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3D Echocardiography-CRC Press (2020)

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3D Echocardiography

Third Edition

Edited by
Takahiro Shiota
Third edition published 2021
by CRC Press
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

and by CRC Press

2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN

© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

First edition published by Informa Healthcare 2007

CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data
and information, neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The
publishers wish to make clear that any views or opinions expressed in this book by individual editors, authors or contributors are personal to them and do
not necessarily reflect the views/opinions of the publishers. The information or guidance contained in this book is intended for use by medical, scientific
or health-care professionals and is provided strictly as a supplement to the medical or other professional’s own judgement, their knowledge of the patient’s
medical history, relevant manufacturer’s instructions and the appropriate best practice guidelines. Because of the rapid advances in medical science, any
information or advice on dosages, procedures or diagnoses should be independently verified. The reader is strongly urged to consult the relevant national
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any of the drugs, devices or materials mentioned in this book. This book does not indicate whether a particular treatment is appropriate or suitable for a
particular individual. Ultimately it is the sole responsibility of the medical professional to make his or her own professional judgements, so as to advise and
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Shiota, Takahiro, editor.

Title: 3D echocardiography / edited by Takahiro Shiota.
Description: Third edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Summary: “The previous edition, which was highly commended at the British Medical Book Awards, has been updated with recent
publications and improved images. This 3rd edition added important new topics such as 3D Printing, Surgical and Transcatheter
Managements, Artificial Valves, and Infective Endocarditis”-- Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020006246 (print) | LCCN 2020006247 (ebook) | ISBN 9780367252885 (hbk) | ISBN 9780429287534 (ebk)
Subjects: MESH: Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional--methods | Heart Valve Diseases--diagnosis | Coronary Artery Disease--diagnosis
Classification: LCC RC683.5.U5 (print) | LCC RC683.5.U5 (ebook) | NLM WG 141.5.E2 | DDC 616.1/207543--dc23
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ISBN: 978-0-429-28753-4 (ebk)

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Preface to the first edition v

Preface to the second edition vi
Preface to the third edition vii
Acknowledgments viii
Editor ix
Contributors x
Abbreviations xii


Bart Bijnens, Filip Loncaric, and Jan D’hooge

Chapter 2  LEFT VENTRICLE 13

Luigi P. Badano and Denisa Muraru


Andreas Franke


Takahiro Shiota

Chapter 5  LEFT ATRIUM 43

Charles Fauvel, Olivier Raitière, and Fabrice Bauer


Marta Sitges, Filip Loncaric, and Takahiro Shiota


Eric Brochet and Alain Berrebi


Patrizio Lancellotti, Yun Yun Go, and Raluca Dulgheru


Jose Alberto de Agustín and Jose Zamorano

Chapter 9  AORTIC STENOSIS 103

Patrizio Lancellotti, Tadafumi Sugimoto, and Raluca Dulgheru


Agnès Pasquet and Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde


Denisa Muraru and Luigi P. Badano


Raluca Dulgheru

Takahiro Shiota


Takahiro Shiota, Hiroki Ikenaga, and Hiroto Utsunomiya


Giovanni La Canna, Iside Scarfò, and Philippe Pibarot


Pastora Gallego and Silvia Montserrat

Chapter 17  AORTA 208

Masaaki Takeuchi


Nicolas Duchateau, Filip Loncaric, Marta Sitges, and Bart Bijnens

Chapter 18B  TISSUE TRACKING 223

Tomoko Ishizu, Yasuhiko Abe, and Yoshihiro Seo

Chapter 19  CARDIAC MASSES 235

Sonia Velasco del Castillo and Miguel Angel García-Fernández


Laurien Goedemans, Nina Ajmone Marsan, Jeroen J. Bax, and Victoria Delgado

Chapter 21  3D PRINTING 260

Israel Valverde

Index 269


Echocardiography is now an indispensable tool in 3D imaging of the most recent systems. Such blood flow
clinical cardiology. Quite a few textbooks are available information is quite valuable and is often indispensable in
at medical bookstores and on the internet where you can clinical cardiology.
find new developing aspects of echocardiography. One Another important change in the clinical environment
of the most impressive and innovative advancements of is the approval of reimbursement for 3D echocardiography
echocardiography today is 3D echocardiography. There in patients. Such advancement in technological and
have been few comprehensive books to introduce this new socioeconomic factors has prompted clinical application
echocardiographic method. Therefore, in this book, I would of this new technology. Magnetic resonance imaging
like to provide you with the most recent developments in (MRI) and computerized axial tomography (CAT) can
this emerging field, focusing on the clinical values of 3D also provide us with 3D imaging even more impressively in
echocardiography. certain patients, such as those with an aortic aneurysm. Still,
For a long time now, 3D echocardiography has been 3D echocardiography shares some of the vital advantages
recognized and conceived as an ideal tool for clinical that conventional 2D echocardiography has over the MRI/
cardiology. Three-dimensional ultrasound theoretically can CAT scan: portability and handiness as well as Doppler color
provide what 2D echocardiography cannot; first, complete flow imaging.
information about absolute heart chamber volumes, such As you will see in most chapters, there are still certain
as right ventricular volumes and aneurysmal left ventricular limitations to currently available 3D ultrasound methods,
volumes. Second, 3D ultrasound also allows viewers an even with the help of state-of-the-art, real-time 3D echo
intuitive recognition of cardiac structures from any spatial systems. In particular, relatively low image quality and low
point of view, such as en face views of the mitral valve leaflets. frame (volume) rate hinder everyday clinical use of 3D
However, the idea had not materialized because of technical echocardiography. However, ongoing strenuous efforts for
and engineering difficulties. further development of this method will overcome such
Quite recently, newer types of transthoracic real-time limitations in the very near future. For example, real-time
3D echo systems have been developed, following the transesophageal 3D echocardiography which could provide
introduction of a real-time volumetric 3D system made stunning 3D valve motion images, was recently introduced
by a small venture company in the mid-1990s. Nowadays, in the literature and in clinical settings. Again, the fact
multiple powerful echo system vendors are engaged in this remains that 3D echocardiography is one of the ultimate
business with massive advertisements, which increasingly goals of cardiac imaging.
stimulate users’ interests. The difference between the In this textbook, as this technology is still on the rise and
new models and older ones, including older-type real- not yet completed, we tried to demonstrate the potential
time 3D echo, is clear. First, the newer ones provide an values of 3D echocardiography in the everyday clinical
easier, handier, and more user-friendly means to acquire setting of cardiology practice. In order to show the benefits
and view 3D images. Second, image quality has improved of 3D echocardiography, some chapters show examples of
significantly thanks to the advancement of ultrasound and conventional clinical 2D echocardiography with a hope to
computer technology. reveal the additive value of 3D information. Again, most
Just a decade ago, it took almost a whole day to reconstruct chapters of this book are written for practical use while
a single 3D echocardiographic image with complicated academically competent. Therefore, I did not intend to
gating and synchronization of many 2D planes. Those old- include massive, heavily complicated mathematic nor
time 3D images were almost always miserable. Even after engineering aspects of 3D echocardiography for busy
spending several hours putting the images together, it was readers who are interested in the clinical applicability of
hard to even find the location of the mitral valve. Now it this new method.
takes only a few minutes to see 3D images of the mitral valve, I sincerely hope that this textbook will provide you with
seeing the heart as if you were a surgeon in the operating essential knowledge and impressive pictures of modem
room. With the use of newer systems, you can at least tell the 3D echocardiography for your practice in the twenty-first
mitral anterior leaflet from the posterior leaflet, and when century.
lucky, the location of the origin of the mitral regurgitation. Takahiro Shiota md, phd
You can visualize it thanks to the improved color Doppler Los Angeles, California


The first edition of 3D Echocardiography, one of the first books meet all the helpful criticisms of the original review with
on the topic, was published in 2007. At that time, the book substantial new convincing content. This edition contains
received a mixed review from Circulation, one of the most truly impressive cardiac images and evidence of clinical use,
prestigious cardiology journals (Circulation 2008;117:e156). mainly thanks to the development of live or real-time 3D
Their primary critique was the lack of convincing 3D images transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).
and examples of clinical use, suggesting the next version be Inside 3D Echocardiography you will find a new world of
improved with better quality 3D images and an emphasis echocardiography supplemented with thoroughly updated
on clinical value. references. All the authors in this book are true experts
Since the publication of the first edition, 3D in the field of echocardiography, especially in the areas
echocardiography technology has improved dramatically, about which they have written. I hope you will enjoy the
and vastly increasing numbers of published papers have superior 3D echo images and academic quality writing in
enhanced our knowledge of this imaging modality. Clinical each chapter.
use of 3D echocardiography has grown, and acceptance
of this technology for the care of patients has truly come Takahiro Shiota md, phd
to pass. We aim that this new edition will answer and Los Angeles, California


To know is good
To l i k e is b e tt e r
To e njo y is bes t
Confuc ius

When I was asked to compile the third edition of but in the operating room and catheterization
3D Echocardiography, initially I was not sure about laboratory as well. Computer and ultrasound
what I could change or add to aid our readers. As technologies have advanced dramatically and
if reading my mind, my publisher presented me made this change possible. I believe that in the
with feedback from our readers of the second edi- future, this positive trend will continue to improve
tion. As is often the case with honest feedback, the current shortcomings.
comments left me feeling a bit discouraged. How- In 1997, when our paper on real-time 3D echo
ever, as I dug deeper into the criticism, much of it was published in Circulation, there were few
was reasonable and insightful - such as the technical individuals among clinical cardiologists, or even
difficulty of viewing the 3D movies and the lack echocardiography specialists, who believed it had a
of important chapters, like 3D printing. My goal future in clinical management. When I was using a
with this new edition is to address these shortcom- huge real-time 3D echo machine in the operating
ings as a way of saying thank you to our previous room in the late 1990s, there was almost no one who
readers and to share upgraded content for the next could envision its widespread use in the operating
generation of imaging specialists and general car- room. However, when real-time 3D TEE was
diologists. introduced in our community circa 2007, things
To me, 3D echocardiography is an integral part changed dramatically. Seemingly overnight, there
of clinical assessments for patients who may obtain were many general cardiologists, interventionists,
benefits from this unique imaging method. As a and even surgeons who appreciated the clinical
clinical echocardiography specialist with over 35 value of 3D echocardiography.
years of experience, I am fully aware of the value, Quite a few books on this methodology were
benefits, and popularity of 2D echo, as well as the published after the development of real-time 3D
weaknesses of 3D echo. In a sense, however, 3D TEE. Most 3D echo books show beautiful 3D
echo includes all 2D echo information, just like images, but they are not very systematic and they
2D echo includes all M-mode information. Such do not provide an in-depth discussion regarding
opinions may provoke disagreement from those its clinical or academic contributions or its future.
who believe 2D echo can do everything needed I hope this new edition inspires academic efforts
for practical clinical evaluation. in future clinical applications and encourages
However, I would argue that 3D further improvement of this modality.
echocardiography, especially real-time 3D Please enjoy the most up-to-date clinical and
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), has academic information, images, and videos of 3D
become an indispensable tool in our daily practice echo in comparison with 2D echo.
of cardiology, particularly for the management of
structural heart disease. It now plays a vital role Takahiro Shiota md, phd
not only in the echocardiography laboratory, Los Angeles, California


The joys of creating a book are many. Chief among them Sandra, for implementing the clinical application of 3D
is acknowledging the people who share my passion for echocardiography at Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute. In
finding innovative solutions to unsolved problems, and for addition, I wish to express my gratitude to our surgeons,
imparting knowledge and amusement to friends living in interventionists, and anesthesiologists, especially to Drs.
distant places. Trento, Makkar, Kar, and Makar. Our team efforts became
I feel truly grateful to all the authors who have a reality with their support.
contributed their time and expertise. Newly added and I am thankful to my publisher, CRC Press/Taylor &
updated chapters with high-quality 3D/2D images make this Francis, Harry in particular for his dedicated assistance
edition an exciting one. for my editing. Finally, my personal thanks go to my wife
My sincere appreciation goes to Drs. Siegel, Rader, and my two daughters, Mai and Kana, for their thoughtful
Pollick, Singh, Skaf, and our sonographers, AJ, Kira, and proofreading.


Takahiro Shiota, MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine at Edition, which was highly commended at the 2014 British
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and Clinical Medical Association Book Awards. Dr. Shiota regularly
Professor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine, contributes articles on how to improve diagnostic accuracy.
California. He is a pioneer in 3D echocardiography and He has published many original papers in premier journals
published the first book on this topic in 2007 while he was on the clinical value and use of 3D echocardiography for
Professor of Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. surgery and transcatheter procedures.
Dr. Shiota published a unique 3D echo book of case
presentations. He is the editor of 3D Echocardiography, Second


Yasuhiko Abe Charles Fauvel

Canon Rouen University Hospital
Tokyo, Japan Rouen, France

Jose Alberto de Agustín Andreas Franke

San Carlos University Hospital KRH – Siloah Hospital
Madrid, Spain Hannover, Germany

Nina Ajmone Marsan Pastora Gallego

Leiden University Medical Center Virgen del Rocio University Hospital
Leiden, The Netherlands Institute of Biomedicine
Seville, Spain
Luigi P. Badano
University of Milano-Bicocca Miguel Angel García-Fernández
Milan, Italy Complutense University
Madrid, Spain
Fabrice Bauer
Yun Yun Go
Rouen University Hospital
National Heart Center
Rouen, France
Jeroen J. Bax
Laurien Goedemans
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands
Leiden, The Netherlands
Alain Berrebi Hiroki Ikenaga
HEGP/IMM Hiroshima University
University of Paris Hiroshima, Japan
Paris, France
Tomoko Ishizu
Bart Bijnens University of Tsukuba
Pompeu Fabra University Tsukuba, Japan
Barcelona, Spain
Giovanni La Canna
Eric Brochet Humanitas Clinical and Research Hospital
Bichat University Hospital Milan, Italy
Paris, France
Patrizio Lancellotti
Victoria Delgado University of Liège Hospital
Leiden University Medical Center Liège, Belgium
Leiden, The Netherlands
Filip Loncaric
Jan D’hooge Hospital Clinic
KU Leuven University of Barcelona
Leuven, Belgium Barcelona, Spain

Nicolas Duchateau Silvia Montserrat

CREATIS Hospital Clinic
Lyon 1 University University of Barcelona
Lyon, France Barcelona, Spain

Raluca Dulgheru Denisa Muraru

University of Liège Hospital University of Padua
Liège, Belgium Padua, Italy

Agnès Pasquet Tadafumi Sugimoto
Université Catholique de Louvain Mie University
Brussels, Belgium Tsu, Japan

Philippe Pibarot Masaaki Takeuchi

Québec Heart and Lung Institute University of Occupational & Environmental Health
Laval University Kitakyushu, Japan
Québec, Canada
Hiroto Utsunomiya
Olivier Raitière Hiroshima University
Rouen University Hospital Hiroshima, Japan
Rouen, France
Israel Valverde
Iside Scarfò
Virgen del Rocio University Hospital/Institute of
Humanitas Clinical and Research Hospital
Milan, Italy
Seville, Spain
Yoshihiro Seo
Nagoya City University Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde
Nagoya, Japan Université Catholique de Louvain
Brussels, Belgium
Takahiro Shiota
Cedars-Sinai/UCLA Sonia Velasco del Castillo
Los Angeles, California Galdakao Hospital
Galdakao, Spain
Marta Sitges
Hospital Clinic Jose Zamorano
University of Barcelona Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
Barcelona, Spain Madrid, Spain

Contributors xi

2D two-dimensional F
3D three-dimensional FAC fractional area change
FMR functional mitral regurgitation
A FO fossa ovalis
AATS American Association for Thoracic Surgery FTR functional tricuspid regurgitation
AF atrial fibrillation
AI mapping activation imaging mapping H
ALC anterolateral commissure HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
AMI acute myocardial infarction HFpEF heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
AR aortic regurgitation HFrEF heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
AS aortic stenosis
ASA alcohol septal ablation I
ASD atrial septal defect IAS interatrial septum
ASE American Society of Echocardiography iASD iatrogenic atrial septal defect
AV aortic valve ICD implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
AVA anatomical AVA ICE intracardiac echocardiography
AVA aortic valve area ID internal orifice diameter
AVSD atrioventricular septal defect IE infective endocarditis
IPR intraprosthetic regurgitation
B IVA isovolumic myocardial acceleration
BAV bicuspid aortic valve IVC inferior vena cava

CCT cardiac computed tomography KBR knowledge-based reconstruction
ccTGA congenitally corrected TGA
CDS clip delivery system
LA left atrium
CE continuity equation
LAA left atrial appendage
CFM color flow mapping
LAVV left atrioventricular valve
CHD congenital heart disease
LCS left coronary sinus
CHF chronic heart failure
L-TGA levo-transposition of the great arteries
CHF congestive heart failure
LV left ventricle
CIED cardiac implantable electronic device
LVAD left ventricular assist device
CMR cardiac magnetic resonance
LVOT left ventricular outflow tract
CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy
CS coronary sinus M
CT computed tomography MDCT multidetector row computed tomography
CTD cor triatriatum dexter MPI myocardial performance index
CW continuous-wave MPR multiplanar reconstruction
MR mitral regurgitation
D MRI magnetic resonance imaging
DICOM digital imaging and communications in MS mitral stenosis
medicine MV mitral valve
D-TGA complete transposition of the great arteries MVA mitral valve area
MVA mitral valvular orifice area
MVN mitral valve navigation
EACTS European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
Surgery N
ECG electrocardiogram NCS noncoronary sinus
EDV end-diastolic volume NRRD n-dimensional Nearly Raw Raster Data
EF ejection fraction format
EOA effective orifice area
EROA effective regurgitant orifice area O
ESRD external sewing ring diameter OR operating room
ESV end-systolic volume OTR organic tricuspid regurgitation

P SMR secondary mitral regurgitation
PBMV percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty SSD sum of squared differences
PCV prosthetic cardiac valve STE speckle tracking echocardiography
PET positron emission tomography STS Society of Thoracic Surgeons
PFO patent foramen ovale SVA sinus of Valsalva aneurysm
PFR peak early filling rate SVC superior vena cava
PHT pressure half-time SVD structural valve deterioration
PISA proximal isovelocity surface area SV systolic volume
PMC posteromedial commissure
PM papillary muscle T
PMV percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty 3D FVCD three-dimensional full-volume color Doppler
PMVR percutaneous mitral valve repair 3D WMT three-dimensional wall motion tracking
POA planimetric orifice area TA tricuspid annulus
PV pulmonary valve TAPSE tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion
PVE prosthetic valve endocarditis TAVR transcatheter aortic valve replacement
PVL paravalvular leak TDI tissue Doppler imaging
PVR paravalvular regurgitation TEE transesophageal echocardiography
TMVR transcatheter mitral valve replacement
Q TOF tetralogy of Fallot
QCT quad-chamber tracking TPVR transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement
TR tricuspid regurgitation
R TS puncture transseptal puncture
RA right atrium TTE transthoracic echocardiography
RCS right coronary sinus TTVR transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement
RF radiofrequency TV tricuspid valve
RO regurgitant orifice TVI time-velocity integral
ROI region of interest
RV regurgitant volume
UVH univentricular heart
RV right ventricle
RV EDV right ventricular end-diastolic volume V
RV EF right ventricle ejection fraction VC vena contracta
RVOT right ventricular outflow tract VCA vena contracta area
VSD ventricular septal defect
S VSR ventricular septal rupture
SAM systolic anterior motion
SD spectral Doppler W
SDI systolic dyssynchrony index WBC white blood cell

Abbreviations xiii
1 Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging

in mind that it is important that this resolution is obtained

INTRODUCTION everywhere within the myocardium. This figure is clearly
Volumetric or three-dimensional (3D) imaging in not good enough when trying to evaluate the morphology
echocardiography has grown rapidly in the last decades and of the valve and valvular apparatus and chordae. In this
has evolved from combining different two-dimensional (2D) case, a submillimeter resolution would be more appropriate.
acquisitions toward the true, real-time clinical systems we This implies that there is no one unique definition for
now have. While it has not completely replaced high-end 2D the required spatial resolution; it depends on the specific
ultrasound scanners, rapid technical developments and its purpose of the information. Similar considerations can be
theoretical potential will make 3D echocardiography the made with regard to the temporal resolution. In the cardiac
modality of choice for clinical practice in the future. cycle, there are some very fast events, especially during the
This chapter discusses the principles underlying real-time isovolumic periods, so a very high temporal resolution is
3D ultrasound imaging that are relevant for understanding needed if these are studied. This means that typically a
the images and recognizing its potential and limitations. temporal resolution of over 200 Hz is required. Given some
First, the requirements of an imaging system used for of the intrinsic limitations in the processing of some derived
cardiovascular applications are described, leading to the parameters (like deformation), a frame rate of 200–300 Hz
rationale behind 3D systems and sketching the properties is thus desirable for quantification of myocardial motion
needed for these systems to be useful in a clinical and deformation. For visual interpretation of wall motion,
environment. Next, the technical properties of standard 30 Hz would be sufficient since the human visual system
grayscale imaging, providing low-frame-rate 2D images, are is not able to discriminate faster-moving images. However,
described, after which these are extended to high frame higher frame rates enable the images to be displayed in slow
rate, multiplane, and 3D imaging. Besides the acquisition motion, thus enabling a better evaluation of events.
of 3D information, there are several ways to visualize this, In order to assess and quantify the resulting images,
from multiplane over reslicing up to 3D rendering. Each of the appropriate tools need to be available. Online
these has intrinsic advantages and disadvantages. quantification embedded in the ultrasound scanners is often
complemented with an offline workstation, enabling more
advanced visualization and quantification of the images
REQUIREMENTS FOR CARDIAC IMAGING (e.g., advanced 3D visualization and volume calculations,
In clinical practice, cardiac imaging serves several objectives. deformation analysis, etc.). For these, user friendliness is
Mainly it is used to obtain relevant information and preferably crucial in order to enable their use in a clinical environment,
quantification of cardiac and myocardial morphology, and approaches such as these using machine learning or
on cardiac function and on perfusion. When using artificial intelligence can improve the user experience,
echocardiography, the relevant morphological information standardization of quantification, and speed of analysis.
extracted from the images translates into anatomical
information on myocardium, pericardium, valves, and so BASICS OF STANDARD
on. For cardiac function, wall motion and deformation,
valve function, and hemodynamics are studied, using visual
assessment, myocardial strain imaging, and Doppler blood Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal compression waves with a
flow. Using additional contrast, some limited information on frequency above 20 kHz, as 20 kHz is the highest frequency
perfusion can be obtained. detectable by the human ear. In cardiac imaging, typical
In order to be useful, these parameters have to be frequencies used are 2 MHz for transthoracic imaging,
efficiently visualized and preferably quantified. For this, 5 MHz for transesophageal imaging, and 30–40 MHz for
there are some requirements on the images obtained. These intravascular applications. These base frequencies are often
include intrinsic image quality, with a sufficient temporal combined with harmonic imaging to improve the signal-to-
and spatial resolution, and appropriate tools for processing noise ratio.
the data. With regard to spatial resolution, one would prefer Ultrasonic waves are both generated and detected by a
this to be as high as possible in order to detect the smallest piezoelectric material. This kind of material deforms under
anatomical details. However, in some cases, for example, the influence of an electric field, and vice versa, an electric
when evaluating cardiac function, or to guide interventions, potential is induced over the material by deforming it.
it might be sufficient to have a resolution that is just enough When an acoustic wave is generated by means of a
for detecting clinically relevant information. In terms piezoelectric material, it will propagate away from its origin
of myocardial function, a resolution cell about the order in the medium with which the material is in contact. During
of magnitude of 1 cm3 seems appropriate, since smaller propagation, the amplitude of the wave will decrease/
disease is not likely to be clinically relevant. However, keep attenuate mainly due to spherical spreading of the wave

Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging  1
and conversion of acoustic energy to heat. This depends the pulse encounters scatterers, part of the energy is reflected
on the properties of the medium and the frequency of the back toward the transducer (top right). While the pulse
propagating wave, with higher frequencies showing more propagates deeper into the tissues, the first reflections reach
attenuation. the transducer and generate an electrical signal, referred to as
When the ultrasound wave encounters an abrupt change the RF (radiofrequency) signal (bottom left). When the pulse
in tissue properties, it will partially propagate further and reaches the most distal parts of the tissue, it is attenuated
partially be reflected. The direction of the reflected wave so much that it will no longer generate any reflections, and
(referred to as a specular reflection in ultrasonic imaging) is all previously generated reflections will be received by the
defined by the angle of incidence of the incident wave and transducer and converted into an electrical signal that can
the characteristics of the surface separating both media. The be used for image reconstruction (bottom right).
transmitted wave does not propagate in the same direction as The time period between transmitting the pulse and
the incident wave and is therefore referred to as the refracted receiving an echo is a measure of the distance between
wave. The amount of energy reflected or transmitted is the transducer and the object causing the reflection. If
defined by the acoustic properties of both media and the the velocity of the wave in the medium is known, the exact
angle of incidence of the incident wave. Boundaries of tissues distance can be calculated from the “time of flight.”
with high densities, such as bone, calcifications, or metals used These received RF signals form the basis for ultrasonic
in, e.g., mechanical valves, will reflect almost all ultrasound imaging. The signal corresponds to information from
energy and prohibit the propagation of the pulses into deeper one line within the object under investigation. In order to
structures, thus shadowing parts of the tissues. Additionally, create a 2D tomographic image, the whole object has to
all biological tissues are microscopically inhomogeneous and be scanned. In cardiac applications, since the ribs would
show spatial fluctuations in acoustic properties. An acoustic reflect all ultrasound, the limited window of the intercostal
wave propagating in such an inhomogeneous medium will be spaces has to be used in order to deliver the ultrasonic
scattered at these inhomogeneities (referred to as scatterers). pulse to the structure to visualize. This means that the
All scatterers will retransmit energy in all directions. “scanning” of thoracic organs has to be done based on
Depending on the shape of the scatterer and its size relative to sending ultrasound in all required directions using sector
the wavelength, the energy will be retransmitted in different sweeping. To make a visually interpretable image of the RF
directions. These scatterer reflections form the basis of the signals resulting from scanning the object, some processing,
appearances of the tissues on ultrasound images. like signal demodulation, depth gain compensation, and
To construct echocardiographic images, an ultrasonic compression, has to be performed. Figure 1.2 illustrates
pulse is transmitted into a medium. After transmission of the how an ultrasound sector scan is generated. The RF signal
pulse, the same transducer serves as a receiver, and both the resulting from a transmission into a particular direction
specular and scatter reflections are recorded as a function within the sector is processed and visualized as gray
of time. Figure 1.1 illustrates this principle. An ultrasound values (corresponding to the strength of the reflections)
pulse is transmitted into the object, containing scatterers in the image, showing the proper geometrical relation
(e.g., the myofibers in the myocardium) (top left). As soon as to the direction of the scan line (Figure 1.2A). Once all
in the tissue
in the tissue


RF signal
RF signal

Depth into the tissue Depth into the tissue

in the tissue
in the tissue

RF signal

RF signal


Depth into the tissue Depth into the tissue

Figure 1.1  While a transmitted ultrasound pulse propagates through the tissue, encountered scatterers generate reflections back to the
transducer, which are converted into an electrical signal (= the radiofrequency [RF] signal).

2  3D Echocardiography
A 0
B 0 C 0
10 10 10
20 20 20
30 30 30
Depth (mm)

Depth (min)

Depth (min)
40 40 40
50 50 50
60 60 60
70 70 70
80 80 80
90 90 90
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm)
Object Image Object Image Object Image

Figure 1.2  Reconstruction of ultrasound sector images. The radiofrequency signal from one scan line is converted into gray values and
visualized corresponding to the geometrical arrangement of the sector scan. When lines are constructed in all adjacent directions, a full
frame can be constructed resulting in a tomographic cross section of the object.

reflections from a certain direction are received, the used, and other ways of obtaining the image information
next pulse can be sent into a slightly different direction, have to be implemented.
adjacent to the previous line acquisition (Figure  1.2B). In order to explain the high frame rate and 3D
This way, the whole sector can be scanned, resulting in acquisition technique, first one has to understand how
one complete tomographic cut (= one frame) through the beamforming, using a “phased-array” transducer, works.
object under investigation (Figure 1.2C). This processing Figure 1.3 (left) shows an example of a classical transducer
can be repeated over and over again, showing the temporal (where focusing in the elevation direction is obtained from
changes of the object. concave crystals). The active surface, used for transmitting
and receiving the ultrasound pulses, is made up of smaller
individual crystals, arranged adjacent to each other so
TOWARD HIGH-FRAME-RATE IMAGING that their subdivision is in the direction of the intended
The number of frames that can be generated per second is scan plane. Using this setup for the crystals within the
referred to as the frame rate, which plays an important role transducer makes it possible to control each individual
in the temporal resolution and thus the ability of the system crystal. This enables focus of the beam during transmission
to investigate fast-changing properties of tissues. When of the ultrasound pulse (Figure 1.4, left). The pulse being
using the straightforward approach of sector scanning, sent out by an individual crystal can be delayed with regard
as described earlier, a frame rate of about 30 Hz can be to the others. If the pulses sent out from the outer side
obtained in cardiac applications while using a 90° scanning of the transducer are transmitted earlier compared to
angle containing 120 scan lines and an imaging depth of the central ones, the resulting ultrasound field converges
20 cm. toward a certain point in space, and a “focal point” is
However, some cardiac applications, like deformation created in the image. Additionally, this setup makes it
imaging, require higher frame rates. Also, if 3D imaging possible, for example, to delay all crystals from one side
would be attempted, meaning that several 2D slices in the of the transducer compared to the contralateral side,
third dimension would be required (typically 100), the resulting in a sound field that is directed toward the side
frame rate would go down unacceptably. This means that with the biggest delay. This way, the direction in which
the straightforward sector-scanning approach cannot be the beam is sent can be controlled, and a sweep can be

Figure 1.3  The active surface of a phased-array transducer consists of an assembly of smaller piezoelectrical crystals that can be controlled
individually. The classical transducers consist of one row of crystals, where the subdivision is made in the plane used as a scan plane (Left).
For transducers with improved spatial resolution and for 3D acquisition, so called 2D arrays are used, where the whole active surface of the
transducer is made up of individual crystals (Right). (Courtesy of GE Medical Systems.)

Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging  3
Transmit beam former Receive beam former

∆t ∆t

∆t Reflected ∆t
wave front
wave front
∆t diverging ∆t Σ
into focal point
∆t transducer ∆t RF signal
∆t ∆t
Individually Received
Transducer Transducer
delayed pulses echoes
crystals crystals

Figure 1.4  When the transducer is made up of individual crystals, the pulses sent out by each crystal can be delayed compared to their
neighbors. By sending out pulses from the outer sides of the transducer first, the ultrasound beam can be focused (or steered) (left). The
reflected signals from the object will be received at a different time point by each of the individual crystals in the array. Compensating for
this, before combining them, will result in the most optimal radiofrequency signal. (Δt, time delay introducer; ∑, signal summation.)

performed in order to compose one tomographic sector

scan of an object, or the whole image can be tilted in a Transducer
certain direction to scan an adjacent plane. crystals
Similarly, having individual crystals in the receiving
transducer (mostly the same probe) makes it possible to
optimize the RF signal composed within the system. Each Σ
of the individual crystals will receive a slightly different
reflection from the object since their distance to the object RF signal

is not identical. This means that when a reflection comes Received

from the center of the image, the outer crystals will receive echoes
the signal slightly later then the central ones (Figure 1.4,
right). Compensating for this difference before combining
them to compose the final RF signal will yield the optimal
signal strength. In order to perform this compensation,
one has to make assumptions on the direction from
which the ultrasound reflections are originating. This is Transducer
straightforward, since the system knows in which direction
the original pulse was transmitted.
However, this principle can be extended to try to
obtain more information than a single scan line in the Σ
image from each single transmitted pulse. If a wider RF signal
pulse was sent out, illuminating a relatively large volume
with ultrasound, when receiving the reflections, one Received
would specifically look in individual directions to detect
structures in each direction, and one could obtain
information about a larger region than would be possible
with one scan line. This is exactly what is done in parallel
beamforming.1 Figure 1.5 illustrates what happens at
the receiving side of the system. When the delays used Transducer
to construct the RF signal are set up to “look forward” crystals
(top), the reflections from an object in the central line of
the scan plane are optimally combined, while reflections
from other directions are suppressed. When “looking Σ
under an angle” (middle and top), one can specifically
RF signal
isolate reflections from objects in that direction. When
an ultrasound scanner is equipped to “look into different Received
directions” in parallel, it is possible to construct several echoes
lines (under slightly different angles) within the images
with each individual transmit pulse. Typically, current
high-end clinical 2D systems are equipped with four Figure 1.5  In systems equipped with parallel beamforming, the
parallel beamformers, enabling an increase in the frame reflections from the individual crystals are processed in parallel
rate by a factor of four. (In 3D systems, this is often 4 × 4 circuits. In each of these, the combining of the signals is optimized in
[up to 8 × 8], thus receiving a pyramid of 16 [up to 64] order to look into a slightly different direction. (∑, signal summation.)

4  3D Echocardiography
scan lines from each transmitted pulse.) This would are embedded in the head of the transducer. Additionally,
enable wide-angle 2D grayscale imaging at a frequency to obtain a similar spatial resolution as classical 2D
of 120 Hz instead of the 30 Hz that can be achieved with systems, the 3D systems have to speed up image scanning
classical systems. by approximately a factor of 100 (if we would like to have
Other solutions to additionally increase the frame rate 100 image lines in all directions). As previously explained,
could be to abandon the traditional “sequential scanning,” parallel processing can easily speed up 2D imaging with a
where pulses are sequentially sent out in adjacent directions factor of four; a similar approach in 3D would speed it up by a
to build up a sector. In this classical approach, one has to factor of 16, still well below what is needed for comparable
wait for all reflections to propagate back to the transducer spatial resolution. As explained, this can only be done when
before sending out the next pulse. However, if consecutive software beamformers are used, placing high requirements
transmitted pulses are in directions that are widely apart on the computing power embedded in the scanner.
and the receiving system is intelligent enough to isolate The 3D real-time echocardiographic scanners used
from which direction the reflections originate, it would in clinical practice approach these problems using
be possible to send pulses at a faster rate, since they would miniaturization of the receiving side of the scanner so
influence each other only marginally. If consecutive pulses that most of the processing is performed in the probe
can be sent out at a higher rate, this again increases the (explaining also why 3D transducers are commonly more
resulting frame rate. Other approaches to speed up the bulky compared to 2D ones). In order to come as close as
pulsing would be to “encode” each pulse with a unique possible to the desired spatial resolution for 3D systems, all
signature so that the receiver can identify from which approaches described earlier to increase frame rate (and
transmitted pulse a specific reflection originates. additionally often reducing the sector/volume width), are
However, note that parallel processing also has a few used in these systems, this time not to increase the temporal
disadvantages. First, a “wide pulse” has to be sent out, resolution but to optimize spatial resolution.
meaning that ultrasound energy is spread out over a larger The end result is that as long as full-resolution software
volume so that transmittal energies have to increase in beamformers are not available, the commercially available
order to obtain similar signal-to-noise values. Next, besides systems have to use a trade-off between spatial, temporal
limitations due to ultrasound physics, the beamformer is resolution, and field of view. This results in the use of
one of the most expensive parts of the ultrasound scanner, several approaches in order to still obtain clinically relevant
so putting several of them in parallel will increase the information. One approach is to lower the constraints on
price of the scanner. This problem could be solved using 3D spatial resolution using multiplane imaging, where two
powerful computing in the systems instead of “hardware” or three scan planes are used, instead of the full volumetric
beamformers, and this is starting to be incorporated in the cone, to examine the 3D object. Another approach is to
latest generation of clinical scanners. reduce the volume being scanned and compound a larger 3D
In addition to production of potentially cheaper systems, volume over several cardiac cycles using electrocardiograph
this approach enables the construction of true 3D systems (ECG) triggering. This way, slightly different adjacent
as described later. volumes, acquired over three to four consecutive heartbeats,
are combined into one larger volume with a high spatial
resolution. However, this approach might introduce
FROM HIGH-FRAME-RATE TO 3D IMAGING stitching artifacts.6 Of course, reducing the temporal
The approach used for parallel processing can be extended resolution enables a higher spatial resolution to be used.
to 3D imaging. However, in order to look at “out-of-plane” This approach can be taken when, for example, volumes
information, one has to isolate reflections coming from a are calculated to obtain ejection fractions. For this purpose,
conical volume instead of from a sector. This can be done lower temporal resolution will not significantly increase the
when a “2D array” is used within the transducer (Figure 1.3, errors in the measurements.
right).2 If each of the individual crystals in this array can
be controlled and the signals can be combined in order to
“look in all directions,” one can both transmit and receive
signals from 3D objects (and additional active focusing in Using the previously described technology, it is possible to
the elevation plane becomes possible).3–5 acquire real-time echocardiographic images containing 3D
Although the principles for 3D imaging are well known information.
and not different from the ones used for high-frame-rate A first approach is to use multiplane imaging.7 Here,
imaging, there are several practical problems to be solved. several planes (typically two to three) with a similar central
First, the construction of the transducer is more complex. line but under different angles (Figure 1.6, bottom right)
Classical phased-array transducers used in cardiology would are scanned simultaneously. This way it becomes possible
typically contain 64–96 individual crystals. Extending to a to obtain, for example, a simultaneous apical four-, three-,
“2D” array would mean that it should contain 962 = 9216 and two-chamber view of the same heart cycle. Besides faster
crystals. Besides creating these, it is virtually impossible to acquisition and better correspondence of the images, when
wire each individual crystal up to the main system, since all views are seen simultaneously and in real time, it is much
as many cables should be used. To make this work, most easier to make sure that the scan planes contain the true apex
manufacturers miniaturize this into integrated circuits that and make no angle with the long axis of the ventricle, thus

Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging  5
Figure 1.6  Using 3D systems, one can acquire multiplane images. This way, one can image different echocardiographic views from the same
heart cycle simultaneously with acceptable temporal and spatial resolution for assessment of cardiac function. This also helps considerably
to avoid foreshortening and to image the true apex ( ).

foreshortening the view. This approach results in acceptable divergence of the ultrasound scan lines. This is inherent to
temporal and spatial resolution using the current systems. It ultrasound where lateral resolution of the (cardiac) systems
is also possible to implement blood pool and tissue Doppler is always much worse than the axial resolution, even in
acquisition.8 One potential application is quantitative stress high-end 2D systems. These full 3D datasets are ideally
echo, where multiplane images can be acquired together with suited for quantification of exact volumes of any chamber
velocities for deformation analysis.9 This can significantly as illustrated in Figure 1.8 ( ). Several approaches are
reduce scanning time and improve comparison of different available for the automated quantification of these images,
walls of the myocardium. Figure 1.6 ( ) shows an example many using machine learning algorithms.10
of this approach. Besides reslicing the 3D datasets, resulting in images
Ultimately, one would like to be able to perform true that are familiar from working with 2D systems, 3D imaging
3D acquisition where real-time imaging of the whole offers new ways of visualizing the data. The approach
heart is possible at high temporal and spatial resolution. used for this is called “3D rendering” of the data. There
As described earlier, one often has to make a compromise are two major categories of rendering algorithms: volume
between spatial and temporal resolution. or surface rendering. In volume rendering, an attempt is
When acquiring a true 3D echocardiographic dataset, made to visualize 3D information on a 2D image in such a
information from structures within a 3D cone, originating way that more distal data are perceived as more distal, and
from the transducer, is obtained. Once this information is “transparency” is used to give an idea of the texture of the
available and stored in the scanner, it is possible to visualize object. The tools used for this offer the possibility to view
and analyze it in several ways. the dataset from different angles and cut away parts of the
A first approach is reslicing the dataset. This way, it is structures in order to visualize the parts of interest. Once
possible to obtain a “traditional” scan plane from the same the user is familiar with the way to handle the dataset, it is
heart cycle. Figure 1.7 ( ) shows an example where nine relatively easy to navigate through all the information. This
equidistant short-axis views are obtained from an apical type of visualization can be easily combined with reslicing.
3D acquisition. Since the planes used for reslicing can be Figure 1.9A ( ) shows an example of this approach. In the
controlled and adapted, the resulting slices correspond to top middle of the image, a navigation icon is shown that
true short-axis planes, avoiding oblique slicing as is often indicates the planes used for reslicing the dataset. The left
the case in 2D systems. Note, however, that the spatial part shows these resliced scan planes. The right image is the
resolution of these images is limited compared to high-end 3D visualization of the dataset, which is controlled by the
2D systems and that it reduces for more distal slices due to user, with an indication of the viewpoint in the icon in the

6  3D Echocardiography
Figure 1.7  An example of reslicing a full 3D dataset. Once the data from the 3D cone is acquired, several traditional “scan planes” can be
visualized. This image shows nine short-axis views obtained from an apical 3D acquisition .

top middle. Figure 1.9B ( ) shows how the 3D visualization anatomy and jet shape and directions is illustrated. Figure
can help, as compared to the 2D (multiplane) views, to 1.13 ( ) illustrates how this helps to assess the function of a
visualize the extent of the basal septal hypertrophy in a MitraClip where forward flow is evenly distributed between
hypertensive patient. both orifices, but the regurgitant jet only originates from
Besides visualizing the full 3D dataset, one can one of them. The extent and direction of the jet are directly
concentrate on the surface of some objects within the assessible from the 3D flow TEE images.
dataset. Figure 1.10A ( ), Video shows a normal mitral valve Combining all information from 3D images with
where the open as well as closed geometric complexity can fluoroscopy and even physical printing into a tangible object
be more easily appreciated in the 3D images as compared allows for planning even the most complex interventions.13,14
to a set of 2D images. Figure 1.10B shows the tricuspid valve Table 1.1 summarizes the inherent differences between
in the same individual. In order to obtain these images, the 2D and 3D approaches toward evaluating cardiac
interfering structures are first cut away, and the structure structure and function.
of interest is isolated (segmented) by manipulating
the grayscale values of the datasets, for example, using
thresholding. This approach enables easy visualization of
prominent structures within the dataset. However, keep in As previously mentioned, and is clear from the images,
mind that it intrinsically ignores a lot of the data and should 3D echocardiography offers clear advantages to acquire,
thus be seen as an addition to reslicing the datasets to show visualize, and quantify the heart, therefore providing new
all details of the structures. possibility for improving clinical cardiac imaging.15–17
All of these approaches can also be used for the Applications (such as real-time intervention guidance and
visualization and quantification of blood pool Doppler volume quantification) have been shown to benefit from
information.11,12 Figure 1.11 ( ) shows how 3D visualization 3D imaging and are routinely used in many centers.18–20
of the Doppler flow can help in assessing valves. Figure 1.11A However, the current state-of-the-art 3D ultrasound
and B show the closing and opening frames of a normal scanners are not yet able to fully replace the high-end 2D
mitral valve to illustrate how the complex flow in relation to scanners due to a lack of sufficient spatial and temporal
the anatomy can be observed as compared to the traditional resolution.
2D approach. Figure 1.12 ( ) shows a transesophageal Theoretically, there are ways to create 3D systems with
echocardiography (TEE) image of a patient with mild a similar, or even superior, spatial and temporal resolution
mitral regurgitation where the complementarity of 3D compared to current 2D systems. These approaches all rely

Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging  7

Figure 1.8  The 3D datasets are optimal for volume quantifications given that they capture the true complex shape of the left ventricle (A) ( )
or left atrium (B), thus ensuring the most accurate measurements.

Figure 1.9  An example of volume rendering of a full 3D dataset obtained from an apical view. The left part of (A) shows two perpendicular
slices obtained from reslicing the dataset, while the right image shows the 3D visualization. The navigation image in the top middle visualizes
the planes used for reslicing and the viewpoints used for the 3D image . (B) An example of a hypertensive patient where the extent of basal
septal hypertrophy can be more easily assessed .

8  3D Echocardiography

Figure 1.10  An example of surface rendering of a full 3D dataset obtained from an apical view. In this image (right), the mitral valve is
isolated in the dataset, and its surface is visualized in closed and opened positions (A) . Tricuspid valve surface is visualized (B).

on improved or alternative beamforming, both during parallel receive beamforming (i.e., 4 × 4 parallel receive
transmission of the ultrasound beam and during receiving lines), these authors demonstrated an increase in volume
of the reflections from the object under investigation.21–23 rate with a factor of 64 without significant impact on image
For example, it was recently shown that volumetric frame quality. Alternatively, the parallel beamforming scheme
rates benefit from transmitting multiple lines simultaneously described earlier can be pushed to the extreme by widening
in spatially “remote” regions within the conical volume.24 the transmitting beam to cover the entire field of view (i.e.,
When combining this multiline transmission scheme with using a diverging wave on transmit) and reconstructing


Figure 1.11  (A and B) A 3D blood pool Doppler image of the opening and closing of the mitral valve, illustrating the complementarity of
complex valve anatomy with flow information .

Principles of 3D Echocardiographic Imaging  9

Figure 1.12  (A and B) A TEE investigation of a patient with mild mitral regurgitation clearly showing the relation between anatomy and
flow with regurgitation resulting from malcoaptation of the leaflets .

all image lines in the volume by receive beamforming was proposed that takes advantage of the strengths of both
only. Although this approach limits spatial resolution and technique referred to as multiplane transmit imaging.26
contrast-to-noise ratio, techniques to preserve them have However, these novel approaches rely on using a large
been proposed, and it was demonstrated that it enables amount of crystals in the transducer and the ability to
reconstructing clinically relevant images at very high independently control transmission and receiving by them.
time resolution (i.e., >1000 Hz).25 As both the multiline When this can be done in real time by the processors in the
and diverging wave transmit approaches have their own systems, the appropriate datasets can be created, but this
strengths and weaknesses, more recently, a hybrid approach implies huge data streams and fast complex calculations,


Figure 1.13  A TEE investigation of a patient with an implanted MitraClip where the 3D anatomical image shows the open (A) and closed
(B) orifices created by the clip, and the 3D flow shows the shape and direction of the regurgitant jet coming only from one orifice. In C, the
corresponding 2D cross-section through the middle of the valve is shown .

10  3D Echocardiography
Table 1.1  3D vs. 2D Cardiac Imaging
Feature 2D 3D

Intrinsic Standardized image acquisition Steep learning curve Intuitive, since a large portion of the heart is shown
Potential Acquisition time Standard protocol with multiple views to A limited number of full datasets cover all required
acquire information
Amount of structural information Only in a single slice, so multiple views All information contained in the volume and can be
available needed extracted offline
Visualizing complex structures Need for combing different views in the Straightforward visualization of complex
head of the sonographer geometrical structure such as valves
Volume quantification Models have to be used to calculate Exact volumes can be determined, whatever
volumes, making assumptions of shape cardiac remodeling present
Quantitative cardiac mechanics Multiple views needed and out-of-plane Complex 3D deformation can be extracted
motion is a problem
Blood flow assessment Limited to the plane visualized, missing Capturing complex flow patterns; caveat: Doppler
complex flow patterns; caveat: Doppler angle dependency
angle dependency
Multimodality imaging Difficult to register with other imaging Ideal for combining modalities such as with
modalities computed tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging, or real-time fluoroscopy
Advanced use Limited use to extract shape information Possibility to extract shape information for printing
for printing or computational modeling or computational modeling
Current State Spatial resolution Excellent Good for interventional imaging, limited for
of the Art detailed morphology; will improve in future
Temporal resolution Excellent Good for interventional imaging, limited for
functional assessment; will improve in future

which are challenging to implement in the current is sufficient and superior for many clinical applications like
generation of clinical systems. Several research groups interventional guidance or volume quantifications.
have equipment to perform this approach, but it uses long
acquisition times and offline processing, requiring hours or
days to reconstruct data from one heartbeat. Nevertheless, REFERENCES
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12  3D Echocardiography
2 Left Ventricle

patients with irregular arrhythmias (e.g., atrial fibrillation),

INTRODUCTION even if the single-beat datasets have lower temporal and
Quantification of left ventricular (LV) size and poorer spatial resolution than those acquired using the
function represents the most frequent indication for an multibeat modality. With the previous generation of 3D
echocardiographic study. The LV ejection fraction is a echocardiography probes, these limitations affected the
strong predictor of clinical outcome in a wide variety of identification of the true end-systolic frame, which had
cardiac conditions including ischemic heart disease,1 a variable impact on the measurement of LV end-systolic
valvular heart diseases, 2 cardiomyopathies, 3,4 congenital volumes and, consequently, on the calculation of ejection
heart diseases, and heart failure. 5 Cardiac surgery or fraction. Recently, a new generation of piezoelectric
transcatheter procedure indications in valvular heart elements and probes has been developed that can acquire
diseases, 2,6 optimal medical treatment, and suitability for single-beat 3D echocardiography datasets of the LV with
device implantation in heart failure with reduced ejection enough temporal (>20 vps) and spatial resolution to allow
fraction5 or cardiotoxic medication withdrawal7 are among accurate measurement of LV volumes.18
the most critical decisions that rely on a precise assessment 3D echocardiography acquisition of the LV is generally
of LV function. obtained from the apical approach using transthoracic
2D echocardiography is the most frequently used echocardiography or from the transesophageal approach
imaging modality to assess LV size and function, and using the midesophageal four-, two-, or three-chamber
current guidelines recommend the 2D echocardiography LV views (Figure 2.1, ). Depending on the shape of the LV
ejection fraction to assess LV systolic function.8 However, 3D and its position within the chest, more off-axis transducer
echocardiography has proven to be more accurate, avoiding positions, compared to the ones used with conventional
geometric assumptions about LV shape,9–11 and to have 2D echocardiography, may be appropriate for acquisition.
incremental value for outcome prediction in comparison The goal is simply to encompass the whole LV within the
to conventional 2D echocardiography.12–14 Myocardial pyramidal 3D echocardiography dataset with the best
deformation analysis using 3D echocardiography has raised possible visualization of the LV endocardial border. Pivotal,
interest lately in an attempt to obtain an early detection of to obtain a good quality 3D echocardiography dataset, is
myocardial dysfunction, before any detectable decrease in the optimization of the 2D echocardiography image. To
LV ejection fraction.15 obtain the best 2D echocardiography image quality, both
positioning the probe in a higher intercostal space (from
which the conventional 2D echocardiography views will be
foreshortened) and respiratory maneuvers can be used.
AND DISPLAY OF THE LEFT VENTRICLE Pending that the entire LV is encompassed within the 3D
DATASET ACQUISITION echocardiography dataset, any foreshortening of LV cut
For measurement purposes, the LV is generally acquired planes will be corrected during the postprocessing of the
as a full-volume dataset over four to six heartbeats (a dataset. Moreover, to improve both the temporal and spatial
“multibeat” acquisition) during a single breath-hold resolution of the 3D echocardiography dataset, both the
by “stitching” together dynamic subvolumes scanned image depth will be decreased (to eliminate the left atrium
during consecutive cardiac cycles.16 While this breath- and the right ventricle from the acquisition volume) and
hold–based approach enables the acquisition of datasets the size of the pyramidal dataset will be reduced to the
with relatively high volume rates (temporal resolution) minimum to include the LV only. Finally, to guarantee
and spatial resolution, the disadvantage is that “stitching optimal image quality, transducer frequency and overall
artifacts” can occur as a result of changes in the position gain should be adjusted appropriately. In order to avoid
of the heart relative to the transducer during the dropout artifacts and allow homogeneous distribution of
acquisition process (either patient or transducer motion gain, time gain compensation slides are aligned in a straight
during acquisition, and/or translation of the heart within line a little higher than 50%, and the overall gain is higher
the chest during respiration) or changes in cardiac than with conventional 2D echocardiography imaging.
cycle duration (arrhythmias).16,17 Both technological Multiplane visualization of the LV showing the azimuthal,
progresses in transducer engineering and increased the elevation, and the transversal planes during acquisition
computational power of computers have made available may help to ensure that the entire LV is encompassed within
single-beat acquisitions of full-volume datasets with the 3D echocardiography pyramidal dataset (Figure 2.1).
sufficient temporal and spatial resolution. This technology
avoids stitching artifacts secondary to arrhythmias and DATASET DISPLAY
respiratory motion, and allows acquisition of full-volume Once the dataset has been acquired, there are several ways
datasets of the LV, also in uncooperative patients and in to display it depending on the clinical question the clinician

Left Ventricle  13

Figure 2.1  Acquisition of 3D datasets of the left ventricle using the transthoracic (Panel A, ) and the transesophageal (Panel B, ) approach.
During the acquisition, a multislice (12-slice) display is used with three longitudinal cut planes on the left (the upper one, the four-chamber
view, is the reference one; the other two are oriented at 60° and 120° by default), and six transversal cut planes on the right. This visualization
display is used to ensure that the whole left ventricle is encompassed within the 3D datasets and to assess regional wall motion, distribution
of hypertrophy, or masses.


Figure 2.2  Display modes of the 3D datasets of the left ventricle. Volume rendering, to show anatomy (Panel A, ). Surface rendering to
appreciate global function; the systolic volume is shown as a purple solid surface and the diastolic volume as a gray grid (wireframe) (Panel B).

wants to address: volume rendering display to show anatomy; segments of the anterior septum and inferolateral wall are
multislice display to show wall motion, masses, or distribution neglected by the biplane algorithms19) (Figure 2.3, ), and
of LV hypertrophy; and surface rendering display to show rely on geometrical assumptions about the shape of the LV
function (Figures 2.1 and 2.2, ). that may not be necessarily valid in every patient (Figures 2.2–
2.4). In particular, even when LV apical views are acquired
with great care to try to avoid long-axis foreshortening of
LEFT VENTRICULAR SIZE AND FUNCTION one or both LV views (i.e., the acquired cut plane does
LEFT VENTRICULAR SIZE AND SYSTOLIC FUNCTION not pass through the true apex resulting in an oblique
Despite its important theoretical and technical limitations, view of the LV cavity; Figure 2.4, ), it occurs frequently
2D echocardiography is still the most frequently used in routine clinical practice and is the most frequent cause
noninvasive imaging technique to obtain a systematic of LV volume underestimation using conventional 2D
evaluation of LV function.8 However, LV volume calculations echocardiography.20 Mor-Avi et  al. obtained the LV long-
by 2D echocardiography are highly operator dependent axis from both conventional 2D echocardiography apical
(both the apical view acquisition and manual tracing of LV four- and two-chamber views, and from anatomically correct
endocardial border rely on the specific experience of the planes obtained by cutting 3D echocardiography datasets,
operator), use only partial information contained in a few to show that the latter were significantly longer in both
predefined tomographic planes of the LV to assess global apical views when evaluated using the 3D echocardiography
myocardial function (i.e., the functional contribution of the technique.20

14  3D Echocardiography


Figure 2.3  Added clinical value of 3D echocardiography in patients with extensive wall motion abnormalities and distorted left ventricular
(LV) geometry. In a patient with previous anterior myocardial infarction, the calculation of LV volumes and ejection fraction with conventional
biplane discs’ summation algorithm (which takes into account only the function of LV segments included in the apical four- and two-
chamber views) leads to underestimation of LV volumes and overestimation of ejection fraction (end-diastolic volume = 162 mL, end-systolic
volume = 97 mL, and ejection fraction = 39%) (Panels A, , B ), because the contribution of the aneurysmatic anterior septum (Panel C,
white arrows, ) is neglected by the algorithm. Using 3D echocardiography, the functional contribution of all the LV segments is taken into
account. Accordingly, LV volumes are larger, and ejection fraction is significantly lower with important clinical implications (indication to
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation).

The foreshortening of the 2D echocardiography views and has been extensively validated against CMR and has been
the assumption that what is seen in a few thin tomographic demonstrated to be more time saving, reproducible, and
planes is representative of the wall motion of the whole accurate than conventional 2D echocardiography for LV
myocardial segment of the LV (Figure 2.5, ) wall  are volumes and ejection fraction measurement.24,25 The main
also the main sources of errors in assessing LV segmental limitations of 2D echocardiography in calculating LV volumes
wall motion. Conversely, the possibility to visualize the and EF (i.e., foreshortened views, need of manual tracing
whole endocardial surface and myocardial function in a of the endocardium, and geometric assumptions about LV
theoretically infinite number of anatomically oriented cut geometry) have been overcome by 3D echocardiography
planes (Figure 2.1) obtained from a full-volume 3D dataset that allows actual measurements (by counting the number
can also improve the accuracy of stress echocardiogram.21 of voxels included in the Beutel obtained by mapping the
With 2D echocardiography, we do not actually measure endocardial surface of the LV, Figure 2.1) of LV volumes
LV volumes. We calculate them using geometrical models to independent on any geometrical assumption about its
obtain volumes from areas and linear dimensions. However, the shape.16,26 Overall, transthoracic 3D echocardiography has
geometric assumptions about LV shape make the calculations been shown to slightly underestimate both LV end-diastolic
of LV volumes and ejection fraction more inaccurate in patients and end-systolic volumes in comparison with those measured
in whom this information would be more clinically relevant (i.e., with CMR, mostly due to the suboptimal spatial resolution
patients in whom there are extensive wall motion abnormalities of the 3D echocardiography images. 24,27 LV volumes
or the geometry is distorted, Figures 2.3 and 2.4).22 obtained by CMR include the trabeculae in the LV cavity,
3D echocardiography has been established as the while with 3D echocardiography, it is often more difficult to
most accurate echocardiographic technique for LV detect the endocardial-trabecular border, and usually the
quantitation.23 3D transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) tracing is identified with the blood-trabecular interface.

Left Ventricle  15
Figure 2.4  “Banana”-shaped left ventricle that prevents the possibility to obtain nonforeshortened views using conventional 2D
echocardiography . 3D echocardiography can build up the beutel of the left ventricle (in red) and measure left ventricular volumes
independent of any geometrical constrain/assumption by simply counting the number of voxels within the beutel.

Figure 2.5  Pitfalls of using 2D echocardiography to assess regional wall motion. The three apical views in Panel A and Panel B are
obtained from the same datasets. The views in Panel B are obtained by rotating the dataset by 20° (simulating a rotation of the probe), and
they show a remarkably different extension of wall motion abnormalities.

As a result, agreement between 3D echocardiography and the four-chamber view), the two additional views (two-
CMR measurements has improved when the trabeculae chamber and apical long-axis views) are automatically
were included in the LV cavity and also with increasing selected at 60° and 120° from the four-chamber view.
investigator experience.28 Finally, reference values for LV During the acquisition, the echocardiographer can
volumes and LV ejection fraction have been reported (Table adjust the acquisition angles in order to optimize view
2.1),29–34 and now 3D echocardiography is the recommended orientations. The main advantages of this method are
echocardiographic technique to measure LV volumes and (a) the echocardiographers can immediately realize if
ejection fraction.8 any foreshortening has occurred during acquisition;
Two 3D echocardiography methods are commonly used (b) wall motion abnormalities occurring in the
to measure LV volumes: inferolateral LV wall and anterior septum (the most
1. Two- or triplane technique (Figure 2.6) is based on the frequently involved LV walls in patients with myocardial
multiplane technique that uses the 3D echocardiography infarction; Figure 2.3) are accounted for in LV ejection
matrix probe to acquire simultaneous 2D fraction computation; (c) it is more accurate than
echocardiography views in the same heartbeat. After conventional 2D echocardiography biplane algorithms
manual orientation of the reference view (conventionally, in assessing LV volumes and ejection fraction;35,36 (d)

16  3D Echocardiography
Table 2.1  Reference Values for Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction Measured with 3D
Muraru D et al. Bernard A et al.
Aune E et al. 201030 Fukuda S et al. 201031 Chahal NS et al. 201229 a 201332 201733

Study Population Scandinavian (n = 166) Japanese (n = 410) United Kingdom (n = 494) Italian (n = 226) European (n = 440)
and Asian Indian (n = 484)
Echocardiography iE33 Sonos 7500, iE33, Vivid 7, iE33 Vivid E9 Vivid E9 and iE33
System Vivid E9, SC2000, Artida
Upper Limits of End-Diastolic Volume (mL/m2)
Men 86 74 White = 67 85 97
Indian = 59
Women 74 64 White = 58 78 82
Indian = 55
Upper Limits of End-Systolic Volume (mL/m2)
Men 41 29 White = 29 34 42
Indian = 26
Women 33 25 White = 24 28 35
Indian = 23
Lower Limits of Ejection Fraction (%)
Men 49 53 White = 49 54 50
Indian = 52
Women 49 55 White = 52 57 51
Indian = 52
a This study found unusually small left ventricles.34


Figure 2.6  Multiplane techniques to calculate left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction: 3D guided biplane discs’ summation algorithm
(Panel A); triplane discs’ summation algorithm (Panel B).

it is feasible in patients with irregular atrial fibrillation endocardial border in the three views, and the fact
or other arrhythmias that would prevent a multibeat that this technique also relies on the same geometric
full-volume 3D echocardiography acquisition; and assumptions about LV shape of the biplane discs’
(e) it is a more user-friendly approach than the 3D summation rule (even if they are mitigated by the
echocardiography volume quantitation software addition of the third apical view).
packages (e.g., the echocardiographer traces the . Full-volume 3D echocardiography quantification approach
endocardial border as he or she is used to doing with is based on both semiautomated (Figure 2.7) and fully
conventional 2D echocardiography). The limitations automated (Figure 2.8) detection of LV endocardial
of this technique are due to the fixed relationship surfaces throughout the cardiac cycle followed by
that exists between the three views that does not allow actual measurement of LV volume contained within this
avoidance of foreshortening of one or more of them surface. This approach has the important advantage
in some patients, the need of manual tracing of the over the 3D-guided biplane and triplane methods of not

Left Ventricle  17

Figure 2.7  Semiautomated software packages for the measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using 3D datasets.
(Panel A) 4D AutoLVQ (EchoPac, GE Vingmed, Horten, Norway). (Panel B) 3DQ ADV (QLab 9.0, Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA).


Figure 2.8  Fully automated software packages for the measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using 3D datasets.
(Panel A) eSie LVA (Siemens, CA). (Panel B) Heart Model (QLab 12.0, Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA). (Panel C) 3D wall motion tracking
(Canon Medical Systems, USA).

relying on geometric modeling. The calculated volume entire LV within the acquisition volume; (2) inter- and
is obtained by directly counting the voxels inside the intraobserver reproducibility of 2D echocardiography
endocardial surface. Finally, the LV volumes measured by LV volumes and ejection fraction are reasonably low for
the different vendor-specific software packages are fairly measurements obtained from groups of patients; however,
comparable.37 their confidence intervals are usually wide, thereby limiting
the ability of 2D echocardiography to detect small changes
The main clinically relevant differences between 2D in serial measurements performed in a single patient.41
echocardiography and 3D echocardiography methods of Conversely, the higher test/retest reproducibility of 3D
quantification of LV volumes are that (1) transthoracic echocardiography allows for measurement of the extent of
3D echocardiography volumes are generally accurate LV remodeling in individual patients and for influencing
even in very dilated and aneurysmal ventricles, 38–40 their decision-making process.42 The latter will make 3D
provided that the sonographer takes care to include the echocardiography the ideal imaging technique to be used

18  3D Echocardiography
Table 2.2  Main Differences in the Quantitation of Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction by Using 2D
Echocardiography or 3D Echocardiography
2D Echocardiography 3D Echocardiography
Acquisition Two apical views with possible foreshortening of Single dataset that includes the actual apex of the left
either one or both of them ventriclea
Comprehensiveness It takes into account the functional contribution It takes into account the functional contribution of all 17
of 12 left ventricular segments only (the segments left ventricular segments and includes the left ventricular
encompassed by the apical four- and two- outflow tract into the measurement of left ventricular
chamber views) and does not include the left volumes
ventricular outflow tract (15–20 mL)
Volume Assessment Mathematical calculation (using linear and area Measurement of volumes by counting the number of
measurements) based on geometrical voxels within the beutel generated by the mapping of the
assumptions about the left ventricular shapeb endocardial surface (independent of any geometrical
assumption about the shape of the ventricle)
Endocardial Border Tracing Manual in both the four- and two-chamber apical Semiautomated or fully automated mapping of the
views endocardial surface based on speckle tracking or artificial
intelligence (pattern recognition) techniques of the
endocardial border
Comparison with Left Ventricular Underestimation of tens of milliliters Underestimation of units of milliliters
Volumes Calculated by Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance
Reproducibility of Left Ventricular Interobserver variability = 15%–20%. Low test/ Interobserver variability = 5%–10%. High test/retest
Ejection Fraction retest reproducibility reproducibilityc
Feasibility 90%–95% of consecutive patients 80%–90% of consecutive patients
Easy to Use High. The same workflow for every software Mid. Different software packages with completely
package by any vendor different workflow from different vendors. Specific
training is required for each of themd
a Not only does 3D echocardiography avoid the foreshortening of the views, but differently from the 2D echocardiography technique by which a wrong
acquisition of the views can only be corrected by reacquiring them, 3D echocardiography allows a realignment of the cut planes during the postprocess-
ing of the dataset.
b Geometric assumptions about the shape of the ventricle (rotational ellipsoid) lose their validity in patients with deformed ventricles (e.g., “banana”-shaped
ventricle in hypertensive heart disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dilated and round ventricles) or in ventricles with extensive wall motion
c Semiautomated and fully automated algorithms used to identify the endocardial border decrease significantly both intra- and interoperator variability
and increase the test/retest reproducibility of left ventricular volume measurements.
d Both these issues will be addressed in the near future with (1) the introduction of the interoperability of the 3D echocardiography datasets among the
different vendors and (2) fully automated software packages based on artificial intelligence techniques.

in clinical trials, because it is an available, low-cost, and safe software were −15 mL (−26 to −3 mL, p = .011), −6 mL
technique, and its good accuracy and reproducibility will (−11 to −1 mL, p = .016), and −1% (−4% to 1%, p = .356)
allow for a reduction in the number of patients to enroll compared with CMR. The end-diastolic and end-systolic
compared to conventional 2D echocardiography (Table 2.2). volume biases for 3D echocardiography and CMR became
To further improve the feasibility and reproducibility of significantly smaller and less heterogeneous when fully
the measurements of LV volumes and ejection fraction by automated software packages were used. A meta-regression
3D echocardiography, fully automated software packages analysis revealed that the end-diastolic volume bias
that use pattern recognition algorithms based on artificial became larger with an increase in end-diastolic volume
intelligence to trace the endocardial border without any when semiautomated software was used but not when fully
user interaction have been introduced for clinical use automated software was used. In addition, reproducibility
(Figure 2.8). For the same 3D echocardiography datasets, and test/retest repeatability of measurements was close to
3D echocardiography fully automated software provides 100% using fully automated software packages.
equivalent LV ejection fraction values among different However, it is true that the feasibility of fully automated
observers regardless of their expertise.10,43–45 A recent measurement of LV volumes in clinical practice is relatively
meta-analysis,46 including 38 studies (1881 patients), found low (approximately 64% in routine consecutive patients)
that the pooled bias and 95% confidence interval for end- due to suboptimal image quality in some patients.18
diastolic and end-systolic volumes, and ejection fraction of Moreover, accuracy of the measurements depends critically
semiautomated software packages were −39 mL (−49 mL on the border sensitivity settings, and it seems that different
to −30 mL, p < .001), −20 mL (−26 mL to −13 mL, settings should be used with different LV anatomies
p < .001), and −1% (−2% to 7%, p = .360), respectively. (i.e., dilated versus nondilated LVs, hypertrophy versus
Whereas, the corresponding values for fully automated normal LV mass, etc.). At the moment, the recommended

Left Ventricle  19
sensitivity setting is 60 for end-diastolic volumes and 30 dysfunction assessed using conventional 2D and Doppler
for the end-systolic volumes. However, each lab should echocardiography. Finally, they reported that all patients
establish its own settings according to their reference with normal diastolic function had a PFR index greater
(either manually edited 3D echocardiography volumes or than 2.0.50
CMR volumes). Finally, fully automated LV quantifications
by 3D echocardiography use a model-based segmentation LEFT VENTRICULAR DYSSYNCHRONY
algorithm that employs prior knowledge with regard to the To obtain a normal LV pump function, myocardial segments
shape of the LV, heart locations within an image, variations should not only have a normal contractility, but they should
of the heart shapes, and how the heart is imaged using also contract in a synchronous way.
ultrasound (pattern knowledge method). Although this Mechanical dyssynchrony is defined as differences in
prior information was incorporated into the model through timing of regional contraction among the myocardial
extensive training using thousands of datasets from a wide segments.51 Interest in assessing mechanical dyssynchrony
variety of heart shapes and sizes, the software still has has been closely associated to development of cardiac
difficulty in accurately delineating the endocardial border resynchronization therapy for patients with heart failure,
of LVs whose shape and/or pattern of contraction were reduced LV ejection fraction, and wide QRS on the
not in the training dataset, such as extensive myocardial electrocardiogram.
infarction with multiple regional motion abnormality. The focus of measuring dyssynchrony by echocardiography
However, the ease of use and the high reproducibility of has been to determine the timing of regional LV mechanical
the measurements performed by fully automated software contraction, known as intraventricular dyssynchrony, in order
packages make this strategy promising for spreading to try to reduce the number of “nonresponder” patients to
the use of 3D echocardiography to measure LV ejection cardiac resynchronization therapy (currently around 30%).
fraction in daily practice, also including less-experienced The typical intraventricular dyssynchrony pattern found in
echocardiography laboratories. patients with left bundle branch block shows very early septal
contraction and free wall stretch from unopposed forces,
LEFT VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC FUNCTION followed by late free wall contraction and septal stretch.
LV diastolic function is an important determinant of Despite the development of several echocardiographic
patients’ symptoms and prognosis in various cardiac techniques over the past years to identify dyssynchrony, no
conditions.47 The reference method to assess LV diastolic consensus on an ideal approach has been achieved.
function is the invasive measurement of LV pressure decay To assess the extent of intraventricular dyssynchrony
(i.e., the time constant of the isovolumetric pressure decline by 3D echocardiography, the LV is divided into 16 or
or τ). To try to overcome the practical limitations of an 17 segments as per the American Heart Association
invasive technique, several methods have been developed standard model, 52 and the time from the R wave on the
using noninvasive cardiac imaging techniques such as electrocardiogram to minimum systolic volume is computed
Doppler echocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography, for each LV segment (Figure 2.9). The standard deviation of
gated single-photon emission computed tomography, the regional times to minimum systolic volume expressed as
and CMR to assess LV diastolic function.48 Every imaging a percentage of the cardiac cycle has been proposed as the
technique has its own strengths and weaknesses, and several systolic dyssynchrony index.53 Several single-center studies
parameters have been tested.48 In particular, the dynamic have suggested that an increased systolic dyssynchrony index
LV volume change during diastole has gained popularity prior to implant (i.e., higher than 9.8%) is predictive of
as a key parameter of diastolic function because it reflects favorable response to cardiac resynchronization therapy54–57
LV relaxation as well as restoring forces. Semiautomated and that the placement of the LV lead in order to stimulate
or fully automated 3D echocardiography algorithms for the most delayed LV segments may be associated with
the detection of LV endocardial surface throughout the favorable LV remodeling,57 but these findings have not been
cardiac cycle allow the generation of LV volume-time consistent.58,59 Despite the fact that it is likely that a worse
curves from which the maximum slope change during the LV function is associated with higher systolic dyssynchrony
diastolic period can be measured providing a noninvasive indices, 53,60–62 with 3D echocardiography this may be due
measure of the peak early filling rate (PFR). This approach to noisy, low-amplitude time-volume curves as much as to
was first proposed by Zeidan et  al., who reported no true dyssynchrony.60,63 Moreover, inter- and intraobserver
significant difference in both peak ejection rate and PFR reproducibility of the 3D echocardiography systolic
values between 3D echocardiography and CMR in healthy dyssynchrony index may be hindered by suboptimal image
subjects and in patients with coronary artery diseases or quality54 and is less robust than mechanical dyssynchrony
hypertension.49 Nakanishi et  al. further validated this parameters obtained with tissue Doppler imaging.62,64
approach with invasive measurement of τ. 50 They found Finally, the relatively low temporal resolution of 3D
that a fully automated 3D echocardiography analysis of echocardiography as compared to tissue Doppler imaging
LV volumes change during the cardiac cycle was feasible was another important issue.65 However, the lower temporal
(feasibility 93%) to obtain LV time-volume curves in clinical resolution does not seem to be a major drawback of the
practice. 3D echocardiography-derived PFR index (PFR second-generation 3D echocardiography scanners for LV
values normalized for LV end-systolic volumes) correlated dyssynchrony assessment. 27 Since 3D echocardiography
with τ and decreased according to the grade of the diastolic measures regional volumes changes and not regional

20  3D Echocardiography

Figure 2.9  The full volume of the left ventricle can be divided in 16 or 17 regional pyramidal subvolumes whose base is on the endocardium
(different colors identify different segments), and the apex is in the center of gravity within the cavity of the left ventricle. The volume changes of
individual regional pyramidal subvolumes can be tracked throughout the cardiac cycle (see the time-volume curves in the lower right part of each
figure), and the time to minimum segmental volume (circle) can be measured. The standard deviation of the average of the times to minimum
volume of the 16/17 segments in percent of the R-R interval represents the Systolic Dyssynchrony Index (SDI). (Panel A) Normofunctioning left
ventricle with no dyssynchrony. (Panel B) Severe left ventricular dysfunction with significant mechanical intraventricular dyssynchrony.

velocities (as tissue Doppler imaging, which requires a

high frame rate), it seems likely that echocardiographic LEFT VENTRICULAR MASS
systems able to provide a temporal resolution of 20–30 vps Except in highly trained athletes, LV hypertrophy is a
are adequate to sample the usual frequency of regional maladaptive response to LV overload, and it is associated
volume curves, which is less than 10 Hz.66 To overcome the with adverse outcomes.68 The presence and/or severity of LV
technical limitations of the systolic dyssynchrony index hypertrophy provides useful information regarding future
obtained from the time-volume curves of LV segments prognosis.69 LV mass has been traditionally calculated
during the cardiac systole, it has been proposed to use using M-mode and 2D echocardiography, and their normal
parameters of myocardial deformation obtained from 3D reference values have been well established.8 However, the
speckle tracking echocardiography.67 In comparison to 2D currently recommended algorithm for LV mass calculation,
echocardiography, 3D echocardiography speckle-tracking the cubed formula (most commonly applied to linear
echocardiography provides the simultaneous assessment of dimensions of the LV obtained with 2D echocardiography)
all LV mechanical deformation components (longitudinal, relies on the geometric assumption that the LV is a prolated
radial, and circumferential) using a single volumetric ellipsoid, and has been validated against postmortem
dataset and avoiding the out-of-plane phenomenon inherent pathology findings.70 This assumption is inaccurate in both
to tomographic imaging (see later). Accordingly, 3D remodeled and nonsymmetrically contracting ventricles.
echocardiography speckle tracking provides comprehensive The other two algorithms based on 2D echocardiography
information regarding regional myocardial contraction (the truncated ellipsoid and the area length) also rely on
patterns and has the potential for accurate LV dyssynchrony geometric assumptions about the circular shape of the
assessment and determination for optimal pacemaker lead
position in patients requiring cardiac resynchronization
therapy. Table 2.3  Reference Normal Values of Left
Moreover, 3D echocardiography area strain (a parameter Ventricular Mass (g/m2) by Echocardiography and
that includes both longitudinal and circumferential Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
deformation15) seems to be very promising for the
Male Female
quantification of LV dyssynchrony.67 However, compared
with 2D echocardiography, 3D echocardiography is limited M-mode8 49–115 43–95
by a relatively low temporal resolution, particularly in dilated 2D Echo8 50–102 44–88
hearts when the acquisition of large datasets is needed 3D Echo Japanese31 40–88 34–78
to accommodate the whole LV, and further validation is 3D Echo Italian32 57–97 58–90
necessary to extend the applicability of 3D echocardiography 3D Echo Japanese72 53–85 45–77
speckle tracking echocardiography in everyday clinical 3D Echo American78 52–88 46–74
practice (see Chapter 18). Cardiac Magnetic Resonance 45–83 35–70

Left Ventricle  21
short-axis view and are affected by the foreshortening of echocardiography-derived sphericity index. This index was
the apical four-chamber view and by the uncertain position defined as the ratio between the actual LV volume and the
of the transversal axis in the apical view, though they are volume of a sphere with a diameter equal to the length of the
more robust than the cubed formula in distorted LV with LV long axis (Figure 2.10).
wall motion abnormalities. LV sphericity, measured using 3D echocardiography,
Theoretically, 3D echocardiography avoids all the has been used to describe LV remodeling after myocardial
geometrical assumptions about LV shape and provides an infarction and after mitral valve surgery.75,76 It has been
actual measurement of the LV mass by subtracting the 3D demonstrated that both patients who survived an ST elevation
echocardiography endocardial volume from the epicardial myocardial infarction and those with dilated cardiomyopathy
one and multiplying the result (i.e., the myocardial volume) who have more spherical LVs have worse prognosis.75,77 A
by the myocardial specific gravity (1.05 g/mL) to obtain recent study reported age-related changes in LV sphericity
the actual LV mass. 3D echocardiography measurements index.78
of LV mass have been validated against CMR,71 and
reference values have been published. 31,32,72 Interestingly,
the normal ranges reported for LV masses measured by 3D LEFT VENTRICULAR MYOCARDIAL
echocardiography are narrower than those obtained with MECHANICS
2D echocardiography, and more similar to CMR values
(Table 2.3). Despite the fact that 3D echocardiography LV volumes, ejection fraction, and shape are parameters
has been recommended to measure LV mass by that reflect LV chamber remodeling that, in addition to
echocardiography, particularly in abnormally shaped myocardial function, is also affected by loading conditions
ventricle or in individuals with asymmetric or localized and heart rate. Recently, echocardiographic techniques
hypertrophy,73 whether the use of 3D echocardiography that allow measurement of myocardial deformation have
cut-off values for LV mass index would provide more been made available. 2D echocardiography strain obtained
clinically useful prognostic information compared to with speckle tracking analysis has rapidly become the most
conventional M-mode and 2D echocardiography methods useful clinical and research tool to quantify myocardial
remains to be clarified. mechanics.79 Among the different 2D echocardiography
strain and strain rate parameters, global longitudinal
strain was the most robust and useful for identifying latent
LEFT VENTRICULAR SHAPE LV dysfunction in patients receiving potentially cardiotoxic
LV volumes, ejection fraction, and mass do not completely drugs and for predicting prognosis in different clinical
characterize the LV. Another important determinant of LV scenarios.80
performance is its shape. There are many ways to describe The 2D echocardiography speckle tracking technique is
LV shape. Probably, the best-known and the simplest method based on the presence of distinctive patterns of grayscale
is the sphericity index. Using 2D echocardiography, the values within the ultrasound images of myocardial tissue due
sphericity index has been defined as the short- to long-axis to constructive and destructive interference of reflections
dimension ratio in the end-diastolic apical four-chamber from the individual myocardial scatterers occurring when
view.74 Unlike 2D echocardiography, which is limited to flat the ultrasound beams hit the myocardium. 81,82 These
tomographic planes, 3D echocardiography can yield volumes natural acoustic markers are commonly referred to as
to quantify sphericity. With 3D echocardiography, the LV “speckles.” The speckles included within a spatial unit
shape is defined by how different the shape of the LV is from (kernel) are arranged in distinct patterns that are unique
a sphere, with a perfect spherical LV having a value of 1.0. for each kernel within the ultrasound image,81 serving as a
Mannaerts et al.75 were the first to define the use of the 3D unique target that can be tracked frame by frame during


Figure 2.10  Left ventricular sphericity index in a normal left ventricle (Panel A) and in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy (Panel B).

22  3D Echocardiography
Figure 2.11  3D calculation of left ventricular torsion by summing up the rotations of the Apex and the Base divided by the distance L
between the two.

the cardiac cycle by the 2D echocardiography speckle the potential to eliminate some of the aforementioned
tracking algorithm.79,80 However, the 2D echocardiography limitations of the 2D echocardiography speckle tracking
speckle tracking technique relies on the assumption that technique15,84,85 (Table 2.4 and see Chapter 18).
speckles are moving linearly within the scan plane of the The postprocessing of the 3D echocardiography dataset
2D echocardiography image in consecutive frames of the to measure the different myocardial strain components starts
same cardiac cycle. Due to the different spatial orientations with the automatic generation of a region of interest (ROI)
of myocardial fibers in the various layers of the LV wall, LV from endocardial and epicardial border traces, followed by
mechanics is more complex, and myocardial deformation the automated segmentation of the LV into a 17-segment
involves a combination of apex-to-base shortening and model. Each ROI contains cubes with specific 3D patterns
thickening with simultaneous clockwise rotation of base of natural acoustic markers that are matched and searched
and counterclockwise rotation of the apex (Figure 2.11).83 through the cardiac cycle by the 3D echocardiography
Accordingly, speckles have a complex motion in the 3D speckle tracking algorithm, a process called “block
space and thus are subject to through-plane motion from matching” (Figure 2.12). The 3D echocardiography speckle
the 2D echocardiography scan planes during the cardiac tracking algorithm calculates the quality of each match,
cycle. Recent developments of ultrasound transducer identifies any outliers, and removes them before performing
and computer technology have allowed the possibility of the weighted spatial averaging of the results. The results are
3D echocardiography imaging of the LV with relatively mapped to an average myocardial mesh, so that the shape of
high spatial and temporal resolution, thus allowing the mesh model of the LV can be updated for all frames.15
3D echocardiography strain measurements that have Finally, quantitative results of LV deformation are derived

Table 2.4  Comparison between the Characteristics of 2D Echocardiography and 3D Echocardiography Speckle
Tracking Analysis
Characteristic 2D Echocardiography Strain 3D Echocardiography Strain

Acquisition Three apical and three parasternal short-axis views Single apical full volume of the left ventricle
Rhythm Regular (2D views acquired in sequence) Regular (multibeat full-volume acquisition)
Temporal resolution 50–80 fps 30–40 vps
Feasibility in sinus rhythm >90% 75%–80%
Reliance on image quality Very important Critical
Myocardial deformation components Longitudinal strain Longitudinal strain
Circumferential strain Circumferential strain
Radial strain Radial strain
Ventricular twist Area strain
Mechanical dispersion Ventricular twist
Ventricular torsion
Bull’s-eye map Static (regional peak strain values) Both static and dynamic
Global strain computation Peak strain values Either peak values or instantaneous strain values
Radial strain Measured Calculated by the law of volume conservation
Out-of-plane motion of speckles Yes No
Definition of end systole Timing of aortic valve closure Timing of minimal left ventricular volume
Drift compensation Yes No

Left Ventricle  23

Figure 2.12  3D speckle tracking strain measurement. (A) Shows the principle of “block matching,” in which specific 3D patterns of natural
acoustic markers are tracked from end diastole (green cube) to end systole (red cube); (B) longitudinal strain; (C) area strain; and (D)
circumferential strain.

from this mesh model. Since the blocks are tracked in a global longitudinal and circumferential strain are robust and
3D volume, they can be followed in any direction within reproducible parameters to quantify LV mechanics. However,
the myocardial segment, thus avoiding the out-of-plane the same software should be used in cross-sectional and
motion of the 2D echocardiography kernels. Furthermore, longitudinal studies of the same patient, because the values
3D echocardiography speckle tracking is a time-saving are not interchangeable among the different vendor-specific
technique, as it allows the measurement of all myocardial software packages.
deformation components of the LV (i.e., longitudinal,
circumferential, and radial) from a single volumetric
dataset of the LV and avoids the errors caused by heart
rate variability that may occur when multiple acquisitions 3D echocardiography is the ideal noninvasive, fast, safe, and
from different acoustic windows are needed, as with 2D cost-effective technique for the quantification of LV volumes
echocardiography speckle tracking (Figure 2.11). and ejection fraction. It eliminates the errors associated
Since strain values obtained with 2D echocardiography and with apical view foreshortening and geometric assumptions
3D echocardiography speckle tracking analysis are different even about LV shape that negatively affect 2D echocardiography
when acquired in the same subjects, normal reference values accuracy. Moreover, in patients with good acoustic window,
for 3D echocardiography strain should be established before measurements performed with 3D echocardiography are
using this methodology clinically. Two studies have reported very close to those obtained by the gold standard CMR
normal values of 3D echocardiography strain in relatively large measurements. Finally, 3D echocardiography facilitates the
cohorts of healthy subjects over a wide range of ages.86,87 Both calculation of LV shape, the measurement of LV mass, and
studies reported a significant age dependency, characterized the analysis of regional LV function.
by a reduction in global longitudinal myocardial deformation
in the older cohorts of subjects. Significant differences in all
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Left Ventricle  27
3 Stress Echocardiography

the corresponding number of consecutive heartbeats.

INTRODUCTION Immediately after acquisition, subsegments are combined
Since the 1990s, stress echocardiography has become an offline to a pyramidal 3D dataset with an overall angle
established tool for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia of maximally 120° by 120°. These 3D datasets are able
and for the stratification of the individual patient with to encompass a complete left ventricular cavity from an
known coronary artery disease. Conventional 2D stress apical echocardiographic window. Spatial resolution of
echocardiography is based on the serial acquisition of full-volume datasets is somewhat smaller compared to
the typical four or five transthoracic image planes from conventional 2D or bi- and triplanar images. However, full-
parasternal and apical echocardiography windows. The volume 3D data allow coverage and analysis of the complete
acquisition is performed at rest and during the different circumference of the left ventricular wall and not only two
levels of either physical or pharmacological stress. or three selected 2D image planes that are always prone
However, there are some significant limitations that to potential image plane positioning errors. Temporal
make it sometimes difficult to acquire data and to analyze resolution depends on the number of acquired subvolumes
the images: transthoracic image quality with incomplete and segment depth, but regularly lies between 30 and 50
visualization of left ventricular (LV) walls, probe positioning volumes per second.
difficulties resulting in inadequate image planes, and The smaller the number or the wider the angle of the
the time-consuming serial acquisition of different image acquired subsegments, the lower spatial and time resolution
planes that has to be performed in a narrow time window will be. In contrast to triggered image acquisition, “single-
during peak stress while wall motion abnormalities exist. beat acquisition” of full-volume LV data is a more recent
Even after successful data acquisition, the subjectivity of and promising development to overcome artifacts due to
image interpretation remains a problem leading to reduced nonmatching subvolumes. As previously mentioned, a
interobserver agreement and causing the well-known certain trade-off regarding spatial and temporal resolution
examiner dependency. All factors together may result in of these systems has to be accepted (Figure 3.1).
impaired test accuracy and a lower sensitivity to detect
regional myocardial ischemia. With the advent of real-time ACQUISITION — WORKFLOW USING MATRIX
3D echocardiography, several of the previously mentioned ARRAY TRANSDUCERS
limitations of conventional 2D stress echocardiography
might be solved. Like conventional 2D techniques during stress
echocardiography, 3D echocardiography is performed
ACQUISITION — TECHNICAL ASPECTS at rest, at low and peak stress, and during recovery. Both
physical stress (either bicycle or treadmill exercise) and
Matrix array transducers allow different approaches to be pharmacological stress (mainly dobutamine plus atropine,
used to perform stress echocardiography. One image plane but also adenosine and dipyridamole) can be used in
can be rotated automatically without changing the probe combination with 3D techniques.1–7
position (rotating monoplanar) and two (biplanar) or three Left heart contrast agents can be applied for better
(triplanar) image planes can be acquired simultaneously. endocardial delineation as continuous infusion or using
Rotating mono-, bi-, and triplanar techniques, of course, do bolus injections immediately before the acquisition of each
not fulfill the definition of 3D echocardiography due to the stress level.8–11 However, for full-volume datasets that are
gaps between all image planes, but they may serve as a first step acquired over several cardiac cycles, a continuous contrast
toward “complete” full-volume 3D stress echocardiography. infusion is preferred so that the concentration of contrast
In biplanar mode, the spatial relation of both image microbubbles remains constant during acquisition.6 Many
planes can be varied in three directions: rotation around 3D ultrasound systems have contrast-specific imaging
a central stable longitudinal axis, elevation tilt, and lateral modalities, which should be used when contrast agents are
tilt. Using the triplanar approach, three image planes are employed.
rotated around a longitudinal axis with variable increments.
The default setting for the angle between the image planes is ROTATING MONOPLANAR, BIPLANAR,
60°. Spatial and time resolutions of bi- and triplanar data are AND TRIPLANAR MODES
identical to the conventional 2D data that can be recorded Some vendors developed acquisition software that takes
with matrix array transducers. However, the acquisition time advantage of matrix array’s potential to electronically rotate
is potentially much shorter since two or three planes are an image plane. In consequence, the image plane can be
captured simultaneously. changed - as a rotation around a stable central axis - without
In contrast, the acquisition of wide-angle 3D datasets moving the transducer. Once the echocardiographic
(full-volume 3D acquisition) is usually based on the serial window is found, the ultrasound probe can be held still,
recording of four (up  to seven) narrow subvolumes in which makes the acquisition easier for beginners but also

28  3D Echocardiography
A 80°–108° 80°–108° echocardiographic acquisition of full-volume data is
normally performed from a single apical echocardiographic
window. Parasternal full-volume recording in the majority
of patients is not able to cover the complete LV and thus
is not practical. At least one full-volume dataset should be
acquired at each stress level.1,15–20
The main difference between conventional 2D and
multiplanar or full-volume 3D stress echocardiography is a
significantly shorter scanning time. Full volume 3D data by
definition include a considerably higher amount of data on
LV wall motion.
Based on this faster acquisition, the narrow time
B 85°–90° 85°–90° window at peak stress, especially in physical exercise
echocardiography, can be used more effectively. Performing
stress echocardiography in a bi- or triplanar approach has
already been shown to result in a higher heart rate during
exercise stress acquisition, a prerequisite for ischemia
A full-volume 3D dataset incorporating the entire left
ventricle is required for analysis. In order to optimize
Single beat the time resolution, the size of the dataset should be
minimized by excluding extraneous structures such as the
Figure 3.1  Acquisition of full-volume 3D data. (A) Triggered
right ventricle and left atrium. In addition, a setting with
acquisition requires four to seven consecutive heartbeats. During
maximal volume rate (perhaps by using more subvolumes)
every beat a narrow subvolume is acquired and finally assembled
to a pyramidal 3D dataset of maximally 120° by 120°. (B) Single-beat
should be chosen.
acquisition allows an acquisition of 3D datasets within one single Single-beat full-volume acquisition is available on some
heartbeat avoiding stitching artifacts. 3D echocardiography systems. In case a reasonable volume
rate can be achieved, this technique removes one potential
for experienced examiners. Nevertheless, serial acquisition source of artifacts and errors; subvolume stitching problems.
of all image planes remains time consuming. If the 3D dataset has been created using triggered
Typically, biplanar mode from the parasternal acquisition of more than one heartbeat with stitched
echocardiographic window allows the simultaneous subvolumes, it is important to validate its integrity before
acquisition of a long axis and of an adapted short axis, and proceeding with analysis. This is achieved by cropping down
from the apical echocardiographic window, a simultaneous from the apex in a transverse plane to look for fault lines at
apical four-chamber and a two-chamber view. Finally, the joins between the subvolumes. These are usually caused
using the rotation of one of the image planes, in a third by translation errors resulting from transducer movement
heartbeat the apical long axis can be acquired.12,13 Image during acquisition, patient respiration, or irregular R-R
plane orientation can be stored in the echocardiographic intervals. Any dataset containing stitching artifacts cannot
system as an individual setting so that after the acquisition be used for analysis (Figure 3.2).
of all planes, side-by-side visualization and synchronization
Acquisition of triplanar data typically is only performed
from a single apical echocardiographic window. In nearly
all patients, a default setting of 60° increments between Conventional 2D stress echocardiograms are analyzed by
the three planes allows simultaneous visualization of four displaying the same view at different stages side by side. It
and two chambers as well as of the apical long axis when is therefore more familiar for most users to display image
carefully adapted to the patient’s anatomy. Furthermore, planes derived from stress 3D datasets in a similar way.21
when omitting parasternal recording, triplanar scanning Once the 3D dataset is acquired, image planes can be
facilitates a single transducer position for acquisition created in every desired orientation by cropping into the 3D
of only one heartbeat at each stress stage. Loops from dataset using multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) techniques
all three image planes are stored separately and can to create semiconventional 2D “slices” of the LV. Besides the
be presented and analyzed side by side comparable to extraction of conventional two-, three-, and four-chamber
conventional 2D stress echocardiography.14 views, multiple parallel short-axis slices, usually six to nine
from base to apex of the LV, can be used for systematic
3D FULL-VOLUME MODE AND QUALITY CONTROL analysis of regional wall motion analysis. These slices can
In comparison to rotating mono-, bi-, and triplanar be extracted manually or semiautomatically, as it is possible
techniques, the number of necessary heartbeats to acquire in several commercially available 3D echocardiography
a complete full-volume dataset is further decreased to machines.20 Analysis of regional wall motion abnormalities
one up to four depending on the equipment in use. Stress and contraction patterns in circular short-axis slices of the

Stress Echocardiography 29

Figure 3.2  Typical artifacts limiting use of 3D data in stress echocardiography. (A) Endocardial borders of anteroseptal wall are not visible
(arrow). (B) Stitching artifacts (small arrows) are caused by relative motion between transducer and heart or different heart rates of consecutive
heartbeats during the triggered acquisition. (C) Left ventricular cavity is not completely included in the 3D dataset (arrow).

left ventricle - as we know it from cardiac magnetic resonance more time with cropping the full-volume dataset than one
imaging (MRI) - is somewhat easier than in long-axis views has saved during the acquisition.
(Figure 3.3). The last step of stress echocardiographic analysis is
The use of MPR with adjustment of the planes facilitates a side-by-side analysis of the extracted image planes at
geometric correction and ensures that no plane is off-axis, different stress/exercise levels and is still based on subjective
which can be difficult to achieve during “live” stress image interpretation of wall motion and thickening abnormalities
acquisition. With 3D, every plane can be adjusted offline to analogous to conventional 2D stress echocardiography.
ensure that it is positioned geometrically correct and that it Several advanced approaches based on modern image analysis
correlates with other planes acquired at different stress stages. algorithms, such as speckle tracking in 3D, strain calculation,
Yet, this kind of manual cropping tends to be time consuming. parametric imaging, or quantitative analysis of wall motion
Therefore, today’s stress echocardiographic software amplitudes, have been used in scientific studies to overcome
implemented into the latest 3D systems uses autocropping the subjectivity depending on the individual experience of
features creating standard image planes presuming that the echocardiographer (Figures 3.4 and 3.5).22–27
the apical full-volume dataset has been acquired using a
standard orientation. Of course, autocropped planes can be CLINICAL STUDIES ON 3D STRESS
readjusted manually. Some 3D stress software utilizes feature ECHO - ADVANTAGES, PERSPECTIVES,
extraction techniques that utilize preloaded 3D image
templates and pattern recognition algorithms.
In addition to creating “standard” 2D views from the 3D Early studies using first-generation 3D equipment in the late
dataset, it is also possible to continuously move or rotate any 1990s already demonstrated that 3D volumetric imaging
of the views during playback to effectively create an infinite could be used to analyze regional LV wall motion.28 Other
number of planes. However, there is a certain risk to losing studies even claimed a high sensitivity and superiority


Figure 3.3  Multislice imaging in 3D echocardiography. (A) Three orthogonal views extracted from the 3D dataset (green, red, and blue)
allow discovery of the correct alignment of the long axis and a set of parallel short-axis slices (two of them marked with yellow lines). The
example shows a 4 × 4 set of short-axis slices. (B) Example showing a 3 × 3 set of short-axis slices visualizing endocardial boundaries of the left.

30  3D Echocardiography

Figure 3.4  Side-by-side visualization of multislice images. Side-by-side visualization of serially acquired data: (A) demonstrating the situation
at rest, (B) 3 × 3 set of the corresponding short-axis slices at low-dose dobutamine dose, (C) set of short-axis slices at peak dobutamine dose.

over conventional 2D stress echocardiography.29 However, more) different 2D image planes. Importantly, the shorter
overall poor image quality and other technical limitations scanning time did obviously not reduce test accuracy (Figures
of the purely 3D-dedicated echocardiographic system 3.6 and 3.7).
prevented this first approach from becoming widespread As a consequence of these numerous studies, clinical
in clinical use. cardiologists may ask: If sensitivity and specificity are
Since the advent of the next generation of matrix array equivalent, why should one use a matrix array transducer
transducers, several study groups used bi- and triplanar at all and not continue to do a 2D stress echocardiogram?
techniques as a first step toward “complete” 3D stress However, there are more advantages of 3D imaging during
echocardiography. Others used full-volume 3D data stress echocardiographic workflow than only a shorter
and performed comparative studies vs. conventional 2D scanning time:
echocardiography, coronary angiography, and nuclear
imaging.1–3 These studies have demonstrated a comparable • There is no need to change the transducer position
image quality and a good correlation between conventional during apical scanning once the echocardiographic
2D and 3D stress echocardiography with a nearly identical window is found. This makes acquisition easier and faster
sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy.16 However, the main for both beginner and expert echocardiographers.
difference in all studies was, not surprisingly, a significantly Furthermore, image plane positioning errors
shorter scanning time to acquire a 3D dataset covering the leading to false-positive or false-negative 2D stress
complete LV compared to the serial scanning of three (or even echocardiographic examinations might be avoided.


Figure 3.5  Qualitative visualization of regional wall motion abnormalities. Based on rendered endocardial borders, a left ventricular cast
represents an end-diastolic (A) and an end-systolic (B) left ventricular volume. Regional wall motion abnormalities can easily be detected
and visualized qualitatively (arrow in Panel B) when the end-diastolic borders are kept as a wire mesh.

Stress Echocardiography 31
p < .01


Acqisition time (s)






62 59 38 68 27 21 29 29
2D 3D

Figure 3.6  Reduction of scan time using 3D vs. 2D stress echocardiography. Acquisition times of 2D and 3D stress echocardiography based
on the published data of four comparative studies. 2D echocardiography needs significantly more time to acquire all image planes necessary
for an adequate examination than does 3D echocardiography.

• The narrow time window at peak stress, especially in delineation has been used in early studies to increase the
physical exercise echocardiography, can be used much number of evaluable LV segments. Evaluation of myocardial
more effectively when acquiring a complete 3D dataset. A perfusion in three dimensions as an even more complex
shorter time needed for scanning at peak stress and a more combination of advanced modalities might increase
complete monitoring (more segments can be observed the sensitivity in the diagnosis of functionally relevant
online during stress testing) also reduce the potential coronary artery disease as has been demonstrated in some
risk of prolonged myocardial ischemia for the individual smaller and preliminary studies.6,30 However, knowing the
patient. Moreover, reduction of stress echocardiography difficulties of 2D myocardial perfusion imaging based on
duration in the long run also may reduce costs and increase the replenishment of myocardial contrast, it seems to be still
throughput in the stress echocardiography laboratory. not ready for widespread use.
• Finally, besides the advantages during image acquisition, Another study tried to combine the advantages of 2D and
there seem to be advantages analyzing regional LV wall 3D stress echocardiography by integrating 3D acquisition
motion abnormalities in short-axis slices, similar to into a routine stress echocardiography protocol. 31 This
MRI. integrated approach improved overall accuracy in the
diagnosis of coronary artery disease significantly in
PERSPECTIVES comparison to 2D or 3D alone. This combined approach may
The combination of 3D stress echocardiography with be an optimal way for the 3D echocardiography beginner to
contrast enhancement for an improved endocardial get used to 3D stress echocardiography.

Sensitivity Specificity
95 93
89 89 90
86 87
85 84

80 78 78 78 78 77 76
75 73 73
72 72


3D 2D 3D 2D

Figure 3.7  Diagnostic accuracy of 2D and 3D stress echocardiography in comparative studies. Bar graph demonstrating sensitivity (left) and
specificity (right) of 3D and 2D stress echocardiography in comparison to nuclear imaging or coronary angiography as gold standard. Average
sensitivity and specificity over all studies were not different between 2D and 3D techniques, demonstrating the comparable diagnostic
accuracy of both methods.

32  3D Echocardiography
Intraventricular dyssynchrony may also be a marker acquisition time in 3D stress echocardiography may be
for stress-induced ischemia. 3D echocardiography is one reduced by the difficulties in getting an artifact-free dataset.
of several techniques that have been demonstrated to To date, even after years of commercially available 3D
be capable of detecting dyssynchrony as represented by echocardiographic systems, there is no adequate internal
segmental volume-time curves.32 3D stress echocardiographic software solution that allows an easy-to-use method aligning
studies are currently underway to evaluate the potential of data at rest and during stress levels. In conventional 2D stress
this technique. Moreover, studies using dynamic maps of echocardiography, it is a standard technique to have side-by-
contraction, which are derived from full-volume datasets, side visualization of the corresponding image planes at rest
appear promising to more accurately localize and estimate and stress levels. With the completeness of 3D data, it becomes
the severity of stress-induced ischemia by identifying areas of a new task to find the same or at least a comparable image
delayed contraction or even diastolic function.5,22,33 plane during different stress levels. An improper selection of
Even more advanced approaches based on modern image image planes may add a new and unexpected source of error
analysis algorithms have been used in scientific studies to in the interpretation of 3D stress echocardiography.
quantitatively analyze wall motion abnormalities or regional Finally, the interpretation of image planes generated from
myocardial ischemia. Speckle tracking in 3D, calculation the complete 3D dataset remains subjective. The addition of
of regional myocardial deformation, or even calculation of more reliable and less subjective quantitative tools such as
regional stress-strain loops, although depending significantly speckle tracking or “3D strain,” at least at present, still is only
on an optimal temporal resolution of the underlying 3D scientific and challenging. Unfortunately, these advanced and
dataset, may be the ultimate goal for precise and sensitive proprietary techniques have not yet entered widespread clini-
detection of small myocardial pathologies.22–27,34 cal routine.24–26,34 After several enthusiastic studies in the first
years of real-time 3D echocardiography, the lack of easy-to-use
LIMITATIONS analysis tools may be responsible for the low number of clinical
Despite the variety of potential advantages of 3D compared studies on 3D stress echocardiography over the last few years.
to conventional 2D stress echocardiography, limitations
have to be mentioned. Although modern matrix array CONCLUSION
transducers already provide a 2D image quality comparable
to high-end 2D transducers, overall image quality in full- 3D stress echocardiography has been shown to be feasible,
volume datasets still is worse compared to high-end 2D resulting in a test accuracy that is comparable to conventional
equipment.17,31 This is especially true for short-axis slices 2D techniques. Besides the advantage of reduced acquisition
extracted from apically acquired 3D data due to the reduced time covering the complete left ventricle without losing image
line density and lateral resolution. In addition, matrix quality, it may be easier analyzing regional LV wall motion
array probes of several vendors are still relatively large and abnormalities in short axis slices instead of conventional
interfere with narrow intercostal spaces, thus resulting in long axis planes. In addition, image plane positioning
artifacts or dropouts. Therefore, some authors claimed in errors leading to false positive or negative 2D stress echo
the past that application of left heart contrast is mandatory examinations might be avoided.
for adequate endocardial delineation when acquiring full- However, to be realistic, up to now, a clinically relevant
volume 3D data,9,10 although the majority of more recent and easy-to-use solution for the routine use of 3D in stress
studies use no contrast. This may be due to the difficulties echocardiography has not yet been established. On the long
in achieving a homogenous contrast opacification over the run, real-time 3D stress echo will be the fastest and without
complete duration of a full-volume acquisition. any doubt the best way to do a stress echo.
Sector size with regard to angle width in earlier days was
a problem especially in dilated LVs. Meanwhile, modern 3D SUMMARY BOX
echocardiographic equipment allows wide-angle settings,
which normally will be sufficient to encompass even distorted Advantages of 3D over 2D stress echocardiography
ventricles using off-axis scanning.
• Faster acquisition
Temporal resolution plays an important role in stress
echocardiography. To increase time resolution without • Complete left ventricle encompassed
losing angle width of the acquired pyramidal 3D dataset, • (Probably) easier interpretation of wall motion
a certain trade-off in line density always has to be accepted abnormalities in short-axis views
which results in reduced image quality. In a standard
setting, most 3D devices today allow a time resolution of Disadvantages of 3D compared to 2D stress
about 40–50 ms (20–25 volumes/s), even in single-beat echocardiography
acquisition. Using the triggered mode (i.e., four to seven • Temporal and spatial resolution susceptible to
beats) or reduced acquisition angle (e.g., 80° instead of
sector size and acquisition technique (triggered/
120°) and reduced depth will allow a significantly higher
time resolution up to 10 ms ( = 100 volumes per second). untriggered)
However, the quality of triggered data always depends on • Limited software solutions for side-by-side
the stability of the heart rate, the patient’s breath-hold, viewing of rest and stress levels
and probe position. Thus, the potential advantage of short

Stress Echocardiography 33
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34  3D Echocardiography
4 Right Ventricle

follows: 25–41 mm for RV basal diameter, 59–83 mm for

INTRODUCTION RV longitudinal diameter, and 21–35 mm for the right
The shape of the right ventricle (RV) is complicated and ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) proximal diameter.4
thus any 2D imaging cannot represent the entire RV as Also, as a general guide, in the apical four-chamber and
seen in Figure 4.1 ( ). In the apical 2D echocardiographic parasternal long-axis view, normal RV size is approximately
view, the RV looks triangular, while in the cross-sectional two-thirds that of the left ventricle (LV). When the RV
view, it appears crescent in the normal condition.1 The RV appears larger than the LV and/or shares the apex, RV
is composed of the following three components: dilation may be present.
1. The inlet, which consists of the tricuspid valve (TV), 2D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC METHODS FOR
chordae tendineae, and papillary muscle DETERMINING RV SYSTOLIC FUNCTION
2. The trabecular apical myocardium RV systolic function is a strong predictor of outcome in heart
3. The infundibulum or conus, which refers to the smooth failure patients. Systolic function is currently determined
myocardial outflow region by the following 2D echocardiography methods.4 The ASE
The infundibulum consists of 25%–30% of RV volume guideline has been upgraded from 2010 which was used
shown by a 3D study.2 for the second edition of this textbook. Now in the new
The three parts of the RV are not in the same plane ASE guideline, 3D echocardiography as well as 2D strain
as seen in a 3D echocardiogram from a normal subject by speckle tracking have been added as a measure for
(Figure 4.1). The RV inflow tract contracts earlier than evaluating RV systolic function.4
the infundibulum. The response of these three segments 1. RV FAC. RV FAC is defined as (end-diastolic area –
to medications, sympathetic stimulation, and volume and end-systolic area)/end-diastolic area × 100. This value
pressure overload may be different. For example, animal is determined by RV endocardial tracing in the apical
and human studies suggested that the inotropic response four-chamber view. This method has been used in the
of the infundibulum may be greater than that of the inflow literature many times and is recommended by the ASE
tract. as one of the quantitative methods for determining RV
RV has circumferential arrangement of the myofibers systolic function. RV systolic dysfunction is suspected
in the subendocardium and longitudinal myofibers in the when FAC is less than 35%.
subendocardium. RV contraction is greater longitudinally   Although this method does not reflect RVOT, which
than radially. It is no wonder that almost all the RV strain may react differently from RV inflow to medications,
and strain rate studies are focused on the longitudinal pressure, and volume overload, it is still useful practically
ones, not radial or circumferential ones. For example, RV
free-wall longitudinal strain had a stronger correlation
with RV ejection fraction (EF) determined by magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) than tricuspid annular plane
systolic excursion (TAPSE), RV fractional area change
(FAC), and tricuspid S′ in a heterogeneous group of
patients. 3 AO
RV volume estimation by 2D echocardiography has
historically employed several geometric models, including
elliptical, hemi-elliptical, ellipsoid, area-length, the RV
Simpson, triangular prism, and pyramid ones. Currently,
none of these 2D models is accepted for clinical use.
Moreover, unpredictable changes in the geometry of the
RV responding to volume and pressure overload create
further problems for the use of such geometric assumptions.
However, 2D echocardiography is widely used to judge the
size in daily cardiac practice. Normal values were suggested Figure 4.1  3D TEE image of the right ventricle . (AO, aorta; PV,
by the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) as pulmonary valve; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid valve.)

Right Ventricle 35
to roughly judge the RV systolic function.5 Not only is this dysfunction exists. In busy clinical settings, however, the
method quantitatively important but also, at the same combination of FAC and TAPSE is practical for quick
time, geometrical judgment of RV such as the McConnell assessment of RV function in many cases.9
sign can be performed.6 Thus, this is a clinically 3. Peak systolic tricuspid annular velocity by pulsed and tissue
indispensable, easy 2D eyeball method although detailed Doppler. The evaluation of peak systolic tricuspid
3D geometrical character of the McConnell sign and annular velocity using Doppler tissue imaging provides
segmental stain can be more specific and quantitatively a simple, rapid, and noninvasive tool for assessing
accurate for acute pulmonary embolism.7,8 RV systolic function in patients with heart failure. In
. Tricuspid annular plane systolic motion (TAPSE, movement
2 general, the ASE suggested that RV systolic dysfunction
of the tricuspid annulus). The value is determined as the is suspected when S′ velocity by pulsed Doppler less
distance of systolic TV annular motion in the M-mode than 9.5 cm/s and less than 6.0 cm/s by color Doppler.4
recording. The movement of the tricuspid annulus in a However, like TAPSE, this method assumes that the
standard apical four-chamber view is easy to recognize. TV annular velocity represents the entire RV function,
The normal value is greater than 16 mm. RV systolic which may not hold true when regional RV dysfunction
dysfunction is suspected when TAPSE is less than exists.
17 mm.4 Although this method assumes that the TV . Myocardial function index or Tei index. The myocardial
annular movement represents the entire RV function, performance index (MPI) or Tei index is considered an
this assumption may not hold true when regional RV index of global RV function. The value is determined





Figure 4.2  (A) Determination of an absolute volume of the right ventricular (RV) cavity with 3D TTE (see text). (B) Software to determine
absolute RV volume from 3D TEE volume. (EDV, end-diastolic volume.)

36  3D Echocardiography
as the ratio of the total isovolumic time (isovolumic severe TR, and relatively time consuming. Thus, it is not
relaxation time and isovolumic contraction time) to routinely used clinically.
RV ejection time. Measurement can be performed with . Strain. RV free wall strain derived from speckle tracking
pulsed Doppler and/or the tissue Doppler method. was recently added as a measure of RV function in the
This method is relatively simple and does not require ASE guideline.4 The global longitudinal RV free wall
optimal RV imaging. strain by speckle tracking greater than –20 is considered
  RV systolic dysfunction is suspected when MPI is to be abnormal (e.g., –16 is abnormal and –25 is normal).
greater than 0.43 by pulsed Doppler and MPI greater However, this value may depend on echocardiography
than 0.54 by tissue Doppler.4 However, this method may systems or vendors.4
be inaccurate in patients with arrythmia and when RV 7. 3D echocardiography. Considering the complex
pressure is increased. geometry of the RV cavity, no 2D echocardiographic
5. RV dp/dt. The rate of pressure rise can be estimated by methods as mentioned earlier can provide true RV
continuous-wave (CW) Doppler recording of tricuspid volumes. As compared to MRI, the 2D approach to RV
regurgitation (TR) velocity. RV dp/dt is determined by the volume determination has been proven inaccurate.
ratio of the increase in pressure (12 mm Hg from 1 m/s 3D echocardiography has been proposed as a better
to 2 m/s of TR velocity) to time (from 1 m/s to 2 m/s). method than 2D for determining RV volumes.4,10–14 3D
RV dp/dt less than 400 mm  Hg/s may be considered echocardiography can determine absolute cavity volumes
abnormal (if other findings are consistent). However, of an RV of any shape, which may depend on volume and
this method is dependent on preload, less accurate in pressure overload (Figure 4.2).15

A Difference in RV EDV between 3D echocardiography and MRI

ID Author Weight Estimates [95%CI]
01 Vogel 1997.4 5.2% –4.50 [–6.51, –2.49]
02 Papavassiliou 1998.8 4.2% –9.60 [–18.03, –1.17]
03 Fujimoto 1998.12 4.8% –4.00 [–8.93, 0.93]
04 Prakasa 2006.3 4.7% –15.90 [–21.71, –10.09]
05 Nesser TEE 2006.9 4.3% –1.30 [–9.10, 6.50]
06 Nesser TTE 2006.9 4.3% –1.60 [–9.58, 6.38]
07 Kjaergaard 2006.12 3.8% 5.40 [–4.55,15.35]
08 Gopal DS 2007.5 5.2% –1.20 [–2.67, 0.27]
09 Gopal AR 2007.5 5.2% –16.00 [–18.11, –13.89]
10 Jenkins 2007.6 5.1% –3.00 [–5.77, –0.23]
11 Niemann 2007.10 5.2% 0.91 [0.15, 1.67]
12 Lu 2008.1 4.9% –7.00 [–11.16, –2.84]
13 Iriart 2009.1 4.5% –18.70 [–25.62, –11.78]
14 Khoo DS 2009.10 3.4% –45.74 [–58.03, –33.45]
15 Khoo AR 2009.10 3.5% –45.27 [–56.68, –33.86]
16 Khoo ABD 2009.10 3.5% –51.19 [–62.60, –39.78]
17 Khoo MAB 2009.10 3.7% –52.38 [–62.91, –41.84]
18 Grewal 2009.12 3.1% –25.00 [–38.72, –11.28]
19 Grapsa PAH 2010.1 4.4% –3.70 [–10.96, 3.56]
20 Grapsa NL 2010.1 5.1% –1.50 [–4.57, 1.57]
21 Sugeng 2010.1 3.1% –14.00 [–27.80, –0.20]
22 van der Zwaan 2010.2 4.0% –34.00 [–43.26, –24.74]
23 Leibundgut 2010.2 4.9% –10.20 [–14.63, –5.77]

All studies
–13.9 [–17.7, –10.1], p < 0.00001

–50 –40 –30 –20 –10 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 (ml)

Figure 4.3  (A) Meta-analysis of right ventricular end-diastolic volume (RV EDV) by 3D echocardiography. (Continued)

Right Ventricle 37
B Difference in RV EF between 3DE and MRI

ID Author Year/Month Weight Estimates [95%CI]
01 Vogel 1997.4 4.1% –6.60 [–9.03, –4.17]
02 Papavassiliou 1998.8 2.6% –3.35 [–7.39, 0.69]
03 Fujimoto 1998.12 3.4% 1.00 [–2.04, 4.04]
04 Prakasa 2006.3 5.9% –1.20 [–1.97, –0.43]
05 Nesser TEE 2006.9 2.4% –4.00 [–8.25, 0.25]
06 Nesser TTE 2006.9 2.5% –2.00 [–6.12, 2.12]
07 Kjaergaard 2006.12 2.6% –5.90 [–9.91, –1.89]
08 Gopal DS 2007.5 5.2% –0.70 [–2.20, 0.80]
09 Gopal AR 2007.5 5.5% 1.70 [0.49, 2.91]
10 Jenkins 2007.6 5.6% 2.00 [0.89, 3.11]
11 Niemann 2007.10 5.5% 0.16 [–1.04, 1.36]
12 Lu 2008.1 4.7% 0.30 [–1.59, 2.19]
13 Iriart 2009.1 4.8% –0.20 [–2.05, 1.65]
14 Khoo DS 2009.10 3.9% –0.50 [–3.06, 2.06]
15 Khoo AR 2009.10 4.2% –0.70 [–3.07, 1.67]
16 Khoo ABD 2009.10 4.3% –2.60 [–4.82, –0.38]
17 Khoo MAB 2009.10 3.9% 1.40 [–1.16, 3.96]
18 Grewal 2009.12 5.3% 2.00 [0.63, 3.37]
19 Grapsa PAH 2010.1 4.9% –1.30 [–3.07, 0.47]
20 Grapsa NL 2010.1 4.8% –1.30 [–3.10, 0.50]
21 Sugeng 2010.1 4.3% –2.00 [–4.27, 0.27]
22 van der Zwaan 2010.2 4.7% –4.00 [–5.91, –2.09]
23 Leibundgut 2010.2 5.1% –0.40 [–1.97, –1.17]

All studies –0.9 [–1.8, –0.1], p=0.03

Underestimation Overestimation
–4 –2 +2 +4 (%)

Figure 4.3 (Continued)  (B) Meta-analysis of right ventricle ejection fraction (RV EF) by 3D echocardiography.

Figure 4.4  A pitfall of right ventricular (RV) volume determination with 3D echocardiography. Unclear borderline (arrows) is a cause of an
erroneous estimation of RV volume (see text).

38  3D Echocardiography

Figure 4.5  (A) Preoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), showing severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and dilated right ventricle
and right atrium. (B) Postoperative 2D TEE, showing smaller RV without residual TR.

NORMAL VALUES OF RV VOLUMES AND EJECTION (ESV) and for women 74 mL/m2 for EDV and 36 mL/m2
Clinical validation of 3D RV volume determination with
NORMAL VALUES OF RV VOLUMES WERE REPORTED15,16 MRI has been reported many times. In vitro studies repeatedly
There were significant differences in RV end-diastolic confirmed the accuracy of real-time 3D echocardiography
volume (EDV) between men and women (129 ± 25 vs. for determining RV volume, stroke volume, and/or EF.1,18–21
102 ± 33 mL, P < .01).16,17 However, adjusting to lean body In contrast to nonhuman validation studies, however, in
mass (but not the body surface area or height) eliminated clinical studies, there has been consistent underestimation
this difference (2.1 ± 0.5 vs. 2.2 ± 0.4 mL/kg, P = not of MRI-derived RV volumes by 3D echocardiography.
significant).17 Normal upper limit values are for men Our meta-analysis showed RV volumes were slightly
87 mL/m2 for EDV and 44 mL/m2 for end-systolic volume underestimated by 3D echocardiography as compared to

Right Ventricle 39



EDV=238.3ml PV






Figure 4.6  (A) Right ventricular (RV) volume by presurgical 3D TEE. (B) RV volume by postsurgical 3D TEE. (EDV, end-diastolic volume; PV,
pulmonary valve; TV, tricuspid valve.)

MRI (Figure 4.3).22 Normal values of RV EF are reported be erroneous, although the typical views such as the apical
by multiple authors. Our meta-analysis showed that EF was four-chamber view show an optimal RV image for tracing.
slightly underestimated (0.9%) by 3D echocardiography as Inclusion and exclusion of the moderator band may create
compared to MRI (Figure 4.3).22 RV systolic dysfunction is confusion (Figure 4.4).
suspected when 3D RV EF is less than 44%.4
Inclusion of the entire RV is not automatic. In 40
patients who planned for a routine 2D transthoracic LIMITATIONS OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC DATA
echocardiography (TTE), parasternal, apical, and subcostal MRI is the gold standard for determining RV volume and
views were used for 3D echocardiography. In this study, RV function. This method should be considered when the
was adequately visualized in only 12 (30%) patients by 3D image quality of 3D echocardiography is not good enough
echocardiography.23 Tracing of the RV endocardium may for evaluation (Table 4.1).

40  3D Echocardiography
Table 4.1  Comparison between 2D Echocardiography and 3D Echocardiography and Magnetic Resonance
Magnetic Resonance
2D Echocardiography 3D Echocardiography Imaging

RV Size Relatively simple to measure in Easy to apply but not quantitative, Better estimate than 2D Gold standard, but not for
multiple views and provide a visual moderate accuracy echocardiography, need more daily practice
assessment time to measure, may
underestimate RV volumes
RV Volume Area-length or Simpson method Not accurate Needs more time Accurate
RV Function Fractional area change TAPSE, TVA All indices are limited due to Better estimate than 2D Accurate RV EF, not used in
velocity (pulsed and tissue Doppler), localized information, combination echocardiography, may daily practice
MPI or Tei index, CW dp/dt, strain of FAC and TAPSE can be applied underestimate RV EF
and strain rate for rough assessment
CW, continuous wave; EF, ejection fraction; FAC, fractional area change; MPI, myocardial performance index; RV, right ventricle; TAPSE, tricuspid annular
plane systolic motion; TVA, tricuspid valve annulus.

widely accepted, visualization of unique RV remodeling

CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS OF RV and regional wall motion abnormality in patients
VOLUME, FUNCTION, AND GEOMETRY with pulmonary hypertension by this method was also
As for real-time 3D TEE assessment of RV volumes and
In a clinical feasibility study, at least one good 3D function in surgical patients with normal and dilated
acquisition of the RV was achieved in all subjects in a RVs, its feasibility was reported with improvement of the
mean time of 3 ± 1 minutes, and the RV image quality quantitative evaluation of RV function. 36 In a practical
was good in most subjects (85%). 24 A newer type of sense, however, 3D echocardiographic measurement of RV
real-time 3D system has further improved these results volume and EF may be cumbersome in the operating room
since the publication of this study. In patients with or catheterization laboratory. Based on recent publications
diverse backgrounds, RV EF determined by 3D TTE was with the use of 3D echocardiography, 2D-based FAC or
independently associated with cardiac outcomes. 25 Real- visual assessment of RV systolic function in the operating
time 3D TTE revealed that patients with arrhythmogenic room appeared to be reliable. 5,37 RV volume was not
RV cardiomyopathy had a decreased RV EF as compared accurate by visual assessment in this study. 37 Thus, we
with controls. 26 In another study, 3D echocardiography- must choose wisely on what method should be used in a
derived RV EF correlated negatively with 2D-derived variety of clinical settings, from visual 2D assessment to
pulmonary arterial systolic pressure and positively with 3D measurement of RV volume and EF with and without
tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, peak systolic speckle tracking.
velocity, and fractional shortening area. 24
In a recent publication, 3D echocardiographic assessment CASE PRESENTATION
of LV and RV volumes and shape are reported to be useful This patient was in a car accident recently and subsequently
for describing the impact of the left ventricular assist device had shortness of breath and leg edema. 2D TEE (Figure 4.5)
(LVAD) on the heart.27 The 3D echocardiography-derived showed severe TR and dilated RV with normal systolic
RV EF and RV free wall strain are associated with RV failure function. Real-time 3D TEE analysis showed RV EDV of
and long-term outcome in patients undergoing LVAD 238 mL and EF of 61% (Figure 4.6). After the TV repair,
implantation. These parameters have the potential to be future 2D TEE showed no residual TR and reduced RV size and
predictors for right heart failure in LVAD surgery.28 Real-time systolic function (Figure  4.5). No reliable quantification
3D echocardiography is a promising tool to offer insights into was possible with 2D echocardiography. 3D TEE analysis
the morphology of the RV in a variety of patients, including demonstrated reduced RV EDV of 151 and EF of 52% after
arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia, Epstein malformation, and the surgery (Figure 4.6).
tetralogy of Fallot.29–33 These clinical studies demonstrate
unique images of the RV and RV-related cardiac abnormalities
only possible with 3D echocardiography.
As a new methodology of 3D echocardiography, 3D Because of its unique geometry, RV evaluation by 2D
speckle tracking is developed and reported to determine methods is difficult and requires including multiple factors
RV volume and RV EF.8 This methodology seems promising, such as RV FAC and TAPSE. 3D echocardiography is not only
as the values of RV volume and EF were comparable with theoretically ideal, but also announced as a measure of RV
cardiac magnetic resonance measurements. Interestingly, volume and function in the new ASE guideline. Continued
regional RV wall motion with heterogeneous segmental technological improvement to easily determine RV volume
deformations could be demonstrated by this 3D and function in a variety of pathological conditions is still
methodology.8 Although the speckle tracking 3D is not yet desired to improve clinical outcomes.

Right Ventricle 41
19. Schindera ST, Mehwald PS, Sahn DJ, Kececioglu D. Accuracy of real-
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42  3D Echocardiography
5 Left Atrium

file postprocessed from a regular CT scan, magnetic resonance

INTRODUCTION imaging (MRI), or less frequently 3D echocardiography with
The left atrium (LA) is one of the four chambers of the the help of software and a 3D printer ( ). Some publications
heart receiving oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through highlight the use of 3D printing for sizing and selecting
the pulmonary veins before filling the left ventricle. The LA left atrial appendage closure devices,1,2 illustrating and
is routinely imaged by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) closing atrial septal defect (ASD).3,4 Figure 5.1 is a versatile
imaging, computed tomography (CT) scan, or more often by method that enables a more comprehensive study of LA
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) with transesophageal structures, especially complex anatomy and simulated device
echocardiography (TEE) giving a higher accurate resolution implantation.
owing to the proximity of the LA. The LA has a complex
anatomy and function, and 3D echocardiography enables GUIDELINES FOR USE OF
an easier, accurate, and reproducible interpretation 3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN
of the LA, overcoming the intrinsic limitations of
conventional echocardiography. One major advantage
of 3D echocardiography is the en face view giving realistic When assessing the LA using 3D echocardiography,
appreciation of the normal anatomy and diseased LA from acquisition should be focused on the structure as outlined
an unprecedented perspective while the heart is beating. in the European Association of Echocardiography
Another benefit is the LA time-varying volume measurement and the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE)
with a high level of accuracy and reproducibility with limited recommendations.5
geometric assumptions. The production of C-planes from
any perspective within the 3D volume acquisition is another LEFT ATRIAL VOLUME MEASUREMENT
improvement of the appreciation of LA anatomy and function Accurate quantitative assessment of LA volume is crucial
but is less utilized in clinical practice. for clinical decision making, particularly when managing
patients with atrial fibrillation, diastolic function, or
3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND 3D PRINTING mitral valve disease. Although the left atrium is seen
in all standard ultrasound windows, the transthoracic
TO UNDERSTAND LEFT ATRIAL ANATOMY apical approach is the most appropriate one to obtain
The global 3D printing market is expected to expand as a the entire LA volume. As the left atrium does not have
response to growing demand for prototyping in various fields particular thickness, high-contrast images are preferred
including health care. In the medical field, 3D printing allows to better delineate the endocardium. To guarantee LA
for the creation of patient-specific organs and touchable volume measurement, the protocol may use two different
replicas that students can use to learn and surgeons can use acquisition modalities. The use of simultaneous biplane
to practice on before performing complicated operations. A (Figure 5.2A) or triplane (Figure 5.2B) acquisition gives
3D printing of the left atrium is obtained from layer-by-layer two or three real-time images with equiangulation or
addition of specific material to form an object referring to a 3D adjustable angulation of the LA while volume-gated


LA LAA closure
LAA closure

Figure 5.1  Two different views simulating left atrial appendage (LAA) closure. Device implantation should be based on accurate operation
obtained using a simulated cast before an attempt on a human. (Courtesy of Dr. Ciobotaru Vlad,, Hôpital Privé Les
Franciscaines, Nîmes, FR, Cardiac Imaging Department.)

Left Atrium  43






Figure 5.2  Apical imaging gives both dimension and functional information of the left atrium, thus it should be widely employed. (A) and
(B) provide two and three simultaneous views of the left atrium (LA) at 90° and 60° increments, respectively. In the same beat, the left atrium
is sliced into nine equidistant cutting planes from the apical view (C).

acquisition (Figure 5.2C) during a breath-hold provides and offline. Standard 2D views from the 3D dataset of
a full dataset in which the LA can be cut in long-axis or LA volumes are measured using the biplane or triplane
short-axis view and sometimes arbitrary slices to recreate Simpson disk summation, the most preferred method
virtual 2D planes. Gated datasets are most challenging when compared to the ellipsoid or area-length model. 5
in patients with atrial fibrillation; thus, the simultaneous Frames corresponding to the largest LA (just before the
multiplane mode is preferred. mitral valve opening), the smallest LA (just after the mitral
valve closure), and before atrial contraction (P wave on the
LEFT ATRIAL ANATOMY electrocardiogram [ECG]) are selected. The endocardial
Both the anatomy and the pathology of LA are best borders of the LA are then manually traced on all images
visualized from 3D TEE using volume-rendered acquisition. while excluding the left atrial appendage and the pulmonary
The interatrial septum including the upper right pulmonary veins ostia from tracing (Figure 5.3A and B). At the end
veins is fully imaged from midesophageal 30° views ( ), while of the process, volumes are automatically provided. Left
at 90° the mitral valve is visible. The left upper pulmonary atrial volumes are directly influenced by several extrinsic
vein or the two left pulmonary veins can be shown with factors like gender, age, and patient phenotype, meaning
a slight tear and counterclockwise rotation  ( ). A 90° that LA volumes should always be normalized to body-size
rotation toward the septum followed by a slight down-to-up area before interpretation and report.7
angulation gives both right upper and lower pulmonary The largest LA volume is widely used in the literature
veins. Accurate descriptive assessment of LA anatomy is to stratify patients at risk for cardiovascular events. A
pivotal for the diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, like LA volume index greater than 34 mL/m2 dichotomizes
ASD, evidence of LA mass including left trial appendage patients with normal and dilated volume (Table 5.1). MRI
thrombosis, and to guide new procedures like left atrial systematically overestimates LA volumes measured by 3D
appendage closure and MitraClip delivery. echocardiography, meaning the cut-off of 34 mL/m2 must
be interpreted only in a context of ultrasound acquisition.8
GLOBAL LEFT ATRIAL FUNCTION The upper normal limit for echocardiographic LA
volume index of 34 mL/m2 has direct application in the
MEASUREMENT field diastolic function assessment. 9,10 Combined with
Because M-mode anterior-posterior diameter or left atrial peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity, E/e′ ratio, and
area misclassify 57% and 70% of patients, respectively,6 LA transmitral E/A ratio, the largest LA volume greater than
volume measurement must include volumes and shape by 34 mL/m2 dichotomizes patients with normal and high left
3D echocardiography. The images can be reviewed online ventricular filling pressure as well as patients with normal

44  3D Echocardiography

Figure 5.3  The left atrium (LA) at end diastole, realigned so that the two (A) or three apical (B) views share the same longitudinal axis, which
passes through the LA cavity center. Manually traced, the endocardial contouring provides area and volume .

Left atrial volume (ml)

Table 5.1  Body Surface Area Corrected Left Atrial function Conduit
Volume function
Normal Mildly Moderately Severely
Range Dilated Dilated Dilated Filling phase Filling phase
Left Atrial Maximal 16–34 35–41 42–48 >48 (mL/
Volume Index (mL/m2) (mL/m2) (mL/m2) m 2) Time

Table 5.2  Volume-Derived Indexes of Left Atrial

Functional Assessment
Volume Fraction Fraction

LA Reservoir Function LAVmax − LAVmin (LAVmax − LAVmin)/ 70%

LA Conduit Function LAVmax − LAVpreA (LAVmax − LAVpreA)/ 44%
LA Kick Function LAVpreA − LAVmin (LAVpreA − LAVmin)/ 47%
LAVpreA Figure 5.4  The time-varying left atrial (LA) 3D volume curve is
obtained from frame-to-frame manual tracing or automated border
LA Global Function (LAEF × LVOT-VTI)/
LAVimin detection. The largest LA volume, the pre-A LA volume and the small-
est LA volume provide LA conduit, reservoir, and pump function .
LA, left atrium; LAEF, left atrial ejection fraction; LVOT, left ventricular out-
flow tract; VTI, velocity time integral.


and different degrees of diastolic dysfunction, however 3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
with a degree of uncertainty.11
From a more exploratory approach, volume-derived The left atrial appendage (LAA) is one of the major
indexes of LA functional assessment can be calculated by anatomical parts of the LA. The anatomy of the LAA has
3D echocardiography (Table  5.2, ). Those indexes have been recently extensively revisited by 3D echocardiography
been investigated in various diseases and pathophysiological as a response of the enthusiastic percutaneous LAA closure
conditions. For instance, LA kick progressively increases procedure for patients with atrial fibrillation who are at an
with age to compensate for the decline of LA conduit increased risk for stroke and contraindicated for long-term
function, while the reservoir function remains unchanged. oral anticoagulation.
In dilated cardiomyopathy, both LA reservoir and conduit The appropriate way and the proper position to image
function decrease while LA kick function increases at the LAA is the high midesophageal view with anteflexion of
an early stage of the disease. A more comprehensive the transesophageal probe at 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135° during
approach of atrial function is given by the time-varying 3D an end-expiratory breath-hold. In zoomed modality, real-
echocardiography LA volume change (Figure 5.4). In this time 3D echocardiography gives an en face view  of  LAA
condition, LA volumes can be corroborated to additional with its orifice and may help to differentiate spontaneous
3D strain investigation. echocardiographic contrast, thrombi to pectinate muscle .

Left Atrium  45
Figure 5.5  Different shapes of the left atrial appendage as assessed with biplane 3D echocardiography.

Video 5.6 ( ) is an example of a thrombus provided by 3D different perspectives, while extra planes can be adjusted to
echocardiography. Turning on the 3D biplane imaging obtain depth and cross-sectional area in single or multiple
around 45° (aortic short-axis view) is a unique instance to displays (Figure 5.6).
simultaneously obtain two orthogonal planes illustrating 3D guided echocardiography is routinely utilized to guide
the complex LAA morphology (Figure 5.5). Moving the percutaneous interventions. Images obtained from 3D TEE
lateral plane may help to better align with appendage lobes. facilitates the correct sizing and placement of percutaneous
The 3D patterns are cauliflower, windsock, multilobular, LAA. Figure 5.7 summarizes the road map for LAA sizing
and chicken wing (Figure 5.5) with a direct effect on embolic before device implantation. Two consecutive biplanes 3D
risk in patients with atrial fibrillation.12 The cropping plane echocardiography at 0° and 45° giving two simultaneous
in full-volume modality may reconsider LA anatomy from orthogonal planes at 90° and 135°, respectively, are acquired

Le atrium
Le atrium



Figure 5.6  TEE evaluation of the left atrial appendage (LAA). The LAA is assessed in biplane 3D TEE views (examples, 90° and 120°). The
diameter (solid yellow arrow) of the LAA is shown at a depth of 10 mm from the ostium, representing the lobe landing zone.

46  3D Echocardiography

Le atrium



Le atrium


LAA occluder device

Figure 5.7  Road map for LAA sizing before device implantation. Two consecutive biplanes obtained by 3D echocardiography at 0° and 45°
giving, respectively, two simultaneous orthogonal planes at 90° and 135°, are acquired to obtain the largest LAA measurements (diameter
and depth) mandatory to select the prosthesis (A). The 3D pyramidal dataset from full-volume acquisition helps the positioning of different,
better-aligned short- and long-axis planes (B). Data obtained from the reconstructed planes include LAA long- and short-orifice diameters
that should be more accurate than those obtained from 3D echocardiography biplane imaging, while en face view with direct on-image LAA
diameter measurement should be interpreted with much caution (C). Thorough selection of appropriate prostheses contributes to successful
results as shown in (D,E,F) .

to obtain the largest LAA measurements (diameter and useful to detail the relationship between environmental
depth) mandatory to select the prosthesis (Figure 5.7A). The structures and ASD such as aortic root and tricuspid valve.
3D pyramidal dataset from full-volume acquisition helps the When the rims surrounding the defect were too slight,
positioning of different better-aligned short- and long-axis a transcatheter atrial septal approach was inadequate
planes (Figure 5.7B). Data obtained from the reconstructed for closure. More recently, ASD demonstrated dynamic
planes include LAA long- and short-orifice diameters that changes throughout the cardiac cycle.17,18 From those
should be more accurate than those obtained from 3D 3D studies, it appeared that a unique, round with good
echocardiography biplane imaging, while an en face view rims, and less contractile ASD was the most appropriate
with direct on-image LAA diameter measurement should be configuration for percutaneous closure.
interpreted with a lot of caution (Figure 5.7C).13 Thorough Another field of exploration is the patent foramen ovale
selection of appropriate prostheses contribute to successful (PFO). Cryptogenic stroke in patients younger than 60
results as shown in Figure 5.7D through F . years of age is a new area of application for transcatheter
procedures with the CLOSE trial and recent meta-
FOCUS ON THE INTERATRIAL SEPTUM BY analysis suggesting the occlusion of remnant congenital
circulation.19,20 PFO is a congenital cardiac trait that
3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY frequently persists in 25%–30% of individuals. The defect
A number of published papers have reinforced the role of 3D most commonly is at the anterior superior border adjacent
echocardiography spanning diagnosis, detailed anatomical to the aortic root and appears as a tunnel-like defect
assessment, device sizing and selection, periprocedure between a thicker, less-compliant septum secundum and a
guidance, and postdevice surveillance in the management thinner, more-compliant septum primum. The septum may
of ASD.14 be flaccid and aneurysmal. 21 The 3D echocardiography
Regarding ASD, Nanda and colleagues were the first to has potential in investigating the PFO in size, anatomy,
image interatrial abnormality using 3D TEE.15 A few years and function. Interatrial septal focus is obtained after
later, Acar et al. demonstrated that TTE was as accurate rotating the probe at midesophageal short-axis view. From
as 3D TEE by imaging and sizing ASDs in children.16 full-volume acquisition, the cropping plane is adjusted to
Along with diameter, many different anatomical shapes obtain an en face view of the PFO ( ). Real-time rendering
were described: round, ovoid, racket configuration, and volume provides crucial information about remnant PFO
multiperforated ASD. 3D echocardiography was judged and function of the adjacent interatrial septum. It is

Left Atrium  47
Le atrium PFO


Right atrium


Figure 5.8  Various still images of patent foramen ovale from biplane 3D echocardiography to en face view .

suggested that when PFO is associated with atria septum between 3.5 and 4 cm to ensure proper orientation of the
aneurysm, defined as atrial septal excursion of greater than steerable catheter during the next step. Needle relocation
15 mm, larger prostheses are preferred, like in video ( ).1 ​ is sometimes needed using the same echocardiography
Venturini et  al. reports that both PFO width and depth protocol. From this 3D protocol, we increase the accuracy
are correlated with the size of the prosthesis. From a 3D of the puncture site and facilitate the tenting septum to the
echocardiography dataset acquisition, width is accessible mitral annulus distance measurement.
after aligning planes at the tip of the PFO ( ). The length
of the PFO, which is also correlated with prosthesis sizing, LEFT ATRIAL MASS BY 3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
is measured at 30° using 2D echocardiography derived Only a few cases of LA tumors are reported in the literature.24–27
from biplane 3D echocardiography (Figure 5.8). This 3D echocardiography addresses connections and anatomical
unique view provides simultaneously the two determinant relations between structures, facilitates volume measurement,
parameters from a single beat. and is adapted to follow-up in case of specific therapeutic
needs. In the literature, LA tumors were scanned from both
INTERATRIAL SEPTAL PUNCTURE BY transesophageal and transthoracic approaches.25,27 For LA
3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY myxoma, 3D echocardiography navigation easily locates the
Indications of interatrial septal puncture under TEE are point of insertion and displays adhesion to multiple regions,
well documented. 22 As common examples, it includes whereas 3D reconstruction clarifies whether the tumor
radiofrequency atrial fibrillation ablation, mitral stenosis adheres the mitral valve or the left atrium and hems in the
dilation, ASD, and PFO closure and more recently left ventricle ( ).28 Recently, live 3D echocardiography has
deployment of device in left atrial appendage or edge-to- proven to more confidently diagnose myxoma by identifying
edge mitral valve repair. The failure to cross the septum by isolated echolucent areas consistent with hemorrhage/
TEE is uncommon, and one paper reports the intramural necrosis by using a section plane of the tumor mass ( ). A
location of the guidewire detected by 3D echocardiography patient with a hemangioma showed much more extensive
in a patient undergoing edge-to-edge mitral valve repair.23 and closely packed echolucencies consistent with a highly
The question that arises during transseptal puncture is what vascularized tumor by live 3D echocardiography.24
should be the exact needle location, and interventional Generally speaking, real-time TTE has a poor sensitivity
cardiologists often spend more time crossing the septum for the detection of LA thrombosis until it attains a definite
than positioning the clip. Specifically, the site of septal dimension. Again, the TEE approach appears to be more
puncture (EVEREST 2) is slightly superior in the bicaval consistent, but the literature is limited to few case reports.
view (around 90°–110°) and central in the commissural Rotational 3D echocardiography was employed to evidence
view (around 60°). It is normally achieved by 2D TEE, but large LA appendage thrombosis, but recently, Ieva et  al.
the use of biplane 3D echocardiography is requested by reports the usefulness of live 3D TTE in a typical case
implanters in all cases in our institution. Figure 5.9 presents of large thrombus floating in the left atrium. We report
an example of biplane 3D echocardiography showing the here an example of LA thrombus after the resection of
proper positioning of the needle that is always confirmed by the LA posterior wall (Figure 5.11). The thrombus could
an en face view from LA perspective between 12 and 2 o’clock be easily viewed from the sides along with its morphology
(Figure 5.10). Distance between a virtual line perpendicular and the site of attachment. In this case, by cropping the 3D
to the septal tenting and the mitral annulus is then images sequentially, the degree and extent of lysis within
measured using regular 2D TEE at 0° and is expected to be the thrombus which may have potential therapeutic and

48  3D Echocardiography
Le atrium

Right atrium

Figure 5.9  An example of biplane 3D echocardiography showing the proper needle positioning during a MitraClip procedure.


Figure 5.10  Proper positioning of needle before septal puncture confirmed by en face view from left atrial perspective between 12 and
2 o’clock during a MitraClip procedure.

prognostic implications could be comprehensively assessed

after the anticoagulation is started. Finally, real-time 3D
echocardiography provided information about thrombus
mobility, which has prognostic implications ( ).

Le atrial
thrombosis CONCLUSION
3D imaging has the ability to assess LA volume and
function more accurately than does 2D imaging. By freely
navigating in a volume dataset and giving an en face view of
any volume-rendered reconstruction, 3D echocardiography
Figure 5.11  Rendered volume of left atrial (LA) thrombus after the offers a true inside and outside vision of the heart,
resection of LA posterior wall by 3D TTE. similar to a surgical view. Online reconstruction is one

Left Atrium  49
of the most fascinating capabilities helping surgeons and 13. Zhang J, Cui CY, Huang DQ et al. Evaluation of the left atrial appendage
by real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography online.
interventional cardiologists to deliver the best therapy in a Echocardiography. 2018;35:​991–8.
safer environment. 14. Silvestry FE, Cohen MS, Armsby LB et  al. Guidelines for the
echocardiographic assessment of atrial septal defect and patent foramen
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50  3D Echocardiography
6 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

cardiomyopathy. Advances in 3D echocardiography have

INTRODUCTION brought this technique to the clinical field of hypertrophic
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a cardiovascular disease cardiomyopathy where the abnormal and particular
defined by the presence of unexplained left ventricular (LV) geometry of the hypertrophic ventricle prove challenging
hypertrophy associated with nondilated ventricular chambers to assess with classical 2D approaches.
in the absence of another cardiac or systemic disease that itself
would be capable of producing the magnitude of hypertrophy; M-MODE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
it is caused by a genetic disorder in one of at least ten genes
M-mode echocardiography was the first echocardiographic
that encode the proteins of the cardiac sarcomere. This disease
technique used for the diagnosis of this disease. Typically,
has a unique potential for clinical presentation during any
M-mode scans through the LV in the long parasternal
phase of life from infancy to old age and may be expressed
view allow the detection of a thickened wall (>15 mm)
in a wide range of phenotypical forms, from severe symmetric
and a reduced cavity of the LV. The hypertrophy can be of
LV hypertrophy to massive hypertrophy of asymmetrical
concentric or asymmetric distribution, usually affecting the
septal wall (Figures 6.1 and 6.2), with a septal-to-posterior
Physiopathological mechanisms underlying hypertrophic
wall ratio greater than 1.3. 2 Care must be taken when
cardiomyopathy are complex and not clearly understood
using M-mode to avoid oblique cuts of the interventricular
but include dynamic LV outflow obstruction, mitral
septum or incorrect identification of echoes from the
regurgitation, and diastolic dysfunction. These may all
right side of the septum that may lead to overestimation
lead to shortness of breath and limited functional capacity,
of LV hypertrophy. M-mode echocardiography can also
angina, and syncope; however, although most patients are
determine the existence, degree, and duration of an
asymptomatic throughout their lives, there is a risk for
abnormal anterior movement of the mitral valve during
sudden cardiac death probably associated with arrhythmia
systole (systolic anterior motion [SAM]), related to several
and progression to advanced heart failure with LV systolic
factors such as abnormalities in the mitral valve apparatus
dysfunction. The main causes of adverse clinical outcomes
(i.e., posterior to anterior leaflet mismatch and abnormal
are shown in Table 6.1.
disposition of the subvalvular apparatus), reduced left
Diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is now
ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) dimensions, and the
mainly based on cardiac imaging methods, including 2D
Venturi effect of the abnormally accelerated LV outflow. The
echocardiography, magnetic resonance (MR), and multislice
duration of the contact of the mitral valve with the septal
computed tomography (CT) scanning. LV thickening is
wall allows the classification of the severity of the SAM,3
associated with a nondilated cavity with hyperdynamic
given the high temporal resolution of M-mode scans across
motion and, usually, systolic chamber obliteration. Typically,
the mitral valve in the parasternal long axis (Figures 6.3
the diagnosis is made on the presence of a maximal LV wall
and 6.4). Additionally, M-mode interrogation of the aortic
thickness of at least 15 mm in the absence of any other
valve leaflets provides indirect hemodynamic information
disease capable of inducing such a degree of LV hypertrophy
about the existence of LV outflow obstruction, as the early
noted by 2D echocardiography.1
closing of an otherwise normally appearing aortic valve can
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be classified into
be detected during midsystole (Figure 6.5). This midsystolic
various hemodynamic subgroups. Patients may present
closure or notching of the aortic valve must be differentiated
with nonobstructive or obstructive disease; the latter may
from other causes of severe LV hypertrophy, such as the
be subclassified into latent or provocable (resting gradient
presence of a subaortic fixed stenosis (subaortic membrane),
<30 mm Hg and >30 mm Hg after provocation) and resting
where the abnormal closure of the aortic valve occurs in
obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (resting gradient
early systole, or a valvular aortic stenosis, where the valve
>30 mm Hg).1
does not open properly throughout the whole systole and
2D echocardiography has been classically the most
thickening of the aortic leaflets is present.
commonly used imaging technique to evaluate hypertrophic

Table 6.1  Causes of Adverse Outcomes in Hypertrophic 2D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY

Cardiomyopathy 2D echocardiography provides a powerful tool to evaluate
• Sudden death/ventricular arrhythmia
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with more
• Refractory heart failure symptoms anatomical information of the cardiac cavities (Figure 6.6).
• Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction 2D echocardiography also allows a better understanding
• Diastolic dysfunction of the distribution of the hypertrophy than M-mode
• Systolic dysfunction (left ventricular remodeling) echocardiography, especially in those rare presentations
• Complications related to atrial fibrillation (embolic stroke)
affecting localizations other than the septal or the posterior

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  51
Figure 6.1  M-mode scan across the basal level of the left ventricle
in the parasternal long-axis view showing asymmetric septal Figure 6.3  M-mode scan across the mitral valve in the parasternal
hypertrophy with severe hypertrophy of the septum (top arrow) and long-axis view demonstrating systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the
mild hypertrophy of the posterior wall (bottom arrow) with a ratio mitral valve during the whole systole with complete contact of the
greater than 1.5/1. valve and the septum (arrow).

wall, such as the LV inferior or lateral wall4 (Table 6.2). The this reason, it has to be differentiated from other diseases
distribution of LV hypertrophy may be determined by the that may occupy the apex, such as the hypereosinophilic
use of 2D echo in the short-axis view of the LV, where the syndrome or the presence of an intraventricular thrombus.
whole transversal section of the LV wall and cavity can be Other rare presentations of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
examined in most cases (Figure 6.7A–C). From this view, include those affecting the posterolateral LV wall and
this technique may also be able to detect right ventricular those with midventricular location with cavity obstruction
involvement (Figure 6.8). Finally, 2D echocardiography may at this level.6
be of particular utility in diagnosing infrequent forms of In cases of symmetric, concentric LV hypertrophy,
apical distribution, especially with the use of contrast agents hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has to be differentiated from
that are helpful in delineating the endocardial border and that “physiological” LV hypertrophy related to physical
opacify the ventricular cavity. This phenotypical expression training (athlete’s heart); in the case of severe concentric
of the disease is less frequent but has a high prevalence in hypertrophy, differential diagnosis has to be made with
Japanese populations and typically is not associated with infiltrative disease such as amyloidotic cardiomyopathy or
LVOT obstruction but with cavity obliteration, showing a genetic diseases (see later).
“spade-like” LV appearance in systole 5 (Figure 6.9). For In an upper level at the short-axis view or in the
parasternal long-axis view, the LV outflow may sometimes

Figure 6.2  M-mode scan across the basal level of the left ventricle Figure 6.4  M-mode scan across the mitral valve in the parasternal
in the parasternal long-axis view showing symmetric hypertrophy long-axis view demonstrating systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the
with severe hypertrophy of both the septum and the posterior wall mitral valve during the whole systole with complete contact of the
(arrows) with a ratio close to 1/1. valve and the septum (arrows).

52  3D Echocardiography
septum that maintains its normal curvature leading to an
ovoid-shaped LV cavity (Figure 6.10). In younger patients,
LV hypertrophy usually involves the whole septal wall that
shows a convex curvature toward the cavity (reversed
abnormal septal curvature), leading to a crescent-shaped
LV cavity (Figure 6.6).
In those patients with obstructive disease (around 25% of
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), LV hypertrophy
is often accompanied by SAM, which is noticeable with 2D
scans by the systolic contact of the mitral valve and the
septal wall (Figure  6.11A and B). SAM may be caused
by the anterior movement of the anterior leaflet (10%) or
the posterior leaflet (31%) or more commonly, both (58%).
In a few cases, SAM is noted only at the chordal structure,
which usually does not translate into significant obstruction
to LV outflow. The mitral leaflets are significantly longer,
Figure 6.5  M-mode scan across the aortic valve guided by 2D TEE in
and mismatch between the anterior and posterior leaflets
a patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy depicting has also been demonstrated in patients with obstructive
abnormal early closure of the aortic valve during midsystole hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.7 Lesions in the mitral
(arrows). valve are also frequently associated with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy (around 20%) and can be evaluated with
2D echocardiography; accordingly, calcification of the
mitral annulus, thickening of the valves, and less frequently,
leaflet prolapse, can be detected.8
Left atrial (LA) dimension, an index of chronic diastolic
dysfunction and mitral regurgitation which are both
usually observed in these patients, can also be assessed
with 2D echocardiography, mainly from the apical views.
Finally, 2D echocardiography permits the estimation
of LV systolic function as in any cardiac disease. In most
cases, the hypertrophied LV moves hyperdynamically in
systole resulting in cavity obliteration, clearly seen from all
parasternal and apical views. However, few patients develop
severe systolic dysfunction9 which can be detected by 2D
echocardiography during follow-up, even requiring heart
transplantation in rare situations; development of systolic
dysfunction occurs in around 10% of patients and has
Figure 6.6  2D apical four-chamber view depicting severe left been related to fibrotic changes in the intracellular matrix,
ventricular hypertrophy involving the whole septal wall and the ischemia, infarction, and small vessels.10
apex. Lateral wall and right ventricle are much less affected.


Table 6.2  Distribution of Hypertrophic Color Doppler 2D echocardiography detects the presence
Cardiomyopathy in the Left Ventricle of a turbulent flow in the LVOT in the case of LV
obstruction (Figure  6.12). Obstruction in hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy may occur at three levels: LVOT,
 Septal 90%
midventricular, and apical; it occurs most frequently at the
 Midventricular 1%
outflow tract (Table 6.3). However, distinguishing the three
 Apical 3%
levels of obstruction may sometimes be challenging. The
  Posterolateral wall 1%
presence of a flow convergence area in the LVOT points to
Symmetrical (concentric) 5%
the existence of obstruction at this level probably due to an
associated SAM, while visualization of a turbulent flow in
be evaluated with virtual occlusion during systole in those the mid or apical cavity may help in the diagnosis of these
cases of concomitant LV outflow obstruction. less frequent forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.12
Also, from the apical views, 2D echocardiography Midventricular obstruction may also develop secondary
allows for evaluation of the distribution of the LV to apical myocardial infarction in the presence of
hypertrophy that may affect mostly the basal septum but angiographically normal coronary arteries or in patients
can also involve the whole septal wall. In elderly patients, with coronary artery disease and diffuse involvement of
LV hypertrophy is usually located at the level of the basal ventricular hypertrophy.11,13

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  53

Figure 6.7  2D short-axis view of the left ventricle at the papillary muscle level demonstrating atypical asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy
affecting predominantly the anterior septum (A) or more unfrequently the posterior septum and the inferior wall (B). 2D short-axis view of
the left ventricle at the papillary muscle level demonstrating typical concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with similar wall thickness at the
septum and posterior and lateral walls (C).

Also, color Doppler diagnoses the presence of mitral turbulent flows get merged together, making it difficult
regurgitation as a consequence of the SAM and/or the to clearly visualize the flow convergence of the mitral
coexistence of organic valve disease.14,15 The quantification regurgitant jet. Additionally, the mitral regurgitant jet is
of mitral regurgitation in the presence of LVOT obstruction usually eccentric and directed posterolaterally to the LA
may be cumbersome and of particular difficulty as both (Figure 6.12).

Figure 6.8  2D TEE: Short-axis view of the left (LV) and right ventricle (RV) depicting right ventricular hypertrophy (arrows) that induces
outflow obstruction as suggested by the systolic color flow turbulence seen in the right panel (arrow).

54  3D Echocardiography
Figure 6.9  Contrast-enhanced 2D echocardiography: four-chamber apical view of the left ventricle which shows a typical “spade-like”
appearance due to the presence of apical hypertrophy. The thickness of the basal and midsegments of the left ventricle is normal, while the
apex is collapsed by the wall hypertrophy existing at this level (arrows).

LVOT obstruction and secondary mitral regurgitation with

PULSED- AND CONTINUOUS-WAVE DOPPLER increased LA pressure (Figure 6.13A). Also, a restrictive
Pulsed-wave Doppler cannot always be reliably applied in pattern may be seen as an effect of increased chamber
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as flow velocity stiffness causing both rapid atrial-ventricular pressure
is increased in the LV cavity and aliasing occurs. However, in equilibration (rapid deceleration time) and compensatory
the presence of LV outflow or midcavity obstruction, pulsed- increases in LA pressure (increased E-wave velocity)18–21
wave Doppler may be of particular interest, allowing the (Figure 6.13B). Finally, pulsed-wave Doppler of the LV
detection of the level at which the obstruction is produced inflow combined with velocities of the mitral annulus
by mapping flow velocity from the apex to the outflow determined with pulsed tissue Doppler, may also provide
tract.16 Additionally, pulsed-wave Doppler is useful to accurate estimates of LV filling pressures.22,23
evaluate diastolic LV function, mostly impaired in patients Continuous-wave Doppler is an essential tool for
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.17 Abnormal, delayed the complete evaluation of patients with hypertrophic
relaxation is the most frequent diastolic pattern found. cardiomyopathy. It allows the estimation of the severity
Pseudonormalization is also often seen in patients with of intraventricular obstruction. Excellent correlation has

Figure 6.10  2D echocardiographic four-chamber apical view of a 70-year-old patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy affecting mainly the
basal septum, where thickness was 17 mm while in the other left ventricular segments was 13 (anterior wall) and 12 mm (posterolateral wall).

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  55

Figure 6.11  (A) 2D parasternal long-axis view showing systolic contact of the mitral valve with the septum (arrow) due to the anterior
movement of the former during systole (arrow over electrocardiogram) . (B) 2D four-chamber apical view showing systolic contact of the
mitral valve with the septum due to the anterior movement of the former during systole.

been demonstrated between pressure gradients determined nitrite administration (Figure 6.15A and B). Evaluation of
from continuous-wave Doppler and cardiac catheterization the intraventricular gradient with this technique is the main
in different subsets of patients with hypertrophic imaging tool to evaluate the efficacy of a given therapy in
cardiomyopathy.12,24–28 Typically, the spectral continuous- patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, its
wave Doppler shows a dagger-shaped gradient across the unpredictable variability even throughout the same day is
LVOT (Figure 6.14) that may be confounded with the spectral also reported.28
signal of mitral regurgitation, usually more round shaped, As previously mentioned, intraventricular obstruction
but sometimes really difficult to differentiate. Usually, in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may take place at three
mitral regurgitant flow reaches peak velocities at about 5 or levels, and their differentiation may not be easy. With
6 m/s, while intraventricular obstruction rarely overcomes continuous-wave Doppler, each has the typical concave
those values.27 It is important to interrogate the LVOT with “dagger-shaped” systolic Doppler waveform, but the highest
continuous-wave Doppler at both the resting state and velocities generally occur with LVOT obstruction, and the
after a provocation maneuver, either Valsalva or handgrip peak velocity occurs later in systole for midventricular and
maneuver, physical exercise, pharmacological stress, or amyl cavity obliteration.12,25

Figure 6.12  2D parasternal long-axis view of a patient with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Right and left panels show the
same view without and with color Doppler, respectively. Color Doppler shows turbulent flow at the left outflow tract (full arrow), suggesting
the presence of a significant increase in flow velocity at this level and mitral regurgitation with an eccentric jet directed posterolaterally
(dotted arrow).

56  3D Echocardiography

Figure 6.13  Spectral pulsed-wave Doppler of the left ventricular inflow in two patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Patient shown
in (A) demonstrates early (E wave) to late (A wave) peak diastolic velocities with a ratio (E/A) of approximately 1 but with a prolonged
deceleration time of the E wave (290 ms), suggesting an abnormal relaxation. Patient shown in (B) has an elevated E/A ratio of 1.89, suggesting
diastolic dysfunction with a restrictive filling pattern.

without the problem of misalignment typically observed with

Table 6.3  Causes of Left Ventricular Systolic M-mode and 2D echocardiography that may show tangential
Obstruction slices of the LV wall giving, therefore, the false diagnosis of
• Obstruction at the left ventricular outflow tract: wall hypertrophy (Figure 6.16, ). Also in this regard,
• Septal hypertrophy and systolic anterior motion 3D techniques may allow for the location and quantification of
• Discrete subaortic stenosis the maximum thickness of the myocardium. This parameter
• Mitral valve replacement (position of the strut) has been shown to have prognostic implications in terms of
• Mitral valve repair with systolic anterior motion
• Anomalous mitral valve apparatus:
risk of cardiac sudden death.1
• Abnormal papillary muscles Left and right ventricular volumes can be accurately
• Mitral accessory tissue estimated with 3D echocardiography according to
• Midventricular obstruction: several studies that have compared the results of 3D
• Midventricular hypertrophic cardiomyopathy echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
• Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Apical myocardial infarction with hyperdynamic contraction of the
phantoms, or electromagnetically derived volumes. 30–32
basal and midventricular segments The abnormal geometry of the cavity of a hypertrophied
• Cavity obliteration: ventricle may be a good substrate to be evaluated with 3D
• Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (apical cavity obliteration) echocardiography, as geometric assumptions are not needed
• Hyperdynamic state and consequently eliminated (Figure 6.17, ). Similarly,
• Hypovolemia
• Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (secondary to
LV mass may also be measured with more reliability and
hypertension, aortic stenosis) accuracy with the use of this technique.31
Different studies have validated the estimation of
LV mass with M-mode or 2D echocardiography against
postmortem specimen based on different geometric
ROLE OF 3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN models. However, these geometrical assumptions
HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY may not always hold true in the case of hypertrophic
Table 6.4 summarizes the potential utility of 3D cardiomyopathy, often leading to erroneous calculation
echocardiography among patients with hypertrophic of LV mass. Early reconstructive 3D echocardiographic
cardiomyopathy. techniques demonstrated that accuracy was improved
and reproducibility reduced for LV mass measurement
DISTRIBUTION AND QUANTIFICATION OF LEFT with the use of 3D echocardiography in comparison with
VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY M-mode and 2D echocardiography. 34,35 More recently,
3D echocardiography provides a complete volume of the left real-time 3D echocardiography has also shown the ability
and right ventricles, which may be useful to better evaluate the to increase the accuracy of LV mass estimation in vivo and
distribution of hypertrophy, particularly in those asymmetrical in vitro with a standard error of 8.5 g. 33,36 Accuracy was
presentations or in the apical form.29 Postprocessing of the 3D especially improved in those cases of asymmetrical LV.
images allows any given slice across the LV cavity to be obtained With developing technologies to improve spatial resolution

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  57

Figure 6.14  (A) Continuous-wave spectral Doppler scan of the left ventricular outflow tract demonstrating normal velocities in a patient
with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (B) A patient with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the presence of a typical
dagger-shaped Doppler pattern at rest corresponding to the obstruction in the left ventricular outflow tract.


Figure 6.15  (A) Continuous-wave spectral Doppler scan of the left ventricular outflow tract demonstrating elevated velocities at rest in a
patient with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (B) The Valsalva maneuver further increases outflow tract velocities, which can be
considered a confirmation of the obstructive nature of the disease.

an index of the severity and chronicity of both mitral

Table 6.4  3D Echocardiography in Hypertrophic regurgitation and diastolic dysfunction. 37,38 Also, it may
Cardiomyopathy constitute a risk factor for atrial fibrillation that usually
• Distribution of LV hypertrophy induces hemodynamic and clinical worsening of patients
• LV mass assessment with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Because the LA
• Assessment of left atrium has a complex shape, requiring a full 3D analysis, 3D
• Evaluation of LVOT echocardiography could be used as a reliable method for
• Effect of interventional therapies
measuring LA volume. Similar to what has been formerly
LV, left ventricular; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract. discussed for the evaluation of the LV volumes and mass,
the 3D methodology avoids any geometric assumption,
and visualization, real-time 3D echocardiography may making it a method of choice to measure LA volume. 39
become the imaging technique of choice for LV mass By the use of real-time 3D echocardiography, it has been
determination in clinical studies looking at hypertrophy proved that LV thickness is the most important determinant
regression in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arterial of LA dilation, followed by LV end-diastolic pressure and
hypertension, or aortic stenosis. outflow tract obstruction.40
LA size has been demonstrated to decrease after septal
EVALUATION OF LEFT ATRIAL SIZE reduction therapies, either surgical myectomy or alcohol
Assessment of LA size and function may be of importance septal ablation (ASA).19,37 3D echocardiography may also
in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to become a useful tool for the evaluation of the results of
several reasons. As previously mentioned, it may be these techniques and their impact on LA size and function.

58  3D Echocardiography


Figure 6.16  (A) A triplane 2D acquisition from the apical position showing asymmetric hypertrophy of the interventricular septum in a patient
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . (B–D) show the same three apical views using 3D echocardiography .

LA function can be comprehensively analyzed with the alterations in chamber geometry and morphology. The
use of 3D echocardiography allowing for the evaluation of narrowed outflow tract results from the septal hypertrophy
conduit, reservoir, and contractile features (Figure 6.18).41 of the LV and the anterior displacement of the mitral
valve apparatus and papillary muscles.42–44 Severe LVOT
EVALUATION OF LEFT VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW obstruction may contribute to the development of dyspnea,
TRACT AREA syncope, and angina in these patients.45 Consequently,
As previously mentioned, some patients with hypertrophic treatment of such patients with obstructive hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy have obstruction in the LVOT due to cardiomyopathy should be directed to reduce LV outflow
multifactorial causes such as vigorous ejection fraction and obstruction. For this purpose, negative inotropic drugs such


Figure 6.17  Measurement of the left ventricular volume using a dedicated software to analyze transthoracic 3D echocardiography images.
Left ventricular volume is determined by tracking of the endocardial border throughout the cardiac cycle. A volume curve is generated with
the number of points corresponding to the frame rate of the acquired image. End-diastolic and end-systolic volumes are calculated together
with the stroke volume, cardiac output, and ejection fraction (A) . Volume meshes can be reconstructed in end systole (B) and end diastole
(C), enabling 3D visualization of the left ventricular shape.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  59

Figure 6.18  Measurement of the left atrial volume with a dedicated software using 3D TTE images. The left atrial endocardial border is
tracked through the whole cardiac cycle and a left atrial volume curve can be generated. Accordingly, the atrial volume can be assessed in
specific time points (end diastole, end systole and after P wave), allowing for the assessment of the components of atrial function: reservoir
(atrial filling), conduit (blood passing from pulmonary veins toward the left ventricle during early relaxation and passive ventricular loading),
and pump function (atrial emptying and active filling of the left ventricle after atrial contraction in patients with sinus rhythm). Volume
meshes can be constructed, enabling 3D visualization of the left atrium.

as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers have been Both surgical myectomy or ASA effectively reduce LVOT
proposed with efficacy rates around 70% when maximum obstruction in patients with hypertrophic obstructive
titration can be tolerated.1 Dual-chamber pacing has cardiomyopathy.49–53 The former surgically eliminates
also been used as an alternative to reduce outflow tract (direct scission) a part of the hypertrophied septal
obstruction with controversial results.46–48 muscle, while the latter chemically induces the necrosis

Figure 6.19  2D echocardiography in a patient with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy who underwent percutaneous septal alcohol
ablation 6 months ago. (Left Panel) Parasternal long-axis view showing mild anterior displacement of the mitral chordae toward the septum
without contacting it (thin arrow) and a focal thinning of the basal septum where the necrosis was chemically induced (thick arrow).
Interrogation with color Doppler (Right Panel) confirms the absence of turbulent flow in the outflow tract and, therefore, the elimination
of obstruction at this level.

60  3D Echocardiography

Figure 6.20  3D TTE from the apical view showing the aortic valve and the left ventricular outflow tract in early diastole (A) and systole (B) .
2D images of the short-axis and long-axis views on the left side enable orientation indicating the direction from which the 3D image is
observed. Yellow arrows point in the direction the user is observing, while the yellow target indicates the viewer is observing directly from
a vertical 90° angle. 3D views enable assessment of valve morphology and can show obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract due to
septal wall thickening (white arrow).

of the basal septal myocardium by injecting ethanol the adequate cut-off values to diagnose the real severity
in one septal coronary artery branch. Significant and or magnitude of LV outflow obstruction and the extent
sustained reductions in LVOT pressure gradients have of SAM56 (Figure 6.22A–C, ). In addition, when ASA
been reported after ASA with a reasonable safety profile or myectomy is performed, direct 3D visualization of
in the long-term follow-up. 53 Outcomes are also very good the opened or widened LVOT would be not only visually
after surgical myectomy in specialized centers, with high impressive, but also important for knowing the location and
rates of abolition of outflow obstruction. 51,54,55 extent of the septal reduction.
Measurement of the efficacy of these treatments is usually A few studies have reported the capability of 3D
based on indirect signs of obstruction such as the presence echocardiography to assess the LV tract area. 57–59 With
of significant pressure gradients through the LVOT (Figure reconstructed images from 3D TTE, it was determined that
6.19). Evaluation of the LVOT anatomy is difficult with 2D patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have a more
imaging methods due to the complex and 3D nature of elliptical LVOT than normal subjects; also, asymmetry of the
the outflow tract anatomy. 3D imaging techniques such outflow tract was highest in patients with outflow obstruction
as 3D echocardiography or MRI theoretically provide at rest, indicating that for similar cross-sectional area, the
better information about this structure and the complex asymmetry of the LVOT may play a role in the presence
relationship between the mitral valve, the septum, and the of significant obstruction. 57,58 3D echocardiography can
LVOT (Figure 6.20A, and B and Figure 6.21A and B). provide precise quantitative assessment of the minimal cross-
The degree of the outflow obstruction is usually determined sectional area of the LVOT as well of its temporal changes,60
by continuous-wave Doppler through the LVOT guided by which is a determinant of systolic outflow obstruction.61
2D imaging. However, as noted earlier, concomitant mitral Accordingly, real-time 3D echocardiographic studies have
regurgitation may cause uncertainty of this measurement demonstrated a significant relationship between LVOT areas
despite typical dagger-shaped continuous-wave Doppler and pressure gradients.60,62 In this sense, an area of less than
profiles of the LVOT obstruction. Direct, real-time 3D 0.85 cm2 provided sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 77%
visualization of the narrowed LVOT area would provide to predict significant resting pressure gradients across the


Figure 6.21  Apical view in 3D TTE exam in end diastole (A) and midsystole (B) showing the anterior movement of the mitral valve toward
the septum and partially obstructing the left ventricular outflow tract during systole (arrow).

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  61

Figure 6.22  3D TEE: View from the left atrium on the mitral valve and the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT). In a healthy patient, the LVOT
is clearly seen during the whole cardiac cycle. (A) A still frame taken during midsystole . In a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and
anterior motion of the mitral valve (SAM), still frames taken at early (B) and midsystole (C) show that the LVOT disappears in midsystole
indicating significant LVOT obstruction. (LAA, left atrial appendage.)

LVOT (>50 mm Hg); also, an area below 2.0 cm2 provided

sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 90% for diagnosing
Additionally, with the 3D technique, the location of
systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, which is not
constantly produced from the center of the anterior
leaflet, can be precisely determined by moving the 2D
short-axis plane across the LVOT in the 3D space or even
with the use of the transesophageal approach from direct
visualization from the left atrium60,62 (Figure 6.23, ). 2D
echocardiography may underestimate the severity of SAM
of the mitral valve because of errors in the image plane
and misalignment. Recognition of the asymmetry of mitral
systolic anterior motion and septal hypertrophy may be of
special interest for the surgeon in determining the exact
location of resection and whether concomitant mitral valve
surgery is necessary to eliminate obstruction.
Also, multiplane TEE with 3D reconstruction provided Figure 6.23  3D TEE: View from the left atrium on the mitral valve and
evidence of a significant increase of the LVOT area in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) showing an anterior systolic
11 patients undergoing myectomy. 58 With real-time 3D motion of the mitral valve (SAM) that starts from the midanterior
echocardiography, these results have been confirmed, part of the valve, leaving the posteromedial part of the LVOT less
and also, an increased outflow tract area has been obstructed .

62  3D Echocardiography

Figure 6.24  A TEE study of the left ventricular outflow tract of a patient with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy before (Top Row)
and after (Bottom Row) surgical myectomy and aortic valve replacement. (A) 2D echocardiography shows the left ventricular outflow tract
narrowing before (Top Row) and the notable widening after (Bottom Row) septal myectomy. (B) Color Doppler investigation demonstrates
turbulent flow at the obstruction point before (Top Row) and normalization of flow after surgery (Bottom Row) . (C) 3D echocardiography
shows the left ventricular outflow tract as seen from the left ventricle. Obstruction caused by the septal hypertrophy is notable in the top
row .

demonstrated after alcohol septal ablation. Indeed, it area. 66 – 68 Accordingly, real-time 3D color Doppler
was found that although both techniques are effective in echocardiography has been shown to provide unique
reducing LVOT obstruction, the increase in LVOT area information about the flow convergence zone geometry,
was greater for myectomy than alcohol septal ablation.62 resulting in accurate estimates of mitral regurgitant
These results are in accordance with other findings volume and orifice area in experimental and clinical
showing that the effect of myectomy on LVOT obstruction models. 3D color Doppler echocardiography also provides
may be more definitive than alcohol septal ablation. 52 unique information about the origin, direction, and flow
Therefore, 3D echocardiography should be included as an pattern of the regurgitant jet (Figure 6.25, ); several
imaging technique of choice in patients with obstructive studies have showed good correlation with angiographic
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to diagnose obstruction
and to evaluate the effect of therapies, particularly those
involving septal reduction either chemically (alcohol
ablation) or mechanically (myectomy). This may even
be applied in the operating room, with the epicardial
approach or with a 3D echocardiographic transesophageal
probe 63–65 (Figure 6.24A–C, ).
Additionally, early detection of iatrogenic ventricular
septal defect could be facilitated intraoperatively with the
use of color Doppler 3D echocardiography, as the eccentric
and tortuous path of the abnormal shunting flow may be
detected more easily with this technique.


Mitral regurgitation due to SAM of the mitral valve
generates eccentric regurgitant jets, and as previously
mentioned, it is usually difficult to quantify the severity
of the regurgitation. 3D color Doppler echocardiography
may be useful to better quantify mitral regurgitant Figure 6.25  Transesophageal 3D color-Doppler echocardiography
jets in these patients either by assessment of the full showing a double flow: An eccentric mitral regurgitation (MR) jet
volume of the regurgitant f low or by more accurate and another jet of left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction
visualization and measurement of the flow convergence with a unique flow convergence (FC) area .

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  63

Figure 6.26  (A) In a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, tissue Doppler imaging in apical triplane acquisiton mode enables
simultaneous deformation analysis in three apical planes. Images are stopped in end systole, where the red color represents maximal
deformation at aortic valve closure. Notable regions of impaired deformation (white arrows) coincide with regions of abnormal wall
thickening. (B) By analyzing deformation in selected areas of interest in the basal-inferoseptum (yellow marker), mid-inferoseptum (green
marker), and apical-inferoseptum (red marker), it can be seen that parts of the mid-inferoseptum that demonstrate notable deformational
impairment are surrounded by normal or subnormal deformation - a finding characteristic of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

grading of mitral regurgitation. 67,69 Finally, it may also as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis, hypertensive
be helpful in locating the origin of the obstruction as it cardiomyopathy, or Fabry disease.70 The differentiation
allows visualization of the entire flow convergence area. of such pathologies is important as they have different
prognostic and therapeutical implications.
DEFORMATION MYOCARDIAL IMAGING IN The most typical pattern of deformation in hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy is in showing segments where no myocardial
HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY deformation is present, surrounded by regions of only
The assessment of myocardial deformation either slightly reduced deformation. This can be demonstrated
by tissue Doppler myocardial imaging or 2D and 3D with tissue Doppler imaging in triplane acquisition mode,
echocardiography (speckle tracking) may be used to which enables simultaneous deformation analysis in three
differentiate hypertrophic myopathies with similar apical planes (Figure 6.26A and B), or 2D and 3D speckle
phenotypic appearance (i.e., myocardial hypertrophy) but tracking (Figure 6.27A and B), which offer a segmental
with very different genotype and underlying etiology such overview of cardiac deformation based on a 17- or


Figure 6.27  (A) Global longitudinal strain and a 17-segment left ventricle model with deformation values (“bull’s-eye plot”), can be calculated
and generated with longitudinal strain deformation data available from 2D speckle tracking in three apical planes (four-chamber, three-
chamber, and two-chamber views). Strain curves show impaired deformation in the basal and midseptal and inferior myocardial segments,
which can be seen as abnormally thick in this patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The bull’s-eye deformation plot visualizes the
distribution of impairment in the 17-segment model. (B) Similar output can be obtained with 3D speckle tracking analysis, showing a similar
distribution of deformational impairment.

64  3D Echocardiography
Table 6.5  Differential Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Myopathies with Deformation Imaging
Deformation Physiological Hypertrophy Hypertropic Amyloidosis
Parameters (e.g., Athletes) Pressure Overload Cardiomyopathy Fabry Disease Disease

Global deformation Normal or supranormal Reduced and Reduced and Reduced and Severely impaired
postsystolic thickening postsystolic thickening postsystolic thickening
Longitudinal function Normal or supranormal Impaired (basal Absent in affected Impaired Severely impaired
segments) regions
Extent of involvement Diffuse Regional Regional Diffuse Diffuse
Affected segments Diffuse Basal, septum Predominantly basal Inferolateral Diffuse
and midseptum

Source: Modified from Cikes M et al. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2010;7:384–96.

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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  67
7A Primary Mitral Regurgitation

3D en face view from the left atrium (LA) perspective provides

INTRODUCTION comprehensive assessment of the MV in only one view (Figure
Comprehensive understanding of mitral valve (MV) 7A.1, ).2–4 This view is classically reoriented to reproduce the
anatomy, function, and lesions is essential for the assessment “surgical” view similar to the view obtained by the surgeon
of primary or organic mitral regurgitation (MR) and for the in the operative room, with the aortic valve displayed at 11
planning of MV interventions.1 Although conventional 2D o’clock.2–4 The en face view of the MV from the LA provides a
transthoracic (TTE) or transesophageal echocardiography complete visualization of anterior mitral leaflet and posterior
(TEE) continues to be the standard approach for the mitral leaflet, the coaptation zone, and the commissures. In
assessment of MR and prediction of MV repair, the this view, the three scallops of the posterior valve (P1, P2,
development of real-time 3D TTE and TEE has greatly and P3) can be clearly identified according to Carpentier
enhanced the assessment of the complex MV anatomy and classification, separated by two marked indentations.9 By
function and understanding of MV pathologies.1 Multiple analogy to the posterior leaflet, and despite the absence of
advantages of 3D include the ability to provide en face view indentations, the anterior leaflet scallops facing the posterior
of the MV in real time, to crop the volume in any plane and ones are classified as A1, A2, and A3.9 It is important to note
to perform accurate quantification of the MV components that anatomical variations in the number and location of
with the help of sophisticated softwares.2–4 3D TEE color segments can occur, especially in cases of Barlow disease.
Doppler also provides better quantification of MR.4 Finally, The coaptation line shows in systole an upward concavity
3D TEE has become over the recent years an essential tool joining the two commissures. The anterolateral commissure
for planning and guiding transcatheter MV interventions (ALC) is situated next to the A1-P1 scallops and the left atrial
as well as for pre- and postoperative assessment of surgical appendage. The posteromedial commissure (PMC) is situated
MV repair.5–8 next to the A3-P3 scallops, close to the interatrial septum.4–5
Some anatomical lesions often missed by 2D TEE, such as deep
indentations of the posterior leaflet, can be easily identified
3D ASSESSMENT OF THE MITRAL VALVE by the 3D en face view.10 By tilting the 3D volume from the
previous view, the MV can be viewed from the left ventricular
(LV) perspective with the same orientation. Both views can
The different components of the MV can be adequately be visualized simultaneously in real time in the most recent
examined using real-time 3D TTE or TEE3–5 (Table 7A.1). systems (Figure 7A.2, ).
Assessment of the MV can be performed with all 3D In addition to real-time 3D views, new imaging tools have
imaging modes. The type of information required mainly been recently developed to simultaneously display the 3D
determines the choice of the 3D imaging mode. The modes view and 2D biplane or multiplane cut planes, with or without
“3D Zoom” and “Full Volume” are the most frequently color Doppler. The availability of these multiple imaging
used for the capture of the entire MV and for studying its views in real time or in review mode is particularly useful for
anatomy and function. Real-time modalities such as zoom the assessment of detailed segmental MV morphology and
mode and live 3D have the advantage to avoid stitch artifacts function and guidance of percutaneous MV interventions.7,8
that may occur during multibeat acquisition. 3D zoom mode Advanced 3D analysis of the MV can be performed using
is the primary mode for assessing the MV morphology and dedicated 3D reconstruction software. This software allows
function and for procedural guidance during transcatheter precise quantification of multiple parameters regarding
interventions. To obtain 3D zoom view, the MV should be the MV leaflets (area and dimensions of anterior and
centered in the acquisition boxes in two orthogonal views, posterior leaflet, segmentation, coaptation line), which
with optimization of the width and depth of the 3D volume are useful in the planning of MV repair.4,7,8 Semiautomatic
in order to include the aortic valve, left atrial appendage, software allows for the generation of a realistic model
and interatrial septum. The multibeat “Full Volume” mode of the MV leaflets, helping localize MV prolapse and
provides the best spatial and temporal resolution.4 It is the improving communication with surgeons or interventional
ideal mode for quantitative measurements and the use of 3D cardiologists (Figure 7A.3).4,10,11
color Doppler. Its main limitation is the possibility of stitching
artifacts created by respiratory motion or arrhythmias. “Live ASSESSMENT OF MITRAL ANNULUS
3D” is the best imaging mode for analyzing the anatomical Early 3D echocardiography studies demonstrated that the
details of the MV.3–4 mitral valve annulus (MVA) is a nonplanar saddle-shaped
structure with two anterior and posterior high points and two
ASSESSMENT OF MITRAL VALVE LEAFLETS medial and lateral points closest to the apex.5,12 This shape
Unlike 2D techniques, which require multiple tomographic explains the possibility of a false diagnosis of prolapse of the
views to examine the different segments of the MV leaflets, MV in an apical four-chamber view.12 Although the global

68  3D Echocardiography
Table 7A.1  Advantages and Limitations of 3D and 2D Echocardiography

Advantages Limitations Advantages Limitations

Morphology Multiplane assessment Requires multiple views; En face view of the MV; multiplane Lower spatial and temporal
of MV leaflet segments; requires experienced reconstruction of MV leaflets and resolution than 2D TEE
high spatial and temporal operator MV annulus
Mechanisms Accurate identification of Challenging assessment of Better assessment of complex and multiple Tissue dropout/stitching
“simple” prolapse complex or commissural prolapse; quantitative assessment of artifacts simulating
prolapse; less accurate prolapse using multiplane reconstruction perforation; additional views
identification of MV and 3D automated software tools; easier (angled views, longitudinal
perforation communication; best assessment of MV 2D cutting planes) needed in
perforation, with 3D color Doppler complex prolapse
Quantification Reference technique; Challenging quantification Direct assessment of vena contracta area Color Doppler frame rate;
of MR multiparametric approach in eccentric MR jets using multiplane reconstruction; no stitching artifacts in multibeat
(geometric assumption) geometric assumption acquisition mode

MR, mitral regurgitation; MV, mitral valve; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography.


3D echocardiographic assessment of the sub-valvular
apparatus involves careful analysis of integrity of chordal
insertion, and pathologic changes such as chordal thickening,
rupture or elongation. Chordae tendinae are best assessed in
“Zoom” mode or wide angle acquisition from the LV side,
from long- and short-axis planes using TTE parasternal views
or TEE transgastric views.14

Primary or organic MR differentiates from secondary MR by
the presence of structural abnormalities of the leaflets or the
subvalvular apparatus.1 Comprehensive echocardiographic
assessment of MR includes description of mechanisms, and
etiologies, precise localization of structural lesions, and
accurate MR quantification. It is important to differentiate
mechanisms from etiologies of MR. A given etiology can
induce MR by different or several mechanisms.1 In addition,
identification of complex or multiple mechanisms/lesions,
Figure 7A.1  3D TEE zoom en face view of the mitral valve from the less favorable for repair, may have significant influence
left atrium providing a complete visualization of the anterior and on the decision to intervene, especially in asymptomatic
posterior mitral leaflets, the line of coaptation and commissures, and patients.15 Although 2D TTE and TEE remain the reference
the scallops of the anterior leaflet (A1, A2, A3) and posterior leaflet methods for MV analysis and quantification of MR, 3D TEE
(P1, P2, P3) with indentations . (ALC, anterolateral commissure; AV, has been shown to add significant information especially in
aortic valve; LAT, lateral; LAA, left atrial appendage; MED, medial;
patients with complex lesions.16–18
PMC, posteromedial commissure.)

shape of MVA can be grossly assessed with 3D en face views, the The Carpentier functional classification describes three
saddle shape and MV annular geometry, as well as assessment major mechanisms of MR according to leaflets movement9:
of the dynamic variations of size, are best assessed offline type I, normal leaflet movement (e.g., MR caused by annulus
using dedicated reconstruction softwares.4,11,13 3D studies dilatation or leaflet perforation); type II, excessive leaflet
have shown that the mitral area decreases by about 25% in movement (e.g., MV prolapse); and type III, restricted leaflet
systole. Reference values for the normal MVA in humans have motion (IIIa and IIIb in diastole and systole, respectively).
been recently reported using 3D TEE.13 Key associates of the Type I MR: Annular dilation is frequently encountered in
MVA area were body surface area and indexed LA and LV different etiologies of MR and often associated with other
systolic volumes (SVs).13 mechanisms.1 3D TEE studies have shown that MV prolapse

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  69


Figure 7A.2  3D TEE zoom en face view of the mitral valve from the left atrium (A) and from the left ventricle (B) . (ANT, anterior; AV, aortic
valve; LAT, lateral; MED, medial; POST, posterior.)

and regurgitation are associated with a markedly enlarged this mechanism. Although 2D TTE and TEE may visualize
annulus, more marked in cases of Barlow disease than the perforation, precise localization is more challenging. In
in fibroelastic disease.11 In addition to annular dilation, contrast, 3D TEE en face view of the mitral leaflets with color
flattening of the systolic annular shape and decreased Doppler allows direct visualization and precise anatomical
annular motion have been demonstrated in decompensated localization of the perforation22 (Figure 7A.4).
late-stage degenerative MV disease19 and might be a risk Type II MR: Excessive mobility of MV leaflets is present
marker for the progression of leaflet lesions and occurrence in prolapse and flail. MV prolapse (displacement of
of chordal rupture.20 Moreover, the dynamics of the mitral the free edge of one or both leaflets beyond the plane
annulus differ significantly across the different mechanisms of the annulus) and flail (complete eversion of the free
of MR (functional MR [FMR], degenerative MR [fibroelastic edge of the valve leaflet in the LA) are the most frequent
deficiency and Barlow disease]) and may have important mechanisms of primary MR and also the most frequent
implications for MR quantification.21 indication for MV repair.1 Accurate knowledge of the
MV perforation is generally secondary to endocarditis. severity, extent, and location of prolapse is essential for
Eccentric MR jets with 2D TTE or TEE generally suggest preprocedural planning of surgical or percutaneous

Figure 7A.3  3D reconstruction of the mitral valve with volume-rendered 3D representation of prolapse as seen from the left atrium in a
patient with P2 prolapse (arrow). The region of prolapse is clearly visualized in red scale (Bottom Right).

70  3D Echocardiography


Figure 7A.4  Mitral regurgitation secondary to mitral valve perforation. (A–B) Cross-sectional 3D TEE reconstruction planes demonstrating
the perforation leak of the anterior leaflet (arrow). (C) 3D color “full-volume” mode showing the perforation jet (arrow). (D) 3D en face view
assessing the exact location and extent of perforation in the A2 segment (arrow).

interventions.7,11,16,18 Although 2D TTE and TEE using imaging or multiplanar reconstruction, are particularly
standardized multiple imaging planes remain the standard helpful to assess precisely the different valve segments,
methods of assessment for localization of prolapsed or facilitating the assessment of complex MV prolapse (Figure
flailed scallops, accurate identification of complex lesions 7A.7). In addition, angled 3D TEE views are also very useful to
involving bileaflet or commissural prolapse remains assess the extent of the prolapse from another perspective or
challenging and dependent on operator expertise.1 to identify small prolapse, commissural prolapse, or chordal
In contrast to 2D techniques, 3D TEE en face view (“surgical” rupture (Figure 7A.8, ).27
view) allows immediate characterization of leaflet prolapse In addition to qualitative assessment, 3D TEE also
and flail segments as protrusion or bulging of one or more provides more precise quantification of MV prolapse than
segments (Figure 7A.5, ).17,23 Although the 3D TTE en face 2D TEE.28 The circumferential extent and length of the
view of the MV has been shown to be feasible and accurate prolapsing tissue can be measured online directly on
in identifying the location of MV prolapse when the quality the 3D image. 8 Dedicated 3D multiplane reconstruction
of images is sufficient,24 3D TEE provides the highest quality software allows measurement of quantitative parameters of
of imaging. Multiple studies have shown that when compared MV prolapse such as annular area, leaflet length, prolapse
with surgical inspection, the accuracy of 3D TEE in assessing width, and leaflet gap (Figure 7A.9). These quantification
MV prolapse was excellent, superior to 2D TEE.16,17 3D TEE parameters have been shown to be well correlated with
provides a more comprehensive and accurate identification surgical measurements and determine the complexity of
of individual segments and improves the assessment of MV repair.26
the exact localization and extent of prolapsing segments Other advantages of 3D TEE over 2D TEE are the gain of
(Figure 7A.6).16–19 The added value of 3D TEE is particularly time during TEE examination and the increased confidence
important in complex prolapse, involving multiple leaflet and communication for planning MV repair.
segments and in commissural lesions.17,24–27 However, the Using dedicated quantitative software, a parametric
benefit of 3D imaging for the assessment of MV prolapse map of the mitral valve can be derived, transforming the
is not limited to the 3D en face view, which sometimes fails 3D image of MV into a color-encoded topographic display
to give the full perspective of the severity of the prolapse. (Figure 7A.3). Use of parametric images has been shown to
Additional longitudinal planes, obtained either by biplane improve the diagnostic accuracy of less-experienced readers

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  71


Figure 7A.5  2D and 3D TEE images of a P2 prolapse. Multiple 2D TEE standardized views are necessary to identify the flail of P2 (A to C) with
ruptured chordae (arrow). (D) 3D TEE en face view showing in one view the localization and extent of P2 prolapse .



Figure 7A.6  Examples of 3D TEE en face view of mitral valve prolapse: (A) isolated P2 prolapse (arrow), (B) large P2P3 prolapse (arrow),
(C) commissural prolapse (arrow) , (D) anterior A2 prolapse (arrow), (E) anterior A3 prolapse (arrow), (F) multiple segments posterior
prolapse in Barlow disease (arrow) .

72  3D Echocardiography
Figure 7A.7  3D TEE assessment of the prolapsing and flail segments using 3D TEE and biplane imaging. (Left) 3D TEE en face view of the
mitral valve showing a P2 prolapse in the central A2/P2 region and the cutting planes (red dotted lines, A,B,C) used for biplane imaging.
(Right) Starting from a primary intercommissural view, biplane imaging sweep from lateral to medial provides the orthogonal left ventricular
outflow tract view showing A1P1 (A); A2P2 (B), and A3P3 (C).


* *


* * *

* *

Figure 7A.8  Examples of 3D TEE angled views to offer better visualization of mitral valve prolapse and ruptured chordae (arrows), P2
prolapse (A to C), large P2-P3 prolapse (*) (C to D) , (E to F) .

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  73




Figure 7A.9  3D TEE multiplanar reconstruction of the mitral valve (MV) allowing measurement of the flail width (A) and gap (B) of a P2
prolapse, and 3D measurement of MV area (C). Direct measurement of the width of the prolapse on the 3D image (D).

and to improve the communication between members of an integrated approach for the evaluation of the MR
the heart team in the perspective of MV repair.29 The use of severity including qualitative and quantitative 2D Doppler
a semiautomated algorithm using anatomical intelligence to parameters as well as LV size and function.1,32
generate these parametric images has been recently shown However, in clinical practice, significant limitations
to improve further the accuracy and efficiency of parametric remain for accurate and reproducible quantification. 33
maps in localizing MV prolapse.30 In particular, commonly used 2D-derived MR severity
Type III MR: Restrictive movement of the MV may be parameters such as vena contracta (VC) width and proximal
caused by calcification or rheumatic disease, radiotherapy, isovelocity surface area (PISA) based on geometric
or inflammatory or drug-induced valve disease. Real- assumptions (i.e., circular regurgitant orifice [RO] or
time 3D TTE and 3D TEE allow precise assessment of the hemispheric proximal flow region) are not always valid in
restrictive movement of the leaflets by a combination of clinical practice.1,33
longitudinal and short-axis planes. 3D color Doppler provides more accurate information
about MR jet and PISA geometric characteristics34,35 and
ETIOLOGIES has clearly demonstrated that the true proximal flow
3D echocardiography may also provide specific information convergence region is usually more hemi-elliptical than
about MR etiology. 3D en face views, from both the LA and hemispheric, especially in FMR.34,36,37
LV perspectives, allow a detailed morphological assessment In addition, 3D color Doppler is able to provide a
of any anatomical lesions, such as presence of leaflet direct measurement of the VC area without geometric
thickening, calcifications, cleft, vegetations, and ruptured assumption.36,37 A 3D en face view of the VC perpendicular to
chordae. It also provides the exact location of these lesions. the jet direction can be obtained even in eccentric jets using
In MV prolapse, it has been shown that 3D measurements multiplanar reconstruction, allowing direct planimetry of
of the MV, such as billowing height, may distinguish Barlow the VC area36–40 (Figure 7A.10). This method is especially
disease from fibroelastic deficiency.24 useful when orifice shape is noncircular or when there are
In rheumatic MR, 3D TTE and 3D TEE provide multiple MR jets. 39,40 An excellent correlation has been
important additional information about the presence of shown between regurgitant volume (RV) calculated from
commissural fusion and MV area, when mitral stenosis 3D vena contracta area (VCA) and that calculated by cardiac
coexists with MR.31 magnetic resonance.38
Other 3D approaches for quantification of effective
QUANTIFICATION OF MITRAL REGURGITATION regurgitant orifice area (EROA) are the measurement of the
Accurate grading of MR severity is crucial for appropriate 3D surface of the proximal flow region without geometric
management and to define the timing of surgical assumption, or the measurement of the largest radius of the
intervention.15 The current guidelines recommend PISA after multiplane reconstruction.37

74  3D Echocardiography
Figure 7A.10  3D TEE color Doppler quantitative assessment of the vena contracta area (VCA3D) on the en face view (Bottom Left) derived
by multiplanar reconstruction in a 3D color Doppler dataset.

Although the accuracy of these 3D color Doppler EROA Pre-Pump: Road Map for Repair
measurements has been demonstrated in several studies, The feasibility of valve repair depends on valve analysis and
some limitations persist to make these tools useful in the surgical expertise based on volume.43 It requires team effort
daily routine (narrow sector, low volume rate [often inferior with a common language based on the pathophysiological
to 10 Hz] and poor temporal resolution, stitched artifacts triad and the functional approach. There has to be a clear
with multiple cardiac cycles acquisition). However, recent distinction in the echocardiographic report between
technological improvements allowing large-volume color, etiology (i.e., cause of the disease), lesions (i.e., result from
single-beat, real-time, 3D color Doppler imaging with an the disease), and dysfunction (i.e., result from lesions).
increased volume rate have made these measurements more Dysfunction is an essential element because it is the basic
efficient and user friendly.1 principle of the functional approach that permits simplified
Another 3D echocardiographic method to quantify MR decision making, and it is well assessed by echocardiography
uses the difference between LV stroke volume obtained from because it is based on leaflet motion (type I, normal; type
a 3D acquisition of the LV and aortic SV measured using II, excessive or prolapse; type III, restrictive in diastole IIIa
the Doppler method to calculate the RV and regurgitant or in systole IIIb). The echocardiographist also has the duty
fraction.39 to localize the dysfunction (segmental analysis) in order to
Finally, a new transthoracic 3D approach has been determine which scallop is involved. 2D echocardiography is
recently reported using automatic quantification of color appropriate to define the type of dysfunction. 2D but overall
Doppler velocity data and area obtained from 3D color real-time 3D TEE is a spectacular tool to determine segmental
Doppler acquisitions at the mitral and aortic valves to analysis, particularly for commissural prolapse (Figure
calculate SV at each orifice.41 These techniques require 7A.11). For the frequent P2 prolapse, 3D echocardiography
further clinical validation. permits evaluation of the width and height of prolapse
and the width of the indentations (Figure 7A.12). The
TREATMENT OF MITRAL REGURGITATION main goal and objective of the surgeon planning a valve
repair is to correct the dysfunction. Echocardiography
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT is not the best tool to diagnose lesions such as chordal
Intraoperative 2D/3D echocardiography is key for the rupture or elongation; in fact, chordal elongation is often
success of mitral valve repair. In pre-pump analysis, it undiagnosed. Lesional analysis is evaluated visually by the
permits determination of valve analysis and predicts surgeon. This analysis is essential to choose the appropriate
techniques to be used; in post-pump analysis, it is used to techniques according to Carpentier’s “one lesion, one
assess the immediate results as a safety net for surgeons. 3D technique” principle. The  following measurements must
echocardiography permits facilitation of communication also be made: height of A2, which correlates with ring size
between surgeons and echocardiographists42 with the and etiology (>34 mm for Barlow) and tricuspid annulus
unique ability to show the dynamic surgeon’s view from diameter in diastole to determine if tricuspid repair will be
the LA. necessary (above 40 mm in deep four-chamber view with

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  75


Figure 7A.11  3D mitral surgeon’s view of posteromedial commissural Figure 7A.13  Tricuspid annulus diameter measurement in deep,
prolapse with chordal rupture (arrow) (endocarditis). four-chamber view with coronary sinus (CS) landmark.

coronary sinus as the landmark) (Figure 7A.13). According PERCUTANEOUS MANAGEMENT

to the extent of dysfunction, localized (Figure 7A.14, ) Percutaneous mitral valve repair (PMVR) has been
or extensive prolapse (Figure 7A.15, ), the surgeon can developed during the recent years as an alternative to
evaluate the difficulty of repair based on his or her own skill surgery for the treatment of severe MR in patients with high
and experience. surgical risk.44 The edge-to-edge leaflet repair using the
MitraClip (Abbott Vascular Structural Heart, Menlo Park,
Post-Pump Control: Safety Net for Surgeons California) is currently the only device approved by the U.S.
Intraoperative TEE is mandatory and systematic for all MV Food and Drug Administration specifically for primary or
repairs. It permits evaluation of immediate functional results: degenerative MR. Other transcatheter or percutaneous
residual MR, reoperation factors, systolic anterior motion, techniques are currently under development, such as
and other complications such as LV dysfunction, circumflex mitral annuloplasty techniques (Cardioband, Edwards Life
coronary artery injury, aortic cusp stitch, or atrial septal Science), coronary sinus annuloplasty systems, artificial
defect. Residual MR is an unacceptable result except for chord implantation, and transcatheter MV replacement.
mild and central regurgitation due to leaflet irregularities. The success of these techniques is highly dependent on
Beyond severity, the objective of the echocardiography is the quality of imaging before and during intervention. In
to determine the precise mechanism and particularly to addition to other imaging modalities, 3D TEE has greatly
identify leaflet jet and segmental analysis; real-time 3D color enhanced the capabilities of assessment, planning, and
TEE has clear superiority over 2D analysis for this purpose guidance of these complex MV procedures.
(Figure 7A.16, ).
The MitraClip edge-to-edge mitral repair procedure is
Atrial Ventricular the most developed PMVR technique for both primary
and secondary MR in high surgical risk patients.44,45
This technique mimics the surgical approach previously
described by Alfieri and results in a double mitral orifice by
positioning a clip on the MV using a transseptal approach.
The feasibility and safety profile of the MitraClip device has
been shown to be favorable in the EVEREST I and II trials.45

Preprocedural Assessment
Echocardiographic selection relies on a detailed
characterization of MV anatomy and function.44 Although
comprehensive TTE remains the first step to assess the
mechanisms and severity of MR, TEE is mandatory for the
assessment of MV anatomy and suitability for clipping.45,46
The systematic use of 3D TEE and biplane imaging
has significantly improved the quality of the screening
process.47–49 3D and biplane TEE provide an accurate
Figure 7A.12  3D atrial and ventricular view of indentation (P2-P3) assessment of the localization and extent of the prolapsing
width (arrow). and flail segments, which is key for successful planning of

76  3D Echocardiography
Figure 7A.14  Full-volume 3D atrial view of localized (P2) prolapse with two chordal rupture (Left) and correlation with surgical findings (Right).

the procedure.48 Accurate measurements of the flail gap

and width of the prolapse, as well as mitral valve area,
can be performed directly on the 3D image or by using
multiplane reconstruction (Figure 7A.9).46 In addition, 3D
TEE is able to identify abnormalities associated with an
unsuccessful procedure, such as MV leaflet cleft, or deep
indentations of the posterior leaflet. Finally, 3DTEE greatly
facilitates communication between echocardiographers
and interventionists during the screening and planning
Based on the EVEREST II trial, optimal echocardiographic
criteria for edge-to-edge repair were a regurgitant jet
originating centrally, associated with an A2-P2 prolapse, a
flail gap less than 10 mm, and a flail width less than 15 mm.45
More recently, it has been shown that patients with more
complex valve pathology, outside the EVEREST criteria, can
Figure 7A.15  Full-volume 3D atrial and ventricular view of extensive be successfully treated in experienced high-volume centers,46
(A2P3) prolapse with A2 chordal rupture . although the need for reintervention is higher in these
patients.50 Less or unsuitable candidates are patients with
commissural or multisegment prolapse, calcification in the
grip zone, and a mitral diastolic valve area less than 3 cm2.46

Procedural Guidance
2D/3D TEE are essential to guide the MitraClip
procedure.7,8,47,49 Because optimal communication is
essential to facilitate procedural guidance, the fluoroscopic
and echocardiographic images should be simultaneously
displayed on a screen for both interventionists and
echocardiographers.46 As compared to 2D TEE, 3D TEE
P1 P3 greatly facilitates guidance and navigation by providing
a comprehensive visualization of catheters, devices, and
cardiac structures in 3D space. 3D TEE has been shown to
shorten the time needed to clip deployment and reduce the
procedure time.51
During the MitraClip procedure, biplane and 3D TEE
views have a complementary role, providing accurate spatial
Figure 7A.16  Surgical 3D color view to precise localization of residual orientation and guidance, precise clip positioning, and
jet after repair (in the line of P2 resection) (arrow) . result assessment.47,49

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  77





Av #

Figure 7A.17  Echocardiography-guided transseptal puncture. (A and B) Biplane view showing the tenting of the septum (arrow) in the short-
axis view (A) and bicaval view (B). These two views are used to adapt the position of the needle (see text). (C) Four-chamber midesophageal
TEE view showing the height of the puncture (see text). (D) The en face view of the interatrial septum from the right atrial perspective.
The fossa is clearly depicted (#). (ANT, anterior; Av, aortic valve; INF, inferior; LA, left atrium; POST, posterior; RA, right atrium; SUP, superior.)

Transseptal Puncture Clip Steering and Positioning of the Clip above the Mitral Valve
Transseptal (TS) puncture is a crucial step during After the TS puncture, 3D TEE provides excellent
MitraClip therapy. The location of the puncture is visualization and spatial orientation of the clip delivery
generally superior and posterior, at a depth of 4–5 cm system (CDS) within the LA. 3D TEE and biplane mode
above the MV annulus plane to allow the capture of the are used to monitor the positioning of the CDS in the
prolapsed leaflet. An inadequate puncture site will lead appropriate position toward the MV (Figure 7A.18). Biplane
to difficulties in positioning the clip, aortic hugging if imaging allows simultaneous display of two standardized
the puncture is too anterior, and difficulties in pulling planes (intercommissural view at 60° and LV outflow tract
back the clip if the puncture is too low. In addition to view at 120°–150°) to assess the trajectory and proper
standard 2D TEE planes (bicaval view for superior positioning of the clip. After correct positioning, the clip
inferior orientation, short-axis view for anteroposterior is opened and aligned perpendicular to the line of MV
orientation, and midesophageal four-chamber view for coaptation, which is essential to ensure proper grasping of
depth assessment), 3D TEE may provide good visualization the leaflets. The 3D TEE en face view from the LA provides
of the fossa ovalis from the right atrial perspective, the best assessment of perpendicular orientation of the clip.
helping the surgeon to reach the appropriate location in Fine adjustments of the position of the clip can be made
difficult cases 49 (Figure 7A.17). while using the 3D TEE en face view (Figure 7A.19,  ).


Figure 7A.18  Real-time 3D TEE guidance of the MitraClip procedure. (A) The 3D-TEE identifies crossing of the interatrial septum (IAS) and
assesses the correct position of the guide catheter in the left atrium (LA). (B) The 3D-TEE is used to guide the advancement of the clip delivery
system (arrow) in the left atrium. (C,D) The clip delivery system is oriented toward the mitral valve (MV).

78  3D Echocardiography


Figure 7A.19  2D TEE (A,B,C) and real-time 3D TEE (D,E,F) assessment of the alignment of the clip perpendicular to the line of leaflet
coaptation . Real-time 3D TEE en face view is the best modality to check the perpendicular orientation and correct position of the clip
between the target scallops.

Grasping the Leaflets with the evaluation currently relying on a multiparametric

Perpendicular orientation of the clip is checked again with approach. 52 Summation of the 3D TEE VCA of MR color
3D TEE after the clip has passed into the LV, using the en jets has been shown to be a useful adjunct for this difficult
face view of the MV from the LV side. If the 3D TEE view assessment of residual MR, and it provides prognostic
from the LA side is used, gain should be reduced to see the information. 52–54 A VCA threshold of 0.27 cm2 has been
clip below the leaflets. Biplane imaging is the best imaging defined for the identification of moderate or greater MR,
modality to assess the capture of the leaflets. 3D TEE is with good diagnostic accuracy and good negative predictive
generally not used during this step because of its lower value.54
spatial resolution. Assessment of mitral stenosis after MitraClip relies on
the measurement of Doppler mitral gradient and MV area.
Immediate Assessment of the Result However, 2D planimetry and the pressure half-time method
Before clip release, careful 2D and 3D TEE assessment is to assess MV area may be inaccurate in this setting. 52
crucial to confirm adequate leaflet capture, residual MR, Cumulative planimetry of the residual MV orifice with
and absence of mitral stenosis. individually optimized cut planes for each orifice allows
The 3D TEE en face view is the best technique to assess the for the best quantification of the residual MV area 52,55,56
correct position of the clip between the middle scallops, the (Figure 7A.21). The 3D TEE intraprocedural assessment of
final appearance of a double orifice, and the assessment of MV area has been shown to predict hemodynamic response
residual regurgitant jets and their relationship to anatomy and postprocedural prognosis after MitraClip.56 In a recent
(Figure 7A.20, ). study using 3D TEE postprocedural MV area 1.94 cm2 or
Immediately after clip release, the presence and degree less was predictive for adverse outcomes, independent of
of residual MR are reassessed as well as the position and transmitral gradient.56
stability of the clip and the evaluation of the MV area.
Residual MR severity after percutaneous repair is not only
a determinant of procedural success but a major prognostic
factor. To date, no single echocardiographic method has 3D echocardiography, especially 3D TEE, is an imaging
been recommended for postprocedural MR quantification, modality that greatly improves the morphological and

Primary Mitral Regurgitation  79



Figure 7A.20  2D TEE visualization of the clip crossing the mitral valve (A,B) and grasping the leaflets (C). 3D TEE en face visualization of the
double orifice after clip deployment (D), long-axis view after cropping to assess the capture of the leaflets inside the clip (E); 3D-TEE en face
final double-orifice aspect (*) (F) .





Figure 7A.21  3D mitral valve area (MVA) measurement immediately after MitraClip implantation. After multiplanar reconstruction, the cut
planes are individually optimized for each orifice. Lateral and medial orifice areas can be measured and summed up to obtain a final MVA.

functional assessment of the MV. 3D TEE provides unique

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82  3D Echocardiography
7B Secondary Mitral Regurgitation

MV leaflets being structurally intact. In this situation, the

INTRODUCTION LV remodeling leads to apical and outward displacement
Secondary mitral regurgitation (SMR) is relatively of the papillary muscles (PMs). These changes in the 3D
frequent. It occurs in roughly 20%–25% of patients morphology of the PM’s position relative to MV annulus and
following myocardial infarction (MI) and 50% of those leaflets contribute to SMR genesis.
with chronic heart failure (CHF).1 Any degree of SMR in Two patterns of tethering of the MV have been
patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction conveys described: symmetric and asymmetric.13 Following MI,
adverse prognosis, with a graded relationship between especially after posteroinferior MI, there is a regional LV
severity of regurgitation and reduced survival.2 Moreover, remodeling involving the posterior and inferior LV wall,
SMR can be progressive, resulting in adverse remodeling with apical and medial displacement of the posteromedial
and poor clinic outcomes despite guideline-directed PM. This leads to posterior leaflet restriction with
therapy in heart failure patients. 3 The increase in the asymmetric tethering of the MV leaflets and to an eccentric
prevalence of both MI and CHF in the last decades is SMR jet that is usually oriented posteriorly into the left
likely to lead to an increase in the prevalence of SMR. atrium. When remodeling involves the entire LV, both
Surgical techniques used for mitral valve (MV) repair PMs are displaced apically and outwardly, both leaflets
(i.e., undersized annuloplasty) are not able to abolish SMR are restricted, and the tethering on the MV apparatus is
in most patients.4 Recurrence of SMR after undersized symmetric, leading to a central MR jet.
annuloplasty has been reported in as much as 60% of them.4 Another consequence of LV remodeling is the change
A better understanding of the complex 3D morphology of in geometry and function of the mitral annulus. With LV
the MV before surgery in each individual patient, possible remodeling, as 3D echocardiography studies have proven,
today with the use of 3D echocardiography, might improve there is dilation and flattening of the mitral annulus
surgical results after MV repair. 3D echocardiography is which contributes to MV leaflets tethering and SMR14,15
superior to 2D in the assessment of the morphology of (Figure  7B.2, Panel A ; Figure 7B.3). Mitral annulus
the MV apparatus because it does not depend on mental dilation by pulling away the mitral leaflets favors the
reconstruction of the gathered images and allows direct development of SMR. However, mitral annular dilation
visualization of the MV morphology from any angle. Some is only a secondary mechanism in SMR.16 Mitral annulus
interesting animal studies using 3D echocardiography dilation alone does not lead to significant SMR, but in the
and addressing the mechanisms of SMR came up with presence of leaflet tethering exerted by LV remodeling,
innovative solutions that efficiently reduced the severity of mitral annular dilation significantly worsens SMR severity
SMR. 5–7 Hence, 3D echocardiography is a very useful tool by enhancing leaflet tethering.16 Flattening of the mitral
in the evaluation of patients with SMR, especially when annulus, which has a saddle shape in normal individuals,17
MV repair is contemplated, although the incremental leads to an increase in the systolic stress exerted on the
benefit of 3D over standard 2D measurements at outcome MV leaflets in patients with SMR. Also, in SMR the mitral
prediction still requires further studies.8 annulus diminishes its sphincteric function (the capacity to
contract - reduce its surface - during systole), contributing
to SMR18.
PHYSIOPATHOLOGY OF SECONDARY MITRAL Furthermore, the severity of SMR depends on the balance
between the forces that pull the mitral leaflets toward the
REGURGITATION LV apex, that is, tethering forces, and the forces that work
The concept of SMR emerged from 2D echocardiographic to push the mitral leaflets toward the atrioventricular plane,
studies, but most of our current knowledge regarding this that is, closing forces.19 The presence of annular dilatation
entity improved with the use of 3D echocardiography.9,10 and deformation, a decrease in the closing forces of the
The central mechanism of SMR is the tethering of the LV (i.e., LV systolic dysfunction and/or dyssynchrony), and
MV leaflets during systole toward the LV cavity 9–12 (Figure a high left atrial pressure during systole20 will favor SMR.
7B.1, Panels A and B). This leads to a restricted systolic Conversely, an increase in LV closing forces21 and mitral
motion of the MV leaflets, an apical displacement of the leaflet enlargements, as response to chronic stretch, will aim
MV leaflets coaptation line relative to the mitral annular to prevent SMR.22,23
plane, a tenting of the MV leaflets during systole, and a LV dysfunction alone does not lead to significant SMR.9
decrease in the coaptation surface of the leaflets. Excessive However, in the presence of augmented tethering generated
systolic tethering of the MV leaflets is a consequence of LV by LV distortion, LV dysfunction greatly contributes to SMR.9
remodeling (change in LV shape or/and volume). This is why Conversely, an increase of the LV contractility will lead to a
SMR is considered a disease of the LV with consequences decrease in SMR. LV dyssynchrony contributes also to SMR
on MV function and not a disease of the valve itself, the by altering the effectiveness of the LV closing forces.21,24

Secondary Mitral Regurgitation  83


Figure 7B.1  Tethering of the mitral valve leaflets during systole with apical displacement of leaflet coaptation line relative to the mitral
annular plane (Panel A). Apical and outward papillary muscle displacement in the context of global left ventricular remodeling with tethering
on the mitral valve leaflets during systole (Panel B).


Figure 7B.3  Mitral annulus reconstruction showing a saddle-
shaped annulus in a patient with a normal mitral valve and no mitral
regurgitation (Panel B) vs. a remodeled mitral annulus with marked
flattening in a patient with secondary mitral regurgitation (Panel A).
(A, anterior; AL, anterolateral; Ao, aortic annulus; P, posterior; PM,

nonischemic SMR. The most frequent of all is,

Figure 7B.2  Offline reconstruction of the mitral annulus (Panels undoubtedly, ischemic SMR. The Carpentier classification
A, B, C, and D) in a patient with secondary mitral regurgitation is the most common classification used to describe the
with measurement of different parameters describing mitral SMR mechanism. Type I: Simple annular dilatation is an
annulus deformation: antero-posterior diameter (Panels A, D),
exceptional mechanism in secondary MR. However, it may
intercommissural diameter (Panels A, C), the sphericity index,
be observed in the setting of isolated basilar myocardial
nonplanar angle, annular circumference and area (Panel A).
Remodeling of the mitral annulus with marked flattening in a patient
infarction or in primary mitral annular dysfunction. Type
with secondary mitral regurgitation (Panel A) . (A, anterior; AL, IIIb: SMR results in most cases from a systolic restriction
anterolateral; Ao, aortic annulus; P, posterior; PM, posteromedial.) of leaflet motion due to significant LV remodeling and PM
displacement. Of note, the restriction touches on both
Reduction in SMR after cardiac resynchronization therapy leaflets.
is associated with favorable changes in MV geometry and an
increase in closing forces.21
MECHANISM AND ETIOLOGY OF SECONDARY 3D echocardiography, through the en face view allows
direct examination of the atrial surface of both MV
MITRAL REGURGITATION leaflets, coaptation line, and of the two commissures
There are two described types of SMR, ischemic and of the MV leaflets. In SMR, due to the tethering of the
nonischemic, depending on the underlying cause of leaflets, the geometry of the valve changes markedly, and
myocardial disease that leads to LV remodeling. LV when examined from the left atrium, the MV has a funnel
remodeling after MI leads to ischemic SMR. Dilated shape, with the lowest points of the funnel at the level of
cardiomyopathy of nonischemic etiology leads to the coaptation line (Figure 7B.4, Panels A–C ). In this

84  3D Echocardiography

Figure 7B.4  En face view of the mitral valve in a patient with secondary mitral regurgitation and asymmetric tethering of the mitral valve leaflets:
End diastole (Panel A), midsystole (Panel B), and early diastole (Panel C). Marked change in geometry of the mitral valve with apical displacement
of the coaptation line and “funnel” configuration of the valve (Panel B). (AML, anterior mitral leaflet; PML, posterior mitral leaflet.)

case, the coaptation line, which normally has an upward Real-time 3D echocardiography, together with dedicated
concavity, expresses an even more pronounced upward valve segmentation and modeling algorithms have been shown
concavity (symmetric tethering, Figure 7B.5, Panel A) to predict the risk of recurrent ischemic MR after undersized
or completely changes its shape pointing toward the LV ring annuloplasty. A preoperative P3 leaflet tethering angle
cavity (asymmetric tethering, Figure 7B.5, Panel B). 3D of 29.9° or greater was associated with postoperative MR
echocardiography enables visualization of mitral leaflet recurrence, thus favoring chord-sparing valve replacement
tenting patterns in SMR. Differences in symmetric and over than valve repair in this group of patients.26
asymmetric tenting patterns result in differences in mitral An important indicator of mitral leaflet tethering available
valve geometry, which in turn affects the degree of MR. through 3D echocardiography is the tenting volume, which
Asymmetric tenting is associated with smaller and higher is the volume enclosed between the MV leaflets and the
annulus, greater posterior-to-anterior leaflet tethering annular plane in midsystole. This parameter is closely
angle, smaller tenting volume, and the coaptation line related to SMR severity and is a reliable marker of tethering
is more posteriorly displaced, compared to symmetric severity. Tenting volume shape can be reconstructed through
tenting.25 offline analysis from 3D acquired datasets. Examining the

A1 A2 A3

B1 B2 B3

Figure 7B.5  En face view of the mitral valve in patients with secondary mitral regurgitation. Valve motion is followed through the cardiac
cycle (end diastole, Panels A1, B1; midsystole, Panels A2, B2; early diastole, Panels A3, B3). Symmetric tethering on the mitral leaflets in
midsystole (Panel A2) vs. asymmetric tethering with predominant posterior leaflet midsystolic restriction (Panel B2). (AML, anterior mitral
leaflet; PML, posterior mitral leaflet.)

Secondary Mitral Regurgitation  85

tenting volume shape makes it easy to identify the pattern represents the zone of noncoaptation of the leaflets and
of tethering on the MV leaflets, asymmetric tethering indicates “the weak points” of the MV, where tethering is
exhibiting a tenting volume deformed toward the most most severe and the closing forces are overwhelmed.
tethered segment of the leaflet, pointing out the part of 3D echocardiography enables offline reconstruction of
the leaflet that is predominantly stretched. In some cases the MV leaflets and annulus (Figures 7B.2, 7B.3, 7B.7). This
of severe SMR, with lack of adequate coaptation, an orifice, allows a more accurate evaluation of the mitral annulus
representing the anatomic regurgitant area, can be directly shape and dimensions, as it has a complex geometry,
visualized from the en face view (Figure 7B.6). This orifice including an asymmetric elliptical shape curved to form a
saddle-like structure.17 One of the major limitations of 2D
echocardiography is that the sonographer cannot accurately
identify the largest diameter of the mitral annulus. Moreover,
2D echocardiography cannot provide enough information
regarding the shape of the mitral annulus, as the annulus is an
inherent 3D structure. SMR has been shown to be associated
with a rigid annulus, which dilates and flattens during systole.27
Conversely, 3D echocardiography can accurately evaluate the
anteroposterior diameter, the intercommissural diameter, and
the sphericity index of the mitral annulus, thus establishing the
largest diameter of the annulus, and gives insights regarding
the change in its shape, irrespective of the severity of annular
remodeling (Figures 7B.2 and 7B.7). 3D echocardiography
allows calculation of the true perimeter of the mitral annulus,
without grossly geometric assumptions, and length of each
annular segment (anterior annulus length vs. posterior annulus
length). The height of the annulus, that is, the distance between
the highest and the lowest points on the annulus, can be
measured, giving information on its degree of deformation.
Studies that analyzed annular remodeling in SMR have shown
that, as compared to normal subjects, the annular perimeter
Figure 7B.6  Lack of coaptation in a patient with asymmetric
and area are increased and that the annulus is less elliptical
tethering of the mitral valve leaflets and secondary mitral and more flattened14,15,28 (Figure 7B.3). These studies have also
regurgitation (arrow). The anatomical regurgitant orifice area can pointed out that the degree of mitral annular deformation in
be measured by planimetry in this patient. ischemic SMR is more pronounced following anterior MI than



Figure 7B.7  Offline measurement of the anteroposterior diameter of the mitral annulus (Panels A, B), of the anterior (Panel C) and posterior
mitral leaflet (Panel D) surface in a patient with secondary mitral regurgitation.

86  3D Echocardiography
inferior MI.29 Owing to 3D echocardiography, an attenuation impossible with 2D echocardiography. Patients with SMR has
of the sphincter function of the mitral annulus has been been shown to have normal chordal length, measured from
described as one of the mechanisms promoting SMR.18 The 3D TEE transgastric view, as compared to those with primary
annular area change between diastole and systole, a marker of MR, who have elongated primary chords.34
sphincter function of the mitral annulus, is decreased in these
patients15,30. 3D echocardiography has also proven that in 3D QUANTIFICATION OF SECONDARY
healthy individuals, systolic caudal displacement of the mitral
annulus occurs and is more accentuated in the posterior region,
while in patients with SMR, this displacement is reduced, most 2D echocardiography is the cornerstone approach for
notably in the posterior region.15 grading SMR. However, 2D echocardiography seems to
Secondary MR varies throughout the cardiac cycle as underestimate the real effective regurgitant orifice area
a result of dynamic changes in the mitral apparatus and (EROA) as well as the real regurgitant volume in SMR.35
the complex valvular-ventricular interplay. Real-time 3D Conventionally, SMR is considered severe when the 2D
echocardiography, coupled with dedicated quantitative EROA is greater than 20 mm2 and/or when regurgitant
software enable the study of mitral annular shape, dimensions, volume (RV) is 30 mL,36–38 although higher cutoff values of
and motion throughout the cardiac cycle. Study has shown EROA 40 mm2 or more by 2D proximal isovelocity surface
that the loss of mitral annular contraction along the area (PISA) and regurgitant volume of 60 mL or more have
intercommissural line contributes to early systolic SMR, while been proposed by the American College of Cardiology/
asymmetric papillary muscle position was associated with American Heart Association39 and the American Society
mid-to-late systolic SMR.31 The eSie Valves (Siemens Medical of Echocardiography.40 3D derived cut-off values for EROA
Solutions, Malvern, Pennsylvania), an automated quantitative and RV severity are not yet established, but with the rapid
analysis software that enables rapid and reproducible analysis improvement of 3D transthoracic echocardiography (TTE),
with minimal user interaction, has been shown to reliably they will probably be available soon. A recent study of patients
depict mitral annular geometry change and distinguish the with SMR on optimal medical therapy demonstrated a linear
etiology of MR under 5 minutes.32 increment of risk as the severity of MR increases. The highest
3D reconstruction of the MV also allows the assessment risk group was denoted by an EROA of 30 mm2 or more and
of the mitral leaflet surface (Figure 7B.7). This made possible RV of 40 mL or more. In the intermediate risk group (EROA
the identification of another important mechanism aiming of 20 to 20 mm2 and RV of 30 to 44 mL), a regurgitant fraction
to prevent SMR, which is leaflet elongation in response to of 50% or more was also associated with poor outcome.41
the chronic mechanical stress exerted by leaflet tethering. Recommended and validated methods for assessing SMR
3D echocardiographic studies on animal models elegantly severity in 2D echocardiography are the measurement of vena
showed that MV leaflets are not completely inert structures contracta (VC) width and the measurement of EROA and
and that they are capable to enlarge in order to increase RV through the PISA method.36 However, there are several
their coaptation surface, explaining at least in part, why limitations of the PISA method and VC width, as assessed by
even in cases with significant tethering SMR may be only 2D echocardiography, that should be acknowledged and that
of mild severity.22 might be overcome by 3D echocardiography. One of these
3D echocardiography also allows a comprehensive limitations is that it is awkward to acquire the VC width from
evaluation of the MV subvalvular apparatus and its position a plane perpendicular to the direction of the regurgitant
relative to the mitral annular plane. The distance between jet, especially in eccentric jets. In addition, VC is not always
each PM tip and its ipsilateral or contralateral commissure, circular and in cases with elliptical VC, its width might be
the inter-PM distance, the distance between each PM tip and underestimated if measured from the plane perpendicular
a point located in the center of a plane with least deviation to its long axis or overestimated if measured in its long axis
of annular hinge point about it, are all several methods to (Figure 7B.8, Panel A). 3D echocardiography can overcome
describe the severity and pattern of the MV tethering. One these limitations because it can provide the surface of the VC with
of the most relevant parameters that can be evaluated with no geometric assumptions, by direct planimetry, measuring
the use of 3D echocardiography is the tethering distance VC area in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the
measured between the medial trigone (medial junction of regurgitant jet. The 3D VC area is independent of flow rate
aortic and mitral annuli) and the head of the posteromedial as it is predominantly determined by regurgitant orifice size.
PM. This parameter proved to be a reliable indicator of the The 3D-derived VC area has been shown to correlate more
severity of distortion on the MV apparatus and a strong closely with Doppler-derived EROA than 2D VC width.42 In
predictor of SMR after MI.9,16 In addition, persistent addition, direct measurement and summation of multiple 3D
tethering of the papillary muscle post mitral annuloplasty, VC areas have been shown to correlate well with EROA derived
as defined by displacement of the PM outside of the mitral from 3D left ventricular volume and thermodilution data.
annular ring has been shown to be associated with MR It is especially useful in patients with multiple regurgitant
recurrence.33 The advantage of 3D echocardiography over jets.43 There are several caveats to the 3D VC method. The
2D echocardiography is not only that it can accurately size of the 3D color Doppler is influenced by tissue and color
identify PM tips closest to the base of the heart, making a gain settings, as well as the write-priority algorithm of the
more reliable measurement of all the tethering distances, but image display software.44 The PISA method, as assessed by 2D
it also enables measurements of MV deformation otherwise echocardiography, assumes that the flow convergence area

Secondary Mitral Regurgitation  87


Figure 7B.8  Vena contracta area as assessed by 3D echocardiography showing that the vena contracta of the regurgitant jet can be elliptic.
3D echocardiography allows correct alignment perpendicular to the jet direction and accurate measurement of the vena contracta area (Panel
A). Complex 3D geometry of the proximal isovelocity surface area as assessed by 3D echocardiography (Panel B).

is hemispherical. As demonstrated by 3D, flow convergence RV are derived from the same equations applied in 2D
area is frequently hemi-elliptic in SMR,45 and applying the PISA Doppler echocardiography but with the advantage of PISA
radius method in this case might lead to underestimation of being directly measured as a 3D structure (Figure 7B.9  ).
EROA and RV (Figure 7B.8, Panel B). 3D echocardiography The problem of multiple jets might also be solved by this
serves not only to identify cases in which the 2D PISA radius particular technique. This approach was validated against
method underestimates the severity of SMR, but also to enable in vitro phantoms with impressive results, showing higher
the calculation of the real 3D surface of proximal isovelocity accuracy when compared with results obtained from the
layers without raw geometric assumptions. Instantaneous conventional spherical approximation.
“full-volume” 3D echocardiography with the ACUSON Several automated approaches have been employed
SC2000 volume imaging ultrasound system provides an to quantify MR from real-time 3D volumetric data. The
innovative technology that allows a new quantitative method automated 3D PISA method segments the regurgitant
of 3D PISA calculation46. With this system, the EROA and surface area from 3D color Doppler data after optimizing

Figure 7B.9  Instantaneous “full-volume” 3D echocardiography with the assessment of the effective regurgitant orifice area and regurgitant
volume of the mitral insufficiency by direct 3D measurement of proximal isovelocity surface area .

88  3D Echocardiography
the proximal flow convergence region. The EROA and peak
regurgitant volume can be calculated from the largest PISA, Table 7B.2  Morphological Suitability Criteria for
while the integrated PISA and total regurgitant volume MitraClip Intervention Based on the Expansion of the
account for regurgitant jets from all frames. 3D regurgitant EVEREST Criteria and Crossroads Training Experience
volume derived from integrated PISA has been shown to Challenging Unsuitable
be more accurate than the peak PISA technique due to the Optimal Morphology Morphology Morphology
dynamic nature of the regurgitant orifice in patients with Central pathology, A2/ Peripheral pathology, A1/ Ceft or perforation
SMR. Both the peak and integrated 3D PISA techniques P2 P1 or A3/P3
have been shown to correlate well with cardiac magnetic No leaflet calcification Calcification not in Calcification in
resonance imaging.47 grasping zone grasping zone
Another automated software utilizes real-time 3D full- MVA >4 cm2 MVA 3–4 cm2 MVA <3 cm2 or
volume color Doppler (3D FVCD) data to quantify MR MG ≥5 mm Hg
using the volumetric method. It employs 3D hemispheric Posterior leaflet Posterior leaflet 7–10 mm Posterior leaflet
≥10 mm <7 mm
flow sampling planes at the mitral annulus and LV outflow
Tenting height Tenting height ≥11 mma
tract that detect flow volumes throughout the cardiac
<11 mm and
cycle. The 3D FVCD method has been shown to correlate coaptation length
better with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging than >2 mm
2D PISA or the 2D quantification method. 3D FVCD was Carpentier II Carpentier IIIB Carpentier IIIA
especially useful in cases with multiple MR jets and dilated Flail gap <10 mm and Flail width >15 mm with Multisegment flail,
left ventricle, as the 2D methods tend to underestimate flail width <15 mm sufficient valve area to Barlow syndrome
MR severity.48 tolerate >1 clipa
Recent studies in animal models have also shown the Source: Adapted from Boekstegers P, Hausleiter J, Baldus S et al. Clin Res
utility of a novel 3D color Doppler algorithm based on field Cardiol. 2014;103:85–96.
optimization methods to calculated EROA.49,50 a Consider MitraClip XTR (Abbot Vascular, Abbot Park, Illinois).

ROLE OF 3D DURING MITRACLIP THERAPY consists of symmetrical malapposition of structurally normal

The first step of the echocardiographic approach in patients leaflets with preserved systolic coaptation (Figures 7B.10
planned for a MitraClip therapy is the evaluation of the through 7B.12). The symmetrical leaflet malapposition
extent of MV morphological changes that could affect the with preserved systolic coaptation (at least 2 mm coaptation
device implantation (Tables 7B.1 and 7B.2). length, and less than 11 mm depth) is considered favorable
for successful MitraClip implantation.51–53 Extreme leaflet
APPROPRIATE MITRAL VALVE MORPHOLOGY hypoplasia, due to fibrotic retraction, suggests an anatomical
The MitraClip therapy is facilitated by an adequate match condition of valve lesion/MitraClip mismatch, leading to
between the varying anatomical characteristics of the MV inefficacious or complicated capture. MitraClip therapy,
apparatus (leaflet length, intercommissural extension of the although mimicking the surgical edge-to-edge technique,
culprit lesion) and fixed arm device properties (7 mm arm does not include prosthetic ring implantation, which can
length and 4 mm width, respectively, for the NTR device, affect its long-term results. 54 Consequently, complete
while the XTR device boosts 3 mm additional arm length intercommissural extended loss of systolic leaflet coaptation,
and 5 mm wider grasping width). The next-generation owing to noncompensated LV tethering forces and/or
MitraClip system not only promises to improve steering, isolated annular dilation, should be considered suboptimal/
navigation, and deployment capabilities, but it may also adverse functional anatomy. However, 2D echocardiography
expand the reach of the clip in patients with complex may be affected by a limited cutting plane, leading to
anatomy. According to EVEREST criteria, the suitability of the possible incompleteness of functional anatomy and
MitraClip therapy can be established by analyzing the leaflet coaptation loss assessment along the whole intercommissural
apposition-coaptation shape. 51,52 The ideal valve lesion plane. Indeed, if the 2D cutting plane crosses a limited
coaptation loss, especially on the site of cleft diastasis, the
valve lesion might be considered potentially unsuitable
Table 7B.1  Incremental Value of 3D TEE in Defining for MitraClip implantation. Real-time 3D TEE provides
MitraClip Therapy Suitability in Patients with Secondary comprehensive analysis of leaflet apposition-coaptation
Mitral Regurgitation along the intercommissural plane, together with color
flow mapping of valve regurgitation. Consequently, we can
3D Echocardiographic Parameters
accurately map the target lesion on the intercommissural plane.
Intercommissural shape of target lesion Analyzing 3D images, with change of image orientation or
• Loss of coaptation extension cut and crop, a multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) of all MV
• Asymmetrical tethering extension segments on a longitudinal plane may be obtained. Based
• Regurgitant jet extension on volume-rendered images, MPR can be used to optimize
• Interscallop diastasis interpretation and quantify the displacement of facing MV
• Leaflet hypoplasia
segments above the anteroposterior annular plane along

Secondary Mitral Regurgitation  89



Figure 7B.10  (A,B) 2D TEE showing severe mitral regurgitation owing to symmetrical malapposition with preserved leaflet coaptation. (C,D)
Real-time 3D TEE confirms the preserved leaflet coaptation along the intercommissural plane and moderately extended central regurgitant
jet. (E) Real-time 3D TEE following MitraClip implantation showing double orifice with mild residual regurgitation.



Figure 7B.11  (A) 2D TEE showing severe mitral regurgitation, due to leaflet malapposition with loss of coaptation. (B) Real-time 3D TEE
indicating a loss of coaptation (arrow) of moderate intercommissural extension (line). The patient underwent double clip implantation
without residual stenosis according to mitral valve area estimation (3 cm2) using the smallest value deriving from 3D TEE (C).

90  3D Echocardiography
the intercommissural coaptation surface. The restricted functional malapposition and coaptation shape of mitral
motion can be recognized, relative to the leaflet-annular leaflets, provides an ultimate evaluation of the target valve
hinge points, using a modifiable cutting plane to carry out lesion in terms of coaptation maintenance, or extension
an MPR long-axis view with a segment-by-segment analysis of coaptation loss, along the intercommissural plane. This
perpendicular to the intercommissural line (Figure 7B.13). information might be useful to predict unsuitability, or a
In addition, 3D color regurgitant jet analysis, together with technically demanding procedure, including the need for
and sequence of additional clips and postprocedural mitral
valve stenosis.
Both 2D and 3D TEE are established methods to
monitor the MitraClip procedure, including transseptal
puncture site, guidance of the delivery system toward
the MV, adjustment of opened clip perpendicular to
commissures in the left atrium and LV, MitraClip system/
target MV lesion matching, grasping and leaflet insertion,
effectiveness on MR downgrading, and assessment of
D residual MV area after clip implantation. 53,55,56 Providing
C a comprehensive anatomical view, real-time 3D TEE
enhances overall 2D capability for MitraClip monitoring. A
fusion imaging platform, for example, the EchoNavigator
system (Philips Healthcare), that allows simultaneous
display of 3D echocardiographic and fluoroscopic images,
further improves spatial relation understanding and
F facilitates procedural guidance. In the setting of SMR,
appropriate MitraClip orientation may be facilitated,
targeting grasping in the culprit zone outside the possible
interscallop diastasis. In addition, real-time 3D TEE
provides a clear assessment of coaptation gap extension to
plan the optimal site for clip implantation. For instance,
if the coaptation loss shows a limited intercommissural
extension, the MitraClip device may first be implanted into
Figure 7B.12  2D and 3D TEE in a patient with secondary mitral
the adjacent zone with maintained coaptation, in order to
regurgitation owing to extended leaflet asymmetrical malapposition
with loss of coaptation. (A) 2D TEE asymmetrical malapposition and
improve the subsequent capture of the leaflet gap using
loss of coaptation with extreme tethering and hypoplasia of posterior an additional clip. Successful MitraClip therapy is based
leaflet. (B) 2D TEE color flow mapping showing severe regurgitation. (C) on abolishing regurgitation without residual valve stenosis.
3D TEE showing extended malcoaptation and hypoplasia of posterior Real-time 3D TEE provides accurate identification of the
leaflet involving middle and medial scallops (D,E). (F) 3D TEE color flow site of residual regurgitation to guide additional clip
mapping showing intercommissural extended regurgitant jet. implantation. Subsequent MV area assessment, in addition

Figure 7B.13  (Left) 3D multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) is the most precise method to calculate mitral valve area preprocedurally, without
the ambiguity inherent with 2D measurement as it is challenging to determine the level of the leaflet tip on 2D. (Right) 3D MPR is especially
useful when the leaflet pathology or the intended grasping site is off-centered. The leaflet length of the correct posterior scallop can be
measured off 3D MPR.

Secondary Mitral Regurgitation  91

Figure 7B.14  3D multiplanar reconstruction should be considered while measuring postprocedural mitral valve area, as the orifices cannot
be on the same plane.

Figure 7B.15  3D multiplanar reconstruction is useful at measuring residual mitral regurgitation as the jets can be complex, composed of
multiple smaller jets that are asymmetric, crisscrossing, and not on the same plane.

92  3D Echocardiography
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94  3D Echocardiography
8 Mitral Stenosis

2D echocardiography plays an important role in diagnosis

INTRODUCTION and selection of the best therapeutic strategy in patients
The management of patients with rheumatic mitral valve with MS. Apart from estimation of the transmitral pressure
(MV) stenosis relies on clinical data, morphological gradient and MVA, 2D echocardiography is essential in
evaluation, and accurate assessment of the mitral valvular the selection of patients for PMV. Morphology of the MV
orifice area (MVA). Echocardiography is the main is considered as the main predictor of a successful PMV;
diagnostic imaging modality to evaluate MV obstruction hence, a MV scoring system using echocardiography is
and to assess the severity and the hemodynamic of crucial importance.1 Among all available MV scoring
consequences of mitral stenosis (MS), as well as valve systems, Wilkins’s score is the most commonly used.2 This
morphology and extent of the disease. Classic methods score evaluates MV thickness, mobility, leaflet calcification,
to determine MVA have many limitations. The display and the degree of subvalvular apparatus thickening. A
of cardiac anatomy in 3D from any perspective has clear favorable Wilkins’s score (<8 points) is highly predictive
advantages and provides an insight into the functional of a good outcome after PMV.3 More recently, it has been
and anatomical properties of cardiac structures. The shown that other factors, such as commissural fusion
benefits of 3D echocardiography are particularly useful and calcification, are also strong predictors of outcomes
to the study of mitral valve disease. 3D echocardiography after PMV.4–6 However, 2D echocardiography is limited
provides not only different and superior evaluation of the by the ability to distinguish calcification and subvalvular
MV apparatus structure but also the optimal plane of the involvement.
smallest MV orifice and allows a more accurate assessment The morphological assessment of the MV apparatus by
of MVA. The development of a fully sampled matrix array 3D echocardiography becomes more accurate. Stereoscopic
transducer has enabled easy and fast acquisition of real- views of the MV apparatus can easily be obtained, as can
time volumetric imaging from the transthoracic approach surgical and en face views from either the left atrium or the left
(RT3DE). It has sparked a great interest in using this ventricle (Figure 8.1, ). The position and degree of fusion
methodology in clinical practice. and thickening of the leaflet and chordae tendineae can all
be visualized clearly on 3D echocardiography (Figure 8.2, ).
A previous work of our group demonstrated interobserver
variability of Wilkins’s score by using 2D echocardiography
Evaluation of the MV anatomy and pathology is a major aspect and RT3DE.7 The RT3DE assessment showed the better inter-
of the echocardiographic workup because this identifies and intraobserver agreement for the morphological evaluation
the best treatment options. Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis of the rheumatic MV. The improvement of RT3DE probe
(MS) is a disease associated with progressive morphological technology raised the need to construct a scoring system using
changes of the MV apparatus. Chronic scarring of the RT3DE, proposed by Anwar et al.8,9 They divided each leaflet
valve leaflets converts a translucent, pliable valve into a into three scallops. Thickness, mobility, and calcification
stiff, thickened structure leading to fusion of the leaflet for each MV scallop were scored separately. The subvalvular
commissures and thickening, fibrosis, and calcification of the apparatus was also divided into three cut sections: Proximal
leaflet cusps. These changes are progressive over time and (valve level), middle, and distal (papillary muscle level). The
result in funnel-shaped stenotic MV. Rheumatic involvement individual RT3DE score points of leaflets and subvalvular
of the subvalvular apparatus includes fusion, thickening, apparatus were summed to calculate the total RT3DE
retraction, shortening, and calcification. Choosing the score, ranging from 0 to 31 points. A total score of mild MV
patients favorable for percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty involvement was defined as less than 8 points, moderate MV
(PMV) requires precise evaluation of the MV apparatus. involvement as 8–13 points, and severe MV involvement as 14
Unfavorable results of catheter-based interventions are points or more. The new proposed RT3DE score was feasible
largely due to unfavorable morphology of the valve and reproducible and compared favorably with Wilkins’s score.
apparatus. Commissural fusion is the requisite lesion for They also found that calcification by RT3DE score was the
PMV to be effective. Thus, only the rheumatic etiology is only predictor of the development of grade 2 or higher mitral
appropriate for PMV. In degenerative MS, mitral annular regurgitation after PMV; not only because of calcification
calcification is the main lesion and commissural fusion is extent, but also because of the calcification site, because this
not present; thus, these cases are generally not well suited complication was more common when the calcification was
for PMV. Contraindications to PMV should also be excluded detected at the commissural segments of the MV leaflets by
(MVA >1.5 cm2, left atrial thrombus, mitral regurgitation RT3DE. The 3D score has many potential benefits compared
more than mild, severe or bicommissural calcification, to 2D scores. By RT3DE, visualization and assessment of the
severe concomitant valve disease, or concomitant coronary lengths of both leaflets are possible through a single image
artery disease requiring bypass surgery). plane, and leaflet mobility can be assessed. The whole leaflet

Mitral Stenosis  95

Figure 8.1  En face view of mitral valve from either the left atrium (A) or the left ventricle (B) by 3D TTE in a patient with mitral stenosis.

valve,10 double-orifice mitral valve,11 radiation-induced MV

stenosis,12 or systemic lupus erythematosus–related MS,13
where immunoglobulin and complement deposition in the
valvular structure consequently leads to valve thickening
and formation of Libman-Sacks vegetations.

In the past, the gold standard method to determine MVA
has been invasive evaluation, using the catheter-based
data and the Gorlin equation. However, this method is
invasive, can result in complications, and has important
limitations. Most notably, it is inaccurate when significant
valvular regurgitation is present. 2D echocardiography
Figure 8.2  Subvalvular mitral apparatus assessment by 3D TTE . has been the usual method to determine MVA in routine
clinical practice. MVA can be assessed indirectly by the
pressure half-time (PHT) method, or by direct planimetry.
length could not be evaluated by a single 2D echocardiography 2D planimetry of the MVA is performed in a parasternal
image, especially for the posterior leaflet, which is short and short-axis view at the tip of the leaflets when maximal
naturally less mobile than the anterior leaflet. Scoring of leaflet excursion of the leaflets is seen. The inner edge of the MV
calcification using Wilkins’s score depends on the bright areas orifice is traced in mid-diastole. PHT is obtained by tracing
and the extension of calcification along the leaflet length. the deceleration slope of the E-wave on Doppler spectral
Multiple cut planes are needed for detecting calcification display of transmitral inflow. The MVA can be calculated
in all scallops of both MV leaflets. RT3DE could assess the from the following simplified formula: 220/PHT. These
extent and distribution of calcification in each scallop from methods have several limitations. PHT-derived MVA can
a single short-axis cut plain. The new RT3DE score described be obtained easily, but may be influenced by hemodynamic
calcification at the commissural parts of the leaflet by a higher factors (heart rate, cardiac rhythm, cardiac index, left
score than the middle leaflet calcification because it is one of ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction, left ventricular
the strong predictors of outcome after PMV. In addition, the and atrium compliance, left ventricular hypertrophy, and
RT3DE score includes the chordal thickness and separation, concomitant valvular disease).14,15 The main advantage of
which is a good independent predictor for PMV outcome. planimetry is that it provides a relatively hemodynamic-
Compared to Wilkins’s score, the RT3DE score is simple and independent assessment of the MVA. In the past, direct
more helpful, particularly for less-experienced operators, and measurements of the MVA only could be performed using
can be applied using both transthoracic and transesophageal planimetry traced on 2D echocardiography images, but this
approaches because the image orientation and interpretation method has several limitations - the most important is that
are the same. there is no controlled sectioning of the mitral funnel orifice.
The usefulness of 3D echocardiography has also been Measurements of the MVA are made in the short-axis view
described in rare clinical entities such as parachute mitral with no simultaneous independent imaging to verify that

96  3D Echocardiography
Figure 8.3  3D echocardiography allows simultaneous display of more than one 2D view. The advantage of this is the ability to confirm that
the parasternal short-axis view of the mitral orifice is in fact at the tip of the mitral leaflets.

the imaging plane corresponds to the smallest and most invasively determined using the Gorlin equation. RT3DE
perpendicular view of the MV orifice. Because of it, this planimetry was performed en face at the ideal cross section of
method requires significant experience and operator skill the MV during its greatest diastolic opening. The ideal cross
to obtain the correct imaging plane that displays the true section was defined as the most perpendicular view on the
MV orifice. In addition, 2D echocardiography planimetry plane with the smallest MV orifice. Analysis showed better
is limited to patients with favorable image quality from a agreement when comparing the invasively determined
parasternal window. MVA with RT3DE determined MVA than when comparing
The assessment of patients with MV stenosis is one of the it with the current 2D echocardiography methods. Similar
most promising clinical applications of 3D echocardiography. results have been reported in other works.16–18 Kasliwal et al.
3D echocardiography shows not only the anatomical compared the MVA obtained by 3D echocardiography with
structure of MV (commissural splitting and leaflet tears) the true mitral orifice measured directly at operation. The
but also the optimal plane of the smallest MV orifice, and it comparison achieved a high degree of agreement.19 There
can thus accurately assess the MVA. 3D echocardiography is sufficient evidence that 3D echocardiography is superior
provides unique orientations of the cardiac structures not to 2D echocardiography and can be routinely used in the
obtainable by routine 2D echocardiography. The short- quantification of the MVA in MS.2,16–18 The exceptional
axis cut plane is further positioned at the MV cusp tips, quality of the images of the MV suggests that this modality
which is selected for MVA measurement by planimetry, and is the new gold standard for the MVA quantification.
errors due to malpositioning can be obviated (see Figure Gorlin’s method has several pitfalls, such as using the
8.3). In addition, planimetry using 3D echocardiography assumption that a properly confirmed wedge pressure
is not limited to the parasternal window and allows MVA accurately reflects left atrial pressure, the misalignment of
measurement from an apical window. The introduction of the pulmonary capillary wedge and left ventricular pressure
a full matrix-array transducer has enabled online RT3DE tracings, and the calibration errors. In addition, significant
and rendering. It became possible to rapidly evaluate mitral regurgitation and the presence of an atrial septal
the MV structure and MVA. The utility of RT3DE in the defect may confound measurements of transmitral volume
evaluation of MS and accuracy of MVA measurements has flow. A previous work was evaluated if RT3DE planimetry
been established by multiple studies. Our group conducted is more accurate than the Gorlin method to measure the
a study where RT3DE was compared with current 2D MVA.20 A median value of the MVA, obtained from the
echocardiography methods for the assessment of MVA in measurements of three classical noninvasive methods (2D
patients with rheumatic MS (2D planimetry, PHT method, planimetry, PHT and PISA method), was used as the gold
and proximal isovelocity surface area [PÌSA] method).2 The standard. This value was compared with RT3DE planimetry
gold standard method assumed was the MVA, which was and the Gorlin method. Analysis showed that the accuracy

Mitral Stenosis  97
Figure 8.4  Mitral valve navigation (MVN) software allows tracing of the MV orifice, including the commissures.

of RT3DE planimetry is superior to the accuracy of the symmetry of PISA. However, PISA can be variable depending
invasive Gorlin method for assessing MVA when the median on the shape of the orifice, leading to a discrepancy between
(or composite dataset) was used as the standard. Thus, we MVA calculated with the hemispheric assumption and the
should keep in mind the fact that RT3DE planimetry may actual area.26 A further limitation of the conventional PISA
be a better reference method than the Gorlin method method is related to the requirement of an angle correction
to assess the severity of rheumatic MS. In addition, the factor (the funnel angle formed by the mitral leaflets).27
Gorlin method is invasive and may result in complications Because it is a difficult and time-consuming technique, the
and inaccuracies for the patient. In addition, the use of conventional 2D PISA method is the least popular for the
RT3DE by the transesophageal approach allows excellent calculation of MVA. The recently developed modality of
visualization of the MV orifice and leaflets, enabling a single-beat real-time 3D color Doppler imaging can provide
more accurate MVA measurement by 3D planimetry.21,22 the actual geometry of the flow convergence and allows
Due to the nonplanar nature of the MV orifice, the actual direct measurement of PISA without geometric assumptions
MVA may be underestimated, and Mahmoud Elsayed or the requirement of an angle correction factor, so it
et  al. have proposed the use of a mitral valve navigation should reduce the errors in calculating MVA present in the
(MVN) software that traces the MV orifice including the conventional 2D method (Figure 8.5). This novel method
commissures23 (Figure 8.4). At present, RT3DE may be has been shown to be more accurate than 2D methods and
considered the gold standard for the quantification of the has high agreement with 3D planimetry.24,25 Table 8.1 shows
MVA and may eventually make routine preoperative cardiac a detailed comparison of the different methods to evaluate
catheterization unnecessary. a rheumatic mitral stenosis. Cardiac magnetic resonance
Recent works have proposed a new method to assess MVA (CMR) is an excellent method that provides evaluation of
based on PISA by 3D color Doppler echocardiography.24,25 cardiac anatomy and function noninvasively and may be
The conventional 2D PISA method is based on the an alternative method when the echocardiography images
principles of the continuity equation, and the preservation are inadequate to evaluate MVA or 3D transesophageal
of mass method is based on the assumption of hemispheric echocardiography (TEE) cannot be performed (Figure 8.6).

98  3D Echocardiography
Figure 8.5  Example of 3D proximal isovelocity surface area volume automatic calculation for determining mitral valve area using dedicated

Table 8.1  Advantages and Limitations of the Different

Methods Used to Evaluate the Mitral Valve Area
Influence of Acoustic Useful
Hemodynamic Window after Invasive
Method Conditions Needed PMV Technique

2D planimetry − ++ + −
PHT ++ ++ − −
2D/3D PISA + +++ + −
RT3DE − ++ ++ −
GORLIN ++ − ++ ++
PHT, pressure half-time; PISA, proximal isovelocity surface area; PMV,
­percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty; RT3DE, real-time 3D echocardiography.

One study compared the planimetric MVA assessed by 3D

TEE and CMR in rheumatic MS patients and obtained an
excellent correlation.28
Figure 8.6  Mitral valvular area assessment by cardiac magnetic
the subvalvular region as this can result in chordal rupture,
tearing of the valve leaflet at a site other than the commissures,
PMV is a safe and effective treatment for MS and has evolved and even damage to and tearing of the papillary muscle. 3D
as the preferred treatment option for selected symptomatic echocardiography can provide additional information to pre-
patients with rheumatic MS. Because thrombi can develop and PMV and post-PMV. Previous studies have demonstrated large
enlarge rapidly in the setting of MS and stasis within the left discrepancies in the immediate post-PMV period between
atrium and left atrial appendage, the presence of intracardiac MVA measurements obtained using the PHT method and
thrombi should be excluded before PMV. 3D TEE is helpful those derived invasively in the catheterization laboratory.29,30
to guide the balloon into the MV, and to determine the best The reasons for this inaccuracy include (1) the development of
position of the balloon between the mitral leaflets by using an atrial septal defect in many patients after PMV and (2) the
X-plane views. It is critical to avoid inflation of the balloon in PHT method assumes that the left atrial and left ventricular

Mitral Stenosis  99
Figure 8.8  En face view of mitral valve by 3D TEE .

Figure 8.7  Commissural tearing assessment after percutaneous

mitral valvuloplasty by real-time 3D echocardiography .
does not provide a real advantage for experienced operators.
The  reason that may explain these findings is that MVA
compliances remain stable; this assumption is not valid in the planimetry with 2D echocardiography must be performed at
immediate period following PMV because rapid changes in the the tips of the leaflets with the correct plane orientation and
left atrial pressure and left ventricular filling occur, affecting therefore it requires a great experience. Thus, RT3DE seems
the compliance of both the left atrium and left ventricle.31 particularly helpful for less-experienced operators.
2D planimetry of MVA is less dependent on hemodynamic In recent years, 3D TEE has become a valuable
variables32 and theoretically should be more accurate than complementary tool guiding PMV35–37 and accurately
PHT after PMV, but it is not exempt from limitations. managing and diagnosing possible complications. Real-time
Following PMV, the mitral orifice becomes irregular and is 3D TEE supplies superior imaging quality (Figure 8.8, ) and
technically difficult to trace, particularly if calcium is present, is capable of facilitating interventions with unprecedented
and due to the variable geometry of the MV orifice, correct detail and ease. Real-time 3D TEE provides wide fields
plane orientation frequently is difficult. By means of 3D of view with superior depth resolution allowing a safe
echocardiography, it is possible to assess the morphology of navigation by monitoring the spatial relationships between
the MV also in PMV, which is important in the evaluation cardiac structures and interventional devices simultaneously.
of the mechanism and success of the procedure. By volume- Positioning of the interatrial transseptal puncture is essential
rendered 3D echocardiography, dynamic reconstructions can for minimizing the risk of cardiac tamponade and successfully
be performed of the MV structure en face of either a left atrial or navigating the balloon catheter toward the mitral orifice
a left ventricular perspective, including a detailed visualization (Figure 8.9, ).38 Fine corrections in position and alignment
of the commissures, leaflets, and subvalvular structures not are more easily performed with 3D TEE, as seen in navigating
seen with 2D echocardiography. The easy acquisition and the balloon catheter just beyond the plane of MV coaptation.
online review of RT3DE facilitates immediate assessment of The distal half of the balloon must be placed just beyond the
the MV commissural splitting, stretching, or tearing after MV plane of coaptation, inflated, and then retracted against
PMV in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (Figure 8.7, ). the MV prior to full inflation (Figure 8.10, ). Appreciation
In a work of our group, we examined the problem of the MVA of incorrect positioning in the left ventricle may be helpful in
evaluation immediately after a PMV.33 The gold standard avoiding potential complications. After inflating the balloon,
method was the MVA invasively determined. RT3DE was success can be assessed using 3D TEE to confirm commissural
the most accurate technique for measuring MVA, with a fissuring and to search for possible leaflet tears.
better pre- and postprocedural agreement with the invasively Recently, real-time echocardiographic and fluoroscopic
(Gorlin) derived MVA. Post-PMV the agreement with the fusion imaging have emerged for guidance of structural
Gorlin-derived MVA was much better than 2D planimetry and heart interventions as, for example, in PMV (Figure 8.11, .
PHT-derived MVA. In conclusion, RT3DE is also a very suitable This technology provides simultaneous visualization of fine
technique for monitoring the efficacy of the PMV, with a catheter manipulations under fluoroscopic guidance with
better accuracy compared to 2D planimetry and PHT-derived detailed cardiac structural anatomy and color Doppler
MVA. Messika-Zeitoun compared MVA measurements using hemodynamic information provided by echocardiography.39
RT3DE with those obtained using 2D echocardiography in Echocardiographic-f luoroscopic fusion imaging is
experienced and less-experienced operators before and after compatible with 2D echocardiographic imaging with or
PMV.34 They found RT3DE provides a better accuracy than without color Doppler, simultaneous multiplane, and 3D
2D echocardiography for less-experienced operators, but it echocardiographic imaging modes. The fused images are

100  3D Echocardiography

Figure 8.9  Interatrial transseptal puncture guided by 3D TEE using X-plane mode (Panel A) and 3D zoom mode (Panel B ).

automatically displayed from the perspective of the frontal

fluoroscopic C arm. 3D volume datasets can also be displayed
as the complete volume of data, which can be cropped in
the plane of the fluoroscopic image to display soft tissue
anatomy relevant to the procedure. The system also allows the
placement of fiducial markers within the echocardiographic
space that can be visualized on the live fluoroscopic image.
In the future, this new tool will have a main role guiding
structural heart interventions.

The benefits of 3D echocardiography are particularly well suited
to the study of MV stenosis. The en face view of the MV allows
direct planimetry and thus accurate estimation of the MVA. 3D
TEE has emerged as a valuable complementary tool monitoring
PMV, and accurately diagnosing possible complications. In
the future, 3D echocardiography might become the “gold
standard” method for MV stenosis assessment.
Figure 8.10  Monitoring of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty by 3D
transesophageal echocardiography using live 3D zoom mode .
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102  3D Echocardiography
9 Aortic Stenosis

The cusps are called left coronary, right coronary, and

INTRODUCTION noncoronary cusps based on the location of the coronary
Aortic stenosis (AS) is now the most frequent type of ostia.7
valvular heart disease in Europe and North America. The Owing to the complex 3D structure of the aortic valve,
main etiology leading to hemodynamically significant AS assessment of its morphology by 2D echocardiography
is calcific AS. In adults with advanced age (>65 years), might be cumbersome because of the need for multiple
calcific AS is found in approximately 2%–7% of the general plane scans in a narrow volume (the aortic root and leaf-
population.1,2 The second most frequent etiology, which lets are small structures as compared to other cardiac
dominates in the younger age group, is congenital AS, chambers and valves) and the need for mental reconstruc-
whereas rheumatic AS has now become uncommon in tion of the acquired images. 3D echocardiography allows
Western countries but remains frequently encountered in rapid and straightforward visualization of the entire aortic
developing countries. root, of each semilunar cusp and their attachments to the
Evaluation of AS is one of the major applications of aortic wall defining the sinuses of Valsalva. Hence, with
clinical echocardiography.3 It provides not only detailed 3D echocardiography, the understanding of aortic valve
anatomical and functional information about the aortic morphology and to a certain extent, pathology, becomes
valve but also clues toward quantification of AS severity less laborious. In practice, both 3D transthoracic echocar-
and its consequences on left heart chambers and the diography (TTE) and transesophageal echocardiography
pulmonary vascular bed. In addition, echocardiography (TEE) can be used to assess AS, often in a complementary
largely contributes to risk stratification and decision manner to conventional 2D echocardiography.
making regarding the need for aortic valve replacement. The common approaches for imaging the aortic valve
2D echocardiography remains the cornerstone in the by 3D TTE are the parasternal and apical windows; the
evaluation of AS severity. However, 3D echocardiography latter may display lower resolution for cusp morphology,
can provide additional information regarding aortic valve but may adequately identify bicuspid morphology or
morphology and can overcome some of the inherent delineate aortic tumors/vegetations or LV outflow tract
limitations of 2D echocardiography in the assessment of AS (LVOT) anatomy (Figure 9.2, ). As a rule of thumb, the
severity4 (Figure 9.1, ). best acoustic window in each patient is usually chosen.
3D TEE allows visualization of the aortic valve and root
from the upper esophageal view. It is usually the preferred
technique, providing better image quality than 3D TTE
ANNULUS due to better spatial resolution. (The probe is closer to
The aortic valve consists of a complex of structures the imaged cardiac structures, and higher frequencies are
surrounding the aortic orifice along the outflow tract of the used.) It is the method of choice when a definite diagnosis
left ventricle (LV).5 Typically, the valve has three leaflets, cannot be made by 2D and 3D TTE.
which are semilunar in shape. The cups are inserted into 3D data acquisition often starts with biplane imaging of
a fibrous connective tissue sleeve, which is attached to the the aortic valve that allows visualization of the aortic leaflets
aorta media above (the Valsalva sinuses and the sinotubular from two planes, one in the long axis of the aortic root and
junction). Below, the cusps are attached to the myocardium the other (the lateral plane) perpendicular to the long-axis
of the LV outflow tract and to the anterior mitral leaflet plane. The latter can be moved laterally along the long-axis
(virtual basal ring), below the anatomical ventriculo-aortic plane in order to obtain the best view of the aortic leaflets
junction. Hence, the true anatomical aortic annulus is opening (Figure 9.3, ). This type of acquisition and display
not actually the ring projected at the most basal leaflet are very useful in the rapid assessment of aortic anatomical
insertion - as usually defined and measured with various valve area (AVA) by planimetry. Real-time 3D TTE or TEE
imaging techniques - but a crown-like 3D structure. allows acquisition of a full-volume dataset focused on the
Of note, the size of the aortic annulus and the root is aortic valve and root. The acquired 3D datasets can be
influenced by inner pressure and is dynamically changing cropped and rotated for a dynamic 3D rendering of the
during the cardiac cycle by 12% and 16%, respectively.6 aortic valve, which can be visualized from both the aortic
Each cusp is attached along its curved edge, and the cusps (en face) and ventricular perspectives, as well as sliced in
meet at three commissures that are equally spaced along any desired longitudinal or oblique plane. The en face
the circumference of the sleeve at the supra-aortic ridge. view of the aortic valve from the aortic perspective allows
In a normal aortic valve, the cups are symmetrical, mobile, rapid assessment of aortic valve morphology; it can only be
and free at the commissures, with equal overlap on closure. obtained with 3D echocardiography.

Aortic Stenosis  103



Figure 9.1  En face view of the aortic valve in 3D TEE in systole (Panel A) and diastole (Panel B) that allows rapid assessment of aortic leaflet
morphology. (Panels C,D) 3D TEE view of the aortic valve in a patient with aortic stenosis .

Figure 9.2  Left ventricular outflow tract hypoplasia in a patient with elevated systolic transaortic pressure gradient. 3D echocardiography
helped make the diagnosis by showing a very narrow left ventricular outflow tract with midsystolic obstruction. (CV, chamber view.)

Such morphological assessments are of great importance,

USEFULNESS OF 3D IN AORTIC STENOSIS particularly in the setting of transcatheter aortic valve
AORTIC VALVE/ANNULUS MORPHOLOGY replacement (TAVR). For instance, although TAVR has been
For morphological assessment of the aortic valve/annulus successfully performed in bicuspid aortic valve, the presence of
complex, the image acquisition can be done as real-time, real- an elliptical valvular orifice may cause asymmetric deployment
time zoomed, or electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated (“stitched” of the prosthesis and increase the risk of perivalvular leak or
volumes) 3D images. 3D echocardiography provides useful of compression of the coronary arteries.8
information regarding the shape and morphology of the In daily practice, the evaluation of the aortic annulus/
aortic annulus and its dynamic changes; the presence, extent, LVOT shape and size is crucial because it intervenes in the
and asymmetry of aortic calcifications; the number of cusps assessment of the AVA and dictates the eligibility for TAVR
and their opening (central or eccentric) (Figure 9.4,  ); and the and the optimal prosthetic size. 2D echocardiography has
relationship between aortic annulus and the coronary ostia. been the most commonly used imaging modality for this

104  3D Echocardiography
A B Anatomic AVA =0.85 cm²

Sll frame in midsystole,

cu ng plane at the level
of AV ps

Figure 9.3  Biplane from 3D TTE. (A) Long-axis view of the left ventricular tract and aorta. (B) Cross section of the aortic valve in a short-axis
view at the level of the aortic annulus. The yellow arrow shows that the aortic valve area (AVA) is planimetered in early systole. The dashed
line represents the position of the perpendicular plane at the edges of the aortic cusps in systole that gives the short-axis image of the aortic
valve from which the AVA is planimetered .

Figure 9.4  En face view of the aortic valve leaflets in diastole in a patient with a type 1 bicuspid aortic valve according to the presence and
location of the raphe. The gray arrow indicates the presence of a raphe, otherwise difficult to visualize by 2D echocardiography .

purpose. However, 3D imaging using computed tomography aortic annulus assessment although major diameter, area,
(CT) has demonstrated an ellipsoid geometry of the aortic and perimeter values remain underestimated compared
valve annulus. 8 Such a noncircular shape of the aortic with the respective MDCT measurements12–18 (Table 9.1).
annulus results in a larger diameter in the coronal direction However, to date, measurement of the aortic annulus pre-
and a smaller diameter in the sagittal direction (Figure 9.5, ). TAVR is based on cardiac CT, but in patients with severe
Hence, any 2D imaging technique allowing analysis of the renal failure, 3D TEE is the alternative.
annulus diameter in just one view is at risk of underestimating
the maximal valve annulus diameter. 3D echocardiography PLANIMETRY OF THE ANATOMICAL AORTIC VALVE
has the advantage of allowing analysis of cardiac structures AREA
in any view similar to CT. After acquisition, the 3D volume Direct measurement of the aortic valve anatomical orifice
can be cropped to obtain an en face view of the aortic annulus area avoids the hemodynamic and geometric assumptions of
and a correct measurement of the maximum and minimum the continuity equation (CE). However, due to the complex
annular diameters by examining both the coronal and the orientation of the stenotic aortic valve orifice, adjusting the
sagittal planes10,11 (Figure 9.6, ). Recent studies have shown exact 2D plane for valve area planimetry (no real control
that 3D-TEE automated/semiautomated software analyses of plane position at the narrowest orifice) is challenging.
of aortic annulus area and perimeter are feasible, reliable, In addition, the dynamic movement of the aortic annulus
and can be used in clinical practice as an alternative to during the cardiac cycle may result in misalignment of
multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) for the true cross-sectional view.19 The aortic annulus moves

Aortic Stenosis  105

17.5 mm

17.5 mm

23 mm

Figure 9.5  Elliptical left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) in a patient with aortic stenosis. 3D TTE is able to detect the shape of the LVOT
during systole or diastole (here midsystole) in order to measure its maximal and minimal diameters and compute the surface of the LVOT,
irrespective of its shape. The surface of the LVOT calculated this way may be introduced in the continuity equation for optimization of aortic
effective orifice area calculation .

A B CSA = 3.4 cm²

Sagial plane


Coronal plane

Figure 9.6  Multiplanar assessment of the aortic annulus using 3D TEE . (A,C) Long-axis views of the aortic valve, (B) short-axis view
orthogonal to the long-axis views showing an irregular annular shape with maximum and minimum diameters, and (C) coronal plane.

cranially during early systole, caudally during the remaining larger displacement) causing an oblique alignment of the 2D
of the systole, and isovolumic relaxation and back to cranial cross-sectional view.19
position during diastole. The degree of displacement is However, real-time 3D TEE/TTE can overcome this
larger for the anterior part of the annulus.4 This makes 2D limitation by rendering a comprehensive and dynamic
echocardiography less optimal to assess the aortic valve visualization of the entire aortic valve. It allows tracking
opening area (anatomical valve area): First, because of the of the anatomical valve area throughout systole, and by
through-plane motion of these structures during systole, and cropping and plane adjustments, en face alignment of the
second, because of the tilting of both aortic annulus and cut plane to the aortic valve orifice irrespective of its spatial
leaflets during systole (anterior part of the annulus shows a orientation in regard to the surrounding structures. This

106  3D Echocardiography
Table 9.1  Aortic Annular Measurements Derived from Different Methods and Imaging Techniques
Paired Difference (MDCT vs. 3D TEE)

3D TEE AAA (mm ) 2 Perimeter (mm) Major Diameter (mm) Minor Diameter (mm)
Stella et al.18 Manual −16 −1.3 −3.0 0.2
Semiautomated −18 −3.3 −2.0 0.1
Prihadi et al.17 Automated −10 −0.2 −0.8 −0.2
Podlesnikar et al.16 Automated −12 −2.7 −1.8 0.5
Khalique et al.15 Manual −14 – –
Semiautomated −8 – – –
Utsunomiya et al.14 Manual −37 – −2.0 −0.8
Vaquerizo et al.13 Manual −81 −6.5 −2.7 −0.7
Jilaihawi et al.12 Manual −45 −4.9 −2.4 −0.9
AAA, aortic annulus area; MDCT, multidetector row computed tomography; TEE, transthoracic echocardiography.

way, the smallest AVA can be accurately identified. 3D diameter will lead to an error in AVA estimation of 0.1 cm2.
planimetered AVA has good agreement with AVA by CE Practically, LVOT diameter measurement is obtained from a
or CT, while it moderately agrees with Gorlin’s formula 2D parasternal long-axis zoomed view with the 2D imaging
at catheterization. 3D TEE planimetry showed superior cut-plane parallel to the LVOT direction. Careful angulation
accuracy than 2D TEE, which significantly overestimated of the transducer is performed to find maximal LVOT
the AVA.20–22 diameter. However, the presence of an elliptical or irregular-
When there is an associated obstruction at subvalvular shaped LVOT may result in some degree of imprecision in
level and Doppler methods cannot be reliably applied, orifice AVA calculation.9–11
planimetry by 3D echocardiography can provide critical Despite assuming a circular LVOT shape in the CE,
information about stenosis severity for both valvular and 2D echocardiography remains the standard for the
subvalvular narrowing. After comparison with 3D-guided measurement of AS severity because these parameters have
aortic valve orifice planimetry, it has been hypothesized been shown to be strong predictors of clinical outcomes.23
that the optimal 2D short-axis view of the aortic cusps for In most patients, the sagittal LVOT diameter does not
the calculation of anatomical AVA is the one that provides change much in the 1 cm proximal to the aortic valve.24
visualization of the aortic cusps only during systole, but not However, in patients with a “sigmoid septum,” the LVOT
during diastole.19 diameter measured 0.5–1 cm apically from the annulus
Of note, planimetry of the AVA has some drawbacks. with 2D TTE/TEE will often appear smaller than the
Planimetry may overestimate the severity of AS in low flow area (cropped from a 3D dataset) at the annulus.
cardiac output patients, as the anatomical area of aortic In addition, when LVOT velocity is measured 0.5–1 cm
valve opening is reduced. Moreover, heavily calcifications below the aortic annulus owing to flow convergence, the
of the aortic valve leaflets (shadowing or reverberations) velocity profile may no longer be flat but rather skewed
and poor image quality make the orifice area difficult to with the highest velocities present at the septum.23 Hence,
planimeter with either 2D or 3D echocardiography.21 Doppler estimation of stroke volume by the CE has a risk
of both over- and underestimation of AS severity. 3D TEE
EFFECTIVE AORTIC VALVE AREA provides measurements of aortic annulus diameters similar
In AS, quantification of effective AVA is currently based to those obtained by CT, while 2D imaging techniques,
on the determination of the pressure gradients across providing only a sagittal view, underestimate aortic
the aortic valve - flow-dependent parameters - and annulus diameters.9 3D TEE measurements of the distances
the assessment of the AVA by the CE - a relatively flow- between aortic annulus and coronary ostia correlated very
independent parameter. 2,23 By applying the CE, AVA well with the measurements obtained by CT (reference
calculation requires the evaluation of LV stroke volume technique)9 (Figure 9.7, ). Direct planimetry of the LVOT/
at the level of LVOT, which is calculated by multiplying the annulus areas by 3D TEE showed the best agreement with
cross-sectional area derived from the LVOT diameter by computed tomography, while the calculations based on the
the pulsed-wave Doppler time-velocity integral (TVI) of diameter measured by 2D or 3D TEE led to significant area
flow in the LVOT. However, stroke volume calculation by underestimation. Hence, for patients categorized by 2D
this method assumes a circular and regular LVOT shape echocardiography as having severe AS, 10% and 25% can be
and a laminar LVOT flow profile. 23 recategorized into “moderate” AS using the calculated 3D
TEE circular LVOT/annular area and planimetered 3D TEE
THREE-DIMENSIONALLY DERIVED LEFT VENTRICULAR area, respectively.25 Thus, by avoiding the assumptions about
OUTFLOW TRACT/ANNULAR DIMENSION LVOT geometry needed for the calculation of AVA in 2D
LVOT/annular diameter is the greatest potential source echocardiography, direct planimetry of the LVOT available
of error in the CE. Off-axis measurement may lead to with 3D echocardiography might improve precision of the
underestimation of AVA. Any error of 1 mm in the LVOT AVA calculation by the CE. However, it has to be emphasized

Aortic Stenosis  107

Figure 9.7  Multiplanar assessment of the aortic annulus using 3D TEE examining the relationship between aortic annulus and the coronary
ostia . (LCA, left coronary artery; RCA, right coronary artery.)

that studies using hybrid methods for calculating effective within the LVOT, having a nonuniform pattern with higher
AVA (LVOT cross-sectional area with 3D imaging CT or velocities toward the septum.23 Such limitations may be
TEE) have suggested that an effective AVA less than 1.2 cm2 overcome by the 3D volumetric assessment of the stroke
may be the threshold to apply to consider AS severe. Hence, volume using semiautomated LV border detection (TTE
care is to be taken if effective AVA calculated with the apical full volume acquisition). 3D stroke volume (end-
hybrid method is between 1 and 1.2 cm2, as these values systolic volume minus end-diastolic volume) is thus used at
may actually indicate severe AS. the numerator of the CE (Figure 9.8, ). In asymptomatic
AS, the CE-derived stroke volume index has been reported
THREE-DIMENSIONALLY DERIVED CONTINUITY to be larger compared to the 2D-/3D-derived stroke
EQUATION (VOLUMETRIC METHOD) volume index with modest correlations.26 In the study of
Another source of error in the calculation of 2D LVOT- Gutierrez-Chico et al., the 3D assessment had the best linear
derived stroke volume relates to LVOT flow determination, association and absolute agreement with Gorlin’s equation.27
which is performed using another echocardiographic Observer agreements for 3D-derived AVA were better than
window and so differs in timing and location relative to agreements for CE-derived AVA. The 3D assessment was
the LVOT diameter measurement. Flow velocity varies

Figure 9.8  3D volumetric assessment of the stroke volume . (Ao, aorta; AS, aortic stenosis; AVA, aortic valve area; CW, continuous wave;
LV, left ventricle; PW, pulsed wave.)

108  3D Echocardiography





Figure 9.9  (a) Positioning of the Edwards Sapien valve at the level of the aortic valve annulus . (b) En face 3D TEE assessment of the Edwards
Sapien valve .

also more accurate than CE and 2D volumetric methods to

THREE-DIMENSIONALLY DERIVED COLOR DOPPLER Echocardiography is critical for pre-, per-, and postprocedural
FLOW evaluation of TAVR, providing both anatomical and
3D color Doppler can also overcome the inaccuracies of hemodynamic information.8,30 Preprocedural assessment
spectral Doppler for stroke volume calculation by directly of candidates for TAVR was covered earlier, especially
measuring stroke volume–derived velocities within one the problems relative to the accurate sizing of the aortic
imaging window. This approach circumvents any assumptions annulus. Periprocedural imaging evaluation during TAVR
about the LVOT shape and velocity profiles.28 Practically, a can contribute to balloon and prosthesis positioning, to
3D hemispheric sampling curve captures velocities within the confirm prosthesis function after implantation, and to
LVOT during the entire systole. After offline computation of rapidly detect complications. 3D TEE guidance has been
velocities, a reproducible measurement of the LVOT flow is associated with less contrast use31 and lower incidence of
obtainable. Measurements of stroke volume by using 3D color periprocedural paravalvular regurgitation-related events.32
Doppler have been shown to be feasible with good agreement During the intervention, real-time 3D TEE enables
with CMR phase contrast imaging.29 In patients, AVA derived improved navigation of catheters and prostheses, which
from 2D CE correlated only modestly with that derived from can be stereoscopically depicted. 3D TEE is especially useful
3D color Doppler. Such significant discrepancies between during TAVR to ensure coaxial catheter alignment in the
both methods were predicted by the presence of distorted LVOT and the aortic root, to guide prosthesis deployment,
LVOT geometry. Of note, there was better agreement of and to examine its relationship with the anterior mitral
3D-derived AVA using color Doppler with AVA guided by leaflet (Figures 9.9, ). Immediately after deployment, 3D
planimetry, an independent anatomical standard. Hence, TEE is essential to confirm that all prosthetic cusps are
3D echocardiography color Doppler–derived LVOT stroke moving well, that the valve stent has a circular shape, and
volume in the calculation of AVA by CE has potential to exclude any aortic regurgitation, which if severe and
advantages compared to 2D CE. paraprosthetic, may prompt balloon reinflation.

Aortic Stenosis  109

17. Prihadi EA, van Rosendael PJ, Vollema EM, Bax JJ, Delgado V, Ajmone
CONCLUSION Marsan N. Feasibility, accuracy, and reproducibility of aortic annular
and root sizing for transcatheter aortic valve replacement using novel
3D TTE and TEE offer additional information of the aortic automated three-dimensional echocardiographic software: Comparison
valve morphology and function and should be incorporated, with multi-detector row computed tomography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr.
when available, in the assessment of AS, especially in cases
18. Stella S, Italia L, Geremia G et al. Accuracy and reproducibility of aortic
when 2D echocardiography provides conflicting results. annular measurements obtained from echocardiographic 3D manual and
3D echocardiographic study is also recommended for semi-automated software analyses in patients referred for transcatheter
identification of bicuspid aortic valves and measurement of aortic valve implantation: Implication for prosthesis size selection. Eur Heart
J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019;20:45–55.
the aortic annulus size before TAVI procedures.
19. Nakai H, Takeuchi M, Yoshitani H, Kaku K, Haruki N, Otsuji Y. Pitfalls
of anatomical aortic valve area measurements using two-dimensional
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110  3D Echocardiography
10 Aortic Regurgitation

according to the coronary arteries arising: right coronary,

INTRODUCTION left coronary, and noncoronary sinus. The definition of the
During the two last decades, surgical techniques to repair annulus varies. The imaging “annulus,” frequently called
the aortic valve have emerged as a valuable alternative the virtual ring, corresponds to the most basal insertion of
to replacement in case of aortic regurgitation. Besides the leaflet and is considered as the reference measurement,
the tremendous advantage of avoiding complications for determination of aortic size does not correspond to
related to anticoagulation, and offering a lower risk for the true anatomical “annulus” referring to a semilunar
endocarditis, these techniques required more surgical skills crown-like structure demarcated by the hinges of the
and perfect comprehension of the mechanism leading to aortic leaflets.5 Because the anatomical ventriculoarterial
aortic regurgitation. This may explain the growing interest junction could not be delineated by imaging, frequently, the
in understanding the mechanism underlying aortic measurement at the level of the virtual ring is considered as
regurgitation and the interaction of the different aortic root the ventriculoarterial measurement.6
components. Careful echographic assessment plays a key The normal aortic valve has three cusps of similar
role in identifying the mechanism of aortic regurgitation dimensions with three commissures of normal equal
and thus guiding the surgical procedure.1 height. The coronary ostia are below the level of the
commissures. The number of commissures of normal height
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE AORTIC determines the number of cusps.4 Cusps are characterized
by the effective height that represents the height difference
VALVE AND THE AORTIC ROOT between the nadir of the free margins and the annular
The aortic root is the portion of the ascending aorta that insertion plane, and by the geometric height that represents
lies between the sinotubular ridge superiorly and the bases the curved length of the cusp during diastole between the
of the valve leaflets inferiorly. The aortic root must be aortic insertion and the nadir of the free margin.
considered as a single functional entity.2–4 This includes the The coaptation length of the cusps is defined by the
sinuses, the aortic valve leaflets, the commissures, and the height of adjacent cusp tissue in diastole. Normal coaptation
interleaflet triangles (Figure 10.1). The leaflets are attached length is about 2–5 mm (Figure 10.2).7,8
in a semilunar fashion at the upper boundary of the root The measurements of the different parts of the aortic
called the sinotubular junction. Their lower part located root are linked together by geometrical relationship. For
below the anatomical ventriculoarterial junction defines the example, the diameter of the sinotubular junction is 10%–
base of the aortic root. From a hemodynamic point of view, 15% smaller than the diameter of the annulus.9 Preservation
they represent the separation between the left ventricle of these relations is important when considering aortic
and the aorta. The sinuses are the expended portion of valve repair to ensure the correct function of the aortic
the root below the sinotubular junction. They are named valve.

Figure 10.1  3D view of the different components of the aortic root: The sinotubular junction (black line), the crown-like insertion of the
aortic cusps (red line), the anatomical ventriculoaortic junction (green line), the aortic annulus (blue line). (Adapted from Muraru D, et al.
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;13:541–55.)

Aortic Regurgitation  111

root and the aortic valve dilatation of the root, sinotubular
junction or sinus will displace the valve commissures so
the leaflets could not properly coapt during diastole and
may lead to aortic regurgitation. Moreover, the sizes of the
aortic root and annulus change during the cardiac cycle
with the largest dimensions obtained during the first third
of systole and the smallest during isovolumic relaxation.12
Morphological valve abnormalities (see Section “Assessment
of Aortic Valve”) could also lead to aortic regurgitation.
To provide a functional description of aortic lesions
and help the surgeon to choose the most appropriate
technique to restore a normal functioning valve, functional
classification of the aortic regurgitation assessing the lesion
Figure 10.2  Coaptation length of the cusp. of the regurgitant aortic valve and root is proposed as
follows13 (Figure 10.3):
The functional anatomy of the aortic valve is more Type 1: Normal leaflet motion, dilatation of the aortic root
complex than it seems just looking at the opening of Type 2: Leaflet prolapse or commissural disruption or
the cusp. During the systole, when the left ventricular fenestration
pressure exceeds the aortic pressure, the aortic valve opens Type 3: Restricted leaflet motion
allowing left ventricular ejection. With the decrease of
left ventricular pressure, the valve closes when the aortic TECHNICAL CONSIDERATION FOR
pressure surpasses the left ventricular pressure. The upper IMAGING THE AORTIC VALVE AND ROOT
portion of the aortic root is exposed to aortic pressure
change, and the proximal part of the root complex is
exposed to ventricular change. Thus, the sizes of the aortic 3D TRANSTHORACIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
annulus and root are dynamically changing during the Obtaining a correct image from the aortic valve by 3D
cardiac cycle by 12% and 16%, respectively.10,11 The sinuses transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is certainly more
play an important role, when the leaflets are open. Early difficult than imaging the mitral valve. This may be explained
in systole, vortices form between the leaflet and the aortic by the structure of the valve leaflet (form, thickness of the
wall; they allow some space between the leaflets and the cusp) and the position inside the ultrasound beam. Very
coronary ostia so the leaflet opening does not occlude the thin leaflets could lead to a significant dropout in the image
coronary ostia. After peak systole, they will help in leaflet of the leaflet body.
closure. The sinus ridge and the shape certainly play a role The common approaches for imaging the aortic valve
in this mechanism. by 3D TTE are from the parasternal and apical views.14 For
morphological assessment, the acquisition can be done as
electrocardiogram (ECG) gated full-volume, or real-time
3D image or real-time 3D zoomed images. In addition,
Aortic regurgitation may be due to abnormalities of the a 3D color volume for assessment of the regurgitant jet
aortic valve, aortic root, or a combination of both. Because will be acquired. Acquisition will be performed using the
of the tight relation between the component of the aortic smaller volume required to increase temporal resolution.

Figure 10.3  Functional classification of aortic valve regurgitation.

112  3D Echocardiography
Figure 10.4  Cropped 3D dataset to examine the aortic valve morphology from the ventricular and the aortic perspective.

Figure 10.5  Cropped 3D dataset showing long- and short-axis views of the aortic valve and root.

For better results, the gain/compression must be set in identify if the upper cusp is the left or the noncoronary
the midrange.15 cusp. This limitation disappears by the use of the multiplane
The 3D echocardiography datasets obtained from the 3D echocardiography approach, which allows identification
aortic valve and root can be sliced in any longitudinal or of the cusps displayed on the long-axis plane.
oblique plane. They can also be cropped and rotated to The reference planes for the acquisition of a real-time
examine the aortic valve morphology from the ventricular 3D dataset or 3D full-volume ECG triggered are the ±60°
or the aortic perspective (Figure 10.4). This 3D method midesophageal short axis and the ±120° midesophageal long
seems to be the best suited to assess valve morphology.16 axis.14 After optimization of the bidimensional image, a narrow
The ventricular view allows exact visualization of the left angle can be used to optimize the 3D acquisition and to
ventricular outflow tract area. The apical approach allows examine the aortic valve and root anatomy. After acquisition of
visualization of the aortic valve by 3D echocardiography full volume or zoomed volumes, the datasets could be cropped
when the parasternal approach is unsatisfactory. Despite to obtain the short- or long-axis plane or the aortic valve and
lower spatial resolution compared to the parasternal view, root (Figure 10.5). The cutting plane could be moved on the
precise evaluation of the morphology of the aortic valve and plane of the left ventricular outflow tract, sinuses of Valsalva,
root could be obtained in some cases with this approach. or sinotubular junction to obtain respective cross-sectional
planes (Figures 10.6A–D and 10.7,  ).
3D TRANSESOPHAGEAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY A 3D full-volume dataset with color Doppler will complete
Despite improvement in 3D TTE, the examination will be the dataset acquisitions.
inconclusive in some patients. In these cases or simply to
obtain more precise anatomical details, a 3D transesophageal
echocardiography (TEE) examination will be performed.
The examination begins with the 2D multiplane modality Usually, the aortic root is assessed by 2D TTE and TEE in
of the probe. The side-by-side display of the short-axis and the parasternal long axis. Measurements are performed at
long-axis views of the valve allows visualization of the leaflets the level of the “annulus,” sinuses, sinotubular junction,
displayed on the long-axis view. Using a conventional 2D and tubular ascending aorta. 2D echocardiography may
echocardiography long-axis view (±120°), the lower cusp is be limited in this assessment by several factors: First, only
always the right coronary cusp, but it may be difficult to one plane could be imaged and some measurements may

Aortic Regurgitation  113

The first step is to identify the morphology of the aortic
valve: number of leaflets, leaflet prolapsed/perforation, or
commissural fusion. Initial study using an early generation
3D TEE probe found that adequate aortic valve assessment
was possible in 81% of patients. 21 In a study comparing
bidimensional TEE and epicardial 3D echocardiography
against surgical findings, epicardial 3D echocardiography
was more sensitive to detect the valve abnormalities
B documented during surgery.22 The regurgitant aortic valve
could be tricuspid, bicuspid, or more rarely quadricuspid
(Figures 10.9 through 10.12, ).
Like for the mitral valve, an excess of aortic tissue may
also lead to severe aortic regurgitation. This represents the
class II aortic root dysfunction in the classification proposed
earlier. 3D echocardiography allows precise identification
of the location of the leaflet prolapse. By analogy with
the mitral valve, an aortic prolapse is defined as diastolic
C displacement of an aortic leaflet (of part of it) toward the
left ventricle beyond the plane of the aortic annulus in
diastole.23 Several forms of prolapse could be recognized:
• Flail leaflet: There is no more coaptation and the leaflet
is freely “floating” in the outflow tract as shown on 3D
echocardiography as a typical spoon appearance.
• Prolapse: A leaflet is displaced below the level of the
annulus reducing the coaptation length.
• Partial leaflet prolapse: Only part of the leaflet is
prolapsing; frequently, the leaflet is divided into two
parts by a fibrous band and only the free margin portion
is prolapsed.
By cutting through the volume dataset of the aortic root, it
is easy to clearly demonstrate the location of the prolapse and
the kind of prolapse (Figure 10.13A–C, ). Dilatation of the
aortic root could also be assessed by 3D echocardiography
and full volume could be cropped as desired to analyze the
dimension of the root (Figure 10.14, ).
3D echocardiography allows measurement of parameters
that reflect the spatial relationships of structures in the aortic
Figure 10.6  Cropped 3D dataset showing multiple manually chosen root: Intercommissural distance, free leaflet edge lengths,
tomographic slices across the left ventricular outflow tract (A), the and so on. These measurements could not be obtained by
aortic valve and the sinuses of Valsalva (B) , the sinotubular junction
bidimensional echocardiography and could be useful when
(C), and the ascending aorta (D).
choosing the tube graft size in valve-sparing root surgery.24
One other advantage of 3D echocardiography is his ability
be oblique; and second, it is sometimes difficult to obtain
to measure distance between the annulus and leaflet tips to
all the measurements in the same plane. All of these
the coronary ostia.
difficulties could be overcome using 3D echocardiography.
Some tools have been developed and experimented
The aortic annulus morphology was considered as circular
to quantify the geometry of the aortic root. They
based on the bidimensional echocardiographic approach;
demonstrated good correlation with measurement made
the tomographic techniques teach us that frequently the
by computed tomography. This may aid in valve-sparing
shape of the annulus is closer to an oval than a circle17
root operation and transcatheter intervention. 25
(Figure 10.8). On 3D echocardiography, the elliptical
shape of the annulus is clearly appreciated from the en face
views with more accurate and reproducible measurements QUANTIFICATION OF AORTIC VALVE
compared with bidimensional echocardiography.18 REGURGITATION
Normal values for the aortic root have been recently
published.19,20 Other imaging modalities (computed Numerous methods have been proposed to quantify the
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) are frequently severity of aortic regurgitation. Most of these methods are
used for the assessment of the aortic root. based on Doppler measurement and rely on geometric

114  3D Echocardiography



Figure 10.7  Cropped 3D dataset showing consecutive, automatically generated tomographic slices across the left ventricular outflow tract,
aortic valve, sinuses of Valsalva, sinotubularjunction, and ascending aorta (A–I) .

Figure 10.8  Aortic annulus morphology.

Figure 10.9  Cropped 3D full-volume dataset showing an en face view Figure 10.10  Cropped 3D full-volume dataset showing an en face
of a normal tricuspid aortic valve from the aortic perspective . view (aortic perspective) of a bicuspid aortic valve .

Aortic Regurgitation  115

assumption (proximal isovelocity surface area [PISA]
method). 26 3D echocardiography can be helpful for
accurate quantification of aortic regurgitation. An
earlier animal experimental study has demonstrated
that the volume of aortic regurgitation measured by 3D
echocardiography correlated well with electromagnetic flow
meter measurement.27
Measurement of vena contracta is one of the popular
methods to quantitative aortic regurgitation. The cross-
sectional area of the vena contracta could be used as a
surrogate of the effective regurgitant orifice area. However,
quantification of the vena contracta using conventional
bidimensional color Doppler can result in incorrect
estimates resulting from geometric assumptions that the
regurgitant orifice shape is always planar and round, when
in reality its geometry can be variable or several regurgitant
jets could be present.
A color 3D volume dataset acquired from the apical
or parasternal window could be cropped with dedicated
Figure 10.11  Cropped 3D dataset showing slice across a quadricuspid
software. Multiple transversal planes perpendicular to the
aortic valve . direction of the regurgitant jet could be sliced giving a
direct en face view of the regurgitant jet just below the aortic


Figure 10.12  Cropped 3D dataset showing short- (A) and long-axis (B,C) slices across a quadricuspid aortic valve.


Figure 10.13  Cropped 3D dataset showing tomographic slices across the different cusp (A, B, C) allowing identification of the location of
the fenestration/prolapse and coaptation height at different level. Panel C shows a cut between non-coronary and right coronary cusp (red
line), demonstrating fenestration and prolapse .

116  3D Echocardiography




Figure 10.14  Cropped 3D dataset showing tomographic slices across the aortic root to analyze the dimension of the different part of the
root (A–I) Sinotubularjunction (E), ascending aorta (G–I) .

valvular plane. This view allows direct planimetry of the by 3D echocardiography correlated better with measurement
vena contracta area at the level of the smallest color jet area of aortic regurgitation by cardiac magnetic resonance than
(Figures 10.15 and 10.16, ). This approach was validated in traditional echocardiography-Doppler methods.31
animal models.28 Human studies confirm that frequently the Other 3D echocardiography methods have also been
vena contracta area was not circular and that severity of aortic proposed for the assessment of aortic regurgitation. Aortic
regurgitation assessed by 3D echocardiography correlated regurgitation could be quantified by using the difference
well with surgical finding or with angiographic grade.29,30 between right ventricular and left ventricular stroke
More recently, a study in patients with chronic aortic volumes.32 It is also possible to measure directly the PISA
regurgitation found that the vena contracta area computed with 3D echocardiography.33

Aortic Regurgitation  117

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Aortic Regurgitation  119

11 Tricuspid Regurgitation

4. Doppler quantitative methods for grading FTR severity

INTRODUCTION have several limitations, due to unverified geometric
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) has an important impact on assumptions about the shape of regurgitant orifice and
patient prognosis, as demonstrated in large epidemiology proximal convergence area23 (Figures 11.10, and 11.11, ).
studies,1,2 in various disease states, 3–7 and after left heart In contrast, 3D echocardiography is especially suited for
surgical and transcatheter therapies.8–11 Awareness of the the assessment of the 3D configuration of TV apparatus
dramatic impact on patient survival and morbidity has and the anatomical complexity of the right ventricle
raised significant interest in TR pathophysiology, imaging (RV).13,24,25 3D echocardiography has unique capabilities
diagnosis, and percutaneous treatment solutions.12,13 to display en face the nonplanar TV leaflets and annulus,
Assessment of the morphology and geometry of the the subvalvular apparatus, and their spatial relationships
tricuspid valve (TV) apparatus is the first step of the diagnosis, with the surrounding structures. The complementary use
as the management of functional TR (FTR) differs from that of 3D color Doppler flow adds information about valve
of organic TR (OTR).14,15 Echocardiography is the modality of integrity and enables the quantitation of TV regurgitation.
choice for the initial evaluation of the etiology and the severity Consequently, transthoracic 3D echocardiography has
of TR. Cardiac magnetic resonance and multislice computed become an essential technique to noninvasively assess TV
tomography are important adjunctive imaging modalities. By morphology and function in daily practice.26
integrating volumetric rendering with motion in real time,
3D echocardiography has become an essential technique
for assessing the morphology and dynamic function of the ANATOMY OF TRICUSPID VALVE APPARATUS
TV. The rapidly advancing 3D echocardiography technology
The TV apparatus comprises several components: leaflets
allows us today to perform a virtual “dissection” of the heart
(anterior, posterior, and septal), their annular attachment
intra vitam and to discover unprecedented, impressive views
at the aortic valve junction, chordae tendinae, papillary
of cardiac valves in just a few minutes16 (Figure 11.1, ).
muscles, and ventricular and atrial walls. TV competence
Although 2D echocardiography and Doppler imaging
depends on the structural integrity and effective functional
remain the standard methods to evaluate TR and quantify
coordination of all these components.
its severity, several limitations inherent to 2D echocardiog-
The three leaflets are unequal in size, and the commissures
raphy modality frequently preclude an accurate character-
are not equidistant. Circumferentially, the anterior TV leaflet
ization of TV anatomy and function:
is the largest, while the posterior is the smallest and has
1. Compared to the mitral valve (MV), the TV has a multiple scallops27 (Figure 11.1). The septal leaflet is inserted
greater variability in leaflet morphology, particularly 10 mm or less more apically than the MV, and it is the shortest
at the inferomural region (from two up to six leaflets and the least mobile among TV leaflets, having chordal
have been described)17–19 (Figure 11.2, ); as only two attachment to the interventricular septum.28,29 Compared to
of the three leaflets are routinely imaged in a single 2D MV leaflets, TV leaflets are thinner, more translucent, and
view, the precise identification of leaflets is challenging fragile, and consequently are more challenging to image
by 2D echocardiography depending on the variable and repair. Normal coaptation of the TV valve leaflets takes
angulations and rotations of the transducer relative to place during systole either at the level of the annulus or just
the leaflet orientation20 (Figure 11.3, ). below it. The difference between the total leaflet area and
2. The maximal dimensions and spatial configuration of the the annular area represents the coaptation surface (extent of
complex, saddle-shaped tricuspid annulus (TA) cannot leaflet overlapping) and characterizes the coaptation reserve
be precisely and reproducibly quantified by a single linear of the TV.30 A reduced coaptation reserve due to significant
measure (usually performed by 2D echocardiography as annular dilatation will lead to FTR.31
the mediolateral diameter of TA in apical four-chamber The TA is a complex (less symmetric than the “saddle-
view)21 (Figures 11.4 and 11.5). shaped” mitral annulus) nonplanar, highly dynamic structure
3. TV leaflet commissures and their spatial relationship with that changes in shape and size during the cardiac cycle due
cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs, such as to contraction of the surrounding myocardium. The TA
pacemaker wires, etc.) (Figure 11.6, ), malcoaptation saddle shape has two high “horns” toward the right atrium
orifice, or valve area planimetry (Figure 11.7, ; Figure (RA) (i.e., anteroseptal and posterolateral), and two lower
11.8, ; and Figure 11.9) are generally difficult to assess “horns” toward the right ventricle (RV) (i.e., posteroseptal
by 2D echocardiography, either from a transthoracic or and anterolateral) (Figure 11.4). The TA is larger and more
a transesophageal approach, since an en face view of the dynamic than the mitral annulus. The normal diameter of
entire valve (usually obtainable for mitral or aortic valve, the TA annulus by 2D echocardiography depends on the
but rarely feasible for TV by conventional 2D echocar- view and timing of measurement; recently, it was reported
diography) is required for these purposes.22 that normal maximal TA diameter measures 33 ± 5 mm or

120  3D Echocardiography

Figure 11.1  3D imaging of the tricuspid valve by transesophageal approach at midesophageal level: (A) Ventricular view
and (B) atrial view . (ANT, anterior leaflet; AV, aortic valve; MV, mitral valve; POST, posterior leaflet; SEP, septal leaflet.)


Figure 11.2  Anatomical variability of tricuspid valve leaflets: (A) Bicuspid, (B) tricuspid, and (C) quadricuspid .


Figure 11.3  Variability of imaging tricuspid valve leaflets in 2D four-chamber view: (A) Cropping plane (yellow line on 3D rendered image)
crosses septal and anterior leaflet and (B) cropping plane crosses septal and posterior leaflet. Note the visualization of adjacent structures
(AML, anterior mitral leaflet; CS, coronary sinus) depending on the relative position of the cropping plane.

19 ± 2 mm/m2 in the RV-focused four-chamber view in early As opposed to mitral annulus, the TA does not have a well-
diastole, with men having larger absolute annulus size than defined annulus fibrosus, it only has a single right fibrous
women.21 The TA upper limit of normality is 23 mm/m2 and trigone and is in contact with myocardium over a larger part
larger than previously described.21,32 The normal TA area in of its circumference.35–37 Thus, as the RV free wall expands
midsystole is 7.6 ± 1.7 cm2/m2, and the TA area shortens by outward, dilatation of the TA occurs primarily in its free wall
35 ± 10% during the cardiac cycle.27 In patients with FTR, aspect, while the septal aspect is relatively fixed. Histologically,
TA becomes larger, rounder, flatter, and less contractile.33,34 the TA is mostly made of fat, and its lower amount of fibrotic

Tricuspid Regurgitation  121

tissue might explain why the TA is more prone to dilate along
with the adjacent chamber than the mitral annulus.
The papillary muscles and chordae form the “tensor
apparatus” of the TV and are pivotal to maintain leaflet
competence during systole.38 The papillary muscles are
different than those supporting the MV, smaller, often
multiple and widely separated. The largest and most consistent
is the anterior papillary muscle with chordae supporting the
anterior and posterior leaflets. RV dilation and remodeling
may displace the anterior papillary muscle attached to the
anterolateral RV wall and contribute to malcoaptation of the
TV leaflets. Accessory chordae may attach to the RV free wall
Figure 11.4  3D, saddle-shaped geometry of tricuspid annulus and and to the moderator band, and many third-order chordae
reconstruction of leaflets, allows assessment of the tenting volume. are attached directly to the septum, playing a significant role
in leaflet tethering in FTR.39,40

Figure 11.5  Elliptical shape of tricuspid annulus (as seen from the right atrial perspective, Upper Left Panel). Yellow line corresponds to
the plane position of standard four-chamber view. One can appreciate that the diameter displayed in the four-chamber view, as well as the
orthogonal diameter (corresponding to the white line), underestimates the true largest dimension of the tricuspid annulus.


Figure 11.6  Two examples of severe tricuspid regurgitation in the presence of a pacemaker lead. (A) In the first case, the catheter is in a
central position (arrow) and does not interfere with leaflet mobility . (B) In the second case, the catheter is impinging the septal leaflet
(arrow), limiting its normal coaptation with the other two leaflets. (IVS, interventricular septum .)

122  3D Echocardiography


Figure 11.7  Mixed tricuspid valve dysfunction (stenosis and organic regurgitation) due to rheumatic heart disease. (A) Right ventricular
focused four-chamber view, displaying the typical leaflet thickening with restricted opening (“doming”) . (B) Doppler tracing across the
tricuspid valve showing mild stenosis (diastolic mean gradient of 5 mm Hg) and a triangular shape of tricuspid regurgitation profile suggestive
of severe regurgitation. (C) 3D reconstruction of stenotic tricuspid valve, showing leaflet thickening, commissural fusion, lack of coaptation
during systole, and restricted opening during diastole, allowing to measure planimetric valve area of 2.1 cm2 ; (D) 3D color Doppler of
tricuspid regurgitation with two longitudinal cut-planes and six transversal slices across the jet for measuring vena contracta area (1.5 cm2).

Figure 11.8  Multislice display of tricuspid valve apparatus by transthoracic 3D echocardiography, for a better appreciation of characteristic
features of rheumatic tricuspid valve involvement and illustration of smallest valve orifice for planimetry .

Tricuspid Regurgitation  123


Figure 11.9  Carcinoid valve disease. (A) Thick, rigid tricuspid leaflets fixed in open position, visualized in right ventricular focused four-
chamber view by 2D echocardiography. (B) Free tricuspid regurgitation by 2D color Doppler. (C) 3D visualization of tricuspid valve from
ventricular perspective, showing leaflet thickening, with “frozen” aspect in semiopen position, and restricted diastolic leaflet opening leading
to mild stenosis and severe regurgitation.


Figure 11.10  (A and B) Asymmetry of regurgitation orifice in functional tricuspid regurgitation by 2D color Doppler echocardiography. Note
the differences between the dimensions of the vena contracta and the shape of proximal convergence zone between apical four-chamber
(A) and parasternal long-axis view (B) .


Figure 11.11  Organic tricuspid regurgitation due to tricuspid valve flail after endomyocardial biopsy in heart transplant recipient. (A) Four-
chamber view by 2D echocardiography showing septal leaflet flail . (B) Severe tricuspid regurgitation with highly eccentric jet, suggestive of
organic etiology . (C) 3D visualization from atrial perspective of a segmental flail localized in anteroseptal position .

The diastolic opening of the valve along with an effective valve closure; however, a trivial or mild TR is
corresponding TA expansion provide a TV orifice area detectable using Doppler echocardiography in 80%–90%
of 7–9 cm2. The systolic narrowing of the orifice provides of normal subjects.41,42

124  3D Echocardiography


Figure 11.12  Patient with functional tricuspid regurgitation. (A,B) 2D views of tricuspid leaflets, showing annular dilation and leaflet
tethering . (C,D) 3D views of tricuspid valve, illustrating structurally normal leaflets with three-leaflet configuration with significant
tethering . (ATL, anterior tricuspid leaflet; AV, aortic valve; MV, mitral valve; PTL, posterior tricuspid leaflet; RVOT, right ventricular
outflow tract; STL, septal tricuspid leaflet.)

TV is often best achieved from an apical approach, using

IMAGING THE TRICUSPID VALVE BY either an RV-focused or a foreshortened four-chamber
3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY view16 (Figures 11.12, and 11.13, ). In order to optimize
the spatial resolution, the TV should be located in the
Transthoracic 3D echocardiography is the preferred
center of the pyramidal volume acquisition. The volume
modality to image the TV. Due to the close proximity of the
size and depth are then adjusted in order to include the
TV to the anterior chest wall, and the position of the leaflets
entire TV complex in the dataset and remove unnecessary
perpendicular to the direction of ultrasound beams during
neighboring structures (i.e., MV, left ventricle, etc.).
systole, an optimal 3D echocardiography acquisition of the


Figure 11.13  Tricuspid valve endocarditis in drug abuser. (A) Right ventricular (RV) focused four-chamber view - displaying the septal and
posterior leaflets - did not show the vegetation attached to the anterior leaflet, which was better depicted in parasternal RV inflow-outflow
view (B, arrow) and optimally visualized in terms of size, shape, and location by 3D echocardiography (C, arrow) .

Tricuspid Regurgitation  125

Due to its anatomical position, 3D transesophageal (3D for surgery decision making, and this may have led to some
TEE) imaging of the TV is more challenging than of the inaccuracies in measuring the true annular size.
mitral valve. TV can be optimally visualized from a single Anwar and colleagues 55 demonstrated that 2D
midesophageal four-chamber view (Figure 11.1) only in echocardiography systematically underestimated the actual
11% of patients, largely because this valve is anteriorly TA size (Figure 11.5). As a consequence, 65% of patients
located, at a farther distance from the TEE transducer, is with normal TA diameter at 2D echocardiography showed
associated with a less favorable angle of insonation, and grades 1–2 FTR compared with 30% of patients with normal
has thinner leaflets compared with the mitral valve.43 Low- TA size at 3D echocardiography.55 Conversely, calculation of
esophageal views with lateral angulation of the probe and TA fractional shortening yielded the same results using 2D
transgastric views allow better quality images to be achieved echocardiography and 3D echocardiography, because there
of TV leaflets in systole and diastole, respectively, than the is a comparable extent of underestimation of TA diameter
standard midesophageal views. by 2D echocardiography in both diastole and systole.
The two most commonly used 3D echocardiography In addition to TA shape, size, and function, 3D
acquisition modes are real-time and multibeat full-volume echocardiography enables the assessment of TV leaflet
modes, with or without color Doppler.26 Real-time single- geometry in FTR (Figure 11.4). Sukmawan et al.56 reported
beat 3D echocardiography acquisition has the advantage that in patients with pulmonary hypertension (i.e., right
of not being limited by motion artifacts (i.e., respirophasic ventricular to right atrium gradient ≥30 mm Hg), the
or patient movement) or electrocardiographic cyclic FTR coexists with the tethering of tricuspid leaflets into
variability (i.e., arrhythmias). This acquisition modality the RV. The measured TV tenting volume was linearly
is recommended for intraprocedural guidance of TV correlated with RV volume and with TV regurgitant jet
interventional procedures or for assessing respiratory area. Min and colleagues57 evaluated the TV apparatus
variations of the regurgitant orifice size. The number of using 3D echocardiography to predict residual TR after
cardiac cycles to acquire during multibeat acquisition surgical annuloplasty. Tenting volume and anteroposterior
depends on patient characteristics (cardiac rhythm, ability tricuspid annulus diameter before surgery emerged as
to cooperate for breath-holding, etc.), the size of the volume independent preoperative predictors of short-term residual
needed to include the TV apparatus, and the acquisition TR. In addition, the tenting angle between TA plane and
depth. For quantitative analyses, a TV dataset should have septal leaflet was the most powerful predictor of successful
a temporal resolution of at least 20 volumes per second.16 operative correction of the regurgitation. The authors also
assessed the geometric changes occurring after surgery and
found that annuloplasty led not only to the reduction of TA
FUNCTIONAL TRICUSPID REGURGITATION size, but also to the worsening of leaflet tenting due to the
FTR is the most common cause of RV dysfunction in the inward displacement of the TA. Chen et al.58 have also shown
Western world and has a very high mortality.44 TA dilatation that TV leaflet geometry and coaptation status assessed by 3D
and leaflet tethering are the main underlying mechanisms of echocardiography preoperatively enabled the prediction of
functional TV regurgitation12 (Figures 11.10 and 11.12). The the prognosis in patients undergoing surgical annuloplasty
extent of TA dilatation may be a more reliable indicator of during left-sided heart valve surgery. Thus, tenting volume
TV pathology than the degree of regurgitation.45 TA dilation greater than or equal to 3.9 mL and ratio of leaflet length to
is invariably described as secondary to RV dilation and closure length less than or equal to 1.13 provide important
dysfunction,12,46 which, in turn, distort the normal geometry predictive values for adverse events at 1-year follow-up.
and spatial relationships of leaflets, papillary muscles, and Finally, 3D echocardiography can help in estimating
chordae leading to FTR, which further exacerbates RV and the severity of TV regurgitation using Doppler color flow.
TA remodeling in a vicious circle.46,48 In atrial fibrillation Velayudhan et al.59 reported a good feasibility for obtaining
(AF), RA enlargement may result in TA dilation and FTR, the vena contracta area of the TR jet from cropping the 3D
even in the absence of RV dilation or dysfunction.49,50 echocardiography color Doppler dataset by imaging planes
Using 3D echocardiography, two independent groups33,52 exactly parallel to the TV orifice. The authors also found a
were able to show that the increase of the TA mediolateral poor correlation between the vena contracta area obtained
distance was greater than that of the anterior-posterior by 3D echocardiography and its width measured by 2D
distance with worsening of TV regurgitation, as the TA dilates echocardiography, supporting the concept that, similar
preferentially along its free wall. Matsunaga and colleagues53 to mitral regurgitation, the vena contracta of the TR jet
demonstrated that preoperative TA dilation was associated has a complex geometry. However, they found reasonable
with the development of late postoperative TR after the repair correlations between the vena contracta area measured
of ischemic mitral regurgitation. Dreyfus and colleagues45 with 3D echocardiography and the conventional estimates
reported that the long-term outcome of the patients improved of TR severity by 2D echocardiography color Doppler (i.e.,
when the decision to perform tricuspid annuloplasty was regurgitant jet area and its ratio with right atrial area), and
based on the extent of TA dilation rather than on the degree they proposed new criteria for estimating TR severity based
of TR at the time of surgery. Reference measures for TV on vena contracta area: less than 0.5 cm2 for mild, 0.5–
repair include TA size greater than 2.1 cm/m2 and tricuspid 0.75 cm2 for moderate, and greater than 0.75 cm2 for severe.
annulus fractional shortening less than 25%.54 However, Recently, using 3D echocardiography-derived regurgitant
both Matsunaga and Dreyfus used 2D echocardiography volume as a reference standard, Utsunomyia et al.60 identified

126  3D Echocardiography
a cutoff value of 0.61 cm2 for vena contracta area by 3D TEE anatomy and functional consequences of Ebstein anomaly.
to discriminate severe from moderate TR with sensitivity of Ebstein anomaly is a congenital defect of the TV in which
78% and specificity of 97% (area under the curve = 0.93, the origins of the septal or posterior leaflets, or both, are
P < .001). The recommended cutoff of 0.40 cm2 for 2D displaced downward into the RV of more than 8 mm/m2,
echocardiography proximal isovelocity surface area and resulting in the atrialization of the RV inflow. A redundant,
effective regurgitant orifice area had lower sensitivity (58%) sail-like anterior leaflet with several fenestrations is
and specificity (79%) than the 3D echocardiography vena generally present. There is a wide spectrum of the severity of
contracta area. Notably, the 3D echocardiography vena TV involvement, and the outcome of patients with Ebstein
contracta area had an independent and incremental value anomaly is mainly dependent on its severity.67 Although 2D
to grade TR severity over clinical assessment and integrated echocardiography can show the characteristic displacement
multiparametric 2D echocardiography/Doppler evaluation of the septal leaflet and the redundant and elongated
recommended by guidelines.61 The cutoff value of the 3D anterior leaflet, the complex anatomy of the disease and
echocardiography vena contracta area to identify severe TR the mechanisms of TV regurgitation are very difficult to
was larger for the FTR subgroup than for the primary TR assess by conventional 2D echocardiography views. In adult
subgroup (0.63 cm2 vs. 0.51 cm2, respectively). patients with Ebstein anomaly, it has been reported that 3D
echocardiography was particularly useful in delineating
the chordal attachment of the three leaflets of the TV.68,69
PRIMARY TRICUSPID REGURGITATION This was accomplished by multiple systematic cropping
CARDIAC IMPLANTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICE LEAD- and sectioning of the 3D echocardiography datasets,
INDUCED TRICUSPID REGURGITATION enabling the visualization of the characteristic “bubble-
A sizable number of patients with a permanent pacemaker like” appearance of the leaflets, resulting from the bulging
or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) (ranging of the nontethered leaflet areas. In addition, an en face view
from 7% to 45% in various studies22) may show significant of the TV is easily obtainable with 3D echocardiography in
TR due to the interference of the leads of such devices with order to measure the leaflet surface areas and to visualize
TV function as the primary cause of valve incompetence.62 the regions of ineffective leaflet coaptation. The ability
Proposed mechanisms involved in the occurrence of CIED- to measure the surface and the free leaflet margin by 3D
induced TR can be classified as implantation related, pacing echocardiography is particularly noteworthy in view of the
related, and device mediated.22 Multiple leads, apical RV current repair techniques that involve the construction of
pacing, bulky or stiff ICD leads, etc., seem to be associated a monocuspid TV using the tissue of the large anterior
with higher likelihood of CIED-induced TR. The lead itself leaflet.67 Moreover, 3D echocardiography can be useful in
may interfere with TV function by various mechanisms: evaluating the size of the functional RV, and in estimating
impingement upon a leaflet (Figure 11.6), adherence, the severity of TR by measuring the vena contracta area on
entrapment within the TV subvalvular apparatus, leaflet cross-sectional planes placed at the narrowest region of the
perforation, or iatrogenic avulsion (during lead implantation 3D color Doppler jet.
or extraction, respectively).63
The diagnosis of CIED lead-induced TR may be challenging CARCINOID HEART DISEASE
using conventional 2D echocardiography because of the The TV is the most frequently affected valve in carcinoid
difficulties in identifying the spatial relationship between heart disease.70 The valvular involvement consists of leaflet
the lead and the TV leaflet. 2D echocardiography enables thickening with excessive fibrosis and markedly restricted
appreciation of the trajectory of the device lead in only motion. The fibrotic leaflets move in a stiff “board-like”
17% of cases.64 With transthoracic 3D echocardiography, fashion rather than the normal undulating motion,70 and their
visualization of the device lead is more reliable and feasible restricted opening leads to the RV inflow obstruction. The TV
(74%–90%) than with 2D echocardiography.64,65 The en face leaflets are usually retracted and held partially open during
view of the TV obtained by 3D echocardiography allows both systole and diastole, hence resulting in a combined TR
for precise identification of the route of the lead across the and stenosis, the former being predominant (Figure 11.9).
right heart cavities, of its position at the TV level, and its 3D echocardiography is particularly valuable in
spatial relationship with the individual leaflets. Impinging assessing patients with carcinoid disease due to its ability
or adherent leads on the middle part of the leaflets on 3D to visualize simultaneously all three TV leaflets from either
echocardiography en face views were associated with greater the atrial or the ventricular side, their reduced mobility
degrees of TR, while leads located in commissural positions and stiffness, and the chordal attachments from unique
or in the center of the valve were less likely to be associated perspectives.71
with significant TR. Thus, 3D echocardiography remains
the imaging modality of choice for assessment of CIED lead- TRICUSPID VALVE PROLAPSE
induced TR and has been proposed in the imaging protocol Until the advent of 3D echocardiography, TV prolapse
of patients considered for lead removal.66 has remained a poorly defined entity. It is most commonly
associated with MV myxomatous degeneration in 20% up
CONGENITAL TRICUSPID REGURGITATION to 48% of cases. However, isolated prolapse of the TV
Among the congenital abnormalities of the TV, 3D leaflets without concomitant mitral disease has been
echocardiography plays a specific role in delineating the reported as well.74 Prolapse of one or more leaflets (more

Tricuspid Regurgitation  127

frequently anterior and septal), elongation of chordae, iatrogenic) trauma from a pacemaker lead, a stiff guidewire,
or chordal rupture producing severe eccentric TR may a bioptome during RV endomyocardial biopsy, or during
be identified (Figure 11.11). Myxomatous-related annular radiofrequency ablation for treatment of arrhythmias
dilatation contributes not only to the valve incompetence, when devices can perforate TV leaflets or damage
but also to progressive worsening of TR. subvalvular chordal apparatus. 3D echocardiography can
accurately delineate the anatomy of the TV and identify
RHEUMATIC TRICUSPID REGURGITATION the flail leaflet(s) and the involvement of the subvalvular
In rheumatic heart valve disease, 2D echocardiography apparatus (ruptured chordae and/or papillary muscle),
images show thickening and shortening of the TV leaflets, and may help in the decision making and in planning
which may exhibit some doming in diastole, and result the surgical correction.72,73 Another cause of iatrogenic,
in combined stenosis and TR. TV leaflet thickening traumatic TR is represented by repeated endomyocardial
and restriction had been reported in about one-third biopsies (Figure 11.11). TR is the most frequent valvular
of patients with significant TR after MV surgery, but abnormality that occurs after cardiac transplantation.
the true incidence of organic TV involvement might
actually be higher due to the limitations of conventional INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS OF THE TRICUSPID VALVE
echocardiography to assess the TV morphology. Doppler Right-sided infective endocarditis (IE) is rare (5%–10%
recordings of transtricuspid flow velocity allow the of all cases of IE), and the majority of cases (90%) involve
calculation of mean gradient and of the valve area by the TV. The main echocardiographic features of TV IE
pressure half-time method, as described for the MV. are the presence of vegetations, which are typically large
However, unlike what is routinely done for assessing (>15–20 mm in length), highly mobile, and affect mainly
mitral stenosis severity, neither transthoracic nor the anterior TV leaflet. The main complication of TV
transesophageal 2D echocardiography can routinely IE is severe TR, and abscess formation was infrequent.
provide en face views of the TV stenotic orifice and of Vegetations or masses of the TV apparatus can be nicely
the fused commissures. Using 3D echocardiography, characterized as shape and size using 3D echocardiography.
the stenotic orifice of the  TV can be clearly visualized 3D echocardiographic color Doppler supports the diagnosis
from the ventricular side and can be planimetered on with information on TR mechanism and severity. 3D
multiplanar reconstructed images75,76 (Figures 11.7 and echocardiography is particularly useful in patients with
11.8). prosthetic devices and TV prostheses to assess the precise
location of the vegetations and their relationship with the
TRAUMATIC TRICUSPID REGURGITATION prosthetic structures.77 2D echocardiography has a good
Traumatic TR is a rare cardiovascular complication that sensitivity to detect pathologic masses and to assess their
may occur as a consequence of blunt chest trauma, with mobility, due to its high temporal and spatial resolution.
disruption of chordal structures, or from internal (usually However, 2D echocardiography limited views may miss



Figure 11.14  Multiplanar reconstruction of tricuspid vegetation from Figure 11.13 illustrating the use of 3D echocardiography to display
and measure the maximal dimensions of the vegetation, overcoming the limitations of 2D echocardiography for its sizing (plane position,
through-plane motion during cardiac cycle, etc.) .

128  3D Echocardiography
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130  3D Echocardiography
12 Infective Endocarditis


Echocardiography still plays a major role in the diagnosis, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS
treatment, and follow-up of patients with infective Although the role of 3D echocardiography is not clearly
endocarditis (IE). Echocardiography has the advantages defined in the current guidelines on the diagnosis and
of being rapidly available, cost efficient, repeatable, and management of IE,1 acquiring and analyzing 3D images of
with a good diag­nostic  yield. Echocardiography, in the the valves and cardiac structures with 3D echocardiography
form of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), is the first- in patients with IE are clinically useful. 3D TTE is probably
line imaging technique in suspected IE. Transesophageal less informative than 3D TEE because of its lower spatial
echocardiography (TEE) is recommended in all patients resolution and image quality. It has, however, a very
with clinical suspicion of IE and a negative or nondiagnostic important role in the accurate assessment of left ventricular
TTE. For patients with prosthetic valves and intracardiac (LV) systolic function in patients with severe valvular
devices, TEE should always be performed whenever IE is regurgitation secondary to IE.
suspected because of the lower sensibility of TTE in such The superior diagnostic accuracy of 3D TEE is related to
cases.1 improved spatial resolution (high-frequency transducers),
The echocardiographic hallmarks of IE (major the close proximity of the esophagus to the cardiac
criteria in the modified Duke algorithm for IE diagnosis) structures, and the lack of acoustic interference from the
are the following: presence of vegetations, abscesses, ribs and lung that often hamper TTE image quality.
pseudoaneur ysms, intracardiac f istulas, valv ular 3D TEE has an excellent balance between spatial and
perforations or valvular aneurysms, and/or a new partial temporal resolution and can help in both the diagnosis and
dehiscence of a prosthetic valve. 2 TTE and TEE especially the management of patients with IE, as discussed further.
are the first-line imaging techniques to accurately identify A 3D TEE examination should be done only after a
all of the abnormalities induced by an infectious process complete 2D examination, and it should never replace it. It
involving the endocardium. Other imaging modalities should be kept in mind that if image quality is poor with
are to be used when TTE and TEE are of suboptimal 2D TEE, it will only be worse with 3D TEE. Because spatial
quality and thus noncontributory to the diagnosis of IE and temporal resolution are generally worse with 3D TEE
and when the clinical suspicion remains high. than with 2D TEE, 3D TEE will not be superior to 2D TEE in
Unfortunately, echocardiography (even TEE) is not identifying small-size vegetations. This is one of the reasons
100% sensitive, nor specific for the diagnosis of IE. For that 3D TEE should be attempted only after a complete 2D
native valve endocarditis, the diagnostic sensitivity and TEE examination.
specificity of TTE range between 50%–90% and 90%, The strength of 3D TEE is in its ability to accurately
respectively, as compared to a sensitivity of 90%–100% identify the correct anatomical position of any vegetation,
and specificity of greater than 90% for 2D TEE. 3 For abscess, pseudoaneurysms, intracardiac fistula, valvular
suspected prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), the perforation, or valvular aneurysms, and to accurately
sensitivity of TTE and TEE is lower, at 40%–70% and 85%, identify the localization of a new paravalvular leak on a
respectively. 3 Results can be false negative in cases with prosthetic heart valve.4 It is extremely helpful for a correct
very small vegetations (<2 mm), in nonvegetation forms sizing of bulky and very mobile vegetations (Figure 12.1, ).5
of IE, in endocarditis on prosthetic valves or intracardiac 3D TEE can be very useful in identifying vegetations with
devices, or whenever TEE is performed very early in the unusual localizations, such as at the level of the valve
disease’s course when vegetations are not yet present or commissures or in locations that are in an off-plane from
when they have already embolized. Hence, newer imaging the usual standard views used with 2D TEE (Figures 12.2
techniques showed their ability to improve diagnostic and 12.3, ).
accuracy in IE and are now part of the major imaging
criteria for IE in the European Society of Cardiology
guidelines on IE. 1 Cardiac computed tomography 3D TEE AND CORRECT ANATOMICAL
(CCT), fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG-PET/CT),
and radiolabeled autologous white blood cell (WBC) An experienced 2D TEE sonographer is able to accurately
scintigraphy are the newer imaging techniques proven localize the insertion of a vegetation on the mitral, aortic,
valuable in the diagnosis and management of patients or tricuspid valve after sequential scanning of the entire
with IE, especially in patients with PVE, patients with valve tissue from multiple angles with 2D TEE (Figure 12.4,
intracardiac devices, and patients in whom IE remains Panels A–F, ). However, with 3D TEE this step
uncertain after the TEE examination.1,3 is clearly faster and more precise (Figure 12.4, Panel G, ),

Infective Endocarditis  131


Figure 12.1  Patient with infective endocarditis of the mitral valve presenting a very mobile vegetation on the atrial side of the anterior
mitral valve leaflet (white arrow). (Panel A) The approximate measurement of the length of the vegetation done by the sonographer in 2D
indicating a length of 1 cm and a width of 0.7 cm. (Panel B) The acquired 3D volume focused on the vegetation and rendered from the same
perspective as the 2D image from Panel A. (Panel C) The correct measurement of the vegetation length done after correct alignment with
the vegetation long axis and showing a maximal length of 1.2 cm, hence increasing the accuracy of the measurement .


Figure 12.2  Patient with infective endocarditis with a small vegetation (white arrow) located on the ventricular side of the aortic valve (Panel
B) that could be missed if only the classical long-axis view at 130° is imaged (Panel A); this vegetation is located more laterally underneath
the left coronary cusp (Panel C). The vegetation is seen with 2D echocardiography after a careful probe angulation toward the lateral side
(Panel B). However, with 3D TEE, the vegetation and its location are easily seen on the ventricular side of the aortic valve (Panel C, yellow
arrow). For a better visualization, see video .

132  3D Echocardiography


Figure 12.3  Infective endocarditis on a native mitral valve showing a small rounded vegetation close to the anterolateral commissure (ALC) of
the mitral valve as seen from the en face view with 3D TEE. (Panel A) Mitral valve opened with the vegetation located on the atrial side of the
posterior mitral valve on P1 (yellow arrow). (Panel B) Mitral valve closed in systole showing the vegetation localization at P1, close to the ALC.
Such a vegetation could be missed if systematic acquisition of several image planes around the mitral valve are not performed with 2D TEE .




Figure 12.4  Systematic evaluation with 2D TEE in a patient presenting with an infective endocarditis on the mitral valve. (Panel A) In this
midesophageal five-chamber view, P1 and A1 are visualized and no vegetation is seen. (Panel B) In this midesophageal four-chamber view,
P2 and A2 are visualized and no vegetation is seen. (Panel C) In this midesophageal intercommissural view, P3, A2, and A1 are seen, and
abscess of the mitral annulus at the level of P3 can be identified. (Panel D) In this midesophageal two-chamber view, A1, A2, and P3 are
visualized, and no vegetation is seen. (Panel E) In this midesophageal three-chamber view, A2 and P2 are visualized and a small vegetation
is seen (yellow arrow). (Panel F) In this midesophageal three-chamber view tilted medially toward the posteromedial commissure, A1 to A2
and P3 are visualized, and a more voluminous vegetation is seen attached to the atrial side of P3 (white arrow). Without this last view, the
P3 vegetation could have been missed .(Continued)

Infective Endocarditis  133


Figure 12.4 (Continued)  Systematic evaluation with 2D TEE in a patient presenting with an infective endocarditis on the mitral valve.
(Panel G) The en face view of the mitral valve is shown, and the vegetation situated at the level of P3 (green arrow) is identified, letting us
understand that what was thought to be a small vegetation on P2 (Panel E, yellow arrow) was actually a prolongation of the big vegetation
on P3. On P2, there is no other vegetation present. Note that the associated abscess of the mitral annulus at the level of P3 is also seen with
3D in the intercommissural section (Panel G, upper left quadrant). The green arrow indicates the vegetation on the atrial side of the mitral
valve as seen with 3D en face view .

especially in cases in which valve anatomy is complex, such maximal diameter of the vegetation with higher accuracy
as in endocarditis on Barlow disease, or in cases in which (Figure 12.1, Panel C, and Figure 12.5).6 Since the length
cardiac axis is unusual and mental reconstruction of 3D of the vegetation is a criterion for prophylactic surgery in
images from 2D images becomes much more difficult even patients with IE to decrease the risk of embolization, accurate
for experienced cardiologists. assessment of vegetation’s size is necessary and helpful in
3D TEE can give a very accurate assessment of the size of the management of these patients. It has to be mentioned
a bulky and irregularly shaped vegetation.5 In such cases, that the superiority of 3D TEE to improve patient’s outcome
2D TEE is less accurate because of the high mobility of the with surgery based on 2D- or 3D-derived vegetation size is
vegetation with in- and out-of-plane movement which makes not yet proven, as published data are yet scarce. Outcome
it very difficult to align perfectly with the longest axis of the data available to date come from vegetation sizing with
vegetation and measure its exact maximal length (Figure 2D TEE and not with 3D TEE. For small-size vegetations,
12.1, and Figure 12.5, ). 3D TEE after correct cropping 2D TEE performs better than 3D TEE because of the
of the 3D volume comprising the entire vegetation gives the higher spatial and temporal resolution (Figure 12.6, ).​

Figure 12.5  Flexi-Slice tool is used to align with the maximal length of the vegetation situated on the atrial side of P3 (same patient from
Figure 12.4). This enables the measurement of the maximal length of the vegetation which is found to be 2.2 cm. See also Video for a better
understanding of the measurement. The green arrow indicates the vegetation on the atrial side of the mitral valve as seen with 3D en face
view .

134  3D Echocardiography

Figure 12.6  Small vegetation situated on the atrial side of the posterior mitral leaflet at the level of P3 scallop easily seen with 2D TEE (Panel
A, arrow). Note that in the 3D zoom en face view of the mitral valve (Panel B), this small vegetation is nearly invisible and could be easily
missed if a complete 2D TEE with systematic assessment of all views of the mitral valve is not performed .

The biplane/X-plane modality with color Doppler is very not a progressive enlargement of the pseudo-aneurysm.
valuable in routine clinical TEE to distinguish between a This could be difficult to ascertain with precision by 2D
true mass attached to the endocardial surface or an image echocardiography because of the complex 3D shape that
artifact. the pseudo-aneurysm may have. Hence, 3D imaging in this
case is very helpful (Figure 12.7, Panel F, ). 3D TEE has
3D TEE AND CORRECT LOCATION AND the advantage over contrast CCT for the follow-up because
it can be repeated as many times as necessary with no
DESCRIPTION OF PARAVALVULAR ABSCESSES patient irradiation but has lower spatial resolution than
The diagnosis of a paravalvular abscess is usually done with the CCT.
2D TEE because of the higher spatial resolution, but the
correct sizing and extension of a perivalvular abscess can 3D TEE AND INTRACARDIAC FISTULAS
be done with 3D TEE. In patients with abscesses located on
the posterior side of a prosthetic valve in the aortic position,
the exact extension of the abscess in the longitudinal axis Diagnosis of an intracardiac fistula as a complication of IE
behind the aortic wall can be assessed with 3D TEE after is usually done with 2D color Doppler echocardiography.
cropping of the 3D volume acquired of the aortic root. With However, 3D color Doppler TEE can be excellent in
sequential 2D scanning in the transverse plane, it would the description of the anatomical localization of the
be difficult to do such an estimation accurately, and in the intracardiac fistula with regard to the surrounding
120° long-axis view of the aortic root, it is difficult to avoid anatomical structures, jet direction, and actual size of the
oblique scanning and overestimation of the actual height. fistula (Figure 12.8,  ).
For patients with PVE and abscess located on the anterior
aspect of the aortic root and aortic annulus, visualization of 3D TEE AND VALVE PERFORATION
the abscess with 3D TEE, as with 2D TEE, can be hampered
by the acoustic shadowing related to the presence of the 3D TEE gives excellent anatomical information in patients
prosthetic material. In this case. imaging is to be completed with mitral valve perforation secondary to IE because  of
with TTE in order to image the anterior aspect of the aortic the en face view of the mitral valve (Figure 12.9, ).7 A large
root and annulus and/or with CCT which offers excellent perforation may be easily seen with 3D TEE (Figure 12.9,
spatial resolution and is a 3D imaging technique with ), but a small one may be missed because of lower spatial
inherent advantages. resolution of the 3D imaging and the use of an inadequate
gain setting (2D gain too high, Figure 12.10, ).
3D TEE AND CORRECT LOCALIZATION AND 3D TEE may have a higher chance of detecting perforations
than 2D TEE through the en face view of the mitral valve7 in
SIZING OF PSEUDOANEURYSMS cases in which the sonographer does not perform a systematic
Pseudoaneurysm formation relates to what is left after 2D and color flow Doppler assessment from multiple scan
the intracavitary discharge of a former abscess in a views around the mitral valve and misses a perforation
patient presenting with IE (Figure  12.7). These are located in an out-of-plane view. However, 3D TEE seems
very frequent in patients with PVE. Diagnosis is made a less-performing method than 2D TEE in identifying
with 2D echocardiography (Figure 12.7, Panels D, perforations involving the aortic cusps, because of the lower
and E, ), but 3D TEE is especially useful in complete spatial resolution combined with the difficulty to adequately
morphological characterization of the pseudoaneurysm visualize the three aortic cusps. One important issue is
and especially for follow-up of the evolution when surgery that dropout artifacts related to parallel scanning of the
is not an option (Figure 12.7, Panel F, ). For follow-up, valve tissue or to calcifications are not to be misdiagnosed
it is particularly important to assess whether there is or is as valvular perforations (Figure 12.11, ). These are very

Infective Endocarditis  135



Figure 12.7  Patient with infective endocarditis after a Bentall procedure. (Panels A and B) Discrete thickening of the peri-aortic tissue
suggestive of an abscess (yellow arrow) as seen from the long-axis view (Panel A) and short-axis view (Panel B). (Panel C) The same images in
short- and long-axis views cropped from a 3D zoom volume of the aortic root. Patient with infective endocarditis after a Bentall procedure.
(Panels D and E) Formation of a pseudo-aneurysm a few months after the identification of the abscess (white arrow). (Panel D) Long-axis view
of the aortic root showing the pseudo-aneurysms: diffuse thickening of the peri-aortic space together with an echo-free space around the
aortic conduit. (Panel E) Short-axis image of the cavity of the pseudo-aneurysm which is situated on the posterior aspect of the aortic root.
(Panel F) Exact measurement of the length and width of the pseudo-aneurysm cavity from a 3D zoom volume dataset. This allows correct
alignment with the aortic conduit and avoids oblique cut planes in the transverse axis which may overestimate the cavity size. Such exact
measurements are very important for the follow-up in order to detect rapid enlargement of the cavity size .

136  3D Echocardiography


Figure 12.8  Aorto-left atrial fistula as a complication of infectious endocarditis involving the aortic valve and aortic root. Patient underwent a
surgical aortic valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis. (Panel A) 2D TEE at 45° short-axis view at the level of the aortic valve showing an
abnormal cavity situated on the posterior aspect of the aortic root and aortic prosthesis (white arrow). (Panel B) Color flow 2D TEE at 45° short-
axis view at the level of the aortic valve showing a systolic flow with origin at the level of this abnormal cavity and directed into the left atrium
(yellow arrow). (Panel C) 2D TEE at 120°–130° long-axis view showing an abnormal cavity situated on the posterior aspect of the aortic root and
aortic prosthesis (green arrow). (Panel D) Color flow 2D TEE at 120°–130° long-axis view showing a systolic flow with origin at the level of this
abnormal cavity and directed into the left atrium (thick yellow arrow). (Panel E) Same as in Panel D, but flow is depicted in diastole. With 2D TEE,
an aorto-left atrial fistula is suspected. (Panel F) 3D zoom of the aortic root and prosthesis, which shows the exact location of the origin of the
aorto-atrial fistula on the posterior side of the aortic sinus of Valsalva (thick white arrow) .(Continued)

Infective Endocarditis  137


Figure 12.8 (Continued)  Aorto-left atrial fistula as a complication of infectious endocarditis involving the aortic valve and aortic root. Patient
underwent a surgical aortic valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis. (Panel G) Color flow 3D TEE at 45° short-axis view at the level
of the aortic valve showing the flow origin at the level of the posterior sinus of Valsalva. (Panel H) Cropping of the 3D color flow volume
showing the exact origin and size of the aorto-left atrial fistula .




Figure 12.9  3D zoom en face view of the mitral valve in systole (Panel A) and diastole (Panel B), as seen from the left atrium. The valve is
oriented in the anatomical position. A large perforation situated at the level of the P2 is easily seen (yellow arrow) during systole (Panel A)
but not in diastole (Panel B) . (AL, anterior leaflet; ALC, anterolateral commissure; PL, posterior leaflet; PMC, posteromedial commissure.)

138  3D Echocardiography


Figure 12.10  (Panel A) Endocarditis of the mitral valve complicated by chordae rupture (white arrow), severe mitral regurgitation (green
arrow), and anterior leaflet perforation (yellow arrow). With color flow Doppler, the perforation of the anterior mitral leaflet is confirmed
by identifying the regurgitation jet through the anterior leaflet tissue (Panel A, yellow arrow) . However, if the valve is analyzed only with
3D zoom mode in the en face view (Panel B) , this small perforation of the anterior mitral leaflet can be missed. A higher 2D gain setting
will make this small perforation invisible (Panel C, yellow arrow) . However, once diagnosed with 2D and 2D color Doppler and with the
appropriate gain setting, this perforation can be identified with 3D (Panel D, yellow arrow). With 3D TEE, its exact position on the anterior
mitral leaflet is accurately indicated (Panel D, yellow arrow) .

Figure 12.11  Patient with infective endocarditis of the aortic valve. On the left-hand side of the panel, the aortic valve is seen in the long-
(upper panel) and short-axis views (lower panel). The white arrow points to a large vegetation situated on the ventricular side of the aortic
valve as seen from the long-axis view of the aortic valve. On the right-hand side is a 3D zoom volume at the level of the aortic valve, as
seen from the aortic root perspective. The aortic valve is displayed with the right coronary cusp at 6 o’clock. The left (yellow arrow) and
the noncoronary cusps (green arrow) seem to have two big perforations. However, these are not perforations but dropout artifacts related
to parallel scanning of the aortic cusps leading to dropout artifacts in the 3D volume. Use of 2D and 3D color flow is strongly advised to
distinguish between dropout artifacts and true cusp perforations.

Infective Endocarditis  139

common for the aortic valve. Valve perforations should always around the mitral annulus and the exact size and shape of
be confirmed by 3D color Doppler. the regurgitant orifice are easily identified (Figure 12.12, ).
The presence and the extent of the valve dehiscence leading
to PVL should not be based solely on 3D TEE imaging, as
3D TEE AND PARAVALVULAR LEAKS dropout artifacts may lead to overdiagnosis both in terms
SECONDARY TO PROSTHETIC VALVE of presence and the size of PVL ( ). It should be diagnosed
with 2D color Doppler and further assessed with 3D color
ENDOCARDITIS Doppler (Figure  12.12, ). For the PVLs on prosthesis
Paravalvular leaks (PVLs) secondary to IE on a prosthetic situated in the aortic position, diagnosis with 3D color
valve in mitral position are best described with 3D TEE. Doppler TEE is difficult for PVLs situated on the anterior
With 3D color Doppler TEE, the exact location of the PVL aspect of the prosthesis, due to acoustic shadowing that





Figure 12.12  Patient with paravalvular leak (PVL) on a biologic valve implanted in the mitral position after infective endocarditis of the
mitral annulus and mitral valve (Panels A to E). Systematic 2D color flow assessment of the mitral valve prosthesis indicates that two PVLs
are present, one anteriorly close to the aortic valve (Panels A and E) and the second medially (Panels B and C). However, the extent of these
PVLs is hard to ascertain from the 2D dataset. With 3D color flow Doppler of the mitral prosthesis, the exact location and extent of the PVLs
are easily assessed: one jet at 11 o’clock and a larger elliptic jet from 2 to 4 o’clock (Panel F) . A 3D zoom with focus on the medial side of
the mitral prosthesis is performed to show the exact morphology of the medial PVL (Panel G) . However, confirmation of the exact length
and width of the PVL is more accurate with 3D color Doppler which confirms that there is indeed a PVL (and not only a dropout artifact) and
with Flexi-Slice allows exact measurement of the width and the length of the PVL (Panel H) .

140  3D Echocardiography
hampers the identification of the regurgitant jet origin
around the annulus. However, such PVLs can be accurately REFERENCES
assessed in terms of anatomical localization and sizing when 1. Habib G, Lancellotti P, Antunes MJ et al. 2015 ESC Guidelines for the
situated on the posterior aspect of the prosthesis and when management of infective endocarditis. Eur Heart J. 2015;36(44).
adequately using 3D color Doppler TEE. Anteriorly situated 2. Li JS, Sexton DJ, Mick N et  al. Proposed modifications to the Duke
PVLs can be suspected if the regurgitant jet extension into criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Clin Infect Dis. 2000;
the left ventricular outflow tract can be visualized from the
3. Cahill TJ, Baddour LM, Habib G et al. Challenges in infective endocarditis.
3D color dataset. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69(3):325–44.
4. Tanis W, Teske AJ, van Herwerden LA et  al. The additional value of
CONCLUSION three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in complex aortic
prosthetic heart valve endocarditis. Echocardiography. 201532(1):114–25.
3D TEE is a powerful tool in the diagnosis and management 5. Utsunomiya H, Berdejo J, Kobayashi S, Mihara H, Itabashi Y, Shiota T.
of patients with IE. However, it should be used only as Evaluation of vegetation size and its relationship with septic pulmonary
embolism in tricuspid valve infective endocarditis: A real time 3DTEE study.
a complement to a complete 2D evaluation and with Echocardiography. 2017;34(4):549–56.
knowledge of the pitfalls that may be encountered to avoid 6. Berdejo J, Shibayama K, Harada K et al. Evaluation of vegetation size
false-negative diagnosis or overdiagnosis. Importantly, and its relationship with embolism in infective endocarditis: A real-time
3D TEE is excellent for morphological description of 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography study. Circ Cardiovasc
Imaging. 2014;​7(1):149–54.
vegetations and local complications associated with
7. Thompson KA, Shiota T, Tolstrup K, Gurudevan S V, Siegel RJ. Utility of
infective endocarditis and should be used systematically in three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of
clinical practice. valvular perforations. Am J Cardiol. 2011;107(1):100–2.

Infective Endocarditis  141

13 Surgical Management

of A3 prolapse (99% vs. 96%). The authors concluded that

INTRODUCTION 3D TTE with or without color Doppler is a feasible and
Echocardiography is widely employed to evaluate surgical useful method in the analysis of MV prolapse; it allows a
procedures, especially in the operating room (OR). Before preoperative and noninvasive description of the pathology
the surgery, echocardiography is essential for determining as accurate as 2D TEE.4 Typically, though, real-time 3D TEE
surgical indication in patients with valvular heart disease is performed in the OR and outpatient settings in the Heart
and  congenital heart disease. Most information can Institute; thus, this study may not apply here. However, the
be obtained with conventional 2D echocardiography, progress of 3D TTE may benefit MR patients before surgery
including TEE. Therefore, in terms of the specific role of 3D in the near future.
echocardiography, its clinical value is rather limited. Most After MV surgery, it is mandatory to check for any residual
valvular heart surgeries, such as aortic valve (AV) and mitral MR. If the residual MR seems significant, a second pump may
valve (MV) replacement and/or repair, can be performed be necessary to correct the problem. TEE needs to indicate
without the aid of 3D echocardiographic imaging. However, the location of the origin of the residual MR. However,
3D echocardiography, especially real-time 3D TEE, can 2D TEE often cannot show precise information on the
assist surgery in some specific areas as follows. location of residual MR although its approximate location is
suggested. Figure 13.2A ( ) shows a 37° location of the 2D
TEE probe, suggestive of a medial location of the residual
leak. However, until its exact location was shown by real-time
For MV surgery, 3D echocardiography, especially real- 3D TEE (Figure 13.2B, ), the surgeon could not be confident
time 3D transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), about where to explore. The surgeon was immediately able
can demonstrate anatomical MV features better than to find a loosened stich there and fixed the leak. As seen in
conventional 2D echocardiography.1 There are many cases this case, real-time 3D TEE can be essential for visualizing
in which 3D TEE benefitted surgical outcomes.2 For instance, the location of paravalvular leaks for a second pump run for
in Figure 13.1, 2D TEE in the OR showed a large proximal further repair. This process or the communication between
isovelocity surface area (PISA), justifying surgical repair of a surgeons and echocardiologists or cardiac anesthesiologists
ruptured chorda (arrow, Figure 13.1A, ). But its connection in the OR with the use of 3D TEE and clockwise description
to the anterior leaflet was not visible with ease. Real-time (Figure 13.2B) will certainly reduce the anxiety of surgeons
3D TEE could show the connection between the base and and improve surgical outcomes.
the tail of the long flail and also another small flail of the
anterior leaflet in the medial side, which was not clearly
visualized by 2D TEE (Figure 13.1B, ). This additional 3D
TEE information in the OR allowed the surgeon to make the As for AV surgery, anatomical information, especially whether
appropriate choices with confidence. A chordal attachment the valve is trileaflet or bicuspid, is an important factor for the
was added to the small medial side flail because of the 3D choice of surgery vs. transcatheter aortic valve replacement
TEE image, resulting in a fully successful outcome (Figure (TAVR). Among patients with severe aortic stenosis who were
13.1C, and D). A recent study showed the value of 3D TEE at low surgical risk, the rate of the composite of death, stroke,
for MV cleft. In this report, 3D TEE played an essential role or rehospitalization at 1 year was significantly lower with TAVR
in the evaluation of single and multiple MV clefts, improving than with surgery.5 In this study on low-risk patients for TAVR,
morphological and functional assessments of the valve, with the registry did not include bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) cases.
potential implications for surgical planning.3 But data from the RESPOND registry demonstrated good
As compared to 3D TEE, 3D transthoracic clinical and echocardiographic outcomes up to 1 year after
echocardiography (TTE) is not yet routinely (at least at the TAVR in BAV patients using the repositionable Lotus Valve.6
Heart Institute in Los Angeles, California) clinically applied, However, clear 3D AV images may still be important for the
mainly due to its suboptimal image quality. However, determination of the type of procedure (Figure 13.3A). In
recently an interesting study on the use of 3D TTE before this particular patient, the aortic root and ascending aorta
MV surgery was reported.4 In this study, 149 consecutive were also dilated. Clear 3D imaging of the bicuspid valve in
patients with severe degenerative mitral regurgitation (MR) Figure 13.3B is important for the decision of surgical repair
underwent complete 3D TTE before surgery and 2D TEE for the root and ascending aortic dilation because the cutoff
(not 3D TEE) in the operating room. 3D TTE was feasible value of the size of the aortic root and/or ascending aorta root
in a relatively short time (8 ± 4 minutes), with good (49%) is smaller for BAV than trileaflet aortic valves.7 Because aortic
and optimal (33%) imaging quality in the majority of cases. valve with root surgery precludes TAVR, even in those with
3D TTE had significant better overall accuracy compared to trileaflet aortic valves, 3D echocardiography can characterize
2D TEE (93% and 91%, p < .05, respectively). 2D TEE was different forms of aortic valve and root abnormalities, such
significantly more specific than 3D TTE in the identification as root dilation with aortic valve prolapse, and attempt to

142  3D Echocardiography



Figure 13.1  Severe mitral valve regurgitation due to severe flail and prolapse of the mitral anterior leaflet (A) . (B) 3D TEE before the repair
of the mitral valve . (C,D) Postoperative TEE color Doppler (C) and 3D (D, Left Panel in diastole and Right Panel in systole). (AV, aortic
valve; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.)




Figure 13.2  (A) 2D TEE after mitral valve (MV) replacement in the operating room. A significant residual MV paravalvular regurgitation is
noted . (B) Left Panel is a 3D color Doppler TEE showing the location of the paravalvular leak after mitral valve regurgitation (arrow) . (C)
Right Panel is a schema of the clock-like expression of the MV (see the main text). (AO, aorta; LAA, left atrial appendage.)

Surgical Management  143


Figure 13.3  (A) Bicuspid valve images of 3D TEE (Left Panel) and 2D TEE (Right Panel). Please note that 2D TEE does not definitively show
bicuspid aortic valve in this patient. (B) 3D TEE showing calcified bicuspid aortic valve (left in early systole and right in mid-late systole).

define echocardiographic predictors of successful valve-root

3D TEE provides an acceptable morphological
characterization of intracardiac masses, correlating well
with surgical inspection.14,15 In patients with cardiac mass,
As for the tricuspid valve (TV), 3D imaging may be useful including thrombi, myxomas, and lymphomas, 3D TEE can
for its surgical operation. Measurement of the TV annular provide better therapeutic decision making compared with
diameter is one of the most important parameters (4 cm 2D TEE, especially on the choice of optimal surgical access
in the apical four-chamber view) for the indication of prior to removal of intracardiac masses.14,15
surgical annuloplasty when left-side surgery will be done Another commonly seen cardiac mass is papillary
at the same time. A recent paper reported feasibility of 3D fibroelastoma. Figure 13.4A ( ) shows an example. 3D TEE
echocardiography in the OR setting. 3D measurements have can show its shape, size, and motion. In this case, we could
been found to be superior to 2D measurements and allow not tell its nature until pathological evaluation was done
for greater precision and accuracy that may guide better after its surgical removal. After surgery, no more mass is
intraoperative surgical decision-making.9 In a more recent seen above the tricuspid valve (Figure 13.4B, ).
study, however, 3D TTE and 3D TEE had no difference in However, do we really need 3D TEE for surgical removal
the annular measurement. Thus, use of 3D TTE is suggested of a cardiac mass such as myxoma or papillo-fibroelastoma?
over 3D TEE.10 3D imaging may help surgeons in planning reconstruction
The use of 3D TEE revealed that residual tricuspid of the area before the operation. In this case, the location,
regurgitation after tricuspid annuloplasty was associated shape, motion, and lack of involvement with the tricuspid
with a shorter total leaflet length, larger tenting volume, valve gives the surgeon a more definite idea about what
and higher TV morphological score (from a total score of would happen after its removal. This type of contribution
leaflet mobility, leaflet thickening, subvalvular thickening, depends on the anatomical variation of the mass relative to
and calcification).11 With the help of 3D echocardiography its neighborhood cardiac structure.14 Unless we have 3D TEE
for determining TV annulus geometry, a 3D geometric ring, images, we cannot tell how important their contribution
the so-called MC ring, was conceived.12,13 These days, this 3D could be. In this sense, 3D imaging is valuable for surgery
TV ring is one of the most popular TV annuloplasty rings. of a cardiac mass.

144  3D Echocardiography

Figure 13.4  (A) A mass in the right atrium detected by 2D TEE . The size and shape appear to be changing during the cardiac cycle. (B) A
mass is clearly visualized by 3D TEE before surgical removal (Left Panel) . After surgery, no mass is seen at the same location (Right Panel) .

and other modalities such as computed tomography and

SURGERY FOR CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE magnetic resonance imaging may change surgical planning
Regarding adult congenital disease in general, see Chapter completely for each individual patient.
16. As for the surgical contribution of 3D echocardiography
in this field, routine use of 3D echocardiography was REFERENCES
reportedly feasible and valuable for some types of congenital
1. Turton EW, Ender J. Role of 3D echocardiography in cardiac surgery:
heart disease. Surgeons found the 3D images helpful for Strengths and limitations. Curr Anesthesiol Rep. 2017;7(3):291–8.
providing a realistic and almost specimen-like preview 2. Scohy TV, Ten Cate FJ, Lecomte PV et al. Usefulness of intraoperative
of the surgical anatomy that facilitates planning of the real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiography in cardiac surgery. J Card
surgical program.16,17 In a more recent report, 3D printing Surg. 2008;23(6):784–6.
or 3D printed models did not change the surgical decision 3. Moura-Ferreira S, Sampaio F, Ribeiro J, Fontes-Carvalho R. A rare
case series of mitral valve clefts diagnosed by 3D echocardiography
in most cases of complex congenital heart disease (21 of and mini-review of the literature. Echocardiography. 2019;36(6):
40 cases, 52.5% cases). However, in 19 of the 40 selected 1203–7.
complex cases, 3D printed models helped redefine the 4. Gripari P, Mapelli M, Bellacosa I et  al. Transthoracic echocardio­
surgical approach.18 3D printing with and without 3D TEE graphy in patients undergoing mitral valve repair: Comparison of
new transthoracic 3D techniques to 2D transoesophageal echo­
may benefit surgery for CHD because of the individual cardiography in the localization of mitral valve prolapse. Int J
complexities of the cardiac anatomy. Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;34(7):1099–107.
5. Mack MJ, Leon MB, Thourani VH et  al. Transcatheter aortic-valve
replacement with a balloon-expandable valve in low-risk patients. N Engl J
CONCLUSION Med. 2019;380(18):1695–1705.
6. Blackman DJ, Van Gils L, Bleiziffer S et al. Clinical outcomes of the Lotus
Surgical views of the mitral valve by 3D TEE are valuable Valve in patients with bicuspid aortic valve stenosis: An analysis from the
before operations for surgeons to determine what would RESPOND study. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2019;93(6):1116–23.
be the best choice for the patient. In other areas, such as 7. 2010 ACCF/AHA/A ATS/ACR/ASA/SCA/SCAI/SIR/STS/SVM
congenital heart disease, 3D printing for surgical planning Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Thoracic
Aortic Disease Representative Members, Hiratzka LF, Creager MA,
would be truly beneficial because of its individualized nature. Isselbacher EM et al. Surgery for aortic dilatation in patients with bicuspid
Future development of this field with 3D echocardiography aortic valves: A statement of clarification from the American College of

Surgical Management  145

Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice 13. Fukuda S, Gillinov AM, McCarthy PM, Matsumura Y, Thomas JD,
Guidelines. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;151(4):959–66. Shiota T. Echocardiographic follow-up of tricuspid annuloplasty with
8. Hagendorff A, Evangelista A, Fehske W, Schafers HJ. Improvement a new three-dimensional ring in patients with functional tricuspid
in the assessment of aortic valve and aortic aneurysm repair regurgitation. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2007;20(11):1236 –42.
by 3 -dimensional echocardiography. JACC  Cardiovasc Imaging. 14. Muller S, Feuchtner G, Bonatti J et  al. Value of transesophageal 3D
2019;12(11,1):2225–44. echocardiography as an adjunct to conventional 2D imaging in preoperative
9. Bhatt HV, Spivack J, Patel PR et al. Correlation of 2-dimensional and evaluation of cardiac masses. Echocardiography. 2008;25(6):624–31.
3-dimensional echocardiographic analysis to surgical measurements 15. Espinola-Zavaleta N, Lozoya-Del Rosal JJ, Colin-Lizalde L, Lupi-
of the tricuspid valve annular diameter. J  Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019; Herrera E. Left atrial cardiac myxoma. Two unusual cases studied by 3D
33(1):137–45. echocardiography. BMJ Case Rep. 2014;2014.
10. Volpato V, Lang RM, Yamat M et al. Echocardiographic assessment 16. Del Pasqua A, Sanders SP, de Zorzi A et al. Impact of three-dimensional
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measurement methodology. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2019;32(2):​238–47. view. Pediatr Cardiol. 2009;30(3):293–300.
11. Utsunomiya H, Itabashi Y, Mihara H et  al. Usefulness of 3D 17. Charakida M, Pushparajah K, Simpson J. 3D echocardiography in
echocardiographic parameters of tricuspid valve morphology to predict congenital heart disease: A valuable tool for the surgeon. Future Cardiol.
residual tricuspid regurgitation after tricuspid annuloplasty. Eur Heart J 2014;10(4):497–509.
Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;18(7):809–17. 18. Valverde I, Gomez-Ciriza G, Hussain T et al. Three-dimensional printed
12. Fukuda S, Saracino G, Matsumura Y et al. Three-dimensional geometry models for surgical planning of complex congenital heart defects: An
of the tricuspid annulus in healthy subjects and in patients with functional international multicentre study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017;52(6):1139–48.
tricuspid regurgitation: A real-time, 3-dimensional echocardiographic
study. Circulation. 2006;114(1 Suppl):I492–8.

146  3D Echocardiography
14 Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment

it can play only limited roles for TAVR because conventional

INTRODUCTION 2D echocardiography and computed tomography (CT) can
Catheter-based treatment of cardiac abnormalities, provide enough information for the procedure, including
including valvular heart disease and congenital heart determination of the severity of aortic valve stenosis and
defects, has been increasingly accepted as an alternative regurgitation. Proper sizing of the aortic annulus before
treatment choice. The use of echocardiography, including TAVR using 3D methods, including CT and 3D TEE, is
TEE, for such catheter-based treatments is essential for important for the success of TAVR because the shape of
the success of the procedures. However, in general, 3D the aortic annulus is not circular.4 3D methods should
echocardiography would add little for certain procedures be used to evaluate the aortic annulus size because 2D
such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). As imaging techniques provide only a sagittal view, which may
for other cardiac procedures such as mitral valve (MV) underestimate it.4,5 3D TEE measurement of the aortic
procedures, significant contributions are reported and annulus is useful to decide the proper size of the TAVR
experienced. Discussed in this chapter are the present valve.6 However, we and others recommend the use of CT
perspectives on the role of 3D echocardiography for for this purpose rather than 3D TEE when CT is available.7,8
transcatheter procedures in adult cardiology.
TRANSCATHETER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT After TAVR, paravalvular aortic valve regurgitation (AR)
TAVR has been accepted as an alternative treatment is considered to be an ominous prognostic factor when
for inoperative or high-risk patients with severe aortic its degree is greater than mild. Echocardiography is most
stenosis.1 In intermediate-risk and even low-risk patients, widely used for determining the severity of AR, but it has
TAVR was reportedly at least similar to surgical aortic valve not yet been established for determining the degree of
replacement with respect to the primary end point of death paravalvular leak after TAVR.9 Newer types of the TAVR
or disabling stroke.2,3 valves, such as the  SAPIEN 3, have been developed with
3D echocardiography can demonstrate an en face view successful reduction of paravalvular AR and improved
of a calcified stenotic aortic valve and a newly implanted outcomes.10 When more than moderate AR is found, a
bioprosthetic valve as seen in Figure 14.1. However, clinically, plugging procedure can be performed immediately in

Figure 14.1  3D TEE images of the aortic valve before (Upper Panels, left in systole and right in diastole) and after transcatheter aortic valve
replacement (Lower Panels, left in systole and right in diastole).

Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  147

A mitral valve regurgitation, device closure of paravalvular
mitral regurgitation (MR) of the artificial valve, valve-in-
valve procedure, and native valve replacement. 3D TEE
is indispensable for these mitral valve procedures except
balloon valvuloplasty.


For the clip procedure, patients are classified into two types
of MR: primary or organic and secondary or functional MR,
according to the EVEREST study.13 The primary or organic
B type has typically degenerative valve changes such as mitral
valve prolapse and/or flail. Functional mitral regurgitation
(FMR) is caused by surrounding structures such as a dilated
left ventricle (LV) and also mitral annular dilation due to
chronic atrial fibrillation.14 Edge-to-edge clip repair was
accepted for surgically risky patients with moderately severe
to severe degenerative MR in October 2013 and for those
with moderately severe and severe FMR in March 2019 in
the United States.15,16 Because the inclusion criteria for
the clip procedure is MR degree greater than or equal to
moderate to severe (3 or 4/4), echocardiographic judgment
of the MR severity is critical. However, the degree of MR
is determined by conventional 2D echocardiography with
the combination of color Doppler - derived regurgitant jet
size, the size of the proximal isovelocity surface area, the
size of vena contracta, and also transmitral inflow velocity,
the density of the continuous-wave Doppler velocity signal
of MR, left atrial (LA) and LV sizes.17 In our recent study,
high-quality 3D TEE analysis of the vena contracta area
was a highly recommended alternative for estimating MR
severity.18 Addition or summation of separate vena contracta
areas created by the clip procedure may be useful for
Figure 14.2  Device closure of a significant paravalvular leak after
judging any residual MR.
transcatheter aortic valve replacement. (A) A significant leak before
the plugging . (B) A 3D TEE image showing a catheter at the site of
Anatomical assessment of the MV pathology is essential
leakage . (C) Color Doppler simultaneous biplane 2D TEE images, for the selection of management options. 3D TEE provides
showing successful plugging . for better imaging and anatomical analysis of the MV, such
as prolapse location, flail gap, and width in this setting.19
Therefore, even before going into the procedure room when
the catheterization laboratory. 3D echocardiography has the cause of MR is not clear by TTE, TEE with 3D capability
increased the feasibility of percutaneous approaches for the is highly recommended to evaluate the detailed anatomy of
management of paravalvular regurgitation.11 Transcatheter the MV, especially as TEE findings of an unexpected nature
repair of paravalvular leak after TAVR with or without 3D may change the management choice.
imaging can be safely and effectively accomplished, leading
to reduction in hospitalizations, improvement in symptoms, INTRAPROCEDURAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
and improvement in long-term survival rates.12 As seen in In the catheterization laboratory, TEE with real-time 3D
Figure 14.2, real-time 3D TEE could show the location of capability is essential to assist during the entire procedure,
the catheter at the leaking site (Figure 14.2B), resulting in including atrial septal puncture guidance, positioning of
the successful reduction of the post-TAVR paravalvular leak the clip on the MV orifice, and grasping of both MV leaflets
(Figure  14.2A through 14.2 C, ). In this situation, as (Figure 14.3A).20,21 Residual MR after the first clip is not
seen in Figure 14.2A and C, simultaneous 2D TEE biplane uncommon. Quick and precise imaging of the residual
imaging as a part of 3D echocardiographic capabilities is MR (location and severity) with 3D TEE (Figure 14.3A and
of great value and should be applied for the detection of B, ) is extremely important for the interventionist to
the leakage size and location with color Doppler in the place the second and possibly third clips properly.22
catheterization laboratory. After completion of the clip procedure, MV stenosis and
iatrogenic atrial septal defect (iASD) need to be checked
TRANSCATHETER PROCEDURES FOR MITRAL by TEE. We reported the value of real-time 3D TEE for
VALVE DISEASE determining the unique shape, size, and location of the ASD
Catheter procedures treating MV disease include balloon created by the septal puncture with the large catheter and its
valvuloplasty for MV stenosis, edge-to-edge clip repair for sheath (24F) used for the clip procedure (Figure 14.4).23 In

148  3D Echocardiography




Figure 14.3  (A) Edge-to-edge mitral valve clip repair. Upper panel shows 2D color TEE showing two simultaneous apical views with severe
functional mitral valve regurgitation (MR) before the clip procedure. Lower Panels (left in diastole and right in systole) show post-clip color
Doppler 3D TEE with medially mild residual MR (Right Panel, arrows). (B) 2D and 3D TEE color Doppler images showing residual MR at the
medial side of the clip .



Figure 14.4  2D and 3D TEE showing an iatrogenic atrial septal defect (ASD) (Left Panel, arrow) and 3D TEE (Right Panel, arrow). (LA, left
atrium; RA, right atrium)

Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  149

Figure 14.5  3D TEE images before (Left Panel) , during (Middle Panel) , and after (Right Panel) transcatheter closure of paravalvular
leak of the mitral valve prosthesis .

a published paper, patients with iASD showed higher death DEVICE CLOSURE OF PARAVALVULAR MITRAL
rates during the first 6 months.24 In our study, elevated LA REGURGITATION
pressure after MV clip was associated with persistent iASD.25 Paravalvular prosthetic MR is not uncommon and is
The size of the ASD can be a factor for LA pressure after the often asymptomatic. However, up to 5% of post-mitral
clip procedure. Once again, only 3D TEE can determine the valve replacement (MVR) patients may have significant
shape and size of the ASD created by the catheter (Figure paravalvular MR and thus need revision surgery because
14.4). In addition, 3D TEE demonstrated improvement of MR of heart failure symptoms with hemolytic anemia. These
with an increase in leaflet coaptation and a greater reduction patients with paravalvular prosthetic MR often pose a high
of anteroposterior annular diameter in patients with atrial risk for redo surgery. Therefore, catheter-based closure of
FMR than in ventricular FMR. In other words, 3D TEE paravalvular MR has been introduced with the use of TEE
identified differential effects of clipping on MV geometry for such high-risk patients. Because it is often difficult to
between patients with atrial and ventricular FMR.14,26 accurately identify the location of prosthetic MR with 2D



Pre-MVR Post-MVR

Figure 14.6  2D and 3D TEE images before (Left Panel) and after (Right Panel) transcatheter mitral valve replacement (MVR). (Upper Panels)
Color Doppler 2D TEE long-axis images showing severely calcified stenotic native mitral valve with proximal isovelocity surface area (Upper
Left Panel, arrow) and normal transmitral flow (Upper Right Panel, blue color) after the transcatheter MVR. (Lower Panels) Real-time 3D TEE
images of severely calcified stenotic mitral valve (Left) and the replaced valve (Right).

150  3D Echocardiography
Figure 14.7  3D TEE image of transcatheter replacement (Left Panel, arrows) and repair with a MitraClip (Right Panel, arrow) of the tricuspid
valve .

echocardiography, TEE with 3D color Doppler capacity (Figure 14.5, ).28 The location of the paravalvular leak
is chosen to assess the severity and location of prosthetic visualized by 3D color Doppler TEE is described using the
MR.27–30 In our study, color Doppler 3D TEE showed the clock-like expression. (The aortic valve is 12 o’clock, and
exact location of the circumferential orifice of paravalvular the left atrial appendage [LAA] is 9 o’clock.) This way, the
regurgitation around the artificial MV and thus was able to interventionist and the echocardiography specialist and/
effectively assist the transcatheter device closure procedure or cardiac anesthesiologist in the procedure room can

Figure 14.8  (A) 3D TEE showing the orifice and shape of the left atrial appendage (LAA). (B) 3D TEE images of a WATCHMAN device with
slight rotation of the en face view.

Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  151

communicate with a common language. This is extremely TRANSCATHETER MITRAL VALVE REPLACEMENT
important for the success of the procedure. FOR NATIVE MITRAL VALVE
Recently, transcatheter MV replacement for native MV with
VALVE-IN-VALVE PROCEDURE severe annular calcification has been reported. This so-called
For valvular prosthetic MR and post-MV repair with transcatheter MV implantation or replacement, TMVI or
a ring, a transcatheter valve-in-valve procedure or TMVR, emerged as an option in patients at high risk for
valve-in-ring procedure is now performed under TEE surgery.33,34 In a recent publication, TMVI for native severely
monitoring. Transcatheter transapical mitral valve-in-valve calcified MV disease (82% mitral stenosis and 18% MR)
implantation for dysfunctional biological mitral prosthesis appeared technically feasible with acceptable initial acute and
can be performed with minimal operative morbidity and midterm hemodynamic and clinical outcomes. For 8 out of
mortality and favorable midterm clinical and hemodynamic the 11 patients, TEE was used to guide the procedure during
outcomes. 31 3D TEE was used for transfemoral valve-in- clip closure.33,34 In our institution, it is clinically routine to use
valve implantations using Edwards SAPIEN 3, which would intraprocedural TEE with 3D capability to evaluate the severity
prevent or reduce paravalvular MR. 32 of mitral stenosis and regurgitation before deployment and






Figure 14.9  (A) 2D (Left Panel) and 3D (Right Panel) TEE images showing the catheter through the patent foramen ovale (PFO) (arrow) .
(B) 3D TEE images showing a PFO closure procedure . (C) Images of 3D TEE (Left Panel) and color Doppler 2D TEE (Right Panel) showing
a PFO closure device (arrow) without residual shunt .

152  3D Echocardiography
also to determine the location of the catheter (Figure 14.6) echocardiography. With the help of 3D echocardiography as
and the presence of residual paravalvular regurgitation, if seen in multiple cutting planes (Figure 14.8A), we can fully
any. TEE with real-time 3D capability would be essential for understand its structure, such as its chicken wing shape.
visualizing the location of the residual or recurrent valvular Percutaneous LAA occlusion with a Watchman device can
and/or paravalvular leaks in such patients. prevent patients with atrial fibrillation from stroke (Figure
14.8B). Correct sizing of the ostium of LAA is important
TRICUSPID VALVE PROCEDURES in LAA occlusion procedures. However, the variability of
It is not easy to obtain all three leaflets in a single 2D the ostium geometry often complicates the assessment of
plane. Therefore, 3D echocardiography, which can show the true ostium diameter. 3D TEE can facilitate this step
all three leaflets in one view, has strong advantages over of the procedure. In fact, in 55 patients undergoing LAA
2D echocardiography in both the transthoracic and the device closure, 3D TEE was reportedly feasible to use in
transesophageal approach. Utsunomiya et al. reported the decisions regarding device size.37 3D printing of the LAA
value of 3D echocardiography for assessing the surgical using real-time 3D TEE data may also provide perfect and
result of tricuspid valve repairs.35 3D echocardiography can rapid application in LAA occlusion to assist with physician
show the leakage location with ease, although the short- planning and decision making.38
axis 2D echocardiographic views taken by experienced
echocardiography teams can also show it. With the 3D PATENT FORAMEN OVALE/ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT/
echocardiography method, transcatheter tricuspid repair VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT CLOSURE
has been reported with certain success (Figure 14.7, ).36 Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a relatively common
congenital condition that has been implicated
in cryptogenic stroke as a result of paradoxical
NON-VALVULAR HEART DISEASE thromboembolism by right-to-left shunting. Many studies
LAA has complicated anatomical features, with structural have demonstrated that transcatheter PFO closure
characteristics that are not easily visualized with 2D significantly reduced the incidence of recurrent strokes



Figure 14.10  (A) Color Doppler 2D TEE showing left-to-right shunt (arrow) through a secundum atrial septal defect (ASD). (B) 3D TEE showing
a catheter through the ASD (Left Panel) and an en face view of the closure device (Right Panel). (LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.)

Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  153








Figure 14.11  (A) Color Doppler 2D TEE (Left, arrow) and 3D TEE (Right, arrow) images showing a membranous ventricular septal defect
(VSD) . (B) A color Doppler 3D TEE image showing shunt through the VSD . (C) 3D TEE images showing transcatheter closure device over
the VSD (arrows) . (AO, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.)

154  3D Echocardiography
in a small group of high-risk patients with PFO and atrial better spatial orientation. 39 As seen in Figure 14.9A ( ),
septal aneurysm compared with antithrombotic drugs. the catheter is clearly through the tunnel from the right
Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) and 2D TEE have atrium to the left atrium. 2D TEE did not clearly show the
become the elected techniques for guiding PFO closure. spacial relationship between the catheter and PFO tunnel.
However, real-time 3D TEE may be superior to 2D TEE The view of the closure device is impressive and shows it
or ICE in the accurate assessment of the morphology clearly covering the PFO when imaged by 3D TEE (Figure
and efficacy of transcatheter closure devices because of 14.9B and C, ).

Figure 14.12  (A) Color Doppler 2D TEE showing post-infarction VSD. (B) 3D TEE images showing VSD (arrows). (C) Color Doppler 2D TEE
showing the closure device without significant residual shunt.

Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  155

ASD closure is monitored by ICE and/or 2D TEE with 3D REFERENCES
capability. Clinically, ASD is visualized by 2D TEE with 1. Smith CR, Leon MB, Mack MJ et al. Transcatheter vs. surgical aortic-valve
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and important surrounding structures, which provides 3. Mack MJ, Leon MB, Thourani VH et  al. Transcatheter aortic-valve
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3D echocardiographic view. Also, 3D TEE is ideal for 4. Saitoh T, Shiota M, Izumo M et  al. Comparison of left ventricular
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Given high surgical mortality partly due to unsuccessful 2019;12(9):1881–3.
repair, transcatheter closure has emerged as a potential 15. Sorajja P, Mack M, Vemulapalli S et  al. Initial experience with
strategy in selected cases.44 We used 3D TEE in such a case commercial transcatheter mitral valve repair in the United States. J Am Coll
and found it clinically important to guide our interventionists Cardiol. 2016;67(10):1129–40.
in multiple device deployments for successful outcomes 16. Stone GW, Lindenfeld J, Abraham WT et al. Transcatheter mitral-valve
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(Figure 14.12A through 14.12C).45
17. American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association Task
Force on Practice Guidelines, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists,
Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Chatterjee K et al. ACC/AHA 2006 guidelines
CONCLUSION for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
Transcatheter management of cardiac patients is gaining on Practice Guidelines (writing Committee to Revise the 1998 guidelines
widespread popularity. 3D echocardiography, especially for the management of patients with valvular heart disease) developed
in collaboration with the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
real-time 3D TEE, in the catheterization or hybrid endorsed by the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
laboratory is indispensable for certain procedures such as and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;48(3):e1–148.
edge-to-edge closure of MR and closure of paravalvular 18. Berdejo J, Shiota M, Mihara H, Itabashi Y, Utsunomiya H, Shiota T. Vena
leaks. Future developments with other modalities, such as contracta analysis by color Doppler three-dimensional transesophageal
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fusion imaging with 3D echocardiography, would further and pseudoprolapse in eccentric mitral regurgitation. Echocardiography.
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19. Izumo M, Shiota M, Kar S et  al. Comparison of real-time three- SAPIEN 3 prostheses to treat a patient with degenerated mitral and aortic
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transesophageal echocardiography for quantification of mitral valve 33. Himbert D, Bouleti C, Iung B et al. Transcatheter valve replacement in
prolapse in patients with severe mitral regurgitation. Am J Cardiol. patients with severe mitral valve disease and annular calcification. J Am Coll
2013;111(4):588–94. Cardiol. 2014;64(23):2557–8.
20. Biner S, Perk G, Kar S et al. Utility of combined two-dimensional and 34. Puri R, Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, del Trigo M et al. Transcatheter mitral
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clip repair of mitral regurgitation. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011;24(6):611–7. disease: A systematic review. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2016;87(3):540–8.
21. Wunderlich NC, Siegel RJ. Peri-interventional echo assessment for the 35. Utsunomiya H, Itabashi Y, Mihara H et  al. Usefulness of 3D
MitraClip procedure. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013;14(10):935–49. echocardiographic parameters of tricuspid valve morphology to predict
22. Altiok E, Paetsch I, Jahnke C et al. Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral residual tricuspid regurgitation after tricuspid annuloplasty. Eur Heart J
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using color 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography and cardiac 36. Avenatti E, Barker CM, Little SH. Tricuspid regurgitation repair with a
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23. Saitoh T, Izumo M, Furugen A et  al. Echocardiographic evaluation Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;18(3):380.
of iatrogenic atrial septal defect after catheter-based mitral valve clip 37. Schmidt-Salzmann M, Meincke F, Kreidel F et  al. Improved
insertion. Am J Cardiol. 2012;109(12):1787–91. algorithm for ostium size assessment in Watchman left atrial appendage
24. Schueler R, Ozturk C, Wedekind JA et al. Persistence of iatrogenic atrial occlusion using three-dimensional echocardiography. J Invasive Cardiol.
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system: A note of caution. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;8(3):450–9. 38. Liu P, Liu R, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Tang X, Cheng Y. The value of 3D printing
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Nonsurgical Transcatheter Treatment  157

15 Artificial Valves

TEE imaging has progressively emerged as an important

INTRODUCTION diagnostic tool for PCV evaluation. Providing complete
Despite the important progress in repair techniques, prosthetic valve imaging without cut-plan limitations
prosthetic valve replacement is frequently required for heart together with an attitudinal anatomical view of its spatial
valve disease treatment.1 Various prosthetic cardiac valves relationship with adjacent structures, 3D TEE overcomes
(PCVs) have been developed to improve hemodynamics the potential disadvantages of the 2D approach.6 Figure 15.1
and durability and to reduce the complication rate of shows a 3D image with a left atrial en face view rendering
surgically implanted prostheses. 2,3 In recent years, new of mechanical mitral prosthesis with anatomical (Figure
percutaneously implantable artificial valves have been 15.1A) and anti-anatomical (Figure 15.1B) occluder disk
introduced to the toolbox, changing the clinical scenario orientation.
for the PCV population. In addition to clinical evaluation, Recently, the availability of a freely movable light
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), comprehensive transilluminator system (TrueVue) has enhanced 3D TEE
of 2D, spectral Doppler (SD), and Doppler color flow rendering with high-quality details and depth refinement,
mapping (CFM), is recognized as the first-line diagnostic providing accurate photorealistic imaging of the prosthetic
tool for the assessment of PCV function following surgical valve. Structural findings together with the occluder/leaflet
or percutaneous valve implantation.4 Although it provides motion of artificial mechanical and biological valves may
useful morphological and hemodynamic information, be clearly imaged.7 Figure 15.2 ( ) shows 3D TEE atrial
TTE may be challenging for artificial valve evaluation due and ventricular rendering of a normally functioning mitral
to acoustic shadowing, especially with mechanical mitral bioprosthesis using conventional 3D and photorealistic
prostheses. On clinical examination with suspicious TTE TrueVue systems.
findings, transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is 3D TEE imaging provides an accurate assessment of
frequently required for the ultimate assessment of artificial the actual characteristics of the implanted prosthesis,
valve function and abnormalities. Conventional 2D TEE highlighting potential inconsistencies between in
provides accurate imaging with high spatial and temporal vivo parameters and the manufacturer’s labeled valve
resolution into the selected cross-sectional view. However, size. According to recent suggestions of the European
skillful manipulation in the esophagus and various degrees Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the
of probe flexion or anteflexion are required to achieve a Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), and the American
quasi-complete examination of prosthetic valves. Since 2D TEE Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) Valve Labelling
provides single-plane images, the entire artificial valve and Task Force,8 the sizing and labeling of PCV is an important
the surrounding anatomical structures cannot be displayed but still unresolved issue awaiting standardized definition.
in a single en face view. Consequently, accurate prosthetic The dimensional characteristics of biological PCV that
valve evaluation depends greatly on the operator’s skill can be derived with 3D TEE include true “internal orifice
to mentally reconstruct cardiac structures from multiple diameter” (ID), stent ID, planimetric orifice area (POA),
2D TEE tomographic images. 5 With increasing spatial and external sewing ring diameter (ESRD). The ID is the
and temporal resolution, 2D TEE supplemented with 3D most relevant physical dimension that determines PCV


Figure 15.1  3D TEE, en face atrial surgical view of mechanical mitral prosthesis. (A) Anatomical and (B) anti-anatomical occluder disk

158  3D Echocardiography


A1 B1

C1 D1

Figure 15.2  3D TEE of normally functioning biological mitral prosthesis. (A) Atrial view, diastole ; (B) atrial view, systole; (C) ventricular
view, diastole ; (D) ventricular view, systole. A1, B1, C1, and D1 TrueVue imaging, respectively .

performance and is the most widely used parameter for than in bioprostheses with leaflets sutured outside the stent
the selection of transcatheter valve-in-valve prosthesis frame (true ID = stent ID). As hemodynamic performance
size.9 Some manufacturers report stent ID, which does is not directly related to labeled valve size, the actual ID
not account for the space between the leaflet tissue and and opening leaflet area measurement (POA) may improve
stent. In particular, significant inconsistencies occur more PCV hemodynamic characterization and performance
frequently in porcine or pericardial biological prostheses standardization beyond the manufacturer’s sizing and
with leaflets sutured inside the stent (true ID < stent ID) labeling data (Figure 15.3A and B).

Artificial Valves  159


Figure 15.3  (A) 3D TEE showing biological mitral prosthesis. Yellow dotted line: True “internal orifice diameter” (ID); Green dotted line: stent
ID; Red dotted line: external sewing ring diameter (ESRD); Yellow dotted circle: true internal planimetric orifice area (IPOA); Red dotted circle:
internal planimetric orifice area (POA). (B) Transesophageal 2D biological mitral valve view guided by 3D imaging. (1) True internal diameter
(red solid line); (2) External sewing ring diameter (ESRD) (red dotted line); (3) true internal planimetric orifice area (IPOA) (yellow circle).

A mechanical prosthesis may be clearly imaged with 3D TEE to determine EOA: Effective prosthesis area = LVOT
in terms of orientation, occluder motion, and geometric area × LVOT TVI (stroke volume)/prosthesis TVI, where
opening area, even though the anterior part of aortic PCV LVOT (left ventricular outflow tract) area equals (LVOT
visualization may be suboptimal, especially in patients diameter/2)2 × 3.14, LVOT -TVI is the time velocity integral
with a coexisting mechanical mitral prosthesis. Effective of the LVOT velocity obtained with pulsed-wave Doppler,
orifice area (EOA) is the most important parameter for the and prosthesis TVI is the time velocity integral of prosthesis
ultimate assessment of hemodynamics and malfunction outflow obtained with continuous Doppler.10 Continuity
of biological and mechanical prostheses. The continuity equation reliability in EOA assessment is related to optimal
equation using TTE is the conventionally accepted method alignment of the ultrasound beam with prosthetic flow

160  3D Echocardiography
and accurate determination of stroke volume using LVOT abnormalities. In addition to careful clinical examination,
area calculated with squared diameter measurement from TTE provides important parameters suggesting prosthetic
the parasternal long-axis view.11 Elliptical shape, small valve obstruction, including disk or bioleaflet motion
size, calcification, and aortic prosthetic sewing or stent analysis (M-mode and 2D images), Doppler transprosthetic
may affect the accurate assessment of LVOT area using a gradient, prosthetic area deriving from continuity equation,
single squared dimension and related EOA determination. and subverted CFM imaging. 2D TEE supplemented by
The common clinical consequence of unreliable LVOT 3D imaging permits the recognition or refinement of the
measurement leads to EOA underestimation, challenging prosthetic obstruction mechanism to choose an appropriate
the hemodynamic and clinical relevance of the calculated therapeutic management.12
PCV performance index. 3D TEE assessment of the left
ventricular outflow area refines the determination of OCCLUDER/LEAFLET PRIMARY ABNORMALITIES:
the effective prosthetic area, avoiding potential errors in TRICKS AND TIPS
the stroke calculation when a minor diameter alone with Occluder or leaflet motion evaluation is key to establishing a
conventional transthoracic approach is used. The addition diagnosis of PCV obstruction. In patients with a mechanical
of 3D TEE CFM offers a complete visualization of diastolic prosthesis, occluder malfunctioning may be intermittent,
flow through the prosthesis, matching the bioprosthesis requiring prolonged and careful observation during TEE
opening leaflet area or double orifice of the mechanical examination in a highly suspicious clinical context. Even
prosthesis, which is generated by occluder opening. though it provides high-resolution imaging, 2D TEE may
sometimes underestimate maximum occluder/bioleaflet
3D TEE IN MALFUNCTIONING SURGICALLY motion depending on the alignment of the ultrasound beam
with the prosthetic valve opening plane. Offering complete
visualization of occluder/bioleaflet motion, 3D TEE
PROSTHETIC VALVE OBSTRUCTION overcomes the potential limitations of the 2D approach.5,6,13
Prosthetic valve obstruction is generally caused by thrombus, Figure 15.4 ( ) shows a patient with a surgically implanted
pannus, vegetations, or primary occluder/bioleaf let mitral bioprosthesis with apparent restricted motion of

Figure 15.4  TEE showing a biological mitral prosthesis. (A) 2D imaging showing apparently fixity of one leaflet . (B) TrueView imaging
with 2D-derived imaging showing clear evidence of normal leaflet motion .

Artificial Valves  161

one cusp at early perioperative 2D TEE. Subsequent 3D further enhance the capability of 3D TEE imaging to depict
TEE imaging clearly shows a normally functioning mitral thrombus characteristics. Thrombosis is usually associated
bioprosthesis with preserved leaflet motion and normal with a spontaneous left intra-atrial smoking effect, which
planimetric area. may also limit or mask the 3D TEE atrial surgical view. A low-
Figure 15.5 reports a case of apparent reduced disk gain setting is required to attenuate or abolish the smoking
motion of a mechanical mitral prosthesis (ON-X25) due effect with the disadvantage of conventional 3D TEE
to the malalignment of 2D cropped images with opening imaging deterioration. The additional use of TrueVue with
disk plane. Additional 3D TEE images show complete leaflet appropriate transillumination provides high-quality mitral
motion, averting misdiagnosis of prosthesis malfunction. valve prosthesis images despite a coexisting atrial smoking
An accurate evaluation of transprosthetic flow with effect. Appropriately addressing the transillumination
Doppler CFM may be useful to support the diagnosis system, prosthesis imaging can be optimized to improve
of an obstructive condition. In particular, in patients 3D TEE diagnostic capability in the presence of intra-atrial
with bileaflet mechanical mitral valves, loss of one of smoking effect, maintaining the gain level that precludes
the prosthetic diastolic inflow jets is highly suggestive of conventional 3D TEE imaging.
occluder malfunctioning or obstruction (Figure 15.6, ). Thrombus and pannus differentiation is crucial to select
In patients with a biological prosthesis, 3D TEE provides patients who might benefit from thrombolysis rather than
additional information on an obstruction mechanism surgery.15–18
caused by structural valve deterioration (SVD). Using 3D imaging with gain optimization and appropriate
appropriate gain adjustment, leaflet calcification can be transillumination analysis with TrueVue may improve
clearly depicted with 3D TEE. Optimized TrueVue analysis thrombus rendering, showing a soft echogenic mass
may further refine valve calcification mapping. Leaflet rather than the higher translucence of pannus, together
motion analysis with 3D-guided images provides accurate with localization on the upstream side of the prosthesis.
measurement of the valve opening area, corroborating Figure 15.8 ( ) shows an example of a large mass with soft
the diagnosis and hemodynamic burden of prosthetic echogenicity sided in the atrial face of a mechanical mitral
obstruction. In addition to degenerative calcification, an prosthesis, suggesting a diagnosis of thrombus.
immunomediated reactivity may induce leaflet stiffness, Figure 15.9A through 15.9C shows a case of circumferential
reducing the valve opening area.14 Figure 15.7 ( ) shows pannus surrounding the prosthesis ring masking surgical
an example of early leaflet hypomobility in a patient with suture signs.
biological mitral prosthesis valve. The identification of pannus in the aortic prosthesis
may be challenging due to suboptimal 2D imaging of
NONSTRUCTURAL OCCLUDER/BIOLEAFLET the anterior site, especially in patients with a coexisting
ABNORMALITIES mechanical mitral prosthesis. Appropriate 3D rendering
Thrombus and pannus are the most common causes of provides a visualization of pannus commonly extended
PCV obstruction related to nonstructural occluder/leaflet to the left ventricular side of the aortic prosthesis
abnormalities. Clinical phenotypes may vary depending (Figure 15.10).
on the degree of occluder/leaflet malfunctioning and Pannus might also be an obstruction mechanism in
embolic occurrence. Massive prosthetic valve obstruction biological prostheses.19 Figure 15.11 reports a case of biological
is associated with clinical and hemodynamic instability prosthesis obstruction due to an intrastent pannus that was
requiring emergency surgical or thrombolytic treatment.14,15 visualized using an off-axis deep esophageal 2D TEE view
Nonsignificant occluder/leaflet abnormalities may be (“transcardia view”) permitting a complete cross section of the
characterized by a subtle clinical course or progressive prosthesis. Intrastent pannus findings were visualized with 3D
congestive heart failure. TEE is crucial for ultimate TEE, and the residual intrastent area was calculated using 2D
thrombus identification and its interference with imaging guided by multiview analysis. The pannus findings
prosthetic function, providing useful information for were confirmed during subsequent surgery performed
subsequent therapeutic management. However, TEE because of symptoms occurrence and severe pulmonary
may have some limitations, including suboptimal or artery hypertension (sPAP 90 mm Hg) during stress exercise
inadequate visualization of the ventricular side of a mitral echocardiography.
or tricuspid prosthesis, and the anterior side of an aortic Biological PCV obstruction may be due to cusp
prosthetic valve, especially in patients with a coexisting hypomobility as a consequence of an infective or
mechanical mitral prosthesis. Multiple views, together with immunoreactive process that can also occur during the
appropriate cropping planes using 3D-TEE, may overcome early phase following surgical implantation. Following
the limitations of 2D imaging and may provide additional TTE measurement of a high transprosthetic gradient,
information concerning thrombus characteristics 3D TEE, providing an accurate analysis of prosthesis
(dimension, insertion, echogenicity, mobile component) leaflet morphology and motion, may distinguish normal
that will guide therapeutic management. According to a functioning, high-flow conditions, or patient prosthesis
recently published meta-analysis,12 3D TEE shows a higher mismatch from obstructive PCV disease (Figure 15.12).
sensitivity (81%) than TTE (20%) or 2D TEE (68%) in Early detection of presymptomatic leaflet disease
detecting prostheses masses in patients suspected of PCV may identify a subset of patients who might benefit from
obstruction. Supplemental analysis with TrueVue may appropriate and effective strategies, including risk

162  3D Echocardiography
A1 A2

B1 B2

C1 C2

D1 D2

Figure 15.5  TEE showing a case of apparent reduced disk motion of a mechanical mitral prosthesis due to the malalignment of 2D cropped
images with opening disk plane. (A1,A2) 2D TEE, midesophageal view: reduced motion of prosthesis occluder, which appears normal at
subsequent 3D imaging; (B1,B2) systolic and diastolic conventional imaging; (C1,C2) systolic and diastolic TrueVue 3D imaging, respectively;
(D1,D2) preserved double inflow color flow mapping.

Artificial Valves  163


Figure 15.6  3D TEE, midesophageal view of mechanical prosthetic mitral valve showing a loss of one diastolic inflow jet due to blocked
occluder. (A) 2D imaging; (B) color flow mapping ; (C) 3D imaging .



Figure 15.7  TEE showing early hypomobility of medial leaflet in a patient with biological mitral prosthesis valve. (A) 2D TEE “transcardia
view”; (B,C) 3D TEE, conventional imaging ; (D,E) TrueVue 3D TEE imaging .

burden reduction of structural deterioration (i.e., arterial be asymptomatic but can lead to heart failure, hemolytic
hypertension, immunoreactivity) or the introduction of oral anemia or both. Heart failure is related to PVR severity and
anticoagulant treatment to induce regression or prevent associated left atrial compliance, whereas hemolytic anemia
thrombosis progression.19–22 may also occur in the presence of small PVR, especially in
Figure 15.13 shows a workup model to evaluate an aortic an eccentric regurgitation.25 Although TTE and 2D TEE
valve prosthesis. provide important parameters, 3D TEE plays a dominant
role in the ultimate diagnosis and therapeutic management
PROSTHETIC VALVE REGURGITATION of PVR patients. Using an en face anatomical view, 3D TEE can
Patients with surgically implanted PCV may develop map the leak site using a nomenclature based on prosthetic
regurgitation that can occur outside the valve prosthesis, as sites overlapping the clock face26–30 (Figure 15.14):
a consequence of leak around the sewing ring (paravalvular
regurgitation, PVR), or inside the valve prosthesis due • For the mitral prosthesis, the aortic valve is represented
by 12 o’clock, the midpoint of the posterior anulus is
to occluder/bioleaflet malfunctioning (intraprosthetic represented by 6 o’clock, the left atrial appendage is at
regurgitation, IPR). Echocardiography is the main tool used 9 o’clock and the interatrial septum at 3 o’clock.
to distinguish the site, identify the mechanism, quantify
regurgitation, and guide the appropriate therapeutic • For the aortic prosthesis, we can use the mirror imaging
of the mitral prosthesis nomenclature.
strategy. 23,24 Multiple structural factors may subtend
PVR development, including tissue friability, annular Careful attention should be paid to avoid artifacts of
calcification, infection, suture rupture, and the recent use ultrasound imaging (i.e., dropout, stitching, acoustic
of corticosteroid therapy. The clinical course of PVR may shadowing, and reverberation) during multibeat acquisitions

164  3D Echocardiography


Figure 15.8  TEE showing a case of large intraprosthesis mechanical mitral valve thrombus. (A) 2D large intraprosthesis thrombus occluding
the lateral orifice . (B) TEE and color flow mapping, subverted intraprosthetic flow with a loss of one diastolic inflow jet. (C) 3D atrial view,
large thrombus surrounding the prosthetic annulus and occluding the medial orifice . (D) 3D cropped anteroseptal view .

in an attempt to obtain an accurate 3D CFM overlapping with to stitch artifact development. In addition, ultrasound gain
prosthetic valve morphology at high temporal and spatial setting should be optimized to obtain a clear PCV image
resolution. Although improved by the use of dedicated without low-gain dropout (mimicking a leak) or a high-
software, multibeat 3D imaging acquisition in patients with gain setting, mimicking or masking a paraprosthetic leak,
atrial fibrillation may be limited by R-R changes, which lead respectively (Figure 15.15).


Figure 15.9  3D TEE atrial view. (A) Circumferential prosthetic ring pannus, masking surgical sutures, overlapping the anatomical specimen
(B); (C) atrial view of normal prosthesis showing surgical sutures.

Artificial Valves  165

A1 A2 A3

B1 B2 B3

C1 C2 C3

D1 D2 D3

Figure 15.10  Pannus at ventricular side of mechanical aortic prosthesis in a patient with a coexisting mechanical mitral prosthesis. (A1) TTE,
three-chamber apical view, showing an hyperechogenic structure in the left ventricular side of the aortic prosthesis with correlated large
convergency area at color flow mapping (CFM) (A2) and high gradient (A3), confirmed at TEE using transgastric long-axis view (B1: 2D; B2:
CFM; B3: Doppler gradient). (C1, C2, C3) 3D TEE, midesophageal cropped imaging focused on left ventricular outflow tract showing a pannus
into the ventricular side of the aortic prosthesis (C1: long axis; C2, C3: short axis), confirmed at surgery (D1, D2, D3).

166  3D Echocardiography
A1 A2 A3

B1 B2 B3

C1 C2 C3

D1 D2 D3

Figure 15.11  A case of biological mitral prosthesis obstruction (A1: mean gradient 8 mm Hg), turbolent diastolic color flow mapping (A2)
with normal pulmonary arterial pressure (A3), increasing during exercise (B1-B2: mean gradient 20 mm Hg ), together with severe pulmonary
hypertension (B3: 90 mm Hg) due to an intrastent pannus, which was visualized using an off-axis deep esophageal 2D TEE view (“transcardia
view”) (C1-C2-C3) permitting a complete cross section of the prosthesis. Intrastent pannus findings were visualized with 3D TEE (D1), and
the residual intrastent area was calculated using 2D imaging guided by multiview analysis. The pannus findings were confirmed during
subsequent surgery (D2, D3).

Comparison of the atrial view with a focused ventricular inaccurate using a single 2D echocardiography plane
view of the prosthesis may help distinguish artifacts from because the majority of patients have complex shaped
true leaks (Figure 15.16A and B). leaks. In addition to a clear identification of the jet site, 3D
The use of TrueVue may enhance the visualization CFM can improve the quantitative evaluation of PVR 30 with
of paraprosthetic leakage using a high-gain setting that accurate measurement of vena contracta (VC) parameters
may oversaturate conventional 3D TEE imaging. Another (diameter and area) and the regurgitant convergence area
important trick to avoid the gain-related trap in leak by cropping the 3D CFM signal using full-volume mode
identification is the coherence between the mapped leak at the downstream valve prosthesis site. In particular, in
site and the overlapping 3D CFM regurgitant jet. patients with multiple regurgitant leaks, VC areas of the
The quantification of PVR may be challenging, different orifices can be planimetered and added together
especially in the presence of eccentric or multiple to obtain accurate PVR assessment severity (Figure 15.17A
regurgitant jets. Regurgitant jet measurement may be through 15.17C).

Artificial Valves  167

A1 A2

Figure 15.12  3D TEE showing a normally functioning biological aortic prosthesis (A1) in a symptomatic patient with high gradient (50 mm
Hg) and reduced indexed area (0.5 cm2 /m2) at TTE, increasing during exercise together with severe pulmonary hypertension. TrueVue analysis
provides a clear visualization of a normal opening area (A2: ventricular side of systolic opening of aortic prosthetic valve).


Vmax <3 m/sec Vmax 3–4 m/sec Vmax >4 m/sec
Mgrad <20 mm Hg Mgrad 20–34 mm Hg Mgrad >35 mm Hg
EOA >0.85 cm2/m2 EOA ≤0.85 cm2/m2 EOA ≤0.65 cm2/m2

2D and 3D TEE
Normal valve
structure and motion
Calcificated leaflet
3D-stroke volume Mild calcification Thrombosis
3D-EOA Mild thrombosis Pannus
Reduced leaflet motion
>0.85 cm2/m2 ≤0.85 cm2/m2 Reduced opening area

prosthesis Patient prosthesis
High-flow state mismatch Cinically
Pre-clinical SVD or non-SVD
significant PCV

Figure 15.13  Echocardiographic workup for aortic prosthesis evaluation.

Using 3D TEE, we provide important information on

the site, shape, size, number, extension, and anfractuosities
of the leak subtending the PVR.24 Regurgitant anatomical
LM 6 orifice measurement may be inaccurate using a single 2D
3 RCA echocardiography plane because the majority of patients
LC have complex, nonplanar, irregular, and asymmetrically
shaped orifices. Using 3D TEE imaging measurement of
9 NC
12 the anatomical regurgitant lesion, the maximal area can
be obtained. Due to masking or suboptimal imaging of the
anterior region, the additive value of 3D TEE is lower in
ventricular-arterial prosthetic valves (aortic and pulmonary
6 3
prostheses) than in atriaventricular prostheses (mitral and
tricuspid) (Table 15.1).
The characteristics of paraprosthetic leaks are essential
to plan and guide the percutaneous treatment strategy.31
Figure 15.18A through 15.18D shows different leak shapes
Figure 15.14  Nomenclature for paravalvular regurgitation using
suitable for percutaneous treatment using a single device or
clock face. (LAA, left atrial appendage; LC, left coronary sinus; LM, multiple devices, respectively.
left main coronary artery; NC, noncoronary sinus; RC, right coronary The development of intraprosthesis regurgitation may
sinus; RCA, right coronary artery.) subtend a nonstructural or structural occluder/bioleaflet

168  3D Echocardiography
A1 A2

B1 B2

Figure 15.15  3D TEE showing gain dependence of paravalvular leak imaging. (A1) Masked leak by high gain setting; (A2) mimicked leak by
low gain setting; (B1) large paravalvular leak with coherent regurgitation site and extension (B2).


Figure 15.16  3D TEE. A double paravalvular leak of mechanical mitral prosthesis (dotted green circles): (A) Atrial view; (B) ventricular view.


Figure 15.17  3D TEE showing an oval-shaped paravalvular leak of a mechanical mitral prosthesis (A, dotted circle) with a correlated
regurgitation (B, color flow mapping); (C) cropped imaging focused to measure the vena contracta area of the regurgitant jet.

Artificial Valves  169

Table 15.1  Additive Value of Three-Dimensional Echocardiography in Artificial Valve Evaluation
Attitudinal Imaging
Comprehensive view + + +++
Surrounding structures + + +++
Atrio-Ventricular Site
(Mitral, Tricuspid) ++ ++ +++
Obstruction + ++ +++
Regurgitation + +++ +++
Leaflet/occluder mobility + ++ +++
Structural deterioration + ++ +++
Nonstructural deterioration thrombosis ++ (ventricular side) ++ +++(atrial side)
Internal diameter and area ++ (ventricular side) ++ (atrial side) +++ (atrial side)
Paravalvular leak - + +++
Ventricular-Arterial Site
(Aorta, Pulmonary) +++ (anterior side) +++ (posterior side) ++/+++
Obstruction +++ (anterior side) +++ (posterior side) ++/+++
Regurgitation ++ +++ +++
Leaflet/occluder mobility + +++ +++
Structural deterioration + +++ +++
Nonstructural deterioration thrombosis + +++ +++
Internal diameter and area + +++ +++
Paravalvular leak + ++ +++
Mismatch ++ +++ +++
Endocarditis - +++ +++
Vegetation vs. Thrombus

malfunction. Structural deterioration is the most common

cause of intraprosthetic biological valve regurgitation due to ENDOCARDITIS
primary leaflet damage, including calcification, detachment, Endocarditis occurs in 1%–6% of PCV patients (incidence
phlogosis, or septal endocarditis. Nonstructural issues, such 0.3%–1.2% per patient-year) without significant
as large thromboses or vegetations, may cause intraprosthetic differences between mechanical and biological prostheses.
regurgitation due to interference with prosthetic occluder/ Endocarditis is a frightening complication in PCV patients
bioleaflet motion.32 with high in-hospital mortality (20%–40%). Even though
it may play a role in the diagnostic workup, TTE has
important limitations in the recognition of endocarditis
due to a masking ultrasound effect in the upstream
prosthetic site, especially in patients with mitral and
tricuspid prostheses. The use of TEE, supplemented
by 3D imaging reconstruction, is crucial to diagnose
endocarditis, providing additional information on
vegetation morphology and local complications, including
paraprosthetic leak, abscess, perforation, and intracardiac
fistula. 33–35 The sensitivity of TEE in detecting prosthetic
valve vegetation verified at surgery or autopsy is higher
than TTE (82% vs. 36%, respectively). Maximum size
greater than 10 mm together with a soft echogenicity of
vegetation may be refined using 3D imaging in order to
stratify the embolic risk and guide the selection of optimal
timing for surgical treatment. 36 Differentiation between
vegetation and thrombus may be challenging in some
clinical contexts. For example, at times, the detection of
Figure 15.18  3D TEE showing differently shaped paravalvular leaks a paraprosthetic mass together with ambiguous clinical
of mitral valve prosthesis. (A) Oval-shaped leak that can be closed findings for endocarditis following dental procedures or
using one Amplatzer device (B); (C) crescent-shaped leak that can be noncardiac surgery requires a differential diagnosis of
closed with multiple devices (D). vegetation and thrombus, which may be a consequence

170  3D Echocardiography
of concomitant anticoagulant discontinuation. A careful with adjacent native structures such as mitral valve or systolic
multiple-view analysis of the mass using 3D imaging anterior motion (SAM)-related dynamic LV obstruction.
may depict infiltrative findings around the prosthetic However, due to prosthetic acoustic artifacts, TTE sensitivity
ring suggesting endocarditis. Targeted 2D with 3D in the analysis of leaflet structure and motion may be
imaging provides differentiation between isoechogenic limited. In particular, early leaflet abnormalities cannot be
(myocardium-like) and hyperechogenic vegetation, detected before hemodynamic impairment appears. Some
suggesting active or scarring evolution phases, respectively. recent studies report a significant incidence of subclinical
Paravalvular abscess, intracardiac postendocarditis shunts, immobility or thrombosis using computed tomography
and paravalvular leak may also exploit 3D imaging analysis. (CT) scan in the absence of hemodynamic signs of valve
obstruction.47,48 Although no systematic studies have been
made, the use of TEE supplemented by 3D images may
3D TEE IN MALFUNCTIONING refine the identification of structural valve deterioration
TRANSCATHETER ARTIFICIAL VALVES (leaflet thickening, calcification, and hypomobility) or
nonstructural abnormalities such as thrombosis. Thrombosis
In recent years, transcatheter replacement of dysfunctional may be an unexpected event without hemodynamic signs of
native and biological valves has substantially changed the valve obstruction.19,20 Figure 15.19A through 15.19C reports
clinical scenario of PCV patients, providing a therapeutic an impressive case of thrombosis at 2-month CT follow-up
option in patients who are at high surgical risk or are after valve-in-valve TAVR in the absence of significant
inoperable. 37–39 In addition to patient selection and gradient or valve area reduction. A subsequent TEE showed
procedural monitoring, echocardiography is essential a preserved leaflet motion and opening leaflet area. 3D
for the surveillance of implanted prostheses to identify analysis clearly demonstrated a valve-sparing thrombosis,
complications and establish appropriate treatment.40–42 outside the frame of the reimplanted valve, surrounding the
previously surgically implanted valve.
TRANSCATHETER IMPLANTED AORTIC VALVE Figure 15.20A through 15.20C ( ) reports an
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is the example of the added value of 3D TEE with TrueVue in
most widely used percutaneous procedure that aims to detecting intrastent endocarditis vegetation, which was not
achieve effective and durable treatment of aortic valve clearly apparent at 2D imaging and conventional 3D TEE.
stenosis. Like surgically implanted biological valves, Valve regurgitation following TAVR is a clinically
TAVR requires systematic echocardiographic evaluation relevant issue that can be related to varying factors, such
to detect hemodynamic and morphological signs of as undersizing for the native annular shape, prosthesis
structural or nonstructural valve deterioration.21,42–45 In malpositioning in the annulus, and calcification. Para- or
particular, the specific features of TAVR may promote valve intrastent site assessment and regurgitation severity may be
deterioration including leaflet injury (such as crimping, made using TTE- or TEE-CFM. Paravalvular regurgitation
loading, dilatation), abnormal flow pattern, nonuniform mapping requires a careful check of the regurgitant sites,
deployment, and frame expansion degree. A meta-analysis which can be multiple, eccentric, and located on different
including 8914 patients (median follow-up: 1.6–5 years) planes.49–51 Using 3D TEE, a comprehensive view of aortic
reports an incidence from 0 to 1.34 × 100 patient-years valve prostheses may be obtained, leading to optimal
(overall 28.08 × 10,000 patient-years).46 Most of the basic jet localization and respective measurement of vena
principles used to assess surgically implanted bioprostheses contracta area, which can be added for quantification
remain the same for TAVR patients. Systematic TTE of multiple-jet regurgitation. Although a very small jet
evaluation in TAVR patients should focus on transprosthesis and blooming effect are potentially limiting factors, 3D
gradient and EOA, valve stent position, leaflet thickness and TEE is more accurate than 2D TTE or 2D TEE imaging
mobility, para- or intrastent regurgitation, and interaction in the assessment of aortic regurgitation following TAVR


Figure 15.19  A patient with transcatheter valve implantation for deterioration of surgically implanted biological aortic prosthesis. (A) 2D
Doppler showing normal transprosthetic gradient; (B) 2D TEE showing a preserved leaflet motion and opening leaflet area with thrombus
surrounding the bioprosthesis; (C) 3D TEE analysis clearly demonstrated a valve-sparing thrombosis, outside the frame of the reimplanted
valve, surrounding the previously surgically implanted valve.

Artificial Valves  171


Figure 15.20  TEE reports a patient with transcatheter aortic valve replacement endocarditis and large and mobile iso-echogenic vegetation
more evident at 3D TEE with true system (C) than 2D (A) and conventional 3D (B) examination .

in selected patients with inconclusive data or challenging device detachment, or left ventricular outflow obstruction53
jet shape, requiring meticulous multiplane 2D views. (Figure 15.21).
However, the use of TTE can be complementary when
TEE is suboptimal for the anterior site exploration of TRANSCATHETER IMPLANTED TRICUSPID VALVE
prosthetic aortic valves. Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) may
be applied to treat failed surgically implanted biological
TRANSCATHETER IMPLANTED MITRAL VALVE prostheses or prosthetic ring annuloplasty. Like TMVR,
Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) has been 3D TEE plays an essential role in guiding the implantation
recently proposed to treat mitral regurgitation in native procedure and recognizing prosthesis complications,
or in degenerated surgically implanted bioprostheses. 52,53 such as regurgitation or obstruction as a consequence of
Echocardiography with 2D and 3D TEE together with CT structural deterioration or thrombosis. Figure 15.22 ( )
imaging are essential tools in selecting the workup of patients reports a 3D TEE in a patient with Ebstein disease who
who can benefit from TMVR, providing information on underwent TTVR following a failed surgically implanted
suitable valve anatomy, prosthetic sizing, and left ventricular bioprosthesis.
outflow obstruction risk. Intraprocedural 2D and 3D TEE
are mandatory to monitor transcatheter valve implantation, TRANSCATHETER IMPLANTED PULMONARY VALVE
guiding the appropriate device seating, orientation, and Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) can
valve covering and avoiding paravalvular regurgitation, potentially treat native pulmonary valve or bioprosthetic


Figure 15.21  TrueVue 3D TEE monitoring of transseptal bioprosthesis implantation in a patient with structural degeneration of surgically
implanted biological prosthesis. (A) Transseptal catheter device monitoring. (B) Ultimate deployment of bioprosthesis (valve in valve) with
residual small septal defect at site of transseptal puncture.

172  3D Echocardiography


Figure 15.22  Transcatheter tricuspid valve-in-valve. (A) 3D TEE showing a stenotic biological tricuspid prosthesis with high gradient (B); (C)
transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation; (D) postimplantation 3D TEE with improvement of prosthetic valve area together with transvalvular
gradient (E) and normal opening without leaks (F) .

conduct degeneration. 54 Like TAVR, TTE is required to A

monitor valve regurgitation or transvalvular gradient as signs
of the structural or nonstructural prosthesis deterioration.
In patients with nonconclusive TTE findings, 2D and
3D TEE may improve echocardiographic accuracy in the
quantification of pulmonary valve regurgitation and leaflet
degeneration detection. In particular, severe pulmonary
regurgitation may be confined in the early phase of diastole
as a consequence of the increase of end-diastolic right
ventricular pressure, limiting the pulmonary regurgitant
jet gradient. To avoid the potential pitfall for pulmonary
regurgitation evaluation, TEE offers accurate imaging
of pulmonary regurgitation with a transgastric long-axis
view of the right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonary
valve, together with the diastolic reverse of regurgitant jet
in the branch pulmonary arteries. Although published
experiences are lacking, the use of 3D TEE may improve
Figure 15.23  3D TEE showing a structural deterioration of biological
pulmonary insufficiency quantification, providing accurate
pulmonary valve with reduced leaflet opening (A), confirmed with computed
measurement of vena contracta diameter and area, as well as
tomography scan short- and long-axis views (B) in a patient with carcinoid
reliable assessment of biventricular stroke volume to quantify syndrome and liver metastasis requiring careful surveillance for selection of
regurgitant pulmonary volume and fraction (Figure 15.23). optimal timing for re-valve implantation.

cut-plan limitations together with an attitudinal anatomical
On clinical examination with suspicious TTE findings, TEE view of its spatial relationship with adjacent structures, 3D TEE
is frequently required for the ultimate assessment of artificial overcomes the potential disadvantages of the 2D approach.
valve function and abnormalities. With increasing spatial and Recently, the availability of a freely movable light transillumi-
temporal resolution, 3D TEE has progressively emerged as an nator system (TrueVue) has enhanced 3D TEE rendering with
important diagnostic tool for prosthetic cardiac valves evalu- high-quality details and depth refinement, providing accurate
ation. Providing complete prosthetic valve imaging without photorealistic imaging of the prosthetic valve.

Artificial Valves  173

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Artificial Valves  175

16 Adult Congenital Heart Disease

asymptomatic patients may be considered for repair based

INTRODUCTION on volumetric data. The shape of the RV offers challenges
Congenital heart disease (CHD) remains the most common in measuring its size and function in 2D imaging compared
congenital disorder in newborns and affects 0.4%–1% of the with the left ventricle (LV). 5 3D echocardiography has
population.1 The spectrum of defects is wide and ranges emerged to address these limitations.6 In CHD it has
from small and hemodynamically insignificant lesions to become important due to unique projections from the living
very complex conditions, such as functionally univentricular complex anatomy (such as en face views), true volumetric
hearts (UVHs) with a variety of associated lesions. quantification without geometric assumptions, and live
Without appropriate intervention, childhood mortality is dynamic geometric guidance during the interventional
high, and few patients with complex CHD reach adulthood. procedures. Understanding the exact size and shape of
Remarkable advancements in cardiovascular care and the defects and the cardiac anatomy allows planning for
interventional therapies have led to a substantial decline the appropriate therapeutic intervention, whether it is
in mortality from CHD over the past decades. At present, surgery or percutaneous closure. Thus, at this time, 3D
nearly 90% of children born with a cardiac lesion are echocardiography is an important complement to routine
expected to survive beyond the age of 18 years2; as a result, 2D echocardiography or Doppler echocardiography.
adults with CHD now outnumber children with CHD.3
In adults, CHD presents two major survival patterns:
unrepaired survivors to adult life and CHD patients who
underwent palliative or corrective therapeutic intervention Real-time 3D echocardiography is a useful technique in
(surgery or percutaneous procedure) in childhood. As CHD.7,8
adults, they subsequently face residual defects, sequelae,
or complications from interventions that contribute to MODALITIES OF DATA ACQUISITION
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and they will need
lifelong follow-up.
Although not truly “3D,” most 3D matrix transducers
This continually growing population presents a particular
permit the simultaneous display of orthogonal planes so
diagnostic challenge for the cardiologist. Echocardiography
that two or three distinct cross-sectional planes can be
remains the gold standard in diagnosis and provides
viewed simultaneously. Applications include assessment
information on the basic cardiac anatomy, orientation
of atrial septal defect (ASD)9 size and rim length (Figure
and position of the heart, venous return, connection of
16.1), size and shape of ventricular septal defects (VSDs),
the atria and ventricles, and origin of the great arteries.
It also allows examination of the morphology of cardiac
chambers, analysis of heart valves and ventricular function,
and noninvasive hemodynamic evaluation. In this adult
population, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is more
challenging than in pediatric patients because of larger body
size and often multiple previous surgical scars. Although most
adults undergo TTE and when necessary, complementary
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)4 are performed. The use of
TEE is also increasing since it has been shown that it has
a major impact on planning and guiding cardiac surgical
and interventional procedures. For their interpretation, the
cardiologists require special expertise in all aspects of native
and postoperative CHD.
When dealing with complex anatomy, such as in CHD,
both 2D TTE and 2D TEE have significant limitations. As
2D echocardiography captures a 2D slice of the heart, it
forces readers to mentally re-create the cardiac anatomy
to envision 3D structures. Furthermore, assessment of Figure 16.1  TEE imaging in an adult with secundum atrial septal
ventricular volumes and function may also be complicated defect (ASD) with adequate superior and inferior rims. Orthogonal
by geometry, particularly in systemic and subpulmonary multiplane mode: Apical four- to five-chamber view with probe
right ventricle (RV) and UVHs. The presence of RV rotated toward right-sided structures, and longitudinal bicaval view.
dysfunction in CHD carries poor prognosis, and many (ASD, atrial septal defect; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.)

176  3D Echocardiography

Figure 16.2  TEE imaging in adult with normal mitral valve. Orthogonal multiplane mode in different leaflets (anterior A and posterior P):
(A) P1-A1, (B) P2-A2, (C) P3-A3.

atrioventricular (AV) valve morphology (Figure 16.2A • Optimal 2D echocardiography images with appropriate
through 16.2C) and regurgitation, outflow tracts, and gain (avoid low gain to avoid loss of tissue) and
arterial valves. compression setting (clear blood-tissue border -
minimize noise).
REAL-TIME 3D FULL-VOLUME DATASET • Optimal 3D echocardiographic images with appropriate
Full-volume 3D dataset is a large 3D pyramidal volume gain (increased with respect to 2D echocardiography)
electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated acquisition. A 3D full- and compression setting.
volume dataset is used for volumetric acquisition, needed
for quantification of left ventricle and atrium (Figure 16.3), ZOOM
right ventricle and atrium, and functional single ventricle 3D zoom is a magnification of the pyramidal volume of a
volumes and ejection fractions. In addition, biplane or region. 3D zoom and 3D color Doppler are indispensable
triplane guidance of full-volume acquisitions can be used for visualizing valves, especially the mitral valve (MV)
to avoid loss of ventricular walls, leading to optimal offline (surgical repair or interventional procedures), CHDs,
analysis of ventricular volume. In addition, a full-volume 3D and structural procedures (Figure 16.4 - ASD, 3D zoom,
dataset is useful in structural heart diseases and CHDs. precatheter closure).
Following are some technical tips: Following are some technical tips:

• Multibeat acquisition of seven beats (seven subvolumes), • Good ECG signal with clear R-wave, no vibration,
if it is possible. controlled heart rate, no breathing, if possible
• triggering) avoiding artifacts of vibration, arrhythmias,
Good ECG signal with clear R-wave (3D full-volume • Small sector (e.g., in MV, avoiding much of the left
atrium [LA] or LV cavities)
or breathing. To improve frame rate to maximize axial • Optimal 2D echocardiography images - Optimal gain to
and temporal resolution, it is necessary to minimize the avoid false defects (e.g., false mitral cleft or interatrial
sector (low deep, narrow angle, and high density). communication) and optimal compression
• Optimal 3D echocardiography images (e.g., in MV,
acquisition in TEE, midesophageal long-axis detecting
the best orthogonal plane)

Figure 16.3  TTE left atrial volumes and ejection fractions. Full- Figure 16.4  Atrial septal defect with 3D zoom, precatheter closure;
volume four-chamber (4C), two-chamber (2C), and short-axis views. it permits sizing atrial septal defect dimensions and the rims.

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  177

Figure 16.5  Panoramic functional single ventricle, right ventricular, and left ventricular, huge left atrium, ventricular septal defect, and
atrial septal defect. (ASD, atrial septal defect; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; M, mitral valve; T, tricuspid valve; RA, right atrium; RV, right

The fundamental characteristic of this modality is that it
displays in real time, permits rotation and optimization of
the 3D pyramidal volume image, and avoids artifacts between
adjacent subvolumes (movement, respiration, arrhythmia).
The main use of this modality is to guide interventional
procedures (particularly ASDs, VSDs, and the AV valves)
and follow-up for CHDs (Figure 16.5).

3D echocardiography color Doppler can be added to any
of the modalities mentioned previously. The problem is the
reduction of temporal resolution that improves by using
ECG-gated multibeat acquisition. Some manufacturers may
permit the user to prioritize temporal resolution over spatial
resolution to maintain an acceptable frame rate (Figure
16.6, ).
Color Doppler also permits identification of shunts, Figure 16.6  Panoramic functional single ventricle, tricuspid
insufficiencies, leaks, and stenosis. regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and ventricular septal defect
. (MR, mitral regurgitation; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; VSD,
Individual tilt or rotation of valves in CHDs must be
corrected. well as semiautomated mitral leaflet motion detection
The 3D display modes for CHD include (1) volume for quantification of valve function, both of which may
rendering, (2) surface rendering, and (3) multiplanar be limited by the abnormal ventricular shape or valve
reformatted (MPR) image display. morphology found in CHD.
1. Volume-rendered datasets can be electronically segmented, . Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) allows the 3D
allowing the operator to “crop” the heart in multiple echocardiography dataset to be viewed on a quad
sections to expose the cardiac structure of interest from screen with the 3D dataset cut into three planes
any desired angle. This is especially useful for CHD prior (sagittal, coronal, and transverse) (Figure 16.9) that are
to surgery or intervention (Figure 16.7A and B, ). configurable by the user. These planes, not available by
2. Surface rendering presents the surfaces of structures 2D echocardiography, can aid in understanding complex
or organs with a solid appearance and is mainly used to anatomies and facilitate the sizing of many lesions, such
visualize size, shape, and function of cardiac structures. as ASDs and VSDs. Valve areas, effective orifice areas,
Analysis software for this mode includes semiautomated and vena contracta areas of regurgitant jets can all
and fully automated endocardial border detection for be measured by manipulating cutting planes to avoid
quantification of LV (Figure 16.8) and RV function as foreshortening or oblique measurements.

178  3D Echocardiography

Figure 16.7  Crop in two clips. (A) Right coronary (RC) from left sinus . (B) Left main (LM) coronary artery with bifurcation on left anterior
descending and left circumflex artery from the left sinus .

Figure 16.8  Semiautomated endocardial border detection for quantification of left ventricule in patient with tetralogy of Fallot. Four-
chamber (4C), two-chamber (2C), three-chamber (3C), and short-axis views.

Figure 16.9  Common atrioventricular (AV) valve, single ventricle, and AV regurgitation color Doppler in three planes (sagittal, coronal, and

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  179

Atrial Septal Defect
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF 3D Atrial septal defects (ASDs) are highly relevant to
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN ADULT CHD echocardiographers and clinicians as one of the most
There are a number of cardiac lesions for which 3D common congenital abnormalities, not uncommonly
echocardiography has an incremental value.7 Although it is diagnosed and treated during adulthood. ASD types
heavily weighted toward valvar lesions and defects in both include the following (Figure 16.11A through 16.11D):
the atrial and ventricular septum in unrepaired adults, there
1. Ostium secundum ASD, in the region of the fossa
is also an incremental value of 3D echocardiography for the
ovalis and its surroundings, which comprise 80% of all
assessment of more complex defects in repaired adults, such
as conotruncal anomalies.
2. Ostium primum ASD, positioned inferiorly, part of the
spectrum of endocardial cushion defects (see partial AV
septal defect)
ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECTS 3. Superior sinus venosus defect (5%), near the orifice of
Normal Anatomy of the Atrial Septum SVC and associated with anomalous pulmonary venous
3D TEE allows a detailed anatomical observation of the connection
interatrial septum, including the remnants of the fetal 4. Inferior sinus venosus defect (<1%), near the IVC entry
circulation: the fossa ovalis (FO) and the foramen ovale.10 5. Unroofed coronary sinus, extremely rare interatrial
More than 25% of normal adults present a patent foramen communications (<1%), located posteroinferior to the
ovale, which under some circumstances may have pathologic oval fossa and often associated with PLSVC; caused by
relevance. Moreover, most of the structural interventions in a defect in the embryonic left arteriovenous fold, which
the left heart require transseptal crossing of the interatrial forms a common wall between coronary sinus and LA
septum through the FO. Therefore, an adequate knowledge
of the anatomical features of the interatrial septum, as well 2D Echocardiography
as its normal and pathologic variants is definitely required. Guidelines recommend diagnosing an ASD by the
Figure 16.10 shows an en face view of the atrial septum as demonstration of shunting across the interatrial septum, with
viewed from the RA (Figure 16.10A) and from the LA evaluation of the right heart and associated abnormalities.4
(Figure 16.10B) aspects. The FO does not lie exactly in the 2D TTE often serves this need, providing the necessary
middle of the atrial septum but instead is displaced a little imaging information to establish the diagnosis of ASD
inferoposteriorly. Inferior to the FO is the inferior vena and make informed clinical decisions.11 Table 16.1 shows
cava (IVC), and inferoanteriorly, the coronary sinus (CS). the components of a comprehensive echocardiographic
The superior vena cava (SVC) enters from above along the evaluation.
posterior aspect of the atrial septum. The tricuspid valve The subcostal view is the preferred window because the
(TV) lies anteriorly. The aortic valve and root lie centrally in interatrial septum is approximately perpendicular to the
the heart, wedged between the two atria and resting on the echocardiography signal (Figure 16.12). The apical four-
atrial septum. Thus, the anterosuperior border of the FO is chamber view can also be especially useful in evaluation
related to the aortic root. The muscular rim characterizes of the right heart. However, the parallel orientation of the
the RA aspect, whereas the LA aspect is flat. atrial septum to the echocardiographic signal in this view


Figure 16.10  3D TEE image, en face view of secundum atrial septal defect from the right atrium (A) and from the left atrium (B). (Ao, aorta;
IVC, inferior vena cava; CS, coronary sinus; MV, mitral valve; RUPV, right upper pulmonary vein; SVC, superior vena cava.)

180  3D Echocardiography


Figure 16.11  2D TTE examination showing different types of atrial septal defects (ASDs). (A) Secundum type ASD, (B) superior sinus venosus
defect (arrow), (C) unroofed coronary sinus, and (D) primum type ASD. (CS, coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; LAVV, left atrioventricular
valve; RAVV, right atrioventricular valve; SVC, superior vena cava.)

venous connections. Finally, the TEE can more precisely assess

Table 16.1  Echocardiographic Evaluation of Atrial the size of an ASD and guide procedural planning.
Septal Defect
Atrial septal defect (ASD) type, number, size, and shape 3D Echocardiography
Direction of the shunt flow 3D echocardiography has three potential roles in ASD:
Associated abnormalities 1. It provides an en face view of the defect to evaluate the actual
• Mitral valve prolapse types, numbers, size, and shape (which is typically oval, not
• Anterior mitral valve leaflet cleft (ostium primum ASD)
round)12 and to determine the shortest tissue rims around
• Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (superior sinus
venosus ASD) the defect (Figure 16.14), which is important for multiple
Right atrial and ventricular volume overload ASD device closures and procedural monitoring. Among
Quantification of pulmonary arterial pressure the four types of ASD (secundum, primum, sinus venosus,
Pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio and coronary sinus), percutaneous transcatheter device
closure is feasible only in the secundum type, excluding
large defects (>38 mm diameter) or insufficient (<5 mm)
may lead to artifactual dropout and can be misleading. septal rims; however, a deficient retroaortic rim (anterior
Complementary views may be obtained from the parasternal rim) is not a contraindication to device closure, requiring
short axis and other nonstandard views. careful consideration.13
Color Doppler confirms the ASD diagnosis and shows 2. It may provide a better evaluation of the anatomy and
the directionality of shunt flow. Pulsed-wave Doppler function of the MV or AV valves, particularly in patients
allows assessment of lower-velocity flows across the with an ostium primum defect.
interatrial septum and can be useful in estimation of 3. It can provide volumetric information for an enlarged
the pulmonary flow to systemic flow ratio. Continuous- RV or geometric details of the dilated tricuspid annulus
wave Doppler may be used to assess the gradient across from the en face view, which can be used for concomitant
the interatrial septum in patients with LA hypertension tricuspid annuloplasty during ASD patch closure.14
and restrictive ASDs, or obstruction to pulmonary venous
return. The following are technical tips to be highlighted15:
A TEE provides higher-definition visualization of the • Echocardiographic view to obtain 3D dataset to assess the atrial
interatrial septum. TEE is also particularly helpful to rule out a septum: Acquisition from the midesophageal basal long-
sinus venosus ASD in the setting of RV enlargement and volume axis (or bicaval) view. It is the most useful to reconstruct
overload of unknown etiology (Figure 16.13A and 16.13B). 3D images of the ASDs. This view is acquired from the
Furthermore, a TEE may help to detect anomalous pulmonary midesophageal position, after electronically rotating

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  181

Figure 16.12  2D subcostal echocardiographic views of the atrial septum showing an atrial septal defect in the midseptum and color Doppler
with left-to-right shunt. (LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.)

the probe by 90°. This dataset contains, from anterior blurred, then gain must be decreased before acquiring
to posterior, RA free wall, RA cavity, interatrial septum the next dataset.
(IAS), and LA cavity. Removal of the RA free wall brings • Presentation modes: 2D biplane (or triplane) has the
in view IAS from the RA perspective. advantages of including the display of simultaneous
• Optimal gain settings before and during the acquisition: additional echocardiographic views, with high-
Keeping the gain setting in midrange, cropping the frame rates and excellent temporal resolution.
first dataset immediately after its acquisition. If there Complementary simultaneously displayed orthogonal
are echocardiographic dropouts, then the gain must be plane imaging provides incremental information
further increased before acquiring subsequent datasets. compared with that from a single plane, and this
Similarly, if the anatomical boundaries are getting imaging modality is uniquely suited to transcatheter


Figure 16.13  3D TEE views demonstrating superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect from the right atrium (A) and from the left atrium (B).
(RUPV, right upper pulmonary vein.)

182  3D Echocardiography
network (2%–15%) and, in the most extreme case, cor
triatriatum dexter (CTD), in which the right atrium (RA) is
completely divided into two compartments by a membrane
that restricts flow toward the RV. CTD has an estimated
incidence of around 0.025% of all CHDs and is frequently
associated with right-side defects caused by abnormal fetal
circulation: stenosis or atresia of the pulmonary valve (PV),
TV abnormalities, and ASD.16 One variant is incomplete
CTD, in which the valve remnant, without completely
dividing the RA, is prolonged with the anterior border of
the atrial septum, thus generating septal misalignment with
ASD. Clinical signs depend on the degree of obstruction.
Furthermore, the presence of such a defect increases the
difficulty and risk of complications during percutaneous
ASD closure. Surgical repair may be considered when the
Figure 16.14  3D TEE image, en face view of secundum atrial septal continuity of the membrane is extensive (from the retroaortic
defect from the right atrium (Ao, aorta; ASA, atrial septal aneurysm; margin to the AV border) or rigid (echocardiographically
CS, coronary sinus; FO, fossa ovalis; IVC, inferior vena cava; SVC, thick), or the defect is very large.17
superior vena cava.) CTD can be diagnosed by echocardiography and
procedure guidance. Also, 3D imaging allows for magnetic resonance imaging. 3D TEE allowed the precise
multiple acquisition modes, including zoomed and description of this anomaly (Figure 16.16A through 16.16D).
volume rendering. Once 3D volumes are acquired, After cropping the anterior wall of the RA, real-time 3D
postprocessing is performed to align the plane of images in zoom modality of the RA internal cavity showed
the atrial septum with multiple 3D plane slices. This how the membrane divided the atrium into a posterior
approach facilitates an assessment of the shape of inflow in which the vena cava (VC) drain and an anterior
an ASD and allows for measurement of the en face outflow chamber.
diameters in multiple orthogonal views, without
the potential for bias due to malalignment of the Cor Triatriatum Sinister and Supravalvular Ring
ultrasound planes (Figure 16.15). Cor triatriatum sinister is a rare CHD in which a thick
fibromuscular or membrane divides the LA into a proximal
or superior chamber that drains the pulmonary venous
blood and a distal or inferior chamber that is in contact
Cor Triatriatum Dexter with the AVvalve and contains the atrial appendage and
Disruption of the involution of the right venous valves the true atrial septum. It represents 0.1% of all CHDs, and
during cardiogenesis is believed to be responsible for a wide 80% have associated ASD.18 Clinical features mimic those
variety of abnormalities: prominent eustachian valve, Chiari of mitral stenosis.
3D echocardiography is able to show the exact
morphology and accurately visualize the number and
size of fenestrations in the fibromuscular membrane; it
distinguishes three groups18,19:
1. It is defined by the absence of connection between the
two chambers - the accessory chamber might connect
with the RA or some of the pulmonary veins might drain
in anomalous fashion.
2. There are one or a few small openings in the intra-atrial
3. The accessory chamber communicates widely with the
true atrium by a large single opening (Figure 16.17).
The area of the foramen can also be accurately measured
and the relations of the membrane to other cardiac
structures can be assessed especially to differentiate cor
triatriatum sinistrum from the supravalvular ring, the latter
being located below the LA appendage (Figure 16.18).


Figure 16.15  Atrial septal defect shape and size assessed using 3D CONGENITAL MITRAL VALVE DISEASE
TEE. It allows the maximal ASD dimensions and planimetered area to Congenital malformations of the MV are often complex and
be obtained by multiplane orthogonal views. affect multiple segments of the valve apparatus. They may

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  183


Figure 16.16  TEE in cor triatriatum dexter. (A,B) Restrictive left-to-right shunt through a large patent foramen ovale and a membrane that
separates the atrium into two parts. (B) Real-time 3D images in zoom modality of the right atrial internal cavity showing how the membrane
divides the atrium into an inflow and an outflow chamber. (C,D) The membrane contains wide openings (arrows).

occur in isolation or in association with other CHDs. The techniques for congenital MV repair. It was based on
majority of MV malformations are not simply classified, and the “predominant lesion,” as it was also observed that
descriptive terms with historical significance (parachute, multisegment pathology was the most prevalent.
mitral, or arcade) often lack the specificity that cardiac
surgeons demand as part of preoperative echocardiographic The Carpentier classification was based on leaflet motion:
morphological assessment: normal (I), prolapsed (II), and restricted (III) normal (A) or
First, pathoanatomical mechanism (cleft, valves-chordal, abnormal (B) papillary muscle. In addition, it considered the
abnormal leaf lets: thickness, mobility, calcification, predominant anatomical and hemodynamic effects (mitral
dysplastic), and second, the severity of mitral regurgitation regurgitation or mitral stenosis).
or stenosis. This description of congenital MV defects was widely
Additional important findings include LV and RV accepted and utilized over the next three decades. In 2008,
ventricular size and volumes, LA and RA size, tricuspid Oppido and colleagues further refined the classification
regurgitation (TR), and pulmonary hypertension. system by adding another level to Carpentier’s classification,
the quality of leaflet tissue: normal or dysplastic. In their
Pathoanatomical Mechanism surgical series, dysplastic leaflets were associated with less-
Systematic evaluation of the congenitally malformed favorable and less-durable repairs. Leaflets may be deficient,
MV using segmental echocardiographic analysis is underdeveloped, or associated with accessory tissue.
recommended to assist precise communication and optimal Carpentier I: Normal leaflet
surgical management.
1. Supravalvar region: Mitral ring in Shone syndrome
• MV cleft is better seen by 3D TEE imaging: A leaflet cleft
is usually of the anterior MV leaflet with chords often
(Figures 16.18 and 16.19, ). attached to its free edges (Figure 16.20).
2. Annulus: The annulus of the MV leaflet may be normal, Clefts of the posterior MV leaflet are rare and are often
dilated, hypoplastic, or in extreme cases atretic. confused with normal (but pronounced) indentations
3. Leaflets and commissures: Carpentier classification of the posterior leaflet. Only clefts that affect the leaflet
(1976, revised 1998) is a surgical classification system tissue between these indentations should be regarded as
to specifically facilitate the development of tailored true clefts (Figure 16.21A and B).

184  3D Echocardiography
1. Tendinous chords: Chords may be fused, matted, thickened,
and/or shortened and result in variable degrees of
restriction of leaflet motion. When chords elongate, they
can allow leaflet prolapse. In the absence of chords, the
papillary muscles may directly insert into the leaflets.
2. Papillary muscles: Papillary muscle arrangements may be
normal with two symmetrical muscles located two-thirds
of the way from the basal to the apical end of the LV wall.
Alternatively, that arrangement may be asymmetrical (with
one dominant papillary muscle), less commonly single, or
multiple (as has been described with hammock valves).

Severity of Mitral Regurgitation

The mitral regurgitation severity should be assessed by
qualitative and quantitative methods. Blood pressure must
be registered, along with color Doppler jet size, pulmonary
venous flow, E wave, proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA),
and vena contracta area, preferably by 3D TEE imaging.

Severity of Mitral Stenosis

The mitral valve area (MVA) can be assessed by planimetry
using either 2D or 3D imaging, the pressure half-time, the
continuity equation, and the PISA method.
The MVA should be planimetered in the parasternal
short-axis view, in mid-diastole, after processing the 3D
dataset, and preferably by 3D TEE imaging.
3D echocardiography provides better alignment of the
image plane at the mitral tips, rendering a more accurate
and reproducible planimetric measurement with excellent
interobserver and intraobserver agreement.
Figure 16.17  3D TEE showing a supravalvular ring (blue arrows) 3D TEE remains the method of choice for the diagnosis of
located below the left atrial appendage communicating widely with mitral rings, showing a discrete circumferential membrane
the outflow chamber and the regurgitant mitral valve. Simultaneous attached to the atrial surface of the MV leaflets (known as
2D orthogonal plane imaging by TEE provided more accurate an intramitral ring) or above the MV annulus (known as a
measurements of the area. supramitral ring) and characteristically positioned below
the LA appendage and foramen ovale, as opposed to the
anatomy of cor triatriatum.
• Double-orifice MV (Figure 16.22) may occur if there is
duplication of the orifice with each suborifice supported
by its own chordal apparatus. Alternatively, a bridging TRICUSPID VALVE
valvar tissue may divide the inlet. The commissures may The TV has a complex anatomy.21 It is the largest and most
be underdeveloped or absent. apically positioned of the valves and has three leaflets: anterior,
• Annular enlargement: Functional mitral regurgitation posterior, and septal, with the anterior leaflet being the largest.
The septal leaflet is the most consistent, the others being more
could be from dilated cardiomyopathy (leaflet and
papillary tethering) or atrial functional mitral variable, often with several scallops and multiple commissures.
regurgitation. Additional important findings include The valve is inserted in the area of fibroadipose tissue that
cooptation depth and length.20 isolates the atria from the RV (the AVjunction). Similar to
• Perforated leaflet. the MV, the annulus of the TV has a nonplanar saddle shape,
• Annular calcification. with high and low points. As the small septal leaflet is fairly
• Carpentier II: Prolapsed leaflet. Additional important fixed to the underlying septum, dilatation is thought to occur
primarily in the septal-lateral dimensions. This dilatation
findings include flail width and gap.
• Degenerative MV disease is from Barlow disease (Figure results in a more circular and planar-shaped annulus. The
papillary muscles give support to the commissures. The medial
• Fibroelastic deficiency with prolapse or flail leaflets. muscle or cone muscle gives support to the anterior-septal
commissure. The anterior muscle offers the chordae tendineae
Carpentier IIIa: Restricted leaflet during diastole and that support the free edge of the anterior leaflet; a small muscle
systole; rheumatic disease offers chordae to the posterior leaflet. Finally, multiple strings
Carpentier IIIb: Restricted leaflet during systole; functional insert the septal leaflet into the interventricular septum. This
mitral regurgitation could be from ischemia/infarct complex anatomy makes it difficult to examine the valve by

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  185

Figure 16.18  Bidimensional and 3D TEE in cor triatriatum sinister. The relation of the membrane (arrows) to patent foramen ovale (PFO),
left upper pulmonary vein (LUPV), and left atrial appendage (LAA) are fairly demonstrated. (Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; MV, mitral valve; RA,
right atrium; RV, right ventricle.)

using 2D echocardiography. Thus, the posterior leaflet can or vegetations, as well as localizing the origin of regurgitant
practically never be studied, and in addition, tomographic jets or performing planimetry of the tricuspid orifice area
images and orthogonal planes of the subvalvular apparatus (Figure 16.25A and B).21,22
are very limited. Currently, 3D echocardiography provides TR in CHD may result from structural alterations of
anatomical images that allow in vivo accurate anatomical any or all of the components of the TV apparatus and may
analysis (Figure 16.24A through 16.24D, ).22 be classified as primary, when it is caused by an intrinsic
Guidelines for performing and displaying 3D TEE images abnormality of the valve apparatus, or as secondary, when
recommend a standard approach for displaying the en face it is caused by subpulmonary or systemic RV dilatation (see
view of the TV. The image can be displayed as if viewing later section “Transposition of the great arteries”). The
the TV from either the RA or RV orientation. In both, it is spectrum of congenital abnormalities of TV is large, while
suggested that the septal leaflet be displayed at the 6 o’clock there is a group of patients with TV dysplasia or congenitally
(inferior) position. En face views may be especially helpful abnormal TVs that are underrecognized, Ebstein anomaly
in localizing leaflet disease, such as prolapse, perforation, and TV anomalies associated with atrioventricular septal
defects (AVSDs) are the most commonly discussed.
Ebstein Anomaly
Ebstein anomaly is a rare congenital cause of isolated TR
that has an extremely variable natural history.23 It may
present at any age, with a variety of hemodynamic and
electrophysiologic sequelae. Patients with isolated minor
or moderate TV displacement may remain asymptomatic
until late adult life. It is characterized by the tethering of TV
leaflets (most commonly the septal and posterior leaflets) to
the walls of the RV and ventricular septum. The tethering
process of the septal leaflet to the ventricular septum results
in an apparent displacement of the leaflet attachment toward
the apex of the RV, which is a characteristic feature seen on
2D TTE. Atrial septal defects, mainly secundum type, are
present in over 80% of patients with Ebstein abnormality.
2D TTE is one of the most important tests in the
evaluation of Ebstein anomaly. The key echocardiographic
Figure 16.19  Mitral supravalvular stenosis in Shone syndrome . findings include exaggerated apical displacement of the

186  3D Echocardiography
Figure 16.20  Anterior mitral valve cleft and ostium primum septal defect, 2D and 3D echocardiographic surgical views. (AV, aortic valve;
LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricle; MV, mitral valve; RA, right atrial; RV, right ventricle.)


Figure 16.21  (A) Posterior mitral valve cleft and (B) anterior and posterior mitral valve cleft 3D echocardiographic surgical view. (AV, aortic
valve; MV, mitral valve.)

Figure 16.22  Real-time 3D transthoracic image of double-orifice

mitral valve.

Figure 16.23  3D TEE zoom. Barlow disease. Multisegmentary prolapse.

tricuspid annulus ( ≥8 mm/m2) compared with the mitral
annulus in an apical four-chamber view and a dysplastic TV
with RV dysfunction24 (Figure 16.26). Table 16.2 summarizes and adequate visualization of the posterior tricuspid leaflet,
characteristics of Ebstein anomaly demonstrable by 2D which provide significant information that can be helpful in
echocardiography. the evaluation of these patients for TV repair.
Unfortunately, 2D TTE is limited in its visualization of 3D echocardiography has demonstrated to be valuable in
certain key morphological features in Ebstein anomaly, the identification of the distribution and extent of tethering
including the tethered and nontethered parts of the leaflets, of individual TV leaflets.25,26 The system may scan a 60° × 60°

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  187



Figure 16.24  Transthoracic examination of tricuspid valve from different views. None of these windows can image the three leaflets
simultaneously. (A) Apical view, (B) parasternal short-axis view, (C) right ventricular inflow view, (D) transthoracic 3D imaging of the normal
tricuspid valve (right ventricular view) . (A, anterior; Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; P, posterior; RA, right atrium; RV, right
ventricle; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; S, septal.)

3D pyramid of data. Two orthogonal reference plans are used of congenital heart malformations characterized by a
to localize cardiac structures in the volume. Navigation by common AV junction coexisting with deficient AV septation.
cropping and sectioning data allows 3D views of the TV to Complete AVSDs are identified by the presence of a large
be obtained. The aim of cropping the 3D dataset is to create AVSD (primum ASD and inlet VSD) with a single AV valve
a view similar to the view to be seen by the surgeon. Also, located inside a single annulus containing five leaflets
multiplane imaging of the TV allows precise localization of (Figure 16.30A). Partial AVSDs have varying sizes of the
regurgitant jets and simultaneously display of the short- and AVSD and a partitioned AV orifice.
long-axis views of the tricuspid leaflets. The clinical presentation and survival pattern into
3D TTE visualized the characteristic bubble-like adulthood relate to the specific morphology of the defect
appearance that results from the protrusion of the and the presence of associated lesions. Unrepaired
nontethered parts of all three TV leaflets, the anatomy of the survivors to adult life are patients with ostium primum
chordal attachments in the RV free wall, or their extension ASD with or without both restrictive VSD and AV valve
into the RV outflow tract (Figure 16.27). Mechanisms of regurgitation and patients with complete AVSD that
regurgitation are easier to comprehend from 3D images have moderate RV outflow tract obstruction or develop
(Figure 16.28, ). Finally, the benefits of 3D in the setting pulmonary vascular disease (Eisenmenger syndrome). In
of Ebstein anomaly are not limited to assessment of the surviving patients following surgery, the most common
TV. This can also demonstrate the abnormal rotation of lesions that led to reintervention are left AV valve (LAVV)
the axis of the TV (Figure 16.29A, ). A more complete regurgitation, subaortic stenosis, and residual shunts.27
assessment of the functional RV, including volumes, and of There are features that are common to all hearts with
the atrialized portion of the ventricle is important, as these unrepaired AVSD, irrespective of the presence of atrial or
thinned portions of myocardium are poorly muscled and ventricular septal defects:
prone to aneurysmal changes (Figure 16.29B).
1. Absence of the AV muscular septum and loss of normal
offsetting of AV valves (Figure 16.30A)
An AVSD is a complex malformation that can be accurately 2. LV inlet/outlet disproportion (Figure 16.30B)
evaluated by echocardiography. It covers a spectrum 3. Abnormal position of the LV papillary muscles

188  3D Echocardiography

Figure 16.25  3D TEE image of the tricuspid valve. (A) Right atrial view in systole and right atrial view in diastole, showing the regurgitant
orifice (thick arrow). (B) Simultaneous orthogonal planes allow the tricuspid annulus area to be traced and the diameters to be accurately

4. Abnormal configuration of the AV valves unoperated survivors, including size, valvular structures,
5. Trifoliate appearance (cleft) of the LAVV (Figure 16.30C) as well as surrounding cardiac anatomy (Figure 16.31A and
B, ).28 In patients with complete ASVD, 3D TTE with its en
3D Echocardiography face view and its ability to adjust viewing at differing angles
Compared with traditional 2D echocardiography, 3D TEE offers a precise depiction of the superior bridging leaflet to
provides a more comprehensive assessment of the defect in more confidently differentiate ASVD into modified Rastelli
types. Furthermore, in patients with partial AVSD, 3D imaging
provides a precise evaluation of the length, width, extent, and
size of the cleft (actually a partially open commissure) within
the LAVV, which 2D TTE is not as successful at doing. Also, 3D
TTE offers the assessment of AV valve regurgitation severity

Table 16.2  2D Echocardiographic Features in Ebstein

Apical displacement of the septal tricuspid valve leaflet (≥8 mm/m2)
Dysplasia and restrictive tricuspid leaflet motion
Abnormal chordal attachments to myocardium
Exaggerated motion of the anterior leaflet and abnormal attachments to
the free edge
Size of the tricuspid valve annulus
Severity of tricuspid regurgitation
Aneurysmal dilatation of RV outflow tract
Figure 16.26  Transthoracic apical four-chamber view in a patient
Atrialization of RV inflow tract
with Ebstein anomaly showing apical displacement of the septal
Permanent foramen ovale or secundum atrial septal defect
leaflet and severe tricuspid regurgitation.

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  189

Figure 16.27  Ebstein anomaly. Anomalous chordal attachments of septal and anterior leaflets to the right ventricular septum and free
wall. Rotation of the functional tricuspid orifice in Ebstein anomaly. Rotational shift of the functional tricuspid orifice away from the
atrioventricular junction to the plane that divides the trabecular and outlet zones of the ventricle.

utilizing color Doppler (Figure 16.32) and clearly showed the VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECTS
classic elongated and narrowed left ventricular outflow tract VSDs are the most common CHD defects. An isolated
(LVOT) associated with ASVDs. Tunnel obstruction may be VSD diagnosed in adults is relatively common with four
seen in cases where there are discrete accessory chordae that anatomical types: infundibular VSD (supracristal or sub­
arise from the superior bridging leaflet and traverse the LVOT. arterial type), membranous VSD (the most common type;
Table 16.3 displays long-term structural complications about 80% of VSDs are this type), inlet defects (AV canal
following surgical repair in AVSD. type), and muscular defects.
LAVV regurgitation is a common cause of reintervention 2D TTE and 2D TEE can be used to make the diagnosis
after repair of AVSD. Real-time 3D TTE is more effective of VSD, but the measurements are often inaccurate. As
compared with 2D TTE in evaluating the LAVV in patients VSDs are frequently oval rather than circular in shape, the
who previously had AVSD repair by providing an en face measured area of the defect on 2D oblique slices is often
view of the valve (Figure 16.33). This visualization offered an underestimation of the true area. 3D echocardiography
useful information regarding the morphology of the valve, has a potential diagnostic role for two reasons. 29 First,
its function, and increases in LAVV diameter after surgery it can provide an en face VSD on the RV septal surface to
contributing to LAVV regurgitation. assess the actual shape and size of the defect, which can be

Figure 16.28  Real-time 3D echocardiography allows precise description of the regurgitant orifice and mechanisms of regurgitation (reduced
functional surface) in Ebstein anomaly .

190  3D Echocardiography


Figure 16.29  Real-time 3D echocardiography shows (A) cases where
rotation/displacement of the functional valvular orifice was extreme,
if the plane was chosen which cuts the tricuspid valve (thin arrows)
through its long axis, the mitral valve (thick arrow) was seen in short
axis in the same plane . (B) Cross-sectional views at midventricular
level, showing atrialized (arrows) and functional right ventricle
together with the hinge points of anterior and septal leaflets, could
also be imaged by 3D echocardiography.

underestimated in routine 2D tomographic views. The size Figure 16.30  Real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiographic
of the VSD can be better understood by 3D TTE compared image perspective of the atrioventricular septal defect. There is a
with 2D TTE because of the improved visualization of common atrioventricular (AV) junction (A), and the aorta is located
the major and minor axes of the defect. 3D TEE also anteriorly in an unwedged position (B). The left AV valve shows a
provides information on the relationship to surrounding trifoliate appearance (C). (Ao, aorta; IAS, interatrial septum; IVS,
structures. The appropriate anatomy of the VSD location interventricular septum; LA, left atrium.)


Figure 16.31  (A) 2D TEE image of atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). (B) Real-time 3D TEE image of the atrioventricular junction in a
patient with AVSD. View from atrial perspective. The cleft (arrow) is just the line of apposition between the superior (S) and posterior
(P) bridging leaflets. The posterior bridging leaflet prolapses into the left atrium . (Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right
atrium; RV, right ventricle.)

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  191

Subaortic Stenosis
Subaortic stenosis describes a group of congenital heart
lesions that result in obstruction of blood flow just under
the aortic valve in the LVOT. It is relatively rare, accounting
for around 6.5% of all CHD and can occur in isolation or
in association with other structural heart defects. Currently
it is considered a defect of postnatal development whose
prevalence is increasing in adults due to the greater number
of repaired CHDs that develop into evolutive subaortic
stenosis. In contrast to infants and children below 18 years,
adults show a slow rate of LVOT obstruction progression.
Aortic regurgitation (AR) is a common but usually mild and
nonprogressive consequence.31
Fixed subaortic stenosis can occur secondary to a discrete
shelf-like membrane, or a diffuse tunnel-type lesion.
Obstruction can also be due to accessory or anomalous
Figure 16.32  3D color Doppler imaging allows accurate
quantification of atrioventricular valve regurgitation.

Table 16.3  Long-Term Structural Complications

Following Surgical Repair in Atrioventricular Septal
Left atrioventricular valve regurgitation
Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
Left atrioventricular valve stenosis
Right atrioventricular valve regurgitation/stenosis
Residual interatrial or interventricular shunt
Aortic regurgitation

from the tricuspid and aortic valves with an adequate rim

of tissue is important in transcatheter device closure30 Figure 16.34  Real-time 3D TEE showing the relationship of the
(Figure 16.34, ). Second, 3D volumetric assessment of the ventricular septal defect with the tricuspid and aortic valves . (*)
LV depicts the consequence of volume overload from the Ventricular septal defect. (AML, anterior mitral leaflet; Ao, aorta; LV,
hemodynamically significant VSD shunt. left ventricle; PV, pulmonary valve; TV, tricuspid valve.)

Figure 16.33  Left atrioventricular valve (LAVV) failure after atrioventricular septal defect repair. Standard TEE examination (Right) with color
Doppler (Middle) to assess LAVV regurgitation. (Left) An en face view of the LAVV by 3D TEE that demonstrates the sites of regurgitation.
(*) The residual cleft. (Thin arrow) A residual buttonhole at the base of the repaired leaflet.

192  3D Echocardiography
Table 16.4  2D Echocardiographic Findings for
Congenital abnormalities of the aortic valve include the
Subaortic Stenosis
bicuspid valve (true and with raphe) and rarely the uni- or
Morphology, type, and extent of the stenosis from the parasternal long quadricuspid valve (Figure 16.36A through 16.36C, ).
axis and apical five-chamber Precise description of aortic valve morphology (bicuspid vs.
Severity of the stenosis using continuous-wave Doppler and pulsed-wave tricuspid) is important also to guide patient management.
Doppler Different cusp fusion associated with different evolution:
Aortic valve stenosis and severity and mechanism of regurgitation
Aortic measurements in the parasternal long-axis view • Right and noncoronary cusps: More rapid progression of
aortic stenosis/regurgitation
Hypertrophy and function of the left ventricle
• Right and left cusps: Higher incidence of aortic wall
degeneration and aortic coarctation
The 3D aortic valve rendering in motion allows
discrimination between a TV and a bicuspid valve with a
raphe that mimics a commissure, the latter showing a fish-
mouth opening. By 2D echocardiography, false-positive
diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve may arise from incomplete
demonstration of all three-valve closure lines due to
inadequate aortic valve cross sections.33
3D TTE and 3D TEE for assessing aortic valve morphology
have been validated against surgical findings. The best view
is the en face view of the aortic valve from the aorta to define
leaflet margins and commissures.
The following are some tips:

• Optimal 2D imaging quality

• Electrocardiogram-gated
Parasternal view (better resolution) or apical view
Figure 16.35  Real-time 3D echocardiography provides visualization • time, or real-time zoomed 3D (“stitched” volumes), real-
of the subaortic membrane and allows the stenosis area to be images
assessed. (Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; RV, right ventricle.) • resolution to be achieved (e.g., upforto higher
The smaller aortic valve size allows temporal
60 volumes per
MV tissue and diverticula or papillary muscle.31 Table 16.4 second with narrow-angle, six-beat acquisition) in
displays the usefulness of 2D echocardiography for subaortic comparison with MV imaging
stenosis. • Slightly higher time gain/compression setting
The 3D TTE offers visualization of the aortic valve and • Breath-hold in expiration will minimize artifacts
subaortic membrane from different perspectives giving a
real-life depiction of the true cardiac anatomy and offering Using 2D echocardiography, a parallel alignment
insight as to the size and severity of stenosis.32 Viewing the of the tomographic plane to the aortic valve orifice
membrane en face from the LVOT (Figure 16.35), the orifice is sometimes impossible to obtain in short-axis views,
area may also be measured. It is also important that the especially in the setting of an enlarged ascending aorta. By
echocardiographer fully assesses the aortic valve structurally 3D echocardiography, the proper alignment to the aortic
and functionally prior to surgery. TEE is often very helpful annulus has no restrictions (Figure 16.37A and B).
in studying the relationship between the subaortic stenosis For regurgitant eccentric jets and cusp integrity, color 3D
and the aortic valve. data can be added as adjunct to 3D morphology and should


Figure 16.36  Morphological variants of the aortic valve by 3D echocardiography. (A) “True” bicuspid valve with no raphe . (B) Bicuspid
valve with raphe . (C) Quadricuspid valve .

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  193


Figure 16.37  (A) Enlarged ascending aorta. (B) 3D alignment permits identification of bicuspid valve in orthogonal plane. (AV, aortic valve;
LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.)

be integrated with color Doppler information provided by • Leaflet edge systole and diastole
2D echocardiography. • and right of the leaflet hinge-to-ostium distance left

Aortic Stenosis • Sinus volume and sinus width

In CHDs in which Doppler methods have known limitations
(subaortic stenosis or increased LVOT gradients, eccentric
• Aortic leaflet length (in the midsystolic frame)

jets, significant AR, small aorta, LV dysfunction, etc.), aortic Effective height, which represents the height difference
valve planimetry becomes critical for diagnosis. between the central free margins and the aortic insertion
Accurate LVOT size and geometry are critical34,35 for the lines, can be easily determined by 2D echocardiography
quantitation continuity equation of aortic stenosis severity, and allows for identification of prolapse in the native cusps
for correct annulus sizing during TAVI, for calculating and assessment of prolapse correction after valve repair.
stroke volume and shunt Qp/Qs, and for guiding the muscle Nonetheless, it allows only two of three aortic valve coaptation
reduction therapies in septal hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. planes to be seen. This may lead to a misunderstanding of
Quantification of aortic valve area using 3D the underlying pathophysiological mechanism for AR and,
echocardiography is more accurate than aortic valve hence, to unsuccessful repair. In contrast, 3D TEE with
planimetry by 2D echo or continuity equation by Doppler multiple plane reconstruction allows for visualization of all
echocardiography.36 three coaptation planes between the aortic valve cusps, and it
Volumetric 3D echocardiography and 3D-guided biplane represents an invaluable tool in the assessment of aortic valve
imaging may optimize the positioning of the cut plane at the geometry. It is highly recommended before aortic valve repair
level of leaflet edges and, therefore, improve the accuracy to accurately study the complex cusps’ anatomy and their
and reproducibility of aortic valve orifice planimetry. This geometric interrelation with the aortic root (Figure 16.38).37
is critically important for the identification of the minimal The exact size and shape of the vena contracta are
orifice area, particularly in congenital aortic stenosis with a important parameters in the quantitation of regurgitant
doming valve. Accuracy achieved with 3D TEE planimetry lesions. Calculations from 2D echocardiography are based
was superior to 2D TEE, which significantly overestimated on the geometric assumption that the vena contracta area
the aortic valve area. is either circular or elliptical (Figure 16.39).

Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic valve repair is an excellent alternative to replacement
for aortic insufficiency.
3D echocardiography was more sensitive than 2D TEE in
detecting morphological abnormalities of the aortic valve
documented intraoperatively.
The preoperative data from 3D echocardiography are
valuable to predict optimal graft size and determine the
need for leaflet remodeling in patients with AR selected
for valve-sparing root surgery. These data include the
• Leaflet deficiency, prolapse/perforation, commissural
• Root model and coaptation height Figure 16.38  Aortic root morphology assessment by high-resolution
• Intercommissural distance and leaflet height 3D TEE imaging.

194  3D Echocardiography
sinuses (NCS) and rarely from the left coronary sinus (LCS)
or multiple sinuses. When SVA ruptures, it is more apt to enter
the RV, followed by the RA, causing left-to-right shunting
and hemodynamic symptoms. Although surgical repair
is the traditional therapeutic option for a ruptured SVA,
transcatheter closure has recently been recognized to be a
safe alternative treatment. Previously, 2D echocardiography
was used to visualize the rupture. However, the detailed
delineation of sinus aneurysm anatomy provided by 3D
echocardiography has contributed to successful transcatheter
closure of the defect (Figure 16.41).38


Figure 16.39  3D TEE and vena contracta in aortic regurgitation. In this anomaly, the aorta arises from the morphological RV,
and the pulmonary artery (PA) arises from the morphological
LV (i.e., there is ventriculoarterial discordance).39
Complete transposition of the great arteries (also known
as D-TGA) is one of the most common cyanotic defects
seen in newborns. Many patients with D-TGA have survived
into adulthood with an atrial switch procedure (Mustard
or Senning operation) performed in infancy, which leaves
the morphological RV supporting the systemic circulation.
Unfortunately, the atrial switch surgeries are associated with
several complications later in life including baffle leaks,
obstructions, and TV insufficiency. Now, the standard of
care includes surgery to switch the arterial structures.
Congenitally corrected TGA (ccTGA), also called L-TGA,
includes not only ventriculoarterial discordance but also AV
Figure 16.40  3D TEE and bicuspid aortic valve with aortic
discordance and therefore also has a morphological RV and
endocarditis with pseudoaneurysm. a usually abnormal TV in the systemic circulation. Although
some patients with ccTGA (especially those with other
Aortic Valve Endocarditis associated anomalies, for example, VSD, Ebstein anomaly)
In the assessment of aortic valve endocarditis, 3D are corrected in childhood, most ccTGA patients (especially
echocardiography is capable of defining the size and shape of those with isolated ccTGA) do not require surgical repair in
vegetations, and complications (abscess, pseudoaneurysm) childhood and are natural survivors into adulthood and are
(Figure 16.40). diagnosed when they develop heart failure or TR.
For both populations, systemic RV failure is an important
SINUS OF VALSALVA ANEURYSMS long-term concern, leading to severe late complications.
Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) is a rare anomaly that arises In clinical practice, echocardiography is still used for the
mostly from the right coronary (RCS) and noncoronary assessment of RV function, as it is noninvasive, widely available,

Figure 16.41  TEE showing short-axis view at the aortic valve and the aneurysm (arrow) protruding into the right atrium. Color Doppler
echocardiography shows turbulent flow across the defect.

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  195

Figure 16.42  Baffle leak in a patient with transposition of the great arteries after atrial switch repair. Standard 2D TEE (Left) and real-time
3D TEE display baffle leak orifice (arrow). (PVA, pulmonary venous atrium; SRV, systemic right ventricle; SVA, systemic venous atrium; TV,
tricuspid valve.)

relatively inexpensive, and has no adverse side effects (see abnormalities are nearly universal.43 Common chronic
section, “Right Ventricle in Adult Congenital Heart Disease”). postoperative complications in adulthood are pulmonary
regurgitation (PR), RV enlargement and dysfunction,
Atrial Switch and Baffle Complications and TR. Surgical relief of RVOT obstruction also results
3D TTE is useful for patients who previously underwent atrial in scar tissue and a noncontracting RVOT free wall,
switch procedures to assess for long-term complications
including baffle leaks (Figure 16.42) and obstruction, which
2D TTE can miss.40 Importantly, the measurements obtained
from 3D TTE have been consistent with data obtained
intraoperatively, confirming its accurate description. This
information gives cardiologists a more confident sense of
the size, shape, and morphology of the defect and can assist
in appropriate presurgical preparation and eventual repair.
Intra-atrial baffle obstructions occur in as many as 40% of
patients undergoing the Mustard procedure, making its
identification crucial. Diagnosis of the presence and severity
of intra-atrial baffle obstruction by 3D TEE is able to be
made by offering an en face short-axis view, which 2D TTE is
unable to capture (Figure 16.43).41

Systemic Tricuspid Valve

Compared with 2D TTE, 3D TTE was better at visualizing
valvular structures and evaluating their function,
specifically the TV, which is commonly involved in patients
with TGA. 3D TTE provides an en face view of the TV from
different aspects to identify all three leaflets in a detailed
manner, including the posterior leaflet, which 2D TTE is
often unable to visualize well.42 3D TTE can quantify the
areas of systolic non-coaptation of the leaflets (Figure
16.44A through 16.44C), evaluate specific defects in the
valvular leaflets, and assess for the presence of prolapse of
leaflet parts. Unlike 2D TTE, 3D TTE is able to monitor
progression of the defect by visualizing and sizing the vena
contracta and quantifying the severity of regurgitation.


Figure 16.43  Intra-atrial baffle obstruction in a patient with
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is one of the most common
transposition of the great arteries after atrial switch repair. Standard
cyanotic CHDs consisting of VSD, overriding of the aorta, TTE examination (Top Right) with color Doppler (Top Left) displays
right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction and pulmonary venous baffle stenosis. Orthogonal planes (Bottom Image)
RV hypertrophy. Although surgical repair during the first allow accurate tracing of the stenosis area. (LV, subpulmonary left
year of life has led to marked improvement in survival ventricle; PPVV, pulmonary veins; PVA, pulmonary venous atrium;
into adulthood, residual hemodynamic and anatomical SRV, systemic right ventricle.)

196  3D Echocardiography
important in this population for noninvasive hemodynamic
assessment of parameters, such as RV and PA pressures.
3D TTE can be particularly useful in this setting as it allows
A for precise evaluation of the size and shape of residual VSDs,
particularly when the VSD is associated with other congenital
lesions, such as pulmonary stenosis or regurgitation.45
Moreover, for serial follow-up, 3D volume-rendered optimal
2D planes are preferred over 2D images for comparisons (see
section, “Right ventricle in adult congenital heart disease”),
since 3D echocardiography can further contain the entire
RV (including the RVOT) and evaluate the true volumetric
changes without simplifying geometric assumptions.46
Finally, several studies have highlighted the interest in 3D
echocardiography to describe PV and PA.

Pulmonary Valve and Right Ventricular Outflow Tract

The assessment of PV morphology is challenging using 2D
echocardiography. Thus, a short-axis view of the PV is not
generally obtained by either 2D TTE or TEE. The advantage
of 3D echocardiography is that an en face view of the PV can
be obtained with 3D zoom mode in almost all patients. This
allows visualization of all three leaflets simultaneously47,48
(Figure 16.45). Furthermore, 3D echocardiography is
accurate for pulmonary annulus sizing and provides new
information about the asymmetrical geometry of the
dilated PA.47 The vertical diameter of the PA has been found
to be longer than the horizontal diameter, which indicates
that the PA is not perfectly round but rather slightly oval
in patients with repaired TOF (Figure 16.45). Finally,
postoperative PR is common in patients with repaired TOF.
3D TTE has also been found to be more quantitative in the
assessment of PR severity by vena contracta area than 2D
TTE based on the additional views it offers.49 Thus, new
criteria have been proposed for assessing the severity of PR
using 3D TTE, which can help identify patients at high risk
who will require close follow-up.


Volumes and Function
Figure 16.44  3D imaging of the systemic tricuspid valve: (A) Right LV volumes and EF guide therapy and follow-up. Measurement
atrial view in systole, (B) right atrial view in diastole, and (C) right of ventricular volumes and EF by 3D echocardiography is
ventricular view. It shows annular dilatation and tethering as a more highly repeatable than by 2D echocardiography. 2D
mechanism of regurgitation. echocardiography has important limitations in CHD because,
in contrast to 3D echocardiography, it makes assumptions of
which can progress to become an aneurysm. Branch LV shape. In CHD, the LV geometry is distorted by multiple
PA stenosis, residual ASD or VSD, aortic dilatation, AR, causes (RV volume and/or pressure overloaded).
and LV dysfunction are other structural and functional 3D echocardiography compares favorably to MRI but has
abnormalities encountered in adults with repaired TOF. a bias to producing lower LV end-diastolic volume (EDV)
Longitudinal follow-up with multimodality imaging has and end-systolic volume (ESV) compared with MRI in
been recommended for adults with repaired TOF.44 Routine patients with CHD in a meta-analysis of 3055 subjects from
2D and Doppler echocardiography allow qualitative and 95 studies. The repeatability of 3D echocardiography for
quantitative assessment of the RA and RV, RVOT, PA, TV and estimation of LV volume is good and supports its role for
PV, and atrial and ventricular septa. Assessment of the left serial follow-up, although the values are not interchangeable
heart and proximal aorta is integral to the echocardiographic with those obtained by MRI in the CHD population. Software
assessment, and Doppler examination is particularly developed for the normal LV or RV should not be applied to

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  197

Figure 16.45  (Top) 3D TEE of pulmonary bioprosthesis in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary artery aneurysm at diastole (Right)
and systole (Left). (Bottom) En face view of the pulmonary annulus and pulmonary prosthetic valve seen from the perspective of the right
ventricular outflow tract.

patients with congenitally abnormal ventricles without being has not been validated for ventricles of more complex shape
validated.7 (Figure 16.46, ).
Disk summation is validated in children below 18 years
3D Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular
and adults with single ventricle and other CHD, with
Intraventricular Dyssynchrony
excellent correlation in EDV (r = 0.96–0.98) and LV mass
A drawback of 3D echocardiography is that it has lower
(0.84–0.93) and in EF (r = 0.64–0.75), and excellent inter-
temporal resolution than 2D echocardiography and of
and intrareproducibility.
course M-mode.
Semiautomated border detection is possible in children
Ventricular dyssynchrony is expressed as the standard
and adults with CHD, with fair correlation in EDV (r = 0.95–
deviation of the time taken for segments to reach their
0.99) and ESV (r = 0.91–0.97) and great correlation in EF
minimum systolic volume, indexed to the cardiac cycle
(r = 0.69 in children below 18 years, and −0.88 in adults)
length (systolic dyssynchrony index, SDI). Current software
and excellent inter- and intrareproducibility.
packages define abnormal wall motion with respect to the
The semiautomated summation of the disc method with
central LV axis, which has limitations for some CHD patients
the operator manual correction is the least constrained
with a LV of unusual shape.7
by geometry and should be included with postprocessing
The clinical application for 3D echocardiography
software, particularly for ventricles of abnormal morphology.
assessment of LV intraventricular dyssynchrony must be
The 3D echocardiography dataset is obtained from an
avoided until more evidence is found in CHD.
apical four-chamber view or subcostal four-chamber view
to include the entire LV volume, which is usually feasible Left Ventricular Mass in CHD
except when the LV is severely dilated. Current software The clinical application of 3D echocardiography for LV
tracks the endocardium of the LV throughout the cardiac mass calculation in patients with CHD is not yet established.
cycle and therefore depends on acoustic windows and 3D echocardiographic values correlate well with MRI, with
adequate image quality. excellent inter- and intrareproducibility, but the limits of
The “triplane” view of the LV permits visualization of agreement remain wide.7
the apical four-chamber, two-chamber, and three-chamber
views as well as the volume defined by the endocardial 3D Speckle Tracking of the Left Ventricle in CHD
border of the three reference planes. The clinical application of 3D speckle tracking in patients
The segmental view of the LV obtained by 3D with CHD is not yet established, because more data are
echocardiography can be used to assess LV volume, ejection needed. 3D echocardiography has theoretical advantages
fraction, and synchrony based on tracking of the endocardial compared to 2D techniques for the assessment of myocardial
border of the ventricle. A standard segmentation of the deformation. 2D speckle techniques can only follow unique
ventricle is used to color-encode the basal, mid, and apical kernels through the cardiac cycle if these remain within
segments. Most software algorithms assume a central axis plane. In contrast, 3D techniques can potentially allow
from the MV to the LV apex so that this type of analysis measurement of twist and torsion.7

198  3D Echocardiography
Figure 16.46  Segmental view of left ventricular 3D echocardiography in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot .

RIGHT VENTRICLE IN ADULT CHD on preoperative MRI parameters. 53 Owing to the high
RV dysfunction is not uncommon in adults with CHD. In accessibility in patients with prior coils or devices, 3D
CHD, unlike acquired heart disease, the RV is not always echocardiography-derived RV volume could be an
the subpulmonary ventricle: it may support the systemic alternative for the RV evaluation after TOF repair. In
circulation as it does in patients with transposition a single-center study with 25 patients with severe PR
complexes. The result is chronic RV pressure overload. In secondary to either pulmonary valvotomy or TOF repair,
contrast, PR - a frequent problem after surgical repair of 3D echocardiography RV volume was comparable to
the TOF - imposes a volume overload on the RV. Over time, MRI. 54 However, in adults with repaired TOF, despite a
both conditions may lead to RV dysfunction and often this good correlation between real-time 3D echocardiography
becomes a major clinical concern. and MRI for RV EF, there was a large underestimation of
RV volumes, especially in severely dilated subpulmonary
3D Assessment of Right Ventricular Volumes and Function RV, with great difficulties in encompassing the entire RV in
Quantitative assessment of RV using 2D echocardiography the pyramidal sector size.46 Further studies from multiple
is challenging due to its complex geometry and highly centers are required to evaluate 3D echocardiography-
trabeculated endocardial borders. Visualizing both the derived RV volume indices for timing the PVR in repaired
inflow and outflow in the same echocardiographic view TOF.
remains a major limitation. Furthermore, RV diameters by
Pressure Loaded Right Ventricle
2D echocardiography vary importantly with minor tilting
Related to chronic pressure overload, severe ventricular
of the transducer, leading to under- or overestimation of
dilatation and hypertrophy are observed in all patients
RV size. 50 3D echocardiography might overcome these
with RV in subaortic position, as an adaptive process. The
limitations by allowing the acquisition of the entire RV
systemic RV is characterized by important remodeling,
(inflow, outflow, and apical part) in the same pyramidal
with spherical reconfiguration close to the LV shape, if
dataset that could be later analyzed to measure RV volumes
we exclude the RVOT. 55 Furthermore, Pettersen et  al.
and EF without geometrical approximations. 51 More
have shown that the systemic RV contraction pattern
recently, RV strain analysis from acquired 3D datasets has
could be shifted toward the LV contraction pattern, with
been developed. It provides new parameters of RV global
predominant circumferential shortening and a relative
and regional function, which integrate deformation in the
decrease in longitudinal shortening.56
longitudinal and circumferential dimensions.52
Volume Loaded Right Ventricle Although they are valid in subpulmonary position, it remains
To determine the optimal timing for PV replacement, uncertain whether altered markers of longitudinal function
several RV parameters have been proposed. Currently, simply reflect the chronic response of the RV in subaortic
MRI is the reference standard for RV quantification position to its loading conditions. Longitudinal variables
and the timing of PVR in repaired TOF with PR based commonly used for RV systolic function assessment 50,51

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  199

are tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) 3D knowledge-based reconstruction (2D echocardiography-
in the lateral apical four-chamber view and M-mode; S′ KBR) has already been validated against MRI in adolescents
tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) of the tricuspid ring in the and young adults with repaired D-TGA. 59 This imaging
lateral apical four-chamber window; and TDI-derived strain tool is based on a piecewise smooth subdivision surface
imaging or 2D strain imaging in the apical four-chamber reconstruction technology that creates a “knowledge base”
view. Isovolumic myocardial acceleration (IVA) is also a for the RV using image data acquired from a combinations
TDI-based index of contractile function, which has been of views. Further studies are required to determine limits of
applied to RV function assessment because it was shown normal function and to evaluate 2D echocardiography-KBR
experimentally not only to measure contractile function for predicting clinical outcomes.
accurately, but also to be relatively independent of acute
changes in ventricular preload and afterload.51,56 Recently, a
cut-off to determine the lower limit of normal longitudinal GUIDANCE CATHETER INTERVENTION IN
function of the systemic RV has been proposed, and it has ADULT CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE
to be emphasized that it differs from that usually used for
subpulmonary RV. A RV global longitudinal strain (with ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT
a cut-off of −10%) has been found to have the strongest Echocardiography in patients undergoing transcatheter
association with clinical events in TGA patients after atrial closure is critically important for appropriate patient
switch, and a cut-off value of −13.3% provided 72% sensitivity selection, real-time procedure guidance, assessment of
and 63% specificity in identifying transposition patients with device efficacy and complications, and long-term follow-up.
adverse clinical outcome.57,58 Therefore, there is no doubt TEE provides real-time, highly detailed imaging of the IAS,
that severe impairment of longitudinal 2D strain is a marker surrounding structures (Figure 16.47, ), catheters (Figure
of global RV function impairment, and could be used as a 16.48, ), and closure device during transcatheter closure
prognostic factor in serial quantitative assessment. (Figure 16.49, ).
3D TEE en face display can also aid in the recognition and
GLOBAL FUNCTION VARIABLES quantification of rim deficiencies, because the extent of the
Conventional global echocardiographic variables, such deficiency relative to the surrounding structures such as the
as fractional area change, have also been applied to the aorta can be easily demonstrated and quantified (Figures
semiquantitative systolic RV function assessment with 16.47 and 16.48). When the IAS is viewed from the LA (left),
acceptable results. With this, the circumferential and radial the atrial septum should be oriented with the right upper
contraction pattern of the RV free wall is incorporated into pulmonary vein at the 1 o’clock position. When displayed
the analysis of ventricular function, but the contribution of as viewed from the RA (right), the SVC should be located at
RVOT to global RV function is ignored. A dedicated study the 11 o’clock position.
has yet to investigate the feasibility and reproducibility of 2D biplane (or triplane) imaging, a feature of currently
3D echocardiography-derived volumes and function for commercially available 3D imaging systems, is a unique
systemic RV assessment. However, 2D echocardiography with modality that takes advantage of 3D technology. The

Figure 16.47  En face 3D zoom acquisition from right atrial perspective TEE images of an ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD)
demonstrating an ASD en face from the midesophageal bicaval view. ASD: Secundum, round, single, in foramen oval localization, without
atrial septal aneurysm with enough rims for catheter closure . (LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.)

200  3D Echocardiography
3D TEE can describe ASD60:
• Type: Patent foramen ovale (PFO), primum ASD,
secundum ASD, or other atrial communication (sinus
venosus defect, unroofed coronary sinus, anomalous
pulmonary vein drainage). Only ostium secundum
(and specific patients with PFO) can be closed
• Doppler flow: Presence of left to right, right to left, or
bidirectional flow.
• Number: Single and multiple. A fenestrated septal
defect with multiple defects proximal to one another
may be closed with a single device. Multiple devices can
be used to close fenestrations that may not be close
enough to be covered by a single device.
• Size: Quantitative analysis of ASD using 3D
echocardiography should include the maximum
length, width, and area measured at atrial end diastole.
Figure 16.48  3D zoom TEE images of an ostium secundum atrial
septal defect (ASD) and catheter from the right atrial perspective
The ASD dimensions should also be measured at
demonstrating an ASD en face from the midesophageal bicaval atrial end systole to determine the change in the
view  . dimensions during the cardiac cycle (dynamic ASD).
The ASD dimensions are measured in en face views
advantages of biplane imaging include the display of from either the RA or LA perspective using dedicated
simultaneous additional echocardiographic views, with quantitative software. The parameters calculated can
high frame rates and excellent temporal resolution with include the percentage of change in ASD length,
color Doppler capability. Complimentary simultaneously width, and area from atrial end diastole to atrial end
displayed orthogonal plane imaging provides incremental systole. Atrial end diastole is defined as the frame
information compared with that from a single plane, and with the largest ASD dimension and atrial end systole
this imaging modality is uniquely suited to transcatheter as the frame with the smallest ASD dimension. The
procedure guidance. Numerous reports of the advantages number of defects in the atrial septum should be
of 3D TEE in guiding catheter interventions have been quantified if multiple.
published and include the use of biplane imaging. Figure • Shape: Oval, round, or triangular or, at times, shaped
16.49 illustrates the use of biplane imaging during somewhat like an egg or a pear or slightly irregular.
percutaneous transcatheter closure of ASD during • Location: High secundum ASD, sinus venosus defect SVC
deployment of the device. or IVC type.
3D TEE can be used for guidance during percutaneous • Atrial septal aneurysm: Presence of atrial septal aneurysm.
transcatheter closure and has been described to improve • Tissue rims: Aortic or anterior, posterior, superior,
the visualization ASD. inferior, right upper pulmonary vein, and AV septal.
The distance between the defect and the aorta can
be easily measured, just as can the area of the defect
and length of rim deficiency when present (necessary
>4–5 mm except aortic or anterior ring).
• Surrounding structures: Aortic valve.
• Associated findings: Eustachian valve or Chiari network.
• Dynamic nature of ASD: Measurement of area and
maximum/minimal diameters in end systole and end
• Stop-flow diameter of ASD: When balloon sizing is used for
percutaneous transcatheter closure.

3D echocardiography is better than 2D echocardiography

in multiple defects and multiple devices.
Because the IAS is a complex, dynamic, and 3D anatomical
structure, limitations exist in its evaluation using any single
form of 2D echocardiography. The interatrial septum does
Figure 16.49  Orthogonal biplane imaging performed after
not exist in a true flat plane that can be easily aligned or
percutaneous transcatheter closure. Basal short-axis view and bicaval interrogated using 2D imaging. Furthermore, 3D imaging
view. The aortic rim device interaction with the aorta can be assessed offers the potential to clearly and comprehensively define
(arrow) . (AV, aortic valve; IVC, inferior vena cava, LA, left atrium; the dynamic morphology of the defect, which has been
RA, right atrium; SVC, superior vena cava.) shown to change during the cardiac cycle.

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  201

Complications of device closure that can be identified The device is usually placed with TEE guidance via either
include device embolization or migration, residual shunts, percutaneous or periventricular approach. Complications
aortic erosion, and pericardial effusion. of device closure that can be identified include device
embolization or migration, residual shunts, valve
VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT regurgitation, and pericardial effusion.
3D TEE has the potential to assist in interventional closure
of VSDs by rendering the depth of the field and allowing TRANSEPTAL PUNCTURE
visualization of the ventricular septum in any desired Needle or radiofrequency atrial septal perforation is used
orientation. 3D echocardiography permits simultaneous for many purposes. It can be used to access the LA for
viewing of two orthogonal planes and permits measurement hemodynamic measurements or structural interventions.
of the true maximum length and breadth of the defect. Also On occasion, the creation of an interatrial communication
like in ASD, 3D TEE permits projection of an en face view through the intact septum is needed to relieve elevated LA
of the VSD from which accurate sizing can be performed pressure or to support cardiac output in the setting of severe
irrespective of the shape or location of the defect and pulmonary hypertension. TEE is not always necessary but
independent of predefined angles. VSDs may often have can be very useful to ensure a safe transseptal puncture
unusual or irregular shapes, and the 3D technique has the (Figures 16.50 through 16.52, ).
ability to display such morphology and assist in the selection A bicaval or short-axis view is usually optimal for
of the appropriate occlusion device. Assessment of adjacent demonstrating the position of the dilator and the needle
structures and “rims” of the VSD is a major strength of in fossa ovalis. Real-time pressure tracing or injection of
3D echocardiography compared to 2D echocardiography, contrast through the hollow needle helps to confirm that
because all rims around the defect can be visualized in a the needle is in the LA rather than the aorta.
single sonographic projection and viewed from either the
LV or RV. The size of a given rim is not constant around MITRACLIP
the defect, which needs to be accounted for during device This minimally invasive catheter-based approach has
placement. In practice, the rim of the defect below the become a major breakthrough in the treatment of patients
aortic valve and proximity to the TV are crucial to avoid with symptomatic severe mitral regurgitation and high
compromising the aortic valve function or causing damage surgical risk.
to the TV. Adequacy of the size of rims will depend on defect MV clefts are better seen by 3D TEE imaging. Congenital
size and the type of device to be deployed. The precise or more commonly acquired MV clefts can often be
orientation of the occlusion device guidance of catheters associated with asymmetric leaflet tethering in patients with
can be accurately monitored, and there is less need for secondary MR due to dilated/ischemic cardiomyopathy.
multiple changes in the rotational angle of the TEE probe Although more challenging, isolated case reports have been
compared to 2D techniques.61 published demonstrating success in experienced centers.62
3D TEE can describe VSD in detail as follows: Therefore, caution is needed before tackling such pathology,
• Type: Perimembranous, subarterial, inlet, and which may not be easily approachable. Center expertise is
required to optimize reduction of mitral regurgitation after
muscular. Currently, devices are available for closure
of perimembranous and muscular VSD. Use of one or multiple MitraClip devices are implanted.
perimembranous VSD has been limited due to the Degenerative MV disease is from either Barlow disease or
complication of complete heart block or development fibroelastic deficiency with prolapse or flail leaflets (Figure
of significant regurgitation of the tricuspid or aortic 16.53, ). Flail mitral leaflets should be evaluated for the
valves. degree of mobility and the maximal flail gap distance
• Doppler flow: Presence of left to right, right to left, or measured to determine if successful grasping will be possible
(ideally flail width <15 mm and flail gap <10 mm). Functional
bidirectional flow.
• Number: Single and multiple. In patients with multiple mitral regurgitation could be either from ischemia/infarct or
from a dilated cardiomyopathy with subsequent leaflet and
VSD, device closure can be used in conjunction with
surgical repair. papillary muscle tethering displacing the leaflet coaptation
• Size: Quantitative analysis of VSD end diastole to decide below the annular level. Adequate leaflet grasping and
procedural success have been traditionally associated with
the device.
• Shape: Oval, round, triangular, irregular. a coaptation depth less than 11 mm and coaptation length
• Location: Subtypes of muscular VSD: anterior, of greater than 2 mm. In addition, ideal candidates for the
MitraClip procedure would also have central MV pathology
midmuscular, posterior or inlet muscular, apical
anterior or posterior. between the A2/P2 scallops, MVA 4.0 cm or greater, normal
• Ventricular septal aneurysm: Presence of ventricular septal leaflet thickness and mobility, no/minimal leaflet calcification,
posterior leaflet mobile length 1.0 mm or greater, or classic
• Tissue rims. isolated MV prolapse. Since there are the few chordae in the
• Surrounding structures: Aortic valve and TV. middle portions of the A2 and P2 scallops, this is the ideal
• Associated findings. location for grasping the leaflets and to avoid complications
• Stop-flow diameter of VSD (when balloon sizing is used for of entangling chordae or even tearing these structures as
the MitraClip is brought into the LV. The valve area should
percutaneous transcatheter closure).

202  3D Echocardiography


Figure 16.50  The use of biplane imaging during percutaneous transseptal puncture before stent implantation in pulmonary vein stenosis
in a patient with dextrocardia and congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of systemic right
ventricle, defibrillator and atrial fibrillation ablation . (AV, aortic valve; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricle; MV, mitral valve; RA, right atrial;
RV, right ventricle; SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve.)

be planimetered in the parasternal short-axis 2D view, or be placed. Presence of leaflet and/or annular calcification will
preferably by postprocessing with multiplanar reformatting require detailed assessment to ascertain whether the MitraClip
of a dedicated 3D dataset. MVA can decrease by 50% with the will be able to adequately and successfully grasp. Quantitation
first clip and further by 30%–40% with the second clip. A MVA of mitral regurgitation severity should be performed using a
less than 4.0 cm is considered a relative contraindication to 2D or 3D PISA method or preferably 3D vena contracta area.
the procedure, as the MitraClip will likely result in potentially 2D PISA in secondary MR may underestimate EROA due to
significant stenosis. Mitral gradients should also be established the crescentic shape of the MR regurgitant oriffice.63
as a baseline; however, overestimation of stenosis can occur Guidance of MitraClip implantation:
with severe mitral regurgitation from associated increased
transmitral flow. The individual scallops and chordae should • Transseptal puncture
be evaluated to determine where the MitraClip would need to • Introduction of delivery sheath and clip delivery system

Figure 16.51  The same patient with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries .

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  203

points for thickness, 6 for mobility, 10 for calcification,
and 9 for subvalvular apparatus involvement. The total
RT3DE score was calculated and defined as mild (<8),
moderate (8–13), or severe (≥14). MV morphology was
assessed using Wilkins’s score and compared with the new
RT3DE score.63
In CHD, 3D TEE permits evaluation of the area of mitral
stenosis and detects the results of mitral valvuloplasty.


Paravalvular leaks (PVLs) after surgical valve implantation
have a multifactorial etiology but are mainly related to
specific anatomical characteristics of the valvular ring.
Mitral leaks are three times more common than aortic
leaks, and the incidence increases after reoperation.
Different percutaneous techniques with several devices
have been explored for leak closure, but we are still lacking
Figure 16.52  3D reconstruction and fusion. 3D TEE and cardiac devices specifically designed to treat this pathology more
tomography before stent implantation in pulmonary vein stenosis effectively. Percutaneous closure of mitral paravalvular
after atrial fibrillation ablation. leaks has been demonstrated to be a safe and effective
alternative to open surgical repair in selected patients
• MitraClip positioning above the MV with mitral paravalvular regurgitation. Successful PVL
• Grasping the MitraClip
Entering the into the LV closure depends on accurate localization of the site of
• Releasing and deploying additional MitraClips
mitral leaflets
• Removing the delivery system across the atrial septum

Anwar et al. introduced a score based on real-time 3D TTE
(RT-TT3DE) for the assessment of patients with mitral stenosis
before valvuloplasty. This score includes the evaluation of
both mitral leaflets and the subvalvular apparatus. The new
RT-TT3DE score is feasible and highly reproducible with good
interobserver and intraobserver agreement in the assessment
of MV morphology in patients with MS. RT-TT3DE is better able
to detect calcification and commissural splitting. Predictors
of optimal percutaneous ballon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV)
results by the 3D scoring system are leaflet mobility and the
involvement of the subvalvular apparatus. The incidence and
severity of postprocedural MR are associated with a high
RT-TT3DE calcification score.
A new RT3DE score was constructed by dividing each Figure 16.54  3D TEE. Surgical view. Aorta in anterior and left
MV leaflet into three scallops and was composed of 31 atrial appendage in lateral view. Two MitraClips combined with
points (indicating increasing abnormality), including 6 percutaneous closure of the left atrial appendage.

Figure 16.53  Severe mitral regurgitation. A2 prolapse. 2D and 3D TEE . (A, aortic; A2, anterior 2; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricle; P2,

204  3D Echocardiography


Figure 16.55  (A) Severe regurgitation of paravalvular leak at 7 o’clock. (B) Catheter (arrow) procedure. (C) First device implantation (arrow).
(D) Second device implantation (arrows). (E) 3D result without interference with valve leaflets. (F) 3D color Doppler with excellent result.

regurgitation and efficient communication between the measurements and shape, guides the deployment, and
echocardiographer and interventionalist. The use of 3D assesses the result. 3D TEE is fundamental to define the
TEE during intervention can assist the operator in crossing localization (Figure 16.54). In surgical view (the aortic
the defect, thus reducing the risk of intervention failure. It valve is anterior, the LA appendage is anterolateral, and
can prevent complications such as interference with valve the atrial septum is medial), the locations are defined as
leaflets, it can assist in device size selection, and it can on a clock face. Figure 16.55A through 16.55F illustrates
help when more than one device is needed to close the the procedure of implantation of two devices for a severe
defect. 3D TEE locates the defect precisely, gives accurate paravalvular leak.




Figure 16.56  (A) Huge pseudoaneurysm (arrow). (B) Color Doppler from left outflow tract to pseudoaneurysm. (C) Biplane vision of the
origin of the shunt (arrow). (D) Systodiastolic flow in M-mode. (E) Biplane vision during the procedure of closure of the origin of the shunt
(arrow). (F) Color during the procedure (arrow). (G) Three years later without residual shunt. (H) The thrombosed pseudoaneurysm 3 years
later (arrow).

Adult Congenital Heart Disease  205

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CONCLUSION González-Diéguez CC. Una forma rara de cardiopatía cianosante por
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anatomy and function in adult survivors with CHD. Among Cardiología. 2010;63:885.
echocardiographic modalities, 3D echocardiography 18. Willens HJ, Ferrer PL, Tamer DF et al. Cor triatriatum sinister in an
provides better delineation of spatial relationships in adult: Management guided by real time three-dimensional transesophageal
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19. Patel V, Nanda NC, Arellano I et al. Cor triatriatum sinister: Assessment
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Preprocedural en face examination of atrial septum or valve Echocardiography. 2006;23:801–2.
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Adult Congenital Heart Disease  207

17 Aorta

2D TEE. However, a 3D transesophageal image provides

INTRODUCTION complementary information, such as one-look recognition
Aortic pathology is usually evaluated by multimodality of the extent and severity of aortic plaques and en face view
imaging including multidetector computed tomography of the plaque (Figures 17.1, and 17.2, ). It is also useful
(CT), cardiac magnetic resonance, echocardiography, to detect subtle abnormalities. 2
and aortography. However, echocardiography, especially
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), is a standard
method of choice due to its lower cost, wide availability, and
real-time assessment of the existing pathologies. Aortic dissection is a major cause of acute aortic syndrome,
and due to its catastrophic nature, prompt and accurate
diagnosis is mandatory for the subsequent timely surgical
AORTIC ATHEROMA or percutaneous transcatheter interventions. With recent
Aortic atheroma is a clinical manifestation of systemic advancements in transducer technology, the sensitivity
atherosclerosis. According to the size (<4 mm or of TTE for the detection of type A aortic dissection has
≥4 mm) and character (mobile thrombus and/or improved to reach approximately 85%. 3 – 6 TTE is also
ulceration), the plaque can be grouped as simple plaque useful (1) to rule out other potential causes of acute chest
and complex plaque; the latter has a potential risk of pain, such as acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary
systemic embolization.1 There are two distinct causes of embolism, and (2) to evaluate complications related to
embolization. Thromboemboli are usually large; thus, type A aortic dissection, including aortic regurgitation
they occlude medium to large portions of the artery, (AR), coronary artery involvement, and pericardial
resulting in stroke, renal infarction, and peripheral effusion. However, TTE has a limited capability to
embolization. In contrast, cholesterol emboli are small diagnose type B aortic dissection. In addition, negative
but persistent and are associated with blue toe syndrome results of TTE do not always preclude the existence
or progressive impairment of renal function. While of type A aortic dissection; thus, it requires further
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has a limited imaging examinations. TEE has a superior sensitivity for
ability to detect and evaluate aortic atheroma, especially diagnosing both type A and type B aortic dissections. The
in the descending thoracic aorta, TEE provides a superb first step in diagnosing aortic dissection using TEE is to
view of aortic atheroma for the entire part of the thoracic identify the presence of a dissection flap and to define
aorta except for a short segment from the distal part of the extent of the aortic dissection. Identification of false
the ascending aorta to the proximal aortic arch because and true lumen with a simultaneous searching entry tear
of interposition of the trachea precluding visualization is a second important step. Last, assessment of coexisting
of this part. Withdrawing the probe from the deep abnormalities in type A aortic dissection, such as AR
gastric position toward the upper esophagus, systematic and coronary artery involvement, provides information
evaluation of the aortic plaque in the descending regarding optimal surgical planning of the aortic valve in
thoracic aorta is possible in almost all patients using individual patients.7


Figure 17.1  A case with complex plaque: (A) 2D long-axis image, (B) 2D short-axis image, (C) 3D en face view of the corresponding images.
Note that 3D image provides one-look recognition of the extent of complex plaque. Video also reveals a small thrombus attached on the
complex plaque .

208  3D Echocardiography

Figure 17.2  TEE images of mobile plaques extracted from 3D datasets in different locations (A) and (B) . The left three images represent
cropped 2D images from 3D datasets, and the right image shows a cropped 3D image. The 3D image provides more information on the
character of the mobile plaque compared with each 2D cutting plane.

The hallmark of the true lumen is characterized by very low, the condition is associated with smoke-like echo
systolic expansion and diastolic shrinkage of the lumen and thrombus formation (Figure 17.3a, ). The detection
size that can be easily evaluated by real-time TEE. The of an entry tear in type B aortic dissection, which is
size of the true lumen is usually smaller than that of the usually located just below the left subclavian artery, is
false lumen. Since flow velocity in the false lumen is often possible using 2D TEE (Figure 17.3b). However, accurate



Figure 17.3  (a) A case of type B aortic dissection: 2D TEE short- and long-axis views (A) and (B) and corresponding views with color Doppler
echocardiography (C) and (D). A large thrombus and low-velocity swirling color Doppler flow with smoke-like echo are observed in the false
lumen. (E) and video represent a full-volume 3D dataset obtained from the same site .(Continued)

Aorta 209





Figure 17.3 (Continued)  (b) 2D TEE images of entry tear. (Panels A and B) Oblique short- and long-axis views of the entry tear. (Panel C) Color
Doppler demonstration of the entry tear. (c) Corresponding 3D TEE images of the entry tear in the same patient from two cropped 2D color
images from 3D datasets (A) and (B), third view (C) which is perpendicular to the two views was obtained from which the entry tear area was
measured (D) . In this particular case, entry tear size was 0.44 cm2. Video shows cropped 2D color images.

estimation of entry tear size is not possible because 2D especially in patients who had no obvious regional wall
TEE does not provide an en face view of the entry tear. motion abnormalities.
3D TEE has the potential to evaluate the accurate size of
the entry tear using 2D cut plane extracted from 3D TEE
datasets (Figure 17.3c, ). The prevalence of AR in type
Table 17.1  Potential Mechanisms of Aortic
A aortic dissection is around 50%. Table 17.1 summarizes
Regurgitation in Type A Aortic Dissection
potential mechanisms of AR that can be evaluated by
2D TTE (Figure 17.4a, ). 8,9 3D TEE provides additional • Aortic valve tethering due to enlarged aortic root, especially
information on the mechanisms of AR because it contains sinotubular junction
• Aortic leaflet prolapse due to dissection of disrupted normal leaflet
a third dimension (Figure 17.4b, and c, ). Although a attachment
study reported that the use of 3D TEE reduced the number • Dissection flap prolapse across the aortic valve caused by aortic
of cases of indeterminate coronary artery involvement as regurgitation through either the hole of the prolapsed flap or the
detected by use of 2D TEE and multidetector CT,10 it is incomplete attachment between native leaflet and dissection flap
not always easy to determine coronary artery involvement, • Coexisting abnormalities such as bicuspid aortic valve

210  3D Echocardiography



Figure 17.4  (a) Transthoracic 2D images at systole (A) and diastole (B) in a patient with type A aortic dissection. A dissection flap is seen
(yellow arrows). During diastole, part of the dissection flap protrudes into the left ventricular outflow tract (white arrows) with severe aortic
regurgitation. Video shows flow movements of the dissection flap between the left ventricular outflow tract and the ascending aorta .
(b) 2D TEE images extracted from 3D datasets at systole (A), at early diastole (B), and at late diastole (C). (Upper and Middle Panels) Two
orthogonal long-axis views and (Lower Panels) short-axis views of the aortic valve. Note the dissection flap invades the aortic valve during
diastole. Video shows 2D extracted views and 3D view using the same 3D dataset. A part of the flap enters the orifice of the left main coronary
artery (left upper video ).(Continued)

Aorta 211


Figure 17.4 (Continued)  (c) Color 2D TEE images extracted from 3D datasets. Aortic regurgitation emanates between aortic leaflet and
protruding dissection flap, which is a mechanism of the aortic regurgitation in this particular patient. Video shows 3D color regurgitation
flow .






Figure 17.5  (a) A case of penetrating aortic ulcer. (A) A short-axis color Doppler image at the site of penetration. (B) Continuous-wave
Doppler flow velocity at the corresponding site. (C) A short-axis color Doppler image at the site of another penetration. (D) Continuous-wave
Doppler flow velocity at the corresponding site. (b) 3D echocardiography assessment of penetrating ulcer using 3D color dataset. Using 3D
color dataset, an en face view of the penetrating ulcer was obtained, from which the color-coded area was measured with an area of 0.02 cm2.

212  3D Echocardiography



Figure 17.5 (Continued)  (c) 3D TEE assessment of a penetrating ulcer using 3D black-and-white dataset. (A) 2D TEE image extracted from 3D
dataset showing the corresponding view of panel C in (a). (B) A perpendicular 2D long-axis view of panel A showing a small hole penetrating
the thickened aortic wall. (C) En face view of penetrating ulcer. (D) Area measurement. Area was 0.04 cm2. Video shows corresponding real-
time images .

of 2D cropped views (Figure 17.5cA through C, ) and

PENETRATING AORTIC ULCER visualized from the 3D TEE dataset (Figure 17.5cD).
A penetrating aortic ulcer is another cause of acute aortic
syndrome, which is characterized by ulceration of an aortic
atherosclerotic plaque penetrating the media of the aortic
wall.3,6 A penetrating aortic ulcer has a risk to progress to Intramural hematoma is another cause of acute aortic
aortic dissection, pseudoaneurysm, and aortic rupture. syndrome and is characterized by a hematoma in the
This is a complication of an advanced stage of complex media of the aortic wall without a dissection flap and
atherosclerosis and is preferentially developed at the middle false lumen. 3,6 The imaging hallmark of an intramural
and distal part of the descending thoracic aorta. Although hematoma is a localized and crescent-shaped aortic wall
the best imaging modality to diagnose a penetrating aortic thickening greater than 5 mm. As with a penetrating aortic
ulcer is contrast-enhanced multidetector CT that reveals ulcer, an intramural hematoma has a risk of subsequent
a localized aortic wall ulceration and its penetration into aortic dissection and true or pseudo-aortic aneurysm. 5
the aortic wall, TEE with Doppler echocardiography also Multidetector CT with and without contrast enhancement
detects penetrating ulcer and real-time flow dynamics and cardiac magnetic resonance are the best imaging
between the true lumen and the aortic wall (Figure 17.5a). modalities to diagnose intramural hematoma. TEE is also
The accurate size of the penetrating ulcer can be assessed valuable for the diagnosis, especially when CT and magnetic
by color Doppler 3D TEE (Figure 17.5b). In addition, the resonance imaging are not available or are of low quality.
orifice of the penetrating ulcer is confirmed with the use However, 3D TEE may not add much in this scenario unless

Aorta 213
there is coexistence of other complicated aortic and aortic 4. Evangelista A, Aguilar R, Cuellar H et al. Usefulness of real-time three-
dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of
valve abnormalities. chronic aortic dissection. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2011;12:272–7.
5. Evangelista A, Flachskampf FA, Erbel R et al. Echocardiography in aortic
CONCLUSION diseases: EAE recommendations for clinical practice. Eur J Echocardiogr.
For the assessment of aortic pathologies, the clear clinical 6. Goldstein SA, Evangelista A, Abbara S et  al. Multimodality imaging
advantage of 3D echocardiography over 2D echocardiography of diseases of the thoracic aorta in adults: From the American Society
of Echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular
has not yet been determined. Further studies should be required Imaging: Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
to validate the routine adoption of 3D echocardiography in and Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. J Am Soc Echocardiogr.
patients with aortic disease. 2015;28:119–82.
7. Czerny M, Schmidli J, Adler S et al. Editor’s Choice—Current Options
and Recommendations for the Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Pathologies
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2. Haruki N, Takeuchi M, Kaku K et al. Prevalence and clinical implication aortic regurgitation in acute type A aortic dissection: Implications for aortic
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2014;35:2873–926. 2013;26:837–45.

214  3D Echocardiography
18A Speckle Tracking

cardiac motion and deformation are governed by the 3D

INTRODUCTION arrangement of the myofibers within the wall, with an angle
Echocardiography is an evolving modality whose recent of inclination that varies gradually between the epicardial,
improvements facilitate the assessment of 3D motion and midmyocardial, and endocardial layers.14
deformation, from routine evaluation to research on finer Three orthogonal directions are therefore locally defined
aspects of the cardiac function. over the ventricular meshes to better characterize the main
First, image sequences contain local interference components of cardiac mechanics in healthy and diseased
patterns (the speckles), which are consistent with the tissue cases: radial (from the endocardium to the epicardium),
mechanics across a few consecutive frames, and therefore longitudinal (from the base to the apex), and circumferential
can be tracked to estimate motion and deformation.1 With (along the circumference). Deformation of a local piece
3D imaging, such patterns are accessible everywhere and of myocardial tissue is a combination of longitudinal and
provide higher consistency in the tracking, contrary to 2D circumferential shortening, radial thickening, and shearing
imaging where speckles may jump out of the plane due to (Figure 18A.1). The proportion of each component is mainly
the 3D nature of cardiac motion. Besides, 3D assessment no determined by the wall properties, such as tissue contractility,
longer requires approximating the 3D cardiac mechanics but also its composition, elasticity, incompressibility, etc. In
from 2D projections. particular, incompressibility directly relates the components
Then, its temporal resolution is relatively high for the along the three local directions, where longitudinal
assessment of cardiac mechanics: around 40–60 frames/s in and circumferential shortenings are coupled with radial
2D, and 20–50 frames/s in 3D. Such a resolution is necessary thickening to preserve tissue volume.
for the assessment of fast events, and more generally for the Given these simple considerations, a good imaging technique
accuracy of measurements involving temporal derivatives and its associated postprocessing should be able to recover
(velocity and strain rate, from displacement and strain, these components of wall motion and deformation, encoded
respectively). A high enough temporal resolution guarantees by displacement and strain, respectively. Displacement is a 3D
the consistency of speckle patterns across frames, and vector that corresponds to a difference in position between
therefore the accuracy of the estimated motion and a given instant and the onset of the cycle. Strain encodes a
deformation, with substantial inaccuracies observed below difference in the elongation of a small piece of tissue also
20 frames/s.2 compared with the cycle onset. Figure 18A.2 illustrates this
Currently, the use of 3D no longer stands as a limitation3 concept in one dimension (straight line) and three dimensions
and is accompanied by promising perspectives to improve (surface or volume elements). It roughly corresponds to the
the temporal resolution to very high frame rates4 and the spatial derivative of the displacement vector, which for 3D
automation of postprocessing tasks such as segmentation.5 volumes is a 3D tensor (3 × 3 matrix). We often only quantify
The main challenges for the quantification of cardiac its diagonal coefficients, which correspond to the radial,
mechanics from 3D echocardiography exist on the circumferential, and longitudinal strain accessible in most
technical side in stabilizing the quality of images and the commercial software. Positive and negative strain correspond
postprocessing techniques, and from the user perspective to stretching and shortening, respectively. The extradiagonal
in properly apprehending 3D during the acquisition and coefficients encode shearing and may also have a substantial
the data interpretation. contribution to the 3D tissue deformation (Figure 18A.3), as
This chapter therefore proposes an overview of the in the presence of rotation or twisting15 between the basal
quantification of cardiac motion and deformation through and apical levels (also denoted by torsion after normalization
3D echocardiography, with special attention on cardiac by the ventricular height16). The segmental/local changes
mechanics to properly interpret and use this technique. should be considered, independently of global measurements
This review complements other published reviews on motion (Figure 18A.4): global contraction may be the same between
and deformation estimation in echocardiography 6–9 and two cases, despite reduced or exaggerated contraction locally,
specifically insights on 3D,2,10,11 and the chapters in previous related to, e.g., differences in the tissue viability.
editions of this book.12,13 Area strain was proposed to overcome inaccuracies in
estimating the radial component of deformation,17 already
marked for the left ventricle and unavoidable for the thin
MYOCARDIAL MOTION AND DEFORMATION wall of the right ventricle. It represents the deformation
Cardiac mechanics are by definition in 3D. Simplifying the of surface elements and is often calculated as the product
ventricles to 3D semi-ellipsoids is already of great help for of longitudinal and circumferential strain components,
approximating global parameters from 2D such as volumes, which should correspond to the inverse of the radial strain
and understanding basic mechanisms of the cardiac component if the volume of local elements is preserved under
chambers.9 Looking more in detail at the cardiac structure, deformation.

Speckle Tracking  215




dia ng
ial Ra keni Circumferential
d c
Ra Circumferential

Figure 18A.1  The three anatomical directions of myocardial motion and deformation. (A–C) Progressive zoom on a portion of the myocardium
with the radial, circumferential, and longitudinal directions overlaid. (D) Expected changes for this portion during systole, for a healthy


Figure 18A.2  The values quantified in strain in 1D (A) and 3D (B–C). In case of surface meshes, as in current 3D right ventricular applications,
the concept of area strain extends the 1D definition to local area changes. In case of volume meshes, strain is a 3 × 3 matrix with diagonal
coefficients that correspond to forces orthogonal to the elemental surface, while nondiagonal coefficients relate to forces parallel to the
elemental surface (shearing).

Finally, changes in motion and deformation at a given and more recently within the cavity after specific image
instant can be complemented by the estimation of velocity postprocessing (estimation of intracavity flow).18 The
and strain rate, which correspond to the temporal derivatives technique therefore requires segmenting the cardiac wall
of displacement and strain, respectively (Figure 18A.5). at given instants (for 3D, generally end diastole and end
systole). This segmentation defines the region of interest
for tracking and provides a first estimation of global motion
HOW TO MEASURE MOTION AND to further constrain the tracking of speckles and the
DEFORMATION estimation of local deformation.
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TRACKING Although little information exists on the algorithms
Speckle tracking consists of following local image patches used in commercial software, most are based on published
containing some speckles between consecutive frames. The approaches.19–21 Nonetheless, substantial efforts are required
algorithm first locates a given patch in the next frame using to validate this technique and to train clinical operators.
block matching or local image similarity comparisons.
The displacement of this patch between two consecutive ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES
frames corresponds to an approximation of myocardial Image registration also allows displacement to be estimated
motion between these instants (Figure 18A.6). Then, by comparing pairs of frames along the sequence. Contrary
motion is estimated along the whole sequence by chaining to speckle tracking, this technique matches the full
the displacements obtained for each pair of consecutive echocardiographic images and not only the matching of
frames. blocks defined locally. It can therefore operate on pairs of
In practice, tracking is performed for speckles within the consecutive frames (which then requires chaining pairwise
myocardium (estimation of wall motion and deformation), transformations to estimate the displacement from the

216  3D Echocardiography
A Pure shear
E xx E xy
4 4

2 2
0 0
E xx E xy
Strain 2D: E = 0 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
E yx E xx E yx E yy
4 4
2 2

Initial position 0 0

4 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

B Stretching
0 E xx E xy
0 5 10 15 4 4

2 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
E yx E yy
4 4

2 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

Figure 18A.3  Local variations in all the strain components (infinitesimal strain definition) for a 2D material that undergoes pure shear (A)
or a more complex deformation with both shearing and stretching along the horizontal axis (B).


75% · L 75% · L

75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 100%

Figure 18A.4  Importance of the quantification of global and local deformation: Two walls shortening equally overall (75% of their initial
length), but with a very different local behavior due to different tissue viability.

Longitudinal displacement (mm) Longitudinal velocity (mm/s) Longitudinal strain (%) Longitudinal strain rate (%/s)
15 0
Basal septum
Midseptum 50
Apical septum
10 -0.05
0 0.5

5 -0.1

-0.15 −0.5












Figure 18A.5  Longitudinal displacement, velocity, strain, and strain rate for a healthy volunteer at different levels of the septum, obtained
by 2D speckle tracking. Vertical bars indicate specific events of the cardiac cycle: Onset of QRS (Q1 and Q2), and mitral/aortic opening/closure

Speckle Tracking  217

onset of the cycle), or directly match a given frame to the RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF 3D
one at end diastole. A transformation model (locally affine, SPECKLE TRACKING
spline, etc.) defines the amount of freedom in the estimated Speckle tracking is intensity based and therefore requires
matching, and therefore the complexity of the estimated good image quality and optimal acquisition. Poor or
deformation. This technique is widely used in the academic exaggerated contrast in the walls, acoustic shadowing or
community as visible in recent validation initiatives.22–24 As reverberations, and out-of-window or dropout artifacts are
it operates on full images and not only speckles, it is not some of the main imaging factors that can lower the tracking
specific to echocardiography and may be applied to any accuracy. Random noise, lower wall visibility, and fuzzier
imaging modality. endocardial/epicardial delineations may be additional
Additional knowledge can be incorporated to the limitations for 3D tracking. The lateral/anterior wall and
tracking. Shape models can guide the tracking and provide apical regions are particularly challenging to image in 3D
physiologically plausible segmentations along the sequences. (e.g., field of view in dilated hearts, or limited possibilities
Such models are generally obtained from a population of for optimizing the image quality in the clinical workflow).
healthy and diseased subjects using statistical learning Besides, the spatiotemporal resolution of 3D images is
techniques. Although not explicitly reported in scientific still low compared with 2D images, with consequences on
publications, some vendors mention that such models are the tracking accuracy: low spatial resolution affects the
used in their tracking software in 2D25 and 3D.26 Biomechanical quality of the speckle patterns and their resolution, and low
constraints can be used in the transformation model, such as temporal resolution can distort measurements of fast events
temporal consistency,27 or incompressibility.28 (e.g., during isovolumic contraction/relaxation or at high
Tissue Doppler differs from the previous methods. It does heart rates) and even normal patterns.2
not aim at matching image contents but analyzes phase In practice, analyzing an entire dataset can take a
shifts of the returning echoes from which local motion and nonnegligible amount of time, around 10 minutes for
deformation can be calculated along the beam direction. 3D depending on how practical the software interface is.
It therefore has a much higher temporal resolution Understanding the postprocessing chain is therefore key to
compared to speckle tracking (around 200 frames/s). reaching more reliable measurements and being critical on
However, it requires aligning the beam parallel/orthogonal the output values.
to the wall, for the recovery of longitudinal (apical view) The user is often asked to correct end-diastolic and
or radial (parasternal view) velocities. Manual tracking end-systolic contours, which serve to initialize the
of the observation points is offered in some software to tracking of endocardial and epicardial contours along
prevent inadequate measurements from the originally fixed the sequence. The software often allows correction of the
observation point. contours propagated along the entire sequence, before
the local tracking of speckles: we highly recommend the
STANDARDIZATION AND VALIDATION user carefully check and correct the contours over the
The tracking algorithms involve several processing steps and entire cycle and navigate across the 3D images. After
assumptions that should be standardized. Joint initiatives the tracking of speckles, namely once the motion and
including the European Association of Cardiovascular deformation output is available, the user may also enable/
Imaging, the American Society of Echocardiography, and disable several corrections that can substantially affect the
academic and industrial actors are currently focusing on output. Spatial and temporal smoothing is often applied
this issue for segmentation29 and tracking.30 to reduce noise in the estimated curves, which may hide
Differences between manufacturers exist in the local spatial and temporal abnormalities depending on
definition of the myocardial segments, the intrinsic the studied disease. We generally recommend turning
definition of strain, which myocardial layer to process, down this option when available. Finally, drift artifacts
the postprocessing applied (e.g., spatial and temporal may arise from the accumulation of errors along the cycle.
smoothing), etc. In particular, the computation of The transformation estimated between consecutive frames
radial strain differs between vendors: some prefer its is only an approximation of the true displacement: this
estimation from area strain (the product of longitudinal error is probably negligible between consecutive frames,
and circumferential components, upon elemental volume but accumulating the transformations along the cycle to
conservation assumptions) rather than its direct estimation obtain displacements from end diastole may substantially
from 3D images, for which the low spatial resolution across amplify these small errors. Most 2D commercial software
the wall thickness is an issue. propose a drift correction, which assumes that cardiac
Several validation studies recently reported on the motion is cyclic and therefore constrains displacement
performance of academic and commercial software on and strain at the end of the cycle to match their values at
standardized datasets, including realistic simulated images the onset of the cycle (Figure 18A.6). In 3D, this option
for which ground truth motion is known. 22–24,31,32 They may not be directly accessible to the user but still can be
revealed substantial differences in the output measurements. implemented on homemade software from the exported
As a result, the estimation of global longitudinal parameters outputs (Figures 18A.7 through 18A.10). Note that this
is often emphasized to go beyond ejection fraction,33 while correction does not concern myocardial velocity and strain
looking at the circumferential and radial components, and rate, which correspond to instantaneous parameters and
more local pattern changes are still limited to research. are not affected by the accumulation of errors.

218  3D Echocardiography

Longitudinal displacement (mm)



v( t )N

ti t i+1 t i+2 t i+3 ... 0




v( t)1
v( t )0 n t without drift correction
lace with drift correction

Figure 18A.6  Conservation of speckles over consecutive frames, allowing tracking along the cycle (A). The link between displacement and
instantaneous velocities (B). The accumulation of small errors along the sequence may require compensating for drifting (C).

strain curves. 4D deformation analysis shows a similar global

PRACTICAL EXAMPLES longitudinal function, with uniform and synchronous
HEALTHY CONTROL segmental deformation.
Deformation analysis was conducted for an active, healthy,
30-year-old male, with no significant medical history or
A healthy, 42-year-old male athlete, training long-distance
cardiac disease (Figure 18A.7, ). The echocardiographic
running 6 days a week for the last 6 years was considered in
“window” is optimal. The left ventricle is of normal
deformation analysis (Figure 18A.8, ). The left ventricle
dimensions, and the ejection fraction is preserved (60%).
is representative of early stage changes that are seen in
2D speckle-tracking deformation shows that the global
athletes participating in endurance training associated
longitudinal function is in the normal range. The segmental
with repetitive chronic volume overload. Over time, these
deformation values are uniform, as well as the timings of
alterations result in eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy

Longitudinal strain Circumferential strain Area strain Radial strain

% % % %
0 0
0 80
-10 60
-10 -20 40
-30 20

-20 -30 0
5 10 15 number 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
17 AHA segments
Average (global strain)

% % % %
-25 0 25 -30 0 30 -40 0 40 -60 0 60

Figure 18A.7  4D deformation analysis for a healthy subject. Longitudinal, circumferential, area, and radial strain traces and end-systolic
patterns, after drift correction. 3D echocardiographic sequence provided as video .

Speckle Tracking  219

Longitudinal strain Circumferential strain Area strain Radial strain
% % % %
0 0 40
-10 20
-10 -20
-20 0
-20 -10
10 20 30 40 number 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
17 AHA segments
Average (global strain)

% % % %
-25 0 25 -30 0 30 -40 0 40 -60 0 60

Figure 18A.8  4D deformation analysis for a healthy athlete. Display similar to Figure 18A.7 .

with increased wall thickness and overall mass, coupled with (52%) was examined (Figure 18A.10, ). Localized
comparably increased end-diastolic volumes and associated myocardial wall thickening can be recognized in the
increase in stroke volume so that EF and global deformation anterior and inferior septum, as well as in the inferior
at rest will be at the lower side. 2D speckle-tracking wall, resulting in elevated indexed left ventricular mass.
deformation shows that global longitudinal function The maximal thickness is seen at the inferior part of
is slightly decreased, which is in line with the enlarged the septum measuring 22 mm. 2D speckle-tracking
athlete’s heart and not related to intrinsic dysfunction. The deformation analysis demonstrates characteristic findings
segmental deformation values are uniform. 4D deformation in HCM - significant heterogeneity in regional myocardial
analysis shows a similar global longitudinal function, with deformation is paired with the noticeable heterogeneity in
uniform segmental deformation. wall thickness. The greatest reduction in longitudinal strain
is seen in the interventricular septum. Areas of abnormal
HYPERTENSION deformation are surrounded by normal deformation in the
A 57-year-old male patient with long-standing arterial same ventricular region, a finding conceivably related to
hypertension on antihypertensive therapy and with preserved the heterogeneous distribution of myocardial disarray. As
left ventricular ejection fraction (60%) was examined (Figure compared to findings of basal septal impairment in arterial
18A.9, ). The left ventricle shows signs of a generalized hypertension, the impairment seen in HCM is considerably
myocardial wall thickening indicative of hypertensive heart more pronounced. Global longitudinal strain is only slightly
disease; however, left ventricular mass is still in the normal reduced. 4D deformation analysis demonstrates a similar
range. 2D speckle-tracking analysis shows that global heterogenic pattern of myocardial deformation.
longitudinal function is normal. Segmental deformation
reveals a characteristic pattern of impaired basal septal
deformation. In the setting of increased blood pressure, due
to the increased local radius of curvature, the basal septal Speckle tracking is an essential tool for the assessment
segment is the first to show systolic dysfunction, quantifiable of cardiac mechanics, in particular through 3D motion
by changes in deformation - decrease in longitudinal strain. and deformation. The technique is at the crossroad
4D deformation analysis shows a slightly higher global of developments on imaging (3D and high frame rate
longitudinal function; nevertheless, the characteristic pattern sequences), automation of the processing (segmentation
of basal septal impairment is still notable. and tracking), and validation/standardization initiatives.
Substantial improvements are therefore expected in the
HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY near future. Nonetheless, using such tools will still require
A 42-year-old male patient with diagnosed hypertrophic caution in light of the technology used, appropriate training
cardiomyopathy (HCM) and preserved ejection fraction upon acquisition, the use of processing software, and the

220  3D Echocardiography
Longitudinal strain Circumferential strain Area strain Radial strain
% % % %
0 10 80
0 60
-10 40
-20 20
-30 -40 0
-40 -50 -20
5 10 number 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
17 AHA segments
Average (global strain)

% % % %
-25 0 25 -30 0 30 -40 0 40 -60 0 60

Figure 18A.9  4D deformation analysis for a hypertensive patient. Display similar to Figure 18A.7 .

Longitudinal strain Circumferential strain Area strain Radial strain

% % % %
0 100
0 0
-10 -10 60
-20 -20 -30
-40 0
-30 -30
-50 -20
5 10 15 number 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
17 AHA segments
Average (global strain)

% % % %
-25 0 25 -30 0 30 -40 0 40 -60 0 60

Figure 18A.10  4D deformation analysis for a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Display similar to Figure 18A.7 .

Speckle Tracking  221

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222  3D Echocardiography
18B Tissue Tracking

dynamic ultrasound images, and this is generally referred

INTRODUCTION to as speckle tracking. 3D WMT therefore enables 3D STE.
Myocardial tissue tracking based on a 3D dataset has First, the basic principles of speckle tracking technology
been anticipated because the heart moves in a 3D space. are discussed, using 2D WMT as an example. In speckle
Regional myocardial deformation was first assessed on tracking, a template image is set centered on the reference
the basis of tissue velocity with tissue Doppler imaging.1 point for the detection of motion as the start frame. The
However, wall deformation can be accurately estimated application estimates the position to which the local
only at regions parallel to the ultrasound beam owing domain in the template image has moved in the next frame
to the use of the Doppler effect. Next, 2D speckle by searching for the area with the most similar speckle
tracking echocardiography (STE), which is based on pattern near the reference point in the next frame (moving
tracking of speckle patterns created by interference of point) (Figure 18B.5 upper panel). This processing is called
ultrasound beams in the myocardium, became available. pattern matching. As a result, information concerning motion
This methodology is based on a B-mode image, so it is as a movement vector (the position vector of the moving
conceptually angle independent of the ultrasound beam. point to the position vector of the reference point) at the
In the setting of 2D echocardiography, the heart moves reference point is acquired. By performing such pattern
through the 2D plane of interest, and in fact, different matching over the entire myocardial region of interest,
myocardium appears in the 2D image frame by frame. This information concerning myocardial motion between two
is called the “through-plane or out-of-plane phenomenon.” frames can be obtained. The myocardial region of interest
Figure 18B.1 illustrates the effect of 3D motion on the in the start frame is then moved to the most likely position
cross-sectional image plane image for the left ventricle in the next frame based on the motion information for
(LV). 2 LV translation and rotation might be perceived the myocardium. This processing is called tracking. In the
as being due to ventricular contraction on the 2D image next frame, the motion information for the myocardial
and, therefore, might lead to either underestimation or region of interest at the tracked position is detected by
overestimation of the segmental deformation. Especially, pattern matching, and tracking is performed. This process
longitudinal shortening makes the LV base move toward is repeated for all subsequent pairs of successive frames for
the apex by approximately 10 mm during systole in a the entire cardiac cycle. As a result, the positions of local
healthy subject (Figure 18B.2, ). In addition, for the tissues as they move over time can be tracked throughout
right ventricle (RV), 2D assessment has drawbacks of the the cardiac cycle.
intrinsic complexity in its anatomical and deformation Speckle tracking does not make use of Doppler
pattern (Figure 18B.3, ). As a result, this may cause no information and is therefore not affected by the angle
negligible effects on the accuracy of tissue tracking in between the direction of tissue motion and the direction
2D images. In contrast, 3D full-volume LV and RV data of the ultrasound beam, which is an advantage over tissue
overcome the limitation of plane-dependency of the 2D Doppler imaging.
image. 3 Recently, all four cardiac chambers - LV, RV, left
atrium (LA), and right atrium (RA) - have become the DEVELOPMENT OF 3D WALL MOTION TRACKING
target of 3D tissue tracking. FROM 2D WALL MOTION TRACKING
The challenging work of developing 3D tissue tracking Cardiac structures and motion are in three dimensions, and
was first undertaken by Toshiba Medical Systems.4 As of thus 3D motion should be evaluated for strain analysis in
2019, several 3D tissue-tracking systems were available as WMT. A 3D cube of image data rather than a single plane
academic or commercial on-board or offline software in of 2D image data is used as the template image in 3D WMT
ultrasound systems.5,6 (Figure 18B.5, lower panel). The 3D volume that is most
3D tracking promises to track myocardium irrespective similar to this cubic template is searched for in the next
of its direction of motion as long as the myocardium 3D image frame. Then, the 3D motion information (3D
remains within the scan volume data. 3D tissue-tracking movement vector) of the corresponding part is searched
technology is now opening the next stage in the noninvasive for (Figure 18B.4).8 This pattern matching using 3D images
quantification of myocardial wall deformation. is performed for the volume corresponding to the entire
myocardium, and tracking processing using 3D movement
vectors is repeated for the entire cardiac cycle. As a result,
PRINCIPLES OF 3D TISSUE TRACKING 3D wall motion analysis of the entire heart is achieved.
WALL MOTION TRACKING TECHNOLOGY The basic principle of 3D tracking is simply an extension
3D wall motion tracking (3D WMT) has been developed for of the 2D speckle tracking technique to three dimensions.
the purpose of 3D wall motion analysis. This application However, since 3D pattern matching involves much more
uses pattern-matching processing 7 to detect motion in intensive data processing, improvements in processing

Tissue Tracking  223

A speed are required. In fact, the degree of data processing
is increased from the second to the third power. To meet
this requirement, the efficiency of a pattern-matching
technology known as the sum of squared differences (SSD)
has been increased for 3D WMT.8


Strain is a measure of deformation representing shortening
or expansion of an object and is defined as follows:
C Strain = (Lt  −  L0)/L0, where L0 is initial length and Lt is
length at time t. Unlike velocity or displacement, strain is
unaffected by the motion of the entire heart and therefore
is more suitable for regional wall motion analysis. 3D STE
D is achieved by applying the information concerning wall
motion obtained by 3D tracking to strain analysis. In 3D
WMT, it is possible to compute many wall motion parameters
at one time for the entire LV from a single 3D image dataset.
E In particular, radial, longitudinal, and circumferential
strain, which are the three orthogonal strain values that are
important for assessing LV structure, can be determined
simultaneously for the entire LV myocardium (Figure
18B.6). Based on the 3D STE, three unique functions, area
strain, activation imaging, and quad-chamber tracking,
have been developed.

Figure 18B.1  Effects of rotation and translation about each of the The area change ratio, which is called “area strain” by some
three primary axes and longitudinal shortening in the recording of authors, can be calculated in 3D WMT (Figure 18B.7).
a 2D short-axis view (Middle Panels), apical view (Right Panels), and The area change ratio is physiologically synonymous with
3D full-volume image (Left Panels) of the left ventricle. (A) Rotation the radial strain if the myocardial volume is conserved
about the horizontal minor axis, (B) rotation about the long axis, throughout the cardiac cycle. Area change ratio is more
(C) rotation about the ventricular minor axis, (D) translation, and (E) robust than the radial strain because the former does not
longitudinal shortening. Based on the 2D image, translation, rotation,
depend on the epicardial tissue tracking which is often the
and longitudinal shortening might be perceived as being due to
suboptimal quality of the image.9
ventricular contraction and might lead to either underestimation or
overestimation of segmental function.

Figure 18B.2  Plastic bag image showing displacement of left ventricle by 3D speckle tracking. The basal segment of the left ventricle moves
toward the apex over 10 mm. Its dynamic movement may result in through-plane phenomenon in 2D echocardiography .

224  3D Echocardiography
N-th frame (N + 1)-th frame


2D template of a
tracking point (red
2D scanning area


Figure 18B.3  Plastic bag image showing displacement of right 3D template of a

ventricle by 3D speckle tracking. The lateral part of the tricuspid tracking point (red 3D scanning area
annular plane is seen toward the apex. Its dynamic movement may voxel)
affect the angle dependency in M-mode assessment of the tricuspid
annular systolic excursion . Figure 18B.4  Schematic image of both 2D (Upper Panels) and 3D
(Lower Panels) tissue tracking algorithms. Red pixel/voxel is the
2D/3D template of a tracking point. To determine the position of the
pixel/voxel of interest, the most similar pixel/voxel is searched for in
the surrounding regions in the next frame.

Figure 18B.5  Example image of 2D (Upper Panels) and 3D (Lower Panels) speckle tracking echocardiography (STE). The square area of interest
in the first frame is searched in the next frame by pattern matching in 2D STE, and the cubic template of interest in the first frame is searched
in the next frame by pattern matching in 3D STE.

Tissue Tracking  225

Figure 18B.6  Radial, longitudinal, and circumferential strain in 3D tracking. Radial strain (left) is synonymous with wall thickening, longitudinal
strain (middle) measures shortening in the basal-lateral long-axis direction, and circumferential strain (right) measures shortening in the
short-axis direction.

Figure 18B.7  Area change ratio. Area change ratio, which is a unique parameter of 3D tracking, is the endocardial area change from the
red square in frame 1 to the yellow square in the next frame n.

Conventionally, 2D images have been used for torsion activation imaging on 3D WMT.10 With activation imaging,
analysis, but it is difficult to measure the distances between the time that has elapsed before the value of regional
multiple short-axis images, and there are theoretical strain obtained by 3D WMT reaches a specified threshold
restrictions that make it impossible to use the image data with respect to the peak value, which is mapped in colors.
of the same cardiac cycle. However, in 3D WMT, such This process is schematically shown in Figure 18B.9 ( ).
restrictions do not apply, and ideal torsion values can be The propagation of ventricular contraction is represented
calculated simultaneously to determine the rotation of visually by displaying the changes in the distribution of
each short-axis plane and the distance between the planes. strain at the leading edge of contraction.
It is also possible to determine a new parameter known as Quad-chamber tracking (QCT) has been newly devel-
regional torsion, which represents the spatial distribution oped as a function to simultaneously display two or more
of torsion values (Figure 18B.8). 3D WMT analysis results. It is also possible to align the status
before and after treatment side by side if they are in the
ACTIVATION IMAGING AS THE ISOCHRONE same heart chamber, and to automatically anatomically align
and display the analysis results of different heart chambers
CONTRACTION MAPPING (Figure 18B.10, ). QCT can assess not only individual ven-
The mechanical contraction timing of the myocardium is tricular function but also the interdependence among four
correlated with the electrical activation time measured by chambers in the same heartbeat. The results of the volume
electrophysiological mapping and can be measured using measurements, left and right ventricular stroke volume, can

226  3D Echocardiography
Figure 18B.8  Rotation, twist, and torsion to base in 3D tracking. Rotation (left) is the regional rotational displacement angle on the short-
axis plane measured in degrees. Twist (middle) is the angle difference of the rotation between the referential mitral annulus and the regional
short-axis plane measured in degrees. Torsion to base (right), which is the original parameter of 3D tracking, is the twist gradient with respect
to the basal plane of the left ventricle and is measured in degrees/centimeter.

be compared directly, and it may improve the accuracy of been reported.8 The error ratio of all strain measurements
the measurement. was based on the global average across all 16 wall segments.
In almost all cases, good results were obtained, and the
COMPARISON OF 2D vs. 3D STRAIN error ratio was less than 5%. In addition to the numerical
model verification, in vivo verification has been reported
Table 18B.1 summarizes the comparison among the 2D in an experimental animal model using sonomicrometry
and 3D speckle tracking echocardiography, 5 based on implantation for LV11 and RV,12 because sonomicrometry
the previously mentioned differences. Among the various is the only method available to assess 3D myocardial
options for 3D STE software, two vendor-specific onboard deformation, and no other noninvasive imaging method
software programs were selected in Table 18B.1. can verify the accuracy of 3D echocardiography tracking.
In each of 10 anesthetized sheep, sonomicrometry crystals
were implanted on the endocardium at the basal, mid, and
VERIFICATION OF 3D STRAIN apical free walls. 3D STE datasets were obtained from the
open chest apical approach at a frame rate of approximately
3D WMT as previously described has been realized in the
30 frames/s. Segmental longitudinal, circumferential strain,
Canon Aplio i900 ultrasound system, and the verification
and area change ratio measurements by 3D echocardiography
results for artificial data based on a numerical model have
were compared with those by sonomicrometry at baseline
and during pharmacological and mechanical stress tests
(dobutamine and propranolol infusion and coronary artery
occlusion or pulmonary artery banding). Good correlations
were observed between strain measurements by 3D STE
and those by sonomicrometry in both LV and RV. Among
the correlations between 3D STE and sonomicrometry, the
components of circumferential and longitudinal strain and
area change ratio showed good accuracy for the estimation of
regional deformation. Among three strain components, only
the area change ratio showed significant differences during
the ischemic stress studies in LV,9 and pulmonary banding
stress in RV.12 Accordingly, both experimental studies for left
and right ventricles suggest the area change ratios are reliable
and robust parameters quantifying ventricular regional
deformation in a noninvasive fashion.

Figure 18B.9  Schematic drawing of activation imaging (AI) mapping.

To visualize the timing of deformation with AI mapping, the time at VOLUME VERIFICATION WITH
which a local wall motion index reaches a threshold with respect CARDIAC MAGNETIC RESONANCE
to the peak value is displayed in different colors. The threshold is
25% of the maximum area change ratio value in each region was For LV volume calculation, 3D STE offers superior accuracy and
recommended, according to the previously determined protocol by reproducibility over that of 2D echocardiography in the setting
comparison with the endocardial contact mapping data . of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the gold standard

Tissue Tracking  227

Figure 18B.10  Quad-chamber tracking by 3D STE as a function to simultaneously display 3D WMT analysis results of four chambers. The
volume change of each ventricle is also available in a time-volume curve (upper right) and table (lower right column) .

for analysis.13 For RV volume measurement verification, the

comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging has CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF 3D TISSUE
been reported in the RV.14 Similar to the results of previous 3D TRACKING
echocardiography–derived RV volume validation,15 3D STE–
Recently, a growing amount of clinical research using 3D
derived RV volume and ejection fraction (EF) showed modest
tissue tracking has been published.3,5,16 Especially, the area
but significant underestimation in RV EF of 2% and RV end-
change ratio (area strain) correlates well with visual wall
diastolic volume of 10 mL. In addition, the regional RV wall
motion assessment by experts in assessing regional wall
contributes global RV function differently; specifically, inlet
motion abnormality.17
area strain and outflow circumferential strain showed close
correlation with RV EF.

Table 18B.1  Comparison of 2D vs. 3D Speckle Tracking Analysis by Canon and GE Specific Software
3D Strain

Characteristics 2D Strain Canon, Wall Motion Tracking GE, Echopac

Acquisition Multiple views for entire LV analysis One apical 3D full volume One apical 3D full volume
Reliance on good image quality Yes + Yes ++ Yes ++
Number of heartbeats for analysis 1 beat 1–6 beats 1–6 beats
Temporal resolution 40–80 frames/s Up to 40 volumes/s 34–50 volume/s
Out-of-plane motion of speckles Yes No No
Cardiac chamber for applicable LV, RV free wall, and others LV, RV, and others LV
  Global longitudinal strain Nonsimultaneous segmental peak on Simultaneous segmental values Simultaneous segmental values
different cardiac cycle
  Radial strain Measured Measured Calculated from area strain by the
law of volume conservation
  Area strain or area change ratio No Yes Yes
  Torsion (twist angle/apical length) No Yes Yes
  Isochrone mapping of No (Yes, by Canon Aplio-i) Yes (Activation Imaging) No
Drift compensationa Yes Yes No
a All segmental strain curves are forced by the software to return to baseline at end diastole.

228  3D Echocardiography
A B LV image in a less time-consuming manner than other
methods.21 Based on the LV architecture, each deformation
index reflects the abnormality of different myocardial
layers.22 3D tissue tracking can also differentiate normal
from abnormal myocardial segments just as well as cardiac
MRI can. 23 As shown in a cross-sectional histological
specimen (Figure 18B.11), the myofiber arrangement of the
LV is not uniform. In the subendocardium, the myofibers
are longitudinally oriented. The angle of the myofibers
toward the horizontal axis (Figure 18B.11) continuously
decreased to mid-wall from 90 degree to 0 degree, and
decreases in subepicardial from 0 degree to – 90 degree.
As summarized in Table 18B.2, longitudinal contraction
is predominantly governed by the subendocardial layer.
However, transmural involvement of the myocardial injury
leads to a reduction in LV circumferential and torsional
deformation and results in a decreased EF. 24 Therefore,
Figure 18B.11  Histological photograph of a rat heart in short-axis
the combination of multiple deformation indices provides
(A), long-axis (B), and coronal sections from the subendocardium
to subepicardium. Myofibral orientation gradually changes in a
pathophysiologic insight into the mechanics of LV
clockwise direction from 80° in the subendocardium to horizontal dysfunction.25 The spacial distribution of LV deformation
in the midwall and to –80° in the subepicardial left ventricular layer. in a bull’s eye map given by 3D STE gives us additional
information to utilize in the differential diagnosis of
myocardial disease, i.e. apical spearing of longitudinal
REFERENCE VALUE FROM HEALTHY strain in cardiac amyloidosis (Figure 18B.12, ).
Recently, four studies have been published for 3D TSE– CARDIAC DYSSYNCHRONY IMAGING
derived normal values. According to these, the area strain
calculations of the LV are −42.0%18 or −38.8%19 by Artida, Among clinical applications of 3D STE, dyssynchrony
Toshiba system, and −33% or −32% by E9 GE systems.20 assessment is one of the most promising fields of
The discrepancy between the two vendors may be due to interest. 26 –28 LV activation mapping in patients with left
the different algorithms, which should be overcome in the bundle branch block is shown in Figure 18B.13 ( ). The
future, as the 2D STE–derived strain. images show mean temporal changes of circumferential
strain from early systole (left panel) to end systole (right
panel). First, the yellow area, which corresponds to
regional contraction, is shown at the apical septal area.
The major advantage of 3D tissue tracking is its ability Then, the yellow area propagates to the basal lateral
to obtain multiple wall deformation parameters in one wall turning at the apex. This propagation pattern is a

Table 18B.2  Myocardial Deformation and Layer-Specific Myocardial

Damage in Heart Failure
Diffuse Subendocardial Diffuse/Large Transmural


Clinical syndrome Heart failure with preserved EF Heart failure with reduced EF
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Underlying heart disease Chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy
Transmural infarction
Hypertensive heart
Longitudinal strain ↓↓ ↓↓
Circumferential strain → ↓↓
Radial strain →/↓ ↓↓
Torsion →/↑ ↓↓
EF →/↓ ↓↓
EF, ejection fraction.

Tissue Tracking  229



Figure 18B.12  Longitudinal strain (LS) apical sparing in amyloid light-chain (AL) cardiac amyloidosis. (A) The multi planer reconstruction
(MPR) image of 3D echocardiography ; (B) the 3D speckle tracking results superimposed on the MPR image ; (C) 2D image of the four-
chamber view ; (D) polar map of longitudinal strain, in which the red color indicates the preserved LS in mid and apical left ventricular (LV)
views, and blue indicates the severely impaired LS in basal LV; (E) the plastic bag with both epicardial and endocardial wire ; (F) the plastic
bag with color coding of LS .

Early systole End systole

Sep Lat

–10.00 –10.00 –10.00 –10.00

[%] [%] [%] [%]

DCM with LBBB, time sequence of circumferential strain distribution

Figure 18B.13  Left ventricular dyssynchrony images by 3D speckle tracking echocardiography in a patient with idiopathic dilated
cardiomyopathy and left bundle branch block . (Lat, lateral wall; Sep, septal wall.)

230  3D Echocardiography
typical dyssynchrony in a patient with left bundle branch transposition of great arteries was visualized with 3D
block. In addition, the pattern is similar to the images echocardiography activation imaging (Figure 18B.14, ).
of propagation of electrical activation provided by The activation imaging clearly showed the latest site of
voltage mapping systems. 29 The promising 3D STE strain contraction, so the epicardial lead for the systemic ventricle
distribution pattern predicting cardiac resynchronization was positioned there. The symptom of heart failure
therapy (CRT) response is the U-shaped mechanical improved with RV reverse remodeling. Another example is
propagation, 27 which may reflect the electrical block-line shown in Figure 18B.15 ( ).
within the LV. 29 In addition, the optimal pacing site can Another example of the clinical utility for activation
be clearly demonstrated in individual patients using 3D imaging in WPW syndrome31 is shown in Figure 18B.16
tissue tracking. ( ). The earliest contraction site corresponds well with
Recently, CRT for systemic RV or univentricle has been the accessory pathway ablation site. It indicates accurate
limited to congenital heart disease clinics. 30 Successful estimation of the electrical propagation by 3D STE
CRT in a patient with an arterial switch operation for activation imaging.


Figure 18B.14  Electrocardiogram (ECG) and images before (left) and after (right) cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patient with
the atrial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries. (A) ECG before CRT (left) showed a wide QRS (160 ms) with complete right
bundle branch block. ECG after CRT (right) showed decreased QRS duration. (B) Cine mode magnetic resonance imaging showed that the
systemic right ventricle (RV) showed apparent dyssynchrony before CRT . (C) Color-coded 3D mechanical activation mapping of the systemic
RV. The earliest sites of mechanical activation are denoted by an orange to red color, and the latest sites are denoted with purple. Before
CRT (left), the latest activation site was at the basal lateral wall. The activation map after CRT (right) showed a uniform activation pattern
with biventricular pacing (white arrows indicate pacing sites) .

Tissue Tracking  231


Figure 18B.15  Right (RV) and left ventricular (LV) activation imaging before and after cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients
with repaired tetralogy of Fallot with right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) epicardial pacing. (A) Activation imaging color map, on which blue
indicates early and red indicates delayed shortening ; (B) RV and LV plastic bag wire image ; (C) plastic bag image with activation mapping
indicating the RVOT free wall is the earliest contraction, and it propagates to the LV through the interventricular septum ; (D) before and
(E) after CRT, 2D images of fourchamber view, biventricular activating maps, and area strain-time curves in each LV and RV segment . The
dyssynchronous motion of both ventricles remarkably improved and resulted in synchronous motion.

As with 2D speckle tracking, vendor-specific algorithms

LIMITATION OF CURRENT 3D SPECKLE produce significant discrepancies in strain values.
TRACKING ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Standardization will be required in the future for general
clinical utilization.
Among the factors affecting strain measurements, the lower
frame rate of 3D STI is the most problematic in obtaining
accurate strain data; this lower frame rate may cause large CONCLUSION
differences in speckle patterns between sequential frames. 3D tissue tracking is a powerful potential tool for evaluating
The algorithm makes it possible to set a frame rate for each myocardial wall deformation in a comprehensive manner
image of approximately 40 Hz, which is recommended as and might provide new insight into various clinical problems
the minimum frame rate to limit frame-by-frame changes beyond that provided by conventional echocardiographic
in the speckle pattern.32 indices.

232  3D Echocardiography
Figure 18B.16  Multimodality assessment before and after LV lateral accessory pathway (ACP) ablation in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
Intracardiac electric activation mapping before (A) and after (B) ACP ablation. 3D echo activation imaging of LV before (C) and after
(D)  , time-area strain curves before (E) and after (F) ablation. 12 leads electrocardiogram before (G) and after ablation (H). The LAO
fluoroscopic view during the successful ablation with the schema of the mitral annulus clock orientation (I).

7. Bohs LN, Friemel BH, McDermott BA, Trahey GE. A real time system for
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by Doppler strain rate echocardiography in humans: Validation against three-dimensional speckle tracking in a three-dimensional diagnostic
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9. Seo Y, Ishizu T, Enomoto Y, Sugimori H, Aonuma K. Endocardial
2. Mann DL, Gillam LD, Weyman AE. Cross-sectional echocardiographic surface area tracking for assessment of regional LV wall deformation with
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perfusion. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 1986;29:1–52.
10. Seo Y, Yamasaki H, Kawamura R et al. Left ventricular activation imaging
3. Seo Y, Ishizu T, Atsumi A, Kawamura R, Aonuma K. Three-dimensional by 3-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography. Comparison with
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4. Kawagishi T. Speckle tracking for assessment of cardiac motion and 11. Seo Y, Ishizu T, Enomoto Y et al. Validation of 3-dimensional speckle
dyssynchrony. Echocardiography. 2008;25:1167–71. tracking imaging to quantify regional myocardial deformation. Circ
5. Muraru D, Niero A, Rodriguez-Zanella H, Cherata D, Badano L. Three- Cardiovasc Imaging. 2009;2:451–9.
dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography: Benefits and limitations 12. Atsumi A, Seo Y, Ishizu T et al. Right ventricular deformation analyses
of integrating myocardial mechanics with three-dimensional imaging. using a three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiographic system
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2018;8:101–117. specialized for the right ventricle. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2016;29:402–411.e2.
6. Satriano A, Pournazari P, Hirani N et  al. Characterization of right 13. Nesser HJ, Mor-Avi V, Gorissen W et al. Quantification of left ventricular
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15. Shimada YJ, Shiota M, Siegel RJ, Shiota T. Accuracy of right ventricular 25. Sengupta PP, Kramer CM, Narula J, Dilsizian V. The potential of
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234  3D Echocardiography
19 Cardiac Masses

influences the risk of embolism and therefore an earlier

INTRODUCTION surgical approach. The shape and size of vegetations can
Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is usually the first be more accurately evaluated by 3D echocardiography
diagnostic technique that detects a cardiac mass. It also than conventional 2D echocardiography.13
allows for serial imaging along the follow-up without the • Mobility: The mobility and friability of a mass give an
need for radiation, iodine, or gadolinium contrast agents. idea of the risk of embolism being a potential cause of
Among the disadvantages are the inherent limitations of the systemic or pulmonary embolism.
technique such as the window dependence, the limitations • Relationship of mass with other cardiac structures: The
in the tissue characterization, and the limited visualization affectation of several structures leads to suspect
of extracardiac or paracardiac structures. malignancy, and it is fundamental in the possibility
In the study of cardiac masses, transesophageal of exeresis and in the surgical planning. 3D
echocardiography (TEE) has a higher sensitivity and echocardiography improves the study of the spatial
specificity than TTE1 and provides for a more detailed relationship of the mass (Figure 19.2).
description of size, morphology, attachment site, extension, • Zone and mode of adhesion: The zone of adhesion is
and hemodynamic effects of the mass, and it aids in the sometimes key to diagnosis. For example, a mass
intraoperative management of cardiac tumors. 2D TEE with a pedicle implantation zone in the oval fossa
offers planar images that must be mentally integrated. When characteristically corresponds to an atrial myxoma
we incorporate 3D TEE, we obtain optimal visualization in (Figure 19.3), while tumors associated with the lateral
a more anatomical and real way. The most used modality auricular wall or interatrial septum but with a wide
in this context is real-time 3D; also useful are the X-plane implantation base are more likely to be malignant
mode (capacity to section the mass and display it from two (Figure 19.2).
simultaneous angles) and the cropping of the mass. • Tissue characterization: Echocardiography in general has
When a cardiac mass is detected, a detailed description limitations in tissue characterization: thrombi have a
is necessary to provide a correct differential diagnosis.2–5 homogeneous structure, while heterogeneous areas can
be found in tumors (Figure 19.4). The echocardiographic
• Location of the mass: Intracavitary, intramyocardial, or contrast study provides information on the vascularization
pericardial. The intracavitary localization (in one of the mass. As thrombi are avascular, they do not
or several cardiac chambers) facilitates the diagnosis enhance at all, whereas contrast-enhanced masses usually
because the paracardiac or pericardial masses are correspond to malignant tumors.
more difficult to detect, especially if they are of small
size, being better evaluated by cardiac computed
• Hemodynamic repercussion: Large or mobile masses may
lead to interference in the opening or closing of the
tomography (CCT) or cardiac magnetic resonance valve on the left (Figure 19.2) or right side (Figure
(CMR) imaging. The most frequent intramyocardial 19.5) of the heart. Large pleuropericardial cysts (Figure
(single or multifocal) location of tumors is the lateral 19.6) and primary or metastatic pericardial tumors
wall of the left ventricle and the interventricular septum. associated with pericardial effusion may produce
The visceral pericardium is the most common location cardiac tamponade.
of cardiac metastases. Some cardiac tumors have a
certain preference to be located in specific anatomical A correct differential diagnosis will direct the treatment.
locations (Table 19.1). Initially, several possibilities must be considered:
• Size and morphology: Large masses may cause valve or • Tumor mass in different locations (valvular, intracavitary,
intracavitary obstruction (Figure 19.1). The size of an myocardial, or pericardial); primary tumor (benign or
intracardiac mass (vegetation, tumor, or thrombus) malignant) or metastatic tumor
is also an important predictor for embolic events. • Intracavitary thrombus
Maximum diameter measurements from 2D may lead • Endocarditis masses
to underestimation comparing to the 3D technique.6
In the case of endocarditis, the size of the vegetation
• Anatomical structures with pathology with appearance
of mass
• Normal anatomical structures with mass effect
In the differential diagnosis of the cardiac masses, the
Table 19.1  Preferential Location of Cardiac Tumors
following should be considered:
Left Atrium Right Atrium Ventricles Any Chamber
• The characteristics and clinical context of the patient
Myxomas Angiosarcoma Fibroma Lipoma such as age, the presence of atrial fibrillation, or a
Leiomyosarcoma Lymphoma Rhabdomyoma Hemangioma known neoplastic or infectious process. For example, a
Osteosarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma mobile mass attached to a valve in an infectious context

Cardiac Masses  235


in RV
in RV


Mass in

Lung metastases

Figure 19.1  Echocardiographic and cardiac computed tomographic images of total occupation of the right ventricle by endocavitary
metastases from endometrial carcinoma with compression of the left ventricle.

P e dicle
Myx oma


Figure 19.3  A mass with pedicle implantation in the oval fossa
characteristically is an atrial myxoma (3D TEE).

supports the diagnosis of vegetation, while without

infectious data it would support other diagnoses such
as thrombus, fibroelastoma, or Lambl excrescence.
• Certain echocardiographic characteristics allow us to
differentiate a benign cardiac tumor from a malignant
tumor. The following suggest malignancy (Table 19.2):
mass size greater than 5 cm, appearance on the right
side of the heart, ventricular location, infiltration of
Figure 19.2  (A) 2D TEE: Left atrial mass related to the interauricular
myocardium or pericardium with pericardial effusion,
septum. (B) X-plane technique shows extension toward the mitral
valve indicates malignancy and rules out the possibility that it is a
especially if it is hemopericardium, or the presence of
myxoma, being in fact an undifferentiated sarcoma. pleural effusion.

236  3D Echocardiography



B Figure 19.6  Pleuropericardial cysts may produce cardiac tamponade.

(LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.)

Table 19.2  Echocardiographic Differences of Benign

and Malignant Cardiac Tumors
Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors

Location Left chambers > Right chambers > Left

Right chambers; chambers; intramural,
intracavitary pericardial
Size <5 cm, single lesion >5 cm, multiple lesions
Morphology Regular, defined Irregular contours
Extension to Near No Yes
Figure 19.4  3D TEE cropping. (A) Discrete heterogenicity (different
Calcification Small foci in myxoma, Big foci in osteosarcoma
echolucency) of left atrial myxoma. (B) Anechoic areas in malignant
fibroma, or teratoma
tumor .
Contrast No or mild Yes
Pericardial Effusion No Possible

Cardiac tumors may be primary (benign or malignant) or
metastatic (by definition, malignant) (Table 19.3). Primary
tumors are rare with an incidence of less than 0.1% in
autopsy series.


In adults, benign primary tumors account for 75% of primary
heart tumors, with myxoma and papillary fibroelastoma
being the most common. Other tumors such as fibroma
(usually intramyocardial) and teratoma, usually pericardial,
are rare. Lipomas can occur in any location and are also
rare. In children, the rhabdomyoma is the most frequent
Figure 19.5  Obstructive myxoma in the right ventricle including the tumor in ages less than 1 year, is associated with tuberous
tricuspid septal leaflet that is practically indistinguishable. The myxoma sclerosis, and is usually multiple but is very rare in adults.
was resected and a tricuspid biological prosthesis was implanted; the
histological study confirmed the diagnosis of myxoma. MYXOMA
Myxoma is the most common benign tumor, most frequently
• Other echocardiographic findings. For example, a (80%) located in the left atrium, attached to the area of the
left ventricular mass associated with apical aneurysms oval fossa through a thin pedicle. 3D TEE allows the precise
or other regional wall motion abnormalities is highly location of the attachments of the myxoma to be identified
suggestive of mural thrombi. (Figure 19.3). Less frequently, it is located in the right atrium,

Cardiac Masses  237

Table 19.3  Differential Diagnosis between
Vegetation and Other Valvular Lesions
Vegetation Pseudotumor/Tumor

Mobility Oscillating and Fixed and dependent on

independent of valvular valve movement P a pilla r y
movement Non Fibr oe la stoma
c o r on a r y
Echogenicity Isoechogenic with Echogenicity other than c us p
myocardium myocardium
Location Auricular side in Both sides Le ft
atrioventricular valves c o r on a r y
c us p
and ventricular side in
sigmoid valves
Shape Lobulated or amorphous Filament with narrow
Associated Pseudoaneurysms, Absence of associated
Anomalies turbulent flow, or valvular regurgitation or
regurgitation turbulent flows

Figure 19.7  Papillary fibroelastoma in aortic valve (aortic side) .

and rarely it is located in ventricles or valves (Figure 19.5).

They are heterogeneous and mobile masses that can reach
great size, friable with peripheral and sessile areas of greater
Lipomas are encapsulated, echogenic, nonpandiculated
mobility, which explains their embolic risk. The heterogeneity
and homogeneous fatty tumors that are preferably located
of the mass with areas of necrosis or hemorrhage (echolucents)
in the left ventricular endocardium. If they are pericardial,
or calcification (more frequent in right atrial myxomas) can
they can compress the coronary arteries or associate
be revealed with 2D or 3D echocardiography by cropping
pericardial effusion and if they are intramyocardial they
(Figure 19.3).
can produce arrhythmias. Unlike myxomas, they have no
Patients may be asymptomatic or debut with embolic
areas of calcification, necrosis, or hemorrhage. They are
or obstructive phenomena (dyspnea, dizziness/syncope)
usually solitary but may be multiple in patients with tuberous
because the tumor tends to grow inside the atrium and
may prolapse in the left ventricle during the diastole. It
More frequent is the lipomatous hypertrophy of the
may also be accompanied by a general syndrome with fever
interauricular septum which is defined as a fat deposit of
and weight loss. Familial myxomas constitute less than 10%
more than 8 mm thick and is associated with advanced age
of all myxomas.5 The Carney complex is a syndrome with
and obesity. The fat infiltration respects the fossa ovalis, so
autosomal dominant inheritance that includes cardiac and
that the interauricular septum acquires an aspect of “weight,”
noncardiac myxomas (at earlier age and more recurrent),
displayed more anatomically in 3D echocardiography
schwannomas, and other endocrine tumors with anomalies
(Figure 19.9).
in skin pigmentation.
PAPILLARY FIBROELASTOMA Fibromas are uncommon benign tumors that are most often
This is the second most frequent benign tumor. The seen in children (second most common benign pediatric
papillary fibroelastoma is more frequently located in the cardiac tumor) but are rare in adults. On echocardiography,
left valve, especially in the aortic valve (it can appear in
both sides) and in the mitral valve (more frequent in its
auricular side). They are small masses of 2–10 mm, mobile
and attached by a pedicle to the valvular endocardium,
usually unique, and 3D TEE shows its anemone appearance
(Figure 19.7, ).
Surgical excision is recommended in asymptomatic
La mbl
patients with low surgical risk in fibroelastomas in left e x c r e s c e nc e

valves with a diameter of 1 cm or greater. If they are small,

it is difficult to distinguish them from Lambl excrescences,
which are masses of connective tissue, avascular, located
in the valve closing line and more filiform in appearance
(Figure 19.8, ). 3D TEE adds important information in
the assessment of a cardiac mass for better definition of
the mass, attachment location, and mobility, which could Figure 19.8  Lambl excrescence in closed mitral valve (anterior
provide guidance for surgical excision. leaflet) .

238  3D Echocardiography
Figure 19.9  Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interauricular septum (black arrow) respects the fossa ovalis (white arrow).

they appear as distinct, highly echogenic, and well- pain usually indicates a malignant rather than a benign
demarcated masses that often extend into the cavity of process.
the ventricle. The most common locations are the left
ventricular free wall, anterior free wall, or ventricular Sarcoma
septum. Extension into the cavity is not infrequent, which Angiosarcoma is the most frequent sarcoma. It is usually
can lead to obstruction and heart failure symptoms but is located in the right atrium and is very invasive in nature
not associated with systemic embolization. Otherwise, the with infiltration of the heart wall and pericardium, with
myocardial location can lead to arrhythmias and sudden pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. It has a lobed
death, so resection is usually recommended even in and heterogeneous aspect. It can involve the right ventricular
asymptomatic cases. entrance tract and may affect the atrioventricular groove. It
may cause dysfunction of the tricuspid valve.
RHABDOMYOMA Other types of sarcoma (undifferentiated,
Rhabdomyomas are the most common primary cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma,
tumor in children, typically appearing before the first year. and osteosarcoma) are more common in the left atrium.
The majority are associated with tuberous sclerosis and tend Echocardiographically, the different types of sarcomas are
to be multiple. The rhabdomyomas are usually seen on the indistinguishable. Only osteosarcomas can be distinguished
ventricular walls (left ventricle or ventricular septum) or by calcifications.
on the atrioventricular valves. Echocardiography reveals Sometimes sarcoma is presumed to be benign myxoma,
multiple small, lobulated, homogeneous, hyperechoic, and the suspicion of sarcoma is only made at the time
pedunculated, or intramural tumors. of surgery due to its invasive nature. However, unlike
myxomas, sarcomas are not related to the oval fossa via
a pedicle. They are visualized as a mobile, broad-based,
PRIMARY MALIGNANT TUMORS nonhomogeneous mass with hypoechoic/anechoic
Primary cardiac malignancies are less frequent than benign areas by necrosis and hemorrhage zones, which can be
tumors and represent 20% of primary cardiac tumors, the detected by 2D echocardiography or cropping in the 3D
most frequent being sarcomas. The clinical presentation can echocardiographic study (Figure 19.4). They tend to be
vary and depends on the location of the tumor. Precordial large, to occupy the cavity, and to have multiple tumor

Cardiac Masses  239

I mpla nt
(a nte r ior w a ll LA)


S a r c oma
(la te r a l w a ll LA)

Figure 19.12  Computed tomography in patient with pericardial

Figure 19.10  Left atrial leiomyosarcoma, 3D TEE allows the display
constriction echocardiographic data with findings of pleuropericardial
of multiple tumor implants. (AO, aorta; LA, left atrium; LAA, left
atrial appendage.)

although pericardial surgery with radiotherapy may be a

implants (Figure 19.10). Due to their great size and
palliative treatment.
mobility, they can produce hemodynamic compromise
such as dyspnea or syncope as a consequence of the
obstruction of the tracts of entry or exit of the chambers
Metastatic tumors are about 30 times more common than
affected, visualized in an anatomical way by using 3D
primary tumors of the heart. In autopsy series, 1.5%–20%
echocardiography (Figure  19.11, ). Surgery often has a
of patients who die of cancer present cardiac metastases.8
palliative intent to remove the obstruction produced by the
Lung cancer, breast cancer, and hematological tumors
tumor. The prognosis is poor with a 1-year survival of less
are the tumors that most frequently metastasize to the
than 25%, with the best prognosis corresponding to cases
heart. Melanoma has a propensity to metastasize in the
of treatment with complete resection and chemotherapy.7
heart, usually in advanced stages. Most cardiac metastatic
Mesothelioma tumors remain clinically silent and are often diagnosed
Although mesothelioma is more frequently a pleural tumor postmortem.
that has been associated with asbestos exposure, it can The most frequent is metastatic pericardial involvement
spread to the pericardium or appear exclusively in the (70%), followed by epicardial and myocardial involvement
pericardium producing pericardial constriction. These (Figure 19.13), with endocardial/intracavitary involvement
tumors, if suspected by echocardiography, require thoracic being less frequent (5%) (Figure 19.1). Significant or
CT or resonance imaging for study (Figure 19.12). The recurrent pericardial effusion with or without tamponade
prognosis associated with pericardial mesothelioma is poor, is the most frequent echocardiographic finding, and its
appearance should be considered as a manifestation of
metastatic cardiac involvement. The pericardial effusion
may contain cancer cells, clots, and fibrin in its interior
adhered to the leaves of the pericardium. The pericardial
involvement can produce cardiac tamponade, and the high
echogenicity of hemorrhagic pericardial effusion suggests
malignancy ( ).
Intramyocardial metastases can be detected by
echocardiography, and the use of echocardiographic
contrast enhances the mass, which is indicative of
vascularization and generally of malignancy. CMR or CCT
allows better visualization of cardiac metastatic involvement
(Figure 19.13).
Metastases can reach the heart through several
mechanisms: by hematogenous or lymphatic dissemination
of cancer cells, by intravascular extension, or by direct
infiltration by contiguity (mediastinal tumors). The
lymphatic route is the most common in lung, breast, and
Figure 19.11  Left atrial sarcoma causing obstruction in the mitral esophageal cancers, and being the hematogenous route, it
valve (black arrow: Sarcoma). (LAA, left atrial appendage.) is the usual route in melanoma, lymphomas, and leukemias.

240  3D Echocardiography
Vascular extension via the inferior cava is more frequent
in renal tumors (hypernephroma) and among some
A benign tumors such as leiomyomatosis or pelvic or uterine
angiomyxomas, in which resection is curative.9 Vascular
extension to the left atrium of a pulmonary tumor is possible
through the pulmonary veins (Figure  19.14). Although
melanoma can be detected as a symptomatic intracavitary
mass, it most often metastasizes silently, invading the
pericardial surface.

The thrombi have a homogeneous appearance and smooth
contours and move synchronously with the adjacent heart
wall during the heart cycle. A thrombus usually has a
B higher echogenicity than the adjacent myocardium, and
an increase in echogenicity is expected as organization
of the thrombus occurs. Recent thrombi may have more
ehcolucent areas (Figure 19.15A) requiring differential
diagnosis with tumors. In case of poor visualization, the study
with echocardiographic contrast helps in its detection and
delimitation in any cardiac cavity; it is difficult to capture the
thrombus even with echocardiographic contrast because it is
not vascularized (Figure 19.15B).
Echocardiographic detection of ventricular thrombi is
generally performed by TTE (TTE has greater than 90%
sensitivity and greater than 85% specificity for detection
of left ventricular thrombi), while the best evaluation of
Figure 19.13 Intramyocardial metastases. (A) Contrast
atrial thrombi is generally performed by TEE. 3D (3D)
echocardiography enhances the metastases in the lateral wall of the echocardiography has been demonstrated to be potentially
left ventricle (black arrows). (B) Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging superior to the 2D technique.10 Ventricular thrombi are
shows this metastases and also in the apex of the right ventricle (red usually contiguous with the zones of noncontracting
arrows). myocardium and may be laminar or protruding.

Figure 19.14  Lung carcinoma metastases with intravascular extension through left superior pulmonary vein (X-plane).

Cardiac Masses  241


B Figure 19.16  Thrombus (black arrow) in left atrial appendage (red

arrow). Marshall ligament (blue arrow).

3D TEE allows a frontal visualization (en face) to define the

variable anatomy of the LAA orifice (Figure 19.21) and
also the thrombus orientation with respect to the cardiac
structures, providing an anatomical and real image and
also a better characterization of size, morphology, and

Figure 19.15  (A) Recent thrombi may have more ehcolucent areas
(red arrows). (B) Characteristic lack of capture of the thrombus in A
echocardiographic contrast study.

Regarding the left atrial thrombi, in 90% of cases the

thrombus is in the left atrial appendage (LAA). The presence
of an enlarged chamber, atrial fibrillation, a stenotic mitral
valve, and low cardiac output state favor the blood stasis
and the thrombus formation. A low appendage blood flow
emptying velocity is associated with the presence of LLA
thrombus. LAA is sometimes seen in TTE (parasternal
short axis through the cardiac base and the apical two- or
four-chamber view), and the detection of thrombus in atrial
appendage by TTE is possible but the reported sensitivity of
this technique is low11 ( ). B
TEE is useful in the case of thrombus associated
with cardiac structures better visualized by TEE, such
as atria and of course the LAA (Figure 19.16), mitral
valve or prosthesis ( ), interauricular septum (Figure
19.17), coronary sinus (Figure 19.18), and aorta except
midascending aorta (Figure 19.19).
Regarding the left atrial appendage, it is interesting to
study not only the presence of thrombus or spontaneous
contrast, but also its morphology (multilobed, chicken
wing, or windsock morphology), since the morphology
in chicken wing presents less risk embolism.12 3D TEE Figure 19.17  Thrombus (black arrow) in transit through a permeable
with the X plane technique helps to easily assess the foramen ovale, diagnosed in a patient with paradoxical stroke and
morphology of the LAA (Figure 19.20) and to distinguish pulmonary thromboembolism. (A) From right atrial side (red arrow:
small thrombi from normal pectineal muscles. Real-time fossa ovalis). (B) From left atrial side.

242  3D Echocardiography

Figure 19.18  Coronary sinus thrombosis with thrombus inside (white

arrow) and in the right atrium (black arrow). Tricuspid valve (red arrow).

Figure 19.20  3D TEE X-plane technique helps to assess the morphology

of the left atrial appendage. (A) Windsock. (B) Multilobulated. (C)
Chicken wing.
Figure 19.19  Thrombosis (black arrow) in descending aorta as
complication of protruding atherosclerotic plaques (red arrows).
not), and its precise attachment site to the generally valvular
endocardium or to prosthetic intracardiac material.10 In usual
MASSES IN ENDOCARDITIS: VEGETATIONS, clinical practice, the clinical context helps us in the differential
ABSCESSES, AND PSEUDOANEURYSMS diagnosis of different entities. Echocardiography is essential in
two aspects: differential diagnosis with other lesions and size
Echocardiography has a fundamental role before, during, and mobility of vegetation. There are some characteristics that
and after treatment - in medical treatment, and even more help us in the differential diagnosis between vegetation and
importantly if the treatment is surgical. It is necessary to other valvular lesions (fibroelastoma, flail leaflet or chordal
assess complications such as the presence of abscesses, rupture, thrombus, Lambl excrescences, strands) (Table 19.3).
pseudoaneurysms, fistulas, perforation, or valvular Lambl excrescences or strands represent a particularly
rupture as it allows for greater precision in the anatomical difficult differential diagnosis in patients with fever in whom
description of the lesions and their morphology, size, and the diagnosis of endocarditis is to be confirmed. They are
relationship with neighboring structures. small filaments of connective tissue that are located on the
The assessment of patients with infection includes, valve surfaces, most frequently in the aortic valve at the
in many cases, CCT, CMR, and even positron emission level of its ventricular surface and in the mitral valve at the
tomography (PET).9 level of its auricular portion. They have also been described
in prosthetic valves although this is rarer. Most cases are
VEGETATIONS asymptomatic, and this is an incidental finding that does
3D echocardiography allows a more comprehensive not require treatment, but cases of stroke associated with
visualization of the vegetation as an oscillating mass (or this entity have been described (Figure 19.8).

Cardiac Masses  243

Figure 19.21  Real-time 3D TEE and multiplanar reconstruction allow a frontal visualization (en face) to define the variable anatomy of the
left atrial appendage orifice.

Embolism is frequent in infective endocarditis (IE), PERIANNULAR EXTENSION

complicating 20%–50% of cases of IE, falling to 6%–21% This is more frequent in cases of aortic prosthesis. Abscesses
after initiation of antibiotic therapy. Surgery to prevent usually involve the mitroaortic intervalvular fibrous body
embolism is indicated in patients with persisting vegetations and appear as a periannular echo-dense area. When they
greater than 10 mm after one or more clinical or silent are small, they are difficult to diagnose as they are difficult
embolic events despite appropriate antibiotic treatment. to distinguish echocardiographically from a thickening
Surgery may be considered in patients with very large of the aortic wall. When they are large, they can become
(>30 mm; class IIa level of evidence B) or large (>15 mm; true masses that do not correspond to a tumor but to an
class IIb; level of evidence B) isolated vegetations on the endocarditis with a large vegetation with  periannular
aortic or mitral valve, although this decision is more difficult extension, with images of abscess and fistula (Figure 19.22).
and must be very carefully individualized according to the Echocardiographically, pseudoaneurysms are visualized
probability of conservative surgery.14 as a pulsating cavity free of perivalvular echoes with color

Figure 19.22  Large mass in left atrium corresponding to a vegetation (red arrow). See also a fistula between aortic root (blue arrow) and
left atrium (white arrow).

244  3D Echocardiography
flow inside. The differential diagnosis with other cardiac it from cardiac tumors and mitral valve abscesses. It usually
masses such as tumors or thrombus is very simple. begins in the basal area of the posterior mitral valve and can
extend to the entire mitral annulus15 (Figure 19.23).
PERICARDIAL STRUCTURES A coronary aneurysm is when the diameter of the artery is
Although the diagnosis of pericardial effusion is often 1.5 times larger than the caliber of the adjacent segments.
simple using TTE, echocardiography has an important The most frequent etiology of coronary aneurysms in
limitation for the complete visualization of the pericardium adulthood and in the West is atherosclerosis, and Kawasaki
compared to other techniques. Localized effusions or disease is another of the etiologies that must be ruled out
pericardial cysts are frequently accidental findings of in the presence of these aneurysms. By means of 3D TEE,
CCT or CMR requested for another reason, as they are we can visualize the origins of both coronary arteries and
techniques that offer a greater field of anatomical vision. are able to obtain diagnostic images of coronary aneurysms.
Pericardial cysts are benign lesions, usually diagnosed by Miyashita confirmed that real-time 3D echocardiography
chance as they are often asymptomatic although they may is superior to 2D echocardiography for coronary artery
cause dyspnea, chest pain, or cough (Figure 19.6). They visualization, particularly for extensive visualization of the
are more frequent on the right side, especially in the right coronary arteries.16
cardiophrenic angle. They may lead to cardiac tamponade
if the pericardium is ruptured or resolve spontaneously CORONARY SINUS
probably by drainage in the pleural space. Its treatment The coronary sinus is where the coronary venous cardiac
depends on the size, symptoms, or doubt of malignancy. system drains. The coronary sinus is where the coronary
They are treated by percutaneous drainage or surgical venous cardiac system drains. The coronary sinus runs
resection by thoracotomy, which is a low-risk surgery. adjacent to the circumflex artery at the level of the left
atrioventricular furrow and drains into the right atrium
VALVULAR STRUCTURES: LIQUEFACTIVE OR CASEOUS (RA) at the posterior level, where the Thebesian valve
NECROSIS OF THE MITRAL ANNULUS is located (Figure 19.24). If it is dilated, it is visualized
The liquefactive necrosis of the mitral annulus is a benign echocardiographically as an echolucent vascular structure
entity with degenerative etiology and is a variant of mitral that protrudes in the posterior or posterolateral face of the
annular calcification. This consists of a chronic degenerative left atrium. Among the most frequent causes of dilation is
process more frequent in advanced ages, women, patients the persistence of the left superior vena cava that drains into
with hypertension, and patients with chronic renal it. The injection of agitated serum from the left arm fills
insufficiency or alterations of the calcium metabolism. the coronary sinus and is sufficient to make the diagnosis
Echocardiographically, a nodular image of smooth contours of this entity and exclude that it is another type of mass.
with calcified edges is visualized, presenting greater Real-time 3D TEE is superior to 2D echocardiography in
echogenicity and with an echolucent area inside, located evaluating the anatomy of the coronary sinus in different
in the posterior region of the mitral annulus. Its location pathological situations as well us in guiding intracardiac
circumscribed to the posterior annulus helps to differentiate procedures.17

Figure 19.23  Liquefactive necrosis of the mitral annulus.

Cardiac Masses  245

Figure 19.24  Coronary sinus flow draining in right atrium (3D).

Figure 19.25  Mass in the left atrium associated with atrial septum corresponding to a vascular malformation (X-plane and en face views,
color 3D).

OTHER STRUCTURES greater prevalence, the following stand out: the ligament
Abnormal vascular structures such as congenital Valsalva of Marshall, the crista terminalis, and the Chiari network.
sinus aneurysms, ventricular pseudoaneurysms, and other The ligament of Marshall is the fibrous structure that
vascular malformations (Figure 19.25) sometimes simulate separates the LAA from the left upper pulmonary vein.
a mass effect and force a more comprehensive anatomical Usually the proximal part is thin and the distal tip can be
study. In the majority of cases, it is necessary to complete the wider and protrude inside the atrium, which can resemble
diagnosis by conducting cardiac CCT or CMR to determine a tumor or a thrombus, so it was also called Coumadin
the extent of the vascular malformations. ridge because it can be confused with a thrombus or as a
Q-tip sign for the bulbous morphology of its end. It is a
structure of great importance for electrophysiologists and
NORMAL ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES hemodynamists due to its importance as an anatomical
reference in the ablation of atrial fibrillation and in the
closure of the LAA, since a prominent ligament can cause
Abnormal masses must be distinguished from normal instability of the ablation catheter, and it can be confused
cardiac structures that may mimic a mass (Table 19.4).1 with a thrombus in the LAA, causing misdiagnosis. Once
The recognition of these normal variants depends on the morphology of this structure is known with 3D TEE, the
the physician’s experience. Among them, due to their correct diagnosis is immediate (Figure 19.26).

246  3D Echocardiography
The crista terminalis is a fibromuscular structure that
Table 19.4  Normal Anatomical Structures with Mass extends from the superior to the inferior vena cava separating
Effect the smooth posterior wall of the right atrium from the
Right trabeculae anterior wall. If this structure is very marked, it
Right Atrium Left Atrium Ventricle Left Ventricle can simulate a mass in the posterior wall of the right atrium,
Chiari network Calcified mitral Moderator False chords simulating thrombus or myxoma. The 2D and 3D TEE
Eustachian annulus band Papillary allows us to see its relationship with neighboring structures,
valve Coronary sinus Muscle muscles its echogenicity similar to the atrial endocardium and the
Crista terminalis Marshall ligament bundles/ Left ventricle absence of infiltrative data, allowing a differential diagnosis
Catheters/ between left trabeculations trabeculations
to be made quite easily.
pacemaker upper pulmonary Catheters and
leads vein and left atrial pacemaker The Eustachian valve and the Chiari network are
Lipomatous appendage leads embryonic remnants. The first one is located at the mouth
hypertrophy of Lipomatous of the inferior cava, and if it is prominent it can simulate a
interatrial hypertrophy of thrombus. The Chiari network extends to the interauricular
septum interatrial septum
septum with a mobile and fenestrated morphology. It can
Pectinate Transverse sinus
muscles Pectinate muscles be seen in approximately 2% of the population and is an
Fatty material Suture line incidental finding in echocardiography or postmortem
(surrounding following studies. Echocardiographic diagnosis is made by the
the tricuspid transplant presence of a hyperechogenic, hypermobile structure
adjacent to the mouth of the inferior vena cava. Sometimes
it has a less fenestrated and less mobile morphology. The



Figure 19.26  Ligament of Marshall (blue arrow) in 2D and 3D views. (LAA, left atrial appendage; LUPV, left upper pulmonary vein.)

Figure 19.27  Fatty material surrounding tricuspid annulus simulates a pathological mass (X-plane and 3D views).

Cardiac Masses  247

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248  3D Echocardiography
20 Atrial Fibrillation

an increased risk of thromboembolism (Figure 20.3, ). 5

INTRODUCTION Using pulsed-wave Doppler, the velocity of the blood flow
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common and function of the LAA can be assessed (Figure 20.4).5,6
arrhythmias in the general population affecting more than In sinus rhythm, the LAA flow pattern reflects the LAA
30 million adults worldwide, and this number is estimated to contraction, LAA filling, late systolic reflections, and early
rise steeply as a consequence of the aging population.1 AF diastolic LAA outflow, whereas in AF, the LAA flow pattern
is a major cause of stroke, heart failure, and mortality and is characterized by sawtooth signals of variable amplitude.
requires effective risk stratification. Preventing the hazardous Systolic velocities less than 20 cm/s have been associated
consequences of AF is one of the main goals of medical with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast and risk of
therapy. In addition, effective restoration and maintenance of stroke.5
sinus rhythm are the main goals of catheter-based or surgical 3D TEE permits the acquisition of the entire volume of
ablation techniques. Furthermore, transcatheter closure of the LAA and visualization of the dimensions of the ostium,
the left atrial appendage (LAA), the main source of emboli, presence of different lobes, and spatial relationship with
has been shown to have similar outcomes as anticoagulation other structures (pulmonary veins, mitral valve, circumflex
therapy in large, randomized studies.2,3 Noninvasive imaging coronary artery, and coronary sinus and pulmonary
techniques have contributed to the understanding of the artery). Using a biplane view, the dimensions of the LAA
arrhythmogenic substrate that leads to AF and are pivotal can be assessed in orthogonal planes and may simplify the
in the selection of patients who will benefit from ablation assessment of the LAA using 2D echocardiography (Figure
techniques and transcatheter closure of the LAA. 2D and 20.5). Nevertheless, it should be used with caution since
3D echocardiography have provided important insights into this visualization mode may miss thrombi if the LAA is not
the risk stratification and management of patients with AF scrolled entirely. Using 3D volume acquisition, the anatomy
through early identification of LA structural and electrical and dimensions of the LAA can be assessed similarly to
remodeling and are important in monitoring the LAA computed tomography, allowing the use of multiplanar
transcatheter closure techniques. This chapter reviews the reformation planes to obtain the cross-sectional area and
evidence on the use of 3D echocardiography in the risk perimeter of the LAA ostium and body (of importance in
stratification and management of patients with AF. LAA closure techniques) (Figure 20.6, ). The feasibility
of assessing the most common LAA morphologies with
3D TEE has been confirmed in previous research.7 This
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY FOR RISK requires optimal 3D visualization in several consecutive
cardiac cycles during image acquisition and offline
STRATIFICATION IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION reconstruction with dedicated software. The cauliflower
STROKE LAA morphology (discussed in detail later this chapter)
Recent studies have indicated that 20%–30% of patients with has been associated with increased stroke risk. However,
ischemic stroke were diagnosed with AF prior to, during, or this remains controversial due to the high interobserver
after the index event.4 Risk prediction occurs conventionally variability in LAA morphology identification.7
by calculating CHADS2 and CHADS2-VASC scores, based LAA end-diastolic volume derived from 3D TEE has
on clinical risk factors. Additionally, echocardiographic- been correlated with stroke risk. Chen et  al. 8 evaluated
derived measurements can complement these clinical risk 444 patients with nonvalvular AF with 3D TEE before
scores. The presence of spontaneous echocardiographic radiofrequency ablation. By using offline analysis with
contrast is a widely recognized sign of low blood flow velocity, commercially available software, multiplanar reconstruction
leading to increased thromboembolic risk. In patients with slice-plane mode enabled calculation of end-systolic and
nonvalvular AF, the vast majority of thrombi originate from end-diastolic LAA volumes with subsequent calculation of
the LAA. The anatomy and function of the LAA are best the LAA ejection fraction (EF) (Figure 20.7). In multivariate
assessed with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). On analysis, an end-diastolic LAA volume greater than 8.6 mL
2D TEE, the LAA should be visualized at 0°–30°, 60°–90°, independently predicted thromboembolic events (odd
and 110°–120° to fully appreciate the morphology of the ratio 1.556%, 95% confidence interval 1.176–2.057). 8 In
LAA and differentiate pectinate muscles from thrombus addition, the feasibility of LAA flow velocity measurements
(Figure 20.1). The use of echocardiographic contrast may with 3D TEE has been demonstrated in patients in sinus
help to differentiate thrombus from pectinate muscles and rhythm and AF and has additional value for identification
reduces the number of uncertain results from 17.8% to 5.6% of thromboembolic risk.9 The LAA flow velocity has been
(Figure 20.2, ).4 In patients with chronic AF and low blood shown to have a high correlation with the LAA EF obtained
flow velocities, the presence of dense sludge or spontaneous with 3D echocardiography.10 However, measurement of the
echocardiographic contrast is frequent and is associated with LAA EF is more difficult to perform and limited by image

Atrial Fibrillation  249




Figure 20.1  Assessment of left atrial appendage dimensions with 2D TEE. Panels A, B, and C show the left atrial appendage (LAA) at different
midesophageal views: 35°, 80°, and 124°. This corresponds to a cauliflower-shaped LAA since there are several lobes divided by pectinate
muscles (PM) as seen in the 124° view. The spatial relationships are shown: aortic valve (Ao), left atrium (LA), left ventricle (LV), and left
superior pulmonary vein (LSPV).




Figure 20.2  Use of echocardiographic contrast to evaluate the presence of left atrial thrombus. (Panel A) The differential diagnosis between
thrombus or sludge remains difficult (arrow). After demonstration of intravenous echocardiographic contrast, the left atrial appendage is
fully replenished, and the pectinate muscle is shown (Panel B, arrow) . (LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.)



Figure 20.3  Visualization of spontaneous echocardiographic contrast on 3D TEE. (Panels A and B) The orthogonal views of the left atrial
appendage (LAA). The arrows indicate the presence of dense sludge or spontaneous echocardiographic contrast. From the orthogonal views
(Panels C and D), the full volume of the LAA can be obtained, and the sludge is visualized as blurry echoes coming out of the LAA ostium
(Panel D, arrow) . (LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein.)

quality. LAA flow velocity assessment is usually obtained 3D TEE is superior to 2D TTE and comparable to 2D TEE
with 2D TEE. Dentamaro et  al.9 have demonstrated that for the assessment of the intracardiac thrombi. With the use
the addition of real-time 3D TEE provides optimal accuracy of biplane imaging and crop function, 3D TEE can better
in the assessment of LAA flow velocity and can be of differentiate a thrombus from other structures, which is of
particular value when there is any doubt of LAA thrombi utmost importance for stroke risk prediction.11 In 45 consecutive
being present. patients with definite or suspected intracardiac thrombi,

250  3D Echocardiography

Figure 20.4  Assessment of the left atrial appendage function with pulsed-wave Doppler. (Panel A) Schematic pulsed-wave Doppler recording
of the left atrial appendage (LAA) flow velocities across the cardiac cycle (ECG). (Panel B) The pulsed-wave Doppler recording of a patient
in sinus rhythm. Note that the numbers correspond to the wave reflections during LAA contraction, LAA filling, late systolic reflections, and
early diastolic LAA outflow as in the schematic representation of panel A. During atrial fibrillation, the pulsed-wave Doppler pattern of the
LAA flow resembles the saw tooth (Panel C). (Reproduced with permission from Delgado V et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70[25]:3157–72.)


Figure 20.5  Assessment of the left atrial appendage dimensions with 3D TEE using biplane views. From the midesophageal 125° view of
the left atrial appendage (Panel A), the axis of interest is set (dotted line with blue arrowhead), and the orthogonal plane view is shown in
Panel B. The dimensions of the left atrial appendage ostium are shown in both views (at the level of the circumflex coronary artery, Cx). For
specific closure devices, the dimension 1 cm below the ostium plane (Panel A, dotted double arrowhead) and the length of the landing zone
(Panel B, dotted arrow) should be measured.

Anwar et al. compared the evaluation of intracardiac thrombi of CHADS2 and CHADS2-VASC score.12,13 In particular,
between transthoracic real-time 3D echocardiography and 2D LA reservoir strain derived from 2D speckle tracking
TTE.11 The LAA could be adequately visualized in 78% of echocardiography is associated with an increased stroke
patients with real-time 3D echocardiography compared to 33% risk. A reduced LA reservoir strain represents reduced LA
by 2D TTE. Transthoracic real-time 3D echocardiography was compliance, most likely due to increased LA fibrosis. In a
able to detect more additional thrombi in the LAA and showed large contemporary study including 1361 patients with AF,
poor agreement with 2D TTE for LAA thrombi detection 100 patients developed stroke during follow-up.14 When
(Kappa: 0.21) but excellent agreement with 2D TEE (Kappa: corrected for CHADS2-VASC score, age, and anticoagulant
0.90).11 use, each 10% absolute reduction in LA reservoir strain
Finally, LA A and LA mechanics (LA A emptying resulted in a 27% higher risk of stroke (95% confidence
fraction, LA longitudinal strain) evaluated with speckle interval 0.55–0.95, p = .020).14 Although very promising,
tracking strain analysis or velocity vector imaging have validation of this technique in clinical practice and in
been registered to determine LAA thrombus regardless particular the advent of 3D echocardiography is warranted

Atrial Fibrillation  251




Figure 20.6  Measurement of the left atrial appendage dimensions from 3D full-volume data obtained with 3D TEE. Using commercially
available postprocessing software, the 3D full-volume data (Panel A) can be postprocessed, and the multiplanar reformation planes can be
aligned to obtain the cross-sectional area of the left atrial appendage ostium (Panel D). The area, perimeter, and maximum and minimum
diameters can be measured (Panel D) . (LAA, left atrial appendage; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein.)

before it can be routinely applied in risk stratification of subtle LV dysfunction. In patients with AF and preserved LV
patients with AF. EF (LV EF >50%), subtle LV dysfunction could be identified
with 2D speckle tracking echocardiography. This was
HEART FAILURE demonstrated in patients with drug-refractory AF undergoing
AF and heart failure compose a vicious cycle in which catheter ablation but also in patients with persistent AF.16,17
one condition maintains, or even aggravates, the other. The feasibility and reproducibility of 3D speckle tracking
AF and heart failure share common pathophysiological echocardiography analysis of LV strain have been previously
factors such as age, hypertension and obesity. On the demonstrated, and normal values have been reported.16
one hand, AF precipitates heart failure by (1) irregular However large intervendor differences cause major limitations
and fast ventricular rhythm, (2) loss of effective atrial to the implication of 3D speckle tracking echocardiography
contractility, (3) LA dilation and dysfunction, (4) LV and in clinical practice.16 Moreover, 3D global longitudinal strain
LA fibrosis, and (5) annular remodeling of the mitral and has been associated with mortality in a mixed population of
tricuspid valves leading to regurgitation.15 Furthermore, patients requiring clinical echocardiography, with a better
heart failure predisposes to AF through elevated LV filling predictive value than 2D global longitudinal strain and LV
pressures and diastolic dysfunction, leading to increased EF18 (see Chapters 2, 18A and 18B).
atrial pressure and subsequent atrial remodeling. Both Mitral regurgitation is also a common denominator in
heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) heart failure and AF. Whereas primary (organic) mitral
as well as heart failure with preserved ejection fraction regurgitation refers to structurally abnormal mitral
(HFpEF) commonly coexist with AF. Cardiac imaging with leaflets or subvalvular apparatus, AF is conventionally
echocardiography remains the imaging technique of first associated with secondary (functional) mitral regurgitation
choice to evaluate patients with heart failure and AF. where leaflet malcoaptation is caused by (mainly) left
Evaluation of conventional LV parameters for systolic and ventricular remodeling. Recently a third mechanism of
diastolic function using 3D echocardiography is extensively mitral regurgitation has been proposed in patients with
described in Chapter 2. In addition, tissue Doppler imaging, isolated AF without LV remodeling: atrial functional mitral
contrast echocardiography, and strain analysis contribute to regurgitation.19 In this hypothesis, mitral regurgitation
the evaluation of LV and LA hemodynamics and mechanics originates solely by mitral annular dilatation caused by
(see Chapters 2, 5, 18A and 18B). atrial remodeling. However, this theory is still highly
LV global longitudinal strain by speckle tracking debated.19 3D TEE can provide a major contribution to the
echocardiography assesses the active deformation of the assessment of mitral regurgitation, since this technique
myocardium and has proven to be suitable for detection of enables measurement of leaflet area, length, and thickness,

252  3D Echocardiography
Figure 20.7  Assessment of left atrial appendage volumes and ejection fraction with 3D TEE. From the 3D full-volume data, using
postprocessing software to measure the left ventricular systolic function (EchoPac GE Healthcare, Norway), the contours of the left atrial
appendage can be defined, and the time-volume curve can be obtained as well as the ejection fraction.

and annular parameters such as annulus area (see Chapters the first-choice therapies to convert and maintain sinus
7A and 7B). This approach was used by Kagiyama et al.20 in rhythm. However, at long-term follow-up, recurrences are
their study including 28 patients with AF and significant frequent, and more aggressive therapies such as catheter
mitral regurgitation without LV dysfunction, 56 AF patients ablation are needed. If rhythm control is not successful,
without mitral regurgitation, and 16 normal controls.20 They heart rate control is a valid option, and the evidence has not
reported a significantly smaller total leaflet area to mitral consistently shown that this strategy is inferior to rhythm
annulus area ratio in patients with AF and mitral regurgitation control in terms of hard endpoints.1 When rate control is
compared to the other groups (1.29 ± 0.10 vs. 1.65 ± 0.24 pursued, effective control of heart rate to prevent heart
vs. 1.70 ± 0.29, respectively; p < .001). Additionally, each failure development and prevention of thromboembolism
percent decrease in this ratio was independently associated are key. Some patients may develop bleeding complications
with significant mitral regurgitation. These results suggest or may have recurrences of thromboembolisms because
not only annular dilation in patients with atrial functional of ineffective anticoagulation therapy. In those situations,
mitral regurgitation but also leaflet remodeling. The advent transcatheter closure of the LAA has become a safe and
of 3D echocardiography proves to have a crucial role in feasible alternative to prevent thromboembolic events.21
characterization of the mitral regurgitation mechanism, as In this section, the role of 3D echocardiography to guide
discussed in detail in Chapters 7A and 7B of this book. electrical cardioversion, catheter ablation, and transcatheter
closure of the LAA are discussed.
OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION In patients with AF lasting longer than 48 hours, electrical
Treatment of AF aims at keeping sinus rhythm as long cardioversion can be performed safely after demonstrating
as possible to prevent risk of thromboembolism, heart that the LAA does not have any thrombus on TEE. The
failure, further atrial dilation, and mitral regurgitation. presence of thrombus in patients referred for electrical
Pharmacological or electrical cardioversion are usually cardioversion has been reported to be as high as 14%, with

Atrial Fibrillation  253

Figure 20.8  Assessment of left atrial phasic function with 3D TTE prior to catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. From 3D full-volume
acquisition of the left atrium, the multiplanar reformation planes are aligned to obtain the long axis of the left atrium. Using postprocessing
software to analyze left ventricular systolic function, the left atrium can be manually traced, and the 3D cast volume can be obtained as well
as the time-volume curve. The maximum and minimum volumes can be calculated as well as the left atrial ejection fraction .

88% of them located inside the LAA.22 In patients treated of AF after ablation. Larger maximum and minimum left
with novel oral anticoagulants or warfarin, the frequency atrial volumes and poorer reservoir function and EF of the
of intracardiac thrombus was 4.4% and 2.9%, respectively.23 left atrium measured with 3D TTE have been associated
Early cardioversion guided by TEE is safe and is associated with higher risk of recurrence of AF after ablation (Figure
with fewer bleeding complications and a higher success rate 20.8, ).24 In addition, late-gadolinium contrast-enhanced
than a strategy based on prolonged anticoagulation. The cardiovascular magnetic resonance permits visualization
success of the electrical cardioversion can also be evaluated of replacement fibrosis of the LA wall. The DECA AF
with the use of TEE. An LAA velocity measured on pulsed- study showed that the extent of replacement fibrosis in
wave Doppler greater than 40 cm/s was independently the LA was associated with higher rates of recurrences of
associated with maintenance of sinus rhythm 1 year after AF after catheter ablation. 25 Using 3D speckle tracking
cardioversion. echocardiography, Watanabe et al. 26 showed that the LA
dyssynchrony, measured as the standard deviation of time
RADIOFREQUENCY CATHETER ABLATION to peak longitudinal strain of 18 LA segments relative to
Pulmonary vein isolation is the main catheter ablation the RR interval, and reservoir function correlated with
technique. Additional ablation lines can be performed the voltage of the electrograms obtained by endocardial
on the posterior wall of the left atrium, mitral annulus, mapping. Patients with low-voltage electrograms
and appendage in order to increase the success rate of the (reflecting more LA fibrosis) had more pronounced LA
procedure. Selection of patients who may benefit from these dyssynchrony and worse LA reservoir function. Whether
therapeutic techniques remains challenging, and various these parameters predict the success of catheter ablation
parameters have been proposed to predict the success of techniques needs to be demonstrated.
catheter ablation. Left atrial dimensions, function, and Computed tomography is the mainstay imaging
fibrosis have been associated with the recurrence of AF technique to plan the procedure, since the 3D data of the
after ablation. 2D echocardiographic techniques have left atrium, pulmonary veins, and LAA provided by this
provided the most evidence on the correlates of recurrence technique are frequently merged with navigation systems

254  3D Echocardiography


Figure 20.9  Ablation of the right superior pulmonary vein guided with 3D TEE. (Panels A and C) The fluoroscopic views. (Panels B and D) The
respective 3D TEE views during the ablation of the right superior pulmonary vein. (Abl, ablatio catheter; Map, mapping catheter.) (Reproduced
with permission from Faletra FF et al. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;5[4]:456–62.)

that allow the integration of electrical maps and guidance Society of Cardiology guidelines).1 The strongest evidence
of the procedure. From a transfemoral vein approach, the on the efficacy of this therapeutic alternative stems from the
catheters are placed in the left atrium through a transseptal studies using the WATCHMAN and the Amplatzer Amulet
puncture. Fluoroscopy or intracardiac echocardiography devices (Figure 20.11). The WATCHMAN device (Boston
are used to guide the transseptal puncture. TEE is usually Scientific, Natick, Massachusetts) is a parachute-shaped
performed before the procedure to rule out the presence self-expanding nitinol frame covered by a polyethylene
of LAA thrombus and is seldom used during the procedure. terephthalate fabric membrane that faces the body of the
However, some centers may use it when the procedure is left atrium.21 The Amplatzer Amulet LAA occluder (Abbott-
performed under general anesthesia and the patient is Structural Heart Solutions, Minneapolis, Minnesota) is a self-
intubated. 3D TEE provides excellent visualization of the expandable nitinol mesh with a distal lobe and a proximal
manipulation of the catheters and the anatomy of the disk connected by a short central waist. The distal lobe also has
interatrial septum, LAA, and pulmonary veins (Figure hooks around its circumference that anchor the device into
20.9).27 In the past, the use of intracardiac echocardiography the LAA. During patient selection, preprocedural imaging
and electroanatomical mapping allowed the creation of 3D needs to evaluate the dimensions and spatial relationships of
reconstructions of the LA (CartoSound) (Figure 20.10). The the LAA and rule out the presence of LAA thrombus. TEE
advent of 3D intracardiac echocardiographic probes may (preferably 3D) and computed tomography are the imaging
help to simplify the procedure. However, no data exist on techniques of first choice to evaluate those questions. Table
the feasibility of this technique to guide catheter ablation 20.1 summarizes the LAA morphological requirements for
of AF. each device. The use of 3D TEE is complementary to 2D
TEE in order to appreciate the morphology of the LAA
TRANSCATHETER LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE CLOSURE and accurate sizing of the diameters of the LAA ostium
In patients with AF and contraindications for long-term and landing zone. By aligning the multiplanar reformation
oral anticoagulation who have high risk of stroke, the use planes along the body of the LAA and across the ostium of
of transcatheter LAA closure devices may be considered the LAA, those measurements can be performed to select the
(class IIb indication, level of evidence B in current European most appropriate size of the closure device (Figure 20.12).

Atrial Fibrillation  255



Figure 20.10  Use of intracardiac echocardiography and CARTOSound to reconstruct the left atrium during catheter ablation of atrial
fibrillation. The contours of the left atrium are traced on the views of the left atrium obtained with the intracardiac echocardiography (Panels
A–D), and by using the CARTOSound system, the 3D cast of the left atrium is reconstructed (Panels E and F).


Figure 20.11  Transcatheter left atrial appendage closure devices. (Panel A) The WATCHMAN device and the respective 3D TEE view once
deployed. See the typical 8-appearance of the nitinol mesh. (Panel B) The Amplatzer Amulet device and the respective 3D TEE view once
deployed. ([A] Reproduced with permission from Wunderlich et al.)

Table 20.1  Anatomical Requirements for Left Atrial Appendage Closure Devices
Amplatzer Amulet LAA Occluder WATCHMAN

Ostium Diameter The diameter should be smaller than the disc –

size of the selected device
Landing Zone Diameter 10 mm distally from the ostial plane into the Measured from the inferior part of the LAA ostium at
lobe the level of the Cx to a point 1–2 cm distally to the
tip of the rim to the left superior pulmonary vein
Required Landing Zone Diameters 11–31 mm 17–31 mm
Choice of the Device Size 1.5–3.4 mm larger than the largest measured 2–4 mm larger than the largest measured diameter
Required Depth of Main Anchoring Lobe >12 mm ≥19 mm for the smallest device
General Morphological Exclusion Criteria – Presence of thrombus/cardiac tumor
Cx, circumflex coronary artery; LAA, left atrial appendage.

256  3D Echocardiography

18 mm

14 mm


16 mm

Figure 20.12  Measurement of the left atrial appendage dimensions to size the Amplatzer Amulet occluder device. From the 3D full volume
of the left atrial appendage, the multiplanar reformation planes are displayed and oriented through the ostial plane (crossing the circumflex
coronary artery, Cx) and the landing zone. In this patient, the ostial diameters are 18 × 16 mm, and the landing zone is 14 mm. (A) En face
view of the left atrial appendage ostium on 3D volume rendering; (B,C) orthogonal long-axis views of the left atrial appendage; (D) double
oblique cross sectional view of the left atrial appendage ostium.

The procedure is guided by fluoroscopy and TEE (although puncture can be defined (posterior and inferior, Figure 20.13).
the experience using intracardiac echocardiography is The use of the biplane views can help to monitor the transseptal
growing). Key procedural steps are the transseptal puncture, puncture as well (Figure 20.13). After successful transseptal
device delivery and positioning, and confirmation of adequate puncture, the guidewire can be secured in the LAA, and the
sealing. In addition, monitoring of potential complications introductory catheter can be advanced with the device. The
should be performed. 3D TEE facilitates the procedural deployment of the device is best monitored with biplane views,
guidance. From a 3D full-volume en face view of the interatrial and after deployment the 3D full-volume acquisition permits
septum, the most appropriate location of the transseptal accurate visualization of the LAA sealing. The occluder


Superior SVC

Anterior Posterior
Catheter TV


Figure 20.13  Guidance of the transseptal puncture for transcatheter left atrial appendage closure. (Panels A and B) The biplane views of
the interatrial septum with the bicaval view as the reference plane. The 3D full volume of the interatrial septum is shown in Panel C as seen
from the left atrial view. The aortic valve (Ao) marks the anterior area, whereas the mitral valve (MV) indicates inferior. The sweet spot for
the transseptal puncture in this intervention is in the inferoposterior quadrant. (Panel D) The right atrial view of the interatrial septum. The
coronary sinus (CS), superior vena cava inferior (SVC), and tricuspid valve (TV) can be observed.

Atrial Fibrillation  257


Figure 20.14  Assessment of deployment of the Amplatzer Amulet closure device. (Panel A) Example of a device well deployed, with the body
of the distal lobe well compressed by the left atrial appendage walls. (Panel B) In contrast, the example of a patient with an important gap
between the device and the left atrial appendage wall (yellow arrow) .

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of atriogenic leaflet tethering. Echocardiography. 2014;31(10):1310–1. fibrosis identified by delayed enhancement MRI and atrial fibrillation
20. Kagiyama N, Hayashida A, Toki M et al. Insufficient leaflet remodeling catheter ablation: The DECAAF study. JAMA. 2014;311(5):498–506.
in patients with atrial fibrillation: Association with the severity of mitral 26. Watanabe Y, Nakano Y, Hidaka T et  al. Mechanical and substrate
regurgitation. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;10(3). abnormalities of the left atrium assessed by 3-dimensional speckle-tracking
21. Price MJ. Safety and efficacy of transcatheter left atrial appendage echocardiography and electroanatomic mapping system in patients with
closure for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. Prog paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm. 2015;12(3):490–7.
Cardiovasc Dis. 2018;60(4–5):542–9. 27. Faletra FF, Nucifora G, Regoli F, Ho SY, Moccetti T, Auricchio A. Anatomy
22. Klein AL, Grimm RA, Murray RD et  al. Use of transesophageal of pulmonary veins by real-time 3D TEE: Implications for catheter-based
echocardiography to guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation. pulmonary vein ablation. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;5(4):456–62.
N Engl J Med. 2001;344(19):1411–20.

Atrial Fibrillation  259

21 3D Printing

The tips for an outstanding acquisition have already been

INTRODUCTION discussed in Chapter 1.
3D printing is a fast-growing technique used to transform For 3D printing, 3D echocardiography spatial resolution is
digital objects into physical models. It was first introduced in often weighed in favor compared to temporal resolution. As
1986, and since then it has extended from the aeronautical discussed later, if imaging fusion between echocardiography
industry to medicine with promising clinical applications. and MRI or CT is anticipated, acquiring a larger 3D
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the echocardiographic volume may help for better alignment
use of echocardiography for 3D rapid prototyping. The basic and registration between the two imaging modalities.
principles for printing models from 3D echocardiography Once images have been acquired, the next step is
acquisition, postprocessing of the medical images, and rapid exporting the information from the echocardiography
prototyping techniques are explained. The applications machine to the computer. Like any other imaging
of 3D printing technology for medical education, device modalities, such as MRI and CT, echocardiographic
innovation, and surgical and interventional planning are images are also stored in DICOM format (Digital Imaging
discussed. Finally, we evaluate the current limitations of the and Communications in Medicine), the standard for the
technology and its future directions. communication and management of medical imaging
It is out of the scope of this chapter to review 3D printing information. The key for integration is that DICOM groups
applications solely based on other imaging technologies information into datasets or tags; therefore, it should enable
such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed universal integration of medical images between scanners,
tomography (CT) which can be found in other recent servers, hospitals, and visualization software no matter the
publications.1–4 manufacturer. Unfortunately, in echocardiography, this is
not always the case, and there are two main limitations:
software restrictions and the absence of interoperability
3D PRINTING WORKFLOW: FROM 3D among vendors. The former limits the accessibility of the
information stored within echocardiographic datasets.7
The latter is the lack of a standardized format for 3D
3D printing requires a sequential process: 3D ultrasound data storage among vendors. Many essential
echocardiography acquisition, imaging postprocessing, and parameters are stored in vendor-specific “private tags.” 7
printing. A small error in one of the steps will be translated For example, when exporting a 3D file in a Philips QLab
to the successive phases, resulting in inaccuracies and workstation, critical information for the 3D reconstruction,
printed models that have nothing to do with the patient’s such as the spacing between slices (pixel Z height), instead
anatomy. of being stored in the standardized tag “Slice Thickness”
is stored in a private data tag. The 3D ultrasound DICOM
3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY ACQUISITION file is therefore only correctly parsed by the same vendor
3D printing has been traditionally based on cross-sectional software, as it knows in which hidden tags the information
imaging such as MRI and CT, as they can precisely to reconstruct a 3D image can be found. Any attempt to
evaluate intracardiac and extracardiac anatomy. 3D parse it with other software will result in unsuccessful or
echocardiography has several advantages compared to inaccurate reconstruction.
these techniques, as it may better assess valvular anatomy Although the international community is attempting
and atrial and ventricular septal defects.5 This is why most of to exert pressure on vendors to standardize DICOM
the current works aim to use multimodality hybrid imaging, 3D ultrasound imaging data, it may require time. In an
combining cross-sectional imaging (MRI and CT) with 3D attempt to solve this problem in the meantime, Hosny et al.
echocardiography.6 recently published an open-source workflow method for
Adequate imaging acquisition is the most critical step unlocking vendor-specific tags and generating 3D models
in 3D printing. Poor image quality may result in grainy from routine echocardiographic datasets.7 The process
and noisy images, which may result in a 3D model with requires exporting the 4D echocardiography dataset to a
false holes and no correspondence with the real patient’s DICOM format file. The time frame of interest is chosen,
anatomy. Errors in the other steps of 3D printing such as and using their custom software, it is exported into a
in imaging processing or printing may be easier to solve, NRRD file (n-dimensional Nearly Raw Raster Data format).
but if image quality is poor, there will be very little room This file can be imported into open-source software 3D
for improvement. Inaccuracies in the imaging segmentation Slicer ( for computer-aided design.
or collapse in the 3D printing process can be solved using The authors claimed that time for data processing was
computer software or repeating the printing by essaying less than 5 minutes. Sometimes, the thickness derived
different printing parameters. from 3D ultrasound may result in unrealistically thick

260  3D Echocardiography
valves, particularly in pediatric datasets, which may the adequate device. On the other hand, paravalvular leaks
require arbitrary smoothness based on surgical input and are often better defined in the systolic phase.12
pathology review.9 Available software for segmentation includes commercial
packages (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium) and freeware
POSTPROCESSING SOFTWARE alternatives (ITK snap, MITK snap, and 3D slicer).10 A
The next step is segmentation (Figure 21.1A), which is the careful review of the imaging segmentation methodologies
delineation of the cardiovascular structures of interest and software has been previously published by Byrne et al.10
and exclusion of irrelevant noncardiac structures. Image Before printing, the segmented geometry needs to be
segmentation is frequently laborious and user dependent modified using computer-aided design software. Due to poor
due to its reliance on expertise in structural heart disease, image contrast or inaccurate segmentation algorithm, there
congenital heart disease, and image processing. can be holes or communication between adjacent structures
There are three main kinds of segmentation: automatic, that should be manually corrected. Echocardiography
semiautomatic, and manual. Although some software claims imaging often results in irregular surfaces due to its inherent
to have 100% automatic segmentation, a combination of image quality, which should be smoothed and re-meshed
automatic and manual segmentation is usually required and to increase the density of polygons. The segmentation is
encouraged to achieve accurate segmentation, but at the cost exported as STL file (standard tessellation language), and
of increased time. Manual and semiautomatic usually include defects are modified in order to have a faithful copy of the
brightness thresholding and region growing. Image intensity- anatomy.
based thresholding is the most reported methodology.10 The
dynamic motion of the leaflets and subvalvular apparatus PRINTING TECHNIQUE
often complicates the segmentation process because current There are several categories of 3D printing: stereolithography,
3D echocardiography rarely provides sufficiently good image selective laser sintering, Polyjet, and fused deposition
data for these structures in one single frame acquisition.11 modeling. Each technology has its own benefits and
Identifying and choosing the right cardiac phase is critical disadvantages. For example, stereolithography and Polyjet
for segmenting valve anatomy. Diastolic phase is often are the most accurate and precise technology, the latter being
associated with leaflet dropout, whereas in systole individual at the expense of high cost. Fused deposition modeling is
leaflet identification may be challenging. Understanding one of the cheapest technologies. 3D printing of valves can
the clinical application of the 3D model is the key to decide be done with all of these technologies, particularly recently
which cardiac phase should be selected. For example, if a as new flexible materials are commercially available. If the
3D model is intended for interventional closure of an atrial 3D models are intended to be used as phantoms imaged
septal defect, the diastolic phase may be preferred in order to using ultrasound, this must be considered when choosing
print the largest diameter of the communication and choose the printing material. Printing material has a significant
effect not only in mechanical properties, but also in acoustic
For echocardiography 3D printing, “hollow” models
are often preferred over “blood pool” models. Blood pool
models are solid models, representing the blood pool, and
provide excellent visualization of the extracardiac vascular
structures and cardiac chambers (Figure 21.2A). However,
as they are solid, there is no view of the intracardiac
anatomy. In hollow models, the blood pool is removed to
allow inspection of the intracardiac cavities and valves in
detail (Figure 21.2B). Myocardium and vessel walls are
created and printed to allow extracardiac inspection as well.
C D The walls can be printed intact to allow surgical dissection
simulation or with predetermined cut-plane to allow easier
Silicone cast models may reproduce better the specific
tissue-like mechanical properties of the valves and create
a more realistic user experience. This requires negative
mold fabrication for later silicone cast filling. The step-by-
step process for mitral valve printing is comprehensively
explained in other publications (Figure 21.3).13

Accuracy in medical 3D printing is of paramount
Figure 21.1  3D printing workflow. (A) 3D echocardiography importance. Accuracy may be defined by three metrics:
segmentation. (B) Imaging postprocessing (computer-aided design). agreement with diagnostic intraoperative findings,
(C) 3D printing. (D) Final aortic valve 3D printed model. measurement agreement, and mimicking the tissue

3D Printing  261

Figure 21.2  Solid and hollow 3D printed models. (A) Solid blood pool model. (B) Hollow model representing the right atrium and tricuspid
valve leaflets. (AL: Anterior leaflet, PL: Posterior leaflet, SL: Septal leaflet). (Adapted from Anwar S et al. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2018; 3[2]:294–
312; Harb SC et al. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;11:1531–4. With permission.)

mechanical properties. The  diagnostic quality assurance silicone appears to be a better material that provides more
process has been mainly based on feedback from surgeons realistic physical properties close to human tissue.13,17 Chordae
based on intraoperative room findings. Average accuracy tendinae are also very important structures that need to be
ranges from 4 out of 54,14 and 9.3 out of 1015 according to present in the 3D models for surgical simulations, and some
different published reports. The geometrical accuracy of 3D attempts have been made to try to manually incorporate
printed models compared with source 3D echocardiography chordae-mimicking strings into the valve, but unfortunately
images has also been demonstrated. Olivieri et al. reported the printing technology is not yet available.
that no significant differences were found between
conventional 2D echocardiographic measurements and 3D
model measurements, with a mean absolute error of only
0.4  ±  0.9 mm.16
According to the mechanical properties, Yoo et al. used The variety of techniques that can be used for surgical and
3D printed models for hands-on surgical training involving catheter-based interventions is growing exponentially. The
50 surgeons and trainees.17 They concluded that 3D print rate of success is a combination of an operator’s skills, the
materials were not completely satisfactory, and the mechanical learning curve, and experience, the latter directly related to
properties including consistency, elasticity, and tensile the center’s interventional volume. 3D printed models may
strength were different than those of the human myocardium help in several of these aspects, such as better understanding
and pericardium. Surgeons found that flexible materials such the anatomy, boosting the learning curve by simulation
as TangoPlus were more difficult to sew and were easily torn training, and offering a full spectrum of anatomical
or cut through as compared with real tissue.17 As stated earlier, variability that is not always warranted in small centers.



Figure 21.3  Overview of the process of negative mold fabrication, from which silicone mitral valve replications can be cast. (A) Processed and
refined mitral valve mesh. (B) Designated template to fit the simulator’s enclosure. (C) Template with incorporated mitral valve. (D) Three-part
negative mold, fabricated from the positive mold in (C). (E) Silicone cast of a patient. (Adapted from Daemen JHT et al. Eur J Cardio-Thoracic
Surg. 2019;55:543–51. With permission.)

262  3D Echocardiography
3D printed models have been used for precatheterization Ginty et al. also explored the feasibility of creating patient-
and surgical simulation, mainly in individual cases. It is specific dynamic deformable mitral valve models for surgical
widely claimed in those publications that preinterventional and percutaneous repair.11 The authors incorporated chordae-
planning may potentially reduce the operating time; in turn, mimicking strings into the valve. Nylon strings were arranged
this may lead to fewer complications, shorter postoperative on the leaflets to simulate functioning and pathologic
stays, and lower health-care costs.4 Although it has been chordae according to the modified-Duran classification.
demonstrated in other surgical subspecialties such as They used a pulse duplicator20 to compare the ten models
craniofacial, the evidence in cardiovascular applications is to the procedure patient data. The models then were
still limited to a few publications,15 and larger validation placed in the heart phantom machine for assessment using
studies are required. transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) imaging with
Doppler to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Maybe
MITRAL VALVE the most important contribution of this paper is highlighting
An in-depth understanding of the complex mitral valve the importance of dynamic 3D printed models whether for
anatomy and pathology is mandatory to decide the best procedure planning, validation studies, or clinical training.
option for repair, either transcatheter mitral valve techniques
or surgical repair. Daemen et  al. presented a step-by-step TRICUSPID VALVE
guide workflow for modeling and 3D printing the spectrum Percutaneous procedures for tricuspid valve repair are
of mitral valve disease.13 Six rigid plastic and four silicone- an attractive alternative, particularly in those cases with
cast mitral valve models were created from patient-specific a high risk of surgical repair. Current clinical experience
3D TEE acquisitions. The process of physical modeling was with transcatheter therapies is still preliminary, limited to
reproducible and assisted in decision making, procedural a small number of cases. Moreover, numerous tricuspid
planning, and teaching. transcatheter devices have been developed which require
The preoperative valve repair in complex cases of mitral a learning curve. Due to the innovative nature of these
valve prolapse, annular dilatation, and posterior leaflet procedures and the high variability of the individual patient
restriction was simulated in a dedicated minimally invasive anatomy, procedural planning using 3D printed models
mitral valve surgery simulator.19 Intraoperative in vivo may become an effective approach. Multimodality imaging
validation of the silicone mitral valve replication comparing fusion combining CT and echocardiography may overcome
the in vitro simulation is also shown in an elegant and the limitations of suboptimal visualization of the tricuspid
comprehensive way.13 valve anatomy (Figure  21.4).6 3D echocardiography data


Figure 21.4  Multimodality imaging fusion combining computed tomography and 3D echocardiography. Computed tomography (CT)
suboptimal timing of contrast for delineation with left-sided rather than right-sided opacification (A,B), resulting in better delineation of
mitral valve leaflets (MVL) compared with the tricuspid valve leaflets. (D) 3D TTE demonstrated the tricuspid valve leaflets well. (E) 3D color
Doppler analysis showing severe tricuspid regurgitation. Data from both CT and 3D echocardiography were combined. The CT was used for
modeling the right-sided structures (C) and the tricuspid valve leaflets were modeled based on the 3D echocardiography (F). (Adapted from
Harb SC et al. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;11:1531–4. With permission.)

3D Printing  263
can be used to better refine the tricuspid valve leaflets in can be a helpful decision-making tool, both for training in
order to produce a 3D printed model helpful for procedural younger fellows and for planning intervention in complex
simulation. cases. The feasibility of creating patient-specific ASD 3D
printed models from 3D echocardiography data was first
CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE demonstrated by Bennett et al. (Figure 21.7).21
Surgical and interventional planning in complex congenital
heart disease (CHD) is challenging due to the high variability LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE OCCLUSION
between individuals, small cardiac structures in children, Percutaneous approaches to left atrial appendage
and the broad spectrum of conditions.15 A thorough occlusion have been shown to be effective in patients
understanding of the complex spatial relationships between with thromboembolic risk. Optimal sizing of the left
anatomical and defective structures may avoid unexpected atrial appendage occlusion device is a crucial factor
findings and therefore may reduce operative time and for implantation success. Procedural planning and
mortality. The impact of 3D models on surgical decision device sizing are typically guided by echocardiography
change in patients with complex CHD has already been and fluoroscopy. Fan et  al. evaluated the utility of 3D
demonstrated15; however, most of the studies are based on echocardiography datasets to assist in evaluating the left
MRI and CT images. Olivieri et al. explored the feasibility of atrial appendage anatomy and testing the occluder device,
creating 3D printed models based on 3D echocardiographic enabling more accurate sizing, particularly in complex
data in nine patients with structural heart disease before anatomy (Figure  21.8). 22 They included 107 consecutive
intracardiac repair16 (Figure  21.5). Eight patients had patients undergoing left atrial appendage occlusion using
ventricular septal defect, and one had three perivalvular the WATCHMAN device (Boston Scientific, Marlborough,
leaks around a prosthetic aortic valve. Massachusetts). They compared two groups: imaging-
3D echocardiography has also been used for 3D guided group and 3D models–guided group. The imaging
printing of pediatric atrioventricular valves. Mastering alone guided group (72) was based on 3D TEE and
the technical skills required to perform successful valve fluoroscopy. The 3D printing cohort (32 patients) device
repair in pediatrics is challenging due to the very small and selection was prospectively guided by 3D models in adjunct
growing structures and the limited opportunity for practice. to conventional clinical images (3D transesophageal and
Therefore, there is a need for valve model–based simulation fluoroscopy). Compared with the conventional imaging
training in pediatrics and congenital heart disease. Scanlan alone cohort, the 3D model-guided patients achieved
et al. created 3D printed models of atrioventricular valves higher implantation success and shorter procedural
entirely dependent on 3D echocardiography datasets 9 times (p < .05) without complications. They had a 100%
(Figure 21.6). They included a range of children with implantation success in the 3D model–guided group, with
normal and congenital heart disease including hypoplastic an average of 1.1 devices used per procedure.
left heart syndrome and atrioventricular septal defects.


Indication of percutaneous closure of an atrial septal defect LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
(ASD) requires evaluation of the location and size of the There are several obstacles that prevent the incorporation
defect and aims to determine if the risk of embolization of echocardiography-based 3D printed models into routine
exceeds the morbidity of surgical closure. 3D printed models clinical practice. One of the main limitations is the lack of


Figure 21.5  3D printing of intracardiac defects from 3D echocardiographic images. Comparison between the digital and printed 3D models.
(IVS, interventricular septum; LV, left ventricle; MB, moderator band; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid valve; VSD, ventricular septal defect.)
(Adapted from Olivieri LJ et al. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015;28:392–7. With permission.)

264  3D Echocardiography
Figure 21.6  3D echocardiogram-derived pediatric atrioventricular valves. Examples of tricuspid, complete atrioventricular canal and mitral
valve segmentation, atrial surface extraction, 3D rendering of thickened atrial surface, and molded and 3D printed valve models. (Adapted
from Scanlan AB et al. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018;39:538–47. With permission.)

intervendor compatibility for standardized DICOM format

exportation of the echocardiography data. Although A B
some attempts have been made to unlock vendor-specific
tags and establish an open-source workflow, industry
should cooperate in developing a DICOM standard for 3D
ultrasound imaging data.
In general, image quality has the largest effect on model
accuracy. Issues such as signal dropout, partial volume
effects, and inadequate field of view affect anatomical
accuracy. This means that an accurate model requires
meticulous echocardiography image acquisition. Improved
automatic multimodality imaging fusion will definitively
allow the creation of whole heart models including leaflets
and subvalvular apparatus.
Another limitation is the current software segmentation Figure 21.7  Ultrasound-derived 3D printing of atrial septal defect.
available in the market. The clinician, though having a (A) 3D reconstruction of atrial septum with visible atrial septal defect.
wealth of anatomical knowledge, is less familiar with image (B) HeartPrint flex 3D printed model. (Adapted from Samuel BP et al.
processing software than the medical physicist, and vice J Digit Imaging. 2015;28:459–61. With permission.)

3D Printing  265




Figure 21.8  Device sizing guided by echocardiography-based 3D printing. (A–F) From 3D TEE image to 3D physical model. (A,D) Segmentation
of left atrial appendage (LAA) (shaded area) on 3D TEE data. The major and minor ostial diameters and depth of the LAA are measured. (B,E)
Digital object created. (C,F) 3D printed physical model made of tissue-mimicking material. (A–C) Long-axis views and (D–F) short-axis views
demonstrating oval shape of the ostium. Arrows denote pulmonary vein ridge; stars denote appendicular trabeculations. (G–I) Device sizing
in 3D model. (G) Device compression and (H) protrusion in 3D model measured using a digital caliper. Note the device-related deformation
of the 3D-printed models, with the oval ostium becoming rounded after the deployment of a round WATCHMAN device. (I) Tug test for
stability. (J) Device compression and protrusion measured in clinical procedure. (K) 3D TEE en face view of final device position. (L) Color
Doppler assessment showing no peridevice leak. (M) In another case, color Doppler assessment revealed residual leak with a jet width of
3.4 mm. (Reproduced from Fan Y et al. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2019;32[6]:708–19.e1. With permission.)

versa. Additionally, the hours that can be spent completing Even though pulsatile models are not always necessary,
a complex segmentation are often incompatible with the atrioventricular valve pathologies are better understood in a
workload of clinical staff. Until these problems are solved, 3D dynamic environment. Replicating a realistic hemodynamic
printing will remain limited to a select number of research environment, mimicking patient-specific valvular tissue
facilities that have the expertise and resources necessary to properties and subchordae apparatus, is a substantial
perform complex image segmentation. challenge for current 3D printing technologies.

266  3D Echocardiography
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adequately mimic the dynamic mitral valve tissue will be derived 3D printed valve models to molded models for simulated repair of
available soon. New materials will also be more affordable pediatric atrioventricular valves. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018;39:538–47.
and available for cheaper technologies such as FDM. 10. Byrne N, Velasco Forte M, Tandon A, Valverde I, Hussain T. A systematic
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aided design. Once the surface geometry (stl) is finished, concept. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2019;72:342.
sending the file to the printer to have a 3D printed replica 13. Daemen JHT, Heuts S, Olsthoorn JR, Maessen JG, Sardari Nia P.
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real world and virtual objects. international multicentre study. Eur J Cardio-Thoracic Surg. 2017;52:1139–48.
Finally, bioprinting will revolutionize surgery as living 16. Olivieri LJ, Krieger A, Loke YH et al. Three-dimensional printing of
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tissue could be replaced.23 3D bioprinting of vasculature, Feasibility and relative accuracy. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015;28:392–7.
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A transposition of great arteries, 195 3D imaging of aortic valve and annulus, 103
tricuspid valve, 185–188, 189 transcatheter aortic valve replacement
AATS, see American Association for Thoracic TTE left atrial volumes and ejection imaging, 109
Surgery fractions, 177 usefulness of 3D in, 104
Abnormal masses, 246 2D simultaneous multiplane mode, 176 Aortic syndrome, acute, 213; see also Aorta
Activation imaging mapping (AI mapping), vena contracta in aortic regurgitation, 195 Aortic valve (AV), 142
227 ventricular function in CHD, 197–200 Aortic valve regurgitation, see Aortic
Acute aortic syndrome, 213; see also Aorta ventricular septal defect, 202 regurgitation
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 156 ventricular septal defects, 190–192 Apical sparing, 65; see also Hypertrophic
Adult congenital heart disease, 176 AF, see Atrial fibrillation cardiomyopathy
anterior and posterior mitral valve cleft, AI mapping, see Activation imaging mapping Artificial valves, 158
187 ALC, see Anterolateral commissure aortic prosthesis, 168
anterior mitral valve cleft and ostium Alcohol septal ablation (ASA), 58 atrial surgical view of mechanical mitral
primum septal defect, 187 American Association for Thoracic Surgery prosthesis, 158
aortic endocarditis with pseudoaneurysm, (AATS), 158 circumferential pannus around prosthesis
195 American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), ring, 165
aortic root morphology assessment, 194 35, 43 double paravalvular leak of mitral
aortic valve variants, 193 AMI, see Acute myocardial infarction prosthesis, 169
atrial abnormalities, 183, 184 Amplatzer Amulet endocarditis, 170–171
atrial septal defect, 177, 180–183, 200–202 closure device deployment assessment, 258 gain dependence of paravalvular leak, 169
atrioventricular septal defects, 188–190, 191 LAA occlude, 255 hypomobility of medial leaflet, 164
atrioventricular valve abnormalities, Anatomical valve area (AVA), 103 large intraprosthetic thrombus, 165
183–185 Angiosarcoma, 239; see also Cardiac masses mitral prosthesis, 159, 160
baffle leak, 196 Anterolateral commissure (ALC), 68 mitral prosthesis obstruction, 167
Barlow disease, 187 Aorta, 208; see also Aortic regurgitation pannus at ventricular side of mechanical
bidimensional and 3D TEE in cor aortic atheroma, 208 aortic prosthesis, 166
triatriatum sinister, 186 aortic dissection, 208–210 paravalvular leaks of mitral valve
Carpentier classification, 184 aortic ulcer, 212–213 prosthesis, 169, 170
color Doppler, 178 intramural hematoma, 213–214 prosthetic mitral valve, 164
congenital aortic valve disease, 193–195 plaque, 208 prosthetic valve obstruction, 161–164
data acquisition modalities, 176–178 systole and diastole in type A aortic prosthetic valve regurgitation, 164–170
Ebstein anomaly, 186–188, 189, 190 dissection, 211–212 reduced disk motion of mitral prosthesis,
en face view of secundum atrial septal TEE images of mobile plaques, 209 163
defect, 180, 183 type B aortic dissection, 209 3D echocardiography in valve evaluation,
enlarged ascending aorta, 194 Aortic regurgitation (AR), 111, 147, 192, 208; 170
guidance catheter intervention, 200–206 see also Aorta 3D TEE in malfunctioning transcatheter,
intra-atrial baffle obstruction, 196 aortic annulus morphology, 115 171
LAVV failure after atrioventricular septal aortic root assessment, 113–114 3D TEE in malfunctioning valve, 161
defect repair, 192 aortic root components, 111 transcatheter implanted aortic valve,
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, aortic valve and root anatomy, 111–112 171–172
192–193 aortic valve assessment, 114 transcatheter implanted mitral valve, 172
lesions in unoperated adults, 180 classification, 112 transcatheter implanted pulmonary valve,
LIVE 3D, 178 coaptation length of cusps, 111, 112 172–173
MitraClip, 202–204 cropped 3D dataset, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, transcatheter implanted tricuspid valve, 172
mitral stenosis, 204 118 AS, see Aortic stenosis
mitral supravalvular stenosis in Shone mechanism of, 112 ASA, see Alcohol septal ablation
syndrome, 186 mechanisms, 210 ASD, see Atrial septal defect
mitral valve TEE imaging, 177 quantification of, 114–118 ASE, see American Society of
prosthetic valve leaks, 204–205 technical consideration for imaging, 112 Echocardiography
real-time 3D full-volume dataset, 177 3D transesophageal echocardiography, 113 Atrial abnormalities, 183, 184
real-time image of double-orifice mitral 3D transthoracic echocardiography, Atrial fibrillation (AF), 126, 249
valve, 187 112–113 Amplatzer Amulet closure device
repaired adults with CHD, 195–197 vena contracta measurement, 116 deployment assessment, 258
secundum atrial septal defect TEE imaging, Aortic stenosis (AS), 103 echocardiography for left atrial thrombus,
176 aortic annular measurements, 107 250
sinus of valsalva aneurysm, 195 aortic annulus multiplanar assessment, echocardiography for risk stratification,
structural complications after AV septal 106, 108 249
defect repair, 182 aortic valve/annulus morphology, 104–105 echocardiography in, 253
superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect, biplane from 3D TTE, 105 electrical cardioversion, 253–254
182 Edwards Sapien valve assessment, 109 heart failure, 252–253
supravalvular ring, 185 effective aortic valve area, 107–109 intracardiac echocardiography and
systemic tricuspid valve, 197 elliptical left ventricular outflow tract, 106 CARTOSound, 256
3D echocardiography, 178–180 en face view, 104, 105 left atrial appendage assessment, 251, 256
3D imaging techniques, 176 left ventricular outflow tract hypoplasia, 104 left atrial appendage closure, 255–258
3D TEE in CHDs, 206 planimetry of anatomical aortic valve area, left atrial appendage dimension, 250, 252
3D zoom, 177 105–107 left atrial appendage volume and ejection
transseptal puncture, 202 stroke volume assessment, 108 fraction assessment, 253

Atrial fibrillation (AF) (Continued) obstructive myxoma, 237 CTD, see Cortriatriatum dexter
left atrial phasic function assessment, 254 pericardial effusion, 245 CW, see Continuous-wave
radiofrequency catheter ablation, 254–255 pleuropericardial cysts, 237
spontaneous echocardiographic contrast preferential location of tumors, 235 D
on 3D TEE, 250 3D TEE cropping, 237
stroke, 249–252 thrombus, 241–243 DICOM format (Digital Imaging and
superior pulmonary vein ablation, 255 Cardiac mechanics, 215; see also Speckle Communications in Medicine), 260
Atrial septal defect (ASD), 43, 177, 180, 200– tracking D-TGA, see Complete transposition of the great
202, 264; see also Adult congenital Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), 231 arteries
heart disease Cardiac tumors, 237; see also Cardiac masses
echocardiographic evaluation of, 181, 182 benign primary tumors, 237–239 E
en face view of secundum, 180, 183 differential diagnosis between vegetation
shape and size assessment, 183 and valvular lesions, 237 EACTS, see European Association for Cardio-
superior sinus venosus, 182 fibromas, 238–239 Thoracic Surgery
types of, 181 intramyocardial metastases, 241 Ebstein anomaly, 186–188
Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs), 186, Lambl excrescence in closed mitral valve, real-time 3D echocardiography, 190
188–190, 191 238 rotation of functional tricuspid orifice, 190
repair and LAVV failure, 192 lipomas and lipomatous hypertrophy of transthoracic apical four-chamber view, 189
Atrioventricular valve abnormalities, 183–185 atrial septum, 238, 239 2D echocardiographic features, 189
Carpentier classification, 184 lung metastases with intravascular ECG, see Electrocardiograph
structural complications after repair, 182 extension, 241 Echocardiography, 120, 215, 243; see also 3D
supravalvular ring, 185 malignant tumors, 239–240 printing
Atrioventricular valves, 3D echocardiogram- mesothelioma, 240 advantages, 131
derived pediatric, 265; see also 3D metastatic tumors, 240–241 -derived 3D printing, 267
printing myxoma, 237–238 Echocardiography, 2D, 13, 22, 95
AV, see Aortic valve papillary fibroelastoma, 238 assessment of RV size, 35
AVA, see Anatomical valve area primary malignant tumors, 239 basics of, 1–3
AVSDs, see Atrioventricular septal defects rhabdomyomas, 239 in patient with obstructive hypertrophic
sarcoma, 239–240 cardiomyopathy, 60
B Carney complex, 238 pitfalls of, 16
Carpentier classification, 184 RV systolic function determination, 35–37
Baffle leak, 196 Catheter-based treatment, 147 speckle tracking analysis, 22, 23
Barlow disease, 187 CCT, see Cardiac computed tomography for subaortic stenosis, 193
BAV, see Bicuspid aortic valve ccTGA, see Congenitally corrected TGA subcostal views of atrial septum, 182
Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), 142 CDS, see Clip delivery system vs. 3D cardiac imaging, 11
Biomechanical constraints, 218; see also Speckle CE, see Continuity equation vs. 3D echocardiography and MRI, 41
tracking CFM, see Color flow mapping Echocardiography, 3D, 1, 33; see also Stress
Biplane 3D echocardiography, 49 CHD, see Congenital heart disease echocardiography
LAA assessment, 46 CHF, see Chronic heart failure acquisition, 13
patent foramen ovale from, 48 Chronic heart failure (CHF), 83 advantage, 97
Block matching, 23 CIEDs, see Cardiac implantable electronic block matching, 23
Bull’s-eye plot, 64, 65 devices blood pool Doppler image, 9
Classical noninvasive methods, 97; see also cardiac imaging, 5–7
C Mitral stenosis data rendering, 6
Clip delivery system (CDS), 78 dataset display, 13–14
Cardiac 3D imaging, see Echocardiography, 3D CMR, see Cardiac magnetic resonance datasets, 8, 9
Cardiac computed tomography (CCT), 131, Color flow mapping (CFM), 158 focal point, 3
235 Complete transposition of the great arteries guidelines, 43
Cardiac imaging, 1; see also 3D (D-TGA), 195 high-frame-rate imaging, 3–5
echocardiographic imaging Computed tomography (CT), 43, 105, 147, 208, in infective endocarditis, 131
Cardiac implantable electronic devices 260 instantaneous full-volume, 88
(CIEDs), 120 Congenital aortic valve disease, 193–195 interatrial septal puncture, 48
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), 43, 98, Congenital heart disease (CHD), 176, 264 interatrial septum, 47
235 Congenital heart disease, adult, see Adult left atrial anatomy, 43, 44
Cardiac masses, 235; see also Cardiac tumors congenital heart disease left atrial appendage by, 45–47
abnormal vascular structures, 246 Congenitally corrected TGA (ccTGA; L-TGA), left atrial mass by, 48–49
anatomical structures with mass effect 195 left atrial volume measurement, 43–44
pathology, 245–246 Continuity equation (CE), 105 of left ventricle, 14
atrial myxoma, 236 Continuous-wave (CW), 37 limitations and future developments, 7,
cardiac tumors, 237–241 Doppler, 55 9–11
coronary aneurysm, 245 Conventional 2D; see also Stress LV volumes measurement methods, 16
coronary sinus, 245, 246 echocardiography multislice imaging, 30, 123
echocardiographic and cardiac computed PISA method, 98 phased-array transducer, 3
tomographic images, 236 stress echocardiography, 28 pitfall of RV volume determination, 38
echocardiographic differences of benign Coronary aneurysm, 245; see also Cardiac masses reconstruction of ultrasound sector images, 3
and malignant, 237 Coronary sinus (CS), 180, 245; see also Cardiac reference values for LV volumes and
fatty material around tricuspid annulus, masses ejection fraction, 17
247 Cortriatriatum dexter (CTD), 183 requirements for, 1
ligament of Marshall, 246, 247 Coumadin ridge, 246 role in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
liquefactive necrosis, 245 Crista terminalis, 247 57–64
masses in endocarditis, 243–245 CRT, see Cardiac resynchronization therapy RV EDV and RV EF, 39–40
normal anatomical structures with mass CS, see Coronary sinus sequential scanning, 5
effect, 246–248 CT, see Computed tomography vs. speckle tracking analysis, 23

270 Index 
speckle tracking strain measurement, 24 apical sparing, 65 3D TEE and location and sizing of
stitching artifacts, 13 AV and LV outflow tract, 61 vegetations, 131–135
technical consideration, 112 bull’s-eye plot, 64, 65 3D TEE and paravalvular leaks,
TEE investigation in mild mitral causes of adverse outcomes, 51 140–141
regurgitation, 10 causes of LV systolic obstruction, 57 3D TEE and valve perforation,
transmitted ultrasound pulse and color Doppler 2D echocardiography, 53–54 135, 140
encountered scatterers, 2 continuous-wave spectral Doppler scan, 58 3D zoom en face view of mitral valve, 138
vs. 2D echocardiography and MRI, 41 contrast-enhanced 2D echocardiography, vegetation on atrial side of posterior mitral
vs. 2D imaging, 11 55 leaflet, 135
vena contracta area assessment by, 88 deformation myocardial imaging in, Inferior vena cava (IVC), 180
EDV, see End-diastolic volume 64–65 Interatrial septum (IAS), 182
Edwards Sapien valve, 109; see also Aortic diagnosis of, 51 Internal orifice diameter (ID), 158
stenosis differential diagnosis of, 65 Intra-atrial baffle obstruction, 196
EF, see Ejection fraction distribution and quantification of LV Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE), 15
Effective orifice area (EOA), 160 hypertrophy, 57–58 Intramitral ring, 185
Effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA), 74, distribution in left ventricle, 53 Intramural hematoma, 213–214; see also Aorta
87 four-chamber apical view, 55 Intraoperative 2D/3D echocardiography, 75
Ejection fraction (EF), 35, 228, 249 4D deformation analysis, 221 Intraprosthetic regurgitation (IPR), 164
Electrical cardioversion, 253–254 LA size evaluation, 58–59 Intraventricular dyssynchrony, 20, 33
Electrocardiograph (ECG), 5, 112 LA volume measurement, 60 IPR, see Intraprosthetic regurgitation
End-diastolic volume (EDV), 39, 197 LV outflow tract area evaluation of, 59–63 Isovolumic myocardial acceleration (IVA), 200
End-systolic volume (ESV), 39, 197 LV volume measurement of, 59 IVA, see Isovolumic myocardial acceleration
EOA, see Effective orifice area mitral regurgitation assessment, 63–64 IVC, see Inferior vena cava
EROA, see Effective regurgitant orifice area M-mode echocardiography, 51, 52, 53
eSie Valves, 87 nonobstructive, 56 K
ESRD, see External sewing ring diameter physiopathological mechanisms, 51
ESV, see End-systolic volume pulsed-and continuous-wave Doppler, KBR, see Knowledge-based reconstruction
European Association for Cardio-Thoracic 55–57 Knowledge-based reconstruction (KBR), 200
Surgery (EACTS), 158 role of 3D echocardiography in, 57–64
External sewing ring diameter (ESRD), 158 spectral pulsed-wave Doppler, 57
systolic contact of mitral valve, 56
F TEE study of LV outflow tract, 63 LA, see Left atrium
tissue Doppler imaging, 64 LAA, see Left atrial appendage
FAC, see Fractional area change transesophageal 3D color-Doppler LAVV, see Left atrioventricular valve
Flexi-Slice tool, 134 echocardiography, 63 LCS, see Left coronary sinus
FMR, see Functional MR triplane 2D acquisition, 59 Left atrial appendage (LAA), 45, 249
FO, see Fossa ovalis 2D echocardiography in obstructive, 60 anatomical requirements for closure
Focal point, 3; see also 3D echocardiographic 2D echocardiography, 51–53 devices, 256
imaging 2D short-axis view of left ventricle, 54 assessment, 251
Fossa ovalis (FO), 180 2D TEE, 54 assessment with biplane 3D
Fractional area change (FAC), 35 echocardiography, 46
Frame rate, 3 I dimension measurement, 252, 256
Functional MR (FMR), 70 dimensions assessment, 250
Functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR), 120, IAS, see Interatrial septum LAA sizing before device implantation, 47
126 iASD, see Iatrogenic atrial septal defect simulating LAA closure, 43
Iatrogenic atrial septal defect (iASD), 148 TEE evaluation of, 46
G ICD, see Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator by 3D echocardiography, 45–47
ICE, see Intracardiac echocardiography transcatheter closure, 255–258
Gorlin’s method, 97; see also Mitral stenosis ID, see Internal orifice diameter volumes and ejection fraction assessment,
IE, see Infective endocarditis 253
H Image registration, 216, 218; see also Speckle Left atrioventricular valve (LAVV), 181, 188
tracking Left atrium (LA), 43, 49–50, 68
Healthy control, 219; see also Speckle tracking Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), anatomy, 44
athlete, 219 127 appendage by 3D echocardiography, 45–47
4D deformation analysis for, 220 Infective endocarditis (IE), 128, 131, 244 appendage shapes, 46
Heart failure, 252–253 aortic valve, 139 biplane 3D echocardiography, 49
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction aorto-left atrial fistula, 137–138 body surface area corrected left atrial
(HFpEF), 252 echocardiographic hallmarks of, 131 volume, 45
Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction Flexi-Slice tool, 134 focus on interatrial septum, 47
(HFrEF), 252 infective endocarditis after Bentall function measurement, 44–45
HFpEF, see Heart failure with preserved procedure, 136 guidelines for 3D echocardiography, 43
ejection fraction of mitral valve, 132, 139 interatrial septal puncture, 48
HFrEF, see Heart failure with reduced ejection on native mitral valve, 133 LAA sizing before device implantation, 47
fraction with small vegetation, 132 mass, 48–49
High-frame-rate; see also 3D echocardiographic systematic evaluation with 2D TEE, needle positioning before septal puncture, 49
imaging 133, 134 patent foramen ovale, 48
imaging, 3–5 3D echocardiography in infective rendered volume of LA thrombus, 49
to 3D imaging, 5 endocarditis, 131 simulating LAA closure, 43
Hypertension, 220; see also Speckle tracking 3D TEE and intracardiac fistulas, 135 TEE evaluation of appendage, 46
4D deformation analysis for, 221 3D TEE and location and description of 3D echocardiography and 3D printing, 43
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 51, 57, paravalvular abscesses, 135 volume-derived indexes of function, 45
220; see also Speckle tracking 3D TEE and location and sizing of volume measurement, 43–44
anterior movement of MV, 61 pseudoaneurysms, 135 Left coronary sinus (LCS), 195

Index 271
Left ventricle (LV), 13, 35, 103 monitoring percutaneous mitral ventricular septal defect closure, 156
anatomies, 19 valvuloplasty, 99–101 NRRD file (n-dimensional Nearly Raw Raster
banana-shaped left ventricle, 16 morphological assessment, 95–96 Data format), 260
clinical value of 3D echocardiography, 15 PHT method, 96
3D echocardiography acquisition and RT3DE, 95 O
display of, 13–14 subvalvular mitral apparatus assessment, 96
diastolic function, 20 3D proximal isovelocity surface area Operating room (OR), 142
display modes of 3D datasets, 14 volume automatic calculation, 99 OR, see Operating room
dyssynchrony, 20–21 Mitral valve (MV), 68, 83, 95, 142, 147 Organic tricuspid regurgitation (OTR), 120;
ejection fraction, 13 Mitral valve annulus (MVA), 68 see also Tricuspid regurgitation
fully automated software packages, 18 Mitral valve components 3D assessment, 68; see OTR, see Organic tricuspid regurgitation
hypertrophy, 21 also Primary mitral regurgitation
mass, 21–22 advantages and limitations, 69 P
myocardial mechanics, 22–24 mitral annulus assessment, 68–69
pitfalls in 2D echocardiography, 16 mitral valve leaflet assessment, 68 Papillary muscles (PMs), 83
semiautomated software packages, 18 subvalvular apparatus assessment, 69 Paravalvular leaks (PVLs), 140, 204; see also
shape, 22 3D TEE studies, 69, 70 Adult congenital heart disease;
size and systolic function, 14–20 Mitral valve navigation (MVN), 98 Infective endocarditis
speckles, 22 Mitral valvular orifice area (MVA), 95, 185 in prosthetic valves, 204–205
sphericity index in normal, 22 MPI, see Myocardial performance index Paravalvular regurgitation (PVR), 164
torsion calculation, 23 MPR, see Multiplanar reconstruction Patent foramen ovale (PFO), 47, 153
volumes and ejection fraction, 17 MR, see Mitral regurgitation PBMV, see Percutaneous balloon mitral
volumes measurement, 16 MRI, see Magnetic resonance imaging valvuloplasty
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD), 41 MS, see Mitral stenosis PCVs, see Prosthetic cardiac valves
Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), 51, 103 Multidetector row computed tomography Peak early filling rate (PFR), 20
Ligament of Marshall, 246, 247 (MDCT), 105 Pediatric atrioventricular valves, 3D
Liquefactive necrosis, 245; see also Cardiac Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), 29, 89, 178 echocardiogram-derived, 265; see
masses MV, see Mitral valve also 3D printing
LIVE 3D, 178 MVA, see Mitral valve annulus; Mitral valvular Penetrating aortic ulcer, 212–213; see also Aorta
L-TGA, see Congenitally corrected TGA orifice area Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty
LV, see Left ventricle MVN, see Mitral valve navigation (PBMV), 204
LVAD, see Left ventricular assist device Myocardial Percutaneous mitral valve repair (PMVR), 76
LVOT, see Left ventricular outflow tract acute myocardial infarction, 156 Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty (PMV), 95
deformation imaging, 64–65; see also Pericardial effusion, 245; see also Cardiac
M Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy masses
global function, 14 PET, see Positron emission tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 30, 35, hypertrophy, 64; see also Hypertrophic PFO, see Patent foramen ovale
43, 227, 260 cardiomyopathy PFR, see Peak early filling rate
Masses in endocarditis, 243; see also Cardiac Myocardial performance index (MPI), 36 Phased-array transducer, 3; see also 3D
masses echocardiographic imaging
periannular extension, 244–245 N PHT, see Pressure half-time
vegetation, 243–244 PISA, see Proximal isovelocity surface area
MC ring, 144 NCS, see Noncoronary sinus Planimetric orifice area (POA), 158
MDCT, see Multidetector row computed Noncoronary sinus (NCS), 195 PMC, see Posteromedial commissure
tomography Nonsurgical transcatheter treatment, 147; see PMs, see Papillary muscles
Mechanical dyssynchrony, 20 also Non-valvular heart disease PMV, see Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty
MitraClip, 76–79, 89–93, 202–204; see also clip procedure for mitral regurgitation, PMVR, see Percutaneous mitral valve repair
Adult congenital heart disease; 148, 149 POA, see Planimetric orifice area
Mitral regurgitation 3D assessment closure of paravalvular aortic valve Positron emission tomography (PET), 243
Mitral regurgitation (MR), 68 regurgitation, 147–148 Posteromedial commissure (PMC), 68
Mitral regurgitation 3D assessment, 69; see also closure of paravalvular mitral Pressure half-time (PHT), 96; see also Mitral
Primary mitral regurgitation regurgitation, 150–152 stenosis
etiologies, 74 edge-to-edge mitral valve clip repair, 149 Primary mitral regurgitation, 68, 79–80
mechanisms, 69–74 intraprocedural echocardiography, advantages and limitations of
MitraClip, 76–79 148–150 echocardiography, 69
percutaneous management, 76 non-valvular heart disease, 153 MitraClip, 76–79
quantification of regurgitation, 74–75 3D TEE, 151 mitral annulus assessment, 68–69
surgical management, 75–76 3D TEE images of aortic valve, 147 mitral valve components assessment,
3D TEE studies, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 transcatheter aortic valve replacement, 147 68–69, 70
treatment, 75–79 transcatheter mitral valve replacement, mitral valve leaflet assessment, 68
2D and 3D TEE images, 72 152–153 percutaneous management, 76
Mitral stenosis (MS), 95, 204; see also Adult transcatheter procedures for mitral valve quantification, 74–75
congenital heart disease disease, 148 subvalvular apparatus assessment, 69
advantages and limitations of mitral valve transcatheter replacement, 150, 151 surgical management, 75–76
area evaluation methods, 99 tricuspid valve procedures, 153 3D assessment, 69–79
commissural tearing assessment, 100 2D and 3D TEE showing iatrogenic atrial 3D TEE studies, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
conventional 2D PISA method, 98 septal defect, 149 treatment, 75–79
en face view of mitral valve, 96, 100 valvular heart disease, 147 2D and 3D TEE images, 72
functional assessment, 96–99 Non-valvular heart disease, 153; see also Prosthetic cardiac valves (PCVs), 158
Gorlin’s method, 97 Nonsurgical transcatheter treatment Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), 131
interatrial transseptal puncture, 101 atrial septal defect closure, 156 Proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA), 74,
mitral valvular area assessment by MRI, 99 patent foramen ovale/atrial septal defect/ 87, 97, 116, 142, 185
monitoring of percutaneous mitral ventricular septal defect closure, Pseudoaneurysm, 135
valvuloplasty, 101 153–155 Pulmonary hypertension, 126

272 Index 
Pulmonary valve (PV), 183 mechanism and etiology of, 84 workflow using matrix array transducers,
Pulmonary vein isolation, 254 mitral annulus reconstruction, 84 28–29
PV, see Pulmonary valve mitral valve morphology, 84–87 Stroke, 249–252
PVE, see Prosthetic valve endocarditis offline reconstruction of mitral annulus, 84 Structural valve deterioration (SVD), 162
PVLs, see Paravalvular leaks physiopathology of, 83–84 STS, see Society of Thoracic Surgeons
PVR, see Paravalvular regurgitation role of 3D during MitraClip therapy, 89–93 Subaortic stenosis, 192
tethering of mitral valve leaflets, 84 Sum of squared differences (SSD), 224
Q 3D multiplanar reconstruction, 91, 92 Superior vena cava (SVC), 180
3D quantification of, 87–89 Supramitral ring, 185
QCT, see Quad-chamber tracking 2D and 3D TEE, 91 Surgical management, 142
Quad-chamber tracking (QCT), 226 2D TEE, 90 aortic valve surgery, 142, 144
Sequential scanning, 5; see also 3D bicuspid valve images of 3D TEE and 2D
R echocardiographic imaging TEE, 144
Shape models, 218; see also Speckle tracking calcified bicuspid aortic valve, 144
RA, see Right atrium Sinotubular junction, 111 mass in right atrium, 145
Radiofrequency (RF), 2 Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA), 195 mitral valve surgery, 142
catheter ablation, 254–255 SMR, see Secondary mitral regurgitation severe mitral valve regurgitation, 143
RCS, see Right coronary sinus Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), 158 surgery for cardiac mass, 144
Real-time 3D echocardiography, 41, 176 Speckles, 22 surgery for congenital heart disease, 145
Real-time 3D full-volume dataset, 177 Speckle tracking, 215, 220, 221 tricuspid valve surgery, 144
Real-time 3D imaging, 11 alternative approaches, 216 2D TEE after MV replacement in operating
Real-time 3D TTE, 204 anatomical directions of myocardial room, 143
Realtime Three-Dimensional motion and deformation, 216 SVA, see Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm
Echocardiography (RT3DE), 95; see biomechanical constraints, 218 SVC, see Superior vena cava
also Mitral stenosis conservation of speckles over consecutive SVD, see Structural valve deterioration
Refracted wave, 2 frames, 219 SVs, see Systolic volumes
Region of interest (ROI), 23 deformation analysis in healthy athlete, 220 Systolic anterior motion (SAM), 51, 171
Regurgitant orifice (RO), 74 deformation analysis in healthy subject, 219 Systolic dyssynchrony index (SDI), 198
Regurgitant volume (RV), 74, 87 deformation analysis in hypertensive Systolic volumes (SVs), 69
RF, see Radiofrequency patient, 221
Right atrium (RA), 183 deformation analysis in hypertrophic T
Right coronary sinus (RCS), 195 cardiomyopathy, 221
Right ventricle (RV), 35; see also Left ventricle deformation quantification, 217 TA, see Tricuspid annulus
additional testing, 40 hypertension, 220 TAPSE, see Tricuspid annular plane systolic
clinical implications, 41 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 220 excursion
meta-analysis of RV EDV, 37 image registration, 216, 218 TAVR, see Transcatheter aortic valve
meta-analysis of RV EF, 38 measuring motion and deformation, 216 replacement
pitfall in RV volume determination by 3D myocardial motion and deformation, TDI, see Tissue Doppler imaging
echocardiography, 38 215–216 TEE, see Transesophageal echocardiography
preoperative transesophageal practical examples, 219 Tei index, see Myocardial performance index
echocardiography, 39 principles of tracking, 216 Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 196
right heart function determinants, 35 recommendations for 3D, 218 3D, see Three-dimension
size assessment, 35 shape models, 218 3D echocardiogram-derived pediatric
systolic function determination, 35–37 standardization and validation, 218 atrioventricular valves, 265; see also
3D TEE image of, 35 temporal derivatives of displacement and 3D printing
2D vs. 3D echocardiography and MRI, 41 strain, 217 3D echocardiographic imaging, see
volume by postsurgical 3D TEE, 40 tissue Doppler, 218 Echocardiography, 3D
volume by presurgical 3D TEE, 40 3D tissue deformation, 217 3D full-volume color Doppler (3D FVCD), 89
volumes and EF normals, 39–40 values quantified in strain in 1D and 3D, 216 3D FVCD, see 3D full-volume color Doppler
Right ventricle ejection fraction (RV EF), 38 Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE), 223 Three-dimension (3D), 1
Right ventricular end-diastolic volume (RV Spectral Doppler (SD), 158 3D printing, 260
EDV), 37 Specular reflection, 2 accuracy, 261–262
Right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), 35, 196 SSD, see Sum of squared differences adequate imaging acquisition, 260
RO, see Regurgitant orifice STE, see Speckle tracking echocardiography of atrial septal defect, 265
ROI, see Region of interest Stitching artifacts, 13 clinical applications, 262
RT-TT3DE, see Real-time 3D TTE Strain, 224 congenital heart disease, 264
RV, see Regurgitant volume Stress echocardiography, 28 device sizing, 266
RV, see Right ventricle acquisition, 28 of intracardiac defects, 264
RV EDV, see Right ventricular end-diastolic acquisition of full-volume 3D data, 29 LA appendage occlusion, 264
volume artifacts limiting use of 3D data in, 30 limitations and future directions, 264–267
RV EF, see Right ventricle ejection fraction clinical studies, 30–33 mitral valve, 263
RVOT, see Right ventricular outflow tract conventional 2D, 28 multimodality imaging fusion, 263
data display, analysis, and interpretation, pediatric AV valves, 265
S 29–30 postprocessing software, 261
diagnostic accuracy of, 32 solid and hollow 3D printed models, 262
SAM, see Systolic anterior motion limitations, 33 technique, 261
Scatterers, 2 multislice imaging in 3D echocardiography, 30 3D echocardiography acquisition, 260–261
SD, see Spectral Doppler perspectives, 32–33 tricuspid valve, 263–264
SDI, see Systolic dyssynchrony index qualitative visualization of regional wall workflow, 260, 261
Secondary mitral regurgitation (SMR), 83 motion abnormalities, 31 3D rendering of data, 6
en face view of mitral valve, 85 scan time reduction using 3D vs. 2D, 32 3D wall motion tracking (3D WMT), 223
eSie Valves, 87 side-by-side visualization of multislice 3D WMT, see 3D wall motion tracking
lack of coaptation in asymmetric tethering images, 31 3D zoom, 177
of mitral valve leaflets, 86 single-beat acquisition, 28 Time-velocity integral (TVI), 107

Index 273
Tissue Doppler, 218; see also Speckle tracking in CHDs, 206 TV, see Tricuspid valve
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), 200 RV volume by postsurgical, 40 TVI, see Time-velocity integral
Tissue tracking, 3D, 223 Transposition of great arteries, 195 2D, see Two-dimension
activation imaging, 226–227 Transseptal puncture (TS puncture), 78 Two-dimension (2D), 1
applications of, 228 Transthoracic 3D echocardiography, 125
area change ratio, 226 multislice display of tricuspid valve U
area strain, 224, 226 apparatus by, 123
cardiac dyssynchrony imaging, 229, 231 Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), 15, Ultrasound-derived 3D printing of atrial septal
effects of rotation and translation, 224 43, 68, 158, 235 defect, 265; see also 3D printing
heart failure and cardiomyopathy, 229 rendered volume of LA thrombus after Univentricular hearts (UVHs), 176
images before and after, 231 resection of LA posterior wall by, 49 UVHs, see Univentricular hearts
left ventricular dyssynchrony, 230 subvalvular mitral apparatus assessment, 96
longitudinal strain apical sparing, 230 3D, 112–113 V
multimodality assessment in LV lateral ACP Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion
ablation, 233 (TAPSE), 35, 36, 200 Valvular heart disease, 147; see also Nonsurgical
plastic bag image, 224, 225 Tricuspid annulus (TA), 120 transcatheter treatment
quad-chamber tracking by 3D STE, 228 Tricuspid regurgitation (TR), 37, 120 clip procedure for mitral regurgitation,
radial, longitudinal, and circumferential anatomical variability of tricuspid valve 148, 149
strain in, 226 leaflets, 121 closure of paravalvular aortic valve
reference value from healthy subjects, 229 anatomy of tricuspid valve apparatus, 120 regurgitation, 147–148
regional torsion, 226 asymmetry of regurgitation orifice, 124 closure of paravalvular mitral
rotation, twist, and torsion to base in, 227 carcinoid heart disease, 127 regurgitation, 150–152
RV and LV activation imaging before and carcinoid valve disease, 124 edge-to-edge mitral valve clip repair, 149
after CRT, 232 cardiac implantable electronic device intraprocedural echocardiography,
3D speckle tracking echocardiography induced, 127 148–150
limitation, 232 congenital, 127 TEE images of aortic valve, 147
3D strain, 227 elliptical tricuspid annulus, 122 TEE of iatrogenic atrial septal defect, 149
3D wall motion tracking, 223–224 functional, 125, 126–127 transcatheter aortic valve replacement, 147
2D and 3D algorithms, 225 infective endocarditis of tricuspid valve, transcatheter mitral valve replacement,
2D and 3D speckle tracking 128–129 152–153
echocardiography, 225 mixed tricuspid valve dysfunction, 123 transcatheter procedures for mitral valve
2D vs. 3D speckle tracking analysis, 228 multiplanar reconstruction of tricuspid disease, 148
2D vs. 3D strain, 227 vegetation, 128 transcatheter replacement, 150, 151
volume verification with cardiac MRI, multislice display of tricuspid valve tricuspid valve procedures, 153
227–228 apparatus, 123 VC, see Vena contracta
wall motion tracking technology, 223 organic, 120, 124, 127–129 VCA, see Vena contracta area
TMVR, see Transcatheter mitral valve rheumatic, 128 Vena contracta (VC), 74, 87, 167
replacement saddle-shaped geometry of tricuspid assessment by 3D echocardiography, 88
TOF, see Tetralogy of Fallot annulus and leaflets reconstruction, Vena contracta area (VCA), 74
TPVR, see Transcatheter pulmonary valve 122 Ventricular function in congenital heart
replacement severe, 122 disease, 197; see also Adult congenital
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement traumatic, 128 heart disease
(TAVR), 104, 142, 147, 171–172; see tricuspid valve endocarditis, 125 global function variables, 200
also Artificial valves tricuspid valve imaging, 121, 125–126 left ventricle in CHD, 197
Transcatheter left atrial appendage closure, tricuspid valve prolapse, 127–128 longitudinal function variables, 199–200
255–258 variability of imaging tricuspid valve pulmonary bioprosthesis, 198
Transcatheter mitral valve replacement leaflets, 121 right ventricle in adult CHD, 199
(TMVR), 172; see also Artificial valves Tricuspid valve (TV), 35, 120, 180, 185–188, Ventricular septal defects (VSDs), 156, 190–
Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement 189 192, 202; see also Adult congenital
(TPVR), 172–173; see also Artificial Barlow disease, 187 heart disease
valves Ebstein anomaly, 186–188, 189, 190 left ventricular outflow tract obstruction,
Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement mitral supravalvular stenosis, 186 192–193
(TTVR), 172; see also Artificial valves mitral valve cleft, 187 relationship with tricuspid and aortic
Transeptal puncture, 202; see also Adult ostium primum septal defect, 187 valves, 192
congenital heart disease real-time 3D transthoracic image of Ventricular septal rupture (VSR), 156
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), 7, double-orifice mitral valve, 187 Virtual ring, 111
43, 68, 98, 208, 235 TEE in cor triatriatum sinister, 186 VSDs, see Ventricular septal defects
evaluation of left atrial appendage, 46 3D imaging of systemic, 197 VSR, see Ventricular septal rupture
in normal mitral valve, 177 ventricular septal defect with tricuspid and
preoperative, 39 aortic valves, 192 W
in secundum atrial septal defect, 176 TS puncture, see Transseptal puncture
Transesophageal echocardiography, 3D, TTE, see Transthoracic echocardiography WATCHMAN device, 255, 264
113; see also Adult congenital heart TTVR, see Transcatheter tricuspid valve WBC, see White blood cell
disease replacement White blood cell (WBC), 131

274 Index 

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