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Players’ gear No break at DEAL
takes a beating the gas pump FOR

AHL playoffs take their Some travelers rethinking,
toll on hockey equipment.
cancelling summer vacations
Sign up now at

The Times Leader

FEDERAL PROBE U.S. attorney won’t prosecute responsible party, but businessman believes charges should be filed GAS WELL BLOWOUT

Feds: Checks not Greco’s Operator

By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER had nothing to do with the checks. al crime.”

[email protected] Greco on Thursday released a letter Greco blasted Smith for the decision,
SCRANTON – The U.S. Attorney’s Of- that was written to him by U.S. Attorney saying he believes there was clearly evi-
fice has decided not to prosecute the per- Peter J. Smith. dence of several crimes, including identi-
son who issued nearly $42,000 in elec- In the letter, dated March 25, Smith ty theft and fraud.

in state
tronic checks, without authorization, for said an investigation by the U.S. Secret “It’s crazy,” Greco said. “Someone stole
taxes owed by area businessman Thom Service concluded that the checks were my identity and tried to set me up. How
Greco, according to a letter to Greco. drawn on an account that did not belong could this not be a federal crime?”
The checks, submitted to Northeast to Greco and that there was no evidence The investigation stemmed from the
Revenue Service in August 2010, were re- that he was responsible for their submis- submission of electronic checks to North- DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER
turned for insufficient funds. The inci- sion. The office has declined to prosecute east Revenue Services, which operates Thom Greco released a letter from the Chesapeake: Flow from leak in
dent caused embarrassment to Greco, the person who issued the checks, howev- feds stating he had nothing to do with
bad checks issued on his behalf.
Bradford County well stopped.
who has insisted from the start that he er, “due to insufficient evidence of a feder- See GRECO, Page 10A
Cause of breach still unknown.

Planned historical renovation for 78-year-old landmark includes 21 high-end apartments By MATT HUGHES
[email protected]

It may be even more fun to stay at YMCA

LEROY TWP. – As a natural
gas well in Bradford County
continued to leak super-salty
flow-back water after a blow-
out Wednesday, well operator
Chesapeake Energy suspended
By BILL O’BOYLE all hydraulic fracturing oper-
[email protected] ations in Pennsyl-
WILKES-BARRE – The vania on Thurs-
Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA will day.
undergo an extensive historical The leak, which
renovation during the next 18 began in an acci-
months that will include 21 high- dent Tuesday
end apartments geared for col- night, produced
lege students that also will be water and natural
marketed to the general public. gas until about 10 p.m. Thurs-
YMCA Executive Director Jim day, when Chesapeake said it
Thomas said the project is still in had stopped the flow.
the planning stage with no esti- Chesapeake’s Atgas H2 gas
mate of cost. well in LeRoy Township, near
He said some Canton, suffered a blowout
FOR of the funding when a piece of equipment
MORE will be provided failed during hydraulic fractur-
INFO: through the ing just before midnight Tues-
To learn more Pennsylvania day into Wednesday, sending a
about the Historical and reported 30,000 gallons of wa-
Wilkes-Barre Museum Com- ter spilling
YMCA reno- mission with his- from the well “Chesa-
vation pro-
torical tax cred- pad, some of it
a peake has
ject, call
823-2191. its. Thomas said reaching
bid packets tributary of voluntarily
should be ready Towanda
by June 1. Creek. suspended
“This is a historical project,” The creek all comple-
said Thomas of the renovation of flows into the
the 78-year-old facility. “The ex- Susquehanna
tion oper-
terior of the building will be River. ations in
steam-cleaned, and we hope it Chesapeake
will return to its original luster.” said fluids still
One tenant that will not be a seeping from nia as we
part of the YMCA after this year S. JOHN WILKIN/THE TIMES LEADER the leaking evaluate
The Wilkes-Barre YMCA’s fifth-floor Wellness Center with its exercise equipment will be moving to the first floor to make room for 21 piece of equip-
See YMCA, Page 10A apartments as part of a historical renovation of the 78-year-old facility. ment had been this in-
contained by cident.”

Former budget/finance chief isn’t sold on county plan

Wednesday, Brian Grove
and a second-
ary contain-
ment mecha-
nism was di-
Tom Pribula says monetizing liens in ex- county is receiving from this million. and February that were not part verting the
change for a back-tax lien sale – known as The county’s tax claim oper- of the monetization. flow of fluids away from To-
tax collections to fill $4.4M wanda Creek.
percentage of monetization -- will compensate ator, Northeast Revenue Service He defends the county’s deci-
budget gap leaves deficit. up-front mon- for the loss of $4.4 million from LLC, has already collected $1.9 sion to monetize, saying the Equipment was removed
ey because it’s the failed sale of the county’s for- million for 2010 back taxes this county deployed the practice from the well head, and crews
like a cash ad- mer nursing home. year to date, but it’s unclear if the since 2008. worked to plug the leak and
By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES vance that But Pribula said it creates a new agreement allows the coun- “It wasn’t something new. seal the well. Chesapeake said
[email protected] Pribula comes with new budget hole because the ty to keep this money. Maybe the revenue from the Val- after 10 p.m. Thursday that
Luzerne County’s former bud- fees. county’s 2011 budget had count- Commissioner Stephen A. Ur- ley Crest Nursing Home sale workers had successfully
get/finance chief, Tom Pribula, “It ultimately is a loan. It’s cre- ed on $4.8 million from last ban said the county should re- wouldn’t have had to go in the stemmed the flow of the leak,
said he did not advise commis- ative financing,” Pribula said. year’s back taxes. ceive at least $643,500 in 2010
sioners to sell their 2010 back-tax The $7.7 million infusion the That leaves a deficit of $1.5 back taxes collected in January See MONETIZE, Page 4A See ACCIDENT , Page 10A

Jeffrey Terpak
Cloudy, a shower late.
A NEWS: Local 3A
Nation & World 5A
Drilling industry behind airport’s request for more parking spots
High 50. Low 40. Obituaries 2A, 6A
Details, Page 12B Birthdays 8A More overnight vehicles bring being cited as a
Editorials 9A chief reason
request to the bi-county
why the airport
B SPORTS: Scoreboard 2B board for extra 200 spaces. is looking to
Baseball 3B
add up to 200
Business 10B
Stocks 11B additional park-
By ANDREW M. SEDER ing spaces by
C CLASSIFIED: Funnies 16C [email protected] Centini the end of the
THE GUIDE: PITTSTON TWP. – Buoyed by year.
Crossword/Horoscope the Marcellus Shale drilling in- “No doubt about it,” said air-
Television dustry, the Wilkes-Barre/Scran- port Director Barry J. Centini,
Movies ton International Airport in when asked if the drilling indus-
March had its second best month try was the reason he asked the
on record in terms of vehicles airport’s Bi-County Board of Di-
parked overnight. rectors to hire KBA Engineering
And that same industry, al- to study parking needs and de-
ready responsible for additional sign plans to meet those de- BILL TARUTIS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER

6 09815 10011 flights being added and an in- The sign on I-81 is for the region’s airport, a busy place for flights
crease in enplanements, is also See AIRPORT , Page 7A and parking for people involved in the gas drilling industry.


Zoning issue brings suit in Exeter
at 2 a.m. Wednesday.

HAZLE TWP. – State police

at Hazleton said the driver of an
HANOVER TWP. – Township
police reported the following: unknown type vehicle sped
• Chinu Patel, owner of Penn away after striking a utility Four residents allege chard Murawski, Zoning Officer damage. The Casterlines also LOTTERY
Corners Food Mart, Sans Souci police at Scotch Pine and Forest Dominick Pepe and the owners operate a commercial-grade ga-
Parkway, reported Thursday Road on Wednesday. company violates zoning and MIDDAY DRAWING
of Casterline Trucking Inc., Ed- rage at 444 Roosevelt St., the
that a man in his mid-30s ran borough has done nothing. ward Casterline Sr., Edward suit alleges. DAILY NUMBER 6-1-1
out of the store with two packs JEDDO – State police at Casterline Jr. and Ronald Caster- The suit states the plaintiffs BIG FOUR 6-1-3-1
of cigarettes without paying. Hazleton said they arrested
• Police said locks were cut David Dishner, 30, of Hazleton,
line. have requested the zoning ordi- QUINTO 1-6-1-8-1
By MATT HUGHES They are also seeking an in- nance be enforced since 1987, TREASURE HUNT
off coin boxes in the bays and on evidence of drunken driving [email protected] junction directing the borough when they filed a formal com-
vacuums at the SOF SPRA Car after a traffic stop for speeding Four residents of Jackson to enforce its zoning ordinance plaint protesting the garage, but
Wash, 2261 Sans Souci Parkway. on Coal Street at about 3:20 Street, Exeter Borough, filed a and prohibit the Casterlines and the borough and zoning officer
• Police said they arrested a.m. Thursday. Dishner showed lawsuit against the borough, others from operating, repairing Pepe have taken no action to
Alyson Lark, 21, of Horton signs of intoxication.
borough officials and the owners or parking tractor-trailers on stop the alleged violations. DAILY NUMBER 4-7-0
Street, Wilkes-Barre, on evi- BIG FOUR 7-6-9-8
of a trucking company in federal Jackson, Roosevelt and Wilson The suit also alleges that Mu-
dence of drunken driving after WILKES-BARRE – City
she allegedly failed to stop for a police reported the following:
court Thursday. streets. rawski took part in the construc- QUINTO 8-9-4-3-3
red traffic signal at Carey Ave- • Patricia Fuller, of North
The plaintiffs allege the own- Edward Casterline Sr. lives at tion of the Casterline garage and CASH FIVE
ers of Casterline Trucking, 444 444 Roosevelt St; Edward Cast- had a business or personal rela- 09-15-17-35-43
nue and Division Street at 2:30 Pennsylvania Avenue, reported
Roosevelt St., have violated the erline Jr. at 460 Wilson St. and tionship with the Casterlines,
a.m. Thursday. Thursday that her license plate,
borough zoning ordinance by Ronald Casterline at138 Jackson and that the Casterlines have
• Police said they charged Pennsylvania GHB-6000, was 04-11-13-15-17-20
Edward P.M. Saroscek, 21, of removed from her vehicle while performing industrial work in an St., all of which are zoned R1, the conspired with Murawski and
Ferry Street, Plymouth, with it was parked in the area of 33 R1 residential zone for more complaint states. The plaintiffs Pepe to preclude enforcement of
than 20 years and that the bor- allege the Casterlines and their the ordinance. HARRISBURG – No player
defiant trespass, disorderly Brown St. matched all five winning
conduct and harassment after • Police said they charged ough has refused to take action. employees drive, park, idle, re- Murawski said he grew up in
John and Patrick Stascavage, pair, maintain and otherwise op- Exeter and knows the Caster- numbers drawn in Thurs-
he refused to leave an apart- Andrew Dunn, 26, of Miller day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5”
ment and fighting with officers Street, Luzerne, with simple of 110 Jackson St., and Daniel erate tractor-trailers at their lines, but does not have a busi-
and Tami Broda, of 112 Jackson properties and on the street in ness relationship with them. game so the jackpot will be
and paramedics late Wednesday assault after Angie Atkinson, 26, worth $330,000.
night. alleged he assaulted her at her St., are seeking compensatory front, and in doing so run over Because the suit is under liti-
and punitive damages from the the lawns, tree lines, curbs and gation, Murawski declined fur- Lottery officials said 52
apartment early Thursday players matched four num-
HUNLOCK TWP. – State morning. Atkinson said Dunn, borough, Council President Ri- shrubs of neighbors, causing ther comment.
bers and won $378.50 each
police at Shickshinny said Amy her ex-boyfriend, followed her
and 2,573 players matched
L. Neberdosky, 23, of Hunlock from a tavern and slammed her
three numbers and won
Township; Mark Edward Neber- head against a wall and mirror
$12.50 each.
dosky, 24, of Nanticoke; and
Rain Marie Price, 18, of Nanti-
and punched her in the face,
police said.
coke, were cited with harass- Match 6 Lotto” jackpot will
• Carolyn Mertz, of South
ment after a disturbance at 85 Franklin Street, reported a Troy be worth at least $900,000
Garden Drive on Wednesday. Built mower, a trimmer and a because no player holds a
leaf blower were stolen near her ticket with one row that
SUGARLOAF TWP. – State residence on Wednesday. Mertz matches all six winning
police at Hazleton arrested told police a man approximately numbers drawn in Friday’s
Vincent Dagostin, 37, of McA- 5 feet, 10 inches tall with brown game.
doo, on evidence of drunken hair knocked on a side door
driving after he was allegedly stating he was looking for a OBITUARIES
found passed out in a vehicle wheelchair. The man sped away
that blocked traffic at Tomh- in an older model yellow Chev- Czekalski, Elizabeth
icken Road and Prospect Road rolet. Farrell, Mary
Fassett, Wheaton Jr.
Girvan, William Jr.
COURT BRIEFS sented by attorney Peter Mos-
Kassab, Peter Sr.
Krisanda, George
Coffee and her co-defendants
were charged in September Malyndziak, Frances
WILKES-BARRE – A Pitt- after the Attorney General’s Matusek, Frank
ston woman charged over her Drug Task Force suspected the Nesbitt, Joan
role in a cocaine and heroin ring was putting about 250 Perrin, Betty
distribution ring that netted 21 grams of cocaine and 1,500 bags
Petrella, Thomas Sr.
other suspects was sentenced of heroin on the street per week
Thursday to three years in the for more than six months. In- Reilly, Timothy
county’s Intermediate Puni- vestigators charged the suspects Rospendowski-Smith,
shment Program. in a sting called "Operation
Darlene Coffee, 49, of Mor- Last Hurrah" after an investiga- Shupp, Leland
gan Lane, was sentenced on
one count each of corrupt orga-
tion in the Pittston area.
J osh Jones, left, Joe Pickett, Eric Muse, Kyle Brosh, Shane Casey and Jonathon Woj-
nar spread mulch around the grounds of the Wright Township Municipal Building on
Thursday morning. The Crestwood National Business Honor Society members complet-
Page 2A, 6A
nizations, criminal conspiracy WILKES-BARRE – Charges
and possession with intent to of aggravated assault, terroristic ed the work as part of their community service project.
deliver cocaine by Luzerne threats and simple assault
County Senior Judge Hugh against Charl R. Denton, 49, Missed Paper ........................829-5000
Mundy. were dismissed Thursday dur- Obituaries ..............................829-7224
Coffee was ordered to serve ing a preliminary hearing in
State court rules against methadone clinic restriction law
Classified Ads.........................829-7130
the first year of her sentence on Wilkes-Barre Central Court.
Newsroom ..............................829-7242
house arrest with electronic City police had accused Den-
monitoring, and the remaining ton of threatening his sister and By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER In its ruling, the Commonwealth Court noted Vice President/Executive Editor

two years on probation. officers with a bow and arrow [email protected] the borough acknowledged there was no plot in Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249

The case was prosecuted by at his Reese Street home on DUNMORE – A state appellate court has struck the borough that met the setback requirements. Photo Editor
Clark Van Orden ..............................970-7175
Deputy Attorney General Tim April 5, according to the crimi- down an ordinance that restricted the location of The court found the borough had failed to provide
Doherty. Coffee was repre- nal complaint. methadone clinics with the borough, finding that any other justifiable reason for the “complete ex- Community News .........................970-7245
it violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. clusion” of methadone clinics.
In a ruling issued Thursday, the Common- The court ruling overturns a decision by a Lack-
wealth Court said Dunmore’s ordinance was so re- awanna County judge. The case will now return to
LOCAL BRIEFS Street throughout the morning.
strictive that it prevented a methadone clinic from the county court for reconsideration. BUILDING
EXETER TWP. – The annual
operating anywhere within the borough. Habit OPCO also has a federal lawsuit pending TRUST
The ruling stemmed from a challenge filed by against the borough relating to the ordinance.
fund drive to benefit the Hard-
Habit OPCO of Boston, which sought to open a That suit, filed in January, seeks a permanent The Times Leader strives to
WILKES-BARRE – The city ing Mount Zion Community
clinic in a commercial district on Monahan Ave- injunction that would prevent the borough from correct errors, clarify stories
will hold a blood drive for all Ambulance Association will
nue. The borough denied the company’s applica- enforcing the ordinance, as well as compensatory and update them promptly.
city employees on Monday, 9 end April 30.
tion based on a zoning ordinance that regulated damages for lost business. It was not clear Thurs- Corrections will appear in this
a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Forms have been mailed to
where drug treatment centers could locate. day if the Commonwealth Court ruling will im- spot. If you have information
The city has partnered with all township families.
The ordinance permitted methadone clinics to pact that case. to help us correct an inaccu-
the American Red Cross for A $20 contribution provides
operate within a commercial district, but set addi- racy or cover an issue more
this event. basic ambulance coverage for a
tional restrictions such clinics had to meet. thoroughly, call the newsroom
During the harsh winter household through Dec. 31 and at 829-7242.
Among the restrictions was that a clinic could not
months, the American Red ensures bills will not be due
operate within 1,000 feet from an existing struc-
Cross’ blood bank took a se- for services not covered by
ture. A STORY ON PAGE 1A of
vere hit in its collections. insurance.
Habit OPCO argued the ordinance was exclu- Thursday’s Times Leader
Mayor Tom Leighton re- Forms are available by call-
sionary per se because there was no place within should have stated that a
quested a City Hall-sponsored ing Jean Panzitta at 603-1147,
the borough where there was at lest 1,000 feet blowout at a natural gas well
blood drive to aid the orga- or mail donations with your
from an existing structure. in Bradford County occurred
nization and to raise aware- name and address to
after a piece of equipment
ness about the blood bank HMZCAA, P.O. Box 133, Falls,
failed and then pressure
shortage. He encourages all PA 18615.
caused liquid to leak out
residents to consider donating Board members are Jean through it.
blood. Panzitta, Carol Ference, Joel
City employees will line up Eble, Deb Jallen, Lori Sakalas
to donate blood in the Red and John Bonin. Meetings SUNDAY’S PUBLICATION
Cross “Blood Mobile,” which begin at 7 p.m. the second OF the “What’s On” TV guide
in The Times Leader con-
will be parked in the City Hall Monday each month at the
tained incorrect puzzle clues.
cut-out on North Washington township municipal building.
The correct clues, grid and
answers appear to the left.

Thomas A. Petrella Sr.

April 20, 2011
+(ISSN No. 0896-4084)

T homas A. Petrella Sr., of Boland

Avenue, Hanover Township,
died Wednesday, April 20, 2011, at
Tom was preceded in death by a
USPS 499-710

Issue No. 2011-112

brother, Paul.
home. Surviving are a son, Thomas, and Advertising Newsroom
829-7293 829-7242
Born September 12, 1935, in East- his wife, Susan Petrella, Virginia [email protected] [email protected]
on, Pa., he was a son of the late Paul Beach, Va.; grandchildren, Ryan Paul Circulation
and Alice Manley Petrella. He was a Jim McCabe – 829-5000
Petrella and Kara Lynn Petrella; and [email protected]
graduate of Hanover High School,
brothers Gerald, Frank and Daniel Published daily by:
class of 1954.
Tom was a U.S. Army veteran. He Petrella.
Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company
was an assistant store manager for Funeral will be held at 10:30 15 N. Main St.
Acme Markets at its Carey Avenue a.m. Saturday from the Mam- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711

and Shavertown stores for over 40 ary-Durkin Funeral Services, 59 Par- Periodicals postage paid at
Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices
years. rish St., Wilkes-Barre. Interment will
Postmaster: Send address changes
He was a member of the American be held in St. Mary’s Roman Catholic to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
Legion Post 609 Lee Park Avenue, Cemetery, Hanover Township. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Hanover Township, where he was ve- Friends may call from 9 a.m. until Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week
ry active in the day-to-day oper- time of services Saturday. Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday
$4.35 per week in PA
More Obituaries, Page 6A $4.75 per week outside PA


DRUNKEN DRIVING State police report making record number of arrests in 2010 I N B R I E F

Collars for DUI down in county


Harshbarger story on NBC

Tonight’s “Dateline NBC” story on
Mark and Mary Beth Harshbarger will
air during the show’s second hour. The
show runs 9 to 11 p.m., and the Harsh-
barger segment will
By EDWARD LEWIS the previous year, according to the state ordered to attend alcohol highway safe- Shickshinny, Tunkhannock, Laporte begin at 10 p.m., said
[email protected] police Uniform Crime Report. ty programs that Swortz coordinates and Towanda. Amy Lynn of NBC
Pennsylvania State Police made a re- UCR statistics from Jan. 1 to April 20 through Catholic Social Services. Noonan said the expansion of the de- News Communi-
cord number of arrests for drunken driv- indicate 215 motorists in Luzerne Coun- State police investigated 4,595 alco- partment’s drug recognition expert pro-
ing in 2010 while police agencies in Lu- ty have been charged by municipal po- hol-related crashes in 2010, a slight de- gram and continuation of its Operation
Lynn also wanted
zerne County reported fewer cases dur- lice agencies with DUI, a significant crease from the previous year. Nighthawk program are playing a role
to clarify the issue of
ing the same year. drop from 371 DUI arrests during the “Protecting the public is the highest in the growing number of DUI arrests by
same time in 2010. priority for the Pennsylvania State Po- troopers. Mary Beth Harsh-
State police Commissioner Frank barger’s participation
Joseph Swortz, coordinator for Lu- lice,” Noonan said in a news release. The drug recognition expert program
Noonan said troopers made 17,695 ar- in the show. Harshbarger
zerne County Alcohol Highway Safety “Taking impaired drivers off the road is trains troopers and municipal police of-
rests for driving under the influence last “Our correspond-
Program, said he believes there are few- one of the best ways to keep our citizens ficers to identify drivers operation un-
year, an increase of nearly 5 percent over er DUI arrests locally because people safe.” der the influence of illegal or prescrip- ent, Keith Morrison, said Mary Beth
the 16,900 DUI arrests reported in 2009. have realized the public risk and danger State police, Troop P, based at Wyom- tion drugs and other substances. went back and forth with the show’s
It was the ninth consecutive year in of drunken driving. ing, arrested 504 motorists for DUI in Drug recognition experts during 2010 producers regarding her participation,”
which the number of DUI arrests by “Society has taken a different look at 2010, an increase of 28 DUI cases from conducted 1,450 drug influence evalua- Lynn said. “He met with her at her
state police increased. this realizing it is a public safety threat 2009. tions, a 29 percent increase from 1,118 farm in Meshoppen and talked to her
Municipal police agencies in Luzerne and a hazard,” Swortz said. “People are There were 170 alcohol-related crash- evaluations conducted in 2009. several times on the phone, but when it
County reported 1,096 DUI arrests in thinking twice and planning ahead.” es investigated by troopers assigned to Troop P conducted six drug influence came to an on-camera interview, she
2010, fewer than the 1,179 DUI arrests in Motorists convicted of DUI are court Troop P, which consists of barracks in evaluations in 2010. canceled at the last minute.”
Telling authorities she mistook her
husband, Mark, for a bear, Mary Beth

DOC will
Harshbarger went to trial last year in
PROCESSION MARKS HOLY THURSDAY the 2006 shooting on the hunting trip
in Newfoundland. She was acquitted in
a Canadian court on all charges in his

review info


Tire collection starts today

on contract In recognition of Earth Day, Jack
Williams Tire and Auto Service Cen-
ters is holding a tire collection today

for MinSec and Saturday.

Residents can bring unmounted old
tires to any Jack Williams location, and
the company will dispose of them for
Secretary designee tours the only $2 per tire. The centers will also
be offering free nitrogen changeovers,
controversial halfway house in normally a $20 value.
Hazleton with state Rep. Toohil.

By STEVE MOCARSKY Gas drilling talk Wednesday

[email protected] The Gas Drilling Awareness Coali-
HAZLETON – After a tour of a con- tion will sponsor a free presentation
troversial minimum-security halfway titled “Life in the Gas Fields,” by May-
house in the city’s downtown with or Calvin Tillman of Dish, Texas, and
state Rep. Tarah Toohil and members property owner Tim Ruggiero of Deca-
of the House Judiciary Committee on tur, Texas.
Thursday, state Department of Cor- The presentation will be held
rections Secretary Designee John Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Bergman Audi-
Wetzel sidestepped a question wheth- torium at Temple B’nai B’rith, 408
er he would cancel a contract with the Wyoming Ave., Kingston.
operator but promised to review infor- DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER

mation that could warrant such ac- embers of the newly formed St. Andre Bessette parish community process along North Main Street WILKES-BARRE TWP.
In the wake of several violent crimes
from a Holy Thursday service at St. Stanislaus Koska Church to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in
Wilkes-Barre. The final Good Friday service will be held tonight at Sacred Heart, which is scheduled to
Cycle-ride fundraiser
committed by current or former facil- close later this year. Luzerne County Sheriff John F. Gilli-
ity residents, Toohil, R-Butler Town- gan and his staff will
ship, has been fighting to have chang- host a motorcycle run
es made there and possibly have the and after-ride party on

Baker lauds Back Mt. group

state contract with MinSec – the facil- Saturday, May 7, to
ity operator – canceled. benefit the Make-A-
For a privately owned Wish Foundation.
facility such as MinSec, The ride starts at
Wetzel said the zoning 11:30 a.m. at the Mo-
opportunity is “very hegan Sun Arena. Gilligan
See video unique because it’s not Coalition recently won the 2011 Receiving the top Riders can register at
from Thurs- someone in the state award from the the arena from 8 to 11 a.m. May 7.
day’s press
Township Planning Award from the Pennsylvania State Registration fees are $10 per bike and
that decides” where the
conference facility can open, but a Pa. township supervisors’ group. Association of $5 per rider.
at MinSec at Township Super- For information, contact James Hal-
www.times- local zoning board. visors from state ford at 309-7824, Mike Patterson at Responding to a re-
By SARAH HITE Sen. Lisa Baker is 313-1824, or Donald Lasoski at 760-
porter, Wetzel said he
[email protected] James Reino, King- 1843. For information about the event
wasn’t aware that Min- ston Township su-
DALLAS TWP. – State Sen. Lisa Bak- or the Make-A-Wish Foundation, con-
Sec representatives presented the fa- pervisor and chair-
er, R-Lehman Township, visited the tact Dana Antkowiak at (412) 471-9474.
cility as a drug rehabilitation facility man of the Back
and not a minimum-security prison at Back Mountain Community Partner-
Mountain Communi- HAZLETON
a city zoning hearing. ship meeting Thursday afternoon at ty Partnership.
Asked if he would consider cancel-
ing MinSec’s contract if that were the
Misericordia University to congratu-
late members on receiving state and lo- CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK/FOR THE TIMES LEADER
Barletta open house set
case, Wetzel said he would “take any cal awards. The partnership recently U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton,
objective documented information if won the 2011 Township Planning Partnership Vice Chairman John of the partnership, attended the meet- will hold an open house in his district
there are issues. That’s the approach Award from the Pennsylvania State As- Wilkes Jr., of Jackson Township, said ing to reflect on what the group has office in Hazleton on
we’ve taken as we move forward, look- sociation of Township Supervisors for the group was selected out of 16 orga- done since its inception in 2009. Tuesday at 6 p.m.
ing at the data.” He said he would re- its efforts in regionalizing emergency nizations throughout the state. “We met, we decided to do it, we Barletta’s office in
view minutes from MinSec’s zoning management plans and creating an in- Baker and Misericordia President gave you a room, we gave you some Hazleton is inside the
hearing “if someone provides it.” tergovernmental land development no- Michael MacDowell, who Wilkes said CAN DO Renaissance
tice agreement. were both instrumental in the creation See BAKER, Page 7A Center, 1 S. Church
Wetzel said some changes have
St., Suite 100, Hazle-
been made in the type of prisoners be-
ton. Regular office
ing housed there since Gov. Tom Cor-
hours are 9 a.m. to 6

Casey praises law enforcement, argues for funds

bett’s administration took office in Ja- Barletta
p.m. Phone 751-0050;
fax 751-0054.
“We were contacted about issues up Barletta said caseworkers also visit
here and we met with the folks and state representatives’ offices for con-
then I did an unannounced visit the By CHRIS HUGHES
stituent meetings. Those meetings are
next day, not just to see what MinSec [email protected]
booked through the state representa-
is doing, but also to see what the de- SCRANTON – U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, tives’ offices on the following schedule:
partment was doing. There are some D-Scranton, said Thursday that local • Columbia County: second and
law enforcement officials are effective- fourth Wednesdays of the month from
See MINSEC, Page 4A
ly fighting against many types of crime 10 a.m. through noon at the Blooms-
in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but fed- burg office of state Rep. Dave Millard.
eral funds are crucial to combating a • Carbon County: first and third
rise in heroin- and gang-related activ- Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Le-
ity. highton office of state Rep. Doyle Hef-
Casey, speaking at a press confer- fley; second and fourth Tuesdays from
ence at his Scranton office, cited a re- 2 to 4 p.m. at the Albrightsville office
port titled “The Eastern Pennsylvania of state Rep. Doyle Heffley.
Drug and Gang Threat Assessment • Luzerne County: first and third
2011,” which was released last month Wednesdays of the month from 10 a.m.
by the National Drug Intelligence Cen- through noon at the West Pittston
ter . Municipal Building Community Room,
It outlined the need for money from 555 Exeter Ave. For an appointment,
STEVE MOCARSKY/THE TIMES LEADER Washington in local municipalities. CHRISTOPHER J. HUGHES/THE TIMES LEADER contact Borough Administrator Savino
State Reps. Tarah Toohil and Ronald U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said Thursday at a press conference that federal fund- Bonita or Borough Secretary Ellen
Marsico at a press conference. See CASEY, Page 4A ing is crucial to combating the area’s drug- and gang-related crimes. Rittle at 655-7780, ext. 221.


More drug counts vs. woman out on bail County to

add drug
It’s second time Renee criminal use of ered heroin in the Wyoming Narcotics Unit arranged to buy controlled substance, and one

a cell phone. Valley Mall parking lot on Jan. heroin from Morinelli on Dec. count each of possession of a
Morinelli, 49, has been
Bail was set at 26, and at an undisclosed loca- 8. After arrangements were controlled substance and crimi-
nabbed on delivery charges. $10,000 on the tion in Wilkes-Barre on Feb. 1, made using a cell phone nal use of a cell phone for his
latest charges. according to court records. through Keith Irace, troopers al- alleged role in setting up the

[email protected]
WILKES-BARRE – State po-
It is the sec-
ond time Mo-
was free on
She was being watched by au-
thorities while she was on bail
when she allegedly sold heroin
outside a shopping area in
lege Morinelli exchanged 10
heroin packets for cash in the
area of East Linden Street, near
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital.
heroin sale on Dec. 8, according
to arrest and court records.
Irace has not been arraigned
on the charges.
lice at Wyoming allege Renee bail since Feb. 24, has been ar- Wilkes-Barre on April 2, arrest While Morinelli was released Morinelli previously served a There will be 8 drop-off sites
Morinelli sold heroin near a rested on charges she sold hero- records indicate. on bail after her arrest on Feb. two-year state prison sentence
to throw out expired, unused
hospital while she was free on in. After her arrest on drug 24, state police allege, she from June 2006 to June 2008,
bail on similar allegations. Kingston police charged her charges on April 2, she was agreed to sell 10 heroin packets according to the state Depart- and unwanted medications.
Morinelli, 49, of Kingston, with delivering heroin on April jailed at the county prison on in a parking lot on North River ment of Corrections, on burgla-
was arraigned Thursday in 2. $50,000 bail. Street near General Hospital on ry and drug convictions in Lu-
Wilkes-Barre Central Court on Morinelli was arrested Feb. According to the latest crimi- March 4, the complaint says. zerne County Court. By EDWARD LEWIS
six counts of possession with 24 by Kingston police and the nal complaint filed by state po- Irace, 39, of Wilkes-Barre, is A preliminary hearing on the [email protected]
intent to deliver a controlled Luzerne County Drug Task lice: facing three counts of posses- latest charges is scheduled on A program to properly dispose
substance and two counts of Force after she allegedly deliv- Troopers with the Vice and sion with intent to deliver a April 26 in Central Court. of unused prescription medica-
tions was such a success last year
that the number of collection

MONETIZE “There is a cost to doing this. They’re not just giv-

off the loan with interest. ed over about $1.4 million in sites is tripling in Luzerne Coun-
In addition to the loan inter- back-tax collections in exchange
est, another 5 to 5.5 percent also ing you money up front.” for an up-front monetization
There will be eight drop-off
goes to the redevelopment au- Tom Pribula payment of $680,000, he said. sites in Luzerne County on April
Continued from Page 1A
thority, lawyers and Municipal former county budget/finance chief, “Even though we’re going to 30 to properly dispose of expired,
budget if we had factored in Revenue Services, which was commenting on monetization have to wait longer for our mon- unused and unwanted controlled
monetization,” Urban said, not- hired by the authority to over- ey, it’s definitely going to be a substances. Illegal street drugs
ing that commissioners were see the program, according to better deal for us this way,” Ci- such as heroin and cocaine will
united in their determination Municipal Revenue representa- pensate for defaulters, he said. programs is increasing state- priano said. be collected without penalties.
not to raise taxes this year. tive Chuck Herron. The Redevelopment Author- wide, particularly with state Pribula, who resigned largely The service is free of charge.
For example, the fees on the ity doesn’t get to keep back-tax budget cuts to school districts, over the commissioners’ deci- Participants are asked to re-
Common tactic county’s latest monetization payments that come in after a he said. sion to factor the iffy Valley move any personal information
Monetization has become will range from about $385,000 loan is repaid, he said. Crest revenue in this year’s bud- from bottles or packages that
common in the region and to $423,000, Herron said. For example, the $7.7 million Hanover Area drops it get, said he was trying to wean contain pills, capsules and liquids
throughout the state since it Most of the fees are for legal being paid to the county in- However, the Hanover Area the county away from monetiza- before placing the items in a dis-
was authorized by state law in work, he said. Municipal Reve- cludes about $710,000 owed School District decided to stop tion and other “one-time fixes,” posal box at the drop-off sites.
1998. nue is paid to seek loan financ- from previous monetizing, even monetizing this year, said dis- particularly now that Northeast The U.S. Drug Enforcement
The county Redevelopment ing and monitor transactions though the county already re- trict Business Manager Tom Ci- Revenue is on board. Pribula, of Administration is coordinating
Authority is handling the coun- and the complicated packets of ceived the original up-front pay- priano. Conyngham Township, was the national Take-Back Prescrip-
ty program because the law paperwork required for the pro- ments, Herron said. He said the district was only working to reduce the county’s tion Drugs pro-
gives local redevelopment au- gram, Herron said. Some county officials had receiving about 60 cents on the debt, which was around $460 gram across the Participants
thorities that right. Taxing bodies benefit because said about $11.4 million was dollar, and he and the school million. nation. It is the are asked to
The authority basically takes they don’t have to wait years to owed to the county for 2010, but board members believed that Interest on the monetization second collec-
out a loan to give the taxing recoup money owed by tax de- Herron said that number actual- Northeast Revenue has taken an loans has been close to 5 per- tion of painkill- remove any
body an up-front payment faulters, Herron said. ly covered outstanding debt for “aggressive approach” collect- cent, he said. ers in recent personal in-
amounting to the lion’s share of The law, which exists in at multiple years. ing back taxes on the district’s “There is a cost to doing this. months.
the outstanding back taxes least 30 other states, is meant to The county was owed about behalf. They’re not just giving you mon- formation
Last Septem-
owed. give taxing bodies a way to $7.3 million in taxes for 2010 Northeast Revenue has been ey up front. When you’re talking ber, more than
from bottles
All the back taxes and penal- come up with cash so they don’t and will receive $6.99 million, running the county tax claim of- millions of dollars, the interest 242,000 or packages
ties paid on the impacted prop- have to put more burden on tax- or about 95 percent, he said. fice since May 2010. on these loans adds up,” Pribula pounds, or 121 that contain
erties must then be used to pay paying property owners to com- Participation in monetization Last year, Hanover Area turn- said. tons, of pre- pills, capsules
scription drugs
was turned in at and liquids.

back here anyhow, you just don’t know. tour, but she and others “still are seek- come up with as far as, not just meeting
… So when they come back in a more ing information with regard to what with the folks here, but also, possible 4,100 sites
restrictive, more controlled environ- type of crimes have been committed legislation with our committee,” Marsi- across the coun-
ment, research indicates they have a and the different classifications of in- co said. ty.
Continued from Page 3A Locally, District Attorney Jac-
better likelihood for success and suc- mates, the number of people coming in Toohil said proposed legislation will
things I felt we could be doing better,” cess is defined as the lack of future and the changes that are being made.” address the maximum number of resi- queline Musto Carroll said more
he said. criminality,” he said. Toohil said some progress has been dents that could be housed at such a than 130 pounds of expired and
Wetzel said that around the first “I’m not trying to diminish that there made, such as restricting MinSec resi- facility, noting that a MinSec facility in unused medications was collect-
week of February, only a third of the have been issues. … Making sure we’re dents to certain bus stops, visits to Scranton has only 66 residents while ed at three drop-off sites on Sept.
MinSec residents were from the area. putting the right people in the right banks and increasing their supervision. the Hazleton facility can accommodate 25.
“In community corrections, an im- community correction center is essen- Inmates used to enter and leave 175. The program was such a suc-
portant part of that is the first word: tial. … That’s one of the things early on through the front doors of the building; House Local Government Commit- cess, there will be more locations
community, and that’s with a big ‘C,’ we identified as the department not do- they are now required to use rear doors tee Chairman Tom Creighton, R-Lan- for participants to rid of their
not a little ‘C.’ And that’s an issue. I ing their job. So we’ve significantly and walk through a metal detector. caster County, who also took the tour, painkillers.
think that probably contributed to switched that dynamic,” Wetzel said. Toohil said she will review the infor- has led a fight to keep a MinSec facility Collection sites are:
some of the issues up here. So in our He said Toohil arranged for him to mation from the tour with the chairs of out of Manheim, a small town of about • Butler Township Police De-
three months onboard, that number is meet on June 1 with the Greater Hazle- the House Local Government and Judi- 4,000 people in Lancaster County. partment, 415 W. Butler Drive,
now 80 percent and climbing. The only ton Chamber of Commerce, which ciary committees and “go over the lack “We felt the process of fitting one of Drums;
reason it hasn’t climbed faster is be- ousted MinSec from membership in of regulation and the lack of supervi- these facilities into Lancaster County • Dupont Police Department,
cause you don’t pull people out in the March. “I would be interested to hear sion in community correction facilities should be set up so they meet certain 600 Chestnut St., Dupont;
middle of programs,” he said. the complaints first-hand and discuss and see what kind of results we can criteria that makes the community • Duryea Police Department,
Wetzel said community corrections and really talk about some of the data. get.” comfortable,” Creighton said. 315 Main St., Duryea;
is important because “when we send We’ll continue to gather data and look State Rep. Ronald Marsico, chairman Lancaster County commissioners are • Harveys Lake Police Depart-
people from this community (to prison and make better decisions,” he said. of the Judiciary Committee, said the looking at various sites that would be ment, state Route 415, Harveys
and) … if someone paroles, they come Toohil said she “learned a lot” on the elected officials will “see what we can compatible for such a facility, he said. Lake;
• Kingston Township Police
Department, 180 E. Center St.,

countered, Deputy District At- said, represents the good work of have to fight very hard just to resources. Shavertown;
torney David Pedri said. It espe- law enforcement along with the maintain funding. … We have a “It comes down to dollars and • State police barracks at
cially reflects the influx of street increase in the quantity of heroin lot of work to do.” cents,” Jarbola said. “I certainly Wyoming, 475 Wyoming Ave.;
gangs in the city of Hazleton. available. A decrease in the number of vi- want to applaud Sen. Casey for • State police barracks at Ha-
Continued from Page 3A
“We see the drug trade moving The senator said he will con- olent crimes “demonstrates that his efforts in getting the money zleton, 250 Dessen Dr., West Ha-
The report looks at 42 of the farther into our community,” Pe- tinue to ask U.S. Attorney Gener- at the federal, state, county and that is absolutely necessary to zleton;
state’s 67 counties, accounting dri said. “With federal help, we’re al Eric Holder for more federal municipal level, the mayors, dis- keep one step ahead of the bad • Wilkes-Barre Police Depart-
for 8 million people. able to take a proactive approach money to combat drug- and trict attorneys, police officers, guys.” ment, 15 N. Washington St.,
“We’re fighting a problem in 42 to move forward with our prose- gang-related crime in the eastern prosecutors and federal officials After the press conference, Wilkes-Barre.
counties of eastern Pennsylva- cutions. Drugs are here in North- part of the commonwealth. are doing their job,” Casey said. Casey conducted a closed-door Participants willing to dispose
nia. This isn’t a couple of cities in eastern Pennsylvania. That’s a “I want them to understand “But on this particular challenge, discussion with local and federal prescription painkillers can visit
a few counties. It demonstrates fact,” he said. the urgency of getting help,” they need more help.” officials on fighting back against any collection site from 10 a.m. to
the challenge that we have,” The job now is to make the Casey said of a conversation he Lackawanna County District the region’s challenges. 2 p.m.
Casey said. drug trade a difficult one to prac- had with members of the Justice Attorney Andy Jarbola said the
The assessment outlines the tice. Department on Thursday morn- challenge for local officials con-
increase of New York area and “With federal grants and good ing. tinues to be how to remain one
Dominican gangs in the region, law enforcement, we’re doing “The problem is that we’ve got step ahead of crime trends. The
the sharp increase of heroin use that,” Pedri said. folks in Washington who want to report, Jarbola said, offers cru-
including among adolescents, In Pennsylvania, authorities dramatically and substantially cial information that helps offi-
and frequent home invasions in seized nearly 264 kilograms of slash funding,” Casey said. “We cials properly direct funds and
eastern Pennsylvania drug mar- heroin in 2010, a sharp increase
kets. from the nearly 88 kilograms
It accurately depicts criminal seized in 2009, according to re-
activity that the Luzerne County ports given to the National Sei-
District Attorney’s Office has en- zure System. The jump, Casey

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Libyan rebels take border post


Relief workers await arrival Children sit in the

back of a truck
Thursday as they

of evacuees in Benghazi cross the Tunisian-

Lybian border of
Dhuheiba, Tunisia.
By KARIN LAUB Also aboard the vessel were the bod- Libyan rebels said
and BEN HUBBARD ies of an Oscar-nominated documentary Thursday they had
Associated Press control of a post,
maker from Britain and an American
forcing government
TRIPOLI, Libya — Libyan rebels said photographer who were killed covering
soldiers to flee.
Thursday they had control of a post on clashes Wednesday. A day earlier, the
the Tunisian border, forcing govern- ferry arrived in Misrata, delivering food AP PHOTO
ment soldiers to flee over the frontier and medical supplies to the belea-
and possibly opening a new channel for guered population. TO,” government spokesman Moussa Holding the Dhuheiba border cross-
opposition forces in Moammar Gadha- Rebels appear to be gaining more in- Ibrahim told reporters in the capital Tri- ing could open important supply routes
fi’s bastion in western Libya. ternational support, including plans by poli. for anti-Gadhafi forces and give the re-
AP PHOTO In the rebel stronghold of Benghazi in Italy, France and Britain to send combat The reported capture of the border bels another foothold in western Libya.
Gulf oil spill anniversary noted eastern Libya, meanwhile, relief work- advisers and other nations pledging crossing followed three days of intense Tunisia’s official TAP news agency
Betty Doud lights candles in front of ers and medical teams awaited the ar- communications and other equipment fighting outside the desert town of Na- said Libyan rebels had control of the
crosses representing the 11 victims of rival of a passenger ferry carrying about under the NATO mission. But Gadhafi’s lut, about 140 miles southwest of the post and at least 13 Libyan military offi-
the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explo- 1,000 people — mostly Libyan civilians regime fired back with fierce threats if capital Tripoli, said a rebel leader, Sha- cers, including two commanders, fled
sion before a vigil Wednesday to mark and workers from Asia and Africa — out the alliance sends any troops to Libya. ban Abu Sitta. The area was briefly in across the border.
the first anniversary of the BP PLC oil of the besieged city of Misrata, the main “If NATO comes to Misrata, or any Li- hands of anti-government forces last
spill on a beach in Grand Isle, La. rebel holdout in Gadhafi’s territory. byan city, we will unleash hell upon NA- month before Libyan troops moved in.

Gas prices
Mall fire being investigated
I nvestigators want to question a per-

alter plans
son of interest about a pipe bomb
and two propane tanks that failed to
detonate at a Colorado mall that were
found after a security guard extin-
guished a fire.
Investigators on Thursday released a
third photo of the person. In two pho-
tos, he is seen entering a stairwell and
for travel
carrying a white plastic bag. The latest There are signs that many
shows him on an escalator inside the Americans may be rethinking
Southwest Plaza Mall.
Firefighters found the devices after summer vacations.
the fire that prompted the evacuation
of the mall around noon Wednesday.
No one was injured and the devices By MICHELLE R. SMITH
Associated Press
didn’t explode.
Authorities are investigating the With gas prices above $4 in
source of the fire, including whether it some states, Americans are can-
was caused by the failed detonation of celing spring break plans and
a bomb, said West Metro Fire Rescue rethinking summer vacation, and
spokeswoman Cindy Matthews. some tourist destinations are of-
fering gas vouchers of as much as
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA $50 to talk people out of giving up
and staying
Commandos storm ship home.
Mount say most of
South Korean commandos stormed a Rushmore, only
container ship hours after it was at- about 37,000
this year’s
tacked by pirates in the Indian Ocean people decided two-percent-
on Thursday and freed all crew mem- AP PHOTO in March that age-point cut
bers unharmed, officials said.
A second ship, an Italian-flagged
vessel with 21 crew, was also hijacked
P ope Benedict XVI, right, washes the foot of a priest during the Holy Thursday rite of the washing of feet, in
St. John in Lateran Basilica in Rome. The pope washes the feet of a dozen priests in a Holy Thursday cere-
mony to symbolize humility. Earlier, the pontiff celebrated the Holy Thursday Mass.
seeing the four in the Social
presidential Security pay-
by Somali pirates Thursday, the Eu- sculptures was roll tax is
ropean Union’s anti-piracy task force worth the trip, going straight

Japan seals off nuke no-go zone

said. down from into the gas
Hanjin Shipping Co. spokeswoman about 43,000 a
Sonya Cho said the South Korean com- year before. tank.
mando raid was carried out by the Choi At the Grand
Young, a helicopter-carrying warship Canyon, a mar-
with a crew of 200. keting executive for one company
She said the pirates who attacked the Evacuees raced into deserted towns that offers sweeping helicopter
75,000-ton Hanjin Tianjin about 250 vistas says 10 percent fewer peo-
miles east of Yemen’s Socotra island Thursday before the ban took effect
ple than last year are driving up
were not found by the commandos. to gather their belongings. and booking tours. The company
is counting on international tour-
SPRING VALLEY, N.Y. ists to make up the rest.

Minivan mother is buried By ERIC TALMADGE

Associated Press
On Thursday, President Barack
Obama announced that the Jus-
Flowers flanked a white casket con- FUTABA, Japan — Japan sealed off a tice Department is assembling a
taining the body of a young mother wide area around a radiation-spewing nu- team to "root out any cases of
Thursday along with three balloons — clear power plant on Friday to prevent fraud or manipulation" in oil mar-
one for each of the children who died tens of thousands of residents from kets that might be contributing to
in her minivan when she drove it into sneaking back to the homes they quickly $4 a gallon-plus gasoline prices.
the frigid Hudson River. evacuated, some with little more than a AP PHOTO This year, anxiety over high gas
The funeral for La’Shanda Arm- credit card and the clothes on their backs. Policemen search for bodies Thursday in the area hit by the March 11 earthquake prices — and whether the family
strong, 25, came one day after her Fearing they might not see their homes and tsunami in Minamisoma, Japan, inside the 12-mile evacuation zone. vacation will bust the family bud-
youngest would have turned 1. again for months, evacuees raced into the get — has come early, well before
Armstrong loaded her four children deserted towns Thursday before the ban next door to the plant, to collect equip- cooling systems. The order had no teeth, Memorial Day and the start of
into the van April 12 after an argument took effect to grab whatever belongings ment before the order took effect at mid- however, and people began increasingly summer.
with the father of her three youngest they could cram into their cars. night. returning to check on the remains of their Economists say most of this
and drove down a boat ramp in New- “This is our last chance, but we aren’t Nearly 80,000 people were hurriedly lives. Some had stayed all along. year’s two-percentage-point cut
burgh. The oldest child, 10-year-old going to stay long. We are just getting evacuated from a 12-mile (20-kilometer) With ongoing concerns about radi- in the Social Security payroll tax,
La’Shauna Armstrong, escaped and what we need and getting out,” said Ki- zone around the Fukushima Dai-ichi ation exposure — as well as theft in the which should bring in an extra
survived. yoshi Kitajima, an X-ray technician, who plant on March 12, after an earthquake mainly deserted zone — government of- $1,000 to $2,000 per household, is
“We all know that life is full of ques- dashed to his hospital in Futaba, a town and a tsunami destroyed its power and ficials imposed the formal closure. going straight into the tank.
tions,” the Rev. Naomi Lauture told
mourners inside a packed First Baptist

Failure at data center blamed for taking down some websites
Church in Spring Valley. “La’Shanda
loved God, and God loved La’Shanda,
and nobody can stop that.”

ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST By PETER SVENSSON AWS is generally considered the help of cellphone GPS chips, ing provider of this type of "util-
Amazon said the AP Technology Writer reliable because it uses vast num- was still experiencing technical ity" computing, where customers
Army turns on former ally trouble started NEW YORK — Scores of web- bers of computers, spread out in issues. pay only for the computing pow-
Ivory Coast’s new army turned its sites and Internet services like different data centers, making HootSuite, which provides a er and storage they need. Any-
early in the Foursquare and Reddit crashed Thursday’s failure unusual. "dashboard" for social media like one with a credit card can begin
guns on a former ally who helped in-
stall the democratically elected presi- morning at a or had limited availability Thurs- Amazon said the trouble start- Twitter feeds, was down com- using it. Competitors include
day because of problems at a da- ed early in the morning at a data pletely, as was questions-and-an- Rackspace Hosting Inc. and Mi-
dent but failed on Thursday to defeat data center in
ta center run by center in Northern Virginia, but swers site Quora. crosoft Corp.’s Azure platform.
the renegade forces who are dug into a Northern The problems revealed wide- provided no details. Reddit, a "social news" site Seattle’s Amazon has big plans
neighborhood of Abidjan, military
Virginia, but spread reliance on Amazon Web The problems were ongoing owned by Conde Nast Digital, for its Web Services. CEO Jeff
sources said.
Services, which rents out com- Thursday afternoon. was in "emergency read-only Bezos said last year that it could
Infighting among forces who recog- provided no puters and data storage on a self- Foursquare, which lets people mode." eventually be as large as Ama-
nize President Alassane Ouattara also details. service basis over the Internet. tell others where they are with Inc. is the lead- zon’s retail business.
erupted Wednesday in the southwest-
ern cocoa port of San Pedro, the sourc-
es said. Look in THE TIMES LEADER for today’s valuable inserts from these advertisers:
Rockets and mortars were fired in
both places, with civilians trying to flee
the crossfire.
The violence presents a major set- R

back for the country, which was taking R

timid steps toward normality following

the April 11 arrest of strongman Presi-

Some inserts, at the advertisers’ request, only appear in selected neighborhoods. If you would like to receive an insert that you do not currently receive, please call the advertiser.
dent Laurent Gbagbo.


BETTY M. PERRIN, 87, of Frank J. Matusek Timothy P. Reilly Peter P.

Plains Township, passed away
Wednesday, April 20, 2011, at her April 21, 2011 April 18, 2011 Kassab Sr.
Funeral arrangements will be
announced by E. Blake Collins Fu-
F rank J. Matusek, 83, of Old Tioga
Turnpike, Benton, Pa., died T imothy P. Reilly, 52, of Swoyers-
ville, formerly of Edwardsville,
April 20, 2011
Peter P. Kassab
Thursday morning, April 21, 2011, passed away peacefully Monday,
neral Home, Wilkes-Barre. Sr., 83, of 521
at the Mercy Special Care Hospital, April 18, 2011, at VNA Hospice at
JOAN NESBITT, 69, of Pocono Nanticoke, where he was a patient. Heritage House, Wilkes-Barre. Zehner St.,
Trailer Park, Wilkes-Barre, passed Born July 14, 1927, in Mocana- Tim was born on February 24, Bloomsburg, Pa.,
away Monday, April 18, 2011, at qua, he was a son of the late Joseph died at 3:06 p.m.
1959. He was a son of Margaret D.
Hospice Community Care, Inpa- Wednesday, April
and Kathryn (Spernoga) Matusek. Reilly and the late Lawrence L. Reil-
tient Unit, Geisinger South 20, 2011, at the
He graduated from the former ly Sr., of Edwardsville. Geisinger Medi-
Wilkes-Barre. Joan was born in
Pottstown, Pa., on July 29, 1941, a Shickshinny High School and Tim graduated from West Side cal Center, Dan-
daughter of the late Clarence and served in the U.S. Army during the Vocational-Technical High School. ville, where he was a patient for two
Anna Urban Andreas. She was pre- Korean War. He retired from Penn- After graduation he worked in local weeks.
ceded in death by her husband, DOT as a foreman. restaurants, including the former Born in Wilkes-Barre, on March13,
James Nesbitt; and her daughter, Frank was a member of the Shick- Lowe’s and Aldino’s in Wilkes- 1928, he was a son of the late Paul S.
Robin Jones. She is survived by her shinny American Legion Post and a Barre. He moved to Florida, where and Rose (Joseph) Kassab.
granddaughter, Amber Jones of lifetime member of the VFW Post of he became the executive chef at the He was a 1946 graduate of GAR
Wilkes-Barre. Mocanaqua. He was an avid Phillies and Joseph Matusek, both of Moca- Hilton Hotel, located in Long Boat Edwardsville. He is also survived by High School, Wilkes-Barre. Follow-
Joan’s interment will be today fan and enjoyed attending all the naqua; as well as a sister, Irene Ma- his longtime companion, Claire Re- ing graduation he moved to Blooms-
in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hanover baseball games of the Scranton/ tusek, Mocanaqua. inhardt, and her sons, PJ and Ted, burg, where he established Kassab
Township. Funeral arrangements Upon his return to the valley, he
Wilkes-Barre Red Barons and then Funeral services will be held Swoyersville; and numerous nieces Brothers Steel, operating the busi-
are by the George A. Strish Inc. Fu- at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the worked at the Outback Restaurant ness until his death.
the Yankees. He also enjoyed at- and nephews.
neral Home, 105 N. Main St., Ash- Mayo Funeral Home Inc., 77 N. and Konefal’s until his illness. Tim A memorial Mass will be held at Peter was a devout member of St.
ley. tending Nanticoke Area soccer was an avid sports fan, and he espe-
Main St., Shickshinny, followed by a 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Resurrection Columba Catholic Church, Blooms-
games coached by his son. cially enjoyed watching the Yan-
GEORGE L. “CURLY” KRISAN- Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 of the Lord Polish National Church, burg, where he was a Eucharistic
He was preceded in death by sis- kees. Minister for many years. He also was
DA, formerly of Ashley and living a.m. in Holy Spirit Parish/St. Mar- Zerby Avenue, Edwardsville. Inter-
ters Catherine Matusek, Ann Mi- A brother, Lawrence L. Reilly Jr., a member of St. George Maronite
in Dania Beach, Fla., for the last 21 tha’s Church, Fairmount Springs. ment will be private. The family will
tros, and Mary Matusek. preceded him death. Church, Wilkes-Barre. He was a
years, died Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Burial will be in St. Martha’s Ceme- receive friends from 4 to 6 p.m. at
He was a son of the late George and A devoted and caring husband, tery with military honors provided Along with his mother, Tim is Fourth Degree member of the
the church.
Mary Antonik Zelinda Krisanda father, grandfather, great-grandfa- by the Shickshinny American Le- survived by brother and sisters, Peg- Knights of Columbus.
In lieu of flowers, memorial dona-
and was retired from PLCB. He ther, and brother, he is survived by gion Post. Visitation will be from 5 gy and Joe Zinkavich, Kingston; Mi- Peter was a direct descendant of
tions can be made to the Resurrec-
served and was retired from the his wife, the former Bernadine Hay- to 8 p.m. Monday. chael and Patricia Reilly, Edwards- Saint Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini,
tion of the Lord Polish National Ca-
U.S. Navy and was a veteran of dock, whom he married on May 17, In lieu of flowers, please send do- who was canonized in 2004. Peter
ville; and Kathy and Stew Thomas, tholic Church.
World War II, the Korean and Viet- 1952. Also surviving are sons, Mark nation to the American Heart Asso- and his wife attended the ceremonies
nam wars. He was a member of the Matusek, at home, and Frank Matu- ciation, 613 Baltimore Drive, Ste. 3, in Rome.
Ashley American Legion. He is sek Jr., and his wife, Pam, Shickshin- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. He was a past president of the
survived by wife, Viola Duddy ny; a daughter, Joan Matusek, Lake For additional information, or to Bloomsburg Lions Club and a life
McDonald Krisanda; children, Silkworth; one grandson; one great- send condolences, please visit member of Bloomsburg Elks Lodge
Colleen Williams and her hus- grandson; brothers, John Matusek Wheaton D. Fassett Jr. 436.
The last of his immediate family,
band, James, Mechanicsburg, Pa.;
Jack McDonald, Davie, Fla.; Eileen April 19, 2011 he was preceded in death by his par-
Padden and her husband, John, ents; an infant son, James, in 1966;
Ashley; Marty McDonald and his and a daughter, Linda, in 2009.
wife, Gerri, Ashley; and George
Krisanda Jr., a.k.a. GL, Ashley;
Frances L. Malyndziak W heaton D. Fassett Jr., of Fork-
ston Township, Pa., died
Tuesday, April 19, 2011. He was
Surviving are his wife, the former
Margaret A. Ash, with whom he cele-
nine grandchildren, three great- April 19, 2011 born in Meshoppen on June 30, brated his 58th wedding anniversary
grandchildren and many nieces 1959, a son of the late Wheaton on August 12, 2010; two sons, Peter
and nephews. Paul Kassab Jr. and his wife, Diane,
Local memorial services will
be at a time to be announced.
F rances L. Malyndziak, 102, for-
merly of the Hudson section of
and Daisy Farr Fassett Sr.
He worked as a laborer at Don- Alexandria, Va., and Stephen M. Kas-
sab and his wife, Michelle, Peters-
Plains Township, passed away nora Fireworks Inc., in Forkston
burg, Va.; a daughter, Mary E., wife of
ELIZABETH MARY CZEKAL- peacefully Tuesday evening, April Township.
Gary Rubenstein, Sanford, N.C.; 10
SKI, 90, died Thursday, April 7, 19, 2011, in the Partridge-Tippett Wheaton was preceded in death
grandchildren; one great-grand-
2011, in Tracy, Calif. She is sur- Nursing Facility of Wesley Village, by his brother, Mark Fassett, who daughter; and several nieces and ne-
vived by her children, Deborah and Jenkins Township. died on February 14, 2011. phews.
Norman Czekalski; two grandchil- Born in Hudson on December 31, Surviving are four sons, Antho- Friends may call from 4 to 6 p.m.
dren and three great-grandchil- 1908, she was a daughter of the late ny Norconk of Wyalusing, David Monday at the Dean W. Kriner Inc.
dren, all of Tracy. Joseph and Barbara Karbowiak Fassett of Larksville, Eric Melan Funeral Home & Cremation Service,
Blessing services by the Rev. Tomczak. She was a lifelong resi- of Tunkhannock, and Keith Ne- 325 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Fu-
Joseph A. Kearney will be conduct- dent of Hudson and attended Plains whart of Jenningsville, Pa.; broth- neral services will be held at 10 a.m.
don-Kukuchka Funeral Home Inc.,
ed at 10 a.m. Monday in the Chapel Township schools. ers, Allen G. Fassett of Meshop- Tuesday from St. George Maronite
73 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock. In-
at Fairview Memorial Park, Elm- Frances had worked as a floor la- pen and Tim Fassett of Meshop- Chapel, 79 Loomis St., Wilkes-Barre,
terment will be at the conve-
hurst, with interment to follow. Ar- dy for Neisner’s Department Store pen; and sister, Kathy Hamner of with the Rev. Fr. Hanna Karam offi-
rangements are by the Thomas P. nience of the family. Calling hours
and Blum Brothers Store, Wilkes- Kirkwood, N.Y.; six grandchil- were held at the funeral home on ciating. Interment in St. Mary’s Cem-
Kearney Funeral Home, Old Forge. dren; as well as several aunts, un- etery, Hanover Township.
Barre, until her retirement. She was ziak, Swoyersville, and Lynn Comu- Thursday.
Visit cles, nieces, nephews and cousins. The family will provide flowers.
to leave a condolence. also the bookkeeper for the family nale and her husband, Anthony M., Online condolences may be
coal delivery business for many East Stroudsburg, Pa. Funeral service was held sent to the family at www.shel- Memorials may be sent to a charity of
Thursday evening from the Shel- the donor’s choice.
years. Frances’ funeral will be con-
To sign the guest book or to send a
She was a member of the former ducted at 9 a.m. Monday from the
Victoria Stacia St. Joseph Church, Hudson, and
currently Ss. Peter & Paul Church,
Mark V. Yanaitis Funeral Home, 55
Stark St., Plains Township, with a
message of condolence, please go to
Rospendowski- Plains Township. Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m.
Smith Frances was preceded in death by in Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Plains Mary U. Farrell
her husband of 49 years, Walter, Township. Interment will follow in
April 14, 2011 who died September 11, 1986; by Mount Olivet Cemetery, Carverton. April 19, 2011 Leland R.
brothers, Peter, John, Anthony and Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m.
‘Sunfish’ Shupp
V ictoria Stacia Rospendowski-
Smith, 80, Brandenburg, Ky.,
died Thursday, April 14, 2011, at
Stanley Tomczak; and by sisters,
Mary Fisher, Edith Slabinski, Nellie
The family would like to express M ary U. Farrell, of Duryea,
died Tuesday, April 19, 2011, April 21, 2011
Pietrzak and Lottie Malyndziak. their deepest gratitude to the dedi- at the Mercy Hospice Unit. She
the Medco Center of Brandenburg.
was the widow of William Far-
She was born December 1, 1930, in
Nanticoke, a daughter of Frank
Surviving are a son, Walter D.,
and his wife, Patricia, Swoyersville;
cated doctors and staff of Wesley
Village and Frances’ extraordinary rell.
Born November 15, 1913, she
L eland R. “Sunfish” Shupp, of Av-
ery Station Road, Factoryville,
and Lillian Smereski-Rospendow- granddaughters, Judith Malynd- Minister Stanley Miskiewicz. passed away Thursday afternoon,
ski. was a daughter of the late Paul April 21, 2011, at Mercy Tyler Hospi-
Victoria was preceded in death and Mary Fitzpatrick Urban. She tal in Tunkhannock.
by her husband, Morris Henry was a graduate of East Strouds- He was born on December 22,
Smith; a son, John Frances Smith; burg State College and was an 1931, in Tunkhannock, a son of the
a sister, Dorothy Rospendowski-
Bartoszek; a brother-in-law, Sel
William Girvan Jr. elementary teacher for over 40
years in Duryea, Northeast, and
late Leroy and Agnes Shupp.
Sunfish was a 1951 graduate of
Konsevitch; and two great-grand- April 20, 2011 Pittston Area school districts. Tunkhannock High School, a U.S. Ar-
sons, Kayler Mychal Dorsey and Mary was an active member
Von Glatz. my veteran, and, for over 40 years,
of Sacred Heart Church in Du-
She is survived by a brother,
Frank (Alverna) Rospendowski, W illiam Girvan Jr., 93, of Bear
Creek Boulevard, Plains Town- ryea for many years taking care
of the altar, teaching CCD, sing-
was employed as a boilermaker for
Chicago Bridge.
Wapwallopen; a sister, JoAnn Ros- ship, passed into Eternal Life unex- Surviving are many nieces He was preceded in death by a
pectedly Wednesday afternoon, ing in the choir and participa- and nephews. brother, Ronald Shupp; and a sister,
pendowski-Konsevitch, Bethle-
hem, Pa.; a son, Morris Frank ting in first communion train- The Funeral will be at 10 a.m. Shirley Davis.
April 20, 2011, at his residence.
(Amanda) Smith, Kingston; and ing, May Crowning, and the Monday morning with Mass of Surviving are his wife of 52 years,
Born March 9, 1918, in Plains- church picnic. She was also ac-
three daughters, Victoria Stacia ville, he was a son of the late William Christian Burial at Sacred Heart Jean Zeme Shupp; a daughter, Tina
Smith-Hynes, Brandenburg, Ky.; tive in bowling and local musi- Church, Stephenson Street, Du-
and Mary (Ryan) Girvan. He was Shupp of Sugar Run; a brother, Roger
Linda Marie Smith-Kennedy, cal groups. ryea. Interment will be held in
educated in the local schools. Shupp of Tunkhannock; as well as
Union Star, Ky.; and Elizabeth June She was preceded in death by St. Mary’s Cemetery in Avoca.
Mr. Girvan was a veteran of the nieces and nephews.
(Roger) Nafus-Janecek, Hardins- a son, Michael; a sister, Cecelia Memorials may be made to
burg, Ky. Nana will be greatly mis- Second World War and served in the Funeral services will be held
Mullaly; and brothers, Aloysius, the Mercy Hospice, 746 Jeffer-
sed by 22 grandchildren, 43 great- Paul, and Joseph Urban. at 11 a.m. Tuesday from the
South Pacific as a staff sergeant with son Ave., Scranton, PA 18501.
grandchildren and many loving Sheldon-Kukuchka Funeral Home,
the U.S. Army 3427th Ordnance
nieces and nephews. 73 W. Tioga St, Tunkhannock. Offi-
Company. Upon his honorable dis-
A Celebration of Victoria’s ciating will be Fr. David Betts of the
Life will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday charge in 1946, he was awarded the Church of the Nativity BVM in Tunk-
from the chapel of the Hager Fu- Good Conduct Medal, the Philip- as several nieces and nephews. hannock. Interment will be in Sunny-

neral Home, Brandenburg, Ky., pine Liberation Ribbon and the Funeral services and inter- side Cemetery Tunkhannock.
with Pastor Russell Perry officiat- Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal. ment will be private and at the Friends may call at the funeral home
ing. Visitation will be held from 1 He later served as a merchant ma- from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday.
to 5 p.m. Sunday at the chapel of convenience of Mr. Girvan’s family
rine aboard several vessels in the from the John V. Morris Funeral ADAMS – Thomas, funeral 11 a.m. Visitation 4 to 7 p.m. today and 9 Online condolences may be sent to
the funeral home. Interment ser-
Great Lakes Region. Locally, he Homes of Wilkes-Barre. There will today from the Sweet Valley to 10 a.m. Saturday at McLaugh- the family at www.sheldonkukuchka-
vices will be held at a later date at
the Slocum Cemetery, Slocum. worked for the C.F. Goeringer Con- be no public calling hours. Relatives Church of Christ, 5439 Main lin’s.
Online condolences may be left struction Co. for a number of years Road, Sweet Valley. LEWIS – Steven, funeral Mass 11 a.m.
and friends are welcome to send his COLE – Albina, graveside memorial 1 More Obituaries, Page 2A
at and most recently was self employ- daughters and family online words Monday morning in St. Anthony’s
ed in the hospitality industry until p.m. April 30 at Orcutt’s Ceme- Maronite Catholic Church, Park
of comfort and friendship by visit- tery (new section), Noxen.
his retirement. ing our website at www.JohnVMor- HECK – Robert, celebration of life 10
Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. There will PA T R IC IA
OBITUARY POLICY He is remembered by family and a.m. Saturday at McLaughlin’s
be no viewing. G E L SL E IC H T E R
The Times Leader publish- friends as having a love of boating Memorial contributions are re- Family Funeral Service, 142 S. 6/27/1936 -4/22/2007
es free obituaries, which and enjoyed roller skating locally. quested in Mr. Girvan’s memory to Washington St., Wilkes-Barre.
have a 27-line limit, and paid He was preceded in death by his Happy Birthday In Heaven
the Saint Jude Children’s Research
obituaries, which can run
with a photograph. A funeral
wife, the former Leona E. Kadlubos-
kie, in 1996; and by sisters, Mary
Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place,
Memphis, TN 38105-3678.
home representative can call
the obituary desk at (570)
Drey and Lydia Smith.
Surviving are his daughters,
Carol A. Loucks 4/22/52 - 7/20/10
April 22, 2010
Paul Motsko
829-7224, send a fax to (570) Diane Girvan, North Wilkes-Barre,
829-5537 or e-mail to tlo- and Christine Busch and her hus-
[email protected]. If you band, Don, of Dallas; grandsons, De-
fax or e-mail, please call to rek Natoli, Las Vegas, Nev., and Mi-
confirm. Obituaries must be chael Toma of Wilkes-Barre; as well
submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday
through Thursday and 7:30
p.m. Friday and Saturday. Irish B lessing
Obituaries must be sent by a I dreamt last night you held my hand,
MISS ME - BUT LET ME GO M a y th e roa d ris e
funeral home or crematory, But woke and you weren’t there, to m eet you
When I came to the end of the road
or must name who is hand-
ling arrangements, with
Happy Birthday And as the teardrops filled my eyes
Your presence filled the air.
And the sun has set for me M a y th e w in d s b e a lw a ys
a t you r b a ck
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
address and phone number. In Heaven I tried again to reach for you,
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long
M a y th e s u n s h in e w a rm
We discourage handwritten 4/22/26 u p on you r fa ce,
But found you too far away, And not with your head bowed low
notices; they incur a $15
typing fee.
G en etti’s Sadly Missed by Wife Dorothy,
Daughter Marsha,
So I began to cry again, Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me - but let me go
T h e ra in s fa ll s oft
u p on you r field s ,
A fterFu nera lLu ncheons Son-in-law Tony Alu,
Waiting for the day.
For this is a journey that we all must take A n d u n til w e m eet a ga in
Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson Son Barry, And each must go alone
When I see you once again,
ST.M A RY’S H otelBerea vem entR a tes Daughter-in-law Linda,
Grandson Jeffrey & Wife Nora Alu,
I know just what I’ll do,
I’ll gently grab you by the hand,
It’s all a part of the Master’s plan
A step on the road to home.
M a y G od h old you in th e
h ollow of h is h a n d .
M O N U M EN T CO . Granddaughter Tanya & Husband To make my dream come true.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know Sad ly m issed by lovin g husban d Jim ,
M onum ents -M arkers -Lettering
Charles Hurst, We love & miss you so much! And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds child ren Jim m y,M ike,Peggy an d M ary
Granddaughter Emily Motsko & Dave, Erin Miss me - but let me go
an d sistersM aureen ,E ileen an d Jud y
N EXT TO SO LO M O N ’S CREEK 825.6477 Great Grandson Jack Hurst & Amanda Sadly missed & Forever loved by
Mom & Dad, Sister, Family & Friends an d gran d child ren


No salary increase for super as Crestwood mulls funding


Times Leader Correspondent
WRIGHT TWP. – The overriding top-
were to approve a zero percent salary
increase for the superintendent for the
2011-2012 school year and a four-year ex-
Each member district votes on the
LIU budget, but the actual vote total is
by individual members of each board.
LCCC gets part of street
ic of Thursday night’s Crestwood School tension of the existing management ad- Crestwood’s vote was four against and By STEFFEN LIZZA close the road to vehicles, allow-
District Board meeting was the same di- visory services agreement with Albert B. two for. Times Leader Correspondent ing only foot traffic.
lemma facing all the districts in the area Melone Co. to provide business manager Only six Crestwood board members NANTICOKE – An ordinance Virginia Knorr of Coal Street
– how to do more with less and cope services, at a zero percent increase for were at the meeting. that will vacate a portion of Nanti- said she was concerned about
with the governor’s proposed budget the upcoming fiscal year, with the other The board also adopted a food service coke Avenue to Luzerne County tractor-trailer deliveries to the
cuts in education. years tied to an index but to be no more budget from the Nutrition Group that Community College was in con- college after the road closure.
Superintendent David McLaughlin- than a 3 percent increase. will result in a 5 cent increase for lunch- tention during council’s meeting Grilli said the college would have
Smith said he had a very positive meet- However, the board voted against one es, and a waste removal contract with on Wednesday night. a manual gate in place to allow for
ing with the teachers union this week to item that did not meet with members’ Gittens Disposal Service at the lowest The motion to do so was ap- all deliveries to be made from
discuss the funding situation, and that expectations. cost of three quotes. proved despite objections by resi- West Main Street to Nanticoke
he and the union will be meeting again Not approved was the proposed Also, on the increasing cost financial dents. Avenue.
soon. $423,189 operating budget for the Lu- front, the district approved the request The hotly debated ordinance Residents of Coal Street are
He also said he plans to meet with the zerne Intermediate Unit for 2011-12, by the Luzerne County Board of Assess- would pass ownership from the concerned the delivery trucks will
support staff union in the near future. even though it increased the district’s ment Appeals for a number of refunds city to LCCC under the stipula- continue to block Coal Street
Two of the first actions by the board share by only $189, to $34,360. for overpayment of school taxes. tion that the college would be re- where it meets Nanticoke Avenue.
sponsible for the maintenance and Grilli assured the residents and
management of the small stretch council he would pass on their

vices to local governments, and represen- W H AT ’ S N E X T of road. concerns to the college in hopes
tatives from Dallas Borough, who were Last month, a petition was cir- of working out a solution.
not recognized in the PSATS award. The next Back Mountain Community culated that gained the signatures Before the vote, a citizen asked
Partnership meeting will be held at 3 p.m.
Locally, the organization will also ac- of 150 residents who objected to council on behalf of the taxpayers
Continued from Page 3A May 19 in the Sandy & Marlene Insalaco
cept the 2011 Community Progress Hall at Misericordia University. the street transfer. and citizens of Nanticoke to de-
cookies and you did it,” said MacDowell award from the Greater Wilkes-Barre Joseph Grilli, vice president of cline the motion to approve the
of Misericordia’s role in the partnership. Chamber of Commerce at its annual leg- external affairs at LCCC, said at second reading of the ordinance.
The university hosts the group’s monthly islative breakfast next Friday. the matter’s heart is a basic safety The request was noted but ulti-
meetings and provides refreshments to “There’s always been a neighborly spir- It was announced Wilkes was elected issue for students. The stretch of mately declined when council vot-
its members. it of cooperation in the Back Mountain, to the nine-member PSATS board Tues- road behind the school’s culinary ed to approve the motion.
Baker also presented other group but local officials felt they needed a more day. He said he was elected by about arts institute runs dangerously In other business, council also
members with certificates from the state formal structure to advance regional pro- 3,500 participating supervisors and he is close to the building, posing po- voted on a motion that will ban
Senate, including Joe Chacke of the NE- jects and do more for the community,” the first member from Luzerne County to tential problems for commuting the sale and possession of bath
PA Alliance, which provides various ser- said Baker of the group’s beginnings. serve on the statewide board. students. The school plans to salts.

tinues,” said Centini, adding that The Marcellus Shale industry we have to underwrite some nue, which Centini said equates sues and two because of crew
it’s likely a sign of things to come has previously been given credit costs to give us some added mus- to about $300 per month. availability.
as the weather warms and the for increased passenger totals cle,” he said he would support • Approved a one-year con- • Heard a motion made by
drilling activity increases in and the addition of a daily flight that. tract for janitorial services with Lackawanna County commis-
Continued from Page 1A
Northeastern and Northcentral to Charlotte, N.C. In other actions, the board: Quality Building Services, of sioner and board member A.J.
mands. Pennsylvania. “We are the primary airport • After Lackawanna commis- Dunmore, for $32,500. That com- Munchak to approve 3 percent
Centini said vehicles spent “Our parking is filling and we (for the Marcellus Shale re- sioner and board member Corey pany was the lowest responsible raises for airport management
20,749 overnights in the airport’s want to make sure we have gion),” Centini said. And board O’Brien raised the issue about bidder. that he said would cost about
1,110 parking spaces last month, enough going into the heavy members want to keep it that the airport’s flag being flown only • Heard that passenger en- $20,000 a year. He noted that
just shy of the all-time high that months,” Centini said. way. from dawn to dusk, he made a planements for March increased management had gone three
was set last October. The total He said the hope is that the The board approved two air- motion to authorize the purchase 11.6 percent from March 2010. years without a raise, while union
was a 14 percent increase from project goes out for bid in July port workers to travel to Cleve- and installation of a spotlight so The total last month was 18,836. workers had received theirs. The
March 2010. and the work is completed by the land in June for the annual Jump- the flag can fly 24 hours a day. There were also 31 departing motion died for lack or a second.
Of note was how many of those end of the year. There is no cost Start airport conference and mar- • Approved a new two-year flights canceled last month, 20 • Noted that the May meeting
vehicles bore out-of-state plates, tied to it, but the Pennsylvania keting event, but gave them a contract with Smarte Carte Inc. because of weather or air traffic that was scheduled for May 19
particularly from states that are Department of Transportation message to bring along. of St. Paul, Minn., allowing the issues, nine for mechanical is- will be held May 26 at 10:30 a.m.
home to companies involved in has allocated up to $215,000 to- “I think you need to play up the company to continue operating
the drilling industry, such as Ok- ward the project. Marcellus Shale. Let them know massage chairs in the terminal.
lahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas The airport would have to pay we are a hub,” said Stephen A. Ur- The deal allows the airport to OPEN
and Texas, which alone account- the rest. Centini aid he did not ban, one of the three Luzerne keep 15 percent of the sales reve-
Mon. - Sat.
ed for 3.7 percent of the vehicles. envision the overall project cost- County commissioners who sits
Centini said 14 percent of all ing more than $500,000. on the airport board.
9a.m - 7 p.m.
vehicles had out-of-state plates Also undetermined was Lackawanna County Commis- Easter

• Tulips • Mums • Hyacinths $ 5.95

with New York and Texas rank- whether the parking spaces sioner Mike Washo, another
ing first and second. would be surface or garage and board member, added to Urban’s a name you can trust
“They’re really driving our where on the property they request. 991-0750 Building Industry

887 Wyoming
W i A W i • 693
Avenue •Wyoming 2584
Of Northeastern

numbers, and we hope that con- might go. “We need a flight to Atlanta. If

Serving All Luzerne County



HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HOLY WEEK Friday, Royal Hours at 8 a.m., 3

p.m. vespers and the Holy

Shroud, and 7 p.m. Matins with
procession. The cathedral will
be open for visitations to the
tomb of Christ 8 p.m.-midnight
The following churches will offer today and on Holy Saturday 8
services in celebration of East- a.m.-11:30 p.m. with vespers with
er accordingly: Liturgy of Saint Basil at 9 a.m.,
River of Life Fellowship Minis- confession prayers 5 p.m.,
tries, 22 Outlet Road, Lehman fasting starts at 6 p.m., and

Pittston Hospital nurses Township, at 7 tonight followed

by refreshments; sunrise ser-
Nocturnes at 11:30 p.m. On
Easter Sunday at midnight
schedule spring dinner vice Sunday at 8 a.m., breakfast
at 9, followed by a service at 10
Paschal Matins with procession,
blessing of Easter baskets and
a.m. the Agape feast, 11 a.m. vespers
The Pittston Hospital Nurses’ with procession, blessing of
Alumni will gather for a spring Holy Resurrection Orthodox children’s Easter baskets, and
Parker J. Smith Nia M. Cruz Aubrey L. Bullock dinner and meeting Thursday at
Arcaro & Genell’s, 443 S. Main
Cathedral, 591 N. Main St.,
Wilkes-Barre, today, Good
Easter egg hunt. On Bright
Monday, Divine liturgy at 9 a.m.
Parker Joshua Smith, son of Nia Maria Cruz, daughter of St., in Old Forge. Appetizers
Aubrey Lynn Bullock, daughter
Jesse Smith and Doreen McDer- Alyssa Maurer and Wilfredo begin at 6 p.m. Hilde Morgan,
of Mark and Jennifer Bullock,
mott, Fleetwood, is celebrating Cruz, Wilkes-Barre, is celebrating Sweet Valley, is celebrating her executive director of the Dietrich
his third birthday today, April 22.
Parker is a grandson of Roy and
her seventh birthday today, April
22. Nia is a granddaughter of
13th birthday today, April 22.
Aubrey is a granddaughter of
Theater, is the guest speaker.
Cost is $26 in advance and in- MEETING of Women’s Clubs (GFWC)
Josephine Smith, Shickshinny, Brenda Maurer and Andrew Bernard and Theresa Kostick, cludes a cash bar. For reserva- Northeastern at 7 p.m. at the
and James and Dorothy McDer- Kmetz, Hunlock Creek; the late Kingston, and Robert and Phyllis tions, contact Mary Ann Rubin, Luzerne County Community
mott, Plymouth Township. He Mark Maurer; Maria Rodriguez, Bullock, Dallas. She is a great- chairwoman, at 298-2616. From Tuesday College Culinary Institute. For
has two sisters and two brothers. Puerto Rico; and Luis Cruz, granddaughter of Betty Kostick, left are Rubin and alumnae Carm more information, call 287-
NANTICOKE: General Federation 8939.
Philadelphia. She is a great- Kingston. Aubrey has a brother, Nealon.
granddaughter of the late Jo- Cory, 18.
seph and Lorraine Polomchak.
Nia has a brother, Mateo, 1.

Jarrett M. Fedorczyk
Jarrett Michael Fedorczyk, son
of Gary and Marla Fedorczyk,
Ashley, is celebrating his eighth
Andrew J. Lewis
birthday today, April 22. Jarrett
is a grandson of Ron and Ma- Benjamin Cronauer Andrew John Lewis, son of
ryann Fedorczyk, Ashley, and Benjamin Cronauer, son of Brian Michelle Lewis, Dallas, and Wil-
Dominic and Donna Viscuso, and Colleen Cronauer, Hanover liam Lewis, Edwardsville, cele-
Royersford. He has a sister, Township, is celebrating his brated his fifth birthday April 16.
Morgan. seventh birthday today, April 22. Andrew is a grandson of Frank Newport Township group calls for cleanup volunteers
Ben is a grandson of Clarence and Charlene Panuccio, Shaver-
and Roseann Cronauer, Harveys town; Marlene Lewis, Edwards- For the seventh year, the Newport Township Community Organization is participating in the Great
Lake, and the late Richard and ville; and the late William Lewis. American Cleanup of PA through April 30. Volunteers and sponsors are invited to participate. Supplies
Marilyn Weida, Lee Park. He has He is a great-grandson of Bea- and refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Palmira, 736-6637, Tom, 736-6981, or
a brother, Landon, 3. trice Romanowski, Fairview, N.C. visit For a list of nearby events visit Participants are Faye
Maloney, Stephen Phillips, Carolyn Phillips, James Caley, Lucy Wazowicz, Joe Maloney, Mary Jo Evans,
Bill Hourigan, Steve Masakowski, Francis Zaleski, Heidi Selecky Jarecki, Paul Jarecki, and Palmira Grego-
ry Miller.

Emma X. Krzysik
Emma Xiaoxin Krzysik, daughter
of Joseph and Susan Krzysik,
Dallas, is celebrating her fifth
birthday today, April 22. Emma
is a granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Krzysik, Warrior Run,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runta, Lauren A. Konopke Aidan E. Mateos
Lauren Adelle Konopke, daugh- Aidan Edward Mateos, son of
ter of Steve and Maria Konopke, Margie Mateos, Wyoming, and
Kingston, is celebrating her 1 1th Claudio Mateos, Larksville, is
birthday today, April 22. Lauren celebrating his seventh birthday
is a granddaughter of Peter today, April 22. Aidan is a grand-
Brussock, Kingston; the late son of Edward and Margaret
Irene Brussock, Edwardsville; Germick, Wyoming, and Claudio
and Steve and Pat Konopke, Mateos and the late Olga Mate-
Luzerne. She has a brother, os, Miami, Fla. He has a brother,
Zachary, 6. Claudio, 4.

Emily A. Pellam OneSource supports upcoming fundraiser benefiting children with special needs
Emily Anne Pellam, daughter of OneSource Staffing Solutions presented a donation to the Wyoming Valley Children’s Association for
Connor Dudek Darlene Pellam, Kingston, and
David Pellam, Kunkle, is celebrating
its ‘Do it for the Kids’ 5K Run and Walk-a-thon to be held Wednesday and April 30. The 5K Run and Kids
Fun Run will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday at The River Common Millennium Circle, River Street, Wilkes-
Connor Dudek, son of Mark and her 12th birthday today, April 22. Barre. The 19th annual Walk-a-thon gets underway at 10 a.m. on April 30 at the WVCA building in Forty
Shannon Dudek, is celebrating Emily is a granddaughter of Tony Fort. For more information visit or call 714-1246. To register online for the run or
his sixth birthday today, April 22. and Wanda Kowalski, Noxen, and walk visit At the presentation, first row, are Miguel
Connor is a grandson of John the late David and Sandra Pellam. Balbuena and Lucas Zdancewicz. Second row: Caitrin Perry, Caleb Hoffman, Jonathan Florencio, Nevaeh
and Shirley Noonan, Weatherly, Suda, Gavyn Daley, and Logan Smith. Third row: Craig Lukatch, WVCA director of development; Theresa
and Robert and Karen Dudek, Romano, WVCA teacher; Charles Seiger; Carol O’Malia, OneSource general manager; Phil Amend, One-
Plains Township. He has a sister, Source vice president; Andrew Taylor; and Joanie Gilbertson, WVCA teacher.
Ashlynn, 2 months.


Peter Atie Sr. originally purchased the Middle East Bakery in 1965. He later sold the company and
moved on to different projects. One of his next successful ventures was Pete’s Place Middle Eastern
Restaurant. After the success of Pete’s Place, he again wanted to undertake a new project. He left
the restaurant business to his wife and children in 2010. In that same year, he renovated and
reopened a second branch of the Middle East Bakery at Merchant’s Village in Pittston.

The Middle East Bakery is happy to locally offer Middle Eastern baked goods like meat pies, bread,
spinach pies and even pizza. They have an assortment of spices, bulgur, olives, dairy products, teas,
beans and olive oil. Many of the items sold are made in the Middle East, but made available to us
locally. Currently with two locations, The Middle East Bakery is proud to offer Middle Eastern
groceries in the Wilkes-Barre area and now in the Pittston area.

The original Middle East Bakery is located at 316 Hazle Street in Wilkes-Barre. The second branch
of the bakery is located at 1201 Oak Street in Pittston (Merchant’s Village). Also, Pete’s Place
Middle Eastern Restaurant is located at 35 East South Street in Wilkes-Barre. Stop by or call the


For home delivery, call 829-5000 or toll free 1-800-252-5603 Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon



How does it feel

to be a jerk?
lacked either the
spine or the scruples If you have credible information
about public corruption in
to do the right thing,
Northeastern Pennsylvania, call
so instead he acted like a jerk. this tip line established by the
The Pittston man, whose U.S. Attorney’s Office, Middle
businesses had benefited from District of Pennsylvania: 1-855-
shady deals with Luzerne 789-1868.
County, interfered in 2009
with a widespread public cor-
ruption investigation involving If Luzerne County is to re-
county officials and others. Al- cover from this scandal and rid
though warned to stay away itself of a corrupt culture, cer-
from cooperating witnesses, tain residents need to cast off
Weidlich telephoned a person old habits.
whom he suspected of record- For starters, abandon mis-
ing earlier conversations and guided notions of loyalty; this
made thinly veiled threats. isn’t “The Sopranos.” If you
Asked Weidlich, “How does know that someone, even an
it feel to be a rat?” He then in- elected official or other power
quired about the whereabouts broker, has broken the law, re-
and health of the witness’s fam- port it to the proper authority.
ily members, presumably in an A few dim-witted people might
attempt to intimidate. consider it “squealing,” but the
For his goonish behavior, rest of society recognizes it as
Weidlich should be locked in a the responsible – and neces-
prison cell. Instead, he lucked sary – thing to do.
out. A judge this week sen- Don’t allow yourself to be
tenced the 42-year-old father to persuaded to take part in, or to
two years probation, starting cover up, corruption. Don’t MAIL BAG LETTERS FROM READERS
with six months on home con- turn your head, allowing a gov-
finement. ernment official, business part-
Weidlich, who formerly
faced probation because of a
ner, boss or spouse to commit
crimes of the “white-collar”
Writer believes Haggerty SEND US YOUR OPINION
problem and getting sufficient manpower
to the scene is normally a matter of trav-
eling only a few blocks. But I was thinking
drug charge in Morris County,
N.J., convinced the court by his
sort. Or any sort.
If previously involved in would be asset to bench Letters to the editor must include the
writer’s name, address and daytime
phone number for verification. Letters
about fire department budget cuts, re-
duced on-duty manpower and the demise
words and deeds that this time wrongdoing, forever abandon

have to write to add to The Times Lead- should be no more than 250 words. We of the neighborhood fire station, too.
he has turned around his life. that conduct and find ways to er’s article concerning attorney Jim reserve the right to edit and limit writers I also was thinking about rural firefight-
For good. pay back this community. Haggerty’s run for Luzerne County judge to one published letter every 30 days.
Let’s hope so. In short, don’t be a jerk. ing, about which I know little, other than
(April 1). • E-mail: [email protected]
• Fax: 570-829-5537 water must often be brought to the scene
In 2010 I found myself in trouble with • Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15 and firefighting manpower can be limited
the law, an unfortunate mistake I regret. I N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871 1 at best, especially during the all-important
QUOTE OF THE DAY looked up attorney Haggerty and we met initial attack phase. In my opinion, it is
to discuss it. At my initial consultation, he here that the new code requirement might
“(Gov. Tom Corbett) needs to wake made me feel as if we were friends for Change begins with each of us. We all do the most good, particularly because of
up, and this is that wake-up call.” years. can confront things in our culture that the size and number of new homes being
I’m Jim’s age, have raised my adult chil- normalize violent or aggressive sexuality. constructed in rural settings. Yes, I was
Scott Cannon
The Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition member
dren and have been a working taxpayer of Together, we can make it happen. We thinking primarily of the so-called
reacted to this week’s blowout at a natural gas Luzerne County all my life. Being a good can end sexual violence. “McMansions” and not about Rebecca’s
drilling operation in Bradford County that allowed judge of character, he knew this. We came For information about how you can get 1,500-square-foot example. I hope she’ll
chemical-laden water to flow into a nearby stream. Coalition supporters to financial terms (payments) and proceed- involved, call 1-866-206-9050. forgive me for that.
and others believe the industry’s methods threaten the state’s ed to all of my court appearances. He con- Janet MacKay Perhaps a good compromise would be a
environment and people’s health and safety. tinued my first court hearing so he could Executive director thoughtfully phased-in code modification
further research my case. Although I still Victims Resource Center based on total square footage, for lack of a
owed him money, he cared about my life, Wilkes-Barre
better yardstick, rather than outright elim-
OTHER OPINION: BAD SPORT job and consequences. I had the best guy ination of the sprinkler requirement.
GOP has little concern
Pigeon shoot ban:
on my side! In conclusion, I’m thinking of the recent
He is down to earth. After all of the tragedy in Southcentral Pennsylvania, a
political people who thought they were
better than you and me, this guy is true. for lower, middle class fire in which seven children lost their lives.

Make it happen
Fast-forward five, 10 or 20 years, include a
Some voters might want a “tough” residential sprinkler system in the picture,

recently read an article about the Re-
judge, but that other judge was known for publicans’ proposed budget that will end and in all likelihood the tragedy is averted.
“toughness.” With Jim, break the law and Medicare as we know it. These are the Rarely do we have an opportunity to

get what you deserve: nothing more, noth- same people who passed on taxing the reach into the future and do so much good.
ITH FAIR regular- trict includes portions of Le- ing less. The present – let’s call it the “near future”
ity for the past high, Northampton and Mon- rich.
If you ever had the pleasure of meeting Does anyone see where this is going? – also will be safer.
number of years, roe counties, and we credit him Jim, you would see he’s one of us. And In the next election, send them packing. Homebuilders, both contractors and
we have made a for his efforts, present and past, funny enough, I’m not from Kingston but Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget is a gift to the customers alike, should support this code
call for the Pennsylvania Legis- to get the legislation passed.
Hazleton, where there have been com- wealthy and oil companies. They have provision. It’s in everyone’s best interest.
lature to finally join the rest of There’s no good reason that
plaints of non-representation of southern been ignoring the middle class and poor Rob Burnside
the nation in outlawing live pi- this legislation can’t be passed.
From a political standpoint, Luzerne County. I’m also a Democrat. for the past 10 years. Swoyersville
geon shoots.
since the bill is sponsored by a Voters, if Jim doesn’t make the bench, If you believe the story about this not
We have made this call, al-
Writer says drivers need
Republican, there’s no need for we all lose. Vote Haggerty on May 17. affecting today’s senior citizens, then I
ways couching the terms in the
plain statement that we are and it to get hung up in delibera- Thomas Dura have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

refresher course on laws

tions by the full Senate. Had Hazleton
always have been supportive of Carl Homish
hunters, trappers and other fol- Browne been a Democrat, we’d Pittston
lowers of outdoors blood be far more concerned.
Campaign urges action
Likewise, with a Republican hapter 5 of the Pennsylvania Driver’s
sports, and our support for
them does not waver.
However, there is no argu-
majority in the House, we can’t
see why similar legislation to end sexual violence Sprinkler code system Manual clearly lists the “Clear Law,”
the “Headlight/Windshield Wiper
ment to be made for the contin- can’t be moved forward in that
should be in our future Law,” as well as the “Snow/Ice Removal

uation of live pigeon shoots. It body, ultimately landing on the early 20 percent of the population has Law,” yet certain motorists are ignoring
desk of Gov. Tom Corbett. And experienced some form of sexual as- these laws.

is an embarrassment that ’m taking keyboard in hand once again,
Pennsylvania remains the only further, we can’t see why the sault, according to a report by the U.S. this time to apologize to Rebecca Bon- I traveled the Cross-Valley Expressway
state to not join in a full ban. governor would buck legisla- Department of Justice. That means one in ham, who wrote a fine letter to the edi- on April Fool’s Day and a car passed me
For the first time in a decade, tion forwarded by his own par- five individuals, on average, with whom tor (March 28) supporting repeal of Penn- with its rear window completely covered
a bill – Senate Bill 626 – to ty. you interact on a daily basis has suffered with snow. Several cars had their wipers
sylvania’s new residential sprinkler require-
place the ban has been voted Let’s get this done. We don’t the devastation of sexual abuse. on but no headlights or rear tail lights
ment for new home construction.
out of committee. The Pennsyl- want to come back to this space It’s time to get involved. illuminated.
in a few months lambasting the First, a little explanation. Firefighters (or
vania Senate Judiciary Com- That’s the message our 2011 National former firefighters such as me) generally Would it help if all Pennsylvania license
Legislature for missing its
mittee recently voted 11 to 3 to Sexual Assault Awareness Month cam- support the requirement because they holders received a notice from the Penn-
most sporting chance in a dec-
send the bill along to the full paign urges each of us to take to heart – know, perhaps better than anyone, that sylvania Department of Transportation
ade to end a senseless, need-
Senate. That’s progress, but not only in April, but throughout the year sprinklers can and do save lives and prop- informing them of the laws? Would it help
lessly cruel and decidedly non-
we’re not home yet. – to prevent sexual assault, promote heal- erty, that sprinkler systems rarely malfunc- if all new Pennsylvania license participants
sporting activity.
The legislation is sponsored ing and end secrecy. tion and that residential sprinkler installa- received some kind of reminder when they
by Sen. Pat Browne, whose dis- Lebanon Daily News It’s time to stop sexual abuse in all tion is well worth the added expense when received their licenses/permits?
forms. building a new home or rehabilitating an I know PennDOT is maxed to the limit,
EDITORIAL BOARD This year’s campaign explores common, older one. but something needs to be done to bring
everyday behaviors – everything from When I wrote in favor of the new build- everyone into the fold. Unless we do some-
Editor and Publisher Editorial Page Editor sexist jokes to drug- or alcohol-facilitated ing code requirement a few weeks earlier, I thing, accidents are likely to happen.
JOSEPH BUTKIEWICZ PRASHANT SHITUT rape – and offers realistic, responsible ways was drawing on urban firefighting experi- Sandi Edwards
Vice President/Executive Editor President/Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. to intervene. ence, where water supply is usually not a Harding




Green Party of Pa. voices area fracking worries

At Public Square rally, group
leaders share concerns on
gov.’s policy to lands, water.

Times Leader Correspondent
Party of Pennsylvania led a pro-
test Thursday on Public Square
against the practice of hydraulic
fracturing, or “fracking,” for nat-
ural gas.
The focus of the demonstra-
tion was the alleged despoiling of
local lands and bodies of water by
fracking chemicals and Republi-
can Gov. Tom Cor- Barb Zangre of Pittston speaks at a Green Party protest against
bett’s pro-fracking the practice of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.
The protest was another in favor of the gas indus- industry from the Safe Drinking
timed to occur a try,” said Green Party spokesman Water Act, a federal law that en-
To see day before Earth Joe Scarnotti. sures the quality of U.S. drinking
video, visit Day and conduct- A statement read by Scarnotti water.
www.times ed near the Wilkes- summarized the major reasons “Each gas well uses 5 million Barre branch of why the Green Party objects to gallons of water; only 20 percent
the state Depart- fracking. First, fracking releases is reusable,” said Barb Zangre, a CLARK VAN ORDEN PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER
ment of Environ- methane – a greenhouse gas – Green Party member who is run- The Green Party of Pennsylvania sponsored a rally a day before Earth Day on Public Square Thurs-
mental Protection. The group’s and radioactive materials into ning for Pittston City Council. day afternoon to protest Gov. Tom Corbett’s policies toward gas-well fracking.
leaders read prepared statements the environment. Second, natu- “(This issue) is important to
via microphone and bullhorn as a ral gas drilling would serve as an people who rely on air, water and drilled are the most beautiful and years from now.” DEP Assistant Regional Direc-
few passersby watched. impediment to an energy policy land,” said Carl Romanelli, co- scenic areas of the state.” Green Party member Chris tor Colleen Stutzman said the
“The gas industry has an exces- that develops cleaner forms of en- chairman of the Luzerne County Kevin Kratzer of Wyoming Zimkonis expressed disappoint- Wilkes-Barre branch does not is-
sive amount of control over Penn- ergy, such as solar, wind or geoth- Green Party. “If you don’t need to watched part of the protest while ment with the small turnout at sue fracking or drilling permits
sylvania government. Last year ermal. Third, fracking leads to breathe, drink or live on land, it taking his lunch break from the protest. “Everybody here and there is no oil or gas program
Gov. Corbett received $1.2 mil- environmental devastation, in- won’t matter to you. It’s impor- Guard Insurance. “I’d like to ban knows everything already,” he housed there. She directed all in-
lion in contributions from gas cluding the contamination of wa- tant to Northeastern Pennsylva- fracking,” he said. “They’re say- said, noting that almost everyone quiries to the North Central DEP
companies. Since Corbett’s elec- ter sources. Last, the Energy Act nia due to the number of wells be- ing we’re going to see the results in attendance was part of the pro- office in Williamsport, which did
tion, he’s made one decision after of 2005, exempted the natural gas ing drilled. The places being (people becoming sick) 10 to 20 test. “Nobody cares, I guess.” not return phone calls Thursday.

ure, evaluate best management “That’s why we’ve been very will then pump heavy mud into
practices and make any and all diligent and worked very hard the hole to kill the well.
necessary corrections before to mitigate and minimize the Spadoni said DEP sampled
returning to normal oper- effects to the environment.” seven private wells Wednesday
Continued from Page 1A
ations.”Seven families living The Pennsylvania Emergen- and eight surface water loca-
and that they would continue near the well were temporarily cy Management Agency’s daily tions but had not received the
to monitor it overnight. evacuated Wednesday morning summary report Thursday results.
Chesapeake spokesman but returned later in the day. stated approximately 30,000 A field test of water from To-
Brian Grove said the exact Chesapeake spokesman Rory gallons of water leaked from wanda Creek entering the Sus-
cause of the breach remained Sweeney said fluid injected in- the well. Chesapeake and the quehanna River did not indi-
unknown Thursday, but that it to the well during fracking con- state Department of Environ- cate an impact, Spadoni added.
took place in a wellhead con- tained chemical additives that mental Protection could not Grove said the well also be-
nection. aid the process, including cor- confirm that figure. gan emitting limited amounts
“Chesapeake has voluntarily rosion and bacteria inhibitors, DEP spokesman Daniel Spa- of natural gas early Thursday
suspended all completion op- but the main environmental doni said Thursday that well- morning, and that Chesapeake
erations in Pennsylvania as we concern is with brine, natural- containment specialist Boots and the Bradford County Emer-
evaluate this incident,” Grove ly occurring underground salt and Coots International Well gency Management Agency
said in a statement Thursday, water now back-flowing from Control Inc., of Texas, pumped performed gas-plume model-
AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER later adding, “a full investiga- the well with the frack fluid. ground up tires, plastic bits ing and found that any natural-
Workers leave the ATGAS H2 gas well site with samples from a tion will be conducted to deter- “Highly briny liquid can have and other rubber material into gas releases will not pose a risk
stream after a drilling accident Wednesday in Bradford County. mine the root cause of the fail- some effects,” Sweeney said. the well to plug the leak, and to the area’s public safety.

vestigating after Greco said he file charges. would have told me to go to a formation about Greco’s involve- state crime was committed, but
had not issued the checks. Greco has been at odds with civil attorney to collect your ment in the Skrepenak case to a has not heard back.
Greco said the agency seized federal prosecutors and the FBI, money,” Greco said. “Here, I’m city official, leading the city to Greco said he does not know
the computer of a suspect and whom he alleges unfairly target- the victim of a crime again. I go withdraw support for a business the person and has no idea why
Continued from Page 1A
conducted a forensic analysis ed him for prosecution for failing to them to get satisfaction and proposal. Noone is not named as he perpetrated the scheme.
the county’s tax claim office, for that proved the person had is- to report that former Luzerne they tell me they’re not going to a defendant in the suit. “I was hoping when they got
back taxes that were owned on sued the checks from a bank ac- County Commissioner Greg press charges because of insuffi- Asked if he felt Smith’s deci- the guy they would at least find
several of Greco’s properties for count located in the Midwest. Skrepenak refused to pay him for cient evidence, which is outra- sion not to prosecute was related out why he did it,” he said.
2006, 2007 and 2009. William Slavoski, resident television sets Greco provided geous.” to Greco’s battles with the FBI, While he is upset no charges
The Times Leader published a agent in charge of the Secret Ser- for a bar owned by Skrepenak’s Greco also recently filed a law- Greco said he wasn’t sure be- will be filed, Greco said he has
story on Aug. 12, 2010, in which vice’s Scranton office, said he father. Greco pleaded guilty in suit against several Wilkes-Barre cause he does not know enough gotten some satisfaction now
Don Rodgers, president of could not comment regarding July to failure to report a crime city and Luzerne County offi- about Smith. that it has been proven he did
Northeast Revenue, confirmed details of the investigation, and was later sentenced to two cials, alleging his nightclub, The Greco said he has not given up not issue the checks in question.
that the checks, which totaled which concluded last fall. years probation and a $10,000 Mines, has been unfairly target- on seeing the person who issued “People don’t believe half the
$41,911, were returned for insuf- But Slavoski did say informa- fine. ed by law enforcement. the checks prosecuted. He’s things I say. I said I didn’t
ficient funds. tion was presented to Smith. It “If I went to them about Skre- The suit also alleges an FBI asked the state Office of Attor- bounce checks. Here’s the
The Secret Service began in- was Smith’s decision whether to penak in 2005, they probably agent, Joseph Noone, leaked in- ney General to investigate if any proof,” he said.

longer exists,” Mayk said. “The YMCA’s intention to be a private floor in the space that houses the
university does not plan to renew landlord when the renovation original swimming pool.
the agreement at this time. The project is completed. The YMCA The pool is empty and no long-
acquisition of University Towers will rent to college students er in use. Thomas said the pool
Continued from Page 1A
and other factors make it unnec- through the open market, not will not be filled; a reinforced
is Wilkes University. The 10-year essary for us to continue to have a through Wilkes University.” floor will be placed over the
contract between Wilkes and the formal agreement for student Thomas said the YMCA will space to handle the fitness center
YMCA ends on May 31 and will housing at the YMCA.” negotiate with Wilkes and King’s work-out machines and weights.
not be renewed, a university spo- Mayk said Wilkes currently College to house students. He Thomas said the YMCA is still
keswoman said Thursday. rents space at the YMCA that has said the apartments might be uti- “working through a ton of issues”
the capacity to house 20 stu- lized by graduate students or ad- to get the project on track.
Long relationship ending dents. She said 13 students are vertised on the open market. On Wednesday, the Wilkes-
Vicki Mayk, spokeswoman for housed there this semester. Barre City Zoning Hearing Board
Wilkes, said the university has “It is a formal housing option Fitness improvements approved a zoning special excep-
enjoyed a long and good relation- and students choose to live there Also included in the renova- tion to move the project forward.
ship with the YMCA that goes as a formal Wilkes University op- tion project is the relocation of “We are hoping for work to be-
back to the 1980s. tion,” Mayk said. “I have consult- the YMCA’s fifth-floor fitness gin this summer,” Thomas said. S. JOHN WILKIN/THE TIMES LEADER
“However, going forward, our ed with our residence life staff center. “There are a lot of questions that The former Wilkes-Barre YMCA pool area will be the new home of
need for space at the YMCA no and I have been told that it is the It will be moved to the first we just can’t answer at this time.” the facility’s Wellness Center and exercise area.

Hand it over PHOTOS: VIDEO:

Several Luzerne County police de- Gas well inci- U.S. provides
partments will be collection sites for
unused and expired prescription med- dent sparks aid to Libyan
ications on April 30. TL reporter Ed fears, reaction rebels
Lewis has the details.



FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011



Igawa’s A war of attrition


They dished
return it, but can
they take it?
ignites THE SKATE
DOESN’T fit all
that comfort-

ably on the oth-
er foot.
Not so long
ago, Buffalo
Sabres coach
Lindy Ruff was lamenting that
the big, bad Flyers were playing
Lefthander back in Triple-A too rough during a playoff series
between the teams. Now, in a
after spending time in native
game the Sabres absolutely had
Japan following tsunami. to have in order to survive in this
first-round series, it was the
Flyers who came out nicked,
By JEFF MOELLER bruised and complaining.
For The Times Leader “They’re getting away with
ALLENTOWN — Starter Kei murder out there,” Flyers captain
Igawa and three relievers com- Mike Richards said. “And we got
bined on a five-hit shutout as called every time (Dan Carcillo)
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre blanked was on the ice. It’s frustrating, but
Lehigh Valley 3-0 on Thursday- we’ve got to battle through it. It’s
night at Coca-Cola Park. a physical series.”
Making his first start for the It is now.
Yankees this season, Igawa al- JASON HIRSCHFELD/FOR THE TIMES LEADER Richards was called for a stun-
lowed just two hits over four Wilkes-Barre/Scranton’s Tim Wallace, left, advances past Norfolk’s Chris Landry in Game 4 of the East Division semifinals on ning five-minute penalty for el-
effective in- Wednesday at the Scope in Norfolk, Va. Wilkes-Barre/Scranton won 4-2. bowing Patrick Kaleta at the end

3 nings, hitting of the second period. It was a

Players and equipment take beating

59 pitches and bang-bang play. Richards was
YANKEES exiting before pinned along the boards near the
hitting his 65- Flyers’ bench and Kaleta was
pitch count lim-
it. By TOM VENESKY UP NEXT “In the playoff’s there’s nothing to save it for.
coming toward him. Richards
wheeled with his elbow up, hit
[email protected]
George Kon- Game 5 You’re getting everyone’s best effort. We know Kaleta in the head, and dropped
tos (1-0), who NORFOLK, VA – The height- Penguins at Admirals the scrappy forward to the ice.
picked up the win, was equally ened physical play of a playoff 7:30 p.m. today (tonight) is going to be a war. We know what Richards was furious at the
impressive, allowing two hits series no doubt takes a toll on The Scope, Norfolk
Series tied, 2-2
we’re in for.” call, smashing his stick on the
over 3 1/3 innings. Andrew Sis- players. doorway as he left the ice for the
co allowed one hit in the eighth The Norfolk Admirals have Game 6 John Hynes locker room. But it was his per-
Admirals at Penguins Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins coach
before Kevin Whelan pitched a lost three of their top forwards 7:05 Saturday
ception that the Sabres were hav-
hitless ninth with a pair of to injuries since Game 1, and Mohegan Sun Arena, ing their way physically that led
strikeouts to pick up his Inter- many of the Wilkes-Barre/ Wilkes-Barre Township to the penalty.
national League-leading sixth Scranton Penguins are sporting Collins figured it would take hard to be bowed like that,” Ri- “I saw him take a couple of
save. cuts and bruises like badges of an hour to repair the skate and chards said. hard strides at me,” Richards
The Yankees won four of five honor. Patrick Steidle. he assumed his night was done With the Penguins clinging to said. “I had to protect myself.
games in the series. But players aren’t the only Collins returned minutes lat- even if the game went into over- a 2-1 lead and overtime a possi- They’re not going to call any-
“Kei threw the ball well,” Yan- ones getting beaten and banged er but had to leave the ice again time. bility, Richards knew it was im- thing, so I had to protect myself.”
kees manager Dave Miley said. up. Sometimes the equipment with five minutes remaining in But that’s when equipment perative to get Collins back into Like the NFL, the NHL is doing
“He was solid out there and had they wear comes out on the los- the game. manager Teddy Richards went the game so he went to work, its best to legislate head shots out
a good fastball and changeup. ing end of a hit along the boards This time Collins’ absence to work. Richards said the mid- popping the rivets out of the of the sport. There have been a
Our bullpen did a really nice or a hard shot. wasn’t due to a hard hit but a dle of the plastic holder was skate and replacing the plastic couple of suspensions already in
job. We want to hold George That’s what happened to busted skate. damaged, forcing the blade to holder along with the steel these playoffs. But those have
back and not let Kei go more Chris Collins during the third A hard pass caught the plastic come out of the channel inside blade. come from high-speed collisions
than he did. period of Game 3 on Tuesday. that holds the steel blade and the holder. A mere four minutes later and where one player clearly targets
“We also hit the ball through- He crumpled to the ice after tak- bowed the plastic around the “The steel was still straight Collins was ready to go with 20 another from the blind side.
out our whole lineup. That was ing a big hit from Norfolk defen- blade. but the plastic was bowed out, seconds left in the game. “I You never know with the NHL.
seman Mathieu Roy and imme- “I never had that happen to which is odd because usually it One man, Colin Campbell, metes
See YANKEES, Page 8B diately left the ice with trainer me before, ever,” Collins said. will just crack. It was hit very See PHYSICAL, Page 5B out justice with little apparent
logic. But a five-minute penalty,
given the circumstances, was
NBA NBA probably more than enough pen-
alty for this infraction. Depriving

Sixers melt under the Heat Spotlight is shining

the Flyers of their captain for a
game would be overkill.
That said, the Sabres have got-
ten the better of the physical play

on the Garden again

in this series. With no Chris Pron-
Miami about to Wade through ger and no Jody Shelley, the
Flyers are missing a couple of the
first round as it takes Game
intimidating players who might
3 and nears a series sweep. Star-studded cast expected UP NEXT discourage some of that physical-
for New York’s postseason Game 3
Celtics at Knicks
“They’re hard on the right
By DAN GELSTON play that drips with drama. 7 p.m. today guys,” Carcillo said. “They
AP Sports Writer Madision Square Garden haven’t said boo to some of the
PHILADELPHIA — Dwyane ESPN other guys who they know will
Wade had 32 points and 10 re- By BRIAN MAHONEY fight back. That’s the way they
bounds, LeBron James finished AP Basketball Writer play. That’s the way they’ve al-
with 24 points NEW YORK — Spike Lee Conference first-round series ways played. So we’ll see what

and 15 boards
and the Miami
and the celebrities will pack
the place. ESPN will be there
on Friday, with the Knicks
knowing they were close to
happens in (Game) 5.”
Carcillo, for the record, was
Heat took a 3-0 to televise it. winning both games but also called for two minor penalties, an
lead in their After seven long years, Madi- getting close to going home for interference call in the first peri-
first-round se-
ries against the
son Square Garden is finally
open again for postseason bas-
the summer.
“We’re definitely not think-
od and a roughing penalty that
was offset by the same call on
Philadelphia ketball business. ing about that,” Anthony said Buffalo goalie Ryan Miller. That
76ers with a And what a perfect time and Thursday after practice. “Game latter was an odd one — Sabres
100-94 victory Thursday night. place it would be for Carmelo 3 tomorrow here on our home defenseman Mike Weber was all
Chris Bosh scored 19 points Anthony and Amare Stoude- court, it’s a must-win for us. ... over Carcillo and escaped notice
for the Heat, who rallied from an mire to deliver in tandem after This is the hardest game by far — but Carcillo was hardly called
early 10-point deficit to move both have been dominant indi- that we’ve played this season.” for a penalty every time he was on
within one win of a sweep of the vidually so far in the playoffs. The Knicks aren’t sure who the ice.
Eastern Conference series. Or maybe it’s the ideal set- will be there to help Anthony. He had a point, though, about
Game 4 is Sunday in Philadel- ting for the Boston Celtics to Stoudemire missed practice the Sabres’ approach. There is lit-
phia. AP PHOTO torment the Knicks again. Thursday but is expected to tle doubt that former Sabres star
Philadelphia 76ers’ Tony Battie, left, defends as Miami’s LeBron The Celtics bring a 2-0 lead
See SIXERS, Page 8B James drives to the basket during the first half of Game 3. into Game 3 of the Eastern See GARDEN, Page 5B See SHERIDAN, Page 7B


On The Mark Brendon de Jonge .............................34-33—67 -4

Chris Riley...........................................34-33—67 -4
Ivan Dodig, Croatia, def. Milos Raonic (15), Canada,
7-6 (0), 4-6, 6-3.
AMERICA’S LINE Josh Teater .........................................37-31—68 -3
Brian Davis..........................................33-35—68 -3
Second Round
Times Leader Correspondent Bo Van Pelt .........................................32-36—68 -3 Bob and Mike Bryan (1), United States, def. Franti-
Robert Garrigus .................................34-34—68 -3
World record holder Arch Madness makes his return to the Mohe- By ROXY ROXBOROUGH Graeme McDowell .............................33-35—68 -3
sek Cermak, Czech Republic, and Andy Ram, Is-
rael, 6-2, 6-7 (4), 10-5 tiebreak.
gan Sun at Pocono Downs tonight. The 7-year-old gelded son of Steve Elkington ..................................32-36—68 -3
Spencer Levin ....................................36-32—68 -3
Mark Knowles, Bahamas, and Michal Mertinak (8),
Slovakia, def. Eric Butorac, United States, and
Balanced Image looks to be in peak form. Trained by the trotting CIRCULAR REPORT: On the NBA board, the Knicks - Celtics circle is for New Chris Couch ........................................34-34—68 -3 Jean-Julien Rojer, Netherlands Antilles, 6-4, 6-4.
Jim Furyk.............................................34-34—68 -3 Robert Lindstedt, Sweden, and Horia Tecau (7),
guru, Trond Smedshammer, the multi-millionaire is 2-for-2 in the York forward Amare Stoudemire (probable) and guard Chauncey Billups (question- Matt Kuchar .........................................33-35—68 -3 Romania, def. Marc Lopez, Spain, and Juan Mona-
able). Jerry Kelly ...........................................37-31—68 -3 co, Argentina, 6-0, 6-2.
young 2011 campaign. He’s won back-to-back Open Trots at Ches- Tag Ridings.........................................35-34—69 -2 Pablo Andujar and Daniel Gimeno-Traver, Spain,
def. Rohan Bopanna, India, and Aisam-ul-Haq Qu-
ter in rather easy fashion. Reined this evening by Brian Sears, I see BASEBALL NBA
Webb Simpson ...................................32-37—69 -2
Nathan Green......................................33-36—69 -2 reshi (6), Pakistan, 6-2, 7-6 (3).
no reason why this superstar doesn’t continue on his winning ways Favorite Odds Underdog Favorite Points Underdog Ian Poulter ...........................................33-36—69 -2
Boo Weekley ......................................36-33—69 -2
Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and Scott Lipsky, Unit-
ed States, def. Jurgen Melzer, Austria, and Nenad
and score yet again. It should be a true treat in the featured 10th American League KNICKS 2 Celtics Alex Cejka ...........................................34-35—69 -2 Zimonjic (3), Serbia, 6-3, 6-2.
Fredrik Jacobson ...............................34-35—69 -2
race. TIGERS 8.0 White Sox Magic 1.5 HAWKS
Trevor Immelman ...............................34-35—69 -2 S O C C E R
Yankees 8.5 ORIOLES Lakers 5 HORNETS D.J. Trahan .........................................35-34—69 -2
BEST BET: ARCH MADNESS (10TH) Brandt Snedeker ................................34-35—69 -2
VALUE PLAY: BADLANDS AND ART (11TH) Rays 8.5 BLUE JAYS Saturday Ben Crane ...........................................36-33—69 -2 MLS
RANGERS 9.0 Royals GRIZZLIES 2 Spurs Jason Day ...........................................35-34—69 -2
John Daly ............................................35-35—70 -1 At A Glance
TWINS 7.5 Indians NUGGETS 5.5 Thunder Kevin Na..............................................35-35—70 -1 All Times EDT
POST TIME 6:30 p.m. Nick O’Hern ........................................34-36—70 -1 EASTERN CONFERENCE
Red Sox 7.0 ANGELS NHL W L T Pts GF GA
All Races One Mile Billy Mayfair.........................................35-35—70 -1
Favorite Odds Underdog Aaron Baddeley ..................................33-37—70 -1 New York....................................... 3 1 2 11 9 2
First-$6,100 Clm.Trot;clm.price $7,500 MARINERS 7.0 A’s Philadelphia .................................. 3 1 1 10 4 2
Scott Stallings.....................................34-36—70 -1
1 Celtic Hall H.Parker 4-6-4 Drops and pops 3-1 National League FLYERS -155/ Sabres William McGirt ....................................36-34—70 -1 Houston ......................................... 2 1 2 8 6 4
5 Ducati A.Napolitano 7-4-7 Wide-open first race 6-1 +135 J.P. Hayes ...........................................34-36—70 -1 Columbus ...................................... 2 1 2 8 4 3
4 Mon Beau Somolli N A.McCarthy 6-9-4 Better post helps 4-1 Dodgers NL CUBS Charles Warren ..................................33-37—70 -1 D.C. ................................................ 2 3 1 7 9 12
9 Telling Secrets J.Taggart 4-7-2 Layoff the main question 8-1 DUCKS -145/ Predators New England................................. 1 2 3 6 5 7
PIRATES 8.0 Nationals Ryuji Imada .........................................35-35—70 -1
7 Asolare G.Napolitano 7-4-7 Welcome back George! 20-1 +125 James Driscoll ....................................35-35—70 -1 Toronto FC.................................... 1 2 3 6 6 9
6 Keystone Maxwell D.Ingraham 8-2-1 Broke in most recent 9-2 Rockies 8.5 MARLINS Saturday Sean O’Hair ........................................36-34—70 -1 Chicago ......................................... 1 3 1 4 8 11
8 Blade A.Santeramo 3-3-2 Monti import 7-2 Brendan Steele...................................33-37—70 -1 Sporting Kansas City ................... 1 2 1 4 8 9
2 Wonders Night J.Groff 8-3-8 Keep dreaming 10-1 METS 8.5 D’backs CAPITALS -200/ Rangers Bill Haas ..............................................40-30—70 -1 WESTERN CONFERENCE
3 Lil Lilly Philly M.Kakaley 5-8-6 Wrong part of town 15-1 BREWERS 8.0 Astros +170 Steve Marino ......................................36-35—71 E W L T Pts GF GA
Second-$9,500 Cond.Pace;n/w 2 pm races life Tommy Gainey ...................................35-36—71 E Real Salt Lake .............................. 4 0 0 12 8 1
CARDS 8.5 Reds PENGUINS -150/ Lightning Carl Pettersson ..................................37-34—71 E Los Angeles .................................. 3 1 3 12 7 7
4 Lady Yachtsman B.Sears 8-3-6 Worth stab at a price 6-1
8 Undeniable Hanover R.Pierce 3-1-2 Picks up hot hands 7-2 +130 Pat Perez .............................................36-35—71 E Colorado........................................ 3 2 0 9 8 6
Phillies 6.5 PADRES Johnson Wagner................................35-36—71 E Portland ......................................... 2 2 1 7 9 10
6 Kayla’s Dream M.Kakaley 2-2-3 Hit board in both starts 3-1
GIANTS 7.5 Braves Ricky Barnes.......................................33-38—71 E Vancouver ..................................... 1 2 3 6 9 10
9 Joltin Jolene A.McCarthy 1-6-3 Lot of road problems here 4-1 Home teams in capital letters.
Kris Blanks ..........................................34-37—71 E Seattle ............................................ 1 2 3 6 6 7
7 Laugh Away B.Simpson 4-4-4 Brandon’s done well 9-2
Michael Sim ........................................36-35—71 E San Jose........................................ 1 2 2 5 5 7
2 Playful Patty J.Pavia 4-1-8 Stakes filly 8-1 FC Dallas....................................... 1 3 1 4 6 8
5 Its All About Ann L.Stalbaum 4-2-6 Keep waiting 10-1 Troy Merritt..........................................31-40—71 E
Chad Collins .......................................35-36—71 E Chivas USA................................... 0 2 3 3 3 5
1 The Daily Diary D.Ingraham 6-5-6 Distanced 15-1 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
Will MacKenzie...................................34-37—71 E
3 Keystone Kismet To.Schadel
Third-$6,100 Clm.Trot;clm.price $7,500
8-6-9 Todd is winless 20-1
B A S K E T B A L L H O C K E Y Ben Curtis ...........................................37-34—71 E Thursday's Games
New York 4, D.C. United 0
Michael Bradley..................................36-35—71 E
5 My Mac T.Buter 5-6-4 Been against much tougher 6-1 Heath Slocum .....................................35-36—71 E Today's Games
3 Alpha Entura H.Parker 2-5-4 Takes plenty of money 7-22 NBA NHL Jesper Parnevik .................................35-37—72 +1 Seattle FC at Colorado, 9:30 p.m.
7 Camelot Kosmos T.Raymer 3-4-5 Tyler hops in sulky 3-1 Paul Goydos .......................................35-37—72 +1 Saturday's Games
Playoff Glance Playoff Glance Chivas USA at San Jose, 4 p.m.
6 Pinnochio K.Sizer 5-8-4 Did win here last season 4-1 Richard S. Johnson ...........................36-36—72 +1
1 Funny Briefs L.Stalbaum 7-4-7 No one is laughing 9-2 All Times EDT All Times EDT Columbus at Toronto FC, 4 p.m.
Marc Leishman ...................................36-36—72 +1 FC Dallas at Vancouver, 7 p.m.
2 Brancaleone A.Napolitano 5-2-4 Sits the rail 4-1 FIRST ROUND FIRST ROUND
Cameron Beckman ............................38-34—72 +1 Sporting Kansas City at New England, 7:30 p.m.
4 Firewall J.Campbell 4-8-9 Brushed off 15-1 (Best-of-7) Marc Turnesa .....................................37-35—72 +1 Houston at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
8 Investor Springs M.Simons 3-7-7 Save your deuce 10-1 (x-if necessary) Francesco Molinari ............................35-37—72 +1 Portland at Los Angeles, 11 p.m.
(x-if necessary)
9 Andiron Springs M.Romano 9-1-6 Joins the other Springs 20-1 EASTERN CONFERENCE David Hearn........................................35-37—72 +1
Fourth-$9,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $5,000 last 5 EASTERN CONFERENCE Washington 3, New York Rangers 1 Michael Putnam..................................34-38—72 +1
5 Cruazin Bayou G.Napolitano 6-7-2 Nap steers him in 4-1 Chicago 3, Indiana 0
Saturday, April 16: Chicago 104, Indiana 99
Wednesday, April 13: Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers
1, OT
Charles Howell III...............................36-36—72 +1
Joe Durant...........................................38-34—72 +1
1 Jake Of Hearts J.Pavia 5-5-8 Down from claiming ranks 6-1
6 Literate Hanover A.McCarthy 5-7-4 McCarthy been solid in ‘11 5-2 Monday, April 18: Chicago 96, Indiana 90 Friday, April 15: Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers 0 Charlie Wi............................................38-34—72 +1
9 Native Art A.Miller 3-7-6 Dangerous if on gait 7-2 Thursday, April 21: Chicago 88, Indiana 84 Sunday, April 17: N.Y. Rangers 3, Washington 2 Steve Flesch .......................................36-36—72 +1
Saturday, April 23: Chicago at Indiana, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Washington 4, N.Y. Rangers Stephen Ames ....................................36-36—72 +1 GOLF
3 Dreams Are Real B.Simpson 5-2-6 I hope so 5-1
2 Marty B Shady A.Napolitano 8-8-10 Struggling pacer 8-1 x-Tuesday, April 26: Indiana at Chicago, 8 or 9:30 3, 2OT Stewart Cink .......................................37-35—72 +1
p.m. Saturday, April 23: N.Y. Rangers at Washington, 3 Kevin Streelman .................................36-37—73 +2
4 Powered By Zeus M.Romano 5-6-7 Overpowered 12-1
x-Thursday, April 28: Chicago at Indiana, TBA p.m. Glen Day..............................................37-36—73 +2
A day of golf with State Repre-
7 Night Call J.Taggart 8-8-4 Business is bad 20-1
8 Sir Beach Dragon D.Ingraham 4-7-6 ….on to next race 15-1 x-Saturday, April 30: Indiana at Chicago, TBA x-Monday, April 25: Washington at N.Y. Rangers, Chris Stroud........................................37-36—73 +2 sentative Eddie Day Pashinski
TBA Stuart Appleby....................................36-37—73 +2
Fifth-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,000 last 5 Miami 2, Philadelphia 0 x-Wednesday, April 27: N.Y. Rangers at Washing- Jason Bohn .........................................37-36—73 +2
will be held at Sand Spring Coun-
4 Katie’s Red Rose M.Kakaley 3-2-6 Sherman-Matt team stout 5-2 Saturday, April 16: Miami 97, Philadelphia 89 ton, TBA try Club on May 14. Registration
Monday, April 18: Miami 94, Philadelphia 73 Kent Jones ..........................................36-37—73 +2
5 Luvyabutleave J.Campbell 3-7-2 JC still good with trotters 3-1 Philadelphia 2, Buffalo 2 Derek Lamely......................................37-36—73 +2
7 Westwood Castleton J.Rattray 3-3-5 Rattray invades from Chester 6-1 Thursday, April 21: Miami at Philadelphia, late Thursday, April 14: Buffalo 1, Philadelphia 0 will be at 7:45 a.m. with an 8 a.m.
Lucas Glover ......................................37-36—73 +2
8 Tilly Bomb M.Simons 2-7-2 Can she stay on stride? 5-1 Sunday, April 24: Miami at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Philadelphia 5, Buffalo 4 Zach Johnson .....................................37-36—73 +2 shotgun start for the captain-and-
6 Smedshammer H.Parker 4-3-6 Lacks late stamina 4-1 x-Wednesday, April 27: Philadelphia at Miami, 7 or 8 Monday, April 18: Philadelphia 4, Buffalo 2
1 Mr China A.McCarthy 7-6-5 Wrong country 15-1 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Buffalo 1, Philadelphia 0
Bryce Molder ......................................38-36—74 +3 crew tournament. Cost will be $85
Zack Miller...........................................38-36—74 +3
2 Sy P.Berry 2-8-8 Breaking machine 10-1 x-Friday, April 29: Miami at Philadelphia, TBA Friday, April 22: Buffalo at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Fabian Gomez ....................................36-38—74 +3 or $50 for the just dinner. For
3 Mablesimamazed D.Ingraham 2-7-2 Freehold import 12-1 x-Sunday, May 1: Philadelphia at Miami, TBA Sunday, April 24: Philadelphia at Buffalo, 3 p.m.
9 Jimmy Get Lost A.Napolitano 5-5-2 Gone 20-1 x-Tuesday, April 26: Buffalo at Philadelphia, TBA
Cameron Tringale ..............................36-38—74 +3 more information, contact John
Boston 2, New York 0 Greg Chalmers ...................................37-37—74 +3
Sixth-$11,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $12,500 Sunday, April 17: Boston 87, New York 85 Montreal 2, Boston 2 Rickie Fowler ......................................34-40—74 +3 Greg at 570-735-7731.
Thursday, April 14: Montreal 2, Boston 0
7 Anais Kicker M.Kakaley 1-8-6 Looks ready to roll 5-2 Tuesday, April 19: Boston 96, New York 93
Saturday, April 16: Montreal 3, Boston 1
Jonathan Byrd .....................................36-38—74 +3 Tuskes Homes and Sand Springs
5 No Kisses Knowmore G.Napolitano x-6-3 Nap-Pena potent team in ‘10 3-1 Friday, April 22: Boston at New York, 7 p.m. Brad Faxon..........................................40-35—75 +4
6 Austin’s Best A.McCarthy 5-6-3 Second start off claim 10-1 Sunday, April 24: Boston at New York, 3:30 p.m.
Monday, April 18: Boston 4, Montreal 2 Chris Kirk.............................................38-37—75 +4 Country Club will host their 10th
Thursday, April 21: Boston 5, Montreal 4, OT
3 Outlaw Blues A.Napolitano 5-1-4 Should get better effort 4-1 x-Tuesday, April 26: New York at Boston, TBA Saturday, April 23: Montreal at Boston, 7 p.m. Ernie Els ..............................................38-37—75 +4 annual four-man scramble tourna-
2 Mystery Island J.Pavia 7-6-1 Down a peg in price 5-1 x-Friday, April 29: Boston at New York, TBA Tuesday, April 26: Boston at Montreal, TBA Kevin Stadler ......................................38-37—75 +4 ment on May 24. Lunch will be at
1 Raines Hanover G.Merton 9-8-5 Hard to figure 6-1 x-Sunday, May 1: New York at Boston, TBA x-Wednesday, April 27: Montreal at Boston TBA Jarrod Lyle ..........................................41-34—75 +4
4 Now That’s Art P.Berry 6-4-7 Picasso he is not 15-1 Atlanta 1, Orlando 1 Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 1
Peter Hanson......................................38-38—76 +5 11:30 a.m followed by a shotgun
8 Mac Martian B.Sears 6-6-6 Doesn’t fire 12-1 Dean Wilson........................................39-37—76 +5 start at 12:30 p.m. Dinner and
Saturday, April 16: Atlanta 103, Orlando 93 Wednesday, April 13: Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 0
9 Rampage W.Long 8-6-8 Gapper 20-1 Friday, April 15: Tampa Bay 5, Pittsburgh 1 Fred Funk............................................40-36—76 +5
Seventh-$9,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $5,000 last 5
Tuesday, April 19: Orlando 88, Atlanta 82
Monday, April 18: Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 2 Justin Leonard....................................41-35—76 +5 awards are included. Entry fee is
Friday, April 22: Orlando at Atlanta, 8 p.m. Davis Love III ......................................38-38—76 +5
3 Orr Hanover R.Pierce 7-1-5 Pierce grabs the cash 9-2 Sunday, April 24: Orlando at Atlanta, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Pittsburgh 3, Tampa Bay 2, $75 per person. For more in-
2OT Rocco Mediate....................................37-40—77 +6
2 I Scoot For Cash T.Buter 2-4-5 Nailed on the money 7-2 x-Tuesday, April 26: Atlanta at Orlando, TBA
Saturday, April 23: Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, Noon Bill Lunde ............................................36-41—77 +6 formation, call the pro shop at
1 Southern Sport M.Kakaley 3-3-8 Another show spot 3-1 x-Thursday, April 28: Orlando at Atlanta, TBA
6 Shadows Dream J.Campbell 4-4-5 Does get some class relief 4-1 x-Saturday, April 30: Atlanta at Orlando, TBA
x-Monday, April 25: Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay, TBA Bobby Gates .......................................37-40—77 +6 570-788-5845, ext. 1.
x-Wednesday, April 27: Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, Jeff Maggert........................................39-38—77 +6
7 Voltage A.McCarthy 3-2-8 In need of a jolt 6-1 WESTERN CONFERENCE TBA Shaun Micheel....................................38-39—77 +6 Wyoming Valley Chapter of credit
4 Herzon B.Sears 4-x-6 Raced poorly at Yonkers 10-1 Mike Weir ............................................40-38—78 +7 Unions will hold its 25th Annual
5 Gaelic Thunder G.Napolitano 8-5-7 I’ll pass 15-1 Memphis 1, San Antonio 1 WESTERN CONFERENCE
Henrik Stenson...................................40-39—79 +8
8 Kaydon Begone B.Simpson 2-6-5 In rough spot 8-1 Sunday, April 17: Memphis 101, San Antonio 98 Vancouver 3, Chicago 1
Jeff Peck..............................................41-40—81+10 Charities Golf Outing and Western
9 Papaknowsbest J.Rattray 5-2-1 Off since Sept 20-1 Wednesday, April 20: San Antonio 93, Memphis 87 Wednesday, April 13: Vancouver 2, Chicago 0
Saturday, April 23: San Antonio at Memphis, 7:30 Friday, April 15: Vancouver 4, Chicago 3 Failed to complete first round Bar-B-Q on Friday June 3, 2011 with
Eighth-$25,000 Open Trot Tim Petrovic .........................................................DNF
2 The Chancellor A.Miller 8-3-3 Late on the scene 3-1
p.m. Sunday, April 17: Vancouver 3, Chicago 2
Ben Martin ............................................................DNF
a 10AM shot gun start.
Monday, April 25: San Antonio at Memphis, 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: Chicago 7, Vancouver 2
8 Salutation Hanover M.Kakaley 4-4-5 More strong Burke stock 4-1 Wednesday, April 27: Memphis at San Antonio, TBA Thursday, April 21: Chicago at Vancouver, late Jeff Klauk ..............................................................DNF Our 2011 charities are: The Blind
6 Matrix Hall G.Napolitano 4-1-1 Nap catch drives 8-1 x-Friday, April 29: San Antonio at Memphis, TBA x-Sunday, April 24: Vancouver at Chicago, 7:30 Lee Janzen...........................................................DNF Association of Wyoming Valley,
1 Fort Benning A.Napolitano 2-1-3 Big class bump 9-2 p.m. Mark Anderson ....................................................DNF
5 Big Boy Lloyd T.Buter 2-1-1 May need one 7-2
x-Sunday, May 1: Memphis at San Antonio, TBA
x-Tuesday, April 26: Chicago at Vancouver, TBA Keegan Bradley ...................................................DNF Domestic Violence Service Center,
New Orleans 1, L.A. Lakers 1
3 Rompany Alvin R.Pierce 9-5-5 Missed almost a month 10-1
Sunday, April 17: New Orleans 109, L.A. Lakers 100
San Jose 2, Los Angeles 1 Hunter Haas.........................................................DNF The Gabriel House, Kingston and
4 Calchips Brute B.Sears 6-1-4 Muscled around 5-1 Thursday, April 14: San Jose 3, Los Angeles 2, OT Bio Kim..................................................................DNF
7 A Gentleman M.Simons 3-5-1 Fills out field 12-1 Wednesday, April 20: L.A. Lakers 87, New Orleans Saturday, April 16: Los Angeles 4, San Jose 0 Justin Hicks ..........................................................DNF Mountaintop Volunteer Fire De-
Ninth-$13,000 Cond.Pace;n/w 4 pm races life 78 Tuesday, April 19: San Jose 6, Los Angeles 5, OT Kyle Stanley .........................................................DNF partments, The Pennsylvania
Friday, April 22: L.A. Lakers at New Orleans, 9:30 Thursday, April 21: San Jose at Los Angeles, late Daniel Summerhays............................................DNF
4 Rockstar Temper J.Pavia 2-6-4 Beats down the drum 7-2
p.m. Saturday, April 23: Los Angeles at San Jose, 10:30 Chris DiMarco ......................................................DNF Credit Union Foundation, Volun-
8 All Summer Long T.Buter 1-4-8 Just dusted similar 3-1
3 Nathan Feelsgood B.Simpson 2-7-5 Should sit a nice trip 9-2 Sunday, April 24: L.A. Lakers at New Orleans, 9:30 p.m. Chris Epperson....................................................DNF teers of America, Wyoming Valley
p.m. x-Monday, April 25: San Jose at Los Angeles, TBA Sam Saunders .....................................................DNF
1 Quite Western P.Berry 1-6-6 Moves up off nice win 4-1
Tuesday, April 26: New Orleans at L.A. Lakers, x-Wednesday, April 27: Los Angeles at San Jose, Kevin Kisner.........................................................DNF Children’s Association, Wyoming
2 Sapphire City To.Schadel 1-4-3 Q’d up nice 6-1
9 Gritty Millie Boy B.Sears 3-1-1 Well-bred colt 15-1 10:30 p.m. TBA Steven Bowditch .................................................DNF Valley Alcohol and Drug Services,
x-Thursday, April 28: L.A. Lakers at New Orleans, Detroit 4, Phoenix 0 Michael Thompson .............................................DNF and Geisinger Children’s Hospital.
5 Fine Fine Fine J.Campbell 7-1-1 Needs some time to adjust 10-1 Wednesday, April 13: Detroit 4, Phoenix 2 Roland Thatcher ..................................................DNF
6 Bittersweet Champ M.Kakaley 4-1-1 Sour 8-1 TBA
x-Saturday, April 30: New Orleans at L.A. Lakers, Saturday, April 16: Detroit 4, Phoenix 3 Leaderboard at time of suspended play Any donations are greatly appre-
7 Voice Of Truth G.Napolitano 6-7-2 False 20-1 Monday, April 18: Detroit 4, Phoenix 2
Tenth-$30,000 Open Handicap Trot TBA
Wednesday, April 20: Detroit 6, Phoenix 3
1. Garrett Willis ................................... -7 F
7 Arch Madness B.Sears 1-1-1 Won’t be stopped 9-5 Dallas 2, Portland 0 Nashville 2, Anaheim 2 2. Chad Campbell .............................. -6 F For information on golfing or dona-
6 Enough Talk R.Pierce 1-2-4 Breeders Crown champ returns 2-1 Saturday, April 16: Dallas 89, Portland 81
Tuesday, April 19: Dallas 101, Portland 89
Wednesday, April 13: Nashville 4, Anaheim 1 2. Tim Herron...................................... -6 F tions, contact Bob Alescyk 570-
3 Winning Mister A.Miller 2-2-2 Strong speedster 4-1 Friday, April 15: Anaheim 5, Nashville 3 2. Matt Bettencourt ............................. -6 F
2 In Focus J.Takter 8-2-2 Closing in on $1mil life 5-1 Thursday, April 21: Dallas at Portland, late Sunday, April 17: Nashville 4, Anaheim 3 2. Arjun Atwal...................................... -6 F 823-6151 Ext. 1 or mail contributions
1 Rompaway Beau B.Simpson 4-6-1 Looking for a check 8-1 Saturday, April 23: Dallas at Portland, 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Anaheim 6, Nashville 3 6. Mark Wilson.................................... -5 F to Corner Post FCU P.O. Box 1172
4 All About Justice M.Simons 7-4-5 Not with these 12-1 x-Monday, April 25: Portland at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 22: Nashville at Anaheim, 10 p.m. 6. Camilo Villegas .............................. -5 F
5 Great Emancipator D.Ackerman 1-x-2 Rough spot for season debut 15-1 x-Thursday, April 28: Dallas at Portland, TBA x-Sunday, April 24: Anaheim at Nashville, TBA 6. Brian Gay......................................... -5 F Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-1172, Attn.
Eleventh-$13,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 x-Saturday, April 30: Portland at Dallas, TBA x-Tuesday, April 26: Nashville at Anaheim, TBA 9. Chris Riley....................................... -4 F Bob Alescyk.
1 Badlands And Art P.Berry 3-6-5 Darkhorse of the night 8-1 Oklahoma City 2, Denver 0 9. Brendon de Jonge ......................... -4 F
3 Sri Panka D.Ingraham 1-3-2 Been a hot commodity 7-2 Sunday, April 17: Oklahoma City 107, Denver 103 AHL 9. Blake Adams .................................. -4 F
4 Major Macho B.Simpson 1-5-1 Grinder 3-1 Wednesday, April 20: Oklahoma City 106, Denver 9. Jason Dufner .................................. -4 F
Playoff Glance 9. Scott Verplank ................................ -4 F
7 Master Of Wars J.Pavia 2-9-2 Just necked out 9-2 89
All Times EDT 9. Luke Donald ................................... -4 F
8 Lightning Moon G.Napolitano 2-9-1 Shot down quick 6-1 Saturday, April 23: Oklahoma City at Denver, 10
9 Fox Valley Largo M.Kakaley 7-5-8 Back to level of claim 20-1 p.m. (x-if necessary)
2 Wholeftthegateopen A.Napolitano 4-9-6 It’s closed 4-1 Monday, April 25: Oklahoma City at Denver, 10:30 FIRST ROUND PGA Tour Statistics Back Mountain Youth Soccer Asso-
6 The Perfect Escape H.Parker 2-3-2 Lags behind 10-1 p.m. BEST OF 7 Through April 17
5 Pembroke Joe Dunn B.Sears 8-6-5 Dusted off 15-1 x-Wednesday, April 27: Denver at Oklahoma City, 8 Scoring Average
ciation will hold registration for
Twelfth-$18,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $15,000 last 5 or 9:30 p.m. Portland 3, Connecticut 2 1, Luke Donald, 69.28. 2, Nick Watney, 69.56. 3, the fall 2011 intramural soccer
2 Windsong Gorgeous M.Kakaley 1-1-7 Red hot pacer 5-2 x-Friday, April 29: Oklahoma City at Denver, TBA Thursday, April 14: Portland 3, Connecticut 2 Matt Kuchar, 69.76. 4, Brian Gay, 69.84. 5, Spencer season on from 9 a.m. tp 3 p.m.
x-Sunday, May 1: Denver at Oklahoma City, TBA Saturday, April 16: Portland 3, Connecticut 2, OT Levin, 69.92. 6, Steve Stricker, 69.93. 7, Charl
8 Courser Hanover A.Miller 2-3-7 Possesses big speed 5-1 Schwartzel, 69.95. 8, Phil Mickelson, 69.99. 9 (tie), Saturday at the Dallas Middle
1 Cheyenne Knight L.Stalbaum 6-1-1 Don’t be quick to count out 6-1 Sunday, April 17: Connecticut 3, Portland 1
Tuesday, April 19: Connecticut 3, Portland 1 Rory Sabbatini and Webb Simpson, 70.00. School Cafeteria. Age groups U6
3 Jimmie Hanover J.Campbell 1-1-4 Fan favorite 3-1
Thursday, April 21: Portland 5, Connecticut 4 Driving Distance
4 Tom Paine J.Pavia 1-7-3 Strong on arrival 4-1 through U18 will be accepted.
6 Cash Cab T.Buter 5-4-1 No change left 10-1 B A S E B A L L Saturday, April 23: Portland at Connecticut, 7 p.m.
x-Monday, April 25: Connecticut at Portland, 7 p.m.
1, J.B. Holmes, 314.5. 2, Chris Baryla, 309.5. 3,
Bubba Watson, 308.2. 4, Dustin Johnson, 307.6. 5, Eligible players must be at least 5
7 Waylon Hanover R.Pierce 1-3-4 It would be an upset 15-1 Robert Garrigus, 302.1. 6, Angel Cabrera, 301.3. 7,
5 Johnny Absolut J.Taggart 2-7-1 Very good race 12-1 Manchester 3, Binghamton 2 years of age by July 31, 2011. New
Gary Woodland, 300.9. 8, Martin Laird, 300.6. 9,
9 Blue Claw P.Berry 3-4-6 Didn’t fire as the favorite 20-1 International League Thursday, April 14: Manchester 2, Binghamton 1
Thirteenth-$13,000 Cond.Trot;n/w 4 pm races life
Friday, April 15: Binghamton 4, Manchester 3, OT Steven Bowditch, 299.7. 10, Jason Gore, 298.8. players must show proof of age. All
At A Glance Sunday, April 17: Manchester 5, Binghamton 4, OT Driving Accuracy Percentage
5 Tui A.Napolitano 1-1-2 Been terrific 5-2 Tuesday, April 19: Manchester 6, Binghamton 3 1, Brian Gay, 78.68%. 2, Ben Curtis, 77.70%. 3, Da- players must register on line
All Times EDT
3 Double Up Hanover J.Campbell 1-2-7 Remmen done well at PD 3-1
North Division
Wednesday, April 20: Binghamton 5, Manchester 4, vid Toms, 74.75%. 4, Jerry Kelly, 74.43%. 5, Zach available now at
8 Nightime Flash B.Sears 1-2-4 Meadows invader 9-2 OT Johnson, 74.11%. 6, Heath Slocum, 73.71%. 7, Joe
1 Fortissimo M.Kakaley 6-9-2 Bad habits 4-1 W L Pct. GB Friday, April 22: Binghamton at Manchester, 7 p.m. Durant, 72.03%. 8, Scott Verplank, 70.77%. 9, Alex Stan Waleski Basketball Camp is
7 Toocloseforcomfort G.Napolitano 6-7-1 Far away 12-1 Yankees ...................................... 9 5 .643 — x-Saturday, April 23: Binghamton at Manchester, 7 Cejka, 70.36%. 10, Rocco Mediate, 70.17%. accepting registrations for the
6 Alzata Hanover R.Pierce 1-4-5 Big move up class ladder 6-1 Pawtucket (Red Sox) ................. 9 6 .600 1
⁄2 p.m. Greens in Regulation Pct.
2 Andorra Gold T.Buter 1-4-4 Filly roughed up 8-1 Penguins 2, Norfolk 2 1, Justin Rose, 73.61%. 2, Bubba Watson, 73.18%. camp to be held at the St. Joseph’s
Lehigh Valley (Phillies).............. 7 7 .500 2
4 Wingbat M.Romano 7-7-3 ….one more race left 15-1 Rochester (Twins)...................... 6 8 .429 3 Friday, April 15: Norfolk 2, Penguins 1 3, Ben Crane, 73.15%. 4, Heath Slocum, 72.44%. 5, Oblates gym in Laflin from July 11
Saturday, April 16: Norfolk 2, Penguins 0 Boo Weekley, 72.22%. 6, David Toms, 71.97%. 7,
Fourteenth-$6,100 Clm.Pace;clm.price $7,500 Syracuse (Nationals) ................. 6 8 .429 3
Tuesday, April 19: Penguins 2, Norfolk 1 Chad Campbell, 71.75%. 8, Mark Wilson, 71.73%. to 29for boys and girls entering
5 No Mo Parking A.Napolitano 1-2-5 Caps late double 5-2 Buffalo (Mets) ............................. 6 9 .400 31⁄2 9, Paul Casey, 71.53%. 10, Bill Lunde, 71.37%. grades K through 8. The camp
3 Doc’s Whisky A.Miller 3-3-2 Note the new driver 4-1 Wednesday, April 20: Penguins 4, Norfolk 2
South Division Friday, April 22: Penguins at Norfolk, 7:30 p.m. Total Driving stress skills,fundamentals, team
7 Heavenly Helen J.Pavia 2-6-4 Chased choice last out 5-1 Saturday, April 23: Norfolk at Penguins, 7:05 p.m. 1, Boo Weekley, 37. 2, John Merrick, 58. 3, Bubba
6 Princess Character H.Parker 1-4-2 Favored 3 straight 3-1 W L Pct. GB
Gwinnett (Braves) .................... 9 5 .643 — x-Monday, April 25: Norfolk at Penguins, 7:05 p.m. Watson, 78. 4, Bo Van Pelt, 83. 5, Adam Scott, 84. 6 play, competition and fun with all
8 Pembroke Lil M.Kakaley 1-5-7 Use in super’s 12-1 (tie), Tom Gillis, Charley Hoffman and Steve Mari-
1 Atlantic Filly L.Stalbaum 4-3-7 Pole never hurts 10-1 Durham (Rays) ......................... 9 6 .600 1
⁄2 Hershey 2, Charlotte 2
no, 92. 9 (tie), Brandt Jobe and Chez Reavie, 100.
players receiving a camp t shirt
Thursday, April 14: Charlotte 5, Hershey 4
2 Rusty’s Martini G.Napolitano 5-4-3 Moves in, but off form 15-1 Charlotte (White Sox) .............. 7 6 .538 11⁄2
Sunday, April 17: Hershey 4, Charlotte 2 Putting Average and certificate. The camp features
4 Annika S A.McCarthy 2-4-1 Wide-open finale 601 Norfolk (Orioles) ....................... 3 11 .214 6
9 Halter Top Hanover T.Buter 6-5-8 See you tomorrow 20-1
Tuesday, April 19: Hershey 3, Charlotte 2 1, Luke Donald, 1.703. 2, Brandt Snedeker, 1.708. an early registration discount for
West Division Wednesday, April 20: Charlotte 3, Hershey 2 3, Rickie Fowler, 1.709. 4, Steve Stricker, 1.711. 5,
W L Pct. GB Friday, April 22: Hershey at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Greg Chalmers, 1.718. 6, Nick Watney, 1.719. 7 players registering prior to May 1
Columbus (Indians) ................. 10 5 .667 — Sunday, April 24: Charlotte at Hershey, 5 p.m. (tie), Scott Verplank and Kevin Na, 1.722. 9 (tie), and discounts for multiple family
x-Monday, April 25: Charlotte at Hershey, 7 p.m. Chris Couch and Lucas Glover, 1.724.
Louisville (Reds) ...................... 10 5 .667 —
WESTERN CONFERENCE Birdie Average members attending the camp. For
Indianapolis (Pirates)............... 5 10 .333 5
U P C O M I N G W H A T ’ S O N T V Toledo (Tigers) ........................ 5 10 .333 5
Lake Erie 2, Manitoba 1 1, Dustin Johnson, 4.68. 2, Nick Watney, 4.58. 3, registration informationcall Coach
Saturday, April 16: Lake Erie 6, Manitoba 4 Steve Stricker, 4.54. 4, Phil Mickelson, 4.53. 5,
Waleski at 457-1206 or Coach
L O C A L Thursday's Games
Pawtucket 14, Syracuse 0
Sunday, April 17: Manitoba 3, Lake Erie 2, OT
Tuesday, April 19: Lake Erie 2, Manitoba 1
Hunter Mahan, 4.44. 6, Webb Simpson, 4.38. 7,
Gary Woodland, 4.36. 8 (tie), Matt Kuchar and Ben LoBrutto at 654-8030. Camp
C A L E N D A R AUTO RACING Gwinnett 7, Norfolk 5, 11 innings Thursday, April 21: Lake Erie at Manitoba, late Crane, 4.33. 10, 2 tied with 4.32.
Buffalo 4, Rochester 2, 10 innings, 1st game Friday, April 22: Lake Erie at Manitoba, 8:30 p.m. Eagles (Holes per) information is also available at
5:30 p.m.
SPEED — NASCAR, Truck Series, pole qualifying Buffalo 4, Rochester 1, 2nd game x-Sunday, April 24: Manitoba at Lake Erie, 4 p.m. 1, Sunghoon Kang, 46.3. 2, Scott McCarron, 59.1. or by e mailing
Saturday, April 23 for Bully Hill Vineyards 200, at Lebanon, Tenn. Toledo 6, Indianapolis 0, 1st game x-Tuesday, April 26: Manitoba at Lake Erie, 7 p.m. 3, Derek Lamely, 75.0. 4, Andres Gonzales, 76.5. 5,
[email protected].
Columbus 19, Louisville 3 Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 2 Kevin Stadler, 83.3. 6 (tie), Bill Haas and Bobby
H.S. SOFTBALL (same-day tape) Gates, 84.9. 8, Bubba Watson, 87.0. 9 (tie), Bo Van
Yankees 3, Lehigh Valley 0 Thursday, April 14: Hamilton 5, Oklahoma City 2
Crestwood at Hazleton Area, 11 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 1 Pelt and Jeff Overton, 93.0.
Wyoming Area at Dallas, 1 p.m. ESPN2 — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, practice Charlotte 6, Durham 4
Tuesday, April 19: Oklahoma City 2, Hamilton 0 Sand Save Percentage
for Nashville 300, at Lebanon, Tenn. Indianapolis 3, Toledo 1, 2nd game Wednesday, April 20: Oklahoma City 5, Hamilton 2 1, Brian Gay, 76.36%. 2, Retief Goosen, 72.73%. 3,
Today's Games Friday, April 22: Hamilton at Oklahoma City, 8:05 D.J. Brigman, 68.75%. 4, Graeme McDowell,
Crestwood at Dallas, resuming 10th inning, 11 a.m. 8 p.m.
Pawtucket at Rochester, 1:05 p.m. p.m. 66.67%. 5, K.J. Choi, 66.04%. 6, Paul Casey,
Hazleton City View BMX will hold its
West Side Tech at Meyers SPEED — NASCAR, Truck Series, Bully Hill Vine-
yards 200, at Lebanon, Tenn. Lehigh Valley at Buffalo, 6:05 p.m. Sunday, April 24: Oklahoma City at Hamilton, 4 p.m. 65.22%. 7, Mike Weir, 65.12%. 8, Jerry Kelly, first local BMX race of the season
Syracuse at Yankees, 6:35 p.m. x-Monday, April 25: Oklahoma City at Hamilton, 64.71%. 9, Greg Chalmers, 64.15%. 10, David on Sunday, May 1st at 2:00 at Louis
BOXING Indianapolis at Toledo, 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Toms, 64.10%.
T R A N S A C T I O N S Charlotte at Durham, 7:05 p.m. Houston 4, Peoria 0 All-Around Ranking Schiavo Park, on South Poplar
10:30 p.m.
ESPN2 — Junior welterweights, Breidis Prescott
Louisville at Columbus, 7:05 p.m. Wednesday, April 13: Houston 4, Peoria 1 1, Nick Watney, 281. 2, Matt Kuchar, 309. 3, Chris Street, Hazleton. Practice will be
Gwinnett at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m. Friday, April 15: Houston 3, Peoria 2, OT Couch, 341. 4, Justin Rose, 344. 5, Hunter Mahan,
BASEBALL (23-2-0) vs. Bayan Jargal (15-1-3), at Uncasville, Monday, April 18: Houston 5, Peoria 3 358. 6, Gary Woodland, 360. 7, David Toms, 398. 8, held from 12 – 2 with race regis-
American League
Conn. (same-day tape) Tuesday, April 19: Houston 2, Peoria 1 Webb Simpson, 404. 9, Martin Laird, 414. 10, Steve tration from 1:00 – 1:45. New riders
BOSTON RED SOX—Activated RHP Matt Albers GOLF Eastern League Milwaukee 2, Texas 2 Stricker, 417.
are welcome. First time at the
Thursday, April 14: Milwaukee 5, Texas 2 PGA TOUR Official Money Leaders
from the 15-day DL. Optioned RHP Alfredo Aceves
to Pawtucket (IL). 9:30 a.m. At A Glance Saturday, April 16: Texas 3, Milwaukee 1 1, Mark Wilson (10), $2,430,825. 2, Nick Watney (7), track is FREE. Bring your bike, long
All Times EDT Tuesday, April 19: Texas 3, Milwaukee 2, OT $2,304,400. 3, Phil Mickelson (9), $2,161,531. 4,
TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Optioned LHP Brett Ce- TGC — European PGA Tour, China Open, second
Wednesday, April 20: Milwaukee 3, Texas 2 Martin Laird (10), $2,158,563. 5, Luke Donald (5), sleeve shirt, long pants and hel-
cil to Las Vegas (PCL). Selected the contract of INF round, at Chengdu, China (same-day tape) Eastern Division
Chris Woodward from Las Vegas. 12:30 p.m. W L Pct. GB
Friday, April 22: Milwaukee at Texas, 8:30 p.m. $2,138,467. 6, Gary Woodland (10), $2,034,530. 7, met. Some equipment may be
Monday, April 25: Texas at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Aaron Baddeley (10), $1,887,116. 8, Matt Kuchar
National League TGC — Champions Tour, Legends of Golf, first Reading (Phillies)....................... 9 5 .643 — x-Tuesday, April 26: Texas at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. (9), $1,836,173. 9, Charl Schwartzel (6), available at the track.
MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Agreed to terms with
OF Ryan Braun on a five-year contract extension round, at Savannah, Ga. New Hampshire (Blue Jays) ..... 8 5 .615 1
⁄2 $1,766,104. 10, Bubba Watson (9), $1,752,817. Other local races in May are sched-
3 p.m. New Britain (Twins).................... 7 6 .538 11⁄2
through the 2020 season. Optioned RHP Mike
Trenton (Yankees) ..................... 7 7 .500 2
uled for May 8, 15, 22 and 26th.,
McClendon to Nashville (PCL). Reinstated RHP La- TGC — PGA Tour, The Heritage, second round, at
Troy Hawkins from the 15-day DL. Assigned C Ge- Hilton Head Island, S.C. Binghamton (Mets)..................... 5 7 .417 3 G O L F T E N N I S weather permitting. Open House
orge Kottaras outright to Nashville. Portland (Red Sox)..................... 5 7 .417 3 will be held on Saturday, May 21st
on the 15-day DL, retroactive to April 20. Activated Western Division PGA Tour ATP World Tour from 12:00 – 5:00.
OF Jason Bay from the 15-day DL. 2:10 p.m. W L Pct. GB
WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Optioned C Jesus WGN — L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs Akron (Indians) ........................... 8 7 .533 —
The Heritage Par Scores Barcelona Open BancSabadell Results For more information about City View
Flores to Syracuse (IL).
NBA BASKETBALL Bowie (Orioles)........................... 7 7 .500 1
Thursday Thursday BMX, email bmx@hazletoncity-
At Harbour Town Golf Links At Real Club de Tenis Barcelona
HOCKEY Altoona (Pirates)......................... 6 7 .462 1
Hilton Head, S.C. Barcelona, Spain, visit www.hazletoncity-
7 p.m. Erie (Tigers) ................................ 6 7 .462 1
National Hockey League ESPN — Playoffs, first round, game 3, Boston at Purse: $5.7 million Purse: $2.88 million (WT500), call Track Director, Jack
TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING—Reassigned F Blair Harrisburg (Nationals) ............... 6 7 .462 1
Jones and F Mattias Ritola to Norfolk (AHL).
New York Richmond (Giants) ..................... 6 8 .429 11⁄2
Yardage: 6,873; Par 71 (36-35) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Longo at 570-956-3747, or visit
Partial First Round Singles
8 p.m.
COLLEGE ESPN2 — Playoffs, first round, game 3, Orlando at
Thursday's Games
Portland 5, New Britain 1
Note: Due to darkness play was suspended Third Round
Atlanta and will be completed Friday. Gael Monfils (7), France, def. Richard Gasquet (9),
CHARLOTTE—Named Bruce Tall defensive coor- Bowie 7, Erie 6 France, 6-4, 7-6 (7).
dinator. 9:30 p.m. Garrett Willis .......................................31-33—64 -7
Richmond 7, Altoona 3 Chad Campbell ..................................35-30—65 -6 David Ferrer (4), Spain, def. Victor Hanescu, Roma-
COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON—Named Henry Vi- ESPN — Playoffs, first round, game 3, L.A. Lakers Bulletin Board items will not be
va Zapata women’s assistant soccer coach. New Hampshire 5, Binghamton 4, 10 innings Tim Herron ..........................................31-34—65 -6 nia, 6-3, 6-2.
at New Orleans Harrisburg 4, Trenton 3, 10 innings Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Santiago Giraldo, Col-
COLORADO—Announced sophomore G Alec Arjun Atwal..........................................32-33—65 -6
ombia, 6-3, 6-1. accepted over the telephone. Items
Burks will enter the NBA draft. NHL HOCKEY Akron 6, Reading 3 Matt Bettencourt .................................32-33—65 -6
Jurgen Melzer (6), Austria, def. Albert Montanes may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to
EASTERN MICHIGAN—Named Rob Murphy Today's Games Mark Wilson ........................................33-33—66 -5
men’s basketball coach. 7:30 p.m. Brian Gay.............................................32-34—66 -5 (11), Spain, 6-7 (2), 6-3, 6-2.
Reading at Akron, 3:05 p.m. Nicolas Almagro (8), Spain, def. Nikolay Davyden- [email protected] or dropped
ILLINOIS-CHICAGO—Named Regina Miller wom- VERSUS — Playoffs, Eastern Conference first New Britain at Portland, 6 p.m. Camilo Villegas...................................33-33—66 -5
en’s basketball coach. ko, Russia, 7-6 (2), 6-3.
MICHIGAN—Announced sophomore G Darius
round, game 5, Buffalo at Philadelphia Bowie at Erie, 6:35 p.m. Jason Dufner ......................................34-33—67 -4
Juan Carlos Ferrero, Spain. def. Simone Vagnozzi, off at the Times Leader or mailed to
10 p.m. Altoona at Richmond, 6:35 p.m. Scott Verplank ....................................34-33—67 -4
Morris has declared for the NBA draft.
VERSUS — Playoffs, Western Conference first Luke Donald........................................32-35—67 -4
Italy, 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-4. Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main
UCLA—Named Cori Close women’s basketball Binghamton at New Hampshire, 6:35 p.m. Feliciano Lopez, Spain, def. Kei Nishikori, Japan,
round, game 5, Nashville at Anaheim Blake Adams.......................................32-35—67 -4 6-4, 7-6 (5). St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250.
coach. Trenton at Harrisburg, 7 p.m.


Mets welcome N AT I O N A L
Washington ....................... 000 000 000 — 0
St. Louis ............................. 200 000 03x — 5
C.Martinez L,0-1 ..... 11⁄3
Los Angeles
Kershaw ................... 82⁄3
tle, 6;Dyson, Kansas City, 5;Snider, Toronto,
5;6 tied at 4.
PITCHING—Weaver, Los Angeles,

Bay with win

DP—Washington 1, St. Louis 1. LOB—Washington Broxton..................... 11⁄3 0 0 0 1 2 5-0;Haren, Los Angeles, 4-0;Masterson, Cle-
4, St. Louis 6. 2B—Freese (3). HR—Pujols (6), Hol- Guerrier W,1-0 ........ 2 2 0 0 0 2
East Division liday (2). veland, 4-0;Tomlin, Cleveland, 3-0;Chen,
W L Pct GB HBP—by C.Martinez (Barajas). WP—Kimbrel. Kansas City, 3-0;Scherzer, Detroit,
IP H R ER BB SO Umpires—Home, Wally Bell;First, Laz Diaz;Sec-
Florida ............................ 11 6 .647 — Washington 3-0;AJBurnett, New York, 3-0;Harrison, Tex-
Philadelphia ................... 11 6 .647 — ond, Scott Barry;Third, John Hirschbeck.
Gorzelanny L,0-2 .... 5 2 2 2 4 3 T—3:52. A—30,711 (56,000). as, 3-1;Britton, Baltimore, 3-1.
Washington.................... 9 9 .500 21⁄2 Broderick.................. 2 2 0 0 0 0
Atlanta............................. 8 12 .400 41⁄2 STRIKEOUTS—Weaver, Los Angeles,
Balester .................... 1⁄3 2 3 3 2 0 39;Cahill, Oakland, 27;EJackson, Chicago,
New York ....................... 6 13 .316 6 Slaten........................ 2⁄3
St. Louis
0 0 0 0 0 A L B O X E S 27;Verlander, Detroit, 27;Haren, Los An-
Central Division
W L Pct GB Lohse W,3-1 ............ 9 2 0 0 2 6 geles, 27;Danks, Chicago, 25;RRomero, To-
Cincinnati........................ 10 9 .526 — HBP—by Lohse (Espinosa). White Sox 9, Rays 2 ronto, 24.
St. Louis ......................... 10 9 .526 — Umpires—Home, Bill Welke;First, Tim Tschida;Se- SAVES—MRivera, New York, 7;CPerez,
cond, Jeff Nelson;Third, Marty Foster. Chicago Tampa Bay Cleveland, 6;Fuentes, Oakland, 5;Soria,
Chicago .......................... 9 9 .500 1
⁄2 ab r h bi ab r h bi
The Associated Press over the Atlanta Braves. Milwaukee ......................
T—2:22. A—36,160 (43,975). Pierre lf 4 3 2 0 Fuld lf 5 0 2 2 Kansas City, 5;Feliz, Texas, 5;Valverde, De-
Vizquel 2b 5 1 2 2 Damon dh 4 0 1 0 troit, 4;Farnsworth, Tampa Bay, 4.
NEW YORK — David Both teams were down to Houston.......................... 7 12 .368 3 Reds 7, Diamondbacks 4 Quentin rf 3 1 1 2 Joyce rf 4 0 1 0
West Division
Wright ended his career-worst their final strike much earlier. W L Pct GB
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Lillirdg rf
Konerk 1b
0 0
3 2
FLopez 3b
Zobrist 2b
4 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 W E D N E S D AY ’ S
hitless drought with a homer David Ross hit a two-out, Colorado ........................ 13
San Francisco................ 10

KJhnsn 2b 3 1 1 1 Heisey cf-lf 4 0 0 0
A.Dunn dh 5 0 1 1 ph-2b
1 0 0 0
RRorts 3b 4 1 1 0 Phillips 2b 4 1 2 0
and a two-run double, Chris two-run single in the top of the Los Angeles................... 10 10 .500 4 J.Upton rf 4 0 0 0 Votto 1b 4 2 2 1 Rios cf 3 0 0 0 BUpton cf 3 0 0 0
Capuano pitched seven sharp ninth off Clayton Kershaw to
Arizona ...........................
San Diego ......................
S.Drew ss 4 1 2 2 Gomes lf 3 1 0 0 Przyns c
AlRmrz ss
4 0 1 2 Ktchm 1b
5 0 0 0 Jaso c
2 1 0 0
4 1 1 0
Dodgers 6, Braves 1
CYoung cf 4 0 0 0 Ondrsk p 0 0 0 0
Teahen 3b 2 2 0 0 Brignc ss 1 0 1 0 Atlanta Los Angeles
innings and the New York Mets put the Braves ahead 3-2. Wednesday's Games
Philadelphia 4, Milwaukee 3
Mirand 1b
GParra lf
3 1 0 0 Corder p
4 0 2 0 Bruce rf
0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 EJhnsn ab r h bi ab r h bi
Prado lf 3 0 1 1 Carroll ss 4 0 0 0
welcomed Jason Bay back to Casey Blake, who had home- Washington 8, St. Louis 6, 1st game
Chicago Cubs 2, San Diego 1, 11 innings, 1st game
HBlanc c
Monter ph
3 0 0 0 Cairo 3b
0 0 0 0 RHrndz c
3 1 1 2
3 1 2 1
Morel 3b
0 0 0 0 ph-ss
36 910 9 Totals
2 0 0 0
32 2 8 2 Heywrd rf 4 0 0 0 Blake 3b 4 2 2 0
C.Jones 3b 4 0 0 0 Ethier rf 4 3 3 2
their lineup with a 9-1 romp red earlier, hit an RBI single Colorado 10, San Francisco 2 DHdsn p
Demel p
1 0 0 1 Janish ss
0 0 0 0 Leake p
3 0 1 2
3 0 0 0
Chicago.............................. 104 012 010 — 9 McCnn c 4 0 1 0 Kemp cf 4 0 1 0
San Diego 5, Chicago Cubs 4, 2nd game Tampa Bay......................... 000 200 000 — 2
over the Houston Astros on with two outs in the bottom Arizona 3, Cincinnati 1 Blmqst ph 1 0 0 0 Stubbs cf 0 0 0 0 E—F.Lopez (2). DP—Chicago 2. LOB—Chicago 8,
Uggla 2b
Fremn 1b
2 0 0 0 Uribe 2b
3 0 0 0 Loney 1b
4 0 3 4
4 0 1 0
Houston 4, N.Y. Mets 3 Cllmntr p 0 0 0 0
Thursday night to end a seven- half off Craig Kimbrel to make Florida 6, Pittsburgh 0 Branyn ph 1 0 0 0
Tampa Bay 8. 2B—Vizquel (1), Quentin (11), Koner-
ko (3). SB—Pierre (5), Vizquel (1), F.Lopez (1),
AlGnzlz ss
McLoth cf
3 0 0 0 Sands lf
3 1 2 0 Barajs c
4 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
Totals 32 4 6 4 Totals 30 7 9 7
game home winless skid. it 3-all. St. Louis 5, Washington 3, 2nd game
L.A. Dodgers 6, Atlanta 1 Arizona ............................... 110 010 001 — 4
B.Upton (3). CS—Quentin (1). SF—Pierzynski. D.Lowe p 0 0 0 0 Garlnd p 2 1 0 0
IP H R ER BB SO CMrtnz p 0 0 0 0
Bay hit a ground-rule double Andre Ethier doubled with Thursday's Games Cincinnati ........................... 400 012 00x — 7 Chicago MaYng ph 1 0 0 0
Cincinnati 7, Arizona 4 DP—Arizona 2. LOB—Arizona 5, Cincinnati 4. Floyd W,2-1 ............. 6 7 2 2 2 7 Asencio p 0 0 0 0
and later raced around the one out in the Dodgers 12th St. Louis 5, Washington 0 2B—R.Roberts (3), R.Hernandez (3). HR— Ohman...................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 Conrad ph 0 0 0 0
L.A. Dodgers 5, Atlanta 3, 12 innings K.Johnson (3), S.Drew (1), Votto (3). CS—Bruce S.Santos................... 1 0 0 0 1 2
bases on a rare four-base error against Christhian Martinez N.Y. Mets 9, Houston 1 (1). S—D.Hudson. Gray .......................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
OFlhrt p
0 0 0 0
27 1 4 1 Totals 33 611 6
in the eighth inning to give the (0-1). Kemp drove an 0-2 pitch Florida 9, Pittsburgh 5
Philadelphia at San Diego, 10:05 p.m.
Tampa Bay
Niemann L,0-3......... 42⁄3 6 6 5 2 4
Atlanta ................................ 001 000 000 — 1
Los Angeles....................... 230 100 00x — 6
Mets a lift in a sobering season over the fence in left-center for Friday's Games D.Hudson L,0-4 51§3 5 7 7 4 3 C.Ramos .................. 2⁄3
A.Russell.................. 12⁄3
0 DP—Atlanta 1, Los Angeles 1. LOB—Atlanta 3, Los
L.A. Dodgers (Billingsley 1-1) at Chicago Cubs (Co- Demel ....................... 2⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Angeles 5. 2B—McLouth (6), Ethier (6). HR—Eth-
thus far. Bay was out with a his fourth homer of the season. leman 1-0), 2:20 p.m. Collmenter ............... 2 3 0 0 0 2 McGee...................... 1 2 1 1 1 0
ier (2). CS—Uggla (2), Kemp (3). S—D.Lowe. SF—
Washington (L.Hernandez 2-1) at Pittsburgh (Kar- Leake W,3-0 ............ 7 4 3 3 2 6 J.Cruz ....................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
strained rib cage since late On Sunday, Kemp hit a two- stens 1-0), 7:05 p.m. Ondrusek ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Floyd (Kotchman, Brignac), by Niemann Prado.
Cordero .................... 1 2 1 1 1 2 (Rios, Quentin), by C.Ramos (Pierre). WP—Nie-
March and hadn’t played since run homer in the bottom of the Arizona (J.Saunders 0-2) at N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 0-2),
7:10 p.m. HBP—by D.Hudson (R.Hernandez). mann. Atlanta
D.Lowe L,2-3 ........... 3 9 5 5 1 5
July 25,when he went out with ninth to beat St. Louis 2-1. Colorado (Chacin 3-0) at Florida (Ani.Sanchez 0-1),
7:10 p.m.
Umpires—Home, Lance Barksdale; First, Fieldin
Culbreth; Second, Adrian Johnson; Third, Gary Ce-
Umpires—Home, Jerry Meals;First, Hunter Wen-
delstedt;Second, Vic Carapazza;Third, Brian
C.Martinez ............... 1 1 1 1 0 2
Asencio .................... 3 0 0 0 1 2
a concussion. Houston (Figueroa 0-2) at Milwaukee (Gallardo derstrom.
T—2:37. A—17,319 (42,319).
T—2:58. A—16,751 (34,078).
O’Flaherty ................ 1 1 0 0 0 2
1-1), 8:10 p.m.
Mike Nickeas connected for Cardinals 5, Nationals 0 Cincinnati (Volquez 2-0) at St. Louis (McClellan
Los Angeles
Garland W,1-1 ......... 9 4 1 1 2 4
his first major league home ST. LOUIS — Kyle Lohse 2-0), 8:15 p.m. Mets 9, Astros 1 Twins 3, Orioles 1 Umpires—Home, John Hirschbeck;First, Wally
Philadelphia (Hamels 1-1) at San Diego (Richard Bell;Second, Laz Diaz;Third, Scott Barry.
Houston New York Minnesota Baltimore
run, Ike Davis hit a monster threw a career-best two-hitter 1-0), 10:05 p.m.
Atlanta (Hanson 1-3) at San Francisco (Bumgarner ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi T—2:17. A—29,473 (56,000).
Bourn cf 3 0 1 0 JosRys ss 3 1 0 0 Span cf 5 0 2 0 BRorts 2b 2 1 1 0
shot over the apple in center and Matt Holliday kept his 0-2), 10:15 p.m.
AngSnc ss 4 0 0 0 Pagan cf 3 0 0 0 ACasill ss 4 1 1 0 Markks rf 4 0 0 0
Saturday's Games
field and Capuano (2-1) added average near .500 with a two- L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs, 1:05 p.m. Pence rf 4 0 1 0 Harris cf 1 0 0 0 Kubel rf 4 0 1 0 D.Lee 1b 4 0 1 0 Cardinals 5, Nationals 3
Ca.Lee lf 3 0 0 0 DWrght 3b 3 2 2 3 Cuddyr 1b 3 1 1 1 Guerrr dh 4 0 2 1
Arizona at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m.
a double for New York. run homer and single as the St. Atlanta at San Francisco, 4:10 p.m.
CJhnsn 3b
Wallac 1b
4 0 1 0 Beltran rf
4 1 1 0 Bay lf
4 1 1 0
4 2 1 0
Thome dh
Valenci 3b
2 2
1 0
Pie pr-dh
Scott lf
0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 Washington
Second Game
St. Louis
Cincinnati at St. Louis, 4:10 p.m.
Louis Cardinals beat the Wash- Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.
MDwns 2b 4 0 1 1 I.Davis 1b 3 1 1 2 LHughs 2b
Butera c
1 0
0 0
AdJons cf
MrRynl 3b
4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 Espinos 2b
r h bi
1 1 1 Theriot ss
ab r h bi
5 0 0 0
Quinter c 3 0 0 0 Turner 2b 4 0 1 0
Marlins 9, Pirates 5 ington Nationals. Colorado at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Happ p 2 0 2 0 Nickes c 3 1 1 1 Repko lf 4 0 0 0 Wieters c 4 0 2 0 Ankiel cf 4 1 2 1 Rasms cf 4 0 1 1
Houston at Milwaukee, 7:10 p.m. DelRsr p 0 0 0 0 Capuan p 2 1 1 0 Andino ss 4 0 1 0 Werth rf 4 0 0 1 Pujols 1b 3 1 0 0
MIAMI — Scott Cousins hit Albert Pujols added a two- Philadelphia at San Diego, 8:35 p.m. Bourgs ph 1 0 0 0 DnMrp ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 35 3 9 3 Totals 34 1 7 1 AdLRc 1b 2 0 0 0 Hollidy lf 2 2 1 0
Sunday's Games AnRdrg p 0 0 0 0 TBchlz p 0 0 0 0 WRams c 4 0 0 0 Brkmn rf 4 1 3 2
a grand slam, Brett Hayes run homer off Collin Balester Arizona at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. Totals 32 1 7 1 Totals 31 9 8 6
Minnesota .......................... 010 001 010 — 3
Baltimore ............................ 000 000 010 — 1 Morse lf 4 0 0 0 Boggs p 0 0 0 0
Colorado at Florida, 1:10 p.m. Dsmnd ss 4 0 1 0 YMolin c 3 0 2 1
added a three-run homer and in a three-run eighth for the Washington at Pittsburgh, 1:35 p.m.
Houston.............................. 000 000 100 — 1 DP—Baltimore 1. LOB—Minnesota 7, Baltimore 8. HrstnJr 3b 3 1 1 0 Punto 2b 4 0 1 1
New York ........................... 001 320 03x — 9 2B—Span (3), D.Lee (2), Guerrero (2), Wieters (4).
the Florida Marlins beat the Cardinals. St. Louis took two Houston at Milwaukee, 2:10 p.m.
L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. E—Pence (1). DP—New York 2. LOB—Houston 6, HR—Cuddyer (2), Thome (2). SB—Valencia (1).
L.Nix ph
Zmrmn p
0 0 0 Descals 3b
0 0 0 JGarci p
4 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
New York 1. 2B—Pence (8), C.Johnson (4), Wal- Minnesota
Pittsburgh Pirates to finish a of three from the Nationals and Atlanta at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m.
lace (4), D.Wright (6), Bay (1), Capuano (2). HR— IP H R ER BB SO
Cora ph
Balestr p
0 0 0 Motte p
0 0 0 MHmlt ph
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
Philadelphia at San Diego, 4:05 p.m.
three-game sweep. has won eight of 11 overall. Cincinnati at St. Louis, 8:05 p.m. D.Wright (3), I.Davis (2), Nickeas (1). CS—Turner
(1). SF—I.Davis.
S.Baker W,1-2
Mijares H,3 .............. 2⁄3
7 4
ESnchz p 0 0 0 0
Jay ph-rf 0 0 0 0
Cousins’ shot to right-center Houston
IP H R ER BB SO Hoey .........................
Perkins H,3 .............. 1⁄3
0 2
Totals 32 3 5 3 Totals 31 5 9 5
field in the second inning was Reds 7, Diamondbacks 4 Happ L,1-3 ............... 42⁄3 6 6 6 1 5 Capps S,3-4 ............ 1 1 0 0 0 1
Washington ....................... 000 120 000 — 3
A M E R I C A N Del Rosario.............. 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Guthrie L,1-3 ........... 7 7 2 2 0 4 St. Louis ............................. 001 220 00x — 5
his first career home run. CINCINNATI — Mike Leake L E A G U E An.Rodriguez .......... 2 1 3 0 1 3 M.Gonzalez ............. 2⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 E—Y.Molina (1), Holliday (1), J.Garcia (1). LOB—
New York Accardo .................... 11⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Washington 5, St. Louis 8. 2B—Berkman (3), Y.Mo-
Hayes extended the lead to got razzed by a few fans during Capuano W,2-1 ....... 7 6 1 1 2 4 Hoey pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. lina (5). SB—Ankiel (3). S—Zimmermann, Y.Moli-
East Division na, J.Garcia.
8-1 in the third with his first his first appearance since a W L Pct GB
2 1 0 0 0 2 HBP—by Guthrie (Butera, Cuddyer).
Umpires—Home, Mark Wegner; First, Chris Guc- IP H R ER BB SO
New York ....................... 10 6 .625 — Washington
home run of the season. shoplifting arrest, but ignored Tampa Bay ..................... 9 10 .474 21⁄2
Umpires—Home, Doug Eddings;First, Dana De-
Muth;Second, Kerwin Danley;Third, Paul Nauert.
cione; Second, Mike Winters; Third, Mike Everitt.
T—2:41. A—16,769 (45,438). Zimmermann L,1-3 . 6 8 5 5 2 3
The Pirates cut the lead to the nasty signs and gave the Baltimore ........................
Toronto ...........................
8 10 .444
8 10 .444
T—2:41. A—32,819 (41,800). Balester ....................
St. Louis
2 1 0 0 1 1

9-5 in the sixth inning before Cincinnati Reds a much-need- Boston ............................ 6 11 .353 41⁄2 Royals 3, Indians 2 J.Garcia W,3-0 ........ 5 4 3 1 2 4
Central Division
Marlins 9, Pirates 5 Motte H,2 ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1
Matt Diaz grounded into an ed boost, going seven innings W L Pct GB Pittsburgh Florida
ab r h bi
Kansas City
ab r h bi
E.Sanchez H,1 ........ 2 0 0 0 0 2
Boggs S,1-1............. 1 1 0 0 0 1
inning-ending double play with for a victory over the Arizona Cleveland ....................... 13
Kansas City.................... 12

1 AMcCt cf
ab r h bi
5 0 0 0 Bonifac lf
ab r h bi
4 0 0 0
Sizemr cf
ACarer ss
5 0 3 1 Getz 2b
4 0 0 0 MeCarr cf-lf 5 0 2 2
3 1 0 0 J.Garcia pitched to 1 batter in the 6th.
HBP—by Balester (Jay). Balk—Balester.
the bases loaded. Diamondbacks. Detroit .............................
Chicago ..........................
Tabata lf
Overay 1b
4 0 0 0 Infante 2b
4 1 1 0 HRmrz ss
4 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
Gordon Umpires—Home, Marty Foster;First, Bill Welke-
Choo rf 4 0 0 1 lf-1b 2 0 1 0
Pedro Alvarez homered, had Leake (3-0) led the Reds to Minnesota ...................... 7 12 .368 6 Walker 2b 3 1 0 0 GSnchz 1b 3 1 1 0 CSantn c 3 0 1 0 Butler 1b 3 0 1 0
;Second, Tim Tschida;Third, Mark Ripperger.
T—2:43. A—33,714 (43,975).
GJones rf 3 1 0 0 Dobbs 3b 4 1 1 0 Hafner dh 4 0 1 0 Dyson pr-cf 0 0 0 0
three hits and drove in two only their second win in eight West Division
W L Pct GB Alvarez 3b 4 2 3 2 Hensly p 0 0 0 0 Brantly lf 3 0 0 0 Francr rf 4 0 1 1
Snyder c 4 0 1 1 LNunez p 0 0 0 0
runs for the Pirates. games. The defending NL Los Angeles................... 12
Texas.............................. 11

1 JRdrgz ss 3 0 1 1 Stanton rf 2 3 1 1
LaPort 1b
Hannhn 3b
4 1 1 0 Betemt 3b
3 1 1 0 Kaaihu dh
4 0 2 0
4 0 1 0
JMcDnl p 0 0 0 0 Cousins cf 4 2 2 4
Central champs had fallen to Oakland .......................... 9 9 .500 3 DMcCt p 0 0 0 0 Hayes c 4 1 2 3
Everett 2b 3 0 1 0 Aviles pr
Treanr c
0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 Angels 4, Rangers 1
Seattle............................. 6 13 .316 61⁄2
Dodgers 5, Braves 3 .500 for the first time since Bowker ph 1 0 0 1 Volstad p 3 1 1 0 Maier ph 1 1 1 0 Los Angeles Texas
Wednesday's Games Crotta p 0 0 0 0 Choate p 0 0 0 0 AEscor ss 4 1 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi
LOS ANGELES — Matt May 8, and desperately needed Boston 5, Oakland 3
Detroit 3, Seattle 2
Diaz ph
Veras p
1 0 0 0 R.Webb p
0 0 0 0 MDunn p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Totals 33 2 8 2 Totals 33 3 9 3 MIzturs dh 4 0 1 1 Kinsler dh 4 0 0 0
Cleveland ........................... 000 020 000 — 2
Kemp hit his second game- a good showing by Leake, who Tampa Bay 4, Chicago White Sox 1 Beimel p 0 0 0 0 DMrph 3b 1 0 0 0
Kansas City ....................... 000 000 012 — 3
HKndrc 2b
TrHntr rf
2 1 1 1 Andrus ss
4 0 0 0 MiYong 2b
4 1 2 0
4 0 1 1
Baltimore 5, Minnesota 4 Hanrhn p 0 0 0 0
ending homer in five days, allowed three runs and fanned N.Y. Yankees 6, Toronto 2 Doumit ph 1 0 1 0 One out when winning run scored.
E—Everett (1). DP—Cleveland 1. LOB—Cleveland
V.Wells lf
Callasp 3b
4 1 1 1 ABeltre 3b
5 0 0 0 N.Cruz lf
4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
L.A. Angels 4, Texas 1 Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 32 9 9 9
connecting in the 12th inning six in his longest outing of the Cleveland 7, Kansas City 5 Pittsburgh .......................... 010 013 000 — 5 9, Kansas City 10. 2B—Sizemore (3), C.Santana Trumo 1b 3 0 0 0 DvMrp cf 3 0 0 0
(2), Gordon (10), Ka’aihue (3). 3B—Me.Cabrera Bourjos cf 3 1 1 0 Napoli 1b 3 0 1 0
to lift the Los Angeles Dodgers season. Thursday's Games
Chicago White Sox 9, Tampa Bay 2
Florida ................................ 053 010 00x — 9 (2). SB—Getz 2 (4). S—Everett. Mathis c 2 1 1 1 Morlnd rf 3 0 1 0
E—Alvarez (5). DP—Florida 1. LOB—Pittsburgh 5, IP H R ER BB SO Aybar ss 4 0 0 0 Torreal c 3 0 1 0
Minnesota 3, Baltimore 1 Florida 4. 2B—Alvarez (3), G.Sanchez (5), Cousins Cleveland Totals 31 4 5 4 Totals 32 1 6 1
Kansas City 3, Cleveland 2 (1), Hayes (3). HR—Alvarez (1), Stanton (1), Cou- Tomlin....................... 71⁄3 5 1 1 1 4
Boston at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. Los Angeles....................... 000 110 110 — 4
sins (1), Hayes (1). SB—H.Ramirez 2 (3). CS— Sipp H,7 ................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 0
Oakland at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Texas.................................. 000 001 000 — 1
H.Ramirez (3).
Pestano H,2 ............. 1⁄3
C.Perez L,0-1
1 0 0 1 0 E—Harrison (2), Andrus (2). DP—Texas 1. LOB—
Los Angeles 10, Texas 4. 2B—Mathis (4), Mi.Young
Chicago White Sox (Buehrle 1-1) at Detroit (Verlan- IP H R ER BB SO BS,1-7 ...................... 1⁄3 3 2 2 1 0 (9), Napoli (2), Moreland (7). 3B—Bourjos (2).

ChiSox rip Rays, end

der 1-2), 7:05 p.m. Ja.McDonald L,0-2 3 6 8 8 3 3 Kansas City
N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 0-1) at Baltimore (Bergesen HR—H.Kendrick (6), V.Wells (1). SB—M.Izturis (3),
D.McCutchen .......... 1 1 0 0 0 0 O’Sullivan................. 6 5 2 2 3 6 Trumbo (2). S—Mathis 2.
0-2), 7:05 p.m. Crotta........................ 1 2 1 1 0 1 L.Coleman ............... 2 2 0 0 1 1
Tampa Bay (Hellickson 1-2) at Toronto (Jo-.Reyes IP H R ER BB SO
Veras ........................ 1 0 0 0 1 2 Crow W,2-0.............. 1 1 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles
0-2), 7:07 p.m. Beimel ...................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 O’Sullivan pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
Kansas City (Francis 0-1) at Texas (Holland 2-1), Weaver W,5-0 ......... 9 6 1 1 0 8
Hanrahan.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP—by Tomlin (Gordon). Texas
8:05 p.m. Volstad W,1-1.......... 51⁄3 4 5 5 3 5 Umpires—Home, Angel Hernandez;First, Paul Harrison L,3-1 ......... 62⁄3 4 3 3 3 5

7-game losing streak

Cleveland (Carmona 1-2) at Minnesota (Duensing Choate ...................... 0 1 0 0 0 0 Schrieber;Second, Mike Muchlinski;Third, Joe O’Day........................ 1 1 1 1 0 2
1-0), 8:10 p.m. R.Webb .................... 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 West. Strop ......................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
Boston (Lester 1-1) at L.A. Angels (Haren 4-0), M.Dunn..................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 T—2:37. A—9,279 (37,903). Feliz .......................... 1 0 0 0 3 1
10:05 p.m. Hensley .................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 HBP—by O’Day (H.Kendrick, Trumbo).
Oakland (T.Ross 1-1) at Seattle (Pineda 2-1), 10:10 L.Nunez.................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 Umpires—Home, John Tumpane;First, C.B. Buck-
Saturday's Games
Choate pitched to 1 batter in the 6th.
HBP—by Ja.McDonald (Bonifacio), by R.Webb
M A J O R nor;Second, Dan Iassogna;Third, Dale Scott.
T—2:44. A—31,967 (49,170).
Tampa Bay at Toronto, 1:07 p.m. (J.Rodriguez). L E A G U E
Umpires—Home, Sam Holbrook; First, Greg Gib-
Cleveland at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m.
Chicago White Sox at Detroit, 4:10 p.m. son; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Gerry Davis. L E A D E R S
The Associated Press S I LVA S E T T O T H R O W N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. T—2:46. A—12,308 (38,560).
Indians 7, Royals 5
B AT T I N G P R A C T I C E Kansas City at Texas, 8:05 p.m.
Dodgers 5, Braves 3, AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland Kansas City
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Boston at L.A. Angels, 9:05 p.m.
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Oakland at Seattle, 9:10 p.m. 12 innings, BATTING—MIzturis, Los Angeles,
Omar Vizquel, A.J. Pierzynski, TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Yankees
Sunday's Games
Atlanta Los Angeles
.380;AlRodriguez, New York, .366;Butler, Sizemr cf
ACarer ss
4 0 0 0 Getz 2b
4 2 2 0 MeCarr cf
2 1 0 0
3 2 1 1
Chicago White Sox at Detroit, 1:05 p.m. Kansas City, .354;Gordon, Kansas City,
Carlos Quentin and Paul Ko- pitcher Carlos Silva is scheduled Tampa Bay at Toronto, 1:07 p.m.
Prado lf-3b
ab r h bi
5 0 0 0 Gwynn lf
ab r h bi
3 0 1 0 .351;Hafner, Cleveland, .351;Fuld, Tampa
Choo rf
CSantn c
5 1 1 1 Gordon lf
3 0 1 1 Butler dh
5 1 1 1
5 0 1 0
N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 1:35 p.m.
nerko each drove in two runs to throw batting practice for the Cleveland at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. AlGnzlz ss 5 0 1 0 Sands ph-lf 3 0 0 0 Bay, .344;MiYoung, Texas, .342.
RUNS—MiCabrera, Detroit, 17;Gordon, Kan-
Hafner dh
OCarer 2b
5 0 2 1 Francr rf
5 0 1 0 Aviles 3b
4 1 2 3
5 0 1 0
Kansas City at Texas, 3:05 p.m. C.Jones 3b 3 0 1 0 Blake 3b-1b 6 1 3 2
and the Chicago White Sox first time since signing with New Boston at L.A. Angels, 3:35 p.m. Heywrd pr-rf 1 1 0 0 Ethier rf 5 1 2 0 sas City, 16;Teixeira, New York, Brantly lf 3 2 1 0 Kaaihu 1b 3 0 2 0
York this month. Uggla 2b 5 1 1 0 Kemp cf 5 1 1 2 14;MeCabrera, Kansas City, 13;7 tied at 12. LaPort 1b 4 2 1 1 Treanr c 3 0 0 0
stopped a seven-game losing Oakland at Seattle, 4:10 p.m.
Fremn 1b 3 1 2 1 Uribe 2b-3b 4 1 1 1 RBI—Beltre, Texas, 16;Teixeira, New York, Hannhn 3b 4 0 2 2 AEscor ss 4 0 0 0
streak with a 9-2 victory over Silva threw 45 pitches Thursday D.Ross c 4 0 1 2 Loney 1b 4 0 0 0
16;Francoeur, Kansas City, 15;ACabrera, Totals 37 711 6 Totals 34 5 8 5
Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 Broxtn p 0 0 0 0 Cleveland ........................... 000 004 201 — 7
in his third bullpen session at the Hinske ph 1 0 1 0 Thams ph 1 0 0 0 Cleveland, 14;MiCabrera, Detroit,
the Tampa Bay Rays on Thurs- Yankees’ spring training complex CMrtnz p 0 0 0 0 Guerrir p 0 0 0 0 14;Gordon, Kansas City, 14;BRoberts, Balti- Kansas City ....................... 200 000 003 — 5
E—Francoeur (1). DP—Cleveland 1. LOB—Cleve-
day night. and will throw batting practice N L B O X E S McLoth cf
MaYng rf-lf
4 0 0 0 Barajs c
5 0 0 0 DeJess pr
4 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
more, 14.
HITS—Gordon, Kansas City, 27;MIzturis,
land 10, Kansas City 10. 2B—Choo (2), Hafner (4),
LaPorta (3), Hannahan (3), Me.Cabrera (6).
The White Sox had been Saturday. Jurrjns p 2 0 0 0 A.Ellis c 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles, 27;MiYoung, Texas, 25;Butler, 3B—Gordon (1). HR—Francoeur (3). S—A.Cabre-
Cardinals 5, Nationals 0 Sherrill p 0 0 0 0 Carroll ss 3 1 1 0 Kansas City, 23;Francoeur, Kansas City, ra.
outscored 11-2 in losing the The right-hander was released by
Washington St. Louis
Linernk p 0 0 0 0 Kershw p 3 0 2 0
23;ISuzuki, Seattle, 23;MeCabrera, Kansas IP H R ER BB SO
Conrad ph 1 0 0 0 Miles 2b 2 0 0 0
first three games of the four- the Chicago Cubs during spring ab r h bi ab r h bi OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 City, 22;MiCabrera, Detroit, 22;HKendrick, Cleveland
Espinos 2b 3 0 0 0 Theriot ss 4 0 0 0 Los Angeles, 22;Span, Minnesota, 22. Masterson W,4-0 .... 6 6 2 2 5 3
game series against Tampa training and agreed to a minor Ankiel cf 3 0 0 0 Rasms cf 2 1 0 0
McCnn c 2 0 0 0 R.Perez H,3 ............. 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 41 3 7 3 Totals 43 511 5 DOUBLES—Quentin, Chicago, 10;Gordon, Pestano H,1 ............. 2⁄3 0 0 0 1 1
league contract with New York on Werth rf 4 0 1 0 Pujols 1b 3 2 1 2 Atlanta ...................... 000 010 002 000 — 3 Kansas City, 9;MiYoung, Texas, 9;MEllis,
Bay. April 9. Silva was 10-6 with a 4.22 AdLRc 1b 3 0 0 0 Hollidy lf 3 2 2 2
Los Angeles............. 000 001 101 002 — 5 Oakland, 7;MIzturis, Los Angeles, 7;Joyce,
J.Smith ..................... 1
Sipp........................... 2⁄3
Dsmnd ss 3 0 0 0 Freese 3b 4 0 1 1
Gavin Floyd (2-1) allowed ERA in 21 starts with Chicago last Descals One out when winning run scored. Tampa Bay, 7;Moreland, Texas, 7. C.Perez S,6-6.......... 1⁄3
Kansas City
0 0 0 0 0
DP—Los Angeles 1. LOB—Atlanta 7, Los Angeles TRIPLES—SRodriguez, Tampa Bay,
two runs in six innings. He year. He is 70-70 with a 4.68 ERA Morse lf
IRdrgz c
YMolin c
10. 2B—Ethier (7). HR—Freeman (3), Blake (1), 3;Arencibia, Toronto, 2;Borbon, Texas, Hochevar L,2-2 ....... 6 5 6 6 3 4
Kemp (4), Uribe (1). SB—Gwynn (4). CS—Ethier Collins....................... 1 1 0 0 2 1
struck out seven and hit two in 316 games overall. Cora 3b
Grzlny p
Punto 2b
Jay rf
(1). S—Carroll.
2;Bourjos, Los Angeles, 2;Crisp, Oakland,
2;YEscobar, Toronto, 2;32 tied at 1.
Texeira ..................... 2 5 1 1 1 0
Also, Kevin Millwood is scheduled IP H R ER BB SO Hochevar pitched to 2 batters in the 7th.
batters. Greene Atlanta HOME RUNS—Granderson, New York, Masterson pitched to 2 batters in the 7th.
Sam Fuld had two RBIs for to make his second minor league Flores ph
Brdrck p
Lohse p
1 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
Jurrjens .................... 6 7 1 1 2 6 6;HKendrick, Los Angeles, 6;Teixeira, New HBP—by Masterson (Getz). WP—Texeira. Balk—
Sherrill ...................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 York, 6;Beltre, Texas, 5;MiCabrera, Detroit, Hochevar 2.
start Friday at Triple-A Scranton/ Stairs ph 1 0 0 0
the Rays, who lost for just the Balestr p 0 0 0 0
Linebrink .................. 2⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 5;NCruz, Texas, 5;Posada, New York, 5. Umpires—Home, Joe West;First, Angel Hernan-
Wilkes-Barre. The right-hander Slaten p 0 0 0 0
O’Flaherty ................ 1 0 0 0 1 1 STOLEN BASES—Crisp, Oakland, 7;Fuld, dez;Second, Paul Schrieber;Third, Chad Fairchild.
second time in 10 games. allowed one hit over seven shut- Totals 28 0 2 0 Totals 29 5 6 5
Kimbrel BS,1-5........ 2 1 1 1 1 4 Tampa Bay, 7;AHill, Toronto, 6;ISuzuki, Seat- T—3:14. A—10,080 (37,903).

Rays designated hitter John- out innings last Sunday for Dou-
ny Damon went 1 for 4 in his ble-A Trenton.

Past players rewarded with a token of appreciation

return after missing the previ- The 36-year-old right-hander
ous three games because of a signed a minor league deal last
left ring finger injury. He month.
Catcher Francisco Cervelli, out
picked up career hit 2,585, since early March due to a bro-
which moved him past Reggie ken left foot, has joined Class-A Vets who were in MLB less than depend predominately on quar- and appreciation,” Foster said. players’ association or alumni
Jackson into 79th place all- Tampa to start a minor league
four years to get up to $10,000 ters of service. Current players fully vest in association,” he said.
time, on his third-inning single. rehab assignment. He started The payments will be funded the pension plan with 10 years of Standing to Selig’s side was
playing with the Yankees’ extend- in each of next 2 years. mostly from money paid from major league service. Most fully former Yankees and Dodgers
Twins 3, Orioles 1 ed spring training team late last the luxury tax assessed each vested players receive $195,000 manager Joe Torre, attending
BALTIMORE — Jim Thome year on high-spending teams. Of annually, the maximum allowed his first news conference as Se-
hit his 591st career home run By RONALD BLUM the $209.8 million in tax money under IRS rules, starting at age lig’s executive vice president of
and had two RBIs to back a Baltimore. AP Sports Writer raised since 2003, $192.2 million 62. baseball operations.
dominating pitching perform- Thome hit a solo home run NEW YORK — Players who has been contributed by the Some pre-1980 players have Former major league player
ance by Scott Baker, and the in the second inning and added appeared for the major leagues New York Yankees. long said they should be allowed and general manager Eddie Rob-
Minnesota Twins beat the an RBI single in the sixth. The for less than four years from “Sometimes in life, it’s just the to share in the gains made by inson sat at the dais as Selig
Baltimore Orioles to salvage a 40-year-old slugger began the 1947-79 will receive payments of right thing to do,” Commission- those who came after them. made the announcement.
split of the four-game series. night with a .163 batting aver- up to $10,000 in each of the next er Bud Selig said at a news con- Baseball’s average salary has “Bud, I’d like to put my name
Michael Cuddyer also con- age and five RBIs. two years under an agreement ference Thursday. “I believe risen from $19,000 in 1967 to in for a job with the Dodgers,”
nected for the last-place Twins, between Major League Baseball baseball is a social institution, $143,000 in 1980 to $3 million Robinson said.
who came in with a major Royals 3, Indians 2 and the players’ association. and with that comes social re- last year. Selig announced Wednesday
league-low six home runs in 18 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mel- At least 904 players will re- sponsibilities.” Union head Michael Weiner that MLB is taking over oper-
games. ky Cabrera rifled a bases-load- ceive money under the agree- Until 1980, players needed said the sides had been talking ations of the Dodgers because of
Baker (1-2) allowed four hits ed, two-run single into left field ment, according to Dan Foster, four years to vest in the pension about this deal since at least concern over the way the fran-
over seven scoreless innings, off Cleveland closer Chris chief executive officer of the Ma- plan. Since then, players need 2009. chise is being run by Frank
striking out nine and walking Perez with one out in the ninth jor League Baseball Players just one day in the majors to “There was absolutely no le- McCourt, who is in bitter di-
one. He is 6-0 with a 2.17 ERA inning, lifting Kansas City over Alumni Association. vest. gal obligation at all for the clubs vorce proceedings with wife Ja-
in eight career starts against the Indians. The size of each payment will “Today is a day of celebration to discuss this issue with the mie McCourt.



Two deficits don’t deter Dallas King’s, Cougars

The Times Leader staff
twice rallied from a one-game
deficit to pull off a 3-2 win on
the road at Coughlin on Thurs-
sweep twinbills
day in a Wyoming Valley Confer- The Times Leader staff when Cardone knocked a base
ence match. The Mountaineers The Misericordia baseball hit and scored Harnischfeger
won by scores of 12-25, 28-26, team remained in first place in to tie the game at 3-3. Kayla
22-25, 25-18, 15-13. the Freedom Conference with Rutkoski’s single up the mid-
Aaron Weir (11 kills, 10 a doubleheader sweep at East- dle scored what would prove
blocks), Kevin Hine (22 assists, ern, winning 4-3 and 4-1 on to be the winning run.
10 digs) and Matt Regan (6 kills, Thursday. In the second game with the
two blocks) led the way for Andrew Tressa, Kenny Dur- score 2-2 in the sixth inning
Dallas. ling and Nate Newman all had King’s exploded for six runs,
Topping Coughlin were Mi- two hits in the opener as the starting with Harnischfeger’s
chael Shmakov (37 kills, 14 Cougars rallied from a 3-1 three-run home run for a 5-2
service points, seven aces), deficit. lead. Rebecca Taylor then
Andrey Boris (17 digs, one as- Ron Guido worked four delivered another three-run
sist) and Marcus Grzezdinski innings to earn the win and home run in the inning to
(three kills, three assists). Mike Pena tossed three hitless push the score to 8-2.
innings of relief to pick up the
Nanticoke 3, save. Lady Colonels, Cougars split
Wyoming Valley West 0 Tressa had two hits in the Wilkes and Misericordia
Nanticoke won in straight sets nightcap and Joe Tagliarini both won a game in a double-
by scores of 25-19, 25-15 and drove in two runs to back the header, as the Cougars pre-
25-18. complete-game effort of Pete vailed 2-0 in nine innings in
Cael Evans paced the Trojans Doggett, who allowed just the opener, with the Lady
with 21 kills and four blocks. three hits while striking out Colonels taking the second
Brian Bevan notched six kills, eight. contest 3-0.
three blocks and four digs, while In the top of the ninth in-
Luke Casey had four kills, two Monarchs take two ning in the first game, Miser-
blocks and three digs. John King’s swept Manhattanville icordia’s Hollie Sarnak hit a
Pretrzyk had 30 assists and two DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER by scores of 4-1 and 12-2. two-run homer for the game’s
blocks. Aaron Weir (19) and Chris Tamanini (12) of Dallas try to block a shot from Michael Shmakov (middle) In game one, King’s took a only runs. Wilkes was held to
Leading Wyoming Valley of Coughlin during Thursday’s match at Coughlin. Shmakov had a match-high 37 kills in a 3-2 loss. 2-0 lead after two innings on just three hits.
West was Ron Serafin with four Anthony Re’s double. King’s In game two, Jordana Borg-
service points and three kills, Tunkhannock 3, Hanover Area 1 Jess Albert led Hanover Area nine service points and seven extended the lead to 4-0 after er’s two-run homer in the
Matt Pieszala had three aces The Tigers defeated the Haw- with seven service points and 10 aces. Chris Sweeney and Mike Fig- fourth gave Wilkes a 2-0 lead
and 10 kills and Zack Patricio keyes by scores of 25-5, 25-16, assists, James Hawk registered 19 nar’s RBI doubles. before Jackie Follweiler sin-
notched six service points and 24-26, 25-10. Tunkhannock’s Randy Howell service points, 10 kills, eight In game two, King’s scored gled in another run in the
six digs. led the Tigers with 29 Assists, aces and five assists. six runs in the first and three bottom of the sixth.
more in the second to take a
commanding 9-1 lead after WOMEN’S TENNIS
H.S. BASEBALL ROUNDUP three innings of play. Wilkes 9, Misericordia 0
Wilkes clinched the No. 1

Pittston Area wins fourth straight game

Wilkes, Aggies split seed in the Freedom Confer-
Wilkes won the first game of ence women’s tennis tourna-
a doubleheader with Delaware ment with a 9-0 win over
Valley 9-2 before falling 4-2 in visiting Misericordia Uni-
game two. versity.
The Times Leader staff Meyers 8, Wyo. Seminary 2 Everett c
Donovan ph
3 3 3 1 Hornak ss
1 0 0 0 Swankoski
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
Hanover Area 11, Northwest 1 With the score 2-1 in the The Lady Colonels (13-1,
PLAINS TWP. — Pittston Corey Dubil struck out seven Mathers ss
Hillman ph
2 2 1 1 Yencha p
1 0 0 0 JDriscoll lf
0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 In a game played at Artillery third inning of the first game, 5-0) completed their season
Area jumped out to a five-run in a complete game victory, as McGovern 1b 3 2 3 5 Yamulla rf 1 0 1 0
Park, Cory Dickson went 3-for-4 Wilkes exploded in the fourth sweep of the conference with-
Wasylyk ph 1 0 0 0 Andes 1b 2 0 1 0
lead before holding on to defeat the Mohawks (4-0) remained Yursha cf 3 0 0 0 Kupsho 3b 2 0 1 0 with a double, a triple and two as Rich Cosgrove, Tom Plessl, out surrendering a single
Cornell p 0 0 0 0 McCoy lf-p 2 0 0 0
Coughlin 5-4 in a WVC Division the lone unbeaten team left in Cutter p 0 0 0 0 RBI while also earning the win Matt Ruch, and Angus Neary match in league play.
Davenport p 0 0 0 0
I East game on Thursday at the league. Paulausks dh 2 0 2 2 on the mound for Hanover Area. all drove in runs to give the
Hilldale Park. Joe DiMaggio (2-3, triple,
CuBarbcci 3b 3 1 1 0
Shurites rf 1 1 0 0 Zack Kollar (3-5, RBI), Mike Colonels a 7-1 lead. MEN’S LACROSSE
Josh Savokinas went 3-for-4 RBI), C.J. Szafran (2-3, RBI),
Carter 2b 3 1 2 0
Sulcoski (2-4, double, RBI) and In game two each team Eastern 13, Misericordia 4
Totals 27121311 Totals 17 0 3 0
with an RBI for the Patriots Victor Garcia (2-4) and Robert Lake-Lehman............................. 363 00 — 12 Mike View (2-4, double, RBI) scored two runs in the first Goalie Ryan Kay made 17
MMI Prep.................................... 000 00 — 0
(4-1), who won their fourth Reilly (two RBI) did the damage 2B – McGovern, CuBarbacci; 3B – McGovern also contributed for Hanover inning before the Aggies saves for the Cougars, who
straight. for Meyers at the plate. Lake-Lehman
Area (2-2). scored two runs and left the hung around into the fourth
Ron Musto drove in two runs, Craig Skudalski and Matt Cornell (W, 3-0) ....... 3.0
Cutter......................... 1.0
1 Eric Gurzynski (double) and bases loaded, giving them a quarter before the Eagles
while Chuck Bressler struck out Seyer each doubled for the Blue Davenport ................. 1.0 2 0 0 0 1
Skyler DiPasquale both had two 4-2 edge. pulled away.
MMI Prep
five in the win. Kyle Callahan Knights (2-3). Yencha (L, 0-1) ........ 1.1 8 9 8 1 2 hits for the Rangers (1-3). Nicholas Santillo led the
pitched two innings to pick up
McCoy ....................... 3.2 5 3 3 2 2
SOFTBALL Cougars with a goal and two
the save. Meyers Wyoming Seminary Hanover Area Northwest King’s sweeps doubleheader assists. Lee Blair, Kyle Calabro
ab r h bi ab r h bi GAR 6, West Side Tech 5 ab r h bi ab r h bi
Dominick Gulius tripled for DiMaggio ss 3 3 2 1 Wiles c 3 1 0 0 Kollar ss 5 2 3 1 DiPasqle 2b 3 0 2 0 King’s took a big step to and Matt Gonzalez also
Zionce lf 0 0 0 0 Yngmn 1b 3 0 2 0 Jeff Ankner came through at Lukchnsky cf 4 0 0 0 Gulbierz ph 1 0 0 0
the Crusaders (3-4). Szafran dh 3 1 2 1 Skdalski ss 3 1 1 0 Pericci 2b 4 2 1 0 Feno lf 3 0 1 0 earning a postseason berth as scored.
Garcia 3b 4 1 2 0 Polachek p 3 0 2 1 the plate and on the mound for Sulcoski 3b 4 1 2 1 Beglomni ph 1 0 0 0
Owen c 3 1 0 0 Rubando 3b 3 0 0 1 Ferrence rf 3 1 0 0 Mzonkey ss 3 0 0 0 the Lady Monarchs went on
Pittston Area Coughlin Reilly rf 2 0 0 2 Seyer cf 3 0 1 0 GAR, earning a complete-game Kocher lf 0 0 0 0 White ph 1 0 0 0
ab r h bi ab r h bi DeMarco 1b 4 0 0 0 OBrien lf 0 0 0 0 Zuranski dh 3 0 0 0 Kndrsky 1b 3 0 1 0 the road and beat DeSales in a Widener 13, King’s 4
Bressler p 0 0 0 0 Feathrmn p 0 0 0 0 Dubil p 3 1 0 0 Crass dh 3 0 0 0 victory with nine strikeouts Kreitzer c 4 0 0 0 Kittle cf 1 0 0 0
Pernot p 0 0 0 0 Concini dh 1 1 0 0 Lavan cf 2 1 1 0 BSaidmn 2b 3 0 0 0 View 1b 4 2 2 1 Stempien p 3 0 0 0 doubleheader by scores of 4-3 Rob Lane, T.J. Tagg and Pat
Callahan p 0 0 0 0 Sorokas cf 3 1 0 0 Morrash 2b 3 0 0 1 Bath rf 3 0 0 0 while going 2-for-3 with three Dickson p 4 3 3 2 Gurznski 3b 3 1 2 0
Totals 27 8 7 5 Totals 27 2 6 2 Korea c 2 0 1 1 and 8-2. Bonnot each scored for King’s
Bone dh 3 1 1 0 Parsnik ss 3 1 1 1
Schwab 3b 1 2 0 0 Grillini 3b-p 3 0 0 0 Meyers...................................... 100 006 1 — 8 McAlarny rf 2 0 0 0
Down 2-0 in the opener, in a loss to Widener at home.
Savokinas ss 4 1 3 1 Gulius c 3 0 1 1 Wyoming Seminary................ 100 100 0 — 2 Pat Smith went 2-for-3 with a Pegarella rf 1 0 0 0
Emmett 2b 4 1 1 1 Picketts lf 3 0 1 0 2B – Skudalski, Seyer; 3B – DiMaggio
Totals 351111 5 Totals 27 1 7 1 King’s answered with two runs The Monarchs slipped to 5-9
Musto c 3 0 1 2 Haupt rf 3 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO double and a triple while knock- Hanover Area ........................ 102 022 4 — 11
Razvilla 1b 3 0 1 0 PAndrws 1b 2 0 0 0 Meyers Northwest .............................. 000 001 0 — 1 in the fifth inning when Erin overall and 3-6 in MAC play.
Mancini lf 2 0 1 0 Cninghm 1b 0 0 0 0 ing in two runs for the Grena-
Delaney ph 1 0 0 0 Sod 2b 2 1 1 0
Dubil (W, 2-0) ........... 7.0 6 2 1 0 7 2B – Sulcoski, View, Dickson, Gurzynski; 3B –
Beane doubled and scored on
Hahn rf 3 0 1 0
Wyo. Seminary diers (2-2). Dickson
Antal cf 3 0 1 0
Polachek (L, 0-1) ..... 5.2 5 7 2 8 4 IP H R ER BB SO a RBI single from Jenn Har-
Totals 27 510 4 Totals 23 4 4 2
Seyer ......................... 1.1 2 1 1 3 2 Bobby O’Connell went the Hanover Area
Eastern 17, Misericordia 6
Dickson (W, 2-1)...... 5.1 5 1 1 2 6 nischfeger. Amanda Cardone
Pittston Area............................ 102 020 0 — 5 distance for the Titans (0-4) in Cook .......................... 1.2 2 0 0 0 2
Coughlin ................................... 000 030 1 — 4 Lake-Lehman 12, MMI Prep 0 Northwest drilled a RBI double to right Camilla Hansen led Miser-
3B – Gulius the loss, fanning seven. Chris Stempien (L, 1-2)..... 5.0 5 5 3 2 5
Tyler McGovern went 3-for-3
IP H R ER BB SO Kittle ........................... 1.0 2 2 2 0 0 field to knot the score at 2-2. icordia with three goals in a
Pittston Area LaBar doubled and Matt Jugus DiPasquale ............... 1.0 4 4 1 0 1
Bressler (W, 1-0) ..... 5.0 with five RBI, falling a home
2 2 0 3 5 After falling behind 3-2, conference loss on the road.
Pernot ........................ 0.0 0 1 0 2 0 drove in a pair.
run short of the cycle in the King’s answered in the top Krista Shenk had a goal and
Callahan (S).............. 2.0 2 1 1 2 2 Mounts, Comets resuming
Featherman (L, 1-1). 5.0 Black Knights’ five-inning win
8 5 4 2 4 West Side Tech GAR half of the seventh inning an assist.
Grillini......................... 2.0 2 0 0 0 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi The Crestwood at Dallas
on the road. Eck cf 3 0 0 1 Thomas ss
Andrscvge ss 4 1 1 0 Curiel 2b
2 2 0 0
3 0 1 0 game from Wednesday is sched-
Hazleton Area 9, Nanticoke 5 Josh Everett also had three Romanwski c 4 0 2 1 Letteer ph 1 1 1 0
uled to be completed at 11 a.m.
hits for Lake-Lehman (4-1)
CLaBar lf
Kocher 2b
3 0 1 0 Tyson rf
2 1 0 0 Dudick dh
0 0 0 0
4 1 1 1
In a game played at Ted Hiller Doleman 1b 2 1 0 0 Smith cf 3 2 2 2 Saturday at Dallas.
while Ryan Murphy and Adam

Tunkhannock doubles
Park, Hazleton Area pulled out a
Jugus 3b
OConnell p
3 1 1 2 Ankner p
0 0 0 0 Klapat 3b
2 0 2 3
3 0 0 0 The game was suspended
Paulauskas drove in two runs Nelson dh 3 0 0 0 Rodriguez c 3 0 0 0 because of darkness with the
nine-inning victory over the IWalsh rf 2 1 0 0 Moore 1b 3 0 0 0
apiece. Jeschke ph 0 0 0 1 Prednis lf 3 0 1 0 score tied 9-9 after nine full
host Trojans.
Joe Yamulla, Alec Andes and Totals 26 5 5 5 Totals 27 6 8 6
The Cougars improved to 4-1 West Side Tech ...................... 100 300 1 — 5
R.J. Kupsho each singled for the

teams pull out victory

GAR .......................................... 200 001 3 — 6
to keep pace with Pittston Area 2B – Smith, CLaBar; 3B – Smith
Also scheduled for Saturday is
Preppers (2-2). IP H R ER BB SO a makeup game between West
atop Division I East of the West Side Tech
Wyoming Valley Conference. Lake-Lehman MMI Prep
OConnell (L, 0-1)..... 7.0 8 6 6 4 7 Side Tech and Meyers at Gibby
Nanticoke fell to 1-5 with the Murphy lf
ab r h bi ab r h bi
3 2 1 2 Karchner 2b 2 0 0 0
Ankner (W, 1-1) ....... 7.0 5 5 3 3 9 Field
loss. Partington ph 1 0 0 0 Forte cf 2 0 0 0 The league is off today. The Times Leader staff Wyoming Valley West 3,
HAZLETON — Tunkhan- Wyoming Area 2
nock swept the doubles match- The Spartans swept the
H.S. SOFTBALL ROUNDUP es en route to a 3-2 victory over singles matches while the
Hazleton Area on Thursday. Warriors won both contests at

Sem needs 23 to edge Meyers in a wild one

Tim Delahanty and L.J. doubles.
Sidari won for the Cougars at Steve Brand, Tyler Ryman
first and second singles, re- and Anthony Molino won for
spectively. Valley West while the teams of
SINGLES -- 1. Tim Delahanty (H) def. Kyle
Christy 6-3, 7-6; 2. L.J. Sidari (H) def. Jordan Nick Szewczyk/Tyler Mangello
The Times Leader staff run homer en route to a the Spartans, adding two hits Berwick................................... 000 010 0 — 1 Herbert 6-2, 6-2.; 3. Josh Herbert (T) def. Nick and Connor Mangan/Tom
Dallas ..................................... 300 304 x — 10 Bartal 6-3, 6-7, 6-2.
After watching Meyers score three-hit day. at the plate. Kymber Letteer WP – Baker, 7 IP, 3H, 1R, 1ER, 3BB, 9K; LP DOUBLES -- 1. Mark Swick/Brent Christy (T) Rose earned points for Wyom-
10 times in the top of the Sarah McCann (two hits, doubled twice for Valley West. -- Bridges, 6 IP, 13H, 10R, 7ER, 2BB, 4K; def. Peter Gallagher/Tim Miley 3-6, 6-4, 6-2; 2.
Robbie Hug/Cory Dulsky (T) def. Mauro Notaro/
ing Area.
2B—BER, Pruitt, Stefanik; DAL, Osick.
seventh inning to take the four runs) and Amy Kowalc- Kendra Hayward led the HR—DAL, Konopki. Top hitters – DAL, Osick Don Tedesco, 6-1, 6-1.
SINGLES -- 1. Steve Brand (WVW) def.
Davide Fanelli 6-1, 6-0; 2. Tyler Ryman (WVW)
lead, Wyoming Seminary got a zyk (two hits, five runs) com- Crusaders with three hits. 3-3; Konopki 2-4, 3 RBI; Shaver 2-4, 3 RBI def. Trevor Alder 6-0, 6-0; 3. Anthony Molino
single from Devon Holmes bined for four hits and nine Coughlin ................................... 000 030 0 — 3 MMI Prep 5, Meyers 0 (WVW) def. John Scrobola 6-2, 6-1.
Wyoming Valley West.......... 105 002 x — 8 DOUBLES -- 1. Nick Szewczyk/Tyler
and then scored three runs on runs scored. WP – Owens, 7 IP, 10H, 3R, 3ER, 0BB, 4K; GAR 11, West Side Tech 0 Michael McGraw, Balaga- Mangello (WA) def. James Yozviak/Andrew
a throwing error to beat the Meyers .............................. 403 500 (10) — 22 LP – Luton, 7 IP, 10H, 10R, 10ER, 4BB, 0K;
2B—WVW, Letteer 2, Owens. Top hitters –
Nicole Krzywicki allowed nesh Natarajan and Zachary
Crossin 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (7-5); 2. Connor Mangar/
Tom Rose (WA) def. Chris Bloom/Steve Whea-
Wyoming Seminary........ 905 402 3 — 23
Mohawks 23-22 on Thursday. WP – Linde, 6.2 IP, 14H, 18R, 12ER, 9BB, 6K; COU, Hayward 3H, Answini 2H; WVW, Owen just two hits in a five-inning Bowman all won in singles ton 6-2, 7-6 (8-6)
2H, Peterson 2H
Katie Marsman hit two of
LP – King, 7 IP, 21H, 23R, 19ER, 4BB, 3K;
2B— MEY: Shonk; WS: Marsman. HR—
shutout of West Side Tech. play for the Preppers.
Seminary’s four home runs to MEY: Shonk; WS: Marsman 2, Lindee, Yannot- Krzywicki struck out three MMI dropped just one set on Crestwood 5, Coughlin 0
ta. Top hitters – MEY: Kowalczyk 2-for-4, 5r; Dallas 10, Berwick 1
go along with a double for a McCann 2-for-4, 4r; Shonk 3-for-3, 2rHR; WS: and added a single at the the afternoon, as Meyers’ Co- The Comets didn’t drop a set
Kristan Baker struck out plate. in the four matches that were
four-hit day at the plate. Nora Fireman 3-for-5, 4r; Megan Bresnahan
rey Graham won the first set at
3-for-4, 3r; Marsman 4-for-4, 2HRs; Lindee nine in a complete-game Samantha Ryan tripled for completed to sweep the Cru-
Kristina Yannotta and win- 4-for-5, 2rHR; Yannotta 3-for-4, 3rHR. No. 2 singles.
three-hitter for Dallas. the Grenadiers. SINGLES -- 1. Michael McGraw (MMI) def. saders.
ning pitcher Tyler Lindee
Wyoming Valley West 8, At the plate, Mary Kate West Side Tech ....................... 000 00 — 0 Chris McGavin 6-3, 6-1; 2. Balaganesh Natarajan SINGLES -- 1. Alex Machalick (CRE) def.
accounted for the others, Yan- GAR ............................................ 443 0x — 11 (MMI) def. Corey Graham 3-6, 6-4, 6-6, (10-8); 3. Greg Stankiewicz by default; 2. Ross Gladey
Coughlin 3 Osick finished 3-for-3 with a Zachary Bowman (MMI) def. Mia Scocozzo 6-3,
notta’s a three-run shot and WP – Nicole Krzywicki, 5 IP, 2H, 0R, 0ER, (CRE) def. Jordan Okun 6-2, 6-0; 3. Joe Pickett
double, while Sarah Konopki 3BB, 3K; LP – Kersti Hughes, 4 IP, 5H, 11R, 6-0. (CRE) def. Josh Stankinus 6-3, 7-6 (7-3)
Lindee’s a two-run drive. Abby Owens went the dis- 7ER, 5BB, 1K; DOUBLES -- 1. Andrew Kempchinsky/Justin DOUBLES -- 1. Neil Patel/ Nikhil Patel (CRE)
(home run) and Danielle Shav- 3B—GAR, Samantha Ryan. Top hitters – Sheen (MMI) def. Hayden Schutz/Chris Yanovic def. Jeremy Melton/Mike Answini 6-1, 6-1; 2.
For Meyers, Chrissy Shonk tance to pick up the win for 6-1, 6-4; 2. Corey Sisock/Ryan Twardzik (MMI)
er drove in three runs apiece. GAR, Ryan 1-2, Katie McCann 1-2, Krzywicki Briley Marchetti/Steven Waskie (CRE) def.
collected a double and a two- 1-2 def. Trevor Kieffer/Nick Fonzo 6-0, 6-1. Teddy Wamploe/ Tommy Himlin 6-1, 6-0



Continued from Page 1B

thought it would take an hour to

fix it, but Teddy’s really good,”
Collins said.
Richards said that it’s been
three seasons since a Penguin
broke a skate during a game and
he’s never seen a break like what
happened to Collins’ skate.
“You end up seeing all sorts of
things,” he said.

Game 5 big for both teams

The winner of Game 5 tonight AP PHOTO
in Norfolk will gain a huge advan- Talking aboutt adding teams to the playoffs, MLB Commission-
tage in the series – that team will er Bud Selig said “ten is a fair number.’’
have a 3-2 series lead and two

Playoffs may expand

chances to clinch.
With Games 6 and 7 to be
said it’s important for the Pen- Clockwise: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton’s Brad Thiessen, Robert Bortuzzon, Zach Sill, Norfolk’s Matt

by two next season

guins to continue to build on Fornataro and Keven Veilleux all watch the puck as goalie Thiessen stopped a Fornataro shot on goal
what they accomplished in in Game 4 of the AHL East Division semifinals.
Games 4 and 5.
“It’s now a three-game series Wilkes-Barre at 7:05 p.m. Satur- playoff series in 2006 in the Brit- said they noticed a few subtle dif-
and the momentum has shifted,” day. ish Columbia Junior Hockey ferences in Norfolk’s approach Seling says many details wild cards in each league would
he said. “We worked hard to get League. during the game. meet, and the winners would ad-
Penguins’ Thiessen settling have to be worked out before
that momentum back.” Needless to say, a seven-game “They played just as hard, if not vance to the following round
Head coach John Hynes said into a new experience series is something Thiessen harder,” Collins said. “Some guys going to a 10-team format. against division winners.
no matter who is in or out of Nor- With a 1.51 goals against aver- hasn’t experienced in quite some in their lineup have more to “The more we’ve talked about
folk’s lineup, the Penguins know age and a .947 save percentage af- time. “I haven’t been in one of prove, and losing those guys that it, I think we’re moving inexora-
they’re going to be challenged. ter the first four games of the 2011 these for a while and it’s kind of they did only made them come By RONALD BLUM bly to that,” Selig said.
“In the playoffs, there’s nothing playoffs, Penguins goaltender new to me,” he said. “It’s been a harder.” AP Sports Writer Discussions have taken place
to save it for. You’re getting every- Brad Thiessen is playing like a fun experience and hopefully it Thiessen noticed a difference NEW YORK — With both as part of collective bargaining
one’s best effort,” he said. seasoned veteran of the postsea- continues.” on the Norfolk power play that sides expressing support for for a labor deal to replace the
“We know (Friday) is going to son. But that’s hardly the case. featured several new faces. adding two playoff teams in one that expires in December.
be a war. We know what we’re in Last season Thiessen appeared Short-handed Admirals “They’re trying to get shots in 2012, negotiators for baseball Players want to make sure the
for.” in one playoff game for the Pen- show a different look from everywhere and getting players and owners are consid- new format doesn’t cause leng-
The Penguins held a team guins before he was called up to Norfolk came into Game 4 bodies to the net, as opposed to ering having the new wild-card thy travel with little recovery
meeting on Thursday and spent Pittsburgh. Prior to his rookie without six of its top forwards setting up,” he said. “Overall they round be best-of-three or win- time.
most of the day away from the year last season, Thiessen spent and a few rookies who had little just threw everything on net. ner-take-all. “We’ve had a healthy ex-
rink. Today’s game begins at 7:30 three years with Northeastern to no AHL experience filling the That’s something I have to be Because longer series would change on a number of alterna-
p.m., followed by Game 6 in University and last appeared in a voids. Several Penguins players aware of.” push playoffs deeper into cold tives,” union head Michael
weather, the sides are not con- Weiner said, “but the sides rec-
sidering having the new first ognize there has to be a balance
PRO FOOTBALL round be either best-of-five or of competitive considerations,
best-of-seven. economic considerations and

League says law firm can’t bring new players to court

“I would say we’re moving to player safety considerations.”
expanding the playoffs, but Selig said owners were unani-
there’s a myriad of details to mous in their desire to achieve a
work out,” Commissioner Bud worldwide amateur draft in col-
By DAVE CAMPBELL denial. Aiello said it would be in- consent to the firm’s request to er, and stated that his firm has Selig said Thursday at his an- lective bargaining and that a ma-
AP Sports Writer appropriate to allow the firm to grant a waiver,” Aiello said in an not represented the NFL in any nual meeting with the Associat- jority of teams favored a slotting
MINNEAPOLIS — The NFL work with players in a claim e-mail to The Associated Press. matters. ed Press Sports Editors. “Ten is system to determine signing bo-
has rejected a law firm’s request against the NFL while one of its Cafferty Faucher attorney The Sports Business Journal a fair number.” nuses for draft picks.
for a conflict-of-interest waiver to partners represents the league in Bryan Clobes has said his firm reported that the group seeking a Since 1995, eight of the 30 Selig also said he will not con-
represent a group of players seek- music licensing for shows on had “discussions about repre- voice in labor negotiations in- baseball teams make the play- sider changing Barry Bonds’
ing to join the antitrust fight NFL Network and NFL Films. senting some additional players cludes about 70 players upset offs. In the NFL, 12 of 32 teams home run records following the
against the league. “While we do not know the who want to have a voice” in the that collective bargaining talks make the playoffs. In the NBA slugger’s conviction on obstruc-
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello specifics of the claims that would court fight. But Clobes said broke off last month. Clobes told and NHL, 16 of 30 advance to tion of justice last week.
said Thursday the league has no- be asserted or the players who Thursday that the firm the NFL is The AP the number is “nowhere the postseason. Bonds holds the career (762)
tified an unspecificed firm of the would be involved, we cannot referring to is not Cafferty Fauch- near 70.” In the new format, the two and season (73) marks.

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Series suddenly shifts like Lightning for Pens

Now up 3-1 in opening round valier said after James Neal’s Pittsburgh has scored the first two goals in
double-overtime goal gave Pitts- Penguins each of the games in the series.
of playoffs, Pittsburgh has players mob
burgh a 3-2 Game 4 win in Tampa The Penguins had 2-0 leads dur-
made Tampa Bay desperate. on Wednesday. James Neal ing both Game 3 and Game 4 in
“That’s part of the playoffs, and after he Tampa only to have the Light-
we talked before the series how it scored the ning come back to tie it before
The Associated Press was going to be an emotional rol- game-winning Pittsburgh won each by 3-2
PITTSBURGH — Since the lercoaster. You have to make sure goal during scores.
regular season ended, Tampa you handle it the right way. In what might seem counterin-
time in Game
Bay Lightning coach Guy Bouch- There’s nothing we can do now, tuitive with the home crowds in
4 of a first-
er has preached that desperation just make sure we’re ready to go loud buildings, the visiting teams
round NHL
is what wins a playoff series. and get a win in their building.” Stanley Cup have generally controlled the
Boucher doesn’t need to tell Tampa Bay has already done playoff series first periods during the series,
his team that anymore. Now, the that once in this series, respon- on Wednesday outscoring the home team 7-1
Lightning have no choice but to ding from a 3-0 loss in Game 1 by in Tampa, Fla. and holding a 46-35 advantage in
be desperate. taking a 3-0 first-period lead and shots.
If Boucher was attempting to cruising to a 5-1 win at Consol Other than Game 2, Tampa
motivate his team to play as if ev- Energy Center in Game 2. AP PHOTO Bay has not held a lead at any
ery game in the series was do-or- Afterward, some Pittsburgh point in the series and has been
die, Tampa Bay faces a literal players indicated that the Pen- played in two of the past three in both. tle bit and learned and under- behind at the end of the first in
must-win in Game 5 at noon Sat- guins perhaps took too much Stanley Cup finals, winning the “In Game 2, we didn’t have stood what we didn’t do well in each of the past two games.
urday in Pittsburgh. The Light- from the Game 1 victory and Cup in 2009. that (attention to detail) and lost Game 2. We’ve talked about that “I know there are a lot of emo-
ning trail the best-of-seven series were taking the Lightning too Pittsburgh answered its only a little bit of focus,” Penguins for 3 and 4, and we’ll certainly tions flying up and down, but we
3-1. lightly. After all, this is Tampa loss of the series by winning con- coach Dan Bylsma said. “We lost talk about that again going into have to be better in the first,” vet-
“We have to move forward,” Bay’s first playoff appearance in secutive road games, out-shoot- that opportunity to go up 2-0. We Game 5.” eran defenseman Pavel Kubina
Tampa Bay captain Vincent Leca- four years and the Penguins have ing and out-chancing Tampa Bay learned from that situation a lit- The eventual winning team said.


Utah AG proposing
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the college football bowl place.
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directors prepare to meet next

AP Sports Writer
week in New Orleans.
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about a month or so to select an
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Shurtleff said Thursday he ex- cism that his time would be bet-
pects the suit, accusing the BCS ter spent on other issues.
of being an illegal monopoly, will He said antitrust violations in-
be filed this summer. It will seek volving taxpayer-funded institu-
damages for schools including tions need to be examined espe-
cially when many such institu-

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Continued from Page 1B
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For all of that, the game really They will see each other at
came down to a few key moments least twice more. Given Miller’s
involving skill, not thuggery. The ability to steal a game — he’s
most compelling was Briere’s done it twice — this thing could
tete-a-tete with Miller, who has easily go seven. For now, it is a
now pitched two shutouts in this best-of-three series with two
series. The former teammates games in Philadelphia.
and old friends have taken a few Once upon a time, a longer se-
verbal jabs at each other through ries would favor the Flyers. They
the media. Miller noted that he were almost always the more
could stop Briere over and over, physical team, the one that wore
but if he gets beat once, “it’s a its opponents down. The skate is
headline.” on the other foot this time, and
Well, the save Miller made on it’s probably a good sign that they
Briere in the third period may don’t seem to like that.
wind up being the signature mo-
ment in this series. Briere, some- Phil Sheridan is a columnist for The
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Rose, Chicago Willis pulls trigger

(right) of

up 3-0 on Pacers on lead, not putter

moves in
towards the
Dallas goal
while pur-
Lynn Vier- AP Sports Writer
cinski of
By CLIFF BRUNT a chance to win it at the end, but Thursday’s S.C. — Garrett Willis couldn’t
AP Sports Writer he missed a 3-pointer in the clos- WVC high give up on “Old Faithful,” no
INDIANAPOLIS — Derrick ing seconds. He led the Pacers school girls matter how many flashy, new
Rose struggled all game long, with 21 points. lacrosse belly putters he tested out this
but still found a way to be the Rose, guarded by Jones, drove game in week.
difference-maker in the end. left for a layup with 17.8 seconds Kingston. Willis entered The Heritage
Rose scored 23 points, includ- remaining to give the Bulls an seeking answers to his poor put-
ing the go-ahead layup with 17.8 86-84 lead and spark “MVP!” ting and had planned to park his
seconds left, to help the Chicago chants from the thousands of longtime, Scotty Cameron mod-
Bulls beat the Indiana Pacers 88- Bulls fans who made the 3-hour el. As he walked to the range
drive. Thursday morning, though,
84 on Thursday night and take a
The Pacers went for the win, Willis just couldn’t go through
3-0 lead in their first-round se- PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER
but Granger’s 3-pointer was off, with it and asked his caddie to
ries. “go back to my car and get “Old

Wyoming Seminary
and Chicago’s Ronnie Brewer re-
Rose’s late basket was his only Faithful.”
bounded. He was fouled, then
field goal in the second half. He Good thing he did. Willis had AP PHOTO
made two free throws with 1.1
made just 4 of 18 shots as he was seconds left to put the game out a run of six straight birdies on Garrett Willis tosses his put-
blanketed, and at times pum- of reach. the front nine on the way to a 7- ter to his caddie on the 18th

girls win in lacrosse

meled, by Indiana’s Paul George The Pacers, who lost double- under 64 and a one-shot lead in green after finishing at 7-
and Dahntay Jones. He made up digit leads in both of the first the suspended first round of The under-par for the day during
for it by making 13 of 15 free two games, led by five points in Heritage. the first round of The Heritage
throws. Rose averaged 37.5 the fourth quarter on Thursday “Obviously, very excited golf tournament in Hilton
points in the first two games of about putting this well, and hav- Head Island, S.C. on Thursday.
and couldn’t hold on.
the series. Indiana took a 68-65 lead on a The Times Leader staff Megan Yurek and Caitlin ing a chance to making the cut
Luol Deng had 21 points and layup by Jones with just over 10 Annabelle Jones scored four Vitale combined for the shutout. for a change,” Willis said. keep his pro career going at
Kyle Korver added 12 for the minutes to play. His fadeaway goals to lead all players as MMI Prep...................................................... 0 0 — 0
Wyoming Area............................................. 4 2 — 6
He held a one-stroke edge times. He fell to 228th on the
Bulls. jumper over Korver bumped In- Wyoming Seminary defeated First half: 1. WA, Kourtney Schwerdtman (Jen over Arjun Atwal, Matt Betten- PGA Tour money list in 2005
Indiana’s Danny Granger had diana’s lead to 70-65. Dallas 19-1 in a girls lacrosse
Bone) 12th; 2. WA, Katie Scalzo 17th; 3. WA, Scalzo
24th; 4. WA, Sam Acacio 40th
court, Chad Campbell and Tim and regained his playing privi-
game on Thursday at Wyoming Second half: 5. WA, Scalzo 44th; 6. WA, Bone Herron and was two shots in leges in 2009 with a 12th-place
(Acacio) 50th
Seminary. Shots: MMI 12, WA 27; Saves: MMI 13 (Amanda
front of Mark Wilson, Camilo finish on the Nationwide Tour
N H L P L AYO F F S Christine Corson, Ann Roma- Miller), WA 11 (Megan Yurek, Caitlin Vitale); Cor- Villegas and 2009 Heritage win- money list.
ners: MMI 4, WA 7.
nowski and Kristen Mericle ner Brian Gay. The putting problems sur-

Ryder gets Bruins even

each finished with three goals Luke Donald, No. 3 in the faced this season as Willis has
Honesdale 6, Hanover Area 1
and an assist for the Blue world, led a group at 67 in a made only two cuts in eight
Randi Jo Kowalczyk (three round slowed by a rain delay of 2 tournaments, shooting 78-78
Knights. goals, two assists) figured in on hours, 16 minutes. Because of last week for an early exit in the
Larissa Bohn was in goal for five of Honesdale’s six scores to the delay,18 players were unable Texas Open. He’s 177th in the
The Associated Press Kelly brought Boston even for the win. knock off the Hawkeyes. to finish before dark. tour’s putting rankings and got
MONTREAL -- Michael Ryd- the third time in the game, scor- Emily Capitano scored for the Haylee Goodenough added Donald could move to No. 1 fed up giving away strokes on
er scored 1:59 into overtime to ing with 6:18 left in the third pe- Mountaineers. two goals in the win. with a win. the green.
give the Boston Bruins a 5-4 vic- riod. He put away a loose puck Hanover Area............................................... 0 1 — 1
That might be a tall order if Willis was on a full-out search
tory over the Montreal Cana- at his feet in the goalmouth for GIRLS SOCCER Honesdale .................................................... 4 2 — 6
First half: 1. HON, Haylee Goodenough 6th; 2. Willis maintains the putting for a winning replacement put-
diens on Thursday night, tying his second of the series. Wyoming Area 6, MMI Prep 0 HON, Goodenough (Randi Jo Kowalczyk), 10th; 3.
HON, Kowalczyk (Ally Hicks) 11th; 4. HON, Natalie
touch he showed in the first ter this week. He brought four
the first-round series 2-2. Patrice Bergeron and Andrew Katie Scalzo scored three Hoff (Kowalczyk) 25th. round. putters with him, had three
Ryder, who also scored in the Ference added goals for the times in the Warriors’ shutout Second half: 5. HON, Kowalczyk (Hicks) 62nd;
Willis’ only PGA Tour victory more made at Harbour Town
6. HON, Kowalczyk (Hoff) 66th; 7. HAN, Kristi Cola-
second period, took Chris Kel- Bruins. Tim Thomas made 34 victory. Jen Bone and Sam Aca- russo (PK) 72nd. came at the Touchstone Energy and had his father ship in three
ly’s pass from behind the net and saves. cio each added a goal and an Shots: HAN 7, HON 21; Saves: HAN 10 (Ciera
Gensel), HON 6 (Brittany Kriner); Corners: HAN 1,
Tucson Open in 2001, also his more. Suddenly, Willis’ resolve
shot past Carey Price to give Michael Cammalleri had a assist for Wyoming Area. HON 3. first start on the PGA Tour. It disappeared and “Old Faithful”
Boston its second victory in a goal and two assists for Mon- has been a struggle for Willis to was back.
row at the Bell Centre after the treal, and Brent Sopel, Andrei
Bruins dropped the first two Kostitsyn and P.K. Subban also

YANKEES “We also hit the ball

games of the Eastern Confer- scored. The Canadiens blew the bat,” said Parraz, who en- night a half-game ahead of Paw-
ence series at home. leads of 1-0, 3-1 and 4-3. tered the game with one hit in tucket in the IL North. They
throughout our whole his last seven at-bats. “We all will return home to host Syra-
Continued from Page 1B
lineup. That was some- were hitting the ball well to- cuse Friday night.

now,” James said. “We want to night. A lot of guys have been • Kevin Russo had two hits
continue to play that way. D- something we hadn’t done thing we hadn’t done hitting the ball well, and we (2-for-5) and an RBI in the vic-
Wade had an unbelievable game much this year.” much this year.” were in a nice groove in this tory.
... and we’re ready to close it Igawa worked himself out of a series.” H O W T H E Y
Continued from Page 1B Dave Miley
out.” jam in the first after the bases IronPigs manager Ryne Sand- S C O R E D
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees
James hit the court hard late Wade was 12 for 12 from the were loaded. He hit leadoff hit- manager berg won’t mind if he doesn’t YANKEES FIRST: Greg Golson tripled to left and
in the fourth quarter and briefly free throw line. For all the hype ter Rich Thompson, and Del- see the Yankees anytime soon. scored on Jesus’ Montero’s one-out, sacrifice fly to
left. YANKEES, 1-0.
sat against the scorer’s table. He around the Big Three, Wade re- wyn Young then ripped a one- Lehigh Valley is marred in a 20- YANKEES FOURTH: Chris Dickerson doubled to
center with one out. Jordan Maxwell grounded to
grimaced when his teammates members he was the Biggest out single to center. inning scoreless streak, and had short and Jordan Parraz followed with a single to left
with two outs, scoring Dickerson. YANKEES, 2-0.
pulled him up and he slowly One in Miami. He still plays that Jeff Larish followed with a movement. I knew I had a pitch a four-game winning streak be- YANKEES FIFTH: Golson tripled to the wall in right
walked back to Miami’s bench. way and the Heat needed all of single to right, but Thompson count, but I felt good out there.” fore the Yankees arrived. with one out and then scored on Kevin Russo’s sin-
gle to left. YANKEES, 3-0.
The Sixers were determined his effort against the scrappy was held at third as Jordan Par- The Yankees jumped on Iron- “We’re glad they are leaving,”
to win one on their home court Sixers. raz fired a strike to home. Igawa Pigs starter Eddie Bonnie in the Sandberg said. “Igawa threw the
Yankees 3, Lehigh Valley 0
and played like a team trying all Lou Williams missed a 3 in then struck out Ronnie Belliard first when Kevin Russo tripled ball well and their bullpen did a Yankees Lehigh Valley
ab r h bi ab r h bi
it could to get the series back to the final minute that would have swinging and got Brandon Moss to right and scored on Jesus nice job. We just have to start Golson lf 4 1 1 0 Thmpson cf 3 0 0 0
Miami. made it a one-point game. Holi- to bounce to second to end the Montero’s sacrifice fly to left. hitting.” Russo 2b
Montero c
5 1 2 1 Frandsen ss 4 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 Young dh 4 0 1 0
Elton Brand had 21 points and day scored 20 points and Wil- inning. They then added solo runs in Vazquez 1b
Dickerson cf
4 0 2 0 Larish 1b
3 1 1 0 Belliard 3b
4 0 2 0
4 0 0 0
11 rebounds for the 76ers. liams finished with 15. The left-hander then settled the fourth and fifth innings and NOTES Maxwell dh 3 0 0 0 Moss rf 4 0 0 0
Parraz rf 3 0 3 1 Miller lf 2 0 0 0
Wade missed practice before For most of the game, it down as he retired 11 straight ended Bonine’s night. • Golson made a nice, run- Laird 3b 4 0 0 0 Sardinha c 3 0 1 0
Pena ss 4 0 0 0 Hudson 2b 3 0 0 0
Game 2 with a migraine head- seemed like a Game1rerun. The batters before he left the game In the fourth, Chris Dickerson ning , over-the-shoulder catch in Totals 33 3 9 3 Totals 31 0 5 0
Yankees ............................. 100 110 000 — 3
ache. Hours before Game 3, Sixers’ fast start would get after four innings. It was his hit a one-out double to right left field on a fly ball off the bat Lehigh Valley..................... 000 000 000 — 0
Wade said he was fine. picked away by Miami, the Big first outing since he threw three and scored one-out later on Par- of Young in the bottom of the SWB — 2B: Dickerson (3); 3B: Russo (1), Golson
(2); SF: Montero; LOB: 8; SB: Dickerson (4); CS:
“I don’t have to worry about Three would take over and the scoreless innings for Trenton on raz’s single to left. Parraz went third. Dickerson (2); DP: 1.
LV — 2B: Sardinha (1); LOB: 6. DP: 1.
bright lights,” he said. Heat would roll. April 15. He also threw three 3-for-3 with a walk on the eve- • The Yankees’ two triples IP H R ER BB SO
He was fantastic under the When James hit a pull-up scoreless innings for Trenton on ning. gave them a league-leading 11 Igawa ........................ 4.0 2 0 0 0 3
Kontos (W, 1-0)....... 3.1 2 0 0 1 4
postseason spotlight. jumper for a 54-52 lead early in April 8. The Yankees made it 3-0 this season. Sisco (H, 2) .............. 0.2 1 0 0 0 1
Wade delivered with a string the third for Miami’s first lead of “I prefer starting than reliev- when Golson smacked a ball • Igawa entered the game as Whelan (S, 6)........... 1.0
Lehigh Valley
0 0 0 0 2

of big baskets — he was 10 of 19 the game, the plan was going as ing,” Igawa, who spent most of that rolled to the wall in right, the Yankees’ all-time leader in Bonine (L, 1-2) ........ 4.1
Perez, Ju .................. 1.2
from the field overall — in the scripted. spring training visiting family and he ended up with a triple. wins with 32. Carpenter ................. 2.0
Grilli ........................... 1.0
third and fourth quarters that The Sixers had a whole new and friends in his native tsuna- Kevin Russo followed with a sin- • Scranton/Wilkes-Barre WP: Grilli. HBP: Thompson (by Igawa), Golson (by
spurred the Heat to the brink of ending planned. mi-torn Japan, said through a gle to left that plated Golson. scored first in each game of the Umpires: HP: Fran Burke. 1B: Alan Porter. 2B: Craig
Barron. 3B: Kelvin Bultron.
the conference semifinals. He Jodie Meeks and Holiday translator. “I threw the ball bet- “I got better pitches to hit to- series. T: 2:48.
Att: 9,212.
drew a foul on a spin move bookended 3s during a stunning ter after the first inning. I want- night and I felt better swinging • The Yankees began the
against Jrue Holiday and hit two 12-0 run that helped them regain ed to work on my changeup to-
free throws with 51.6 seconds the lead. night and I had some good
left that about clinched the
“We’re a desperate team right “COURSE
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Confidence test Consumer Confidence UPS delivers results UPS $73.17 Microsoft reports MSFT $25.52
The Conference Board’s Tues- Index $76 Last week, technology giant $32
Earnings reports from UPS are $68.06
day report on consumer confi- considered an economic indicator Intel said personal computer
dence will show how much the 66 sales were surprisingly
The Week Ahead

70 because they show how much

rising price of gas is affecting consumers and companies are strong in the first quarter. 24
’10 ’10 ’11 Investors want to know ’10 ’11
how people feel about spending. est. buying and shipping. UPS said in $31.36
56 whether Microsoft saw a 20
In March, consumers surveyed 65 50 February it expected to earn more
Operating est. Operating
by the Conference Board said this year than it did before the $0.71 $0.84
similar trend. Weak PC est.
they were concerned about recession because of the improv-
EPS sales pushed Microsoft’s EPS $0.40 $0.55
60 income in the last quarter
inflation and stagnant incomes. ing economy. But that was before 1Q ’10 1Q ’11 1Q ’10 1Q ’11
But feelings don’t always trans- the earthquake and tsunami in down slightly. The company
late into action: Retail sales 55 Price-to-earnings ratio: 21 gets most of its revenue Price-to-earnings ratio: 11
Japan, which came three weeks
based on past 12 months’ results from selling the Windows based on past 12 months’ results
were better than expected last N D J F M A before the end of the first quarter.
month, even after consumer Investors will want to know how Dividend: $2.08 Div. Yield: 2.8% operating system and Office Dividend: $0.64 Div. Yield: 2.5%
confidence fell. Source: The Conference Board much the disaster hurt UPS. Source: FactSet desktop software for PCs. Source: FactSet



FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011


Blue Cross seeks plan changes

+ 52.45 + 7.02 + 17.65
12,505.99 1,337.38 2,820.16

Some rates could go up or down slight rate increases, or a slight de-
crease. They’re dependant on the
viewed by the department, which
would accept public comment on the
customer’s decisions, Matrisciano matter. Blue Cross of Northeastern
By ANDREW M. SEDER The key changes have to do with the said. Pennsylvania has asked for an effec-
New York Stock Exchange [email protected]
Blue Cross of Northeastern Penn-
additions of deductible levels that
could make rates go down or go up
It was those very customers, he
added, that led to this request being
tive date of Aug. 1 for the changes.
This is the second request of
rejects bid for second time sylvania has filed a request with the
state Insurance Department for
depending on how much of a deduc-
tible their customer is comfortable
“Feedback from members” were
change having to do with the Blue
Care Direct plan in the past year. Last
The parent company of the New changes to four of the insurer’s indi- paying. the genesis of the changes, he said. November, Blue Cross requested a 12
York Stock Exchange has rejected an vidual insurance plans. The four programs included in the “We’re adding more flexibility, percent rate hike for that plan. It was
unsolicited bid for the second time. Anthony Matrisciano, a company request are all under the Blue Care more options for our members and approved and went into effect Jan. 1.
The board of NYSE Euronext Inc. spokesman, said the request does not umbrella. Direct, which has 1,815 future members,” he said. “We want The request will be published in
unanimously rejected an $11.3 billion mean an automatic increase in rates current customers, would see rates to keep them in line with the ever- the Pennsylvania Bulletin on Satur-
bid from Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. and for the 2,675 people currently en- stay the same or decrease. Select, changing needs of our members and day. The request will detail how to
Intercontinental Exchange Inc. that rolled in the four programs. He said, with 440 customers, Essentials, with potential members.” give input on the request. The bulle-
would carve the company into two. for some, their rates will go down. 385 and Advantage with 35, could see The request would need to be re- tin’s website is
Company officials reaffirmed NYSE’s
commitment to its previously agreed-to

$10 billion merger with German ex-
change operator Deutsche Boerse,
U N E M P LOY M E N T B E N E F I TS Downward trend signals stronger job growth
despite the lower price for sharehol-
NYSE’s board rejected the deal in

are being
part because of the risk that regulators
would not allow the country’s two
largest stock exchanges to merge.

Fiat buys more of Chrysler

Italian automaker Fiat is closing in
on its goal of taking a majority stake
added to
and full control of Chrysler LLC by the
end of the year, announcing a deal
Thursday to buy another 16 percent
share sooner than expected at a price
of $1.3 billion.
Fiat SpA will exercise an equity call Sands Casino Resort in
option, bringing its stake to 46 percent,
Bethlehem opened 300-room
once Chrysler has repaid $6.6 billion in
outstanding loans to the U.S. and Cana- facility. Others might follow.
dian governments, which Fiat said
would happen in the second quarter of
Fiat expects to gain another 5 per- Associated Press
cent, for a majority 51 percent share. BETHLEHEM — Nearly a
year after lucrative table games

Cigarette sales on increase arrived in Pennsylvania, casinos

here are starting to add “stay” to
Cigarette maker Philip Morris In- “play,” building luxurious hotels
ternational Inc.’s net income grew meant to entice high-rolling pa-
nearly 13 percent in the first quarter AP PHOTO trons to linger longer and gamble
because it sold more cigarettes at high- Job seekers talk to employers Monday at a job fair in New York. Fewer people applied for unemployment benefits last more.
er prices. week, partly reversing a sharp jump in applications the previous week. Sands Casino Resort in Bethle-

Fewer people seeking aid

Smokers face tax hikes, bans, health hem showed off its long-awaited
concerns and social stigma worldwide, 300-room hotel to reporters
but the effect on cigarette demand Thursday, part of a broader rede-
generally is less stark outside the Unit- velopment of Bethlehem Steel’s
ed States. Philip Morris International former headquarters plant that
has compensated for volume declines includes a 35-store shopping
by raising its prices and cutting costs. mall, a convention center and
performing arts venues rising
By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER economist at Insight Economics, AT A GLANCE amid the iconic blast furnaces.
Rate on mortgage falls AP Economics Writer
WASHINGTON — Fewer people
said in a note to clients. Wood noted
applications have averaged 396,000
The number of people applying for unem-
ployment benefits fell last week to a season-
“The addition of the new hotel
is really a game-changer for us,”
The rate on the 30-year mortgage fell applied for unemployment benefits over the past 11 weeks, much lower ally adjusted 403,000, the Labor Depart- Robert DeSalvio, Sands Bethle-
last week, staying below 5 percent. But last week, resuming a downward than last year’s average of 459,000. ment said Thursday. The four-week average, hem’s president, said Thursday.
low rates have done little to lift the trend that signals stronger job Applications are nearing the a less volatile measure, rose for the second “Now guests from all over the re-
struggling housing market. growth ahead. 375,000 level that is typically consis- straight week to 399,000. No states report- gion will be able to come in for
Freddie Mac says the average rate on Applications for unemployment tent with sustainable job growth. ed decreases above 1,000. Below are the
states with the biggest increases in benefit the first time, see the revitaliza-
the 30-year loan declined to 4.80 per- benefits fell to a seasonally adjusted Many economists are expecting the
applications. tion of the Bethlehem Steel plant,
cent from 4.91 percent the previous 403,000 in the week ending April 16, April employment report to show a
stay overnight at the Sands and
week. It hit a 40-year low of 4.17 per- the Labor Department said Thurs- third straight month of solid private- States reporting the biggest increases: experience all we have to offer.”
cent in November. sector job growth, even with the re- California: Up 25,646, due to the clearance
day. The decline partially reversed a At least one other state casino,
The average rate on the 15-year fixed cent bump in unemployment appli- of a backlog of applications from the previ-
jump in applications from the previ- Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs
cations. ous week
mortgage fell to 4.02 percent from 4.13 ous week, which economists said in Plains Township, hopes to
Joseph LaVorgna, chief U.S. econo- North Carolina: Up 6,041, due to layoffs in
percent. It reached 3.57 percent in was largely the result of a seasonal the construction, trade, transportation and break ground on a hotel this year,
mist at Deutsche Bank, said busi-
November, the lowest level on records quirk. nesses should add about 225,000 net warehousing industries while a third, Mount Airy Casino
dating back to 1991. The four-week average rose for the new jobs this month. Companies cre- Kentucky: Up 5,202, no reason given Resort in the Poconos, is plan-
second straight week to 399,000. Texas: Up 5,108, due to layoffs in the ser- ning to double the size of its exist-
ated more than 200,000 jobs in both
McDonald’s income rises Still, the broader trend in unemploy- vices and manufacturing industries ing hotel to meet high demand
March and February — the fastest Florida: Up 4,299, due to layoffs in construc-
ment applications suggests employ- two-month hiring spree in five years. tion, trade, services and manufacturing
for rooms.
McDonald’s Corp.’s first-quarter net ers are stepping up hiring. The unemployment rate fell last Georgia: Up 4,278, due to layoffs in con- Analysts say hotels are a log-
income rose 11 percent as more cus- “The pace of layoffs has slowed month to a two-year low of 8.8 per- struction, trade and services industries ical next step in the development
tomers dined under the Golden Arches, over the past six months and hiring cent, and has fallen by a full percent- Pennsylvania: Up 3,418, due to layoffs in the of the state’s thriving, 5-year-old
especially in Europe, Australia and is picking up,” Steven Wood, chief age point since November. construction and service industries casino industry. Having started
China. life essentially as warehouses for
Strong sales of its new fruit and slot machines, many casinos

Verizon rings in subscribers thanks to iPhone

maple oatmeal and its high-profit have added restaurants, retail
McCafe coffee drinks helped push net stores and other amenities. Now,
income up to $1.2 billion for the quar- with table games providing a rich
ter ending March 31. That was up from new source of revenue, casinos
By PETER SVENSSON ago. expected slightly more. Veri- The true test, he said, will
$1.1 billion in the same quarter last AP Technology Writer
have the financial wherewithal to
The increase corresponds zon shares fell $1.15, or 3.1 be when Apple launches it expand.
year. NEW YORK — Helped by neatly with the half-million percent, to $36.63 in morn- next phone, which will put “The evolution of Pennsylva-
the iPhone, Verizon Wireless iPhones Verizon sold to new ing trading, retreating from a Verizon on "an equal foot- nia into more of a regional (gam-
is pulling in more high-pay- subscribers. Verizon started three-year high of $38.95 hit ing" with AT&T, he said. bling) market that includes hotel
ing subscribers than it has in selling the iPhone on Feb. 10, three weeks ago. This confirms speculation rooms, Sands Bethlehem being
a year, and 15 times more ending AT&T’s exclusive Verizon Chief Financial Of- that the next iPhone launch the prime example, is to a great
than rival AT&T. grip on the device in the U.S. ficer Fran Shammo defended will be simultaneous for Veri- degree a function of the success
$3.85 $3.53 $2.85 Verizon Communications In total, Verizon said it had the iPhone sales perform- zon and AT&T subscribers. of table games in Pennsylvania,”
Inc. on Thursday said it add- activated 2.2 million ance on a conference call Apple has previously said Michael Pollock, managing
ed 906,000 wireless sub- iPhones, with most of them with analysts, launched new iPhone mod- director of Spectrum Gaming
scribers on contract-based going to customers upgrad- “We really weren’t 100 per- els once a year in late June or Group in Linwood, N.J. “I doubt
plans in the January to ing from other Verizon cent out there with distribu- early July, but analysts be- very much you’d see those plans
March period, more than phones. tion until mid-March,” he lieve the next model might being pursued if Pennsylvania re-
double the number of a year Wall Street analysts had said. be delayed a few months. mained a slots-only market.”


S&P 500
p +7.02 NASDAQ
p +17.65 DOW
p +52.45 6-MO T-BILLS
n ... 10-YR T-NOTE
n ... GOLD
Stocks of Local Interest
+4.90 EURO
p +.0030 CRUDE OIL
1,360 S&P 500 2,840 Nasdaq composite 52-WEEK YTD 52-WEEK
1,320 Close: 1,337.38 2,760 Close: 2,820.16 HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CH
Change: 7.02 (0.5%) Change: 17.65 (0.6%) 95.00 64.13 AirProd APD 2.32 93.92 +.20 +3.3 96.15 72.03 M&T Bk MTB 2.80 85.83 +.0
1,280 10 DAYS 2,680 10 DAYS 28.93 19.41 AmWtrWks AWK .88 28.31 -.17 +11.9 80.94 65.31 McDnlds MCD 2.44 76.91 -1.4
51.50 35.00 Amerigas APU 2.82 46.91 +.05 -3.9 25.96 19.27 NBT Bcp NBTB .80 22.03 -.0
23.79 16.52 AquaAm WTR .62 21.82 ... -2.9 9.26 3.64 NexstarB NXST ... 7.30 +.1
1,350 2,900 38.02 24.22 ArchDan ADM .64 36.05 +.24 +19.8
284.60 171.65 AutoZone AZO ... 284.85 +.89 +4.5 70.45 49.43 PNC PNC 1.40 61.62 +.8
18.91 10.91 BkofAm BAC .04 12.31 +.04 -7.7 28.80 23.75 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 26.90 -.
2,800 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 28.40 -.14 -6.0 15.43 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 15.01 +.2
1,300 18.63 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 13.71 -.77 +8.3 17.35 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 14.70 +.
45.00 29.12 CIGNA CI .04 45.29 +1.41 +23.5 68.11 60.32 PepsiCo PEP 1.92 67.41 +.0
2,700 37.82 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 36.21 -.04 +4.1 67.35 42.94 PhilipMor PM 2.56 67.61 +1.1
1,250 68.47 49.47 CocaCola KO 1.88 67.88 +.03 +3.2 66.95 39.37 ProctGam PG 2.10 63.27 -.4
25.91 16.30 Comcast CMCSA .45 25.34 +.47 +15.9
2,600 28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 23.94 +.03 -13.8 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 61.73 +.8
42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt CYH ... 30.69 -.20 -17.9 15.73 9.85 SLM Cp SLM .40 16.31 +1.8
1,200 37.19 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 33.26 +.14 -6.5 57.04 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 57.00 -.0
2,500 15.36 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 10.12 +.10 -12.6 29.24 20.00 SoUnCo SUG .60 28.81 +.0
19.80 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 19.74 +.38 +26.5 17.47 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 10.97 -.0
9.84 6.96 FrontierCm FTR .75 8.04 +.07 -17.4 52.61 39.56 TJX TJX .76 52.55 +.2
1,150 2,400 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 15.47 +.19 +1.8
O N D J F M A O N D J F M A 15.84 9.60 HarteHnk HHS .32 11.69 +.06 -8.5
33.48 24.30 UGI Corp UGI 1.00 32.15 +.1
50.86 40.00 Heinz HNZ 1.80 50.57 -.16 +2.2 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 36.91 -.8
57.30 43.68 Hershey HSY 1.38 56.75 +.17 +20.4 57.90 47.77 WalMart WMT 1.46 53.58 -.

StocksRecap DOW
s s
33.67 27.49
28.54 19.35


DOW Util.
Combined Stocks
Vol. (in mil.) 3,629 1,822 NYSE Comp. 8504.36 8457.65 8504.36 +46.71 +0.55% s s s +6.78% Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Las
Pvs. Volume 4,236 2,040 AMEX Index 2458.04 2438.49 2452.74 +14.25 +0.58% s s s +11.06% ABB Ltd 25.34 +.37 +12.9 CIBER 6.00 -.03 +28.2 Gramrcy 2.84 -.17 +22.9 Merck 34.04 ... -5.5 ProgrssEn 46.54 +.06 +7.0 TD Ameritr 22.3
Advanced 1996 1543 AEP Ind 28.75 -.02 +10.8 CienaCorp 27.52 +.72 +30.7 GtPanSilv g 3.92 -.08 +39.5 Meritage 25.40 -.65 +14.4 ProgsvCp 21.12 +.11 +6.3 TE Connect 35.0
NASDAQ 2820.77 2808.55 2820.16 +17.65 +0.63% s s s +6.31% AES Corp 13.01 +.13 +6.8 Cirrus 16.28 -.32 +1.9 Greif A 63.63 +.37 +2.8 Mesab 35.15 +.13 -8.7 ProLogis 16.06 +.16 +11.2 TECO 18.8
Declined 1030 1040 S&P 500 1337.49 1332.83 1337.38 +7.02 +0.53% s s s +6.34% AFLAC 53.66 +.44 -4.9 Cisco 16.94 +.01 -16.3 GrubbEllis .63 -.05 -50.4 MetLife 44.38 +.54 -.1 ProvFnH 8.14 +.10 +12.4 THQ 4.1
New Highs 221 142 Wilshire 5000 14215.36 14134.47 14215.36 +80.89 +0.57% s s s +6.40% AGCO 54.32 +.82 +7.2 Citigrp 4.55 -.02 -3.8 GpoTMM 2.30 ... -8.0 MetroPCS 16.89 +.27 +33.7 Prudentl 61.73 +.80 +5.1 TaiwSemi 12.5
New Lows 10 18 AGL Res 40.24 +.19 +12.2 CitzRepB h .90 +.05 +46.0 HCP Inc 38.59 +.35 +4.9 MicronT 11.52 +.13 +43.6 PSEG 30.93 +.17 -2.8 Talbots 5.5
Russell 2000 845.64 839.30 845.64 +6.19 +0.74% s s s +7.91% AK Steel 16.07 -.11 -1.8 Clearwire 5.42 +.06 +5.2 HSBC 54.36 +.88 +6.5 Microsoft 25.52 -.24 -8.6 PubStrg 112.30 -.05 +10.7 Target 49.9
AMR 5.49 -.15 -29.5 Clorox 69.52 +.25 +9.9 Hallibrtn 50.48 +.80 +23.6 MdsxWatr 18.50 +.16 +.8 PulteGrp 7.78 -.37 +3.5 TastyBak 3.9

Boeing’s uneasy flight

ASM Intl 39.94 +.38 +14.1 Coach 57.65 +.39 +4.2 HanJS 14.42 +.01 -4.5 MitsuUFJ 4.52 -.05 -16.5 PPrIT 6.40 ... +1.9 TeckRes g 56.4
ASML Hld 40.77 -.91 +6.3 CocaCE 28.61 +.30 +14.3 HanmiFncl 1.33 -.10 +15.7 Molycorp n 68.24 -3.23 +36.8 Qihoo360 n 32.12 +.14 -5.5 Teleflex 60.9
AT&T Inc 30.68 +.55 +4.4 Coeur 32.05 +.44 +17.3 HarleyD 38.16 +.29 +10.1 Monsanto 67.52 -.01 -3.0 Qlogic 17.75 +.02 +4.3 TelefEsp s 25.8
AbtLab 51.80 +1.00 +8.1 ColgPal 80.65 -.62 +.3 HarmonyG 15.42 +.40 +23.0 MonstrWw 17.73 +.31 -25.0 Qualcom 56.94 +1.67 +15.1 TelMexL 18.5
AcadiaPh 2.24 +.05 +86.7 Comc spcl 23.74 +.45 +14.6 HarrisCorp 52.22 +.51 +15.3 Moog A 42.76 +.07 +7.4 QntmDSS 3.11 +.05 -16.4 Tellabs 5.4
AcadiaRlt 20.10 +.13 +10.2 Comerica 36.31 -.29 -14.0 Harsco 34.41 +.44 +21.5 Moog B 42.89 ... +7.8 Quepasa 7.72 +.84 -34.0 TempleInld 23.2
Accenture 56.81 +.76 +17.2 CmtyHlt 30.69 -.20 -17.9 HartfdFn 27.54 +.36 +4.0 MorgStan 26.48 +.44 -2.7 QstDiag 56.55 -1.31 +4.8 TmpDrgn 32.1
AcmePkt 77.03 +1.54 +44.9 CompPrdS 33.62 +1.24 +13.8 HawaiiEl 24.67 +.15 +8.2 Mosaic 76.77 +1.05 +.5 Quidel 12.15 -.02 -15.9 TenetHlth 6.7
ActionSemi 2.40 +.01 +11.6 ConAgra 24.12 -.24 +6.8 HltMgmt 10.31 -.21 +8.1 MotrlaSol n 44.20 +.20 +16.2 RAIT Fin 2.49 +.22 +13.7 Tenneco 43.6
ActivsBliz 11.32 +.03 -9.0 ConnWtrSv 25.27 +.22 -9.4 HeclaM 9.46 +.24 -16.0 MotrlaMo n 24.92 +.89 -14.4 RCM 5.61 +.20 +21.2 Teradyn 17.8
AdamsEx 11.24 +.02 +4.7 ConocPhil 80.73 +.74 +18.5 HercOffsh 5.71 +.02 +64.1 Mylan 24.66 -.13 +16.7 RF MicD 6.09 -.03 -17.1 Terex 34.8
AdobeSy 33.48 -.21 +8.8 ConsolEngy51.26 +1.00 +5.2 Hertz 17.08 +.23 +17.9 NCR Corp 19.15 +.04 +24.6 RPC s 26.36 +.93 +45.5 Tesoro 27.5
When the roof of a Boeing wouldn’t arrive until the AMD 8.71 +.08 +6.5 ConEd 50.68 -.03 +2.2 Hess 80.68 +.13 +5.4 NV Energy 14.90 +.03 +6.0 RPM 23.04 -.04 +4.3 TevaPhrm 45.0
737-300 ruptured during a flight end of this decade or the AEterna g 2.16 +.09 +25.6 ConsolWtr 10.38 +.09 +13.2 HewlettP 40.99 +.10 -2.6 NYSE Eur 39.03 -.05 +30.2 RSC Hldgs 13.74 +.74 +41.1 TexInst 35.5
Aetna 39.06 +2.04 +28.0 ConstellEn 33.10 -.19 +8.1 Hologic 21.84 -.11 +16.0 Nabors 31.93 -.05 +36.1 RadianGrp 5.52 +.12 -31.6 Textron 25.5
April 1, investors showed no reac- beginning of the next one. Agilent 49.34 +.70 +19.1 CooperTire 26.47 +.45 +12.3 HomeDp 37.80 -.14 +7.8 NatFuGas 72.92 -.34 +11.1 RadientPh .40 +.00 -60.1 ThermoFis 56.9
tion – even after Boeing admitted Boeing (BA) To close backlogs on the 787,
AirTran 7.33 -.02 -.8
AkamaiT 39.98 +.04 -15.0
CorinthC 4.23
CornPdts 54.07
HonwllIntl 60.72
Hospira 57.78
NatGrid 49.69 +.25 +12.0
NOilVarco 79.23 +.60 +17.8
RadioShk 15.83 -.08 -14.4
RangeRs 54.21 +1.26 +20.5
3M Co 93.9
TibcoSft 29.7
that it didn’t expect the skin of a 15- Close $75.44 747 and 737, Boeing will have to AlcatelLuc 6.14 +.05+107.4 Corning 20.39 -.08 +5.5 HostHotls 17.91 +.27 +.2 NatSemi 24.08 +.02 +75.0 RareEle g 13.66 -.39 -14.9 THorton g 48.0
Alcoa 16.97 +.33 +10.3 CovantaH 16.45 -.02 -4.3 HudsCity 9.46 -.07 -25.7 NeptuneT g 3.68 +.75 +48.4 Raytheon 48.75 -.04 +6.1 TimeWarn 36.5
year-old Southwest Airlines plane to 52-week range $59.48—76.00 increase production “to levels that AlignTech 24.99 +3.60 +27.9 Covidien 54.94 +1.07 +20.3 HuntBnk 6.68 +.28 -2.8 NetApp 51.02 +2.02 -7.2 11.25 +.71+112.7 TiVo Inc 10.1
wear out. The company’s stock is have never been seen before,” Allergan 78.10 +.44 +13.7 Cree Inc 39.04 -.64 -40.7 Huntsmn 19.95 +.44 +27.8 Netflix 252.22 +7.79 +43.6 RegionsFn 7.17 +.11 +2.4 TollBros 20.2
Price-earnings ratio 17 AlliData 90.25 +3.33 +27.1 CrownHold 37.83 +.08 +13.3 Hydrognc 4.88 -.09 +29.8 NewAmHi 10.26 -.04 +3.0 ReneSola 9.21 -.06 +5.4 Toreador 8.8
up 2 percent since then. The S&P (based on past 12 months) Gursky says. That will mean AlliBInco 7.63 -.02 -3.8 50.33 +1.15 +24.4 IAMGld g 20.51 +.43 +15.2 NDragon .06 +.02 +42.2 RepFBcp 2.83 +.06 +16.0 TorDBk g 87.1
AlliantEgy 38.64 +.17 +5.1 CubistPh 33.86 +.59 +58.2 INGPrRTr 6.27 +.02 +10.2 NwGold g 10.72 -.08 +9.8 RepubSvc 29.66 -.23 -.7
500 is up less than a percent. Dividend $1.68 higher expenses. Allstate 31.65 +.47 -.7 CybrOpt 9.11 +.04 +6.7 iShGold s 14.70 +.03 +5.8 NJ Rscs 42.67 +.31 -1.0 RschMotn 53.77 -.69 -7.5
Total SA 61.1
Toyota 77.8
Citigroup analyst Jason Gursky “The biggest risk is simply get- AlphaNRs 57.08 +.86 -4.9 CypSemi 20.93 +1.51 +12.6 iSAstla 28.04 +.33 +10.2 NY CmtyB 16.19 +.03 -14.1 Respnsys n 15.40 ... 0.0 TractSup s 60.9
Dividend yield 2.2% AlteraCp lf 45.99 +.36 +29.3 DCT Indl 5.67 +.06 +6.8 iShBraz 78.60 +.56 +1.6 NY Times 8.92 -.20 -9.0 Revlon 16.57 +.25 +68.4
doesn’t expect that the tear on the ting all that done,” Gursky says. In- Altria 26.06 -.09 +5.8 DNP Selct 9.64 +.04 +5.5 iSCan 33.84 +.26 +9.2 Newcastle 6.15 +.16 -8.2 ReynAm s 36.28 -.01 +11.2
TradeStatn 9.6
Southwest 737 will persuade Market value $56 billion vestors are also concerned about Amarin 16.92 +.95+106.3 DPL 30.32 +.15 +17.9 iShJapn 10.22 +.04 -6.3 NewfldExp 71.69 -.77 -.6 RioTinto s 73.14 +1.30 +2.1
TrCda g 42.0
Amazon 185.89 +2.02 +3.3 DR Horton 11.99 -.18 +.5 iShSing 14.38 +.17 +3.8 TrnsatlPet 2.8
NewmtM 59.23 +.38 -3.6 RiteAid 1.03 ... +16.6 Transocn 75.4
airlines to stop buying Boeing jets. 2009 2010 Boeing because the company’s Ameren 28.75 +.07 +2.0 DTE 49.47 +.07 +9.2 iSTaiwn 15.60 +.22 -.1 NewsCpA 17.48 +.19 +20.1 Riverbed s 35.82 +2.07 +1.8
AMovilA 56.34 -.16 -1.5 Danaher s 53.18 -.38 +12.7 iShSilver 45.54 +1.41 +50.9 Travelers 61.3
But he says investors do have defense and space business is Nexen g 24.24 +1.02 +5.9 RoyDShllA 74.69 +.54 +11.8 Travelzoo 94.2
Revenue $68 billion $64 billion AmApparel 1.24 +.03 -25.3 Darden 48.02 -.44 +3.4 iShChina25 46.37 +.38 +7.6 NextEraEn 55.51 -.17 +6.8 SpdrDJIA 124.79 +.45 +7.9 TriValley .7
other concerns about Boeing: vulnerable to cuts in the national AmCapLtd 10.03 +.26 +32.7 DeanFds 10.18 +.04 +15.2 iSSP500 134.21 +.59 +6.3 NiSource 19.12 +.03 +8.5 SpdrGold 146.74 +.24 +5.8 TrimbleN 51.2
Net income 1 billion 3 billion AEP 35.49 -.04 -1.4 Deere 95.25 +1.36 +14.7 iShEMkts 50.18 +.44 +5.3 NikeB 80.19 +.12 -6.1 S&P500ETF133.78 +.68 +6.4
The 787, an advanced airliner budget. Half of Boeing’s revenue AmExp 47.11 +.11 +9.8 Dell Inc 15.27 +.09 +12.7 iShB20 T 92.60 -.08 -1.6 NobleCorp 42.92 -.51 +20.0 SpdrHome 18.82 ... +8.2
TriQuint 12.7
21Vianet n 18.8
built to be lighter and more Airbus is moving up the debut comes from defense and space AmIntlGrp 32.16 -.19 -33.4 DeltaAir 9.05 -.02 -28.2 iS Eafe 62.07 +.40 +6.6 NokiaCp 8.63 +.04 -16.4 SpdrKbwBk 25.09 +.10 -3.2 TycoIntl 49.1
AmerMed 29.45 -.02 +56.2 DeltaPtr h .83 -.04 +8.7 iShR2K 84.45 +.62 +7.9 Nordstrm 47.31 +.30 +11.6 SpdrKbw RB26.02 +.13 -1.6
efficient, is three years behind of its A320neo, a short-to-medium work. “It’s going to be a pretty AmSupr 11.74 +.20 -58.9 DenburyR 22.86 -.50 +19.7 iShREst 60.63 +.43 +8.3 NorflkSo 66.27 -.41 +5.5 SpdrRetl 52.80 +.01 +9.2
UBS AG 18.6
AmTower 51.31 +.26 -.6 Dndreon 40.89 -.30 +17.1 ITT Corp 58.69 -.31 +12.6 UDR 24.6
schedule. The company hopes to range plane, by six months to tough decade for the Boeing mili- AmWtrWks 28.31 -.17 +11.9 DeutschBk 59.60 +1.28 +14.5 ITT Ed 73.99 +7.94 +16.2
NA Pall g 6.37 +.14 -8.2 SpdrOGEx 62.39 +.25 +18.3 US Airwy 8.1
NoestUt 34.37 +.22 +7.8 SpdrMetM 74.04 +.69 +7.6 USEC 4.4
deliver the first 787 later this year. October 2015. That is pressuring tary guys,” says Barclays Capital Ameriprise 63.52 +1.22 +10.4 DevelDiv 14.19 +.14 +.7 Illumina 69.80 +1.21 +10.2 NorthropG 61.74 -.09 +5.1 SPX Cp 82.96 +.14 +16.0
Ametek s 46.22 +.63 +17.8 Diageo 79.41 +.40 +6.8 Informat 53.10 +.10 +20.6 UniSrcEn 35.9
A new version of the 747 that’s Boeing to decide soon whether to analyst Joseph Campbell. “Inves- NwstNG 45.24 -.14 -2.6 Safeway 24.64 -.23 +9.6 UnilevNV 33.1
Amgen 53.69 -2.49 -2.2 DiaOffs 78.00 +1.60 +16.6 InfosysT 65.04 +.06 -14.5 NovaGld g 13.29 -.30 -6.9 StJoe 25.14 +.49 +15.1
planned as a cargo plane is nearly tinker with its best-selling 737 or tors are hopeful it will be flattish Anadarko 79.07 -1.08 +3.8 Diebold 36.50 -.11 +13.9 IngerRd 50.20 +1.37 +6.6 UnionPac 96.0
Novartis 57.09 -.83 -3.2 StJude 52.61 -.50 +23.1 Unisys 32.5
Annaly 17.58 +.15 -1.9 DirecTV A 47.00 +.48 +17.7 InglesMkts 18.57 -.20 -3.3 NovtlWrls 5.67 +.78 -40.6 Salesforce 139.87 -2.21 +6.0
two years behind schedule. build a new plane. A new plane and not down.” A123 Sys 6.05 +.18 -36.6 DrSCBr rs 34.40 -.76 -26.5 Intel 21.46 +.05 +2.0 Novell 6.08 -.01 +2.7 SanDisk 48.99 +.54 -1.7
UtdContl 20.8
UPS B 73.1
S&P 500 +28% Apache 123.32 -.59 +3.4
ApolloGrp 39.80 +1.12 +.8
DirFnBr rs 41.33
DrxFBull s 29.21
IBM 168.28
Intl Coal 10.87
NuanceCm 20.10 +.76 +10.6
Nucor 46.15 -.33 +5.3
SandRdge 12.60 +.13 +72.1
Sanofi 38.02 -.04 +18.0
UtdRentals 29.7
30% Apple Inc 350.70 +8.29 +8.7 DirxSCBull 88.59 +1.80 +22.3 IntlGame 16.33 +.32 -7.7 US Bancrp 25.1
Boeing stock has run behind the S&P 500 most of the time ApldMatl 15.25 -.03 +8.5 Discover 24.76 -.16 +33.6 IntPap 30.00 +.10 +10.1
NustarEn 66.63 +.03 -4.1
NuvFloat 12.66 +.03 +7.2
SaraLee 18.78 -.07 +7.3
SaulCntr 42.62 -.01 -10.0
US NGs rs 11.5
25 US OilFd 44.5
since the stock market began its rally Sept. 1. Arbitron 37.06 +.64 -10.7
ArchCoal 34.64 +1.21 -1.2
Disney 42.27
DomRescs 44.75
Interpublic 12.34
Intersil 14.48
NvMAd 12.94 -.03 -1.1 Schlmbrg 89.78 +1.89 +7.5
USSteel 51.7
20 ArcosDor n 23.67 -.37 +11.7 DoralFncl 1.30 -.03 -5.8 Intuit 55.35 -.72 +12.3
NvPA 13.02 ... -2.3 SchoolSp 14.11 -.09 +1.3
UtdTech 87.1
Nvidia 18.52 -.05 +20.3 Schwab 18.70 +.11 +9.3
ArenaPhm 1.24 +.01 -27.9 Dover 67.80 +.61 +16.0 Invesco 24.80 +.11 +3.1 UtdhlthGp 47.8
15 ArmHld 31.03 +.70 +49.5 DowChm 39.48 +1.25 +15.6 IronMtn 31.79 -1.21 +27.1
OCZ Tech 7.49 -.74 +55.4 SeagateT 18.15 -.07 +20.8
UnumGrp 25.8
Boeing OcciPet 100.53 -.33 +2.5 SearsHldgs 82.30 -.35 +11.6
AstraZen 49.93 +.18 +8.1 DryShips 4.68 +.02 -14.8 ItauUnibH 24.26 +.03 +1.5 UrbanOut 31.7
10 OfficeMax 12.89 +.32 -27.2 SelCmfrt 17.29 +4.02 +89.4

+25% Atmel 14.85 +.64 +20.5
ATMOS 33.42 -.06 +7.1
DuPont 55.91
DukeEngy 18.45
JAlexandr 5.88
J&J Snack 48.33
OilSvHT 161.73 +1.15 +15.1
Omnicom 48.75 +.52 +6.4
SemiHTr 35.77 +.12 +10.0
SempraEn 53.45 -.02 +1.8
Vale SA 33.5
Vale SA pf 29.9
AutoData 53.00 +.24 +14.5 DukeRlty 14.98 +.14 +20.2 JA Solar 6.36 +.09 -8.1 ValeantPh 52.4
’10 ’11 AvalRare n 9.32 +.44 +49.4 Dycom 14.87 -.09 +.8 JDS Uniph 20.00 +1.09 +38.1
OnSmcnd 9.95 +.06 +.7 ServiceCp 11.60 -.05 +40.6
ValenceT h 1.4
0 AvanirPhm 4.23 +.36 +3.7 ECDang n 24.00 -.04 -11.3 JPMorgCh 44.68 +.12 +5.3
OplinkC 19.58 +.60 +6.0 ShawGrp 37.94 +.10 +10.8
ValeroE 29.0
AveryD 41.59 -.11 -1.8 ETrade rs 16.47 +.55 +2.9 Jabil 19.91 +.28 -.9 Orexigen 3.17 +.25 -60.8 Siemens 139.09 +.54 +11.9 ValpeyFsh 3.1
Avon 28.89 +.04 -.6 eBay 31.95 +.19 +14.8 JanusCap 12.68 +.04 -2.2 OwensIll 30.10 +.16 -2.0 SifyTech 6.45 +.21+185.5 ValVis A 5.5
SOURCE: FactSet David Koenig, Elizabeth Gramling • AP BB&T Cp 25.98 -.61 -1.2 EMC Cp 28.45 +.49 +24.2 JpnSmCap 8.43 -.05 -6.0 VangEmg 50.7
PDL Bio 6.28 +.05 +.8 SilvWhtn g 42.36 +.66 +8.5
BHP BillLt 102.23 +1.11 +10.0 ENI 50.63 +.50 +15.8 JetBlue 5.39 -.11 -18.5 PECO pfA 70.56 ... +.8 SilvrcpM g 14.17 -.24 +10.4 VertxPh 49.3
BJs Whls 48.64 -.74 +1.5 ErthLink 8.17 +.08 -5.0 JohnJn 64.07 -.32 +3.6 VestinRMII 1.4
Mutual Funds BP PLC 46.03 +.12 +4.2
BP Pru 117.80 +.65 -6.9
Eastgrp 44.63
EKodak 3.22
JohnsnCtl 40.73
JnprNtwk 40.08
PICO Hld 31.65 +1.74 -.5
PMC Sra 7.23 +.02 -15.8
PMI Grp 2.01 +.15 -39.1
Sina 133.06 -9.77 +93.3
SiriusXM 1.93 +.06 +18.4
SkywksSol 28.19 +.27 -1.5
ViacomA 53.6
ViacomB 48.2
Baidu s 148.65 -.66 +54.0 Eaton s 53.89 +.39 +6.2 KB Home 11.42 -.31 -15.3 VirgnMda h 29.7
YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD PPG 94.64 +.10 +12.6 Smucker 73.59 -.62 +12.1
BakrHu 74.48 +.48 +30.3 ElPasoCp 19.28 +.24 +40.1 KLA Tnc 42.60 -2.03 +10.2 VirnetX 25.1
PPL Corp 26.90 -.11 +2.2 SnapOn 61.73 +.72 +9.1
Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn BallardPw 2.10 +.01 +40.0 Elan 7.97 -.43 +39.1 Kaydon 37.70 -.02 -7.4 Visa 77.7
Paccar 53.27 -.37 -7.1 95.69 +.78 +50.7
BallyTech 37.99 +.20 -10.0 EldorGld g 18.06 +.02 -2.7 Kellogg 55.38 -.21 +8.4 Vivus 7.5
Alliance Bernstein IntlStk 37.70 +.33 +5.6 Income C m 2.29 ... +6.1 ValueA m 24.25 +.09 +6.6 ValPlSvc m 14.55 +.12 +8.4 InfPrtAdm 26.24 -.05 +3.4 Pacholder 9.43 +.09 +11.6 SwstAirl 11.31 -.32 -12.9
BcoBrades 20.80 -.04 +2.5 ElectArts 20.41 -.09 +24.6 KeyEngy 15.97 +.40 +23.0 VMware 96.8
BalShrB m 14.73 +.06 +6.4 Stock 114.61 +.36 +6.7 IncomeAdv 2.26 ... +6.4 ValueI 24.36 +.09 +6.7 Schwab InfPrtI 10.69 -.02 +3.5 PallCorp 57.53 +.47 +16.0 SwstnEngy 40.54 -.25 +8.3
BcoSantSA 11.91 +.08 +11.8 EmersonEl 59.14 +.85 +3.4 Keycorp 8.35 ... -5.6 Vodafone 28.3
CoreOppA m 12.59 +.06 +9.4 Dreyfus NY TF A m 11.17 +.02 +0.9 MainStay 1000Inv d 39.85 +.22 +7.2 PatriotCoal 26.09 +1.56 +34.7 SpectraEn 28.00 +.10 +12.0
InflaPro 13.36 -.02 +3.4 BcoSBrasil 11.61 +.11 -14.6 EnbrEPtrs 66.85 +.31 +7.2 Kimco 18.67 +.10 +3.5 Vonage 5.1
American Beacon EmgLead ... ... +7.3 US Gov A m 6.74 ... +1.0 HiYldCorA m 6.02 +.01 +4.0 S&P500Sel d 20.92 +.11 +6.9 PattUTI 30.85 +.28 +43.2 SpectPh 9.31 +.23 +35.5
InstIdxI 122.43 +.64 +6.9 BkHawaii 47.75 +.16 +1.1 EnCana g 32.56 -.22 +11.8 KindME 76.04 +.38 +8.2 Vornado 92.2
LgCpVlInv 19.58 +.06 +5.7 TechGrA f 34.33 +.46 +5.7 FrankTemp-Mutual BkIrelnd 1.93 -.03 -27.2 Paychex 32.62 -.05 +5.5 SprintNex 4.81 +.01 +13.7
Manning & Napier Scout EndvSilv g 11.79 ... +60.6 Kinross g 15.35 -.02 -19.0 WABCO 69.1
LgCpVlIs 20.63 +.07 +5.8 Beacon Z 12.99 ... +5.5 InstPlus 122.44 +.65 +6.9 BkAtl A h .90 ... -21.7 Energen 62.29 +.27 +29.1 KnightTr 18.30 +.12 -3.7 PeabdyE 66.02 +1.12 +3.2 SprottSilv 22.11 +.44 +57.1
Eaton Vance WrldOppA 9.34 +.08 +8.5 Interntl d 34.57 +.27 +6.8 PennVaRs 27.91 +.34 -1.4 SprottGold 13.37 +.14 +8.3 WalMart 53.5
American Cent HiIncOppA m 4.48 ... +4.7 Discov A m 30.66 +.06 +5.0 Matthews Asian Selected InstTStPl 30.53 +.18 +7.4 Bar iPVix rs 24.88 -.77 -33.8 Energizer 71.18 +1.06 -2.4 KodiakO g 7.24 +.11 +9.7 Walgrn 42.6
Discov Z 31.04 +.06 +5.1 BarnesNob 10.24 -.42 -27.6 EngyConv 2.03 -.10 -55.9 Kohls 52.03 -.44 -4.3 Penney 37.39 -.19 +15.7 SP Matls 40.45 +.43 +5.3
EqIncInv 7.51 +.01 +4.5 HiIncOppB m 4.49 ... +4.4 PacTiger d 24.26 +.05 +3.5 AmerShS b 43.69 +.08 +5.4 IntlExpIn d 17.54 +.11 +5.2 PeopUtdF 13.20 +.36 -5.8 SP HlthC 34.25 +.10 +8.7 WalterEn 136.3
GrowthInv 27.74 +.20 +7.4 LrgCpValA m 18.75 +.06 +3.1 QuestZ 18.54 +.01 +4.8 American D 43.70 +.08 +5.5 IntlGr d 20.79 +.16 +7.5 BarrickG 55.63 +.82 +4.6 EngyTsfr 53.70 +.32 +3.6 KrispKrm 5.51 +.03 -21.1 WeathfIntl 20.6
Shares A m 21.84 +.02 +5.8 Merger Baxter 56.59 +2.07 +11.8 ENSCO 58.27 +1.24 +9.2 Kroger 24.51 +.27 +9.6 PepcoHold 18.43 +.03 +1.0 SP CnSt 30.90 +.01 +5.4
IncGroA m 25.68 +.18 +7.4 NatlMuniA m 8.72 +.02 -0.4 Merger m 16.22 ... +2.8 Sequoia IntlGrAdm d 66.17 +.50 +7.6 PeregrineP 2.41 ... +4.8 SP Consum39.91 +.22 +6.7 WellPoint 72.2
UltraInv 24.20 +.14 +6.8 NatlMuniB m 8.72 +.02 -0.6 Shares Z 22.02 +.02 +5.9 BedBath 57.30 +.28 +16.6 Entegris 8.89 +.64 +19.0 Kulicke 8.76 +.17 +21.7 WellsFargo 28.5
Metropolitan West Sequoia 145.21 +.62 +12.3 IntlStkIdxAdm d28.00+.18 +6.3 BerkHa A 123691 +1219 +2.7 Entergy 68.06 +.36 -3.9 L-1 Ident 11.66 -.10 -2.1 Petrohawk 27.19 +.28 +49.0 SP Engy 78.98 +.36 +15.7
American Funds PAMuniA m 8.54 +.02 +1.3 FrankTemp-Templeton PetrbrsA 34.28 +.48 +.3 SPDR Fncl 16.10 +.09 +.9 WendyArby 4.6
Fgn A m 7.65 +.05 +9.6 TotRetBdI 10.46 ... +2.3 T Rowe Price IntlStkIdxI d 112.02 +.73 +6.3 BerkH B 82.36 +.64 +2.8 EntPrPt 43.34 +.07 +4.2 LDK Solar 10.94 +.15 +8.1
AMCAPA m 20.08 +.17 +6.6 FMI TotRtBd b 10.46 ... +2.1 BlChpGr 40.74 +.35 +6.8 Petrobras 38.22 +.38 +1.0 SP Inds 37.63 +.11 +7.9 WernerEnt 26.4
BalA m 18.75 +.07 +5.1 LgCap 16.63 +.06 +6.5 GlBond A m 13.94 +.01 +4.1 IntlVal d 33.71 +.23 +4.8 BestBuy 30.12 +.02 -12.2 EntropCom 8.35 -.01 -30.9 LECG h .09 -.01 -93.8 WestellT 3.5
Morgan Stanley Instl CapApprec 21.37 +.06 +5.2 BigLots 41.49 -.59 +36.2 EnzoBio 3.79 -.02 -28.2 LSI Corp 6.86 +.08 +14.5 PetRes 30.48 +.17 +12.8 SP Tech 26.35 +.23 +4.6
BondA m 12.24 -.01 +1.4 FPA GlBond C m 13.97 +.01 +3.9 LTGradeAd 9.33 ... +1.7 Pfizer 19.79 -.60 +13.0 SP Util 32.24 ... +2.9 WDigital 41.2
GlBondAdv 13.91 +.02 +4.2 MdCpGrI 42.08 +.23 +12.7 DivGrow 24.36 +.09 +6.8 BioRadA 120.91 +.79 +16.4 EricsnTel 12.91 +.23 +12.0 LamResrch 48.98 -3.06 -5.4
CapIncBuA m 52.10 +.22 +5.4 Cres d 28.32 +.07 +5.7 DivrSmCap d 17.89 +.16 +13.1 LTInvGr 9.33 ... +1.6 PhilipMor 67.61 +1.13 +15.5 StdPac 3.77 -.17 -18.0 WstnRefin 18.9
CapWldBdA m20.95 +.05 +3.5 Growth A m 19.45 +.08 +9.3 Natixis BiogenIdc 99.70+13.13 +48.7 Exelon 40.65 +.11 -2.4 LancastrC 62.64 -.03 +9.5 WstnUnion 21.3
NewInc m 10.86 ... +1.1 EmMktStk d 36.99 +.22 +4.8 LifeCon 16.89 +.04 +3.7 Blackstone 19.31 +.31 +36.5 Expedia 23.84 +.25 -5.0 LVSands 45.97 +.12 0.0 PimcoHiI 13.95 +.02 +9.8 StanBlkDk 76.79 +.19 +14.8
CpWldGrIA m 37.86 +.25 +6.4 World A m 16.00 +.07 +7.8 InvBndY 12.44 +.01 +3.9 PimcoMuni 12.74 +.08 +1.0 Staples 20.66 -.01 -9.3 Weyerh 22.6
Fairholme Funds StratIncA m 15.44 +.02 +5.8 EqIndex d 36.05 +.19 +6.9 BlockHR 17.65 -.18 +48.2 ExpScrip s 56.17 +.22 +3.9 LeeEnt 2.00 -.09 -18.7
EurPacGrA m 44.22 +.27 +6.9 Franklin Templeton LifeGro 23.39 +.11 +6.0 PinWst 42.66 -.04 +2.9 StarScient 3.64 +.16 +86.7 WmsCos 31.9
Fairhome d 34.54 +.19 -2.9 EqtyInc 25.04 +.08 +6.1 Boeing 75.44 +.37 +15.6 ExxonMbl 86.36 +.71 +18.1 LeggMason 37.27 +.75 +2.8
FnInvA m 39.40 +.23 +7.7 FndAllA m 11.21 +.02 +7.2 StratIncC m 15.51 +.02 +5.5 LifeMod 20.52 +.07 +4.9 PitnyBw 25.64 -.01 +6.0 Starbucks 37.00 +.11 +15.2 Windstrm 12.6
Federated FinSer 14.62 +.07 +3.2 Boise Inc 8.81 +.05 +11.1 F5 Netwks 106.87 +7.13 -17.9 LennarA 18.91 -.17 +.9
GrthAmA m 32.38 +.24 +6.4 GE Neuberger Berman GrowStk 34.28 +.28 +6.6 MidCapGr 20.96 +.22 +10.3 PlumCrk 42.96 +.30 +14.7 StarwdHtl 60.79 +1.52 0.0 WiscEn s 30.0
HiIncA m 11.57 ... +4.8 KaufmanR m 5.81 +.03 +5.6 BostonSci 7.16 +.08 -5.4 Fastenal 65.54 +.70 +9.4 LeucNatl 37.27 +.38 +27.7
S&SProg 42.77 +.19 +6.3 GenesisIs 50.69 +.34 +10.3 HealthSci 35.07 +.11 +15.8 Polycom 51.90 +1.72 +33.1 StateStr 46.32 +.30 0.0 Worthgtn 20.9
IncAmerA m 17.44 +.03 +6.4 Fidelity MidCp 22.24 +.15 +9.5 BrMySq 27.82 +.12 +5.1 FifthThird 13.16 -.16 -10.4 Level3 1.63 +.03 +66.3
GMO GenesisTr 52.50 +.35 +10.2 HiYield d 6.96 +.01 +4.9 Popular 3.16 +.09 +.6 StlDynam 18.55 +.07 +1.4 Wyndham 32.7
IntBdAmA m 13.43 ... +0.7 AstMgr20 13.08 +.02 +2.7 SmCpGrInv 19.88 +.15 +11.2 MidCpAdml 100.98 +.70 +9.6 Broadcom 40.40 +.86 -7.2 Finisar 26.75 +.89 -9.9 LibGlobA 44.95 -.73 +27.0
EmgMktsVI 15.78 +.11 +8.1 IntlBnd d 10.35 +.06 +4.9 Broadwind 1.72 +.13 -25.5 FstHorizon 10.35 -.38 -12.1 LibtyMIntA 16.49 +.03 +4.6 Potash s 57.96 +.68 +12.3 StillwtrM 21.70 +.06 +1.6 XL Grp 24.1
IntlGrInA m 33.56 +.27 +8.0 AstMgr50 16.09 +.06 +4.7 MidCpIst 22.31 +.16 +9.6 XcelEngy 24.0
IntItVlIV 23.46 +.16 +7.5 Northern IntlDisc d 46.55 +.29 +6.0 BrcdeCm 5.96 +.03 +12.7 FstNiagara 13.89 -.06 -.6 LillyEli 36.26 +.13 +3.5 Power-One 7.69 +.13 -24.6 Stryker 58.51 +.10 +9.0
InvCoAmA m 29.46 +.16 +5.1 Bal 19.14 +.08 +5.3 Xerox 10.2
QuIII 21.24 +.07 +6.2 HYFixInc d 7.50 ... +5.0 IntlGrInc d 14.43 +.11 +8.4 MidCpSgl 31.87 +.22 +9.6 Brunswick 27.01 +.99 +44.1 FirstEngy 38.88 -.01 +5.0 LimelghtN 6.94 -.04 +19.4 PwshDB 31.71 +.23 +15.1 SubPpne 56.55 +.23 +.8
MutualA m 26.69 +.09 +6.0 BlChGrow 48.87 +.47 +7.8 Xilinx 31.7
QuVI 21.24 +.07 +6.2 MMIntlEq d 10.38 ... +4.4 IntlStk d 15.10 +.10 +6.1 Morg 19.42 +.17 +7.7 Buckeye 64.17 +.52 -4.0 FlagstB rs 1.29 +.02 -20.9 Limited 39.37 +.18 +28.1 PS USDBull21.24 -.09 -6.5 Suncor gs 45.25 +.68 +18.2
NewEconA m 27.11 +.23 +7.0 Canada d 63.07 +.44 +8.5 YRC Ww rs 2.0
Goldman Sachs Oakmark IntlStkAd m 15.05 +.11 +6.1 CA Inc 24.16 -.05 -1.1 Flextrn 7.29 +.12 -7.1 LincNat 29.83 +.62 +7.3 PwShs QQQ58.34 +.47 +7.1 Sunoco 42.17 +.58 +4.6
NewPerspA m30.49 +.22 +6.5 CapApr 26.84 +.24 +5.9 MuHYAdml 10.03 +.01 +0.8 Yahoo 16.8
HiYieldIs d 7.45 +.01 +4.5 EqIncI 29.38 +.12 +5.9 LatinAm d 56.84 +.22 +0.2 CB REllis 29.70 +.04 +45.0 Fonar 1.74 +.01 +33.8 LinearTch 34.21 -.32 -1.1 Praxair 106.51 +.28 +11.6 SunPowerA 15.90 +.61 +23.9
NwWrldA m 56.85 +.28 +4.1 CapInc d 9.88 +.02 +6.4 MuInt 13.31 +.02 +1.5 Yamana g 12.7
MidCapVaA m37.99 +.23 +5.8 Intl I d 20.44 +.19 +5.3 MediaTele 57.23 +.22 +10.7 CBS B 24.80 +.20 +30.2 FootLockr 21.14 +.07 +7.7 LizClaib 6.16 +.27 -14.0 PriceTR 64.08 -2.29 -.7 SunriseSen 10.58 +.94 +94.1
SmCpWldA m41.23 +.24 +6.1 Contra 71.79 +.44 +6.1 MuIntAdml 13.31 +.02 +1.5 YingliGrn 11.5
MidCpVaIs 38.31 +.24 +6.0 Oakmark I d 44.17 +.22 +6.9 MidCapVa 25.20 +.16 +6.3 CH Engy 51.10 +.39 +4.5 FordM 15.43 +.34 -8.1 LloydBkg 3.92 +.08 -4.6 PrinFncl 31.81 +.27 -2.3 Suntech 8.70 -.25 +8.6
TaxEBdAmA m11.78 +.01 +0.9 DiscEq 24.52 +.16 +8.8 YumBrnds 53.6
Old Westbury MidCpGr 64.39 +.60 +10.0 MuLTAdml 10.64 +.01 +1.0 CIT Grp 42.20 -1.06 -10.4 ForestLab 32.55 -.83 +1.8 4.41 +.19 -32.0 PrUShS&P 20.51 -.21 -13.7 SunTrst 27.10 -.53 -8.2
USGovSecA m13.89 ... +0.4 DivGrow 30.56 +.17 +7.5 Harbor ZST Digtl 2.6
GlbSmMdCp 16.63 +.12 +7.5 NewAmGro 35.43 +.24 +7.4 MuLtdAdml 11.01 ... +0.8 CMS Eng 19.43 +.04 +4.5 FortuneBr 63.68 +.62 +5.7 LockhdM 77.78 -.10 +11.3 ProUltQQQ 92.65 +1.45 +13.8 Supvalu 10.97 -.04 +13.9
WAMutInvA m29.04 +.11 +7.3 DivrIntl d 32.16 +.21 +6.7 Bond 12.28 +.01 +2.3
NewAsia d 19.88 +.07 +3.6 CSS Inds 18.77 -.11 -8.9 FMCG s 54.84 +1.54 -8.7 Lowes 26.67 +.01 +6.3 PrUShQQQ rs49.23 -.77 -15.4 SwisherH n 8.85 -.24 +86.3 Zalicus 2.8
Artio Global EmgMkt d 27.86 +.28 +5.7 CapApInst 39.41 +.35 +7.3 Oppenheimer MuShtAdml 15.88 ... +0.6
NewEra 57.04 +.60 +9.4 CSX 74.65 +.62 +15.5 FDelMnt 26.51 +.20 +6.3 LyonBas A 42.73 +.73 +24.2 ProUltSP 54.14 +.53 +12.7 Symantec 19.03 +.09 +13.7 Zimmer 62.2
IntlEqI 31.97 +.27 +6.1 EqInc 47.22 +.13 +7.0 IntlInstl d 65.74 +.50 +8.6 CapApA m 46.18 +.38 +6.0 PrecMtls d 28.18 +.47 +5.6
NewHoriz 37.67 +.26 +12.5 CalaStrTR 9.73 +.06 +5.1 FrontierCm 8.04 +.07 -17.4 MBIA 10.89 +.34 -9.2 ProUShL20 36.67 +.07 -1.0 Synovus 2.59 +.07 -1.9 ZionBcp 23.6
IntlEqIII 13.23 +.12 +6.2 EqInc II 19.44 +.04 +6.8 IntlInv m 65.07 +.49 +8.4 CapApB m 40.69 +.33 +5.7
NewIncome 9.50 ... +1.2 Prmcp d 70.21 +.55 +6.7 Cameco g 29.09 +.07 -28.0 FuelCell 1.69 +.01 -26.8 MEMC 11.69 +.07 +3.8 ProUSSP50015.46 -.23 -20.4 Sysco 29.00 +.12 -1.4 ZollMed 46.9
ExpMulNat d 23.19 +.13 +6.3 Hartford DevMktA m 37.21 +.25 +2.0
Artisan FF2015 11.91 +.04 +5.0 R2015 12.54 +.06 +5.5 PrmcpAdml d 72.86 +.56 +6.7 Cameron 54.53 -.35 +7.5 FultonFncl 10.87 -.01 +5.1 MFA Fncl 7.74 -.03 -5.1 ProUSSlv rs14.74 -1.04 -62.5 TCF Fncl 15.32 +.47 +3.4 Zweig 3.5
Intl d 23.74 +.18 +9.4 AdvHLSIA 20.21 +.05 +4.6 DevMktY 36.84 +.26 +2.1 ProSUltSilv340.96+20.40+115.0 TCW Strat 5.48 +.03 +5.0 ZweigTl 3.4
FF2035 12.26 +.06 +6.9 R2025 12.79 +.07 +6.2 PrmcpCorI d 14.70 +.08 +6.8 CampSp 32.89 -.44 -5.4 GabDvInc 16.65 +.16 +8.4 MMT 6.79 +.03 -1.6
IntlVal d 28.62 +.08 +5.6 CapAprA m 35.73 +.20 +3.2 GlobA m 65.21 +.47 +8.0
FF2040 8.57 +.04 +7.0 R2035 13.06 +.08 +6.8 CdnNRs gs 46.62 +.20 +5.0 GabelliET 6.16 +.06 +8.6 MGIC 8.07 +.62 -20.8
MdCpVal 22.57 +.11 +12.4 CapAprI 35.76 +.19 +3.2 GoldMinA m 50.79 +.41 +1.9 REITIdx d 19.94 +.14 +9.2
Rtmt2010 16.10 +.06 +5.0 CapOne 53.26 +2.73 +25.1 GameStop 26.54 +.19 +16.0 MGM Rsts 13.39 -.01 -9.8
37.27 +.25 +10.8
FltRtHiIn d
34.93 +.25 +8.7
9.89 ... +1.8
14.26 +.05 +4.9
CpApHLSIA 44.76 +.28 +5.7
DvGrHLSIA 20.80 +.10 +6.7
IntlBondA m 6.71 +.02 +3.5
IntlBondY 6.71 +.03 +3.6
MainStrA m 33.48 +.13 +3.4
17.40 +.09
18.40 +.10
REITIdxAd d 85.07 +.56
STBond 10.54 ...
CapsteadM 12.91 +.07 +2.5
Carnival 37.61 +.06 -18.4
Gannett 15.23
Gap 21.99
Macys 24.16
Manitowoc 22.64
Foreign Exchange & Met
TRBdHLSIA 11.10 ... +1.9 Rtmt2040 18.59 +.11 +6.7
Asset b 60.12 +.64 +8.8 Free2020 14.56 +.05 +5.6 RocMuniA m 14.67 +.02 -2.0 STBondAdm 10.54 ... +0.6 Caterpillar 109.42 +1.58 +16.8 Garmin 34.15 +.19 +10.2 Manulife g 17.65 +.18 +2.7
Growth b 55.90 +.34 +9.1 Hussman ShTmBond 4.85 ... +0.7 CedarF 19.24 +.04 +26.9 GenElec 19.95 -.45 +9.1 MarathonO 53.84 +.52 +45.4 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO.
Free2025 12.23 +.06 +6.2 RochNtlMu m 6.50 ... +0.2 STBondSgl 10.54 ... +0.6
SmCap b 26.36 +.25 +10.8 StratGrth d 12.18 +.02 -0.9 SmCpStk 37.93 +.35 +10.2 CelSci .69 +.01 -16.1 GenGrPr n 15.93 +.30 +2.9 MktVGold 62.63 +.53 +1.9
Free2030 14.65 +.07 +6.4 StrIncA m 4.41 +.01 +4.7 USD per British Pound 1.6517 +.0110 +.67% 1.5713
INVESCO SmCpVal d 38.70 +.26 +7.1 STCor 10.76 ... +1.2 CeleraGrp 8.00 -.06 +27.0 GenMarit 2.13 -.04 -34.5 MarIntA 35.87 +.59 -13.6
Bernstein GNMA 11.50 ... +1.3 PIMCO
DiversMui 14.29 +.01 +1.2 GovtInc 10.43 ... +0.7 CharterA m 17.25 +.03 +6.7 SpecGrow 18.94 +.12 +7.0 STFedAdml 10.77 -.01 +0.5 Celgene 56.40 -.26 -4.6 GenMills s 37.91 -.10 +6.5 MarshM 29.78 +.38 +8.9 Canadian Dollar .9536 -.0010 -.10% 1.0271
ComstockA m 16.80 +.09 +7.2 AllAssetI 12.62 +.04 +5.3 SpecInc 12.60 +.02 +3.2 CellTher rsh .39 -.00 +6.6 GenMot n 30.95 +1.02 -16.0 MarshIls 8.13 +.09 +17.5
IntDur 13.80 ... +1.8 GrowCo 92.19 +.75 +10.9 STGradeAd 10.76 ... +1.2
TxMIntl 16.28 +.12 +3.5 GrowInc 19.36 +.07 +6.0 ConstellB m 22.05 +.16 +5.4 AllAuthIn 11.04 +.04 +5.1 TaxFHiYld 10.25 +.01 +0.3 Cemex 8.85 +.17 -14.1 GenOn En 3.79 +.20 -.5 MarvellT 15.70 -.22 -15.4 USD per Euro 1.4544 +.0030 +.21% 1.3933
ComRlRStI 10.05 +.09 +11.1 STsryAdml 10.69 ... +0.4
HiInc d 9.21 ... +4.9 CpGrA m 14.49 +.15 +7.4 Value 24.98 +.07 +7.0 CenterPnt 18.28 +.17 +16.3 Gentex 30.41 +1.75 +2.9 Masco 13.40 -.10 +5.8 Japanese Yen 81.90 -.47 -.57% 81.27
BlackRock DevLocMktI 11.14 +.04 +5.7 SelValu d 20.31 +.15 +8.3
Indepndnc 26.43 +.24 +8.5 EqIncomeA m 9.01 +.03 +5.4 ValueAd b 24.72 +.07 +7.0 CFCda g 24.80 +.27 +19.6 Genworth 12.02 -.02 -8.5 MassMCp s 16.50 +.11 +8.0
EqDivA m 18.73 +.06 +7.3 DivIncInst 11.57 ... +2.9 SmCapIdx 38.09 +.31 +9.6 Mexican Peso 11.6069 -.0020 -.02% 12.3880
IntBond 10.60 ... +1.4 GlobEqA m 11.60 +.08 +8.0 Templeton CVtPS 22.85 -.03 +4.5 Gerdau 12.13 -.01 -13.3 Mastec 22.59 +1.19 +54.8
EqDivI 18.76 +.05 +7.4 HiYldIs 9.50 ... +4.4
IntMuniInc d 10.03 +.01 +1.2 GrowIncA m 20.41 +.08 +6.5 InFEqSeS 21.69 +.14 +8.2 SmCpIdAdm 38.13 +.31 +9.6 CntryLink 39.51 -.04 -14.4 GileadSci 39.06 -1.72 +7.8 Mattel 26.67 -.26 +4.9
GlobAlcA m 20.42 +.08 +5.1 InvGrdIns 10.68 ... +3.5
GlobAlcC m 19.03 +.08 +4.9 IntlDisc d 34.95 +.28 +5.8 PacGrowB m 22.58 +.22 +1.2 Third Avenue SmCpIdIst 38.13 +.31 +9.7 Checkpnt 20.38 +.16 -.8 GlaxoSKln 41.38 -.06 +5.5 MaximIntg 26.15 +.56 +10.7 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO.
TaxESecY 10.33 +.01 +0.8 LowDrA m 10.50 +.01 +1.7 Cheesecake29.42 -1.18 -4.0 GlimchRt 9.29 +.04 +10.6 McClatchy 3.41 -.02 -27.0
GlobAlcI d 20.52 +.08 +5.2 InvGrdBd 7.46 ... +1.9 LowDrIs 10.50 +.01 +1.8 Value d 54.06 +.19 +4.4 SmGthIdx 24.58 +.25 +12.1 Copper 4.40 4.34 +1.42 +16.49
LatinAm d 60.22 +.27 +2.0 Ivy ChesEng 32.69 +.48 +26.2 GoldFLtd 17.95 +.07 -1.0 McCorm 47.92 -.28 +3.0
CGM RealRet 11.63 -.02 +3.4 Thornburg SmGthIst 24.64 +.26 +12.2 Chevron 108.13 +.32 +18.5 Goldcrp g 55.67 +.74 +21.1 McDrmInt s 23.53 +.52 +13.7
Focus 32.96 +.25 -5.3 LevCoSt d 31.01 +.27 +9.1 AssetStrA m 26.68 +.21 +9.3
RealRtnA m 11.63 -.02 +3.3 IntlValA m 30.11 +.14 +7.5 Gold 1503.20 1498.30 +0.33 +13.47
LowPriStk d 41.83 +.31 +9.0 AssetStrC m 25.87 +.20 +9.0 SmValIdx 17.13 +.10 +7.0 Chimera 3.94 +.02 -4.1 GoldStr g 3.10 +.11 -32.5 McDnlds 76.91 -1.49 +.2
Mutual 28.49 +.14 -3.3 ShtTermIs 9.91 ... +0.9 IntlValI d 30.77 +.14 +7.6 ChinaSecur 5.55 +.72 +4.1 GoldmanS 153.51 +.81 -8.7 McGrwH 39.80 +.45 +9.3 Platinum 1833.70 1816.30 +0.96 +9.84
Realty 29.22 +.32 +9.1 Magellan 76.27 +.29 +6.4 JPMorgan TotRetA m 10.98 ... +2.1 Star 20.04 +.08 +5.0
Tweedy Browne ChinaUni 20.60 +.71 +44.6 Goodrich 88.03 +.48 0.0 MedcoHlth 58.13 -.49 -5.1
MidCap d 31.17 +.24 +8.0 CoreBondA m 11.50 ... +1.2 TotRetAdm b 10.98 ... +2.2 GlobVal d 24.81 +.13 +4.2 StratgcEq 20.56 +.16 +12.2 Silver 46.06 44.46 +3.59 +99.20
Calamos MuniInc d 12.26 +.01 +1.2 Chipotle 277.30 -10.80 +30.4 Goodyear 15.96 +.39 +34.7 Medtrnic 40.84 +.16 +10.1
CoreBondSelect11.49 ... +1.2 TotRetC m 10.98 ... +1.9 TgtRe2010 23.23 +.06 +4.1 Palladium 768.75 758.60 +1.34 +31.12
GrowA m 57.94 +.49 +8.5 NewMktIn d 15.71 +.01 +2.1 VALIC Co I ChurchDwt 79.76 +.08 +15.6 Google 525.10 -.63 -11.6 MelcoCrwn 10.00 ... +57.2
HighYldSel d 8.40 +.01 +4.9 TotRetIs 10.98 ... +2.2
Columbia OTC 61.03 +.60 +11.1 IntmdTFSl 10.83 +.01 +1.4 StockIdx 26.50 +.14 +6.9 TgtRe2015 12.99 +.05 +4.6
AcornA m 31.55 +.29 +7.9 TotRetrnD b 10.98 ... +2.1
Overseas d 34.67 +.30 +6.7 ShDurBndSel 10.99 +.01 +0.6 Vanguard TgtRe2020 23.21 +.09 +5.0
42.76 +.24 +4.5
32.60 +.30 +8.0
Puritan 18.92 +.09 +6.0
RealInv d 27.92 +.17 +8.7
USLCpCrPS 21.64 +.16 +4.7
10.98 ... +2.2
123.29 +.65
123.28 +.65
TgtRe2030 22.96 +.11
TgtRe2035 13.92 +.07
Story Stocks
DivrEqInA m 10.70 +.06 +6.3 Series100Index 9.25 +.04 +5.8 EqIncInv 27.75 ... +5.7 AssetA 25.93 +.10 +6.1
ValRestrZ 53.14 +.44 +5.4 ShTmBond 8.48 ... +0.7
OverseasJ d 50.76 +.38 +0.2
Permanent BalIdxAdm 22.29 +.08 +4.8 TgtRe2040 22.88 +.12 +6.4 Strong earnings reports from blue chip companies in way ahead of analysts' estimates. Strong
PerkinsMCVJ 24.16 +.06 +7.0
DFA SmCapStk d 21.23 +.17 +8.3 TwentyJ 67.60 +.48 +2.8 Portfolio 48.87 +.28 +6.7 BalIdxIns 22.29 +.08 +4.8 TgtRe2045 14.37 +.08 +6.4 lifted stocks across the market Thursday. The Dow sults were tempered by a weaker-than-exp
1YrFixInI 10.34 ... +0.3 StratInc 11.30 +.01 +3.8 Pioneer CAITAdml 10.77 +.02 +1.8 TgtRetInc 11.58 +.02 +3.2
2YrGlbFII 10.18 ... +0.3 StratRRet d 10.03 +.03 +5.2 John Hancock
LifAg1 b 13.14 +.08 +7.0 PioneerA m 43.03 +.15 +5.2 CapOp d 35.55 +.24 +6.9 Tgtet2025 13.31 +.06 +5.5
rose 0.2 percent. The S&P 500 rose 0.5 percent. job market report. New claims for unemploy
TotalBd 10.81 ... +1.9 CapOpAdml d82.13 +.55 +7.0
5YrGlbFII 10.98 ... +0.9
EmMkCrEqI 23.12 +.17 +4.3 USBdIdx 11.35 ... +1.1 LifBa1 b 13.55 +.06 +5.5 Principal
CapVal 11.87 +.09 +7.7 TotBdAdml 10.59 ... +0.9 The Nasdaq rose 0.6 percent. Apple Inc. rose benefits fell last week, but by less than eco
LifGr1 b 13.64 +.07 +6.2 L/T2020I 12.37 +.06 +6.1
EmMktValI 37.66 +.26 +4.1 Value 74.65 +.48 +8.7
RegBankA m 14.64 +.01 -0.1 SAMConGrB m13.88+.06 +5.8 Convrt d 14.03 +.05 +5.4 TotBdInst 10.59 ... +1.0 nearly 3 percent after its sales and income came had expected.
IntSmCapI 18.53 +.11 +7.7 Fidelity Advisor DevMktIdx d 10.72 +.07 +6.6 TotBdMkInv 10.59 ... +0.9
SovInvA m 16.77 +.07 +7.0 Prudential Investmen
USCorEq1I 11.85 +.07 +7.9 NewInsA m 21.08 +.12 +5.8 TaxFBdA m 9.48 +.01 +0.7 2020FocA m 17.03 +.07 +7.2
DivGr 15.37 +.07 +6.9 TotBdMkSig 10.59 ... +0.9 SLM SLM Unitedhealth Group UNH Verizon
USCorEq2I 11.84 +.07 +8.1 NewInsI 21.30 +.13 +5.9 EmMktIAdm d41.92 +.30 +5.2
Keeley BlendA m 18.45 +.12 +7.2 TotIntl d 16.74 +.11 +6.2
USLgCo 10.56 +.06 +7.0 StratIncA m 12.63 +.01 +3.8
SmCapVal m 27.13 +.27 +8.7 EqOppA m 14.81 +.07 +6.7
EnergyAdm d138.42 +.98 +14.4 Close: $16.31 1.85 or 12.8% Close: $47.81 3.57 or 8.1% Close: $36.91 -0.88 or -2.3
USLgValI 21.96 +.13 +9.4 ValStratT m 27.90 +.13 +7.8 EnergyInv d 73.71 +.52 +14.4 TotStIAdm 33.75 +.19 +7.4
USMicroI 14.83 +.11 +7.8 Lazard HiYieldA m 5.63 ... +4.5 ExplAdml 75.11 +.63 +10.7 TotStIIns 33.76 +.20 +7.4 The student loan company said it The health insurer’s profit grew as it Sales of Apple’s iPhones are
Fidelity Select IntlEqtyA m 6.66 +.05 +7.6
USSmValI 27.62 +.19 +8.0 Gold d 53.02 +.58 +3.8 EmgMkEqtI d 22.09 +.07 +1.4
IntlValA m 22.10 +.12 +7.3
Explr 80.68 +.68 +10.7 TotStISig 32.58 +.19 +7.4 would pay a 10 cent quarterly divi- reversed last year’s enrollment loss- ing Verizon lure new high-pay
USSmallI 23.25 +.18 +8.9 EmgMktEqO m22.48 +.07 +1.3 ExtdIdAdm 45.07 +.34 +9.2
Pharm d 13.51 -.02 +11.7 JenMidCapGrA m30.12+.22+10.0 ExtdIdIst 45.07 +.34 +9.2 TotStIdx 33.74 +.19 +7.3 dend, its first since 2007 due to es and benefited from slower in- subscribers, but Wall Street a
DWS-Scudder Legg Mason/Western
EnhEMFIS d 10.88 +.01 +1.3
Fidelity Spartan
CrPlBdIns 10.89 ... +2.2
JennGrA m 19.34 +.17 +7.1 ExtndIdx 45.04 +.35 +9.2 TxMIn d 12.34 +.08 +6.6 growth in its loan portfolio. creases in health care use. lysts had expected even mor
ExtMktIdI d 40.98 +.31 +8.7 NaturResA m 60.88 +.49 +6.7 FAWeUSIns d99.89 +.65 +6.5 TxMSCInv d 29.34 +.21 +8.0
HlthCareS d 27.13 +.12 +11.4 IntlIdxIn d 37.47 +.28 +6.9 MgdMuniA m 14.92 +.02 +0.3 SmallCoA m 22.28 +.19 +9.8 GNMA 10.78 ... +1.4
$18 $50 $40
LAEqS d 52.70 +.32 -0.8 TotMktIdAg d 38.98 +.22 +7.3 Longleaf Partners UtilityA m 11.04 +.04 +8.4 USValue 11.01 +.06 +9.0
GNMAAdml 10.78 ... +1.4
Davis TotMktIdI d 38.98 +.22 +7.3 LongPart 30.77 +.28 +8.9 ValueA m 15.91 +.09 +8.0 GlbEq 19.21 +.14 +7.6
ValIdxIns 22.25 +.07 +7.6 16 45 38
NYVentA m 36.21 +.08 +5.4 USEqIndxAg 47.37 +.25 +6.9 Loomis Sayles Putnam WellsI 22.36 +.01 +3.9
GrowthEq 11.54 +.08 +7.0
NYVentC m 34.94 +.07 +5.2 USEqIndxI 47.37 +.25 +6.9 BondI 14.86 +.02 +5.5 GrowIncA m 14.36 +.07 +6.3 GrowthIdx 33.56 +.25 +6.4 WellsIAdm 54.17 +.02 +4.0 14 40 36
NYVentY 36.61 +.08 +5.5 First Eagle BondR b 14.80 +.02 +5.4 GrowIncB m 14.10 +.06 +6.0 GrthIdAdm 33.57 +.26 +6.5 Welltn 32.48 +.12 +5.1
Delaware Invest GlbA m 48.67 +.22 +5.0 Lord Abbett IncomeA m 6.84 +.01 +3.2 GrthIstId 33.57 +.26 +6.5 12 35 34
DiverIncA m 9.28 ... +2.1 OverseasA m 23.44 ... +3.4 AffiliatA m 12.17 +.07 +5.3 MultiCapGrA m54.44 +.48 +7.6 HYCor d 5.84 +.01 +4.7
WelltnAdm 56.10 +.21 +5.1 J F M A J F M A J F M
Dimensional Investme FrankTemp-Franklin BondDebA m 8.07 +.01 +5.2 VoyagerA m 24.66 +.14 +4.0 HYCorAdml d 5.84 +.01 +4.8 WndsIIAdm 48.96 +.25 +7.5 52-week range 52-week range 52-week range
IntCorEqI 12.01 +.08 +6.9 CA TF A m 6.59 +.01 -0.6 ShDurIncA m 4.61 ... +1.5 Royce HltCrAdml d 56.48 +.30 +10.2 Wndsr 14.34 +.04 +6.1
IntlSCoI 18.34 +.12 +6.8 Fed TF A m 11.36 +.01 +1.4 ShDurIncC m 4.64 ... +1.3 LowStkSer m 19.72 +.14 +8.0 HlthCare d 133.84 +.71 +10.2
$9.85 $16.86 $27.13 $48.90 $25.99 $
WndsrAdml 48.41 +.16 +6.2
IntlValuI 19.66 +.12 +7.3 GrowB m 45.20 +.25 +5.6 MFS OpportInv d 12.78 +.09 +5.8 ITBondAdm 11.16 ... +1.1
Dodge & Cox Growth A m 47.24 +.26 +5.8 MAInvA m 20.40 +.10 +6.1 PAMutInv d 12.77 +.08 +9.6 ITGradeAd 9.89 +.01 +2.1
WndsrII 27.58 +.14 +7.4 Vol.: 14.6m (3.8x avg.) PE: 15.1 Vol.: 18.4m (2.9x avg.) PE: 11.7 Vol.: 30.0m (1.8x avg.) P
Bal 73.82 +.17 +5.7 HY TF A m 9.58 ... +1.1 MAInvC m 19.70 +.09 +5.9 PremierInv d 22.67 +.17 +11.4 ITIGrade 9.89 +.01 +2.0 Yacktman Mkt. Cap: $8.6 b Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $52.29 b Yield: 1.0% Mkt. Cap: $103.35 b Yield
Income 13.37 +.01 +2.1 Income A m 2.27 ... +6.3 TotRetA m 14.63 +.04 +4.3 TotRetInv d 14.03 +.05 +6.7 ITrsyAdml 11.30 ... +0.5 Yacktman d 17.81 +.06 +7.7


NATIONAL FORECAST: A storm system extending from the northern Plains, across the Mississippi

SUNDAY Valley and into the Ohio Valley will bring showers and storms to much of the eastern United States
Morning Cloudy,
today. Potentially severe thunderstorms will be possible across the central Plains. The Mid-Atlantic
showers and portions of the Northeast will see storms as well.
Cloudy, a rain

shower late
62° 65°
48° 48°
45/30 48/38
Partly Partly Mostly Morning
sunny sunny, sunny, rain possible 48/43 53/42 Due to a very
warm warm active storm
70° 75° 75° 60° 61/48 72/47
track this week
55° 55° 50° 40° 61/34 skies are once
again turning
cloudy this
morning, and it'll
The Poconos 90/60 90/71
Today’s high/ Syracuse Highs: 46-52. Lows: 35-40. Mostly cloudy, remain rather
Tonight’s low chance of thunderstorms. 89/73
cold through the
56/39 afternoon with
46/36 87/72 85/74
no sun. As a
Binghamton The Jersey Shore 45/36 warm front
48/39 Highs: 47-51. Lows: 42-45. Mostly cloudy, approaches
breezy at times, chance of scattered City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow tonight, rain will
Towanda showers late.
49/40 Anchorage 48/37/.00 46/36/r 50/35/r Myrtle Beach 84/64/.00 70/66/c 83/64/pc arrive this
Scranton 54/40
Atlanta 81/61/.04 76/63/pc 83/64/s Nashville 65/47/.00 82/63/pc 82/63/t evening with
50/40 The Finger Lakes Baltimore 63/50/.00 53/45/t 72/60/t New Orleans 87/74/.00 85/70/pc 83/70/s heavier rain
Wilkes-Barre Highs: 48-55. Lows: 36-42. Partly to most- Boston 56/42/.00 50/38/s 54/48/r Norfolk 73/58/.00 59/53/sh 79/63/pc
52/40 Buffalo 43/36/.00 50/40/c 60/39/r Oklahoma City 64/50/.00 87/57/t 67/55/t
moving in
ly cloudy, chance of showers late. tomorrow morn-
Charlotte 75/61/.00 65/56/sh 80/61/s Omaha 50/37/.00 62/40/sh 55/40/c
Pottsville New York City Chicago 50/32/.00 52/46/sh 58/43/c Orlando 91/63/.00 87/65/pc 87/66/pc ing. I think our
State College 49/41
53/42 Cleveland 47/38/.00 53/49/t 65/46/c Phoenix 92/68/.00 89/65/pc 88/63/pc Saturday morn-
Brandywine Valley Dallas 85/59/.02 90/71/pc 86/68/t Pittsburgh 52/40/.00 50/48/t 74/50/t ing will a
Reading Denver 66/37/.09 61/34/s 51/34/c Portland, Ore. 49/41/.08 62/40/s 62/47/pc
Harrisburg 52/41 Highs: 47-51. Lows: 41-42. Mostly cloudy, washout, but as
53/45 chance of thunderstorms. Detroit 53/33/.00 48/43/sh 63/41/c St. Louis 60/40/.00 74/55/t 68/54/t
Honolulu 84/69/.01 87/72/s 85/71/s Salt Lake City 60/42/.00 50/38/pc 57/43/sh the front moves
52/42 Houston 86/75/.00 89/73/pc 89/73/pc San Antonio 90/73/.00 91/72/pc 90/72/pc farther north in
Indianapolis 57/33/.00 59/58/t 71/57/t San Diego 70/62/.00 64/56/pc 65/57/pc the afternoon
Atlantic City Delmarva/Ocean City Las Vegas 80/62/.00 80/60/pc 81/59/pc San Francisco 59/48/.03 63/49/c 61/51/c the weather will
51/43 Highs: 50-55. Lows: 44-52. Mostly cloudy, Los Angeles 64/55/.00 64/55/pc 67/58/pc Seattle 53/38/.00 58/39/s 62/45/s
Miami 85/75/.00 85/74/s 86/75/pc Tampa 89/69/.00 87/69/s 87/68/sh show some
slight chance of scattered showers and
Milwaukee 47/33/.00 43/39/sh 53/38/c Tucson 87/58/.00 88/59/pc 86/59/pc improvement
Minneapolis 49/32/.00 48/38/sh 54/36/c Washington, DC 63/52/.01 56/47/t 74/61/t later in the day.
ALMANAC Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport Another front
WORLD CITIES will stall nearby
Temperatures Precipitation River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Yesterday 51/43 Yesterday 0.00” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Forecasts, graphs on Sunday, and
Average 61/40 Month to date 3.48” Wilkes-Barre 12.16 -0.83 22.0 and data ©2011 Amsterdam 75/50/.00 73/54/pc 75/53/s Mexico City 82/52/.00 80/53/t 82/54/t this will probably
Record High 85 in 1985 Normal month to date 2.25” Towanda 7.54 -0.88 21.0 Weather Central, LP Baghdad 86/70/.00 86/66/t 80/62/t Montreal 45/34/.22 50/36/pc 51/41/r
Beijing 63/45/.11 68/48/c 66/48/sh Moscow 52/27/.00 52/40/sh 54/37/pc
keep the day
Record Low 26 in 1925 Year to date 13.92” Lehigh
Heating Degree Days* Normal year to date 9.48” For more weather Berlin 72/43/.00 73/48/s 74/49/s Paris 75/50/.00 77/52/pc 76/53/sh mostly cloudy
Bethlehem 4.25 1.93 16.0
Yesterday 18 Sun and Moon Delaware information go to: Buenos Aires 63/54/.00 76/51/t 66/45/s Rio de Janeiro 90/73/.00 88/74/pc 89/74/s and cool with
Month to date 363 Sunrise Sunset Port Jervis 6.31 -0.30 18.0 Dublin 63/43/.00 67/46/sh 64/42/sh Riyadh 97/75/.00 98/73/pc 96/72/s the chance for a
Year to date 5950 Today 6:14a 7:51p Frankfurt 77/48/.00 76/51/pc 74/49/s Rome 70/46/.00 72/52/pc 70/52/sh shower. Expect a
Last year to date 5450 Tomorrow 6:13a 7:52p Last New First Full National Weather Service Hong Kong 82/72/.00 79/72/sh 80/72/c San Juan 87/73/.00 84/74/pc 85/73/pc
Jerusalem 70/55/.00 65/49/sh 69/48/pc Tokyo 59/48/.00 61/53/sh 63/55/r big warm-up
Normal year to date 5842 Moonrise Moonset 607-729-1597 here next week.
*Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s Today 12:18a 9:43a London 77/54/.00 76/53/pc 76/54/pc Warsaw 68/43/.00 69/44/s 68/44/s
mean temperature was below 65 degrees.
Tomorrow 1:07a 10:47a April 24 May 3 May 10 May 17 Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snow flurries, i-ice. - Tom Clark

Find the car you want in your own backyard. m


s-B er St
li ke Kidd






rel S


F M. K
F.M. irb
by P
Kirby Pa
Park an




St on w

er t Scott

Rive ing

B i v St
Mi irch rsid SR sh

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r NW

rS 7


Find Your
Your Riv
Check out our local garage
Mundy St

t t
ar St rS nS Wilkes-Barre


d e t o
Ch ison

Garage Sales map at! We’ll

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i nS
l es

r SR

ve k li Coal


Ri Co n

A a a Street Park help you find the exact location

ca r
d nw SF SW


On The Map!
ell my Add to route
St of all the listed garage sales. YouMohegan Su

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za e t t o


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Wo b t r

e k search by city or sale date.

S a
Lo th
odtimesleader e .com s-B
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urn .com Av co
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ha St lvd lke rk Han5 rant an n

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Ha r t S mb ania Hill St SW P S G Lo no Just go to vand click the

Sa Re ld

Ho no t Ln Garage Sales icon at the top

l v H ig
rto ve y h St s B of the page.

s e r k

Hills t St
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Hu icko

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CALL TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD 24/7 • 570.829.7130 OR 800.273.7130 erm

St lle SM nS

nS Sh a

y P S d
e ar r t eri


S M t

110 Lost 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/

Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices
LOST, male Jack
Russell Terrier
named Sam. Black
Letters of Adminis-
& white. Lost on The Hanover Area NOTICE IS HEREBY Estate of John tration were grant- GIVEN that Letters
100 Monday April 11 in School Board will NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Anthony Sr., Late of ed in the Estate of Testamentary have NOTICE IS HEREBY
Krispin Road Dallas
Area. If seen, please
hold a Budget Work
Session on
GIVEN that Letters
Testamentary have
Testamentary were
granted March 17,
Larksville, Pa. (Died
March 3, 2011). Let-
Joseph J. Pribula,
deceased, late of
been granted in the
Estate of MAR-
GIVEN that Letters
Testamentary have
of Times Leader
call 570-718-4050
Wednesday, April been granted in the 2011 in the Estate of ters of Adminis-tra- Exeter Borough, GARET A. BONK , been granted in the readers read
110 Lost 27, 2011, at 6:00
P.M., in the Adminis-
Estate of George J.
Albert, late of
John Terkoski, a/k/a
John T. Terkoski
tion have been
granted to John J.
Luzerne County, PA,
who died on Febru-
Deceased, Late of
Laurel Run, Luzerne
Estate of Peter
Cole, late of Wilkes- the Classified
LOST: White
trative Office Board Wilkes-Barre, Luz- deceased, late of Anthony Jr. All per- ary 17, 2011. Patrick County, Pennsylva- Barre, Luzerne section.
ALL German Shepherd.
Female. Last seen
at the
erne County, Penn-
sylvania, who died
Wyoming, Luzerne
County, Pennsylva-
sons having claims
against the Estate
J. Pribula, Adminis-
trator. All persons
nia, who died on
March 21, 2011, to
County, Pennsylva-
nia, who died on *2008 Pulse Research
in West Wyoming
JUNK 4/7. Named Secret
or may come to
Junior/Senior High
on March 18, 2010.
All persons indebted
nia, who died March
13, 2011, all persons
or indebted to the
Estate shall make
indebted to said
Estate are required
150 Parris Rd., Lau-
rel Run, PA 18706-
November 25, 2010.
All persons indebted

What Do
to said estate are indebted to said payments or pres- to make payment 9508. All persons to said Estate are
CAR & Puppy. Very shy.
required to make
payment and those
Estate are required
to make payment
ent claims to John
J. Anthony Jr.,
and those having
claims and
indebted to said
estate are request-
required to make
payment without
Lorraine Heydt,
having claims or
demands to present
and those having
any claims or
Executor, R. 390
W. Broadway St.
demands to present
them without delay
ed to make pay-
ment, and those
delay, and those
having claims or
You Have
To Sell
Secretary the same without demands are to Larksville, PA 18651. to the Administrator having claims or demands to present
delay to Joseph G. present the same c/o Harry W. Skene, demands are the same without
Highest Prices INCLASSIFIED! ESTATE NOTICE Albert, Esquire, without delay to the
LINE UP Esquire, 900 Rutter requested to pres- delay to the Admin-

Executor. Executor Leonard Ave, Forty Fort, PA ent the same with- istrator,
Doyouneedmorespace? Estate of Frances B. Kaminski, in care of 18704. out delay to Robert
A yard or garage sale
in classified
Yatsko, deceased
(died March 2,
the undersigned.
Patrick J.
A GREAT DEAL... 1-800-716-9529 Bonk, Executor,
care of C. Stephen

is the best way 2011), late
Kingston, Luzurne
of 458 Wyoming
Avenue, Suite 201
Aregood, Esq.
1218 South Main St. IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for that Gurdin, Jr., Esquire,
69 Public Square
400 Third Avenue
Suite 318
Looking for the right deal special place
County, PA. Letters Kingston, PA 18704 Wilkes-Barre, STE 501, Wilkes Kingston, PA 18704
Call V&G You’re in bussiness testamentary have PA 18706 Barre, PA 18701-
with classified! been granted and all Shopping for a called home? 2506. Looking for the right deal Call 829-7130
Anytime creditors shall make
new apartment? Doyouneedmorespace? on an automobile? on an automobile? to place your ad.
120 Found demand and
debtors shall make
Classified lets A yard or garage sale
Turn to classified. Classified will address Collect cash, not dust!
Clean out your Turn to classified.
you compare costs - in classified It’s a showroom in print!
Your needs.
payment without basement, garage
Let the Community
black &
delay to Elaine
Zavada, Executor, without hassle is the best way It’s a showroom in print! or attic and call the Classified’s got ONLY
D .
Place your Classified
white, 5-6 months
old, is wearing a flea
321 Stanley Drive, or worry! tocleanoutyourclosets! Classified’s got Open the door Classified depart-
ment today at 570-
the directions!
Kingston, PA 18704. Get moving You’re in bussiness
570-824-3256 with classified! with classified! the directions! with classified! 829-7130!

412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale

VIN #3LBR769066

*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 4/30/11.

17” Chrome Wheels, Message Center, SYNC, Side Air Curtains, All Wheel Drive, 3.7L V6, Premium Pkg., Auto. Temp Control, All Wheel Drive, 3.7L V6, Remote Keyless Entry, HID Headlamps, Reverse Sensing
AM/FM with 6 Disc CD, Pwr. Windows, Pwr. Door Locks, 18” Alum. Wheels, Advanced Trac, 6 Disc CD, Leather Heated/ Sys., THX Sound Sys. w/6 Disc CD, 20” Polished Cast Alum. Wheels, Dual Zone
Electronic Auto. Temp. Control, Pwr. Heat/Cool Leather Seats, SYNC, Personal
Leather Seats, Fog Lamps, Power Moonroof, Cooled Seats, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Satellite Radio, Side Safety Sys., Safety Canopy Sys., Anti-Theft Sys., Navigation Sys.,
Personal Safety with Anti-Theft System Air Curtains, Pwr. Liftgate, HID Dual Panel Moonroof, Rearview Camera
VIN #3LBR768027 Headlamps, Rear Camera,
VIN #1LBG609563
MyLincoln Touch, SYNC,
Reverse Sensing Sys.,
Remote Start
VIN #2LBBJ16332

24 24 Mos.
Mos. Mos.

*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 4/30/11. 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 4/30/11. 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 4/30/11.

CALL NOW 823-8888 or 1-800-817-FORD
Overlooking Mohegan Sun 577 East Main St.,
Just Minutes from
Scranton or W-B Plains, PA

412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 135 Legals/ 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 310 Attorney 409 Autos under 409 Autos under
Public Notices Services $5000 $5000
ADOPT: Adoring
Mom, Dad, Big Bankruptcy $595
to share a lifetime
Guaranteed Low Fees 4 door, auto, 87K.
Runs great. $3,300.
of hugs & kisses Atty Kurlancheek
197 West End Road, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706
DEADLINES in our loving home
with a newborn.
Please Call
825-5252 W-B
DIVORCE No Fault 94,000 miles,
(570) 868-3914

825-7577 Saturday Lynda & Dennis $295 automatic, front

12:30 on Friday 888-688-1422
Expenses Paid
Joey James
Duo packed the
Atty. Kurlancheek
800-324-9748 W-B
wheel drive, 4
door, air condi-
The Ca r B u s in e s s AD D R ESS AT
260 S. R ive rSt,
P la ins , P A
4:00 pm on
Do you need more space?
place only at
Mr. Tony’s
Divorce, Custody,
Support, PFA
tioning, air bags,
all power, cruise
P a rtia lL is ting ! 51K Miles 53K Miles Monday
A yard or garage sale
in classified
FREE Consultation.
Atty. Josianne control, leather
is the best way Aboutanos interior, $3,300.
6,875 $
9,450 4:30 pm on
Friday to clean out your closets!

You’re in bussiness OPENING
5 S pe e d,49K M ile s. 04 KIA RIO WAGON
Tuesday Free Bankruptcy 3 door coupe. Only
4:00 pm on
with classified! APRIL 28 122,000 miles.
1998 C..A...D..ILLA
68K M ile s.
Payment plans. Cd player, AC,
Carol Baltimore Moonroof, leather
A loving married
2003 PO
34K M ile s.
N TIA C SU N FIR E Wednesday teacher couple
56,000 miles, 4.3
interior, alloy rims,
41K Miles 53K Miles 4:00 pm on with so much to
Like New tires.
51 W. UNION ST cylinder engine,
2006 C HEV RO LET C O BA LT SS Attorney
7,475 5,550
Tuesday Fresh detail and Full
$ $
S upe rc harge d Edition,41K M ile s $12,995
offer would love
to adopt your
Keith Hunter
automatic. Clean.
$2,500. Call
of GAS...
ONLY $2,999
newborn. We
2000 .BM
92K M ile s
W 323I 05 DODGE NEON SXT 01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 4:00 pm on can provide a
(570) 829-0549 For more pics or
Wednesday information, call
lifetime of happi-
ness, security
(570) 718-1118 CHRYSLER `97 (570) 301-7221
90K M ile s Friday & educational


4:00 pm on

61K Miles 65K Miles Expenses paid. MINIMUM Convertible. Gold

6,550 4,550
$ $ Nancy/Kevin DRIVEN IN LAW OFFICES with newly installed


call for deadlines Full size 4 wheel navy top/rear win-
Q U A L ITY V EH IC L ES www.nancykevin drive trucks dow. 124,000 city
260 S ou th R ive r S t, P la in s , P A • 570 -8 22-210 0 SERVICED, INSPECTED, & WARRANTIED
You may email
your notices to
for heavy equip-
Free Consult
Payment Plans
miles. As is. Asking
$2,100. Negotiable.
570-822-2776 or
Satin Silver Metallic.
1.8L 4 cylinder
W W W .AU TO B U D D IES O N L IN E.CO M mpeznowski@
ment, backhoes, (570) 970-9977
570 709-9404
turbo. Cold weather
package & traction
dump trucks, Wilkes-Barre Leave Message control. 101,700
bull dozers (570) 223-2536
miles. Great condi-


or fax to
FORD ‘01 EXPLORER tion. Asking $4,300
(570) 417-7678
570-760-2035 2 DOOR SPORT.
SOCIAL SECURITY Silver, 97,000 miles.
2000 GMC ‘02 Hyundai 542-2277

6am to 8pm Good condition.
Jimmy 4x4 Elantra GLS 4Dr The Times Leader Free Consultation. Includes snow tires. with a Classified Ad.
15 N. Main Street Apple green, Contact Atty. Sherry $3,700. 570-829-7130
Wilkes-Barre, PA celadon and Dalessandro 570-313-0462
18711 clementine 570-823-9006 Call after 5PM 412 Autos for Sale

orange are hot
4,990* $4,990*
For additional
information or
questions regard-
colors right
190 E Coupe. 1 owner,
ing legal notices
03 Ford 02 Ford Escape you may call IN CLASSIFIED! 4 cylinder gas
clean title. 106K,
automatic. Leather
Windstar Marti Peznowski Looking for the right deal
Use your tax
interior, all power,
at 570-970-7371
or 570-829-7130
DO YOU ENJOY on an automobile?
engine. 125,000
miles. Clean, runs remote start, moon-
roof, alloy wheels
refund to buy. PREGNANCY ? Turn to classified. excellent. $2,000
Call 570-328-7370 and more! $4,000
Would you like It’s a showroom in print! 570-709-4137
Loaded w/ 66K Miles
145 Prayers the emotional 310 Attorney Classified’s got
7,890* $6,490* Down payments from $295
Weekly payments from $49
reward of helping
an infertile
Services the directions! 457 Wanted to Buy
457 Wanted to Buy
couple reach
‘99 Buick ‘97 Plymouth Most gracious Rose their dream of
ADOPTION 380 Travel
(Tax and Tags extra) DIVORCE
Custom 4Dr Breeze Queen, you prom- becoming
Consider being a
swered, you came
down to earth to do
surrogate. All
fees allowable by
59K Miles 4 Dr, 4 Cyl, A/C good. With confi- law will be paid.
570-255-5503 Labor Day weekend
Sept. 2nd to 5th
4,990 * $
2,890 *
415 Kidder Street
dence in your power
with the Sacred
Heart, I implore your
Call Central
Pennsylvania ARD
$475 includes bus,
motel 3 breakfasts,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Attorney, 3 dinners. Order
*All Prices Plus Tax & Tags. intercession. Obtain Denise Bierly, at
570.822.8870 from the menu.
for me a rose. (Here 814-237-6278 Also includes side
make your request). TRAFFIC
[email protected]
Holy Mary, Mother
ext. 226
trips & cruise. $50 570-346-7673 deposit required.
CALL STEVE MORENKO of God, pray for us
2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming (3 times). Say three ALL CRIMINAL Call Pat

times a day for nine
718-4050 OFFENSES afternoons &
days. You must
JUNK evenings 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
promise publication.

This prayer has

never been known


to fail. ~D.A.
Longwood/QVC 4/30
Seneca Lake W/E
150 Special Notices
4/30 to 5/1


Aquarium 5/14 $300 and Up
We’l runyouraduntil thevehicle is sold $125 extra if driven,
is our greatest wish.
AGGRESSIVE Sight & Sound -
Abundance of love,
secure life of family
Paid!!! REPRESENTATION Joseph 5/14
Annie & Mike
NYC/World Yacht
5/22 pulled or pushed in.
Expenses Paid.
REMOVAL www.MackLaw Boston Pop W/E
NOBODY Pays More
Call Classifiedat829-7130
5/28 to 5/30
Call V&G

Anytime 1-800-432-8069 570-760-2035

412 Autos for Sale Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
288-8995 Upcoming Trips
Sunday 8 am - 68 pm
ARE YOU BEING Hollywood Casi-

SUED BY A no, 5/9

2011 9-5 Sport Sedan


Harry’s U Pull It
$25 free slot
COMPANY?? play & $5 off
You have a real buffet. 1 Lucky
chance of winning Rider Wins $100
& owing nothing if

Lease a 2011 Saab 9-5 turbo4

Free Slot Play
you are repre-
sented by a good
Price: $23 AS ALWAYS ****HIGHEST PRICES*****
Hunterdon Hills
attorney! Call Atty. PAID FOR YOUR UNWANTED
$399 a month / 39 months1
Playhouse 6/24
Michael P. Kelly Branson Style
or email mike@
Dinner Show.
Choice of 5
VEHICLES!!! entrees.Price:$85
Happy birthday Call for Details (570) 459-9901
$3558 due at signing (after all offers) Includes security deposit. Tax, title, Becky K. I hope BANKRUPTCY Yankees
license and optional equipment extra. FREE CONSULT Vehicles must be COMPLETE !!
that you make Guaranteed
Home Games
5/1 Blue Jays
18 chippies in a Low Fees 5/15 Boston Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!!
row!!! Have a Payment Plan! 5/22 Mets
Low mileage lease of 2011 Saab 9-5 turbo 4 Sport Sedan. Example nice dinner and Colleen Metroka
6/26 Rockies
(Old Timers Day)
based on survey. Each dealer sets own price. Your payments may vary. look for St. G 1-800-432-8069

Payments are for a 2011 Saab 9-5 turbo4 Sport Sedan with an MSRP of 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/
$40,700. 39 monthly payments total $15,556. Option to purchase at lease Public Notices Public Notices June 20, 21 and 22
(Monday, Tuesday,
end for an amount to be determined a lease signing. Ally must approve IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF
Catch the Yankees
lease. Must take delivery from dealer stock by 05/02/11. Mileage charge LUZERNE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA
take on the Reds at
The Great American
of $.25 /mile over 32,500 miles. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair and NO. 12753-2010
Ballpark in Cincin-
nati, Ohio
excess wear. Payments may be higher in some states. Not available with FORECLOSURE
Trip Includes:
*Round trip bus
other offers. Residency restriction apply Vehicle subject to availability. PANY, TRUSTEE SAXON ASSET SECURI-
*Beer, soda & food
Call 1-800-Saab-USA (1-800-722-2872) for important program details. ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES
on the bus
*Great box level
and ANA M. DURAN, DEFENDANTS seats to two games
TO: Erick DeLa Cruz and Ana M. Duran, (Mon & Tues night)
Defendants, whose last known address is *Hotel accommoda-
114 West Seventh Street, Hazelton, PA tions at the Millenni-
18201. um Hotel. Just three
Complaint In Mortgage Foreclosure blocks from stadium
You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, and walking dis-
TIES TRUST 2007-2 MORTGAGE LOAN downtown attrac-
2007-2, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure
Complaint endorsed with a Notice to
Price: $350 468 Auto Parts 472 Auto Services
Call 570-287-9701
Defend, against you in the Court of Com-
for more info.
mon Pleas of Luzerne County, Pennsylva-
nia, docketed to NO. 12753-2010, wherein
Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mort-
gage secured on your property located, VEHICLES
Pre-Owned Saabs
114 West Seventh Street, Hazelton, PA LISPI TOWING
18201, whereupon your property would be
sold by the Sheriff of Luzerne County. We pick up 822-0995
wish to defend against the claims set forth VITO’S
in the notice above, you must take action All Junk
within twenty (20) days after this Com- &
plaint and Notice are served, by entering a
written appearance personally or by attor-
Cars &
ney and filing in writing with the Court your
defenses or objections to the claims set
406 ATVs/Dune Trucks GINO’S
forth against you. You are warned that if
you fail to do so the case may proceed
Wanted Like New
without you and a judgment may be
entered against you by the Court without
2008 Saab 9-3 2010 Saab 2004 Saab 9-5 further notice for any money claimed in the
Complaint or for any other claim or relief RACE CAR Prices
$15 & UP!
ARC Sedan Paid In
Convertible 9-3X AWD requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose 76 inch Bull Rider,
Honda 120 motor,
27K Miles 5K Miles 102K Miles
money or property or other rights impor-
tant to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS Kirkey seat, Like New
new brake system,
$24,995 $33,995
YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER GO TO OR A-Main feature wins Batteries
$20 & UP!
LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO Sell for $2,999 Carry Out Price


ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMA- 570-301-3602 288-8995
Legal Services of Northeastern PA, Inc.
4x4, auto, 520
Cars & Full Size
Trucks. For prices...

713 North State Street 410 Bicentennial Bldg., 15 Public Sq.,

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701. 570.825.8567
miles, winch, heat-
ed grips. $4,650. BEST PRICES
Lamoreaux Auto
Parts 477-2562

2008 Saab 9-3 Clarks Summit, PA 18411 2008 Saab 9-5 Mark J. Udren, Stuart Winneg, Lorraine 570-239-2877 IN THE AREA

Turbo X AWD 570-586-6676 Aero Sedan

Doyle, Alan M. Minato, Chandra M. Arke-
ma, Adam L. Kayes, Marguerite L. Thomas
Free Anytime Lineupaplacetolive
16K Miles fax: 570-586-9466 35K Miles
& Daniel S. Siedman, Attorneys for Plaintiff
Udren Law Offices, P.C.
111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200
Excellent condition,
200 hours. Priced
570-301-3602 in classified!
$26,995 $21,995 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
to sell. $6,500 or
best offer. Call
Keith 570-971-4520

412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale


AU1079- Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, ABS, Parking
Sensors, Keyless Entry, Cruise Control, Traction
Control, Dual Zone Climate Control


Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, 6 Disc CD, ABS, Keyless Entry,
Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio, Heated Mirrors, Traction TO CHOOSE
Control, Cruise, Memory Seat, Climate Control FROM


AU1045- Reverse Camera, Running Boards, Navigation System, Parking Sensors,
Video Sys., Touch Screen, 3rd Row Seat, Premium Wheels, Power Liftgate, Pwr.
Leather Heat/ Cool Front Seats, Premium Sound, 6 Disc CD, ABS,Keyless Entry, Tow
Pkg., Moonroof, Roof Rack, Rear A/C, DVD Player, Pwr. Adjustable Pedals, Cruise


Most with Moonroof, Memory Seat, 6 Disc CD, Navigation
System, Satellite Radio, Keyless Entry with Keypad, Parking TO CHOOSE
Sensors, Front AC Seats, Pwr. Liftgate, Premium Wheels FROM


AU1490- Moonroof, Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, Memory
Seat, Navigation Sys., 6 Disc CD, Satellite Radio, Running
Boards, Pwr. Adjustable Pedals, Parking Sensors


AU1324- AM/FM/CD, ABS, Rear Defogger,
AU1441- 6 Disc CD, Keyless Entry w/Keypad,
Rear Defogger, Traction Control, Digital Info,
AU1482- CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry w/
Keyless Entry, Tilt Wheel, Satellite Radio, Pwr Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Seats, Tilt, Cruise, Heated
Keypad, Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, Traction
Most with 6 Disc CD, Cruise, Tilt, Door Locks, Pwr. Windows, Pwr. Mirrors, MP3 Mirrors, Satellite Radio, Rear Spoiler, ABS, Fog Lights
Control, Tilt, Cruise, Pwr. Leather Seats, Rear AC,
Fog Lights, ABS, Digital Info, Running Boards,
Carpeted Floor Mats,
Driver & Passenger Airbags, Rear 72
Rear Wipers, 3rd Row
Wipers, Rear Defogger, Keyless

Entry, Heated Mirrors, Rear 2007 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4 2008 ESCAPES & MARINERS 2010 E-350 XLT VANS
Spoiler, Tinted Windows, AC AU1398- CD, OnStar, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Most with ABS, Traction Control, CD,
Entry, Traction Control, Rear Defogger, Roof Cruise, Keyless Entry,,PL, PW, PM, Most with Air, AM/FM/CD, Cruise
Rack, Rear Wipers, Tilt, Cruise, PDL , PW, PM Rear Defogger, Side Air Bags, Tilt, Control, Privacy Glass, ABS
Pwr. Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Rear Defogger, Keyless
Entry, PM, PL, PW,
MOS. Seats, Pwr. Heated Mirrors Running Boards

Most with Cruise, Tilt, Privacy Glass, CD,
2008 F-150 XLT SUPERCAB 4X4
AU9795- Cruise, Tilt, PL, PW, Keyless Entry, AU9705- CD, ABS, Side Airbags, Fog Lights,
Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, ABS, Rear
Most with AM/FM/CD, ABS, Tilt
Wheel, Keyless Entry w/Keypad,
Rear Defogger, Driver & Passenger Side Air Tilt Wheel, Roof Rack, Rear Wipers Defogger, Rear Wipers, Side Airbags, Cruise, Tow Pkg., Fog Lights, Driver
Bags, CD, Child Some w/Parking Sensors, Heated
Mirrors, 6 Disc CD, Moonroof,
& Passenger Airbags,
Pwr. Door Locks, Pwr.
Proof Door Locks 72
MOS. Heated Seats, Memory Seats Windows, Pwr. Steering

Some with Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, AU9893- All Wheel Drive, AM/FM/6 Disc CD, Fog AU1229- Heated Leather Seats, Cruise Control, AU1277- AM/FM/CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless
Keyless Entry, OnStar, Fog Lights, Rear Lights, ABS, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Traction Privacy Glass, 6 Disc CD,Moonroof, ABS, Steering
Control., Side Airbags, Digital Info Center, Entry, Traction Control, Steering Wheel Controls,
Defogger, Rear Spoiler, Side Airbags, Climate Control, Satellite Radio, Tilt Wheel, Wheel Controls, Fog Lights, Side Airbags, Rear Pwr, Driver’s Seat, Digital Info Center, Privacy
Pwr. Driver’s Seat, CD, Heated Mirrors, Defogger, Keyless Glass, Cruise, Sliding Rear
Traction Control, ABS, Cruise, Moonroof, Entry, Rear Wipers,
Digital Info Center Pwr. Leather Seat Traction Control Window, Bedliner, Tilt

NOW 823-8888
823-8888 Tax and tags extra. “BUY FOR” prices are based
1-800-817-FORD on 72 month (*66, 63, 60, 48, and 36 months for
selected vehicles) with $2,500 down (cash or
trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration
Overlooking Mohegan Sun purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for
577 East Main St., Plains
any typographical errors. No Security Deposit
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B Necessary. See dealer for details.

# 1 D A

O N E 1
y r/ 1 2 k M A K E S
H S AL B a s ic
W arrra
ra n tty
7 yr/ 1 0 0 k FFII N A N C I N G
owwe rrtra
tra i n ON E A S L OW
755 T
7 TOO W a rra
rra n ty
ty W EEK . 9%
A S 11.9%

C AL L 800-N E X TH O N D A
VIE W AT w w w .M a ttB u rneH onda .com
D isclosure:1.9% - 36 m os,2.9% - 60 m os thru A .H .F.C .W -A -C on C ertified A ccords.C ertified H onda’s have 1yr - 12k B asic W arranty.B alance of 7yr - 100K P ow ertrain W arranty from in-service date.

(557 700)) 334411 -
-11 4
40000 •• 1 1 -
211 1
1 0
1 1 1 0 W Y O M I N G A V E . • S C R A N T O N , PA 1 8509
w w w .m a ttb u rn e h o n d a .co m
M on d a y - T h u rs d a y 9 -8 :0
: 0 0 • F ri d a y 9 -5 & S a tu rd a y 9 -3 :
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique 439 Motorcycles
& Classic & Classic
Hatchback, 92,000 GARAGED CHEVROLET `79 OLDSMOBILE `68
1009 Penn Ave 83K miles. Beautiful miles. Excellent Pure silver metallic.
Scranton 18509 condition. Newly V8, automatic, AWD, V6 & Alloys condition. auto, Roof & mirror caps
Across from Scranton Prep
re-done interior
leather & carpeting.
51,267 miles,
$21,920 sunroof, premium
sound and alloy
in black. Tartan red
cloth / panther black
leather interior.
New tires, new
brakes, Inspected
March 4, AC,
All Corvette options, DELMONT
Electra Glide, Ultra
Classic, many
chrome acces-
CREDIT, NO CREDIT $13,500. $9,200 OBO wheels. $8,300 all original, new
Call Our Auto Credit 570-313-3337 (570) 864-2337 Black bonnet AVPS, Fully Good Year tires, REDUCED!! sories, 13k miles,
(570) 760-0511 loaded, 18,000
Hot Line to get stripes. Automatic. new mufflers, just This model only Metallic Emerald


Pre-approved for a Steptronic paddles. mile bumper to tuned. 46,000 miles. produced in 1967 Green. Garage
Car Loan!
800-825-1609 MAZDA `04 RX-8 Dual moon roofs,
Cockpit chrono
bumper warranty.
90,000 miles.
$6,500 or best
offer 570-262-2845
& 1968. All
original 45,000
kept, like new
condition. Includes
560 Pierce St. Kingston, PA
Hunter Green,
80,000 miles.
package, conven- $12,900. or 570-239-6969 miles, Color Harley cover.
07 CHYSLER 300C ience, cold weather (570) 881-3712 Burgundy, cloth $12,900
V-6 Victory Red, www.wyoming New brakes &
Hemi, AWD, Slate
black interior, rotors. New
(heated seats) &
CHEVY `66 BEL AIR & vinyl interior, 570-718-6769

grey, grey int premium packages. 350 rocket 570-709-4937
06 CHYSLER 300 all bells and 570-714-9924 alignment. Two 2 door post car, in engine, 2nd
Dynamic stability
BLACK, AUTO, V6 whistles.
new rear tires.
No accidents.
control. Xenon Camry SE. 56,000 good condition for owner. Fender
Silver, 4dr, auto 570-706-6489 HONDA `06 CIVIC EX PRICE REDUCED
$8,000 or best
headlights, front
and rear fog lights.
miles. Red, alloy
wheels, black cloth
age. Serious
inquiries only, call
skirts, always
garaged. Trophy
05 FORD 500 2 door, 5 speed, air, Parking distance for details. $8,500 winner at shows.
interior. Will consid-
AWD, grey, 4dr, V6
5 Speed. Like New!!
New Tires, tinted
CHEVY `06 COLORADO power windows &
locks, sun roof, CD,
offer. For more
information, call
control. Harmon-
Kardon sound sys-
er trade. $14,200
(570) 793-9157
or best offer. Call
Steve at
Serious inquiries
only, $7,500. V-ROD& Black.
Extended cab. Auto. cruise & alloys. (570) 332-4213 Orange
3.0, hunter green, windows, sun roof, tem. Chrome line 570-407-0531 570-690-0727
Power steering, a/c. Used as a show
tan leather (AWD) black leather Excellent condition, interior. Mint condi-
40k miles. 2 wheel very well main- bike. Never abused.
03 HYUNDAI ACCENT interior. Only tion. 17,000 miles.
Rare, Exclusive
White, 4 door, 4cyl. 57,000 Miles!!!
$12,600, negotiable.
tained with service
records, remaining
Opportunity To
Must Drive! T-top, 5 speed.
PONTIAC 1937 480 miles. Excellent
condition. Asking
66,000 miles PRICE REDUCED TO $21,500 AM/FM/CD, AC,
570-678-5040 Honda warranty. Fully restored near $20,000 or best
01 AUDI S8 QUATRO $14,000!! 570-341-7822
Burg./tan lthr., For more info, 65K, $10,500. Own... power antenna.
396 automatic, 400
original. New paint, offer. Call

CHEVY ‘04 MALIBU 570-706-0921 New tires. No rust. new interior, new 570-876-4034
Nav., 360 HP, AWD call (570) 762-3714
NISSAN `08mileage,
ALTIMA Great condition.
transmission, clean wiring, custom tint-
‘26 FORD
01 AUDI A8 L interior, runs good,
cashmere beige,
tan lthr., nav., AWD BMW `07 328xi
With Warranty. HONDA `07 CIVIC Low
18000 miles, auto-
(570) 708-0269
71K, garage kept,
custom paint, Fire
ed glass, new motor
& transmission. HARLEY DAVIDSON
01 AUDI A8 L
green, tan leather
Black with black
interior. Heated
$6,992 EX. 34k miles.
excellent condition,
sunroof, alloys, a/c,
Panel Delivery
matic, front wheel
drive, 4 door, anti-
after 6:00PM Hawk tires, Krager
wheels, well
white walls car in ` 06 SOFTTAIL
navigation, AWD seats. Back up &
cd, 1 owner, garage 100 point lock brakes, air
TOYOTA ‘09 maintained. excellent condition
Blk, auto, sun roof

tems. New tires &
kept. $13,000. Call
Concours quality
restoration. Red
bags, power locks,
power windows,

in storage for 2
years. $14,000 or
Dark gray metallic,
with black fend- 570-693-2742 best offer. Serious
leather, auto, 4cyl. Garage kept. Many power mirrors, Automatic, new rr tire &
560 Pierce St. ers. Never Driven.
extras! 46,000 traction control, inquiries ONLY. brakes, many
00 MERCEDES-BENZ Kingston, PA 0 miles on power seats, all
Miles. remote start. Call 570-574-1923 extras. $10,900
S-430 slvr/blck Sport SI. Red, with restoration. power, cruise con-
Asking $19,500. www.wyoming 350 V8. Original (570) 592-4982
lthr., 64,000 miles black interior, trol, GPS/naviga- $14,680
570-825-8888 or RARE! owner. Automatic
00 SUBARU OUTBACK 75,000 miles. 6 $40,000 tion system,
AWD (Burgundy/tan
Call Anytime!
570-714-9924 speed, spoiler and
body kit. Tinted win-
AM/FM radio, CD
changer, Mp3 play-
transmission. Rare -
tuxedo silver / black
2007 Tank Motor
Sports Vision Motor-
leather, sunroof) er, keyless entry, vinyl top with black Road King 19,000
dows, cycle. 250 cc,
BMW `93 325 IC
99 MERCURY COUGAR leather interior, naugahyde interior. miles, new tires, lots
Reduced $11,900 Brand new. 0 miles. of extra chrome.
Silver, grey leather, (570) 714-0384 sun/moon roof, Never damaged. $2,400. For more
2 door, auto
Metallic Green Light green, 18,000 2002 BMW 745i rear defroster, new
floor mats, Winter
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
$6,000. Call
information call Tom
at 570-825-2114
Like New. $12,900.
Call 570-639-1989
Exterior & Tan miles, loaded, The Flagship of or 570-760-1023
2 dr, auto, silver Frost pearl paint,
VITO’S the Fleet www.wyoming Motorcycle for sale?
77 Pontiac Firebird
Black V6, T-Tops
Interior, 5 Speed
leather, wood trim,
$24,000. New - $87,000 heated seats, side
mirror defroster, Let them see it here VOLKSWAGEN `71 HARLEY DAVIDSON `03
73 VW BEETLE CONV. Heated Seats. 2nd 570-222-4960 & Midnight Emerald
backup camera,
570-714-9924 in the Classifieds!
olympic blu, blck
top, 4 speed
Owner, 66k Miles.
Excellent Condition,
leave message
with beige leather
interior. 61K miles. auto rear view mir-
ror dimmer, Blue- Volkswagen ‘03
SUPER BEETLE 100th Anniversary
Edition Deuce.

CHRYSLER `49 Convertible. Runs Garage

Mint condition. kept. 1
SUVS, VANS, Garage Kept,
Excellent Gas CHRYSLER `02 Wanted:
Loaded. Garage tooth, phone, nav., great. Excellent owner. 1900 miles.

TRUCKS, 4 X4’s & radio controls condition. Original Tons of chrome.
Mileage. Carfax Kept. Navigation
on steering wheel,
Blk/Blk leather, 3rd
seat, Navgtn, 4x4
available. Price
reduced $7,995
Inferno Red, flame
Must Sell!
4.5 years remain-
ing on 7 year
moonroof, 5 speed,
Silver / gray, 4 door
engine. Can
seen by appoint-
ment. Must Sell
be $38,000 invested. A
must see. Asking
$20,000. Call
sedan. 6 cylinder
grey, V6 AWD
or trade for SUV or
other. Beautiful /
design. Chrome
wheels. 47,000
Cars & $18,600 100,000 miles Nis-
san bumper to
excellent condition,
flathead, fluid drive. $9,000
(570) 455-8400
45,000 original


07 DODGE NITRO SXT, Fun Car. miles, one owner. Trucks bumper Premium
garnet red, V6, 4x4 570-388-6669 Looks and runs
Highest 1993 CADILLAC Warranty included,
EXCELLENT CON- VOLKSWAGEN `01 GTI miles. Just like new!
REDUCED $15,000

BMW `93 325 IC

great. New inspec- Call Jim:
Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4
06 DODGE RAM 1500 Convertible,
tion. $5,800
Call (570) 472-1854 Prices ALANTE
2 Door
HYBRID 35city/33
highway mpg.
SLT, quad cab,
hemi, blk, 4 dr., 4x4
Metallic Green
Exterior & Tan CHRYSLER `99
Paid!! Convertible
Exquisite Candy
CORVETTES Restoration Vehicle
Family owned,

Interior, 5 Speed FREE PICKUP garage kept, good
COUNTRY TOURING Apple Red black Call after 5:00 p.m.
shape. Needs some
red, 4 dr., 7 pass.,
Heated Seats. 2nd CONCORDE 288-8995 soft top. 13,000
interior work, new
mini van
Owner, 66k Miles.
Excellent Condition,
Sudan with leather
interior. Fully
original miles. All
available options, PLYMOUTH ‘99 VOY- 1953-1972
Any Condition! seats, needs
carburetor work.
SLT, silver, auto.,
V6, 4x4
Garage Kept,
Excellent Gas
loaded. Cold air
conditioning. HYUNDAI `04
including gold
alloy wheels. AGER VAN Great running
condition. Red with
Courteous, Fast
Professional Buyer. Only 58,000 miles.
Asking $8,000.
Garage Kept. 1 6cyl., 7 pass, auto. cloth interior, power Licensed & Bonded 883 cubic inch
Mileage. Carfax Inspected. Good $1,750 DEALER serious inquiries
SPORT white, V6, owner. Final door locks, power motor, Paco rigid
available. Price Condition. $1,350. only! 570-343-2296
4x4 reduced $7,995 (570) 299-0772 Blue, 5 speed
Model Year.
BUICK 94 LESABRE windows, power
frame, extended &

green, auto, V6,
or trade for SUV or
other. Beautiful /
manual, CD, Air,
factory alarm,
4 dr. 6 cyl., auto
Runs exc., $1,650
moon roof,
5 speed, just FORD `52 raked. Low miles.
$6,000 or best
offer.(973) 271-1030
X-Cab, blk, auto,
Fun Car.
power windows &
locks. 38K.
$7,500 negotiable.
Current Inspection
on all vehicles
serviced, 117k.
Asking $5,300
Formula 400
4x4 truck CUSTOM LINE
Call 570-540-6236
05 MERCURY MOUNT- BUICK ‘07 LUCERNE 4 door, automatic
From an Exotic,
STATION WAGON Berkshire Green,
Silver, black leather,
One Owner.
Power windows,
seats & locks . V6,
Private Collection VOLKSWAGEN `04 V8, automatic,
8 passenger,
Originally purchased
at Bradley-Lawless
3rd seat, AWD
Leather, CD,
Alloy Wheels
Asking $2,900. Call
(570) 819-3140 or GLS, automatic. Call 570-650-0278 CONVERTIBLE
Blue/white top & BEETLE 3rd seat, good
condition, 2nd
in Scranton.
was last seen in
$16,450 (570) 709-5677 Only 2,400 miles. CONVERTIBLE owner. $9,500. Abington-Scranton SOFT TAIL DEUCE
white interior.
Silver, 4 door, 4x4 $20,750 Blue. AM/FM cas- area. Finder’s fee
Recent document- 570-579-3517 LIMITED EDITION.
FORD `04 MUSTANG ed frame-off sette. Air. Automat- paid if car is found Radical paint, only
FORD `65
XLT, white 4 door ic. Power roof, win- and purchased. Call 200 produced,
4x4 Mach I, 40th restoration. Over
$31,000 invested. dows, locks & John with any info Rhinehardt pipes,
CHEROKEE LAREDO, V8, Auto, 1,200
miles, all options,
Loaded, automatic, will sell $21,500.
doors. Boot cover
for top. 22k. Excel- GALAXIE 500 CONVERTIBLE lots of chrome.
Beautiful bike!
Special Edition. 560 Pierce St. AC, heated leather lent condition. White with red
Grey, sunroof, 4x4 Kingston, PA show room condi- 560 Pierce St. seats, 4 door. leather interior. 421 Boats & Asking $9,500
ER, seafoam
tion. Call for info.
Asking $24,995
Kingston, PA $4,700
Call 570-388-6535
PORSCHE `02 BOXSTER Garage kept.
Reduced Black top.
289 Engine, rebuilt.
or best offer.
grn/tan lthr., 4x4 Serious inquiries
S $14,000
61,000 original
570-714-9924 570-822-1976
04 GMC ENVOY XUV only. 570-636-3151 Great convertible, miles. Original
570-714-9924 Leave Message
slvr., 4 dr., V6, 4x4 black top, 6 speed owners manual
CADILLAC ‘06 STS FORD `07 240C manual transmis-
LIMITED, Sandstone, sion, carbon fiber $8,800.
AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil- 4Matic, V6 - Gray, SPECIAL EDITION
tan leather, 3rd
seat, 4x4
ver, 52,600 miles,
sunroof, heated
dash, leather interi-
or, front & rear
150,000 miles.
Excellent condition
(570) 881-2447
#35 of 50 Made

FORD `66
04 MERCURY Premium package, Excellent condition, $10,000 in acces-
seats, Bose sound trunk, fast & agile. inside and out. Fiberglass
MOUNTAINEER PREMIUM silver, black leather 4WD, 6 cylinder dealer serviced. Sun sories including a
system, 6 CD $18,000 or best Fully loaded.
Gold tan leather, interior, 5 speed auto. Moonroof. roof, heated seats. Mustang Coupe. boat with custom made seat.
changer, satellite offer. Call $2,000.00
manual. 20,000 Fully powered. New $15,500. Call Pearl white, pony Exotic paint set,
3rd seat, 4x4
radio, Onstar, park- brakes & tires. 570-262-2478 Very Negotiable trailer. Out- Alien Spider Candy
04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER miles. $18,900 570-288-3916 (570) 453-3358 interior. Pristine
ing assist, remote board propul-

LS, white, V6, 4x4 (570) 868-3832 94,000 highway condition. 26K Blue. Excellent con-
keyless entry, elec-
tronic keyless igni-
tion, & more! FORD `10 FUSION SE
miles. $11,500
(570) 822-6334 MERCEDES-BENZ `06 VW `05 JETTA miles. $17,000 or
best offer.
sion. Includes:
2 motors
dition. All Documen-
tation. 1,400 Asking
$25,000 or best
gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4 Low mileage, Silver with black (570) 817-6768
Grey, 3rd seat, 4x4
Silver/grey, grey
interior. Automatic, KIA `08 RONDO
Maroon with beige
Silver with leather
42,000 miles,
speed, front wheel
4 interior. Auto. Sun-
roof. All options.
“Lark II series”
offer. Call
03 FORD WINDSTAR AWD, Moonroof/ drive, 2 door, anti- Excellent condition. PRICE
LX, green, 4 door,
entertainment sys.
CADILLAC `04 spoiler package.
15,000 miles.
interior. All options.
78,000 miles. Still
interior. Good condi-
tion. 34,000 miles.
$15,000 Negotiable
lock brakes, air con-
ditioning, air bags,
1 owner. 33K miles.
Asking $12,800. Call CONTINENTAL REDUCED!
SEVILLE SLS Remainer of under warranty. 4 door,
7 pass. minivan
03 CHEVY 1500, V8, extended warranty.
Sirius radio, 6 CD
Received 60,000
mile servicing. New
(570) 885-5956 power locks, power
windows, power
Leave Message Convertible, 460
cu. engine, 67,000
X-cab, white, 4x4 Beige. Fully loaded mirrors, cruise con- 570-417-3940
changer. Garage tires. KBB Value miles, 1 owner
02 DODGE RAM 1500
Quad Cab, SLT,
Excellent condition.
Runs great. New kept. Asking $8,500. Asking only trol, AM/FM radio,
CD player, Mp3 VW ‘07 BEETLE since `69. Teal
Shopping for a
Garage kept,
2 tone blue.
Red auto 4x4 truck
rotors, new brakes.
Just serviced.
$17,000 or best
offer. Call
$7,900. A Must See!
(570) 457-0553 SL 500
Convertible, with
Leather Interior,
Alloys, Moon Roof
green / white
leather, restorable,
$2,500 570-287-
new apartment?
17,600 miles.
(570) 823-8403 $13,840
108,000 miles. Ask- Classified lets
LEXUS `98 LS 400
AINEER PREMIUM, roof, rear defroster, Lehman area.
ing $8,000. (570) removable hard 5775 / 332-1048
white, tan leather, tinted windows. (570) 760-5937
you compare costs -
709-8492 FORD `92 MUSTANG top, dark Blue,
3rd seat, 4x4 Excellent condition, $14,200.
camel interior, without hassle
White, auto, 4x4 CHEVROLET ‘06 Convertible, garage kept,
owner. Must see.
1 Summer Driving (570) 443-7522 Call
before 9:30 p.m. or worry! HONDA
55,000 original Only, Garage Kept. 2004 CRF 100.
01 DODGE RAM 1500 Low mileage, 90K. Very Good Get moving
regular cab, 4x4,
with cap
CORVETTE miles 5.0 auto,
some engine Leather interior. All
power. GPS naviga-
Condition, No
Accidents. Classy
560 Pierce St. 61,000 original with classified!
Excellent condition.
$1500 or best offer.
upgrades. Garaged
98 FORD F-150,
regular cab pick up CONVERTIBLE showcar. $8200 tion, moon roof, cd Car. Price
Kingston, PA
miles, garage kept,
triple black, leather SALT CREEK SKIF

changer. Loaded.
green, auto 4x4
Silver beauty, 1
Owner, Museum
(570) 283-8235
Asking $10,000. Call
interior, carriage
roof, factory wire
14’ fiberglass fish-
ing boat, tri-hull
Flairside, reg cap quality. 4,900
FORD ‘02 or trade for
SUV or other.
wheels, loaded, (very stable), 25 HP
NINJA 500R. 3300
miles. Orange.
truck, 5 spd, 4x4 miles, 6 speed. All excellent condition. Tahatsu outboard,
570-388-6669 Garage kept. His &
copper possible options
including Naviga- FOCUS WAGON Low 415 Autos-Antique $5,500. Call
Mike 570-237-7660
Full Galvanized
hers helmets. Must
1 owner. Low miles. 57,000 miles, 5 & Classic Trailer. Perfect Con-
tion, Power top. Low mileage, V6, All leather. Ask- sell. $2400
dition. Built in fuel
MAZDA `88 RX-7
One owner speed, all-wheel 570-760-3599
New, paid $62,000 ing $5,800. Call
drive, 4 door, anti- tank. All new in ‘01.
$7,984 570-825-3711
`97 SL320
Must sell $45,900 (570) 819-3140 $2,500
lock brakes, air CONVERTIBLE
570-299-9370 (570) 709-5677 570-256-7311
conditioning, air
Selling your
bags, power locks, COUPE DEVILLE 1 owner, garage
kept, 65k original
Place an ad and LINCOLN`06 power
Excellent condition,
$3,000 located in
miles, black with
grey leather interior,
Vulcan Classic
find a new owner.
570-829-7130 TAHOE Z71
Silver birch with
cruise control,
AM/FM radio, CD
570-454-1945 or
all original & never
seen snow. $8,900. 16’ DEEP V
‘90 Evinrude out-
Black and chrome.
Fuel injected. 21”
Kingston, PA Fully loaded. changer, rear 561-573-4114 Call 570-237-5119 windshield. Pas-
grey leather interior, board 70hp with tilt
46,000 miles, defroster, new Blitz senger backrest.
3rd row seating, Triple coated Stainless Exhaust, & trim— ‘92 EZ
rear A/C & heat, Floor boards.
Pearlized White. AEM Cold Air loader trailer. With Remainder of war-
Good Condition. 4WD automatic with 570-714-9924 Blue, convertible, New 350 motor and ‘00 Tracker Series
Showroom Intake, TURBOXS
53,000 miles. traction control, 5.3l 40th Anniversary new transmission. ranty. Expires
condition. Blowoff Valve & 60lbs foot pedal, 2 Feb., 2012. Kept in
AWD, Full Power,
Changer, Blue
engine, moonroof,
rear DVD player. FORD ‘02 MUSTANG $18,900.
570-814-4926 or
Model. 47,000
miles. Minor
Boost Control.
$5,000 FIRM Convertible with
removable hard top,
downriggers, stor-
ages, gallon tanks,
heated garage!
Never damaged.
Bose stereo + many repairs. $7,500 (201) 704-8640 (570) 906-1771 2 fish finders and
Tooth, XM Radio, (570) 654-2596 power windows, AM 7,000 miles. Great
more options. Imm- or best offer. Call before more. MUST SEE.
Leather Interior aculate condition. Call 973-271-1030 /FM radio with cas- condition! $6,800
Red with black top. 7:30 pm Make Best Offer. 570-574-9217
& Sunroof 76,000 adult driven 6,500 miles. One sette player, CD Call 866-320-6368
$20,500 miles. $15,600. Call Owner. Excellent WANTED! MERCURY `95 Let the Community New 350 motor and player, automatic, 4 after 5pm.
(570) 814-8398 (570) 378-2886 & new transmission. new tires. Cham-
Condition. $18,500 Know!
Call after 9:30 a.m. REDUCED TO
ask for Joanne 570-760-5833 Place your Classified pagne exterior; Ital-
$5,000 FIRM 427 Commercial
Ad TODAY! ian red leather inte-
AUDI ‘01 A6 CHEVROLET `84 FORD ‘05 EXPLORER 4 door, V8, fully
(570) 906-1771 rior inside. Garage Trucks &
2.7 T Quattro, dark
JUNK loaded, moon roof,
new tires & brakes.
kept, excellent con-
dition. $31,000. Call Equipment 250 cc, blue, like
new, under 1,000
gray with tan leather
CAPRICE CLASSIC Interior & exterior in 825-6272
CHEVY ‘08 3500
miles. Great starter
interior, automatic
transmission, 135k Excellent Condition.
Very Clean. New
1/2 Ton, 4WD,
automatic, V6 CARS! excellent shape. 2
bike. $2,800 Seri-
ous inquiries only.
highway miles, fully (570) 822-6334 or Air, new tires & SS clone. 350
Tires. Burgundy red $15,992 Call 570-331-4777
loaded, well main-
with vinyl top.
(570) 970-9351 brakes, 31,000 engine, 290 Horse-
tained, $7900. miles, great power. 10 bolt posi- 2WD, automatic.
570-675-3808 MUST SEE! $2,000 condition. $11,995. rear. PowerGlide 80K miles, 1 owner, Only 12,000 miles.
or best offer transmission. Power mint condition, no

AUDI `02 A4 (570) 269-0042 1.8 S, Special

disc brake kit. Over rust. Must Sell!
Vehicle in like
new condition. CONCOURS 14
Leave Message Edition, Power $20,000 invested, $9,900 $21,900. Sport/Touring with
3.0, V6, AWD steering, brakes, SUZUKI ‘10 SX4 sacrifice at $8,500. 570-829-0847 570-288-4322 ABS/traction
automatic, tiptronic
transmission. Fully CHEVROLET `86 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
windows & locks.
6 CD changer.
5 door hatchback,
Only 8,600 miles
control, showroom
new, 400 miles,
loaded, leather
interior. 92,000
Excellent condition, $15,892 C-3500 CHEVY metallic blue, 6 year
miles. Good condi-
tion. Asking $9,500.
4x3 manual, 3 over- 570-714-9924
43K. $12,500.
570-881-6897 420 SEL Food Truck with
new motor -
warranty included.

drive, 350 engine Silver with red 570-331-3674
50,000. Excellent
Call (570) 417-3395 with aluminum leather interior.
heads. LT-1 exhaust
FORD ‘07 TAURUS SE NISSAN ‘05 ALTIMA Every option. condition. All stain-
AUDI `05 A4
system. White with Auto, one owner, CHEVELLE Garage kept, show- less steel body.

red pearls. Custom CD AND ALLOYS room condition. Call Jack at 600CC,
$9,880 Local trade 560 Pierce St. Two door hard top.
Turbo, Navy Blue flames in flake. New $11,435 $7,000. 570-881-5825 Muzzy Exhaust.
Kingston, PA 307 Motor. Needs or Rich at Great condition.
with grey leather tires & hubs. 1 (570) 417-9200
CARS! www.wyoming work. Comes with 570-357-8319 Asking $3,100
interior, fully owner. 61,000 origi- additional 400 small
loaded automatic. nal miles. $8,500
block & many parts. PONTIAC `68 FORD ‘99 E350
93,000 miles. All (570) 359-3296 $5,000. Serious theadvertisinguy
records. Excellent
condition. 4 new
Ask for Les


inquires only.
(570) 836-2574 CATALINA BUCKET VAN
tires & new FORD `07 MUSTANG 560 Pierce St.
PAID 560 Pierce St. 400 engine. 2
brakes. Asking
$10,000 or best
63,000 highway Kingston, PA Kingston, PA
65,000 miles, good
condition, keyless STUDEBAKER ‘31 barrel carburetor.
Yellow with black
Triton V8. 2 speed
boom; 92,000miles;

miles, silver, runs www.wyoming 800. 7,000 miles.
offer. Call for info entry, cassette/ Rumble seat, coupe roof and white wall $9999 or best price. Must Sell. Like new.
great, $11,500.
417-2010 Days radio + snow tires. Good condition. tires. Black interior. Great condition. Call $1,700. Please Call
negotiable. 570-714-9924
779-4325 Nights 570-714-9924 $12,500 Call for details $4,995. Call 570-675-3384 or 570-394-9413
570-474-5268 (570) 881-7545 (570) 696-3513 570574-7002
439 Motorcycles 439 Motorcycles 442 RVs & Campers 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans
Antique. Very good 35 ft. Well kept. On
CRUISER condition. Must see.
Low milage. Road
campground on the
Susquehanna River
VERADO LT Z71 age),
(premium pack-
3.4L, 47,000 LARIAT Blue/grey, new

title. Asking $1,260
Call (570) 825-5810
near great fishing.
Attached 12X22”
carpeted room.
Extended cab,
automatic. Black
miles. All wheel
drive, power moon-
Contractor ready
with ladder rack & High
rebuilt engine with
warranty, new
Leave Message roof, windows, locks tires & brakes,
Brick heater, with grey leather tool box, 4x4 diesel, 140000 miles,
Windshield, Bags, YAMAHA` 08 R1
covered by metal
roof with large
interior. Heated
seats. 59,000
& seats. Leather
interior, 6 cd chang-
er, rear folding
under 97K. Great
condition, $17,000
wheel drive,
4,000 miles.
$5,900 or
best offer.
breezeway. Shed & miles. New Michelin or best offer. door, anti-lock
Floorboards,V&H seats, keyless entry, 570-925-2845 570-814-2125
Pipes, White many extras includ- tires. $16,500 onstar, roof rack, REDUCED!!! brakes, air condi-
ed. Call for more (570) 477-3297 tioning, air bags, Cypress Pearl with
walls,Garage Kept.
6K Miles $5,500
Perfect condition. information.
garage kept.
boards, ASKING $9,999
JUST REDUCED! FORD `05 WHEEL power locks,
JEEP `06 ivory leather interi-

3700 miles, new (570) 237-7076 power windows, or. Well maintained,
(570) 430-0357 $14,750. SAVE MONEY! GET
rear tire, undertail garage kept. All
kit, cover. Price
570-362-1910 READY FOR THE power mirrors,
COMMANDER 4X4 service records.
negotiable $7,800 Seating capacity for player, rear Lockers, V-8. Heat- Brand new tires.
570-852-9072 22 ft. 3 rear bunks, dealer prices! White All options including
Black/Grey. 18,000 7 plus 2 wheel defroster, rear ed leather. All
GSXR 1000CC center bathroom,
miles. Well Custom Van. 67K
with grey interior.
chairs. 140,000 windshield wiper, power. Navigation, premium audio

YAMAHA` 09 VSTAR kitchen, sofa bed. Looks and runs like package, rear
equipped. Includes miles. Interior has miles. Great condi- $5,990 Satellite, Blue tooth,
Less than 1,000 Air, Fully self con- it just came off the climate control,
On-Star, tow pack- oak wood trim, car- tion. Asking $7,000. (570) 606-4198 3rd row, More.
miles. Team colors tained. Sleeps 6. lot. Four Door, 4 adjustable suspen-
peting, storage For more details, 69,000
with matching hel- New tires, fridge age, roof rack, wheel drive, 84,900 sion, towing pack-
running boards, areas, TV, rear seat Call 570-589-9181 highway miles.
met & jacket. Fend- awning. $4500. miles, new tires, age, rear spoiler,
er eliminator kit. remote starter, convertible to dou- tow package, anti $14,900. Call
Like New. 215-322-9845 Lexus bug guard.
Scorpion exhaust. extended warranty. ble bed, curtains. lock brakes, driver (570) 855-3657
Less than 1000 42,750 miles.
Call Dave after 5
miles. White and
chrome. Garage
TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft $16,000
(570) 825-7251
Seats 7. Power win-
dows & seats. Cus-
tom lighting on ceil-
and passenger
airbags, power Cummins engine, ODYSSEY JEEP `07 $28,950
(570) 237-1082
pm 570-825-0394 Rear queen master windows, power 8-L. 49,049


kept. $6,300 bedroom, Walk ing. New exhaust miles. 33,000
LEXUS `96 LX 450
mirrors, power
system. New rear
(570) 817-8127 thru bathroom. locks, rear window gross wt. 6,649
Center kitchen + tires. Recently defroster and light wt. $19,500 4x4, stick shift, soft Full time 4WD, Pearl

GS 750
442 RVs & Campers dinette bed. Front
extra large living TRAILBLAZER LS
Perfect condition,
inspected. Excellent
condition. $4,800.
Call 570-655-0530
wiper, privacy tint,
air conditioner,
Must see!
(570) 829-5886
top. Red exterior,
well maintained,
white with like new
leather ivory interi-
room + sofa bed. garage kept. 11,500
Needs work. cruise control. CD, or. Silver trim.
Big View windows. 17,000 miles. miles, one owner.
FORD `99 E250
keyless entry and
or best offer
Air, awning, sleeps
6, very clean, will
Asking $20,000
570-332-3681 CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR much more.
AC, CD player,
cruise control.
Garage kept. Excel-
lent condition.
570-822-2508 Custom Van. 67K Wheelchair Van Special Edition. 84,000 miles, Ask-
deliver. Located in Tow package with
with slideout & sun miles. Interior has 570-332-4999 78,250 miles. Fully Maroon, Fully ing $10,750
Benton, Pa. $4,900. oak wood trim, car- cargo carrier.
Boat? Car? Truck? room built on. Set serviced, new bat- loaded. Leather 570-654-3076 or
215-694-7497 peting, storage Excellent condition.
tery, tires & rods. seats. TV/DVD, 570-498-0005
1500 DODGE `10
Motorcycle? Air- up on permanent $18,700
plane? Whatever it areas, TV, rear seat Seats 6 or 3 wheel- navigation, sun roof
site in Wapwallopen. Call 570-822-9680
is, sell it with a Comes with many
451 Trucks/ 6 cyl., 2WD, 6 ft.
convertible to dou- chairs. Braun Millen- plus many other
Classified ad. extras. $7,000. SUVs/Vans bed, 5 speed. Only
ble bed, curtains.
Seats 7. Power win- GRAND CARAVAN nium lift
remote. Walk up
with extras. 3rd seat .
Only 1,900 Miles. JEEP `87 WRANGLER
570-829-7130 (570) 829-1419 or 85,000 miles. Just
inspected. Bedliner,
dows & seats. Cus-
tom lighting on ceil-
Only 17k miles.
Fully loaded.
door. Front & rear Brand New. YJ. Copper color `99 ML 320
(570) 991-2135 A/C. Power locks & Asking $37,000 with black hard top.
BUICK `05 toolbox, cap & Sunroof, new tires,
ing. New exhaust Excellent condi- windows. Excellent (570) 328-0850 4.0L 6 cylinder auto. 115,930 miles
4,000 lb. hitch all
Blue FLAGSTAFF `08 included. New rear
system. New rear tion. Factory & condition. $9,500. 60K miles on 2nd MUST SELL
smoked wind
screen. Great bike, CLASSIC RENDEZVOUSFully
CX drums, brakes &
calipers. Excellent
tires. Recently
inspected. Excellent
extended war-
ranty. $17,995
INTERNATIONAL ‘95 engine. Many new
parts. No rust.
$7,200 OBO
runs great. Helmet Super Lite Fifth
condition. Clean
condition. $4,800. (570) 690-2806

& kevlar racing loaded, 1 owner, Call 570-655-0530 Refurbished, rebuilt 570-706-1243
Wheel. LCD/DVD 18,000 miles. 6 inside & out. Only engine, transmis-
gloves included. flat screen TV, fire- $4,200 Firm
$2995. Call for info
(570) 881-5011
place, heated mat-
tress, ceiling fan,
cylinder. New
inspection, tires Joe (570) 868-5900 CHEVY ‘07 sion replaced.
Rear-end removed JEEPLow
& brakes. Like and relubed. Brand


Hide-a-Bed sofa,
outside speakers &
new, inside & out.
$16,900. Call
state inspected.
Cab over, 4 cylinder
diesel engine.
On-Star, Leather. with cap. 1 owner,
grill, 2 sliders, (570) 540-0975 $12,900/best offer. Rebuilt automatic
TRIPLE 955 CC aluminum wheels,
water purifier, with Western plow.
Satellite Radio.
garage kept, very
good condition. 570-594-1496 transmission. Very
good rubber. All
7,000 miles. Very Many extras includ-
JEEP `00
awning, microwave 4WD, Automatic. around good
fast. Needs nothing. ing lift & back seat. 302 V8 engine.
oven, tinted safety Loaded with condition inside
Blue, never 29 MPG gas. 3-speed on the
glass windows, options. Bedliner. & out. Well
dropped. Excellent
condition. $4,200
raised panel fridge
& many acces- EXPRESS 55,000 miles.
$9,200. Call
or best offer
floor transmission.
34X9.50 swamper WRANGLER 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
Ready to work.
(570) 868-6503 (570) 868-0944 tires. Racing seats, www.wyoming PRICE REDUCED!
(570) 970-0564 sories & options. CONVERSION 560 Pierce St. roll cage. $6,195 or
Excellent condition,
YAMAHA `04 V-STAR $22,500.
Loaded. Low
BLAZER 4 door, 4
Kingston, PA
www.wyoming DODGE RAM ‘06 $9,500
For more pics or
570-714-9924 best offer
Call 570-650-3500
1100 Custom. 5800 miles. Excellent new tires, regularly
1500 SLT information, call
(570) 301-7221
JEEP ‘06
Ask for Carmen
light bar,
exhaust, NEWMAR 36’ condition.
serviced, great
condition. Silver.
Low miles,
One owner
windshield, many
extras, must sell. MOUNTAIN AIRE 570-674-3901 AC, 4WD.
174,000 miles LINE UP $19,845 COMMANDER A yard or garage sale
$5,995. Call
5th wheel, 2 large
slides, new CHEVROLET `05
$6,500 or best
offer. 570-242-7979
A GREAT DEAL... HONDA `02 CR-V TJ, Black with grey
interior. 4 cylinder,
4WD, Only 38K
in classified
is the best way
condition, loaded IN CLASSIFIED! EX. Silver. Loaded. 1
5-speed manual tocleanoutyourclosets!
owner, very clean,
YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO with accessories.
Ford Dually diesel DODGE `00 RAM meticulously main- transmission. CD
player, hardtop, full You’re in bussiness
750cc. 8,000 miles, Dark red with tan tained. Seasonal & with classified!
truck with hitch doors, sound bar.
saddlebags, wind- leather interior. cargo mats. $8,400
also available.
or best offer. Call 4” Skyjacker
shield, back rest, 570-455-6796 LT Z71 package. Series. 6.0 Litre V8. 560 Pierce St. Suspension lift with
Black & Pearl, Sunroof. 82,000 Heavy Duty version. 4X4, V8 automatic. Kingston, PA 570-646-3334 or 560 Pierce St.
570-762-3294 steering stabilizer. SL. AWD, 1 owner,
Excellent Condition. Say it HERE miles. Must See! Excellent cargo van. New tires & brakes. www.wyoming Like new BF Kingston, PA
Must See. Asking Asking $19,000 85K miles. Excellent Fully loaded. Lea- no accidents. 4
in the Classifieds! www.wyoming
$2,499. Call after 4. (570) 362-4143 condition. $8,700 ther interior. Many 570-714-9924
To place your Goodrich 35’s with
Full size spare. Only
door hatchback, 6
570-823-9376 570-829-7130 570-829-4548 or extras. Must see. ad call...829-7130 85,000 miles.
cylinder, roof rails,

YAMAHA ‘07 650 V-STAR SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS CHEVROLET `06 570-417-5991 Excellent condition.
(570) 970-9351 FORD `01 LARIAT HUMMER ‘05 H2
570-714-9924 dark gray, black
interior. Premium


(570) 301-7221
Matted black finish. Travel Trailer. 29’, `10 SILVERADO
250 Super Duty Yellow with black LEXUS `04 GX 470 wheels, new tires,
brakes extra set of
Mint condition. New
tires, inspected,
mint condition, 1
slide out a/c-heat.
4X4 pickup, extend-
ed cab, 6 1/2 ft.
Door Crew Cab
LTZ. 4 wheel drive.
with slide-in camper
new tires, 4 door, 8’
leather interior.
Front & rear heated
EX, Van, Sunroof.
Black with dark
gray leather interior.
snows. Premium
fully serviced &
ready to ride. Wind-
Stove, microwave,
fridge, shower
inside & out. Many
box, automatic.
Pewter. 48,000
miles. Excellent
Excellent condition,
low mileage.
$35,500. Call
RAM 1500
Too many extras to
bed. Soft and hard-
top for bed covers.,
Good condition.
seats. Many chrome
accessories. $28,500
or best offer. Call
61,000 miles.
Loaded. Good
DVD player. Fully
loaded. 92,000
miles. Excellent
tooth, XM radio.
Intelligent key entry.
Newly inspected
shield & sissy bar. condition.
Low miles & garage more extras. condition. $17,000 570-655-2689 list. Low Mileage. Sold together or (570) 788-9826 or condition. $19,000 36,900 miles
Negotiable $10,000 separately $10,900 $5000 or best offer.
kept. $4800. or best Reduced. $15,500. (570) 956-8547 (570) 675-4424 $19,500
(570) 954-7461 (570)709-2125 (570) 639-5478 570-606-7654
offer. 570-762-5158 Call 570-842-6735 Leave Message (570) 371-7227

412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale



451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 507 Banking/Real 509 Building/ 524 Engineering 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/ 542 Logistics/
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Estate/Mortgage Construction/ Maintenance/ Maintenance/ Transportation


Professionals Skilled Trades


PROCESS Repair Repair DRIVERS CDL driv-
ers needed. OTR,
Fully loaded, moon CLERK/TELLER AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCED AUTO Regional & Dedicat-
MONTANA SIENNA XLE roof, leather, heat- Black top laborers,
ed Runs. Up to $.50
95,000 miles, well
maintained. Excell-
DVD, leather
ed seats, electric
locks, excellent PART TIME
Credit union has
equipment experi-
ence a plus.
CDL & Hazmat
Must have valid required. 800-942-
ent overall condi-
tion. Keyless entry,
$14968 condition. New
tires, new brakes 506 Administrative/
opening for a part
time Clerk/Teller.
Must have drivers
license, CDL a plus.
Fabri-Kal Corpora-
tion, a major plas-
/TIRE INSTALLERS PA Driver’s License 2104 ext. 238/243
and rotors. 52,000 Call 570-760-3486. Call 570-288-3333
built in baby seat,
miles highway Clerical Requires attention tics company is Mavis Discount Tire
or apply in person
dual climate con-
trol. Rear air. Seats
7. Recent inspec-
$26,500/ best offer.
to details, GL expe-
rience & excellent
customer service
515 Creative/Design
seeking a full time
Process Engineer to
develop and
is actively hiring
Cefalo Motors
Larksville, PA
570-417-2010 till 5 Independent con-
tion & tires. KBB
over $6300. Asking
$5,000 firm. Call
560 Pierce St.
skills. Please send
resume to: PG&W LICENSED STYLISTS & enhance process
capabilities in ther-
Mechanics and Tire
Installers. Qualified
tractor opportuni-
ties for owners/
Part Time general Employees FCU moforming and applicants should
(570) 417-9884 www.wyoming
ASUCCESSFULSALE office assistant
needed for unique
Attn: Carole Fischer
265 S. Main St.
NAIL TECHNICIANS extrusion in Hazle-
ton, PA. Demon-
be proficient in tire
sales, undercar
Mature reliable per-
son wanted to cut
operators with 2002
or newer cargo
Say it HERE
in the Classifieds! 570-714-9924 INCLASSIFIED! local project. Excel- Wilkes-Barre, PA
Needed for new
salon. Experienced. strated expertise in repairs & exhaust.
grass on a 4 acre
residential property.
vans & some small-
er vehicles for distri-
570-829-7130 Doyouneedmorespace? lent communication, 18701 Spanish-speaking a technical leader- PA emissions license
Knowledge of lawn bution and courier
A yard or garage sale typing, Word & Email: cfischer@ plus. ship, mechanical a plus. Experienced services. Must have
engineering, team tractors essential.
Excel skills. Ability / EOE candidates please
in classified Call 570-606-1701 We will supply cell phone and GPS.
56,000 miles, TRACTOR is the best way
to work under pres-
sure. Send cover
letter & resume to
or 570-328-0948 building and prob-
lem-solving skills
required. This posi-
call 914-804-4444
or e-mail resume to
equipment and gas.
Call 570-675-2486.
518 Customer
all-wheel drive,
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
[email protected]
by May 4th. NIGHT SEMINAR Support/Client Care
tion supports Oper-
ations, Quality Con-
4 door, air condi-
Coldwell Banker trol, Product Devel-
CABLE TV INSTALLERS Potential average
tioning, all power,
CD player, leather
interior, tinted
475 CAT & 10
457 Wanted to Buy
Rundle Real Estate
40 North Mountain
Mountain Top, PA
Looking for Part
opment, Customer
Sigma, Kaizen and
Lean Openings for experi-
enced installers and
earnings of
$800-$1200 plus
speed transmission. On Tuesday, Time/Full Time Tele- other activities. dedicated trainees tips Bi-weekly.
windows, custom 2 years experience
wheels, $13,000 $12,000
ALL IN CLASSIFIED! 4/26/2011. 7:00PM. marketer to start eager to learn in the
Scranton area.
working in the coal Call 570-606-7838,
Call 570-829-8753 Looking for the right deal For more informa- immediately for Qualifications: 4 industry. Welding
FREIGHTLINER Responsibilities 8am-4:30pm
Before 5:00 p.m.
430 Detroit, Super
JUNK on an automobile?
tion and to make a
Reservation to
Insurance Company.
Would be making
year technical
degree with mini- include installing
cable TV to the
experience neces-
sary. Plant & equip-
Turn to classified. attend please call: outbound calls. mum 7 years rele- ment maintenance
SUZUKI `09 10 transmission.
Asking $15,000. CAR & It’s a showroom in print! 570-474-2231
extension 32
Please call Lisa @
vant experience or
equivalent combina-
customer’s home or
business, and
experience. 8pm-
4am. To start imme-
Classified’s got
GRAND VITARA166 ‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’ TRUCKS the directions!
RSVP 4/25/2011
Shopping for a
tion of education
and experience in
connection of all
customer premise
equipment. Educat-
diately. Apply in per-
son only - No calls.
Luxury 4x4. with sides. All GET ON THE
new apartment? engineering and Mountaintop
509 Building/
horsepower 4 cylin-
der, 4 mode full time
aluminum, spread
axle. $6,500.
WANTED Construction/ Classified lets
Understanding of
ing the customers
on how to properly
Anthracite Inc.
1550 Crestwood Dr.
4 wheel drive. 1,269 Highest Prices operate the servic- SUCCESS!
miles. 4 wheel anti 2 storage trailers. Apply in person. Skilled Trades you compare costs - polymer behavior
es and equipment
Mountaintop, PA
Paid In Cash!!! Knights Inn without hassle and processes. McLane, a

lock disc brakes. 570-814-4790 Experience in installed is a critical
Leather, heated 310 Route 315 or worry! Process Control, part of this position. $28 billion supply
seats. Power seats,
mirrors, locks & TRUCKS FOR SALE FREE Pittston, PA 18640
570-654-6020 10+ years experi-
Get moving
with classified!
Lean Manufactur-
ing, and AutoCAD
daily maintenance
for chain services
leader, is looking
sunroof. 6 cd Ford, GMC, REMOVAL ence and roofing desirable. MUST! We are a of equipment. for qualified
Class A Drivers to
changer with 8 International-Prices Let the Community experience a DRUG FREE WORK- Knowledge in
speakers. Cruise & starting at $2,295. Call V&G Know! must! 522 Education/ Competitive salary PLACE, where hydraulic and elec- become part of
tilt. Smart pass key- Box Truck, Cab & SAFETY is a CORE our valued team.
Anytime Place your Classified Training and benefits pack- trical systems.

less entry start. Chassis available. VALUE. Contact us Welding a plus. McLane’s
Ad TODAY! age: Health Insur- uniformed drivers
$19,000. Call Call U-haul at 570-235-1145 Competitive salary
Child Care ance, Dental &
570-401-3714 570-822-5536 288-8995 570-829-7130
Center Director- Vision, Disability, and benefits. are well recog-
10+ years experi- 401K, Life, AD&D, Looking for that Solomon Container nized and trusted
Tunkhannock throughout
515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design 515 Creative/Design ence. Must be able
4 year degree in Tuition Reimburse- special place Service
the U.S. for their
to brush, roll & ment, Paid Leave. called home? 495 Stanton St.
Early Childhood/Ele- knowledge,
Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. spackle.
mentary Education Drug screening and Classified will address Wilkes-Barre
accuracy, and
Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.

background checks
Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.

Steady work! and 2 years experi- Your needs. professionalism.

are conditions of

ence or 2 year
Good pay!
Benefits available. degree in Early
Open the door
with classified!
MOTORCYCLE Do you have
MECHANIC what it takes
Call 570-654-4348 tary Education and
4 years experience Monday-Friday to help drive
8AM-5PM; Experience neces- our team?
• Experience in Photoshop a must! CONCRETE LABORERS Teachers and
or forward resume sary. PA motorcycle

Assistants - inspection license
Seasonal Help. Wilkes-Barre Area.
Corporation, Human required. CLASS A
• Experience in scanning and toning of photos. Must have driver’s
license and own
Apply Child Devel- Resources Dept. No phone calls, DRIVERS
opment Council, Attn: M. Murray Bridon American, a apply in person at:
• Knowledge of both PC and MAC platforms. vehicle. 655-7689 9 E. Market St., 150 Lions Drive market leader in Team Effort Cycle • Earn more
money with more
Wilkes-Barre. 1280 Sans Souci
manufacturing of
• Page proofing required. Email susanmcdc4@
Hazle Township PA
18202 steel wire rope has Parkway at-home time
• “We’re here to EOE a full time position Hanover Township,
• Knowledge of typesetting and plating software a plus. COOLING TECHS
hrmail@hazleton. available for an PA 18706 stay” –as a
McLane team-
• Must be willing to work nights and weekends. Local contractor is Electronics Techni-
WINDOW TREATMENT mate, you’ll be

Find a
now accepting Fax: 570-501-0817 cian at our Exeter working in a
applications for Phone: location in a union- stable, secure
experienced com- 570-861-3323 ized environment.
INSTALLERS environment

Pre-employment drug screening and background check mercial techs only. E.O.E.
Candidates should • Multi-stop
Some travel have an Associates Professional, Expe- deliveries prima-
required. Interested candidates should send letter of interest, required. Company Doyouneedmorespace? Degree or equiva- rienced, Opportuni- rily located in

resume and salary history to:
van, cell phone & A yard or garage sale lent training as well ty, (Blinds, Shades, Pennsylvania and
fuel card provided. Verticals, Horizon- New Jersey
Hourly rate is based in classified as experience with
tals) for top Co. • Great pay and
DC Controls, Vari-
on experience & is the best way able Frequency and Work in own area. benefits -
The Times Leader work history.
For more info call at tocleanoutyourclosets! PLC’s. Email resume to
$55,000 to
$60,000 in the You’re in bussiness
Human Resources Department Rich 570-899-3308
with classified!
The company offers
a competitive start- or
call 516-358-9612.
first year;
medical, dental,
15 N. Main Street • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 LABORERS 527 Food Services/
ing wage, bonus
program, compre- 539 Legal
vision, life and
Gas field Cleanup
[email protected] Crew. Must be Hospitality hensive benefit
package, and an Requirements:
physically fit and
excellent health LEGAL SECRETARY • HS diploma or

No Telephone Calls Please!

willing to work in all
weather conditions.
LINE COOKS insurance
Candidate must be
plan. Organizational skills
and experience
• Two years driving
and Random Drug able to work a 8 necessary. Knowl-
• Clean driving
We are an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. Testing. Must be hour shift rotation. If edge of office pro-
record and great
available to work Red Rooster interested please cedures and Word
Restaurant send a resume to, a must. Salary customer service
Day/Night Shifts. skills
Starting wage Rte. 118 & 29 or complete an commensurate with
$15.00 per hour. Sweet Valley application at: experience. Find out more or
Benefits available Send resume to: apply to become a
Let the Community Bridon American
after 90 days. 570- ONLY
D . c/o Times Leader valued Teammate

Autos 297-4720 or apply Know!

101 Stevens Lane,
Exeter, PA 18643
Box 2530
15 N. Main Street
by contacting:
Place your Classified John Hart,
in person @ 22020 EOE M/F/D/V
Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co.Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Rt. 14 Troy, PA. Wilkes-Barre, PA McLane People
Ad TODAY! Affirmative 18711-0250 Department by
570-829-7130 Action Employer
(570) 330-8400,
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale or email: jfhart@

TIO N ! V is it U s 2 4 /7
A ll N ew Vehicle w w w . va lleychevr o let. co m Saturday
8 am -12 noon
Lea se or P urcha ses CDL A or B with
Includes M on.-Thurs. Tanker Endorse-
ment. 2 Years Expe-
F irstY ea r 8 am -6:30 pm rience required.
Clean MVR. Must be
G M able to work/day

M a intena nce † 821-2778 night shift. Pay up to

$30.00/hour. Bene-
fits available after
90 days. Call 570-

297-4720 or apply
in person at 22020
Rt. 14 Troy, PA.

Drive with the best
of the best!

Come join our great
family of Drivers
Kenan Advantage
Tired of sorting
through all the ads
that promise home
weekly runs or
sorry no local runs
available? If what
you really want is to

HU RRY!...
be home daily, look
no further.
Driver Qualifications
Class A CDL ability
to obtain tank and
hazmat 2 years

LIM ITED TIM E IN CEN TIVE recent verifiable

tractor-trailer expe-
rience. Safe driving

April20th -M ay 2nd record.

Home Daily. Com-

Your trade can get you an petitive pay pack-

age. Excellent ben-
efit packages. Train-

additionalup to ing on safe driving

and product han-
dling. New and well

1 500 OFF
maintained equip-
ment, uniforms, and
more! Call Brian

, 972-740-8051
learn how to get

started. Apply online

your new lease or purchase! @

Ifyour trade is 2004 or new er GM 4-5 years experi-
ence. Start immedi-
vehicle...Chevy,GM C,Buick, ately. All local work.
No out of town.

Pontiac,Hum m er,Saturn,Cadil lac, Call Danny Jr. at

Danny Sr. at 570-
you can get an AD D ITION AL REBATE 760-7896, or Home
# at 570-654-0525.
tow ards your purchase or l
Spring Trade Assistance rebate – applies to in-stock inventory only. Must trade in a General Motors 2004 or newer vehicle to
be eligible for Valley Chevrolet incentive. Cars $1000 trade assistance; trucks, SUVs $1500 trade assistance. Certain Full time, able to
restrictions apply. Prior sales excluded. Must take delivery by May 2, 2011. †First year GM maintenance is included with drive a 20’ truck,
purchase/lease price of vehicle. Combined offer. 7 year clean driving
record, able to do
K E N W A L L A CE ’
S physical work and

V A L L E Y CH E V RO L E T lift 60 lbs., PA driver

medical card, motor
vehicle report, flexi-
601 K IDDE R S TRE E T, W IL K E S -BA RRE , P A ble hours, $9/hour
plus incentive on

821-2772 • 1-800-444-7172 pounds collected.

Apply at:
U’SAgain Recycling
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-8:00pm; Fri. 8:30-7:00pm; Sat. 8:30-5:00pm 486 S. Empire St.

542 Logistics/ 548 Medical/Health 551 Other 554 Production/ 610 Business 708 Antiques & 710 Appliances 716 Building 730 Computer 744 Furniture &
Transportation Operations Opportunities Collectibles Materials Equipment & Accessories
Amana. White. Side
company that
works with you!
original, 7 plates.
by side. 25.8 cu. ft.
Icemaker, excellent
solid wood, 6 panel. LAPTOP CD/DVD
dresser with mirror,
highboy dresser,
leader in a multi-bil-
Work 100 hours,
earn an
Golf course experi-
MANAGER The only shop
in the area!
$70. all. beta max
blank tapes $1 ea.
condition. $200
Exterior or interior.
Natural oak finish,
DRIVE - plays DVDs
and burns CDs. $25
nightstand & regular
size bed. $250.
Supports Director of right or left with call Rick 283-2552
lion dollar rental additional $100 ence preferred. 1,300 sq/ft retail 570-868-5066 hardware. $200. 570-287-0563
Manufacturing by & 1,300 sq/ft WASHER: Kenmore
industry for con- Call the Call 570-735-8730 LAPTOP: Dell d610
ensuring efficient FOREIGN world front loader, new BEDROOM SUITE.
struction is looking NOW HIRING Wyoming Valley CC execution of the
storage or 570-332-8094 refurbished:w7sp1,o
door lock, but needs
to make immediate RN’s, LPN’s, at 823-0740 for an coins total of 90, twin bed, dresser
production sched- new motor. $200. fc10,antivirus+more.
hires for the follow- interview. mostly older types DOUBLE UTILITY w/mirror, chest of
CNA’s ule, product quality, all for $15. 570-954-2899 p4mc.6,60gb,dvdr
drawers, desk
ing positions in the Includes SINK, with spraying wifi, new battery &
Hospital, planning and exe-
Long Term Care, VALET ATTENDANT cuting maintenance
programs, and
established sales,
all equipment,
Why Spend
faucet. Barely used.
$75. 570-417-4188
bag. warranty $225.
Dell d600 laptop
w/hutch and chair.
$300. LOFT BED.
Private Duty Full time position showcases, Hundreds on leave message. custom built. Built in
DRIVER communicating with Spirit of 76 engine, refurb: w7sp1
available. Wilkes- inventory & New or Used desk and light,
As an employee caboose, & 3 box ,ofc10, antivirus +
You will operate we offer… Barre location.
Immediate opening.
customers and key
leadership team
memberships to
FTD, Tele-Floral &
cars (Georgia, NC &
Most problems
To place your more. p4mc 1.6,40
shelves, drawers.
$400. Excellent
construction equip-
Competitive Apply in person to
Delaware) slightly
used great condi-
with your appli-
ances are usually
ad call...829-7130 gb, cdrw+dvd, wifi,
new battery & bag,
Rates, Flexible Geisinger Wyoming Willing to train warranty $200. HP
ment, delivery maintenance teams tion. $175. simple and inex- GLASS DOOR. 3
Scheduling, Valley Hospital/ buyer. Owner d530 small desk
trucks, including to ensure safe and 570-287-5045 pensive to fix! way glass door for BUFFET with 3
Weekly Pay and Cancer Center. retiring after 25 top/monitor/key-
tractor trailer com- efficient manufac- Save your hard bath tub. $25 drawers, matching
much more! See Bob Reese. years in business. PIANO. Ericsson board/mouse=sys-
binations to pick up turing operations. earned money, Let 570-331-8183 hutch with glass
1000 East Mountain Room for upright from 1885. tem. refurb:w7 sp1,
and deliver equip- Detailed, timely us take a look at it front, 2 shelves,
Blvd. Wilkes-Barre, potential growth. Needs tuning and LIGHT FIXTURE ofc10,antivirus+mor
ment to and from communication with dark wood. $45.
customer work
sites, and is able to
PA or call 631-724-
6227. Must have
logistics team, qual-
ity assurance, cus-
CALL 570-542-4520 some minor repairs.
$200. 868-6613
30 years in
Beautiful tiffany-
style light fixture
e.p4 2.6,80gb, cdrw
+ dvd, warranty/
clean license and Pictures available. the business. measuring 13”H x
train in safe usage 570-587-4000 tomer service and complete system BUNKBED Oak
neat appearance. SEWING MACHINE East Main 32”W x 14”D, $150.570-862-2236 bunkbed with ladder
of the equipment. nicolec@caregivers customers on pro- Appliances
1917. table. Neat stained glass piece & upper guide rail.
H.S. diploma (or duction status. 630 Money To Loan item, must sell! $75. 570-735-8271 of art is done in TABLET: Coby tablet Very good condition.
equivalent), the abil- 554 Production/ Responsible for 570-814-4643 Nanticoke white & mother-of- PC with touch- Can use as 2 twin
ity to lift 70 lbs., •R.N. 7am 3pm maintaining Data-
have a valid CDL •R.N./LPN 11pm 7am
Operations “We can erase
pearl tones & has a screen and android beds. $100.
base system infor- your bad credit - STATE QUARTER
license, satisfactory Full Time mation for current Line up a place to live polished brass fin- OS. New! $99. Eric 570-388-2501
driving record, and
knowledge of feder-
•CNA’S 11pm 7am
Full Time
EQUIPMENT OPERATOR production status.
Work with the logis-
100% GUARAN-
TEED.” Attorneys
COIN SETS in fold-
ers. $20. 824-1180 in classified!
ish. Asking price is
$350.. ALSO, a pair
609-433-5660 (in
Wilkes-Barre) CEDAR CHEST
Candidate must for the Federal 609-433-5660 Antique with hand
al motor carrier reg- Apply in person to: tics team in planning YEARBOOKS: of polished brass
Trade Commission
ulations is required. Lakeside Nursing have HS Diploma/
material needs for say they’ve never Coughlin H.S. 1926, 712 Baby Items and acrylic wall painted flowers on
GED & a good work sconces measuring front, footed base &
Two years of com- Center
history. Equipment
upcoming produc- seen a legitimate 1928, 1932, 1937,
7”H x 9”W. These
732 Exercise beautiful carved
mercial driving RR4 BOX 357 tion. Assists with 1940, 1961, 1963, BASSINET with
experience and credit repair opera- Equipment trim, leg needs
experience involving Dallas, PA 18612 production schedul- 1942, 1943, 1944, canopy, mobile, classic looking fix-
knowledge of tion. No one can minor repair. $100.
the movement of (570) 639-1885 ing to ensure pro- 1949. G.A.R. H.S. music, vibration. tures are priced at
hydraulic machines legally remove THIGH ROCKER. Recliner $40. Bed-
trucks and con- E.O.E duction schedule 1934, 1935, 1936, Green/white pattern $48. for the pair.
is a must. Benefits accurate and timely Body By Jake Bun & room set, circa 1926
struction equipment meets customer 1937, 1945, 1946, for boy or girl. Can Call 570-430-1366 if
information from Thigh, seated squat inlaid wood, bed,
including oversized Riverstreet include Health, Paid
Holidays/Vacation &
requirements and your credit report. 1951, 1955, 1956, also be used as
bedside sleeper.
interested. Photos
upon request. machine,$50. dresser & armoire,
loads required. enables efficient It’s a process that 1957, 1961, 1965,
Knowledge of safety Manor 401K. Please call Al
operations. Knowl- starts with you and 1966, 1970, 1980, Includes matt pad &
SINKS: Arlington
WEIGHT BENCH, $125. Antique wash
has an opportunity at 570-822-6880. sheets. Excellent MPEX Powerhouse stand, carved &
procedures for edge of GMPs and involves time and a 1985, 2005, 2006.
available for a condition. $50. almond double bowl 698, $75. PILATES stenciled decora-
securing and trans- quality assurance Meyers H.S. 1935,
porting cargo is also Full Time Day Shift MANUFACTURING requirements.
conscious effort to
pay your debts. 1936, 1937, 1938, 570-855-9221 kitchen sinks. (2)
with slight imperfec-
DVD’s, older model,
tions, $110. call
E-mail resume with
cover letter to info@
Learn about manag-
ing credit and debt
1942, 1943, 1944,
1945, 1946, 1960,
cushions with honey
tion $50.
NES RENTALS We offer a competi- at ftc. gov/credit. A 1974, 1975, 1976, maple $100. FLOOR
colored wood. $100. TIME WORKS-
offers competitive tive salary and ben- A well-established Include job title in message from The 1977. Kingston H.S. LAMPS brass with 5
Excellent condition Four in One
wages, medical/ efits. Every other local manufacturer subject line. Times Leader and 1938, 1939, 1940,
$140. 654-8042
720 Cemetery Machine, $85 fixtures $25. Pine
dental, vision, tuition is looking for full 1944, 1948, 1949.
weekend & holiday the FTC. Plots/Lots PILATES CHAIR, shelf $10. Swag -
reimbursement, and
rotation required. time Machine Oper-
ator for 3rd shift at
LINEUP Plymouth H.S. 1930,
1931, 1932, 1933,
HIGHCHAIR, white Malibu, $100. grapes & wine bot-
For considera-
tion, apply online
Willing to train.
Opportunities for
our Plains location.
Will train right candi-
ASUCCESSFULSALE 1938, 1943, 1944,
1959, 1960.
vinyl highchair with
blue print padding $ CEMETERY PLOTS 570-388-2742
before 8pm
tles $10.
large tray $30. Plymouth National
at our Careers
center at RN’S AND C.N.A.’S date. A comprehen-
sive benefit pack-
INCLASSIFIED! Hanover H.S. 1951,
1952, 1953, 1954,
Walker red, blue &
yellow $15. Yellow
Cemetery in
Wyoming. 6 Plots.
with a Classified Ad.
ERS, solid cherry,
www.nesrentals. are also available. age, which includes Doyouneedmorespace? 1960. West Pittston infant seat vibrates $450 each. Call 570-829-7130 beautiful $180.
NES recognizes and
All interested 401K. A yard or garage sale 700
H.S. Annual 1925,
1926, 1927, 1928,
with music, great for 570-825-3666 570-675-3328
parties please apply feeding $40. WEIGHT BENCH,
values diversity.
Applications can be in classified 1931, 1932, 1959. CHINA CABINET
in person at obtained at: MERCHANDISE 570-208-3888 curling bar, weights.
We are an
Riverstreet Manor
American Silk Mills
is the best way Luzerne H.S. 1951,
1952, 1956, 1957, INFANT CLOTHES CEMETERY PLOTS can deliver. $12.
god Condi-
440 North River St.
75 Stark Street tocleanoutyourclosets! 1959. Berwick H.S. LARGE PLASTIC (3) together. tion $60. Television
Wilkes Barre, PA 702 Air Maple Lawn
Plains, PA 18705 You’re in bussiness 1952, 1953, 1956, BOX $10.
Section of 742 Furnaces &
Stand 2 glass
Find Your Ideal
Collect cash, not dust! with classified! Conditioners 1957, 1958, 1960, 570-285-3119
shelves & bottom
Employee! Place an Village at Clean out your
1967, 1968, 1969
Heaters shelf wood, excel-
ad and end the AIR CONDITIONER ,1970. Lehman H.S. LAMAZE space lent condition $75.
Greenbriar basement, garage 566 Sales/Retail/ symphony mat $45. Section ML. HEATER. Propane Motion mirror with
search! $40 1973, 1974, 1976,
Assisted Living or attic and call the Jolly baby discovery $550 each.
Classified depart-
Business 570-740-1246 1978, 1980. Nanti-
gas, with 30’ cop- sound Tropical
ask for an employ-
ment specialist
PART TIME ment today at 570- Development
706 Arts/Crafts/
coke Area H.S.
1976, 2008. Dallas
play mat
Boppy with cover
$20. per tubing. $100 or
best offer.
Scenery .$25.
829-7130! H.S. 1966, 1967, 425. Prop R Shop- 570-287-9946
POSITIONS AVAILABLE FLOOR HELP/CASHIER Hobbies 1968. Bishop Hoban per, never used 410. CEMETERY
545 Marketing/ •Personal Care QUALITY CONTROL PATTERNS Simplici-
H.S. 1972, 1973, Kolcraft stroller $12.
Graco High chair
kerosene, all serv-
Solid oak, 53 1/4” X
24” with 3 glass top
Product Aides - All Shifts Full & Part Time ty Daisy Kingdom
1974, 1975. West (2) Available. iced & working. $30 inserts. Excellent
•Dietary Aide
TECHNICIAN – Room to advance. size 3456 on pat-
Side Central $25. Kolcraft tot
rider $15. Primo tub
St. Mary’s each, call Monday - condition, $50.
Apply within:
Entry Level
Will assist QC
Apply in person.
Dallas Center
tern, all fabric &
details to match
Catholic H.S. 1965 -
1974, 1980, 1981. $15. Miracle Swad-
dle blanket $12.
Cemetery. Near
front gate on N.
Thursday after 6 pm
Hardware Westmoreland H.S. Main St. Call for COMPUTER DESK,
In search of a 4252 Memorial Hwy Supervisor, estab- pattern, size 3 - 30 Changing pad with details at
dynamic person Dallas, PA 18612 42-44 Main Street 1952, 1953 - 1954 with hutch. $75.
patterns, includes cover $12. Burp
with great commu-
lish, examine and Dallas, PA material to match,
G.A.R. H.S. 1972,
cloth .25 cents
(570) 328-7370 744 Furniture & CEDAR CHEST with
maintain quality on
nication skills and Daisy Kingdom doll
1973, 1974, 1975,
Receiving blanket Accessories cushion seat, $150.
551 Other production floor.
1976 Pittston H.S.
ability to multi-task.
The successful can-
Position will be “on pattern also on pat-
tern $200. One 18
1936, 1951, 1954, .50 cents. Zutano
TEA CART, oak. $75

hands” in produc- 1963 Pittston Hospi- jump suit 6 months
didate will be punc- Now hiring gallon tall tote (plas- 4 grave sites, with rails $50.
tion dept., on floor tal School of Nurs- $10. Zutano fleece
tual, organized, reli- Full time positions. tic) with lace, all fabulous location. 570-675-2879
testing and sam- ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, outfit 3 months $10.
able, creative, con- Part Time. Current Commission sizes, some eyelet Purchased 20 years
pling. $ 13/hour to 1959 West Pittston Gap sweater dress
scientious, and per- EMT and EVO certi-
start. Hours: 7 a.m.
based. Experi- $50. Many plastic
H.S. 1950, 1954, 3 months $10.
ago. $2,450 522 Education/ 522 Education/
sonable. Must have fications required. ence in propane, dolls to crochet 610-838-7727
to 4 p.m Mon. – Fri. 1955, 1956, 1960 Onsies short sleeve Training Training
prior marketing heating oil and dresses for, air $1.50 Onsies long
Must have prior HVAC sales. Email Hazleton H.S. 1938,
experience. Must experience in QC or fax resumes to
freshners included
1939, 1940, 1941, sleeve $2. Sweater 726 Clothing
be a self-starter and with Microsoft $20. 570-674-3843 $5. Socks 12 pair
1942, 1943, 1945,
with reliable trans- Part Time. Valid & 570-474-5256 or
Word & Excel. Will 1948, 1949, 1950, $6. 570-675-7225 BOY’S CLOTHES
portation. Computer Current CDL [email protected] SEWING MACHINE -
operate forklift and 1953, 1954, 1955, sizes M/L, all like
skills a must. Will- Driver’s License. Singer Spartan. TWIN STROLLER new 25 items for
some heavy lifting (free delivery) $10. 1956, 1957, 1959, • Math
ingness to work Peg Perego twin $30. Boy’s sizes
may be required. 570-855-2568 1960, 1961, 1962,
Saturdays a must. To apply, call Must be detailed 1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
Aria, black, very L/XL polos, shorts, • Must be proficient in all areas of
Positive attitude and 570-675-3334 good condition,
oriented and have 1951, 1952 only weighs 11
shirts, sweatshirts, Pre - Algebra and Algebra 1.
high energy a must. Kunkle Fire Co., Inc. ability to multi-task. 708 Antiques & 570-825-4721 25 items $30. Bare-
• Middle School (5th through 8th grade)
Fax resume to pounds. Paid $400. ly worn, some still
Competitive benefit Collectibles • Secondary Ed applicants encouraged
570-822-3446. No Looking for the right deal package. Candi-
$140. 654-8042 have tags 237-1583
phone calls please.
on an automobile? dates meeting qual- 710 Appliances • 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ifications should for-
600 UMBRELLA stroller, PROM GOWNS,
548 Medical/Health Turn to classified. ward resume with FINANCIAL APPLIANCE
red & blue plaid $7. excellent condition,
Send resume to:
Backless booster
It’s a showroom in print! wage requirements PA RT S E T C . seat $5. Car seat,
(3) available, sizes
4, 8, & 10. Colors Wilkes-Barre Academy
Used appliances.
Classified’s got
LPN/RN the directions!
AEP Industries, 610 Business Parts for all brands.
223 George Ave.
gray with blue trim,
$30. Pack & Play,
watermelon $75.,
black $50. & seam-
20 Stevens Road
Wilkes Barre PA 18702
Part Time. Inc.,Attn: Human Opportunities Wilkes-Barre Graco blue & yellow foam green $75.
Flexible hours.
Private Clinic. Avail- FLAGGERS WANTED Resources,
20 Elmwood Ave.,
570-820-8162 with animal print
pad, asking $30.
Worn only once. Call
able immediately.
Send resumes to:
Hiring 50. Vehicle Mountain Top, Pa.
18707, Fax (570)
cleaning, electric
Stroller, green &
cream plaid $40.
PURSES (2) Vera
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
required, $8-$30 Old Toys, model kits,
c/o Times Leader 474-9257, Email: ignition, good condi-
Bikes, dolls, old gun Booster high chair, Bradley assorted
Box 2505 per hour. Will train. Grullony@ tion. $50. 826-1702
Mining Items, trains cream with bur- purses $20 each.
15 N. Main Street 570-714-FLAG. & Musical Instruments, gundy, $25. TV 570-693-2612
EOE We are a Drug Free Hess. 474-9544 Frigidaire, 18 cu. ft. video baby monitor,
18711-0250. Workplace. EOE brand new, $50.
white, $100. or best
Baby bath tub
730 Computer
offer. 570-287-9946
551 Other 551 Other 551 Other BEER & LIQUOR FORM 1950’s A.G. shower $20. Wood- Equipment &
LICENSE FOR SALE Spaulding wool, Mil- REFRIGERATOR: en changing table Software
For More Info, Call ton Team $200.
General Electric / $60. Eddie Bauer RN’s

Earn Extra Cash

570-824-7041 No Frost. Works car seat, beige & DESK. Computer
good. $60. black suede $40. Desk $50. Call 735- Part Time 7-3 & 11-7
BALL, Topps sets
570-655-5404 570-239-5292 8730 or 332-8094 Accepting applications for
Per Diem RNs all shifts
License available

For Just A Few

with option to lease $4. each. Call 570- 527 Food Services/ 527 Food Services/ 527 Food Services/
building or sold 825-7458 9am-12 Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality LPN’s
separately. noon & 5pm- 9pm.
570-954-1284 Full Time 11-7 Part Time 3-11

Hours A Day.
COINS: silver quar- Accepting applications for
Liquor License
Luzerne County
ter set 3 standing
Liberty & 2 Barber FOOD SERVICES MANAGER Per Diem LPNs all shifts
head $40. Silver half
Priced to sell dollar 1818 $65.
This position plans, directs, and supervises the camp’s food service. CNA’s

Cordora Penny to half coin It is responsible for the oversight of the kitchen staff, facility
Business Network set $35. maintenance, and food. Responsibilities including menu planning, Full Time 3-11 & 11-7
570-287-7013 570-262-0708 overseeing the cooking and serving of meals, supervising the kitchen Part Time 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7
staff, and ordering of food and supplies.
522 Education/ 522 Education/ Previous experience working in a camp or institutional food service 2nd shift $1.75
setting, experience as a cook, and cooking for large groups is required.
Training Training 3rd Shift $1.00
Excellent communication, management, and interpersonal skills are
also required. Candidates should have the ability to lift 50lbs. Weekend Days - $1.00
and be able to stand for up to 8 hours. How To Apply?
DALLAS SCHOOL DISTRICT - EOE This year, our resident camp will be held at Camp Archbald in Call 877-339-6999 x1
(No Collections) Kingsley, PA from July 17th until August 21st. Fax: 866-854-8688
To apply, submit the appropriate application Kitchen staff members are not required to live onsite. Email: [email protected]
Available routes: packet along with a letter of interest, resume,
letters of recommendation, copies of Act 34,
Interested candidates should submit a resume to [email protected]
or mail to Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania
Complete Application in Person
395 Middle Road, Nanticoke
Laflin/Hudston 114 and 151 clearances to: Dr. Paul Reinert,
Assistant Superintendent, Dallas School Dis-
Attention: Human Resources, 350 Hale Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17104 Located directly across from
LCCC on LCTA Bus Route
$920 Monthly Profit + Tips trict, PO Box 2000, Dallas, PA 18612

225 daily papers / 240 Sunday papers High School Technology Education 566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business
Chamberlain Street, Driftwood Drive, Hilldale Drive, Teacher - DEADLINE: May 27, 2011 Development Development Development 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
Full time technology education certified
Jason Drive, Lombardo Drive teacher is sought to design and teach contem-
porary courses in Materials & Processes, Prod-
Duryea uct Design/Prototyping, Engineering, Robotics
& Automation, and a culminating Innovation
$560 Monthly Profit + Tips capstone course. Successful candidate will uti-
lize knowledge of contemporary curriculum,
149 daily papers / 141 Sunday papers best practices, and willingness to lead technol-
Adams Street, Blackberry Lane, Cherry Street, ogy related student organizations to develop a
state-of-the-art technology education program NURSE
Columbia Street, Cranberry Terr., Evans Street to coincide with the opening of a new high BUICK • GMC P
7a – 7p
school in September 2011. Qualified candi- Weekend Program
dates will provide student work samples repre-
sentative of standards-based lesson design and
$400 Monthly Profit + Tips effective instruction.
All Shifts – Per Diem

92 daily papers / 144 Sunday papers Teaching application packet: PA standard

Baldwin Avenue, E. Center Hill Road, Claude Street,

teaching application, copies of teaching certifi
cate, Praxis scores, and transcripts. CNAs
Midland Drive, Saginaw Street Evenings & Nights,
High School Building Secretary – Per Diem All Shifts
Deadline: April 26, 2011 4:30 PM Competitive pay plans based on current experience and
To find a route near you and start Position for the 2011-2012 school year is a 12 training. Looking for team players that are honest, energetic Competitive Salary & Benefits Package
earning extra cash, call Rosemary at month, full time position with benefits. The
successful candidate will have a desire and and are top performers in their field. Golden Living Center Summit
570-829-7107 ability to work in a public high school setting.
Skills in the areas of written and oral commu-
nication, organization, multitasking and basic
Apply in person at Sun Buick GMC,
4230 Birney Ave., Moosic, PA 18507
50 N. Pennsylvania Avenue
computer programs are required.
or email for an application Fax 570-825-9423 or
Support Staff application packet: to [email protected] [email protected]
district application (found on the employment

page of the district website).

744 Furniture & 744 Furniture & 744 Furniture & 754 Machinery & 758 Miscellaneous 774 Restaurant 782 Tickets 815 Dogs 906 Homes for Sale
Accessories Accessories Accessories Equipment Equipment
COUCH, 91”, floral LIGHT BASKETBALL SOFA. Raymour and
Dobsonian Mount
TICKETS (2) Elton
John, great seats, GERMAN SHEPHERD AVOCA
pattern, soft shades
of peach, light gold,
SWAG rim net, glass
globe is red white
Flanigan. Beautiful.
Burgundy. 2 end HAULMARK ‘07 TRAIL-
Telescope - 1100
MM x 135MM, Cher- EQUIPMENT,
Somerset Dough
lower level section
104, row e, seats 17 PUPPIES, AKC
green, & rust, ask- blue $45. Lamp recliners. Excellent ry wood Mount,
Sheeter, Model
& 18. Mohegan Sun 800 Shepherds By Fanti
$100 Good
tiffany floor 69” tall
shade is 5” high 14”
condition. $250.
ER 6’X14’
Like new with
many features,
Instructional video CAR-100. Only
1 available. $1,500
Arena, April 22. Paid
$278 asking $250. PETS & ANIMALS
25 Yrs. Experience
Family Raised
chair and a half, 51” across lamp shines included, box never 570-313-7701 Black/Tan,
STUFFED CHAIR electric brakes, opened - $175 or Call for more info Black/Red. M/F
with ottoman in flo- towards ceiling $60.
with matching new tires and best offer. 570-498-3616 805 Birds Hasenborn-Arminus
ral pattern. Asking Empress fiber bed
ottoman, excellent reinforced tongue. 570-388-4095
784 Tools 570-825-5597
$50 good shape cover queen size in $2700. RESTAURANT
condition $75. LOVE BIRDS: (3) 570-239-5498
Accent recliner original package 570-239-5457 EQUIPMENT, TOOL BOX new for a
570-954-3650 TIRES & RIMS: with new cage $150 1206 Spring St.
chair, Queen Anne $50. Syroco 2 piece
with claw legs, dark wall planter with silk TABLE: 3 piece 40”
(2) Lexington mud &
snow tires on rims,
full size pickup
truck, new diamond
for everything.
570-288-9940 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Totally remodeled 2
bedroom home with
green with small flowers $45. Canis- round table with 2 756 Medical 5 hole, 75% tread model SPM45, plate 70” l x 20” w x AKC shots, wormed fabulous kitchen, 2
diamond pattern ter set 4 pieces 17” deep crossover PARROTLETS www.mountain
throughout, asking stainless steel by
leaf’s, can keep Equipment 195/70-14 $60. 4 $500; ALSO, Bunn
new in box, toolbox Hand raised, baby
car garage,
open or drop, has Timberline tires on Pour Over Coffee inground heated
$50. Like new cof- Revere Wear, excel- pedestal bottom & 2 Machine, Model # with sliding tray. blues, $80 each 570-746-1689
DIABETIC syringes, stock steel rims, pool and 4 person
fee table, cherry lent condition $50. chairs, light pine & STF15, $225 location West 570-735-2243
60 bags of 10 $.50 center caps, 90% hot tub. Finished
wood with claw 570-288-5628 white, ideal for small For more info, call Pittston. $125.
each. Novolog tread, 5 hole, white basement could be
legs, $50. Decora-
tor tree $15. Call To place your kitchen, breakfast
nook, or sun porch.
insulin 5 boxes $20
each. 1 bag of 10 $2.
letters 205/75 -15
570-498-3616 570- 299-7073
PINEAPPLE CONURES a 3rd bedroom.
Duryea Borough.
Hand fed, hand
between 8:30 am
and 9 pm. 570-474-
ad Call Toll Free used very little, 570-239-0057 RESTAURANT
786 Toys & Games raised, tame, sold MLS #11-576
1-800-427-8649 excellent condition $145,900
2756. Mountain Top.
paid $169 l sell for
$85. 570-258-2554
electric Nutron 350
Hamilton Beach,
excellent condition.
MIXER, 20 quart
BICYCLE, Woman’s
Schwinn Collegiate
elsewhere for $399.
On sale for $199 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Call Charlie
VM 101
each. Call
& pillows, off white
with green & red
NITURE, plaid sofa,
matching chair, and
752 Landscaping &, has 2
batteries, & charg-
$10. 570-288-1063
mixer, Model
AE-20, with timer
3, 26”, new tires.
$75. 570-654-2657
570-472-3914 & LAB PUPPIES 570-829-6200
coordinating reclin- er. $500. 654-1578 and guard, $1300. Yellow $350. Black
flowers, very good
condition. S shaped er. Good condition. Gardening hardware, fits 2005- ALSO, Bev Air 2 DVD’S Harry Potter 810 Cats $250. Wormed.
$250. 674-7978 WHEELCHAIR. Elec- 2008 Escape, Mer- door refrigerator/ (1st four movies) all 570-836-1090
coffee table (Mother cury Mariner, Mazda
1st Choice tric. Ranger Storm sandwich prep $30. WWE wrestling CAT: Blue a 6 year
of Pearl) $200. for LIVING ROOM Sofa series. Needs bat- Tribute $110 or best table, Model figurines & acces- old cat, free to good ITALIAN CANE CORSO
all. 570-287-3716
and Loveseat.
Leather. Light beige,
See our ad in the
tery charger. $75
offer. Call
SP48-12, $1300.
Call 570-498-3616
sories 20 for $35.
Tech Decks ramp &
home. My allergies
have gotten worse
Mastiff Puppies
ICCF Registered.
great condition Call an Expert sec- before 8 pm
Solid oak, three
glass shelves & two $400. 823-9551 tion under Category
1165 - Lawn Care
758 Miscellaneous
Fantom Fury, dual-
for more details. skateboards (15) all
for $25.
& I can no longer
give him the affec-
Parents on premis-
es. Blue & blue REDUCED!
lights for display LOVESEAT & cyclonic cleaning 776 Sporting Goods 570-237-1583 tion & attention he fawn. Ready May 1.
$200. Bridal Pre- OTTOMAN solid AZALEAS Mature 3, system, no bags needs. Blue is strict- Vet Checked
cious Moment knick 3 Rhododendrons, 1 AB-DOER brand TOY BOX Little Tikes ly an indoor cat & is
sand colored cush- needed, attach- BASEBALL 570-617-4880
knacks $5 to $35, Holly, pavers, all for new, in box never toy box with pink lid declawed (front
ioned, excellent ments inc. optional EQUIPMENT:USED. and book shelf. $25
Hunter green couch
reclines on both
shape $200. $50. FREE DARK
FILL 3 tons, you
opened $149.99
value will sacrifice
hose extension,
HEPA filter, owner’s
only), &
sides, drawer in haul, Plains. for $70. Lexmark 570-878-7327 Parents on premises
SOFA: 100% Italian manual, excellent new $25. Men’s XBOX-360. Guitar
center bottom and 570-826-0079 232 color ink jet Shots Current. $500.
black leather sofa & condition, $84. Call Nike tan catchers hero drums & guitar.
hidden pull out table
with cup holders
loveseat, very good
condition $550.
printer new in the
box $20. 1200 dpi
(570) 709-3146 any-
time in Laflin
$40. Cordless rac-
ing wheel & pedals
12 weeks & up.

POMERANIANS 314 Packer St.

$150. Vera Bradley 570/824-7807 or premium photo catcher leg guards, $25. 570-693-2612 Shots, neutered,
LAWN SERVICE WHEELS & TIRES Easter Special Newly remodeled 3
retired pattern
purse $20. Vera
570-545-7006 See Our Ad In The
Call An Expert
also sharp
sound from ‘98 Jeep
Cherokee 15” alu-
used $10. Youth
Louisville Slugger Find Something? VALLEY CAT RESCUE AKC, 9-14 weeks,
All Shots &
bedroom home with
1st floor master, 1.5
Bradley retired pat- AFFORDABLE speakers set for a outfielders glove, Lose Something? 824-4172, 9-9 only.
tern wallet $10, Section 1162 sharp boombox 5 minum with silver wormed. Vet baths, detached
MATTRESS SALE used $10. Omaha Get it back where it checked. $275
Dooney and Burke speakers in all $20. comes with tires KITTEN. Gorgeous garage, all new sid-
We Beat All Brizzy’s Little League bat belongs to $400 each.
black purse $10. DVD/VCR combo 225/75r/15. 2 gray and white kit- ing , windows, shin-
Competitors Prices! Arbor Care & (gold), used $15. with a Lost/Found ad! 570-864-2643
call 570-704-8117 Sharp with hook ups wheels with 1 new ten. 8 weeks old. gles, water heater,
Mattress Guy Landscaping Call 570-868-6134 570-829-7130
works great $40. tire & 1 needs to be Free to a kind, lov- kitchen and bath-
Shopping for a
Twin sets: $149 See our ad under 5000 air conditioner replaced. Wheels BASKETBALL ing family ONLY! PUPPIES rooms. A must
Full sets: $169 1162 Landscaping & Chihuahuas, Poms, see house!
new apartment? Queen sets: $189 Gardening
energy saver works are in excellent con- HOOP: Lifetime 788 Stereo/TV/ 570-696-3936
Huskies, Poo Mixes, $109,900
Classified lets great $40. in the dition. $100. Quick Court II
All New
Ashley/Wilkes-Barre 570-287-5045 adjustable basket-
Electronics Shih Tzus, Morkies, MLS 11-73
you compare costs - American Made Bruce’s
Area Ask For Jamie ball hoop, sand
815 Dogs Maltese, Toy Fox, Call Tom
without hassle 570-288-1898 Lawn Service
570-822-8957 filled, great condi-
TV-Sharp.13” Color. Puggles, Cocker, 570-262-7716
See our ad under 760 Monuments & tion. $100.
Excellent condition Labs & more!
Call An Expert $20. 570-288-1063
Get moving SET green & white 1165 Lawn Care Lots 570-825-5353 570-453-6900 or
BARREL, 570-764-2578
with classified! in color. Great wooden. BIKE: women’s 794 Video Game
DESK, drop down
top 3 drawers,
umbrella. $200
Near baby land at
Rand 15 speed bike Systems/Games ROTTWEILER PUPPIES
(570) 824-1180 $50. 570-675-7024
4 months old. Vet LINE UP
pecan finish, 36x 44
TOTAL YARD CARE condition $195. Memorial Shine in

XBOX 360 holiday checked, first shots.

x15” excellent con-
dition. $95.
5 piece, umbrella
See our ad under
570-876-3830 Carverton.
$400. Call
bundle. new! 250gb Tails docked. Par- A GREAT DEAL...
slim system. $229 ents on premises.
570-287-2517 and cushions.
Call An Expert
1162 Landscaping BATHROOM SINK
570-287-6327 Eric 609-433-5660 $500 each. Call IN CLASSIFIED!
Round table, excel- (in Wilkes Barre)
DRESSER: 3 drawer,
lent condition, $200.
& Gardening SET: Gerber white 570-604-5734 Looking for the right deal
top drawer needs porcelain bathroom
762 Musical on an automobile?
repair $20. TABLE plus 4 plastic DONE-RIGHT
chairs and umbrella, Pressure Washing
sink with mirror and 796 Wanted to Buy Turn to classified.
$50. Good condi- see our ad under
medicine cabinet. Instruments Merchandise
Matching set. $80. It’s a showroom in print!
GAZEBO brand new tion. 570-474-5188 Call An Expert 570-331-8183 DW 9000 Single
10’x12’ $400 new. 1234 Pressure bass drum pedal.
Mr. Baseball, buying
Classified’s got
PICTURE: giant
Sturdy steel con-
Southwest $75.
Washing BEDLINER: 89 Highest quality Old Shot Guns
all sports cards and
memorabilia. CLASSIFIED SHIH-POO PUPS the directions!
struction, net & Chevy S10, standard 7 weeks old, $400.
Wooden Teepee pedal features infi- Rifles, Swords
fence panels includ- GRILL, stainless cab $30. 2000 nite torque adjust-
203-557-0856 AD ONLINE Includes 1st set of
ed $225. shelf stand $75. steel body, extra Chevy Cavalier LS & Daggers, shot. Please
Area rug, olive ment for turbo or NEW LISTING!
570-474-5643 burner & extra shelf, rear trunk spoiler, Military Items The Video contact me at
green with leaf stainless steel cabi- black $10. Four
accelerator style.
Vintage Scopes Call 829-7130 573 Coon Rd.
GOLDEN LIFT imprint, approxi- Includes Bag. Excel- Game Store (570) 332-6303
nets with doors barrel carb running Old Toys &
CHAIR, weight mate 5x7 $40. under burners. $50. lent Condition! $185. 28 S. Main W.B. Place your pet ad
from Chevy motor 570-881-4771 Coins Job Seekers are
capacity 375 lbs. 570-239-5292 Call 570-814-9845. Open Mon- Sat, and provide us your
$50. 3 suitcases in looking here!
Medium brown,
never used, $450. ROCKER - mauve
Keller’s Lawn Care
excellent shape
$40. 570-740-1246
GUITAR a Fender
Stratocastor, apple
570-822-9929 /
email address
Where's your ad?
570-829-7130 and
Call 570-388-6044 See our ad under 570-417-9200 This will create a
Excellent condition. Call An Expert red color with case, 570-941-9908 seller account ask for an employ-
BLU TOOTH used 12 new, sacrifice price.
GRANDFATHER $30. 570-287-1913 1162 Landscape & online and login ment specialist
volt $50. 12 volt $200. 570-371-8581
CLOCK, cherry, Garden travel cooler $35. 12 GOLF CLUBS information will be
carved top, beautiful SLEEPER SOFA 84” Ladies only, great emailed to you from One of a kind
sage green leather volt refrigerator HALF STACK!
83”hx22’w, new, LAWN & SHRUB condition, black property set on 6
in good condition, $35. Jack LaLanne Peavey valve king
never used $375. MAINTENANCE. bag, like new. $125. “The World of Pets acres. Charm
bed is full size and power juicer $50. 100 watt tube
570-457-7854 See our ad under 570-823-9551 Unleashed” galore in this
Sharp SF 7320 copy
comes with foam 1165 Lawn Care in head/Laney 320
machine. watt cabinet/rack Victorian Style
HEAD & FOOT mattress pad. Ask-
BOARD, wrought ing $125 or best
Call an Expert.
570-675-7024 gear including Fur- Looking for the right deal You can then use home. New kitchen
Highest $$ Paid
iron for full size bed. offer. 570-388-4095 Lawn Maintenance
BUMPER rear 97-04
man power condi- on an automobile? Guaranteed
your account to
enhance your online 900
& remodeled baths
-Butler kitchen 14x8
$20. 570-814-4643 See our ad under tioner, Alesis micro Turn to classified.
SOFA antique Call An Expert
Ford full size pickup
with brackets $100
verb 4 and 2 others.
It’s a showroom in print!
Buying all video ad. Post up to 6
captioned photos
REAL ESTATE (Indoor kidney
shape pool & spa
HUTCH, Oak, lights, provincial sofa with 1165 Lawn Care Will sell individually. games &
glass shelves, great matching Mr. & Mrs. after 3pm 655-3197 $850. 362-2568 Classified’s got systems. PS1 & 2, of your pet FOR SALE area that measures
condition $250. Oak chairs, 2 oak end LAWN MOWER, rear Expand your text to approx. 2,400 sq.ft.
Table, six chairs, tables, matching bag, gas, 6.5 hp
CANES &WALKING HARMONICA Hohn- the directions! Xbox, Nintendo,
include more not included in
good condition coffee table, 2 Poulan $50.
STICKS for hiking & er with button. $50, GOLF CLUBS Ping,
Atari, Coleco, information, include 906 Homes for Sale square footage.
walking. $4 each. or best offer irons, J Daley driver, Sega, Mattel, your contact Wine cellar in
$150. Oak side- brass lamps, great 570-655-6770
Christmas manger, 570-287-9946 leather bag. $120. Gameboy, information such Having trouble basement.
board, great condi- condition $900. cell handmade, wooden
LAWNMOWER 570-704-9547 Vectrex etc. as e-mail, address paying your mort- $525,000
tion $250. 570-436-7657 or includes 15 nativity PIANO - Baldwin C
Craftsman /Honda DVD’s, VHS & CDs phone number and gage? Falling MLS# 11-81
570-829-4025 570-929-2645 figurines, must see, just tuned, excel-
motor includes bag PING PONG TABLE or website. behind on your Call Geri
eves, McAdoo great deal 15. lent, Delivered & Pre 90’s toys,
LAMP - Parlor stand not self propelled, asking $50. Yale payments? You 570-862-7432
up lamp. Very good SOFA TABLE 48” all new blade runs Christmas Decora- $550. or best offer. Gun Safe, fireproof, The Video may get mail from 570-696-0888
good $150. after tions, over 200 Call 570-474-6362 14x17.5 $100. people who promise
condition. Grey wood sofa table, Game Store
metal color. $25. medium shade, 3pm 655-3197 items, old fashioned
Christmas figurines,
1150 S. Main
to forestall your
foreclosure for a fee
570-740-1246 $45. 570-868-5275 766 Office
MOWER: Craftsman
Garden Tractor
the tree
Christmas Equipment
American Heritage
Mon - Sat,
in advance. Report
them to the Federal
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 26HP, 48” mower, lights and window 7’ oak & slate pock- 12pm – 6pm Trade Commission,
et table with blue
electric start, auto- FAX MACHINE HP

displays, Christmas 570-822-9929 the nation’s con-
matic transmission, vases & flowers. 640 LIKE NEW $40. cloth, includes cwall sumer protection
CASEY DENTAL Model #917.276081.
EXTRAS - tire chains
$65. Toast Master
Snackster snack &
570-288-3401 rack, 4 cues & brdi-
ge. Excellent codni-
agency. Call 1-877-
FTC-HELP or click
333 Beaupland
and front end utility sandwich maker OFFICE EQUIPMENT tion, buyer must
Part Time/Full Time Dental Assistants on A mes-
(EFDA) for Adult and Children
bucket. Kept in
shed. Asking $995.
and Toastmaster
reversible broiler
Canon Image class
MF5500 combina-
move $999.
570-474-2206 & TO CONSIDER.... sage from
Times Leader and

3 positions available. We offer state of the art or best offer.

oven both for $ 15.
call 570-735-2081
tion copier & fax
machine with new PUMP: Electric GINO’S the FTC.
equipment in an ultra modern facility! toner cartridge. Pump Coleman. ENHANCE Having trouble
Please forward resume by email NEED YOUR
Looking for that Good condition
$100. 570-735-0191
Brand New in box-
$12. 570-288-1063
Wanted: YOUR PET paying your mort-
gage? Falling
Attention: Mindy special place CLASSIFIED
[email protected]
See the ad for called home? Do you need more space? TENT Pop-up cloth Junk AD ONLINE
behind on your
payments? You
Or mail to 1120 Oak Street, Cole’s Lawn Care
Call An Expert
Classified will address
Your needs.
A yard or garage sale paintball bunker/
tent, never used, Cars & may get mail from
Living room has
awesome woodland
Pittston Township, PA 18640 in classified Call 829-7130 people who promise
Section 1165 Open the door is the best way
$20. Huffy Micro
bike, blue, $30. Dis- Trucks to forestall your
views and you will
enjoy the steam/
with classified! to clean out your closets! Place your pet ad foreclosure for a fee
Peter’s Lawncare ney proncess tricy- Highest and provide us your in advance. Report
sauna. Lake and
See our ad under COKE COOLER for You’re in bussiness cle with adult push tennis rights avail-
There’s No Place Call an Expert sale. 36” H, 25” W, with classified! handle $25. WWE Prices email address them to the Federal
Trade Commission,
able with Associa-
1165 Lawn Care 18” D. Very good championship toy tion membership.
Like the Jewish Home… condition. from
770 Photo belts $10 each. Little Paid!! This will create a the nation’s con-
sumer protection
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA, a leader in LINEUP 1940”s - 1950’s.
gas station model Equipment
Tykes girls vanity
$25. Children’s FREE
seller account
online and login agency. Call 1-877-
optional). Minutes
from the Pocono's
FTC-HELP or click
long-term care, has an immediate need to fill the
following positions:
ASUCCESSFULSALE with Westinghouse
compressor. Asking BACK UP CAMERA
shopping cart $10.
Childrens Dirt devil PICKUP
information will be
emailed to you from on A mes-
and 2 hours to
Philadelphia or New
sage from The
• RN Supervisor
INCLASSIFIED! $350. or best offer,
must sell. Jake
12 volt, used $50.
battery operated
vacuum $10. Small 288-8995
“The World of Pets Times Leader and
York. $349,000
Maria Huggler
o BSN Doyouneedmorespace? 570-829-7859 lego set $5. Unleashed” the FTC. CLASSIC
o Long Term Care Experience Preferred A yard or garage sale
in classified
ENTERTAINMENT 772 Pools & Spas 570-239-5292
WANTED You can then use ASHLEY

CENTER Sauder for TREADMILL: Pro- your account to
Full Time and Part Time and Per Diem is the best way
27” TV, glass door
with 3 shelves and 2 Teledyne
Form, wide deck
design, $125. call
enhance your online
ad. Post up to 6 BERWICK
1419 First Ave
Evening and Night Shift available. drawers on one side
gas, 250,000 BTU
570-654-1581 or captioned photos
You’re in bussiness and 2 doors under
pool heater. Can
570-881-5143 of your pet
Outstanding benefit package available including section for TV. Expand your text to
fully paid family health insurance and generous
with classified! Woodtone finish. heat any above
include more
RAKE, PICK, and $40. Maple kitchen ground and most in 778 Stereos/ information, include
shift differential. Every other weekend and ground pools. Price Accessories
SQUARE SHOVEL . table with drop your contact
rotating holidays required. All 3 for $ 20. down leafs and 2 is negotiable. $
information such
Call 570-735-2081 captain chairs $40. 570-926-7528 SPEAKERS one pair as e-mail, address 29 Brown St.
Apply in person - Monday through Friday CALL: 829-4776 of two way floor or phone number and
SAND FILTER for 24’ bookshelf speakers, Solid 2 story home
8:30am – 4:00pm Spike & Gorilla’s
above ground pool or website. with 3 bedrooms,
Lawn Care & Out- LIGHT: 4 bulb fluo- good condition in 2 story 4 bedroom,
$50. 1.5HP pool 1.5 baths, vinyl
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA door Maintenance rescent light, 48”
pump/motor $50.
original boxes. Can American Bulldog
sided, large carport 2 bath. 2,244 sq ft.
1101 Vine Street See our ad under Includes bulbs. $15. be seen in down- Puppies, NKC $55,900.
Scranton, PA 18510
Call An Expert
1162 Landscaping &
White ceiling
$15. 826-1702
fan. Aqua Bug automatic
pool cleaner $25.
town Wilkes-Barre
$15. 607-565-1726
WILKESBARREGOLD and fenced yard.
Convenient loca- MLS 11-521
Telephone: (570)344-6177 ext. 140
Fax: (570) 344-9610
Safety pool ladder
for 4’ above ground STEREO: Technics (570)991-7448 tion. Home needs
updating by
pool $25. Solar great potential.
YARDVARK wood SERVER automatic with 2 3 1/2” speak-
Email: [email protected] chipper 3hp Briggs $295. Countertop cover for 24’ round ers $50. 239-5292 Brindle & White,
engine, no spark warmer 36” w x 28” pool $25.675-0630 MLS 11-74
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA is an 1092 Highway 315 Blvd 6 Males, 4 Females,
Call Colleen
otherwise good $75 deep, 42” h, $550. 780 Televisions/ Shots & Wormed,
Equal Opportunity Employer. 570-636-3151 (Plaza 315) 570-237-0415
firm after 3pm 570- 774 Restaurant Accessories 315N .3 miles after Ready April 25,
655-3197. $800.00 each,
ROXIO EASY CD & Equipment Motorwold
Call Steve at
DVD Burning soft- TELEVISION: GE.
554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/ ware for Windows. BEVERAGE 28” works good, 570-956-7166
Operations Operations Operations $19. LEAD DVD COOLER, for restau- needs remote $90.
Collect cash, not dust!
Movie Factory soft- rant use, with dou- 570-740-1246
ware for Windows. ble swing door, Ask-
Clean out your 796 Wanted to Buy 796 Wanted to Buy
$29. DVDs The X ing $1,500 or best TELEVISIONS: Con- basement, garage Merchandise Merchandise

Files Season 7 on offer. Call soles with remotes, or attic and call the
DVD. $25 call (570) 459-6017 24” RCA color, Mon-Sat Classified depart-
Rick 283-2552 stereo sound, 10am - 8pm ment today at 570-
Sapa Extruder, Inc. an aluminum manufacturing facility located works great $100. Closed Sundays 829-7130!
in the Crestwood Industrial Park in Mountain Top, has an SEWING FABRICS EQUIPMENT,
Magnavox 24”
Highest Cash Pay
opening for a 2nd shift CNC Technician for its fabrication Lots of Them 8x12 walk in
color, in original box
8 years, rarely used Outs Guaranteed CKC REG YORKIES CASH PAID 24/7
department. Qualified applicants must have experience with WALLPAPER cooler $2300; $50. 570-826-0079
We Pay At Least Very Loveable &

• Firearms • Gold • Silver

Fanuc controllers and aluminum machining, Mastercam and 1,000’s of patterns 8x8x10 walk Adorable.
76% of the London 15 weeks, paper
AutoCAD. The successful candidate should be able to read WALLPAPER & BLIND in freezer $3800; 782 Tickets Fix Market Price trained, shots &
Pizza oven with
• Jewelry • Coins • Tools
blueprints and understand GD&T. Experience in set-up WAREHOUSE for All Gold Jewelry wormed. Blue &
30 Forrest St., stones $2000;
reduction program, macro writing and Solidworks a plus but not Wilkes-Barre, PA Stainless steel ELTON JOHN TICKETS Visit us at
gold. $650. each
required. Applications can be submitted or resumes can be
mailed to:
kitchen hood
$3000; Stainless
steel pizza oven
2 tickets for Elton
John at Mohegan
Sun - Wachovia
Or email us at COCKER SPANIEL • Military • Collectibles
Sapa Extruder, Inc. PUPPY FOR SALE
330 Elmwood Avenue
Singer is in a sewing
machine table with
hood $4000;
bread pan rack
arena. April 22,
floor- 14 rows from
wilkesbarregold@ 3 months old, with Guaranteed Highest Cash Paid!
papers. All shots &
$100; 2 soup
Mountain Top, PA 18707 stool.
warmers for $100;
570-446-3254 WANTED TO BUY:
records. Crate
trained. Comes with ($10 Bonus per gun with ad)
Attn: Human Resources 2 door sandwich Mid Century Furni- crate & all supplies.

570-735-1487 DAY
SHAMPOOER: Big prep table $500. ELTON JOHN TICK-
[email protected] Green canister All equipment is ETS Floor 1 Row J ture made by Craft $1,000 or best offer
power brush deep Seats 7 & 8, April Associates (Chairs (570) 212-2335
E.O.E. sold as is. For Coffee Tables

570-472-7572 EVES
cleaner/hot water more info, call 22, W-B arena,
NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! extracted system excellent seats. Couches) Call Mark
570-847-0873 724-288-3194
$50. 570-288-3723 $400. 574-5744
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale



37 Chestnut Road
211 Hillside One
Reduced Price!
3 bedroom ranch, EXETER TOWNSHIP 92 W. Pettebone St.
Hardwood floors in 581-583
679 Appletree Rd.
103 N. Church St.
Well built stone
89 N. Church St.
Very large 1/2 23 Mead St.
(Old Farm Estates) Enjoy the comforts refinished hard- living room and Plymouth St. 4 bedrooms, construction. double, 3 floors of Newly remodeled 2
Custom built solid
brick 4 bedroom,
& amenities of living
in a beautifully
wood floors. Stone
fireplace and living
CUSTOM RANCH dining room. Make
this home your
Perfect for owner
occupied. Well
2.5 bath home
nestled among the
Convenient location
to schools & public
space to fill, might
be possible to
story on a corner
lot with fenced in
3.5 baths Colonial yard and 2 car
style home with an
open floor plan on
maintained town-
house, 3/4 Bed-
rooms, family room
room. Newer deck,
roof & heat. Close
to Dallas schools. In
HOME FOR SALE own. With a little
TLC it can be really
nice! Big eat-in
maintained, bright &
spacious two family.
Each identical unit
trees on a very
private 1 acre, this
country retreat
MLS #10-4687
make this a Duplex,
plenty of room in
this property, 2nd
garage. 4 bed-
rooms, 1 bath,
1+ acre lot in the
Poconos. A few of
the amenities
with fireplace out to
deck. Bright & airy
New Goss Manor.
$149,900. BY OWNER
Marcy Rd. Beauti-
kitchen, laundry
room with .5 bath
has Approx. (1300
sq ft.) with 3 bed-
has high quality,
modern updates
Call Tracy
kitchen started on
2nd floor. Buyer to
1,660 sq. ft.
MLS 10-3684
kitchen, finished 10-2787 on 1st floor. 3 bed- rooms, bath, large complemented with pay full transfer tax.
include central A/C. lower level, Tennis, Besecker Realty ful family residen- rooms, and don't living & dining original woodwork This is a Fannie Call Bill
2 Master bedrooms Golf & Swimming 570-675-3611 tial area, 6 years forget 1 car rooms & eat in & builtins. Maple Mae HomePath 570-362-4158
each with bath are yours to enjoy old, ranch, single kitchen. Clean neu- eat in kitchen Property. ''First-
detached garage.
room and fireplace,
kitchen, hardwood
& relax. Mainte-
nance free living. DUPONT family, 3 bed-
rooms, 3 bath-
rooms, double car
Asking $ 135,000.
MLS# 10-2409
tral décor with wall
to wall carpet
with all appliances
overlooks huge
Look'' property no
investor offers will
$224,900 throughout. Newer family room with be considered for
floors throughout, MLS# 10-1221 attached garage, Call Theresa roof & tilt-in win- floor-to-ceiling brick 1st 15 days of
Vacendak, CRS, GRI
cathedral ceiling
and 2 car garage.
Call Geri
eat-in kitchen, din-
ing room, office/ 570-650-5872
dows. Each side
has a full attic &
fire place. Formal
dining room with
listing, please see
Collect cash, not dust!
MLS #11-653 570-696-3801 study, family room, CENTRAL basement with Pella sliders look Clean out your .com A GREAT DEAL...
Call Kim LEWITH & FREEMAN living room, utility
room, 2 sided see REAL ESTATE washer & dryer
hook-ups. Gas
out to stone patio &
inground pool.
basement, garage
or attic and call the
570-466-3338 thru floor to ceiling (570) 822-1133 heat. 581 side has a French doors lead Call Stacey Looking for the right deal
Shopping for a stone gas fire- private fenced rear to Master bedroom Classified depart- 570-262-1158
new apartment?
Classified lets
Quality 3 bedroom
ranch home on
place, forced air
furnace, central air, FORTY FORT
Great starter home
yard & was rented
for $695 Month &
suite with walk-in
closet. Central air &
ment today at 570-
570-696-2468 on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
unfinished base- now vacant . 583 Hi efficient heat,
large lot. Family It’s a showroom in print!
you compare costs -
without hassle
room with cathedral
ceiling, gas fire-
ment, 3 beautiful
groomed acres,
in nice neighbor-
hood. 2 story, 2
bedroom, 1 bath.
side rents for $600
Month with a long
water supplied
spring house. HAZLETON
121 3rd St W.
Classified’s got
or worry! place, 2 car
deck. Large Cus-
Dining room, living
time tenant. $185,000 the directions!
tom ranch home. 9 Separate utilities. MLS #10-3089
with classified!
garage. Access to
flagstone patio from
rooms plus 2 1/2
baths. Approxi-
room, kitchen.
Large fenced yard.
Car port & detached
Call Steve Shemo
family room and mate 2600 sq ft.
DALLAS AREA master bedroom.
Above ground pool
Open floor plan
with eat-in kitchen
2 car garage.
Call (570) 954-4074
Find Something?
Lose Something?
and island, granite
with deck. tops & custom tile or (570) 906-7614 Get it back where it
$165,000 backsplash. Brand Looking for that belongs
MLS# 10-2905
Call Arlene Warunek
NEW Stainless
Steel Appliances.
FORTY FORT special place
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
3 story Victorian,
plenty of room and
with a Lost/Found ad!
570-650-4169 called home? much, much more!!
Turn to classified.
Lots of crown
Ranch home with
nice country lot,
Classified will address
Your needs. It’s a showroom in print!
3 bedrooms on 2nd
floor, 3 more on 3rd, JENKINS TWP 250 Susquehan-
nock Drive
home needs work. floors throughout Classified’s got kitchen with granite
located just off
with high vaulted
ceilings. Master
Open the door
with classified! the directions! countertops, 2
tiered deck, partially REDUCED! Immaculate Cape
Cod home features
1st floor master
Dallas Highway on
1.25 wooded acres.
Currently duplex or
Smith Hourigan
(570) 696-1195
Bedroom with multi
-tierd tray ceiling HANOVER TWP. HARVEYS LAKE finished basement
with wet bar area,
and 2 car attached
suite with office and
3/4 bath. 2nd floor
and walk-in closet. LIBERTY HILLS has 2 large bed-
convert to single, Master bath with Reduced! garage. Needs a lit-

good condition. tle TLC. But what a rooms with walk in
large Whirlpool tub closets and adjoin-
$117,500. with inline heater & steal at this price.
Negotiable $55,900. ing bath. 1st floor
sperate shower. 1509 Wyoming Ave. laundry and 1/2
570-287-5775 Dining room with Freshly painted and MLS 11-12
or 570-332-1048 570-696-2468 bath, modern
French Doors. insulated, immacu- kitchen with bam-
Oversized 2 Car late and sitting on 1717 River Road
New construction
in addition to 2
almost half an acre
this 3 bedroom 1.5 Lakeside property
Compact 2 story
home with 3 bed-
boo floors, living
room with stone
fireplace. 2 tier
cars attached on bath home can be with low taxes. rooms, 1st floor
on 1 acre lot. View of lake, lake deck overlooks
home! 4 Cars yours. Features Beautiful 2 bed- bath with laundry, above ground pool,
2500 sq. ft. access, public boat
Total! Plus 10 x 20 include a modern room home with loft large kitchen. Park- ready for summer
2 story, 4 or 5 Single family home launch across
ft. custom shed. kitchen, central area that can easily ing in rear with fun! For more infor-
bedrooms, 2.5 for sale in quiet street.
Paved Driveway. A/C. laundry room, be converted to a alley access. mation and photos,
bath, Great room neighborhood- $99,000
Central Alarm. office and free 3rd bedroom. This $39,900 please visit
with cathedral Beautiful 2400 Sq. MLS# 10-234
$379,900 Call standing fireplace. home has 2.5 MLS 11-99 www.atlas
ceiling, fire place, Ft. 6 bedroom, 2 Call Cindy Collect cash, not dust!
(570) 388-6344 All appliances baths, security sys- Call Colleen
dual zone gas heat full baths, 2 story 570-690-2689
Enjoy this Great & central air,
Any time week- included. Just move tem, whole house Clean out your 570-237-0415 MLS #11-657
home, fully air con- ends or after right in! For more
Courtdale Cape with 2 car garage, ditioned, oil & gas
entertainment sys- basement, garage $299,000
Striking kitchen, 3 4 p.m. weekdays. details and photos tem with speakers
REDUCED Now!! heat, renovated visit: www.atlas or attic and call the Call Colleen
bedrooms, patio, NOW $284,900. in every room and 570-237-0415
Classified depart-
kitchen, full unfin-
driveway & more. Call 570-675-4805 outside. Great mod-
ished basement, 2 MLS 11-604 ment today at 570-
$109,900. Call Pat ern kitchen. 2 car
enclosed porches,
570-885-4165 $181,900 garage, skylights, 829-7130!
Coldwell Banker
15 x 20 deck with Call Kim huge deck and 570-675-4400
power awning 570-466-3338
Gerald L. Busch patio. There is a

Find A New Friend

cover – generous
Real Estate, Inc. huge walkout base-
size lot, off street
ment that is rough
parking, first floor
plumbed for a bath-
washer/dryer. All
room. Too much to
appliances includ-
list here, this house
ed. Offering price
Call 570-421-0587
300 River Street HANOVER TOWNSHIP is a must see.
MLS #10-4589
In The Times Leader Classified
A unique architec- $350,000
or [email protected] tural design high-
NEW LISTING! Call John Polifka
use “Dupont Home”
To place an ad call 829-7130
Secluded on a hill lights this 3 bed- 570-704-6846
in E-mail subject room with first floor
but part of High Antonik and
line. family room. Built-
Point Acres. 2 story Associates
Colonial, 4 bed- ins. Great curb 570-735-7494
Looking to buy a
rooms, 2.5 baths. appeal and loaded
Large family room with character. Gas
Place an ad here heat. Newer roof.
with fireplace and and let the
sliding door to Nice lot. Many Reduced!

screened porch. 2
sellers know! extras. $114,900. Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft.
car garage. Central 570-829-7130 List #11-1275. Ask 3 bedrooms, 2
AC. Wooded lot. for Bob Kopec. baths, 1 car garage.
11-1077 DURYEA
Blueberry Hill.
Humford Realty
New carpeting,
paint, etc. Large lot.
Asking $114,500.
119 Midland Drive Besecker Realty
Custom Built Ranch
Home -The ranch
570-675-3611 3 bedroom ranch.
Large lot with pool.
LINEUP Deremer Realty
home is IN
Lease To Buy. For
more details, call
ASUCCESSFULSALE Doyouneedmorespace?
Well located
in Hanover Twp.
offers everything
you are looking for!
(570) 655-8118 INCLASSIFIED! A yard or garage sale just off the San
Souci Highway.
Plenty of space for
in-law quarters, 4 DURYEA Doyouneedmorespace?
A yard or garage sale
in classified
is the best way
Newer kitchens,
large baths & 3
bedrooms, cherry bedrooms each. Place your garage or yard sale ad in The Times
kitchen, sunroom,
recreation room
Classic home, two
in classified
is the best way
You’re in bussiness
Both sides are
presently occupied. Leader and receive a FREE McDonald’s® Breakfast.
with 12 seat oak story, single family, tocleanoutyourclosets! with classified! Call for appointment
bar. This home 3 bedrooms, 2 bath-
includes an PRICE REDUCED! rooms, single car You’re in bussiness
with classified! HANOVER TWP. MLS# 10-4598
Call Vieve Zaroda
attached 2 car 19 Circle Drive
garage plus a Spacious floor plan
detached garage,
eat-in kitchen, din- (570) 474-6307 MOUNTAIN TOP WILKES-BARRE BUYING
detached custom
garage that can fit
up to 12 cars or
- Hardwood floors
throughout -
Recently remodeled
ing room, family
room, living room, FORTY FORT
65 West
Ext. 2772
US &
oil heat, unfinished
boat storage, only 5 kitchen & master basement, 110x115, Pettebone St. FOREIGN
miles to beautiful bath - Sunroom a landscaped yard Beautiful remod-
Harveys Lake - 1 yr heated - with a front covered eled home in nice
Home Warranty. Overlooking a porch and large neighborhood. 4 Smith Hourigan CURRENCY
All this on 4 ACRES beautiful waterfall. patios in the rear bed, 3 bath, new Group
146 Brown St. HIGHEST
of serenity in the $237,000 $126,900. Call carpeting new 570-474-6307
heart of Dallas MLS# 10-4354 NEW PRICE! PREMIUMS FOR
(570) 840-4654 kitchen, stainless 132 S Mountain Rd 9 Grove St.,
$419,000 Call Geri before 9:00 p.m. for appliances.
Beautiful outside as HARDING Diagonal From Wright Twp. 29 Abbott St SILVER DOLLARS
MLS #11-155 570-696-0888 inside - This 2 story Final House Sale! off of Hazle St & BETTER ITEMS
a private showing A must see. PNC Bank
offers too many Childrens clothing
Call Tracy Zarola
or email mulch810
amenities &
upgrades to FRIDAY & SATURDAY
Saturday, April 23
10 am to 2 pm & toys, air condi- GOLD &
tioners, heaters,
Leave Message
mention. Resort
9:00AM - 4:00PM
Household, decora-
tions, garage household items, SILVER
living in your back stored items & curtains & more!
yard with inground Dental Chair & Everything JEWELRY &
memorabilia of
equipment, electric must go! WATCHES
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale pool & cabana. A chair glide, sofa,
through the years. Friday & Saturday
must see property! sofa bed, PA house 9am-1pm ALL TYPES
PRICE REDUCED 310 Lockville Rd.
wardrobe, lamps,

Accessible ✓Affordable ✓Available ✓

MLS# 10-1670
SERENITY tv’s, tables, CD’s,
records, VCR,
Enjoy the serenity

Call Geri of country living in glassware, china, Old Postcards &
 . 2-    4'))#
this beautiful 2
story home on 2.23
acres surrounded
dining room table &
chairs, file cabinets,
vacuums, safe,
% Local Photo’s,
Lead Soldiers &
by nature the prop- computer desk, Old Toys, Mining
 #))13'2#! $-0 *+3$ 230'+% !'120'32'-+ erty has it’s own books, chairs, & Military Stuff,
- # +! -**#0 ')0#2') #+2#0.0'1#1
 #2 " !08 1.0'+()#0 1812#*1
HANOVER TWP. private driveway.
Great entertaining
Xmas, quilt rack,
curios, clothes 114 E. Kirmar Ave. of Times Leader Old Crocks, Jugs
 120##2 .0('+% $-0   4#&' )#1 inside & out! 3 car
garage plus 2 car
(small), shoes,
purses, jewelry,
(Middle Road)
1st Sale of the Year!
readers read & Bottles, Fine
 -+4#+'#+2 2- 3)' /30# 0-11 ))#8
6.0#1158 72
 +! +2#0122# 
detached. A MUST linens, bedroom fur- Sporting goods, the Classified China & Glass-
ware, Local
SEE! MLS#11-831
niture, microwave,
glider, kitchen
antiques, old dolls
& tools.
section. Advertising
call Nancy items, rugs, heat- Friday & Saturday *2008 Pulse Research
570-237-0752 ers, fans, small 8:00am - 2:00pm STAMPS
180WELLES STREET appliances, Bose

radio, leaf blower,

What Do
8 Diamond Ave. tools, lawn spread-

  2-    4'))#
Loads of space in er, hose, patio
 7  )-!'+% !--01 +! -+# 7 !0'4#'+ !--0 chairs, cabinets

You Have
this modernized tra-
  , 2- , #')'+% )#0 &#'%&2 ditional home. 3rd & much more.

 #2 1.0'+()#0 1812#* floor is a large bed-

*.)# -+1'2# 20')#0 12-0%#
#08 $$-0!)# 0#+21
room with walk-in
closet. Modern % To Sell Prices
kitchen, family room
 **#!'2#)8 -$$ 6'2 -$ 
 addition, deck over-
looking large corner HERITAGE
WWW.MERICLE.COM • 570.823.1100 • [email protected] lot. Not just a of Times Leader GALLERIES
starter home but a
home to stay readers read DALLAS, PA
the Classified Located Directly
OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston
in and grow!
MLS #11-622
$127,900 section. 150 Warden Ave
across from the
Call Colleen *2008 Pulse Research
Wildwood Terrace
Development (Rt. 309 to Pioneer) Call 829-7130 Dallas Agway on
570-237-0415 Saturday, April 23 Saturday 8am-12pm
Cleaning House.
to place your ad. Rt. 415
Look for our blue
8:00AM to 12:00PM
Crafts, toys, house- Great Prices! & white signs

What Do hold, clothing, tools,

& much more.
Something For
Everyone! ONLY
D .
Tues. thru Sat.
10 am to 5 pm

A yard or garage sale
Professional Office Rentals
Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available in classified Call 829-7130 You’ll get a position on our online garage sales map, a listing
is the best way to place your ad.
Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial in The Times Leader’s classified section and at,
Full Time Maintenance Staff Available tocleanoutyourclosets! ONLY
D . a rain date guarantee, nine days of advertising for your left over
For Rental Information Call: 1-570-287-1161 You’re in bussiness
with classified!
items, a sign, stickers, a McDonald’s breakfast and more!
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

1610 Westminster Rd
45 Main St.
6 Merganser Ct
In Forest Pointe

Lake Ariel
103 Arnold Avenue
68 Tilbury Avenue 317 Charles St. Nice 24'X50'
73 Parry St.
Recently renovated
Well maintained
ranch in Tilbury
Bring Your Hammer
& Paint Brush &
49-51 Curtis St.
Fully occupied dou-
Gorgeous estate
1 acre featuring
Own this home for 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath Terrace. 2 bedroom Make This Your ble with separate like property with floor master bed- 2 bedrooms,
home on a large lot Attractive Fine utilities. 2 bed-
less than $400 a Line Home home with hard- Home! Large single log home plus 2 room, 3 season 1.5 baths, living
in great location. rooms each side,
month! Large 3
bedroom home with
1382 Woodview
BID Steps away from
the Back Mountain
''Charleston'' floor
plan. Stacked
wood floors, 1 bath.
Eat in kitchen.
Large “L” shaped
with 4 bedrooms,
bath, side enclosed
porch, newer
off street parking
and fenced in yard.
story garage on 1
acres with many
outdoor features.
porch, attached
garage. MLS#
10-1069 $84,900
room, dining room,
kitchen & laundry
plus 1 car detached
formal dining room, trail. Features a stone, masonry, MLS #10-2584
Terrace, Lake Ariel, wood burning fire- living/dining room. furnace, deck and Garage. call Nancy garage with paved
off street parking PA classic home, wrap around porch, Full basement, 3 car detached $75,900 MLS# 11-319 570-237-0752 driveway.
and large yard. For hardwood floors place in family Call Lu-Ann
two story, single room, brick partially finished. garage. Looking for $325,000 $58,900
more information family, 2 bed- downstairs, new Sunroom in back a reasonable offer. 570-602-9280 Call Charles MLS# 10-4613
wall-to-wall carpet- accents on front.
and photos, log rooms, 1 bath- Upgraded appli- off kitchen. 3 car Priced at: $89,900 Five Mountains
room, kitchen, din- ing upstairs. 2nd detached garage. MLS# 10-2409 Realty
onto www.atlas ances. 2nd floor
ing room, family floor laundry, brand PRICE REDUCED Call Theresa 570-542-2141 new bathrooms, laundry. Large
NOW $130,500!! Vacendak, CRS, GRI
room, living room, master bath with
MLS#09-2449 large walk in closet
fireplace, electric whirlpool tub. MLS# 10-1703 570-650-5872

$64,900 and spacious yard.
heat, .85 acres, Large yard. Call Linda CENTRAL 608 Webster St.
Call Charles Move in condition!
deck. Located in a
Goldstar communi- MLS 11-220 $265,000
MLS# 11-1264
(570) 956-0584
$114,900 Rundle Real Estate
ty, lake rights,
Mark R. Mason Call Michael Pinko (570) 822-1133
community ameni- (570) 899-3865 570-474-2340
ties include pool,
beaches, club- Crossin Real
KINGSTON house, golf, ski
slopes, boating
570-288-0770 Hanover St. Bi
Level, single family, 738 PARDEESVILLE RD
and other water
Novak Road
Smith Hourigan
3 bedrooms, 2 bath-
rooms, single car
CORNER LOT 2 unit property,
good location,
attached garage, 52 W. Columbus Spectacular sunlit
MAY 9. 570-474-6307 20 Nittany Lane needs work.
kitchen, dining Ave. Large 2 story great room with Convenience! Loca- $39,900
room, office/study, home with balcony floor to ceiling
(866) 763-9094
MOUNTAIN TOP off master bedroom tion! Easy Living! 570-696-2468 stone fireplace &
family room, living
showing views of This home has it all. vaulted ceiling adds
room, bonus room,
the valley. A great 3 floors of living to the charm of this
utility room, electric
place to see the space w/hardwood 11 year young 3-4
21 Thomas Lane heat, finished base-
fireworks! Full bath floors and gas fire- bedrooms, 2 story
Lovely home in ment, lot size
plus 3/4 bath, eat in place in living room. situated on almost
immaculate move-in approximately 90 X
kitchen, enclosed Open floor plan, an acre of tranquili-
condition. Soak in 150, deck. newly
Lovely nearly com- Single family built porch, first floor lower level family ty with fenced
the hot tub or relax renovated kitchen,
pleted renovated in 2005. 2.5 baths, laundry. Corner low room w/laundry and above ground pool,
by the pond! W/D living room, and
Victorian farmhouse two story with maintenance lot. 3/4 bath. 3 bed- rocking chair porch
hookup on 1st flr, bathrooms.
sits high on 7.81 attached garage. MLS 11-930 rooms w/2 full and a mountain
coal stove in base- $154,900 Call
acres featuring Affordable New Oil furnace with $115,000 baths on upper view – there’s a
ment, oversized (570) 735-9199
panoramic pastoral Construction with central air. 90 x Call Colleen level. Deck and 802 Hampton St. formal dining room
shower in Master Brand new ranch after 5:30 p.m. for
views, high ceilings, Pond - 2 Available 140 corner lot. 570-237-0415 patio for outdoor & large living room,
bath, large back 50 yards from lake. private showing
original woodwork, 1/2 acre pond view. Kitchen with cen- living! 2 zone heat, 2.5 Baths, new
yard. Additional Off Double lot, 3 bed- central a/c, inter-
Street Parking for 2 room, two bath,
gutted, rewired,
insulated and sheet-
1 acre with pond.
Central sewer.
Doyouneedmorespace? ter cooking island,
com and stereo
Kitchen with dining
dining room, area & a master
cars in rear. Proper- laundry room. Full rocked, newer roof, Roomy 2 story with A yard or garage sale raised ceiling with plus central vac suite complete with
ty has 2 sheds. basement, with
$149,000 insulation &
vinyl siding, kitchen hardwood, tile, in classified glass door entry & system, 2 car laundry room, walk
and baths. Lots of maple kitchen, garage. What more
MLS# 11-380 sheetrock. potential with TLC. 2 car garage and
is the best way hardwood floor. Looking for the right deal could you want?
in closet & master
Carpeting thru out bath with jetted tub
Call Toni Davis
New well Elk Lake School Dis- all the goodies. tocleanoutyourclosets! home. Tiled on an automobile? MLS #11-782 & shower and an
570-287-1196 $143,900
trict. $199,000 Complete move in You’re in bussiness kitchen and bath. Turn to classified. $199,900
Call Colleen
*Buyer to pay $75 oversize 2 car
MLS# 11-525 Call package from the doc fee at closing,
SMITH HOURIGAN Call John Nicodem 570-696-2468 low $200’s. 90 day with classified! Kitchen appli-
ances included.
It’s a showroom in print! 570-237-0415 offers/contracts are
gar – Priced Under
Market Value
build time. NICELY PRICED Classified’s got not binding until the @$189,900!
Financing available.
$219,900 the directions! entire agreement is MLS #10-906
Oak Ridge Homes signed (ratified) by Don’t delay, call
(570) 233-1993
LAKE SILKWORTH Incorporated all parties. *If you Pat today at
have not received 570-714-6114 or
Job Seekers are PLAINS an offer response 570-287-1196

w/in 72 business
looking here!
Where's your ad? HOME FOR SALE 594 N. Main Street
Beautifully redone 3
hours, you may call
877-885-1624 &
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
Looking to buy a Single home, 3
bedroom, 2 bath
ranch. New roof,
leave a message
identifying the prop-
home? bedrooms, eat-in
ment specialist Place an ad here
and let the
carpeting, paint &
stainless appli-
erty address, your
name, phone # & SHICKSHINNY
KINGSTON TWP. Year round lake
sellers know!
well- 120 Parnell St.
ances. Gas heat,
central air, garage,
screened in back
email, & you will
receive a prompt
house. New roof, maintained two- Classic Ranch in
107 Johnson St. porch. Large fenced $18,000
gutters, siding, story, 7 rooms, 3 great location. 3
doors, windows, Bow Creek Manor 4 bedroom Ranch in back yard & more 570-696-2468
bedrooms, 2.5 bedroom, 3 baths, $139,900. Call
kitchen, bathroom, Meticulously main- baths, eat in home with hard- high quality
appliances, heating tained 4 bedroom, 3 wood floors, large 570-706-5496
kitchen, very large throughout. 3 sea-
& cooling system, 1/2 bath two story room sizes, gas
dining/living room son porch over
carport & Decks. on almost 1 acre. combination, den, heat and central air, looking private rear
2 bedrooms, one Master bedroom front porch , deck, garage and carport. yard. Owners says Union Twp.
Absolute Must Beautifully remod-
bath, deeded lake suite. 2 family and nice size yard; Nice home, corner sell and lowers See River Ridge
access with shared rooms. 2 fireplaces. electric heat; safe lot, large unfinished price to eled 4 bedroom, 3
8 Circle Drive Townhouse! bath home with
dock. Office/den. Large neighborhood; basement. For $219,900. For
Only one lucky fami- spectacular views
MLS: 09-4484 deck overlooking a move-in condition more information more information
ly will be able to
$97,000 private wooded for the right buyer; and photos visit and photos please from wrap-around
make this home 310 Deer Run Drive deck. Finished lower
Call John Nicodem Spacious 11 year yard. 3 car garage. no realtors or bro- www.atlas visit our website at
their own! Beautiful- level. Granite coun-
Classic old 2 story built by $365,000. kers; $132,999. call www.atlas 304 Vista Dr
ly kept Ranch with tertops & stainless
Properties Hallmark Homes Bob Kopec MLS 11-1209
2 car garage, new steel appliances in
570-718-4959 sits on 1 acre lot. Humford Realty 570-878-2424 $129,900 MLS #10-2817
bath, partially fin- New Kitchen also
Formal living rooms 570-822-5126 after 10:00 a.m. Call Charlie Call Charlie for
ished basement, 3
season room,
almost 1 acre in
LARKSVILLE & dining rooms, eat
570-829-6200 your private
New: Windows,
Doors, Vinyl Siding,
Gutters, Deck, Car-
Dallas School Dis- island. Family room VM 101
with 11 foot ceiling SALE BY OWNER peting, fireplace &

trict. Home Warran- much more on over
cy included. For & fireplace. Office an acre. $189,900
more information on 1st floor. 264 Burke Street
Owner financing Call Nancy Palumbo
and photos visit our Screened porch off No maintenance 570-714-9240
kitchen overlooks fees. Many available. Beautifully
website at
110 Oak St remodeled home,
MLS #11-370
in ground pool.
Large master suite
with 3 closets,
PITTSTON TWP. upgrades. Move in
condition. 2,000 sq.
ft. Berber, ceramic
new cabinets, gran-
ite countertops,
private bath with tile & hardwood. ceramic tile floor in
$179,900 111 Falcon Drive
whirlpool, separate 2 bedroom, 2.5 kitchen, pantry,
Call Charlie Brand new since
570-829-6200 2004, 3 bedrooms, shower, double 71 Mountain Road baths. All appli- large master bed-
room with 2 walk-in
VM 101 2 baths, central air, vanity & radiant ances, washer
2 car garage, shed, heated tile floor.
17 year old 2 story,
single family home, 233 Honey Pot St. & dryer & window closets and study,
corner lot, partially
3 car garage. treatments includ-
6 car driveway.
Roof, kitchen, fur- Finished rec room
Move right in this
beautiful 3 bed-
2 bedroom, 1 bath,
1/2 double with ed. Walk in closet. enclosed yard with IN CLASSIFIED!
BUYER TO PAY $75 vinyl fencing, deck
nace, a/c unit and in lower level. room, 2 1/2 baths. replacement win-
No units in front of
with gazebo. Looking for the right deal
Home Warranty. dows, carport, or behind. 1 car
master bath all Eat in kitchen with CLOSING. OFFERS / 40 Gain St. $289,900 on an automobile?
LAFLIN replaced. Modern NEW PRICE pergo floors and newer roofs and a garage. Very
kitchen with granite $395,000 silestone counter nice yard on a quiet CONTRACTS ARE Be the first occu- private. Near all MLS 10-1123 Turn to classified.
NOT BINDING pants of this newly 570-696-2468
island, tile floors, MLS# 10-938 tops, two tiered Cul-de-sac.
UNTIL THE ENTIRE constructed Ranch
interstates. It’s a showroom in print!
maple cabinets. Call Linda island. Dining room, MLS#11-1139. REDUCED TO Classified’s got
Fireplace in family (570) 956-0584 $19,900 AGREEMENT IS home on a low traf- $179,900
family room with SIGNED (RATIFIED) fic street. All you the directions!
room, large closets, Coldwell Banker fireplace, additional Call John Call 570-829-3162
BY ALL PARTIES. could ask for is
modern baths. Rundle Real Estate great room with 570-704-6846
Stamped concrete 570-474-2340 Antonik & $38,000 already here, 3 Collect cash, not dust!
cathedral ceiling. 570-696-2468 bedrooms, 2 baths,
patio. For more Finished basement Associates, Inc. Clean out your

information and 570-735-7494 hardwood and tile basement, garage
with laundry room, floors with granite
photos visit work shop and or attic and call the
7 Hickorywood Dr.
Wonderful 4 bed-
460 S. Mtn
exercise room.
Forced hot air fur- NOXEN
3672 SR 29S
and stainless steel
kitchen, gas fire-
place, central air, 2
Classified depart-
ment today at 570- Let the Community
MLS #11-1166 nace, central air. 829-7130!
room Ranch with $279,900 car garage and Place your Classified
Two car attached

sweeping views of Call Tom rear patio and full Ad TODAY!
garage. Extensive basement. For
the valley. Master 570-262-7716 landscaping with 570-829-7130
bedroom with walk- more information 6 Williams St.
waterfall & private
in closet and bath, Looking for that and photos, log Nicely maintained Great value for the
paver patio. 800 onto www.atlas
ultra modern eat-in acres of state land special place home. 3 bed- price on quiet
kitchen with granite rooms, full bath street which is
out back door. called home? MLS #10-3676
counters and cherry $230,000. with shower, pri- closed to all main
cabinets with large Large well cared Classified will address $229,900 vate driveway with roads is a must
island and stainless Shopping for a for home! 4 bed-
Call 570-417-9162
Brick front ranch Your needs. Call Colleen 1 car garage, see. Also comes
after 9AM to set up
steel appliances. 2 new apartment? rooms, lots of an appointment or with large Living
Open the door
570-237-0415 Appliances with home
car garage, full Classified lets storage. Enjoy email room, 3 bedroom, included warranty.
unfinished base- your summer in sun room, deck, full with classified! $76,000 MLS 10-3210
you compare costs - [email protected]
ment with your own 18x36, basement, sheds Call 570-655-9722 $157,900
without hassle
walk-out to yard.
MLS #10-4060 or worry!
in-ground, solar
heated pool, LINEUP and garage on 0.54
acres. $154,000. PLAINS TWP
Thomas Bourgeois
Call Colleen Get moving complete with
diving board and ASUCCESSFULSALE Call Jeannie Brady
Well kept Ranch in
with classified! Midway Manor with
570-237-0415 slide. Pool house
570-836-3848 PLAINS TOWNSHIP 7 rooms, 3 bed-

LARKSVILLE for a poker table! Doyouneedmorespace? rooms, 2 baths, 2

45 First Street W. Large L-shaped
deck. Don't worry A yard or garage sale NOXEN TWP. MILL CREEK ACRES car garage, newer
about the price of in classified 4 Lan Creek Rd MLS #10-4474
LAKE ARIEL gas, enjoy a stay- Close to Mohegan
cation all summer
is the best way 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Sun & Geisinger, 4 Call Tom
2164 Northgate Rd long! Family room tocleanoutyourclosets! semi modern Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 570-262-7716
kitchen with stove Fireplace, 2 Car
with gas fireplace.
4 zone, efficient,
You’re in bussiness and fridge. Nice 40 Gain St. Garage. Excellent
gas hot water, with classified! yard, one car Be the first occu- Condition. All Appli-
garage. pants of this newly ances Included.
baseboard heat.
Hardwood floors. Priced to sell. constructed Ranch Large yard. REDUCED!!
Fantastic Foreclo-
Huge eat-in Enjoy the mountain MLS 11-1298 home on a low traf- Go To Nice doublewide
sure! Just the room 6 Edward St views and privacy fic street. All you
kitchen with large, $59,900 with 2 bedrooms, 2
you need at a price from your rear deck could ask for is
movable island. Call Lu-Ann for details. baths, kitchen, living
you can afford. Nice on this country already here, 3
Large, private 570-602-9280 Asking $219,900 room, dining room,
home with off-street raised ranch on bedrooms, 2 baths,
2 story, 3 bedroom, yard. Replace- Call 570-817-1228 laundry room, 3
parking on a quiet 1 acre in Noxen. hardwood and tile
2 bath. $85,000 ment windows. for showing season porch & 2
dead end street. A 3 bedroom, 1 bath floors with granite
MLS 11-621 modern kitchen with Home warranty car built in garage
570-696-2468 hardwood floors. A
great backyard for
home with custom
woodwork & 3
decks, above
and stainless steel
kitchen, gas fire-
place, central air, 2
PLYMOUTH sitting on 1.47 pri-
vate acres.
summer fun. Terrific
potential. $78,960
MLS# 11-382
Call Michael Pinko Looking for a home
ground pool
& hot tub.
PITTSTON car garage and
rear patio and full
Five Mountains
(570) 899-3865 that's move-in PRICE REDUCED! Realty
MLS 11-676 basement. For
570-696-2468 ready? This immac- REDUCED PRICE Move right into this 570-542-2141
$119,000 more information 3 Bedroom,1 3/4
ulate ranch features
all brick exterior,
beautiful modern
Call Cindy
and photos, log
onto www.atlas
Bath Split level on a
cul de sac in Sutton SWOYERSVILLE
tiled kitchen, formal Hills. Modern eat in
Smith Hourigan MLS #10-3676 kitchen, oak cabi-
dining room, large
Line up a place to live Group
sunken living room,
3 bedrooms,tiled
Call Colleen
Be your own boss!
Long time Furniture
nets, Living room,
wood, Fireplace
in classified! bath with garden
tub, fully finished
34 Carroll St.
Spacious 3 or 4
570-237-0415 store includes
showroom, invento-
ry, 8 room brick res-
with new Stainless
Steel liner, Lower
basement with fire- 570-675-4400 bedroom home. Level family room,
Quiet street. idence + 4 car laundry, Bath.

Find your next

place, 3/4 bath and garage. Only
MLS# 10-624 Private back yard,

laundry area,5 $225,000. Call Pat 3 for 1. That’s what
PRICE REDUCED deck, garage. New
zoned gas heat,
$79,900 LINEUP 570-885-4165 you will get when

vehicle online.
newer carport and roof, lifetime leaf-
Call Bill Coldwell Banker less gutters, drive- you purchase this 3
more. Plus seller is
offering a Home
Warranty for your
Clean out your (570) 362-4158
Real Estate, Inc.
way expanded,
shelving in garage.
unit, 2 unit
Garage. Bring your

basement, garage
tools. Asking
peace of mind!
$124,900 INCLASSIFIED! Collect cash, not dust!
Quiet, private, Lake
Lehman schools.
$64,900. Call Pat
MLS 10-3662
or attic and call the Job Seekers are A yard or garage sale
Clean out your MLS# 10-2545
Call Sue Barre
Coldwell Banker
Gerald L. Busch
basement, garage 570-696-5417 Real Estate, Inc.

Classified depart- looking here!

Where's your ad?
in classified or attic and call the SMITH HOURIGAN Job Seekers are
is the best way looking here!
ment today at 570-
570-829-7130 and tocleanoutyourclosets! Classified depart- Where's your ad? ask for an employ- ment today at 570- 570-829-7130 and
829-7130! ment specialist
You’re in bussiness
with classified! 829-7130!
ask for an employ-
ment specialist
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income & 912 Lots & Acreage 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Commercial Commercial Commercial Unfurnished Unfurnished
29 W. Beatty St.
Lovely 2 story re-
modeled home in
6 room apartment.
Like New 2 bed-
room apartment in
Partially furnished, great neighbor-
very good condi- brand new fridge/ hood. 2nd floor.
tion. Laminate and electric range, elec- Includes new
tile flooring through- tric washer & dryer. kitchen (with new
out. 16x20 great Brand new custom stove, dishwasher
room addition with draperies, Roman & microwave) and
Investors Wanted! cathedral ceilings shades, carpeting / bath w/washer
Stone front 2 bed- and recessed light- 20 Osborne Drive Beautiful piece of
Spacious 3 flooring & energy dryer hookup. Hard-
room, 2 story on ing. Quiet neighbor- Buy a newer 2 property located in
bedroom, 1.5 baths efficient furnace & wood throughout
nice lot. Open 1st hood. Appliances story in the growing 863-865 Main St. a nice area waiting
with textured 25 St. Mary’s St. 462 W. State St. windows. 2 bed- with ceramic tile in
floor with nice eat-in included in sale. Willow View Devel- Good to be built on. Most-
3,443 sq. ft. Lower End Pizza! room + large attic kitchen and bath.
kitchen. 2nd floor ceilings, updated $62,000 opment. This home neighborhood, ly wooded. Water,
masonry commer- Established prof- loft bedroom with $695/mo + utilities
needs tlc. Gas heat. kitchen, all appli- 570-885-3664 has 3 bedrooms, Great location. Well sewer and gas are
cial building with itable business for spacious walk-in and security. No
Space Heaters. ances including 2.5 baths, formal established Bar & adjacent. Going closet, full tiled bath Pets, references
$35,900. Call Pat
dishwasher, tiled
bath with whirlpool
WILKES-BARRE dining and sitting
room, family room
and 2 apartments
with separate elec-
sale. Restaurant,
bar, game room,
separate dining
Grill on Main St.
with parking lot.
Kitchen features
towards Mountain-
top left onto Kirby
on 1st floor, Easy
access to I-81,
required. Call Scott
Coldwell Banker with wood burning Ave just past Grey-
Gerald L. Busch
Real Estate, Inc.
tub, 2nd floor
laundry room. REDUCED fireplace, finished
room in lower level,
tric and heat. Per-
fect for contractors
or anyone with stor-
room. Parking for
35 cars. Turnkey
operation. Addition-
stainless steel
hood, Fryers &
stone Manor.
airport & casino, off
street parking. No
smoking, No pets. KINGSTON
Ext. 137

Replacement electric heat and Ansul system. MLS 11-429

central air. 2 car
garage, level lot.
age needs. For
more information
and photos log onto
al parking lot
Turnkey operation
priced to sell.
$750 + utilities &
PRICE. www.atlas Call Jay Crossin
Currently open.
6 room apartment ACRES HOMES
Call Arlene Warunek Ext. 23
570-650-4169 MLS 10-2379 on 2nd floor. 11 Holiday Drive
$246,000 Reduced to Crossin Real NEW PRICE Kingston
Call Lu-Ann $89,000 Estate 1 bedroom, 1 bath
$105,595 room, refrigerator “A Place To
570-602-9280 MLS #10-3872 570-288-0770
Call Charlie MLS# 11-65 and stove provid- Call Home”
116 Amber Lane 570-829-6200 Call Stanley ed, washer/dryer Spacious 1, 2 & 3
Very nice Bi-level VM 101 (570) 817-0111 hookup, off-street Bedroom Apts
Smith Hourigan home with 2-3 bed- Coldwell Banker parking, no pets, 3 Bedroom
Price Reduced! Group rooms, open floor PRICES REDUCED Townhomes
3 bedroom ranch Rundle Real Estate garbage included,
(570) 696-1195 plan, built in EARTH second floor, no Gas heat included
home. Hardwood garage, driveway, 570-474-2340 CONSERVANCY
floors. Sunken living Job Seekers are on corner lot. LAND FOR SALE
smokers, 450/per FREE
room. Lower level
family room with
looking here!
Where's your ad?
Lower level family
331 Holden St
46+/- Acres
Hanover Twp.,
month, plus utili-
ties, $450 plus
first months rent/
24hr on-site Gym
Community Room
Swimming Pool
fireplace. Garage.
60’x161’ lot.
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
stove. Move in
condition home DURYEA FOR SALE 10-847 $89,000
10+/- Acres
security deposit.
Maintenance FREE

$99,900 Controlled Access
ment specialist $95,000 Hanover Twp., Patio/Balcony
Besecker Realty MLS 10-4538 $69,000
Find Something? WILKES-BARRE Call Colleen
570-237-0415 PROPERTY
28+/- Acres
Fairview Twp.,
Modern 2 bedroom,
and much more...
Call Today
or stop by
Lose Something? 387-389 North Available immedi- $85,000 2nd floor. Quiet for a tour!
Hampton St. ately. Commercial 61+/- Acres location. Appliances Now Offering
Get it back where it Three Unit. Great Nuangola
belongs property has 2 & garbage included. Move In Specials
Location. Great 12 Reid st. apartments and $125,000
with a Lost/Found ad! Off street parking. 570-288-9019
Income. Tenants Spacious Bi-level large office area, Many possibilities 40+/- Acres
570-829-7130 No pets. $485 +
pay all utilities. GET THE WORD OUT home in semi-pri- 622 Donnelly St. lots of storage, multi for this building. 40 + Newport Twp. security. Call

Good condition.
with a Classified Ad.
vate location with
private back yard. 3
Double Block in
good condition.
“bay” heated
garage, large yard,
parking spaces, 5
offices, 3 baths and
32 +/- Acres
Call (616) 379-1165 season room. Gas Great investment ample off street warehouse. Wilkes-Barre Twp. Very clean, 1st floor
fireplace in lower property. Come parking; all units $425,000 See additional Land 3 Bedroom with
45 Birch St
WILKES-BARRE level family room. 4
bedrooms, garage.
take a look.
rented; Close to Rt
81 and Cross Valley
Maria Huggler
for Sale at
www. earth
1st floor, 2 bedroom,
eat in kitchen,
modern bath and
kitchen. New floor-
MLS 10-4740 MLS# 10-2668 enclosed heated ing, large closets.
expressway; off- PROPERTIES
$159,900 Call Karen street parking. Seri- 570-587-7000 570-823-3445 porch. Large refin- Off Street Parking,
Call Charlie Coldwell Banker ous inquiries only. ished basement. 1 fenced yard. Water
VM 101
Rundle Real Estate
No brokers/real
estate agents! WILKES-BARRE
915 Manufactured
car carport. Gas
heat. Central air.
$700 + utilities &
& garbage included.
Tenant pays electric
& gas service.
$189,999 Call
Great 1/2 double
located in nice
EDWARDSVILLE (570) 878-2424
after 10:00 a.m.
Property 1 block
from Courthouse,
security. Will consid-
er reduced rent for
pets. One
West Pittston loca- College & Hospital. maintenance work. lease.
Laurel Run & San
tion. 3 bedrooms,
new carpet. Vertical
Fenced yard, 2 car
N. River Road Souci Parks, Like
Call 570-760-6277 570-760-5573

garage, large work- $18,500. new, several to Looking for the right deal
blinds with all appli- shop/storage build- choose from,
ances. Screened in Call 570-991-7571 on an automobile?
porch and yard
ing at back of prop-
erty. Come take
54 Penn Street
REDUCED! Doyouneedmorespace?
Financing &Warranty,
Turn to classified.
1 bedroom, wall to
wall, off-street
a look!
$32,000 Renovated two A yard or garage sale Call (570)250-2890
It’s a showroom in print! parking, coin
laundry, water,
Charlie VM 101 570-696-2468 story in East End. 2- in classified Classified’s got sewer & garbage
3 bedrooms, large
ceramic tile bath
173-175 Zerby Ave.
Great income prop- is the best way 930 Wanted to Buy the directions! included. $495/

month + security
with walk-in linen erty with additional
1011-1015 Oak St tocleanoutyourclosets! Real Estate & lease. HUD
closet; first floor garage space You’re in bussiness
Available 2 buildings 2nd floor, 2 bed- accepted. Call
laundry with 1/2 (34x38) room for 3
with classified!
on site. #1011 is a 2 570-687-6216 or
WEST WYOMING bath; large dining cars to rent! Live in room with sunroom.
story office building $495/month. 570-954-0727
room with oak floor- one half and have
438 Tripp St with approximately Gas heat. Washer &
ing; eat-in kitchen 61 Pittston Ave. your mortgage paid Any Situation
with oak cabinets Stately brick Ranch by the other!
3800 square feet.
#1015 is a single
dryer included.
and built in table; in private location. $12,000+ potential Garage Optional.
WILKES-BARRE stained glass win-
dows, wrap porch,
Large room sizes,
fireplace, central
MLS # 11-1111
story building with
approximately 3000
square feet.
Lease & security
41 Mill Street
1st floor, 2 bed-
room, large bath
fenced yard; ceiling A/C. Includes $64,900 Call after 6 p.m.
$489,000 570-220-6533 with shower, stove,
fans; shed; gas extra lot. Call John Shelley
MLS# 11-445 refrigerator and
heat; walk up attic MLS #10-3512 570-288-0770
with wood flooring;
close to mall.
Call Pat Guzzy
570-407-2480 HANOVER TOWNSHIP dishwasher, wash-
er/dryer hookup,
1st floor, 2 bedroom, 1 car attached
$85,900. By Call Charlie 570-288-0770 stove, refrigerator, garage. Fieldstone
appointment only 570-829-6200 private deck, wash- working fireplace.
Call (570) 970-8065 VM 101 Shopping for a er/dryer hookup. Non Smoking.
455 S. Main St. or email new apartment? 285 Wyoming Ave. Heat, garbage & Too many extras to
[email protected]. First floor currently
Charming traditional Classified lets used as a shop,
sewer included.
mention, call for
home. Four bed- more details.
room, very large liv-
ing room, finished
WILKES-BARRE you compare costs -
without hassle
could be offices,
etc. Prime location,
570-842-1264 $700 + utilities.
attic, beautiful
woodwork, French
LINEUP or worry!
Get moving
corner lot, full base-
ment. 2nd floor is 3
941 Apartments/
Completely remod-
doors & fenced in ASUCCESSFULSALE with classified! PITTSTON
bedroom apartment
plus 3 car garage
214 Taft Street
2nd floor. Modern 2 1 Bedroom apart-
eled home
back yard.
MLS # 11-1117
and parking for
6 cars. ASHLEY
Modern 2 bedroom,
bedroom. Newer
kitchen, bath, stove
ments for elderly,
disabled. Rents
New kitchen, baths, George Sailus Doyouneedmorespace? MLS #10-4339
$174,900 laundry, parking,bus
& fridge. Washer & based on 30% of
bedrooms, tile dryer in basement. ADJ gross income.
floors, hardwoods,
(570) 407-4300
A yard or garage sale Call Charlie stop. No pets.
$500 + utilities & Handicap Accessi-
Water included.
granite countertops, REALTORS
Your Real
in classified VM 101
$535 + utilities, first
security. No pets. ble. Equal Housing
No smoking. Call
all new stainless
Here! 4 unit with is the best way /last & security Opportunity. TTY711
steel appliances,
refrigerator, stove, WILKES-BARRE separate utilities. tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-954-1992
(570) 825-6259 or 570-474-5010
This institution is an
microwave, dish-
washer, free stand-
Some off street
parking. $125,000. You’re in bussiness 144 S. Main St. AVOCA KINGSTON 1 BEDROOM equal opportunity
provider &
ing shower, tub for To get started, with classified! Busy downtown 1 & 2 bedroom 2nd floor, washer/ employer.
Call Pat Former Vic Mar location, perfect for 912 Lots & Acreage
two, huge deck,
large yard, excellent 570-885-4165 NEAR HARVEYS LAKE building. Reduced! your business. Be a
apartments, just
remodeled, no pets.
dryer hookup, yard,
parking, No Pets,
$154,900 (835.00 /
Coldwell Banker
Gerald L. Busch
Real Estate, Inc.
Turnkey business
Complete commer-
part of the Down-
town Revitalization. DALLAS
Goodleigh Manor
$500 to $575 +
utilities & security.
No Smoking, Quiet
/Secluded/ WOODBRYN
30years/ 5%) Located across Call 570-328-3773
570-654-1490 cial kitchen, large from the Tomato New development. Convenient 1 & 2 Bedroom,
57 Fulton Street
3 bedrooms, 1 bath
WILKES-BARRE dining area, 90 x
130 parking lot.
Festival lot, current-
ly has a 3 story
2 acres. Beautiful
View. $49,900 AVOCA
$425. + utilities.
Discount available,
immediately, No
home in Wilkes- Live-in quarters. building on the Negotiable 3 rooms, wall to wall lease, references. pets. Rents based
Barre. This is a Fan- Well known property. When 570-357-1138 carpeting, appli- on income start
nie Mae HomePath location. removed, would ances, coin-op laun- at $395 & $430.
$89,000 Handicap Accessi-
Property. All meas- RR2 Box 200 leave a 30x120 dry, off street park-
urements are
approx. Buyer to
Well maintained, 4
bedroom, 1 1/2
MLS# 11-445
Call Pat Guzzy
building lot that
backs on Wharf
44.59 ACRES ing, security. No
pets. $410/month 3 bedrooms,
ble. Equal Housing
REDUCED!! pay full transfer tax. baths, eat-in Street.REDUCED (570) 655-1606 remodeled with Call 570-474-5010
Inspections for Buy- kitchen, spacious MLS 10-2742 appliances, washer TTY711

ers knowledge only. living room, front & $14,900 & dryer, gas heat, This institution is an
Tudor Style - 12 unit Call Lu-Ann $575 + utilities. equal opportunity
Fannie Mae ''First- back porches on
with lots of separate 570-602-9280 Call 570-814-0843 provider and
Look'' property, 1.58 acres. 3 large 1 bedroom
utilities! Some off or 570-696-3090 employer.
investment offers $123,800. Call apts, 3 kitchens
street parking. Few
will not be consid- Jeannie Brady with appliances, 3
blocks to college. KINGSTON
ered for the first 15 ERA BRADY baths. Apts. have
$300,000. Call Pat
days of listing. ASSOCIATES access to one
570-885-4165 1 bedroom, 2nd floor,
Please see 570-836-3848 Industrial Site. Rail another. No lease.
Coldwell Banker 570-586-1111
PITTSTON served with all $795 for all 3 apts bright, 1st refrigerator, stove,
Gerald L. Busch
536 W. Eighth St. ($265 per apt.) washer/dryer
m for details. utilities. KOZ floor, 2 bedrooms,
Nice starter home $19,900
Real Estate, Inc. 909 Income & approved. Convenient to all elevator, carpet- hook-up & porch.
with 7 rooms, 3 MLS #11-695 86 Main Street $2,395,000 colleges and gas ed, Security $425/month plus
bedrooms, 1.25 570-696-2468 MLS#10-669 drilling areas. utilities, security
baths. 1 car garage Properties Call Charlie Call for more info
system. Garage.
& references.
Extra storage &
and carport. Home 570-696-1866 cable TV included. Water, sewage,
has plenty of park-
AVOCA Laundry facilities. garbage included.

ing in rear with Heat & hot water No smoking.
shed and great furnished. Fine No pets.
yard. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, neighborhood. 570-239-2070

MLS #11-559 off street parking, Convenient to bus
Call Tom
Light Hearted Old
328 Kennedy Blvd.
Modern medical 53.52 prime acres
laundry room, deck.
1 year lease. Credit
& stores. No
pets. References. NANTICOKE
2 bedroom, wall to
520 Beverly Rd. Timer in developing space, labor & located in the check & references Security. Lease.
PAY - Open floor
South Main ST.
corridor, adjacent
industry approved,
ADA throughout, 2
Dallas School Dis-
trict. MLS#11-1150
required. $525/
month + utilities.
No smokers
please. $840.
wall carpet, off-
street parking, $495
to paring lot and doctor offices plus $549,000 (570) 675-4597 570-287-0900 per month+ utilities,
plan accentuates Maribeth Jones security, lease.
25 St. Mary’s St. within view of Public 4 exam rooms, xray
this 4 bedroom, 3,443 sq. ft. Square and Movie and reception and office: 696-2600 Looking for that KINGSTON HUD accepted. Call
West Wyoming 3.5 bath home in special place 570-687-6216
masonry commer- Theatre. Three breakrooms. Could direct: 696-6565
TOYTOWN Dallas School cial building with story historic build- be used for any or 570-954-0727
called home? 317 N. Maple Ave.
District. Family ing features 10' business purpose.
12 Watson Street
3 bedroom Ranch.
room with wood
burning fireplace,
and 2 apartments
with sperate elec-
ceilings, rubber
roof, gas hw
Will remodel to suit.
Also available
Classified will address
Your needs.
Large Two story,
2 bedroom, 1.5
Spacious 2 bed-
Corner, double lot,
73 Richard Street deck of kitchen,
tric and heat. Per- BB...Located in the for lease. Open the door bath, Central Heat room, enclosed
central air, all fect for contractors heart of Wilkes- MLS #11-751 GOULDSBORO
hardwood floors. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath dining room. Huge or anyone with stor- Barre's historic dis- $595,000 902 Layman Lane
with classified! & Air,washer/dryer porch, No pets.
Traditional in Very in unit, parking. $475 + electric.
Good Condition.
lower level ready age needs. For trict 1 block from Call Charlie DALLAS TWP $830 + utilities & Call 570-262-5399
to be finished.
Call 570-693-4451
Open Layout. Off
more information Public Square were VM 101
CONDO FOR LEASE: 1 month security
2 car garage. and photos log onto yesterday meets
Yard &
$1,800. 2 bedroom/
2 Bath. Call Us to
Newly renovated 1st
19 Schoolhouse Ln Many Updates.
Asking $47,900
Call 570-762-1537
Call Theresa
Vacendak, CRS, GRI
Reduced to
570-696-2468 discuss our great
Amenity & Mainte- KINGSTON
Large 2 bedroom,
floor, 1 bedroom.
Nice neighborhood.
MLS #10-3872 nance program!
for showing newly remodeled, Appliances includ-
570-650-5872 Call Charlie Call 570-674-5278 ed. Washer/dryer
1st floor duplex
CENTRAL 570-829-6200 2 Unit through Wooded lot in Big hookup. No pets.
WILKES-BARRE VM 101 Bass Lake. Current Dallas, Pa. apartment. Appli-
Security & lease.
REAL ESTATE 8 Unit apartments
perc on file. Priced MEADOWS ances include dish-
$435/month + all
for sale in the APARTMENTS washer & gas
(570) 822-1133 Greter Pittston below cost, sell
dryer. Off street utilities. Call
says bring all offers. 220 Lake St. 570-690-3086
area. Call parking. Water &
WYOMING 570-655-1606 MLS#10-3564. Low Housing for the

Cozy 2 bedroom elderly & mobility sewer included.
JENKINS TOWNSHIP price $10,000

home, large fenced impaired; all utilities $650 + utilities. Call
in yard, 2
garage. $45,000
May Street
PLAINS TWP. Thomas Bourgeois
516-507-9403 included. Federally
subsidized program.
(570) 283-3887 3 bedroom. Off
street parking, on

MLS 10-3229 PROPERTIES Extremely low site laundry.
570-696-2468 570-842-9988 income persons Enclosed porch.
encouraged to Large 2 bedroom.
912 S. Franklin St. HIGHWAY 315 Tenant pays electric
Newly painted.
Move-in condition
2-story with 3
bedrooms, 1.5
IN CLASSIFIED! 2 acres of commer-
cial land. 165 front HARVEYS LAKE
Lake View
apply. Income less
than $11,900.
Stove & fridge
& trash. $695 +
utilities. Security
required. Call
530 Dennison Ave. feet. Driveway Washer/ dryer
baths with open
floor plan; finished REDUCED Doyouneedmorespace? access permit and
lot drainage in
Hard to find this
one! Buildable lot
8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri.
EQUAL HOUSING hookup. $650; heat (570) 881-1747

OPPORTUNITY included. Call
A yard or garage sale
lower level, walk-up Great 3 bedroom place. WIll build to with view of lake.
attic and fenced-in Cape Cod with Former Parrish suit tenant or avail- $32,900
570-696-3090 Large half double, 3
yard with newer Center Hall with MLS# 10-2523
Job Seekers are pool. $82,900
charm & character,
1 3/4 baths, nice in classified kitchen & parking
able for land lease.
MLS 11-17 Call Cindy bedrooms, 1.5

MLS #10-3914 570-690-2689 baths, kitchen,
is the best way
yard. MLS# MLS#08-2954 Price Negotiable
looking here! DJ Wojciechowski 10-342 $139,900 $179,900 Call Charlie dining & living room.
570-283-9100 x22 Includes sewer,
Where's your ad? call Nancy 570-829-6200
Call Charlie trash, refrigerator
570-237-0752 VM 101
570-829-7130 and We’l runyouraduntil thevehicle is sold and range.

You’re in bussiness
$650 + utilities.
ask for an employ- Call Bernie
570-675-4400 Call Classifiedat829-7130 888-244-2714
ment specialist with classified!
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties Properties Properties

Newly remodeled 2 1st floor, 2 bed- 18 Pierce St
55 Loomis St
3 bedroom, wall
bedroom apart- EAST END room. Wall to wall Kingston, PA
carpet. Off street to wall carpet,
ment. Living room, 4 Rooms, Available Immedi-
260 CAREY AVE. parking. Washer/ full basement &
kitchen, laundry & 2 Bedrooms, Wall $675. per month ately, Off street
Small 1 bedroom, dryer included. 1 Are you paying too attic, stove,
bath 1st floor. 2 bed- to Wall carpet, For appointment & parking. Security 622 Foundry Street,
recently remodeled, month security & much for your cur- fridge & water
rooms 2nd floor. stove and further information required. 3 room Available immedi-
heat & water includ- references & credit rent office? Call us! included. No
Includes water & refrigerator Suite $300/month, ately, 3 bedrooms, 1
ed. $520/month. check. No pets. Call call 237-6070 We have modern pets. $630
garbage. No pets, $525.00/month + includes utilities. bathroom, refrigera-
Call 570-288-3375 for more info. office space avail- plus security
no smoking. $550 + 570-690-0564
security. able in Luzerne 570-814-1356 tor and stove pro-
security. Call (570) 574-2249 570-823-7564
WILKES-BARRE Heat Included. Bank Building on vided, washer/dryer
(570) 655-4533 No pets. hookup, pets ok,
Let the Community Rte. 315
LINEUP Public Square. Looking for that Fenced in yard.
2 bedroom apart- Available May 1st. Know! 2,000 SF Rents include heat,
ment. Excellent Call 570-823-2214 special place Great neighbor-
Walking Distance to condition, large after 1 p.m.
Place your Classified
Office / Retail
Next to Gymboree
ASUCCESSFULSALE central air, utilities,
trash removal, and called home? hood. $725.00/per
storage area. $650/ month, plus utilities,
the Casino!! 2 bed-
room, 1 bath, living month includes WILKES-BARRE 570-829-7130 4,500 SF Office
INCLASSIFIED! nightly cleaning - all
without a sneaky
Classified will address
Your needs.
room, kitchen, off
street parking.
heat, water &
Loading Dock
Doyouneedmorespace? CAM charge.
Access parking at Open the door 46 Zerby Ave
Sunday 1pm-3pm
deposit. Call
(570) 239-4102
$600/month + Security & SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR
SECURE 4 Acres touching
A yard or garage sale the new intermodal with classified! Lease with option
utilities, security &
references. Call
references required
113 Edison St.
Quiet neighborhood.
2 bedroom apart-
1 & 2 bedroom
I81 will build to suit.
Call 570-829-1206
in classified
is the best way
garage via our cov-
ered bridge. 300SF NANTICOKE to buy, completely
remodeled, mint,
Classic Properties
Nikki Callahan
ments available for
immediate occu-
Laundry facility. Off
FORTY FORT tocleanoutyourclosets!
to 5000SF available.
We can remodel to HALF DOUBLE
turn key condition,
3 bedrooms, 1.5 MONARCH RENTALS
You’re in bussiness 3 bedroom with
718-4959 Ext. 1306 street parking avail- suit. Brokers Pro- baths, large
pancy. Heat & hot Free standing build-
able. Starting at tected. Call Jeff washer/dryer hook closets, with
with classified!
water included. $625 ing. Would be great
$440. 570-332-5723 Pyros at 822-8577 up. Front & back hardwoods, carpet 3 bedrooms,
Call Aileen at for any commercial OFFICE SPACE porch. Fenced in & tile floors, new all appliances
1st floor, 1 bedroom
apartment. Stove, WILKES-BARRE 570-822-7944
WILKES-BARRE TWP use. 1900 sq. ft. on
the ground floor KINGSTON 947 Garages back yard.
No Pets.
kitchen and baths, provided.

gas heat, shed, Call 570-822-7039
fridge, water & 2 bedroom, newly 2.5 bedroom, with an additional $550/month +
166 W. Union St. large yard.
sewage included.
Front & Back porch.
remodeled. Gas
heat. Washer/dryer
hookup. $475/mo. + LODGE
basement apartment,
washer/dryer hookup
800 sq. ft in finished
lower level. Excel-
Avail. March 1.
600 sq. ft of newly
HANOVER TWP. security & utilities.
(570) 822-7657
$134,000, seller
will pay closing
Collect cash, not dust!
Clean out your
$400 + security. Call and yard. lent location, only 1 renovated office costs, $5000 down basement, garage
570-262-0540 security & utilities.
No pets. Call Formerly The Clean & ready.
No smoking or pets.
block from North
Cross Valley
space. Rent
includes heat and
PITTSTON 1/2 DOUBLE and monthly
payments are
or attic and call the

PLYMOUTH (570) 823-5984 Travel Lodge

497 Kidder St.,
$505 + utilities
& security
one block
electric. Off street
parking available.
2 bedrooms, sun- $995/month.
Classified depart-
ment today at 570-

Nice, recently reno- Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Ave (route room, new bath, 829-7130!
Call 570-823-3983 $800 per month. REAL ESTATE
vated 1st floor 1 Rooms Starting 11) Take advan- washer/dryer
L EAVE A M ESSAGE Call 570-287-5090 570-654-1490
bedroom. Stove &
Fridge included.
2 bedrooms apt. at:
Daily $44.99 +
tage of this prime hookup. No pets.
$580 + utilities & WILKES-BARRE
2nd floor, stove, location for just
$500 + electric & fridge, fenced in tax 1427 San Souci Pky security, sewer & Parsons
$1050 per month!
garbage. Lease, yard, $500 + gas, Weekly $189.99 Newly remodeled, garbage included. 143 Stucker Ave.
570-262-1131 West Pittston
security, references electric & water. + tax fully equipped full Call (570) 655-5156 3 Bedroom 1-1/2
Wyoming Ave.
Call for appointment 570-417-0088 for Microwave, service garage. Bath. 1,900 square
High traffic location.
and application.
appointment &
Wilkes University Parkway Plaza
Office space with
Character. 885 sq.
Also has a detail
wash bay. Garage SUGAR NOTCH
3 bedrooms, quiet
foot Modern Home
in Great Neighbor-
hood. Includes all
Campus Sans Souci Parkway is 2,560 square
ft. Great for busi- street, yard. Fresh
www.Wilkes Studio up to 4 bed- Commercial Space feet with 50 feet For lease, avail- Appliances. Large
ness, retail or spa. paint. $525/month room. From $400. For Lease 1,200 sq. road frontage on able immediately. fenced in yard with
Beautiful 1st floor, 2 Rent includes heat + utilities, lease,
264 Academy St All utilities included. ft. starting at $600/ the Sans Souci 3 bedrooms, 2 deck & shed. Off
1/2 bedroom. Stove & water. Call for security. No pets.
2 bedrooms, newly month. Off street Parkway bathrooms, Stove, Street Parking. No
and fridge. Large renovated building.
Doyouneedmorespace? 570-826-1934
parking. Central
more details at
$249,900 Call 570-332-1216 Refrigerator, Dish smokers / pets.
kitchen, on-site Washer & dryer. A yard or garage sale heat & air. Call 570-696-2468 or 570-592-1328 Washer Provided, $875 / month + utili-
laundry room. Off washer/dryer hook
$600/per month in classified Wilkes-Barre 570-991-0706 PLAINS TWP ties. Security, Cred-
street parking. $600 includes heat, hot
is the best way
Š2 bedroom 7 PETHICK DRIVE WILKES-BARRE up, NO Pets, it Check & Refer-

+ Cooking Gas & water and parking. single, Freshly Painted, ences Required.
OFF RTE. 315 178 Charles St
Electric, security,
lease & background
646-712-1286 tocleanoutyourclosets! exceptional 1200 & 700 SF Available Now!
$750/per month, 570-332-6003
Kingston 239 Schuyler Ave plus utilities, $750
check. Call
You’re in bussiness ŠLarge 3 2,050 sf office
Office Available. 2 bedroom, 1.5 +First Month/secu-
570-417-0088 with classified! Reasonable. bath, Townhouse
bedroom space. 2nd floor. rity deposit. Call
570-760-1513 style. No Section 8.
for appointment Modern, four sepa-
$550/month + utili-

Š3 bedroom, rate offices, large after 9:00 a.m. for Riverside Dr.
675 Main St
447 S. Franklin St.
1 East Chestnut St.
Near Cross Valley &
large, affordable
reception area,
break room, confer- KINGSTON
ties. References &
security required.
Call 570-301-2785
a private showing
or email
Stately brick, 4
bedroom, 2 bath &
1 bedroom, study, General Hospital. Š2 bedroom, ence room & pri- 1750 & 3200 SF ccamark49 2 half bath home.
2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2,500 sf Garage
off street parking, 2nd floor, 2 large, water vate bathroom. Retail / Office Hardwood floors,
1st floor rear, elec- Zoned Commercial-
laundry. Includes bedrooms, wall to included $795 month Space Available 953 Houses for Rent spacious rooms,
tric heat, stove ly. Two over head
included. No pets.
heat and hot water, wall carpet, eat-in Pittston + utilities 570-829-1206 garage & entrance
LUZERNE beautiful patio,
all appliances
$450/month +
Hardwood floors kitchen with range, ŠLarge 1 Call 706-5628 doors. Private bath.
and appliances. shared yard, water bedroom water 2nd floor, 2 bed- included. $1,600/
utilities & security. Located on private
Trash removal. included. Tenant included 2 bedroom, 2 bath rooms, living room, month + utilities.
Call 570-371-2030 road. Gas Heat.
$575/per month, pays gas heat & Wyoming home in beautiful eat-in kitchen, wall MLS#10-2290
$875/month +
Call (570) 821-5599 electric. $425 +
security, No pets.
Š3 bedroom
exceptional KINGSTON FOR RENT MANUFACTURING utilities, security &
rural setting next to
Friedman Farms.
to wall, washer &
dryer. $485 heat
Call Margy
570-814-1356 included. Security & 570-696-0891
Wilkes-Barre Old Forge 620 Market St. 570-706-5628 $1,100 monthly. Call
Š2 bedroom 570-822-2992 references required
Apartments Newly Renovated
West Pittston, Pa. Available WILKES-BARRE NORTH exceptional Prime Space. LINE UP Call 570-288-8012
807 N. Washington
2 bedrooms, 2nd
water included
McDermott &
1,250 sq. ft.,
Near Kingston
Main St.
221 Fremont St.
Housing for the APARTMENTS
floor. Wall to wall
carpeting. Eat in
Real Estate Corners. Great 12,000 sq. ft. build- IN CLASSIFIED! A GREAT DEAL... 962 Rooms
Inc. Property location for retail or ing in downtown Looking for the right deal
elderly & mobility kitchen with appli- IN CLASSIFIED!
impaired; all utilities 419 N. Main St ances. Off street
business office. location. Ware-
house with light on an automobile? BEAR CREEK VILLAGE KINGSTON HOUSE
included. Federally
Wilkes Barre

parking - 2 cars.
Coin op laundry. All
utilities included.
(direct line)
Mon-Fri. 8-7pm
Easy Access and
parking. Call Cliff
Building with some
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Beautiful 2 story
4 bedroom home
2 Bedroom
Nice, clean
program. Extremely Sat. 8-noon 570-760-3427 office space. Entire for rent situated on furnished room,
low income persons 1 bedroom. $645 / month +
building for lease or
Classified’s got 4 wooded acres.
Cottage in quiet starting at $315.
encouraged to
apply. Income less
Secured Senior
Applicants must
security. No pets.
570-814-1356 LUZERNE
125 Main Street
will sub-divide.
MLS #10-1074
the directions! Garage, shed,
$1,200. All utilities
setting. $875 +
utilities, security,
application & lease.
Efficiency at $435
month furnished
than $11,900. 950 Half Doubles by tenant. Security with all utilities
be over age 62 & Office or Retail Call Charlie 570-592-1241
570-655-6555, 570-829-6200 & references included. Off
be income Space available
8 am-4 pm, street parking.
qualified. with over 2,000 sq. VM 101 required. Small pets
Monday-Friday. NORTH END ok. (570) 690-3094 570-718-0331
EQUAL HOUSING Large 1 bedroom ft. + attached Lyndwood Avenue
Rent start at $501 Desirable
OPPORTUNITY apartment. Includes garage in high Very spacious 3
HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE per month. heat, hot & cold traffic area. $650/ bedroom half dou-
Lexington Village 965 Roommate
Includes ALL month + utilities. Nanticoke, PA
running water, ble with neutral Large completely Wanted
utilities. WYOMING Call 570-331-3600 Many ranch style

fridge, stove, coin- decor. Off street remodeled 2 bed-

1 bedroom. Heat 570-970-6694

op laundry, off
street parking, back
yard in rear. Ample
room styled town-
house. Stove &
homes. 2 bedrooms
2 Free Months With
A 2 Year Lease
included. Pay Equal
yard. $535 + securi-
ty. For appointment
Deluxe 1 & 2 bed-
room. Wall to Wall
Office Rental Space COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE Storage. Conve-
nient to schools.
fridge included.
Private interior
$795 + electric
electricity and
call 570-814-3138 carpet. Some utili-
ties by tenant. No
Build To Suit. 1000
to 2000 sq. ft. suites AVAILABLE IN ESTABLISHED $560 / month + utili-
ties. 1 year lease,
attic & basement
access. Washer/
SQUARE FOOT RE Will share my 3 bed-
WILKES-BARRE pets. Non-smoking.
in high volume area
with parking. Con- SHOPPING CENTER security. No pets.
Call 570-793-6294
dryer hookup. Heat
included. Nice yard.
MANAGEMENT room above lake
with one senior.
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The first reaction for Japanese Buying/selling of Japanese Big investors are more con- It’s no secret that companies stuff their
investors after the country’s stocks, in billions of yen fident about stocks. Among Investor optimism regulatory filings with corporate-speak and
March 11 earthquake was to sell. Japanese individual investors pension funds and other in- Percent of respondents saying tough-to-understand language. The Secu-
For foreign investors, it was the Foreign investors stitutional investors, 81.7 the Dow 30 will be higher in the rities and Exchange Commission even has
opposite. They bought 891.5 bil- 1,000 First week of percent say the Dow Jones next 12 months “A Plain English Handbook” for companies,
lion yen ($10.82 billion) of Japa- trading after industrial average will be telling them “the benefits of plain English
nese stock in the week of March 800 March 11 higher a year from now, ac- 85 percent abound.” It hasn’t helped much. So, many
14 to March 18. That helped earthquake. cording to the Yale School of Institutional investors turn to analysts to be their inter-
600 investors
make up for the 141.2 billion yen Management. They haven’t preters, making sense of companies’ regu-
of stock that Japanese individual 400 been that confident since 80 latory filings. Researchers from the Univer-
investors dumped. The foreign May 2008. Last month’s re- sity of Michigan looked at annual reports
buying has helped to support the 200 sult was the sixth straight filed by companies from 1995 to 2006,
Nikkei 225 index, which fell 6 improvement. Individuals measuring how complex their language
percent between March 11 and 0 are also close to their most was. They looked at how many syllables
Wednesday. “The main hope for optimistic in years. But the Individual were in each word, and how many words
Japanese equities remains for- -200 trend isn’t as clear for indi- investors were in each sentence. They found that
eign investors,” Citi Investment Week March March March April vidual investors. Last month, 70 analysts get tripped up too. Companies
ending: 11 18 25 1 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11
Research strategist Robert optimism dropped for the with tough-to-read reports led to less accu-
Buckland wrote in a report. Source: Tokyo Stock Exchange second time in five months. Source: Yale School of Management rate earnings predictions from analysts.
Stan Choe, Kristen Girard • AP

Why you should Interests rates slip

buy stocks, How Foreign stocks make up more than
half the global market. But you don’t
the financial crisis. But they have been
more independent since. Treasury yields edged down slightly this week after

need to have so many foreign stocks in Investors poured a net $59.11 billion strong corporate earnings sent investors into riskier

not gold your portfolio.

The sweet spot is closer to 20 per-
into foreign stock funds during 2010,
while taking $95.9 billion out of U.S.
assets like stocks. The yield on the 10-year Treasury
note fell to 3.40 percent from 3.41 percent the previ-

cent to 40 percent, Vanguard senior an- funds, according to the Investment ous week. Those yields affect interest rates on mort-
Investors have been buying silver alyst Christopher Phillips wrote in a re- Company Institute. gages and other consumer loans. The average rate
and gold as a way to protect port. Standard & Poor’s investment poli- One problem is that foreign stocks on a 30-year fixed mortgage fell to 4.80 percent from
against inflation. Brad Sorensen, 4.91 percent the previous week.

stock is
cy committee suggests keeping 25 per- can be more expensive to own. Mutual
director of market and sector anal- cent of a stock portfolio in foreign stocks, funds that focus on international stocks InterestRates
ysis at the Schwab Center for Fi-
or about 15 percent of a total portfolio have an average expense ratio of 1.52 MIN
nancial Research, suggests

stocks instead. when including bonds and cash. percent, according to Morningstar. That Money market mutual funds YIELD INVEST PHONE
The case for holding foreign stocks is means 1.52 percent of a fund’s assets PRIME FED Taxable—national avg 0.01
InsiderQ&A Why are stocks
the better
simple. Many foreign economies like
China’s are growing faster than the Unit-
go to paying fees each year. Domestic
stock funds, meanwhile, have an aver-
RATE FUNDS Dreyfus MM Instr/MM Series
FRIDAY 3.25 .13
0.12 $ 50,000 min (800) 782-6620

6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Tax-exempt—national avg 0.02

hedge against ed States. Foreign stocks are also a age expense ratio of just 1.31 percent.
1 YR AGO 3.25 .13 Alpine Municipal MMF/Investor 0.18 $ 2,500 min (888) 785-5578
inflation? good way to diversify a portfolio. The And owning some big U.S. compa-
First off, if you hope is that foreign stocks will move in nies can be akin to owning a foreign
look at historical If your stock portfolio FRIDAY CHANGE 52-WK
the opposite direction of U.S. stocks. one. Johnson & Johnson got 53 percent U.S. BOND INDEXES YIELD 1WK 1MO 3MO 1YR HIGH LOW
references dur- looked like the
ing times of in- That’s not always the case. Foreign of its revenue last quarter from outside
global market, Broad market Lehman 3.01 -0.09 t s -0.45 3.53 2.35
flation, gold stocks offered little diversification during the United States. Triple-A corporate Moody’s 5.16 0.01 s s -0.12 5.34 4.24
hasn’t done par- it would be like this: Corp. Inv. Grade Lehman 3.94 -0.09 t t -0.44 4.58 3.47
ticularly well. It’s Municipal Bond Buyer 5.62 -0.04 t t 0.47 5.95 4.86
kind of this nit U.S. high yield Barclays 6.84 -0.05 t t -1.29 9.53 6.74
Sorensen that’s gone out Canada Treasury Barclays 2.26 0.01 s s -0.16 2.49 1.35
there that gold is this great hedge 5%
against inflation. It hasn’t been FRIDAY CHANGE 52-WK
particularly great. Sometimes it’s Western
done OK; there’s really no statisti- United Africa,
cal evidence that it’s a good store States 25% Middle 3-month T-Bill 0.04 -0.02 t t -0.10 0.17 0.03
Asia 1-year T-Bill 0.23 -0.01 r t -0.17 0.45 0.20
of value during times of inflation. 43% East and
Combine that with the fact that Eastern 21% 6-month T-Bill 0.10 -0.01 t t -0.12 0.24 0.10
Europe 2-year T-Note 0.64 -0.04 t s -0.35 1.05 0.31
there seems to be quite a bit of 5-year T-Note 2.11 0.00 s s -0.38 2.59 1.02
speculative elements during this 3%
cycle of gold. There probably is 10-year T-Note 3.40 0.00 r t -0.33 3.85 2.38
30-year T-Bond 4.47 0.01 r t -0.14 4.77 3.53
quite a bit more fast money in gold Latin
than there typically is, so the vola- America Based on Money fund data provided by iMoneyNet Inc.
tility could be greater. During other 3% MSCI indexes,
times of inflation, we have seen data through
that stocks really are the best March 31 Exchange-Traded Funds
hedge. That’s because ... FRIDAY CHG %CHG %CHG %RTN
[companies] get to benefit from NAME TICKER CLOSE WK 1WK 1MO 1YR
that inflation because they get to SOURCE: Citi Investment Research Stan Choe Kristen Girard • AP
ProShs Ultra Silver AGQ 340.96 51.89 18.0 56.5 436.7
charge higher prices and maintain LocalStocks CS VS InvVix STerm XIV 163.37 14.66 9.9 20.6 ...
their profit margins to some extent
depending on what kind of industry 52-WK RANGE FRIDAY $CHG %CHG %CHG %RTN RANK %RTN Direxion TechBull 3x TYH 48.91 4.20 9.4 4.2 -72.7
they’re in. That’s why they’ve been COMPANY TICKER LOW HIGH CLOSE 1WK 1WK 1MO 1QTR YTD 1YR 1YR 5YRS* PE YLD
ProShs UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 88.91 7.48 9.2 8.4 ...
able to keep up with inflation rela- Air Products APD 64.13 0 95.00 93.92 2.10 2.3 s s 3.3 +25.17 2 8.2 19 2.5 ProSh Ultra Semi USD 43.97 3.72 9.2 4.0 8.2
tively well as we look back over
Amer Water Works AWK 19.41 0 28.93 28.31 -0.36 -1.3 s s 11.9 +34.84 2 ... 18 3.1 PwShs Silver Fund DBS 81.97 6.65 8.8 26.1 150.7
historical inflationary periods.
Amerigas Part LP APU 35.00 8 51.50 46.91 0.22 0.5 s t -3.9 +17.37 2 14.6 28 6.0 ETFS Silver Trust SIVR 46.44 3.77 8.8 26.0 152.9
So what are the industries that Aqua America Inc WTR 16.52 8 23.79 21.82 -0.36 -1.6 t t -2.9 +21.78 2 -1.0 24 2.8 E-Tracs silver USV 66.24 5.34 8.8 26.8 151.4
can most easily pass on those Arch Dan Mid ADM 24.22 9 38.02 36.05 1.22 3.5 t s 19.8 +27.42 2 0.4 12 1.8 iShares Silver Trust SLV 45.54 3.70 8.8 26.1 152.4
costs to consumers? AutoZone Inc AZO 171.65 0 284.60 284.85 4.77 1.7 s s 4.5 +57.38 1 24.5 17 ... Direx SOX Bull 3X SOXL 58.84 4.24 7.8 2.5 11.7
Sometimes investing is relatively Bank of America BAC 10.91 2 18.91 12.31 -0.51 -4.0 t t -7.7—32.44 5 -16.8 22 0.3 DB Agr DoubLong DAG 15.12 1.03 7.3 5.1 93.7
simple, and when we look at histori-
Bk of NY Mellon BK 23.78 6 32.50 28.40 -1.32 -4.4 t t -6.0—10.74 4 -1.4 14 1.8 iPathInverse1-21Vix IVO 24.83 1.63 7.0 15.2 ...
cal references, it makes a lot of
sense. For the average investor, it Bon Ton Store BONT 6.08 7 18.63 13.71 -0.60 -4.2 t s 8.3—19.44 4 -12.8 17 1.5 Direxion EngyBull 3x ERX 87.11 5.59 6.9 4.7 88.9
will make sense as well. What do CIGNA Corp CI 29.12 0 45.00 45.29 0.81 1.8 s s 23.5 +33.32 2 2.6 9 0.1 ProSh UltraBasicMat UYM 57.12 3.43 6.4 6.6 50.8
[consumers] pay the highest prices CVS Caremark Corp CVS 26.84 9 37.82 36.21 0.47 1.3 s s 4.1 —.72 4 5.1 14 1.4 ETFS White Metals WITE 70.84 4.07 6.1 17.0 ...
the soonest for? It’s typically things CocaCola KO 49.47 0 68.47 67.88 -0.13 -0.2 s s 3.2 +28.57 2 12.5 13 2.8 Broadband Hold Tr BDH 15.42 0.86 5.9 2.6 23.2
like gasoline, energy prices.
Comcast Corp A CMCSA 16.30 0 25.91 25.34 0.85 3.5 s s 15.9 +38.89 1 6.6 19 1.8 ProSh Ultra Tech ROM 68.41 3.83 5.9 2.9 14.1
[Energy companies] can pass those
costs along a lot quicker than some Community Bk Sys CBU 21.33 4 28.95 23.94 -0.34 -1.4 s t -13.8 -.44 4 6.5 13 4.0 ProShs Ultra QQQ QLD 92.65 5.17 5.9 5.3 30.9
consumer-type names, whereas re- Community Hlth Sys CYH 22.33 5 42.50 30.69 -1.21 -3.8 t t -17.9—24.82 4 -3.9 10 ... Direxion EmMktBull3x EDC 44.68 2.39 5.7 16.9 -68.2
tail, consumer discretionary Entercom Comm ETM 4.97 5 15.36 10.12 -0.17 -1.7 r t -12.6—32.85 5 -12.7 8 ... Direxion DvMktBull3x DZK 77.36 4.04 5.5 9.6 8.5
[companies] have trouble. Fairchild Semicond FCS 7.71 0 19.80 19.74 1.35 7.3 s s 26.5 +65.60 1 -0.7 14 ... iPath LgExt Rus1000 ROLA 69.46 3.46 5.2 5.1 ...
Frontier Comm FTR 6.96 4 9.84 8.04 -0.03 -0.4 t t -17.4 +12.91 3 -1.1 35 9.3 Direxion REst Bull3x DRN 71.48 3.48 5.1 18.4 -63.8
You’ve also said that materials
companies would benefit. Why? Genpact Ltd G 13.09 5 18.71 15.47 0.19 1.2 s s 1.8 —8.73 4 6.2a 25 1.2
ProShs Ultra Cmdty UCD 41.57 1.90 4.8 8.0 57.3
During inflationary periods, part of Harte Hanks Inc HHS 9.60 4 15.84 11.69 -0.05 -0.4 t t -8.5—11.67 4 -13.6 14 2.7
US Nat Gas Fund UNG 11.54 0.53 4.8 1.9 58.3
the impetus behind inflation often is Heinz HNZ 40.00 0 50.86 50.57 -0.15 -0.3 s s 2.2 +12.19 3 8.0 17 3.6
ETFS Phys Prec Metal GLTR 108.10 4.83 4.7 13.9 ...
relatively strong economies. Hershey Company HSY 43.68 0 57.30 56.75 -0.55 -1.0 s s 20.4 +29.47 2 4.1 26 2.4
There’s a lot of demand for infra- ProShs Ult EmergMkts EET 118.84 5.14 4.5 11.2 27.5
Kraft Foods KFT 27.49 0 33.67 33.38 0.02 0.1 s s 5.9 +14.18 3 4.6 14 3.5
structure building, building up ProSh Ultra O&G DIG 60.80 2.58 4.4 3.4 58.1
Lowes Cos LOW 19.35 8 28.54 26.67 -0.27 -1.0 t s 6.3 +1.69 4 -2.2 19 1.6
things to meet demand in other ar- Global X Brazil MC BRAZ 19.51 0.81 4.3 11.1 ...
eas, so that space tends to do rela- M&T Bank MTB 72.03 6 96.15 85.83 0.48 0.6 t s -1.4 +2.72 3 -2.8 14 3.3
Direxion MCapBull3x MWJ 58.64 2.37 4.2 9.8 -53.5
tively well in terms of maintaining McDonalds Corp MCD 65.31 8 80.94 76.91 -0.47 -0.6 s s 0.2 +12.61 3 20.0 17 3.2
iShare Korea EWY 68.36 2.74 4.2 11.4 31.5
their pricing power as well as see- NBT Bncp NBTB 19.27 5 25.96 22.03 -0.33 -1.5 t t -8.8—10.19 4 3.2 13 3.6
ing increased demand. ProShs Ultra S&P500 UPRO 81.60 3.21 4.1 6.5 -57.7
Nexstar Bdcstg Grp NXST 3.64 7 9.26 7.30 0.43 6.2 t s 21.9 +7.99 3 9.5 ... ...
Semicond Hld Tr SMH 35.77 1.41 4.1 3.6 19.5
PNC Financial PNC 49.43 6 70.45 61.62 -0.28 -0.5 s s 1.5 —4.64 4 -0.0 11 2.3
What industries would you Mkt Vectors Gaming BJK 34.74 1.38 4.1 9.5 30.7
avoid? PPL Corp PPL 23.75 7 28.80 26.90 -0.10 -0.4 s s 2.2 +1.69 4 2.6 13 5.2
Direx LatAm Bull 3x LBJ 39.26 1.52 4.0 8.1 17.3
Right now, we’d really stay away Penn Millers Hldg PMIC 11.98 9 15.43 15.01 1.23 8.9 s s 13.5 +9.56 3 ... ... ...
ProShs Ult Brazil UBR 36.83 1.40 4.0 7.9 ...
from the consumer names, especially Penna REIT PEI 10.03 7 17.35 14.70 0.53 3.7 s s 1.2 +1.66 4 -11.6 ... 4.1
the consumer discretionary names ProShs Ult R1K Gr UKF 58.04 2.24 4.0 6.0 29.1
PepsiCo PEP 60.32 0 68.11 67.41 0.30 0.4 s s 3.2 +5.08 3 5.7 17 2.8
for a couple of reasons. One, if you’re Direxion LCapBull 3x BGU 85.90 3.27 4.0 6.8 29.1
Philip Morris Intl PM 42.94 0 67.35 67.61 1.05 1.6 s s 15.5 +34.85 2 13.7a 17 3.8
concerned about inflation, there’s so Fact SPBull USDBear FSU 28.11 1.06 3.9 8.6 ...
much competition in the discretionary Procter & Gamble PG 39.37 9 66.95 63.27 -0.91 -1.4 s t -1.6 +2.46 3 4.7 17 3.3
ProShs UltPro Dow30 UDOW 151.46 5.69 3.9 8.5 ...
space like retailers, hotels and res- Prudential Fncl PRU 48.56 7 67.52 61.73 0.73 1.2 s s 5.1 —3.04 4 -2.8 9 1.9
taurants that it really is difficult to Direx China Bull 3x CZM 58.95 2.20 3.9 24.2 41.4
SLM Corp SLM 9.85 0 15.73 16.31 1.53 10.4 s s 29.5 +24.31 2 -20.0 9 2.5
pass on price increases to custom- SPDR S&P Semiconduct XSD 59.46 2.22 3.9 2.4 14.4
SLM Corp flt pfB SLMpB 32.41 0 57.04 57.00 1.75 3.2 s s 30.1 ... 0.0 ... 8.1
ers. And we know that they’re having Southn Union Co SUG 20.00 0 29.24 28.81 0.90 3.2 s s 19.7 +11.66 3 4.1 15 2.1 Barc iPath Sugar SGG 76.54 2.88 3.9 -9.6 57.0
to pay higher prices for things like Dir Dly Gold Bull2x NUGT 39.69 1.46 3.8 8.2 ...
TJX Cos TJX 39.56 0 52.61 52.55 1.13 2.2 s s 18.4 +13.42 3 17.4 16 1.4
cotton and corn and a lot of the base
UGI Corp UGI 24.30 9 33.48 32.15 0.13 0.4 r t 1.8 +22.46 2 10.2 13 3.1 FT ISE Copper Fd CU 45.25 1.65 3.8 4.7 39.9
commodities that go into their prod-
ucts. Energy prices are squeezing Verizon Comm VZ 25.79 9 38.95 36.91 -0.94 -2.5 t s 3.2 +40.56 1 9.2 28 5.3 ProSh Ultra Crude UCO 61.95 2.29 3.8 11.5 364.7
them as well. So we think margins WalMart Strs WMT 47.77 6 57.90 53.58 0.03 0.1 s t -0.6 +.70 4 5.0 13 2.7 PwShs Oil Svcs PXJ 26.23 0.95 3.8 2.5 42.6
will be compressed there, and there’s Weis Mkts WMK 32.56 0 41.30 40.57 0.18 0.4 s s 0.6 +10.28 3 2.4 16 2.9 DB Cmdty DblLg DYY 13.45 0.50 3.8 11.5 59.9
much more of a lag time [between PowerShares Semicon PSI 17.75 0.64 3.7 3.3 18.0
when] they have to pay increased Notes on data: Total returns, shown for periods 1-year or greater, include dividend income and change in market price. Three-year and five-year returns
annualized. Ellipses indicate data not available. Price-earnings ratio unavailable for closed-end funds and companies with net losses over prior four quar- ProShs UltMSCI Japan EZJ 66.98 2.39 3.7 -6.9 -8.2
costs and the time that they can start ters. Rank classifies a stock’s performance relative to all U.S.-listed shares, from top 20 percent (far-left box) to bottom 20 percent (far-right box).
to pass those on to customers. Espe- Direx BRIC Bull 2X BRIL 48.22 1.74 3.7 9.2 16.9
cially at this time we’ve seen very

Cheap stocks in the S&P 500? p

little wage growth in the U.S., at least +2.8%
among consumers. The labor market
is improving but we still haven’t seen Screener p Dow industrials
that wage growth start to improve. ..
Discretionary tends to do well in the
It’s getting harder to find cheap stocks in the S&P 500. DIVIDEND MARKET
WEEKLY p +8.0%
early parts of an economic recovery,
The index is up 6 percent this year and 52 percent over the past two COMPANY TICKER P/E YTD YIELD VALUE

and we believe we’re pretty well past +3.1%
years. It rose 1 percent this week after companies like Intel and Apple Micron Technology MU 37
3.7 45.4% 0.0 $11.4b

the early parts of it and into more of a Nasdaq MO
maturing economic recovery. That’s reported strong earnings results.
when discretionary starts to lag the Still, about 45 stocks in the index have price-to-earnings ratios in the
Western Digital WDC 5.1 21.7 0.0 9.4
+2.0% p
overall market anyway. single digits. That suggests they’re good values. The S&P 500 has an VeriSign VRSN 7.0 14.0 0.0 6.5 WEEKLY YTD
overall P/E of about 15. A P/E measures a stock’s price against its Aetna AET 7.3 27.4 1.6 14.2
So how will all of this play out in LARGE-CAP +2.1%
earnings per share over the past year.

earnings season? Devon Energy DVN 7.6 12.9 0.8 38.3 S&P 500
This screen, powered by FactSet, identifies stocks that have P/Es MO
As we all know, what’s happened in
the first quarter really doesn’t mat- below 10. Each of the stocks has outperformed the S&P 500 this year. All
Tyson Foods TSN 7.9 12.8 0.8 7.3
+1.3% p +6.3%
carry a majority of “Buy” or “Overweight” ratings from the analysts who GameStop GME 7.9 16.0 0.0 3.7 WEEKLY YTD
ter to investors at this point time.
It’s really what the outlook is for the cover them. WellPoint WLP 8.2 27.3 1.4 26.1

second quarter. That’s what we’re Micron Technology (MU) tops the list. The company supplies semicon- SMALL-CAP +3.5%

going to be looking for is some of ductors such as flash memory chips used in computers. It’s been hurt in $14.13, indicating that the stock can likely rise another 23 percent over the Russell 2000 MO
the commentary coming out: How recent quarters by falling prices for chips. But most analysts are still next year. The stock has ranged between $6.36 and $11.95 over the past
are margins being affected in a +7.9%
optimistic about the company’s prospects. The average target price is 52 weeks.
wide variety of industries? WEEKLY YTD
SOURCE: FactSet Data through midday April 21



Fund Focus
Mutual Fund Categories
TaxEA m +1.3 +3.7 10.11 9.18 9.43 +.04


YTD 8.4 5.8 LB 5.3 LG TotalRetA m +5.5 +4.1 15.72 13.18 15.72 +.11
PERCENT RETURN This fund has been investing in Chinese stocks since 1994. Only
1YR 14.2 10.1 12.3 FrankTemp-Franklin
SPECIALTY FUNDS YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* three other U.S. funds can top that longevity. Since inception, the AZ TF A m +.8 +3.3 11.11 9.93 10.30 +.05
3YR -2.2 1.4 1.6
Conservative Allocation (CA) 3.88 9.21 3.98 4.08 fund has averaged an annual return of 9.9 percent. AdjUSA m +.5 +3.6 8.96 8.85 8.85 ...
5YR 0.5 3.6 2.9 AdjUSC m +.3 +3.2 8.95 8.84 8.84 ...
Moderate Allocation (MA) 5.00 10.79 2.82 3.52 MV MB MG BalInv m +4.4 0.0 50.62 36.40 49.30 +.35
YTD 7.9 10.8 11.5 CA TF A m -.6 +2.9 7.25 6.48 6.59 +.04
Health (SH) 11.98 14.56 7.97 5.31 Guinness Atkinson ChinaHK d ICHKX CATEGORY China Region
1YR 13.0 24.3 26.5 CA TF C m -.8 +2.3 7.24 6.47 6.58 +.04
Natural Resources (SN) 8.21 23.34 -1.89 6.21 MORNINGSTAR CAHY A m -.9 +2.1 9.73 8.68 8.78 +.05
3YR 5.9 6.5 4.6
Real Estate (SR) 8.62 20.46 0.85 1.76 RATING™ ★★★✩✩ CAInTF A m +1.0 +2.8 12.40 11.08 11.46 +.09
5YR 3.4 5.1 5.1 CAInt A m +1.1 +3.6 11.81 10.93 11.14 +.08
Technology (ST) 7.55 19.68 8.42 5.62
YTD 6.5 SV 10.1 SB 10.6 SG ASSETS $234 million CO TF A m +1.0 +3.1 12.01 10.65 11.07 +.06
CaTxFrAdv -.5 +3.0 7.22 6.47 6.58 +.04
1YR 13.2 19.6 27.1 EXP RATIO 1.58% China A m +6.2 +14.9 42.30 29.94 42.30 +.52
BALANCED 3YR 9.5 9.1 9.0 MANAGER James Weir ChinaAdv +6.3 +15.3 42.58 30.13 42.58 +.53
CvtSc A m +6.8 +6.0 16.22 12.86 16.22 +.22
Target-Date 2000-2010 (TA) 3.89 9.67 2.59 3.74 5YR 4.9 4.4 4.3 SINCE 2010-05-01 DynaTechA m +8.6 +6.4 32.76 23.50 32.76 +.93
Target-Date 2011-2015 (TD) 4.84 11.12 1.93 3.25 RETURNS 3-MO +1.8 EqIn A m +4.9 +1.1 17.65 13.78 17.55 +.15
Target-Date 2016-2020 (TE) 4.75 11.39 1.83 3.05 FL TF A m +.8 +3.5 11.69 10.75 11.05 +.05
YTD +3.7 FLRtDAAdv +2.2 +3.4 9.26 8.88 9.23 +.01
Fed TF A m +1.4 +3.5 12.16 10.93 11.36 +.07
1-YR +13.5 Fed TF C m +1.3 +3.0 12.16 10.93 11.36 +.07
INTERNATIONAL BOND FUNDS FedIntA m +1.4 +4.1 12.08 11.19 11.42 +.09
3-YR ANNL +6.6
Divers. Emerging Mkt. (EM) 4.10 18.68 0.90 7.84 FedLmtT/FIncA m +.8 +3.6 10.49 10.25 10.33 +.02
Europe Stock (ES) 9.06 16.56 -3.61 1.87 Interm-Term Bond (CI) 1.74 5.98 5.97 5.70 5-YR-ANNL +14.3 FedTxFrIA +1.5 +3.6 12.16 10.94 11.37 +.07
Interm. Government (GI) 0.87 4.33 4.95 5.41 FlRtDAC m +2.0 +2.8 9.25 8.87 9.22 ...
Foreign Small/Mid Val (FA) 5.64 18.79 0.78 2.91 TOP 5 HOLDINGS PCT FlRtDAccA m +2.1 +3.2 9.25 8.87 9.22 ...
Foreign Large Blend (FB) 6.38 14.42 -3.44 1.06 High Yield Muni (HM) -0.15 -0.31 0.94 0.69 FlxCpGr A m +6.8 +4.0 51.59 37.91 51.50 +1.17
High Yield Bond (HY) 4.66 12.66 9.04 7.00 Weichai Power Co., Ltd. 5.67 FlxCpGrAd +6.9 +4.3 52.40 38.44 52.32 +1.18
Foreign Large Growth (FG) 6.29 17.89 -1.82 2.48 GoldPrAdv -.7 +17.7 53.67 34.89 52.84 +1.32
Muni National Interm (MI) 1.35 1.92 3.69 3.71 Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited 4.53
Foreign Small/Mid Gr. (FR) 5.58 22.38 1.05 2.95 GoldPrM A m -.8 +17.4 51.50 33.53 50.65 +1.25
Foreign Large Value (FV) 6.83 12.08 -3.92 0.69 Muni National Long (ML) 0.91 0.26 2.74 2.71 Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited 4.33 GoldPrM C m -1.0 +16.6 49.28 32.21 48.33 +1.20
World Allocation (IH) 5.01 12.42 1.78 4.29 Muni Short (MS) 0.76 1.62 2.63 3.03 CNOOC, Ltd. 4.14 GrowAdv +5.9 +4.9 47.41 36.66 47.28 +.76
GrowB m +5.6 +3.8 45.40 35.11 45.20 +.73
World Stock (WS) 6.56 14.74 -0.10 2.48 *– Annualized SOHO China Limited 3.73 GrowC m +5.6 +3.8 44.92 34.74 44.72 +.72
Growth A m +5.8 +4.6 47.39 36.62 47.24 +.76
HY TF A m +1.1 +3.1 10.39 9.31 9.58 +.04
YTD 5-YR 52-WEEK WK YTD 5-YR 52-WEEK WK YTD 5-YR 52-WEEK WK YTD 5-YR 52-WEEK WK YTD 5-YR 52-WEEK WK HY TF C m +1.0 +2.6 10.53 9.44 9.72 +.05
AMF IntmBdM +.9 +5.7 13.24 12.81 12.93 +.01 StratIncZ x +3.8 +7.5 6.21 5.75 6.05 -.01 EmgMkts m +1.7 +8.2 13.87 10.23 13.70 +.16 Fr2050 +7.4 NA 10.07 7.66 10.07 +.17 HighIncC m +4.7 +7.4 2.07 1.88 2.07 +.01
ARM b +.2 -1.1 7.51 7.35 7.40 ... LgCpStkM +7.0 +2.4 9.30 6.90 9.26 +.13 TaxEA m +1.3 +3.5 13.79 12.35 12.73 +.06 GNMA Z b +1.2 +5.8 15.83 15.18 15.58 +.03 Free2000 +2.9 +4.2 12.29 11.34 12.29 +.06 Income A m +6.3 +6.0 2.27 1.97 2.27 +.01
Acadian MidCpStM +9.6 +4.3 13.43 8.96 13.43 +.31 TaxEBdA m +.6 +3.2 3.89 3.51 3.61 +.02 GrowInc +7.0 +2.9 15.25 11.14 15.11 +.21 Free2005 +4.3 +3.9 11.27 9.77 11.27 +.09 Income C m +6.1 +5.5 2.29 1.99 2.29 +.01
EmgMkts d +6.8 +7.9 21.57 14.99 21.57 +.52 NtlIntM +1.6 +4.4 13.75 12.73 13.02 +.06 TaxEZ +1.3 +3.7 13.79 12.35 12.73 +.06 GrtChinaA m +4.5 +17.5 55.00 36.76 52.47 +1.01 Free2010 +4.9 +4.3 14.26 12.11 14.26 +.14 IncomeAdv +6.4 +6.3 2.26 1.96 2.26 +.01
NtlShTM +.7 +3.1 13.01 12.85 12.89 +.01 ValRestrZ +5.4 +2.2 53.60 37.85 53.14 +.69 HiYldI +5.3 +7.8 6.81 6.17 6.80 ... Free2020 +5.6 +3.6 14.56 11.96 14.56 +.16 IncomeB m +6.0 +5.2 2.26 1.97 2.26 +.01
AdvisorOne IncomeR b +5.8 +5.7 2.24 1.95 2.24 ...
AmerigoN +6.8 +3.5 14.25 10.72 14.25 +.21 PAIntMu +1.2 +3.7 12.96 12.13 12.36 +.06 ValueA m +4.1 +.2 12.19 9.27 11.96 +.12 IntBndA f +4.6 +11.4 16.90 16.53 16.90 +.16 Free2025 +6.2 +3.6 12.23 9.81 12.23 +.16
SmCpStkM +8.4 +.9 12.70 8.70 12.70 +.37 ValueZ +4.1 +.4 12.22 9.28 11.98 +.12 IntIncA f +2.4 +6.2 13.43 12.80 13.24 +.01 Free2030 +6.4 +2.9 14.65 11.61 14.65 +.20 InsTF A m +1.2 +3.1 12.19 10.93 11.36 +.08
Alger Group LoDurTReA m +1.7 +5.3 10.48 10.16 10.44 +.01
CapApInsI +9.0 +8.0 22.57 16.35 22.57 +.48 Baird Commerce IntMuBd +1.6 +3.9 13.89 13.00 13.26 +.08 FreeInc +2.8 +4.4 11.57 10.74 11.57 +.05
AggrInst +2.0 +5.9 10.91 10.41 10.62 +.02 IntlStkI +5.5 NA 14.45 11.01 14.45 +.31 GNMA +1.3 +6.8 11.94 11.30 11.50 +.01 MATFA m +1.6 +3.1 11.95 10.64 11.07 +.07
CapApprA m +9.0 +8.0 15.80 11.44 15.80 +.34 Bond +2.0 +7.6 20.44 19.49 20.03 +.01 MD TF A m ... +2.9 11.73 10.58 10.83 +.07
MdCpGInsI +12.7 +2.2 16.00 10.83 16.00 +.34 CrPlBInst +2.4 +7.6 10.88 10.40 10.64 +.02 Constellation IntlStkIx +6.8 +.8 15.94 11.91 15.94 +.34 GlbCmtyStk d +7.4 NA 18.55 12.22 18.40 +.46
IntBdInst +1.8 +6.2 11.31 10.76 10.97 +.02 MidCapIdx +10.0 +5.4 30.82 21.87 30.65 +.39 GlobBal d +6.0 +6.2 23.63 18.76 23.63 +.38 MITFA m +1.5 +3.3 12.22 11.12 11.47 +.04
SmCpGrthO +12.0 +5.5 35.91 24.61 35.91 +.82 SndsSelGrII +6.4 +5.6 10.83 7.46 10.65 +.32 MNTFA m +2.3 +4.1 12.55 11.47 11.93 +.07
SmCpInstI +12.0 +5.0 31.17 21.29 31.17 +.72 IntMunIns +1.9 +5.1 11.79 11.21 11.45 +.08 MuniBd +.8 +2.9 11.58 10.53 10.78 +.05 GovtInc +.7 +6.1 10.97 10.26 10.43 +.01
DFA GrDiscov +10.2 +5.2 15.07 10.46 15.07 +.42 MO TF A m +1.2 +3.4 12.33 11.14 11.53 +.06
Allegiant ShTmBdIns +1.0 +4.3 9.81 9.62 9.72 ... 1YrFixInI +.3 +3.2 10.38 10.31 10.34 ... NJMuniA f +.5 +3.1 13.10 11.86 12.15 +.07
GrStr d +7.4 +2.8 21.96 15.60 21.96 +.43 NC TF A m +1.0 +3.5 12.51 11.29 11.69 +.06
UltShtBdI +.2 +3.4 10.06 10.00 10.01 ... Barclays Global Inv 2YrGlbFII +.3 +3.4 10.30 10.13 10.18 ... NYTaxEBd +1.1 +3.7 15.22 13.92 14.28 +.07
GrowCo +10.9 +6.6 92.19 64.17 92.19 +2.30 NJ TF A m -.2 +3.4 12.36 11.13 11.42 +.08
LP2020R m +4.6 +3.0 15.78 13.29 15.78 +.15 5YearGovI +.5 +4.6 11.17 10.69 10.81 +.01 OppMdCpVaA f +11.4 +8.0 38.09 25.47 38.09 +.50 NY TF A m +.9 +3.6 12.01 10.72 11.17 +.07
Alliance Bernstein SIMuBdD b +.9 +3.6 13.33 13.02 13.10 +.01 GrowInc +6.0 -4.9 19.45 14.60 19.36 +.20
BalShrA m +6.7 +2.6 15.72 12.87 15.72 +.09 Baron 5YrGlbFII +.9 +4.7 11.75 10.78 10.98 +.01 NY TF C m +.7 +3.1 11.99 10.71 11.16 +.07
Asset b +8.8 +3.2 60.12 44.23 60.12 +1.10 SP500Idx +6.8 +2.1 37.00 28.92 36.93 +.49 HiInc d +4.9 +8.7 9.21 8.31 9.21 +.01
BalShrB m +6.4 +1.9 14.73 12.08 14.73 +.08 EMktsSoCo +4.4 NA 15.50 11.41 15.41 +.27 Indepndnc +8.5 +4.9 26.43 18.16 26.43 +.75 NYIntTFA m +1.5 +3.9 11.57 10.72 10.95 +.09
BalWlthStrA m +5.1 +3.2 12.42 10.22 12.38 +.13 Growth b +9.1 +3.8 56.85 40.23 55.90 +.52 EmMkCrEqI +4.3 +12.2 23.12 16.37 23.12 +.41 SmCapIdx +7.9 +3.4 22.27 15.98 22.04 +.27 NatResA m +11.7 +9.0 45.14 27.63 44.35 +.98
Partners b +8.0 +2.7 22.49 15.39 22.22 +.33 SmCoVal +7.6 +10.9 32.83 21.96 32.44 +.59 InfProtBd +3.5 +5.6 12.21 11.31 12.01 -.01
BalWlthStrC m +4.9 +2.5 12.37 10.19 12.33 +.13 EmMktValI +4.1 +13.0 38.10 27.82 37.66 +.58 IntBond +1.4 +5.5 10.86 10.33 10.60 ... OHTFA m +1.3 +3.4 12.78 11.50 11.93 +.08
CoreOppA m +9.4 +3.2 12.63 9.10 12.59 +.12 SmCap b +10.8 +4.3 26.43 18.53 26.36 +.53 EmMtSmCpI +2.8 +13.9 25.24 17.79 24.74 +.25 StratValA f +5.9 +2.8 30.85 22.81 30.17 +.27 OR TF A m +1.3 +3.8 12.22 11.08 11.45 +.06
TechGrA f +5.7 +6.1 34.86 23.69 34.33 +1.11 IntGovt +.5 +5.6 11.21 10.58 10.71 ...
GlTmtcGA m +5.0 +5.1 81.01 58.26 81.01 +1.93 Bernstein EmgMktI +5.2 +11.0 32.24 22.98 32.24 +.67 IntMuniInc d +1.2 +4.3 10.48 9.89 10.03 +.04 PA TF A m +.6 +3.4 10.57 9.49 9.81 +.06
GlblBondA m +1.0 +7.6 8.58 8.16 8.36 +.02 CAMuni +1.3 +4.0 14.96 14.09 14.25 +.05 GlEqInst +7.5 +3.2 14.47 10.65 14.47 +.20 WldwdeGrA f +9.6 +5.2 43.55 33.26 43.55 +.89 PR TF A m -1.1 +3.0 12.16 10.77 10.99 +.06
Driehaus IntSmOpp d +6.4 -3.1 11.05 7.87 11.05 +.25
GlblBondC m +.6 +6.8 8.61 8.18 8.38 +.01 DiversMui +1.2 +4.1 14.84 14.14 14.29 +.05 Glob6040I +5.3 +4.6 13.49 11.08 13.49 +.12 IntlCptlAppr d +6.7 +1.1 13.76 9.92 13.76 +.29 RealRetA m +3.4 +5.7 11.47 10.62 11.47 +.06
GrowA m +8.4 +.7 39.79 29.24 39.65 +.86 EmgMkts +5.7 +7.2 35.21 25.01 35.21 +.64 InfPrtScI +3.6 NA 11.90 11.02 11.65 -.01 ActiveInc +2.3 +6.5 11.35 10.71 11.24 +.01 RisDv A m +6.4 +2.6 34.96 27.54 34.96 +.27
EmMktGr d +6.9 +10.3 34.42 23.49 34.42 +.79 IntlDisc d +5.8 +1.9 34.95 25.96 34.95 +.82
GrowIncA m +9.1 +.9 3.61 2.69 3.60 +.03 IntDur +1.8 +6.6 14.27 13.54 13.80 +.01 IntGovFII +.7 +6.8 12.91 12.09 12.30 +.02 IntlSmCp d +6.0 +2.4 22.54 15.98 22.54 +.39 RisDv C m +6.2 +1.8 34.50 27.18 34.50 +.26
HighIncA m +4.4 +11.3 9.27 8.32 9.25 +.01 IntlPort +3.5 -3.8 16.40 12.58 16.17 +.27 IntRlEstI +8.2 NA 5.43 3.67 5.43 +.12 Dupree InvGrdBd +1.9 +5.3 7.56 7.19 7.46 +.01 SmCpGI C m +9.4 +4.2 36.62 25.18 36.59 +.70
HighIncC m +4.2 +10.5 9.37 8.41 9.36 +.01 NYMuni +1.1 +4.1 14.61 13.94 14.08 +.05 IntSmCapI +7.7 +3.3 18.53 13.30 18.53 +.29 KYTxFInc +2.1 +4.3 7.92 7.33 7.54 +.04 Japan d -7.4 -7.1 11.87 9.65 10.35 +.15 SmCpValA m +5.9 +3.2 48.14 33.28 47.23 +.65
IntGrA m +4.7 +1.3 16.17 12.08 16.10 +.31 ShDurDivr +.6 +2.8 12.72 12.53 12.59 +.01 IntlValu3 +7.3 +2.6 18.68 13.45 18.39 +.29 Eagle LargeCap +6.4 +3.6 19.01 13.84 18.73 +.21 SmCpVlAd +6.0 +3.5 49.51 34.23 48.58 +.67
IntlValA m +4.3 -4.3 14.78 11.10 14.25 +.21 ShDurPlu +.5 +2.7 11.96 11.77 11.91 +.01 LgCapIntI +7.0 +2.1 21.24 15.92 21.24 +.39 CapApprA m +5.2 +2.8 29.44 22.76 29.36 +.57 LatinAm d +2.0 +11.3 60.26 43.25 60.22 +1.17 SmMCpGAdv +9.7 +5.2 42.16 28.77 42.13 +.80
IntlValAdv +4.3 -4.1 15.06 11.32 14.52 +.20 TxMIntl +3.5 -3.9 16.51 12.66 16.28 +.26 RelEstScI +9.4 +2.1 23.58 17.26 23.58 +.40 MidCpStA m +5.4 +4.0 29.07 21.40 29.06 +.46 LevCoSt d +9.1 +3.8 31.21 21.30 31.01 +.62 SmMdCpGrA m +9.6 +5.0 40.92 27.98 40.90 +.78
LgCapGrA m +9.2 +5.1 27.62 19.67 27.04 +.49 Berwyn STMuniBdI +.8 +2.9 10.41 10.21 10.27 +.01 Eaton Vance LgCpVal +6.9 -1.7 11.29 8.87 11.25 +.09 StrInc A m +3.6 +7.6 10.66 9.93 10.66 +.03
LgCapGrAd +9.2 +5.3 28.91 20.58 28.32 +.52 Income d +2.6 +8.5 13.66 12.76 13.50 +.07 TMIntlVal +7.3 +2.8 16.32 11.75 16.11 +.24 DivBldrA m +4.9 +3.3 10.45 8.45 10.42 +.11 LowPriStk d +9.0 +5.1 41.83 30.93 41.83 +.56 StrIncAdv +3.7 +7.8 10.67 9.94 10.67 +.03
MuInCAA m +1.1 +3.5 11.09 10.14 10.40 +.07 BlackRock TMMkWVal +9.1 +1.4 16.52 11.84 16.37 +.13 Floating-Rate A m +2.7 +3.8 9.41 8.91 9.40 ... MAMuInc d +1.5 +4.1 12.32 11.38 11.66 +.07 Strinc C m +3.4 +7.1 10.65 9.92 10.65 +.02
MuInNYA m +1.6 +3.8 10.12 9.39 9.64 +.06 BalCapA m +8.2 +3.2 23.06 18.95 23.06 +.33 TMMkWVal2 +9.1 +1.5 15.91 11.39 15.76 +.13 FltRateC m +2.5 +3.1 9.09 8.60 9.08 ... MIMuInc d +1.3 +4.2 12.24 11.45 11.66 +.05 TotRetAdv +2.5 +6.6 10.42 9.80 10.21 +.01
MuInNatlA m +1.4 +3.5 10.12 9.33 9.57 +.05 BasicValA m +6.8 +2.7 27.74 20.96 27.31 +.20 TMUSEq +7.3 +2.6 14.53 10.91 14.52 +.20 FltRtAdv b +2.7 +3.8 9.10 8.61 9.09 ... MNMuInc d +1.7 +4.2 11.79 11.08 11.31 +.06 TotalRetA m +2.5 +6.4 10.40 9.79 10.20 +.02
SMCpGrA m +15.7 +4.0 7.00 4.25 7.00 +.14 BasicValC m +6.5 +1.8 26.03 19.64 25.59 +.18 TMUSTarVal +7.8 +1.0 23.55 16.00 23.15 +.23 GovOblA m +.7 +5.7 7.65 7.39 7.45 ... Magellan +6.4 +.1 76.94 58.10 76.27 +1.82 US Gov A m +1.0 +5.9 6.88 6.63 6.74 +.01
SmMidValA m +6.9 +6.1 19.09 13.41 18.87 +.15 Engy&ResA m +10.8 +5.2 44.83 26.49 43.55 +.81 TMUSmCp +8.9 +1.5 25.32 17.19 24.96 +.31 GtrIndiaA m -4.9 +5.0 29.97 21.43 26.79 +.07 MdCpVal d +8.3 +3.6 17.35 12.44 17.27 +.27 US Gov C m +.9 +5.3 6.84 6.59 6.70 +.01
TxMgdWlApStAd +5.8 -.3 13.05 9.94 12.93 +.19 EqDivA m +7.3 +4.1 18.87 14.48 18.73 +.08 USCorEq1I +7.9 +3.3 11.89 8.71 11.85 +.15 HiIncOppA m +4.7 +6.6 4.48 4.07 4.48 ... MeCpSto +5.7 +2.2 10.77 8.05 10.56 +.10 USGovtAdv +1.1 +6.0 6.90 6.65 6.76 +.01
WlthApprStr +6.7 +.8 12.88 9.65 12.86 +.19 EqDivR b +7.2 +3.8 18.95 14.55 18.82 +.10 USCorEq2I +8.1 +3.0 11.93 8.62 11.84 +.13 HiIncOppB m +4.4 +5.8 4.49 4.08 4.49 +.01 MidCap d +8.0 +2.9 31.26 22.04 31.17 +.44 Utils A m +5.2 +6.2 12.10 10.12 12.10 +.04
WlthApprStrA m +6.6 +.4 12.87 9.63 12.84 +.19 EquitDivC m +7.1 +3.3 18.47 14.19 18.35 +.10 USLgCo +7.0 +2.6 10.60 8.07 10.56 +.14 IncBosA m +4.4 +7.5 5.96 5.47 5.96 ... MtgSec +1.4 +4.8 11.03 10.60 10.87 +.02 Utils C m +5.0 +5.6 12.05 10.09 12.05 +.04
Allianz GlbDynEqA m +5.8 +4.9 13.22 10.22 13.22 +.18 USLgVal3 +9.5 +1.8 16.96 12.26 16.82 +.14 LrgCpValA m +3.1 +1.1 19.07 15.13 18.75 +.11 MuniInc d +1.2 +3.9 12.97 11.94 12.26 +.06 VA TF A m +1.2 +3.4 11.93 10.77 11.18 +.06
NFJDivVlA m +7.7 +.6 12.15 9.37 12.15 +.08 GlobAlcA m +5.1 +6.7 20.42 16.99 20.42 +.22 USLgValI +9.4 +1.7 22.15 16.02 21.96 +.17 LrgCpValC m +3.0 +.4 19.05 15.14 18.75 +.12 NJMuInc d +.5 +3.9 11.94 11.03 11.22 +.07 FrankTemp-Mutual
NFJDivVlC m +7.4 -.1 12.20 9.41 12.19 +.08 GlobAlcB m +4.9 +5.9 19.90 16.56 19.90 +.22 USMicroI +7.8 +1.9 15.09 10.30 14.83 +.16 NatlMuniA m -.4 -.2 10.03 8.44 8.72 +.07 NYMuInc d +1.1 +4.1 13.36 12.28 12.59 +.06 Beacon A m +5.4 +.6 13.00 10.67 12.90 ...
NFJEqIncD b +7.7 +.6 12.18 9.39 12.18 +.08 GlobAlcC m +4.9 +5.9 19.03 15.85 19.03 +.20 USSmValI +8.0 +2.1 28.21 18.50 27.62 +.30 NatlMuniB m -.6 -.9 10.03 8.44 8.72 +.07 NewMille +8.3 +4.1 31.77 23.28 31.56 +.38 Beacon C m +5.3 -.1 12.90 10.53 12.79 +.01
NFJIntVlA m +6.7 +5.4 22.03 16.72 22.02 +.20 GlobAlcR m +5.1 +6.4 19.76 16.45 19.76 +.22 USSmallI +8.9 +4.1 23.53 15.89 23.25 +.30 NatlMuniC m -.6 -.9 10.03 8.44 8.72 +.07 NewMktIn d +2.1 +8.8 16.63 14.84 15.71 ... Beacon Z +5.5 +.9 13.10 10.78 12.99 ...
NFJSmCVlA m +9.3 +7.0 31.39 23.14 31.19 +.40 GovtInIvA m +.4 +4.7 11.23 10.34 10.78 ... USTgtValI +8.0 +3.4 18.29 12.42 17.96 +.17 PAMuniA m +1.3 +1.8 9.25 8.22 8.54 +.06 Nordic d +10.1 +4.4 37.81 24.46 37.81 +.84 Discov A m +5.0 +4.8 30.74 25.55 30.66 +.10
NFJSmCVlC m +9.0 +6.2 30.06 22.14 29.86 +.38 HiIncA m +5.4 +7.6 4.94 4.41 4.94 +.01 USVecEqI +8.4 +2.5 11.91 8.39 11.77 +.12 PaTxMgEMI d +4.5 +11.3 53.40 39.18 53.40 +.69 OHMuInc d +1.4 +4.1 11.97 11.11 11.40 +.06 Discov C m +4.8 +4.1 30.48 25.28 30.36 +.09
Alpine HiYldInvA m +5.0 +8.5 7.89 7.10 7.89 +.02 DWS-Investments StrIncA m +1.9 +7.1 8.26 8.10 8.24 +.01 OTC +11.1 +8.8 61.10 41.75 61.03 +1.57 Discov Z +5.1 +5.2 31.11 25.88 31.04 +.09
DynDiv d +8.2 -2.0 5.11 3.90 5.07 +.08 HthScOpA m +10.6 +9.1 31.33 25.80 31.33 +.33 DrSmCpVlA m +5.9 +4.5 39.30 28.99 38.97 +.43 StratIncC m +1.9 +6.3 7.79 7.64 7.78 +.01 Overseas d +6.7 -.4 34.67 25.84 34.67 +.81 DiscovR b +4.9 +4.6 30.46 25.31 30.36 +.09
InRelEstY d +4.4 -2.3 27.08 18.53 27.08 +.57 InflPrBndA m +3.3 +6.7 11.60 10.54 11.03 -.04 LgCapValA m +5.7 +2.6 18.47 14.73 18.39 +.12 TMG1.0 +5.6 +2.1 568.05 435.73 562.48 +7.14 PAMuInc d +1.5 +4.0 11.12 10.30 10.54 +.05 Euro A m +5.2 +4.2 22.55 18.75 22.15 +.13
UlShTxAdv d +.5 +3.1 10.06 10.03 10.04 ... InflPrBndC m +3.1 +5.9 11.58 10.53 11.02 -.03 LgCapValS +5.8 +3.0 18.47 14.73 18.39 +.12 TMG1.1A m +5.5 +1.7 25.32 19.51 25.13 +.32 PacBasin d +3.6 +4.6 27.01 19.64 27.01 +.57 Euro Z +5.3 +4.5 23.00 19.12 22.60 +.13
Amana IntlOppA m +5.5 +3.7 35.34 26.06 35.34 +.81 DWS-Scudder TMGlbDivIncA m +7.2 +1.5 10.27 8.44 10.27 +.07 Puritan +6.0 +4.8 18.92 15.52 18.92 +.23 QuestA m +4.7 +4.2 18.42 15.15 18.39 +.02
Growth m +4.5 +5.7 25.96 20.05 25.84 +.46 LCCrInvA m +12.4 +.2 12.23 8.95 12.23 +.26 BalA m +4.3 +2.5 9.45 7.98 9.45 +.10 TMGlbDivIncC m +6.9 +.8 10.25 8.43 10.25 +.08 RealInv d +8.7 +2.0 27.92 20.33 27.92 +.43 QuestC m +4.5 +3.4 18.21 15.06 18.17 +.02
Income m +6.5 +6.7 33.84 26.30 33.84 +.55 LCCrInvC m +12.1 -.6 11.31 8.28 11.31 +.24 RelEstInc d +4.6 +5.1 10.82 9.60 10.82 +.04 QuestZ +4.8 +4.5 18.58 15.24 18.54 +.02
American Beacon LatinAmA m -.3 +14.7 77.62 52.98 74.75 +1.32 Series100Index +5.8 NA 9.33 7.23 9.25 +.11 Shares A m +5.8 +1.1 21.93 18.05 21.84 +.07
LgCapValA m +11.4 -.2 16.28 11.95 16.28 +.25 ShIntMu d +.8 +3.8 10.82 10.54 10.61 +.02 Shares C m +5.6 +.4 21.70 17.83 21.60 +.07
BalAMR +4.0 +3.6 13.01 11.17 12.78 +.06
LowDurSvc b +1.2 +3.5 9.75 9.55 9.69 ... ShTmBond +.7 +2.7 8.53 8.37 8.48 ... Shares Z +5.9 +1.4 22.11 18.20 22.02 +.07
IntlEqAMR d +8.7 +2.1 17.90 13.44 17.90 +.30
MidCpValEqA m +7.8 +4.4 12.37 9.18 12.33 +.14 SmCapRetr d +8.1 +8.5 22.52 15.40 22.13 +.19 FrankTemp-Templeton
IntlEqInv +8.5 +1.5 17.72 13.18 17.72 +.29
NatMuniA m +.8 +3.3 10.47 9.48 9.80 +.05 SmCapStk d +8.3 +5.3 21.70 14.68 21.23 +.41 BricA m +4.2 NA 15.97 11.33 15.83 +.27
LgCpVlAMR +5.9 +1.6 20.70 15.91 20.40 +.13
NatResD m +10.5 +6.4 72.62 47.67 70.97 +1.35 SmCpGr d +10.6 +4.8 17.36 11.86 17.36 +.39 DvMk A m +5.6 +6.6 26.95 18.79 26.95 +.53
LgCpVlInv +5.7 +1.0 19.89 15.29 19.58 +.13
S&P500A b +6.8 +2.0 16.43 12.57 16.39 +.21 SmCpOpp +10.5 NA 11.99 7.90 11.99 +.24 EmgMktIs +4.8 +6.9 17.50 12.28 17.50 +.34
SmCapAMR +8.0 +4.3 21.83 15.09 21.40 +.21
TotRtrnA m +1.1 NA 11.47 10.76 11.11 +.01 SmCpVal d +5.2 +5.1 16.78 12.35 16.42 +.08 Fgn A m +9.6 +4.1 7.67 5.52 7.65 +.09
SmCpVlInv +7.8 +3.7 21.35 14.82 20.93 +.20
USOppInvC m +6.9 +6.3 38.36 27.63 38.27 +.54 StkSelec +7.7 +2.7 27.73 20.13 27.73 +.43 Frgn Adv +9.6 +4.3 7.59 5.47 7.57 +.09
American Cent USOppsIvA m +7.1 +7.1 42.09 30.23 42.04 +.60 StrDivInc +8.4 +1.8 11.38 9.11 11.38 +.12 Frgn C m +9.2 +3.3 7.50 5.40 7.47 +.08
BalInv +4.9 +3.9 16.14 13.65 16.14 +.18 ValOpptyA m +9.7 +.8 21.20 14.24 20.95 +.24 StratInc +3.8 +8.4 11.67 10.72 11.30 +.03 GlBond A m +4.1 +12.0 13.97 12.62 13.94 +.05
CAInTFBdIv +1.7 +3.9 11.56 10.73 10.98 +.05
Brandywine StratRRet d +5.2 +4.6 10.03 8.48 10.03 +.07 GlBond C m +3.9 +11.6 13.99 12.64 13.97 +.05
DivBdInv +1.0 +6.6 11.16 10.61 10.76 +.01
BlueFd +5.5 -.7 27.34 19.61 27.06 +.69 StratRRnI d +5.2 +4.6 10.01 8.46 10.01 +.07 GlBondAdv +4.2 +12.3 13.93 13.28 13.91 +.06
EmgMktInv d +7.0 +7.2 9.61 6.53 9.61 +.25
Brandywin +11.3 -.2 29.55 19.53 29.55 +.76 TaxFrB d +1.3 +4.1 11.19 10.27 10.54 +.06 GlOp A m +8.5 +3.2 19.23 14.76 19.22 +.24
EqGrowInv +7.6 +1.5 22.42 17.04 22.42 +.38
Bridgeway Tel&Util +6.6 +4.4 16.95 13.39 16.95 ... GlSmCo A m +3.6 +3.6 7.73 5.62 7.71 +.09
EqIncA m +4.5 +3.9 7.51 6.21 7.51 +.04
UltSmCoMk d +6.0 -1.4 15.98 11.20 15.65 +.09 TotalBd +1.9 +6.6 11.16 10.64 10.81 +.01 Growth A m +9.3 -.1 19.45 14.70 19.45 +.25
EqIncInv +4.5 +4.1 7.51 6.21 7.51 +.03
Brown Cap Mgmt Trend +10.0 +6.0 74.14 51.59 74.14 +1.80 Growth Ad +9.4 +.2 19.46 14.71 19.46 +.25
Gift +8.0 +6.8 30.67 21.19 30.67 +.93
SmCo Is d +9.5 +11.8 48.37 32.88 47.89 +.37 USBdIdx +1.1 +5.6 11.71 11.16 11.35 +.01 Growth C m +9.1 -.8 18.97 14.31 18.97 +.24
GinMaeInv +1.0 +6.3 11.10 10.72 10.88 +.01
Buffalo Value +8.7 +2.2 74.88 53.86 74.65 +1.00 IncomeA m +5.7 +6.9 2.96 2.41 2.96 +.02
GlGold d +2.2 +11.2 27.26 18.50 26.65 +.61
MidCap d +5.9 +5.2 17.97 13.25 17.91 +.27 ValueDis +7.4 +1.1 15.80 11.82 15.73 +.15 IncomeC m +5.6 +6.5 2.96 2.41 2.96 +.03
GovBdInv +.6 +6.2 11.50 10.96 11.12 +.01
SmallCap d +7.4 +4.1 28.20 20.78 28.16 +.43 Worldwid d +7.9 +4.4 20.13 14.47 20.13 +.39 World A m +7.8 +2.3 16.00 12.25 16.00 +.19
GrowthAdv m +7.3 +5.5 27.39 20.11 27.31 +.56
GrowthInv +7.4 +5.7 27.81 20.43 27.74 +.57 CG Capital Markets Fidelity Advisor Franklin Templeton
HeritA m +9.8 +8.6 22.42 14.84 22.42 +.65 CrFixIn +1.4 +7.1 8.88 8.27 8.41 +.01 AstMgr70 +5.8 +4.4 17.28 13.68 17.28 +.21 ConAllcC m +3.2 +4.6 13.91 12.35 13.91 +.09
HeritInv +9.9 +8.9 23.05 15.23 23.05 +.66 EmgMktEq +3.9 +7.6 18.05 13.09 17.96 +.32 BalT m +5.2 +3.1 15.78 13.11 15.78 +.18 ConAllctA m +3.4 +5.4 14.13 12.54 14.13 +.09
InTTxFBInv +1.2 +4.2 11.39 10.63 10.84 +.06 IntlEqInv +7.1 +1.4 11.32 8.22 11.32 +.22 CapDevO +10.2 +3.8 11.78 8.35 11.78 +.26 CoreAll A m +6.9 +2.4 13.27 10.22 13.27 +.18
IncGrInv +7.5 +1.0 25.71 19.69 25.71 +.42 LgCapGro +7.2 +3.9 15.93 11.42 15.83 +.36 DivIntlA m +6.6 -1.1 17.10 12.66 17.10 +.37 FndAllA m +7.2 +2.2 11.21 9.05 11.21 +.08
IncGroA m +7.4 +.7 25.68 19.67 25.68 +.41 LgCapVal +7.6 +.6 9.47 7.28 9.44 +.08 DivIntlC m +6.3 -1.8 16.39 12.15 16.39 +.35 FndAllC m +6.9 +1.5 11.03 8.94 11.03 +.07
InfAdjAdv m +3.3 +6.1 12.40 11.52 12.16 -.01 DivIntlIs d +6.7 -.8 17.37 12.86 17.37 +.38 GrAllcA m +5.2 +4.7 15.98 12.91 15.98 +.18
CGM DivIntlT m +6.5 -1.3 16.95 12.55 16.95 +.37 HYldTFInA +1.2 +3.2 10.42 9.34 9.61 +.05
InfAdjI +3.4 +6.4 12.45 11.56 12.20 -.01 Focus -5.3 +1.2 36.39 24.44 32.96 +.83
IntlBd +5.2 +6.4 15.24 13.03 14.52 +.21 EmMktIncI d +2.0 +8.8 13.89 12.40 13.15 ... TemHdCurA m +5.1 +6.3 10.27 8.25 10.27 +.08
Mutual -3.3 +4.3 30.21 22.53 28.49 +.35 EqGrowA m +10.1 +3.3 59.40 41.10 59.40 +1.66 TemMdTaC m +3.9 +4.7 14.41 12.37 14.41 +.12
IntlDisIv d +7.7 +2.4 11.54 7.62 11.54 +.37 Realty +9.1 +8.8 29.22 19.95 29.22 +.69
IntlGrInv d +8.1 +3.1 11.86 8.39 11.86 +.29 EqGrowI +10.2 +3.7 63.26 43.77 63.26 +1.76 TemMdTarA m +4.2 +5.5 14.73 12.63 14.73 +.13
Calamos EqGrowT m +10.0 +3.1 59.13 40.93 59.13 +1.65 GE
LS2025Inv +5.0 +4.6 12.23 10.23 12.23 +.12 ConvC m +5.7 +4.9 20.63 17.92 20.63 +.30
LgCoVlInv +5.8 -.1 5.87 4.56 5.82 +.02 EqIncA m +7.0 +.4 24.63 18.61 24.43 +.11 ElfunTr +9.0 +4.1 45.10 35.00 45.10 +.84
ConvertA m +6.0 +5.7 20.73 17.99 20.73 +.30 EqIncI +7.0 +.7 25.37 19.16 25.16 +.11 ElfunTxE +1.1 +4.2 12.06 11.02 11.29 +.05
MdCpValIv +4.9 +6.2 13.32 10.43 13.18 +.01 GlbGrIncA m +6.4 +5.0 11.45 9.20 11.45 +.19
NTEqGrIns +7.4 NA 10.28 7.84 10.28 +.17 EqIncT m +6.9 +.2 24.99 18.87 24.78 +.11 S&SInc +1.9 +5.4 11.48 10.96 11.35 +.01
GrIncA m +7.2 +4.9 33.67 26.77 33.67 +.65 FltRateA m +1.7 +4.5 9.92 9.38 9.90 ... S&SProg +6.3 +3.6 43.11 33.17 42.77 +.53
NTGrthIns +7.4 NA 12.78 9.40 12.75 +.26 GrIncC m +6.9 +4.1 33.78 26.92 33.78 +.65
NTLgCmVlI +5.7 NA 8.97 6.96 8.89 +.03 FltRateC m +1.5 +3.8 9.92 9.38 9.90 ... GMO
GrowA m +8.5 +2.6 57.94 41.56 57.94 +1.51 FltRateI d +1.8 +4.8 9.90 9.36 9.89 +.01
OneChAgg +6.5 +4.4 12.84 10.06 12.84 +.19 GrowB m +8.3 +1.8 57.47 41.47 57.47 +1.49 CHgIEqIII +1.5 -1.2 24.44 20.48 23.79 +.24
OneChCon +4.3 +4.9 11.44 9.99 11.44 +.09 Fr2010A m +4.6 +4.2 12.07 10.22 12.07 +.10 DomBdVI +1.5 +6.0 4.68 4.36 4.37 ...
GrowC m +8.3 +1.8 52.59 37.95 52.59 +1.36 Fr2015A m +4.7 +3.9 12.03 10.14 12.03 +.11
OneChMod +5.5 +4.6 12.18 10.03 12.18 +.14 MktNuInA m +2.3 +3.2 12.26 11.18 12.22 +.08 EmgDbtIII +4.1 +9.5 9.47 7.87 9.47 ...
RealEstIv +9.5 +.7 20.09 14.57 20.09 +.36 Fr2020A m +5.3 +3.4 12.63 10.34 12.63 +.12 EmgDbtIV +4.1 +9.6 9.46 7.86 9.46 ...
SelectInv +7.9 +3.8 40.88 29.72 40.75 +.94 Calvert Fr2020T m +5.3 +3.1 12.63 10.33 12.63 +.13 EmgMktII +8.0 +8.3 15.84 10.88 15.84 +.28
ShTmGovIv +.2 +3.9 9.89 9.71 9.75 ... BalancedA m +4.5 +2.1 28.45 24.05 28.45 +.29 Fr2025A m +5.9 +3.4 12.28 9.81 12.28 +.14 EmgMktIII +8.0 +8.3 15.88 10.91 15.87 +.28
SmCpValAdv m +4.5 +5.7 9.59 6.99 9.38 +.04 BondA m +1.6 +4.9 16.05 15.37 15.67 +.01 Fr2030A m +6.0 +2.6 12.92 10.19 12.92 +.16 EmgMktIV +8.0 +8.3 15.78 10.84 15.77 +.28
SmCpValIv +4.6 +6.0 9.63 7.02 9.42 +.04 EquityA m +8.6 +4.9 38.87 28.43 38.87 +.68 Fr2035A m +6.4 +2.7 12.31 9.51 12.31 +.16 EmgMktV +8.1 +8.4 15.76 10.83 15.76 +.28
StrAlAgIv +6.4 +4.5 8.06 6.30 8.06 +.12 IncomeA m +2.1 +4.2 16.18 15.64 16.11 ... Fr2040A m +6.6 +2.5 13.17 10.14 13.17 +.18 EmgMktsVI +8.1 +8.4 15.79 10.85 15.78 +.27
StrAlMd +5.3 +4.7 6.86 5.63 6.86 +.08 ShDurIncA m +1.4 +5.1 16.71 16.36 16.53 ... GrowIncI +6.1 +1.5 18.35 13.76 18.32 +.19 ForIII +7.2 +.3 13.03 9.87 13.03 +.24
StrAlMd m +5.3 +4.4 6.85 5.62 6.85 +.08 Cambiar GrowOppT m +11.5 +2.4 38.37 26.08 38.37 +1.18 ForIV +7.2 +.3 13.35 10.10 13.35 +.25
UltraInv +6.8 +2.9 24.26 17.78 24.20 +.49 OppInv +7.8 +2.8 20.13 13.98 19.78 +.18 HiIncAdvA m +6.1 +7.6 10.41 8.99 10.40 +.06 ForSmCaS +7.2 +6.0 14.69 10.14 14.69 +.29
ValueInv +5.0 +2.4 6.06 4.77 6.00 +.01 Champlain Investment HiIncAdvI d +6.2 +7.9 9.89 8.57 9.88 +.05 InCorEqIV +7.3 +.8 31.15 22.83 31.15 +.67
VistaInv +8.7 +2.0 18.16 12.38 18.16 +.42 ChSmlComp b +10.6 +8.5 16.13 11.28 16.13 +.16 HiIncAdvT m +6.2 +7.6 10.46 9.03 10.45 +.06 IntCEqIII +7.3 +.7 31.16 22.84 31.16 +.67
Clipper IntrDiscA m +5.7 +1.7 34.71 25.77 34.71 +.82 IntCEqVI +7.3 +.8 31.12 22.81 31.12 +.67
American Funds LeverA m +9.3 +4.2 37.82 25.91 37.60 +.76
AMCAPA m +6.6 +3.5 20.08 15.28 20.08 +.32 Clipper +7.6 -.7 66.94 51.94 66.69 +.34 IntGEqIII +6.5 +2.9 24.67 17.75 24.67 +.63
Cohen & Steers LeverC m +9.0 +3.5 36.00 24.75 35.78 +.72 IntGEqIV +6.5 NA 24.69 17.76 24.69 +.63
AMCAPB m +6.3 +2.7 19.16 14.67 19.15 +.29 LeverI +9.4 +4.5 38.25 26.22 38.04 +.77
BalA m +5.1 +4.2 18.78 15.49 18.75 +.15 Realty +9.3 +3.6 63.67 46.42 63.67 +1.19 IntIVlIII +7.4 +.1 23.47 17.38 23.47 +.42
LeverT m +9.2 +4.0 37.15 25.46 36.93 +.74 IntItVlIV +7.5 +.2 23.46 17.37 23.46 +.42
BalB m +4.9 +3.4 18.70 15.44 18.68 +.14 Colorado BondShares LrgCapI +6.4 +3.6 20.19 14.73 19.89 +.22
BondA m +1.4 +3.7 12.56 12.00 12.24 ... COBdShrs f +.7 +4.2 9.20 8.95 8.99 +.01 IntlSmIII +5.9 +3.2 8.66 6.04 8.66 +.23
Mid-CpIIA m +5.0 +4.9 18.87 14.07 18.79 +.18 QuIII +6.2 +3.6 21.24 17.16 21.24 +.24
BondAmerB m +1.2 +2.9 12.56 12.00 12.24 ... Columbia CATFIncA m +.5 +3.3 7.47 6.70 6.90 +.05 TaxMgdVlA m +3.4 +.5 17.69 14.12 17.48 +.12 Mid-CpIII +5.0 +5.2 19.11 14.22 19.03 +.18
CapIncBuA m +5.4 +4.0 52.10 43.95 52.10 +.42 AcornA m +7.9 +4.9 31.55 22.85 31.55 +.65 QuIV +6.2 +3.6 21.25 17.17 21.25 +.23
CapGrA m +5.4 +3.5 57.80 43.03 57.38 +1.24 WldwHealA m +8.0 +5.9 10.10 8.15 10.10 +.10 MidCapA m +5.6 +.5 21.15 15.48 21.15 +.43 QuVI +6.2 NA 21.24 17.17 21.24 +.24
CapIncBuB m +5.1 +3.2 52.11 43.91 52.11 +.41 AcornC m +7.6 +4.1 28.90 21.11 28.90 +.59 CapGrS +5.5 +3.8 58.17 43.36 57.78 +1.25 MidCapT m +5.5 +.3 21.34 15.64 21.34 +.43
CapWldBdA m +3.5 +6.9 21.53 19.51 20.95 +.14 FAM StFxInVI +2.0 NA 15.78 14.93 15.42 +.11
AcornIntA m +4.4 +6.0 42.67 31.37 42.67 +.78 EnhEMFIS d +1.3 +5.7 11.53 10.28 10.88 +.01 Value +6.1 +1.9 48.56 38.16 48.10 +.44 MidCpIIT m +4.8 +4.7 18.74 14.00 18.65 +.17
CpWldGrIA m +6.4 +4.1 37.86 29.35 37.86 +.56 AcornIntZ +4.5 +6.4 42.76 31.44 42.76 +.78 TxMdIEIII +7.8 +1.5 15.70 11.52 15.70 +.33
Eq500S +6.8 +2.4 151.09 114.86 150.29 +1.99 FBR NewInsA m +5.8 +4.0 21.08 16.21 21.08 +.41 USCorEqVI +6.3 +1.2 12.19 9.63 12.19 +.12
CpWldGrIB m +6.2 +3.3 37.65 29.16 37.65 +.55 AcornSelA m +3.3 +5.0 29.10 21.15 28.87 +.46 GNMAS x +1.8 +6.3 15.65 15.04 15.30 -.04 NewInsB m +5.5 +3.2 20.03 15.44 20.00 +.39
EurPacGrA m +6.9 +4.5 44.22 33.17 44.22 +.85 FBRFocus m +1.6 +4.4 51.90 38.90 50.63 +.76 Gabelli
AcornSelZ +3.4 +5.3 29.94 21.72 29.72 +.48 GlbTS d +6.4 +1.4 25.36 19.11 25.36 +.23 NewInsC m +5.6 +3.2 20.12 15.50 20.09 +.39
EurPacGrB m +6.6 +3.8 43.76 32.78 43.76 +.83 AcornUSAZ +9.6 +4.0 31.29 21.26 31.29 +.74 FMI AssetAAA m +8.2 +6.3 52.95 38.79 52.95 +.83
GrIncS +9.4 +2.4 17.81 13.35 17.81 +.27 CommStk +7.8 +8.0 27.25 20.91 27.03 +.16 NewInsI +5.9 +4.3 21.30 16.37 21.30 +.42
FnInvA m +7.7 +3.7 39.40 29.89 39.40 +.57 AcornZ +8.0 +5.2 32.60 23.54 32.60 +.67 GvtSc x +2.0 +6.2 9.00 8.62 8.82 -.02 NewInsT m +5.8 +3.8 20.85 16.04 20.84 +.41 EqIncomeAAA m +7.8 +5.0 21.96 16.60 21.96 +.27
FnInvB m +7.5 +2.9 39.28 29.81 39.28 +.56 BondZ +1.4 +6.0 9.62 9.14 9.29 +.01 Focus +9.5 +8.0 33.34 23.07 33.22 +.55 GoldAAA m +2.0 +13.1 36.71 25.97 36.43 +1.29
HiIncA x +4.7 +7.0 4.93 4.51 4.91 -.01 LgCap +6.5 +5.6 16.63 13.23 16.63 +.14 OverseaI d +7.5 +2.0 19.89 14.13 19.89 +.52
GrthAmA m +6.4 +2.4 32.38 25.00 32.38 +.56 ComInfoA m +4.5 +8.4 48.80 35.02 46.71 +.88 ShFixInI +.8 +3.1 9.29 9.12 9.24 ... GrowthAAA m +4.6 +1.5 33.00 24.66 32.82 +.70
HlthCareS d +11.4 +5.7 27.13 21.24 27.13 +.22
GrthAmB m +6.2 +1.6 31.36 24.17 31.36 +.54 ComInfoC m +4.3 +7.6 40.48 29.19 38.70 +.73 FPA SmCapA m +9.2 +6.7 27.13 20.76 26.93 +.25 SmCpGrAAA m +7.0 +6.8 36.40 25.80 36.31 +.51
IntTFrS +1.7 +4.3 11.76 10.91 11.21 +.06 UtilA m +6.2 +6.8 6.62 5.86 6.60 +.05
HiIncA m +4.8 +7.3 11.57 10.55 11.57 +.01 DivBondA m +1.9 +5.7 5.12 4.90 5.05 ... Capital m +13.5 +6.6 46.93 30.86 46.75 +1.03 SmCapC m +9.0 +5.9 24.15 18.70 23.96 +.22
HiIncMuA m +.3 +1.8 14.26 13.10 13.32 +.04 IntlS d +5.2 -1.5 47.65 37.27 47.65 +.91 UtilAAA m +6.2 +6.8 6.57 5.83 6.56 +.06
DivBondI +2.0 +6.1 5.13 4.91 5.06 ... LAEqS d -.8 +9.2 53.68 39.22 52.70 +.75 Cres d +5.7 +6.1 28.32 23.99 28.32 +.22 SmCapI +9.3 +7.0 28.42 21.65 28.21 +.26
IncAmerA m +6.4 +4.4 17.44 14.61 17.44 +.12 DivIncA m +6.2 +4.4 13.82 10.95 13.79 +.08 NewInc m +1.1 +4.2 11.07 10.82 10.86 ... SmCapT m +9.1 +6.4 26.19 20.11 26.00 +.24 UtilC m +6.0 +6.0 6.05 5.34 5.92 +.05
IncAmerB m +6.2 +3.6 17.31 14.51 17.31 +.12 MgdMuniA m +.9 +4.0 9.25 8.39 8.62 +.05 Value m +8.9 +5.1 16.97 12.68 16.97 +.26
DivIncZ +6.3 +4.7 13.83 10.95 13.80 +.08 MgdMuniS +1.0 +4.2 9.26 8.40 8.63 +.04 Fairholme Funds StSlctSmCp d +10.8 +2.3 20.50 13.43 20.50 +.41
IntBdAmA m +.7 +3.9 13.74 13.23 13.43 +.01 DivOppA m +8.4 +4.9 8.40 6.29 8.37 +.04 Fairhome d -2.9 +7.5 36.53 28.24 34.54 +.37 StratIncA m +3.8 +8.3 13.09 12.02 12.63 +.03 Gartmore
IntlGrInA m +8.0 NA 33.56 25.76 33.56 +.65 SPInxS +6.8 +2.2 17.88 13.58 17.78 +.23
DivrEqInA m +6.3 +1.5 10.78 7.97 10.70 +.08 ShDurPS x +1.8 +4.3 9.64 9.49 9.56 -.02 Federated StratIncC m +3.5 +7.4 13.06 12.00 12.61 +.04 LrgCapA m +5.8 +2.3 15.69 12.35 15.63 +.10
InvCoAmA m +5.1 +2.2 29.80 23.39 29.46 +.31 EmMktOppA m +3.9 +8.4 10.28 7.47 10.28 +.18 CapAprA m +3.4 +2.7 20.00 15.48 19.66 +.34 StratIncI +3.8 +8.5 13.22 12.14 12.77 +.04 Gateway
InvCoAmB m +4.8 +1.4 29.65 23.30 29.33 +.30 StrHiYldTxFA m -.1 +3.0 12.52 11.18 11.48 +.06
EnrNatRsZ +10.1 +5.1 26.05 16.96 25.51 +.62 StrHiYldTxFS ... +3.2 12.53 11.19 11.49 +.06 ClvrValA m +7.4 +1.7 15.48 11.60 15.44 +.13 StratIncT m +3.8 +8.3 13.08 12.01 12.63 +.04 GatewayA m +3.4 +2.6 26.85 24.00 26.85 +.15
LtdTmTxEA m +1.0 +3.8 16.04 15.29 15.48 +.07 EqValueA m +6.5 +1.6 11.14 8.21 11.07 +.11 HiIncBdA m +4.3 +8.2 7.75 7.11 7.72 +.01 TechA m +8.3 +7.0 27.46 18.34 27.09 +.75 Goldman Sachs
MutualA m +6.0 +3.6 26.69 21.52 26.69 +.19 StrValA m +6.4 -2.4 35.01 26.65 34.75 +.34
FlRateA m +3.1 +3.7 9.10 8.44 9.10 +.01 TechA m +6.1 +3.6 14.76 10.37 14.31 +.44 InterConA m +7.6 +3.3 53.67 37.18 53.67 +1.12 TotBondA m +1.8 +6.2 11.17 10.64 10.81 ... BalStrA m +4.0 +3.6 10.60 9.32 10.60 +.09
NewEconA m +7.0 +4.3 27.11 20.50 27.11 +.49 GlblTechA m +3.7 +6.9 22.24 16.79 21.64 +.39 TotBondI +2.0 +6.5 11.15 10.62 10.80 +.01 CapGrA m +5.5 +2.0 22.35 17.33 22.35 +.47
Davis KaufmanA m +5.8 +3.5 5.81 4.37 5.81 +.13
NewPerspA m +6.5 +5.3 30.49 23.12 30.49 +.61 HYMuniZ +.1 +1.5 10.11 9.18 9.31 +.03 ValStratT m +7.8 +3.2 27.90 19.76 27.90 +.39 CorFixIA m +1.2 +4.5 10.07 9.57 9.85 +.01
NewPerspB m +6.3 +4.5 30.02 22.72 30.02 +.60 FinclA m +4.4 +.2 33.73 26.45 33.16 +.06 KaufmanB m +5.6 +3.0 5.49 4.13 5.49 +.12
HiYldBdA m +4.8 +8.0 2.86 2.58 2.86 ... KaufmanC m +5.6 +3.0 5.49 4.13 5.49 +.12 Fidelity Select G&IStrA m +5.5 +2.1 11.09 9.23 11.09 +.13
NwWrldA m +4.1 +8.6 56.85 43.32 56.85 +.95 IncOppA m +4.7 +7.9 10.16 9.28 9.79 +.02 NYVentA m +5.4 +1.5 36.36 28.46 36.21 +.16
NYVentB m +5.2 +.7 34.82 27.23 34.67 +.15 KaufmanR m +5.6 +3.5 5.81 4.38 5.81 +.13 Banking d -2.7 -7.9 20.28 14.67 18.01 -.28 GovtIncA m +.6 +5.2 15.90 14.78 15.01 +.01
NwWrldB m +3.9 +7.7 55.86 42.55 55.86 +.92 IncomeZ +2.7 +6.6 9.91 9.35 9.78 ... GrIncA m +4.1 +.5 22.47 17.40 21.87 +.16
STBdFdofAmA m +.3 NA 10.18 10.03 10.07 ... NYVentC m +5.2 +.8 35.09 27.44 34.94 +.15 KaufmnSCA m +6.3 +3.6 27.85 19.09 27.85 +.65 Biotech d +15.0 +5.9 83.90 58.55 83.90 +.87
IntlOpZ +3.9 +1.0 12.45 9.17 12.45 +.23 MuniSecsA f +1.3 +2.5 10.34 9.34 9.63 +.04 BrokInv d +1.0 -1.9 55.95 42.21 52.95 +.15 GrOppA m +8.3 +7.2 24.86 18.37 24.86 +.40
SmCpWldA m +6.1 +5.0 41.23 30.53 41.23 +.60 IntlVaZ +5.9 +.5 15.38 12.11 14.96 +.13 Delaware Invest GrStrA m +6.6 +.8 11.46 9.09 11.46 +.16
SmCpWldB m +5.8 +4.2 39.09 28.95 39.09 +.56 CorpBdIs +2.8 +8.7 6.35 5.76 5.93 ... MuniUltA m +.4 +2.3 10.05 10.01 10.02 +.01 Chemical d +13.7 +13.7 108.53 63.99 108.53 +2.98
IntmBdZ +2.0 +6.4 9.25 8.91 9.12 ... PrdntBr m -7.4 -.8 5.65 4.38 4.38 -.05 CommEq d +10.0 +5.0 30.03 19.74 29.16 +.90 HiYieldA m +4.4 +6.9 7.44 6.80 7.43 +.01
TDR2010A m +4.1 NA 9.49 8.44 9.48 +.06 ItmMunBdZ +1.7 +4.0 10.72 10.02 10.24 +.06 DiverIncA m +2.1 +8.7 9.84 9.14 9.28 +.01 LgCapValA m +4.5 +1.1 12.63 9.68 12.32 +.11
TDR2015A m +4.4 NA 9.55 8.33 9.55 +.08 EmgMktA m +5.7 +11.3 17.01 11.99 16.93 +.33 StrValA m +7.0 +1.8 4.66 3.75 4.66 +.01 Computer d +10.0 +10.3 62.24 42.57 62.07 +2.39
LarCaCorZ +5.6 +2.8 13.90 10.58 13.86 +.17 StratIncA f +2.8 +8.0 9.45 8.54 9.20 -.03 ConsStpl d +5.1 +9.5 71.21 57.47 71.21 +.35 MidCapVaA m +5.8 +4.1 38.46 27.65 37.99 +.44
TDR2020A m +5.0 NA 9.52 8.08 9.52 +.09 LgCpGrowZ +8.8 +4.2 25.79 18.81 25.79 +.59 GrowOppA m +15.7 +7.3 24.70 16.72 24.70 +.43 ShDuGovA m +.3 +4.8 10.50 10.21 10.26 +.01
TDR2025A m +5.7 NA 9.68 7.89 9.68 +.11 LgValA m +9.6 +1.8 16.35 12.15 16.35 +.15 TotRetBdA m +1.4 +6.2 11.48 11.01 11.18 +.01 DefAero d +9.5 +4.0 80.20 59.81 80.08 +2.07
LgCrQuantA m +8.3 +1.1 5.86 4.39 5.86 +.10 USGovSecA f +1.0 +5.2 7.93 7.66 7.77 +.02 Electron d +10.4 +2.7 54.98 34.61 53.39 +1.70 SmCpValA m +7.3 +4.4 42.94 30.34 42.37 +.42
TDR2030A m +6.0 NA 9.94 7.94 9.94 +.13 LtdDurCrdA m +1.8 +5.1 10.11 9.75 10.03 +.01 LtdDvIncA m +.5 +5.8 9.05 8.83 8.89 ... StrIntEqA m +5.9 +.2 10.94 8.19 10.83 +.17
TaxEBdAmA m +.9 +3.2 12.54 11.53 11.78 +.05 OpFixIncI +2.2 +7.7 9.87 9.26 9.63 +.01 Fidelity Energy d +17.2 +5.0 62.56 37.16 61.21 +1.57
MAIntlEqZ +5.6 +.2 12.85 9.56 12.85 +.24 EnergySvc d +17.1 +3.9 88.76 46.90 87.10 +2.93 Greenspring
TaxECAA m +.6 +2.9 16.63 15.19 15.48 +.08 Mar21CA m +5.5 +1.7 14.61 10.63 14.34 +.07 OptLgCpIs +7.6 +2.8 12.96 9.44 12.96 +.30 AstMgr20 +2.7 +4.6 13.08 12.01 13.08 +.06
USGovSecA m +.4 +5.4 14.79 13.66 13.89 +.01 OptLgValI +7.4 +2.3 11.25 8.49 11.17 +.09 AstMgr50 +4.7 +4.9 16.09 13.52 16.09 +.15 FinSvc d +.6 -8.6 69.11 51.47 61.98 +.34 Greensprretl d +1.8 +4.4 24.85 22.58 24.63 +.08
Mar21CC m +5.3 +.9 13.61 9.95 13.34 +.06 Gold d +3.8 +13.7 55.28 39.69 53.02 +1.39
WAMutInvA m +7.3 +2.3 29.04 22.58 29.04 +.28 Mar21CZ +5.7 +1.9 14.94 10.85 14.67 +.08 TaxFIntA m +.9 +3.8 12.12 11.26 11.46 +.05 AstMgr85 +6.6 +3.9 14.29 10.85 14.29 +.21 GuideStone Funds
WAMutInvB m +7.1 +1.5 28.84 22.43 28.84 +.27 Bal +5.3 +3.8 19.14 15.94 19.14 +.21 HealtCar d +13.4 +7.1 141.33 100.51 141.33 +1.46 AggAllGS4 +7.3 +1.5 12.65 9.50 12.65 +.23
MarFocEqA m +5.7 +2.7 24.23 17.36 24.01 +.53 TaxFMNA m +.9 +3.6 12.74 11.67 11.94 +.05
BlChGrow +7.8 +5.7 48.88 34.78 48.87 +1.28 IndustEq d +8.8 +5.7 37.33 24.62 36.75 +.67 BlcAlloGS4 +4.6 +4.5 12.68 10.93 12.68 +.13
Aquila MarFocEqZ +5.8 +2.9 24.76 17.74 24.55 +.54 TaxFPAA m ... +3.6 8.13 7.36 7.52 +.04
BlChVal +7.9 -1.4 11.67 9.04 11.66 +.06 Industr d +9.2 +6.7 25.99 17.59 25.39 +.36 GrAlloGS4 +5.9 +3.1 13.01 10.51 13.01 +.18
HITaxFA m +1.3 +3.6 11.60 11.04 11.22 +.05 MarGrIA m +7.2 +2.0 21.80 15.54 21.80 +.54 TaxFUSAA m +.5 +3.4 11.64 10.62 10.86 +.04 Materials d +8.3 +11.2 73.51 47.18 73.51 +2.16
MarGrIZ +7.2 +2.3 22.19 15.80 22.19 +.55 CAMuInc d +1.3 +3.5 12.37 11.33 11.62 +.07 GrEqGS4 +6.4 +2.4 20.20 14.50 20.11 +.49
Arbitrage Diamond Hill MedDeliv d +17.3 +6.1 58.28 39.12 58.28 +1.17 IntEqGS4 +6.6 +1.6 14.32 10.65 14.32 +.28
ArbtrageR m +1.3 +4.2 12.97 12.27 12.76 ... MdCapGthZ +11.8 +6.6 29.78 19.75 29.78 +.73 LngShortA m +3.7 +.6 16.99 14.67 16.86 -.01 CASITxFre d +1.0 +4.2 10.81 10.49 10.57 +.02
CTMuInc d +1.8 +4.3 11.84 11.01 11.29 +.07 MedEqSys d +12.1 +9.7 30.74 21.95 30.74 +.32 LowDurGS4 +.9 +4.6 13.49 13.20 13.32 +.01
Ariel MdCapIdxZ +10.0 +5.7 12.74 8.96 12.67 +.16 LngShortI +3.8 +.9 17.18 14.79 17.05 ... NatGas d +9.6 0.0 37.23 25.57 36.37 +.49
MdCpValOppA m +7.5 +3.3 8.51 5.98 8.46 +.10 Canada d +8.5 +8.1 63.77 46.30 63.07 +1.17 MedDurGS4 +1.7 +6.8 14.48 13.51 13.83 +.02
Apprec b +8.4 +5.9 46.42 32.10 45.93 +.35 LrgCapI +5.8 +2.7 15.74 12.40 15.68 +.09 NatRes d +14.9 +7.8 40.76 24.65 39.94 +1.08 SmCapGS4 +11.7 +2.6 16.15 10.87 16.15 +.30
MdCpValOppR4 +7.6 +3.5 8.56 6.02 8.51 +.10 SmCapA m +5.2 +3.2 27.27 21.10 27.14 +.17 CapApr +5.9 +2.1 27.28 20.41 26.84 +.51
Ariel b +9.5 +3.3 53.60 35.47 53.18 +.50 CapInc d +6.4 +10.5 9.88 8.47 9.88 +.08 Pharm d +11.7 +8.4 13.53 10.20 13.51 +.05 ValEqGS4 +8.2 +.6 15.32 11.41 15.28 +.18
Artio Global MdCpValZ +8.5 +3.6 14.59 10.46 14.59 +.22 Dimensional Investme SelctUtil d +5.5 +4.3 51.10 41.59 50.94 +.26
MdCpVlA m +8.3 +3.3 14.57 10.45 14.57 +.22 ChinaReg d +4.8 +13.3 34.07 24.62 34.07 +.67 Harbor
GlobHiYldA b +5.4 +9.1 11.15 10.27 11.02 +.02 IntCorEqI +6.9 +2.6 12.02 8.79 12.01 +.21 Contra +6.1 +4.5 71.79 54.99 71.79 +1.42 SoftwCom d +7.3 +10.8 88.24 63.21 87.82 +1.23 Bond +2.3 +8.1 12.45 11.67 12.28 +.03
IntlEqA b +6.0 +.8 31.18 23.84 31.18 +.63 MidGrOppA m +7.0 +5.6 12.23 8.51 12.11 +.19 IntlSCoI +6.8 +4.0 18.34 13.00 18.34 +.31 Tech d +8.5 +9.0 105.02 70.10 103.71 +2.89
ORIntmMuniBdZ +1.7 +4.0 12.67 11.85 12.10 +.06 ConvSec +7.8 +6.5 27.62 21.07 27.26 +.40 CapApInst +7.3 +3.8 39.41 29.37 39.41 +1.14
IntlEqIIA b +6.1 +1.5 13.14 10.01 13.14 +.28 IntlValuI +7.3 +2.4 19.96 14.38 19.66 +.32 DiscEq +8.8 +.4 24.52 19.05 24.52 +.47 Trans d +1.2 +4.0 58.24 42.80 55.33 -.17 CapAprAdm b +7.2 +3.5 39.22 29.22 39.22 +1.14
PBAggA m +6.4 +3.3 10.81 8.38 10.81 +.16 Dodge & Cox
Artisan PBModA m +5.0 +5.0 11.07 9.30 11.07 +.11 DivGrow +7.5 +4.7 30.61 21.79 30.56 +.45 Fidelity Spartan CapAprInv b +7.2 +3.4 38.97 29.06 38.97 +1.14
IntSmCpIv d +6.9 +5.2 21.27 14.85 21.27 +.42 Bal +5.7 +2.2 75.29 59.93 73.82 +.43 DivStk +6.6 +2.3 16.10 12.06 15.95 +.15 ExtMktIdI d +8.7 +5.2 41.66 29.12 40.98 +.58 HiYBdInst d +4.0 +7.5 11.33 10.46 11.18 +.02
PBModAggA m +5.6 +4.2 10.93 8.82 10.93 +.13 GlbStock +6.3 NA 9.56 7.14 9.46 +.11
Intl d +9.4 +2.4 23.74 17.10 23.74 +.66 PBModConA m +4.2 +5.1 10.86 9.50 10.86 +.08 DivrIntl d +6.7 +1.1 32.16 23.93 32.16 +.69 FdSpIntIv +.5 +6.8 11.39 10.30 10.61 +.01 IntlAdm m +8.5 +5.3 65.27 46.33 65.27 +1.53
IntlVal d +5.6 +5.8 28.62 21.18 28.62 +.44 Income +2.1 +6.9 13.51 13.13 13.37 +.02 EmergAsia d +7.1 +9.4 32.79 22.93 32.79 +.76 IntlIdxIn d +6.9 +1.3 37.51 28.13 37.47 +.70 IntlGr d +3.8 +1.5 12.84 9.49 12.84 +.23
PBTtlEqA m +7.2 +2.4 10.63 7.89 10.63 +.18 IntlStk +5.6 +3.1 37.70 27.90 37.70 +.77
MdCpVal +12.4 +7.2 22.65 16.84 22.57 +.26 SIIncZ +.9 +4.6 10.03 9.89 9.94 ... EmgMkt d +5.7 +6.2 27.86 19.80 27.86 +.69 TotMktIdI d +7.3 +3.1 39.06 29.40 38.98 +.52 IntlInstl d +8.6 +5.6 65.74 46.64 65.74 +1.54
MidCap +10.8 +8.4 37.27 24.84 37.27 +1.15 Stock +6.7 -.1 117.81 87.05 114.61 +.84 EqInc +7.0 +1.1 47.63 35.94 47.22 +.35 USEqIndxI +6.9 +2.5 47.62 36.36 47.37 +.63 IntlInv m +8.4 +5.2 65.07 46.17 65.07 +1.52
SelSmCapZ +5.3 +2.7 18.88 12.85 18.70 +.18
SmCapVal +8.9 +6.8 18.60 13.37 18.35 +.14 ShTmMuZ +.6 +3.4 10.60 10.46 10.49 +.01 Domini Social Invmts EqInc II +6.8 +.2 19.64 14.86 19.44 +.12 First American SmCpGr +10.3 +5.4 14.20 9.86 14.20 +.35
Aston Funds SmCaVaIIA m +9.8 +3.4 15.16 10.17 15.02 +.16 SocEqInv m +9.0 +2.9 32.30 24.27 32.30 +.67 EuCapApr d +8.3 +1.2 20.62 14.36 20.62 +.50 RealA m +9.0 +4.7 19.51 14.20 19.51 +.33 SmCpVal +10.4 +1.6 21.87 15.62 21.62 +.27
MidCapN b +8.0 +9.9 34.58 24.75 34.48 +.54 SmCaVaIIZ +10.0 +3.7 15.27 10.25 15.13 +.16 Dreyfus Europe d +8.4 +1.9 33.95 23.88 33.95 +.82 First Eagle Harding Loevner
MtgClGrN b +4.7 +4.7 25.69 20.23 25.28 +.39 SmCapCrZ +7.4 +5.0 17.39 11.92 17.07 +.18 Apprecia +8.1 +4.1 41.28 31.31 41.28 +.71 ExpMulNat d +6.3 +1.6 23.28 17.70 23.19 +.35 FndofAmY b +9.2 +7.0 28.27 20.85 28.27 +.18 EmgMkts d +.9 +7.4 52.69 39.03 52.53 +.83
TAMROSmCN b +8.7 +5.9 23.10 15.56 23.01 +.38 SmCapIdxZ +7.9 +3.5 18.84 13.35 18.64 +.23 AtvMdCpA f +9.9 -.7 36.27 26.58 36.09 +.48 FF2015 +5.0 +4.0 11.91 10.07 11.91 +.12 GlbA m +5.0 +7.4 48.67 38.82 48.67 +.60 Hartford
BBH SmCapValA m +7.1 +3.9 17.36 11.98 17.11 +.22 BasSP500 +6.9 +2.4 27.48 20.96 27.43 +.36 FF2035 +6.9 +2.9 12.26 9.53 12.26 +.18 Gold m +4.8 +15.0 35.64 25.36 35.58 +.89 AdvHLSFIB b +4.5 +3.4 20.56 16.86 20.43 +.11
BrdMktFxI d +.6 +4.5 10.47 10.27 10.43 ... SmCpGthIZ +14.1 +6.8 36.07 23.42 36.07 +1.13 BondIdxIn b +.9 +5.7 10.85 10.38 10.54 +.01 FF2040 +7.0 +2.7 8.57 6.64 8.57 +.13 OverseasA m +3.4 +6.8 23.56 18.88 23.56 +.32 AdvHLSIA +4.6 +3.7 20.32 16.69 20.21 +.11
IntlEqN d +6.6 +2.3 13.92 10.78 13.92 +.26 SmCpValIA m +4.5 +3.4 47.76 34.92 46.79 +.24 BstSMCpGI +11.2 +6.0 15.61 10.86 15.61 +.29 Fidelity +8.7 +3.1 34.93 25.78 34.93 +.65 USValueA m +6.2 +6.1 17.36 14.38 17.35 +.16 AdviserA m +4.4 +3.2 15.53 12.65 15.39 +.08
TaxEffEq d +6.3 +7.0 15.23 12.05 15.23 +.16 SmCpValIZ +4.6 +3.7 50.13 36.63 49.11 +.25 BstSmCpVl +6.7 +3.0 25.11 18.32 24.58 +.21 Fifty +7.2 +.1 18.90 13.85 18.90 +.31 First Investors BalAlA m +5.2 +3.9 11.90 9.82 11.90 +.11
BNY Mellon StLgCpGrA m +11.9 NA 14.02 9.38 14.02 +.42 CAAMTBdZ +.8 +3.0 14.90 13.35 13.75 +.07 FltRtHiIn d +1.8 +4.8 9.91 9.37 9.89 ... BlChipA m +6.3 +1.2 22.48 17.70 22.45 +.21 CapAppIIA m +7.4 +4.9 15.00 10.84 15.00 +.25
BalFd +4.9 +4.8 11.54 9.59 11.54 +.13 StLgCpGrZ +12.0 +7.4 14.12 9.43 14.12 +.42 DiscStkR b +7.1 +3.2 32.82 24.46 32.78 +.46 FocStk +9.7 +6.0 14.97 10.30 14.97 +.25 GrowIncA m +8.4 +2.0 15.52 11.56 15.52 +.17 CapApr C m +2.9 +1.3 32.29 24.42 31.64 +.37
BondFd +1.3 +6.3 13.47 12.94 13.15 +.02 StrInvZ +7.8 +4.5 20.63 14.82 20.63 +.34 Dreyfus +6.6 +3.1 9.64 7.21 9.56 +.13 FocuHiInc d +3.8 +6.6 9.57 8.79 9.40 ... IncomeA m +4.1 +4.5 2.56 2.34 2.56 ... CapAprA m +3.2 +2.0 36.42 27.43 35.73 +.42
EmgMkts +4.2 +8.7 12.40 8.85 12.34 +.19 StratAllocA m +5.5 +2.1 9.91 8.17 9.91 +.12 EmergMarI d +1.7 +8.4 13.95 10.31 13.78 +.16 FourInOne +6.2 +3.2 28.66 22.66 28.66 +.37 InvGradeA m +2.0 +5.6 9.92 9.26 9.58 +.01 CapAprB m +2.9 +1.2 32.09 24.29 31.43 +.36
IntlM +6.6 -.3 11.63 8.78 11.48 +.16 StratIncA x +3.7 +7.2 6.28 5.81 6.12 -.01 EmgLead +7.3 -2.8 22.39 15.03 ... Fr2045 +7.2 NA 10.17 7.83 10.17 +.16 OpportA m +9.9 +3.5 29.90 20.56 29.90 +.49 CapAprI +3.2 NA 36.44 27.39 35.76 +.42


ChksBalsA m +3.8 NA 9.93 8.27 9.87 +.07 LgCpGrA m +5.1 +2.4 25.93 19.52 25.49 +.39 Old Mutual Advisor F CATxEIncA m -.3 +2.7 8.12 7.22 7.35 +.05 TaxFInc +.7 +3.7 10.17 9.29 9.50 +.04 IntlStkIdxAdm d +6.3 NA 28.00 25.19 28.00 +.51
CpApHLSIA +5.7 +3.9 45.11 33.13 44.76 +.59 MdCpCoA m +8.8 +5.2 23.17 16.28 23.17 +.37 FocusedZ d +5.5 +4.4 22.63 17.52 22.23 +.20 ConvInGrA m +6.1 +6.1 21.36 17.05 21.28 +.20 TaxFShInt +.9 +4.0 5.66 5.51 5.55 +.01 IntlStkIdxISgn d +6.3 NA 33.60 30.22 33.60 +.62
CpApHLSIB b +5.6 +3.6 44.72 32.82 44.35 +.59 MgdMuniA m +.3 +4.0 16.13 14.47 14.92 +.08 Old Westbury DivIncTrC m +3.9 +4.7 8.17 7.76 8.11 -.01 TotMktIdx d +7.2 +2.9 15.21 11.46 15.20 +.20 IntlVal d +4.8 +1.6 33.83 25.74 33.71 +.60
DivGrowA m +6.4 +3.9 20.31 15.66 20.16 +.14 MgdMuniC m +.1 +3.4 16.14 14.48 14.93 +.08 FixedInc +.7 +6.2 12.00 11.47 11.57 +.01 DivrInA m +4.1 +5.5 8.28 7.86 8.22 ... TrRt2010Ad b +4.8 +4.6 16.02 13.54 16.02 +.16
DivGrowI +6.5 NA 20.25 15.61 20.10 +.14 MuBdLtdA m +1.4 +3.7 6.55 6.00 6.17 +.03 DivrInM m +4.1 +5.2 8.17 7.76 8.11 -.01 TrRt2010R b +4.7 +4.4 15.93 13.46 15.93 +.15 LTBond +.8 +7.1 13.22 11.53 11.95 ...
GlbSmMdCp +7.5 +8.5 16.63 12.18 16.63 +.27
DsEqHLSIA +7.9 +2.3 12.72 9.59 12.72 +.18 MuBdLtdC b +1.4 +3.1 6.56 6.01 6.18 +.03 LgCapEq +4.6 +.7 13.05 10.01 12.74 +.13 EqIncomeA m +9.1 +4.5 16.44 12.17 16.36 +.17 TrRt2020Ad b +5.7 +4.3 17.29 13.88 17.29 +.21 LTGradeAd +1.7 +7.2 10.04 8.99 9.33 ...
DvGrHLSIA +6.7 +4.2 20.93 16.18 20.80 +.15 MuBdNYA m +.6 +4.1 13.87 12.49 12.94 +.07 MuniBd +.9 +4.4 12.43 11.56 11.70 +.06 EqIncomeY +9.2 +4.7 16.44 12.16 16.36 +.17 TrRt2030Ad b +6.4 +3.9 18.28 14.15 18.28 +.26 LTInvGr +1.6 +7.1 10.04 8.99 9.33 ...
DvGrHLSIB b +6.5 +4.0 20.87 16.13 20.73 +.14 MuHiIncA m -.3 +2.9 14.24 12.82 13.02 +.04 NonUSLgCp +6.3 +1.1 11.31 7.99 11.29 +.24 GeoPutA m +5.1 -.7 12.49 10.54 12.49 +.06 TrRt2030R b +6.3 +3.6 18.18 14.07 18.18 +.26 LTTsry -.3 +6.5 12.80 10.46 10.91 ...
EqIncA m +6.6 +4.2 13.63 10.54 13.55 +.06 OpportntC m -3.2 -6.1 11.81 8.51 10.67 -.02 RealRet +4.8 +4.7 11.60 8.74 11.42 +.17 GlbEqA m +11.5 +.6 9.73 7.07 9.73 +.19 TrRt2040Ad b +6.7 +3.8 18.47 14.08 18.47 +.28 LTsryAdml -.3 +6.6 12.80 10.46 10.91 ...
FloatRtA m +2.6 +3.5 9.01 8.48 8.97 ... SmCpGrA m +9.6 +4.4 18.82 12.91 18.81 +.34 Olstein GlbHltCrA m +10.7 +3.9 49.59 38.52 49.59 +.47 TrRt2040R b +6.6 +3.6 18.38 14.02 18.38 +.27 LgCpIdxAdm +7.1 +3.0 31.14 23.51 31.00 +.41
FloatRtC m +2.4 +2.7 9.00 8.47 8.96 ... SpecInvC m +5.5 0.0 34.33 25.20 33.43 +.27 AllCpVlC m +5.0 -.4 13.27 10.16 13.20 +.15 GlobNatA m +11.3 +3.8 24.71 15.70 24.62 +.71 TxFIncAdv b +.6 +3.4 10.18 9.29 9.51 +.05
FloatRtI +2.7 NA 9.01 8.49 8.98 +.01 ValueC m +4.3 -6.9 42.42 31.94 40.55 +.56 GrowIncA m +6.3 -.2 14.58 10.83 14.36 +.12 USBdIdx d +1.0 +6.2 11.43 10.95 11.12 +.02 LifeCon +3.7 +4.5 16.89 14.93 16.89 +.12
Oppenheimer LifeGro +6.0 +3.2 23.39 18.44 23.39 +.30
GlbGrthIA +7.2 +.3 16.75 12.01 16.75 +.43 Leuthold AMTFrMunA m +.1 -4.2 6.64 5.63 5.83 +.02 GrowIncB m +6.0 -1.0 14.31 10.64 14.10 +.11 USTrInt +.7 +6.8 6.26 5.74 5.85 +.01
GrAlA m +6.1 +3.4 12.24 9.54 12.24 +.15 AssetAl m +7.1 NA 11.23 9.13 11.23 +.18 HiYldA m +4.8 +8.0 7.97 7.16 7.93 -.02 VATaxFBd +1.5 +3.8 11.91 10.87 11.20 +.06 LifeInc +2.4 +5.0 14.33 13.42 14.33 +.07
AMTFrMunC m -.2 -4.9 6.60 5.60 5.80 +.02
GrOpHLSIA +10.4 +3.9 28.55 20.00 28.55 +.73 CoreInv d +7.6 +5.5 18.15 14.75 18.15 +.31 ActAllocA m +5.5 +.5 10.12 8.06 10.12 +.13 HiYldAdvA m +4.7 +8.4 6.13 5.57 6.11 -.02 Value +7.0 +2.8 25.24 19.05 24.98 +.15 LifeMod +4.9 +4.0 20.52 17.11 20.52 +.20
GrOppA m +10.1 +3.5 29.48 20.77 29.48 +.73 Longleaf Partners ActAllocC m +5.2 -.2 9.91 7.89 9.91 +.12 IncomeA m +3.2 +7.4 6.97 6.68 6.84 -.02 ValueAd b +7.0 +2.6 24.98 18.88 24.72 +.15 MATxEx +1.8 +4.0 10.56 9.72 10.00 +.05
GrOppL m +10.1 +3.8 30.29 21.32 30.29 +.75 Intl +3.1 +2.0 16.21 12.35 15.82 +.06 AmtFrNYA m -1.9 +1.1 12.06 10.25 10.37 +.04 IntlCpOpA m +5.1 +4.1 37.50 26.65 37.50 +.80 TCW MdGrIxInv +10.3 NA 26.98 18.26 26.98 +.55
HiYdHLSIA +5.4 +8.9 9.65 8.10 9.65 +.03 LongPart +8.9 +1.4 31.13 23.47 30.77 +.04 BalA m +4.4 -1.8 10.52 8.76 10.50 +.04 IntlEqA m +5.2 -.7 21.36 15.39 21.08 +.41 DivFocN b +8.1 +1.5 11.48 8.27 11.43 +.10
InOpHLSIA +4.7 +5.0 13.05 9.62 13.05 +.27 InvestorA m +7.3 -.4 13.70 10.30 13.69 +.20 MdPDisInv +5.8 NA 17.11 14.59 17.11 +.11
SmCap +10.7 +6.1 29.48 21.32 29.36 +.13 CAMuniA m -.1 -2.4 8.31 7.11 7.31 +.03 EmgIncI +4.7 +12.0 8.99 7.81 8.91 +.03
IndHLSIA +6.8 +2.3 28.04 21.47 27.99 +.37 MidCapVal m +7.5 +2.5 13.35 9.47 13.35 +.19 RltvVlLCI +8.6 +1.3 14.77 10.64 14.68 +.20 MdVlIxInv +8.7 NA 22.73 16.99 22.67 +.27
Loomis Sayles CapApA m +6.0 +.7 46.35 35.13 46.18 +1.13
InflPlC m +3.0 +5.6 12.20 10.95 11.45 -.03 BondR b +5.4 +8.1 14.80 13.34 14.80 +.06 CapApB m +5.7 -.1 40.90 31.16 40.69 +.99 MultiCapGrA m +7.6 +1.9 54.81 38.86 54.44 +1.24 SelEqI +7.7 +4.3 18.64 13.43 18.64 +.42 MidCapGr +10.3 +5.3 20.96 14.43 20.96 +.45
InflPlusA m +3.2 +6.4 12.32 11.08 11.58 -.03 GlbBdR b +4.3 +7.5 17.25 15.22 17.02 +.14 CapApC m +5.7 0.0 40.61 30.93 40.40 +.98 NYTxEIncA m +.7 +3.5 8.74 7.98 8.18 +.05 SmCapGrI +12.2 +9.6 32.92 22.23 32.92 +.54 MidCp +9.5 +4.3 22.24 15.82 22.24 +.36
MCVlHLSIA +6.4 +4.5 11.10 7.92 10.98 +.13 SmCpVaR b +7.7 +4.7 28.89 19.73 28.40 +.30 CapApprY +6.1 +1.1 48.46 36.63 48.32 +1.19 TaxEIncA m +.7 +3.3 8.73 7.29 8.16 +.03 TotRetBdI +2.1 +9.1 10.44 9.87 9.96 +.01 MidCpAdml +9.6 +4.4 100.98 71.79 100.98 +1.64
MdCpHLSIA +8.1 +5.7 28.21 20.62 28.12 +.40 CapIncA m +5.2 -.6 8.90 7.90 8.90 +.04 TaxFHYldA m -.1 +2.4 12.07 10.96 11.08 +.04 TotRetBdN b +2.0 +8.7 10.79 10.21 10.30 +.01
Lord Abbett MidCpIst +9.6 +4.5 22.31 15.87 22.31 +.37
MidCapA m +7.9 +5.0 23.83 17.48 23.74 +.34 ChampIncA m +6.0 -19.9 2.02 1.79 2.01 ... USGovtInA m +1.9 +7.9 14.44 13.94 14.17 +.02 TFS
MidCapC m +7.7 +4.3 20.84 15.36 20.76 +.29 AffiliatA m +5.3 +.4 12.45 9.21 12.17 +.11 VoyagerA m +4.0 +6.9 25.49 18.17 24.66 +.44 Morg +7.7 +3.3 19.42 14.17 19.42 +.46
AffiliatC m +5.1 -.2 12.44 9.21 12.16 +.11 CmdtStTRA m +14.8 -8.6 4.25 2.90 4.20 +.05 MktNeut d +5.4 +8.9 15.63 13.58 15.52 -.01
Sm-CpGrHLSIA +13.0 +4.6 24.14 15.28 24.14 +.43 VoyagerY +4.1 +7.2 26.54 18.93 25.69 +.45 MorgAdml +7.7 +3.5 60.21 43.95 60.21 +1.40
AlphaA m +8.9 +6.0 26.28 18.28 26.28 +.57 CmdtStTRY +14.7 -8.1 4.26 2.91 4.21 +.05 TIAA-CREF
SmCoHLSIA +13.8 +3.8 20.10 13.32 20.10 +.34 CoreBondA m +2.7 -2.9 6.63 6.28 6.54 +.01 RS EqIxRtl b +7.3 +2.7 10.41 7.85 10.41 +.14 MuHYAdml +.8 +3.5 10.76 9.82 10.03 +.04
StkHLSIA +6.2 +2.5 44.23 32.79 43.54 +.31 BalA m +5.7 +4.9 11.16 9.20 11.16 +.10
BondDebA m +5.2 +7.6 8.07 7.25 8.07 +.02 CoreBondY +2.8 -2.5 6.62 6.27 6.53 +.01 GlNatResA m +8.6 +5.5 41.43 28.23 40.80 +.85 Gr&IncRmt +8.5 +5.5 9.93 7.40 9.93 +.15 MuInt +1.5 +4.2 13.99 13.04 13.31 +.07
TRBdHLSIA +1.9 +5.1 11.54 10.81 11.10 +.02 DevMktA m +2.0 +11.9 37.21 26.36 37.21 +.51 PartnersA m +6.7 +3.0 35.61 25.15 35.30 +.29 Gr&IncRtl b +8.4 +5.6 11.90 8.86 11.90 +.18 MuIntAdml +1.5 +4.3 13.99 13.04 13.31 +.07
TRBdHLSIA b +1.7 +4.9 11.46 10.76 11.03 +.01 BondDebB m +5.1 +6.9 8.10 7.27 8.10 +.02
BondDebC m +5.0 +6.9 8.09 7.27 8.09 +.02 DevMktN m +1.9 +11.4 35.98 25.55 35.98 +.50 SmCpGrthA m +12.9 +5.1 47.05 31.25 47.05 +1.13 IntEqIdxRet d +6.9 +1.0 17.93 13.36 17.93 +.32 MuLTAdml +1.0 +3.8 11.37 10.39 10.64 +.04
TotRetBdA m +1.5 +4.7 10.76 10.36 10.54 +.01 DevMktY +2.1 +12.2 36.84 26.09 36.84 +.51 ValueA m +5.0 +3.7 27.29 20.34 27.21 +.37 IntlEqRmt d +5.5 +1.8 10.78 7.45 10.78 +.41
USHLSIA +.4 +3.1 11.17 10.36 10.50 +.01 ClsscStckA m +2.8 +3.6 31.31 23.51 30.43 +.49 MuLong +1.0 +3.7 11.37 10.39 10.64 +.04
CptStrcA m +6.3 +4.4 12.49 9.92 12.44 +.13 DevMktsC m +1.8 +11.1 35.72 25.44 35.72 +.49 RS Funds LgGrRet b +8.1 +3.6 11.23 8.23 11.13 +.31
ValHLSIA +5.8 +4.0 11.51 8.77 11.40 +.08 CoreEqA m +4.3 +6.3 44.60 35.06 44.32 +.46 MuLtd +.8 +3.7 11.20 10.95 11.01 +.01
DevGrowA m +13.9 +9.1 24.26 15.15 24.26 +.75 DiscoverA m +17.4 +6.2 66.20 41.54 66.20 +1.84 Life2010 b +4.5 +4.1 11.52 9.92 11.52 +.12
Heartland FdmtlEqtyA m +6.8 +4.8 13.89 10.18 13.80 +.17 EqIncA m +6.3 +4.9 26.24 19.30 25.97 +.09 EmgMktsA m +1.7 +10.4 27.44 20.37 27.20 +.44 Life2015 b +5.0 +3.9 11.59 9.76 11.59 +.13 MuLtdAdml +.8 +3.8 11.20 10.95 11.01 +.01
SelectVal m +7.3 +5.6 31.57 23.25 31.31 +.46 FdmtlEqtyC m +6.7 +4.1 13.21 9.69 13.11 +.16 EquityA m +6.6 +1.4 9.41 7.08 9.41 +.14 Rainier Life2020 b +5.4 +3.4 11.54 9.50 11.54 +.14 MuSht +.5 +3.0 15.98 15.84 15.88 +.01
Value m +8.2 +3.1 48.08 33.76 47.43 +.27 FltRateF b +2.3 NA 9.44 9.30 9.40 ... GlobA m +8.0 +3.0 65.21 48.55 65.21 +1.12 CoreEq b +7.6 +1.9 26.86 19.62 26.86 +.61 Life2025 b +5.9 +3.0 11.46 9.22 11.46 +.16 MuShtAdml +.6 +3.1 15.98 15.84 15.88 +.01
ValuePlus m +6.8 +9.3 32.28 22.65 31.85 +.29 GrOpportA m +10.3 +7.5 24.95 16.65 24.95 +.61 GlobC m +7.8 +2.3 61.22 45.61 61.22 +1.04 SmMidCap b +10.6 +1.6 36.12 24.52 36.12 +.91 Life2030 b +6.5 +2.6 11.36 8.93 11.36 +.17 NJLTAdml +.5 +3.7 12.03 11.05 11.22 +.06
Henderson HYMuniBdA m -.8 -1.4 11.88 10.64 10.72 +.04 GlobOpprA m +6.5 +4.4 31.65 24.99 31.65 +.77 RidgeWorth Life2035 b +7.0 +2.6 11.48 8.82 11.48 +.19 NYLT +1.0 +3.7 11.43 10.52 10.79 +.05
IntlOppA m +8.7 +3.8 22.93 17.57 22.93 +.44 HiYldA m +4.9 +8.6 7.98 7.27 7.98 +.01 GlobOpprC m +6.2 +3.6 29.24 23.08 29.24 +.71 CapAprI +8.4 +4.8 11.75 8.30 11.75 +.30 Life2040 b +6.9 +2.8 11.70 8.98 11.70 +.20
IntlOppC m +8.5 +3.0 21.71 16.63 21.71 +.43 GlobY +8.1 +3.4 65.36 48.68 65.36 +1.13 NYLTAdml +1.1 +3.8 11.43 10.52 10.79 +.05
IncmA m +3.1 +8.2 2.92 2.73 2.88 ... HiIncI +5.8 +10.4 7.37 6.42 7.34 -.01 LrgeCapVal +5.7 +1.6 13.93 10.43 13.78 +.08
Homestead IntlCorEqA m +8.1 +1.9 13.20 9.59 13.20 +.27 GoldMinA m +1.9 +18.3 51.45 32.54 50.79 +1.48 MdgAllRtl b +5.3 +3.9 10.33 8.61 10.33 +.13 OHLTte +.8 +3.9 12.34 11.27 11.55 +.07
HighYI +5.5 +7.3 10.14 9.05 10.14 ...
Value d +9.3 +2.2 33.54 25.45 33.54 +.53 MidCpValA m +8.9 +2.7 17.92 12.60 17.91 +.27 GoldMinC m +1.7 +17.5 48.74 31.03 48.10 +1.39 IntlEIxI +8.6 0.0 13.93 10.43 13.93 +.23 MidCapGrwthRe +10.9 +4.8 20.97 14.24 20.97 +.45 PALT +1.1 +3.7 11.38 10.48 10.73 +.05
Hotchkis & Wiley NatlTaxFA m +.8 +2.3 10.89 9.71 10.00 +.05 IntlBondA m +3.5 +8.4 7.04 6.06 6.71 +.06 IntmBndI +.8 +6.3 11.03 10.27 10.38 ... MidValRmt +7.9 +4.3 18.32 13.30 18.32 +.24 PALTAdml +1.1 +3.7 11.38 10.48 10.73 +.05
LgCapValA m +5.4 -2.9 17.55 13.12 17.15 +.03 ShDurIncA m +1.5 +6.4 4.68 4.57 4.61 ... IntlBondC m +3.3 +7.6 7.01 6.04 6.69 +.07 InvGrBdI +1.2 +4.9 12.56 11.51 11.74 +.06 SPIndxRmt +6.8 +2.3 15.03 11.55 15.00 +.20 PacIdxAdm d -1.0 -.5 73.70 57.99 69.86 +1.28
Hussman ShDurIncC m +1.3 +5.7 4.71 4.60 4.64 ... IntlBondY +3.6 +8.8 7.04 6.06 6.71 +.06 LgCpVaEqI +5.3 +3.7 13.62 10.31 13.47 +.04 ScChEqR +5.9 +2.9 11.51 8.89 11.51 +.14 PacificId d -1.0 -.6 11.35 8.86 10.76 +.20
StrTotRet d +.6 +7.0 12.86 12.03 12.19 +.01 SmCpBlnA m +12.5 +1.9 17.07 11.71 17.07 +.43 IntlDivA m +3.7 +4.9 12.72 9.60 12.72 +.20 MdCpVlEqI +8.1 +8.8 12.91 9.20 12.80 +.09 SmCapEqRe d +9.4 +2.5 15.64 10.66 15.62 +.26
IntlDivC m +3.4 +4.1 12.45 9.41 12.45 +.19 PrecMtls d +5.6 +9.4 28.35 17.88 28.18 +.73
StratGrth d -.9 -.8 13.53 11.84 12.18 ... SmCpValA m +9.4 +6.4 34.72 23.99 34.38 +.51 SmCapEqI +6.7 +5.3 14.76 10.74 14.62 +.15 SmCpBlIdxRet d +8.1 +3.0 15.10 10.47 14.95 +.18
TotRetA m +1.7 +6.7 11.45 10.58 10.74 +.01 IntlGrY +7.9 +5.5 30.10 21.63 30.10 +.80 Prmcp d +6.7 +4.6 70.31 53.02 70.21 +1.35
ICON SmCapGrI +13.0 +1.7 17.39 11.41 17.39 +.29 Target
MFS IntlGrowA m +7.8 +5.0 30.24 21.73 30.24 +.80 TtlRetBndI +1.4 +6.8 11.17 10.28 10.45 +.01 SmCapVal +8.8 +5.4 22.64 16.32 22.41 +.23 PrmcpAdml d +6.7 +4.8 72.96 55.03 72.86 +1.40
Energy +12.6 +5.8 22.87 14.53 22.57 +.46
AggGrAlA m +6.7 +3.1 15.21 11.44 15.21 +.26 IntlSmCoA m -4.4 +5.2 24.84 15.75 23.56 +.35 USGovBndI +.4 +4.1 10.11 10.05 10.08 ... Templeton PrmcpCorI d +6.8 +5.3 14.70 11.11 14.70 +.27
ING IntlSmCoY -4.3 +5.6 24.68 15.60 23.43 +.35
CorpLeadB +12.0 +5.7 22.73 16.10 22.73 +.33 BondA m +3.1 +7.7 13.76 12.82 13.57 +.01 RiverNorth InFEqSeS +8.2 +4.1 21.73 16.36 21.69 +.33 REITIdx d +9.2 +3.0 19.94 14.75 19.94 +.34
ConAlocA m +3.8 +5.9 13.04 11.58 13.04 +.10 LmtTmMunA m +.8 +2.6 14.70 13.88 14.09 +.02 CoreOpp m +5.6 NA 12.86 11.85 12.86 +.13 REITIdxAd d +9.2 +3.1 85.07 62.93 85.07 +1.44
GNMAIncA m +1.4 +6.0 8.99 8.71 8.85 +.02 LmtTmMunC m +.5 +1.9 14.64 13.82 14.04 +.03 Thomas White
GlREstA m +5.2 +1.6 17.04 13.21 17.02 +.25 CoreEqA m +6.1 +3.9 18.86 14.18 18.81 +.26 RiverSource ThmsWIntl d +6.4 +3.3 18.33 13.62 18.33 +.34 STBond +.6 +5.1 10.77 10.47 10.54 ...
CoreGrA m +5.3 +2.4 18.75 14.14 18.52 +.39 LtdTmGovA m +.9 +3.3 9.47 9.29 9.41 +.01
IntlVal A m +6.8 -.1 12.56 9.85 12.42 +.17 LtdTmGovY +1.0 +3.6 9.46 9.29 9.40 ... ShDurUSA m +.4 +3.4 4.81 4.72 4.77 ... Thompson Plumb STBondAdm +.6 +5.1 10.77 10.47 10.54 ...
RussiaA m +8.9 +7.9 46.06 28.36 44.35 +.14 GlTotRtA m +5.3 +5.3 13.95 11.77 13.95 +.14 TxExHiIncA m +.7 +3.1 4.39 3.96 4.07 +.02 Bond +2.4 +8.4 11.63 11.26 11.54 +.01
GovtSecA m +.6 +5.9 10.46 9.99 10.13 ... LtdTmNY m +.5 +3.4 3.34 3.14 3.19 +.01 STCor +1.2 +5.0 10.91 10.66 10.76 +.01
TRPGrEqI +6.6 +4.1 58.73 42.62 58.06 +1.43 LtdTmNY m ... +2.6 3.32 3.13 3.17 +.01 Royce Thornburg
GrAllocA m +6.0 +4.2 14.75 11.63 14.75 +.20 STFed +.4 +5.0 11.03 10.69 10.77 ...
INVESCO MainSSMCA m +8.0 +2.0 22.20 15.89 22.06 +.28 LowStkSer m +8.0 +7.5 19.92 13.10 19.72 +.26 IncBldA m +5.7 +7.1 19.85 16.76 19.83 +.07
GrAllocB m +5.7 +3.5 14.57 11.48 14.57 +.20 MicrCapIv d +8.1 +7.6 19.27 13.18 19.00 +.14 STFedAdml +.5 +5.1 11.03 10.69 10.77 ...
AmerValA m +8.6 +5.3 29.65 21.92 29.52 +.17 GrAllocC m +5.6 +3.5 14.52 11.45 14.52 +.19 MainSSMCC m +7.7 +1.2 20.07 14.44 19.93 +.24 IncBldC m +5.6 +6.4 19.85 16.76 19.84 +.08
AsPacGrA m +6.2 +12.3 31.98 22.94 31.98 +.43 MainSSMCY +8.1 +2.4 23.33 16.70 23.18 +.29 OpportInv d +5.8 +4.0 13.10 8.66 12.78 +.16 IntlValA m +7.5 +5.6 30.11 22.32 30.11 +.46 STGradeAd +1.2 +5.1 10.91 10.66 10.76 +.01
GrowA m +5.7 +4.9 44.61 32.94 44.28 +.90 PAMutCnslt m +9.3 +3.6 11.71 8.20 11.60 +.15 STTsry +.3 +4.4 10.95 10.62 10.69 ...
BasBalA m +4.7 +.3 11.65 9.52 11.50 +.06 HiYLDOpA m +5.4 +6.7 6.58 5.89 6.58 +.01 MainStSelA m +.1 +.9 13.18 10.25 12.78 +.14 IntlValC m +7.2 +4.8 28.32 21.05 28.32 +.43
BasicValA m +5.4 -2.2 22.59 17.35 22.21 +.09 MainStrA m +3.4 +1.1 33.82 25.88 33.48 +.36 PAMutInv d +9.6 +4.6 12.89 9.00 12.77 +.16 LtdTMuA m +1.1 +4.2 14.34 13.83 13.98 +.05 STsryAdml +.4 +4.6 10.95 10.62 10.69 ...
HighIncA m +4.8 +6.7 3.55 3.20 3.55 ... PremierInv d +11.4 +7.9 22.77 15.59 22.67 +.37
CapDevA m +11.0 +1.9 18.20 12.71 18.20 +.56 HighIncI +4.8 +7.0 3.55 3.20 3.55 ... MainStrC m +3.1 +.4 32.68 24.99 32.31 +.34 LtdTMuC m +1.0 +3.9 14.37 13.85 14.01 +.06 SelValu d +8.3 +5.4 20.31 15.39 20.31 +.30
CharterA m +6.7 +5.0 17.25 13.78 17.25 +.10 ModInvA m +5.1 -.3 9.14 7.66 9.14 +.09 SpecEqInv d +6.5 +7.3 22.34 16.60 22.22 +.14 LtdTmIncA m +1.9 +6.0 13.51 13.01 13.21 ... SmCapIdx +9.6 +4.7 38.29 26.38 38.09 +.56
IntDivA m +6.0 +3.7 14.33 10.56 14.33 +.28 TotRetInv d +6.7 +4.0 14.17 10.49 14.03 +.11
ComstockA m +7.2 +2.5 16.96 12.78 16.80 +.14 IntlNDisA m +6.3 +5.1 23.24 16.64 23.24 +.48 PAMuniA m -.1 +1.2 11.37 9.89 10.15 +.05 Value A m +8.1 +3.6 37.64 27.99 36.59 +.20
ComstockB m +7.2 +2.2 16.94 12.78 16.80 +.14 ValPlSvc m +8.4 +2.5 14.58 10.56 14.55 +.33 SmCpIdAdm +9.6 +4.8 38.34 26.40 38.13 +.56
IntlNDisI +6.3 +5.4 23.87 17.09 23.87 +.50 QuBalA m +4.8 +2.2 16.21 13.29 16.21 +.25 Thrivent
ComstockC m +6.9 +1.7 16.94 12.78 16.81 +.14 QuOpportA m +3.6 +4.8 27.56 23.73 27.35 +.09 ValueSvc m +11.3 +7.0 14.19 9.58 14.08 +.15 HiYieldA m +5.0 +7.9 4.96 4.47 4.96 +.01 SmGthIdx +12.1 +6.0 24.59 16.13 24.58 +.48
IntlValA m +5.5 +3.0 25.94 20.11 25.94 +.39 SmGthIst +12.2 +6.1 24.64 16.16 24.64 +.49
ConstellA m +5.6 -1.7 24.75 18.32 24.59 +.53 LtdMatA m +1.0 +3.8 6.27 6.17 6.19 ... RisDivA m +7.1 +4.1 16.56 12.81 16.56 +.24 Russell IncomeA m +2.8 +6.0 8.85 8.26 8.77 +.01
ConstellB m +5.4 -2.4 22.22 16.53 22.05 +.47 MAInvA m +6.1 +3.9 20.43 15.86 20.40 +.25 RisDivY +7.2 +4.5 16.94 13.10 16.94 +.24 EmgMktsS +5.1 +9.5 21.89 15.76 21.89 +.43 LgCapStkA m +5.8 +.9 23.61 18.12 23.53 +.45 SmValIdx +7.0 +3.3 17.37 12.54 17.13 +.17
CorpBondA m +2.4 +6.4 6.95 6.50 6.80 ... MAInvC m +5.9 +3.2 19.75 15.32 19.70 +.24 RocMuniA m -2.0 +1.4 16.91 14.49 14.67 +.06 GlRelEstS +5.3 +1.6 37.73 29.56 37.73 +.58 MidCapA m +9.9 +4.4 16.55 11.32 16.49 +.24 Star +5.0 +4.5 20.04 16.71 20.04 +.22
CpGrA m +7.4 +6.1 14.64 10.63 14.49 +.36 MAInvGrA m +5.6 +4.3 16.12 12.17 16.12 +.27 RocMuniC m -2.2 +.5 16.88 14.47 14.64 +.06 GlbEqtyS +6.9 NA 9.49 7.05 9.49 +.20 MuniBdA m +1.4 +3.8 11.53 10.57 10.84 +.06 StratgcEq +12.2 +1.0 20.56 14.34 20.56 +.36
DevMkt A m +4.4 +10.4 34.55 25.75 34.55 +.43 MdCpValI +8.3 +3.7 14.50 10.35 14.44 +.17 RochNtlMC m -.1 -6.0 7.36 6.25 6.48 +.02 InvGrdBdS +1.6 NA 22.89 21.41 21.84 +.03 Tocqueville
DivDivA m +5.6 +4.0 13.06 10.32 12.89 +.09 ItlDvMktS +6.6 NA 33.76 25.14 33.76 +.67 TgtRe2005 +3.4 +5.1 12.13 11.00 12.13 +.06
MidCapGrI +7.7 +.4 10.12 7.15 10.12 +.19 RochNtlMu m +.2 -5.2 7.37 6.27 6.50 +.03 Gold m +5.0 +17.8 91.56 60.44 90.83 +2.31
DivDivInv b +5.6 +4.1 13.06 10.32 12.89 +.09 SmMidValA m +8.3 +2.2 34.69 24.73 34.69 +.50 ShDurBdS +1.2 +4.7 19.51 19.02 19.36 +.02 TgtRe2010 +4.1 NA 23.23 20.24 23.23 +.17
ModAllocA m +4.9 +5.2 14.04 11.74 14.04 +.15 Tocquevil m +5.8 +2.5 24.08 18.49 23.87 +.17
DivGrowB m +6.3 +.2 13.79 10.82 13.67 +.10 ModAllocC m +4.7 +4.5 13.87 11.58 13.87 +.15 SrFltRatA m +3.0 +4.5 8.42 8.05 8.41 ... StratBdS +2.1 NA 11.32 10.68 10.91 +.01 TgtRe2015 +4.6 +4.7 12.99 11.03 12.99 +.12
DynInv b +10.3 +3.2 24.55 16.86 24.55 +.76 Touchstone
MuHiIncA f ... +2.5 7.78 7.03 7.13 +.02 SrFltRatC m +2.9 +4.0 8.43 7.97 8.42 ... TaxExBdS +1.2 +4.1 22.80 21.61 21.90 +.11 MdCpGrA m +10.1 +5.1 25.32 17.45 25.32 +.57 TgtRe2020 +5.0 NA 23.21 19.27 23.21 +.24
EnergyA m +12.5 +7.6 47.82 29.13 46.58 +1.14 MuIncA m +.3 +3.6 8.59 7.79 7.94 +.03 StrIncA m +4.7 +7.4 4.42 3.99 4.41 +.02 TxMgdLgCS +7.3 +2.4 21.13 15.52 21.06 +.37 TgtRe2030 +5.9 NA 22.96 18.26 22.96 +.28
EnergyInv b +12.5 +7.6 47.65 29.02 46.42 +1.14 StrIncY +4.8 +7.7 4.42 3.99 4.40 +.02 USCoreEqS +6.1 NA 29.94 22.31 29.59 +.35 Transamerica
MuLtdMtA m +1.0 +3.8 8.10 7.84 7.91 +.02 AssAllCvA m +4.1 +4.5 11.65 10.30 11.65 +.09 TgtRe2035 +6.3 +3.7 13.92 10.88 13.92 +.18
EnterprsA m +7.3 +6.2 18.98 13.82 18.79 +.47 NewDiscA m +11.0 +8.7 26.62 17.54 26.48 +.44 StratIncC m +4.5 +6.6 4.42 3.98 4.40 +.02 USQntvEqS +9.7 NA 31.41 23.47 31.41 +.55
EqIncomeA m +5.4 +4.4 9.14 7.32 9.01 +.05 USGovtA m +1.3 +5.1 9.65 9.17 9.37 ... USSmMdCpS +8.8 NA 25.05 17.14 24.84 +.38 AssAllCvC m +4.0 +3.9 11.58 10.25 11.58 +.09 TgtRe2040 +6.4 NA 22.88 17.83 22.88 +.31
NewDiscI +11.1 +9.0 27.94 18.37 27.79 +.47 AssAllGrA m +6.5 +1.4 12.77 9.68 12.77 +.21 TgtRe2045 +6.4 +3.7 14.37 11.25 14.37 +.20
EqIncomeB m +5.3 +4.1 8.96 7.18 8.84 +.05 ResBdA m +1.9 +6.4 10.68 10.21 10.51 ... ValueA m +7.3 +2.3 23.63 17.37 23.42 +.15 Russell LifePoints
EqIncomeC m +5.1 +3.6 9.00 7.21 8.88 +.05 ValueY +7.4 +2.7 24.10 17.73 23.88 +.14 AssAllGrC m +6.3 +.8 12.48 9.47 12.48 +.20 TgtRe2050 +6.4 NA 22.77 17.88 22.77 +.31
ResBondI +2.0 +6.6 10.69 10.21 10.52 +.01 BalStrA m +5.2 +3.8 10.94 9.21 10.94 +.13 AstAlMdGrA m +5.6 +3.0 12.57 10.16 12.57 +.17
EqWSP500A m +8.6 +4.2 33.39 24.54 33.39 +.47 ResIntlA m +7.4 +2.2 16.35 11.86 16.35 +.32 Osterweis BalStrC b +5.0 +3.1 10.85 9.14 10.85 +.13 TgtRetInc +3.2 +5.7 11.58 10.56 11.58 +.06
EuroGrA m +10.1 +3.8 33.82 24.00 33.82 +.72 AstAlMdGrC m +5.5 +2.3 12.52 10.11 12.52 +.17
ResIntlI +7.6 +2.5 16.88 12.24 16.88 +.33 OsterStrInc d +2.7 +8.0 11.92 11.32 11.84 +.01 BalStrE +5.2 +3.8 10.97 9.23 10.97 +.13 AstAlModA m +4.9 +4.0 12.23 10.38 12.23 +.13 Tgtet2025 +5.5 +4.1 13.31 10.82 13.31 +.15
FloatRtA m +2.8 +3.2 7.88 7.34 7.85 ... ResearchA m +5.5 +3.7 26.49 19.94 26.33 +.39 Osterweis d +6.5 +4.6 28.86 23.18 28.86 +.20 BalStrS +5.3 +4.1 11.03 9.29 11.03 +.13
GlHlthCrA m +11.8 +4.0 29.86 23.28 29.86 +.28 AstAlModC m +4.7 +3.3 12.18 10.33 12.18 +.13 TotBdAdml +.9 +6.2 10.94 10.43 10.59 +.01
ResearchI +5.6 +4.0 26.97 20.31 26.82 +.40 PIMCO BlStrR3 b +5.2 +3.6 10.97 9.23 10.97 +.13 TransEqA m +6.6 +.3 10.20 7.47 10.17 +.24 TotBdMkInv +.9 +6.1 10.94 10.43 10.59 +.01
GlHlthCrI m +11.8 +4.0 29.87 23.28 29.87 +.28 TotRetA m +4.3 +3.5 14.63 12.61 14.63 +.07 AllAssetA m +5.0 +6.7 12.77 11.67 12.52 +.08 EqGrStrC b +6.6 +.6 9.23 7.07 9.23 +.15
GlS&MGrA m +8.4 +4.1 20.62 15.20 20.62 +.49 GrStrA m +6.2 +2.8 10.52 8.39 10.52 +.16 Transamerica Partner TotIntl d +6.2 +2.9 16.74 12.34 16.74 +.31
TotRetB m +4.0 +2.8 14.64 12.61 14.63 +.07 AllAssetC m +4.7 +5.9 12.63 11.55 12.38 +.08 CoreBd b +1.4 +6.1 11.17 10.68 10.83 +.02
GlobEqA m +8.0 -.4 11.60 8.65 11.60 +.21 TotRetC m +4.0 +2.8 14.70 12.66 14.69 +.07 AllAssetsD b +5.1 +6.8 12.79 11.69 12.54 +.08 GrStrC b +6.0 +2.0 10.38 8.30 10.38 +.15 TotStIAdm +7.4 +3.2 33.84 25.37 33.75 +.45
GlobFranA m +9.9 +7.3 23.69 17.92 23.69 +.45 GrStrR3 b +6.3 +2.5 10.56 8.42 10.56 +.16 CrBond b +1.2 +5.7 13.19 12.63 12.83 +.02 TotStIdx +7.3 +3.1 33.83 25.36 33.74 +.45
UtilA m +9.3 +10.1 17.84 13.49 17.84 +.25 AllAuthA m +5.0 +7.5 11.28 10.41 10.97 +.07 StockIdx b +6.8 +2.3 9.00 6.84 8.94 +.11
GovtSecsA m +.4 +3.2 9.87 9.44 9.56 +.01 UtilC m +9.0 +9.2 17.77 13.45 17.77 +.24 AllAuthC m +4.7 +6.7 11.19 10.34 10.88 +.08 Rydex TxMBal d +4.4 +4.3 20.71 18.15 20.71 +.20
GrowIncA m +6.5 +2.8 20.81 15.61 20.41 +.15 ValueA m +6.6 +2.8 24.39 19.03 24.25 +.15 CmRlRtStA m +10.9 +4.4 9.89 7.15 9.89 +.22 GovStrInv +.1 -7.3 14.55 11.51 12.94 ... Trust for Credit Un
HiYldA m +4.1 +8.4 4.33 3.96 4.33 ... TCUShDur +.3 +3.9 9.79 9.66 9.73 ... TxMCap d +7.4 +2.8 33.38 25.17 33.38 +.48
ValueC m +6.4 +2.1 24.18 18.86 24.02 +.14 CmRlRtStC m +10.6 +3.7 9.69 7.03 9.69 +.20 Nsdq100Iv +6.9 +6.4 15.64 11.31 15.47 +.45 TxMGI d +6.9 +2.5 29.33 22.29 29.16 +.38
HiYldMuA m -.1 +1.6 9.67 8.64 8.80 +.03 ValueI +6.7 +3.1 24.50 19.11 24.36 +.16 CmRlRtStD b +10.8 +4.4 9.91 7.17 9.91 +.21 TCUUltrShGov +.2 +3.3 9.62 9.58 9.60 ...
HiYldMuC m -.4 +.8 9.65 8.63 8.78 +.03 Rydex/SGI TxMIn d +6.6 +1.4 12.34 9.22 12.34 +.23
MainStay EmgMktA m +1.7 +7.8 11.66 10.36 11.12 ... MCapValA m +8.3 +5.6 35.65 26.44 35.03 +.26 Turner
InsTaxFA m +.9 +1.2 16.79 15.24 15.61 +.07 ForUnhgD b +4.3 +9.3 11.62 9.72 10.94 +.17 MidGrInv +12.1 +4.7 39.48 25.89 39.48 +1.04 TxMSCInv d +8.0 +3.5 29.65 20.91 29.34 +.35
IntlGrA m +7.2 +4.3 29.54 21.92 29.54 +.43 ConvertA m +7.1 +7.1 17.16 13.31 17.14 +.21 MgFtrStrH b +3.6 NA 26.76 23.75 26.70 +.10
FltgRateA m +1.8 +3.9 9.55 9.14 9.53 ... GNMA A m +1.3 +7.0 11.61 11.10 11.50 +.02 SEI Tweedy Browne USGro +8.2 +2.1 19.75 14.60 19.75 +.50
LrgCapGrA m +7.1 +2.4 13.01 9.53 12.86 +.32 Hi-YldD b +4.2 +7.3 9.51 8.68 9.50 ... GlobVal d +4.2 +3.4 24.81 20.15 24.81 +.31 USGroAdml +8.3 +2.3 51.15 37.83 51.15 +1.29
MidCapGrA m +9.6 +6.8 32.63 22.79 32.63 +1.00 HiYldCorA m +4.0 +7.0 6.02 5.61 6.02 +.01 DlyShDurA +.7 +4.7 10.72 10.53 10.63 +.01
HiYldCorC m +3.7 +6.1 5.99 5.59 5.99 +.01 HiYldA m +4.2 +7.3 9.51 8.68 9.50 ... SSGA Tweedy, Browne USValue +9.0 +.2 11.07 8.37 11.01 +.11
MidCpCrA m +7.8 +5.7 24.98 19.97 24.98 +.24 HiYldC m +4.0 +6.5 9.51 8.68 9.50 ... Value +4.3 +4.0 19.75 16.20 19.75 +.17
MuniIncA m +.5 +2.0 13.56 12.23 12.49 +.05 LgCapGrA m +8.8 +5.6 7.67 5.45 7.67 +.19 EmgMkts b +5.9 +7.5 23.90 17.07 23.90 +.50 ValIdxAdm +7.6 +1.5 22.42 17.23 22.25 +.18
Mairs & Power LowDrA m +1.7 +5.5 10.77 10.27 10.50 +.02 EmgMktsSel b +6.0 +7.7 23.99 17.13 23.99 +.51 UBS
PacGrowB m +1.2 +3.3 22.75 17.66 22.58 +.49 LowDrC m +1.6 +5.0 10.77 10.27 10.50 +.02 ValueIdx +7.6 +1.4 22.42 17.23 22.25 +.18
RealEstA m +8.0 +2.5 23.09 17.40 23.09 +.39 GrthInv +5.8 +3.5 76.68 61.08 76.36 +.82 IntlStkSl b +7.3 +.3 10.90 8.10 10.83 +.20 GlobAllA m +4.2 +2.6 10.40 8.65 10.40 +.15
LowDurD b +1.7 +5.6 10.77 10.27 10.50 +.02 VdHiDivIx +7.5 NA 17.86 13.87 17.86 +.16
SP500IdxA m +6.8 +2.1 14.49 11.04 14.46 +.19 Managers S&P500Idx b +6.8 +2.4 22.13 16.82 21.99 +.29 UBS PACE
RealRetD b +3.3 +6.8 11.91 10.98 11.63 -.01 AltStrP d +2.3 +.1 9.91 9.03 9.64 +.07 WellsI +3.9 +6.8 22.36 20.27 22.36 +.10
SmCapEqA m +12.3 +5.1 13.83 9.20 13.74 +.23 AMGFQGlAA m +4.9 +2.0 10.84 9.58 10.05 -.01 Schwab
Bond +3.6 +7.7 26.39 24.82 26.21 +.01 RealRtnA m +3.3 +6.8 11.91 10.98 11.63 -.01 GlFxIP d +4.6 +7.3 12.43 10.54 12.20 +.14 WellsIAdm +4.0 +6.9 54.17 49.10 54.17 +.23
SmCapGrA m +13.3 +5.7 32.38 21.79 32.38 +.62 RealRtnC m +3.1 +6.2 11.91 10.98 11.63 -.01 1000Inv d +7.2 +2.8 39.85 30.66 39.85 +.54
SmCapValA m +7.4 +7.8 19.39 14.03 19.35 +.42 MgrsPIMCOBd +2.3 +7.9 10.76 10.13 10.55 +.02 CoreEqInv d +8.7 +2.4 18.35 13.72 18.30 +.19 GvtSecP d +1.2 +6.6 13.84 12.94 13.11 -.02 Welltn +5.1 +5.6 32.57 27.37 32.48 +.19
ShtTermA m +.8 +3.3 9.95 9.85 9.91 ... IntlEqP d +7.7 -.4 13.77 10.46 13.77 +.26 WelltnAdm +5.1 +5.7 56.25 47.28 56.10 +.34
SmCpGrA m +11.9 +3.6 12.41 8.61 12.41 +.23 Manning & Napier ShtTermD b +.8 +3.4 9.95 9.85 9.91 ... DivEqSel d +7.6 +2.7 13.77 10.70 13.77 +.12
Summit b +6.3 +1.4 12.57 9.42 12.57 +.26 PBConTrmS +2.6 +6.0 13.55 12.41 13.20 +.06 FUSLgCInl d +6.8 NA 10.36 7.80 10.30 +.09 LgCoVlP d +6.3 +1.5 18.00 13.68 17.79 +.11 WndsIIAdm +7.5 +1.9 49.12 37.70 48.96 +.49
TotRetA m +2.1 +8.2 11.77 10.69 10.98 +.01 LrCoGrP d +7.3 +3.4 19.41 14.07 19.41 +.45
TaxESecY +.8 +3.1 11.21 10.05 10.33 +.05 PBExtTrmS +4.9 +5.3 16.27 13.45 16.27 +.15 TotRetB m +1.9 +7.4 11.77 10.69 10.98 +.01 FUSSMCIns d +7.2 NA 11.68 7.99 11.51 +.12 Wndsr +6.1 +.9 14.59 10.78 14.34 +.10
TechInv b +8.0 +4.1 36.18 24.41 35.00 +1.15 PBMaxTrmS +5.4 +4.5 17.45 13.34 17.37 +.20 GNMA +1.3 +6.2 10.45 10.04 10.24 +.02 PcIntFIP d +1.0 +5.1 12.24 11.71 11.94 -.01
TotRetC m +1.9 +7.4 11.77 10.69 10.98 +.01 SmMdGrP d +12.0 +5.0 17.90 11.79 17.88 +.38 WndsrAdml +6.2 +1.0 49.23 36.35 48.41 +.37
TxFrInmA3 m +1.2 +4.4 11.59 10.92 11.12 +.06 PBModTrmS +4.0 +5.2 13.37 11.72 13.37 +.10 TotRetrnD b +2.1 +8.3 11.77 10.69 10.98 +.01 HlthCFoc d +12.4 +4.8 17.83 13.49 17.83 +.30
USMortA m +1.6 +4.5 13.22 12.83 13.08 +.03 WrldOppA +8.5 +5.5 9.34 7.00 9.34 +.21 IntlIndex d +7.9 +1.5 18.59 13.92 18.59 +.33 SmMdVlP d +7.4 +3.3 18.71 13.34 18.56 +.22 WndsrII +7.4 +1.8 27.67 21.24 27.58 +.27
USSmValY d +7.7 +8.3 29.09 20.24 29.03 +.64 PRIMECAP Odyssey MktTrAlEq d +7.5 +2.5 12.77 9.58 12.77 +.18 StrFInP d +1.7 +8.4 15.06 13.94 14.13 -.05 Vantagepoint
Marsico AggGr d +11.5 +8.1 18.37 13.54 18.37 +.22
Ivy 21stCent m +5.5 +1.4 15.35 11.14 15.04 +.07 MktTrBal d +4.8 +3.2 15.92 13.43 15.92 +.15 US Global Investors AggrOpp +6.8 +4.2 12.20 9.12 12.11 +.16
Growth d +9.4 +5.5 16.85 12.44 16.85 +.27 PremInc d +1.1 NA 10.54 10.14 10.28 ... EastEuro m +8.0 -.5 11.94 7.92 11.68 +.02
AssetSTrB m +9.0 +8.4 25.74 19.43 25.74 +.86 FlexCap m +6.8 NA 14.55 10.07 14.55 +.16 Stock d +6.7 +3.8 15.12 11.83 15.12 +.25 AllEqGr +7.1 +2.7 21.22 16.04 21.22 +.29
AssetStrA m +9.3 +9.3 26.68 20.02 26.68 +.89 Focus m +5.6 +2.3 19.27 13.80 19.11 +.43 S&P500Sel d +6.9 +2.6 20.95 16.07 20.92 +.28 GlobRes m +6.3 +4.4 13.01 8.17 12.66 +.20
Parnassus BrMktIx +7.0 +2.9 11.00 8.32 10.99 +.14
AssetStrC m +9.0 +8.4 25.87 19.51 25.87 +.86 Grow m +7.4 +1.9 20.80 14.86 20.80 +.50 SmCapIdx d +8.7 +4.8 23.18 16.02 22.94 +.28 WrldPrcMnr m -.8 +9.8 22.94 14.74 22.10 +.42
EqIncInv +5.7 +6.9 28.22 22.33 27.79 +.20 TaxFreeBd +1.7 +4.5 11.72 10.95 11.18 +.06 USAA ConsGro +3.8 +4.3 24.52 21.73 24.52 +.15
AssetStrY m +9.3 +9.3 26.73 20.06 26.73 +.90 MassMutual
GlNatResA m +13.7 +5.1 24.63 15.21 24.58 +.82 Parnassus +6.0 +6.3 45.09 31.93 42.98 +.73 TotBdMkt +.9 +3.3 9.45 9.03 9.19 +.01 AggGrow +7.8 +2.0 35.57 25.76 35.57 +.86 CorBdIxI +1.0 +5.8 10.40 9.95 10.11 +.02
PremIntlEqtyS +8.0 +4.8 15.58 11.24 15.58 +.42
GlNatResC m +13.5 +4.3 21.36 13.26 21.31 +.70 SelFundmtlValS +5.7 +3.7 11.20 8.58 11.09 +.08 Pax World TotStkMSl d +7.3 +3.2 24.42 18.46 24.42 +.33 BalStrat +6.9 +3.8 14.21 11.77 14.21 +.15 EqInc +8.3 +3.0 9.38 7.19 9.36 +.08
GlNatResI d +13.8 NA 25.12 15.47 25.07 +.83 SelGlAlcS +5.1 NA 11.34 9.41 11.34 +.13 Bal b +6.5 +2.8 23.81 18.74 23.81 +.30 Scout CABond -.3 +2.0 10.51 9.13 9.38 +.06 GrInc +6.5 +2.8 10.39 7.87 10.30 +.11
GlbNatrlY m +13.7 +5.3 24.93 15.38 24.88 +.82 SelIndxEqS +6.8 +2.1 12.53 9.59 12.51 +.17 Payden Interntl d +6.8 +5.3 34.57 25.58 34.57 +.76 CapGrowth +6.5 +.4 7.16 5.42 7.16 +.13 Growth +5.0 +.7 9.34 7.02 9.22 +.17
HiIncA m +4.6 +9.4 8.69 8.11 8.48 -.01 SelIndxEqZ +6.8 +2.3 12.52 9.59 12.50 +.17 CoreBd +1.4 +5.4 10.75 10.31 10.52 +.01 Selected Cornerst +6.3 +4.0 24.03 19.93 24.03 +.28 InfltnPrt +3.0 +6.3 11.64 10.75 11.25 -.02
HiIncC m +4.4 +8.6 8.69 8.11 8.48 -.01 SelLgCapValS +5.5 +1.7 11.23 8.75 11.18 +.04 EmMktBd d +2.3 +8.0 15.02 13.40 14.41 +.04 AmerShS b +5.4 +1.8 43.88 34.31 43.69 +.19 EmergMkt +2.9 +8.2 22.33 16.37 22.25 +.39
GNMA +1.2 +6.6 10.60 10.14 10.32 +.01 ExtMktIdx +8.6 +4.7 13.78 9.87 13.72 +.19 Intl +7.8 +1.0 10.07 7.53 10.07 +.19
IntlValA m +6.7 +5.7 17.69 12.71 17.69 +.36 SelMdCpGrEqIIA m+9.6 +6.3 16.40 11.55 16.40 +.28 American D +5.5 +2.1 43.89 34.33 43.70 +.19
LgCpGrA m +6.6 +3.3 14.05 10.40 13.85 +.42 SelMdCpGrEqIIL +9.7 +6.6 16.86 11.85 16.86 +.29 HighInc d +4.2 +6.0 7.41 6.80 7.41 +.02 GNMA +1.0 +6.0 10.33 10.03 10.17 +.01 LgTmGro +5.7 +3.7 22.64 18.31 22.64 +.24
LtdTmBdA m +.6 +5.4 11.37 11.00 11.08 ... SelMdCpGrEqIIS +9.8 +6.8 17.31 12.14 17.31 +.30 ShortBd +.9 +4.3 10.25 10.04 10.15 +.01 Grow +5.8 -.1 15.56 11.64 15.56 +.36 LoDurBd +.9 +4.4 10.18 9.98 10.08 +.01
MuniNatA m +.8 +3.7 8.05 7.20 7.43 +.05
PacOppA m +6.8 +10.0 17.85 12.97 17.85 +.40 SlSmGrEqS +12.8 +4.9 19.45 13.39 19.45 +.31 Permanent GrowInc +6.4 +1.5 16.05 12.03 15.97 +.23 Mlst2015 +4.7 +4.0 10.84 9.20 10.84 +.09
Sentinel HYOpp +5.7 +8.4 8.75 7.81 8.75 +.02
ScTechA m +10.9 +9.4 35.15 26.06 34.94 +.75 MassMutual Inst Portfolio +6.7 +10.1 48.87 39.10 48.87 +.70 CmnStkA m +7.2 +3.9 33.58 25.50 33.58 +.35 TradGro +4.8 +3.9 23.24 19.53 23.24 +.20
ScTechY m +10.8 +9.5 36.61 27.12 36.38 +.77 PremCoreBndS +1.6 +6.5 11.17 10.52 11.13 +.01 Perritt Income +1.8 +6.7 13.09 12.57 12.85 +.01
GovtSecA m +.8 +6.5 11.24 10.34 10.50 -.02 IncomeStk +9.1 -.1 13.01 9.76 13.01 +.20 Victory
JPMorgan Masters’ Select MicroCap d +5.5 +2.1 29.58 21.04 28.95 +.05 ShMatGovA m +.5 +4.5 9.38 9.17 9.21 -.01
CoreBondA m +1.2 +6.6 11.75 11.22 11.50 +.01 IntermBd +3.5 +7.3 10.52 9.88 10.50 +.01 DivrStkA f +4.0 +2.1 16.59 12.43 16.21 +.16
IntlIntl d +9.0 +4.9 16.40 11.32 16.40 +.34 Pioneer SmallCoA m +12.0 +5.6 8.68 6.12 8.68 +.11
CoreBondC m +1.0 +6.0 11.81 11.27 11.55 +.01 Bond A m +2.5 +7.0 9.74 9.34 9.65 +.01 Intl +7.9 +4.2 26.24 19.10 26.24 +.77 SpecValA f +6.8 +2.7 17.42 12.70 17.39 +.34
Matthews Asian Sequoia PrcMtlMin +.5 +18.6 43.83 31.25 43.09 +1.13
DiversMidCapGrA m+8.9 +4.8 23.41 16.11 23.41 +.47 China d +5.8 +19.4 31.71 22.71 31.07 +.22 CulValA m +6.8 +1.8 19.39 15.23 19.39 +.20 Virtus
Sequoia +12.3 +5.5 145.57 112.47 145.21 +1.23 S&P500M +6.3 +2.2 20.18 15.33 20.03 +.26
EqIdxA m +6.8 +2.1 30.53 23.22 30.36 +.40 GrInc d +2.4 +9.4 18.64 15.25 18.47 +.26 CulValC m +6.6 +1.0 19.19 15.05 19.19 +.19 BalA m +5.6 +4.3 14.11 11.30 14.10 +.23
GovtBdA m +.8 +6.1 11.32 10.64 10.85 ... Sit ShTmBond +.9 +5.2 9.27 9.13 9.18 ...
India d -4.0 +12.1 23.02 16.54 20.64 -.08 EqInc A m +8.3 +2.9 27.48 20.80 27.34 +.27 ForOppA m +6.7 +3.1 23.80 18.56 23.80 +.43
HighStatA m +2.0 +1.4 15.81 14.95 15.32 -.02 LrgCapGr d +5.5 +3.1 44.65 34.58 44.57 +1.03 SmCapStk +8.0 +3.2 14.84 10.45 14.79 +.19
PacEqInc d +1.4 NA 14.58 11.85 14.43 +.22 GlobHiYA m +5.7 +7.8 10.91 9.61 10.91 +.02 MulSStA m +3.1 +6.5 4.89 4.60 4.89 +.01
HighYldA m +4.7 +8.7 8.39 7.61 8.37 +.02 USGovSec +1.3 +6.0 11.36 11.08 11.33 +.02 TaxEInt +1.5 +4.0 13.28 12.34 12.63 +.06
PacTiger d +3.5 +12.2 24.26 17.70 24.26 +.32 GlobHiYC m +5.5 +7.0 10.87 9.58 10.87 +.02
InvBalA m +4.3 +5.0 12.68 10.95 12.68 +.11 GrOppA m +10.5 +2.5 30.14 21.40 30.14 +.48 Sound Shore TaxELgTm +.9 +2.8 13.32 11.87 12.25 +.07 MulSStC b +3.2 +6.2 4.94 4.64 4.94 +.01
InvConGrA m +3.1 +5.2 11.44 10.44 11.44 +.06 Merger SoundShor +5.8 +2.1 34.47 25.73 33.65 +.42 TaxEShTm +1.0 +3.7 10.77 10.57 10.63 +.02 MulSStT m +3.1 +5.7 4.93 4.63 4.93 +.01
Merger m +2.8 +4.3 16.22 15.31 16.22 ... HiYldA m +7.1 +7.7 10.73 8.86 10.73 +.08
InvConGrC m +2.8 +4.6 11.40 10.41 11.40 +.06 HiYldC m +6.9 +7.0 10.91 9.00 10.91 +.08 Spectra TgtRt2030 +5.6 NA 12.01 9.91 12.01 +.16 RealEstA m +9.4 +2.6 30.40 22.20 30.40 +.54
InvGrInA m +5.2 +4.2 13.40 10.99 13.40 +.15 Meridian IndependA m +8.5 +1.1 12.18 8.74 12.18 +.29 Spectra A m +9.4 +10.4 13.33 9.47 13.33 +.28 TgtRt2040 +6.4 NA 11.71 9.17 11.71 +.21
MeridnGr d +7.4 +7.7 48.01 33.72 47.91 +.43 VABond +1.5 +3.0 11.21 10.20 10.56 +.06 Waddell & Reed
InvGrowA m +6.2 +3.3 14.29 11.14 14.29 +.20 MidCpValA m +7.1 +3.0 22.63 17.02 22.63 +.26 Stadion
MidCapVal m +6.7 +4.1 24.77 18.63 24.67 +.21 Value d +4.2 +3.2 30.39 22.54 30.12 +.34 Value +8.3 +2.8 14.56 10.89 14.55 +.24 DivOppsA m +6.8 +2.6 15.96 11.48 15.80 +.30
MuniA m +.2 +2.8 13.69 12.07 12.39 +.07 MgdPortA m -1.1 NA 11.00 9.41 10.18 -.13
SmCapEqA m +9.4 +7.4 36.95 27.07 36.95 +.40 Metropolitan West PioneerA m +5.2 +2.4 43.36 32.45 43.03 +.35 State Farm WorldGro +7.2 +5.1 20.04 15.01 20.04 +.43 Waddell & Reed Adv
SmCapEqR5 +9.5 NA 40.25 29.41 40.25 +.43 Hi-YldBdM b +5.4 +9.7 11.00 10.07 10.99 ... SmCapEq m +11.7 +6.3 32.37 21.94 32.37 +.60 Balanced +4.3 +5.1 56.43 48.83 56.43 +.46 Unified AccumA m +6.8 +2.8 8.09 5.90 8.00 +.14
James Advantage LowDurBd b +1.8 +3.4 8.67 8.29 8.67 ... StratIncA m +3.3 +8.3 11.14 10.45 11.13 +.02 Growth +6.5 +4.0 56.49 44.03 56.49 +.73 Wntergrn m +5.1 +6.8 14.73 11.04 14.73 +.29 AssetStrA m +9.2 +9.6 10.19 7.75 10.19 +.34
GoldRainA b +3.2 +6.0 20.65 18.22 20.65 +.14 TotRtBd b +2.1 +8.4 10.79 10.26 10.46 +.01 StratIncC m +3.0 +7.5 10.90 10.22 10.89 +.01 MuniBond +2.2 +5.0 8.91 8.35 8.55 +.05 VALIC Co I BondA m +.6 +4.8 6.46 6.13 6.20 ...
Janus Morgan Stanley ValueA m +5.0 -2.4 12.22 9.50 11.96 +.09 Stratton ForgnVal +8.7 +3.4 10.09 7.38 10.04 +.12
FocGrA m +9.1 +6.7 38.91 26.34 38.91 +.98 ContIncA m +6.4 +6.4 8.71 6.83 8.71 +.14
BalC m +5.3 NA 26.29 22.89 26.29 +.24 Principal SmCapVal d +9.3 +2.4 54.36 38.32 54.24 +.60 GlobStrat +7.1 +7.6 12.05 9.76 12.05 +.12
StrategiA m +5.6 +4.3 17.04 13.74 17.04 +.24 IGrowth +7.9 +4.2 11.87 8.69 11.87 +.27 CoreInv A m +8.2 +5.0 6.49 4.68 6.45 +.11
BalJ +5.5 +6.8 26.33 23.33 26.33 +.25 BdMtgInst +2.9 +5.0 10.63 9.98 10.53 +.01 T Rowe Price
BalS b +5.4 NA 26.33 22.91 26.33 +.24 USGovSecB m +1.2 +3.1 9.58 8.43 8.59 +.01 CaptApprtnA m +5.9 +3.3 41.14 32.20 40.81 +.45 IntlEq +6.5 +.2 6.85 5.14 6.85 +.12 GlbBondA m +1.4 +6.1 4.08 3.93 4.04 ...
Balanced +5.1 +4.9 20.26 16.65 20.21 +.22
ContrJ +3.1 +1.8 15.36 12.32 15.09 +.17 Muhlenkamp DivIntI +6.0 +.6 10.73 7.75 10.73 +.24 BlChpGAdv b +6.7 +3.7 41.32 29.78 40.67 +.98 IntlGrI +7.9 +3.9 12.01 8.64 12.01 +.29 GovtSecA m +.1 +4.7 5.92 5.53 5.59 ...
EntrprsJ +7.6 +7.0 63.62 44.79 63.62 +.89 Muhlenkmp +6.1 -4.6 57.06 46.64 57.06 +.89 EqIncA m +6.4 +2.2 18.46 14.67 18.44 +.10 BlChpGr +6.8 +3.9 41.37 29.79 40.74 +.99 LgCapGr +6.4 +3.1 12.40 9.17 12.29 +.30 HiIncA m +5.3 +7.9 7.29 6.58 7.29 +.01
FlxBdJ +2.2 +7.9 11.06 10.34 10.52 +.01 Munder Funds HiYldA m +4.6 +9.0 8.24 7.62 8.16 +.01 CapApprec +5.2 +5.8 21.38 17.72 21.37 +.10 MdCpIdx +10.0 +5.5 22.69 15.91 22.57 +.29 IntlGrowA m +7.8 +4.4 10.39 7.34 10.39 +.24
FortyA m +3.5 +4.7 35.46 28.15 34.91 +.60 MdCpCrGrA m +7.9 +3.9 30.36 21.78 30.10 +.47 HiYldC m +4.5 +8.1 8.30 7.67 8.22 +.01 CorpInc +2.2 +6.3 10.11 9.39 9.69 ... Scie&Tech +9.4 +6.9 17.81 12.11 17.53 +.45
SmCpIdx +8.1 +3.0 15.69 10.85 15.53 +.19 MuniBondA m +.7 +4.4 7.45 6.88 7.00 +.03
FortyS b +3.4 +4.5 34.98 27.80 34.43 +.58 Nations HiYldII +5.1 +10.0 11.77 10.33 11.27 +.03 DivGrow +6.8 +3.6 24.52 18.76 24.36 +.22
Gr&IncJ +7.9 +.1 32.90 25.62 32.90 +.52 InfProI +3.3 +1.1 8.28 7.70 8.14 -.03 StockIdx +6.9 +2.2 26.55 20.61 26.50 +.35 MuniHiInA m +.1 +3.3 4.89 4.50 4.53 +.01
LgCpIxZ +6.9 +2.4 26.01 19.85 25.97 +.35 DivrSmCap d +13.1 +6.5 17.89 11.50 17.89 +.34
HiYldJ d +4.3 +8.4 9.29 8.31 9.28 +.01 IntIInst +6.8 +.9 12.32 8.92 12.32 +.28 VALIC Co II NewCncptA m +9.9 +8.9 12.34 8.71 12.34 +.23
Nationwide EmEurMed d +2.8 +1.5 24.84 16.30 24.09 +.11
J +4.2 +2.7 30.76 23.93 30.37 +.40 DesModSvc b +4.8 +3.5 9.82 8.27 9.82 +.09 IntlGrthI +6.1 -1.4 9.53 6.98 9.53 +.24 EmMktBd d +2.6 +8.3 13.86 12.37 13.34 ... IntSmCpEq +4.9 +.4 14.28 10.20 14.28 +.24 SciTechA m +9.9 +8.4 11.54 8.54 11.42 +.25
OrionJ d +3.9 +6.3 12.81 9.24 12.33 +.15 FundD m +7.0 +.5 14.50 11.06 14.48 +.16 L/T2010I +5.5 +3.1 11.78 9.90 11.78 +.13 EmMktStk d +4.8 +7.6 36.99 26.50 36.99 +.81 MdCpVal +6.3 +3.5 18.07 13.11 17.94 +.26 SmCapA m +12.2 +7.3 17.39 11.65 17.35 +.32
OverseasJ d +.2 +8.5 53.66 39.62 50.76 +.35 IDAggSrv b +7.0 +2.3 9.15 6.96 9.15 +.13 L/T2020I +6.1 +3.2 12.37 10.02 12.37 +.16 EqIndex d +6.9 +2.3 36.25 27.55 36.05 +.48 SmCpVal +9.7 +3.4 14.76 10.17 14.69 +.23 ValueA m +5.7 +3.1 12.96 9.69 12.72 +.07
PerkinsMCVJ +7.0 +6.2 24.24 18.87 24.16 +.13 IDModAgSv b +6.1 +3.0 9.67 7.69 9.67 +.12 L/T2020J m +6.0 +2.7 12.33 9.97 12.33 +.16 EqtyInc +6.1 +2.5 25.36 19.42 25.04 +.14 SocResp +6.8 +2.9 11.88 9.10 11.84 +.19 VanguardA m +6.8 +2.8 8.75 6.47 8.62 +.26
PerkinsSCVJ +6.4 +7.9 25.77 20.61 25.50 +.14 IntlIdxA m +6.5 +.6 7.88 5.92 7.88 +.14 L/T2030I +6.7 +3.1 12.34 9.72 12.34 +.18 EqtyIncAd b +6.0 +2.3 25.30 19.39 24.99 +.13 StratBd +3.6 +6.7 11.32 9.94 11.32 +.04
RsrchJ +6.1 +5.7 31.44 22.92 31.21 +.58 L/T2030J m +6.6 +2.5 12.32 9.69 12.32 +.18 Van Eck Wasatch
S&P500Svc m +6.7 +1.9 11.21 8.55 11.16 +.15 EurStock d +12.6 +4.3 16.89 11.42 16.89 +.39
ShTmBdJ +1.0 +5.2 3.14 3.07 3.09 ... Natixis L/T2040I +6.9 +2.8 12.58 9.70 12.58 +.19 ExtMktIdx d +9.1 +5.0 17.81 12.31 17.70 +.24 GloHardA m +8.0 +10.5 57.73 35.75 56.53 +1.44 CoreGr d +7.9 +2.6 37.18 26.83 37.12 +.51
TwentyJ +2.8 +5.8 68.77 54.09 67.60 +.93 CGMTgtEqA m +2.0 +4.1 11.46 8.53 11.34 +.24 L/T2050I +7.2 +2.5 12.10 9.21 12.10 +.20 FinSer +3.2 -2.8 15.40 11.94 14.62 -.05 IntlGoldA m +1.5 +18.7 25.83 16.96 25.07 +.44 LgCpVal d +7.2 +4.3 15.01 11.33 14.87 +.19
WorldwideJ d +5.2 +2.4 49.66 37.38 49.00 +.93 InvBndA m +3.7 +8.6 12.76 11.86 12.43 +.02 L/TSIInst +3.8 +2.8 11.03 9.98 10.99 +.05 GNMA +1.1 +6.1 10.10 9.76 9.92 +.01 Vanguard Lng/Sht d +7.3 +6.5 13.72 10.81 13.55 +.03
Janus Aspen InvBndC m +3.6 +7.8 12.68 11.78 12.34 +.02 LCBIIInst +6.1 +2.8 10.23 7.79 10.15 +.12 GlbTech +13.8 +10.2 10.72 7.10 10.72 +.44 500Adml +6.9 +2.6 124.01 94.17 123.29 +1.64 SmCapGr d +6.5 +5.0 42.33 29.34 42.08 +.43
Bal Is +5.7 +7.2 29.91 25.49 29.91 +.29 StratIncA m +5.8 +8.3 15.44 13.81 15.44 +.07 LCGIIInst +6.9 +4.6 8.89 6.74 8.85 +.17 GloStk d +5.7 +1.1 19.11 14.47 19.10 +.41 500Inv +6.9 +2.5 123.99 94.17 123.28 +1.64
FortyIs +3.5 +5.1 37.47 29.55 36.98 +.60 LCGrIInst +7.6 +5.7 10.06 7.21 9.97 +.22 Weitz
StratIncC m +5.5 +7.5 15.51 13.89 15.51 +.07 GrStkAdv b +6.6 +4.1 34.38 24.96 33.99 +.84 AssetA +6.1 +1.5 25.93 20.82 25.93 +.29
IntlGrIs -1.3 +9.7 59.90 43.12 56.35 +.35 LCIIIInst +6.8 -1.5 10.94 8.41 10.89 +.10 GrStkR b +6.5 +3.9 33.98 24.72 33.58 +.82 AssetAdml +6.1 +1.6 58.23 46.75 58.23 +.65 PartVal +7.6 +3.9 22.30 16.73 22.16 +.20
Neuberger Berman LCVlIInst +6.3 -.3 11.33 8.77 11.28 +.10
JanusI +4.4 +3.3 25.62 19.97 25.33 +.35 FocusInv +7.4 -.3 21.22 16.07 21.07 +.30 GrowInc +6.3 +3.0 21.56 16.40 21.42 +.26 BalIdx +4.8 +4.7 22.29 18.76 22.29 +.19 PrtIIIOpp +8.8 +6.9 12.76 9.34 12.67 +.12
MidCpIs +7.8 +7.1 41.73 29.34 41.73 +.61 LgCGrInst +4.9 +2.8 8.70 6.42 8.59 +.19 GrowStk +6.6 +4.4 34.66 25.15 34.28 +.84 BalIdxAdm +4.8 +4.8 22.29 18.76 22.29 +.19 ShtIntmInc +1.1 +5.8 12.54 12.31 12.44 +.01
GenesAdv b +10.1 +5.9 30.54 21.93 30.40 +.33 LgCSP500I +6.9 +2.4 9.41 7.18 9.40 +.13
WldWGrIs +5.3 +2.7 32.11 24.19 31.72 +.59 GenesisInv +10.2 +6.2 36.78 26.35 36.62 +.41 HealthSci +15.8 +9.9 35.07 24.60 35.07 +.18 CAIT +1.8 +3.8 11.33 10.51 10.77 +.05 Value +6.9 +.7 30.53 23.68 30.40 +.22
Jensen LgCValI +9.0 +.7 10.20 7.59 10.16 +.11 HiYield d +4.9 +8.3 6.96 6.33 6.96 +.01 CAITAdml +1.8 +3.9 11.33 10.51 10.77 +.05
GenesisTr +10.2 +6.2 52.73 37.80 52.50 +.59 MCVlIInst +7.3 +4.8 14.08 10.22 14.00 +.16 Wells Fargo
J b +6.2 +5.2 28.71 22.57 28.71 +.18 GuardnInv +8.9 +3.7 16.15 11.95 16.15 +.21 HiYldAdv m +4.9 +8.1 6.95 6.32 6.95 +.01 CALT +1.0 +2.9 11.48 10.40 10.68 +.05
MGIIIInst +11.6 +4.2 11.86 7.92 11.86 +.26 IntlBnd d +4.9 +7.3 10.66 9.07 10.35 +.14 CALTAdml +1.0 +3.0 11.48 10.40 10.68 +.05 AstAlcA f +5.3 +2.6 19.67 15.98 19.67 +.19
John Hancock PartnerTr b +6.6 +.8 22.87 16.51 22.56 +.24 MidCapBleA m +11.1 +6.9 14.73 11.31 14.73 +.21 IntlBndAd m +4.9 +7.0 10.65 9.06 10.34 +.14 CapOp d +6.9 +4.6 35.87 26.50 35.55 +.63 AstAlllcA f +4.1 +4.1 12.55 10.67 12.55 +.13
BalA m +4.0 +7.0 15.98 13.44 15.89 +.09 PartnrAdv b +6.6 +.6 19.73 14.26 19.46 +.21 MortSecA m +1.1 +5.8 11.34 10.91 11.05 ... IntlDisc d +6.0 +4.5 46.55 33.49 46.55 +.94 CapOpAdml d +7.0 +4.7 82.87 61.22 82.13 +1.45 AstAlllcB m +3.9 +3.3 12.42 10.55 12.42 +.13
BondA m +2.9 +7.8 15.78 14.93 15.72 ... PartnrInv +6.7 +.9 29.80 21.51 29.41 +.32 PrSecInst +4.7 +6.7 10.19 8.99 10.18 +.04 IntlGrInc d +8.4 +1.7 14.43 10.56 14.43 +.27 CapVal +7.7 +4.3 12.12 8.32 11.87 +.07
ClsscValA m +6.5 -3.2 18.18 13.47 17.75 +.12 SmCpGrInv +11.2 +3.2 19.96 13.49 19.88 +.27 AstAlllcC m +3.9 +3.4 12.16 10.33 12.16 +.13
ReEstSecI +9.4 +3.3 17.60 12.98 17.60 +.32 IntlStk d +6.1 +3.3 15.10 11.12 15.10 +.34 Convrt d +5.4 +7.5 14.20 11.18 14.03 +.09
HiYldA m +2.2 +4.6 4.08 3.51 3.91 +.01 SocRespInv +8.7 +4.3 27.68 20.55 27.68 +.31 CATxFA f +.2 +3.0 11.02 10.11 10.24 +.05
SAMBalA m +5.0 +4.5 13.34 11.10 13.34 +.12 IntlStkAd m +6.1 +3.1 15.05 11.10 15.05 +.35 DevMktIdx d +6.6 +1.3 10.72 8.04 10.72 +.20
LgCpEqA m +5.6 +7.4 27.79 21.04 27.45 +.27 SocRespTr b +8.7 +4.1 18.96 14.10 18.96 +.21 CmnStkInv +6.8 +7.2 22.21 16.57 22.07 +.30
SAMBalB m +4.8 +3.7 13.32 11.08 13.32 +.13 LatinAm d +.2 +14.7 57.59 40.39 56.84 +.99 DivAppInv +7.7 NA 22.56 17.53 22.56 +.24
LgCpEqC m +5.4 +6.6 25.74 19.46 25.40 +.24 New Covenant SAMBalC m +4.8 +3.7 13.21 11.00 13.21 +.13 MDTaxFBd +.4 +3.7 10.77 9.89 10.06 +.04 DivEqInv +7.9 +2.3 22.01 16.31 22.01 +.35 CrEqA f +6.9 +5.1 28.74 20.99 28.70 +.33
LifAg1 b +7.0 +2.3 13.14 9.89 13.14 +.20 Growth +6.6 +1.2 33.02 24.97 33.02 +.48 SAMConGrA m +6.0 +3.3 14.39 11.40 14.39 +.17 MdCpVlAdv b +6.2 +5.6 25.23 19.51 25.07 +.22 DivGr +6.9 +5.3 15.37 12.11 15.37 +.16 DiscovInv +13.3 +7.8 27.07 17.75 27.07 +.76
LifBa1 b +5.5 +4.5 13.55 11.31 13.55 +.14 Income +1.1 +2.8 23.20 22.35 22.62 +.01 SAMConGrB m +5.8 +2.5 13.88 10.97 13.88 +.17
LifCo1 b +3.5 +6.0 13.18 12.16 13.10 +.06 MediaTele +10.7 +12.1 57.23 39.43 57.23 +1.36 EmMktIAdm d +5.2 NA 41.92 30.20 41.92 +.79 DvrCpBldA f +8.5 +2.7 7.39 5.40 7.39 +.19
Nicholas SAMConGrC m +5.9 +2.5 13.69 10.84 13.69 +.17
LifGr1 b +6.2 +3.6 13.64 10.84 13.64 +.18 MidCapVa +6.3 +5.9 25.35 19.62 25.20 +.23 EmerMktId d +5.1 +9.3 31.89 22.95 31.89 +.60 EmgMktEqA f +3.7 +11.9 23.71 16.94 23.70 +.48
Nichol +7.2 +4.6 48.71 37.40 48.39 +.50 SAMFleIncA m +3.4 +5.6 11.60 10.59 11.60 +.05
LifMo1 b +4.4 +5.3 13.09 11.53 13.09 +.09 MidCpGr +10.0 +7.6 64.39 46.81 64.39 +1.09 EnergyAdm d +14.4 +6.5 140.85 96.08 138.42 +2.89 GovSecInv +.6 +5.7 11.20 10.72 10.87 ...
Northeast Investors SAMStrGrA m +6.8 +2.5 15.88 12.13 15.88 +.23 MidCpGrAd b +9.9 +7.4 63.17 46.05 63.17 +1.07 EnergyInv d +14.4 +6.5 75.01 51.16 73.71 +1.54
RegBankA m -.1 -4.3 15.64 12.04 14.64 -.20 SCGrIInst +13.7 +5.2 12.28 7.74 12.28 +.27 GrowInv +15.7 +9.3 37.06 24.51 37.06 +1.02
Northeast +3.7 +3.9 6.42 5.79 6.31 +.02 NewAmGro +7.4 +6.9 35.51 25.64 35.43 +.43 EqInc +8.1 +3.5 21.89 16.93 21.89 +.20
SmCapEqA m +10.5 +3.0 27.27 17.16 27.27 +.54 SCValIII +7.8 +1.7 10.59 7.25 10.41 +.10
SovInvA m +7.0 +2.8 16.91 13.24 16.77 +.25 Northern NewAsia d +3.6 +13.9 20.17 14.91 19.88 +.32 EqIncAdml +8.1 +3.7 45.88 35.49 45.88 +.41 MidGrA f +7.9 +5.4 6.57 4.68 6.57 +.18
StrIncA m +3.8 +8.5 6.84 6.27 6.84 ... BdIndx +.9 NA 10.88 10.35 10.51 +.01 Prudential Investmen NewEra +9.4 +6.3 58.14 37.45 57.04 +1.37 EurIdxAdm d +11.0 +2.3 67.72 49.10 67.72 +1.29 OmgGrA f +9.8 +8.4 40.65 28.05 40.65 +1.24
StrIncC m +3.6 +7.8 6.84 6.26 6.84 ... FixedIn +1.6 +5.6 10.72 10.02 10.19 ... 2020FocA m +7.2 +5.0 17.03 12.68 17.03 +.36 NewHoriz +12.5 +6.3 37.67 25.10 37.67 +.64 EuropeIdx d +10.9 +2.2 29.05 20.92 29.05 +.55 OpportInv +7.6 +4.6 41.78 30.42 41.76 +.62
TaxFBdA m +.7 +3.3 10.19 9.28 9.48 +.04 GlbREIdx d +4.2 NA 8.72 6.57 8.72 +.13 2020FocC m +6.9 +4.2 15.28 11.44 15.28 +.32 NewIncome +1.2 +6.7 9.81 9.36 9.50 +.01 ExplAdml +10.7 +3.4 75.11 51.04 75.11 +1.35 PrecMetA f +2.1 +15.4 93.72 67.29 89.90 +2.43
HYFixInc d +5.0 +7.0 7.51 6.77 7.51 +.01 2020FocZ +7.2 +5.3 17.62 13.09 17.62 +.37 OrseaStk d +7.3 NA 8.95 6.61 8.95 +.16 Explr +10.7 +3.2 80.68 54.82 80.68 +1.45
Keeley HiYMuni +.2 +.2 8.46 7.64 7.82 +.04 BlendA m +7.2 +3.7 18.46 13.74 18.45 +.33 PrecMetC m +1.8 +14.5 85.79 61.84 82.30 +2.22
SmCapVal m +8.7 +1.1 27.61 18.33 27.13 +.35 PerStrBal +5.4 +5.2 20.00 16.30 20.00 +.23 ExtdIdAdm +9.2 +4.8 45.30 31.39 45.07 +.63
IntTaxE +1.4 +3.8 10.74 9.76 10.04 +.07 EqOppA m +6.7 +3.4 14.81 11.12 14.81 +.15 PerStrGr +6.5 +4.0 24.39 18.93 24.39 +.34 ExtndIdx +9.2 +4.7 45.26 31.37 45.04 +.63 PrmLrgCoGrA f +8.6 +7.1 10.05 7.26 10.05 +.28
Kinetics IntlIndex d +6.1 +.9 11.25 10.10 11.25 +.20 GovtIncA m +.8 +5.7 9.83 9.37 9.59 +.01 SCpValInv +3.3 +5.2 34.36 26.00 33.66 +.37
Paradigm d +7.2 +2.0 24.99 18.31 24.99 +.47 PerStrInc +4.2 +5.7 16.66 14.34 16.66 +.14 FAWeUSInv d +6.4 NA 19.91 14.76 19.91 +.36
MMIntlEq d +4.4 NA 10.42 7.94 10.42 +.16 HiYieldA m +4.5 +8.5 5.63 5.14 5.63 ... R2015 +5.5 +4.8 12.54 10.30 12.54 +.14 FLLTAdml +1.1 +3.9 11.74 10.74 11.03 +.06 STMuBdInv +.9 +3.8 9.98 9.84 9.89 +.01
LKCM MMMidCap +8.8 NA 12.78 9.06 12.78 +.23 IntlEqtyA m +7.6 -1.5 6.66 4.92 6.66 +.13 R2025 +6.2 +4.3 12.79 10.06 12.79 +.17 GNMA +1.4 +6.5 11.16 10.57 10.78 +.01
SmCpEqI d +13.6 +3.5 24.56 15.68 24.42 +.44 SmCapValA f +3.4 +5.1 33.81 25.59 33.12 +.36
MMSmCp +7.1 NA 11.25 7.76 11.09 +.08 IntlValA m +7.3 +1.7 22.10 16.48 22.10 +.36 R2035 +6.8 +4.1 13.06 9.97 13.06 +.20 GNMAAdml +1.4 +6.6 11.16 10.57 10.78 +.01
Laudus MdCapIndx +9.3 +5.3 13.23 12.32 13.16 +.17 JenMidCapGrA m+10.0 +6.4 30.12 22.15 30.12 +.57 SpMdCpValIv +8.8 +4.7 22.93 16.74 22.88 +.13
Real d +8.7 +2.2 18.92 13.79 18.92 +.32 GlbEq +7.6 +1.6 19.21 14.38 19.21 +.35 SpSmCpValA f +5.3 +2.4 23.20 16.91 22.97 +.19
GrInvUSLCGr d +8.7 +7.1 13.68 9.84 13.68 +.34 ShIntUSGv +.2 +4.3 10.73 10.24 10.34 ... JenMidCapGrZ +10.1 +6.7 31.23 22.91 31.23 +.59 Ret2020R b +5.7 +4.0 17.17 13.78 17.17 +.21 GrIncAdml +7.6 +1.0 46.25 35.26 46.25 +.66
InMktMstS d +5.6 +5.1 20.32 14.57 20.32 +.39 SmCapIdx +7.3 +2.7 9.40 6.50 9.31 +.12 JennGrA m +7.1 +3.3 19.34 14.42 19.34 +.55 Ret2050 +6.8 NA 10.40 7.94 10.40 +.16 GroInc +7.6 +.9 28.32 21.60 28.32 +.40 UlSTMInA f +.4 +3.3 4.82 4.80 4.81 ...
IntlFxInc d +3.6 NA 12.37 10.66 12.17 +.17 SmCapVal +5.0 +2.3 16.41 11.64 16.05 +.11 JennGrZ +7.3 +3.6 20.09 14.94 20.09 +.58 RetInc +4.1 +5.2 13.56 11.91 13.56 +.10 GrowthEq +7.0 +1.2 11.54 8.66 11.54 +.26 UlSTMInIv +.4 +3.2 4.83 4.80 4.81 ...
IntlMstrI d +5.6 +4.9 20.33 14.56 20.33 +.40 StkIdx +6.3 +2.2 16.67 12.66 16.56 +.21 NatlMuniA m +1.1 +3.1 15.05 13.73 14.11 +.07 Retir2005 +4.5 +5.1 11.85 10.28 11.85 +.10 GrowthIdx +6.4 +4.3 33.60 24.93 33.56 +.63 UltSTInIv +.6 +2.4 8.58 8.48 8.58 ...
Lazard TaxE +1.3 +3.8 10.95 9.68 10.03 +.06 NaturResA m +6.7 +9.4 62.22 39.53 60.88 +1.34 Rtmt2010 +5.0 +4.9 16.10 13.60 16.10 +.16 GrthIdAdm +6.5 +4.4 33.61 24.93 33.57 +.63 WBGrBl m +5.4 +2.0 11.82 9.17 11.82 +.15
EmgMktEqO m +1.3 +9.8 22.77 16.90 22.48 +.32 Nuveen ShTmCoBdA m +1.3 +6.0 11.72 11.38 11.48 ... Rtmt2020 +5.8 +4.6 17.40 13.96 17.40 +.22 HYCor d +4.7 +7.0 5.84 5.35 5.84 +.01
SmallCoA m +9.8 +5.0 22.37 15.67 22.28 +.36 WlthConAl m +2.4 +4.2 10.97 9.97 10.97 +.06
Legg Mason/Western HiYldMunA m -.7 -2.5 16.07 13.77 14.11 +.07 Rtmt2030 +6.5 +4.2 18.40 14.24 18.40 +.26 HYCorAdml d +4.8 +7.1 5.84 5.35 5.84 +.01
HiYldMunC m -.9 -3.0 16.06 13.76 14.10 +.07 SmallCoZ +9.9 +5.2 23.38 16.37 23.28 +.38 WlthModBl m +3.8 +3.4 11.47 9.72 11.47 +.11
AggGrowA m +10.3 +1.4 122.27 82.78 122.27 +2.94 Rtmt2040 +6.7 +4.1 18.59 14.18 18.59 +.28 HYT/E +.8 +3.5 10.76 9.82 10.03 +.04
AggGrowB m +10.0 +.6 104.84 71.52 104.84 +2.51 IntlValA m +2.8 +2.9 27.27 21.58 26.80 +.29 StkIndexI +7.0 +2.5 29.63 22.68 29.59 +.39 Rtmt2045 +6.7 +4.1 12.39 9.45 12.39 +.19 HltCrAdml d +10.2 +5.5 56.48 46.51 56.48 +.53 WlthTactEq m +6.0 +.8 13.88 10.23 13.88 +.23
AggrsvGrC m +10.1 +.8 106.77 72.65 106.77 +2.56 LtdTmMuA m +1.1 +3.9 11.09 10.68 10.81 +.03 TotRetBdA m +2.9 +7.6 14.36 13.55 14.04 +.03 SciTecAdv b +10.5 +7.3 29.75 20.31 29.53 +.60 HlthCare d +10.2 +5.4 133.84 110.19 133.84 +1.25 Westcore
ApprecA m +6.1 +3.9 14.55 11.52 14.55 +.19 LtdTmMuC m +1.0 +3.5 11.05 10.64 10.77 +.03 UtilityA m +8.4 +3.0 11.04 8.45 11.04 +.13 SciTech +10.6 +7.4 29.88 20.37 29.66 +.60 ITBond +1.1 +7.1 11.87 10.87 11.16 ... PlusBd d +1.7 +5.7 11.03 10.61 10.79 +.01
CAMncpA m +.1 +3.2 16.41 14.85 15.23 +.10 NWQVlOppA m +4.2 +9.9 36.53 29.40 36.53 +.40 ValueA m +8.0 +2.0 15.93 12.03 15.91 +.20 ShTmBond +.7 +4.7 4.91 4.83 4.85 ... ITBondAdm +1.1 +7.2 11.87 10.87 11.16 ...
ValueZ +8.1 +2.3 15.95 12.05 15.93 +.20 Select d +11.3 +10.6 23.46 15.68 23.46 +.47
DvdStr1 +6.3 +4.0 13.67 10.54 13.63 +.11 NWQVlOppC m +3.9 +9.1 35.66 28.70 35.66 +.38 SmCpStk +10.2 +5.9 38.05 26.31 37.93 +.56 ITGradeAd +2.1 +7.0 10.51 9.79 9.89 +.01
DvdStrA m +6.2 +3.7 13.16 10.07 13.12 +.10 Oakmark Purisima SmCpVal d +7.1 +3.9 39.43 28.50 38.70 +.34 ITIGrade +2.0 +6.9 10.51 9.79 9.89 +.01 Westwood
EqIncBldA m +6.3 +1.8 13.46 10.94 13.46 +.12 EqIncI +5.9 +6.9 29.38 24.50 29.38 +.27 TotReturn b +5.7 +1.4 21.43 15.64 21.43 +.43 SmCpValAd m +7.0 +3.6 39.18 28.31 38.44 +.33 ITTsry +.5 +6.7 12.08 11.11 11.30 +.01 MtyMteAAA m +4.3 +8.9 18.39 14.02 18.09 +.04
EquityO +5.4 +2.4 13.28 10.17 13.07 +.16 GlSelI d +8.0 NA 12.39 9.18 11.96 +.24 Putnam SpecGrow +7.0 +3.8 18.94 14.14 18.94 +.30 ITrsyAdml +.5 +6.9 12.08 11.11 11.30 +.01 William Blair
FdmACValA m +6.7 +1.7 14.87 10.75 14.61 +.18 Global I d +3.8 +4.6 23.81 18.07 23.33 +.40 AmGovtInA m +1.4 +7.6 9.88 9.44 9.52 -.03 SpecInc +3.2 +6.9 12.62 11.74 12.60 +.04 InfPrtAdm +3.4 +6.4 26.84 24.84 26.24 -.03 IntlGrN m +3.2 +1.4 22.55 16.87 22.55 +.43
GlHiYldA m +5.2 +6.8 7.38 6.67 7.38 ... Intl I d +5.3 +5.0 20.93 15.47 20.44 +.33 AstAlBalA m +5.7 +3.4 11.50 9.63 11.50 +.13 SpecIntl d +7.3 +3.6 11.53 8.43 11.53 +.24 InflaPro +3.4 +6.3 13.66 12.65 13.36 -.01
GovtSecsA m +2.5 +6.3 10.53 9.99 10.50 +.02 IntlSmCpI d +3.8 +4.2 14.91 10.99 14.91 +.26 AstAlConA m +3.8 +4.1 9.47 8.67 9.47 +.06 SumMuInc +.6 +3.7 11.40 10.39 10.62 +.05 IntlExpIn d +5.2 +3.3 17.54 12.37 17.54 +.30 Yacktman
LSAllc70A m +6.1 +3.1 13.42 10.70 13.42 +.15 Oakmark I d +6.9 +5.0 44.46 34.67 44.17 +.38 AstAlGrA m +6.7 +2.9 13.12 10.47 13.12 +.18 SumMuInt +1.7 +4.5 11.64 10.91 11.15 +.05 IntlGr d +7.5 +4.3 20.79 14.85 20.79 +.48 Focused d +7.2 +11.3 18.95 15.30 18.95 +.06
LSAllc85A m +6.9 +1.8 13.82 10.59 13.82 +.18 Select I d +8.8 +2.4 30.10 23.12 29.86 +.38 AstAlcCoY +3.9 +4.5 9.49 8.69 9.49 +.05 TaxFHiYld +.3 +2.3 11.09 10.04 10.25 +.03 IntlGrAdm d +7.6 +4.5 66.17 47.27 66.17 +1.54 Yacktman d +7.7 +10.3 17.81 14.49 17.81 +.10

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