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13/06/16, 08:59 - Messages to this chat and calls are now

secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.

18/12/16, 11:45 - Ananya Consultants: Cling to the thought that, in
God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have -
the key to life and happiness for others. With it you can avert
death and misery for them.
26/12/16, 21:58 - Ananya Consultants: Sujal,

You're creating amazing positive change in your own life and

career, your reputation is soaring, and others are positively
interacting with you. You're finally beginning to make the impact in
others' lives you always thought you would.

You're at peak performance and more productive than ever, with

a new "can-do" attitude in every area of your career and in your

You're a professional trainer and powerful influencer. Finally living

your dream. And the possibilities are endless...

you wake up each day knowing you have the full capability to
empower private clients, employees, organization members, and
college students to achieve their dreams.

In fact, you're happier than ever...

waking up, bouncing out of bed each morning because you feel
deeply fulfilled.
You're using your true passions to satisfy people's hunger for
expansion, fresh knowledge, new skills, and better living.
All the while, you're getting the recognition, love, respect, and
success you also deserve.

A round of applause to you, Sujal...

You followed your heart and took action toward your goal. And
now, you're proud to say this is part of your livelihood.
Thank you GOD!
Your will be done, not mine.
Give me the guidence and strength to carry these out.
01/01/17, 22:28 - Ananya Consultants: Ananya comsultants has
been engaged in facilitating businesses to achieve the quality
hallmarks, there by helping them not only being effective in the
markets, but also helping them manage their own businesses
systemically and with greater controls.
14/02/17, 08:33 - Ananya Consultants: *Alcoholism Explained*

I will now attempt to describe what the Big Book says about Step
One and what the differences are between the experience of an
alcoholic and that of a NON-alcoholic.

The book says that these differences are physical, mental, and
spiritual. Please pay close attention to this review and ask
yourself what more closely describes your experience with
alcohol, that of an alcoholic or that of a NON-alcoholic.

Physically, the difference is that the alcoholic has an allergy, or an

abnormal reaction, to drinking alcohol. This abnormal reaction to
alcohol is a craving for more alcohol once we take a few drinks.
This craving NEVER happens to a non-alcoholic. Because of this,
a non-alcoholic can ALWAYS predict how much they are going to
drink, but an alcoholic CANNOT. Besides the craving, alcohol
DOES something for an alcoholic that it does NOT do for a non-
alcoholic. When an alcoholic drinks, they get a feeling of ease and
comfort; an "IN control, get up and go into town, I like this" kind of
a feeling. When a NON-alcoholic drinks, they get an "OUT of
control, beginning of a nauseating, slightly tipsy, I don't like this so
I don't want any more" kind of a feeling. That's why they stop after
one or two drinks, and make statements like, "I don't want another
drink because I am feeling that first one."

Mentally, we suffer from a condition called the obsession of the

mind, also referred to as alcoholic insanity or the inability to see
the truth about taking the first drink. This is why when we make a
decision to stop drinking alcohol for good we cannot stay stopped.
As the Big Book says, "our will power becomes practically non-
existent; we are without defense against the first drink."

This condition is fueled by the spiritual malady. Spiritually, the

difference is that because of the selfish and self-centered way the
alcoholic views and deals with other people, their emotions, and
life; they are filled with inner turmoil, discomfort, and anxiety. This
spiritual malady, which is the result of being spiritually blocked off
by self-centered fear, exists for us as long as we are not seeking
and growing toward a spiritual solution, WHETHER WE ARE
DRINKING OR NOT. In "The Doctor's Opinion" it refers to this
condition as "restless, irritable and discontented." But one of the
BEST references to the spiritual malady can be found in the
chapter "We Agnostics" where it describes the inner
unmanageability as, "having trouble with personal relationships,
not being able to control our emotional natures, being a prey to
misery and depression, not being able to make a living (which
includes not being able to make a successful life), having a feeling
of uselessness, being full of fear, being unhappy, and not
seeming to be of real help to other people." The Big Book gives
us other descriptions of the inner condition that occurs if an
alcoholic does NOT deal with this spiritual malady, but page 52
probably covers it best. Since alcohol is the ONLY thing that the
alcoholic has experienced, which brings relief from this inner
unmanageability, we turn to alcohol again and again, even though
it has caused problems for us in the past. We don't see what
alcohol is doing TO us, we ONLY think about what it is going to do
FOR us.

The NON-alcoholic's relationship with alcohol is a "take it or leave

it" kind of relationship, but an ALCOHOLIC'S relationship with
alcohol is a "I need it to deal with life" kind of relationship. Again,
please ask yourself if you can relate to the experience of an

- Barefoot Bill
27/02/17, 10:56 - Ananya Consultants: This message is intention
to help friends if applicable and not to disrespect or forming any

Dear Friend,

I would like to inform that I used to drink Alcohol on weekly in limit

and on parties. However I used to always have problem of sleep
disorder, morning trembling, health and other problems after
drinking of Alcohol.

I tried to come out of habit of Alcohol but could not succeed in

great extent. After joining Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), Iam away
from Alcohol and life is very good.
If you or anybody having desire to come out of Alcoholic

I am happy to support. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Thanks - Sujal.
02/03/17, 19:21 - Ananya Consultants: My Heartfelt condolences
to the breaved family and friends. RIP Friend.
04/04/17, 04:57 - Ananya Consultants: *God grant me the
*To accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the
things I can; And the wisdom to also do the things I can That will
bring about the changes I can't.*
15/04/17, 13:02 - Ananya Consultants: Convey a sense of
preparedness and demonstrate a professional attitude.
16/04/17, 14:05 - Ananya Consultants: All the Good I Can

Dear God, guide me to

Do all the good I can
By all means I can
In all ways I can
In all places I can
To all people I can
As long as I can.
13/05/17, 16:58 - Ananya Consultants: Dear Frined, let's You and
I play it togather from now on.
29/05/17, 06:03 - Ananya Consultants: Dear heavenly Father, I
am thankful for the wonderful ways in which You take care of me.
I do appreciate Your watchcare over my family and friends. Lord, I
do desire to remain humble in my dealings with others who
oppose me. Give me Your grace and wisdom when I must handle
controversy. May I be humble when I am tested in this way and
trust You to defend me instead of getting into contention with
others. Lord, bless me i am reading this today and strengthen me
to do Your will. I ask this in the name of GOD. Amen. 
31/05/17, 20:26 - Ananya Consultants: Steps 1-3: Things
Newcomers Should Know
Unpacking the first three steps

I recently walked into a Twelve Step meeting and, as usual, I was

greeted from across the room by a bunch of my friends. As I
made my way across the room to join them and catch up on
what's new with everyone, someone I didn't recognize caught my

He was maybe in his early 20s, sitting by himself, not looking too
happy, and his head was buried in his iPhone. I got the feeling he
was either new to recovery, or that this was his very first meeting.

Because I wanted to go catch up with my friends, part of me

thought about ignoring this newcomer. Certainly he wouldn't relate
to an "old guy" like me. I thought one of guys in the group closer
to his age would go over and say hello to him, find out if it's his
first meeting and so on. But then I remembered the AA
Responsibility statement, so I grabbed a chair in front of him,
turned it around, and started up a conversation.

I Am Responsible

In an increasing number of meetings today, people recite the AA

Responsibility statement, which states, "I am responsible. When
anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA
always to be there. And for that: I am responsible."

But it's one thing to say it; it's another thing to live it.

This young man confirmed for me that it was his first meeting, and
that he knew nothing about recovery. He told me that his girlfriend
insisted that he try out the Twelve Steps, and he wasn't thrilled
about it.

I'd heard that song before. There's even a good chance I sang it
myself at one time.

He asked me something along the lines of, "How does this whole
thing work?"
I could tell he needed to hear more than, "It works just fine." I
could also see that given the opportunity, he was ready to bolt for
the door. Telling him to stick around to find out just how it can
work wasn't going to cut it, either.

One interaction can mean the difference between someone giving

recovery a try or continuing their obsession with their substance of

So I took the time to tell him that the combination of the fellowship
and the program, which is found in the twelve steps, is why "it
works." I realized his need to talk about his situation far
outweighed his capacity to listen to some old-timer telling him the
inside story on all things Twelve Step, so I kept it simple when he
asked me to help him understand the first three steps.

Translating the First Three Steps

Making the language of the first three steps as approachable and

solution-oriented as possible makes them easier for people to
unpack. Let's try it now, like I did with my group's young

Step One. Do you see a connection between your own drinking or

using and the fact that your life is unmanageable? Look,
unmanageable is a five-syllable word for "out of control." Can you
relate to "out of control?" Yes? Then proceed.

Step Two. The basic idea of Step Two is that we cannot "cure"

our own addictions. Ham is cured—not addiction! But if you relate
to "out of control," the good news is that help is available and
you've come to the right place.

People in Twelve Step recovery don't pretend to have a

hammerlock on recovery. There may be other methods that work
for other people. But what we have works for us, and if you stick
with us, you might just find a solution that works for you, too.
While we admit we cannot "cure" our addictions, we:

Came—we started showing up at meetings.Came To—we

realized that we were living life in an unconscious fashion, not
realizing how much damage we were doing to ourselves and
others.And then Came To Believe —we saw that something
outside of ourselves can help us, whether that "something"
happens to be a Higher Power (however we define it) or even the
program itself.

Step Three: The first edition of the Big Book has a story in which
AA's co-founder Bill Wilson said to a newcomer, "Your life is
certainly jumbled up. Would you consider inviting God to help you
'unjumble' it?" Basically, that's Step Three in a nutshell. By
accepting the spiritual help offered by a Higher Power, we
embrace a spiritual program for arresting alcoholism and
addiction. By letting a Higher Power "unjumble" —to use Bill's
term—what we've managed to jumble, there's a path ahead.

That's what we do in Twelve Step programs. Through the steps,

through the fellowship, people find deep within themselves the
Power that will "unjumble" their lives.

It's working for us, and it will work for the newcomer, new or old,
and that's why it's our responsibility to "Pass it on."
02/06/17, 19:46 - Ananya Consultants: Those of you who have
done the work up to this point have chosen to let God direct your
lives. Let's see what we need to do in order to expand this new
God-consciousness. We need to live the Tenth, Eleventh and
Twelfth Steps, on a DAILY basis. Let's start with Step Ten.
Step 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were
wrong PROMPTLY admitted it.
Notice that the Tenth Step says that when we were wrong we
promptly ADMIT it. It doesn't say that when we were wrong we
promptly JUSTIFY it. The first three Steps are designed to bring
us to the point where we become WILLING to turn our will and our
lives over to the care of a Higher Power, Steps Four through Nine
are HOW we turn our will and our lives over by removing what
blocks us from actually doing so, and the last three Steps are how
we KEEP our will and our lives turned over to God indefinitely.
A large part of Step Ten is a summary of Steps Four through
Nine, to be used quickly on a moment-by-moment basis
throughout each day. Step Eleven shows us how to deepen and
broaden our conscious contact with the God of our understanding.
And Step Twelve gives us the goal of the Steps - which is a
spiritual awakening, tells us how to carry our life-changing
message to others, and gives us many tips on how to practice
these principles in ALL our affairs.
Please turn to the middle of page 84. The key to Step Ten are the
words, "continue to take personal inventory." The "Big Book"
emphasizes the importance of continuing to take the Steps. The
middle of Page 84 says:
"This...brings us to Step Ten, which suggests we CONTINUE to
take personal inventory and CONTINUE to set right ANY new
mistakes AS WE GO ALONG. We VIGOROUSLY commenced
this way of living AS we cleaned up the past (so the book tells us
when to start vigorously using the tools of Steps Ten and Eleven.
These two Steps should be practiced as we start cleaning up the
past by making our Step Nine amends. The book continues:) We
have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to GROW
in understanding and effectiveness." (Grow in understanding and
effectiveness of what? Of being in AND inspired by the world of
the Spirit. The book continues:) This is NOT an overnight matter.
It SHOULD continue for our LIFETIME."
In this paragraph the authors tell us how to live, one day at a time.
We call this our twenty-four-hour plan. We CONTINUE to take
inventory, CONTINUE to make amends and CONTINUE to help
others, EVERY day.
Let's look at the third sentence in this paragraph again. It is VERY
important. It reads, "We have entered the world of the Spirit." This
sentence contains an amazing revelation. Basically, the "Big
Book" has just informed us that our lives have already changed as
a result of taking Steps One through Nine. They state that we
have already had a spiritual awakening.
How could that be? Well, it's very simple. There is no way a
newcomer can get through these Steps alone. You have not only
developed a belief in a God of your understanding, but you have
come to rely upon this Power to help you through the inventory
and restitution process. You are now living in the solution. Some
of you may not realize it yet, but the "psychic change" that Dr.
Silkworth mentioned in "The Doctor's Opinion" as being
ESSENTIAL, has now occurred.
Further down on page 84, the authors tell us PRECISELY how to
take a Tenth Step, moment by moment, inventory.
"...Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and
fear. (We first did this in Step 4.) When these crop up, we ask
God at once to remove them." (This is referring to Steps 6 and 7,
and it's not suggesting that we ask our Higher Power to "at once
remove them," it's saying that we "at once ASK God to remove
them." Also, notice that this line says, "WHEN these crop up," not,
"IF these crop up," so we need to stay aware of when selfishness,
dishonesty, resentment, and fear are resurfacing throughout our
life. And Step Ten is NOT to be taken ONLY at night, as it is
sometimes suggested in our fellowship, the book says that it's to
be taken ALL through the day, WHENEVER these things crop up,
moment by moment, as soon as we become aware of them. The
book continues.) "We discuss them with someone immediately
(Step 5) and make amends QUICKLY if we have harmed anyone
(Steps 8 and 9). Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone
we CAN help (Not just anybody, but someone we CAN help, Step
12.). Love and tolerance of others is our code."
The next line can ALSO be considered as part of the directions for
taking this Step:
"And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone - even alcohol."
This part of Step Ten is certainly easier said than done, but it's
important for us to make it a priority and to start moving in the
direction of no longer fighting with anything or anyone.
So the "Big Book' provides us with specific instructions on how to
rid ourselves of these self-centered behaviors. First we MUST
continue realizing (as we did in Step Three) that self-centered
behaviors are NOT consistent with God's plan for our lives and
they will ONLY lead us back to drinking. Next, we MUST continue
taking the actions necessary to move away from self-will toward
God's Will. We ask God to remove these shortcomings, we
discuss them with our "sponsor" or spiritual advisor, and if
necessary, we set right (to the best of our ability) any wrong WE
have done. Then, we try to focus on someone we can help. So
it's: "watch, ask, discuss, amend, and turn".
The "Big Book" affirms that if we do the work of Steps One
through Nine and apply the Tenth Step on a DAILY basis, God
WILL remove the obsession to drink. This is another of the many
promises we find throughout the Steps in this book. They are the
Tenth Step Promises, and they are sometimes called "The
Forgotten Promises" because we usually only refer to the Ninth
Step ones. As a matter of fact, MOST of the Steps in this book
have specific promises associated with them. At the bottom of
page 84 they write:
"And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone - even alcohol.
For by this time sanity will have returned. We will seldom be
interested in liquor. If tempted, we recoil from it as from a hot
flame. We react sanely and normally and we will find that this has
happened automatically. We will see that our new attitude toward
liquor has been given us without any thought or effort on our part.
It just comes! That is the miracle of it. We are not fighting it,
neither are we avoiding temptation. We feel as though we had
been placed in a position of neutrality - safe and protected. We
have not even sworn off. Instead the problem has been removed
(and the problem they are talking about here is the mental
obsession and the spiritual malady). It does not exist for us. We
are neither cocky nor are we afraid. That is our experience. (Now
here a warning.) That is how we react so long as (or IF) we keep
in FIT spiritual condition."
What is part of keeping fit spiritually? Taking a daily inventory.
What is our reward? A daily reprieve.
There is an expression that describes the Tenth Step perfectly. It
goes something like this: If we remove our garbage promptly, our
house doesn't stink. I'm sure if you think about it, everyone here
can relate.
The "Big Book" describes this daily reprieve in the middle of page
"It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on
our laurels. (Our laurels are our past victories. The book continues
with a warning.) We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is
a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we REALLY
have is a daily reprieve CONTINGENT (or dependent) on the
maintenance of our spiritual condition. (Now please notice these
next few sentences.) EVERY day is a day when we MUST carry
the vision of GOD'S WILL into ALL of our activities. 'How can I
BEST serve Thee - THY Will (not mine) be done.' These are
thoughts which MUST go with us CONSTANTLY. We can
exercise our will power along THIS line all we wish. It is the proper
use of the will."
Another reward is God-consciousness - direct contact with our
Higher Power. In the next paragraph on page 85, the "Big Book"
tells us:
"Much has already been said about receiving strength, inspiration,
and direction from Him who has ALL knowledge and power. If we
CAREFULLY followed direction, we have begun to sense the flow
of His Spirit into us. To some extent we have become God-
conscious. We have begun to develop this VITAL sixth sense. But
we MUST go further and that means MORE action."
Once again, the authors declare that our lives have changed -
we've already had the spiritual awakening. They say we have
become conscious of the Spirit of the Universe, and we are now
receiving strength, inspiration and direction from this Spirit. Not
only that, but they say that this sixth sense is VITAL or
Now, it's time to proceed. The directions for taking the Tenth Step
are found in the second paragraph on page 84. Starting with line
two, the "Big Book" writes:
"...we continue to take personal inventory and continue to set right
any new mistakes AS WE GO ALONG."
This is the Tenth Step question:
Will you continue to take personal inventory on a moment by
moment basis, as you have seen just outlined on page 84, and
continue to set right any new mistakes AS YOU GO ALONG?
03/06/17, 15:36 - Ananya Consultants: Lord, what will you You
have me to do?
13/06/17, 10:35 - Ananya Consultants: Sujal H. Amin
B-6, Sunstar complex,
Opp. Nirman tower,
Sattadhar- Gulab tower road, Sola Road, Ahmedabad-380061.
Mob.: 09898078093.
23/06/17, 19:29 - Ananya Consultants: Positive affirmation

I have plenty of creativity for this project.

My work will be recognised in a positive way by my client and
I can do this!
My opinion is respected and valued by others.
I am successful
I am honest in my life, and my work
I like completing my tasks and projects on time.
I am grateful for the work i have
I enjoy working with others
I am bringing a positive attitude to work everyday
I am excellent at what i do
I am generous
I am happy, hoyous and free
05/07/17, 11:41 - Ananya Consultants: Higher Power direct what I
am thinking, my thinking become better. And if my thinking
becomes better, then my actions will become better—and then my
life and the lives of people around me will become better too.”
12/07/17, 13:08 - Ananya Consultants: Sujal Amin
Ananya Consultants
B-6, Sunstar complex,
Opp. Nirman Tower,
Sattadhar- Gulab Tower Road,
Sola Road, Ahmedabad-380061. Gujarat.
Mob: 9898078093.
20/07/17, 07:52 - Ananya Consultants: Obsession means...
Going over and over the same thought. Repetitive thinking
followed by repetitive action.

04/08/17, 05:37 - Ananya Consultants: જેવી પ્રભુ ની ઈચ્છા.

*જો મારી ઈચ્છા પ્રમાણે થાય તો હ ુ ં ખ ુશ, અને જો એની ઈચ્છા મુજબ
થાય તો એ ખ ુશ.*

*जो मेरा है सो जावे नही, और जो जावे है सो मेरा नही।*

06/08/17, 06:21 - Ananya Consultants: Congratulations and

God Bless all our sober Friends.👏
30/08/17, 13:30 - Ananya Consultants: A.B.C's OF BIG

What is the real purpose of the A,B,C's, to say the last out loud in
harmony at meeting together?

The Big Book has all the information a person will ever need
about the grave nature of the alcoholic illness. For step 1 we have
“The Doctors Opinion” about the allergy and obsession. In “There
is a Solution” on p.20 and 21 it describes 3 different types of
drinkers, and then it spends a great deal on the mental obsession.
In the chapter “More About Alcoholism” it talks about the insanity
of the first drink. Step 2 also has a lot of material, starting on page
25 thru 29 in “There Is Solution,” and has an entire chapter
dedicated to step 2 called “We Agnostic.”

From page 17 to 57 Bill hammers home steps 1 and 2. That's 40

pages in all; add “The Doctors Opinion” brings it to 48. And if you
really want to get technical you could add parts of “Bills Story.” So
why is there 48 pages dedicated to steps 1 and 2?? It is very
simple Bill wants you have all the information and have full
knowledge of your illness and know that there is a solution. All
that information comes to a head on page 60. It is very clear from
all the reading Bill wants us to be 100% convinced that we are
powerless over alcohol so we can be convinced we need Power,
and be convinced we must seek (4 thru 9) that Power before we
can move forward. This is where you are either going to move
forward with the program or move away from it. For years I never
really knew the importance of page 60's A,B,C's. Why is it so
important? Because this is where you formally take steps 1 and
2. It is a make or break point. You must be convinced of each

In the Original Big Book Manuscript after the A,B,C's Bill stated "If
you are not convinced on these vital issues, you ought to re-read
the book to this point or else throw it away!" Wow cant be
straighter forward then that, he is saying that we must be
convinced of each one. Many people make the mistake of calling
these questions. They are not questions! They are facts!! Facts
that one must be convinced of! Also they are not simple beliefs.
Example do you believe that you were alcoholic and could not
manage our own lives? There is big difference between believing
and being convinced. Believing means acknowledging that
something is true or real. Convinced means to be completely
certain that something is true or real. The difference between the
two is with a belief you can get by saying “ya I believe.” Being
convinced you can’t pass go until you are completely certain. So
the key element of the A,B,C's is being completely certain (100%)
that those facts are (100%) true about your life.

Lets look at P.60 and at each one.

"Our description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic, and

our personal adventures before and after make clear three
pertinent ideas: (pertinent means relevant information)

(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives. -
Step 1 - From all the information we have read we found out the
truth of why we are alcoholic; we have an allergy and an
obsession with alcohol. Thanks to that concept it’s easy for one to
get full knowledge of their condition, making it very easy for one to
become convinced they are powerless. If one is not convinced
they need go over the pages on step 1 again. There is no skipping
over this, there is no maybe here, no free pass, we must be 100%
convinced of the this fact.

(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our

alcoholism. - Step 2 - No human power tells us (anywhere its in
Book) we need a power greater then our self. The second a
person is 100% convinced of (a) and the fact they are powerless
firmly set it brings them right into (b). If they are not convinced of
(b) they are not 100% convinced of (a). Again there can be no
free pass here.
(c) That God could and would if He were sought. – Step 2 - C is
telling me that God (Power) can remove my alcoholism if I take
action (sought 4 thru 9). I also see this as a bridge between of
step 2 and step 3 because it’s leading me to the decision (step 3).
This is not an easy one at all and very misunderstood and
misused. Some people get really stuck here. Lots of people think
that (c) is asking a person do you believe that God could and
would if He were sought? Again it’s not a question it is a fact. And
it is not a belief one must obtain. It’s being convinced that that
God could and would if He were sought. That is where it’s tough
because how can a person become convinced God can save
them if they do not have God. We have never taken action (4 thru
9) to experience God how can we be convinced now? How can
we be convinced that something can save us that we know
nothing what it is truly capable of doing? So how do we become
convinced?? What we have is straight from P.25 “But we saw that
it really worked in others.” This is the only way a person can be
convinced of what God can do before taking action, and that is
witnessing what God has done for other people. Those other
people are a spiritually awoke person sitting right in front of us
(sponsor), other recovery friends that do the work, and obviously
from the contents of this Book. I always ask a person this question
several times before moving forward to make sure they are truly
convinced. Just like the other no free pass here.

Being convinced, we were at Step Three," (Once they are

convince of the A,B,C’s bam they are at step 3.)

The A,B,C's are a fork in the road. You are either convinced you
are alcoholic and that you need a new life (ready) or you are not
(not ready). If you are convinced you are then at step 3, ready to
make a decision to take action that will give you a new way of life.

Be Kind Whenever Possible:

(and it's always possible!!!)

03/09/17, 20:50 - Ananya Consultants: God, I don't have the least
idea what to do.
06/09/17, 05:32 - Ananya Consultants: “If you have a resentment
that you want to be free of, if you will pray for the person or thing
that you resent, you will be free. Ask for their health, their
prosperity, their happiness and you will be free. Even when you
don’t really want it for them and your prayers are only words and
you don’t mean it, go ahead and do it anyway. Do it every day for
two weeks and you will find you have come to mean it, and to
want it for them and you will realize where you used to feel
bitterness and resentment and hatred, you now feel
compassionate, understanding and love”

- Alcoholics Anonymous page 552

13/09/17, 08:05 - Ananya Consultants: Ananya Consultants offer
quality management and business management services in
manufacturing sectors. Free First Consulting. Call 9898078093
14/09/17, 17:17 - Ananya Consultants: "If I have offended you in
any way, knowingly or unknowingly, in thought, word or deed,
then I seek your forgiveness." ...
27/09/17, 10:56 - Ananya Consultants: On awakening let us think
about the twenty-four hours ahead. We consider our plans for the
day. Be fore we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking,
especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or
self-seeking motives. Under these condi tions we can employ our
mental faculties with as surance, for after all God gave us brains
to use. Our thought-life will be placed on a much higher plane
when our thinking is cleared of wrong motives.

In thinking about our day we may face indecision. We may not be

able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for
inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it
easy. We don’t struggle. We are often surprised how the right
answers come after we have tried this for a while.
What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspira tion gradually
becomes a working part of the mind. Being still inexperienced and
having just made con scious contact with God, it is not probable
that we are going to be inspired at all times. We might pay for this
presumption in all sorts of absurd actions and ideas.
Nevertheless, we find that our thinking will, as time passes, be
more and more on the plane of in spiration. We come to rely upon

We usually conclude the period of meditation with a prayer that

we be shown all through the day what our next step is to be, that
we be given whatever we need to take care of such problems. We
ask especially for freedom from self-will, and are careful to make
no request for ourselves only. We may ask for ourselves,
however, if others will be helped. We are careful never to pray for
our own selfish ends. Many of us have wasted a lot of time doing
that and it doesn’t work. You can easily see why.
If circumstances warrant, we ask our wives or friends to join us in
morning meditation. If we belong to a religious denomination
which requires a definite morning devotion, we attend to that also.
If not mem bers of religious bodies, we sometimes select and
memorize a few set prayers which emphasize the principles we
have been discussing. There are many helpful books also.
Suggestions about these may be obtained from one’s priest,
minister, or rabbi. Be quick to see where religious people are
right. Make use of what they offer.

As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful,

and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind
ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to
ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done.’’ We are then
in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or
foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do not tire
so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did
when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves.
It works—it really does.

We alcoholics are undisciplined. So we let God discipline us in the

simple way we have just outlined.
But this is not all. There is action and more action. “Faith without
works is dead.’’ The next chapter is entirely devoted to Step
07/10/17, 07:39 - Ananya Consultants: DAILY

I accept myself completely.

I accept my strengths and my weaknesses, my gifts and my

shortcomings, my good points and my faults.

I accept myself completely as a human being.

I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am

learning and growing.
I accept the personality I've developed, and I accept my power to
heal and change.

I accept myself without condition or reservation.

I accept that the core of my being is goodness and that my

essence is love, and I accept that I sometimes forget that.

I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance I find an ever-

deepening inner strength.

From this place of strength, I accept my life fully and I open to the
lessons it offers me today.

I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and I accept
my power to choose which I will experience as real.

I recognize that I experience only the results of my own choices.

I accept the times that I choose fear as part of my learning and

healing process, and I accept that I have the potential and power
in any moment to choose love instead.

I accept mistakes as a part of growth, so I am always willing to

forgive myself and give myself another chance.

I accept that my life is the expression of my thought,

and I commit myself to aligning my thoughts
more and more each day with the Thought of Love.

I accept that I am an expression of this Love. Love's hands and

voice and heart on earth.

I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift.

My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful.

May I always share the gifts that I receive fully, freely, and with

~~ Author Unknown

Be Kind Whenever Possible!!!

(and it’s always possible!!!)

17/10/17, 18:27 - Ananya Consultants: We drank for happiness
and became unhappy.
We drank for joy and became miserable.
We drank for sociability and became argumentative. 
We drank for sophistication and became obnoxious. 
We drank for friendship and made enemies. 
We drank for sleep and awakened without rest. 
We drank for strength and felt weak. 
We drank “medicinally" and acquired health problems. 
We drank for bravery and became afraid.
We drank for confidence and became doubtful. 
We drank to make conversation and slurred our speech. 
We drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell. 
We drank to forget and were forever haunted. 
We drank for freedom and became slaves. 
We drank to erase problems and saw them multiply. 
We drank to cope with life and invited death.
26/10/17, 16:20 - Ananya Consultants: *Green* = Instructions
Highlight things you need to do to get the promises. Just
remember green for go, or action.
*Yellow* = Prayers Highlight suggested prayers. i.e. page 68,
attention to what He would have us be".
*Purple* - Teaching others "We ask Him to remove our fear
and direct our Highlight specific references the Big Book
makes to the importance of teaching others. However, when
a specific reference to teaching others is also an instruction,
that portion of the passage which is an instruction would be
highlighted in green while the rest could be in purple. This
color is used to help emphasize how import teaching this
program to others is in their achieving permanent recovery.
When a person knows they are responsible for teaching what
they are learning, they listen and comprehend at a much
higher level. i.e. page xvi, "This seemed to prove that one
alcoholic could affect another as no nonalcoholic could. It
also indicated that strenuous work, one alcoholic with
another, was vital to permanent recovery."
*Pink* = Positive Promises (Hint: Green + Yellow = Pink)
Highlight specific positive experiences you too will have if
you do the work as outlined in the book.
*Blue* - When the book refers to itself The Big Book itself
is blue so that's the colour I use to mark those passages
where the book is speaking about its purpose and objectives.
This color is also used whenever the book references itself.
i.e. "the subject presented in this book seems to me to be
of paramount importance to those afflicted with alcoholic
addiction". These passages help the newcomer understand
why we as teachers are so passionate about sharing the
message that is contained in this book.
*Orange* = Pay close attention Used at the students
discretion to mark passages that are real "ah ha" moments
for them, provided that the other colors aren't appropriate.
Like the amber at a traffic light, these flag you to slow down
and pay special attention.
26/10/17, 22:14 - Ananya Consultants: My sponsor used a format
where it was broken down to get me started, asking for examples
of each of the following (have put some of my own egs in italics)...


1) Loss of control (inc. blackouts / collapse/ memory loss/ etc.)

eg difficulties remembering what had said to who / blackouts /
getting into a state of complete bewilderment and fear on several
occasions that was very frightening to me and those around me 

2) Destructive behaviour
eg. throwing things / verbal attacks / smashing things
3) Accidents / dangerous situations 
eg. falling over numerous times / mixing with people who hurt me /
OTT and inappropriate flirting / sexual behaviour

4) Attempts at control that didn't work

eg. sponsored sober periods for charity / changing drinks /
increasing mixers / changing pubs / moving house / moving city /
going out with less money

5) Substitutions I'd tried for drinking alcohol

Eg. shopping (ebay) / overeating / exercising

6) Broken promises
Eg. unfulfilled work comittments / making excuses for nit going to
weddings / parties / family visits because I was drinking or drunk
or hungover


1) Effects of my drinking on other people

Eg. drunken arguing where I became enraged and unreasonable /
financially ruined me and partner and lost home / got into bad

2) Loss of relationships / friendships

Eg missed opportunities to spend time with beloved grandmother
as she approached her death / unable to relate to brother /
distanced self from immediate family / only stayed in touch with
drinking friends - all others neglected and lost 

3) Loss of jobs / education / work opportunities

lost job because jept going for 'a' drink at llunch and not returning
but stayed in pub / turned up at one job and collapsed in drunken
state / not fulfilling work commitments / under-performing at work
due to hangovers
4) Criminal convictions
none for me - quite remarkably I feel.

5) Physical Damage (to my body)

Eg. weight gain / hangovers / unknown damage

6) Loss of liberty
Not sure if I did this ine right to be honest, but I put for eg.
financial damage meant lost home / lost out on being included in
family activities 

7) Loss of interest
stopped going to church / stopped dancing and drama / lost
interest in career / unable to read at weekends as always too
drunk or hungover

Hope that helps a bit. Once I got started I could think of loads, but
it took me a while to get going.
26/10/17, 22:40 - Ananya Consultants: How to work step 1
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (or drugs, sex,
gambling, eating, shopping, etc.) – that our lives had become

For a lot of people, walking into a treatment center or 12-step

meeting for the first time is equivalent to working step one. The
simple act of asking for help is, in and of itself, an admission of
powerlessness and unmanageability. However, there is much
more that an addict can do to fully work Step One. Most of this
work is designed to unearth the addict’s complete history of use
and abuse. In this way, he or she is able to see – usually for the
first time – the totality of his or her addiction and its directly related
negative life consequences. 

Task One: Consequences Inventory

For many addicts, addiction builds slowly over time, making it

difficult to actually see how life has changed. Consequences that
even a casual outside observer could readily identify as severe
have gradually become the norm. Thus, the insanity of addiction
looks perfectly ordinary to the addict. The easiest way to break
through the fog of addiction is to create a list of consequences
related to the behavior. In creating your consequences
inventory you should list as many items as possible, breaking the
list down into the following categories:

Emotional Consequences: These may include hopelessness,

despair, guilt, shame, remorse, depression, paranoia, anxiety,
loss of self-esteem, loneliness, emotional exhaustion, fear of
going insane, feeling like two people (living a double-life), suicidal
thoughts, homicidal thoughts, fear of the future, and
more.Physical Consequences: These may include ulcers, high
blood pressure, weight loss, weight gain, self-abuse (cutting,
burning, etc.), unintentional injuries (falls, car wrecks, etc.), abuse
by others, trouble sleeping or waking up, physical exhaustion,
sexually transmitted diseases, attempted suicide, and
more.Spiritual Consequences: These may include feeling
disconnected, feeling abandoned, feeling anger toward God,
emptiness, loss of faith, loss of values and morals, loss of interest
in the wellbeing of others, and more.Family and Partnership
Consequences: These may include relationship strife, loss of
respect, alienation, being disowned, threatened or actual loss of
spouse or partner, threatened or actual loss of parental rights,
jeopardizing your family’s wellbeing, and more.Career and
Educational Consequences: These may include decreased
performance, demotion, underemployment, loss of respect, poor
grades or job reviews, not getting promoted, getting fired or
dismissed from school, losing a chance to work in one’s career of
choice, and more.Other Consequences: These may include loss
of interest in formerly enjoyable activities, lack of self-care, loss of
important friendships, loss of community standing, financial
problems, involvement in illegal activities, near arrests, arrests,
legal issues, incarceration, and more.Task Two: Powerlessness

Generate at least 30 examples of your powerlessness over

your addictive behavior. In other words, list examples of your
inability to stop your behavior despite obvious consequences,
such as: “I was warned that if I showed up to work one more time
smelling of alcohol that I would be fired, and I still stopped off at
the bar for a quick drink before work.” Be as explicit as you can,
starting with early examples and ending with the most recent.

Task Three: Unmanageability Inventory

Generate at least 30 examples that demonstrate how your life has
become unmanageable. In other words, list ways in which your
addiction has created chaos and destruction in your life, such as:
“I sold my car for thousands less than it was worth because I was
on a meth/sex bender and needed some quick cash to pay for
drugs and prostitutes.” Again, be as explicit as you can, starting
with early examples and ending with the most recent.

Task Four: Sharing Your Step One Inventories

Now comes the hard part – sharing your Step One inventories
with your therapy group and/or your 12-step support group. If
you’re like most addicts, you are filled with guilt, shame, remorse,
and self-loathing. Plus, you’ve gotten very used to keeping
secrets from your loved ones, your employer, and the world at
large. So opening up about the nature and extent of your behavior
is anathema to your entire existence. It is completely unnatural
and you probably don’t want to do it. However, sharing your
history and consequences lifts the burden of compartmentalizing
them and lugging them around in secret. Letting go of your
secrets frees you up to move forward with a different, better life.
For many people, the act of sharing Step One is the true start of
recovery. Oftentimes recovering addicts state that their life began
to get better the moment they got honest with their support
network by sharing Step One.
28/10/17, 13:56 - Ananya Consultants: We are coming to love
others and to help them by thinking, feeling, and behaving
maturely in all situations.
06/11/17, 09:37 - Ananya Consultants: 👍Congratulations and
God Bless Always all our sober Friends.👏
07/11/17, 06:43 - Ananya Consultants: True salesmanship means
finding out what your customer really needs, and supplying him
with it; or if you cannot furnish it yourself, advising him to go
elsewhere. Such a 
policy will not mean loss of business. On the contrary, working in
this way you may lose one order but you will get half a dozen in its
place — and you will have peace of mind. Any one particular sale
does not matter; it is the annual turnover that counts.
The policy, the Golden Rule, was taught by Jesus, the wisest and
most practical teacher who ever lived. Salesman treat your
customer exactly as you would like him to treat you if the positions
were reversed. Tell him exactly what you would like to be told
about the merchandise, if you were the purchaser; and if you will
do this the whole universe will 
cooperate to make your business career an outstanding success.
09/11/17, 09:54 - Ananya Consultants: *I have lost much of my
inferiority complex*. I was always trying to escape from life. I did
not want to face reality. I was full of self-pity. I was constantly
sorry for myself. I tried to avoid all responsibilities. I did not feel
that I would handle the responsibilities of my family or my work.
Owing to my inferiority complex, I was eager to be free of all
responsibilities. I wanted to drift; I wanted to be "on the beach."
A.A. showed me how to get over my feeling of inferiority. It made
me want to accept responsibility again. Have I lost my inferiority

*Meditation For the Day*

"One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and
reaching forth unto those things that are before, I press onward
toward the goal." We should forget those things which are behind
us and press onward toward something better. We can believe
that God has forgiven us for all our past sins, provided we are
honestly trying to live today the way we believe He wants us to
live. We can wipe clean the slate of the past. We can start today
with a clean slate and go forward with confidence toward the goal
that has been set before us.

*Prayer for the Day*

I pray that I may drop off the load of the past. I pray that I may
start today with a light heart and a new confidence.
11/11/17, 14:12 - Ananya Consultants: Lord God, thank You for
loving me
Even when I turn away from You.
I am grateful for Your constant care and concern.
Though I feel unworthy of Your great love,
I thank You that through my weakness
You give me strength,
And in my wandering You show me the way.
13/11/17, 06:18 - Ananya Consultants: Most of us sense that real
tolerance of other people's shortcomings and viewpoints and a
respect for their opinions are attitudes which make us more useful
to others. Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon
our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their
needs. ”
pg. 19-20
27/11/17, 16:13 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
27/11/17, 16:18 - Ananya Consultants: Our Father who art in
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into
temptation,but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever
and ever.
28/11/17, 18:09 - Ananya Consultants: “Here are the steps we
took” by Clarence Snyder

It was Dr. Bob Smith who sponsored Clarence Snyder into this
simple program. Clarence repeated this approach with other
alcoholics in Cleveland where he achieved a 75-93 percent
recovery rate. Here is the approach the A.A. pioneers used to
carry the message to the person who suffers from a seemingly
hopeless state of mind and body.

Editor's Note: Clarence remained very active in A.A., and his A.A.

work became increasingly Christian fundamentalist in nature. He
passed away on March 22, 1984. These notes probably reflect his
approach in the later years.

"Here are the steps we took as a program of recovery.

Before beginning the steps the sponsor must first qualify the
person who has requested to follow the path. Find out if they
really are alcoholic and, just as important, if YOU feel that they
willing and ready to go to any lengths to change their lives and not
drink forever. (Page 142, Big Book: "Will he take every necessary
step, submit to anything to get well, to stop drinking forever?")

Ask your prospect 3 qualifying questions:

Do you think you have a drinking (using or obsessive-compulsive
acting-out) problem?Do you want to do anything about the
problem?What are you willing to do about it?

If you get the answers: (1) yes, (2) yes, and (3) anything, and you
feel that the person is ready to follow directions without question,
you both are ready to continue all the way.

If you feel that they are not ready, tell them so and go on to the
next person. (Page 96, Big Book: "To spend too much time on
any one situation is to deny some other alcoholic an opportunity to
live and be happy.") The program and your own recovery are not
dependent upon winning friends and influencing people.

If you feel that they are ready, then you start. There are five
phases to the Steps:


5, 6, and 7: CONFESSION,STEPS 8 and 9:

STEP ONE: Who's boss -- them or the alcohol (substances, or

obsessive-complusive behaviour)? (The above qualification
should pretty much answer the first half of the step)...That our
lives had become unmanageable, not only our drinking -- all
phases of our existence were and are unmanageable. It stands to
reason that if we can't manage our lives and we are acting in a
manner that is not very sane (unmanageability is not sane living)
then we have to take...

STEP TWO: Come to believe that a power GREATER than

ourselves, something other than us can manage our lives. A
power that can bring sanity back to the way we live. Who are we
to believe that WE are the greatest? When we did Step 1, we
admitted that we couldn't manage our own lives. When we took
Step 2, we said that someone greater than us could manage us
and restore us. We needed new to have a new manager, a living,
loving God.

STEP THREE: We made the decision that we needed to come

under new management since our own management got us
nowhere. So we turn our wills and lives over to the care of our
new manager -- Jesus. He will take care of us and manage our
lives since we admitted in Step 1 that our lives were
unmanageable, and in Step 2, that He could restore us to a
manageable state and sanity.

At this point both of you get down on your knees... Both on knees,
the sponsor says: "Jesus, this is ___(name)____, he is coming to
You in all humility to ask You to guide and direct him.
______(name)_____realizes that his life is messed up and
unmanageable. _____(name)_____ is coming to You Lord in all
humility to ask to be one of your children -- to work for you, to
serve and dedicate his life to You and to turn his will and life over
that he may be an instrument of Your love.

Person repeats after sponsor: "Lord, I ask that You guide and
direct me, and that I have decided to turn my will and life over to
You. To serve You and dedicate my life to You. I ask all this in the
name of Jesus Christ. I thank you Lord; I believe that if I ask this
in prayer, I shall receive what I have asked for. Thank you Jesus.

Now that we have gone under new management, we believe what

it says in the Big Book at the end of the Steps in How It Works:

We were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives,No human
power could RELIEVE our alcoholism,GOD COULD AND

Then we have to take an inventory.

STEP FOUR: Take a searching and fearless moral inventory. We

must find out what we've got, what we need to get rid of, and what
we need to acquire. There are 20 character defects to ask about
-- the individual wrongs are not necessary to go over, just the
defects that caused them. Going over the questions, you ask that
the person be honest and admit his defects to himself, to you, and
to God (where two or more are gathered in His name, there shall
He be.) By admitting, the person also takes.

STEP FIVE: The inventory is of our defects, not our incidents.

Here are the defects:
Resentment, AngerFear, CowardiceSelf pitySelf justificationSelf
importance, EgotismSelf condemnation, GuiltLying, Evasiveness,
DishonestyImpatienceHateFalse pride, Phoniness,
ThinkingImmoral thinkingPerfectionism, IntoleranceCriticizing,
Loose Talk, GossipGreed

Now that you've admitted these defects, ask, "Don't you want to
get rid of them?" These same defects caused your life to be
unmanageable. How can you ask God to get rid of the THINGS
you did in your past? YOU CAN'T!! You can ask to get rid of the
defects, which caused you to act in the manner you did by

STEP SIX: You were ENTIRELY ready (not almost, not just about,
not partially) to have God remove ALL (not some) of these
defects. He cannot remove things that have already happened.
You are ready to get rid of ALL of them, even the ones that are
TO GOD IN STEP THREE. Now comes...

STEP SEVEN: On your knees you ask that these defects be

removed, these shortcomings listed in your inventory... Both on
knees, the sponsor says: "Lord, here is your child,
____(name)___. He is coming to you in all humility to humbly ask
your forgiveness, believing that anything he asks in prayer, he
humbly shall receive.

Person repeats after sponsor: "I, ___(name)___, humbly ask you

oh Lord, to remove my shortcomings and forgive me, my sins and
trespasses, and ask in all humility that you will remove my defects
and shortcomings because I am one of your children and I truly
believe. Thank you Jesus, Amen." Sponsor: "Your sins are
removed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Both: "Thank you Jesus, Amen."

STEP EIGHT: You make a list of all persons you have harmed,

starting with yourself, family, friends, employers, employees, etc.
We discuss briefly this list, and ask if they are willing to make
restitution and amends. (Since the sponsor is boss - you really
don't ask... it is assumed.) Then restitution is made to all as soon
as possible, except in certain instances where it is turned over to
God. They will have done STEP NINE: by making restitution. After
doing these 9 steps, your slate is wiped clean. You are reborn as
it says in the Big Book on page 63, "We were reborn." II
Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a
new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, all things
are made new!

STEP TEN: We continued to take personal inventory every night:

did you harm anyone, have you done something wrong? Do you
deserve a gold star or a black mark? You ask forgiveness
honestly, and all is forgiven by the Lord -- clean slate. When you
are wrong, promptly admit it. When you don't, use the inventory at
night to do so. Deal with your life by the four absolutes:
Love? Were you honest? Were you unselfish? Were your motives
pure? All things must be based on these four things...

STEP ELEVEN: Prayer is talking to God -- meditation is listening

to Him. Pray, go to church, read the bible, read the Big Book. Get
to know the Word of God so that you will understand it when you
meditate. Thy will, not mine, be done!!!!

STEP TWELVE: A spiritual awakening is THE RESULT of

working, doing, and LIVING, ALL of the 12 Steps! Then you have
this message to carry to others. There is no message unless you
have done the first 9 Steps and are living the last three. You can't
give what you don't have. You must practice these principles in
ALL your affairs.

Now it is your responsibility to give this message to others as you

have received it. Not changed, watered down, or how others may
want it in their lives. If they want what you have, they must do
what you did. It is now your legacy to hand down, AS IT WAS
GIVEN TO YOU -- NO OTHER WAY! It is recommended that two
people work with the newcomer through the steps whenever
possible, so that both may learn as well as give.

There is no easier, softer way -- this is it. This is the PROGRAM

OF RECOVERY as it was in the 1930's in Ohio, as Dr. Bob gave
it. You can and DO recover, you don't have to stay sick -- you can
and do get WELL!!! This is the solution; this is HOW IT WORKS.
Don't trudge the Happy Road to Recovery; walk with your head
high, knowing that through you, God will help others to RECOVER
as you have. May God bless and be with you.
30/11/17, 17:31 - Ananya Consultants: Dear God, I am powerless
and my life is unmanageable without Your help and guidence. I
came to You today because I believe that You can restore and
renew me to meet my needs today. Since I cannot manage my life
or affairs, I have decided to give them to You. I put my life, my
will, my thoughts, my desires and ambitions in Your hands.
I give You all of me; the good and the bad, the character defects
and shortcomings, my selfishness, resentments and problems. I
know that You will work them out in accordance with Your plan.
Guide me and direct my ways and show me what to do for You.
I cannot control or change my loved ones and friends, So I
release them into Your care for Your loving hands to do with as
You will. Just keep loving and free from judging them. If they need
changing, God, You'll have to do it. I cannot. Just make willing
and ready to be of service to You, to have my shortcomings
removed, and to do my best.
Help me to see how I have harmed others and make me willing to
make amends to them all. Keep me ever mindfull of thoughts and
actions that harm myself and others, and which separate me from
Your light, love and spirit. And when I commit these errors, make
me aware of them and help me to admit each one, promptly.
I am seeking to know You better, to love You more, I am seeking
the knowledge of Your will for me and the power to carry it out.
03/12/17, 12:29 - Ananya Consultants: TWENTY QUESTIONS -
Could I be an Alcoholic?

Are you an alcoholic? To answer this, ask yourself the following

questions and answer them as honestly as you can:



Do you lose time from work due to drinking?

Is drinking making your home life unhappy?


Do you drink because you are shy with other people?


Is drinking affecting your reputation?


Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?


Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking?


Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment

when drinking?


Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?


Has your ambition decreased since drinking?

Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?


Do you want a drink the next morning?


Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?


Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?


Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?


Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?


Do you drink alone?


Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of


Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?


Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?


Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of

09/12/17, 18:10 - Ananya Consultants: “And to practice these
principles in all our affairs”
“These principles” mean the twelve steps. “Affair” mean all
aspects of our daily lives.
Until now we have been concerned primarily with getting sober.
We have been using the twelve steps to do that. We have
admitted that we are powerless over alcohol and that our lives
had become unmanageable because of our drinking. But as we
gain some sobriety, we begun to realize that it isn’t just alcohol
over which we are powerless; we are powerless over many other
things as well. We begin to see we are powerless over our
spouse, children, friends and colleagues at work. We begin to that
we have no control over their behaviour or thoughts or attitudes or
feelings. We can’t make them to do or say or feel what we want. If
we try, we know our lives will become unmanageable again.
Of course, it would be wonderful if our wife loved and trusted us
as perhaps they once did. But we can’t make them to do so. We
have no control over their feelings. So what do we do? We believe
that Power greater than ourselves will restore us to sanity, and we
turn the problem over to that Power. We let go, using step-3.
Perhaps our client at work isn’t giving us the raise we want or
more responsibility in our job. We could choose to get angry and
resentful or to feel sorry for ourselves. But would that do any
good? The alternative is to turn over our resentment or self-pity
(Step-7) and get on with our job. Perhaps if we work hard enough,
we will gain the client’s respect, and then we will get that raise or
increased responsibility. Perhaps not. But by going back to step-1,
we realize we are powerless over our client and his attitude
toward us. All we can change is ourselves. In the end, we may
have to consider a different job where we might get the respect
we feel we deserve.
In the course of our 4th and 5th Steps, we may have discovered
that one of my character defects is impatience & intolerance. In
our daily lives, what can we do about it? If our wife is continually
doubting or condemning, do we still get impatience or we are
beginning to learn how to let go and let her be doubting or
condemning? Can we find something constructive to do instead of
just waiting impatiently or intolerance? If so, we are practicing the
Steps in another aspect of our daily lives.
In this case, Step-1 helps us realize we are powerless over our
spouse’s actions. In Step-4 we identify our impatience &
intolerance, and in Step-7 we let go of the impatience &
intolerance. In Step-9 we tell our spouse we have been
impatience & intolerance with her and apologize, making amends.
In Step-10 we continue to monitor our behaviour and attitudes on
a daily bases to see if we are becoming more patience &
tolerance. In Step-11 we may pray or meditate on what our Higher
Power wills for us in regard to our spouse, her doubting and
angriness. And in Step-12, we may find a way to help our spouse
to be trusting/ respecting & understanding/ calm, perhaps by
sharing how we used to be angry and irritated all the time and
how we used to be trusting/ respecting & understanding/ calm.
Perhaps then our spouse may change her behavior. Or we can
change our own behaviour, be calm, understanding, respecting
and let her be doubting.
That may be an overly simplistic example of how the 12 steps can
be applied in an everyday situation of our lives, but it illustrates
how it can be done. And when it is, it makes life much easier to
If we use the 12 Steps in all our affairs, as the 12th Step suggest,
we will find ourselves truly changed people.
We will find new serenity. We will be selfless people, honestly
caring about our family and friends. We will be more
understanding, less critical, more giving of ourselves. And we will
receive the love and care and trust and respect that we know we
deserve when we are living our lives to the best of our abilities.
Obviously, it is asking too much of ourselves to demand that we
practice all the Steps all the time. I know I don’t. But we can make
a START. We can want to do the best we can.
11/12/17, 12:58 - Ananya Consultants: I admitted I was powerless
over my compulsive behaviors, that my life had become
Realize I am not God. I admit that I am powerless to comtrol my
tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable.
હુ ં સ્વીકારુ છું કે ર્હું મારા અનિવાર્ય વર્તન પર શક્તિહિન હતો, જેથી મારંુ
જીવન બેકાબ ૂ થય ુ ં હત ુ.

હુ ં ખ્યાલ રાખ ુ ં કે હુ ં દે વ નથી.

ૂ ુ છું કે હુ ં ખોટું વિચારવાના, બોલવાના અને વત ઁન કરવા માટે મારા

હુ ં કબલ
વલણ નિય ંત્રિત કરવા માટે શક્તિહિન છું અને જેથી મારંુ જીવન બેકાબ ૂ
થય ુ ં છે .

11/12/17, 14:32 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message

12/12/17, 21:06 - Ananya Consultants: *Lesson 3 daily prayer*
Dear God, I have tried to do it all by myself, on my own power,
and I have failed. Today, I want to turn my life over to You. I ask
You to be my Lord and my Savior. You are the one and only
Higher Power! I ask that You help me start to think less about me
and my life. Please continue to help me overcome my hurts,
hang-ups, and habits and may that victory over them help others
as they see Your power at work in changing my life. Help me to
do Your will always. Amen.
16/12/17, 09:23 - Ananya Consultants: *MAKE IT WORK*

_Around the Year with Emmet Fox_

*December 16*

“Buy the truth, and sell it not;

also wisdom and instruction and understanding”
Proverbs 23:23

All you have of Truth is what you understand of it —

and what you understand you always demonstrate.
It naturally follows from this that the only way to improve yourself
and your conditions is to gain an increase in understanding. And
the only way to gain an increase in understanding is to make
practical use of the Truth you already know.
Knowledge that you do not actually use is only intellectual
knowledge and is barren, and even that fades out in time through
lack of use.
You will never demonstrate or progress on mere theories that you
have not put to the test.
You will never demonstrate or grow spiritually on what is in a
textbook or lecture until you have begun to put such knowledge
into practice.
It is far better to have a thimbleful of spiritual knowledge and use it
than to have a whole mountain of correct spiritual doctrine
most of which you have never made work.
16/12/17, 09:33 - Ananya Consultants: I repeat to myself
statements such as these: 
'Pain is the touchstone of progress.' . . . 'Fear no evil.' . . .  'This,
too, will pass.' . . . 
'This experience can be turned to benefit.'
16/12/17, 09:33 - Ananya Consultants: Keep sharing/ introducing
yourself. Good luck
24/12/17, 10:29 - Ananya Consultants: *Can Anger Really be
Some people believe that it’s normal and at times even right to be
resentful. Psychologists teach their patients how to use willpower
to control their anger, convincing them that emotions, even
negative ones, like anger, are a justified and natural condition—an
acceptable validation of our humanness.

They’ll teach theories and market systems designed to manage

anger. The theory here is that successful anger control will result
in a better life. It does not.

Anger Management always fails because anger is not human. It is

subhuman, and as such is beyond the control of us mortals.

Whenever humans try to manage anger, life only gets worse in

the struggle.

This sort of self-will avoids the spiritual side of humanness,

exclusively addressing the animal side of our existence. It ignores
the spiritual element of every man or woman’s humanity, where
we are not self-disciplined but instead allow our Creator to do the
Simply letting go of resentments, as they occur, is all that it
takes. Not management.
It is extremely dangerous to learn tricks to conceal emotions, even
negative ones. Any ploy to do so is mere suppression and serves
only to help preserve outward appearances and sociability—
facades we’ve maintained all throughout our spiritually sick lives.

Meanwhile, Something dark and sinister takes root inside,

continuing to grow. It is our Lower Nature.

The first time you ever caved in to this vile entity, allowing the
negative charge of resentment, and impatience to permeate your
psyche, was the moment you set yourself up to become a hapless
target for a hostile takeover. This was your fall from grace. And it
set in motion an error-prone lifestyle responsible for every
heartache you’ve ever had.

You were in effect born again—not as a superior being, but as an

inferior slave, serving something sinister residing within. Now with
your new identity, your Lower Self was free to pass a sentence of
damnation upon those who dare to trespass against us.

And so, you proceeded on with your life—playing the judge.

Playing God.

A life that contains resentment only leads only to feelings of

uselessness and despair. A life that is free from all negative
emotion is liberating.
25/12/17, 14:05 - Ananya Consultants: I wanted to be like God in
his ability to control peoples, places, and things. It is also why I
fall - why lives become unmanageable is because I am trying
to manage what is not mime to control.
28/12/17, 15:28 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
28/12/17, 17:15 - Ananya Consultants: I can't handle it, God. You
take over.
30/12/17, 14:35 - Ananya Consultants: I pray that God will guide
me one day at a time in the new day. I pray that for each day, God
will supply the wisdom and the strength that I need.
01/01/18, 21:43 - Ananya Consultants: Three-pointers on
1. People, even after ages still think you are the same person they
know. Branding helps you change this perception of others about

2. A good branding increases the value of a company, provides

the employee with oomph & vigour and direction for work, makes
acquiring new clients easier.

and the last one

3. The authentic brands are not engineered by advertising

agencies. A brand is a reflection of everything the company and
its staff does.
02/01/18, 15:44 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
02/01/18, 16:00 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
02/01/18, 16:07 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
02/01/18, 16:12 - Ananya Consultants: God please help me see
the truth.
02/01/18, 16:13 - Ananya Consultants: *SELF ESTEEM:* How I
see or feel about myself. “The role I’ve assigned myself” (How I
see me) Start sentences with—"I am...
Example: I am the best husband she could have.

*PRIDE:* How I think others see me or feel about me. “The role
I’ve assigned others” (How you see me) Start sentences with—
“Others should...” or “No one should...” or “Others can...”

*AMBITION:* What I wanted to happen here. Start sentences

with— “I want..."(Outside)

*SECURITY:* What I need here to be okay. Start sentences with

— “I be okay" (Inside)

*PERSONAL RELATIONS:* My deep seated beliefs of how this

relationship is supposed to look. (Vision of what this relationship
should look like.)(“Wives trust their husbands” “Mothers respect
their sons choices” “Real friends always agree with me”)
*SEX RELATIONS:* My deep-seated beliefs of how real men
and/or real women are supposed to be. Start sentence with—“A
real man...”and/or “A real woman...” (My ideal vision of what
should be.)

*POCKET BOOK:* Affects my finances. (Start with—"No one

(can, should, shouldn't)..." or Others (can, should, shouldn't)...")

*SELF-SEEKING:* Look around the whole resentment, what did I

do? where was I to blame? My selfish actions or activities
were... ?

*SELFISH:* What was my selfish thinking while I was doing the

above actions? My selfish attitudes were... ?

*DISHONEST:* What were the lies I was telling myself that

resulted in my selfish thinking above? I was in the delusion that...

*AFRAID:* What are the fears that drive the delusions above? I
was afraid... ?

*Difficulties* are *fears* running my life.

*Fears* drive the *delusions* that result in the *attitude* that are
behind the *actions.*
02/01/18, 16:15 - Ananya Consultants: God, this is a sick person
like my-self. How can I be helpful to them? God save me from
being angry. Thy will be done.
02/01/18, 17:23 - Ananya Consultants: Some key words to
understand in Step One.

Physical Allergy
Mental Obsession

"Double Dhar Ke Talwar"

Physical Craving/Mental Obsession

For me, I have an extreme emotional problem. Alcohol was a

solution to this extreme emotional problem. There came a time I
couldn’t stop drinking and assumed that I can Control my drinking
I repeat, I thought I could control my drinking whilst I was still
drinking heavily, this too did not work so I thought I will use my
Will power to stop my heavy drinking, It did work for some time,
and as a few days went by my emotions began to build up. The
fear, the guilt, the remorse, the shame, the worry, the depression,
became worse and worse. My willpower became non-existent,
and I took that deadly first drink, doing so I triggered the allergy
and went through well know stages of sprees, I emerged
remorseful with a firm resolution not to drink again, but I repeated
that cycle over and over and over and over again.

I eventually did realise have an illness called alcoholism, a

physical allergy coupled with an obsession of the mind.
"Double Dhar Ke Talwar"

Allergy is an ’abnormal’ reaction to any food, beverage, or

substance of any kind. Abnormal is how the majority of people
react to substances of any kind.
My reaction to alcohol is considered to be abnormal, therefore I’m
considered to be allergic to alcohol.

The action of alcohol on one who is allergic to alcohol, is

manifested by, the phenomenon of craving. I don’t have the
craving before I take the few drinks.
It’s only after I take the few drinks that the phenomenon of craving
develops, and then I have to have more and more and more of
alcohol , and only alcoholics have that craving.

And the word craving is very, very important.

When you see the word ‘craving’ in the BB, it’s always referring to
the body, never to the mind, they use the word ’obsession’ for the
mind, the word craving is for the body.

My obsession of the mind to drink is so strong that it will

overcome any ideas not to drink and my mind will actually lead
me to believing it's okay to take a drink. And then I will take that
drink, I will trigger that allergy and I will be unable to stop.

I can't safely drink because of my body, I can't stay sober

because of my mind, therefore I have become absolutely
powerless over alcohol.

"Double Dhar Ke Talwar"

03/01/18, 12:44 - Ananya Consultants: The 12 Step program is
miraculous, but not magical. It will not work for you unless
you work it!
03/01/18, 13:01 - Ananya Consultants: *What is spiritual maturity?
1. Spiritual Maturity is *when you stop trying to change others,
...instead focus on changing yourself.*
2. Spiritual Maturity is when you
*accept people as they are.*
3. Spiritual Maturity is when you
*understand everyone is right in their own perspective.*
4. Spiritual Maturity is when you
*learn to "let go".*
5. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to *drop "expectations"
from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.*
6. Spiritual Maturity is when you
*understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.*
7. Spiritual Maturity is when you *stop proving to the world, how
intelligent you are.*
8. Spiritual Maturity is when you *don't seek approval from
9. Spiritual Maturity is when you *stop comparing with others.*
10. Spiritual Maturity is when you *are at peace with yourself.*
11. Spiritual Maturity is when you *are able to differentiate
between "need" and "want" and are able to let go of your wants &
last but most meaningful !*
12. You gain Spiritual Maturity when you *stop attaching
"happiness" to material things !!*

"Wishing all a happy Spiritually matured life.

🙏 🙏🙏🙏
04/01/18, 14:58 - Ananya Consultants: The Twelve Promises of
Alcohol Many of us searched for years for the answer to the
question of “Why did I use” Some of us found it the last place I
ever thought to look: In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
We did have to rephrase a few lines though. (Thanks to Dan S.
for the idea.) If we are painstaking about this phase of drinking
alcohol, we will be amazed before we are half way through. When
drinking , we are going to know a new freedom and a new
happiness. When drinking alcohol we will not regret the past nor
wish to shut the door on it. When drinking , we will comprehend
the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far
down the scale we have gone, when drinking alcohol, we will see
how our experience can benefit others. When drinking alcohol,
that feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. When
drinking alcohol, we will lose interest in selfish things and gain
interest in our fellows. When drinking alcohol, Self-seeking will slip
away. When drinking alcohol, our whole attitude and outlook upon
life will change. When drinking alcohol, fear of people and of
economic insecurity will leave us. When drinking alcohol, we will
intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.
We will suddenly realize that alcohol was doing for us what we
could not do for ourselves. The problem with these promises was
that in the end, they became lies. We had to seek a new Higher
06/01/18, 07:50 - Ananya Consultants: The first requirement for
Step Three is that I be convinced that my life run on self-
will can hardly be a success. On that basis I am almost
always in collision with something or somebody, even though my
motives are good. I try to live by self-propulsion. I am like an
actor who wants to run the whole show; I am forever trying to
arrange the lights, the ballet, the scenery and the rest of the
players in my own way. If my arrangements would only stay put, if
only people would do as I wished, the show would be great.
Everybody, including myself, would be pleased. Life would be
wonderful. In trying to make these arrangements I may sometimes
be quite virtuous. I may be kind, considerate, patient,
generous; even modest and self-sacrificing. On the other
hand, I may be mean, egotistical, selfish and dishonest. But,
as with most humans, I am more likely to have varied traits.
What usually happens? The show doesn't come off very
well. I begin to think life doesn't treat me right. I decide to
exert myself more. I become, on the next occasion, still more
demanding or gracious, as the case may be. Still the play does
not suit me. Admitting I may be somewhat at fault, I am sure that
other people are more to blame. I become angry, indignant, self-
pitying. What is my basic trouble? Am I not really a self-seeker
even when trying to be kind? Am I not a victim of the
delusion that I can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this
world if I only manage well? Is it not evident to all the rest of the
players that these are the things I want? And do not my actions
make each of them wish to retaliate, snatching all they can get out
of the show? Am I not, even in my best moments, a producer of
confusion rather than harmony? I am self-centered - ego-
centric, as people like to call it nowadays. I am like the retired
businessman who lolls in the Florida sunshine in the winter
complaining of the sad state of the nation; the minister who
sighs over the sins of the twentieth century; politicians and
reformers who are sure all would be Utopia if the rest of the world
would only behave; the outlaw safe cracker who thinks society
has wronged him; and the alcoholic who has lost all and is locked
up. Whatever my protestations, am I not concerned with myself,
my resentments, and my self-pity? Selfishness - self-
centeredness! That, I think, is the root of my troubles.
Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self- delusion, self-
seeking, and self-pity, I step on the toes of my fellows and
they retaliate. Sometimes they hurt me, seemingly without
provocation, but I invariably find that at some time in the past I
have made decisions based on self which later placed me in a
position to be hurt. So my troubles, I think, are basically of my
own making. They arise out of myself, and I am an extreme
example of self-will run riot, though I usually don't think so.
Above everything, I, as an alcoholic, must be rid of this
selfishness. I must, or it will kill me! God makes that
possible. And there often seems no way of entirely getting
rid of self without His aid. I had moral and philosophical
convictions galore, but I could not live up to them even though I
would have liked to. Neither could I reduce my self-centeredness
much by wishing or trying on my own power. I have to have God's
help. This is the how and the why of it. First of all, I have to quit
playing God. It didn't work. Next, I will decide that hereafter in this
drama of life, God is going to be my Director. He is the Principal; I
am His agent. He is the Father, and I am His child. Most Good
ideas are simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new
and triumphant arch through which I will pass to freedom. When I
sincerely took such a position, all sorts of remarkable things
followed. I have a new Employer. Being all powerful, He will
provide what I need, if I keep close to Him and perform His work
well. Established on such a footing I’ll become less and less
interested myself, my little plans and designs. More and More, I
will become interested in seeing what I can contribute to life. As I
feel new power flow in, as I enjoy peace of mind, as I
discover I can face life successfully, as I become conscious
of His presence, I begin to lose my fear of today, tomorrow or
the hereafter. I will be reborn. I am now at Step Three. I said to
my Maker, as I understood Him: "God, I offer myself to You - to
build with me and to do with me as Your will. Relieve me of the
bondage of self, that I may better do Your will. Take away my
difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I
would help of Your Power, Your Love, and Your Way of life. May I
do Your will always!" I thought well before taking this step
making sure I was ready; that I could at last abandon
myself utterly to Him. I’ll find it very desirable to take this
spiritual step with an understanding person, such as my
wife, best friend, or spiritual adviser. But it is better to meet God
alone than with one who might misunderstand. The wording was,
of course, quite optional so long as I expressed the idea,
voicing it without reservation. This was only a beginning,
though if honestly and humbly made, an effect,
sometimes a very great one, will be felt at once.
12/01/18, 18:27 - Ananya Consultants: Because of the mental
obsession under the surface that tells us in our own voice that a
drink would give us a sense of ease and comfort. With of without
the insanity preceding a drink. No mental Defense is not
obsession its insanity. The unmanagability comes from a mind
obsessed with the constant obsession with Booze . Overcrowding
other desires and thoughts with excuses and rationalizing "
insanity" I'll do it tommorow. This time will be Different. Life is
not managable with a subtle obsession we are unaware of . That
warped our mind into insanity.
12/01/18, 18:41 - Ananya Consultants: Step 10 has some of the
MOST SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS of any step in the 12-step
process, so why NOT try that directed way to practice step 10:

(Transition to Step 10:) Are these extravagant promises? We think

not. They are being fulfilled among us - sometimes quickly,
sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for
them. This thought brings us to Step Ten, which suggests we
continue to take personal inventory and continue to set right any
new mistakes as we go along.

1. We vigorously commenced this way of living as we cleaned up
the past. (As we do the actions of step 9, we put this daily manner
of living to work in our own life.)
1a. We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to
grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight
matter. It should continue for our lifetime. (This is a dialy manner
of living that you’ll use for the rest of your life, and this tells you
2. (As you live in this day,) Continue to watch for selfishness,
dishonesty, resentment, and fear.
3. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. (We
4. We discuss them with someone immediately (notice it doesn’t
say “sponsor” it says anyone nearby – it doesn’t matter “who,” it
matters that you do this in the moment because that is how the
human brain learns a thing.)
5. (We) make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. (If you
catch yourself early enough, you can make the amends right in
that moment you notice yourself BEGINNING to get off-track.)
6. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help.
(Get out of the trap in our head, back focusing on being of service
to others.)

Motivations & Promises & Warnings:

a. Love and tolerance of others is our code.
b. We have ceased fighting anything or anyone - even alcohol.
c. For by this time sanity will have returned.
d. We will seldom be interested in liquor.
e. If tempted, we recoil from it as from a hot flame. We react
sanely and normally, and we will find that this has happened
f. We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given
us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is
the miracle of it.
g. We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation.
h. We feel as though we had been placed in a position of
neutrality - safe and protected. We have not even sworn off.
Instead, the problem has been removed. It does not exist for us.
i. We are neither cocky nor are we afraid. That is our experience.
j. (WARNING:) That is how we react so long as we keep in fit
spiritual condition.
k. (WARNING:) It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of
action and rest on our laurels.
l. (WARNING:) We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a
subtle foe.
m. (WARNING:) We are not cured of alcoholism.
n. (WARNING:) What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent
on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.
o. Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will
into all of our activities. "How can I best serve Thee - Thy will (not
mine) be done." These are thoughts which must go with us
p. We can exercise our will power along this line all we wish. It is
the proper use of the will.

(Transition to Step 11) "Much has already been said about

receiving strength, inspiration, and direction from Him who has all
knowledge and power. If we have carefully followed directions, we
have begun to sense the flow of His Spirit into us. To some extent
we have become God-conscious. We have begun to develop this
vital sixth sense. But we must go further and that means more

This is the most simple and straightforward approach I've ever

read - and it's the exact words from the BB (with my notes). Try
this and see if your daily living doesn't change for the better! I'll
betcha a bunch that it will!!!
12/01/18, 19:23 - Ananya Consultants: 1. Not fit to life: Dr's
Opinion: maladjusted to life, in full flight from reality, outright
mental defectives. 2. Mental deterioration/non-functional: Many
pursue drinking into the gates of insanity. (if continuing to drink
may die or go permanently insane.) More About Alcoholism. 3.
Relapse: the subtle insanity that precedes the first drink. (Fred the
accountant) 4: Compulsion: inability or lack of proportion to think
straight that is plain insanity (Jim the Salesman) 5: Self -
destructive behavior: strange ideas of fun (jaywalker)
12/01/18, 19:28 - Ananya Consultants: I was taught 3 fold
1 the allergy
2 mental obsession
3 spiritual malady
I put the first drink in and I can't stop meaning the obsession kicks
in or phenomenon of craving ..
When the Spiritual Malady is over come I straighten out physically
and mentally....
My allergy tells me this time will be different that's that abnormal
reaction I have to alcohol...
I do the 12 steps to get unblocked from my higher power and stay
unblocked from my HP....
Lack of power was my dilemma
12/01/18, 21:04 - Ananya Consultants: Restless- uneasy
Irritable- easily annoyed
Discontented- never satisfied
12/01/18, 22:51 - Ananya Consultants: *Set Aside Prayer*
“God, please set aside everything I think I know about myself, the
twelve steps, this book, the meetings, my disease,
and you, God, so I may have an open mind and a new
experience with all these things, please let me see the truth.”
12/01/18, 22:52 - Ananya Consultants: You deleted this message
16/01/18, 05:56 - Ananya Consultants:
The 20 Questions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Here are 20 Questions designed to help you determine how
has affected your life.
1. Do you lose time from work due to drinking?
2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4. Is drinking affecting your reputation?
5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?
6. Have you got into financial difficulties as a result of drinking?
7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment
when drinking?
8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?
9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?
10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
11. Do you want a drink the next morning?
12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping?
13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?
14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?
15. Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?
16. Do you drink alone?
17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of
18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?
19. Do you drink to build up your selfconfidence?
20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of

16/01/18, 16:07 - Ananya Consultants: _સોક્રે ટીસના શિષ્યએ મોટી

દુકાન (મોલ) ની શરૂઆત કરી._

_આ દુકાનની મુલાકાતે સોક્રે ટીસને લાવ્યા અને કહ્ય ું સાહેબ અહી એકવીસ
હજાર વસ્ત ુઓ એક જગ્યાએ જ મળે છે . આપને જે જરૂરી હોય તે બેજીજક
લઈ લેજો._

_સોક્રે ટીસ હસ્યા અને બોલ્યા મને આમાં થી એક પણ વસ્ત ુ જીવવા માટે
જરૂરી નથી લાગતી અને મને એ વાતન ુ ં આશ્ચર્ય થાય છે કે માણસો બીન
જરૂરી એકવીસ હજાર વસ્ત ુ વાપરે છે ._

_વાર્તા પ ુરી થઈ... હવે અહીંથી આપણી વારતા શરૂ થાય છે ._

_આપણે આવી અનેક બીનજરૂરી વસ્ત ુ વગર ઘડી પણ ચલાવી નથી


_"ઓડોનીલ" જેવા એરફ્રેશનર વગર કેટલા જણાંનો શ્રવાસ રૂંધાઈ ગયો છે


_"હાર્પીક" વગર કોની લાદીમાં ધોકડ ઉગી ગઈ છે ?_

_"ફેશવોશ" વગર કઈ બાઇ ને મુછુ ઉગી નીકળી છે ?_

_"હોમ થીએટર" લાવી કયો મરદ કલાકાર બની ગયો છે ?_

ુ ાયમ અને કાળા રહી ગયા

_"કંડીશનર" થી કોના વાળ પ ંચોતેર વરસે મ લ

_"ડાઈનીંગ ટે બલ" વગર જમવા બેસનાર ને શુ ં ઘ ુટણનો વા થયો છે ?_

_"હેન્ડવોશ" વગર આપણા કયા ડોસાને કરમીયા થયાં હતા ?_

_"ડિઓડન્ટ" છાંટીને નીકળ્યા પછી આપણને કે ટલા દોડી દોડી સઘવા
આવે છે ?_

_કુદરતની તમામ વ્યવસ્થાઓ સામે આપણે ચેલેન્જ કરીએ છીએ.....


_બગલો કયા શેમ્પ ુથી નહાય છે ?_

_મોરલો પોતાનો રં ગ અકબ ંધ રાખવા કય ુ વોશ /કંડીશનર વાપરે છે ?_

_મીંદડીને કે દી મોતીયા આવી ગયા ?_

_સસલાના વાળ કોઈ દી બરડ અને બટકણાં જોયા છે ?_

_કઈ બકરીનાં દાંતમાં કે વીટી થઈ છે ?_

_ઈનહેલર કે બામ વગર પણ કુતરાન ુ ં નાક ગંધ સ ુગ ંધ પારખે જ છે ._

_અલાર્મ વગર કુકડો ઉઠે જ છે ._

_મધમાખીને હજી ઈન્સ્ય ુલીનન ુ ઈંજેકશન લીધા વગર સ ુગર કંટ્રોલમાં જ

છે ._

_સીસીટીવી કે મર
ે ા વગર કઈ ટીટોડીના ઈંડા ચોરાઈ ગયા છે ?_

_આજકાલના માણસને દુખી કરવો બહુ સહેલો છે . માણસ પૈસા ખર્ચી ને

દુખી થવાની ચીજો ખરીદી લાવે છે ._

_નેટ બ ંધ કરો તો દુખી, લાઈટ જાય તો દુખી, ગાડીના એક પૈડામાંથી હવા

કાઢી નાખો તો દુખી, મોબાઈલન ુ ં ચાર્જર બગડે દુખી, ટીવીનો કે બલ કપાઈ
તો દુખી, મચ્છર મારવાની અગરબતી ન મળે તો દુખી, બહેનોને યોગ્ય
મેકઅપ ના મળે તો દૂ ખી, કપડાંની જોડીન ુ ં મેચીંગ ના મળે તો દુખી._

_આ વર્તમાનમાં માણસને દસ મીનીટમાં વીસ પ્રકારે દુખી કરી શકાય._

_જયારે ડુગ ુ ીને છાંયે પાણાન ુ ં

ં ળીના દડા સાથે બે રોટલા દબાવી પીલડ
ઓશીકું કરી સ ુઈ જાય એને દુખી કરવો હોય તો ખ ુદ ચૌદભ ૂવનના
માલીકને આવવ ુ ં પડે._

_જેમ સગવડતા વધે એમ દુખી થવાની તકોમાં ઉમેરો થતો રહે છે .._

18/01/18, 05:04 - Ananya Consultants: Good morning friends,

Happy Thursday.
Today's meeting suggested topic is,

*Addictive Personality*
Kindly be on-time at meeting and lets share our experience,
strength and hope on suggested topic.
Request to maintain anonymity, self-discipline and time keeping.

_Members kindly park your vehicle outside of school & if you are
smokeing go outside of school premises to keep healthy
relationship with school authorities which effect AA as a whole.
Please maintain discipline._
*Share with your dear ones alsk*

*Meeting place:*
St. Xavier Loyola school.
Time *7.00pm to 8.30pm.*
In fellowship of AA.

*Next meeting:*
Sunday. Time 11.00am to 12.30pm.
18/01/18, 17:14 - Ananya Consultants: When we make any type
of major change in our life, from getting married, to buying a
home, to changing employers, to getting involved in our kid’s
school activities, to losing 30 pounds at the suggestion of our
doctor, we go through a simple 3-part process to achieve the end

For example, I have been married 20 years. I didn’t just wake up

one day married to someone. The first thing I did was Admit that I
loved my wife as a person. Then I made a Decision that I wanted
to live in a relationship with her. And, finally came the day we
went to a church and made a formal Commitment.

The first 3 Steps of our Program of Recovery are based on this 3-

part process. For each of these three steps… First, we make an
Admission. Then we make a Decision. And finally, we make a
Yes, Page 30 offers us the Admission and Decision for Step 1.
But we have seen people make that Admission and Decision and
drink again… and wondered why? I believe it is because they
never made the Commitment found on page 33.

Yes, Page 47 offers us the Admission for Step 2. But we have

seen people make that Admission and drink again… and
wondered why? I believe it is because they never made the
Decision on page 52 and the Commitment found on page 53.

Yes, Page 63 offers us the Commitment for Step 3. But we have

seen people make that Commitment and drink again… and
wondered why? I believe it is because they never made the
Admission on page 60 and the Decision found on page 62.

This 3-part process not only speaks to the needed change related
to our ideas, emotions and attitudes mentioned on page 27, but
also, is part of what we need to do to bring about the necessary
sudden, vital spiritual experience mentioned on the same page.

If you are a recovered alcoholic, chances are, you did what I just
outlined as you went through the first 3 Steps… you just don’t
take the time to explain it to people. If there was one thing I
wished recovered alcoholics understood, it is that when we went
through the 12 Steps, God gave us 3 basic things:

1. The solution to our problem;

2. Time (That’s what the Fourth Dimension is referring to on page
25); and,
3. The ability to help others.

We are in the business of changing lives under the guidance and

direction of God, He has given us the Time to do this work, and an
understanding of the tools we need to do that work with based on
our own personal experience.

If we would take Time to “thoroughly follow our path” in our work

with others, just like we ask the suffering alcoholic to “thoroughly
follow our path”, I believe we could and would see more lives
22/01/18, 23:06 - Ananya Consultants: SERENITY PRAYER
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next.


God, Creative Intelligence, Universal Mind, Spirit of Nature or
Spirit of the Universe my name is ______, And I'm a real alcoholic
... and I need your help today. 
(pg.. 10-2, 46, & Chp. 3 BB)

2nd STEP
God, I'm standing at the turning point right now. Give me your
protection and care as I abandon myself to you and give up my
old ways and my old ideas just for today. AMEN 
(p. 59 BB)
3rd STEP
"God, I offer myself to Thee—to build with me and to do with me
as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better
do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and
Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!" (p. 63 BB) God, Take
my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to
live. AMEN 
(the step on p. 59 BB)

4th STEP
"I was to sit quietly when in doubt, asking only for direction and
strength to meet my problems as He would have me. Never was I
to pray for myself, except as my requests bore on my usefulness
to others. Then only might I expect to receive. But that would be in
great measure."


"This is a sick man. How can I be helpful to him? God save me
from being angry. Thy will be done."
(p. 67 BB)

God help me to show this person the same tolerance, pity and
patience that I would Cheerfully grant a sick friend. This is a sick
person, how can I be helpful to him? God save me from being
angry. Thy will be done.
(see above and p. 141 of 12&12)

"We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what
He would have us be."
(p. 68 BB)
God, relieve me of this fear and direct my attention to what you
would have me be. AMEN
(see above)


"We asked God to mold our ideals and help us to live up to
them. . . we ask God what we should do about each specific
(p. 69 BB)

God mold my ideals in this particular area of my life and help me

to live up to them. What should I do in each specific matter?
Guide me God and give me strength to do right. AMEN
(see above)

5th STEP
God I thank you from the bottom of my heart that I know you
better. Help me become aware of anything I have omitted
discussing with another person. Help me to do what is necessary
to walk a free man at last. AMEN 
(p. 75 BB)

6th STEP
God help me become willing to let go of all the things to which I
still cling. Help me to be ready to let You remove all of these
defects, that Your will and purpose may take their place. AMEN
(p. 76 BB)

7th STEP
"I humbly offered myself to God, as I then understood Him, to do
with me as He would. I placed myself unreservedly under His care
and direction. I admitted for the first time that of myself I was
nothing; that without Him I was lost. I ruthlessly faced my sins and
became willing to have my new-found Friend take them away,
root and branch."
(p. 13)
"My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good
and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect
of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and
my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your
bidding. Amen." 
(p. 76 BB)

8th STEP
"We attempt to sweep away the debris which has accumulated
out of our effort to live on self-will and run the show ourselves. If
we haven’t the will to do this, we ask until it comes."
(p. 76 BB)

God help me to become willing to sweep away the debris of self

will and self reliant living. Thy will be done for this person as well
as for me. AMEN
(see above)

9th STEP
God give me the strength and direction to do the right thing no
matter what the consequences may be. Help me to consider
others and not harm them in any way. Help me to consult with
others before I take any actions that would cause me to be sorry.
Help me to not repeat such behaviors. Show me the way of
Patience, Tolerance, Kindliness, and Love and help me live the
spiritual life. AMEN 
(p. 78-80 BB)

10th STEP
God remove the Selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear
that has cropped up in my life right now. Help me to discuss this
with someone immediately and make amends quickly if I have
harmed anyone. Help me to cease fighting anything and anyone.
Show me where I may be helpful to someone else. Help me react
sanely; not cocky or afraid. How can I best serve You - Your will,
not mine be done. AMEN
(p. 84-5 BB)

"How can I best serve Thee—Thy will (not mine) be done."

(p. 85 BB)`
11th STEP
"As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful,
and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind
ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to
ourselves many times each day 'Thy will be done.' "
(p. 87-8 BB)

God, I'm agitated and doubtful right now. Help me to stop and
remember that I've made a decision to let You be my God. Give
me the right thoughts and actions. God save me from fear, anger,
worry, self-pity or foolish decisions that Your will not mine be
done. AMEN
(see above)

(Prayer of St Francis of Assisi) —"Lord, make me a channel of thy

peace - that where there is hatred, I may bring love - that where
there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness - that where
there is discord, I may bring harmony - that where there is error, I
may bring truth - that where there is doubt, I may bring faith - that
where there is despair, I may bring hope - that where there are
shadows, I may bring light - that where there is sadness, I may
bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be
comforted - to understand, than to be understood - to love, than to
be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving
that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal
Life. Amen."
(p. 99 12&12)

God forgive me where I have been resentful, selfish, dishonest or
afraid today. Help me to not keep anything to myself but to
discuss it all openly with another person - show me where I owe
an apology and help me make it. Help me to be kind and loving to
all people. Use me in the mainstream of life God. Remove worry,
remorse or morbid (sick) reflections that I may be of usefulness to
others. AMEN 
(p. 86 BB)

God direct my thinking today so that it be divorced of self pity,
dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear. God inspire my
thinking, decisions and intuitions. Help me to relax and take it
easy. Free me from doubt and indecision. Guide me through this
day and show me my next step. God give me what I need to take
care of any problems. I ask all these things that I may be of
maximum service to you and my fellow man in the name of the
Steps I pray. AMEN 
(p. 86 BB)
22/01/18, 23:09 - Ananya Consultants: AA MORNINGS

On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead. We

consider our plans for the day. Before we begin, we ask God to
direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-
pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives. Under these conditions we
can employ our mental faculties with assurance, for after all God
gave us brains to use. Our thought-life will be placed on a much
higher plane when our thinking is cleared of wrong motives.

In thinking about our day we may face indecision. We may not be

able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for
inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. we relax and take it
easy. We don’t struggle. We are often surprised how the right
answers come after we have tried this for a while.

What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration gradually

becomes a working part of the mind. Being still inexperienced and
having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable
that we are going to be inspired at all times. We might pay for this
presumption in all sorts of absurd actions and ideas.
Nevertheless, we find that our thinking will, as time passes, be
more and more on the plane of inspiration. We come to rely upon

We usually conclude the period of meditation with a prayer that

we be shown all through the day what our next step is to be, that
we be given whatever we need to take care of such problems. We
ask especially for freedom from self-will, and are careful to make
no request for ourselves only. We may ask for ourselves,
however, if others will be helped. We are careful never to pray for
our own selfish ends. Many of us have wasted a lot of time doing
that and it doesn't work. You can easily see why.
If circumstances warrant, we ask our wives or friends to join us in
morning meditation. If we belong to a religious denomination
which requires a definite morning devotion, we attend to that also.
If not members of religious bodies, we sometimes select and
memorize a few set prayers which emphasize the principles we
have been discussing. There are many helpful books also.
Suggestions about these may be obtained from one’s priest,
minister, or rabbi. Be quick to see where religious people are
right. Make use of what they offer.

As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful,

and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind
ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to
ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done.” We are then in
much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or
foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do not tire
so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did
when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves.

It works - it really does.

We alcoholics are undisciplined. So we let God discipline us in the

simple way we have just outlined. But this is not all. There is
action and more action. “Faith without works is dead.”
(from "Alcoholics Anonymous pg. 86-88)


When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were

we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology?
Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed
with another person at once? Were we kind and loving toward all?
What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves
most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for
others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must
be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflection, for
that would diminish our usefulness to others. After making our
review we ask God's forgiveness and inquire what corrective
measures should be taken. (from "Alcoholics Anonymous pg. 86)


And when we turn away from meditation and prayer, we likewise
deprive our minds, our emotions, and our intuitions of vitally
needed support. (p. 97 in 29th printing/ p. 100 in 10th printing )
One of its first fruits is emotional balance. With it we can broaden
and deepen the channel between ourselves and God as we
understand Him. (p. 101-2 / 104 ) But its object is always the
same: to improve our conscious contact with God, with His grace,
wisdom, and love. (p. 101 / 104) As the day goes on, we can
pause where situations must be met and decisions made, and
renew the simple request: "Thy will, not mine, be done." If at these
points our emotional disturbance happens to be great, we will
more surely keep our balance, provided we remember, and repeat
to ourselves, a particular prayer or phrase that has appealed to us
in our reading or meditation. Just saying it over and over will often
enable us to clear a channel choked up with anger, fear,
frustration, or misunderstanding, and permit us to return to the
surest help of all - our search for God's will, not our own, in the
moment of stress. (p. 102-3 / 105)

In A.A. we have found that the actual good results of prayer are
beyond question. They are matters of knowledge and experience.
All those who have persisted have found strength not ordinarily
their own. They have found wisdom beyond their usual capability.
And they have increasingly found a peace of mind which can
stand firm in the face of difficult circumstances . . . We discover
that we do receive guidance for our lives to just about the extent
that we stop making demands upon God to give it to us on order
and on our terms. (p. 107 / p. 104) . . . Any experienced A.A. will
tell how his affairs have taken remarkable and unexpected turns
for the better as he tried to improve his conscious contact with lessons for living were learned, new resources of
courage were uncovered, and that finally, inescapably, the
conviction came that God does "move in a mysterious way His
wonders to perform." (p. 104-5 / 107)




Lord, make me a channel of thy peace,

that where there is hatred, I may bring love;
that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;
that where there is discord, I may bring harmony;
that where there is error, I may bring truth;
that where there is doubt, I may bring faith;
that where there is despair, I may bring hope;
that where there are shadows, I may bring light;
that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort
than to be comforted;
to understand, than to be understood;
to love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.

Reason, Season, And A Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

When you figure out which it is, you will know exactly what to do.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go..

Some people become friends and stay awhile...

leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts...

and we are never quite the same because we have made a good

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet

a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have
come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with
guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or
spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are
there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any
wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person
will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they
act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize
is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is
done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now
time to move on.

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because

your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you
an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you
something you have never done. They usually give you an
unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things

you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person or people
involved; and put what you have learned to use in all other
relationships, and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but
friendship is clairvoyant.

When you read this, just recite the following prayer.

That's all you have to do. There is nothing else attached.
This is the power of prayer at work.

May today there be peace within you.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God.
Let His presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
dance, and to bask in the sun.
It is there for each and every one of you.

Send this to the people in your life

and witness...

The Awesome Power of Prayer

Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and the Big Book® are registered

trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The
Grapevine®, and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of
The AA Grapevine, Inc.
23/01/18, 18:11 - Ananya Consultants: *Importance of BB
The normal thing these days is self will run riot in the program.....
calling it “my program” or the dullard and incorrect “first 164.”

The Book depicts the program of recovery.

If you do the program of recovery with the Book, you had best
read the stories.

Or you can do the “self will” thing and call them opinions,
unimportant, or any number of trivial excuses not to read them.

The stories have a specific purpose.

1. “To show other alcoholics PRECISELY HOW WE HAVE

RECOVERED is the main purpose of this book. For them, we
hope these pages will prove so convincing that no further
authentication will be necessary. We think this account of our
experiences will help everyone to better understand the
alcoholic.”Foreword to the First

2. “Each individual, in the personal stories, describes in his own

language and from his own point of view the way he established
his relationship with God. These give a fair cross section of our
membership and a clear-cut idea of what has actually happened
in their lives. ” pg. 29
3. “In our personal stories you will find a wide variation in the way
each teller approaches and conceives of the Power which is
greater than himself. Whether we agree with a particular approach
or conception seems to make little difference. Experience has
taught us that these are matters about which, for our purpose, we
need not be worried. They are questions for each individual to
settle for himself. ” pg. 50

4. And finally: “Our stories disclose in a general way what we

used to be like, what happened, and what we are like now.” pg. 58

At any rate the following is from the introduction of EXPERIENCE,


The importance of these personal stories cannot be overstated.

Co-founder Bill W. articulated it in a 1954 letter, written when he
was immersed in collecting new stories for the second edition:
"The story section of the Big Book is far more important than most
of us think. It is our principal means of identifying with the reader
outside of A.A.; it is the written equivalent of hearing speakers at
an A.A. meeting; it is our show window of results. To increase the
power and variety of this display to the utmost should be,
therefore, no routine or hurried job. The best will be none too
good. The difference between 'good' and 'excellent' can be the
difference between prolonged misery and recovery, between life
and death, for the reader outside A.A ....
23/01/18, 21:42 - Ananya Consultants: Pg. 64 says w started
upon a personal inventory. Inventory- written list. Pg. 84 says we
continue to take personal inventory. That (for me) is the first
instruction. In Step 4, I started. In Step 10, I continue..To write
(inventory) the things that disturb me. These inventories are
discussed with someone immediately(5) and I ask God to remove
them - the results of my inventory. A seventh Step prayer. If I
have caused harm(8) I make amends(9) it is through this process
that I'm learning live and tolerance of others....

27/01/18, 22:27 - Ananya Consultants: 😇नमस्कार दोस्तों, मे एक

एनोनिमस ग्रेस फूल रे कॉवरिंग अल्कोहोलिक हु।और 14/50 से साल
सोबर हु याने शराब से दर
ू हु।फिर भी इस permanent बीमारी की वजह
से मेरी एडिक्टिव पर्सनालिटी जो मेरा जीवन जीने का प्रॉब्लम है ।उस के
ऊपर हर दिन one day at a time 12 रा कदमो का मेरे जीवन में मेरी
अपनी शक्ति और काबिलियत के हिसाब से काम कर रहा हु।जिसके
फलस्वरूप अपने जीवन में आनंद शांति ,समाधान ओर मुक्ति का
अनुभव ले रहा हु।

🤡तो अब ये 12 कदम क्या है ओर इनको मेर जीवन मे आचरण मे कैसे

लाना है ।ये पेचीदा प्रश्न मेरे सोब्रिएटी के शरू के दिनो मे मुजे सता रहा
था।उस वक़्त में खाली शराब से दर
ू था।लेकिन जो12 promise का हर
मीटिंग में जिक्र होता था वो मेरी पहोच से दर
ू थी

😇तो निश्चित रूप से यह 12 कदम एक कार्यक्रम(क्रम से करने का

कार्य)के रूप में एक ऐसी रे सिपी है जो मुजे एक नया इंसान जोकि मे
अपने लिए चाहता हु।वैसा जरूर बना सकती है ।जैसे चाय बनाने की
रे सिपी को अगर 12 स्टे प का स्वरूप दे ते है तो पहला स्टे प बर्तन रखो
ू रा-------तीसरा- - - - ।

🤡तो इसके लिए पर्सनल रिकवरी के लिये पूरी दनि

ु याभर मे हम जैसे
AA सभासद साथ मिलकर 2 या 3 दिन का 12 स्टे प वर्क शोप का
आयोजन करते रहते है ।तो ऐसे वर्क शोप में हमारी बिगबूक को साथ मे
रखकर ओर ईश्वर की कृपा को हमारे बीच लाकर 12 कदमो का अभ्यास
हम सब साथ मे मिलकर हम सभी अच्छी तरह से और गहराई से कर
सकते है ।इसमें बिगबूक हमारे लिये अति महत्वका साधन है ।

😇खुद की रिकवरी के लिए जो12 कदम है ।वह कैसे करनेका उसका

preciously direction बिगबूक में दिया गया है ।लेकिन जब बिगबूक का
ृ ठ दे खते है तो उसके ऊपर साफ शब्दोमे लिखा है a Basic Tex
ऑफ a a।यानी इसका जिक्र textbook के रुप मे किया है ।ओर हमारे
पढ़ाई के वक़्त के अनुभव रहे है की उस समय जोभी subject की
textbook हमको स्कूल में से दी जाती थी।उसको हम अपनी शक्ति से
समझना हमारे लिए मुश्किल था।हमको teacher की मदद लेनी पड़ती
थी।वैसे ही इस बिगबूक को अच्छी तरह समझने के लिए अनुभवी
सदस्य की या ऐसे वर्क शोप की जरुरत पड़ती है ।अतः रिकवरी के लिए
जरूरी 12 कदमो की रे सिपी को अच्छी तरह से समझ सकता हूँ ।

☺तो चलो हम 1 से 12 कदमो का कार्यक्रम जो 2 या 3 दीन का पुरा

समय दे के अच्छी तरह से एक वर्क शोप में हम सब नोट ओर पैन लेकर
करने वाले है ।उसकी एक जलक दे खते है ।

☺अब शराब से दर
ू रहने के लिए या alcoholism मे से मुक्त होने के
लिए सबसे पहले मुजे अपने आप से यह admit करना not acceptation
बहुत ही जरूरी है कि में एक शराबी हु ओर मेरी जिंदगी अस्तव्यस्त हो
गई है step 1,

☺मे एक शराबी बन गया हूं यह बात मानने के लिए सबसे पहले यह

जानना जरुरी हे कि शराबी माने क्या ओर शराबी किसे कहते है ? इस
चीज की जानकारी b b डॉक्टर ओपिनियन मे से बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से
मिल सकती हे । P 22 में डॉक्टर लिखते है जबतक मे कुछ घुट शराब
नहीं पिता तब तक मैं अस्थिर याने बैचेन,चिड़चिड़ा,ओर असंतस्
ृ ट याने
खाली खाली रहता हूं।तो यह है मेरी पिने से पहले खड़ी होने वाली
situation या अवस्था।इसको डॉक्टर ने mental obsession का नाम
दिया है यानि मानसिक आकर्षण। डॉक्टर लिखते है कि यही शराबी की
मुख्य समस्या है ।जीनकी वजह से शराबी को compulsory कुछ घूंट
शराब पीनी पड़ती है ।उसके बाद ही वह त ुरन्तही आराम ओर शांति का
अनुभव कर सकता है ।इसी वजह से वह शराब पिना शुरू करताहै ।उसके
बाद क्या होता है और क्या नतीजा निकलता है ।उसके बारे मे डॉक्टर
बताते है शराबी के अन्दर कुछ घुट जाने के बाद physical allergy नाम
के घटक का निर्माण होता है । P.No 20

☺ओर उसकी वजहसे सख्त craving खड़ा होता रहता है ।ओर वो ओर

पीते रहता है ।उसकी वजह से अपने आप को शराब के अंदर डूबो दे ता है
जिसको कहते है black out condition

☺ओर यह mental औऱ physical बीमारी जिसको alcoholism कहते है ।

ईनको पुरी तरह से गहराई में समजनेके लिए।हम सब वर्क शोप में पूरा
समय दे कर इसे समजेंगे।इसके फलस्वरूप अगर हम शराबी बन गए है
तो इस बात को हम आसानी से एडमिट कर सकते है ।परिणाम स्वरूप
हमारा शराब के प्रति जो Denial रहता है वह निकल सकता है ।ओर हम
असानी से सोबर रह सकते है ।

☺अभी पहले कदम की ओर एक मांग है कि में यह भी मान्य करू की

मेरा जीवन भी अस्तव्यस्त हो गया है ।तो यह अस्तव्यस्त ता क्या है ।
इसके बारे मे हम दे खे तो हमे दो किस्म की अस्तव्यस्त ता मालूम
पड़ती है । 1 हे external unmanageability और 2 हैं internal
unmanageability । External unmanageability वह है जो शराब का
अति सेवन करने से शराब की वजह से मेरे जीवन मे निर्माण होती है ।
जैसे कि जगड़े, एक्सीडेंट, शाररिक स्वास्थ्य, आर्थिक समस्या ओर
अपमान।ले किन जब में शराब से दर
ु होता हूं। तो थोड़े ही दिनों में ये
सब unmanageability अपने आप चली जाती है ।क्यूंकि इस तरह की
समस्या का निर्माण मुख्य रुप से ज्यादातर शराब पीने के कारण हु आ
था।इस वजह से शराब बंद होने के साथही उनका द र
ू होना शुरू हो ही
जाता हैं।

☺लेकिन उस अस्तव्यस्त ता का क्या जिसकी वजह से मुजे वापस

शराब पीनी पड़ती थी ओर मुझे शराबी बनाती थी।वह है मेरी internal
unmanageability ।जो BB P.No 73 में बताई गयी है ।इस अस्तव्यस्त
ता की वजह से मेरे मन ओर शरीर मे r i d वाली परिस्थिति छा जाती
थी।जिनकी वजह से मेरे मन मे mental obsession खडा होता था ओर
मुजे compulsory शराब की ओर जाना पड़ता था।उसके बाद physical
allergy मुजे शराब में डुबोती थी।यानी black out condition जिसकी
वजह से मेरा दःु ख ओर बढ़ता था।यानी internal ओर external
unmanageability ओर बढ़ती थी । जिसकी वजह से rid को में ज्यादा
महसूस करता था।अतः ओर वापस शराब और वापस अस्तव्यस्त ता- - -
-वापस शराब- - -वापस अस्तव्यस्त ता- - - - -।परिणाम स्वरूप एक
मानशिक, शारीरिक और आध्यात्मिक (अस्तव्यस्त ता) illness के रूप मे
शक्तिशाली विष चक्र में शराबी फस जाता हैं।इसी को कहते है शराबी की
total helpless condition या सम्पूर्ण शक्ति हीनता

☺अब ऐसी परिस्थिति में कोई भी मानवीय शक्ति जैसे की मैं खुद,
घरवाले , डॉक्टर, धर्म गुरु, सैकियाट्रिस्ट या कोई अन्य व्यक्ति शराबी की
इस घातक condition में से बाहर नही निकाल सकता । और शराबी
अकाल मौत मरता है ।

☺हमारी a a कहती है कि एक चीज है जो मुझे इसमे से बाहर निकाल

सकती है ।ओर वह है higher power याने मेरे से बड़ी एक शक्ति step 2
। तो अब हायर पावर की मदद लेने या उसे अपने जीवन मे प्रविष्ट
कराने के लिए सबसे पहले मेरे अंदर only believe याने खाली मानना
not faith निर्माण होना अति आवश्यक है ।

☺तो यह believe हम कैसे और किसतरह से लाये यह 2 step का कार्य

गहन रुप से हम सब b b के माध्य्म से पूरा समय दे कर करें गें।

☺इसमें हम खास दे खेंगे कि इस believe के बीच मे मेरेमे क्या क्या

रुकावटे अड़चन रूप बनती है ।जैसे मेरा अहं कार,पूर्वाग्रह, अन्य चीजों की
कामना वगैरह वगैरह ।इन सभी बातों को गहराई से समजने और अच्छी
तरह से believe की ओर जाने के लिये हम वर्क शोप में पूरा समय दे कर
अभ्यास करें गें।

☺अब दस
ू री पायरी करने के बाद जो believe का मेरे अंदर निर्माण हुआ
है ।उसके आधार पर अब मुजे decision याने निर्णय लेने की बहुत ही
आवश्यक कता है ।क्या निर्णय लेने का? की मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन ईश्वर
के मार्गदर्शन मे सोपने का निर्णय step 3 ।

☺यह निर्णय लेना क्यो जरुरी है ?कि मेरी इच्छा औऱ- - - - - ।तो इस
कदम में हम वर्क शोप मे पूरा वक़्त दे कर समजने की कोशिश करें गे कि
मेरी खुद की इच्छा(स्वयं इच्छा)चलाने से क्या नतीजा मिला? वर्क शोप में
यह कार्य करने से मुजे realize हो ही जायेगा कि खुद की इच्छा चलाने
से मेरे जीवन मे ज्यादातर संघर्ष, परे शानी,problems, ओर शराबीपन का
बढ़ना । यही निर्माण होता है ।औऱ मेरा मानसिक औऱ भावनिक संतुलन
बिगड़ता है । इसकी वजह से दःु खी होकर आखिर में शराब की ऒर जाके
मे मेरा सर्वनाश भी कर सकता हूं। परिणाम स्वरूप मुजे मेरी खुद की
इच्छा छोड़ने का निर्णय लेना ही पड़ा। यानी इसका मतलब यह निकला
की मुजे मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन ईश्वर के मार्गदर्शन में सोपने का निर्णय
करने की बहुत ही जरूरत है वरना- - - - - ।

☺इस पायरी में मुजे यह निर्णय क्यू लेना है और किस तरह से लेना
है ।उसको गहन रूप से पूरा समय दे कर हम सब साथ मे करें गे।

☺तो यहा पर पहली तीन पायरी के रूप में मेरे जीवन मे एक नया
आधार concept मजबूत रूप से तैयार होगा ओर होता है । जो पहले
कभी नही था।

☺step 1 सम्पूर्ण शक्ति हीनता को admit मान्य करना

Step 2 higher power मे believe मान्यता लाना

ओर Step 3 मेरी समज के ईश्वर की दे ख रे ख में मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन

सोपने का खाली निर्णय ही करना। in short 1 खाली admit karna
मान्य करना 2 believe लाना मानना ओर 3 decision लेना निर्णय

कितना सरल लगता है है कि नही?

☺अब step 4 के रूप में खुद की inventory या आत्मसंसोधन करना

क्यों जरूरी है ? इसका जवाब यह है कि पहली तीन पायरी में हमने
अपनी सुधारना के लिये आगे का कार्य निर्भयता से करने के लिए एक
मजबूत स्थिति की खाली तैयारी ही की है ।

☺अब step 4 में हमे पता चलता है की मेरे अन्दरमे बहूत सारि गड़बड़,
कूड़े कचरे , Negativity, ओर चरित्र दोष ् ठूस ठूस के भरे पड़े है । इस के
लिए मुजे कुछ करना पड़ेगा । यानी इन सबको निकालना ही पड़ेगा
तोही ईश्वर मेरे जीवन मे प्रवेश कर पायेगा औऱ उनके जरिए हम
recovery को पा सकेंगे । नहीतो यह सारी गड़बड़ी वाली स्थिति मुजे मेरे
संतुलन को बिगाडती रहे गी । फलस्वरूप अंत में में दःु खी होकर या
ज्यादा खुश होकर शराब पीकर अपने पैरों पर ही कुहाड़ा मरूँगा।

☺तो सबसे पहले Step 4 के रूप मे मेरे अंदरकी इन सारी गड़बडिय़ों को

ढूंढने के लिए Searching करना पड़ेगा। यानी पेन लेके कागज के ऊपर
अपनी inventory लिखने की शरुआत करनी पड़ेगी कदम 4

☺यह inventory कैसे ओर किस तरह लेनी है । उनके लिए हम सब

मिलके पूरा वक़्त दे कर demonstration के साथ मिलके वर्क शोप में
करें गे।

😇अब 4 था कदम के रूप में इन्वें ट्री लेने के बाद मुझे इस इन्वें ट्री का
क्या करना है । तो5 वा कदम मुजे कहे ता है कि मुजे खास तो ईसे दस
ु रे
इन्सान यानी स्पॉन्सर के सामने खोल के रखने की बहु त ही
आवस्यकता है ।ताकि इसमे तेज रोशनी पड़ सके और इस कॉन्फेशन की
वजह से में हल्का हो सकु और मेरी तन्हाईओ में से बहार निकल सकु।
यह प्रॉमिस हमे बिगबूक दे ती है (पेज 93)।इस 5 वे कदम को हम पूरा
वक़्त दे कर इस वर्क शॉप में समझेगे।

😇यह 4&5 कदम करने से जो चारित्र दोष मेरे में ठूस ठूस के भरे हुए
है । वह उभरकर सामने आते है औऱ मुजे दिखाई दे ते है ।जो मेरी
विफलता और शराबीपन के जिम्मेदार है ।अब मुजे इसे हटाना पड़ेगा नही
तो यह मुजे परे शान करने ही वाले है ।

😇तो इसको हटाने के लिए मुजे entirely ready होना पड़ेगा।तो यह

सम्पूर्ण तैयारी मुजे अपनेमे कैसे लानी है ।इसको पूरा समय दे कर हम
वर्क शॉप में अभ्यास करें गे।

😇इसके बाद यह चरित्र दोष को हटाने के लिए हम ईश्वर से मदद

मांगने के लिए अपने मे जरूरी विनम्रता लाकर प्राथना करने की स्थिति
अपने जीवन मे किस तरह से लाये। यह 7 वा कदम का अभ्यास हम
सब पूरा समय दे कर करें गे।

😇अब मेरे 4 थे कदम की इन्वें ट्री में मुजे साफ साफ यह दिखाई दे ता हे
की मेरे खराब वर्तन के कारण मेने बहुतो का नुकसान किया है और उन्हें
दःु खी भी किया हे ।इस कारण sobriety मे इन लोगो का सामना करना
मेरे लिए कठीन होता है ।जिससे मेरा मानशिक संतुलन बिगड़ सकता है
और इस वजह से मुजे मिला हुआ संयम खतरे में पड़ सकता है ।क्यूंकि
इन दर्भा
ु वना की वजह से में अपराध भाव,शर्म ऒर पश्चाताप का शिकार
बनता रहता हूं।

😇तो इसके लिए मुजे कुछ करना पड़ेगा ही(री पेमेंट)।तो यहां पर मेरा
8 वा कदम के रुप मे उन लोगोकी लिस्ट बनाना है ।और इसके बाद 9 वे
कदम के रूप में डायरे क्ट amends प्रायश्चित करने का काम शरू करना
जरूरी बन जाता है ।तो यह लिस्ट कैसे बनाना है औऱ प्रायश्चित किस
तरह से करनाहै खास करके दस
ू रो को इस वजह से नुकसान ना हो।इन
बातों को पूरा समय दे के हम वर्क शोप में समझेगे।

😇अब 4 से 9 कदमो का कार्य करने के बाद मुजे यह महसूस होने लगता

है कि पहले तीन कदमो का जो कॉन्सेप्ट या एक आधार था। वह मुजे
अपने जीवन मे अनुभव दे ने लगता है ।

😇जैसेकी एडमिशन अक्सेप्टन्स का स्वरूप लेता है ,बिलीव फेथ का

स्वरूप लेता है ,और निणर्य एक्शन का स्वरूप लेता है ।

😇इस तरह 1 से 9 कदम करने के पश्चात मुजे। जिंदगी जीने की नई

रीत मिलती है और अब यह रीत पूरी तरह से समझ मे आती है ।आर्ट
ऑफ लिवि ंग

😇लेकिन उन्हें मेरी रोजाना जिंदगी में apply होते रहना मेरे लिए बहुत
ही जरूरी है ।तो यह कार्य करने के लिए इनका में टेनेन्स और ग्रोथ होना
बहुत जरूरी है ।😇में टेनेन्स के लिए 10 वा कदम दिया है ।जो बताता है
कि हमने अपना इन्वें ट्री कंटीन्यू याने सतत लेना जारी रखा।

😇इनका हम वर्क शॉप में पूरा समय दे कर अभ्यास करें गें। की दसवे
कदम की प्रैक्टिस किस तरह से कंटिन्यू करके अपना मानसिक और
भावनिक संतुलन बनाये रखे।

😇अब ग्रोथ के लिये 11 और 12 वा कदम बहुत जरुरी बनता है ।

😇11 वे कदम में ईश्वर के साथ का जागत
ृ संबंध बढ़ाने के लिए प्राथना
और ध्यान का सहारा हम लेते है ।तो ध्यान क्या है और इसे कैसे करे
यह बात को गहराई से जानने के लिऐ हम सब पुरा समय दे कर अभ्यास
करें गे।औऱ प्राथना को इस कदम में ऒर गहराई से समजेंगे।

😇इस बात को खास ध्यान में रखना की इन सभी कदमो का अभ्यास

हम सब बिगबूक को साथ मे रखकर ही कर पाएंगे।

😇अब रिकवरी का अंतिम कदम याने 12 वा कदम भी हमारा ग्रोथ करने

का अंतिम कदम है ।यह हमे करना ही पड़ेगा।क्योंकि जो हमे मिला है
वह अगर हम अपने पास रखना चाहते है तो उसे निःस्वार्थ रूप से बाटते
रहना बहुत ही जरूरी है । इस कारण हमने इस संदेश को द स
ू रे पीड़ित
शराबी तक निस्वार्थ रुप से पहोचाना शरू कर दिया।और जीवन पर्यन्त
इसे करते रहने का निश्चय किया।तो दस
ू रों तक यह संदेश किसतरह
पहोचाना है ।और इसके लिए हमे क्या करना है और किस तरह कार्य
करना है ।यह बात हम विस्तत
ृ रूप से पूरा समय दे कर समजेंगे।और
अपने जीवन मे इस तत्वों का आचरण किस तरह से करते रहना है
इसको भी समजेंगे।

😇तो इस तरह से 12 स्टे प के द्वारा मेरे जीवनका पूरा का पुरा बदलाव

100% आ सकता है ।यानी मेरे पुराने व्यक्तित्व का अंत होना और नए
व्यक्तित्व का जन्म होना या निर्माण होना।

😇बस इतना ही संदेश 12 स्टे प वर्क शोप करने से पहे ले हमे समजने की
जरूरत है ।

😇आप सबने इस वर्क शोप मेन्युअल को ध्यान से सुन लिया है ।तो

आपका खूब खूब धन्यवाद।। thank you very much .

01/02/18, 16:11 - Ananya Consultants: Difficulties are fears

running my life.

21/02/2019, 09:03 - Messages to this chat and calls are now

secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.
21/02/2019, 09:03 - Sujal Amin: The stories tell both the “What”
and the “Why:” What did the sponsor say? Why did it make a
difference? Why should I do it? What difference will it make in my
21/02/2019, 09:03 - Sujal Amin: “Take what you like and leave the
rest.” And, as sponsor said,
“Different things work for different people, and different things
work for the same person at different times.”
21/02/2019, 14:43 - Sujal Amin: *‘Good morning, God, handling all
my worries and concerns for today. I need your help!’”*
24/02/2019, 11:14 - Sujal Amin: *Whenever, wherever a hand
reaches out for help, the hand of A.A. should be there and for
that, I am responsible.*
02/03/2019, 07:30 - Sujal Amin: I have been a truly dependable
person *(belief)*, and I resent the fact that my friends sees me as
selfish *(emotion)*, therefore I am going to break our date, and go
out with someone else *(action)*
07/03/2019, 11:49 - Sujal Amin: Constitutionally refers to thinking
that you have the right to be something or to have something.

In this case the thinking is that we have the right to be dishonest

and or a constitutional reason or reasoning not to be honest with
ourselves and others.

From this perspective I find the content of the original post,

coming from our basic text, pretty easy to understand.

Seems that to be of sober mind and body it would help to give up

the right to lie, hide and or do as we please and live a life that is
set on terms that require the practice of being vigorously honest
09/03/2019, 11:51 - Sujal Amin: 🙏🏻🙏🏻


1 ) Stay away from that first drink, taking the 1st step daily.
2 ) Attend AA regularly and get involved.
3 ) Progress is made ONE DAY AT A TIME.
4 ) Use the 24 Hour plan.
5 ) Remember, your disease is incurable, progressive and fatal.
6 ) Do first things first.
7 ) Don't become too tired.
8 ) Eat at regular hours.
9 ) Use the telephone. (not just after the fact but during too.).
10) Be active - don't just sit around. Idle time will kill you.
11) Use the Serenity Prayer.
12) Change old routines and patterns.
13) Don't become too hungry.
14) Avoid loneliness.
15) Practice control of your anger.
16) Air your resentments.
17) Be willing to help whenever needed.
18) Be good to yourself, you deserve it.
19) Easy does it.
20) Get out of the "IF ONLY" trap.
21) Remember HOW IT WAS. Your last drunk, the feelings etc.
22) Beware of your emotions.
23) Help another in his/her recovery, extend your hand, listen.
24) Try to turn your life and your will over to your High Power.
25) Avoid all mood-altering drugs, read labels on all medicines.
26) Turn loose of old ideas.
27) Avoid drinking situations/occasions.
28) Replace old drinking buddies with new AA buddies.
29) Read the Big Book.
30) Try not to be dependent on another (sick relationships).
31) Be grateful and when not make a GRATITUDE list.
32) Get off the "Pity Pot"...the only thing you'll get is a ring around
your bottom if you don't.
33) See knowledgeable help when troubled and or otherwise.
34) Face it! You are powerless over alcohol, people, places and
35) Try the 12 and 12, not just 1 and 12 or 1, 12 and 13!
36) Let go and Let God.
37) Use the God bag and the answers: yes, no or wait I have
something better in store for you. Don't forget to say thanks.
38) Find courage to change through the example of others who
39) Don't try to test your will power - give an alcoholic one shovel
and one pail and in one hour he/she will need 100 wheel barrels.
40) Live TODAY, not YESTERDAY, not TOMORROW - projection
is planning the results before anything even happens.
41) Avoid emotional involvements the first year - you end up
putting the other person first and lose sight of "your" program.
42) Remember alcohol is - cunning, baffling and powerful.
43) Rejoice in the manageability of your new life.
44) Be humble--Humility is not in thinking of your self more, but in
thinking more of yourself less often. Watch your ego.
45) Share your experience, strength and hope.
46) Cherish your recovery.
47) Dump your garbage regularly - GIGO = Garbage In Garbage
48) Get plenty of "restful" sleep.
49) Stay sober for you - not someone else - otherwise it won't
50) Practice rigorous honesty with yourself and others.
51) Progress is made ONE DAY AT A TIME, not 10 years in one
55) Make no major decisions the first year.
56) Get a sponsor and use him/her. (not just selectively share).
57) Know that no matter what your problems, someone's had
them before. Don't be afraid to share, as a problem shared is one
1/2 solved.
58) Strive for progress not perfection.
59) When in doubt ask questions. The only stupid question is the
one not asked. You weren't afraid to speak before, so why start
60) Use prayer and meditation...not just pillow talk, get on those
Knees. Put your shoes under the bed just in case someone's
61) Maintain a balance: spiritual, physical, emotional and mental.
62) Don't use other substances as a maintenance program.
63) Learn to take spot check inventories.
64) Watch out for the RED FLAGS ... Things that give excuses for
poor behaviour and inevitable relapse.
65) Know that its okay to be human ... Just don't drink over it.
66) Be kind to yourself; it's about time, don't you think.
67) Don't take yourself so seriously- take the disease seriously!
68) Know that whatever it is that's causing pain - it shall pass.
69) Stay as away from the DRY DRUNK SYNDROME as humanly
as possible.
70) Don't give away more than you can afford too, your sobriety
comes first and must be the number 1 priority. Protect it at all
71) Take down those bricks from the wall around you; you'll be
able to see the daylight better. Let people know who you are.
72) Get a home group and attend it regularly.
73) Know that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming
train, but actually a ray of hope. Drop the negativity.
74) Know that you are not alone, that's why the "We" is in the
75) Be willing to go to any lengths to stay and be sober.
76) Know that no matter how bleak and dark your past may be,
your future is clean, bright and clear if you don't drink today.
77) Stay out of your own way.
78) Don't be in a hurry--remember "TIME = Things I Must Earn".
79) Watch the EGO. "EGO = Ease God Out".
80) Protect your sobriety at all costs. Keep the light on you.
81) Learn to listen, not just hear. Be open-minded and
82) Know that if your insides match your outsides, everyone looks
83) If the rest of the world looks bad, check yourself out first.
84) Gratitude is in the attitude.
85) When all else fails ... punt! Up the number of meetings!!!
87) Remember FINE = Fouled up, Insecure/insane, Neurotic and
Emotionally the FINE.
88) Handle what you can and leave the rest, don't overtax
yourself. You can only accomplish so much in a given 24 hours.
89) Honesty and consistency are key factors in recovery.
90) Let the little kid in you out - learn how to laugh from the gut.

Note: this list is not necessarily in order. They are but suggestions
and items to put in your little TOOL BAG.

09/03/2019, 17:09 - Sujal Amin: * सोसाइटी और ड्राई ड्रंक


एए में वे उन लोगों के बारे में बात करते हैं, जिन्होंने वर्षों में शराब को
छुआ नहीं है , लेकिन अभी भी संयम हासिल करने में कामयाब नहीं हैं।
ऐसे व्यक्तियों को ड्राई ड्रंक सिंड्रोम के रूप में जाना जाता है । यह
व्यक्ति अब शराब नहीं पी सकता है , लेकिन उनका व्यवहार बहुत कुछ
वैसा ही है , जब वे नशे की लत में थे। वे जीवन से निपटने के लिए
घातक नकल तंत्र का उपयोग करना जारी रखते हैं, और इसलिए वे कभी
भी वास्तविक शांति और खुशी नहीं पाते हैं।

सूखे ड्रम आमतौर पर नाराजगी और अन्य प्रकार की बदबूदार सोच से

भरे होंगे। उनके परिवार को शिकायत हो सकती है कि वे शराब पीने के
दौरान उतने ही कठोर हैं जितना कि वे आसपास थे। कुछ ड्राई ड्रंक
अंततः रिलेप हो जाएंगे ले किन कई लोग नशे से दर
ू एक असंतोषजनक
जीवन जी रहे हैं। वे जेल की सजा काटने के समान शराब से अपना
समय दर
ू दे ख सकते हैं। ड्राई ड्रंक सिंड्रोम को लगभग पूरी तरह से संयम
के विपरीत माना जाएगा।

* संयम के प्रमख
ु तत्व *

यदि संयम को एक सफल रिकवरी के रूप में दे खा जाता है , तो इसमें

निम्नलिखित प्रमुख तत्वों के शामिल होने की संभावना है :

* सभी नशों से पूर्ण संयम।

* व्यक्ति ने जीवन में चुनौतियों से निपटने के लिए प्रभावी नकल
रणनीतियों का विकास किया होगा।

* इसमें एक नैतिक जीवन जीना शामिल है जहाँ वे दस

ू रे लोगों को
ु सान न पहुँचाने की कोशिश करते हैं। अधर्म से बचने के लिए किसी
भी प्रकार के धार्मिक विश्वास से जड़
ु ा होना आवश्यक नहीं है । किसी को
नैतिक व्यवहार क्यों करना चाहिए इसका एक बड़ा कारण यह है कि यह
मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है ।

* संयम में पुराने रिश्तों की मरम्मत और नए निर्माण शामिल हैं।

अकेलापन जीवन में बहुत आनंद को नष्ट कर सकता है इसलिए इसे
नियंत्रित करने की आवश्यकता है । हालांकि, अकेले होने और अकेले होने
के बीच एक अंतर है ।

* संयम में अक्सर एक स्वीकृति शामिल होती है कि कुछ रिश्ते मरम्मत

से परे क्षतिग्रस्त हो गए हैं। नशे की लत के परिणामस्वरूप अक्सर
व्यक्तिगत संबंधों को बहुत नुकसान होता है । हर कोई माफ करने और
भूलने के लिए तैयार नहीं होगा। यदि व्यक्ति इन रिश्तों के नुकसान को
स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार नहीं है , तो यह वसूली में खुशी पाने के
उनके प्रयासों में बाधा उत्पन्न करे गा।

* यह सझ
ु ाव दिया गया है कि वसल
ू ी में सेवा संयम हासिल करने के
लिए एक महत्वपर्ण
ू घटक है । ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि दस
ू रों को लेन-दे न
में दोनों पक्षों को लाभ पहुंचाने में मदद करता है - वास्तव में दे ने वाला
अक्सर रिसीवर से अधिक लाभ उठाता है । अच्छे आत्मसम्मान के लिए
उपयोगी महसस
ू करना आवश्यक है ।

* पुनर्प्राप्ति में अर्थ का पता लगाना भी सफलता का एक और महत्वपूर्ण

कारक माना जाता है । जब लोग मादक द्रव्यों का सेवन कर रहे होते हैं
तो ये रसायन उनका मुख्य केंद्र बिंद ु होते हैं। जब वे शांत हो जाते हैं तो
इसका मतलब है कि अब उनके पास यह केंद्र बि ंद ु नहीं है कि उनका
जीवन घूमता है । नया अर्थ आध्यात्मिक खोज, शौक, रिश्ते, या किसी और
चीज के माध्यम से पाया जा सकता है जो जीवन को एक उद्देश्य दे ता
है ।

* आध्यात्मिक जीवन का विकास कई लोगों को वसल

ू ी में सफलता पाने
में मदद करने के लिए प्रकट होता है । इस की आवश्यकता हालांकि
सार्वभौमिक नहीं प्रतीत होती है । कुछ लोगों के पास आध्यात्मिक चीज़ों
के लिए ज़्यादा समय नहीं होता है फिर भी वे शराब या ड्रग्स से दर
ू एक
अच्छा जीवन बनाने का प्रबंधन करते हैं। ऐसे लोग जो इस तरह की
खोज से आकर्षित होते हैं, वे पाते हैं कि यह उनके जीवन को वास्तविक
उद्देश्य और अर्थ दे ता है ।

* फैलोशिप की सदस्यता संयम का एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक नहीं है , लेकिन

यह निश्चित रूप से कुछ लोगों की मदद कर सकता है । इस तरह के
फेलोशिप साहचर्य और सहायता प्रदान करते हैं और आमतौर पर
आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए एक कार्यक्रम प्रदान करते हैं।

जब भी संभव हो दयालु बनें !!!

(और यह हमेशा संभव है !!!)

16/03/2019, 20:48 - Sujal Amin: शराबी क्या है 💀

शराबी एक विचित्र प्राणी है ये अक्सर *ठे के या सॉसीयो* के आसपास

पाया जाता है ये अपने आप मे ही एक *भूत पिशाच* से कम नहीं है
खाना खाये बगेर भी कइ हफ़्तों तक जिंदा रह सकता है !

इसके जीवन का एक लंबा समय शराब के ज ुगाड़ मेँ बीत जाता है

*टोपियाँ* लगाने मेँ ये सबका *बाप* होता है कई तरह कि जीवनशैली एक
साथ जीता है *(मल्टीपल पर्सनालिटी)* अँधेरी ज़िंदगी और झूठे सपने मे
जीना पसंद करता है रोज सुबह *कंट्रोल ड्रि ंक* के बारे मे सोचता है
लेकिन इस मामले मे बेबस और लाचार होता है , जब भी बिना पिये होता
है तो शराबी से ज्यादा सज्जन व्यक्ति कोइ नहीं होता!
ये शराब के लिये किसी भी हद तक गिर सकता है शराबी एक डरपोक
किस्म का व्यक्ति होता है लेकिन जैसे ही शराब खन
ू मे प्रवेश करती है
तो ये *दारा सिंह* बन जाता है , ये अपना दबदबा सिर्फ़ कमजोर लोगो पर
बनाता है जहां अपने से उपर कोइ नज़र आये तो दम
ु दबा कर खिसक
लेता है !

बड़ा ही तेज़ तराऱ् दिमाग वाला स्वभाव होता है ले किन दिमाग का सही
इस्तेमाल करना नहीं आता!

इन सब चीज़ों कि शुरुआत फ्री मे और एक घूंट शराब या बीयर से से

होती है कब ये शराबी कि जिंदगी मे घातक बन जाती है उसे खुद नहीं
मालूम होता!

शराबी अपना जीवन *ऐश-ओ-आराम* मेँ बिताना चाहता है और शुरू के

दिनो मे मजे मे शराब पीता भी है और शराब के मजे लेता भी है कब
शराब शराबी से मजे लेने लगती है उसे पता ही नहीं लगता और चक्रव्य ु
मे फस जाता है किसी कि मदद के बिना बाहर आना असंभव है ! 😀


मीटिंग जाने से पता लगा कि ये चारित्रिक दोष कि बीमारी है और

बचपन से ही साथ मे है शराब ने तो चारित्रिक दोषों पर चार चाँद लगाये
है 😁

🙏शराब से नफ़रत करो पीड़ित शराबी से नहीं

18/03/2019, 21:36 - Sujal Amin: *The Bedevilments*

P.52 “We were having trouble with personal relationships, we
couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery
and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of
uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldn't
seem to be of real help to other people”
Many people when doing step 2 focus mainly on the Power
greater than thmelves part. Calling step 2 a God step. They say
there good with God, and move right into step 3. Even those who
are doubtful of God are willing to believe they can be restored to
sanity. But is step 2 only about Power or God or whatever you
want to call it? It is also about the nature of your insanity. First off
in step 2 Bill is very politely telling us we are insane, by saying,
“restore us to sanity.” This goes for the life long believer, the
unbeliever, and all those in-between. We all have deep problems
with resentment, fear, guilt, self-pity, high and low self-esteem, the
RID’s, self-centeredness you name it. That is the nature of your
The bedevilments on p.52 are the introduction to the nature of our
insanity. In other words its an introduction to the spiritual malady.
Up to this chapter (We Agnostics) the Book has been nearly all
about step 1, in We Agnostics we look into step 2. Many think it is
a chapter only about God or Higher Power. The bedevilments are
a quick peak into insanity, and what the Book is covering in the
next 2 chapters.
I have heard people at meetings call the bedevilments results of
their drinking. Which is ridiculous because does a person have to
be an alcoholic to have that stuff going on? Anyone can have that
stuff going on alcoholic or not. Spiritual malady and alcoholism
are two total different things, but it takes spiritual wellness to beat
alcoholism. This chapter is the last chapter before it takes us to
the vital program of action where we seek spiritual wellness. So
these Bedevilments are vitally important. A new person needs to
know just how sick they really are.
Is it necessary to break p.52 all down and overly explain? No, it’s
a preview as to what’s to come. And what’s to come is facing
these bedevilments in step 4.
If you look very closely at those bedevilments you can see the 3rd
column of the inventory (also called the affects my column). Some
call what is listed in that column basic instincts or drives for life.
They are pride, self-esteem, personal relations, emotional and
material (pocketbook) security, sex relations and ambitions. Until
an alcoholic does steps 4 and 5 they have no idea what truly
drives them into resentful thinking and harms done to others.
They have no idea what drives their rage through them like a
river. They have no idea why deep internal fears take away their
sane graceful thinking. They have no idea why they go from anger
to resentment to harm to guilt to self-pity to depression, over and
over again. They have no idea where their sudden
destructiveness comes from or begins. When they do inventory
they see what drove them to resentment, harm or fear. The 3rd
column tells their story. As I said p.52 is preview as to what’s to
come. When I go over it with a sponsee in step 2 I read it and just
tell them this is the nature of their insanity. But when I am
explaining the 3rd column in step 4 I refer back to p.52. And I
show them where those instincts are within the bedevilments.
Here is an example.
We were having trouble with personal relationships - This is easy
one to see. For one thing personal relations is one of the instincts.
What is nearly always affected in every single resentment or
harm? Our personal relations. Is there anyone we didn’t have a
personal relations problem with?
We couldn't control our emotional natures – Does not resentment
or fear affect our emotional security? If I am unaware of this my
emotions always will control me.
We were a prey to misery and depression - Would misery and
depression be a self-esteem issue? Absolutely.
We couldn't make a living – Would not being able to make a living
affect my pocket book (material security)? Big time. How about
pride? Or ambitions.
We had a feeling of uselessness – Probably a result of low self-
We were full of fear – Well this is given because fear motivates
the instincts.
We were unhappy – This could be any instinct.
We couldn't seem to be of real help to other people – This result
of being driven by this stuff. And the result is we are selfish.
Going over the bedevilments when explaining the 3rd column in
step 4 is a great way to explain the instincts.
As I said these bedevilments are truly about the nature of our
insanity. The last one “We couldn't seem to be of real help to
other people” may have hit me the hardest. I couldn’t be of real
help to other people, because I always wanted something in
return. Real help to other people is giving freely of yourself without
thought of getting anything in return. Here is the opposite of “We
couldn't seem to be of real help to other people” and where we
are at today thanks to the steps, its on p.153, “Then you will know
what it means to give of yourself that others may survive and
rediscover life. You will learn the full meaning of "Love thy
neighbor as thyself." Now that is personality change.
21/03/2019, 05:17 - Sujal Amin: "I am a divine being of light, and I
am peaceful, protected and secure"

"I am radiant beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and

padsionate life."

"I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures."

"Love is the answer to

everything in life, and
I give and receive love
effortlessly and

"My thoughts are

positive, and I
always express
myself truthfully
and clearly."

"I am tuned into the

divine universal
wisdom and always
understand the true
meaning of life

"I am complete and

one with the divine
25/03/2019, 13:47 - Sujal Amin: I think I’ve screwed up a bunch of
times when telling my story. I either talk too much about my
drinking habits and foibles or I preach the message of the Steps,
with emphasis on “preaching.”

I’m trying to do better, using the Big Book (a.k.a. ALCOHOLICS

ANONYMOUS) as a guide.

The first trap I fell into is the lazy trap, using what I hear read a
meetings all the time — “what we used to be like, what happened,
and what we are like now. ”

That well-known passages is read in HOW IT WORKS at every

meeting and refers to “Our stories,” which of course means the
stories throughout the Book.
This is made clear later: “our personal adventures before and
after.. ” So this seems to refer to the stories prior to this point and
after this point, which would include the STORIES sections.

Then it seems to give an even better guide to sharing:

“…three pertinent ideas:

(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.”

So I could talk about me being an alcoholic and how I could not fix
me and then God could after I sought him.

There are several other places in the Book that are good guides
to sharing. I particularly like this one on page 29 where it refers
you to the personal stories…..

“Each individual, in the personal stories, describes in his own

language and from his own point of view the way he established
his relationship with God. These give a fair cross section of our
membership and a clear-cut idea of what has actually happened
in their lives. ”

So the whole point of me sharing my personal story would be how

I established a relationship with God.

Of course this could lead to PREACHING, a serious NO NO.

“Never talk down to an alcoholic from any moral or spiritual hilltop;

simply lay out the kit of spiritual tools for his inspection. Show him
how they worked with you. Offer him friendship and fellowship.
Tell him that if he wants to get well you will do anything to help. ”
pg. 95
That’s in the chapter WORKING WITH OTHERS that also gives
great guides to sharing.

It has a specific order, if you haven’t noticed.

1. “At first engage in general conversation. After a while, turn the

talk to some phase of drinking. Tell him enough about your
drinking habits, symptoms, and experiences to encourage him to
speak of himself. ”

2. “When he sees you know all about the drinking game,

commence to describe yourself as an alcoholic.

Tell him how baffled you were, how you finally learned that you
were sick. Give him an account of the struggles you made to stop.
Show him the mental twist which leads to the first drink of a spree.
We suggest you do this as we have done it in the chapter on
alcoholism. ”

3. “ If you are satisfied that he is a real alcoholic, begin to dwell on

the hopeless feature of the malady. Show him, from your own
experience, how the queer mental condition surrounding that first
drink prevents normal functioning of the will power. ”

4. “Tell him exactly what happened to you. Stress the spiritual

feature freely. If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic
that he does not have to agree with your conception of God.”

5. AND THEN: “ Outline the program of action, explaining how

you made a self-appraisal, how you straightened out your past
and why you are now endeavoring to be helpful to him.”

One point I like is you need to determine if a person is really an

alcoholic, although when speaking that becomes irrelevant. And
most important don’t lead (lede if you’re a journalist) with the God
bit. That’s referred to on page 77 as “leading with the chin.”

So lately I try to refer to MY OWN experience, using concepts

from the Book and sometimes quoting them exactly in reference
to my life and recovery. This does involve stories about my
drinking, but not bragging about my drinking.

Sometimes I feel it’s easy to slip into “HEY WATCH THIS!!!”

moments in my life without thinking. But the actual truth is any
idiot (including THIS IDIOT) can do dumb stuff, even life
threatening, under the influence of alcohol.

It’s not about what I did, but how I drank, that made me an
alcoholic. Anybody can get consequences from drinking but only
an alcoholic understands that “need” to drink against my will.

Hopefully I’ll get better as time goes on.

25/03/2019, 14:07 - Sujal Amin: Open Letter To: AA GSO
Leadership and AA Board of Trustees

When Did AA Meetings Become the AA Program?

Atlanta was my first International AA Conference; we celebrated

AAs 80th birthday. At the same time, my family and I celebrated
my 75th natal birthday and my 31st year of the gift of sobriety.

I have been on a spiritual quest all of my conscious life: studied to

be a priest in a monastery for 7 years; pursued psychology for
four and therapy for more; experimented with most of the self-help
panaceas of the 70s and 80s. I did not change. I could not see
that I did not see. I was a seeker but not a finder.

In 1984 I was willing to attend a treatment program to support my

wife’s recovery from her alcohol problem. After several weeks
they asked me to not drink during the treatment time. I was willing
to stop to support her. The next day was my first day without
alcohol - February 21. That became my sobriety date! After
several weeks they also asked me to write out my history of my
experiences with drinking. I was willing to write and be honest.
Within 60 minutes of writing I discovered a 30 year pattern that
described my first drink at age 12: I drank all there was; got knee
buckling drunk; blacked out; passed out; and woke up in the
morning covered with my own vomit. The biggest surprise was not
that I had a drinking problem. What really startled me was that I
had never seen any of the VERY visible evidence. The treatment
team suggested I go to an AA meeting. I was willing to do that. I
attended my first meeting in April, introducing myself as Herb,
exploring being an alcoholic! After several meetings I admitted I
was an alcoholic and the elders suggested I get a sponsor. I was
willing to get a sponsor. He suggested I call him every day, go to
a meeting every day and be of service at those meetings. I was
willing to do these things and did so for the next 4 years. I stayed
sober but I did not change. I didn’t know that I didn’t know. I
continued to be a seeker but not a finder.

The key to my initial recovery was a twofold gift:

Abstinence, for which I did nothing; people call this Grace;

My willingness to take the suggested actions; I call this Grace!

However, during these four years of being a good AA, my pre-

sobriety behaviour continued and I was restless, irritable, and
discontent! I was having trouble at work, at home and most
everywhere. The bedevilments on page 52 of the Big Book were
rampant. I was a man without integrity and clueless about internal
guiding principles.

In 1988 in an AA meeting, I heard a man share about having an

experience of being changed through a precise application of the
Twelve Steps from the book Alcoholics Anonymous. I asked for
his help. Over the next year he guided me through that process.
By the completion of the Ninth Step I was aware I had been
radically changed. I had had an authentic spiritual awakening: a
dramatic change in the way I felt, thought, and behaved; and it
was done TO me not BY me! I lived with a sense of serenity,
peace and contentment. I knew that experience for the very 1st
time. I had become a finder! My career problems were resolved;
my marriage became healed; and, I found a personal relationship
with the Mystery that I never knew was possible.

I have continued to be a seeker. Over the next 15 years I went

through the complete Step process four times with 4 different Step
Guides. Each time I was led by the Spirit to a deeper experience
and a more profound awakening - more light, more change, more
finding, more usefulness!
Based on my history and my experience I began to realize the
power of the 12 Step program. At the same time, I also began to
become conscious that, although an integral part of recovery,
meetings are not the program. The Steps on the wall are not the
program. The meeting mantras: Put the plug in the jug and go to
meetings and Meeting makers make it may in fact be death

The Twelve Steps in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, applied to

our personal lives, are the only program of recovery!

I have a growing concern about AA memberships focus on

meetings - as if meetings are the program of recovery. The GSO
organized and sponsored International Conference put this
concern on steroids. Over three days there were 220 topic
meetings; only 30% were directly or indirectly about the book
Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twelve Steps, Spiritual Awakening, or
living Our Way of Life (Steps Ten, Eleven and Twelve).

Over the last 27 years I have facilitated numerous in depth

workshops on the Steps, the Traditions, and the Concepts. My
understanding of AAs primary purpose is to be an organization
that supports a Fellowship wherein alcoholics share their
experience of gaining freedom from alcohol through a Spiritual
Awakening - the promise of the Twelve Steps. My understanding
also is that AA GSO is the administrative guardian and the AA
Board of Trustees are the policy custodians of this 1st Legacy -
the Twelve Steps as contained in the book Alcoholics

My initial experience of freedom from alcohol was pure Gift. My

sustaining that freedom for four years was the direct result of my
connection to a sponsor and meetings. My having a Spiritual
Awakening during my 5th year is the direct result of a rigorous
personal application of the suggestions in the Big Book for each of
the Twelve Steps.

The program of recovery is contained in the Big Book - a text

book with a precise set of suggestions for working each Step. The
sole purpose of this Step work is to find Power through the
experience of a Spiritual Awakening.

The Big Book boldly states in Step Ten that we will be placed in a
position of neutrality with respect to alcohol - we have recovered -
perhaps referring to the 1st half of Step One. Step Ten promises
that We have entered the world of the Spirit. It also declares we
are not cured - perhaps referring to the 2nd half of Step One. We
have a daily reprieve from the original bondage of alcohol as long
as we have a daily practice of staying awake by practicing Steps
Ten, Eleven and Twelve. We find freedom from the bondage of

Step Twelve promises: Having had a Spiritual Awakening as the

result of these steps. In the Alcoholics Anonymous textbook,
meetings are only mentioned twice:
A place where newcomers can gather once a week to bring their
To meet frequently in each other’s homes to have fellowship.
It is very clear, meetings are not the program! Meetings are not
included in the Big Book as any part of the suggested Spiritual
Awakening process.


Alcoholics Anonymous had a meteoric rise in membership for the

first forty years, until about 1976, as revealed in the various Big
Book Forewards:
1939 100
1955 150,000
1976 1,000,000 700% growth
2001 2,000,000 100% growth

Although it is wonderful to see the increase in membership from

1976 to 2001, why has the rate of AA Fellowship growth slowed
down so dramatically?

The alcohol addiction problem in America has not been

diminished. Lets estimate:
-approximately one out of ten adults are alcoholic = 10,000,000;
-about 10% attempt some treatment intervention = 1,000,000;
-perhaps 10% of those find some long term recovery, most in a
Twelve Step program = 100,000 a year. Apparently, by 2001, they
are not coming, nor staying, as they were up to 1976!
The Big Book Second Edition (1955) speculated that of those who
really tried about 75% recovered eventually. Really tried is the
key. We can wonder what that meant to Bill Wilson, the author of
these words? Perhaps:

- Submitting to the entire Twelve Step process

- Finishing amends
- Living daily in a consistent practice of:
- Inventory
- Prayer and meditation
- Practice of principles and service

Or, do we believe really tried meant going to lots of meetings?

Is it the correct question for a person’s sponsor or the members of

the home group to ask about a person’s recent relapse: How
many meetings were you going to? The recent book on recovery
research: If You Work It, It Works reviews scientific studies about
the effectiveness of 12 Step programs. The evidence is wonderful
and very supportive of the wisdom heard in meetings: 90 in 90;
get a sponsor; be of service. However, the success criteria of
these studies focus mostly on meeting attendance, as if this were
the principle component of the AA program of recovery.

It seems as if both the Fellowship itself, and the professionals who

study it, reveal a basic misunderstanding of powerless and the
process of accessing power. They reveal a basic ignorance of the
real program of recovery: Big Book as a textbook; Steps as a
process; Spiritual Awakening as the promised product; Steps 10,
11, & 12 as a daily practice of a way of life to sustain the

Maybe what CS Lewis said in his book Mere Christianity can

increasingly be said about AA:
AA has not been tried and found wanting; it hasn’t really been

The middle way is usually the healthy solution. My experience

reveals that both meetings and Steps are vitally important.
Meetings fostered the necessary spirit of fellowship; Steps
provided the required Fellowship of the Spirit. Meetings provided
me a forum to find the program of recovery; the 12 Steps provided
me the formula for experiencing the program of recovery.

Perhaps the 2020 AA International Conference will be a

celebration of the 80th anniversary of the publication of the AA
textbook Alcoholics Anonymous. The Conference Committee
could select the topics for meetings based on the precise process
of the Steps and underscore the promise of a Spiritual Awakening
suggested in Step Twelve. Perhaps the focus could be on the
actual 1st Legacy program of recovery.

Is not this focus the primary administrative responsibility of the AA

GSO Leadership and the primary custodial responsibility of the
AA Board of Trustees?

Consider this theme for 2020:

A Vision for You - Renewal of AAs First Legacy for Freedom

Lets all pray, hope and work for a Big Book and Twelve Steps

THANKS AA for a life that flourishes!!

Herb K.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
You can’t lead where you haven’t been.
You can’t teach what you haven’t learned.
You can’t be what you are not.
And you damn sure can’t give what you ain’t got!

We recover by the Steps we take, not the meetings we make!

For all its usual destructiveness, we have found that fear can be
the starting point for better things. Fear can be a steppingstone to
prudence and to a decent respect for others. It can point the path
to justice, as well as to hate. And the more we have of respect
and justice, the more we shall begin to find love which can suffer
much, and yet be freely given. So fear need not always be
because the lessons of its consequences can lead us to positive
26/03/2019, 22:30 - Sujal Amin: Can you do Gods Bidding without
making amends?
On p.83 there is the promise of a new freedom by making
amends. That’s right making amends leads to a type freedom we
have never experienced before. Freedom is the capacity to live
life without restraints and restrictions. There are two types of
freedom we receive by making amends.
The first one is spiritual freedom. The spiritual malady is the
inability to connect to God with-in when we do steps 4 thru 7 with
Gods help we Let Go and remove many things that stand
between God and us; such as anger, resentment, hate, jealousy,
selfishness, and fears. In step 9 that removal process continues.
We still many have things such as self-pity, misery, rids, fears,
and even depression. The main reason we still have these is
because we have guilt. Guilt is a powerful emotional of deep
personal shame felt for committing a past wrong action. I once
heard guilt called a useless emotion, because you can only have
guilt with what has already taken place. Meaning it's too late to
change things. I strongly disagree its not useless because it can
be fixed and put to bed. For guilt to be gone we must go out and
make amends. Amends clears that last bit of guilt, remorse,
regret, shame, self-blame, fear, misery, rids, self-pity, and
depression. All things that block us from God With-in; combined
with what we Let Go of in 6 and 7 we become closer to God With-
in then ever before leading to an awakening.
The second type freedom is freedom in the Physical world. If we
make no effort toward amends, then we've got a lot of people,
places, and things to avoid. Meaning if we want to be free in the
world we must to make amends and clean off our side of the
street. We don’t want to have to walk on the other side of street
anymore because on the other side is a person walking we resent
or harmed. We don’t want to skip a side of town because on that
block resides people that Iwe have harmed. We don’t want to
leave a meeting because that person is there. We don’t want to
be at a gathering looking around in fear because that person
might walk in. We don’t want to get that fear in the pit of stomach
by a see a certain face we see. We don’t want to leave or not go
to a family get-together just because that person is going to be
there. We don’t want to skip our kid’s birthdays because the ex
might be there. We don’t have to skip over into the other aisle at
Costco to avoid someone. We don’t want to not be able to go into
a store because we stole from there. We don’t want to have to
look over our shoulder ever again. There is no recovery if we are
dodging the people and places, I stole, or borrowed from or resent
or physically harmed.
Because of amends large areas of our life that were closed off
can opened up again. When all this crap is gone we have
freedom. We can drive down any street; we can walk down any
block, we can go inside any store, we can go to any gathering.
With amends we can go anywhere we want to go. From amends
we get peace. All by simply sweeping off our side of the street.
Well I said we get two freedoms from making amends there is
technically 4 freedoms. Freedom from guilt removes what stands
between God and us, now we can now truly connect and grow
with God With-in. Freedom with the world (geographic) helps so
we can go anywhere and do Gods bidding. Freedom with people
means we don’t have to avoid people anymore. Freedom from the
obsession; the Books says “When the Spiritual malady is over
come we straighten out mentally And physically,” Meaning when
the malady is overcome the obsession is gone. The removal of
the obsession cannot happen or start to happen (if doesn’t
happen in 9 it will happen in 10) without making amends.
P.77 “Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum
service to God and the people about us.” If we do not make
amends can we be maximum service to God and the people
about us? It’s impossible because we cannot go anywhere. By
making amends we are affirming our commitment when we took
the 3rd Step Prayer which was our oath to be maximum service to
God and the people about us. Either we meant the words of the
3rd Step Prayer, or we didn't. If we didn’t we truly don’t want a
new life. If we did what always matters the most is living our new
life. Amends is the price we pay for a new life.
The 7th step prayer talks about doing Gods bidding, which is
Gods work. We need to make amends so we can do Gods work.
We can't be fully effective in Gods service of helping others if
there is still unfinished business from the past. P.63 “We are told
that can have a new Employer, and that being all-powerful, He
would provide what we needed if we stay stay close to Him and
do His work well.” Can we do his work if we are sitting on a bunch
amends? When we make amends a whole new world opens up
so we can help others. It's time to start really living life on God's
terms, staying close to Him and performing His work well, doing
His bidding so we can truly be maximum service to God and
others. Steps 9, 10, 11, and 12 is the framework for doing that.
Oxford group co-founder Rev. Samuel shoemaker stated it best
“Our relationship with God cannot be right unless our relations
with others are right as well. For it is pointless for us to keep in
touch with God, so long as there are human relationships which
must be righted at the same time.”
27/03/2019, 20:15 - Sujal Amin: When my sponsor helped me
take Step 2, the first thing he did was discuss 8 subjects with me.
The 8 subjects were:

1. code of morals or a better philosophy of life pg. 44

2. doubt and prejudice pg 45
3. obstinacy, sensitiveness, and unreasoning prejudice pg. 48
4. facts and results, evidence and visual proof pg. 48
5. being “vain” pg. 49
6. wholesale condemnation pg. 50
7. superstition, tradition, and all sorts of fixed ideas pg. 51
8. being a “worshipper” pg. 54

These short discussions involved answering two basic questions,

1) What does this mean to me?” and “How does it apply to my

When we were finished, my sponsor then asked me the 3

questions found on pages 56 and 57, and he expected real,
heartfelt answers.

At this point, I was now ready to take the 2nd Step. My sponsor
suggested the 2nd Step required me to do 3 things:

1. Make an Admission

The admission was based on the passage, “Do I now believe, or

am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than
myself?" pg. 47

2. Make a Decision

The decision was based on the passage, “ When we saw others

solve their problems by a simple reliance upon the Spirit of the
Universe, we had to stop doubting the power of God.” Pg. 52
3. Make a commitment

The commitment was based on the passage, “…we had to

fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else
He is nothing. God either is, or He isn't. What was our choice to
be?” pg. 53

This entire process took about an hour. When I was finished, we

went to Step 3.
28/03/2019, 22:30 - Sujal Amin: There are several time-frame
indicators in the BB between steps. For example:

"at once" pg. xxvii

"then" pg. 58
"next" pg. 63
"now" pg. 72
"first opportunity" pg. 72
"we waste no time" pg. 75
"an hour" pg. 75
"now ready" pg. 76
"vigorously commenced" pg. 84

Share your exerience, and Thoughts

31/03/2019, 17:29 - Sujal Amin: Step10 -continuous -inventory

You are in recovery, clean and sober and life is good except you
struggle with your mindset. You find yourself repressing things.
Rather than confronting these unpleasant thoughts or experiences
you bury them. You hope you will never have to deal with them
and that they will somehow fade away. Is that recovery? The
problem is while you are ignoring these thoughts and feels they
sitting inside of you and boiling. The result is a sense of
restlessness called anxiety. By living with anxiety it brings on
irritableness otherwise know as being easily pissed off. The
mindset of being restless and irritable makes you very discontent
with life, meaning you are never satisfied. When this
uncomfortable state arises do not let it rule you. Don't struggle
and fight it or try to make it go away. It simply means that
something deeper is taking place within you. The truth is this
mindset of being restless, irritable, and discontented is simply a
symptom of a larger problem. Now you can sit there and fight the
symptom, even go to the doctor and get medication to mask it.
But the truth until you find the cause this symptom will always be
there. You must get to root cause of it.

The best way is to always do personal inventory. Start off by

listing your fears that cause your anxiety and then discover what
instinct that is driving it. There you probably see that it’s your
pride, self-esteem, or some part of your security instinct such as
money that is the cause. As for the irritableness some of that will
be combated within the fear inventory but even more will be
revealed within a resentment inventory. As with the fears you will
also discover instincts are the cause. But the difference is it’s not
about instincts driving the resentments it about how they were
affected; such as a resentment affecting your personal relations
with another. Of course your pride, self-esteem, or security is also
affected. While your instincts show will you the cause behind your
behavior does it change it? The answer is no; you must next
discuss it with another and then go to a quiet place and ASK for
the strength With-in to let this stuff go. But it may not be over
many times you must face the people that you hurt by your
behavior and make amends to finally move on. This will always
work but sometimes it might take continuous daily reputation of
these actions to truly put these behaviors to bed. It will teach you
much about yourself but even more important with each action
you will grow, and change and keep evolving. Eventually the
restless, irritable, and discontent mindset will no longer have a
grip on you at all. It is then the rest of your life will profit.
02/04/2019, 05:41 - Sujal Amin: *Zero Inventory*
Here are the 7 questions:
1. In looking back over your life – what memories are still dark,
painful and guilt ridden?
2. In what ways do you consider yourself an inadequate person?
3. Who do you resent – and why? Be specific and nasty as
4. What do you consider to be your defects of character?
5. In your ongoing human relations – what seems to the recurring
6. Rather realistic or not, what is your goal in life?
7. In what way do you believe that A.A. can, if any, help you with
achieve these goals?
09/04/2019, 11:37 - Sujal Amin: Ananya Consultants.
Bank Account No.- 182705500104
IFSC- ICIC0001827
Account Type- Current Account
Name of the Bank-
ICICI Bank Limited.
Mob.- 9898078093.
11/04/2019, 12:26 - Sujal Amin: "Who are you to say there is no

-- Alcoholics Anonymous, pg 56

The following is a reference list to "God" in the first 164 pages of

the Big Book:

Pg.xvi: Though he could not accept all the tenets of the Oxford
Groups, he was convinced of the need for moral inventory,
confession of personality defects, restitution to those harmed,
helpfulness to others, and the necessity of belief in and
dependence upon God.
Pg.xvii: In the fall of 1939 Fulton Oursler, then editor of Liberty,
printed a piece in his magazine, called “Alcoholics and God.”

Pg.xxv: They believe in themselves, and still more in the Power

which pulls chronic alcoholics back from the gates of death.

Pg.xxvi: In nearly all cases, their ideals must be grounded in a

power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their lives.

Pg.xxvii: One feels that something more than human power is

needed to produce the essential psychic change.

Pg.10: I had always believed in a Power greater than myself.

Pg.10: I simply had to believe in a Spirit of the Universe, who

knew neither time nor limitation.

Pg.10: When they talked of a God personal to me, who was love,
superhuman strength and direction, I became irritated and my
mind snapped shut against such a theory.

Pg.11: But my friend sat before me, and he made the point-blank
declaration that God had done for him what he could not do for

Pg.11: Here was something at work in a human heart which had

done the impossible.

Pg.12: The word God still aroused a certain antipathy.

Pg.12: When the thought was expressed that there might be a

God personal to me this feeling was intensified.

Pg.12: I could go for such conceptions as Creative Intelligence,

Universal Mind or Spirit of Nature but I resisted the thought of a
Czar of the Heavens, however loving His way might be.
Pg.12: He said, "Why don't you choose your own conception of

Pg.12: It was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power

greater than myself.

Pg.12: Thus was I convinced that God is concerned with us

humans when we want Him enough.

Pg.12: For a brief moment, I had needed and wanted God.

Pg.12: There had been a humble willingness to have Him with me

- and He came.

Pg.12: But soon the sense of His presence had been blotted out
by (pg.13) worldly clamors, mostly those within myself.

Pg.13: There I humbly offered myself to God, as I then

understood Him, to do with me as He would.

Pg.13: I placed myself unreservedly under His care and direction.

Pg.13: I admitted for the first time that of myself I was nothing;
that without Him I was lost.

Pg.13: I ruthlessly faced my sins and became willing to have my

new-found Friend take them away, root and branch.

Pg.13: I was to test my thinking by the new God-consciousness


Pg.13: I was to sit quietly when in doubt, asking only for direction
and strength to meet my problems as He would have me.

Pg.13: My friend promised when these things were done I would

enter upon a new relationship with my Creator; that I would have
the elements of a way of living which answered all my problems.
Pg.13: Belief in the power of God, plus enough willingness,
honesty and humility (pg.14) to establish and maintain the new
order of things, were the essential requirements.

Pg.14: I must turn in all things to the Father of Light who presides
over us all.

Pg.14: I felt lifted up, as though the great clean wind of a

mountain top blew through and through.

Pg.14: God comes to most men gradually, but His impact on me

was sudden and profound.

Pg.25: But for the grace of God, there would have been
thousands more convincing demonstrations.

Pg.25: We have found much of heaven and we have been

rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not
even dreamed.

Pg.25: The great fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have
had deep and effective spiritual experiences which have
revolutionized our whole attitude toward life, toward our fellows
and toward God's universe. The central fact of our lives today is
the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts
and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous. He has
commenced to accomplish those things for us which we could
never do by ourselves.

Pg.25: We were in a position where life was becoming impossible,

and if we had passed into the region from which there is no return
through human aid, we had but two alternatives: One was to go
on to the bitter end, blotting out the consciousness of our
intolerable situation as best we could; and the other, to accept
spiritual help.

Pg.27: Some of our alcoholic readers may think they can do

without spiritual help.
Pg.27: "Yes," replied the doctor, "there is. Exceptions to cases
such as yours have been occurring since early times. Here and
there, once in a while, alcoholics have had what are called vital
spiritual experiences.

Pg.27: This hope, however, was destroyed by the doctor's telling

him that while his religious convictions were very good, in his case
they did not spell the necessary vital spiritual experience.

Pg.28: What seemed at first a flimsy reed, has proved to be the

loving and powerful hand of God.

Pg.28: The distinguished American psychologist, William James,

in his book "Varieties of Religious Experience," indicates a
multitude of ways in which men have discovered God.

Pg.28: If what we have learned and felt and seen means anything
at all, it means that all of us, whatever our race, creed, or color
are the children of a living Creator with whom we may form a
relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as
we are willing and honest enough to try.

Pg.29: Each individual, in the personal stories, describes in his

own language and from his own point of view the way he
established his relationship with God.

Pg.39: Fred would not believe himself an alcoholic, much less

accept a spiritual remedy for his problem.

Pg.42: "Then they outlined the spiritual answer and program of

action which a hundred of them had followed successfully. ..."

Pg.43: As to two of you men, whose stories I have heard, there is

no doubt in my mind that you were 100% hopeless, apart from
divine help.

Pg.43: Except in a few rare cases, neither he nor any other

human being can provide such a defense. His defense must come
from a Higher Power.
Pg.44: If that be the case, you may be suffering from an illness
which only a spiritual experience will conquer.

Pg.44: To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual

basis are not always easy alternatives to face.

Pg.44: But after a while we had to face the fact that we must find
a spiritual basis of life - or else.

Pg.45: We could wish to be moral, we could wish to be

philosophically comforted, in fact, we could will these things with
all our might, but the needed power wasn't there.

Pg.45: Lack of power, that was our dilemma. We had to find a

power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater
than ourselves. Obviously. But where and how were we to find
this Power?

Pg.45: Well, that's exactly what this book is about. Its main object
is to enable you to find a Power greater than yourself which will
solve your problem.

Pg.45: And it means, of course, that we are going to talk about


Pg.45: But his face falls when we speak of spiritual matters,

especially when we mention God, for we have re-opened a
subject which our man thought he had neatly evaded or entirely

Pg.45: To others, the word "God" brought up a particular idea of

Him with which someone had tried to impress them during

Pg.45: With that rejection we imagined we had abandoned the

God idea entirely.
Pg.46: (pg.45) We were bothered (pg.46) with the thought that
faith and dependence upon a Power beyond ourselves was
somewhat weak, even cowardly.

Pg.46: How could a Supreme Being have anything to do with it

all? And who could comprehend a Supreme Being anyhow? Yet,
in other moments, we found ourselves thinking, when enchanted
by a starlit night, "Who, then, made all this?"

Pg.46: We found that as soon as we were able to lay aside

prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power
greater than ourselves, we commenced to get results, even
though it was impossible for any of us to fully define or
comprehend that Power, which is God.

Pg.46: Much to our relief, we discovered we did not need to

consider another's conception of God.

Pg.46: Our own conception, {of God} however inadequate, was

sufficient to make the approach and to effect a contact with Him.

Pg.46: As soon as we admitted the possible existence of a

Creative Intelligence, a Spirit of the Universe underlying the
totality of things, we began to be possessed of a new sense of
power and direction, provided we took other simple steps.

Pg.46: We found that God does not make too hard terms with
those who seek Him.

Pg.46: To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive;

never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is
open, we believe, to all men.

Pg.47: When, therefore, we speak to you of God, we mean your

own conception of God.

Pg.47: At the start, this was? all we needed to commence spiritual

growth, to effect our first conscious relation with God as we
understood Him.
Pg.47: So we used our own conception, {of God} however limited
it was.

Pg.47: We needed to ask ourselves but one short question. "Do I

now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power
greater than myself?"

Pg.48: The reader may still ask why he should believe in a Power
greater than himself.


Pg.49: When, however, the perfectly logical assumption is

suggested that underneath the material world and life as we see
it, there is an All Powerful, Guiding, Creative Intelligence, right
there our perverse streak comes to the surface and we laboriously
set out to convince ourselves it isn't so.

Pg.49: We read wordy books and indulge in windy arguments,

thinking we believe this universe needs no God to explain it.

Pg.49: Instead of regarding ourselves as intelligent agents,

spearheads of God's ever advancing Creation, we agnostics and
atheists chose to believe that our human intelligence was the last
word, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end of all.

Pg.50: In our personal stories you will find a wide variation in the
way each teller approaches and conceives of the Power which is
greater than himself.

Pg.50: Whether we agree with a particular approach or

conception, {of God} seems to make little difference.

Pg.50: Every one of them has gained access to, and believes in, a
Power greater than himself.

Pg.50: They flatly declare that since they have come to believe in
a Power greater than themselves, to take a certain attitude toward
that Power, and to do certain simple things, there has been a
revolutionary change in their way of living and thinking.

Pg.51: When many hundreds of people are able to say that the
consciousness of the Presence of God is today the most
important fact of their lives, they present a powerful reason why
one should have faith.

Pg.51: Had not people said God had reserved this privilege
{flying} to the (pg.52) birds?

Pg.52: When we saw others solve their problems by a simple

reliance upon the Spirit of the Universe, we had to stop doubting
the power of God.

Pg.52: But the God idea did. {work}

Pg.52: When others showed us that "God-sufficiency" (pg.53)

worked with them, we began to feel like those who had insisted
the Wrights would never fly.

Pg.53: When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed

crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face
the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing.
God either is, or He isn't.

Pg.55: They said God made these things possible, and we only

Pg.55: Actually we were fooling ourselves, for deep down in every

man, woman, and child, is the fundamental idea of God.

Pg.55: For faith in a Power greater than ourselves, and

miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives, are facts
as old as man himself.

Pg.55: We finally saw that faith in some kind of God was a part of
our make-up, just as much as the feeling we have for a friend.
Pg.55: Sometimes we had to search fearlessly, but He was there.

Pg.55: He was as much a fact as we were.

Pg.55: We found the Great Reality deep down within us.

Pg.55: In the last analysis it is only there that He may be found.

Pg.56: Our friend's gorge rose as he bitterly cried out: "If there is a
God, He certainly hasn't done anything for me!"

Pg.56: "Who are you to say there is no God?"

Pg.56: In a few seconds he was overwhelmed by a conviction of

the Presence of God.

Pg.56: It poured over and through him with the certainty and
majesty of a great tide at flood.

Pg.56: He stood in the Presence of Infinite Power and Love.

Pg.56: For the first time, he lived in conscious companionship with

his Creator.

Pg.57: God had restored his sanity.

Pg.57: He humbly offered himself to his Maker - then he knew.

Pg.57: Even so has God restored us all to our right minds.

Pg.57: But He has come to all who have honestly sought Him.

Pg.57: When we drew near to Him He disclosed Himself to us!

Pg.59: But there is One who has all power-that One is God. May
you find Him now!

Pg.59: We asked His protection and care with complete abandon.

Pg.59: 2.) Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves

could restore us to sanity.

Pg.59: 3.) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to
the care of God as we understood Him.

Pg.59: 5.) Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human

being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Pg.59: 6.) Were entirely ready to have God remove all these
defects of character.

Pg.59: 7.) Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

Pg.59: 11.) Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our

conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only
for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Pg.60: (b.) That probably no human power could have relieved

our alcoholism.

Pg.60: (c.) That God could and would if He were sought.

Pg.60: Being convinced, we were at Step Three, which is that we

decided to turn our will and our life over to God as we understood

Pg.62: Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this

selfishness. We must, or it kills us! God makes that possible.
Pg.62: And there often seems no way of entirely getting rid of self
without His aid.

Pg.62: We had to have God's help.

Pg.62: First of all, we had to quit playing God.

Pg.62: Next, we decided that hereafter in this drama of life, God

was going to be our Director.

Pg.62: He is the Principal; we are His agents.

Pg.62: He is the Father, and we are His children.

Pg.63: We had a new Employer.

Pg.63: Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we

kept close to Him and performed His work well.

Pg.63: As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of

mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we
became conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of
today, tomorrow or the hereafter.

Pg.63: Many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him:

"God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me and to do with me as
Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do
Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and
Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!"

Pg.63: We thought well before taking this step making sure we

were ready; that we could at last abandon ourselves utterly to

Pg.63: But it is better to meet God alone than with one who might
Pg.66: For when harboring such feelings we shut ourselves off
from the sunlight of the Spirit.

Pg.67: We asked God to help us show them the same tolerance,

pity, and patience that we would cheerfully grant a sick friend.

Pg.67: When a person offended we said to ourselves, "This is a

sick man. How can I be helpful to him? God save me from being
angry. Thy will be done."

Pg.67: We cannot be helpful to all people, but at least God will

show us how to take a kindly and tolerant view of each and every

Pg.68: For we are now on a different basis; the basis of trusting

and relying upon God.

Pg.68: We trust infinite God rather than our finite selves.

Pg.68: We are in the world to play the role He assigns.

Pg.68: Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have

us, and humbly rely on Him, does He enable us to match calamity
with serenity.

Pg.68: We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our


Pg.68: They trust their God.

Pg.68: We never apologize for God.

Pg.68: Instead we let Him demonstrate, through us, what He can

Pg.68: We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to
what He would have us be.

Pg.69: We asked God to mold our ideals and help us to live up to


Pg.69: We remembered always that our sex powers were God-

given and therefore good, neither to be used lightly or selfishly nor
to be despised and loathed.

Pg.69: In meditation, we ask God what we should do about each

specific matter.

Pg.69: God alone can judge our sex situation.

Pg.70: (pg.69) Counsel with (pg.70) persons is often desirable,

but we let God be the final judge

Pg.70: If we are sorry for what we have done, and have the
honest desire to let God take us to better things, we believe we
will be forgiven and will have learned our lesson.

Pg.71: We hope you are convinced now that God can remove
whatever self-will has blocked you off from Him.

Pg.72: We have been trying to get a new attitude, a new

relationship with our Creator, and to discover the obstacles in our

Pg.72: This requires action on our part, which, when completed,

will mean that we have admitted to God, to ourselves, and to
another human being, the exact nature of our defects.

Pg.75: We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator.

Pg.75: We may have had certain spiritual beliefs, but now we

begin to have a spiritual experience.
Pg.75: We feel we are on the Broad Highway, walking hand in
hand with the Spirit of the Universe.

Pg.75: We thank God from the bottom of our heart that we know
Him better.

Pg.76: Are we now ready to let God remove from us all the things
which we have admitted are objectionable?

Pg.76: Can He now take them all - every one?

Pg.76: If we still cling to something we will not let go, we ask God
to help us be willing.

Pg.76: When ready, we say something like this: "My Creator, I am

now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray
that you now remove from me every single defect of character
which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding.
Amen." We have then completed Step Seven.

Pg.77: Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum

service to God and the people about us.

Pg.77: We don't use this as an excuse for shying away from the
subject of God.

Pg.79: Reminding ourselves that we have decided to go to any

lengths to find a spiritual experience, we ask {God} that we be
given strength and direction to do the right thing, no matter what
the personal consequences may be.

Pg.80: If we have obtained permission, have consulted with

others, asked God to help and the drastic step is indicated we
must not shrink.
Pg.80: After consulting with his wife and partner he came to the
conclusion that it was better to take those risks than to stand
before his Creator guilty of such ruinous slander.

Pg.80: He saw that he had to place the outcome in God's hands

or he would soon start drinking again, and all would be lost

Pg.81: We are sorry for what we have done and, God willing, it
shall not be repeated.

Pg.83: So we clean house with the family, asking each morning in

meditation that our Creator show us the way of patience,
tolerance, kindliness and love.

Pg.83: The spiritual life is not a theory. We have to live it.

Pg.83: As God's people we stand on our feet; we don't crawl

before anyone.

Pg.84: We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we

could not do for ourselves.

Pg.84: We have entered the world of the Spirit.

Pg.84: When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them.

Pg.85: Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's
will into all of our activities. "How can I best serve Thee - Thy will
(not mine) be done."

Pg.85: Much has already been said about receiving strength,

inspiration, and direction from Him who has all knowledge and

Pg.85: If we have carefully followed directions, we have begun to

sense the flow of His Spirit into us.
Pg.85: To some extent we have become God-conscious.

Pg.86: After making our review we ask God's forgiveness and

inquire what corrective measures should be taken.

Pg.86: Before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking,

especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or
self-seeking motives.

Pg.86: Under these conditions we can employ our mental faculties

with assurance, for after all God gave us brains to use.

Pg.86: Here we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a


Pg.87: Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious

contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be
inspired at all times.

Pg.88: (pg.87) We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer

(pg.88) running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times
each day "Thy will be done."

Pg.88: So we let God discipline us in the simple way we have just


Pg.92: If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic that he

does not have to agree with your conception of God.

Pg.92: He can choose any conception {of God} he likes, provided

it makes sense to him.

Pg.92: The main thing is that he be willing to believe in a Power

greater than himself and that he live by spiritual principles.

Pg.95: If he is to find God, the desire must come from within.

Pg.95: We have no monopoly on God; we merely have an
approach that worked with us.

Pg.98: The minute we put our work on a service plane, the

alcoholic commences to rely upon our assistance rather than
upon God.

Pg.98: Some of us have taken very hard knocks to learn this truth:
Job or no job - wife or no wife - we simply do not stop drinking so
long as we place dependence upon other people ahead of
dependence on God.

Pg.98: Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he
can get well regardless of anyone. The only condition is that he
trust in God and clean house.

Pg.100: (pg.99) Remind the prospect that his recovery is not

dependent (pg.100) upon people. It is dependent upon his
relationship with God.

Pg.100: . When we look back, we realize that the things which

came to us when we put ourselves in God's hands were better
than anything we could have planned.

Pg.100: Follow the dictates of a Higher Power and you will

presently live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what your
present circumstances!

Pg.102: Keep on the firing line of life with these motives and God
will keep you unharmed.

Pg.114: The power of God goes deep!

Pg.116: Time after time, this apparent calamity has been a boon
to us, for it opened up a path which led to the discovery of God.
Pg.116: If God can solve the age-old riddle of alcoholism, He can
solve your problems too.

Pg.116: But it was a silly idea that we were too good to need God.

Pg.117: We urge you to try our program, for nothing will be so

helpful to your husband as the radically changed attitude toward
him which God will show you how to have.

Pg.120: God has either removed your husband's liquor problem or

He has not.

Pg.120: If a repetition is to be prevented, place the problem, along

with everything else, in God's hands.

Pg.121: So to you out there - who may soon be with us - we say

"good luck and god bless you!"

Pg.123: God, they believe, almost owes this recompense on a

long overdue account.

Pg.00: Cling to the thought that, in God's hands, the dark past is
the greatest possession you have - the key to life and happiness
for others.

Pg.128: He may demand that the family find God in a hurry, or

exhibit amazing indifference to them and say he is above worldly

Pg.128: They may be jealous of a God who has stolen dad's


Pg.128: While grateful that he drinks no more, they may not like
the idea that God has accomplished the miracle where they failed.

Pg.128: What about his talk that God will take care of them? They
suspect father is a bit balmy!
Pg.129: Dad may feel that for years his drinking has placed him
on the wrong side of every argument, but that now he has
become a superior person with God on his side.

Pg.130: This dream world has been replaced by a great sense of

purpose, accompanied by a growing consciousness of the power
of God in our lives.

Pg.130:We have come to believe He would like us to keep our

heads in the clouds with Him, but that our feet ought to be firmly
planted on earth.

Pg.132: We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free.

Pg.132: But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn't do

Pg.132: Avoid then, the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if

trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to
demonstrate His omnipotence.

Pg.133: God has abundantly supplied this world with fine doctors,
psychologists, and practitioners of various kinds.

Pg.133: Try to remember that though God has wrought miracles

among us, we should never belittle a good doctor or psychiatrist.

Pg.155: (pg.154) His sanity returned and he thanked (pg.155)


Pg.156: (pg.155) He saw that he would have to face (pg.156) his

problems squarely that God might give him mastery.

Pg.157: The two friends spoke of their spiritual experience and

told him about the course of action they carried out.
Pg.158: "...I've prayed to God on hangover mornings and sworn
that I'd never touch another drop but by nine o'clock I'd be boiled
as an owl."

Pg.158: "Maybe you're right," he said. "God ought to be able to do


Pg.158: On the third day the lawyer gave his life to the care and
direction of his Creator, and said he was perfectly willing to do
anything necessary.

Pg.158: He had begun to have a spiritual experience.

Pg.158: But he had found God - and in finding God had found

Pg.161: They had visioned the Great Reality - their loving and All
Powerful Creator.

Pg.162: Being wrecked in the same vessel, being restored and

united under one God, with hearts and minds attuned to the
welfare of others, the things which matter so much to some
people no longer signify much to them.

Pg.162: Many of us have felt, for the first time, the Presence and
Power of God within its walls.

Pg.163: You forget that you have just now tapped a source of
power so much greater than yourself.

Pg.164: God will determine that, so you must remember that your
real reliance is always upon Him.

Pg.164: He will show you how to create the fellowship you crave.

Pg.164: God will constantly disclose more to you and to us.

Pg.164: Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do
each day for the man who is still sick.

Pg.164: See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great
events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the
Great Fact for us.

Pg.164: Abandon yourself to God as you understand God.

Pg.164: Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows.

Pg.164: We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and

you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy
21/04/2019, 12:16 - Sujal Amin: *Handling the Little Things*
It is less the crises that damage our quality of life than the daily
irritations. There is some recognition for handling the big crises,
but who notices how we handle the little things?
There is no recognition for handling irritations, but instead, there is
peace and serenity. When peace and serenity dominate our lives
daily, we begin to appreciate the real gift of this program, the gift
of daily living.
Am I learning to handle the little things?
God, grant me patience and perspective as I practice dealing with
all the little things.
I will change how I handle irritations today by
God help me to stay sober today!
26/04/2019, 15:06 - Sujal Amin: *Unused capacities atrophy,
cease to be.*

  —Tillie Olsen

Those of us who have suffered a broken bone and had to put up

with a cast for several weeks know how hard it is to use muscles
that have been inactive for so long. They have gotten weak from
lack of use, and we have to begin to develop our strength all over
The same thing happens if we don't use our other capacities. If
we don't constantly use our minds to think and learn, we become
dull people, almost incapable of new thoughts and insights. If we
don't use our hearts to love, we become uncaring and insensitive
- much like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. If we don't use our
creative talents - to draw or write or sew, or whatever it is we're
into - we lose the ability to do those things.
On the other hand, like our muscles, our other capacities can be
strengthened and developed by daily use. We exercise our hearts
by being kind and loving, our minds by thinking, our imaginations
by being creative. In this way, we become spiritually powerful, a
force for good in the world.

How can I exercise my assets today?

28/04/2019, 07:56 - Sujal Amin: Frothy Emotional Appeal

"Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices."

Translation: People can't keep us sober or fix us. That is,

nothing anybody says has the power to restore us to sanity... so
trying to plead with an addict is entirely a waste of time.

"Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices. The message which

can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and
weight. In nearly all cases, their ideals must be grounded in a
power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their
lives... Men and women drink essentially because they like the
effect produced by alcohol. The sensation is so elusive, that while
they admit it is injurious, they cannot after a time differentiate the
true from the false. They are restless, irritable and discontented,
unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort
which comes at once by taking a few drinks... and unless this
person can experience an entire psychic change there is very little
hope of his recovery." -Alcoholics Anonymous, The Doctor's
Opinion, xxviii, xxix

"Charlie, why do you drink when you have so much potential?"

"Charlie, why do you use drugs when you have so much talent?"
Are you serious?
"Charlie, we love you so much. Isn't that enough?"
"Charlie, now that you have this beautiful, wonderful wife and
child, that should be enough, right?"
It should be, but you people have no idea how sick I really am.
"Charlie, with all of your loving friends and family, plus all of our
resources and modern medicine at your disposal, you should be
able to get sober and stay sober, right?"
"Charlie, the doctor says you will die if you continue to drink."
Um, can I borrow some money? Oh, and thanks, that's great
about the doctor thing.

Unfortunately, non-addicts don't understand addiction. It

doesn't matter how much shit I have, or who I have, or what
potential I have. You could give me a billion dollars, my dream
job, a mansion on the water, an angel wife, two beautiful kids and
the best of friends... and I think I'll go get jammed out of my
fucking skull. I'm an addict. I use. That's what addicts do. No pile
of "frothy emotional appeal" is going to do the trick.

Here's the deal: Yes, addiction is plain and simple a

physiological illness. We have broken our bodies and can never
again use normally. But the reason why we can't STAY sober has
nothing to do with our bodies. There is no physical craving of
drugs when we're sitting there butt sober. We only begin craving
drugs or alcohol AFTER we start drinking or using.

So no, the reason why we can't stay sober has nothing to do

with the bio-chemical illness of alcoholism or addiction. The
reason why we can't stay sober is because we have a spiritual
problem. We have a moral problem. Yes, a moral problem, along
with the insanity of the mental obsession. Do me a favor... go out
there and try to stay clean while acting immorally. Try to stay
sober while lying, cheating, manipulating, being selfish, angry,
depressed and abusive. Good luck with that. You will need luck
because it doesn't work.

Once we become addicts and realize that we have a serious

problem, the only thing keeping us actively using is doing the
wrong thing. If we were living by spiritual principles, there would
be no need to use. We would know how selfish we are, and we
would go and fix our broken minds. We would have an entire
psychic change, find God, restore ourselves to sanity, and never
again suffer from the random mental obsession to drink or use

So if you're an alcoholic or an addict out there and you plan on

staying sober after you pat yourself on the back for going to detox,
you better change the person you are. You have no chance of
staying clean if you do not embrace spiritual principles and live a
moral life. Drinking booze and using drugs is 100% connected to
morals, or lack thereof. Do we really think the average alcoholic,
heroin addict or crackhead out there is living right? Please. So
when you get a pamphlet or an article that some clueless PhD
wrote about how addiction is not a moral problem but rather
purely a physiological phenomenon, you are absorbing
information that will undoubtedly lead to relapse, and perhaps
your eventual death.

God, teach me to live by Your principles of love, honesty,

patience, tolerance, courage, compassion, strength, honesty and
10/05/2019, 14:12 - Wife: location:
10/05/2019, 22:38 - Sujal Amin: *Acceptance*

When we don't accept an undesired event, it becomes *Anger*;

when we accept it, it becomes *Tolerance.*

When we don't accept uncertainty, it becomes *Fear*;

when we accept it, it becomes *Adventure.*

When we don't accept other's bad behaviour towards us, it

becomes *Hatred;*
when we accept it, it becomes *Forgiveness.*

When we don't accept other's Success, it becomes *Jealousy;*

when we accept it, it becomes *Inspiration.*

Acceptance is the key to handling life well.

11/05/2019, 09:11 - Sujal Amin: *God, grant me a willingness to
go for work, show me the way of faith and huminity as I am
starting my day.*
11/05/2019, 09:18 - Sujal Amin: 1. Practice Rigorous
2. Sumnder The
3. Do Uncomfortable
11/05/2019, 18:19 - Sujal Amin: "Our mind needs to be STREED
not JOLTED ".
13/05/2019, 21:57 - Sujal Amin: BB 47, 62 & 97
14/05/2019, 21:28 - Sujal Amin: *12 Step PRAYERS*


Dear God, I admit that I am powerless over my addiction. I admit
that my life is unmanageable when I try to control it. Help me this
day to understand the true meaning of powerlessness. Remove
from me all denial of my addiction.


Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that only You can restore me
to sanity. I humbly ask that You remove all twisted thought and
addictive behavior from me this day. Heal my spirit and restore in
me a clear mind.


God, I offer myself to Thee. To build with me and to do with me as
Thou wilt. Relieve me of bondage of self, that I may better do Thy
will. Take away my difficulties. That victory over them may bear
witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love and Thy
Way of Life. May I do Thy will always. Third Step Prayer
- Page 63 of the Big Book


Dear God, It is I who has made my life a mess. I have done it, but
I cannot undo it. My mistakes are mine and I will begin a
searching and fearless moral inventory. I will write down my
wrongs. But I will also include that which is good. I pray for the
strength to complete this task.


Higher Power, My inventory has shown me who I am, yet I ask for
Your help in admitting my wrongs to another person and to You.
Assure me and be with me, in this step, for without this step, I
cannot progress in my recovery. With Your help, I can do this, and
I will do it.


Dear God, I am ready for Your help in removing from me the
defects of character which I now realize are an obstacle to my
recovery. Help me to continue being honest with myself and guide
me toward mental and spiritual health.


My Creator, I am now willing that You have all of me, good and
bad. I pray that You now remove from me every single defect of
character which stands in the way of my usefulness to You and
my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here to do Your
bidding. Seventh Step Prayer - Page 76 of the Big Book


Higher Power, I ask Your help in making my list of all those I have
harmed. I will take responsibility for my mistakes and be forgiving
to others as You are forgiving to me. Grant me the willingness to
begin my restitution. This I pray.


Higher Power, I pray for the right attitude to make my amends,
being ever mindful not to harm others in the process. I ask for
Your guidance in making indirect amends by staying abstinent,
helping others and growing in spiritual progress.


Dear God, I pray I may continue to grow in understanding and
effectiveness; to take daily spot check inventories of myself; to
correct mistakes when I make them; to take responsibility for my
actions; to be ever aware of my negative and self-defeating
attitudes and behaviors; to keep my willfulness in check; to always
remember I need Your help; to keep love and tolerance of others
as my code; and to continue in daily prayer how I can best serve


God, as I understand You, I pray to keep my connection with You.
Open and clear from me the confusion of daily life. Through my
prayers and meditations I ask especially for freedom from self-will,
rationalization, and wishful thinking. I pray for the guidance of
correct thought and positive action. Your Will, not mine, be done.
"My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good
and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect
of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and
my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your
bidding. Amen."

*11th Step Prayer - Page 99 of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions.*

God, direct my thinking. May it be divorced from self-pity,
dishonest or self-seeking motives. Help me to love others, as
much as you love me. Father, keep me sober.


Dear God, My spiritual awakening continues to unfold. The help I
have received I shall pass on and give to others, both in and out
of the fellowship. For this opportunity I am grateful. I pray most
humbly to continue walking day by day on the road of spiritual
progress. I pray for inner strength and wisdom to practice the
principles of this way of life in all I do and say. I need You, my
friends, and the Program every hour of every day.
*This is a better way to live 12 STEP PRAYERS.*
16/05/2019, 18:08 - Sujal Amin: book ‘Pass IT ON’, pages 241,
242, and 243.
It seems that on a cold and rainy night late in 1940, deep in the
winter of Bill’s discontent, he was visited by a Jesuit priest from
St. Louis. That priest, Father Ed Dowling was able to share with
Bill the similarities between the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics
Anonymous and the Exercises of St. Ignatius. It was during this
meeting, that the communication between Bill and Father Dowling
regarding spiritual discipline would develop into a deep friendship
that would last two decades.
That night, Bill “ told of his hopes and plans, and spoke also about
his anger, despair, and mounting frustrations. Father Dowling
listened and quoted Matthew: ‘Blessed are they who do hunger
and thirst.’ God’s chosen, he pointed out, were always
distinguished by their yearnings, their restlessness, their thirst.
“In pain, Bill asked if there was never to be any satisfaction. The
priest almost snapped back: “ Never. Never any.” He continued in
a gentler tone describing as ‘divine dissatisfaction’ that which
would keep Bill going, always reaching out for unattainable goals,
for only by so reaching would he attain what---hidden from him—
were God’s goals. This acceptance that his dissatisfaction, that
his very ‘thirst’ could be divine was one of Father Dowling’s great
gifts to Bill and through him to Alcoholics Anonymous and then to
us sitting in this room and those yet to come.

18/05/2019, 22:59 - Sujal Amin: *12 कदमों की प्रार्थनाएँ*

*पहले कदम की प्रार्थना*

प्रिय ईश्वर, मैं मानता हूँ कि मैं अपनी लत के सामने शक्तिहीन हूँ। मैं
यह मानता हूँ कि जब भी मैं अपनी ज़िंदगी को नियंत्रित करने की
कोशिश करता हूँ, वह अस्तव्यस्त हो जाती है । आज के दिन मझ
ु े
शक्तिहीनता का असली अर्थ समझने में मदद कर। मझ
ु से अपनी लत से
संबंधित सारे इन्कार हटा दे ।

ू रे कदम की प्रार्थना*

स्वर्गस्थ पिता, मैं अपने ह्रदय में जानता हूँ कि तू ही मेरा मानसिक
स्वास्थ्य ठीक कर सकता है । मैं विनम्रता से प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि आज
के दिन से तू मेरे सारे विकृत विचार एवं मुझे नशे की ओर ले जाने
वाले मेरे व्यवहार दर
ू कर दे । मेरी आत्मा को स्वस्थ कर और मेरा मन
फिर से साफ़ कर दे ।

*तीसरे कदम की प्रार्थना*

हे ईश्वर! मैं स्वयं को तेरे चरणों में अर्पित करता हूँ। तू अपनी
इच्छानुसार मेरा निर्माण कर और स्वयं में मुझको ढाल दे । मुझे मेरे
‘स्व’ से मुक्ति दिला दे , जिससे कि मैं तेरी इच्छानुसार कार्य कर सकँू ।
मेरी कठिनाइयों को हर ले, और उन पर होनेवाली विजय उन लोगों के
लिए गवाह बने जिन्हें मैं तेरी शक्ति, तेरे प्रेम और तेरे जीवन के ढं ग को
समझने में सहायता करूँगा! मैं हमेशा तेरी इच्छा का पालन करूँगा।

*चौथे कदम की प्रार्थना*

प्रिय ईश्वर, वह मैं ही था जिसने अपनी ज़िंदगी को बिगाड़ लिया था।

मैंने ही यह किया है , लेकिन मैं इसे ठीक नहीं कर सकता। मेरी गलतियां
मेरी अपनी हैं और मैं निडरता से अपनी ज़िंदगी का लेखाजोखा
बनाऊंगा। मैं अपनी गलतियों को लिखूंगा। लेकिन मुझमें जो अच्छा है ,
मैं उसे भी इसमें शामिल करूंगा। मैं इस काम को पूरा करने की शक्ति
के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूँ।

*पाँचवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

हे मेरी उच्च शक्ति, मैंने जो लेखाजोखा बनाया है उसने मझ

ु े दिखा दिया
है कि मैं कौन हूँ, फिर भी अपनी गलतियों के मल
ू कारणों को एक
आदरणीय व्यक्ति और तम्
ु हारे सामने स्वीकार करने के लिए मैं तम्
ु हारी
मदद मांगता हूँ। मझ
ु े आश्वासन दो और इस कदम में मेरे साथ रहो,
क्योंकि इस कदम के बिना मैं अपनी रिकवरी में आगे बढ़ नहीं पाऊँगा।
ु हारी मदद से मैं यह कर सकता हूँ, और मैं उसे करूँगा।

*छ्ठे कदम की प्रार्थना*

प्रिय ईश्वर, मैं अब समझ गया हूँ कि मेरे चरित्र की गलतियां मेरी
रिकवरी में बाधा हैं, मैं उन सभी गलतियों को दर
ू करने के लिए तुम्हारी
मदद के लिए तैयार हूँ। मैं खुद से ईमानदारी बरतना जारी रखूँ इसलिए
मेरी मदद करना और मानसिक तथा आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य की ओर
मुझे निर्देशित करना।
*सातवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

हे मेरे सर्जक, अब मेरी इच्छा है कि आप मेरी सभी अच्छाइयों और

ु ाइयों को स्वीकार कर लो। मैं प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि आप मेरे चरित्र की
हर एक कमज़ोरी को मझ
ु से निकाल दो, जो मेरे मित्रों और आपके लिए
मेरी उपयोगिता के बीच अड़चन पैदा करती है । मैं यहाँ से निकलकर
आपके आदे शों का पालन कर सकँू , इसके लिए मझ
ु े शक्ति प्रदान करो।

*आठवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

उच्च शक्ति, मैंने जिन लोगों को हानि पहुंचाई है उन सभी की सूची

बनाने में तुम्हारी मदद के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूँ। मैं अपनी गलतियों की
ज़िम्मेदारी लँ ग
ू ा और जैसे तुम मुझे क्षमा कर रहे हो, वैसे ही औरों को
क्षमा करूँगा। मेरे भूलसुधारों की शुरूआत करने के लिए मुझे इच्छुकता
प्रदान करना, मैं यह प्रार्थना करता हूँ।

*नौवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

उच्च शक्ति, मैं प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि अपने भल

ू सध
ु ार करने के लिए सही
दृष्टिकोण अपनाऊँ, और इस प्रक्रिया में हमेशा इस बात का ख्याल रखूँ
कि किसी को हानि न पहुंचाऊँ। मैं प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि शराब से दर

रहने, दस
ू रों की मदद करने और आध्यात्मिक विकास में प्रगति करने के
रूप में अप्रत्यक्ष भल
ू सुधार करने के लिए तम्
ु हारे निर्देश मिलते रहें ।

*दसवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

प्रिय ईश्वर, मैं प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि अपनी समझ और प्रभावशीलता

बढ़ाना जारी रख;ूँ रोज़ाना जहां गलत हूँ, वहाँ अपने आप से स्वीकार करूँ;
अपनी कृतियों की ज़िम्मेदारी लँ ू; अपने नकारात्मक और खुद को हराने
वाले रवैये और बर्तावों के प्रति सदा सजग रहूँ; अपनी मनमर्जी को काबू
में रख;ूँ हमेशा याद रखूँ कि मुझे तुम्हारी मदद की ज़रूरत है ; औरों के
लिए प्रेम और सहनशीलता को अपना सिद्धांत मानते चलँ ;ू और मैं
तुम्हारी सबसे अच्छी सेवा कैसे कर सकता हूँ, इसके लिए प्रार्थना करना
जारी रख।

*ग्यारहवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

हे ईश्वर, जैसा कि मैं तुझे समझता हूँ, मैं तुम्हारे साथ अपना संबंध
बनाए रखने के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूँ। मुझे रोज़ाना ज़िंदगी के संभ्रमों से
खुला और दर
ू रख। अपनी प्रार्थनाओं और ध्यान द्वारा मैं खासकर स्व-
इच्छा, गलतियों को सही साबित करने के लिए युक्तियां करना, और
इच्छा करने वाली सोच से दर
ू रखने के लिए बिनती करता हूँ। मैं योग्य
विचार और सकारात्मक क्रियाओं के लिए निर्देशों की प्रार्थना करता हूँ।
तेरी इच्छा चले , मेरी नहीं।

“मेरे सर्जक, अब मैं इस बात के लिए पूरी तरह से तैयार हूँ कि अच्छा
या बुरा, मैं जैसा भी हूँ, मुझे पूरी तरह अपना लो। मैं प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि
तेरे और मेरे साथियों के काम आने के बीच में जो भी खड़ा है , मेरे चरित्र
का वह हर एक दोष दर
ू कर। मुझे यहाँ से आगे बढ़कर तेरा काम करने
के लिए शक्ति प्रदान कर।”

हे ईश्वर, मेरे विचारों को दिशा दे । वे आत्म-दया, बेइमानी और स्वार्थी

प्रेरणाओं से अलग रहें । जितना तू मझ
ु से प्रेम करता है , उतना ही मझ
ु े
औरों से प्रेम करने में मदद कर। हे मेरे पिता, मझ
ु े संयमित (सोबर) रख।

*बारहवें कदम की प्रार्थना*

हे ईश्वर, मेरी आध्यात्मिक जागति

ृ प्रकट हो रही है । मुझे जो मदद मिली
है वह आगे बढ़ाई जाएगी और फ़ेलोशिप में तथा बाहर, दोनों में , औरों को
दी जाएगी। यह अवसर पाने के लिए मैं हमेशा कृतज़ रहूँगा। मैं इस
तरह जीने के ढं ग के नियमों को मेरे सारे कर्मों और बातों में उतारने के
लिए आंतरिक शक्ति की प्रार्थना करता हूँ। मुझे तुम्हारी, मेरे दोस्तों की
और कार्यक्रम की हर दिन के हर घंटे में आवश्यकता है । यह बेहतर
जीने का तरीका है ।
21/05/2019, 22:44 - Sujal Amin: Here’s an actual example of me
doing a 10th Step…

I was in a grocery store with my 4-year-old daughter. I ask her if

she wants ice cream and tell her to grab some. She goes to the
cooler and gets a ½ gallon, walks over to the cart and drops it
over the side, crushing the dozen eggs in the cart. (It’s an
example of the frustrating things that happen when you’re a

Step 10 says, “Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty,

resentment, and fear.” I am going to use the 10th Step to deal
with all four.

Step 10 says, “When these crop up” and they did as I heard the
eggs crunch…

“… we ask God at once to remove them.” So, as I am walking

back to get more eggs, I prayed, asking God to relieve me of the
“selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear.” I get more eggs. I
do NOT put the broken ones back in the cooler.

Step 10 says, “We discuss them with someone immediately…”

immediately being the first person I come in contact with which is
the cashier. (Yes. We do that here in Missouri).

I place my items on the counter to check out and save the broken
eggs until last. The cashier attempt to tell me I don’t have to buy
them. I stopped her and say “You know, selfishness is a funny
thing, I need you to let me pay for these.” She looks at me like I
am crazy, but agrees.

The 10th Step says, “…make amends quickly if we have harmed


I paid for the broken eggs. The cashier didn’t know what I was
doing, but I did, and you guys understand as well. My daughter
breaking the eggs wasn’t the stores fault. I didn’t pay for the eggs
because I was being self-righteous. I paid for the eggs because
rigorous honesty required me to do so.
Btw… today my daughter is 21, she works at a bank. She has this
job because she is trustworthy. She is trustworthy because she
has a fundamental understanding of right and wrong. She has an
understanding of right and wrong because she was taught to be
honest… that 90 cent dozen of broken eggs has paid for itself
many times.

As for the “We discuss them with someone”, for me, the “them” is
selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear, not the story that
goes with what happened like we discussed when we took
23/05/2019, 17:35 - Sujal Amin: If the circus is coming to town
and you paint a sign saying “Circus Coming to the Showground
Saturday,” that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an
elephant and walk it into town, that’s promotion. If the elephant
walks through the mayor’s flower bed and the local newspaper
writes a story about it, that’s publicity. And if you get the mayor to
laugh about it, that’s public relations. If the town’s citizens go to
the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths,
explain how much fun they’ll have spending money at the booths,
answer their questions and, ultimately, they spend a lot at the
circus, that’s sales.
And if you planned the whole thing, that’s marketing.
28/05/2019, 09:19 - Sujal Amin: *Job Description:*
1. Responsible for the development, implementation and strict
adherence to the company’s quality management system.
2. Coordinates the creation of and/or reviews standards,
policies and procedures for all functions and departments at the
3. Assist departmental managers to develop and deploy
process improvements and best practices across organizational
functions with a strong focus on results.
4. Perform internal quality audits as defined in system; prepare
the audit report and report findings to senior management.
5. assist departmental managers with corrective action plans
and oversee timely resolution.
6. Appoint the responsibility of Management Representative for
the ISO 9001 Quality Management program for the site.
7. Facilitate third party ISO 9001 Quality Management System
audits for the site.
8. Review all customer satisfaction surveys and complaints.
Report findings to senior management and review corrective
actions with department managers.
9. Develop new processes / procedures as directed, required to
support the quality system.
10. Ensure that all staff are trained in the requirements of the
quality system and in the procedures relevant to their role.
11. Convey/ Perform other duties as assigned by the
Certification Quality Auditor.

28/05/2019, 22:44 - Sujal Amin: *रीलैप्स की रोक-थाम के लिए बिग

ु का जवाब*

एल्कोहोलिक्स एनॉनिमस की हमारी बिग बुक वचन दे ती है कि *“ *जब

आध्यात्मिक रोग से छुटकारा मिलता है तभी हमारी मानसिक व
शारीरिक दशा ठीक हो* *जाती है ।”*

तीन स्तरों की कल्पना करें । पहला स्तर है शारीरिक प्रतिक्रिया जब हम

शराब को शरीर में डालते हैं – शारीरिक लालसा या क्रेवि ंग। उसके नीचे
है दस
ू रा स्तर : पहले ड्रि ंक से पहले आने वाला दिमाग का पागलपन –
मानसिक जुनून। उसके नीचे तीसरी परत है : आंतरिक स्थिति जो दस
ू रे
स्तर को सक्रिय करती है , जो बदले में पहले को चालना दे ती है – यह है
*“आध्यात्मिक रोग”।* इस *“तीसरी परत”* के बिग बुक में वर्णन किए
गए लक्षणों में शामिल हैं:

a. बेचैन, चिड़चिड़ा, असंतुष्ट होना,

b. व्यक्तिगत संबंधों में समस्याएँ होना,

c. हमारे भावनिक स्वभावों को नियंत्रित नहीं कर पाना,

d. बेचारे पन और अवसाद का शिकार हो जाना (या उनसे पीड़ित होना)

e. आजीविका (या खुशहाल और कामयाब ज़िंदगी) कमा ना पाना

f. किसी काम का ना होने की भावना होना,

g. भय से भरा होना,

h. दख
ु ी होना,
i. अन्य लोगों की असल मदद ना कर पाना, (“हम दस
ू रों की सहायता
करने के काबिल नहीं थे” – प.ृ 73),

j. “ऐसा कलाकार होता है जो पूरा कार्यक्रम स्वयं करना चाहता है ।” (प.ृ


k. सैंकडों प्रकार के भय, खुद का भ्रम, स्वार्थ और आत्मदया के सहारे ”

होना, (प.ृ 81)

l. स्वयं की इच्छा की आंतरिक लड़ाई (स्व-इच्छा का अंधाधुंद हो जाना),

(प.ृ 82)

m. दोहरा जीवन जीना ((प.ृ 92),

n. एक बवंडर की तरह जीना जो दस

ू रों की ज़िंदगी में तूफान मचाता
घूमता है , (प.ृ 100) और

o. स्वार्थी और दस
ू रों का ध्यान ना रखने वाली आदतों का प्रदर्शन करना.

ये *“आध्यात्मिक रोग*” के कुछ लक्षण हैं, जिसका वर्णन पूरी किताब में
जगह-जगह किया गया है । लेकिन कुल मिलाकर ये उस *“आध्यात्मिक
रोग”* के सिर्फ़ लक्षण ही हैं।

*इन लक्षणों का चालन करने वाली शक्ति कौन-सी है ?*

प.ृ 81 पर किताब कहती है कि *“स्वार्थीपन, आत्मकेंद्रितपन* ही हमारी

समस्याओं की जड़ है ।” यह “ *स्वार्थीपन, आत्मकेंद्रितपन* ” (या “
*अहं कार* ” जैसा कि कुछ लोग कहना पसंद करते हैं) हमें जीवन की
परिस्थितियों को ऊपर दिए गए “लक्षणों” के साथ और अन्य विकार
तथा शराब के अलावा भी अन्य ऐडिक्शन के साथ प्रतिक्रिया दे ने की
चालना दे ता है ।

अगर यह स्वार्थीपन, आत्मकेंद्रितपन शराबी के जीवन में – *जो नहीं पी

रहा है और मीटिंग में नियमित रूप से हाजिर रहता है उसके जीवन में
भी* – प्रकट होता रहा और अहं कार को बारह कदमों के इस्तेमाल से बार-
बार तोड़ा नहीं गया तो ये तय है कि सोबर/ संयमित (और सिर्फ़ “अब
जो पी रहा है ” वही नहीं‌) कुछ समय के बाद फिर से पिएगा ही... उससे
भी बदतर ये कि “बिना पिए” (यानि कि जिसे हम “ड्राइ ड्रंक” कहते हैं)
बेचारे पन में बची ज़िंदगी गुज़ारे गा। इसीलिए कुछ लोगों को एए में 10
साल गुज़ारने के बाद भी मानसिक चिकित्सालय में दाखिल किए जाते
दे खा गया है – और उन दस सालों में एक बूंद को भी नहीं छुआ था!

अगर आप आध्यात्मिक रोग के लक्षणों से ग्रसित हैं, तो समस्या आखिर

कहाँ से पैदा हुई है , ये सनि
ु श्चित करने के लिए इन प्रश्नों का उपयोग
करें :

क्या आपने किसी अन्य शराबियों को कदमों पर काम करने में मदद
किए हुए काफी समय हो चुका है ? कितना?

क्या आपने स्वयम ् कदमों को किए हुए काफी समय हो चुका है ?


क्या आपने कभी एए के सभी बारह कदमों को किया है ?

क्या आपने एक से अधिक बार 4 थे कदम की सूची (इन्वेन्टरी) बनाई है ?

क्या ऐसा कुछ है , जो आपने उसमें शामिल नहीं किया?

क्या आपने 9 वें कदम के भूलसुधार जहाँ जहाँ संभव थे, वहाँ कर लिए
हैं? उनमें से क्या करना बाकी रह गया है ?

क्या आपकी ज़िंदगी में ऐसा कुछ गलत है जिसका सामना करके आप
उसे दरू
ु स्त नहीं कर रहे हैं? वह क्या है ?

क्या आपकी कोई ऐसी आदत या विलासिता है जिसे आप छोड़ना नहीं

चाहते? वह क्या है ?

क्या ऐसा कोई व्यक्ति है जिसे आप क्षमा नहीं करें गे? वह कौन है ?

क्या आपकी ज़िंदगी में ऐसा कोई गलत रिश्ता है जिसे आप खत्म करना
नहीं चाहते? वह क्या या कौन है ?

क्या ऐसी कोई भरपाई है जिसे आप करना नहीं चाहते?

क्या ऐसा कुछ है जो ईश्वर आपसे पहले ही कह चुका है और आप

उसका पालन नहीं करें गे? वह क्या है ?

क्या आप कदम 10 और 11 के स्व-परीक्षण, ध्यान और प्रार्थना के

अनुशासन और अभ्यास का पालन *निरं तर... रोज़ाना करते हैं?*
बिग बुक के प.ृ 39 पर बिल डब्लू लिखते हैं, “यदि कोई शराबी अपने
कार्य और दस
ू रों के प्रति अपने समर्पण द्वारा अपने आध्यात्मिक जीवन
को बड़ा और पूर्ण करने में असफल होता है तो वह आगे आने वाले कुछ
संकटों और कलंकों से अपने को बचा नहीं सकता। यदि वह कोई भला
कार्य नहीं कर पाया तो शराब जरूर पिएगा और वह फिर से शराब पीना
शुरु कर दे तो उसकी मौत निश्चित है । तब विश्वास की भी मौत हो
जाएगी। हमारे साथ ऐसा ही होता है ।“

29/05/2019, 05:05 - Sujal Amin: *I am Powerless*

Dear God, I am powerless and my llfe is unmanageable without

Your help and guidance. I come to You today because I believe
that You
can restore and renew me to meet my needs
today. Since I can not manage my life or affairs, I have decided to
give them to You. I put my life, my will, my thoughts, my desires
and ambitions in Your hands.

I give You all of me. The good and the bad, the character defects
and shortcomings, my selfishness, Resentments and problems. I
that You will work them out in accordance with Your plan. Guide
and direct my ways and show me what to do for You.

I can not control or change my fnends or loved ones, So I release

them into Your care for Your loving hands to do with as You will.
Just keep me loving and free from Judging them. lf they need
changing, God, You wiII have to do it. I can't. Just make me
willing and ready to be of service to You to have my shortcomings
removed. And to do my best.

Help me to see how I have harmed others and make me willing to

make amends to them all. Keep me ever mindful of thought and
actions that harm myself and others, and which seperate me from
Your light, love and spirit. And when I commit these errors, make
me aware of them and help me to admit each one, promptly.

I am seeking to know You better, to love You more, I am seeking

the knowledge of Your wll for me and the power to carry it out.
*Thank You*
30/05/2019, 09:43 - Sujal Amin: 6 Words that Block Your

1.) I NEED: statement of lack

2.) I WANT: means you don’t have it
3.) I WISH: means you feel like you can’t easily get it
4.) I HOPE: also means you feel like you can’t easily get it
5.) I DESIRE: means you don’t have it
6.) I HATE: lack of gratitude

Use these words instead:

1.) I WILL: you are taking action toward your manifestation
2.) I HAVE: you acknowledge that your manifestation is there
3.) “I AM”: creates your reality. You are speaking in the present
4.) I LOVE: showing your gratitude
"I WILL travel to Costa Rica by the end of 2019!"
"I HAVE an abundance of resources all around me to use at my
will which support me daily."
"I AM so happy and grateful now that I am able to live my dream

Use your words to create your reality. Words of gratitude and

appreciation affect the physical matter around you. Your
subconscious mind also pays a lot of attention to the words you
use. Focus on lack/don’t have, and that’s what you get. Focus on
the fact that your manifestation is yours(even if it’s just in mental
form), and God will reward you.

Remember to always be grateful for the opportunities that come

your way. Gratitude speaks volumes!

30/05/2019, 15:37 - Sujal Amin: Dear Sir,
Hope you are doing well.
This message is written with intent to start a partnership for
starting certification business with you. We are an accredited
certification body and have signed agreement with accreditation
board to use the logo of IAF. TNV’s certificate are symbol of
credibility and accepted worldwide as mark of Quality assurance.

TNV CERTIFICATION Pvt Ltd is group of Certification body and

offering certification across the world, we are one of the largest
Certification body in India and serving more that 40 countries
across the world. TNV CERTIFICATION Pvt. Ltd. is accredited by
UAF for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001, ISO
27001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485 and out of India AB-CAB for ISO
9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 13485,
ISO 22301, ISO 37001, ISO 39001, 50001, ISO 55000, ISO
20000, ISO 10002, ISO 10004, ISO 29990. We also provide lead
auditor training and we may discuss the partnership for the
training partner.

You need to have / arrange following to start partnership with

1. Client who are looking for ISO Certification.
2. Qualified auditors
3. Facility to communicate with the Certification body to
establish proper communication.
4. Under this model, auditor shall conduct audit and head
office shall review the report and shall take decision on the
5. TNV head office shall charge fix fees against registration and
fees shall be collected in the name of your company. Your income
shall depend how much fees you are quoting to the client.

Please review the proposal and do let me know if you need any
information. for your general reference; I am attaching the
Accreditation letter as issued by the accreditation board for your
ready reference.

Thanks & Regards

Sujal Amin
Ananya Consultants
03/06/2019, 08:54 - Sujal Amin: *Why Worry?*

"There are many short phrases and expressions in A.A. which

make sound sense; 'First Things First:  solving our immediate
problems before we try to solve all the others.' 'Easy Does it.'
'Relax a little.' 'Try for inner contentment.' 'No one individual can
carry all the burdens of the world.' 'Everyone has problems.
Getting drunk won't solve them.' 'Twenty-four hours a day.' 'Today
is the day. Doing our best, living each day to the fullest is the art
of living.' 'Yesterday is gone, and we don't know whether we will
be here tomorrow.' 'If we do a good job of living  today, and if
tomorrow comes for us, then the chances are we will do a good
job when it arrives - so why worry about it?'" 
1976 AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 382 
03/06/2019, 14:40 - Sujal Amin: It Might Have Been Worse


Alcohol was a looming cloud in this banker's bright sky. With rare
foresight he realized it could become a tornado.

*HOW CAN* a person with a fine family, an attractive home, an

excellent position and high standing in an important city become
an alcoholic? 
As I later found out through Alcoholics Anonymous, alcohol is no
respecter of economic status, social and business standing or
I was raised like the majority of American boys, coming from a
family of modest circumstances, attending public schools, having
the social life of a small Midwestern town, with part-time work and
some athletics. The ambition to succeed was instilled in me by my
Scandinavian parents who came to this country where
opportunities were so great. "Keep busy; always have something
constructive to do." I did work of all kinds after school and during
vacations, trying to find that which would appeal most as a goal
for a life work. Then there was World War I to interrupt my plans,
and an education to be picked up after the war. After that came
marriage, getting started in business, and a family. The story is
not very different from that of thousands of other young men in my
generation. It shows nothing or no one to blame for alcoholism.
The drive to get ahead, to succeed, kept me too busy for many
years to have any great experience with social life. I would have
begrudged the time or money for alcohol. In fact I was afraid to try
it for fear that I would wind up like many examples I had seen of
excessive drinking in the Army during the Prohibition Era. I was
intolerant of people who drank, particularly those who drank to an
extent that interfered with on-the-job performance. 
In time I became an officer and director of one of the largest
commercial banks in the country. I achieved recognized and
national standing in my profession, as well as becoming a director
in many important institutions having to do with the civic life of a
large city. I had a family to be proud of, actively sharing in the
responsibilities of good citizenship. 
My drinking did not start until after I was thirty-five, and a fairly
successful career had been established. But success brought
increased social activities and I realized that many of my friends
enjoyed a social drink with no apparent harm to themselves or
others. I disliked being different so, ultimately, I began to join them
At first it was just that—an occasional drink. Then I looked forward
to the week-end of golf and the nineteenth hole. The cocktail hour
became a daily routine. Gradually the quantity increased, the
occasions for a drink came more frequently; a hard day, worries
and pressure, bad news, good news—there were more and more
reasons for a drink. Why did I want increasingly greater quantities
of alcohol? It was frightening that drink was being substituted for
more and more of the things I really enjoyed doing. Golf, hunting
and fishing were now merely excuses to drink excessively. 
I made promises to myself, my family and friends—and broke
them. Short dry spells ended in heavy drinking. I tried to hide my
drinking by going places where I was unlikely to see anyone I
knew. Hangovers and remorse were always with me. 
The next steps were bottle hiding, and excuses for trips in order to
drink without restraint. Cunning, baffling, powerful—the gradual
creeping up of the frequency and quantity of alcohol, and what it
does to a person is apparent to everyone but the person
When it became noticeable to the point of comment, I devised
ways of sneaking drinks on the side. Rehearsals then became a
part of the pattern, stopping at bars on the way to or from the
place where drinks were to be served. Never having enough,
always craving more, the obsession for alcohol gradually
dominated all my activities, particularly while traveling. Drink
planning became more important than any other plans. 
I tried the wagon on numerous occasions but I always felt
unhappy and abused. I tried psychiatry, but of course I gave the
psychiatrist no co-operation. 
I was living in constant fear that I would get caught while driving a
car, so I used taxis part of the time. Then I began to have
blackouts and that was a constant worry. To wake up at home,
not knowing how I got there, and to realize I had driven my car,
became torture. Not knowing where I had been or how I got home
was making me desperate. 
It now became necessary to have noon drinks; at first just two,
then gradually more. My hours of work were flexible so that
returning to the office was not always important. Then I became
careless and returned sometimes when I shouldn't have. This
worried me. The last two years of my drinking my entire
personality changed to a cynical, intolerant and arrogant person
completely different from my normal self. It was at this stage of my
life that resentments came in. Resenting anyone and everyone
who might interfere with my personal plans and ways of doing
things, I was full of self pity, especially for any interference with
my drinking. 
I will never know all the people I hurt, all the friends I abused, the
humiliation of my family, the worry of my business associates, or
how far reaching it was. I continued to be surprised by the people
I meet who say, "You haven't had a drink for a long time, have
you?" The surprise to me is the fact that I didn't know that they
knew my drinking had gotten out of control. That is where we are
really fooled. We think we can drink to excess without anyone
knowing it. Everyone knows it. The only one we are fooling is
ourselves. We rationalize and excuse our conduct beyond all
We had always encouraged our children to bring their friends
home at any time, but after a few experiences with a drunken
father they eliminated home as a place to entertain friends. At the
time this didn't mean much to me. I was too busy devising
excuses to be out with drinking pals. 
It seemed to me my wife was becoming more intolerant and
narrow minded all the time. Whenever we went out she appeared
to go out of her way to keep me from having more than one drink.
What alcoholic can be satisfied with one drink? After every
cocktail party or dinner she would say she couldn't understand
how I could get in such a drunken stupor on one drink. She of
course didn't realize how cunning an alcoholic can be and the
lengths to which he will go in finding ways to satisfy the
compulsion for more and more drinks after having had the first
one. Neither did I. 
Finally our invitations became fewer and fewer as friends had
more experience with my drinking pattern. 
Two years before I joined A.A. my wife took a long trip during
which she wrote me she just couldn't return unless I did
something about my drinking. It was a shock of course, but I
promised to stop and she returned. A year later, while we were on
a vacation trip she packed up to go home because of my
excessive drinking, and I talked her out of it with the promise I
would go on the wagon for at least a year. I promised, but within
two months, I began again. 
The following spring she left me one day without giving me any
idea of where she had gone, hoping this would bring me to my
senses. In a few days an attorney called on me and explained that
something would have to be done as she couldn't face returning
to me as I was. Again I promised to do something about it. Broken
promises, humiliation, hopelessness, worry, anxiety—but still not
There comes a time when you don't want to live and are afraid to
die. Some crisis brings you to a point of making a decision to do
something about your drinking problem. Try anything. Help which
you once continually rejected, suggestions once turned aside are
finally accepted in desperation. 
The final decision came when my daughter, following a drunk
which ruined my wife's birthday, said, "It's Alcoholics Anonymous
—or else!" This suggestion had been made before on a number of
occasions, but like all alcoholics I wanted to handle my problem
my own way, which really meant I didn't want anything to interfere
with my drinking. I was trying to find an easier, softer way. By now
it had become difficult to visualize a life without alcohol. 
However, my low had been reached. I realized I had been going
down and down. I was unhappy myself and I had brought
unhappiness to all who cared for me. Physically I couldn't take it
any more. Cold sweats, jumpy nerves and lack of sleep were
becoming intolerable. Mentally, the fears and tensions, the
complete change in attitude and outlook, bewildered me. This was
no way to live. The time for decision had arrived, and it was a
relief to say "Yes" when my family said they would call Alcoholics
Anonymous for me. A relief, even though I dreaded it, feeling that
this was the end of everything. 
Early the next morning a man whose name I knew well, a lawyer,
called on me. Within thirty minutes I knew A.A. was the answer for
me. We visited most of that day and attended a meeting that
night. I don't know what I expected, but I most certainly didn't
visualize a group of people talking about their drinking problems,
making light of their personal tragedies and at the same time
enjoying themselves. 
However, after I heard a few stories of jails, sanitariums, broken
homes, and skid row, I wondered if I really was an alcoholic. After
all, I hadn't started to drink early in life, so I had some stability and
maturity to guide me for a while. My responsibilities had been a
restraining influence. I had had no brushes with the law, though I
should have had many. I had not yet lost my job or family, even
thought both were on the verge of going. My financial standing
had not been impaired. 
Could I be an alcoholic without some of the hair-raising
experiences I had heard of in the meetings? The answer came to
me very simply on the first step of the Twelve Steps of A.A. "We
admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had
become unmanageable." This didn't say we had to be in jail, ten,
fifty, or one hundred times. It didn't say I had to lose one, five or
ten jobs. It didn't say I had to lose my family. It didn't say I had to
finally live on skid row and drink bay rum, canned heat or lemon
extract. It did say, "admitted I was powerless over alcohol; that my
life had become unmanageable." 
Most certainly I was powerless over alcohol, and for me, my life
had become unmanageable. It wasn't how far I had gone, but
where I was headed. It was important to me to see what alcohol
had done to me and would continue to do if I didn't have help. 
At first it was a shock to realize I was an alcoholic, but the
realization that there was hope made it easier. The baffling
problem of getting drunk when I had every intention of staying
sober was simplified. It was a great relief to know I didn't have to
drink any more. 
I was told that I must want sobriety for my own sake and I am
convinced this is true. There may be many reasons which bring
one to A.A. for the first
time, but the lasting one must be to want sobriety and the A.A.
way of living for oneself. 
From the start I liked everything about the A.A. program. I liked
the description of the alcoholic as a person who has found that
alcohol is interfering with his social or business life. The allergy I
could understand because I am allergic to certain pollens. Some
of my family are allergic to certain foods. What could be more
reasonable than that some people, including myself, were allergic
to alcohol? 
The explanation that alcoholism was a disease of a two fold
nature, an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind,
cleared up a number of puzzling questions for me. The allergy we
could do nothing about. Somehow our bodies had reached the
point where we could no longer absorb alcohol in our systems.
The why is not important; the fact is that one drink will set up a
reaction in our system which requires more; that one drink was
too much and one hundred drinks were not enough. 
The obsession of the mind was a little harder to understand and
yet everyone has obsessions of various kinds. The alcoholic has
them to an exaggerated degree. Over a period of time he has built
up self pity, resentments toward anyone or anything that interferes
with his drinking. Dishonest thinking, prejudice, ego, antagonism
toward anyone and everyone who dares to cross him, vanity and
a critical attitude are character defects that gradually creep in and
become a part of his life. Living with fear and tension inevitably
results in wanting to ease that tension, which alcohol seems to do
temporarily. It took me some time to realize that the Twelve Steps
of A.A. were designed to help correct these defects of character
and so help remove the obsession to drink. The Twelve Steps,
which to me are a spiritual way of living, soon meant honest
thinking, not wishful thinking, open mindedness, a willingness to
try and a faith to accept. They meant patience, tolerance and
humility, and above all the belief that a Power greater than myself
could help. That Power I chose to call God. 
A willingness to do whatever I was told to do simplified the
program for me. Study the A.A. book—don't just read it. They told
me to go to meetings, and I still do at every available opportunity,
whether I am at home or in some other city. Attending meetings
has never been a chore to me. Nor have I attended them with a
feeling of just doing my duty. Meetings are both relaxing and
refreshing to me after a hard day. They said "Get active," so I
helped whenever I could, and I still do. 
A "spiritual experience" to me meant attending meetings, seeing a
group of people, all there for the purpose of helping each other;
hearing the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions read at a
meeting, and hearing the Lord's Prayer, which in an A.A. meeting
has such great meaning—"Thy will be done, not mine." A spiritual
awakening soon came to mean trying each day to be a little more
thoughtful, more considerate, a little more courteous to those with
whom I came in contact. 
To most of us, making amends will take the rest of our lives, but
we can start immediately. Just being sober will be making amends
to many we have hurt by our drunken actions. Making amends is
sometimes doing what we are capable of doing but failed to do
because of alcohol; carrying out community responsibilities such
as Community Funds, Red Cross, educational and religious
activities in proportion to our abilities and energy. 
I was desperately in earnest to follow through and understand
what was expected of me as a member of A.A. and to take each
Step of the Twelve as rapidly as possible. To me this meant telling
my associates that I had joined Alcoholics Anonymous; that I
didn't know what was expected of me by A.A., but that whatever it
was, it was the most important thing in life for me; that sobriety
meant more to me than anything in this world. It was so important
that it must come ahead of anything. 
There are many short phrases and expressions in A.A. which
make sound sense. "First Things First": solving our immediate
problems before we try to solve all the others and get muddled in
our thinking and doing. "Easy Does It." Relax a little. Try for inner
contentment. No one individual can carry all the burdens of the
world. Everyone has problems. Getting drunk won't solve them.
"Twenty-four hours a day." Today is the day. Doing our best, living
each day to the fullest is the art of living. Yesterday is gone, and
we don't know whether we will be here tomorrow. If we do a good
job of living today, and if tomorrow comes for us, then the
chances are we will do a good job when it arrives—so why worry
about it? 
The A.A. way of life is the way we always should have tried to live.
"Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the
difference." These thoughts become part of our daily lives. They
are not ideas of resignation but of the recognition of certain basic
facts of living. 
The fact that A.A. is a spiritual program didn't scare me or raise
any prejudice in my mind. I couldn't afford the luxury of prejudice.
I had tried my way and had failed. 
When I joined A.A. I did so for the sole purpose of getting sober
and staying sober. I didn't realize I would find so much more, but
a new and different outlook on life started opening up almost
immediately. Each day seems to be so much more productive and
satisfying. I get so much more enjoyment out of living. I find an
inner pleasure in simple things. Living just for today is a pleasant
Above all, I am grateful to A.A. for my sobriety, which means so
much to my family, friends and business associates, because God
and A.A. were able to do for me something I was unable to do for

03/06/2019, 14:46 - Sujal Amin: नमस्कार,* 🙏

अगर तुम मुझे भूल गए हो तो याद दिला दँ .ू ..

*मैं तुम्हारी बीमारी हूँ।*

मुझे मीटिंग्स से नफ़रत है , मुझे उच्च शक्ति से नफ़रत है , मुझे तुम्हारे

प्रोग्राम से नफ़रत है । मेरे सम्पर्क में आने वाले तुम सभी लोगों के लिये
मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम तड़पो, तुम मर जाओ।

मैं अपना परिचय दं ?

*मैं एडिक्शन की बीमारी हूँ।*

*मैं कपटी, रहस्यमयी और शक्तिशाली हूँ।*

यह मैं हूँ, मैंने करोड़ों को मौत के घाट उतारा है और इससे मैं खुश हूँ।
मुझे तुम्हें भ्रम में रख कर तुम पर वार करना अच्छा लगता है । मैं
तुम्हारी दोस्त हूँ और प्रेमिका हूँ, ऐसा नाटक करना मुझे पसंद है ।
क्या मैंने तुम्हें आराम नहीं दिया है ?

क्या मैं तब तुम्हारे साथ नहीं थी जब तुम अकेले थे?

जब तुम मरना चाहते थे क्या तब तुमने मुझे नहीं पुकारा था?

मैं तब थी, मुझे तुम्हें दख

ु दे ना पसंद है , मुझे तुम्हें रूलाना पसंद है , उससे
भी ज्यादा पसंद है तुम्हें इस कदर सुन्न कर दे ना कि तुम न दर्द
महसूस कर सको न रो सको। जब तुम कुछ भी महसूस नहीं कर पाते
तभी असल में मेरे कलेजे में ठं डक पहुँचती है और मैं तुमसे सिर्फ इतना
ही चाहती हूँ कि तुम लंबे अरसे तक तड़पो ।

मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे लिये हाजिर रही हूँ, जब तुम्हारी जिंदगी में सब कुछ
अच्छा चल रहा था तब तुमने मुझे न्यौता दिया, तुमने यह कहा कि तुम
उन अच्छी चीजों के लायक नहीं हो और मैं अकेली तुम्हारी इस बात से
राजी थी, हम दोनों मिलकर तुम्हारी जिंदगी की सारी अच्छी चीजों को
बर्बाद करने में कामयाब हुए। लोग मुझे गंभीरता से नहीं लेते, वो दिल
की बीमारी और दौरे को, यहां तक कि डाइबिटीज़ को भी गंभीरता से लेते
हैं। बेवकूफ़ हैं वो, मेरी मदद के बिना ये चीजें मुमकिन ही नहीं हैं, मैं इस
कदर नफ़रत की जाने वाली बीमारी हूँ, फिर भी मैं बिन बुलाए नहीं आती
हूँ, तुम मुझे चुनते हो। कितनों ही ने वास्तविकता और शांति की बजाय
मुझे चुना है , तुम सब मुझसे जितनी नफ़रत नहीं करते हो, उससे ज्यादा
*मुझे उन लोगों से नफ़रत है जिनके पास अल्कोहोलिक एनोनिमस के
12 कदमों का प्रोग्राम है ।*

*तुम्हारा प्रोग्राम, तुम्हारी मीटिंग, तुम्हारी उच्च- शक्ति। ये सब बातें मुझे

कमजोर कर दे ती हैं*

और मैं उस ढं ग से काम नहीं कर पाती हूँ जिसकी मैं आदि हूँ। अब

मुझे यहां चुपचाप पड़े रहना जरूरी है । तुम दे ख नहीं पाते लेकिन मैं
पहले से ज्यादा बढ़ रही हूँ। जब तुम सिर्फ़ मौजूद रहते हो, तब मैं जीती
हूँ। जब तुम जीते हो तब मैं सिर्फ़ मौजूद रहती हूँ *लेकिन मैं यहाँ हूँ...
इंतजार में ...* जब तक हम फिर नहीं मिलते... *अगर हम फिर मिलते
हैं... मैं तुम्हारी तड़प और मौत की ख्वाहिश करती रहूंगी।*

*तुम्हारी विश्वसनीय,*

*तुम्हारी बीमारी।*
04/06/2019, 17:29 - Sujal Amin: 12 Ways to Master Your
Calendar and Manage Your Time for Maximum Results
05/06/2019, 06:40 - Sujal Amin: So, if we're talking about
UNrecovered alcoholics, stick to the terms in step 4/5. If we're
talking about RECOVERED alcoholics, we're practicing step 10 all
through each day in which we are constantly
1. Continuing to watch our self, attitudes, actions, feelings.
2. When we become disturbed, we get to the root cause. Is it S-D-
R-F, we're given just those four specific things to watch for.
3. We take steps as directed when we notice one of those four

As a practical matter, when I notice I'm getting disturbed, etc., I'll

just skip the deep analysis of whether it's jealousy, envy or
anything else, and just connect what is going on IN THE NOW
with one or more of s-d-r-f....Jealousy and envy for me turn out to
always involve basically all four:
Selfishness: I want my way, I don't like you having your way
Dishonesty: I believe I deserve and should always have my way
Resentment: I hate you for competing with me and stepping on
my toes
Fear: I'm scared to death that I will look bad compared to you

So I can move OUT OF THE PROBLEM and

Just as quickly as possible.
I have no time to waste during my day sitting and spending
lengthy periods of time trying to figure out the microscopic details
of my mind's remaining lunacy.

05/06/2019, 16:00 - Sujal Amin: प्रिय ईश्वर,

मैं शक्तिहीन हूँ और मेरा जीवन तुम्हारी मदद और मार्गदर्शन के बिना

अस्तव्यस्त है । मैं आज तुम्हारे पास आया हूँ क्योंकि मैंने यह विश्वास
पाया है कि तुम्हीं मुझे फिरसे पहले जैसा कर सकते है , नए सिरे से
बना सकते हो ताकि मैं अपनी आज की जरूरतें पूरी कर सकँू । चँ कि

मैं अपना जीवन या काम खुद संभाल नहीं सकता हूँ, मैंने इन्हें तुम्हारे
हवाले सौंपने का निर्णय किया है । मैं अपना जीवन, अपनी इच्छा, अपने
विचार, अपनी आसक्ति और अपनी महत्वाकांक्षाएँ तुम्हारे हाथों सौंप रहा

मैं अपना सब कुछ: अच्छा और बर

ु ा, चरित्रदोष और कमियाँ, मेरा
स्वार्थीपन, नाराजगियाँ और समस्याएँ, सब कुछ तुम्हें दे दे ता हूँ। मैं
जानता हूँ कि तुम इनका इस्तेमाल अपनी योजना के लिए अनुकूल रूप
से करोगे। मेरी दिशाओं का मार्गदर्शन और निर्देश करो और मै तुम्हारे
लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ, यह मुझे दिखाओ।

मैं अपने मित्रों और परिजनों को नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकता, न ही बदल

सकता हूँ, इसलिए मैं उन्हें तुम्हारे प्यारे हाथों की दे खभाल में छोड़ दे ता
हूँ ताकि तुम उनके साथ जैसा चाहे वैसा करो। बस मुझे प्रेमपूर्ण और
उन्हें सही-गलत तय करने से मुक्त कर दो। अगर उन्हें बदलने की
जरूरत है तो वो तुम्हें करना होगा। मुझे नहीं। मुझे बस तुम्हारी सेवा
करने, मेरी कमियां दर
ू करने और मेरी सबसे अच्छी कोशिशें करने के
लिए इच्छुक और तैयार करो।

मैंने दस
ू रों को कैसे नुकसान पहुंचाया है यह दे खने में और उन सबके
साथ भूलसुधार करने में मेरी मदद करो। जो विचार और कृति मुझे और
ू रों को नुकसान पहुंचाएँगे और जो मुझे तुम्हारे प्रकाश, प्रेम और
आत्मा से दर
ू रखें गे, उनके बारे में मुझे सावधान रखना। और जब भी
मैं ऐसी गलतियाँ करूँ, मुझे उनके बारे में सचेत करना और उन्हें तुरंत
स्वीकार करने में मेरी मदद करना।

मैं तम्
ु हें और अच्छी तरह जानने की, तम
ु से और अधिक प्रेम करने की
कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। मैं अपने लिए तम्
ु हारी इच्छा का ज्ञान और उसे पर
ू ी
करने के लिए आवश्यक शक्ति पाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। 🙏

07/06/2019, 10:30 - Sujal Amin: Hohenstein India Pvt. Ltd. 

604-B, Regency Plaza
Above Gloria Restaurant, Near Madhur Hall
Anand Nagar Cross Roads, 100 Feet Road, Satellite
380015 Ahmedabad
Phone +91 79 40373090
Fax +91 79 2685 4510
[email protected]

Contact person:Amrut DesaiPhone +91 79 40373090

[email protected]
07/06/2019, 15:05 - Sujal Amin: I hope you enjoy this training on
how to land consulting clients consistently.

In this training I share with you the 4 steps successful consultants

take to achieve a predictable pipeline of business. 

Creating a flow of leads takes some real work and effort. BUT...if
you know WHAT to do and HOW to do it properly you can see
RESULTS much faster. 

The thing is, I don't know you or your specific situation yet. So my
method of attracting high-value consulting clients might need
some tweaking before it really works for you. 

If you'd like to save time and avoid spinning your wheels trying to
figure this out all by yourself we can show you exactly what you
need in order to make it work. 
We help consultants in our Clarity Coaching Program develop a
step-by-step process to win more clients consistently, and we'd be
happy to talk with you about your situation and see if we might be
able to help you.  

The call is free and on a first-come first-served basis so it's

important that you're ready to take action and be able to
implement right away. Simply fill in the form below with your
details (the more the better) and if you qualify you'll be able to
schedule the free 1-on-1 call.

- Michael Zipursky, CEO

Consulting Success


(Note: To apply for this complimentary call it is important to

explain your situation in as much DETAIL as possible.)

Netted me well in excess of the coaching fees within weeks of

beginning. Top notch!

"Michael has provided invaluable coaching and insight that has

really helped me to develop my business. He's "been there, done
that" and the experience really pays off. It's been a pleasure
working with him, and the experience netted me well in excess of
the coaching fees within weeks of beginning. Top notch!"

- Jeff Griffiths, Owner

Griffiths Sheppard Consulting

Doubled my business in less than 12 weeks

“I’ve doubled my business in less than 12 weeks. Michael helped

me to re-package my offerings and improve my pricing structures
which lead to a 40% increase in my fees and I’ve already landed 2
new projects at my new rate and I’m confident many more to

– Sonaya Williams, President

Sonaya Williams Group

Significantly expanded my reach and increased my sales by 45%

“Mike helps you to focus on the right things and build stronger
value. Since being in the program, I have significantly expanded
my reach and increased my sales by 45%. Most importantly, he
has given me great advice structuring more profitable offerings
which also add better results for my clients. You have to keep
working on it step by step and with Mike’s advice, you definitely
get there faster. Thanks for the support.”

– Kate Caldecott

Kate Caldecott & Associates

My fees increased 40% and revenues have tripled!

“I wasn’t sure if consulting was going to be the right fit for me. But
I wanted to fast track the learning experience and took a leap of
faith. When I started Michael’s coaching program I had 0 leads in
my pipeline. I now have 5 solid leads and counting. More people
are reaching out to me and I landed 2 new projects. My fees
increased 40% and revenues have tripled! I exceeded my monthly
revenue target within 5.5 weeks.”

– Christie Scanlon

Scanlon Enterprises, LLC

Increased the size of my deals as well as my pipeline

"I have decided to use Michael's services in an effort to grow my

business. I had things going rather well, but knew that I could do
better. Michael helped me in finding the unused potential that I
had and leverage that in a short time span. Within 2 months, I've
been able to increase the size of the deals as well as my pipeline
and to have a clean plan on how to move forward with my

-Tsahi Levent-levi

RTC Consultant

I was able to land $30K in client contracts

"If you’re a consultant struggling to get more clients and increase

your revenue, or just finding the mental courage or know how,
then I highly recommend you connect with Michael Zipursky. I
was able to land $30K in client contracts which easily was more
than 3x my investment. I anticipate making much more this year.
It’s a no brainer, hire Michael as a coach and stop wasting time,
like I did. I could’ve made more money a lot earlier in my venture.
So don’t make my mistake. "

– Damien Wilpitz, Lab Research Consultant

Experimental Design Consulting

I was able to land 30,000 Euros of contracts

“I needed someone who had already crossed the bridge to shout

from the other side to let me know it was safe. Thanks to
Michael’s coaching, I was able to reshape my consulting and
coaching business and to land 30,000 Euros of contracts within 4
months. It took a lot of work, it was not sudden, but I know it was
the best path to take to grow my business now and going

– Rudy Viard, Online Marketing Consultant

Webmarketing Conseil

It has been one of the best investments we have ever made.

Michael Zipursky has guided B2B Marketing Pros for the past 6
months. It has been one of the best investments we have ever
made. We modified our business model and our profit margins
have increased substantially. Your guidance is imperative in order
to reach the next level of business success. We look forward to
our continued work with you. 

– Earline Lagueruela, President 

B2BMarketing Pros

I doubled my fees half way through the program

As a mother, wife and 15 year consultant, I value Michael's no-

nonsense expertise and wisdom very highly; I have no time to
waste and need to support my family, while also finding fulfillment
in my work. With Michael on my team, I am guaranteed that will
happen. I doubled my fees half way through his program and now
have the confidence to start expanding my offerings. I would
highly recommend Michael and the Consulting Success
programs, it is worth every penny and more.

– Shelley Churchill

Churchill Consulting, LLC

I went from making $24,000 from one project to $64,000

“Within a few weeks of working with Michael I went from making

$24,000 from one project to $64,000. I feel so much more focused
and my team tells me they’ve noticed a big difference too. I have
a lot more clarity around what I need to be doing each and every
week with my marketing. Michael has really helped me to get
results and I’m looking forward to significantly growing my
business this year.”

– Leonor Urena

Agile Coach and Trainer

Founder of Scrum Mastering llc

I just won another project and received DOUBLE the fee

“I just won another project and received DOUBLE the fee
compared to what I would have before. That happened because
of Michael’s help. I’m learning new approaches and strategies to
grow my business and have no hesitation recommending
Michael’s coaching program.”

– Greg Van Hyfte, Principal


There are few people I know that can surpass what Michael

"There are few people that I know that can surpass what Michael
offers to help people grow their business quickly and in a smart
way. If you are a consultant you need to, at the very least, read
what Michael writes and, even better, hire him right away. I highly
recommend him as a coach, advisor, and long-term strategic
thinker. "

– Hugh Culver

Marathon Communications Inc.

Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 

10/06/2019, 07:06 - Sujal Amin: *Facebook*
I am trying to make friends outside of
facebook while applying the same
Therefore, every day I walk down the
street and tell passers-by what I have eatten, how. I feel at the
moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later
and with whom.
I give them pictures of my family my
dog and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage,
watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around
town, having lunch and doing what
anybody and everybody does every day.
I also listen to their conversations, give them the"thumbs up"and
tell them I like them.

And it works just like facebook! I

already have 'four people following me: two police officers, a
private investigator and a psychiatrist.
12/06/2019, 14:30 - Sujal Amin: “We are careful never to pray for
our own selfish ends. Many of us have wasted a lot of time doing
that and it doesn't work. You can easily see why.”

I tried giving God a “to do” list every morning. God I need a job.
You know I love her, please give her back! Car, money etc.

What I have learned in my journey is, praying to change the

situation is selfish! It’s also delusional, me still thinking I know
what needs to happen.

Only for the knowledge of His will for us! God show me what You
would have me be in this situation! How can I best serve....!
Please remove selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, fear and turn
my attention to what you would have me be!

I would pray for God to do this or give me that and when He didn’t
it fed into my “there is no God” or “if He’s there He doesn’t want a
thing to do with me!”

Prayer doesn’t change God and it’s not designed to change the
situation. Prayer changes me so I can learn what God wants me
to be!!
17/06/2019, 17:11 - Sujal Amin: AA is unique, in that, if you want
a nickel’s worth of sobriety, or you want a dollar’s worth of
sobriety, it is there for the taking. AA leaves it up to the individual
to choose what they want. Some people come to AA to learn how
to not drink. Some people come to AA to learn how to live sober.
When you read the chapter, MORE ABOUT ALCOHOLISM, are
they talking about alcohol, or are they talking about our drinking?
Some recovered alcoholics believe Chapter 3 discusses alcohol,
but as a recovered alcoholic who believes in the need for a “vital
spiritual experience” defined on page 27, I believe Chapter 3
discusses “our drinking”.

When you read the chapter, WE AGNOSTICS, are they talking

about God, or are they talking about our thinking? Some
recovered alcoholics believe Chapter 4 discusses God, but as a
recovered alcoholic who believes in the need for a “vital spiritual
experience” defined on page 27, I believe Chapter 4 discusses
“our thinking”.

Page 27 defines a “vital spiritual experience” as “…huge

emotional displacements and rearrangements. Ideas, emotions,
and attitudes which were once the guiding forces of the lives of
these men are suddenly cast to one side, and a completely new
set of conceptions and motives begin to dominate them.”

The challenge with approaching chapter 3 as if it were simply

talking about “alcohol”, and chapter 4 as if it were simply talking
about “God”, is that it is easy to miss the fact that these chapters
contain the “…ideas, emotions, and attitudes…conceptions and
motives” that go with having a vital spiritual experience.

In AA, learning how to not drink is free for the asking… learning
how to live sober will cost you your life. That’s what Bill W was
trying to tell us when he said, “Simple, but not easy; a price had to
be paid. It meant destruction of self-centeredness. I must turn in
all things to the Father of Light who presides over us all.”

In your study of the Big Book, have you ever taken the time to
look up the word *”all”* to find out what it means? You might want
to consider doing that… it is more than you think.
18/06/2019, 21:18 - Sujal Amin: When my sponsor and I sat down
to take the Steps, I didn’t actually understand that he was going to
take me down a “path” I’d never been on before… that we were
on a spiritual journey, of sorts, where I was being introduced to a
series of “ideas, emotions, and attitudes…” that was going to not
only solve my drink problem, but radically change my views
towards myself, towards God, and towards my fellow man.
Before I was asked to take Step 2, my sponsor began by having a
series of short conversations with me about my thinking towards
spirituality, religion, and God. Some of these subjects I was
vaguely familiar with, others I was ignorant of. These
conversations were guided by the content of Chapter 4, “WE

These conversations were very basic. My sponsor would point out

a word or phrase and ask… “What does this mean to you? And
how does it apply to your life?”

Eventually, we came to the sixth subject… “wholesale

condemnation”. When asked what it meant, I had to admit that I
had heard it mentioned a time or two in meetings, but had no clue.

My sponsor when offered a simple explanation. He said,

“Wholesale condemnation is where you negatively judge the
whole… by some of its’ parts.” My sponsor then asked if I had
ever done that before and could I give him an example. I sat
there thinking…”You just want one?” because it seemed to me
most of my life had been one act of wholesale condemnation
followed by another.

The example I shared with my sponsor was about a friend. She

was driving across Quincy, IL, one night and got busted for DWI
and 2 counts of a controlled substance. We had a party to
celebrate. Two nights later, this same friend was again driving
across Quincy, IL, and again, got busted for DWI and 2 counts of
a controlled substance. They would not even offer her bail.
Instead, the police laid 11 affidavits in front of her, and 11 men
went to prison. My response was “You can never trust a woman!”
I literally took the act of 1 person, and used it to judge an entire
gender. Literally!

While I understand that some recovered alcoholics might not think

“wholesale condemnation” is that important of a subject, for me,
the sudden realization of how selfish and unfair my thinking had
been was a game changer. It was as if God had reached down
and pushed a “reset button” on the back of my brain.

For me, understanding what “wholesale condemnation” is and

how it applied to my life was a necessary prerequisite for taking
Step 2. I’ve met a few recovered alcoholics who hurdled over
these subjects in Step 2 on their way to Step 3. I don’t want what
they have.

How important is the subject of “wholesale condemnation” to the

recovered alcoholic? Here’s how to find out… Ask yourself…
Have I ever sat in a meeting, heard someone say something I
disagreed with, negatively judged them for it, then held that
opinion of them thereafter?

If you have, you have taken 1 conversation someone had and

used it to judge their whole person. That’s not recovered. That’s
the sick alcoholic thinking that got you to AA.
23/06/2019, 21:46 - Sujal Amin: When I was a kid, I had toys on a
shelf, toys in a box, and toys in a room. When I wanted to play
with a particular toy, I’d take it from the shelf, box or room, play
with it, then eventually put it back until the next time.

In the early days of my association with AA, I treated God very

much like I treated my toys as a kid. God had a place on a shelf,
in a box or a room. When I wanted or needed time with God, I’d
go get Him. When I was finished, I’d put Him back until next time.

When I took the Steps, this approach in my relationship changed.

God became very much like the air around me… ever present…
“in all my affairs” so to speak.

Today, my relationship with God is far from being one dimensional

like my early days in recovery. For example, I have an immediate,
short-term, here and now, relationship with God, and I also have a
long-term, overall relationship with God.

When I speak of the immediate, short-term relationship… the here

and now… I am likely to use the word “dependence”. When I talk
about my long-term, overall relationship with God, I am likely to
use the word “reliance.”
24/06/2019, 22:15 - Sujal Amin: You have opened a door to a
subject that even the most committed of AAs are often reluctant to
discuss in an open setting. But you have asked, so I will answer.
To understand what a “fearless” search is, as referenced on page
55, is to know, trust, and accept as fact what you have just read in
the preceding 11 pages.

So, what does “Sometimes we had to search fearlessly, but He

was there. He was as much a fact as we were. We found the
Great Reality deep down within us. In the last analysis it is only
there that He may be found. It was so with us." really mean?

On page 55, “… to search fearlessly.” means we are going to

seek information without using certain old ideas or mental tools
we have sometimes made use of for years.

The list of old ideas and mental tools we are NOT going to use in
our search for God are as follows:

1. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on a code of morals or a

better philosophy of life we have attempted to live by, whether
successful or not. pgs 44-45
2. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any doubt or
prejudice we have the past. pgs 45-49
3. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any obstinacy,
sensitiveness, or unreasoning prejudice we have exhibited in the
past. pg. 48
4. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any belief system
where we have relied on facts and results, evidence or visual
proof to guide our thinking. pgs. 48-49
5. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any vanity that we
have exhibited. pg. 49
6. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on our past use of
wholesale condemnation in the judgement of people, institutions
or principles. pg. 50
7. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any superstitions,
traditions or fixed ideas we have had. pg 51
8. Ideas or pre-conceived notions based on any previous acts
where we worshipped people, sentiment, things, money, or
ourselves. pg 54

In my case, not using these old ideas and mental tools left me
with a clean slate to begin with. (Ultimately, I did discover that I
had held on to one old idea without realizing it… the idea came
from a prayer I was taught to say before dinner in my early
childhood… “God is good and God is great…”, but my sponsor
helped me get past that hump at Step 3.)

The great news for us is that the genius of the first 12 pages of
the chapter WE AGNOSTICS is that the subject matter discussed
can be applied to any topic of conversation. Here we’re talking
about God. We could easier apply the same criteria to any other
topic, and would probably be better off if we did.
24/06/2019, 22:21 - Sujal Amin: "Great Reality" is a term of
comparison. We're not "there" but we're starting to seek a reality
we don't live in (because we live in a certain delusion that we are
"Thus was I convinced that God is concerned with us humans
when we want Him enough. At long last I saw, I felt, I believed.
Scales of pride and prejudice fell from my eyes. A NEW WORLD
came into view." p12

The "old world" (the BB says our "old ideas" avail us nothing) is
the comparison:
"We looked upon this world of warring individuals, warring
theological systems, and inexplicable calamity, with deep
skepticism. We looked askance at many individuals who claimed
to be godly. How could a Supreme Being have anything to do with
it all? And who could comprehend a Supreme Being anyhow?"

Our old idea results in us ignoring the truth and facts all around
us, and so we suffer (need more drinking):
" These tiny bodies are governed by precise laws, and these laws
hold true throughout the material world. Science tells us so. We
have no reason to doubt it. When, however, the perfectly logical
assumption is suggested that underneath the material world and
life as we see it, there is an All Powerful, Guiding, Creative
Intelligence, right there our perverse streak comes to the surface
and we laboriously set out to convince ourselves it isn't so." p49

"We asked ourselves this: Are not some of us just as biased and
unreasonable about the realm of the spirit as were the ancients
about the realm of the material?" p51
We ignore (old idea) the spiritual and "just focus" on the material
world we might control and manage:
"Instead of regarding ourselves as intelligent agents, spearheads
of God's ever advancing Creation, we agnostics and atheists
chose to believe that our human intelligence was the last word,
the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end of all. Rather
vain of us, wasn't it?"

Our "old idea" is that we are the Master, and "God" (if such a
power even exists) is irrelevant:
"This world of ours has made more material progress in the last
century than in all the millenniums which went before. Almost
everyone knows the reason. Students of ancient history tell us
that the intellect of men in those days was equal to the best of
today. Yet in ancient times material progress was painfully slow.
The spirit of modern scientific inquiry, research and invention was
almost unknown. In the realm of the material, men's minds were
fettered by superstition, tradition, and all sorts of fixed ideas.
Some of the contemporaries of Columbus thought a round earth
preposterous. Others came near putting Galileo to death for his
astronomical heresies." p51

"Realm of Spirit" p46

Penultimate comparison:
"Those of us who have spent much time in the world of spiritual
make-believe have eventually seen the childishness of it. This
dream world has been replaced by a great sense of purpose,
accompanied by a growing consciousness of the power of God in
our lives. We have come to believe He would like us to keep our
heads in the clouds with Him, but that our feet ought to be firmly
planted on earth. That is where our fellow travelers are, and that
is where our work must be done. These are the realities for us.
We have found nothing incompatible between a powerful spiritual
experience and a life of sane and happy usefulness." p130.

These are just a very few examples of what's discussed

throughout the BB. Our old idea is that we must manage our life
tightly, and control others to do our bidding - our will - if they are
going to be allowed by us to live long or happily in "our world."
This sort of thinking leads to us offending others. They feel we're
stepping on their toes and using our sharp elbows to try to order
them around as if they were pawns for our pleasure, or actors on
the stage we're in charge of, directing the show. People fight back
just as we do whenever we (mistakenly usually) feel "they" are
trying to force us or control us...

Instead of living in collision with the world and its people

Instead of continuing to fight for supremacy here in the material
We're instead invited to start seeking to live in the Spiritual Realm
and become proficient at being a good seeker. This is what the
BB presents as "THE NEW IDEA" that will relieve us of our

The entire program depends on at least a passing agreement that

we failed here in the material world. We're like Pinky and The
Brain: caught in a trap of our own making, forever trying to wrestle
with the world enough that we might dominate. We tell our self if
only THEY would change, we'd be perfectly happy, instead of
miserable. We tell our self we must drink for relief as we try to
enlighten everyone around us about what we want from them, so
they can start living right.

Instead of living in perpetual "vanity," we start to begin to learn

and live in a "humility" which produces, serenity and happiness
with the reality that surrounds us. Instead of fighting to argue why
we don't need to "ACCEPT" reality, we learn to live in peace with
it, enjoying the gift of life we've been given.
24/06/2019, 22:37 - Sujal Amin: While the two questions found on
page 56 are very important, what the 11 Step has taught me is
that the answers to these two questions, on their own, were not
enough to help me cross the line of "Came to believe...".

“Came..” means to “arrive at a point where we wasn’t before…”.

“… to believe..” means to “to know”, “to trust”, “to accept as fact”.

To truly make use of the two questions on page 56, I had to

answer the question found on page 57, which states, ”What is this
but a miracle of healing?” Once I answered this question, I had
arrived at a point where I wasn’t before where I knew, I trusted,
and I accepted as fact “… that a Power greater than ourselves
could restore us to sanity.”
28/06/2019, 10:50 - Sujal Amin: *'God here I am and here are all
my troubles. I've made a mess of things and can't do anything
about it. You take me and all my troubles, and do anything you
want with me.'*
28/06/2019, 17:13 - Sujal Amin: Why QIMA

Global footprint for supplier audit programs

Accredited to international standards (BSCI, Sedex, ICS, RJC...)

or your own protocols

All-inclusive pricing (no extra charge for Auditor's expenses)

Detailed and actionable reports and KPIs reporting

An auditor onsite within 48 hours [1]

Easy online scheduling of services: book audits and check reports

from the convenience of your online account and QIMA mobile

Virtuous Audit Programs - QIMA can support you in setting up

global auditing programs to vet every new supplier you enroll and
continuously monitor and improve your supplier portfolio. Our
experts and global presence allow for holistic programs, from
supplier workshops training, to onsite audits, worker voice
systems, and corrective action planning. You get KPIs and
reporting to build a complete mapping of your supplier portfolio.
Manage Your Auditing Process Online - Create your free account,
schedule audits online, make payment arrangements, and receive
your detailed audit report electronically.
Technical Expertise - In order to offer the highest quality audits,
auditors are specialized by audit type and scheme, and
undergoes mandatory in-depth training and strict internal audits

What Is SMETA?
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is a compilation of
best practices in ethical audit, established by the Sedex Associate
Auditor Group (AAG). It is not a separate standard or certification
process, but a set of protocol for high-quality audits, to be used in
conjunction with current established ethical audit practices.
SMETA was designed to minimize duplication of effort and
provide AAG members with an audit format they could easily
share. SMETA reports are published by the Associate Auditor
Group members in the SEDEX system, ensuring transparency
and efficient information sharing.

The SMETA Audit Methodology

SMETA audits use the ETI Base Code, founded on the

conventions of the International Labour Organization, as well as
relevant local laws. SMETA audits can be conducted against two
or four auditing pillars. The two pillars mandatory for any SMETA
audit are Labor Standards and Health & Safety. The two
additional pillars of a 4-pillar audit were introduced to further
deepen the social responsibility aspect of SMETA audits.

A SMETA 2-pillar audit comprises the following modules:

Labor Standards

Health and Safety

Additional Elements:

Management Systems

Entitlement to Work

Subcontracting and Homeworking

Environmental assessment (shortened)

A SMETA 4-pillar audit covers the above elements, plus:

Environmental assessment (extended)

Business Ethics

SMETA Expertise

Being a member of the Sedex Associate Auditor Group, QIMA

can conduct SMETA audits in compliance with the latest Best
Practice Guidelines (SMETA 6.0). Our highly qualified auditors
carry out on-site observations, conduct interviews with factory
management and workers, inspect documents provided by the
factory, and present their findings in a SMETA Audit Report.
Based on the audit report, our experts can prepare a SMETA
Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR), outlining the
improvements that the factory must make to achieve compliance

Why Conduct SMETA Audits?

Achieve greater visibility into your supply chain

Continuously improve your supplier relations

Receive independent verification of your ethical compliance

Eliminate the need for multiple certifications – SEDEX is

internationally recognized

Strengthen your brand's standing in ethical compliance

02/07/2019, 07:09 - Sujal Amin: Manufacturing Competitiveness

By Shishir Bharadwaj   |   Quality Council of India

This course is from Quality Council of India.

Principles of flow are at the core of this course "Manufacturing
Competitiveness". The applications and tools developed around
these principles are used in taking decisions in day to day working
of a manufacturing organisation. Most of use measurement which
tell us how we are doing so we can take corrective action but if
these measurements do not give the correct direction it could
cause a deterioration in output despite good intent. This course
brings to light better measurements to support good operations
decisions and also mesh with financial performance measures of
the organization.  

The throughput approach to managing an organisation will put an

organisation on a path of productivity improvement as against the
focus on trying to cut cost everywhere. However cost focus
quickly reaches a rate of diminishing returns and throughput
productivity focus, based on principles of flow, can put an
organisation ever flourishing path and keep it competitive over
longer periods. This course introduces and explains the concepts
& application for quick deployment. 

Concepts of flow are explained by using simulation tool to narrate

how hidden capacity in unearthed or how low inventories are
achieved by increasing flow.

The building blocks for effective tools like Finite Capacity

Scheduling and Material Requirements Planning are explained at
concept level and later explained how can they be done using a
spreadsheet. These tools are then used for generating information
for synchronising the operations
02/07/2019, 21:29 - Sujal Amin: I use a Inventory that has 3 parts.
I will not use pre-printed forms of any kind.

Resentment List is based on the instructions/example on pages

64 & 65 (first 3 columns) and instructions on page 67 (fourth
column). I asked them to consider adding “self-pity and self
delusion” to list of options for the fourth column from the list found
on page 62. This is actually really helpful to them. I also make
sure they understand the difference between fear and self-

I offer them a cheat-sheet of definitions for the 4th column

options. I’ve found this helps people stay focused.
Fears list is just a list. No other columns. I’ve found our self-
reflection doesn’t matter in the end. What creates change is the
instructions for what do with these fears on page 68.

For the Sex Inventory, I show them how to take the instructions on
page 69 and make a chart using lined notebook paper. The
heading for the columns are taken from the first FULL paragraph
on page 69.

(For the 8th Step Harms list), I have them take their resentment
list and fold it to where only the first and 4th columns show. This is
who they harmed and where they were wrong. The 2nd column of
the Resentment List is almost unnecessary when making
amends. The Sex Inventory is also used. Maybe portions of the
fear list.)
02/07/2019, 21:34 - Sujal Amin: In my world, the individual's 5th
Step begins when they set foot in the room. The second I see
them I let them know we aren’t doing their 5th Step that day. Then
I watch and I listen for their response.

What I expect them to say is, “Ok, that’s fine. When can we do it?”

If they show any negative response whatsoever… this opens the

door to my asking them, “Are you sure you have taken the 3rd
Step?” (You might not like this, but I am telling you, you are doing
them a favor when you do this.)

Once we’re ready to get started, I do a brief review of what Steps

1-3 asked them to think about and do. Then I take a quick glance
at their 4th Step. Here I am just checking that they followed the
instructions and that the columns are filled in.

Then I discuss pages 72-75, with emphasis on “a solitary self-

appraisal”, holding onto “worst items in stock”, and the need to be
“entirely honest”.

When we begin, I asked them if there is anything in their 4th Step

they’d rather not discuss today… and I ask them to find that and
put an “X” by it. THIS IS WHERE WE START! ? (Again, you might
not like this, but I am telling you, you are doing them a favor when
you do this. It is much easier getting the worst of the worst out of
the way then letting them save it for last.)
During the 5th Step I listen. I make short notes of bad personality
traits like Dr. bob use to do. Sometimes I draw out a timeline to
help me keep track of events in their life.

As a sponsor, I believe it is my job to help show them how to

focus on Column 4 of the Resentment list, not Column 2.

As a sponsor, I believe it is my job to remain basically unaffected

by what I am told. This brings me to my 3rd “You might not like

I was listening to a woman’s 5th Step and she began crying. As a

young recovered alcoholic, I didn’t know what to do. So, I just sat
there until she finished… then I coldly said, “Are you through?”
Now get this… she started laughing and said, I swear to God,
“Well, it always worked before.” We both laughed hysterically.

I have of course heard some flat ass tragic things and acted
accordingly… but those times have been rare.

At the end of the 5th Step, I go over the “one hour” instructions
and send them to do that.

When they return, I go over my notes just like dr. Bob use to do,
and transition to Steps 6 and 7. I do not believe in saving Steps 6
& 7 for another day. I believe my job is to do Steps 5, 6, and 7
together, so God can then do His job while they sleep.
02/07/2019, 21:38 - Sujal Amin: I sponsor someone that taught
me a saying years ago. The saying is "You need to click the [X]
box on that idea." The [X] box, of course, refers to the little [X] in
the corner of a computer page... it's the button we use to delete
what we're looking at.

When the group looked at Bill W and asked, " Bill, haven't you
often said right here in this meeting that sometimes the good is
the enemy of the best?" they were kind of telling him "You need to
click the [X] box on that idea." ... and he did.
Sometimes we have good ideas... but we find they're not the best.
Are you really sure you want to use this idea when carrying AA's

05/07/2019, 15:19 - Sujal Amin: नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न

विद्यते ।

स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात ् ॥४०॥

40. On this path effort never goes to waste, and
there is no failure. Even a little effort toward
spiritual awareness will yield protection from the
greatest fear.
For me this is one of the most memorable
verses in the Gita, and it will take a lifetime
on the spiritual path to appreciate its
applicability to every aspect of human life.
When we meditate on the Lord within for even
a short time every day, this effort is not wasted.
Even if we meditate only thirty minutes every
morning, and try to practice the allied spiritual
disciplines to a small extent during the day, this
can go a long way in guarding us against many
fears, known and unknown, which lurk in our
consciousness. Most of us have fears of losing
what we believe gives us security. Those who go
after money are doing so under the impression
that this is the way to become secure. They are
the victim, the toy, of the stock exchange. There
are others who are afraid of losing their youth. Beauty has nothing
to do with age. We can be
beautiful in childhood, in youth, and in old age
to the extent we are unselfish. To be secure,
we must find the source of security within
ourselves. The advice given by Sri Krishna in
the Gita is simple and profound: if times are
bad today, try to contribute the best you can
to the welfare of those around you. If times are
good today, also try to contribute the best you
can to the welfare of those around you. You
can serve others no matter if times are good or
bad. This is the choice we make in order to find
security within ourselves.
09/07/2019, 13:06 - Sujal Amin: *Hi,*
Thanks for your ISO requirement. It was nice talking to you.
Anything you want us to do to finalize?
*Ananya Consultants*
Sujal Amin
[email protected]
09/07/2019, 21:29 - Sujal Amin: Urban Health Officer, Dr. Ketan
Desai : +919925099325.
10/07/2019, 05:19 - Sujal Amin: When *situations arise* which
destroy my serenity, pain often motivates me to *ask God* for
clarity in seeing *my part* in the situation. *Admitting* my
powerlessness, I *humbly pray* for acceptance. I *try to see* how
my character defects contributed to the situation. Could I have
been *more patient?* Was I *intolerant?* Did I *insist on having
my own way?* Was I *afraid?* As my defects are revealed, I *put
selfreliance aside* and *humbly ask God* to *remove my
shortcomings.* The situation may not change, but as I *practice
exercising humility,* I enjoy the peace and serenity which are the
*natural benefits of placing my reliance in a power greater than
14/07/2019, 09:46 - Sujal Amin: *Powerless*
"I had no problem admitting I was powerless over alcohol, and I
certainly agreed that my life had become unmanageable. I had
only to reflect on the contrast between the plans I made so many
years ago for my life with what really happened to know I couldn't
manage my life drunk or sober. A.A. taught me that willingness to
believe was enough for a beginning."
15/07/2019, 14:35 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day-* *The Spiritual

*P. 64* 'When the spiritual malady is

overcome, we straighten out mentally
and physically.."

Wait did they just say when we overcome being spiritually sick the
obsession is removed?? That is
correct that blinding obsession that leads us to drink against our
will is removed when we face and rid ourselves of the spiritual
The question many ask what is the spiritual malady?

That is a big question that must be answered, but there are other
questions about the spiritual malady that need to be answered at

The questions are:

What is the spiritual malady? What are the manifestations of the

spiritual malady? What causes the spiritual malady?

What is the end result of having the

Spiritual malady?

What is the remedy for it?

If left untreated will it drive me back to drinking?

*What is the spiritual malady?*

The spiritual malady is the inability to connect to the Spirit With-in.
It is With-in how we connect to the Spirit or what you choose to
call it. The Big Book on P. 55 perfectly states,
"We found the Great Reality deep down within us. In the last
analysis it is only there that He may be found. It was so with
us."Ilike to call it our guidance center, where we receive strength
(power) and direction to truly live life. And most of all where
we discover how to truly love and find a sense of calmness.
We might have a belief in God, strong religious knowledge, and
understanding of a God but if one cannot connect to the Spirit
With-in we have a spiritual malady..

*What are the Common manifestations of the spiritual malady?*

Manifestation means something indicates the presence or
occurrence of something;

A sign.

P. 64« Being convinced that self (instincts), manifested in various

ways, was what had defeated us, we considered its common
manifestations (signs).'

The"common manifestations"of the

spiritual malady are resentments, harms done to others, fears,
and sexual misconduct. It is because of these manifestations that
we hold onto stuff and destroy others lives
and lives of others. And it is those
common manifestations that are the focus of step 4 inventory.
These manifestation lead to a state that I call Inward
Some call that untreated alcoholism
or insanity., If those manifestations
are present the result is the inability to connect to the Spirit With-
in. We cannot see the truth. Meaning the
manifestations control my life. Leaving us restlessness, irritability,
and discontented.

*What causes the spiritual malady?*

What drives the common manifestations?

Very simple se1Fwill run riot. otherwise known as misdirected


The average person will never know

what drives them to resentful thinking and harmful acts to others.
They have no idea what drives their
rage through them like a river. They have no idea why deep
internal fears take away their sane graceful thinking. They have
no idea why they go from anger to resentment to harm to guilt to
self-pity to depression, over
and over again. Many jusf think that's the way life is supposed to
be. They not only do not see it approaching
they never know where this sudden destructiveness comes from
or begins. They have no clue why they
blame others? Why they upset so
easy? Why fear runs their life? Why they judge others? Why they
are so Angry, always on the defensive? One
simple answer misdirected instincts.
Instincts are something we are born
with and are natural and not learned. They are pride,
se1Festeem, personal relations, emotional and material
(pocketbook) security, sex relations and ambitions. When theses
instincts become misdirected they drive every
resentment, every harm, and every
fear. They powerfully erupt throughout our lives disturbing
everyday activates. In other words they drive us to complete
The truth is if I continue to be-driven
by instincts I will always continue to
experience the common manifestations. Meaning I cannot
connect to the Spirit With-in. One must achieve an awareness of
God because it is God consciousness that is capable of
exceeding these animal instincts. In other words instead of
being driven by instincts we can be
driven by God.
Some might say wait the cause is the common manifestations
because it is those that get between God and me. But it is the
instincts that drive and
create the common manifestations so in essence instincts create
the Spiritual malady.
It comes down to this what I am aware of I can control. What I am
not aware of will always control me. It is
very difficult to have spiritual wellness without becoming aware of
what truly drives us. We must be
aware of instincts. If I am not aware of instincts they will always

*What is the end result of having the Spiritual malady?*

Now this is deep one. When one is so blocked by the common

manifestations and they suffer from
the inability to connect to the Spirit With-in. Which I already stated
is the spiritual malady. The end result is they suffer from the
illusion they are separated from God.
You hear people at meetings often
bark out how they where or are separated from God. My question
is this how can I ever be separated from
what is, has and will always be With- in me? What happened is
very simple we where block from God by the common
manifestations. Once
blocked and totally insane the illusion
(untruth) that God (Spirit With-in) isn't there, isn't listening, or does
not exist. The truth is we are never
separated from God only blocked.
The great Carl Jung said in the Book
Modern Man in Search of Soul that we fill that separation of God
with the spirit of alcohol.

*What is the remedy for the spiritual malady?*

Steps 4 thru 9. When we inventory (4) the manifestations
(resentment, harms, fear and sex conduct), discuss it (5) and let
God take them away (6,7) and make amends (8,9) the blockage
ends and we can connect to the to the Spirit With-in us and the
malady is gone. That's not to say it never comes back, but that is
what step 10 is for which is 4 thru 9 when the manifestations
appear. Step 11 of course is where we improve
conscious contact with that Spirit. Step 12 is of course taking
anotherthrough the steps. But also what we get from 12 is
witnessing the light
awakening in another and much more.

*If left untreated can the spiritual malady drive me back to

If you continue to experience the
manifestations of the spiritual malady eventually your mind will
seek out the"sense of ease and comfort"it receives from taking a
drink. That is ok if you are a drinker that does not suffer from a
mental obsession and a physical allergy. If
that be the case. We know the end result.
15/07/2019, 14:53 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day- Resentmentis
the number one offender*

I remember watching this cheesy science fiction movie on TV.

There was this android that was destroying
Buildings, killirrg people, injuring
people, scaring everyone. No one
could stop it or control it. Then some guy sneaks up behind it and
pulls out a chip from the back of its head and the android stops.
All the problems
were in its thinking. It wasn't until it's thinking was removed that it
stopped destroying and harming people. Are we any different then
that android? It
was driven to do by what its mind told it to do. We are the exact
same way, Until our thinking is changed,
certain elements are removed, and we are driven by something
others then our mind we keep destroying
and harming people.
P. 64 "Resentment is the"number one"
offender. It destroys more alcoholics
than anything else."

Waite a minute resentment is the

number one offender? I thought alcohol is the number one
offender of alcoholics. I mean that's the vibe I get
from meeting. Resentment destroy
more alcoholics than anything else, nothing destroys more
alcoholics then
alcohol, thats what rehab told me. I did not come to AA because I
had a resentment problem I came to AA
because I had a drinking problem. And that's exactly the way
many come into AA believing. If they
become willing to take action they soon discover that their real
problem is a manifestation of the spiritual malady called
resentment. But if you
do not do the steps you will always believe drinking is your

The interesting thing is that we do the steps to beat alcohol but

the steps do not really take on alcohol they take on
the Spiritual malady., And by becoming aware of the driving
forces of the malady and letting that stuff go our obsession with
alcohol is removed. Kind of strange considering alcoholism and
having spiritual
malady are two totally different things. Having a spiritual malady
doesn't make a person alcoholic. Anyone can have a spiritual
but if person has allergy to alcohol they are alcoholic. And that is
where the lines cross between having a Spiritual Malady and
being alcoholic. If a person has an obsession with alcohol having
resentment will make that person seek out the ease and
comfort of alcohol thus activating the
allergy and sending craving for more. That right there is why
resentment is the number one offender because it helps feed the
allergy. That is why we target resentment in step 4.

Resentment plain and simple is spiritual disease. Not just

something we feel. Many blame spiritual disease on damnation, or
lack of hith, its
resentment. Resentment is a
reoccurring feeling of displeasure towards a person or object. It
comes from the French word ressentiment,
which is combination of the word re which means again and
sentiment which means to feel, so the french word
ressentimentmeans to re feel or to feel again. That is exactly what
we do with our feelings of anger we hold onto it and re-feel it over
and over and over again. This fine and dandy as long as you are
not alcoholic.

Resentment does nothing to change

the person we resent. Nor does it resolve the conflict. There is
nutritional value in having resentment. Instead of freeing us
from the wrongs of others, resentment allows others to always
dominate, occupy and rule our
thinking. Resentments seem huge and powerful when they're in
our head, but once they're down on paper they no longer seem so
huge or powerful. The truth is many of them look pretty stupid on

On P. 64 it states about resentment "From it stem all forms of

spiritual disease, for We have been not only
mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. " After
that comes the first great promise of the
action steps on"When the spiritual malady is overcome, we
straighten out mentally and physically.."Very
simple if we pick up a pen and start writing and stay committed in
the repetition of the action steps (4 thru
9) our obsession gets removed therefore the allergy is no longer
being fed. Its then we find something we never thought we could
ever have Freedom. Who would guess that overcoming
resentment would be a
life raft that would save our life?
16/07/2019, 15:18 - Sujal Amin: *STEP-2* 8 THINGS

As individuals, we chose to be guided by “a code of morals or a

better philosophy of life” (pg. 44) They didn't keep us from
drinking alcoholically.

As individuals, we chose to limit ourselves by buying into our own

“doubt and prejudice” (pg. 45) These ideas didn't keep us from
drinking alcoholically.
As individuals, we chose to be chose to engage in viewpoint
discrimination, fueled by our own “obstinacy, sensitiveness, and
unreasoning prejudice” (pg. 48) This behavior didn’t keep us from
drinking alcoholically.

As individuals, we chose to rely on “facts and results”, “evidence

and visual proof”. (pg. 48) Our reliance on these things didn't keep
us from drinking alcoholically.

As individuals, we were “vain”. (pg. 49) Our vanity rarely kept us

from drinking alcoholically.

As individuals, we chose to practice “wholesale condemnation”

(page 50). Our negative judgement of people, institutions and
principles did little to save us from drinking alcoholically.

As individuals, we chose, for a variety of reasons, to live by

“superstition, traditions, and all sorts of fixed ideas (pg. 51). These
belief systems, regardless of their origin, didn’t keep us from
drinking alcoholically.

When page 53 mentions “self-imposed crisis”, it is referring to the

thinking that led to our downfall as alcoholics.

Imagine you have 2 dots on a piece of paper. The first dot is

labeled Page 23, “Therefore, the main problem of the alcoholic
centers in his mind, rather than in his body.” The second dot is
labeled Page 64, “Our liquor was but a symptom.” CHAPTER 4,
and its long list of topics, represents the information found
between those two dots.

In Chapter 3, the oldtimers wanted to give us a picture of what

alcoholic drinking looked like. In Chapter 4, the oldtimers wanted
to give us a picture of what alcoholic thinking sounded like, and
ultimately, where that thinking took us… to a self-imposed crisis.
18/07/2019, 13:36 - Sujal Amin: SEVEN DEADLY SINS

These considerations were taken from pages 48, 49, 66 & 67 of

the Twelve and Twelve
The bold type presents definitions from Webster's Unabridged

*PRIDE: An over high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self-

esteem; conceit, arrogance, vanity, self-satisfaction.*

# Have I been so proud that I've been scorned (disrespected) as a

braggart (bragger)?
# Have I acted prideful, consciously or unconsciously out of fear?
# Have I used pride to justify my excesses in my sex conduct?
# Do I like to feel and act superior to others?

*GREED: Excessive desire for acquiring or having; desire for

more than one needs or deserves.*

# Have I been so greedy that I've been or could be labeled a

# Do I long for the possessions of others out of fear of not getting
# Do I let greed masquerade as ambition?

*LUST: To feel an intense desire, especially sexual desire; to

long: after or for.*

# Have I been lustful enough to rape, if not physically what about

in my mind?
# Do I fear I will never have the sex relations I need?
# Do I have sex excursions that have been dressed up in dreams
or delusions of romance?

*ANGER: A strong feeling excited by a real or supposed injury;

often accompanied by a desire to take vengeance, or to obtain
satisfaction* from the offending party; resentment; wrath.

# Have I been angry enough to murder?

# Do I get angry out of fear when my instinctive demands are
# Have I enjoyed self-righteous anger in the fact that many people
annoy me and that makes me superior to them?
# Have I enjoyed gossiping as a polite form of murder by
character assassination?

*GLUTTONY: One who eats too much. One with a great capacity
for something; as, a glutton for work.*

# Have I been gluttonous enough to ruin my health?

# Do I grab for everything I can, fearing I'll never have enough?
# Do I bury myself in my work, hobbies or activities?

*ENVY: To resent another for excellence or superiority in any

way, and to be desirous of acquiring it.*

# Do I agonized over the chronic (persistent or recurring) pain of

# Does seeing the ambitions of others materialize make me fear
that mine haven't?
# Do I suffer from never being satisfied with what I have?
# Have I spent more time wishing for what others have than
working towards them?

*SLOTH: Disinclination to action or labor; sluggishness; habitual

indolence; laziness, idleness; slowness; delay.*

# Have I been paralyzed by sloth?

# Do I get alarmed with fear at the prospect of work?
# Do I work hard with no better motive than to be secure and
slothful later on?
# Do I loaf and procrastinate?
# Do I work grudgingly and under half steam?

- Somewhere from the World wide Web

18/07/2019, 14:08 - Sujal Amin: स्वार्थी पना और स्वयं केंद्रितपना ही
हमारी समस्याओं की जड़ है । स्वार्थीपना और स्वयंकेंद्रीतपना माने , *मैं
और मेरा* ।

【 *स्वयं केंद्रितपना* = *मै* याने दनि

ु या के केंद्रमें मैं अपने आप को
रखकर पूरी दनि
ु याका एक न्यायाधीश बनके खाली पीला टें शन पालता
हूं। यानी मेरे अपने नजरियेको जरूरतसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा पकड़कर एक
असंतुलित जिंदगी जीता हु।】


【 *स्वार्थीपना = मेरा* याने जो कुछ भी मेरी परिस्थिति और अपेक्षाएं है

वह ज्यादा से ज्यादा बेहतरीनही होनी चाहिए , और पूरी भी होनी चाहिए
,उसके लिए दस
ू रे का चाहे कुछ भी होवे】

तो यह स्वार्थीपना और स्वयंकेंद्रितपना के आधार पर जिनेसे

हम में से बहुत सारी आंतरिक समस्याओं का निर्माण होता है , और
उसी के अंदर हम खाली पीली चलते रहते हैं । और हमारी जिंदगी को
ज्यादा कठिन बनाते हैं ।अगर हमें सही सुख , शांति और जीवन में सही
आनंद चाहिए तो स्वार्थीपना और स्वयं केंद्रितपनाको मिटाना ही पड़ेगा ।
ईश्वर ही इसे संभव कर सकते हैं । ईश्वर की मदद के अलावा हम
अपना स्वार्थीपना और स्वयंकेंद्रितपना कतही दर
ू नहीं कर सकते

21/07/2019, 14:04 - Sujal Amin: When I was presented with taking

*Step 1*, I was asked to do three things. The first was to Make an
Admission. The idea of the need for a admission came from the
sentence… "We learned that we had to fully concede to our
innermost selves that we were alcoholics.”

My sponsor then pointed out that we both knew of alcoholics who

Made an Admission that they were alcoholic, but drank again.

The second part was to Make a Decision. The idea of the need for
a decision came from the sentence… "The delusion that we are
like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed." I had
to decide in my own mind that I was not like the normal drinker.

My sponsor then pointed out that we both knew of alcoholics who

made an admission AND made a decision that they were
alcoholic and were not like normal drinkers, but still drank again.
The third part was to Make a Commitment. The idea of the need
for a commitment came from a sentence from page 33… " If we
are planning to stop drinking, there must be no reservation of any
kind, nor any lurking notion that someday we will be immune to

My sponsor then pointed out that this commitment… that drinking

could not be an option… was one of many things that
differentiated the recovered alcoholic from the recovering
alcoholic, He then explained that when followed by the remaining
11 Steps, this admission, decision, and commitment would not
only mark the end of my First Step, it would be something I would
find easy to live up to. His words have stood the test of time thus
21/07/2019, 14:06 - Sujal Amin: When the Big Book used the
word *"concede"* it was using the most appropriate word to
describe alcoholics of our type. When someone concedes to
something they admit to some idea or fact... after a period of
denial, resistance, or debate. I suppose there are some of my
fellow AAs who wake up one day and freely admit to being
alcoholic, but in my case, being "alcoholic", was something I was
not open to for many years... even though there was ample
evidence to the contrary.
22/07/2019, 12:50 - Sujal Amin: *Any life run on self will can
hardly be a successl!!*

The Big Book states that"any"life run on selfwill can hardly be a

The big question is what is selfwill? Is it ego? Is selfishness? Is it
our beliefs? Selfwill is much deeper then
those things. It is more then our theories, our beliefs, or our idea's
that make us resentful and fearful. Selfwill is the unconscious
(unaware) devotion to one's own social, security, and sexual
needs for survival. Self
will is also called misdirected instincts (misdirected means lead in
the wrong direction or simply misuse) also referred to in the Big
Book as
simply self.

Instincts are something we are born

with and are natural and not learned. In other words we are born
with them. First we have our social instinct consisting of pride
which is our view
of how others see us, high selfesteem
which is viewing our self as better then others, low selfesteem
which is viewing our self as less then others, and personal
relations which is our
relations with others. Next we have our security instinct consisting
of material security (pocketbook) which are things we need for
survival such
as money, property, employment,
cars, etc. Emotional security which is
stability with ourself and others. Next we have our sex instinct
which consist of our sex relations which is
our relations with sex. Lastly we have our ambition which is our
goals for success or achievement relating to each instinct.

It is instincts that drive our thinking, our theories, our belieR, our
ideas and when misdirected/misused they drive every single
resentment, every
harm, and every fear. In other words they drive us to complete
insanity. It is misdirected instincts that make our life
unmanageable not alcohol. They
powerfully erupt throughout our lives
disturbing everyday activates.

The average person will never know what drives them to resentful
thinking and harmful acts to others,
They never know why they go from anger to resentment to harm
to guilt to selfpity to depression, over and
over again. Think about how many
times you had resentment over money what droves you to that?
were driven by material security. What about when you resent
someone because they embarrassed you in front of others what
drove you to that resentment? You were are driven by pride. What
about when
you have resentment when you latterly want to hurt that person?
You were driven by high selfesteem. When we are driven by
instincts we never know true happiness or real joy,]because they
control our happiness and joy.

Our life is "driven" by pain and anguish until we seek relief

alcohol. Soon we fall deep into the hell of chronic drinking, where
alcohol becomes our master. Eventually we come to the place
darkness. Escape via the bottle becomes our solution from a life
drives by selfwill. When our alcohol is taken away what are we left
with? An obsession, and an insane immature mind driven by
instincts. With our anesthetic gone we are left with more pain then

We must look With-in and find what the Big Book calls the Great
Reality. In other words what is our choice to be. Continue to be
driven by instincts or
"let"God drive me? Sounds like a simple choice? Is it? Instead we
try practicing all kinds of methods to stay sober one at a time, one
minute at a
time, shielding ourselves from
temptation. We huddle together in groups discussing ways we can
stay sober. While still blinded by the
obsession and controlled by instincts.
Meaning we are still driven into resentment, fear and harming
others and the obsession is reminding how to that seek ease and

Untilwe take the action of steps 4 thru 9 we stay controlled by

selfwill trying to shield our self from
temptation. Until one takes that proper action to start cleansing
and come into the awareness of Gods
Presence can we live a normal life. It is my personal conviction
that no real alcoholic can ever achieve a life of useful purpose;
attain real sanity and
permanent sobriety, until this action is taken exactly the way it is
broken down in the Big Book. One must
achieve an awareness of God because God consciousness that is
capable of exceeding our animal instincts. In
other words instead of being driven by instincts we can be driven
by God. Giving us the ability to make sane rational decisions.

It's not selfwill that makes us alcoholic, but we do pick a drink

because of the result selfwill run riot.
Which is the main reason anyone
would seek ease and comfort alcoholic or not. The problem is a
real alcoholic cannot pull that off successfully. We must take the
action to come into the awareness of selfwill. Other wise selfwill
will always drive us to seek ease and comfort.

The truth is we are shocked when we

finish step 5 and see how se1Fwill has
driven us our whole life. Learning and understanding these drives
can be a difficult process. Thanks to steps 4 and 5 we have crash
course that
leads us to freedom.

P. 62 talks about selfish and self-centeredness is the root of the

Problem. That means I am the root of the problem. If I am the root
of my problem I cannot fix the problem. Self won t reveal self to
self. Misdirected
Instincts won t reveal themselves to
you. When we are unaware of instincts we don't recognize what
we doing until after we have done it.
That is what I am up against. The only
way to become aware what I am up against is inventory..

I believe greatest truth is this "what I am aware of I can control, I

can always work on, even let it go. But what I am not aware of will
always control me." If I do not become aware
of instincts they will always control me. The alterative to being
aware of instincts is to continue to live in pain
and continue masking and ignoring that pain. To be aware of
instincts means to know of what causes pain, thus helping me to
extinguish that pain. When we are unaware and driven by
misdirected instincts we never know true
happiness or real joy, because they control our happiness and
joy. Escape via the bottle becomes our solution
from a life driven by instincts.

I love this: Bill Wilson., Letter, 1954

"The idea keeps persisting that the

instincts are primarily bad and are the roadblocks before which all
spirituality falters. I believe that the difference between good and
evil is not the difference between spiritual and instinctual man; it is
the difference between proper and improper use of the instinctual.
Recognition and right channeling of the instinctual are the
essence of achieving wholeness."

Being driven by misdirected instincts

in one the deadliest ways one can live but truth is at the end
nothing humbles us more then misdirected

25/07/2019, 15:31 - Sujal Amin: *12 STEP वर्क शोप प्रस्तावना*

😇नमस्कार दोस्तों, मे एक एनोनिमस ग्रेस फूल रिकवरिंग अल्कोहोलिक

हु। और 5 सालसे सोबर हु याने शराब से दर
ू हु। फिर भी इस
Permanent बीमारी की वजह से मेरी एडिक्टिव पर्सनालिटी जो मेरा
जीवन जीने का प्रॉब्लम है । उस के ऊपर हर दिन *One Day At A
Time* 12 Steps को मेरे जीवन में मेरी अपनी शक्ति और काबिलियत
के हिसाब से काम कर रहा हु। जिसके फलस्वरूप अपने जीवन में आनंद
शांति ,समाधान ओर मुक्ति का कुछ कुछ बहे तरीन अनुभव ले रहा हु।

- तो अब ये 12 Steps क्या है ओर इनको मेरे जीवन मे आचरण मे कैसे

लाना है । ये पेचीदा प्रश्न मेरे सोब्रिएटी के शरू के दिनो मे मुजे सता रहा
था। उस वक़्त में खाली शराब से दर
ू था।लेकिन जो 12 Promises का
हर मीटिंग में जिक्र होता था वो मेरी पहोच से दर
ू थी

😇तो निश्चित रूप से यह 12 Steps एक कार्यक्रम(क्रम से करने का

कार्य) के रूप में एक ऐसी रे सिपी है जो मुजे एक नया इंसान जोकि मे
अपने लिए चाहता हु, वैसा जरूर बना सकती है । जैसे चाय बनाने की
रे सिपी को अगर 12 Steps का स्वरूप दे ते है तो पहला स्टे प बर्तन रखो
ू रा पानी डालो-------तीसरा दध
ू डालो - - - - --- --- --- 12 Steps पर
अलग-अलग क्रिया करते जाइए चाय अपने आप तैयार हो जाएगी।

🤡तो इसके लिए पर्सनल रिकवरी के लिये पूरी दनि

ु याभर मे हम जैसे A
A सभासद साथ मिलकर 2 या 3 दिन का 12 Steps वर्क शोप का
आयोजन करते रहते है । तो ऐसे वर्क शोप में हमारी बिगबूक और 12
&12 को साथ मे रखकर ओर ईश्वर की कृपा को हमारे बीच लाकर 12
Steps का अभ्यास हम सब साथ मे मिलकर हम सभी अच्छी तरह से
और गहराई से कर सकते है ।इसमें बिगबूक और 12 &12 हमारे लिये
अति महत्वका साधन है ।

😇खुद की रिकवरी के लिए जो 12 Steps है । वह कैसे करनेका उसका

Precise Direction बिगबूक में दिया गया है । लेकिन जब बिगबूक का
ृ ठ दे खते है तो उसके ऊपर साफ शब्दोमे लिखा है A Basic Tex
ऑफ A A। यानी इसका जिक्र Texbook के रुप मे किया है । ओर हमारे
पढ़ाई के वक़्त के अनुभव रहे है की उस समय जोभी Subject की
Texbook हमको स्कूल में से दी जाती थी। उसको हम अपनी शक्ति से
समझना हमारे लिए मुश्किल था। हमको Teacher की मदद लेनी पड़ती
थी। वैसे ही इस बिगबूक को अच्छी तरह समझने के लिए अनुभवी
सदस्य की या ऐसे वर्क शोप की जरुरत पड़ती है । अतः रिकवरी के लिए
जरूरी 12 Steps की रे सिपी को अच्छी तरह से समझ सके ।

☺तो चलो हम 1 से 12 कदमो का कार्यक्रम जो 2 या 3 दीन का पुरा

समय दे के अच्छी तरह से एक वर्क शोप में हम सब नोट ओर पैन लेकर
करने वाले है । उसकी एक जलक दे खते है ।

☺अब शराब से दर
ू रहने के लिए या Alcoholism मे से मुक्त होने के
लिए सबसे पहले मुजे अपने आप से यह Admit करना (not
acceptation) बहुत ही जरूरी है कि में एक शराबी हु ओर मेरी जिंदगी
अस्तव्यस्त हो गई है Step 1,

☺मे एक शराबी बन गया हूं यह बात मानने के लिए सबसे पहले यह

जानना जरुरी हे कि शराबी माने क्या ओर शराबी किसे कहते है ? इस
चीज की जानकारी बिगबुकमे डॉक्टर ओपिनियन मे से बहुत ही अच्छी
तरह से मिल सकती हे । पेज xxiii में डॉक्टर लिखते है जबतक मे कुछ
घुट शराब नहीं पिता तब तक मैं अस्थिर याने बैचेन,चिड़चिड़ा,ओर
ृ ट याने खाली खाली रहता हूं। तो यह है मेरी पिने से पहले खड़ी
होने वाली Situation या अवस्था। इसको डॉक्टर ने Mental Obsession
का नाम दिया है यानि मानसिक आकर्षण। डॉक्टर लिखते है कि यही
शराबी की मुख्य समस्या है । जीनकी वजह से शराबी को Compulsory
कुछ घूंट शराब पीनी पड़ती है ।उसके बाद ही, वह तुरन्त ही आराम ओर
शांति का अनुभव कर सकता है । इसी वजह से वह शराब पिना शुरू
करताहै ।उसके बाद क्या होता है और क्या नतीजा निकलता है ।उसके बारे
मे डॉक्टर बताते है शराबी के अन्दर कुछ घुट जाने के बाद Physical
Allergy नाम के घटक का निर्माण होता है । पेज xxv

☺ओर उस Physical Allergy की वजहसे पीनेके पश्चात सख्त Craving

खड़ा होता रहता है । और वो और पीते रहता है । उसकी वजह से अपने
आप को शराब के अंदर डूबो दे ता है जिसको कहते है Black Out

☺ओर यह Mental औऱ Physical बीमारी जिसको Alcoholism कहते है ।

ईनको पुरी तरह से गहराई में समजनेके लिए हम सब वर्क शोप में पूरा
समय दे कर इसे समजेंगे। इसके फलस्वरूप अगर हम शराबी बन गए है
तो इस बात को हम आसानी से एडमिट कर सकते है । परिणाम स्वरूप
हमारा शराब के प्रति जो Denial रहता है वह निकल सकता है ।ओर हम
असानी से सोबर रह सकते है ।

☺अभी पहले कदम की और एक मांग है कि में यह भी मान्य करू की

मेरा जीवन भी अस्तव्यस्त हो गया है । तो यह अस्तव्यस्तता क्या है ।
इसके बारे मे हम दे खे तो हमे दो किस्म की अस्तव्यस्त ता मालूम
पड़ती है । पहली हे External Unmenageability (बाहरी अस्तव्यस्तता)
और दस
ू री हैं Internal Unmenageability (आंतरिक अस्त-व्यस्तता) .
◆External Unmanageability वह है जो शराब का अति सेवन करने से
शराब की वजह से मेरे जीवन मे निर्माण होती है । जैसे कि जगड़े,
एक्सीडेंट, शाररिक स्वास्थ्य, आर्थिक समस्या ओर अपमान।ले किन जब में
शराब से दर
ु होता हूं। तो थोड़े ही दिनों में ये सब Unmamageability (
अस्तव्यस्तता) अपने आप चली जाती है । क्यूंकि इस तरह की समस्या
का निर्माण मुख्य रुप से ज्यादातर शराब पीने के कारणही हुआ था। इस
वजह से शराब बंद होने के साथ ही उनका द र
ू होना शुरू हो जाता हैं।

☺लेकिन उस अस्तव्यस्तता का क्या जिसकी वजह से मुजे वापस शराब

पीनी पड़ती थी ओर मुझे प्रगतिशील शराबी बनाती थी। वह है मेरी
Internal Unmamageability (आंतरिक अस्त-व्यस्तता) जो बिग बुक 62
में बताई गयी है ।इस अस्तव्यस्त ता की वजह से मेरे मन ओर शरीर
मे R I D (Restless, Irritable and Discontent याने बैचेन,चिड़चिड़ा,और
ृ ) वाली परिस्थिति छा जाती थी। जिनकी वजह से मेरे मन मे
Mental Obsession खडा होता था ओर मुजे Compulsary शराब की
ओर जाना पड़ता था। उसके बाद Physical Allergy मुजे शराब में डुबोती
थी। यानी Black Out Condition जिसकी वजह से मेरा दःु ख ओर बढ़ता
था। यानी Internal ओर External Unmanageability ओर बढ़ती थी ।
जिसकी वजह से R I D को (बैचेन,चिड़चिड़ा,ओर असंतस्
ृ टताको) में ज्यादा
महसूस करता था। अतः ओर वापस शराब और वापस अस्तव्यस्त ता- -
- -वापस शराब- - -वापस अस्तव्यस्त ता- - - - -।परिणाम स्वरूप एक
मानशिक, शारीरिक और आध्यात्मिक (अस्तव्यस्तता) illness के रूप मे
शक्तिशाली विष चक्र में शराबी फस जाता हैं। इसी को कहते है शराबी
की Total Hopless Condition या सम्पूर्ण शक्ति हीनता

☺अब ऐसी परिस्थिति में कोई भी मानवीय शक्ति जैसे की मैं खुद,
घरवाले , डॉक्टर, धर्म गुरु, साइकीयाट्रिस्ट या कोई अन्य व्यक्ति शराबी की
इस घातक Condition में से बाहर नही निकाल सकता । और शराबी
अकाल मौत मरता है ।

☺हमारी AA कहती है कि एक चीज है जो मुझे इसमे से बाहर निकाल

सकती है ।ओर वह है Higher Power याने मेरे से बड़ी एक शक्ति step
2 । तो अब हायर पावर की मदद लेने या उसे अपने जीवन मे प्रवेश
कराने के लिए सबसे पहले मेरे अंदर Only Believe याने खाली मानना
(not faith) निर्माण होना अति आवश्यक है ।

☺तो यह Believe हम कैसे और किसतरह से लाये यह step 2 का कार्य

गहन रुप से हम सब बिग बुक के माध्य्म से पूरा समय दे कर करें गें।

☺इसमें हम खास दे खेंगे कि इस believe के बीच मे मेरे मे क्या क्या

रुकावटे अड़चन रूप बनती है । जैसे मेरा अहं कार,पूर्वाग्रह, अन्य चीजों की
कामना वगैरह वगैरह । इन सभी बातों को गहराई से समजने और
अच्छी तरह से believe की ओर जाने के लिये हम वर्क शोप में पूरा
समय दे कर अभ्यास करें गें।

☺अब दस
ू री पायरी करने के बाद जो believe का मेरे अंदर निर्माण हुआ
है ।उसके आधार पर अब मुजे Decision याने निर्णय लेने की बहुत ही
आवश्यक कता है । क्या निर्णय लेने का? की मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन
ईश्वर के मार्गदर्शन मे सोपने का निर्णय Step 3 ।
☺यह निर्णय लेना क्यो जरुरी है ?कि मेरी इच्छा औऱ जीवन - - - - - ।
तो इस कदम में हम वर्क शोप मे पूरा वक़्त दे कर समजने की कोशिश
करें गे कि मेरी Self-will खुद की इच्छा (स्वयं इच्छा) चलाने से क्या
नतीजा मिला? वर्क शोप में यह कार्य करने से मुजे महसूस हो ही जायेगा
कि खुद की इच्छा चलाने से मेरे जीवन मे ज्यादातर संघर्ष, परे शानी,
Problems, ओर शराबीपन का बढ़ना । यही निर्माण होता है ।औऱ मेरा
मानसिक औऱ भावनिक संतुलन बिगड़ता है । इसकी वजह से दःु खी होकर
आखिर में शराब की ऒर जाके मे मेरा सर्वनाश भी कर सकता हूं।
परिणाम स्वरूप मुजे मेरी खुद की इच्छा छोड़ने का निर्णय लेना ही पड़ा।
यानी इसका मतलब यह निकला की मुजे मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन ईश्वर
के मार्गदर्शन में सोपने का निर्णय करने की बहुत ही जरूरत है वरना- - -
-- ।

☺इस पायरी में मुजे यह निर्णय क्यू लेना है और किस तरह से लेना
है ।उसको गहन रूप से पूरा समय दे कर हम सब साथ मे करें गे।

☺तो यहा पर पहली तीन पायरी के रूप में मेरे जीवन मे एक नया
आधार Concept (संकल्पना) के रूप में मजबूत रूप से तैयार होगा ओर
होता है । जो पहले कभी नही था।

☺Step1 सम्पूर्ण शक्ति हीनता को Admit करना याने मान्य करना

Step 2 Higher Power मे Believe लाना याने उच्च शक्ति में मानने की
शुरुआत करना

ओर Step 3 मेरी समज के ईश्वर की दे ख रे ख में मेरी इच्छा ओर जीवन

सोपने का खाली निर्णय ही करना याने खाली डिसीजन लेना। in short
1. खाली admit karna मान्य करना

2. Believe लाना मानना ओर

3. Disison लेना निर्णय करना

कितना सरल लगता है है कि नही?

☺अब Step 4 के रूप में खुद की Inventory या आत्मसंसोधन करना

क्यों जरूरी है ? इसका जवाब यह है कि पहली तीन पायरी में हमने
अपनी सुधारना के लिये आगे का कार्य निर्भयता से करने के लिए एक
मजबूत स्थिति की खाली तैयारी ही की है ।
☺अब step 4 में हमे पता चलता है की मेरे अन्दरमे बहूत सारि गड़बड़,
कूड़े कचरे , Negativity, ओर चरित्र दोष ् ठूस ठूस के भरे पड़े है । इस के
लिए मुजे कुछ करना पड़ेगा । यानी इन सबको निकालना ही पड़ेगा
तोही ईश्वर मेरे जीवन मे प्रवेश कर पायेगा औऱ उनके जरिए हम
Recovery को पा सकेंगे । नही तो यह सारी गड़बड़ी वाली स्थिति मुजे
मेरे संतुलन को बिगाडती रहे गी । फलस्वरूप अंत में में दःु खी होकर या
ज्यादा खुश होकर शराब पीकर अपने पैरों पर ही कुहाड़ा मरूँगा।

☺तो सबसे पहले Step 4 के रूप मे मेरे अंदरकी इन सारी गड़बडिय़ों को

ढूंढने के लिए Search करना पड़ेगा। यानी पेन लेके कागज के ऊपर
अपनी Inventory लिखने की शरुआत करनी पड़ेगी कदम 4

☺यह inventory कैसे ओर किस तरह लेनी है । उनके लिए हम सब

मिलके पूरा वक़्त दे कर demonstration के साथ मिलके वर्क शोप में
करें गे।

😇अब 4 था कदम के रूप में इन्वें ट्री लेने के बाद मुझे इस इन्वें ट्री का
क्या करना है । तो 5 वा कदम मुजे कहे ता है कि मुजे खास तो ईसे दस
ु रे
इन्सान यानी स्पॉन्सर के सामने खोल के रखने की बहु त ही
आवस्यकता है ।ताकि इसमे तेज रोशनी पड़ सके और इस कन्फेशन की
वजह से में हल्का हो सकु और मेरी तन्हाईओ में से बहार निकल सकु।
यह प्रॉमिस हमे बिगबूक दे ती है (pg 88)।इस 5 वे कदम को हम पूरा
वक़्त दे कर इस वर्क शॉप में समझेगे।

😇यह 4 & 5 कदम करने से जो चारित्र दोष मेरे में ठूस ठूस के भरे हुए
है । वह उभरकर सामने आते है औऱ मुजे दिखाई दे ते है ।जो मेरी
विफलता और शराबीपन के जिम्मेदार है ।अब मुजे इसे हटाना पड़ेगा नही
तो यह मुजे परे शान करने ही वाले है ।

😇तो इसको हटाने के लिए मुजे Entirely Ready पड़ेगा। तो यह सम्पूर्ण

तैयारी मुजे अपनेमे कैसे लानी है ।इसको पूरा समय दे कर हम वर्क शॉप
में अभ्यास करें गे।

😇इसके बाद यह चरित्र दोष को हटाने के लिए हम ईश्वर से मदद

मांगने के लिए अपने मे जरूरी विनम्रता लाकर प्राथना करने की स्थिति
अपने जीवन मे किस तरह से लाये। यह 7 वा कदम का अभ्यास हम
सब पूरा समय दे कर करें गे।
😇अब मेरे 4 थे कदम की इन्वें ट्री में मुजे साफ साफ यह दिखाई दे ता हे
की मेरे खराब वर्तन के कारण मेने बहुतो का नुकसान किया है और उन्हें
दःु खी भी किया हे ।इस कारण Sobriety मे इन लोगो का सामना करना
मेरे लिए कठीन होता है । जिससे मेरा मानशिक संतुलन बिगड़ सकता है
और इस वजह से मुजे मिला हुआ संयम खतरे में पड़ सकता है ।क्यूंकि
इन दर्भा
ु वना की वजह से में अपराध भाव, शर्म ऒर पश्चाताप का
शिकार बनता रहता हूं।

😇तो इसके लिए मुजे कुछ करना पड़ेगा ही (repayment)।तो यहां पर

मेरा 8 वा कदम के रुप मे उन लोगोकी लिस्ट बनाना है ।और इसके बाद
9 वे कदम के रूप में डायरे क्ट Amends प्रायश्चित करने का काम शरू
करना जरूरी बन जाता है ।तो यह लिस्ट कैसे बनाना है औऱ प्रायश्चित
किस तरह से करनाहै खास करके दस
ू रो को इस वजह से नुकसान ना
हो।इन बातों को पूरा समय दे के हम वर्क शोप में समझेगे।

😇अब 4 से 9 कदमो का कार्य करने के बाद मुजे यह महसूस होने

लगता है कि पहले तीन कदमो का जो Concept (संकल्पना ) का एक
आधार था। वह मुजे अपने जीवन मे अनुभव दे ने लगता है ।

😇जैसेकी एडमिशन अक्सेप्टन्स का स्वरूप लेता है , बिलीव फेथ का

स्वरूप लेता है ,और निणर्य एक्शन का स्वरूप लेता है ।

😇इस तरह 1 से 9 कदम करने के पश्चात मुजे। जिंदगी जीने की नई

रीत मिलती है और अब यह रीत पूरी तरह से समझ मे आती है ।आर्ट
ऑफ लिवि ंग of A A

😇लेकिन उन्हें मेरी रोजाना जिंदगी में Apply होते रहना मेरे लिए बहुत
ही जरूरी है ।तो यह कार्य करने के लिए इनका में टेनेन्स और ग्रोथ होना
बहुत जरूरी है ।

😇में टेनेन्स के लिए 10 वा कदम दिया है ।जो बताता है कि हमने अपना

इन्वें टरी कंटीन्यू याने सतत लेना जारी रखा।

😇इनका हम वर्क शॉप में पूरा समय दे कर अभ्यास करें गें। की दसवे
कदम की प्रैक्टिस किस तरह से कंटिन्यू करके अपना मानसिक और
भावनिक संतुलन बनाये रखे।

😇अब ग्रोथ के लिये 11 और 12 वा कदम बहुत जरुरी बनता है ।

😇11 वे कदम में ईश्वर के साथ का जागत
ृ संबंध बढ़ाने के लिए प्राथना
और ध्यान का सहारा हम लेते है ।तो ध्यान क्या है और इसे कैसे करे
यह बात को गहराई से जानने के लिऐ प्रैक्टिस के साथ हम सब पुरा
समय दे कर अभ्यास करें गे। औऱ प्राथना को इस कदम में ऒर गहराई से

😇इस बात को खास ध्यान में रखना की इन सभी कदमो का अभ्यास

हम सब बिगबूक को साथ मे रखकर ही कर पाएंगे।

😇अब रिकवरी का अंतिम कदम याने 12 वा कदम भी हमारा ग्रोथ करने

का अंतिम कदम है ।यह हमे करना ही पड़ेगा।क्योंकि जो हमे मिला है
वह अगर हम अपने पास रखना चाहते है तो उसे निःस्वार्थ रूप से बाटते
रहना बहुत ही जरूरी है । इस कारण हमने इस संदेश को द स
ू रे पीड़ित
शराबी तक निस्वार्थ रुप से पहोचाना शरू कर दिया।और जीवन पर्यन्त
इसे करते रहने का निश्चय किया।तो दस
ू रों तक यह संदेश किस तरह
पहोचाना है ।और इसके लिए हमे क्या करना है और किस तरह कार्य
करना है ।यह बात हम विस्तत
ृ रूप से पूरा समय दे कर समजेंगे।और
अपने जीवन मे इस तत्वों का आचरण किस तरह से करते रहना है
इसको भी समजेंगे।

😇तो इस तरह से 12 स्टे प के द्वारा मेरे जीवनका ज्यादा से ज्यादा

बदलाव जरूर आ सकता है ।यानी मेरे पुराने व्यक्तित्व का अंत होना
और नए व्यक्तित्व का जन्म होना या निर्माण होना।

😇बस इतना ही संदेश 12 स्टे प वर्क शोप करने से पहे ले हमे समजने की
जरूरत है ।

😇आप सबने इस वर्क शोप मेन्युअल को ध्यान से दे ख लिया है । तो

आपका खूब खूब धन्यवाद।।

26/07/2019, 16:23 - Sujal Amin: Improvise, adopt & overcome

29/07/2019, 10:56 - Sujal Amin: *My Purpose*
To live a healthy, happy, joyous, free, and prosperous life while
achieving my dreams and goals.

*My Vision*
- I am confident, intelligent, healthy, happy, joyous and free. I do
the work that I enjoy most. I do take self- improvement activities
every day to become my best version.
- I run my business with God given power, aligning with my
passion. My income grows day by day, am very excited to grow
my business around the India. I make the best decision to grow
my business. My employees work happily for my business.
- I and my family are living happy, healthy, and luxurious life in our
house. God is helping me to fulfilling my needs.
- I and my family travel to different parts of India for AA meetings,
and famous places most often. I am also carrying the AA
message to still suffering alcoholics. We have a great time and
memories during travel.
- I am praying, feeling grateful and getting direction from God to
live healthy, happy, joyous, free and prosperous life.

- By 31st December 2019, my goal is to get new 35 clients for
my company. I become stronger, happier, and healthier.
29/07/2019, 11:31 - Sujal Amin: *Where and how were we to find
this Power?*
on P. 45 it states,"We had to find a power by which we could live,
and it had to be a Power greater than
ourselves. Obviously., But where and how were we to find this

It is extremely important to know the

location of the pages that contain the how and where we find the
Power. That was something I desperately needed to know. So I
was taken on journey through 2 key points in the Book that
explained how we find the power and where we find the power.
And today when I take a sponsee
through step 2 I take to these two vital points. And I emphasize
strongly these 2 points in workshops and Book studies I do when
explaining step 2.

*To find out "how we find the Power"we go to a short sentence on

p. 25."Almost none of us liked the self searching, the leveling of
our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process
requires for its successful consummation. "Self searching, the
leveling of our pride, is Step 4, the confession of shortcomings is
step 5, and successful consummation is 6, 7, 8, 9. Steps 4 and 5
are pretty obvious, but 6, 7, 8, 9 are tricky for some to see,
because the word consummation is often misinterpreted. I always
thought it meant the end to something. What consummation
means is "to complete the goal that was intended. "When we do
the 3rd step prayer it is a decision turn our will and lives to over to
care of God. We turn our lives over the second the pen hits the
paper in step 4, with our goal to let God remove our defects/
shortcoming. So we must do 4 and 5 to reach that goal in 6 and 7.
In a nutshell steps 4 and 5 are a requirement to reach the goal
(consummation) to let God remove our defects (6/7). There is also
another goal (consummation) and that is to repair (9) the
relationship with God and others by making right our past wrongs
(9). So that is how we find the power steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
This is great way right away to start explaining 4 thru 9 while only
at step 2.*

*To find out "where we End the Power "we we go to p.55 half way
down the page to one of the most powerful statements in the Big
Book.* _We finally saw that} faith in some kind of God was a part
of our make-up, just as much as the feeling we have for a friend.
Sometimes we have to search feartessly, but He was there. He
was as nuch a fact as we were. We found the Great Reality deep
down within us. In the last analysis it is only there that He may be
found. It was so with us._ "What that means is where we find God
is Deep Down Within us. "They even hit harder by saying *"it is
only there that He may be found."*

For me this statement on p. 55 was a game changer. I wanted

what the steps offered but wanted nothing to do with God. All
because of old theories and beliefs of God that I was raised on
and held onto for many years. I was raised in a religious
household and was told if you don't prey you go to hell and if you
do wrong God will punish you. So my conception of God as a
child was God was punishing, resentful, hard to find,
fearful, angry and so on. And he was up in sky with a long white
beard watching me. At 30 years old that was
the conception of God I still had. There was no way I could
believe in this child conception of God. So whenever I thought of
God my mind slammed shut. Everything changed with one short
sentence. "We found
the Great Reality deep down within us. "My child's conception of
was shattered. Bill had explained God in one sentence. Did I
instantly believe in God that second? No. But I was willing to
believe that God could restore my sanity., Thanks to a new
conception of God that was simple and made sense I got the
hope I desperately needed. P. 55 changed my life. Was God
With-in a new concept?
No all-spiritual practices have concepts of the Spirit With-in.
Thanks to Bill Wilson I was introduced to new
concept that changed my life forever. *How we find the Power is
deep down within.*

So there is the answer. *How we find the power is steps 4 thru 9.

Where we find the Power Deep Down With- in.* Going from P. 45
to those 2 pages
works wonders for spondees, I know it worked wonders for me 6
years ago. Did I arrive in recovery to find God? ? No. I just wanted
to stop drinking and stay stopped for good.
The end result was I got attitude with God and entered the World
of the Spirit.

*P. 55"With this attitude you cannot fail. The consciousness of

your belief is sure to come to you."*
29/07/2019, 11:38 - Sujal Amin: “As we felt NEW POWER FLOW
IN, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face
life successfully, as we became conscious of His presence, we
began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We
were reborn.” Pg 63

*Que:* How can one still be Powerless (without Power) if they felt
new power flow in... not around them or outside of them...IN

*Ans:* When I came to AA, I wasn’t an atheist per se. I didn’t

know what an agnostic was. I was just a 23-year-old kid driven by
his own will. Prayer was not an activity I engaged in.

My first sponsor was a guy named Kevin. Kevin was 27, about 3
½ years sober. Kevin worked for Houston’s Water Department.

One day, Kevin called me and asked me to go out on an

emergency call to repair a broken water main. When we arrived,
they had dug a hole, and was pumping out the water. The water
was filling the hole as fast as they could pump it out. It looked like
boiling mud.
Kevin climbed down into the hole and removed the old valve, then
began putting on the new valve. During the process, he dropped
one of the nuts in the muddy water. Kevin didn’t have an extra
nut. I stood at the edge of this hole watching Kevin work frantically
to find the nut, but he couldn’t.

Finally, Kevin stood up, looked up to the sky and said, “God, I’m
powerless. I need your help to find this nut.” Kevin stuck his hands
back in the churning water and resumed his search. Within
seconds he found the nut for the bolt.

This was too much for me to believe, and I found myself saying,
“No! No fucking way!” I just could not allow myself to believe God
had answered Kevin’s prayer like that. Kevin was convinced He

About a month later, Kevin had me out until 2 AM at an Alkathon. I

had to be up at 6 AM to go to work. When Kevin dropped me off,
he told me that before I went to sleep, I was to pray to God “… for
a good night’s sleep for what little sleep I might receive.”

I woke up to my alarm clock feeling as if I’d had a full night’s

sleep. It scared me. But, my experience did lead me to try it again,
and again, and again.

Today, the majority of my prayers are focused on gaining

knowledge of His will and the Power to carry that out. I no longer
doubt the process, nor do I trying to explain that “Power” which I
still do not understand.
29/07/2019, 12:41 - Sujal Amin: : What should I stop doing?
: What should I keep doing?
: What should I start doing?
29/07/2019, 13:29 - Sujal Amin: *Overcoming fear of failure*
Facing your fear of moving forward

Overcome your fear of failure to keep moving forward to your


Have you ever been so

afraid of failing at something that you decided not to try it
at all? Or has a fear of failure meant that, subconsciously, you
undermined your own
efforts to avoid the
possibility of a larger failure?

Many of us have probably experienced

this at one time or another. The fear of
failing can be immobilizing-it can cause us to do nothing, and
therefore resist
moving forward. But when we allow fear
to stop our forward progress in life, we're
likely to miss some great opportunities
along the way.

In this article, we'll examine fear of failure:

what it means, what causes it, and how to
overcome it to enoy true success in work,
and in life.

*Causes of Fear of Failure*

To find the causes of fear of failure, we first need to understand
what "failure" actually means. We all have different definitions of
failure, simply because we all have different
benchmarks, values, and belief systems.
A failure to one person might simply be a great learning
experience for someone else.

Many of us are afraid of failing, at least

some of the time. But fear of failure (also
called "atychiphobia') is when we allow that fear to stop us doing
the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals.
Fear of failure can be linked to many causes. For instance, having
critical or unsupportive parents is a cause for some people.
Because they were routinely
undermined or humiliated in childhood, they carry those negative
feelings into adulthood.

Experiencing a traumatic event at some point in your life can also

be a cause. For example, say that several years ago you
gave an important presentation in front of
a large group, and you did very poorly. The experience might
have been so terrible that you became afraid of failing in other
things. And you carry that fear
even now, years later.

*How You Experience Fear of Failure*

You might experience some or all of these symptoms if you have
a fear of failure:
A reluctance to try new things or get
involved in challenging projects.

_Self-sabotage_ for example, _procrastination_, excessive

_anxiety_, or
a failure to follow through with goals.
_Low self-esteem_ or _self-confidence_-
commonly using negative statements
such as"I'll never be good enough to get that promotion, " or "I'm
not smart
enough to get on that team."

_Perfectionism_-A willingness to try

only those things that you know you'll finish perfectly and

*The Definition of Failure*

It's almost impossible to go through life
without experiencing some kind of failure.
People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go
nowhere. Put simply, they're not really living at all.

But, the wonderful thing about failure is

that it's entirely up to us to decide how to
look at it.

We can choose to see failure as"the end of the world,' or as proof

of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the
incredible learning
experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something, we can
choose to look for the lesson we're meant to learn. These lessons
are very important; they're how we grow, and how we keep from
making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we et

It's easy to find successful people who

have experienced failure. For example:
- Michael Jordan is widely considered to be one of the greatest
basketball players of all time. And yet, he was cut from his high
school basketball team
because his coach didn't think he had enough skill.
- Warren Buffet, one of the world's richest and most successful
businessmen, was rejected by Harvard University.
- Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin
empire, is a high -school dropout.

Most of us will stumble and fall in life. Doors will get slammed in
our faces, and we might make some bad decisions. But imagine if
Michael Jordan had given up on his dream to play basketball
when he was cut from that team. Imagine if Richard Branson had
listened to the people who told him he'd never do anything
worthwhile without a high-school diploma.

Think of the opportunities you'll miss if you let your failures stop
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would
never have
learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how
strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you
discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected
motivation to succeed.

often, valuable insights come only after a

failure. Accepting and learning from those
insights is key to succeeding in life.

*How Not to Be Afraid of Failure*

It's important to realize that in everything we do, there's always a

chance that we'll all fail. Facing that chance, and embracing it, is
not only courageous it also gives us a fuller, more rewarding life.
However, here are a few ways to reduce the fear of failing:
_Analyze all potential outcomes_ Many people experience fear of
failure because they fear the unknown. Remove that fear by
considering all of the potential outcomes of your decision. Our
article *Decision Trees* will teach you how to map possible
outcomes visually.

_Learn to think more positively_ Positive thinking is an incredibly

powerful way to buildself -confidence and neutralizeself
-sabotage. Our article *Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking,
and Positive Thinking* is a
comprehensive resource for learning
how to change your thoughts.

_Look at the worse-case scenario_ -In some cases, the worst

case scenario
may be genuinely disastrous, and it may be perfectly rational to
fear failure. In other cases, however, this worst case may actually
not be that
bad, and recognizing this can help.

_Have a contingency plan_ -If you're

afraid of failing at something, having a
"Plan B"in place can help you feel more confident about moving

*How to Stop Living in Fear*

If you are afraid of failure, you might be
uncomfortable *setting goals*. But goals
help us define where we want to go in life. Without goals, we have
no sure destination.

Many experts recommend *visualization*

as a powerful tool for goal setting. Imagining how life will be after
you've reached your goal is a great motivator to keep you moving

However, visualization might produce the

opposite results in people who have a
fear of failure. *Research* shows that
people who have a fear of failure were often left in a strong
negative mood after
being asked to visualize goals and goal attainment.

So, what can you do instead?

Start by setting a few *small goals*. These

should be goals that are slightly, but not
overwhelmingly, challenging. Think of
these goals as"early wins"that are designed to help boost your

For example, if you've been too afraid to

talk to the new department head (who
has the power to give you the promotion you want), then make
that your first goal. Plan to stop by her office during the next week
to introduce yourself.
Or, imagine that you've dreamed of returning to school to get your
MBA, but you're convinced that you're not smart enough to be
accepted into business school. Set a goal to talk with a school
counselor or admissions officer to see what's required for

Try to make your goals tiny steps on the route to much bigger
goals. Don't focus on the end picture: getting the promotion, or
graduating with an MBA. Just focus on
the next step: introducing yourself to the department head, and
talking to an
admissions officer. That's it.

Taking one small step at a time will help build your confidence,
keep you moving forward, and prevent you from getting
overwhelmed with visions of your final goal.

Sometimes, being afraid of failure can be
a symptom of a more serious mental health condition. Negative
thinking can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases,
death. While these
techniques have been shown to have a positive effect on reducing
stress, they
are for guidance only, and readers should
take the advice of suitably qualified health professionals if they
have anyconcerns
over related illnesses or if negative thoughts are causing
significant or persistent unhappiness. Health
professionals should also be consulted
before any major change in diet or levels of exercise.

*Key Points*
Many of us are sometimes afraid of failing, but we mustn't let that
fear stop us from moving forward.

Fear of failure can have several causes:

from childhood events to mistakes we've
made in our adult lives. It's important to realize that we always
have a choice: we can choose to be afraid, or we can
choose not to be.

Start by setting small goals that will help build your confidence.
Learn how to explore and evaluate all possible outcomes
rationally and develop
contingency plans; and practice thinking positively. By moving
forward slowly but
steadily, you'll begin to overcome your
29/07/2019, 15:38 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day~The

In the Big Book has lots of powerful

stories there is Bills Story, and the stories in the back of the Book.
And then there are stories within the Book such as the minister's
son, the guy
who accepted a sum of money from a
bitterly hated business rival, the Man of 30, Jims story and Fred's
story. And then there is one more and my
personal favorite the Jaywalker!

The Jaywalker story is more thenjust a story it is a parable. A

dictionary tells us that a parable is a short story designed to teach
a moral principal, but a 1930's dictionary
defines a parable as an illustration, a comparison, or an analogy,
most likely in the form of a short story, using every day events to
teach a moral, a lesson, or spiritual truth. That is exactly the point
of the Jaywalk it is a lesson using every day events (jaywalking)
and truth so that the reader can see the true insanity of
the first drink. It might sound silly to imagine that a person would
have an obsession with jaywalking, that's probably because I
don't have an obsession with Jaywalking, nor have
met a person who does. Meaning I don't have any empathy with
an obsession with jaywalking. Just like a
none-alcoholic has no empathy towards one who has an allergy
obsession. They have no idea what its like to loose control and
repeat the same insane stuff to get a drink. The jaywalk parable is
not meant for us to relate with a jaywalker its about the
mindset prior to jaywalking. Lets take
a look at it.

*Our behavior is as absurd and incomprehensible with respect to

the first drink as that of an individual with a passion, say, for,

Our behavior for the first drink is the same as a person with a
passion (obsession) for jaywalking? The first time read this I was
like jaywalking?
This is stupid. My sponsors suggested
I use a 1930's dictionary when
reading the Big Book and it helped a lot with this paragraph. I only
knew jaywalking as being too lazy to walk to use the crosswalk
and it was illegal. A Jaywalker as defined in a 1930's dictionary:
one who crosses the street dangerously, so as to endanger
themselves and the lives of others. Most modern definitions define
it as to cross street or road unlawfully. The older definition is
perfect with emphasis of jaywalking being
dangerous. He's putting his life and others life in danger. Does he
care? Does knowing it is dangerous stop him from jaywalking?
Did you ever do that with alcohol? Put your life in
danger as well as the lives of others all because you want that
first drink? Drinking despite know all the
consequences. Lets look at the definitions from a 1930's
dictionary for absurd and incomprehensible. *Absurd*-contrary to
reason, or inconsistent with the truth; lack of common sense.
*Incomprehensible* -Unintelligible
(which means impossible to
understand). Those are so perfect because if a person has an
obsession with alcohol common sense is out the window and they
are impossible to

*He gets a thrill out of skipping in front of fast-moving vehicles.*

Another word for thrill is buzz. Wasn t that the way some of US
liked to drink in the beginning to get a
buzz? Unwind and relax.

*He enjoys himself for a few years in spite of friendly warnings.*

Did we not enjoy ourselves for a few
years? Remember those friendly warnings we got at the
beginning? Like "be Carefur' ''don t drink and drive"or "«don't drink
so much." Or even deeper ones we got those that are hooked
when they said"man don't get hooked on this stuff?" Those
ominous warnings we failed to heed.

*Up to this point you would label him as a foolish chap having
queer ideas of fun* Queer 1930's dictionary -differing in some odd
way from
what is ordinary; unordinary or abnormal. Does everyone say who
barley gets out of the way of truck man I got to try that again?
That is abnormal thinking. He had abnormal
ideas of fun because he is abnormal. Just like the alcoholics who
has an abnormal reaction to alcohol

*slightly injured several times in succession.*

This I personally relate with how luck seem to just run out. I would
go out on sprees and never get in trouble
and then all of a sudden I got trouble
several times in succession. The big
question is did knowing that I will get
trouble stop me from picking up that first drink?

*You would expect him, if he were normal to cut it out.*

Well he definitely is not normal? Which is why he definitely cannot
stop. If we were not alcoholic (normal) we would be able to stop.
(No allergylobsession)
Normal people do not understand why we cannot stop.

*Presently he is hit again and this time has a fractured skull.*

Equivalence of getting drunk and almost dying. The next big
question is does almost dying stop him from jaywalking? Does it
stop us from drinking?

*Within a week after leaving the hospital a fast-moving trolley car

breaks his arm.*
You mean to tell me
after leaving hospital he jaywalks again? of course he did. Did he
even think of what happened to him last
time before he jaywalked again? Same as within weeks or same
day of leaving rehab when we got drunk again. Did you ever think
for one
second of the consequences at all??
Or even remembering what you learned there?

*He tells you he has decided to stop jaywalking for good but in a
few weeks he breaks both legs.* Meaning he swears off
jaywalking forever? He
is done. Do not Jaywalk No Matter
What! We did the same thing for years. We go to AA but we don't
do a step. Meaning we are sober but we are restless, irritable, and
discontented. We are insane trying to fight off a blinding
obsession. The big
question is can we stay stopped? How? If we are a real alcoholic
there is no chance. ZERO! This is when we
relapse and have a bigger explosion then ever. The last big
question is what hannens next?

*I am not going to break down the next paragraph because it

describes us spot on.*
"on through the years this conduct continues, accompanied by his
continual promises to be careful or to keep off the streets
altogether. Finally, he can no longer work, his wife gets a divorce
and he is held up to ridicule. He tries every known means to get
the jaywalking idea out of his head. He shuts himself up in
(rehab), hoping to mend his ways. But
the day he comes out he races in front of a fire engine which
breaks his back. Such a man would be crazy,
wouldn't he?"

*Lets look at the last 3 sentences rewritten for alcoholism* He

tries every known means to get the
drinking idea out of his head. He shuts himself up in a rehab,
hoping to
mend his ways. But the day he gets out he walks into the nearest
liquor store, which sets him off on yet another spree and he nearly
dies. Such a man would be crazy, wouldn't he?

I must be honest the first time I read the first paragraph of the
Jaywalker I thought it must be a joke. But the
second paragraph made the hair stand up on my arms. Bill
absolutely nailed it. Especially when he states "he can no longer
work, his wife gets a divorce and he is held up to ridicule. " I was
like that's me, that's me. It made me read the top paragraph
again. I must have read
this story 10 times that night. It was when I really became
fascinated with
the Big Book.

The jaywalker story is the equivalence a of man going to rehab

over and over again yet still gets drunk. Just like an alcoholic if a
aywalker nearly dies jaywalking and keeps jaywalking something
isn't right in their mind. There is something wrong with their
mental condition, they cannot get the
Jaywalking idea out of their head, even knowing they cannot
safely do it they still do it. They can read every
book on the dangers of jaywalking, go to go Jaywalking
Anonymous meetings in 90 days, they can know all the dangers
and consequences
from actual experience and they still are going to do it. Just like
how the real alcoholic cannot get the drink out of their head, the
jaywalker wont think of the consequences at all. The Jaywalker
Parable drives home the power of the mental obsession and
the underlying truth that self knowledge avails us nothing. For the
real alcoholic the drinking of the first
drinkeven with the knowledge of the
consequences is cloudy and beyond
understanding. Unless we have spiritual awakening we will keep
doing it NO MATTER WHAT.

I didn't loose my house, my job, my wife, my car... so, the

jaywalker story is silly... untill I replace the insane ideas with
alcohol, Insanity is thinking (not doing) the same thing over and
over and expecting different results.

*Insanity*- lack of proportion and the inability to think straight.

30/07/2019, 11:49 - Sujal Amin: *Awakenings*

_Who I am..._
I am an ordinary man who has had extraordinary experiences
since an awakening in 2104. Having a gift of weaving a visual
tapestry with words I have the ability to convey spiritual ideas in
simple ways that are easily grasped. I work in the consulting
industry and enjoy a serene experience in what can be a
stressful atmosphere.

I live in Ahmedabad city.

_Where I come from..._

Born in 1978 to an intellectual family, grew up in average

ideal circumstances. After a near-death experience clarity came
through a spiritual awakening that continues to unfold to this day
many years later. _My purpose is to place myself where I may be
of maximum service to others, to bring a greater understanding
and to demonstrate spiritual principles in my daily life._

_Where I am today..._

*Today is the day; now is the time.* These are the words that
reflect the life I get to live today. It is an appreciation for two lives
lived in one. It is the desire to pass on what has been so freely
given to me. It is knowing that a loving God has provided all that I
may need to accomplish all that is needed as I am placed where I
may be of maximum usefulness to Him and those about me.
31/07/2019, 18:23 - Sujal Amin: My experience: every single time
I go to God with my budget, expense list, needs, wants & dreams,
He sends me some girl who suffers from alcoholism. I share with
them the Solution my sponsors share with me. The list has yet to
get all crossed off. The loss of my health, career & marriage (&
their accompanying financial devastation) should've brought
bankruptcy a couple years ago. I offer my thinking, actions, words
& deeds to God, meditate each morning and evening, work two
(minimal wage) jobs, and get to spend an hour or two each night
with a sponsee. God secured me a mortgage (that is somehow a
month ahead), all my bills are current, pantry full, freezer full, both
cars are full of fuel. I could skip laundry for a month & still have
plenty of outfits, the yard is mowed. I am Free; living beyond my
02/08/2019, 15:53 - Sujal Amin: _*The Twelve Factors To
*1) Great attitude*
I have a positive, can-do, winning attitude. Specifically, I have
enthusiasm, drive, competitiveness, and confidence. I am highly
motivated to succeed. I see selling as a competition, and love
competition. I do whatever it takes to win—ethically—and do not
I am extremely persistent. I am always moving ahead, changing,
growing, and pushing through the bad times until I make it. I
never give up on myself and my dream of success. I have a win-
win attitude. I am genuine and truly like and care about other

*2) Action oriented*

I am purposeful, focused, well-thought-out, full of massive action.
I am clear about what I am doing and why I am doing it. I don’t
procrastinate. I am protective of my time and use it wisely. I
have a plan and I work my plan every day. I know what actions
lead to my success and that’s where I spend my time. I follow the
80/20 rule.

*3) Preparation*
I am prepared for anything and I over-prepare for everything. I
never wing it. I have prepared scripts, presentations, answers to
objections, and proposals. I practice, drill, and rehearse. I never
rest on my laurels and are always looking for ways to improve. I
am ready for anything and expect the best, yet I have a plan if the
worst, or anything else, shows up.

*4) Business-like and business-savvy*

Customers are smarter and competition has increased. I partner
with customers and build a compelling business case based upon
what’s best for the customer. I know my customers’ business and
problems intimately. I ask intelligent questions that both set me
apart from other players and, more important, let the customer
know I thoroughly understand the business. I know and embrace
technology, but not to the point where I distance customers and/or
remove the human element.

*5) Ability to stand out from the crowd*

I differentiate myself from other salespeople. I don’t sound or act
like other salespeople. I am original. I doesn’t come across as
someone trying to sell; he or she comes across as an interested
and informed party that’s here to help. I have an aura of respect
around me. The way I walk and talk demonstrates to others that I
am professionals and in turn, I am treated professionally. I am
real, human, and down to earth, and people like me for this
reason. My caring, sincerity, and helpful dispositions stand out. I
am memorable.

*6) Likeability, trustworthiness, and the ability to build

Selling is about doing everything necessary to build solid, loyal,
long-term relationships. I develop and nurture customer
relationships and consider most of my customers to be friends. I
have the ability to put people at ease and win others to myside, to
establish a connection, and build rapport quickly and effectively. I
build trust and credibility. I can walk into a room and emerge
fifteen minutes later having made a new friend. I am genuine,
open, and honest. I convey a sincere interest in other people,
what makes me tick, and what interests them. I truly like to serve

*7) Effective communication*

I am a great communicator, knowing what to say and when to say
it. I actively listen and am able to hear people well and read
between the lines. I ask good questions, listen well to the
answers, and take notes. I don’t confuse people by giving them
more information than they need; yet I give them enough
information to make a well-thought-out buying decision. I have
frank, direct conversations with people.

*8) Empathy*
I have empathy for my customers and prospects. I am able to put
myself in other people’s shoes. I genuinely like people and
people feel my understanding and compassion. I enjoy helping
people and they believe, with every fiber of my being, that buying
and owning my product or service will help people.

*9) Professionalism, integrity, and work ethic*

I am complete professionals with complete integrity. I have a great
work ethic. I am always on my best behavior because I am aware
that I never know who is watching me. I am honest. If I don’t
know an answer, I admit it, find the answer, and follow up
promptly. I am straightforward. I work both hard and smart. I
don’t rest on my laurels when things are going well. I recognize
my top clientele and focus closely on nurturing those relationships
and finding more people like me. I am going the extra mile and
always deliver more than I promise. I return phone calls and reply
to correspondence promptly. I take 100 percent responsibility for
everything I do, both professionally and personally.

*10) Team player and leader*

I look for ways to contribute to the team. I share information and
success stories that may help the other individuals. I pull for my
peers and colleagues. I am focused on becoming better as
individuals and believe that by doing so, I help the people around
me improve and make my company stronger. I work well with
other individuals/ departments and develop strong professional
relationships with co-workers also. I get along with everyone,
including the person no one else can relate to. I am a leader. I
expect to be at the top and I am comfortable there. I do not look
down on or see others as inferior.

*11) Continuing education and training*

I am always getting better at doing. I read sales books, listen to
information, watch videos, and talk to other successful
salespeople. I constantly look for ways to improve. I know doing
and I know my business, yet I also know there is always more to
learn. I study my competition inside and out. I stay up-to-date on
all new developments in my industry and everything that could
affect business. I am constantly looking through trade
publications and magazines.
*12) Company product and support*
I cannot remain at the top without reliable products and support. I
pick companies and products in which I can believe 100 percent,
and I continue to look for reasons my product is better than any

While twelve factors may seem like a lot, the keys are: having a
great attitude, a sincere interest in helping people, and *a desire
to succeed*.
02/08/2019, 21:58 - Sujal Amin: *History Behind AA’s
Responsibility Statement*

The Responsibility Statement reads:

_I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am

It was written for the 1965 AA International Convention in Toronto.

In an article titled, ‘How I am Responsible became a part of AA’,
from the GSO newsletter, Box 4-5-9. The article identifies former
AA trustee, Al S. as the author of the Responsibility Statement.
In the souvenir book for the 1965 Convention, Dr. Jack Norris
“…We must remember that AA will continue strong only so long
as each of us freely and happily gives it away to another person,
only as each of us takes our fair share of responsibility for
sponsorship of those who still suffer, for the growth and integrity
of our Group, for our Intergroup activities, and for AA as a whole.
It is in taking responsibility that real freedom and the enduring
satisfactions of life are found. AA has given us the power to
choose – to drink or not to drink – and in doing so has given us
the freedom to be responsible for ourselves. As we become
responsible for ourselves, we are free to be responsible for our
share in AA, and unless we happily accept this responsibility we
lose AA. Strange, isn’t it?”
In a Grapevine article in October 1965, the Responsibility
Statement is discussed, and Bill W. expresses his views:
Two major thoughts stood out in the remarks of the many
speakers, alcoholic and nonalcoholic, at AA’s July Toronto
Convention. The first was admiration and gratitude for AA’s
startling success in sobering up hundreds of thousands of lost-
cause drunks. The other was concern that the success which has
come to AA over the thirty years since its start in Akron, Ohio in
1935 would not lead us to any complacency about the size of the
job still to be done.
The theme of the Convention was: Responsibility. “I am
responsible. . .when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I
want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am
AA’s co-founder, Bill, in his talk to over 10,000 attending the major
sessions of the Convention, stressed the need for cooperation
with all who work on the problem of alcoholism, the more than 100
agencies in the United States and Canada alone now engaged in
research, alcohol education and rehabilitation.
“Too often, we have deprecated and even derided these projects
of our friends just because we do not always see eye to eye with
them,” Bill said. “We should very seriously ask ourselves how
many alcoholics have gone on drinking simply because we have
failed to cooperate in good spirit with these many agencies. No
alcoholic should go mad or die merely because he did not come
straight to AA in the beginning.”
“The first concern of AA members should be with problem
drinkers the movement is still unable to reach,” Bill said. He
estimated that there are 20 million alcoholics in the world today,
five million in the U.S. alone. “Some cannot be reached because
they are not hurt enough, others because they are hurt too much,”
he declared.
“Many sufferers have mental and emotional complications that
seem to foreclose their chances. Yet it would be conservative to
estimate that at any particular time there are four million
alcoholics in the world who are able, ready and willing to get well
if only they knew how. When we remember that in the 30 years of
AA’s existence we have reached less than ten per cent of those
who might have been willing to approach us, we begin to get an
idea of the immensity of our task and of the responsibilities with
which we will always be confronted.”
There have been two Advisory Actions from the General Service
Conference regarding the Declaration of Responsibility since it
was introduced. In 1971, the Conference recommended that:
The Literature Committee, following the general feeling of the
Conference, reaffirm both the spirit and the wording of the “I am
Responsible” Declaration from the International Convention held
in Toronto in 1965.
And in 1977, the Conference recommended that:
The Responsibility Declaration not be changed, as it was made at
the 1965 International Convention in Toronto.
02/08/2019, 22:07 - Sujal Amin: *Learning to Manage Fear in

When people give up abusing alcohol and drugs it does not mean
that their trials in life are over. They are still going to have to deal
with the ups and downs of life just like everyone else. The only
difference will be that they won’t be hiding from reality or making
things worse through substance abuse. One of the things that
people in recovery are almost certain to face is fear. It is
unavoidable. Those who are emotionally sober are no longer
interested in hiding from fear. Their focus is on learning to
manage it effectively.

*Fear Defined*
Fear can be defined as a distressing emotion aroused by
impending pain or danger. The trigger for this emotion can be real
or imaginary, and it may or may not be rational. When people feel
fear, they may go into panic mode. This means that are unable to
think clearly or make good decisions. It is usual to view fear as a
negative emotion, but it can also be highly beneficial, as it helps to
keep humans out of danger.

*Fear and Addiction*

Fear can keep people trapped in addiction. The individual may
have the clarity to see how much the substance abuse is
destroying their life, but the idea of leaving their misery behind
frightens them. This is because there is comfort in the familiar
even when the familiar is far from ideal. People who are trapped
in alcoholism can develop the idea that their life is as good as it
can get. They can imagine that a life in sobriety is dull and
unsatisfying. They are frightened by the idea of facing life without
alcohol and drugs. It can all seem like a great deal of work with no
real reward.

*Common Fears in Recovery*

These are some of most common fears for people in recovery:

The fear that life will not be enjoyable again (particularly
prominent during early sobriety)

-Staying sober will require too much effort

-Fear of journeying into unknown territory

-Fear of facing life challenges without a chemical crutch

-Fear of failure or, alternately, success

-Financial concerns

-Career concerns

-Relationships concerns

-Fear of death

-Fear of ill-health

-Fear of loss of a loved one

*Fear of Getting Better in Recovery*

People can be afraid of getting better in recovery. This is because

so much of their identity has been wrapped up in their addiction. It
can be impossible for people to imagine a life where substance
abuse is no longer so important to them. The idea of a person
who is happy and sober can be a bit frightening. It is so different
to the individual’s current circumstances. It can feel like they need
to give away their current identity in order to become a stranger.
Getting better is undoubtedly a step into the unknown and it does
take courage to press forward into sobriety.
&Dangers of Fear in Recovery*

It is natural for people to experience a bit of fear in their life. It can

make them cautious and ensure that they make better decisions.
Excessive fear in recovery can for the following reasons:

- Too much fear prevents people from taking needed action. This
can easily lead to relapse.

- Excessive fear prevents people from thinking clearly, leading

them to make poor decisions.

- Fear can lead to stress and this can damage people physically
and mentally.

- Fear can be used as a justification for a relapse.

- A person who is full of fear will feel unsatisfied in recovery.

- Fear can stop the individual from developing emotional sobriety.

*How to Deal with Fear in Recovery*

It is probably not possible to make it through life without

occasionally having to face fear. What people can do is become
better at managing this emotion. This can be achieved in the
following ways:

- In order to overcome fears the individual needs to be willing to

face them. This means launching an investigation into exactly
what it is they are afraid of.

- People can use relaxation techniques to prevent fear from

turning to panic. These techniques for stress reduction can also
help prevent people become sick if they are dealing with a great
deal of turmoil in their life.
- Mindfulness meditation is a wonderful technique that allows
people to observer their fears more objectively. The individual can
learn to view fears as just a reaction in their mind that can be

- The old saying a problem shared is a problem halved is certainly

true when it comes to fears. Sometimes just taking about these
concerns can make all the difference.

- Keeping a journal gives the individual the chance to get their

fears down on paper. This makes it easier to analyze them and
find a solution for them.

- Those individuals who belong Alcoholics Anonymous or to one

of the other 12 Step fellowships will be able to discuss their fears
with a sponsor or in the meetings.

- Taking a more positive view of fear can be helpful when dealing

with it. Instead of viewing this emotion as the enemy it can be
seen as a helpful guide in life.

- Sometimes deliberately facing a fear can be an effective

approach. If the individual has phobic symptoms surrounding the
fear, this should be done with the help of a professional.

- If people find that fear is interfering with their ability to find

happiness in recovery, then it may be necessary to seek outside
help by spending time with a therapist. This professional will be
able to help the individual get to the root of their fears.

*We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what
He would have us be. At once, we commence to outgrow fear.*
02/08/2019, 22:14 - Sujal Amin: Bill W. considered each step to
be a spiritual principle in and of itself. However, particularly in the
12 & 12, he outlined the spiritual principles behind each step.
Some of them seem like common sense, but understand going
into the exercise that reading these principles and
actually practicing them in your day-to-day lives are two entirely
different things (and that the latter requires vigilance and
HONESTY – Fairness and straight forwardness of conduct:
adherence to the facts.

HOPE – To expect with desire; something on which hopes are


FAITH – Complete confidence; belief and trust.

COURAGE – Firmness  of  mind  and  will  in  the  face  of 
extreme  difficulty;  mental  or  moral  strength  to withstand fear.

INTEGRITY – The quality or state of being complete or undivided;


WILLINGNESS – Prompt to act or respond; accepted and done of

choice or without reluctance.

HUMILITY – Not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive; a

clear and concise understanding of what we are, followed by a
sincere desire to become what we can be.

LOVE – Unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty

and seeks his good to hold dear.

DISCIPLINE – Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the

mental faculties or moral character; to bring under control; to train
or develop by instruction.

PATIENCE/PERSEVERANCE – Steadfast despite opposition or

adversity; able or willing to bear; to persist in an understanding in
spite of counter influences.

AWARENESS – Alive and alert; vigilance in observing.

SERVICE – A  helpful  act;  contribution  to  the  welfare  of 

others;  useful  labor  that  does  not  produce  a tangible
02/08/2019, 22:26 - Sujal Amin: *Defects of Character*

The following is an excerpt from the pamphlet “Going Through

The Steps – A.A. Sponsorship Pamphlet” by Clarence
Snyder 1944
In Step 4, we’re asked to take a searching and fearless moral
inventory. We must find out what we’ve got, what we need to get
rid of, and what we need to acquire. There are 20 character
defects to ask about — the individual wrongs are not necessary to
go over, just the defects that caused them. Going over the
questions, you ask that the person be honest and admit his
defects to himself, to you, and to God (where two or more are
gathered in His name, there shall He be.) By admitting, the person
also takes Step 5. The inventory is of our defects, not our

Here are the defects of character:

Resentment, Anger

Fear, Cowardice

Self pity

Self justification

Self importance, Egotism

Self condemnation, Guilt

Lying, Evasiveness, Dishonesty


False pride, Phoniness, Denial






Negative Thinking

Immoral thinking

Perfectionism, Intolerance

Criticizing, Loose Talk, Gossip


A Commonly Asked Question

AA’s are often asked “What is the difference between ‘defects of

character’ in Step Six and ‘shortcomings’ in Step Seven?”
According to G.S.O.’s archives Bill W. commented about his use
of “Defects of Character” and “Shortcomings” interchangeably in
the Steps in a personal letter he wrote dated March 7, 1963.
Thanks for your inquiry, requesting to know the difference
between ‘defects of character’ and ‘shortcomings’ — as those
words appear in the Steps. Actually I don’t remember any
particular significance in these phrases. In my mind, the meaning
is identical; I guess I just used two ways of expression, rather than
to repeat myself. It’s just as simple as that.
In another letter, dated November 16, 1965, Bill again responded
to a similar inquiry. His letter read, in part:
When these Steps were being done, I didn’t want to repeat the
phrase ‘character defects’ twice in succession. Therefore in Step
Seven, I substituted ‘shortcomings’, thereby equating
‘shortcomings’ with ‘defects.’ When reading most people do
equate that way and there seems to be no difficulty. I used them
as though they both meant exactly the same thing — which they
appear to many people.
02/08/2019, 22:31 - Sujal Amin: *The A.A. Program – Spiritual But
Never Religious*

One of the most common misconceptions about Alcoholics

Anonymous is that it is a religious organization. New members
especially, confronted with A.A.’s emphasis on recovery from
alcoholism by spiritual means, often translate “spiritual” as
“religious” and shy away from meetings, avoiding what they
perceive as a new and frightening set of beliefs. By the time they
walk into their first meeting, many alcoholics have lost what faith
they might once have possessed; others have tried religion to
stop drinking and failed; still others simply want nothing to do with
it. Yet with rare exceptions, once A.A. members achieve any
length of sobriety, they have found a source of strength outside
themselves — a Higher Power, by whatever name — and the
stumbling block has disappeared.

*A Program of Action*

A.A.’s Twelve Steps, which constitute its program of recovery, are

in no way a statement of belief; they simply describe what the
founding members did to get sober and stay sober. They contain
no new ideas: surrender, self-inventory, confession to someone
outside ourselves, and some form of prayer and meditation are
concepts found in spiritual movements throughout the world for
thousands of years. What the Steps do is frame these principles
for the suffering alcoholic — sick, frightened, defiant, and grimly
determined not to be told what to do or think or believe.
The Steps offer a detailed plan of action: admit that alcohol has
you beaten, clean up your own life, admit your faults and do
whatever it takes to change them, maintain a relationship with
whatever or whoever outside of yourself can help keep you sober,
and work with other alcoholics.

*God As We Understood Him*

The basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous were worked out in
the late 1930s and early ’40s, during what co-founder Bill W. often
referred to as the Fellowship’s period of “trial and error.” The
founding members had been using six steps borrowed from the
Oxford Groups, where many of them started out. Bill felt that more
specific instructions would be better, and in the course of writing
A.A.’s basic text, Alcoholics Anonymous, he expanded them to
twelve. But he was dealing with a group of newly sober drunks,
and not surprisingly his new version met with spirited opposition.
Even though the founding members were in many ways a
homogeneous bunch (white, middle-class, almost exclusively
male, and primarily Christian in background), they represented the
full spectrum of opinion and belief. Bill tells us in Alcoholic
Anonymous Comes of Age, a history of the Fellowship’s early
years, that “the hot debate about the Twelve Steps and the book’s
content was doubled and redoubled. There were conservative,
liberal, and radical viewpoints.” (page 162) Some thought the
book ought to be Christian; others could accept the word “God”
but were opposed to any other theological proposition. And the
atheists and agnostics wanted to delete all references to God and
take a psychological approach.
Bill concludes: “We finally began to talk about the possibility of
compromise. . . . In Step Two we decided to describe God as a
‘Power greater than ourselves.’ In Steps Three and Eleven we
inserted the words ‘God as we understood Him.’ From Step
Seven we deleted the words ‘on our knees.’ And, as a lead-in
sentence to all the steps we wrote these words: ‘Here are the
steps we took, which are suggested as a program of recovery.’
A.A.’s Twelve Steps were to be suggestions only.” (ibid., page
More than sixty years later, those crucial compromises, articulated
after weeks of heated controversy, have made it possible for
alcoholics of all faiths, or no faith at all, to embrace the A.A.
program of recovery and find lasting sobriety.

*What About This Spiritual Awakening Thing?*

Nevertheless, the phrase “spiritual awakening,” found in the

Twelfth Step and throughout A.A. literature, remains daunting to
many beginners. For some, it conjures up a dramatic “conversion”
experience — not an appealing idea to an alcoholic just coming
off a drunk. To others, beaten down by years of steady drinking, it
seems completely out of reach. But for those who persevere,
ongoing sobriety almost invariably brings the realization that — in
some wonderful and unexpected way — they have indeed
experienced a spiritual change.
Spirituality, A.A. style, is the result of action. Step Twelve begins,
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps. . .”
(italics added), and in the book Twelve Steps and Twelve
Traditions (page 106), Bill W. describes what happens: “Maybe
there are as many definitions of spiritual awakening as there are
people who have had them. But certainly each genuine one has
something in common with all the others. . . . When a man or
woman has a spiritual awakening, the most important meaning of
it is that he has now become able to do, feel, and believe that
which he could not do before on his unaided strength and
resources alone. He has been granted a gift which amounts to a
new state of consciousness and being. He has been set on a path
which tells him he is really going somewhere, that life is not a
dead end, not something to be endured or mastered. In a very
real sense he has been transformed, because he has laid hold of
a source of strength which, in one way or another, he had hitherto
denied himself.”

*Groups and Their Customs*

If the Steps are the program of recovery, the A.A. group is where
alcoholics learn to live the program and practice it “in all their
affairs.” Virtually all group meetings in the U.S. and Canada begin
with a reading of the A.A. Preamble, a brief description of what
the Fellowship is and is not. Its last two sentences make it clear
that A.A.’s purpose has nothing to do with religion: “A.A. is not
allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or
institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither
endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay
sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.”
Group customs that appear to be religious sometimes discourage
new people from coming back. Professionals who refer people to
A.A. may help by advising them to attend a variety of meetings,
especially in the first year of sobriety, and to find a home group
where they are comfortable. According to A.A.’s Fourth Tradition,
each group is autonomous, which means in practical terms that
every group is unique, with a flavor all its own. Thus, even if a
shaky alcoholic finds himself one night in a meeting where the
members feel at home with traditional religious language, he or
she can try again the next night and find a group where even the
most doubting or cynical soul will fit right in.
Similarly, A.A. members generally deal with the question of a
Higher Power by assuring new members that they are free to find
their own. Men and women who shy away from what is known in
A.A. vernacular as the “God bit” can still identify a much-needed
source of support outside themselves. For some, it is their A.A.
group; others eventually choose a traditional idea of God, while
still others rely upon an entirely different concept of a higher
power. To show the variety of spiritual searches in A.A. the
booklet Came to Believe was published in 1973. It is a collection
of the various spiritual experiences of a wide range of members,
from adherents of traditional religion to atheists and agnostics,
with all stops in between.

*But Don’t A.A. Groups Use the Lord’s Prayer?*

The practice of ending meetings with the Lord’s Prayer, once

almost universal, is still common in many areas. Where it still
exists, the leader normally asks attendees to join in only if they
choose to. North American groups today have found a variety of
ways to close their meetings. Use of the Lord’s Prayer is rare in
Spanish groups in the U.S. and groups outside the United States.
Many recite the Serenity Prayer or A.A.’s Responsibility
Statement; others use some other informal prayer or phrasing, or
simply a moment of silence. And whatever the specific wording,
the group conscience makes the decision.
Groups that continue to close with the Lord’s Prayer are following
a custom established in the Fellowship’s earliest days, when
many of the founding members found their support in meetings of
the Oxford Groups. The practice of closing with the Lord’s Prayer
very likely came directly from those meetings. At the time, there
was no A.A. literature, and so the founders leaned heavily on
Bible readings for inspiration and guidance. They probably closed
with the Lord’s Prayer because, as Bill W. explained, “it did not
put speakers to the task, embarrassing to many, of composing
prayers of their own.” Meeting formats became more inclusive
once A.A. began to spread throughout North America and then
the rest of the world, and it became obvious that the program of
recovery could cross all barriers of creed, race, and religion.
In Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, the Rev. Samuel
Shoemaker, one of the nonalcoholic friends who was instrumental
in shaping the Fellowship in the very beginning, reflects on the
founders’ fundamental decision not to define a set of beliefs. He
says (pages 263-64): “A.A. has been supremely wise, I think, in
emphasizing the reality of the experience, and acknowledging that
it came from a higher Power than human, and leaving the
interpretation part pretty much at that. . . . If A.A.’s had said more,
some people would have wanted them to say a great deal more,
and define God in a way acceptable and congenial to themselves.
It would have taken only two or three groups like this, dissenting
from one another, to wreck the whole business. . . . So they stuck
to the inescapable experiences and told people to turn their wills
and their lives over to the care of God as they understood Him.
That left the theory and the theology. . . to the churches to which
people belong. If they belonged to no church and could hold no
consistent theory, then they had to give themselves to the God
that they saw in other people. That’s not a bad way to set in
motion the beginnings of a spiritual experience.”

Source – General Service Office, A Newsletter for Professionals,

Fall 2003
02/08/2019, 22:36 - Sujal Amin: - Does it have to be said?
- Does it have to be said right now?
- Can I say it with love?
- Just because I am right, does it mean that I am the one to give
the lesson?
03/08/2019, 11:13 - Sujal Amin: first, you *ADMITED* that you
loved her.
Second, you made a *DECISION* that you wanted to be with her.
Third, you made a *COMMITMENT* in a formal ceremony and got
OK, but you and I have meet people in AA who made this
addmission and this decision, and they still drank again. No

Step 2, Things to Think About:

The Big Book identifies 8 areas where our thinking is weak.
OK, but you and I have meet people in AA who made this
addmission and this decision, and they still drank again.
1. Code of morals and a better philosophy of life page 44.
2. Prejudice page 45
3. obstinacy, sensitiveness and unreasoning prejudice page 48
4. fact and results, evidence and visual proof pg. 48
5. being "vain" pg 49
6. our use of "wholesale condemnation pg 50
7. superstition, tradition and all sorts of fixed ideas. page 51
8. being a "worshipper" pg 54
I want to urge you to use a dictionary and look these words up.a
Ask yourself What do they mean to me? How do they apply to my
For example, obstinacy. It means being stubborn. Have you ever
been stubborn about something?
The problem with all 8 of these areas is we can't be open-minded
when we use them to guide our thinking.
*Now, Step 2, Things to do:*
the problem of us relying on self knowledge is explained on top of
page 45. We just can't make it work for us.
Step 3 will explain that...
Let me show you how to wrok the 2nd Step and 3 rd Step.
ok *Step 2*
Make an *addmission* page 47. middle of the page "Do I now
believe, or..."Can you see they are asking you to admit to
2. make a *decision* page 52, 3rd Full paragraph, 1st sentence.
"When we saw...."they are asking us to make a decision... to stop
doubting this power.
but you and i have met people who made this admission and
decision and still struggled with living life.
Does it make sense to you that everything is equal to 100%.?
OK, if everything equals 100%, what does "nothing" equal?
nothing equals 99% to and I can give 99% to God and still
have a bad day.
which leads us to Step 3here's the good newsThere is nothing to
think about in step 3we just need to act on what we did on pages
47, 52 and 53.
*Step 3, Things to Do*:1. Make an *Admission*:page 60, last
paragraph on page . "The first requirement is..." Can you see they
are asking you to admit something? that your life on self-will can
hardly be a success.
2. Made a *decision*: page 62, last paragraph.Can you see the
decision? ok, but you and I made the admission and decision and
we still struggled...
3. Make a *Commitment*.page 63, 2nd paragraph, Last sentence.
"We thought well..."
Can Sujal finally give himself totally to God?100%Ok, I want you
to go over this information. This is the steps you will take to
recover. These are the steps you'll use to help others recover.

where do you buy your groceries? do you need a map to get

there?exactly. I want to show you the steps, when we are done,
you will know them, no one will be able to take them away. they
will be as clear to you as your journey to the grocery store.
Go to page 52, 2nd full paragraph, 2nd sentence..."We were
having..." Can you relate to this list? Now hold that place and turn
to page 75, 2nd full paragraph, 2nd sentence... Read the rest of
this paragraph. Is this what you seek? do you have 4 sheets of
paper and a pen?are you ready to learn how to do a 4th step?
take a sheet of paper and make 4 columns.lable column 1 "I
resent:"in this column you will list "People, institutions and
principles, that you have is a fancy way of saying
"People, places and things... notice i used the word
disliked.people like to give a narrow definition of the word
resentment. that won't work for you. you will want to list things that
have or do make you narrow your eye brows, grit your teeth or
want to say "Wait a minute!"
Label the 2nd column "The cause: "here you will write 4 or 5
words, very straight to the point. those instructions are on bottom
of page 64. now, label 3rd column, "Affects my: "you have up to 5
options for this column self-esteem, security, ambitions, personal
relations, sex relations
*Control* equals the ability to manage things if we do certain
things first.
*Willpower* means we can force ourselves or people to do as we
*Self-knowledge* means we know enough to solve a problem.
*Step 4*
Lets say... your wife said something that embarrassed you in front
of someone. what she said upset you. if it affects your relationship
with those that heard it, it has affect your Personal Relations with
if it affects how you interact with your wife in any way, it is Sex
you might write one of these or all 5, it depends on the situation.
Here's what you need to understand for every individual challenge
we write down, God gives us up to 6 tools to save the life of
another human being
lets say you list 200 situations, you could end up with 1200
different ways to help others.
Do you remember the first time you got made about something?
how old were you? i want you to start there, and work
chronilogically forward to today. I want you to write across the
page, 1 resentment at a time.
ok, now label column 4 "Where was I wrong?"
you will have 6 options for this column.
1. selfish 2. Dishonest 3. Self-seeking 4. fear 5. Self-pity 6. Self-
If you only use the first 4 options you'll be giving 100%, if you
want to give 110% use 5 and 6 also.
*I want to explain them all*
*Self-esteem* - how i feel about myself.
*Security* refers to financial security, has nothing to do with a
sense of emotional well being. securityrefers to pocket books, as
in financial, or money matters.
*Sex relations* refers to the ability to interact on a more intimate
*Personal relations* - anything that interupts friendship or
business dealings.
*Ambitions*, what i wanted to do in the future.ambitions refers to
your dreams, goals and asperations you may have had or do
have for the future
*Fear* - Being afraid of something that MIGHT
*Fear* is worrying about something MIGHT hapoen.
*Self Delusion* is where we Believe something is happening to us
that really isn't. happen.
*Self-seeking* - Doing something for something, having strings
attached, wanting something in return.
*Self-Pity* - Poor me! If i could have... Should have, Would
have.... then my life would be different.
These instructions are found on top of page 65.
*This list is from the middle of page 67 and first full paragraph on
page 62*
Here's where my 4th step started:My fatherI resent:The
Cause::He was a drunk Affected my:Self-
EsteemAmbitionsSecurityPersonal relations with othersSex
relationsWhere was i wrong?SelfishDishonestSelf-
now, take a second sheet of paper and write. Confuse in selfpity
and self delision part in c4. *Fear* is worrying about something
that MIGHT happen
*Self Delusion* is where we Believe something is happening to us
that really isn't. Can you see the difference? For example, my first
wife loved to put responsibilities off...she was kind of lazy.I was
sure when we got married this behavior would end. Can you see
the self-delusion I had. Did you have resentments before you met
your wife? You never got angry before you met your wife? when
you were a child, did you ever get angry? ok...consider this this is
the advantage of writng a 4th step resentment list in chronological
order.... when you write about your childhood, ealy life etc. then
start writng about your wife, you will see that some of the
resentment you have against her were resentment you had earlier
in life, and that there is a "pattern" in your thinking. for exampleon
my resentment list I mentioned being resentful when adults
wouldn't listen to me when I was a child. later on my resentment
list I found myself listing girl friends that i resented because they
didn't listen to me.that resentment I formed ealier in life was
following into adulthood.
*Fear List* at top.
you will list your fears from most current to those you have had in
the past.You do not need to explain them. It is just a list.The book
will tell you what to do with this list during your 5th step.
Take a sheet of paper and turn it on its' side... landscape. Who
did I *hurt*? label the column Who did i hurt?next to this column,
make 6 columns about a half inch wide. label each of these
individual columns like this selfishin, considerate, dishonest is its
own column, jealousy, suspicion, bitterness.
you will simply put check marks in this columns if they apply to the
person you're writng about. now go over to the far right side of the
page and make a column about an inch and 1/2 wide... this will
leave a big column in middle of page. label the column on the far
right, "Was this relationship selfish or not?"it is a Yes or No
question you will answernow for the big column in the middle of
pagedivide this column into 2 columns equal in sizelabel the first
big column "Where was I at fault?"labeled the second big column
"What should i have done instead?"
If you go to page 69, first full paragraph, you will see your
headings match thst paragraph. We simply made a chart to help
keep it organized.
*Sex Inventory*
I will leave this page up to you. You can either use this chart for
your intimate relations only, or you can use it to list relationships
of all types. The sex inventory is not actually about sex.
This inventory is actually about how we think and act in our
personal relationships with others. .
ok, please understand this....If you wirte "I yelled at her." in the
"Where was i at fault" column. DO NOT write "I should not have
yelled at her in the "What should I have done instead?" column.
I also want to give you a prayer to use.
*"God, give me truth."*
I use to go to meetings with a woman named Joyce B.Joyce use
to say, "If it says it twice in the big book , or is in italics, it is going
to be on the test."One day I asked her, "What test?" She
answered, "The test is life."so, here is what i did at about 3 years
sober.I started reading the big book. When i saw the book
repeating itself, or talking about the same idea in some way, I
made a note in the margin.
For example, on page 47, next to *cornerstone*, in margin I wrote
(See pages 62 and 97)on page 62 next to *Keystone* in margin I
wrote (See page 47 and 97
Next to *foundation stone* on page 97, I wrote in margin (See
page 47 and 62).
03/08/2019, 11:13 - Sujal Amin: *Procrastination* means “the
action of delaying or postponing something.” You are saying you
need to get work. But, you are also saying you are delaying or
postponing getting the work you need.

What if procrastination is not your problem?

My experience is that procrastination in not a problem.

Procrastination is a symptom of a problem.

When we came to AA, we thought our problem was our drinking.

But we found that our drinking was actually a symptom of a bigger

If procrastination is not your real problem, what is the problem? It

could be a physical problem. It could be a mental problem. Or, it
could be a combination of a physical problem and a mental

For example, when we are younger we have a lot of energy, and

work is easier. When we get older, our energy level goes down.
This change created by age change can be caused by a chemical
change in our body. Did you have a serious accident? This could
also lead to a physical change.
There are also mental changes we go through. No one wants to
think they have a mental condition, but it is a part of life for many
people. An example of a mental change is depression.

As I said, sometimes it is both physical and mental. Sometimes

chemical changes in our body lead to changes in our brain.

This is where Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness are

important. We have to be honest with ourselves. We have to be
open-minded to new ideas. And we have to be willing to accept
these new ideas.

I want to urge you to pay close attention to your body, and to your
thinking. Listen to what your body and mind are saying to you.
03/08/2019, 11:16 - Sujal Amin: I work *Step 1* from the IDEAS
on pages 20-24 and 30 to 33 from the Big book. This is very
different from Step 1 on page 59.I work *Step 2* from the IDEAS
in Chapter 4, not the 2nd Step on page 59I work *Step 3* from
IDEAS on pages 61 to 71 in the big book, not the 3rd Step on
page 59 in the big book.
Remember, IDEAS turn into ATTITUDES, ATTITUDES turn in to
04/08/2019, 17:10 - Sujal Amin: Way of living
05/08/2019, 12:14 - Sujal Amin: *P.89 “Frequent contact with
newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives."*
How many time have you been to a meeting and are bewildered
by stuff coming out of peoples mouth? And then you think how is
that new guy in the corner taking this in. Are newcomers getting
the hope they desperately need? Or are they confused by a
bunch of war stories, problem dumping, and self-help talk? At
times it seams that people forget that AA was built on one
alcoholic helping another. They either ignore the info that is in the
Big Book (which are fellowship is named after) or they contradict it
I know not all meeting are like that, but there are some where
there is so much misery that any positive energy there was there
gets sucked out of the room in a second. The truth is we are
always there for a reason; the newcomer. We all have a message
to bring. We are there to show them there is a different way. They
must hear the peace, joy, and love in our voice. I love this
passage from P.132 “If newcomers could see no joy or fun in our
existence, they wouldn't want it. We absolutely insist on enjoying
life. We try not to indulge in cynicism over the state of the nations,
nor do we carry the world's troubles on our shoulders. When we
see a man sinking into the mire that is alcoholism, we give him
first aid and place what we have at his disposal.” That is your job
at a meeting; not just to the newcomer but also to everyone.
People like to knock Book Thumpers, but one thing that they can't
take away from us is our passion for the program and the
newcomer. We must remember we are just as important as the
newcomer at a meeting. Why because it is our responsibility as
recovered alcoholics to carry the real program of recovery, not a
one day at a time easier softer don’t drink today no matter what
message. We might be in meeting and a person barfs all over the
room about how miserable they are and then they say well the
most import thing is “I didn’t drink.” When that crap is said we
must give the newcomer the message before they get diluted with
that stuff. We must do what we do best Thump the Book and
break down the steps. And quite possibly disturbed the disturbed.
It you know this program and are free as a result then it is your
duty to explain “How It Works!!” Look around the parking after a
meeting and talk to them. Be the person that is still there an hour
after the meeting talking to them. It might be telling the message,
12 stepping them, or becoming their sponsor. P.15 states “We
meet frequently so that newcomers may find the fellowship they
seek.” We need help them find that. p.159 “Seeing much of each
other, scarce an evening passed that someone's home did not
shelter a little gathering of men and women, happy in their
release, and constantly thinking how they might present their
discovery to some newcomer.” We must always say this to our
self before we walk into a meeting, “How can I present this to the
newcomer? We must not forget we are very important to them
because we can to carry the message. Maybe the only time they
hear it.
Most important never forget p.89 “Frequent contact with
newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.”
07/08/2019, 07:57 - Sujal Amin: *FOURTH STEP - 4th

These helpful where had I been “selfish, dishonest, self-seeking

and afraid” Inventory Questions from the 4th Column of the 4th

1. Selfish:

Where was I trying to control by playing God? (wanting and/or

expecting a person to be other than what they are)
Where was I concerned with only my wants and needs?

Where did I refuse to share what I had?

Where did I try to control other people’s thoughts and/or actions?

2. Dishonest:

Where did I change or manufacture the facts to deceive others?

Where did I outright lie (commission)?

Where did I withhold the truth (omission)?

Where did I pretend I was someone or something I’m not?

Where did I exaggerate in order to impress or persuade others?

Where did I delude myself?

3. Self-Seeking:

What action did I take to get what I want or actions to get back at
others (Did I withdraw, withhold, bully, manipulate, gossip, belittle,
disrespect, etc)

4. Afraid:

Where was I afraid I would not get what I needed?

Where I was afraid I would lose what I had?

Where was I afraid of looking bad, being hurt or being rejected?

Where was I afraid I would get something I didn’t deserve?

-Joe M-

Courtesy: K7
08/08/2019, 12:19 - Sujal Amin: *Disease and Cure both
explained in one go*

Physical allergy
Physical craving:
Once the alcoholic person drinks a little alcohol, an allergic
reaction takes place in his body. This reaction is actually in the
form of a strong craving for more alcohol. So, the person cannot
stop abruptly. He HAS to drink his full quota. Which will make him
get drunk, despite his strong intentions to restrict the quantity.

Mental obsession: There is ALWAYS a thought of a drink!

So the mind says: Drink

And the noise gets so loud that the alcoholic person will surely
succumb to this obsession; and most certainly he will HAVE to
drink, whether he wants to or not.

And once he succumbs to this temptation and drinks even a little

quantity, the body sets off the physical craving generating an
unquenchable thirs for more drinking. So ‘one more’
‘one more’
‘One more’

This illness is
Incurable and

Despite the strongest will, stong and sincere promises, and strong
intentions of not wanting to drink, the mind of the Alcoholic forces
him to drink. Called compulsive drinking



Abstinence from ALCOHOL is the only way to deal with this

But the alcoholic does NOT have the Power to say ‘No’ to

When this stage is reached,

the person has placed himself beyond HUMAN AID

The Alcoholic can never drink alcohol in ANY FORM in his

life time

He has no defense against the FIRST DRINK. The first leads to

many others which in turn leads into a spree and he drinks
continuously for a few days, before he stops for some time

Since the body having the allergy cannot be changed during the
life time, only way is to change the mind

This new personality can live HAPPILY WITHOUT DRINKING

throughout his life provided he practises the principles of the 12-
Steps throughout his life and HELPS OTHERS TO RECOVER

The person gets fully transformed.

Inorder to live sober AND happy, he needs to work the 12-Steps
of recovery and undergo a Spiritual Experience.

By going for AA Meetings daily, every single day, the mind

undergoes a little transformation and the person is successful in
remaining sober for those few months.
08/08/2019, 18:02 - Sujal Amin: Inventicon stands for Industries +
Events + Ideas + Concepts. Inventicon Business Intelligence is
the end result of a decade long effort by the founders in the space
of business information. We develop sector focused informational
conferences and training workshops. Our conferences revolve
around current scenarios and opportunities in the global market
place and provide timely opportunities for solution providers to
meet their target market and for end users to take back key
learning and experiences. Our events act as a point of
convergence for senior industry professionals who strive for
innovation, strategy and commercial drive. Delegates can expect
to hear from industry's best practitioners, get in direct contact with
regulators and stimulate high level discussions with peers. The
training portfolio is dedicated to developing skill sets around
complex workplace and functional issues as they need constant
honing. Our in-house training offerings are particularly useful for
companies who prefer a customized agenda.
The bespoke events portfolio aims at crisp round table
discussions involving a targeted group of end users in a multi-city
format. In true sense, we aspire to disseminate critical business
intelligence to the rapidly growing corporate and institutional world
in the country and not limited to a specific sector.

12/08/2019, 07:40 - Sujal Amin: ભગવાન સદ્ ગતની આત્માને શાંતિ

આપે અને પરિવારને શક્તિ આપે. એજ પ્રભુને પ્રાથૅના. 🙏

13/08/2019, 11:59 - Sujal Amin: *Medical, Psychiatric, Social, and

P.19 “Of necessity there will have to be discussion of matters
medical, psychiatric, social, and religious. We are aware that
these matters are, from their very nature, controversial. Nothing
would please us so much as to write a book which would contain
no basis for contention or argument. We shall do our utmost to
achieve that ideal.”
First off what does the word controversial mean? Controversial
means something of a disputed nature with opposing views, such
as an opinion or an idea that isn't generally acceptable or agreed
upon, leading argument, conflict and debates. In recovery groups
such as this one where we discuss deep into the inner workings of
the steps controversy can loom, mainly because everyone has
slightly different views and experiemces how the stops are done.
But the AA fellowship is a totally different beast. My spiritual
advisor told me this many years ago; “The second you open your
mouth at an AA meeting speaking the Solution you instantly
become controversial.” He went on say “Its not only because you
use words like must or necessary. It is because the ones who are
not where you are at and those who have no desire to even do
the steps think your full of crap.” Is he wrong? Absolutely not.
When you bring the powerful message to the rooms you are
controversial. Is that bad? Not at all, because when something is
controversial it means others are listening. Even the Big Book by
some is seen as controversial because it is about radical spiritual
transformation. On p.19 Bill brings up four words that he says are
from their very nature, controversial. Those words are medical,
psychiatric, social, and religious. I want to take a close look at the
meaning of those words, where they are at in the Big Book and
see why they are controversial. The first word I want to look at is
Medical is the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of disease, illness,
and injury and the study and practice of medicine. What part in
the book is medical? Doctor’s opinion (allergy – obsession). What
makes this controversial? You have to realize when Silkworth
wrote Doctors opinion he was putting his medical reputation on
the line. He was a doctor backing up a movement who’s remedy
for alcoholism wasn’t medical, it was spiritual. His medical view
that the alcoholic suffers an illness of the mind and body was very
radical in its self.
Psychiatric is a branch of the medical profession that deals with
the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention the study and
treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. What
part of the Book is psychiatric? P. 64-71 the inventory process is
very psychiatric. The part that makes the 4th step inventory
psychiatric is the 3rdcolumn/affects my section. In that section we
discovered how pride, high and low or high self-esteem, emotional
and material (pocketbook) security drove us to resent others, hurt
others, and how it sets the ball rolling for fear. We see how our
sex relations and personal relations are affected or destroyed and
how our ambitions are shattered. In simpler terms we see how
and why we were “driven” insane! Many people call those instincts
which is the term Bill used in the 12 and 12 when describing them.
I prefer to call them drives because that's what they do they drive
us. By knowing what drives me I discovered why I always blamed
others, why I got upset so easy, why fear ran my life, why I judged
others, why I was always Angry, most all I saw why I had
resentment, and guilt. I couldn’t become aware of these drives by
just thinking about them, or understanding them better. We have a
great gift to do it called personal inventory. Those drives/instincts
tell my story. I saw that when I had a resentment my instincts
were hurt or threatened, then I saw how I would satisfy those
instincts by taking action against the individual I resented causing
harm. Identifying what is drives us is one of if not the biggest part
of spiritual growth. I hate to say this the 4th step is psychiatric.
Our spirituality wouldn’t be the same with out it. Of course this
inventory is not just dune in step 4 but also in step 10. What t
makes this controversial? Anything that asks a person to open
themselves to examination of who they hate others, who they
harmed, their deepest fears, with many of them being their
darkest secretes and demands honest on top of all that is going to
be controversial.
Social means interaction with an individual or group. – What parts
are about social? Chapter 7 Working with others is about social
interacting with another alcoholics to help them achieve sobriety.
There are numerous other parts that referred to working with
others, it tells how to treat those who are spiritually sick; it speaks
of gatherings with others (meetings). What part of recovery isn’t
social? Why is it controversial? Is because it tells us (p.14) that
we must sponsor or else. It is also controversial because not
everybody wants to sponsor.
Religious means faithful devotion to an accepted God or gods or
spiritual beings. What parts of the Book are considered by some
as religious or religious ideas? We Agnostics, and just about
anywhere else in the first 164 pages. The word God is all over the
place from the title page to page 164, 134 times to be exact! Then
there is 62 other words which the Book uses to refer to God such
as Creator, Father, Father of Light, Great Reality, Higher
Power,Maker, Power Greater Then Himself, Power Greater Then
Myself, Power Greater Then ourselves, Power Greater Then
themselves, Power Greater Then Yourself, Power beyond
ourselves, Power, Spirit, Spirit of the Universe, Supreme Being,
Thee and Thy. That’s not counting common words like He, Him,
and His that are capitalized in mid sentence as indication to God
well over a dozen times. That’s a lot of God talk. I call it spiritual
talk other then religious. Bill wrote it here so the religious haters
minds wouldn’t slam shut fast. Also the word spiritual is way less
controversial. Many people when reading the Book are going to
say this or that is religious. In reality it’s only a controversial word
in the minds eye. What it makes it controversial. It’s the word
religious and God, enough said.
Since where on this subject I want to address the fact in our
fellowship at some meetings you cant even say the word God. If
you say God or talk about We Agnostics a person will say GOD
TALK ushering you to stop. How sad is that? God is the nucleus
of our program and people do not want to talk about it. Not all
meetings are like this but where I live there are many. The
majority of these who say this are anti-religion. With all that being
said I present some food for thought. Is AA a religion?? Now
before I get attacked and beheaded. The definition of religion is
any formal institution, which practices the worshiping of God –
Gods or spiritual beings with belief and practices that are formally
agreed upon by a number of people. Very interesting. I personally
look at the steps as a spiritual practice. Again just food for
16/08/2019, 11:41 - Sujal Amin: QUE: I hate my job and have
terrible anxiety when I have to go for work. I’ve been working for
almost 13 years. I will be 6 years sober soon. How can I use the
program to combat this depression and anxiety at work?

• 12-step recovery is about GENERAL PRINCIPLES you get
to put to use in your own life. So after years of daily practicing
these principles, you're asking us how that should work in your
daily living? Wow....Ok.
Taking INVENTORY might reveal that you're more willing to be
tortured than willing to take action and change yourself or your
job. Most of us used to drink because of that same principle being
active in our own life.
PRAYER with your God would give you a chance to think about
the bigger issues, instead of remaining focused on your own little
inconvenience or temporary unhappiness. Using this tool gives
you a chance to experience NEW IDEAS coming into your mind
or awareness.
MEDITATION gives your mind a chance to open up to NEW
possibilities and NEW ideas about NEW approaches to your
When you logically relate and interweave these three spiritual
practices, they provide an "unshakable foundation" for living your
daily life in a new and better way, REGARDLESS of your present
We drank alcohol because of the way we were living our daily life
when sober. Now that you've got abstinence under your belt,
maybe taking the steps and applying them to your own thinking
and opinions might be the MOST beneficial thing you could ever
do. It's honestly not about this one job. It's about your manner of
living your daily life REGARDLESS of whatever your job is.
Respectfully inventory should remind you of the fact that you're
looking at this "problem" exactly backwards. It's not something for
you to control, it's something for you to let go of!
• I totally get it. For me, I learned I had kept some "old ideas"
called "expectations." I still have them and after nearly 16-years I
find they ALWAYS limit my fun, my happiness and my joy of
living. Becoming free from the terrible burden of my expectations
has become a big deal in my current growth...I hope you both the
best success at getting free from the "bondage of self!"
• You don't say what kind of job you have. So, my solution to
this issue may not fit for you. I worked at a public utility and grew
to hate the job; mostly due to my inability to be social with people.
One day, it occurred to me that I don't actually work FOR these
people, here. I work for the rate-payers; the customers of the
public utility. That shift in my mindset made all the difference. I
was able to stay on that job for 20 years and get a pension.
• I work in the security field where I have to deal with the
public constantly. And not always in a pleasant way. It can be
dangerous some days. I just feel like somewhere in my sobriety
I’ve lost my nerve with dealing with these situations and dread it
when something happens. Fear is what I feel. It’s no way to live
but I can’t seem to shake it.
• It's truly a mindset problem, for me. As I said, changing my
thinking/mind did the trick. I have no suggestion for you other than
try to find a way to change your thinking/mind. I will add that I had
to remind myself that God really is in charge a lot of the time.
• Take the “Nike approach” and Just Do It 5-6 Hrs/day
• This is very common. Not just us. I can do anything for 12hrs
at a time! It's the normal problem for me. Other people!!
• Acceptance...Tolerance xxx And go into work and try and
love everything xxx Try and look at things differently using all the
tools the program And Love yourself xxx well done xxx
• Millions of people have jobs they hate, yet they push on...
Adults have to do a lot of things we don't really like or want to...
Recovery hasn't been so much about helping me reach Nirvana,
but allowing me the ability to suffer through stuff that others do
• I am bipolar with severe generalised anxiety disorder not
specific - just ever present. If I thought booze would help, I’d drink.
It doesn’t, so I use what meds they can supply and a lot of
meetings which helps. I share about it too - mainly with those who
‘get it’. Hang in there. This is a much better way. 14 years sober
• Study and learn the text. Sit with someone who understands
the text and go thru it carefully comparing and contrasting what
the book says compared to what you hear. Compare and contrast
your actions and attitudes to those in the text. Am i doing the deal
as laid out in the text. It is possible to regularly attend meetings
and never incorporate the program of recovery into our life
18/08/2019, 10:01 - Sujal Amin: Ok. Here's how the book breaks
down step wise. Step 1 is from the Dr's Opinion to Chapter 3,
More About Alcoholism. Step 2 is Chapter 4, We Agnostics. Step
3 is from page 60-63. Step 4 is from pages 64-71. Step 5 is pages
72-75. Steps 6 and 7 is at the top of page 76. Steps 8 and 9 are
from pages 76-83. Step 10 is pages 84 & 85. Step 11 is 86-88.
The first half of step 12, carying the message, is Chapter 7,
working with others, and practicing the principles in all of our
affairs is chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11.
18/08/2019, 10:01 - Sujal Amin: They are all thru 1_164...but a
rough guide to help you: step 1 pg 30...step 2 pg 46...step 3 pg
46... step 4 pg 64 thru 71...step 5 pg 72 thru 75...step 6 pg
76...step 7 pg 76...step 8 pg 76...step 9 pg 76...step 10 pg
84...step 11 pg 85...step 12 pg 89
21/08/2019, 09:27 - Sujal Amin: *Action*
Before I came into A.A. my thoughts revolved around “tomorrow I’l
stop.”, etc. Having practised the programme, the focus has shifted
to the “present.” And, instead focussing on the results the “trying”
has gained importance. I thus try now and gracefully accept
whatever fruits God wishes to reward me with.
22/08/2019, 19:12 - Sujal Amin: *It is better to be loved for what
you have given than to be admired for what you have gained*
23/08/2019, 04:59 - Sujal Amin: *Step 1 & 2*
In Chapters 3 and 4, the pioneers of AA stated what they thought
about and what they did related to the 1st and 2nd Step. When I
took Steps 1 & 2, my sponsor asked me to duplicate these same
thought processes and actions of those who wrote the book. Not
every recovered alcoholic follows the lead of our original
members. I think there's a difference in those that do and those
that don't. I'm glad I did what my sponsor suggested. I can not
agree with those who suggest that Steps 1 & 2 require no action...
it was not my experience, nor is it consistent with our books
23/08/2019, 11:20 - Sujal Amin: *Unmanageability Exercise*

1) Do you accept criticism well?

2) Are you usually hurt or angered by criticism?
3) Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments?
4) Do others think more highly of you then you do of yourself?
5) Do you depend on others to make you feel good about
6) Does what others say about you unduly (disproportionately)
affect your feelings and beliefs about yourself?
7) Do you often do a good job and know it yet don't feel good
about it?
8) Do you often feel like a loser even though you know you are
a good person?
9) Do you often put yourself down?
10) Looking honestly about your life, do you treat yourself very
11) Do you treat others better than you treat yourself?
12) Do you do nice things for others in order to get attention or
13) When you express love for someone, are you hurt when he
or she doesn't respond in kind?
14) Do you often feel afraid, even though you know
everything's okay?
15) Do you often feel that you're "not enough?"
16) Do you often feel you're falling short of what you should be
and what you should do?
17) Does it bother you a great deal when you know that
someone dislikes or disapproves of you?
18) Do you "kiss ass" to make them like you?
19) Do you often refrain from doing or saying what you know
you should for fear of how others may react to it?
20) Do your feelings depend on how your significant other is
treating you?
21) Do you feel you are a good person, no matter what others
may think?

To put it briefly - a continued sense of uneasiness; continually

putting yourself down; seeking approval, acceptance and
emotional security from someone and/or something else; feeling
like a victim; blaming others when your insatiable (which means
"unable to be satisfied") needs aren't met; trying to control and
possess another or others to ensure the fulfillment of your needs.
If you answered to the affirmative to some of these questions,
you're probably emotionally immature to some degree. And this is
unconscious, automatic and habitual; almost an instinctual
response based on our internal values, beliefs, perceptions,
feelings and experiences - THAT'S what dictates our behavior,
our character. It operates BELOW our consciousness. The old
tapes in our head start playing and we're not aware of it. When it
shows up it doesn't give a clear picture of itself. We say things like
"they push my buttons." If this has convicted you in any way,
please surrender to your present condition and join AA by starting
back at Step 1 and having a deeper experience with the Steps.
Tom B., Jr.
24/08/2019, 09:46 - Sujal Amin: *Self Care*

_When will we become lovable? When will we feel safe? When

will we get all the protection, nurturing, and love we so richly
deserve? We will get it when we begin giving it to ourselves._

The idea of giving ourselves what we want and need can be

confusing, especially if we have spent many years not knowing
that it's okay to take care of ourselves. Taking our energy and
focus off others and their responsibilities and placing that energy
on to our responsibilities and ourselves is a recovery behavior that
can be acquired. We learn it by daily  practice.

We begin by relaxing, by breathing deeply, and letting go of our

fears enough to feel as peaceful as we can. Then, we ask
ourselves: What do I need to do to take care of myself today, or
for this moment?

What do I need and want to do?

What would demonstrate love and self-responsibility?

Am I caught up in the belief that others are responsible for making

me happy, responsible for me? Then the first thing I need to do is
correct my belief system. I am responsible for myself.

Do I feel anxious and concerned about a responsibility I've been

neglecting? Then perhaps I need to let go of my fears and tend to
that responsibility.

Do I feel overwhelmed, out of control? Maybe I need to journey

back to the first of the Twelve Steps.

Have I been working too hard? Maybe what I need to do is take

some time off and do something fun.
Have I been neglecting my work on daily tasks? Then maybe
what I need to do is get back to my routine.

There is no recipe, no formula, and no guidebook for self care.

We each have a guide, and that guide is within us. We need to
ask the question: What do I need to do to take loving, responsible
care of myself? Then, we need to listen to the answer. Self-care is
not that difficult. The most challenging part is trusting the answer,
and having the courage to follow through once we hear it.

Today, I will focus on taking care of myself.

I will trust myself and my Higher Power

to guide me in this process.

26/08/2019, 15:37 - Sujal Amin: *Step 4 12 N 12*
what instances did my selfish pursuit of the sex relation
damage other people and me? What people were hurt, and
how badly? Did I spoil my marriage and injure my children?
Did I jeopardize my standing in the community? Just how
did I react to these situations at the time? Did I burn with a
guilt that nothing could extinguish? Or did I insist that I was
the pursued and not the pursuer, and thus absolve myself?
How have I reacted to frustration in sexual matters? When
denied, did I become vengeful or depressed? Did I take it
out on other people? If there was rejection or coldness at
home, did I use this as a reason for promiscuity?

In addition to my drinking problem, what character defects

contributed to my financial instability? Did fear and inferiority
about my fitness for my job destroy my confidence and fill
me with conflict? Did I try to cover up those feelings of
inadequacy by bluffing, cheating, lying, or evading
responsibility? Or by griping that others failed to recognize
my truly exceptional abilities? Did I overvalue myself and
play the big shot? Did I have such unprincipled ambition that
I doublecrossed and undercut my associates? Was I
extravagant? Did I recklessly borrow money, caring little
whether it was repaid or not? Was I a pinch penny, refusing
to support my family properly? Did I cut corners financially?
What about the “quick money” deals, the stock market, and
the races?
Looking at both past and present, what sex situations have
caused me anxiety, bitterness, frustration, or depression?
Appraising each situation fairly, can I see where I have
been at fault? Did these perplexities beset me because of
selfishness or unreasonable demands? Or, if my disturbance
was seemingly caused by the behavior of others, why do I
lack the ability to accept conditions I cannot change?

our twisted relations with family, friends, and society at large

that many of us have suffered the most. We have been
especially stupid and stubborn about them. The primary fact
that we fail to recognize is our total inability to form a true
partnership with another human being. Our egomania digs
two disastrous pitfalls. Either we insist upon dominating the
people we know, or we depend upon them far too much. If
we lean too heavily on people, they will sooner or later fail
us, for they are human, too, and cannot possibly meet our
incessant demands. In this way our insecurity grows and
festers. When we habitually try to manipulate others to our
own willful desires, they revolt, and resist us heavily. Then
we develop hurt feelings, a sense of persecution, and a
desire to retaliate. As we redouble our efforts at control, and
continue to fail, our suffering becomes acute and constant.
We have not once sought to be one in a family, to be a
friend among friends, to be a worker among workers, to be
a useful member of society. Always we tried to struggle to
the top of the heap, or to hide underneath it. This self-
centered behavior blocked a partnership relation with any one
of those about us. Of true brotherhood we had small
26/08/2019, 20:45 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the day ~ But not so
with the alcoholic illness*

P.18 “An illness of this sort - and we have come to believe it an

illness - involves those about us in a way no other human
sickness can. If a person has cancer all are sorry for him and no
one is angry or hurt. But not so with the alcoholic illness, for with it
there goes annihilation of all the things worth while in life. It
engulfs all whose lives touch the sufferer's. It brings
misunderstanding, fierce resentment, financial insecurity,
disgusted friends and employers, warped lives of blameless
children, sad wives and parents - anyone can increase the list.”
Interesting how he calls alcoholism an illness. Since many call it a
disease. Lets look at the difference.
Disease - Abnormal condition of the body or mind that impairs
normal functions, associated with an identifiable group of signs
and specific symptoms.
Illness – An unhealthy condition of the bodyor mindthat causes
pain, poor heath, or distress to the person afflicted or to those in
contact with the person.
Kind of the same thing, but the illness is way broader.
Bill Wilson explained in 1960 why AA had avoided using the term
"disease" "We have never called alcoholism a disease because,
technically speaking, it is not a disease entity. For example, there
is no such thing as heart disease. Instead there are many
separate heart ailments or combinations of them. It is something
like that with alcoholism. Therefore, we did not wish to get in
wrong with the medical profession by pronouncing alcoholism a
disease entity. Hence, we have always called it an illness or a
malady — a far safer term for us to use."
Lets look at the rest of the paragraph.
If a person has cancer all are sorry for him and no one is angry or
No one walks up to a cancer patient says knock it off with this
damn cancer stuff, we are sympathetic and sad for them. As
alcoholics we might feel the same way for an alcoholic because
we have empathy. But none alcoholics will never understand why
we drink again if it causes so much pain in detox, they cannot
understand why we do not stop for our kids, or ill health. They
think we can stop because they that’s what they can do.
But not so with the alcoholic illness, for with it there goes
annihilation of all the things worthwhile in life. It engulfs all whose
lives touch the sufferer's.
This line is pretty good indication that we cause harms and have
resentments. Our harms and resentments just go from one life to
the next. I love it when newcomers say the only person I ever
harmed is myself or they say they don’t have resentments.
It brings misunderstanding
No one understands why we do what we do. But the biggest
misunderstanding is we cannot comprehend that there is life
beyond where were at.
Fierce resentment
Fierce means violent or intense. Violent resentment! What
happens if we get violent with resentment?? It’s a harm. Its selfish
(resentment) to self-seeking (harms) Fierce resentment is another
good indication you have harmed. Again people say I don’t have
harms or resentments.
Financial insecurity
Here we get our first mention of an instinct. One of biggest driving
forced towards resentment and fear is pocket book other wise
known as material security. Another word for insecurity is anxiety,
which is intense fear enough said.
Disgusted friends and employers
Distrusted means strong disapproval. Did your friends disapprove
of your drinking or your actions leading to you having resentment?
We harmed lots of friends who where trying to help us. How many
second and third chances or more did they give us? Employers,
that’s if we had a job. Same thing goes for employers as I wrote
about the friends.
Warped lives of blameless children
Are you a product of alcoholic home? Did you ever say I will never
do this to my children, I will never treat my children like that, I will
never do that in front of my kids, I would never leave my kids for
hours or day, and then we do the same. What disgusts me is
when alcoholics try to act like victims. Our children are the
innocent victims. Some of us harmed our kids so bad it takes
years for them to accept our amends.
Sad wives
Just like the friends how many second and third chances or more
did they give us? I have watched wives love and still love their
husbands but have no choice but to leave them. On the flip side I
have seen relationships reassembled and the recovered alcoholic
and his wife go onto happy normal lives.
Remember the look on your moms face of disappointment or that
look of disgust on your dads face? Remember robing them of their
emotional security? One of greatest gifts given is the opportunity
to make it right with them.
Anyone can increase the list. And yes I could, but I won’t.
This paragraph was one of the first paragraphs that seemed to rip
my spin out. It showed me that I had some rebuilding to do. It
showed me a side that is rarely talked about at meetings. People
would rather talk about DUI’s and having alcoholics seizures then
talk about the pain they caused their kids and spouses. This truly
showed the destruction I caused.
28/08/2019, 04:53 - Sujal Amin: Acceptance is the key to my
relationship with God today. I never just sit and do nothing while
waiting for him to tell me what to do. Rather, I do whatever is in
front of me to be done, and I leave the results up to Him; however
it turns out, that's God's will for me.
Alcoholics Anonymous 4th Edition, page 420
29/08/2019, 08:56 - Sujal Amin: *Having had a spiritual
Experience, I try to practice the 12 steps principles in all my
1. I take care of family, for sobriety is not enough and I am a long
way from making good to my spouse, children and parents whom
for years I have so shockingly treated.
2. I take care of my business, for there can be no family if I am
not self-supporting. and
3. In my spare time, I carry this message to other alcoholics.
_For me, this approach, in this order, is a balanced Program of
30/08/2019, 22:50 - Sujal Amin: *OUR STEPS & TRADITIONS*

In our 1st step a lack of power and ability to manage is our

problem statement.

In our 1st tradition a lack of unity is our problem statement.

In our 2nd step a solution (Power) is offered as an alternative.

In our 2nd tradition a loving God speaking into the group is our

Our 3rd step is a decision to recover by taking steps 4 - 12.

Our 3rd tradition says "we may refuse none who wish to recover".

In our 4th step we inventory our personal 'autonomy' (self-


Our 4th tradition keeps us from harming other groups and our
fellowship as a whole with our group autonomy (self-government).

After our 5th step "we begin to have a spiritual experience."

Our 5th tradition speaks of the group being "a spiritual entity".
In our 6th step we become "entirely ready" to let go of "unsaleable
goods" to remain undiverted from God's will.

Our 6th tradition requires that we let go of the drives for "money,
property and prestige" to remain undiverted from our primary
purpose. (trad 5... carry its message).

Our 7th step asks us to rely on God's help in the removal of our

In our 7th tradition we rely on the voluntary contributions of our

spiritually moved members to keep us free from the control of
outside influences.

In our 8th step we become "willing" to put right wrongs.

Our 8th tradition keeps us willing to do no harm by remaining non-

professional in our fellowships.

In our 9th step we directly put right the wrongs we are responsible
for so we can be of maximum service to God and the people
about us.

In our 9th tradition we are "directly responsible" to those we serve.

Our 10th step promise states "we have ceased fighting anything
or anyone - even alcohol."

In tradition 10 we keep our opinions to ourselves as members so

as not to become embroiled in conflicts.

Step 11 requires us to seek God's will and power through the

continued removal of self-pity, dishonest and self-seeking
Tradition 11 makes it clear that personal motives have no place in
our relations with the public.

"Having had a spiritual awakening" by step 12, this is what we try

to pass on as guides and stay God directed in all we do.

Anonymity (in this sense humility) being our spiritual foundation in

tradition 12, the need to practise ALL these principles to keep our
self-willed personalities in check ought to be evident.

I'm sure there are a lot more crossovers members could add.
These are just my shallow observations. Perhaps I could have
said it all in 2 words - Humility and Integrity.

From: K7 Archives

31/08/2019, 09:35 - Sujal Amin: ખામી

Abusing others- બીજાઓને દુરૂપયોગ, Fear- ડર *, Pessimism-

નિરાશાવાદ, Anger 7- ગુસ્સો 7, Filthy-mindedness- મલિન-માનસિકતા,

Prejudice- પર્વગ્રહ, Arguing- દલીલ, Gluttony 7- ખાઉધરાપણુ ં 7, Pride
7- ગર્વ 7, Arrogance- ઘમ ંડી, Gossiping *- ગપસપ *, Procrastination
*- વિલ ંબ *, Boasting- બડાઈ મારવી, Greed 7- લોભ 7,
Recklessness- અવિચારીતા, Cheating- છે તરપિંડી, Hate *- નફરત *,
Resentment *- રોષ *, Closed-mindedness- બ ંધ - માનસિકતા,
Hopelessness- નિરાશા, Revenge- બદલો, Cold-heartedness- ઠંડા
દિલપણુ,ં Immodesty- નૈતિકતા, Sarcasm- કટાક્ષ, Complaining-
ફરિયાદ, Impatience *- અધીરાઈ *, Secretiveness- ગુપ્તતા,
Controlling others- અન્યને નિય ંત્રિત કરવા, Injustice- અન્યાય, Self
condemnation *- આત્મ નિંદા *, Corrupt companions- ભ્રષ્ટ સાથી,
Insincerity *- નિષ્ઠુરતા *, Self-indulgence- આત્મ-લાલચ, Cowardice-
કાયરતા, Insulting- અપમાનજનક, Self-justification *- સ્વ-ન્યાયીકરણ
*, Criticizing *- ટીકા *, Intolerance- અસહિષ્ણુતા, Self-pity *- આત્મ-
દયા *, Dependency- અવલ ંબન, Irresponsibility- બેજવાબદારી,
Selfishness *- સ્વાર્થ *, Destructiveness- વિનાશકતા, Jealousy *-
ઈર્ષ્યા *, Sloth 7- આળસ 7, Deviousness- અસ્પષ્ટતા, Laziness *-
આળસ *, Theft- ચોરી, Dishonesty *- બેઈમાની *, Lewdness-
જાતીયતા, Thrill-seeking- રોમાંચિત-શોધ,

Enviousness * 7- ઈર્ષ્યા * 7, Lust 7- વાસના 7, Thoughtlessness-

વિચારવિહિનતા, Exaggeration- અતિશયોક્તિ, Lying *- અસત્ય *,
Uncleanness- અસ્પષ્ટતા, Excess- અતિશયતા, Meddling- દખલ,
Vulgarity *- અસ્પષ્ટતા *, Fanaticism- કટ્ટરતા, Miserliness- દ્વેષભાવ,

31/08/2019, 21:00 - Sujal Amin: *20 Questions That Only You

Can Answer*
*Are You A Recovering Alcoholic?*

_To find out, ask yourself the following questions, and answer
them as honestly as you can._

*YES - NO*

1.Do you find more time for work these days? 

2.Has your home life become happier? 

3.Do you find that you are less shy with other people?

 4.Is the fact that you are not now drinking affecting your
reputation positively? 

5.Are you waking up in the morning without guilt and remorse?

 6.Are your financial difficulties becoming easier to manage?

 7.Do you turn to sober companions and a superior environment? 

8.Are you now more concerned with your family's welfare? 

9.Has your ambition increased? 

10.Do you have a craving to pray and meditate at a definite time


11.Do you feel gratitude when you wake up in the morning?

 12.Do you sleep better? 

13.Is your efficiency increasing?

 14.Is not-drinking affecting you positively in your job or business?

 15.Do you deal with your troubles and worries head-on?

 16.Do you find it easier to live with yourself? 

17.Is your memory improving? 

18.Has your doctor recently commented on improvement in your


19.Is your self-confidence increasing?

 20.Have you ever been asked to share your story with others?

_ If you have answered YES to one of the above questions, you
just may be a recovering alcoholic. If you have answered *YES to
two,* it is probable that you are a recovering alcoholic. If you have
answered *YES to three or more,* you are definitely a recovering
alcoholic. (AA GRAPEVINE, October 1983)_

*Most of us, by the time we get around to answering these

questions, average more than 15 yes answers . . . I got all 20 . . .
after my sponsor pointed out that I had finally quit snivelling and
had worked All the Steps!!*
02/09/2019, 09:43 - Sujal Amin: *ADVANTAGES OF ISO:
9001:2015* 
Assured and consistent provision of quality products and
 Optimal usage of resources by elimination of waste, scrap
and non-value adding activities
 Greater clarity in operational details leading to enhanced
 Timely execution of all activities.
 Enhanced credibility of the organisation in the eyes of
 Enhanced confidence of employees and vendors.
 Continual improvement in operational effectiveness.
 Enhanced customer satisfaction.
 Morale booster for the work force for improved sense of
 Improved housekeeping leads to better productivity.
 Improves external image and is a powerful marketing tool.
 Creates an ethos of excellence and steers the organisation
to higher levels of performance.
 Emphasis on training makes the organisation a learning one.
 Improves corporate profile.
 Improves competitive edge.
 Improves the bottom line.
 Increases ability to tender for contracts.
 Integrity of system maintained by objective appraisal.
 Increase in exports.
 Increase in market share.
 Reduction in customer audits.
 Reduction in costs.
 Reduction of waste.
 Reduction of duplication of processes.
 Reduction in exposure to risk.
 Reduction in staff turnover.
03/09/2019, 09:42 - Sujal Amin: *20 Questions You Can Ask to
Validate Your Startup Idea*

Do you have a million-dollar idea in your head, just waiting to be

acted upon? Or will it be a complete bust -- an idea with no actual
potential for return?
This question is one that stops many would-be entrepreneurs in
their tracks before they even take the chance and launch their
potential business ventures. Fortunately, it is possible to make a
more educated guess on your idea’s likelihood of success or
failure by taking the time to validate your idea before moving
forward with it.

Here are 20 questions you can ask to validate your startup idea
-- before you commit significant time, money or other resources to
its launch:

1. What problem are you solving?

If you can’t clearly state the problem your product or service
solves, you probably don’t have a successful idea.

2. How have others attempted to solve this problem before, and

why did their solutions succeed or fail?
There’s a lot you can learn from those who have gone before you.

3. How many specific benefits for your product or idea can you
The more you can think of, the more likely it is that you’re meeting
a real need and can be successful.

4. Can you state, in clear language, the key features of your

product or service?
Not being able to easily describe the key features of your idea is a
warning sign that the idea isn’t well thought out yet.

5. Does your idea already exist in the same way you were going
to create it?
If a similar solution exists, how will yours be different? If you don’t
have any clear differentiating benefits or features, you likely need
a new idea.

6. Who are your potential competitors?

Having competitors isn’t a bad thing -- it means a market exists.
However, knowing what you’ll face if you launch is important, as
an overcrowded marketplace or one where consumers have a
strong affinity for the dominant brand may be more difficult to
break into.

7. What key features does my product or service have that others

will have a hard time copying?
Before you go into business, you need to be very clear about what
sets you apart from competitors.

8. Have you done a SWOT analysis?

This framework helps you to understand the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats that your idea has, giving
you a better idea of the overall likelihood for success.

9. Do you have access to the various resources you need to

launch a business?
While you don’t need to be rich to launch a business, you will
need some combination of time and money, depending on the
scope of your idea. If you have no way to access everything you
need, you’re better off waiting to launch your company until your
situation is different.

10. Do you have a mentor or industry advisor that you can call
Certainly, you can go it alone if you have to, but when you start a
new business, having the advice of others in a similar business
space can prevent unnecessary expenditures or missteps.

11. Can you name somebody who would benefit from your
product or service?
This is the beginning of market research -- who do you actually
know that would use your idea? A general demographic isn’t
enough, so take the time to hone in your target buyer personas.
12. What is the size of the market that will buy your product or
If you don’t know the size of the market, you have a lot of
research ahead of you. Understanding how many people need
your idea -- and what they’re willing to pay for it -- will help you
determine whether your concept is viable.

13. Have you reached out to potential customers for feedback?

Getting feedback before investing further money can help you
avoid creating a product or service that nobody really wants.

14. Can you set up a landing page and encourage interested

people to sign up for more information?
This can be an easy and inexpensive way to test interest in a
product or service. If a lot of people are interested, it’s a great sign
that you’re on the right track!

15. What would it take to build a minimum viable product to test

the market?
One mistake many entrepreneurs make is thinking that they have
to launch a finished concept right away. Consider starting small,
gauging interest and iterating as you go.

16. Can you get paying customers from your target market to pre-
order based on a blueprint or mockup?
Pre-orders are a solid sign of customer commitment. Someone
saying they’re interested is one thing, but seeing people actually
pony up their credit card information is a much stronger sign of
potential success.

17. Can you produce the actual product yourself, or do you have a
partner who can?
As you might expect, before launch, you need to know who’s
actually going to produce the first set of products or services, as
well as whether they can do so within your budget.

18. Do you have distributors or partners to help you scale your

Once you have paying customers, you’ll need to ramp up actual
distribution to meet demand. Do you have access to the partners
and/or money needed to do so?

19. What will it take to break even or make a profit?

Some ideas take a lot of upfront investment, while others don’t. If
yours does, it’s a good idea to plan for how you’ll handle your
finances and daily needs while you’re waiting for your product or
service to gain traction.

20. How can investors in your idea make a profit?

If you want others to come alongside your business and help you
grow, you’ll have to know how they can benefit.
It may take some time to come up with answers to all these
questions, but once you have them, you should have a better idea
about how viable your idea is. If it passes these tests, go for it! If
not, keep thinking -- your next idea may be the one that changes
the world.
03/09/2019, 11:25 - Sujal Amin: *Points for Proposal formulation*
1. Summary of need
2. Description of you and your organization
3. Statement of approach: speed- flexibility- informality-
practicability- collaboration- supportiveness- openness-
4. Action to be take: stages- processes- whom to meet-
5. Benefits
6. Requirements
7. Fee & terms of payment
8. Timing
9. General terms
10. Conduct & ethics
04/09/2019, 21:04 - Sujal Amin:
06/09/2019, 14:49 - Sujal Amin: Sunstar Complex link:
07/09/2019, 05:03 - Sujal Amin: The Good in Step Ten
*Step Ten says: "Continued to take personal inventory and when
we were wrong promptly admitted it."* It does not suggest that we
ignore what is right in our life. It says we continue to take a
personal inventory and keep a focus on ourselves.

When we take an inventory, we will want to look for many things.

We can search out feelings that need our attention. We can look
for low self-esteem creeping back in. We can look for old ways of
thinking, feeling, and behaving. We can look for mistakes that
need correcting.

But a critical part of our inventory can focus on what we're doing
right and on all that is good around us.

Part of our codependency is an obsessive focus on what's wrong

and what we might be doing wrong - real or imagined. In recovery
we're learning to focus on what's right.

Look fearlessly, with a loving, positive eye. What did you do right
today? Did you behave differently today than you would have a
year ago? Did you reach out to someone and allow yourself to be
vulnerable? You can complement yourself for that.

Did you have a bad day but dealt effectively with it? Did you
practice gratitude or acceptance? Did you take a risk, own your
power, or set a boundary? Did you take responsibility for yourself
in a way that you might not have before?

Did you take time for prayer or meditation? Did you trust God? Did
you let someone do something for you?

Even on our worst days, we can find one thing we did right. We
can find something to feel hopeful about. We can find something
to look forward to. We can focus realistically on visions of what
can be.

God, help me let go of my need to stay immersed in negativity.

I can change the energy in my environment and myself from
negative to positive.
I will affirm the good until it sinks in and feels real.
I will also strive to find one quality that I like
about someone else who's important to me,
and I will take the risk of telling him or her that.
08/09/2019, 22:31 - Sujal Amin: For the most part, I work with AA
members who have been around multiple years and have come to
a point where they are starting to give up on AA. Most are
frustrated. Some are toying with the idea of drinking again. A few
are desperate… they’re my favorite to work with. I gave up on
working with newcomers because of all the AA experts. I will work
with newcomers, but it is not what I do most.

When I find someone looking for help, I have three questions I like
to ask. The first is “Has anyone ever taken the time to tell you the
story of the recovered alcoholic? The answer is almost always
“No.” The truth is very few people tell the story anymore. I tell the
story of the recovered alcoholic because that's always been AA's

The second question I love to ask is “How long does it take to get
well?” Most don’t even know that it’s possible to get well. Those
who try to guess offer a time frame that’s a lot longer than I’d
suggest. The number I give them is “17 hours”, and I offer them a
breakdown of how long each Step takes to complete when
someone decides to make the effort.

Eventually, I ask them, “Do you want to get well?” If their answer
is “Yes.” I immediately ask, “When?” and I wait for an answer.

I do not go through the Big Book page by page when I take

someone through the Steps… because that was never the intent
of AA's pioneers. I use the Big book liberally, but my focus is on
what the original members are giving us to think about and what
the original members actually did.

My formal Step work ends on page 88. Then I do what my

sponsor did to me. I hand them their Big Book and tell them Step
12 is theirs, and it last a lifetime.

I do talk about Step 12 a lot with people I sponsor, because I

sponsor sponsors. But the 12th Step is not a Step someone takes
with me… they take Step 12 with the suffering alcoholic they are
attempting to help.

I tend to ignore most of the things said about using Working With
Others as instructions on how to work with the suffering alcoholic,
because I believe that tends to kill alcoholics like me. The
suggestions are valuable, but not set in concrete.

One more thing… I don’t work with people wanting a spiritual

experience of the educational variety… it’s over my pay grade. I
only work with those wanting to have a vital spiritual experience.
It’s what I was shown. It’s all I know.
09/09/2019, 21:42 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day ~ Is it a thinking
problem or a drinking problem?* P.30 “Most of
us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics. No
person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his
fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our drinking careers
have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we
could drink like other people. The idea that somehow, someday
he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great obsession of
every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this illusion is
astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death.”
This paragraph starts off the final chapter in the Book trying to
convince us of the hopelessness of alcoholism; that hopelessness
is the obsession of mind that condemns one to drink against their
will and the loss of control once they start to drink. That paragraph
was also the first paragraph my sponsor read to me in the Big
Book, it hit me like a ton of bricks because it was so accurate. It
just flows perfectly from sentence to build to the reality of the
alcoholic’s true fate; insanity and death. Lets take a look.
Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics.
Notice it does not say incapable to admit? It says unwilling, which
means not ready to admit. That means we know something is
wrong, but we are not ready to acknowledge it. The question is
why is that? Next sentence tells us.
No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from
his fellows. No one wants think their body different especially
mentally different. If we are do want people to know? No we hide
Therefore, (as a result of being unwilling to admit we were real
alcoholics) it is not surprising that our drinking careers have been
characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink
like other people. How much of your life was spent in the delusion
you can drink like other people? Knowing that something is very
abnormal with your drinking, but still holding onto hoping that
somehow you are going to suddenly stop drinking alcoholically.
That’s insanity.
The idea (where do ideas come from? The mind) that somehow,
someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great
obsession of every abnormal drinker. How many real alcoholics
does that leave out? Every real alcoholic has this pipe dream that
someday they are going drink normally, but he knows it cannot
happen. Sound like their looking for a miracle.
The persistence of this illusion (insanity/untruth) is astonishing.
Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death. An illusion is
being deceived into believing a false perception of reality. Like
believing in something that isn’t real. Illusionist Chris Angle makes
cars disappears; if you believe he really did make a car disappear
you believe an illusion, your believing in something that isn’t real.
If you believe in something that isn’t real what mental state are
you in? Insanity! How many alcoholics die with the insanity/illusion
that they will all of sudden be normal in drinking or even thinking?
Again sounds like were looking for a miracle.
I have never been fan of changing words in the Big Book to prove
a point but if you change drinking to thinking it make that
paragraph even more deep. Do we have a drinking problem or a
thinking problem? Check it out.
Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics.
No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from
his fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our thinking careers
have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we
could think like other people. The idea that somehow, someday
he will control and enjoy his thinking is the great obsession of
every abnormal thinker. The persistence of this illusion is
astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death.
Thinking is the problem. The mind that is the problem will never
solve the problem. We see people doing this all the time; people
trying to control their thinking with a hopeless mind, not knowing
that mind must be transformed. An insane mind that is trying to
solve the problem will always tell you the solution is outside of
you. You need a new relationship, make more money; these are
lies our mind tells us. We must seek With-in to have freedom. We
must be transformed and restored to sanity.
So many people in AA have no clue that step 3 is a decision to
seek and find God and that 4 thru 9 is the method that happens
and that it is a result of that method which restores them to sanity.
They have no idea transformation must occur and have no idea
they cannot find God on their own Power. Most people at
meetings are trying to control their drinking by not drinking one
day at a time, (which is trying to control their thinking). They
rattling off slogans, they hurry to the next meeting where they
relying on others. The insane mind is still there, the obsession is
still there and they are still looking for the solution outside
themselves hoping for a miracle. They say don’t leave until the
miracle happens, they have no clue they must seek that miracle.
As long as you still believe you can figure it out with your mind
your going always attempt to figure it out with-in your mind. That’s
why it takes some so long to get this. Not until they crush self-
reliance will they reach for the solution. Then they discover it
wasn’t really the drinking that was a problem it was their thinking
that was the problem.
A person who is practicing the program and has come into the
awareness of vital 6th sense knows that honesty is the ability to
look With-in at every problem, and discovering the answer. The
answer is never outside of us, its always With-in. If you ask the
mind what the problem is it will always tell you it’s out there.
Seeking 4–9 will eliminate all the old ideas that drive us; and the
outcome is we get restore us to sanity. The Elimination of self is
the goal.
11/09/2019, 08:49 - Sujal Amin: Selfish: "I want it ALL for me!" 
Self-seeking: "What's in it FOR me?" 
Self-centeredness: "It's all ABOUT me!" 
Self-pity: "It all happened TO me!" 
Self-loathing: "It all happened because OF me!" 
Self-esteem: "Don't you know WHO I am?" 
Self-delusion: "in spite of all contrary evidence, I believe I'm right!"
11/09/2019, 08:53 - Sujal Amin: *Do you enjoy recovery?*

“…. Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we

thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack
into the stream of life? ” pg 86

“… We feel that elimination of our drinking is but a beginning. A

much more important demonstration of our principles lies before
us in our respective homes, occupations and affairs. …” pg. 19

“But life among Alcoholics Anonymous is more than attending

gatherings and visiting hospitals. Cleaning up old scrapes, helping
to settle family differences, explaining the disinherited son to his
irate parents, lending money and securing jobs for each other,
when justified—these are everyday occurrences. ” pg. 161
“We absolutely insist on enjoying life. ” pg. 132

It is clear that just sobriety is not enough. There seems to be an

inordinate focus on sobriety instead of what the steps actually
teach. _Sobriety is just a side effect._

Question to ask yourself: _Do you enjoy life. Is AA the only part of
your sobriety or do you pack other things into your stream of life?_

“We feel a man is unthinking when he says that sobriety is

enough.” pg 82
11/09/2019, 08:54 - Sujal Amin: *Step 10 Exercise*

To give them a snapshot of what is going on in your life, text the

following to your Sponsor or Spiritual Advisor every day for a

When you get up in the morning list two things you're grateful for;
one or two fears or prudent concerns (if you have anything
hanging over your head today for this 24 hour period, anything
you're afraid of, uncomfortable with or dreading); plans for the day
(two or three things you have planned for the day, whether it's
work or with your family or friends).
Then in the evening answer these questions (please be brief):
have I caused any harm, am I keeping a secret (is there
something I need to share with somebody else), have I been kind
& loving toward all, have I been dishonest, have I acted out of
fear. Then list two or three goods things you did, saw or heard
today (just a couple of things that felt positive today).

The daily disciplines is much more important & transformative

than any information you might include.

Steve L. from Nashville TN

Thru: Just Love Audio

13/09/2019, 09:01 - Sujal Amin: *The sum of our beliefs defines
us as people and guides us in our lives. What we believe is of
utmost importance. Some of my own beliefs I believe:*
- God is crazy about me and takes care of all my needs.
- All people are created equal and deserve to be treated with
respect and dignity.
- Honesty is not situational.
- Integrity is an essential element of life.
- The ends never justify the means.
- The well-being of our fellows is our responsibility.
- Forgiveness is the primary path to freedom.
- Involvement in the affairs of others is never a good idea.
- Advice that is unsolicited is mostly ignored and frequently
- Giving without the expectation of acknowledgement is the only
form of giving that is truly selfless.
- Money means nothing unless it is shared. It is better to be loved
for what you have given than to be admired for what one has
14/09/2019, 17:53 - Sujal Amin: Steps 5 through 9 are all about
taking responsibility for who we were, who we are, and who we
will become.

To best understand the bottom of page 83/top of page 84, it helps

to mentally use the word "responsibilities" instead of the word

What is being stated in the promises is not so much something we

get, as it is something we grow into being willing to give.

The realization of the promises is not, by itself, that amazing... but

the gifts that come with accepting the responsibilities of each of
these ideas is quite amazing.
16/09/2019, 05:12 - Sujal Amin: *Comfort*

"When I am feeling depressed, I repeat to myself statements such

as these: 'Pain is the touchstone of progress.' . . . 'Fear no evil.' . .
. 'This, too, will pass.' . . . 'This experience can be turned to
benefit.' These fragments of prayer bring far more than comfort.
They keep me on the track of right acceptance; they break up my
compulsive themes of guilt, depression, rebellion, and pride; and
sometimes they endow me with the courage to change the things
I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
16/09/2019, 09:30 - Sujal Amin: Ananya Consultants - ISO 9001
Certification Consultants in Ahmedabad would love your
feedback. Post a review to our profile.
25/09/2019, 09:14 - Sujal Amin:  ONE THING AT A TIME
The present moment is never intolerable. It is always what is
coming in five minutes or five days that makes people despair.
The Law of Life is to live in the present, and this applies to both
time and place. Keep your attention to the present moment, and in
the place where your body is now. Do a fair day's work, and then
stop. Overwork is not productive in the long run. A friend of mine
was visiting a great cathedral in Italy.
Just inside the door was a magnificent mosaic extending the width
of the building, but not yet completed.
It represented the Last Judgment and the number of tiny pieces of
different colored marble involved in it staggers the imagina- tion. A
man was on his knees working away and my friend, who spoke
Italian, whisper -ed to him, "What astupendous task you have I
could not even dream of undertaking so much work." The man
replied quietly, "Oh, I know about how much I can do comfortably
in one day.
So each morning I mark out a certain area, and I don't bother my
head thinking outside of that space.
Before I know where I am the job will be complete."
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall
take thought for the things of itself”
04/10/2019, 14:32 - Sujal Amin: Nirnay mare levano che- action
mare levana che toj support bahar thi malse. Thamblo pakdi ne
bacho ni bumo badva thi koi mane bachai nahi sake, kem ke
thamblo me pakdi rakhyo che.

Ene to ek nani bhul j kari. Pan me yaad rakhi ne moti kari.

Holding bottle 1 min, 10min, 1 hr. Paralyze body or stop blood
flow. Let it go.
15/10/2019, 05:34 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day~Moral
Inventory Vs Personal Inventory*
A debate I frequently hear is step 4 is a moral inventory and step
10 is a personal inventory., That a moral
inventory is this kind of inventory and a personal is this kind of
inventory. Is there a difference between a moral inventory and a
personal inventory?

I do not believe it was intended that way., I believe its Bill just
using play on words. Example after calling it a moral inventory in
the formal written step 4 on P. 59 on P. 64 he states "Therefore,
we started upon a
personal inventory., This was Step Four. " On p. 70 he states"If
we have been thorough about our personal
inventory, we have written down a lot. " On p. 72 he
states,"Having made our personal inventory, what shallwe
do about it?"Also on P. 72 he states We have admitted certain
defects; we have ascertained in a rough way what the trouble is;
we have put our
finger on the weak items in our personal inventory.."That's 4 times
when describing the step 4 inventory
he calls it a personal inventory., In step 10 he uses the word
personal 2 times. Once in the formal written step 10 on P. 60 and
when describing step
10 and on P. 84 he states"This thought
brings us to Step Ten, which suggests we continue to take
personal Inventory and continue to set right
any new mistakes as we go along."

The question is how many times does he use the term moral
inventory after the formal written step 4 on p. 59? He doesn't. It
only appears in the
forward to the second edition on P. XVI "Though he could not
accept all the tenets of the oxford Groups, he
was convinced of the need for moral inventory, confession of
personality defects, restitution to those harmed, helpfulness to
others, and the necessity of belief in and dependence upon God.
'The term moral inventory is in the Big Book twice, but in the
direction of the steps its called personal inventroy.
There is no evidence anywhere that a moral inventory and a
personal inventory are two different inventories. Matter of fact he
goes out
of his way to tell us inventory is personal.

When describes how to do inventory in any fashion he calls it a

personal inventory. Therefore there is no
difference between a personal inventory and a moral inventory..
Calling them two different types of
inventories dilutes the whole meaning of inventory. Our Book was
thoroughly and carefully written with
detailed directions if Bill meant moral
inventory and personal inventory to be different he would have
explained them as two different styles of inventory.

It's just a play on words by a very gifted writer who did not like
repeating the same words. A great
example of Bill's play on words is exact nature of our wrongs,
shortcomings and defect of character.
Many people will tell you they are three different things. In reality
they are all the exact same thing. Example on p. 72 it states about
step 5 "This requires action on our part, which,
when completed, will mean that we have admitted to God, to
ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our
defects. Instead of exact nature of our wrongs. Just a play on

As for step 4 being a moral inventory and 10 being personal. All

evidence in The Big Book points they are the same and not two
different types of
inventory. Again he would have had a detailed a description how
they are 2 totally different things, but he does not. Instead he says
continued to take
personal inventory., Cant get pasted the word continued. He
wanted us to taking personal inventory.
If your doing your inventory different ways then the way its
portrayed in the Big Book go for it. I guess you are doing some
other type of inventory.
Personallmoral inventory is only found in the Big Book.

I know some will go into deep explanation the difference of moral

and personal. While others will say who cares what you call it as
long as your doing inventory., Doctor Bob said in his final
message« Let's not louse it up. "He also spoke of simplicity and
keeping it simple. That's why it's
important to not make this way more confusing then it already is
for the newcomer. Distinguishes inventory in different ways make
it way too confusing. Why make it tougher then it already is.
15/10/2019, 22:00 - Sujal Amin: Although many will say
"acceptance" is just Dr. Paul's opinion, the idea permeates the
program part of the book, although the term "acceptance" is only
used once.

It's in WE AGNOSTICS: "We have numerous theories, for

example, about electricity. Everybody believes them without a
murmur of doubt. Why this ready ACCEPTANCE? Simply
because it is impossible to explain what we see, feel, direct, and
use, without a reason- able assumption as a starting point."

But the root "accept" is used 17 times and almost all are used in
the same vein as acceptance.

Some examples.

"These were revolutionary and drastic proposals, but the moment

I fully accepted them…." pg. 14

"One was to go on to the bitter end, blotting out the

consciousness of our intolerable situation as best we could; and
the other, to accept spiritual help." pg. 25

"Fred would not believe himself an alcoholic, much less accept a

spiritual remedy for his problem." poor Fred, pg. 39
"Afterward, we found ourselves accepting many things which then
seemed entirely out of reach. That was growth, but if we wished to
grow we had to begin somewhere. " pg. 47

"Besides a seeming inability to accept much on faith, we often

found ourselves handicapped by obstinacy, sensitiveness, and
unreasoning prejudice." pg. 47-48

"You are sure to find someone desperate enough to accept with

eagerness what you offer." pg. 96

So in a very real AA sense acceptance is the answer for many.

Of course Dr. Paul was talking about achieving some semblance

of serenity, especially in dealing with his wife.
15/10/2019, 22:01 - Sujal Amin: Dermot Fox The big book in step
four does ask you to write down who makes you mad what they
did to make you mad what scares you and why you are afraid that
you’re not enough, and where is your guilt and shame in intimate
relationships. I think it’s largely a matter of perspective. Step four
says it is a fact-finding mission, not that you try to pretend you do
not have feelings! From my perspective they are telling us to use
our emotions but look underneath them, because they are always
just a reaction to certain facts going on in reality.
17/10/2019, 07:58 - Sujal Amin: When I take someone through
the Steps, and we get to Step 3, I ask them, “How do you work
Step 3; what do you actually do?”

The person I am working with doesn’t know the answer. I believe,

as a recovered alcoholic, it is my responsibility to tell them what
the original members did.

If we were able to watch and listen to the original members we

would notice that the original members did three things at Step 3:

First, they admitted something to themselves. We find their

admission on Page 60 when it says, “…we be convinced that any
life run on self-will can hardly be a success.”
The next thing we see them do is make a decision. We find their
decision on page 62 when it says, “…we decided that hereafter in
this drama of life, God was going to be our Director. He is the
Principal; we are His agents. He is the Father, and we are His

After making an admission, and a decision, the original members

then made a commitment. We know of this commitment because
the Big book tells us on page 63, “We thought well before taking
this step making sure we were ready; that we could at last
abandon ourselves utterly to Him.”

You know… we sit in meetings and we hear AA members say,

“I’m working on my 3rd Step.”

Over the years, I been to thousands of meetings, and have met

and talked to thousands of people in the early stages of the Steps.
When someone says, “I’m working on my 3rd Step.” I don’t think
that’s what their trying to say… I think their trying to say, “I’m in
the middle of a Step I don’t understand.” And they don’t know how
to ask for help.

I believe recovered alcoholics have a responsibility to offer them

that help.
17/10/2019, 11:46 - Sujal Amin: *Hi,*
Thanks for your ISO requirement. It was nice talking to you.
Anything you want us to do to finalize ISO?
*Ananya Consultants*
Sujal Amin
[email protected]
19/10/2019, 14:30 - Sujal Amin: 10. Continued to take personal
inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Have you ever considered – and I am sure most of you have –

that we learned the tools for first four parts of Step 10 when we
did the “on the job training” of Steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9? These
procedural “tools” may have taken hours (Step 9 years) to learn,
but we learn to put them into action in Step 10 in a few seconds.
The happy results may be immediate!
1) Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and
fear. Learned in Step Four
2) When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them.
Learned in Step Six & Seven
3) We discuss them with someone immediately
Learned in Step Five
4) and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone.
Learned in Steps Eight & Nine

Please notice how they are staggered out of order, e.g.: 4, 6&7,
5, 8&9. . . but how convenient this is! First, we can discover our
defects, next we ask God to remove them (and if he does, we
don’t have to drive our sponsor crazy by phoning him/her
unnecessarily every time something goes wrong). But if it is really
important, we can then call our sponsor who may direct us or
have us make proper amends and remind us to turn our thoughts
to others.

24/10/2019, 16:34 - Sujal Amin: *શુ આપ કે આપના સ્નેહીજનોને

શરાબની સમસ્યા છે ?*_

_શુ આપ શરાબની સમસ્યામાંથી *વિનામલ્યે * છુટકારો મેળવવા માંગો

_તો આપ અમારી_ *_આલ્કોહોલિક એનોનીમસ_* સ ંસ્થાનો હેલ્પલાઇન

ન ંબરનો અવશ્ય સ ંપર્ક કરો.



*દર સોમવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ ડિઝાઇન ફોર લીવીંગ* ( બિગબ ુક અને 12 & 12 સ્ટડી મિટિંગ)

સેન્ટ ઝેવિયર્સ કોલેજ

લેકચર રૂમ ન-ં ૫

ગ્રાઉન્ડ ફ્લોર

ુ ા,અમદાવાદ
નવરં ગપર
સાંજે, ૬:૩૦ થી ૮:૦૦

મો, ૯૭૧૨૧-૧૭૨૮૭

*દર મ ંગળવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ ડિઝાઇન ફોર લીવીંગ* ( બિગબ ુક અને 12 & 12 સ્ટડી મિટિંગ)

સેન્ટ ઝેવિયર્સ કોલેજ

લેકચર રૂમ ન.ં ૫

સાંજે ૬:૩૦ થી ૮:૦૦

મો. ૯૭૧૨૧-૧૭૨૮૭

*એ.એ.નવચેતન ગ્રુપ*

મહર્ષિ સ ંદીપની સ્કૂલ

હરીદર્શન ક્રોસ રોડ

નરોડા ,અમદાવાદ

સાંજે, ૬:૦૦ થી ૭:૦૦

મો, ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦

*દર બ ુધવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ.એ.જીવન આન ંદ ગ્રુપ*
જીવરાજ મહેતા હોસ્પિટલ

૧,ફ્લોર..રૂમ ન-ં ૫

જીવરાજ પાર્ક વાસણા, અમદાવાદ

સાંજે ૬:૩૦ થી ૭:૩૦

મો. ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦
*એ.એ.- સોબરાઇટી અનલીમીટે ડ ગ્રુપ*

શ્રી શારદા વિધ્યાલય

ભૈરવી ટાવર સામે,

સી.ટી.એમ. ચાર રસ્તા,


સાંજે ૬:૩૦ થી ૭:૩૦

મો. ૯૭૧૨૧-૧૭૨૮૭, ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦

*દર ગુરુવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ.એ.આશા ગ્રુપ*

સેન્ટ ઝેવિયર્સ હાઈસ્કૂલ

ણલોયેલા હોલ

ુ ા, અમદાવાદ

સાંજે ૭:૦૦ થી ૮:૩૦

મો. ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦

*દર શુક્રવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ ડિઝાઇન ફોર લીવીંગ*

સેન્ટ ઝેવિયર્સ કોલેજ

લેકચર રૂમ ન.ં ૫

સાંજે ૬:૩૦ થી ૮:૦૦

મો. ૯૭૧૨૧-૧૭૨૮૭

*એ.એ.નયા કદમ* ( બિગબ ુક સ્ટડી મિટિંગ)

૩૦૨' શિવમ કોમ્પલેક્ષ

ભુય ંગા દે વ ચાર રસ્તા


સાંજે ૬:૧૫ થી ૭:૧૫

મો. ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦

*દર શનિવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

ુ સ્ટડી મિટિંગ)
*એ.એ.નવચેતન ગ્રુપ* ( બિગબક

મહર્ષિ સ ંદીપની સ્કૂલ

હરીદર્શન ક્રોસ રોડ

નરોડા, અમદાવાદ

સાંજે ૬:૦૦ થી ૭:૩૦

મો. ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦

*દર રવિવારે થતી એ.એ.ની મિટિંગો*

*એ.એ.આશા ગ્રુપ*

સેન્ટ ઝેવિયર્સ હાઈસ્કૂલ

લોયેલા હોલ

ુ ા, અમદાવાદ

સવારે ૧૧:૦૦ થી૧૨:૩૦

મો. ૭૦૬૯૨-૯૯૯૩૦ 


તમારા દરે ક ગ્રુપમાં કે તમારા સ ંપર્ક માં આ સંદે શાને આગળ પહોંચાડવા
વિન ંતી જેનાથી સ ંપર્ક માં આવનાર વ્યક્તિ જો શરાબના વ્યસનથી
પીડાતી હોય તો તેને જરૂરી મદદ મળી શકે તથા તેમનો પરિવાર આ
સમસ્યામાંથી બહાર નીકળી શકે

24/10/2019, 16:34 - Sujal Amin: *Do you or your loved one have a
problem with alcohol drinking?*_
_Do you need help?_

*_Call Our Helpline No. OR Come To Meetings For Help_*


*Monday Meeting*
1. A Design For Living Group
(Bigbook and 12 & 12 Study Meeting)
Ground Floor,
Lecture Room No.5,
St. Xaviers College,
Nr. L.D. Engineering,
Time: Evening 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Helpline: 97121-17287

*Tuesday Meetings*
1. A Design For Living Group
(Bigbook and 12 & 12 Study Meeting)
Ground Floor,
Lecture Room No.5,
St. Xaviers College,
Nr. L.D. Engineering,
Time: Evening 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Helpline: 97121-17287

2. Navchetan Group
Maharshi Sandipani School, Haridarshan Cross Road,
Naroda, Ahmedabad
Time: Evening 6.00 to 7.00pm
Helpline: 70692-99930

*Wednesday Meeting*
Jeevan Anand Group
Room No. 5, 1st Floor,
Jivraj Mehta Hospital,
Jivraj Park, Ahmedabad
Time: Evening 6.30 to 7.30pm
Helpline: 70692-99930

A.A.- Sobriety Unlimited Group

Shree Sharda Vidhyalaya,
Opp. Bhairavi Tower,
Nr. C.T.M. Cross Road,
Time: Evening 6.30 to 7.30pm
Helpline: 97121-17287, 70692-99930

*Thursday Meeting*
Asha Group
St. Xaviers High School, Loyla Hall,
Naranpura, Ahmedabad
Time: Evening 7.00 to 8.30pm
Helpline: 70692-99930
*Friday Meetings*
1. A Design For Living Group
Ground Floor,
Lecture Room No.5,
St. Xaviers College,
Nr. L.D. Engineering,
Time: Evening 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Helpline: 97121-17287

2. Naya Kadam Group (Bigbook Study Meeting)

302, Shivam Complex,
Bhuyangdev Cross Road, Ahmedabad
Time: Evening 6.15 tp 7.15pm
Helpline: 70692-99930

*Saturday Meeting*
Navchetan Group
Maharshi Sandipani School,
Haridarshan Cross Road,
Naroda, Ahmedabad
Time: Evening 6.00 to 7.00pm
Helpline: 70692-99930

*Sunday Meeting*
Asha Group
St. Xaviers High School, Loyla Hall,
Naranpura, Ahmedabad
Time: Morning 11.00 to 12.30
Helpline: 70692-99930
25/10/2019, 11:27 - Sujal Amin: Here’s an interesting exercise.
Below are the so-called promises listed in INTO ACTION where it
discusses the outcome of taking Step- 9.

Have you noticed that not all of them are new.

Here’s my attempt and finding them previously.

1. If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we

will be amazed before we are half way through.

“Half measures availed us nothing.” pg 59

2. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

“He is the Father, and we are His children. Most Good ideas are
simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new and
triumphant arch through which we passed to freedom. “ pg 62

“In the face of collapse and despair, in the face of the total failure
of their human resources, they found that a new power, peace,
happiness, and sense of direction flowed into them.” pg. 50

3. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

“ But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is
properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the
entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours.” pg. 18

4. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.

“These were revolutionary and drastic proposals, but the moment

I fully accepted them, the effect was electric. There was a sense
of victory, followed by such a peace and serenity as I had never
know. There was utter confidence. I felt lifted up, as though the
great clean wind of a mountain top blew through and through.
God comes to most men gradually, but His impact on me was
sudden and profound.” pg. 14

5. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see
how our experience can benefit others.

“ But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is
properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the
entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours.” pg. 18

6. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.


7. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our


“ But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is
properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the
entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours.” pg. 18

8. Self-seeking will slip away.

“When we sincerely took such a position, all sorts of remarkable

things followed. We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He
provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed
His work well. Established on such a footing we became less and
less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs.” pg. 63

9. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.

“The great fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have had
deep and effective spiritual experiences which have revolutionized
our whole attitude toward life, toward our fellows and toward
God's universe. “ pg. 25

10. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.

“As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as
we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became
conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today,
tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.” pg. 63

“We never apologize for God. Instead we let Him demonstrate,

through us, what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and
direct our attention to what He would have us be. At once, we
commence to outgrow fear.” pg. 68

11. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to

baffle us.

“Perhaps there is a better way-we think so. For we are now on a

different basis of trusting and relying upon God. We trust infinite
God rather than our finite selves. We are in the world to play the
role He assigns. Just to the extent that we do as we think He
would have us, and humbly rely on Him, does He enable us to
match calamity with serenity.” pg. 68

12. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we

could not do for ourselves.

“ The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that
our Creator has entered into our hearts and lives in a way which is
indeed miraculous. He has commenced to accomplish those
things for us which we could never do by ourselves.” pg. 25
29/10/2019, 23:54 - Sujal Amin: Jealousy is "I want what you
have." Envy is "I don't think I can have what you have, so I don't
even want you to have it either." There's a huge difference in the
31/10/2019, 21:57 - Sujal Amin: For alcoholics, we find it is not so
much how often we drink but how and why we drink.
First the “how”: We cannot control how much we drink. We drink
like no one else around us drinks, unless they’re also alcoholics or
at least hard drinkers. Once we take alcohol into our systems, our
bodies demand more and more alcohol, and the bottom line is we
get drunk. We simply must have more than just one or two drinks.
Since this is a body chemistry issue, we cannot fix it. That means
we must stop altogether, and that brings up the “why”…
Why we drink: we cannot not drink, in a nutshell! We drink for the
effect, like normal drinkers do, but we get more than just a warm,
fuzzy feeling. We get a shot of instantly okay…ten feet tall and
bulletproof…or at least we feel like “somebody” for a while, even if
it’s just for a few hours and comes at the price of a miserable
hangover. The problem is, because of the control problem, we
develop health problems as the years pass, and then we realize
it’s all or nothing. We’ve been doing “all” for years, and now it’s
time to stop altogether. We find we cannot do it. We keep going
back to drinking because we need the effect, and our alcoholic
minds repeatedly tell us to try again, or that “it’ll be different this
time…I won’t get drunk,” or we simply don’t think at all, and we’re
right back at the bar or the liquor store. We try to quit over and
over, but we cannot get ourselves off the the
drunk/sober/drunk/sober/drunk treadmill.
Alcoholics Anonymous are people who have a desire to quit
drinking but cannot do so. We have no control over the amount
we take once alcohol hits our system(s), and, apart from
permanent recovery, we are unable to get and stay sober. We
have a program of action, spiritual in nature, that expels our
obsession for destructive and ultimately deadly drinking. We
become people who no longer have to drink.
01/11/2019, 13:29 - Sujal Amin: Clear, concise and common
01/11/2019, 13:35 - Sujal Amin: Knowing something isn't the
same as deciding to do something!
Deciding to do something, isn't the same as actually doing it!
Doing it, isn't the same as doing it well!
04/11/2019, 08:53 - Sujal Amin:
06/11/2019, 08:34 - Sujal Amin: Any body who is too much
stressed or confused should read this again and again.....I got all
my answers..Try this..
A rare conversation between Krishna & Today's Arjun. Read it
loud to family,
it's one of the best message I have come across...

1. Arjun :- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.

Krishna:- *Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.*

2. Arjun :- Why has life become complicated now?

Krishna :- *Stop analyzing life... It makes it complicated. Just live
3. Arjun :- Why are we then constantly unhappy?
Krishna :- *Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are
not happy.*

4. Arjun :- Why do good people always suffer?

Krishna :- *Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold
cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but
don’t suffer.With that experience their life becomes better, not

5. Arjun :- You mean to say such experience is useful?

Krishna :- *Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. It
gives the test first and the lessons later.*

6. Arjun :- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where

we are heading…
Krishna:- *If you look outside you will not know where you are
heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the

7. Arjun :- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right

Krishna:- *Success is a measure as decided by others.
Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.*

8. Arjun :- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

Krishna :- *Always look at how far you have come rather than how
far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are

9. Arjun :- What surprises you about people?

Krishna :- *When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they
prosper, they never ask "Why me?"*

10. Arjun :- How can I get the best out of life?

Krishna:- *Face your past without regret. Handle your present with
confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.*

11. Arjun :- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are

not answered.
Krishna:- *There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and
drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve.
Trust the God. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.*

Stay blessed and

Stay Happy Always...!!!✍
07/11/2019, 12:36 - Sujal Amin: Laxcon Steels Limited.
Mr. S.P. Singh Dhaka- 9904400115
Address: Plot No. 235, Sarkhej Bavla , NH8A, Village - Sarai,
Taluka - Sanand, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382220.
Tel: 02717 610 811
13/11/2019, 19:56 - Sujal Amin: 💞💞SWOT for today's
youngsters. Circulate it for the benefit of all.

Strengths : Intelligent and Focussed.

Weaknesses : No Patience, Not willing to learn fully, comfort zone

and jumping into sudden conclusions. Weak time management.

Opportunities : Listen to experienced people, learn thoroughly and

understand social responsibilities as regular practice.

Threats : Bad friends circle inducing negativity and habits. Not

preparing for social changes.🌹🌹
14/11/2019, 22:33 - Sujal Amin: AA's suggested "Program of
Recovery" mentioned on page(s) 59, 72, 96 and/or 147 in the Big

16/11/2019, 12:00 - Sujal Amin: ઓચિત ું કોઈ મને રસ્તે મળે ને પ ુછે કે
કે મ છે ? આપણે તો કહીયે કે દરિયાસી મોજમાને ઊપરથી કુદરતની રહેમ

16/11/2019, 12:02 - Sujal Amin: Walk like the KING Or walk like
you don't care who is the KING
16/11/2019, 14:47 - Sujal Amin: 20 QUESTIONS FOR THE

This "sobriety questionnaire" came to us, over a year ago, with an

author's note: "I'm pretty new in AA and can watch my progress--if
any--by what I write from time to time."


1. Do you waste time because you don't put first things first?

2. Is a wrong attitude making your home life unhappy?

3. Are you shy with other people because of a perverted sense of


4. Is your egotism showing?

5. Do you ever feel remorse as a result of an unkind act?

6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of

overestimating your capabilities and not realizing your own

7. Do you associate with people who do not want to stop drinking,

in order to flaunt your own sobriety?

8. Does your self-interest make you careless of your family's


9. Have you become lazy (mentally or physically) since becoming

sober? Take it too easy instead of easy DOES it?

10. Do you crave a drink when depressed?

11. Do you carry any resentments over to the next day?

12. Do worries cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?

13. Has your efficiency decreased due to indecision or confusion?

14. Is trying to manage things your way jeopardizing your job or


15. Do you overwork, oversleep or watch TV, etc., to escape from

facing reality? Or to escape from worries or trouble?

16. Are you reserved with people and still feel you are alone or
different from other AAs?

17. Do you have a poor memory as a result of not letting go and

letting God do for you what you could not do for yourself?

18. Do you still have imaginary aches and pains?

19. Do you rush around frantically trying to make everyone get

sober, to build up your self-confidence and feed your ego? Do you
take any credit when they do get sober? Or any blame when they

20. Do you still feel as if you are not mentally right even though

An answer of "Yes" to any one of those questions holds, for me, a

definite warning that I could be working a little harder to practice,
the principles of AA.

A "Yes" to any two suggests a review of the Twelve Steps to see

where I failed to be fearless and thorough.
And on the day I have to answer "Yes" to any three or more I'll
probably need to start all over with the Step One before finding
any serenity, courage and wisdom.

I am going to try to use the above questions to check, often, on

whether or not I am really working the program. I hope I have
given someone else food for thought. My goal is to think right and
do God's Will.

The obsession to drink has left me and if I continue to be willing to

learn and to grow in the right direction I do not think I will have
time to drink.

Copyrights © AADA – February 1958

19/11/2019, 13:19 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the day ~ Turning my
will and life over to the care of God everyday?*

There saying in the rooms that real head scratchers. One of those
that I have heard a thousand times at meeting and even Book
studies, "I woke up today and turned my will over to the care of
God," or "I must turn my life over to God on daily basis." It might
sound good. But is it correct? A even better questions is it
necessary? That is confusing, do I need to keep giving my life
back to the care of God everyday? Haven't I already done that
one before? Why would I need to do it again? Everyday?
When I made my 3rd step “decision” to turn my will and my life
over to the care of God, I immediately followed it up with action of
steps 4 thru 9 just as the directions in the Big Book state. The
truth is we do not turn our will and our life over to the care of God
in step 3. Step 3 is only a decision; a decision is a pre thought
plan prior to taking action. If I could turn my will and my life over to
care of God in step 3 we would only need 3 steps and the Book
would only be 63 pages or less, or why even need the Big Book!
So then how do we turn our will and our life over to the care of
God if it does not happen is step 3?? Easy the second the pen
hits the paper on our original 4th step our will and life is turned
over to the care of God, and stays over as we move onto 5,6,7,8,
and 9. We keep our will and life over to the care of by doing 10 (4
thru 9 throughout the day) the rest of our lives. Steps 11 and 12
are what we do when we live our life constantly in the care of
God. To look back on step 3 for a second if we are not turning our
will and life over to the care of God in step 3 and it actually
happens the second we start steps 4 thru 9 then what does step 3
actually mean?? It means this “we are making a decision to take
the action of steps of 4,5,6,7,8, &, 9 so we can turn our will and
our life over to care of God and keep our will and our life over to
care of God there be staying in that action (step 10).” Basically we
are in the world of spirit. Why would I need to keep turning my life
over to the care of God every morning?
If we turn my will and life over to the care of God daily that must
mean at some point of time everyday we take our will and our life
back. It is not a pancake program, turn my will and my life over to
the care God > back to me > over to God > back to me > over to
God again. That would mean instead of using the method of 4
thru 9 I used my will to solve a problem. Once we follow up our
decision with action (and stay in action) our life it is turned over to
the care of God. We don't need to turn it over to God again, just
thank Him daily for what He now gives you and work hard at
staying in action. In other words work, work, work!
The condition to turning my will and my life over to care of God is
Action!! The key to keeping my will (my thoughts and ideas) and
life (all my actions) over to the care God is to always stay in action
(10,11,12)!! Of course there are times were my will falls back on
me. But that is why we have the steps to always get us right back
on track.
19/11/2019, 22:02 - Sujal Amin: I think I’ve screwed up a bunch of
times when telling my story. I either talk too much about my
drinking habits and foibles or I preach the message of the Steps,
with emphasis on “preaching.”

I’m trying to do better, using the Big Book (a.k.a. ALCOHOLICS

ANONYMOUS) as a guide.

The first trap I fell into is the lazy trap, using what I hear read a
meetings all the time — “what we used to be like, what happened,
and what we are like now. ”

That well-known passages is read in HOW IT WORKS at every

meeting and refers to “Our stories,” which of course means the
stories throughout the Book.

This is made clear later: “our personal adventures before and

after.. ” So this seems to refer to the stories prior to this point and
after this point, which would include the STORIES sections.

Then it seems to give an even better guide to sharing:

“…three pertinent ideas:
(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.”

So I could talk about me being an alcoholic and how I could not fix
me and then God could after I sought him.

There are several other places in the Book that are good guides
to sharing. I particularly like this one on page 29 where it refers
you to the personal stories…..

“Each individual, in the personal stories, describes in his own

language and from his own point of view the way he established
his relationship with God. These give a fair cross section of our
membership and a clear-cut idea of what has actually happened
in their lives. ”

So the whole point of me sharing my personal story would be how

I established a relationship with God.

Of course this could lead to PREACHING, a serious NO NO.

“Never talk down to an alcoholic from any moral or spiritual hilltop;

simply lay out the kit of spiritual tools for his inspection. Show him
how they worked with you. Offer him friendship and fellowship.
Tell him that if he wants to get well you will do anything to help. ”
pg. 95

That’s in the chapter WORKING WITH OTHERS that also gives

great guides to sharing.

It has a specific order, if you haven’t noticed.

1. “At first engage in general conversation. After a while, turn the

talk to some phase of drinking. Tell him enough about your
drinking habits, symptoms, and experiences to encourage him to
speak of himself. ”

2. “When he sees you know all about the drinking game,

commence to describe yourself as an alcoholic.

Tell him how baffled you were, how you finally learned that you
were sick. Give him an account of the struggles you made to stop.
Show him the mental twist which leads to the first drink of a spree.
We suggest you do this as we have done it in the chapter on
alcoholism. ”

3. “ If you are satisfied that he is a real alcoholic, begin to dwell on

the hopeless feature of the malady. Show him, from your own
experience, how the queer mental condition surrounding that first
drink prevents normal functioning of the will power. ”

4. “Tell him exactly what happened to you. Stress the spiritual

feature freely. If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic
that he does not have to agree with your conception of God.”

5. AND THEN: “ Outline the program of action, explaining how

you made a self-appraisal, how you straightened out your past
and why you are now endeavoring to be helpful to him.”

One point I like is you need to determine if a person is really an

alcoholic, although when speaking that becomes irrelevant. And
most important don’t lead (lede if you’re a journalist) with the God
bit. That’s referred to on page 77 as “leading with the chin.”

So lately I try to refer to MY OWN experience, using concepts

from the Book and sometimes quoting them exactly in reference
to my life and recovery. This does involve stories about my
drinking, but not bragging about my drinking.

Sometimes I feel it’s easy to slip into “HEY WATCH THIS!!!”

moments in my life without thinking. But the actual truth is any
idiot (including THIS IDIOT) can do dumb stuff, even life
threatening, under the influence of alcohol.
It’s not about what I did, but how I drank, that made me an
alcoholic. Anybody can get consequences from drinking but only
an alcoholic understands that “need” to drink against my will.

Hopefully I’ll get better as time goes on.

20/11/2019, 10:47 - Sujal Amin: Steps 1 through 3 were designed
to prepare us mentally and spiritually for Step 4.

In Step 1, the Big Book gives us 3 things to think about.

Willpower (pages 20-24)

Control (pages 20-24)
Self-knowledge (pages 35-39)

As we read these pages we ask ourselves, “What do these ideas

mean to me? How do these ideas apply to my life?” We see that
our attempts to use these things failed, repeatedly.

When we take Step 1, there are 3 things to do.

First, we make an admission (p. 30, “We learned….”) We simply

admit to being alcoholic.
Second, we make a decision (p. 30, “The delusion that….”)
Because we can not use control, willpower, or self-knowledge to
manage our drinking, we decide we are not like those who can.
Third, we make a commitment (p. 33, “If we are planning….”)
Here we commit to the idea that drinking can not be an option in
our lives.

In Step 2, the Big Book gives us 8 things to think about.

Code of morals or a better philosophy of life (p. 44)

Doubt and prejudice (p. 45)
Obstinacy, sensitiveness and unreasoning prejudice (p. 48)
Facts and results, evidence and visual proof (p. 48)
Being vain (p. 49)
Wholesale condemnation (p. 50; a helpful working definition:
judging the whole by one or more of its parts)
Superstition, tradition, all sorts of fixed ideas (p. 51)
Being a worshipper (of people, places and things, p. 54)

As we read these pages we ask ourselves, “What do these ideas

mean to me? How do these ideas apply to my life?” We see that
these either led to or cause many of our downfalls.

When we take Step 2, there are 3 things to do.

First, we make an admission (p. 47, 2nd paragraph, “We needed

to ask….”) Here we are admitting to the existence, or possible
existence of a Power greater than ourselves.
Second, we make a decision (p. 52, next to last paragraph, “When
we saw….”) Here we make a decision to stop doubting the power
of God.
Third, we make a commitment (p. 53, 2nd full paragraph, “When
we became….”) Here we make a commitment that God is going to
be everything.

Step 3 is an extension of Steps 1 and 2. There is nothing to think

about. When we take Step 3, there are 3 things to do.

First, we make an admission (p. 60, last paragraph, “The first

requirement….”) Here we admit to ourselves that any life ran on
self-will can hardly be a success.
Second, we make a decision (p. 62, last paragraph, “This is the
how and why….”) Here we decide that God will be our Director.
Third, we make a commitment (p. 63, 2nd paragraph, “We thought
well….”) Here we finally turn ourselves over to God completely.

When we take Steps 1 through 3 as directed by the Big Book, we

mentally have no opinion on what Step 4 asks us to do.
Remember...Our best thinking got us to AA.
20/11/2019, 22:25 - Sujal Amin: *Leaking Bucket*
~ You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Prayers
/Yoga but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're
done with it, without being mindful of it. (A leaking bucket)

~ You're very kind to outsiders / people in general and speak with

them gently, but with your own family you're always harsh / rude.
(A leaking bucket)

~ You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you
gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket)

~ You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang

/Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,
insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket)

~ You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return

from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A
leaking bucket)

~ You frequently advice/preach others, but practice none yourself.

(A leaking bucket)

~ You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your

views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket)

~ You look down on others and feel more superior than them,
judging their level of knowledge, based on external appearances
(A leaking bucket)

*We struggle to fill our "lives"(the bucket) with "earnings" of

religion and knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but
it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.*

An excellent reminder for all, including myself, to try and patch

these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path
of life.
21/11/2019, 17:50 - Sujal Amin: Writing the Book on the Big Book:
Spotlight on William H. Schaberg
A new history about the writing and publication of the Big Book
shines a light on the work of Bill W. and the early days of
Alcoholics Anonymous

Like most rare-book dealers, William H. Schaberg of Athena Rare

Books in Fairfield, Conn., focuses on a specific niche for his
business, following his passion and finding what he calls
“important works in the history of ideas—the majority of which are
philosophy books.” Schaberg is known as the go-to guy for
authenticating first editions of works by Descartes, Locke,
Nietzsche, Spinoza, and more.
Schaberg’s literary passion for important historical texts extends
to what he says is “one of the most significant spiritual
movements” of the 20th century: Alcoholics Anonymous. In 2001,
he purchased at auction a multilithed prepublication copy
of Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Hundreds of
Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism—the title
commonly referred to as the Big Book. That purchase launched
Schaberg’s investigation into the early history of Alcoholics
Anonymous. Now, nearly two decades later, he has published his
own book: Writing the Big Book: The Creation of A.A.
The Big Book, written by William G. Wilson—aka Bill W.—and first
published in 1939, laid the foundation for the 12-step movement
that revolutionized addiction treatment and helped millions of
people get and stay sober. With more than 37 million copies sold,
the Big Book is one of the bestselling works of all time. It has
been translated into 43 languages and was named by the Library
of Congress in 2012 as one of the 88 “Books that Shaped
Willson, who founded Alcoholics Anonymous and was the
visionary behind the creation of the Big Book, was an inveterate
drinker who underwent a spiritual awakening in December 1934
and developed a program that kept him sober for the rest of his
life. He then refined the insights, ideas, and practices that became
AA’s foundational principles.

“First of all, he diagnosed the problem as the alcoholic’s inability

to refuse the first drink,” Schaberg says. “Alcoholism wasn’t a
psychological problem or a failure of will power or a moral lapse of
some sort. Wilson’s solution to his understanding of that problem
was equally direct and simple. It was to guide the alcoholic—
through a 12-step program of recovery—toward his or her own
‘vital spiritual experience.’”
When Schaberg purchased the multilith copy of the Big Book at
auction, his interest in AA was purely practical. He wanted to
answer some basic questions about his newly acquired book:
How many had been privately printed? Just how rare was it? This
eventually brought him to the
AA archives, which contain a veritable treasure trove of previously
unreported data. “The tremendous amount of unmined information
I discovered was staggering,” he says. “That led to my decision to
write a book covering just 18 months of AA history: from the first
time they said, ‘Hey, we should write a book!’ until the day the
book was actually published. It was amazing; the more I
researched, the more great details I uncovered.”
Schaberg was surprised to learn that “the stories Bill Wilson
always told about AA’s early years were more parables and myths
than anything approaching historical fact.” In fact, he says, “the
true story of the evolution and founding of AA is far more
miraculous and inspiring.”
Schaberg meticulously details the twists and turns of those early
years and shines a light on the formerly unacknowledged
importance of early AA member Hank Parkhurst. “After Bill
Wilson, Parkhurst is without a doubt the most important man in
the formulation of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and then
the packaging of that program into a book,” Schaberg says. “The
Big Book would never have been written and published without
Hank’s constant pushing and prodding of Bill Wilson to get the job
done. And throughout this whole process, Hank was always
arguing for his own point of view.”
Ultimately, Schaberg hopes readers will find his history of the Big
Book inspirational, positive, and uplifting. And he hopes that, in its
own way, the book sup- ports the work of Alcoholics Anonymous.
“Who wouldn’t be proud,” he says, “to be part of a movement with
such wonderfully human roots and such an amazingly miraculous
22/11/2019, 16:32 - Sujal Amin: In 1986, I found myself sitting in a
meeting with someone that had gotten sober in 1941. The man
had severe Parkinson’s Disease that affected his speech. When
he shared, AA members would use this time to go to the
bathroom, freshen up their coffee, pass the basket, etc.

On this particular night, the topic was “Sobriety Loses Its Priority”.
The meeting was being ran, or controlled, by four members, each
having over 20 years sober. They really liked this topic.

When it was my turn to share my bit of experience, strength and

hope, I suggested that “Sobriety” was not our priority, that God
was our Priority, and that if we made God our priority then we got
a gift, and that gift was sobriety. When I suggested this, these 4
long-timers went batshit crazy. They were not excited about what I
had to say.

Shortly after I shared, the member with Parkinson’s shared, and

as he shared, he spoke directly at me. Other members got up to
take their bathroom/coffee break as usual, but because the guy
was talking to me, I felt obligated to try to listen to what he was

What this member shared with the group that night was:

In 1941 there was only one AA Group in Kansas City… Kansas

City Group No. 1.

During this time, Bill W would come to Kansas City to speak


Because this guy had the nicest car of anyone in the group, he
was assigned to drive Bill W. around town.

And that when Bill W. and him where talking one on one, Bill W
talked a lot about this idea of keeping God, not sobriety, the
priority in our life.

For me, the message of this 45-year sober member of AA wasn’t

that I was right. His message was that I was on the right track,
and that I shouldn’t be offended when others disagree with
something I might say.
23/11/2019, 15:01 - Sujal Amin: Prayer- Strength
Meditation- Inspiration
Inventory- Direction
25/11/2019, 21:39 - Wife: Be with me Lord.
Be the patience when I'm frustrated.
Be the endurance when I am tired.
Be the wisdom when I am uncertain.
Be the inspiration when I'm out of ideas.
Be the peacemaker when I feel hurt.
Be the comforter when I feel overwhelmed.
Be the energy when I am weary.
Be the guide when I am confused.
Be the forgiver when I get it wrong.
*Be with me Lord, today.*
26/11/2019, 17:02 - Sujal Amin: Many companies are forming
discussion groups to share the ideas. Employee Engagement.
The questions below can be used to facilitate a conversation
about how the ideas can be used to increase engagement in your
own organization.

1. What is the difference between employee satisfaction,

employee happiness, and employee engagement?

2. If everyone on your team was giving discretionary effort—going

above and beyond what was required of their job—what impact
would it make on your team? For the company?

3. Describe a time when your emotions from work spilled over to

your personal life, and crossed over to friends or family members.

4. Think of a time when you worked for a great boss, and a time
when you worked for a bad boss. What were the traits of each
(i.e., what about them made them great or bad)?

5. Do the four drivers of engagement seem to match up with your

own experience, and the list of traits of a great boss?

6. What are some ways to improve two-way communication on

your team?

7. How can you stimulate feelings of growth and development,

without the use of traditional training classes?

8. What are some no-cost or low-cost ways to show appreciation

for their efforts or their achievements?
9. How does “Trust” relate to the future?

10. What is your company’s long-term objectives and strategic

plan? How can you summarize it and make it easy to remember?

Each person has their own unique engagement style. For

example, some may be engaged most by opportunities for growth,
while others want to feel appreciated for all the work they are
currently doing.
Discover your own engagement motivators.
26/11/2019, 17:10 - Sujal Amin: the promises from the aa big
book, I love inspiration and direction

the promises

1st Step Promise (Page 42)

* My alcoholic condition was relieved, as in fact it proved to be.

2nd Step Promises (Page 50)

* they found that a new power,
* peace,
* happiness, and
* sense of direction flowed into them.

4th Step Promises (Page 70)

* We have begun to learn tolerance,
* patience and
* good will toward all men, even our enemies, for
* we look on them as sick people.
* We have listed the people we have hurt by our conduct, and are
willing to straighten out the past if we can.

5th Step Promises (Page 75)

* We are delighted.
* We can look the world in the eye.
* We can be alone at perfect peace and ease.
* Our fears fall from us.
* We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator. We may have had
certain spiritual beliefs, but now
* we begin to have a spiritual experience.
* The feeling that the drink problem has disappeared will often
come strongly.
* We feel we are on the Broad Highway, walking hand in hand
with the Spirit of the Universe.

9th Step Promises (Page83),

* We will be amazed before we are halfway through.
* We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.
* We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
* We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.
No matter how far down the scale we have gone,
* we will see how our experience can benefit others.
* That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.
* We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our
* Self-seeking will slip away.
* Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.
* Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.
* We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to
baffle us.
* We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could
not do for ourselves.

10th Step Promises (Page 84)

* We have ceased fighting anything or anyone -even alcohol.
* For by this time sanity will have returned.
* We will seldom be interested in liquor.
* If tempted, we recoil from it as from a hot flame.
* We react sanely and normally, and
* We will find that this has happened automatically.
* We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given
us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is
the miracle of it.
* We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation.
* We feel as though we had been placed in a position of
neutrality-safe and protected.
* We have not even sworn off. Instead, the problem has been
* It does not exist for us.
* We are neither cocky nor are we afraid.
* That is our experience.
* That is how we react so long as we keep in fit spiritual condition.

11th Step Promises (Page 86)

* We can employ our mental faculties with assurance
* God gave us brains to use.
* Our thought-life will be placed on a much higher plane
* Our thinking is cleared of wrong motives.
* We relax and take it easy.
* We don't struggle.
* We are often surprised how the right answers come

12th Step Promises (Page 132)

* We aren't a glum lot.
* We absolutely insist on enjoying life.
* nor do we carry the world's troubles on our shoulders.
* we think cheerfulness and laughter make for usefulness.
* we bust into merriment
* We have recovered, and
* have been given the power to help others.

We had a new Employer.(I`ll never be unemployed again)

Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if
we kept close to Him and performed His work well.
Established on such a footing we became less and less
interested in ourselves, our own little plans and designs.
More and more we became interested in seeing what
we could contribute to life. As we felt new power
flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered
we could face life successfully, as we became con-
scious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of
today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.

Part of me regrets this idea that each Step or page in the Big
Book contains promises. It might sound good and provide some
degree of hope for the sufferer, but attempting to convert the
experience of others into a promise for someone else is not what
our message as recovered alcoholics is all about.

I got sober during AA’s first 50 years. AA was a little more difficult
back then. When I got sober there were only two promises made
other than those found on Page 83/84.

The two promises were “You don’t ever have to drink again.” and
“You don’t ever have to be alone again.”

I remember thinking to myself, “If that’s all AA provided, I’d feel

like I had discovered the cure to cancer.” We I took the Steps, and
realized these two promises, I stopped searching and began
30/11/2019, 10:16 - Sujal Amin: Remember the 3 P's:
Perfectionism (leads to) Procrastination (leads to) Paralysis.

Patience, Understanding, Tolerance

02/12/2019, 05:14 - Sujal Amin: *Good morning God, I need your
help to handling all my worries and concerns for today*
02/12/2019, 16:15 - Sujal Amin: Speak to his sponsor about: What
lead him to the position he was in while standing in the lobby of
the Mayflower hotel?
02/12/2019, 16:15 - Sujal Amin: The basis for my recovery from
alcoholism is the story of the recovered alcoholic. When Rick L
took me through each Step of AA’s suggested program of
recovery as directed by the Big Book, he used the story of the
recovered alcoholic as the basis for what he did… just as his
sponsor used the story of the recovered alcoholic when he
worked with Rick L.

Much of the story of the recovered alcoholic is outlined in graphic

detail in our Big Book, though some of the story is not.

For each of us, our story of the recovered alcoholic begins with
Rowland H. helping Ebby T. Ebby T then helped Bill W, who
would later go on to help Dr. Bob, etc. If we were willing to make
the effort, each of us could trace our AA Family Tree back to one
or more of these four men.

It seems to me that the question before us is simple enough. The

OP is asking if we were to get a resentment, would we then call
the man/woman who carried the message of the recovered
alcoholic to us, or in some cases, a man/woman that replaced that
man or woman?

The problem with a question like this is that it leans towards being
inconsistent with AA’s history, the AA way of life, and much of
what the Big Book teaches us.

For example, most of us know and value the story of what

happened in the lobby of the Mayflower Hotel in 1935. Was Bill
W’s first reaction to call his sponsor? Or, his sponsor’s sponsor?
No. Did Bill eventually speak to his sponsor about what lead him
to the position he was in while standing in the lobby of the
Mayflower Hotel? Yes.

For me, it is not a choice between calling a sponsor or working

with a still suffering alcoholic. It is a case of doing both, as did Bill
W. While the dictates of the mentor/protege relationship may
suggest a good, better, and/or best ideal, there is not necessarily
a right or wrong. I have followed Bill W’s Mayflower Hotel
experience and example on more than one occasion and have
been satisfied with the results.
02/12/2019, 21:31 - Sujal Amin: It is difficult to pick a sentence or
a phrase out of the big book to try to understand that sentence or
phrase without looking at what is written before and after.
When the book says that we are sure of something or that we
must believe something or there's something that we have to do,
they mean what they say. And if you want to know why they are
saying that read the whole paragraph and it usually will make
sense to you.
03/12/2019, 16:35 - Sujal Amin: Continue, Improve, Practice
04/12/2019, 05:03 - Sujal Amin: *Accept what is, Let go of what
was and have Faith in what will be.*
05/12/2019, 08:50 - Sujal Amin: *Topic of the Day ~ Drunk-a-logs
are not necessary* Have you ever noticed
that when a share person speaks at a meeting that rarely speak
about the program? They say, “I love this program” or “this
program saved my life.” The truth is while they say the word
program, they don’t have a clue what the program is. They believe
a bunch of drunks hanging out at 7:30 in church basement every
night is the program. What is the program? The program is the
steps as they are contained in the Big Book. Once in while one of
our friends (who did the program out of the Book) calls us up in
says “you got to hear this speaker he great.” He really hammers
home the program. He talks very little about drinking, describes
how he did the steps, talks of his spiritual awakening and what his
life is like today. Sadly, these types of shares are very, very
seldom in modern recovery. What we usually get are long drunk-
a-logs, drinking escapades, war stories, stories they think are
funny; a whole a lot of mess with no message. They might
mention the steps. For instance, in a 20-minute share they will talk
for 19:57 and say, "oh ya do the steps." The sad truth they will put
meetings attendance and time ahead of the steps. Most people's
shares never cover about illness concept of step 1 the allergy and
obsession, meaning they do not talk about the insanity of the first
drink and loss of control. Meaning newcomers are not finding out
why they are powerless over alcohol. They rarely speak of
dropping to their knee and doing the 3rdstep prayer. They very
seldom discuss steps 4 thru 9. Meaning newcomers are hearing
less and less about the importance of steps 4 and 5, they rarely
hear of the powerful spiritual experiences that might happen in 6
and 7, and they seldom get to hear a powerful amends story. And
the saddest thing of all they hardly ever get to hear about the
importance of sponsoring. You might be reading this thinking I
don’t share that way or I heard 2 awesome shares this week, and
I believe you. But the truth is for every great one there are 15 bad
ones (that being nice). What this does is over populate the real
message of recovery with a bunch meaningless B.S. and they
believe that B.S. is the program.
Since our meetings are over populated with drunk-a-logs shares
my question is are drunk-A-logs necessary or helpful? My answer
is absolutely not!! Classifying yourself as an alcoholic is absolutely
necessary, but it should only take five minutes or less; not 20. All
we need to do describe the way we drink by using the obsession
and allergy. I don’t need to hear about drunkenness; I know how
to drink. I don’t need to hear about getting arrested, I know how to
get arrested. I don’t need to know about getting fired, I know how
to get fired. I don’t need to hear about you getting your ass kicked,
I know how to get my ass kicked. I don’t need hear about you
wrecking your car; I know how to wreck a car. I don’t need to hear
that you got expelled; I know how to get expelled. I am not at
meeting to hear a story about you throwing up on Santa at the
Christmas party. If you’re going talk about being violent do so if
your going talk about the fact that you made amends to that
person. If you’re going talk about cheating on your wife do so if
your going talk about the fact that you made amends to that
person. If you’re going talk about stealing do so if your going talk
about the fact that you made amends to that person. Essentially if
you don’t mention the solution it doesn’t belong in your share at a
meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous with people in attendance
whose lives are on the line. What good does it do talking at a
meeting if it is not going to help anyone? Why would I want to
listen to someone else’s war story. Because I need to be
reminded what it was like? So I won’t do it again? Last time I
check it’s a spiritual program not a self-knowledge program. I
want to hear the solution. I didn’t come to AA to hear about other
people’s tragic life. I only want to hear that in a 5th step.
When a person does the steps and has a spiritual conversion they
change, they are transformed, they have a personality change,
their obsession is removed. I want to hear that because it is that
stuff that people cannot do on there own power. I want to hear
about miracles, because miracles bring hope. And when we bring
hope we bring hope to the newcomer. We don’t want or need to
hear about drinking. We need to hear about how you became
recovered, how you found God, how you love the Big Book. We
want to hear how you did the steps!!
As recovered alcoholics we have a big responsibility when
speaking any time at a meeting and that is to speak the solution!!
A newcomer does not need to hear drunk-a-log or funny drunk
stories. What good does that do them?? It won’t save their life.
They need to hear about the way out. They need to hear about
freedom from alcoholism, and freedom from self. They need
Many use a statement from p.58 as guideline for sharing a
meeting, “Our stories disclose in a general way what we used to
be like, what happened, and what we are like now.” Which I think
is great except for one big problem before they speak they say “I
am talk about what “it” used to be like, what happen and, and
what “it” is like now.” That’s right it’s misquoted!! I would say for
every 20 people that say the quote from p.58 19 of them say it in
that incorrect fashion. The main problem is they are speaking
about what “it” was like, it being alcohol. I don’t need or want to
hear what “it” was like; I know what “it” was like. If you follow
correctly according to what the Book says you will speak about
“What you used to be like (insane). What happened (spiritual
conversion as result of the steps). And what you are like now
(recovered/spiritual/free). Now that is a share. Amazing how
people get something so simple so twisted.
What did the early members of AA talk about at meetings? First
off all they had were speaker meetings. Meaning no one talked
other then the speaker. Secondly the speaker was only aloud to
speak unless they had done at least their 5ths step. Lets see wha
our co-founder t Dr. Bob said about early meetings from p.222 of
Dr Bob d The Good Old Timers "We did not need tell our drinking
histories at the meetings back then. Frankly, we did not think it
was anybody's business. Besides we already knew how to drink.
What we wanted to learn was how to get sober and stay sober."
Those early speakers didn’t tell war stories or talk about what they
used to be like, what happened, and what they are like now they
spoke of how they established their relationship with God nothing
more nothing less. Wait they had God talk at those meetings?
That’s a subject for another day.
What happens when a person speaks about solution at a
meeting? It blows the roof off the place. Some like what the
person says. Some hate what the person says. Some think the
person is an arrogant prick. Some (with long time sobriety) have
no clue what the hell the person is talking about. The truth is
people hear what they want to hear. The only person that matters
is the newcomer; and they get hope and get a seed panted in
them. If you are awake as a result of the steps always speak the
solution at a meeting. Don’t shortchange the room by not sharing
the miracle you have. When a speaker doesn’t speak the solution,
your job is to raise your hand and share and wake up the meeting.
Don’t share about the mess, share about the message.
05/12/2019, 22:49 - Sujal Amin: I did not follow the lead of those
who believe Step 2 can be reduced to a single sentence on a
single page. The 2nd Step i took with my sponsor involved a very
intense discussion of a list of topics, followed by my need to do a
short list of things.
In Step 2, the Big Book gives us 8 things to think about.

Code of morals or a better philosophy of life (p. 44)

Doubt and prejudice (p. 45)
Obstinacy, sensitiveness and unreasoning prejudice (p. 48)
Facts and results, evidence and visual proof (p. 48)
Being vain (p. 49)
Wholesale condemnation (p. 50; a helpful working definition:
judging the whole by one or more of its parts)
Superstition, tradition, all sorts of fixed ideas (p. 51)
Being a worshipper (of people, places and things, p. 54)

As we read these pages we ask ourselves, “What do these ideas

mean to me? How do these ideas apply to my life?”

When we take Step 2, there are 3 things to do.

First, we make an admission (p. 47, 2nd paragraph, “We needed

to ask….”) Here we are admitting to the existence, or possible
existence of a Power greater than ourselves.
Second, we make a decision (p. 52, next to last paragraph, “When
we saw….”) Here we make a decision to stop doubting the power
of God.
Third, we make a commitment (p. 53, 2nd full paragraph, “When
we became….”) Here we make a commitment that God is going to
be everything.

There is a difference between those who use the whole of WE

AGNOSTICS verses those who use an excerpt or two. The favor
my sponsor did for me by taking me the long way home has
served me well. I'm glad I took Step 2 as directed by the Big
09/12/2019, 16:57 - Sujal Amin: If you want to change who you
are, change what you do.
09/12/2019, 21:53 - Sujal Amin: P. 17 (half way down)
"The feeling of having shared in a common peril is one element in
the powerful cement which binds us. But
that in itself would never have held us together as we are now

Peril means danger, our common peril is that we all have physical
allergy and mental obsession to
alcohol. This common peril is what brings us together. We call

Now here is the warning. "But that in

itself (fellowship only without steps) would never have held us
together as we are now joined."Our fellowship is one element in
the powerful cement, which binds (holds us together). Just "one"

Meaning fellowship alone (without steps) will not recover us from

this illness. We cannot just go to meeting and not doing the steps.
Without the
steps the mind that condemns me drink against my will
(obsession) is still there and so is the
insanity/unmanageability. It is very simple if nothing changes,

I did this off and on for years it did not work. It was the worst point
my life. I was trying to control my drinking by not drinking, one day
at a time. l thought the fellowship was the
program. It is not even part of program, nor the solution. The
fellowship is part of a plan of recovery., I have been there and it is
an extremely dangerous dark place. I love the fellowship and it got
me here but it is not the program. Plane and simple if you are a
real alcoholic with that plan (fellowship only) and no steps ir is a
very likely you will drink
So the question is how are they now joined? By the common

Next paragraph on P. 17

"The tremendous fact for every one of us (that leaves out none of
the first 100) is that we have discovered a
common solution (Steps 4,5,6,7,8, and
9,10,11,12). We have a way out on which we can absolutely
agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly
and harmonious action. This is the great news this book carries to
those who suffer fromalcoholism."

First off what is a solution? A solution is a method we use to bring

us to an answer. Very similar how we use multiplication to bring
us to a mathematical answer. So steps 4 thru 9 is the method we
use to bring us to the answer. And then we stay in the
answer by doing steps 10 continue (4 thru 9 the rest of my life), 11
improve and 12 carry...

The solution is a way out and one we can all agree (well
sometime LOL). And that's what news our wonderful
Book carries for those who suffer from alcoholism! This is the
program of recovery, the solution!

We have 2 fellowships. The fellowship of the meetings and the

fellowship of the spirit. While the fellowship of the spirit of course
is the more powerful of the two and is how we become recovered
and have unity with God. We must do both. I must go to meetings
and work the steps.
09/12/2019, 22:04 - Sujal Amin: Don’t Hurry. You are going to live
forever – somewhere. In fact, you are in eternity now; so why

Don’t Worry. You belong to God, and God is Love; so why fret?

Don’t Condemn.
As you cannot get under the other fellow’s skin, you cannot
possibly know what difficulties he has had to meet –how much
temptation, or misunderstanding, or stupidity. You are not perfect
yourself and might be much worse in his shoes.

Don’t Resent.
If wrong has been done, the Great Law will surely take care of it.
Rise up in consciousness and set both yourself and the
delinquent free.
Forgiveness is the strongest medicine.

"….. For there is no power but of God"

11/12/2019, 12:04 - Sujal Amin: Check out Ananya Consultants -
ISO 9001 Certification Consultants in Ahmedabad on Google!
11/12/2019, 22:34 - Sujal Amin: Shoot me a reply with your best
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you on your way to easy cost savings.
13/12/2019, 05:17 - Sujal Amin: The idea that "If you don't
know...then you should not ever share in a meeting." is a
contradiction to the AA way of life. In fact, it is more akin to what
brought us to AA in the first place.

There is nothing in the Big Book, our Traditions, or any other AA

literature that would support such an idea. At the same time, there
is ample discussion in the Big Book that addresses such
ignorance and misunderstanding.

Anyone who believes non-recovered alcoholics, who lack the

ability to convey AA’s message in a group setting, should not
speak in meetings should consider the following as they might
relate to our social interactions:

Willpower (pages 20-24), we do not exert our will over others.

Control (pages 20-24), we have no control over others.
Self-knowledge (pages 35-39), our knowledge is gift-driven, we
take nothing from those who suffer, we only give all that we have.
Code of morals or a better philosophy of life (p. 44), such ideas
didn't save us from the bottle, they won't save us in meetings.
Doubt and prejudice (p. 45), AA is a prejudice free environment.
Obstinacy, sensitiveness and unreasoning prejudice (p. 48), we
do not wear our defects on our chest like medals, especially in
Facts and results, evidence and visual proof (p. 48), we stand
together on an even playing field.
Being vain (p. 49), AA is a gift, never a weapon.
Wholesale condemnation (p. 50), we leave judgement to those
better qualified.
Superstition, tradition, all sorts of fixed ideas (p. 51), our attitudes
need always be left at the door.
Being a worshipper (of people, places and things, p. 54), God
loves the wet drunk just as much as he loves us.

As for AA’s 12 Traditions, I would suggest reading the bottom of

the first page of the 1st Tradition.
13/12/2019, 13:40 - Sujal Amin: Thoughts on these.?

SPONSOR - “One who assumes, or one to whom is delegated,

responsibility for some other person.” or -
“One who at the baptism of an infant professes the Christian faith
in its name, and guarantees its religious {spiritual} education.”

(“We were reborn.” AA, pg. 63)

Webster, circa - 1936

Step Twelve reads, “Having had a spiritual awakening as the

result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,
and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
That, of course, is what a Sponsor is. An alcoholic who has taken
these Steps and had a spiritual awakening or spiritual experience
or an entire psychic change. That is described on pages 83 and
84 in our Basic Text, Alcoholics Anonymous.

Let’s see what that Book has to say about a Sponsor (a

recovered alcoholic):
“But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is
properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the
confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours. Until such an
understanding is reached, little or nothing can be accomplished.”
(Pg. 18)

How does he do that? Well, the effective sponsor has studied

Chapter Seven, “Working With Others”.

1. His first job then is to see if the prospect appears to be

willing to go to any length to achieve victory over alcohol, (AA, pg.

2. His second job is to see if he has a REAL ALCOHOLIC to

work with, (AA, pg. 92). If he is not, try to help them find the
fellowship that deals with their problem.

3. His third job is to give the prospect a killer case of

alcoholism so he will feel totally hopeless and helpless, (AA, pg.

4. Then, his fourth job is to give the prospect hope, (AA, pg.

5. His fifth job is to see if the prospect is, in fact, willing to go

to any length (AA, pg. 94 - 96) to achieve victory over alcohol.
(That is to see they have a copy of the Big Book and are willing to
carefully read it to determine if they are willing to adopt the
Program as a way of life)

6. If he is, then his sixth job is to start the protégé on his

journey to sobriety by taking Steps Three, Four and Five, (AA, pg.

7. His seventh job is to walk with his protégé in putting the

remaining Steps to work until he is solid in living our Program, one
day at a time (AA, pg. 96 - 103).

8. Once the protégé has found a newcomer and has

effectively passed this on to another suffering alcoholic, you will
have done your job and know joy of living, which is giving that
others may live. (AA, pg. 163 – 164)

9. Continue to look for the next prospect.

Is Sponsorship important? Let’s see what the Big Book reports.

“For if an alcoholic failed to perfect and enlarge his spiritual life

through work and self-sacrifice for others, he could not survive the
certain trials and low spots ahead”, (AA, pg. 14 & 15) “Our very
lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought
of others and how we may help meet their needs.” (AA, pg. 20)
“Practical experience shows nothing will so much insure immunity
from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works
when other activities fail.” (AA, pg. 89)
And as Dr. Bob reported:
“I spend a great deal of time passing on what I learned to others
who want and need it badly. I do it for four reasons:

1. Sense of duty.

2. It is a pleasure.

3. Because in doing so I am paying my debt to the man

who took time to pass it on to me.
4. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance
for myself against a possible slip.”
(AA, pg. 180 - 181)
Dr. Bob did take the matter of Sponsorship very seriously.
History shows that he helped approximately 5,000 alcoholics
experience the Promises of the Program of Alcoholics
Anonymous over a 10 year period. That turns out to average 1
1/2 new alcoholics every day over that 10 year period. That
would certainly qualify as “intensive” work with other alcoholics.
So, it would appear to make sense, if we have been restored to
sanity where alcohol is concerned, to follow the directions the 1st
100 laid down for us in our Basic Text, “ALCOHOLICS
ANONYMOUS” and apply the Twelfth Step Prayer as directed,
which is: “Ask Him in you morning meditation what you can do
each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, IF
your own house is in order. But you obviously cannot transmit
something you haven’t got. See to it that your relationship with
Him is right and great events will come to pass for you and
countless others. This is the Great Fact for us.” (AA, pg. 164)
The Program of Alcoholics Anonymous works if we work it! We
die if we don’t!!
So WORK it!!!
(But that is only a suggestion)
We recover by the Steps we take, not the meetings we make!

13/12/2019, 21:06 - Sujal Amin: *सेरेनिटी प्रेअर (आत्मशांति प्रार्थना)*

*हे ईश्वर* – ये शब्द कहने से मैं एक उच्च शक्ति के अस्तित्व को मान

लेता हूँ, एक ऐसी उच्च शक्ति जो मझ
ु से बड़ी है ।

*मुझे* – मैं अपने लिए कुछ मांग रहा हूँ। ईश्वर कहते है कि अगर मैं
मांगूंगा तो वह दिया जाएगा । मेरी अपनी बेहतरी के लिए मांगना गलत
नहीं है क्योंकि मेरे चरित्र में सुधार होने से मेरे आसपास के लोगों और
खुश होने वाले हैं ।

*आत्मशांति* – मैं अपनी जिंदगी में शांति, स्थिरता और संतुलन मांग

रहा हूँ जो मुझे सही सोचने और अपनी जिंदगी को व्यवस्थित चलाने
योग्य बनाएंगे ।

*दो* – इस शब्द से मैं यह मान रहा हूँ कि यह उच्च शक्ति ऐसी

अधिकारी शक्ति है जो दे सकती है और प्रदान कर सकती है ।

*उन चीजों को स्वीकारने की* – इस समय परिस्थितियां जैसी भी हैं,

उन्हें मैं स्वीकार कर रहा हूँ।

*जिन्हें मैं बदल नहीं सकता –* मैं अपनी जिंदगी का सब कुछ जैसा है ,
वैसे स्वीकार रहा हूँ । मेरी जिंदगी का जो भी हिस्सा मझ
ु े पसंद नहीं है ,
जब तक मुझमें उसे बदलने की हिम्मत नहीं है तब तक मैं उसे स्वीकार
करूंगा और बिना किसी शिकायत के स्वीकार करूंगा ।

*हिम्मत दो –* मैं आत्मा के ऐसे गण

ु को मांग रहा हूँ जिससे मैं बिना
किसी हिचक के परिस्थितियों का सामना कर सकंू गा ।

*उन चीजों को बदलने की –* मैं परिस्थितियां अलग होने की मांग कर

रहा हूँ ।

*जिन्हें मैं बदल सकता हूँ –* मैं सही निर्णय लेने के लिए मदद मांग
रहा हूँ । मेरी जिंदगी में सब कुछ सही नहीं है । मैंने वास्तविकता का
सामना करते रहना और प्रगति और विकास के लिए लगातार कोशिश
करते रहना जरूरी है

*और इन दोनों में भेद –* मैं अपनी जिंदगी में चीजों को अलग तरह से
दे खना चाहता हूँ ताकि उनमें फर्क मालम
ू हो सके। मैंने प्रेम में स्वार्थ से
बढ़कर एक निश्चित मल्
ू य महसूस करना जरूरी है ।

*जानने की –* मैं तथ्यों का सत्य साफ-साफ समझने योग्य बनना

चाहता हूँ ।

*सद्बुद्धि दो –* मैं हर एक चीज़ के बारे में ठोस निर्णय लेने की क्षमता

मांग रहा हूँ ।

14/12/2019, 12:04 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message

14/12/2019, 12:04 - Sujal Amin: Learn everything you can about
your industry and your prospects.
*Read industry publications-* *newsletters*- , *magazines*-
, and the like. 
Pay attention to on-line sources along with “local” sources such as
*newspapers*- , *Chamber of Commerce letters*, and other news
in the *geographic proximity* of the companies you’re interested
in.  Look for *breaking news*-,
*new products*,
*new laws, regulations*-,
or *changes in legislation t policies*, *interesting articles*, *stories
on people* making an impact in the industry, and other pertinent
information. Stay on top of the *latest innovations* and
*technology* within your industry. Study the companies and
individuals to whom you’re selling.  Obtain *annual reports, look in
Who’s Who, and tap the *Internet and company websites for
information.* *Information is power.* The more information you
have on selling, on the industry you’re in, and on the people to
whom you’re selling, the more confident and successful you’ll be.
15/12/2019, 10:12 - Sujal Amin: When I took Step 2, my sponsor
asked me to look up the words “came to”. I couldn’t help the look
on my face. It seemed like an odd request to me.

The definition of “came to” was not what I expected. The

dictionary said something like, “arrived at a point unknown
before”. This was interesting.

Then my sponsor asked me if I knew what “believe” meant. I told

him, “yes.” He asked me for the definition. After a bit of hemming
and hawing, he handed me back the dictionary.

“Believe” meant “to know”, “to trust”, “to accept as fact”.

We then did the same thing with the words “restore” and “sanity”.

My sponsor then asked me if I had arrived at a point unknown to

me before we I now knew, now trusted, now accepted as fact that
God could restore me to sanity.

It hadn’t even been an hour since we were on page 47 and I

found myself telling him, “I don’t know.” But, it seemed much
longer than that.

My sponsor believed in taking the Steps in order, and taking the

Steps as directed by the Big Book. And that meant taking Step 2
before Step 3. I thank God every day my sponsor took me through
Steps 1 & 2 before we discussed Step 3.
16/12/2019, 07:35 - Sujal Amin: *Spiritual tools box*
Everyone has a bag of Spiritual tools containing love,
compassion, forgiveness, intuition, altruism, courage, honesty,
gratitude, strength, just to name a few. Here is the catch it is
totally up to you how you use them. You can use compassion to
forgive another. You can use strength and courage to honesty
face your fears. You can use altruism to learn what it truly means
to love all. You can use gratitude to realize that you actually have
a great life. Perhaps you learn to use all the tools together to
intuitively connect with the Spirit that dwells deeps down With-in.
Here is the other catch it is totally up to you if you use them at all.
If you choose not to use them, you will have is a life that is like
falling down a hill with the hope that you land better than the last
time. Your life will be built on the idea that happiness is outside of
you, and if you get the things you want you will live happy ever
after. You will live life being selfishly guided and completely
ignoring the voice that is With-in you. Your life will be centered on
only getting what you believe you need to survive and hurting
others who stand in the way of what you need. If you use your
tools any obstacle, hardship, any ups and down are just bumps in
the road that make you stronger and mold you into who you are.
These tools to life are in your hands and it is your decision to use
16/12/2019, 22:26 - Sujal Amin: The alcoholic mind

For the alcoholics drinking alcohol is not a decision they make

with much forethought . It seems to be some unconscious urge
that triggers an action that is neither wanted or desired.

An alcoholic seems to drink against his will and this is not about
the phenomenon of craving after the alcoholic begins drinking.

In MORE ABOUT ALCOHOLISM there are several vignettes

describing this: man of thirty, Jim, Fred and the famous JAY

The MAN OF THIRTY is called "An exceptional man" since he

used willpower to stop drinking 25 years. But there came a time
when as the Big Book states he fell victim to the idea that a “long
period of sobriety and self-discipline” would allow him to drink

He already knew how he drank before and that simple idea or

excuse convinced him that wouldn't happen again.

Jim the car salesman left the asylum and had talked with
members of AA and he knew beforehand he was an alcoholic with
the craving after he started drinking.

He knew he would lose everything if he drank again. But he did.

“Suddenly the thought crossed my mind that if I were to put an

ounce of whiskey in my milk it couldn't hurt me on a full stomach.”
pg 36

That idea came against his will, despite knowing what drinking
would do to him and his life.


Fred the accountant was in the hospital due to booze and talked
with members of AA and that subtle "against his will" began early.

“ I reasoned I was not so far advanced as most of you fellows,

that I had been usually successful in licking my other personal
problems, and that I would therefore be successful where you
men failed.” pg. 40

And yet “As I crossed the threshold of the dining room, the
thought came to mind that it would be nice to have a couple of
cocktails with dinner. ” pg. 41


I'll not go into the allegory called the Jay Walker, but it's clear the
"alcoholic mind" means you will drink against your will.

The "alcoholic mind" is mentioned three times in the Book, twice

in MAA and once in WORKING WITH OTHERS. I like that one.
"...We meet these conditions every day. An alcoholic who cannot
meet them, still has an alcoholic mind; there is something the
matter with his spiritual status. His only chance for sobriety would
be some place like the Greenland Ice Cap, and even there an
Eskimo might turn up with a bottle of scotch and ruin everything!"
pg. 101

To me that is the essence of the "unmanageable" mentioned only

once in the Book in the numbered Step One. An "alcoholic mind"
drinks against their will. It doesn't matter if you are broke and in
the gutter or a billionaire or how seemingly you have your life
under control.

It's also the essence of the GREAT OBSESSION that seems to

be a part of drinking against your will. “The idea that somehow,
someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great
obsession of every abnormal drinker.” pg. 30

Was the understanding that you drank against your will part of
your Steps?
16/12/2019, 22:26 - Sujal Amin: Clarence Snyder ;
22 hrs ·
*Stolen from the Recovered page 😎

A while back someone asked, “Why is it that many "members" of

AA will tell newcomers that they can't do the only thing that's
guaranteed to work until they've been sober for months or years?”

I get why they ask. There are probably innumerable reasons,

depending, but I'll bet that I know at least one.

Many people currently populating AA meetings already HAVE

immunity from drinking. It is their own willpower.

There are things they can do that will keep them from taking the
next first drink. In-other-words they are not real alcoholics, but
merely the problem or heavy drinkers.
For many of them the simple act of “suiting and showing up” or
“reading the 12 & 12” or “ taking suggestions” out of ”Living
Sober” –– even “calling my sponsor” everyday so that he can
quote some positive platitudes and masturbate my self-centered
psyche into a self-esteem orgasm - - or just “share” in the next
open discussion meeting today's failure to deal well with everyday

Hell, I know “old-timers” who stay sober for decades by gathering

adoring flocks of “pigeons” who travel in bunches to speak at
meetings and to kibbutz in greasy-spoons, while never actually
taking the Steps as delineated in their Big Book.

Or if they do, it's to bask in an inventory worship sub-cult,

submerge the intellect into AA historical studies and engaging a
fly-over from Step 9 straight into 12.

There seems to be absolutely no urgency to actually complete an

inventory, finish amends, develop a progressive God-conscious
lifestyle of daily prayer and meditation and fully embrace all of
Step 12.

For them it is “not a race,” and with no humanly unbreachable,

insane obsession to drink looming; that cannot be overcome
through their own power — then why truly turn life and will
completely over to Him?

Why would anyone who can stay away from a drink by means of
human aids such as these ever be moved to lose their self-
centeredness and to share in this spiritual awakening experience
by passing on the message to other real alcoholics newcomers,
rightfully admitting that, “We have recovered,” putting to good use
their God-given, “power to help others.”

It is much easier to adopt AA as a social club, historical society

(Hey I'm going to Dr. Bob's house to kvell in his library,") and
make a lot of “recovery” and spiritual “noise,” telling newcomers
that, “We are still recovering and we are still powerless and my
sponsor says I have to wait a year before I sponsor anyone.”

(Excuse me, have to go . . . I think I taste bile in my mouth.)

16/12/2019, 22:26 - Sujal Amin: This question is more difficult…
First, in step 10, Bill Wilson makes it crystal clear that we can
become unrecovered, after we already are recovered. Here’s the
way he wrote:

“1It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on

our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a
subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is
a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual
condition.” p85

At the time the big book was published, there was a split among
the members. In AA comes of age this is discussed in more detail,
and it is also discussed in greater detail and Ernie Kurtz book
about our history.

Some in the fellowship like Bill, did not believe we were cured of
our illness, but that the illness had been “arrested.“,l

There were others, who did believe we were cured of alcoholism.

There was a group in the middle of course… They felt that we
were like people that had broken their arm, and then experienced
their arm healing up. That middle group argued that we could
again break our arm, but unless that happened we were cured of
the first one.

I encourage people not to argue about this! The directions in the

big book are crystal clear and I encourage everybody to focus on
those, and practice those directions in all their affairs, every day!
18/12/2019, 12:54 - Sujal Amin: *A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step.*

Even the strongest, most loving families always have room for
growth. There is no such thing as a "perfect" family. If our family is
far from perfect, that's okay. It only matters that we are working at
getting better. Often, runners will say they can remember many
days when they just did not feel like running; however, once they
started, they felt more energy and were easily able to run the
distance they had set for that day.
Whatever we need to do, we can do in small acts—a chore done
without being asked, a helping hand with the dishes, a soft word,
a surprise gift for no reason. These are small things, easily done.
Love is made of small things; what is large is the love with which
they are accomplished.
When we begin to work on our relationship with our family, we will
feel the new energy, and quickly we will find ourselves making
What is the first thing I can do today to improve my relationship
with my family?
19/12/2019, 17:04 - Sujal Amin: Letting go of resentments does
not mean we allow the other person to do anything to us that he
or she wants. It means we accept what happened in the past, and
we set boundaries for the future. We can let go of resentments
and still have boundaries.
21/12/2019, 05:44 - Sujal Amin: *The Five Things*
I've heard for many years that good recovery and sobriety
includes doing FIVE THINGS every day. There's various versions
but all are pretty close.

1: Ask God for help in the morning
2: Read something spiritual or AA literature
3 Talk with another Alcoholic
4: Go to a meeting
5: Thank God at night

Can you reconcile them with the Big Book. Sure you can.
1: Ask God for help in the morning
"On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead.
We consider our plans for the day. Before we begin, we ask God
to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from
self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives." pg. 86

2: Read something spiritual or AA literature

"When a discussion does arise, you might suggest he read this
book or at least the chapter on alcoholism." pg. 111-112

"Can you discard the feeling that you are dealing only with habit,
with stubbornness, or a weak will? If this presents difficulty, re-
reading chapters two and three, where alcoholic sickness is
discussed at length might be worth while." pg. 140

3 Talk with another Alcoholic

"PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE shows that nothing will so much
insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other
alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. " pg. 89

4: Go to a meeting
"To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch
loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have
a host of friends-this is an experience you must not miss. We
know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with
newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives." pg.

5: Thank God and night

"When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were
we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology?
Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed
with another person at once? Were we kind and loving toward all?
What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves
most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for
others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must
be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflection, for
that would diminish our usefulness to others. After making our
review we ask God’s forgiveness and inquire what corrective
measures should be taken." pg. 86

Have you heard about the FIVE THINGS. Have you heard a
different version?
25/12/2019, 13:21 - Sujal Amin: *VERIFYING AUTHENTICITY OF

The world market is full of private certification bodies issuing

certificates to industry and it is important to distinguish an
authentic certificate from many unauthentic, fake or fraudulent
certificates going around.
How to distinguish between authentic and fake certificate is the
common query raised by industry members often during industry
An authentic certificate should contain the following:

1. Name and address of the organization certified

2. Scope of certification describing its activities under certification

– e.g. production, packing and sale of dairy products like …….
(broad list of products)

3. Standard (or sometimes scheme or regulation) against which

certification is granted e.g. ISO 9001 or ISO 22000 (standard) or
AS 9100 or FSSC 22000 (scheme) – in general guidance
standards are not amenable to certification – these have to be
formal, requirement standards or specifications

4. Date of issue and expiry of certificate

5. Unique identification number of the certificate

6. Name and address of the certification body (CB)

7. Logo of the certification body

8. Accreditation symbol indicating the name of the accreditation

body (AB) which has accredited the certification body (in most
countries, in the absence of any law requiring certification bodies
to register, accreditation is the only way of recognizing a
competent, authentic certification body)

9. IAF Mark – indicating that the certificate is covered under the

Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MLA) of the
International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and hence is
internationally equivalent and acceptable in the market

10. In order to judge authenticity, the names of member ABs of

IAF can be seen on its website– it also gives
information on which accreditation bodies are signatories to IAF
MLAs for specific schemes – QMS or EMS or FSMS. Once you
locate the AB in a country, you can go to its website from the link
given on IAF website and then on AB’s website verify if the CB is
accredited. Then from the CB, you can verify the certificate
because under international norms, CBs are obliged to help verify
certificates issued by them. In case the certificate is issued under
a scheme like IATF 16949 or AS 9100, it is possible to verify the
certificate through the scheme owners also.
26/12/2019, 16:53 - Sujal Amin: Anshika Polysurf Ltd - Bharuch
Bharuch, Gujarat 392160
26/12/2019, 22:05 - Sujal Amin: 12 Steps in one day.

Taking Steps – One Day Written by Mike Chumbley

(This is just a rough outline of a suggested process.)

(This is based on the Big Book. It does include some processes

that have served me well in my experience.)

This is certainly not the only process to sponsor others, just one
which has worked well for me and those I sponsor.

Initial Meeting

1. Meet with your prospect for coffee or lunch for the initial

2. Get to know your prospect for a while about their personal life.
Tell them about yours. This is not a conversation about drinking.
Just a get to know each other time.

3. From Page 44 in the Big Book cover the first paragraph to

qualify the individual. Get your prospect to answer both questions.

A. If, when you honestly want to, do you find you cannot quit

B. If when drinking, do you have little control over the amount you
C. If they answer yes to either question: You are probably

D. Explain the entire process for the next day and that it will take
from 8:00 AM until about 8:00 PM.

4. Ask them the following question:

A. Are you willing to go to absolutely any lengths to remove your

desire to drink? If they answer yes arrange to meet them the next
day or the first available day for breakfast at a local restaurant.

Breakfast the following day 8:00 AM


1. Show them the Big Book. Go to the Forward to the Big Book
(xii) and show them the first sentence: WE, OF Alcoholics
Anonymous, are more than one hundred men and women who
have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and
body. To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered
is the main purpose of this book. Stress the use of the word
“precisely” and explain we will be following the precise instructions
of the Big Book

2. Go to the Doctors Opinion: (xxvi) We believe, and so suggested

a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic
alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of
craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average
temperate drinker. Discuss craving both yours and his. Try to elicit
emotional responses from him then tell them the craving is not
their fault.

3. Go to the Doctors Opinion: (xxvi, xxvi) Men and women drink

essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol. The
sensation is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they
cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false. To them,
their alcoholic life seems the only normal one. They are restless,
irritable and discontented, unless they can again experience the
sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few
drinks-drinks which they see others taking with impunity. This is
the mental obsession. Discuss mental obsession both yours and
theirs. Use particular examples and ask for multiple particular
examples. Try to elicit emotional responses from him. Then tell
them the mental obsession is not their fault.

4. Have them discuss their experience with drinking and the

problems it has caused them. Ask them for particular examples.
After each example ask them why they did not quit at that time.
Continue this conversation until you know that they know that
alcohol is out of their control and is in fact beating them no matter
how many times they get in trouble. THIS IS THE FIRST PART

5. Have them discuss what is going on in their life. Ask them for
multiple particular things that seem to be out of control. Press
them for details. We are attempting to get them to realize that
their life as it is going is not as they want it to be and they have
done a poor job managing it. THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF

6. Ask them at that point if they realize they have no control over
alcohol and their life is unmanageable? When they answer Yes,
Step one is finished.


1. Ask the man if he believes in God. If he answers yes ask him to

describe his relationship with God.

2. If the man does not believe in God ask him if he is willing to

believe in the possibility that God does exist. Get them to admit
that they may be wrong and they would be willing to concede that
there is a chance that God exists.

3. If the answer to 2. If ‘No’ ask him if he believes there are other

things in the world that are more powerful than he is. Get the man
to commit that there are things in the world more powerful than he
is, the universe, nature, collective humanity, the 2 million
members of AA are examples.
4. Generally the man will answer yes to one of the first three

5. Ask him do you believe some help from one of these options
could help you with your drinking problem and make you saner
about how you have been drinking? When he answers yes Step 2
is finished.


1. Ask the man since your way so far has not been working are
you willing to let either God or the universe or nature or collective
humanity or the 2 million members of AA guide you in your
attempts to get sober? In other words turn your life over to Him or
them? When he answers yes Step 3 is finished.

Now I realize many people feel that a commitment that the man
believes in God and a decision to turn their will and their lives over
to the care of that God is required at steps 2 and 3. That has not
been my experience. The 12 steps bring about the spiritual
awakening in Step 12 and I am not willing to abandon agnostics
or atheists at step 2 and 3. My experience is that most of these
people do in fact have a spiritual awakening over the course of
the steps and those who do not still stay sober.

I then finish breakfast and we go to my home. When we get to my

home, whether they believe in God or not we together say the
Third Step Prayer:

"God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me and to do with me as

Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do
Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and
Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!"


1. I have over the years decided to use 4th step worksheets

format which follows the Big Book format exactly. If you do not like
that format any format you choose can be used.
2. If Big Book format worksheets are used Have multiple copies
of each sheet so they have plenty of room. Make sure they
understand the columns are designed to be completed one
vertical column at a time. They work top to bottom not left to right.

3. Go to page 64 and have the man read: Therefore, we started

upon a personal inventory. This was Step Four. A business which
takes no regular inventory usually goes broke. Taking commercial
inventory is a fact-finding and a fact-facing process. It is an effort
to discover the truth about the stock-in-trade. One object is to
disclose damaged or unsalable goods, to get rid of them promptly
and without regret. Explain that we are going to do the same thing
with their life.

4. Make sure you fully explain how the 4th column works and the
importance of it in the process.

5. Make sure the man realizes that NO ONE will ever be allowed
to know anything that you and he discuss. ABSOLUTELY NO
ONE. They must be thorough.

6. Give the man a clipboard and some pencils or pens and let
them go.

7. Be available to answer questions.


1. Once the 4th step has been completed take a short 10-15
minute break and if possible run a copy of the 4th step so you can
both have a copy while you are hearing his 5th step

2. Once again stress that noting you discuss will EVER leave the
room. Question your man to make sure he has been completely
thorough. It is our darkest secrets that will keep us sick

3. One of the reasons I like worksheets is that you can scan

columns 3 and 4 and easily spot patterns. It is immediately
evident that your man will have 2 or 3 areas in both columns 3
and 4, which will be consistent, issues with them.
4. Begin with the man reading his first resentment. You will
probably find that a man will wish to dwell on columns 1 and 2
justifying the wrongs that had been done to him. Get a quick
understanding of the wrong and them move them to column three.
Cover how he was affected by the resentment.

5. Move on to column 4 and explain that this column is the crux of

the matter. What was their part in causing the resentment? The
majority of resentments are caused by our own actions. Get them
to explain their part and what they could have done different.

6. Move on until resentments are completed each time stressing

their part in the resentment and what they could have done
different. I use the phrase to them that we are bringing all of the
problems back home to them. They should realize fairly quickly
that the cause of the resentment is them and usually it is the
same issues, which brought them to that resentment. They must
realize the resentment is theirs and was caused by them.

7. Continue this process through fears, sex harms and harms

other than sex.

8. Step 5 is now finished.

Have the man read the following from page 75 of the Big Book:

Returning home we find a place where we can be quiet for an

hour, carefully reviewing what we have done. We thank God from
the bottom of our heart that we know Him better. Taking this book
down from our shelf we turn to the page which contains the twelve
steps. Carefully reading the first five proposals we ask if we have
omitted anything, for we are building an arch through which we
shall walk a free man at last. Is our work solid so far? Are the
stones properly in place? Have we skimped on the cement put
into the foundation? Have we tried to make mortar without sand?


1. Have a conversation with the man about what has now been
revealed in the first 5 steps. Ask them if they feel there are any
areas of 1-5 that they feel they need to discuss more. Are they
completely comfortable with the information they have revealed
and are they ready to proceed to have all of these defects of
character removed.

2. Review the fourth step column again and discuss the primary
shortcomings that were consistently revealed on this sheet. Ask
them if they are ready to go forward in life and have God remove
those shortcomings.

3. When they answer yes Step 6 is now finished.


1. Together with the man say the 7th Step Prayer on page 76 of
the Big Book: “My Creator, I am now willing that you should have
all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me
every single defect of character which stands in the way of my
usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out
from here, to do your bidding. Amen.”

2. Now have the man go back through his fourth step and
individually ask that every resentment, fear and character defect
be removed. Have them take them individually.

3. When this has been completed Step 7 is finished.


1. We have a list of all persons we have harmed and to whom we

are willing to make amends. We made it when we took inventory.
We subjected ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out
to our fellows and repair the damage done in the past.

2. The harms list of the fourth step is the foundation of the 8th
step list.

3. Together take the list and pick out one amend that they can
take on their way home from your house. We want to get this
process started immediately and we want to get the amends
finished as quickly as possible.

4. Review the list for completeness. Are there additional amends

that need be made in addition to those listed on the two lists, sex
harms and harms other than sex. Are their people places or things
from the resentment or fears list that caused the other party harm
that for some reason were not listed on the harms lists?

5. Break down the amends to be made into categories. We can

write directly on the list which category each amends falls into.

6. The categories are:

A. Immediate face to face

B. Immediate letter

C. Immediate phone call

D. Financial

E. Indirect (A compensatory amend in lieu of one which cannot be


F. Willing to be made a later date a later date

G. Permission needed from another

H. Other

7. Explain that you will talk every couple days about this list and
whether additional issues need to be added to it.
8. We are not allowed to harm another person to remove the harm
from our list.

9. Step 8 is now finished.


1. Read pages 76 to 84 when they get home.

2. Explain that amends are not apologies they are efforts to make
things right and make the aggrieved party whole.

3. Explain to the man the process for making an amend,

A. Set up an appointment to meet the person and ask for their


B. Tell the person you need to talk to them in private

C. When you meet tell the man you are trying to recover from
alcoholism and part of that process requires you to make amends
to all you have harmed

D. Tell the person how you think you have harmed them.

E. Ask the person how they think you have harmed them. Your
view of the harm and their view of the harm may not always be
the same,

F. Ask them what you can do to make the situation right.

G. Unless it is excessive do what ever they ask.

H. The very last thing the man does before he leaves is

apologizes and promises to never do the action again.
4. Have the man notify you every time an amend is made and
discuss the amend.

5. Face to face is always preferable but not always possible. The

same listed process as above can be done by phone.

6. If a letter is sent include as much of the above listed process as


7. Amends to love ones who have passed can take the form of a
conversation at a grave site

8. Financial amends should be made as soon as possible. The

mans life should be restricted to bare bones until the financial
amends are complete.

9. If you have the money to make the amend, pay it.

10. If you do not have the money to make the amend contact the
person or institution and set up plans to pay it.

11. Indirect amends are a secondary amend where the actual

amend is impossible. For example a financial amend to a comp-
any that is out of business. A financial donation of the same
amount can be made to a charitable organization or time can be
volunteered to a worthy cause, a soup kitchen, detox etc.

12. Some amends can never be made but the man must be
willing should the opportunity arise.

13. Step 9 may never be finished.


1. This step should be started as soon as we have completed step

8 and are in the process of our 9th step amends.
2. This step is a lifetime step

3. Read pages 84 and 85 in the Big Book

4. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our

lifetime. Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty,
resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to
remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and
make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we
resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and
tolerance of others is our code.

5. This practice should occur all day every day and pages 84 and
85 should be read each day.


1. Read the bottom of page 85 to 88 in the Big Book.

2. Do a nightly inventory in writing as outlined on page 86 in the

Big Book.

3. Do a daily plan upon awakening as outlined on page 86.

4. Set aside times during the day for daily meditation as outlined
on pages 86 to 88 in the Big Book.


1. Read the chapter Working With Others pages 89 to 103 in the

Big Book

2. Go to a variety of meetings and locate a home group

3. Volunteer at that home group for some type of service work.

4. Attend at least 4 meetings a week at least one of which is a Big
Book Study group to be decided by you and your sponsor.

5. Arrive at the meetings early and introduce yourself to people as

they arrive.

6. If called upon to share, share only about the 12 steps you have
taken and the affect on your life. Avoid lengthy drug-a-logs.

7. Work with the sponsor to do 12-step work on a regular basis.

8. Reread the Big Book in its entirety, at least once a month for
the first 6 months
27/12/2019, 15:01 - Sujal Amin: *TRAINING YOUR THOUGHTS*
Thought is the real causative force in life, and there is no other.
You cannot have one kind of mind and another kind of
You cannot change your environment while leaving your mind
This is the real key to life; if you change your mind your conditions
must change too—
your body must change, your activities must change; your home
must change; the color-tone of your whole life must change.
... And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind.
(Romans 12:2).
This may be called the Great Cosmic Law.
The practical difficulty in applying it arises from the fact that our
thoughts are so close to us that it is difficult,
without a little practice, to stand back and look at them objectively.
Yet that is just what you must learn to do.
You must train yourself to choose the subject of your thinking at
any given time, and also to choose the emotional tone.
If you are not determined to start in now and carefully select all
day the kind of thoughts that you are going to think,
 you may as well give up all hope of shaping your life into the kind
of thing that you want it to be.
The way to start on a seven-day mental diet is to begin now.
27/12/2019, 21:36 - Sujal Amin: declutter letgo befree simplicity
patience compassion

We all deal with it. Whether it be our closets, in our offices, or

garage. We all have lots of reasons to declutter, to free up space,
to pare down belongings in advance of a move, to release things
that weigh us down emotionally, and to make room for new things.
And there’s another reason, one most people don’t usually realize
to reduce stress and overwhelm. But the main thing we need to
declutter from will not be found in our houses or our offices it is
found in our head. When we are caught up in our own head we
are not present or clear minded. We get agitated easy. We fear
and worry more.We are never satisfied. We hold onto thoughts
and over analyze them over and over again. We lose the
connection to ourselves, our family, our community, and our lives.

Take time each day to reset your mind and release your clutter.
Release all useless, negative thoughts. Release any form of
judgment, expectation, frustration, bitterness and fear that blind
you from the truth. Then focus on positive things and things you
need to get done. Almost immediately you will notice a change in
your entire outlook on life. It then you will know life three greatest
daily treasures simplicity, patience, and compassion.

Life’s is unpredictable full of surprises. The more stuff your mind

hold onto the more time, and energy you need to devote to
maintaining it, and the more likely you feel anxious in your
cramped and disorganized space. We don’t need a mess in our
heads. Try making simplicity part of every aspect of your life, and
you’ll reach new heights of self-accomplishment. With less there
always more.
28/12/2019, 09:49 - Sujal Amin: *TRAINING YOUR THOUGHTS*
Thought is the real causative force in life, and there is no other.
You cannot have one kind of mind and another kind of
You cannot change your environment while leaving your mind
This is the real key to life; if you change your mind your conditions
must change too—
your body must change, your activities must change; your home
must change; the color-tone of your whole life must change.
... And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind.
(Romans 12:2).
This may be called the Great Cosmic Law.
The practical difficulty in applying it arises from the fact that our
thoughts are so close to us that it is difficult,
without a little practice, to stand back and look at them objectively.
Yet that is just what you must learn to do.
You must train yourself to choose the subject of your thinking at
any given time, and also to choose the emotional tone.
If you are not determined to start in now and carefully select all
day the kind of thoughts that you are going to think,
 you may as well give up all hope of shaping your life into the kind
of thing that you want it to be.
The way to start on a seven-day mental diet is to begin now.

To train yourself in the habit of thought selection will be difficult for
the first few days, but it is the most interesting experiment that you
could possibly make. You will be amazed at the things that you
will learn about yourself. This week may be the most significant
week in your whole life; not only will you be able to face your
present difficulties in a better spirit, but the difficulties will go. You
cannot change conditions directly—you have often tried to do so
and failed—but go on the seven-day mental diet and conditions
must change for you.
This then is your prescription. For seven days you must not allow
yourself to dwell for a moment on any kind of negative thought.
You must watch yourself for a week and must not under any
pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not
positive, constructive, optimistic, kind. This discipline will be so
strenuous that you could not maintain it consciously for much
more than a week, but a week will be enough, because by that
time the habit of positive thinking will begin to be established.
Some changes for the better will have come into your life,
encouraging you enormously, and then the new way of life will be
so attractive that you will find your mentality aligning itself almost
"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:
 the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak"
Matthew 26:41
30/12/2019, 13:51 - Sujal Amin: "However, the company doesn't
want to abandon the practice, and hopes new technology will
improve the return on investment."
synonyms: give up, stop, cease, drop, forgo
30/12/2019, 14:31 - Sujal Amin: *2020- GO For:* - Financial
- Time Keeping,
- Scheduling,
- Prospecting,
- Learn to say NO,
- Follow ups,
- Don't Shy to ASK,
- Focus on Business Growth/ Earnings,
- New Clients,
- Plan out PECB Trainings
- *Do Learn- Practice - Share*
- Features- Advantages-Benefits. connects to need become
- Jo dikhta hai, wahi bikta hai. Packing, presentation accha hona
- Other business owners facing objections and responses.
- Plan Consulting job offsite and onsite days and commit
- Value add by awareness training to customers critical suppliers
31/12/2019, 12:59 - Sujal Amin: Finish each day and be done with
it. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well.
03/01/2020, 19:53 - Sujal Amin: Prepare Quality objective plan &
monitoring sheet for AC.
03/01/2020, 21:17 - Sujal Amin: HSE officer duties.
Here are 40 duties and responsibilities of a HSE officer:

1- The Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring and assessing

hazardous and unsafe situations.
2- Developing measures to assure personnel safety.
3- Correct unsafe acts or conditions through the regular line of
4- May exercise emergency authority to prevent or stop unsafe
acts when immediate action is required.
5- The Safety Officer maintains awareness of active and
developing situations.
6- Ensures there are safety messages in each Incident Action
7- Participate in planning meetings to identify any health and
safety concerns inherent in the operations daily work-plan.
8- Review the Incident Action Plan for safety implications.
9- Investigate accidents that have occurred within incident areas.
10- Ensure preparation and implementation of Site Safety and
Health Plan (SSHP).
11- Inspects the site to ensure it is a hazard-free environment.
12- Conducts toolbox meetings.
13- A HSE Officer is part of the project safety council and leads all
efforts to enhance safety.
14- The safety officer reviews and approves all subcontractors
safety plans.
15- Verifies that injury logs and reports are completed and
submitted to related government agencies.
16- Verifies that all tools and equipment are adequate and safe for
17- Promotes safe practices at the job site.
18- Enforces safety guidelines.
19- Trains and carries out drills and exercises on how to manage
emergency situations.
20- Conducts investigations of all accidents and near-misses.
21- Reports to concerned authorities as requested or mandated
by regulations.
22- Conducts job hazard analysis.
23- Establishes safety standards and policies as needed.
24- Watches out for the safety of all workers and works to protect
them from entering hazardous situations.
25- Responds to employees’ safety concerns.
26- Coordinates registration and removal of hazardous waste.
27- Serves as the link between state and local agencies and
28- Receives reports from and responds to orders issued by
Department of Labor.
29- Arranges for OSHA mandated testing and/or evaluations of
the workplace by external agencies/consultants.
30- Support the development of OHS policies and programs.
31- Advise and instruct on various safety-related topics (noise
levels, use of machinery etc.).
32- Conduct risk assessment and enforce preventative measures.
33- Review existing policies and measures and update according
to legislation.
34- Initiate and organize OHS training of employees and
35- Inspect premises and the work of personnel to identify issues
or non-conformity (e.g. not using protective equipment)
36- Oversee installations, maintenance, disposal of substances
37- Stop any unsafe acts or processes that seem dangerous or
38- Record and investigate incidents to determine causes and
handle worker’s compensation claims
39- Prepare reports on occurrences and provide statistical
information to upper management.
40- Carry out PTW Monitoring and review
04/01/2020, 00:13 - Sujal Amin: Hi! Welcome to you and the
several who have just joined!

Each morning I will post the Big Book Study post of the day. We
started from #1 on 03.01.2020.
It is a snippet of the book with comments on the writing of the
book, the spiritual program of action, a little history, etc. It runs 41
posts and then repeats.

Enjoy it and invite your friends!

A Satisfied Customer Of AA.
04/01/2020, 08:57 - Sujal Amin: Welcome everyone-
Just a reminder of our group guidelines for our newest
*Hey everyone!*
Just trying to keep our focus on our Bigbook study.
*Please refrain from posting inspirational memes, Daily reflection,
Anniversary wishes, prayer requests, shared/unrelated images,
videos or anything else unrelated to our study. Member will be
deleted as I find them.*
Thanks for your understanding!
05/01/2020, 12:46 - Sujal Amin: *I learned early*

Next year I will have the distinct pleasure of being 43 years of age
and celebrating 7th year of my life as a continuous member of
Alcoholics Anonymous
I learned early in the program that when I spoke at a meeting and
told my story, I should try to talk as if I were in the audience
for the first time and I wanted to hear what was being said. Plus, I
work onthe following:
1. Do not drink
2. Go to many meetings
3. Read the Big Book
4. Read, understand
and try to live the Twelve Steps
5. Get a sponsor and
talk to him or her
6. Get involved in
Twelfth Step work
7. Develop and try to
practice spirituality

I also do my daily "drill." I usually get up

about 4:40 A.M., long before my wife, get my coffee and sit on my
balcony. I open my Big Book randomly, read 4-5 or so pages,
read the Twelve Steps and the Promises, then close my eyes and
meditate. I thank my Higher Power for all of
my blessings, ask for any special favors, and always request he
look out for my wife, my children.

I then get up and look forward to my day, which starts at 10 A.M.

At Meeting there, I see 4-6 people who are as pleased as I am
that we have a great place to come to and share the fun and
pleasure of being in AA.

- Sujal A.





This we owe to A.A.’s future, to place our common welfare first; to
keep our Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depend our
lives, and the lives of those to come.
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of
A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.

You can’t lead where you haven’t been.
You can’t teach what you haven’t learned.
You can’t be what you are not.
And you damn sure can’t give what you ain’t got!

We recover by the Steps we take, not the meetings we make!

Be Kind Whenever Possible!!!

(and it is always possible!!!)
Always in AA Service.
*A satisfied customer of AA fellowship.*
06/01/2020, 17:12 - Sujal Amin: *I am truly changing myself*
I am willing to face life-long fears and give them up to God to have
a future.
I am willing to discuss secrets of my past with another I barley
I am willing to LET go of all my faults and deficiencies.
I am willing to make amends to all those who I have hurt.
I am willing to forgive all those who hurt me.
I am willing to give up gratification in favor of personal growth.
I am willing to abandon the thought that I am less then or better
than others.
I am willing to finally Let Go of the foolish thought that somehow
things will get better over a period of time.
I am willing to give up the need to always be right.
I am willing to Let go financial security for a better tomorrow.
I am willing to Let Go of the front I want others to see and be
I am willing to give up the need to always get the last word in.
I am willing to Let Go the delusion that I am a failure.
I am willing to Love all.
I am willing to the to LET Go of anger to have peace.
I am willing to give up my old life for a new one.
06/01/2020, 17:16 - Sujal Amin: *Skills fall into the following
1. Advanced communication and negotiation skills
2. Interpersonal skills and empathy
3. Leadership and management skills
4. Entrepreneurship and initiative-taking
5. Adaptability and continuous learning skills
6. Teaching and training skills
06/01/2020, 17:20 - Sujal Amin: *We become just by performing
just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by
performing brave actions.*
07/01/2020, 18:18 - Sujal Amin: Oldtimer said, "Our inability to
manage our life centers on selfishness and our desire to play God
in the lives of others. We feel restless, irritable and discontented
with life on life's terms. And in an attempt to address this spiritual
malady we play God and try to fix, manage and control people,
places, things and situations in an attempt to fine comfort in a
world we cannot accept. When others do not respond the way we
desire it intensifies our restless spirit.. This emotonal elixir triggers
fear and resentment within us and the memory of the sense of
ease and comfort we received when we took a drink begins to
germinate in the back of our mind. Sometimes we can see beyond
that memory and recall the consequences. But there inevitably
comes that "certain time" when we can't recall the pain, suffering
and humiliation that results from taking that first one , in whatever
form. The soothing idea of that first one becomes paramount in
our thoughts and crowds out the truth until, eventually, we
succumb to the big lie and take that first one, that leads to another
bout of pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. Simple
abstinence doesn't address the spiritual malady that occurs
anytime we are confronted with life on life's terms. We want what
we want when we want it. This self-centered approach to life puts
us in conflict with God's world, even when our motives are good.
This is full flight from reality, and leads to the delusional thinking
where we play God in the lives of others, and try to exert power
that we don't have. Acceptance is the answer to this dilemma. We
must accept our powerlessness over all mind altering and lose the
illusion that we can wring happiness and satisfaction out of life if
we only manage well. We must grow into a greater understanding
of God, and the purpose of the people He places in our lives that
we may gain the elusive wisdom necessary to navigate a sober
life. Through a Spiritual awakening. our focus is taken off of our
selfish wants, motives, demands and desires and places our
focus on the needs of others. We come to accept the world as it
is, and we learn that it is in giving that we receive, it is in
comforting that we are comforted and it is through understanding
are we understood. So long as we remain in this contented,
selfless state of mind we remain immune to the seductive song of
the first drink!"
09/01/2020, 12:38 - Sujal Amin: *HOW TO PRACTICE THESE

Service in AA or in life doesn't just happen. If it is not planned, it

won't happen, either because other opportunities will come up or
because people do not spontaneously make an effort to serve
God by serving others. In addition, because many diary items are
scheduled way in advance, planning must take place on a longer-
term basis and not just for the day, or you get to the day and there
will be no room for service because other items have already filled
the schedule.

*There are seven areas of service: sponsorship, home group

service, AA structure service, carrying the message to the outside
world; service in the workplace, service in the home and with
family (and by extension with friends), and service to the
community and to society.*

*Sponsorship:-* time must be set aside to sponsor people.

Determine what slots you will reserve. Then social and leisure
items must be fitted around these slots. If you do not yet have
sponsees, at least five meetings a week are necessary. This is in
order to find sponsees to work with. Aim to get there early, help
out with service at these meetings, get to know people, find out
who is new or suffering, talk to them, exchange numbers, and
befriend them, so that you can be in place to offer help if it is later
asked for. Follow up with phone calls or texts to see how they are
doing and to see if they want to meet up to go to a meeting. Share
at the meeting about alcoholism, Steps, sponsorship, the Big
Book, the Higher Power, and service, and then stay afterwards
and go for fellowship. If you follow this outline, you will acquire
sponsees. As the Big Book says, most of us spend much of our
free time engaged in this type of work. That means you must
spend much of your free time doing this, if you are to reap the
benefits of the programme. Always know seven days ahead which
meetings you are going to attend.

*Home group service.* Perform service at one, maybe at two

groups per week at least. Always consider how the service should
ideally be carried out. What actions would you need to take to
best perform this service? What would a perfect GSR do? What
would a perfect literature secretary do? Go beyond anything you
have ever seen in terms of performing well. Be proactive, think
ahead, and plan actions.

*AA structure service:*-always have a role within the AA structure.

As with home group service, envision with God's help what
maxing out on performing this service would look like practically,
in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Plot what actions you
would need to take to do this. Then plug these items into your
schedule. Make sure you are fully familiar with all of the relevant
AA service literature. Read and reread periodically.

*Carrying the AA message to the outside world:* this may be a

service assignment within the AA structure, such as a liaison role,
or a role at the AA telephone office talking to callers, etc. Maybe
there is an AA meeting held in an institution. Maybe schools talks
are available. Find out what roles are available and take one up.
As with all other service, ask God and others how to max out in
terms of time, effectiveness, and efficiency in performing these

The other areas are far more varied *(work, home, and society
and community).* In these areas, sit down with God and ask how
you can maximise your service through these areas. Ask how you
can be imaginative, proactive, and think ahead of yourself and
others in envisioning how you could be maximum service and
benefit to others or how you could fit yourself to be of maximum
service and benefit to others.

How does this fit in with social and leisure activities? Obviously, to
do lots of service, you will end up with less time for leisure and
social activities, although lots of AA service is essentially a social
activity, and if you are following God's will and filled with
imagination, joy, and creativity because you are trying to invoke
these characteristics and skills in performing service, there'll be
little need for traditional, passive forms of leisure. The Big Book
says, quite intuitively, that, amongst AAs who are really living this
path, the things that seem to matter so much to other people don't
matter so much to them anymore.

To summarise: envision with God how you can fit yourself to *be
of maximum service and then actually be of maximum service to
God through service to others in all these areas,* and then fill your
schedule for the next month. Leisure and social activities can fit
around the service. Not the other way round.

Why bother? This sounds like hard work.

I do it because:

(1) It is insurance against drinking.

(2) The activities need doing, and if those suitably positioned do

not, who will?

(3) There is a moral obligation to give all one can, particularly

within AA.

(4) *The results are indescribably better than living a life based on

09/01/2020, 13:13 - Sujal Amin: *BEGIN TODAY*
January 8
The first step that the earnest student must take to locate the
Inner Light within himself
is to settle on a definite method of working, selecting whichever
one seems to suit him best, and then giving it a fair trial.
Merely reading books, making good resolutions, or talking
plausibly about the thing will get him nowhere.
Get a definite method of working, practice it conscientiously every
day; and stick to one method long enough to give it a fair chance.
You would not expect to play the violin
after two or three attempts, or to drive -a car without a little
preliminary practice.
Get to work on some concrete problem,
choosing preferably whatever it is that you are most afraid of.
Work at it steadily;
and if no improvement at all shows itself within, say, a couple of
weeks, then try your method on another problem.
If you still get no result, then scrap that method and adopt a new
Remember, there is a way out.
The problem really is, not the getting rid of your difficulties but
finding your own best method for doing it.
“Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it

John 16:23
10/01/2020, 15:58 - Sujal Amin: Verbal and mental abuse is a
choice people make in order to have power and control over other
people. It's a learned behavior and it may be that the users of it
feel that their lifes have become unsafe, unmanageable or
unsatisfying. But in any case verbal and mental abuse is not only
a problem to human relations its harmful too and something for all
of us to look for in ourselves.

Often it is for that reason that we might often feel like arguments
are never solved, that our words are getting twisted to be used
against us, or that there’s just nothing you can say to feel
understood. This is because the ones using the abuse do not
have the same goals that you have. While you want to focus on
solving problems or getting your concerns heard, an abusive
person is focused on gaining more power and control.

Remember verbal and mental abuse has no rational base in truth

and therefore is not a reflection of you personally. The smear and
lack of truth and rationale is only meant to belittle and cause harm
to gain power and control.

It's wrong, it's harmful and it's deliberate. Be careful and be good
to yourselves.
God bless
11/01/2020, 10:45 - Sujal Amin: *DR- THE 100% STEP*
Only Step One, where we made the 100 percent admission we
were powerless over alcohol, can be practiced with absolute
Long before I was able to obtain sobriety in A.A., I knew without a
doubt that alcohol was killing me, yet even with this knowledge, I
was unable to stop drinking. So, when faced with Step One, I
found it easy to admit that I lacked the power to not drink. But was
my life unmanageable? Never! Five months after coming into
A.A., I was drinking again and wondered why.
 Later on, back in A.A. and smarting from my wounds, I learned
that Step One is the only Step that can be taken 100%. And that
the only way to take it 100% is to take 100% of the Step. That was
many twenty-four hours ago and I haven't had to take Step One

 Once in A.A. it was not all that hard to admit “I am powerless over
alcohol” but the unmanageability of life was not acceptable to me.
I had financial independence with two cars in the house of six, I
had not been hospitalized, I had not lost my job, I was still
acceptable in the family and society and so on and so forth. But
as the period of sobriety increased, the improvement in lifestyle
and behaviour were evident. Thus, I admitted with conviction that
“… my life was unmanageable…” 

This DR had tremendous impact on me. I understood

unmanageability better.

“The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his
drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker… The
delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to
be smashed” (Alcoholics Anonymous p 30.)
During my drinking days, I always thought that it was the last drink
that was the cause of problems. I had now learnt that it was the
first drink that did the damage. Thus my acceptance was
complete (not partial).
I associated people, places, events or situations with my drinking
and blamed them. I had to realize that I was powerless over the
obsession and blaming anyone or anything will not solve the
problem. My attitude had to shift from fixing the blame to fixing the
problem itself. My acceptance had to be unconditional.
I blamed God for making me an alcoholic and went into self-pity.
Once I started accepting the fact that I suffer from the disease of
alcoholism, calm and grace descended. The thought process
thereafter shifted towards recovery. Thus, the solution had to be
on a spiritual, altruistic plane.
The brand and dosage, the frequency of consumption, as also the
economic, religious, cultural, educational and social status may
vary considerably among alcoholics. Thus it would be erroneous
to treat these as barometers in the determination of incidence of
alcoholism. Alcoholism is a progressive illness, both frequency
and quantity consumed will go up with passage of time.
Consequently, compromises on material, health and spiritual
values will be progressively made.
Step 1 can be and needs to be taken to 100%. “…the only way …
is to take 100% of the Step.” (Daily Reflections, p 19.)  The
powerlessness is over my unmanageability as well and will be
with me till death. Partial, conditional or remorseful acceptance
has been the bane of many an alcoholic going back to drinking
after short- or long-term abstinence. Acceptance is becoming
aware of; thereafter awakening and arising to face the problem
Manageability is a relative term and the concept varies
individually. Since the onus in AA is left to the individual, often,
bad management passes off without acknowledgement.
Manageability has reference to alcohol consumption and the
resultant life style.
Alcoholism is a progressive illness. Over any considerable period
we get worse, never better. (Alcoholics Anonymous p 30.) Both
the dosage and frequency of consumption go up. Consequently
the alcoholic would need more money, time, etc., for drinking and
associated activities. In order to cater to his desires, he has no
alternative other than to invent avenues – lawful or otherwise – of
increasing expendable resources – time, money, etc. This may
lead to mismanagement of budgets, padding of accounts,
resorting to inferior companionship, downgrading of brands of
goods and services in order to conserve funds and thus support
Simultaneously, more time is expended in this activity. Since time
cannot be created, the alcoholic steals some of it from his work
schedule, some from his home hours and all time allocated to
society-related activities. Thus, he becomes a manipulator. In
short, he is in a compromising situation both in material and moral
terms. Concomitantly he develops fear of being exposed. To
counteract this he resorts to anger and other devious means to
dodge given situations. The individual becomes authoritative and
aggressive, if only to avoid confrontation. He becomes
progressively irresponsible.
Thus unmanageability encompasses a whole lot of areas such as:
moral values; health; finances; time indiscipline; inferior status of
companions; inefficiency at work coupled with lack of
consciousness of deadlines and output norms; wrong attitudes;
strained relationships at work, home and society; abnormal,
dependent and illogical thinking and uncalled for and untimely
emotional outbursts. Though manageability seems to return with
short-term abstinence, what is desired is profound personality
change, which is a process of a lifetime. In fact uplift in moral
values is progressive and the harder and progressively one
works, the better they turn out to be.
Progress in sobriety
I attended AA meetings regularly and thus my peer pressure was
influencing me towards non-drinking. On taking an inventory at
the end of 90 days of abstinence, I realized that I had gained
considerably in terms of health, management of time, finances,
relationships at work and home, etc. All that I had done over the
preceding 90 days was to accept that I was an alcoholic and stay
away from alcohol and this resulted in innumerable gains -
abstinence had brought about very many benefits. Thus, without
any reservations, I identified that I was an alcoholic.
This motivated me to take the programme in all seriousness. The
logic was simple: If the first two steps could lead to abstinence
and bring about so much gain, practice of the twelve steps
coupled with twelve traditions and concepts would yield a
bonanza. Indeed, it has. Thus I started reading AA literature and
making an earnest attempt to practice the programme in all my
affairs. I have been sober since then and despite a major health
catastrophe and the consequent adverse effect, I have been able
to lead a useful and happy life.
Identification, or admission and acceptance of the fact that I am
an alcoholic, is the starting block or foundation stone from which
the AA programme takes off. Acceptance of facts in all areas of
life now assumes significance.

Unmanageability of life

As I progress on the programme, my manageability improves and

in many areas, I may turn out to be better than I ever was. Fear,
which drove me to the portals of AA has now diluted.
Simultaneously, my false pride resurfaces and I am provoked into
thinking that I have mastered the art of abstinence. If I give in to
this thought, complacency will set-in and I may start regressing.
My avarice prevents me from giving freely of myself.  Lust, though
essential and God-given, and is essential for procreation,
assumes perversity. Anger continues to be at the tip of my nose
and I react at the drop of a hat. Gluttony, greed, envy and sloth
are persistent. Having experienced the benefits of the
programme, I need to remain motivated to work further and enjoy
increasing benefits. The fact that my life will be unmanageable
always needs to register with me. Once an alcoholic always an


I started getting sound sleep and woke up each morning fresh of
mind and body and was looking forward to the day ahead with
enthusiasm. Lethargy left me. I shed weight resulting in increased
stamina – increasing productivity and output. My standards of
cleanliness and hygiene went up a few notches. I became
disciplined in my food habits.
However, sad to say, my smoking doubled. Two years down the
line I suffered from hemiparesis (paralytic stroke). Despite
Herculean efforts at physiotherapy, the right side of my body is
much weaker than the left and I do not have motor control.
Residual effects will persist till I die. I have since become a
diabetic as well. With ageing my stamina, resistance to organisms
and general health are naturally on the descendent. Thus, my
health can do with improved manageability. Once an alcoholic
always an alcoholic.


Though I became logical and normal, my attitudes continued to
remain as hitherto. I was authoritarian in approach, procrastinator
by choice, self-centred in my wants, etc. This, despite having
taken the steps and tried hard to implement them.
I need to expand my personality to embrace my near and dear
ones, fellow members, colleagues, etc. Practice of traditions -
leadership qualities in particular - and integrating it in all areas of
life assumes great significance. Till then Once an alcoholic always
an alcoholic.


Short-term abstinence brought emotional stability. Fear and anger
in particular were in the wane. Working Step 2 regularly converted
me from a God-fearing person to a God-loving person. When I
made amends to people and continued to take daily inventory,
fear of people left me. Prudence returned to my budgeting.
Consequently, grandiose plans and expenditure were left behind.
Thus economic stability returned. Intuition started working well.

Still, oftentimes I am anxious. Now and then, self-pity and
jealousy raise their ugly head. False pride is not far too behind
either. Rarely, but I do give in to wild mood swings. Despite trying
to interact with people, I am prone to react. Whilst permitting
fellow members and total strangers the anonymity, when it comes
to my near and dear ones, I am dogmatic and intolerant. All this
confirms to me that I am far away from emotional equipoise. Once
an alcoholic always an alcoholic.


Progressively I started implementing Step 3 in all my affairs. I

became a law abiding citizen. My conduct improved. Code of
ethics and behavioural standards reached higher echelons. I
could observe all-round improvements and people acknowledged
it. I was getting free of many things and becoming increasingly
dependent on God.
Yet, my greed persists. I still hanker after name, fame and money.
Whilst I am open-handed while accepting, I am close-fisted in
giving. I expect people to be generous whereas I am
miserly. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.


Time discipline returned in the short-term. With the passage of
time, discussions after meetings led to late nights. Thus home
schedules were upset. With increasing duration of sobriety I
started considering myself to be a star and started lengthening my
sharings without rhyme or reason. Procrastination set in under the
pretense of tiredness. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.

Behavioural standards

I am still given in to speaking, sitting, standing or resting assuming

postured at my will without giving due consideration to others. My
table manners are far from satisfactory. Likewise I could do with a
lot of grooming in many areas. Once an alcoholic always an

Room for improvement

Thus acceptance has to be extended to all areas of life; to all
people in all situations and principles. I need to accept people as
they are and stop attempting to change them; likewise, all the
places and principles. Tradition 1 teaches me to interact (rather
than react) with people. Acceptance has taught me not to fight
with anybody or anything. (Alcoholics Anonymous p 103.) Thus, I
have to devise tactful ways of handling problems and situations.
When I start accepting gracefully, I am also blessed with the gift of
rejection. I certainly do not have to accept everything that is
dished out. God has given me brains. I need to use them and be
assertive. As God’s people we stand on our feet; we don’t crawl
before anyone. (Alcoholics Anonymous p 83.) “You will intuitively
know how to handle situations that used to baffle you earlier.”
(Alcoholics Anonymous p 84.) Thus, if the inference is to reject a
given thought, or situation after giving it my due consideration, I
do so without fanfare. I need not use harsh words or raise the
decibel level of my voice. I may do so gracefully, but, firmly.
I may give an explanation to my near and dear ones based on the
logic applied by me. However, when the interacting party is not
very cultured or humane, I may be satisfied with just conveying
my rejection tactfully, thus saving time and energy.
On reflection now, I wonder whether I would have accepted the
fact that I was an alcoholic at my very first meeting itself. Perhaps,
if the cold hard medical facts had been precisely explained to me.
Everything has a time and a place – each reference has a
context. And, therefore, I may have come to AA at just the right
Identification, or admission and acceptance of the fact that I am
an alcoholic and will remain so for life, is the starting block from
which the AA programme takes off. “…I am a child of God, a
divine soul in human form … my most basic and urgent task is to
accept, know, love and nurture myself. … As I nurture myself, I
am acting on God’s guidance.” Daily Reflections p. 324.
16/01/2020, 22:11 - Sujal Amin: A "Second Surrender"?
Although sober do you find others a constant annoyance?
Do you feel unappreciated or ignored?
Do you seem adrift; without real direction?
Has hope disappeared from your life?
Do you have unresolved resentments or amends?
Are you living in those "gray areas"?
Do you dislike the image in the mirror?
Have you been looking for some kind of escape?
This may be something we may want ...
18/01/2020, 10:08 - Sujal Amin: Topic of the Day - An Easier,
Softer Way? [Posted in Big Book Thumpers Group today]

“At some of these we balked. We thought we could find an easier,

softer way. But we could not”. Page 58. The fact of the matter is
we have but one solution.
Much is written of the “middle of the road’ (MOTR) solutions
people, people who espouse “don’t drink and go to meetings”, etc.
as the bane of AA. And yet there seems to be no means of
expunging our fellowship of these irritants no matter how much
hand wringing is involved. While these are a fact of modern AA
life it has been with us for decades - and AA goes on, people do
recover. The Big Book is instructive here:

“Never talk down to an alcoholic from any moral or spiritual hilltop;

simply lay out the kit of spiritual tools for his inspection. Show him
how they worked with you. Offer him friendship and fellowship.
Tell him that if he wants to get well you will do anything to help.

If he is not interested in your solution, if he expects you to act only

as a banker for his financial difficulties or a nurse for his sprees,
you may have to drop him until he changes his mind. This he may
do after he gets hurt some more”. From Page 95.

Our failure is not weeding out alcoholics or driving out the

MOTRs. Our failure is being succinct about The Solution. So
what happens? The newcomer shops around for alternatives -
which he will find within the fellowship of AA. He will try these
flawed methods and, if he is an alcoholic of the hopeless variety,
he will fail and drink again. He may have hurt enough now to
accept the solution - as one who has recovered - you offer. This is
in stark contrast to the “Gresham’s Law” theory that resurfaces
from time to time that claims the bad drives out the good when, in
fact, it is the light that drives out the darkness. If this silly idea was
true AA would have folded long ago.

Now we can talk down from some spiritual hilltop to those who
have offered a meaningless solution - killing alcoholics, etc. but
that accomplishes nothing. Once we criticize others we lose our
opportunity to bring about a solution. Show them by example. Be
sure your own demonstration of This Solution is so attractive that
the alcoholic who has suffered enough will embrace the gift of
willingness. Instead of carping for what is wrong, and there will
always be something wrong, it is best to become the beacon of
hope within our AA community.
18/01/2020, 10:19 - Sujal Amin: *_Step 10_*
The simple inventory
“Continuing to take a personal inventory means that _we form a
habit of looking at ourselves, our actions, our attitudes, and our
relationships on a regular basis.”_
The daily inventory is a tool we can use to simplify our lives. The
most complicated part of taking a regular inventory is deciding
how to start. Should we write it out? What should we examine?
In how much detail? And how do we know when we’ve finished?
In no time, we’ve turned a simple exercise into a major project.
Here’s one simple approach to the daily inventory. We set aside
a few minutes at the close of each day to _sit quietly and check
out our feelings._
- Is there a knot, big or small, in our gut?
- Do we feel uncomfortable about the day we’ve just finished?
- What happened?
- What was our part in the affair?
- Do we owe any amends?
- If we could do it over again, what would we do differently?

We also want to monitor the *positive aspects* of our lives in our

daily inventory.
- What has given us satisfaction today?
- Were we productive? - Responsible?
- Kind?
- Loving?
- Did we give unselfishly of ourselves?
- Did we fully experience the love and beauty the day offered us?
- What did we do today that we would want to do again?
Our _daily inventory doesn’t have to be complicated to be
effective._ It is a very simple tool we can use to keep in daily
touch with ourselves.

I want to keep in touch with the way I feel in living this life I’ve
been given. At the end of this day, I will take a brief, simple
18/01/2020, 22:27 - Sujal Amin: [email protected]
19/01/2020, 11:34 - Sujal Amin: *The Second Surrender:
Interwoven Step and Tradition Work for Emotional Sobriety*
Note from the Editor:  The following article was submitted by
Daniel T. from the “Emotional Sobriety” meeting in Paris, France. 
It has been condensed for purposes of this newsletter; however,
you can obtain the full workbook document, and audio from the
links at the end of this posting.


Interwoven Step and Tradition Work for Emotional Sobriety
At the end of the 12th Step in the 12&12, in the last paragraph, it
speaks of the “WE” version of the Serenity Prayer as follows:

“With each passing day of our lives, may every one of us sense
more deeply the inner meaning of A.A.’s simple prayer:
God grant US the serenity to accept the things WE cannot
The courage to change the things WE can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.”

On the following page we have the Traditions, where the first

paragraph begins with:

“The unity of A.A. is the most cherished quality our Society has.
Our lives, and the lives of all to come, depend squarely upon it.
Without unity, the heart of A.A. would cease to beat; our world
arteries would no longer carry the life-giving grace of God.”

The bridge between our personal recovery and the Unity of our
Fellowship is contained within the “WE” version of the Serenity
prayer. It is also the bridge from the Steps to the Traditions. This
is where we stand today. At the turning point. The mystery of the
Serenity prayer is that it addresses the three basic needs of the
human being. Willing, feeling and thinking. Willingness is
developed through the Steps. We step with our feet and this
corresponds to the will to act. Step comes from the word ‘staple’
which means ”the base”. This is where we begin.
The Traditions correspond to the heart.  The word Tradition
comes from the Latin word “to transmit, to bring over, to carry, to
hand down”. These are the actions, or one could say, the Steps in
Action. Action is associated with the hands and the arms, how we
hold hands together as a group is one example.  This connects us
to the heartbeat of our program, as was quoted earlier that without
the Unity from our Traditions the heart of AA would cease to beat.
Finally, we have the Concepts, which come from the Latin word
meaning “to conceive, to receive from above”. This is the
furthering of our wisdom and how we may birth this divine
structure into the World at large (conception).
God grant US the serenity to accept the things WE cannot change
This is how we position ourselves; our acceptance; our Steps; our
willingness; our vertical act of standing up while being right-sized;
the limits of the masculine principle; the triangle; the stillness in
front of the things we cannot change; the restored body which has
become willing again. This is our experience.
The courage to change the things WE can
This is about the heart, the emotions, and of action. The heart and
breath being fully active for the entirety of our life; the Traditions;
the horizontal reaching out to others; the feminine principle; the
circle; the motions that are needed to change the things we can;
the soul; the restored heart which is able to feel again. This is our
And the wisdom to know the difference.
This is about Integration. The Wisdom, the joining of the
horizontal and the vertical; the feminine and the masculine; the
Steps and the Traditions; the self and the others; the circle and
the triangle; the Concepts branching out into the World; the
restored thinking of the clear mind; the Spirit. This is our Hope.
In other words: Body, Soul and Spirit. Willing, Feeling,Thinking.
Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual.  Experience, Strength and
Hope.  All United by the guidance of the heart: The Traditions.
The Traditions saved AA from the fate of all those who came
before it.
When Bill Wilson was asked why he wrote the 12&12 he said it
was to keep AA from becoming rigid. When asked to speak in AA,
he was told on occasion not to speak about the Traditions. That
resistance is still here today. I believe it is a resistance to a
deeper level of recovery in our relationships and in AA as a whole.
The warmth of the heart, of human relationships, as guided by our
Traditions, melts away our rigidity.
Will we, as a fellowship, move beyond our personal recovery and
into a more abundant relationship with others? Will we, as a
fellowship, move from separation to intimacy?  In order to stay in
the solution, we, (the group conscience of the Emotional Sobriety
meeting on Sundays in Paris) have developed an anonymous, 5
page workbook entitled “The Second Surrender – Interwoven
Step and Tradition Work”, only adding to, but never taking away
from our tried and true AA solutions. This way of interweaving the
two has been a solution for a few of us so far. We have been
testing the questions in our French and English meetings.
Anyone who would like to get started on the path of Emotional
Sobriety, they may be useful to you. Our solutions, even though
they are working for us, are not perfect and so any contributions
you may have could help us to make it better. Your participation is
much appreciated.
If you are already working the Steps, the Traditions questions can
be used in a shorter dynamic. They may be used by ready
newcomers as well.  They were written for three reasons:
1. To bring the Traditions closer to the center of AA, closer to the
many alcoholics who are suffering from a lack of intimacy in their
relationships. When we work the Steps they change our lives, the
same is true for the Traditions. More is being revealed.
2.  To interweave the Steps and the Traditions, showing how they
are connected to each other following the powerful experience a
few of us have had in working this way. This integration of the two
works on the individual and his or her relationships at the same
3.  To bring about the possibility of working the Traditions through
co-sponsorship. Reading our responses to each other after having
answered the same questions, like mirrors.
(We have listed only one question for each (out of 7) to save
space for this article.  The full list of questions can be found in the
document link at the end of this posting.)
Step 1  Make a “resistance list” of ideas which keep me from fully
embracing Step 1, including how I use avoidance, control,
rebellion or playing the victim to avoid change.
Tradition 1  Am I willing to see that my own personal recovery is
dependent on the level of Unity within our group or fellowship?
How are the two related?
Step 2  Is it difficult for me to really trust in my Higher Power? 
How does my childhood relate to this (parents, role models,
authority figures)?
Tradition 2  Why is it important that God, or Higher Power, be
loving? How do I learn to trust God? How do I learn to trust the
group conscience?
Step 3  In order to be free and to have a deeper connection with
my Higher Power, am I willing to face some of the pushed down
pain of my past and childhood? Am I ready to say this prayer,
knowing that God’s care is there for me?
Tradition 3  How can I apply the spirit of open membership to
other areas of my life?
Step 4  If we use the 4th Step to slather ourselves with shame,
how can this feed our disease?  How can we cultivate a more
neutral ‘observer perspective’ as we do our inventory?
Tradition 4  What does it mean to believe in a group or a person
enough to embrace their free will? As a partner? As a sponsor?
Step 5  What is the relationship between “admitting to ourselves”
and forgiveness?
Tradition 5  What does it mean to you “I can’t keep it unless I give
it away”?
Step 6  Ask 5 AA trusted servants which defects have been
removed from their lives and list them here. How does the
experience, strength, and hope of others help us to prepare for
Step 6?
Tradition 6  How can authority divert us from our primary
purpose? Do I believe that my time in the program gives me
authority over others?
Step 7  Am I ready to give some of my emotional life to God? How
do I feel about this?
Tradition 7  How can it hurt a meeting, or the fellowship, if the
same people are always doing service?
Step 8  Why is it important to forgive ourselves before making
Tradition 8  How can playing the expert keep intimacy out of our
Step 9  How does listening help me in Step 9? Do I impose my
amends on others or do I respect their timing? How does
prudence help us to have a richer experience with these unique
opportunities to heal the past?
Tradition 9  Why should we avoid cliques in AA?
Step 10  From newcomer to old timer, can my desire to maintain
appearances keep me from deeper levels of recovery? Explain.
Tradition 10  How can political or religious debates get in the way
of our primary purpose? Can a conversation, even about AA, get
Step 11  How does “praying only for knowledge of His will for us”
help us to be receptive?  How does it help us to focus our lives?
Tradition 11  What is the relationship between working the Steps
and Traditions, and how that attracts others?
Step 12  How has the structure of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions
helped me to grow in understanding and effectiveness?
Tradition 12  What is the relationship between Tradition 12 and
Step 12? Why must we be ever reminded?
Second_Surrender-Daniel_T_Paris_France_2013 (document)
The_Heart_of_our_Traditions-Daniel_T_AA_Paris_France_2013 (
audio file)
Daniel T., “Emotional Sobriety” meeting, Paris, France
19/01/2020, 11:36 - Sujal Amin: *Surrender Part II: Letting Go &
Letting God*

"When we became alcoholic, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we

could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the
proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing.
God either is or He isn't. What was our choice to be?

["Alcoholics Anonymous," page 53.]

Paris Peace Conference, 1919The First World War (which was

known as "the Great War," because it was assumed to be 'the war
to end all wars') ended in an armistice or truce, and not a
surrender. Afterwards, the representatives of 29 countries met in
Pais and hammered out a number of treaties (the "Paris Peace
Treaties") that imposed conditions on the defeated nations,
including crippling war reparations, that virtually assured that the
peace wouldn't last. It didn't.

During the course of the ensuing Second Word War, the leaders
of the main Allied Powers met and decided their would only be
one condition for ending the war, that being the "unconditional
surrender" of the Axis Powers (principally Germany, Italy and

Japan's "Unconditional Surrender," 1945It's been said, that

Japan, in particular, as the last combatant to surrender, faced the
toughest conditions of all in implementing its "unconditional
surrender," Their emperor, considered a living God by the people
of Japan, had to go on the radio (in itself unheard of) and admit
defeat; all of Japan's weapons were then inventoried and turned
over to its former enemies; a new constitution was written for it by
the Allied Powers (including a provision that it would never rearm);
and those leaders that had led Japan into war (who hadn't killed
themselves) were tried and executed.
And what was the result? Aid flowed into Germany and Japan as
part of the Marshall Plan, and within scant years, each was
amongst the richest and most productive economies in the world,
and they in turn became not only functioning democracies, but
trusted and crucial allies of their former enemies.

Admitting complete defeat, and theunconditional surrender of the

right to manage and care for one's own life, is, of course what is
necessary for one to enjoy the full promise that the 12 Steps hold
out to the newcomer.

"Who cares to admit complete defeat?""Who cares to admit

complete defeat?," we read in the opening chapter of the Twelve
Steps and Twelve Traditions. An admission of complete defeat,
we read, is necessary because, "We perceive that it is only
through utter defeat (that we are) able to take our first steps
towards liberation and strength." Like Germany and Japan, we
are asked to make an unconditional surrender, in order to access
the help that A.A. and its sister programs so gladly offer. ("The
war is over," as my first sponsor's sponsor so often said "And the
good news is . . . you lost," he always added.)

Then, if we can answer this call for an "unconditional surrender" in

the affirmative, we face a number of interrelated questions that
are really a subset of that first and all-important questions as to
whether we are completely defeated, have "hit bottom," and have
admitted that we are "powerless over alcohol" and that "our lives
have become unmanageable."

" . . . (F)ew people," we read, " will sincerely try to practice the
A.A. Program unless they have hit botton. For practicing A.A.'s
remaining eleven Steps means the adoption of attitudes and
actions that almost no alcoholic who is still drinking can dream of
taking. Who wishes to be honest and tolerant? Who wants to
confess his faults to another and make restitution for harm done?
Who cares anything about a Higher Power, let alone meditation
and prayer? Who wants to sacrifice time and energy in trying to
carry A.A.'s message to the next sufferer? No, the average
alcoholic, self-centered in the extreme, doesn't care for this
prospect - unless he has to do these things in order to stay alive

If we can answer these questions in the affirmative, then we are

truly in a position to finally let go of our old ideas and attitudes
(our old thoughts and ways of thinking) in order to let that
"unsuspected inner resource," which we all have, guide our
thoughts and our actions.  (See the Spiritual
Experience appendix.) 

Yet a lifetime of desperately trying to manage the unmanageable

- i.e., trying to manage life - is going to be a hard habit to kick.
And, so, Step Three is all about the practice of letting go of our
need to act upon the first fear-driven thoughts that pop into our
heads, and in relying upon the deeper God-inspired thoughts of
our higher consciousness to guide our words and actions.

"It is when we try to make our will conform with God's that we
begin to use it rightly," we read in Step Three of the Twelve Steps
and Twelve Traditions. "To all of us, this was a most wonderful
revelation. Our whole trouble had been the misuse of will power.
We had tried to bombard our problems with it instead of trying to
bring it into agreement with God's intention for us. To make this
increasingly possible is the purpose of A.A.'s Twelve Steps, and
Step Three opens the door."

The "whole purpose of A.A.'s Twelve Steps" is to get us to

exercise our will in conformity with God's will? That is a powerful
statement. And, if God is indeed "everything" rather than
"nothing," as we read at page 53 in the 'Big Book' of Alcoholics
Anonymous, this must mean that we have to bring our will into
conformity with the will of the Whole, with the will of "life" itself.
That's a tall order. How is it possible?

Thankfully, each of us has a conscience - and are capable of

being conscious of that conscience - and, therefore, each time we
are about to say something or do something (or refrain from doing
or saying something) that will bring us into conflict with the will of
the Whole (or the will of God), we are capable of feeling the pangs
of conscience. as expressed in our emotions . 

In such instances, we will feel wounded pride, greedy, angry,

lustful, gluttonous, envious, or tired and slothful, to utilize the
range of emotions that go along with the "seven deadly sins" that
are discussed later in the Twelve and Twelve. In short, we will
again begin to suffer the pangs of "anxious apartness" that arises
each time the "self" (or the"ego") feels threatened and
seemingly needs to express itself in action or words. And that's
where the rest of the "practice" of Step Three kicks in.

At the very end of Step Three in the Twelve Steps and Twelve

Traditions, we read that it is, indeed "easy to begin the practice" of
Step Three," for it very much a spiritual practice which is every bit
as important to our long-term recovery as is our meditation
practice, or our practice of taking a daily inventory. It is through
this Third Step "practice," that in each time of "emotional
disturbance or indecision, we can pause, ask for silence, and in
the stillness" recite the Serenity Prayer.

For it is only in the deeper, higher consciousness of the "God of

our own understanding" that serenity is to be found. It is only in
going to this deeper, higher consciousness, that we become able
to display the "courage" to change the only "thing" that we can -
that is, the level of our consciousness. And, it is only in knowing
that there is within us each the lower, normal self-consciousness
of the human ego, and the higher, deeper consciousness of God,
that we begin to actually display "wisdom." 

In short, it is in making our decisions about what to say or do (or

not say or do) based on this higher, deeper God-consciousness
that we begin the practice of "letting go" of our egoic, self-
consciousness, and "letting (the) God" of our higher
consciousness run the show.

Life is, in fact, unmanageable by our lower, egoic "selves;" and,

yet, it requires no management when we are attuned in
consciousness to the Higher Power of the Whole, the Ground of
Being, or just simply, God. "The war is over," then. "And the good
news is . . . you lost!"
19/01/2020, 11:38 - Sujal Amin: Surrender by Tom P. Jr.

The following article is condensed from a transcript of a March 6,
2008 Training meeting of the Upstate Group. These meetings
cover a wide range of topics related to “willingness to grow along
spiritual lines” and “maintenance of our spiritual condition” (AA Big
Book, pp. 60 and 85).
What I want to talk about today is surrender. Surrender is the
go/no-go point at the outset of any addiction recovery. It is the
new beginning to which recovering addicts return day by day to
pay out the promise of the Program. The bottom line is either you
get a surrender or you don’t recover.
From 1942 till 1946, Bill Wilson and everyone else in early
Westchester AA thought my dad might be part of the 25% of
alcoholics that never recover. In 1942, after his first year of
sobriety, he decided to have a slip and see if he could prove that
he could be a social drinker. It took just six weeks to prove that he
couldn’t. Then he figured he’d just sneak back to AA and get
sober again, but spent the next four years slipping and almost
didn’t make it. He found out that if you kick this thing called the
grace of the Higher Power, you get some very nasty surprises,
and absolutely no guarantee that you will ever get back.
The experience and the practice of Dr. Bob Smith and the first
Akron AA group, was heavily focused on achieving surrender for
the newcomer. Their approach is clearly spelled out in the book
Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, which is sort of an oral history of
the early groups, and has got certain passages in it about early
AA experience that I don’t think you can get as good anywhere
else. It mostly covers the first four years, between the founding of
the Fellowship and the publishing of the Big Book, Alcoholics
Beginning on page 101 it says:

“We were taking them upstairs and getting them on their knees to
surrender, which I felt was a very important part. The surrender
was more than important, it was a must. Bob E., who came into
AA in February 1937, recalled that after five or six days in the
hospital, when you had indicated that you were serious, they told
you to get down on your knees by the bed and say a prayer to
God, admitting you were powerless over alcohol and your life was
unmanageable. Furthermore, you had to state that you believed in
a Higher Power who could return you to sanity. We called that the
surrender. They demanded it, you couldn’t go to a meeting until
you did it. If by accident you didn’t make [the surrender] in the
hospital, you had to make it in the upstairs bedroom at the
Williams’ house.

“Dorothy S. M. recalled the 1937 meeting when, ‘the men would

all disappear upstairs and all of us women would be nervous and
worried about what was going on. After about half an hour or so,
down would come the new man, shaking, white, serious, and
grim, and all the people who were already in AA would come
trooping down after him. They were pretty reluctant to talk about
what had happened but after a while they would tell us that they
had had a real surrender. I often wonder how many people that
come in now would survive an experience like that – a regular old-
fashioned prayer meeting.’, said Dorothy, who was then married
to an AA member Clarence S., and later came into AA herself.

“The newcomers surrendered in the presence of all those other

people.” After the surrender, many of the Steps involving
inventory, admission of character defects, and making restitution
were taken within a matter of days.

That’s the end of the selection. The thing is, how do you get a
hold of something that’s this real? This is before there was such a
thing as the Twelve Steps, as they were later spelled out. You
have to remember that they were working with the Oxford Group,
which was a form of Protestant Evangelical Christianity.
Thank God for the AA wisdom that they ended up opening the
Fellowship to everyone by saying, “God as you understand him”.
It wasn’t just to keep from being exclusive, it was to prevent
addicts from getting hopelessly snarled up in the sect of their
religion. I remember when I first got into the Program, having
been heavily involved with religion during my childhood and
teenage years, I assumed I would have no problem with the God
part of the Program. I was slightly offended when my sponsor told
me, “There are only two kinds of people that arrive at the
Program, atheists and pious phonies.”
What Dr. Bob and the early guys found out was that they couldn’t
rely too casually on the “individual guidance” in prayer that was
emphasized by the Oxford Group, without running the risk of self-
deception. That approach was just too easy a formula for drunks
to do it their own way.
Today, we can get a result as real as the members of Dr. Bob’s
group were getting simply by using the resources available in the
12 Steps – backed up by the 4 Absolutes and the 10 Points. In
How to Get Going on the AA Way of Life it is summarized in a set
of directions that tell you what to hang on to: “Hang on to God,
hang on to the truth, hang on to total abstinence, hang on to your
recovering brothers and sisters. Use related help wisely.” Don’t
cop out to half measures – weak, watered-down, and copped out
AA – or, even worse, secular therapy that tells you that if you get
your underlying emotional problems straightened out you can
drink again socially, whatever “drinking” is for you.
Many of us don’t achieve total, across-the-boards, “in all our
affairs”, surrender when we first arrive in the Program. This is
okay, just so long as we don’t play games with surrendering and
pretend to be ignorant where we are not. If we are willing to be
honest with ourselves, and take our inventory with help from other
members of our group, areas where we have not fully surrendered
will continue to become clear to us as our new Program lives take
It is said that all addicts at some level are grandiose. But when we
get past the grandiosity and are willing to take a real look at the
whole personal history, it’s just overwhelming – the temptation to
utter discouragement and hopelessness. We’ve got to get past
the hopelessness, the discouragement, and the resentment – and
there’s one process that does it: Surrender. Surrender in the
Program involves ego-deflation at depth, but it is never
demeaning to the real person. One of the beautiful things about
this Program is it does not pick on you and it doesn’t require you
to pick on yourself. Remember, even inventory work is essentially
non-critical. You get nowhere with discouragement and self-
What is required then to get to this balanced form of surrender?
Apparently, it’s not just a lot of suffering, because some very high
percentage of all addicts never become candidates for AA at all,
no matter how much they suffer. AA isn’t worth anything to
anybody who doesn’t have an honest desire to quit drinking,
drugging, smoking, or whatever. It’s got to be something you opt
for personally. But assuming that one way or another you have
opted for it, then what?
Beyond the general decision to try doing things God’s way rather
than our own, we have to identify specific actions that are
obviously right that we still don’t want to do – and specific things
that are wrong that we still do want to do.
Surrender is not just a matter of saying a nice prayer once in our
lives, or on Sunday morning, or even in our personal prayer time.
Surrender is required in specific matters, large and small, in our
daily lives. What we need to surrender can sometimes be
disguised as some lofty aspiration or desire, and that is why we
need to work with sponsors and friends in the Program. Individual
“guidance” needs to be checked out to guard against the danger
of “spiritualized” self-lying.
For example, in my early months in AA, I didn’t want to do a
Fourth and Fifth Step inventory. My sponsor kept gently nudging
me toward the inventory steps, and for quite a while I was
unwilling to give in – “to go to any lengths” in this particular area. If
I’d been able to, I would never have taken a Fifth Step at all, but I
couldn’t stay sober. So finally in desperation, I took the Fourth and
Fifth Steps, and I found that the promise of the Program paid out-I
was able to get sober and stay sober -and that promise has never
failed to pay out-never.


19/01/2020, 11:40 - Sujal Amin: The word “surrender” appears
nowhere in our two basic texts, the Big Book and the 12&12. The
term was avoided because of its negative association with the
Oxford Group, where it was a membership requirement to “make
a surrender” on one’s knees. That’s one of the factors which
eventually led alcoholics to break with the Group and form AA.
As the OG faded into memory, it became safe to use the term
again. Thus we will find as many as 21 entries under “surrender”
in As Bill Sees It, published in 1967. Other 12-Step fellowships
used the term freely from their inception. 

There’s a good reason for this. Just as humility is the foundational

virtue in the Steps, so is surrender the founding discipline. 
In Step 1 we surrender the illusion of control and admit that we
are powerless over alcohol. In Step 2 we let go of our old, failed
ideas and come to believe in a Higher Power who can make us
whole. In Step 3 we commit to turning our will and our lives over
to this Power, whom we come to understand as a caring and a
loving God. 

In Step 4 and 5 we surrender the pride, dishonesty, and fear that

keep us from a searching examination of ourselves and a humble
admission of our wrongs. In Step 6 we abandon all resistance,
and in Step 7 relinquish all defects, asking God to remove them. 

In Step 8 we surrender any reservations we may still hold and 

become willing to make amends to all of those we have harmed,
and in Step 9 we forsake any lingering defect or desire that may
stand in the way of a completely honest and sincere act of
restitution and reconciliation. In Step 10 we continue this process
of surrender on a daily basis. 

In Step 11 we surrender totally to God’s will for us as revealed

through conscious contact in prayer and meditation, giving
ourselves over to this spiritual way of life in Step 12. 
Surrender works with humility throughout, the two forming the
ground of acceptance.
[Image: Charles R. Towns Hospital, 293 Central Park West, NYC,
where Bill W. surrendered and had the spiritual experience that
freed him from alcohol.] 

“Beaten into complete defeat by alcohol, confronted by the living
proof of release, and surrounded by those who can speak to us
from the heart, we have finally surrendered.” – Bill W., in As Bill
Sees It
“We beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start.
Some of us have tried to hold to our old ideas, and the result was
nil—until we let go absolutely.” – Big Book“Only through utter
defeat are we able to take our first steps toward liberation and
strength. Our admissions of personal powerlessness finally turn
out to be the firm bedrock upon which happy and purposeful lives
may be built.” – 12&12“[T]he last vestige of my proud obstinacy
was crushed. All at once I found myself crying out, ‘If there is a
God, let Him show himself! I am ready to do anything, anything!”
– A.A. Comes of Age“The process which comes before the act
of surrender is the long discovery that the way of self is no way at
all, and leads nowhere—the lonely, despairing, fevering desire to
be rid of oneself. And the process which comes after the act of
surrender is the steady matching-up of the actual with the ideal,
the rethinking and remolding [of] life in accordance with the great
decision.” – Sam Shoemaker
“I know what happened to me. I heard it in a hymn yesterday. I
surrendered when I had that experience.” – Marty M.“[A]
conversion occurs when the individual hits bottom, surrenders,
and thereby has his ego reduced. His salvation lies in keeping
that ego reduced, in staying humble. . . . If he did not surrender, a
thousand crises could hit him and nothing would happen.” – Dr.
Harry Tiebout“Your proper concern is alone the action of duty,
not the fruits of the action. Cast then away all desire and fear for
the fruits, and perform your duty.” – The Bhagavad Gita 
“Thou must learn to renounce thy own will in many things, if thou
wilt keep peace and concord with others.” – Thomas à Kempis
“We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can,
namely, surrender our will and fulfill God’s will in us.” – St. Teresa
of Ávila
“. . . It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.” – St. Francis
Prayer“Justice that love gives is a surrender; justice that law
gives is a punishment.” – Mahatma Gandhi“Love conquers all;
let us too yield to love.” – Virgil“Unless you have made a
complete surrender and are doing his will, it will avail you nothing
if you've reformed a thousand times and have your name on fifty
church records.” – Billy Sunday
“For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.” –
T.S. Eliot“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to
become what I will be.” – Albert Einstein
“Once you have surrendered yourself, you make yourself
– Fulton Sheen
“The proper good of a creature is to surrender itself to its
Creator—to enact intellectually, volitionally, and emotionally, that
relationship which is given in the mere fact of its being a creature.
When it does so, it is good and happy.” – C.S. Lewis“Take
away from love the fullness of self-surrender, the completeness of
personal commitment, and what remains will be a total denial and
negation of it.” – John Paul II“You give up nothing when you
give up everything, because you gain the whole world.” – Tim
Keller“When I am trapped in thoughts about what I want and
what should be coming to me, I am in a state of fear or anxious
anticipation and this is not conducive to emotional sobriety. I must
surrender—over and over—to the reality of my dependence on
God, for then I find peace, gratitude, and spiritual security.” – AA’s
Daily Reflections “[Miracles] are always accompanied by a real
desire to conquer self and to surrender one’s life to God.”
– Twenty-Four Hours a Day“I will keep myself ready for the
spiritual awakening which is certain to come to me when I have
surrendered my will to God’s will.” – One Day at a Time in Al-
Anon “It took a long time, but I finally realized that surrender
does not mean submission—it means I’m willing to stop fighting
reality, to stop trying to do God’s part, and to do my own.” – Al-
Anon’s Courage to Change"As we recover, new opportunities to
surrender present themselves. We can either struggle with
everyone and everything we encounter or we can recall the
benefits of our first surrender and stop fighting."
– Just for Today: Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts
“Letting go is a learned behavior. Like any habit, practice will
make it a natural response. Freedom to fully respond to any
experience can only be attained when we have sacrificed the
outcome to whatever the bigger picture dictates.” – The Promise
of a New Day“Letting go doesn’t mean releasing our grip on life
and falling into the abyss below. Letting go is a gentle process of
easing the grip on some facet of our lives: an obsession, a
character defect, or negative feelings toward someone.” – Night
Light“Life seems to be a continuous pattern of getting
committed to things and having to let go—falling in love and losing
the one we love, developing a job skill and having to change
careers, caring for our children and letting them go off into the
world. This is the rhythm of life, and our spiritual growth teaches
us to make peace with it.” 
– Touchstones“Surrender is the requisite spiritual discipline, the
discipline that opens the door to a right relationship with God,
which in turn makes a right relationship with neighbor possible.
Thus our journey through the Steps and the disciplines is first and
foremost a continuing and deepening process of self-surrender.” –
PTP“When we admit we are powerless over alcohol we are
taking the first step toward making an infinitely more
consequential admission: that we are not God. That opens the
way to making the ultimate decision on which our recovery
hinges: to surrender totally to the God that is.” – PTP
19/01/2020, 18:53 - Sujal Amin: *What is spiritual maturity?*

1. Spiritual Maturity is *when you stop trying to change others,

...instead focus on changing yourself.*

2. Spiritual Maturity is when you

*accept people as they are.*

3. Spiritual Maturity is when you

*understand everyone is right in their own perspective.*

4. Spiritual Maturity is when you

*learn to "let go".*

5. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to *drop "expectations"

from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.*

6. Spiritual Maturity is when you

*understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.*

7. Spiritual Maturity is when you *stop proving to the world, how

intelligent you are.*

8. Spiritual Maturity is when you *don't seek approval from


9. Spiritual Maturity is when you *stop comparing with others.*

10. Spiritual Maturity is when you *are at peace with yourself.*

11. Spiritual Maturity is when you *are able to differentiate
between "need" and "want" and are able to let go of your wants &
last but most meaningful !*

12. You gain Spiritual Maturity when you *stop attaching

"happiness" to material things !!*
23/01/2020, 14:06 - Sujal Amin: This guy is addicted to online
games, he play more than 10 hours a day until he became
mentally retarded. He is now going through therapy.

*Cautions* : your children's health is important so take care of

them before you loose them;
23/01/2020, 22:44 - Sujal Amin: *ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS
Helpline : 9371338674 ( Rangnath Ji )
6265 436 398 ( Abhijeet Ji)
7:00 - 8:00 AM (MORNING)

Instruction:- *Please do not put your call on hold during meeting.*

Dial in - 01725100904
Acess code - 527292#


25/01/2020, 10:39 - Sujal Amin: *Family Matters*
Now and then the family will be *plagued* by *specters* from the
past, for the drinking career of almost every alcoholic has been
marked by *escapades, funny, humiliating, shameful or tragic.*
The first impulse will be to bury these skeletons in a dark closet
and padlock the door. The family may be possessed by the idea
that future happiness can be based only upon forgetfulness of the
past. We think that such a view is self-centered and in direct
conflict with the new way of living.
25/01/2020, 22:01 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message
25/01/2020, 22:03 - Sujal Amin: IRCTC
U- sujalamin
P- Ssujal2787
Pin- 2787

28/01/2020, 21:39 - Sujal Amin: *शराबी पन के ऊपर प्रश्नों-*

【1】शराब के सेवन के दरमियान मेरे काम के समयमे , मैं किस तरह

से पूर्ण रुप से ध्यान नहीं दे सकता था? मेरे काम करनेकी जगह पर ,
मेरे परिवार में ,समाज में और अन्य क्षेत्रों में मेरा परफॉर्मेंस कैसा रहता
था? मेरे शराबी जीवन के जो भी अनुभव रहे हैं वह लिखने का।

【2】शराबके बगैर , मै अपनेआपमें कैसी लघुता ग्रंथि महसूस करता

था? और लोगों से क्यू अच्छी तरह बात नही कर सकता था? इसके लिए
मुझे शराब की जरूरत क्यू महसूस होती थी?

【3】मेरी शराब की आदत को लेकर , मेरे घरवाले और मेरे चाहने वाले

किस तरह से दख
ु ी और परे शान रहते थे?

【4】शराब की वजह से मेरी प्रतिष्ठा को क्या धक्का पहुंचता था?

【5】जब शराब का नशा खत्म होता था , तब मैं किस तरह का

पश्चाताप करता था? और कैसा अपराधीपन महसूस करता था?

【6】शराबी पन की वजह से मेरी आर्थिक परिस्थितिमे क्या असर

पड़ता था?

【7】शराब के नशे के दरमियान , मैं कैसे अपने से निम्न स्तर के

लोगों के साथ धूल मिल जाता था?

【8】शराब का नशा , मुझे अपने परिवार के कल्याण की तरफ जाने

की जगह , किस तरह से रुकावट रूप बनता था?

【9】शराब की आदत की वजह से , मैं अपने आप को किस तरह से

निकम्मा मानकर , कैसी नाकारा पन की भावना महसूस करता था?

【10】जब निश्चित समय पर तलब लगती थी , तब मैं अपने आप को

कैसे बहाने दे कर धोखा दे ता था? और दारू की तरफ चला जाता था?
【11】सुबह की परिस्थितिमे , मैं क्या महसूस करता था? और मुझे
सुबह का उतारा लेनेकी या दर्द शामक गोली खानेकी क्यों जरूरत पड़ती

【12】शराबी पन की वजह से मेरी नींद में कैसी खलील पहुंचती थी?

【13】दारु की आदत की वजह से मेरी कार्यक्षमता में कितनी और

कैसी कमी आ गई थी?

【14】शराबी पन की वजह से मेरी नौकरी या कारोबार किस तरह

संकट में रहता था?

【15】बिना शराब पीये , मुझे क्या चिंता और कठिनाइयां महसूस होती

थी? जिनकी वजह से मुझे शराब के पास जाना पड़ता था?

【16】 आखिरी आखिरीमें , मैं अकेला पीना क्यों पसंद करता था?

【17】ज्यादा शराब पीकर ब्लैकआउट में जाकर मुझे कुछ याद नहीं रहा
हो , वैसे मेरे कौनसे-कौनसे अनुभव रहे हैं? वह लिखने का

【18】मेरा डॉक्टरने मुझे शराब के बारे में क्या चेतावनी दी थी? और

मुझे उसके पास इलाज करवाने के लिए क्यों जाना पड़ता था?

【19】मेरे कमजोर आत्मविश्वास को बढ़ाने के लिए मुझे क्यों ऐसा

लगता था कि मुझे शराब पीना पड़ेगा?

【20】जब मैं शराब पीना बंद करता था , तब शुरुआत के तीन-चार

दिन मेरी हालत कैसी रहती थी? मुझे क्या-क्या तकलीफ होती थी? और
मैं क्या महसूस करता था?

【21】शराबी पन की वजह से मुझे हॉस्पिटल, दवाखाना या रिहै ब सेंटर

का कैसे अनुभव करने पड़े?

【22】शराब छोड़ने के मैंने खुद , मेरे घर वालों ने या किसी ओर ने

क्या-क्या नाकाम व्यर्थ प्रयत्न किए?

【23】 मेरे खुद के प्रयत्न से ,या किसी और तरीके से मेरी शराब

कितने समय तक रूकी थी , और बाद में किस तरह से वह वापस शुरू
हो जाती थी? शुरू होने से पहले क्या विचार मन में आते थे?, उसके
ऊपर के जीवन के अनुभव लिखने का।
【24】 शराब पीने के दौर के दरमियान शराब नहीं मिलती थी तब मेरी
क्या हालत होती थी ?, और थोड़ी शराब मिलती थी उसके बाद जब ओर
शराब नहीं मिलती थी, तो कैसी और कितनी तकलीफ महसूस होती थी?

31/01/2020, 15:18 - Sujal Amin: *Alcoholism- The modern bane of

- The habit of drinking starts in parties.
- Why our ceremonies never complete without alcohol?
- Drinks remove your etiquette into problems then you may get
- Alcohol increases the distance between the couples.
- Nip in bud, Wife should curtail the habit in the beginning while it
is still possible.
- The child learns more from your deeds than words.

- Difficult times need difficult measures.

- Alcohol makes you powerful but only in your thoughts.
- She kept telling me that I am a drunkard, she must be having an
- Heavy drinkers can have crazy dreams and hallucinations.
- Alcohol gives the drinker the enjoyment and the spouse receives
all the torments.
- Alcoholics blame others for their problems.

- An alcoholic wife gets free passport to the world of loneliness.

- Increases the sex desire but takes away the performance.
- Drinking hinders good parenting.
- Thrill of the mother kills the baby.
- Castles in the air have their foundation in alcohol.
- Indulgence can make you indecent
- Alcohol makes you dig your own grave.
- Drinking the family into poverty and misery.
- Alcohol is the fuel which burns down good family.
- Alcohol for suicide is like fuel for fire.
31/01/2020, 19:13 - Sujal Amin: Everything I need shall be
provided today.
02/02/2020, 21:20 - Sujal Amin: All of us sacrifice certain
possibilities and potential for our tomorrows when we fail to think
and live strategically today.

Living strategically starts with a goal. In the personal realm, it

involves identifying and defining the kind of person we want to
become in character and skill in the next one, five or ten years,
and setting in motion the decisions and disciplines that are
required to get us there. It involves getting rid of habits, behaviors
and attitudes that are robbing us of our spiritual, mental,
emotional and relational potential, no matter how deep-seated
they are or comfortable we are with them. (4 - 12)
02/02/2020, 21:20 - Sujal Amin: "We were having trouble with
personal relationships, we couldn’t control our emotional natures,
we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn’t make a
living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we
were unhappy,
we couldn’t seem to be of real help to other people—" pg52
05/02/2020, 14:31 - Sujal Amin: Higher Power, I have made a
decision to turn over my life and my will to your care. Please show
me how to use my talent.
07/02/2020, 22:57 - Sujal Amin: *12 Steps in one day*

Taking Steps – One Day Written by Mike Chumbley

(This is just a rough outline of a suggested process.)

(This is based on the Big Book. It does include some processes

that have served me well in my experience.)

This is certainly not the only process to sponsor others, just one
which has worked well for me and those I sponsor.

Initial Meeting

1. Meet with your prospect for coffee or lunch for the initial
2. Get to know your prospect for a while about their personal life.
Tell them about yours. This is not a conversation about drinking.
Just a get to know each other time.

3. From Page 44 in the Big Book cover the first paragraph to

qualify the individual. Get your prospect to answer both questions.

A. If, when you honestly want to, do you find you cannot quit

B. If when drinking, do you have little control over the amount you

C. If they answer yes to either question: You are probably


D. Explain the entire process for the next day and that it will take
from 8:00 AM until about 8:00 PM.

4. Ask them the following question:

A. Are you willing to go to absolutely any lengths to remove your

desire to drink? If they answer yes arrange to meet them the next
day or the first available day for breakfast at a local restaurant.

Breakfast the following day 8:00 AM


1. Show them the Big Book. Go to the Forward to the Big Book
(xii) and show them the first sentence: WE, OF Alcoholics
Anonymous, are more than one hundred men and women who
have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and
body. To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered
is the main purpose of this book. Stress the use of the word
“precisely” and explain we will be following the precise instructions
of the Big Book
2. Go to the Doctors Opinion: (xxvi) We believe, and so suggested
a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic
alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of
craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average
temperate drinker. Discuss craving both yours and his. Try to elicit
emotional responses from him then tell them the craving is not
their fault.

3. Go to the Doctors Opinion: (xxvi, xxvi) Men and women drink

essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol. The
sensation is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they
cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false. To them,
their alcoholic life seems the only normal one. They are restless,
irritable and discontented, unless they can again experience the
sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few
drinks-drinks which they see others taking with impunity. This is
the mental obsession. Discuss mental obsession both yours and
theirs. Use particular examples and ask for multiple particular
examples. Try to elicit emotional responses from him. Then tell
them the mental obsession is not their fault.

4. Have them discuss their experience with drinking and the

problems it has caused them. Ask them for particular examples.
After each example ask them why they did not quit at that time.
Continue this conversation until you know that they know that
alcohol is out of their control and is in fact beating them no matter
how many times they get in trouble. THIS IS THE FIRST PART

5. Have them discuss what is going on in their life. Ask them for
multiple particular things that seem to be out of control. Press
them for details. We are attempting to get them to realize that
their life as it is going is not as they want it to be and they have
done a poor job managing it. THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF

6. Ask them at that point if they realize they have no control over
alcohol and their life is unmanageable? When they answer Yes,
Step one is finished.


1. Ask the man if he believes in God. If he answers yes ask him to

describe his relationship with God.
2. If the man does not believe in God ask him if he is willing to
believe in the possibility that God does exist. Get them to admit
that they may be wrong and they would be willing to concede that
there is a chance that God exists.

3. If the answer to 2. If ‘No’ ask him if he believes there are other

things in the world that are more powerful than he is. Get the man
to commit that there are things in the world more powerful than he
is, the universe, nature, collective humanity, the 2 million
members of AA are examples.

4. Generally the man will answer yes to one of the first three

5. Ask him do you believe some help from one of these options
could help you with your drinking problem and make you saner
about how you have been drinking? When he answers yes Step 2
is finished.


1. Ask the man since your way so far has not been working are
you willing to let either God or the universe or nature or collective
humanity or the 2 million members of AA guide you in your
attempts to get sober? In other words turn your life over to Him or
them? When he answers yes Step 3 is finished.

Now I realize many people feel that a commitment that the man
believes in God and a decision to turn their will and their lives over
to the care of that God is required at steps 2 and 3. That has not
been my experience. The 12 steps bring about the spiritual
awakening in Step 12 and I am not willing to abandon agnostics
or atheists at step 2 and 3. My experience is that most of these
people do in fact have a spiritual awakening over the course of
the steps and those who do not still stay sober.

I then finish breakfast and we go to my home. When we get to my

home, whether they believe in God or not we together say the
Third Step Prayer:
"God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me and to do with me as
Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do
Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and
Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!"


1. I have over the years decided to use 4th step worksheets

format which follows the Big Book format exactly. If you do not like
that format any format you choose can be used.

2. If Big Book format worksheets are used Have multiple copies

of each sheet so they have plenty of room. Make sure they
understand the columns are designed to be completed one
vertical column at a time. They work top to bottom not left to right.

3. Go to page 64 and have the man read: Therefore, we started

upon a personal inventory. This was Step Four. A business which
takes no regular inventory usually goes broke. Taking commercial
inventory is a fact-finding and a fact-facing process. It is an effort
to discover the truth about the stock-in-trade. One object is to
disclose damaged or unsalable goods, to get rid of them promptly
and without regret. Explain that we are going to do the same thing
with their life.

4. Make sure you fully explain how the 4th column works and the
importance of it in the process.

5. Make sure the man realizes that NO ONE will ever be allowed
to know anything that you and he discuss. ABSOLUTELY NO
ONE. They must be thorough.

6. Give the man a clipboard and some pencils or pens and let
them go.

7. Be available to answer questions.

1. Once the 4th step has been completed take a short 10-15
minute break and if possible run a copy of the 4th step so you can
both have a copy while you are hearing his 5th step

2. Once again stress that noting you discuss will EVER leave the
room. Question your man to make sure he has been completely
thorough. It is our darkest secrets that will keep us sick

3. One of the reasons I like worksheets is that you can scan

columns 3 and 4 and easily spot patterns. It is immediately
evident that your man will have 2 or 3 areas in both columns 3
and 4, which will be consistent, issues with them.

4. Begin with the man reading his first resentment. You will
probably find that a man will wish to dwell on columns 1 and 2
justifying the wrongs that had been done to him. Get a quick
understanding of the wrong and them move them to column three.
Cover how he was affected by the resentment.

5. Move on to column 4 and explain that this column is the crux of

the matter. What was their part in causing the resentment? The
majority of resentments are caused by our own actions. Get them
to explain their part and what they could have done different.

6. Move on until resentments are completed each time stressing

their part in the resentment and what they could have done
different. I use the phrase to them that we are bringing all of the
problems back home to them. They should realize fairly quickly
that the cause of the resentment is them and usually it is the
same issues, which brought them to that resentment. They must
realize the resentment is theirs and was caused by them.

7. Continue this process through fears, sex harms and harms

other than sex.

8. Step 5 is now finished.

Have the man read the following from page 75 of the Big Book:
Returning home we find a place where we can be quiet for an
hour, carefully reviewing what we have done. We thank God from
the bottom of our heart that we know Him better. Taking this book
down from our shelf we turn to the page which contains the twelve
steps. Carefully reading the first five proposals we ask if we have
omitted anything, for we are building an arch through which we
shall walk a free man at last. Is our work solid so far? Are the
stones properly in place? Have we skimped on the cement put
into the foundation? Have we tried to make mortar without sand?


1. Have a conversation with the man about what has now been
revealed in the first 5 steps. Ask them if they feel there are any
areas of 1-5 that they feel they need to discuss more. Are they
completely comfortable with the information they have revealed
and are they ready to proceed to have all of these defects of
character removed.

2. Review the fourth step column again and discuss the primary
shortcomings that were consistently revealed on this sheet. Ask
them if they are ready to go forward in life and have God remove
those shortcomings.

3. When they answer yes Step 6 is now finished.


1. Together with the man say the 7th Step Prayer on page 76 of
the Big Book: “My Creator, I am now willing that you should have
all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me
every single defect of character which stands in the way of my
usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out
from here, to do your bidding. Amen.”

2. Now have the man go back through his fourth step and
individually ask that every resentment, fear and character defect
be removed. Have them take them individually.

3. When this has been completed Step 7 is finished.


1. We have a list of all persons we have harmed and to whom we

are willing to make amends. We made it when we took inventory.
We subjected ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out
to our fellows and repair the damage done in the past.

2. The harms list of the fourth step is the foundation of the 8th
step list.

3. Together take the list and pick out one amend that they can
take on their way home from your house. We want to get this
process started immediately and we want to get the amends
finished as quickly as possible.

4. Review the list for completeness. Are there additional amends

that need be made in addition to those listed on the two lists, sex
harms and harms other than sex. Are their people places or things
from the resentment or fears list that caused the other party harm
that for some reason were not listed on the harms lists?

5. Break down the amends to be made into categories. We can

write directly on the list which category each amends falls into.

6. The categories are:

A. Immediate face to face

B. Immediate letter

C. Immediate phone call

D. Financial

E. Indirect (A compensatory amend in lieu of one which cannot be

F. Willing to be made a later date a later date

G. Permission needed from another

H. Other

7. Explain that you will talk every couple days about this list and
whether additional issues need to be added to it.

8. We are not allowed to harm another person to remove the harm

from our list.

9. Step 8 is now finished.


1. Read pages 76 to 84 when they get home.

2. Explain that amends are not apologies they are efforts to make
things right and make the aggrieved party whole.

3. Explain to the man the process for making an amend,

A. Set up an appointment to meet the person and ask for their


B. Tell the person you need to talk to them in private

C. When you meet tell the man you are trying to recover from
alcoholism and part of that process requires you to make amends
to all you have harmed

D. Tell the person how you think you have harmed them.
E. Ask the person how they think you have harmed them. Your
view of the harm and their view of the harm may not always be
the same,

F. Ask them what you can do to make the situation right.

G. Unless it is excessive do what ever they ask.

H. The very last thing the man does before he leaves is

apologizes and promises to never do the action again.

4. Have the man notify you every time an amend is made and
discuss the amend.

5. Face to face is always preferable but not always possible. The

same listed process as above can be done by phone.

6. If a letter is sent include as much of the above listed process as


7. Amends to love ones who have passed can take the form of a
conversation at a grave site

8. Financial amends should be made as soon as possible. The

mans life should be restricted to bare bones until the financial
amends are complete.

9. If you have the money to make the amend, pay it.

10. If you do not have the money to make the amend contact the
person or institution and set up plans to pay it.

11. Indirect amends are a secondary amend where the actual

amend is impossible. For example a financial amend to a comp-
any that is out of business. A financial donation of the same
amount can be made to a charitable organization or time can be
volunteered to a worthy cause, a soup kitchen, detox etc.
12. Some amends can never be made but the man must be
willing should the opportunity arise.

13. Step 9 may never be finished.


1. This step should be started as soon as we have completed step

8 and are in the process of our 9th step amends.

2. This step is a lifetime step

3. Read pages 84 and 85 in the Big Book

4. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our

lifetime. Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty,
resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to
remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and
make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we
resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and
tolerance of others is our code.

5. This practice should occur all day every day and pages 84 and
85 should be read each day.


1. Read the bottom of page 85 to 88 in the Big Book.

2. Do a nightly inventory in writing as outlined on page 86 in the

Big Book.

3. Do a daily plan upon awakening as outlined on page 86.

4. Set aside times during the day for daily meditation as outlined
on pages 86 to 88 in the Big Book.


1. Read the chapter Working With Others pages 89 to 103 in the

Big Book

2. Go to a variety of meetings and locate a home group

3. Volunteer at that home group for some type of service work.

4. Attend at least 4 meetings a week at least one of which is a Big

Book Study group to be decided by you and your sponsor.

5. Arrive at the meetings early and introduce yourself to people as

they arrive.

6. If called upon to share, share only about the 12 steps you have
taken and the affect on your life. Avoid lengthy drug-a-logs.

7. Work with the sponsor to do 12-step work on a regular basis.

8. Reread the Big Book in its entirety, at least once a month for
the first 6 months
08/02/2020, 05:23 - Sujal Amin: Take away my fear and direct my
attention to what You would have me be.
09/02/2020, 13:33 - Sujal Amin: Sujal, grateful alcoholic.
Unknowingly, I did the "cliff-notes" version of studying the BB and
doing the steps. Yes, I read cover to cover, underlined,
highlighted, did worksheets, worked with sponsor. But a year and
some months into my sobriety, I started experiencing extreme
spiritual pain and was restless, irritable, discontent. Reached out
here in these rooms in the middle of the night and got a new
sponsor. I hadn't had one for several months. And realized I was
experiencing the precursors to the first drink, p. xxviii-xxix. My
new sponsor and I are now painstakingly going through the BB
and steps to ensure I have a more solid foundation. Now this for
me is humility and honesty and I‘m realizing I have to connect my
emotions and heart to my brain. I can know things intellectually
but only my Higher Power can help it sink into my soul and spirit.
Thank you all. Without the fellowship, HP, BB and each other, I
couldn't make it.
11/02/2020, 21:56 - Sujal Amin: The way I work with newcomer
*I can give:*
Rides to meetings,
big books,
my phone number,
help finding a sponser, a few bucks if I can afford it then,
a cup of coffee,

*Things I cannot give:*

Unsolicited advice,
free childcare,
Don't set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
a ride every place they need to go (maybe occasionally), Giving
rides excessively,
a place to stay,
large amounts of money,
my serenity in place of theirs,
their needs above my own.
Providing funds for home needs.
Going over your own budget to help and ending up in the poor

They have to learn how to gather their own wood and tend their
own fires.
12/02/2020, 05:22 - Sujal Amin: #experence #godsWill #know
#change # action

There is a large convention hall with 2 large conventions rooms.

Room #1 says all day lectures on Gods Will sold out, filled to
capacity, standing room only. Room # 2 says Gods Will all seats
available. The point is people love to listen about Gods Will but
when it comes down to change and living Gods Will people would
rather just hear a lecture about Gods will. There are
temples/katha’s all over the place that pack in over 5,000 people a
weekend to listen about Gods Will but how many of them are
living Gods Will? They are content with getting their fill of Gods
Will from a lecture.

Something similar goes on at AA meetings. There are meetings

that are packed to the rafters every morning/evening that are just
a typical speaker discussion with little to no talk of the solution.
There are a bunch of people just nodding their head with the stuff
they agree with. But there is a Big Book workshop right up the
street where they educate you about the steps, maybe even show
how to write a 4th step, the problems is that room is less then half
full. Almost all that attend have taken the appropriate action to
experience God through the steps or they are getting ready to do
so. But know at the end of the day even the workshop is just a
lecture about doing the steps. Do you just want to listen to
lectures or KNOW?
14/02/2020, 22:47 - Sujal Amin: *Alcoholism Explained*

I will now attempt to describe what the Big Book says about Step
One and what the differences are between the experience of an
alcoholic and that of a NON-alcoholic. The book says that these
*differences are physical, mental, and spiritual.* Please pay close
attention to this review and *ask yourself* what more closely
describes your experience with alcohol, that of an alcoholic or that
of a NON-alcoholic.
*Physically,* the difference is that the alcoholic has an allergy, or
an abnormal reaction, to drinking alcohol. This abnormal reaction
to alcohol is a craving for more alcohol once we take a few drinks.
This craving NEVER happens to a non-alcoholic. Because of this,
a non-alcoholic can ALWAYS predict how much they are going to
drink, but an alcoholic CANNOT. Besides the craving, alcohol
DOES something for an alcoholic that it does NOT do for a non-
alcoholic. When an alcoholic drinks, they get a feeling of ease and
comfort; an "IN control, get up and go into town, I like this" kind of
a feeling. When a NON-alcoholic drinks, they get an "OUT of
control, beginning of a nauseating, slightly tipsy, I don't like this so
I don't want any more" kind of a feeling. That's why they stop after
one or two drinks, and make statements like, "I don't want another
drink because I am feeling that first one." *Mentally,* we suffer
from a condition called the obsession of the mind, also referred to
as alcoholic insanity or the inability to see the truth about taking
the first drink. This is why when we make a decision to stop
drinking alcohol for good we cannot stay stopped. As the Big
Book says, "our will power becomes practically non- existent; we
are without defense against the first drink." This condition is
fueled by the spiritual malady. *Spiritually,* the difference is that
because of the selfish and self-centered way the alcoholic views
and deals with other people, their emotions, and life; they are
filled with inner turmoil, discomfort, and anxiety. This spiritual
malady, which is the result of being spiritually blocked off by self-
centered fear, exists for us as long as we are not seeking and
growing toward a spiritual solution, WHETHER WE ARE
DRINKING OR NOT. In "The Doctor's Opinion" it refers to this
condition as "restless, irritable and discontented." But one of the
BEST references to the spiritual malady can be found in the
chapter "We Agnostics" where it describes the inner
unmanageability as, "having trouble with personal relationships,
not being able to control our emotional natures, being a prey to
misery and depression, not being able to make a living (which
includes not being able to make a successful life), having a feeling
of uselessness, being full of fear, being unhappy, and not
seeming to be of real help to other people." The Big Book gives
us other descriptions of the inner condition that occurs if an
alcoholic does NOT deal with this spiritual malady, but page 52
probably covers it best. Since alcohol is the ONLY thing that the
alcoholic has experienced, which brings relief from this inner
unmanageability, we turn to alcohol again and again, even though
it has caused problems for us in the past. *We don't see what
alcohol is doing TO us, we ONLY think about what it is going to do
FOR us.* The NON-alcoholic's relationship with alcohol is a "take
it or leave it" kind of relationship, but an ALCOHOLIC'S
relationship with alcohol is a "I need it to deal with life" kind of
Again, please ask yourself if you can relate to the experience of
an alcoholic.
15/02/2020, 12:37 - Sujal Amin: [email protected]
15/02/2020, 12:37 - Sujal Amin: Qohs
15/02/2020, 17:23 - Sujal Amin: 9824996602 sonu singh qms
17/02/2020, 14:45 - Sujal Amin: *After having a spiritual
awakening do we need to 1, 2, 3, again?????*

I have heard people make this statement "I am working "All" 12

steps over again. Or they say "I just finished step 12 so now I am
at step 1 again."
The question is do I need to 1, 2, 3, ever again??

Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our

lives had become unmanageable.
A person admits they are powerless (physical allergy, mental
obsession) over alcohol, meaning at that moment they are
powerless because of the allergy and obsession. The second
admits they are powerless they are done with step 1, there is
nothing left to know. Step 1 is about being powerless, meaning we
need power. The goal of the steps is finding that power. Since
step 1 is a none action step, we cannot find that power in step 1.
We can only find that power by the vital course of action of steps
4 thru 9. More importantly once we find that power and have a
spiritual awakening (as a result of steps 4 thru 9) we are
recovered, the obsession is gone it is no more. With the
obsession gone there is no reason to do step 1 ever again
because we now have power (maintained by doing steps
10,11,12). While step 1 is an essential step in our journey and is
the only step we must do 100%, the fact is there is not a whole lot
to do in step 1. Do it and move on. Doing step 1 again makes no

Step 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves

could restore us to sanity.
We came to believe by seeing it works in others. That makes one
willing (ready) to do the steps (4 thru 9). So there is not much to
do in step 2 either. If we could find power in step 2 and be
restored to sanity we would have a 2-step program, and we would
have a very short Book. We are restored to sanity around step 10
(as a result of 4 thru 9). Step 10 promises p.84 "For by this time
sanity will have returned." If sanity is returned around 10, there is
no reason to due step 2 ever again. As long we stay sane by
staying in fit spiritual condition (4 thru 9 daily which is step 10 and
doing 11 and 12 daily).
Step 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the
care of God as we understood Him.
Step 3 might very well be the most misunderstood step. Because
people think they turn their will and lives over to care of God at
step 3. We do not because step 3 is only a decision. For years I
thought a decision meant to do something (action). It is actually
just a pre thought plan prior to taking action. Step 3 is not about
turning my will and life over to the care of God, if we could do that
in step 3 it would be a 3 step program. So if step 3 is only a
decision (without action) then how do we turn our will and my life
over to the care of God?? Very simple steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9! As
soon as the pen hits the paper in step 4 our will and our life is
over to the care of God. So how do we stay in the care of God?
Simple we keep doing 4 thru 9 when things come up (step 10). As
long as we always do 4 thru 9 (action) then our life is always with
God, and of course we need to improve that relationship in step
11, and do Gods work in step 12. I have never understood when
anyone says, "I turn my life over to God everyday." Are they
saying at point during the day or while they were sleeping they
took their will back? It not pancakes turn it over > turn it back >
turn it over again > turn it back > turn it over again. No we stay in
action to keep God’s will. As with steps 1 and 2 there is no reason
to do 3 ever again. after I start action (4 thru 9) and stay in that
action (step 10).
It is very plain and simple in our Book; we need to stay in the
solution (steps 4 thru 9). Practice these principles in all my affairs
(steps 4 thru 9). Step 10 is 4 thru 9 for the rest of our life. All we
"ever" need to stay recovered and spiritually fit is step 10 (4thru9)
11 (prayer and meditation daily) and 12 (Gods work daily). It's all
about action. Everything I hoped and told I would receive in 1,2,3 I
get as a result by doing 4 thru 9. 1,2, and 3 is simply a
springboard to a new way of life. As long as I continue to do it I
will always stay recovered. I never have to do 1,2,3 ever again.
You are either in action or you are not in action.
18/02/2020, 11:36 - Sujal Amin: *The History of Alcoholics

Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most renowned organizations

that exist to help individuals recover from alcoholism.  Millions
have benefited from the programs and weekly meetings, and AA
has influenced countless other programs, , and those that work
with alcoholics.
What may not be so well-known, however, is the history of AA and
the events that have occurred to make the organization what it is

*Bill Wilson’s struggle with alcoholism*

Alcoholics Anonymous was created in 1935 by recovering
alcoholic Bill Wilson.  Wilson had been failing at his Wall Street
career because his drinking was so out of hand that he was
admitted into the hospital a number of times.  Friends tried to help
Bill, including his childhood drinking buddy, Ebby Thacher.  Ebby
had found sobriety through the Christian movement, called the
Oxford Group, and he firmly believed it changed his life.
Dr. William Duncan Silkworth of the Towns Hospital in New York
City also influenced Bill Wilson with religion, saying that
alcoholism is a disease and that only God can cure it.  With a
newfound relationship of his own with God, Wilson was able to
finally quit drinking for good.

*Wilson and Smith*

Even though he was sober, the temptation for alcohol was still
strong.  Wilson, on a trip to Akron, Ohio in 1935, met Dr. Bob
Smith, another recovering alcoholic, and sought him out for
Shortly after that trip, Wilson and Smith co-founded AA.  It started
small at first, and the two helped about 40 alcoholics during the
first two years, working tirelessly with them in their sobriety and
also their relationship with God.  The organization operated out of
people’s homes, and alcoholics often found themselves living for
a time with Wilson

*The early years*

Alcoholics Anonymous was a very faith based organization in its

beginning.  It called for its members to surrender absolutely to
God, to devote themselves daily to prayer or meditation, and to
join with other recovering alcoholics in a religious and support
There were five elements to the original AA program.  These
included total abstinence from alcohol, acknowledgement of
Jesus as their Savior, obedience to God’s will, growth in
fellowship with God, and help for other alcoholics.  Meetings were
very spiritual and those that joined AA often talked of the healing
power of God.

*AA today*

Since those days, AA has grown and changed a lot.  It still

advises against all alcohol consumption, and focuses on moral
character and personal change.  But today members are usually
encouraged to find their own higher being that can help with their
The Twelve Steps are a notable part of AA, walking an individual
through the process of being sober for life.  Part of that journey
still consists of helping other members.  Members that have been
sober for a while may sponsor a newer individual.  These people
are paired up and can help each other when they are feeling like
quitting.  The moral support that occurs at AA is one of its most
useful tools.
18/02/2020, 11:51 - Sujal Amin: A donkey was tied to a tree.

The Devil came and untied it.

The donkey ran into the fields and started destroying the crop.

The farmer's wife saw this and shot the donkey dead.

The donkey's owner was upset so he shot the farmer's wife.

The farmer came back to see his wife dead, he went and shot the
donkey's owner.

The wife of the owner of the donkey asked her sons to go and
burn the house of the farmer.

The boys went late evening and carried out their mother's orders
happily, assuming that the farmer too would have been burnt with
the house.

Sadly for them it wasn't that, so the farmer came back and shot
the wife & the two sons of the owner of the donkey.

Remorseful, the farmer asked the Devil why did all this have to

The Devil said, *"I did nothing, I only released the donkey, but, all
of you reacted, overacted and released the inner devil."*

So the next time before *replying, responding, reporting, rebuking

or avenging a revenge*, stop and think.

Be careful. 🙏

Many a time what the Devil does is that it just _*releases the
donkey*_ in us.🌾🍃🍃🍃.
21/02/2020, 21:33 - Sujal Amin: I can only speak for myself. For
me, my IDEAS lead to ATTITUDES, and my ATTITUDES lead to
ACTIONS. I have never been good at “acting my way into right
I didn’t know what AA was when I got here, so I watched, and I
listened, and I said to myself, ”Ok, this is AA.” I thought if I acted
like you… I would become like you. My goal was to somehow fit in
to what I thought AA was. I wanted to be part of a majority… not
understanding that in AA, the majority drink again.

My sponsor didn’t teach me this idea of IDEAS leading to

something I learned from taking the Steps as directed by the Big
Book. My recovery using AA’s 12 Steps did NOT begin with the
chapter “INTO ACTION”.

I was presented with a manageable set of IDEAS related to

alcoholism, and a spiritual solution for solving the drink problem in
the first 4 chapters of our basic text. When I began to accept
these IDEAS, my ATTITUDE(S) began to change. When my
ATTITUDES began changing, I was able to take ACTIONS I
needed to take to solve my drinking problem.

I do not fully agree with my fellow AAs who believe AA’s

suggested program of recovery begins with Chapter 5. I’ve
watched many a good person hop, skip, jump and hurdle over the
first 4 chapters of our Big Book to get to the 3rd Step, and I have
watched them struggle later in their recovery. Sadly, many
returned to the bottom of a bottle for their answers.
21/02/2020, 21:35 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message
21/02/2020, 21:36 - Sujal Amin: *For the Resentment List,* I used
a basic 4-column process, I resent:, The cause:, Affects my: and
Where was I wrong?

My options for the 4th column were predetermined. They were

Selfish, Dishonest, Self-Seeking and Fear from page 67, and Self-
Pity, and Self-Delusion from page 62. I did NOT use a pre-printed
form, check marks, or abbreviations.

To help me, my sponsor and I created a “cheat-sheet” for column

4. I listed the 6 options, then defined them in their simplest terms.

My cheat-sheet read like this:

Selfish – Being so focused on myself that I disregarded others
Dishonest – Saying, doing or believing something that was not
Self-Seeking – Doing something for something.
Fear – Worrying about something that MIGHT happen.
Self-Pity – The feeling of “poor me.”
Self-Delusion – Believing something is happening that really

I wrote one row at a time. When I got to column 4, I looked at the

definitions and asked myself if any of them applied to columns 1 &
2, BEFORE, DURING, or AFTER the incident in question. If it
applied, I wrote it down, and moved on.

My first few Resentments were very mechanical. I simply did what

I was told to do. Eventually, I found a rhythm and flow. It began to
get easier. About half way through I had my “Holy fucking shit!”
moment where I realized what Marvin’s problem was… and it had
nothing to do with alcohol.

One more thought, if nothing seems to apply write Dishonesty or

Self-Delusion, you'll be close to the right answer.

Consider this. The 4th Step is God's equal exchange program that
He gave to AA. For every Resentment you write down (Columns 1
& 2), God will give you up to 6 ways to help save the life of a
suffering alcoholic (Column 4). Your shares in meetings will
become much richer, because you'll no longer talk about columns
1 &2 (The problem), instead, you'll focus on column 4 (The
22/02/2020, 04:35 - Sujal Amin: How To Avoid Playing God (An
Early AA Pamphlet)

1) Offer no advice unless it is asked.

2) Listen to other people's dreams and help them in the way they
wish to be helped.
3) Encourage them to find their own strength.
4) Reserve judgment - AT ALL TIMES.
5) Admit that you don't know all the answers.
6) Build confidence in the other person until their own judgment
becomes clear.
7) Have faith in the overall rightness of God's purpose in this
world and the next.
8) Dwell on what is right instead of what is wrong.
9) Realize the core of Divine Being in each person. Respect it.
10) Never discount the other person's good intentions.

"God, I offer myself to Thee -- to build with me and to do with me

may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over
them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy
Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!" - Big Book
Third Step Prayer

"Great Spirit, may I not render judgment upon another until I have
walked for one moon in their moccasins." - An Indian Prayer
23/02/2020, 08:26 - Sujal Amin: Here I face two stumbling blocks:
Sloth and Greed. Sloth makes me shun expenditure of time and
energy, now that I have been able to stay away from alcohol as a
result of which my ‘fear’ has ebbed. I let complacency set in rather
than go out into the world and spread the message of A.A. My
greed makes me look at the loss of time and money expended. I
now come to the belief that ‘money saved’ is money earned.
Thus, I will not give freely.
23/02/2020, 10:32 - Sujal Amin: *Hope*
sees the invisible,
feels the intangible, and
achieves the impossible.
25/02/2020, 22:08 - Sujal Amin: Practicing the principles in all my

I learned this from Mark H.

I try to take every area in my life that I'm experiencing tension and
running it by pages 60-63, whether it's my home group, or family,
friends, work, etc.
And I see that I'm living off a belief that if only they would do as I
wished life will be wonderful.
I was recently talking to a friend who was frustrated that some
sober people in his group are unwilling to take the steps. I asked
him if he believes that if they do the work, his life will improve. He
thanked me for that.
How does 60-63 manifest in your life today?
25/02/2020, 22:08 - Sujal Amin: How fast or slow to do the
steps…… from the book.

Our description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic, and

our personal adventures before and after make clear three
pertinent ideas:
(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.
Being convinced, we were at Step Three……

We were NOW at Step Three. …..

We thought well before taking this step making sure we were
ready; that we could at last abandon ourselves utterly to Him.

Next we launched out on a course of vigorous action, the first step
of which is a personal housecleaning…..

We hope you are convinced now that God can remove whatever
self- will has blocked you off from Him. If you have already made
a decision, and an inventory of your grosser handicaps, you have
made a good beginning.

… This requires action on our part, which, when completed, will
mean that we have admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another
human being, the exact nature of our defects. This brings us to
the Fifth Step in the program of recovery mentioned in the
preceding chapter.

…If we skip this vital step, we may not overcome drinking…..

Notwithstanding the great necessity for discussing ourselves with

someone, it may be one is so situated that there is no suitable
person available. If that is so, this step may be postponed, only,
however, if we hold ourselves in complete readiness to go through
with it at the first opportunity. We say this because we are very
anxious that we talk to the right person.


Returning home we find a place where we can be quiet for an

hour, carefully reviewing what we have done.

If we can answer to our satisfaction, we then look at Step Six.

…If we still cling to some- thing we will not let go, we ask God to
help us be willing.


When ready, we say something like this: “My Creator, I am now

willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that
you now remove from me every single defect of character which
stands in the way of my useful- ness to you and my fellows. Grant
me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.” We
have then completed Step Seven.


Now we need more action, without which we find that “Faith

without works is dead.” Let’s look atSteps Eight and Nine. We
have a list of all persons we have harmed and to whom we are
willing to make amends. We made it when we took inventory. We
subjected ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out to
our fellows and repair the damage done in the past. We attempt to
sweep away the debris which has accumulated out of our effort to
live on self-will and run the show ourselves. If we haven’t the will
to do this, we ask until it comes. Re- member it was agreed at the
beginning we would go to any lengths for victory over alcohol.


Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness.

This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime.


When we retire at night…

On awakening…..

…be shown all through the day….

25/02/2020, 22:09 - Sujal Amin: A wise man once told me, “If you
want to help someone give them information, but if you want to
change their life, ask them a question.” I have found this to be true
more often than not.

I work with newcomers. I can, but I don’t often. I tend to work

more with people who have hit bottom in AA, as well as hitting
bottom out there. There is not limit to the prospects.

One of my favorite questions to ask someone who is really

struggling but doesn’t know what to do is, “Hey, has anyone in AA
taken the time to tell you the story of the recovered alcoholic?”
(1st Question) No one has ever told me “Yes.”

If they want to talk, I begin with calling their attention to the line
from How It Works that says, “If you have decided you want what
we have….”, and I interrupt myself and ask them “Who’s the “we”
they’re referring to?” (2nd question) I get a lot of You?’s and
People in AA?s
I then turn back to the FORWARD TO THE FIRST EDITION, and
read the first sentence. The point is not to tell them who the we is.
I ask them “Have you ever felt hopeless? (3rd question) I then
explain the first sentence tells us who AA is.

Then I read the second sentence to them and I ask them “What
does precisely mean?” (4th question). They know usually. I
explain the second sentence tells why the book was wrote.

Then I flip to page 17 and read the first paragraph, and explain
what my sponsor said to me the night we met and he showed me
this paragraph.

Then I go to page 20 and show them the first full paragraph… with
emphasis on the question at the end. I ask them if they want to
know “What do I have to do?” (5th question) If they say yes, I
show them the next sentence…. “It is the purpose…” and ask
them what “specifically” means to them (6th question).

If they show any sign of disinterest during this conversation, I’ll

bail on it. If they lean in, I take them up to page 29’s clear-cut
directions paragraph. At that point I slow down and tell them about
the night I met a recovered alcoholic and he told me the story of
the recovered alcoholic… in a manner similar to page 42.

I sponsor a guy that says “Recovery happens when hope meets

desperation.” My experience is that he’s right.
26/02/2020, 09:18 - Sujal Amin: Two stories to begin with:
1. Nokia refused Android
2. Yahoo refused Google

1. Take risks.
2. Embrace changes.
3. If you refuse to change with time, you might perish.

Two more stories:

1. Facebook takes over whatsapp and instagram.
2. Grab takes over Uber

1. Become so powerful that your competitors become your allies.
2. Reach the top position and then eliminate the competition.
3. Keep innovating.

Two More stories:

1. Colonel sanders founded KFC at the age of 65.
2. Jack Ma, who couldn't get job in KFC, founded Alibaba.

1. Age is just a number
2. Only those who keep trying succeeds

Last but not the least:

1. Lamborghini was founded as result of revenge of a tractor
owner who was insulted by Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari

1. Never underestimate anyone, ever!!
2. Success is the best revenge.

✔️Just keep working hard.

✔️Invest your time wisely.
✔️Don't be afraid to fail.
27/02/2020, 17:07 - Sujal Amin: Fear


Fear, an emotion attached to the survival instinct, springs up from

ignorance. An alcoholic is a bundle of fears and needs to harness
his fears. Spiritual growth of the educational variety drives away
or at least reduces/contains the intensity.
Peoples’ concepts of remedy for alcoholism vary depending on
their educational background, professions, religious and social
affiliation, financial status, outlook, situations and surrounding

Doctors opine that an alcoholic indulges in excessive

consumption of alcohol and thus invites a health hazard by way of
cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, etc. Their approach is to clinically
treat the liver and other malfunctioning organs and nurse the
patients to health. Thereafter the fear of death is put in the patient
so that he will abstain. Psychiatrists are of the view that
alcoholism is an outer manifestation of an inner personality
disorder, which leads to overindulgence in drinking. Their
approach is towards putting the fear of brain cell damage leading
to insanity in the alcoholic.

Genetic scientists, in their as yet inconclusive studies, have

predicted that genes inherited, over three generations on the
maternal or paternal side, cause a prospect to be an alcoholic.
Suggestions towards recovery have not yet been advanced.

Family members, relatives, friends and society look at the

alcoholic as a social evil. They threaten ostracization and
ultimately resort to it.

Moralists and religions see him as a sinner. They put the fear of
God to wean him away.

Employers view him as an undisciplined worker and a potential

absentee, a cause for production bottlenecks. They threaten to
sack him. Some tend to believe that they have been born
alcoholics as a punishment for the ills they had committed in their
previous birth!

Fear alone, though effective in the short term, does not suffice to
maintain permanent sobriety. Every attempt may be made to
attain as much freedom from fear as possible. The remainder may
be constructively and effectively faced - with courage and grace.
Attainment of freedom from fear is a process of a life-time and can
never be fully accomplished.
Fear – the key!

From my infant days, my family members started creating

awareness in me of the dangers of wrong action. Consequently, I
experienced fears. As time passed, some of these fears grew and
some were contained.

Fear that I will get burnt kept me away from the fire. Fear that I will
hurt myself prevented me from jumping from heights. Fear taught
me to be careful in all my activities – crossing roads, keeping
away from exposed food, harmful substances, situations, people,
animals, etc. These fears are good for my survival and I need to
have a healthy respect for them and learn to live with them. Thus,
I need to equip myself to manage my life with these fears. So I
learned how to light matchsticks, cross the roads, etc., and thus
equipped myself to handle these with care.

My family drilled into me a few illusory fears. The first of them was
fear of God. I was told not to lie, cheat, etc. “God will punish you
by sending you to Hell instead of Heaven”, they said. Fear of the
Policeman and jail was put in to make me tow the family’s line.
Fear of ghosts and darkness was put into me to make sure that I
returned home by sunset. Family members taught me code of
conduct, ethics and respect for the elders and society – I was
docked for non-observance .My school and playmates gave me
fears of punishment for not doing the assigned work, being
unpunctual, disorderly behaviour, appearance, etc. Certain social
fears like rejection, ostracisation, etc., also came into the scene.

Enter alcohol

As my drinking progressed, my finances were a mess, time

management atrocious, work culture and ethics took a beating,
home affairs left a lot to be desired. Thus, my conduct became
immoral – spiritually bankrupt. I developed a whole bundle of
fears and became devoid of love and joy.

I tried to keep away from alcohol but succeeded only in the short
term. I tried controlled drinking; set stipulations on time, place,
companions, budgets, etc., and ended up breaking them; sought
medical, psychiatric, religious and social interventions but was not
successful; my family tried prayers, visited places of spiritual
significance, etc., without success. After several such attempts, I
stopped trying. I concluded that I was beyond human help. It was
fear of total mismanagement leading to death and/or insanity that
led me to the portals of A.A., where I was advised to take the first
two steps.


Born in an orthodox Brahmin family, I started as a staunch

believer. Prayers, hymns and offerings to God before partaking of
food were routine. As I stepped into elementary school levels,
playtime ate into the hymn and prayers schedule. Thus, prayers
were resorted to only when I had favours to seek – exam times,
tough situations, etc. High school experiences taught me to have
confidence in myself – regular study fetched good marks;
constant practice and build-up of stamina secured a place in the
school team. Thus prayers receded further. Religious functions
came to be viewed as social occasions when relatives and friends
gathered, ate, drank and made merry. College and working life
enhanced this outlook.

I was now at cross-roads – helpless and hopeless. I could not

trust myself to stay away despite promising. But, every A.A.
member declared that he was away from alcohol by God’s grace.
Thus I psyched myself into believing and prayed each morning
and night – also in-between. I started keeping away ODAT.

Love conquers fear

At the end of ninety days, I saw clearly that God had done for me
what I could not do myself. Thus, my belief in my God had
become stronger with the passing days. It became faith. I realized
that God was all ‘forgiving’ and not ‘punishing’. He had lifted a no-
good person like me from the morass of alcoholism and shown
me a new way. (Also Daily Reflections p/ 116)

Now I love him and need never fear him. And, if I do not indulge in
negative activities, it is out of love. I do not want to hurt anyone.
Thus, I became a God-loving person instead of a God-fearing
person. Like-wise, my family started trusting me and their fears of
my behaviour and reactions receded and love was evident.

With knowledge and experience, the fear of the dark, policeman,
etc, also left me. Thus one set of fears vanished. My readings
brought me to the conclusion that sobriety based on fear is short-
lived. Therefore, I had to work the programme further or risk
stagnation and later relapse.

By not putting harmful substance like alcohol into my body and

observing orderliness in the time and food intake frame, I had
started respecting the needs of my body. In a way, I had once
again started loving myself. I knew that alcoholism is progressive
and, therefore, my sobriety had to be progressive both in quality
and duration. Thus, I rededicated myself to the programme and
am now leading a full, useful and happy life. Early in my sobriety:
“…I realized that during the times I feared God most, there was no
joy in my life.” (Daily Reflections p 116.) Fear blocks my
appreciation of beauty, tolerance, forgiveness, service and
serenity. (Daily Reflections p 120.) Time was now ripe to work and
reduce/contain fears.

Spiritual growth

I started practicing the third step (later eleventh step). I had no

new fears to add to the existing ones. Some orderliness, later
discipline, entered my life. I became a law abiding, well-behaved
citizen. Mere abstinence from drinking enabled me:

• to manage my expenditure within the budget

• to reach the office and home well in time
• to improve my health
• to think clearly and act promptly

Thus, occasions to lie and cheat automatically disappeared.

Unknowingly, I was growing spiritually each day. People at home
and office took note of the improvements and started coming
closer to me instead of avoiding me. Thus social fears receded. I
started carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to
suffering brethren. The society took note of this and started
treating me with respect and brought prospective alcoholics to
me. Thus, by transmitting the AA message, I had become a useful
and trustworthy citizen!

Fears of the past and future

I took a moral inventory of myself in Step 4. Some of my hidden
fears resurfaced. I went though the steps of confession and
restitution. When I made amends, the hidden fears, particularly
those of people left me.

Since taking the third step, I have been trying to live observing all
the laws of God and society. Thus, occasions for me to add-on to
my past fears are few. And, if I do, practice of Step 10 removes it
even as it occurs.

Many a time I shudder to think of the future. The inflation rate is

so high that I dread to think of the future. Yet, as one of the
promises of AA says: ‘Fear of … economic insecurity…’ has left
me. Of course I am prudent in my planning, budgeting and
thereafter in action.

Fear comes in various shapes and disguises: stress, envy,

intolerance, self-pity, snobbishness, contempt, rigidity, distrust,
suspicion, anxiety, sarcasm, cynicism, hatred and discontent. A
few of these like strain (stress) and envy can be changed for the
better by treating them as a challenge and working to meet them.

Facing challenges

A stringed musical instrument produces the desired note only

when stretched to the optimum (tuned) level. Likewise, if there is
no stress, an individual does not have the motivation to exert
more, perform better and achieve his potential. He is satisfied and
goes into hibernation (procrastination) taking whatever comes his
way. Thus his performance would be below his potential. “…
temporary good is the enemy of the permanent best…” AA comes
Age, p. 294. Some like self-pity, hurt pride (being insulted) and
intolerance may be accepted gracefully. When I start practicing
humility, I am enabled to overcome hurt pride objectively.

Only after I accepted my alcoholic state without any condition

whatsoever and sought help and received it from my higher power
that I got some peace. When my belief grew into faith, self-pity
receded and I realized that God was testing me.
Yet some more like distrust, suspicion, anxiety, etc., go away
when faith builds. For this, I need to work the programme
fearlessly – they become insignificant after step 10.

Regular attendance at meetings and participation in the group

activities including sharing makes a given member respect the
other person’s opinions and experiences.

Thus he becomes open-minded and less rigid. Simultaneously,

discontent and cynicism stop raising their ugly head.


I believe that I am now left with healthy fears and am able to lead
a happy and useful life. I constantly remind myself that: “Courage
is the willingness to do the right thing in spite of fear.” I ought to
be able to discriminate between my useful and destructive fears.

Hold Your Head High

Standing for what you believe in, regardless of the odds against
you, and the pressure that tears at your resistance Courage.

Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying, for
the sake of supporting others Strength.

Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your heart that you know
is right Determination.

Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more

bearable, without uttering a single complaint Compassion.

Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort, to the best of

your ability Loyalty.
Holding your head high And being the best you know you can be
when life seems to fall apart at your feet, Facing each difficulty
with the confidence that time will bring you better tomorrows, And
never giving Confidence.

Hold your head high and make your life better every day!

Healing deeper wounds


Fear is personal and therefore must be healed personally, yet we

know that certain objective steps are needed.

Taking responsibility

You and I have to confront our anxiety without waiting for

someone else to change. No one outside you can make you feel
safe. Fear is a habit, an automatic reaction that can be diffused
only by looking deeper than fear.

Witnessing your reactions

A person under threat reacts initially with shock and denial. The
mind keeps insisting, “This can’t be happening”. Shock then gives
way to tremendous anger as a means to regain control. Anxiety
and depression usually follow when lashing out doesn’t make us
feel any safer. But if you can watch these reactions as they shift
and change, the anatomy of fear will grip you less, and you won’t
mistake an overwhelming feeling for reality.
Rejecting the role of victim

Instead of evaluating who has won and who has lost, which is a
very tempting response in any confrontation, see your role as one
of recovery. Individuals don’t help end a crisis by worrying and
replaying dreadful images over and over in their heads. Every day
it helps to state how you feel in simple words like afraid and
angry. These natural feelings can be dealt with from the viewpoint
outside the role of victim.
Express what is happening

This means writing down what’s going on with you and seeking
out those who are closest to you to tell them how you are doing.

Many people skip this stage and keep their feeling bottled inside.
It’s hard to say you feel weak. But don’t we all? It’s an honest
emotion that has more reality behind it than trying desperately to
pretend that you are just as strong as ever.

Seeing through despair

Hopelessness is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just as musicians could

form an orchestra and play most sublime harmonies in the
concentration camps of World War II, each of us can actively
create a place where hope asserts its reality and despair is
conquered as an illusion. War may be hell; the truth certainly is
not. Celebrate the new freedom you’ve found when fear is gone.

Wisdom on Fear

He alone is wise, Oh Nanak, who fears not another, nor makes

others afraid.- Guru Tegh Bahadur

Having vanquished the demon Fear, and killed the reptile Lie, We
have embraced the Veda’s path, That leads to Brahman
Knowledge.- Subramania Bharati.

Courage begets strength by struggle with hardships. Courage

grows from fighting danger and overcoming obstacles. Develop
the courage to act according to your convictions to speak what is
true, and to do what is right. - Zarathrushta

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of

fear. - Mark Twain

If it is the Fear you would dispel, the seat of that Fear is in your
heart and not in the hand of the Feared. - Khalil Gibran
Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the main
sources of cruelty. To conquer Fear is the beginning of wisdom. -
Bertrand Russel

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also

what it takes to sit down and listen.- Winston Churchill.

Were the Diver to think of the jaws of the shark, he would never
lay hands on the precious pearl. - S’adi Gulistan

To fight fear, act. To increase fear - wait, put off, postpone. -

David Joseph Schwartz.
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows - Japenese proverb
If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following
your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin. -
Katharine Butler Hathaway
Things never go so well that one should have no fear, and never
so ill that one should have no hope. - Turkish proverb
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. -
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Most people live dejectedly in worldly joys or sorrows. They sit on
the sidelines and do not join in the dance. The knights of infinity
are dancers and possess elevation. They rise up and fall down
again, and this is no mean pastime, nor unpleasant to behold. -
Søren Kierkegaard
Doubts…often beget the facts they fear. - Thomas Jefferson
The respect and dignity a couple show each other set the table
from which they are nourished for all other activities in their lives.
Any feeling can be expressed in respectful or disrespectful ways.
Anger is one of the most difficult to express respectfully. Everyone
feels frustrated and angry at times. The crucial thing to learn is
how to be angry and still be respectful - how to deal with our
impatience without blame or put-downs.
Many of us have to learn how to love without being possessive,
how to be playful in a light-hearted way with no hidden cutting
edge. When we treat our partner with disrespect, we pour poison
into our own well. It may feel satisfying at first, but the long-term
consequences are not good to live with. When we are committed
to respect in our relationship, we continue to learn at even deeper
levels what respect truly means. We find that simply listening to
each other - and letting in our differences - is a form of respect
that nourishes us.
Fear: The early-warning system

Fear is an early-warning system that I am entering a Godless land

—a place in my life where I am refusing to take God or have
never been so I do not know whether God will follow. Sometimes,
I am sure God will not follow only because I have never taken Him
there before. So I saddle up and arm myself using my self-
reliance toolkit: I need to look after myself (because who else will
do that for me?), so I need to monitor myself and my needs and
wants and demands, constantly (self-centredness, self-
obsession). I need to make sure I get everything I need (because
who else will do that for me?), so selfishness (putting me above
you) and self-seeking (making shopping lists of how the world
should view me, treat me, and shower me with goodies) are now
in my left and right hands. And the whole sorry business begins
again . . . Cue pages 60–62 (self-will run riot), 52 (bedevilments),
73 (double life), and 152–153 (whistling in the dark).

So I stop. And ask God to come with me. If He will not, and I still
feel the cold wind blowing, I might need to examine why I am
entering the lands I am entering. Perhaps I am wanted elsewhere.
As though I had taken the left at the fork and God had taken the
right, and I hear Him shouting back at me "Not that way, this way,
dummy!" I have to listen carefully at junctions—if I get too far past
the fork, I will not be able to see Him and think myself abandoned.
As soon as fear enters the scene, I need to pay attention: the
hazard lies not outside me but inside me—the real danger is my
ability to desert God when He's calling me to His side, to His
work, to His banquet, to His Kingdom.
“Nothing n life is to be feared. It is to be understood” Marie Curie
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
The one great enemy of the human race is fear. The less fear you
have, the more health and harmony you will have. The only real
problem of mankind is to get rid of fear. When you really do not
fear a situation it cannot hurt you. Of course, you must remember
that fear often exists in the sub-conscious mind without your
necessarily being aware of it. The great thing to remember is that
fear is a bluffer. Call its bluff, and it collapses.

An amusing incident happened in Holland a number of years ago.

A lion escaped from a traveling circus. Not far away a good
housewife was sewing near the open window of her living room.
The animal suddenly sprang in, dashed by her like a flash, rushed
into the hall, and took refuge in the triangular cupboard under the

The startled woman supposed it to be a donkey and, indignant at

the muddy prints it left on her clean floor, pursued it into the dark
closet among the brooms and pans, and proceeded to thrash it
unmercifully with a broom.
The animal shook with terror and the angry woman redoubled the
force of her blows. Then four men arrived with guns and nets and
recaptured the animal. The terrified lion gave himself up quietly,
only too glad to escape from that dreadful woman.
When the woman discovered that she had been beating a lion,
she fainted away. This story illustrates perfectly the demoralizing
power of fear. Our good housewife completely dominated the lion
as long as she thought he was a donkey, and as long as she
treated him as a donkey the lion was in abject fear of her. When
she discovered her mistake, the old race fear came back and she
still reacted in accordance with the race tradition.
“He that feareth is not made perfect in love” 1 John 4:18
"For all its usual destructiveness, we have found that fear can be
the starting point for better things. Fear can be a stepping-stone to
prudence and to a decent respect for others. It can point the path
to justice, as well as to hate. And the more we have of respect
and justice, the more we shall begin to find the love which can
suffer much, and yet be freely given. So, fear need not always be
destructive, because the lessons of its consequences can lead us
to positive values."
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., January 1962 "This Matter of Fear." The
Language of the Heart
Fear as a stepping stone
The chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear -
primal fear that we would lose something we already possessed
or would fail to get something we demanded. Living upon a basis
of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual
disturbance and frustration. Therefore, no peace was to be had
unless we could find a means of reducing these demands.
For all its usual destructiveness, we have found that fear can be
the starting point for better things. Fear can be a steppingstone to
prudence and to a decent respect for others. It can point the path
to justice, as well as to hate. And the more we have of respect
and justice, the more we shall begin to find love which can suffer
much, and yet be freely given. So, fear need not always be
destructive, because the lessons of its consequences can lead us
to positive values.

27/02/2020, 19:18 - Sujal Amin: ડર

નરે ન્દ્ર કે .

ભય, અસ્તિત્વની વ ૃત્તિ સાથે જોડાયેલી એક લાગણી, અજ્ fromાનતાથી

ફેલાય છે . આલ્કોહોલિક એ ડરન ુ ં બ ંડલ છે અને તેના ડરને એકઠા
કરવાની જરૂર છે . શૈક્ષણિક વિવિધતાની આધ્યાત્મિક વ ૃદ્ધિ દૂ ર થાય છે
અથવા ઓછામાં ઓછી તીવ્રતા / સમાવે છે .

લોકોની દારૂબ ંધીના ઉપાયની વિભાવનાઓ તેમની શૈક્ષણિક પ ૃષ્ઠભમિ,

વ્યવસાયો, ધાર્મિક અને સામાજિક જોડાણ, નાણાકીય સ્થિતિ, દૃષ્ટિકોણ,
પરિસ્થિતિઓ અને આજુબાજુના પ્રભાવોને આધારે બદલાય છે .

ડોકટરો માને છે કે આલ્કોહોલિક દારૂના વધ ુ પડતા સેવનમાં વ્યસ્ત રહે છે

અને આથી યકૃત, અલ્સર વગેરેના સિરહોસિસ દ્વારા આરોગ્યના સંકટને
આમ ંત્રણ આપે છે તેમનો અભિગમ યકૃત અને અન્ય ખામીયક્
ુ ત અંગોની
તબીબી સારવાર છે અને દર્દીઓને આરોગ્ય માટે નર્સ કરે છે . ત્યારબાદ
મ ૃત્યન
ુ ો ભય દર્દીમાં મકવામાં
ૂ આવે છે જેથી તે ત્યાગ કરે . માનસ
ચિકિત્સકોન ુ ં માનવુ ં છે કે આલ્કોહોલિઝમ એ આંતરિક વ્યક્તિત્વ
ડિસઓર્ડરન ુ ં બાહ્ય અભિવ્યક્તિ છે , જે પીવામાં વધ ુ પડતા ધ્યાન દોરી જાય
છે . તેમનો અભિગમ મગજ સેલના ન ુકસાનના ડરને આલ્કોહોલિકમાં
ગાંડપણ તરફ દોરી તરફ છે .

આન ુવ ંશિક વૈજ્ .ાનિકો, તેમના હજી સ ુધી અનિર્ણિત અધ્યયનમાં,

આગાહી કરે છે કે જીન વારસામાં મળી છે , માતા અથવા પિત ૃ બાજુની ત્રણ
પે generationsીઓ, સંભવિતને આલ્કોહોલિક બનશે. પ ુન

recovery પ્રાપ્તિ તરફના સચનો હજી આગળ વધ્યા નથી.
પરિવારના સભ્યો, સ ંબ ંધીઓ, મિત્રો અને સમાજ દારૂડિયાને સામાજિક
અનિષ્ટ તરીકે જુએ છે . તેઓ અસ્પષ્ટ થવાની ધમકી આપે છે અને આખરે
તેનો આશરો લે છે .

નૈતિકવાદીઓ અને ધર્મો તેને પાપી તરીકે જુએ છે . તેઓએ તેને

ભગવાનનો ડર છોડાવ્યો.

એમ્પ્લોયરો તેને એક અપ્રસ્ત ુત કામદાર અને સ ંભવિત ગેરહાજર તરીકે ,

ઉત્પાદનમાં અડચણોન ુ ં કારણ તરીકે જુએ છે . તેઓ તેને હાંકી કા to વાની
ધમકી આપે છે . કેટલાક માને છે કે તેઓ અગાઉના જન્મમાં કરે લી
બિમારીઓની સજા તરીકે દારૂ પીને જન્મ્યા છે !

એકલા ડર, ટૂંકા ગાળામાં અસરકારક હોવા છતાં, કાયમી સ્વસ્થતા

જાળવવા માટે પરત ું નથી. શક્ય તેટલ ું ભયથી વધ ુ સ્વત ંત્રતા મેળવવા

માટે દરે ક પ્રયાસ કરવામાં આવી શકે છે . બાકીની રચનાત્મક અને

અસરકારક સામનો કરી શકે છે - હિંમત અને ગ્રેસ સાથે. ભયમાંથી મ ુક્તિ
ૂ થઈ શકતી
મેળવવી એ જીવનકાળની પ્રક્રિયા છે અને તે ક્યારે ય પર્ણ

ભય - કી!

મારા શિશુ દિવસથી, મારા પરિવારના સભ્યોએ મારામાં ખોટી કાર્યવાહીના

જોખમો અંગે જાગ ૃતિ લાવવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું. પરિણામે, મને ભયનો અન ુભવ
થયો. જેમ જેમ સમય વીતતો ગયો તેમ તેમ આમાંથી કે ટલાક ભય
વધતા ગયા અને કે ટલાક સમાઈ ગયા.

ડર કે હુ ં બળી જઈશ, મને આગથી દૂ ર રાખ્યો. ડર કે હુ ં મારી જાતને ઇજા

પહોંચાડીશ એણે મને heંચાઈથી કૂદવાન ુ ં અટકાવ્ય.ુ ં ભયએ મારી બધી
પ્રવ ૃત્તિઓમાં સાવચેત રહેવાન ુ ં શીખવ્ય ુ ં - રસ્તાઓ ઓળંગવ,ુ ં ખ ુલ્લા ખોરાક,
હાનિકારક પદાર્થો, પરિસ્થિતિઓ, લોકો, પ્રાણીઓ વગેરેથી દૂ ર રાખવ ુ ં આ
ભય મારા અસ્તિત્વ માટે સારા છે અને મારે તેમના માટે સ્વસ્થ આદર
રાખવાની અને શીખવાની જરૂર છે . તેમની સાથે રહેવા માટે . આ રીતે, આ
ભયથી મારંુ જીવન સ ંચાલિત કરવા માટે મારે પોતાને સજ્જ કરવાની
જરૂર છે . તેથી મેં મેચોસ્ટીક્સને કે વી રીતે પ્રકાશિત કરવ,ુ ં રસ્તાઓ પાર
કરવ ુ ં વગેરે શીખ્યા અને આ રીતે કાળજીથી સ ંચાલન કરવા માટે મારી
જાતને સજ્જ કરી.

મારા પરિવારે મારામાં થોડા ભ્રામક ડર ઉતાર્યા. તેમાંથી પ્રથમ

ભગવાનનો ડર હતો. મને જૂઠું બોલવ,ુ ં છે તરવ ુ ં નહીં કરવ ુ ં વગેરે કહેવામાં
આવ્ય ુ ં હત,ું "ભગવાન તમને સ્વર્ગને બદલે નરકમાં મોકલીને સજા કરશે",
તેઓએ કહ્ય.ું પોલીસની ડર અને જેલ મને કુટુંબની દોરી બાંધવા માટે

મકવામાં ૂ અને અંધકારનો ડર મારી અંદર મ ૂકવામાં આવ્યો
આવ્યો. ભત

હતો તેની ખાતરી કરવા માટે કે હુ ં સર્યાસ્ત દ્વારા ઘરે પાછો ફર્યો છું.
કુટુંબના સભ્યોએ મને આચારસહિ
ં તા, વડીલો અને સમાજ પ્રત્યે
આચારસ ંહિતા અને આચાર શીખવ્ય ુ ં - મને અવલોકન માટે ડોક કરાયો
હતો .મારી શાળા અને રમતના સાથીઓએ મને સોંપાયેલ ું કામ ન કરવા
બદલ, અનૈતિક, અવ્યવસ્થિત વર્તન, દે ખાવ, વગેરેની સજાની આશ ંકા
આપી. . અસ્વીકાર, અપશબ્દો, વગેરે જેવા ચોક્કસ સામાજિક ભય પણ આ
દ્રશ્યમાં આવ્યા હતા.

દારૂ દાખલ કરો

જેમ જેમ મારંુ પીવાન ુ ં પ્રગતિ થાય છે , મારી આર્થિક અવ્યવસ્થિત હતી,
સમયન ુ ં સ ંચાલન અત્યાચારકારક હત,ું વર્ક સ ંસ્કૃતિ અને નીતિશાસ્ત્રે માર
માર્યો હતો, ઘરનાં કામકાજને ઇચ્છિત કરવા માટે ઘણુ ં બાકી હત.ું આમ,
મારંુ આચરણ અનૈતિક - આધ્યાત્મિક નાદાર બન્ય.ુ ં મેં ભયનો સ ંપર્ણ

બ ંડલ વિકસિત કર્યો અને પ્રેમ અને આન ંદથી મ ુક્ત થઈ ગયો.
મેં આલ્કોહોલથી દૂ ર રહેવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો પરં ત ુ ટૂંકા ગાળામાં જ સફળ
થયા. મેં નિય ંત્રિત પીવાના પ્રયાસ કર્યા; સમય, સ્થળ, સાથીઓ, બજેટ,
વગેરે પર નિયમો નક્કી કરો અને તેને તોડી નાખો; તબીબી, માનસ
ચિકિત્સા, ધાર્મિક અને સામાજિક હસ્તક્ષેપોની માંગ કરી પરં ત ુ તે સફળ ન
હતો; મારા પરિવારે સફળતા વિના પ્રાર્થના કરી, આધ્યાત્મિક મહત્વના
સ્થળો વગેરેની મુલાકાત લીધી. આવા અનેક પ્રયત્નો પછી, મેં પ્રયાસ
કરવાન ુ ં બ ંધ કરી દીધ.ુ ં મેં તારણ કા .્ય ુ ં કે હુ ં માનવ સહાયથી પરો છું.
ૂ ગેરવહીવટનો ભય હતો જે મ ૃત્ય ુ અને / અથવા પાગલપણુ ં તરફ
તે સ ંપર્ણ
દોરી ગયો હતો જેના કારણે મને એ.એ.ના પોર્ટ લ તરફ દોરી ગયો, જ્યાં
મને પ્રથમ બે પગલા ભરવાની સલાહ આપવામાં આવી.


રૂ orિવાદી બ્રાહ્મણ પરિવારમાં જન્મેલા, મેં કટ્ટર આસ્તિક તરીકે પ્રારં ભ

કર્યો. ખોરાક લેતા પહેલા ભગવાનને પ્રાર્થના, સ્તોત્રો અને તકોમાં ચ
.ાવવ ુ ં એ નિયમિત હત.ું જેમ જેમ મેં પ્રારં ભિક શાળાના સ્તરે પગ મ ૂક્યો,
પ્લેટાઇમ સ્તોત્ર અને પ્રાર્થનાના સમયપત્રકમાં ખાય છે . આમ, પ્રાર્થનાનો
આશરો ત્યારે જ લેવામાં આવતો હતો જ્યારે મને પરીક્ષાના સમય, કઠિન
પરિસ્થિતિઓ વગેરે લેવી પડતી હતી. હાઇ સ્કૂલના અન ુભવોએ મને મારી
જાત પર વિશ્વાસ રાખવાન ુ ં શીખવ્ય ુ ં હત ું - નિયમિત અભ્યાસથી સારા ગુણ
મળ્યા હતા; સતત પ્રેક્ટિસ અને સ્ટે મિનાના નિર્માણથી શાળાની ટીમમાં
સ્થાન મેળવ્ય.ુ ં આમ પ્રાર્થનાઓ વધ ુ ઓછી થઈ. ધાર્મિક કાર્યોને સામાજિક
પ્રસ ંગો તરીકે જોવામાં આવે છે જ્યારે સ ંબ ંધીઓ અને મિત્રો ભેગા થાય છે ,
ખાવ ુ ં છે , પીધ ુ ં છે અને આન ંદ કરે છે . ક College લેજ અને કાર્યકારી
જીવનએ આ દૃષ્ટિકોણ વધાર્યો.

હુ ં હવે ક્રોસ-રસ્તાઓ પર હતો - લાચાર અને નિરાશ. વચન આપ્યા છતાં

દૂ ર રહેવાનો હુ ં વિશ્વાસ કરી શક્યો નહીં. પરં ત ુ, દરે ક એ.એ. સભ્યએ જાહેર
કર્યું કે તે ભગવાનની કૃપાથી દારૂથી દૂ ર છે . આ રીતે મેં મારી જાતને
માનવા માટે આત્મસાત કર્યું અને દરરોજ સવારે અને રાત - વચ્ચે-વચ્ચે
પણ પ્રાર્થના કરી. મેં ઓડીએટી દૂ ર રાખવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું.
પ્રેમ ભય પર વિજય મેળવે છે

નેવ ુ ં દિવસના અંતે, મેં સ્પષ્ટપણે જોય ુ ં કે ઈશ્વરે મારા માટે તે કર્યું છે જે હુ ં
મારી જાતને કરી શકતો નથી. આમ, પસાર થતા દિવસો સાથે મારા
ભગવાનમાંની મારી માન્યતા વધ ુ મજબત
ૂ થઈ ગઈ. તે વિશ્વાસ બની.
મને સમજાય ુ ં કે ભગવાન બધા ‘ક્ષમા’ આપતા હતા અને ‘શિક્ષા’ આપતા
નથી. તેણે મારા જેવા કોઈ સારા વ્યક્તિને દારૂબ ંધીના ચક્કરમાંથી ઉઠાવી
લીધો હતો અને મને નવી રીત બતાવી હતી. (પણ દૈ નિક પ્રતિબિંબ p /

હવે હુ ં તેને પ્રેમ કરંુ છું અને તેને ક્યારે ય ડરવાની જરૂર નથી. અને, જો હુ ં
નકારાત્મક પ્રવ ૃત્તિઓમાં વ્યસ્ત નથી, તો તે પ્રેમથી બહાર છે . હુ ં કોઈને દુ
to ખ પહોંચાડવા માંગતો નથી. આમ, હુ ં ઈશ્વરભક્ત વ્યક્તિને બદલે
ભગવાનને પ્રેમાળ વ્યક્તિ બની ગયો. મુજબની જેમ, મારા પરિવારે મારા
પર વિશ્વાસ કરવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું અને મારા વર્તન અને પ્રતિક્રિયાઓનો
તેઓનો ડર ઓછો થયો અને પ્રેમ સ્પષ્ટ થયો.

પ ુન: પ્રાપ્તિ

જ્ knowledgeાન અને અન ુભવ સાથે, અંધારા, પોલીસ કર્મચારી

વગેરેનો ડર પણ મને છોડી ગયો. આમ ભયનો એક સમહ
ૂ નાશ પામ્યો.
મારા વાંચનો મને એ નિષ્કર્ષ પર લાવ્યો કે ડર પર આધારિત સ્વાસ્થ્ય
અલ્પજીવી છે . તેથી, મારે આગળ પ્રોગ્રામમાં કામ કરવ ુ ં પડ્ય ું હત ું અથવા
જોખમ સ્થિર થવ ુ ં પડ્ય ું હત ું અને પછીથી ફરીથી થવ ુ ં પડ્ય.ું

મારા શરીરમાં દારૂ જેવા હાનિકારક પદાર્થો ન મકવા અને સમય અને
ખોરાક લેવાની ફ્રેમમાં સ ુવ્યવસ્થતાન ુ ં નિરીક્ષણ કરીને, મેં મારા શરીરની
જરૂરિયાતોને માન આપવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું છે . એક રીતે, મેં ફરી એકવાર મારી
જાતને પ્રેમ કરવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું હત.ું હુ ં જાણતો હતો કે દારૂબ ંધી પ્રગતિશીલ
છે અને તેથી, મારા સ્વાસ્થ્ય માટે ગુણવત્તા અને અવધિ બ ંને પ્રગતિશીલ
હોવ ુ ં જોઈએ. આ રીતે, મેં આ પ્રોગ્રામમાં મારી જાતને ફરીથી રે ડિત કરી

અને હવે સ ંપર્ણ, ઉપયોગી અને સ ુખી જીવન જીવી રહ્યો છું. મારા
સ્વાસ્થ્યની શરૂઆતમાં: "... મને સમજાય ુ ં કે હુ ં ભગવાનનો સૌથી વધ ુ ભય
રાખતો હતો, મારા જીવનમાં કોઈ આન ંદ નહોતો." (દૈ નિક પ્રતિબિંબ પ ૃષ્ઠ
116.) ભય મારી સદરતા, સહનશીલતા, ક્ષમા, સેવા અને નિષ્ઠાની
પ્રશ ંસાને અવરોધિત કરે છે . (દૈ નિક પ્રતિબિંબ પા. 120.) કામ કરવાનો
અને ભય ઘટાડવા / સમાવવાનો સમય હવે યોગ્ય હતો.

આધ્યાત્મિક વિકાસ

મેં ત્રીજા પગલા (પછીથી અગિયારમુ ં પગલ)ું પ્રેક્ટિસ કરવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું.
મને હાલના લોકોને ઉમેરવાનો કોઈ નવો ભય નથી. કેટલીક
વ્યવસ્થિતતા, પછીની શિસ્ત, મારા જીવનમાં પ્રવેશ કરી. હુ ં કાયદો પાલન
કરનાર, સારી વર્તણ ૂકવાળા નાગરિક બની ગયો. ફક્ત પીવાથી દૂ ર રહેવ ુ ં
એ મને સક્ષમ કર્યું:

Expenditure બજેટમાં મારા ખર્ચન ુ ં સ ંચાલન કરવ ુ ં

Time સમયસર office ફિસ અને ઘરે પહોંચવ ુ ં

My મારંુ સ્વાસ્થ્ય સ ુધારવા માટે

Clearly સ્પષ્ટ રીતે વિચારવ ુ ં અને તરત કાર્ય કરવ ુ ં

આમ, જુઠ્ઠાણા અને છે તરપિંડી કરવાના પ્રસ ંગો આપોઆપ અદૃશ્ય થઈ

ગયા. અજાણતાં, હુ ં દરરોજ આધ્યાત્મિક રીતે વધી રહ્યો હતો. ઘર અને
office ફિસના લોકોએ સ ુધારાઓની નોંધ લીધી અને મને ટાળવાને બદલે
મારી નજીક આવવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું. આમ સામાજિક ભય દૂ ર થયો. મેં પીડિત
ભાઈઓ માટે અનામિક અનાદિનો સ ંદે શ આપવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું. સોસાયટીએ
આની નોંધ લીધી અને મારી સાથે આદર સાથે વર્તવાન ુ ં શરૂ કર્યું અને
સ ંભવિત આલ્કોહોલિક્સને મારી પાસે લાવ્યા. આમ, એએ સ ંદે શ ફેલાવીને,
હુ ં એક ઉપયોગી અને વિશ્વાસપાત્ર નાગરિક બની ગયો હતો!

ભ ૂતકાળ અને ભવિષ્યનો ડર

મેં પગલ ું in માં મારી જાતની નૈતિક ઇન્વેન્ટરી લીધી. મારા કે ટલાક

છુપાયેલા ડર ફરી વળ્યા. કબલાત ુ itution સ્થાપનના પગલા
અને પન
છતાં હુ ં ગયો. જ્યારે મેં સ ુધારો કર્યો, ત્યારે છુપાવેલ ડર, ખાસ કરીને
લોકોએ મને છોડી દીધો.

ત્રીજુ ં પગલ ું ભર્યું ત્યારથી, હુ ં ભગવાન અને સમાજના બધા નિયમોન ુ ં

નિરીક્ષણ કરીને જીવવાની કોશિશ કરંુ છું. આમ, મારા ભતકાળના
ૂ ડરને
ઉમેરવા માટે ના પ્રસ ંગો ઓછા છે . અને, જો હુ ં કરંુ તો, પગલ ું 10 ની
પ્રેક્ટિસ તેને થાય છે તે રીતે દૂ ર કરે છે .

ઘણા સમયે હુ ં ભવિષ્ય વિશે વિચારવ ુ ં ધ્ર ુજાવુ ં છું. ફુગાવાનો દર એટલો
isંચો છે કે મને ભવિષ્ય વિશે વિચારવાનો ડર છે . છતાં, એએના
વચનોમાંથી એક કહે છે તેમ: ‘આર્થિક અસલામતીના ડર…’ એ મને છોડી
દીધો છે . અલબત્ત હુ ં મારા આયોજન, બજેટિંગ અને ત્યારબાદ ક્રિયામાં
સમજદાર છું.

ભય વિવિધ આકારો અને વેશમાં આવે છે : તાણ, ઈર્ષ્યા, અસહિષ્ણુતા,

આત્મ-દયા, સ્નોબિશનેસ, તિરસ્કાર, કઠોરતા, અવિશ્વાસ, શ ંકા, અસ્વસ્થતા,
કટાક્ષ, નિંદા, તિરસ્કાર અને અસ ંતોષ. આમાંના કે ટલાક જેવા તાણ (તાણ)
અને ઈર્ષ્યાને એક પડકાર તરીકે માનવાથી અને તેમને મળવા માટે કામ
કરીને વધ ુ સારી રીતે બદલી શકાય છે .

પડકારોનો સામનો કરવો

એક તારવાળા મ્ય ુઝિકલ ઇન્સ્ટ્રુમેન્ટ ફક્ત ત્યારે જ ઇચ્છિત નોંધ ઉત્પન્ન
કરે છે જ્યારે શ્રેષ્ઠ (ટ્ય ુન) સ્તર સ ુધી ખેંચાય. તેવી જ રીતે, જો ત્યાં કોઈ
તાણ ન હોય તો, વ્યક્તિને વધ ુ પ્રયત્નો કરવા, વધ ુ સારંુ પ્રદર્શન કરવાની
અને તેની સંભાવના પ્રાપ્ત કરવાની પ્રેરણા હોતી નથી. તે સ ંત ુષ્ટ છે અને
જે પણ આવે છે તેને લઈ હાઇબરનેશન (વિલ ંબ) માં જાય છે . આમ તેન ુ ં
પ્રદર્શન તેની સંભાવનાથી નીચે હશે. “… કામચલાઉ સારા એ કાયમી
શ્રેષ્ઠનો દુશ્મન છે …” એએ આવે છે ઉંમર, પ ૃ. 294. કેટલાક આત્મ-દયા,
ઘાયલ ગૌરવ (અપમાનિત થવ)ુ ં અને અસહિષ્ણુતા જેવા પ્રભાવશાળી રૂપે
સ્વીકૃત થઈ શકે છે . જ્યારે હુ ં નમ્રતાનો અભ્યાસ કરવાન ુ ં શરૂ કરંુ છું, ત્યારે
હુ ં હાનિકારક રીતે ગૌરવને દૂ ર કરવામાં સક્ષમ છું.

મેં કોઈ પણ શરત વિના મારી આલ્કોહોલિક સ્થિતિ સ્વીકારી અને મદદ
માંગી અને તેને મારી ઉચ્ચ શક્તિથી પ્રાપ્ત કર્યા પછી જ મને થોડી શાંતિ
મળી. જ્યારે મારી માન્યતા વિશ્વાસમાં વધારો થયો, ત્યારે આત્મ-દયા
ઓછી થઈ ગઈ અને મને સમજાય ુ ં કે ભગવાન મારી પરીક્ષા કરી રહ્યા છે .

છતાં કે ટલાક વધ ુ અવિશ્વાસ, શ ંકા, ચિંતા, વગેરે જેવા વિશ્વાસ બને ત્યારે
દૂ ર થઈ જાય છે . આ માટે , મારે કાર્યક્રમ નિર્ભયતાથી કાર્ય કરવાની જરૂર
છે - તે પગલ ું 10 પછી ત ુચ્છ બની જાય છે .

મીટિંગ્સમાં નિયમિત હાજરી અને વહેંચણી સહિતના જૂથ પ્રવ ૃત્તિઓમાં

ભાગીદારી આપેલ સભ્યને અન્ય વ્યક્તિના મ ંતવ્યો અને અન ુભવોનો
આદર આપે છે .

આમ તે ખ ુલ્લા વિચારોવાળા અને ઓછા કઠોર બને છે . સાથોસાથ

અસ ંતોષ અને નિષ્ઠુરતા તેમના કદરૂપ ુ ં માથ ુ ં .ંચકવાન ુ ં બ ંધ કરે છે .

હુ ં માન ુ ં છું કે હવે હુ ં સ્વસ્થ ડરથી બાકી રહ્યો છું અને સ ુખી અને ઉપયોગી
જીવન જીવવા માટે સક્ષમ છું. હુ ં સતત મારી જાતને યાદ અપાવ ુ ં છું કે :
"હિંમત એ ભય હોવા છતાં યોગ્ય કાર્ય કરવાની ઇચ્છા છે ." મારે મારા
ઉપયોગી અને વિનાશક ડર વચ્ચે ભેદ પાડવામાં સમર્થ હોવા જોઈએ.

તમારંુ માથ ુ ં Holdંચ ુ ં રાખો

તમારી વિરુદ્ધની અવરોધોને ધ્યાનમાં લીધા વિના અને તમે જે માનો છો

તેના માટે tears ભા રહેવ,ુ ં અને જે પ્રતિકાર તમારા પ્રતિકારને આંસ ુ આપે
છે ... તે હિંમત છે .

જ્યારે તમે અંદરથી મરો છો ત્યારે તમારા ચહેરા પર સ્મિત રાખવ,ુ ં

બીજાને ટે કો આપવા માટે ... એ શક્તિ છે .

કંઇપણ અટકવ ુ ં અને તમારા હૃદયમાં જે કરવાન ુ ં છે તે કરવાન ુ ં જે તમે

જાણો છો તે સાચ ુ ં છે ... એ નિશ્ચય છે .

અપેક્ષા કરતા વધારે કામ કરવ,ુ ં કોઈની ફરિયાદ કર્યા વિના બીજાના
જીવનને થોડું વધ ુ સહન કરવ,ુ ં કરુણા છે .

જરૂરિયાતમ ંદ મિત્રને તમારી શ્રેષ્ઠ ક્ષમતા માટે , સમય અને પ્રયત્નોથી

ભલે મદદ કરવી ... એ વફાદારી છે .

તમારંુ માથ ુ ં ingંચ ુ ં રાખવ ુ ં અને શ્રેષ્ઠ હોવા છતાં તમે જાણો છો કે જ્યારે
ૂ પડ્ય ું હોય, ત્યારે દરે ક મશ્ુ કેલીનો
તમે જીવન તમારા પગથી તટી
આત્મવિશ્વાસ સાથે સામનો કરવો કે તે સમય તમને વધ ુ સારા કાલે
લાવશે, અને કદી હાર નહીં માનવો એ છે વિશ્વાસ.
તમારંુ માથ ુ ં Holdંચ ુ ં રાખો અને દરરોજ તમારા જીવનને વધ ુ સારંુ

ઠંડા ઘાને મટાડવ ુ ં

બીલ પી.

ભય વ્યક્તિગત છે અને તેથી તેને વ્યક્તિગત રૂઝ આવવા જ જોઈએ,

છતાં આપણે જાણીએ છીએ કે ચોક્કસ ઉદ્દે શ્ય પગલા જરૂરી છે .

જવાબદારી લેવી

તમે અને મારે કોઈ બીજાના બદલાવાની રાહ જોયા વિના અમારી
ચિંતાનો સામનો કરવો પડશે. તમારી બહારની કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ તમને
સલામત લાગે નહીં. ડર એ એક આદત છે , એક સ્વચાલિત પ્રતિક્રિયા જે
ફક્ત ભય કરતાં વધ ુ lookingંડા જોઈને ફેલાય છે .

  તમારા પ્રતિક્રિયા સાક્ષી

ધમકી હેઠળની વ્યક્તિ શરૂઆતમાં આંચકો અને અસ્વીકારની પ્રતિક્રિયા

આપે છે . મન આગ્રહ રાખે છે , "આવ ુ ં થઈ શકે નહીં". આંચકો પછી
નિય ંત્રણ ફરીથી મેળવવાના સાધન તરીકે જબરદસ્ત ક્રોધને માર્ગ આપે
છે . સામાન્ય રીતે અસ્વસ્થતા અને હતાશા આવે છે જ્યારે બહાર નીકળવ ુ ં
આપણને કોઈ સલામત લાગે નહીં. પરં ત ુ જો તમે આ પ્રતિક્રિયાઓ
બદલાતી અને બદલાતી વખતે જોઈ શકો છો, તો ભયની શરીરરચના
તમને ઓછી પકડશે, અને તમે વાસ્તવિકતા માટે ની અતિશય ભાવનાને

ભલશો નહીં.

  પીડિતની ભ ૂમિકાને નકારી કા .વી

કોણ જીત્ય ુ ં છે અને કોણે હાર્યો છે તેન ુ ં મ ૂલ્યાંકન કરવાને બદલે, જે
ુ ાબલોમાં ખબ
કોઈપણ મક ૂ જ આકર્ષક પ્રતિસાદ છે , પ ુન
recovery પ્રાપ્તિમાંની તમારી ભ ૂમિકા જુઓ. ભયાનક છબીઓ ચિંતા કરીને
અને તેમના માથા ઉપર ફરી વગાડીને વ્યક્તિઓ સ ંકટને સમાપ્ત કરવામાં
મદદ કરશે નહીં. દરરોજ તે જણાવવામાં મદદ કરે છે કે તમે ભયભીત
અને ગુસ્સે જેવા સરળ શબ્દોમાં કેવ ુ ં અન ુભવો છો. આ કુદરતી
લાગણીઓનો ભોગ બનેલાની ભ ૂમિકાની બહારના દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી કાર્યવાહી
કરી શકાય છે .

શુ ં થઈ રહ્યું છે તે વ્યક્ત કરો

આનો અર્થ એ છે કે તમારી સાથે શુ ં ચાલી રહ્ય ું છે તે લખવ ુ ં અને તમે

નજીકના લોકોની શોધ કરો કે તમે કે વી રીતે કરી રહ્યા છો.

ઘણા લોકો આ તબક્કે અવગણે છે અને અંદરથી તેમની લાગણી બોટલ

રાખે છે . તમને નબળું લાગે છે તેવ ુ ં કહેવ ુ ં મુશ્કે લ છે . પરં ત ુ શુ ં આપણે
બધા નથી? તે એક પ્રામાણિક ભાવના છે જેની પાછળ વધ ુ વાસ્તવિકતા
છે તેવ ુ ં toોંગ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરતાં કે તમે હંમેશાં જેટલા મજબત
ૂ છો.

નિરાશા દ્વારા જોઈ

ૂ ભવિષ્યવાણી છે . જેમ સ ંગીતકારો બીજા

નિરાશા એ એક આત્મ-પરિપર્ણ
વિશ્વય ુદ્ધના એકાગ્રતા શિબિરોમાં c ર્કેસ્ટ્રાની રચના કરી શકે છે અને
મોટાભાગના ઉત્કૃષ્ટ સ ંવાદો રમી શકે છે , તેવી જ રીતે આપણામાંના દરે ક
વ્યક્તિ સક્રિય રીતે એક સ્થાન બનાવી શકે છે જ્યાં આશા તેની
વાસ્તવિકતા અને નિરાશાને ભ્રમણા તરીકે જીતી લે છે . ય ુદ્ધ નરક હોઈ શકે
છે ; સત્ય ચોક્કસપણે નથી. જ્યારે ભય દૂ ર થાય ત્યારે તમને મળે લ નવી
સ્વત ંત્રતાની ઉજવણી કરો.
ડર પર ડહાપણ

તે એકલો જ જ્ ,ાની છે , ઓહ નાનક, જે બીજાને ડરતો નથી, કે બીજાને

ડરતો નથી.- ગુરુ તેગ બહાદુર

ડર રાક્ષસને જીતવા અને સરીસ ૃપ લાઇને માર્યા પછી, અમે વેદનો માર્ગ
અપનાવ્યો છે , જે બ્રહ્મ જ્ ledgeાન તરફ દોરી જાય છે . - સ ુબ્રમણિયા

મુશ્કેલીઓ સાથે સ ંઘર્ષ કરીને હિંમત તાકાવે છે . ભય સામે લડવામાં અને

અવરોધોને દૂ ર કરવાથી હિંમત વધે છે . જે સાચ ુ ં છે તે બોલવાની અને
યોગ્ય છે તે કરવા માટે તમારી માન્યતા અન ુસાર કાર્ય કરવાની હિંમતનો
વિકાસ કરો. - જરથ્ર ુષ્ટા

હિંમત એ ભયનો પ્રતિકાર છે , ભયમાં નિપ ુણતા છે - ભયની ગેરહાજરી

નથી. - માર્ક ટ્વેઇન

જો તે ડર હોય તો તમે કાelી નાખો, તે ડરની બેઠક તમારા હૃદયમાં છે ,

ડરના હાથમાં નથી. - ખલીલ જિબ્રાન

ભય અંધશ્રદ્ધાના મુખ્ય સ્રોત અને ક્રૂરતાના મુખ્ય સ્રોત છે . ડર પર વિજય

મેળવવો એ ડહાપણની શરૂઆત છે . - બર્ટ્રેંડ રસેલ

હિંમત એ છે જે up ભા થઈને બોલવા માટે લે છે ; હિંમત તે પણ છે જે

બેસે છે અને સાંભળવા માટે લે છે . - વિન્સ્ટન ચર્ચિલ.

મરજીવો શાર્ક ના જડબાઓ વિશે વિચારતો હોત, તો તે કિંમતી મોતી પર

ક્યારે ય હાથ મ ૂકતો નહીં. - એસ'આડી ગુલિસ્તાન
ભય સામે લડવા માટે , કાર્ય કરો. ભય વધારવા - રાહ જુઓ, મુલતવી
રાખો. - ડેવિડ જોસેફ શ્વાર્ટ ઝ.

ભય મન જેટલ ું deepંડું છે તેટલ ું જપિસની કહેવત છે

જો તમે પરિણામનો ડર તમને તમારી સૌથી instંડી વ ૃત્તિન ુ ં પાલન

કરતા અટકાવશો, તો તમારંુ જીવન સલામત, સ ુખી અને પાતળું રહેશે. -
કે થરિન બટલર હેથવે

બાબતો ક્યારે ય એટલી સારી રીતે ચાલતી નથી કે કોઈને ડર ન હોવો

જોઈએ, અને ક્યારે ય એટલા માંદા હોવ ુ ં જોઈએ નહીં કે કોઈને આશા ન
હોવી જોઈએ. - ટર્કિશ કહેવત

સર્જનાત્મક જીવન જીવવા માટે , આપણે ખોટું હોવાનો ડર ગુમાવવો

જોઈએ. - જોસેફ ચિલ્ટન પિયર

મોટાભાગના લોકો દુન્યવી દુo ખ અથવા દુs ખમાં ખળભળાટ ભર્યા જીવન
જીવે છે . તેઓ બાજુ પર બેસે છે અને ન ૃત્યમાં જોડાતા નથી. અન ંતની
નાઈટ્સ નર્તકો છે અને possessંચાઇ ધરાવે છે . તેઓ rise ભા થાય છે
અને ફરીથી નીચે પડે છે , અને આ કોઈ મનોરં જન નથી, અથવા જોવ ુ ં
અપ્રિય નથી. - સોરે ન કિઅરકે ગાર્ડ

શ ંકાઓ ... ઘણીવાર તે ભયથી તથ્યો ભરે છે . - થોમસ જેફરસન

એક દં પતી એકબીજાને બતાવેલો આદર અને પ્રતિષ્ઠા એક ટે બલ સેટ કરે

છે જ્યાંથી તેઓ તેમના જીવનની અન્ય બધી પ્રવ ૃત્તિઓ માટે પોષાય છે .
કોઈપણ લાગણી આદરણીય અથવા અસમાન રીતે વ્યક્ત કરી શકાય છે .

ગુસ્સો આદરપર્વક વ્યક્ત કરવો એ સૌથી મુશ્કેલ છે . દરે ક સમયે કોઈ
સમયે નિરાશ અને ગુસ્સો આવે છે . શીખવાની નિર્ણાયક બાબત એ છે કે
ગુસ્સો કે વી રીતે કરવો અને હજી પણ આદરણીય છે - કે વી રીતે દોષ
ુ -ડાઉન્સ વિના આપણા અધીરાઈ સાથે વ્યવહાર કરવો.
અથવા પટ

આપણામાંના ઘણાએ શીખવ ુ ં પડશે કે કબજે કર્યા વિના પ્રેમ કેવી રીતે
કરવો, કે વી રીતે છુપાયેલા કટીંગ ધાર વિના હળવા હૃદયથી રમતિયાળ
બનવ.ુ ં જ્યારે આપણે આપણા જીવનસાથીની અનાદર સાથે વર્તે છે , ત્યારે
આપણે આપણા પોતાના કુવામાં ઝેર રે ડતા હોઈએ છીએ. તે પ્રથમ તો
સ ંતોષકારક લાગે છે , પરં ત ુ લાંબા ગાળાના પરિણામો સાથે રહેવ ુ ં સારંુ
નથી. જ્યારે આપણે આપણા સ ંબ ંધોમાં આદર રાખવા પ્રતિબદ્ધ છીએ,
ત્યારે આપણે આદરનો અર્થ શુ ં થાય છે તે evenંડા સ્તરે શીખવાન ુ ં ચાલ ુ
રાખીએ છીએ. અમને લાગે છે કે ફક્ત એકબીજાને સાંભળવ ુ ં - અને
આપણા મતભેદોને આપવ ુ ં - આદરન ુ ં એક સ્વરૂપ છે જે આપણુ ં પોષણ કરે
છે .

ભય: પ્રારં ભિક ચેતવણી સિસ્ટમ

ડર એ પ્રારં ભિક ચેતવણી આપતી સિસ્ટમ છે કે હુ ં એક નિર્વિહીન ભ ૂમિમાં

પ્રવેશ કરંુ છું - મારા જીવનન ુ ં તે સ્થાન જ્યાં હુ ં ભગવાનને લેવાનો ઇનકાર
કરંુ છું અથવા ક્યારે ય નહોતો તેથી હુ ં જાણતો નથી કે ભગવાન અન ુસરે છે
કે નહીં. કેટલીકવાર, મને ખાતરી છે કે ભગવાન ફક્ત તેન ુ ં પાલન કરશે
નહીં કારણ કે મેં તેને પહેલાં ત્યાં ક્યારે ય લીધો નથી. તેથી હુ ં મારી
આત્મનિર્ભરતા ટૂલકિટનો ઉપયોગ કરીને હુ ં કાઠી અને હાથ લગાઉ છું: મારે
મારી સ ંભાળ રાખવાની જરૂર છે (કારણ કે મારા માટે બીજુ ં કોણ કરશે?),
તેથી મારે મારી અને મારી જરૂરિયાતો પર દે ખરે ખ રાખવાની જરૂર છે અને
માંગ છે , સતત (સ્વ- કે ન્દ્રિતતા, સ્વ-જુસ્સો). મારે ખાતરી કરવાની જરૂર છે
કે મને જે જોઈએ છે તે હ ુ ં મેળવ ુ ં છું (કારણ કે મારા માટે તે બીજુ ં કોણ

કરશે?), તેથી સ્વાર્થ (મને તમારી ઉપર મકવો) અને સ્વ-શોધ (વિશ્વએ મને
કે વી રીતે જોવ ુ ં જોઈએ, મારી સાથે વર્તવ,ુ ં અને ખરીદીની સચિ
ૂ બનાવવી)
મને ગુડીઝથી સ્નાન કરો) હવે મારા ડાબા અને જમણા હાથમાં છે . અને
આખો માફ ધંધો ફરી શરૂ થાય છે . . . કય ૂ પ ૃષ્ઠો 60-62 (સ્વ-ચાલશે
તોફાનો ચલાવશે), 52 (અવ્યવસ્થિતો), 73 (ડબલ લાઇફ), અને 152-1515
(અંધારામાં સીટી મારતા).

તેથી હુ ં બ ંધ કરંુ છું. અને ભગવાનને મારી સાથે આવવાન ુ ં કહે. જો તે

નહીં કરે , અને મને હજી પણ ઠંડા પવન ફૂંકાતા લાગે છે , તો હુ ં તપાસ કરી
શકું છું કે હુ ં જે દે શમાં પ્રવેશી રહ્યો છું ત્યાં શા માટે હુ ં પ્રવેશ કરી રહ્યો છું.
કદાચ હુ ં બીજે ક્યાંય વોન્ટે ડ છું. જાણે મેં કાંટો પર ડાબી બાજુ લીધી હોય
અને ઈશ્વરે જમણો ભાગ લીધો હોય, અને હુ ં તેને પાછો મારા પર ચીસો
પાડતો સાંભળીશ "તે રીતે નહીં, આ રીતે ડમી!" મારે જકશન
ં પર

કાળજીપર્વક સાંભળવ ુ ં પડશે - જો હુ ં કાંટોની બહાર નીકળી ગયો છું, તો હુ ં
તેને જોઈ શકશે નહીં અને મારી જાતને ત્યજી દે શ.ે જલદી ભય દ્રશ્યમાં
પ્રવેશે છે , મારે ધ્યાન આપવાની જરૂર છે : જોખમ મારી બહાર નહીં પણ
મારી અંદર રહેલો છે - ખરંુ જોખમ એ ભગવાનને ત્યજી દે વાની મારી
ક્ષમતા છે જ્યારે તે મને તેની બાજુ, તેના કાર્ય, તેના ભોજન સમારં ભમાં
બોલાવે છે તેન ુ ં રાજ્ય.

“કંઈ પણ જીવનનો ડર રાખવાનો નથી. તે સમજવ ુ ં છે ”મેરી ક્ય ુરી

સિંહ ઇન ડોન્કી

એમેટ ફોક્સ સાથે સમગ્ર વર્ષ

માનવ જાતિનો એક મહાન શત્રુ ડર છે . તમને જેટલો ડર હશે એટલ ું

સ્વાસ્થ્ય અને સ ંવાદિતા તમારી પાસે રહેશ.ે માનવજાતની એકમાત્ર

વાસ્તવિક સમસ્યા ભયમાંથી મક્તિ મેળવવાની છે . જ્યારે તમે ખરે ખર
કોઈ પરિસ્થિતિથી ડરતા નથી ત્યારે તે તમને ન ુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે નહીં.
અલબત્ત, તમારે યાદ રાખવ ુ ં જ જોઇએ કે ડર ઘણી વાર પે theી-સભાન
મનમાં રહે છે , તે જરૂરી છે કે તમે તેના વિશે જાગ ૃત ન હોવ. યાદ
રાખવાની મહાન બાબત એ છે કે ડર એ બ્લફર છે . તેના બ્લફને ક
ૂ પડે છે .
Call લ કરો અને તે તટી

ઘણા વર્ષો પહેલા હોલેન્ડમાં એક મનોરં જક ઘટના બની હતી. મુસાફરી

કરતા સર્ક સમાંથી સિંહ છટકી ગયો. બહુ જ દૂ ર એક સારી ગ ૃહિણી તેના
લિવિંગ રૂમની ખ ુલ્લી બારી પાસે સીવી રહી હતી. પ્રાણી અચાનક અંદર
આવી ગઈ, તેના દ્વારા તેને ફ્લેશની જેમ ધક્કો મારીને હ rushed લમાં
ધસી ગઈ અને દાદરાની નીચે ત્રિકોણાકાર આલમારીમાં આશરો લીધો.

આશ્ચર્યજનક મહિલાએ ગધેડા હોવાન ુ ં માન્ય ુ ં અને કાદવ છાપીને તે તેના

સાફ ફ્લોર પર છોડીને ગુસ્સે થઈ, તેને ઝાડુ અને તબામાં કાળી કબાટમાં
ધકેલી અને સાવરણી વડે નિરં કુશ રીતે કાપી નાખ્યો.

પ્રાણી આત ંકથી હચમચી ઉઠ્ય ું હત ું અને ગુસ્સે થયેલી મહિલાએ તેના

મારામારીન ુ ં જોર વધારી દીધ ુ ં હત.ું પછી ચાર માણસો બ ંદૂ કો અને જાળી
સાથે પહોંચ્યા અને પ્રાણીને ફરીથી કબજે કર્યો. ગભરાયેલો સિંહ ે પોતાને
ૂ આન ંદ થયો.
શાંતિથી છોડી દીધો, તે ભયાનક સ્ત્રીમાંથી છટકીને જ ખબ

જ્યારે મહિલાને ખબર પડી કે તે સિંહને મારતો હતો, ત્યારે તે બેહોશ થઈ

ૂ રીતે દર્શાવે છે .
ગઈ. આ વાર્તા ભયની નિરાશાજનક શક્તિને સ ંપર્ણ
અમારી સારી ગ ૃહિણી ત્યાં સ ુધી સિંહ પર સ ંપર્ણ
ૂ રીતે પ્રભત્ુ વ જમાવી રહી
છે , જ્યાં સ ુધી તેણીને ગધેડો ગણે છે , અને જ્યાં સ ુધી તેણી તેને ગધેડાની
જેમ વર્તે છે ત્યાં સ ુધી સિંહ તેનાથી ભયભીત હતો. જ્યારે તેણીને તેની
ૂ મળી, ત્યારે જૂની રે સનો ડર પાછો આવ્યો અને તેણીએ રે સની
પરં પરા અન ુસાર પ્રતિક્રિયા આપી.

ૂ નથી થતો” 1 જ્હોન 4:18

“ડરતો તે પ્રેમમાં સંપર્ણ

"તેના તમામ સામાન્ય વિનાશ માટે , આપણે જાણ્ય ુ ં છે કે ડર એ સારી

બાબતો માટે નો પ્રારં ભિક બિંદુ હોઈ શકે છે . ડર એ સમજદારીપર્વક
ૂ અને
અન્ય લોકો માટે યોગ્ય આદર માટે ન ુ ં એક પગલ ું હોઈ શકે છે . તે ન્યાયનો
માર્ગ બતાવી શકે છે , તેમજ નફરત કરો.અને આપણી પાસે આદર અને
ન્યાય જેટલ ું વધારે છે , આપણે તે પ્રેમ શોધવાન ુ ં શરૂ કરીશુ ં જે ખબ
ૂ સહન
કરી શકે છે , અને તેમ છતાં નિ: શુલ્ક રીતે આપવામાં આવે છે . તેથી, ભય
ે ા વિનાશક થવાની જરૂર નથી, કારણ કે તેના પરિણામોનો પાઠ

આપણને દોરી શકે છે . સકારાત્મક મલ્યો તરફ. "

એએ સહ-સ્થાપક, બિલ ડબલ્ય ુ., જાન્યઆ

ુ રી 1962 "આ બાબતનો ભય."
હાર્ટ ની ભાષા

  પગથિયા જેવા ડર

આપણી ખામીનો મુખ્ય કાર્યકર્તા આત્મકે ન્દ્રિત ભય છે - મુખ્ય ભય કે

આપણી પાસે પહેલેથી જ કંઇક હશે જે આપણે ગુમાવીશુ ં અથવા આપણે
માંગેલી વસ્ત ુ મેળવવામાં નિષ્ફળ જઈશુ.ં અસ ંતોષપર્ણ
ૂ માંગના આધારે
જીવતા, અમે સતત ખલેલ અને હતાશાની સ્થિતિમાં હતા. તેથી, જ્યાં સ ુધી
અમને આ માંગણીઓ ઘટાડવાન ુ ં સાધન ન મળે ત્યાં સ ુધી કોઈ શાંતિ
થવાની નહોતી.

તેના તમામ સામાન્ય વિનાશ માટે , અમને મળ્ય ુ ં છે કે ડર એ વધ ુ સારી

ચીજો માટે નો પ્રારં ભિક બિંદુ હોઈ શકે છે . ડર સમજદાર અને બીજા માટે
યોગ્ય આદર માટે ન ુ ં પગલું હોઈ શકે છે . તે ન્યાય, તેમજ નફરત તરફ
દોરી શકે છે . અને જેટલ ું આપણી પાસે આદર અને ન્યાય હશે, એટલ ું જ
આપણે પ્રેમ શોધવાન ુ ં શરૂ કરીશુ ં જે ખબ
ૂ સહન કરી શકે છે , અને તેમ છતાં
મુક્તપણે આપવામાં આવે છે . તેથી, ભય હંમેશા વિનાશક બનવાની જરૂર
નથી, કારણ કે તેના પરિણામોના પાઠ આપણને સકારાત્મક મ ૂલ્યો તરફ
દોરી શકે છે .

1. TWELVE And TWELVE, P. 76 2. ગ્રાપવીન, જાન્યઆ રી 1962

01/03/2020, 08:41 - Sujal Amin: Don't be afraid to give up the

good to go for the great.
John D. Rockefeller
02/03/2020, 08:24 - Sujal Amin: *On Step Two*
The question the Big Book gives us for a beginner taking Step 2 is
found on page 47:
"Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a
Power greater than myself?"

For those of us who are going through the Steps more than once
or who already have a belief in a Higher Power and want to have
a deeper experience with this Step, there are two questions that
may be considered when taking Step 2 (the bottom question can
be found in the middle of page 53):

1) "Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a

Power greater than myself that can take me beyond where I am
now in every area of my life, past here, past the experience I've
already had? Do I believe there are realms of peace, love,
freedom, happiness, understanding, wisdom, areas of
consciousness, existence and power that I can't even imagine?"

2) "...we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is

everything or else He is nothing. What was our choice to be?"
You can easily see why this last question is important. The areas
of our life that we don't include God (where we are not loving, not
honest, not dealing with reality or truth, not unselfish, not acting
with integrity, etc.) inevitably become unmanageable, out of
balance, emotionally and spiritually uncomfortable, and show up
on our 4th Step sooner or later.
02/03/2020, 10:40 - Sujal Amin: *Why Worry?*

"There are many short phrases and expressions in A.A. which

make sound sense. 'First Things First':  solving our immediate
problems before we try to solve all the others . . . 'Easy Does
it.' 'Relax a little.' Try for inner contentment. No one individual can
carry all the burdens of the world. Everyone has problems.
Getting drunk won't solve them. 'Twenty-four hours a day.' 'Today
is the day.' Doing our best, living each day to the fullest is the art
of living. Yesterday is gone, and we don't know whether we will be
here tomorrow. If we do a good job of living today, and if tomorrow
comes for us, then the chances are we will do a good job when it
arrives - so why worry about it?"
1976 AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 382
02/03/2020, 13:19 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message
02/03/2020, 14:11 - Sujal Amin: [email protected]
9584696808 BRC & FSMS
03/03/2020, 10:19 - Sujal Amin:  Napoleon said, "Opportunities? I
make opportunities.'
Supply the necessary mental condition, and the demand, the
opportunity, or the occasion, will present itself automatically.

Whenever you are ready

 you will find that everything else is ready too.
03/03/2020, 21:51 - Sujal Amin: ‘So we clean house with the
family, asking each morning in meditation that our creator show
us the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness and love.
The spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it.’

I think clearing up my attitude within my family was the beginning

of the process of both prayer and grace entering into my life. The
actions I began to take around the home in terms of being useful
and thinking of what I could do to contribute to the maintenance of
the family’s well being before my own actually had the immediate
effect of instilling a healing that spread like a warmth of the new
identity the spiritual program of A.A. began to draw on the blank
slate of my life when I had neither the recourse to drink as it no
longer worked to relieve my dis-ease emotionally nor the solution
on offer if I was willing to try a different path. This I saw as prayer.
The actions of helping my family were the lived and valid prayers,
the words I was suggested to incorporate by my sponsor in
meditation were the litany of reverence and preparation for those
actions and I now find morning quiet time the most beautiful and
beneficial part of my day, when I am alone with my higher power
and can ask for guidance. There is a saying and I honestly try and
remember it, though being fallible like any human I’m often in
need of reminding! That is, ‘First things first and first things being
It is only God who can relieve me of the desire or need to drink if I
trust him and therefore God or my conception of God must be the
founding and inspiration behind my approach in sobriety to each
day, one day at time and the principle of placing the welfare of my
family before my own always results in a kinder and more settled
state within myself.
07/03/2020, 05:25 - Sujal Amin: “We found, too, that we had been
worshippers. What a state of mental goose-flesh that used to
bring on! Had we not variously worshipped people, sentiment,
things, money, and ourselves? And then, with a better motive, had
we not worshipfully beheld the sunset, the sea, or a flower? Who
of us had not loved something or somebody? How much did these
feelings, these loves, these worships, have to do with pure
reason? Little or nothing, we saw at last. Were not these things
the tissue out of which our lives were constructed? Did not these
feelings, after all, determine the course of our existence? It was
impossible to say we had no capacity for faith, or love, or worship.
In one form or another we had been living by faith and little else.”

-- Alcoholics Anonymous, Pg. 54

What is the most important topic of in the Big Book? The fact “…
that we had been worshippers…” could easily be near the top of
the list.

What does this passage mean to you, and how does it apply to
your life?
07/03/2020, 08:15 - Sujal Amin: *Lifelong conceptions*

The Big Book suggests _we will have to throw out many lifelong

*Here are some I have had to throw out.*

- I am always right.
- You are always wrong.

- If I think it, it is true.

- If you think differently than me, you are attacking me.

- My worth as a human being is reflected in my virtues, defects,

thoughts, actions, results or lack thereof, or in your expression,
your words, your actions, or your supposed thoughts.

- There is something fundamentally wrong with me, you, and the


- I can act without integrity but feel whole.

- I am not responsible for my thoughts, feelings, actions, and

internal life.

- I am responsible for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and internal


- I know what you are thinking.

- I know what is good for you.

- I can tell the future.

- I can be happy by making a list of all of the things I think will

make me happy and going and getting them.

- Sex, money, power, prestige, comfort, thrills, and looks will bring
me health, happiness, harmony, love, joy, peace, and connection.

- Getting is more important than giving.

- If I think hard enough about the problem, the problem will go

- I can think resentful, fearful, and guilty thoughts and somehow

avoid feeling rage, terror, and humiliation.

- Happy people are superficial; unhappy people are wise.

- God does not exist.

- I am my body and, by extension, my material existence.

- How I feel is an accurate reflection of reality.

- I will have time to help others when I have solved all of my


- My beliefs and attitudes cannot change. My thinking cannot

change. My actions cannot change.

- The universe will not provide if I simply serve, so I have to grab,

grab, grab to get what is due to me.

(From the blog First164)

08/03/2020, 09:45 - Sujal Amin: Oldtimer said, "*Pain* is the
taproot of our spiritual growth because we hold on to our old
ideas, emotions and attitudes so fiercely that by time we let go of
them they have claw marks all over them. When we begin our
walk on the path of recovery we have more faith in them than we
have in God, and it takes a great deal of pain before we let go and
let God take us to better things. In Step Six we pray for the
willingness to be willing to let God take from us the character
defects that stand in the way of our usefulness to Him and our
fellow man. This prayer takes time to travel from our heart from
our mind, and it usually requires a great deal of pain before the
mind accepts the prayers of the heart. Until the pain of staying the
same becomes greater than the pain of changing we simply will
not change. It took a great deal of agony before we let go of the
bottle. It takes nearly as much pain to let go of the old ideas,
emotions and attitudes that were marinated in alcohol and leaves
our life unmanageable. They constitute the ISM of alcohol-ism,
and keeps us in bondage to self, the alcoholic! mind.
After much humiliation brought on by our sprees, we humbly
admitted in *Step One* that we were wrong about our relationship
with alcohol In *Step Two* we humbly admitted we were wrong
about our relationship with our mind. In *Step Three* we humbly
admitted we were wrong about our relationship with God. In
*Steps Four and Five* we humbly admit we were wrong about our
relationship with other people. And in *Step Six* we humbly admit
we were wrong about the value of our old ideas, emotions and

Humiliation is when humility is forced upon us. When this happens

we are weakened. When we humbly accept the truth about our
self we are empowered. Humility provides us a power so great
that no weapon formed against us will prosper. It tranforms our
pain into power and sets us on the road to a happy destiny. As we
accept the truth about our shortcomings, faults and defects, our
teachable Spirit arises! in us and allows us to prosper from every
negative situation in our life, past and present. In this way, our
past becomes our most valuable treasure and the present
becomes the foundation upon which we build a bright future
rooted in God and the truth of our existence as servants in His
ever advancing creation."
08/03/2020, 17:27 - Sujal Amin: Grapevine Daily Quote
March 8

"Acceptance doesn't mean I have to condone a particular

situation, it simply means I can better assess what is going on
around me without the filters of my past and without comparison
to what I would consider a more ideal circumstance."

Toronto, Ontario, May 2012,

"Putting Down the Gloves",
AA Grapevine
10/03/2020, 08:50 - Sujal Amin: Before A.A., I judged myself by
my *intentions,* while the world was judging me by my *actions.*

I am *liberated from dreaming the impossible* dream and free,

finally, to *start living the possible* dream.
12/03/2020, 14:18 - Sujal Amin: Common Negative Emotions at
- Frustration/irritation.
- Worry/nervousness.
- Anger/aggravation.
- Dislike.
- Disappointment/unhappines
13/03/2020, 17:03 - Sujal Amin: SUJAL H. AMIN
MOB. 9898078093
EMAIL: [email protected]
14/03/2020, 04:45 - Sujal Amin: The Twelve Rewards of the

1) We can all have hope instead of desperation;

2) Faith instead of despair;
3) Courage instead of fear;
4) Peace of mind instead of confusion;
5) Self-confidence instead of helplessness;
6) Self-respect instead of self-contempt;
7) The respect of others instead of their pity and contempt;
8) A clean conscience instead of guilt;
9) Real friendships instead of loneliness;
10) A clean pattern of life instead of purposeless existence;
11) The love and understanding of our families instead of their
doubts and fears;
12) And the freedom of a happy life instead of the bondage of
an alcoholic obsession.

All this and more through the Program described within the Big
Gratitude will continue the miracle of our sobriety.
Written by Anne C. of Niles OK, sober April 1st, 1948
17/03/2020, 05:24 - Sujal Amin: *Doctors* opine that an alcoholic
indulges in excessive consumption of alcohol and thus invites a
health hazard by way of cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, etc. Their
approach is to clinically treat the liver and other malfunctioning
organs and nurse the patients to health. Thereafter the fear of
death is put in the patient so that he will abstain. *Psychiatrists*
are of the view that alcoholism is an outer manifestation of an
inner personality disorder, which leads to overindulgence in
drinking. Their approach is towards putting the fear of brain cell
damage leading to insanity in the alcoholic.

*Genetic scientists*, in their as yet inconclusive studies, have

predicted that genes inherited, over three generations on the
maternal or paternal side, cause a prospect to be an alcoholic.
Suggestions towards recovery have not yet been advanced.

*Family members, relatives, friends and society* look at the

alcoholic as a social evil. They threaten ostracization and
ultimately resort to it.

*Moralists and religions* see him as a sinner. They put the fear of
God to wean him away.

*Employers* view him as an undisciplined worker and a potential

absentee, a cause for production bottlenecks. They threaten to
sack him. Some tend to believe that they have been born
alcoholics as a punishment for the ills they had committed in their
previous birth!
17/03/2020, 23:05 - Wife: 1. 2 things to start
1) Start to spare time for myself 2) start to take care of my looks
and my dressings

2. 2 things to stop
1) stop doubting on hubby's character2) stop to usage of mobile

3. 2 things continue doing

1). Continue giving time to my child 2) continue to believe in my
19/03/2020, 09:16 - Sujal Amin: *Honesty* is the absence of the
intent to deceive.
20/03/2020, 11:24 - Sujal Amin: 🤣😂😜😷

👉 *22 માર્ચ*

👉 *રવિવાર*

👉 *જનતા કરફ્ય ુ*

🤷‍♂ *શુ શુ કરશો* ?🤔🤔🤔🤔

સ ંગીત સાંભળો

વાંચન કરો

જુના મિત્રોને કોલ કરો

ઘરના કામ કરો (પત્ની ચીંધે ઇ)

ફર્નિચર સફાઈ કરો

બાવા ઝાળા સાફ કરો

માળીયા સાફ કરો

છોકરાવ સાથે રમો

પત્ની સાથે જૂની વાત ું તાજી કરો

જુના આલ્બમ કાઢો/જુઓ

છોકરાવને વાર્તા કરો

ટીવી જુઓ

ફિલમ જુઓ

પતાની રમતો રમો

પત્ની સામે થોડી થોડીવારે હસો (😉)

પત્નીના વખાણ કરો (થઈ શકે તો)😉

પસ્તી ભેગી કરો

પ ુસ્તકો ગોઠવો ☺☺

કપડાં ઈસ્ત્રી કરો

બ ુટ ચપ્પલ પાલિસ કરો

કબાટ ગોઠવો (પત્નીની દે ખરે ખ નીચે)

અજુબાજુવાળા સાથે દુરથી હસો અને વાત ું કરો 😝😝

તમારી જૂની વાતો બાળકોને કહો

જાતે ચા/કોફી બનાવો

નાસ્તા ખાવ અને ખવડાવો

મસ્તીના તૈયાર થાવ 🥰🥰

પજા પાઠ કરો

ચેસ/ કે રમ રમો

મસ્ત શેવિગ કરો 😘😘

હસતા હસતા બધા કામ કરો

પત્ની કહે તે બધ ુ ં કરો

વાહનો સાફ કરો છોકરાવની સાઇકલ / ગાડી સાફ કરો

થયેલ ખર્ચનો હિસાબ કરો/લખો

*નોંધ* : *જો ઉપરન ુ ં કંઈપણ કામ ન કરવ ુ ં હોય તો શનિવારે આખી રાત
જાગો અને રવિવારે સવારે શાંતિથી સુઈ જાઓ અને છે ક સાંજે 7 કે 8 વાગે
જાગો અને જમીને પાછા સોમવાર સવાર*

*સ ુધી સ ુઈ જાજો.*

🤷‍♂ *આટલ ું કરશો તોપણ દે શ તમારો આભારી રહેશ.ે * 🙏

🤣😜 😷
20/03/2020, 17:08 - Sujal Amin: I will be an amazing chatter and
will put up *Questions* and then we will have many of us
answering... it's possible few of us choose not to answer and
that's fine.
Read the support *instructions* carefully
We have *7 Questions* (why 7, ask Covey why "7Habits?") each
of them are factored for conversations of around *7 minutes* so
that we keep to our agreed one hour
When you answer Questions, please mark your answer by typing
*A1*: for first question, *A2*: for second question and so
Learners are you ready....

*Q1*: In *7 words* introduce yourself?

good to read about your self intros...keep it flowing - 1 min more
to go

*Q2*: In *6 words*, what brings you here in this chat?

great to read your reasons for being here in this whatsappinar
learning, discovering, sharing, experience seems to be the
common underlining themes emerging

*Q3*: In *5 words*, what is the most *valuable* thing you own?

amazing to see such great valuable things - lets be grateful to
them every moment and thanks for being vulnerable and sharing
openly - gratitude to all

*Q4*: What *4* things you *appreciate* about your life now?
great lets appreciate and stay positive and move forward ...

*Q5*: What *3* qualities you *connect on* with self and others?
these qualities are the ones which helps also to get emotionally
connected with self and others
these qualities are the ones which helps also to get emotionally
connected with self and others

*Q6*: Describe the *2* things that you *value* a lot?

great now its the time for final *convergence* and here it goes...
*Q7*: What is *one* thing that always put a *smile* on your face?
A smile in my loved ones face.

How are you *feeling* now? What does it indicate to you?

I will be an amazing chatter and will put up *Questions* and then

we will have many of us answering... it's possible few of us
choose not to answer and that's fine.
Read the support *instructions* carefully
We have *7 Questions* (why 7, ask Covey why "7Habits?") each
of them are factored for conversations of around *7 minutes* so
that we keep to our agreed one hour
When you answer Questions, please mark your answer by typing
*A1*: for first question, *A2*: for second question and so
Learners are you ready....

*Q1*: In *7 words* introduce yourself?

good to read about your self intros...keep it flowing - 1 min more
to go

*Q2*: In *6 words*, what brings you here in this chat?

great to read your reasons for being here in this whatsappinar
learning, discovering, sharing, experience seems to be the
common underlining themes emerging

*Q3*: In *5 words*, what is the most *valuable* thing you own?

amazing to see such great valuable things - lets be grateful to
them every moment and thanks for being vulnerable and sharing
openly - gratitude to all

*Q4*: What *4* things you *appreciate* about your life now?
great lets appreciate and stay positive and move forward ...

*Q5*: What *3* qualities you *connect on* with self and others?
these qualities are the ones which helps also to get emotionally
connected with self and others
these qualities are the ones which helps also to get emotionally
connected with self and others

*Q6*: Describe the *2* things that you *value* a lot?

great now its the time for final *convergence* and here it goes...

*Q7*: What is *one* thing that always put a *smile* on your face?
A smile in my loved ones face.

How are you *feeling* now? What does it indicate to you?

23/03/2020, 07:08 - Sujal Amin: Before coming to A.A. I had tried
drinking in smaller dosages, at different places, with varied
people, etc., - the result was the same. I had hit bottom and did
not want any further experimentation. Thus, I did not leave any
room for doubt. In fact, once my recovery started, I did not rest at
the point where I felt good, but wanted to achieve the very best.
(A.A. Comes of Age p. 294)
24/03/2020, 13:22 - Sujal Amin: XSMT0 sujal
X8UK0 sona
27/03/2020, 18:32 - Sujal Amin: STEPS, TRADITIONS &

HONESTY (step 1)
HOPE (step 2)
FAITH (step 3)
COURAGE (step 4)
INTEGRITY (step 5)
HUMILITY (step 7)
SERVICE (step 12)
UNITY (tradition 1 & concept 1)
TRUST (tradition 2 & concept 3)
IDENTITY (tradition 3)
AUTONOMY(tradition 4)
PURPOSE (tradition 5)
SOLIDARITY (tradition 6)
(tradition 7 & concept 6)
FELLOWSHIP (tradition 8)
STRUCTURE (tradition 9)
NEUTRALITY (tradition 10)
ANONYMITY (tradition 11)
CONSCIENCE (concept 2)
EQUALITY (concept 4)
BALANCE (concept 7)
DELEGATION (concept 8)
ABILITY (concept 9)
CLARITY (concept 10)
HUMILITY (concept 11)
SELFLESSNESS (concept 12 a)
REALISM (concept 12 b)
REPRESENTATION (concept 12 c)
DIALOGUE (concept 12 d)
COMPASSION (concept 12 e)
RESPECT (concept 12 f)


1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives
had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could
restore us to sanity. HOPE
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of
God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the
exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of
character. WILLINGNESS
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. HUMILITY
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to
make amends to them all. SELF-
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except
when to do so would injure them or
10.Continued to take personal inventory and when we were
wrong, promptly admitted it.
11.Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our
conscious contact with God as we
understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and
the power to carry that out.
12.Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps,
we tried to carry this message to
alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery
depends upon AA unity. UNITY
2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a
loving God as He may express
Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted
servants; they do not govern. TRUST
3. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop
drinking . IDENTITY
4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting
other groups or AA as a whole.
5. Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its
message to the alcoholic who
still suffers. PURPOSE
6. An AA group ought never endorse, finance or lend the AA
name to any related facility or outside
enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert
us from our primary purpose.
7. Every AA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining
outside contributions.
8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional,
but our service centers may
employ special workers. FELLOWSHIP
9. AA, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create
service boards or committees directly
responsible to those they serve. STRUCTURE
10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues;
hence the AA name ought never be
drawn into public controversy. NEUTRALITY
11.Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than
promotion; we need always maintain
personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films
12.Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these Traditions,
ever reminding us to place principles
before personalities. SPIRITUALITY


1. The ultimate responsibility and authority for AA world services
reside in the collective conscience
of our whole Fellowship. UNITY
2. The AA groups have delegated to the World Service Business
Conference the active maintenance of
our world services; thus, the World Service Business Conference
is the voice, authority and effective
conscience of AA as a whole. CONSCIENCE
3. The right of decision, based on trust, makes effective
leadership possible. TRUST
4. The right of participation ensures equality of opportunity for all
in the decision-making process.
5. Individuals have the right of appeal and petition in order to
ensure that their opinions and personal
grievances will be carefully considered. CONSIDERATION
. The World Service Business Conference has entrusted the
Board of Trustees with the primary
responsibility for the administration of Alcoholics Anonymous.
7. The Board of Trustees has legal rights and responsibilities
accorded to them by AA Bylaws, Subpart
A; the rights and responsibilities of the World Service Business
Conference are accorded to it by
Tradition and by AA Bylaws, Subpart B. BALANCE
8. The Board of Trustees has delegated to its Executive
Committee the responsibility to administer the
AA World Service Office. DELEGATION
9. Able, trusted servants, together with sound and appropriate
methods of choosing them, are
indispensable for effective functioning at all service levels.
10.Service responsibility is balanced by carefully defined service
authority; therefore, duplication of
efforts is avoided. CLARITY
11.Trustee administration of the World Service Office should
always be assisted by the best standing
committees, executives, staffs and consultants. HUMILITY
12.The spiritual foundation for AA service ensures that:
(a) No AA committee or service body shall ever become the seat
of perilous wealth or power;
(b) Sufficient operating funds, plus an ample reserve, shall be
AA’s prudent financial principle; REALISM
(c) No AA member shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified
(d) All important decisions shall be reached by discussion, vote
and, whenever possible, by substantial
unanimity; DIALOGUE
(e) No service action shall ever be personally punitive or an
incitement to public controversy;
(f) No AA service committee or service board shall ever perform
acts of government, and each shall
always remain democratic in thought and action. RESPECT

27/03/2020, 20:26 - Sujal Amin: I’m thankful that I have a house to
lock my self in.

I’m thankful that I have food, medicines, water to drink, water to

bathe in.

I’m thankful that I’m comfortable and staying in my own home,

surrounded by my comforts and people I love.

I’m thankful for electricity and mobile data, for my books and

I’m grateful I can entertain myself.

I’m grateful that I can provide a safe space to my domestic help at

I’m thankful for the time and mental capacity to connect with my
family members.

I’m thankful that my family, friends and we are safe and healthy.

I pray that the daily wage labours and anyone whose livelihood
depends on daily work are supported and receive the aid they

I pray that all those away from their families and homes are well
and abundant.

I extend my prayers and thanks to the doctors, nurses, health

practitioners, government officials, scientists and everyone else
working tirelessly and at the risk to their own health to trace and
treat every possible case and to do all they can to find a cure,
curb the spread and eradicate the threat.

I pray that all those infected by the virus find the strength to fight it
and overcome it.

I pray for the souls of all those whose bodies have succumbed to
the attack.

I pray that a solution is found soon and the virus disappears.

I pray we all come out of this, stronger and may we recognise,

appreciate and respect everyday life 🙏🏼🙏🏼
28/03/2020, 09:02 - Sujal Amin: An *open mind,* ready to be
*taught new things* and *new ways of thinking* and *working.*
30/03/2020, 06:48 - Sujal Amin: A Self&Visualization helps here
along with a spot inventory. Not for nothing there's a chapter - A
Vision For You !

What does my life look like now?


How's would I like it to be,

or what does sanity look like in these areas?

1. I am restless, irritable (which means "easily annoyed") and

discontented. (which means "never satisfied")

2. I'm having trouble in personal relationships

3. I can't control my emotional nature.

4. I'm a prey to misery and depression.

5. I can't make a living (which includes a career, finances, AND

making a successful life).

6. I have a feeling of uselessness.

7. I am full of fear.

8. I am unhappy.

9. I can't seem to be of real help to other people.

10. I am like the actor trying to run the whole show. I arrange the
scenery & all the players because I know what's best for

11. I'm driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-

seeking, and self-pity; so I step on the toes of my fellows & they

12. I'm an extreme example of self-will run riot, though I usually

don't think so.

13. I lead a double life by presenting a stage character so I can

enjoy a certain reputation, but I know in my heart I don't deserve

14. I'm like a tornado roaring my way thru other's lives. Hearts are
broken. Sweet relationships are dead. Affections are uprooted.

15. My selfish and inconsiderate habits have kept my home in


Pl note :

_We can have another empty column to this point by point_

_After filling this out completely, we ask ourselves an important

Step Two question:_

_Are we able to bring these right column sanity ideals into your
life without A Power Greater Than Ourselves and AA's help?

All above points are taken from BB and put above in this order.
30/03/2020, 09:55 - Sujal Amin: WHAT TYPE OF SOBRIETY DO
A.A. members enter into our fellowship in varying degrees. Some
are more or less reluctant or passive. Others are happy and even
joyous. The joyous ones are the real "rocks of A.A.": "All members
of Alcoholics Anonymous who are honest with themselves are
sober. Some of them are reluctantly sober. Others are passively
sober. Some are happily sober. Others are joyously sober. Why is
there a difference? It's the quality of their sobriety. Sober is sober,
you may say. If a person isn't drinking, then he's sober, that's all
there is to it. But that isn't all there is to it. A ride on the water
wagon will bring sobriety, at least for the duration of the ride. But
it's likely to be a pretty low grade of sobriety. It's a reluctant
sobriety, the "I-don't-like-this-but-I've-got-to" kind. The rider is so
sorry for himself that he won't even talk to the driver. He might just
as well be going through a tunnel, for all the passing scene means
to him. Some members of A.A. are like that.

Then there's the passive sobriety. This alcoholic has reached the
bottom below which he doesn't want to go, so he joins A.A. He
comes to meetings, listens a bit, talks a bit, puts enough of the
principles to work to keep himself sober, takes only a passive
interest in the group, seldom has time for Twelfth-Step work,
absorbs as much as he needs and gives only what is brushed
from him through contact. He's sober, yes. But he isn't the kind of
member that has made A.A. grow, that has enabled A.A. to reach
out to the thousands of hopeless drunks and restore them to
sanity. He isn't particularly happy or unhappy. He's rather numb
about the whole thing. Fortunately there aren't too many members
like them.

Then there's the happy type of sobriety. This fellow accepts

defeat. He knows that he and liquor don't get along and he takes
hold of A.A. with enthusiasm. He seems to grasp the program
quickly and shows he is putting it to work. He enters into group
affairs and carries his share or more than his share of the load.
He attends meetings. He does Twelfth-Step work as it comes and
hunts for more. He tends to be a little evangelistic at the heart,
later cools off as he gains experience and becomes a solid
member of the group. He's pretty happy about the whole thing.
With God's help he's changed the pattern of his life and his
associations. And while occasionally he may long momentarily for
the good old days when liquor was fun, before it became a
problem to him, he doesn't brood about it and he's fairly well
satisfied with his lot.

Many members stay in this class throughout their associations

with the fellowship. But a great many more stay in this group only
for a while, then slip almost unnoticed into another classification.
This last group is the one which enjoys a joyous sobriety. Those
who are blessed with joyous sobriety can't be separated
physically from the happily sober ones. No halo hangs over their
heads. No particular glean sparkles from their eyes. Theirs is an
inward joyousness that stems from gratitude. These joyous A.A.'s
are humble folk, who know that humility consists not in groveling
but in having a true perspective of their spiritual assets and
liabilities. These are the members to whom others refer as having
achieved, although they'd be the first to deny it. Their lives aren't
serene but they have achieved the ability to take things as they
come, to roll with the punches, to change those things they can
and to ask the God of their understanding for guidance and
counsel in all things.

These are the folks who started doing for others because they
were told they should, that it was part of the program. But as they
grew spiritually, they found that in direct proportion to the amount
of good they did willingly and freely, with no thought of
recompense, the good things of life both spiritually and materially
were returned to them. Soon they needed no reason for doing
good. They now just do it as a part of decent living. They live a
day at a time, placing themselves in the hands of a Higher Power
each morning to carry out His will for that day; to ask daily to be
so filled with His grace that it can be passed on to others. In doing
these, they don't think of themselves as anything special. They do
only what they think in their hearts they should. We all know them.
While they give no outward indication, they stand out everywhere.
They're the rocks with which the temple of A.A. has slowly risen.
We can all be like them, if only we will put forth the effort. It is up
to us ."

Richmond Walker (7 Points of Alcoholics Anonymous, pages 40-

30/03/2020, 21:14 - Sujal Amin: Have fun! Stay happy!

મજામાં રે ત ુ મજામાં

30/03/2020, 22:51 - Sujal Amin: Need to: recognition that

something should be done

Have to: a sense of obligation that something has to be done

Want to: a willingness to do what should be done

31/03/2020, 12:26 - Sujal Amin: The Set Aside Prayer
“God please enable me to set aside everything I think I know
about myself, recovery, You and the Twelve Steps; that I
might have an open mind and a new experience."
02/04/2020, 13:10 - Sujal Amin: So, pls write to IAF to give more
clarity on what the statement means. Eveyone has to protect their
business models. So do we. When CBs do one day remote audit,
we have to spend 10X of the efforts to make the client ready for
remote audit.

Our journey starts with teaching them :

- what is online
- what is remote
- what is zoom
- what is technology
- how to face the camera
- how to host the meeting
- how to mure audio, video
- how to record the meetings
and the list goes on and on.

Trust me none of the above is actually related to Standards. Its

called prepating the client for online audit by a CB. After all this
only , the work has to start.

so split the scope like this :

- Remote audit preparedness training , preparation - put your

efforts and charge

not for remote audit work. anyways, no CB will ask any

questions . When they dont ask any questions in the normal
course, we dont expect them to do anything during crisis time
You are absolutely right.

Prioriteis of the clients after the crisis will be muitifold. All will be
focussing on recapturing the lost mkt space, getting back
customers etc.

they may need more help on all these. thats where we all have to
jump in and help them with good mgmt systems which will help
them meet theur business objectives.
02/04/2020, 16:44 - Sujal Amin: [02/04, 13:32] +91 99520 49458:
Be prepared for remote consulting. The organisation can save
money on travel, local conveyance, hotel expenses. Remote
consulting is slightly different ball game. Important is we have to
equip ourselves technology upgrade and prepared to face
disappointments initially.
[02/04, 13:43] +91 93730 12368: Process consultants will be
required upfront. Industry will need an innovative approach to get
back on steam fast. Those who do it will be up and running faster.
These three months can be utilised by consultants to do their
homework and create hacks for their clients to be implemented as
soon as manufacturing processes start.

The validity of current certification is being extended by varying

periods on an as is basis. So retraining will be delayed till that
moratorium is over.Many if us can step into the shoes of good
business counsellors too as not many understand the businesses
in totality like Mgmt Systems Consultants

09/04/2020, 07:01 - Wife: *રોજે રોજ એટલે કે 14 એપ્રિલ/ લોક ડાઊન

સ ુધી અપનાવ જેવ.ુ ....*

# રોજ ની જેમ જ તૈયાર થઈ ને ઘરે રે હવ ુ ..

# આત્મવિશ્વાસ બનાવી ને રાખો....

# બિઝનેસ બધા ચાલવાના જ છૅ ...

# બિઝનેસ મા થયેલ ન ુક્સાન તમારે એક ને નથી આખી દુનિયા ને છૅ તો
ગભરવાન ુ શા માટે ....

# વેપાર ધંધા ની જરા પણ ચિંતા ના કરતા, બધ ુ સારુ થઈ જવાન ુ

છૅ ...ઇતિહાસ કહે છૅ કે જ્યારે ..જ્યારે ..પણ દુનિયા કે શહેર પર આપદા
આવી છૅ એના પછી સમય ખ ુબ સારો આવ્યો છૅ ...

*આ પોઝિટિવ મેસજ
ે ને દરે ક ગ ૃપ મા ફોરવર્ડ કરવા નમ્ર અપિલ.....*

09/04/2020, 20:44 - Sujal Amin: Dear God,

I'm sorry about the mess I've made of my life.
I want to turn away from all the wrong things I've ever done and
all the wrong things I've ever been. Please forgive me for it all.
I know You have the power to change my life and can turn me into
a winner. Thank You, God for getting my attention long enough to
interest me in trying it Your way.
God, please take over the management of my life and everything
about me. I am making this conscious decision to turn my will and
my life over to Your care and am asking You to please take over
all parts of my life.
Please, God, move into my heart. However You do it is Your
business, but make Yourself real inside me and fill my awful
emptiness. Fill me with your love and Holy Spirit and make me
know Your will for me. And now, God, help Yourself to me and
keep on doing it. I'm not sure I want You to, but do it anyhow.
I rejoice that I am now a part of Your people, that my uncertainty
is gone forever, and that You now have control of my will and my
life. Thank You and I praise Your name.

Dr. Bob's 3rd step prayer

10/04/2020, 07:06 - Sujal Amin: I don't realize that the more I'm
willing to act differently, the more exciting my life is. The more I
am willing to help others, the more rewards I receive. That's what
practicing the principles means to me. Fun and benefits for me
are in the willingness to do the actions, not to get immediate
10/04/2020, 10:21 - Sujal Amin: Task One: Consequences
For many alcoholics, alcoholism builds slowly over time, making it
difficult to actually see how life has changed. Consequences that
even a casual outside observer could readily identify as severe
have gradually become the norm. Thus, the insanity of alcoholism
looks perfectly ordinary to the alcoholic. The easiest way to break
through the fog of alcoholism is to create a list of consequences
related to the behavior. In creating your consequences inventory
you should list as many items as possible, breaking the list down
into the following categories:
• Emotional Consequences: These may include
hopelessness, despair, guilt, shame, remorse, depression,
paranoia, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, loneliness, emotional
exhaustion, fear of going insane, feeling like two people (living a
double-life), suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts, fear of the
future, and more.
• Physical Consequences: These may include ulcers, high
blood pressure, weight loss, weight gain, self-abuse (cutting,
burning, etc.), unintentional injuries (falls, car wrecks, etc.), abuse
by others, trouble sleeping or waking up, physical exhaustion,
sexually transmitted diseases, attempted suicide, and more.
• Spiritual Consequences: These may include feeling
disconnected, feeling abandoned, feeling anger toward God,
emptiness, loss of faith, loss of values and morals, loss of interest
in the wellbeing of others, and more.
• Family and Partnership Consequences: These may include
relationship strife, loss of respect, alienation, being disowned,
threatened or actual loss of spouse or partner, threatened or
actual loss of parental rights, jeopardizing your family’s wellbeing,
and more.
• Career and Educational Consequences: These may include
decreased performance, demotion, underemployment, loss of
respect, poor grades or job reviews, not getting promoted, getting
fired or dismissed from school, losing a chance to work in one’s
career of choice, and more.
• Other Consequences: These may include loss of interest in
formerly enjoyable activities, lack of self-care, loss of important
friendships, loss of community standing, financial problems,
involvement in illegal activities, near arrests, arrests, legal issues,
incarceration, and more.

Task Two: Powerlessness Inventory

Generate at least 30 examples of your powerlessness over your
alcoholic behavior . (addictive behavior.) In other words, list
examples of your inability to stop your behavior despite obvious
consequences, such as: “I was warned that if I showed up to work
one more time smelling of alcohol that I would be fired, and I still
stopped off at the bar for a quick drink before work.” Be as explicit
as you can, starting with early examples and ending with the most
Task Three: Unmanageability Inventory
Generate at least 30 examples that demonstrate how your life has
become unmanageable. In other words, list ways in which your
addiction has created chaos and destruction in your life, such as:
“I sold my phone for thousands less than it was worth because I
was drunk, craving started and needed some quick cash to get
more alcohol.” Again, be as explicit as you can, starting with early
examples and ending with the most recent.
Task Four: Sharing Your Step One Inventories
Now comes the hard part – sharing your Step One inventories
with your sponsor/ close group. If you’re like most alcoholic, you
are filled with guilt, shame, remorse, and self-loathing. Plus,
you’ve gotten very used to keeping secrets from your loved ones,
your employer, and the world at large. So opening up about the
nature and extent of your behavior is anathema to your entire
existence. It is completely unnatural and you probably don’t want
to do it. However, sharing your history and consequences lifts the
burden of compartmentalizing them and lugging them around in
secret. Letting go of your secrets frees you up to move forward
with a different, better life. For many people, the act of sharing
Step One is the true start of recovery. Oftentimes recovering
alcoholics state that their life began to get better the moment they
got honest with their sponsor / close group members by sharing
Step One.
15/04/2020, 17:50 - Sujal Amin: *Ho’oponopono*
1. I am sorry
2. Please forgive me
3. Thank you
4. I love you

24/04/2020, 10:42 - Sujal Amin: अगर लॉक डाउन बढता है तो........

कृपया इन बातों का ध्यान रखें :-


1-.फ़िज़ूल खर्ची बिलकुल ना करें , चाहे आपके अकाउं ट में लाखों रूपये
क्यों ना हों!

कैश की प्रॉब्लम हुई तो वो लाखों रूपये कोई काम के नही.

2. आशावादी दृष्टिकोण व सकारात्मक सोच रखने वाले लोगों से प्रेरणा
लेते रहें ।

3. मिल्क पाउडर का स्टॉक रखें ।

4. दवाइयों का स्टॉक रखें , जो रे गुलर लेते हो- बीपी, डायबिटीज, हार्ट,

थायरॉइड इत्यादि की दवाई।

5. खाना बिलकुल बर्बाद ना करें ; किसी भी हालात में आत्मविश्वास नहीं

खोऐं, दोपहर का खाना बचा है तो शाम को खा लें , रोटियां बची हैं तो
तल कर रख लें , उन्हें चाय के साथ खा लें ।चावल ज्यादा बच गये हैं तो
शाम को पल
ु ाव बना लें , भख
ू से थोड़ा कम खाने की आदत डालें । अभी
नये आइटम बनाकर खाने का समय नहीं है , संयम रखे।

6. थोड़ा दही प्रतिदिन जमाते रहें । हो सके तो छाछ लेते रहे ।

7. बच्चों की जिद्द पर लगाम लगाये , उनको बुरे वक़्त के बारे में बताये,
लड़ने की हिम्मत दें उन्हें ,"तुम स्ट्रांग हो..,समझदार हो .." ऐसे लफ़्ज़ों
से उन्हें स्ट्रांग बनाये ........

8.जहां ज़रूरत है वहीं खर्च करें । (नाश्ता ,फ्रूट्स,स्नैक्स,कोल्ड

ड्रि ंक,मिठाईयाँ,नमकीन,बिस्कुट पर रोक लगाए)

9. सिंपल खाना खाएं (वक़्त बदलेगा तो अच्छा भी खाएंगे)

10. अपने गरीब रिश्तेदार और पड़ोसियों का खास ख्याल रखे ..

11_ घर में first aid किट की दवाइयां ज़रूर रखें ,जैसे बुखार, जुकाम, पेट
दर्द, उल्टियां, pain किलर, iodex ,sofromycin ,
12. सख
ू ी सब्जियों का स्टॉक करे ---राजमा, मँग
ू , चवले , चने, छोले, केर-
सांगरी, पापड़, मैथी दाना आदि।

*छोटी सी कोशिश* ...........

13. मंदिर मस्जिद जाने के लिए जिद्द ना करें । सार्वजनिक रूप से भीड़
मे ना मिले। लोगों से सोशियल डिस्टें स रखें ।

14.आपस में प्रेम से रहें , भूतकाल के झगड़े भूलने का समय है , जिद्द

छोड दें ।

15. स्वयं कुछ नया सीखे एवं बच्चो को भी योजनाबद्ध तरीके से कुछ
नया सिखाएं।

आपके माइंड में कुछ suggestion और अच्छे ideas हो तो family

group में और परिवारजन व दोस्तों को msg करें .

*Stay Home Stay Safe.*

Prabhakar Pandey
Royal Impact Certification Limited
16/05/2020, 14:19 - Sujal Amin: I can extend a hand to anyone in
need and really walk my talk.

21/05/2020, 05:19 - Sujal Amin: बुधवार - 20 मे 2020

स्पीकर - पुषण व्ही. / प्राची मॅडम ( ठाणे )

विषय - मद्यपाश आणि फॅमीली रिकव्हरी

21/05/2020, 05:19 - Sujal Amin: Family talk

21/05/2020, 05:20 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
23/05/2020, 11:39 - Sujal Amin: Ananya Consultants.
Bank Account No.- 182705500104
IFSC- ICIC0001827
Account Type- Current Account
Name of the Bank-
ICICI Bank Limited.
Mob.- 9898078093.
23/05/2020, 23:37 - Sujal Amin: *Dr. Bob and good ops timers pg
Except for the talk given in Detroit in 1948, Dr. Bob was
noted for speaking very briefly. Both he and Anne were often
quoted as having said, “If you speak more than 15 minutes,
you’re going to repeat yourself,” or “No souls are saved after
15 minutes.”
25/05/2020, 12:49 - Sujal Amin: Brief about the program

ISO 21001:2018, published in May 2018 is the first international

Management System Standard (MSS) published for educational

Title: Educational Organisations – Management Systems for

Educational Organisations – Requirements with guidance for use.

Provides a common management tool for organizations providing

educational products and services capable of meeting learners’
and other beneficiaries’ requirements.

Aligned with the high level structure.

Focuses on the management systems of educational

organizations as well as the impact of these on learners and other
relevant interested parties.

Can be implemented along with other standards/documents.

Applies to any organisation that uses a curriculum for
development of competence, irrespective of type, size or method
of delivery.

There is critical and continuous need for educational
organizations to evaluate the degree to which they meet the
requirements of learners and other beneficiaries, as well as other
interested parties and to improve their ability to continue to do so.
After the current global situation improves, in times to come, the
entire education system will need revamping, rescheduling, and a
renewed perspective. Hence, all the more imperative it is, to
acquaint and equip ourselves with the best possible measures
that will stand the education system in good stead. The webinar
aims at creating an awareness about the latest international
standard ISO 21001 and its application in the education sector so
that educational organization can identify the ways in which they
can align their objectives with policy to  stimulate the culture of
excellence and innovation, ensure effective processes and add
value to the management system of educational organization. As
the future will hold to those who have strong system in place.


Arti Khosla, 
Founder & CEO- COAE 
(Centre of Assessments for Excellence) International Pvt. Ltd.

23 years of experience in Educational Management Systems

India Representative at ISO Technical Committee TC 232 as a

technical expert of educational management systems

Expert- Education and Skill Development Council, BIS

Webinar shall cover-

Understand the need to implement ISO 21001

Understand the overall framework of the standard including the

concepts and principles

Get an overview of the process to achieve certification

Who can participate 

A key stakeholder of education sector (early childhood, school &
higher education, training and coaching institutes) viz. learners,
educators, management, education consultants, advisors,
educational auditor, Heads of Internal quality Assurance teams,
trainers and parents
26/05/2020, 14:14 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
28/05/2020, 14:44 - Sujal Amin: The fear of the people when our
country's corona count was 100, is not there when it is over
150,000 today.

The answer lies in the psychological view of man. There is a

philosophy called the *"Kupler Rose Model".* That is, when a
human goes through any tragedy, natural disaster, accident, they
pass through 5 stages. They are


1. *Denial* - Refusal to believe such a thing ever happened. For

example, we all denied that Corona will come to us. Even it
comes, repeated denial that it will not spread to our place due to
hot climatic conditions.

2. *Anger* - Getting angry. For example, anger over the loss of

income and the loss of normal life due to lockdown.
3. *Bargain* - Inwardly lamenting that the Corona may not have
come had there been a lockdown since early days.

 4. *Depression* - It happened and got people to go into


5. *Acceptance* - the last stage. The other way around is to

accept it. Example: used to live with Corona.

These 5 levels are not limited to Corona. Applies to all the

problems in human life.

*What will the wise person do ?*

Going straight from the first level to the fifth level he will set to
make next steps to progress in life.

_He who is trapped without reaching the fifth stage becomes

mentally ill._
28/05/2020, 19:49 - Sujal Amin: Larry Scott USA
[email protected]
28/05/2020, 19:55 - Sujal Amin: *Topic-* "Why Can't We Join A.A.
Too?" in the October 1947 Grapevine Bill Wilson
Why Can't We Join A.A. Too?
29/05/2020, 15:35 - Sujal Amin: ^*^*^*^*^


"So far, upon the total problem of several million actual and

potential alcoholics in the world, we have made only a scratch. In
all probability, we shall never be able to touch more than a fair
fraction of the alcohol problem in all its ramifications. Upon
therapy for the alcoholic himself, we surely have no monopoly.
Yet it is our great hope that all those who have as yet found no
answer may begin to find one in the pages of this book and will
presently join us on the highroad to a new freedom."

Foreword to Second Edition Alcoholics Anonymous

pp. xx-xxi
Thought to Consider . . .

"Within our wonderful new world, we have found freedom from our
fatal obsession."
29/05/2020, 21:11 - Sujal Amin: A Fragment of History
By Bill Wilson
AA Grapevine, July 1953

AA’s are always asking: "Where did the Twelve Steps come
from?" In the last analysis, perhaps nobody knows. Yet some of
the events which led to their formulation are as clear to me as
though they took place yesterday.
So far as people were concerned, the main channels of inspiration
for our Steps were three in number -- the Oxford Groups, Dr.
William D. Silkworth of Townes Hospital and the famed
psychologist, William James, called by some the father of modern
psychology. The story of how these streams of influence were
brought together and how they led to the writing of our Twelve
Steps is exciting and in spots downright incredible.
Many of us will remember the Oxford Groups as a modern
evangelical movement which flourished in the 1920's and early
30's, led by a one-time Lutheran minister, Dr. Frank Buchman.
The Oxford Groups of that day threw heavy emphasis on personal
work, one member with another. AA's Twelfth Step had its origin
in that vital practice. The moral backbone of the "O.G." was
absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and
absolute love. They also practiced a type of confession, which
they called "sharing"; the making of amends for harms done they
called "restitution." They believed deeply in their "quiet time," a
meditation practiced by groups and individuals alike, in which the
guidance of God was sought for every detail of living, great or
These basic ideas were not new; they could have been found
elsewhere. But the saving thing for us first alcoholics who
contacted the Oxford Groupers was that they laid great stress on
these particular principles. And fortunate for us was the fact that
the Groupers took special pains not to interfere with one's
personal religious views. Their society, like ours later on, saw the
need to be strictly non-denominational.
In the late summer of 1934, my well-loved alcoholic friend and
schoolmate "Ebby" had fallen in with these good folks and had
promptly sobered up. Being an alcoholic, and rather on the
obstinate side, he hadn't been able to "buy" all the Oxford Group
ideas and attitudes. Nevertheless, he was moved by their deep
sincerity and felt mighty grateful for the fact that their ministrations
had, for the time being, lifted his obsession to drink.
When he arrived in New York in the late fall of 1934, Ebby thought
at once of me. On a bleak November day he rang up. Soon he
was looking at me across our kitchen table at 182 Clinton Street,
Brooklyn, New York. As I remember that conversation, he
constantly used phrases like these: "I found I couldn't run my own
life;" "I had to get honest with myself and somebody else;" "I had
to make restitution for the damage I had done;" "I had to pray to
God for guidance and strength, even though I wasn't sure there
was any God;" "And after I'd tried hard to do these things I found
that my craving for alcohol left." Then over and over Ebby would
say something like this: "Bill, it isn't a bit like being on the water
wagon. You don't fight the desire to drink -- you get released from
it. I never had such a feeling before."
Such was the sum of what Ebby had extracted from his Oxford
Group friends and had transmitted to me that day. While these
simple ideas were not new, they certainly hit me like tons of brick.
Today we understand just why that alcoholic was
talking to another as no one else can.
Two or three weeks later, December 11th to be exact, I staggered
into the Charles B. Townes Hospital, that famous drying-out
emporium on Central Park West, New York City. I'd been there
before, so I knew and already loved the doctor in charge -- Dr.
Silkworth. It was he who was soon to contribute a very great idea
without which AA could never had succeeded. For years he had
been proclaiming alcoholism an illness, an obsession of the mind
coupled with an allergy of the body. By now I knew this meant me.
I also understood what a fatal combination these twin ogres could
be. Of course, I'd once hoped to be among the small percentage
of victims who now and then escape their vengeance. But this
outside hope was now gone. I was about to hit bottom. That
verdict of science -- the obsession that condemned me to drink
and the allergy that condemned me to die -- was about to do the
trick. That's where the medical science, personified by this benign
little doctor, began to fit it in. Held in the hands of one alcoholic
talking to the next, this double-edged truth was a sledgehammer
which could shatter the tough alcoholic's ego at depth and lay him
wide open to the grace of God.
In my case it was of course Dr. Silkworth who swung the sledge
while my friend Ebby carried to me the spiritual principles and the
grace which brought on my sudden spiritual awakening at the
hospital three days later. I immediately knew that I was a free
man. And with this astonishing experience came a feeling of
wonderful certainty that great numbers of alcoholics might one
day enjoy the priceless gift which had been bestowed upon me.
Third Influence
At this point a third stream of influence entered my life through the
pages of William James' book, "Varieties of Religious
Experience." Somebody had brought it to my hospital room.
Following my sudden experience, Dr. Silkworth had take great
pains to convince me that I was not hallucinated. But William
James did even more. Not only, he said, could spiritual
experiences make people saner, they could transform men and
women so that they could do, feel and believe what had hitherto
been impossible to them. It mattered little whether these
awakenings were sudden or gradual, their variety could be almost
infinite. But the biggest payoff of that noted book was this: in most
of the cases described, those who had been transformed were
hopeless people. In some controlling area of their lives they had
met absolute defeat. Well, that was me all right. In complete
defeat, with no hope or faith whatever, I had made an appeal to a
higher Power. I had taken Step One of today's AA program --
"admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had
become unmanageable." I'd also take Step Three -- "made a
decision to turn our will and our lives over to God as we
understood him." Thus was I set free. It was just as simple, yet
just as mysterious, as that.
These realizations were so exciting that I instantly joined up with
the Oxford Groups. But to their consternation I insisted on
devoting myself exclusively to drunks. This was disturbing to the
O.G.'s on two counts. Firstly, they wanted to help save the whole
world. Secondly, their luck with drunks had been poor. Just as I
joined they had been working over a batch of alcoholics who had
proved disappointing indeed. One of them, it was rumored, had
flippantly cast his shoe through a valuable stained glass window
of an Episcopal church across the alley from O.G. headquarters.
Neither did they take kindly to my repeated declaration that it
shouldn't take long to sober up all the drunks in the world. They
rightly declared that my conceit was still immense.
Something Missing
After some six months of violent exertion with scores of alcoholics
which I found at a nearby mission and Townes Hospital, it began
to look like the Groupers were right. I hadn't sobered up anybody.
In Brooklyn we always had a houseful of drinkers living with us,
sometimes as many as five. My valiant wife, Lois, once arrived
home from work to find three of them fairly tight. They were
whaling each other with two-by-fours. Though events like these
slowed me down somewhat, the persistent conviction that a way
to sobriety could be found never seemed to leave me. There was,
though, one bright spot. My sponsor, Ebby, still clung precariously
to his new-found sobriety.
What was the reason for all these fiascoes? If Ebby and I could
achieve sobriety, why couldn't all the rest find it too? Some of
those we'd worked on certainly wanted to get well. We speculated
day and night why nothing much had happened to them. Maybe
they couldn't stand the spiritual pace of the Oxford Group's four
absolutes of honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love. In fact some
of the alcoholics declared that this was the trouble. The
aggressive pressure upon them to get good overnight would make
them fly high as geese for a few weeks and then flop dismally.
They complained, too, about another form of coercion --
something the Oxford Groupers called "guidance for others." A
"team" composed of non-alcoholic Groupers would sit down with
an alcoholic and after a "quiet time" would come up with precise
instructions as to how the alcoholic should run his own life. As
grateful as we were to our O.G. friends, this was sometimes tough
to take. It obviously had something to do with the wholesale
skidding that went on.
But this wasn't the entire reason for failure. After months I saw the
trouble was mainly in me. I had become very aggressive, very
cocksure. I talked a lot about my sudden spiritual experience, as
though it was something very special. I had been playing the
double role of teacher and preacher. In my exhortations I'd
forgotten all about the medical side of our malady, and that need
for deflation at depth so emphasized by William James had been
neglected. We weren't using that medical sledgehammer that Dr.
Silkworth had so providentially given us.
Finally, one day, Dr. Silkworth took me back down to my right
size. Said he, "Bill, why don't you quit talking so much about that
bright light experience of yours, it sounds too crazy. Though I'm
convince that nothing but better morals will make alcoholics really
well, I do think you have got the cart before the horse. The point is
that alcoholics won't buy all this moral exhortation until they
convince themselves that they must. If I were you I'd go after
them on the medical basis first. While it is never done any good
for me to tell them how fatal their malady is, it might be a very
different story if you, a formerly hopeless alcoholic, gave them the
bad news. Bemuse of this identification you naturally have with
alcoholics, you might be able to penetrate where I can't. Give
them the medical business first, and give it to them hard. This
might soften them up so they will accept the principles that will
really get them well."
Then Came Akron
Shortly after this history-making conversation, I found myself in
Akron, Ohio, on a business venture which promptly collapsed.
Alone in the town, I was scared to death of getting drunk. I was no
longer a teacher or a preacher, I was an alcoholic who knew that
he needed another alcoholic as much as that one could possibly
need me. Driven by that urge, I was soon face to face with Dr.
Bob. It was at once evident that Dr. Bob knew more of the spiritual
things than I did. He also had been in touch with the Oxford
Groupers at Akron. But somehow he simply couldn't get sober.
Following Dr. Silkworth's advice, I used the medical
sledgehammer. I told him what alcoholism was and just how fatal
it could be. Apparently this did something to Dr. Bob. On June 10,
1935, he sobered up, never to drink again. When, in 1939, Dr.
Bob's story first appeared in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, he
put one paragraph of it in italics. Speaking of me, he said: "Of far
more importance was the fact that he was the first living human
with whom I had ever talked, who knew what he was talking about
in regard to alcoholism from actual experience."
The Missing Link
Dr. Silkworth had indeed supplied us the missing link without
which the chain of principles now forged into our Twelve Steps
could never have been complete. Then and there, the spark that
was to become Alcoholics Anonymous had been struck.
During the next three years after Dr. Bob's recovery our growing
groups at Akron, New York and Cleveland evolved the so-called
word-of-mouth program of our pioneering time. As we
commenced to form a society separate from the Oxford Group,
we began to state our principles something like this:
1. We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol
2. We got honest with ourselves
3. We got honest with another person, in confidence
4. We made amends for harms done others
5. We worked with other alcoholics without demand for prestige or
6. We prayed to God to help us to do these things as best we
Though these principles were advocated according to the whim or
liking of each of us, and though in Akron and Cleveland they still
stuck by the O.G. absolutes of honesty, purity, unselfishness and
love, this was the gist of our message to incoming alcoholics up to
1939, when our present Twelve Steps were put to paper.
I well remember the evening on which the Twelve Steps was
written. I was lying in bed quite dejected and suffering from one of
my imaginary ulcer attacks. Four chapters of the book, Alcoholics
Anonymous, had been roughed out and read in meetings at Akron
and New York. We quickly found that everybody wanted to be an
author. The hassles as to what should go into our new book were
terrific. For example, some wanted a purely psychological book
which would draw in alcoholics without scaring them. We could
tell them about the "God business" afterwards. A few, led by our
wonderful southern friend, Fitz M., wanted a fairly religious book
infused with some of the dogma we had picked up from the
churches and missions which had tried to help us. The louder the
arguments, the more I felt in the middle. It appeared that I wasn't
going to be the author at all. I was only going to be an umpire who
would decide the contents of the book. This didn't mean, though,
that there wasn't terrific enthusiasm for the undertaking. Every
one of us was wildly excited at the possibility of getting our
message before all those countless alcoholics who still didn't
Having arrived at Chapter Five, it seemed high time to state what
our program really was. I remember running over in my mind the
word-of-mouth phrases then in current use. Jotting these down,
they added up to the six named above. Then came the idea that
our program ought to be more accurately and clearly stated.
Distant readers would have to have a precise set of principles.
Knowing the alcoholic's ability to rationalize, something airtight
would have to be written. We couldn't let the reader wiggle out
anywhere. Besides, a more complete statement would help in the
chapters to come where we would need to show exactly how the
recovery program ought to be worked.
12 Steps in 30 Minutes
At length I began to write on a cheap yellow tablet. I split the
word-of-mouth program up into smaller pieces, meanwhile
enlarging its scope considerably. Uninspired as I felt, I was
surprised that in a short time, perhaps half an hour, I had set
down certain principles which, on being counted, turned out to be
twelve in number. And for some unaccountable reason, I had
moved the idea of God into the Second Step, right up front.
Besides, I had named God very liberally throughout the other
steps. In one of the steps I had even suggested that the
newcomer get down on his knees.
When this document was shown to our New York meeting the
protests were many and loud. Our agnostic friends didn't go at all
for the idea of kneeling. Others said we were talking altogether
too much about God. And anyhow, why should there be twelve
steps when we had done fine on six? Let's keep it simple, they
This sort of heated discussion went on for days and nights. But
out of it all there came a ten-strike for Alcoholics Anonymous. Our
agnostic contingent, speared by Hank P. and Jim B., finally
convinced us that we must make it easier for people like
themselves by using such terms as "a Higher Power" or "God as
we understand Him!" Those expressions, as we so well know
today, have proved lifesavers for many an alcoholic. They have
enabled thousands of us to make a beginning where none could
have been made had we left the steps just as I originally wrote
them. Happily for us there were no other changes in the original
draft and the number of steps stood at twelve. Little did we then
guess that our Twelve Steps would soon be widely approved by
clergymen of all denominations and even by our latter-day friends,
the psychiatrists.
This little fragment of history ought to convince the most skeptical
that nobody invented Alcoholics Anonymous.
It just the grace of God.
30/05/2020, 17:14 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
30/05/2020, 17:17 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
02/06/2020, 07:48 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
02/06/2020, 07:51 - Wife: Proud of you😘
02/06/2020, 09:28 - Sujal Amin: #Worthreading.

*Please circulate* -
Ten Things a Hindu should do While using English Language: -
written by Francois Gautier (check his Facebook page. He knows
more about Hindu way of Life, than many of us)

# 01.
Please stop using the term "God fearing" - Hindus never ever fear
God. For us, God is everywhere and we are also part of God. God
is not a separate entity to fear.
It is integral.
# 02.
Please do not use the meaningless term "RIP" when someone
dies. Use "Om Shanti", "Sadhgati" or "I wish this atma attains
*moksha/sadhgati /Uthama lokas"*. Hinduism neither has the
concept of "soul" nor its "resting". The terms "Atma" and "Jeeva"
are, in a way, antonyms for the word "soul".(to be understood in

# 03.
Please don't use the word "Mythology" for our historic epics
(Ithihaas) Ramayana and Mahabharata. Rama and Krishna are
historical heroes, not just mythical characters.

# 04.
Please don't be apologetic about idol worship and say “Oh, that's
just symbolic". All religions have idolatry in kinds or forms - cross,
words, letters (calligraphy) or direction.
Also let's stop using the words the words 'idols', 'statues' or
'images' when we refer to the sculptures of our Gods.
Use the terms 'Moorthi' or 'Vigraha'. If words like Karma, Yoga,
Guru and Mantra can be in the mainstream, why not Moorthi or

# 04.
Please don't refer to Ganesh and Hanuman as "Elephant god"
and "Monkey god" respectively. You can simply write Shree
Ganesh and Shree Hanuman.

# 05.
Please don't refer to our temples as prayer halls. Temples are
"devalaya" (abode of god) and not "prarthanalaya" (Prayer halls).

# 06.
Please don't wish your children "black birthday" by allowing them
to blow off the candles that are kept on top of the birthday cake.
Don't throw spit on the divine fire (Agni Deva). Instead, ask them
to pray: "Oh divine fire, lead me from darkness to light"
(Thamasoma Jyotirgamaya) by lighting a lamp. These are all
strong images that go deep into the psyche.

# 07.
Please avoid using the words "spirituality" and "materialistic". For
a Hindu, everything is divine. The words spirituality and
materialism came to India through evangelists and Europeans
who had a concept of Church vs State. Or Science vs Religion.
On the contrary, in India, Sages were scientists and the
foundation stone of Sanatan Dharma was Science.

# 09.
Please don't use the word "Sin" instead of "Paapa". We only have
Dharma (duty, righteousness, responsibility and privilege) and
Adharma (when dharma is not followed). Dharma has nothing to
do with social or religious morality. 'Paapa' derives from Adharma.

# 10.
Please don't use loose translation like meditation for "dhyana" and
'breathing exercise' for "Pranayama". It conveys wrong meanings.
Use the original words.

Remember, the world respects only those who respect


Please pass it on so that people can understand about Hindu

Dharma and also teach the younger generation.....
03/06/2020, 20:22 - Sujal Amin: beautiful write up

"The contact and connection"

The year was 1990. I was returning from Delhi by flight with a
monk of the RamaKrishna Mission. A journalist from Chile was
there with us . He started
interviewing the monk, as had been decided earlier.

Journalist - Dear Sir , in your last lecture, you told about Jogajog (
contact ) & Sanjog (connection ). It's really confusing. Can you
explain it to me ?

The Monk smiled a little but apparently deviating from the

question, he asked the journalist:Are you from Chile ?
Journalist( J ) - Yeh...
Monk ( M ) - Who are there at home ?
The Journalist felt that the Monk was trying to avoid answering
his question since this was a very personal and unwarranted
question. Yet the journalist said: "Mother has expired. Father is
there. Three brothers and one sister. All are married..."
The Monk, a smile on his face, asked next: - "Do you talk to
your father?"
Now the journalist looked visibly annoyed...
The Monk - "When did you talk to him last?" The
journalist supressing his annoyance said: "May be a month
The Monk: "Do you brothers and sisters meet often ? When did
you last meet as a family together?"

At this point, I saw sweat on the journalist's fore head. I

wondered who was taking whose interview. It seemed that the
Monk was taking the interview of the journalist.

With a sigh , the journalist said: "We met last at Christmas two
years ago."
The Monk: " How many days did you all stay together ?"

The journalist ( wiping the sweat on his brow) : "Three days..."

Monk: "How much time did you spend with your Father, sitting
right beside him ?"
I saw the journalist looking perplexed and embarassed and
scribbling something on a paper...
The Monk: "Did you have breakfast or lunch or dinner together ?
Did you ask how he was? Did you ask how his days are passing
after your mother's death ?"

I saw the journalist's eyes sadden.

The Monk placed his hand on the journalist's hand and said:
"don't be embrassed or upset or sad. I am sorry if I have hurt you
But this is basically the answer to your question about "contact
and connection ( jogajog and Sanjog)". You have 'contact' with
your father but you don't have 'connection' with him. You are not
connected to him. Connection is between heart and heart... sitting
together , sharing meals , caring for & hugging each other.
Touch , shaking hands, having eye contact, spending some time
together...You brothers and sisters have 'contact' with each but
you have no 'connection' with each other...."

The journalist wiped his eyes and said : "Thanks for teaching me
a fine and unforgettable lesson"

This is the reality today.

Whether at home, in society and elsewhere everybody has lots
and lots of contacts but there is no connection. No
communication... . Everybody is in a his or her own world.

In our childhood when we travelled in a train , bus or by air....

everyone used smile at each other and then after the first
greetings, start talking to each other, sharing each other's stories
during the short journey. Some used to become friends. Some
used to become "uncle and aunty" for life
But now whether I travel by train or air , I just enter into what
reminds me of a cemetery....... no one disturbs anyone. All are
busy with a phone or a laptop with some making a " tik tik tik tik
tik" sound ...almost as if we are in a cemetery with the sound of
falling dry leaves...
Everybody in the compartment is in contact with an outside world
but no one knows his or her co-psaaenger... a cemetery of some
50 - 100 "living dead" persons undergoing a small journey

Let's not be well "contacted" - let's be well "connected" , with

each other ...... caring , sharing , touching , hugging , spending
time together with all our near and dear ones, and other co-
passengers in our life travels.

*God bless us all!*

05/06/2020, 16:54 - Sujal Amin: *Anxiety*
Anxiety is a mixture of uneasy feelings, including nervousness,
worry and fear, about yourself or others.
*Physical* symptoms of anxiety include sweating, shaking, feeling
sick, and being unable to sleep. The *mental* effects are also
wide-ranging, from clouded thinking and difficulty concentrating at
one extreme, to over-active imagination and hyper-alertness at
the other. For some people, anxiety is also accompanied by
misplaced feelings of embarrassment or shame.
These include worries about the economy or environment, and
anxieties about our appearance, social standing and professional
success. Anxiety is a
natural reaction to stress or threat. In fact, it's likely a hard-wired
safety response – part of the "fight or flight" instinct. When we or
someone we care about is at risk, our brain prioritizes the danger
and focuses its energy on beating it.
Complex thinking processes are shut down to allow us to
concentrate on the danger at hand. Meanwhile, signals go out to
our body to prepare for action. Our breathing quickens, our heart
starts pumping faster, sending more blood to our muscles as we
prepare to fight or flee. Both the mind and body adapt in order to
give us the best chance of surviving until the danger passes.
However, the same responses can be triggered when there is no
immediate physical danger. Just thinking about a threat, past or
future, can be enough to activate intense anxiety. And this can
mean that there's also no clear end point to the threat, so all these
anxious feelings can persist. In these circumstances, anxiety can
evolve into something that’s problematic. Feeling a little anxious
before a big exam, for example, might focus your mind and
energize you to give your best performance on the day. But if it
becomes too much, it could make you feel sick, prevent you from
sleeping properly, and leave you with a shaky hand and a
wandering mind when the exam begins.
1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD causes people
to have obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. They feel
anxious until they've responded in a particular way, and often
need to carry out complex physical or mental routines to do so.
Family history, personality traits, and differences in the brain, are
all believed to be causes of OCD. In some cases, it can be
triggered by a particularly stressful life event. 2. Social
Anxiety Disorder: this is not just extreme shyness, but a deep fear
or concern of being judged by others, of performing, or of
embarrassing yourself.
3. Specific Phobias: suffering from a phobia is also a form of
anxiety disorder. You have a phobia when you're excessively
frightened or anxious about a specific object, place or situation,
and you go out of your way to avoid it.
4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): if you've experienced
anxiety regularly for six months or more, you may have GAD.
People with this condition consistently expect the worst to
happen, even when there's little or no reason to be concerned.
They’re particularly susceptible to common worries such as those
about family, work and money. Even when something is resolved,
a new worry can quickly fill its place. People with GAD often
struggle to recall the last time they didn't feel anxious.
These can be helpful when you're going through worrying times,
at home or work, or facing particular challenges that make you
anxious. Often, anxious episodes are preceded by self-
sabotaging thoughts or behaviors . Before leading a meeting, for
example, you might start imagining it getting out of control, and
worry that you're going to look bad in front of your team.
To help with this, write down any negative thoughts as soon as
they arise. Then, note down the exact opposites of those
thoughts. For example, before your meeting, you could write, "I'm
a confident and organized leader, and the people I work with
respect me."
Poor organization can be a serious source of stress and anxiety.
Make sure that you manage your daily tasks and responsibilities
effectively. • Focus on the things
you can control. Anxiety may get out of hand when you can't let
go of issues that are simply too big or complex for you to solve.
Instead, try to focus on the things that you can influence. Stick to
routines and maintain your regular support network as much as
possible. And aim to do things that make a positive impact – but
that also have an end point. For example, rather than worrying
constantly about a neighbor, check in on them, do something
practical to help, and then draw a line under that particular worry
for a while.
• Prioritize your well-being. During times like this, it's more
important than ever to eat well, take appropriate exercise, get
good sleep, and find time to relax. Try to do more of the things
that make you feel calm and in control.
Anxiety is a mixture of
uneasiness, nervousness, worry and fear, about yourself or the
people you care about. It has both physical and mental
symptoms, including sweating, shaking, heart palpitations, racing
thoughts, and difficulty concentrating.
05/06/2020, 17:15 - Sujal Amin: *Acceptance*
A.A. Member- Sujal A.

Identification, or admission and acceptance of the fact that I am

an alcoholic and will remain so for life, is the starting block of the
AA programme:
Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgment of the facts of
a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it.

“…I am a child of God, a divine atma in human form … my most

basic and urgent task is to accept, know, love and nurture myself.
… As I nurture myself, I am acting on God’s guidance.” Daily
Reflections p. 324.

Thus, acceptance has to be extended to all areas of life; to all

people in all situations and principles. I need to accept people as
they are and stop attempting to change them; likewise, all the
places and principles. Tradition 1 teaches me to interact (rather
than react) with people. Acceptance has taught me not to fight
with anybody or anything. (Alcoholics Anonymous p 103.) Thus, I
have to devise tactful ways of handling problems and situations.

When I start accepting gracefully, I am also blessed with the gift of

rejection. I certainly do not have to accept everything that is
dished out. God has given me brains. I need to use them and be
assertive. As God’s people, we stand on our feet; we don’t crawl
before anyone. (Alcoholics Anonymous p 83.) “You will intuitively
know how to handle situations that used to baffle you earlier.”
(Alcoholics Anonymous p 84.) Thus, if the inference is to reject a
given thought, or situation after giving it my due consideration, I
do so without fanfare. I need not use harsh words or raise the
decibel level of my voice. I may do so gracefully, but, firmly.

I may give an explanation to my near and dear ones based on the

logic applied by me. However, when the interacting party is not
very cultured or humane, I may be satisfied with just conveying
my rejection tactfully, thus saving time and energy

During my drinking days, I always thought that it was the last drink
that was the cause of problems. I had now learnt that it was the
first drink that did the damage. Thus, my acceptance has to be
complete and not partial.

I associated people, places, events or situations with my drinking

and blamed them. I had to realize that I was powerless and
blaming anyone or anything will not solve the problem. My attitude
had to shift from fixing the blame to fixing the problem itself.
Therefore, my acceptance had to be unconditional.

I blamed God for making me an alcoholic and went into self-pity.

Once I started accepting the fact that I suffer from the disease of
alcoholism, calm and grace descended. The thought process
thereafter shifted towards recovery.
Unmanageability of life

Unmanageability encompasses a whole lot of areas such as:

moral values; health; finances; time indiscipline; inferior status of
companions; inefficiency at work coupled with lack of
consciousness of deadlines and output norms; wrong attitudes;
strained relationships at work, home and society; abnormal,
dependent and illogical thinking and uncalled for and untimely
emotional outbursts. Though manageability seems to return with
short-term abstinence, what is desired is profound personality
change, which is a process of a lifetime. In fact, uplift in moral
values is progressive and the harder and progressively one
works, the better they turn out to be.
As I progress on the programme, my manageability improves and
in many areas, I may turn out to be better than I ever was. Fear,
which drove me to the portals of AA has now diluted.
Simultaneously, my false pride resurfaces and I am provoked into
thinking that I have mastered the art of abstinence. If I give in to
this thought, complacency will set-in and I may start regressing.
Having experienced the benefits of the programme, I need to
remain motivated to work further and enjoy increasing benefits.
The fact that my life will be unmanageable always needs to
register with me. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.


I started getting sound sleep and woke up each morning fresh of

mind and body and was looking forward to the day ahead with
enthusiasm. Lethargy left me. I reduce cholesterol levels resulting
in increased stamina – increasing productivity and output. My
standards of cleanliness and hygiene went up a few notches. I
became disciplined in my food habits.
However, due to drinking excessive alcohol, I also had partial
blindness (ratina pigmantization). sad to say, my tobacco doubled.
Four years down the line I had humorous fracture from accident.
Despite Herculean efforts at surgeons & physiotherapy, the right
arm and shoulder of my body is much weaker than the left and I
have restricted movements in right arm & shoulder. Residual
effects will persist till I die. With ageing my stamina, resistance to
organisms and general health are naturally on the descendent.
Thus, my health can do with improved manageability.


Though I became logical and normal, my attitudes continued to

remain as hitherto. I was authoritarian in approach, procrastinator
by choice, self-centred in my wants, etc. This, despite having
taken the steps and tried hard to implement them.
I need to expand my personality to embrace my near and dear
ones, fellow members, colleagues, etc. Practice of traditions -
leadership qualities in particular - and integrating it in all areas of
life assumes great significance.

Short-term abstinence brought emotional stability. Fear and

anger, in particular, were on the wane. Working Step 2 regularly
converted me from a God-fearing person to a God-loving person.
When I made amends to people and continued to take daily
inventory, fear of people left me. Prudence returned to my
budgeting. Consequently, grandiose plans and expenditure were
left behind. Thus, economic stability returned. Intuition started
working well.

Yet, oftentimes I am anxious. Now and then, self-pity and jealousy

raise their ugly head. False pride is not far too behind either.
Rarely, but I do give in to wild mood swings. Despite trying to
interact with people, I am prone to react. Whilst permitting fellow
members and total strangers the anonymity, when it comes to my
near and dear ones, I am dogmatic and intolerant. All this
confirms to me that I am far away from emotional equipoise.

Progressively I started implementing Step 3 in all my affairs. I

became a law-abiding citizen. My conduct improved. Code of
ethics and behavioural standards reached higher echelons. I
could observe all-round improvements and people acknowledged
it. I was getting free of many things and becoming increasingly
dependent on God.

Yet, my greed persists. I still hanker after name, fame and money.
Whilst I am open-handed while accepting, I am close-fisted in
giving. I expect people to be generous whereas I am miserly.


Time discipline returned in the short-term. With the passage of

time, discussions before & after meetings led to late nights. Thus,
home schedules were upset. With increasing duration of sobriety,
I started considering myself to be a star and started lengthening
my sharing without rhyme or reason. Procrastination set in under
the pretense of tiredness.
Behavioural standards

I am still given in to speaking, sitting, standing or resting assuming

postures at my will without giving due consideration to others. My
table manners are far from satisfactory. Likewise, I could do with a
lot of grooming in many areas.
Thus, acceptance has to be extended to all areas of life; to all
people in all situations and principles. I need to accept people as
they are and stop attempting to change them; likewise, all the
places and principles. I need to interact rather than react with
people. Acceptance has taught me not to fight with anybody or
05/06/2020, 19:30 - Sujal Amin: To members of this group. I owe
an amends to you. I was wrong! My selfish opinions have no
place here, I am truly regretful that I may have harmed someone
with my sharing/ comments.

07/06/2020, 11:25 - Sujal Amin: प्रिय ईश्वर,

मैं शक्तिहीन हूँ और मेरा जीवन तम्

ु हारी मदद और मार्गदर्शन के बिना
अस्तव्यस्त है । मैं आज तम्
ु हारे पास आया हूँ क्योंकि मैंने यह विश्वास
पाया है कि तम्
ु हीं मझ
ु े फिरसे पहले जैसा कर सकते है , नए सिरे से
बना सकते हो ताकि मैं अपनी आज की जरूरतें पर
ू ी कर सकँू । चँ कि

मैं अपना जीवन या काम खद
ु संभाल नहीं सकता हूँ, मैंने इन्हें तम्
ु हारे
हवाले सौंपने का निर्णय किया है । मैं अपना जीवन, अपनी इच्छा, अपने
विचार, अपनी आसक्ति और अपनी महत्वाकांक्षाएँ तम्
ु हारे हाथों सौंप रहा

मैं अपना सब कुछ: अच्छा और बुरा, चरित्रदोष और कमियाँ, मेरा

स्वार्थीपन, नाराजगियाँ और समस्याएँ, सब कुछ तुम्हें दे दे ता हूँ। मैं
जानता हूँ कि तुम इनका इस्तेमाल अपनी योजना के लिए अनुकूल रूप
से करोगे। मेरी दिशाओं का मार्गदर्शन और निर्देश करो और मै तुम्हारे
लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ, यह मुझे दिखाओ।

मैं अपने मित्रों और परिजनों को नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकता, न ही बदल

सकता हूँ, इसलिए मैं उन्हें तुम्हारे प्यारे हाथों की दे खभाल में छोड़ दे ता
हूँ ताकि तुम उनके साथ जैसा चाहे वैसा करो। बस मुझे प्रेमपूर्ण और
उन्हें सही-गलत तय करने से मुक्त कर दो। अगर उन्हें बदलने की
जरूरत है तो वो तुम्हें करना होगा। मुझे नहीं। मुझे बस तुम्हारी सेवा
करने, मेरी कमियां दर
ू करने और मेरी सबसे अच्छी कोशिशें करने के
लिए इच्छुक और तैयार करो।
मैंने दस
ू रों को कैसे नुकसान पहुंचाया है यह दे खने में और उन सबके
साथ भूलसुधार करने में मेरी मदद करो। जो विचार और कृति मुझे और
ू रों को नुकसान पहुंचाएँगे और जो मुझे तुम्हारे प्रकाश, प्रेम और
आत्मा से दर
ू रखें गे, उनके बारे में मुझे सावधान रखना। और जब भी
मैं ऐसी गलतियाँ करूँ, मुझे उनके बारे में सचेत करना और उन्हें तुरंत
स्वीकार करने में मेरी मदद करना।

मैं तुम्हें और अच्छी तरह जानने की, तुमसे और अधिक प्रेम करने की
कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। मैं अपने लिए तुम्हारी इच्छा का ज्ञान और उसे पूरी
करने के लिए आवश्यक शक्ति पाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। 🙏

07/06/2020, 12:02 - Sujal Amin:
09/06/2020, 21:26 - Sujal Amin: *What About Members With
Long-term Sobriety?*

For all the good and right reasons, we pay a lot of attention to AA
newcomers. They are the lifeblood of our fellowship, and tradition
says they are the primary reason we have meetings. But what
about members with long-term sobriety?

We're taught the seeds of relapse are found in attitudes that

precede the actual picking up of that first drink.

While these might be easier to spot with new people, they seem
much more difficult to detect in our friends with long-term sobriety.

Telling a new AA member to call us before picking up the first

drink is excellent advice. But it almost never works for those who
no longer have deep cravings for alcohol, because in a subtle,
insidious way, they have entered into a private period (weeks,
maybe even months) of irrational thinking about their lives, work,
this program, loved ones, hobbies, the government or other

In other words, a dangerous form of alcoholic insanity has

emerged. With nothing in its path to prevent it, drinking is the
natural, instinctive reaction. Fortunately, we have ways to prevent
this from happening. The bond of trust we establish between each
other in AA is a powerful ally. If we confront those fellow members
closest to us suspected of having difficulties, and if we do this with
compassion and a willingness to listen and help in a true 12th
Step Spirit, the outcome may be lifesaving. Following is a
checklist of relapse symptoms we can watch for - and help a
troubled friend explore in a sort of short-form 4th and 5th Step

1. Exhaustion - Allowing oneself to become overly tired; usually

associated with work addiction as an excuse for not facing
personal frustrations.

2. Dishonesty - Begins with pattern of little lies; escalated to self-

delusion and making excuses for not doing what's called for.

3. Impatience - I want what I want NOW. Others aren't doing what

I think they should or living the way I know is right.

4. Argumentative - No point is too small or insignificant not to be

debated to the point of anger and submission.

5. Depression - All unreasonable, unaccountable despair should

be exposed and discussed, not repressed: what is the "exact
nature" of those feelings?

6. Frustration - Controlled anger/resentment when things don't go

according to our plans. Lack of acceptance. See #3.

7. Self-pity - Feeling victimized, put-upon, used, unappreciated:

convinced we are being singled out for bad luck.

8. Cockiness - Got it made. Know all there is to know. Can go

anywhere, including frequent visits just to hangout at bars, carry
out's, boozy parties.

9. Complacency - Like #8, no longer sees value of daily program,

meetings, contact with other alcoholics, (especially sponsor!),
feels healthy, on top of the world, things are going well. Heck may
even be cured!

10. Expecting too much of others - Why can't they read my mind?
I've changed, what's holding them up? If they just do what I know
is best for them? Leads to feeling misunderstood, unappreciated.
See #6.

11. Letting up on disciplines - Allowing established habits of

recovery - meditations, prayer, spiritual reading, AA contact, daily
inventory, meetings - to slip out of our routines; allowing recovery
to get boring and no longer stimulating for growth. Why bother?!

12. Using mood-altering chemicals - May have a valid medical

reason, but misused to help avoid the real problems of impending
alcoholic relapse.

13. Wanting too much - Setting unrealistic goals: not providing for
short-term successes; placing too much value on material
success, not enough on value of spiritual growth.

14. Forgetting gratitude - Because of several listed above, may

lose sight of the abundant blessings in our everyday lives: too
focused on # 13.

15. "It can't happen to me." - Feeling immune; forgetting what we

know about the disease of alcoholism and its progressive nature.

16. Omnipotence - A combination of several attitudes listed

above; leads to ignoring danger signs, disregarding warnings and
advice from fellow members.

Excerpted from Akron Intergroup News, December 1998

11/06/2020, 06:34 - Sujal Amin: “Experience is the thing of
supreme value in life. That is true only if one is willing to turn the
past to good account. We grow by our willingness to face and
rectify errors and convert them into assets. The alcoholic's past
thus becomes the principal asset of the family and frequently it is
almost the only one!”
Excerpt from Alcoholics Anonymous
From Chapter 9, “The Family Afterward”

My EXPERIENCE throughout my drinking is valuable.......but my

experiences with my growth and effectiveness in living the
program is invaluable IF l am to help others, this includes my
experiences with the Traditions outlined in the basic text, my
experiences with sponsorship, service and God.

Today, l only speak for myself, l do not use the collective "we"
when sharing my experiences, l do not talk down from a moral

All l have is my own experience, it is mine, it was gained by

following the Path, sometimes blindly, sometimes reluctantly,
sometimes with great joy. But at all times it was my path and at
Gods speed.

I am blessed today to know that it is not my job , my mission, my

place to correct, ridicule, lecture or judge others as they grow in
their own effectiveness at their gods speed.

Today.......l continue on my path with the God of my experiences.

11/06/2020, 06:34 - Sujal Amin: The short step 11
Consider What
Direct what
Fatal motives
Working what
Next step
Who has the solution
Thy will be done
12/06/2020, 06:13 - Sujal Amin: Greetings to all gratitude day
celebrants !
God bless us all !
12/06/2020, 09:30 - Sujal Amin: Greetings from *Ananya

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management (ISO 22301:2012), CE Marking by sharing expertise
and experienced team of professionals for projects.

*Ananya Consultants*
Founder & Facilitator,
[email protected]

+91 9898078093
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12/06/2020, 20:21 - Sujal Amin:
19/06/2020, 12:26 - Wife: <Media omitted>
21/06/2020, 13:29 - Sujal Amin: <>><INVITATION><<>
AA fellowship Noida invites you to a Speaker Meeting

Meeting open for AA, AlAnon and Alateen members

Date : 21st June today.

Rajiv M (AA)
Mrinalini M (AlAnon)

Topic : Relationships in recovery followed by Q&A


Meeting ID 5619954412

*Time:* 7-8:30 PM

Meeting will Open

6-55 PM

You are requested to *keep your microphone muted at all times*

to minimise background noise._


1. Log in with first name.

2. In order to keep the decorum of the meeting, please be seated

and presentable as in regular face to face meetings.

3. ANONYMITY WHAT you hear here and WHO you hear here
stays here — please do not discuss it with non-members
4. In accordance with the 7th Tradition of self support, we will
send a message during the meeting to all members on how to
contribute to the kitty
*Members are requested to log in with thier First name, Last
name Initials .*
For example: *Chandra P*

21/06/2020, 13:42 - Sujal Amin: ભગવાન સદ્ ગતની આત્માને શાંતિ

આપે અને પરિવારને શક્તિ આપે. એજ પ્રભુને પ્રાથૅના. 🙏

21/06/2020, 14:28 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message

23/06/2020, 21:55 - Sujal Amin: *4 Quotients*
Sushant Singh might not have SUSTAINED 4th QUOTIENT from
the description below.
Little heavy dose but meaningful for walking on the difficult Road ,
difficult Time and DIFFERENT Situations.

I am Sharing an article read elsewhere:


.....According to psychologists, there are four types of intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your

comprehension ability", solve maths; memorize things and recall
subject matters.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to

maintain peace with others; keep to time; be responsible; be
honest; respect boundaries; be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ):

This is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends
and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go farther in life than

those with high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize in
improving IQ level while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high

EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your character; your SQ represents your

charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs but
more especially your EQ and SQ.

EQ and SQ make one manage better than the other.

Pls don't teach children only to have higher IQ , but also to have
higher EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one :

A new paradigm

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ):

The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life
and come out without losing your mind.
AQ determines who will give up in face of troubles and may
abandon their families.
In the current context of Corona, many professionally successful
people are going thru bouts of Depression. Because they haven't
seen and thus are unprepared for Adversity.

To parents:
Expose children to other areas of life than academic. They should
adore manual work, sport and art .

Develop their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted

human beings able to do things independently of the parents.
Finally, do not prepare the road for the children. Prepare the
children for the road.
26/06/2020, 18:07 - Sujal Amin: *LATE NIGHT MEETING*
Alcoholics Anonymous Phone Meeting by *OPEN HAND GROUP,

*Time: 9:00 to 10:30 pm*

*Date: Daily (Mon.-Sun.)*

All members are requested to join.....Please call on this


Dial in - 01725100958
Access code - 1871144#
Join online meeting:

Today's *
( *26 June 2020) Speaker* Sharing* on *Topic* 👇👇👇👇
1) *STEP-1 Acceptance*
2) *STEP-2 Belief & Faith*
3) *STEP-3 Surrender*
4) *STEP-4 Moral Inventory*
5) *STEP-5 Accepted, As I am*

*Meeting Room Will Open at 9:00 Pm*

Meeting Literature: 9:00 to 09:15 pm
Speaker Sharing: 9:15 to 10:15 pm
Discussion: 10:15 to 10:30 pm
👉 *7th tradition (Self Supporting)*
👉 Kitty Box Contribution
👉 Paytm, Google pay, Phone pay
👉 Number- 9356930093
👉 *Meeting helpline:*
Sonu- 9780505330
Rakesh- 9356930093


28/06/2020, 18:48 - Sujal Amin: नाराजगी को पिघलाना

नाराजगी को पिघला दे ने का एक पुराना ‘एम्मेट फॉक्स’ अभ्यास है , जो

हमेशा काम करता है । वे कहते हैं कि आप शांत होकर बैठें, अपनी आंखें
बंद करें और अपने मन और शरिर को आराम की स्थिति में आने दें ।
फिर, कल्पना करें कि आप एक अंधियारे थिएटर में बैठे हुए हैं और
आपके सामने एक छोटा-सा रं गमंच है । उस मंच पर उस व्यक्ति को
बिठा दें जिसे लेकर आपके मन में सबसे ज्यादा नाराजगी है । यह
व्यक्ति आपके वर्तमान या भूतकाल में से, जिंदा या मत
ृ , कोई भी हो
सकता है । जब आप इस व्यक्ति को साफ-साफ दे खने लगो तब कल्पना
करें कि उस व्यक्ति के साथ बहुत अच्छी अच्छी बातें हो रही हैं, ऐसी
अच्छी बातें जो उस व्यक्ति के लिए अर्थपूर्ण हों । उस व्यक्ति को खुश
और मुस्कुराता हुआ दे खें ।

इस छवि को कुछ मिनटों तक दे खते रहें , फिर उसे धीरे -धीरे फीका होने
दें । मैं इसमें और एक कदम जोडना चाहूंगा । जैसे ही यह व्यक्ति
रं गमंच से चला जाए, खद
ु को उसकी जगह में ले जाएँ । खद
ु के साथ
अच्छी-अच्छी चीजें होते दे खें । खद
ु को खश
ु और मस्
ु कुराते हुए दे खें ।
इस बात के प्रति सजग होकर दे खें कि इस दनि
ु या में हम सब के लिए
काफी है , इतना उपलब्ध है ।

ऊपर दिया गया अभ्यास से नाराजगी के काले बादल, जिन्हें हममें से

ज्यादातर लोग ढोते रहते हैं, वो छट जाते हैं । कुछ लोगों के लिए यह
अभ्यास बहुत कठिन हो सकता है । हर बार जब आप इसे करें गे तब
आप किसी और व्यक्ति को ले आ सकते हैं । इसे महिने में एक बार
करें , और आप दे खेंगे कि आप कितना हल्का महसूस करते हैं और कैसे
आज़ादी का एक नया एहसास होता है ।

- मेल अर्काइव्ज से

29/06/2020, 20:50 - Sujal Amin: Dear Customer, your Customer

ID -11983441 can be used to access ICICI Bank FASTag web
portal at , check balance, recharge, change mobile
number/e-mail ID, view transaction details, raise
chargeback/disputes, etc. T&C apply.
30/06/2020, 18:16 - Sujal Amin: Dear Member,
They said " It's a miracle " And I said to myself it's true.
They said " This the first gift " And I said it's true.
They said if you want other gifts, "KEEP COMING BACK" if you
want we have.
Stick to what you have & He (God, Higher power) will keep you
untouched. Stay blessed.
04/07/2020, 12:26 - Sujal Amin: http://gujarat-
05/07/2020, 12:00 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message
05/07/2020, 12:02 - Sujal Amin: *All our loves are first loves.*

We might share the key to our home, trusting that it will be used
with care and respect. This intimacy isn’t usually instantaneous. It
builds on experience together.
In an intimate relationship, we have the responsibility to be good
stewards of the trust given to us. Looking at our partner’s role is
always so much easier than looking at our own, but we need to
resist that easy temptation. Our first questions should always be:
Do I make it safe for my partner to be open with me? Do I witness
my partner’s vulnerability as a trust that I do not abuse? Am I
gentle and respectful with the key my partner gave me?

Today, I will be a good partner, honoring and guarding the trust I

have been given.
08/07/2020, 20:46 - Sujal Amin: location:,72.5531206
08/07/2020, 20:47 - Sujal Amin: Ananya Consultants Location
20/07/2020, 05:42 - Sujal Amin: 🚗

જે લોકો ઘણાં સમયથી લોન્ગ ડ્રાઇવ પર નથી જઇ શક્યા તેમને માટે

આજે વર્ચ્યુઅલ લટાર મારવાનો અવસર !

તા.ક. તમે સ ંગીત, શહેર અને સડકનો કોલાહલ પણ મરજી મુજબ માણી
શકશો !

23/07/2020, 10:24 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>

23/07/2020, 11:16 - Wife: 😘😘mine
23/07/2020, 13:33 - Sujal Amin: You deleted this message
23/07/2020, 13:33 - Sujal Amin: *Our Families*
We ought to sit down with the family and frankly analyze the past
as we now see it, being very careful not to criticize them. Their
defects may be glaring, but the chances are that our own actions
are partly responsible.
So we clean house with the family, asking each morning in
meditation that our Creator show us the way of patience,
tolerance, kindliness and love.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, (Into Action) p. 83

*Thought to Ponder*
The Three "C's" -- Concern, Compassion, Consideration.
23/07/2020, 13:37 - Sujal Amin: *Being a healthy parent means
being firm but nurturing, giving children a decent sense of the
boundaries along with lots of unconditional love.*

In a healthy family, life goes along and everybody pitches in to do

the housework. Some people wonder why housework is such a
big deal. It is because people need to contribute to a group in
order to feel they be long to it. Housework makes us part of the
same group-our house, our family. We make our house
comfortable so we can feel comfortable and safe in it. We show
love for ourselves by making our surroundings likeable. And when
we do physical work. we can do our inner housekeeping. letting
go of negative feelings that pile up during the day.
On days when life feels out of control, we feel good when we do
one simple job: clean the messy desk, wash dirty dishes, shovel
the snowy walk. In this way we regain control of our feelings as
well as a perspective on those things within our control

What simple work do I need to do to feel better today?

31/07/2020, 11:24 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
31/07/2020, 11:24 - Sujal Amin: 800 ni aayi frame
01/08/2020, 08:50 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
01/08/2020, 16:18 - Sujal Amin:
02/08/2020, 09:04 - Sujal Amin: In 1986, I found myself sitting in a
meeting with someone that had gotten sober in 1941. The man
had severe Parkinson’s Disease that affected his speech. When
he shared, AA members would use this time to go to the
bathroom, freshen up their coffee, pass the basket, etc.

On this particular night, the topic was “Sobriety Loses Its Priority”.
The meeting was being ran, or controlled, by four members, each
having over 20 years sober. They really liked this topic.

When it was my turn to share my bit of experience, strength and

hope, I suggested that “Sobriety” was not our priority, that God
was our Priority, and that if we made God our priority then we got
a gift, and that gift was sobriety. When I suggested this, these 4
long-timers went batshit crazy. They were not excited about what I
had to say.

Shortly after I shared, the member with Parkinson’s shared, and

as he shared, he spoke directly at me. Other members got up to
take their bathroom/coffee break as usual, but because the guy
was talking to me, I felt obligated to try to listen to what he was

What this member shared with the group that night was:

In 1941 there was only one AA Group in Kansas City… Kansas

City Group No. 1.
During this time, Bill W would come to Kansas City to speak

Because this guy had the nicest car of anyone in the group, he
was assigned to drive Bill W. around town.

And that when Bill W. and him where talking one on one, Bill W
talked a lot about this idea of keeping God, not sobriety, the
priority in our life.

For me, the message of this 45-year sober member of AA wasn’t

that I was right. His message was that I was on the right track,
and that I shouldn’t be offended when others disagree with
something I might say.
03/08/2020, 13:03 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>
03/08/2020, 13:04 - Wife: <Media omitted>
03/08/2020, 13:25 - Sujal Amin: <Media omitted>

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