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[55.DTC] FAULT CODES - 55.19

1002 - 1089
14002 - 19901

Rowtrac 370 / 420 / 470 / 500


Steiger® 370 / 420 / 470 / 500 / 540 / 580 / 620

Quadtrac® 470 / 500 / 540 / 580 / 620
Tier 4B (final)
PIN ZEF300001 and above


Printed in U.S.A.
Part number 47684077
Copyright © 2014 CNH Industrial America LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH Industrial America LLC. 1st edition English
Racine Wisconsin 53404 U.S.A. March 2014
Electrical systems - 55


Quadtrac 470 NA model [ZEF300001 - ] , Quadtrac 540 NA model [ZEF300001

- ] , Quadtrac 540 NA scraper model [ZEF300001 - ] , Quadtrac 580 NA model
[ZEF300001 - ] , Quadtrac 580 NA scraper model [ZEF300001 - ] , Quadtrac
620 NA model [ZEF300001 - ] , Rowtrac 370 NA model [ZEF300001 - ] ,
Rowtrac 420 NA model [ZEF300001 - ] , Rowtrac 470 NA model [ZEF300001
- ] , Rowtrac 500 NA model [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 370 NA heavy duty
wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 370 NA standard wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] ,
Steiger 420 NA heavy duty wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 470 NA Wheeled
scraper [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 470 NA heavy duty wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] ,
Steiger 500 NA heavy duty wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 500 NA wheeled
scraper [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 500 QT NA model [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 500
QT NA scraper model [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 540 NA heavy duty wheeled
[ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 540 NA wheeled scraper [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 580
NA heavy duty wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 580 NA wheeled scraper
[ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger 620 NA heavy duty wheeled [ZEF300001 - ] , Steiger
620 NA wheeled scraper [ZEF300001 - ]
47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 1

Electrical systems - 55



1002-Raise hitch valve coil short to 12 volts or raise hitch valve coil circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1003-Hitch raise solenoid failed open or shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1004-Lower hitch valve coil short to 12 volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1005-Lower hitch valve coils - open or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1006-Electronic draft control low side driver stuck on failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1007-Low side driver watchdog test failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1008-Low side of raise solenoid connected permanently to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1009-Low side of lower solenoid connected permanently to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1011-Tractor Controller Unit is disconnected from the CAN bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1012-Communication lost with the armrest controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1014-5 volt reference is above the upper voltage limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1015-5 volt reference is below the lower voltage limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1017-Hitch position command potentiometer failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1018-Rockshaft position potentiometer is outside normal operating range Hitch position potentiometer 39
1019-Upper limit potentiometer failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
1021-Load command potentiometer failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1025-Hitch up/down switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1026-Up/down remote fender switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1028-Travel range potentiometer failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1029-Drop rate command potentiometer failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
1032-Ground speed failure, value received from data bus indicates failure condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1033-Slip set switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1034-Slip enable switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1035-Percent slip error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1036-Armrest controller reports draft control inching up switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1037-Draft control inching down switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1065-The armrest controller specified tractor without draft control, but detected draft pins . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1067-Draft control specified but no draft pin(s) detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1068-Draft control calibration aborted due to tractor moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1069-Electronic draft control calibration aborted due to low engine speed error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1071-PWM raise threshold is too high during calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

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1072-PWM raise threshold is too low during calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1074-Hitch pot signal not within expected range for maximum hitch position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1075-Hitch lower valve threshold is too high during calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
1076-PWM lower threshold is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1077-Operator did not respond to Electronic Draft Control calibration procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
1078-Hitch position is not at minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
1079-Range of the hitch position is not within specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
1080-Hitch position range to position command range ratio is not within limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
1085-Electronic draft control requires calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
1087-8 volt reference is above 8.8 volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
1088-8 volt reference is below 7.2 volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
1089-12VH1 voltage supply to the hitch raise and lower coils is below 8 volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
14002-Transmission oil filter switch closed to ground on power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
14003-Hydraulic oil filter switch closed to ground on power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
14005-PTO shaft speed sensor error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
14006-GOV engine speed error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
14007-Engine over speeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
14008-Engine oil pressure sensor error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
14009-Loss of valid engine hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
14010-PTO controller off line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
14011-All communications lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
14013-Transmission off line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
14014-Engine coolant temperature sensor error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
14015-Engine intake air temperature sensor error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
14016-Engine shutdown activated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
14017-Fuel level sensor voltage out of range low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
14018-GOV off line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
14019-ATC off line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
14020-Loss of CAN messages from the secondary steering controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
14021-Secondary steering is present and no CAN messages are received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
14022-Secondary steering system should be present but system messages indicate that it is not installed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
18007-Multi-function handle - switch error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
18010-Powershift throttle - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
18011-Powershift throttle - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
18014-Rear hitch position control potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
18015-Rear hitch position control potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
18016-Rear hitch draft control potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
18017-Rear hitch draft control potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
18018-Rear hitch height limit potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
18019-Rear hitch height limit potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
18020-Rear hitch drop rate potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
18021-Rear hitch drop rate potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

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18022-Rear hitch sensitivity control potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
18023-Rear hitch sensitivity control potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
18024-EHR (remote valve) flow encoder position error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
18025-Rear hitch slip control potentiometer - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
18026-Rear hitch slip control potentiometer - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
18027-EHR (remote valve) 5 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
18028-EHR (remote valve) 5 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
18029-EHR (remote valve) 6 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
18030-EHR (remote valve) 6 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
18040-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
18041-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
18042-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
18043-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
18044-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
18045-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
18046-EHR (remote valve) float control switch error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
18047-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
18048-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
18049-Joystick 1 X-Axis Position - Voltage Too Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
18050-Joystick 1 X-axis position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
18051-Joystick 1 Y-axis position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
18052-Joystick 1 Y-axis position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
18055-Joystick 2 X-axis position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
18056-Joystick 2 X-axis position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
18057-Joystick 2 Y-axis position - voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
18058-Joystick 2 Y-axis position - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
18061-Reference voltage - short circuit to 0V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
18062-Reference voltage - short circuit to 12V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
18063-EEPROM fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
18064-MFH (multi-function handle) communication error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
18065-MFH (multi-function handle) basic assurance test error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
18066-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever implausibility error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
18067-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever implausibility error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
18068-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever implausibility error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
18069-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever implausibility error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
19001-Battery voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
19002-Battery voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
19006-CAN timeout error from NH3 sensor - NH3Fac message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
19008-NH3 sensor open or short in ground circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
19009-NH3 sensor short in heater circuit causing overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
19010-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
19011-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

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19012-NH3 sensor open in heater circuit causing underheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
19013-NH3 sensor open or short in temperature cell circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
19014-NH3 sensor open or short in trim resistor circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
19015-NH3 sensor heater control failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
19016-NH3 sensor heater performance failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
19017-NH3 sensor signal out of range failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
19018-NH3 sensor power supply failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
19019-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
19020-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
19023-NH3 sensor controller failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
19024-CAN timeout error from NH3 sensor - NH3Sens message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
19026-Exhaust flap sticking or internal failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
19027-Exhaust flap actuator supply voltage out of range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
19033-Exhaust flap stuck during power up test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
19034-Exhaust flap actuator is over temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
19035-CAN timeout error from exhaust flap actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
19035-CAN timeout error from exhaust flap actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
19036-SCR downstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
19040-Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature failure
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
19041-Upstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure . . . 232
19042-Downstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure . 234
19043-Intake air humidity sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
19047-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . 238
19048-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . 240
19050-Downstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
19051-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Open Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
19052-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Short Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
19053-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Performance Plausibility) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
19054-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Open Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
19059-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Short Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
19060-CAN bus message not received from upstream NOx sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
19061-Upstream NOx sensor lambda signal deviation - NOx sensor possible removal detected . . . . 251
19062-Upstream NOx sensor values are not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
19063-Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
19066-Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . 255
19067-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
19068-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
19069-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
19070-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
19071-SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
19077-DEF/AdBlue pressure stabilization failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
19079-DEF/AdBlue over pressure failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

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19080-DEF/AdBlue under pressure failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
19081-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to ground in high side failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
19082-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
19083-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
19084-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
19085-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
19086-DEF/AdBlue pressure line heater failure and DEF/AdBlue tank temperature is too low . . . . . . 283
19087-DEF/AdBlue tank temperature is not within acceptable limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
19095-DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
19096-DEF/AdBlue supply module temperature not available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
19105-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
19106-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
19107-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor open load failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
19108-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
19111-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
19113-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
19126-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by Tampering fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
19140-DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
19141-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor detects diesel fuel in DEF/AdBlue tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
19142-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor temperature failure (Different from DEF/AdBlue level temperature) 303
19144-CAN timeout error from DEF/AdBlue quality sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
19145-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
19149-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
19153-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Short circuit to battery error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
19154-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump temperature is too low to activate pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
19156-DEF/AdBlue supply motor severe speed deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
19158-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Short circuit to ground error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
19159-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration value is higher than expected) . . . . 314
19160-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration value is lower than expected) . . . . . 315
19161-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Internal fault) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
19165-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor circuit short to battery) . . . . . 317
19166-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor circuit short to ground) . . . . . 318
19167-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor value is higher than expected) 319
19168-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor value is lower than expected) 320
19168-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor value is lower than expected) 321
19173-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to battery in high side failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
19174-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit in high side failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
19179-Downstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is higher than the limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
19180-Downstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is lower than the limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
19187-Upstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is higher than the limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
19188-Upstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is lower than the limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
19225-CAN C Bus off passive failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

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19240-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . 332
19241-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . 334
19262-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
19264-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator open load failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
19323-External engine shutdown request received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
19336-DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
19337-DEF/AdBlue dosing system backflow line pressure too high plausibility failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
19356-Downstream NOx sensor signal and NH3 sensor signal plausibility check failure . . . . . . . . . . . 345
19407-Low coolant pressure at inlet of main coolant pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
19409-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor plausibility check low failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
19410-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor plausibility failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
19415-Remaining DEF/AdBlue is below the empty threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
19422-Downstream NOx sensor signal is stuck at a constant value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
19431-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery and low side driver circuit short
to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
19431-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery and low side driver circuit short
to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
19432-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
19432-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
19433-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
19433-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
19434-ECU internal failure EEPROM erase error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
19435-ECU internal failure - EEPROM read error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
19436-ECU internal failure - EEPROM write error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
19461-Overboost failure in engine brake mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
19462-Turbine over speed detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
19463-Turbine irreversible over speed detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
19496-Monitoring of over pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
19524-DEF/AdBlue temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
19525-DEF/AdBlue temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
19532-DEF/AdBlue pressure did not drop when system was evacuated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
19550-DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for dosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
19559-DEF/AdBlue level too low warning is active - Stage 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
19568-DEF/AdBlue level too low warning is active - Stage 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
19650-DEF/AdBlue tank level sensor voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
19651-DEF/AdBlue tank level sensor voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
19683-Rail pressure reduction by blank shots during after run aborted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
19708-Monitoring for pressure loss in the high pressure accumulator (rail test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
19748-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
19787-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by DEF/AdBlue dosing interruption fault
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
19788-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by DEF/AdBlue dosing interruption fault . . 395
19789-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by DEF/AdBlue dosing interruption fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

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19797-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (torque reduction), triggered by DEF/AdBlue quality fault . . . . . . . . . 397
19798-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by DEF/AdBlue Quality fault . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
19799-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by DEF/AdBlue Quality fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
19800-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by Tampering fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
19801-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by Tampering fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
19817-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve is blocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
19831-Turbo speed failure under high ambient pressure conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
19889-Vehicle speed CAN message not received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
19895-Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
19896-Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
19900-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
19901-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
2009-Seat switch open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
2010-Seat switch is shorted to the supply voltage B+ or 5 volt reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
2011-Clutch pot open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
2012-Clutch potentiometer short to 12 volts or short to 5 volt reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
2024-All Clutches Not Calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
2037-Bottom of clutch pedal switch open circuit or bottom of clutch relay stuck open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
2047-Clutch pedal bottom of clutch switch misadjusted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
2048-Bottom of clutch pedal switch or the bottom of clutch relay are short circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
2053-5 volt reference voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
2054-5 volt reference voltage too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
2056-5 Volt internal reference voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
2057-5 Volt internal reference voltage is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
2059-Shuttle lever switch disagreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
2070-Shuttle Lever Forward Switch Voltage Too High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
2071-Shuttle lever forward switch is shorted to ground or is open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
2072-Shuttle lever reverse switch - voltage too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
2073-Shuttle Lever Reverse Switch - Short Circuit to Ground or open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
2074-FNR not park switch low voltage fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
2075-FNR not park switch high voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
2110-FNR neutral switch - low voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
2111-FNR neutral switch - high voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
2112-Axle oil pressure switch stuck fault - Axle lube oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
2113-Axle oil pressure low fault - Axle lube oil circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
2114-Axle oil pressure low critical fault - Axle lube oil circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
2158-System pressure critically low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
2159-System pressure transducer circuit is open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
2160-System pressure transducer circuit is shorted to the 5 volt reference or B+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
2308-Reverse not allowed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2326-Engine RPM speed sensor is high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
2330-Transmission output RPM too high for the selected gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447

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2331-Clutch Slipping fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
2342-1F clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
2343-1M clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
2344-1R clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
2345-2F clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
2346-2R clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
2347-4F clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
2348-4R clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
2349-5F clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
2350-5R clutch solenoid open circuit or short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
2351-1F clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
2352-1M clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
2353-1R clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
2354-2F clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
2355-2R clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
2356-4F clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
2357-4R clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
2358-5F clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
2359-5R clutch solenoid is shorted to +12 volts while driver off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
2363-1M clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
2364-1F clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
2365-1R clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
2366-2F clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
2367-2R clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
2368-4F clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
2369-4R clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
2370-5F clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
2371-5R clutch not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
2372-Engine stall - shift to neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
2379-Shaft 3 speed sensor fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
2380-No shaft 3 speed sensor fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
2381-5th shaft speed sensor open circuit of short to battery + - Output shaft speed sensor . . . . . . . . . 479
2382-5th shaft speed sensor short to ground Output shaft speed sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
2383-4th shaft speed sensor open circuit of short to battery + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
2384-4th shaft speed sensor short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
2385-3rd shaft speed sensor open circuit of short to battery + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
2386-3rd shaft speed sensor short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
2387-1st shaft speed sensor open circuit of short to battery + Input shaft speed sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
2388-1st shaft speed sensor short to ground - Input shaft speed sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
2500-Input overspeed error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
2509-Battery voltage too low for clutch solenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
2576-The 4F Clutch Lube Solenoid Driver has detected an open or short circuit condition . . . . . . . . . . 489

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2577-Model outside range of control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
2578-Model received does not match controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
2601-12VF1 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
2602-12VT1 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
2603-12VF2 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
2604-12VH voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
2605-12VS1 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
2807-Transmission output RPM over speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
2808-Operator attempted a shuttle while out of the seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
2811-Transmission oil temperature hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
2812-Transmission oil temperature sensor short to B+ or open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
2813-Transmission oil temperature sensor short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
2814-Integrated Control Panel off line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
2817-Governor is offline CAN bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
2818-Communication lost with the Armrest Control Module (ACM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
2819-Communication lost with the Instrumentation Controller Unit (ICU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
2821-Transmission system pressure low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
2822-System pressure out of range high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
2824-Hydraulic Oil Temperature Hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
2825-Hydraulic oil temperature sensor short to B+ or open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
2826-Hydraulic oil temperature sensor short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
2850-No electrical power to the park brake when commanded on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
2851-Park brake driver has detected an over current or an open circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
2852-No electrical power to the park brake when commanded on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
2873-Software out of calibration mode and park brake request still active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
2874-Park brake commanded on and gear is engaged without request from calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
2917-Cab pressure motor relay fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
3001-Diagnostic fault check of synchronization for double potentiometer and Low idle switch . . . . . . . 520
3002-Signal Range Check High for Acceleration Pedal Position Device Driver Sensor 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 522
3005-Air filter clog or circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
3007-Engine coolant temperature sensor is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
3008-Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
3010-Engine intake air temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
3014-Air filter clog or circuit failure for a long time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
3015-Fuel temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
3016-Fuel temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
3019-Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
3024-ECU internal failure - Ambient pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
3025-ECU internal failure - Ambient pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
3028-Oil pressure is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
3029-Oil pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
3030-Oil pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543

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3034-Oil temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
3035-Oil temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
3037-Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
3051-Battery voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
3052-Battery voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
3063-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
3063-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
3067-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
3067-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
3071-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
3071-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
3075-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
3075-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
3079-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
3079-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
3083-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
3083-Short circuit error of injector in cylinder 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
3088-Crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
3089-Crankshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
3090-Camshaft speed sensor values are not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
3091-Camshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
3093-Compared camshaft and crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
3096-CAN A Bus off failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
3102-Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected - Cursor 13 two-stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
3102-Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected - Cursor 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
3104-Fuel pressure relief valve is open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
3105-Fuel pressure relief valve is forced to open, perform pressure increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
3106-Fuel pressure relief valve reached maximum allowed opening count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
3107-Fuel metering unit is shorted to battery voltage at the low side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
3108-Fuel metering unit is shorted to ground at the low side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
3110-Rail pressure sensor value is above maximum offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
3111-Rail pressure sensor value is below minimum offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
3112-Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected - Cursor 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
3112-Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected - Cursor 13 two-stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
3118-Internal 12V supply voltage is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
3119-Internal 12V supply voltage is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
3137-Fuel metering unit has an open load error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
3141-Fuel pump pressure has exceeded desired pressure limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
3146-Water in fuel detected or water in fuel circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
3146-Water in fuel detected or water in fuel circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
3154-Intake air heater actuator is shorted to battery voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
3155-Intake air heater actuator is shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630

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3156-Intake air heater actuator has an open load error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
3164-Fan speed above maximum threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
3166-Fuel filter heater actuator is shorted to battery voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
3167-Fuel filter heater actuator is shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
3168-Fuel filter heater actuator has an open load error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
3169-Fuel filter heater ECU driver has an over temperature error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
3170-NH3 sensor signal is not changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
3172-Engine coolant temperature has exceeded the pre-warning threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
3173-Engine coolant temperature has exceeded the warning threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
3176-High pressure pump fuel delivery quantity in over run exceeds a maximum threshold . . . . . . . . 649
3177-Engine over speed condition detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
3179-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU - BC2ECU2 message . . . . . . . 652
3180-CAN communication error between vehicle controller to ECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
3182-CAN timeout error from cruise control vehicle speed (CCVS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
3183-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_VR message
(Engine brake) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
3184-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_VR message
(Engine brake) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
3185-CAN timeout error from transmission - Transmission fluids (TF) message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
3188-Open load error of injector in cylinder 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
3188-Open load error of injector in cylinder 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
3192-Open load error of injector in cylinder 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
3192-Open load error of injector in cylinder 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
3196-Open load error of injector in cylinder 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
3196-Open load error of injector in cylinder 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
3200-Open load error of injector in cylinder 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
3200-Open load error of injector in cylinder 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
3204-Open load error of injector in cylinder 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
3204-Open load error of injector in cylinder 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
3208-Open load error of injector in cylinder 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
3208-Open load error of injector in cylinder 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
3210-Injection bank 1 short circuit failure (all injectors of the same bank can be affected) . . . . . . . . . . 694
3218-Injection bank 2 short circuit failure (all injectors of the same bank can be affected) . . . . . . . . . . 695
3226-CAN timeout error from eVGT Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
3230-ECU internal failure - Injector CY33x component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
3233-ECU internal failure - Internal SPI injector related timeout error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
3235-Exceeded the number of injections for a given engine speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
3236-Number of injections is limited by system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
3237-Number of desired injections exceeds threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
3238-ECU internal failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
3245-ECU internal failure - Query/response communication errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
3252-ECU internal failure - SPI communication error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
3253-ECU internal failure - Voltage ratio in ADC monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706

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3255-ECU internal failure - ADC test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
3256-ECU internal failure - NTP error in ADC monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
3258-Starter relay high side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
3259-Starter relay high side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
3260-Starter relay low side driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
3261-Starter relay low side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
3262-Starter relay low side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
3263-CAN C Bus off failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
3265-Fuel injection requested during overrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
3280-12V sensor supply 1 voltage is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
3281-12V sensor supply 1 voltage is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
3283-ECU internal failure - Sensor 5 volt supply 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
3285-ECU internal failure - Sensor 5 volt supply 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
3293-Fuel pressure has exceeded maximum positive deviation limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
3301-Fuel rail pressure has exceeded maximum negative deviation limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
3305-Fuel rail pressure has exceeded minimum limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
3309-Fuel rail pressure has exceeded maximum limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
3334-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_PE message 732
3334-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_PE message 734
3338-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_VE message 736
3338-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU controller - TSC1_VE message 738
3351-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
3351-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
3352-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
3352-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
3353-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
3353-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
3361-There was an error during Write/Read EEPROM operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
3362-ECU internal failure - Fuel calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752
3368-Torque limitation caused by performance limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753
3370-Strong torque limitation from engine protection active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
3371-Strong torque limitation from injection system active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
3403-Starter relay low side ECU driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 756
3425-Under boost failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
3436-Inducement system is locked due to 3 detections in 40 hours. The system must be reset using the
dealer service tool screen "Engine Restart Counter Reset" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
3438-Auxiliary power relay high side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
3439-Auxiliary power relay low side driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
3440-Auxiliary power relay low side ECU driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765
3441-Auxiliary power relay low side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
3442-Auxiliary power relay low side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
3443-Torque limitation due to excessive coolant temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
3444-Torque limitation due to excessive exhaust gas temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772

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3445-Torque limitation due to excessive fuel temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
3446-Torque limitation due to excessive intake air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
3447-Torque limitation due to excessive oil temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
3448-Torque limitation due to turbocharger protection after start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
3449-ECU internal failure - Calculated engine speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
3450-eVGT actuator blocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
3453-Fuel filter clog or circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
3454-Fuel filter switch is failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
3455-Fuel pre-filter clog or circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784
3457-Intake manifold temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
3458-Crankcase pressure too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788
3459-Oil temperature too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789
3460-Oil temperature too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790
3461-ECU internal failure - Timeout in the shut off path test error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
3462-ECU internal failure - Overvoltage monitoring error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
3475-CAN timeout error from coolant water pump actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
3491-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
3492-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
3493-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
3494-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
3501-ECU internal failure - Software resets in DSM 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
3502-ECU internal failure - Software resets in DSM 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
3507-Engine cranked for too long or keyswitch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
3508-Torque limitation active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
3517-Ambient temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806
3518-Ambient temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
3525-Downstream NOx sensor internal failure (Open Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
3526-Downstream NOx sensor internal failure (Short Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
3528-Downstream NOx sensor values are not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
3529-Downstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Open Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
3530-Downstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Short Circuit Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
3531-Downstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Performance Plausibility Error) . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
3533-CAN timeout error from downstream NOx sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817
3549-Intake air humidity sensor voltage is higher than expected for too long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
3557-Intake air humidity sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
3565-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
3569-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
3581-Torque limitation is active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
3594-Torque limitation caused by SCR catalyst protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
3609-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
3614-eVGT motor effort too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
3616-Torque limitation caused by turbo charger protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828

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3617-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
3619-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
3620-SCR inducement level warning due to distance/time is active - Level 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
3621-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
3623-Downstream NOx sensor lambda signal deviation - NOx sensor possible removal detected . . . 833
3624-Crankcase pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
3625-Crankcase pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
3626-Crankcase pressure has exceeded tolerance limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
3628-Crankcase pressure too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
3631-Crankcase pressure sensor value is not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
3638-Torque limitation caused by engine brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
3640-Turbo charger speed sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
3641-Turbo charger speed signal period has exceeded a limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
3642-Turbo acceleration higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
3643-Turbo charger speed voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
3647-Over boost failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
3652-CAN A Bus off passive failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
3680-Engine speed limitation via fuel injection cut off is active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
3686-DOC upstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
3687-SCR upstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858
3688-Water in fuel sensor or sensor circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
3688-Water in fuel sensor or sensor circuit failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862
3699-ECU EEPROM memory failure - EEPData1 block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864
3700-Intake air humidity sensor value is not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
3703-The minimum rail pressure value necessary to allow fuel injection has not been reached . . . . . 866
3735-Fuel metering unit has an over temperature error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
3738-ECU internal failure - ROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
3739-ECU internal failure - Loss of synchronization to MM from CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870
3740-ECU internal failure - ECU shutdown test failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871
3741-ECU internal failure - Wrong set response time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872
3742-ECU internal failure - SPI errors during MoCSOP execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
3743-ECU internal failure - Undervoltage monitoring error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874
3745-ECU internal failure - WDA is not working correctly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
3746-ECU internal failure - Alarm task period error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876
3747-ECU internal failure - Positive test failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877
3749-ECU internal failure - Accelerator pedal position sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 878
3750-ECU internal failure - Fuel injection energizing time not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
3751-ECU internal failure - Fuel injection energizing phase is not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880
3752-Fuel injection correction has exceeded a minimum limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
3753-ECU internal failure - Injection quality correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 882
3754-ECU internal failure - Rail pressure plausibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
3755-ECU internal failure - Torque request comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884

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3756-ECU internal failure - Post injection quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885
3757-ECU internal failure - Post injection shut off failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886
3758-Post injection efficiency failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
3759-ECU internal failure - Torque request due to fuel pressure exceeds maximum torque limit . . . . . 888
3760-ECU internal failure - Torque request due to air control exceeds maximum torque limit . . . . . . . 889
3761-ECU internal failure - Torque request exceeds maximum torque limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
3762-ECU 5 volt supply voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891
3763-ECU 5 volt supply voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892
3764-ECU after run power interruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
3767-ECU internal: Diagnostic fault check to report 'WDA active' due to errors in query-/response com-
munication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896
3768-ECU internal failure - 'ABE active' reported due to undervoltage detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
3769-ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report 'ABE active' due to overvoltage detection . . . . . . 898
3770-ECU internal failure - 'WDA/ABE active' reported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
3799-Fuel pressure relief valve is forced open, perform pressure shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
3805-Maximum rail pressure exceeded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
3808-High pressure pump fuel delivery quantity at low idle is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 902
3810-Rail pressure sensor value is intermittent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
3810-Rail pressure sensor value is intermittent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
3811-ECU internal failure - Sensor 5 volt supply 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
3812-ECU temperature sensor 1 is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
3813-ECU temperature sensor 1 is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910
3814-ECU temperature sensor error detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
3838-Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
3857-Turbine over speed failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
3858-CAN communication error between ECU and eVGT actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
3861-eVGT power supply electrical failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918
3865-eVGT system failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920
3868-eVGT actuator over temperature error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922
3870-CAN communication failure between vehicle controller and ECU - BC2ECU1 message . . . . . . . 924
3877-Supply UB1 short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926
3878-Supply UB2 short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928
3879-Supply UB3 short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
3881-Supply UB1 short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 932
3882-Supply UB2 short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934
3883-Supply UB3 short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
3897-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 938
3897-Engine compression brake low side driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
3903-Fuel temperature is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942
3905-Intake air heater ECU driver has an over temperature error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944
3909-Crankcase pressure too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
3910-Fuel metering unit intermittent electrical connection failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
3911-Fuel metering unit is shorted to battery voltage at the high side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 949

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3912-Fuel metering unit is shorted to ground at the high side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951
3916-Fuel pressure relief valve has reached maximum allowed open time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
3930-SCR inducement warning due to distance/time is active - Level 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
3936-ECU internal: Error sensor supplies voltage tracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 956
3961-CAN communication failure - External torque/speed checksum and counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
3962-Crankcase pressure too high for too long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
3963-Crankcase pressure too high and oil pressure too low - Fuel in oil suspected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960
3964-ECU temperature sensor 2 is too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
3965-ECU temperature sensor 2 is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 962
3966-ECU temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 963
3967-ECU temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964
3968-After run relay high side driver circuit open failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
3969-After run relay high side ECU driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967
3970-After run relay high side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
3971-After run relay high side driver circuit short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
3973-After run relay low side ECU driver circuit over temperature failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
3974-After run relay low side driver circuit short to battery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
3977-Prefilter fuel pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
3978-Prefilter fuel pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979
3981-After run relay low side driver circuit open or short to ground failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
3985-Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
3986-Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
4004-ACM (GARU) offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
4005-Levers are not calibrated at power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
4100-Rear remote no.1 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988
4101-Remote No. 1 Control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
4102-Rear remote no.1 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
4103-Rear Remote No.1 Switched To Failsafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
4104-Rear remote no.1 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993
4105-Rear remote no.1 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 994
4106-Rear remote no.1 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
4107-Rear remote no.1 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
4108-Rear remote no.1 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
4109-Rear remote no.1 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998
4110-Rear remote no.1 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
4111-Rear remote no. 1 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
4112-Rear remote no.1 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
4113-Rear remote no.1 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002
4114-Rear remote no. 2 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
4115-Rear remote no. 2 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
4116-Rear remote no. 2 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
4117-Rear Remote No.2 Switched To Failsafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007

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4118-Rear remote no. 2 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008
4119-Rear remote no. 2 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
4120-Rear remote no. 2 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
4121-Rear remote no. 2 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
4122-Rear remote no. 2 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
4123-Rear remote no. 2 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013
4124-Rear remote no. 2 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
4125-Rear remote no. 2 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
4126-Rear remote no. 2 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
4127-Rear remote no. 2 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
4128-Rear remote no. 3 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
4129-Rear remote no. 3 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
4130-Rear remote no. 3 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
4131-Rear remote no. 3 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022
4132-Rear remote no. 3 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
4133-Rear remote no. 3 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024
4134-Rear remote no. 3 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
4135-Rear remote no. 3 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
4136-Rear remote no. 3 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1027
4137-Rear remote no. 3 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028
4138-Rear remote no. 3 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
4139-Rear remote no. 3 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
4140-Rear remote no. 3 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031
4141-Rear remote no. 3 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
4142-Rear remote no. 4 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
4143-Rear remote no. 4 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
4144-Rear remote no. 4 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
4145-Rear remote no. 4 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
4146-Rear remote no. 4 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038
4147-Rear remote no. 4 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
4148-Rear remote no. 4 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
4149-Rear remote no. 4 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
4150-Rear remote no. 4 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1042
4151-Rear remote no. 4 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
4152-Rear remote no. 4 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
4153-Rear remote no. 4 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045
4154-Rear remote no. 4 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
4155-Rear remote no. 4 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
4156-Rear remote no. 5 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048
4157-Rear remote no. 5 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
4158-Rear remote no. 5 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
4159-Rear remote no. 5 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1052

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4160-Rear remote no. 5 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053
4161-Rear remote no. 5 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054
4162-Rear remote no. 5 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
4163-Rear remote no. 5 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
4164-Rear remote no. 5 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
4165-Rear remote no. 5 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
4166-Rear remote no. 5 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059
4167-Rear remote no. 5 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060
4168-Rear remote no. 5 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
4169-Rear remote no. 5 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062
4170-Rear remote no. 1 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
4173-Rear remote no. 2 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064
4177-Rear remote no. 3 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065
4180-Rear remote no. 4 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
4190-Rear remote no. 1 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
4191-Rear remote no. 2 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
4192-Rear remote no. 3 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
4193-Rear remote no. 4 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
4198-Rear remote no. 5 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
4216-Rear remote no. 1 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
4217-Rear remote no. 2 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
4218-Rear remote no. 3 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
4219-Rear remote no. 4 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
4220-Rear remote no. 5 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
4301-Rear remote no. 6 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
4302-Rear remote no. 6 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
4303-Rear remote no. 6 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
4304-Rear remote no. 6 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
4305-Rear remote no. 6 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
4306-Rear remote no. 6 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
4307-Rear remote no. 6 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084
4308-Rear remote no. 6 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
4309-Rear remote no. 6 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
4310-Rear remote no. 6 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
4311-Rear remote no. 6 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
4312-Rear remote no. 6 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
4313-Rear remote no. 6 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090
4314-Rear remote no. 6 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
4315-Rear remote no. 7 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
4316-Rear remote no. 7 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
4317-Rear remote no. 7 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
4318-Rear remote no. 7 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096

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4319-Rear remote no. 7 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
4320-Rear remote no. 7 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
4321-Rear remote no. 7 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099
4322-Rear remote no. 7 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100
4323-Rear remote no. 7 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101
4324-Rear remote no. 7 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102
4325-Rear remote no. 7 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103
4326-Rear remote no. 7 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1104
4327-Rear remote no. 7 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105
4328-Rear remote no. 7 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1106
4329-Rear remote no. 8 - no control message received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107
4330-Rear remote no. 8 - control message not plausible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1108
4331-Rear remote no. 8 - EEPROM error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
4332-Rear remote no. 8 - not commanded neutral on power-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111
4333-Rear remote no. 8 - under voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112
4334-Rear remote no. 8 - over voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113
4335-Rear remote no. 8 - spool movement too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1114
4336-Rear remote no. 8 - spool movement too high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115
4337-Rear remote no. 8 - float position not reached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1116
4338-Rear remote no. 8 - manually operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117
4339-Rear remote no. 8 - driver faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1118
4340-Rear remote no. 8 - internal position sensor faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119
4341-Rear remote no. 8 - unable to reach neutral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1120
4342-Rear remote no. 8 - spool not in neutral at key on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1121
4343-Rear remote no. 5 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
4344-Rear remote no. 6 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123
4345-Rear remote no. 7 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124
4346-Rear remote no. 8 - not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125
4347-Rear remote no. 6 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1126
4348-Rear remote no. 7 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127
4349-Rear remote no. 8 - no communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1128
4350-Rear remote no. 6 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129
4351-Rear remote no. 7 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1130
4352-Rear remote no. 8 - spool not calibrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131
4353-EHR FB 1 Shorted to High Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1132
4354-EHR FB 1 Shorted to low source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1133
4355-EHR FB 3 Shorted to high source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1134
4356-EHR FB 3 Shorted to low source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
4357-EHR Implement lower error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1136
4358-EHR Implement raise error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137
5001-PTO switch detected on during tractor power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1138
5002-PTO switch interlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139

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5008-Both PTO on and off switches are simultaneously on, one of the PTO switches is shorted to 12 volts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1140
5009-PTO solenoid open circuit or shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141
5010-PTO solenoid circuit shorted to B+ when PTO is in the off state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142
5011-Driver is on and no current is sensed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1143
5012-PTO clutch is slipping excessively for the duration of 5 seconds or longer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144
5013-Engine speed is too low for the PTO to be in the on state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145
5014-PTO is commanded off but the PTO speed is greater than zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146
5015-The software has not detected PTO shaft speed for 3 seconds since the PTO initial fill valve was
commanded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147
5016-PTO speed is detected when the PTO is in the off state without engine rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148
5017-PTO clutch did not lock up after 6 seconds of clutch motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149
5022-PTO switch is in the on position when the engine is off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151
5023-PTO clutch lube solenoid circuit shorted to B+ when PTO is in the off state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1152
5024-PTO clutch lube solenoid open circuit or shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153
5025-PTO low side driver watchdog test failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155
5026-The 12 volt supply to the PTO is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1156
5027-Low side of PTO solenoid shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157
5028-Clutch speed sensor open or short to B+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1158
5029-Clutch speed sensor short to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159
5032-12VF3 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1160
6001-Front diff lock solenoid failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161
6002-Rear diff lock solenoid failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1162
6003-Brake light relay fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
6004-Rear diff lock switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1164
6006-Front diff lock switch failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165
6010-12VS1 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
6011-12VS2 voltage supply is low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167
6012-Steering pressure sensor above maximum voltage limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168
6013-Steering pressure sensor below minimum voltage limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 111-Cab temp sensor open or shorted to power . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 112-Cab temp sensor shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 115-Evap temp sensor open or shorted to power . . . . . . . . . . 1172
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 116-Evap temp sensor shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 120-Blower speed selector open or shorted to power . . . . . . 1174
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 121-Temperature select pot open or shorted to power . . . . . . 1175
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 122-Mode select pot open or shorted to power . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 126-High pressure switch (+) shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 127-High pressure switch (-) shorted to power . . . . . . . . . . . . 1178
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 129-High pressure switch cycling error (2 times in 1 minute) 1179
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 131-Low pressure switch (+) shorted to ground . . . . . . . . . . . 1180
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 132-Low pressure switch (-) shorted to power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1181
[Automatic temperature control] - ATC 134-Low pressure switch open for more than 1 minute . . . . . 1182

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[ECU] - 19007-NH3 sensor open or short in measuring cell circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
[ECU] - 3495-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
[ECU] - 3496-Missing adjustment value programming for injector in cylinder 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1002-Raise hitch valve coil short to 12 volts or raise hitch valve

coil circuit failure

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve raise solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to 12 volt source.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between harness end connector C209 pin 1 and ground. If a
voltage is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If a voltage is not indicated, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to 12 volt source.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector C209 pin 2 and ground. If a voltage is
indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1003-Hitch raise solenoid failed open or shorted to ground


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve raise solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C209 pin 1 and ground. If a short to ground is indicated, repair or replace the
harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C209 pin 2 and ground. If a short to ground is indicated, repair or replace the
harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 4

5. Check for an open circuit.

A. Disconnect the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061. Check between connector:
C209 pin 1 and C061 pin 29
C209 pin 2 and C060 pin 13
If an open circuit is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1004-Lower hitch valve coil short to 12 volts


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve lower solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve lower

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to 12 volt source.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between harness end connector C224 pin 1 and ground. If a
voltage is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If a voltage is not indicated, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to 12 volt source.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector C224 pin 2 and ground. If a voltage is
indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1005-Lower hitch valve coils - open or short to ground


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve lower solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C224 pin 1 and ground. If a short to ground is indicated, repair or replace the
harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 4

4. Check for an open circuit.

A. Disconnect the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061. Check between connector:
C224 pin 1 and C061 pin 33
C224 pin 2 and C060 pin 13
If an open circuit is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1006-Electronic draft control low side driver stuck on failure


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve lower or raise solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check both the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224 and EDC raise solenoid connector C209 and the tractor
control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid and EDC valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224 and EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209. Mea-
sure the resistance between the solenoid terminals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms,
remove and replace the EDC valve raise or lower solenoid.

B. If the solenoids are okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C224 pin 1 and ground and from connector C209 pin 2 and ground. If a short to
ground is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a
concern to ASIST before replacing components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1007-Low side driver watchdog test failed

Possible failure modes:

1. Tractor control unit (TCU) harness not wired correctly

2. Software issue


1. If any harness repairs were made at tractor control unit (TCU).

A. Repairs were made to tractor control unit (TCU) harness. Check to make every pin out is in the correct pin
position. Clear fault code and return unit to field service.

B. No repairs were made to tractor control unit (TCU) harness. continue with step 2
2. Check if the latest version of software has been installed.

A. Latest version of software has now been installed. Clear fault code and return unit to field service.

B. Correct version of software is installed. See step 3

3. Clear the fault code. Shutdown engine. Restart and see if fault code returns.

A. Fault code does not repeat. Return unit to field service.

B. Fault code continually repeats. Replace the tractor control unit (TCU)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1008-Low side of raise solenoid connected permanently to ground


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve raise solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and C061.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve raise solenoid connector C209. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C209 pin 2 and ground. If a short to ground is indicated, repair or replace the
harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a
concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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1009-Low side of lower solenoid connected permanently to ground


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty EDC valve lower solenoid
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C060 and

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the EDC valve lower solenoid.

A. Disconnect the EDC valve lower solenoid connector C224. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve lower

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector C224 pin 2 and ground. If a short to ground is indicated, repair or replace the
harness as required.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a
concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1011-Tractor Controller Unit is disconnected from the CAN bus


Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error.

2. Loose connection or damaged can bus wiring.
3. Bad terminator.


1. Check for other error codes being displayed.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C061 and C063.

A. Ensure the connectors are properly connected, not damaged and that the fit is tight. Look for damaged or
broken wires. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue with step 3

3. Remove the panel from the base of the instructional seat, to access the tractor control unit (TCU). Use a multi-
meter to check the resistance of vehicle can bus #1 terminators.

Disconnect connector C061 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the multimeter to check the resistance be-
tween C061 pin 46 and pin 47. This reading will check the can bus terminator located in the engine control
module (ECM). The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Go to Step 4

B. Expected resistance is found. Go to Step 5.

4. Disconnect the engine control module (ECM) connector C180 on right side of engine. Use the multimeter to check
the resistance between C180 pin 46 and pin 47 directly at controller. The expected reading is approximately
120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Replace the engine control module (ECM).

B. Expected resistance found. The checks indicate that vehicle can bus #1 connectors may be disconnected, or
the harness is damaged. Follow up and check all connectors for vehicle can bus #1. Start at tractor control
unit working out to other components looking for open, or short to ground in can bus wiring. See schematic
frame 89.
5. Connect connector C061 back into the tractor control unit (TCU). Disconnect the engine control module (ECM)
connector C180 on right side of engine. Use the multimeter to check the resistance between C180 pin 46 and
pin 47 on harness end connector. The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found.Go to Step 6

B. Expected resistance found. Connect connector C180 back into the engine control module (ECM). Go to Step
6. Disconnect the tractor control unit (TCU) connector C061. Use the multimeter to check the resistance between
C061 pin 25 and pin 34 directly at controller. The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Replace the tractor control unit (TCU).

B. Expected resistance found. The checks indicate that vehicle can bus #1 connectors may be disconnected, or
the harness is damaged. Follow up and check all connectors for vehicle can bus #1. Start at tractor control
unit working out to other components looking for open, or short to ground in can bus wiring.

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7. Use a multimeter to check the resistance of vehicle can bus #2 terminators.

Disconnect connector C063 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the multimeter to check the resistance be-
tween C063 pin 1 and pin 10. This reading will check the can bus terminator located in harness at rear of tractor
near remotes. The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Go to Step 8

B. Expected resistance is found. Go to Step 9.

8. Disconnect the can bus terminator located in harness at rear of tractor near remotes. Use the multimeter to check
the resistance between pin A and pin B directly on can bus terminator. The expected reading is approximately
120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Replace the can bus terminator.

B. Expected resistance found. The checks indicate that vehicle can bus #2 connectors may be disconnected, or
the harness is damaged. Follow up and check all connectors for vehicle can bus #2. Start at tractor control
unit working out to other components looking for open, or short to ground in can bus wiring. See schematic
frame 90.
9. Connect connector C063 back into the tractor control unit (TCU). Disconnect the can bus terminator located in
harness at rear of tractor near remotes. Use the multimeter to check the resistance between pin A and pin B on
harness end can bus terminator. The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected reading is not found. Go to Step 10

B. Expected resistance found. The checks indicate that vehicle can bus #2 connectors may be disconnected, or
the harness is damaged. Follow up and check all connectors for vehicle can bus #2. Start at tractor control
unit working out to other components looking for open, or short to ground in can bus wiring.
10. Disconnect the tractor control unit (TCU) connector C063. Use the multimeter to check the resistance between
C063 pin 1 and pin 10 directly at controller. The expected reading is approximately 120 Ω.

A. Expected resistance is not found. Replace the tractor control unit (TCU).

B. Expected resistance found. The checks indicate that vehicle can bus #2 connectors may be disconnected, or
the harness is damaged. Follow up and check all connectors for vehicle can bus #2. Start at tractor control
unit working out to other components looking for open, or short to ground in can bus wiring.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 89 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.89)
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 90 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.90)

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1012-Communication lost with the armrest controller

The tractor control unit (TCU) controller cannot communicate with the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Bad connection between the tractor control unit (TCU) and the armrest controller.
2. Controller failure.


1. Check for other error codes being displayed.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check the connection to the tractor control unit (TCU). Make sure that all the connectors are firmly connected to
the tractor control unit (TCU).

A. Loose connection found and corrected. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.

B. Loose connection not found. Go to Step 3.

3. To access the armrest controller (ACM) connector C054 remove the armrest pad assembly. Remove the screws
securing the armrest controller (ACM). Check that connector C054 is securely connected at the armrest controller
(ACM). Look for broken, or damaged wires.

A. Loose connection found and repaired. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.

B. Connection problem not found. Go to Step 4.

4. Check the power supply to the armrest controller (ACM). Check the unswitched power fuse #8 and switched power
fuse #60.

A. Blown fuse located. Replace fuse and return unit to field operation.

B. Both fuses are good. Go to Step 5.

5. Check for unswitched power at the armrest controller (ACM) . Insert back probe at C054 pin 1. Check between
connector C054 pin 1 and ground. Expected reading is about 12 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Locate and repair open between fuse #8 and armrest controller (ACU). Return
unit to field operation.

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 6.

6. Check for switched power at the armrest controller (ACM) . Insert back probe at C054 pin 2. Check between
connector C054 pin 2 and ground. Turn the tractor key switch to On position. Expected reading is about 12 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Locate and repair open between fuse #60 and armrest controller (ACU). Return
unit to field operation.

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 7.

7. Check for clean ground at the armrest controller (ACM). Use a back probe at connector C054. Check between
connector C054 pin 32 and ground and between C054 pin 33 and ground. Expected reading is less than 1.0 Ω.

A. Expected reading not found. Locate and repair open in ground circuit to armrest controller (ACU). Return unit
to field operation.

B. Expected reading found. Go to Step 8.

8. Replace the armrest controller.

Clear existing fault codes.

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A. Fault code does not re-display. Write the fault code on the failed controller. Return unit to field operation.

B. Fault code re-displays. Reinstall the original controller. Submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 75 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.75)

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1014-5 volt reference is above the upper voltage limit

The 5 V reference voltage is monitored and is consistently greater than 5.8 V .

Possible failure modes:

1. Short circuit to 8 V or 12 Vpower source.


1. Remove the panel from the base of the instructional seat, to access the tractor control unit (TCU). Use a multimeter
and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 3 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 3 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is above 5.8 V. Go to Step 2

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 2.

2. Use a multimeter and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 8 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 8 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is above 5.8 V. Go to Step 3

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use a multimeter and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 9 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 9 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is above 5.8 V. If the readings for all previous checks were all above
5.8 V replace the tractor control unit (TCU).

B. If only one reading was above 5.8 V check the circuits supplied by that reference voltage for short to power.

C. Expected voltage found. Erase all fault codes. Return unit to field operation and monitor for recurring fault
code: there may be an intermittent short to power in C060 circuits.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 38 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.38)

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1015-5 volt reference is below the lower voltage limit

The 5 V reference voltage is monitored and is consistently less than 4.2 V .

Possible failure modes:

1. Short circuit to ground or an open circuit.

2. No power or ground to tractor control unit (TCU). Other low voltage fault codes will be recorded on controllers.


1. Check for other low 5 V reference voltage error codes being displayed.

A. If any other error codes are being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are being displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check all the power supplies to the tractor control unit (TCU). Measure the voltage between fuse #4, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 54, 55 and 56 and chassis ground. Turn tractor key switch to On position. Expected reading is about 12 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Replace the bad fuse. Return unit to field operation.

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 3.

3. Remove the panel from the base of the instructional seat, to access the tractor control unit (TCU). Use a multimeter
and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 3 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 3 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is below 4.2 V. Go to Step 4

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 4.

4. Use a multimeter and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 8 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 8 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is below 4.2 V. Go to Step 5

B. Expected voltage found. Go to Step 5.

5. Use a multimeter and back probes (OTC 233788) to check the 5 V reference voltage.

Disconnect connector C060 from the tractor control unit (TCU). Insert the back probe at pin 9 (pink wire) and
reconnect C060 to the tractor control unit (TCU)

Turn the tractor key switch to the On position.

Measure the voltage between pin 9 of connector C060 and chassis ground. Expected reading is about 5.0 V.

A. Expected voltage not found. Reading is below 4.2 V. If the readings for step 1, 2 and 3 were all below 4.2 V
replace the tractor control unit (TCU).

B. If only one reading was below 4.2 V. test for short to ground.Go to Step 6.

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C. Expected voltage found. Erase all fault codes. Return unit to field operation and monitor for recurring fault
code: there may be an intermittent short to ground in C060 circuits.
6. Check for a short to ground.

A. Disconnect connector C060. Check between connector C060 pin 3, 8 or 9 and ground. If a short to ground is
indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, submit a concern to ASIST.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 38 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.38)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1017-Hitch position command potentiometer failure

The data bus signaled that the hitch position command potentiometer has failed. The tractor control unit (TCU) re-
ceived the signal directly from potentiometer.

Possible failure modes:

1. The hitch position command potentiometer has failed.


1. If the hitch position command potentiometer has failed, use the electronic service tool (EST) to check the armrest
hitch position control potentiometer

A. The EST check shows the hitch position command potentiometer has failed. Replace the potentiometer. See
controller configuration and calibration section in service manual. Calibrate the hitch system.

B. The EST check shows the hitch position command potentiometer is functioning correctly. If the fault code
continues to appear after being erased, recalibrate hitch system.

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1018-Rockshaft position potentiometer is outside normal operating

range Hitch position potentiometer
The signal from the hitch rockshaft potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) is not within specification.

Possible failure modes:

1. Potentiometer linkage problem.

2. Rockshaft (hitch position) potentiometer has failed.
3. Harness damage.


1. Check that there is no mechanical interference in the hitch linkage.

A. Mechanical interference located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field

B. No mechanical interference. Go to Step 2.

2. Check for a linkage problem between the rock shaft and the potentiometer. Make sure it is not loose, damaged
or improperly installed.

A. Linkage problem located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field oper-

B. Linkage problems not found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use the Monitor screen in the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the rock shaft position poten-
tiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector. Configure the EST for the correct tractor serial number.

Select three point hitch position voltage on the Monitor screen.

Start the engine. Operate the hitch from the fully lowered to the fully raised position, while viewing voltage values
on the Monitor screen.

Voltage value should range from approximately 0.25 - 0.5 V in fully lowered position to approximately 4.5 - 4.75 V
in fully raised position.

A. Voltage values are correct. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.

B. Voltage values incorrect. Go to Step 4.

4. Test the rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Disconnect connectors C066 and C067 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between connector C066 pin 23 and connector C067 pin 33. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 4000 Ω. ± 600 Ω.

A. Resistance reading correct. Go to Step 5.

B. Resistance reading incorrect. Check rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) directly at
potentiometer, if readings are still incorrect replace potentiometer. If readings are good, make repairs to wiring
5. Check for short circuit or open wire between the hitch potentiometer connector C211 and connectors C062, C066
and C067 at the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the test points in the table below to locate an open or short circuit.

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Test point 1 Test point 2 Expected result

Connector C062 Pin 18 Connector C211 pin A Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C067 Pin 33 Connector C211 pin B Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C066 Pin 23 Connector C211 pin C Less than 1 Ω (continuity)

A. No short or open circuit found. Replace the hitch position potentiometer

B. Circuit problem found. Check for bent or unseated pins at each connector. Repair the circuit problem. Recon-
nect all connectors. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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1019-Upper limit potentiometer failure

The data bus signaled that the upper limit potentiometer has failed. The tractor control unit (TCU) received the signal
from the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. The upper limit potentiometer has failed.

2. Software execution error in armrest controller.


1. If the upper limit potentiometer has failed, use the electronic service tool (EST) to check the armrest upper limit

A. The EST check shows the upper limit potentiometer has failed. Replace the potentiometer. See controller
configuration and calibration section in service manual. Calibrate the hitch system.

B. The EST check shows the upper limit potentiometer is functioning correctly. If the fault code continues to
appear after being erased, recalibrate hitch system.

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1021-Load command potentiometer failure

NOTICE: This load command potentiometer fault does not apply to 4WD tractors.

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1025-Hitch up/down switch failure

The data bus signaled that the hitch up/down switch has failed. The tractor control unit (TCU) received the signal from
the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. The hitch up/down switch has failed.

2. Software execution error in armrest controller.


1. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor capabilities to check the armrest hitch up/down switch status.

A. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor confirms switch failure. Replace switch.

B. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor does not confirms switch failure. Erase fault code. Switch fault may be
intermittent. If fault reoccurs replace switch.

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1026-Up/down remote fender switch failure


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Remote three point hitch (TPH) switch sticking
3. Faulty remote TPH switch
4. Faulty harness
5. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the remote TPH switch is not sticking in the raise or lower position.

A. If the switches are sticking, clean, repair or replace as required.

B. If the fender switches are not sticking, continue to step 2

2. Check the remote TPH switch connector C210, the inline harness connectors C000 and C610 and the tractor
control unit (TCU) connector C063.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 3

3. Check the remote TPH switch operation.

A. Check for continuity from C210 pin G to both C210 pin K and pin W. There should be no continuity.
Check between C210 pin G and Pin C210 K with raise switch depressed.
Check between C210 pin G and Pin C210 pin W with lower switch depressed.
When raise and lower switch is depressed there should be continuity across the switches.

B. If switch is not functioning properly, replace remote TPH switch.

C. If the switch is okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault re-occurs, submit a concern to ASIST
before replacing the tractor control unit (TCU).
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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1028-Travel range potentiometer failure

NOTICE: This travel range fault does not apply to 4WD tractors.

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1029-Drop rate command potentiometer failure

The data bus signaled that the drop rate command potentiometer has failed. The tractor control unit (TCU) received
the signal from the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. The drop rate command potentiometer has failed.

2. Software execution error in armrest controller.


1. If the drop rate command potentiometer has failed, use the electronic service tool (EST) to check the drop rate
command potentiometer.

A. The EST check shows the drop rate command potentiometer has failed. Replace the potentiometer. See
controller configuration and calibration section in service manual. Calibrate the hitch system.

B. The EST check shows the drop rate command potentiometer is functioning correctly. If the fault code continues
to appear after being erased, recalibrate hitch system.

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1032-Ground speed failure, value received from data bus indicates

failure condition
The data bus signaled that the transmission speed sensor has failed. The tractor control unit (TCU) received the
signal from the instrument controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Transmission speed sensor has failed.

2. Wiring problem between the TMF controller and the transmission speed sensor.


1. Use the Monitor screen on the electronic service tool (EST) to check the ground speed signal.

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector.

Select Inst Ground Speed- Wheel on the Monitor screen.

Drive the tractor and watch the ground speed signal change with speed.

A. Monitor screen values agree with instrument cluster speed display. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field
operation. If the fault code reoccurs, continue troubleshooting with Step 2.

B. Monitor screen values do not agree with instrument cluster speed display. The problem is in instrument cluster.
Check connections at back of instrument cluster.

C. There is no ground speed signal. Go to Step 2.

2. Test resistance at the transmission speed sensor.

Locate the transmission speed sensor at front of transmission at output shaft. Disconnect harness connector C515
from the speed sensor.

Measure resistance between pins A and B on sensor connector C515. The expected reading is approximately
3.0k Ω.

A. Expected resistance found. Go to Step 3.

B. Expected resistance not found.Replace the transmission speed sensor. Clear all fault codes, and return unit
to field operation.
3. Check the ground circuit at the transmission speed sensor harness connector C515.

Measure resistance between pin B on connector C515 and chassis ground. Resistance should be less than 1.0 Ω.

If resistance is out of range, locate and repair the open circuit in ground.

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 4.

B. If resistance is out of range, locate and repair the open circuit in ground. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear
all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
4. Check for an open circuit at the transmission speed sensor harness connector C515.

Check for continuity between pin A on connector C515 and tractor control unit (TCU) connector C061 pin 2. The
tractor control unit (TCU) is located under the instructional seat in cab. Resistance should be less than 1.0 Ω.

If resistance is out of range/shows an open circuit, locate and repair the open circuit between sensor and tractor
control unit (TCU).

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 5.

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B. If resistance is out of range, locate and repair the open circuit in ground. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear
all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
5. There may be an intermittent open between sensor and tractor control unit (TCU).

Replace the harness. Clear all fault codes.

A. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

B. Fault code re-displays. Contact ASIST before replacing further components.

Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 39 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.39)

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1033-Slip set switch failure


1. If the slip limit control switch has failed, use the electronic service tool (EST) to check the slip limit control switch.

A. The EST check shows the slip limit control switch has failed. Replace the slip limit control switch. See controller
configuration and calibration section in service manual. Calibrate the hitch system.

B. The EST check shows the slip limit control switch is functioning correctly. If the fault code continues to appear
after being erased, recalibrate hitch system.

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1034-Slip enable switch failure

NOTICE: This slip enable switch fault does not apply to 4WD tractors.

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1035-Percent slip error

The percent wheel slip is determined by the difference between the wheel speed value and the ground speed value.
The tractor control unit (TCU) receives the information from the instrument controller through the data bus.

Possible failure modes:

1. Wheel slip sensing failed. (Either radar gun or wheel speed sensor).
2. Wiring problem between instrument controller, or tractor control unit (TCU) and sensors.


1. Check if fault code 2055 is active.

A. If fault code 2055 is active, use the troubleshooting for the appropriate fault code to resolve this problem.

B. If fault code 2055 is active, the problem is with radar. Go to Step 2.

2. Check the ground circuit to the radar harness connector C139.

Measure resistance between pin A of connector C139 and chassis ground. Resistance should be less than 1.0 Ω.

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 3.

B. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
3. Check for 12.0 V power to radar.

Turn the key switch to On position. Measure the voltage between pins A and C on harness connector C139 .

If the measured voltage is incorrect, check power continuity between pin C of connector C139 and fuse 5. Locate
and repair any open circuit in the harness.

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 4.

B. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
4. Check radar speed signal circuit to the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between pin B of connector C139 and pin 16 of connector C060 at the tractor control unit
(TCU). Resistance should be less than 1.0 Ω.

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 5.

B. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
5. Check continuity of radar program signal to the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between pin D of connector C139 and pin 5 of connector C061 at the tractor control unit (TCU).
Resistance should be less than 1.0 Ω.

A. Open circuit not found. Go to Step 6.

B. Open circuit found and repaired. Clear all fault codes, and return unit to field operation.
6. There may be an intermittent open or short circuit between radar and the tractor control unit (TCU).

Replace the radar harness. Clear all fault codes.

A. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

B. Fault code re-displays. Contact ASIST before replacing the radar unit.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 78 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.78)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 51
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1036-Armrest controller reports draft control inching up switch

The data bus signaled that the hitch inching up switch has failed. The tractor universal control module (UCM) received
the signal from the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. The inching up switch has failed.

2. Software execution error in armrest controller.


1. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor capabilities to check the armrest inching up switch status.

A. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor confirms switch failure. Replace switch.

B. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor does not confirms switch failure. Erase fault code. Switch fault may be
intermittent. If fault reoccurs replace switch.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 52
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1037-Draft control inching down switch failure

The data bus signaled that the hitch inching down switch has failed. The tractor universal control module (UCM)
received the signal from the armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. The inching down switch has failed.

2. Software execution error in armrest controller.


1. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor capabilities to check the armrest inching down switch status.

A. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor confirms switch failure. Replace switch.

B. Electronic service tool (EST) monitor does not confirms switch failure. Erase fault code. Switch fault may be
intermittent. If fault reoccurs replace switch.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 53
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1065-The armrest controller specified tractor without draft control,

but detected draft pins
NOTICE: This draft pin sensor fault does not apply to 4WD tractors.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 54
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1067-Draft control specified but no draft pin(s) detected

NOTICE: This draft pin sensor fault does not apply to 4WD tractors. Tractor configuration is incorrect.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 55
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1068-Draft control calibration aborted due to tractor moving

NOTE: In rare cases, external electromagnetic interference may affect the hitch calibration process. When this is
suspected, move the vehicle away from high electromagnetic interference devices such as welding machines, high
voltage transformers, radio broadcast towers, etc.

Calibration was aborted due to the tractor moving.

Possible failure modes:

1. Tractor moved during calibration.

2. Minor chance that the tractor speed sensor has failed.


1. Make sure that the tractor does not move . Clear all fault codes. Continue with calibration procedure.

A. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation when calibration is complete.

B. Fault code re-displays, even though the tractor did not move. Use the troubleshooting for fault code 2055 to
verify if a failed wheel speed sensor is causing this message.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 56
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1069-Electronic draft control calibration aborted due to low engine

speed error
Hitch system calibration was attempted while the engine was not running or the engine speed sensor failed.

Possible failure modes:

1. Engine was not running during calibration.

2. Engine speed sensor failed.


1. Clear all fault codes.

Recalibrate with the engine running.

A. Fault code does not re-display. Troubleshooting complete.Return unit to field operation when calibration is

B. Fault code re-displays. Check the engine alternator RPM signal from the instrument cluster. Use engine speed
signal troubleshooting to address this problem.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 57
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1071-PWM raise threshold is too high during calibration

During hitch system calibration, the PWM threshold to start hitch raising was above the limit (55%).

Possible failure modes:

1. Raise solenoid coil resistance is too high.

2. Wiring harness or connector problem between the hitch raise solenoid and the tractor control unit (TCU).
3. Battery voltage is very low.
4. Hitch valve raise portion stuck closed.


1. Test battery voltage and the alternator output, see Alternator - Test Charging system output (55.301). Voltage
should be in 11.0 - 13.0 V. range.

A. Battery and alternator output correct. Go to Step 3.

B. Battery and alternator output incorrect. Make repairs, or replace battery as needed.
2. Check the three point hitch (TPH) valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the TPH valve raise solenoid connector C209. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the TPH valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Disconnect connectors C060 and C061 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Check for a short circuit to ground by measuring the resistance between C060 pin 13 and chassis ground and
between C061 pin 29 and chassis ground.

Reading should indicate no continuity . A reading of less than 10.0 Ω. indicates a short circuit. Repair or replace
the cause of any short circuit found.

A. Short circuit found. Return unit to field operation.

B. Short circuit not found. Go to Step 4.

4. Clear all fault codes. Shut down the tractor and restart. Repeat hitch calibration.

A. Fault code re-displays. The problem is in the hydraulic system. See the hitch system troubleshooting in this
repair manual.

B. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 58
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1072-PWM raise threshold is too low during calibration

During hitch system calibration, the PWM threshold to start hitch raising was below the limit (13%).

Possible failure modes:

1. Battery voltage is very high.

2. Raise solenoid coil resistance is too low.
3. Valve failure.


1. Test the battery voltage and the alternator output. Voltage should be below 14.7 V DC.

A. Battery and alternator voltage output are correct. Go to Step 2.

B. Battery and alternator voltage output are incorrect. Correct the problem with the voltage regulator, and return
unit to field operation.
2. Check the hitch (TPH) valve raise solenoid.

A. Disconnect the hitch valve raise solenoid connector C209. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the hitch valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Clear all fault codes. Shut down the tractor and restart. Repeat hitch calibration.

A. Fault code re-displays. The problem is in the hydraulic system. See the hitch system troubleshooting in this
repair manual.

B. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 59
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1074-Hitch pot signal not within expected range for maximum hitch

During hitch calibration, the signal from the hitch rockshaft potentiometer is not within specification at the maximum
raise position. Be advised that:
1. Slow hitch up and down movement is NOT caused by the hitch position pot.
2. Always clear stored fault codes and attempt to recalibrate the hitch before replacing any electronic components.

Possible failure modes:

1. Mechanical interference is preventing the hitch from moving fully down.

2. Potentiometer linkage problem.
3. Rockshaft potentiometer has failed.
4. Harness damage.


1. Check that there is no mechanical interference in the hitch linkage.

A. Mechanical interference located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field

B. No mechanical interference. Go to Step 2.

2. Check for a linkage problem between the rock shaft and the potentiometer. Make sure it is not loose, damaged
or improperly installed.

A. Linkage problem located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field oper-

B. Linkage problems not found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use the Monitor screen in the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the rock shaft position poten-
tiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector. Configure the EST for the correct tractor serial number.

Select three point hitch position voltage on the Monitor screen.

Start the engine. Operate the hitch from the fully lowered to the fully raised position, while viewing voltage values
on the Monitor screen.

Voltage value should range from approximately 0.25 - 0.5 V in fully lowered position to approximately 4.5 - 4.75 V
in fully raised position.

A. Voltage values are correct. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.

B. Voltage values incorrect. Go to Step 4.

4. Test the rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Disconnect connectors C066 and C067 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between connector C066 pin 23 and connector C067 pin 33. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 4000 Ω ± 600 Ω.

A. Resistance reading correct. Go to Step 5.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. Resistance reading incorrect. Check rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) directly at
potentiometer, if readings are still incorrect replace potentiometer. If readings are good, make repairs to wiring
5. Check for short circuit or open wire between the hitch potentiometer connector C211 and connectors C062, C066
and C067 at the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the test points in the table below to locate an open or short circuit.

Test point 1 Test point 2 Expected result

Connector C062 Pin 18 Connector C211 pin A Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C067 Pin 33 Connector C211 pin B Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C066 Pin 23 Connector C211 pin C Less than 1 Ω (continuity)

A. No short or open circuit found. Replace the hitch position potentiometer

B. Circuit problem found. Check for bent or unseated pins at each connector. Repair the circuit problem. Recon-
nect all connectors. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 61
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1075-Hitch lower valve threshold is too high during calibration

During hitch system calibration, the PWM threshold to start hitch lowering was above the limit (85%).

Possible failure modes:

1. Lower solenoid coil resistance is too high.

2. Wiring harness or connector problem between the hitch lower solenoid and the tractor control unit (TCU).
3. Battery voltage is very low.
4. Hitch valve lower portion stuck closed.


1. Test battery voltage and the alternator output, see Alternator - Test Charging system output (55.301) . Voltage
should be in 11.0 - 13.0 Vrange.

A. Battery and alternator output correct. Go to Step 3.

B. Battery and alternator output incorrect. Make repairs, or replace battery as needed.
2. Check the hitch valve lower solenoid.

A. Disconnect the hitch valve lower solenoid connector C224. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the EDC valve raise

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Disconnect connectors C060 and C061 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Check for a short circuit to ground by measuring the resistance between C060 pin 13 and chassis ground and
between C061 pin 33 and chassis ground.

Reading should indicate no continuity . A reading of less than 10.0 Ω. indicates a short circuit. Repair or replace
the cause of any short circuit found.

A. Short circuit found. Return unit to field operation.

B. Short circuit not found. Go to Step 4.

4. Clear all fault codes. Shut down the tractor and restart. Repeat hitch calibration.

A. Fault code re-displays. The problem is in the hydraulic system. See the hitch system troubleshooting in this
repair manual.

B. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 62
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1076-PWM lower threshold is too low

During hitch system calibration, the PWM threshold to start hitch lowering was below the limit (13%).

Possible failure modes:

1. Battery voltage is very high.

2. Lower solenoid coil resistance is too low.
3. Valve failure.


1. Test the battery voltage and the alternator output. Voltage should be below 14.7 V DC.

A. Battery and alternator voltage output are correct. Go to Step 2.

B. Battery and alternator voltage output are incorrect. Correct the problem with the voltage regulator, and return
unit to field operation.
2. Check the hitch valve lower solenoid.

A. Disconnect the hitch valve lower solenoid connector C224. Measure the resistance between the solenoid ter-
minals. If the resistance indicated is not approximately 2 Ohms, remove and replace the hitch valve lower

B. If the solenoid is okay, continue to step 3

3. Clear all fault codes. Shut down the tractor and restart. Repeat hitch calibration.

A. Fault code re-displays. The problem is in the hydraulic system. See the hitch system troubleshooting in this
repair manual.

B. Fault code does not re-display. Return unit to field operation.

Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1077-Operator did not respond to Electronic Draft Control

calibration procedure
NOTE: This is a non fault. Clear the fault code from the controller.

The operator did not acknowledge (within 6 minutes) when the hitch was fully lowered during the calibration procedure.
Clear the fault code and calibrate the hitch system.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1078-Hitch position is not at minimum


During hitch calibration, the signal from the hitch rockshaft potentiometer is not within specification at the maximum
raise position. Be advised that:
1. Slow hitch up and down movement is NOT caused by the hitch position pot.
2. Always clear stored fault codes and attempt to recalibrate the hitch before replacing any electronic components.

Possible failure modes:

1. Mechanical interference is preventing the hitch from moving fully down.

2. Potentiometer linkage problem.
3. Rockshaft potentiometer has failed.
4. Harness damage.


1. Check that there is no mechanical interference in the hitch linkage.

A. Mechanical interference located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field

B. No mechanical interference. Go to Step 2.

2. Check for a linkage problem between the rock shaft and the potentiometer. Make sure it is not loose, damaged
or improperly installed.

A. Linkage problem located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field oper-

B. Linkage problems not found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use the Monitor screen in the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the rock shaft position poten-
tiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector. Configure the EST for the correct tractor serial number.

Select three point hitch position voltage on the Monitor screen.

Start the engine. Operate the hitch from the fully lowered to the fully raised position, while viewing voltage values
on the Monitor screen.

Voltage value should range from approximately 0.25 - 0.5 V in fully lowered position to approximately 4.5 - 4.75 V
in fully raised position.

A. Voltage values are correct. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.

B. Voltage values incorrect. Go to Step 4.

4. Test the rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Disconnect connectors C066 and C067 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between connector C066 pin 23 and connector C067 pin 33. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 4000 Ω ± 600 Ω.

A. Resistance reading correct. Go to Step 5.

B. Resistance reading incorrect. Check rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) directly at
potentiometer, if readings are still incorrect replace potentiometer. If readings are good, make repairs to wiring

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 65
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

5. Check for short circuit or open wire between the hitch potentiometer connector C211 and connectors C062, C066
and C067 at the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the test points in the table below to locate an open or short circuit.

Test point 1 Test point 2 Expected result

Connector C062 Pin 18 Connector C211 pin A Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C067 Pin 33 Connector C211 pin B Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C066 Pin 23 Connector C211 pin C Less than 1 Ω (continuity)

A. No short or open circuit found. Replace the hitch position potentiometer

B. Circuit problem found. Check for bent or unseated pins at each connector. Repair the circuit problem. Recon-
nect all connectors. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 66
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1079-Range of the hitch position is not within specification


During hitch calibration, the signal from the hitch rockshaft potentiometer is not within specification at the maximum
raise position. Be advised that:
1. Slow hitch up and down movement is NOT caused by the hitch position pot.
2. Always clear stored fault codes and attempt to recalibrate the hitch before replacing any electronic components.

Possible failure modes:

1. Mechanical interference is preventing the hitch from moving fully down.

2. Potentiometer linkage problem.
3. Rockshaft potentiometer has failed.
4. Harness damage.


1. Check that there is no mechanical interference in the hitch linkage.

A. Mechanical interference located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field

B. No mechanical interference. Go to Step 2.

2. Check for a linkage problem between the rock shaft and the potentiometer. Make sure it is not loose, damaged
or improperly installed.

A. Linkage problem located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field oper-

B. Linkage problems not found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use the Monitor screen in the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the rock shaft position poten-
tiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector. Configure the EST for the correct tractor serial number.

Select three point hitch position voltage on the Monitor screen.

Start the engine. Operate the hitch from the fully lowered to the fully raised position, while viewing voltage values
on the Monitor screen.

Voltage value should range from approximately 0.25 - 0.5 V in fully lowered position to approximately 4.5 - 4.75 V
in fully raised position.

A. Voltage values are correct. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.

B. Voltage values incorrect. Go to Step 4.

4. Test the rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Disconnect connectors C066 and C067 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between connector C066 pin 23 and connector C067 pin 33. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 4000 Ω. ± 600 Ω.

A. Resistance reading correct. Go to Step 5.

B. Resistance reading incorrect. Check rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) directly at
potentiometer, if readings are still incorrect replace potentiometer. If readings are good, make repairs to wiring

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 67
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

5. Check for short circuit or open wire between the hitch potentiometer connector C211 and connectors C062, C066
and C067 at the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the test points in the table below to locate an open or short circuit.

Test point 1 Test point 2 Expected result

Connector C062 Pin 18 Connector C211 pin A Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C067 Pin 33 Connector C211 pin B Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C066 Pin 23 Connector C211 pin C Less than 1 Ω (continuity)

A. No short or open circuit found. Replace the hitch position potentiometer

B. Circuit problem found. Check for bent or unseated pins at each connector. Repair the circuit problem. Recon-
nect all connectors. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 68
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1080-Hitch position range to position command range ratio is not

within limits
During calibration, the ratio of rock shaft position range to position command potentiometer is not within specifications.

Possible failure modes:

1. Mechanical interference.
2. Rock shaft potentiometer has failed.
3. Harness damage.
4. Potentiometer linkage problem.


1. Check that there is no mechanical interference in the hitch linkage.

A. Mechanical interference located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field

B. No mechanical interference. Go to Step 2.

2. Check for a linkage problem between the rock shaft and the potentiometer. Make sure it is not loose, damaged
or improperly installed.

A. Linkage problem located and corrected. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field oper-

B. Linkage problems not found. Go to Step 3.

3. Use the Monitor screen in the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the rock shaft position poten-
tiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Connect the service tool to diagnostic connector. Configure the EST for the correct tractor serial number.

Select three point hitch position voltage on the Monitor screen.

Start the engine. Operate the hitch from the fully lowered to the fully raised position, while viewing voltage values
on the Monitor screen.

Voltage value should range from approximately 0.25 - 0.5 V in fully lowered position to approximately 4.5 - 4.75 V
in fully raised position.

A. Voltage values are correct. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.

B. Voltage values incorrect. Go to Step 4.

4. Test the rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer).

Disconnect connectors C066 and C067 from the tractor control unit (TCU).

Measure resistance between connector C066 pin 23 and connector C067 pin 33. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 4000 Ω ± 600 Ω.

A. Resistance reading correct. Go to Step 5.

B. Resistance reading incorrect. Check rock shaft position potentiometer (hitch position potentiometer) directly at
potentiometer, if readings are still incorrect replace potentiometer. If readings are good, make repairs to wiring
5. Check for short circuit or open wire between the hitch potentiometer connector C211 and connectors C062, C066
and C067 at the tractor control unit (TCU). Use the test points in the table below to locate an open or short circuit.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Test point 1 Test point 2 Expected result

Connector C062 Pin 18 Connector C211 pin A Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C067 Pin 33 Connector C211 pin B Less than 1 Ω (continuity)
Connector C066 Pin 23 Connector C211 pin C Less than 1 Ω (continuity)

A. No short or open circuit found. Replace the hitch position potentiometer

B. Circuit problem found. Check for bent or unseated pins at each connector. Repair the circuit problem. Recon-
nect all connectors. Clear all fault codes, calibrate the hitch and return unit to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 77 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.77)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 70
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1085-Electronic draft control requires calibration

The tractor control unit (TCU) requires calibration. New tractor control unit (TCU) was installed and needs to be

Possible failure modes:

1. tractor control unit (TCU) was not calibrated.


1. Calibrate the tractor control unit (TCU).

A. tractor control unit (TCU) calibrated.Return unit to field operation.

B. tractor control unit (TCU) will not calibrate. Submit a concern to ASIST.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1087-8 volt reference is above 8.8 volts

This error code should not be active for this tractor model. Check the tractor hitch system configuration, it may be
looking for hitch load pin(s). This tractor model does not come with hitch load pin(s).

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1088-8 volt reference is below 7.2 volts

This error code should not be active for this tractor model. Check the tractor hitch system configuration, it may be
looking for hitch load pin(s). This tractor model does not come with hitch load pin(s).

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 73
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

1089-12VH1 voltage supply to the hitch raise and lower coils is

below 8 volts
The 12VH voltage is monitored and is consistently less than 8 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Battery voltage is lower than 8.0 V.

2. Controller power or ground problem.
3. Alternator regulator is malfunctioning.


1. Tractor running, use the tractor display to check the battery voltage.

A. Battery voltage is below 11.0 V. See Alternator - Test Charging system output (55.301) and Battery - Test
(55.302) .

B. Battery voltage is 12 - 14 V, continue to step 2

2. Check all the tractor control unit (TCU) fuses 4, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55 and 56

A. Blown fuse located and replaced, continue field operation.

B. Fuses all appear okay, display battery voltage is still 12 - 14 Vcontinue field operation and monitor fault code

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 74
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14002-Transmission oil filter switch closed to ground on power up

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty transmission oil filter restriction switch

2. Short in switch wiring harness
3. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the transmission oil filter restriction switch connector C141 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connector

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the transmission oil filter restriction switch. Ignition in off position.

A. Disconnect connector C141 and test directly on switch. Check between the transmission oil filter restriction
switch connector:
C141 pin 1 and ground the reading should indicate no continuity, an open circuit.

If the switch is not open, remove and replace the transmission oil filter restriction switch.

B. If the switch is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground. Check between wire end of C141 harness to ground.

A. If a short to ground is indicated, locate and repair the short to ground. Disconnect cab bulkhead connector
C001, if the short to ground is still indicated the short is not in cab wiring, if the short to ground is no longer
indicated the short to ground is in the cab wiring.

B. If the harness is okay, and the fault reoccurs, contact ASIST before replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14003-Hydraulic oil filter switch closed to ground on power up

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty hydraulic oil filter restriction switch

2. Short in switch wiring harness
3. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the hydraulic oil filter restriction switch connector C129 and the tractor control unit (TCU) connector C051.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check the hydraulic oil filter restriction switch. Ignition in off position.

A. Disconnect connector C129 and test directly on switch. Check between the transmission oil filter restriction
switch connector:
C129 pin 1 and ground the reading should indicate no continuity, an open circuit.

If the switch is not open, remove and replace the hydraulic oil filter restriction switch.

B. If the switch is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for a short to ground. Check between wire end of C129 harness to ground.

A. If a short to ground is indicated, locate and repair the short to ground. Disconnect cab bulkhead connector
C001, if the short to ground is still indicated the short is not in cab wiring, if the short to ground is no longer
indicated the short to ground is in the cab wiring.

B. If the harness is okay, and the fault reoccurs, contact ASIST before replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14005-PTO shaft speed sensor error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

PTO disabled.


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty PTO shaft speed sensor
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty tractor control unit (TCU)


1. Check the PTO shaft speed sensor connector C518 located on transmission and the tractor control unit (TCU)
connector C060.

A. Ensure the connector is connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 2

2. Disconnect the PTO shaft speed sensor connector C518. Check the speed sensor resistance directly at sensor
harness end. Expected reading is approximately 3200 Ω.

A. Expected reading not found, replace the PTO shaft speed sensor.

B. Expected reading is found, continue to step 3

3. Check for an open ground circuit.

A. Check between harness end connector C518 pin B and ground. If an open circuit is indicated, repair or replace
the harness as required.

B. If an open circuit is not indicated, continue to step 4

4. Check for an open circuit to tractor control unit (TCU).

A. Check between harness end connector C518 pin A and tractor control unit (TCU) connector C060 pin 18. If an
open circuit is indicated, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the harness is okay, and the fault reoccurs, contact ASIST before replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 75 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.75)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 77
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14006-GOV engine speed error

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error

2. Faulty engine speed sensor


1. Check for other error codes being displayed. Are there other codes displayed referring to can bus communication
error issues.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, resolve that code.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2.

2. Ensure the engine speed sensor connector is secured properly. Check for damage, loose connections or broken
can bus wires.

A. A connector/wiring issue was located and corrected. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. No connector/wiring issues were located. Continue with step3

3. Replace the engine speed sensor

A. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. Fault reoccurs , contact ASIST before replacing additional components.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 78
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14007-Engine over speeding

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

This fault code indicates an engine overspeed has occurred. An engine overspeed can occur both during certain
engine operating conditions without any defect in a component (e.g. downhill driving) but also if e.g. the engine
controller has an error. This fault code does not necessarily indicate an error status but is used more for information
purposes and inhibit handling.

Possible failure modes:

1. Information code indicating an engine overrun has been detected


1. Check for the error code.

A. Clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal conditions and
retest. If the error code does not display again or displays very infrequently, no action is necessary

B. If the fault is still present check the driving conditions of the machine are not causing the error. If the driving
conditions of the machine seem okay, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, contact

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 79
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14008-Engine oil pressure sensor error

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error

2. Faulty engine oil pressure sensor


1. Check for other error codes being displayed. Are there other codes displayed referring to can bus communication
error issues.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, resolve that code.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2.

2. Ensure the engine oil pressure sensor connector is secured properly. Check for damage, loose connections or
broken can bus wires.

A. A connector/wiring issue was located and corrected. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. No connector/wiring issues were located. Continue with step3

3. Replace the engine oil pressure sensor

A. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. Fault reoccurs , contact ASIST before replacing additional components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14009-Loss of valid engine hours

The loss of valid engine hours can indicate a faulty instrument cluster (ICU). If the loss of valid engine hours is the
only indication of a problem with instrument cluster (ICU), continue field operation. Engine hours will begin count from
this point forward. Contact ASIST regarding recovery of lost valid engine hours.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14010-PTO controller off line

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test for normal operation.


Possible failure modes:

1. Can bus communication problem


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the tractor under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other related error codes being displayed.

A. If other error codes are displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are displayed, continue to step 3

3. Check all the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors. The tractor control unit (TCU) is located below the instructional

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14011-All communications lost

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Can bus communication problem


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the tractor under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other related error codes being displayed.

A. If other error codes are displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are displayed, continue to step 3

3. Check the instrument cluster (ICU) connectors C051 and C053. Check all the tractor control unit (TCU) connec-
tors. The tractor control unit (TCU) is located below the instructional seat.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14013-Transmission off line

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Can bus communication problem


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the tractor under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other related error codes being displayed.

A. If other error codes are displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are displayed, continue to step 3

3. Check all the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors. The tractor control unit (TCU) is located below the instructional

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 84
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14014-Engine coolant temperature sensor error

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error

2. Faulty engine coolant temperature sensor


1. Check for other error codes being displayed. Are there other codes displayed referring to can bus communication
error issues.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, resolve that code.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2.

2. Ensure the engine coolant temperature sensor connector is secured properly. Check for damage, loose connec-
tions or broken can bus wires.

A. A connector/wiring issue was located and corrected. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. No connector/wiring issues were located. Continue with step3

3. Replace the engine coolant temperature sensor

A. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. Fault reoccurs , contact ASIST before replacing additional components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14015-Engine intake air temperature sensor error

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error

2. Faulty engine intake air temperature sensor


1. Check for other error codes being displayed. Are there other codes displayed referring to can bus communication
error issues.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, resolve that code.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2.

2. Ensure the engine intake air temperature sensor connector is secured properly. Check for damage, loose con-
nections or broken can bus wires.

A. A connector/wiring issue was located and corrected. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. No connector/wiring issues were located. Continue with step3

3. Replace the engine intake air temperature sensor

A. Erase fault code and return unit to field operation.

B. Fault reoccurs , contact ASIST before replacing additional components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14016-Engine shutdown activated

This an informational fault code. A 30 second or 5 second timer expired and engine is shutdown.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14017-Fuel level sensor voltage out of range low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty fuel tank level sender
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty instrument cluster


1. Check the fuel tank level sender connector C216, the instrument cluster connectors C051 and C053. and the
bulkhead cab connector C002.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 2

2. Check for power at fuel tank level sender. Use back probes SPX/OTC #233788 to check voltage from pin A to
ground. Do not disconnect fuel tank level sender connector C216. Turn the ignition switch to on position. Expected
reading is approximately 12 V.

A. If the voltage indicated is not approximately +12 V, check fuse #59. If fuse is good locate and repair damage
to harness as required.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +12 V, continue to step 3

3. Check the fuel tank level sender signal voltage. Use back probes SPX/OTC #233788 to check voltage from pin
B to ground. Do not disconnect fuel tank level sender connector C216. Turn the ignition switch to on position.
Expected reading is approximately .25 V for empty and 4.75 V for full.

A. If the signal voltage reading is not within range for tank fuel level, replace the fuel tank level sender.

B. If the signal voltage reading is okay, erase fault code and return to field operation.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 47 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.47)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 88
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14018-GOV off line

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Can bus communication problem


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the tractor under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other related error codes being displayed.

A. If other error codes are displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are displayed, continue to step 3

3. Check the engine control module connectors. . Check all the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors. The tractor
control unit (TCU) is located below the instructional seat.

A. Ensure the connectors are connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14019-ATC off line

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Can bus communication problem


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the tractor under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other related error codes being displayed.

A. If other error codes are displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error codes are displayed, continue to step 3

3. Check all the ATC module connectors.

A. Ensure the connector is connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14020-Loss of CAN messages from the secondary steering

Loss of communication with tractor control unit (TCU), which controls the secondary steering system.

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error


1. Check for other error codes being displayed, that are related to loss communication with Can bus, or secondary
steering system.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C063, C066 and C067.

A. Ensure the connector is connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 45 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.45)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 91
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14021-Secondary steering is present and no CAN messages are

Loss of communication with tractor control unit (TCU), which controls the secondary steering system.

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error


1. Check for other error codes being displayed, that are related to loss communication with Can bus, or secondary
steering system.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C063, C066 and C067.

A. Ensure the connector is connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, contact ASIST before replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 45 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.45)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 92
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

14022-Secondary steering system should be present but system

messages indicate that it is not installed
Loss of communication with tractor control unit (TCU), which controls the secondary steering system.

Possible failure modes:

1. Controller communication error

2. Controller communication error


1. Check for other error codes being displayed, that are related to loss communication with Can bus, or secondary
steering system.

A. If any other error code is being displayed, continue to these tests.

B. If no other error code is displayed, continue to step 2

2. Check the tractor control unit (TCU) connectors C063, C066 and C067.

A. Ensure the connector is connected, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 3

3. Confirm the unit is properly configured for secondary steering system. Refer to configuration and calibration sec-
tion in manual.

A. The unit is not properly configured for secondary steering system. Configure the unit for secondary steering
system. Once the configuration is complete the system will run a self test at each start up. Troubleshooting is

B. The unit is properly configured for secondary steering system. If the fault code persists, contact ASIST before
replacing any components.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 45 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.45)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 93
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18007-Multi-function handle - switch error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal
NOTE: This fault code is triggered when all multi-function handle operations are not functional.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty multi-function handle

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check all the multi-function handle switch opera-
tions. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If multi-function handle switch operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If multi-function handle switch operation check is okay, continue to step 4

3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
multi-function handle connector H1, make sure it is connected to the correct connector on the armrest con-
troller, not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Check the harness wires for
damage. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector and harness wiring is okay, replace the multi-function handle assembly.
4. Check the armrest controller configuration. Refer to electronic systems section in service manual.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the multi-function handle assembly.
If the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18010-Powershift throttle - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty powershift throttle

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the powershift throttle operation. Refer to
the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If powershift throttle operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If powershift throttle operation check is okay, continue to step 4

3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
powershift throttle connector H6, make sure it is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller,

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Check the harness wires for damage.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector and harness wiring is okay, replace the powershift throttle assembly.
4. Check the armrest controller configuration. Refer to electronic systems section in service manual.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the powershift throttle assembly. If
the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 97
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18011-Powershift throttle - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty powershift throttle

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the powershift throttle operation. Refer to
the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If powershift throttle operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If powershift throttle operation check is okay, continue to step 4

3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
powershift throttle connector H6, make sure it is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller,

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

not damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Check the harness wires for damage.
Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector and harness wiring is okay, replace the powershift throttle assembly.
4. Check the armrest controller configuration. Refer to electronic systems section in service manual.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the powershift throttle assembly. If
the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18014-Rear hitch position control potentiometer - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured inside armrest by the module.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty position control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Check if the fault code is still active. Clear all fault codes. Operate the tractor under normal conditions.

A. Fault code does not redisplay. Return unit to field operation and monitor for continuing problems.

B. Fault code redisplays. Continue to step 2.

2. Use the monitor screen function on the electronic service tool (EST) to check operation of the hitch position control
potentiometer. Refer to the EST user guide.

A. Hitch position control potentiometer not operating correctly. Continue with step 3.

B. Hitch position control potentiometer operating correctly. Return unit to field operation and monitor operation.
3. Check the position control potentiometer.


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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Remove the four screws to remove the hitch control panel in the armrest compartment and access the armrest

Disconnect connector H2.

While turning the position control knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure resistance through
the potentiometer between pin 1 and pin3.

While turning the position control knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure resistance through
the potentiometer between pin 1 and pin4.

Expected range is 100 - 600 Ω.

A. Resistance out of range. Replace the position control potentiometer.

B. Resistance within range. Continue to step 4.

4. Check for a short to ground in the harness connector to the potentiometer.

Measure resistance between connector H2 pin 1 and ground.

Measure resistance between connector H2 pin 4 and ground.

Expected reading is no continuity.

A. Continuity found. Repair harness as required, or replace position control potentiometer. Return unit to field

B. Continuity not found Continue to step 5.

5. Reconnect the position control potentiometer to H2, and reinstall the hitch control panel back into armrest.

Download the correct level of software. Test operation of the position control potentiometer.

A. Fault code redisplays.Remove and replace the position control potentiometer assembly.

B. Fault code does not redisplay. Return unit to field operation.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18015-Rear hitch position control potentiometer - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty hitch position control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the hitch position control potentiometer.
Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If hitch position control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If hitch position control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the hitch position control potentiometer.


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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4 to access armrest connectors. Disconnect
connector H2. While turning the position control knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure
the resistance between the component side of connector:
H2 pin 1 and pin 3
H2 pin 1 and pin 4
If the resistances indicated are not between 100 - 600 Ohms, repair harness, or replace the position control

B. If the position control potentiometer is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H2 pin 1 and ground
H2 pin 4 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace position control potentiometer.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H2 pin 2 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 6

6. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H2 pin 4 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18016-Rear hitch draft control potentiometer - voltage too low

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty draft control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the draft control potentiometer. Refer to the
electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If draft control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If draft control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the draft control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4 to access armrest connectors. Disconnect
connector H2. While turning the draft control knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure
the resistance between the component side of connector:

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 104
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H2 pin 2 and pin 3

H2 pin 2 and pin 4
If the resistances indicated are not between 100 - 600 Ohms, repair harness, or replace the draft control po-

B. If the draft control potentiometer is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H2 pin 2 and ground
H2 pin 4 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace draft control potentiometer.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Connect the draft control potentiometer back into H2 and install the EDC control panel back into armrest.

A. Download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the draft control potentiometer

B. If the fault does not reoccur continue operation.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 105
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18017-Rear hitch draft control potentiometer - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty draft control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the draft control potentiometer. Refer to the
electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If draft control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If draft control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the draft control potentiometer.


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55.19 [55.DTC] / 106
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4 to access armrest connectors. Disconnect
connector H2. While turning the draft control knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure
the resistance between the component side of connector:
H2 pin 2 and pin 3
H2 pin 2 and pin 4
If the resistances indicated are not between 100 - 600 Ohms, repair harness, or replace the draft control po-

B. If the draft control potentiometer is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H2 pin 2 and ground
H2 pin 4 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace draft control potentiometer.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H2 pin 2 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 6

6. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H2 pin 4 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 107
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18018-Rear hitch height limit potentiometer - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty height limit control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the height limit control potentiometer. Refer
to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If height limit control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If height limit control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the height limit control potentiometer.


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55.19 [55.DTC] / 108
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the height limit control knob
fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of con-
H4 pin 4 and pin 5
H4 pin 4 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H4 pin 4 and ground
H4 pin 6 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace EDC control panel.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Install the EDC control panel back into armrest.

A. Download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the fault does not reoccur continue operation.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 109
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18019-Rear hitch height limit potentiometer - voltage too high

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty height limit control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the hitch height limit potentiometer. Refer
to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If hitch height limit potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If hitch height limit potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the height limit control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the height limit control knob
fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of con-

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 110
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H4 pin 4 and pin 5

H4 pin 4 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 4 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 6 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 111
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18020-Rear hitch drop rate potentiometer - voltage too low

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty drop rate control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the drop rate control potentiometer. Refer
to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If drop rate control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If drop rate control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the drop rate control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the drop rate control knob fully
clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of connector:
H4 pin 2 and pin 5

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 112
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H4 pin 2 and pin 6

If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H4 pin 2 and ground
H4 pin 6 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace EDC control panel.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Install the EDC control panel back into armrest.

A. Download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the fault does not reoccur continue operation.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 113
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18021-Rear hitch drop rate potentiometer - voltage too high

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty drop rate control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the drop rate control potentiometer. Refer
to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If drop rate control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If drop rate control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the drop rate control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the drop rate control knob fully
clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of connector:
H4 pin 2 and pin 5

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 114
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H4 pin 2 and pin 6

If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 2 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 6 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 115
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18022-Rear hitch sensitivity control potentiometer - voltage too low

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty draft sensitivity control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the draft sensitivity control potentiometer.
Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If draft sensitivity control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If draft sensitivity control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the draft sensitivity control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the draft sensitivity control
knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 116
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H4 pin 1 and pin 5

H4 pin 1 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H4 pin 1 and ground
H4 pin 6 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace EDC control panel.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Install the EDC control panel back into armrest.

A. Download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the fault does not reoccur continue operation.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 117
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18023-Rear hitch sensitivity control potentiometer - voltage too high

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty draft sensitivity control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the draft sensitivity control potentiometer.
Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If draft sensitivity control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If draft sensitivity control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the draft sensitivity control potentiometer.


A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the draft sensitivity control
knob fully clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 118
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

H4 pin 1 and pin 5

H4 pin 1 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 1 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 6 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 119
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18024-EHR (remote valve) flow encoder position error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EDC control panel

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check the armrest controller connectors.


A. Detach the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the EHR flow encoder connector
H12 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the pins are in the correct
position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 3

3. Check the armrest controller configuration.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 4

4. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EDC control panel assembly. If
the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 121
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18025-Rear hitch slip control potentiometer - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too low (below 0.2 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty slip control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the slip control potentiometer. Refer to the
electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If slip control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If slip control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the slip control potentiometer.


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55.19 [55.DTC] / 122
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the slip control knob fully
clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of connector:
H4 pin 3 and pin 5
H4 pin 3 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to ground.

A. Check between connector:

H4 pin 3 and ground
H4 pin 6 and ground
If a short to ground is indicated, repair harness as required, or replace EDC control panel.

B. If a short to ground is not indicated, continue to step 5

5. Install the EDC control panel back into armrest.

A. Download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the fault does not reoccur continue operation.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 123
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18026-Rear hitch slip control potentiometer - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal

Voltage from sensor too high (above 4.8 V) as measured at armrest controller.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector
2. Faulty slip control potentiometer
3. Faulty harness
4. Faulty controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check the slip control potentiometer. Refer to the
electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If slip control potentiometer check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If slip control potentiometer check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the slip control potentiometer.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 124
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove the EDC control panel and disconnect the connector H4. While turning the slip control knob fully
clockwise and then fully counter clockwise, measure the resistance between the component side of connector:
H4 pin 3 and pin 5
H4 pin 3 and pin 6
If the resistances indicated are not between 50 - 400 Ohms, replace the EDC control panel.

B. If the EDC control panel is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check for a short to +8 or +12 Volts.

A. Turn the ignition switch ON. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 3 and ground. If the voltage
indicated is greater than +5 Volts, repair or replace the harness as required.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts, continue to step 5

5. Check for a short to +Ve Voltage.

A. Measure the voltage between connector H4 pin 6 and ground.

If the voltage indicated is greater than +5 Volts locate and repair source of short to +8 or +12 Volts.

B. If the voltage indicated is approximately +5 Volts download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs,
submit a concern to ASIST.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 125
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18027-EHR (remote valve) 5 lever position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 5 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 5 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 5 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 126
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 5 & 6 connector H15 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 127
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18028-EHR (remote valve) 5 lever position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 5 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 5 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 5 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 128
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 5 & 6 connector H15 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 129
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18029-EHR (remote valve) 6 lever position - voltage too low


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 6 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 6 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 6 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 130
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 5 & 6 connector H15 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 131
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18030-EHR (remote valve) 6 lever position - voltage too high


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 6 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 6 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 6 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 132
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 5 & 6 connector H15 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 133
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18040-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 1 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 1 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 1 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 134
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 135
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18041-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 1 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 1 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 1 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 136
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 137
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18042-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 2 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 2 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 2 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 138
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 139
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18043-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 2 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 2 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 2 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 140
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 141
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18044-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 3 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 3 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 3 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 142
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 143
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18045-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever position - voltage too high


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 3 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 3 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 3 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 144
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 145
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18046-EHR (remote valve) float control switch error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR float control switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR float control switch operations. Refer
to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR float control switch operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR float control switch operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 146
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check that
the EHR float control switch connector H16 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not
damaged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR float control switch. If
the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 147
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18047-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever position - voltage too low


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 4 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 4 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 4 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 148
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 149
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18048-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever position - voltage too high


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR Switch

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 4 lever position. Refer to the electronic
service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 4 lever position check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 4 lever position check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 150
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR switch assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 151
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18049-Joystick 1 X-Axis Position - Voltage Too Low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 1
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 1 X-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 1 X axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 1 X-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 1 X-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 152
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 1 connector H7 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the pins
are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 1 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 153
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18050-Joystick 1 X-axis position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 1
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 1 X-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 1 X axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 1 X-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 1 X-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 154
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 1 connector H7 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the pins
are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 1 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 155
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18051-Joystick 1 Y-axis position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 1
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 1 Y-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 1 Y-axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 1 Y-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 1 Y-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 156
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 1 connector H7 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the pins
are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 1 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 157
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18052-Joystick 1 Y-axis position - voltage too high


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 1
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 1 Y-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 1 Y-axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 1 Y-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 1 Y-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 158
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 1 connector H7 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the pins
are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 1 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 159
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18055-Joystick 2 X-axis position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 2
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 2 X-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 2 X axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 2 X-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 2 X-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 160
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 2 connector H14 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 2 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 161
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18056-Joystick 2 X-axis position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 2
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 2 X-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 2 X axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 2 X-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 2 X-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 162
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 2 connector H14 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 2 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 163
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18057-Joystick 2 Y-axis position - voltage too low

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 2
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 2 Y-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 2 Y-axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 2 Y-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 2 Y-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 164
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 2 connector H14 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 2 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 165
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18058-Joystick 2 Y-axis position - voltage too high

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty joystick 2
2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check joystick 2 Y-axis operation. Monitor all the
joystick 2 Y-axis parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If joystick 2 Y-axis operation check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If joystick 2 Y-axis operation check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 166
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
joystick 2 connector H14 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the joystick 2 assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 167
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18061-Reference voltage - short circuit to 0V

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector or wiring

2. Swapped connectors
3. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check the armrest controller connectors.


A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check all
the connectors on the armrest controller. Check for connector and wiring damage. Make sure connectors are
in the correct positions and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for other armrest related error codes.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 168
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, download the correct level of software. If the fault re-
occurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the
armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 169
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18062-Reference voltage - short circuit to 12V

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty connector or wiring

2. Swapped connectors
3. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check the armrest controller connectors.


A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check all
the connectors on the armrest controller. Check for connector and wiring damage. Make sure connectors are
in the correct positions and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connectors are okay, continue to step 3

3. Check for other armrest related error codes.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 170
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, download the correct level of software. If the fault re-
occurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the
armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 171
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18063-EEPROM fault
NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Incorrect programming / flashing of the armrest controller

2. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, download the correct level of software. If the fault re-
occurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the
armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 172
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18064-MFH (multi-function handle) communication error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty multi function handle

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check multi function handle (MFH) operations.
Monitor all the multi function handle (MFH) parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If multi function handle (MFH) switch operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If multi function handle (MFH) switch operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue opera-
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 173
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
multi function handle connector H1 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not dam-
aged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration. Refer to electronic systems section in service manual.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the multi function handle assembly.
If the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 174
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18065-MFH (multi-function handle) basic assurance test error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty multi function handle

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check multi function handle (MFH) operations.
Monitor all the multi function handle (MFH) parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If multi function handle (MFH) switch operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If multi function handle (MFH) switch operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue opera-
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 175
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
multi function handle connector H1 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not dam-
aged, the pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration. Refer to electronic systems section in service manual.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the multi function handle assembly.
If the fault is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the
armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 176
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18066-EHR (remote valve) 1 lever implausibility error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR lever

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 1 lever operations. Monitor all the
EHR 1 lever parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 1 lever operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 1 lever operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 177
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR lever assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 178
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18067-EHR (remote valve) 2 lever implausibility error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR lever

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 2 lever operations. Monitor all the
EHR 2 lever parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 2 lever operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 2 lever operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 179
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 1 & 2 connector H8 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR lever assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 180
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18068-EHR (remote valve) 3 lever implausibility error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR lever

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 3 lever operations. Monitor all the
EHR 3 lever parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 3 lever operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 3 lever operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 181
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR lever assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 182
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

18069-EHR (remote valve) 4 lever implausibility error

NOTE: When the cause of the error code has been rectified, clear the error code and test the system for normal


Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty EHR lever

2. Incorrect armrest configuration
3. Faulty connector
4. Swapped connectors
5. Faulty armrest controller


1. Before proceeding clear the error code with the approved diagnostic equipment. Run the machine under normal
conditions and retest.

A. If the error code is not indicated, check that the system is operating correctly.

B. If the error code is indicated, continue to step 2

2. Use the electronic service tool (EST) monitor screen function to check EHR 4 lever operations. Monitor all the
EHR 4 lever parameters. Refer to the electronic service tool (EST) user guide.

A. If EHR 4 lever operations check is not okay, continue to step 3

B. If EHR 4 lever operations check is okay and the fault does not reoccur continue operation.
3. Check the armrest controller connectors.


47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 183
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. Remove four screws and remove the armrest EDC control panel to access the armrest controller. Check the
EHR 3 & 4 connector H9 is connected to the correct connector on the armrest controller, not damaged, the
pins are in the correct position and that the fit is tight. Repair or replace as required.

B. If the connector is okay, continue to step 4

4. Check the armrest controller configuration.

A. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, check the armrest controller has been configured correctly for the
options installed on the machine. If the armrest controller has not been configured correctly, using the approved
diagnostic equipment, re-configure the armrest controller.

B. If the armrest controller is configured correctly, continue to step 5

5. Check for other armrest related error codes.

A. If several armrest related error codes (18000) are also displayed, download the correct level of software. If the
fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure
the armrest controller.

B. If other armrest related error codes are not displayed, remove and replace the EHR lever assembly. If the fault
is still present, download the correct level of software. If the fault reoccurs, remove and replace the armrest
controller. Using the approved diagnostic equipment, configure the armrest controller.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 184
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19001-Battery voltage is higher than expected

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors battery voltage. If the A-9000 determines that battery voltage has
exceeded 35.7 V , this fault will occur.

Battery voltage is greater than 35.7 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty charging system.

2. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the battery voltage.

The engine must be running.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
Battery (+) terminal Battery (–) terminal There should be approximately 12 V

A. If there is not approximately 12 V, continue to Step 3.

B. If there is approximately 12 V, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Check the charging system for proper operation.

A. If the charging system is not functioning properly, repair the charging system as necessary.

B. If the charging system is functioning properly, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash,
if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 185
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19002-Battery voltage is lower than expected

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors battery voltage. If the A-9000 determines that battery is less than
5.4 V, this fault will occur.

Battery voltage is less than 5.4 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Battery.
2. Faulty A-9000 supply wiring.
3. Faulty charging system.
4. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the battery voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
Battery (+) terminal Battery (–) terminal There should be approximately 12 V

A. If there is not approximately 12 V, Charge the battery and then perform load test on the battery. If the battery
passes the load test, continue to Step 3. If the battery fails the load test, continue to Step 5.

B. If there is approximately 12 V, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the voltage supply to the A-9000.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the ON position for voltage and OFF position for continuity.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 73 Chassis ground There should be approximately 12 V
X-9001 pin 49 Chassis ground There should be approximately 12 V
X-9001 pin 25 Chassis ground There should be approximately 12 V
X-9001 pin 1 Chassis ground There should be approximately 12 V
X-9001 pin 26 Chassis ground There should be approximately 12 V
X-9001 pin 3 Chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 28 Chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 75 Chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 5 Chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 52 Chassis ground There should be continuity.

A. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 4.

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B. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the A-9000 supply wiring. Locate and repair the
failed conductor.
4. Check the charging system for proper operation.

A. If the charging system is not functioning properly, repair the charging system as necessary.

B. If the charging system is functioning properly, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the battery.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to verify the status of this fault, 19002 - Battery voltage is lower than

A. If the fault has been resolved, perform a parasitic draw test to measure excessive current draw from the battery.
If an excessive draw is found, locate and repair as necessary and then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 187
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19006-CAN timeout error from NH3 sensor - NH3Fac message

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If the information from the NH3 sensor B-9110 or the ECU A-9000 is not
communicated within the allotted time frame, this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, that a NH3 sensor B-9110 or ECU A-9000 message timeout
has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 Control Unit A-9101 harness (cable), damaged connector or wiring.
2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, internal damage.
4. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
5. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Verify proper and secure connection to the NH3 Control Unit A-9101.

Disconnect and reconnect the NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 Control Unit A-9101 harness (cable) connector X-9137
and the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 vehicle (VE) harness connector X-9132.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. Determine the condition of the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 CAN circuit.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 at connector X-9132.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9132 pin 2 X-9132 pin 3 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine After Treatment System (ATS) CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other ATS CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, locate and repair the faulted condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the ATS vehicle harness wiring is damaged between the network harness splice and the
NH3 Control Unit A-9101 connector X-9132 pin 2 and/or X-9132 pin 3, wire VE-196 and/or VE-201 for CAN
signal. Locate and repair the damage to the ATS CAN circuit wiring.

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5. As there is no method for field testing the NH3 sensor B-9110, replace the NH3 sensor B-9110.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 6.

6. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the NH3 Control Unit A-9101.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9001 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 189
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19008-NH3 sensor open or short in ground circuit

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If no current is sensed on the signal ground line, this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported a short to ground or open circuit error via CAN to the ECU A-9000.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 Control Unit A-9101 wiring, signal ground line is open or grounded.
2. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, open or shorted or grounded internally.
3. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check for short to ground circuit condition in the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable).

Disconnect the NH3 Control Unit A-91NN to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) from the NH3 Control Unit A-9101
at connector X-9137.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable)

From To Value
X-9137 pin 7 All other pins. There should be no continuity.
NOTE: Connector X-9137 pin 3 is also a ground circuit.

A. If there is continuity on any of the checks, the harness or sensing head is damaged. Replace the NH3 sensor
B-9110 and its connecting cable.

B. If there is no continuity, leave connector X-9137 disconnected and continue with Step 3.
3. As there is no method for field testing the temperature sensing portion of the sensor, replace the NH3 sensor

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 4.

4. As there is no method of field testing or re-flashing the NH3 Control Unit A-9101, replace the controller.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 191
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19009-NH3 sensor short in heater circuit causing overheating

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If a sensor over heating condition exists, this fault will occur. This fault is
considered a second failure fault because it requires two different failures to activate. The Heater + (positive) and -
(negative) control circuits are shorted to a voltage source and ground, respectively.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported a short to voltage source and short to ground condition in the Heater +
(positive) and - (negative) control circuits.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 Control Unit A-9101 wiring, heater negative line is shorted to ground.
2. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify the condition of the NH3 sensor B-9110.

Disconnect the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) from the NH3 Control Unit A-9101
at connector X-9137.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance and check for continuity on the harness (cable) side:

From To Value
X-9137 pin 1 X-9137 pin 5 There should be between 2.8 - 4.0 Ω.
X-9137 pin 1 All other pins There should be no continuity
X-9137 pin 5 All other pins There should be no continuity

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range and the harness (cable) wiring is not shorted, continue
with Step .3.

B. If the measured resistance is not within the specified range or the harness (cable) wiring is shorted, replace
the NH3 sensor B-9110 and continue with Step 3.
3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller and the only battery level voltage available
in the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) is the NH3 sensor B-9110 heater + (positive)
circuit wiring, replace the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 and check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 193
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19010-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is

higher than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor B-9104 circuit.
Temperature signal is converted by the analog to digital converter which converts the raw voltage signal into a physical
temperature value. If the A-9000 detects a voltage greater than 3.30 V in the B-9104 signal circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage greater than 3.30 V in the B-9104 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9104, wiring.

2. Faulty B-9104, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the B-9104 signal circuit for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9104.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 9 X-9104 pin 1 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the B-9104 signal circuit, wire VE-109. Locate and
repair the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the B-9104 signal circuit for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 9 X-9001 pin 16 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 9 X-9001 pin 32 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 9 All other pins There should be no continuity.

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A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the B-9104, signal circuit, wire VE-109. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9104 signal circuit for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 9 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power condition in the B-9104 signal circuit, wire VE-109.
Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the B-9104.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19010 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage
is higher than expected.

A. If the fault has been resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement
configuration then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19011-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is

lower than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor B-9104 circuit
voltage. If the A-9000 detects a voltage less than 500 mV in the B-9104 signal circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage less than 500 mV in the B-9104 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9104, wiring.

2. Faulty B-9104, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the B-9104 signal circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9104.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 9 X-9001 pin 10 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 9 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the B-9104 signal circuit, wire VE-109. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9104.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19011 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage
is lower than expected .

A. If the fault has been resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement
configuration then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 197
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19012-NH3 sensor open in heater circuit causing underheating

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If a sensor under heating condition exists, this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that an open circuit condition in either control
circuit or a short to ground or a short to a voltage source condition exists in the Heater + (positive) or - (negative) control
circuit, respectively.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, open, shorted, or grounded heater element.

2. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110 control circuit, damaged wiring.
3. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify condition of the NH3 sensor B-9110 heater circuit.

Disconnect the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) from the NH3 Control Unit A-9101
at connector X-9137.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance on the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness
(cable) side:

From To Value
X-9137 pin 1 X-9137 pin 5 There should be 2.8 - 4.0 Ω .
X-9137 pin 1 All other pins and chassis ground There should be no continuity.
NOTE: Connector X-9137 pin 3 and X-9137 pin 7 are ground circuits.
NOTE: The only source voltage in the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) is that
provided to the Heater + control circuit, therefore the first check indirectly checks for a Heater - short to voltage
source condition.

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range and there is no continuity to any of the other pins or
ground, leave connector X-9137 disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If there is zero or infinite resistance or continuity to any another pin or ground, there is either a short, open or
grounded circuit condition in the heater circuit wiring or the NH3 sensor B-9110 has failed internally. Replace
the sensor and its controller connecting cable.
3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the NH3 Control Unit A-9101, replace the NH3 Control Unit

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

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A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19013-NH3 sensor open or short in temperature cell circuit

The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If no signal is sensed on the heater temperature sensing signal line, this
fault will occur.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 has reported a short to ground or open circuit error via CAN to the ECU A-9000.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, open or shorted or grounded internally.

2. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. As there is no method for field testing the temperature sensing portion of the sensor, replace the NH3 sensor

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method of field testing or re-flashing the NH3 control unit A-9101, replace the NH3 control unit

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19014-NH3 sensor open or short in trim resistor circuit

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If the reference trim resistor circuit is affected in any way, this fault will

The NH3 control unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that an open, or a short to ground, or a short
to a voltage source condition exists in the reference trim resistor control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 control unit A-9101 cable wiring, open, shorted or grounded trim resistor.
2. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify condition of the trim resistor in the NH3 sensor B-9110 to NH3 control unit A-9101 cable.

Disconnect the NH3 control unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor B-9110 harness (cable) from the NH3 control unit A-9101
at connector X-9137.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance and check for continuity on the NH3 control unit A-9101 to NH3 sensor
B-9110 harness side:

From To Value
X-9137 pin 2 X-9137 pin 3 There should be between 500 -
2000 Ω.
X-9137 pin 2 All other pins There should be no continuity.
X-9137 pin 3 All other pins There should be no continuity.
NOTE: Connector X-9137 pin 3 and X-9137 pin 7 are ground circuits.

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range and there is no continuity to any other pin, leave con-
nector X-9137 disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the measured resistance is not within the specified range or there is continuity to any of the other pins, the
NH3 sensor B-9110 trim resistor has failed or the cabling is damaged. Replace the NH3 sensor B-9110 and
attached cabling.
3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the NH3 control unit A-9101, replace the NH3 control unit

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 202
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19015-NH3 sensor heater control failure

The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). This fault is the result of a heater control failure.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 has reported via CAN to the ECU A-9000 that a heater control failure has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, open or shorted or grounded internally.

2. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. As there is no method for field testing the temperature sensing portion of the sensor, replace the NH3 sensor

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method of field testing or re-flashing the NH3 control unit A-9101, replace the NH3 control unit

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19016-NH3 sensor heater performance failure

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). Once the dew point has been reached, the sensor has 120.0 s to reach
heat up. If the sensor heat up is not completed in time, this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that the NH3 sensor B-9110 did not reach
heat up in the allotted time.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110.

2. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check for other relevant faults.

Use the EST to check for the presence of any of the following faults:
19012 - NH3 sensor open in heater circuit causing underheating
19013 - NH3 sensor open or short in temperature cell circuit
19015 - NH3 sensor heater control failure
19018 - NH3 sensor power supply failure

A. If any of the faults listed above are present, resolve the relevant fault or faults. Then check to see that 19016
- NH3 sensor heater performance failure is also resolved.

B. If there are no relevant faults present, continue with Step 3.

3. Replace the NH3 sensor B-9110.

Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 4.

4. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the NH3 Control Unit A-9101.

Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19017-NH3 sensor signal out of range failure

The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). Two sensing plates internal to the NH3 sensor B-9110 sense the levels
of ammonia and NO2. One plate (EMF1) senses both ammonia and NO2 while the second plate (EMF2) senses only
NO2. The filtered signal difference between the two plates (EMF1 and EMF2) should be 0.025 - 1.000 V. If the filtered
signal difference is not with in the range, this fault will occur.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that the filtered sensing plate data is not with
in specification.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110.

2. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. As there is no method for field testing the sensing plate portion of the sensor, replace the NH3 sensor B-9110.

Check to see that fault 19017 - NH3 sensor signal out of range failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the NH3 Control Unit A-9101.

Check to see that fault 19017 - NH3 sensor signal out of range failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19018-NH3 sensor power supply failure

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). The required supply voltage range, for full functionality, of the NH3 Control
Unit A-9101 is 11.5 - 28.0 V. The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 can not achieve and/or maintain NH3 sensor B-9110
temperature if the input voltage goes below 11.5 V. If the expected voltage is deemed to be too low or out of range,
this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that the expected voltage is deemed to be
too low or out of range.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, sourcing circuit failure.

2. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the level of the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 supply voltage.

Disconnect the vehicle harness (VE) from the NH3 Control Unit A-9101 at connector X-9132.

Use a multimeter to measure the voltage on the vehicle harness (VE) side:

From To Value
X-9132 pin 1 X-9132 pin 4 There should be between 11.5 -
28.0 V .

A. If the voltage is not within the specified limits, refer to the appropriate vehicle electrical schematics to locate
and resolve the issue.

B. If the voltage is within the specified limits, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the NH3 Control Unit A-9101, replace the controller.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19019-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher

than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor B-9107 circuit.
Temperature signal is converted by the analog to digital converter which converts the raw voltage signal into a physical
temperature value. If the A-9000 detects a voltage greater than 3.30 V in the B-9107signal circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage greater than 3.30 V in the B-9107 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9107, wiring.

2. Faulty B-9107, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the B-9107signal circuit for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9107.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 32 X-9107 pin 1 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the Y-9107 signal circuit, wire VE-108. Locate and
repair the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the B-9107 signal circuit for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 32 X-9001 pin 16 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 32 X-9001 pin 9 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 32 All other pins There should be no continuity.

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A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the B-9107, signal circuit, wire VE-108. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9107 signal circuit for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 32 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power condition in the B-9107 signal circuit, wire VE-108.
Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the B-9107.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19019 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is
higher than expected.

A. If the fault has been resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement
configuration then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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19020-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower

than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor B-9107 circuit
voltage. If the A-9000 detects a voltage less than 500 mV in the B-9107 signal circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage less than 500 mV in the B-9104 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9107, wiring.

2. Faulty B-9107, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the B-9107 signal circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9107.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 32 X-9001 pin 10 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 32 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the B-9107 signal circuit, wire VE-108. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9107.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19020 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is
lower than expected.

A. If the fault has been resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement
configuration then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19023-NH3 sensor controller failure

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 contains more than one memory type de-
vice. If a failure condition or failure mode is detected or communicated, internally, this fault will occur.

The NH3 Control Unit A-9101 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that it has experienced an internal memory

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 Control Unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the NH3 Control Unit A-9101.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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19024-CAN timeout error from NH3 sensor - NH3Sens message

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If this information is not communicated within the allotted time frame, this
ECU A-9000 timeout fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that an NH3 control unit A-9101 timeout of the NH3
sensor B-9110 message has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the NH3 control unit A-9101 supply voltage.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the NH3 control unit A-9101 at connector X-9132 .

Use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9132 pin 1 X-9132 pin 4 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9132 disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the NH3 control unit A-9101 CAN circuit.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9132 pin 2 X-9132 pin 3 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine After Treatment System (ATS) CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other ATS CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, for CAN link, locate and repair the faulted condition.

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B. If no other faults exist, the ATS vehicle (VE) harness wiring is damaged between the harness splice and the
NH3 control unit A-9101 connector X-9132 pin 1 and/or X-9132 pin 4 , wire VE-192A and/or VE-187A, for
supply power and ground or X-9132 pin 2 and/or X-9132 pin 3, wire VE-201 and/or VE-196 for CAN signal.
Locate and repair the damage to the ATS supply power and ground or CAN circuit wiring.
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the NH3 control unit A-9101.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement config-
uration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19026-Exhaust flap sticking or internal failure

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller sends and receives information at regular intervals to and from the Engine
Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If an internal failure is sensed by the exhaust flap
A-9002 actuator controller, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller has
reported an internal failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the vehicle (VE) or engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the network harness
splice and the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2

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, wire VE-218 or EN-049 and/or VE-189B or EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or
X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire VE-194B or EN-047 and/or VE-201F or EN-048A for CAN signal. Locate and repair
the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator
controller. Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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19027-Exhaust flap actuator supply voltage out of range

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller sends and receives information at regular intervals to and from the Engine
Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If an electrical problem is sensed by the exhaust flap
A-9002 actuator controller, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller has
reported an electrical problem.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the vehicle (VE) or engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the network harness
splice and the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2

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, wire VE-218 or EN-049 and/or VE-189B or EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or
X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire VE-194B or EN-047 and/or VE-201F or EN-048A for CAN signal. Locate and repair
the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator
controller. Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 219
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19033-Exhaust flap stuck during power up test

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller sends and receives information at regular intervals to and from the Engine
Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If a system failure is sensed by the exhaust flap A-9002
actuator controller, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller has
reported that a system failure has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the vehicle (VE) or engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the network harness
splice and the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2

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, wire VE-218 or EN-049 and/or VE-189B or EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or
X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire VE-194B or EN-047 and/or VE-201F or EN-048A for CAN signal. Locate and repair
the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. Check for mechanical binding and/or damage.

Remove the exhaust flap assembly, visually check for debris and check ease of operation.

A. If the exhaust flap is free of debris and operates freely, continue with Step 6.

B. If the exhaust flap contains debris or is hard to operate, clean, adjust, repair or replace, as required.
6. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator
controller. Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 221
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19034-Exhaust flap actuator is over temperature

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller sends and receives information at regular intervals to and from the Engine
Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If an over-current situation is sensed by the exhaust
flap A-9002 actuator controller, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller has
reported that an over-current situation exists.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap, bound or damaged.
4. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
5. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

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B. If no other faults exist, the vehicle (VE) or engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the network harness
splice and the exhaust flap A-9002actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2
, wire VE-218 or EN-049 and/or VE-189B or EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or
X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire VE-194B or EN-047 and/or VE-201F or EN-048A for CAN signal. Locate and repair
the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. Check for mechanical binding and/or damage.

Remove the exhaust flap assembly, visually check for debris and check ease of operation.

A. If the exhaust flap is free of debris and operates freely, continue with Step 6.

B. If the exhaust flap contains debris or is hard to operate, clean, adjust, repair or replace, as required.
6. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator
controller. Check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 223
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19035-CAN timeout error from exhaust flap actuator

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control
Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If this information is not communicated within the allotted time
frame, this ECU A-9000 timeout fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that an exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller timeout
has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check for exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the harness splice and the exhaust
flap A-9002 actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2, wire EN-049 and/or

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EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire EN-047A and/or
EN-048 for CAN signal. Locate and repair the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 225
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19035-CAN timeout error from exhaust flap actuator

The exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control
Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If this information is not communicated within the allotted time
frame, this ECU A-9000 timeout fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that an exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller timeout
has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check for exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller at connector X-9025 CUR.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 1 X-9025 CUR pin 2 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9025 CUR disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator controller CAN circuit.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the
engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9025 CUR pin 3 X-9025 CUR pin 4 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, use the appropriate vehicle service manual information to locate and repair the faulted
CAN condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the engine (EN) harness wiring is damaged between the harness splice and the exhaust
flap A-9002 actuator controller connector X-9025 CUR pin 1 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 2, wire EN-049 and/or

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EN-050 for supply power and ground or X-9025 CUR pin 3 and/or X-9025 CUR pin 4, wire EN-047A and/or
EN-048 for CAN signal. Locate and repair the damage to the CAN circuit wiring.
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the exhaust flap A-9002 actuator

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 227
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19036-SCR downstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the SCR upstream temperature sensor B-9104 signal. If the
A-9000 determines that the B-9104 temperature signal has drifted at cold start, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 determines that the B-9104 temperature signal has drifted at cold start.

Possible failure modes:

1. Sudden change in ambient temperature.

2. Faulty B-9104, wiring.
3. Faulty B-9104, internal failure.
4. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the following related faults:

19010 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

19011 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected

19042 - Downstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure

19067 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too high

19068 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too low

A. If any of the listed faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19036 - SCR downstream
temperature sensor signal drift at cold start.

B. If none of the listed faults are active, continue to Step 3.

3. Use the EST to compare the B-9106 temperature value to the B-9104 and B-9107 temperature values. Monitor
for possible signal drift due to a rapid change in ambient temperature. The sensors should have similar charac-

Monitoring must be done after a cold soak condition to avoid any residual heat.

A. If no faults are found, continue to Step 4.

B. If any faults are found, verify that a rapid change in ambient temperature has not occurred that has caused this
fault to occur.
4. Replace the B-9104.

Use the EST to verify that this fault, 19036 - SCR downstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start.

Perform an engine cold start to verify that this fault has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19040-Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor comparison

to a calculated temperature failure
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106 temper-
ature value. If the ECU A-9000 determines that there is a calculated temperature value failure, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected a calculated temperature value failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Higher than normal exhaust temperature. (engine misfire etc.)

2. Faulty upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106, not installed or incorrectly mounted.
3. Faulty upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106, wiring.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check for the following related faults:

19066 - Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

3838 - Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected

3686 - DOC upstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

A. If any of the faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19040 - Upstream oxidation
catalyst temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature failure.

B. If none of the faults are active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106 for proper installation.

A. If the sensor is incorrectly mounted, loose or damaged, repair as necessary.

B. If no faults are found, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19040 - Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor com-
parison to a calculated temperature failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

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B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19041-Upstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a

calculated temperature value failure
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the upstream SCR temperature sensor B-9107 temperature value.
If the ECU A-9000 determines that there is a calculated temperature value failure, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected a calculated temperature value failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Higher than normal exhaust temperature. (engine misfire etc.)

2. Faulty upstream SCR temperature sensor B-9107, not installed or incorrectly mounted.
3. Faulty upstream SCR temperature sensor B-9107, wiring.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check for the following related faults:

19019 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

19020 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected

3687 - SCR upstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

19069 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too high

19070 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too low

A. If any of the faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19041 - Upstream SCR tem-
perature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure.

B. If none of the faults are active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the upstream SCR temperature sensor B-9107 for proper installation.

A. If the sensor is incorrectly mounted, loose or damaged, repair as necessary.

B. If no faults are found, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the upstream SCR temperature sensor B-9107.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

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Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19041 - Upstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a
calculated temperature value failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19042-Downstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a

calculated temperature value failure
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR temperature sensor B-9104 temperature value.
If the ECU A-9000 determines that there is a calculated temperature value failure, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected a calculated temperature value failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Higher than normal exhaust temperature. (engine misfire etc.)

2. Faulty downstream SCR temperature sensor B-9104, not installed or incorrectly mounted.
3. Faulty downstream SCR temperature sensor B-9104, wiring.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check for the following related faults:

19010 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

19011 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is lower than expected

19036 - SCR downstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

19067 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too high

19068 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too low

A. If any of the faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19042 - Downstream SCR
temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure.

B. If none of the faults are active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the downstream SCR temperature sensor B-9104 for proper installation.

A. If the sensor is incorrectly mounted, loose or damaged, repair as necessary.

B. If no faults are found, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the downstream SCR temperature sensor B-9104.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Tes.

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Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19042 - Downstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a
calculated temperature value failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19043-Intake air humidity sensor voltage is lower than expected

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the intake air humidity sensor B-9105 signal circuit. If the A-9000
determines that the B-9105 humidity signal circuit voltage is lower than expected, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage less than 200 mV for a period greater than 500 ms in the B-9105 humidity signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9105, internal failure.

2. Faulty B-9105 humidity signal circuit, short to ground condition.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the B-9105 humidity signal circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9105.

Disconnect connector X-9002 from the A-9000.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 15 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground in the B-9105 humidity signal circuit, wire VE-104. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9105.

Use the EST to verify that 19043 - Intake air humidity sensor voltage is lower than expected has been re-

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has been not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19047-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor

voltage is higher than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

If during DEF/AdBlue® system normal operation, the supply module pressure sensor B-9100 raw voltage signal ex-
ceeds 4.75 V, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has sensed that the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pressure sensor
B-9100 raw voltage signal is greater than 4.75 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply module pressure sensor B-9100 signal circuit wiring, shorted to a voltage source.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module, internally shorted to a voltage source.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pressure sensor B-9100 signal circuit wiring for a short to a volt-
age source.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module at connector X-9108.

Use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9108 pin 4 chassis ground. Due to the internal ECU A-9000 in-
put sensing circuit configuration, there
should be 4.5 - 5.5 V.

A. If there is greater than 5.5 V, there is a short to a voltage source condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between
the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module connector X-9108 pin 4 and the ECU A-9000 connector X-9001 pin
7, wire VE–141. Locate and repair the damaged conductors.

B. If there is no voltage, there is an open circuit condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between the DEF/AdBlue®
system supply module connector X-9108 pin 4 and the ECU A-9000 connector X-9001 pin 7, wire VE–141.
Locate and repair the broken conductor.

C. If there is between 4.5 - 5.5 V, continue with Step 3.

3. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then check to see if the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement config-
uration. Then return the machine to service.

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B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19048-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor

voltage is lower than expected
If during DEF/AdBlue® system normal operation the supply module pressure sensor B-9100 raw voltage signal drops
below 0.25 V, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has sensed that the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pressure sensor
B-9100 raw voltage signal is less than 0.25 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply module pressure sensor B-9100 signal circuit wiring, shorted to ground.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module, internally shorted to ground.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active. Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pressure sensor B-9100 signal circuit wiring for short to ground.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module at connector X-9108.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 7 chassis ground. There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to a ground condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between the DEF/Ad-
Blue® system supply module connector X-9108 pin 3 and the ECU A-9000 connector X-9001 pin 7, wire
VE–141. Locate and repair the grounded conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue with Step 3.

3. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then check to see if fault 19048 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is lower
than expected is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19050-Downstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status along
with sensed data. The normal operating range of the battery power supply voltage to the SCR downstream NOx
sensor A-9102 should be 10.0 - 16.0 V. If the expected voltage is deemed to be too low or out of range, by the SCR
downstream NOx sensor A-9102, this fault will occur.

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 has reported, via CAN, to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 that the
expected voltage is deemed to be too low or out of range.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of range.

2. Faulty SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check supply voltage.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 at connector X-9134 .

Use a multimeter to measure the voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9134 pin 1 X-9134 pin 2 There should be between 10.0 -
16.0 V .

A. If the supply voltage is not within the specified range, continue with Step 3.

B. If the supply voltage is within the specified range, continue with Step 4.
3. Check for related supply voltage faults.

Use EST to determine the presence of 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range.

A. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is present, refer to Fuse and controller
power relay - Testing Auxiliary relay (55.640.AM-G.40.A.20) to locate and repair faulted condition.

B. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is not present, the faulted condition is
between X-9134 pin 1 or X-9134 pin 2 and the vehicle (VE) harness splice SP-9137 or SP-9133, wire VE-193A
or VE-188B. Locate and repair the conductor failure.
4. As there is no method for field testing the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102, replace the SCR downstream
NOx sensor A-9102.

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of NOx Downstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

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Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19051-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Open Circuit

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for open wire or short circuit and sends an error status
in case of a detected failure. This failure is the result of an open circuit error in the sensor heater circuit.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that an open circuit condition
exists in the heater control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 3.
2. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19052-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Short Circuit

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for open wire or short circuit and sends an error status
in case of a detected failure. This failure is the result of a short circuit error in the sensor heater circuit.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that a short circuit condition exists
in the heater control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 3.
2. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test if necessary.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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19053-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Heater Performance

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring and delivers information about its error status and
the results of self diagnosis procedure, via CAN, to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. One of the monitored
conditions is whether or not the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 reached the appropriate operating temperature
within the allotted time. Once the dew point has been reached, the sensor has 120.0 s to reach heat up. If the sensor
heat up is not completed in time, this fault will occur.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that the sensor failed to reach
heater working temperature in the allotted time.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check for other relevant faults.

Use the EST to check for the presence of fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range.

A. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is present, resolve fault 19063 - Up-
stream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range. Then check to see that fault 19053 - Upstream NOx
sensor internal failure (Heater Performance Plausibility) is also resolved.

B. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is not present, continue with Step 3.
3. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Run the machine and use the EST capability to view parameters to verify that the sensor has reached dew point.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19054-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Open Circuit Error)

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

he DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for open wire or short circuit and sends an error status
in case of a detected failure. This failure is the result of an open circuit error in the sensor NOx and/or Oxygen level

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that an open circuit condition
exists in the NOx and/or Oxygen level circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 3.
2. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19059-Upstream NOx sensor internal failure (Short Circuit Error)

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for open wire or short circuit and sends an error status
in case of a detected failure. This failure is the result of a short circuit error in the sensor heater circuit.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that a short circuit condition exists
in the heater control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 3.
2. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19060-CAN bus message not received from upstream NOx sensor

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control
Unit (ECU) A-9000 via CAN. If this information is not communicated within the allotted time frame, this ECU A-9000
timeout fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via CAN, that a DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 message timeout has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check for the presence of supply voltage fault.

Use EST to determine the presence of fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range.

A. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is present, resolve the 19063 - Up-
stream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range fault. Then determine if fault 19060 - CAN bus message
not received from upstream NOx sensor is also resolved.

B. If fault 19063 - Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is not present, continue with Step 3.
3. Determine the condition of the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 CAN circuit.

Disconnect the After Treatment System (ATS) vehicle (VE) harness from the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103
at connector X-9133.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN circuit on the ATS vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9133 pin 3 X-9133 pin 4 There should be 60 Ω

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 4.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 5.

4. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of Nox Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

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A. If this fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement config-
uration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Check for other engine ATS CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other ATS CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, locate and repair the faulted condition.

B. If no other faults exist, the ATS vehicle (VE) harness wiring is damaged between the network harness splice
and the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 connector X-9133 pin 3 and/or X-9133 pin 4, wire VE-197 and/or
VE–201G. Locate and repair the damage to the ATS CAN circuit wiring.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19061-Upstream NOx sensor lambda signal deviation - NOx sensor

possible removal detected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status along with
sensed data. If the sensor lambda data value is outside the values established by the minimum/maximum curves
specified in the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000, dependent on the lambda value itself, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 is not measuring correct lambda values.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Determine proper installation of the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103.

Remove and reinstall, if necessary, the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 to assure that it is properly aligned
and securely installed.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 2.

2. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test. Then return the machine to

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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19062-Upstream NOx sensor values are not plausible

The smart DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 delivers information about its error status and the results of self diag-
nosis procedure, via CAN, to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 sends
the message Lambda or NOx signal not plausible, this fault will occur.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the ECU A-9000 that the Lambda or NOx signal
is not plausible.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.


1. Check for related fault.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for fault 19071 - SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx
production threshold level.

A. If fault 19071 - SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level is present, the
DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 is poisoned. Replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103. Then use
EST to perform the Replacement of Nox Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

B. If fault 19071 - SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level is not present,
ignore fault 19062 - Upstream NOx sensor values are not plausible.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19063-Upstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status along with
sensed data. The expected normal operating range of the battery power supply voltage to the DOC upstream NOx
sensor A-9103 is 10.0 - 16.0 V. If the expected voltage is deemed to be too low or out of range, by the DOC upstream
NOx sensor A-9103 this fault will occur.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has reported, via CAN, to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 that the
expected voltage is deemed to be too low or out of range.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of range.

2. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check supply voltage.

Disconnect the After Treatment System (ATS) vehicle (VE) harness from the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103
at connector X-9133.

Use a multimeter to measure the voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9133 pin 1 X-9133 pin 2 There should be between 10.0 -
16.0 V .

A. If the supply voltage is not within the specified range, continue with Step 3.

B. If the supply voltage is within the specified range, continue with Step 4.
3. Check for related supply voltage faults.

Use EST to determine the presence of 19050 - Downstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range.

A. If fault 19050 - Downstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is present, check for fault condition
with the auxiliary relay.

B. If fault 19050 - Downstream NOx sensor supply voltage is out of range is not present, the faulted condition
is between X-9133 pin 1 or X-9133 pin 2 and the ATS vehicle (VE) harness splice SP-9137 or SP-9133, wire
EN-193 or EN-188. Locate and repair the conductor failure.
4. As there is no method for field testing the DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, replace the DOC upstream NOx
sensor A-9103.

Then use EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

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A. If this fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19066-Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage

is higher than expected
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor B-9106 cir-
cuit. If the A-9000 determines that the B-9106 signal circuit voltage is greater than 3.60 V, this fault will occur. The
temperature value is will be frozen at the last valid value for a preliminary failure and jumps to a fixed replacement
value of 575.0 °C (1066.9 °F) if the failure is validated.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage greater than 3.30 V in the B-9106 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9106, wiring.

2. Faulty B-9106, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the B-9106 signal circuit for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9106.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 16 X-9106 pin 1 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the B-9106 signal circuit, wire VE-106. Locate and
repair the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the B-9106 signal circuit for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 16 X-9001 pin 9 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 16 X-9001 pin 32 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 16 All other pins There should be no continuity.

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A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the B-9106, signal circuit, wire VE-106. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9106 signal circuit for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 16 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power condition in the B-9106 signal circuit, wire VE-106.
Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the B-9106.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19066 - Upstream oxidation catalyst temperature sensor voltage
is higher than expected.

A. If the fault has been resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement
configuration then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19067-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too high

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the downstream SCR catalyst sensor B-9104. If the A-9000
determines that the temperature value is greater than 890.0 °C (1633.9 °F), this fault will occur.

Downstream SCR temperature is too high.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9104, wiring or internal failure.

2. Catalyst efficiency low.
3. Excessive exhaust back pressure.
4. Over fueling condition.
5. Stuck Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuator (If equipped).
6. High intake air temperature.
7. Engine valve lash too tight.
8. Faulty injection timing.
9. Faulty camshaft timing.
10. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Use the EST to check for the following related faults that may have caused this fault to occur.

19010 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

19042 - Downstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure

19036 - SCR downstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

3985 - Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected

3986 - Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected

3450 - eVGT actuator blocked

3861 - eVGT power supply electrical failure

3457 - Intake manifold temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

3517 - Ambient temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

3093 - Compared camshaft and crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

3091 - Camshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible

3090 - Camshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

3089 - Crankshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible

3088 - Crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

A. If any of the listed faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19067 - Downstream SCR
catalyst temperature is too high.

B. If none of the listed faults are active, continue to Step 2.

2. Use an in-fared type temperature gun to check the physical temperature of the B-9104 at the sensor base.

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Run the engine until operating temperature is reached.

A. If the temperature exceeds 537.8 °C (1000.0 °F), refer to the possible failure modes listed above and repair as

B. If the temperature does not exceed 537.8 °C (1000.0 °F), continue to Step 3.
3. Check the B-9104 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9104.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 9 All pins in connector X-9001. There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 9 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 4.

B. If the specified values have not been measured, there is a fault in the B-9104 wiring. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.
4. Replace the B-9104.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19067 - Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too high.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has been not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19068-Downstream SCR catalyst temperature is too low

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104. If
the temperature downstream of he SCR catalyst is below -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 is sensing the downstream SCR catalyst temperature is below the lower threshold limit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Ambient air temperature, below -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F).

2. Faulty SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104, internal failure.
3. Faulty SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104, installation.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Determine ambient temperature.

Establish if ambient temperature is appreciably greater or less than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F).

A. If the ambient temperature is less than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), this fault will be present and active. The machine
will need to be started or moved to a warmer environment, ignore this fault and return the machine to service.

B. If the ambient temperature is greater than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), continue with Step 3.
3. Check the condition of the SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104 at con-
nector X-9104.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance on the sensor:

From To Value
X-9104 pin 1 X-9104 pin 2 there should be greater than 169.7 Ω.
NOTE: To determine actual resistance values for various temperatures refer to Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) temperature sensors - General specification.

A. If there is greater than 169.7 Ω, continue with Step 4.

B. If there is less than 169.7 Ω, the SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104 has failed inter-
nally. Replace the sensor.
4. Verify proper sensor installation.

Check the SCR downstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9104 for correct mounting and the electrical con-

A. If the sensor is not properly mounted or electrical connector integrity is questionable, remove and reinstall,
adjust, and/or replace, as required.

B. If the sensor is properly mounted and electrically connected, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate soft-
ware and re-flash, if necessary.

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5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19069-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too high

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the upstream SCR catalyst sensor B-9107. If the A-9000 deter-
mines that the temperature is greater than 890.0 °C (1634.0 °F), this fault will occur.

Upstream SCR temperature is too high.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9107, wiring or internal failure.

2. Low catalyst efficiency.
3. Excessive exhaust back pressure.
4. Over fueling condition.
5. Stuck Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuator.
6. High intake air temperature.
7. Engine valve lash too tight.
8. Faulty injection timing.
9. Faulty camshaft timing.
10. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Use the EST to check for the following related faults that may have caused this fault to occur. If any of the listed
faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19069 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature
too high.

19019 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

19041 - Upstream SCR temperature sensor comparison to a calculated temperature value failure

3687 - SCR upstream temperature sensor signal drift at cold start

3985 - Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected

3986 - Exhaust gas pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected

3450 - eVGT actuator blocked

3861 - eVGT power supply electrical failure

3457 - Intake manifold temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

3517 - Ambient temperature sensor voltage is higher than expected

3093 - Compared camshaft and crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

3091 - Camshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible

3090 - Camshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

3089 - Crankshaft speed sensor pattern is not plausible

3088 - Crankshaft speed sensor values are not plausible

A. If any of the listed faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19069 - Upstream SCR
catalyst temperature too high.

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B. If none of the listed faults are active, continue to Step 2.

2. Use an in-fared type temperature gun to check the physical temperature of the B-9107 at the sensor base.

Run the engine until operating temperature is reached.

A. If the temperature exceeds 537.8 °C (1000.0 °F), refer to the possible failure modes listed above and repair as

B. If the temperature does not exceed 537.8 °C (1000.0 °F), continue to Step 3.
3. Check the B-9107 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9107.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 32 All pins in connector X-9001. There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 32 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 4.

B. If the specified values have not been measured, there is a fault in the B-9107 wiring. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.
4. Replace the B-9107.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19069 - Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too high.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has been not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19070-Upstream SCR catalyst temperature too low

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107. If the
temperature upstream of he SCR catalyst is below -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 is sensing the upstream SCR catalyst temperature is below the lower threshold limit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Ambient air temperature, below -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F).

2. Faulty SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107, internal failure.
3. Faulty SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107, installation.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Determine ambient temperature.

Establish if ambient temperature is appreciably greater or less than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F).

A. If the ambient temperature is less than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), this fault will be present and active. The machine
will need to be started or moved to a warmer environment, ignore this fault and return the machine to service.

B. If the ambient temperature is greater than -40.04 °C (-40.07 °F), continue with Step 3.
3. Check the condition of the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107 at connector

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance on the sensor:

From To Value
X-9107 pin 1 X-9107 pin 2 there should be greater than 169.7 Ω.
NOTE: To determine actual resistance values for various temperatures refer to Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) temperature sensors - General specification.

A. If there is greater than 169.7 Ω, continue with Step 4.

B. If there is less than 169.7 Ω, the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107 has failed internally.
Replace the sensor.
4. Verify proper sensor installation.

Check the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107 for correct mounting and the electrical con-

A. If the sensor is not properly mounted or electrical connector integrity is questionable, remove and reinstall,
adjust, and/or replace, as required.

B. If the sensor is properly mounted and electrically connected, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate soft-
ware and re-flash, if necessary.

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5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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19071-SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production

threshold level
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The instantaneous SCR catalyst efficiency is obtained from the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) upstream NOx sensor
B-9103 and the SCR downstream NOx sensor B-9102. When the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 determines that
the SCR catalyst efficiency is lower than expected, this fault occurs.

The ECU A-9000 calculated that the SCR catalyst efficiency is lower than expected.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty SCR downstream NOx sensor B-9102, measures too high values.
2. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor B-9103, measures too high values.
3. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, measures too high values.
4. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor B-9104, measures too high values with too low DEF/AdBlue® concentration
at the same time.
5. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® mixture concentration, too low
6. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® injection quantity, too low
7. Faulty DOC and Mixing chamber assembly, catalyst contamination or damage or mixing chamber damage.
8. Faulty SCR assembly, catalyst contamination or damage.
9. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for related faults.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of SCR Downstream NOx sensor B-9102 fault
3528 - Downstream NOx sensor values are not plausible or DOC upstream NOx sensor B-9103 fault 19062
- Upstream NOx sensor values are not plausible.

A. If either 3528 - Downstream NOx sensor values are not plausible or 19062 - Upstream NOx sensor
values are not plausible is present, resolve the relevant fault. Then determine if fault 19071 - SCR catalyst
efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level is also resolved.

B. If neither 3528 - Downstream NOx sensor values are not plausible nor 19062 - Upstream NOx sensor
values are not plausible is present, continue with Step 2.
2. Check for related faults.

Use the EST to check for the presence of SCR downstream NOx sensor B-9102 fault 19422 - Downstream
NOx sensor signal is stuck at a constant value or NH3 sensor B-9110 fault 3170 - NH3 sensor signal is not

A. If either 19422 - Downstream NOx sensor signal is stuck at a constant value or 3170 - NH3 sensor
signal is not changing is present, resolve the relevant fault. Then determine if fault 19071 - SCR catalyst
efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level is also resolved.

B. If neither 19422 - Downstream NOx sensor signal is stuck at a constant value nor 3170 - NH3 sensor
signal is not changing is present, continue with Step 3.
3. Check for related faults.

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Use the EST to check for the presence of DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 fault 19140 - DEF/AdBlue con-
centration is out of range or 19159 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration value is
higher than expected) or 19160 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration value is lower
than expected).

A. If either 19140 - DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range or 19159 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal
failure (Concentration value is higher than expected) or 19160 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal
failure (Concentration value is lower than expected) is present, resolve the relevant fault. Then determine
if fault 19071 - SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level is also resolved.

B. If neither 19140 - DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range nor 19159 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor
internal failure (Concentration value is higher than expected) nor 19160 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor
internal failure (Concentration value is lower than expected) is present, continue with Step 4.
4. Check the DEF/AdBlue® level and the DEF/AdBlue® mixture concentration.

Visually determine that the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 is sufficiently immersed.

Use a refractometer to determine the concentration level of the DEF/AdBlue® mixture.

There should be 28.75 - 36.25 % mixture concentration.

A. If there is an insufficient level of DEF/AdBlue® to adequately cover the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104
or if the DEF/AdBlue® mixture concentration is not between 28.75 - 36.25 %, drain the DEF/AdBlue® tank.
Then remove, inspect and clean, if necessary, the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 to assure the DEF/
AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 cover holes are free of debris. Then fill the DEF/AdBlue® tank with properly
concentrated DEF/AdBlue® mixture.

B. If there is a sufficient level of DEF/AdBlue® to adequately cover the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 and
the DEF/AdBlue® mixture concentration is between 28.75 - 36.25 %, continue with Step 5.
5. Check dosing module Y-9103 for deposits.

Remove the dosing module Y-9103 and check for large deposits that would inhibit injection.

There should be no blockage.

A. If significant blockage does exist, repair or replace the dosing module Y-9103, as required.

B. If significant blockage is not visible, do not install the dosing module Y-9103 and continue with Step 6.
6. Check DEF/AdBlue® system for pressure, leaks and quantity.

Orient the dosing module Y-9103 and a piece of cardboard to a location that would allow capture of a produced
spray pattern.

Use the EST and follow the on-screen instructions to perform a Urea Dosing System Test (UDST).

During the UDST record DEF/AdBlue® system pressure and capture the injection pattern on the cardboard.

Also, visually check for any DEF/AdBlue® system leakage.

There should be 9.00 - 11.00 bar (130.50 - 159.50 psi) before injection, a uniform spray pattern, and no leakage.

A. If the pressure is out of specification or the pattern is not uniform or leakage is seen, clean, repair or replace
system components, as required.

B. If the pressure is within specification, the spray pattern is uniform, and leakage is not seen, do not install the
dosing module Y-9103 and continue with Step 7.
7. Check the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® mixing chamber.

Visually inspect the DEF/AdBlue® and exhaust gas mixing chamber, through the dosing module Y-9103 mounting
hole, for large deposits or damage.

A. If large deposits or damage is discovered, clean, repair or replace the DOC assembly, as required. If DOC
assembly is replaced, use EST to perform the Replacement of Catalyst - Reset ECU Data configuration.

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B. If large deposits or damage is not discovered, install the dosing module Y-9103 and continue with Step 8.
8. Check the condition of the DOC catalyst.

Remove the DOC upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9106.

Visually inspect the catalyst, through the DOC upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9106 mounting hole,
for substrate contamination or damage.

There should be no contamination or damage.

A. If substrate contamination or damage exists, replace the DOC assembly. Then use EST to perform the Re-
placement of Catalyst - Reset ECU Data configuration.

B. If substrate contamination or damage does not exist, continue with Step 9.

9. Check the condition of the SCR catalyst.

Remove the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107.

Visually inspect the catalyst, through the SCR upstream exhaust gas temperature sensor B-9107 mounting hole,
for substrate contamination and damage.

There should be no contamination or damage.

A. If substrate contamination or damage exists, replace the SCR assembly. Then use EST to perform the Re-
placement of Catalyst - Reset ECU Data configuration.

B. If substrate contamination or damage does not exist, continue with Step 10.
10. Replace the SCR downstream NOx sensor B-9102.

Then use the EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Downstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then check to see if fault 19071 - SCR catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx production threshold level
is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement con-
figuration. Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 11.

11. Check the ECU A-9000 software.

Use the EST to check for the appropriate ECU A-9000 software.

A. If the ECU A-9000 is not running appropriate software, use the EST to re-flash the ECU.

B. If the ECU A-9000 is currently running appropriate software, use the EST to retrieve stored engine data, then
use ASIST to escalate a concern.

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19077-DEF/AdBlue pressure stabilization failure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

After pressure build up attempt has exceeded 50.0 s and the DEF/AdBlue® pressure provided by the supply module
is still outside the range of 8.5 - 9.5 bar (123.2 - 137.8 psi), the DEF/AdBlue® system will be placed in evacuation
mode to remove any DEF/AdBlue® and this fault will then occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that a DEF/AdBlue® system pressure line failure exists.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, pre-filter in suction line restricted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, filter in inlet connector of the supply module restricted.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, filter in back-flow connector of the supply module restricted.
4. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, tank ventilation line restricted.
5. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, suction line frozen, blocked or leaking (tubing, hydraulic connector, O-ring).
6. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, back-flow line frozen or blocked (tubing, hydraulic connector).
7. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, leakage on suction pipe inside DEF/AdBlue® tank unit.
8. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, supply module pump motor M-9100 or pressure sensor B-9100 defective.


1. Check for freezing, blockage, or damage to DEF/AdBlue® system.

Visually and tactually inspect the DEF/AdBlue® system filters and tank ventilation line, items 1 through 4 in the list
above, for blockage.

There should be no blockage,

A. If blockage is found, repair or replace the affected component.

B. If no blockage is found, continue with Step 2.

2. Check for freezing, blockage, damage or leakage to DEF/AdBlue® system.

Visually and tactually inspect the DEF/AdBlue® system, items 5 through 7 in the list above, lines, hydraulic con-
nectors and O-rings for blockage, damage or leakage.

There should be no blockage, damage or leakage.

A. If blockage, damage or leakage is found, repair or replace the affected component.

B. If no blockage, damage or leakage is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check for related faults.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of fault 19550 - DEF/AdBlue system unable to
build sufficient pressure for dosing

A. If fault 19550 - DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for dosing is present, resolve fault
19550 - DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for dosing. Then determine if 19077 -
DEF/AdBlue pressure stabilization failure is also resolved.

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B. If fault 19550 - DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for dosing is not present, continue
with Step 4.
4. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the EST to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the one screen instructions.

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that 19077 - DEF/AdBlue pressure stabilization failure has been resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 5.

5. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that 19077 - DEF/AdBlue pressure stabilization failure has been resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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19079-DEF/AdBlue over pressure failure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

If during DEF/AdBlue® system normal operation the pressure exceeds 11.00 bar (159.50 psi) the Engine Control Unit
(ECU) A-9000 will monitor the pressure until it falls below 10.75 bar (155.88 psi). If the pressure does not fall below
10.75 bar (155.88 psi) within 60 s, this fault will be set.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that an excessive pressure condition exists in the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system pressure or back flow line (tube), restricted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system filter in supply module back flow connector, restricted.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system throttle in supply module back flow connector, restricted.
4. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system non-return-valve in supply module back flow connector, does not open.
5. Faulty supply module, pump defective.
6. Faulty supply module, pressure sensor defective.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check for blockage or damage in the DEF/AdBlue® system pressure or back flow line (tube).

Visually and tactually inspect the system pressure and back flow lines for restrictions and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace the line (tube).

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® system Supply module back flow connector contents.

Visually and tactually inspect the filter, throttle, and non-return-valve internal to the Supply module back flow con-
nector for restrictions and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace as needed.

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for related DEF/AdBlue® system faults.

Use EST to determine if fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is
higher than expected or 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is
currently active.

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A. If either fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than ex-
pected or fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is present,
resolve fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than
expected and/or fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure.
Then determine if fault 19079 - DEF/AdBlue over pressure failure is also resolved.

B. If neither fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than
expected nor fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is
present, continue with Step 5.
5. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the EST to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the one screen instructions.

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that the fault has been resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 6.

6. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see if fault 19079 - DEF/AdBlue over pressure failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-90NN for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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19080-DEF/AdBlue under pressure failure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

If during DEF/AdBlue® system normal operation the pressure drops below 5.50 bar (79.75 psi), but not below 0.55 bar
(7.98 psi), and does not exceed 5.75 bar (83.38 psi) within 10.0 s, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that a low pressure condition exists in the DEF/AdBlue®

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level, too low a fluid level.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, leakage.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank suction (inlet) line (tube), restricted.
4. Faulty supply module, pump not delivering or pressure sensor values too low.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 8.
2. Check fluid level in DEF/AdBlue® system supply tank.

As air in the DEF/AdBlue® system will cause the pressure level to decrease, visually check the fluid level in the
supply tank.

There should be an adequate level of fluid.

A. If a less than adequate level is found, fill the DEF/AdBlue® system supply tank to an acceptable level.

B. If an adequate level is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check for external leakage in DEF/AdBlue® system.

Visually and tactually inspect the system pressure and back flow lines (tubes) and connections for leakage and/or

There should be no leakage or damage.

A. If leakage or damage is found, repair or replace the line (tube) and/or connector, as required.

B. If no leakage or damage is found, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for related DEF/AdBlue® system pump faults.

Use EST to determine if any of the following faults are currently active:
19154 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump temperature is too low to activate pump
19156 - DEF/AdBlue supply motor severe speed deviation
19107 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor open load failure
19108 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to battery failure

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19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure
19748 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor over temperature failure

A. If any of the related faults, listed above, are present, resolve those faults. Then determine if fault 19080 -
DEF/AdBlue under pressure failure is also resolved.

B. If none of the related faults, listed above, are present, continue with Step 5.
5. Check for blockage in DEF/AdBlue® system filters.

Visually and tactually inspect the DEF/AdBlue® supply module suction (inlet) line (tube) and filters and connections
for blockage and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace the line (tube), filter and/or connector, as required.

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 6.

6. Check for restriction in DEF/AdBlue® system suction (inlet) line (tube).

Provide an alternate DEF/AdBlue® source and suction (inlet) line (tube) to the DEF/AdBlue® supply module.

Use the EST to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen instructions.

Use the UDST Troubleshooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

A. If a problem is identified and resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration. Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test. Then return the machine to

B. If a problem is not identified, continue with Step 7.

7. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see if fault 19080 - DEF/AdBlue under pressure failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
8. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19081-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to ground

in high side failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator Y-9103 circuit. The dosing
is valve is actuated by a high side and low side driver to achieve the best possible control over the valve. If the A-9000
detects a short circuit to ground in the high side driver circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground in the Y-9103 high side driver circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9103, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9103 wiring, short to ground condition.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9103 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9103 PIN 1 Y-9103 PIN 2 There should be between 11 - 13 Ω

A. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9103 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9103.

B. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.
3. Check the Y-9103 high side driver circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 23 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 23 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is short to ground condition in the Y-9103 high side driver circuit, wire VE-114. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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19082-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit short to battery

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue reverting valve Y-9100 circuit for a short to battery
power condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery power, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery power condition in the Y-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty Y-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9100 wiring for short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 85 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the Y-9100 wiring for short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault.

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A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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19083-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit short to ground

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue reverting valve Y-9100 circuit for a short to ground
condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to ground condition, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground condition in the Y-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty Y-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9100 wiring for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 X-9001 pin 89 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 85 X-9001 pin 84 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 85 All other pins There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 85 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
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19084-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit open failure

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue reverting valve Y-9100 circuit. If the A-9000
detects an open load failure in the Y-9100 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected an open load failure in the Y-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9100 wiring, open circuit condition.

2. Faulty Y-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9100 wiring for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 X-9108 pin 12 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair
the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19084 - DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit open failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19085-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator over temperature failure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the electrical current used to energize the dosing module (valve)
Y-9103. In the event of an excessive current requirement, the ECU A-9000 interrupts current flow to prevent damage
and this fault occurs.

The ECU A-9000 detects an over current (temperature) condition in the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid
high side control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil, shorted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 high side control circuit wiring, shorted to ground.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.

Place the key switch in the OFF position.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 at connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil:

From To Value
X-9110 pin 1 X-9110 pin 2 There should be between 11.4 -
12.6 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range, leave connector X-9110 disconnected and continue
with Step .3.

B. If there is no resistance ( 0.0 Ω), the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil is shorted, replace the
DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.
3. Check high side driver control wiring for grounded condition.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side

From To Value
X-9110 pin 2 chassis ground there should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9110
pin 2 and connector X-9001 pin 23, wire VE-114. Locate and repair the damaged conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 282
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19086-DEF/AdBlue pressure line heater failure and DEF/AdBlue

tank temperature is too low
Refer to the service manual for information regarding the functional operation of the Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) system. The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 checks for temperature increase in the DEF/AdBlue® fluid
during defrost. If the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature fails to increase, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature did not increase.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® fluid heating system, ineffective / not operating.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19087-DEF/AdBlue tank temperature is not within acceptable limits

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the temper-
ature of the fluid exceeds 69.96 °C (157.93 °F), this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal to the ECU A-9000 is not plausible.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® tank over heated, high temperature operating conditions.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank heating system, control valve stuck open.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, damaged internally.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify the DEF/AdBlue® tank temperature.

Measure the temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® tank with a device such as infrared heat gun to obtain relative
DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature.

A. If the relative temperature is high, greater than 69.96 °C (157.93 °F), continue with Step 2.

B. If the relative temperature is not high, less than 69.96 °C (157.93 °F), continue with Step 4.
2. Check for related tank heater failure.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of 19106 - DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator
short circuit to ground failure.

A. If fault 19106 - DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to ground failure is present, resolve fault
19106 - DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to ground failure. Then determine if fault 19087 -
DEF/AdBlue tank temperature is not within acceptable limits is also resolved.

B. If fault 19106 - DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to ground failure is not present, continue
with Step 3.
3. Check the mechanical condition of the tank heater system.

Inspect the SCR tank heating valve Y-9102 and associated tubing to determine if coolant is inadvertently contin-
uously flowing causing the DEF/AdBlue® fluid to overheat.

A. If the engine coolant is continuously flowing in the tank heater system, locate and repair the faulty condition.

B. If the engine coolant is not continuously flowing, allow the machine to naturally cool or add cool DEF/AdBlue®
fluid to the DEF/AdBlue® tank to expedite cooling.
4. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank
level and temperature sensor B-9101.

From To Value
X-9101 pin 3 X-9101 pin 2 There should be greater than
214.90 Ω .

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If the measured resistance is greater than 214.90 Ω, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and
re-flash, if necessary.

B. If the measured resistance is less than 214.90 Ω, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101
has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit. .
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19095-DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility failure

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 checks for temperature increase in the DEF/AdBlue® fluid during defrost. If
the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature fails to increase by:
1.46 °C (2.63 °F) at -35.04 °C (-31.07 °F) within 60 min or
1.46 °C (2.63 °F) at -25.04 °C (-13.07 °F) within 60 min or
1.46 °C (2.63 °F) at -14.04 °C (6.73 °F) within 120 min or
0.96 °C (1.73 °F) at -5.04 °C (22.93 °F) within 30 min, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature did not increase the required minimum
amount within the allotted time and the DEF/AdBlue® tank heater valve is actuated.

Possible failure modes:

1. Extreme ambient conditions, time required is outside the established parameters.

2. Insufficient engine load, not great enough to generate required engine heat.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank heater valve, stuck in deactivated position.
4. Faulty coolant line between DEF/AdBlue® tank and DEF/AdBlue® tank heater valve, damaged or restricted.
5. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, coolant lines improperly connected to the DEF/AdBlue® tank heater valve.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19096-DEF/AdBlue supply module temperature not available

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

At the beginning of each driving cycle (key cycle) the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 requests a temperature
read-out from the supply module pump motor M-9100 control board. If the supply module pump motor M-9100 control
board does not respond with a temperature measurement after the maximum calibrated number of times, this fault
will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 did not receive the temperature read-out from the DEF/AdBlue® system sup-
ply module pump motor M-9100 control board.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pump motor M-9100 low side driver control circuit wiring, damaged.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module, internal failure.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pump motor M-9100 low side driver control circuit wiring.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module at connector X-9108.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

With the key switch in the OFF position, use a multimeter to check the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® system
supply module pump motor M-9100 low side driver control circuit wire:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 X-9108 pin 10 There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 84 chassis ground There should be no continuity.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® system supply
module pump motor M-9100 low side driver control circuit wire:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the low side driver control circuit wire is continuous and not grounded or shorted to a voltage source, continue
with Step 3.

B. If the low side driver control circuit wire is not continuous or is grounded or is shorted to a voltage source, use
the appropriate machine electrical schematics to locate and repair the broken or damaged conductor.
3. As there is no method for field testing the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module temperature sensor or control
board, replace the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19105-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator over temperature failure

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue tank heating valve Y-9102 circuit. If the A-9000
detects an over temperature/current condition in the Y-9102 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected an over temperature/current condition in the Y-9102 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9102, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9102 wiring.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9102 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9112.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9102 PIN 1 Y-9102 PIN 3 There should be between 11 - 16 Ω.

A. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9102 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9102.
3. Check the Y-9102 for a short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 72 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the Y-9102 for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

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A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19106-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to ground

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/Adblue tank heating valve Y-9102 circuit. If the A-9000
detects a short to ground condition in the Y-9102 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground condition in the Y-9102 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9102, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9102 wiring.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9102 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9112.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9102 PIN 1 Y-9102 PIN 3 There should be between 11 - 16 Ω.

A. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9102 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9102.
3. Check the Y-9102 for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 72 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19107-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor open load failure

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue pump motor M-9100 circuit. If the A-9000 detects
an open load failure in the M-9100 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected an open load failure in the M-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty M-9100 wiring, open circuit condition.

2. Faulty M-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the M-9100 wiring for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 X-9108 pin 10 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the M-9100 wiring. Locate and repair the broken

B. If there is continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19107 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor open load failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19108-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to

battery failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue supply pump M-9100 circuit for a short to battery
power condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery power, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery power condition in the M-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty M-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty M-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the M-9100 wiring for short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 84 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the M-9100 wiring. Locate and repair the shorted

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the M-9100 wiring for short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the M-9100 circuit, wire VE-137. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault.

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A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19111-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to

ground failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue supply pump M-9100 circuit for a short to ground
condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to ground condition, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground condition in the M-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty M-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty M-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the M-9100 wiring for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 X-9001 pin 89 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 84 All other pins There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 84 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the M-9100 wiring. Locate and repair the shorted

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the supply module.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to
ground failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19113-DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit over temperature

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue reverting valve Y-9100 circuit for an over tem-
perature/current condition. If the A-9000 detects an over temperature/current condition, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected an over temperature/current condition in the Y-9100 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty Y-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the following related faults:

19082 - DEF/AdBlue reverting valve driver circuit short to battery failure

A. If the listed fault is active, diagnose it first and then return to this fault, 19113 - DEF/AdBlue reverting valve
driver circuit over temperature failure.

B. If the fault is not active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the Y-9100 wiring for a short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 85 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the Y-9100 wiring for short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 85 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

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A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the Y-9100 circuit, wire VE-122. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19126-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by Tampering fault

NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® technical failure tampering
detection faults will cause this fault to occur. The active fault causing this fault needs to be identified and resolved
within the next 36 h of operation to avoid engine de-rate.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 300
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19140-DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. The normal range for concentration of DEF/AdBlue®
fluid is 28.75 - 36.25 %. If the concentration value is outside these limits, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid concen-
tration level is out of range.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level, too high or too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Determine DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level.

Use a refractometer to check the concentration level of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

There should be between 28.75 - 36.25 %.

A. If the concentration is not within range, replace the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

B. If the concentration is within range, continue with Step 2.

2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 301
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19141-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor detects diesel fuel in DEF/AdBlue

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If a contaminant, such as diesel fuel, is sensed,
this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that diesel fuel has been sensed in
the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® fluid, contaminated with diesel fuel.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for DEF/AdBlue® fluid contamination.

Secure a sample of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid from the tank to determine if diesel fuel exists in the tank. .

There should be no diesel fuel.

A. If there is diesel fuel contamination, flush the DEF/AdBlue® tank and replace the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

B. If there is no contamination, continue with Step 2.

2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 302
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19142-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor temperature failure (Different

from DEF/AdBlue level temperature)
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. The ECU A-9000 compares the reported tempera-
ture data to temperature data from the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature
sensor B-9101. If this temperature difference is greater than 20 °C (68 °F), this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 temperature data is not plausible.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104, improperly mounted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 for proper mounting.

Visually check the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 to determine that it is properly installed.

A. If the sensor is not properly installed, reinstall as required.

B. If the sensor is properly installed, continue with Step 2.

2. Check for related tank temperature failures.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of 19095 - DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor
plausibility failure.

A. If fault 19095 - DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility failure is present, resolve fault 19095 -
DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility failure. Then determine if fault 19142 - DEF/AdBlue
quality sensor temperature failure (Different from DEF/AdBlue level temperature) is also resolved.

B. If fault 19095 - DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility failure is not present, continue with Step
3. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 303
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19144-CAN timeout error from DEF/AdBlue quality sensor

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control
Unit (ECU) A-9000 via CAN. If this information is not communicated within the allotted time frame, this ECU A-9000
timeout fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has reported, via the engine sensor CAN bus, that a DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 timeout
of the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 message has occurred.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage, out of required range.

2. Faulty CAN wiring, open or short circuit.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104, hardware or firmware.
4. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 controller supply voltage.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 controller at connector X-9131.

Use a multimeter to check for voltage on the VE harness side:

From To Value
X-9131 pin 3 X-9131 pin 6 There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present, leave connector X-9131 disconnected and continue with Step 3.

B. If the voltage is not present, continue with Step 4.

3. Determine the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 controller CAN circuit.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on the VE harness side:

From To Value
X-9131 pin 4 X-9131 pin 5 There should be 60 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is correct, continue with Step 5.

B. If the measured resistance is not correct, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for other engine ATS (After Treatment System) CAN faults.

Use EST to determine if other ATS CAN faults exist.

A. If other faults do exist, locate and repair the faulted condition.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If no other faults exist, the vehicle (VE) harness wiring is damaged between the ATS devices harness splice
and the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor A-9104 controller connector X-9131 pin 3 and/or X-9131 pin 6, wire
VE-192 and/or VE–187, for supply power and ground or X-9131 pin 5 and/or X-9131 pin 4, wire VE-195 and/or
VE-201C for CAN signal. Locate and repair the damage to the ATS supply power and ground or CAN circuit
5. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DEF/AdBlue® quality sensor
A-9104 unit.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement config-
uration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 305
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19145-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to battery

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the electrical current used to energize the dosing module (valve)
Y-9103. In the event of an excessive current requirement, due to a short circuit, the ECU A-9000 interrupts current
flow to prevent damage and this fault occurs.

The ECU A-9000 detects an over current condition (short circuit to battery) in the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103
solenoid low side control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil, shorted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 low side control circuit wiring, shorted to a voltage source.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.

Place the key switch in the OFF position.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 at connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil:

From To Value
X-9110 pin 1 X-9110 pin 2 There should be between 11.4 -
12.6 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range, leave connector X-9110 disconnected and continue
with Step .3.

B. If there is no resistance ( 0.0 Ω), the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil is shorted, replace the
DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.
3. Check low side driver control wiring for a short to voltage source condition.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side

From To Value
X-9110 pin 1 chassis ground there should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to a voltage source condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector
X-9110 pin 1 and connector X-9001 pin 96, wire VE-113. Locate and repair the damaged conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 307
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19149-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to ground

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue dosing valve Y-9103 low side driver circuit. If
the A-9000 detects a short to ground or open circuit condition in the low side driver circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground or open circuit condition in the Y-9103 low side driver circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9103, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9103 wiring, short to ground or open circuit condition.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9103 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9103 PIN 1 Y-9103 PIN 2 There should be between 11 - 13 Ω.

A. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9103 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9103.

B. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.
3. Check the Y-9103 low side driver circuit for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 96 X-9110 pin 1 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the Y-9103 low side driver circuit , wire VE-113.
Locate and repair the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the Y-9103 low side driver circuit for a short to ground condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

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From To Value
X-9001 pin 96 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 96 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the Y-9103 low side driver circuit, wire VE-113.
Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 309
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19153-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Short circuit to

battery error)
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the sensor determines that an internal failure
such as a short to source voltage exists, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that a short to source voltage exists
internally in the quality sensing circuitry.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 310
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19154-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump temperature is too low to

activate pump
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The supply module pump motor M-9100 control board works initially in temperature measurement mode (to determine
if unfreezing/heat-up is necessary) then switches to pump actuation mode (to build up pressure and prepare to inject).
If the supply module pump motor M-9100 control board does not switch to pump actuation mode after temperature
measurement has been carried out, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pump motor
M-9100 control board did not switch to pump actuation mode .

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module, internal failure.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check DEF/AdBlue® supply module operation.

Use the EST and follow the on-screen instructions to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST).

Follow the UDST-Troubleshooting Guideline to determine the problem.

A. If the UDST identifies a problem, follow the UDST-Troubleshooting Guideline to locate and repair the failure.

B. If the UDST does not identify a problem, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 311
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19156-DEF/AdBlue supply motor severe speed deviation

The supply module pump motor M-9100 control board monitors pump speed according to Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM) request. If an excessive current situation occurs and the supply module pump motor M-9100 is restarted
more than five times in the same driving cycle (key cycle), this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has restarted the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module pump motor M-9100
more than five times due to an over-current condition.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system supply module, internal failure.


1. Check DEF/AdBlue® supply module operation.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) and follow the on-screen instructions to perform the Urea Dosing System
Test (UDST).

Follow the UDST-Trouble-shooting Guideline to determine the problem.

A. If the UDST identifies a problem, follow the UDST-Trouble-shooting Guideline to repair the failure.

B. If the UDST does not identify a problem, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if
NOTE: Cold ambient (frozen DEF/AdBlue®) or extended period of non-use (crystalization) condition may be pre-
venting pump motor operation.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 312
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19158-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Short circuit to

ground error)
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the sensor determines that an internal failure
such as a short to ground exists, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that a short to ground exists internally
in the quality sensing circuitry.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 313
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19159-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration

value is higher than expected)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. The normal range for concentration of DEF/AdBlue®
fluid is 28.75 - 36.25 %. If the concentration value is significantly outside the high limit, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid concen-
tration level is higher than expected.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level, too high.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Determine DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level.

Use a refractometer to check the concentration level of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

There should be between 28.75 - 36.25 %.

A. If the concentration is not within range, replace the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

B. If the concentration is within range, continue with Step 2.

2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 314
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19160-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Concentration

value is lower than expected)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. The normal range for concentration of DEF/AdBlue®
fluid is 28.75 - 36.25 %. If the concentration value is significantly outside the low limit, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid concen-
tration level is lower than expected.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level, too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Determine DEF/AdBlue® fluid concentration level.

Use a refractometer to check the concentration level of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

There should be between 28.75 - 36.25 %.

A. If the concentration is not within range, replace the DEF/AdBlue® fluid.

B. If the concentration is within range, continue with Step 2.

2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 315
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19161-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Internal fault)

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If an internal sensor system error is detected, this
fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that it has an internal sensor system

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 316
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19165-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature

sensor circuit short to battery)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If an internal sensor failure, temperature sensing
circuitry short to source voltage, is detected, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that it has an internal sensor failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 317
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19166-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature

sensor circuit short to ground)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If an internal sensor failure, temperature sensing
circuitry short to ground, is detected, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that it has an internal sensor failure.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 318
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19167-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature

sensor value is higher than expected)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If a self-diagnostic fault check indicates the tem-
perature signal to be out of range (maximum threshold), this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temper-
ature is higher than expected.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature, too high.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature fault.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausi-
bility max threshold.

A. If fault DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility max threshold is present, resolve fault DEF/AdBlue
tank temperature sensor plausibility max threshold. Then check to see that fault 19167 - DEF/AdBlue quality
sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor value is higher than expected) is also resolved.

B. If fault DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility max threshold is not present, continue with Step 2.
2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 319
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19168-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature

sensor value is lower than expected)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the temperature value is significantly outside the
low limit, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that the DEF/AdBlue® fluid temper-
ature is lower than expected.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature, too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for DEF/AdBlue® fluid temperature fault.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check for the presence of DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausi-
bility min threshold.

A. If fault DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility min threshold is present, resolve fault DEF/AdBlue
tank temperature sensor plausibility min threshold. Then check to see that fault 19168 - DEF/AdBlue quality
sensor internal failure (Temperature sensor value is lower than expected) is also resolved.

B. If fault DEF/AdBlue tank temperature sensor plausibility min threshold is not present, continue with Step 2.
2. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 320
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19168-DEF/AdBlue quality sensor internal failure (Temperature

sensor value is lower than expected)
The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has internal monitoring for operating conditions and reports status
along with sensed data to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If an internal sensor system error is detected, this
fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 has reported to the ECU A-9000 that it has an internal sensor system

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104 hardware or firmware.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. As there is no method for field testing, replace the DEF/AdBlue® urea quality sensor A-9104.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 321
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19173-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to battery

in high side failure
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the electrical current used to energize the DEF/AdBlue® dosing
module (valve) Y-9103. If the ECU A-9000 internal sensing circuit does not sense current flow when it is requested,
the ECU A-9000 interrupts the current flow circuit and this fault occurs.

The ECU A-9000 detects a short to high source (battery voltage) or open circuit condition in the dosing module (valve)
Y-9103 high side driver control circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil, open.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 high side control circuit wiring, shorted to a voltage source or open.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 at connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil:

From To Value
X-9110 pin 1 X-9110 pin 2 There should be between 11.4 -
12.6 Ω.

A. If the measured resistance is within the specified range, leave connector X-9110 disconnected and continue
with Step .3.

B. If there is infinite resistance, the DEF/AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil is open, replace the DEF/
AdBlue® dosing module Y-9103.
3. Check high side driver control wiring for a short to voltage source condition.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

With the key switch in the ON position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side

From To Value
X-9110 pin 2 chassis ground there should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to a voltage source condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector
X-9110 pin 2 and connector X-9001 pin 23 , wire VE-114. Locate and repair the damaged conductors.

B. If there is no voltage, continue with Step .4.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 322
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

4. Check high side driver control wiring for an open circuit condition.

Place the key switch in the OFF position.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Install a jumper wire from the vehicle (VE) harness side of the ECU A-9000 connector X-9001 pin 23 to chassis

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side from:

From To Value
X-9110 pin 2 chassis ground there should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9110 pin
2 and connector X-9001 pin 23 , wire VE-114. Locate and repair the broken conductor.

B. If there is continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 323
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19174-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit in high side

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator Y-9103 circuit. The dosing
is valve is actuated by a high side and low side driver to achieve the best possible control over the valve. If the A-9000
detects a short circuit in the high side driver circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short circuit in the Y-9103 high side driver circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9103, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9103 wiring, short circuit condition.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check for the following related faults:

19081 - DEF/AdBlue dosing valve actuator short circuit to ground in high side failure

A. If the listed fault is active, diagnose it first and then return to this fault, 19174 - DEF/AdBlue dosing valve
actuator short circuit in high side failure.

B. If the listed fault is not active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the Y-9103 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9103 PIN 1 Y-9103 PIN 2 There should be between 11 - 13 Ω

A. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9103 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9103.

B. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 4.
4. Check the Y-9103 high side driver circuit for a circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 23 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 23 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If there is continuity, there is short circuit condition in the Y-9103 high side driver circuit, wire VE-114. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 5.

5. Check the Y-9103 high side driver circuit for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 23 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9103 high side driver circuit, wire VE-114. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 325
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19179-Downstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is higher

than the limit
Self diagnosis is requested and performed during ECU A-9000 afterrun, as long as the SCR downstream NOx sensor
A-91NN reached dew point, the engine is stopped, and self diagnosis is not inhibited by another failure. If the value
resulting from self diagnosis is above high limit (greater than 140 %), this fault will occur.

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-91NN has too high positive drift.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty SCR downstream NOx sensor A-91NN, hardware or firmware.


1. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the SCR downstream NOx sensor

Then use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Replacement of NOx Downstream Sensor - Reset ECU
Data configuration.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-90NN for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 326
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19180-Downstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is lower than

the limit
Self diagnosis is requested and performed during Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 afterrun, as long as the SCR
downstream NOx sensor A-9102 reached dew point, the engine is stopped, and self diagnosis is not inhibited by
another failure. If the value resulting from self diagnosis is below low limit (less than 75 %), this fault will occur.

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 has too high negative drift.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102, hardware or firmware.


1. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the SCR downstream NOx sensor

Then use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Replacement of NOx Downstream Sensor - Reset ECU
Data configuration.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement config-
uration, then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 327
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19187-Upstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is higher than

the limit
Self diagnosis is requested and performed during Engine Control Module (ECU) A-9000 afterrun, as long as the DOC
upstream NOx sensor A-9103 reached dew point, the engine is stopped, and self diagnosis is not inhibited by another
failure. If the value resulting from self diagnosis is above high limit (greater than 140 %), this fault will occur.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has too high positive drift.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-91NN, hardware or firmware.


1. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Replacement of NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU
Data configuration.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 328
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19188-Upstream NOx sensor self-diagnosis result is lower than

the limit
Self diagnosis is requested and performed during Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 afterrun, as long as the DOC
upstream NOx sensor A-9103 reached dew point, the engine is stopped, and self diagnosis is not inhibited by another
failure. If the value resulting from self diagnosis is below low limit (less than 75 %), this fault will occur.

The DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103 has too high negative drift.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DOC upstream NOx sensor A-9103, hardware or firmware.


1. As there is no method for field testing or re-flashing the sensor controller, replace the DOC upstream NOx sensor

Then use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Replacement of NOx Upstream Sensor - Reset ECU
Data configuration.

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 329
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19225-CAN C Bus off passive failure

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 is capable of connecting to and communicating on three separate Controller
Area Networks (CAN). Proper configuration and monitoring of the three twisted pair configured networks is also a
function of the ECU A-9000. CAN Node C Bus is the main engine interface bus. The ECU A-9000 provides a CAN
termination resistor for the CAN Node C Bus, internal to the ECU A-9000. If the ECU A-9000 senses that CAN Node
C Bus is not functioning properly, this fault will occur.

ECU A-9000 has sensed a “Bus Off” state to be present at CAN Node C.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty supply voltage or ground, missing.

2. Faulty CAN circuit wiring, open circuit, short to ground, or short circuit.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, termination resistor or software.


1. Verify fault is present and in active state.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or is in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check for other vehicle CAN faults.

Use the EST to determine if other engine CAN faults exist.

A. If other engine CAN faults do exist, resolve the engine CAN faults, then check to see that 3263 - CAN C Bus
off failure is also resolved.

B. If other engine CAN faults do not exist, continue with Step 3.

3. Check the ECU A-9000 supply voltage.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

With the key switch in the “ON” position, use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 1 chassis ground There should be 12.0 V .
X-9001 pin 25 chassis ground There should be 12.0 V .
X-9001 pin 26 chassis ground There should be 12.0 V .
X-9001 pin 49 chassis ground There should be 12.0 V .
X-9001 pin 73 chassis ground There should be 12.0 V .

A. If the voltage is present on all of the checks, leave connector X-9001 disconnected and continue with Step 4.

B. If the voltage is not present for one or more of the checks, refer to the appropriate vehicle service manual and
electrical schematics to locate and restore supply power to the ECU A-9000.
4. Check the ECU A-9000 grounding.

With the key switch in the “OFF” position, use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 3 chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 5 chassis ground There should be continuity.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 330
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

From To Value
X-9001 pin 28 chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 52 chassis ground There should be continuity.
X-9001 pin 75 chassis ground There should be continuity.

A. If there is continuity on all of the checks, continue with Step 5.

B. If there is no continuity for one or more of the checks, refer to the appropriate vehicle service manual and
electrical schematics to locate and restore the grounding circuit to the ECU A-9000.
5. Determine the condition of the ECU A-9000 CAN C circuit.

Disconnect the engine (EN) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9002.

With the key switch in the “OFF” position, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN connection on
the engine (EN) harness side:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 17 X-9002 pin 18 There should be 120 Ω.
X-9002 pin 17 chassis ground There should not be continuity
X-9002 pin 18 chassis ground There should not be continuity

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the CAN C termination resistor, internal to the ECU A-9000:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 17 X-9002 pin 18 There should be 120 Ω.

A. If the measured resistances are correct and neither conductor is grounded, check the ECU A-9000 for the
appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

B. If the measured resistances are not correct or one or both of the conductors is grounded, refer to the appropriate
vehicle service manual and electrical schematics to locate and restore the termination resistance to the CAN
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 04 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.04)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 331
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19240-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage

is higher than expected
The High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) downstream coolant temperature sensor B-9012 voltage is monitored by the
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the voltage is greater than 4.90 V for a period greater than 500 mV, this fault
will occur.

The ECU has detected a value greater than 4.90 V for a period greater than 500 mV in the B-9012 temperature signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012 temperature signal wire, shorted to a high source or open circuit.
2. Faulty B-9012,coil.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the B-9012 temperature signal wire for an open circuit.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage test:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 38 X-9028 pin 2 There should be continuity.

A. If there is continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is no continuity, there an open circuit in the temperature sensor signal circuit, wire EN-611. Locate and
repair the broken conductor.
3. Check the B-9012 temperature signal wire for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 38 X-9002 pin 34 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to high source circuit in the B-9012 temperature signal wire circuit, wire
EN-611. Locate and replace the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the B-9012.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Use the EST to verify that 19240 - High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage is higher
than expected has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 333
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19241-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage

is lower than expected
The High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) downstream coolant temperature sensor B-9012 signal circuit voltage is moni-
tored by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the voltage is less than 200 mV for a period greater than 500 ms,
this fault will occur.

The ECU has detected a value less than 200 mV for a period greater than 500 ms in the B-9012 temperature signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012, internal failure.

2. Faulty B-9012 temperature signal wire, shorted to ground.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the B-9012 temperature signal wire for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

Disconnect connector X-9002 from the A-9000.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 38 Ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 X-9002 pin 40 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the temperature signal circuit, wire EN-611. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9012.

Use the EST to verify that 19241 - High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor voltage is lower than
expected has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 335
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19262-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator short circuit to battery

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue tank heating valve Y-9102 circuit. If the A-9000
detects a short to battery power condition in the Y-9102 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery power condition in the Y-9102 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9102, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9102 wiring.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9102 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9112.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9102 PIN 1 Y-9102 PIN 3 There should be between 11 - 16 Ω.

A. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9102 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9102.
3. Check the Y-9102 for a short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 72 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the Y-9102 for a short to key battery power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

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From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19264-DEF/AdBlue tank heater actuator open load failure

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/AdBlue tank heating valve Y-9102 circuit. If the A-9000
detects an open circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected an open circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9102, internal failure.

2. Faulty Y-9102 wiring.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9102 for an internal failure.

Disconnect connector X-9112.

Use a multimeter to perform the following resistance check:

From To Value
Y-9102 PIN 1 Y-9102 PIN 3 There should be between 11 - 16 Ω.

A. If the value is within the specified range, leave the connector disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If the value is not within the specified range, the Y-9102 has failed internally. Replace the Y-9102.
3. Check the Y-9102 for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 72 X-9112 pin 3 There should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the Y-9102 circuit, wire VE-120. Locate and repair
the shorted conductor.

B. If there is continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 02 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.02)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19323-External engine shutdown request received

This fault is for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the, external to the Engine
Control Unit (ECU) A-9000, request for engine shutdown.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19336-DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

After the DEF/AdBlue® pressure has stabilized 8.5 - 9.5 bar (123.2 - 137.8 psi) the Dosing module Y-9103 is en-
ergized for 1.0 s. If the sensed pressure provided by the supply module pressure sensor B-9100 exceeds 8.5 bar
(123.2 psi) while the dosing module Y-9103 solenoid is energized (valve open) and the maximum number of heating
cycles has been reached, this fault will occur. If the maximum number of heating cycles has not been reached, an
additional heating cycle will be performed.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 is sensing a pressure greater than 8.5 bar (123.2 psi) while the Dosing module
Y-9103 solenoid is energized.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system pressure lines (tubing), restricted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® heating system, ineffective.
3. Faulty dosing module Y-9103 solenoid valve, restricted or damaged.
4. Faulty supply module, restricted or damaged.
5. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for freezing, blockage, or damage to DEF/AdBlue® system pressure lines (tubing).

Visually and tactually inspect the system pressure lines for blockage and damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace the affected line (tube).

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 2.

2. Check operation of the engine coolant heating system lines (tubing).

Visually and tactually inspect the heating system lines to determine that the system is providing sufficient heating.

There should be adequate heating.

A. If ineffective heating is found, locate and repair the heating problem.

B. If adequate heating is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that fault 19336 - DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure has been resolved.

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A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with 4.

4. Check for dosing module Y-9103 fault.

Use the EST to determine the status of fault 19817 - DEF/AdBlue dosing valve is blocked.

A. If the fault is present and/or active, resolve fault 19817 - DEF/AdBlue dosing valve is blocked. Then check
to see that fault 19336 - DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure is also resolved.

B. If the fault is not present and inactive, continue with Step 5.

5. Replace the dosing module Y-9103.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see if fault 19336 - DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 6.

6. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see if fault 19336 - DEF/AdBlue general pressure check failure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19337-DEF/AdBlue dosing system backflow line pressure too high

plausibility failure
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 checks the backflow line and backflow connector for blockages. If a frozen or
otherwise blocked backflow line or backflow connector is detected, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has determined that a high pressure condition exists in the backflow line (tube) portion of the DEF/
AdBlue® system.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® backflow line (tube), restricted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® connector (throttle), restricted.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system heater, ineffective.


1. Check DEF/AdBlue® system backflow line (tube).

Visually and tactually inspect the supply module to tank backflow line for blockage or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If any blockage or damage is found, replace or repair as required.

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 2.

2. Check DEF/AdBlue® supply module backflow connector (throttle).

Visually inspect the supply module backflow connector (throttle) for blockage or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If any blockage or damage is found, replace or repair as required.

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check DEF/AdBlue® supply module backflow line (tube) and connector (throttle) for freezing.

Visually and tactually inspect the supply module backflow line (tube) and connector (throttle) for blockage due to

There should be no blockage.

A. If any blockage due to freezing is found, the DEF/AdBlue® heating system is deficient, locate and repair or
replace, as required, the heating system deficiency.

B. If no blockage due to freezing is found, continue with Step 4.

4. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® supply module.

Check to see that this fault has been resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

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B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19356-Downstream NOx sensor signal and NH3 sensor signal

plausibility check failure
The NH3 control unit A-9101 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control Unit (ECU)
A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). The NH3 sensor B-9110 senses both NH3 and NOx. If the NOx signal is
smaller than the NH3 signal, this fault will occur.

The NH3 control unit A-9101 has reported via CAN to the ECU A-9000 that the NOx and/or NH3 signal is not plausible.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty NH3 sensor B-9110, drifted or defective.

2. Faulty NH3 control unit A-9101, hardware or firmware.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. As there is no method for field testing the temperature sensing portion of the sensor, replace the NH3 sensor

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method of field testing or re-flashing the NH3 control unit A-9101, replace the NH3 control unit

Then check to see that the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19407-Low coolant pressure at inlet of main coolant pump

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the primary cooling system pressure by monitoring the water
pump inlet pressure sensor B–9011. If the A-9000 determines that the primary cooling system pressure is lower than
expected based on engine speed and coolant temperature, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has determined that engine coolant pressure is too low.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty cooling system, leakage.

2. Faulty expansion tank cap, missing or loose.
3. Faulty coolant, level low.
4. Faulty water pump.
5. Faulty water pump inlet pressure sensor B-9011.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19409-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor plausibility

check low failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) outlet pressure sensor B-9012
value for plausibility. If the A-9000 determines that the pressure value is too low based on engine speed and air
temperature, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 determined that the pressure value is too low based on engine speed and air temperature.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012, wiring or internal failure.

2. Faulty cooling system, low coolant or low pressure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active. Go
to Step 6.
2. Check the following related faults:

19901 - High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage lower than expected

A. If the fault is active, diagnose it first and then return to this fault, 19409 - High pressure intercooler outlet
pressure sensor plausibility check low failure.

B. If the fault is not active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the B-9012 pressure signal wire for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

Disconnect connector X-9002 from the ECU A-9000.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 15 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 X-9002 pin 40 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the temperature signal circuit, wire EN-609. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the cooling system for proper operation.

Check coolant for the appropriate level.

Check the secondary cooling system cap pressure.

Pressure test the secondary cooling system to identify any leakage.

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A. If any failures are found, repair the cooling system as necessary.

B. If no failures are found, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the B-9012.

Use the EST to verify that 19409 - High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor plausibility check low
failure has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, inspect the engine cooling system for appropriate functioning and the ap-
propriate coolant level and repair as necessary. If no faults are found, check the A-9000 for the appropriate
software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19410-High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor

plausibility failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) outlet temperature sensor
B-9012. If the A-9000 detects a plausibility failure from the B-9012, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a plausibility failure from the B-9012.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012, wiring or internal failure.

2. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the B-9012 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 38 X-9002 pin 34 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 X-9002 pin 15 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 X-9002 pin 40 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 38 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the B-9012 wiring. Locate and repair the shorted con-

B. If there is no continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

3. Check the B-9012 wiring.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 38 Chassis ground. There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short circuit to key battery power in the B-9012 wiring. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the B-9012.

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Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19410 - High pressure intercooler outlet temperature sensor
plausibility failure.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19415-Remaining DEF/AdBlue is below the empty threshold

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the level of
the fluid becomes 0.0 % of full (empty), this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal to the ECU A-9000 is 0.0 % of full.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® tank fluid level, too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, failed internally.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Fill the DEF/AdBlue® tank to the appropriate level.

Then check to see that this fault has been resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset /
Unlock Inducement configuration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, continue with Step 2.

2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9101 pin 2 There should be greater than
12,000 Ω .

A. If the measured resistance is greater than 12,000 Ω, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and
re-flash, if necessary.

B. If the measured resistance is less than 12,000 Ω, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101
has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit.
NOTE: Once the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 has been removed, inspect the appa-
ratus to determine if the filler spout magnet broke free of its mounting and became lodged causing a false reading.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19422-Downstream NOx sensor signal is stuck at a constant value

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 is required to report information at regular intervals to the Engine Control
Unit (ECU) A-9000 via Controller Area Network (CAN). If the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 signal, during
engine operation, does not vary sufficiently, this fault will occur.

The SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 has reported, via Controller Area Network (CAN), to the ECU A-9000 that
the expected signal dynamic is not being sensed.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102, incorrectly / improperly installed (signal is not changing).


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 3.
2. Determine proper installation of the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102.

Remove and reinstall, if necessary, the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102 to assure that it is properly aligned
and securely installed.

Then check to see if the fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 3.

3. As there is no method for flashing or field testing the SCR downstream NOx sensor A-9102, replace the sensor.

Then use EST to perform the Replacement of the NOx Downstream Sensor - Reset ECU Data configuration.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19431-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

battery and low side driver circuit short to ground failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine compression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to battery
and short to ground condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit and a
short to ground condition in the Y-9007 low side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit and a short to ground condition
in the Y-9007 low side circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to battery condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007 low side wiring, short to ground condition.
3. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
4. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 3.
2. Check for the following possible related faults:

19432 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery failure

3353 - Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to ground failure

A. If any of the listed faults are active or are not active, troubleshoot them first and then return to 19431 - Engine
compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery and low side driver circuit short to ground

B. If no resolution can be made from diagnosing these faults, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software
and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19431-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

battery and low side driver circuit short to ground failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine compression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to battery
and short to ground condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit and a
short to ground condition in the Y-9007 low side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit and a short to ground condition
in the Y-9007 low side circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to battery condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007 low side wiring, short to ground condition.
3. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
4. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 3.
2. Check for the following possible related faults:

19432 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery failure

3353 - Engine compression brake low side driver circuit short to ground failure

A. If any of the listed faults are active or are not active, troubleshoot them first and then return to 19431 - Engine
compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery and low side driver circuit short to ground

B. If no resolution can be made from diagnosing these faults, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software
and re-flash, if necessary.
3. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19432-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

battery failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine compression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to battery
condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 circuit, high side.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to battery condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 6.
2. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to battery condition.

Disconnect connector X-9017.

Disconnect connector X-9183.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check from the component side of connector X-9183:

From To Value
X-9183 pin 16 All pins in connector X-9183 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is continuity, there is a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-245. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
3. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to battery condition.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check from the engine side of connector X-9183:

From To Value
X-9183 pin 16 All pins in connector X-9183 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 95 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, leave all connectors disconnected and continue to Step 4.

B. If there is continuity, there is a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-031. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
4. Check the Y-9007 low side circuit for a short to key power condition.

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The must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
Engine side of connector X-9183 pin Chassis ground There should be no voltage.
Component side of connector X-9183 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.
pin 12

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to high source condition in the Y-9007 low side circuit. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the Y-9007.

Use the EST to verify the status of 19432 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 06 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.06)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 356
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19432-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

battery failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine compression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to battery
condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 circuit, high side.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to battery condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to battery condition.

Disconnect connector X-9017.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 95 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is continuity, there is a short to battery condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-031. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
3. Check the Y-9007 for a short to key power condition.

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 95 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is short to key power condition in the Y-9007 signal circuit. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the Y-9007.

Use the EST to verify the status of 19432 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to battery

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A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 06 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.06)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19433-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

ground failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine decompression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to
ground condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to ground in the Y-9007 high side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground condition in the Y-9007 circuit, high side.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to ground condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 5.
2. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9017.

Disconnect connector X-9183.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check from the component side of connector X-9183:

From To Value
X-9183 pin 16 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9183 pin 16 X-9183 pin 12 There should be no continuity.
X-9183 pin 16 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-245. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
3. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check from the engine side of connector X-9183:

From To Value
X-9183 pin 16 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9183 pin 16 X-9183 pin 12 There should be no continuity.
X-9183 pin 16 All other pins There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 95 All pins connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

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B. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-031. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
4. Replace the Y-9007.

Use the EST to verify the status of 19433 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to ground

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 06 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.06)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19433-Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to

ground failure
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the engine compression valve Y-9007 circuit for a short to ground
condition. If the A-9000 detects a short to ground in the Y-9007 high side circuit, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a short to ground condition in the Y-9007 circuit, high side.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty Y-9007 high side wiring, short to ground condition.

2. Faulty Y-9007, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify that the fault code is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue to Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue to Step 4.
2. Check the Y-9007 high side circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9017.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 95 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 95 All other pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

B. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the Y-9007 high side circuit, wire EN-031. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.
3. Replace the Y-9007.

Use the EST to verify the status of 19433 - Engine compression brake high side driver circuit short to ground

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 06 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.06)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19434-ECU internal failure EEPROM erase error

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has the capability of reading and writing values to flash or EEPROM. The
A-9000 monitors the reading and writing capability of this function. If the A-9000 determines that flash memory can
not be performed, this fault will occur.


1. Check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, escalate an ASIST concern.

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19435-ECU internal failure - EEPROM read error

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has the capability of reading and writing values to flash or EEPROM. The
A-9000 monitors the reading and writing capability of this function. If the A-9000 determines that at least three memory
blocks can not be read during this monitoring, this fault will occur.


1. Check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, escalate an ASIST concern.

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19436-ECU internal failure - EEPROM write error

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has the capability of reading and writing values to flash or EEPROM. The
A-9000 monitors the reading and writing capability of this function. If the A-9000 determines that if one memory block
can not be written at least three times during this monitoring, this fault will occur.


1. Check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, escalate an ASIST concern.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19461-Overboost failure in engine brake mode

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors boost pressure using the intake boost pressure sensor B-9001
during engine brake mode. If the A-9000 determines that boost pressure is higher than expected based on engine
speed and ambient pressure.

Boost pressure is higher than expected in engine brake mode.

Possible failure modes:

1. operating in extreme environmental ambient pressure.

2. Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuator sticking or blocked. (If equipped)
3. EVGT linkage disconnected or damaged. (If equipped)
4. Faulty turbocharger wastegate or linkage. (If equipped)
5. Faulty B-9001, wiring or internal failure.
6. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Use the EST to check for the following related faults:

3019 - Intake manifold pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected

A. If the fault is active, diagnose it first and then return to this fault, 19461 - Overboost failure in engine brake

B. If the fault is not active, continue to Step 3.

3. Visually inspect the Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuation (If equipped). Verify that the
EVGT mechanism and linkage is properly attached and is not restricted or blocked in any way.

Visually inspect the turbocharger wastegate (If equipped). Verify that the linkage is not damaged or disconnected.

Verify that the machine is not being operated in extreme ambient pressure condition which may have triggered
this fault to occur.

A. If any failures are found, repair as necessary.

B. If there are no failures found, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9001 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

Disconnect connector X-9003.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

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From To Value
X-9002 pin 86 X-9003 pin 4 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 86 X-9002 pin 7 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 86 X-9002 pin 90 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 86 All other pins There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 86 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 86 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 5.

B. If the specified values are not measured, Locate and repair the faulty conductor.
5. Replace the B-9001.

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19461 - Overboost failure in engine brake mode.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, continue to Step 6.

6. Replace turbocharger wastegate (if equipped) or replace EVGT (if equipped).

Use the EST to verify the status of this fault, 19461 - Overboost failure in engine brake mode.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 367
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19462-Turbine over speed detected

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors turbine speed for an over speed condition using the turbine
speed sensor B-9015 to protect turbocharger integrity. If the A-9000 determines that the turbine speed has exceeded
127000 RPM at least once and then greater 120000 RPM, after the initial detection, this fault will occur.

Turbine speed has exceeded 127000 RPM.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty air filter, clogged or restricted.

2. High exhaust back pressure.
3. Faulty Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT). Actuator is stuck, blocked or linkage is disconnected
or blocked.
4. Faulty B-9015, wiring or internal failure.
5. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check the air filter for a clogged or restricted condition.

A. If the air filter is clogged or restricted, repair or replace the air filter as necessary.

B. If no faults can be found in the air induction side of the turbocharger, continue to Step 3.
3. Visually inspect the Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuation. Verify that the EVGT mecha-
nism and linkage is properly attached and is not restricted or blocked in any way.

A. If any faults are found, repair as necessary.

B. If there are no EVGT faults found, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9015 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

Disconnect connector X-9015.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 93 X-9015 pin 1 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 X-9002 pin 94 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the B-9015 wiring. Locate and repair the faulty

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If the specified values are measured, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 5.
5. Check the B-9015 wiring.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 94 X-9015 pin 2 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 X-9002 pin 93 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the B-9015 wiring. Locate and repair the faulty

B. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 6.

6. Replace the Turbocharger.

Use the EST to verify that the status of this fault, 19462 - Turbine over speed detected.

A. If the status of this fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the status of this fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash,
if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19463-Turbine irreversible over speed detected

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors turbine speed for an over speed condition using the turbine
speed sensor B-9015 to protect turbocharger integrity. If the A-9000 determines that the turbine speed has exceeded
120000 RPM, this fault will occur.

Turbine speed has exceeded 120000 RPM.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty air filter, clogged or restricted.

2. High exhaust back pressure.
3. Faulty Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT). Actuator is stuck, blocked or linkage is disconnected
or blocked.
4. Faulty B-9015, wiring or internal failure.
5. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check the air filter for a clogged or restricted condition.

A. If the air filter is clogged or restricted, repair or replace the air filter as necessary.

B. If no faults can be found in the air induction side of the turbocharger, continue to Step 3.
3. Visually inspect the Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuation. Verify that the EVGT mecha-
nism and linkage is properly attached and is not restricted or blocked in any way.

A. If any faults are found, repair as necessary.

B. If there are no EVGT faults found, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9015 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

Disconnect connector X-9015.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 93 X-9015 pin 1 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 X-9002 pin 94 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the B-9015 wiring. Locate and repair the faulty

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If the specified values are measured, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 5.
5. Check the B-9015 wiring.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 94 X-9015 pin 2 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 X-9002 pin 93 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the B-9015 wiring. Locate and repair the faulty

B. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 6.

6. Replace the Turbocharger.

Use the EST to verify that the status of this fault, 19463 - Turbine irreversible over speed detected.

A. If the status of this fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the status of this fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash,
if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19496-Monitoring of over pressure

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

If during DEF/AdBlue® system normal operation or purging the pressure exceeds 12.50 bar (181.25 psi) this fault
will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that the pressure in the DEF/AdBlue® system is too high.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system pressure or back flow line (tube), restricted.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system filter in supply module back flow connector, restricted.
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system throttle in supply module back flow connector, restricted.
4. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system non-return-valve in supply module back flow connector, does not open.
5. Faulty supply module, pump defective.
6. Faulty supply module, pressure sensor defective.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check for blockage or damage in the DEF/AdBlue® system pressure or back flow line (tube).

Visually and tactually inspect the system pressure and back flow lines for restrictions and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace the line (tube).

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module back flow connector contents.

Visually and tactually inspect the filter, throttle, and non-return-valve internal to the supply module back flow con-
nector for restrictions and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace as needed.

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for related DEF/AdBlue® system faults.

Use EST to determine if fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is
higher than expected or 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is
currently active.

A. If either fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than ex-
pected or fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is present,

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

resolve fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than
expected and/or fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure.
Then determine if fault 19496 - Monitoring of over pressure is also resolved.

B. If neither fault 19047 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor pressure sensor voltage is higher than
expected nor fault 19111 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to ground failure is
present, continue with Step 5.
5. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the EST to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the one screen instructions.

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then verify that the fault has been resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configura-
tion. Then return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with Step 6.

6. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then check to see if fault 19496 - Monitoring of over pressure is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 373
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19524-DEF/AdBlue temperature sensor voltage is higher than

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the DEF/
AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature sensing signal is greater than 4.70 V, this fault will

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal to the ECU A-9000 is greater than
4.70 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, damaged internally.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal wiring, open or shorted to a high
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 3 X-9101 pin 2 There should be 25.56 - 23342.00 Ω

A. If the resistance is within the specified range, leave connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step .3.

B. If the resistance outside the specified range, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 has
failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit. .
3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for an open
circuit condition.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness from:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 3 X-9001 pin 8 there should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9001
pin 8 and connector X-9101 pin 3, wire VE-119. Locate and repair the broken conductor.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If there is continuity, leave connector X-9001 and connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step 4.
4. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for a short
to high source condition.

Place the key switch in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side from:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 8 chassis ground there should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to a voltage source condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector
X-9001 pin 8 and connector X-9101 pin 3, wire VE-119. Locate and repair the damaged conductors.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 375
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19525-DEF/AdBlue temperature sensor voltage is lower than

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the ECU
A-9000 senses that the temperature signal from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 is less
than 0.35 V, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal to the ECU A-9000 is less than
0.35 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, damaged internally.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 signal wiring, grounded.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 3 X-9101 pin 2 There should be between 25.56 -
23342.00 Ω

A. If the resistance is within the specified range, leave connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step .3.

B. If the resistance is not within the specified range, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101
has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit.
3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for a short
to ground condition.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side from:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 8 chassis ground there should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 8 all other pins on connector X-9001 there should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9001
pin 8 and connector X-9101 pin 3, wire VE-119. Locate and repair the grounded conductor.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 377
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19532-DEF/AdBlue pressure did not drop when system was

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

Once the DEF/AdBlue® system evacuation has begun, if the pressure does not drop down to 0.25 bar (3.62 psi)
within 40.0 s, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that the DEF/AdBlue® system was not evacuated properly,
as system pressure remained above 0.25 bar (3.62 psi).

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system back flow line (tube), restriction.

2. Faulty supply module reverting (reversing) valve Y-9100, blocked (stuck) closed.
3. Faulty supply module pressure sensor B-9100, values too high.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check for blockage in DEF/AdBlue® system.

Visually and tactually inspect the system back flow line (tube) for blockage and/or damage.

There should be no blockage or damage.

A. If blockage or damage is found, repair or replace the line (tube).

B. If no blockage or damage is found, continue with Step 3.

3. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see if this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 379
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19550-DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

If the DEF/AdBlue® system pressure does not reach 6.50 bar (94.25 psi) within 60.0 s after ten pressure build up
cycles, this fault will occur.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has determined that a low pressure condition exists in the DEF/AdBlue®

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level, too low a fluid level (suction of air).
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system, leakage (external and/or internal).
3. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® system filters or lines (tubes), restricted.
4. Faulty dosing module Y-9103, blocked (stuck) open.
5. Faulty supply module, pump M-9100 not delivering enough, reverting valve Y-9100 blocked (stuck) open, or pres-
sure sensor B-9100 values too low.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 8.
2. Check fluid level in DEF/AdBlue® system supply tank.

As air in the DEF/AdBlue® system will cause the pressure level to decrease, visually check the fluid level in the
supply tank.

There should be an adequate level of fluid.

A. If a less than adequate level is found, fill the DEF/AdBlue® system supply tank to an acceptable level.

B. If an adequate level is found, continue with Step 3.

3. Check for leakage or damage and/or blockage in DEF/AdBlue® system.

Visually and tactually inspect the system filters and suction, pressure and back flow lines (tubes) for leakage and/or

There should be no leakage or damage.

A. If leakage or damage is found, repair or replace the filter and/or line (tube).

B. If no leakage or damage is found, continue with Step 4.

4. Check for internal tank leakage and air introduction.

Use a separate DEF/AdBlue® source and clear tubing for testing purposes.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

During normal operation determine if pressure builds and watch for air being introduced into system.

A. If pressure builds and no air is being introduced, the DEF/AdBlue® tank has failed internally. Locate and repair
or replace the tank.

B. If pressure does not build or air is visible in system, continue with Step 5.
5. Check for leakage in the dosing module Y-9103.

Visually inspect or test the dosing module Y-9103 for external or internal leakage and/or internal leak-through

There should be no leakage or damage.

A. If leakage or damage is found, repair or replace the dosing module Y-9103.

B. If no leakage or damage is found, continue with Step 5.

6. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that fault 19550 - DEF/AdBlue system unable to build sufficient pressure for dosing has been

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, continue with 6.

7. As the components internal to the DEF/AdBlue® system supply module are not serviceable, replace the supply

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
8. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 381
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19559-DEF/AdBlue level too low warning is active - Stage 1

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the level of
the fluid falls below 10 % of full, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal to the ECU A-9000 is less than 10 % of full.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® tank fluid level, too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, failed internally.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Fill the DEF/AdBlue® tank to the appropriate level.

Then check to see that this fault has been resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, use the Electronic Service Tool (EST), to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset /
Unlock Inducement configuration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, continue with Step 2.

2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9101 pin 2 There should be greater than
12,000 Ω .

A. If the measured resistance is greater than 12,000 Ω, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and
re-flash, if necessary.

B. If the measured resistance is less than 12,000 Ω, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101
has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit.
NOTE: Once the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 has been removed, inspect the appa-
ratus to determine if the filler spout magnet broke free of its mounting and became lodged causing a false reading.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19568-DEF/AdBlue level too low warning is active - Stage 2

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the level of
the fluid falls below 5 % of full, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal to the ECU A-9000 is less than 5 % of full.

Possible failure modes:

1. DEF/AdBlue® tank fluid level, too low.

2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, failed internally.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Fill the DEF/AdBlue® tank to the appropriate level.

Then check to see that this fault has been resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset /
Unlock Inducement configuration. Then return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, continue with Step 2.

2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9101 pin 2 There should be greater than
12,000 Ω .

A. If the measured resistance is greater than 12,000 Ω, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and
re-flash, if necessary.

B. If the measured resistance is less than 12,000 Ω, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101
has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit.
NOTE: Once the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 has been removed, inspect the appa-
ratus to determine if the filler spout magnet broke free of its mounting and became lodged causing a false reading.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 383
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19650-DEF/AdBlue tank level sensor voltage too high

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the DEF/
AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level sensing signal is greater than 4.65 V for 0.5 s, this fault will

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal to the ECU A-9000 is greater than 4.65 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, damaged internally.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 level signal wiring, open or shorted to a high
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9101 pin 2 There should be less than infinite re-
sistance, typically less than 17,000 Ω
which is greater than full tank resis-

A. If there is less than infinite resistance, leave connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step .3.

B. If there is infinite resistance, the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 has failed internally.
Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit. .
3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for an open
circuit condition.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness from:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9001 pin 31 there should be continuity.

A. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9001
pin 31 and connector X-9101 pin 1, wire VE-117. Locate and repair the broken conductor.

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Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If there is continuity, leave connector X-9001 and connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step 4.
4. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for a short
to high source condition.

Place the key switch in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to check for voltage on the vehicle (VE) harness side from:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 31 chassis ground there should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to a voltage source condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector
X-9001 pin 31 and connector X-9101 pin 1 , wire VE-117. Locate and repair the damaged conductors.

B. If there is no voltage, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 385
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19651-DEF/AdBlue tank level sensor voltage too low

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the level and temperature of the DEF/AdBlue® fluid. If the ECU
A-9000 senses that the signal from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 is less than 0.27 V
for 0.5 s, this fault will occur.

The DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal to the ECU A-9000 is less than
0.27 V.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101, damaged internally.
2. Faulty DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 signal wiring, grounded.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Verify the condition of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101.

Fill the DEF/AdBlue® tank.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 at con-
nector X-9101.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101:

From To Value
X-9101 pin 1 X-9101 pin 2 There should be a measurable
amount of resistance, typically be-
tween 12,400 - 16,100 Ω

A. If there is a measurable amount of resistance, leave connector X-9101 disconnected and continue with Step

B. If there is no measurable amount of resistance ( 0.0 Ω), the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor
B-9101 has failed internally. Replace the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 unit. .
3. Check the DEF/AdBlue® tank level and temperature sensor B-9101 temperature signal circuit wiring for a short
to ground condition.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the ECU A-9000 at connector X-9001.

Use a multimeter to check for continuity on the vehicle (VE) harness side from:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 31 chassis ground there should be no continuity.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 386
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the vehicle (VE) harness between connector X-9001
pin 31 and connector X-9101 pin 1, wire VE-117. Locate and repair the grounded conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 387
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19683-Rail pressure reduction by blank shots during after run

Escaping fluid!
Hydraulic fluid or diesel fuel leaking under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause infection or
other injury. To prevent personal injury: Relieve all pressure before disconnecting fluid lines or per-
forming work on the hydraulic system. Before applying pressure, make sure all connections are tight
and all components are in good condition. Never use your hand to check for suspected leaks under
pressure. Use a piece of cardboard or wood for this purpose. If injured by leaking fluid, see your
doctor immediately.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

Pressurized system!
If the after run process is interrupted and unable to be completed, the fuel system may remain pres-
surized. DO NOT open the high pressure fuel system until this fault is corrected and the after run
process is able to be completed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

On fuel systems with non-recirculating injectors, a blank shot occurs during after run in order to reduce the pressure
in the common rail without actually injecting any fuel into the cylinders. If this process is aborted and pressure in the
rail is not relieved, this fault will occur.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 has detected an interruption of the after run process.

Possible failure modes:

1. Battery disconnect switch shut off before after run cycle has completed.
2. Faulty after run disconnection relay K-9106.
3. Battery voltage out of range.


1. Connect the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to the diagnostic connector.

Check the status of the following related faults:

3981 - After run relay low side driver circuit open or short to ground failure
3968 - After run relay high side driver circuit open failure
3974 - After run relay low side driver circuit short to battery failure
3971 - After run relay high side driver circuit short to ground failure

A. If any of the listed faults are active, troubleshoot them first and then return to 19683 - Rail pressure reduction
by blank shots during after run aborted.

B. If neither of the listed faults are active, continue to Step 2.

2. Check the status of this fault 19683 - Rail pressure reduction by blank shots during after run aborted.

A. If the fault is active, clear the fault and continue to Step 3.

B. If the fault is not active, go to Step 5.

3. Start and let the engine idle for 1.00 min.

Shut off the engine to begin the after run process. After run can take up to 2.00 min to complete.

A. If the fault reoccurs, continue to Step 4.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 388
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If the fault does not reoccur, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Start and let the engine idle for 1.00 min.

Shut off the engine to begin the after run process. After run can take up to 2.00 min to complete.

Check the condition of the battery during the after run process.

A. If the battery voltage is not within the proper operating range, charge or replace the battery as necessary.

B. If the battery voltage is within the proper operating range, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and
re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 01 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.01)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 389
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19708-Monitoring for pressure loss in the high pressure

accumulator (rail test)
Pressurized system!
If the after run process is interrupted and unable to be completed, the fuel system may remain pres-
surized. DO NOT open the high pressure fuel system until this fault is corrected and the after run
process is able to be completed.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 performs a fuel rail pressure loss test during after run to monitor for possible
fuel leakage. If the A-9000 determines that fuel rail pressure can not stay pressurized between 200.0 - 1000.0 bar
(2900.0 - 14500.0 psi) during the rail test, leakage is assumed and this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected leakage in the fuel rail during the after run rail test.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty rail pressure sensor B-9004, wiring or internal failure.

2. Faulty fuel injectors, leakage.
3. Faulty rail pressure sensor B-9004, leakage.
4. Faulty Pressure Relief Valve (PRV), leakage.
5. Faulty high pressure fuel lines, leakage.
6. Faulty cylinder head, leakage.
7. Engine oil level full, fuel contamination.
8. Fuel leakage under valve cover.
9. Faulty cylinder head, fuel supply/return passage leakage.
10. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Use the EST to check for the following related faults that may have caused this fault to occur. If any of the listed
faults are active, diagnose them first and then return to this fault, 19708 - Monitoring for pressure loss in the
high pressure accumulator (rail test).

3764 - ECU after run power interruption

19683 - Rail pressure reduction by blank shots during after run aborted

3968 - After run relay high side driver circuit open failure

3981 - After run relay low side driver circuit open or short to ground failure

3104 - Fuel pressure relief valve is open

3105 - Fuel pressure relief valve is forced to open, perform pressure increase

3799 - Fuel pressure relief valve is forced open, perform pressure shock

3112 - Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected

3102 - Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected

3810 - Rail pressure sensor value is intermittent

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 390
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

3301 - Fuel rail pressure has exceeded maximum negative deviation limits

3293 - Fuel pressure has exceeded maximum positive deviation limits

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 391
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19748-DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor over temperature

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 circuit for an over tempera-
ture/current condition. If the ECU A-9000 detects an over temperature/current condition, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected an over temperature/current condition in the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 cir-

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100, wiring.

2. Faulty DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100, internal failure.
3. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the following related faults:

19108 - DEF/AdBlue supply module pump motor short circuit to battery failure

A. If the listed fault is active, diagnose it first and then return to this fault, 19748 - DEF/AdBlue supply module
pump motor over temperature failure.

B. If the fault is not active, continue to Step 3.

3. Check the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 wiring for a short to battery power condition.

Disconnect connector X-9001.

Disconnect connector X-9108.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 X-9001 pin 50 There should be no continuity.
X-9001 pin 84 All pins in connector X-9001 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short circuit condition in the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 wiring. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 wiring for short to key battery power condition.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 392
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9001 pin 84 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key battery power in the DEF/Adblue® supply pump M-9100 circuit, wire
VE-137. Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no voltage, continue to Step 5.

5. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use the EST. to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Verification Test.

Then check to see that this fault is resolved.

A. If the fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 393
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19787-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by

DEF/AdBlue dosing interruption fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® fluid injection interruption
faults that remains active for more than 10 h will cause this fault to occur.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 394
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19788-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by

DEF/AdBlue dosing interruption fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® fluid injection interruption
faults that remains active for more than 20 h will cause this fault to occur.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 395
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19789-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by DEF/AdBlue dosing

interruption fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® fluid injection interruption
faults will cause this fault to occur. The active fault causing this fault needs to be identified and resolved within the
next 10 h of operation to avoid engine de-rate.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 396
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19797-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (torque reduction), triggered by

DEF/AdBlue quality fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault 19140
- DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range and/or 19142 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor temperature failure
(Different from DEF/AdBlue level temperature), which after being active for more than 10 h will cause this fault to

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 397
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19798-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by

DEF/AdBlue Quality fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault 19140
- DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range and/or 19142 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor temperature failure
(Different from DEF/AdBlue level temperature), which after being active for more than 20 h will cause this fault to

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 398
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19799-SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by DEF/AdBlue Quality

NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault 19140
- DEF/AdBlue concentration is out of range and/or 19142 - DEF/AdBlue quality sensor temperature failure
(Different from DEF/AdBlue level temperature), either of which will cause this fault to occur. The active fault causing
this fault needs to be identified and resolved within the next 10 h of operation to avoid engine de-rate.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 399
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19800-SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by

Tampering fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® technical failure tampering
detection faults that remains active for more than 36 h will cause this fault to occur.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 400
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19801-SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by

Tampering fault
NOTE: Since this fault is part of the inducement strategy, it may be necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter
Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to
service, unless this was accomplished as part of the resolution of the fault causing this fault.

This fault is only for informational purposes and requires no action other than the resolution of the active fault causing
this fault to occur. Any one of many Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DEF/AdBlue® technical failure tampering
detection faults that remains active for more than 100 h will cause this fault to occur.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 401
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19817-DEF/AdBlue dosing valve is blocked

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test once
the fault has been resolved. Refer to the service manual for more information.
NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service. Refer to
the service manual for more information.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 detects operation of the dosing module Y-9103 by the detection of needle
movement, called BIP detection (Begin of Injection Period). If the current variation (negative peak) result of the needle
reaching the rear stop does not occur, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 is not sensing full needle movement when the dosing module Y-9103 solenoid is energized.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty dosing module Y-9103 solenoid valve, damaged or restricted.

2. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Check for physical damage.

Visually and tactually inspect the dosing module Y-9103 for thermal or other physical damage.

There should be no damage.

A. If damage is found, replace the dosing module.

B. If no damage is found, continue with Step 2.

2. Check the electrical integrity of the dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil.

Disconnect the vehicle (VE) harness from the dosing module Y-9103 at connector X-9110.

Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the dosing module Y-9103 solenoid coil:

From To Value
X-9110 pin 1 X-9110 pin 2 there should be 11.4 - 12.6 Ω .

A. If the measured resistance is within specification, continue with Step 3.

B. If the measured resistance is not within specification, replace the dosing module Y-9103.
3. Test the DEF/AdBlue® system.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to perform the Urea Dosing System Test (UDST) and follow the on screen

Use the UDST Trouble Shooting Guideline, as required, to identify and resolve the problem.

Then use EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Then perform the SCR Fault Repair Verification Test.

Then verify that this fault has been resolved.

A. If this fault is resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If this fault is not resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 03 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.03)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 402
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19831-Turbo speed failure under high ambient pressure conditions

NOTE: Because this fault causes inducement, it is necessary to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock
Inducement configuration with the Electronic Service Tool (EST) before you return the machine to service.

The Engine Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors turbine speed for an over speed condition. If the ECU A-9000 detects
a turbine over speed condition and ambient pressure is above 0.9 bar (13.0 psi), indicating that this fault is not caused
by low atmospheric pressure, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected a turbine over speed condition and ambient pressure is above 0.9 bar (13.0 psi).

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty air filter or air induction system, clogged or obstructed.

2. High exhaust back pressure.
3. Faulty Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuator or linkage.
4. Faulty turbine speed sensor B-9015 wiring or internal failure.
5. Faulty ECU A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 7.
2. Check the air filter for a clogged or restricted condition.

A. If the air filter is clogged or restricted, repair or replace the air filter as necessary.

B. If no faults can be found in the air induction side of the turbocharger, continue to Step 3.
3. Visually inspect the Electronic Variable Geometric Turbocharger (EVGT) actuation. Verify that the EVGT mecha-
nism and linkage is properly attached and is not restricted or blocked in any way.

A. If any faults are found, repair as necessary.

B. If there are no EVGT faults found, continue to Step 4.

4. Check the turbine speed sensor B-9015 wiring.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

Disconnect connector X-9015.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 93 X-9015 pin 1 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 X-9002 pin 94 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 93 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 403
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the turbine speed sensor B-9015 wiring. Locate
and repair the faulty conductor.

B. If the specified values are measured, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 5.
5. Check the B-9015 wiring.

The key must be in the OFF position for continuity and ON position for voltage.

Use a multimeter to perform the following wiring checks:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 94 X-9015 pin 2 There should be continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 X-9002 pin 93 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 94 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If the specified values are not measured, there is a failure in the turbine speed sensor B-9015 wiring. Locate
and repair the faulty conductor.

B. If the specified values are measured, continue to Step 6.

6. Replace the Turbocharger.

Then use the EST to perform the Engine Restart Counter Reset / Unlock Inducement configuration.

Use the EST to verify that the status of this fault, 3857 - Turbine over speed failure.

A. If the status of this fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the status of this fault has not been resolved, check the ECU A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash,
if necessary.
7. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 404
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19889-Vehicle speed CAN message not received

The ECU A-9000 acquires a vehicle and cardan shaft speed via Controller Area Network (CAN) from the vehicle
controller. If the data message is erroneous, the vehicle speed measuring device is deemed to be defective or not
functioning correctly and this fault will occur. See the appropriate vehicle service manual to determine how to restore
the speed signal.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 405
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19895-Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is higher than

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the water pump inlet pressure sensor B-9011 for a voltage higher
than expected condition. If the A-9000 detects a voltage greater than 4.8 V for a period greater than 50 ms in the
B-9011 signal circuit, this fault will occur.

The ECU A-9000 has detected a voltage greater than 4.8 V for a period greater than 50 ms in the B-9011 signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9011 signal circuit, open or short to high source condition.

2. Faulty B-9011, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 6.
2. Check the B-9011 signal circuit for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9027.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage test:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 14 X-9027 pin 3 There should be continuity.

A. If there is continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the B-9011 signal circuit, wire EN-603. Locate and
repair the broken conductor.
3. Check the B-9011 signal circuit for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 14 X-9002 pin 8 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 14 All pins in connector X-9002 There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to high source condition in the B-9011 signal circuit, wire EN-603. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, leave the connectors disconnected and continue to Step 4.

4. Check the B-9011 signal circuit for a short to key power condition.

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 406
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

The key must be in the ON position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 14 Chassis ground There should be no voltage.

A. If there is voltage, there is a short to key power condition in the B-9011 signal circuit, wire EN-603. Locate and
repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 5.

5. Replace the B-9011.

Use the EST to verify that 19895 - Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is higher than expected has
been resolved.

A. If it has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If it has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
6. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 407
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19896-Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is lower than

The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000 monitors the water pump inlet pressure sensor B-9011 signal circuit. If the
A-9000 determines that the voltage in the signal circuit is lower than expected, this fault will occur.

The A-9000 has detected a voltage less than 200 mV for a period greater than 50 ms in the B-9011 signal circuit.

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9011 signal circuit, short to ground condition.

2. Faulty B-9011, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 4.
2. Check the B-9011 signal circuit for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9027.

Disconnect connector X-9002 from the A-9000.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 14 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 14 X-9002 pin 19 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 14 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground in the B-9011 signal circuit, wire EN-603. Locate and repair the
shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9011.

Use the EST to verify that 19896 - Water pump inlet pressure sensor voltage is lower than expected has been

A. If it has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If it has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 408
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 409
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19900-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage

higher than expected
The High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) downstream coolant pressure sensor B-9012 voltage is monitored by the Elec-
tronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the voltage is greater than 4.80 V for a period greater than 500 ms, this fault will

The A-9000 has detected a value greater than 4.80 V for a period greater than 500 ms in the B-9012 pressure signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012 pressure signal circuit, shorted to a high source or open circuit condition.
2. Faulty, B-9012, internal failure.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active.
Continue with Step 5.
2. Check the B-9012 pressure signal wire for an open circuit condition.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

Disconnect connector X-9002.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following voltage test:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 15 X-9028 pin 4 There should be continuity.

A. If there is continuity, leave both connectors disconnected and continue to Step 3.

B. If there is no continuity, there is an open circuit condition in the pressure signal circuit, wire EN-609. Locate
and repair the broken conductor.
3. Check the B-9012 pressure signal wire for a short to high source condition.

The key must be in the OFF position.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 15 X-9002 pin 34 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 All other pins. There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to high source condition in the B-9012 pressure signal circuit, wire EN-609.
Locate and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 4.

4. Replace the B-9012.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 410
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

Use the EST to verify if 19900 - High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage higher than ex-
pected has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
5. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

47680525 06/03/2014
55.19 [55.DTC] / 411
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

19901-High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage

lower than expected
The High Pressure Intercooler (HPI) downstream coolant pressure sensor B-9012 signal circuit voltage is monitored
by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) A-9000. If the voltage is less than 200 mV for a period greater than 500 ms, this
fault will occur.

The ECU has detected a value less than 200 mV for a period greater than 500 ms in the B-9012 pressure signal

Possible failure modes:

1. Faulty B-9012, internal failure.

2. Faulty B-9012 temperature signal wire, shorted to ground.
3. Faulty A-9000, software.


1. Verify fault is present and active.

Use the Electronic Service Tool (EST) to check the status of this fault.

A. If the fault is present and active, continue with Step 2.

B. If the fault is no longer present or in an inactive state, the fault may be intermittent and not currently active. Go
to Step 4.
2. Check the B-9012 pressure signal wire for a short to ground condition.

Disconnect connector X-9028.

Disconnect connector X-9002 from the ECU A-9000.

Use a multimeter to perform the following continuity check:

From To Value
X-9002 pin 15 Chassis ground There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 X-9002 pin 40 There should be no continuity.
X-9002 pin 15 All other pins There should be no continuity.

A. If there is continuity, there is a short to ground condition in the temperature signal circuit, wire EN-609. Locate
and repair the shorted conductor.

B. If there is no continuity, continue to Step 3.

3. Replace the B-9012.

Use the EST to verify that 19901 - High pressure intercooler outlet pressure sensor voltage lower than ex-
pected has been resolved.

A. If the fault has been resolved, return the machine to service.

B. If the fault has not been resolved, check the A-9000 for the appropriate software and re-flash, if necessary.
4. Visually inspect the relevant harnesses and connectors for damage, bent or dislocated pins, corroded terminals,
or broken wires. Verify that the connectors are fully installed. Flex the harnesses involved to reveal intermittent
breaks or shorts in the wiring concerned. Operate the machine while you monitor the display.

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 412
Electrical systems - FAULT CODES

A. If you find damage or the display indicates other than normal display readings, then repair the damage discov-
ered during the inspection or locate and repair the other than normal display condition and verify that the error
has been resolved.

B. If you do not find damage and the display indicates only normal readings, then erase the fault code and continue
Wire harnesses - Electrical schematic frame 05 (55.100.DP-C.20.E.05)

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55.19 [55.DTC] / 413

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