head.
tightenin torques
4. Pull the piston rod assembly out of the cylinder
1. Extend manually the piston rod to remove any oil barrel. Fasten the piston rod assembly in a vise.
from the cylinder.
5. Remove the seal and guide rings from the outside
2. Fasten cylinder in vise. Do not distort the cylinder of the piston.

Continued on next page JK11466,0000055 –19–16DEC02–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-26 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

6. Bend up the tab retaining the piston to the piston rod.

7. If necessary to defeat the LOCTITE, heat the piston

with a torch for 3 to 5 minutes until the material stays
dark red. The O-ring under the piston will be destroyed
by the heating and will have to be replaced.

CAUTION: When heating the piston, high
pressure may form from the LOCTITE. This
pressure may cause the piston to split or

Cylinder Piston Locking Tab
Use caution to prevent personal injury.

CAUTION: Use care when handling heated

piston, in order to prevent burns. 0350
8. Unscrew the piston to remove it from the piston rod.
Slide the cylinder head off the piston rod.

9. Clean and inspect the piston. Remove old LOCTITE

from threads. Replace the O-ring inside the piston.
Install the guide rings and new seal on the outside of
the piston.

10. Clean and inspect the cylinder head. Remove and

replace the O-ring on the outside of the cylinder head.
Remove the seal and guide rings. Re-install the
scraper ring and guide rings with a new seal.

11. Clean and inspect the piston rod. Remove old

LOCTITE from threads.

12. Lubricate the rod and slide the cylinder head into

13. Apply LOCTITE 270 to the piston rod threads. Install

the piston onto the piston rod. Tighten the piston to
the specified torque. Bend one locking tab into place.

14. Lubricate the piston rod assembly and the cylinder

barrel. Push the piston rod assembly into the cylinder

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page JK11466,0000055 –19–16DEC02–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-27 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

15. Thread the cylinder head into the cylinder barrel and

16. Replace the bushings at both ends of the cylinder.

Install the bushings with the slot facing down.

JK11466,0000055 –19–16DEC02–3/3


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-28 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Outer Cylinder Servicing



Outer Boom Cylinder

1—Cylinder Tube . 6—Piston Rod Seal 11—Support Ring 16—Bushing

2—Piston Rod 7—Piston Rod Seal 12— O-ring 17—Set Screw
3—Cylinder Cover 8— Guide Ring 13—O-ring 18—Grease Nipple
4—Piston 9—Guide Ring 14—Bearing Bushing 19— Bearing Bushing
5—Piston Seal 10— Scraper Ring 15— Bearing Bushing 20— Plug

Continued on next page JK11466,0000001 –19–13NOV02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-29 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be pressure may cause the piston to split or
observed when working on any separate.
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the 7. Remove the piston and the cylinder cover.
hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.
8. Clean and inspect the piston and piston rod cylinder
Failure to follow these procedures cover.
may lead to equipment damage.
9. Replace the seals on the piston.
NOTE: See Section 00 for all Specifications and
tightenin torques 10. Replace the O-ring inside the piston.

1. Extend manually the piston rod to remove any oil 11. Disassemble the cylinder cover and remove the
from the cylinder. scraper ring, seal and O-ring.

2. Fasten the cylinder in a vise. Do not distort the 12. Replace the seals on the cylinder cover. Assemble
0350 cylinder tube. the O-ring, scraper ring and seal inside the
30 cylinder cover. Replace the O-ring on the outside
3. Loosen the cylinder cover. of the cylinder cover.

4. Pull the piston rod assembly out of the cylinder 13. Lubricate the rod and slide the cylinder cover into
tube. place. .

5. Fasten the piston rod assembly in a vise. Remove 14. Apply Loctite 270 and thread the piston onto the
the piston seal and guide rings from the outside of piston rod. Torque to 1890 Nm. Lubricate the
the piston. piston and cylinder tube. Push the piston rod
assembly into the cylinder tube.
6. If necessary heat the piston with a torch for 3 to 5
minutes until the material stays dark red. The 15. Thread the cylinder cover into the cylinder tube
O-ring under the piston will be destroyed by the and tighten it.
heating and will have to be replaced.
16. Replace the bushings at the both ends of the
cylinder. Strike out the old bushing. Insert a new
CAUTION: When heating the piston, high
pressure may form from the Loctite. This

JK11466,0000001 –19–13NOV02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-30 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-31 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Cylinder seal replacement



Hydraulic Cylinder
Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–1/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-32 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

1—Piston Rod 4—Guide 7—Seal 10—Piston

2—Spherical Bearing 5—Rod Guide 8—Piston Seal 11—Set Screw
3—Scraper Ring 6—O-ring 9—O-ring 12—Cylinder Barrel

OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–2/6

NOTE: A seal kit is available for repairs.

The kit contains: Item 3. Scraper Ring; Item 4.

Guide (2); Item 6. O-ring; Item 7. Seal

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC). Some
tools may be available from a local supplier. 03

CAUTION: When heating the piston, high
pressure may form from the Loctite. This
pressure may cause the piston to split or

1. Fasten cylinder in vise. Do not distort cylinder tube.

2. Loosen the rod guide.

3. Pull the piston rod assembly from the cylinder barrel.

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–3/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-33 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

4. Fasten the piston rod assembly in a vise.

Remove the piston seal and set screw.

CAUTION: When heating the piston, high

pressure may form from the Loctite. This

pressure may cause the piston to split or

Use caution to avoid risk of personal injury.

5. If necessary, apply heat to defeat the Loctite on the
piston threads. Heat the piston with a torch for 3 to 5
minutes until the material stays dark red. The o-ring
under the piston will be destroyed by the heating and
03 will have to be replaced.
6. Remove the piston.

7. Remove the rod guide.

OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–4/6

8. Replace the seal and o-ring on the piston.

3—Piston Seal


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-34 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

9. Disassemble the rod guide. Remove the guides, seal

and scraper ring.

10. Replace the seals on the rod guide. Assemble the

scraper ring, seal and guides inside the rod guide.
Replace the o-ring on the outside of the rod guide.

11. Lubricate the rod and slide the rod guide into place.

12. Apply LOCTITE 275 and thread the piston onto the

piston rod. Tighten the piston to the specified torque.
Install the set screw.

13. Lubricate the piston and the cylinder barrel. Push the 1—Rod Guide
piston rod assembly into the cylinder barrel.
3—Scraper Ring
4—Seal 03
14. Thread the rod guide into the cylinder barrel and 5—O-ring 0350
tighten. 35

15. Tack weld to lock the top nut.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,00002B8 –19–10JAN01–6/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-35 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Auxiliary Valve Removal and Installation

Auxiliary Valve Removal

NOTE: The Auxiliary Valve and the Brake Valve are

removed together as an assembly.

1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the

parking brake. Stow the Boom. Shut down the engine.

Install the frame locking bar to prevent accidental

articulation. Block the wheels to prevent accidental
movement of the machine.

Open the vent tap on the hydraulic tank to release the

pressure to the hydraulic system.
36 Main switch OFF.

2. Tag and disconnect wiring harness connections at

Auxiliary Valve and the Brake Valve.

CAUTION: Do not disconnect any brake system

hose joints before all pressure has been
released from the accumulators. Hydraulic fluid
released under pressure can penetrate the skin
causing serious personal injury.

Brake system pressure must be removed by

brake pedal.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

3. Tag and disconnect hoses at Auxiliary Valve and Brake

Valve. Cap the hoses and plug the ports.

4. Remove the screws securing the bracket. Lift the

valves and bracket assembly off machine.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000329 –19–21JAN01–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-36 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

5. Remove the auxiliary valve from the bracket for


Auxiliary Valve Installation

1. Assemble the Auxiliary valve on the bracket.

Install the four M8 x 75 screws and tighten to the

specified torque.

2. Install the valves and bracket assembly on the frame.

Tighten the M12 x 25 screws to the specified torque.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000329 –19–21JAN01–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-37 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


M1—Test Port MP1 — System PJ—Flow to Brake Valve A6—Flow to Rear Parking A4—Flow to Low Gear Select
High Pressure LS1—Load Sense Signal from Brakes B4—Flow to High Gear Select
M2—Test Port MP2 — Brake Valve PR—Flow to Hydrostatic Drive A5—Flow to Frame Brake
Auxiliary Functions LS2—Load Sense Signal from System B5—Flow from tee on Main
M3—Test Port MP3 — Load boom Control Valve T—Tank Return Boom Raise Line
Sense Signal LS3—Load Sense Signal to A1—Flow to Front Differential P1—Plugged (Flow to Frame
A6 (Top)—Pressure Switch Work Pump Pressure Lock Brake on Four-Wheel
W41A — Parking Compensator Valve A2—Flow to Rear Differential Short Frame Only)
Brakes M4—Test Port MB1 — Parking Lock T1—Plugged
P—Flow from Working Pump Brake Pressure A3—Flow to Rear Wheel Drive
Outlet A6—Flow to Front Parking Engage

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be Failure to follow these procedures

observed when working on any may lead to equipment damage.
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the 3. Connect hoses at the valve.
hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000329 –19–21JAN01–3/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-38 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


Auxiliary Valve Electrical Connections

B5—Pressure Switch, Parking Y33F—Solenoid, Front Axle Y39—Solenoid, Rear Drive Y46—Solenoid, High Gear
Brake (W41A) Differential Lock Disengage Select
Y208—Solenoid, Constant Y33B—Solenoid, Rear Axle Y45—Solenoid, Low Gear Y65—Solenoid, Frame Brake
Pressure Differential Lock Select Release
Y41—Solenoid, Parking Brake

4. Connect the wiring harness connectors at the valve. 5. Connect the hydraulic hoses at the brake valve.

OUTJ003,0000329 –19–21JAN01–4/5

6. Connect the electrical wiring connectors at the brake


7. Bleed the brakes. See for example Operator‘s manual

F063723 for the procedures.

B3—Brake Supply pressure Switch

Y44—Work Pump Unloading Solenoid

Brake Valve Electrical Connections

OUTJ003,0000329 –19–21JAN01–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-39 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Boom Control Valve Removal and installation

To remove the boom controll valve see the following 7. Remove the screws, washers, spacers and nuts
instructions: securing the valve to the bracket. Remove the valve
from the bracket.
1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the
parking brake. Stow the Boom. Shut down the To install the boom controll valve see the following
engine. instructions:

Install the frame locking bar to prevent accidental

CAUTION: Use appropriate support, slings
articulation. Block the wheels to prevent accidental
and lifting device when lifting the valve.
movement of the machine.
Failure to follow proper safety procedures
Open the vent tap on the hydraulic tank to release
can lead to risk of personal injury or
the pressure to the hydraulic system.
equipment damage
0350 Main switch OFF.
1. Position the valve on the bracket. Install the screws,
spacer, washers and nuts as shown. Tighten the
2. Remove the cover over the boom control valve.
screws to the specified torque.
3. Tag and disconnect the wiring harness connectors.
2. Use a suitable overhead lifting device to position
the valve and bracket on the hydraulic tank
4. Tag and disconnect the hydraulic hoses. Cap the
hoses and plug the ports.

5. Use a sling to attach a suitable lifting device to the

valve and bracket assembly.

6. Remove the four screws securing the boom bracket

to the hydraulic tank weldment. Lift the valve and
bracket assembly off the machine.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000327 –19–21JAN01–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-40 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service



Boom Control Valve Hose Connections

T—Harvester head Rotate A2—Outer Lower A5—Harvester head Rotate B6—Main Boom Lower
Motor Case Drain Return B2—Outer Raise Counterclockwise A7—Steer Right
P1—Pressure from Work A3—Harvester head Close B5—Harvester head Rotate B7—Steer Left
Pump B3—Harvester head Open Clockwise TP—Pilot Return to Tank
A1—Slew Clockwise A4—Extension Extend A6—Main Boom Raise T3—Return to Tank
B1—Slew Counterclockwise B4—Extension Retract

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000327 –19–21JAN01–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-41 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be Failure to follow these procedures

observed when working on any may lead to equipment damage.
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the 3. Install the hoses on the valve.
hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000327 –19–21JAN01–3/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-42 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


Boom Control Valve Electrical Connections

4. Install the wiring harness connectors on the valve.

Valve Sections and Solenoids

Solenoid Function Valve Spool
Y424 Slew CCW 1
Y425 Slew CW 1
Y422 Outer Boom Raise 2
Y423 Outer Boom Lower 2
Y416 Harvester head Open 3
Y417 Harvester head Close 3
Y418 Extension Boom Retract 4
Y419 Extension Boom Extend 4
Y409 Harvester head Rotate CCW 5
Y408 Harvester head Rotate CW 5
Y421 Main Boom Lower 6
Y420 Main Boom Raise 6
Y66L Steering Left 7
Y66R Steering Right 7

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000327 –19–21JAN01–4/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-43 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

NOTE: The solenoid numbers are printed on the


5. Install the valve cover. Install four screws and

washers securing the cover. Tighten the screws to
the specified torque.

OUTJ003,0000327 –19–21JAN01–5/5

Boom Control Valve Disassembly and

03 Assembly
Valve Sections and Solenoids

Valve Sections and Solenoids

Solenoid Valve Section Port Relief Function Restrictors
Y424 1 B Slew CCW 1.2 mm
Y425 1 A Slew CW 1.2 mm
Y422 2 B Outer Boom Raise 0.06 mm
Y423 2 A Outer Boom Lower 0.06 mm
Y416 3 B Harvester head Open 1.2 mm
Y417 3 A Harvester head Close 1.2 mm
Y418 4 B Extension Boom Retract 0.08 mm
Y419 4 A Extension Boom Extend 0.08 mm
Y409 5 B Harvester head Rotate CCW 1.2 mm
Y408 5 A Harvester head Rotate CW 1.2 mm
Y421 6 B Main Boom Lower 1.2 mm
Y420 6 A Main Boom Raise 0.08 mm
Y66L 7 B Steering Left 1.0 mm
Y66R 7 A Steering Right 1.0 mm

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–1/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-44 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


1—Inlet Section 3—Seals 5—Tie Rod 6—Nut
2—Typical Spool Section 4—Outlet Section

Tie Rods 3. Remove the nuts.

NOTE: If problems arise within a spool section, it is 4. Leave the rods in place and lift off each spool
recommended that the entire section be section one at a time to reach the problem section.
5. Inspect the seals and replace as necessary.
1. Support the valve in a vertical position.

2. Loosen each tie rod nut a little at a time in turn.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–2/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-45 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

When re-assembling the valve, tighten all three tie rods in


1. Tighten each rod in turn to the first specified torque.

2. Next, tighten each rod in turn to the second specified


3. Last, tighten each rod in turn to the final specified


Tie Rod Tightening Sequence


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–3/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-46 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


Boom Control Valve, Inlet Section Exploded View

Inlet Section the valve. These designations are referred to

in any material from the manufacturer as well
NOTE: Designations are used by the valve as in the Parts Catalog.
manufacturer to indicate features included in
the valve. These designations are referred to NOTE: Each spool section is designed for a specific
in any material from the manufacturer as well function. The spool sections are not
as in the Parts Catalog. interchangeable.

Typical Spool Section

NOTE: Designations are used by the valve

manufacturer to indicate features included in

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–4/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-47 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


Boom Control Valve, Outlet Section Exploded View

Outlet Section the valve. These designations are referred to

in any material from the manufacturer as well
NOTE: Designations are used by the valve as in the Parts Catalog.
manufacturer to indicate features included in

Boom Control Valve, Outlet Section

US Standard End Section
LSPB End section load sense signal port plugged
MF Counterpressure Valve preset to 0.5 MPa (73 psi)
T3 Tank connection T3 open
R Internal Pilot Pressure Supply. Pressure regulating/pressure relief valve in pilot circuit includes safety valve to protect
pilot circuits. A check valve to prevents pilot oil from flowing back to the pump therefore maintains pressure in pilot
circuit when pump output pressure temporarily drops.
S Pilot Filter. Coarse filter with by-pass function on internal pilot supply
TP Separate pilot system connection to tank. Pilot system not connected to main gallery to protect it from pressure spikes
in main tank line
MC1 PS port. Pilot Pressure Test Port

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–5/7

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Working Hydraulics-service



Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–6/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-49 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Hydraulic Fittings

Boom Control Valve, Hydraulic Fittings

Port Description
A1 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
A2 Fitting Parker F40XS20-1/2
A3 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
A4 Fitting Parker F40XS20-1/2
A5 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
A6 Fitting Parker F40XS20-1/2
A7 Fitting Parker F40XS12-1/2
B1 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
B2 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
B3 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
B4 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
50 B5 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
B6 Fitting Parker F40XS16-1/2
B7 Fitting Parker F40XS12-1/2
T Fitting Parker F40XS20-3/4
P1 Fitting Parker 16-12F40XS
Elbow Parker 16CMXS
LS Fitting Parker F40XS10-1/4
Restrictor Monsun 0.07 mm Dia.
Fitting N/A N/A
Elbow Parker C6XS10
PL Test Fitting Hydrotecknic 2103-79-5100
PS Fitting Parker F40XS10-1/4
Elbow Parker C6XS10
Coupling Nut Parker TT4XS10-1/4
Test Fitting Hydrotecknic 2103-79-5100
TP Fitting Parker F40XS10-3/8
P2 Plug 1/2"
T3 Fitting Parker F40XS20-3/4
Elbow Parker V6XS20

OUTJ003,0000328 –19–21JAN01–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-50 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service

Thermostat Valve Removal and Installation

1. Disconnect the hose fitting on top of the thermostat


NOTE: Connect the suction hose of a wet-dry ’Shop Vac’

to the filler coupling on the hydraulic tank when
disconnecting the hydraulic hose to the thermostat
valve. The Shop Vac will produce sufficient
vacuum to reduce the oil leakage to a minimum.

2. Remove the top of thermostat valve and replace the


3. Replace the top of thermostat valve.

4. Connect the hose fitting on top of the thermostat valve. 0350
5. Start engine and check system for oil leaks.

6. Loosen the hose fitting on top of the thermostat valve

to bleed any air trapped in the cooler.

7. Check the oil level in hydraulic tank. Add fluid, as


JK11466,00000BF –19–07MAR03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-51 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics-service


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0350-52 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0360
Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting
Pressure Tests and Adjustments

See for example Operator‘s manual F063723 pages 5-4-1

to 5-4-6 For procedure Hydraulic system testing and

Maximum Work Pump Pressure

Maximum pressure limits of the working hydraulic pump

are electrically controlled via TMC. Working hydraulic
pump has also mechanical limit for maximum pressure.
Mechanical limit can be adjusted by using the adjusting
screw (261).

Mechanical pressure limit can be checked as follows:


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00002C6 –19–14JAN01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting

NOTE: For safety reasons it is imperative that two

persons carry out this check and adjustment!
1. Connect a 30 MPa gauge to the measuring point (255),
on the working pump.
2. Close the shut-off valve (209), on the pressure line to
the head.
3. Start the diesel engine and switch on Timbermatic
300. Switch on the boom and activate the saw
function. The pressure must be 28 MPa while saw
function is activated.

NOTE: Harvester head maximum pressure 28 MPa can

not be used with all head models.

0360 NOTE: If the pressure value is not high enought, and it
2 can not be rised by using adjusting screw (261),

contact an authorized service workshop.

NOTE: Maximum pressure of the boom is 24 MPa and

maximum pressure of the harvester head is 28
MPa. Pressures can be adjusted in TMC only by
an authorized service workshop.

NOTE: When checking the mechanic pressure limit, the
pressure value setting in TMC must be high
enough. Othervise it can be possible that
maximum pressure 28 MPa can not be reached. 252




OUTJ003,00002C6 –19–14JAN01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting

Hydraulic Function Cycle Times

The following are approximate hydraulic function operating

times. Operate one function at a time.

These figures are approximate and may vary slightly

according to the Harvester head and boom used. Use
these figures as guidelines only.

The hydraulic oil should be at normal operating


Set the engine speed to 1850 ± 50 RPM.

Set the Boom Speed Control potentiometer on the armrest

to 80% (3.80 on the Display Module).
NOTE: All decals are marked at 80% during 3
manufacturer’s testing. The mark will be small but
should be visible.

OUTJ003,0000481 –19–13FEB01–1/1

Boom / Steer Functions Pressures


The maximum pressure is the same for all boom and

steering functions

There are no adjustments for either the pilot control

pressure or the maximum pressure for all boom and
steering functions

The following two tests are performed to ensure that the

functions are working as required.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000106 –19–17DEC00–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting

Pilot Pressure

NOTE: The pilot control pressure cannot be adjusted. If a

problem is detected, replace the Pilot Regulator
Valve on the Boom Control Valve Assembly.


Connect a 30 MPa (4500 psi) gauge to pilot pressure

test port MC1 on the Boom Control Valve.

2. Run the engine at specified idle.
Boom Control Valve MC1
3. Check the pressure at test port MC1. The pressure
should be at the specified value.

OUTJ003,0000106 –19–17DEC00–2/3

Maximum Pressure


Connect a 30 MPa (4500 psi) gauge to pilot pressure

test port MC2 on the Boom Control Valve.

2. Run the engine at specified idle.

3. Turn the operator’s seat to the rear to enable the


4. Operate each of the other functions in turn, or just the Boom Control Valve MC2
specific function required. As each function is operated
to it’s extreme, the pressure must rise to the maximum
specified value.

NOTE: The pressures for steering and all other boom

functions are set at the same pressure reduction
valve. The steer pressure and the boom function
pressures cannot be adjusted separately.

Boom Control Valve CC1, CC2

OUTJ003,0000106 –19–17DEC00–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting

Hose Inspection and Replacement

Check hydraulic hoses and fittings for leaks and

indications of wear. Tighten fittings or replace hoses, as

All hydraulic lines (hoses) are sized to carry the required

flow rates at velocities low enough to eliminate excessive
pressure losses and heat generation.

Replacement hoses should not be a smaller diameter.

They must also be of a pressure rating equal to the one
being replaced.

Correct hose length and routing is essential to ensure

performance and hose life. When replacing hoses ensure
that the type of hose and fittings and the length of hose 0360
are exactly the same as those being replaced. 5

Kinked, stretched, twisted or pinched hoses will not

provide good performance or a long service life.

OUTJ003,0000574 –19–20MAR01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Working Hydraulics - Checking and adjusting

Cylinder Internal Seal Leak Test

settles slowly, oil may be bypassing the seals in the

CAUTION: Testing cylinders for internal
cylinder or the control valve.
leakage involves supporting hydraulic
implements from an overhead lifting device.
6. Replace the support holding the implement in a
Use appropriate support, slings and lifting
raised position.
devices to prevent personal injury or
equipment damage when lifting.
7. Carefully open the hose fitting on the "no load" side
of the cylinder. Drain the oil from the “no load” side
Implement functions can be slowed down if internal oil
of the cylinder into a suitable container.
leaks are occurring at a hydraulic cylinder or the valve.
8. After the initial draining, carefully and slowly release
With internal leakage, the implement will often creep
the support holding the implement in the raised
downward slowly, even when the control valve lever is
not being moved.
0360 If the piston seal in the cylinder is bypassing oil,
1. Run the engine at normal speed.
6 then oil will flow from the opened cylinder port.
2. Raise the implement normally using the machine
If no oil flows from the open port, but the load
continues to settle, then the leakage is between the
valve spool and body of the control valve section.
3. Support the implement in the raised position using
a suitable lifting device.
NOTE: It is also possible for a port relief valve to pass
oil if contaminants have entered it. Before
4. Stop the engine.
replacing a valve section, replace the port
relief valve.
5. Carefully and slowly release the support holding the
implement in the raised position. If the implement

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0360-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0370
Hydraulic Schematics
About This Group

This group of the manual contains hydraulic schematics,

hydraulic symbols description and a component
description after each schema

This group includes following hydraulic schematics:

• 770D
• 1070D
• 1270D
• 1470D

Each schematic has been divided into the following

• Boom hydraulics 0370
• Working hydraulics and brake control 1
• Transmission hydraulics
• Optional equipment

JK11466,00000BE –19–07MAR03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Hydraulic Scheme Symbols

1—Working Line (Main)
2—Pilot Line (Control)
3—Enclosure Outline
4—Hydraulic Flow Direction
5—Pneumatic Flow Direction
6—Lines Crossing on Schematic
7—Hoses Joining
8—Flexible Lines
9—Lines to Reservoir - Above Fluid Level
10—Lines to Reservoir - Below Fluid Level
11—Mechanical Connection (Rod, Shaft, Lever, etc.)



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols - Lines and Hoses

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1—Electric Motor
2—Accumulator - Spring Loaded
3—Accumulator - Gas Charged
4—Oil Heater
5—Oil Cooler
7—Pressure Switch



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1—Pressure Indicator
2—Temperature Indicator
3—Direction of Shaft Rotation
4—Component Enclosure
5—Test Port or Plug
6—Variable Component
7—Temperature Cause or Effect
8—Pressure Compensated Units
9—Reservoir Vented/Reservoir Pressurized



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1—Hydraulic Pump - Fixed Displacement

2—Hydraulic Pump - Variable Displacement
3—Hydraulic Pump - Bidirectional
4—Hydraulic Motor - Fixed Displacement
5—Hydraulic Motor - Variable Displacement
6—Hydraulic Motor - Bidirectional



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols - Pumps and Motors

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1—Single Acting
2—Double Acting - Single Rod End
3—Double Acting - Adjustable Cushion
4—Double Acting - Differential Piston


Hydraulic Schematic Symbols - Cylinders

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Hydraulic Schematics

3—Push Button
4—Push - Pull Lever
8—Pressure Compensated
9—Solenoid - Single Winding
10—Servo Motor
11—Pilot Pressure - Remote Supply
12—Pilot Pressure - Internal Supply



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols - Methods of Operation

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1—Check Valve
2—On - Off (Manual Shutoff)
3—Pressure Relief
4—Pressure Reducing
5—Flow Control with Fixed Restriction
6—Flow Control, Adjustable, Non-compensated
7—Flow Control Adjustable, Temperature and/or
Pressure Compensated
8—Velocity Fuse
9—Spool - Two Position, Two Way
10—Spool - Two Position, Three Way
11—Spool - Two position, Four Way
12—Spool - Three Position, Four Way
13—Spool - Two Position, In Transition
14—Spool - Infinite Position Valve



Hydraulic Schematic Symbols - Methods of Operation

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Hydraulic Schematics

770D Hydraulic Scheme



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Hydraulic Schematics

Boom hydraulics

Pos Description
101 Hydraulic cylinder, frame brake
102 Hydraulic cylinder, boom tilting
103 Hydraulic cylinder, boom slewing
104 Rotator
105 Hydraulic cylinder, extension
106 Hydraulic cylinder, main boom lifting
107 Hydraulic cylinder, outer boom (parallel)
108 Hydraulic cylinder, steering
113 Measuring point, lifting pressure
114 Measuring point, LS pressure
117 Directional valve, boom
118 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm
10 119 Valve, back pressure, 0,5 MPa
120 Measuring point, tank pressure
121 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
122 Shuttle valve
123 Relief valve (at start) Y44B
124 Main distribution valve block
125 Valve, frame brake
126 Relief valve, frame brake
127 Non-return valve
130 Valve, rotator float mode
135 Measuring point, DR
136 Measuring point, oil sample

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
200 Valve, differential locks Y33
201 Valve, high gear Y46
202 Valve, low gear Y45
203 Valve, front axle, drive Y39
204 Valve, parking brake Y41
205 Measuring point, pilot pressure
209 Shut-off valve, harvester head
210 Harvester head
211 Non-return valve, harvester head
216 Working hydraulics pump
217 Measuring point, LS pressure
218 Shuttle valve
12 219 Shuttle valve
221 Air filter
222 Level sensor, oil tank
223 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil
224 Pressure sensor, return filters, 0,13 MPa
225 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
226 Non-return valve 0,16 MPa
227 Oil cooler, working hydraulics
228 Return filter, 2 pieces
230 Non-return valve 0,05 MPa
231 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
232 Non-return valve 0,16 Mpa
233 Thermostatic valve
234 Hydraulic tank filling point
235 Hydraulic tank
236 Valve, brake charging pressure
237 Relief valve (at start) Y44
238 Pressure regulator 14,5...16 MPa
239 Pressure switch 10 MPa

To be continued on next page

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
240 Non-return valves
241 Accumulator
242 Valve, service brake Y41W
243 Valve, brakes
244 Valve, brakes
245 Accumulator
246 Measuring point, brakes
247 Measuring point, brakes
248 Pressure switch, brake light 0,5 MPa
249 Brake pedal
250 Brake cylinders
251 Measuring point, brake charging
14 252 Measuring point, working pressure
253 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
260 Valve, constant pressure, harvester head Y85
261 Relief valve, constant pressure
262 Orifice, Ø 0,2 mm
263 Non-return valve
264 Main pressure relief valve 28 MPa
265 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Transmission hydraulics

Pos Description
303 Hydraulic pump including supply pump
304 Measuring point, drive pressure
305 Measuring point, drive pressure
307 Directional valve, drive Y102 / Y103
308 Measuring point, supply pressure
309 Transmission filter
310 Relief valve, drive pressure
311 Relief valve, drive pressure
312 Supply pressure valve 3,0 MPa
313 Pressure switch, supply pressure
314 Measuring point
316 Hydraulic motor
16 318 Valve, hydraulic motor Y48
319 Flush valve
320 Relief valve, flush pressure
321 Valve, pressure cut-off 35 MPa
322 Speed sensor, pump
323 Speed sensor, motor
324 Valve, drive pressure cut-off, 44 MPa

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Optional equipment

Pos Description
400 Hydraulic pilot valve end
401 Hydraulic pilot valve, frame steering
402 Mechanical pilot valve, frame steering
404 Vacuum pump
405 Electrical valve, vacuum system
406 Oil filling pump
407 Pressure filter
408 Clogging indicator (Dp-pressure switch)
409 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
410 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
411 Cydraulic cylinder, cabin sideways levelling
412 By-pass valve
18 413 Restriction valve
414 Clogging indicator
415 Off-line filter
416 Pump (urea), stump treatment
417 Valve, stump treatment
418 Flow control valve

AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–10/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1070D Hydraulic Scheme



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Hydraulic Schematics

Boom hydraulics

Pos Description
101 Hydraulic cylinder, frame brake
102 Hydraulic cylinder, boom tilting
103 Hydraulic cylinder, boom slewing
104 Rotator
105 Hydraulic cylinder, extension
106 Hydraulic cylinder, main boom lifting
107 Hydraulic cylinder, outer boom (parallel)
108 Hydraulic cylinder, steering
113 Measuring point, lifting pressure
114 Measuring point, LS pressure
117 Directional valve, boom
118 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm
20 119 Valve, back pressure, 0,5 MPa
120 Measuring point, tank pressure
121 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
122 Back pressure valve
124 Main distribution valve block
125 Valve, frame brake
126 Relief valve, frame brake
127 Non-return valve
130 Valve, rotator float mode
135 Measuring point, DR
136 Measuring point, oil sample

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
200 Valve, differential locks Y33
201 Valve, high gear Y46
202 Valve, low gear Y45
203 Valve, front axle, drive Y39
204 Valve, parking brake Y41
205 Measuring point, pilot pressure
209 Shut-off valve, harvester head
210 Harvester head
211 Non-return valve, harvester head
212 LS pressure valve block
213 Relief valve 0...28 MPa Y67
214 Relief valve 28 MPa
22 215 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
216 Working hydraulics pump
217 Measuring point, LS pressure
218 Shuttle valve
219 Shuttle valve
221 Air filter
222 Level sensor, oil tank
223 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil
224 Pressure sensor, return filters, 0,13 MPa
225 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
226 Non-return valve 0,16 MPa
227 Oil cooler, working hydraulics
228 Return filter, 2 pieces
230 Non-return valve 0,05 MPa

To be continued on next page

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
231 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
232 Non-return valve 0,16 Mpa
233 Thermostatic valve
234 Hydraulic tank filling point
235 Hydraulic tank
236 Valve, brake charging pressure
237 Relief valve (at start) Y44
238 Pressure regulator 14,5...16 MPa
239 Pressure switch 10 MPa
240 Non-return valves
241 Accumulator
242 Valve, service brake Y41W
24 243 Valve, brakes
244 Valve, brakes
245 Accumulator
246 Measuring point, brakes
247 Measuring point, brakes
248 Pressure switch, brake light 0,5 MPa
249 Brake pedal
250 Brake cylinders
251 Measuring point, brake charging
252 Measuring point, working pressure
253 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
255 Measuring point, working pressure
260 Valve, constant pressure, harvester head Y85
261 Relief valve, constant pressure
262 Orifice, Ø 0,2 mm
263 Non-return valve
264 Main pressure relief valve 30 MPa
265 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Transmission hydraulics

Pos Description
303 Hydraulic pump including supply pump
304 Measuring point, drive pressure
305 Measuring point, drive pressure
307 Directional valve, drive Y102 / Y103
308 Measuring point, supply pressure
309 Transmission filter
310 Relief valve, drive pressure
311 Relief valve, drive pressure
312 Supply pressure valve 3,0 MPa
313 Pressure switch, supply pressure
314 Measuring point
316 Hydraulic motor
26 318 Valve, hydraulic motor Y48
319 Flush valve
320 Relief valve, flush pressure
321 Valve, pressure cut-off 35 MPa
322 Speed sensor, pump
323 Speed sensor, motor
324 Valve, drive pressure cut-off, 45 MPa

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Optional equipment

Pos Description
400 Hydraulic pilot valve end
401 Hydraulic pilot valve, frame steering
402 Mechanical pilot valve, frame steering
404 Vacuum pump
405 Electrical valve, vacuum system
406 Oil filling pump
407 Pressure filter
408 Clogging indicator (Dp-pressure switch)
409 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
410 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
411 Cydraulic cylinder, cabin sideways levelling
412 By-pass valve
28 413 Restriction valve
414 Clogging indicator
415 Off-line filter
416 Pump (urea), stump treatment
417 Valve, stump treatment
418 Flow control valve
419 Proportional valve
420 Non-return valve
421 Non-return valve

AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–10/10

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-28 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1270D Hydraulic Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–1/12

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Hydraulic Schematics

Boom hydraulics

Pos Description
101 Hydraulic cylinder, frame brake
102 Hydraulic cylinder, boom tilting
103 Hydraulic cylinder, boom slewing
104 Rotator
105 Hydraulic cylinder, extension
106 Hydraulic cylinder, main boom lifting
107 Hydraulic cylinder, outer boom (parallel)
108 Hydraulic cylinder, steering
109 Main distribution valve block
110 Relief valve, 25 MPa
111 Valve, frame brake Y65
112 Non-return valve
30 113 Measuring point, lifting pressure
114 Measuring point, LS pressure
115 Relief valve, 23 MPa
116 Valve, rotator, float mode
117 Directional valve, boom
118 Measuring point, back pressure
119 Measuring point, oil sample
120 Shuttle valve
121 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
122 Valve, back pressure, 0,5 MPa
135 Measuring point, DR

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
200 Valve, differential locks Y33
201 Valve, high gear Y46
202 Valve, low gear Y45
203 Valve, front axle, drive Y39
204 Valve, parking brake Y41
205 Measuring point, pilot pressure
206 Valve, stairs
207 Hydraulic cylinder, stairs
208 Counter balance valve, stairs
209 Shut-off valve, harvester head
210 Harvester head
211 Non-return valve, harvester head
32 212 Orifice, Ø 1,4 mm
213 Plug
214 Valve, constant pressure, harvester head Y85
215 Non-return valve
216 Working hydraulics pump 28 MPa
217 Measuring point, LS pressure
218 Measuring point, working pressure
219 Shuttle valve
220 Shuttle valve
221 Air filter
222 Level sensor, oil tank
223 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil
224 Pressure sensor, return filters, 0,13 MPa
225 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
226 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
228 Return filter
229 Oil cooler, working hydraulics
230 Return filter

To be continued on next page

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Hydraulic Schematics



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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-33 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
231 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
232 Non-return valve 0,2 Mpa
233 Thermostatic valve, hydraulics cooling
234 Hydraulic tank drain point
235 Hydraulic tank
236 Valve, brake charging pressure
237 Relief valve (at start) Y44
238 Pressure regulator 14,5...16 MPa
239 Pressure switch 10 MPa
240 Non-return valves
241 Accumulator
242 Valve, service brake Y41W
34 243 Valve, brakes
244 Valve, brakes
245 Accumulator
246 Measuring point, brakes
247 Measuring point, brakes
248 Pressure switch, brake light 0,3 MPa
249 Brake pedal
250 Brake cylinders
251 Measuring point, brake charging
253 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
255 Orifice, Ø 1,5 mm
256 Main pressure relief valve 30 MPa
257 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm
258 Non-return valve 0,05 MPa
259 Orifice, Ø 2,5 mm
260 LS pressure valve block
261 Relief valve 28 MPa
262 Relief valve 0...28 MPa Y67
263 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
265 Measuring point, working pressure

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Transmission hydraulics

Pos Description
303 Hydraulic pump including supply pump
304 Measuring point, drive pressure
305 Measuring point, drive pressure
307 Directional valve, drive Y102 / Y103
308 Measuring point, supply pressure
309 Transmission filter
310 Relief valve, drive pressure
311 Relief valve, drive pressure
312 Supply pressure valve 3,0 MPa
313 Pressure switch, supply pressure
314 Measuring point
316 Hydraulic motor
36 317 Valve, pressure cut-off
318 Valve, hydraulic motor Y48
319 Flush valve
320 Relief valve, flush pressure
322 Speed sensor, pump
323 Speed sensor, motor
324 Valve, drive pressure cut-off, 45 MPa

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Cabin levelling hydraulics

Pos Description
401 Hydraulic cylinder, cabin levelling
402 Hydraulic cylinder, cabin levelling
403 Hydraulic motor, cabin slewing
404 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
406 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
408 Counterbalance valve 5 MPa
409 Directional valve, levelling
410 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
411 Valve, back pressure 0,5 MPa
412 Measuring point, pilot pressure
415 Measuring point, LS pressure
416 Shuttle valve

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Optional equipment

Pos Description
501 Pressure filter
502 Clogging indicator (Dp-pressure switch)
503 Oil filling pump
505 Vacuum pump
506 Electrical valve, vacuum system
507 Proportional valve
508 Non-return valve
509 Non-return valve
510 Non-return valve
511 Off-line filter
512 By-pass valve
513 Restriction valve
40 514 Clogging indicator
521 Hydraulic pilot valve, frame steering
522 Mechanical pilot valve, frame steering
523 Hydraulic pilot valve end
531 Pump (urea), stump treatment
532 Valve, stump treatment
533 Flow control valve

AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–12/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-40 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

1470D Hydraulic Scheme



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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-41 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Boom hydraulics

Pos Description
101 Hydraulic cylinder, frame brake
102 Hydraulic cylinder, boom tilting
103 Hydraulic cylinder, boom slewing
104 Rotator
105 Hydraulic cylinder, extension
106 Hydraulic cylinder, main boom lifting
107 Hydraulic cylinder, outer boom (parallel)
108 Hydraulic cylinder, steering
109 Main distribution valve block
110 Relief valve, 25 MPa
111 Valve, frame brake Y65
112 Non-return valve
42 113 Measuring point, lifting pressure
114 Measuring point, LS pressure
115 Relief valve, 23 MPa
116 Valve, rotator, float mode
117 Directional valve, boom
118 Measuring point, back pressure
119 Measuring point, oil sample
120 Shuttle valve
121 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
122 Valve, back pressure, 0,5 MPa
135 Measuring point, DR

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
200 Valve, differential locks Y33
201 Valve, high gear Y46
202 Valve, low gear Y45
203 Valve, front axle, drive Y39
204 Valve, parking brake Y41
205 Measuring point, pilot pressure
206 Valve, stairs
207 Hydraulic cylinder, stairs
208 Counter balance valve, stairs
209 Shut-off valve, harvester head
210 Harvester head
211 Non-return valve, harvester head
44 212 Orifice, Ø 1,4 mm
213 Plug
214 Valve, constant pressure, harvester head Y85
215 Non-return valve
216 Working hydraulics pump 28 MPa
217 Measuring point, LS pressure
218 Measuring point, working pressure
219 Shuttle valve
220 Shuttle valve
221 Air filter
222 Level sensor, oil tank
223 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil
224 Pressure sensor, return filters, 0,13 MPa
225 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
226 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
228 Return filter
229 Oil cooler, working hydraulics
230 Return filter

To be continued on next page

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Hydraulic Schematics



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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-45 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Working hydraulics and brake control

Pos Description
231 Non-return valve 0,2 MPa
232 Non-return valve 0,2 Mpa
233 Thermostatic valve, hydraulics cooling
234 Hydraulic tank drain point
235 Hydraulic tank
236 Valve, brake charging pressure
237 Relief valve (at start) Y44
238 Pressure regulator 14,5...16 MPa
239 Pressure switch 10 MPa
240 Non-return valves
241 Accumulator
242 Valve, service brake Y41W
46 243 Valve, brakes
244 Valve, brakes
245 Accumulator
246 Measuring point, brakes
247 Measuring point, brakes
248 Pressure switch, brake light 0,3 MPa
249 Brake pedal
250 Brake cylinders
251 Measuring point, brake charging
253 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
255 Orifice, Ø 1,5 mm
256 Main pressure relief valve 30 MPa
257 Orifice, Ø 0,6 mm
258 Non-return valve 0,05 MPa
259 Orifice, Ø 2,5 mm
260 LS pressure valve block
261 Relief valve 28 MPa
262 Relief valve 0...28 MPa Y67
263 Orifice, Ø 0,7 mm
265 Measuring point, working pressure

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Hydraulic Schematics



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Hydraulic Schematics

Transmission hydraulics

Pos Description
303 Hydraulic pump including supply pump
304 Measuring point, drive pressure
305 Measuring point, drive pressure
307 Directional valve, drive Y102 / Y103
308 Measuring point, supply pressure
309 Transmission filter
310 Relief valve, drive pressure
311 Relief valve, drive pressure
312 Supply pressure valve 3,0 MPa
313 Pressure switch, supply pressure
314 Measuring point
316 Hydraulic motor
48 317 Valve, pressure cut-off
318 Valve, hydraulic motor Y48
319 Flush valve
320 Relief valve, flush pressure
322 Speed sensor, pump
323 Speed sensor, motor
324 Valve, drive pressure cut-off, 45 MPa

Continued on next page AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–8/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-48 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics



Continued on next page AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–9/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-49 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Cabin levelling hydraulics

Pos Description
401 Hydraulic cylinder, cabin levelling
402 Hydraulic cylinder, cabin levelling
403 Hydraulic motor, cabin slewing
404 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
406 Counterbalance valve 21 MPa
408 Counterbalance valve 5 MPa
409 Directional valve, levelling
410 Pilot pressure valve 3,5 MPa
411 Valve, back pressure 0,5 MPa
412 Measuring point, pilot pressure
415 Measuring point, LS pressure
416 Shuttle valve

Continued on next page AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–10/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-50 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics



Continued on next page AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–11/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-51 Harvesters Technical Manual

Hydraulic Schematics

Optional equipment

Pos Description
501 Pressure filter
502 Clogging indicator (Dp-pressure switch)
503 Oil filling pump
505 Vacuum pump
506 Electrical valve, vacuum system
507 Proportional valve
508 Non-return valve
509 Non-return valve
510 Non-return valve
511 Off-line filter
512 By-pass valve
513 Restriction valve
52 514 Clogging indicator
521 Hydraulic pilot valve, frame steering
522 Mechanical pilot valve, frame steering
523 Hydraulic pilot valve end
531 Pump (urea), stump treatment
532 Valve, stump treatment
533 Flow control valve

AK12300,000011F –19–20DEC01–12/12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0370-52 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0380
Rexroth Drive Motors

• A6VM107 in 770D
• A6VM140 in 1070D
• AA6VM160 in 1270D and 1470D

JK11466,0000099 –19–30JAN03–1/1

Rexroth Drive Pumps

• A4VG71 in 770D 0380
• A4VG90 in 1070D 1
• AA4VG in 1270D and 1470D

JK11466,0000098 –19–30JAN03–1/1

Rexroth Hydraulic Work Pumps

One manual conserning all listed pump models

• A11VO130 in 770D
• A11VO145 in 1070D
• A11VO190 in 1270D and 1470D

JK11466,000009A –19–30JAN03–1/1

VOAC / Parker Boom Control Valves

• K90 LS in 770D and 1070D

• K170 in 1270D and 1470D
JK11466,000009B –19–30JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0380-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 03-0380-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 04


Group 0410—Engine mounting and dismounting

Engine Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-0410-1
Engine Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-0410-3

Group 0420—Engine
Deere 6081 HTJ03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-0420-1
Deere Engine 6068 HTJ 76 in 1070D
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-0420-1
Deere Engine Deere 4045HTJ77 in 770D
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-0420-1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0410
Engine mounting and dismounting
Engine Removal

1. Clean engine compartment well

2. Disconnect battery cables.
3. Remove hood and cover plates.
4. Drain coolant from engine.
5. Draining plug is located at the bottom of radiator.
6. Remove air filter. Protect inlet port of turbocharger.
7. Remove exhaust muffler. Protect exhaust port of
8. Disconnect all water hoses. Mark if necessary.
9. Mark if necessary and disconnect wires from - oil
pressure switch - engine rpm sensor - start motor -
alternator - coolant temperature sensor - stop solenoid
- engine rpm regulator unit - water valve.
10. Remove A/C compressor from engine.
11. Don’t open hoses, leave compressor at engine
12. Remove protection shields, which are around fan
blade and alternator and remove fan blade.
13. Disconnect fuel lines. Suction hose from low pressure
pump and return hose from injection pump. 04
14. Protect all connections against dirt. 0410
15. Remove drive clutch mounting bolts.
16. Pull hydraulic pumps backwards a little and support
them to that place.
17. Install lift straps provided with engine and torque to
the following specifications..

CAUTION: The only recommended method for

lifting the 6081 engine is with JDG23 Engine
Lifting Sling and safety approved lifting straps
that come with engine. Use extreme caution
when lifting and NEVER permit any part of the
body to be positioned under an engine being
lifted or suspended. Lift engine with
longitudinal loading on lift sling and lifting
brackets only. Angular loading greatly reduces
lifting capacity of sling and brackets.

—Torque ...................................................................... 197 N•m (145 lb-ft)

Continued on next page JK11466,00000B2 –19–25FEB03–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0410-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine mounting and dismounting

18. Attach JDG23 Engine Lifting Sling (A) to engine lifting

straps (B) and to overhead hoist or floor crane

NOTE: If engine lifting straps are misplaced, they should

be procured through service parts or
SERVICEGARD Use of an engine lifting sling
(as shown) is the ONLY APPROVED method for
lifting engine.

IMPORTANT: Lifting straps are designed to lift the
engine and small accessories such as
mounted to the engine auxiliary gear

drive, or belt-driven components, such
as air conditioning compressors and
alternators. If larger components, such
A—Engine Lifting Sling
as hydraulic pumps are attached to
B—Engine Lifting Straps
other locations on the engine, the lift
straps provided with the engine are not
intended for this purpose. Technician is
responsible for providing adequate
04 lifting devices under these situations.
19. Lift up a little and make sure that chains are well
connected. NOTE ! Engine wet weight is 620 kg.
Check that load chains can carry that weight.
20. Remove engine mounting bolts, 2 pcs front and 2 pcs
21. Lift engine up about 10 mm and pull engine forward
so much that drive clutch looses. Beware radiator
while lifting engine up.
22. Carefully lift engine to desired location.

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company JK11466,00000B2 –19–25FEB03–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0410-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine mounting and dismounting

Engine Installation

1. Check the condition of engine mounting rubber pads.

Replace if necessary.
2. .Lower engine down to engine compartment carefully.
Beware radiator .
3. While lowering and positioning engine to its place
install drive clutch.
4. Lower engine properly in its place.
5. Install engine mounting bolts.
6. See tightening torque from group 0030
7. Install hydraulic pumps. See sections 03 and 21 for
8. Install A/C compressor.
9. Install protection shields and fan blade.
10. Connect all wires to - oil pressure switch - engine rpm
sensor - start motor - alternator - coolant temperature
sensor - stop solenoid - engine rpm regulator unit -
water valve 10. Install all water hoses.
11. Fill up the coolant. See specifications and instructions
from group 0040 and for example operator‘s manual
F063730 pages 4-9-3 to 4-9-5 04
12. Fill up the engine oil. See specifications from 0410
operators’ manual chapter 4-7-1
13. Connect fuel lines and bleed fuel system. See
bleeding instructions from operators’ manual chapter
14. Install exhaust muffler.
15. Install air filter.
16. Connect battery cables.
17. Start engine and check for leaks
18. Look after engine temperature, coolant level and oil
pressure. If everything seems to be properly in
condition drive a short test drive.
19. Install hood and cover plates.
20. Check coolant and oil level after the engine has
cooled down.

NOTE: See additional repair instructions from Deere

engine manuals listed in next group

JK11466,00000B3 –19–25FEB03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0410-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine mounting and dismounting


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0410-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0420
Deere 6081 HTJ03

See Deere Engine Workshop Manual For CTM 86 for

detailed repair instructions

JK11466,0000001 –19–15NOV02–1/1

Deere Engine 6068 HTJ 76 in 1070D model

See Deere Engine Workshop Manual For CTM 104 for

detailed repair instructions

jk114660001 –19–16DEC02–1/1

Deere Engine Deere 4045HTJ77 in 770D


See Deere Engine Workshop Manual For CTM 104 for

detailed repair instructions


jk114660001 –19–16DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0420-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 04-0420-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 05
Engine Auxiliary system


Group 0510—Auxiliary Systems

Deere Engine 6081 HTJ 03 in 1270D and
1470D models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05-0510-1
Deere Engine 6068 HTJ 76 in 1070D
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05-0510-1
Deere Engine Deere 4045HTJ77 in 770D
model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05-0510-1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 05-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 05-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 0510
Auxiliary Systems
Deere Engine 6081 HTJ 03 in 1270D and
1470D models

See CTM 86 reference list on the cover for proper

auxiliary system manual.

jk114660001 –19–16DEC02–1/1

Deere Engine 6068 HTJ 76 in 1070D model

See CTM 104 reference list on the cover for proper

auxiliary system manual.

jk114660001 –19–16DEC02–1/1

Deere Engine Deere 4045HTJ77 in 770D


See CTM 104 reference list on the cover for proper

auxiliary system manual.

jk114660001 –19–16DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 05-0510-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Auxiliary Systems


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 05-0510-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 16


Group 1610—Main Electrical System

System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-1
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-2
770D and 1070 Main Switch And Fuses . . . .16-1610-5
1270D And 1470D Main Switch and
Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-6
Multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-12
Electrical Circuit Malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-12
Troubleshooting Circuit Malfunctions . . . . . .16-1610-15
Inspect Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-19
Seven Step Electrical Test Procedure . . . . .16-1610-20

Group 1620—Electrical Scheme

About This Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1620-1
Electrical Schematic Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1620-4
770D Electrical Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1620-7
1070D Electrical Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1620-46
1270D/1470D Electrical Scheme . . . . . . . . .16-1620-82

Group 1630—770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors

Engine Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-1
Hydraulic Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2
Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2
Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3 16
Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3

Group 1630—1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors

Engine Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-1
Hydraulic Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2
Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2
Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3
Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3
Position Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-4

Group 1640—Measuring System Timbermatic 300

See Operator‘s Manual For Detailed
Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1640-1

Group 1650—Total Machine Control System TMC

See TMC Workshop Manuals For Detailed
Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1650-1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1610
Main Electrical System
System Description

(See for example the Operator‘s manual OMF063723,

page 6-1-1 for Main Electric system Description).

IMPORTANT: Do not ever disconnect the electronic

system when the power is on.

CAUTION: The manufacturer shall assume no

responsibility for any alterations made to the
electrical system of the machine if the changes
are not in compliance with service bulletins.
There is a risk that the function of the safety
systems of the machine is jeopardized.

JK11466,000000E –19–29OCT02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System


Battery Operation solution. After washing, flush battery and compartment

with clear water.
A battery is a device for converting chemical energy to
electrical energy. It is not a storage tank for electricity, Batteries should be maintained at an open circuit
but stores electrical energy in chemical form. voltage of 12.50 volts or greater. To determine open
circuit voltage do the following:
Because of the constant chemical to electrical change
(self-discharge, discharge, or charge), the battery has 1. Turn Elactrical main switch ON.
a limited life. Proper care (cleaning, adding water,
charging) will extend the life of the battery. 2. For machines that have not been run during the
past 10 hours, go to Step 4.
The battery is made up of positive plates, negative
plates, separators, plate straps, and chemical solution 3. For machines that have been run in the past 10
(electrolyte). The electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric hours, remove surface charge. Turn key switch to
acid and water. Sulfuric acid is not lost during Position I (RUN), turn on 3 or 4 work lights and
overcharging; therefore, if the liquid solution is low, leave them on for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn ignition
only water should be added. switch OFF and then wait 2 minutes.

In a fully charged battery, the positive plate is lead 4. Measure voltage at alternator by placing the
peroxide (PBQ2), the negative plate is “spongy” lead negative lead of a multimeter to the case of the
(Pb), and the electrolyte solution is about 1.270 times alternator and the positive lead to the sense
heavier than water. The amount that the solution is terminal of the alternator.
heavier than water is called specific gravity.
All batteries will self discharge at a rate of 0.001 VOLTAGE PERCENT CHARGED
specific gravity point per 24 hour period at a constant 12.5 volts or more 100%
85°F. The discharge rate increases as temperature 12.4 75%
increases and decreases as temperature decreases. If 12.2 50%
the machine is not used for a period of time, the 12.0 25%
batteries must be maintained or stored in a cool place.
11.7 or less 0%
1610 Wipe batteries with a damp cloth. If terminals are
corroded, use a stiff brush and wash with an ammonia Battery Specifications

Item Measurement Specification

Batteries Type 2 x 140Ah

Diagnose Battery Malfunctions

Symptom Problem Solution

Battery Using Too Much Water Shorted battery cell Check battery state of charge. (See
Procedure for Testing Batteries.)

Cracked battery case Check battery hold down clamps.

Replace battery.

Continued on next page JK11466,000004D –19–13DEC02–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Symptom Problem 3. Check posts forSolution


Regulator If posts are loose, replace battery.

Do Alternator Output Check. (See
Charging Circuit Operational
Load Test Checks.)

Cracked Battery Case Battery hold down clampCheck

too battery
tight, capacity
load tester
too loose or missing JT05832 Battery Load clamps
Follow tester
manufacturer’s instructions for proper load test
Low Battery Output procedures.
Dirty or wet battery top, causing Clean battery top. Recharge battery.
If one battery fails load test, replace both batteries.
Corroded or loose battery cable Clean and tighten cable end clamps.
ends Recharge battery.

Broken or loose battery posts Wiggle posts by hand. If posts are

loose or will turn, replace battery.

Loose fan/alternator belt or worn Inspect belt or pulley. Adjust or

pulleys replace as necessary.

Procedure for Testing Batteries

JT05838 Battery Post/Clamp Cleaner
JT05460 Coolant/Battery Tester
JT05832 Battery Load Tester

Visual Check

1. Check for damage such as cracked or broken case

and electrolyte leakage.
If damage is seen, replace battery. 3

2. Check terminals for corrosion.

If corroded, clean using a wire brush or battery post

cleaner such as JT05838 Battery Post/Clamp

Continued on next page JK11466,000004D –19–13DEC02–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Using Booster Batteries

CAUTION: If you need an outside power source

to start the machine, be careful not to
short-circuit the battery while handling the
IMPORTANT: The machine is allowed to start with an
outside power source lower than 140 A
only, f.ex. another similar type machine
or auxiliary batteries. Connect the 2
auxiliary cables before starting the
assisting machine.

IMPORTANT: Disconnect CDM connectors (1, 2, 3)
before using an outside power source 3
to start the machine. Reconnect the
CDM after removing the auxiliary

cables, couple the power connector (3)

IMPORTANT: An over 140 A power source, f.ex.

booster, can only be used when quick
charging the batteries. In this case,
disconnect both cables between the
machine and batteries. The machine
can be started after the auxiliary power
source is disconnected.

First, connect the auxiliary positive cable, coming from a

24-volt power source, to the positive cable of the machine
to be started, and then connect the auxiliary negative
1610 cable to the power source and the other end to the
4 negative cable or frame of the machine to be started.
Bear in mind this order of connection when using auxiliary
batteries because a full battery is more sensitive to
sparks. Disconnect the cables in reverse order, beginning
by disconnecting the negative cable from the machine to
be started.

JK11466,000004D –19–13DEC02–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

770D and 1070 Main Switch And Fuses

770D and 1070D main switch and switch panel

The main switch (1) is located at the front of the rear

CAUTION: Before replacing main fuses
frame, at the frame of the radiator grille (on the left).
always disconnect the battery negative cable
The main fuses can be found above the main switch. 16
from the chassis. 1610
The switch panel fuses (2) are located under the rear 5
hood (on the left).

Pos No Amp Function

1 F2A...F2F 50 Main fuse
2 F3 10 Fire extinguisher system
F4 10 Engine preheater
F5 25 Engine preheater
F6 15 Engine preheater
F7 3 Battery charging indicator
F8 10 Engine glow indicator
F9 10 Fire extinguisher system
F10 30 Filling pump, hydraulic oil
F11 10 Power outlet
F12 Not used
F13 10 Power supply, ECU
F14 20 Filling pump, diesel

AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

1270D And 1470D Main Switch and Fuses

The main switch (1) is located at the front of the rear The switch panel fuses (2) are located under the rear
frame, at the frame of the radiator grille (on the left). hood (on the left).
The main fuses can be found above the main switch.
16 The 150A fuse is located at the backside of the main
switch panel.

Continued on next page AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–1/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Pos No Amp Function

1 F2 150 Main swich
F2D 50 Main fuse
F2E 50 Main fuse
F15 15 Engine hood lifting
F16 10 Service lights
2 F3 10 Fire extinguisher
F4 10 Engine preheater
F5 15 Engine preheater
F6 15 Engine preheater
F7 3 Battery charging
F8 Not used
F9 10 Fire extinguisher
F10 25 Filling pump, hydraulic
F11 10 Power outlet
F12 Not used
F13 10 Power supply, ECU
F14 20 Filling pump, diesel

AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–2/7

CAUTION: Before replacing main fuses always

disconnect the battery negative cable from the
Cabin Fuses

Fuse box (1) for the cabin power supply is located
underside the cabin (front, on the right).

No Amp Function

F2A 50 Fuse, cabin
F2B 50 Fuse, cabin
F2C 50 Fuse, cabin

Continued on next page AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–3/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Fuse box F1

Continued on next page AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–4/7


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Fuse Box F1 *) if equipped

F1 fuses Relay Function

Fuse Amp Function F1-E1 Air conditioning
F1-1 30 Main fuse, ignition switch F1-E2 Start blocking
F1-2 5 Interior lighting F1-E3 Reset door switch
F1-3 10 Switches F1-E4 Reset HHM
F1-4 10 HHM
F1-E5 Working lights
F1-5 15 Air conditioning F1-E6 Window washer
F1-6 10 Direction indicators, brake light F1-E7 Window washer
F1-7 10 24V socket F1-E8 Window washer
F1-8 5 Display F1-E9 Display
F1-9 10 Switches F1-E10 Compressor, seat
F1-10 20 Compressor, seat
F1-11 - Not used
F1-12 20 Stump treatment *)
F1-13 - Not used
F1-14 - Diode V23
F1-15 5 Vacuum pump
F1-16 3 Display
F1-17 - Not used
F1-18 10 Converter
F1-19 - Not used
F1-20 - Not used
F1-21 - Not used
F1-22 - Not used
F1-23 - Not used
F1-24 5 Saw lubrication *)
F1-25 - Not used 16
F1-26 - Not used 1610
F1-27 - Not used
F1-28 - Diode V6

Continued on next page AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–5/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Continued on next page AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–6/7


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Fuse Box F2 Relay Function

F2-E1 Intermittent wiper
Sulake Amp Function F2-E2 Intermittent wiper
F2-1 3 Air conditioning F2-E3 Intermittent wiper
F2-2 7,5 Seat heater F2-E4 Working lights
F2-3 10 Emergency stop F2-E5 Working lights
F2-4 5 Relief valve
F2-E6 Working lights
F2-5 5 Control lights F2-E7 Working lights
F2-6 5 Window wiper F2-E8 Working lights
F2-7 10 Wiper motors F2-E9 Working lights
F2-8 3 Sensor, stairs F2-E10 Working lights, boom
F2-9 3 Lighting timer
F2-10 3 Rear light, left
F2-11 3 Rear light, right
F2-12 3 Position lights, left
F2-13 3 Position lights, right
F2-14 5 Seat
F2-15 15 Working lights, boom
F2-16 15 Working lights
F2-17 5 Working lights, control
F2-18 15 Working lights
F2-19 15 Working lights
F2-20 15 Working lights
F2-21 15 Working lights
F2-22 15 Working lights
F2-23 15 Working lights
F2-24 15 Working lights
F2-25 10 Driving lights
F2-26 15 Position lights 16
F2-27 - Not used 11
F2-28 - Diode V3

AK12300,00000C9 –19–19OCT01–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Using a Digital Multimeter

Using a Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter It is

recommended that a digital multimeter (JT07306 or
equivalent with an analog display) be used to make the
required measurements in the diagnostic procedures. A

knowledge of the operation of the particular meter used is
assumed. Instructions for measuring voltages take the
following form: • Measure voltage from Point A (+) to Point
(B) (-) In this example, the positive test lead from the

volt-ohm input of the meter should be connected to Point
A and the negative test lead from the common input of the
Digital multimeter
meter should be connected to Point B. Unless otherwise
stated, all voltage measurements are direct current (D.C.).
In making a resistance measurement, be careful to use
the correct resistance range on the meter. Disconnect
appropriate connectors or turn off key switch, as directed
by diagnostic procedures later in this group.

TX,901505,QQ374 –19–10AUG95–1/1

Electrical Circuit Malfunction

Circuit Malfunctions
1610 There are four major circuit malfunctions:
1. High-Resistance Circuit
2. Open Circuit
3. Grounded Circuit
4. Shorted Circuit

Continued on next page JK11466,000004E –19–13DEC02–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System
RG9891 –UN–06JAN99

High Resistance Circuit

A—Unwanted resistance

1. High Resistance Circuit

A circuit having unwanted resistance (A) that causes a

voltage drop and reduces current flow.

JK11466,000004E –19–13DEC02–2/5

RG9892 –UN–06JAN99

A—A break or separation in


2. Open Circuit

A circuit having a break or a separation (A) that

prevent current from flowing in the circuit. 1610

JK11466,000004E –19–13DEC02–3/5

RG9893 –UN–06JAN99

Grounded Circuit

A—A voltage wire in contact

with machine frame

3. Grounded Circuit

A voltage wire contact with machine frame(A)

Continued on next page JK11466,000004E –19–13DEC02–4/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Shorted Circuit

4. Shorted Circuit • Voltage wire shorted to a ground wire (wires of

battery voltage or regulated voltage, shorted to a
A wire-to-wire contact of two adjacent wires that ground wire connecting a component to the battery
provides unwanted continuity between the two wires. negative terminal).
The following are types of short circuits: • Ground wire shorted to another ground wire (wires
of zero voltage)
• Voltage wire shorted to another voltage wire (wires
of equal or unequal voltage) NOTE: This type of short does not create an
• Voltage wire shorted to a sensor signal wire (wires observable malfunction. Therefore, no further
of unequal voltage). explanation for trouble shooting is necessary.

JK11466,000004E –19–13DEC02–5/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Troubleshooting Circuit Malfunctions

RG9896 –UN–06JAN99

1. High Resistance Circuit: voltage at a location easily accessible between (C)

and (H).
A “High Resistance” circuit can result in slow, dim or • If voltage is low, move toward the voltage source
no component operation (for example: loose, corroded, (A) to locate the point of voltage drop.
dirty or oily terminals, gauge of wire too small or • If voltage is correct, move toward the load (I) and
broken strands of wire). ground terminal (J) to locate the voltage drop.

2. Open Circuit NOTE: The example shows high resistance (D)

between (C) and (E) and the open circuit (F)
An “Open” circuit results in no component operation between (E) and (G).
because the circuit is incomplete (for example: broken
wire, terminals disconnected, open protective device or 2. Repair the circuit as required.
open switch). Do the following to isolate the location of 3. Perform an operational check-out on the component
a “High Resistance” or “Open” circuit: after completing the repair.

1. With the controlling switch (B) closed (on) and the

load (I) connected into the circuit, check for proper

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BA –19–03MAR03–1/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System
RG9895 –UN–06JAN99

Locations of Circuit Malfunctions

A—Controlling Switch B—Load

Locations of Circuit Malfunctions Example: A component may not operate before

disconnecting an electrical connection, but it operates
In a “Simple Electrical Circuit” the circuit malfunctions after reconnecting the connector.
occur at only three locations. They are:
Reason: Oxidation of the terminals created “High
1. Before the controlling switch (A). Resistance” and a voltage drop that prevents the
2. Between the controlling switch (A) and the load (B). proper amount of current flow to the component.
3. After the load (B). Disconnecting and reconnecting the connector,
removed some oxidation and reestablished good
Electrical components can become faulty with the continuity through the connector.
same four circuit malfunctions. Sometimes component
malfunctions can easily be confused with circuit
malfunctions. Therefore, care must be exercised when
isolating the cause of the problem.

JK11466,00000BA –19–03MAR03–2/5

RG9897 –UN–06JAN99

16 Ground Circuit

A—Fuse “A” Terminal C—Switch E—Wire Terminal G—Component Terminal

B—Fuse “B” Terminal D—Component Terminal F—Grounded Circuit H—Load (Lamp)

3. Ground Circuit • No continuity, go to step 2.

A “Grounded” circuit (F) results in no component 2. Disconnect the load (H) at component terminal (G).
operation and the fuse or circuit breaker opens (for 3. With the controlling switch (C) open (off), check for
example: a power wire contacting the machine frame, continuity to ground between (D) and (E).
chassis or component housing). • If there is continuity, there is a grounded circuit
between (D) and (E). Repair the circuit.
Do the following to isolate the location of a “Grounded”
circuit: NOTE: The example is grounded between (D) and (E)
at (F). • Perform an operational check-out on
1. Switch (C) must be open (off). Check for continuity the component after completing the repair.
to ground between (B) and (C)
• If there is continuity, there is a grounded circuit • Perform an operational check-out on the
between (B) and (C). Repair the circuit. component after completing the repair.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

F1 Sw.1 E1

Battery Sw.2 E2
F2 D E F

F3 5v (+) G H A Sensor
Control Signal B
Unit 5v (-) C


4. Shorted Circuit • Result: Fuse (F2) opens after closing switch (Sw.
2) and the sensor signal is distorted.11
Machines equipped with several electronic control
devices contain wiring harnesses that can become 7. Controller regulated voltage wire is shorted at (G) to
shorted by one of the following ways shown above. the sensor signal voltage wire.
• Result: The sensor signal is distorted. 8..
1. Battery wire from fuse (F1) is shorted at (A) to
another battery wire after switch (Sw.2) 8. Controller regulated voltage wire is shorted at (H) to
• Result: Lamp (E1) is on all of the time. the sensor ground wire.
• Result: Fuse (F2) opens after closing switch (Sw.
2. Battery wire from fuse (F1) is shorted at (B) to 2) and the sensor signal is distorted.11
another battery wire after switches (Sw.1 & 2).
• Result :Both lamps (E1 & E2) operate on either 9. Sensor voltage wire is shorted at (I) to the sensor
switch (Sw. 1 or 2). ground wire.
• Result: the sensor signal is distorted11.
3. Battery wire from fuse (F1) is shorted at (C) to a
ground wire. Do the following to isolate a “Shorted Circuit:”
• Result : Fuse (F1) opens after closing switch
(Sw. 1) 1. Review the machine electrical schematic to identify 16
the circuits for the component that does not 17
4. Battery wire from switch (Sw. 2) is shorted at (D) to operate.
a regulated voltage wire.
• Result : The sensor signal voltage is distorted11 2. Disconnect the components at each end of the
circuits, to single out the affected wires.
5. Battery wire from switch (Sw. 2) is shorted at (E) to
the sensor signal voltage wire. 3. To prevent damage to connector terminals, obtain
• Result : The sensor signal is distorted11 mating connector terminals from repair parts.DO
NOT force meter probes into connector terminals.
6. Battery wire from switch (Sw. 2) is shorted at (F) to
the sensor ground wire.

The sensor signal voltage goes out of range and a fault code may
be restored. The controller may shut down or provide limited
operation for its function.
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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

4. Connect the meter leads across two of the affected one meter lead to a good frame ground. With the
circuits. The meter should show no continuity other meter probe, touch each of the suspected
between the two circuits. Repeat the check across circuits one at a time. If there is a voltage reading,
another combination of two circuits until all affected the circuit is shorted to another voltage wire. Repair
circuits have been checked. the circuit.

5. Then, connect a meter lead to each affected circuit 7. Repair the “Shorted Circuit” as follows:
one at a time and touch the other meter leads to all
terminals in the connector. The meter should show a. Wires not in a loom: Wrap individual wires with
no continuity between any two circuits. electrical tape or replace the damaged wire and
band as required.
Example: A 37 pin connector contains three wires
to a sensor. With one meter probe attached to each b. Wires in a loom: If hot spots exist in shorted
of the three wires, one at a time, touch the other area of the harness, replace the harness. If hot
meter probe to the remaining 36 wires. If there is sports are not noticeable, install a new wire of
continuity between any two wires, the circuit is proper gauge between the last two connections.
shorted. Repair the circuit. Use tie bands to secure the wire to outside of
the harness
6. Alternate Method to Check for Shorted Circuit. With
the components disconnected at each end of the 8. Perform an operational check-out on the component
suspected circuits, turn the key switch on. Connect after completing the repair.

JK11466,00000BA –19–03MAR03–5/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Inspect Visually Electrical System

Make the following visual electrical inspection prior to like burned insulation. Put your hand on the
starting the machine after receiving customer alternator. Heat in these parts when the unit has
complaint: not been operated for some time is a sure clue to
charging circuit problems.
1. Look for bare wires that could ground a component
or short across to another component. 7. If your visual inspection does not indicate the
possible malfunction, but your inspection does
2. Look for missing or worn conduit. This could indicate that the machine can be run, turn the
indicate a wire problem. ignition switch to position I (Run). Try out the
accessory circuits, indicator lights, gauge lights.
3. Look for loose or broken connectors and wires. How does each of these components work? Look
for sparks or smoke which might indicate shorts.
4. Inspect batteries for:
8. Start machine. Check all gauges for good operation
• Corroded terminals and check to see if system is charging or
• Loose terminals or battery posts discharging.
• Dirty condition
• Damp condition 9. In general, look for anything unusual.
• Cracked case
Many electrical failures cannot be detected even if the
5. Check alternator belt tension. machine is started. Therefore, a systematic and
complete inspection of the electrical system is
6. After machine has been shut down for five minutes necessary.
inspect for overheated parts. They will often smell

TX,901505,QQ369 –19–07FEB96–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Seven Step Electrical Test Procedure

A—Battery Ground D—Fuse Or Circuit Breaker G—Battery Side Of I—Ground Side Of Component
B—Battery E—Component Side Of Fuse Component Terminal Terminal
C—Battery Side Of Fuse Or Or Circuit Breaker H—Light (Component) J—Component Ground
16 Circuit Breaker F—Switch
20 Step 1—Switch ON
Check battery side of circuit breaker (C) for battery voltage Battery voltage normal. Go to Step 2.
Low voltage, repair high resistance. Open circuit from battery.
Step 2—Switch OFF
Check component side of circuit breaker for battery voltage Battery voltage normal. Go to Step 4.
Low voltage, repair high resistance.
No voltage. Go to Step 3.

Continued on next page TX,9015,QQ1697 –19–10AUG95–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System

Step 3—Switch OFF

Check component side of circuit breaker for continuity to ground Continuity to ground. Repair grounded circuit at or before switch.
No continuity to ground, replace circuit breaker.
Step 4—Switch ON
Check component side of circuit breaker for battery voltage Battery voltage normal. Go to Step 6.
Low voltage, repair high resistance.
No voltage. Go to Step 5.
Step 5a
Disconnect wire at battery side of component (G). Switch ON. Check Battery voltage, repair component.
wire at (G) for battery voltage No voltage, repair grounded or open circuit at or after switch.
Step 6—Switch ON
Check lead to component at (G) for battery voltage Battery voltage normal. Go to Step 7.
Low voltage, repair high resistance in circuit between fuse and
No voltage, repair high resistance or open circuit between fuse and
Step 7—Switch ON
Check ground wire of component at (I) for voltage No voltage, good continuity to ground. Repair component.
Voltage, poor continuity to ground. Repair high resistance or open
ground circuit.
A multimeter will not apply a load to the circuit at step 5. The multimeter result is tested as a voltage condition in the result column.

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-21 Harvesters Technical Manual

Main Electrical System


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1610-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1620
Electrical Scheme
About This Group

This group of the manual contains Electical

schematics,Electrical Schematic Symbols description and
a component explanation after each schema

This group contains also instructions how to read

electrical schematics

This group includes following electrical schematics:

• 770D
• 1070D
• 1270D / 1470D

Electrical Schematics

The Electrical Schematics in Section 16, System

Diagrams, show the complete machine electrical system.
Each wire is identified by number or color (eg. 39A or RD,
etc.). All connectors are identified by letter/number
designation (eg. X22, etc.) and the number of the
connector pin used in that circuit (eg. 6, etc.). All
components are identified by letter/number designation
(eg. K3, S1, B16, etc.), and are represented by a
schematic symbol. Component letter/number designation
will indicate that component throughout the manual.
Component descriptions (eg. K3 Start Relay, S1 Ignition
Switch, B16 Horn, etc.)are found on the legends provided
with each schematic. More information on each
component can be found in the Electrical Component
Locators in Section 9015, Group 10.

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BE –19–07MAR03–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Reading an Electrical Schematic

1—Seek Column 5—Ground Terminal, 9—Switch S9 (dotted line box 11—Solenoid Y65
2—Double Lines: Conductor Connector X3, Pin 3 indicates optional 12—Machine Frame (Ground)
on Circuit Board 6—Fuse F25, 10 Amp equipment not installed on 13—Operation Symbol, Service
3—Relay K7 7—Connector X16, pin 9 all machines) Brake
4—Reference, Seek Column 8—Wire Number 65+ 10—Single Line: Wire
608 E

Continued on next page JK11466,00000BE –19–07MAR03–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

Electrical Component Locators connectors, ground locations. Each component will be

identified by the same identification letter/number used
The Electrical Component Locators are pictorial views in the Electrical System Schematic.
showing the location of all electrical components,
JK11466,00000BE –19–07MAR03–3/3


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

Electrical Schematic Symbols



Continued on next page TX,901505,RP983 –19–26OCT93–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



TX,901505,RP983 –19–26OCT93–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

770D Electrical Scheme



How to read wiring diagrams

Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–1/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

Wiring Diagram Explanations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Seek column Double lines, conductor Relay K7 Reference, seek column Earth terminal, connector
on circuit card 608 E X3 pin 3
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Fuse 25, 10A Connector X16 pin 9 Number of wire 65+ S9 in the frame, not Single line, wire
mounted on all machines
11. 12. 13.
Solenoid valve Y65 Machine frame Operation symbol

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–3/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 1/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-1 Main fuse, ignition switch 116H Distribution box F1
F2-1 Fuse, timer, AC controls 117H Distribution box F2
F2-3 Fuse, emergency stop 117H Distribution box F2
F2-4 Fuse, relief valve 119H Distribution box F2
F2A Main fuse, 50A 101H Main switch
F2B Main fuse, 50A 101H Main switch
F2C Main fuse, 50A 102H Main switch
F2D Main fuse, 50A 103H Main switch
F2F Main fuse, 50A 103H Main switch
F7 Fuse, charging control lamp 104H Switch panel
F8 Fuse, engine glow indicator 105H Switch panel
F11 Fuse, electric socket 24V 107H Switch panel
F12 Fuse, not used 108H Switch panel
F13 Fuse, ECU 106H Switch panel
F1-E2 Relay, start blocking 108T Distribution box F1
G1 Alternator, 140A 28V 104T Engine
G2 Battery, 24V 140Ah 101R Rear frame
J3 Connection 117P Front frame
J7 Connection 103L Engine
K3 Relay, starting motor 104N Engine
K24 Relay, engine glow 106N Engine
M1 Starting motor 102T Engine
R1 Glow plug 105V Engine
S1 Main switch 101M Rear frame
S2 Ignition switch 112L Dashboard
16 V2 Diode 113I Dashboard
10 X1 7 pole connector 103B Cabin floor
X1B Electric socket, 24V 107Q Switch panel
X2 37 pole connector 109J Cabin floor
X41 37 pole connector 117O Cabin floor
X44 2 pole connector 117R Front frame
X57 2 pole connector 113R Fuel valve
X61 3 pole connector 105I Engine
X64 6 pole connector 109Q Rear frame
Y44 Relief valve (at start) 116T Front frame

Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–4/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

Y44B Relief valve (at start) 117T Front frame

Y01 and Valve, fuel 113T Rear frame

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–6/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 2/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A4 Radio 216P Cabin roof
A5 L,R Loudspeaker 216U Cabin roof
B29 Converter, 24/12V 215E Cabin
B30 Converter, 24/12V 218F Cabin
E30 Seat heater 210T Seat
E54 Cigarette lighter 213S Dashboard
F1-7 Fuse, 24V socket, 10A 211D Distribution box F1
F1-10 Fuse, seat compressor 209D Distribution box F1
F1-11 Fuse, not used 208D Distribution box F1
F1-18 Fuse, converter 217D Distribution box F1
F2-2 Fuse, seat heater 213D Distribution box F2
F2-5 Fuse, control lights 213D Distribution box F2
F2-14 Fuse, seat 210D Distribution box F2
F1-E10 Relay, compressor, seat 209S Distribution box F1
H1 Control light, alternator 207K Dashboard
H5 Control light, engine glow 205K Dashboard
H5.1 Control light, direction flashers 201K Dashboard
H5.2 Control light, trailer flashers 208K Dashboard
H18 Control light, parking brake 200K Dashboard
H19 Control light, brake pressure 204K Dashboard
K20 Relay, radio 214K Cabin
M10 Seat compressor 211T Seat
P2 Hour clock 207T Cabin
R16 Resistor, 100 Ω, 25W 205O Control lights
S32 Level sensor, brake fluid 204T Distribution box
V3 Diode 207P Distribution box F2 16
V22 Diode 215E Converter 13
V24 Diode 218G Converter
X2 37 pole connector 205F Control lights
X7 9 pole connector 217N Cabin
X30 8 pole connector 200J Cabin floor
X31 5 pole connector 204J Control lights
X39 2 pole connector, printer 218J Cabin

To be continued on next page

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–8/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 2/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

X40S 2 pole connector, seat compressor 210Q Seat
X41 37 pole connector 204S Cabin floor
X42 8 pole socket, 12V, radio 215O Cabin roof
X42.1 8 pole connector 215R Radio
X43 2 pole socket, 12V 217G Cabin roof
X48S 2 pole socket, 24V, seat heater 213O Seat
X51 2 pole socket, 24V 213T Cabin
X51.1 2 pole socket, 24V 212T Cabin
X56 2-napainen liitin, GPS 219J Cabin

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-15 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–10/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-16 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 3/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-6 Fuse, window wiper 311C Distribution box F2
F2-7 Fuse, window wiper motors 312C Distribution box F2
F1-E6 Relay, window wash 314N Distribution box F1
F1-E7 Relay, window wash 318N Distribution box F1
F1-E8 Relay, window wash 316N Distribution box F1
F2-E1 Relay, intermittent wiper 307N Distribution box F2
F2-E2 Relay, intermittent wiper 301N Distribution box F2
F2-E3 Relay, intermittent wiper 305N Distribution box F2
M4.1 Window wash 318T Cabin
M4.2 Window wash 316T Cabin
M4.3 Window wash 315T Cabin
M4.4 Window wash 313T Cabin
M5.1 Windshield wiper 301T Cabin
M5.2 Wiper, right side window 305T Cabin
M5.3 Wiper, left side window 308T Cabin
M5.4 Wiper, rear window 311T Cabin
R18 PTC resistor 314I Washer pump
R19 PTC resistor 315I Washer pump
R20 PTC resistor 316I Washer pump
S10.1 Switch, windshield wiper 301H Dashboard
S10.2 Switch, right side wiper 304H Dashboard
S10.3 Switch, left side wiper 308H Dashboard
S10.4 Switch, rear wiper 311H Dashboard
S10.6 Switch, auto washing 317H Dashboard
X7 9 pole connector 310N Cabin
X46 Connector 300R Wiper motor 16
X47 Connector 304R Wiper motor 17
X48 Connector 307R Wiper motor
X49 Connector 310R Wiper motor
X50 Connector 311V Wiper motor
X53 12 pole connector 300L Cabin

Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–11/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-17 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–12/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-18 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 4/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward 404T Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left 405T Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward 406T Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward 407T Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right 408T Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward 409T Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left 410T Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward 411T Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward 412T Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right 413T Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left 417T Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward 416T Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward 415T Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right 418T Cabin roof
E55 Service light 419J Distribution box
E66.1 Working light, boom 400T Boom
E66.2 Working light, boom 401T Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom 403T Boom
E68.2 Working light, boom 402T Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 403D Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 402D Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 417D Distribution box F2
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 406D Distribution box F2
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 407D Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 409D Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 411D Distribution box F2 16
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 413D Distribution box F2 19
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 415D Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 418D Distribution box F2

To be continued on next page

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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-19 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–14/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-20 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 4/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-E5 Relay, working lights 400L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 408L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 410L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 404L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 406L Distribution box F2
F2-E8 Relay, working lights 412L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 414L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 402L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 401H Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 404H Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 417G Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 416L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 400O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 401O Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 401Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 415Q Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 405O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 413O Cab roof

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Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–16/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-22 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 5/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

B3 Horn 513U Under cabin
E3 Interior light 514J Cabin
E11 Position light, left 505U Front frame
E12 Rear light, direction indicator, brake light, left 508U Rear frame
E13 Position light, right 506U Front frame
E14 Rear light, direction indicator, brake light, right 510U Rear frame
E15 Full/half beam, left 517U Cabin front
E16 Full/half beam, left 518U Cabin front
F1-2 Fuse, interior light 514C Distribution box F1
F1-6 Fuse, flashers, brake light 502C Distribution box F1
F2-9 Fuse, light, preheater timer 510C Distribution box F2
F2-10 Fuse, rear light left 511C Distribution box F2
F2-11 Fuse, rear light right 512C Distribution box F2
F2-12 Fuse, position light left 512C Distribution box F2
F2-13 Fuse, position light right 513C Distribution box F2
F2-25 Fuse, driving lights 518C Distribution box F2
F2-26 Fuse, position lights 517C Distribution box F2
H6 Flasher light, front left 504U Front frame
H8 Flasher light, front right 505U Front frame
K4 Flasher relay 502G Distribution box
S13 Switch, horn 512P Dashboard
S14 Switch, hazard flashers 502M Dashboard
S15 Switch, direction flashers 506H Dashboard
S16 Switch, brake light 509I Brake block
S18 Switch, lights 517J Dashboard
S24 Switch, left door 514P Cabin 16
S24A Switch, right door 514U Cabin 23
V27 Diode 503K S14
V28 Diode 503L S14
X2 37 pole connector 509F Cabin floor
X7 4 pole connector 514M Cabin ceiling
X9 Trailer output 507R Rear frame
X37 Trailer output 504S Cabin wall, front
X38 Trailer output 505S Cabin wall, front
X41 37 pole connector 509F Cabin floor
X53 12 pole connector 504Q Cabin

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Electrical Scheme



Continued on next page AK12300,000011E –19–19DEC01–18/39

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1620-24 Harvesters Technical Manual

Electrical Scheme

F624406 6/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A15 Central unit, fire extinguisher system *) 605B Cabin ceiling
A16 Gas generator *) 612P Engine compartment
B 4 pole connector 604I Rear frame
B4 Horn, fire alarm 613N Hydraulic tank
B15/1-5 Heat detector *) 611U Engine compartment
B32 Pressure sensor, container *) 613I Engine compartment
F3 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 601C Switch panel
F9 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 601C Switch panel
H22 Alarm lamp, fire extinguisher system 613E Cabin ceiling
R10 Resistor, loop control *) 617R B15/5
R11 Resistor 22Ω/10W *) 611P A16
X15 Junction box *) 605I Hydraulic tank

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 7/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

B36 High/low pressure sensor 710R Engine compartment
B42 Air temperature regulator 716K Cabin, rear wall
E1 Motor, preheater 702R Engine compartment
F1-5 Fuse, air conditioning 703C Distribution box F1
F1-16 Fuse, display 708C Distribution box F1
F4 Fuse, engine preheater 705C Switch panel
F5 Fuse, engine preheater 705C Switch panel
F6 Fuse, engine preheater 706C Switch panel
F1-E1 Relay, air conditioning 706P Distribution box F1
F1-E9 Relay, display 707I Distribution box F1
K22 Relay, air conditioning 705I Switch panel
M2 Air conditioner 712K Cabin wall, rear
M18 Compressor, air conditioner 710U Engine compartment
P7 Timer, preheater 701M Cabin
R21 Temperature regulator 716T Dashboard
S8.1 On/off air conditioner 710G Dashboard
S8.2 Fan speed, 3 speed 709C Dashboard
V9 Diode 715G B42
V10 Diode 715G B42
X2 37 pole connector 701E Cabin floor
X4 9 pole connector 702O Engine compartment
X24 8 pole connector 712J Cabin wall, rear
X54 2 pole connector 718T Under cabin
Y97 Water circulation valve, heat 718U Cabin


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Electrical Scheme

F624406 8/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-12 Fuse, filling pump, stump treatment 813C Distribution box F1
F1-15 Fuse, vacuum pump 817C Distribution box F1
F1-24 Fuse, saw lubrication *) 814C Distribution box F1
F10 Fuse, filling pump hydraulic oil 801C Switch panel
F14 Fuse, filling pump, fuel 807C Switch panel
K7 Relay, saw lubrication *) 814H Cabin
K38 Relay, fuel injection pump *) 807N Switch panel
K39 Relay, filling pump *) 809N Switch panel
M16 Filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 801R Rear frame
M17 Vacuum pump, hydraulic tank *) 818R Rear frame
M20 Filling pump, stump treatment *) 813R
M21 Filling pump, fuel *) 809S
S61 Switch, filling pump, fuel *) 808F Switch panel
S83 Switch, filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 801I Switch panel
S85 Switch, filling pump, stump treatment *) 812H Cabin
S87 Switch, vacuum pump 817H Dashboard
X2 37 pole connector 817K Cabin floor
X20 2 pole connector, stump treatment 813Q Rear frame
X25 2 pole connector 806F Rear frame
X28 2 pole connector 807F Front frame
X32 2 pole connector 817O Rear frame
X33 2 pole connector 818O Rear frame
X38S 2 pole connector, seat lock 804E Seat
X59 2 pole connector 815E Cabin
X62 2 pole connector 801E Rear frame
X65 2 pole connector 813D Distribution box 16
X85 2 pole connector, socket 24V 803E Seat 29
Y77 Valve, vacuum pump 817R Engine compartment
Y159 Valve, saw lubrication *) 814R Cabin front

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 9/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward *) 904T Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left *) 905T Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward *) 906T Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward *) 907T Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right *) 907T Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward *) 908T Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left *) 909T Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward *) 910T Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward *) 911T Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right *) 912T Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left *) 918T Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward *) 913T Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward *) 914T Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right *) 919T Cabin roof
E55 Service light 919J Distribution box
E64.1 Working light, boom *) 915T Boom
E65.1 Working light, boom *) 916T Boom
E66.1 Working light, boom *) 901T Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom *) 903T Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 903D Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 902D Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 917D Distribution box F2
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 906D Distribution box F2
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 907D Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 909D Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 911D Distribution box F2 16
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 913D Distribution box F2 31
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 914D Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 918D Distribution box F2
F1-E5 Relay, working lights 900L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 908L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 910L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 904L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 906L Distribution box F2

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 9/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-E8 Relay, working lights 912L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 914L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 902L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 901H Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 904H Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 917G Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 916L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 900O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 901O Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 901Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 915Q Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 905O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 912O Cab roof

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 10/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A9 Hub module, TMC 1002N Distribution box
A11 Display, CDM 1004F Cabin
B25 Pedal 1013C Cabin
F1-3 Fuse, switches 1015C Distribution box F1
F1-4 Fuse, HHM 1016C Distribution box F1
F1-8 Fuse, display 1000B Distribution box F1
F1-9 Fuse, switches 1019C Distribution box F1
F2-8 Fuse, sensor, stairs 1011C Distribution box F2
F1-E3 Relay, reset switches 1015H Distribution box F1
F1-E4 Relay, reset HHM 1017H Distribution box F1
H15.1 Alarm light 1012E Cabin ceiling
S35 Switch, display 1000E Dashboard
S55 Switch, working rpm 1016T Dashboard
S56 Emergency stop 1018D Dashboard
S57 Switch, boom control 1011T Dashboard
S58 Switch, parking brake 1008T Dashboard
S62 Switch, high/low gear 1014T Dashboard
S76 Switch, all-wheel drive 1005T Dashboard
S78 Switch, frame brake 1013T Dashboard
V4 Diode 1006C Cabin
X2 37 pole connector 1007Q Cabin floor
X7 9 pole connector 1012H Cabin ceiling
X22 2 pole connector 1007S Engine compartment
X23 6 pole connector 1013G Pedal
X41 37 pole connector 1018Q Cabin floor
X60 9 pole connector 1004B Cabin 16
X78 7 pole connector 1017K Distribution box 35
X80 6 pole connector 1009C Cabin
X549 2 pole connector 1001S Cabin

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 10/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

XC11 6 pole connector 1006E Display
XC12 4 pole connector 1003E Display
XD1 6 pole connector 1003I Display
XH1 6 pole connector 1003L TMC-Hub
XH2 6 pole connector 1006L TMC-Hub
XH3 6 pole connector 1009L TMC-Hub
XH4 23 pole connector 1001L TMC-Hub
XH5 6 pole connector 1011L TMC-Hub
Y41 Valve, parking brake 1006U Engine compartment
Y549 Valve, stump treatment *) 1001U Cabin

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 11/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A2 Control panel, right 1117C Control panel, right
A3 Control panel, left 1108C Control panel, left
A10 Seat module, TMC 1104O Cabin
A18 Control panel, left 1101G Cabin
A19 Control panel, right 1110G Cabin
B20 Boom lever, left 1102C Control panel, left
B21 Boom lever, right 1112C Control panel, right
B37 Ministick, steering / boom tilt 1104C Control panel, left
B160 Clinometer 1103Y Cabin
H15.2 Beeper 1115V Cabin
S54A Switch, driving direction 1114C Control panel, right
S81 Switch, stairs *) 1113U Dashboard
S93 Switch, cabin levelling *) 1110U Dashboard
X8 Connector 1102F Control panel, left
X10 Connector 1111F Control panel, right
X12 Connector 1107F Control panel, left
X14 3 pole connector 1103T Behind the seat
X17 Connector 1100J Control panel, left
X18 Connector 1110J Control panel, right
X19 Connector 1104F Control panel, left
X21 Connector 1115F Control panel, right
X29 8 pole connector 1107U Behind the seat
X34 Connector 1117F Control panel, right
X41 37 pole connector 1111V Cabin floor
X59 Saw lubrication *) 1105U Seat module
X160 3 pole connector 1103U Cabin 16
XC1 23 pole connector 1103R Seat module 39
XC2 23 pole connector 1110R Seat module
XC3 23 pole connector 1100M Seat module
XC4 6 pole connector 1100R Seat module

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 12/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A7 Driving module, TMC 1204M Rear frame
B10 Pressure sensor, pressure filter *) 1213D Engine compartment
B19 Pressure sensor, return filter 1211D Hydraulic tank
B22 Level sensor, hydraulic tank 1209C Hydraulic tank
B23 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil 1215D Hydraulic tank
B26.1 Sensor, center hinge 1207D Center hinge
B27 Pressure sensor, supply pressure 1212D Engine compartment
B28 Tachometer 1216V Hydraulic motor
B43 Beeper *) 1216D Rear frame
R2 Fuel level sensor 1215U Fuel tank
S91 Sensor, high gear 1217D Transfer case
S92 Sensor, low gear 1218D Transfer case
X01 3 pole connector 1201Y Rear frame
X05 3 pole connector 1202S Rear frame
XB10 2 pole connector 1213G Rear frame
XB36 2 pole connector 1216G Rear frame
XT1 23 pole connector 1200K Driving module
XT2 23 pole connector 1204K Driving module
XT3 23 pole connector 1207K Driving module
XT4 6 pole connector CAN 1200O Driving module
Y33 Solenoid valve, differential lock 1206D Engine compartment
Y39 Valve, front wheel drive release 1204D Engine compartment
Y45 Valve, low gear 1201D Engine compartment
Y46 Valve, high gear 1202D Engine compartment
Y48 Valve, hydraulic motor 1213U Rear frame
Y102 Valve, drive forward 1210U Engine compartment 16
Y103 Valve, drive backward 1211U Engine compartment 41

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 13/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A8 Boom module, TMC 1303M Boom base
A71 Relay, boom drop *) 1306T Boom base
B16 Sensor, boom levelling *) 1303D Boom
B26.2 Stop position damper, main boom 1300D Boom
B26.3 Stop position damper, outer boom 1301D Boom
B35 Sensor, brake pressure 1318U Under the cabin
X90 3 pole connector 1302G Front frame
X91 4 pole connector 1316H Front frame
X92 4 pole connector 1304G Front frame
XE1 23 pole connector 1302P Boom module
XE2 23 pole connector 1303K Boom module
XE3 23 pole connector 1300K Boom module
XE4 6 pole connector 1300P Boom module
Y41W Valve, service brake 1312F Under the cabin
Y65 Frame brake 1314F Front frame
Y66L Valve, steering, left 1306F Front frame
Y66R Valve, steering, right 1307F Front frame
Y71 Valve, boom drop *) 1306U Boom base
Y85 Valve, work pressure 1315F Under the cabin
Y408 Valve, rotator, anticlockwise 1317U Front frame
Y409 Valve, rotator, clockwise 1316U Front frame
Y410 Valve, boom tilt in 1309F Front frame
Y411 Valve, boom tilt out 1310F Front frame
Y418 Valve, extension out 1314U Front frame
Y419 Valve, extension in 1313U Front frame
Y420 Valve, main boom up 1307U Front frame 16
Y421 Valve, main boom down 1308U Front frame 43
Y422 Valve, parallel out 1310U Front frame
Y423 Valve, parallel in 1311U Front frame
Y424 Valve, boom slew left 1303U Front frame
Y425 Valve, boom slew right 1304U Front frame
Y431 Valve, cabin sideways levelling, right cylinder *) 1317F Front frame
Y432 Valve, cabin sideways levelling, left cylinder *) 1318F Front frame
Y485 Valve, rotator, float mode *) 1311F Front frame

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624406 14/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

050 Grounding point 1404V Wire harness
A1 ECU 1405K Engine
B01 Oil pressure sensor 1414F Engine
B02 Temperature sensor, manifold air 1411G Engine
B03 Temperature sensor, coolant 1412G Engine
B04 Temperature sensor, fuel 1410G Engine
B08 Sensor, crankshaft position 1410S Engine
R11 Resistor 1407U Wire harness
X02 5 pole connector 1402F Rear frame
X04 3 pole connector 1401P Rear frame
X06 15 pole connector 1405J ECU
X11 3 pole connector 1406T Rear frame
Y01 Fuel pump control valve 1416F Engine

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1070D Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F624407 1/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-1 Main fuse, ignition switch 116H Distribution box F1
F2-1 Fuse, timer, AC controls 117H Distribution box F2
F2-3 Fuse, emergency stop 117H Distribution box F2
F2-4 Fuse, relief valve 119H Distribution box F2
F2A Main fuse, 50A 101H Main switch
F2B Main fuse, 50A 101H Main switch
F2C Main fuse, 50A 102H Main switch
F2D Main fuse, 50A 103H Main switch
F2F Main fuse, 50A 103H Main switch
F7 Fuse, charging control lamp 104H Switch panel
F8 Fuse, engine glow indicator 105H Switch panel
F11 Fuse, electric socket 24V 107H Switch panel
F12 Fuse, not used 108H Switch panel
F13 Fuse, ECU 106H Switch panel
F1-E2 Relay, start blocking 108T Distribution box F1
G1 Alternator, 140A 28V 104T Engine
G2 Battery, 24V 140Ah 101R Rear frame
J7 Connection 103L Engine
K3 Relay, starting motor 104N Engine
K24 Relay, engine glow 106N Engine
M1 Starting motor 102T Engine
R1 Glow plug 105V Engine
S1 Main switch 101M Rear frame
S2 Ignition switch 112L Dashboard
V2 Diode 113I Dashboard
X1 7 pole connector 103B Cabin floor 16
X1B Electric socket, 24V 107Q Switch panel 47
X2 37 pole connector 109J Cabin floor
X41 37 pole connector 117O Cabin floor
X57 2 pole connector 113R Fuel valve
X61 3 pole connector 105I Engine
X64 6 pole connector 109Q Rear frame
Y44 Relief valve (at start) 116T Front frame
Y55A Valve, fuel 113T Rear frame

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 2/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A4 Radio 216P Cabin roof
A5 L,R Loudspeaker 216U Cabin roof
B29 Converter, 24/12V 215E Cabin
B30 Converter, 24/12V 218F Cabin
E54 Cigarette lighter 214Q Dashboard
F1-7 Fuse, 24V socket, 10A 212D Distribution box F1
F1-10 Fuse, seat compressor 209D Distribution box F1
F1-11 Fuse, not used 208D Distribution box F1
F1-18 Fuse, converter 217D Distribution box F1
F2-2 Fuse, seat heater 213D Distribution box F2
F2-5 Fuse, control lights 207D Distribution box F2
F2-14 Fuse, seat 210D Distribution box F2
F1-E10 Relay, compressor, seat 209U Distribution box F1
H1 Control light, alternator 207K Dashboard
H5 Control light, engine glow 205K Dashboard
H5.1 Control light, direction flashers 201K Dashboard
H5.2 Control light, trailer flashers 208K Dashboard
H18 Control light, parking brake 200K Dashboard
H19 Control light, brake pressure 204K Dashboard
K20 Relay, radio 214K Cabin
P2 Hour clock 207T Cabin
R16 Resistor, 100 Ω, 25W 205O Control lights
S32 Level sensor, brake fluid 204T Distribution box
V3 Diode 207P Distribution box F2
V22 Diode 215E Converter
V24 Diode 218G Converter 16
X2 37 pole connector 205F Control lights 49
X7 9 pole connector 217N Cabin
X30 8 pole connector 200J Cabin floor
X31 5 pole connector 204J Control lights
X39 2 pole connector, printer 218J Cabin

To be continued on next page

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 2/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

X41 37 pole connector 204S Cabin floor
X42 8 pole socket, 12V, radio 215O Cabin roof
X42.1 8 pole connector 215R Radio
X43 2 pole socket, 12V 217G Cabin roof
X45 2 pole socket, 24V, seat heater 213O Seat
X51 2 pole socket, 24V 213T Cabin
X51.1 2 pole socket, 24V 212T Cabin
X54.1 2 pole connector 211P Seat
X54.2 2 pole connector 211Q Seat
X56 2-Pole connector, GPS 219J Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 3/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-6 Fuse, window wiper 311C Distribution box F2
F2-7 Fuse, window wiper motors 312C Distribution box F2
F1-E6 Relay, window wash 314N Distribution box F1
F1-E7 Relay, window wash 318N Distribution box F1
F1-E8 Relay, window wash 316N Distribution box F1
F2-E1 Relay, intermittent wiper 307N Distribution box F2
F2-E2 Relay, intermittent wiper 301N Distribution box F2
F2-E3 Relay, intermittent wiper 305N Distribution box F2
M4.1 Window wash 318T Cabin
M4.2 Window wash 316T Cabin
M4.3 Window wash 315T Cabin
M4.4 Window wash 313T Cabin
M5.1 Windshield wiper 301T Cabin
M5.2 Wiper, right side window 305T Cabin
M5.3 Wiper, left side window 308T Cabin
M5.4 Wiper, rear window 311T Cabin
R18 PTC resistor 314I Washer pump
R19 PTC resistor 315I Washer pump
R20 PTC resistor 316I Washer pump
S10.1 Switch, windshield wiper 301H Dashboard
S10.2 Switch, right side wiper 304H Dashboard
S10.3 Switch, left side wiper 308H Dashboard
S10.4 Switch, rear wiper 311H Dashboard
S10.6 Switch, auto washing 317H Dashboard
X7 9 pole connector 310N Cabin
X46 Connector 300R Wiper motor 16
X47 Connector 304R Wiper motor 53
X48 Connector 307R Wiper motor
X49 Connector 310R Wiper motor
X50 Connector 311V Wiper motor
X53 12 pole connector 300L Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 4/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward 404T Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left 405T Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward 406T Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward 407T Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right 407T Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward 408T Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left 409T Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward 410T Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward 411T Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right 412T Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left 417T Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward 413T Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward 414T Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right 418T Cabin roof
E55 Service light 419J Distribution box
E64.1 Working light, boom 414T Boom
E64.2 Working light, boom 415T Boom
E65.1 Working light, boom 416T Boom
E65.2 Working light, boom 417T Boom
E66.1 Working light, boom 400T Boom
E66.2 Working light, boom 401T Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom 402T Boom
E68.2 Working light, boom 403T Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 403D Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 402D Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 417D Distribution box F2 16
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 406D Distribution box F2 55
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 407D Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 409D Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 411D Distribution box F2
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 413D Distribution box F2
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 415D Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 418D Distribution box F2

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 4/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-E5 Relay, working lights 400L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 408L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 410L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 404L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 406L Distribution box F2
F2-E8 Relay, working lights 412L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 414L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 402L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 401H Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 404H Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 417G Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 416L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 400O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 401O Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 401Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 415Q Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 405O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 413O Cab roof

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 5/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

B3 Horn 513U Under cabin
E3 Interior light 514J Cabin
E11 Position light, left 505U Front frame
E12 Rear light, direction indicator, brake light, left 508U Rear frame
E13 Position light, right 506U Front frame
E14 Rear light, direction indicator, brake light, right 510U Rear frame
E15 Full/half beam, left 517U Cabin front
E16 Full/half beam, left 518U Cabin front
F1-2 Fuse, interior light 514C Distribution box F1
F1-6 Fuse, flashers, brake light 502C Distribution box F1
F2-9 Fuse, light, preheater timer 510C Distribution box F2
F2-10 Fuse, rear light left 511C Distribution box F2
F2-11 Fuse, rear light right 512C Distribution box F2
F2-12 Fuse, position light left 512C Distribution box F2
F2-13 Fuse, position light right 513C Distribution box F2
F2-25 Fuse, driving lights 518C Distribution box F2
F2-26 Fuse, position lights 517C Distribution box F2
H6 Flasher light, front left 504U Front frame
H8 Flasher light, front right 505U Front frame
K4 Flasher relay 502G Distribution box
S13 Switch, horn 512P Dashboard
S14 Switch, hazard flashers 502M Dashboard
S15 Switch, direction flashers 506H Dashboard
S16 Switch, brake light 509I Brake block
S18 Switch, lights 517J Dashboard
S24 Switch, left door 514P Cabin 16
S24A Switch, right door 514U Cabin 59
V27 Diode 503K S14
V28 Diode 503L S14
X2 37 pole connector 509F Cabin floor
X7 4 pole connector 514M Cabin ceiling
X9 Trailer output 507R Rear frame
X37 Trailer output 504S Cabin wall, front
X38 Trailer output 505S Cabin wall, front
X41 37 pole connector 509F Cabin floor
X53 12 pole connector 504Q Cabin

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F624407 6/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A15 Central unit, fire extinguisher system *) 605B Cabin ceiling
A16 Gas generator *) 612P Engine compartment
B 4 pole connector 604I Rear frame
B4 Horn, fire alarm 613N Hydraulic tank
B15/1-5 Heat detector *) 611U Engine compartment
B32 Pressure sensor, container *) 613I Engine compartment
F3 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 601C Switch panel
F9 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 601C Switch panel
H22 Alarm lamp, fire extinguisher system 613E Cabin ceiling
R10 Resistor, loop control *) 617R B15/5
R11 Resistor 22Ω/10W *) 611P A16
X15 Junction box *) 605I Hydraulic tank

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 7/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

B36 High/low pressure sensor 710R Engine compartment
B42 Air temperature regulator 716K Cabin, rear wall
E1 Motor, preheater 702R Engine compartment
F1-5 Fuse, air conditioning 703C Distribution box F1
F1-16 Fuse, display 708C Distribution box F1
F4 Fuse, engine preheater 705C Switch panel
F5 Fuse, engine preheater 705C Switch panel
F6 Fuse, engine preheater 706C Switch panel
F1-E1 Relay, air conditioning 706P Distribution box F1
F1-E9 Relay, display 707I Distribution box F1
K22 Relay, air conditioning 705I Switch panel
M2 Air conditioner 712K Cabin wall, rear
M18 Compressor, air conditioner 710U Engine compartment
P7 Timer, preheater 701M Cabin
R21 Temperature regulator 716T Dashboard
S8.1 On/off air conditioner 710G Dashboard
S8.2 Fan speed, 3 speed 709C Dashboard
V9 Diode 715G B42
V10 Diode 715G B42
X2 37 pole connector 701E Cabin floor
X4 9 pole connector 702O Engine compartment
X24 8 pole connector 712J Cabin wall, rear
X54 2 pole connector 718T Under cabin
Y97 Water circulation valve, heat 718U Cabin


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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F624407 8/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-12 Fuse, filling pump, stump treatment 813C Distribution box F1
F1-15 Fuse, vacuum pump 817C Distribution box F1
F1-24 Fuse, saw lubrication *) 814C Distribution box F1
F10 Fuse, filling pump hydraulic oil 801C Switch panel
F14 Fuse, filling pump, fuel 807C Switch panel
K7 Relay, saw lubrication *) 814H Cabin
K38 Relay, fuel injection pump *) 807N Switch panel
K39 Relay, filling pump *) 809N Switch panel
M16 Filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 801R Rear frame
M17 Vacuum pump, hydraulic tank *) 818R Rear frame
M20 Filling pump, stump treatment *) 813R
M21 Filling pump, fuel *) 809S
S61 Switch, filling pump, fuel *) 808F Switch panel
S83 Switch, filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 801I Switch panel
S85 Switch, filling pump, stump treatment *) 812H Cabin
S87 Switch, vacuum pump 817H Dashboard
X2 37 pole connector 817K Cabin floor
X20 2 pole connector, stump treatment 813Q Rear frame
X25 2 pole connector 806F Rear frame
X28 2 pole connector 807F Front frame
X32 2 pole connector 817O Rear frame
X33 2 pole connector 818O Rear frame
X59 2 pole connector 815E Cabin
X62 2 pole connector 801E Rear frame
X65 2 pole connector 813D Distribution box
Y77 Valve, vacuum pump 817R Engine compartment 16
Y159 Valve, saw lubrication *) 814R Cabin front 65

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F624407 9/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward *) 904T Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left *) 905T Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward *) 906T Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward *) 907T Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right *) 907T Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward *) 908T Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left *) 909T Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward *) 910T Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward *) 911T Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right *) 912T Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left *) 918T Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward *) 913T Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward *) 914T Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right *) 919T Cabin roof
E55 Service light 919J Distribution box
E64.1 Working light, boom *) 915T Boom
E65.1 Working light, boom *) 916T Boom
E66.1 Working light, boom *) 901T Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom *) 903T Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 903D Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 902D Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 917D Distribution box F2
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 906D Distribution box F2
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 907D Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 909D Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 911D Distribution box F2 16
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 913D Distribution box F2 67
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 914D Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 918D Distribution box F2
F1-E5 Relay, working lights 900L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 908L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 910L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 904L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 906L Distribution box F2

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 9/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-E8 Relay, working lights 912L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 914L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 902L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 901H Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 904H Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 917G Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 916L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 900O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 901O Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 901Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 915Q Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 905O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 912O Cab roof

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 10/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A9 Hub module, TMC 1002N Distribution box
A11 Display, CDM 1004F Cabin
B25 Pedal 1013C Cabin
F1-3 Fuse, switches 1015C Distribution box F1
F1-4 Fuse, HHM 1016C Distribution box F1
F1-8 Fuse, display 1000B Distribution box F1
F1-9 Fuse, switches 1019C Distribution box F1
F2-8 Fuse, sensor, stairs 1011C Distribution box F2
F1-E3 Relay, reset switches 1015H Distribution box F1
F1-E4 Relay, reset HHM 1017H Distribution box F1
H15.1 Alarm light 1012E Cabin ceiling
S35 Switch, display 1000E Dashboard
S55 Switch, working rpm 1016T Dashboard
S56 Emergency stop 1018D Dashboard
S57 Switch, boom control 1011T Dashboard
S58 Switch, parking brake 1008T Dashboard
S62 Switch, high/low gear 1014T Dashboard
S76 Switch, all-wheel drive 1005T Dashboard
S78 Switch, frame brake 1013T Dashboard
V4 Diode 1006C Cabin
X2 37 pole connector 1007Q Cabin floor
X7 9 pole connector 1012H Cabin ceiling
X22 2 pole connector 1007S Engine compartment
X23 6 pole connector 1013G Pedal
X41 37 pole connector 1018Q Cabin floor
X60 9 pole connector 1004B Cabin 16
X78 7 pole connector 1017K Distribution box 71
X80 6 pole connector 1009C Cabin
X549 2 pole connector 1001S Cabin

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 10/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

XC11 6 pole connector 1006E Display
XC12 4 pole connector 1003E Display
XD1 6 pole connector 1003I Display
XH1 6 pole connector 1003L TMC-Hub
XH2 6 pole connector 1006L TMC-Hub
XH3 6 pole connector 1009L TMC-Hub
XH4 23 pole connector 1001L TMC-Hub
XH5 6 pole connector 1011L TMC-Hub
Y41 Valve, parking brake 1006U Engine compartment
Y549 Valve, stump treatment *) 1001U Cabin

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 11/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A2 Control panel, right 1117C Control panel, right
A3 Control panel, left 1108C Control panel, left
A10 Seat module, TMC 1104O Cabin
A18 Control panel, left 1101G Cabin
A19 Control panel, right 1110G Cabin
B20 Boom lever, left 1102C Control panel, left
B21 Boom lever, right 1112C Control panel, right
B37 Ministick, steering / boom tilt 1104C Control panel, left
B160 Clinometer 1103Y Cabin
H15.2 Beeper 1115V Cabin
S54A Switch, driving direction 1114C Control panel, right
S81 Switch, stairs *) 1113U Dashboard
S93 Switch, cabin levelling *) 1110U Dashboard
X8 Connector 1102F Control panel, left
X10 Connector 1111F Control panel, right
X12 Connector 1107F Control panel, left
X14 3 pole connector 1103T Behind the seat
X17 Connector 1100J Control panel, left
X18 Connector 1110J Control panel, right
X19 Connector 1104F Control panel, left
X21 Connector 1115F Control panel, right
X29 8 pole connector 1107U Behind the seat
X34 Connector 1117F Control panel, right
X41 37 pole connector 1111V Cabin floor
X59 Saw lubrication *) 1105U Seat module
X160 3 pole connector 1103U Cabin 16
XC1 23 pole connector 1103R Seat module 75
XC2 23 pole connector 1110R Seat module
XC3 23 pole connector 1100M Seat module
XC4 6 pole connector 1100R Seat module

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 12/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A7 Driving module, TMC 1204M Rear frame
B10 Pressure sensor, pressure filter *) 1213D Engine compartment
B19 Pressure sensor, return filter 1211D Hydraulic tank
B22 Level sensor, hydraulic tank 1209C Hydraulic tank
B23 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil 1215D Hydraulic tank
B26.1 Sensor, center hinge 1207D Center hinge
B27 Pressure sensor, supply pressure 1212D Engine compartment
B28 Tachometer 1216V Hydraulic motor
B43 Beeper *) 1216D Rear frame
R2 Fuel level sensor 1215U Fuel tank
S91 Sensor, high gear 1217D Transfer case
S92 Sensor, low gear 1218D Transfer case
X01 3 pole connector 1201Y Rear frame
X05 3 pole connector 1202S Rear frame
XB10 2 pole connector 1213G Rear frame
XB36 2 pole connector 1216G Rear frame
XT1 23 pole connector 1200K Driving module
XT2 23 pole connector 1204K Driving module
XT3 23 pole connector 1207K Driving module
XT4 6 pole connector CAN 1200O Driving module
Y33 Solenoid valve, differential lock 1206D Engine compartment
Y39 Valve, front wheel drive release 1204D Engine compartment
Y45 Valve, low gear 1201D Engine compartment
Y46 Valve, high gear 1202D Engine compartment
Y48 Valve, hydraulic motor 1213U Rear frame
Y102 Valve, drive forward 1210U Engine compartment 16
Y103 Valve, drive backward 1211U Engine compartment 77

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 13/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

A8 Boom module, TMC 1303M Boom base
A71 Relay, boom drop *) 1306T Boom base
B16 Sensor, boom levelling *) 1303D Boom
B26.2 Stop position damper, main boom 1300D Boom
B26.3 Stop position damper, outer boom 1301D Boom
B35 Sensor, brake pressure 1318U Under the cabin
X90 3 pole connector 1302G Front frame
X91 4 pole connector 1316H Front frame
X92 4 pole connector 1304G Front frame
XE1 23 pole connector 1302P Boom module
XE2 23 pole connector 1303K Boom module
XE3 23 pole connector 1300K Boom module
XE4 6 pole connector 1300P Boom module
Y41W Valve, service brake 1312F Under the cabin
Y65 Frame brake 1314F Front frame
Y66L Valve, steering, left 1306F Front frame
Y66R Valve, steering, right 1307F Front frame
Y71 Valve, boom drop *) 1306U Boom base
Y85 Valve, work pressure 1315F Under the cabin
Y408 Valve, rotator, anticlockwise 1317U Front frame
Y409 Valve, rotator, clockwise 1316U Front frame
Y410 Valve, boom tilt in 1309F Front frame
Y411 Valve, boom tilt out 1310F Front frame
Y418 Valve, extension out 1314U Front frame
Y419 Valve, extension in 1313U Front frame
Y420 Valve, main boom up 1307U Front frame 16
Y421 Valve, main boom down 1308U Front frame 79
Y422 Valve, parallel out 1310U Front frame
Y423 Valve, parallel in 1311U Front frame
Y424 Valve, boom slew left 1303U Front frame
Y425 Valve, boom slew right 1304U Front frame
Y431 Valve, cabin sideways levelling, right cylinder *) 1317F Front frame
Y432 Valve, cabin sideways levelling, left cylinder *) 1318F Front frame
Y485 Valve, rotator, float mode *) 1311F Front frame

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme

F624407 14/14

Pos Description Scheme Location

050 Grounding point 1404V Wire harness
A1 ECU 1405K Engine
B01 Oil pressure sensor 1414F Engine
B02 Temperature sensor, manifold air 1411G Engine
B03 Temperature sensor, coolant 1412G Engine
B04 Temperature sensor, fuel 1410G Engine
B08 Sensor, crankshaft position 1410S Engine
R11 Resistor 1407U Wire harness
X02 5 pole connector 1402F Rear frame
X04 3 pole connector 1401P Rear frame
X06 15 pole connector 1405J ECU
X11 3 pole connector 1406T Rear frame
Y01 Fuel pump control valve 1416F Engine

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1270D/1470D Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

Wiring Diagram Explanations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Seek column Double lines, conductor Relay K7 Reference, seek column Earth terminal, connector
on circuit card 608 E X3 pin 3
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Fuse 25, 10A Connector X16 pin 9 Number of wire 65+ S9 in the frame, not Single line, wire
mounted on all machines
11. 12. 13.
Solenoid valve Y65 Machine frame Operation symbol

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 1/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-1 Main fuse, ignition switch 115G Distribution box F1
F2 Fuse, 150A 100I Main switch
F2-1 Fuse, timer, AC controls 116G Distribution box F2
F2-3 Fuse, emergency stop 113G Distribution box F2
F2-4 Fuse, relief valve 119G Distribution box F2
F2A Main fuse, 50A 102B Distribution box, under cabin
F2B Main fuse, 50A 102D Distribution box, under cabin
F2C Main fuse, 50A 102E Distribution box, under cabin
F2D Main fuse, 50A 102F Main switch
F2E Main fuse, 50A 102G Main switch
F7 Fuse, charging control lamp 105H Switch panel
F8 Fuse, not used 105H Switch panel
F11 Fuse, electric socket 24V 108H Switch panel
F12 Fuse, not used 107H Switch panel
F13 Fuse, ECU power supply 106H Switch panel
F15 Fuse, engine hood lifting 109H Main switch
F1-E2 Relay, start blocking 114T Distribution box F1
G1 Alternator, 140A 28V 105U Engine
G2 Battery, 24V 140Ah 100R Rear frame
J4 Connection 101D Distribution box, under cabin
J7 Connection 103J Engine
K3 Relay, starting motor 102Q Engine
M1 Starting motor 102U Engine
M12 Spindle motor 109U Rear frame
S1 Main switch 101M Rear frame
S2 Ignition switch 114K Dashboard 16
S12 Switch, engine hood lifting 109M Main switch 85
V2 Diode 114J Dashboard
X1 7 pole connector 103B Cabin floor

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 1/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

X1B Electric socket, 24V 108R Switch panel
X2 37 pole connector 111J Cabin floor
X41 37 pole connector 119L Cabin floor
X57 2 pole connector 111Q Fuel valve
X58 2 pole connector 109Q Rear frame
X64 6 pole connector 107R Rear frame
XF1 31 pole connector 119N Front frame
XR1 31 pole connector 113P Rear frame
Y44 Relief valve (at start) 117T Front frame
Y55A Valve, fuel 111T Rear frame

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 2/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A4 Radio 214Q Cabin roof
A5 L,R Loudspeaker 214U Cabin roof
B29 Converter, 24/12V 214G Cabin
B30 Converter, 24/12V 218G Cabin
E30 Seat heater 210T Seat
E54 Cigarette lighter 212M Dashboard
F1-7 Fuse, 24V socket, 10A 210E Distribution box F1
F1-10 Fuse, compressor 207E Distribution box F1
F1-11 Fuse, not used 208E Distribution box F1
F1-18 Fuse, converter 218E Distribution box F1
F2-2 Fuse, seat heater 211E Distribution box F2
F2-5 Fuse, control lights 205E Distribution box F2
F2-14 Fuse, seat 207E Distribution box F2
F1-E10 Relay, compressor, seat 207S Distribution box F1
H1 Control light, alternator 205J Dashboard
H5.1 Control light, direction flashers 201J Dashboard
H5.2 Control light, trailer flashers 206J Dashboard
H18 Control light, parking brake 200J Dashboard
H19 Control light, brake pressure 202J Dashboard
K20 Relay, radio 214K Cabin
M10 Compressor, seat 211T Seat
P2 Hour clock 205R Cabin
R16 Resistor, 100 Ω, 25W 203M Control lights
S32 Level sensor, brake fluid 202S Distribution box
V3 Diode 205N Distribution box
V22 Diode 214I Converter 16
V24 Diode 218I Converter 89
X2 37 pole connector 204F Control lights
X7 9 pole connector 216O Cabin
X30 8 pole connector 200I Control lights
X31 8 pole connector 204I Control lights
X39 2 pole connector, printer 219N Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 2/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

X40S 2 pole connector, seat compressor 210P Seat
X41 37 pole connector 203Q Cabin floor
X42 8 pole socket, 12V, radio 214P Cabin roof
X42.1 8 pole connector 214S Radio
X43 2 pole socket, 12V 216I Cabin roof
X48S 2 pole socket, 24V, seat heater 209P Seat
X51 2 pole socket, 24V 211R Cabin
X51.1 2 pole socket, 24V 210R Seat
X56 2-Pole connector, GPS 217N Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 3/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-6 Fuse, window wiper 310C Distribution box F2
F2-7 Fuse, window wiper motors 311C Distribution box F2
F1-E6 Relay, window wash 315K Distribution box F1
F1-E7 Relay, window wash 318K Distribution box F1
F1-E8 Relay, window wash 316K Distribution box F1
F2-E1 Relay, intermittent wiper 307Q Distribution box F2
F2-E2 Relay, intermittent wiper 301Q Distribution box F2
F2-E3 Relay, intermittent wiper 304Q Distribution box F2
M4.1 Window wash 318U Cabin
M4.2 Window wash 317U Cabin
M4.3 Window wash 316U Cabin
M4.4 Window wash 313U Cabin
M5.1 Windshield wiper 302U Cabin
M5.2 Wiper, right side window 305U Cabin
M5.3 Wiper, left side window 308U Cabin
M5.4 Wiper, rear window 310U Cabin
R18 PTC resistor 314I Washer pump
R19 PTC resistor 314H Washer pump
R20 PTC resistor 313G Washer pump
S10.1 Switch, windshield wiper 300I Dashboard
S10.2 Switch, right side wiper 303I Dashboard
S10.3 Switch, left side wiper 306I Dashboard
S10.4 Switch, rear wiper 312I Dashboard
S10.6 Switch, auto washing 318G Dashboard
X7 9 pole connector 312O Cabin
X46 Connector 301U Wiper motor 16
X47 Connector 304U Wiper motor 93
X48 Connector 307U Wiper motor
X49 Connector 311U Wiper motor
X50 Connector 310V Wiper motor
X53 12 pole connector 300M Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 4/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward 404S Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left 405S Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward 406S Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward 407S Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right 408S Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward 409S Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left 410S Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward 411S Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward 412S Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right 413S Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left 417S Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward 415S Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward 414S Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right 418S Cabin roof
E55 Service light 419L Distribution box
E64.1 Working light, boom 416S Boom
E64.2 Working light, boom 416S Boom
E65.1 Working light, boom 417S Boom
E65.2 Working light, boom 417S Boom
E66.1 Working light, boom 401S Boom
E66.2 Working light, boom 402S Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom 403S Boom
E68.2 Working light, boom 403S Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 403F Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 401F Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 416F Distribution box F2 16
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 405F Distribution box F2 95
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 407F Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 409F Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 411F Distribution box F2
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 413F Distribution box F2
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 415F Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 418F Distribution box F2

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 4/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-E5 Relay, working lights 400L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 408L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 410L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 404L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 406L Distribution box F2
F2-E8 Relay, working lights 412L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 414L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 402L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 401I Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 404I Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 416I Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 416L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 400O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 401N Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 401Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 416R Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 405O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 413O Cab roof
XF1 37 pole connector 401O Front frame

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 5/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

B3 Horn 508Q Under cabin
E3 Interior light 510J Cabin
E11 Position light, left 513U Front frame
E12 Rear light, left 512U Rear frame
E13 Position light, right 514U Front frame
E14 Rear light, right 513U Rear frame
E15 Full/half beam, left 515T Cabin front
E16 Full/half beam, left 516T Cabin front
E75 Service light 517T Under the hood
E76 Service light 518T Under the hood
F1-2 Fuse, interior light 510E Distribution box F1
F1-6 Fuse, flashers, brake light 501E Distribution box F1
F2-9 Fuse, light, preheater timer 511E Distribution box F2
F2-10 Fuse, rear light left 512E Distribution box F2
F2-11 Fuse, rear light right 512E Distribution box F2
F2-12 Fuse, position light left 513E Distribution box F2
F2-13 Fuse, position light right 514E Distribution box F2
F2-25 Fuse, driving lights 516E Distribution box F2
F2-26 Fuse, position lights 516E Distribution box F2
F16 Fuse, service lights 518E Main switch
H6 Flasher light, front left 504U Front frame
H7 Flasher light, back left 503U Rear frame
H8 Flasher light, front right 505U Front frame
H9 Flasher light, back right 503U Rear frame
H10 Brake light, left 506U Rear frame
H11 Brake light, right 507U Rear frame 16
K4 Flasher relay 501I Distribution box 99
S13 Switch, horn 508J Dashboard
S14 Switch, hazard flashers 501N Dashboard
S15 Switch, direction flashers 504J Dashboard
S16 Switch, brake light 506J Brake block
S18 Switch, lights 516L Dashboard

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 5/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

S24 Switch, left door 510P Cabin
S24A Switch, right door 510T Cabin
S75 Switch, service lights 518L Main switch
V27 Diode 502K S14
V28 Diode 502L S14
X2 37 pole connector 503Q Cabin floor
X7 4 pole connector 510G Cabin ceiling
X9 Trailer output 503S Rear frame
X37 Trailer output 505O Cabin wall, front
X38 Trailer output 505O Cabin wall, front
X41 37 pole connector 506H Cabin floor
X49 9 pole connector 508L Front frame
X53 12 pole connector 513L Cabin
X74 2 pole connector 518Q Rear frame
XF1 37 pole connector 506L Front frame
XR1 37 pole connector 506Q Rear frame

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 6/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A15 Central unit, fire extinguisher system 605D Cabin ceiling
A16 Gas generator 613M Engine compartment
B4 Horn, fire alarm 615Q Hydraulic tank
B15/1-6 Heat detector 610U Engine compartment
B32 Level sensor, brake fluid 612O Engine compartment
F3 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 601C Switch panel
F9 Fuse, fire extinguisher system 600C Switch panel
H22 Alarm lamp, fire extinguisher system 610G Cabin ceiling
R10 Resistor, loop control 615T B15/6
R11 Resistor 10 Ω 611L Gas generator
X15 Junction box 605M Hydraulic tank

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 7/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

B36 High/low pressure sensor 710T Engine compartment
B42 Air temperature regulator 716I Cabin, rear wall
F1-5 Fuse, air conditioning 702C Distribution box F1
F1-16 Fuse, display 701C Distribution box F1
F4 Fuse, engine preheater 702C Switch panel
F5 Fuse, engine preheater 703C Switch panel
F6 Fuse, engine preheater 703C Switch panel
F1-E1 Relay, air conditioning 701T Distribution box F1
F1-E9 Relay, display 700J Distribution box F1
K22 Relay, air conditioning 704J Switch panel
M2 Air conditioner 711H Cabin wall, rear
M15 Motor, engine preheater 703S Engine compartment
M18 Compressor, air conditioner 711T Engine compartment
P7 Timer, preheater 706S Cabin
R21 Temperature regulator 714T Dashboard
S8/1 On/off air conditioner 708J Dashboard
S8/2 Fan speed, 3 speed 705F Dashboard
V9 Diode 715F B42
V10 Diode 716F B42
X2 37 pole connector 700C Cabin floor
X4 9 pole connector 703P Engine compartment
X24 8 pole connector 711F Cabin wall, rear
X54 2 pole connector 719S Under cabin
XR1 37 pole connector 700F Rear frame
Y97 Water circulation valve, heat 719T Cabin

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 8/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

F1-12 Fuse, filling pump, stump treatment 813D Distribution box F1
F1-15 Fuse, vacuum pump 818D Distribution box F1
F1-24 Fuse, saw lubrication 815D Distribution box F1
F10 Fuse, filling pump hydraulic oil 802D Switch panel
F14 Fuse, filling pump, fuel 806D Switch panel
K7 Relay, saw lubrication *) 815H Cabin
K38 Relay, fuel injection pump *) 807N Switch panel
K39 Relay, filling pump *) 809N Switch panel
M16 Filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 802R Rear frame
M17 Vacuum pump, hydraulic tank *) 818Q Rear frame
M20 Filling pump, stump treatment *) 813R
M21 Filling pump, fuel *) 810S
M22 Seat lock 804S Seat
S61 Switch, filling pump, fuel *) 807I Switch panel
S83 Switch, filling pump, hydraulic oil *) 801I Switch panel
S85 Switch, filling pump, stump treatment *) 812H Cabin
S87 Switch, vacuum pump *) 817H Dashboard
S90 Switch, seat lock 804I Seat
X2 37 pole connector 818J Cabin floor
X20 2 pole connector, stump treatment 813O Rear frame
X25 2 pole connector 806E Rear frame
X28 2 pole connector 810F Front frame
X32 2 pole connector 817O Rear frame
X33 2 pole connector 818M Rear frame
X38S 2 pole connector, seat lock 804E Seat
X59 2 pole connector 815E Cabin 16
X62 2 pole connector 802F Rear frame ,107
X65 2 pole connector 813E Distribution box
X85 2 pole connector, electric socket 24V 804E Seat
X95 2 pole connector 804K Seat
Y77 Valve, vacuum pump 817R Engine compartment
Y159 Valve, saw lubrication *) 815R Cabin front

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 9/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

E40 Working lights, backward *) 904S Cabin roof
E41 Working lights, to the left *) 905S Cabin roof
E42 Working lights, forward *) 906S Cabin roof
E43 Working lights, forward *) 907S Cabin roof
E44 Working lights, to the right *) 908S Cabin roof
E45 Working lights, backward *) 909S Cabin roof
E46 Working lights, to the left *) 910S Cabin roof
E47 Working lights, forward *) 911S Cabin roof
E48 Working lights, forward *) 912S Cabin roof
E49 Working lights, to the right *) 913S Cabin roof
E50 Working lights, to the left *) 917S Cabin roof
E51 Working lights, forward *) 915S Cabin roof
E52 Working lights, forward *) 914S Cabin roof
E53 Working lights, to the right *) 918S Cabin roof
E55 Service light 919L Distribution box
E64.1 Working light, boom *) 916S Boom
E65.1 Working light, boom *) 917S Boom
E66.1 Working light, boom *) 901S Boom
E68.1 Working light, boom *) 903S Boom
F2-15 Fuse, working lights, boom 903F Distribution box F2
F2-16 Fuse, working lights 901F Distribution box F2
F2-17 Fuse, working lights control 916F Distribution box F2
F2-18 Fuse, working lights 905F Distribution box F2
F2-19 Fuse, working lights 907F Distribution box F2
F2-20 Fuse, working lights 909F Distribution box F2
F2-21 Fuse, working lights 911F Distribution box F2 16
F2-22 Fuse, working lights 913F Distribution box F2 ,109
F2-23 Fuse, working lights 915F Distribution box F2
F2-24 Fuse, working lights 918F Distribution box F2
F1-E5 Relay, working lights 900L Distribution box F1
F2-E4 Relay, working lights 908L Distribution box F2
F2-E5 Relay, working lights 910L Distribution box F2
F2-E6 Relay, working lights 904L Distribution box F2
F2-E7 Relay, working lights 906L Distribution box F2

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 9/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

F2-E8 Relay, working lights 912L Distribution box F2
F2-E9 Relay, working lights 914L Distribution box F2
F2-E10 Relay, working lights, boom 902L Distribution box F2
S67 Switch, working lights, boom 901I Dashboard
S68 Switch, working lights 904I Dashboard
S69 Switch, working lights 916I Dashboard
S73 Switch, working lights 916L Dashboard
X35 4 pole connector 900O Cabin
X41 37 pole connector 901N Cabin floor
X71 4 pole connector 901Q Front frame
X75 4 pole connector 916R Cabin front
X76 4 pole connector 905O Cab roof
X77 4 pole connector 913O Cab roof
XF1 37 pole connector 901O Front frame

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 10/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A9 Hub module, TMC 1001P Distribution box
A11 Display, CDM 1004H Cabin
B25 Pedal 1012I Cabin
B40 Sensor, stairs 1010K Stairs step
F1-3 Fuse, switches 1014C Distribution box F1
F1-4 Fuse, HHM 1016C Distribution box F1
F1-8 Fuse, display 1001C Distribution box F1
F1-9 Fuse, switches 1015C Distribution box F1
F1-17 Fuse, not used 1013C Distribution box F1
F2-8 Fuse, sensor, stairs 1019C Distribution box F2
F1-E3 Relay, reset switches 1015K Distribution box F1
F1-E4 Relay, reset HHM 1017K Distribution box F1
H15.1 Alarm light 1011U Cabin ceiling
P4 9 pole connector 1007G Cabin
S35 Switch, display 1001F Dashboard
S55 Switch, working rpm 1016U Dashboard
S56 Emergency stop 1013E Dashboard
S57 Switch, boom control 1010U Dashboard
S58 Switch, parking brake 1007U Dashboard
S62 Switch, high/low gear 1015U Dashboard
S76 Switch, all-wheel drive 1004U Dashboard
S78 Switch, frame brake 1013U Dashboard
V4 Diode 1006D Cabin
X2 37 pole connector 1007S Cabin floor
X7 9 pole connector 1011S Cabin ceiling
X22 2 pole connector 1006U Engine compartment 16
X23 6 pole connector 1012K Pedal ,113
X41 37 pole connector 1010K Cabin floor
X60 9 pole connector 1005C Cabin
X78 7 pole connector 1016M Distribution box
X80 6 pole connector 1008D Cabin
X549 2 pole connector 1002V Cabin

To be continued on next page

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 10/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

XC5 4 pole connector 1003H Cabin
XC11 6 pole connector 1006H Display
XC12 4 pole connector 1003H Display
XC13 9 pole connector 1004G Display
XD1 6 pole connector 1004J Display
XF1 31 pole connector 1017G Front frame
XH1 6 pole connector 1004N TMC-Hub
XH2 6 pole connector 1002N TMC-Hub
XH3 6 pole connector 1006N TMC-Hub
XH4 23 pole connector 1001N TMC-Hub
XH5 6 pole connector 1008N TMC-Hub
XR1 31 pole connector 1006T Rear frame
Y41 Valve, parking brake 1006X Engine compartment
Y549 Valve, stump treatment *) 1001X Cabin

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 11/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A2 Control panel, right 1119D Control panel, right
A3 Control panel, left 1109D Control panel, left
A10 Seat module, TMC 1100M Cabin
A18 Control panel, left 1100D Cabin
A19 Control panel, right 1110D Cabin
B20 Boom lever, left 1106J Control panel, left
B21 Boom lever, right 1116J Control panel, right
B37 Ministick, steering / boom tilt 1107J Control panel, left
H15.2 Beeper 1118T Cabin
S54.A Switch, driving direction 1117J Control panel, right
S81 Switch, stairs 1115S Dashboard
S93 Switch, cabin levelling *) 1111S Dashboard
X8 Connector 1106F Control panel, left
X10 Connector 1116F Control panel, right
X12 Connector 1108E Control panel, left
X17 Connector 1100F Control panel, left
X18 Connector 1110F Control panel, right
X19 Connector 1107F Control panel, left
X21 Connector 1117F Control panel, right
X29 8 pole connector 1111R Behind the seat
X34 Connector 1118D Control panel, right
X41 37 pole connector 1112S Cabin floor
XC1 23 pole connector 1114K Seat module
XC2 23 pole connector 1104K Seat module
XC3 23 pole connector 1100K Seat module
XC4 6 pole connector 1100R Seat module 16
XF1 31 pole connector 1112T Front frame ,117
Y120 Valve, stairs 1112X Front frame

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 12/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A7 Driving module, TMC 1200L Rear frame
B10 Pressure sensor, pressure filter *) 1213C Engine compartment
B19 Pressure sensor, return filter 1211C Hydraulic tank
B22 Level sensor, hydraulic tank 1210C Hydraulic tank
B23 Temperature sensor, hydraulic oil 1215C Hydraulic tank
B26.1 Sensor, center hinge 1209C Center hinge
B27 Pressure sensor, supply pressure 1212C Engine compartment
B28 Tachometer 1215U Hydraulic motor
B43 Beeper *) 1216D Rear frame
R2 Fuel level sensor 1214V Fuel tank
S91 Sensor, high gear 1218C Transfer case
S92 Sensor, low gear 1218C Transfer case
X01 Terminal resistance 1200Y Rear frame
X05 3 pole connector 1202S Rear frame
X36 2 pole connector 1216F Rear frame
XB10 2 pole connector 1213F Rear frame
XT1 23 pole connector 1200K Driving module
XT2 23 pole connector 1203K Driving module
XT3 23 pole connector 1209K Driving module
XT4 6 pole connector CAN 1200O Driving module
Y33 Solenoid valve, differential lock 1205C Engine compartment
Y39 Valve, front wheel drive release 1204C Engine compartment
Y45 Valve, low gear 1200C Engine compartment
Y46 Valve, high gear 1202C Engine compartment
Y48 Valve, hydraulic motor 1213U Rear frame
Y67 Valve, adjustment of work pump 1219U Rear frame 16
Y69 Valve, adjustment of work pump 1217U Rear frame ,119
Y102 Valve, drive forward 1210U Engine compartment
Y103 Valve, drive backward 1211U Engine compartment

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 13/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A8 Boom module, TMC 1300M Boom base
B16 Sensor, boom levelling *) 1303D Boom
B26.2 Stop position damper, main boom 1305D Boom
B26.3 Stop position damper, outer boom 1306D Boom
B35 Sensor, brake pressure 1319U Under the cabin
B168 Potentiometer 1301F Front frame
X90 3 pole connector 1303G Front frame
X168 3 pole connector 1300G Front frame
XE1 23 pole connector 1314K Boom module
XE2 23 pole connector 1308K Boom module
XE3 23 pole connector 1300K Boom module
XE4 6 pole connector 1300Q Boom module
Y41W Valve, service brake 1315F Under the cabin
Y65 Frame brake 1317F Front frame
Y66L Valve, steering, left 1308F Front frame
Y66R Valve, steering, right 1309F Front frame
Y71 Valve, boom drop *) 1306U Boom base
Y85 Valve, work pressure 1318F Under the cabin
Y408 Valve, rotator, anticlockwise 1317U Front frame
Y409 Valve, rotator, clockwise 1316U Front frame
Y410 Valve, boom tilt in 1311F Front frame
Y411 Valve, boom tilt out 1312F Front frame
Y418 Valve, extension out 1314U Front frame
Y419 Valve, extension in 1313U Front frame
Y420 Valve, main boom up 1307U Front frame
Y421 Valve, main boom down 1308U Front frame 16
Y422 Valve, parallel out 1310U Front frame ,121
Y423 Valve, parallel in 1311U Front frame
Y424 Valve, boom slew left 1303U Front frame
Y425 Valve, boom slew right 1304U Front frame
Y485 Valve, rotator, float mode *) 1314F Front frame

*) if equipped

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Electrical Scheme



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Electrical Scheme

F618715 14/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A27 Cabin module 1400M Front frame
B159 Clinometer 1414C Under the cabin
B160 Clinometer 1412C Under the cabin
B161 Potentiometer, cabin slewing 1417D Under the cabin
X161 3 pole connector 1416E Under the cabin
Y429 Valve, cabin pitching, left cylinder 1405S Front frame
Y430 Valve, cabin pitching, left cylinder 1404S Front frame
Y431 Valve, cabin pitching, right cylinder 1407S Front frame
Y432 Valve, cabin pitching, right cylinder 1408S Front frame
Y433 Valve, cabin slewing, left 1412S Front frame
Y434 Valve, cabin slewing, right 1411S Front frame

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Electrical Scheme

F618715 15/15

Pos Description Scheme Location

A1 ECU 1503K Rear frame
B01 Oil pressure sensor 1505F Engine
B02 Temperature sensor, fuel 1506G Engine
B03 Temperature sensor, coolant 1508G Engine
B05 Water-in-fuel sensor 1508S Engine
B06 Temperature sensor, manifold air 1509S Engine
B07 Event sensor, fuel pump 1509E Engine
B08 Sensor, crankshaft position 1510E Engine
B09 Pressure sensor, common rail 1513D Engine
C1 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1512T Engine
C2 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1513T Engine
C3 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1514T Engine
C4 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1515T Engine
C5 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1516T Engine
C6 Solenoid valve, fuel injector 1517T Engine
R10 Resistor 1505U Wire harness
W01 8 pole connector 1511Q Engine
X02 Connector, engine diagnostics 1501F Rear frame
X06 15 pole connector 1504J ECU
X07 15 pole connector 1505J ECU
X09 Grounding point 1507N ECU
X10 3 pole connector 1504T Rear frame
X64 6 pole connector 1503E Rear frame
Y01 Connector, fuel pump control valve 1511F Engine
Y02 Connector, fuel pump control valve 1512F Engine

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Electrical Scheme


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Group 1630
770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors
Engine Sensors

A—Oil pressure sensor (B01) C—Engine control unit, ECU E—Fuel temperature sensor G—Manifold air temperature
B—Fuel pump control valve D—Crank position sensor (B04) sensor (B02)
(Y01) (B08) F—Coolant temperature
sensor (B03)
AK12300,00000CD –19–19OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors

Hydraulic Tank

1. Hydraulic tank oil level sensor (B22)

The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil level
drops below the acceptable limit.
2. Temperature sensor for hydraulic oil (B23)
The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil
temperature exceeds the acceptable limit.
3. Return filter pressure sensor (B19)
The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil filter
has clogged.

AK12300,00000CE –19–19OCT01–1/1


1. Hydraulic motor speed sensor (B28)

16 Sends signals for calculation of speed and distance
1630 and controls the function of the service brake.
2 2. Hydrostatic supply pressure sensori (B27)
Sends supply pressure signal to TMC. TMC sets off
an alarm if the pressure falls below 1,5 MPa.
3. High/low gear sensor (S91/S92)
Indicates which gear is selected. This is displayed on
the TMC screen. –UN–19AUG02

AK12300,00000CF –19–19OCT01–1/1

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770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors

Brake System

1. Brake fluid level sensor (S32)

The sensor triggers the alarm if the brake fluid level
drops below the acceptable limit.
2. Brake pressure sensor B35
The sensor triggers the alarm if brake pressure drops
below 10 MPa. The sensor is in the brake valve.
The brake valve is located under the cabin behind the
front cover plate.

AK12300,00000D0 –19–19OCT01–1/1

Fuel System

Fuel level sensor (R2)

The fuel level sensor is located in the left section of the 1630
fuel tank. 3


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tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

770D and 1070D Electrical Sensors


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Group 1630
1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors
Engine Sensors



A—Electronic injector wiring C—Manifold air temperature F—Coolant temperature H—Oil pressure sensor B01
harness sensor B06 sensor B03 I—Water-in-fuel sensor B05
B—Fuel temperature sensor D—Fuel rail pressure B09 G—Fuel pump event sensor J—Crank position sensor B08
B02 E—Fuel pump control valve B07
connectors Y01 and Y02

JK11466,0000090 –19–15JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors

Hydraulic Tank

1. Hydraulic tank oil level sensor B22

The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil level
drops below the acceptable limit.
2. Temperature sensor for hydraulic oil B23
The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil
temperature exceeds the acceptable limit.
3. Return filter pressure sensor B19
The sensor triggers the alarm if the hydraulic oil filter
has clogged.

JK11466,0000091 –19–15JAN03–1/1


1. Hydraulic motor speed sensor B28

16 Sends signals for calculation of speed and distance
1630 and controls the function of the service brake.
2 2. Hydrostatic supply pressure sensori B27
Sends supply pressure signal to TMC. TMC sets off
an alarm if the pressure falls below 1,5 MPa.
3. High/low gear sensor S91/S92
Indicates which gear is selected. This is displayed on
the TMC screen. –UN–15MAY02

JK11466,0000091 –19–15JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors

Brake System

1. Brake fluid level sensor S32

The sensor triggers the alarm if the brake fluid level
drops below the acceptable limit.
2. Brake pressure sensor B35
The sensor triggers the alarm if brake pressure drops
below 10 MPa. The sensor is in the brake valve.
The brake valve is located under the cabin behind the
front cover plate.

JK11466,0000091 –19–15JAN03–1/1

Fuel System

Fuel level sensor R2

The fuel level sensor is located in the left section of the 1630
fuel tank. 3


JK11466,0000091 –19–15JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

1270D and 1470D Electrical Sensors

Position Sensors

1. Position sensor, center hinge B26.1

2. Boom position sensors, (main boom B26.2, outer
The sensors control end damping. Function speed is

slowed when the sensor is activated. The slowing of
function speed can be adjusted in the TMC. The
sensor’s air gap is 2...4 mm.
3. Position sensor, stairs B40

The TMC triggers an alarm if the sensor is not
activated (stairs are down) when starting to move at
the low gear.



JK11466,0000091 –19–15JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1630-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1640
Measuring System Timbermatic 300
See Operator‘s Manual For Detailed

See OMF062494 for detailed information

AK12300,0000004 –19–23OCT02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1640-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Measuring System Timbermatic 300


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1640-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1650
Total Machine Control System TMC
See TMC Workshop Manuals For Detailed

• See for example TMC Workshop Manual F059588 or


AK12300,0000004 –19–23OCT02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1650-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Total Machine Control System TMC


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 16-1650-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 17


Group 1710—General
Overall Structure Description. . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1710-1

Group 1720—Frames
Rear Frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1720-1
Front Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1720-1

Group 1730—Center hinge

Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-1
Center Hinge and Steering Cylinder Greasing
Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-2
Frame Brake Theory Of Operation . . . . . . . .17-1730-3
Friction Pad Changing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-4
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1710
Overall Structure Description

The harvester comprises two frames, connected by the

center hinge. The harvester is designed to articulate in the
middle for steering.

In 770D and 1070D the center hinge is installed in the

front frame.In models 1270D and 1470D center hinge is
installed in rear frame. It allows the frames to move in two
axes relative to one another. The machine can articulate
for steering and the frames can tilt to keep the wheels in
contact with uneven ground. The steering cylinders are
mounted in 770D and 1270D between the rear frame and
the center hinge. A drive shaft passes through the center
hinge to transmit power to the front axle.

The frame brake locks the front frame to the center hinge
to prevent the rear frame from tilting during boom
operations. The frame brake is automatically applied when
the work brake engages. In models 1270D and 1470D the
framebrake is between the rear frame and the center
hinge.The frame brake can be manually released by a
switch on the dashboard. Steering is unaffected by the
use of the frame brake.

Access to the cab is by steps installed on the left side of

the front frame.

The Cabin stairs switch will prevent the machine from

being driven unless the steps are raised. When the cabin
stairs are down, a stairs symbol will be on.

Access to the engine compartment is by tilting the hood or

lowering the belly pan. Both covers are slowed in moving
by pneumatic cylinders. The belly pan is also equipped
with a safety hook that will prevent the steps from
dropping more than a few inches.

OUTJ003,000046F –19–08FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1710-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1710-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1720
Rear Frame

Frame is made of normalised fine grain steel. This

material allows very high strength and it is easy to weld,
machine and form. In cases of failure contact to your
dealer or manufacturer for proper repair instructions.

The rear frame supports the engine, hydrostatic drive

system, transfer case, drive shafts, rear bogie, fuel and
some of , hydraulic system components and hood. Covers
and hatches on the underside allow access to the rear
axle, drive shafts and transfer case.Batteries are located
at the front end of frame.

JK11466,000002F –19–05DEC02–1/1

Front Frame

Front frame is made of normalised fine grain steel. This

material allows very high strength and it is easy to weld,
machine and form. Belly plate is supported by gas
springs. Frame is equipped with separate counter weight,
which is mounted by bolts. In cases of failure contact to
your dealer or manufacturer for proper repair
instructions.The front frame supports cabin.

JK11466,0000012 –19–01NOV02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1720-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1720-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1730
Center hinge

NOTE: All figures, adjustments and values are guidelines

only. They can vary according to the machine

Center hinge is made of cast iron, GRP 500. Welding is

not allowed. If center hinge has damaged it must be

Center hinge installation

1. Before installation fill bearing ball race with lithium

bearing grease, for example BP Energrease LS-EP2

2. When installing new slew bearing set mark "S" on
outer ring to mark "S" on front frame. Also set mark "S"
on inner ring to mark "S" on center hinge.

Pivot pin installation

1—Brake pad framebrake
1. When tightening the pivot pin nuts it is recommended
3—Snap ring DIN 471 60x2
that machine is turned close to the maximum steering 4—Screw
angle 5—Nut DIN 934 M12-8
2. Tighten nuts to specified torque by using torque 6—Tee fitting
spanner and Timberjack special tool (F612884) for nut. 7—Screw DIN 912 M24x60
8—Elbow nipple
3. While tightening alternate the balancing of the machine
9—Nipple parker
simultaneously so that center hinge is slightly moving 10—Screw DIN 933 M12x35-12.9
and won’t stuck when tightening the torque using for 11—Lock washer
example hydraulic jack. This is required to ensure 12—Slew bearing
correct placing of the bearings. Repeat this until the 13—Piston guide
nut doesn’t rotate any more during tightening.
4. After tightening is completed drill 3 mm deep holes 16—Piston
thorough the small hole of nut to pivot pins for locking 17—Bushing
screws and install the screws. 18—Gudgeon middle joint
20—Brake lining

JK11466,0000030 –19–05DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Center hinge

Center Hinge and Steering Cylinder Greasing


At the center hinge, there are three greasing points at the

horizontal bearing (1), two greasing points at the vertical
bearing (2) and both steering cylinders (3) have two

greasing points.

When greasing the center hinge, also visually check the

center hinge clearances.

Continue to grease until clean grease is visible at the
bearing seals

A—Center hinge, left side

B—Center hinge, right side

Center hinge - right

AK12300,0000078 –19–15OCT01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Center hinge

Frame Brake Theory Of Operation

Two single-acting hydraulic cylinders press friction pads to

the brake disc as the frame brake is on. This brake disc is
mounted to the center hinge and brake cylinders and
friction pads are mounted to the front frame. When the
machine stops, TMC-system engages the service brake
and de-energizes the solenoid valve. In that case the
valve allows the hydraulic pressure to the frame brake
cylinders when using the boom lift up – function .The
frame brake releases when TMC energizes the valve and
lets the pressure go to the drain line, when starting to
drive again. The check valve in the pressure line prevents
pressure drop in the frame brake. Relief valve limits the

maximum pressure for frame brake (setting pressure 25
MPa). leaks

The center hinge articulates for steering and rolls to allow

the front and rear frames to tilt independently as the
machine maneuvers across uneven ground. The frame
brake is provided to temporarily lock the frames when the 1270D and 1470D frame brake
boom lift up -function is actuated. This allows the full
weight of both frames to act as counterweight to stabilize
the machine when using the boom.

The brake is automatically applied when the boom is

operated. The frame brake is automatically disengaged
when the harvester is moving. The frame brake can also
be manually released by a switch on the dashboard.

The frame brake is hydraulically applied and spring

released. . The brake prevents the center hinge from
rolling in the rear frame bearings. Steering is unaffected
by the use of the frame brake.


Continued on next page JK11466,0000013 –19–01NOV02–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Center hinge

NOTE: Change friction pads, when there are ~2 mm of

running surface left.


Failure Cause for the failure:

Relief valve leaks
Incorrect setting pressure of relief
1. Frame brake looses grip
Leakage in brake cylinders
Solenoid valve leaks
Check valve
Solenoid valve stacked open
2. Frame brake stays on Stacked drain line
No current for Y65

JK11466,0000013 –19–01NOV02–2/2

Friction Pad Changing

1. Drive machine to flat area and turn machine in max

steering angle

2. Loosen seven cap screws. Note ! Because the

tightening torque of the cap screws is 900Nm very high
forces may be needed to open screws.

3. Remove pads.

4. Press brake pistons in.

5. Check the condition of the brake plate.

6. Any big cracks or bends are not allowed. Change plate

17 if necessary.
7. Clean and grease bushings, which are between pads.
Use waterproof grease.

8. Install new pads.

9. Clean cap screws and tighten them to 900Nm. Threads

must be unoiled.

10. Check that the brake works properly.

JK11466,0000084 –19–07JAN03–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Center hinge


Steering Cylinders with Boom Control Valve

Two Steer cylinders are mounted inside the front frame A switch on the left armrest of the operator’s seat
under the cab. The cylinders bend the vehicle at the activates solenoids on the far right spool of the Boom
center hinge to turn the machine left and right. control valve operating the steer cylinders.
OUTJ003,00002B3 –19–10JAN01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Center hinge


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 17-1730-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 18


Group 1810—Cabin Environment

Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-1
Control Keypads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-2
Control Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-3
Warning lamps and beeper on the roof . . . . .18-1810-3
Boom Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-4
Operator’s Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-5
Cabin Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-9

Group 1830—Removal and Installation

Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-1
Cabin Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-1
Cabin Mount Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-5
Cabin Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-7
Cabin Sideways Levelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-8


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1810
Cabin Environment

The dashboard introduced below is from 1270D. See

Operator‘s manual F064376 for closer information of
770D‘s and 1070D‘s dashboards

*) if equipped
1—Driving Lights
2—Working Lights, roof
3—Working Lights, roof
4—Working Lights, boom, 4 pcs
5—Working Lights, roof
7—Emergency Flashers
8—Window Wiper, left side window *)
9—Window Wiper, windscreen
10—Window Wiper, right side window *)
11—Window Wiper, rear window *)
12—Not Used
13—Intermittent Wiper
14—Not Used
15—Direction Indicators
16—Not Used
17—Vacuum Pump
18—Not Used
19—Not Used
20—Cabin levelling *)
21—Cigarette Lighter
22—Frame Brake Release
23—Front Wheel Drive, engagement (high gear on)
24—High/Low Gear
25—Not Used
26—Starting Changeover Switch Timbermatic 300
Display Module and Harvester Head Functions
27—Parking Brake
28—Working rpm
29—Boom Switch (also the harvester head if
Timbermatic 300 is switched on)
31—Ignition Switch
32—Emergency Stop


AK12300,0000034 –19–10OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Control Keypads

1—Button on the right boom 9—Increase - decrease 15—Force open delimbing A—Steering / boom tilt
control lever 10—No count knives B—Driving direction switch
2—Stop button 11—Change registration of last 16—Force open feed rollers C—Boom controls
3—Saw log 17—Color marking D—Window wipers
4—Feed forward 12—Harvester head tilt down / 18—Stump treatment E—Differential interlocks
5—Feed backward felling nudge 19—Additional functions F—Levelling / additional
6—Species buttons 13—Harvester head tilt up button functions
7—Grade buttons 14—Pre-delimbing 20—Additional functions
8—Length buttons button

Timbermatic 300 functions are demonstrated in

separate instruction book.


AK12300,0000036 –19–10OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Control Lights

Should a warning light go on and the central warning light

blinks, this always indicates that there is something that
does not function properly within the system. Discontinue
operation and turn off the engine. Find out what is wrong.

The operation and alarms of the TMC system are

detailed in the Timbermatic 300 instructions enclosed.

1—Charging Control. The lamp lights up when the

alternator is not charging.
2—Brake Pressure Warning Light. Red if brake
pressure is below 10 MPa or brake fluid level is

too low. The machine must not be moved if the
lamp is on.
3—Parking Brake. Red when the parking brake is
4—Direction Indicators

5—Not used
6—Direction Indicators, Trailer

AK12300,0000033 –19–10OCT01–1/1

Warning lamps and beeper on the roof

1. Beeper and warning lamp (yellow), give warning that

something is wrong. The Timbermatic 300 display
indicates what is wrong.
2. Fire alarm lamp (red) The fire alarm flashes and the

alarm sounds if fire is registered by the detectors. You
should then trigger the fire extinguisher system. See
group Fire Extinguisher System/General.
3. Control unit for fire extinguisher system (if equipped).

JK11466,00000C1 –19–07MAR03–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Boom Controls

Left boom control lever, fig 1 Right boom control lever, fig 2
+Y Outer boom out +Y Main boom down
-Y Outer boom in -Y Main boom up
-X Slew boom anticlockwise -X Rotator anticlockwise
+X Slew boom clockwise +X Rotator clockwise
+Z Extension out +Z Head open
-Z Extension in -Z Head closed

AK12300,0000050 –19–12OCT01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Operator’s Seat

The seat swivels so the operator can face the front or The SEAT electrical control module is installed in the
the rear. When the seat is turned to the front a seat seat back. This module handles input from the controls
direction switch mounted on the pedestal disables the on the armrests.
boom controls. When the seat is turned to the rear the
seat direction switch enables the boom controls. The Seat Safety Switch will prevent the machine from
being driven unless the operator is seated. When the
Controls are on the seat armrests operate the machine operator is seated, an indicator light on the armrest will
direction, steering, booms and other functions. be lit.

Continued on next page JK11466,000006F –19–20DEC02–1/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment



Operator’s Seat

The seat and seat suspension assemblies are all

serviceable. (See the Parts Catalog for more

Continued on next page JK11466,000006F –19–20DEC02–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

The pedestal assembly allows the seat to swivel to face

the front or rear.

NOTE: The Drive Direction Select must be in neutral

when the seat is swiveled.

Bearings and foot pedal locking arm are all serviceable.

The Seat Direction Switch on the seat pedestal enables

the boom controls only when the seat is facing the rear.

1—Seat Direction Switch


Continued on next page JK11466,000006F –19–20DEC02–3/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

NOTE: The boom controls can be disabled when the seat

is facing the rear, by pressing the High Gear
Select button on the armrest. The indicator light
on the switch will start to flash.

The armrest assemblies are completely serviceable. (See

the Parts Catalog for more information.)

JK11466,000006F –19–20DEC02–4/5

Each armrest is equipped with two adjustment levers.

Loosen one lever to slide the armrest forward and back,

raise and lower or tilt the armrest.

The other lever will allow the armrest to swivel out from

the seat.

To access the module, remove the seat back cover.

See detailed seat adjustment instructions from Operator‘s T139443



JK11466,000006F –19–20DEC02–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Cabin Service

Seat Belt Replacement

The complete seat belt assembly should be replaced after

three years of usage, regardless of appearance.

Between replacement intervals, carefully examine the

buckle, webbing and attaching hardware. Be sure that the
retractor, if equipped, locks to prevent belt extension after
latching buckle. Be sure the attaching hardware is in place
and tighten, if necessary. Replace the seat belt if it does
not operate properly, or if it is damaged, worn or

Replace entire seat belt assembly if any components

show signs of damage. Replace only with replacement
parts approved for your machine.

JK11466,000004A –19–13DEC02–1/5

Dome Light Removal and Installation


1. Remove cover to replace bulb.

2. Remove mounting screws and disconnect wiring


harness to replace fixture.

1—Dome Light

Continued on next page JK11466,000004A –19–13DEC02–2/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

Windows installation

The cab windows are an impact resistant plastic

material retained by frames and sealing tape. All of the
frames are fastened by the same type of screw.

Continued on next page JK11466,000004A –19–13DEC02–3/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

To Install the Windows:

1. Apply the sealing tape around both sides of the

window and to the cab window frame.

2. Position the window on the cab frame.

3. Put the retaining frame in place and install the screws.

Cleaning the Windows

To clean the windows, use a solution of mild soap or
detergent and lukewarm water. Use a soft cloth or sponge
to loosen dirt. Do not scrub. Rinse well with clean water
and dry with a chamois.

Acceptable soaps and detergents include mild dish

washing detergent and other household products. Test
any intended cleaning product in an unobtrusive spot.
Cleaning should never be done in direct sunlight or at
high temperatures.

IMPORTANT: Do not use abrasive or highly alkaline

solvents as cleaning agents.

Labels and stickers can be removed using compatible

solvents. Wash the window with soap and water and rinse
thoroughly to remove any trace of solvents.

Acceptable solvents include aliphatic hydrocarbons,

kerosene, Naptha (VM-P grade) and petroleum spirits.
Alcohol solvents such as methanol, ethanol (denatured)
and pure isopropyl are also acceptable. Test any intended
cleaning solvent in an unobtrusive spot.

Continued on next page JK11466,000004A –19–13DEC02–4/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Cabin Environment

IMPORTANT: Do not use benzene, gasoline, acetone,

or carbon tetrachloride.

CAUTION: Make sure the work area is well

ventilated when working with organic solvents.

Solvent fumes can be hazardous to health if

proper safety precautions are not taken.

Do not smoke around organic solvents.

Solvents can cause risk of fire if proper safety
precautions are not taken.

Do not use any kind of sharp instrument to scrape the

window material.

Hairline scratches and minor abrasions can be removed

or minimized with automobile polish. Test any intended
polishing product in an unobtrusive spot.

JK11466,000004A –19–13DEC02–5/5


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1810-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1830
Removal and Installation
Other Material

Failure to follow proper safety procedures

CAUTION: Use appropriate support, slings
can lead to risk of personal injury or
and lifting device when lifting the cab.
equipment damage
Ensure that the cab is properly supported
IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be
before working underneath it.
observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
Do not disconnect the Air Conditioner
prevent contamination of the
System hoses from the AC compressor.
hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.
Accidental release of refrigerant can cause
personal injury. The Air Conditioning System
Failure to follow these procedures
is to be handled by qualified technicians
may lead to equipment damage.

Number Name Use

N/A (U.S.) Never-Seez Anti-siezing compound applied to

cab mount dampeners during Cab
Mount Replacement procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 270 Used to secure set screw locking

cab mount dampener during Cab
Mount Replacement procedure.

OUTJ003,00003E3 –19–02FEB01–1/1

Cabin Removal

1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the 2. Tilt the cab.
parking brake.and stow the boom. Block the
wheels. Install the frame locking bar to prevent
accidental articulation of the machine.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–1/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

CAUTION: Ensure that the cab is properly

supported before working underneath it.

Failure to follow proper safety procedures can

lead to risk of personal injury or equipment

3. Install the Cab Support Bar (Tool Number TA0949).

Cab Support Bar TA0949

OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–2/6

4. Disconnect the cab lift cylinder and the safety support

where they fasten to the cab. Use the pump to retract
the cylinder. Fold the support out of the way.

5. Disconnect the wiring harnesses to the cab.

NOTE: Note the location of any clamps or ties removed.

1—Cab Lift Cylinder

2—Safety Support

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–3/6


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

6. Disconnect the hose from the Brake Master Cylinder

(ATF tank) at the brake pedal valve. The Brake Master
Cylinder (ATF tank) is located on the exhaust support.
Cap the hose and plug the port.

7. Disconnect the hose from the Brake Valve at the brake

pedal valve. Cap the hose and plug the port.

8. Remove the nuts to disconnect the throttle cables at

the fuel pump on the engine.

NOTE: Note the location of any clamps removed. They

must be replaced as originally installed.

Use tie wraps to secure the cables to the cab.

9. Disconnect the drive pedal cable at the drive pedal


Use tie wraps to secure the cable to the cab.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–4/6


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

CAUTION: Do not disconnect the Air

Conditioner System hoses from the AC
compressor. Accidental release of refrigerant
can cause personal injury. The Air Conditioning
System is to be handled by qualified
technicians only.

10. Dismount the AC Compressor from the engine.

NOTE: Note the location of any clamps removed. They

must be replaced as originally installed.

Use tie wraps to secure the compressor and hoses to

the cab.

CAUTION: Allow the system to cool before

handling the cab heater hoses. Accidental
release of hot engine coolant cab cause serious

CAUTION: Disconnect only the heater hoses.

Do not disconnect the Air Conditioning System
refrigerant hoses. Accidental release of
refrigerant can cause personal injury.

11. Close the Heater Water Shutoff valve in the Air

Conditioning Unit by turning the Heater Control all the
way to the left.

Disconnect the cab heater hoses at the bulkhead

fitting on the lower front right corner of the cab.

CAUTION: Use appropriate support, slings and

lifting device when lifting the cab.

Failure to follow proper safety procedures can

lead to risk of personal injury or equipment

12. Attach a suitable overhead lifting device to a sling

positioned through the cab roof.
1830 Remove the cab support bar.
Lower the cab to the normal operating position.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

13. Remove the screws retaining the cab mount pins on

the right side of the cab. Remove the cab mount pins.

NOTE: Use the overhead lifting device the relieve the

loading on the pins.

14. Lift the cab from the machine.

OUTJ003,00003E0 –19–02FEB01–6/6

Cabin Mount Replacement


1—Lock Screw 4—Frame Lug 7—Screw and Washer 10—Fastening Pin

2—Pin 5—Dampener 8—Lock Screw and Nut 11—Cover Plate
3—Set Screw 6—Cover Plate 9—Cab Frame 12—Screw and Washer 18

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003DF –19–02FEB01–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when

using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to

risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

1. Attach a suitable lifting device to the cab. Remove all
four pins. Raise the cab just enough to clear the frame
lugs. It is not required to disconnect hoses, wires or
the cab tilt cylinder.

IMPORTANT: Do not lift the cab so far that the hoses
and wires are damaged.

2. Remove the set screws and remove the old dampener.

3. Remove all grease and oil from the bore of the frame
lug using a clean wiper.

OUTJ003,00003DF –19–02FEB01–2/3

4. Install new dampeners in the frame lugs.Apply a

coating of NEVER-SEEZ to the inside bore of the
steel sleeve in the dampener.

5. Lower the cab into position.

6. Insert the pin. Install the locking screw.

7. The inside sleeve of the dampener is off-center. Level

the cab allowing the dampener to rotate inside the
frame lug. T139159

8. Lock the dampener in place by installing the set screw.

Use LOCTITE 270 on the set screw. Do not tighten
18 the set screw to the point where it distorts the outer
1830 steel sleeve.

NEVER-SEEZ is a trademark of Emhart Chemical Group

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,00003DF –19–02FEB01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

Cabin Installation

NOTE: Replace the cab mount rubber dampers, when 1. Use a suitable overhead lifting device to position
the cab is removed. See Cab Mount the cab on the machine.
Replacement, in this group, for the procedures.

OUTJ003,0000568 –19–19MAR01–1/4

2. Install the cab mount pins on the right side of the cab.
Install the locking screws (M8 x 16) and tighten to the
specified torque..

3. Use the overhead lifting device to tilt the cab to the

service position. Install the Cab Support Bar (Tool

Number TA0949).

4. See for example Operatior‘s manual F063723 for

Cabin Sideways levelling modes for procedures

5. Install the cab safety support. Install the pin and cotter
pin retaining the top of the support to the cab.

Lock the safety support in position by dropping the rod

inside the support tube and tightening the wing screw.

6. Connect the cab heater hoses at the bulkhead fitting

on the lower front right corner of the cab.

OUTJ003,0000568 –19–19MAR01–2/4

7. Install the AC Compressor on the engine. 18

NOTE: Any hose clamps removed must be replaced as
originally installed.

8. Connect the drive pedal cable at the drive pedal valve.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000568 –19–19MAR01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Removal and Installation

9. Connect the hose from the Brake Valve to the brake

pedal valve.

10. Connect the wiring harnesses to the cab.

NOTE: Any clamps or ties removed must be replaced as

originally installed.

11. Remove the cab support bar and lower the cab to the
operating position.

12. Check the level in the Brake Master Cylinder (ATF


If necessary, bleed the brake pedal system. See

Section 10, Group 1060, for the procedures.

13. Check the operation of the cab heater and air


OUTJ003,0000568 –19–19MAR01–4/4

Cabin Sideways Levelling

See for example operator‘s manual F063723 for cabin

sideways levelling mode and other additional information
about control systems.

AK12300,0000061 –19–11MAR02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 18-1830-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 19
Air Conditioning and Heating System


Group 1910—General
Theory of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-1
Configuration and Location of the AC. . . . . .19-1910-2
AC Operation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-4
AC Component Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-5
AC Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-6

Group 1920—Air coditioning / Heater Components

AC Compressor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-1
AC Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-1
AC Receiver Dryer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-2
AC Expansion Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-3
AC Evaporator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-3
AC Refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1920-4

Group 1930—Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater

AC Operational Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-1
Air Conditioning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-1
Cab Heater System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-5
Heater/ AC System Operational Checkout
Record Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-6
Troubleshooting the Air Conditioner . . . . . . .19-1930-7
Diagnose Heater/Air Conditioner . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-8


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1910
Theory of operation

The Heater and Air Conditioner Unit located in the cab, water jacket. When the heater is not in use, the
houses the heater coil, Air Conditioner cooling shut-off valve at the back of the engine should be
evaporator coil, and a three speed blower motor. turned off. When the air conditioner is operated, cool
When the blower motor is on, fresh air is drawn refrigerant passes through the evaporator oil. Air
through the cab air filter. The airflow passes through flowing over the coil is cooled and blown into the cab.
the heater coil and cooler evaporator coil and out the Refrigerant is circulated from the compressor to the
vents in the top of the heater A/C unit. Normally only condenser on the back of the cab, then to the
one of the coils will be operating at a given time. When evaporator coil in the A/C unit in the cab.
the heater is operated, hot engine coolant passes
through the heater coil. Air flowing over the coil is NOTE: Under certain circumstances, the heater coil
heated and blown into the cab. Engine coolant is and the A/C coil can be operated at the same
circulated from the engine to the heater coil and back time to help dry air entering the cab.
to the engine using the pressure differential in the

JK11466,0000044 –19–12DEC02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-1 Harvesters Technical Manual


Configuration and Location of the AC


1270D and 1470D air conditioner configuration


Continued on next page AK12300,00000E2 –19–22OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-2 Harvesters Technical Manual



1. Control panel
2. Air conditioning unit
3. Condenser
4. Water valve
5. Dryer incl. sight glass
6. Compressor
7. Fresh air filter
8. Recirculation filter
9. Coarse filter

The heater system consists mainly of the heater element

inside the cab and water valve which is infinitely regulated
by control (A).

The cooling system is built up of the cooler element

(evaporator) inside the cab, compressor and condenser
adjacent to the engine fan. The cooler is switched on / off
with the switch (C).

The thermostat of the evaporator controls the

electromagnetic clutch of the compressor, making sure
that water accumulated in the evaporator will not freeze.

The fan inside the cab is used both for the heater and the
cooler. Fan speed is regulated with the control (B).

The fresh air damper regulates the amount of fresh air

entering the cab. Setting is made with control (D).

The input air is filtered through a coarse and a fine filter.

Recirculated air passes through a separate filter.

AK12300,00000E2 –19–22OCT01–2/2


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-3 Harvesters Technical Manual


AC Operation Instructions

• (A) Temperature control

• (B) Fan, three speeds
• (C) Cooler on / off
• (D) Air control, fresh air / recirculation

1. Automatic function

In automatic mode, the preset temperature is reached by

hot water pulsating out via the water valve to the heater
element. The automatic mode can be run without
switching on the air conditioner on condition that the
ambient temperature is suitable, eg, during cold weather.

For dehumidifying, the A/C switch should be on and the
heater set at maximum.

2. Summer period

Basic setting for cooling

1. Press the A/C switch (C) to start the air conditioner.

2. Close the fresh-air damper (D).
3. Ensure that the door and windows are closed.
4. Set the temperature knob (A) to maximum cooling, and
the fan knob (B) to maximum speed.

When a satisfactory temperature is reached, turn the

temperature knob up as required. The amount of fresh air
can be regulated as desired with knob (D). Reduce the
fresh-air intake to minimum when the outdoor temperature
is high. A greater fresh-air intake will otherwise result in
higher temperature.

Misted windows

An effective way to eliminate mist from the windows is to

start the air conditioner, switch (C), and turn the
temperature knob to maximum heat.

3. Autumn/winter/spring


• Turn off the A/C, switch (C).

• Set the fan control, (B), to maximum. Set the heater to
maximum, knob (A).
• Close the fresh-air intake, (D).

Continued on next page AK12300,0000037 –19–10OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-4 Harvesters Technical Manual


When a satisfactory temperature is reached, adjust the

temperature and fan knobs as required. The fresh-air
intake can now be opened to give a suitable mixture.

The cooling function should not be run continuously when

the outdoor temperature is below 0°C (32°F).

It should only be run for five minutes once a week to

ensure adequate lubrication of rubber seals in the system.
During the winter, do this after warming up the machine.

AK12300,0000037 –19–10OCT01–2/2

AC Component Operation

The refrigerant moves around the air conditioner circuit

cooling the evaporator coil and carrying the heat to the

The refrigerant picks up heat when it goes through a

change of state from a liquid to a gas at the evaporator. It
will later give up this heat when it changes from a gas to
a liquid at the condenser.

In operation:

1. The compressor takes used refrigerant from the

evaporator as a cool, low pressure gas and sends it to
the condenser as a hot, high pressure gas. The

temperature rises as the heat is concentrated in the
compressed gas.
2. In the condenser the hot, high pressure gas is cooled
by air passing over the coil. It remains at high pressure

but condenses to a liquid as it cools.
3. The liquid refrigerant is stored at the receiver/dryer
under high pressure. The receiver/dryer filters out AC System Diagram
impurities and removes any water vapor.
4. The high pressure liquid refrigerant is sent to the 2—Condenser
expansion valve mounted on the inlet pipe of the 3—Receiver Dryer
evaporator. The valve sends it to the evaporator as a 4—Expansion Valve
low pressure, atomized liquid. 5—Evaporator
5. The sudden change of pressure causes the refrigerant
to change state from a liquid to a gas taking heat from
the air passing over the coil. The cooled air is blown
into the cab. The used refrigerant is cycled to the


JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-5 Harvesters Technical Manual


AC Safety Precautions



The air conditioning system contains refrigerant

under pressure.

Do not disconnect the hoses of the system.

Refrigerant released into the air may be

Charging the air conditioner system with a

refrigerant of the wrong type will result in
serious damage to the system.

Liquid that has been released from the system has a very
low temperature and gasifies quickly. The gas is colorless
and heavier than air, and spreads on the ground.
Exposure to the gas can cause choking with no
preliminary symptoms.

Splashing refrigerant can cause frostbite and serious

damage to eyes. When working on the air conditioning
system, always wear good, tight fitting safety glasses and
cover any bare skin. Refrigerant under pressure may start
leaking abruptly.

When arranging refrigerant evacuation equipment to clean

up leaks, make sure no refrigerant is discharged into
occupied work areas.

Accident First Aid

Gas is inhaled Go out and breathe fresh air
Refrigerant contacts skin Rinse frostbitten parts with warm water
Refrigerant splashes in eyes Rinse eyes continuously for 20 min. with 2% saline solution
Refrigerant swallowed Consult physician immediately

Continued on next page OUTJ003,000049C –19–13FEB01–1/2


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-6 Harvesters Technical Manual


CAUTION: In Case of Fire: Do not allow the

dryer to warm beyond 50°C (122°F).

Excessive warming of the dryer will result in a

build-up of pressure and may lead to risk of

In case of fire, cool the dryer with a stream of


CAUTION: In Case of Fire: When refrigerant

burns, it disintegrates into toxic gases.

Use care to prevent risk of personal injury.

OUTJ003,000049C –19–13FEB01–2/2


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-7 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1910-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1920
Air coditioning / Heater Components
AC Compressor

A six cylinder, swash plate type compressor is used in the

air conditioning system. The compressor is the pump of
the system, circulating and increasing the refrigerant
pressure. An electromagnetic clutch is fitted on the

compressor and is used to disengage the compressor
when cooling is not required.

Service valves are attached to the suction and pressure

ports on the compressor.

The compressor is located on the right side of the engine.

JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1

AC Condenser

As the high pressure hot refrigerant flows through the

condenser coils the heat from the refrigerant is transferred
to the cooler air flow passing through the condenser.

The cooler refrigerant vapors flowing down through the
condenser reach a point where condensation occurs. The
vaporous refrigerant turns into a liquid refrigerant in the
bottom portion of the condenser.

The condenser is mounted in front of the radiator.

JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1920-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Air coditioning / Heater Components

AC Receiver Dryer

The receiver dryer acts as a storage tank for the liquid


The pressure switch is wired in series with the A/C power

switch in the cab and the compressor clutch. It is set to
shut the compressor off in the event of low pressure
below 1.9 MPa (27.4 psi.) or high pressure above 31.5
MPa (493 psi).

The receiver/dryer is mounted on a bracket on the back of
the radiator.

2—Drying Agent
3—Moisture Indicator
4—Pressure Switch
5—Sight Glass


JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1920-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Air coditioning / Heater Components

AC Expansion Valve

The expansion valve is connected to the inlet and outlet

tubes of the evaporator coil. Refrigerant from the receiver
dryer enters the valve as a high pressure liquid and is
sent to the evaporator at low pressure. The valve also

allows gaseous refrigerant to discharge from the
evaporator to the compressor.

The valve admits fresh refrigerant to the evaporator as

warm refrigerant is discharged from the evaporator.

Warm refrigerant leaving the evaporator heats the sensing

bulb. Gas in the sensing bulb expands, exerting pressure
on the diaphragm. The operating pin pushes the ball away
from the seat, allowing fresh refrigerant to enter the

1—Expansion Valve
2—Refrigerant from Dryer to Valve
3—Refrigerant from Valve to Evaporator
4—Refrigerant from Evaporator to Valve
5—Refrigerant from Valve to Compressor

6—Sensing Bulb
8—Operating Pin
9—Valve Spring
10—Ball and Orifice

JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1

AC Evaporator

The evaporator coil is located below the blower in the

Heater/Air Conditioner Unit in the cab. It consists of a
series of thin cooling fins.

NOTE: During the operation of the air conditioner the

evaporator also dehumidifies the air. Moisture in
the air is condensed at the evaporator where it
drips down to a drain pan and drains out of the

cab through a drain hose.

1—AC Evaporator 19

JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1920-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Air coditioning / Heater Components

AC Refrigerant

R134a (tetrafluoroethane) is the only recommended

refrigerant. It is nontoxic, noncorrosive and non
flammable. Its ozone depletion level is 0.

Leaks of R134a can be detected by the use of:

• Soap solution
• Fluorescent dyes
• Ultrasonic leak detectors
• Halogen-selective detectors
• Electronic leak detectors

JK11466,0000004 –19–31DEC02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1920-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 1930
Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System
AC Operational Checks

This procedure is designed so the mechanic can make At the end of each check, if no problem is found, that
a quick check of the system using a minimum amount check is complete. When a problem is indicated,
of diagnostic equipment. If you need additional additional checks or repair information will be given.
information, read Group 1840. T.M. Group or CTM number required for repair will be
given. If verification is needed, you will be given next
The engine or other major components must be at best source of information:
operating temperature for some checks.

Locate system check in the left column and read

completely, following this sequence from left to right.
Read each check completely before performing.

OUTJ003,0000497 –19–13FEB01–1/1

1 Air Conditioning System

– – –1/1

1a Hoses and Fittings Engine OFF. OK: Check complete.

Inspect all hoses and fittings. NOT OK: Reposition

hoses as required.
LOOK: Hoses should be not be twisted, kinked or show indications of wear. Hoses and Tighten or replace
fittings should be clean. Hoses and fittings should not show signs of leakage, such as clamps. Tighten fittings or
oil or dust accumulation at fittings. replace O-rings in fittings.
Replace hoses required.
Inspect hose clamps.

LOOK: Clamps must be in place and tight. Clamps must have rubber inserts or
cushions in place to prevent clamps from crushing or wearing into hoses.

– – –1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

1b AC Compressor Engine OFF. OK: Check complete.

Inspect the compressor. NOT OK: Repair or
replace components as
LOOK: The compressor pulley should be in good condition. required.

Compressor mounting cap screws should be tight.

Inspect the compressor clutch.

LOOK: Electrical connections to compressor clutch should be clean and tight. Wiring to
compressor should be in good condition.

There should be a slight clearance between the plate pulley and the plate. The clutch
plate and sprocket should be clean.

– – –1/1

1c AC Compressor Belt Inspect compressor belt. OK: Check complete.

LOOK/FEEL: The belt should be free of oil and grease. The belt should be in good NOT OK: Replace belt if
condition, NOT frayed, worn or glazed. oily, greasy, cracked or
otherwise damaged.
Inspect the pulley.
Repair or replace
LOOK: The belt should be aligned with pulleys. The compressor belt pulley should be tensioner if belt is loose.
in good condition, NOT worn or grooved.

Check the belt tensioner.

LOOK: The belt should be tight.

NOTE: With moderate thumb pressure the belt should deflect approximately 15 mm
(1/2") between the pulleys.

– – –1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

1d AC Condenser Engine OFF. OK: Check complete.

Inspect condenser cores. NOT OK: Clean, repair or
replace condenser core.
LOOK: The condenser core should be free of dirt or debris. Replace engine fan, if
The condenser should not show signs of leakage, dust accumulation or oily areas.

The condenser fins should be straight, not bent or damaged.

Inspect engine fan.

LOOK: The fan blades in good condition, not worn, bent, broken or missing.

NOTE: The condenser element must be cleaned regularly by blowing lightly with
compressed air. Blow through the condenser in the direction opposite to the normal
flow of air.

IMPORTANT: To avoid equipment damage, do not use high air pressures to

clean the condenser.

– – –1/1

1e AC Receiver Dryer OK: A blue color is

Check normal.

NOT OK: If the indicator

is a pink or grey color,
the receiver dryer must
be replaced.

T139488 –UN–06JUN01

1—Moisture Indicator

Check the moisture indicator on the receiver dryer.

LOOK: The moisture indicator should be a blue color.

NOTE: The dryer must be replaced every two years or whenever the hoses are

– – –1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

1f AC Evaporator Check Engine OFF. OK: Check complete.

Inspect core. NOT OK: Repair, replace

or clean evaporator. Clear
LOOK: The evaporator core should be free of dirt and debris. drainage holes.

The Evaporator core fins should be straight.

NOTE: The drainage outlets in the pan under the evaporator should be clear of

– – –1/1

1g Outside Air Intake Remove or open the covers to check the condition of the filter. OK: Check complete.
Filter Check
LOOK: The filter should be clean and in good condition. NOT OK: Clean or
replace filter, as required.
NOTE: In dusty conditions it may be necessary to check the filter daily, or at least as
often as the engine air filter.
– – –1/1

1h Inside Air Intake OK: Check complete.

Filter Check
NOT OK: Clean or
replace filter, as required.

T139490 –UN–06JUN01

Remove or open the covers to check the condition of the filter.

LOOK: The filter should be clean and in good condition.

NOTE: In dusty conditions it may be necessary to check the filter daily, or at least as
often as the engine air filter.

– – –1/1

1i Exhaust Air Filter Remove or open the covers to check the condition of the filter. OK: Check complete.
LOOK: The filter should be clean and in good condition. NOT OK: Clean or
replace filter, as required.
NOTE: The exhaust filter can be checked about half as often as the intake filters.

– – –1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

1j Cab Door and Open and close door and windows. OK: Check complete.
Window Seals Check
LOOK: Doors and windows should contact seals evenly. NOT OK: Adjust door and
windows to close against
Inspect seals. seals properly. Replace
seals as necessary.
LOOK: Seals should be in position and in good condition.

– – –1/1

1k Cab Air Recirculation Remove panel on right side of cab. OK: Go on to next check.
Observe baffle while operating Cab Air Recirculate switch. NOT OK: Repair baffle as
LOOK: Baffle should move to block outside air duct.

– – –1/1

2 Cab Heater System

– – –1/1

Heater Hoses and Engine OFF. OK: Check complete.

Inspect all hoses and fittings. NOT OK: Reposition
hoses as required.
LOOK: Hoses should be not be twisted, kinked or show indications of wear. Hoses and Tighten or replace
fittings should be clean. Hoses and fittings should not show signs of leakage, such as clamps. Tighten fittings or
oil or dust accumulation at fittings. replace O-rings in fittings.
Replace hoses required.
Inspect hose clamps.

LOOK: Clamps must be in place and tight. Clamps must have rubber inserts or
cushions in place to prevent clamps from crushing or wearing into hoses.

– – –1/1

Heater Water Shutoff Open cab Instrument Box panel to access Shutoff valve. OK: Check complete.
Check Shutoff Valve operation. NOT OK: Repair or
replace Shutoff Valve as
LOOK/FEEL: Valve should operate smoothly. Water flow to heater core should be cut required.
off completely.
– – –1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

Heater/ AC System Operational Checkout

Record Sheet

Perform the Operational Checks before installing any test

equipment. Use this sheet to record the results. Bold face
numbers on the record sheet correspond to the item
numbers in this group.

1. Air Conditioning System Checks
Hoses and Fittings ❒ ❒
Compressor ❒ ❒
Compressor Belt ❒ ❒
Condenser ❒ ❒
Receiver/Dryer ❒ ❒
Evaporator ❒ ❒
Outside Air Intake Filter ❒ ❒
Inside Air Intake Filter ❒ ❒
Exhaust Air Filter ❒ ❒
Cab Door and Window Seals ❒ ❒
Cab Air Recirculation Baffle ❒ ❒
Cab Heater System
Heater Hoses and Fittings ❒ ❒
Heater Water Shutoff Valve ❒ ❒

OUTJ003,0000596 –19–16APR01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

Troubleshooting the Air Conditioner

Fault Probable cause Suggestions for action

No cooling 1. Fuse has blown Inspect, change
2. Compressor belt or cables to compressor Inspect, change
3. Circuit failure in solenoid, pressure switch or Inspect, change or call an authorized firm for
refrigeration thermostat service
4. Low-pressure thermostat broken due to lack Call an authorized firm for service
of refrigerant. Hose rupture or leakage from
5. Expansion valve blocked Call an authorized firm for service
6. Failure of air conditioner fan motor Inspect, change
Cooling effect decreases during the day 1. Refrigeration thermostat set too high Reduce thermostat setting
Cooling effect insufficient 1. Air intake blocked Inspect, change filter
2. Dryer blocked Call an authorized firm for service
3. Condenser element blocked Clean carefully using compressed air
4. Leakage of hot water in water valve, or Repair or change water valve
cable failure
5. Insufficient refrigerant, bubbles in sight glass Call an authorized firm for service
Noise from 1. Electric motor, bearing failure. Fan impeller Inspect, repair
loose or fouling the cover
Noise from 1. Loose compressor bolts Inspect, repair
2. Worn compressor Call an authorized firm for service

AK12300,00000E4 –19–22OCT01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

Diagnose Heater/Air Conditioner

NOTE: Diagnostic charts are arranged from most

probable and simplest to verify, to least likely
more difficult to verify. Remember the following
steps when diagnosing a problem:

• Step 1. Operational Check Out Procedure

• Step 2. Diagnostic Charts
• Step 3. Adjustments and/or Tests

Symptom Problem Solution

No heat Thermostatic switch off Increase switch setting.

No coolant flow to heater coil Open flow control valve. Locate

obstruction in valves, hoses or
heater coil.

Low heat Restricted air filter in cab Clean or replace filter.

Dirt in heater core Clean heater core.

Blower not running Check Air Conditioner fuse F16 on

PC board in instrument box.

Blower not running at higher speed Increase blower speed to second or

third level or replace switch.

Too much incoming cold air Turn Cab Air Recirculate Switch to
recirculating inside air.

Low engine coolant temperature Check engine temperature gauge.

Wait for temperature to increase
when cold. Change engine cooling
system thermostat.

Window fogs up Lack of outside air Clean or replace intake air filter.
Turn Cab Air Recirculate Switch to
intake outside air

Air humidity too high for reduction by Activate air conditioning unit when
heat only heat is on.


Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000498 –19–13FEB01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System

Symptom Problem Solution

No Cooling Compressor not engaged Check that drive belt is in place and
properly tensioned. Check that
compressor clutch is engaged Check
Air Conditioner fuse F16 on the
PC-board in the instrument box.

Low refrigerant With compressor running, look for air

bubbles in sight glass on the
receiver/dryer. If bubbles are seen,
contact an authorized service

Insufficient cooling Restricted air filter in cab Clean or replace filter.

Heater unit on Switch heater off.

A/C temperature switch set too high Turn switch down.

Blower not running at high speed Increase blower speed to second or

third level.

Restricted air flow through A/C Clean cores of dust or debris with
evaporator or condenser low pressure (30 psi) compressed air
or water.

Compressor drive belt slipping Check condition and tension of belt.

Replace or retention.

Low refrigerant charge Look for air bubbles in sight glass

after compressor has run for five
minutes. (Sight glass is on
receiver/dryer located on back of

Too much moisture in refrigerant If moisture level indicator on

receiver/dryer shows pink, have air
conditioner serviced within 100 hours
by an authorized service person. If
indicator is blue, the unit is dry.

OUTJ003,0000498 –19–13FEB01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Diagnosing Air Coditioning / Heater System


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 19-1930-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 37
Booms 37



Group 3710—Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H

Theory Of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3710-1
Boom Slew System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3710-2
Boom Slew Relief Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3710-3
The Rotator Link Brakes Adjustments . . . . 37 -3710-3

Group 3720—Boom Parts Removal and Installation

Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-1
Essential Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-1
Main Boom Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-2
Slewing Cylinders Installation . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-5
Boom Slew Cylinders Service . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-6
Outer Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-8
Extension Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-10

Group 3730—Booms Removal and installation

Outer Boom Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-1
Outer Boom Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-2
Main Boom Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-4
Main Boom Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-5
Pillar Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-7
Pillar Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-8
Pillar Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-9

Group 3740—Boom overall maintenance

See Operator‘s Manual F063723 for Detailed
Service instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3740-1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 3710
Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H
Theory Of Operation

1—Slewing cylinders 2—Main boom cylinder 3—Outer boom cylinder 4—Extension boom cylinder

The boom has cylinders for four functions(five if the stability by locking the front and rear frame together,
rotator is counted) The slewing cylinders at the base of preventing them from tilting independently. The frame
the pillar rotate the entire boom up to from 110° from brake can be disengaged by a switch on the
center in either direction (220° total slewing angle) . dashboard.
The main boom cylinder, mounted on the pillar, raises
and lowers the main boom and outer boom together. The boom’s serial number will be found on a plate on
The outer boom , mounted on the main boom moves the pillar above the slew mechanism.
parallel function of both booms. The extension boom
cylinder, mounted inside the outer boom extends and IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be
retracts the extension. observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
The boom is controlled using joysticks on the armrests prevent contamination of the
of the seat. The left joystick controls Outer boom up / hydraulic and hydrostatic systems.
down, slew rotation and extension boom extend
retract. The right joystick controls main boom rotator. Failure to follow these procedures
may lead to equipment damage.
When the main boom is raised, the frame brake is
automatically engaged. The frame brake provides

JK11466,0000016 –19–01NOV02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3710-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H

Boom Slew System


JK11466,0000053 –19–16DEC02–1/2

The boom slew circuit is equipped with a dual relief valve

mounted in the boom base. The relief pressures for slew
in both directions are non-adjustable and set at 23.0 MPa
(3120 psi). Flow from the relief valve is directed through a
separate line to the tank return port (T1) in the boom
control valve.

The boom is rotated by an arrangement of two
double-ended hydraulic cylinders built into the pedestal.
The rotation cylinders at the base of the pillar rotate the
entire boom up to 110° from center in either direction T153772

(220° total slewing angle). A gear at the bottom of the

pillar engages two rack bars. Each rack bar has a 1070D, 1270D and 1470D Slew housing drain plugs
hydraulic piston in a cylinder barrel at each end.

The cylinders are serviced on the machine.


1070D, 1270D and 1470D Slew housing lower drain plugs

JK11466,0000053 –19–16DEC02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3710-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H

Boom Slew Relief Valve

A valve mounted on the pedestal directs hydraulic flow to 37

the both sides of the pillar, moving the racks in opposite 3
directions, rotating the pillar. The valve relief cartridges
are set at 23 MPa (3120 psi).

JK11466,0000067 –19–19DEC02–1/1

The Rotator Link Brakes Adjustments

The bolted joint of the link brake pads is tightened through

screw (a) while securily holding flanged nut (b). The
maximum tightening torque of the bolted joint is 30 Nm
(22 lb-ft). As soon as the adjustment has been made the
bolt joint is secured with locknut (c).

When the bolted joint is opened for the replacement or

check of the brake pads, tension washers (d) must not be
removed before loosening the bolted joint.

NOTE: For safety reasons the tension washers must be

in place before the bolted joint is tightened.

AK12300,00000A4 –19–16OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3710-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms 140 H, 180 H and 210 H


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3710-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 3720
Boom Parts Removal and Installation
Other Material

Number Name Use 37

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 243 Used to secure screws retaining
cylinder pins.

N/A (U.S.) Sikaflex - 221 Sealing compound applied to pillar

seal flange during pillar seal
replacement procedure.

N/A (U.S.) Loctite 243 Used to secure seal support plate

locking screws during pillar seal
replacement procedure.

JK11466,0000058 –19–16DEC02–1/1

Essential Tools

NOTE: Order tools according to information given in the

U.S. SERVICEGARD Catalog or from the
European Microfiche Tool Catalog (MTC).

SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company JK11466,0000059 –19–16DEC02–1/2

Lock Nut Wrench

Used to loosen and tighten lock nuts on boom cylinder


JK11466,0000059 –19–16DEC02–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

Main Boom Cylinder

37 Removal
CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when
using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to

risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

1. Park the vehicle. Block the wheels.

2. Tilt the boom fully forward.

3. Support the boom so that it does not move when lift

cylinder upper pin will be removed.

4. Release the pressure to the hydraulic system.

OUTJ003,00003EA –19–02FEB01–1/5

5. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses at the cylinder. Cap the

hoses and plug the ports.

6. Tie a lifting strap around the main cylinder. Protect

carefully the windscreen.

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when
using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to T161780

risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EA –19–02FEB01–2/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

7. Disconnect the upper pin joint by removing the lock

screw and the retaining screw and driving out the pin.
Note the location of the washers and bushings on 37
either side of the cylinder end. 3

8. Swing the cylinder up and support it at the end of the

piston rod using an overhead lifting device.

9. Disconnect the lower pin joint by removing the lock nut

and the retaining screw and driving out the pin. Note

the location of the shims on either side of the cylinder

10. Lift the cylinder up and move it to the ground using 1—Retaining Screw
2—Lock Washer
an overhead lifting device.
NOTE: the cylinder weighs approximately 165 kg. 5—Bushing
10—Retaining Screw

OUTJ003,00003EA –19–02FEB01–3/5


1. Park the vehicle. Block the wheels. Position the

cylinder using an overhead lifting device. Position any
spacer rings used between the cylinder end and the
mounting flanges. Insert the pin. Apply LOCTITE 243

and install the pin retaining screw. Install the lock nut
on the pin.

2. Fit the piston end of the cylinder into the bracket at the

pillar base.

1—Lock Screw
2—Lock Washer
10—Retaining Screw

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EA –19–02FEB01–4/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

3. Place the shims on either side of the cylinder end.

Insert the pin. Apply LOCTITE 243 and install the lock
37 nut. Install the retaining screw.
4. Swing the cylinder to the main boom.

5. Fit the end of the piston rod into the bracket in the
main boom. Insert the pin and install the lock screw
and washers. Install the retaining screw.

6. Connect the hydraulic hoses at the cylinder. Carefully
operate the main boom function to remove any air from
the hydraulic system and to confirm correct

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,00003EA –19–02FEB01–5/5

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

Slewing Cylinders Installation


1.— boom Pedestal Base 5.— Clamp 9.— Cap screw 13. —Drain Plug
2. —Service Step 6.— Hydraulic Line 10.— Bushing 14. —Fill Plug
3.— Cap screw 7.— Tie Strap 11. —O-ring 15.— Max. Fill Level
4. —Washer 8. — Cylinder Tube 12. —Piston on Rack Bar 16. —Min. Fill Level

1. Remove the piston, guide ring and scraper ring 7. Torque the screws to 110 Nm.
from the end of the rack bar by removing four
screws and washers. 8. Fill the pedestal with oil.

2. Replace piston seals. 9. Connect the hydraulic lines on the cylinders.

3. Seal Ring Install scraper ring, guide ring and piston 10. Replace the tie straps
on the end of the rack bar by inserting four screws
and washers. 11. Install the service steps and shield using screws
and clamps.
4. Use loctite 243 and torque the screws to 85 Nm.
12. Carefully operate the boom slewing function to
5. Replace cylinder tube O-ring. remove any air from the hydraulic system and to
confirm correct connections.
6. Lubricate piston and cylinder tube. Install the
cylinder tube on the pedestal base.

JK11466,0000028 –19–08NOV02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

Boom Slew Cylinders Service

37 1. Park the machine and block the wheels. 2. Release pressure to hydraulic system.
JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–1/6

3. Tie down Boom in centered position. To drain oil from

pedestal, remove plug and drain oil into suitable

1—Drain Plug

JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–2/6

4. Remove screws and clamps to remove shield and

service steps.

5. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the cylinder barrels

and remove the tie straps and holders.

6. Remove each cylinder barrel by removing six screws

and bushings.

Discard and replace the O-ring on the cylinder barrel.

NOTE: The rack bar remains in the pedestal during

servicing of the piston.


Continued on next page JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–3/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

7. To remove the piston, remove the four screws.

Remove the guide ring and scraper ring.
8. Clean and inspect the piston for wear. Replace if 7
necessary. Replace piston seals.

9. Install scraper ring, guide ring and piston on the end of
the rack bar by inserting four screws and washers. Use
LOCTITE 243 and tighten screws to the specified

10. Lubricate piston and cylinder barrel.

11. Install cylinder barrel on pedestal base. Tighten 1—Rack Bar

2—Scraper Ring
screws to the specified torque.
3—Guide Ring
12. Repeat the servicing procedure at each cylinder. 5—Piston
6—Bushing (4)
7—Cap Screw (4)

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–4/6

13. Fill each cylinder with hydraulic oil. Connect hydraulic

lines. Replace tie straps with holders and rubber

14. Install service steps and shield using screws and


Continued on next page JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–5/6

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

15. Fill pedestal with oil. See for example manual F

063723, Page 4-2-1 Fluids and Lubricants, for
37 recommended boom slew housing oil.
16. Operate carefully the boom rotation function to
remove any air from the hydraulic system and to

confirm correct connections.

Bleed the hydraulic system, if necessary. See

Operator‘s manual F 063723 page 5-2-1, for the


1—Fill Port

JK11466,0000057 –19–16DEC02–6/6

Outer Cylinder


1. Park the vehicle and block the wheels.

OUTJ003,00003ED –19–02FEB01–1/4

2. Lower the boom and support it

3. Release the pressure to the hydraulics system.

4. Tag and disconnect the hoses at the cylinder. Cap the

hoses and plug the ports.

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when

using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to

risk of personal injury or equipment damage. An example of Outer support points

5. Support the cylinder in a sling from an overhead lifting 1, 2, 3, 4—Points which have to be supported
device. when the Outer cylinder is removed

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003ED –19–02FEB01–2/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

6. Disconnect the upper pin joint by removing the lock

screw and the retaining screw and driving out the pin.
Note the location of the washers and bushings on the 37
either side of the cylinder end. 9

NOTE: Removing the pin will allow the arms and the

lever to fall out of the linkage assembly. Be
prepared to support the parts as they come loose.

7. Remove the lock nut from the cylinder pin. Remove the

screw retaining the pin. Drive out the pin. Note the
location of any spacer rings used between the cylinder
end and the mounting flanges.
1—Lock Screw
2—Lock Washer
8. Lower the cylinder to the ground.
3— Washer
4— Cylinder
NOTE: The Cylinder weighs approximately 105 Kg (210 5— Bushing
lbs) 6—Bushing
9— Washer
10—Retaining Screw

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003ED –19–02FEB01–3/4

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation


37 1. Hoist the cylinder into position using an overhead lifting


2. Fit the base end of the cylinder into the bracket on the

boom. Install the washers lock screw onto the pin.
Apply LOCTITE 243 and install the pin retaining
screw. Install the lock screw onto the pin.

3. Assembly the upper pin joint. Apply LOCTITE 243 and
Insert the pin. Fasten the retaining screw. Install lock
screw and washers onto the pin.
1, 2, 3, 4—Points which have to be supported
when the Outer cylinder is removed
4. Connect the hydraulic hoses to the cylinder.

5. Carefully operate the Outer boom raise and lower

functions to remove any air from the hydraulic system
and to confirm correct connections.

If necessary, bleed the hydraulic system. See group

2110, for procedures.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,00003ED –19–02FEB01–4/4

Extension Cylinder

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions
when using any lifting equipment.
NOTE: The Outer boom is shown separately for
clarity. The Outer boom is not removed for this
Failure to use proper procedures can lead to
risk of personal injury or equipment damage.
The cylinder is inside the extension, which is inside the
2. Disconnect the hoses at the cylinder. Disconnect
outer boom. The extension must be removed from the
the base end of the cylinder from the outer by
outer boom. The extension must be removed from the
striking out the pin.
Outer boom to get to the cylinder.

1. Park the vehicle. Block the wheels.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–1/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

3. Extend the Boom completely. Support the main boom

and outer in a horizontal position using a suitable
support. Support the extension boom in a sling from an 37
overhead lifting device.head. 11

4. Remove the hose cover and the outer end cover.

Remove the harvester head.

5. Release the pressure to the hydraulic system.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be
observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

6. Tag and disconnect the hydraulic hoses to the

extension cylinder. Disconnect the harvester head
operation hoses where they meet the lines on the jib.

7. Disconnect the hoses at the cylinder. Disconnect the

base end of the cylinder from the outer boom by
striking out the pin.

8. The extension is still connected to the outer boom by

the harvester head operation hoses. Disconnect the
hoses where they meet the lines on the jib.

9. Loosen the wear pads at the end of the outer boom

10. Disconnect the piston end of the cylinder from the

extension by removing the circlips and striking out the

11. Pull the cylinder out of the extension boom.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–2/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-11 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation


37 1. Inspect the wear pads on the outer boom. Replace, if


OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–3/7

2. Inspect the wear pads on the extension boom..

Check the extension boom for vertical and horizontal


If necessary, make the adjustment by inserting

additional adjustment plates (1) under the slide pieces

The aggregate thickness of the fitting plates under the

slider parts must not exceed 3 mm (0,12 in). This is to
make sure that the slider parts will stay in place. The
top of the slider part must exceed the edges of the
bearing housing by at least 2 mm (0,08 in).


Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–4/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-12 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

3. Inspect the bushings for the cylinder mounting pin.

Replace if necessary.
CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when 13
using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to
risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

4. Park the vehicle. Block the wheels. Support the main

boom and outer boom in a horizontal position using a
suitable support.

OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–5/7


1—Hose Connections to 3—Harvester head operation 5—Sling from overhead lifting 6— Cylinder to extension
cylinder hoses disconnect device boom
2—Cylinder to outer pin 4—Wear pads

5. Support the extension boom in a horizontal position

using a sling from an overhead lifting device.
Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–6/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-13 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Parts Removal and Installation

6. Extend the cylinder manually. Fit the cylinder into the

extension boom. Connect the piston end of the cylinder
37 from the outer boom by installing out the pin.
7. Lubricate the extension. Slide the extension into the
outer using the overhead lifting device.

Adjust the wear pads by simultaneously tightening both

sides until there is no clearance, then back them off
one quarter turn.

8. Attach hose cover to the outer boom.

9. Attach the harvester head.

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may
lead to equipment damage.

10. Connect the harvester head operation hoses to the
lines on the jib. See Section 38, Group 3800, for the

11. Connect the harvester head operation hoses to the

lines on the outer boom.

12. Connect the base end of the cylinder from the outer
boom by installing out the pin.

13. Connect the hydraulic hoses to the cylinder.

14. Carefully operate the extension and harvester head

functions to remove any air from the hydraulic system
and to confirm correct connections.

If necessary bleed the hydraulic system. See group 2110

for procedure

OUTJ003,00003EF –19–02FEB01–7/7

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3720-14 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 3730
Booms Removal and installation
Outer Boom Removal

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be 37

observed when working on any 1
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the

parking brake.

2. Open the vent tap on the hydraulic tank to release the

pressure in the hydraulic system.

3. Install the center hinge lock to prevent accidental

articulation of the frame. Block the wheels to prevent
accidental movement of the machine.

4. Remove the Harvester head. See for example

hearvester head operator‘s manual F060389 for

5. Remove the extension boom if needed. See Section

37, Group 3730, for the procedures.

6. Remove the outer boom cylinder if needed. See

Section 37, Group 3720, for the procedure.

OUTJ003,00003F5 –19–02FEB01–1/3

7. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses at the main boom.

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when

using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to


risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

8. Use a lifting strap to attach a suitable lifting device to

the outer boom.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003F5 –19–02FEB01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

9. Remove the locknut from the outer boom pin.

37 Remove the screw securing the pin. Remove the pin

and any spacers, if installed.

NOTE: Note the locations of any spacers used.

10. Lift the boom off the machine.

1—Lock Nut

4—Locking Screw

OUTJ003,00003F5 –19–02FEB01–3/3

Outer Boom Installation

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when

using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to
risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

1. Use an overhead lifting device to position the outer

boom on the main boom and parallel linkage.

OUTJ003,0000576 –19–21MAR01–1/3

2. Position spacers, if used. Install pin.

3. Apply LOCTITE 243 to the locking screw. Install the

locking screw.

Install lock nut on pin and tighten to specified torque.


1—Lock Nut

4—Locking Screw

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000576 –19–21MAR01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to 37
prevent contamination of the hydraulic 3
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may
lead to equipment damage.

4. Connect the hydraulic hoses at the main boom.

5. Install the extension boom. See Section 37, Group
3720, for the procedures

6. Install the outer boom cylinder. See Section 37, Group

3720, for the procedures.

7. Install the harvester head.

8. Bleed the hydraulic system. Check the Boom functions,

to confirm the hose connections.

OUTJ003,0000576 –19–21MAR01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

Main Boom Removal

37 1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the
parking brake.

2. Open the vent tap on the hydraulic tank to release the

pressure in the hydraulic system.

3. Install the frame articulation lock to prevent accidental

articulation of the frame. Block the wheels to prevent
accidental movement of the machine.

4. Remove the harvester head.

5. Remove the extension boom. See Section 37, Group

3730, for the procedures.

6. Remove the outer boom cylinder. See Section 37,

Group 3720, for the procedure.

7. Remove the parallel connections

8. Remove the main boom cylinder. See Group 3720, for

the procedure.

9. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses at the main boom.

10. Use a sling to attach an overhead lifting device to the

main boom.

CAUTION: Use proper safety precautions when

using any lifting equipment.

Failure to use proper procedures can lead to

risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,00003F6 –19–02FEB01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

11. Remove the locknut from the main boom pin.

Remove the screw securing the pin. Remove the pin 37

and any spacers, if installed. 5

NOTE: Note the locations of any spacers used.

12. Lift the main boom off the machine.

1—Lock Nut

4—Locking Screw

OUTJ003,00003F6 –19–02FEB01–2/2

Main Boom Installation

IMPORTANT: Cleanliness procedures must be

observed when working on any
hydraulic component in order to
prevent contamination of the hydraulic
and hydrostatic systems.

Failure to follow these procedures may

lead to equipment damage.

1. Connect the hydraulic hoses at the pillar.

2. Use an overhead lifting device to position the main

boom on the pillar.

Continued on next page OUTJ003,0000577 –19–21MAR01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

3. Position spacers, if used. Install pin.

37 4. Apply LOCTITE 243 to the locking screw. Install the

locking screw

Install the lock nut on the pin and tighten to the

specified torque.

5. Install the main boom cylinder. See Section 37, Group

3720 , for the procedure.

6. Install the outer boom. See Group 3730, for the
1—Lock Nut
7. Install the extension boom. See Section 37, Group
3730, for the procedures 4—Locking Screw

8. Install the outer boom cylinder. See Section 37, Group

3720, for the procedures.

9. Install the harvester head. .

10. Bleed the hydraulic system. Check the Boom

functions, to confirm the hose connections.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,0000577 –19–21MAR01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

Pillar Removal

1. Park the machine on a level surface. Engage the 5. Remove the outer boom. See Section 37, Group 37
parking brake.. 3720, for the procedure. 7

Open the vent tap on the hydraulic tank to release 6. Remove the main boom cylinder. See Section 37,
the pressure in the hydraulic system. Group 3730, for the procedure.

Install the center hinge lock to prevent accidental 7. Remove the main boom. See Section 37, Group
articulation of the frame. Block the wheels to 3730, for the procedures.
prevent accidental movement of the machine.
8. Remove the fair lead securing the hydraulic hoses
2. Remove the harvester head, See for example the to the pillar.
Harvester head operator‘s manual F062406 for
procedures 9. Use a sling to attach a suitable overhead lifting
device to the pillar.
3. Remove the extension boom. See Section 37, for
the procedures.

4. Remove the outer boom cylinder. See Section 37,

for the procedure.

OUTJ003,00003F7 –19–02FEB01–1/3

10. Remove the plug and drain the oil from the pedestal
housing into a suitable container.

11. Lift the pillar off the machine.

1—Pedestal Drain Plug


OUTJ003,00003F7 –19–02FEB01–2/3

12. Inspect the bushings and sleeves. replace, if



OUTJ003,00003F7 –19–02FEB01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

Pillar Installation
37 1. Use a suitable overhead lifting device to position pillar
on pedestal.

NOTE: Take care when aligning pillar spline with rotate

cylinder rack bars.

OUTJ003,0000578 –19–21MAR01–1/2

2. Refill the pedestal housing with oil.

NOTE: The upper sight glass is installed in the pedestal

fill port.

3. Install the fair lead securing the hydraulic hoses to the


4. Install the main boom. See Section 31, Group 3100, for
the procedures.

5. Install the main boom cylinder. See Section 31, Group
3100, for the procedure.

6. Install the outer boom. See Section 31, Group 3100,

for the procedure.

7. Install the outer boom cylinder. See Section 31, Group

3100, for the procedure.

8. Install the extension boom. See Section 31, Group

3100, for the procedures.

9. Install the harvester head. See harvester head

operator‘s manuals for the procedures.

OUTJ003,0000578 –19–21MAR01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation

Pillar Service

To replace the bearing and seal on the pillar: 4. Apply a coating of sealing compound Sikaflex - 221 37
to the seal flange. 9
1. Remove the circlip securing the bearing. Remove
the support ring. Remove the bearing. 5. Install new seal.

Inspect the bearing and replace, if required. 6. Install seal support plate. Apply LOCTITE 243 to
screws. Install screws and torque to specified
2. Install the bearing. Install the support ring. Install torque.
the circlip.

3. Remove the screws securing the seal support plate.

Remove the seal.

LOCTITE is a trademark of Loctite Corp. OUTJ003,000057A –19–21MAR01–1/2

To replace the bearing and seals on the pedestal:

1. Remove seal.

2. Remove bearing. Inspect bearing for indications of

wear and replace, if necessary.

3. Remove scraper.

4. Install new scraper as shown.

NOTE: The scraper must be installed with the lip facing


5. Install bearing as shown.

NOTE: The bearing must be installed with the slot offset

30° from the grease fittings on the pedestal –UN–06JUN01


6. Install new seal as shown.


NOTE: The seal must be installed with the lip facing up.

4—Grease Fitting

OUTJ003,000057A –19–21MAR01–2/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Booms Removal and installation


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3730-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 3740
Boom overall maintenance
See Operator‘s Manual F063723 for Detailed
Service instructions
See for example operators manual F 063723 pages from 1
4-12-1 to 4-12-5 for boom maintenance instructions

JK11466,0000026 –19–08NOV02–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3740-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom overall maintenance


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 37 -3740-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 80
Optional Equipments

Page 80

Group 8010— Engine and Cabin Preheater

Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8010-1
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8010-2
Maintenance of The Engine Preheater . . . . .80-8010-3
Timer for Engine And Cabin Preheater . . . . .80-8010-4
Service Codes of The Engine Preheater . . . .80-8010-7

Group 8020— Boom Levelling

Operation of Boom Levelling . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8020-1

Group 8040—Stump Treatment System

Configuration and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8040-1

Group 8040—Appendix
Ebensprächer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8040-1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 8010
Engine and Cabin Preheater


1—Combustion motor 7—Flame tube 13—Fuel feeder pump 18—Automatic switch
2—Flame sensor 8—Heat exchanger 14—Fuel branch piece WE—Water inlet
3—Combustion chamber 9—Overheating switch 15—Cable tree WA—Water outlet
4—Control unit 10—Water pump 16—Fuse bracket V—Combustion air
5—Heater plug 11—Exhaust silencer 17—Relay for switching on the B—Fuel
6—Temperature sensor 12—Combustion air inlet tube vehicle’s fan A—Fumes

AK12300,00000E5 –19–22OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater


The preheater heats the engine, cabin and hydraulic two minutes) is over before you start
system according to preselected times. the engine. Otherwise, the preheater
may be damaged.
The preheater is controlled by a timer. See group
Equipment — Engine and Cabin Preheater/Timer for 3. Switching off
80 Engine and Cabin Preheater The supply of fuel is cut off when the timer switches
8010 the heater off. The indicating lamp goes out. The
2 NOTE: Before starting the heater or before combustion air fan and the water pump continue to
pre-programming the heating sequence, set run for about 130 seconds and are then switched
the cabin heating control to its maximum open off automatically.
position and the fan speed to position 1. 4. Safety devices
The flame is monitored by the flame sensor, and
1. Switching on the maximum permitted temperature by the
The control lamp on the timer will light on starting. overheating switch. Both of these affect the control
The combustion air fan and the water pump start to unit, which switches off the burner in the event of
run, and the ignition plug glows (preliminary glow). malfunctioning.
After a preliminary glow period (about 40 seconds), • The starting sequence will be repeated if the
and regardless of operation, the fuel dispenser heater does not ignite within 90 seconds after the
pump starts to supply fuel at rapid impulse fuel supply is turned on. If the heater still does
frequency to give full load in the combustion not start within the additional 90 seconds, the
chamber and the fuel ignites. malfunction switch-off will take place. The
The ignition plug is switched off when the control malfunction switch-off can be cancelled by briefly
unit receives a signal from the flame sensor that the switching the heater off and then on again.
fuel is burning. • A renewed start will be made if the burner should
2. Heating go out during operation. The malfunction
Depending on the heating need the heating power switch-off will then be actuated if it does not start
will be automatically adjusted: 5000 W / 2200 W. within 90 seconds or if it starts and then goes out
The settings of the control unit dictate the again within 3 minutes.
temperatures at which the power level changes. • If overheated (eg, due to lack of water, poorly
Should there be only a limited need for heat, vented cooling system), the overheating sensor
enabling the coolant to reach a temperature of 85°C switches off and consequently the fuel supply will
(185°F), the heating system will switch over to an be cut off, thus actuating the malfunction
inactive state. This is when the fan will continue switch-off. After rectifying the cause of
operating for another 130 seconds to cool down the overheating, press in the button on the
heater. The timer warning lamp will still be on and overheating circuit breaker and also reset the
the water pump will go on operating. As soon as malfunction switch-off as above, so that the
the coolant temperature drops to a level of 75°C heater can be started.
(167°F), the heating system will be automatically • The malfunction switch-off will be activated if
engaged again. voltage of the electrical system should fall below
about 20 V or rise above about 28 V.
IMPORTANT: Do not start the diesel engine while • The heater will not start at all if the ignition plug
the preheater is running. Similarly, is defective or if the electric circuit to the
wait until the trailer operation (appr. dispenser pump is broken.

Continued on next page AK12300,00000E7 –19–22OCT01–1/2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

• Functioning of the blower motor is checked on No heated air will enter the cab if this fuse has
starting and the malfunction switch-off will be blown, although the heater starts and heats the
activated if it is not running. engine.
• Switch the heater OFF and ON, but not more
5. Correction of malfunction than twice. Authorized personnel or workshop
Check the following items if the heater does not should be contacted if the heater still does not
start when being switched on: start.
• Fuses, see group Electrical System/Main Switch 80
and Fuses. Also check the fuse for the cab fan. 8010

AK12300,00000E7 –19–22OCT01–2/2

Maintenance of The Engine Preheater

Remember to keep the preheater (1) and its surroundings

clean, especially near the exhaust system (2) of the
preheater. Check hoses, joints and other components for
overall shape and tightness.

CAUTION: Risk of fire.

Always switch off the battery main switch to protect the

control unit before any electric welding on the machine,
also see group Maintenance — General/Welding

Start the heater about once a month even during the

summer and allow it to run for a few minutes to prevent
binding of the fan and water pump.

AK12300,00000E8 –19–22OCT01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

Timer for Engine And Cabin Preheater

The preheater is started with the timer, ie, either directly

or at preset time.

All signals in the display will flash when electric power

supply is connected. The heater cannot be switched on in
80 this mode, ie, the heater timer must first be properly set.
4 1. Setting the timer
Press and hold down the key (1) until the time flashes
(basic setting for the first time: press the key (1)
briefly). Set the current time using keys (4) and (5).
When the time display stops flashing, the time has

been stored.
The weekday begins to flash. Set the current weekday
using keys (4) and (5). When the display stops
flashing, the setting has been stored. Acceptable

setting can also be skipped by pressing the key (1).
When the ignition switch of the machine is turned on,
the current time is displayed in the timer. When the
ignition switch is turned off the display disappears after 1—Time indication/setting
15 seconds. When there is no display the current time
3—Heating on
appears by pressing the key (1). 4—Adjust backward
5—Adjust forward
NOTE: Before starting the heater or before 6—Stored memory indication
pre-programming the heating sequence, set the 7—Day of week
8—Symbol for remote control (opt. eq.)
cabin heating control to its maximum open 9—Current time / program time
position and the fan speed to position 1. 10—Temperature indication (opt. eq.)
11—Operating display

NOTE: If a fault occures when you switch the heater on

(or if the heater is on), the operating display
shows “F” and a service code (two numbers) in 15
seconds. See group Equipment — Engine and
Cabin Preheater/Service Codes of the Engine

2. Direct starting of heater without preselection

(ignition of the base machine is off)
Press the key (3), start of heating.
Heating symbol (11) and the heating duration is
displayed. The heating duration is factory-preset to 120
3. Changing the heating duration
a. Temporarily

Continued on next page AK12300,00000E9 –19–22OCT01–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

Start heating; press the key (3). To reduce heating

duration: press the key (4). To increase heating
duration (to max. 120 min): press the key (5).
b. Permanently
Do not switch heating on. Press the key (4) and
hold it down (approximately 3 s) until the display
appears and flashes. Release the key. Then set the
heating duration (10 — 120 min) using the key (4) 80
or (5). The new heating duration is set when the 8010
display disappears. 5

4. Switching off the heater

Press the key (3), automatic cooling phase, about 130
5. Heating without preselection (ignition of the base
machine is on)
Press the key (3).
Heating stays in operation until ignition is switched off.
After ignition is switched off, a residual heating period
of 15 min remains. This can be changed (1 — 120
min) by pressing the key (4) or (5).
Switching off the heater: press the key (3).

Continued on next page AK12300,00000E9 –19–22OCT01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-5 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

6. Heating operation preselection

There are three preset times in the memory. Only one
can be activated at a time (the memory number is
a. Set the program time and day
Press the key (2) (1 — 3 times) until the desired
memory display begins to flash.
80 Briefly press and then release the key (4) or (5).
8010 The program time flashes.
6 Then set the program time for heating using the key
(4) or (5). When the display stops flashing, the time
has been stored. The program day begins to flash,
set the weekday using the key (4) or (5).
The preselected time and weekday are stored as

soon as the display changes over to the current
Flashing ’heating on’ key (3) indicates an activated
preselection. The current time disappears and only

the activated memory number is displayed.
When there is no memory number displayed no
memory is activated. This is done by pressing the
key (2) several times. Neutral setting is after the
memory number 3.
b. Checking activated memory
Press the key (2). The activated preselected time
and preselected day are displayed for approximately
5 s.

7. Advice in event of malfunctioning:

• In the event of malfunctioning, switch off and then on
again (but not more than twice)
• Check the main fuse
• Ensure that the flow of air is unrestricted
• Contact an authorized service agent.

NOTE: If you try to switch on the heater without result

five times in a row or if the heater overheats three
times in a row, the operation will be disabled.
(Service code F50 or F15).

AK12300,00000E9 –19–22OCT01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-6 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

Service Codes of The Engine Preheater

Example: display shows: F33 (current fault) and

heating-on symbol flashes


Continued on next page AK12300,00000EA –19–22OCT01–1/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-7 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

Service code Description

F00 No malfunction
F01 Overvoltage warning
F02 Undervoltage warning
F09 TRS003 shutoff
F10 Overvoltage shutoff
F11 Undervoltage shutoff
8010 F12 Overheating
8 F13 Overheating detected
F14 Possible overheating detected
*F15 Operation disable because perm.number of possible overheatings exceeded
F20 Glow plug break
F21 Glow plug output overload
F33 Combustion air blower motor outside permitted range
F37 Water pump break
F42 Water pump short-circuit
F43 External component short-circuit
F47 Fuel pump short-circuit
F48 Fuel pump break
*F50 Operation disable due to excessive start attempts
F51 Cold blow time exceeded
F52 Safety time exceeded
F53 Flame cutout from POWER control stage
F54 Flame cutout, HIGH-setting
F55 Flame cutout, MEDIUM-setting
F56 Flame cutout, LOW-setting
F59 To fast water temperature increase
F60 Temperature sensor break
F61 Temperature sensor short-circuit
F64 Flame sensor break
F65 Flame sensor short-circuit
F71 Overheating sensor break
F72 Overheating sensor short-circuit
F90 Control unit defective (internal fault / reset)
F93 Control unit defective (RAM-error)
F94 Control unit defective (EPROM-error)
F97 Internal control unit fault

Continued on next page AK12300,00000EA –19–22OCT01–2/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-8 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater

*) Steps to cancel the disabled operation (service

code F15 or F50)

1. How to empty the fault memory:

• Switch power on.
• Press the key (3). Service code appears.
• Press the key (1) to the bottom and in 2 seconds
simultaneously press the key (2). 80
• Switch power off. 8010
• Press keys (1) and (2) simultaneously and switch the 9
power on. Display shows: - - : - - and the heating-on
symbol 11.
• Display flashes, heating-on symbol doesn’t.
• After about 3 seconds the heater will go on (the

disabled operation is canceled).
• Display, when the heater has started to operate: A
D : 0 0 and the heating-on symbol 11.

2. In case of having the error F50, do the following:
Disconnect the wire coming to the fuel pump of the
preheater. Try to start the preheater normally.
This gives the alarm F48 to the display. After that, it is
possible to deactivate the service code as described

AK12300,00000EA –19–22OCT01–3/3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-9 Harvesters Technical Manual

Engine and Cabin Preheater


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8010-10 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 8020
Boom Levelling
Operation of Boom Levelling

See for example operator‘s manual F063723 for boom

levelling system information

AK12300,0000072 –19–28MAR02–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8020-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Boom Levelling


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8020-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 8040
Stump Treatment System
Configuration and Operation

See for example operator‘s manual F063723 for stump

treatment system information

AK12300,00000F0 –19–22OCT01–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8040-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Stump Treatment System


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8040-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 8040

See Appendix manual of Ebensprächer engine preheater

for deatailed information

JK11466,000009C –19–31JAN03–1/1


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8040-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 80-8040-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Section 99
Tool Drawings


Group 9900—Dealer Fabricated Tools

TA0898 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-1
TA0899 Axle Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-2
TA0902 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-3

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-1 Harvesters Technical Manual



tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Group 9900
Dealer Fabricated Tools
TA0898 Frame Support



Used to support front end of the front frame during The Frame Support is placed under front end of front
Frame Joint Removal procedure. frame during bogie removal and installation.

OUTJ003,000042F –19–06FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-9900-1 Harvesters Technical Manual

Dealer Fabricated Tools

TA0899 Axle Support



Used to support front bogie during Frame Joint Support placed under each bogie housing during bogie
Removal procedure. removal and installation.

OUTJ003,000042D –19–06FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-9900-2 Harvesters Technical Manual

Dealer Fabricated Tools

TA0902 Frame Support


Used to support hinge end of the front frame during Support placed under back end of front frame during
Frame Joint Removal procedure. bogie removal and installation.

OUTJ003,000042E –19–06FEB01–1/1

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-9900-3 Harvesters Technical Manual

Dealer Fabricated Tools


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) 99-9900-4 Harvesters Technical Manual

Page Page

A boom
Main Boom Cylinder Removal. . . . . . . . 37 -3720-2
Air Conditioner Boom
Operation Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-4 Main Boom Cylinder Servicing . . . . . . .03-0350-26
Air conditioner, configuration . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-2 Outer boom Cylinder Installation . . . . . . 37 -3720-8
Air conditioner, troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . .19-1930-7 Outer Cylinder Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-8
Anti-slip fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-8 TJ210H Extension Cylinder Removal . . . . . . . . .37
Auxiliary Valve -3720-10
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-37 Boom Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-44
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-6 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-11
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-36 Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-40
Auxiliary valve Valve Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-44
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-36 Boom controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-4
Auxiliary Valve Boom Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-26
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-13 Extension Cylinder Servicing - TJ 210
Axle Oil H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-22
Changing Single axle Differential Oil . . .02-0240-20 Booster batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-4
Checking Bogie Housings Oil Level . . .02-0240-22 Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6 Indx
Brake Hydraulics 1
Checking Front Differential Oil Level . . .02-0240-19
Axles Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-12
Change Bogie Housings Oil . . . . . . . . .02-0240-23 Brake Pedal Valves
Change Single Axle Wheel Ends Oil . . .02-0240-26 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-10
Check Bogie Housings Oil Level . . . . . .02-0240-22 Brake Servicing
Check Single Axle Wheel Ends Oil Emergency Manual Release of the Parking
Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-25 Brake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-5
Axles and Bogies Brake system, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-3 Brake Valve
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-10
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-1
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-9
Brakes, bleeding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-6
B Brakes, checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-8
Brakes, mechanical adjustment . . . . . . . . .02-0250-9
Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-2
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-2
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-2 C
Beeper on the roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-3
Bogie Cab
Changing Bogie Housings Oil . . . . . . . .02-0240-23 Cab Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-7
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-6 Cab Mount Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-5
Bogie Removal and Installation Cab Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-1
TA0898 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-1 Cleaning the Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-11
TA0899 Axle Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-2 Dome Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-9
TA0902 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-3 Window Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-10
Bogies Cabin Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-9
Bogie installation Cabin sideways levelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1830-8
Axle installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-10 Center hinge
Boogie tracks, fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-9 Removal
Boom Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-9
Extension Cylinder Servicing - TJ 210 Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-8
H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-22 Center hinge bearings, greasing. . . . . . . . .17-1730-2

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-1 Harvesters Technical Manual


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Center hinge installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-1 Electrical system, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-1

Control keypads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-2 Engine and cabin preheater,
Control lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-3 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-8010-1
Coolant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-5 Engine and cabin preheater, operation . . . .80-8010-2
Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-26 Engine and cabin preheater, timer . . . . . . .80-8010-4
CF572 Extension Cylinder Installation . . . . . . . . .37 Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-4
-3720-12 Engine preheater, maintenance . . . . . . . . .80-8010-3
Extension Cylinder Servicing - TJ210 Engine preheater, service codes . . . . . . . .80-8010-7
H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-22 Engine, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-1
Main Boom Cylinder Installation . . . . . . 37 -3720-3 Extension Cylinder CF572
Main Boom Cylinder Removal. . . . . . . . 37 -3720-2 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-12
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32 Extension Cylinder TJ 210 H
Outer boom Cylinder Installation . . . . . . 37 -3720-8 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-10
Outer Cylinder Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-8
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32
D Filter
Hydraulic Return Filter Replacement. . .03-0350-18
Dashboard Filters
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-1 Hydraulic Pressure Filter . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-17
Dealer Fabricated Tools Fluids and lubricants . . . . . . . 00-0040-1, 02-0240-18
TA0898 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-1 Frame Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-3
TA0899 Axle Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-2 Frame Joint Removal
TA0902 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-3 TA0898 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-1
Diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-3 TA0899 Axle Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-2
Disassembly and Assembly . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-44 TA0902 Frame Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-3
Drive Coupling Frames
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-5 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1710-1
Drive Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-3 Front frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1720-1
Drive Lines Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-3
Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-6 Fuel system, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-3
Drive Shafts Fuse box F2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-11
Frame Hinge Fuse Box 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-9
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-10
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-2
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
Universals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-7 G

Gear oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6

Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-5

Electrical Schematic Information . . . . . . .16-1620-1 H
Grounded circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-13
High resistance circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-13 Heater And AC
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-19 Operational Record Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-6
Open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-13 Heating and AC
Schematic symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1620-4 AC Safety Precautons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1910-6
Shorted circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-14 Operational Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-1
Test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-12 Heating and Air Conditioning
Test procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-20 Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1930-8

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-2 Harvesters Technical Manual


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Hub gears Valve Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-6

Check oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-25 Work Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-1
Hydraulic Cylinders Hydrostatic Drive Motor
Seals Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32 Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-12
Hydraulic Hoses Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-2
Inspection and Replacement . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-5 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-15
Hydraulic System Start-up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-1
Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-3 Hydrostatic Drive Pump
Auxiliary Valve Installation. . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-37 Charge Pump Replacement . . . . . . . . .03-0330-11
Auxiliary Valve Removal . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-36 Charge Pump Seals Replacement . . . .03-0330-11
Cylinder Seals Replacement . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32 Component Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-27
Hydraulic Tank Removal . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-21 Control Piston Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-24
Return Filter Replacement . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-18 Control Piston Cover Seals
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10 Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-16
Work Pump Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-11 Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-9
Work Pump Component Inspection . . . .03-0350-10 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-19
Work Pump Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-5 Drive Shaft Seal Replacement . . . . . . .03-0330-10
Work Pump Disassembly and Hydraulic Centering of Control Indx
Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-4 Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-35
Work Pump Removal and Installation . . .03-0350-2 Hydraulic Pilot Control Device
Hydraulic System Adjustments Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-33
Brake Accumulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-6 Hydraulic Pilot Control Device Seals
Loader/Steer Functions Maximum Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-33
Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-4 Mechanical Centering of Pump . . . . . . .03-0330-34
Loader/Steer Functions Pilot Pump Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-37
Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0360-4 Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-9
Hydraulic system, taking an oil sample. . .03-0310-13 Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-9
Hydraulic tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-14 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-14
Hydraulic Tank Start-up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-1
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-21 Hydrostatic Drive System
Hydraulic Tank and Filters Bleeding the Air from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-6
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-12 De-aeration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-6
Hydraulic tank, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2 Pressure tests and Adjustments . . . . . . .03-0360-1
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Cooling Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-15 Hydrostatic Motor
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Cooling System Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-1
Diagnostic Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-13 Hydrostatic system
Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03-0310-4, 03-0350-26 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0330-40
Auxiliary Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-6 Hydrostatic System Adjustment
Boom Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4 Motor Start of Control Point . . . . . . . . . .03-0320-5
Brake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-10 Hydrostatic System Pressures
Cylinders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-32 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-13
Extension Cylinder Servicing - TJ210 Hydrostatic system, bleeding . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-7
H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-22 Hyraulic oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-6
Hydraulic Pressure Filter . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-17
Load Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4
Operating Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4
Pump Unloading Solenoid. . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4 L
Schematic Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-2
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10 Load and release range, checking . . . . . .02-0250-11
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-5 Loader
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4 CF572 Extension Cylinder Installation . . . . . . . . .37
Test Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-4 -3720-12

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-3 Harvesters Technical Manual


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Jib Boom Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-2 Drive Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0230-2

Jib Boom Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-1 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-2
Loader Slew System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3710-2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
Main Boom Cylinder Installation . . . . . . 37 -3720-3 Transfer Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-6
Main Boom Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-5 Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-5
Main Boom Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-4 Power Unit
Tower Bearing Replacement . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-9 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
Tower Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-8 Pressures
Tower Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-7 Convertion Table for Pressures. . . . . . .00-0020-21
Loader Control Valve
Hydraulic Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-50
Inlet Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-47
Outlet Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-48
Tie Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-45
Rear Axle
Typical Spool Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-47
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-15
Rear axle
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-7
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-13
Indx Lubricants and fluids . . . . . . . 00-0040-1, 02-0240-18
Rear Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1720-1
Rotator link brakes, adjusting . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3710-3

Main Boom
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-5 Safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-1
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-4 Safety signs, replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-3
Main Boom Cylinder Safety, chemical products. . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-3
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-3 Safety, general precautions . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-1
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-2 Safety, handling fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-3
Main switch and fuses . . . . . . .16-1610-5, 16-1610-6 Safety, maintain safety cabin . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-4
Maintenance Safety, prepairing for emergencies . . . . . . .00-0010-2
Check Bogie Housings Oil Level . . . . . .02-0240-22 Safety, protective clothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0010-2
Check Single Axle Wheel Ends Oil Safety, understanding signal words . . . . . .00-0010-1
Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-25 Seat Belt Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-9
Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-1
O Service brake, checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-10
Single axle
O-ring boss fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-9 Rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-13
Operator‘s Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-5 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-6
Outer Cylinder Single axle wheel ends
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3720-8 Change Single Axle Wheel Ends Oil . . .02-0240-26
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-4
Auxiliary Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-13
Axles/Bogies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
P Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-9
Drive Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
Parking brake, releasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-3 Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10
Power Train Hydraulic Tank and Filters . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-12
Axles and Bogies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-3 Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Cooling . . . . . . . .00-0020-15
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-1 Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10
Component Locator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-2 Hydrostatic Drive Motor. . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-15
Drive Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-5 Hydrostatic Drive Pump . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-14

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-4 Harvesters Technical Manual


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Hydrostatic Drive System . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-10 Tower

Hydrostatic System Pressure . . . . . . . .00-0020-13 Bearing Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-9
Power Train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-8
TJ 210 H Boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-17 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 -3730-7
Transfer Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8 Towing
Work Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-11 Disengaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-3
Steering Towing the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-1
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1730-5 Towing, releasing parking brake . . . . . . . . .00-0050-3
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-12 Towing, releasing the steering . . . . . . . . . 00-0050-5,
Steering cylinder bearings, greasing. . . . . .17-1730-2 00-0050-6
Steering, releasing . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-5, 00-0050-6 Towing, releasing the work brake . . . . . . . .00-0050-4
Storing lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0040-7 Transfer Case
Stowing a disabled boom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-7 Changing the Transfer Case Oil . . . . . .02-0220-11
Checking the Transfer Case Oil . . . . . . .02-0220-9
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0210-6
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-8
T Transfer Case Installation . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-6
Transfer Case Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0220-1 Indx
TA0898 Frame Support Transmission system, disengaging . . . . . . .00-0050-3
Bogie Removal and Installation . . . . . . . .99-9900-1 Transmission, hydrostatic system . . . . . . . .03-0310-3
Frame Joint Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-1 Transmission, sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1630-2
TA0899 Axle Support Transporting the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-1
Bogie Removal and Installation . . . . . . . .99-9900-2
Frame Joint Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-2
TA0902 Frame Support
Bogie Removal and Installation . . . . . . . .99-9900-3
Frame Joint Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99-9900-3
Vacuum pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0310-15
Cylinder Internal Seal Leak Test . . . . . . .03-0360-6
Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1610-20
Hydraulic Function Cycle Times . . . . . . .03-0360-3 W
Thermostat Valve
Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-51 Warning lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1810-3
Tightening torgues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-1 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0060-1
Tires Welding instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0060-1
Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-5 Wheels
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-16 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-3
Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-7 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-1
TJ210 H Boom Wheel Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01-0110-4
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-17 Work brake, checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0250-10
Torque values Work brake, releasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0050-4
Flare Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-18 Work Pump
Flat face O-ring seal fitting . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-11 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-11
Inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-7 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-5
Inch SAE four bolt flange fitting. . . . . . .00-0030-12 Disassembly and Assembly . . . . . . . . . .03-0350-4
Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-8 Drive Shaft Seal Replacement . . . . . . . .03-0350-3
Metric Flanged Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-14 Load Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-1
Metric four bolt flange fitting . . . . . . . . .00-0030-13 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-1
O-Ring boss fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-9 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0020-11
O-ring Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-15 Start-up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03-0340-4
SAE Code 61 and 62 Flanges . . . . . . .00-0030-16 Work Pump Component Inspection . . . .03-0350-10
Tapered Pipe Treads (NPTF and Working hydraulic system, bleeding . . . . . 03-0310-9,
NPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-0030-17 03-0310-11

tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-5 Harvesters Technical Manual



1070D Hydraulic Schematics . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-19

Front axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02-0240-2
7770D Hydraulic Schematics . . . . . . . . . . .03-0370-9


tm2122rev1 (14MAR03) Index-6 Harvesters Technical Manual


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